HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 1 BLOCK 1 LOT 5 LIONSHEAD CENTER 1 OF 2 - 1 LEGALetzlenPierceBriner C HITECTURE PLA NNIN G IN TER IORS I., .... LIO(\~SHEAD 'CENTRE PROPOSED'RESIDENTIAL'EXPANSION •TrZati VC{IL. Q ~'S l,.,IO Itfa.D PfL.1 N6 I D epartment of Community Development 75SouthFronta ge R oad Va il,Colora do 81657 9 70-479-2138 FAX9 70-479-2452 www.vailgov.com Andrew James Abraham P.O.Box4326 Edwards ,CO81632 Re:520E .Uonshead Circle -Unit Consolidation DearMr.Abraham, May26 ,2004 Inresponsetoyourinquiryregardingthecreationofoneunitby permanently combining alock- offunitwiththeprimaryunit ,the proposed reconfiguration doesnotviolatetheintentionsofthe Lionshead Redevelopment Master PlanortheTownCodeofVail. Oneofthe Ground Rulesforthe Master Planning Processis,"Therewillbenonetlosstothe Vail community of either locals'hous ing orparkingspaces(publicand private)nowexistingin Lionshead "(page2-3).Becausethis proposal involvesthe conversion ofarentalunit toa permanent residence ,the "locals'hous ing"isnotbeingreduced.Further,the Master Plan Recommendations clarifiesthe ground ru le statement in4.9 .1,"NoNetLossofEmp loyee Hous ing -Ground rule number fiveofthe master planstatesthatthereshallbenonetlossof employee housing in Uonshead as redevelopment occurs .n The Uonshead MixedUse1Distr ict (LMU-1Section12-7H12)doesnot calculate theunitastwo separateunits .Therefore ,the proposed unit consolidation doesnot affect thedens ity ofthe housingun its in Uonshead . Ifyouhaveany further questions,pleasedonothesitatetocallmeat(970)479-2454. Sincerely, ChJJ-d~ Clare L.Sloan Plann ing Intern TownofVail l"..RECYCLED PAPER." NOTE -COpy OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT O N JOBS ITE ATE A ugust 23,199 3~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT·"D 62 7 /~..".,'7 PER MIT NO. town D 181 I TYPE OFCONSTRUCTION III III I V V, departme nt o f commun ity development 2 OCCU PANCY GROUP ABE HI RM BUILDING DIVISION I 2 2.3 4 z ELE CTRI CAL 6000.00 TO BE FILLEDOUT COMPLETELYPRIOR TOI SSUANCE OF PE~0;:: GENERALDESCRIPTION OFWORK :...PLUMBING TYPE O FP ERM IT Install lighting &r eceptacle a s ::> [)BUIL DING [)PLUMBIN G ~..J required f or retail s ales ...MECHANI CALstore.> GS ELECT RIC AL 0 FOU NDAT ION [J M E CHA NIC AL 0 P ERM ITFE ES-C;?11 T1n~~"ha~..l M ~"TYPE GROUPG.R.F.A VALUATION .LEG A L LOT ""--5 B LK ;-....-BUILDING PERMIT rDESC,F I,GNG Vail Lionshead 1 ~PLAN CHECK J OBN AME :v a ~('~ ~ 1/ELE CTRICAL 108.00 O W N E R NAM E NEW ()ALTE RATION (v ~ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR ()PLUMBING 0- Bg S Q lli ,-{}f-¥a..i.-±·._-~~MAIL ADDRESS Bo x 1028 DWELLI NG UN ITS __ACC OMMO DATION UNI TS __MECHANICAL CITY Vail 81658 PH.REC REATION FEE l\\ HEIG HT IN FT --,"0 .FIRE PLACES --'~AR C HITECT FIRM INSULATION :TYPE THICKNESSR-VAL LUE DESIGN REV IEW BOARD ~~FLOOR CLEAN-UP DEPOSITMAILADDRESS ..:!.EX T.WALLS -.:~CITY PH.USETAX ...tROOF FIRM --\...l GE NERAL TYPE ELEC GAS CO NTRACTOR TOWN OF VAILREG.NO.OF TOTAL PERMIT FEES IOR.OO SO LAR WO OD TELE.HEAT I-E,Enst_Glat z!e __8-20-93 -ELECTRI CAL -.---DATE ----- FIRM Wh ite River Electric A DDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED:BUILDINGOFFICIAL 145-E :!.~INITIAL TOWN OFVAILREG.NO.1----.------------- C O NT RACTOR STCUT ~ONIN G ADMINI STRA TOR DATE 949-1403 --f..- T ELE.BLAST ING IzONING &BUILDIN G NOTES: FIRM PARKING PLUMBING TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. C ONTRACTOR DEM O TELE. FIRM Ih ereby ackn owled ge that I have read t h is appl ication,filled out i n full the information r equ i re d, M E CHANI CAL co mpleted an accurate p lot plan ,a nd s ta te that all th ei nfo rm ation provided as r equ ired is c o rre ct.I C ONTR ACTOR TOWN OFVAILREG.NO.ag reet o c om plyw ith the i n formation and plo t plan ,t o comply w i th a ll Town ord inances and s t ate TELE.l aws ,andt o build thi s structure accordi ng t o the T own 's zo ninga nd subdivis ion codes,design rev iew a pp roved ,Un iform Building C od ea nd 0Jr aznc s of~apPl ic able t'JJP\eto . O THER FIRM '.~_A,A/\) TOWN OF VAILREG.NO.S I ~A TUR E OFOWNERORCONTRACTORFORHIMSELF C O N TRAC TOR T ELE.ANDTHEOWNER. .00 .ocJ ----DATE /0 S 850 03- PERMIT FEES PLUMBING BUILDINGPERMIT PLANCHECK PERMIT NO.---'-~~..:..--+-__ MECHANICAL CLEAN·UPDEPOSIT RECREATION FEE USETAX ELECTRICAL ONING &BUILDING NOTES :_ ..------ k.u ~....:./-.~.-"'fl VALUATION IIIIII IV V ABEH IRM G.RF.A. NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE GROUPTYPE 1.TYPEOF CONSTRUCTION 2 .OCCUPANCYGROUP I hereby acknowledge that Ihaveread this application,filled out in full the Information required, completed an accurate plot plan,andstate that allthe information provided as required is correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan.to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,andto build th is structure according tothe Town's zoning and subdivision codes.design review approved.Un iform BUilding Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. CLEAN UP DEPOSIT TO:~---P\~~'::D . ~IG=N""A:-:T::-UC::R-:::E-O:-:F:-::O~W::-N:-:E-:::R-:O:-:R~7:C::±:-:::=::-::=-==-==-= ANDTHEOWNER. DIVISION 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK::(hS,J.c..l,l /19 "h <N--~"'''U<T'~t...L..J (4)c e.t .....,,......c PARKING aLASTING ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED : Y !! DEMO DWELLING UNITS__ACCOMMOoAT IONUNlTs __ HEIGHTINFT.__NO.FIREPLACES INSULATION:TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE FLOOR EXT WALLS ROOF TYPE ELEC.GAS OF HEAT SOLAR WOOD ST.CUT NEW ()ALTERATION ()ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR () PH. tJ /A, CONSTRUCTION PERMIT CITY v'o.ll.-C..:>PH. FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY FIRM W>J IrE--p,.:"e...e..~~L. LECTRICAL d r=ES. NTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG .NO .I .I:-==--_ TELE .9~-I'+o~ LEGAL LOT 5 BLK,_..::.."l.-t DESC.FILING V~(..i CrtiA.2.<L.J ~r JOB NAME :V~"L -1-Sh,rt..Co . ARCHITECT OWNER NAME So-1 ....II ,<>VcM-L MAIL ADDRESS Po)C.J0 2.-5 TELE. CONTRACTOR TELE . TOWNOFVAILREG .NO . OTHER FIRM----------- FIRM IJ If. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG .NO . TELE . TYPE OF PERMIT o JWILDING 0 PLUMBING !B"ELECTRICAL 0 FOUNDATION n MECHANICAL .0ADDRESs:52.0 Dc......s-az-«:f'"ho..-U- PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG .NO. TELE . GENERAL FuIDJRMIIL-~..:.....L-:"';''--_ CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAIL 'REG .NO . TOBEFILLEDOUT COMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT • r 75 south frontage road vall.colorado 81657 ~O~479-2138 or 479-2~39....officeof community development BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer"s (Pub1 ic Works)review and approval,a Planning Department review or Health Departmentrev iew,anda review by the Building Department,the estimated time for a total review may take aslong as three weeRs. Allcommercial (large or small)and all multi-family pennits will have to follow the abovementioned maximum requirements.Residential andsmall projects should take a lesser amount of time.However,if residential or small er projects impact the various abovementioned departments wi th regard to necessary review,these projects may also take the three week period. Every attempt wi.11 be made by this department to expedite this permtt assoonaspossib1 e. I.the undersigned,understand the plan check procedure andtime frame . v'~-r $h;.....L c...o -L.·L.......S.~-<>-..Cl-~~ Project Name '0 J 1'1 I 93 Da te Wo rkShe-e"':t-=w-a-s---:;:t::-:u-:::r=-ne::-:d:;-::i'":n:-':t-;;"o-t~h;;-;e~- Community Development Department. •• •• 75 south frontage road vail,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 or 479-2139 office of community development TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTEREDWITHTHE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material,including trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or pUblic place or any portion thereof.The right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department.Persons found violating this ordinance will be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No.6 in full,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. Read ~nd aCknowl~: ~'-'-"~--:D .~-- Position/Relationship to Project (i .e.contractor,owner) 6 1~L...e.,_3>_ '='D-a-:-t-e--' •• PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE 10 /1 2/q~JOB NAMEf ---'-'--=--~~-"":"'------'::::;""'~=-:::-;=-L-.-,----">"'-?-----,--,---- READYFOR LOCATION:__+-_L-_--'--'----:-+-:r::::....----"---=:..::.-c:'-'=--="--'-__..L.:.--'-=~=__ BUILDING: o FOOT INGS /STEEL o FOUNDAT ION /STEEL _ o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION I ~H E ETR O C K NAIL _ ,/1'0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ElECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o fiNALr'A /\ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL I!J{~~R O V E D CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE If)-!f...(-93 DATE ----''-------+---l-_+-....:......'''-JOB NAME ---I:7'-'~----'-------=--,.......,..----'-----r-"'=;"'---=.e::.---;-;-----:....-- READYFOR LOCATION :.--------J----:"O'-=--~"'_'___f__7'_:::_'''-'-'"'-'-='P_'_''-'-'---<.-<'-'-----l.....-''.I------------ •\ BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL I'd'FRAMING r!T/l A/(?i'U(i&!rJ;,e u --1'1':/ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING ---------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING : o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o FI NAL _ MECHAN ICAL: o H EATING _ o EXHAUS TH OODS o SUPPLY A IR 0 _ o FI NAL _ O-¥PR'OVED ~6 RR E CT I O N S : o DISAPPROVED o RE INSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORtJ-13 -q3 iDATE-1'-"----'---'''---'-='------- ,. •..\•INSPECTION REQUEST. r TOWN OF VAIL /(~~..,»(2/(~_<J CALLER ,;?4;K/7~~~1-5/1"r~ INSP ECTIO N:MON (r U ES)WEDTHURFRI C-'>,AM PM c;//('1 _Y t;/;/~y ///a /..-J READYFOR LOCATION : .. PERM IT NUMBER OF PROJEC T -DA TE /.:<~3 /1/.3 JOB NAME ------=-7...:-=--:...:::.:.~--r:::::__-..:...-~:::....::::---=_---- PLUMBING : o U NDERGROUND o ROUGH /D W .V . o ROUGH /WATER o GAS PIPING o POOL /H.TUB ,0 0 o FINAL . MECHANICAL: o HEATING o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLY AIR 0 o FINAL o f--'---------------- 'Q1 INAL (7o BUILDING : o FOO T INGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEE L o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING -----.,.------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _~_ I 'ELECTRICAL: o T EMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o FINAL O/jP.PROVEDt~O RRE C T I O N S : 1"1 J /..,'I)I'f../ b /"I o DISAPPROVED :7,-4..ftc T G '. I o RE INSPECTION REQUIRED DATE -,/,---2_/_(.,--/'_---'-9'_3"'--_INSPECTOR NOTE -COpy OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE Au gust 1 2,1993 DATE \J 6252PERMITNO. 1.TY PE OF CO NSTRUC TION I IIIIIIVV 2 OCC UPANCY GROUP ABEHIR M BUILDING 1)000.00 DIVIS ION 1 2 2a3 4 z ELEC TRI CAL 17 000.000 GENER AL OESC RIPTI ONOFWORK :~PLUMB ING 000.00 Tenant Fin ish ::> ...J«>MECHA NICA L TYPE GROU P G.RFA VA LUAT ION PERMIT FEES II FR B-2 BU ILO ING PERM IT lR<;nn PLAN CHEC K '"''"" EL EC TRIC AL 126.00 NEW ()ALTERATION (~<:ADDIT IONA L ()REP AIR ()PL UMBING 15.00/PC 4.00 11 4 334 DWE LLING UNITS __ACCO MMODATI ONUN IT S __ME CHANI CAL ~HE IGHTINFT ___NO.FIREPLAC ES --REC RE ATION FEE INSULATION:TYPE TH ICKNESS R-VA LLUE DE SIGN REVIE W BOAR D 50.00 -~<-<\ "0'"~ I [CLEAN ·UP DEPOSIT 100.00 ~~~-::USE TAXEXT.WAL LS ~~ROOF 01 4133'>,'1;'"",.1 <:IH/('7<;nn TYP E ELE C.GAS OF TOTALPERMITFEES f,7<;.nn SOL AR WOODHEAT Dan Stanek 8-11-93 ADD ITIONALPERM ITS NE EDE D:BUILD ING OFFICIA L ------DArE ----- 1:-.!'!.INIT IAL f-AM~nudtsen____8-03-9 L _---ST .CUT t<ONIN G ADM INISTR AT OR DAT E BLAS TING IzONIN G &BUILDING NOTES : PARK ING DEM O Ihe reby acknowledge that Ihave readt his application ,fille d out i n full the i nformation required , com pleted an accu rate plot plan ,and state that all the i nformation provided as required i s correct.I ag reet o comply w iththe info rmationa nd plot plan ,to comply w ith all Town ord inan cesand state laws,a nd t o bu ild t hisstructurea ccording t ot he T own'szon ing and subdivisio n codes ,d es ign rev iew a pproved ,U niform Buil ding Code and othe r ordinances of theT own applicabl eth e reto . CLEAN UP DEPOSIT TO:\~"\\\:L~"tO M t C{;f\\J ~l-P,l"..D ~ ~(;)<.3,'=>?<i.'"0'-:,"T 5 SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTORFOR MSELF AND THE OWNER . p.,.,'--"-..Q) CONSTRUCTION PERM IT, TO BEFILLED OU T CO MPL ETELYPRIORTO ISSUAN CE OFlPRM TYPEOFPERM IT IX .BU ILDING [JC PLU MBING IX]ELECTR ICAL 0 F O U N DATl O ~1::i [J'i 7~E C H AN I C A L n -.!..~'"T .~",1 -('~ LEG AL ItOT 5 B LK 1 ............. I\tuNG , DESC .Va;l LiotliOhe ad 1 JO BN AME :Cleaver's Deli --/ OWNER NAME Tom Cleayeland -- MA IL ADDRESS Bo x 2675 CITY Vail 81658 PH .949-1048 ARCHITECT FIRM MAI L ADD RESS CITY PH . GENE RAL FIR M Timber Wolf CO NTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO.1 93-B TELE .4 7 6-3154 FIRMWhi te River Electric ELECTRICAL 145-E CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. TELE a I,a_I I.f..,,, FIRM Concept Mechanical PLUMBING 189-P CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. TELE.a')I';_')I';a " FIRM M ECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAILREG.NO. TEL E OTH ER FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. CO NTRACTOR TELE . Ph .0,It,,,,--\()\..\j, PE RNIT Legal Description:Lot S TOWN OFVAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DATE:_~lWfj I-tt U G 5 1993 )( APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ******************************PERMIT INFORMATION ***************************** ~l [~-Building [J-Plumbing [-El ~ctrical [J-Mechanical [)-Other ---- .Job Name:t l't:f\\)t~).s tJ1)/)Job Address:r;"C-\)t .1 )V'\S \\t f4Y)C-)~f \•c ,I I 'dr<~'....tL./.F n ...'1. Block Filing SUBDIV ISION : Owners Name ~C'(\\:;IJ:-f.\\)t.Lp..~Address:~.O-~c:sx."G b3-'S,\J\':>...'t L. ~\t:)\~\-\-\\LGeneralDescription: ___---,-Ph ._Address:------------Architect: ,,' Work Class:[~-New [)-Altera~ion [)-Additional [)-Repair [)-other _ Number of Dwelling units:Number of Accommodation units: ~mber and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances__Gas Logs__Wood/Pellet ~**********~**********************VALUATIONS ********************************* BUILDING:$I.o ~<:l o<l ELECTRICAL:$700<:1---OTHER:$. PLUMBING:$/o ,()()MECHANICAL:$TOTAL:$~-'---'-~""'-"O:=""-----X '~~ *******************~**~~**~PONT~r.~O~INFORMATION **************************~ eneral Contractor:,T/''C &e:..t<"'~u ..:c£y Town of Vail Reg.NO.I tt3 -../5 Address:--.~-_'?hone Number::..._L/.7 t2 3 /S"t.j Electrical Contra-..toi.:iv!tlk .?/./,...-P r /P ////,r Town of Vail Reg.3.0d ~--G Address:Phone Number:':tt..e-l/4/0 '3. Plumbing Contractor:/"<"cVr~ffrL/C-Y .f/. Address:) Town of Vail Reg.NO ./31 -P Phone Number :9 ~(p -21/f)3 Mechanical Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE:(do._- PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FEE:~ MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: /o?4?-RECREATION FEE: /6·00 CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: z')jK¥~SV-T O T AL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING:~~SIGNATURE:;t ZONING :AtiI'T"1 ~'-:--:.,f-,7o/-r i7!J-;-~-;/-~+-H----T.~ SIGNATURE:l TYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATIONa:FJf.B -.:L. *************************2****** BUILDINGPERMIT FEE:£~- PLUMBING PERMIT FEE:~ MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE #O ~FE ~~~f~DRB FEE:-=T1t 01 conpnent.s :_ ~"~,~<:)x..'2..1v"':tS \j f\\L e~·~\6S<O 75 south frontage road vail ,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 or 479-2139 rltlJ iJ Au J 1993 office of community development TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTEREDWITHTHE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material,including trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or pUblic place or any portion thereof.The right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department.Persons found violating this ordinance will be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No.6 in full,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. by: to Project (i.e.contractor,owner) • 75 south frontage road vall,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 or 479-2139 REG'll AUG 5 1')93 officeofcommunitydevelopment BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town ofVail Fire Department Approval, Engineer"s (public Works)review and approval,aPlanning Department revieworHealth Department review,and areview by theBuilding Department,the estimated timefora total review may takeaslong as three weeks. All commerci"al (large orsmall)and all mul ti-family permitswill have tofollowthe above mentioned maximum requirements.Residential and small projects shouldtakea lesser amount oftime.However,if res tdent talorsmaller projects impactthe various above mentioned departmentswithregardtonecessaryreview,these projects may a1sota ke the three week period. Every ·attempt willbe made by this departmentto expedite this pCI'mH as.soonas possible. I,the undersigned,understandtheplancheckprocedure and time frame .. )t ~lE[)..'JCR'~~tC\ Project Name '!-Date Work Community Sheet was turned into the Development Department. • ---._\ L "J \ \!-, • \ I I, I I rv' ! -_.-¥ ---J! i)- >:Lf{~/7 9 ~/-]1 --'7{}{f0F ~-r7ZL/7(7/7-::;>I'iPt:!(72-7#/iiQilttJ7d Iown 01 Vd ll Community De veloomen t Plan --- xno rove o ---D -- Denied He alth 0- Fi re ~­,-, .------...."_.-.-..-..__. r--.i--t..-:------1--->---- f''C\,I \ '/<:» ---. ~..- ","' -;:-.:...~-;~ ~.v _...:> -''''-.....\-:-~ I"-{ '"..-.......:1 .. "-(1 -:J......-:»-, .f-.l'....'V ='J_ .'.,'.'!.. lOt ~,\.'!,:'::J i',\i I ;". --I J i ._---- r-.:, ~ -' C.., ~,.., J ./ //'y'>/~ IV /(:,::~ '-:'r-- -=::-. I I I ,/-'----;--;--------. ." I I,"..-e ., I -------J .-.. .- / /.J'---' / / .,/ > TO .,/LVj--\I r 8 Y ~~_____..~.£...__._,...._........DATE.££<'f:. • -J '···f !\,,........f'I 1'.\'"IiI\J j \-I :'.J--'--..I...'-..,,_ -.~:'l "~1,.r~•r ·o,/,-~~.,..,..:;0:: ~t·"j ,.,1 '~-:'-:,...V r'.a;,iJ C ',.,.t;q~-.:...;1 .J / .,. • '\"\f ~)( ,Y<t .~l.!:R IY\ c.'J1 i- J - .; • -I ·'\'.\t ~ ..i \l;\'=.J "-~:f"I t'"I 'I ....;;...I...._....._L "r -,~~.. ~.~.>•• ,,",;'-;,j ..:j .' ~.~..;,"c-:r.- s,''J'( '£37;'3 3 1 ,0 '7""!7 7/'8 I I • -I '',~,!'\ ,\1 J R'''''~~~,P '1 ~i OJ,,,-~,' •" ,~-,\' ...-..:1.,-~;o,"/}r ,- U;!,..;.~'~<,~..... ,..1 ';......~- e CJ:>o - \ __,.1 ZT7,,::r:u "0'7 "'J7'rF A8 _s r>!'.I ii •:.I'I.'"•.~1 \.---:l I."p'-- I .~"t·~~...~- _i.";;_l :.."./-...cr '~__"-_~-C.,,~ I J I ..J-' f CL£~J £~GE..L -=}1 \0 /1 Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME:CLEAVERSDELI ADDRESS:520LIONSHEAD VAIL,COLORADO OCCUPANCY :B-2 TYPEOF CONSTRUCTION:IlFR DATE:8-11-93 CONTRACTOR:TIMBERLINE ARCHITECT:NONE ENGINEER:NONE PLANS EXAMINER :DANSTANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to bea complete listing of all possible code requirements inthe adopted codes.It isa guide to selected sections of the codes. Thefollowingis not to be construed to bean approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance ofthe Town of Vail. 1.FIREALARMPLANSNEEDTOBE SUBMITfED AND APPROVED BYVAILFIRE DEPARTMENT BEFOREATCOWILLBEISSUED . 2.HEALTHOFFICERWITHTHETOWNOFVAILAPPROVALREQUIRED BEFORE A TCOWILLBEISSUED. 3.ALLPENETRATIONSIN FLOOR,CEILING,ANDWALLSTOBEFILLEDWITHAN APPROVEDFIRE RESISTIVE MATERIAL. • READ Y FORINSPECT ION : LOCATION :r--;?f) .- MO N ?J. PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOO TIN GS /ST EEL o UN DERG ROUND o FOUNDAT ION /STEEL o ROUGH /D W .V. o FRAM ING o ROUG H /W ATER R OOF &SHEE R o GAS P IPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o H EATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUI T o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 ~I N A L o FINAL ".., Iq /APPROVED z!-5/o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED I CORRECTIONS: DA T E ---=~_--''-L..'--.....L......I.-C _INSPECTOR l/ '"~SH OP DA TE e INSPECTION REQUES"T. TOWN OF VAILrUnInJ)r-~(\i CAL LER 1(--,.,J C))t \f0 \0 v---x-I NA ME ---'"-,,-.!...-"..l..--l...:..L.:~-_~.L...,..;~+-..l-_ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT 1C 1 14 Je:0 JOB FR I AMPM J (l~rTHUR r~READ YFORINSPECTION : l,--S JCLOCATION:__-,,-,~-=-__=--,--_---=:....=..c'---'-"-...L-'-'--'---'-''--'-",----'''----'''-,",--__----_ . BUILDING: o FOO TINGS /STEEL o FOUNDAT ION /STEEL _ o FRA MING ROO F &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 ----==,,----_ ¥FINAL -EO PLUMBING: o U NDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ~. ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POWER _ I o ROUGH o CONDUIT _ 0 _ o FINAL _ ,I MECHANICAL: o HEA TING _ o EXHAUST HOODS ~__ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ o REINSPECTION REQUIRED -------------------------------'1 II!' DATE /tJ~/f-93 / INSPECTOR PERM IT NUMBER OF PROJECT •INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OFVA IL ~~"1//eK..5 $.,L /,, CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION :MONTUESWED LOCATION ://~7 /-/'C>t:;;/p.#/L ~FRI _____AM PM _ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTI NGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOU NDATION /STEEL o RO UGH /D W.V . o FRA MING o RO UGH /W ATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 I.&:FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEA TING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR • 0 0 I#FINAL o FINAL ;lfp,ROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED RRECTIONS : DATE ---'----'::....:::..._~_INSPECTOR ~Sl-!OP I hereby acknowledge that Ihavereadth is application,filled out i n full the i nformation required, completed an accurate plot plan ,andstate that al l the information provided asrequ ired is correct.I agreeto comply with the information and plot plan ,to comply with all Town ordinances andstate laws ,andto build th is structure according to t he;j TOWJl1;zon::JJingandS,UbdiV i sion codes,design review approved ,Uniform Build ing Code and other or i~nces ofthwn applicable thereto . CLEAN UP DE POSIT TO :(~ --fZ.o ~;;;e-';-.V)A -S-IG£.N~A..LTLU":"R":"E":'O"':F~O:::::W"':N+-"IR-O-R-C-O-N-T-RA-C-T-O-R-F-O-R-H-I-M-SE-L-F J.f..r.,\.i."I....Jh....-CiLJ1(1'•I KO..ANDTHEOWNER . P DWELLING UNITS__ACCOMMODATIONUNITS __ NEW ()ALTERATION (XXXADDITIONAL ()REPAIR () ---DATE <II 623 9PERMITNO. BUILDING 4000.00 z ELECTRICAL 1000.000 i=«PLUMBING 2000.00:::> ...J«MECHANICAL> .",(\(\(\(\ PERMIT FEES BUI LDING PERMIT 115.00 PLAN CHECK 75 .00 ELECTRICAL 50 .00 PLUMBING 30 .00/PC 8 .00 #L 1334 MECHANICAL f------- ONINGADMINISTRATOR 1z0NING &BUILDING NOTES:_ I-D.i!!!-S tanels:._8=.9=9:L _ BUILD ING OFFICIAL DATE INITIAL --RECREATION FEE R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEWBOARD CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT Jn n nn ~~~.§USETA X '1-_ 11"",1 "ur Pl"n ('IF 7<'.00 -fS" :;"'! TOTAL PERMIT FEES l..~1 nn 1-> VALUATION GAS WOOD IIIIII I VV ABE H IR M 1 2 2.34 G.R.FA NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO B E KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE /l'lgulOt 10,1993 T YPE __NO.FIREPLACES SOLAR ELEC.-I GROUPTYPE I .TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2 OCCU PANCYGROUP DIVISION II 1hr B GENERAL DESCRI PTIONO FWORK:_ Interior alteration. DEMO PARKING BLASTING ST CUT ROOF A DDITI O NAL PERMITS NEEDED: i. T YPE O F HEAT HEIG'"iT INFT EXT.WALLS FLOOR I NSULA T I O N : ts P L UMBING C F OUNDATI ON CONSTRUCTION PERMIT [!i B UILDING [!J E L ECTR ICAL T O B E FILLED OU T CO M PLETEL Y PRIO R T OI SSUANC E OFPERM IT TY PE OF PERMI T LJ M EC HAN I CAL 0 J:;-~?n .;,,",,1,,,,,,1 r.; .EG A L LOT B LK -,r:v ESC .FILI NG T;~.,,1 1 "..,0 IJ J O B N AME :Sweet Life -.~0'::?)::~('. O WNER NAME Gary NeaJ,'J -- MAIL ADDRESS 933Lyons Ridge Lo CITY Vail 81657 PH. A RC HITECT FI RM F ,P,B MAILADDRESS CITY PH.1'>-1'>142 G ENERAL FIRM GM Neal C ONTRACTOR TOWNO F VAIL RE G .NO .1 J4 B THE.4 76-8510 -H E C TRICAL FIRM White River Electric 145-ETOWNOFVAILREG.NO . C ONTRACTOR TELE .949-1403 FIRM Concept Mechani cal PLUMBING TOWNOF VAIL REG .NO .189-P C ONTRACTOR TELE 926-2693 FIRM ME CHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAI L REG .NO . TELE . OTHER FIRM T OWNOF VAIL REG .NO . C ONTRACTOR TELE. ) TOWN OFVAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FO C ~ DATE:1hs:>"93 JUL 21 •I 1995 APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED)1(•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••PERMIT INFORMATION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• (~l-Building (~l-Plumbing [~l-Electrical (]-Mechanical (]-other __ JOD Name:<W&fTL a=e-.F,Yv'tll..Job Address:5:.2.Q L ~o"=Sha 0 .C/W c.. r-L;o .,-,s J....rZkIJ I s.,...F:{,y...~ Legal Description:Lot i:>Block I Filing SUBDIVISION:4 Owners Name:G ~tl 6e~~Address:9'33i..y,"-'Se1fJ f!L.ooe #15"'.1 Ph.Y'26 -'ii£¢ Architect:Fj2.;T2.bW Beq <;·e 3e.'I'Efl Address:/,xg 4 '.......Lrd-5 '*l<.'Cp General Description:TI\tl?fP'""R .II l t €l2B:D·c ...., .i Work Class:(]-New (Xl-Alteration (]-Additional (]-Repair (]-other _ Number of Dwelling units:~Number of Accommodation units:-tr * mber and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances ~Gas Logs~Wood/Pellet ~ *********************************VALUATIONS *********************************c ./ BUILDING:$~O ~J{cO ELECTRICAL:$~~0 0 r~OTHER:$ PLUMBING:$~jQtlO MECHANICAL:$--tT'TOTAL:$:5!ee ~c:)7ULQ -~***************************CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ***************************"~neral Contractor:C!nUl'AtJ:~r.Town of Vail R:-:No.3 i ~-.(J Address:"3c>'t H4!y$ON _IV -.f{__Phone Number:~2 '-11 S-__ Electrical Contractor:W7&+f!~ce Efc:c..(r2..,'....Town of Vail Reg.NO.r59 ,CZ' Address:331 !'1&-rc..lt IE .ON ,@ .ri/'~CJ Phone Number:9 1'1 -1 e,~;) Plumbing Contractor:CONC£~l'1 e:~Town of Vail Reg.NO.\$",p Address:PO .£Je w II I.L AV~,Gt>.~/'20 Phone Number:'1~~.:l ",cpi Mechanical Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE:~G:- PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FEE:~- MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: FOR********************************/IS--BUILDINGPERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPEQFFEE ~('Mr#'_---';,..:;.:;.~__DRB FEE .ff <'Q LTn I k ;t ·01 Lj 133~ J Ylk GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION f) BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Comments:_ 75 south frontage road vail.colorado 81657 (303)479-21)8 or 479-2139 office of community development TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material,including trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or pUblic place or any portion thereof.The right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department.Persons found violating this ordinance will be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No.6 in full,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. Read and acknowledged by: )t ~1i1,/Jl"-0 I ~cJr£.~os~tion/Relationshipto Project (i.e~ntract~owner) V 7&1-Y9?"Dat~ •• • ~. • 75 south frontage road vall.colorado 81657 ~O~479-2138 or 479-2139 oUlce 0'community development BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If thts permtt requtres a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer"s (Public Works)review and approval,a Planning Department review or Health Department review,anda review by the Building Department,the estimated time for a total review may take aslong as three weeks. All commercial (large or small)and all multi-family permits will haveto follow the abovementioned maximum requirements.Residential andsmall projects should take a lesser amount of time .However,if res identia 1 or smaller projects impact the various abovementioned departments with regard to necessary review,these projects may a 1so ta ke the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit assoonas possibl e. I,the undersigned, frame . "J!M!~,.Agreeto y.' understand the plan check procedure andtime )t SWee:r h'-Fe F/N;Sh Project Name 'f.D !fft~1 heet was turned into the Community Development Department. •• Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME:SWEETLIFE REMODEL ADDRESS :520E .LIONSHEAD VAIL ,COLORADO OCCUPANCY :B , TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:11 lHR DATE:8-9-93 CONTRACTOR:GM NEAL CONST ARCHITECT:FRITZLEN ,PIERC E ENGINEER:NONE PLANS EXAMINER:DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended tobea complete listing ofall possible code requirements inthe adopted codes.It isa guide to selected sections of the codes. Thefollowingis not to be construed tobean approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1.BATHROOMS TO COMPLY WITHSEC.3105OF THE 1991UBC. 2 .LIGHT AND VENTILATION REQUIRED ASPER SEC.705OFTHE1991 UBC. 3 .FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 4 .FIELD INSPECTION REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. •• ® ® SMOKEDE'TECTOR ESL 425CT HEATDETECTOR CHEMETRONICS 601 TYPICAL WIRING PULLSTATION •-~ND OFLINE I, '+ PULLSTATION FIRELIGHTBG10 AUDIBLEDEVICE WHEELOCK E-9025 ~T O FROM FIRE ALARM PANEL-------VFAP ENDOFLINE --4lJ END OF LINE DEVICE REMOTEANN.PANEL SINGLESTATION ESL 445CSH AUDIBLE SIGNAL WHEELOCK MIZHORN REMOTEIND.LIGHT one I--~ line The BeST electric LOUI,S.flIomersheuser P.o.Box 273 "Sunahlne " Eagle.CO 81631 328-1610 • ""j' " '... I :./"X",:-,,.. ,'"."."'' ,', " r------ I I J <>/ / A I &r.,!,.oj liilt.. .1-'::. .i, I r.:.-==-:.=--=-=--.'.-_.- I!O ,~l T , II (:~·ll" I ! 1 I,- t__i I ;-:::--- I --_._-J I "•r ------.------------.L •"..-..-.-------J::-T '--·--..--~-.---.- I --iJ"'"Ike f'2rI~i~tJ ~J lf''''../jZ T?'F-.r ',g~T hf.i'. r.t I '.Yy.Sc:..o i.e The BESTLouisSR Electric IIlII 0 ""-.omershsuser r ••vvX 273-..co 81831 "SUnshine"328-1610 ,. :=_-, ·Sunshlne" 320-1610 The BEST Electric Louis S.Romersheuser P.O.Box 273 Eagle,CO 81631 ".--.-~-.-~--~'-+- ,,.., i I"" i I .J I I "/ ,,', '\'"-- ! ! -l '\ I i: l,'..':.~--'-_._~. .,,• -, .,'',' • ,,/ /r ../-,'.'/.__..~.:. / .. ! I I I ! ~".." " / " ",/. ,. ..X , <, ".'. , ",.t'. ....:~ /,.: .><'-. \...,/ f ., 1 I I I-, .:f'. .""', "".).~<'/",. #'->.: -./',-:'. ,,,/',":.",/. /-,..' ""/.,"r-l /'·x"y"I i -~----~:..::.~-,-,--. .", " '." 11 .i-- I -;,:;. £",.,I ~L..?C' ct.~~&-';-"'.7-r ! " ~HWUA j - ._,,'1.~1'1PL,..'f WIT1f L~-C:U U~G-"_,~~ --"~.M.h""""",,"'\"'O \?iCNO-~'~,l~·~~..Pc1-.)%.e..'OwoJ c.t!)~'.,.-., .:5 ..F1~~~~.(w:c .~e-t-VJ ' "f2:)ae H1 ..,)Dl~·~e;,$t,,\.£.... oJ /'\'J~/' ( I v~~.-lPI I I --.. ~~-'.~ 3" ""l~-10 ~T'Gt 4'"W~f'E ~~ .... ._.COHCePl..H~NI~-.PJC. ,~.o.~-ic...\\~~.,A.VOf-J~c.ot..O~'€:>1,"W ~rt &y:1"".:(l....,:1IA~:~'e-I :)q~ ___-'--L--.._.'., INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL .)\;JU-t L .-k "T(om 1-+-~()b h CALLER OC ve 5\d ,LI ('f)(l ot rTh(h l1oic.:• ] W ED THUR ~e.J PM r:d mt./l RE ADYFORINS PECTION : LOCATION :5 \ei +-I PERMIT N UMB ER OFPRO JECT BUI LDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS I ST EEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION I STEEL ROUGH I D W .V.U ..~fi;(~· o FR AMIN G 0 OU GH I W ATER ~7~' ROOF &SHEER o G ASP IPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATION o POOL I H .TUB •o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINA L n F INAL ELECTRICAL:~MECHANICAL: L,Ij ~~P .P OWER n H EATING ~J ~U G H r To ooes <'",... b d ONDUIT o SUPPLY A IR 0 0 o F INAL o FI NAL, D'A'~R OV ED o D ISAPPROVED n REINSPECTION REQU IREDP- ORR ECTIONS: D ATE f~4?'-c;:3 INSPE CTOR -.,.b.='-'--"~~"'----'''===-------- PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DA TE .I 0 J d ~J5J (3 JOB NAME ---t;~~V-=---1::Yf-Ut~--L:L,..l....---- READYFOR I NSPECTION: ,5dO \~ BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEE L o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION --=_ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o _ o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT _'''-:-_ '\o _ o F INAL ~ PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUG H /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ o _ o 'VJ FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPP LY A IR ---,_ o _ o F INAL _ ~P R O V E D CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT ION REQUIRED INSPECTOR - PERMIT NUM BER OF PROJECT I {\~e ~Mf'.-~\&"-I N S PE C T I O N REQUEST -S \...(_~_.---1 T O W I'l-"~1L />1 ~ __~__(_AM •P MFRI CALLER _--'\---'(_-,--__---L~~_'______ MON TUES WEDTH 'URREADYFORINSPECTION: /",I •LOCATION :-'-----'--_--'--'--=--_'_____----"--<-,--_ BUILDING: o FOOTING S/STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAIL ING o I NSULATION o S HEETROCK NAIL _ o_'_ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW,V._ o RO UGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ,o APPROVED CORRECTIONS: I I o DISAI"PROVED /< MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ o REINSPECTION REQUIRED "-j • f IDATE _INSPECTOR • PERMIT NUMBER (!)F PROJECT q /3 .I CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON/ LOCATION:S-dO C-/O URFRI~ _____®PM BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o o F.!.!:ML ~ECT~AL 0 o TEMP.POWER _ ~~U G H o CONDUIT o o FINAL PLUMBING:, o UNDERGROUND -;....<:-<'---_ o ROUGH /DW.V._--------__ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ D ._ o o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FINAL I APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED J r /(cQ ~ o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE 1>7 "/,3 INSPECTOR FRI _l J +>:t (e')(p _CALLER NAME ----='---=...:"---..:'7-~~=--_____,__-_:____r------- LOCATION :_~~"--_=":'-'-'-'-'-"'-'--=>~-'--""::""'",,---,---'--I."-'-_ READYFOR INSPECTION :MON ~L:Of) PERMIT NUMBE20F PROJECT DATE q/8;q 3 JOB BUILDING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o FOUNDATION I STEEL o FRAM ING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o I NSULATION,t SHEETROCK NAIL Yf~\~\\{\C{'.\ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH I DW.V._ o ROUG H I WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL I H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT _ 0 _ o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FINAL •o APPROVED CORRECTIONS : o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE _L..---!-__------INSPECTOR G.J-?l1 •INS:CTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF ROJECT I,./J /l-IJ-.'-/'_TOWN OF VAIL DATE _(D ()q q ~JOB NAME .~f it!d I CALLER (tV)},I !'~ ~:z-=I f READYFOR INSPECTION :.MON TUES WE~TH RFRI PM LOCATION:e;;7-1 ~:;4i L I '('CI (lt1t..;!-;t. BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o U NDERGROUND o FOUNDAT ION I STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 c[FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR . , 0 0 Cl ,IjIf'JAL o FINAL fFPPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED C RREC~IONS:, (J f 0'1f e ,U £.A L_ DATE 1/-I 9 "3 INSPECTO R ~~S HO P PM INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL \+() /!\lAn \ LOCAT ION :__~"----'--__-"---"-'"--'--'-'--"":"---'--'---'-'-_ DATE READ Y FOR INSPECTION : ~-=r PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT \0 I '"'51 CI2L JOBIJ BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAM ING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o U NDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUG H /WA TER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o _ 9~FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPP LY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ o REINSPECTION REQUIREDoDISAPPROVED/A P P R O V E D ~ CORRECTIONS :_ DATE ---":":-_~-=-_~'-'--_INSPECTOR CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE -COPY O FPE R MIT T OB E KEPT O N J O BS ITE DATE Au gu s t 2 3 ,1993 J P ER ,IIIT NO . t TYPEOF CO NSTRUCTION I II III I VV 2 OCCUPANCY GROU P A B EH IR M BUILDING DIVISION z ELE CTR ICAL 5000 .00122.3 4 0 GENERALDESCRIPTIONOF WOR K :~PLUMBING Combine metering 2 ::> to TOV el petri eal -'« serv ices .New meter behindV a il 2 1 >MECHANICAL B ldg.Relocate p anels up plying ma ll I g h i ng . TYPE GROUP G.RF A VALUATION PER MIT FEES BUILDING PERM IT PLAN CHECK ELE CTRICAL Fees waive d NEW ()ALTER ATI ON1nO ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR ()PLUMBING DW F lU/'.IG U NI"':'"S __ACC OMMODATION UNITS __MECHANICAL HEIGHTINFT --NO .FIREPL ACE S --RECREATION FEE -INSULATION.TYP E THICKNESSR-VAL LUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD--;]±- FLOOR CLEAN·UP DEPOS IT EXT.WA LLS USETAX ROOF I TYPE ELE C GAS T OTALP ERMITFE ES ~ees waiv edOFSOLARWOODHEAT E rnst Gla tzle _8 -10..::91 ADD IT IONALPERMITSNEEDED:n UILDING OFFICIAL --DATE ----- .r ~INITIAL 1---------------ST CUT I70NING ADMINISTRA TOR DATE BLAS TING IzONIN G &BUILDINGNOTES: PA RK ING DEM O I hereby acknowledge that I have read this a ppli cat ion,filled out in f ull the informa tion requ ired , c ompleted an accurate plot plan ,an ds tate that all the information p rov i ded a sre qu ired i s c o rrect.I a gree to com ply w ith the information and plot plan ,to c omplyw ith a ll Town ordinances and state laws ,and to bu i ld thi s structure a ccord i ng to t he ~~on~bl~sion codes,design review approved ,Uniform Building Code and other n ces of n ~Ole...th to. (y~ ~N A T URE OFOWNER ORCONTRACTORFORHIMSELF NO THE OWNER. I'PLUMBING C FOUND ATION ~ll :J BUILDING QS ELECTR ICALoMECHANICAL 520 Lio nshea d TO BEFILLEDOUT COMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMI T LEG AL LOT 5 B LK 1 D ESC .F ILING Vail L ionshea d1 st J OB N AME :Lions head Cent er -Ele ctr ical O WNER NAME TOITH of Va-i-l----- MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. AR CHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL FIRM CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. TELE. FIRM Wb jt e R iver E le ctr i c EL ECTR ICAL ONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAIL REG.NO.145 E TELE.0 /,0_1 /,1'":1 FIRM PL UMB ING TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. CONTRACTOR TELE. FIRM ME CHANICAL CONTR ACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. TELE. OTH ER FIRM TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. CONTRACTOR TELE. ----DATE -20 rIJ'.J --t>A~----- BUILDINGPERMIT elECTRICAL ELECTRICAL CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT MECHANICAL PLANCHECK RECREATION FEE USETAX PLUMBING ZONING &BUILDING NOTES:_ VALUATION ABEHIRM G.RFAGROUPTYPE 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED : :!..!'! HEIGHTIN FT .__NO.FIREPLACES INSULATION :TYPE THICKNESS R·VALLUE FLOOR EXT WALLS ROOF TYPE ELEC .GAS OF HEAT SOLAR WOOD BLASTING ST.CUT DEMO PARKING DWELLING UNITS__ACCOMMODATI ON UNITS __ NEW(I ALTERATION ()ADDITIONALl )REPAIR() ~NOTE -COpy OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE~).CONSTRUCTION PERMIT .DATE / ,:;PERMIT NO.!ffd1 .,,:::>-11111 QI I .TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION IIIIII I VV I~~~~---------IIIdepartmentofcommunitydevelopment OWNER ow,",oJ:V~ Box I CO TELE. LEGAL LOT !5 BLK_..:::1.1 DESC .FILING veu:..t U"~l ~.- PLUMBING j CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO . TElE. FIRM WIJ ITE.'R"v~~l.£.Lffl ·- ELECTRICAL I '-!-5 e. CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO TElE.4 'f '1-I'+o~ TOBEFILLED OUTCOMPLETElYPRIORTO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE O F PERM IT OJ3UILDING 0 PLUMBING B'ELECTRICAL 0 FOUNDATION n MECHANICAL n ADDRESs:5 a-O Vo~<.:.'l;;;...<L-~ .,.ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL FIRM tJ/A CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG .NO. TElE. OTHER FIRM1------------ TOWNOFVAILREG.NO . CONTRACTOR TElE. I hereby acknowledge that I have readth is application,filled out in full the Information required, completed an accurate plot plan ,and state that allthe information provided as required Is correct.I agreeto comply with the information and plot plan ,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,and tobu ild this structure according tothe Town's zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. CLEAN UP DEPOSIT TO:~~S~~~·~·~~:::D.~'~'~~~~~~H'i'i:.iiSELi' IGNATURE OFOWNER0 ACTORFOR HIMSELF ANDTHEOWNER. , 75 louth frontageroad vall,colorado81657 (303)479-2138 or 479-2~39....o"lce 0'community development BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If thts permtt requtres a Town ofVail Fire Department Approval, Engineer"s (Publ ic Works)review and approval,aPlanning Department revieworHealth Department review,and areview by theBuilding Department,the estimated timefora total review may takeaslong as three weeRs. All commercial (large orsmall)and all multi-family permitswill have tofollowthe above mentioned maximum requirements.Residential and small projects shouldtakea lesser amount oftime.However,if residential or smaller projects impactthe various above mentioned departmentswithregardtonecessaryreview,these projects may also takethe three week period. Every attempt wtll be made by this departmentto expedite this permttas spon as possible. I.the undersigned,understandtheplancheckprocedure and time frame. l greed to by ·.. Project Name , 75 louth frontage road vall.colorado 81657 (303)479-21.38 or 479-2139 office of community development TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTEREDWITHTHE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material,including trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or pUblic place or any portion thereof.The right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pavement . This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department.Persons found violating this ordinance will be given a24 hour written notice to remove said material . In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No.6 in full,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. Position/Relationship to Project (i.e.contractor,owner) Date _____AM l.......l.ffiJ -S Hffi.t:> FR I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL )h ",~ qqq -ltjO~ ~ t l «(r er- C A L LER 1 'i /r f\J M ON TUE S ~THUR (I 6Y'~HPc;f)7J1~(L PER MIT NUMBER OF PROJECT 1:_'-U DAT E _'6=--__-.LL-JOB NA ME _..........~---'-_-'-.....::..-__""'___:....:..._ BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOO TINGS /ST EEL o U NDERG ROUN D o FO UNDATION /STEEL o RO UGH /D W .V. o FRA MING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SH EER o GAS PI PINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSULATION o POO L /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL 1l:eCTRIC~MECHANICAL: O ..,EMP.O WER o H EATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUI T o S UPPLY ·AIR 0 0 Xl FINAL o FINAL 8 APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPEC T ION REQUIRED DATE _I NSPECTOR --'-"--_ -eFritzlenPierceBriner A RCH IT E CT UR E P L ANr-<IN G I NT E R I O R S FritzlenPierceBriner ..:..:::C ...I •=::.u :)~~t.,:.-,I-~I "'.G.•~;)-:;:<~ Lettering Style:Unrestricted but as approved by Town of Vail. Sizes:(5)Total 5'-6 "x 1'-10" remaining are 4'-6"x 1'-10" Sign Appliques:allowed sign size per Town of Vail sign code based on frontage of in- dividual tenant. Synopsis: Sign Boards:copper clad all sides Colors:Navy blue,royal blue,red,forest green, tea l green are allowed. Awnings:All are canvas on top and typically,four sides. At no time will there be more than five of the 5'-6"by 1'-10"signboards,the remaining must be 4'-6"by 1'-10 " boards,regardless of future store configurations. Should a storefront reconfiguration occur,the sign size that is applied to the board shall still be based on the frontage of the new storefront size. Should a reconfiguration occur where additional stores create/maintain two distinctly separate entrances,each entrance shall have an awning/sign subject to the Town of Vail approval process .The total allowed sign(s ) size is still subject to the frontage formula set forth by the sign code. The program shall be adhered to unless the program it- self is changed through the process provided by the Town of Vail.Should the storefronts be reconfigured,the entry portions of the storefront shall have an awning/signboard similar to the existing inst3llations. Sign Program Amendment Criteria Requirements:Must be metal,projected mount with 5/8"to-3/4"collar maximum 3"projection. Lettering Lionshead Centre Sign Program Protection of entry also serves as the assembly that the sign is mounted upon.Rather than placing the sign let- tering on the face of the awning ,the sign is placed below the canvas portion,this allows a more consistent, aesthetically pleasing location for the sign -as it is more related to the entry itself and the pedestrian en- vironment of Lionshead Mall.Additionally,the objective of attaining a discrete lighting for the sign is ob- tained.The signboard portion of the awning is an inte- gral part of the awning design.The boards and awnings will be a part of the building,not a tenant owned el- ement.The sign which is applied to the board is tenant-specific.The intent of the sign portion of the board is to allow individual expression of the tenant entry. All sign lettering or graphic must leave 3"border on sign board. Lettering Colors:Unrestricted but as approved by the Town of Vail.(Intended to be harmonious with the awning color. Lighting:Low voltage incandescent or halogen mini- spot lights -concealed in fabric awning portion. 1ge 1· cONS.DO C ~-Oct-93.. POS T OFFICE BOX 57 1000 UONSRIDGE LOOP VAIL COLORADO 81658 3034766342 FAX303 476 4901 NICl fIITZWIllC .I)U '-muM 'OCr 100 Page 2 LIONS.DOC 04-0ct-93 POST OFFICE BOX 57 100 0 UONSRIDGE LOOP VAIL COLORAD O8165830 34766342FAX 3034764901 IOU Cln.fllttl-.(Ol...'...h l"'....CII.....1 A RCHITECTURE PLANN ING I N T E R IORS ~tzlenPierceBriner e { II LIONSHEAD CENTRE SIGN PROGRAMlMAX.TENANT NAME FRONTAGE SIGN SIZE BOARD SIZE it SIGNSLIN.FT.SQ.FT.r A-YOUNGER GEN 74 10 LARGE ONEIB-KENNY'S 107 10 EA.LARGE(2)TWOIC-CRAZY SHIRT 23.5 4.7 SMALL ONEID-SWEET LIFE 26 5.2 SMALL ONEIE-GALA JEWEL 18.5 3.7 SMALL ONEIF-VAIL SKIER 28 5.6 SMALL ONEIG-CLEAVER'S 15 3.0 SMALL ONEIH-VAIL T 39 7.8 LARGE ONE*I *VAIL T-SHIRT HAS 2ND FRONTAGE ON N.SIDE W/ENTRY****VAIL T 17 3.4 SMALL ONE I-GARFINKEL'S 38 7.6 LARGE ONEL ----_._--- -,.'0 ......... II e;,.·f"V+-TCr'"- ·~_JC_.-..!L-r ----:.---.,,--------r------------ -. SITE 'PLA N' Not to Scale KEY:•... -- Location o f l ar ge sign- board (5 total) Location of entries (10-1-93) Indicates frontage for sign size 2I'I[~C ['~IT2 .(,"1'1(.08"-FRIl1llN PIE ~(E IIMI'lI ' POST OFF ICE BOX57 1000 LlONSRI DGE LOOP VAIL COLORA DO 81658 3034766342 FAX303476 490 1 • ~~...'I -•• 3 1/111 1 1/l':::-/P __C.Rul/f~A~., 'r .~ '.j .\, :.~ ...s S)! _'I ~! / I...-----f -----~, PALATKNO I...J. I ________--1 .cO F F'~12-':::L-I'-.P F"1;'(I,JOOD e ~rz:~l/. 1<11 ~Il M I t-l ~f'1O ~1 r1 ET~~(iYF") p • AL.~6~H~$-ro BE<F"~J ~,.~P 110 LUJr •MAX .3 11 F'~..1 ~1Ot-J 6~1~~f~.:'AT ~17 0 41"" OF.t'feTAL.H~Y 130100 ~w>rz.e p AS ~J!':::;- ,....-----#--------=----------"1.4-- I uI6o'l-J~l:'. I ~'Ze:/e;.')1 _,1 .L'---__~\_1 .._.5'~~'__ ~[ (1\1-iI: ~... "--V ~~I f Y l-O?J'<['"IOf,J CJP:t1oLlI-l1\Io.l 61 B~~i P ~l o l2 W '5I6l H \'-AYouT fP AVOI~COt-lfl.-l~l$ WI L-~if~~MOUl4illJCl! I I i ".,.~~I !v""iZJ lO~ li==~~';~f"1ZO.J ~1':1='t"1 0Uf1 f'1.-"'11"~~lJ/ 1 ~\-.~!3OL-re:p f lZOr1 11+~~JZ.. I ../:.:. ~IAO -z < ~.7N e AWHIN" ..VII 11 II':l -.p 4 t " I ./ .L>-~ J [F -,!:'..0.. .It :-~r- 9 -/-7'> --~-J[-.~'- f-:: J !r== enwo, >-I- o <C [~F --=.- ..r-....... ~l ~n J n fl r J I- ~r= - [rr= It -- II Jt .. ~z ·z« ...J I C-alI'...-1co U UJ U) 0;1-..u .u-0(J)z I -i, I l. __...r------ "=..._·,,=-==---=,J .L ----_. •........- i t ~~ J--' J I I ~.-0 ',,-I ~I... L ·... 11\ C\ ~.':»-S!,"•~ (I) r i l!l1 r...."--... \'~"\%~ ,'\ .,'6' .~,".:~w ..: •~'C"..:.:. .'"t ~;:: -, • ~~..~~" .,.. ".~ ;;.,. ,. !~ I :Z*,,7'7 I ; J ! • ,.,. r:r . !\." I .\ I . \ \ \ -~ $i.- .,§j- .;:7f:. ~_-~--t I I 'L ......." \ \ \~-....-, .".'...... \ \ ....ot..,yslnr ~.()I ~65"I """~_e \M.~I \ &I \ .---4-----l5:~~::_\t .,I'.:, ~-::--V 'I(J.\ ~.......,""'....,:.>.;--~I../He 6'f6J""GIl:'-".,.-_..- " ::?;1~f~:-,'~'~' ;"~~~~~~t',~' ,,. "'----~~R;JtdNC~.t~·) . .L.PT~ ~, r- I I , \,," \' At.-__ \ \ '1 •... ,; -..,-)", f , •, \J 'S ~ ~ ~ 0') ~ ~ b<s ~- I -'''-/D.J ""- I i i I , •i I i • I "-I 1 I I I '::t-I , I •,!,I j... I I !~;I....I i i ~\,i ,,l ~I --:I III :I I .~ ;~. ~, ~~ I ~..I I--I...-----.."- :i i :~+.__.-V"-.--. \ :".I~i ... ~. -.....; .i .~.._. .----...... 'It -..-- ~~...~t:-~ \1 -... I '..... - I ~r--- I T-\~ >'(. 7i\ """-~. I'JC\: ~ ~l~-~ "::::-~-.:l ~\~~~~~~().~~~~IS-\~~~...C4.:.\-..~"~,~.....\.~~ : --; : "- \v -----.., I _.----_.r _.... ::. -.-.-..---.. ------..-, .. .., ~...::> (.- \.- .~ -~--.-;Itj -- ~--: --0 --- --:-~-\J --,---,- .~~ ~-IU'­ _:-'-)~­ ~--~. <, 'J • Sand stone Buff Key2 '17 Forest Gr een"Key2 108,1507,1813 re ready-mixed Devoe ExteriorFinishesinwh ich th atcolor is (03)is availablein mos t Devoe lines. • ---_..--:- I ' ...--::;.: • ... ... 5/31/90 Lionshead Center Building Request to enclose trash dumpsters which are inside of the parking garage.Upon examination of the plans from 1969,it was discovered that concrete parking bumpers had not been planned for the area where the dumpsters are,and also that a door opened onto this area.These observations lead to the assumption that this area was never intended for parking,and therefore a building permit was issued for the dumpster enclosure. box 100 vail,colorado 81657 (303)476 ·5613 Lionshead Center c/o Slifer and Company Eox 1248 Vail,Colorado 81657 Dear Sir: department of community development December 19,1977 , .':". ....~~.. =.=----. The Town of .Vai1 is amending the Zoning Ordinance to allow a limited number of private parking spaces to be leased ona long-term basis.A copy of the proposed ordinance is enclosed . Extensive studies of parking utilization were conducted during last ski season.These studies indicated that most priv~te parking lots had spaces available even during peak ski season. You are eligible to lease 4 parking spaces.If you wish to participate in this leasing program,please complete the enclosed form and return it with an application fee of $10.00 to us for review and approval. Dana S.Toughill Zoning Administrator DST/di Enclosure ., .'. .':'...;J.._'.~__._..-_ _.....~iwi'•-_._....--:.;;..;;._.;:.:.0'7 '__-~__.~---..-.ft:._~~=-----=--=-..--._.........--.- ~---_.._..-------- i I/;._C/·.~i briner/strain architects 143 e-nea n :v or ',ad co 0'.0 ~16t')7 3031 .1 1 128 EXTERIOR PHOTOS OF UNIT 305 LIONSHEAD CENTRE • •., Item No.5 A request for an exterior alteration and a conditional use permit in order to enclose a deck in CCII at the Chart House Restaurant. Applicant:Chart House Restaurant Tabled to August 14,1989 PEC meeting. The motion was made by Peggy Osterfoss and seconded by Chuck Crist. Vote:5-0,all in favor. Item No.6 est for an Cent ra buildin ominium. Applicant:Iker exterior alteration at the for modifications to an Belansteguigoitia Betsy Rosolack gave the staff presentation.She explained that the applicant wished to add 348 square feet of gross residential floor area to their condominium unit.The 348 square feet addition would include an expansion to the master bedroom by partially enclosing a deck and remodeling the interior.Betsy covered the zoning considerations,pointing out that there are 3,170 square feet of GRFA left to be developed.She stated that the staff was supportive of the proposed redevelopment and believed it met the zoning and Urban Design Considerations for Commercial Core II. Tom Briner r epresented the applicant. concerning the proposal. He explained the circumstances A motion for approval was made by Peggy Osterfos s .The motion was seconded by Chuck Crist. Vote:5-0,all in favor. Item No.7A request to amend Special Development District No.1 9, Garden of the Gods. Applicant:Mrs.A.G.Hill Item No.8 Item to be tabled to August 14 PEC meeting. Peggy Osterfoss made the first Illation.The motion was seconded by Chuck Crist . Vote:5-0 ,all in favor . A request to modify the floodplain Lot 7,Block 3,Vail Village Eleventh Filing,3070 Booth Creek Drive. Applicant:David and Nancy Nystrom The staff presentation was given by Kristan Pritz.She referred to a diagram attached to the staff memo to explain the proposal.She explained that the proposal met all the criteria for a floodplain modification.The staff recommendation was for approval contingent upon conditions listed in the staff memo. , 520 W.Lionshead Mall.Vail,Colorado81657•1·303-476·3651 T o;TOVJN OF VAl L CO MMU NITY DEVELo PEMENT FROM;L IONSHEADCENTER BU !LDING CONDOMINI UM ASSOC I ATI ON RE;EX TERI OR REMODEL -UNIT 3 05 BO LES CUSTOMBUILDER S ,INC.has our p ermis si on t o proceed wi th th e exteri or rern ode l of u n i t 305. RESPECTFU LLY YO URS 1~~,----.~..-~---------- DATED,-----!-ifZl-u~--L<?-0 ---- !/lTY •-, community Development Department Planning and Environmental Commission -i " TO: FROM : •• DATE: SUBJECT: July 24,1989 A request for an exterior a~teration in order to construct an addition.}:1"'>~)[.,-r.J Cev1-~ Applicant:Iker Belausteguigoitia I. / DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED REQUEST /)1 3 u') Mr.and Mrs.Iker Belausteguigoitia wish to add 348 sq6are feet of gross residential floor area to their condiminium unit in the Lionshead Center Building.Presently,Lionshead Center Building has an excess GRFA of 3,170 square feet.I~this addition is approved,the excess GRFA for the entire building will be reduced to 2,822 square feet. The 348 'square feet addition includes an expansion to the master bedroom 'by partially enclosing a deck and remodeling the interior. As the elevatlons and exterior photograph show,the impact of the building exterior will be very minimal.To further minimize any impact,the new siding and stain color will match the existing. I I.ZONING CONSIDERATIONS The following summarizes the zoning statistics regarding this extrior alteration request. , 1.Zone District: Commercial Core II. 2.Density: No change. I 3.GRFA: There are 3,170 square feet of GRFA left to be developed. This proposal is for 348 square feet,leaving 2,822 square feet of GRFA available for future use. 4.site coverage: I NO 'change. 5.Height: ••.. \..•• The height of the building is 37 feet.The maximum height in Lionshead is 48 feet for a sloping roof.The addition will be lower than the highest peak of the roof. III.COMPLIANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN GUIDEPLAN FOR LIONSHEAD This proposal does not relate to any sub-area concepts. IV.COMPLIANCE WITHTHE PURPOSE OF COMMERCIAL CORE II The Commercial Core II district is intended to provide sites for a mixture of mUltiple dwelings,lodges,and commercial establishments in a clustered,unified development.Commercial Core II District in accordance with the Vail Lionshead Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations is intended to ensure adequate light,air,open space and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of building and uses and to maintain the desirable qualities of the district by establishing appropriate site development standards. This proposal is in compliance with the purpose of Commercial Core II . V.COMPLIANCE WITH URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR VAIL!LIONSHEAD The purpose of the comparison between the proposal and the considerations is to show how the new design strengthens or distracts from the intent of the design considerations. Urban Design considerations This consideration does not apply to this proposal. Height and Massing This addition will not change the height and massing.Urban Design Considerations addresses one and two story additions at ground level. Roofs The guidelines say flat,shed,vaulted,or dome roofs are acceptable for building expansions.This would be a pitched roof. The guidelines also mention the connection of roofs to existing buildings and this addition is reflecting the design of the existing roof.It does avoid a patchwork,"tacked on"quality that should be avoide~in Lionshead.We feel that the roof pitch .. ..•• and the roof connection to the existing building are well designed architecturally and are in compliance with the guideline as outlined. Facades/Transparency Not applicable to this application. Facades-Walls/structures The applicant is proposing to match the existing materials and exterior design of the building. Decks and Patios Partially enclosed decks are encouraged on sub-area concept No. 12,but that is on the ground level.This deck is on the roof,so the consideration is not applicable. Accent Elements Not applicable to this application. Landscape Elements Not applicable to this application. VI.ZONING CONSIDERATIONS This proposal meets all the zoning regulations for Lionshead. VII.STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff is supportive of the proposed redevelopment.We recommend approval of this proposal and believe it meets the zoning and Urban Design Considerations for Commercial Core II. '..:~lJ ••~ v , .. ~ il"-, ~. ~.-,;,..;0 h... .'"(~~(~, .)tl, ~()I:,~ III th ~ r-<'"." , r- '. \---.-,\. \'\-.... \\.-. \~ ! I'::-r--.__~---:' I•r !;~-'-"1I I - I ! -__',,~.J ,.... " ,, Pr fj ' I . !l :,.. Il I :1,---1,ir----:=-;- C~.~--;:'-"r:---r===-----;=:::::fT"~~---J -::::;j - .- f ----- » ---~~,I -,. •d!I':i . :~:I i'" .! -,-'-'.,.===rr "II 'I I=-=': .j, : ~·1.-. Ii .li -"...1 ;'.:~'.~:.,ti _',Ii;.t ',,t .-~,..~.'!...~....,:........ -~ I l ~~J -'----------,------ ------....... ·....-..-·_=-t •'I ~-~....I ! • ", I" ,; ,r:-:-_=--:~__-=-_~.::!I..-. .\ ,.~~'~~~ .. ,='E±:__.-?-.P"~,==r --~=~~='--;r-~-i ,. I, I ~~-,: ,":I ~ ---.--, I ,~!--~' I I 'I i •I 1:~~-:-............--'~~. :~T"'",--;'T 1 "'"'fI,''i II ,I':,!, -« ..' .. .~'. '--I.e ;.',..... : /\/1 \ /\/1 \ /\\ /\I \I \ /\I \I \I' I \I \I \I II\/\I \I I /\I \I \I .., PARTIAL SUUTH ELEVATIUN I I ~ •.- ~"lJ ~»..::::0 ~-1 0>- u·» -r-,. o'zo ::::0 -1 I fT1r-rn <» -1 o Z I, i I I I II II !I I, I ~----+--ilII, II I I I I I I III I I W---'--I:I --+---J !I --~I:I I I---t----j , --,----"I --t-----j i I --7--1 'I--~I i l --,--~:I---T-----1 !I --t--~I .II---!----j !I II--,----j !I :I--"7----j I I ---t----j :n "Ull.L...-..._ .. ".·----- .'•'1 ; i i _"__i-~~~o _ / o · B -- C! 5 /.-,N/SHADtE !,A/J P,Acr OR4WIt'lG US/H6 50°5VNA1'JGLE ~VAIL-V/a,AGE DE6IGI'ICVtJGlD!3P.Ai,i:::NS ...-~ '... "..._........'ft !"...,._ TO: FROM:. DATE: SUBJECT: • Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department July 24,1989 A request for an exterior alteration in order to construct an addition. Applicant:Iker Belausteguigoitia I.DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED REQUEST Mr.and Mrs.Iker Belausteguigoitia wish to add 348 square feet of gross residential floor area to their condiminium unit in the Lionshead Center Building.Presently,Lionshead Center Building has an excess GRFA of 3,170 square feet.If this addition is approved,the excess GRFA for the entire building will be reduced to 2,822 square feet. The 348 square feet addition includes an expansion to the master bedroom by partially enclosing a deck and remodeling the interior. As the elevations and exterior photograph show,the impact of the building exterior will be very minimal.To further minimize any impact,the new siding and stain color will match the existing. II.ZONING CONSIDERATIONS The following summarizes the zoning statistics regarding this extrior alteration request. 1.Zone District: commercial Core II. 2.Density: No change. 3.GRFA: There are 3,170 square feet of GRFA left to be developed. This proposal is for 348 square feet,leaving 2,822 square feet of GRFA available for future use. 4.site coverage: No change. 5.Height: •• The height of the building is 37 feet.The maximum height in Lionshead is 48 feet for a sloping roof.The addition will be lower than the highest peak of the roof. III.COMPLIANCE WITHTHE URBAN DESIGNGUIDEPLANFORLIONSHEAD This proposal does not relate to any sub-area concepts. IV.COMPLIANCE WITHTHEPURPOSEOF COMMERCIAL CORE II The Commercial Core II district is intended to provide sites for a mixture of mUltiple dwelings,lodges,and commercial establishments in a clustered,unified development.Commercial Core II District in accordance with the Vail Lionshead Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations is intended to ensure adequate light,air,open space and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of building and uses and to maintain the desirable qualities of the district by establishing appropriate site development standards. This proposal is in compliance with the purpose of Commercial Core II. V.COMPLIANCE WITH URBAN DESIGNCONSIDERATIONSFOR VAIL/LIONSHEAD The purpose of the comparison between the proposal and the considerations is to show how the new design strengthens or distracts from the intent of the design considerations. Urban Design Considerations This consideration does not apply to this proposal. Height and Massing This addition will not change the height and massing.Urban Design Considerations addresses one and two story additions at ground level. Roofs The guidelines say flat,shed,vaulted,or dome roofs are acceptable for building expansions.This would be a pitched roof. The guidelines also mention the connection of roofs to existing buildings and this addition is reflecting the design of the existing roof.It does avoid a patchwork,"tacked on"quality that should be avoided in Lionshead.We feel that the roof pitch ..• and the roof connection to the existing building are well designed architecturally and are in compliance with the guideline as outlined. Facades/Transparency Not applicable to this application. Facades-Walls/structures The applicant is proposing to match the existing materials and exterior design of the building. Decks and Patios partially enclosed decks are encouraged on sub-area concept No . 12,but that is on the ground level.This deck is on the roof,so the consideration is not applicable. Accent Elements Not applicable to this application. Landscape Elements Not applicable to this application. VI.ZONING CONSIDERATIONS This proposal meets all the zoning regulations for Lionshead. VII.STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff is supportive of the proposed redevelopment.We recommend approval of this proposal and believe it meets the zoning and Urban Design Considerations for Commercial Core II. ••ProjectApplication Da te 8/2/89 Project Name :LIONSHEAD CENTER EX EERIOR ALTERATION 476-3038 Pr oject De sc ri ption :[JqdA;s iOA hi alIi t;305 Contact Personand Ph one _T-,-,o",m-,,-,B~r,-l,-,'n.:..::e:..:.r__----'-'--"'--"'-="'-_ Ow ner,Ad dressa ndPh one:I KER BELANSTEGUlGOITIA A rchitect ,A ddress and Ph one :_ addition to L egal D e scription :L ot ,Bl ock .Fi l in g ,Z one _ Co mments:_ DesignReviewBoard D ate _ Mo tionb y:SantI' Sec onded by :HU.e"'-rLrLi'-'""'Q""t.,.n:.J.p.:-_ A PPROVAL D ISAPPROVAL 5-0 S umm ary :-7-'--L-"C~ Dat e: T owh Plan ner } 8/2/R9 D Staff Approval •• .....-..._....... -y .'';' ~~;~~~ ..~.~.;~ ",_.•...•·r _.'- ,'."\'!::JI:j ..,;i:!W-•......;.':~...~.....,'*'; ,-....:.1'""-......:~~ APPLI CATION DATE:JK.-:5:.;,J.;:..:.~:.:.~...:.......·_:.~~ DATE OF ORB }lEETIiiG:~'2.let9'\ .',., • ..•.. ORB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLI CATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFOR ~"AT10N IS SUBI1ITi~D*-­ I.PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: ..4 '0 • A.PROJECT DESCRIPTION:PifdJaA e,ytc/tJ'lU"<t't ftJ"f det;k ~~rnAAAPr~~ A pre-application meetingwithaplanning staff member ,is strongly suggestedto determine if any additi una I information i sneeded.No application ·....111 be acce:Jted ":,:,.::'; unless it is comn l'ete(must include all items required by thezoning adnurri str-at nr-},,,~~;:: It isthe applicant's responsibility to make anappointmentwiththe staff to fin d "....... outabout additional submittal requirements.Please note that a COHPLETE applica-;',:~"::':~ tion will streamline theapprovalprocess for your project by decreasin g the numcer , of conditions ofapproval that the ORB may stipulate.ALL conditions ofapproval must <;; be resolved bef.o .r:-e a building permit .i s issued.":,'.'.~:,:" .._~~ ff)~~:';:..:;:: B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address LlcrnjAeM Legal Description Lot .,.r.:'> ee..JF</3tI1/ttII~tfM,i;I 305 / 5 Block 8teek,I Fil ing Zon ing c.~mJ44~aJ Q,Jel1 C.NAHE OF APPLI CANT:I ker 8ele!nste$u/goir/q Address Av.lIorAc/~/0/,Hex/co .4;::,1/5~telep hone,4:}c-S:Si1S'2"1 '73 • D.NANE OF APPLI CAN T'S REP RESE NTATI VE:Boner /SfmJn Arch/~ Address 14-~E .MeadDWDr,lip/I ~91"57 telephone if'ji;3l>~B E.NANE OF OWNERS:Ike!:l3.R/an5fe&l/d/9t?/t/4 Signature ~J3vv;,,/(f;;r ~~) Address Cp ~rlJ1erlSt-pqll?Afl11J'le~tele phone _ F.ORB FEE:The fee will bepaid at thetimea building permit is requested. VALUATION FEE.:..:;=-- $0-$10.000 $10.001-$50.000 $:,50.001 -$150.000 $150.001 -$.500.000 $500.001-$1,000.000 $Over $1,000.000 $10.00 $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBNISSIONS TO THE ORB: 1.In addition tomeeting submittal requirements.the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners.Trees that will be removed should also be marked.This wor k mustbecompleted before the OR B visits the site. 2.The review process for 'NEWBUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board,soplan on at least two meetings for their approval. 3.People who fail toappearbeforethe Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who havenotaskedfora postponement will be required tobe republished. -.-. •• ...j..-..~'..... •:-•1 c·~.1..........--..... 4.The followingitems no longer have tobe presented tothe Design Review Board. They,however,havetobe presented tothe Zoning Administrator for approvai: a.Windows,skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing planeofthe building;and b.Building add itions that are not viewed from any other lot or public space, wnich have had letters submitted from adjoining property owners approving the addition;and/or approval from theagent f or,or manager ofa condo minium association. ......:.:;«! 5.You may be required toconductNatural Hazard Studies onyour property.You should checkwitha Town Planner before proceeding. .-- ... ....- • MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED • .•".oA .:.,~ ...- 3. I.NEW CONSTRUCTION A.Topographic map and site planof site containing :he following(2 co~ies): 1.Licensed surveyor's stamo. 2.Centaur intervals ofnot more than2'unless theparcel consists of 6 acresor more,in which case,S'contour intervals will be accepted. Existing trees orgroupsof trees havingtrunkswithdiametersof41 'or more one foot above grade. 4.Rock outcroppings and other sianificant natural fea~ures (large boulders, intermittent streams,etc.).- 5.Avalanch~areas,100 yearflood plain and slopes 40%ormore,if applicable. 6.Tiesto existing benchmark,either USGS landmark orsewer invert. ~..Locationsofthe following: _.__~.Proposed surface drainage on and off s ite showi ng size and typeof culverts,swales,etc. b.Exact locations of all utilities to include existing sources and pro~osed service lines from sourcestothe structure.Utilities to include: cable TV Telephone sewer water gas electri c c.Property lines showing distances and bearings and a basis ofbearing d.Proposed driveways with percen~slope and spot elevations e.Alleasements 8.Existing and finished grades. 9.All existing and proposed improvements including structures,landscaped areas, service areas,storage areas,walks,driveways,off-street parking,loading areas,retaining walls (withspot elevations),and other site improvements. 10.Elevations oftopofroof ridges (with existing grade shown underneath)to determine height of building. B.A statement from each utility verifying location of service and availability.To be submitted with site plan. C.Preliminary title report to accompany all submittals,to insure property ownership .anda ll,easements on property. D.Landscape Plan(1"=20'or larger)-2 copies 1.Show the location of4"diameteror 'larger trees,:other 's hru 6 s ~a ii a -ii a t iV e olants t. are onthe site and the 1ocati on and desi gn ofproposed 1andscape areas 'tiith the varieties andapproximate sizes of plant materials tobe planted.~ 2.Complete landscape materials list. 3.Designate trees tobesaved and thosetobe lost • • NOTE:As much ofthe above information as possible shouldoccuronthe site plan,so that the inter-relation ofthevarious components is clear.The landscapeplanshouldbe separate.The existing to~ographic and vegetational characteristics may bea separate map.The applicant must stake the site to show lot lines and building corners.Trees that will be lost during construction mustbe tagged.The work shouldbecompleted before the ORB site visit. ••... .. E..••.Arcrri tecture lPlans (l/S":::l'or larger)2 copies 1.Must include floor plans and all elevations asthey will appear on completion. Elevations must show both existing and finished grades. 2.Exterior surfacing materials and c:lors shall be specified and submit:2d for review on the'materials list available from the Department of Community Deveiop- ment.Color chips,siding samples etc.,shouldbe presented at the Design Review Board meeting. .... F.The Zoning Administrator and/or DRB may require thesubmissionof additional plans. drawings,specifications,samoles and other material (including a model)if deemeo necessary todeterminewhethera project wi ll comply withdesign guidelines. mNOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS Photosor sketches that clearly indicate what is prooosed and the location (site plan) ofproposal may be submitted in lieu ofthe more formal requirements givenabove,as longastheyprovide all important specifications for theproposed including colors and materials tobe us~ti ..- ADDITIONS -RESIDENTIAL OR CO:·11·1ERCIAL A.Original floor planswith all specifications shown B.Floorplan for addition -2 copies C.Site plan 'showing existing and proposed construction -2 copiestopos D.Elevations of addition E.Photosof existing structure F.Specifications for all materials and color samples on materials list available at Depar~~ent of Community Development At the request ofthe Design Review Administrator you may also be required tosubmit: G.Statement from each utility verifying location of service and availability.See attached utility location verification form . .H.Site improvement survey,stamped by registered professional surveyor. 1.Preliminary title report,verifying owner shipof property and lists of easementS. I .FINAL SITE PLAN After a building permithasbeen issued.and when the project is underNay,the following will be required before any building receives aframing inspection from theBuilding Department:A certified improvement survey sho\'ling: A.Building locations with ties to property corners,i.e.distances and angles. B.Building dimensionsto nearest tenth of foot. C.All utility service lines as-bui1ts showing size of lines,typeof material used, and exact locations.2 copies D.Drainage as-builts.2 copies E.Basisof bearing to tie to section corner. F.All property pins are tobe either found or ·set and stated on map • G.Alleasements • H.~uilding floor elevations androof ridge elevations. •• Thef oll owi ng information is reauired for sub mitt~l byt he applicant to t heDesign Review Board before a final approval CJn be fiven: A.BUI lDI::G i·IATEIAlS:TYPE OF ~lA TE;::IA l COL OR Roof wPM 5hlbg)W!.j :b .M atd,~X'.5/1lo .. Sid ing ..-verfJw Wn4 5Jaf~f6 ~u,eXJ5T-1Y?j Other Wall Materials Fasci a Soff i ts Windcws Wi ndcw Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Ch i mn eys Tras h Enclosures - ... (bflWo.l)i-P ~~4'..sJ-2'~ " - ,. Greenho uses Other B.lANDSC API NG: ~J oW ('v-1lWh)1b ~~ ~In"~~+6 -------:~~+,,;t r'Df~ Name of Des i gner:'II\./..:..~.!..---: phone: PLA NT j·lATERIAlS:Botani ca 1 Na me PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO ___ BE REi·I OV ED Cammon Name Quan itv Si ze" *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indicate height for conifers. .(over) •... • -PLMlT :1ATER.IALS:Bot anical ~I ilme (can't) SHRUBS EX I STI ;~G SHRUBS TO BE RE i-lOVED Tvoe ~ GROU::O CCVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATIO~l Co:m:on ~:am e • Quani t o" I •• ..•...; ._...r'-:oJl-~...-"..-............ Si ze ...~ Souare F0 0raae TYPE OR ~'ET HOD OF _ EROSION CONTROL C.OTHER 'LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls,fences.swimming pools,etc.)Please specify. ,,• ---- tr'"!..~.£L +J-Vk-r _....,~)\,._ A ,,~-r jJ f~ vVt~'-"h(//Lr • '------------_.- rn h D L..~r}yML-1 Dt->--j /'-"""';'i'-,//-VM-~~)~~G ~~~~~C lL --(<-i2ila~/~ &J s :~/s LA _--~(~)L .~kC ~) 7 Vr~~~~J;~r ~~.u-x-;h h <II -9,J ~,W'__r --- ¥.o.-o?l<f<./r(r1-c1 '-'I'0 t,/?L rd~ r .'t •ra/J'/ ~A-3o J -c..H ~+-?v G''1CPA-: • /)/>.('V ::)"( )0;<~S-d IY x IV I( -r;=§~:;-7 I I ~ ')0 e...-- :2:r 3y-I-L .; (,'Z ..,?~:5,(fV~t.---/.J ...eo -~ ~---'~==--- ~-I-('//_~S(['t!L c>'.. 11ay ?i:1989 ,.1 .-" APPLICATION FO&~FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE II (CCII) VAIL L IONSHEAD I.This procedure required for a lteration of an existing bUilding which adds or removes any enclosed f loor area or outdoor patio or replace- ment of an existing bUilding shall be subject to review by the Plan- ning and Environme ntal Commis sion.' The application will not b ea ccepted un til all information is s ubm itted. PHONE 905-545-24-73 ,. ~NAME OF APPL ICAJ.'l T-I-l':k~e~r~Bel;;l.l.wa:U'J-:!Sut.<:p:.ygiLllJ...Li~gQl.Ll.L·t.....lu•a'--_ ADDRESS AV.lIoracia 1019 tlexic o DE 115S0 2.NAME OF APPLICANT I S REPRES E NTATIVE Br i lie,/5 tt II;I i ARchitects ADDRES '1-43 E.tleado'il Or.,Suite tJ-40 Vail.CO 81657 PHONE 303-476-3038 3 .NAM E OF OWN ER (p ri nt or type)ful'---&I>-pl....il;l+ll.:lls>-I.t..,P.y.glu.I1.l.\·g:>,-oLJi.....t..J.i<l.a _ S IGNATURE,_ ADDRESS AV.Horacia 1019 Mexico D 1=11550 PHONE 905-545-24-73 4 .LOCAT ION OF PROPOSAL 1':',,;::;..: ADDRESS :LiQAShead C€Hltre Blinding.Unit 305 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTIONr:Lo;-.tF"""""l5;-.~B~I7\"orctrt<-1t'",---11i-«3;tt-fF+i '1-1i1iImlg:rl'~ft'al1i-tl_f/tLTi661ft~S5-lR'ltC~aH:dl----.----- FEE $100.0 0 ,.".p AI D y'.2.,'7/%'7,.117J [L .!SJ':~7.~~~.(~.~..:'.~ .',.'.'.'.,..".,,j'.•:.'.• 6.I mpr ovement survey of property showing property line s and .location o f bui ld ing and a ny improvements on the land. 7.Al is t of the n ame of owner s of all property adjacent t o the subj ect prop ertyand their MAILING addresses. I I.Fou r(4 )c opi es o fa site plan c ontaining the fo llowi ng i nf ormat ion: 0.(. A.The sitep la n shall be drawn o na sheet size of 2 4"x36"at a scale of 1"=20';a va riation o f t he sh eet or scale may be ap- proved by the Community Development Depar t ment if j ustified; B.The d at e,north arrow ,scale and name of t he proposed d evelopment s hall be s hown on the site plan; • June 1,1989 briner/strain Planning and Environmental Commission architects Town of Vail Vail,Colorado 81657 143 f!rne adow dr vail,ector ace 8 160l 13031 476 3038 Dear Commission Members: • J y i'; Mr.and Mrs.Iker Belausteguigoitia wish to add -333 GRFA to their condominium unit in the Lionshead Centre Building as shown on the attached drawings.Presently Lionshead Centre Building has excess GRFA of 3,170.If this addition is approved excess GRFA for the entire building will be reduced to 2,837. Approximately 180 sq.ft.of the proposed addition will be provided by enclosing half the area of an existing exterior deck.The balance of the addition (153 GRFA)will be provided by building over an existing roof.(See Loft Level Floor Plan - Sheet A2,and Cross section 1/A3). As the photographs of the building exterior show,the existing deck can not be seen from grade level.Further when sitting on this deck views to the surrounding mountains are blocked by the high surrounding roofs.(See Partial East Elevation 2/A3). Finally the present design of the exterior deck causes it to fill with snow in the winter and there has been a history of leaks into the units below.Therefore the purpose of this exterior modification is to increase the useability of the present exterior deck. The proposed project includes the following elements: a.Addition of 333 GRFA to accommodate a sitting room off the existing master bedroom,a separate whirlpool room, additional closet space,and improved views of Vail Mountain to the south; b.Remodeling a closet in the existing master bath to accommodate a washer and dryer: c.Anew straight run of stair to replace the existing spiral stair so access to the loft level meets current building code requirements; d.Remodeling of the current main entry to the unit to enlarge the dining area. e.Addition of two skylights,one over the living room and one over the west bedroom.Each skylight will be approximately 13'-0"x 4'-6".Each skylight will be constructed of flat clear glass set in the plane of the existing roof on an 8" high curb.Curb and skylight frames will be stained to match the existing cedar shingle roof. As the elevations and exterior photographs show,impact to the building exterior will be very minimal.To further minimize any impact new exterior siding and stain colors will be specified to match those presently on the building. ,• Planning and Environmental Commission June 1,1989 Page 2 • Compliance with the Urban Design Considerations section of the Vail Lionshead Design Considerations: a.Height and Massing: Guidelines for height and massing address construction at grade and relation to pedestrian scale.Proposed exterior alterations are one story in height at building's fourth or "10ft'·level and will have no impact on pedestrian scale at grade. b.Roofs: Proposed roof is shed type with pitch identical to adjacent roofs of existing building.Roof surfacing will be built-up,gravel ballasted roofing to match adjacent roofs of existing building.Overhangs and fascia treatment will be identical with that found on adjacent roofs,so that addition will appear to be part of the original design of the building.The proposed roof1ine will be slightly lower than the adjacent roof, which runs the entire length of the building,to provide some variety in roof forms.Proposed roof overhands are 1'-3".Overall roof design will not increase snow slides onto pedestrian walks.Proposed gutters will be enclosed from below and heat-taped. Building a sloped roof over a portion of the existing exterior deck,which acts as a snow catcher,should reduce overall snow loads on the structure and reduce water infiltration which has been a problem in this location in the past. c.Facades -Walls/Structure: Wall surfacing will be vertical T&G siding stained to match existing siding on the building.Trim and window frames will be white to match existing trim and window frame colors. d.Facades -Transparency: These guidelines apply to street level commercial space rather than additions on the fourth floor. e.Decks &Patios: These guidelines apply to ground and second level decks and patios where such features might strengthen street activities.The deck we propose to reduce in size is on the fourth level where its existence does not impact street activities and where in fact it can not be seen f~om the street. f.Accent Elements: No accent elements are proposed as part of this project. g.Landscape Elements: Since the proposed addition is at the fourth level, this project has no impact on landscape e1emen ,,.• Planning and Environmental Commission June I,1989 Page 3 • In summary the proposed project will make only slight changes to Lionshead Centre building in a location hardly noticeable when standing at grade.Further the proposed height and massing, roof form and exterior materials are all designed to blend into the existing character of the building;to look like this addition was built as part of the original building.Therefore we believe this proposal complies with the Vail Lionshead Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations. Thank you in advance for your consideration of this project.We believe this project will be of considerable benefit not only to Mr.&Mrs.Iker but also to the entire condominium association. We hope you will see fit to grant approval. Sincerely, ~().JJ:- ~am es D.strain,R.A. Enclosures • PUBLICNOTICE • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental commission of the Town of Vail will hold a pUblic hearing in accordance with section 18.66.060 of the municipal code of the Town of Vail on July 24,1989 at 3:00 PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Bcilding. Consideration of: 1.A request for side and front setback variances in order to construct a garage and decks on Lot 4,Block E,Vail das Schone First Filing. Applicant:_Judith Nichols 2.A request to amend the development plan for the Talon at 1881 Lionsridge Loop,Lot 1,Blk 3,Lionsridge #3, and Lot 27,Blk 2,Lionsridge Subdivision #3 Applicant:Parkwood Realty Company 3.A request for a density variance,height variance, exterior alteration and parking variance and Special Development District zoning for the Enzian Lodge at 705 West Lionshead circle,Lot 1,Block 2,Vail Lionshead Third Filing. Applicant:Enzian Lodge 4.A request for an exterior alteration and a conditional use permit in order to enclose a deck in CCII at the Chart House Restaurant . Applicant:Chart House Restaurant 5.A request for an exterior alteration at the Lionshead Center Building for modifications to an existing condominium. Applicant:Iker Belansteguigoitia 6.A request for a height variance and an exterior alteration in order to construct an addition to the Gore Creek Plaza Building at 193 Gore Creek Drive. Applicant:Rodney and Beth Slifer Mad-e~-+0 cJ)j '".csvVlA-~ "11 (p (~'1 •• 7.A request for an exterior alteration in commercial Core II for siglu--a glass dome structure located in the Lionshead Mall. Applicant:Vail Associates 8.A request to amend Special Development District No. 19,Garden of the Gods. Applic~nt:Mrs.A.G.Hill The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection,in the zoning administrator's office during office hours. TOWN OFVAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Published in the Vail Trail on July 7,1989. •• LLQlJSHEA D_CE N 'l:RE~Bt:L.sUl1!1llBY -10 &Y I 'I'o-:/S-f1a.I ~-'L"'~'l-Ji"cc:»It , Proposed/lGRFA"ad diti o ns by Condo Unit: <......, un it 10 1 :J 'r 8 ~.;g .ft . Uni t 204 ]78 sq .f t. un it 30 4 3 '78 sq .ft . unit 2 07 23 0 s q .ft . Uni t 30 7 75 sq .~t . un it 2 08 50 '1 sq .ft . u n it '30 8 258 sq .ft . uni t 209 3 44 sq .ft . (Deck already enclose d) (Dec k already e nclos ed ) 333 ~Un j..t_~l 0.~.__....~_...J-<i-5 _~!L.f t,,-,.e..-_.(Dec k aJ,r.~~q...Q Y_Q.nc L9..~.Qcl J.. 2 r 89=.s q.f t .P ro p osed GFRA Additi ons 1:0 Date 3,17 0 sSl...Lt ,pre seDt Unused GFR}, 277 sq .f t .Unused GFRARema in i ng T :L 2..:f {J •• MA -r ~.'\Q-:}41_I '5 o ~~:::.I ::J .~NOr ~Dq :"3"t4-~--lS"o "/1 " I f 4q ~ ---~ 4"3v0 lM-bv--e.Me ~) I II "311° -q-1"Y ~tp~fM )J! 'WvtJ{~of ~:::'-p., ~. o tlay 22 ,19 89'ctf v_H<J-J "APP LIC2\TION FOIU1 F OR EXTERIOR AL TE RATI ON SOR MODIPICATI ONS I N COMM ERC IAL COREI I (C C II) VAI L L IONSHEA[) ..,, t.'·-' I .Th i s procedur e required for alterution o f an exis t in g bu ilding wh i ch ad ds o rr emoves Qny enc~osed floor ar ea or outdoor patio or rep lace - me n t of a n e xis ting bUi lding sha ll be s Ubject t o revi ew by t he Plan- ning a nd Envi ron me ntal Co =i ssio n. The app l icat ion will n ot b e accepted until al l information is s ubmittec 1 ~NAt-lE OFAP PL ICAJ.'l T _I_ke:O:Y'_[l~e~ll-ca1llc!S>.J.t..t:e~g.llIl-L;~Q 0l.Ll.l..'t",-lu'a"--_ AD DR ES S~-a€-'i o-l-01-9--l~O D F 1]S5D.PlIO NE90 5 -5 45-24 -7 3 2 .NN1E OF A?PL IC.i\.l\lT I S RE PRESENTAT IVE _Brine r /S ?\in---A RelTi-t-f'0 t S-S------- AD D R E S~_I4 ~~-[}h,-Su ite N-~O Va ;1 .CO 8 1657 PHO?'j E303 -4 76-3 038 3 .NAt-IE OF OWNER (pr int or type )_l~RI'-l}P-l.au-s..l.Jte....g,tJ.l .wd~glUo--'-;-l..tJ-,-,'a,,---_ SI GNATURE _ A DDRESS-AV-.--fl W'a G-W---l_019 Mexico 0 E 11550 P HONE90 5 -5 45 -24 -73 4 .LOCATIO NOF PROPOSAL (':'"..,::.': A DDRES S :Li 0 nshead Cen tre Bui,'WI d.L;UO.lj,QI-a,--I./U.lln-Li....t -'3""0"'-'5,_ LEGALDE S CRIPTIONLa l:5.13 Ibe k 1 ,13 t .F i 11 119 Va i1 /Li 0 ors,srl1Al€e-aaad--------- 5 .F EE $1 00.00 ,.. 6 .I mp r ov emen t survey o f property showing p ro pe rty line s and locat ion o fb ui ld ing and any improv ements on the l and. 7 .A list of t he nQme of owners of all property adjacen t to the s ubj e ct propertyand t heir r.JAI LING ad dres s e s. I I.Four (4)c op ies o f u site p l an conta ining the fo llow ing i nformat ion: 0.(. A.The s ite pl ans hal l be draHn o na sheet size of 24 "x 36"at a scal eo f 1"=2 0 ';a variation of the sh e et or s cale may be ap - proved b y t he Community Devel opm ent Depar tment if justifi ed; B .The d ate ,no::-th arrm"scale and na me of t he p ro p ose d deve lopme n t shall be s ho'NJ1 o n the s ite plan; brill8(/scott architects 143 emeadowd r Irdil.co lorado 81657 (303)476 ·3038 • Dec emb er 2,1986 Mr.Tom Brown c/o Town of Vai l Co mnu nity Devel opmen t Dep artnren t P.O .Box 100 Va i 1 ,Co lorado 8 1658 Re:Li onshea dCentre Bu il ding propos ed Dear Tom : • Fo ll ow ing are names andaddre sses of adjacent pr ope rty ownerst o th eLionshead Centre Bu ilding .Ibelieve t his complieswith re- quirementNo.7of t he App l ication for Exte r ior Altera tions .... in Comm erc ia l CoreII Vai l Lionsh ead s ubm i tted No vember 24.I f you should havea nyques ti onsplease g ive me aca ll . Yo urs tru ly, Tt'wI Th oma s A.Briner 1)Gond ola Bu il ding : 2)Li on sheadArcade : 3)Tract C: 4)Tra ct sB and D: 5 )Tre etops: 1/~\.-}2...( cc :Eus taquio Co rtina Vail Assoc iate s,Box 7 ,Vail 8165 8 Robe rt 1.a naDia ne J .l.a z i er Box 627 ,V ai l ~t§c::.58~__~_ Town of Vail,Box 100,Vail 81658 Vail Associa tes,Box 7,Vail 8165 8 Pierre La~326i.Sout hTama rac Dr ive #200 ,De nver 8023 1 •• LIONSHEADCENTREGRFA SUMMARY Proposed GRFA additions by Condo Unit: Unused GFRA Remaining Proposed GFRA Additi on s to Date Present Unused GFRA (Deck alr eady e nclosed) (D eck a lr eady enclose d) .~(Deck alAead y enclos edL unit 1 01 \378 sq.ft. Unit 204 \378 sq.ft .\ Un it 304 \3 78 sq.ft., " Unit 207 \.230 s q.ft. unit 307 7 5 sq .ft. Unit 208 507 s q.ft. " Unit 308 2 58 sq .'ft.-. unit 209 3 44 sq.ft.\ ,/ .Unit 305 i 345 s q<ft . 2 ,895 sq .ft . r 3 .170 sg.ft. i,277 sq .ft.j L •• LLQlJSHEA D_CE N 'l:RE~Bt:L.sUl1!1llBY -10 &Y I 'I'o-:/S-f1a.I ~-'L"'~'l-Ji"cc:»It , Proposed/lGRFA"ad diti o ns by Condo Unit: <......, un it 10 1 :J 'r 8 ~.;g .ft . Uni t 204 ]78 sq .f t. un it 30 4 3 '78 sq .ft . unit 2 07 23 0 s q .ft . Uni t 30 7 75 sq .~t . un it 2 08 50 '1 sq .ft . u n it '30 8 258 sq .ft . uni t 209 3 44 sq .ft . (Deck already enclose d) (Dec k already e nclos ed ) 333 ~Un j..t_~l 0.~.__....~_...J-<i-5 _~!L.f t,,-,.e..-_.(Dec k aJ,r.~~q...Q Y_Q.nc L9..~.Qcl J.. 2 r 89=.s q.f t .P ro p osed GFRA Additi ons 1:0 Date 3,17 0 sSl...Lt ,pre seDt Unused GFR}, 277 sq .f t .Unused GFRARema in i ng T :L 2..:f {J •• MA -r ~.'\Q-:}41_I '5 o ~~:::.I ::J .~NOr ~Dq :"3"t4-~--lS"o "/1 " I f 4q ~ ---~ 4"3v0 lM-bv--e.Me ~) I II "311° -q-1"Y ~tp~fM )J! 'WvtJ{~of ~:::'-p., ~. o tlay 22 ,19 89'ctf v_H<J-J "APP LIC2\TION FOIU1 F OR EXTERIOR AL TE RATI ON SOR MODIPICATI ONS I N COMM ERC IAL COREI I (C C II) VAI L L IONSHEA[) ..,, t.'·-' I .Th i s procedur e required for alterution o f an exis t in g bu ilding wh i ch ad ds o rr emoves Qny enc~osed floor ar ea or outdoor patio or rep lace - me n t of a n e xis ting bUi lding sha ll be s Ubject t o revi ew by t he Plan- ning a nd Envi ron me ntal Co =i ssio n. The app l icat ion will n ot b e accepted until al l information is s ubmittec 1 ~NAt-lE OFAP PL ICAJ.'l T _I_ke:O:Y'_[l~e~ll-ca1llc!S>.J.t..t:e~g.llIl-L;~Q 0l.Ll.l..'t",-lu'a"--_ AD DR ES S~-a€-'i o-l-01-9--l~O D F 1]S5D.PlIO NE90 5 -5 45-24 -7 3 2 .NN1E OF A?PL IC.i\.l\lT I S RE PRESENTAT IVE _Brine r /S ?\in---A RelTi-t-f'0 t S-S------- AD D R E S~_I4 ~~-[}h,-Su ite N-~O Va ;1 .CO 8 1657 PHO?'j E303 -4 76-3 038 3 .NAt-IE OF OWNER (pr int or type )_l~RI'-l}P-l.au-s..l.Jte....g,tJ.l .wd~glUo--'-;-l..tJ-,-,'a,,---_ SI GNATURE _ A DDRESS-AV-.--fl W'a G-W---l_019 Mexico 0 E 11550 P HONE90 5 -5 45 -24 -73 4 .LOCATIO NOF PROPOSAL (':'"..,::.': A DDRES S :Li 0 nshead Cen tre Bui,'WI d.L;UO.lj,QI-a,--I./U.lln-Li....t -'3""0"'-'5,_ LEGALDE S CRIPTIONLa l:5.13 Ibe k 1 ,13 t .F i 11 119 Va i1 /Li 0 ors,srl1Al€e-aaad--------- 5 .F EE $1 00.00 ,.. 6 .I mp r ov emen t survey o f property showing p ro pe rty line s and locat ion o fb ui ld ing and any improv ements on the l and. 7 .A list of t he nQme of owners of all property adjacen t to the s ubj e ct propertyand t heir r.JAI LING ad dres s e s. I I.Four (4)c op ies o f u site p l an conta ining the fo llow ing i nformat ion: 0.(. A.The s ite pl ans hal l be draHn o na sheet size of 24 "x 36"at a scal eo f 1"=2 0 ';a variation of the sh e et or s cale may be ap - proved b y t he Community Devel opm ent Depar tment if justifi ed; B .The d ate ,no::-th arrm"scale and na me of t he p ro p ose d deve lopme n t shall be s ho'NJ1 o n the s ite plan; brill8(/scott architects 143 emeadowd r Irdil.co lorado 81657 (303)476 ·3038 • Dec emb er 2,1986 Mr.Tom Brown c/o Town of Vai l Co mnu nity Devel opmen t Dep artnren t P.O .Box 100 Va i 1 ,Co lorado 8 1658 Re:Li onshea dCentre Bu il ding propos ed Dear Tom : • Fo ll ow ing are names andaddre sses of adjacent pr ope rty ownerst o th eLionshead Centre Bu ilding .Ibelieve t his complieswith re- quirementNo.7of t he App l ication for Exte r ior Altera tions .... in Comm erc ia l CoreII Vai l Lionsh ead s ubm i tted No vember 24.I f you should havea nyques ti onsplease g ive me aca ll . Yo urs tru ly, Tt'wI Th oma s A.Briner 1)Gond ola Bu il ding : 2)Li on sheadArcade : 3)Tract C: 4)Tra ct sB and D: 5 )Tre etops: 1/~\.-}2...( cc :Eus taquio Co rtina Vail Assoc iate s,Box 7 ,Vail 8165 8 Robe rt 1.a naDia ne J .l.a z i er Box 627 ,V ai l ~t§c::.58~__~_ Town of Vail,Box 100,Vail 81658 Vail Associa tes,Box 7,Vail 8165 8 Pierre La~326i.Sout hTama rac Dr ive #200 ,De nver 8023 1 •• LIONSHEADCENTREGRFA SUMMARY Proposed GRFA additions by Condo Unit: Unused GFRA Remaining Proposed GFRA Additi on s to Date Present Unused GFRA (Deck alr eady e nclosed) (D eck a lr eady enclose d) .~(Deck alAead y enclos edL unit 1 01 \378 sq.ft. Unit 204 \378 sq.ft .\ Un it 304 \3 78 sq.ft., " Unit 207 \.230 s q.ft. unit 307 7 5 sq .ft. Unit 208 507 s q.ft. " Unit 308 2 58 sq .'ft.-. unit 209 3 44 sq.ft.\ ,/ .Unit 305 i 345 s q<ft . 2 ,895 sq .ft . r 3 .170 sg.ft. i,277 sq .ft.j L •ProjectApplication • Date -'-_ Project N ame:_ Project D escription:-'-_~____'=__'___''_'__'___=__ Contact Person and Phone Owner,Addressa ndPh one :_ A rchitect ,A ddressand Phone: Legal Description :L ot _B lock Fili ng ,Z one _ C omments:----''-'--''--,.-_ Moti on by : Second ed by : f I J (,4 I r DesignReviewBoard J D ate _ APPRO VAL D ISAPPROVAL Summary :_ I Dat e : / T own Plan ner ///,r / D Sta ffA pproval lhe p,i"lery -Ya ll • • L AZIER COMMERCIAL PROPERTI ES P.O.BO X 13 25 Vail,CO 81658 TO:LionsHead Arcade Commercial Property Tenants The Board of Directors of the LionsHead Arcade Condominium Association met February 23,1985 and d iscussed the chage of exterior colors of the building as well as the commercial store front colors .Following are the results of that meeting . Th e building wi ll be stained this summer .We will give you sufficient notice to enable you to schedule you r store hours,r emove your awnings,an make other necessary arrangements for your business. T he colors whic h we re c hosen for comme rcia l s to re fronts are : These colors are to be used for awnings a nd window stops on ly.If you have any questions,please call 476-0906. Cordially, Kit Williams Lazier Commercial Properties ~LIST OF MATERIALS ... I ~A M E OF PROJECT :~UE ~P!:J,£:W?1O'"-1 l1"O Vo/Y~mc~ LEGAL DESCRIPTIO N:LOT BLOCK FILING STREET ADDRESS :?,0H S,1/;€.()O ------ DESCRIPTIO N OF PROJECT:~C1C fl;c.I£~c.....J/HbOi<L\ rzp ~E/a~sC ~Mepbe",a=: ~L/~H>'~.6lt!t"..q('?i?6?!'"L..p/NtS The followinginformation is required for submittal by the applicant tothe Design Review Board beforea final approval canbe fiven: A.BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim, Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chi mneys Trash Enclosu res Greenhouses Other TYPE OF MATERIAL ~/h'b~~ H/4 /0<-""c:?..&CJY ~.mS P;rt),co 1Y/4 -.Y7~&/.c:-rr $"!~Z'£fD ~Q L$B..pY kV/H?QY''s ..5n'...t.6 L:C¥1~.s \~erne COLOR B.LANDSCAPING:Name of Design er: phone : PLANT MATERIALS:Botanical Name PROPOSED TREES EXISTI NG TREES TO ___ BE REMOVED Common Name Quanity Size* *Indicate caliper fordeciducious trees.Indicate height for conifers. (over) • PLANT MATERIALS:Botanical Name (con 't) SHR UBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROU ND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION Common Na me • Quanity Size Square Footage TYPE OR METHOD OFEROSIONCONTROL ------------------- C.OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls,fences,swimming pools,etc.)Please specify. , ~~(~'--'.S t<.4()~ o Lv?-",.,:J•APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF DRB MEETIi~G:.SePTif?trJt¥=e Z/8b 7 DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I.PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meetingwithaplanning staff member is strongly suggestedto determine if any additional information isneeded.No application will be accepted unless it iscomplete (must include all items required by thezoning administrator). It isthe applicant's responsibility to make anappointmentwiththe staff tofind outabout additional submittal requirements.Please note that a COMPLETE applica- tion will streamline theapprovalprocess for your project by decreasing the number of conditions ofapproval that the DRB may stipulate.ALL conditions ofapproval must be resolved beforea building permitis issued. ,4 00//-..10 FouQ .o..60L-$~ Tt:Je WesT ,F'IP:S;T ~ A.PROJ ECT DES CRI PTI 0N:-"-':.=.=::....<...:..--'-=~--':-'=-=_'="O'.=.::..--=""'-L_-'-'-~'--_ ("UI"-Ia:x.{Oo)S VO B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address L/OVS~~..o~ Legal Description Lot Block Fili ng _ Zoning _ E.NAME OF OWNERS: C.NAME OF APPLI CANT:-=&;t3==--:=::C8.=-'~=='?:.!../._'='.6fG=='_____ Address 3~.E.,6/Ah".5£..,;Iy'~c#A"'J.On telephone .¢-70 -5&"o D.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE:~~~.~~~~~ Address ,/:O .&::¥-.-z.&~£»1&.?D.&658 telephone 9'7'9 -5 t:!>S-, -BoB G-/ht:,/~ Signature ----==.;.0:::::=f.-P==..:::::...=..-~-----L!::.=_7L--=:.:.-;::...-------- eo..,BQ,.C.Vo (0 F.DRB FEE :The fee will bepaid at thetimea build ing permit is requested. VALUATION FEE.;......;....;......;...- $o-$10,000 $10.00 $10,001 -$50,000 $25.00 $50,001 -$150,000 $50.00 $150,001 -$.500,000 $100.00 $500,001 -$1,000,000 $200.00 $Over $1,000,000 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIO NS TO THE DRB: 1.In addition tomeeting submittal requirements,the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners.Trees that will be removed should also be marked.This work must be completed beforethe DRB visits the si te. 2.The reviewprocess for NEWBUILDI NGS will normally involve two separate meetings ofthe Design Review Board,soplan on at least two meetings for their approval. 3.People who fail toappearbeforethe Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have notasked for a postponement will be required tobe republished. •• 4.The following items no longer have tobe presentedtothe Design Review Bo ard. They,however,have t obe presented tot he Zoning Ad min istrato r fo r approval: a.Windows,skylights and si milar exterior changes that do not alter the existing planeofthe building;and b.Building additions that are not viewed from any other lot or publicspace, which have had letters submitted from adjoining property owners approving the addition;and/or approval from theagent for,or manager ofa condominium association. 5.You may be required toconductNatural Hazard Studies onyour property .You should checkwitha TownPlanner before proceeding. 75 south frontage road vail,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 (303)479-2139 June 7,1989 David Levi P.O.Box 789 Vail,Colorado 81658 Dear Dave, • officeof community development This letter is in regards to the common corridor leading to the newly remodeled Davis Deli,as per our conversation about the condition of the corridor in reference to the barn wood and corbels that need to be removed to bring that corridor in compliance with the 1985 Uniform Building Code,Section 3306.This section requires that all corridors for this type of occupancy are required to be of one hour fire rated construction and a class one smoke and flame spread.The current barn wood and head obstructions that exist in this corridor must be removed and a one hour fire rating achieved. Iam aware that this corridor is a common area that would require condominium association approval.The Town of Vail will require a letter from the association approving these changes.Whether or not the association helps monetarily with this upgrade,the upgrade must be done regardless and is tied to the final occupancy approval for the deli. If you or anyone from the association has any further questions regarding this item,please do not hesitate to contact me at my office at 479-2138.I thank you in advance for your cooperation. sincer~)y-,.---=.~ GaryZrain Chief Building Official TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Plann~and Environmental commiJiton community Development Department June 27,1988 A request for an exterior alteration in order to construct an addition to the Lionshead Center Building Applicant:Lionshead Center Condominium Association At the PEC meeting of June 13,1988,the Lionshead Center Building proposal was tabled in order to allow the applicant to resolve the issue of appropriate landscaping at the west end of the building.The applicant has submitted to the staff a revised landscaping plan for our review and comment.The building has been pulled back five feet at the west end,no longer encroaching into the required setback.In summary,the plan involves adding four 20'-25'cottonwood trees,two of which would be in the pUblic area of the mall,two of which would directly buffer the west end of the building.In addition to these two cottonwood trees,there would be a planter stepped down along the staircase of the western end of the building that would contain aspen and juniper ground cover. On the other side of the staircase,toward the Gondola Building,the planter has been redesigned in a less ·formal manner and includes a mix of aspen and spruce trees. The landscape proposal for the sculpture area at the east mall entry has been amended to the point where the only change proposed in that area is the addition of spruce trees to the existing landscaping behind the wall area. In the initial staff review of this proposal,staff made comments and suggestions.We believe that the original proposal for redevelopment of the sculpture area at the east entry was a good design,and a positive contribution to that area.We feel that we should maintain the original proposal that included a slight relocation of the sculpture and the adding of a grassy area. At the west elevation of the building,we feel that the fact that the building has been pulled back five feet,no longer requiring a setback variance,and the addition of the landscape elements do present an appropriate buffer.We feel the design is more compatible with the Urban Design Guide Plan suggestions for the west end of this building.We do have minor location and species suggestions:We feel that some evergreen could be introduced along the face of the building,but agree that that level of detail is more of a Design Review Board issue than a Planning Commission issue.Therefore,we support the changes proposed by the applicant. •• January 75 south frontage road vail ,colorado 81657 ~~3)41'lj tpgo,officeofcommunitydevelopment Mr.Eustaquio cortina Lionshead Centre Condo Ass. c/o Vail Home Rentals 143 East Meadow Drive #365 Vail,Colorado 81657 Re:Lionshead Centre Expansion Dear Eustaquio: On Thursday of last week,the community Development staff met on site and reviewed the latest site planning proposal for t he Lionshead Centre expansion.Our general response to your proposed program was positive.We felt that the additional planting and landscaping areas contribute to the plaza and reduce the impact of the loss of the landscaped area at the western end of the Lionshead Centre building.Upon completion of detailed building elevations,we would like to meet with your architect on site to discuss a few possible refinements to the site planning and elevations. Following this discussion,I believe we will be ready to start the formal review process.We will continue to keep you informed as to submission requirements and scheduling detai ls. I look forward to cont inuing working with you on this pro jec t. Sincerel~~-eLL 111.; Rick Pylman Town Planner RP:br cc:Gary Swetish •• Planning and Environmental Commission June 27,1988 PRESENT Diana Donovan Pam Hopkins sid Schultz Jim Viele MEMBERS ABSENT Bryan Hobbs Peggy Osterfoss Grant Riva STAFFPRESENT Tom Braun Kristan Pritz Rick Pylman Larry Eskwith Betsy Rosolack The meeting was called to order by Jim Viele,chairman. 1.Approval of minutes of June 13. seconded to approve the minutes. Diana moved and Pam Vote was 4-0 in favor. 2.A re '10~alteration and a setback variance in order 0 consruct an addition to the Buildin j A licant:Li shead Ce er Condo Association !.'-'~ Rick Pylman explairied~proposal.He explained that the building had been pulled back,and that now there was no need for a setback variance,merely an exterior alteration.Rick showed the revised site plans and landscape plans.He added that the applicant had also changed the design at the Skiers Sculpture,but that the staff preferred the original design. The new proposal showed only the addition of trees in this area. Tom Briner,representing the applicant,showed a sketch of the west end of the building with changes.Pam Hopkins expressed appreciation for the changes made to the building.sid felt that the applicant had addressed all of his concerns.Diana Donovan wanted to pass along to the ORB her feeling that most of the trees should be evergreens,or else if not,that Christmas lights be placed in the trees in the winter.Jim Viele agreed with Diana.He also added that he felt the plan represented a significant improvement. Rick asked the board how they felt about the design at the Skiers Sculpture.They seemed to feel that just the addition of the trees was O.K.Diana suggested encouraging the ORB to soften the area with the addition of grass. Diana moved to approve the request for an exterior alteration per the staff memo with the direction to ORB to request evergreens or lights and to soften the area around the Skiers Sculpture.The motion was seconded by Pam and the vote was 4-0 in favor. •• 3.A request for a side setback variance in order to construct an addition to a duplex located at Lot 2,Gore Creek Meadows,Filing 1. Applicant:Firooz E.Zadeh Kristan Pritz presented the request.The staff recommendation was for approval,as it was felt it was not a grant of special privilege.A similar type of variance was granted the owner of the other side of the duplex. Diana moved and Pam seconded to approve the setback variance per the staff memo and the finding concerning strict interpretation.The vote was 4-0 in favor. 4.A request for a side setback variance,a parking variance and for a density variance in order to construct an addition to the Tivoli Lodge located on Lot E,Block 2, Vail Village 5th Filing. Applicant:Robert Lazier Tom Braun explained the requests and showed site plans and elevations.He reviewed the criteria,explaining the inter- relatedness of the requests.Torn then discussed the criteria and findings,the related policies to the Comprehensive Plan, and the concern about valet parking.He explained that the staff was concerned about the proposal for many reasons.They felt that the mass could be reduced,thereby minimizing impacts on adjacent properties and the pUblic walk way.Another concern was the interim and permanent parking solution.Torn stated that the Action Plan recommended a "small infill"in this area.It was felt that the level of development proposed and the number of variances involved outweighed the benefits, and the staff recommended denial of the requests. Jay Peterson,representing the applicant,stated that the plan envisioned by the Master Plan proposed parking on the P-2 Lot and Jay felt that these spaces were actually on site,as they were owned by the Tivoli.He mentioned that the applicant could have requested an SOD,but without the SOD,many variances were needed.Jay stated that the purpose of the proposal was to up-grade the family-owned lodge.He stated that one purpose of the Action Plan was to increase the number of accommodation units.He felt that the Town needed to encourage proposals that added more hotel rooms.He disagreed with the staff.Jay added that the parking demand was simply not there.He also added that the view impacted was not sacred.Jay felt that the proposal modified views,but did not eliminated them. Jay discussed the pedestrian way,stating that he felt the resulting enclosure of the path was pleasing.He pointed out that the Master Plan indicated 2-1/2 stories along Hanson Ranch r :-•D.November 24,1986 APPLICATION FORM FOR EXTERIORALTERATIONSOR MODIFICATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE II (CCII) VAIL LIONSHEAD I.This procedure required for alteration of an existing building which adds or removes any enclosed floor area or outdoor patio or replace- ment of an existing bUilding shall be subject to review by the Plan- ning and Environmental Commission. The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. 1 ~NAME OFAPPLICANT Vai 1 Lionshead Cent re Condominium Assoc ia tion ADDRESS 520 E.Lionshead Circle PHONE 476-3651 2.NAME OFAPPLICANT I SREPRESENTATIVE Eustaquio Cortina ---~-------------- ADDRESS 520 E.Lionshead Circle PHONE 476-3651 PHONE 476-3651 Lionshead Centre Condo minium Association SIGNATURE -+~~,;£--------------------- ADDRESS 520 E.Lionsh 3.NAME OF OWNE R 4.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ;'..~::.' ADDRESS:Vail Lionshe ad Centre Building LEGAL DESCRIPTION ---,._ 5.FEE $100.00 ,...'(I,••••j ·..,l.':'"· ..'.~.~.:",~ 6.Improvement survey of property showing property lines and .location of building and any improvements on the land. 7.A list of the name of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property and their MAILING addresses. II.Four (4)copies of a site plan containing the following information: A.The site plan shall be drawn on a sheet size of 24"x36"at a scale of 1"=20';a variation of the sheet or scale may be ap- proved by the Community Development Department if justified; B.The date,north arrow,scale and name of the proposed development shall be shown on the site plan; cell••topographic character of the site including existing contours.This condition will only be r equired for area where there is a change of two feet of grade; The existing and proposed an expansion C." D.The location and size of all existing and proposed buildings, structures and improvements; E.The existing and proposed landscaping patio additions or deletions. III.The applicant shall submit in written and graphic form,a preponder- ance of evidence before the Planning and Environmental Commission that the proposal is in conformance with the purposes of the CCII District and that the proposal substantially complies with the Vail Lionshead Urban Design Guide Plan. A.If the applicant is proposing a major change to the Vail Lionshead Urban Design Guide Plan,the procedures for change are noted in Section 18.24.220 (B). IV.The applicant must also submit written and graphic supporting mater- ials that the proposal substantially complies with the following Urban Design Considerations section of the Vail Lionshead Design Considerations. A.Height and Massing B.Roofs C.Facades -Walls/Structure D.Facades -Transparency E.Decks and Patios F.Accent Elements G.Landscape Elements Many of the above items should be addressed in some graphic means using such tools as sketches,simulations,models (including neigh- boring buildings),photos,etc. ./:.1:.1.l -.i ",•"/;I ;)..:...'",'.'....'(.. V.The Town of Vail zoning Code for CCII also describes other zoning issues that the applicant must respond to in written or graphic form. VI.Applications for exterior alterations or modifications in CCII can be received up to July 31,1980.After that date,the time frames noted in Section 18.24.06S-A-S apply. ••COST &PRACTICALITY OFPLANTINGSFORLIONSHEAD MALL RE:PHONE CONVERSATION WITHPAUL HARRINGTON 6/8/88 ========================================================================== EVERGREEN TREES: Blue Spruce,Austrian Pine,Ponderosa,Lodgepole Size: Up to 5"caliper &12 ft.to 18 ft.high readily available. 6"to 7"caliper &20 ft.to 22 ft.high more difficult to find, probably most available as Lodgepole. Cost per tree (installation &1 year guarantee): Up to 5"caliper &12 ft.to 18 ft.high $1,200.00 -$1,800.00. 6"to 7"caliper &20 ft.to 22 ft.high $2,200.00 -$2,500 .00. plus cost of mechanical spade at $120.00 per hour. DECIDUOUS TREES: Cottonwoods Size: 5"caliper to 8"caliper &18 ft.to 25 ft.high readily available. Cost per tree (installation &1 year guarantee): Up to 5"caliper &18 ft.high $750.00. 6"to 8"caliper &22 ft.to 25 ft.high $800.00 plus cost of mechanical spade at $120.00 per hour. Aspen Size: Up to 5"caliper &14 ft.to 18 ft.high readily available. 6"to 7"caliper &22 ft.to 24 ft.high more difficult to find. In this size range usually can only get in mUltiple trunks. Cost per tree (installation &1 year guarantee): Up to 5"caliper &14 ft.to 18 ft.high $750.00. 6"to 7"caliper &22 ft.to 24 ft.high $800.00 PlY.§.cost of mechanical spade at $120.00 per hour. NOTES: 1.Tree installation for trees above 5"caliper requires use and access for a mechanical spade of from 84"wide to 98"wide. 2.Mechanical spade operators can often locate trees in the larger sizes. 3.Installation of trees 5"caliper and below can be balled & burlaped and installed by hand with the assistance of a small tractor. 4.Size of existing trees that can be successfully transplanted depends upon the species of tree,its condition and the condition of the soil.It the soil is sandy a mechanical spade will have to be used even for smaller sizes.Transplanting sizes up to 9" caliper is possible but anything over 5"caliper will have to be transplanted with a mechanical spade.Transplanting existing trees will not be guaranteed. J ; • • lI\ /"'0 r»; - 0 rt1 tJ \'J V \I- in I ). 0 :::- 0 T •- ....' r \ " - "* ...... f , - , ~I o • • ••• ---' bmerscott architects 143 e.meadow dr. vail.colorado81657 (303)476 -3038 • May 12,1988 Mr.Rick Py1man Town Planner Town ofVail 75 S.Frontage Rd. Vail,Co.81657 Dear Ri ck: Enclosed please find our written description of this project's compliance withtheVail Lionshead Urban Design Guide PlanandtheVail Lionshead Urban Design Considerations. Please note that I have calculated the increase in GRFA (we remain below theallowed maximum). Our current proposalhasaddressedthe Staff concernsas spelled outinthe memo tothePlanning and Environmental Commission datedFebruary23,1987: 1.The present scheme eliminates the fixed canopy overhang ofthe property line thus maintaining suitable width for the Fire and Public Works Depart- ments. 2.Although the proposed expansiondoes eliminate landscaping at the N.W. corner of site,it is proposedto add trees and planters at 5 other locations inthe Mall for a substantial increase in landscaping. Regarding building set backstheproposednorth and southexpansion would extendtothe property line -as recommended by the Urban Design Guide Plan. Proposed expansiontothewest would encrouch5'into the10'required set back,thus requiring a set back variance.As discussed in earlier memo's we view the existing westfacade treatment asa lost opportunity toadd visual vigor to this important end totheMall.To draw peopleand attention aroundthe corner we believe it necessary and reasonable to wrap theproposed expansionaroundthewest side.Ratherthan have this added feature occur only at tbe ground level we are recommending window andbalcony additions to the residential condominiums at the second and third levels. I believe you andyour staff are aware ofthe various parties involvedwith the Lionshead Centre Building.The past few months have leadtoadesign which it is my understanding will meet with approvalof these various parties. I hope you and your staff will beabletolendyour support to what we believe will De a project very much inthe spirit of what was intended by the authors of Lionshead Urban Design Guide Plan, If you have any questions please give me a call. Yours truly, T~A~ Thomas A.Briner Enclosure •• 143e.meadowdr. vail,co lorado 81657 (303)476 ·3038 COMPLIANCE WITH VAIL LIONSHEAD URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN briner/scott architects Lionshead CentreBuilding PlanningStudy11-24-86 The Design Guide Plan recommends expansionofthe existing retail (Mall)level out into theMall. Also,the Guide Plan points outthe opportunity for retail expansion on thesouth side oftheLionsheadCentre Building. The proposedexpansionofthe current scheme would occurtothenorth ofthe existing east wing tothe property line -approximately 14 feet. This would beahigh,one story addition with possibly asecond level (office)above withaccess from existing stair.It is considered that suchanexpansion would providea strong form at the entrance tothe Ma 11 and could offer "strong architectural character"at the pedestri an level.(Vail Lionshead Design Considerations -1980). Expansion of present retail inthe east wing would bewesttothefaceof thesecond and third floors above -approximately five feet.Retail activity adjacent thesouth side ofthe Mall would expand northward approximately 13 feet.Thisfacade would be broken at store entrances and at two locations reflecting entrances into the building lobby and aproposed restaurant. Projecting an additional 4 feet to5 feet from thefacade is aproposed translucent canopy -"creating pedestrian focus and (to)divert attention from upper building heights and 'canyon'effect"(Vail Lionshead Design Considerations -1980). In order toprovidea stronger architectural edge and promote more pedestrian activity,expansion is beingproposedto the west,varying from 28 feet to 14 feet from the existing westfaceofthe building. Expansion at this point would include two stepped levels above retail with windows and architectural projections offering visual relief tothe present blank end ofthe building.Thisconcept incorporates a "monumental" stair system that would tie into the existing ramp/maze areasouthofthe gondola ramp.This stair would providea direction aswellasaccess down toalower terrace adjacent entrances into an expanded Childrens' CenterforVail Associates.Above is proposed restaurant expansionto include a smaller deckthan present,butone strategically located to view the skiing activity and that woul :d be greatly more accessible and visible. In summary the Owners believe theproposed additions are incompliance with,and helpto reinforce,thedesign considerations established within theVail Lionshead Urban Design Guide Plan.However no work is to be done without theapprovalofthe Lionshead Centre Condominium Association at its annualmeeting December 29,1986. •• TO:Planning and Environmental Commission FROM:Community Development Department DATE:February 23,1987 SUBJECT:Work Session on the Lionshead Center Building This work session has been scheduled to allow the applicant an opportunity to informally present design plans prior to formal review by the Planning Commission .While a decision will not be made on this proposal at this review,both applicant and staff are desirous of hearing comments from the Planning Commission on this proposal. L BACKGROUND OF THIS PROPOSAL The Vail Lionshead Urban Design Guide Plan sub-area concepts #11 and #12,both refer to redevelopment and expansion of the Lionshead Center Building.These sub-area concepts refer to commercial expansion on both the north and south sides of the Lionshead Center Building.They provide for the opportunity of expansion of building,arcades,awnings,etc.to improve the scale,shelter and appearance of the facade.The majority of this proposal relates very well to the sub-area concepts outlined in the Urban Design Guide Plan.The proposal,however,also includes building expansion to the west.The proposed design for this area consists of the removal of a substantial landscaped area and includes redesign of pedestrian circulation patterns in this area between the Lionshead Center Building and the Gondola. SUMMARY OFSTAFF CONCERNS 1.The one story commercial expansion proposed on the north side of the building is basically in concert with that concept expressed in the Urban Design Guide Plan.The degree of this expansion,however,has raised some staff concerns.The building footprint will extend to within approximately one foot from the property line.The facade proposal includes a fixed rigid canopy system running the length of the mall frontage and encroaches approximately four feet over the property line.This creates a width of only 16 feet from canopy to the planter and staircase of the Lazier Building to the north.This design does not include the relocation of the existing street lighting located currently on the Lionshead Center property.This distance of 16 feet is below the required operational widths of the Fire and Public Wo rks departments. 2.Expansion to the west of the existing building eliminates a large area of landscaping.Staff believes that this is probably the largest mature landscaped area within the entire •• Lionshed Mall and feel some effort should be made to preserve and maintain this landscaping.It should also be noted that the CCII zone district has the requirement of 10 foot setbacks,unless otherwise specified in the Urban Design Guide Plan.While the Guide Plan specifies the northern and southern expansions,the expansion to the west is not specifically called out in the Guide Plan,and therefore will necessitate approval of a setback variance. CONCLUSION While the staff is riot in a position to make a recommendation on this project at this point in the review process,we will state that,although the project generally meets the intent of the Urban Design Guide Plan,we are concerned with a number of specific issues and feel that this work session will be a positive climate in which to discuss some of these concerns. • 75 south f rontage road vail ,colorado 81657 (303)476 -7000 December 22,1987 • office 01 community development Mr.Eustaquio cortina Lionshead Center Condominium Association vail,Colorado 816 57 Re:Lionshead Center Building Dear Eustaqu io: With respect to the Lionhshead Center redevelopment proposal as presented to us,the Community Development Department concerns remain essentiall y as they were related to you in o ur co rres - pondence in June of this year.The foremost issue that we have with the project is the impact of development of the northwest portion of the site.The area between Lionshead Center and the Gondola Building is a very important gateway between Lionshead and Vail Mountain.We feel the design of this area should reinforce the interaction of Lionshead and the mounta in.We believe that the building mass on the northwest po rtion of the site negatively impacts this area.We feel that the existing landscaping serves as an effective buffer in this transition area,especially as compared to the ornamental landscap ing found throughout the mall. since June of this year,the community Development Department has attempted to work with the proposed design.We have tried to suggest amendments and alternatives that may mitigate some of our concerns.The proposal most recently s ubmitted to us,a Briner Scott site plan dated 12/10/87,does not present an acceptable solution to us.We feel that this planter expansion and landscaping addition does not serve as an adequate design solution.We feel that this does not address the impacts of the building expansion to this plaza area adequately. •• We are,of course,interested and available to work with you in an attempt to continue to resolve the concerns related to this project.Our position at the moment,however,remains as stated.If you have any questions,please feel free to contact me at 476-7000. Since~:~L---J Rick Pylman Town Planner ,•• TO:Planning and Environmental Commission FROM:Community Development Department DATE:June 13,1988 SUBJECT:A request for an exterior alteration in order to construct an addition to the Lionshead Center Building. Applicant:Lionshead Center Condominium Association I.DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED REQUEST The Lionshead Center Condominium Association is proposing exterior alterations to the Lionshead Center Building located at the east entrance to the Lionshead Mall.The request entails a one-story retail expansion along the north elevation of the Lionshead Center Building that then wraps around the northwest corner of the building and includes a portion of the west elevation.Above the retail expansion on the west elevation is a one-and-a-half story residential expansion of approximately nine-hundred square feet.This expansion in conjunction with a small enlargement of the manager's unit on the Mall level creates a total residential GRFA increase of 1,152 square feet but no additional units. On the south elevation of the building,the application proposes a partial enclosure of the existing deck for restaurant and retail expansion.The amount of deck to be enclosed for restaurant expansion is approximately 2,000 square feet,leaving approximately 1,700 square feet of deck still open on the south elevation of the project. Below the deck on the south elevation will be a fourteen- foot building expansion that will house the Vail Associates Lionshead Children's Center operations.This fourteen-foot building expansion runs approximately 90 feet along the southern elevation of the building starting at the southwestern corner. The commercial Core II zone district requires 10-foot setbacks from property lines.This required setback may be waived if there are improvements that are shown in the Urban Design Guideplan.The Urban Design Guideplan for the Lionshead Center Building does recognize the retail expansion on the north elevation.This proposal will require a setback variance because of the five-foot encroachment of the western elevation into this required 10-foot setback.The setback variance will be addressed in a separate accompanying memorandum. •• The proposed building expansion to the west elevation of the building will require removal of a large area of mature landscaping.The applicant has proposed several planter additions to the pUblic areas of Lionshead Mall, as well as a significant improvement to the sculpture at the east mall entry,as mitigation for the removal of the existing landscape. II.COMPLIANCE FORTHE URBAN DESIGNGUIDEPLANFORLIONSHEAD This proposal relates directly to Sub-Area Concepts No. 11 and No.12 of the Vail/Lionshead Urban Design Guideplan.The plan refers to the first-floor retail expansion on the s~~~~tevation and also presents the opportunity for a ~l deck enclosure and expansion on the north elevation of the building. The following two paragraphs are the description of Sub- Area No.11 and No.12 taken directly from the Urban Design Guideplan. No.11: No.12: "Commercial expansion (one-story)to increase pedestrian emphasis,scale of Mall,and improve shades on facades and accessibility." "Opportunity exists for expansion of buildings, arcades,awnings,etc.to improve scale, shelter,and appearance of commercial facades." The proposal on the southern and northern elevations relates very well to the Vail/Lionshead Urban Design Guideplan.We feel that these expansion will be positive contributions to the Mall and from an urban design viewpoint will contribute to the vitality and pedestrianization of Lionshead.The improvements proposed to the western elevation of the Lionshead Center Building are not detailed in the Urban Design Guideplan.These improvements will necessitate the removal of a large area of mature landscaping,which is of considerable concern to the staff. III.COMPLIANCE WITH URBAN DESIGNCONSIDERATIONSFOR VAIL/LIONSHEAD The purpose of the comparison between the proposal and the considerations is to show how the new design strengthens or distracts from the overall intent of the Design Considerations. •• Height and Massing The Urban Design Guideplan's architectural guidelines recommends that building expansions be limited to one- story unless a two-story addition is specifically called out in the Guideplan.with respect to the proposed areas of expansion,the south and north elevations certainly address the concepts discussed in the guidelines.The west elevation,two-and-a-half story addition,does create massing concerns.The current building location,in concert with the existing landscaping,provide a buffered yet open view and transition area from the Mall to the Mountain.The loss of the bUffering landscape area and the addition of the massing on the western end of the building narrow this area considerably,particUlarly as approached from the east mall entry. Urban Design Considerations A great deal of this proposed expansion has nothing but positive impacts with regard to urban design considerations to the Lionshead Mall.Treatment of the west elevation has raised some serious urban design issues with the staff.Expansion of the western end of the Lionshead Center Building eliminates a large,mature landscape area that serves to reinforce the transition from the hardscape of the Mall's plaza to the Vail Mountain environment.We feel that this existing landscaping is an important feature in this area of the Mall and we are very uncomfortable with its proposed treatment.The design of the building in this area, stepping back several times around the corner,reflects the concept of this area between the building and the Gondola as a major gateway into,and out of,the Mall. While we encourage the stepping concept,the staff feels that the degree of encroachment of the current proposal is still too great. Roofs Roof elements proposed in the one-story element expansion, as well as the deck enclosure in back,consist of a 3.5 to 12 pitch.We feel that the roof pitch and the roof connection to the existing building are well-designed architecturally and are in compliance with the guideline as outlined. Facades-Walls/structures The guidelines for facades and walls includes concrete, glass,metal,stucco and wood as the primary materials to be utilized in Lionshead.The applicant is proposing to •• utilize concrete,glass,metal and tile as predominant materials.We feel that these materials meet the guidelines,yet should be reviewed by the Design Review Board as a final determination for the architectural compliance.The retail displays highlighted by a large expanse of window is again encouraged through the design guidelines. Decks and Patios This proposal involves Sub-Area Concept No.12,which encourages a partial enclosure of the existing deck on the north elevation of the Lionshead Center Building.It also encourages continuation of utilization of a part of that deck because of its ideal exposure to the mountain.The staff is comfortable with this proposal and the ratio of enclosure of the outdoor deck.We feel that the outdoor deck on the corner provides vitality in its exposure to passing pedestrians on the west,as well as tremendous exposure to the mountain on the south.The staff is comfortable with the amount of enclosure on the eastern end of the deck. Accent Elements These elements are best addressed at the Design Review Board level. Landscape Elements There are a number of landscape elements proposed for this application.The first and foremost consideration in the mind of the staff is the elimination of the mature landscaping at the west end of the Lionshead Center Building.We feel that this landscaping provides an important buffer to the building,it helps indicate the transition area from the Mall to the mountain,and,as the largest and most mature landscaping within the Mall,is an important feature to maintain.The proposal,while indicating the removal of this landscaping,does include several landscape elements that will be added to the Lionshead Mall area.At the west end of the Lionshead Center Building,just west of the staircase,the existing landscaping will be recontured into three planters that step down.Current landscape plans shows approximately thirty trees located within these three planters.The proposal also includes an expansion of the planter just north of the VA ticket office.Two new planters between the Lionshead Center Building and the existing planter north of the ticket Office,additional landscaping to be added to the existing planters just north of the north elevation of the Lionshead Center Building,and major upgrading of the landscape and plaza area immediately •• surrounding the skier sculpture at the east entrance of the Lionshead Mall.While staff is supportive of these improvements,with minor amendments as suggested by the Public Works Dept.,with exception to the sculpture landscape improvements,they are fairly minor amendments to the Mall. IV.ZONING CONSIDERATIONS There are two zoning considerations relative to this application .Number one is the encroachment to the 10- foot required setback at the west end of the building. This encroachment is addressed in a separate memorandum and is accompanying this proposal.The second zoning consideration which is relative to this proposal is with respect to parking.Additional parking demand created by the retail and residential expansions will be assessed and levied based on square footage added as outlined in the zoning code .Total figures for the level of expansion will be determined and resolved by the applicant prior to issuance of any building permit for new construction. I VSTAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff is generally supportive of the proposed redevelopment.We recognize that the existing Lionshead Center Building leaves much to be desired in an architectural and urban design context .The retail expansions in both the north and south elevations are positive contributions to the Lionshead area.The landscape improvements proposed by the applicant are also positive improvements to the Lionshead area. The landscape improvements do not,however,resolve our concerns with the treatment of the west elevation.We feel that the existing landscaping provides a better urban design solution to that portion of the Lionshead Mall than the proposed architectural features of the two-and-a-half story addition.While the improvements made to the existing landscaping in the Mall are positive,we feel they do not mitigate the loss of the landscaping at the west end of the Lionshead Center Building. The Community Development Department must recommend denial of this project as it is proposed.We feel that a better solution must be reached for the west elevation of this building before we can support this redevelopment. ....• 75 south frontage road vail,colorado 81657 (303)476-7000 June 25,1987 Tom Briner Briner-scott Architects i43 East Meadow Drive Vail,Colorado 81657 RE:Lionshead Centre Building Dear Tom, • office01 community development This is a summary of comments and concerns raised during the latest Community Development Department review of the Lionshead Centre proposal. The foremost issue that we have with this project is the impact of development of the northwest portion of the site.As you are aware,the area between Lionshead Centre and the Gondola Building is the gateway between Lionshead and the mountain.We feel that the design of this portal area should reinforce the interaction of Lionshead and the mountain and should encourage pedestrian traffic flow. In 'our review of the proposal,we believe that the building mass on the northwest portion of the site negativly impacts this concept.If the building corner was stepped back considerably in this area we feel there would be a much improved presentation of the mountian and lift service area to the approaching pedestrian.At present the existing landscaping serves as an effective buffer in this transition area,especially as compared to the ornamental landscaping found throughout the mall. •• other comments that were discussed in review of the site were questions regarding the specific architecture of the addition, on the purpose and appearance of the sky lights,questions regarding the individuality of the store fronts,and whether or not the re will be any stone work or planters relating to the area north of the addition.These are of course seconda ry issues that can be addressed in greater detail as the project progress.For now the resolution of the treatment of the northwest area of the building remains the greatest issue regarding the staff position of this proposal. If you have any questions please feel free to conta ct me. • 75 south frontage road vail,colorado 81657 (303)476-7000 May 13,1987 Mr.Tom Briner Briner Scott Architects 143 East Meadow Drive vail,Colorado 81657 Re:Lionshead Center Building Dear Tom: • officeof community development In your letter dated May 8,1987,you asked if you would be required to obtain a setback variance,as you are proposing to encroach 5 feet into the existing 10 foot setback.The answer is yes,it is necessary to obtain a setback variance.However, I believe Rick has already pUblished for the setback variance request.Enclosed are the two published descriptions for the project.If you feel that you are asking for more than the original exterior alteration and setback variance,it would be necessary to pUblish again.I have enclosed a Planning Commission schedule that lists submittal deadlines and meetings.Please be sure to keep these submittal deadlines in mind if you are asking for variances beyond your original request. In respect to the architectural canopy,it is also necessary to have the various Town departments approve the 2.5'-3.5' encroachment on Town of Vail property.This encroachment would be addressed at the Planning Commission level.The staff would also present the encroachment request to the Town Council at a work session for their review. In addition,if your project is not approved by the November deadline,I think you should resubmit an exterior alteration proposal.At that time,a year will have passed since your original submittal.It would be helpful as well as reasonable to confirm that the project is still active.The submittal •• deadline is November 30,1987.If the project is still underway,you may simply re-submit the same application materials. Please call me if you have any further questions. Sincerely, ~i~~r\:r Kristan Pritz Town Planner Enclosure • 75 south frontage road vail ,colorado 81657 (303)476-7000 March 4,1987 Mr.Tom Briner Briner Scott Architects 143 East Meadow Drive Vail,Colorado 81657 Re:Lionshead Center Building. Dear Tom: • officeof community development I believe I can speak for our department as a whole in sharing your desire to see an upgrade to the Lionshead Center Building. I have no argument with your description of the existing situation.This morning myself and the rest of the staff discussed at length your correspondence of February 23rd along with your current design proposal for Lionshead Center Building . There is flexibility in our attitude regarding the existing landscaping and the current design proposal and I feel that there is some common ground that is attainable through a compromise.In our review today we were able to identify several areas of potential compromise between our position and the current design program.I would like to set up an appointment with you to discuss those specifics. In order to facilitate our review process of the program,there are several things that would assist us.The first would be sUbmitting the model so that we may review the design impacts through the model as well as the existing drawings. A second area of information that would be extremely helpful to us would be information on both the immediate and more long range plans Vail Associates has for the existing ticket offices,the Gondola Building,and the property to the south and southwest of the Lionshead Center Building.I know this information is difficult to obtain,but I would encourage you to provide us with as much of this as possible. •• In conclusion,I think we have identified some areas where there can be flexibility in our position.In order to reach a compromise,there will need to be some flexibility in the design program.If the current proposal is an abso lute,I don't fe el it will have adequately addressed our concerns.Iam hopeful that we can corne to an agreement in these areas and proceed with the development of this project. Sincerely, Ric~~an Town Planner RP:br briner,/scott architects 143 e.meadowdr. vail.colorado81657 (303)476·3038 • February23,1987 Mr.Peter Patten,Director Community Development Town ofVail 75 S.Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 Dear Peter: • I believe you share with me a desire toseea substantial upgrade of the LionsheadCentre Building.The existing retail presentation to the Mall is unattractive,if not uninviting,and the character oftheLionshead Mall suffers accordingly. Followingour work session meetingwith the Planning Commission on February23rd,I was left with the impression thatthat groupand your staff generally remain supportive ofexpanding retail into the Mall butyou will notagreetoaplan that eliminates trees - these being at the westendof the building. Although it apparently has labeled me asbeing against nature thus in the camp of nuclear waste spillers,Pront Range water grabbers etc.etc.,Ihave recommended the elimination of the trees because I believe the results inthe context oftheLionshead Mall problems, areworth it.I mean this intermsof visual values aswellas economic ones.As I told the Commission unless adevelopment "package"canbe made reasonably attractive toa potential developer there is no reason why the developer shouldlookto exceptionally high construction costs,possibly continuing strife withacondo- minium association,protracted negotiations with lessees,further meetingswithPlanning Commission andDRB,andthe associated design timeand fees unless there is somepossibtltty that there canbea return on his investment. The present scheme proposes approximately 4,000sq.ft.of additional retail adjacent the Mall.To save the trees would require the elimination .of .over ..1,600sq.ft.of this plan ~'or a40%reduction of possible added retail area.The support of the proposal,by Vail Associates,is duetoour inclusion ofaSki School Ticket outlet on the Mall.This would be lost if we are to keep the trees.Further VA wishestoupgrade its ·Childrens'Cente r·at the lower level ,By keepingthe trees we would lose 44%of what we had gained with our expansionplans for this level .Remember,we're already to the property line onthe south and the parkinggarage is tothe east,thus there is no other way to expand this faci 1 t ty, To reducethe potential for expansion by 40%in my mind putsthe project in jeopardy consequently killing the prospects for an improved Mall.Also lost is an opportunity for a terrific "public square"at theterminusoftheMall,within the space between the westendof •Mr.Peter Patten February23,1987 Page Two • Alfie Packersand the ramp tothegondola .I don't think it should bean either/or issue of trees vsdevelopment.(Although it's obviousto many ofus that you're a good guy if you saveorpl ant a tree anda bad guy if you suggest building anything in this town). Rather the question shouldbe:are the present trees in the best location from anurbandesign point of view?They are now perceived as necessary (a)because they're of reasonable size,and(b)because theyhidea less than attractive building facade.Not as obvious, butas greatly appreciated,is that these trees also take up space and possibly what is most negative aboutLionshead is the amount of open,unoccupiedspace that tends to separate buildings rather than connect them ala Vail Village.We proposeto replace the trees with activities that will generate pedestrian motion-with the belief that this pedestrianization is of more value at that location than trees.We believe the trees would beof more valuein another location -as part of the transition between the landscape of the Mall and the soft sc ape to the south,below the gondola ramp. In summary I'm afraid unless there is some flexibility in attitude regarding these trees that will allow for greater utilization of the retail development potential,there very ,}ikelywi ll be no project at all.Ilookforwardtoany suggestions youoryour staff may have. Yours truly, Tff'tN Thomas A.Briner BRINER/SCOTT ARCHITECTS TAB:ka cc:Eustaquio Cortina Oscar Tang David Lindsay RicardoEversbusch brrecscott architects 143e.meadowdr. vail.colorado81657 (303)476 ·3038 • May 11,1987 Mr.Rick Pylman Community Development Dept. Town ofVail 75 S.Frontage Rd . Vail,Co.81657 Re :Lionshead Centre-Site PlanRevision Dear Ri ck: • Enclosed are three copiesofa revised site plan for Lionshead Centre.I believe these changes reflect our discussion ofApril 23rd.Note please that the turning radii we have indicated are greater thanthose "minimum design requirements"provided by the Vail Fire Department.We frankly couldnotunderstandthe relationship of front and rear overhang data relative tothe turn- ing radius for outside and inside wheels.Thus we have used information from Architectural GraphicStandards for semi trucks 45'long and these requirements would appeartoexceed those from fire department. Also we've indicated a reduction ofthe stair width at thewest end to make room for more planting.My opinionremains unchanged regard ing theimportanceof this stair beingbroad and inviting butIguess we must bow tothe tree enthusiasts on this issue. Incheckingagainthe quality and quantity of existing plant materials;the grass patch at the NW corner seems to have three evergreens that couldbe transplanted.Of the two cottonwoods (I thirk)theone nearest tothe building i s possibly so close asto affect its health or do damage tothe building,the other may be"pot bound"since its growing outof planter above base- ment space.Withinthe larger planting areatothewest there are five evergreens -one may be diseased -andI believe they all could be transplanted .I would begladto get anopinion on all this from a local nurseryman if you believe it necessary. Looking at landscape from an arithmetic view point this scheme would "lose"ten existing trees through construction of this proposalbut add anet amount of fourteen overthe present number. As the staff was seekinga point of compromise regarding landscape and fire accessI believe this revision does that.I hope you will agree. Ilookforwardtohearing from you. • Mr.Rick Py1man May 11,1987 Page Two Yours truly, TlfM/ Thomas A.Briner TAB/sw cc:Oscar Tang EstachioCortina Enclosures:three • May 12,1988 ••LIONSHEAD CENTRE BUILDING PROPOSED ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS 1)GRFA INCREASE:Unit 209 383 square feet Unit 208 301 square feet Unit 308 196 square feet Mgrs Unit 272 square feet TOTAL GRFA 1152 square feet 2)OPEN SPACE (Landscaped): 29 %excluding restaurant deck 32 %with restaurant deck 3)LIONSHEAD CENTRE PLANNING STUDY:OUTLINE OF RELATIONSHIP TO VAIL LIONgHEAD 'DESIGN :~UIDE :PLAN " I Re:Subareaconcepts A.Lionshead Centre t1a11 Item10-Extensive tree planting is proposed: 1.At east entry mallbehind existing sculpture to form appropriate background 2.At two added planters flanking view to VA ticket sa1es bu i1ding 3.As an addition to existing planter southof Clock Tower Square 4.Ina large stepped planter westofproposal new stair toChair8(approximately 20 trees in this location Item 11 -A staggered one story expansionof existing retail will strengthen axis ofmall and provide pedestrian interest.Thisproposedexpansionfollows recommend- ation .·of the "Improve Vail:Vail Lionshead Urban Design Pl an". Item 12 Proposed expansion provides mall entry to public restauran opportunity for organization ofsignage and improved presentation of retail activity. B.South Mall Entry-no concepts indicated Proposed Considerations: 1.At present west and south faces of Lionshead CentreBuilding seem detached from mall. a.Opportunity is missedtoprovide pedestrian exposure to retail and restaurant activities .b.lt is presently difficult to draw pedegtrians/patrons toany activity at thelower level Proposed solutions to above envisions "wrapping"architecture of Mall aroundnorthwest corner to terminate at open deck overlooking alower terrace with associated skiing and ski school activities.The ideabehinda broad stair connecting mall and lower terrace is toprovidea visible invitation May 12,1988 Page Two •• to activities planned for thelower level.These include a "childrens center",expectedtodoublein size and use,aswell as greater focusonChair8.The scale ofthe stair is considered appropriate tothe scale ofthe two spaces it connects and is not necessarily sized for the number ofpeople who at anytime may beusing it.It is considered an important landscape feature. II Re:Vail A. A.l A.2 Lionshead Design Considerations Height and Massing Proposed Mall expansion presents a staggered edgetothe Mall with shop entrances recessed in display bays providing pedestrian focus ,on retail activity and away from upper building heights. Expansion is generally one story.It is proposed at the west end to add 2.5 stories in order to mitigate the abrupt end ofthe existing building.This addition will have large windows from residential spaces facing theclock tower. Story height will be defined by a sloping roof with pitch and materials matching present building. Variation of massing is accomplished by staggering the Mall facade,thus avoiding the monotony ofa continuous one story expansion. B.Roofs ' B.l Roof of proposed Mall expansion is approximately 3~:12 pitch and matches existing building.Roof over restaurant expansion (Phase2)will be flat with membrane roofing material.' ,B.2 Material,color and pitch ofproposed roof will match existing building. To avoida "tacked-on"look theroof facing the Mall will have dormers aligning with existing window recesses thus following the ~hythm and texture provided by the present module andfacade relief presented by the window recesses andbalcony projections. ,B.3 Roof pitch is 3~:12 B.4 Roof overhangs will be minimum above display windows but approximately·3.5 feet at recessed shop entrances. ,B.5Asuspended6 1 wide transparent canopy is beingproposed at the Mall entrance to the restaurant.' B.6 At theeave 'of the staggered roof will bea colored metal flat roof/gutter to collect melted snow from new roof ,as well as existing upper roofs.Wide gutters will be drained with roof drains and interior leaders. (Presently,falling snow,waterandice have caused some pedestrian problems and have caused unsightly staining of exterior siding.The proposed addition seeksto alleviate these probl ems). B.7 The roof material will be cedar shingles ormetal standing seam to match color of existing roofs. May 12,1988 Page Three •• C.Facades -wall/structure C.1 It is proposed that concrete,glass,metal and tile will betheprimary materials. C.2 The predominentfacade color will be white.Exposed columns may be concrete stained orofa tile to match base material beneath all windows. C.3 Tile,if used,may beina darker earth tone,suchas sierra. C.4 It is intended that materials and colors bekepttoa minimum with retail display being highlighted through the large expanseof windows togive color and liveliness tothefacadeandthe pedestrian experience. D.Facades-transparency 0.1 Ground floor commerica1 facades will bepredominantly glass. 0.2 Window sills are proposedtobe approximately 16"above 0.3 grade.Tile is proposedas ~aterial between sill and 0.4 sidewalk. 0.5 To extent possible auniform basic module for glazing will be established with individual shops possibly addingor subtracting muntins and mullions toor from the module in order toachievean orderly variety of window treatment. 0.6 With recessed entries toshops there will bethe effect of"bay windows"at these locations.No other projections are possible giventhe location ofthe property line. D.?Clear glass is theproposed glazing material. 0.8 All entry doors are proposedwith full length glass lites E.Decks and Patios E.lA vital part of this scheme is thedeckproposed at thenorth E.2 east corner of project.This location has increased the visibility,access,and enticement from the present deck. It is hoped that this will become an active stage with its spirit spilling overto .the stair below where people may also sit or stretch out inthesun,eat their sacklunch or just waitandwatch for peoplewhileenjoyingtheviews tothe south. F.Accent ·Elements F.1 Awnings are considered as part ofthefacade facing south andwest.To more deliberately indicate theskischooland Chi1drensCenter location off thelower terrace,flags or other mobile features may be incorporated at the bottom of the stair. .'/ c. ( •• C OI>l.\1 E RCIAL C OR E j (C C2)DI ST RI CT plan and de sign c onsidera tio ns s ha llb eo n me i nt hec orn- mun ity d evelopm ent d epartme nt of t he to wn . B.Revi si ons to the V ail Vi llage ur ban de signgu idepl an a nd de sign consid erat ions shallb e r eviewed by th ep lanning an d environm ent al co mmission w ith offic ial act ion to b e t ak en by the to wn co uncil by r esolution o n a semian nual basi s to e ns ure t hat th ep lanr eflects the purposesan d intent for which ith as bee n ado pted.The revie w an d act ion shallt ake place wit hin th irty d ays fo llow ing the p ublic hearing o nth e appl ic ations. (Ord ,21 (1 980)§I (pa rt j.) Chapt er 18.26 CO~L\lERCIAL CORE 2 lCC 2)DISTRICT I"'-.- Sections: 18 .26.0 I0 18 .26.0:W 18 .26.030 18 .26.040 18.26.045 18 .26 .050 18.26.060 18.26 .070 18.26 .090 18 .26 .100 18.26.120 18 .26 .140 18.26 .150 18.26 .160 18.26 .1 SO Pu rp ose. Requirements for establishnlent-Development plan. Permitted and conditional u ses. Conditi onal uses -Generally . Exteri or alt erati on s or modificat ions- Pr ocedure. Access ory uses . Lot area and s ite dimensions. Setbacks. He ight . Density control . Coverage. Land scaping and s ire development. Parking and lo adin g. Locruion of business activity . Adup ricn of Li ou shcad ur ban d esign gui de plan and design c ousidcrations. 3 53 (\'.111:XII ~t .• • lOt\'ING •.. \• ~~ 18.:!6.0 10 Purpose . Th ec om mercial core :2 di stri ct is in ten de d t o p ro vide s ites f or a mi xtu re o f mu ltiple d wellings,lodge s a ndc om m ercial est ablishm entsi na clust ered.un ifi ed d evelopm ent.C omm er cial core :!d istri ct in accord ance w ith t he V 3i1 Li on she ad u rban d es ign gui de p lan and de signc ons iderati on sis intend ed to en s ure a de quate li ght,a ir,ope n space and ot h er a me nities a p pro pri ate to th e p ermitted t yp es of buil dinga ridu sesa nd to maint ain t he d esirable q ualiti es of the d istrict by es tablishing ap propriate site developm en t standards ,(Ord .21 (19 80)§2 (part).) 18.26 .0:!O Requirements f or es t:Jblish me nt - D evel opment pl an. A .Pri or t o t hees tab l ishmen t o f a ny com me rcial co re 1 d istri ct or en la rgeme nt of a ny existing com me rcial co re :2 d istri ct by ch ange of d istrict boundaries ,th e to wn council sha ll by r es olu ti on a d opt a ge neral d evelo pmentp lanf or th e prop os ed d istrict.Th e ge nerald evelopm en t p lan ma y be prepa red by a n a pplicant f or th ees tablis hme nt of such d istri ct or may be prepared by the town.The developm ent p lan s ha ll b e subm itt ed t o the p lanning comm iss ion f or r eview,a nd t he p lanning commission sha ll submit its findings and r ecommendations on the p lan to the t ow n council. B.The d evelopment plan shall show the following info rma tio n: I.E xisti ng top ography and tree c over: 2.Pr oposed d ivision of the area into lots o rb uilding s ites , and the pro posed u sc's tobe e stablished on each s ite; 3.Pr oposed lo catio ns.d im ensi on s,and h eights of b uildings on each site.and th e l ocation s o f parking an d loading are as,aCCLOSS d rives .principal public"and private ope n spaces ,a nd o the r site p l a n f eatures: 4 .R elat ionship of p ropo sed de velo pme nt un t he si te t o d evelopm e nt Oil :Il l j o in i n ~si tes; S .Such arldit ion .rl in form a tion ;IS the pbllllill~comm ission and town council dam nece ssary to guide de ve lopm ent w ithin the proposl'd district. 354 r I 355 CO~l:-'l EI ~CI AI CORE ~(CC2)DISTRICT C.T he deve lop men t p lan s hal l he use d asag uide for the s ubse- quent development of sit.:,and t he de sign rind location of buildings an d g roundsw ithin t he di stric t.A ll plans subse- qu en t ly approved by th e dl:s ign r e view h oa rd in acc ordance with Chap ter I ~.54 s hall s uhst aruiu l ly c on for m w itht he developm en t pl an adopted by t he t o wn cou ncil. (Ord .R(1<)73)§9 .:100 .) 18.26.030 P ermi tted an d co ndi t iona l uses. I n the CC2 d is trict.pe rmi tted a mi co ndi tiona l uses for specific floors s hall be the same as t ho s epe rmitted i n t he commercial core Idi strict ;"p rcxc ribed by Sec tio ns18.24 .U20 t hro uuh 18.24.U50.Retail stores and establishmen ts sha ll not OCCUp)·more t h an eig ht thousand s quare feet of floor a rea .(Ord . 50(1970)§7 :O rd.~(197 3 )§9 .300.) 1 8 .26.0~0 C ondi tional uses-G enerally. T he follow ing co nd itional uses shall be pe rmitte d,s ubject t o is su anceo f a conditi on al u se per mitin a ccordance with the p ro vis ions of C h ap ter18.60: A .S ki lifts an d tows; .B.Pu blic utili ty an d p ublic s ervice uses ; C.P ub lic bui ldings,grounds ,an d fac ilities; D.Public park an d rec re ati on fa cilities: E .The aters,m e etin g ro oms a nd conve n tio nf acilit ies; F.C oin -operated l aund r ies: G .C omm erc ial storage-as long as it is a t base ment level an d d oes not have a ny exter ior frontage on any pu blic way.str eet. w alk wayo r m all area . (Ord .21(1 983)§I :O rd .8(1981)§2 (p art):O rd .5 0(1 978)§S: Ord.8 (1 973)§9 .400.) 1 8 .26.0~5 Ext e rior a lters ti ons or m odifies ti ons-Pr oc edure. All al teratio ns of t heex terior o f a n ex isting b uildingin eC2 s hall comp ly w itht he follow ing proced ure : A .T he altera tion of an exi st ing building w hich adds or r emoves a ny enclosed floo r area or the replace ment of an e xisting (V .i1II·'~-8 )1 [., •• ZO :-l ING bu ild ing s hall be subject to review b y the pl anning a nd environmental commis sion a s fo ll o ws: I.A pplication s hallbe mad e by the o wner of th e b uild ingo r h isag e nt o n afo rm providedby th e zon inga dmin ist rat or: 2.The he aringb e for et hep l anning a nd e n v ir o nme ntal commission s hallb e held in a ccor da nce with S ec tio ns 18.66.0 60t hro ugh J 8 .66.090.A de c isio n 0 1 the p lann in g a nd envi ro nme ntal c om m is sionm ay be a ppea led to t he town co uncilin a ccordance w ith th e proc edure s pecifi e d inSe ction18.60 .0 70: 3 .It sh a llb e t he burd en of the ap plica ntu nd e rs ubsection A to prove by a prep on derance o fth e evid ence before t he p lanning a nden viro nment alc om miss ion th at t he pro- p osed b uildin g a lte rati o nisin co m pliance wit h the p u rposes o f th e CC2 dist rict a s s p ec ified in18.26.0 10:and tha t th e proposal complies w ith t he Vail L ionsheud ur ban des ign gu ide p lan and design cons iderun ons or t ha t t he pro posa ld oes no t o t herw ise alte rt hech aracter o t t he n eig hb o rho od: 4.The p lanning a nd e nv ironm e nta lc om mission may ap - provet he ap plication as s u bm itt e d.a pprove th e a ppl ica - tion wi thco n dit ions or m odifi cation s,o r.if t hep lanning a nd e nviro nme ntal comm issio n f inds t hat th e applicant failed to mee t h is bu r de n of pr oo f.i t may den y t he a pplication: 5.A pplic atio ns fo r this subsec tio n ,\s hall be s u bmitted s e m iannu ally o n or befo re t he fo urth :-'1o nduy of \la y and Novem ber .T he plan n in g a nd e nvironm ent al commiss ion shall th en hold a prelim inary re view -ess ion wi thin t wenty-one davs of the above s ubm itta l da le ..-\p ublic hear ing s hall the n be hel d wi thin si xtv day s o f th e pr clinunarv rev iew session .For projects wh ich a rc d eem ed by t he commissio n 10 consuuue a ma jor amendment to t h ea p proved Vuil l .ion shcad urb an de siu n gui de'p ian or ut h crwi se co nsututc a sig mficant im pact «n th e t ll"n .a ninet y-day s tudv p eriod rn av h ere quested h v the pl.mruru; c o mm is sion .pr ior 10 a lin al d isp osui on <,I s uch p roiccr s. a.N otwitb staudi ru;t h e r orc gn inu ,a pphcauons tor \!H: a lterat ion of a n c xist nu;hu ildi ng which .uld "I -: \.. r ( •• CO:VU...1E;ZC IAL CORE 2 (CC2\DI STRICT remove an ye n closed floor are a of not more than one hun dr ed square feet may be s ubmi tted a t the r equ ired ti me of the m onth fo r plan ning c om miss ion review . The review proced ures shall .i na ll resp e cts.be the same :!S th at f or o ther a p plicationsin acc or dance w ith th iss ection .A ll e nclosed floor area for a ne xpansion or dele tion p ur s uant t o this s ub paragraph a .s hall be physically a nd s t r u ct urallya part of a n exis ting or new build ing ana sh ailn ot b e a free -sta nd ing s truc- t ure,Asi ngle prope rty owner s halln otbepe rmitted more than o ne s ubmissionin acco rdance with this s ub parag raph a.in an y two y earp eriod.A pro perty ow ner m ay ,howeve r,a pply for a n expansion g reate r than o ne hundred sq uare fee t in any year in which he submits his applicatio n o n the May and N ove rnber da tes se t f orth i n paragraph A.5. 6.A pp l icat ions f or this s u bsection As hall bes ub mitted. fo r 1984 onl y,after the effect ive date of the ordinance r evising these subm ittal deadli nes u ntil April 2~.1984 a nd o nt he fou rth Mond ay in M aya nd Nove mber, B.The modi fic ation o r ch a nge to the ex t erio r fac ade of a bui ldin g on as ite w ithin CC 2 s h a llber eviewedby t he des ign re view b oardi n acco r dance w itht he f ollowing: I .A pplicat ions s hall be made by the ow ner of the bu ilding o rhi s agent o n a fo rm provided by t he zoning adrn in istra to r ; ')T he hearing before th e de s ign review boa rd s hall be h eld in acco rdan ce with Chapte r \8.54 .A deci sion of t he d esig n review bo a rd may b e appealed to t he to wn c ou n cil i n accordance w i th t he procedure spec ifiedill Chap ter 1X.5 4, 3 ,I t s hall be th e burden o f the a pplicant t o p rove by a p repon dera nce of the evide nce b efore the d esign review hoa rd tha t the proposed hu ildinu m odification isi n c omplia n ce w ith the p urpo se s of t he l 'C ~dis tric t as ,.;pt:c llic d in I S,~4,O I 0 :th at th e pro posa l su bs t.i nt i ullv co mpl ivs w ith t he \'.lil l.io ush ca d des i~n considera tions o r th at the pr opo sal doe s I IO (oth erwise al ter the c har- ac ter of t h e:n eruhborh ood : ".- r- 1......- '-., ~~:~~.•'J •• ZONING 4.The design review board may approve the application as submitted,approve the application with condi tions or modifications,or,if the design review board finds that the applican t failed to meet his burden of proof,it may deny t he application; 5.The zoning administrator may approve minor rnodifi - cations as provided in Section 18 .54 .060.A decision of the zoning administrator may be appea led to the de sign review board for review . C.All alterations under subsection A above shall be subj ect to review by the design review board follo wing planning a nd e nvironmenta l commission 's a pp r oval in acco raance with Chapter 18 .54.The design review board shall review the same to ensure that the same complies with the VailL ionshead urban design considerations . (Ord.7(1984)§1:Ord .41(19 83)§1:Ord.25 (1982)§Ie :Ord . 21(1980)§2 (part).) 18 .26.050 Accessory uses. The fo llowing accessory us es sha ll be permi tted in t he CC2 district: A .Swimming pool s,tennis co urts,patios or other recreation facilities c ustomarily incid enta lt ope rmitted resid ent ial or lodge u ses; B.Outdoor dining areas operated in conjunct ion with permitted eating and drinking e st ab lishm ents: C.H ome occupat ions,subj ect t o iss uance o f a h orne occupation permit in a ccorda neew ith the pr ovi sions of Sec t ions I S.58.I JO through 18.5 8.190: D.Dthe;uses cu stomar ilv inci d ent al and a ccess ory t o perm itted orc ondit iona l u ses .and nccc s-ary for t he o pe ra tion t here of. E .Min or arcad e.Amu sement de vices shall n ot b e \isihlc ''T aud ible from pub lic way .s tree t .walkway or ma ll a rea . (O rd.6(19!;2)§.ta :Ord .S(19 7:1 )~().500) IVsd lS-l -X4 ) .~ .. •• CO~I~I ER CIA L C ORE 2 (CC2)DISTRICT not exceed t wenty-five dwelling units per acre of buildables ite a rea.(Ord .2 1(1980)§2 (part).) 18.26.120 Coverage. Not more t h an seve nty p ercent of th e t otal s ite area s hallbe co vered b y bui ldings unlesso the rwise sp ecifiedin the Va il L ionshead u rban de signg uidepl an a ndde sign considerations. (Ord .21(1980 )*2 (pa rt j .) 13.26.140 Landscaping and s ite development, A tleast twenty pe rcent o f the to tal si te a rea sh allb e land scaped un lesso the rwis e s pecified in the VailLi onshead urban desi gn guidep lana nd desig nc onsiderat ions.IO rd.2 1(19l\0) §2 (p aru .) 18.26 .150 Parking ami loading. Off-street p arking and lo ading s hallbe provided in accord- an ce wi th Ch ap ter 13.52 .At leas t o ne-hal f th er eq uired p arking s hallbe locatedw ith in t he m ain bu ildingo r b uildings.Xopa rking or loading areas hall b e lo ca ted i n a ny re quired fro nt se tback a rea. (Ord.8(1973)§9 .610 .) 13.26 .160 Locution ofbu siness ucrivity. A .All o ffices,bu sinessesa nd s e rvices pe rmittedb vSe ction I S.2 6 .(S)sha llbe opera ted an d conduc ted c ruirc lvw ithin a building.ex cept for p e rmitt ed unencl osed parking or loading area sa ndth eo ut doo r d isplay of g oo ds, B.The area to h e us ed for ou t du or d isp la y must he located dir ectly in f ro III ot 't he esta hl is hrncn t display ing th e g oods and enti rely up on t he es t ab lis hme nt's own property'.Sidewalks . b uilding e ntrance s an d ex its.d rivc wavs a nd s treets shall not beob struct ed h v outd oor d ispla\',. (Oru ..1 4(I 'JX21 ~2:O ru .X(1')7.1)~9 .1>1 1.1 .\.•"I 4 -1111 .......- /-, '-- •• ZOI'ING 13.26.180 Adoption of Lionshead urban design guide plan and design considerations. A .The Vail lions head urban desi gn guid e plan and des ign considerations a re a dopted fo r t he pur p o se o f mai nt a ining and pre serving the c ha rac ter a n d vi tality o iVail Li o nsh ea d (CC2)and to guide the iuture alteration s.change a nd improvement in the CC2 d istr ict.C op ies oi th e Va ilLi onsh ead u rband esig ng uidep ian a nd d esig n co ns iderati ons sh all be o n rile in the community de ve lopm e nt d epart m ent o f t he 10 \\n . B.R evi s ions t oth e V ail Lionsh cad u rba n dc siun ;.!u ide p lan an d de sig n consi d erations shall be revie we d by the plun nine .i nd e nviron ment a l co mmissio n wi t h off i cia l action to he t ake n byt he t o wnco u n c il b y r eso lution o n a sem iannual basis to e nsureth at t hep lan reflects t he purposes an d in tent fo r whi c hith as been ado pted .T he revie w a nd ac t ion s h all t;lke pl ace within thirt y days fo llo win g t he p ublic i ie a ring o n t il,' a p p li cati ons. (Ord .21 (1 98 0)§~(part).) Cha pt er I S.27 Cmt~tERCIAL COR E 3 (C Cl DI STRICf '. Sections : 18.2 7 .010 18.27.030 1S.27.Q-t2 18 .27.050 18.27.060 18.27.070 18.27.080 18.27 .090 1S.27.1 00 18.27.110 18.27 .120 Pcnnit t ed u ses. Condi tional uses . Access ory u ses. Lot ar ea and s it c dimensions , S et backs. Hci~11. Den sity control. Co verage. Landscapinu a nd sire dcvclupmcnr . Parking and !o3ding. Locati on of hu sincss act ivitv . May 12,1988 ••LIONSHEAD CENTRE BUILDING PROPOSED ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS 1)GRFA INCREASE:Unit 209 383 square feet Unit 208 301 square feet Unit 308 196 square feet Mgrs Unit 272 square feet TOTAL GRFA 1152 square feet 2)OPEN SPACE (Landscaped): 29 %excluding restaurant deck 32 %with restaurant deck 3)LIONSHEAD CENTRE PLANNING STUDY:OUTLINE OF RELATIONSHIP TO VAIL LIONgHEAD 'DEgIGN :~UIDE :PLAN " I Re:Subarea concepts A.Lionshead CentreHall Item10-Extensive tree planting is proposed: 1.At east entry mallbehind existing sculpture to form appropriate background 2.At two added planters flanking viewto VA ticket sales building 3.As an addition to existing planter southof Clock Tower Square 4.Ina large stepped planter westofproposal new stair toChair 8 (approximately 20 trees in this location Item 11 -A staggered one story expansionof existing retail will strengthen axis ofmall and provide pedestrian interest.Thisproposedexpansionfollows recommend- at tonof the "Improve Vail ':Vail Lionshead Urban Design Pl an"• Item 12 Proposed expansionprovidesmall entry to public restaurar opportunity for organization ofsignage and improved presentation of retail activity. B.South Mall Entry-no concepts indicated Proposed Considerations: 1.At present west and south faces of Lionshead Centre Building seem detached from mall. a.Opportunity is missedtoprovide pedestrian exposure to retail and restaurant activities b.It is presently difficult to draw pedestrians/patrons toany activity at thelower level Proposed solutions to above envisions "wrapping"architecture of Mall around northwest corner to terminate at open deck overlooking alower terrace with associated skiing and ski school activities.The ideabehindabroad stair connecting mall and lower terrace is toprovide a visible invitation 14ay 12,1988 Page Two •• to activities planned for thelower level.These include a "childrens center".expected todoublein size and use,aswell as greater focusonChair 8.The scale ofthe stair is considered appropriate tothe scale ofthe two spaces it connects and is notnecessarily sized for the number ofpeople who at anytime maybeusing it.It is considered an important landscape feature. II Re:Vail A. A.l A.2 Lionshead Design Conside rations Hei ght and Massing Proposed Mall expansion presents a staggered edgetothe Mall withshop entrances recessed in display bays providing pedestrian focuson retail activity and away from upper building heights. Expansion is generally one story.It is proposed at the west end to add 2.5 stories in order to mitigate the abrupt end ofthe existing building.This addition will have large .windows from residential spaces facing theclock tower. Story height will be defined by a sloping roof with pitch and materials matching present building. Variation of massing is accomplished by staggering the Mall facade,thus avoiding the monotony ofa continuous one story expansion. B.Roofs B.l Roof ofproposed Mall expansion is approximately 3 ~:12 pitch and matches existing building.Roof over restaurant expansion (Phase2)will be flat with membrane roofing material •. .B.2 Material,color and pitch ofproposed roof will match existing building. To avoida "tacked-on"look the roof facing the Mall will have dormers aligning with existing window recesses thus following the rhyth m and texture provided by t he present module andfacade relief presented by the window recesses and balcony projections • .B.3 Roof pitch is 3~:12 B.4 Roof overhangs will be minimum above display windows but approximately ·3.5 feet at recessed shop entrances. B.5Asuspended6'wide transparent canopy is beingproposed at the Mall entrance to the restaurant.· B.6 At theeave ·of the staggered roof will bea colored metal flat roof/gutter to collect melted snow from new roof .as well as existing upper roofs.Wide gutters will be drained with roof drains and interior leaders. (Presently,falling snow,waterand ice have caused some pedestrian problems and have caused unsightly staining of exterior siding.The proposed addition seeksto alleviate these problems). B.7 The r oof material will becedar shingles ormetal standing seam to match color of existing roofs. May 12,1988 Page Three •• C.Facades -wall/structure C.l It is proposed that concrete,glass,metal and tile will betheprimary materials. C.2 The predominent facade color will be white.Exposed columns may be concrete stained orofa tile to match base material beneath all windows. C.3 Tile,if used,may beina darker earth tone,suchas sierra. C.4 It is intended that materials and colors bekepttoa minimum with retail display being highlighted through the large expanseof windows togive color and liveliness tothefacade and the pedestrian experience. D.Facades-transparency D.1 Ground floor commerical facades will bepredominantly glass. D.2 Window sills are proposedtobe approximately 16"above D.3 grade.Tile is proposed as ~aterial between sill and D.4 sidewalk... D.5 To extent possible auniformbasic module for glazing will be established with individual shops possibly addingor subtracting muntins and mullions toor from the module in order toachievean orderly variety of window treatment. D.6 With recessed entries toshops there will be the effect of"bay windows"at these locations.No other projections are possible giventhe location ofthe property line. D.7 Clear glass is theproposed glazing material. D.8All entry doors are proposedwith full length glass lites E.Decks and -Patios E.l A vital part of this scheme is thedeck proposed at thenorth E.2 east corner of project •.This location has increased the visibility,access,and enticement from the present deck. It is hoped that this will become an active stage with its spirit spilling overto .the stair below where people may also sit or stretch outinthesun,eat their sack lunch or just wait and watch for peoplewhileenjoyingtheviews tothe south. F.Accent -Elements F.l Awnings are considered as part ofthefacade facing south and west.To more deliberately indicate theskischooland Chi1drensCenter location off thelower-terrace,flags or other mobile features may be incorporated at the bottom of the stair. --------- May 12,1988 ••LIONSHEAD CENTRE BUILDING PROPOSED ADDITIONS AND ALTE~ATIONS 1) 2) GRFA INCREASE:Unit 209 383 square feet Unit 208 301 square feet .Unit 308 196 square feet Mgrs Unit 272 square feet TOTAL GRFA 1152 square feet OPEN SPACE (Landscaped): 29%excluding restaurant deck 32 %with r estaurantdeck 3)LIONSHEAD CENTRE PLANNING STUDY:OUTLINE OF RELATIONSHIP TO VAIL 'LIONSHEAD :DESIGN '3UIDEPLAN '. I Re:Subareaconcepts A.Lionshead CentreHall Item10-Extensive tree planting is proposed: 1.At east entry mallbehind existing sculpture to form appropriate background 2.At two added planters flanking viewto VA ticket sales building 3.As an addition to existing planter southof Clock Tower Square 4.Ina large stepped planter westofproposal new stair toChair8 (approximately 20 trees in this location Item 11 -A staggered one story expansion of existing retail will strengthen axis ofmall and provide pedestr ian interest.Thisproposedexpansionfollows recommend- ationof the "Improve Vail:Vail Lionshead Urban Design Plan".. Item12 Proposed expansionprovidesmall entry to public restaurar opportunity for organization ofsignage and i mproved presentation of retail activity. B.South Mall Entry-no concepts indicated Proposed Considerations: 1.At present west and south faces of Lionshead CentreBuilding seem detached from mall. a.Opportunity is missedtoprovide pedestrian exposure to retail and restaurant activities b.lt is presently difficult to draw pedestrians/patrons toany activity at thelower level Proposed solutions to above envisions "wrapping"architecture of Mall aroundnorthwest corner to terminate at opendeck overlooking alower terrace with associated skiing and ski school activities.The ideabehindabroad stair connecting mall and lower terrace is toprovidea visible invitation May 12.1988 Page Two •• to activities planned for thelower level.These include a "childrens center".expectedtodoublein size and use.aswell as greater focusonChair8.The scale ofthe stair is considered appropriate tothe scale ofthe two spaces it connects and is not necessarily sized for the number ofpeople who at anytime may beusing it.It is considered an important landscape feature. II Re:Vail A. A.1 A.2 Lionshead Design Considerations Height and Massing Proposed Mall expansion presents a staggered edgetothe Mall with shop entrances recessed in display bays providing pedestrian focuson retail activity and away from upper building heights. Expansion is generally one story.It is proposed at the west end to add 2.5 stories in order to mitigate the abrupt end ofthe existing building.This addition will have large windows from residential spaces facing theclock tower. Story height will be defined by a sloping roof with pitch and materials matching present building. Variation ofmassing is accomplished by staggering the Mall facade.thusavoidingthe monotony ofa continuous one story expansion. B.Roofs B.1 Roof ofproposed Mall expansion is approximately 3~:12 pitch andmatches existing building.Roof over restaurant expansion (Phase2)will be flat with membrane roofing material.' .B.2 Material.color and pitch ofproposed roof will match existing building. To avoida "tacked-on'Took the roof facing the Mall will have dormers aligning with existing window recesses thus followingthe rhythm and texture provided by the .present module andfacade relief presented by the window recesses and balcony projections. B.3 Roof pitch is 3~:12 B.4 Roof overhangs will be minimum above display windows but approximate1y·3.5 feet at recessed shop entrances. B.5A suspended 6 1 wide transparent canopy is beingproposed at the Mall entrance to the restaurant.· B.6Attheeave 'ofthe staggered roof will bea colored metal flat roof/gutter to collect melted snow from new roof ,as well as existing upper roofs.Wide gutters will be drained with roof drains and interior leaders. (Presently.falling snow.waterand ice have caused some pedestrian problems and have caused unsightly staining of exterior siding.The proposed addition seeksto alleviate these problems). B.7 'The roof material will be cedar shingles ormetal standing seam to match color of existing roofs. May 12,1988 Page Three •• C.Facades-wall/structure C.l It is proposed that concrete,glass,metal and tile will be theprimary materials. C.2 The predominentfacade color will be white.Exposed columns may be concrete stained orofa tile to match base material beneath all windows._ C.3 Tile,if used,may beina darker earth tone,suchas sierra. C.4 It is intended that materials and colors bekepttoa minimum with retail display being highlighted throu~h the large expanse·of windows togive color and liveliness tothefacadeandthe pedestrian experience. D.Facades-transparency 0.1 Ground floor commerica1 facades will bepredominantly glass. 0.2 Window sills are proposedtobe approximately 16"above 0.3 grade.Tile is proposedas material between sill and 0.4 sidewalk.. 0.5 To extent possible auniform basic module for glazing will be established with individual shops possibly adding or subtracting muntinsand mullions toor from the module in order to achieve an orderly variety of window treatment. 0.6 With recessed entries toshops there will bethe effect of"bay windows"at these locations.No other projections are possible giventhe location ofthe property line.• 0.7Clear glass is theproposed glazing material. 0.8 ·All entry doorsareproposedwith full length glass lites E.Decks and Patios E.1 A vital part of this scheme is thedeckproposed at thenorth E.2 east corner of project.This location has increased the visibility,access,and enticement from the present deck. It is hoped that this will become an active stage with its spirit spilling overtothe stair below where people may also sit or stretch outinthesun,eat their sack lunch or just waitandwatch for peoplewhileenjoyingtheviews tothe south. F.Accent Elements F.l Awnings are considered as part ofthefacade facing south andwest.To more deliberately indicate theskischooland Chi1drensCenter location off thelower terrace,flags or other mobile features may be incorporated at the bottom of the stair.. • December 2,1986 Mr.Tom Brown c/o Town ofVail Community Development Department P.O.Box 100 Vail,Colorado 81658 Re:Lionshead CentreBuildingproposed Dear Tom: • Followingare names and addresses of adjacent property owners to the Lionshead Centre Building.I believe this complieswith re- quirement No.7 ofthe Application for Exterior Al terations .•.. in Commercial Core IIVail Lionsheadsubmitted No vember 24 .If you should have any questions please give me a call. Yours truly, TtwI Thomas A.Briner ------------1)Gondola Building: 2)Llonshead Arcade: 3)J ra et-C: 4)racts Band D: 5)Treetops: Vail Associates,Box 7,Vail 81658 RobertT.and Diane J.lazler Box 627,Vail 81658 J ownof Va-H,Box 100,Vail 81658 Vail Associates,Box 7,Vail 81658 Pierre La es,3201 South Tamarac Drive #200,Denver 80231 ( cc:Eustaquio Cortina .,I S-::l-0 6:-L I \Jh )'..(0-.1 Ct.~1W--e: ....... "J:.4':' •----- 75 south frontage road vail,colorado 81657 (303)476-7000 Mr.Gary swetish 143 East Meadow Drive vail,Colorado 81657 Dear Gary: • officeofcommunity development March 10,1988 In order to complete the formal submittal requirements for the Lionshead Centre exterior alteration I will need the following information: Complete building elevations written description of compliance with vail Lionshead Urban Design Guide Plan written description of compliance with Vail Lionshead Urban Design Considerations written analysis of project impact on zoning issues (grfa, height,setbacks,etc.) If this information,along with the revised model,can be submitted by March 14 the project could be reviewed by the PEC at their regUlarly scheduled meeting of April 11. If you have any further questions please feel free to contact me at 476-7000. Sincerely, ~lL?LMAJ Rick Pylman Town Planner brinerscott architects 143e.meadowdr; vail.colorado81657 (303)4763038 • February19,1987 Mr.Rick pylman Community Development Department Town ofVail 75 S.Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 DearRick: Followingour conversation Wednesday February 18th,I've tried to address those three items for which you believed was required further explanation. If youhaveany questions please give me a call or if this is not sufficient please contact me. Thank you, ~1b~o t!WVU ~7m Thomas A.Briner TAB:ka enclosure cc:Eustaquio Cortina Oscar Tang David Lindsay •February 19,1987 • 1)GRFA INCREASE:Unit 209 686 square feet Unit 208 284 square feet Unit 309 513 square feet Unit 308 196 s quare feet Mgrs Unit 272 sguare feet TOTAL GRFA 1951 square feet increase 2)OPEN SPACE (1 andscaped): 29%excluding restaurant deck 32%with restaurant deck 3)LIONSHEAD CENTRE PLANNING STUDY:OUTLINE OF RELATIONSHIP TO VAIL LIONSHEAD DESIGN GUIDE PLAN I Re:Subarea concepts: A.LionsheadCentre Mall Item 11 -Thisproposal includes expanding existing commercial approximately 19 feet (to the property line)into the mall.This addition is one story withbasement. Item 12-The proposedexpansion would provideacanopy- extending overthe property line -to "improve scale,shelter and appearance"of present commercial facades. B.South Mall Entry-no concepts indicated Proposed Considerati ons: 1.At present thewest and south faces ofLionsheadCentre building seem detached from mall. a.Opportunity is missedtoprovide pedestrian exposure to retail and restaurant activities b.It is presently difficult to draw pedestrians/patrons toany activity at thelower level. Proposed solutions to above envisions "wrapping"arch- itecture ofmallaroundsouthwest corner to terminate at open deck overlooking alower terrace with associated skiing and skischool activities.The ideabehinda broad stair connecting mall and lower terrace is to providea visible invitation to activities planned for thelower level.These include a "childrens center" expectedtodoublein size and use,aswellas greater focus on chair 8.The scale ofthe stair is considered appropriate tothe scale ofthe two spaces it connects and is not necessarily sized for the number ofpeople who at any one time may beusing it.On the contrary it is thoughtofasalandcape feature. 1 February19, •• II Re:Design Considerations: A.Heightand Massing A.l Along the pedestrian edgesofthe building is proposeda transparent canopy -providing lighting at night,cover from above and creating a "~destrian focus"on theshop windows beyond. A.2 Expansion is generally one story.Atthewestend it is proposedto rise 3 ~stories to match the height of the existing building.It is proposed that these additional stories will have large windows,bay projections,balconies and awnings that will visually enliven what is now ablankfacade facing ontothe most active outdoor winter spaceinLionshead (if not Va il ). Story height will be defined bythe color and material change of the pitched metal roof oftheproposedex- pansion.(Except at westend where roof of3rd level will match existing roof). The "continuous"canopy alongthemall will bebroken at theapproximate mid point to visually announce an entry way into a gallery type cross corridor providing amall entrance tothe restaurant and added retail/ office area.It is proposed at mallshop entries to further recess the building facadeand define these points with higher canopiesthus "avoiding the monotony of a continuous one story expansion". B.Roofs B.l The propsedexpansion will havea pitched roof to recall B.2 lines of existing structure.Where necessary to maintain B.3views from upper levels there is indicated a flat roof (primarily on south facade).Attachedtotheone story pitched roof is proposeda vaulted canopy.Given the amount of added roof in this proposal we consider that the various roof focus will add "variety"andnot "create acumulative business". B.4 It is proposed that the canopy will overhang approximately B.54'to 4'-6".Given the height tothelowest point ofthe canopy,8'-6",we believe this is proportion of overhang, will providean appropriate sense of enclosure,and subtle separation from themall proper,while at the same time allowing reasonable width for passage of fire vehicles between the canopy edgeand existing planter boxes on thenorth side ofmall (approximately 17'). B.6 The metal pitched roof proposed will collect meltedand fallen snow from higher existing roofs and direct any watertoa gutter,hiddenbehindthecurvedcanopy,that will havea drainage system integrated into the warm side of the store front enclosure. 2 February19, • 1987 • •• 8.7 Our own analysis ofthe existing building's colors given its location on the northern edgeofthe mall, where little to no direct sunorsun reflection occurs, suggests that theproposed addition should itself be light colored.Consequentlytheproposedmetal roof shouldbe white.Further those existingvertical surfaces nearest themallare also being considered as stained white.The canopy is proposedasa translucent white plastic with all metal connections and joints also white. C.Facades -wall/structure C.1 It is proposed that concrete,glass,metal and tile will betheprimary materials C.2 The predominentfacade color will be white.Exposed columns may be concrete stained orofa tile to match base material beneath all windows C.3 Tile,if used,may beina darker earth tone,suchas sierra or other C.4 It is intended that materials and colors bekepttoa minimum with retail display being highlighted through the large expanseof windows togive color and liveliness tothefacade and the pedestrian experience. D.Facades -transparency 0.1 Ground floor commercial facades will bepredominantly glass 0.2 Wi ndow sill sareproposedtobe approximately 16"above 0.3 grade.Tile is proposedas material between sill and 0.4 side walk. 0.5 To extent possible auniform basic module for glazing will be established with individual shops either adding or subtracting muntins and mullions toor from the module in order toachievean orderly variety of window treatment 0.6 With recessed entries toshops there will bethe effect of"bay windows"at these locations.No other projections are possible giventhe location ofthe property line. 0.7Clear glass is theproposed glazing material 0.8All entry doorsareproposedwith full length glass lites E.Decks and Patios E.1 A vital part of this scheme is thedeckproposed at thenorth E.2 east corner of project.This location has increased the visibility,access,and enticement from the present deck. It is hoped that this will become an active stage with its spirit spilling overtothe stair below where people may also sit or stretch outinthesun,eat their sack lunchor just wait and watch for peoplewhile enjoying the views tothe south. F.Accent Elements F.1 Awnings are considered as part ofthefacade facing south and west.To more deliberately indicate theskischooland Childrens Center location off thelower terrace,flags or other mobile features may be incorporated at thebottomof the stair. 3 ..•February19,1987 .,• We believe table umbrellas would be quite appropriate on theproposed restaurant deck.A large terraced planter is proposedtoanchorthe stair.Althoughproposedto contain trees,groundcovercouldbea variety of per- ennial andannual plantings.Withinthe canopy is the opportunity for a variety of lighting:indirect and ambient that would light themallaswellas direct that couldfocus on store graphics or display. 4 ••VAIL FIRE DEPARIMNET • Minimum Design Requirements for Vehicles Vehicle 410 411 412416 431 130 Ins ide Radius 31'10"17'6"20',33'6"23' Outside Radius 33'7"26'6"26'6"37'6"39' Length 26'26'6"25'6"45'44' Overhang-Front 6'6'6'6'6' Overhang-Rear I 7'7'7'I 11'13'6" o- jWidth-0 9'4"9'6"9'4"12'6"I 14' I 1 I I , G\l';v 30 30 I 35 i 35 48 I I I Whe el Base 188"160"134"I 216"240" , Road to Chasis Clearance 18"18"18"18"1 8" He ight 14'14 '14'I 14 '14 ' Rem arks: brineescott architects 143 e.meadowdr; vail.colorado 81657 (303)476·3038 •• I·lay 8,1987 Ms .Kristan Pritz Community Development Dept . Town ofVail 75 S.Frontage Rd. Vail,Co.81657 Re:Lionshead Centre Dear Kristan: -• As discussed today by phone.we are continuing to work on the masterplanningofthe Lionshead Centre Building.You may re- call that staff and some PEC Commissioners had concern for land- scaping at thewest end ofour proposed addition aswellas for theimpactthe extension tothemall would have on fire truck access.We have been working withRick Pylman in attempt to resolve these matters .Also,we have been studying.withthe developer,various internal changestothe building.I realize that this processhasexceeded the allocated ninety dayreview period.butwiththe issues outstanding andthe number of parties involved I believe we are still on track for construction sta rting in the Springof'88.I understand from our conversation to d~y that the developer will notbe required to make re-application this Mayornext NovemberlJnder subsection A for proposed exterior a lterations.We ofcourse are required to obtain PEC and DRB approval for the project and lIm hoping that we can have a package sufficient for PEC approval by early August . Because the Urban Design Guidelines for Vail Lionshead do not specifically call for expansiontothewest am I tounderstand that we must obtain a set back variance since we proposeto encroach5'into the existing 10'set back -even though the existing building already encroaches5.4 feet?Also we have proposed that an architectural canopy (i.e .anelement inte- grated into the overall northfacade)be permitted to overhang town property by 2.5to3 .5 feet.What procedure other than PEC and DRB hearings will be necessary toachieve this? Ilookforwardtohearing from you. Yours truly,.. Thomas A.Briner TAB/sw cc:Oscar Tang EstachioCortina PRESENT PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION 3/23/87 STAFFPRESENT J.J.Collins Diana Donovan Peggy Osterfoss sid Schultz Jim Viele Peter Patten Rick Pylman Betsy Rosolack ABSENT Byran Hobbs Pam Hopkins The meeting was called to order by the chairman,Jim Viele. 1.A request for a conditional use permit for commercial storage at the West Vail Mall located at 2161 North Frontage Road. Applicant:Vail Mall Joint Venture/Mr.Dave Tyrrell Rick Pylman stated that the applicant was requesting to utilize 375 square feet of space located on the northwest corner of the lower level below Bullock's for storage.Dave Tyrrell was present representing the Vail Mall Joint Venture. Diana Donovan moved and J.J.Collins seconded to approve the request for commercial storage.The vote was 5-0 in favor. 2.A request for a front setback variance and requests for conditional uses for a drive-through window and outdoor dining deck on Pacel A,A Resubdivision of Tract D,Vail das Schone Subdivision. Applicant:The Wend Group Partnership Rick Pylman explained that both setback variances and conditional uses were being requested.The property had recently been subdivided and rezoned to CCIII.Rick showed site and landscape plans and stated that the staff felt there would not be any negative impacts from the request.Jay Peterson represented the applicant and stated that he had worked with the staff for 9 months on the SUbdivision,rezoning and then this application. J.J.Collins stated that the applicant had been to DRB concerning the aesthetics for conceptual review.Peggy Osterfoss felt the use was appropriate for the site.She wondered how snow removal would work and was told that the applicant had committed to hauling the snow away.Diana Donovan felt there should be a small area to store some snow.The applicant stated that there would be room on the westerly side,but to meet the Town of VaiJ code,would require more space than there was available.Diana answered that many times when snow is supposed to be hauled away it doesn't quite get done. Peter Patten asked how the parking had been computed,and was told that there were more spaces than the Town of Vail required, but the number of spaces was similar to other restaurants the applicant operated.Sid Schultz was concerned about snow removal and wanted to make certain that the DRB would focus on needed landscaping .Jim Viele felt that regarding the setbacks, he felt it was better to use some of the unused portion of the road setback rather than push the building back and have to h ave more retainage.Diana asked if it would be possible to have higher landscaping on the back,and was told that small evergreens would be planted on the retaining walls. Diana Donovan moved and Peggy Osterfoss seconded to approve the cond itional use permit request per the staff memo dated 3/23 /87. The vote was 5-0 in favor. Diana Donovan moved and sid Schultz seconded to approve the setback variance request per the staff memo with concern of t he PEC to DRB regarding landscaping and snow storage.The vote was 5-0 in favor. 3.A request for a setback the Lionshead Centre Buildin Vail Lionshead Firat-Frr rng. A licant:Vak~Lionshead Centre space too Block 1, ndominium Assoc. Rick pyman stated that the applicant requested to table the request to an unspecified date. Diana Donovan moved and Peggy Osterfoss seconded to table the request.The vote was 5-0 i n favor. bri ner scot t ar chitec t s 1 ~3 c 'r:f :-l ':V/..(:r ':all CCII:,.'C:(;':-~~t .~::J •• February23,1987 Mr.Peter Patten,Director Community Development Town ofVail 75 S.Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 Dear Peter: •• I believe you share with me a desire toseea substantial upgrade oftheLionsheadCentre Building.The existing retail presentation tothe Mall is unattractive,if not uninviting,andthe character oftheLionshead Mall suffers accordingly. Followingour work session meetingwiththePlanning Commi ssion on February23rd,I was left withthe impression that that groupand your staff generally remain supportive ofexpanding retail into the Mall but you will notagreetoaplan that eliminates t rees - these being at thewestendofthe building. Although it apparently haslab eled me asbeing again st nature thus inthe camp of nuclear waste spillers,Front Range water grabbers etc.etc.,Ihave recommended the elimination of the trees because I believe the results intheconte xt oftheLionshead Mall problems, areworth it.I mean this intermsof visual values aswell as economic ones.As I told the Commission unless adevelopment "package"canbe made reasonably attractive toa potential develo per there is no reason why the develope r shouldlooktoexc eptionally high construction costs,possibly continuing strife withacondo- minium association,protracted negotiations with lessees,further meeting s withPlanning Commission andDRB,andthe associated design timeand fees unless there is some possibility that there canbea return on his investment. The present scheme proposes approximately 4,000sq .ft.of additi onal retail adjacent the Mall.To savethe trees would require the elimination ofover 1,600sq.ft.of this plan ~ora 40%-reducti on of possible added retail area.The support ofthe proposal,byVail Associates,is duetoour inclusion ofaSki School Ticket outlet on theMall.This would be lost if we are to keep the trees.Further VA wishestoupgrade its Childrens'-Center -a t-thelower level,By keepingthe treeswewouldlose44 %ofwhat~e had gainedwithour expansion plans for this level.Remember,we're already to the pr operty line on the south andtheparkinggarage is tothe east,thus there i s no other way to expand thi s facility. To reducethe potential for expansi on by 40%in my mind putsthe proj ect in jeopardy consequently killing the prospects for an improved Mall.Also lost is an opportunity for a terrific "public square"at the terminu s oftheMall,within thespace between thewestendof ....•Mr.Peter Patten February23,1987 Page Two Alfie Packers and the ramp tothegondola.I don't think it s hould be an either/or issue of trees vsdevelopment.(Although it's obviousto many ofus that you're a good guy if you saveor plant a tree and a bad guy if you suggest building anything in this town). Ratherthe question shouldbe:are the present trees inthe best location from anurbandesign point of view?They are now perceived as necessary (a)because they're of reasonable size,and (b)because theyhidea less than attractive building facade.Not as obvious, butas greatly appreciated,is that these trees also take up space and possibly what is most negative about Lionshead is the amount of open,unoccupied space that tendsto separate buildings rather than connect them alaVail Village.We proposeto replace the trees with activities that will generate pedestrian motion -withthe belief that this pedestrianization is of more value at that location than trees.We believe the trees would beof more valuein another location -as part ofthe transition between the landscape ofthe Mall and the soft scape tothe south,below thegondola ramp. In summary I'm afraid unless there is some flexibility in attitude regarding these trees that will allowfor greater utilization of the retail development potential,there very likely will be no project at all.Ilookforwardto any suggestions you oryour staff may have. Yours truly, Tff'tN Thomas A.Briner BRINER/SCOTT ARCHITECTS TAB:ka cc:Eustaquio Cortina Oscar Tang David Lindsay Ricardo Eversbusch •• PUBLIC NOTICE -• NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the mun icipal code of the To wn of Vail on March 23,1987 at 3:00 PM in the T own of Vail Mun icipal Building. Consideration of: 1.A request for a conditional use permit for commercial storage at the West Vail Mall located at 2161 North Frontage Road. Applicant:Vail Mall Joint Venture 2.A request for a front setback variance and requests for conditional uses for a drive-thru window and outdoor dining deck on Parcel A,a Resubdivis ion of Tract D,Vail Das Schone Subdivision. Applicant:The Wend Group partnership 3.A request for a setback variance to add retail space to the Lionshead centre Building located on Lot 5,Block 1,Vail Lionshead First Filing. Applicant:Vail Lionshead Centre Condominium Association ..• 4.A request for an exterior alteration a nd for density and height variances in order to construct an addition to the sitzmark Lodge located at 183 Gore Creek Drive. Applicant:sitzmark Lodge/Bob Fritch The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regUlar office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT THOMAS A.BRAUN Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail on March 6,1987 •• PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning andEnvironmental Commission ofthe Town ofVail will holda public hearing inaccordancewith Section 18.66.060 ofthemunicipalcodeofthe Town ofVail on February23,1987 at 3:00 PM in the Town Council chambers intheVailMunicipal Bu ilding. Consideration of: 1.A request for an exterior alteration in Commercial Core IIin order to add more than 100 square feet of enclosed floor area byexpanding retail and residential space at theLionsheadCentre Building.The Lionshead Centre Building is located on Lot5,Block1,VailLionshead First Filing . Applicant:VailLionshead Centre Condominium Association 2 .A request to create a new zone district,Hillside Residential {HR),to provide sites for low density single family residential use. Applicant:Town ofVail The applications and information aboutthe proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular off ice hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT THOMAS A.BRAUN Zoning Admini strator Publi shed intheVail Trail on February6,1987. ,. LI!~fee ~~-/«0 -1/;/~~-1t;fUCuk. ~ -~,J,-:w/d&;;;~4 ~~h-~#;H ~~~L--r /?J~ /AR4r:I /()/Whd-,n,/f/;c/~ ~~~7~c -~2J-I ~ sM~/~r~ ~ C'~~~/~~L (J~vK-c-c-c- -!"df ~U4L-~-J4UU Un ~•'..--or-- -- s ~\~';co"",-w-~\~+Lc.1--WOV\''-- ~\V1-t tVo....tt VV\'\)GV -S i U c-~~1c.~-a.- b....>-r-'S c;+\6 ~-eo c..e.:.v-c..-'!./V"'.'O Ov""--r-oH~--5 V\~C-Co VV\~,,0Y\.1I&e.-~Ye:>o J. 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DATE OF PU BLIC HE ARI NG'------ .- I NTER-DE PARTM ENTAL REVIEW PRO JECT:.c:;<J /Vs ~?c/G ~rU'2 DATE SU BMITTED: CO MME NTS NEEDED--BY-:------------------ BRI EF DESC RIPTION OF THE PRO POSAL: ·,..• PUBLI C WOR KS Rev;ewed by:____________Date Comments :.---------- .,,-?//,../.,,>/..h'1 I ..?..'-"c...:;//1 C <.~/2-<a ~,/l.J~";::;:: 2).,,?/.£J f/';C/M"....;P0 V<-'~<-..-vd'..r</h -4<-C:--<~a/<?C"../r-.'3 /1 ~ ,?'c...,.....:s.>-~vC F7?'.-../' /-.../C /'--<..--0.6>"'.1 /c~-/C A/J- _________________Da t e-------- 5JU,c~/0 2 07{/)CN~,~1,/'~"·~ vrc /0-?Ol (.4)~A~"~/tJiJ l'~/~.y~~ f'~;n~'"e7' /)~.~G~"'/J7 ,"""-/J4*~Z:-/fi6U'"JZ-~~...........-. RE CREATIOtI DE PART r~E N T Rev;eh'e d by: Comme n t s: .-..• /3 l~. ,- DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING"---- INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT:L;<:J N'J ~?O/C ~nr72 DATE SUBf4ITTED :------- COMMENTS NEEDED BY:------- BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: PUBU C WORKS Rev i ewed by:Date Co mments:.------ /_/.5 -:C;:-0-J Date------ .::})/~/....,J ",~../'°2.~ POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by:Dlate Co mments:----- FIRE DEPARTMENT Rev i ewed by:4/-~6 ~ Comments:,)/L --...,,L/c..).""'/0/A '-~~ ___________Da ta _ REC RE ATION DE PARTMENT Rev i ewed by: CO riJne nts: .- ..' COMMERCIAL CORE 2 (CC2)DISTRICT 18.26.060 Lot area and site dimensions. The minimum lot or site areas hallbeten thousand square feet o f bu ildable area .a ndeachsi te s hallha vea min imum fronta ge oi t hirty feet.Each s ite s hallb eofas ize and s hape capabl e o f encl osing a square ar eaeighty feet 011 eac hs idew ithin its boundari es.(Ord .12(1978)§J (pa rt l .) 13.25.070 Setbacks. In eC2 district the minimum front setback shall betenfeet: the minimum s ide setback shall betenfeet;and the minimum rear setback shall betenfeet unless otherwise specified intheVail Lionshead urban de sign guide plan and de sign considerations. (Ord .21(1980)§2 (partj.) 18 .26.090 Height. F or a flat roof or mansard roof,t he height of bu ildingss hall not exceed f o rty-fivefeet.For a sloping roof,the height o f build ings shall not exceed fort y-eight feet.These restrictions p ertainu nless otherwise specified b y the Vail Lionshead urban design gu ide plan and urban des ign cons iderations.(Ord. 37(1980)§2 (part).) 18.26.100 Density control. Unless otherwise specified i ntheVail Lionshead urban desi gng uide plan.not more than e ighty squa re feet of gross res identialfloor a rea (GRFA)shall be permitted fo r each one hundred square feet of buildable site area.Total density shall 3 56-2a 1,,",111 ~-7 -1C 4 1 Planning and Environmental Commission June 27,1988 PRESENT Diana Donovan Pam Hopkins sid Schultz Jim Viele MEMBERS ABSENT Bryan Hobbs Peggy Osterfoss Grant Riva STAFFPRESENT Tom Braun Kristan Pritz Rick Pylman Larry Eskwith Betsy Rosolack The meeting was called to order by Jim Viele,chairman. 1.Approval of minutes of June 13. seconded to approve the minutes. Diana moved and Pam Vote was 4-0 in favor. 2.A request for ~.a.n-exterior alteration and a setback variance-in order t6~construct an addition to the Lionshead Center Build!nq. Applicant:Lionshead eenter Condo Association ~--·~r o p osa l .He explained that the building had been pulled back,and that now there was no need for a setback variance,merely an exterior alteration.Rick showed the revised site plans and landscape plans.He added that the applicant had also changed the design at the Skiers Sculpture,but that the staff preferred the original design. The new proposal showed only the addition of trees in this area. Tom Briner,representing the applicant,showed a sketch of the west end of the building with changes.Pam Hopkins expressed appreciation for the changes made to the building.sid felt that the applicant had addressed all of his concerns.Diana Donovan wanted to pass along to the DRB her feeling that 'most of the trees should be evergreens,or else if not,that Christmas lights be placed in the trees in the winter.Jim Viele agreed with Diana.He also added that he felt the plan represented a significant improvement. Rick asked the board how they felt about the design at the Skiers Sculpture.They seemed to feel that just the addition of the trees was O.K.Diana suggested encouraging the DRB to soften the area with the addition of grass. Diana moved to approve the request for an exterior alteration per the staff memo with the direction to DRB to request evergreens or lights and to soften the area around the Skiers Sculpture.The motion was seconded by Pam and the vote was 4-0 in favor. 3.A request for a side setback variance in order to construct an addition to a duplex located at Lot 2,Gore Creek Meadows,Filing 1. Applicant:Firooz E.Zadeh Kristan Pritz presented the request.The staff recommendation was for approval,as it was felt it was not a grant of special privilege.A similar type of variance was granted the owner of the other side of the duplex. Diana moved and Pam seconded to approve the setback variance per the staff memo and the finding concerning strict interpretation.The vote was 4-0 in favor. 4.A request for a side setback variance,a parking variance and for a density variance in order to construct an addition to the Tivoli Lodge located on Lot E,Block 2, Vail Village 5th Filing. Applicant:Robert Lazier Tom Braun explained the requests and showed site plans and elevations.He reviewed the criteria,explaining the inter- relatedness of the requests.Tom then discussed the criteria and findings,the related policies to the Comprehensive Plan, and the concern about valet parking.He explained that the staff was concerned about the proposal for many reasons.They felt that the mass could be reduced,thereby minimizing impacts on adjacent properties and the public walk way.Another concern was the interim and permanent parking solution.Tom stated that the Action Plan recommended a "small infill"in this area.It was felt that the level of development proposed and the number of variances involved outweighed the benefits, and the staff recommended denial of the requests. Jay Peterson,representing the applicant,stated that the plan envisioned by the Master Plan proposed parking on the P-2 Lot and Jay felt that these spaces were actually on site,as they were owned by the Tivoli.He mentioned that the applicant could have requested an SOD,but without the SOD,many variances were needed.Jay stated that the purpose of the proposal was to up-grade the family-owned lodge.He stated that one purpose of the Action Plan was to increase the number of accommodation units.He felt that the Town needed to encourage proposals that added more hotel rooms.He disagreed with the staff.Jay added that the parking demand was simply not there.He also added that the view impacted was not sacred.Jay felt that the proposal modified views,but did not eliminated them. Jay discussed the pedestrian way,stating that he felt the resulting enclosure of the path was pleasing.He pointed out that the Master Plan indicated 2-1/2 stories along Hanson Ranch .",.~~,.,.....~.\,...........\",.'·'1 ·_",--~J..~,.,.r::,-'-<II , .' .- A p ~li c at i on ~-ber ---- •• SI G;:APP l ICA TI O~ The fol1O\~ing ;n for::l'at ion ts required for s ubm i t ta l by t he applic ant to the Des ign Re v i ew Bo ard be fore a final ap pro val can be given. Si gn su cmi tta 1 fee is $20.00.'. A.S ign Ha te r-ial :i!J~7j;,e {,l"?$,,;,-0 AI (~;;;;,ls ...-- .-.' C.5 i z e of 5i gn --lo!.----£~=--'-':::...-__..=:l._~____:._ B.Des cr i pt'i cn of Sign Fi1c/l/lEp tPtt!(lIlNtJ/J.s i/FlL../tIlJC£ 6 rr (lit?1(7:'/(CL £flUE!?I S \\o"J(y tVOIM'D.PD~k: 6 "r K 5"",3 N ~2 b..<;jJ< L ()~LPc>,/D.ength 'of Fron tace Ft.~~ E.Cozm ents__-------------_ -- NA TE RI AlS SUa;·iT TTED IHTH APPLI CAn ON S i gn Adm1n1Strata r 1.Site Pl an 2 .Or al·lings sL"ho-\·-n-:ng=--=-ex::"'a·ct loc a tion _ 3.Pho togra phs s howing pr oposed locat1 0n 4 .Ac tu al s ign -------- 5 .Col or eds cale ara','llng _ 6.Photo graph of sign _ Ap pro ved for ORB Sub::litt al Disap pr oved for ORB Su c ~i t t a l ___ -.' Sig nAdm1nlstrJtOr... "'0 ~..'... •. .::"'.-..-.• '0 "• ".....-,_::, Date --~-i-...!-"::-'':'''''';'=------ • --?(c,h I .- ProjectApplication Project Nam e:"':"""..L..--':"'--=-_-'-'-'-=-"';""'__"'--''---:;':-~_ : Project Description:_ Contact Per sona nd Phone Own er ,Add ressandPhon e:_ Ar chitect ,Address and Ph one: (..,11-~-h.~ L egalDes cript ion :Lot Block Fi ling Comme nts : /)I ("7 /77 ___________,Zone _ 1 1/ DesignReviewBoa rd Dat e _ M otionby: Seconded by: A PPROVAL D ISAPPROVAL Summary:_ J / /' Dat e : Town Planner !/f lar G (Staff Approval-: I I the prlJllery 'ya,1 ., '/ r/ .--• IJ()~)/~17fj~ 1Sf?Llc.E:D.Ij.//l£~ • SIJNAj€'.vJllJ Te .-Pnlf1/T£.P ·it'CLElJtJER.S \l . ~~/C/lps - 71Fr/?Ny'Tyr£F.4cE. I I • January 75 south trontage road vall ,colorado 81657 9~3)4illj IPgo,officeofcommunity development Mr.Eustaqu io cortina Lionshead Centre Condo Ass. c/o Vail Home Rentals 143 East Meadow Drive #365 Vail,Colorado 81657 Re:Lionshead Centre Expansion Dear Eustaquio: On Thursday of last week,the Community Development staff met on site and reviewed the latest site planning proposal for the Lionshead Centre expansion.Our general response to your proposed program was pos itive.We felt that the additional planting and landscaping areas contribute to the plaza and reduce the impact of the loss of the landscaped area at the western end of the Lionshead Centre building.Upon completion of detailed building elevations,we would like to meet with your architect on site to discuss a few possible refinements to the site planning and elevations. Following this discussion,I believe we will be ready to start the formal review process.We will continue to keep you informed as to submission requirements and scheduling details. I look forward to continuing working with you on this project. Sincerel~~ (CL 1Yc Rick Pylman Town Planner RP:br cc:Gary swetish I -•I t Planning and Environmental Commission June 13,1988 PRESENT Diana Donovan Pam Hopkins Grant Riva sid Schultz Jim Viele ABSENT Bryan Hobbs Peggy Osterfoss STAFF PRESENT Peter Patten Tom Braun Rick Pylman Betsy Rosolack The meeting was called to order by the chairman,Jim Viele. 1.Approval of minutes of May 23.A correction was made to the minutes,and they were approved 4-0-1 with Pam abstaining. 2 .This item was delayed until the end. 3 .A request for an ext~ration and a setback variance in order to construct an addition to the Lionshead Center Building ) Applicant:Lionshead Center Condo Assoc. V .> Rick Pylman first--explained-the -exterior alteration request and showed site plans.He stated that the proposal was in compliance with the Urban Design Guide Plan design considerations on the south and north elevations.However,the staff had reservations concerning the encroachment and development on the west end of the building.He discussed zoning considerations and stated that the staff recommended denial of the application,although they had strong support for the additions to the north and south.As far as the setback variance was concerned,the staff recommended denial of that also,and felt that just a desire for more retail on the west corner was not proof of physical hardship. Tom Briner,architect on the project,showed a model and explained that it was necessary for all the parties involved to come to an agreement,and that some concessions had to be made to some retailers.He pointed out that the last time this was presented,two issues were raised:1)unvaried eave line and building edge.Now there is 30%glass,which could be changed to 100%glass for more visual attraction for pedestrians.2) A canopy which extended over the property line and was a problem to the Fire Department.Briner stated that the staff was concerned with trees.He said that each time he did • something to appease the to the persons involved. requirements. - staff,he was told he had to go back He felt that he had satisfied the \ Tom stated that Larry Benway,a local landscaper,had told Tom that the large trees would not grow further,so in lieu of trees,Tom suggested putting "something a~sthetic"in the corner.The stair would be broadened to help feature the children's center. A representative from the Younger Generation stated that she liked the trees,but did not feel it was necessary to have grass on that corner.She added that for years the area with the grass has not been taken care of and became a place people threw trash in the summer and snow was plowed into the area in the winter. Grant stated that he was in general agreement with the staff regarding improvements on the north and south sides.His concern was on the west side.He felt that this was a corridor to the mountain and was also concerned about the views from the north being affected. Briner answered that he did not feel there would be an effect on the view from Bart 'n Yeti's.VA was not opposed to the construction on the west end. Grant stated that if the addition did appear to keep an opening between the Lionshead Center Building and the ticket booths at this time,there could still be a problem when Vail Associates added onto their building. Briner stated that if he could not do the west corner,he could not do the building.Grant felt it would be nice to have some sort of landscaping on the west end.He added that it had been mentioned that this area was also used for snow storage, and wondered if this meant there could be a problem with snow storage.Rick replied that with continued development,the Town must truck more snow. Diana stated that each time the Lionshead Center Building was brought before the Board,they were closer to a solution.She still felt the need for large trees on the end of the building to buffer the building.She added that if the 10 foot setback was respected,large trees could remain. Briner answered that this was not as simple as it seemed.He felt that perhaps trees could be planted toward the north. Diana said that there would still be a large building,and Briner answered that it would be stepped down to change the scale. Diana liked what was to be done with the sculpture of the skiers,and felt the area near the popcorn wagon should be left • open because of congestion.She felt there should be some landscaping near the building. Oscar Tang,officer of the condo association and owner of the commercial part of the building,stated that he was only a part time resident and not a professional,but felt he might be able to give a different perspective.He stated that the building was sound economically,so there was no economic drive on his part to remodel.Tang stated that something must be done with Lionshead,especially the Lionshead Center Building. He felt that what was really key was the west end of the building.He pointed out that in Europe and in vail Village, pavement went all the way to the buildings,and it worked well. He said the object of the sub-area concept #12 was the ability of people to relate to the buildings.The west end was a real challenge because there were no shops or windows to relate to. He felt the proposal was the correct solution.Tang stated that he was willing to replace the trees 2 to 1 anywhere the staff desired,but felt these particular trees did not belong on the west end.He had found he could bring in mature trees and would place them anywhere on the mall.Tang stated that if the west end could not be done,the project "was dead."He added that the ski school really needed to expand and this was a major part of the expansion. Diana looked for a place to put "significant green space" somewhere near the building.Estacio Cortina,president of the condo association,said he felt the proposal was a win/win situation.It would benefit Lionshead,Oscar Tang,and the condo owners.He stated that the association had given him a deadline (June 1,1988)to get approval.He felt the entrance to Lionshead was more important than a few trees. Diana stated that she was not saying that the trees as they now stand must remain,but felt another tree in another location could work. Tom Briner showed where other tree grates could be located with heights of 22'-25'. sid Schultz stated that he liked Tang's comparison of Vail Village and Lionshead and added that that in itself says things must be done differently in Lionshead.He did not see a real hardship to grant a setback variance,and felt it would set a precedent.He felt there was still room for compromise. Pam said the situation reminded her of the Golden Peak House and stated that for the good of the community,there must be compromise.She felt that if rules were followed completely all of the time,nothing would get done.She felt the existing planter looked "anemic"and did not like the split rail fence.She felt the plaza still needed a lot more done to it. • Briner said that possibly one problem with Lionshead was that there were setbacks which made a sort of wasteland. Jim Viele asked Rick what input had been gathered from the Town Council and Rick responded that the Council was asked for permission for the Lionshead Center to proceed with their application since it included Town land.The Council did give permission,but was concerned about the west end. Jim stated that since the Board looked at the proposal about a year ago,it had,in general,improved.He stated that this building was as visible as any building in Lionshead.He felt the public spaces were not planned nor controlled in Lionshead, and pointed out that Vail Village did have vast expanses of hardness.Jim felt the proposal came very close to something he would support.He felt it was most important to add large trees near the stairs on the west end and felt this would do a lot to offset the removal of the trees to the east of the stairs.Also,with the addition of other landscaping,he could support the proposal. Diana asked if the underground expansion could be proposed without the expansion above ground,and Briner reminded her that she wanted the tree roots to go all the way down. Nancy Nottingham,VA employee in charge of the Children's center,pointed out that one thing to be considered was that they had a need for mall frontage.Another item to be considered was a change in the entrance to Alfie Packer's.She said the underground space was not as important to her.She was hoping the building would go further south,and possibly put the adult ski school downstairs and put the children upstairs. Pam moved to approve the request for the exterior alteration, Grant seconded.The discussion continued.Viele felt there should be some fairly detailed discussion involving the landscaping,and stated that he would like to hear a more specific proposal that responds to the concerns of the PEC. Peter recommended that the PEC see a revised landscape plan and Jim agreed.Peter added that when we attempt to redesign a project,it is always beneficial to take bring back the revis ions to ensure that everyone understood the changes to be made.Sid stated that he would like to table the issue in order to see the revised landscape plan.Pam stated that she would withdraw the motion,but wanted the applicant to know that there was no problem with the building. Sid moved and Diana seconded to table this issue to June 27 or July 11 upon timely receipt of revisions.The vote was 5-0 in favor of tabling.Peter summarized that the only problem left to deal with was the landscaping of the west end,and the PEC would like to see a revised landscape plan. • Planning and Environmental Commission June 13,1988 PRESENT Diana Donovan Pam Hopkins Grant Riva Sid Schultz Jim Viele STAFFPRESENT Peter Patten Tom Braun Rick Pylman Betsy Rosolack ABSENT Bryan Hobbs Peggy Osterfoss The meeting was called to order by the chairman,Jim Viele. 1.Approval of minutes of May 23.A correction was made to the minutes,and they were approved 4-0-1 with Pam abstaining. 2.This item was delayed until the end. 3.A request for an -exterior alteration and a setback variance in order to construct an addition to the ~o n sh e ad Center BUildin~ /Appi Th ant.Lionshead Center Condo Assoc. Ri dk Pylman first explained the exterior alteration request and showed site plans.He stated that the proposal was in compliance with the Urban Design Guide Plan design considerations on the south and north elevations.However,the staff had reservations concerning the encroachment and development on the west end of the building.He discussed zoning considerations and stated that the staff recommended denial of the application,although they had strong support for the additions to the north and south.As far as the setback variance was concerned,the staff recommended denial of that also,and felt that just a desire for more retail on the west corner was not proof of physical hardship. Tom Briner,architect on the project,showed a model and explained that it was necessary for all the parties involved to come to an agreement,and that some concessions had to be made to some retailers.He pointed out that the last time this was presented,two issues were raised:1)unvaried eave line and building edge.Now there is 30%glass,which could be changed to 100%glass for more visual attraction for pedestrians.2) A canopy which extended over the property line and was a problem to the Fire Department.Briner stated that the staff was concerned with trees.He said that each time he did something to appease the to the persons involved. requirements. • staff,he was told he had to go back He felt that he had satisfied the Tom stated that Larry Benway,a local landscaper,had told Tom that the large trees would not grow further,so in lieu of trees,Tom suggested putting "something aesthetic"i n the corner.The stair would be broadened to help feature the children's center. A representative from the Younger Generation stated that she liked the trees,but did not feel it was necessary to have grass on that corner.She added that for years the area with the grass has not been taken care of and became a place people threw trash in the summer and snow was plowed into the area in the winter . Grant stated that he was in general agreement with the staff regarding improvements on the north and south sides.His concern was on the west side.He felt that this was a corridor to the mountain and was also concerned about the views from the north being affected. Briner answered that he did not feel there would be an effect on the view from Bart 'n Yeti's.VA was not opposed to the construction on the west end. Grant stated that if the addition did appear to keep an opening between the Lionshead Center Building and the ticket booths at this time,there could still be a problem when Vail Associates added onto their building. Briner stated that if he could not do the west corner,he could not do the building.Grant felt it would be nice to have some sort of landscaping on the west end.He added that it had been mentioned that this area was also used for snow storage, and wondered if this meant there could be a problem with snow storage.Rick replied that with continued development,the Town must truck more snow. Diana stated that each time the Lionshead Center Building was brought before the Board,they were closer to a solution.She still felt the need for large trees on the end of the building to buffer the building.She added that if the 10 foot setback was respected,large trees could remain. Briner answered that this was not as simple as it seemed.He felt that perhaps trees could be planted toward the north. Diana said that there would still be a large building,and Briner answered that it would be stepped down to change the scale. Diana liked what was to be done with the sculpture of the skiers,and felt the area near the popcorn wagon should be left • open because of congestion.She felt there should be some landscaping near the building. Oscar Tang,officer of the condo association and owner of the commercial part of the building,stated that he was only a part time resident and not a professional,but felt he might be able to give a different perspective.He stated that the building was sound economically,so there was no economic drive on his part to remodel.Tang stated that something must be done with Lionshead,especially the Lionshead Center Building. He felt that what was really key was the west end of the building.He pointed out that in Europe and in vail Village, pavement went all the way to the buildings,and it worked well. He said the object of the sub-area concept #12 was the ability of people to relate to the buildings.The west end was a real challenge because there were no shops or windows to relate to. He felt the proposal was the correct solution.Tang stated that he was willing to replace the trees 2 to 1 anywhere the staff desired,but felt these particular trees did not belong on the west end.He had found he could bring in mature trees and would place them anywhere on the mall.Tang stated that if the west end could not be done,the project "was dead."He added that the ski school really needed to expand and this was a major part of the expansion. Diana looked for a place to put "significant green space" somewhere near the building.Estacio Cortina,president of the condo association,said he felt the proposal was a win/win situation.It would benefit Lionshead,Oscar Tang,and the condo owners.He stated that the association had given him a deadline (June 1,1988)to get approval.He felt the entrance to Lionshead was more important than a few trees. Diana stated that she was not saying that the trees as they now stand must remain,but felt another tree in another location could work. Tom Briner showed where other tree grates could be located with heights of 22'-25'. sid Schultz stated that he liked Tang's comparison of Vail Village and Lionshead and added that that in itself says things must be done differently in Lionshead.He did not see a real hardship to grant a setback variance,and felt it would set a precedent.He felt there was still room for compromise. Pam said the situation reminded her of the Golden Peak House and stated that for the good of the community,there must be compromise.She felt that if rules were followed completely all of the time,nothing would get done.She felt the existing planter looked "anemic"and did not like the split rail fence.She felt the plaza still needed a lot more done to it. • Briner said that possibly one problem with Lionshead was that there were setbacks which made a sort of wasteland. Jim Viele asked Rick what input had been gathered from the Town Council and Rick responded that the Council was asked for permission for the Lionshead Center to proceed with their application since it included Town land.The Council did give permission,but was concerned about the west end. Jim stated that since the Board looked at the proposal about a year ago,it had ,in general,improved.He stated that this building was as visible as any building in Lionshead.He felt the pUblic spaces were not planned nor controlled in Lionshead, and pointed out that Vail Village did have vast expanses of hardness.Jim felt the proposal came very close to something he would support.He felt it was most important to add large trees near the stairs on the west end and felt this would do a lot to offset the removal of the trees to the east of the stairs.Also,with the addition of other landscaping,he could support the proposal. Diana asked if the underground expansion could be proposed without the expansion above ground,and Briner reminded her that she wanted the tree roots to go all the way down. Nancy Nottingham,VA employee in charge of the Children's Center,pointed out that one thing to be considered was that they had a need for mall frontage.Another item to be considered was a change in the entrance to Alfie Packer's.She said the underground space was not as important to her.She was hoping the building would go further south,and possibly put the adult ski school downstairs and put the children upstairs. Pam moved to approve the request for the exterior alteration, Grant seconded.The discussion continued.Viele felt there should be some fairly detailed discussion involving the landscaping,and stated that he would like to hear a more specific proposal that responds to the concerns of the PEC. Peter recommended that the PEC see a revised landscape plan and Jim agreed.Peter added that when we attempt to redesign a project,it is always beneficial to take bring back the revisions to ensure that everyone understood the changes to be made.Sid stated that he would like to table the issue in order to see the revised landscape plan.Pam stated that she would withdraw the motion,but wanted the applicant to know that there was no problem with the building. sid moved and Diana seconded to table this issue to June 27 or July 11 upon timely receipt of revisions .The vote was 5-0 in favor of tabling.Peter summarized that the only problem left to deal with was the landscaping of the west end,and the PEC would like to see a revised landscape plan. Planning and Environmental Commission June 13,1988 PRESENT Diana Donovan Pam Hopkins Grant Riva sid Schultz Jim Viele ABSENT Bryan Hobbs Peggy Osterfoss STAFFPRESENT Peter Patten Tom Braun Rick pylman Betsy Rosolack The meeting was called to order by the chairman,Jim Viele. 1.Approval of minutes of May 23.A correction was made to the minutes,and they were approved 4-0-1 with Pam abstaining. 2.This item was delayed until the end. 3.setback to the Rick Pylman first exp a~ne request and showed site plans.He stated that the proposal was in compliance with the Urban Design Guide Plan design considerations on the south and north elevations.However,the staff-had reservations concerning the encroachment and development on the west end of the building.He discussed zoning cons iderations and stated that the staff recommended denial of the application,although they had strong support for the additions to the north and south.As far as the setback variance was concerned,the staff recommended denial of that also,and felt that just a desire for more retail on the west corner was not proof of physical hardship. Tom Briner,architect on the project,showed a model and explained that it was necessary for all the parties involved to come to an agreement,and that some concessions had to be made to some retailers.He pointed out that the last time this was presented,two issues were raised:1)unvaried eave line and building edge.Now there is 30%glass,Which could be changed to 100%glass for more visual attraction for pedestrians.2) A canopy which extended over the property line and was a problem to the Fire Department.Briner stated that the staff was concerned with trees.He said that each time he did , something to appease the to the persons involved. requirements. staff,he was told he had to go back He felt that he had satisfied the Tom stated that Larry Benway,a local landscaper,had told Tom that the large trees would not grow further,so in lieu of trees,Tom suggested putting "something a~sthetic"in the corner.The stair would be broadened to help feature the children's center. A representative from the Younger Generation stated that she liked the trees,but did not feel it was necessary to have grass on that corner.She added that for years the area with the grass has not been taken care of and became a place people threw trash in the summer and snow was plowed into the area in the winter. Grant stated that he was in general agreement with the staff regarding improvements on the north and south sides.His concern was on the west side.He felt that this was a corridor to the mountain and was also concerned about the views from the north being affected. Briner answered that he did not feel there would be an effect on the view from Bart 'n Yeti's.VA was not opposed to the construction on the west end. Grant stated that if the addition did appear to keep an opening between the Lionshead Center Building and the ticket booths at this time,there could still be a problem when vail Associates added onto their building. Briner stated that if he could not do the west corner,he could not do the building.Grant felt it would be nice to have some sort of landscaping on the west end.He added that it had been mentioned that this area was also used for snow storage, and wondered if this meant there could be a problem with snow storage.Rick replied that with continued development,the Town must truck more snow. Diana stated that each time the Lionshead Center Building was brought before the Board,they were closer to a solution.She still felt the need for large trees on the end of the building to buffer the building.She added that if the 10 foot setback was respected,large trees could remain. Briner answered that this was not as simple as it seemed.He felt that perhaps trees could be planted toward the north. Diana said that there would still be a large building,and Briner answered that it would be stepped down to change the scale. Diana liked what was to be done with the sculpture of the skiers,and felt the area near the popcorn wagon should be left open because of congestion.She felt there should be some landscaping near the building. Oscar Tang,officer of the condo association and owner of the commercial part of the building,stated that he was only a part time resident and not a professional,but felt he might be able to give a different perspective.He stated that the building was sound economically,so there was no economic drive on his part to remodel.Tang stated that something must be done with Lionshead,especially the Lionshead Center Building. He felt that what was really key was the west end of the building.He pointed out that in Europe and in vail Village, pavement went all the way to the buildings,and it worked well. He said the object of the sub-area concept #12 was the ability of people to relate to the buildings.The west end was a real challenge because there were no shops or windows to relate to. He felt the proposal was the correct solution.Tang stated that he was willing to replace the trees 2 to 1 anywhere the staff desired,but felt these particular trees did not belong on the west end.He had found he could bring in mature trees and would place them anywhere on the mall.Tang stated that if the west end could not be done,the project "was dead."He added that the ski school really needed to expand and this was a major part of the expansion. Diana looked for a place to put "significant green space" somewhere near the building.Estacio cortina,president of the condo association,said he felt the proposal was a win/win situation.It would benefit Lionshead,Oscar Tang,and the condo owners.He stated that the association had given him a deadline (June 1,1988)to get approval.He felt the entrance to Lionshead was more important than a few trees. Diana stated that she was not saying that the trees as they now stand must remain,but felt another tree in another location could work. Tom Briner showed where other tree grates could be located with heights of 22'-25'. sid Schultz stated that he liked Tang's comparison of Vail Village and Lionshead and added thatthat in itself says things must be done differently in Lionshead.He did not see a real hardship to grant a setback variance,and felt it would set a precedent.He felt there was still room for compromise. Pam said the situation reminded her of the Golden Peak House and stated that for the good of the community,there must be compromise.She felt that if rules were followed completely all of the time,nothing would get done.She felt the existing planter looked "anemic"and did not like the split rail fence.She felt the plaza still needed a lot more done to it. Briner said that possibly one problem with Lionshead was that there ~setbacks which made a sort of wasteland. Jim Viele asked Rick what input had been gathered from the Town Council and Rick responded that the Council was asked for permission for the Lionshead Center to proceed with their application since it included Town land.The Council did give permission,but was concerned about the west end. Jim stated that since the Board looked at the proposal about a year ago,it had,in general,improved.He stated that this building was as visible as any building in Lionshead.He felt the pUblic spaces were not planned nor controlled in Lionshead, and pointed out that Vail Village did have vast expanses of hardness.Jim felt the proposal came very close to something he would support.He felt it was most important to add large trees near the stairs on the west end and felt this would do a lot to offset the removal of the trees to the east of the stairs.Also,with the addition of other landscaping,he could support the proposal. Diana asked if the underground expansion could be proposed without the expansion above ground,and Briner reminded her that she wanted the tree roots to go all the way down. Nancy Nottingham,VA employee in charge of the Children's center,pointed out that one thing to be considered was that they had a need for mall frontage.Another item to be considered was a change in the entrance to Alfie Packer's.She said the underground space was not as important to her.She was hoping the building would go further south,and possibly put the adult ski school downstairs and put the children upstairs. Pam moved to approve the request for the exterior alteration, Grant seconded.The discussion continued.Viele felt there should be some fairly detailed discussion involving the landscaping,and stated that he would like to hear a more specific proposal that responds to the concerns of the PEC. Peter recommended that the PEC see a revised landscape plan and Jim agreed.Peter added that when we attempt to redesign a project,it is always beneficial to take bring back the revisions to ensure that everyone understood the changes to be made.sid stated that he would like to table the issue in order to see the revised landscape plan.Pam stated that she would withdraw the motion,but wanted the applicant to know that there was no problem with the building. sid moved and Diana seconded to table this issue to June 27 or July 11 upon timely receipt of revisions.The vote was 5-0 in favor of tabling.Peter summarized that the only problem left to deal with was the landscaping of the west end,and the PEC would like to see a revised landscape plan. Community Development Department 1 (.S f'6") u·,,\\::v \ l--~ec0 C.,,"'~ /,-<.:J (--t-e-.6c\<)T"..D t-if?-l 'f '<.¥f-«-7f.,c;:..t-r J 33~~ ~\ -------.." '3\,0 ~\lD ~"<.»c:E":l ::J c.KrA-~r i--lvV'-~\,,,,,;<d Ce.'"\....'~ • NEXTTO THE BL'S sror IN L10NSHE.~D MAll 4 76-60&4 10987 Purchase 10 Sandwiches a nd the 11th o ne is o n us ! 6 Please present card upon orde rtng ! 5432I1 • 0000o0 0000F TTTTT T TOHi·j 04 iJOU l'Q l'IEDt~ESDA'I':) F.:ECE I PT #4:3322 I.)I.) I)I) I)A IL COLORADO CAi·RJAS AI'JH I tiG CO ...I tiC . 399B s.ImJDEF.llEF.:E EiJGLHIOOD..CO.80110 DE~;CF.:IPTIOiJ : SIGN APPLICATIOi·JS FOR BC6ELLI DELI :!,I)AIL CUSTO~l H1BF.:OIDER'r' 01 tnj(1l3414 i 3 TOTAL CHECf:;# 8314 RECEIPT B\' FDBD _....--+-1·-t--I 7-0 «. L_- I--~----t---_+.--L I II-r -;--+---;--. dI @eU~@~~~@er;-'''' JOBNAME 130-'E:u-I S ::DE L I JOBADDRESS _ CONTACT _ ~-l- I t I I --I- J I -+- 1_J J ...- , I __1 + I I I i -+ i SALESMAN PHONE _ • r --1--+--1--+--+--+--+r I--+-1--+-+-- I I-r ---t--+--,- I PHONE JOB ADDRESS _ CONTACT _ SALESMAN iI ! 1_,-t-+-t--l--t--t---+-+--t---t-+--t--i- T I+- PHONE r- I i JOB ADDRESS _ CONTACT _ SALESMAN I ~ I I I 1/(1:f;~/-o I rr - I --....- I I I 1 I i- -'--- .-f- ~_.+ 1 I -1 r I I I --I- I+4---- -r----t-~ •Project Application Date 11 /4/A7 Project Name:BOSELLI I S DELI AWNING AND S 1GNAGE fonnerlvPicn r:Bc;ket ,linn sh AProjectDescription:_-----'--"-'--"""-'--'-L...!.-'-"'''-'-'-'"'-''''''-':u:I..l::...l....o-1..-U.L'-=.I.<='-'-'-_ Contact Person and Phone od or Tom 80s 1]5 827-5742 } Owner,Address and Phone :_ Architect,Address and Phone: Legal Description :Lot Block Filing _-.-,Zone _ Signage total must vinylcoated cotton Ied3squarefeet~while letterinq on--------- DesignReviewBoard 11/4/87Date_---'----'_ , ((1 I (I II }) I L"J. --I Seconded by :__---=='-'-_----0..""--_+-_ Motion by : APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary:_ TownPlanner /1/1 /1"1Date: I I J ()/ o Staff Approval •~eA'l'-f/---"-pp tcat ron ms .....er_ SIGN APPLIC ATIO N .. Co [~Ca ...v o,.:::p--J"'.s (/' FeePaid 1 1 /....../r 1 . r r Da te 10/30/87 Name of Project Boselli 's Del ica tess en and Catering (currently Th~ Name of Person Submi tti ng La ne Bertrand(for Tom Phone ~-'-~-:'.J..-+=::::: -Boselli) Location of Project Lion '&Head (near bus stop) Description o~_Pr9ject Recov er ex isting awning frame with new fabr ic and s ignage and with frame x±alte ration . The following information is required for submittal bythe applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given. Sign submittal fee is $20 .00. A.Sign Material Bimini 9546 (see sample -vinyl coated cotton) B.Description of Sign Lettering c ente red on front f abric cover to read I BOSELLI 'S DEL ICAT ESS EN AND CA TERIN G (see draw ing for l ayout) C.Si z e of Si gn .......;:s:..:;e:..:;e.......;:d=.ra:;;.w...:i:.:n:.lig'--_ D.Length 'of Frontace(Ft.)14 '-0 Si gn Admi nistrator E.Comments There is no substantial change to what 's already there . The shap e of t hef ramewillbe ch angedfrom s tanda rd shed shape to the quarte r circle or conv ex style .The over all s i ze of the a wning Xlll an d s ignage wi ll rema in unch anged. MAT ERIALS SUB ;·lITTED WIT HAPPLICATION 1.Site Plan 2.Dr-awi nqs showi nq exact location -..,...,...-_ 3.Photographs showi nq proposed location _ 4.Actual sign __~_ 5.Colored scale drawlng 6.Pho tograph of sign _ Approved for ORB Subm ittal Disapproved for ORB Submittal Sign Administrator .... .. \....... i.;1r:: ,....•e Application r1Uhlber __-- SIGN APPLICATION ." Phone '7f 'l-oS-ss Da te -:.+-+.:::......:._L H-D:«L / of Project 1/t f fJ1C ,vIc-8&-"'-1<£4 - of Per son Su bmitt ing L/i-tJ/i-i?F.-fl..rYZ-/ITJb IL/rJt-'.s l iF..A1;>Location of Project ----'--....:......;.:;;...:=-------- Name Name FeePa id _ Description o~,Pr~ject ;2ff c.uv &?-[f.)(IJ TJ.JC-~..,I'/;/t-~c L-v f ryr IJ G-w WU c,v Lh rrFfi.,/o/{r-, The following information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given. Sign submittal fee is $20.00. A.Sign Material AwJ.;1"v(,-~I2..tL:$/#11'<'/1 9.J't~!2£--l:>. B.Description of Sign fJO~/eL,~1l>!Z£.H:,:LION:S If-£.rD .})/5.'-1 (~l:>fJlh,..;n;-i)'v mT1Z.L £.;lff.J2-J ·) C.Si ze of Sign _---====----=...:.........:-_ D. E. Length 'of Frontace (Ft.) Comments L-0 C-!'r{70,J 7 /'-/.!-o, .- MATERIALS SUBi·tITTED WITH APPLICATION Sign Admlnistrator 1.Site Plan 2.Drawtnqs s1'""h-o\-·I1,.-·n-g-ex-:"'a·ct location _.,__--.,- 3.Photographs showing proposed location _-,'~__ 4.Actual sign 5.Colored scal-e-d;-r-a\-~l""'n~g-_ 6.Photograph of sign _ Approved for ORB Submittal Disapproved for ORB Submittal _ Sign Administrator " -.J • LANE BERTRAND Sales Representative Since1899 CS6U~(7acil@ @a~P.lGJgj ~tl~ 3990S.W indermere Englewood,Colorado 801I0 (303)789~533 -. •" •Project Application •.---. Date 10/8/84 Project Name :-,~:=e:......:..P.:.1""c~n=-.!::.=~~c!:..:~:...:..:.!:~~~=~_ Project Description:~~~~::!!!J~~!a!!K~~~~_ Contact Person andPhone ---oX.:.:a:..:th=..::v---"W-"y.:r-",1-"c""---=-=c=~,,,,!-,,:!:,,!,~c.z:!~'--_ Owner,Address andPhone :_-:X.:..;a:...thy=---,e.::.-=.=..::~==-:~=~~=~:!....::~=..L::.L-'-..:~~~~~~~-!..~~~~ / Architect,Address andPhone : Legal Description :Lot Block Filing ,Zone _ Commen ts:I ron frlllll .Motion by : Seconded by: APPROVAL t DesignReviewBoard Date _-'---,-_ DISAPPROVAL r \J Date : , []Staff Approval, ,.• -r ~)J.(./"/L,»: DATE OF PUBLIC HE ARING~__ INTER -DE PARTMEN TAL REVIE W • S,f0 <.J:.-o N ''T ~'"c::-f'C-o b """c:>...rr f'Ott.SNO"";f"'-'oc ~Fi'=-Roo~ I/'7)5:#c wo J#}r.J (;=9l~ OVJ"J c -e:f...;/L '-..e~ VN D /:;Ic..~NIIVG PUBLIC WOR KS Rev iewed by :__-.,L---"=~-L-Date__~--:,-,--,--;--,=- Co mmen ts: (2);f~/V /,J (, C o "'J c.~Q.rV ~ FIRE DEPARTMENT Revie wed by :Date._ Comments: POL ICE DE PARTMENT Reviewed by:----:Datec--___ Comments: .~. ..~'. '.'./::'::i:·~t ;:~ .~..":{~:: ..-....,,,".' RECREATION DEPARTM ENT Re viewed by:Da te._ Comments: .'.-.. • 75 south f rontage road vail ,colorado 81657 (303)476 -7000 April17,1984 TO:SIG NAPPLICA NTS •DF'de.Je ,II., I'JA-S..,<oJ s',-,or office 01 community development FROM:Tom Braun or Kristan Pritz ,Planners RE :Sign Application Requirements When appl ications for signs are submitted,the following information i s r equi red: 1.Site plan showing exact location where thesign is tobe located . 2.Photog raph or drawing showing the building and wheresign is tobel ocated. 3.Exact de si gn of sig n (oneormoreofthefo 11 owi ng ) (a)scal edrawingor rendering (mustbecolored exactly'as signwill be) (b)t hesign itself 'is made (c)photograph if s ign i s made FEE:A $2 0.00 app lication fee will be re quired at time of application . •• ·1 .~,..~,."•II\.--•'. Application Numb er __ Phone 949-6449 1 0/8/84 SIGN APPLICATIO N Date ------"--:...-.------- Name ofProject The Picnic Easket/Awning-Si~nau,e Name of Person Submitti ng Ka thy ',fyrick Lo cation ofProject Lionshead Ma l l(Vail ,Co.) Description of Project Storefront awning &Inentification Fee The following information is required for submittal bythe applicant tothe Design Review Board before a final approval canbegi ven. Sign submittal fe e is $20 .00. A.Sign Material l,l hite fire -retar ~ant fabric sewn on awning B.De sc rip tion 0 fSign _':...:''!'c.:.;hc::e-'P:...;i::..:c::..:n;:.::ic::c--=:;Ba::.;s::..:k::..:e:...:t-'''_ C.SizeofSign -'-.::.:-:.:..-----"~:...-.=---=-...>L::.:..-::=-_ MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION Sign Adminis trator 1.SitePlan 2.Drawings s 'h-ow-l~'n-g-e -xact location 3.Photographs showing proposed loc-at~i~o-n------- 4.Actual sign 5.Co 10 r ed sca l-e-d'r-a-w""""'i-n-g-___ 6.Photograph of sign _ Approved for DRB Submittal Disapproved for DRB Submittal ••LIS T OF MATER IALS NAME O~PRO JECT:1J..~PC.AJ/~ZS19s 4T LEGAL DESCRIP TION:LOT BLOCK FIL I NG STRE ET ADDRESS:I,/(>I,JS hEfrP-M.....-:;"A--/",-------- DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The followinginformation i sreq uired for submittal by the applicant tothe Desi gn Re view Board beforea final approvalcanbef iven: A.BUILDING MATERIALS :TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windo ws Window Tri m Doors Door Trim Hand or Dec k Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enc losures Gree nhouses ~j)fJJ tJlI/f1J B.LANDSCAPING:Na me of D esigner~ phone: PLA NT MATERIALS:Botanical Name Co mmon Na me Quanity Size* PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO ___ BE REMOV ED *I ndicate caliper fordeciducious trees.Indicate height for conifers. • PLANT MATERIALS:Botanical Name (con't) SHRUBS EX I STI NG SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION Corrrnon Name • Quanity Size Square Footage TYPE OR METHOD OF _ EROS ION CONTROL • C.OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls,fences,swimming pools,etc.)Please specify. .....'. • • ,I ..i :'!: , i.., , "._.,. " .':. ,..l ·'.' ",~.:~::~'-;:. ..,.. I ' ,, ,j I , ,I ,r-: ..I I '::••••' .....;,., ';, .i ,, '!'. I .·r--').; ,.. d '• -l--------'. ,- .,-I 5 '6'( I I i 'I 7'0 " ••Of•• L Y"/ :<'8'/ ...' " -S/f:'l!--PI?~lI!r- /r»: -roF- i L-----========:Jt .. Plc nlc Baskc; [)[U ~SOU?s S.t..NDWIC HES ,, I I. I•J I ;,".., ,.'. I J -• • 75 south frontage road vail,colorado 81657 (303)476-7000 May 13,1987 Mr.Tom Briner Briner Scott Architects 143 East Meadow Drive Vail,Colorado 81657 Re:L ionshead Center Building Dear Tom: • officeofcommunity development In your letter dated May 8,1987,you asked if you wou ld be required to obtain a setback variance ,as you are proposing to encroach 5 feet into the existing 10 foot setback .The answer is yes,it is necessary to obtain a setback variance.However, I believe Rick has already published for the setback variance request.Enclosed are the two published descr iptions for the project.If you feel that you are asking for more than the original exterior alteration and setback variance,it would be necessary to publish again.I have enclosed a Planning Commission schedule that lists submittal deadlines and meetings.Please be sure to keep these submittal deadlines in mind if you are asking for variances beyond your original request. In respect to the architectural canopy,it is also necessary to have the various Town departments approve the 2.5'-3.5' encroachment on Town of Vail property.This encroachment would be addressed at the Planning Commission level.The staff would also present the encroachment request to the Town Council at a work session for their review. In addition,if your project is not approved by the November deadline,I think you should resubmit an exterior alteration proposal.At that time,a year will have passed since your original submittal.It would be helpful as well as reasonable to confirm that the project is still active.The submittal •• deadline is November 30,1987.If the project is still underway,you may simply re-submit the same applicat ion materials. Please call me if you have any further questions. Sincerely, ~i~~rtr Kristan Pritz Town Planner Enclosure • 75 south frontage road vail ,colorado 81657 (303)476-7000 October 22,1987 Mr.Gary Swetish Briner Scott Architects 143 East Meadow Drive Vail,Colorado 81657 Re:L ionshead Center Building Dear Gary: L officeofcommunity development The Community Development Department staff has spent some time reviewing your latest revisions to the Lionshead Center Building proposal.We feel that the current design repres ents positive direction in the evolution of this design and we wou ld like to continue working toward formal application and review of this project. As evidenced by our demonstration with the Fire Department on Monday,October 12th,there remains some work to be done to resolve the conflict of the required fire lane.Asa staff,we feel that the fire lane should be maintained by making mino r adjustments to the proposed building as opposed to making adjustments to the existing planter system.The Urban Design Guide Plan shows some building expansion to the north.The planter system and fire lane in the Lionshead Mall were designed to that expansion.Your building line has encroached further to the north than that detailed in the Urban Design Guide Plan.The building line footprint appears to be a work- able situation with regard to the fire lane.However,it is the staff's position that there should be no encroachment of building or of architectural design features over the property line.We feel that minor adjustments to the building footpri nt or a redesign of the awning system will resolve this problem. •• If you have any further questions,or wish to discuss formal submittal requirements,please contact me at 476-7000.I look forward to moving ahead with this project. Si~~1L~ Rick Pylman Town Planner RP:br 75southfrontageroad vail,colorado81657 (303)476-7000 October7,1985 EustaquioCortina 231 Bridge Street Vail,Co.81657 Dear Eustaquio: officeofcommunitydevelopment According to information inthe Town ofVail files regarding theLionshead Center Building there is asof 10/2/85,3170 square feet of GRFA available for residential development.Util ization of this available GRFA for intern al improvements would require onlya building permit.Any additions or extern al modifications tothe building would require Planning a nd Environ mental Commi ssion approval for exterior alteration . The Lionshead Urban Design Guideplan calls out for a possible one story commerci al expansion for theLionsheadCenter Building.This designation allowswaiver ofthe standard ten foot property line setbac k requi rement.Any building e xpansion would require Planntng and Environmental Commission approval and would bereviewed for conformance withtheLionsheaddesign considerations. These design considerations area framework of urban design and architectural guidelines,copteso f which are available from this office. Ispokewith Gary Murrain,acting Building Official forthe Town of Vail, regarding enclosure oftheparkinggarage.In order to enclose this area there are ·two requirements that must bemet.The first is air handling requirements as described in Section 705 ofthe Uniform Building Code.The secondrequirement would be Fire Department concerns and I would suggest that you deal directly withthe Fire Department relative t o those requirements. If you have any further questions regarding this information,please feel free to contact me at yourconvenience. RP/blf ~_....... .-~~-..-'-- ----------- -----~--r--~----i-'--'--,~ _.:-.-...........,.,...;..:... •lis[es "J=--'----....-.:..~--------- • \;----_._----- (\0 \0'"\W .,·q4-~_~,.....,,_G e..F~_ ..' -£lrT.,...."..c'-"':7:::Att-~:_:_:c:_c:_-----·-_=__------------- ~~:""'----'."-:-:--Hl--'---",""-'=""",,,,".:z.aJ>---~35 8'Y f---C ~""'8 .r ~L _ ~__r+--"'-~-ttt --~.9t -\l~~"'--l9-4l'±e:t~---(O M_~.C::·,,~_ ;-"''''';''-'''''''';'''''-fll ~-_-----'-.---.L0 ~~_~J~~'M.~~J --_' _--I'-r/:d-~~---J~:l !d...""~L -...,..,,-- \\I ,~~L r'....s.'.d ~..J..,,1 _ ~~·'--YJ..d:,d--:ll'dr'",-"!':~rd ~!!.~~{ ,....•Project Application • Da te __....:.-.:.....::.....-..!.-__~=-__ Pro ject Name :.>..l---=:.....:.----:..---"-''"--_--==-----::-::-----:::-:-_ 1& <"'t"f Contact Per son andPhon e Pro ject Descr iption:..:-.:..;---"..::'--_ Owner,Add ress and Phone :_--'-"_ Ar chitect ,Add ressan dPhon e : ______Filing ...;L-...:.C<:_--"_ C omments:_~~-'--'---'-_-'-:.:..::.-l.~:...-----.:.~----!------------------------- Legal Description :Lot _ 16 Q.t DesignReviewBoard Date _ Mo tion b y : Secondedby : APP ROVAL D ISAPPROVAL Summary :_ (£]Staff App roval I.•Project Application • Date _ r Project Name :----'-::-----:::--_ Project Description:_ Contact Person and Phone Owner,Address and Phone:_ Architect ,Address andPho ne : rLegalDescription:Lot ~Block ~Filing _l _ Comments:_--'---'_.:..-"-.:....:...--"'"~_ D esign Review Board Date _ Motion by : Seconded by : APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary:_ Dal e : T own Planner f o Staff Approva l .... 39432N9 \.......';". \'.\, \I ',"\. '""RECEIVED FROM -------',c-r'---"-'--'--'----'----'--'----------- ADD RESS _ ~~--------------~-------------------~------------------ \RECEIPT -TheTownofVail .-. "-),. -.:,--DOLLARS S {~t../. '1 • \ Poli ee Re c ei ~t Numbe rs _ / 1.i'-f /\..By -'---,.----'-_ e ',',.....'.+- HOW PAlD-Cash Check _ Permit Numbers _ ,., p •..",." ""e;.-.:i 'r....·.-•Application Number __ Jf)-f;/fC 7 Phone Lftb -(,Jt% Da te ----'--'----=-f--"~=-- SIGN APPLICATION~u .....-Fee Paid 6T"_.:::.-_--- Name of Project '1J (j1-tt ~TS. Name ofPerson Submitting ::UbY\\4W'a Locationof Project UOI\JDO d (i~J\ Description of Project ~~~~jzf----------------- The following information is required for submittal by the applicant tothe Design Review Board beforea final approvalcanbegiven. Sign submittal feeis$20.00. A.Sign Material \,vDod· B.Description ofSign _ C.SizeofSi gn ---~...:::._.J5----'~-·_._ D.Length 'ofFrontaae .....(.:...F.><..t.w)'---....:..\.:...(,'-·._ E.Comments __--------------------- MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION Sign Administrator 1.Site Pl an .---.---2.Drawings showing exact location ~~_ 3.Photographs showing proposed location --------4.Actualsign _~~_ 5.Colored scale drawing _ 6.Photograph ofsign_ Approved for DRB Submittal Disapproved for DRB Submittal_ Date --=--.!.-~.:::..-_ •Project Application ___-=--__'v:.---.:...'\~'-1V'-\-"'_·__-1..-...:....--:...-~"---_.:::.....:--'==::::-__Contact Personand Phone Project Description:-=_...L....:'--=--~_ Owner,Address and Phone:_ Architect,Address and Phone: Legal Description :Lot __...:..-,Zone _ "S c,I / If..... .. DesignReviewBoard Date _ Motion by : Seconded by : APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary:_ mStaff Approval •• ?>"" RECEIPT -TheTown of Vail N<!39433 \,\. \}',\,-'\( \ -, RECEIVED FROM -_---;-_'----'-"__----"-~__.:>..L..::.'_____>.._ ADDRESS _ , :' \, PermitNumbers _ HOW PAID-Cash .Le__Check_ Police Receipt Numbe rs _ '''''J"I -,•\.-,'By.L-_'-.:::-~._ ,,17 ------------------------------------------------------------ •~~Appl ication Nu mber ---- SIGN APPLICATION Phone Date 1-/)-8-/(>'6 ef?0 -6~L-",f+('-"-!""'--- C~~ D-p Fee Paid _ The following info rmationi s r equ ired for submitta l by t he applic ant tothe Design Review Board before a final approvalcanbegiven. Sign submittal fee is $20.00. A.SignMaterial _ B.Descri ption ofSign _ D.Length ofFrontage (Ft.))6 E.Co mments._~---_ MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICA TION Sign Administ rator 1.Site Plan 2.Drawings s 'ho-w'i~ng---e--xac t locatio n 3.Photo graphs s howing pr op osed loc-a~tl~·o-n------- 4.Actualsign 5.Coloredscal-e-d'r-aw-l,-·n-g-_ 6 .Photo graph of si gn _ Approved for DRB Submittal Disapproved for DRB Submittal_ Si gn Administrator \ ,/•Project Application • Date _-'-"'-'---'-.,..:.....:..:...:=-_ Project Name :....:./'~N':.:AO~:L.::./~_='____..L:=~~!:2.~.:!..._~.:..__2L===___ Project Description :--,-E=";'---..:~!..!:..!..:...:~:""'-_=l.L.!C...:~~_---,~:..<2.~~==C-.!:-!.:.L:::2!..!!..!C!.:...._~~~_ Contact Personand Phone _/:::.-~.!:H:.....:::!!::;!==-----,~~~=~~L..--=~e.t:;'-=-'~:'=:"..!2 _ Owner.Address and Phone :~---=:"'::=L..!.L:::...._~=.:::!..o:~::::.!:::zd~~_ Architect,Address and Phone :_~Jl"7'/-"Ll,,-_ Legal Description:Lot "Block ~Fi ling ,Zone _ DesignReviewBoard Date _---...:~...:....2.L~~------ Motion by : Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL y ) ) ~ I' I Summary:.:..-.:..-.....:..._----::.-:L .....:..!.!...!__--'-_ rot 1"'"'- SQ.'€.-VV\~r------- _______~\V Date : o Staff Approval ,.,••APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF ORB MEETING: ORB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBHITTED***** I.PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meetingwithaplanning staff member is strongly suggestedto determine if any additional information isneeded.No application will beaccepted unless it iscomplete (must include all items re quired by thezoning administrator). It is the applicant's responsibili ty to make anappointmentwiththe staff tofind outabout additional submittal requirements .Please note that a COMPLETE applica- tion will streamline theapprovalpr ocess f or your project by decreasing the number of conditions ofapproval that the ORB may stipu late.ALL conditions ofapproval must be resolved beforea building permitis issued. A.PROJECT DESCRIPTION:71h 6 Ea S7FPS o v ~k:A=r L""A5;'--,;=;..07> B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Legal Description Lot Block Fili ng _ telephone 4'76'-/700 Zoning _ C.NAME OF APPLI CANT:?'#-A(2,Uc kc6-<y :P!d-ip Address ,15<;.":;-/i4 D.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPR ESENTATIVE:_ Address telephone_ E.NAME OF OWNERS:"t'-/"q-Y'2m-=A2f?C ?,vT!?r r'_<,;uc>t4 :5 ~'"C' Signature _ Address .te lephone _ F.ORB FEE:The fee will bepaid at thetimea building permit is requested. VALUATION FEE $o-$10.000 $10.00 $10.001-s 50.000 $25.00 $50,001 -$150,000 $50.00 $150.001-$,500.000 $100.00 $500,001 -$1.000,000 $200.00 s Over $1.000.000 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDI NG ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE ORB: 1.In addition tomeeting submittal requirements,the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners.Trees that will be removed should also be marked.This work must be completed beforethe ORB visits the site. 2.The reviewprocessfor NEW BUILDINGS will normallyinvolve two separate meetings ofthe Design Review Board.soplan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3.People who fail toappearbef ore the Design Review Board at their schedu led meeting and who have notaskedf ora postponement wi ll be required tobe republished. •• 4 .The following i tems no longer have tobe presented tothe Design Revie w Board. They,however,have tobeprese nted tothe Zon ing Adm inistrator for approva l: a.Windows,skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing planeofthe building;and b.Bu i lding additions that arenot viewed fro m any other lot or publicspace, which have had letters submitted from adjoining property owners approving the addition;and/or approval from theagent for,or managerofa condo minium association. 5 .You maybe required toconductNatural Hazard Studies on your property.You should checkwitha Town Plannerbefore proceeding. I.NEW CO NST RUCTIO N • MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED • A.Topographic map and site planof site containing thefollowing(2 copies): 1.Licensed surveyor's stamp. 2.Contour intervals ofnot more than2'unless the parcel consists of6 acres or more,in which case,5'contour intervals will be accepted. 3.Existing trees orgroupsof trees havingtrunkswith diameters of 4"or more one foot above grade. 4.Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders , intermittent streams,etc.). 5.Avalanche areas,100 year flood plain and slopes 40%ormore,if applicable. 6.Tiestoexisting benchmark,either USGS landmark orsewer i nvert. 7 .Locationsofthe following: a .Proposed surface drainage on and off site showing size andtypeof culverts,swales,etc. b.Exact locations of all utilities to include existing sources and proposed service lines from sourcestothe structure.Utilities to include: cable TV Telephone sewer water gas electric c.Property lines showing distances and bearings and a basis ofbearing d.Proposed drivewayswith percent slope and spot elevations e.Alleasements 8.Existing and finished grades. 9.Alle xist ing and proposed improvements including structures,landscapedarea s, service areas,storage areas,walks,driveways,off-street parking,loading areas,retaining walls (with spot elevations),and other site improvements. 10.Elevat ions oftopofroof ridges (withexisting grade shown underneath)to determine height of building . B.A statement from each utility verifying location of service and availability .To be submitted with site plan. C.Preliminary title report to accompany all submittals,to insure property ownership and all easements on property. D.Landscape Plan (1"=20'or large r)-2 copies 1.Show the location of 4"diameterorl.arqe rvtrees vo ther 'shr ubs cancr ii iifi ve plants the areonthe site and the location and designofproposedlandscape areas with the varieties and approximate sizes of plant materials tobe planted.~ 2.Complete landscape materials list. 3 .Designate trees tobesaved and thosetobe lost. NOTE :As much ofthe above information as possible shouldoccur on the site plan,so that the inter-relation ofthe various components is clear.The landscapeplanshouldbe separate.The exist ing topographic and vegetat ional characteristics may bea separate map .The applicant must sta ke the site to show lot lines and building corners .Trees that will be lost during construction must betagged .The work shouldbecompleted before the DRB site visit. •E.Architectural Plans(1/8"=I'or larger)2copies • 1.Must include floor plans and all elevations asthey will appearon completion. Elevations must show both existing and finished grades. 2.Exterior surfacing materials and colors shall be specified and submitted for review on the materials list available from the Department of Community Develop- ment.Color chips,siding samples etc.,shouldbe presented at the Design Review Board meet ing. F.The Zoning Administrator and/or DRB may require thesubmissionof add itional plans, drawings,specifications,samples and other material (including a model)if deemed necessary todeterminewhethera project will comply withdesign guidelines. II.MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS Photosor sketches that clearly indicate what i s proposed and the location (site plan) ofproposal may besubmittedin lieu ofthe more formal requirementsgivenabove,as long astheyprovide all important specifications for theproposed including colors and materials tobeused . III.ADDITIONS -RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A.Original floor planswith all specifications shown B.Floorplan for addition -2copies C.Site plan showing existing and proposed construction -2copiestopos D.Elevations of addition E.Photosof existing structure F.Specifications for all materials and color samples on materials list available at Department of Community Development Atthe request ofthe Design Review Administrator you may also be required to subm it: G.Statement from each utility verifying location of service and availab ility.See attached utility location verification form. H.Site improvement survey,stamped by registered professional surveyor. I .Preliminary title report,verifying ownershipof property and lists ofeasements . IV.FINAL SITE PLAN Afte r a building permithas been issued,and when the project is underway,thefollowing will be required beforeany building receives aframing inspection from theBuilding Department:A certified improvement survey showing : A.Building locations with ties to property corners,i.e.distances and angles. B.Buildingdimensionsto nearest tenth of foot. C.All utility service lines as-builts showing size of lines,typeof material used, and exact locations .2copies D.Drainage as-builts.2copies E.Basisofbear ing to tie to section corner. F.Allproperty pins are tobe either found or set and stated on map. G.Alleasements H.Building floor elevations and roof ridge elevations. •LI ST OF r·IATER IA LS •NAM E OF PRO J EC T: LEGAL DESCRIP TIO N:--LOT------B rOCK :FILI i{G- STREET ADD RE SS: DESCRIPTION OF PR OJ EC To -:-------------- ------- Th e f ol low i ng i nfor ma ti on is r e quired for s ubmi tt albyth e a ppli ca nt t o t he De sign Re vi ew Board bef or e af i na l approva l c a n be f ive n : A.BUI LDING MATE RIALS: Roo f Siding Othe r Wa l l Materi al s Fascia Soff it s Win dow s Wi ndowTrim Do ors Doo r Tr i m Ha ndor De ckRa i l s Flue s Fl ashi ng s Chi mneys TrashEnc los ure s Greenho use s Othe r TYP E OF MATERIA L --------------- CO LOR A1t471 1!?AL B.LA NDSCAPIN G:Na me of De sig ner : ph on e : PLAN T MATER IALS:Botanica l Na me PROPO SED TRE ES --------- EX ISTI i:G TREES TO BE RmO VED -------- COITmon Nam e ___0 __- Qua nity Si ze* *I nd ica te ca li pe r fo r deciduc i ous tr e es .I lldi cate heigh t fO I"cOlli fel"s. (o \'er ) • .PLA NT ~1A T ER IA LS :Botanical Name (can't) SH RUBS EXISTI NG SHR UBS TO BE REMOVED GRO UND COVERS SOD SEE D TYPE OF IRR IG ATION Co mmon Na me • Quanity Si ze . Squ areFootage TYPE OR METHOD OF _ EROSI ON CONT ROL C.OTHER :LAN DSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls,fences,swimm ing pools,etc.)Pleas e specify . ..,. •• .. UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION-------------------------- JOB NAME _ LOT ....:BLOCK.....:FILING _ ADDRESS--------'-------------- The location of utilities,whether they bemain trunk lines or proposed lines,mustbe approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Mountain Bell 1-634-3778 Western Slope Gas Harry Moyes Public Service Company Gary Hall *Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty VailCableT.V. Gary Johnson Upper EagleValley Water and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek Authorized Signature Date *For new cons' ___please fill au' attached sheet NOTE:These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vail,Department of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easement in the Town of Vail.A building permit is not a street cut permit.A street cut permit mustbe obtained separately. This form is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. / .,-•• ZONE CHECK FOR SFR ,R,R PIS ZON E DISTRICTS DA TE: LEGAL =-D=ES'""'C=R"=""'IP=T=I=ON""":---"-Lo--'t~-=B1ock Fi1i ng ADDRESS :---- OWN ER Phone ARC HITECT Ph 0 ne -------------- ZO NED IST'''R'-;IC""'T,.---------------------------------------- PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Height Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GR FA Setbacks :Front Sides Rear Wate r Cours e Site Coverage Landscapin g Fence/Retaining WallHeights Parking eredi ts:Garage Mechanica l Airlock Storage Solar He at Allowed (30)(33) 20' 15' 15' (30)(50) (300)(600) (900)(1200) (50)(l00) (25)(50) (200)(400) Proposed Drive:SlopePermitted SlopeActual _ Environmental/Hazards:Avalanche -------------------- Flood Plain _ Slope _ Wetlands _ Geologic Hazard s _ Comments: Zoning :Approved/Disapproved Date : Staff Signature :'t : .. ~..'. ~.'\t •I ." .- /, ." -. e . .... ,\\.1 cL \- +-r. "I\U ',)• \" ~ I ~, U.l ... L \ll ~ I -:!:.... .-:1. ~'~+~. .~~ ,~ ....i. .:.::l ... ,. .-- "~; .- ~,~ -., {I,., .'. , ~ ....;.. .. \. /' •1+.0' I . ,, .~-_. 10/8/84Date_-'-''---''___ Project Application ••.- Project Name :-=_-"'---'-'-'----'-=-__'___'__-'-''---'--'--''=-'----''-'-'-_ storefront awning &i~na~eProjectDescription:_~:..:..:.:..:..::..::.:.:....:-=.==~~==='--_ Contact Person and Phone r.~ob Deluca 47~.;322 Salle as aboveOwner,Address and Phone:__--==:..::......-=-=:....=..::.::...:....::0._ Architect,Address andPhone: \ Legal Description :Lot Block Fil ing ,Zone _ Comments:Iron framed storefront awninll:fire retardant in bUTrnndv wi g old mylar laminate s1gnage •4 .25 s q ft DesignReviewBoard Date ---:-:-::-__ ... I~ DISAPPROVAL ,~-/" ,'\... ---t 1'1 I I I , l ~-I /1.-'A ....~\( Motion by : Staff Approvalr --- Dat e : Summary:-'--'-'-'-.:.:J.:....:.....--''--..,.--'--....:......--'-----'-'-''-'--''-----:.-'----=--~---=----'--'--_:___:7----- _.__----,4 i ·"..,.....1 \--------_._-_._-_...__.-.------.._.. I7...--._- Original Designs InFineJewel....._._../..---.-:'--"..__>........._',_.'-A :.:~".-.~.:...../-=. 7~" --- ~_.--------_.-..~_..~..._~--¥.-..-.._.-._.,.--- < ~-._--_..-------. I ._--.---.,-'._-'- 4 ~•\l ~ -~-.:;; ~, \)) ~I:]-, \)\rJ ~ "V).. !~, n -,~~ 'v\1\\:~~\.I .J :: • ~O 'I ....~<5~{cl/w/L!l~bO){\)&tkJ''1-. Original Designs InFine Jewelry~'f·'.~"BROl()N -+_.~ 75'"'1 ••• I 2,/'1 r,E-"lD ~-,f - I '-?-------.:J,L/I :;o I 50" /2''7" I __A-j 'A-.A..~._~..A.---"_",---"----'_'-__---"'"'--_---"'"_"--'~-r -------------------,f A.-A-..A _--_of J .LI?.gil i9'0" t I 150" I A J\.__"-_".__J,__;'__.J\--...J\-_-"--"-~~-1 r ---_---------~ I'--.....---A----~+----~J r /:-j //-~7 f,"f- •• I NTER-DEPhRTME NT AL REVI EW J~...,~NJ"';G DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING~__ PROJECT:Cv ~..,...( DATE SUBMITIED:_ COMMEN TS NEEDED BY :___ BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: PUBLIC WORKS Rev ;ewe d by :_----::~.:.__:....Da te Co mme nts: (j) FIRE DEP ART ME NT Rev;ewed by:Date._ Co mments : POLICE DEPARTMENT Re vi ewe d by:Da te'---_ Comments: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by:Date._ Comments: .-.. • 75 south frontage road vail,colorado 81657 (303)476 -7000 • officeof community development BUILD ING PER t·1n I SSUA NCE TIME FRMIE If thi s permi.t requi res a To wn of Va il Fire Depa r tment Ap proval, Engineer"s (Public Works)reviewand approval,a Planning Department review orHealthDepartment review,anda revi ew by the Building Department,the estimated time for a total review may take aslong as three weeks. Allcomme rcial (large or small)and all multi-famil y permits will havet o follow th e abovementioned maximum requirements .Residential and sma ll projectss houldtakea lesser amount of time.However,if res tdent ial Or small er projects impactthe various abovementioned depa rtments with regard to necessary review,these projects may also take th e th ree week period. Every attem pt will be made by this department toexpedite this permi't assoonas possible. I,the undersigned,understand theplancheck procedure andtime frame . O&fEAJ~&''''I'0jProjectName Date l{o rk 'Sh eet vias t urned into th e Com mu nit y Develo pment Departmen t. I ~<6:ll>- • .. 1 0 '~, i ,•~• App 1i cat ion Number _ 1 0/8/84Date---=:~::...t....:._ SIGN APPLICATION Paid !v.toFee Na me of Project Curr ents Awning -Sip:nage Name ofPerson Submitting -.::lvlur~.;.;n p~ll..Ju.....c,""a~_Phone 47(,-3322 Ti QD sn ea g ~a ll ~ail ,r.oLocationofProject_..l....:.,;~'-'="""-~~.:.......::..:=..=..:...L-~_ Description of Project storefront a wninll:&signage The following information is required for submittal bythe applicant totheDesign Review Board before a final approval canbe given. Sign submittal fee is $20.00. A.Sign Material ~a'n m y'~r )~m i na t e lettering velcro to awning Bur~undy fire retardant awning fabric B.Description ofSign "Currents "Ori ginal De si~ns InFine Jewe lry fine ;ewe riginal designs in D.Co mnents Store frontage is 21 linear feet +9" MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION Sign Administrator 1.Site Plan .-~__ 2.Drawings showing exact location 3.Photographs showing proposed loc~a·t~io~n--- 4.Actual sign _~~__ 5.Colored scale drawing_ 6.Photographof sign _ Approved for ORB Submittal Disapproved for ORB Submittal •• •LIST OF MATER IALS •....II re re -,,-FILING _ NA ME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ST REET ADD RESS:~DESC RI PTI ON OF PRO"JE=";'C~T""':.....,...........~""-'-~~--'-"""'-=-'----r.:.~--;:--,....,.--.-----;rr-::"=-:= The followinginformation is required for submittal by the applicant tothe Design Rev iew Board beforea final a pprova lcanbe fiven: A.BUILDI NG MAT ERIALS:TYP E OF MA TE RIAL COLOR Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windo ws Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Dec k Rails Flues Flashings Chimne ys TrashEnclosures Greenhouses Other fire retardant canvas Burgundy gold mylar laminate B.LA NDSCAPI NG:Name ofDesigner: phone: PLANT MATERIALS:Botanical Name Com mon Name Quanity Size* PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO ___ BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper fordeciducioust rees.Indicate height fo r conifers. ." .....•• PLANT MATERIALS:Botanical Name (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION Common Name Quanity Size Square Footage TYPE OR METHOD OF _ EROS ION CONTROL a C.OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls,fences,swimming pools,etc.)Please specify. -~\---- Contact Personand Phone •Project Application -". Owner,Address and Phone:-,-r~~~~'-!.... Architect,Address and Phone:_ Legal Description:Lot Block ~Filing ,Zone _ Comments:_ DesignReviewBoard Date _ Motion by : Seconded by :_ APPROVAL Date: D ISAPPROVAL o St aff Approval .. Project Application I Date q-//- / Project Description:A /..(>-'1/-1 ~(_r"nyr .I t5 . 4t7'<-/7or) Owner,Address and Phone:__$..oyo-?x:::>::..:...L..<:-:....-_ Architect,Address and Phone:_A...J=""L:.::::4 _ Legal Description :Lot .Block ~Filing ,Zone _ rr»~XI -r r.c »c:: DesignReviewBoard Motion by : Seconded by : Dat e : APPROVAL Town Plann er Date _---'-"'-'+-'-!'-'--+-_ DISAPPROVAL • 75 south frontage road vail ,colorado 81657 (303)·476-7000 October24,1984 Cha rlie Langmaid Gondola Ski Shop Box 159 Vail,Colorado 81658 Dea r Charlie, • officeofcommunity development Re:Charlie's Gondola Awning I wanted to write youa letter toconfirm the approval of your new awning by Town Council on October16,1984.The agreement included: -The red and white awning will notextend past the first support poleout from thewallofthe building. -Theyellow awnings will be removed and r eplaced by red and white awnings as soon as possible . tThe awning willbe reviewed by June1,1985 to determine if the layout ofthe awning has created snow removal problems.(staff review) -Signage on the existing awning will be applied onthe new awning. If you have any further questions,please give me a call. Sincerely, ~\~~~~ Kristan Pritz Town Planner • ~o_~::::'--.~~~~~_ DBte-------__Tlme ----- W~~~W~T . M g~l ~f'</f of---------cr--------- L(76 -/7ooPhone----L----L-::::..-----L-<.....::;.-:::::..-_ Area Code Number Extension OpeTllor denver englewood vail 751 -0888 790-0337 949 -4660 .... ;'., / TO: FROM: DATE : - Town Council October 16,1984 white awning located in front The owner agreedto remove benoted that the original SUB JECT:Charlie 's Go ndo la Ski Shop Aw ning:Lionshead CentreBuilding 1 6'(lAi~Ul\'~l\mJ The owner of Cha rlie 's Gondola Ski Shop is appea ling the decision oftheORB to deny theproposalto erect an awning in front oftheski shop's entrance. On October 3.1984.the ORB deniedthe awning for thefollowing reasons: 1.The awning created a snow removal problem. 2.The awning's length was notcompatiblewiththedesignofthe recently ~ompleted Lionshead Mall Improveme nt program. BAC KG ROUND Originally,the Gondola Ski Shop had ayellow and ofthe shop's entrance beforemall construction . the awning to facilitate construction.It should awning was never approved by the Town. Once themall construction was finished,the owner wished to replace the original awning.However,instead of ayellow and white awning,the proposed awning would be off-white and red.The style of awning would match theprevious awning. The original awning extendedapproximately 23 feet from theent rance outto thesidewalk.Lionshead Centre Building's property line extends20 feet out fro m t he s ki shop entrance.The refore,the original awning was approximately 3 feet into the public right-of-way.In order to make theproposed awning compati- blewiththe new mall design,the owner agreedtoreducethe length ofthe awning to 16 feet.The support poles would be located approximately 13 feet from the building and the awning would cantilever out3 additional feet.The 16 foot awning lines up withthe new lights installed in front oftheskishop(see attached site plan). The owner had agreedto go to Design Review Board onOctober 3,1984.However, approximatelya week and a half before the meeting,staff was informed that the original frame for the awning was almostcompletely erected in front of thes ki shop.The shop employee requested that the frame beallowedto remain and that theyellowandwhiteawning beused temporarily.Staff agreedto this req uest.Later,the owner requested that thered and off-white awning beused becausetheyellow awning had been damaged dur ing storage.The owner felt that an awning shouldbe on the frame for the upcoming VailFest weekend.Staff also agreedto this request. Atthe Design Review Board meeting,the members felt that the awning should be moved back toa point where snow removal problems couldbe eliminated.It was also stated that the awning was notcompatiblewiththe new lighting located in f rontofthe Lionshead CentreBuilding and that perhapsa new style of awning would be more appropriate.The motion was made by Stev e Caswell to deny the •Awning -2-10/16/84 request.The motion was seconded by Rick Baldwin.The request was denied 3-0. Staff recommends that a cantilevered awning (an awning that doesnot require support poles)beused.This would enablePublic Works to do athoroughjobof snow removal.Even if theproposed awning is cutback,the snow remov al proble m will r emain,asthe snow plow will notbe able to plow between the awning support poles and light poles.Aprimaryconcernduring the Lionshead Mall Impro veme nt designprocess was to reconstruct themallso that snow plowing would be facilitated. In addition,the DRB and staff think that theproposed awning detracts from thedesignofthe mall,particularly in respect tothe new lighting plan. The walkway is also more congesteddueto the close -proximity of }ight poles and awning support poles.Staff strongly encourages the Town -Council to visit -the gite toget ""a better -understanding ofthe issue."~ \ • y ,;, '" - SL~lf:11f~10' ---.~ I I I CHARL ES 1.LA"G 'IAID Plu,m"r SKI SHOP t: 1I 0 ~"H l A ()MALL VAIL .COLORADO 816>8 •--.', I I ~~"J ":l::~,, ~.,-,t ., ...J ", I.L .0-:,'j' 0 ~:~<', t.;(,',!, .:J ', ...!) ,\ " ~:2 t-:~'2 ...-~-r>,a ..J-I~\ c:;D o, ~1.U d.~.I\ ~g /6 ft · \1J ~$(.Ifl~AA>UI~GU~ a 4:I~ \f) '2 I0-J .I I I $c..tt..l E:I"~10'I--.}W~ CHARLlS ~.LANGMAID P R [~I Dl :'\T S KI SHOP - ~+s '. BOX159 1I0.'lSHlAD M ALL VA IL C OLORADO 61656 13031 476·1700 ~~~-""~/o ,:;")' * SKI SIIOP BOX159 •1I0NSHEAD MML •VAil,COLORADO 81f_18 ;' ..... - TO: .. Town Council • FROM:Community Development Department DATE:October16,1984 SUBJECT:Charlie 's Gondola Ski Shop Awning:Lionshead CentreBuilding The owner of Charlie's Gondola Ski Shop is appealing the decision ofthe DRB to deny theproposalto erect an awning in front oftheski shop's entrance. On October3,1984,the DRB deniedthe awning forthefollowing reasons: 1.The awning created a snow removal problem. 2.The awning's length was notcompatiblewiththedesignofthe recently completed Lionshead Mall Improvement program. -v-, BACKGROUND · Originally,the Gondola Ski Shop had ayellow and white awning located in front ofthe shop's entrance beforemall construction.The owner agreedto remove the awning to facilitate construction.It shouldbenoted that the original awning was never approved by the Town. Once themall construction was finished,the owner wished to replace the original awning.However,instead ofayellow and white awning,the proposed awning would be off-white and red.The style of awning would match theprevious awning. The original awning extendedapproximately 23 feet from the entrance outto thesidewalk.Lionshead Centre Building's property line extends 20 feet out from theski shop entrance.Therefore,the original awning was approximately 3 feet into the public right-of-way.In order to make theproposed awning compati- blewiththe new mall design,the owner agreedtoreducethe length ofthe awning to 16 feet.The supportpoles would be located approximately13 feet from the building and the awning would cantilever out3 additional feet.The 16foot awning lines up withthe new lights installed in front oftheskishop (see attached site plan). The owner had agreedto go to Design Review Board onOctober3,1984.However, approximatelya week and a half before themeeting,staff was informed that the original frame for the awning was almostcompletely erected in front of theskishop.The shop employee requested that the frame beallowedto remain and that theyellow and white awning be used temporarily.Staff agreedto this request.Later,the owner requested that thered and off-white awning be used becausetheyellow awning had been damaged during storage.The owner felt that an awning shouldbeonthe frame for the upcoming VailFest weekend.Staff also agreedto this request. At the Design Review Board meeting,the members felt that the awning should be moved back toa point where snow removal problems couldbe eliminated.It was also stated that the awning was notcompatiblewiththe new lighting located in front ofthe Lionshead CentreBuilding and that perhapsa new style of awning would be more appropriate.The motion was made by Steve Caswell to deny the ••~ing -2-10/16/84 --\ request.The motion was seconded by Rick Baldwin.The request was denied 3-0. Staff recommends that a cantilevered awning (an awning that doesnot require support poles)be used.This would enable Public Works todoathoroughjobof snow removal.Even if the proposed awning is cut back,the snow removal problem will remain,asthe snow plow will notbeableto plow between the awning support poles and light poles.Aprimaryconcernduring the Lionshead Mall Improveme nt designprocess was to reconstruct the mallso that snow plowing would be facilitated. In addition,the ORB and staff think that theproposed awning detracts from the design ofthe mall,particularly in respect to the new lighting plan. The walkway is also more congestedduetothe close -pro ximity of ~ight poles and awning support poles :Staff strongly encourages the To~n -Co ~nc il to vis it -the site toget--a better understandin-g of the issue.-'''- ".... ,.•I. I ~'J,' ~>~ ~ri ~-..,J t',.., ,".' \L.,:.-''~1 1 'I 0 'j" ~", ~J" ",I 'k '~I .::J ., "". ~;2 r'2 .... t5 ~ ..J-I~\ (X)a.. ~l.u d.~,I~s /6 ft . \1J ~A~I~(:)U ~..~IST~ a <C I~ V') '"2 I0-J Su..lf :I'I::10' --t l-Wtrt1 I I I I CHARLES f .LAN GMA ID PIUSIO[:-.1 • SKI SHOP - .A-s i~)J11. ~OX 159 VA IL CO LORADO 81658 (30II 476 -1700 • (,HARtI:"l F.lANCM I\ID 1·1.:1 "1111 ....1 • SKI SHOP '/?,cc L c;»;---r-:-?I <" /'1--{.£.c.k b /£'Q7/3/1 :/~\;,,~c ~c,--c'T -;ijr-{c"('.L ~./17ec:.~~.-?Q /""..'s 0:-_u zx,.,.-r <-;/.-/'5/~,/-)/'1'5 °'20 ,0.,_~/CJ ).,("": BOX 1')9 1I0NSHf AD M,\ll VAil.COIOR ,IDO 816 ,8 (}031 4 76-1100 j , •• _.__._. ,i i I----_.+.._----..-.'-"-'..-_.....--_._-_...-.._.-...... I c£J."--~I ;""'[--=-_--=~---=-_-~=-=---.--'"::":.-==~ _--;.1:"'_70 .',_'J:~.~..~cJ/.......__..__ i I -.-':'-~~~.--fi.-/4.~'.~.-.-----...----..- -~·=~~~-:~~-==.;4 .~;_£;j -·.~-~~-·.~~~-~·~~.~-~· i····---···~.-~-.~~-'7 -~~~~-.-----.-.----- ..--.---..,~-.A-{'~·a-..·-7;-e-P ~~~r~-------·····-'..-~~~~-~-~/?!?:;--;--_. ~--.---__4 ~:L,t)~_~r -_.~__._~.~~- .._.._.-..-"-'-------_._-_.-----------------~.'...._._--..--_._. .--"----.-..._.-...-._-~j-'Jr-V~.---,-.-.--. ,Lf76-_L7.0.p __. :I, _...--_..._- ., 1 r._---' --------_._._----------------'_. ASF'HALT 348 ·2n 2 ...50 280 ,28 1 349.3!10 21~.Z16 0 0 0 CD 302,303 L1GHTPOLE I.301 W ~ V j()1 •~ CO Z .. ..-......... ~. I ·3Z6tI\3ZZ,3Z3 321,3Z&- 2+00 ;....." .... "~'" , ~.PRUCE ":;.;•.-~:j ,",,' ~;t;""_.;~~;;' ~'~"."~'.~"': '~,'•ASPHALT,-'I '., ~'.;;~~;~' }."'.~~...."::~:,;i ;:',,, ;K,',:'{' 3!54 .3~3 ." .'" ':IIF=-'~ .... .'", ,270,271 ' ~I ~::~:'~~;'~,- .';'-~ .\1 .•,0 .~ e,'1 .:3 3Oe,.,ulf, ~I ~., ~~, Ql ..e../' "('j ItJI ~,.',~~ .....~I .:.., ,; o iii C) z o -I-:::>rn o«w I en Zo -I W 0::.- Z W U 1\ Q ~ "-oJ '- -- .......e., <5 w ~~ 75 south fronlage road vail,colorado 81657 (303)476-7000 MEMO department ofpublicworks/transportation TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Design Review Board ~L) Stan Berryman,Director Department of Public Works/Transportation October 3,1984 CHARLIE'S GONDOLA SKI SHOP AWNING This memo is to notify you that the Department of Public Works/Transportation objects to the current placement of Charlie's Gondola Ski Shop awning in the Lionshead Mall. Our winter snowplowing efforts in the mall will be severely restricted with the awning extending 23 feet into the mall.We request that the awning be reduced to amaximum of 10 feet into the mall. cc:Pete Burnett Bill Andrews