HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL MEADOWS FILING 2 LOT 3 LEGAL. J?;. . - .fr.- Petitlon D9t:%,,..-.," o AIIIEND!,IENT TO TgE ZONING ORDINAI|F.Fn ^"n ^nlqgil. OR .i''.i:::: ,'! : ':.,i-";; :i'. REQT'ESI FOR , : -. A CTTA}IGE IN DISTRICT BOI'NDARIES ' ': - . I. This Ptocedure J.s-reguLred for any amendnent to the zorring ordinance- ' ' ot for a request for -a district b-oundary cUange :. A. NA!4E OF PEIITIONER V"i+=City C"rpo*tn ", V"i1 rc. ,.O PETITTON FORM FOR David G. ElrrcreNDRESS 19.Q.9--Bu!@!iHt*o:a,uHf[3 .uo, oak. Brook, ffi 60s21; zuuy Butt€rtj-e]-d Rbad, Su_ite 36O. Oak Brook. fL DIlnrIF 7nRlq7'l-Eqnl PETTTIONER IS REPRESENTATI\IE Doug S. Elrore/eregory D. Tfum 2809 Butterfield Road, Ste. 360,oak Brook, IL 60521prour_Si155q9 c.NAME 0F 0WNER (p.r'int or type) \iaLi cLw coqcoration, vail Meadc,hrs Filirg No. 2 ---.---ard. David c. SIGNATURE NA!,TE OF ADDRESS ADDRESS 2809 Road, ste. 360, oak Brook, rL 6c5iLpHoNE Z9lLtoo D.L@ATION OF PROPOSAI ADDRESS IEGAL DESCRTPTION lot block F. E.FEE $zoo.oo - PAID A list subject See Attached. of the names of owners of all property adjaeent to theproperty, and their nailing addresses. No. 2 filin ultlnr 61 : (0vER) '- Petition for:u ror aio,.|tiir,trs ord or Request tolrrang. i" b"3ig:rr'ag- II. Four (41 copies of, the following.Lnfonnation: A. The petition ghall Lnclude a Euruurry of the proposed revisionof the regulatloner or a complete description oi the pioposeachanges in district boundarils and a nap indicatinj tf,l-Existing, .dd- proposed district boundarLes-. Appficant Dust subnit rritten and./or"graphic uaterials stating the reasons for iiquest. IrI. Tirne Requirenents IV. The-Planning and Environrnental Commission neets on the 2ndl and 4thMondays of each nonth. A_petition with tlre necesEary accoropanyingmaterial nust be subnitted four weeks prior to the date or-trr'"-rE.t-i?9. Following the- ptanning and Enviroinentat couunisiion ,."ii"sl-all anendments to the zoning_ordinance or district bormal;t-;|]n-;;must go to the lown Council f,or final action. Your proposat will be reviewed for compliance with Vail's Comprehensive plan. PETITION FOR A}IENDUENT TO THE ZONTNG ORDINANCE rOWN OF VAIL LOTS TO BE REZONED: Lots 3 - 9 & 12 VaiI l.leadows Filing 2 C(IRRENT ZONING: Agricultural & Natural Open Space District AI.IENDED ZONING: Residential Cluster District AD.TOINING ZONING: Residential Cluster & Two fanily Residential Lots l-O & 11 have a warehouse and water facility constructed by Consolidated water District IIISTORY OF SUBDIVISION The VaiI lleadons Filing No. 2 nas originally platted in the countyof Eagle, as approved by the County Connissioners on March 4, L974. The subdivision was zoned Residential Suburban l,ledium Density bythe County (copy of L974 Zoning attached). The subdivision was subseguently annexed to the Town of Vail. Town of Vail zoning naps are not availabte to indicate the zone which was original.Iy appliedto the subdivision, according to the office of connunity development. At some subseguent tine the current Agricultural andNatural Open Space zoning was applied to this subdivision. INTENDED USE OF REZONED I'TS The original intended use of the lots within this subdivision wasfor lo{nedium density residential use. The current petitioners were the original subdivider's of the property and intend toconstruct residential units on the lots as originally planned. Since the original subdivision of the lots the Consolidated WaterDistrict has acquired through condennation of Lots 10 & L1-, and have constructed a large warehouse building on L,ots 10 and 1l-. The intended density of these lots shall be lower than the adjoining Heather of Vail and compatible with the adjoining Vail Meadows No.L and core Creek Subdivision. COII{PATIBLE WITH ALTOINING USES The intended use of the lots after rezoning shall be compatible andless dense then the current zoning and use of adjacent properties and subdivisions. The lfeather of Vail is a nedium density nulti-fanily conplex. The Consolidated Water District's warehousefacility which is located within the subdivision is conparable toa comnercial use. The VaiI Meadows No. 1 and Gore CreekSubdivision are devetoped to a density which is higher inresidential units per acre than wiII be the rezoned use of these LotE. REASON FOR REQUESTED ZONING CTIANGE As currently zoned the owners of thLe property have no reasonable use of their property. The onners intend to use their property in accordance with their original subdivision and zoning. Thepetitioners have paid taxes on these lots as subdivided lots forfifteen years. The current Agricultural zoning of the lots is not conpatible with the adjoining residential properties. P. O. Box 1716 Colorado Springs, CO 80901.(7L9) 475-99OO Greg ed Petitionerr s RepresentatLveth Tejon, Suite 800 ncoTw rr.zfl 8/1191 -2- 07./3L/gt 15:03r-17-9 L FtON 606 OO82 FIRST FAIILY TVL!52 EEF!HTGEF?,,'=T PgIItrION rOR AT,TENDMEN! ?O AOI{IIIG ORDr$A!IqE AEITIIORIZATION OF PETIfIONER I S REPRESEIITAtrIITE Eihe _undefslEned €lrners at thc lots. d,eectLbed balow,Dguglas S. ELuore and GreEory D, Tiu to act on ourFroeeEsing and obtainlng r6zoiring of the lots. -laeec reprea€ntativEs elal.l have thr power to errter into arryneceEsary to obtain such reaoning on our behalf, and. t-oeueh agreencnts. Pres derri,I€tE 3 & Itleadswsail ciry G.EIots 5 -7, t1213 a" @ ooz F- €6 autJrorlaebebalf tnlutb,crizcd ag?c€n€nts bLnd us to vailo^l ?\ot\vArl.Arf 7t6l?1 f Gore Vail Meadow Zoning Notices Creek Subdivision Block I Ms. Linda C. Fried 5124 Grouse Lane Vail, CO. 81657 Mr. Mahala S. Bond 321 Brazilian Avenue Palm City, FL. 33480 Paul & Joyce Heiman 4376 Cox Smith Road Ma$on, OH. 45040 Lot 4,5 & 7 Lot I Lot 9 Gore Creek Subdivision Block 2 Lot 8 Ronald & Christine Yaros 19 Cherry Hills Farm Drive Englewood, CO. 80110 Filing I Mr. Eugene Heller 4330 East 6th Avenue ParkwaY Denver, CO. 80220 Vesta 1. Ltd. 879 Oak Hills Drive Monument, CO. 80132 Ms. Betty Joyce Dohn 5305 Fassil Ridge Drive Fort Collins, CO. 80525 Rol & Verona Kinney Blackburn Road R.R. #1 Sewickley, PA. 15143 Shelby G. Kleimer P.O. Box 2244 Vail. CO. 81658 Vail Meadows Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 Lot 12 & 13 Lot 14 Lot 15 Wayne & Paula Lallier P.O. Box 399 Salida, CO. 81201 Philip & Bonnie Henault 4916 Jackson Denver, CO. 80216 Mr. Eric Berg P.O. Box 1088 vail, CO. 81658 Lot 16 Lot 17 BLM Land Bureau of Land Management 50629 Highway 24 Glenwood Springs, CO. 81601 \,'ail Iueador^rs Fifiry No. 2, Iots 10 an4 It-Vail vallqf Consolidated Wate Distrlct 845 Forest bad vail, @. 81657 Vail l,leadcws FilfuS lib. 2, Iots I ard 2 Richard tiolsten 1 Tartan Ri@e Burridge, IL 6052J sfql Jo hrTuoz .l+unoo e16eg y161 i,: -- *JB! b! : :!;s;rr! :i.TE E E! BE5 l.x.5g gT EEITES: 'i EE: EE: E i; ;;i;;ie it .e!! seg 6._ 6.: Fsf Bst Ei EiII :; !g gt I I :: :.!! f!'e i E fr Irn : 6 i ;i iiiq E Ei o b s SE EE :lflEIIIEEg E#*l 66ll :l TI >l q .to o a; -dlea9Gli llg it File €l ELft ol ,i El I FtEli el 3TIE 3I>16 >l FOctodui9' Iatc| .-!Er:1)-!i,IgEi t i Iilii;iiffi E, iEi illiii niisiililg!ili I.C"9!3.-.-3.- lFEt:..rt;6.-€5E262itiEagE0-oOOO|!A t- 6zuIo ) 6ul 2 o Gldtf(tt Js zI! eoul G Ro G E "tI g I :: ri (\|(!t!atoroFool 7 o'il*,{ j / o \n r;v)r!i'...r ,i ",, ./ \... i,r-rr'i,Jt't'' ' t-(. 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