HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 1 BLOCK 1 TRACT B & C SKIER BRIDGE LEGAL•• D epartment of Community Developm ent 75South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 8 1657 9 70-479-2138 FAX 9 70-479-2452 ww w.vailgov.com BraunAssociates,Inc. clo TomBraun P.O.Box 2658 Edwards,CO81632 April20 ,2004 Re :LionsheadSkierBridge!Tracts Band C,VailLionsheadFiling1;TractB,VailLionshead Filing3;TractX,ForestPlaceSubdivision Mr.Braun, ThisletterisinresponsetoyourinquiryastoowhetherornotstaffwillrequirePlanningand Environmental Commission(PEC)reviewoftheLionsheadSkierBridge.Staffwillnotrequire theLionsheadSkierBridgetogobeforethePECfor reviewandapproval. Staffw ill requirethatyouhaveasurveyperformedprior toconduct ing anygradingor construct ion withthestreamtractonTownproperty .Thissurveyshall besubmittedprior tothe startofanygradingor constructionandwillserveasthebasis fo r restoring thestream-wayand floodplain topreexistingconditions aftertheconstruc tion processiscompleted.Asurveywillbe conductedafterallgradingandworkisfinishedwithinthestream-wayandsubmittedtostaff prior complet ion oftheprojecttoverifythatthegradeshavenotbeenaltered.Staff isaware thattherewillbetheremovalofimprovemen ts whichexistwith in thestream-way andfloodplain currentlyasapartoftheexistingbridge.Areaswhere improvements arebeingremovedshould begradesastomostaccuratelyreflectgradesthatmayhaveexisted priortotheconstructionof thecurrentbridge. Staffwillalsorequ ire youtoobta in allappropriateArmyCorpsofEngineerspermitspriorto conductingworkwithinthestream-wayandfloodplain. Pleasereviewthesecommentsandifyouhaveanyquestionsregardingthisletterplease contactmeat970-479-2148 . Withregards,II '/{jJ ~U WarrenCampbell PlannerII Cc:File -{~.RECYCLED PAPER.., •• Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75SouthFrontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.cLvail.co.us Project Name:LionsheadSkierBridge Temp Sign Project Description: DRB Number:DRB040310 TEMPORARY CONSTRUcrrON SIGNFORTHEUONSHEADSKIERBRIDGE Participants: OWNERVAIL CORP 07/08/2004 Phone : POBOX7 VAILCO 81658 License: APPUCANT MAURIELLO PLANNING GRUP,LLC07/08/2004 Phone: POBOX1127 AVON CO81620 License: Project Address:675UONSHEADPLVAIL Location:675LionsheadPlace LegalDescription:Lot:D,B Block:Subdivision:VAILUONSHEADFIL1 Parcel Number:210107207009 Comments:see conditions BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy: secondBy: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date ofApproval:07/21/2004 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:201 DRBapprovalshall not becomevalid for 20days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval ofthis project shalllapseandbecomevoidone (1)year following the date of final approval,unlessa building permit isissuedand construction is commenced andis diligently pursued toward completion. Cond:CON0006546 No lighting was approved asa part of this application . Planner:Warren campbell DRBFeePaid:$62.00 ".•• RECEIVED a 1 Application for Design Review Departmentof Communiry Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax;970.479 .2452 web:www.ci.vail.co .us General Information: All projects requir ing designreviewmustreceiveapprovalpriorto submitt ing a buildingpermitapplication.Piease refertothe submittal requirementsforthe particular approval thatIsrequested.An application forDesign Review cannot be accepteduntilall required informationisreceived bytheCommunity Development Department.The projectmayalsoneedtobereviewedbytheTownCouncil and/or thePlanningandEnvironmentalCommission. Design review approvill lapsesunlessabUilding permit isissuedand construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request; Bridge. Approval of t emporary construction signat Uonshead S!<ier Location of the Proposal:Lot:Tract 0 and B 810ck:_Subdivision :Vall Uonshead 1st Physical Address:_ Parcel No.:210107207009 (Contact Eagle Co,Assessor at 970-328·8640 for parcel no.) uonshead Mixed Use 1 DistrictZoning:_...:-:.:.~.!SE~.l!L>SilU~...A..!~"-""'-_ 845-2369 970-748-0920 910-748-0377 vau CoroName(s)of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s)Signature(s) Name of Applicant: Mailing Address:PO Box 1127,Ayon,CO 81620 ___________________Phone:_"-'-''-'-''-''-'''-'''"'''--_ E-mail Address:mauriello@comcast.net Fax:_......."""''-'-'''''-''''":.:.._ Type of Review and Fee: rp..Signs $50 0 ConceptualReview NoFee 0 NewConstruction $650 0 Addition $300 0 MinorAlteration ~250 (multi -famiIY/commercial) 0 Mmor Alteration $20 (single-fam ily/duplex) 0 Changesto Approved Plans $20 0 SeparationRequest NoFee ~$1.00 persquarefootof total signarea./24I , Forconstructionof a newbui lding or demo/rebuild. Foranaddition 'where square footageIsadded to any residentialor commercialbuilding(includes 250 additions &.interior conversions). Forminorchangestobuildingsandsireimprovements,such as, reroofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fences and retainingwalls,etc. Forminor changes tobuildingsand site Improvements,such as, reroofing,painting,window additIOns,landscaping,fences and retainingwalls,etc. ForrevisionstoplansalreadyapprovedbyPlanning Staff orthe Design Review Board. ForOffice Us_Only:......>.. Fee Paid:L,-Che k o.:+-I ""u:...c'>=--.u __AtJ ~ppllcation -Bate:_-"p.:.-..,·-1y'-=-'-_ Planner:•f t c '/1 30 Sl~OS 3 ~'VA ~W 9l:8 POO l 'L '1M •• ******************************************************************************************** TOWN OFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: Payment Method : R040006176 Amount:$62.00 Check 07/08/200410 :53 AM Init :JS Notation: #1050/MAURIELLO PLANNING GROUP Permit No : Parcel No : Site Address : Location : DRB040310 Type :.DRB -Sign Application 210107207009 675 LIONSHEAD PLVAIL 675 Lionshead Place This Payment:$62 .00 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: $62 .00 $62.00 $0 .00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEMLIST: Accoun t Cod e DR 0010000 311 2200 SP 0010000312 4000 De scription DES IGN REVIEW FEES SIGN FEES CurrentPmts 50.00 12.00 ·..Metal wn -Exterior Vinyl Graphic Wra_ 36 " 48" 24 "-36" FOUND 11 . No .5 WITH ALUMINl L.S.No . --------~ TRACT8 '- FOUND PIN ANDCAP i.s No.16827 1.2'FROM LOT CORNER SET No.5 REBAR VrlTH ALUMINUM CAP LS.No.27598 VAll/UONSHEAD SECOND FlUNG)-------r N82-55'01 "E - FOUND No.5REBAR VrlTH ALUMINUM CAP LS,No.27958 \ i I D FOUND No.5 REBAR WITH AlUMINUM CAP LS.No.27958 I\ I\ I,-----...-J I I_--L-_-, i I r I \\ ll..j I 10 i 0 0 - I :0 LEASE PARCEl :C.No .744471) HA TOiED AREA) I .5 REBAR VrlTH 'JW PLASnc CAPi.s No .27958 Department of CommunityDev elopm ent 75SouthF rontage R oad Vail,Colorado 81657 970 -479 -2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailg ov.com BraunAssociates,Inc. c/oTomBraun 225Main Street,Su ite G-002 Edwards ,CO81632 November 23,2004 Re:LionsheadSkierBridgelTracts Band C ,VailLionsheadFiling 1,TractBVa il LionsheadFiling 3 ,a nd TractX ,ForestPlaceSubdivision Mr.Braun , Th is letteristoinformyouthatLeonard Sandovaland IvisitedtheLionshead Skier Bridgesitethis morningtoreviewthecondit ion ofthesitewiththeimpendingwinter conditionsandspr ing run-offin 2005 .Therewereseveralitems identifiedonthesite asneedingtobeaddressed immediatelypr ior to w inter s nows arriving .Thoseitemsareasfollows : •Thereisgrave l fromtheconstructionofthebridgestilllocatedw ithin thestreambedunderneath theb ridge.ThisneedstobecleanedupandremovedbyDecember3 ,2004 . •Thereareportions oftherun-offfenceinstalledtocatchsoilfrom reaching itswaytothecreek wh ich havefalldownandneedtoberepa ired sothat thespr ing run-offof water doesnot carry soilintothestream .ThefenceneedstoberepairedbyDecembe r 3 ,2004. Severa l otheritemswhich needtobeadd ressed atalaterdateare : •Ther e areseveralmetalpanelsontheunde rside ofthebridgewhichwe re painted adifferent shadeofbrownfromtherestofthebridge structure .Ibelievethesepanelshideholes inwhich futureconduitcouldbelocated formoreuti lities torunontheundersideofthestructure.These panelsneedto bepa inted tomatchtherestofthestructure . •Asurveyneedstobesubmittedwhichverifiesthatthegradeconditionsafte r theconstructionof thebr idge matchthosepriortoconstruct ion the reby notaffectingthefloodplain . •ADesignReviewapplicationforachangetoapprovedplans forthestoneworkundert he bridge wh ich we d iscussed previousl y. Please reviewthesecommentsandifyouhaveanyquestionsregardingth is letterple ase contactmeat 970-479-214 8 orLeonardSandova l at970-479-2198 . ~'t h rega rds, Wi1UnarrenCampb Senior Planner Cc:F ile LeonardSandova l BillKennedy ,~.RECYC I .IW H tPf;n.fi' " ". D epartment of Community D evelopment 75South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 8 1657 9 70-4 79-2138 FAX970-479-2452 IVIVIV.vailgo v.com BraunAssociates,Inc. c/oTomBraun EdwardsVil lage Center ,SuiteC-209 0105Edwards V illage Boulevard Edwards ,CO81632 November17,2004 Re:LionsheadSkier BridgelTracts Band CVail LionsheadFiling 1,TractBVail Lionshead Filing 3 ,and Tract X ,ForestPlaceSubdivision Mr.Braun , This letteristofollowupyourletterdatedNovember 5,2004,regarding theplacement ofstone underneaththenewLionsheadSkier Bridge inareas wherevegetation willnotsurvive.Staff believes yourproposa l isaforwardlooking attempttoaddressapotentiallyunsightlysituation inthefutu re. Pleasesubm it acompletedDesignReviewapplicationforChangestoApprovedplansproposing the stoneasyo u havedescr ibedinyourletter. Pleasereviewthesecomments and ifyou haveanyquestions regardingt his letterprior to myabsence pleasecontact meat970-479 -2148. With regards,(\.0.M~=be~ Senior Planner Cc:File t,.....R F.C"Cl~n P-4PER.... ... II BA ~/B RA U N ASSOC IIA l i lES.IIN C. Mr.Warr enC ampbell To wn Plann er Town o f Vail 75SouthFront age Road Vail ,CO 8 1657 RE:Ski er Brid ge Dear Warren : The following isaforma l amendment request tothe landscape planforVailResort 's new skier bridge.Aswehave discussed,the bridge is nearing completion.T helandscape p lan forthebrid ge ca lls fortheinsta llation of sodinandaroundth e skiyardandinother areasthe restoration of di sturbed groundwillbe accomplished by re-vegetating with native grasses . Inthecourse of installing the landscap e planit became evidentthatitwouldbevery difficult ,if notimpo ssible,toget anytype of vegetation directly beneaththe skier bridg e to grow .Thisisduetothelack of sunthatthisareawillr eceive.Inlieu of grasses,itis proposed thatthe se a reas willbe co vered withamossrockinstalledwiththemossside down .Thisstonewas selected because its color willblendnicel y with the underside of the bridge andwiththe stoneonth e bridge.Thestonewillbeinstalledas "one la yer" andthe s tonewillbe "set"inthegroundwithpiecesselected andplacedtocreatea uniform installation.Contrary to a typ ical rip -rap applica tion wher e stone israndoml y piled intoan area,this installation w illhavethe appearance of a stoneveneer onthe ground. Aphoto depicting thestone andtheareato .be coveredinstoneisfoundonthefollowing pa ge .Both sides of the bridgewillbetreatedinth e samemanner.Duetotheground nowbeing "nearfro zen",installation of thestoneissched uled forspring of 'as. Letmeknow if you h aveany questions onthism inor amendmen t request. Thomas A.Braun CC:B ill Kenn edy EdwardsVillage Ce nter;Su iteC -209 0105Edwards Village Bou levard Post O ffic e Box2 658 Edwards,C olorado 81 632 Ph.-970 .926.757 5 Fax -97 0 .926.7576 wwwbraonassociate s.com Areato becove redby "blanke t"o fs tone. Stonesa mple -Moss Rock#34with "mosss ide"to beturnedd own. VailResorts S kier Bridg e Prop osed ame ndment to ti na Iland scape plan • Project Name:LionsheadSkierBridge ProjectDescription: • Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road ,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479 .2139 fax:970.479 .2452 web:www.ci.vail.co.U 5 ORBNumber:DRB040004 Legal Description :Tracts Band C,VailLionsheadFiling1;Tract B,VailLionsheadFiling3;Tract X,ForestPlace Subdivision. Participants: OWNERVAIL CORP 01/09/2004 Phone : POBOX7 VAILCO 81658 License: APPUCANTBraunAssociates,Inc.01/09/2004 Phone: PoBox2658 Edwards,Co 81652 License: Project Address:675UONSHEADPLVAIL Location:675LionsheadPlace LegalDescription:Lot:Block:Subdivision:VAILUONSHEADFIL1 ParcelNumber:210107207009 Comments:SeeConditions BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy:ScottProper secondBy:DaveViele Vote:4-0 Conditions: Action:APPROVED Date ofApproval:03/17/2004 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN):ORB approval doesnot constitute a permit for building.Please consult with Town of VailBuildingpersonnelpriortocon struction activities. Cond:CON0006327 The applicant shall provide drainage calculations andarevisedplanwh ich adju sts thebikepath alignment,forreviewandapproval of thePublicWorks Department, prior totheissuance of abuilding permit. Cond:CON0006328 The applicant shall provide an Improvemetn Location Certifacte to staff forreview andapprovalupon completion ofthe grading and installation ofthe supporting ••footersforthebridgein order to verify that nogradingor construction occured withintheiOO-yearfloodplain . Cond:CON0006329 That thisapprovaldoes not establishthefinallocationoftheproposedgarage exhaustventwhichisshownunderthenorthbridge abutment.In theprocessof reviewingtheeventualproposedCoreSireHotelitmaybe determined that thereisa better locationfortheexhaustvent. Cond:CON0006330 The applicant mustobtainthe appropriate Stormwater DischargePermitfor constructioninclose proximity totheGoreCreekpriortobeginningconstruction . Planner:WarrenCampbell ORB Fee Paid:$650.00 •• Application for Design Review DepartmentofCommunityDevelopment 75SouthFrontage Road,Vail,Colorado81657 tel:970.479.2139fax:970.479.2452 web:www.cLvail.co.us General Information: Allprojectsrequiringdesignreviewmustreceiveapprovalpriortosubmittingabuildinqpermitapplication.Please refertothesubmittalrequirementsforth e particularapprovalthatisrequested.Anapplicationfor Design Review cannotbe accepted untilallrequiredinformationis received bytheCommunityDevelopmentDepartment.The projectmayalsoneedtobereviewedbytheTown Council and/orthe Planning andEnvironmental Commission . Design review approvallapsesunlessabuilding permit isissuedandconstructioncommences within oneyearoftheapproval. Description of the Request:FinalReviewofproposedSkierBridgeinLionshead Location of the Proposal:Lot:Tract Dc Tract X andForestCourt Block:Subdivision:VailLionshead l sl_ PhysicalAddress:675LionsheadPlace Parcel NO .:210107207009 (Eagle Co.Assessorat 970-328-8640 forparcelno.) Zoning:LMU-1 &OR Name(s)of Owner(s):VailResorts Mailing Address:POBox7 VairCO &1658 (Phone:/ Owner(s)Signature(s):-v-".- Name of Applicant:'T~enresente BvBr unAssociates Inc.-,/ Mailing Address:POBox2658EdvardsCO81632 926-7576 926-7575 Fax:."'----==""-'~~----E-mail Address:dominic@braunassociates.com Forconstructionofanewbuildingordemo/rebuild. Foranadditionwheresquarefootageisaddedtoanyresidential or commercial bulldinq (includes250additions &interiorconversions). Forminor changes tobuildingsandsiteimprovements,suchas, reroofing,painting,windowadditions,landscap ing,fencesand retainingwalls,etc. For minor changes tobuildinqsandsiteimprovements,suchas, reroofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesand retainingwalls,etc. For revisions toplansalreadyapprovedby Plann ing Stafforthe Design Review Board. ~$1.00persquarefootoftotalsignarea. $20 $20 No Fee $50 No Fee $650 $300 $250 For Offi«ie U$e Only:I (lJ I ,...,cO \r Fee Paid:.IOSO-Check NO.:~By::L (LJ. p~gtlon Date:DRB NO'::---r-:;e''''f'r ~-*tv-.:-L..-------I Planner:Protect No.: oSeparation Request oMinorAlteration (single-family/duplex) o Changes to Approved Plans oMinorAlteration (mult i-family/commercial) Typeof Review andFee: oSigns o Conceptual Review V.NewConstruction~Addition • ************************************** ******•••***************.************* •••••••**••••••• TOWNOFVAIL ,CO LORADO Cop y Reprinted on01-09-2004 at08 :29:06 01/0912 004 Statement •••****•••*.****.*.****•••************ •••••••••••••••••••••**••••••••••••*** *****••••••••••• Statement Number:R040005 338 Amount:$650.0001/09/200408:28 AM Payment Method:Check In i t:DM Notation:144208 Permit No:DRB040004 Type: DRB -New Construction Parcel No:210106308007 Site Address: 675 LIONSHEAD PLVAIL Location: 675 Lionshead Place Total Fees: $650.00 This Payment:$650.00Total ALL Pmts:$650.00 Balance: $0 .00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••********.*. ACCOUNTITEMLIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 650.00 • •• ORB Comments Regarding the Lionshead Skier Bridge from January 21,2004 andDecember17,2003 •Thebridgeshouldbeofthe caliber tha t willbecomeaniconforVa il and Lionshead (apostcardfeature). •The stones tobeusedonthebridgeshouldbemassive . •Thesharpnewelsshou ld beremovedforsafetyreasons. •Thebridgeshouldbe transparent inthesummer. •A vertical element shouldbeaddedtogivethebr idge athird dimension . •What isthelighting onthebridge? •Theso lid snowholdingportionofthebridge shouldberemovable . •Concerned over the appearance of plywood onthebridge. Suggested conditions ifthe proposal is considered for approval: 1)The applicant shall provide drainage calculations andarevisedplanwhich adjusts thebikepath alignment ,forreviewandapprovalofthePublic Works Department,prio r totheissuanceofabu ilding permit. 2)The applicant shall provide an Improvement LocationCertificatetostafffor reviewand approval uponcomp letion ofthegradingand installationofthe supporting footersforthebridgeinordertover ify thatnograd ing or construction occurred withinthe1OO -year floodplain. 3)Thatthis approval does notestab lish thefinallocationof the proposed garage exhaust ventwhich isshownunderthenorthbridgeabutment.Inthe process of reviewingthe eventual proposedCoreSiteHotelitmaybe determined thatthere isabetterlocationforthe exhaust vent. 4)The applicant mustobta in the appropriate Stormwate r DischargePermitfor construction inclose proximity totheGoreCreekpriorto beginning construction. • _BA il /BRAUN ASSOC IIATIES .IINC. PLANN ING and COM MUNITYDEVELOPMENT March IS ,2004 Mr.Warren Campbell Department of Community Dev elopment Town of Vail 75S.FrontageRoad Vail ,CO81657 Re :SkierBridge DearWarren: • Enclosedyouwillfindrevisedplansfortheskierbridge.These plansaddress ORB questions fromtheirlastreviewanda lso pro vide information youhave requested .Specifically,additional information includedonthesedra wings: •Railingdetails,dimensions.etc. •Stonedetail ,size,staking,etc . •Anew "snow containment"solution •Revisions tothe grading of the bikepath (thiswasdonein coordination with ChadSali) •Addition ofhardscape surface atthe northend of the bridge . Pleasedonot hesitate to contact mewithany questions or comments .Welookforwardto obtaining finalORB approval onWednesday. Sincere ly, --_.~\]v\---."- ThomasA.Braun,AICP CC :BillKennedy DaveThorpe Robert Fitzgerald Edwards Village Center,SU ite C·209 0 105 Edward s VillageBou levard PostO ffic eBox 2658 Edwards.Colorado 8 1632 Ph."970.926.7575 Fax "970.926.7576 wwwbraunassociat es.corn • _BAil/BRAUN ASSOC IIATIES .II NC. PLANN ING and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT January 7,2004 Mr.Warrcn Campbell Department of Community Development Town of Vail 75S.Frontage Road Vai l,CO 81G57 Re:VR/Skier BridgeDRB Application DearWarren : • Thankyouforyourtime yesterday.Asperour discussion,enclosed youwillfindanapp lication form,filingfeeandthree(3)copies ofthc "civil"drawings forthe proposed skier bri dge.These drawings depictgrad ing,abutment loc ations ,walls ,re-vegetation anddrai nageimprovements. Aswe discussed yesterday,wearesti ll inthe process of refin ing afina l desig n forthe b ridge. Regardless of howthefinal bridge architecture isresolved,however,itis expected thatthecivil drawings submitted hereinwill remain unchanged .Assuch,it isour understanding thatyouwill forwardtheseplans to Public Worksfortheirreviewand comment priortothe DRB's January 21 st meeting .Wewouldthen drawings depicting the bridge design,materials list,etc .intoyou bytheend of nextweekoratthelatestbythe19th . Thank youforyour willingness toworkwithusonthesubmittal of this information and keeping usontrackforafinalDRB review onthe21 51 •Pleasedonothesi tatetocontactmew ith any quest ions youmayhave . Sincerely, ~~ Thomas A .Braun,AICP Cc :Dave Thorpe Bob Fitzgerald EdwardsVillage Center;Suite C-209 0 105EdwardsVillage Boulevard Post OfficeBox2658 Edwards,Colorado 8 1632 Ph.-970.926.7575 Fax-970.926.757 6 wwwbraunassociates.corn 12/14/2663 23:48 976-92~76 DEC.8.2003 10:01~M m!!fa.OPI"E:NT BRAUN ASSOCIA1t 1'10.983 PAGE 132 , P.V1 Application for Design Review Department of COmmunity DGYlIlClpmJ 75 SaiJltl Frontage Road,Vall,Colorado 81m tel:970.479.2.139 fax1 970.4'19.2452 i web~WWW.d.\'8i1.C%LUll i «ilene I XnfDnnatianl : All prajects requlJ1ng d~ICm Il!view must receive approvaillflor to submitting a building permit appllClllt\Ori.P1eilSl! re1'eI'to the submitl:lll requirements for the partlcurllr ~pprcva/thilt Is requested.An 6pplgrtjon for Desilln Review cannot be ac:ceptl!d untl1 1II1 reqLlired Information rli received by the C:Ommunltv OevGlClptnent Pepartment.The project miSY also need m be reviewed bv the Town CrlUndI and/or Ule Plann::i~~J:ronmental Commission. DMfQn review apFDvallapses unl_a building permit Is I8lved andan commences wltllin anI!year of the IIpproval.I DescrIpti~J)at the Request:ContePtua!Reylew of prpposed Ski,r Brfdge I~LJonsbead i LocatIon afthe Proposal:Lot:Tme:t P,TtactX 111 and Fgrest Court Bloclc __SL!~MsiOm Van LlonShead I Physical Addrtss:675 Ucnshel!ld Pip i Parcel NO.:210107207009 (Eagle Co.~r at 970-328-8640 for pared no.), zoning;LMU·l &OR 1 _ 926-7576 926-7575 Fu; Name(s)of Owner(I!l)1 _~yailll!lI.,l;RlIii!sprtsiiloW-'-:-_ MaRing Addressl po Box ,.yell.CO 81658 #b~h~ e-mail Address:domlnfc@braunasspcjates,ccm PO Box ,658.Edwards.CO 91632 _______________Phone:_~r.:£ii!~~~------ owner(s)Signatur'Q(s):~~f:::i4.;"':::;-+--:::==-:::::::;;-----f------, Name of ApPlicant:Represented By Braun As!Qc:i;tali.Inc. .M.II1"f:!Address:_~~~~_liWlllll-1!!:~l!!>!A,,-~_ Type of R.eVilnV andFe: ~ns fSO ,Conceptual RevIew No Fee r:I New ConstrUCtIon $550 [J Addition $300 CI Miner Allmltlon $250 (multi-famlly/comrnarciaO Cl Mlnor Alteratfon $20 (single-familV/duplex) CJ Changes to Apj)roved Plans $20 Cl Separation Requl1St NcFee .iflIIi$1.00 per Jquare f'ool:of tetal sign rea, i Fer OOl'\S!l'IJd;ian ofa new bufldlng or demJrebulld. Fer an additJon where square foc1:age Is l(dded to any rsIdentlal or ~mmerdal buJllling Ondudes ~50 additionS.irmtor l,'OlM!I'SIons). For minor Changes 1l:l buildings and site ImProvements,such lIS, reraofing,paInting,Windaw additions,lanCiscaplng,fenals lind retainIng Willis,etl:.I For miner chllnges to Ilulldlngs and site Imp,ravements.SUch as, rerCOfing,painting,WinCloW addll:lons,landslap n rences and retaining walls,ett.:VEO For r1!\IislDI\S to plans alr'eGclV eppTCvad tr;Plan 109 DesIgn Revrew Beard.I j)QCi)8 .osstH DEC 15 2003 I I----.-_By:!L TOV-C M.DEV. -....U:.~~~_~OfUlNo.~.o.•~'-i~~~-........f":l!:7'lo...,J~~---Plll.1ect/ic,:ll»2::'I ~~_ • • • Site Plan SCJlc 1/1 G"="-0" EAGLE BAHN GONDOLA I SKI YAR D ! I I I ------------ Vail Resorts Developmen t Company Vail,Co lorado S I(IER BRIDGE /--'r 1 1 ~: ';,-.•.' I .', APPROXIlVIA TE 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN LIONS SQUARE CONDO.MINIUMS ~.---- November 24,2003