HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 1 BLOCK 1 LOT 5 LIONSHEAD CENTER 1 OF 2 - 2 LEGAL.. •LIST OF MATE RIALS • The fol lo wing in formation is r equiredforsubmittal by t he applicant tothe Des ignRevi ew Board before a f inalapprovalcanbe five n: A.BUILDI NG MATERIA LS :TYP E OF MA TERIAL Roof Siding Oth erWall Materials Fascia Soffits Window s Wi ndow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Dec k Rails Fl ues Flash ings Chimneys TrashEnclosures Greenho uses CO LOR Other B.LA NDSCAPING:Na me of Designer~ phone : PLANT MATERIALS:Botani'cal Name PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO ___ BE REMOVED Co mmon Name QuanitySize* *Indicate caliper fordeciducious trees .Indicate height for conifers. .,•I I PLA NT MATERIALS:Botanical Name (can't) SHRUBS EX I STI NG SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVE RS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRR IG ATIO N Common Name • Quanity Size Square Foot age TYPE OR METHOD OF _ EROSION CONTROL » C.OT HER LA NDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa lls,fences,swimming pools,etc.)Please specify. rJ I I .. INTER-DEP ART MENTAL REVIEW 6';;"'\/-00 <..At 57-<.{SlY (7/' DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING~__ PROJECT:C 6<Cl..e"<./c:-J- DATE SUBMITTED:_ COMMENTS NEEDED BY:___ BRIEF DE SCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: FI RE DE PARTME NT Rev i ewed by:.css:_____'Date,___'__ Comments : POLICE DEPARTMENT Rev iewed by:,D ate _ Comments: ", RECREAT ION DE PARTMENT Revi ewed by:,Datec--_ Co mments: • 75 south frontage road vail ,colorado 81657 (303)"476-7000 Oc tober 24,1984 Charl ie Langmaid Gondola Ski Shop Bo x 159 Vail,Colorado 81658 Dear Charlie, • office of community development Re:Charlie's Gondola Awning I wanted to write you a letter toconfirmtheapprovalofyour new awning by Town Council onOctober16,1984.The agreement inc luded: -The red and white awning will notextend past the first support poleout from thewallofthe building. -Theyellow awnings wi ll bere moved and replaced by redandwhite awnings as soon as possible. -The awning will be reviewed by June1,1985todetermine if the layout ofthe awning has created snow removal problems.(staff review) -Signage on theexisting awning will be applied onthe new awning . If you have any further questions,please give me a call. Sincerely, ~\~~~~ Kristan Pritz Town Planner til _'"•Project Application •.'".- Dale _ I ~ .J Project Name :------.:.....=--'--=--------=:.:....-'-----:.-----'--'--;--="--f------------- Project Description :-=:::._'----_ Contact PersonandPhone ,--") /Owner.Address andPhone :~_'_=.:'____'_'____"__'__=_~,.,.._------------ Architect.Address andPhone : Legal Description:Lot Block Filing .Zone _ Comments:_ DesignReviewBoard Date _ Motion by : Seconded by : ~-".-/APPROVA L/----DISAPPROVAL Summary :---,,---,-_ T ow n Pl an ne r -------O -Staff App roval D ale : (-...••c ,: , t':-".., " 75 south frontage road vail,colorado 81657 (303)476-7000 April17,1984 TO :SIGN APPLICANTS FROM:Tom Braun orKristan Pritz,Planners RE:Sign Application Requirements officeofcommunity development When applications for signs are submitted,thefollowing information is required: 1.Site plan showing exact location where thesign is tobe located. 2.,Photogr aph or drawing showing the building and where signistobeloca ted. / ./ 3.Exactdesignofsign(oneor more ofthe following) (a)scale draw ing or rendering (mustbe colored exactly assign will be) (b)thesign itself is made (c)photograph if sign is made FEE :A$20.00 application fee will be required at timeof application. ~. Application Number _ SIGN APPLICATION Date ItJ !r1ft Name of ProjecttlAJI r--SHII2-1 Ce1rl1I!/h)'j'-L/o,u..smA{J Name ofPersonSubmitti ng P m B05t;..iA_i Phone t/7t--G~Sb Fee Paid -------------- Locationof Project 1 /0 [L/o,!J.s#EAf);itA-?£- Descri pti on of Project IZt/,L /f-?L '/"/()~SH£A D .L/tflt7''';e.4W;t//~'1 The following information is required for submittal by the applicant tothe Design Review Board beforea final approvalcanbegiven. Sign submittal feeis $20.00. A.Sign Material CAP(/A~!/14LAV<:-& B.De sc ription0fSign -1G..;;;:::J"-.L7_'u8:--1 '--<..;'-----'---"'---::o,l..-<<...£-J'-'d..L..l..=..A<.-":..::.:...-'=-- 1'}0 !1J I V &r II,)I7H tVtt1Tt.- C.SizeofSign A-&l4 ·O?L-1:Tv-!;.e..s -5~5'1'H. D.Corrrnents _ .. MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION Sign Administrator 1.Site Pl an 2.Drawings sLho~w~i-ng~e~xa·ct location 3.Photographs showing proposed 10c-a7t'r·o-n----- 4.Actualsign 5.Co 1oredscal-e-d;c-:r-aw-,i,-n-g~_ 6.Photograph ofsign _ Approved for DRB Submittal Disapproved for DRB Submittal_ Sign Administrator ...••,.-, /I N?30244 \I DOLLAR S $-"0...-__=----:----;:----=== Permit Numbers _ HOW PAID-CaSh __O_r c;JlVl eceip t Numbers _ I I •.1-• AMERICAN AWNING &PATIO CO. A COlORADO CORPORATION Page of _ SALES CONTRACT Name ... 3301WEST ALAMEDA AVENUE·DENVER,COLORADO 80219•PHONE 93&-7327 ..Phone ...............Date _..... Street City ...County ....Slate .. ..JobName ..Zip Job Location WeHereby Submit Specifications andPricesTo: ."~~'~,'1 ' ~~~../-..... t>'-'>-'A1 ~'/""" -~.//. IF ANANCED: DISCLO SURE STATEMENT: (a)CashPrice s (b)Less :CashDown Payment $ Total DownPayment s (c)Unpaid Balance 01Cash Price $ (d)Insurance or otherCharges $ (e)Amount Financed s (n FINANCE CHARGE $ (9)Total 01 Payments $ (h)DeferredPayment Price $ PI ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE I % TERMS OFPAYM ENT Balance to be paid infulltotheinstalleron i nstallation,or asspecified be- low: ......-_----__---"__.__-. ....__--.-.---_._-_-.-_-..---..-..--.--.-. CustomerInitial c . If financed for $1.000.00 or more a lienmay be filedby seller on buyer"s property. TERMS AN D CONDITIONS 1.Because t his contract calls formadetoo rd er goods,itisnotsubject to ca ncellation after the3dayper iod has expired onthe notice o f opportunity toresc ind.Damages recoverable by seller for failure of the buyerto accept delivery and Installation shall bethefull purchase pr ice . 2.All canvas awnings,patio covers and related Items are solely l or useasa s un shade.Seller does not warrant litness lor useofany such i tem l orany purpose other than use asasunshade,a nd assumes no liability o r resposibi llty lor destruction,damage or Injury toper- sonsor property caused bywind,hail or accumulation 01 s now,iceor water. 3.Intheevent this contract is referred toan attorney,buyer agrees topayin addition to all other sums hereunder,a reasonable attorneys l ee and court costs . 4.Any pan 01 this contract d eclared invalid under any law shall be severable an d t he contract shall thenbe construed as thoug h such part were not in cluded. 5.Selle r shall notbe heldliable on damages lor delay inthe perlormance ofthe contract duet o causes beyond his reasonable control. 6.Buyeragreestopay unpaid prin c ipal ba lance ofthe cash price,in lull,t o the Installer Immediately upon substantial completion of i nstallation . 7.No warrant ies,expressed o r Implied,canbegivenonc oncrete work. 8.Seller doesno painting orsta ining. 9.Our workers are fully covered by State Workman's Compensation In surance. 10.Intheev entt hispaym ent Isnotmade w hendue ,buyeragreestopayto seller Interest attherateof21 %perannumon the unpaid ba lan ce. Com pany Repre senlative _ Make all checkspayableto American ~n i ng &PatIO Co . Owner ~X~_ Co -Owner -'X'-'--_ 'I'.--•, Project Application Date _ ( Project Description:"':"'O'.L-:.-"-'""-t..:=.'---__::...=:.:...:....~_=_=__ Contact Personand Phone q /'1 0 17"'1 Owner.Address and Phon e:_ Arch itect.Address andPh one : Legal Description :Lot Blo ck Filing •Zone _ Comments:_ I,I i I Dat e _~~_--e:..."':-'-:---L _ DesignReviewBoard Motion by: Seconded by : D ISAPPROVAL - S ummary:_ T ownPla nner {;.J.r-----I 0 ...taff Approval Dat e: .~. -fAJsmLL ;::/k'Ej)c:?I~AJ(:W/AJOOW e9~fI k tcl u ~AJ ~YlAlG IdcJ.M CJ,c (//1/;(#''i10~ J/MI /-.1!Z.10 tJ/i//7S (!);{);Vb,e1Jl ~JPc OJ:"tucS?wlJ~ ...::IA M i Tf2..1 M,0F f~»UJ09 b 'i "", ." ,i ..,:: "- ".,., /--. / • • • - i 1-_---l 1 L__h~!----~--.---- I J1 <5~D <~?ROPOS~D --~:-'~-•• I WINL>OW rri~~08 I](--- I I ~~-~----L, ,'. <,' <,.:::--<,~~ -'.~r D EX/d;17)Jb -------'-.. .! LIST Qf ~~T cR l n L 5 ·;'-.'\;.!E :O!'i 'J <')_j[:C'r--G.L ~~~.I.--.A _~O~-HfAb __C.€~IC_@,__.!Mi?P.t£~..__. ;:"EC AL HESC!{['I'T IO :\:LOT ~LUCK .F ll.l:;t;_~W£Lt1L Ce&7Ci1t I:F:<Or!_ ll E;--;C1(/J'TI C::,OF J>Ho.J1 ;CT_t:Ns fA L-L,6XEL_IAJ.l.LJl.P 0&6I..~/UlfG Ta ~LrTIAlG OIL 10/0£:121 s/s«aT weft 4JAlG FfJR-flNITI';'J.O! The f oJ l owin g Inf orm at loni s r equ ired f or sub u i.t t al by the appli ca nt t o the Dcsi.gnRcv i cw Board be fore a fina l a pprova l can b e given: A.BLJILn Ji,C MII.TEJUALS Roof Si d ing Other Wall Mater ials Fascia Sof fi ts :!]Te o f ~bte ria l Color Inndm-Is Window Trim Doors DoorTrim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashi ngs Chimn e ys Tr ash En::losure s Greenhollse s Other B.LANDSCAPING Na me .of Des igner : Phone PLA NT MATERIA LS 'ZrNx7t;)'til ,I J:NfI/t...<rr~J>J:lKt;J?{Q4,jJ 5~S/tv/IL-AIZ....-1'0 frlsTI;V6 ;5;~(,-.4d...TO CK/STINb TREES SH RUBS Botanical Nam e Co mmo nName Quantity Size •GROU ND COVERS SOD ••-, SQUARE FOOTAGE ___ SQUARE FOOTAGE ___ SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE _SQUARE FOOTAGE ___ TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C.Other Landscape Features (retaining walls,fences,swimming pools,etc.)Please specify. •Project Application Dale __=__....::.-"--_ Project Name :-=--"-_~-"'---'-=:.......:='-""c=:'-~='-=~'---+.----=-~-~"""''---------- Pro ject Description:-------r~-Ll'-"--':.-~--------------------------- Contact PersonandPhone Owner,Address andPhone :_ Arch itect,Address and Phone: 1 Filing ,.-•Zone _ I < J Lega l Description :Lot Block _ Commenls::..L.""'""---'"-__"""""'----__-:--.:-_-=--"'-=c..:....-'----_--'~=_+-"----....:::..""'-----'-'c...J=--"--'''----''-'''/ DesignReviewBoard Date __...;..E-l+-=+_ Motion by : Seconded by:( APPROVAL -..DISAPPROVAL Summary:_ vv (j / / T own Pl anner o Staff Approval Dal e : • Textoftelegram received by phone May 12,1983: As president of Board of Directors,Lionshead Center Condo Association,Iapprove of Town's plansto remove berms in front of Lionshead Center. Fred Buck. To bemailedon 5/13/83. • 75 south frontage rd. vall,colorado 81657 (303)476-7000 November 29,1982 Jeff Selby 108 South Frontage Road West Vail,Colorado 81657 Dear Jeff: • 0 - department of community development -, Re:Parking Fee for CurrentsJewelry .. The fourth installment oftheparkingfee for Currentsof Vail Jewelry 1s due at this time--$288.00;The fifth and final installment willbe due in December of 1983. Sincerely, '~'~E Town Planner JS:br '..".. ~.;~ '" -..z-: ~'...~ box100 vail,colorad o 8 1657 (303)476·5613 Oc tober 1,1982 Jeff Selby Selby and Ass oc. Suite 307 103 S.Fronta ge Roa dWest Vail ,Colorado 816 57 Dea r 11r .Se1by: • de pa rtment of community deve lopment The pu rpose of th is letter i st o informy ou th at the Lionshead Center Buildingis l ocat ed jn its eritirety ou t ofth e lOO -yea r fl oodpl ain bound a ry. Source:Plate 9,Go re Creek Flbod plai nln formation,1975, Since r ely, r ~ JimSayre Town Pl ann er JS:d f •• •• • Community Development Department WI S;UrY/5/tilj()1st- C/o/"!'!'!f'Jr 5/TE:AeOI- ~eft==-=Z;O!{DD (;,erA- a)cYI /TS /\C.e£ SIJE /s :.Cf Z)d!£ d3 uJt H>(Ijfl£2NI Zo/'IlNb ;(5"o l2-;lG £tlj17>!C, 3:J-, J IC:;,c;~~lJ)~A­ dc;r t7 J t¥;j f,', tni.··.1U!l b ox 100 vail.col orado 81657 (3 03)476 -5613 Jeff Selby Currents Je welry Box1528 Vail.Colorado 8165 8 Dear 1-11'.Se1by : department of community development July 15,19 81 Re :Currents Jewelry Parking The TOh~of Vail is now collect ing the park ing f e e,Thep a rking fee is asses sed on the basis of new or additional development in th e commercial cores .Thi s l etter outlines the law concerning th e parkin g fee and pre sents a schedule f or the p ayment of the f ee .(See Vail 's zon i n o c ode:18.52.100. l8.52.160B .) The Town Counc i l has se t several d ~_ffe re n t parkin g fee formulas for di ff erent typ es o f d ev el opment.In May 1980 -theTown Council low ered the comm ercial pa rk in g fee rate for t wo ye ars to encoura ge d evelopers to b e gin work on their c xpans i.on or alte ration plans.The commercial rate was loweredf rom $5 ,000 to $3,000 for each 300 sq uaref e et of e xp ans ion.Eating an d drinking es tab lishme nts are as s ess ed di ffer ently.They are a s sessed at the rate o f$3 ,000 for every 10 seat s of news eating capacity . The TO hn Council did not lower the res identia l p ar kin g fe e,a nd it rema ins at $5.000 for every p arkin g stall r equired for n ew developm ent .(See the ord inance for details.) The co r.unercial parking fee ma y_b e p aid ov er a fiv e year pe riod,but th e residential fe e mi .s t be paid in onelump s um.Paym cnt of th e first fi fth of the commcrcial fee is due at the time the construction permit is issued . The se cond fifth is due one year aft er the permit is issued ,the third fifth is duetw o year s after the permit is issued,andsoon until th e fifth fifth is paid, A schedule of your parkin g fee payments a ppears on the att ach ed page. • Curr e nt s.Jcwel ry Parki ng Fee Tot al Co mme rc i a l 1':1 rki ng Fee Du e:$1,440 Date Due Amo unt First Fifth Dece mber 3 ,19 79 $288 Second Fifth De cemb er 3,1 980 288 Third F ifth Dece mbe r 3 .1 981 288 Pourth Fifth Decem ber 3 ,1982288 Fifth Fifth De cebmer 3 ,1 983 28 8 The first two fifth s a re due at this time.or $576.00. Rec eipts from the p a rkin g f ee are ch annell ed into a s pecial f undde si gned to he lp solve Vail'S p arking problems.We ap preciat e your con tribution to this fund. Sincerely, • 75s outh Irontage rd. vail,colorado 81657 (303 )476-7000 J eff Selby 108South Frontage Road Vail,Color ado 81657 De ar Jeff: West • d epartment of communitydevelopment Dec emb er 23,1981 Re:Currents Jewelry Parking Fee The third install ment of the parking fee f orCur r ents of Vail J ewelry is du e at this t ime,or $28 8.00.Ido a pp recia te your c oop eration . Two more install ments r emain. Shortly after this hol iday s ea son Iwould l ike revise th e parking fe e an d t he GRFA statist ics Haveagoodho l iday, r~ J IM SAYRE Planner JS :br NAME OFP ROJECT 'CUI?.l2E:NTS QF Vr::..Il-je.WEl.l<.Y De>IG+...!-t\DDlll trN .U erM»UE:l\.O cc:NT€J!:._!3u ILOI1\J6 LEGAL D ESCRIPTION ""g~D t-,eq3 ,,BI JOCIC V/:I.Il.LIQV\!Su~l\b.1 •OF MATEHI ALS -.-----.-u --'Oa l:e AUGUsT• FILING DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT A.N ADO/Tltml eyLORG/NG jUt£.-leva.J?A.1 S,oge EJc.TE:NDING "IOWo.1Z.l?-rue.MOle!..,ENCl..c6/NG A poe:rroN oP TIJl':.EJlIs"I\JG COV ElZEO Po/ZGI-l. 'l'he following in f ormation i s r equired f or s ub mi tta l by the Ap pl i cant to the Desi gn Rov iew Board b efo re a f inal a PP J"o va l call be giv ell. A.)BUILDI NG MA1'EI II ALS: Roof Typo of Malaria l Col or Siding Oth er Wal l Mat erials Fasci a S of fi ts Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim JIand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other 'X<D I.$G.c.EPPL 'E>1011\I6 o.e.ove::~ToIZC.F~ 'Si~I"'Q:>To ml:lTCI-I Ql,lsTII\JG -;;''''1\16. ~r5TI"'{'S,.-o!U;FggNT WILL Be !?-E.LocATe;;o "10 FO'/2..t'V'\E:f;l.ST Wtlou..or=-Tue.'VSAJ ~. 'TVE New $Tocz.as=t2<:rNT l>l.(rNv -rUE'NQ~1-1 wo.u""l;LH~LL MOTGU TUE:.E.Xlsn....,v.";'O£e,~ P.:T AD-I~POgntrl\l5 of TUE:gUIWINO E .)PLANT MAT ERIALS (Vegetative,Landscaping Ma terials including Trees,Shrubs, and Ground Cover) Eotanical Name Common Na me Quantity Si ze ...• ;= ,r--~ '--'"----'~ I , L.- ex l~1 H::;-~~ri CovISIZlS FblZeH @ 1:::N1""fZ.11S~+'NJ;;l.'"ApPJ'T'lOl'i , /\ c:~L.- ~I II 1I I111j I 11 111111 n;\I X ~-rti-e ce~g.5 ID I~(~- -'5TA I NeD ib ~~1'51 ING __-- 1"0 -,I - €:AD I \N-nz-e.~i'{ I I '/1I I i '-- ~,/( N012:I~Cl-e=.VAtION ?CAL.e'I /~I ::I I_OII PI2OFt::?SESD .bcvITloN 1'0 C Urz.gel'-$oF=VAl 1.-J~j;...I~1.-iZ-Y Pl::!6~N ._ •• 50H~~el4­ fll-l~AH11Que:-;, FL-c012-PL-AN ··-· PI4:::'R:?"?e~ADt:::'iTloN -ro CUlZlZeN1?oF:VAIL..J~HeI-IZ..Y -D~I G~ ...ALlGU-?!'Z 1 ,1'17'1 e INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME ---Lu tT<,nh _7uc~fi d&: CALLER LyC't:>=-~c.a/-i INSPECTION :MONTUESWED THUR FRI AMPM /y fth-r->h e at . READYFOR LOCATION :_~~L/S.!:2::z::2...<:::zJ.~-liL----.!.-_ DATE /,--" BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDAT ION /STEEL o ROUG H /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WA TER o INSULATION o GAS PIPING o SHEETROCK NAIL o POO L /H .TUB 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS \ o CONDUIT o SU PPLY A IR 0 0 o FINAL o FIN AL o APPROVED ~I S A P P R O V E D pvREl NSPECTION REQU IRED CORRECTIONS: DATE ---=-----'--H-L.----- .. •ProjectApplication Date ----!--=---.:--=-~I_--- I )({U dl-,J [ldd//;~I I Project Description : Owner Address andPhone: Proj ect Name :---""'-'~~"::::"~:S..L---l.---=;iLJ~""""~£4--t;,..z..LL=~~~",------------- Architect Address andPhone:_ Legal Description :Lot •Block •Filing o(J ~,/?d ~/1///o?/.f'1t Zone: Zon ing App roved: /:;2 3 79Date-'--...L-_ DesignReviewBoard Motion by : Seconded by : APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary:_ Zon ing A dmin istrator Chief Building Official Date :Date : the pri"lery l va ll 'TO : FROM: DATE : RE : • DICK RYAN ,DEPJ\rrnlENT OF CmlAfLJNITY DEVEUJPMDIT 4-4-80 PARKING FEE }1)R CDMMERCIAL CDRE I AND ca,r,lliRCL\L CDRE ·II The Cormin i ty Dove'loprerrt Depar-trrerr t has reviewed the currentp a rk ing f ee f or e xpans ion in Corrmarc i a .I Core I an d I I an d i s r ecorrrrondin g a reduct ion t o the f ee f or f ir st floor expans ion s t hat are in c onf'o rrrance with the Vail V'il L age tan d Vail Lion she ad Urban Des i gn Guide P lan .F i rst an d second fl oor ccrrrmr'c i a.L expansions woul d b e r educe d,fran the current $5,000 for each 300 squ are f o oto f expans i on t o Sl ,500 f or each 300 square f oot o f expans-ion for a three year per iod .At t he en d of three )'o ars ,the f ee wo uld be what T O\\TI Council b as se tf o r 1 982 .All o ther typ es o f expan s.i ons or c hanges that r e qu i re additional parkin g wou ld be required to pay the $5 ,000 p e r parking space , Th e n e xt change woul d be a c hange in where the f ee c o uld be u s ed .I nstead of just fo rp arking ,the f ee could al so be u se df or t he bus s ystem .Th e ordinan ce df.scuss tng p ark ing n eeds t o be c hangedt oa lso include rro ne y being used f or the bus systEm .The t itle s hou ldb e P arking and Transporta.tion Fee . In Vail Li onshe ad t here could 1>3 r emoved f orn ew c correrciaj space an d trash s tor age .The reduction i n parking spaces. be sorro e x istin gp arkin g space s that 'woul d spa ce ,add itional l an dsca p in g ,pedestrian que stions is h ow we s hou ld d eal vii t h the Iwou ld r econrend the $1 ,500 fee . c «I NAME OF APPLICl\NT: ,-" Cu e 1t I S J owe l ry • mr~UE..c;T OF APPLICANT:Par king Var iance of One Sp ace topermita 170 s qu are foot expan sion . NMlli OF PUBLIC I300Y HEMING APPLICATION :Planningand Environ mental Co mmission DATE OF lIEJ\RING:August 14,1979 FORMAL AcrION TAKEN &FI NDI NGS: "',OIlIER CD~lMENTS : . ( Ap proval by a Unanim ous Vote with Ron Todd abstaining .Th e Co mmi ssion f elt that the space was hidd en andtheaddi ti on was i n line withth e recommended improvements for the Lionshead Area . ~A~NlNGAD:.IINI S1WiTOR Planning and Environ~al Commission ~Minutes of8-14 -79 ~ng. Board Members Present Gerry White Ed Drager Jack Goehl Ron Todd Sandy Mills Board Members Absent Roger Tilkemeier Jim Morgan Staff Me mbers Present Jim Rubin Dick Ryan • 1.)Amendment to Agriculture and Open Space District Dick Ryan explained this amendment.He explained that current zoning allowsone unit for two acres and theproposedzoning would allowone unit for 35 acres.This will bein conformance with the County zoning. There was a discussion.Mr.Mueller and Mr.Siverly from theaudience asked questions.Jim Rubin explained the history ofthe Agricultural and Open Space District.He also stated that most of these pieces of property aretoo steep for building. Gerry White made a motion toapprovetheAmendment to Section 18.32.050, lot Area and Site Dimens ions ofthe Agricultu ral and Open Space (A)District to Change the Mini mum lot Area from onedetached Dwelling Unit on Two (2) acres,tothe Mini mu m lot Area of thirty-five (35)acres of site area aspertheDepartment of Community Develop ment mem oof August 10,1979. Sandy Mills seconded themotion.Gerry White,Sa ndy Mills,and Jack Goehl voted for approval.Ron Todd and Ed Drager vo ted aga inst approvalas Ron felt quite a few ofthe properties are on the Town's priority list for acquisition of Open Space land and theyarechangingthezoningin this district for their own benefit and Ed voted against approvalbecausehe felt .the rezoningproposal was not properly documented.He had asked how many acres were involved,how many units etc,and couldn't geta definite answer.He didn't feel enough planning had gone into this. He felt it was being done to penalize VailAssociates for some reason. It was just not properly planned. 2.)Rezoning ofSpecial District Properties toPublic Use District Jim Rubin explained where the different parcels are located. Ed Drager mentioned that another parcelisbeing deeded tothe Town adjacent totheparcel already owned by the lionsridge Water District. PEC Minutes 8-14-79• Page Two • 15,000 Under Sandy Mills made a motion toapprovetheSpecial District properties rezoningtoPublic Use District asperthe Staff Memo dated8-10-79 withthe addition oftheParcelbeing deeded tothe Town bythe Lionsridge Water District.Gerry White seconded themotion.The vote was unanimous. Re uest for Current's Jewe1r. item.Current's Jewelry is nexttotheVail Cookie Company andisnotvery visible.They areaskingtobeallowed tobringoutthe front of their store tothe same level asthe Vail Cookie Company. Jeff Selby explained that Current's Jewelry seems to lose even more visibility inthe winter time.He feels by expandinginthe way they have proposed will make Current's more conforming withthe other businesses. He said changes such as this were recommended by the Improve Vail Workshops. He said the $5000 parkingfee will be paid. Gerry White made a motion toapprovethe request from Jeff Selby for aParkingand Loading Variance on Current's Jewelry Store in Lionshead CenterBuilding on Tract DVailLionshead Filing No.1 asperthe Staff memo dated8-10-79.Sandy Mills seconded themotion.There were four notes forthe approval.Ron Todd abstained dueto conflict of interest. 4.)Proposed Zoning for Matterhorn Area Recently Annexed into the Town. Dick Ryan explained this item.There were questions from theaudience from Mr.Mueller,Mrs.Charles,Mr.Siverly and Mr.Tarter. Dick Ryan explained that if their present units were toburn down, and their lot i5under15,000square feet,they would onlybe able to build a Primary/Secondary typeduplex.They wouldn't be able to replace what they now have.The restrictions intheproposed Ordinance No.22 would applytothe new unit. Mr.Mueller said he feels thepurposed Ordinance No.22 restricts the "small guy"and not the "bigguy". Gerry White said he disagrees asthepersonwitha lot less than square feet is allowedto build a primary/secondary typeduplex. County zoning,he canonly have a single family residence. AliceParsons from theaudience said she thinks that byallowingthe "secondary"unit on lots less than15,000square feet,the Town intends togivethe "small guy"achanceto find aplaceto1ive.She thinks thezoningplanboth for the Town and for Matterhorn is an excellent plan. Gerry White made a motion toapprovethe initial zoningof Approximately 8.231 acres oflandinanarea kno~m commonly astheMatterhorn Area as perthe Staff Memo of8-10-79.This Zoning willbe changed to Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential fortheRecently Annexed Property.Ron Todd seconded themotion.The vote was unanimous. PEC Minutes 8-14-79 ~ 'Page Three ~ 5.)Enclo sure of Cyrano's Front Deck Jim Rubin explained this item.Jerry Grevan made his presentation. He said an Environm ental Impact Report was done butdidnot arrive intime for the meeting.Th e report said that theonly negative impacts would beduringthe Co nstruction Per iod.The windows would be set back sothey would not be on Town property.The expansion souldprovide seating for 24 people.They do not htink they will use glass inthe roof. Ron Todd made a motion toapprovethe Conditional Use Permit for Cyrano's Restaurant to enclose the front deck area located inthe Gondola Ski Shop Building on Lot c,Block 2,Vail Village First Filing asperthe conditions inthe Staff memo of 8-10-79.Gerry White seconded themotion.Threepeoplevotedin favor ofthe approval.Ed Drager and Sandy Millsvoted against the approval. They both felt that theexpansionchangesthe character ofthe Vilage which needstobe preserved. 6.)Final Plat for Lionsridge Filing No.3 Jay Peterson made the presentation. Gerry White made a motion toapprovetheFinal Plat Lionsridge Filing No.3 withthe conditions that Lot28be dedicated tothe Town before any building permitsbe issued on Lots 1-27,Block 2, and that Tract Abe dedicated tothe Town beforeany building permits be issued on Lots 1-6,Block 4.In addition,the name of Gore View Drive was revised to Lionsridge Lane.Sandy Mills seconded themotion.Everyone votedin favor ofthemotion, except for Ron Todd who abstained.. 7.)The Board had a discussion aboutchangingthetimeofthe Planningand Environmental Commission meetings.In order toavoid conflicts withthe Town Council workshops and meetings,it was decided that beginninginSeptember,thePlanningand Environmental Commission Meetings will be at 3:00 P.M.on the secondand fourth Mondays. The Board then went into ExecutiveSessionto discuss Open Space Priorities. -PLAAG AND ENVIRONMENTAL CO~'MISSIO. AGENDA 8-14-79 2:00 Work Session Discussionof Comprehensive Planand Preservation Ordinance and Expansion in CCI 3:00Regular Meeting 1.)Amendment to Agricultural and Open Space District 2.)Rezoning ofSpecial District Properties toPublic Use District ~ParkingVariance Request for Currents Jewelry 4.)Proposed Zoning for Matterhorn Area Recently Annexed into the Town 5.)EnclosureofCyranno'sFront Deck 6.)Final Plat for Parcels B,C,D,And E,Lionsridge Filing No.2 7.)ExecutiveSession on Open Spacae Priorities 8.)Discussionofa Change in Meeting Time MEMORANDUM•_.TO:Planning and Environmental Commission FROM:Department of Community Development • DATE:August 10.1979 RE:REQUEST FROM JEFF SELBY FOR A PARKING AND LOADING VARIANCE ON CURRENTS JEWELRY STORE IN LIONSHEAD CENTER BUILDING ON TRACT D VAIL LIONSHEAD FILINING I. DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED The request is for a variance allowingoneparkingspaceas required for construction ofan additional 170 square feet of floor space.The store front willbeextendedto make it flush withthe store front of theVail Cookie Company (Currents nextdoor neighbor). CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon reviewof Criteria and Findings,Section 18.62.060 ofthe Municipal Code,the De~artment of Community Development recommends Approval ofthe ,requestedVariancebased upon the following factors: Consideration of Factors The relationship ofthe requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures inthe vicin;!t. The proposedexpansion will align the storefront of Currents Jewelry withthe existing storefronts in LionsHead Center.The LionsHead Plan from the Improve Vail Workshops recommends that storefronts alongthe ,ma llbeextendedto improve the atmosphereof intimacy,interest ofthe area,andthe visibility ofthe businesses. The proposed Currents storefront willnotblockany views of businesses inthe area. The degreeto which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcementofa specified regulation is necessary toachieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites inthe vicinity,orto attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. As presently located,Currents Jewelers is hidden from view from many locations on the mall.By allowing the storefront tobe flush withthe existing facades,this problem may be solved.Futureexpansionsof this nature may occur for this and other businesses inaccordancewiththe lionsHead Mall Plan. PEC Memo • Currents J ewelers .Page Two-• The effec t oft he requested varianc e on li ghtand a i r,di stribution of popul a ti on ,t ransportati on andt raffic fa ci li ti es,pUblic facilities and util ities,andpublic s afety. Sinceth e storefront will notextend beyond th e existing building facade, it shouldnotadvers ely affect the current conditions inth e mall. The addition of170 squa re fee t tothe existi ng 190 s quaref eet will require an additional par kings pace.Since on-site parking is not feasible,aspace will needtobepurchased for $5000. Such other factors and criteria asthecommission deem s applicable tothe proposedvarianc e. Therearenone. FINDINGS: The Planning and Environmental Co mmission shall make the following findings before granting a variance: Thatth e granting ofthe variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent withthe limitations on other properties c lassified in t he sa me district. Thatthe granting ofthe variance wi llnotbedetrimen tal tothe public health,safe ty,or welfare,or mater ially in jurious to properties or improvements inthe vicin ity. Thatthe variance is warranted for the following r eas on : There are no exceptions or extraordinary circi mstances or conditions applicable to the site ofthevar iance that do notapply generally to other properties inthe same zone. RECOMMENDATIONS: The Depa rtment of Co mmunity Develop ment r ecomm ends app roval of this variance ofth eparkingord inance.We feeltha t the project will have a positive impact on this area ofthe Town. The applicant has been informed that if this application is approved, that there will have tobea pay ment mad e into theParking Fund of $5000. •DISPOSITION•.-. NAME OF APPLICANT:C Zu;;;t'S Jewelry .-J REQUEST OF APPLICANT:ParkingVarianceof One Space topermita 170 square foot expansion. NAME OF PUBLIC BCDY HEARING APPLICATION:Planningand Environmental Commission DATE OFHEARING:August 14,1979 FORMAL ACTION TAKEN &FINDINGS: OIlIER CD~lMENTS:. Approval by a Unanimous Vote with Ron Todd abstaining.The Co mmission felt that the space was hiddenandthe addition was in line withthe recommended improvements for the Lionshead Area. rA~ING ADJ1IJ.'USTRAWR • PUBLIC N(Jl'ICE • NarICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 'IlIAT Jeff selby for Curxentis JewelIy has applied for a variance from the provisions of section 18.26.150,Parking and Loading of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail in order to construct an addition to the Currents JewelIy store located in the LionsHead Center Building on Tract D,Vail/LionsHead Filing 1. A Public Hearing will be held in accord with section 18.66.060 of the Vail Municipal Code before the Town of Vail Planning and Environnental Cornnissicn on August 14,1979 at 3:00 P.M.said hearing will be reId in the Vail Municipal Building. TOVN OF VAIL DEPARIMENI'OF cnHJNITY DEVE:LCFMENT '\~~,4,~ JanES A.RubinvZoningAdministrator Published in the Vail Trail July 27,1979 '.-,•• TOWN OF VAIL APPLICATION FO R VARI AN CE Applicatio n Date July 16,19 79 Publication Date July 20,19 79 Public Hearing Date Au gust 14 ,1979 ________ Nameo f Applicant Jeffrey B.Selby ~urre n ts Jewe ~ Name of Owner if d i ff erent from Applicant Mailing Address Post Office Box 152 8,Vai l,Colorado 8 1657 Telephone (303 )47 6-05 22 Legal Desc ription :Lot ___,Block ___,Fil i ng _ Lionshead Centre Building onTract 0,Vail/Lionshead Filing 1 (If pr o pe rt y is unplatte d subm it mtes a nd bounds description as e xhib it ) Applic ation i s h er eb y made f ora Varianc e f romt he provisions of Section 18 .26.150 of the Municipal Code for the Town of Vail i no r de r t o allow :construct anadd itional 1 70 sq ua re feet of ret ail s paceto the exi sting Currents Jewelry store to p rovideamore spacious f eelinga ndbetter exposure andt o bring the s tore entry cl oser tot he mall. BY THE FOLLOW ING : CC II APPLICATION WILL NOT in a ---"'-'~-'------- 1 .He aring Fee -$100 .00 +$1.40 f or EAC Ha d dress ed e n ve lope . 2.A LIST OF TH E OWNERS OF THE PROP ERTIES wit hin 300 f ee t in a Single-Family Re side nti al ;~vo-Famil y Re sidential;or ~o-Family Primary /Secondary Res i de ntialZon e Dis trict;or adjac ent t o th e subject propert y in all othe r Zon e Di stricts. Th e owner s list s hall include th e names of a ll o wne rs and the legal d esc ription of the p rop ert y o wned b y ea ch .Accompanying this li st s ha ll be pr e-a ddr ess ed e nve lopes al o ng with Certi ficatesa ndRe tur nRe ceip ts p ro perly fi ll ed out t o e ach o wner.Th ese for ms can b e ob t ain ed f rom t he U.S.Po st Office. 3.Site Plan ,floor pl an and other documents a s r equir ed by the Zoning Administrator.(Thi s is to b es ubmitted a t t he t ime of pUbl icat ion) 4.A de script ion o f th e precise n a tu reo ft he Va ria nc e. (This shou ld inclu de an explan at ion o ft he spe c if ic h ardship .) ••".' • ~ • e - ....'~7'·'"I '...I'-.~.P03 SHOW 10 WHaM AND D:"·E DEl VfflED SrlOWTOWHOM,DATE MD ADDRESS OF I'£ltV[R" SPECIAL DEliVERY ~RESTRICTED DELIVERY CERTIFIEDFEE RECEIPTFOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIOEO- NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (SeeReverse) Il~~Q d ArCQda.&rr.do :::>rREE-f'~DNO .:»-..ifi>./II)jJ(i PO STATE.N:)ZIPCQf)E &r.397 .J _"C3i1,_~_~ POSTAGE -c~r--..L.-"""""""'-------~__--1 TOTALPOSTAGEANDFEES sJ,YZJ ~r-POSTMARK ORDATE -----' -~ '"E & ~ 0.. • -f--- Walker ~ CO 8 1657 7647387P03 SPECIAL DELIVERY RESTRICTED DELIVERY - w SHO~TO WHO"A AND ~DATE DEl\I~REO "'---~SHOWTOWHOM DATE Ii::~:rvESS Of w ~SHOW rO'NHOM A"lUOATE ~OEUVt:REDWI~H q~STR crt ~CELIVERY ~~H-OW TO WHOM OA.TE AND 0::AOORESS Of-OElIV£~Y wnloi RESTRICTED OElIVER .... '"- ww ~ '"0~ '"'"w w...u '";;;""'":E w...'"'"~12 ""...z 0~ii:=> '"z 0 0u TOTALPOSTAGE AN D FEE S SENTlO Life HouseCondoAsso c STREET AND NO Dougl as "P 1!.C]<y" sc..STAlE ANDZIPCODE Box11 77,Vail, CERTIFIEDFEE POSTAGE f---- RECEIPTFOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIOEO- NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (SeeReverse) -o~f--'-...L-'---------f-~-,--l 8 00.., E ~ (/J 0.. P03 P03 RECEIPTFOR CERTIFIED MAIL c RECEIPTFOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAG E PROVIOEO- NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See RHverse) ~~~l f-'Condo fh~ V-i r:.l..\>\"Kho.YYI -~T AT E AN(l~P('rH,)E \j f.,_'/.._2_foS.,_Q.(\ POSTAGE -sI J-<.:!.-CERTIFIED FEE L.!O •'"-w SPECALDELIVERYw •~ RESTRICTEDDELIVERY - '"e0-~-- e ~w SHew fC W'-10M AND •...u u )ATE DWVF~FD '";;;s""'"'"---:E w SHOV,TOWH:)'"CATE -w '";.L/S-....'"AND ADOflESS OF'"~Ii:~""W DELIVERYz...0 u s::Ww "'0 WHGM AND O.TE~w:>ii:'"8ft ~~~~c ',II TH RESTRIC":[C'"z •z 0 '"8 =>SHOW TOWHOM.DATE ANDt; '"ADDRESS OF DELIVERY WITH •RES~fUCTFO DELIVERY TOTAL POSTAGEANDFEES S/7l ) POSTMARK DRDATE. 7-/7-7Cj -- C--c 8 00.., Ec"-v:c, ,~D ;.../5"". I I ~.U f ., PEClAL DELIVERY Rt:.TR T EUVfRY NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIOEO- NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (SeeReverse)""lli=·~~=T~-h ta-'--d Centra.(1ndo AJ c. I STREH AND N Ba~~~.I ANDZlr ~~ Wl'_Z2 ?_l,_'4ail,~,,------~ r PO~"'AGE I ERIF ED EF ew~ '"0 ~ '"'"~w...u '"s-c '":;;w...'"'"~0...""...z ~0 :>ii:'"z 0 0u -cr-. ~ ,."••i I,. VAII.-ea;,~.ll::,- c.o. [ SOMe ~~12­ "n"'le At-tnQue:c;. N~'H ...,"""-7 F~Pl-AN ~L.e:l/eJl:::II_O II P~~et:'ADDrrioN 1"'0 c:LHz.rzeN1?Or:VAl 1.,J~Hel,...~Y D~IG1---1 ••,"..... RECEJIY The Town o f Vail 7306 RE CEIVED FROM ~==----_-----------'~-----------ADDRESS ===_===-====== DATE _•19-"---+-- _______________________DOLLARS $_-----==------~==== PermitNumber s _ HOWPAI D-CashCheck ---- Police ReceiptNu mbers ------- By _ ~N -T OTreetop Condo AssOC- STRE!::.T A!\IO NO.Marvel Barnes pr)STATEANDZ1PCO~E - Box 2237,Vail ,CO 816 5" POSTAGE s...J iJ CERTIFIED FEE I :TO ¢ "' -""- ...SPECIAL DELIVERY e ~~F.STRICTEO DELIVERY ~~ '"0 ---- ~SHeW TC \"/'"IOM AND '""'"' c "'"''"JAl~[JHr"'EFlED...'";;"';;--..'":E '""'SHOW"OWf"O~(lATF "'ee ,45 c..."'b:A 10ADDRESS 0" "'-'_DH 'w'(RYIi:.. %~~SHOW TO WHOM ,U.lO Oll ~--...0-'~a:Dl:.LlVERED WITH RESTRICT E(¢ =>'"~Dtl1VERY%0 0 ~l SttO~TO WHOM DAlEAND'"a:~~f~~~~6~t:~~~~wn~e TOTAL POSTAGEAHD FEES s),tftl POSTMARK ORDATE ~/;(7 -71 P03 7 '3 4 ~'?q 8 RECEIPT FORCERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAG E PROVIO EO- NOl FOR IN1ERNA110N AL MAIL (SeeReverse) STR(ET ANO NO Charles Langhoff PO STAEANDZIP COUL;, Bo X 7,Vail ,CO 81657 POsrAGE .,/6 \r[RTlFlfO FEE I <]'0 of c..POSTMARK-OR DATE <: SE.NT T")Vail Associates,Inc. P03 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIOEO- NOl FOR IN1ERNA1IONAL MAIL (SeeReverse) ,•• 'r= =l==:l . ,- '--'---~-\ _1 '-- f:)<i"I'"l t-G .~~CovISIZlS /<3 ~N1""fZ.I5!~+'NJ;<.~A\11"'lOl'l "--.:.I .,-- 1"0 -. M.D 1-l"T'Q \\'(.I •i /!- -/'l > N~~C:1-eVA""iION ~~I /~I=I I-"II PI2C>~ESO ~1110N '10 CU~N1?0':::VAIL-J ~v-.lr:sJ-.tz.y D~IGN •• OWNERS OR CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATIONS WITHIN 300 FEET OF CURRENTS JEWELRY STORE Vail 21 Condominium Association %MikePinkham Post Office Box 2468 Vail,Colorado 81657 Lionshead Centre Condominium Association %Marvel Barnes Post Office Box 2237 Vail,Colorado 81657 Lionshead Arcade Condominium Association %Joe Peplinski Post Office Box 397 Vail,Colorado 81657 Lift HouseCondominium Association %Douglas "Packy"Walker Post Office Box 1177 Vail,Colorado 81657 Treetop Condominium Association %Marvel Barnes Post Office Box 2237 Vail,Colorado 81657 Vail Associates,Inc. %Charles Langhoff Post Office Box 7 Vail,Colorado 81657 box 100 vail,colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 December 19,1980 Mr.Ron Todd,Architect Box 1753 Vail,Colorado 81657 Dear Ron: department of community development RE:Selby &Crowley, Purcell Requests IthoughtI would include bothSelby and Crowley,Purcell requests inthe same "letter.The Planning and Environmental Commission determined that both proposals could go throughthe normal processing and will bescheduled on February9,1981 before thePlanning and Environmental Commission. Before the meetinga good design solution needstobe worked out for the corner by Currents Jewelry and the Cookie Company.I would like tosee if a display window couldbeplaced at theNorthwest corner of the building to add even more visual life to the area. I am also a little concernedwiththeaccesstothe Alfie Packer's deck which I will discuss withOscarTang's architect. If you haveany questions,please contact me. Sincerely, ~'/~{L-- Dick Ryan,~ctor Department of Community Development DA:df / L ('~.11748-\\.'.) F 'IPT -TheTownof Vail RECEIVEDFROM ~+-~-"'-------"-'-.:..-____.;_---------_ ADDRESS _ DATE __---'--'--'----=. (\ Permit Numbers _Police Receipt Numbers _ HOW PAID-Cash Check_By =--_ Dear Dick: On behalf of my clients,Jeff Selby,Charlie Crowleyand John Purcell,I request that the review of the 'proposed additions to Commercial Condominiums C-6andC-4 of the Lionshead Centre Building,scheduled for hearing before the Planning and Environ- mental Commission at their February 9 meeting,be deferred to a - lat er date...,- Please call me at 476-3510 if you have any questions this matter. Best regards, ~ Ronald A.Todd Architect · P.O.Box 1753 . Vail,Colorado 81657 RAT:pm ';Y January 30,1981 DickRyan Department of Community Development Town of Vail P.O.Box100 Vail,CO 81657 Dear Dick: On behalf of my clients,Jeff Selby,Charlie Crowley and John Purcell,I request that the review of the proposed additions to Commercial CondominiumsC-6andC-4 of the Lionshead Centre Bui lding,scheduled for hearing before the Planning and Environ- mental Commission at their February 9 meeting,be deferred to a later date. Please call me at 476-3510 if you have any questions regarding this matter. Best regards, (L Ronald A.Todd-Architect P .O.Box1753 Vail,Colorado 81657 RAT:pm . p ",. PUBLIC ·.NOTIC E NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Plannin ga nd Environm ental Commission of the Town of 'Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with the Zoning Code of the Vail Municipal Codeon February 9,1 981 at 3:00 p.m.at th e Town Council Chamb e rs i n the Municipa l Building. Public hearing andcon sideration of: A.A request for a minor subdivision to create two lots andtwo tracts and a rezoning o f part of the lot from Two 'Famil y Residenti al to Primary/Secondary Di strict and from Two Famil:'Residential District to Greenb elt &Natural OpenSpace Di strict fo r part of lot 17,Bighorn Subdivision,4th Addition.App licant:·Frederick W.Distelhorst. B.A request for a minor sub division to relocate an e xisting lot l ine between lots 5and6,Block 5,Bighorn 5th Addition.Applicant:Bjorn Borgen. C.A request for an exte rior al teration a nd modific ation in Commercial Core I for the Red Lion b uil ding to construct three additional dwelling units and shops at 304 East Bridge Street (Lots E,F ,G,and H of Block SA,Vail Vill age 1st Filing), Applicant :J eff Selb y. D.A request for an exteri or alterat ion and modification in Commer ci al CoreI a nd height v ariance to con struct an elevator at the Sitzl~rk building located at 183 Gore Creek Drive (lot 5B,Vai 1 Village 1st Fil i ng),Appl icant:Bob Fritch . E.Ar equ est for an ext erior alteration a nd modifica tion in Commercial Co r e II f or the Lion sHead Center building to construct a dditional c onuncrc i a l space at We st Li ons • Head M:J11 (Lot 5,Blo ck 1,Vail Lion slIead 1st Filing).Applicants:Ch arl es R.Cr ow l ey, • .Iohn Purcel l,Jeff Sel by,and Francis Tang.(Note :Three separate applications for the same genera l area ). The applications and information relating to the request i s available at the Zoning Administrator's office in the Municipal Building during regular business hours·for review or inspection by the public. A.PETER PATTEN,JR. Zoning Administrator TO IliN OF VAIL UHPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEL OPMENT Tobe pub li shed in the Vail Trail on January 23,1981. box 100 vail,colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 December 19.1980 Mr.Ron Todd.Architect Box 1753 Vail.Colorado 81657 department of community development RE:Q &Crowley.~cell Requests Dear Ron: I thought I wou1d include both ~and Crowley.Purcell requests inthe same letter.The Planningand Environmental Commission determined that both proposals could go throughthe normal processing and will be scheduled on February 9,1981 before thePlanning and Environmental Commission.___ Beforethemeetinga good design solution needstobe worked out for the corner by Currents Jewelry and the Cookie Company.I would like tosee if a display window couldbeplaced at theNorthwest corner of the building to add even more visual life tothe area. I am also a little concernedwiththeaccesstothe Alfie Packer's deck which I will discuss withOscarTang's architect. If you have any questions.please contact me. Sincerely. ~'I (1&" Dick RYan,~ctor Department of Community Development DA:df ·APl'LICl'.'l'ION l"OfU1 F OH E X'l 'EIU.OH AL'l'E nATIO NS OR 11JOD li"IC Nf :::ONS I N CO ;·1:·P·:HC.T;\L C OHE II (C CI I) I.T his procedur e is r e qu ired fo r a l tera tion of a n e xistingbU ilding whi cha d ds o r remo ves a ny on oLo n c d flo or a r c a or o utdoor pa t io or replacement o f a n c x i.s t i .nq bu.i Ld iriq s ha l.J,b e s u b j oc t;to z e v Lew L y t he Plann ing an d En v i ro ruuen t.a J.C O :i "~j :,,;1011 . Th e ap plic at ion \-Jill n ot ve ilcc epted u nt.il a ll i nformation i s submitted . 1\.NAMEOF l~Pl'LICANT__JEEl='r<E.Y B.Se;.!:BL . A DDRESS P o .Bax 15ZB Vp../l...,Co .~"-5=-..:.7--'-'---__PHONE 47ec 052'2.. n ,NAHE OF l,PPJ.,ICAN'T 'S RE PRE SEN T N rI V E_Ro N A.LP A TQ PD~A~y ITE-CoT A DDRESS P.Q.Box /753.'h,,,Co l.a gPlQQ.·8I ("57 I PH ONE 4 7CA 35/0 C. ADDRE SS__~~~~~ D .LO CAT ION OF PROPOSAL ---------------_._--- $100.00 plus 15¢for each pr operty ow ner to be n o ti fi ed . F .UIPHOV ENEN'l'S L']~VE Y OF PRO PEl::TY SIIc,nNG P ROPERTY LINES AND LOq\TION OF BU ll,DING A),,;D ANY H1PIWV DlEP:1'S O:~rr ns L AND . G.A'L I S'f OF 'rIlE NMlB OF O\\TNERS OF JILL P HOPE I<'l'Y ADJA CENT 'fO T ilE SUI3 JEC'l'P I<OPER'.l'Y. II .Four ('1)c op ies of il s i le p lan c on t.o in i.nq the f o Ll.ow i nq Ln f or ma t i.on : A.'rho sit e p l.a n s h.:Il.1 lx~d r a wn 0:1 i.l s hce ~:s ize of 2t1"x 3 6"a t;c .sc ale of l ",."20 ';i t va ri.a ti o n o f l:!l,:~~;l:e (>t s i ze or n oa L e 1I1 ay b e LlPP 1'OV(~c1 b y t.h r.Commu nity Dov o Lopmc n t;))('));I ::-t W::"I\L i f j us t i .Li.o d , .I P ropo se d Building Modifications Commercial Condominium C-6 Li onsHead Centre Building LionsHead Cen ter Mall :Sub .Area 12 The propos ede xpansion of Cu rrents J ewel ry a nd the Alf ie Pac ke r's e n try will,in conjunction with t hep roposed expansion of a dj ac ent jobs by s epara te a pplicati on ,wi l l e nha nce th e pedestrian scale o f the ma ll b y b rin gin g th e storefrontsc l os er to t he pedestri an .Alf ie 's n ew mall front entry will be more visible and invitin g.In addition,the r elocation of th e entry corridor allows fo rs egr egation of the r e staurant customers p ath o f travel from t he se rv ice a nd de livery en try and c o rrider .We will provide i nt erconnecti on o f the othe r s hops with the se rvice corridor to allow the ir a cc e ss to t h e service e levator and restrooms .The one -s tory a ddit ions to th e No rth and South e levat ions and Sou thwes tc or ne r give th e bui lding a more h uman scale by vi si bly r educing the imposing h eight of the struc ture.Visual intere st a nda ctivity will b e achi e ved th ro ugh th e u se of color fu lawn ing s,and more i nviting materia ls (anod ized metal o r c ladwo od i n place of t hee xi s ting "raw"aluminum s tore fr on t).Water and i ce build-u p,wh i ch h asb een an extre me problem in th e p a st ,will be g re at l y reduced by th e construction o fa h ea tedg utte r system ,a n d the b ui ldi ng willb ecomemore e ne rgy e ff icient due to the i n troduction of t hermop aneg lazingi n place of th ee x isting s ingle-glazed panels . .," ..... ,.:.>.; ,.. ..""'1 ( .""..; "'.''., ID ,...: N .,-'. ",; .;.'...• '.'.." .:~.•.r, .~.r ,~~ .~..: .'.; '."'.'. t , N LOO /'--~ lrig' /'-10 (\JCIl en ..> 0 III.. ,. oJ..• '·IL 0,.,..,.. I 0 I .. '0 .. '"o.. ,"oJ C• ....,' .,........",. 1,IZ'9l . I I Is:f.' LI'o' .1 ~I,-, .9'.9'-!(l ~~~.'~ I .. I C. I I I,, PC?t;" 0 1•.u.. .,:,0 ,aiJ I I I I,,. I 'l ' r--·t"":':-t-~~';;"" I ,0 '0I";,-l..__ .0 o tx: '"<Il Clz ('\J ,''avz ----,,0 '0'1 I I '~ ~ I I I r -·0 't r--j I• '-0 .I"; :(:~.nl..Lr.;_~f Q,'".oc (J)'q ~j N N .o'c ,'q>'"'<,~oC OI 0..\,0 '"~l !~ r<'l l.C?:QI ,0.'" uJ <0 ,o·r oN in Cl 'qZ00)N N -~N N cri~eo III O·S\. CXl w "~ z Z [0 '01 0 ,Q i»,!: ~'0 .,'Q<!l L;;_ ciJ~,'",or \'0 N N oc \'Q ,,0-00 ~'" ,I ~r Q d :!:.. aI •I ... " "...' ":-"t,. " ....:.... ,". .:.." .. .".',' ,I• .~... :'~ ~.', •.•J- .'~ , -;, I ' /.:: -.'"1\ v ~..t ;~. ,,.' -}/Ie ~Cd/4/'t/1~-(/N ~L-,pt;- -/JDZ::/L t/J-CP71/~/Irv/~/lc/,a ~7L4hf -W6-GOZ-0.//.£1 /&rff/C£7t4'e?V( 5~'{2fJJ1.f1)J 3 $_!a::,__ J1VJ (e;:1t ~) W/V;~~~ -~~- 1-.tid).~MtU1.eMi1"-4).).lJ-1:t ~,,~ fA-prk-f~~HM~. ~.~,vt Wt4t ~t~s -rr 7~' fJ.~n ~diA(,~~~~ l1<~~~A..~~~ ~tk:-~~~I M:j~~~~(w.o. dV1t~~~rwy V:-1~UJl-t)In 14 V1A.A.il., *,~~~A be:tJ-~d~ ~1z>~~~~~p1A-~.~M ~A~~~~ W'ttti ¥l?u..t w1l4 IAr61 ~17N.-~ ~~to~~~~ ~. - '..• box 100 vail,colorado 81657 (303)476-5613 December 19,1980 Mr.Tom Briner,Architect Briner Scott Architects 143 E.Meadow Dr. Vail,Colorado 81657 Mr.Lo-Yi Chan,Architect Prentice &Chan,Oh1hausen Architects &Planners 500 Fifth Avenue New York,New York 10036 Dear Tom &Mr.Chan: • department of community development The Planning &Environmental Commission had a preliminary review onyourproposal on December 8,1980.It was determined by the Board that there were no majorimpactsand it would notbe considered a plan amendment.Your proposal will bescheduled before thePlanning and Environmental Commission on February9,1981. Concerns ofthe Community Development Department are visibility of commercial useswiththe proposed expansionof building by the Cookie Company and CurrentsJewelry and theimpact on the antique store. It seems .1ike this corner ofyour building needstobesteppedback. Second,the basement level was not considered as part ofthe plan. I am concernedwiththe additional timeand disruption on themall by construction ofthebasement.The useproposed is currently nota permitted or conditional useinthe basement level .In addition, there is a loss of window display area which we are trying to increase throughthe mall private improvements. Third,I am also concernedwiththe access tothe Alfie Packer's back deck.I think that this canbe improved. Please contact me if you have any questions. • Sincerely, ~/~~ Dick Ryan,Director Department of Community Development DR:df •Page 2 .. brreoscott architects 143 e meadow dr. vail colorado 81657 (303)476·3038 • January 27,1981 Hr.Dick Ryan,Director of Planning Town of Vail Box 100 Vail,Colorado 81657 DearHr.Ryan: • On behalf of my client,Hr .Oscar Tang,I'm requesting that the public hearing scheduled for February 9,1981 regarding the proposed expansion of the lionshead Center Building be deferred to a later date.Thankyou for you consideration. ~~ ThomasA.Briner TAB/cg cc:lo-Vi Chan briner/scott architects 143 e.meadowdr. vail.color ado 81657 (303)476 ·3038 • January 27,1981 Hr.Dic k Ryan,Director of Planning Town o f Vai1 Box 100 Vail,Colorado 81657 DearMr.Ryan : •., On behalf of my client,Hr.Oscar Tang,1 'm requesting that the public hearing scheduled for February 9,1981 regarding the proposed expansion of the Lionshead Center Building be deferred to a later date.Thankyou for you consideration. ~~ Thomas A.Briner TAB/cg cc:Lo-Vi Chan ,. f;t-Gf tr c;_I:/JS ~---_._...__.._---~._------.. 0 'I'~~/~J r (/'./'--,/L::t-.c: ~vv ---------_.-._.._---_._-----------.~-.- (!.r :/p~-~~5 J C tl tv i).r " --/~ I • Prentice &>Chtln.Oltl1ltllUie-ll Planning and Environment al Commission Lionshead Vail,Colorado • G.List of the name of m1Uers of all property adjacent to the Lionshead Center Building. 1)Vail Associates Box 7 Vail ,Colorado 81657 2)Vail 21 c /oChuck Rosenquist 193 East Gore Creek Drive Vail,Colorado 81657 3 )Bob Lazier P.O.Box 1325 Vail,Colorado 81657 •• DATE RECEIPT -TheTownof Vail---I 'I ,19__N9 11753 RECEIVED FROM ---.--!--~~--'-. ADDRESS ._ _____DOLLARS $__1 L _ Police ReceiptNumbers _ jBy ~_c=._HOW PAID-Cash Check_--,,-_ PermitNumbers _ ,.-..-•Date o f APAc ation 24Nove mb er 1980 APP L IC NI'ION F O HM F OR EX 'fERIOR l\L'l'ERATIONS OR H ODI ?ICATI ONS I N C O;1!'lEnC Il,L COH E II (C CII) I.Th is p roc e du re is r eq uired for a lteration of a n exis ting buil d illg wh i ch a d ds or remov es an y e ncl osed fJoor area or o utdoor p at io or r eplacement of a n ex isting b ui ldings hal l be SUbje ct to revi ew b y the P lanning an d Env i r-onrn en t a I .C o rnm .is s ion, The app licati on wil l not ,b e ac ce~ted un t il .all in form~t ion i R submi tted. Francis TangIv;NAl'1E OF APl'LICANT ---"''-_ ADDRES S 230 Park Avenue,New York ,New York1001 7 P HONE (212)6 97-9777 d,-(...".....&J "1 \1[..:I B.N lll-lE OF lI.P P L ICl'.l~T I S REPRE SENTATIVE Prent ice /;Chan ,Ohlhausen -Architects A DDRESS 500Fifth Avenue ,New York ,New York 10110 C .A UT H O R IZ A 1~F PR~PERT ~R SIGNATURE ~'~"'-i ~p----:D AD DRESS 230 Park Avenue ,New York ,New York 1001 7 P HONE (212 )697 -9 7.-=--77:..-_ D.LO CATIOl\1 OF PROPOSA L A DDRESS Lionsh e ad Center Mall L EGAL DESCRI PTION eo-:J 0 .0 1.0 E.FE~•~!C.j"$10 0 .00 plus 15 ¢for e ach prop erty own er to be no tified. Atta ched F.H-1PIWVEIiJ EN T SURVEY OF PROPERTY SH OWING F nOPERT Y.LINES AND LOq~'l'ION OF BUI LDI NG Ai";])ANY IHPROVml j;Nl'S ON THE L AND. Site .Dr a wing -Attached G.A'LIST OF 'THE NAlm OF OWNE RS OFl \L L PHOPERTY ADJACENTT O Til E SU BJECT PROPEH'l'Y'•. At t.a ch ed I I.Four (tl)c o pie s o fa s ite p lan c on t.a Ln Ln q tho f o I Lowi.n q in forma tio n: Drawings -Atta che d A .The s ite p l a n shal l b e d r awn on a s he (~t size of 24"x3 6".a t;a .S Cede: of 1 ":=20';a i vur i.a t Lo n of t h «sh c o t.size .o r nc a la may be app ro vcc by th e Cornmu n it.y Deve lopme nt.Depart ment if just i fi ed. ..••Pre?Uee &Cha?,Oltlltausen Arcltiteets &P lanners 500 Ftj'tl.,4"en..e,Xe..,Yor/~.,V,Y.JOO.'16 2J2-568-1i20" La-Yi Cltan .l<'A..lA Rolf 01.lila Itse,l ......lA Francis C.IHck11a1ll A..lA Bic/.ard Visconti A..lA 21November1980 Plan ning and Environmental Commission Lionshead Vail,Colorado Subject:Application for Exterior Alterations or Modifications in Commercial Core II (OCII) Project Description: The attached application is submitted t o enable an extension of the l ong south and east facing facades of the Lionshead Center Ma ll Building in accordance with the recommen dations of the Vail Lionshead Urban Design Plan.Thea lterations wi ll accomplish t he Plan 's stated goals of creating amore conducive pedestrian scale to t he ma ll , making the elevation more transparent,providingprotected entries to the respect ive tenancies ,and enlivening the facade at street level. The enlarged building will enclose approximately 2,400 sq.ft .of n ew ground area and will be distributeda monga variety of shops including Younger Generation,Charlie's Gondola Shop,Cookie Company, Alfie Packer Restaurant and Currents Jewelers .In the condomin ium documents t hese areas comprise commercial units C-5 and C-6a nd presently r una pproximat ely 1 56 feet along the south facade .In a ddition to increased sales areas,t hea lterations wi ll provide i mp roved acces s and visibility. The attache d drawings more clearly ident ify the proposed ch anges to the area s addressed in the appl ication.If we can be of any assistance,please contact our office. ~-C;.C/rMv Lo-Yi Chan ,r Architect Registration:New Yo rk State •~entice &Chan,Ohlliausen Plannin g and Environmental Commission Lionshead Vail,Colorado • III.Compliance with the Vail Lionshead Urban Design Guide Plan The issues of the UDGP are addressed in a unified presentation in Part IV.Following is an item by item analysis of the appl icable co nsiderations. A.Height and Massing 1. 2. B.Roofs 1. 2 . The canyon effect is diminished by the reduced scale of the proposed extension from four stories to a single story. Theone story enlargement will project out from the logical spandral below the second floor windows .Under existing balconies a clerestory will be incorporated to allow light to enter further into the retail areas. Thenew addition will have ava riety of interface condit ions effect ing a lively roof-line. A shed roof willbring down the existing scale. The proposed a ddition is t ightly integrated with the fabric of the existing building (see A-2)presenting an organic expansion both structural ly and materially. 3.Thenew roof slope is approximately 4/12,reflecting the pitch of the higher roofs . 4 ,5,6.Roof overhangs (other than entries)are indicated as about 1 2"in order to accommodate the drains and gutters recommen ded for proper drainage in the climate. 7 .The roof material repeats the shingle of the existing roofs. C.Facades-Walls/Structure 1. 2. 4. Theb u ilding f acade is primar ily glass with wood siding running as a spandral below to serve as a protective edge and a scale element. All wood surfaces wi ll be stained to match t he existing treatment. Major materials are restricted to glass,wood and roof shingles,and are reflective of existing useage. •Prentice &Ott....Oltlltausell Planning and Environmental Commission Lionshead Vail,Colorado D.Facades-Transparency • 1. 2. 3. 4 ,5 . 6. 7 . 8 . 9 . The existing bu ilding repeated the upper story facades at ground level.Our proposal clearly identif ies the lowest level as a transparent band,with a substantial glazing increase . Window sills are held at 18"from walk level (see C-1). Windows will comprise between 70 and 74 percent of the commercial facade. Windows are grouped between structural e lements,each bay of glass divided into four equal segments. Recesses in the f acade plane create t he effect of l arge bay windows between entry-ways. Glazing is to be clear with mullions of wood and anadoic metal. The actual doors have not yet been specified ,but transparency will be an important considerat ion. Entry-ways are all recessed at least 5 feet and are transparent to encourage window browsing. E.Decks and Patios 1.While the patio is not the concern of the mall building extension,we have proposed an altered deck access that preserves the existing plantings,while orienting the deck entry toward the Gondola Terminal Building to encourage apres -ski visibility. F .Accent Elements 1.The elevation drawings indicate t he playful s ignage that helps identify entries a nd offers pr otec tion f rom t he weather . G.Landscape Elements As noted in "E"we have adj usted the design in order to preserve an existing mat ure growth of trees. Ma ll alteration (as shownon the site plan)is reflective of the proposed Vail Lionshead Urban Design Plan and is not specifically i n the domain of t he Lionshead Center Building expansion. •Prentice &Chan,O hU,ausen Planning and Environmental Commission Lionshead Vail,Colorado • I V.The following information is supplied in conformance with and support of the Design Considerations section of the Vail Lionshead Design Considerations . A.Pedestrian Scale The passage of pedestrians along the edge of the building expansion will be encouraged by the redes ign of the mall itself which will be transformed from a center aisle to a pair of aisles adjacent to the fronting building .The removal of snow wil l no longer be a ccompl ished by mounding at the building but rather it will be piled in the center mall ,directing pedestrians alongside the expansion .The mall redesign is incumbent upont he Lionshead Center Building extension. Pedestrian access to the b ui ldings will be encouraged b y the incorporation of covered en try -ways to each groundl evelsh op.The se areas wi ll be free of ice as the snowwill be d irected awayby cr ickets behind the i den tify in g entry signage .Toi ncrease safe pedestrian usage of the mall,overhangs and heated gu t ters are proposed . The width reduction of the ma ll will enhance the pedestrian scale by bringing the building he ight-to-width more in line with the suggested proportions of the Urban Design Considerations. The "canyon"effect of the ma ll will be softened by the sloping roof line of the building extens ion ,bringing down the effective building height from 33'to 9 '.The long walk and repetitive balconies are visually removed from the street thus reestablishing the pedestrian scale along the entire mall . B.Increase Visual Interest and Activity In plan ,the mall facade is varied bya rhythm of recessed (and shaded) entry-ways and flush to roof line display windows .Thetwo corners of the building extension are stepped back to diminish the edge as well as open up the ends to the other activities (stores a nd g ond olas) beyond . Shop entr ies are i de nt ifiedbyco nsistent yet p layful signage that a lso serves to var iegate t hel owered roof-line a long the mall. C.Contemp orary Architect ural Ex pres sion The bu ilding materials of the extens ion (roof ing,vertical wood siding ) r ef lect t hose i ncorpor ated in t he original.The roof over t he enlarge d ground level also mainta ins thes lope of the h igher roofs (approximately 4:1 2).4 5 degree angles a tt he build in g ends diminish rectangu lar ity by demater ializing t he corners . •JArelltice.(,CI.al••01.l1.ausell Planning and Environmental Commission T.ionsheall Vail,Culorado D.Street Enclosure • The humanized mall scale is accomplished by the expansion of the Lionshead Center Building approximately 17~'from the present face of the structure.The effect of this is addressed in section "A"- Pedestrian Scale. The proposed mall alteration with planting down the center,rather than to the side,will also aid in creating amore intimate pathway. Tightening the mall by diminishing its width will help in focusing visual attention to the edging shops,clocktower,and the Gondola Building at its terminus. E.Ground Level Visibility The unfenestrated wall of the existing building will be replaced bya continuous band of glazing,interrupted unly for structural purposes. The transparency of the facade will approach 74%with the visible activities not limited to window display,but including circulation both horizontal and vertical.The merchandise windows will have a variety of configurations witt some out at the face of the building and others held back-undercnver-at entry points and arcades. F.Service/Delive~ Presently,merchandIse delivery to the tenants is by eLher basement (and service elevator)or via front entry.Trash r-en .ovaL,a major consideration for the restaurant,is a ccompLi.ehod through an interior service corridor to the elevatur,and thlE will remain. .....• PUBLIC ,NOTICE • NOTICE I S HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of 'Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with the Zoning Code of the Vail Municipal Codeon February 9,1981 at 3:00 p .m.at tlie Town Council Chambers in the Municipal Building . Public hearing and consideration of: A.A request for a minor subdivision to create two lots andtwo tracts anda rezoning of part of the lot from Two 'Family Resid ential to Primary/Secondary District and from Two Famil;'Residential District to Greenbelt &Natural Open Space District f or part of lot 17,Bighorn Subdivision,4t h Addition.Applicant :·Frederick W.Distelhorst. B.A request for a minor subd ivision to relocate an existing lot lineb etween lots 5and 6,Block 5 ,Bighorn 5th Addition.Applicant:Bjorn Borgen . C.A request for an exterior alteration and modification in Commercial Core I for t he RedLion bui lding to construct three additional dwelling units ands hops at 304 East Bridge Street (Lots E,F,G,and H of Block SA,Vail Village 1st Filing), Applicant:Jeff Selby. D.A request for an exterior alteration and modif ication in Commercia lCoreI and height variance to construct an elevator a t the Sitz mark building located at 183 Gore Creek Drive (lot 5B,Vail Village 1st Filin g),Applicant:Bob Fritch. E.A request for an ext erior a lteration o nd modific ation in Commercial Cor e II for the LionsHead Center building to con stru ct a ddit ional comme rc i.al spac e at We st Lions Head Mall (Lot 5,Blo ck 1,Vail Lionsl lead 1st Filing).Applicants:Charl es R.Crowl oy , r ,•• John Purcell,Jeff Selby,and Francis Tang.(Note:Thr ee separate applic ations for the samegen eral a rea ). The applications and information r elating to the r equest is available at the Zoning Administrator's off ice in the Mun icipal Building during regular business hours ·for review or inspect ion by th e public . A.PETER PATTEN,JR. Zoning Adm inistrator TO WN OF VAIL D EPART~lliNT OF CO ~~NITY DEVELOPM ENT Tobe published in the Vail Trail onJ anu ary 23,1981. -• box 100 vail,colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 December 19,1980 Mr.Tom Briner,Architect Briner Scott Architects 143 E.Meadow Dr. Vail,Colorado 81657 Mr.Lo-Yi Chan,Architect Prentice &Chan,Ohlhausen Architects &Planners 500 Fifth Avenue New York,New York 10036 Dear Tom &Mr.Chan: department of community development The Planning &Environmental Commission had a preliminary review onyour proposal on December 8,1980.It was determinedbythe Board that there were no majorimpactsand it would notbe considered a plan amendment.Your proposal will bescheduled before the Planning and Environmental Commission on February9,1981. Concerns of the Community Development Department are visibility of commercial useswiththeproposedexpansionof building by the Cookie Company and Currents Jewelry and theimpactonthe antique store. It seems like this corner ofyour building needstobe stepped back. Second,the basement level was not considered as part of the plan . I am concernedwiththe additional time and disruption on themall by construction of thebasement.The useproposed is currently nota permitted or conditional useinthe basement level.In addition, there is a loss of window display area which we are trying to increase through the mall private improvements. Third,I am also concernedwiththe access tothe Alfie Packer's back deck..I think that this canbe i mproved. Please contact me if you have any questions. •• Si ncerely, ~.'~a-- Dick RYan,Director Department of Community DR:df Development Page 2 •;,• f1~~~ d -fW (bDA-~w...l ~/IJ~ ~1 -k A-A ~~L~-~!W4-tiu ~ :-'o~r~~~v'(rk.w~~a~)-- I·~~~~fwu..t,..~~~ M~vtc;)-A-VLC,~~1 ~ ~~~~tV udA j-b .tx-. ~~/tu~~f?J~ ~~(?et,. ):t.t ~,J;~r:v~ft..L.1?;~~ U<~~¥A.~\,u.M fLu-~ ~.:[,,-~~()I ru:~ahj ~~ P)wW.A g1,V\$1A.",J tJ.-tx-.n ~~, (~l~<t:c;-p.,.Ale. -. ,....• 7k-~~&.ih ~1;LM'~~ ~~.-~~kn-s ~~ ~~r~~~1~lAJ/AtJ ~ ~~hr~t. ?~~~7 ~1~' 1·4r~i '7 b~<(fov~~~ ]:~r tv'~/-a.N'~h 1tu..l~ J)tM-~~~.~h-<-~/--0 ~t\-.~.tf)~~. • ~~ ~r:::t:--e-r 12'(-i;-co-«I-~ ~f ~-rt-dC'~~~a-r.~r-L ~~-~~~c...1-kc "l:~'- 6-c~./.At .:/~6~.L . (r ~ -//'l~~C ~~r -r--~d~/f t'<L;P- ~h~~~f -e.a ~~~<- ~-~1.~~~l:L ~~'-~-e ~Arl ~I,//I"'t1 C0-.T (-Gte r ;OeR;{f/711"usE") f~~~L-l)~D o~ o-~~~j~~Y-4 fi d_~ S'(..,.,~""'-~cb~~- .t.k -;L.4-6-;"(h P ~,_ok tp.-o,I-~ a L~.L-a4 tAr f--C-6~?V,-JJ 9P ~-~ I t~I ft~._?(/ fZ;~~ tk;~~ l .2 7 . Quantity Description of ItemItem No.Dated Action Requested tJ-'S£fS ~IMo0 1-3 1/·21 ·80 fOR I Aff't1C/1i/ON II-1-t·80 <SVBMI5'7tON I coJBR ~11Bl<'10 -rMU Cf= I CH£ck VA/L-~f0 WJI~ We are sending you the following macerial by:Mail Messenger • To :..::I1M!J a:\/AI.....L _ -:::]5 0 ·flaJIA6:€-R,"D.WE-s,-r \h\lL ,GOWRAPO 8 ~l Attent ion :....J)ICK R....'6.....tvJ~_ Job:e(?-1.......,'-''2-~_ Job No:LlOIVSt-teAD _ Date:~8rJ Signed ~ Copy/s To:_ Blue Pr-Lnt er In Person o -I ~ I--s (J)z« ~ I- ·."-..J.--...... Da t co f l\p p .•a t i o n NO YEM ,BE:R 24,1'100 APPLI CN rI ON F ORM FO R EX'l'E )UO I ~I'"L T El:J\T I ONS O R 110 D l i~I C NrI O N S IN COi 1;,p.:;nCIi\L C OHE II '(CC Il ) I.Tlli s p roc edu re i s r~g ui r0d fo r al ter a ti on o f a n e xisti ng buil d iJl g whic))a d ds or removes Dn y e nclos e d floor area o r o utdoor pa tio o r r epl ace me nt of a n cx is ti.n q b u i Ld i .n q ~j l;\:i.l be s u b j cc t;to r e v ie w by the Pla J:j l1 i n g a n d E n vil:cl )lrn en ta l Co uuni ~>f;jOIl . Th e app l .i c at i.on wi ll n ot DC a cc epted u nt-il al l Ln f o r rna t.Lon i "s ubmitt ed . Nl\l1E OF r,Pl'L IC lI:'JT_.-C..H ARLES R ,CR.ow LE ':'L-~J o~"" AIJDRES S.-E.Q .Box 4;'0',VIl/L -r-_Col.-OR A.Q.Q 8Jt.p5J PURC.ELl.. 4 7 ft,2420 P I!ONE~f<J Z~G.--"O<-JI,---_ B.N I\l'lE OF h P PJJICl\NT I S REP RESEN TA'rIVE 'RoNAL.D p...IODD-'A.RC.~ITE.c..T ADDRE SS Po,80)(.t75$,V~IL I CoLOJ<:ADO 1/0-,'L I'd PHO NE L.j 7(,-.1J.d .CJ~.~~~- C. s IG NlI.'r U H,E-=-V...¥~....IIlo=~..p._--I.,..L.-UIL\"L-!!£....~~._ AD DRESS---J.P_,:",--"(J'----==-::<c....~__ D .LOC ATION OF P ROPO SA L A DDRE S S 4 70 ,47L !.?ZO W.L/(fl\JSIJ~O MD.LL;L IOTVSI-l~CE'\.ITRE.BUILOIIVG, CO .......mERC.....L c.ollJDOm,N,UrTI c -4 I Liol\lSIJE:l>.p CEJ\JfI2.E • LE GALDE SCR I P']'ION L..0 T :;I BkOGIc:.II \/r:.lle L/!7!\JSl-!@DF ",,$1 EU::JJ:o,K;,~_ FEE $100.00 plus 15¢for each prop erty owner to be notified . F .H-1P ROVEl-lENT SU RVEY OF PRO PE H'1'Y S ilC.-n NG P ROPERT Y LINES I-lioJ D LOq.TION OF BU ILD ING A ND A NY nlP I(O VD iE ~1'S O :~T IlE L1'.ND.'. G.A'LI5'r OF 'rIl E Nl\t·1E O F O\'INE R S OFi\LL PH OPEJ"(TY ADJ ACENT T O TIlE S tJ13JEC'l'PROPER'l'Y . II .F our (tl)c o pi es of a s it e pl an co n t ain i.n q tile f oL'l ow i.n q Ln f or ma t i on : 11..'ril e site p lan 5 h<:ll1 b e d r a wn 0 :1 a s hec ~:si_z c o f 201 "x 36".a t;a .s ca I .c of 1"~"2 0 ';it v a ri.a t .Lono f tl1 ,:~sh c'o t si z o o r sc a I,c may b e a pp rovod by t.h o C o rru nu ni.t .y Deve lopment J)l 'p 'l ::-tn:::.'nL i f jllst i fied , • P roposed Bu i lding Modi f ications Comm er cial Condominium C-4 Lion sHe ad centre Bu ilding Lo i nsHea d Center Mall:S ub -Area 11 • The p ropose d expansion will enhance the p e de str i an scal e of th ema ll by b ri nging the stor efronts close r to the pedestrian .The shop fr onts wi ll no lon g er be un dera deep overhang .and therefore will b e more v isible a nd i n vi ting.Visual interest and activity will be achieved through the i nclusiono f offsets and bay windows a long the store f ront ,imp ro ved i ndi- viduals hop i dentit y,more inviting materials ,(anodized me talo n clad woo d in p lace of the "raw"alumin um store front),and t he in trod uction of color acce nts th r ough the u s e o f awni ngs .Th e expansion wi ll impr ove b ui lding func t ion as well by address i ng a water and ic e bui ld -up p roblem by c onstruc t ion of a heated gutter sys t em ,and we should expe r ience more efficient energy u se due to th e substitution o f thermo pane storefront in p lace of the exi sting singe -glazed panels.Th e one -story mod i fication on t he North face of the b uildin g h elps provide be t te rv isibility f o r the customer ,and mitigates the v ertical height of the e nd wall ,making the en try more i nviting to t h es hop pe r .Th e Nor th ad di t ion a ls op rovides for the s epara tion of t he customer entrance and the se rvi ce e ntran c e fo r the t hree ef fec ted s hops . 27.6 1' 0.0-, ,I Cf) 01 w <'I Z1~.9J 0.O ~~~.. ci N C It:,., .~,111 0 , N C Z ,N .S! 0 ;.. .\ ~.. -, '. 34 .00' ,, 14.38'...... -,t:1: ("14.0"·'.,._. 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RECEIPT -The Town of Vail DATE .19__ RECENED FROM _ ADDRESS _ N9 11'749 DOLLARS $_ PermitNumbers _ HOW PAID-Cash Cbeck _ Police ReceiptNumbers _ By _ •• -,• GX~mz.fVu1)!flCAnliN ~~pec,11-lX:>- J1zA;((2:,DA ~) C -'t-~l-~C~Pvwu1L) t.Ai-~t1A.t.»-A -~)./,.Ju fa ~~(,(~ tz,~~4 /I\M.V ptlN-b 'rlA.rtN ktrW ~~~he...h..M fc,r--cu:tA.. ~tvr:iVr fAA1A-~I ~~~ ~~~~~v-~-V~f ~t­ -Iv t1M-~~tv ~tc ~~~ \-Wl-tt.~.~UV l~~U ~. tv{1NfJ1rt.~1..wtl4 ~~~. • >, Deve ~opment Best regards, ~ Ronald A.Todd-ArChitect P.O.Box1753 Vail,Colorado 81657 Please call me at 476-3510 if youhaveany questions this matter. -an 'behalf of my clie~ts,Jeff Selby,Charlie Crowleya~d Jo~n Purcell,I request 'that the review of the 'proposed addi tions to Commercial Condominiums C-6andC-4 of the Lionshead Centre Building,scheduled for hearing before the Planning and Environ- mental Commission at their February 9 meeting,be deferred to a • later date. DickRyan Department of Community ,Town of Vail '.> ,P :-O .Box 100 Vail,CO 81657 • RAT:pm ., " PUBLIC,NOTICE NOTICE I S HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of th e Town of ·Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with the ZoningCode of the Vail Municip al Codeon February 9,1981 at 3:00 p .m.at tn e Town Council Chambe rs in the ~~icipal BUilding. Public he arin g and con si deration of : A.Ar eque st f or ami nor subdivision to create t wo lots andtwo tracts anda rezoning of p a rt of th e lot from Two :Family Residential to Primary/Secondary Dis trict and from Two Famil;Resid ential District to Greenb elt &Nat uralOpenSpace Dis trict for part of lot 17 ,Bi ghorn Subdivis ion,4th Addition.Appli cant:,Frederick W.Distelhorst. B.A request for a minor subdivision to r elocate an existing lot line between lot s 5 an d 6,Block 5,Bi ghorn 5th Addition.Applicant:Bjorn Borgen. C.A r eque st fo ra n exterior a lt e ration an d mod ification i nComme r cial Core I for the Red Lion buildin g to construct three ad ditional dwelling units and shops at 304 East Br idge Stre et (Lots E,F,G,and H of Block SA,VailVil lage 1st Filing), App licant :J eff Sel by. D.A r equest for a n exterior alterat ion and mod i:fi cation in C011Dllercia l Core 1 and h ei ght variance t o construct a n e l evat.or-at the S itzmark build ing located at 183 Go re Creek Drive (lot 513 ,Va il Vi llage 1 st.Filing ),Applican t:BOD fritch, E .A request.f or an exterior a l teration a nd modification in COl1Ull.crs:La1 CAJn~H for Head Ma ll (Lot 5,lBlock 1 ,Va il 'Lions-He ad 1s t Filing).AppliQlllt:.$~.ch:..ld -!o',~g ..!:wwl cy, ft - John Purcell,J eff Selby,and Francis Tang.(Note:Thr ee separate a pplications f or the s ame gen eral area). The applic ationsa nd information rel ating to t he requ e st is available at th e Zoning Administrat or 's office in the Munic ipal Building durin g regul ar business hours·for review or inspection by the public . A.PETE R PATTEN,JR. Zonin g Admin istrato r TO WN OF VAI L DEPARTME NT OF COMMU NITY DEVELOP HENT Tobe published in the Vail Trai l on January 2 3,1981. ,~. box 100 vail.colorado 81657 (303)476-5613 December 19,1980 department of community development Mr.Ron Todd,Architect Box 1753 Vail,Colorado 81657 Dear Ron: RE: I tho~ght I wou1d include bothSelby and Crowley,Purcell requests in the same letter.The Planningand Environmental Commission . determined that both proposals could go throughthe normal processing and will bescheduled on February 9,1981 before the Planningand Environmental Commission. Before the meetinga good design solution needs 'to be worked out for the corner by Currents Jewelryandthe Cookie Company.I would like tosee if a display window couldbeplaced at theNorthwest corner of the building to add even more visual life to the area. I am also a little concernedwith the accessto the Alfie Packer1s deck which I will discuss withOscarTang's architect. If you have any questions,please contact me. Sincerely, ~'I f?&- Dick RYan,~ctor Department of Community Development DA:df I