HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL POTATO PATCH BLOCK 1 LOT 7 PART 2 LEGAL108 S. Frontage Rd. W Suit6 203 P O. Box 357 Vail, CO 81658 (303) 476.22s1 FAX (303) 476-4534 Rqretuing dd Republic Naliotul Title Ins'ufarre Canryrry LA]ID TITLE GTIARANTEE CONIFAIIY Dear Proposed Insured: In connection with your upconing purchase of realproperty, you will find enclosed a copy of the recenttitle commitrrent prepared by Land Title Guaranteeconpany. The sell.er of the property is required bycontract to furnish to you this co'n-itnent. The purpose of this cornnritnent is to show therequirements to be conpleted to provide you vithraarketabl-e title to your property after closing. ttroserequirements are shown in Schedule nB-1n. Schadule nB-2n contains inforuation on benefltE and burdens that uayaffect the property. After your closing and conpletlon ofunder Schedule nB-ln you vill receLvefron Land Title Guarantee Conpany. lfe look fonrard to sdrvlng you at closlng and protectl.ngyour upconing lnvestnent nlth our tltle pollcy. the requlrorhentgyour tltle policy Land Title Guarantee Conpany lirr tlu :uhtlc diflimw uu Dxtllos b yn. / BUYER/owNER: ,/ HARRY P. DAVISON AND IIIARGARETA DAVISON LAND rr?"8 GUARANTEE ?."pANy Representing Old Republic National Title Insurance Conpany TITANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER February 28, 1994 Our Order No.: V23263-3 SELLER: MTNDLIN REALTTES, INC. A CANADIAN CORPORATION ADDRESS: FOR TrTLE QUESTTONS CALL KAREN HORTH 3O3 476-225LroR cLosrNG QUESTTONS CALL GArL FERRY 303 476-225L CLOSER Copies: 1Attn: GAIL FERRY Reference: VAIL ASSOCTATES REAL ESTATE POST OFFICE BOX 959 AVON, CO 81520 Copiess 1Attn: RAYI,IA ROSE Reference: CHAPMAN AND ASSOCIATES SUITE #498 143 E MEADOW DRTVEVAIL, CO.81657 Copies: 1Attn: BRUCE CHAPMAN Reference z 476-OO?s 303 845-5814 Representing Old Republic National Title Insurance Conpany TIIANK YOU FOR YOTJR ORDER RON BYRNE & ASSOC. REAL ESTATE (coNFIDENTTAL) 254 BEAVER DAI.T ROADVAIL, CO 81657 Copies:1Attn: JONf TAYLoR Reference-. 476-L9A7 VAIL ASSOCIATES REAL ESTATE PO BOX 7 VAIL, COLORADO 81658 Copi-es: 1Attn: DORIS BAILEY Referencei 479-2OOO COPIES Copies: 1Attn: Reference: CENTRAL ROCKIES MORTGAGE (DEtrvER IN VArL RrJNS) Copies:3Attn: KATRINA STEADLE Reference: FAx 475-8o8o CAROL CROTTY 53 ST. NICHOLAS ST. TORONTO M4Y1W6 CANADA Copies:1 Attn: Reference: FAX 416-927-7944 PICKED UP FOR DELIVERY COVENANTS ATTACHED YES NO AM PM i.'Il' i t$r+', 010 RIPUBLI0 NATI0NAL TITIE lNslJRANcE c0MPANy. a Minnesom corporaton, hersin ca ed rhe company. lor a valuablB consid€mlion, hereby commim to issus its policy or policies of thls insumnce, as idsnrified in Schedule A, in favor ol the proposed Insured named in Schsdul€ A. as owner or mongsgs8 of the estate 0r inleresr covered hereby in fie land descnbed or relened to in Schsdule A, upon paymenl of the premiums and charges therefor; all subiect ro rhe provisions of Schedule A and B and ro rho Condirions and Stpularions hsrsof. This Commitmsnt shall be effective only when the idenriry of rhe proposed Insured and rhe amounr ol rhe policy or policies commnted l0r have bsen insened in Scheduh A htreol by the Company, either ar rhe rime of the issuance ol rhis Commilment or by subsequenr endorsemenl. This Commiment is preliminary l0 the issuance ol such policy or polrcles of lde insurance and all liabillry and obftgarions hstsund8f shall cease and letminale sir months after the elfecrive dare hereol or when rhe policy or policies commitEd for shall issue, whichovef first occurs, provided that rhs lailure ro rssue such policy or policies is nor rhe faulr of rhe Company. COIIt)ITIONS ANt) STIPUIATI(]NS I The term "mongage", when used herein. shall rnclude deed of lrusr, lrusr deed, or orher securny insrumenr.2. Il lhs proposed Insurad has 0r acqurrss aclual knowledge ol any defecr, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or orner matter alfectng ths gstan or interest 0r mongags lhe.eon covslsd by this Commirment othsr rhan lhoss shown in Schedule I heEol, and shall farl ro disclose such knowledge to the Company in wridng, the Company shal be relieved kom liabilny lor any loss or damage resuhing lrom any afl 0t rcl6nce herggn r0 lhe erpnr rhs Company is priudicsd by failure ol ths proposed Insurud lo s0 discloss such knowledge. lf ths proposod Insuod shall disclosg such knowlsdg€ ro rhe Company, or if rhe Company orhenuse acqures sctusl knowledgs of any such defecl lien, encumbrance. advsrsE claim or other matter, the Company Et rts oprion may amend Schedule B of rhis Commitment accordingly. but such amendmenl shall not relisve the Company from liabilhy previously incurred pursuant t0 paragraph 3 of rhese Condhions and Stipuladons. 3. Liability of the Company undet $is Commhmsnr shall bs only ro the named proposed Insured and such panres included under th8 definiion ol Insurad in the fom of policy or policies comminsd l0r and only for actual loss incunsd in reliance hereon in undenaking in good fairh {al m comply whh the requinmens hereof or lbl to eliminao orceptons shown in Schedule B. 0r lcl to acquire or creale lhe eslate or interesr or mgrlgage thereon covered by thrs Commitmsnt. In no evenl shsll such liability excsed the amount stated in Schedule A for rhe polcy 0. policiss commirud 10. and such liabiliry is subjecl ro the insunng ptovirons and ths Condidons end Slipulalions and the Erclusrons hom Covenge of rhe lorm ol policl or policies commirred lor in favor of rhe proposed Insured which arc he.eby incorporabd by mleonce and mado a pan 0l fiis commirmenr €rcspr as erpr€ssly modified heoin.4. Any sclion ot actions 0r dghts 0f aclion that the proposed Insured may have or nay bflng againsl rhe Company aising out ol the status o[ the tle to the estate ot innrcst or ths s6tus of the mongaqe thsreon coversd by this Commnment must bs based on and arc subiecr ro rhe provisions ol rhis Commitmenr. STANOARO IXCEPTIONS In addilon to the matters contained in the Conditrons and Stipulatrons and Exclusions kom Coveraqe above referred m. rhis Commirmsnr is also subiecl to rhe follo^ring, l. Rights or clarms of panies in possessron nor shown by rhe publc records. 2. [asements, ol claims ol sas€menls, not shown by the oublc recoros. 3 l)iscrepancies, conflicts rn boundary lines, shonage in area, encroachmenrs, and any facrs which a corecr survey and inspgcljon ol rhe premises would discloss and which are nor shown by the public rocords. and not shown by ths oublic rscords. 4. Any lien, or [0ht t0 a lien. for servrces, lebor or marcial thererofor€ or hereaher furnished, imoosed b'i law 5 08f0cts, liens. encumbrances, adverse claims or olher matrers, if any, creared, ltrst appearing in rhe public recgrds or al$ching subsequent to Commitmenr. ll'l WIINESS WHER[0F, 0h Republic National Title Insurance Company has caused ils corporare name and seat ro be hsr0unlo aflixed by its duly authorized oflicers on the dan shown in Schedule A, ro be valid when counrersigned by 6 validaring ollicer or ofer aurhorrzed signaror. OI.O REPUELIC I{ATIOITAL TITTE IIISURATCE COMPAIIY A Stocl Conpany 400 Second Avenae Snuk. Minncatuhs, Minncsota 55401 t6 t?I 3/t-fi11 ifi: flatu ,, fto,frlr, rc, Atdroti d Signewl 0Bl Fo,m 2582 8y Prcsidenl Sarctary ALTA COMMTTUENT SCHEDULE A Our Order No. V23253-3 For Inforrnati.on only - Charges - ALTA Owner Policy 91,358.00ALta Lender Policy 975.00Tax Report 920.00Endrsnt # 335.6 $25.00Endrsmt # 100.00 S25.00Endr:snt # tL5.2 9135. go Endrsrnt # 103.3 g135.BO --TOTAL-- gL.7'74.6O ****WITH YOI'R REMITTANCE PLEASE REFER TO OI,'R ORDER NO. V23253-3.**** 1. Effective Date: February 14, 1994 at g:OO A.M. 2. Policies to be issued, and proposed Insured: rfALTArt Owner's Policy LO-L7-92 9549, OOO. OO Proposed Insured: HARRY P. DAVISON AND MARGARETA DAVISON trALTArr Loan Policy l0-17-92 Proposed Insured: RYLAND I.TORTGAGE COIIPANY $349, O0o. oo 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to inthis Conmitnent and covered herein is: A Fee Sinple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at theeffective date hereof vested in: MINDLIN REALTTES, INC. A CANADTAN CORPOR,ATION PAGE 1 ALTA COUMITUENT SCHEDI'LE A Our order No. V23263-3 5. The land referred to in this Connitment is described asfollows: PARCEL A, A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 7, BI.,OCK 1, VAIL POTATO PATCH, ACCORDTNG TO THE PLAT RECORDED ttARCH 3, 1982 IN BOOK 337 AT PAGE 189, COIJNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COI,ORADO. -== PAGE 2 st ALTA COMM]TMENT SCHEDULE B-1 (Requirenents) Our Order No. V23263-3 The following are the requirements to be complied with: 1. Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors ofthe ful.l consideration for the estate or interest to beinsured. 2. Proper instrunent(s) creating the estate or interest to beinsured rnust be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: 3. RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED February 17, l-989, FROM MINDLIN REALTIES,INC. A CANADIAN CORPORATTON TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COI'NTY FOR THEusE oF THE 9900 BALBOA BOULEVARD BUILDTNG TO SECURE THE SUU OF g4OO,OOO.0O RECORDED February 28, L9A9, IN BOOK 501 AT PAGE 3L3. 4. CERTIFICATE OF RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL IN COI.{PLIANCE WITH THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISTONS OF THE TOWNHOUSE DECI,ARATION. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COI,TPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 6. EVTDENCE SATISFACTORY TO LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY THAT MINDLINREALTIES, INC. IS A CANADIAN CORPORATION. 7. CERTIFTED COPY OF RESOLUTTON OF THE GOVERNTNG BOARD OF MTNDLTN REALTTES,INC., (AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY AND THE EXECUTION OF NECESSARY DOCT'MENTS). SAID RESOLUTION MUST BE PROPERLY CERTTFIED BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION WITH THE CORPORATE SEAL AFFIXED. SAID RESOLIJ1IION MUST BE SUBMITTED TO AND APPROVED BY LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY BIJ1T NEED NOT BE RECORDED. 8. WARRANTY DEED FROM MTNDLTN REALTTES, rNC. A CANADTAN CORPORATTON TO HARRYP. DAVISON AND I,IARGARETA DAVISON CONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. 9. DEED OF TRUST FROM HARRY P. DAVISON AND MARGARETA DAVISON TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE CO{JNTY FOR THE USE OF RYLAND MORTGAGE COMPANY TO SECURETHE StM OF $349,OOO.OO. THE COT'NTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETURN ADDRESSES ON DOCIJI,IENTS SENT FOR RECORDING! ! === PAGE 3 ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE 8.2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. V23263-3 PAGE 4 I ALTA COMUITMENT SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. V23263-3 The policy or policies to be issued wiII contain exceptions to thefollowing unless the sane are disposed of to the satisfaction ofthe Conpany: 1. Standard Exceptions 1 through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessnents not yet due or payable and special assessments not yet certified to the Treasurer's office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessments against said land. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 9. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DTTCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE ITNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED July 13 , Lg3g,IN BOOK 123 AT PAGE 617. THE EXISTENCE OF THE EASEIIIENT SHOWN AS rTEM 9, SCHEDULE B-2, WILL NOT AFFECT OUR ABILITY TO ATTACH COLORADO ENDORSET,IENT NO. 103.3 TO OUR MORTGAGEES POLICY I.CHEN ISSUED. 10. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS, WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFETTURE OR REVERTERcLAUsE, BUT ol'tITTINc RESTRICTIoNS, IF ANY, BASED oN RACE, coloR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAIJ ORIGIN, AS CONTAfNED fN INSTRIJUENB RECORDED March 05, 1974, IN BOOK 223 AT PAGE 628 AND AS AI{ENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED Septenber 24,L975t IN BOOK 241 AT PAGE 950. 11. TER}IS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISTONS OF TOWNHOUSE DECLARATION RECORDED SEPTEI{BER 1, 1981 IN BOOK 328 AT PAGE 421 AND SETTLEMENT AGREEilENT RECORDED AUGUST 26, 1991 IN BOOK 560 AT PAGE 873. 12. ENCROACHUENT OF PARKTNG AND DRM AREA ONTO LOT 3, BLOCK 1 VAIL POTATO PATCH AS SHOWN ON TMPROVEMENT rJOcATroN CERTTFTCATE DATED OCTOBER 14, L992BY JOHNSON, KTNKEL AND ASSOCTATES, INC. JOB NO. 9247I. 13. EASEI'IENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE PI,AT RECORDED March 03, 1992 IN BOOK 332 AT PAGE 189. rTEMS 1-, 2 AND 3 OF THE STANDARD EXCEPTTONS WTLL BE DELETED FROM THE OWNERS POLICY UPON RECEIPT OT A SATISFACTORY IUPROVEMENT LOCATION SURVEY. PAGE 5 ALT COMMITMENT SCHEDULE 8.2 (Exceptions) o A ITEUS 1, 2 AND 3 oF THE STANDARD EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DELETED FRoI'l THE IiIORTGAGEES POLICY UPON RECETPT OF A SATISFACTORY IMPROVEI'{ENT LOCATION SI'RVEY. NOTE: SATD SURVEY MUST SET OUT THE EASEUENTS SET FORTH IN SCHEDULE B-2HEREIN. PLE.ASE PROVIDE I"AND TTTLE GUARANTEE COMPANY WITH THE NAUE OF THE SURVEYTNG COMPANY AND I.{E WILL SEND COPTES OF THE NECESSARY DOCI'},I8NTS. FORI.{ ].OO WILL BE ISSUED BASED UPON THE COI.'PANY'S REVIEW OF THE SI'RVEY AS SET FORTH ABOVE. NOTE: IF THE II{PROVEI,IENT LOCATION SIIRVEY IS NOT RECEIVED BY I,AND TITLE GUARANTEE COUPANY IN SUFFfCIENT TII'{E To REVIEW AND ENDoRSE THE COMMITMENT PRIOR TO CLOSING, ADDITIONAL EXCEPTIONS TO THE POLICY COULD BE EXCLUDED FROM FORM lOO COVERACE. ENDORSEMENT 335.6 WILL BE ATTACHED TO ALTA LOAN POLICY WHEN TSSUED. ENDORSEIIIENT NO. ]-15,2 WILL BE ATTACHED TO FINAL POLICY WHEN ISSUED. NOTE: SAID SURVEY MUST SET OUT THE EASEI.{ENTS SET FORTH IN SCHEDULE B-2HEREIN. PLEASE PROVIDE I,AND TITLE GUARANTEE COII{PANY WTTH THE NAI,IE OF THE SURVEYING CO!.IPANY AND wE I,IfLL SEND COPIES OF THE NEcESSARY DOCWENTS. NOTE: IF THE IMPROVEI'{ENT LOCATION SURVEY IS NOT RECEIVED 8Y I"AND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY IN SUFFICIENT TIME TO REVIEW AND ENDORSE THE COMUITMENT PRIOR TO CLOSING, ADDITIONAL EXCEPTIONS MAY BE ADDED TO THE POLTCY. ITEM 4 WILL BE DELETED FROM OWNERS POLICY UPON RECEIPT OF A SATISFACTORYLTEN AFFTDAVIT. NOIE: TTEIi! 5 OF THE STANDARD EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DELETED IT' LAND TTTLE RECORDS THE DOCWENTS REQUIRED IJNDER SCHEDULE B-1. Our order No. V23263-3 PAGE LAND TLE GUARANTE COMPANY DISCLOSURE STATDI,IENT Reguired by Senate Bill 91-14 A) The subject real property nay be located in a special taxingdistrict. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained frorn the County Treasurer or the CountyTreasurer, s authorized agent. o E The j.nformation regardingof such districts nay beConnissioners, the County Aasessor. o I c)special districts and the boundariesobtained fronr the Board of CountyClerk and Recorder, or the County Requlred by Senate Bill 92-143 A) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdictionshall be obtained from the County Treasurer or the CountyTreasurerrs authorized agent. ARCH I TECTURE PI AIIN II'I6 INT€RI ORS I.,ETTER OF TRAT.ISIIITTAI, To: lDV Job No. 14ZP Res llt 136l' Attns Attached Please Find: _ Progress Prints PIansf, ottrer ftem No. No. of Copieg Description I| 31df9 frpp>O fuis (}ntrrcnPlerceBdnera Date! 4.n.q4 ifications The items listed 29 For Review and- As Requested Other above are: Cotment For Your Use - Returned After Review Renarkss ?fifDS o? A|snd6 Jraht*.r ,4P4: tal YYL ,A/6: ayz fuo(E Copiea to: Page I TRAlr8000.Doc IOOO LIONSRIDGE LO@ VAIL COI-ORADO EI65ErGttttlt x.F.nttl|rl(trcPOST OFFICE BOX 57 soJ 476 6342 FAX 30J 4764901 AdJacent Ornrers-Dawison Residence Harry P. & Dlargareta Davlson 384 E. Gore Creek Dr.VaiI, CO 81557 800 Potato Patch Dr.Lot 7 Unit A. Harry P. & Itargareta Davison Unit BLloyd D. Ruth Jr. 743 Bluff St, Glencoe, TL 60022 814 Potato Patch Dr.Lot 3 Donald M. Lambe & Llmda Jarman 5015 Pon Valley Dr.Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 798 Potato Patch Dr.Iot I Ann S. Frein ilanes F. Frein 1829 Happ Rd.Northbrook, IL 50602 802 Potato Patch Dr.Irot .l Unit AJavier-Vista VelasquezP.O. Box 464VaiI, CO 81558 Unit BBirgit K. Toome 315 Provincetown Rd.Cherry HilJ-s, NJ 08034 799 Potato Patch Dr.Lot 28 Unit .tr Unit BDlargret S. Garvey Fox, Ronrell partnership 1300 Lake Shore Dr. 12A 16801 E. caley Ave.Chicago, It 50510 Aurora, CO 90016-1004 Page I ADJ-OIIN. DOC 11-Apr-94 s7/26/et o$8 J03 949 5205 Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D, @NSut.rNn cFat (tctst P.O. BOX 2 .qU r. col oRAoo 81652 fooxnr-osol nrc P.0! (303) C7O5.O (2,1 HOUHq June 2t I l?9S All:n EutlrrDonelron ArchltcctrSuttt_zo7r O04B E. Erevrr Cr. Blvd.Avon C0 8t62o REr Rock Falr Eveturtronr Boo 3, poteto petch Rd., Bould Rer. Dur llr. Btrtltrl I !fu. vlrttrd thr prop*ty rrfer:ncrd above for purporcr of RockFrll rrvlrw {or thr ?own "i vlri'.- The rrtr-r.-.'pl.t of r duplcxuntt et thr ebovr reflrencad iJJirrr on thr north rldE of thryel.l^V-rJllvr noer th.c top oi F;1"1" psteh. Tharr lr r HedcratoRock{elr Ha:rrd tn thr.iri-ro-t-rrit tr,rr rr e grologtcrrlyrrnrt t l vr rFar. The proporrl 1r for,two rddttlonrl -ar. rhown an your plttll 1 Dn thEIswrr of tha tno unrtr. Thr l;;l'ferr herrrct lr nuch r*a etthlr rnd of thc rrcac, .ni {ttr-o=tf.,r".unrt protlctr untt B by itrpr''ncf. r do not brllrvr thrt nttrgetioi' ri-nliirery forthrro twc addrttonlr-ar thny rr; both {arrly frfr from rock {rlr.Thr conrtructron of'thrrc riottionr wllr not rncrrr.e thr hezerdto othor prcprrty or rtructur"j, -"i t" pglllc rtghtf_of_h,ey,bul ldlngr, rordr, rtraltr, .erei:r,tr, utllltler or frcllttlrr orother prcpcrttrr sf any kinrt. ri {nrre ara que;ttonr plearrcontrct ml. w'4;Ntcholrr tJenrplrtrGonrulting Brologtrt PoSt ll- brand to( trensmlttal memo 76in ori' r .'LICATI0/-f8$ ADDITIQNAL 6RFA FOR PROPERTIES IN EXCESS OF ALLOWABLE Date of Date of A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Add.ess Lega I D es c ri pt ion : Lot_1_Bl oc k_l__F i1 i ng_! A2_-furpcn_ ?At+ ^ Zon€ 0istrict $6uDiP.a*( NME 0F APPLICANT: l,tReeX ar.e rtxzZrr<ere pnvraJ Address hone_tl-b.:3!_j1_ NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIUEIftIlZI,'I{ N6?E *4NEA- Addrurr phone_ilb,&?L NAl.tE 0F 0WNER(S): Signature(s) naaressJt hone F. Fi l ing Fee Wrtlquired at tine of submitta'l GRFA Appl ic DRB Me Et to iU+l PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conre"e#e with a member of the planning staff is stronglyencouraged to discuss the provisions under which ailditionit eRrR can ue aidlato a site. It shou'ld be understood that this ordjnance aoes not assure each property 3l^.:lili:':l^?s9..!u.re feet of GRFA. Rather, the ordin;;i. uiro,ui-rJ. sjt't6 - zbu square feet if certain conditions are met, Applications for additions under this section will not be accepted unless theyare.complete. This includes al I information requirea on-ttris iorm as weit ls"Design Review Board submittal requirements. c. n ** subm jtta'l requ'irements, sha'll be Thlry a'The fo1lowing information, in addition to DRBrequlred with this submittal: l. Verification that the unit has received2. Names and mai)ing addresses of adjacenrunits on the same lot. This infoimitionAssessor,s office. a final certificate of property owners and of i s avai I abl e from the I$;, Itb:$s,g 199{ vfoqt occupan cy. owners of Eagl e County 3. Condominium association approval (if appl icab.le). 4. Existing floor plan of structure. @ Your proposal will be reviewed for comp'liance with Vail's Comprehensive Plan. , 2l Ir?ll*ilr t'II- tr3clt.?ll 9At:' ll Ir z I i E E c 5 g: Xi; d9 fl\ N H! di - E :.F S EE r;gcs;:tiE;,E_ ii E*$t[;trt;;;f SH g5lc Hj$sg;:;Eg!;e:S g:t5 :Eii5€lEfff:sFF ;;c: :i:F:;Ei3$i{H NH =E:i E;ig;ii;iii#P" rt;s ;F5 sEsi;igiiilr' FeE .' g;:r;;t; E;; 5 - --e.f'-,I$la-r- - I I I t. r eiEl__.r..,-l I I -lnrr8 Fl '..1 4t iolo' IJ '-' a- t"? E? t. :tz t v:tF uJiislI3i5; ; ASEF .3bE!F$lecEi is3:Bi.<EEA? lB3ES3: gggagg 6 Ett8E8fg J3 6s !r;! :*: i E ii:l!3i r5 a!jf : E rr.iiE,:: Ei i;3i€e!:;€ i;i:: '8 1 flr ill ffl Il fll :* 5 ;,- €s[ : E3! 5:.1s ; i $E r ;;;; ; sii ; E,Ff i ; iH; i gi!i $s i;;: i;:: Ei i;: E ;:?f r: iii ; f:ii !; i;l: !E-F C F -;<:i E:a- E: 9-.! E{'r--Q@-_-- z I !.r ra i{g * s 0039'12- E .l {"<, DRB APPLICAITON - TOMI OE'\n,IL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: fry r'rs AppLr*n#Hiliio, "' o"g33.g3[Qy, C0M[,1. DtU trplItNTrr. Ar,t RE9UTRED TNFoRMATToN rs sueurrriD***t****** PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($200.00)Minor Alteration ($20.00) x addition ($50.00) C. ADDP€SS: bO A D.LEGAL DESCRIPTIoN: Lot, 7 Block I Subdivision VAru pofAn parcr* a meets and bounds legalon a separate sheet and E. ZONING: Coneeptual Review ($0) If propert.y is described bydescription, please provideattach to this application. LOT AREA: If required, applicantstamped survey showing lot area. NAIvIE OF APPLICANT:Mailing Address: .3 I.NAME OF OWNERS: *STGNAIURE(S): Mailing AddreS Phone Condominium Approval if applicable. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION $ 0 - g L0,000$ 10,001 - s 50,000$ 50,001 - s 150,000 s150,001 - $ 500,000 9500,001 - 91,000,000$ Over $l-r 000,000 * DESIGN REVIET{ BOERD NPPROVAI., EXPIRES APPROVAL T'NLESS A BUILDTNG PERMII TS APPLICANT, S REPRESENTATIVE Z ft$ZI.IA ?EE4 EANEP-Addre,ss. .Qo. 3,* 51to AVSL must provide a current3t'1OG 4re. FEEs 20.00 $ 50.00 $r.00.00 s200.00 s400.00 $500.00 ONE YEAR EFTER FI}IAL ISSUED AI{D CONSTRUCTION IS F. G. H J. K.DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tine of submitlal: of DRB application. Lat.er, whenapplying for a building perrnit, pl_ease j_dentify theaccurate valuation of the proposal . The town of Vailwill adjust the fee according- to the table be1ow, Eo tensure the correct fee is paid. , F&, FEE PArD: s 5o9 I ,f{ffi4 4lnh Itry STARIED. r*NO AIPLICAIION I{rLL BE PROCESSED IIITEOUI OWNER' S SIGNAIT'RE 't Phone LYNIJ lgJG NA}48 OF Mai I ing AIL- Lrsr oF MATERTALS t NAME OF PROJECT: ?Ntt*;) gesoertcE T.El,: I ? nFc^r!rhh?^r-LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT-Z- BLOCK I. I SUBDIVISION STREET ADDRESS: Oo A DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The fol]owinq Revi-ew Board information isbefore a final required for submittaLapproval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL to the Design COLOR A.BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other WalI Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FLues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B.LANDSCAPING:Name of PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Efi@op- F1*rg,:r-/.++.> NE: Designer: Phone: Common Name Ouantitv Size* frrzus ?- Lr - tol EXISTING TREES TOBE REMOVED dA. * fndicate caliperdeciduous for. deciduous trees. . z_ rncnes. Indicace r.ffi Pc s - L6AL trees . trees is ql,Alrr l'rltenrl: PROPOSED SHRUBS Botanical Name Ouantitv trfi8L JNreL 1. Size* t,a 5L*1J EXIST]NG SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size 5 qallon. GROUND COVERS |.\ad6, Mininum size of shrubs is Square Footage 6*qn"l- soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION A(S'n^,6 TYPE OR METHOD OE QgfATOfiSb **TIb. EROSION CONTROL LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting iq nroqg3ed' please show the number "i'ri"tuies ana.Io6ations dn a separate lighring plan. i;";riit-;ach fixture from the Iightins plan on the ]ist belo*-i"a-pi".tia" tn" wattage, height above qiaae and tYPe of light ProPosed' OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls' fences-' swimrning poors, eLc.) Pr.;;;-;;;ciiv: rndi6ate heishts of retainins wa1ls. Maxirnum n"igni'ot w-atts within the front setback is 3 feet. Maxinum'i"ight-"f walls elsewhere on the property is 5 feet. of proPosed shrubs Tvpe D. FIf,gJANA \ \"*\o SFR IZONE CHECK FOR , R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: Height Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks 2lb e z:l3lFront Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining Watl Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: View Corridor Encroachmen Environmental,/Haz ards : Previous conditions 4-16 -30-11 416-64L Allowed (30) (33) 512 ow Existinq Proposed No 4i.l6g r.5, r_5, (30) (s0) 6341.L 56 5(V Pt-r,A. PHONE PHONE Total Stqt +& +g ' 4zs 211b.33 -toJ.L Z8'15.2- xl lt'/ Nlz N.L. 3511.6t 115.A2 3'/6' Z Reqrd (300) (600) (900) bt- rtaf ,1200l (too z Date Yes SE froJ6Does this request invoLve a 250 Addition? Y&- pesz#.ny'Ilod ar! sPjr elol How much of Lhe allowed 250 Addition is used with this request? **Note: under sections 18.t2.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the MuniciparCode, lots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary which are 1ess thanl-5r000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwetling unit. TheCorununity Development Department nay grant an exception to thisrestriction provided the applicant neets the criteria set forth underSect.ions 18.12.090 (B) and 18.13.080 (B) of the Municipat Code includingpermanenLly restricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for fuII-time employees of the Upper EagLe Valley. 2fr LEGAL DESCRTPTToN: Lor 7 Block I ri:.ing Yhlt, ?olfib frPlf,tf, ADDRESS: OWNER ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE 't*LoT srzE (ls PermiLted Slope 8t Actual Slope 1,576 approved by Town Engineer: No { ??? ood Plain V-^ sl{J ;i -i::il,:Ii'inct eM I I U' n, *";1".3:ori*so Flow noos.'tnr oJ"ppro.r"f (check Or*"r* ,rr"-- 10 o looated In a +;Pilr fr{ame, Owner)(Namo, STATE OF COLOBADO couNrY oF -ao.gt<, -.-lss' My conrmlsslon explres: My Commission Expires 7/i09g 0f person that he STATE OF COLORADO couNrY oF W.W.. _.t;"' subsoribed lo ha executed the sams for lhe purposos and co My commisslon explrog: My Commission ExPires 7fl3198 ed bofore mo thls Z4haay ot known to me to bs th6 forogolng instrument and acknowledged to ms that theqeln resssd, { Geo_log lc Hal: rd ^Fevlew Eort Tho undersigned has/have read thE Fm:a+latard Hoport, dated tp2#qrenlrgloy l/We undsrstand from the conoluslons that he proposed buildtng ls@azard zons, and thero ls tlo potontlal reachlng the proposed house, causlng damage. We are r€quest th€ Tqrn-o(Vall Bulldlng Depaflment grant us F ",..^. fhe toreqglng Instrumentwas acknowledged beforo mo tl.ris Z9Y davql9g-t=-, tfL oyM, known to me ro be rhe whoso nams lg subEcrlbed t6 the foregolng Instrument and acknowlsdgod to me executed tho same for the purposes and conslderatlon thereln sxpressed. Lo (Logal Dosbrlptlon) f,.-$*ti#,.* Wtt'ri:# CNofltrt\httl'd TO\l.COiJllt4. DEV. DEPT; Iio.n Elarriarrl ACtiOn il"rtFlvr r nrgvlr9ur TOWN OF VAIL ,-, ,l_ 7bCategory Number Date I U- t prciecttName: KKTI| Building Name: Projeci Description: owner, Address ano enone: L I 0VD ). Taf+l 143 RLUFF 4, 6Lr.Nco aL' qltI '4p6 - 60ZL Archir€cvcontacr, AddreEs and phone: i'lnf tUUtl COnf oW ?ool kspy'- LegalDescription: Lot 7 Bbck I Subdivision Zone District Projec't Street Address:7,C*D b5{ Motion by: Board@ Vote: Seconded by: n Approval ! Disapproval $ statf Approvat Conditions: Town Planner oxe: / 0'/l- ?b DRB Fee Pre-paid L0.9 I F. , l ,Bto++ Ivlfrfyreffiiu+ r.vlt.A 7l , lgl DESIGN REVTEW BOARD APPIJICATION - TOT{N OF VAIIJ, COIJORADO DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: ***fi***** ******i****I. A.DESCRIPTION: EI c. /D. E. ,/e. TYPE OF REVIEW: New ConstrucLionAddition ($50.00) ADDRESS: IJEGAL DESCRIPTION:Subdivision ($200.00) IrO E PoncepLual Review ($20.00) ($0) Block If property description,is described byplease provide a meebs and bounds on a separate sheet 1egal and at.hachLo this app cation. ZONING: NAME OF Mailing Addresp: .sr D€ !-, APPI.TICAMI: NAME OF Mailing APPIJICANT:RESENTATIVE: Address: A I, ,J. NAME OF OWNER(S) Mailing Phone APPrrIcATroNs VIIJL NoT BE PRocEssED JtrTHow owNER' s sreNATttRE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,\ are Lo be paid aE. Lhetime of submit,t.al of bhe DRBrepplibauion. Lit,er, whenapplyinq for a building permit,) plbase idencify the accurauevaruat,ion of t.he proposal. The Town of vait witt adjust. E,hefee according uo Ehe tabte below, t.o ensure the correct, feeis paid. FEE ECHEDULE: |tt/.t,h.vrr-gJ.uruuu$ 10, 001 _ $ s0; 000$ 50, 001 - $ 150, 000 $1s0, 001 - $ s00, 000 $500,001 - 91,000,000g Over $1,000,000 DESIGaI REVIBW BOARD APPROVAIT EXPTRES APPROVAIJ I]NIJESS A BUIIJDING PERMIT ISIS STARTED. -: --**f ,l0lp FEE P ZU. UV$ s0.00 $i.00.00 $200.00 $400. 00 $s00.00 ONE YE,AR AFTER FINAIJ ISSUAD AND CONSTRUCTION Phone Address: VAI,UATION .t I I L. A. I.tc. l/D. I I i E. y'e.. G. I. at, -'4.- raa^ O DESTg llTTD TOrrD ,P8OIE{ rmDnlrTrq: B. rYPt oF agvtEn: --rCCr COss truct.lon --..lddt!loo ||S0.00,{q2oo. ADDESS; Nltrt ot APPr.rc N!:t{alliog Addrcrt :_ TAIG OT IPD!,rCN'I,t|.f f iDg AddRas: aJ{t oF omrlrisr, coJldffiolu{r ApProeal 1! tppl PT! FtF, Dfi! tcei. as rhouBLlnc of subEirlil of Lh€ Dnr.D!,fY1!g lor a buildiaq :lluft.os-9f ctr propoi 3ffi"i5i:1.,.'*h"ffi llocth ? Il_!:?p:t.y r.- describad byonte_rrDt io[. -pi€ai3 prerridi Deat8 and boulda lagrl Bo chia egpuiarlo.r ragaraEe abeet anc attach zoNElrxi : l0- 8-$ : 5:2f,f1 i 847 S40 I - lHl d VlrL, COIrnrDo tgltr}l$lLgi* 2/ 2 P.W 724- . - gAfr or uaaaraa i.lcllvtD: r|AElIr|(j r tf20.00,|l0, ?'*fx. .rr- Jl , Lc- LU ,I'nrcw ffi!'N..g t';ffi,'t n ?ee rccordiig-rc [r;i-ILi"rs Deld. rre Eo be patd at, thcatj,o!. l,.tcr, nten, plbtsc idutity th€ accurrccE TorrB of VaIt ytII adjwc there. to aDsura th€ corract tce ta8 a 2rt.vv a 30.00 f100.00 tz00 .00f.00.00 4500.00 Er olrl t-tll 'rFrla 9Mr&ra rs8orD lxD ooBsryrtcrror ?rrA_ P. A2 IE, I- t-r] =t f-ll =t ul TOWN OFVAIL RECEI'T DEP,IRT:\IE:\T OF COI':I:IJ:\'N' DETELOTTTIE:\T ADDR.F-SS-- ?norEcr-_ --TrI'fH 0F .,Fl r L lfisce'l l=necus Cash r oF r.AIL '. i-To?AL-:' .l [1* ]. .+-'rr-,[1:]: F:{i,::{,iFi. ii :.tflil? 1Fj llrlrli.r!.-!r-r I i+ !-:!l i+ l7fjl:rl t'l!:t:r:T t1l ll'1 t.:flf,1Ft1FjT Prjtll.. r:i !F fJ' llFlf-t !:EE Er,,rr:'r_rn t lF,r,dE ,'r,'-! :: ;jll . '.lB I ter'r Fsid tlroaun t peid 111. ljflflr:i4 l. :: 1 r:-ir:1fr ::!:-1 . rj]t:l lll-i.3rr,Je r* t.Lr rneiJ :.. i:1,, [1* THFIhIK 1/GLI ot ooo0.4 tji t_,PRE Pn lD DITSICN Rl:Vll;W-m-+H€offiilt I NVESTIGATION FF-E ( tsUILDING .'I ooo0 +5 |l0 TOV PAR}iI}.C I-UND 0r 0()00 2t027 Tov NEwSPAPER DISPF-n*SER FUND* 0I 0000 1l I 12 T1L\ABLE.gtlJm* 0t 0000 4t010 T 0l 0()00 42i7 |IJUI LDING INVI:STICn TION I{LR H ||iPEC .,\PP LICATIOF' FEES- 0r 0u004t.jio n Dr_)Il roN.AL GRI-A "250 5.t0Lr.u0 !E :s 0l 0000 41330 CONDITIO...'AL U SE PERMIT s200.0030l oo00 413i0 EXTERIORALTERATIW s200.00 EI 0l oo00 4l-jio I'XTLRIOR N LTI:R TION IN,IORI-; TIIN N IOO SO.TT 5500.oo:I ur u(J00 4 tjio SPJ:CIA L D LV L LOPI4INT DISTR_TETJNEW s I.500.00 E0l 0000 41330 SPECIALDEVELOPMEM s I ,000.000l oo00 4ljio SPECINLDEVELOPMW 5200.0110l 0000 4lji0 sUHDIVISION 0t oo004t_r_jo vn Rt.,\NcF;sz)0.00 0 | oo00 413.10 ZO:.v I n-G CO DIi n M |:N DMIjNTS 5250.000t 00004tJ_r0 I(D - ZONIn'G s200.00 OTIIERIOTIIER il 'allllA.- U-of -TLLD cAsE r- r r*',/Wh ,r.ss't .r'e(:S'T, M \ O o ,=:.Y:.=r*:1::qti? t H ;s ii a I)-r,.TOWN OF VAIL RECEIPT NO 6/v\- DEPART}TENT OF CO]II]ITTII|ITY DEVELOP}IENT ADDRTSS__DATE PROJF,CT LJA { | i\ z}- ^ ,\- -.---Fet'<Jak-U TGhIH OF |JFI I I- I Hiscellaneous Cash --1 -l tl4-11-'li 1l:;tll.Iir ; -n Flgtr=iFt. * liif,f,{' CIIECKS }tADE PAY N OP VAIL 'r:,-:.nrn 0 Flc*,urr t. #r::1.: # 1i3!:E 0-0 -0 -0 -0 -0 U Eil_rLEs r-U5TLlll F[IL[:EF:5..1.1I5f, trEL.r 5EE5 ffnrnun 1. terrde red :I Ll I i . 5E1 Itenr paid Fmor-trrt Faid r':1 I !:1 r:1 El El? :.r E ?6 EB€r at a ''t ELr:ilir !rl:l 0 0 L-:h.3n,:* r* t.u rned .i-0r-oootr-r--yrrint r.*r' rzEirrE ,.r-E-rr", ra L-', 3 .t Eil**tt IE EF!r x EE$ X HI *i i* i, 0l 0000 4237 |I}.IVESTICATION FEE { BUILDING 3l 0000 451l0 TOV PARKING FUND 0l 0000 22027 TOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND 0l 0000 2lll2 t AXAIJLE (a, 4Yo (S I'A'l E 0l 0000 4t010 'lA-\ABLE (al 4% ( l'0wli 0l 0000 42171 BUILDINC INVI]STIGATION a a, 2 t,OTIIER Alt, < lJ.t r-r ., \ PEC APPLICATION FEES 0l 0000 41330 ADDITIONAL GRFA "250''s200.00 0l 0000 4l 310 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT s200.00 01 00004r330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION LESS TIIAN I OO SQ,T,T.$200.00 0t 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION MORE TI{AN 1OO SO.FT.$500.00 0l 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT )ISTRICT INEW $ 1.500.00 01 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT MAJOR AMEND $ I,000.00 0l 0000 4 1330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT I-MINOR AMEND s200.00 01 000041330 SUBDIVISION 0i 0000 4 1330 VAzuANCE $250.C|0 0l 00004t330 ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS $250.00 01 0000 41330 RE - ZONING $200.00 OT}IER OTHER TOTAL: cAsEr--t cK,t - tM.OLI REC. BY: ctz ts =e,ulo- .n e\ C\ N (n IJJ UJII L =E IJJ o- hb/wp htl.l l./l t-@ ca Ir|JIF lo I\a \tor o\tt Iqlr) NNtlqoo I rldZr tA ?58 aEzF+o !itrl(5hzts M,=Z(J-< t!F Eo Etl FIz o zz inl 9ri 5izl o' Zt !l aoi €l olZl zi - .t +4 3 --t 3 -.{ A --,1 --l l '1) :.' 14 F-l HHE zH FlH t!z = u,lIF t< _$ b( q r : ) cs ltJuro =I olt CEoFo Fz ulz 3 ul ccfF' o u,q) s(q .gtE () o E (u oEoo ==6 E !q) o o.cl 3 .9 o) rD ti (! .:a ;gg$96k; EE HE 5 *€:Ec-o> ef:E ;+i;c9oiIo€o35;.; E EE:*OOc 5;;F!laeo-o o-vSEisoiE-ots*e€ 96(o6 :EEH E6i5_ o..y o eeC?(rt o'- !c;oov-E.- .r! Q, !.9 g,EE5 sg:E96ai ;6F9 *E; e9Eo -c5g* - o (6: (\ C\ cno\ F\ (\ \orn Ln C.l e.l F z c. 'f !r v cn XXXXXX E UJ oz d l - uJ oz J J ouj u, zo 9z O = ul UJl|.z tr uJE()t! @ 3uJt uJ zI UJo F |lJ L z UJ) x F UJo r'tn FlFf B atul LU lJ- F = UJ(L J FoF ozo!f J I Fo UJJ UJ z to = J 2 I ut- NO[Vn']VA xEo;ZVoo6zto E llJ .4 b u./ \z> uJ fro, AI (\l >E -I = ltl =co ztr^ e9ooz>-9aJaJzu-<o*lrl:<o- !a:x .i<.i z9 fJ l!q o IJJ F - uJEx z E !tz tr t!F) =uJz tltlII U)Lzlz Q{, <oo< =Exr!XA<z a trz. Az DO3trOI utf = cr uJzY i z F oz ; J =F u,l (r o 3 Jl<l trl zl zl .. >lo uJ t1'| uJz F E Lt.L zo F o (/a) ro e.l+ oz FaI l I I I I "lzl <lIH ca I CD(3 6 CO uJF U)ooazo Fo- UJY ul co oF tr = <r =ctrq(L- t!1osl O- t-{lopl?plral HurbEzo z oPze(Do =z (! lJ- I-?JL] J zE .,\ F (D UJ F ut o. uJoz oIoFEI o- .) l-uJ-h>i(rduJ>o-OL9o\ulxo-:>IJF 1! ll- UJ F go Eo -9o EE .E f E Eot o --- E =E. lrJ o-zo F(JfEFazo C)J 9z T() (Jl r:1r-{l I IFdI !qHl r.l()-{5t Irdt Ill Et I El el>I CEI ._,1 Jl-t <l5t :t<t xl-l zl =31qol rrl Fl @ co-t I c! dHddrdr'lq- 1 si 1a rq i ilol zl 3lq H zH a zld Fl I I I el dlull 5t al>lttl ;li $(n I F \T -(L |-\rn @ FlH ;.i lsltzlzalt4 Hl:-l Fl INIHolHOIcd olr,{ -r I Ag38 Fl 3 N N cr) I\o No\ lrtllEl(4 tlF'| col3sl1l Helc4 ('l =l uJlo ccl HEItllflPl e 1 HHct =-J lJ- o 5J Fl L!,1 E z ct H ui =z dl I l-..{ F. c( F F (J alvlrI1I 14 lelc)l I tqlel C'I I 14 I I\Tlcol(nl UIfl CId{{a = t-E ir+X!tYo2 E 9P s3]Fd6() z r UJ F uJF I E E <FG()l,! <zE lJ.ll F(r1 z rX rX rr LX LX LI . APPLTCATION NUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCSPTED .t*i(********t**sx*xt****t(tx)|()rxx PERMIT iNFoRMATION T(X****{*fl*X'(**r****xr(X)fttxX*ty t -l-Building C J-Plumbing t l-Electrical ( l-Electrical [ ]-Other Job Name I Davis,og Resldence , Job AddreEs: 800 Pota.to Patclr Dr*, _Leqal Description: Lot__l-_ Block PARCEL. A Owners Name: llarry & Jl4rgaret .-Davisoo Arc hi tec t: Lvnn Frltzlen GenerEI Desc ri ption r Remodel Fil ing Vail Potato.fS.Lch Acldress: 384 E. Gore Creek Dr 6.476-3877 TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DArE: _gl*oJ2!- lFG,tdn\.F Au01o1se4 ]4gQozlil ' u,,,iriifl, |JtV, DEPL 476-6342 .P Add res s : l,0O9-Llolshead Loop .. - p6. ..-...----i-__.:--_ NorkClaEs:t]-Newt)o0-A1teretion[ilB-Additione1t].Repairt]-0ther-\ \ynfNumber of Dwe.lling units: ] -*- Number of Aqcommodation unitst -9--* nt.:D.r Number and rype of Fireplacesr Gae Applianceg 2 Fas Logs,- wood/petiet R$ ***)txx)f**)t**)t**)tsfirtt****t*t(I(8x{|rt(,t vALuATIoNS I(X*r*||(:I*rr)|(*)tilX**rttiltx8*t **r**:[xx*tNt guMIIg | -LqffifiS\DrGrrRrcAL , 4,1p,>.* orHER: ----j$ PLUmBINGt /1'.pel4> MEcHANrcAt, Wd@;arArt . -<-SS * * * x * * * * * * ;;;; x x x * x t "o"r*;;t;- m;N r x x,r * * * * * * * * * AeI nF*?A;d General Contractor: BoLes Custour Bullders "l/n&'XAddressi ,p.o. go* tZ7 Electrical Cont;a5tor ; Add resE ! P I umbing Add ress : Mechanical CAddress: Town o{ Vail Reg, 56. 168-8 --Fhone Number | 926-3202 Con tr tor Town of Vai I Phone Nurnbsr l Town of Vail PFone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phono Number: ^'l:thffi x x xi()|( * * * x* x xx rr f *t* * * t * * tf *.{,*L*** BUILDIN6-PENMTT rLSr /22N - FOR oFFICE USE !|(fXX***txilxxx*ttxt*****f***xxxx BUILDINC PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CFIECK FE€r MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: CLEAN_UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES PLUMBIN6 PERMIT FEE: MEEHANTCAL PERMIT FEEI RECREATION FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: l4s '.-ryt t5b'ooGlfAfioil-i BuTLDiNG: Z0NINGT Signatur Signature r TYPE I CR!U! | SG-.FT. i_-.-i K.?-. ' J.)L, i t I .<a-/ee--+< Town of \h|l .:.E!nF Plan Review Based on : i-r t$ the 1991 Uniform Codes t COPY NAME: DAVISON REMODEL DATE: 8-15-94 ADDRESS: S00POTATOPATCH CONTRACTOR:BOLES CUSTOMBLD VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: FRITZLEN OCCUPANCY: R-3 ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTTONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codm. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQIIIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND HALLWAYS AS PER SEC 1210 OF TI{E I99I UBC. 2. FrELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQUTRED TO CITECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 3. HANDRAILS TO MEET SEC.33O6 OF TIIE 1991 UBC. 4. GUARDRAILS TO MEET S8C.1712 OF TI{E 1991 UBC. 5. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER WILL BE REQUIRED TO OKAY ANY STRUCTUAL CHANCES BEFORE FRAMING INSPECTION WILL BE APPROVED BY TOWN OF VAIL. 6. A ILC (IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE) IS REQUIRED AND NEEDS TO BE APPROVED BY TI{E TOWN OF VAIL BEFORE A FRAMING INSPECTION WILL BE DONE. 7. CRAWL SPACE DOORS TO BE 9 SQUARE I'EET MAXTMUM. 8. VENTILATION IS REQUTRED IN ALL BATHROOMS AS PER SEC 1205 OF TIIE 1991 UBC. 9. boyle engineering, inc, profassionol structurol engineers Jmuary 19, 1995 Mr. Jim Buckley Boles Custom Builders P.O. Box 1279 Avon, CO 81620 Subject: Davison Remodel 800A Poato Palch Drive Vail, Colorado Dear lim: This is to confirm that I have made a final review of the abovo noted remodel. I have found that thc constuction has been done according to the plans issued by FritdenPierceBriner, with additional notes, details md conversations coordinated between your office and this office during the period from 9-94 to the present Please give me a call if you have any questions or further need ofmy services. TMB/dn 143 e. meodo/'r d., suile 390 o crossroocls sfropping center . voil, colorodo 81657 o 303/4762170 tO',]* It URIL C0M-DEV rrls-azs -24s2 frPR oes L0 t24 No .003 P .01 CASH DEPOSIT FOBMAT Legsl Deecriplion: Lol Z qock./ , SubdivlsionlAd Dato of Expl ratlon:-fSfro.c-lqg"S Address: 2d-A Etarb PdrT#-.!&dJ. Account Number: 0t-0000.22020 DEVEISPER IMPBOVEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGnEEMENTrmade and entered hto this |l.Htaay ot Aptft- , rs.f$ oV and among b* -* Cutr.q$.ft,rrooglr(herelnafter catpa itre "oove6Fd[ ano ine iowl.t OF VAIL (hsretnsfter cailed the "Town"). WHEREAs,theDeve|oper,asaconditionofapprova|ofthoDeurrBA- plans, dated zS Auq 1991, 19-_, wishes lo onter into a Developor lmprovomenl Agreemont; and WHEREA$, the Developer ls obligated to provide security or collatoral sufflclent In the judgmenl of lhe Town to make reasonable provlslons for complelion of cerlaln lmprovements set forth bslow;and WHEFIEAS, lhe Developer wlehos to provlde collateral ' ' quaranlee performance of this Agreement, lncludlno constructlon of the above-refgrenced lmprovomant8 by means of lhe following: Developer agrees to establish a cash deposlt wlth the Town of Vall In a dollar amount ol $gla ga-- (125"/o ot the total cost ol the work shown below) to provido securlty lor the followlng: JMESEMEM &orn r &ttz.ur/p62t -, a/trZuhl thr-rL+f YaLJ t %fu 24zt/4/?/L PJ*.ru/ # 6703 21 7 NOW, THEFTEFORE, in conalderatlon of the followlng mutual r':r"rorrqnls and agreomontg, the Dovolopor and ths Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agroes, at lts sole cogt and expenses, to furirish all equlpment and matorlal nocossary to perform and complete all lmprovements, on or lrofore _ I Tuna I q qs The Developer shall complele, in a good vvovlpnnllk€ mgnner, all improvements as llsted ebov€, in aCcordance wllh all plans and spocllicnti"'n ttted In lho office of tho Communlty Development Departmont, lho Town of Vall, afid t0 t,.r allwork Incldental thereto accordlng to and In compllance with ths lollowing; a. Such other designs, drawlngs, maps, speclflcatlons, skelches, and other maner submltted by the Developer to b6 approved by any of the above"rofarenced govornmsnlal entitlee. All eald work shall be done untler ths inspeclion of, and to tho Batlsfactlon of, the Town Engineer, tho Town Building Olflclal, or othgr offlclal lrom the Town of Vall, as affected by speclal dlstrlcts or ssrvlcs dislrictg, ag tholr rgepsctlvo Intor€st may appear, and $hall not be dosmed complele untll approved and acc€pled as complotod by tho Town of Vail Communlty Devolopment D€partmenl and Publlc Workg Deparlmgnl' 2, To secure and guarant66 performance of lts obllgatlons as sot forth hOroin, lhe Developer agrees to ptovlde securlly and colleloral as follows: Pag6 1 ot 3 TOLJN OF VRIL COM-DEV rDos-4ie-24s2 nPR l|}s 10 :25 No .003 P .02 A cash deposit account in th6 amount of S€la1=*O*to be hold by the Town, as escrow agenl, shall provide the eecurlty for lhe improvemants s6t forth abovo it thoro is a detault under the Agreement by Developer, 3. The Developer may at any tlme aubstltute the collateral originally set forth above for another form of collaterel accoptabte lo the Town to guaranteo the failhful complotlon of .lhose lmprovomonlE referred to hersln and the pgrformance of tho tsrms of thls Agreement. Such acceptance by thE Town of altornatlve collateral shall bo at the Town'e eole dlscretlon. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any oflicer or employee fisreof, be llable or responsible lor any accldenl, loss or damage happening or occunlng to thg work specified In lhls Agreement prior to the completlon and acceptance of lhe same, nor shall the Town, nor any offlcer or employeo thereof, be liabts lor any persons or properly inJurod by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumEd by the Devoloper. The Developer hereby agrees to Indemnlfy and hold harmless the Town, and any of lts officers, agente and amployees agalnst any loeses, clalms, damages, or liabilitioe to whlch the Town 0r any of ils officers, agonts or employoos may become subject to, lnsofar as any such loEeos, claime, damages or liabilltiee (or actions in respect thoreof) lhat arlss oul ol or ale based upon any portormence by the Developer hereunder; and the Doveloper shall roimbureo the Town lor any and all legal or other sxpensee roasonably Incurred by the Town in connBction with Investlgatlng or defendlng any such loss, clslm, damnge, liability or acllon. This indemnlty provlsion ehall bo ln addltlon to any other liablllty whlch the Developer may havs. 5. lt ls mutually agraed that tho Doveloper may apply to the Town and the Town shall authorlze lor partial releaso ol the collatEral dsposlted wlth the Tov,,n for each calegory of lmprovement at such tlme as such lmprovemgnts aro congtructed ;r' ^^'rrpliance wlth all plans and specificatlons as refgrencEd hereunder and accepted by thc' ;r'n. Undor no condition will thE amount of tho collat€rel lhat ls belng held be reduced , :low the amount nscsscary to aomplgts euch improvemgnte. 8. ll tho Town delennlnes that any of the improvemonls conl' nplated herein are not constructed in compllance wilh the plans and specifications set forth h4roin by the date set forth ln paragraph 2, the Town may, but shall not be roqulrod to, wllhdraw from the cash deposit such lunds as may be necessary to complsle the unflnlshed improvemenls, The Town shall releaee euch funds upon the writlen requesl of the slafl of ths Communlty Development Department stating fiat the lmprovsments have nol been completed as requlred by the agreement. The Town shall nol roqulre the concurrence of the.developer prior to the release of the furrds, nor ahall tha Town be requlred to verify indopendently that the improvemsnts have nol beerr compleled as requlred by lhls Agreemont, but shall release such fundE solgly upon the rsqusst ol the Community Developmgnt DepartmEnt. lf thE costs ol completing ths work.sxceed the amount of lhe doposll, lhs excsss, togelhor with Interesl at twelve percent per annum, shall be a llen agalnst tho propsrty and may be collEcted by clvll sult or may be certlfled to the treasurer of Eagle Cottntv to be collscled in the same manner as dellnquent ad valorem taxes levisd againsl $ttth property. lt the pormlt holder falls or refuses to complote lhe cleanup and landscaplng, as definod In this chapter, such failure or refural shall bs considered a violation of tho Zoning Code' 7. The Developer warrants all work and material tor a perlod of one year after accaplance Ol All wqrk refened to In thls Agreement by the Town pursuanl to Sectlon 17.16.250 if such work ls located on Town of Vall property or within Town of Vall righl'of'way. 8. The parflea hor€to mutually agree that this Agreoment may be alnottded from tim€ to tlmo, provlded thal such amendments be In wrltlng and ex€cut€d by all partioB her€to. Dated th6 day and year flr$t sbove writtgn, P*ge 0 of 3 TI]LJN OF VRIL COM-DEU i uDs-4ie -24s2 nPR oss 10:26 N0.003 P.03 $TATE OFCOLORADO ) ) ss. COUNTYOFEAGLE ) The f0r9€0lng Developer lrryrovement Agreemont was acknowledged bsfore me thls //,6aav or //t4i1 -, ta%bv -Eurr Bar-c"s Witness my hand and offlclalseal. My commlsston exptres: q(A {fA PLANNER, COMMUNITY DEV5LOPMENT STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAOLE uDdrt d 0n8/91 gg. The foregolng Developer lmprovement Agreement was acknowloc, r betoro mg lhig day ol 19- by ... Wltnoss my hand and ofllclal seal, My commlaslon explres: Notary Publlc Page 3 of 3 J,taOougail.Finisil 'lim fuEDotgnll 3t r6'Ilellllower #7 -'l/ai[, Colorado 6r657 (3oP +76-t3Z+ 4/ 10/95 To: BoIes Custom Builders Re: Davison residence. Cost to flnish exterior painting.$650.00 Tim McDougall McDougaII Finishes ft)sT oFrcE Bo,X 1279 AVON, COLORADO 8t620 po3) 928.3202 FIRSTBAIII( . AYON AVON. CO 816'10 82€99.1021 o4/ LL/ 95 10950 Arroif,.tT s**t*812. 50 NY 10 IIG ORDBOF TO}IN OF VAIL 17 VAIL RD. vArL, coLo. 81657 ** Eisht Hundred Twetve Dollars and 50 ce$hE ** r'0 l0q5On. rr! lO ? tOlqqqr:lSSOS IOLq lr. BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS. INC.10950 AI,TOUNTDATE o4l LLI ss INV DESC41195 9432 Al.{ouNT 812.50 DATE INV DESC TILJN" tIF VRIL CDl'1_DEVt.rDos-47e -2452 frPR 1os 10:24 t'10.003 P.01 FORMAT Block .l , DEP( r: Lol CASH Legsl Subdivision Dato of Expl Addr€ss: Account Number: DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT . THIS AGREEMF,NT, made and entorod hto rhis tJ Oay or ,4f.. ( . rs.Lf, bV 91d among Ft{r']l J_).4Af_::1__ (herelnafter cailsd lhs "Dovelopet',), and the TOWN OF VAIL (herelnaH ceiled the "Town"). WHERFAS,tha Developerer, as a condition of approvat or t,e T (../'r 4.r- ,.- 1.,-. /J,,-- 19--, wishes to onter into a Developer lmprovomonl F..J.nplans, dated Agreomont; end WHEREA$, the Developer ls obligatod to provide security or collateral sulflclent In lhe judgment ol the Town to mak6 reaeonable provlslons for completion of cerlaln improvemenls sel forth bolow; and WHEREAS, lhe Developer wlehss to provlde collateral lo guaranlse perlormance of this Agreement, Includlng conslrucllon of lhe abovo-rsferenced lmprovomontS by means of the following: Developer agrees to establi8h a cash deposlt wllh tho Town of Vall In a dollar amount 0t $-4S.9-?- (125Yo ol the lotat cost of tho work shown helow) to provido securlty for the lollowlng: JMEEAVEMENI' tll*.- [-'t. "l']'\- -t---.- ,. S-d*.. L-- d A' J NOW, THEnEFORE, in conslderatlon of the lollowlng mulual covonanls and agregmenls, tho Devoloper and the Town agree as lollows: 1. The Developar agrees, at lts sole cogl and Bxpsnses, to furnish all equlpment and mqlorlgl necessaralo perlorm and complete all lmprovements, on or befora _ J"Llot I , (3<S, The Developer shallcomplote, in a good workmanllke m8n'101, all improvemenlE as lleted sbove, in accordance wlth all plans and spocllications ffled ln the office of lhe Communlly Development Dopartmsnt, the Town of Vall, and t0 do allwork lncldental lhereto accordlng to and In compllance with tho following; a. Such other deslgns, drawlngs, maps, speclflcallons, skslchos, and olher malle' submltted by the Developer to bs approvod by any of the above-referenced govornmenlal entitles, All eald work shall be done under the inspoction of, attti to tho satlsfactlon of, the Town Enoineer, ths Town Building Offlclal, or other olflclal from the Town of Valt, as allected by speclal dlstrlcts or sorvlcs diSlricts, as tholr rospsctlvo Interest may appear, and shall not be deemsd complele untll approved and acceptod as complotod by ths Town ol Vail communlty Devolopment Department and Publlc Works Dopartmonl' Z, To secure and guarantoo performance of lts obllgatlons as sot lorth heroin, lho Developer agrses lo provlde securlty and collatoral as follows; Page 1 ol 3 TOLJI'.I OF VRIL COM-DEV A cash deposit account in the amount or O_ : { .5131to be h6ld by he Town, as escrow agent, shall provida the eecurlty for the improvemonls set forth abovs it thero ls a default under the Agreement by Developer. 3. Tho Developer may al any flme eubstltutE tho collatoral originally sst torth above for anolher lorm of collalergl accoptable lo the Town to guarantee thE faithful completlon ollhose lmprovsmonl8 referrad to horoln and the performance of thB tErms of thls Agreement. Such acceptanco by the Town ol altornatlve collateral shall bo at tho Town's eole dlscretlon. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any olficer or smployee thereof, be llable or responsibla for any accldent, loes or damage happening or oocurrlng to the work speclfled In thls Agreemenl prior to the completlon and acc€ptance of the same, nor shall lhe Town, nor any offlcer or employee thereof, be liable tor any persons or property inJured by reason of tho nature ol said work, but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Dovelopor. The Developer hereby agrees to Indemnlfy and hold harmless the Town, and any of lts officers, agente and employees agalnst any lossas, clalms, damagee, or liebilitioe to whlch the Town or any of ils officers, agsnts or employeos may b€come subject to, lnsofar as any such loseoe, claime, damages or liabilltios (or actions in respect thereol) that arlse out of or are based upon any perlormBnce by the Developer hereunder; end tho Developer shall reimburas the Town for any and all legal or olhar expensee roasonably Incurred by the Town in connection wlth Investlgallng or defendlng any such loss, clalm, damage, liability or acllon. This indemnlty provlelon ehall bs ln addltlon to any other liablllty whlch the Developer may have. 5. lt ls mutually agreed that lho Developer may apply to the Town and he Town shall aulhorlze lor partial releaso ol the collaterat doposlted wlth thcr rqwn for each calegory of lmprovsment at such tlme as such lmprovamonts arg constructgd ir; ':pppllan.r wlth all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accopted by the town. Under no condition will lhe amount of thE collateral that ls belng held be redu,":r'rl below the amount neco$sary to complete Buch improvemenls. 8. lf the Town dslermlnes thal any of the improvemenls r"''rlf,mplated herein aro not constructed in compllance wilh thg plans and specifications sel lr,, irersin by the date set forth In paragraph 2, tho Town may, but shall not be requlrod to, wlthciiaw from the cash depoeit euch lunds as may be necossary to complete the unflnlshed imJrrovgments. The Town shall releage euch lunds upon lhe wrillen request of tha staff ai 1r," Communlty Dovolopmont Department stating that tho lmprovsmsnts have not been conrrrl6l6sl as requlred by the agreement. The Town shall not roqulrs the concunence of lhe.devcloper pfior to the rElsass of the funds, nor ahall the Town be requlred to verify indopendenlly lhal the improvemenls have nol be6n completed as requlred by thls Agreemsnt, bLrl ' rall release such funds eolsly upon tho rsquest of the Community Dovelopment Department. lf thE costs of completing tho work excesd ths amount of the deposll, lho excess, togolhor with Intoreet at lwelve p6rc6nt per annum, shall be a llen agalnsl the proporty end may be collected hy clvll eult or may be certlllecl to the lreasurer of Eagle County to bo collected in the samo manner as dellnquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf lhe pormlt holdEr falls or rofuses to complete the clsanup and landscaplng, as defined In this chapter, such failure or reluaal shall be considerod a violalion of tho Zoning Code. 7. Tho Developer warrants all work and material for a perlod ol one year after acceplance ol all WOrk referred to In thls Agreement by the Town pursuant to $tctlon 17.10.250 if such work ls located on Town of Vall propsrly or within Town of Vall righl-of u'ry, 8. The partlea hereto mutually agree that thie Aoreoment may be alnended from time to t[ne, provlded that such amendments be In wrltlng and Exscutocl by all partieo heroto. Dalod the day and year flrst sbove wfittsn, ruJ3-47e-2452 nPR o95 10 :2s No .003 P .02 Page 2 of 3 TOLJN'OF UffIL CI]M- DEV STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE updald 0P,0.91 rDf)5-47e -2452 nPR 1us No .003 P .0310:26 ,--'-' J/-, reement Witness my hand and offlclalsoal. My commlgElon .o,(plres: ss. gg, The foregptqg D.eyeloper day ot Wltnoss my hand and olflglalseal. My commlsslon explre ,, j'.}d beforo me lhlg Prgo 0 of I PROJBCT ESTIN{AIB ITnVf DESCRIPTTON SIZE QTY COST EXT I,IIBOR Pioca ccrgclmanni Engeln an Sprucc 8t Pnllr bcrccyi Wotcm Sand Chcrry #10 Pd.ntills ftuticce Potantilla,." #5 Trcc ritaking kit i 3y'tsec ca. Pcrarniah SOIL PRBP: Pcet moaa EQI'IPMENI Tnrck & trailcr Subtotala TaxEs bglcQr^*,: 4tl &y z 7 5 6 100 3 I $175.00 $60.00 $19.95 $6.00 $4.95 $15.95 $?5.00 $350,00 $420.00 $99.75 $36.00 $495.00 $4?.8s s?s.00 $360.00 $52.50 $15.00 $30.00 $210.00 $22.s0 $90.00. $l,523.60 $60.94 $780,00 Proj cot to bc oomplotcd by Jruro 1, 1995. Chrir Mot Nuncry lvlanagcr CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138PERMIT NUMB OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INS LOCATION: JOB NAME CATLER TUES -\,Q) THUR \*^.-- FRI FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr 0 tr tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIB O FINAL APPROVED v.7 tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: 'z-ld-o? rNSpEcroR 1 # INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ' a' .',,' \ ll ,'lr-'li. \-!., PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES 479-2138 LOCATION:'-- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING EI GAS PIPING B INSULATION E] POOI / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr_ E t-l tr FINAL O FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D T] FINAL 7-\.itr FINAL 4EPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: o^r, ,/tq/o. rNspEcroR t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 AM tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED I i t .- '-l11'li PERMITNM JoB NAME IL-.-.DATE BEADY FOR LOCATION: CALLER w(lM / l'i.U INSPECTION:MoJN r I -) * OVED HRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL {noucH / D.w.v. ! noucH / wArERFRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER F HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT '1tr {-i r'r. l-[ ]r-r\J tr FINAL INSPECTOR t.t INSPE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NU DATE I JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI CALL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr 19.9I^L1H.qFn.^.^tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING ED{suLATroN tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr FINAL U FINAL ELECTRIGA[: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING T1 ROUGH E EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT E tr SUPPLY AIR r'r . "t tr frNAL _,G tr FIN4L\'- a\. A. ./l 6 OVED tr DISAPPROVED i",tr REIN$PECTION REQUIRED 'YCORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR I a t a' \.(-^|i' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT . I | .r' DATE -r i i I 'IJ JOB NAME tINSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED . , ; '. \ | \ i.READY FOR LOCATION: ','i t: . I*.r n(I BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: UNDERGROUND T] FOUNDATION / STEE-O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING t] GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB EI SHEETROCK NAIL o_ tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr D ROUGH tr HEATING EI EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n O FINAL tr FINAL ffioveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: o INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMEING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr 2 tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIB tr APPROVED ISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oarc 1 -/o{ rNSPEcroR -':'7T. READY FOR LOCATION: . 1MoN,l l// \-/ INSPECTION:/^ \ CALLER E ')/tYl','t' /1/''-./'L) *INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 BUILDING: I] FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr o o tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- UNDERGROUND ROUGH'/ D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL t-t t O FINAL D FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING T] ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR r't (r,"o.-tr FINAL I t '.'/.ET APPROVED ,.i' ,'.4 tr OISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR (;Qo 3 tINSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF BROJECT DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION:uov .4 479-2138 READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - FOOF & SHEEFu PLYwooD NAILING T] GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr x rr*ofu qJINAI ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER \- MEGHANICAL: i--+<_--__-_/ T] ROUGH tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS T] CONDUIT n- tr SUPPLY AIB n T] FINAL V ,,*o,- PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDAA CORRECTIONS: b q02 INSPECTION REQUEST ,TOWN OF VAIL;, 6-ZCL- , JOB NAME READY FOR INS LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr tr ROUGH / WATEB r-.r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS FIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TU8 NAIL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. PO...WER MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS -' T] CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL TPPROVED RRECTIONS: ) orsneenoveo ! nerruseecroN REeutRED "or= F/s rftt rNSPEcroR (- I fr)', /t W INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138q76-J &77 7(- VZ.oz- AM PM L**'.ro READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: PERMIT Py[Ecr BUILDING: 6 roorrrucs / srEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND T] FOUNDATION / STEEL O ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATERFRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING El GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER .O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED EL DISAPPROVED E}-trEINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR il I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WEDREADY FOR LOCATION: PEFMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT onre l0/rr /9.: roa BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS O FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING p. ',lnenoveo -,''tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS:' fl DATE INSPECTOB NOTE: o THIS PERMIT MUST MECHANICAL BE POSTED ON PERMIT JOBSITE Permit ALL TIMES M95-0049 AT #: llcchani crt-->' Ptrn Ch€ck--> lnvestigat ion> Hi tL C!l,l,----> 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 APPLICANT AST AND MCFERRIN PLIJMBING & P.O BOX 784, GLENWOOD SPRIN CONTRACTOR AST AIID MCFERRIN PLT'I,IBING & P.O BOX ?84, GLENWOOD SPRINOIVNER DAVISON HARRY P & MARGARETA 384 E GORE CREEK DR, VAIIJ CO Deecription: MP FOR R-ESIDENCE Valuation: .00 Totat crlcutat.d Fcca--> .00 Additional, F!€s----_>103.00 Tota[ P.Fnit Fee-------> Payrcnts----- E0.00 Restuarant P[rn Rcviey-->20.m DRB FeF-----.M TOTAL TEES_--- 5.00 103.00 .00 1o:t.00 .m 1o:t. m ItCm: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT04/12/1995 TRYNIS Action: APPRItEm:..05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENTO4/12/1995 TRYNIS Action: APPR Dept: BUITDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I. heneby .acknovl'edge that I ha\re read this appti€ation, f il.l,ed out in futL the infonnation required, coetetcd an accup.te ptotptan, and 3trtc that rtl thc informtion prcvidcd as required is correct. I .grer to corpl,y iith the iniorntion and ptot il,an,to cooP Ly vith rLt Torrn ordinrncca rnd 3tate tavs, and to build this structurc lccordir€ to th. Toynr s zoning and subdiviriirn codes, dcaign reviev approved, uniforn Building Code cnd other ordin.nces of the Torn appl,i cable thercto. t RESIJESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SI{ALL BE IIADE II'ENTY-FOUR HCI.IRS IN ADVANCE BY SIGIIATURE OI OINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND O{JNER j ^,${ p 8"'e@ "i \r,l\i -' Job Address : 8oo porAro pArcH Dgtarunent g!tc"T{Ei'!? rD'il/fftfiEiioLocation...: 800 POTATO PATCHParcel No.. : 2101-063-01-043 IIE 81602 HE 81502 816s 7 Firrplace Informtion: Rcstrictrd: fof Gas Appti.nces:#0f Gas Logs:flof t ood/Pr L tet: FEE SUIIIIARY Applied..: 04/07/L99sIssued...: o4/L2/L99sExpires..: LO/09/t995 Phone: 3039280488 Phone: 3039280488 , APpLrcArroN MUsr BE FrLraD our coMplErEl,y oR ,rflfif. ffi/llffi mlfrffipp(* * ************ ** * ** ********** pEl*{rr TNF.RMATT.!,,1 :.::.:"*;:";[,ffiffi:::]1ffi{t[m{F[.q.************* [ ]-Building g 1-pl"rnbing [ ]-Electrieal ,ffi-Mechanical Job Nane: @ Job Addrer",r- E " 4"o, Iegal Descriptionz Lot_11 Block /.-7 Owners Name: Architect, lrn GeneraL Description: TOIIN OF VATL CONSTRU PERMIT APPLICATTON DATE: P}../76-zaz, Address: /OA( L,Unt tf^, pr,./26 /2r'2 work class: [ ]-New t{-arteration [ ]-Adctitional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Nunber of Accornnodation Units: #ttuer and Tlpe of Firepraces: Gas Appliances_ Gas Logs Z woodr/perlet_ /f********************************* vAI_,UATroNs ******* *::iii**.***************** I:* "-{ Vail Res. -No. tr_s-B '!BUILDING: ELECTRTCAL: $ ^6(tWf,iJ.o9o. t ;ruuai'c; i- r.rp*ranrca Lr$d{'WW: L-I ,u:::i.::#:H::...A;;r|."r.l2y.2l,r2LoR'rArroN',*.::.::":::l*:::*.::**.:1"ii* Addrgss: rv'r. \r4 vcrrr r(.::g^. ' Nl-,. 16g-Phone Number: ? Electrical Contractor: Address:Phone Number: [ ]-other Plumbing Contractor: Address': OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: **************** ******* * ** *** * * * FORBUU.,DING PER}TIT FEE3PLWBING PERI,{IT FEE! I'IECHANfCAL PER]IIT feg: .......F- ELECTRTCAL FEE: oFFICE USE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: PLWBTNG PI..A}I CIIECK FEE: I.IECHANICAI/ PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERI,IIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATTIRE: C, Town of Vail Reg. NO7.oA-pPhone Nurnber: Cu<_T Address: err yg /- '6Wr^ phone 'urnber: CI.EIIT I'P DEPOSIT REFI'XD IIO: I .,4rd,' ':"Y1i" ":. ':,,- -,/N 3204 RIGHT-J SHORT FORM 9_t7_94 Hts clsourside db -2'5 81Inside db 70 75Desj-gn TD 95 6Da1ly Range - HInside Hunig., - 50Grains Watef. - 0 ' Lbw'ou[p"i-t]J:r:u sg8 iixf;zr. !:l:r'.::iii;n t Eiili, ili5fi'rli$;frii3li,. 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I'rodel p:iiia'slo Make , 'iype lrii 'Cas Model' effic'en"v-r-irspF o. o :lBTrr*rrrr* 0.0i Fii:il; ;li!:. "'66i B::l ::riiii:":??:1"n ! !,uh fr dJ.gn uuE,put BasebrI. Total'High Basebrd.f Space The;mos.tatii!1r-ffi;"r:3:;:I^ l|! F::1"' crs Air-rio' r'u"ior 0.ooi liilrr.unSpace The;mos.tat :,_l -'__ Load SensrbLe Heat Ratio rp ================ ============================ = = === == ===== ==========1t = = = === ==RooM NAI''E i $El- I -- lrc i cie i BsBRD Fr r:T (1r A ============-------i- sQ'FT' i BTUH i giuH I r.ow wrr:' ,;i ::9 = = = === ======= = == ======= === == -_=:__ ; 0l ;tctaii----, --======i=====;;;;=l=====;;;;;=i===---=--l= l=;;;==;;;=f=========- =i.*--,il,# rr.. /nA oz b e uJo o,\.+rn |..q a Ll"J UJ LL tr uJ \t 1rl (n (fl (') I.i' I IH.<:.ti vJ,r<'Y PgIE E #lX vr ro i'.1 I I I I l9J 3r5tl c.l.tlt-r' I I I I f- 6 F GFIz =o zz 11 E 1 q t-l 1r{{ 1ql -1t { in uJF z zoJ f, co .a =z oo ,u F Fl o a IJ tt {J a o .! U. o ! 0.) l.r a N +Jou 6 o tr uoo r! 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COLORADO ARCHITECT: DONALDSON OCCUPANCY: R-3 ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTTONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intcnded to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections ofthe codes. The foltowing is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopGd codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. I. SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND HALLWAYS AS PER sEc.l2lo 0F TIIE 1991 uBC. 2. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER MAYBE REQUIRED TO OKAY STRUCTURE AT FRAMINC STAGE. 3. ALL FOOTINGS AND OR PIERS TO BE A MIMMUM OF 48'' BELOW GRADE. 4. HANDRAILS TO MEET SEC.33O6 OF THE 1991 UBC. 5. GUARDRAILS TO MEET SEC.1712 OF THE 1991 UBC. lhe lteus belolt glvl.ng a pernlt Please check off FINAJ. PLU4BINE INSPECIIONTS need to be couglete a flnal C of 0. 1o the box grovlded. COM?IETEI) before 233"t#c Q*u,L DATE: n n FINAL MECEANICAL DATE:,/-/ | -l'r**oo***, ,u*u* tLC DZ *rrro. *o*, FINAI ELECTRICAL DATE: EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE:FI}TAL BUILDING u tl u DATE: TEUPORARY C OF O DATE:tl CERTII'ICATE OF OCCUPANCI DATE:tl LANDSCAPING DI'E DATE: FILE NAME: -'- .'.!' INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUM DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ,?DO ,- [ /l,-- JECT CALLER MON TUES WED TOWN OF VAIf , <lDrr : lt BUILDfNG: 4 # f E. FOOTINGS'/ STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER @L tr tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr o ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL \nnenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED .'-.','t l- - l. DATE V - (U ',-' rNSPEcroR INSPECTION REOUEST PERMIT NUMBER OFIPROJECT DATE q JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTIO BU trl trl trl trl trl trl tr ILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUNDFOOTINGS / STEEL 4* i L-t { L'" '/ t' FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROUGH / WATER jptu-l ROOF & SHEER GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr trFINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEAI\G tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR s tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR OJECT I N s P E crl*o $, $^5.arlr sr oor, /o'(_a (= owl/ FEADY FOR LOCATION: I FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR cnoN nfo0Esr TOWN OF VAIL "^'. lCl RJct3 JoB NAME I INSPE PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr .ROUGH / WATER\,nnnrrr.ro_ROOF&S tr GAS PIPINGOOF & SHEERtr pliwob;'r.reilrr'rc tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL - tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING lb noucn D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT *!ft tr SUPPLY AIR DF-tr FINAL tr FINAL n nppnoVeo 6'sorr*ouro V*r'ruspecroN REeurRED CORRECTIONS: TNSPECTOF Apz> INSPECTION: rNsPEcnoN nebi]Esr PERMIT NUMBE DATE READY FOR LOCATION: TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME MON tQ ,r---.=@ t" OFP CALLER, BU trl trl Ir .'" i trl trl tr PLUMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND FOUNDATION / STEEL tr BOUGH / D.W.V. FRAMING tr tr tr tr tr ROUGH / WATER ,' ",N ROOF & SHEER GAS PIPING -PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL T1 FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR O FT1IAL FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ^Tl/.\ttc. PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT cl3.,o, *o". tNsPEc-il*o$, $FPuEsr i' \AM \ . ---l II \, . I tt DATE READY FOB INSPECTION: LOCATION: CATLER TUES WED THUR /'.t(\ f . ,/ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING lr BOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING Xffiffi;tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAT ELE OT trF tr( u_ CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL L4peaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORREGTIONS: INSPECTOR ' o NSPECTION RETOEST VAIL /) READY FOR INSPECT LOCATION: PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER TUES (tP* PERMIT NUMBER (,. AM ( BUILDING: ./ #ftrifi6(/ srEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER "TLYWOOD NATLTNG lftttsulRrtoN - tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr6-*IL""D AIL tr T1 tr FINAL tr_ O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING o tr tr tr ROUGH D tr tr o EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL OVED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR = ( Aa>z PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION:MQN TUES INSPECTIONTOWN OF net0Esr VAIL c, Q,, JoB NAME L --' " L-- R Lr- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- O FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr TEMP. POWER D HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS D suPPLY o'* ---F--tr CONDUIT tr FINAL tr APPROVED $QRRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED EINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR Lr;t lr ,:./ 2 " PERMIT N BERPF PROJECT INSPECTION neb0Esr oora I TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL o tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL - tr D trFl tr FINAL ELECTRICA}: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: D HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr tr FINAL XAPPROVED CORRECTIONS.: | .(-tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR niFsaop REOUFST PEBMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME INSPECTION: ...i-,4 , z: CALLER TUES THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: \-.-YO) , .,-' '' tt -.', ,' a .' il,t' -. .i ./ . WED TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H, TUB o tr tr FINAL MECHANICAL: D HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS:fotsaeeaoveo ,8. REINSPECTION REQUIRED Jl'? L./ t.c ,1.,., /1 ..a,b/c-,/ dFssop DATE i1'' 2c' 7r?INSPECTOR. 02= =penMTr ruun,teEn oF pAo.recr INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE /*J7- l{ READY FOB INSPECTION:rHUR @) G ouz 2)JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr o o n tr D tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL ffrrnnr-FINAL ELE trT trF trc tr_ CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL (PFROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED O /''/r'u// ,6 ,o / Z't qz LocArloN: tD /r ry fa .|tf<-+ - INSPECTOR ffisgop eProje$, Applicationqw^our" ,/A/ry'y' s' t ) Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contacl Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Addross and Phone: 4., etocx / , rillng Zone - tlm /t4 Y1- "t Design Review Board Town Planner of rc rautLt f A&'/2 tt. c 4 ffin,Approval/rt s . -- -- - -*id*i--. REC'D0OT i 11995 October6.1993 Mr Andy Knudtsen Town of Vail Planning Vail, Colorado RE: 8008 Potato Patch Dear Andy: Please find enclosed a set ofrevised building plans for the Potato Patch residence. There are a few minor changes which I will outline for you. l. The planned dormer over the entryway has been eliminated, and three -.,lodgepole type posts have been added. The original deck at the entry has b66 eliminated and a stone walk and step have been added. A small arc-shaped notch will b€ cut out of the lower fascia board to give the appea.rance of more height. Otherwise, the entrance and doorway will remain as it was originally built, with no new square footage added. 2. Due to the entry changes, the landscape plan has changed accordingly. v/' 3. The balcony on the east end of the house offthe Jr. Suite bedroom bnbeen ".2-eliminated. 4. The paint colors for the exterior have been agreed upon by the adjoining . -./neighbor in 8004. Potato Patch. The color scheme is outlined and attached. I have included a copy ofthe letter ofagreement which has been signed by both parties. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation. Please call me at 476-7002 ifyou have any questions or need any further information. Very sincerely, tW^/,fuC,J- f./ Betty S. Gearhart J. Michael Gould COUID FUINNING GNOUFlrt W- Besv*r- Dmt Ettpl valh Colornto ct6\f t0s/476n00t 9optcmbcr 2\ 190t Dr, lvon Mfndltn Velf, Colorudo VIA tacclmlh fl-903-026.t000 Doar Da Mlndllnr ln.follow up to our convorgorlonr rcBordlnr thc pototo Fotch duplcx, tho worhlnt ond frlpflg.f lh. o{lcrlgr le ofmosr.coniplcrcl Wo wcrc dbappolntld ro.ccc thor mu-chof ln.follow up to our convorgorlonr rcBordlnr thc Pototo Fotch duplcx, tho worhlnt ond ilflpPln8 of lhc o.xtctlor ls ofmo$ coninlocl Wo wcrc dbappolntl'd to iac thot mu-ch ol the rc3ull! of tvo.rthorln6 ond da* naif 3tolnc could not frc 'rcmovcd ru(ficicntly to mokccould not frc'rcmovcd ru(ficicntly to mokcit feenlble.to usa the s€ftl.transtlarenftratn we had piinhsa, gur, tonunaGti, wc trnve found another tvpc of ctain ilior'@emi iirrc bori''rirft iritti, 'r wrircniivou-i yuu would llke, 'Ws are hoplnn to lr0 fible o beriln the aoollcetlon of th'e ilnlynu would )a of Btaln thot reemr to lrc dolng tlic lrlclr, I trylll rcnd you ri somplO lf lvo are hoplng to lrc abte o belln rhe appllcarlon of th's ftntn snil trimpalnt by mid+rrcck. Before we.bagln to edd ths color, thc, Vall Design Reyiew Boad necdt oomethfns nlBncd by both of ue stating that wB lre In rgreefrrent on the re'llnlshlns. Thls lettd $hould be rrrfflclent lor thelr pulporcN, I wlli ateo provlrls dmm with i conv of fie el€vtrtlons on whlch rh<r color'ectieme han been ryecltted, llke the one whlcli I renr ro 'ou.I nm propoflng to Incur tha noceraoty o,Oenre6 tO eccpmpllah {frc palnllnn of your Unlt, esLlmalorJ rt rpproxlnrtcly $4000,0d, Thls will glve us borh a benrlr edge?n c'slec !urcgfd apprechtc lt lf pu enuld tllsnthtr fettor nnd rcnrl h back to me bv FAX ln Vetl 0l303l47lt-ltUZ or Nnrhillle b1ifi6l-1712 ai your carllest convenfenca, ?re rricsther lr not qof-1g to foayt ug much -of a'tlmc frame ln'whlch to workl I looklorwarrl to rneetlng 1ou In the nert fEw woak3. Thanlc you rc mucft fur yar cooperation. narc,- ?C-f 0t /??) t€l'd rrDArt ss:sr anr et$ta4 11 -r- s,= $ L f; li,t C)rfWl.ri!i*$ t 3 t + ri l$ I[ 1t T xI Ea { z T $ ib rf t$3it tg!{ is f flt ri eI \; r & ,\ -\-) e a F 9l r Ig0zE 5r6 ret gJUU NOSO'lUNOOtc'd F. o Eo a! € cg s T' F ,o,!l riI, l'lrtf r{tiJt;IJirrrtl ,.i /:li:".' .;., .. O lln I I fi Z/8 q t I I I I g { o ! I I I o TN llrlt t6/lSezs 616 l8s EJdd N0501uN00zo' a i I tal F $ r!n I I it\ $ -d I I o ?(\ I'){ il.: ( :lrdrr O IN il 5l 6 qozc 6i6 tar 3Jlu Hos0'lux00te'd I $ t JI{ t -? I B g t I ). I _{ ilr l5fi tt s lt T .o ts EsF tIlu h H ,a/896t r I Ie0et 5r5 sot E3du fi05018N00 rntc 'd T-l tl5/"8 FP€cl$ BtL<aFrY D€(< s-l 4qEZ S{'ffT(5 Irrrrs\l,rnirr l;{)\\ill':r"N! l),1'\,r ( oil{rlllj ii(l:ii ili;ii ii()li(, NgP ADDBESS & PEO}IE (gD A4S{!O 1508 BtArD Sr. stF. S00 DENVE& C0 EWtu@ \ll 'll lll,Illi \l I ()l.oll I i)\sll. l\\ lr )o MEMORANDUM File Andy Knudtsen August 19, 1993 Remaining GRFA for Lot 7, Block 1, Potato Patch Subdivision/8@ Potato Path Ddve/Mendelin, Fetterman, Gould TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Allowed GRFA: Secondary: Existing North 1/2: Primary: Existing South 1/2: Total for South 1/2: Total for Property: The permit issued for the Mendelin duplex by Jill Kammerer is void. c:\andy\memos\mendelin.S 1 9 3,750 + 1,500 + 78 = 5,328 sq. ft. 40o/o = 2,131 + 425 = 2,556 sq. ft. 600/o = 3,197 + 425 = 3,622 sq. ft. 2,795.3 sq.ft.- North 1/2 may not be eligible for 250 - planner should do a walk through and count all interior space prior to anv building permit being approved) 2,821.5 sq. ft. - Addition for South 112 approved 717193 = 378.5 sq. ft. 2,821.5 + 378.5 = 3,200.0 sq. ft. 6,178 - 3,200 = 2,978 sq. ft. 2,978 - 2,795.3 = 182.7 sg ft. South 112 may expand W'182.7 sq. ft. in the future plus the 250. Frsn I CIFP/FGDA g8/a4/93 1l ! 98 I 305 949 5205 - - F4rLll,,lE No- : 615 269 9336It,lrl)trt rarta t ttt orc SPct U I.I DONFLDSON FRC P. O1 - Jul.22 1993 913?Fl'{ -olt ooxt Loto,{ rr*c P.{ I frz geoloficH|rrrd Hvflw lA4,e undrrtlad -lfiIs- {!hs --,Huard H0pott, dilrdlc_, nopurdby 0u oonoludonr lhlt ho Fpfi,ltld but|dlns tf tuoalod fn r.- hrzrrd rohlf ortc hotb lr 0ro potordd hrrqrd ol -._-__hcurer ohUSli0 drmrlf, Wc arl Hcparcd lo aot Dpl lhsgo lrolr and all Bgl{tlhl DaFrrlilChl grsnl ua I hdnlt, ,loro mo thv ffi6sy 61 *, frll0wh lo tfle to DD llio ponon aM eoloowlodged lo rto ihrl ho {Flr|r}lxfforpd" , 0tlIu or irmr lurtr /'joouitTYoF ,t --- .Thr hrr ..*f$.Y..-u I wftosO rim0lr oxogulort lh0 for lhe gtrrporot ond oDnsftbr8Uo OOUITTY lor tho My pot{ixt ithel| n hr f*csutrC 0ro Fo3I-ll'' brand fax transmiltal memo 7671 lfltilltfll|, /r7 07. f utLR, R P/S ZoNE Allowed ,I'I|f@l-i It t1tl---=% = ?59' 'Z' Exist ing /neight l---1 Total GRFA Snot* Primary GRFA GRFA tfl<"A€Ubaclis '67, 4*", 6P Aite 59ut Srcu{ Setback Qr sa s r\'z'1 t.tjt a + 425 Front. Sides Rear $5b 425 Course Coverage 20, 1q, 1q, TJUJ b3r (s0 ) 7,1. . '-"jz te+ ).5 z3?tr. c,5v 3 '/, { gwAuna"caping (s r sz 5 s) (: a'1 l8 4s8.l -.'ft-tz?elain.ing WaIl Hcights 6z'"i'arxincl 62 darage Credit tV'-,46iuu, 5k, X{ew Ctrrridor Encroachment: Dat.e Yes approved by No 1) Flood PIain 2) Percent Slope 3) Geologic llazards '- aL Snow Avalanche.'".\ r'b) 'r RockfaLl 4. c) Debris Flow 3t /6' f Reqrd t:oo6@)soot Permitted Slope Envi ronnenlal./Hazards : // 4l Llet'Iands tPrevious condit,ions of approval (check pr {iae" 6ow this much request, involve aof the allowed 250 ARcHTTEcT 4,", "rr'./-gn ( pnoNE ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED UStr **LOT SIZE tlro-.tt ,lw,tr u lrlafs ,J h* jirkd -44 10 Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Conlact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone:-.J ro'JJ Architecl, Address and Phone: Legal Descriptio n, tot a . atocx Design Review Board o.r" 7- 7- 73 DISA PPROVAL Summary: / '''""--' E statt Approval g7 /26 /i3 g? o u t'l oI 303 949 5205 DOHAL D5 ON CRC Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D, @NgUt.T|NG cFOa OCtSr P.O. BOX 2s[ T, Cot cIRADO 8165:l 1300) 87e900 l?,t Houfrs) rilunc 2l I lgi5 Allrn Butlrr Donelron ArchltretrEultr 2O7r 0048 E. Frevrr Cr. Blvd.Avon EQ Bt62O REr Rock Frll Eveluetl0n, Boo 81 potrto prtch Rd., Eauld nGr, Dlrr l'lr. Butlrrr I hevr vl rttrd thr prop*ty rrfrrcncnd abavc {or purpor:! of RockFrll rrvtrw {or th! Tordn ot Vrtl. Thr rttr rr-r iiri rr+ .-oupiciuntt rt thr rbovr rrfnrrncrd lddrrrl on thr north'r{dr of thryrll^Vrllry, n..r th. taF of Fotetc peteh. Thrre lr r HcdrretoRock{rll Hrrrrd in thr rrra rs thrt thtr lr I erJtogfcrttyrntl t l vr lFel. Thr proForet lr for.twn addltronr; el rh'wn En y'ur plrhrl gh thtlowr of thr tno unltr. Thr rock {rll hrrero ti rruch tcri etthlr rnd ol tho r{cace rnd th' (rilrcr unrt protrEtr unlt F by ltrprarincf' I ds not bcllrvr thrt ,ilitigrtloh lr nncrrrery foi-thrrd two rddtttcnll lr thcy trr btrth frlrly trf! fron rbsk ftll.Thr ccnrtructlon of tharr attditlpnr ntll not lnsrllrr thr hrzrrd l:.,:1!:.__pr1ryrjy or rtruc,turrul Gx- to publle rrght--of-r,frylou.rrdrngrr ro.c|rr rtrertr, rrlfm€ntr, utllttier or frcllltiir orothcr preprrtrm cf eny klncr. rf thdrr crc guruironr plrrri- - conttct ml. r-l YrryF," r UrfiDlrtrNtcnolrr UrfiplrGonrulting 6rologlrt Pott.lt- brand lo( lransmlttel qryglgl v DRB APPI.TqAIION - IOIIN OF I'AII., DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: COIORADO rsrs appLrcArfil;rll]iior "" AccEprEDolrrrL Arr. REQur*3**r*y*ojt?|rroN rs snBMrrrED I. A. DESCRIPTION: frevised sl4,tgL a t .l995 B.TYPE OF REVIEW: Neril Construction (5200. 00)Minor Alteration ($20.00) X aoaitior, ($s0.00) C. ADDRESS: D. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LoI Block Subdivision ll I If property is described bydescription, please provide attach to this application. a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and ZONING:F F. G. LOT AREA: ff required, applicant stamped survey showing lot area. must provide a current r.NAME oF or{NERs' J. l.ttoHtt3t-4alu2 *SIGI{ATIIRE (S) :ilinq Address: Condominlurn Approval if applicable. DRB FEEs DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tlme of submittal of DRB application. Later, rdhen applying for a buiJ.ding permit, please identify theaccurate valuation of the proposal , The Town of VaiI OF APPLICANT1S n FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATIONs 0 - $ 10,000 $10,001 -s 50,000s 50r 001 - $ 1501 000 9150,001 - S 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1r 000,000 J. K. will adjust the fee according to the table below. to, /ensure the correct fee is paid' FEE pArD , s tX? "/l FEE $ 20.00I s0.00 9100.00 s200.00 $400.00 $s00 .00 * DESIGN REIXTET| BOARD APPRO\TAI EXPIRES ONE YEAR AFTER FIDIAI.. APPRO\TAI I'NI,.ESS .f, BUII.DING PERMIT IS ISSUED A}TD CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. *TNO APPI.ICATION WTI,I. BE PROCESSED WITEOUT OI{NER'S SIGNATURE 1 Conceptual Review ($0) NAI,TE OF APPLICANT: II. PRE.APPLICAT]' MEETING:I ' I'A pre-application neeting nith a member of the planningstaff is strongly encouraged to deterrnine lf any additionalapplication information j.s needed. It ls the applicant'sresponsibility to make an appointnent with the staff todetermine if there are additional submittal requirements.Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline theapproval process for your project. III. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ATL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to meeting submittal requirement,s, theapplicant must stake and tape the project site toindicate property lines, buildlng lines and buildingcorners. AII trees to be removed must be taped. AIIsite tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that stakingdone during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The revieer process for NEW BUILDINGS normally reguJ_resttro separate meetLngs of the Design Review Board: aconceptual approval and a final approval . Applicantsshould plan on presenting their developnent proposal ata rninimum of two meet.ings before obtainJ.ng final approval . C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussl.on on their iten bepostponed, will have thel.r j.tems removed from the DRBdocket until such time as the item has beenrepublished. D. The following itens may, at the discretion of thezoning adninistrator, be approved by the ConnunityDevelopment Department staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB tnay not be regulred): a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changeswhich do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building addition proposals not visible from anyother Lot or public space. At the time such aproposal is subnitted, applicants must, includeletters from adjacent property owners and/or fromthe agent for or manager of any adjacent. condomlnium association stating the association approves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. enow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow,wetland, etc) r a hazard study must be subnitted and the owner must eign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prlor to the issuance of a building permit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town plannerprior to DRB appllcation to determine the relationshipof the property to all mapped hazards. F. For all resldentlal construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insideface of the exterior structural walls of thebuilding; andb. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. G. If DRB approves the application with conditions ormodifications, all conditions of approval must beresolved prior to Town issuance of a building permit. o Lrsr oF MATERTALS NAI,IE OF PROJECT: LEGAI DESCRIPTION: LOT BLOCK STREET ADDRESS: : I SUBDIVISION DESCRIPTION OF A. The following information is Review Board before a final BUILDING I'T,ATERTA]-,S : Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows lrlindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashi-ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPING: NAme PLANT IIIATERIAI,S: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED required for submittal to the Design approval can be given: TYPE OF MATERTAL COLOR \x Eeraam tr> urrra*t Vn oao TbMxr(*l we apv,Rtdf H,tF( tb ve?h)ffir B.of Designer: Phone: Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size* N/A bfrN tL z.lMTTMeo | 2( riwooo 4 4n *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferoustrees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet. Pr..alrr uarnnf : r' 'PROPOSED SHRUBS Botanical Name IE Ouantitv Size* e4ailn&A- 4 29b EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMO\TED *Indicate sl-ze of proposed shrubs. Minimun size of shrubs is 5 qallon. Scruare Footaqe GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION c. D. TYPE OR METHOD OF [}2 dTbW69 EROSION CONTROL LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the nunber of fixtures and locations on a separateIighting plan. Identify each fixture from the lighting plan on the list below and provide the !ilattage, height abovegrade and type of light proposed. NIA OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal.ls, fences, swiruningpools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainingwalls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the propertyis 6 feet. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTi\{ENT OF CO}I;VIL|NITY DEVELOP}IENT' S^LES ACTION FORI{ . 75 SOUTU FRONTAGE ROAD VAIN OOLORADO 81 N,I}IE 0t 0000 1t5(0 ZCN],\-G tu\D ADDRI-SS !'iA-PS 0l c$3042415 LINI:O L\ { B LTILDL\-G COD E UMFOfu\{ PI.U!"AD{C CODE0l o)00 r21 l5 0l 0000,12.r t5 I urnrorur.l:ingcH,!.]'.'lc,-r.L coDE 0 t coco l2{ l5 Un-lFOtu\{ FIRE CODE or oooc {2.i 15 | N,rroi+.cl i:rEcTp-rcAL coDE | | . sio.co 0t 0000{2115 | olirr, coDEBooKs I ot cr30o i ,543 | s Lue pRrnTs orYL,inS) 0l oJc'l r2112 | ):e Rox coPEs / s'iuDEs 0l 00co {23t I I P!:NAI-TY FEES i R:.I''-SPECT]ONS 0l 00c0..r3i2 i pL,rv Rgr.lgrv RE.cHEcK FLE [s<0 FER F;R. 0l co00 42321 OFF IIOURS l,\-SPEcllON FEIJ 0t 000c.t l{ l2 CONT]I.\ CTO RS LICL\S ES FE.LS 0l 0000 I l:.30 I onirn rErs SICN APPL]CAT]O}{ FIE.01 0300 1 t4 | 3 0l 0000 4l { l3 ADDITION,\I- SICNACE F;E ISI.OO;'gR, SO.IT. 0t 0t{|0 {2110 lTC ART PROECT DON.T,TON 0t 0!00{)331 PRT: PN.JD DESICN RE\4NV BO'.F.D F:E cl t.-r'r !?. \l'2 | RI-TTLDTNG-col{s-1'Pl,c'tro}I ?ltR}|.f cn:.'I.!a!lf i.ll liT":{'{1 *.01 0000 41010 TAX 01 0000 42371 TNVESTTGATToN FEE (BUTLDTNG)Tr\TAT NI'E. 0l 00c\)rD30 cot'.Dt'noNAL us E PER\flT 0l c0cr041330 0l 0000.il330 LTTERIOR ALTIRAT]ON II,ORE TH^"\ :C'C SO.FT. 0t 0000 .l1330 SPECIAL DEVELOP.\.E.YT DISTR]CT INE 0l cv/Jo4)3 0l 0000 r' l:]10 SPECLAL DEVELOP]\Dl sTRlcT I I\1J^-OR A,\{ 0r 000,1 { I 330 lsLDDlv'lslol 0t 0000ili30 fv.it330 tzoNTNccoDE,l"vE\Dt\J 0t 0000 4l t:,r.i:.COItlvl * * * * * * * * # rt.. l'liscel l anesu= Cash [ii * ] I- i]f, i r:l ; t:t4: -i' :i' F::,,:"'i F,t fi' L i:q i.r:rJi' ';r:,,:.rri I t. + l. f':. 'l'i :;'ll1': r..rt r-r"l-i:rF: i.iF]F,ti:, i:,iri.liti...[:,j:iaril HE:i-.H. .i-'ii]E Fl-r i.ilrl F IE Ftnr,:uri I L.t-,{t!-.lEj'r i:',J . ii:1. tlllj l tenr p;id Flnioun t' Paid tir-ifi-1$4ilf,1tJ'Jij itl. t-ri:. . i,.,: ,;'. i *tr-rrTrPrl ' " i'" Ibl Grand Avenue. suite 2-E -l3lenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 (3m) 94$100{ (303) 92S727 Fax (303) 94$5948 June 17. 1991 ffiso JUN 2 819s1 Mr. Peter Looms, AIA 206 Sipapu P.O. Box 5091 Taos, NM 87571 RE:Rockfall Hazard Evaluation Mindlin Residence, Vail. Colorado Dear Mr. Peter: Per your request, we have performed an evaluation of the rockfall hazard on the Mindlin residence in Vail. Colorado. The purpose of this report is to evaluate the rockfall hazard for a proposed addition to the Mindlin residence as it relatesto Section 18.69.052, B, 2, (b) of Town of Vail Hazard Regulations. The section of the regulations just identified reads, "That the site is a geologically sensitive area, but development will not increase the hazard to other property or structures, or to public buildings, rights-of-way, roads, streets, easements, utilities or facilities or other properties of any kind". Site Conditions The existing structure is constructed in three tiers along the hillside. The existing structure appears to be constructed of wood and concrete construction. The uphill wall of the upper tier of the structure has a concrete wall extending approximately four feet above adjacent grade. The structure is bounded by residential construction to the west and to the south. A vacant lot lies to the east of the structure, and Forest Service land lies to the north of the structure. The fall line of the hillside, on which the structure sets, lies in a north-south direction. Access to the structure is via a driveway starting at the end of the end cul-de-sac on Potato Patch Drive. On-site vegetation revealed that scattered aspen trees are located above and below the house. Fallen aspen trees are located to the east of the house. The undergrowth to the aspen trees is of dense, native mountain grasses. It appears that the ground slopes downhill of the house are on the order of 4:1 to 5:1. Uphill of the house (as well as east of the house), the ground slopes also appeal to be 4:1 to 5:1. West of the house, the ground slopes appear to be on the order of 10:1. The structure appears to be situated below and to the west end of the rock outcrop on the ridge above the house. This rock outcrop appears to be approximately 500 to 10O0 feet above the house. The ground surface surrounding the perimeter of the house had few scattered rocks laying on it, Of the rocks observed on the ground surface, considerable moss growth was observed on them. This was indicative that no recent rockfall activity appears to have affected this particular site. CO'{SULT''VG E'VGIIVEERS & SURYEYORS RifJ,-D JUN 2 81991 June 17, 1991 Mr. Peter Looms, AIA Page 2 Proposed Construction It us our understanding that the proposed construction would be an addition to the existing structure on the south side of the upper tier of the structur€. In essence, the proposed construction will be sheltered from rockfall because its proposed location is downhill from the existing upper tier. Conclusions Based upon the observations made on site, and the fact that the proposed addition is to be located downhill of the upper tier of the structure, we can certify the proposed addition will be in conformance with Section 18.69.052, B,2 (b) of the Vail Hazard Regulations. In essence, the proposed addition will not increase the hazard to other property or stluctures, or to the public buildings, rights-of-way, roads, streets. easements. utilities or facilities or other properties of any kind. I hope this information serves its intended purpose. lf you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, SCHMUESER GORDON MEYER, INC. SimonSon, JSS:lec/91097 cc: lvan Mindlin, M.D. 31847 Hidden Highland Road Agoura, CA 91301-3459 SCHMUESER GOROON MEYER, INC. qt/28/94 2?129 LnTt*t srE.3E? UNB -+ 383 4?e 2452t N0.064 r4 '', It l. T0.WN OFVIN 7l Solrh Frontagr Raad Yail, Colorado fl65? 1 03 -479-2 r 38 / 47 9 -7,1 39 Dcportmtnt of Colarn.ln-ity Dnclopmcnt Au8urt 2E, 1992 Mr. Jay I! Peterrou guits S0? Vail Natioasl Baak Building 108 S. trbontage Road \[eot vail, CO 6105? lil!: Mindltn\!'ederman Issue' Letter datad .Iune Ir ISSZ from rlay Petefioil Dear Jay: I am writing in reeponee to your letter dated Juue 9, 1992 aoncefldng the desigqatim of Mr. Federusn'c uait q.s a prinary unit St{ff hae eearr}red the fflps for lot 7, Blmlr I, Vail Potato Patr:h and it appears thai per a zoning check coupleted in May of 1979' the Fedeneaa unit was deeigaated as the prinary unit. At this tinc, thc Towa'B pooitioa ia that Mr, Federnan's unit is the designated primaly unit. Pleaee see the attsched rcning chedk completcd by th.e Community Doveloprneut Staff at that Lirue, lfyou have any hrriher quegtions Lany Eekwith, Tonm Attorney. Sincerely,-,) | n I('id^^ Ir+h.r\r lr rL1{ } li I \ I Iftistan Pritz ' Couruuuity Dwelogureol Dire*tor cc. Dr, Ivan Mndlin PO Box 3S9 Vail, CO 81658 Certified Mail eoneerniDg this matter, please feel A.ee to co,ntact me or Port-ltr brand iax transmital memo 7En t ot p.!cr 'iK" prr *T m.E-- ? mu-oo,wr__Fhona t____!zt,@dFulqvE-O*t1 8!/2A/94 ICES STE.3S? UNE + 343 4?9 .a,it sFlt ' R, lt t/s zoiii trl 5 lillc t TS E(1.' i.ot Area 3J5-dL- Sethaclis: Front-ilcqiii rcd-20 i'-p,"xti3sccl 9{ Sides-Regu ir ritl 15' lt';r/.,:r:,ud -l-.-{-/.-ru. llcar -Requirad l5' Pl'cl'r'rt:ccl -4{ -.-.. -...*-.--.:' : "- --"f l,lli,ci'caurse-required - f,-...-- Pr'ollcsed ....-.- --.--.A GiirA: Airorted -i" -i:r?.3.-.'lr.Jj--(--- - * ;';;;;;:.48.A9- l- : GRFA: pr.irrurl Allor+ed 3-f_ f__V_e - priri:1r.1, I'roposed -_- 3 q-!_t- Secondarl Auor,retl -JJii--!-- ,ocondi,ry propcsed j i i4 site Covc.rage: Al'lcrwecf --.2g L_-*:--- - hlLandscapingl'Rcquired.1',oYa__-.Propclt.d p"r.oa -.,/'1-:l- ---- - -' / -.<.fl t)ri\lc: 5l.oi)e j.r?.r:rnitLed ..i:../i_ .- [nvjronnronta'l/iJazards: Avi:]inchg . ' F] ood P'l a in . S]ottc fl(rr,rirl'rrl.c, ' --- ----- @t{ p vl 73o,.9 J/t/ Zon j rtg I /pprovc rl,rli so 1,pt't'vcri-( -/ . \_i- i 1 $t#'t | ..f / 5- '475-u :, ,,' .rr ..i...cs_ _ _*- u a / (r\7./ : / 5- t Sa,)"'i: '- ,-',--"t lif b.t '/ I*-{ .,.._ {'P IFII.E COPY 75 Soatb Frontage Roail Vail, Colorado 81657 t0t -479-2 1 t I / 47 9-21 19 Department of Community Deoclopment August 28, t992 Mr. Jay K Peterson Suite 307 Vail National Bank Building 108 S. Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 'l (W; *f,t'* .'.2. f t[*n*'* ^ ,TA *'"' , 6 Qru'"' ar( ttufl RE: Mindlin\Federman fssue, ktter dated June 9, 1992 ftom rfay Peterson Dear Jay: I ar" writing in response to your letter dated June 9, 1992 concerning the desigtation of Mr. Federnan's unit as a primary unit. Stalf has searched the files for lot 7, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch and it appears that per a zoning check completed in May of 1979, the Federroan unit was desigrated as the primary unit. At tb.is time, the Town's position is that Mr. Fedeman's unit is the designated primary unit. Please see the attached zoning check completed by the Community Development Stalf at that time. If you have any further questions conceraiag this matter, please feel free to contasi me or Larry Eskwith, Towu Attorney. Sincerely,^ V:L^ t)_L\t lllqrt 1{ I \T Kristan Pritz Community Development Director cc. Dr. Ivan Mindlin PO Box 339 Vail, CO 81658 Certified Mail July 20, 1992 Dr. lvan Mindlin P. O. Box 339 Vail, CO 81658 Dear Dr. Mindlin: On August 15, 1991, the Town of Vail issued a building permit for an addition to the residence located on Lot 7, Tract A, Potato Patch/800 Potato Patch Road. The most recent inspection request for this addition was performed on September 1 1 , 1991 . This being the case, there has been no activity on this permit lor a period of 10 months. Due to the lack of construction activity, the August 20, 1991 building permit has expired. ln order to proceed with any additional work on this addition you will need to make application for a new permit. On June 9, 1992, the Town of Vail received a letter from Hal Federman's attorney, Jay Peterson. As I'm sure you are aware, Mr. Federman is concemed with the addition which you are proposing, as Mr. Federman believes his unit should be designated the primary unit. The ramifications to Mr. Federman of having his unit designated lhe secondary unit is that the GRFA available for future expansions is reduced. In fact, the only GRFA available to Mr. Federman for future expansion would be the 250 Ordinance GHFA (250 sq. ft.). The Town staff believes the issue regarding which unit should be the primary unit and which unit should be the secondary unit is a private matter which needs to be resolved by you and Mr. Federman. Therefore, it is our recommendation that prior to making an application for any additional building permits, you and Mr. Federman resolve the issue regarding which unit is to be designated the primary unit and which unit is to be the secondary unit in order to avoid a conflict. o o July 20, 1992 Page 2 lf you have any questlons or comments regading this matbr please do not hesltab to contact me at 479-2138. Slncerely, JillE. Kammerer Senlor Planner cc: Hal Federman Lany Eslillth, TOV Jay Petercon JAY K. PETERSON Jev K. PB"rsnsoN NTTORNEY AT LAW SUITE 3O7 VAIL NATIONAL BANK BUILDING IOA SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAO WEST v,{IL, coLoRADo 8166? F6.' 'olz/rtfuz&nce'I /4if W ruCYlU1t 1Opg2 'lahtu /afth YELEPHONE r303) 475-OO92 FAX LINE r303l 479-0467 June 9, L992 Ms. JilI Canmerer Town of VaiIPlanning Department 75 South Frontage Road WestVail, CO 8L657 RE: Mindlin/Fedennan Duplex Dear Jill: It has come to ny attention that on July 3, l-991- the Town of VaiI approved an addition for Dr. l,Iindlin's duplex unit, whereby his unit was designated as the primary side of the duplex. This action rdas taken without the approval of Ha1 Federnan, who is the ohtner of theother half of the duplex. By the action of the Town of Vail, you have now made Mr. Federmanrs unit a nonconforning structure which hasadverse repercussions obviously for him. This action was taken without notice or approval by lilr. Federman. Weobviously disagree with the Townrs position on this natter, in thatyou have no unilateral right to arbitrarily designate Mr. Federmanrs as a nonconforming secondary unit. May I please hear from you at your convenience regarding this rnatter. Sincerely, Federman Larry Eskwith *d ,74 74A 8/oat / DESIGN RI1,1IEI| BOARD AGENDA IPRIL 15, L992 3:00 P.M- Mindlin Residence - 800 Potato Patcb Drive. tionsbead tlall - Sundial Plaza. Bailey Regidence - 193 Beaver Dan Road. Ski Museun pocket park - Located at tbe nortbrest intersection of vail Roed and West Meadow Drive.Vail Gateray Plaza - 12 Soutb Frontage Road.Vail Viltage Inn Plaza - 100 Soutb Frontage Road. Snitb Rsgidence - 950 I'airvay Drive. Bossor/Acuff Residence - 3235 Katsos Rancb Road.Kaiser/8all Residence - r1916 iluniper Lane. ., | /1 t IfA4 rc7r7fii.!':l; SITE VISITS 1:00 p.u. I 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 AGENDA 1. 2. Ski Museum pocket park - Conceptual review; located MM at the northwest intersection of vail Road and West Meadow Drive.MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Conceptual - no vote taken. Lionshead Mall- - Sundial Plaza. JK/KPLocated west of the Lift.house Lodge. MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Dj-ana Donovan VOTE: 3-0 Approved. applicant agreed to investigate grouting ffaqstone. 3. The Club - New front entry door. 304 Bridge Street/Red Lion Building. MM MOTION: George LambVOTE: 4-0 Consent approved. SECOND: Sherrv Dorward MindLin Residence - Addition to primary unit of JKIAKexisting primary/secondary residence. 800 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 7A, Block 1, VaiI Potato Patch. MOTION: Georqe Lamb SECOND: Ned GwathmeyVOTE: 3-1 Approved with conditions. Diana Donovan Opposed. $,' 1 *v ''Y 't /, I, 5. Grubbs Residence - 250 Addition and exterior JKIAKmodifications to existing single family residence. 1031 Eagle's Nest Circle,/Lot 1, Block L, VaiI Village1st. MOTTON: SECOND: VOTE: taBtaD to uaI 6ta uEETrxG. 5. Bailey Residence - New Single Family. JKIAK 193 Beaver Dam Road,/Lot 38, Block 3, Vail Village3rd Filing. MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Sherry DorwardVOTE: 4-0 Approved with conditions. 7. Snith Residence - New Duplex. AK 950 Fairway Drive,/Lot 6, VaiI Village 10th FilingMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Conceptual Revier - no vote taken. 8. Hutchinson - New primary with restricted 2nd unit. SM 2995 Basingdale Road/Lot 15, Block 6, Vail Intermountain. MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Sherry DorwardVOTE: 4-0 Approved with conditions. 9. Bossow/Acuff Residence - Bedroom/Bathroom JKISMAddition. 3235 Katsos Ranch Road/Lot 5, Block 1-,vail village 12th. MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Sherry DorwardVOTE: 4-0 Consent approved. 10. Kaiser,/Hal1 Residence - Carport addition to existing SMprimary,/secondary residence. 4916 Juniper Lane,/Lot 5,Block B, Bighorn sth Filing. MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: T}BI,ED TO MAY 6TE IIEETING. 11. Frein Resj-dence - Revision to driveway configuration, SMlandscaping and elevation changes. ?98 potato patch Drive/Lot 8, vail Potato Patch. MO?fON: George Lamb SECOND: Sherry DorwardVOTE: 4-0 Approved as submitted. lr'Project Application Project Name: Proiect Description;.' / r/ conract Person and Phone , \ i // J ( 4144 >Va; Owner, Address and Phone:h latl Architect, Address and Phone:*" 'unbrf /t:k/ ahx'' Legal Descriptio n, ro, ? 4 , etoct< ,/ , riting Comments: Design Review Board 4-K- rz Motion by: seconded or, 6^, /f, *3 @ s-/DISAPPROVAL Town Planner on, { rf -y''7 D Statf Approval DRB APPLICATION - TOWN OF VAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: I r".ri" ed 6/ts/9t COLORADO""""'-'Er0 MAR i 6'1992 ' ********** THIS IPPLTCATION WTLL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALI, REQUIRED INFORI| TION IS SUBMITTED********** PROJECT INFORMATION. . A. DESCRIPTION: hTNPiil - Atrltr,st TnWqbsnoe B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Constructiorr ($200.00)Minor Alteration ($20.00) ($0) a current y'aaoiri.on (s5o. oo) LOT AREA: If required, stamped survey showing NAME OF APPLICANT: Mailing Address: Subdivi s iot If property is described by a meets and bounds legal ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOL Block aestri-ption, please provide on a separate sheet and attach to this aPPlical-ion. ZONING: I F.appl i cant Lot area. H NAME OF Mail j-ng APPLICANTI Address: SENTATIVE: Phone NAME OF OWNERS *SIGNATURE (S) : Mailing Addres T Condominium Appr:oval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the Lime of submittal of DRB application. LaLer, when applying for a building permit, please identify the atlui'ate valuation of ihe proposal . The Town of VaiI will adjust the fee accordirg to the table below, to ensure the correct fee is Paid.vea etflo: s fo, 20 tu 3'/6 72 FEE scHEpuLE: h4 4// {cla/rJ 4/ktk/7o- 2271r./ ' VALUATION $ o-$ 1o,ooo $1oroo1 -$ 50,ooo $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ over $1,000,000 FEE $ 20.00c <n nn $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 Conceptual Review must provide Phone Phone *NO APPTICATION WILL BE PROCESSED VTITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE NAME OF PROJECT: LIST OF MATERIALS tNot t N t'lt I SUBDIVISIONLEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT BLOCK STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTTON OF PROJECT:a^le The foll-owing information is Revier,\t Board before a final A. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof S iding Other Wall MateriaLs Fascia Soffits Windolrs Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B. LANDSCAPING: Name PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES required for submj-t.talapproval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL to the Desiqn 0Lt#2 Iwi of Designer: Phone: Botanical Name Common Nane Ouantitv Size* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Indicate Minimum caliper forheight for coniferousdeciduous tregs is 2 inches. COLOR NaEvree- trees. Min ?l:0 Tzvttzrtfuat *r4rn /,n .frr/n/9rz .f,/ 9ha/fi Mt Za'vQ: Prtg $tE auZAa€ (zoV" ), A,A3 /a,K€t .4 (garg,) /.ol6J<t: . 3 z 62 ,4c.* /oo./ 6 (ilar4.) '' " ,' .3977-{:.- ,mn+ L_af :{/?€- 72/4 4(. = 315U.5 tz cKH 4/LCMA : J75O+/5oo* 74 = 5326.^.{ont \ a're z/ 3/F aD7 4 @ a< -*495, */25_- 4t/.oqa: se',agU_Z@,Q --sgh?Z. " 77O / a //auez) f.4y, ttak utt :,, -o* Jo** /ere / A;-D 4797 F GEqAs&MraJEy-iirr ,iiotil4ef 598 . qaraa4- GeFA ,a14Xt*l(,<4 v V €)rsvr6 G4FA , /iaria /soar.r'' )t.-.. t ,-')-.1 /825 CI'?FA f/r let/ 27L Atlan /err / @tuv? cz#H, u,U/f A (&zrn4) l/O c/tpr qZ1" i >k/--'- "'t- \ ^ /!?a a16no,eft't ' /v/hv/ /N ) /o/ 5 /3/ 5 _ ,L2.L. 1b52d 6ac71 &O oara.z^€\J .-/ * ua,rg; (toerW) tt-.- / ,/oE2,cw I f 6. .).- / sz(t, &6 sszF t//2prr tnarh qa.aJE 2?97 25o '25o/ optrA /pfttern,q 2*DF*ffi.4fu4'4EA \./ oaD :, 4/atT /./ru( I (Aa<rtl ) ts tt/ouj Pn)*ra/ ctn, t -=------:=- -='- QAirt/th ) s/E Cot/. "*I/sf ; fuJilD,4vo,u ,1 ,/8 5o/6 4eF oep//l/r,G 4^ s 9, 25iooF avQHANG 6 36.5 rorz _".i " ,,1Q '4D2/r .,5/E Cctu. /4€CPOs{J) 52 )g .1 /Affd s//€ cau r?rrtz;/A//V/,iti Project Project Contact xv/xf Name: Description: Person and roT.ralx€pue uoTlTppv 092 - esuapTseu sqqn:9 'oo n Phone Architect, Address and phone: Legal Description:Lot 74 ,etocx / ,riting Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: o^," 4- /{- 72 DISAPPROVAL E statt Approval,^r" 4^ r( tVL VALUATION Il F Jt/ z t{o IEI I+lo Io$ b ll{ko 0,lJocaJHCo>Enoootoot.6tlt00o rtt )o IiT{ro Itu't{r|!A i>'c|! .o ,l trodl{,A l{o ur tioot{o !rtEOo{JEOr0Codoo(' rJ>o.cqt6(,xoq.lo.Aq, EObr t{rl 6OA rHoo r0oo,toAE0, rUt{dA..l Ero E+t t, "loo!'n|!dal!A a! |!occou..1 OT IJtroo!FOo!>+Jo|.|r,Q.CAEr{ 4, qd co6 G'ur.{t FO'{,ut{('oo4o1t(rc Q-{ koo ntIo[, .pOAoooa x.lJo bl E o do o co, OT rJ o Fo o l.laa A o G'u F{r,t{o d; ruA. !ooo.i o $ co 7 rgtrlJcolgE(, oohotr 0) oE o,{It I ot{o rJ rJ(t IJ c.3oE,o o rJA(, ox r-|.ootli'A, !, l, 1 o oo t{ ||trtc o .a o *J c At) 't o! .tJg o o ,{rl oEo 90o E Eoo >rtJ FI+l .lJ, r, oox, ar. r rlltooa,('0loo Ot{r{ llt!o+,C coo! Flo0rt(, *J,{dcA*lAor,O'l.a'alt{>O.{oocrl{tt +t '!.t$.O(r{*,+J(t0tO{Ovoot !.crar+J t +JC(l{ oJa 9r Fl !OJH 0+,{dt.A?ntoolE O+-{ .a tr<4t{>I O.rcooo0r! F O-lo.u>olo>ot{Oa.a oErt!el 6o.c.o4, 0,{EaEo.P O ..1at)q{Jt0lrokccooctForJ0()o>o>t{ tJt{ Odo EFI .lJbro t r{ 3, f,,na,{! Orlr!OtExA{J A, O-d.d >c ottrdoitcO Q .orJ E *' $..606U OFIT{'{ aotrOr{ O >+tlrC(rCt.6>OOl{t EUAA'.t/t ut oCC dOd lr.{..{ tr!*JOO6d.{ ErJorj a, oo..{ > o,{ l, Olrr,oaoEE EEO .Jrl r,aOd t{ l{>cooOd 9{HrJAr. d cE OF{ Orl (t O.Qcr.oo> 'l F{ O .ttE >or, O !+lbtFl6gto9br !d .lJ .tt lt{CO{J O d.QAA qr o dr,,{ .crr9rtt OOOKEE(,('t{o6 >rd! crrra,O l|+l'{.l{rta, Qrr {,r rE o rt d.trEEH A{J{J. aO+{AErJo,t}|r,0l !do ct)P t! cil C5::) EIlrE Qo,,':,},> urtEH'.{ bttEl.t{|!brc lU ..{t(' +) ot,tO9tr|!lEt!oo$IHE CH..{ F{ tt,tHdo(,l{ool{h T{ro€lrO OF{oa,O'{f{9 ........-r--- - o I# +, C'5(u,rts'c,.! trc TJIJ' arl 'L(ul>o(J tn 'o .tJ v, L al 3o 'L c,{J9-(t lnL G'c, (l,(l,.Ls {J c .c.P =1 (U L5vl t .c+, c .p(r,o'rF(l,, !t cl.tt co EtJ c.tt co EtJ !(uvl |E|tt Eo +,urg rUol(u >ric..lt q,uEg o(J +J IAJE =o =.(' oE.t'Lo ocr. o+, cD.c .c' i-.o.(,(, IJ(Jr F{ Foz. ili tt I s a .$ $ \ \ Io F oo dzo o 2o a rDf z Go I (!| @ o o0,$tra4.lJ 6+ak +r (,ttlJtr{,ot(, rJOo{J o ttiocO*.{t t{ooo{JC6'lt)Er,{t +{ !l .lJlrC l0 ..{od!OE4aloE{E o,{a.lJa +{ ko {Jo t{o btc rtA+l ! I I lttl {/, 'c I +,E:ctortu'. I IF IFrc,p,n,t>|t'C(urU> cc co@ocL.u oJLcoE (J .C(l,,G U|+J c.n'-o(uoL-ccou),oE E+rE oQ (U.r,u ().ug .tt>)(u o EEITO'r> L' .+J.ULEOo,.ou .rJ >q-g(uoc,>>L(t,o5+,ta6o!tgU'.Fo)c.E.cl-{ .P .l-t l{ to lr| =a5 (o t- c0r) .o6 oa--\.OS ..*iv/:'ab"yr--, >c, ,9/ 9rV /O 7/; /x'.\t/ t\ o ,dl C/r(, /.\ b d \-)-==->\-RF I I z'u,' --- { *E*, $ I ":::z Inx\olH\ 5lolJIt!,ol Ic, l I,l I 'ry.-.- I 'b -€7 /n, \0 Eol{a ry \t i./,c, I\811cjqIEAoi d-/I \.tl\ Q" coo d e(\ t tFq (J.) IIL---.t/lTOft IlElotoIJ\rr \6 \E\ro -.s>> 'el{? !t l{q aoo\ o e a ! a rf) I\i p4,'-' tl/l \. "I I \\, Ir I A\/,. ,l \ v,t_rt lr \(, .3/ /I // /t-'( // /- I /,/-1.->-\ /t / "o"tt"--=-, .X (it f i r' i'F */it o lf) a o(\l tl: luJ o E F Glrl() zo F ooJ F Elrl aG(Ll =l oaqto -loo F?f,o() t{ -l()q uJ ---l s l(o eiol- :o 1- aq a =oo |IJ o eoq aa5o ?q o\(9 \t t-o -J : .s Foq F !.1! aOt ..4-21..<oor>a Its .l}.ooatgc!'i5 IJ ot .l9i Ef o'? etC! .OZaOr.Oo'o>aao<- d -l b0!.-t 0, g .rl b0 f,FH FIL T lnwn 75 tolJ|h |tontrge rord Y.ll, colortdo 81657 (308) 47S2138 {30i1) 479,2139 office of communlly develoPmenl October 10, 1991 HaroH and Ruth Federman 1113 Wibon Street Pottstown, PA 19464 Re: 800 Potato Patch Road/Block I, Lot 7, Potato Patch Dear Mr. and Mrs. Federman: In revierring old hlilding permit fites, and attempting to close them out, staff discoversd lhat the above-referenced residence never received a final Cenificate of Occr,rpancy, receiving only a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO). Since no landscape inspection tequest was ever made, the Town could not release a final Certificate of Occupancy. Due to the extended period of time from when the TCO was originally issued, the staff believes it ls now reasonable to issue a final Certiticate of Ocanpanry for the residence. Staff would like to let you know that any luture propefi improvements will requlre review of the existing landscaping, and additional improvemenb may be required as a cordition of approval. ll you have any questions, please do not hesilate to call sither Mary Dewing or Betsy Rosolack at 479-2138. Sincerely, v1A(1 fu*Y-U coP y Mary Dewing Planning Intern lab ,y'ok: fitn/ C o. -- /ssa?t/ /0. /0 , /?q / 4otpenMrr NUMBER or pno.recr INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL oarc Ots( lO tl41[roa runuE CALLER TUES VAIL. READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI AM BU!LDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL PPROVED ORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED D^rE @ rNSpEcroR A>.g--r a .ftt)'Je-l tfi:-t"*ICryE%.tctsfi 730,5 Legal Descript'ion: l-ot J-B'lock _- Filing ErAto .B',c'; / s*' ' '-lrr//;i 0r,rrcr --l-e>ed*'4 n/ = , ftrchilssl l<rcl"/- /ldgtj'::rJt'r'l' -\-. _- -.,----r-- I (D2/-r Zone District /{ f'/) proposed use ---- Hei glit /ii'lor'red 30'['ioposed 2q,L?,Lot Area .?, setbachs: Froni-RequirJa 2oi'--nrirpcsea Sides-Requirecl l5' Proposed Rear -Requirecl l5' ProPosed GtiFA: . GRFA: l{aterccurse-reqttirecl O Propcsed - t??h f S'ite Coverage: Allotved LanCscaping: . Required (,oa 7o Parking:. 'Rcquii'"i; Drive, ,rop. Permit{:ecl/ &- slopt: Environmental/Hazards: Ava'l:,rnche ----- --A-k'-.' Flood Plain -- --A{-(1 nrravr ''ire A'i I or'red Primary Al I ot+ed Seconclaty A'll ot+ed -La-L{- -- b Secorrdar.y' Proposed P roPos ed Propc.rs cd Propo:.ed 4'l' ----"7------" .LctrrtrL Zon'ing: 3r;t,t(T -37ft)/ b fl"l--- ttoo sapill'ov : 1 I 78 r +rrC- 'P,i1aun,, ^ I t .- r t.7l/) o.," 1?,reffi lr'r- ^.-l t,e Project Application .t /^/atDaIe I// /' Protect Name: ---{IlJ50 hs ,/ot ,b ,1/.,/z Pp*r /aorrrs //A 2/to7(7#- 88/oD /ran n//,n 'hr fuarrartProject Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone:D,. Architect, Address and Phone: t' ..t ./sz.- (fun)frL{ aborc' /J//// 6 Legal Description' t-ot 7 , etoct rrinsfahl /%hl 1al * / , zon" 4S Comments: /41 6,Gi ts 2b5'24. Ur;/ 2 fuo*A^r- 4r,,/)a1sh. nd/nh/4 Arc basvd 0-r? ar,Erna/ /7aor ^a/anf. 't untk /ur/i/y'/4 rer/ ma{. h t /ilab/e s6' / h ft o*"r9"#":li;i,(# {.,{,0 Motion by: . Prtl ,4rrrru17$71 uortSeconrleri hv '4' 't. ' /'e. 'et* frt anit APPROVAL a//rutakt . E. 4qfl/t7a4 UrirL rb fu brzrrtz Town Plan ner Staff Approval G,iloA\ t !t i ?tc'.'J \A ,,4,:'/ rJ' .3i'' r' 4c /"' J'..',! t/rrr; ,(( A t,-. .t /./ / (2,(/.4 4_./ /4 1- , h:...:"- 2/ 3/.22 \3,' 1t'6,t/fA ,5//Z a,. tt,/?, :(/ L .o t" c-t ),'" 1/<).) rt/ " / / L, - //4)-.- ,l '7€ / /cu t' /r y.,; /0/5 /3/5 J22 2 55t,.2'l',. qc2/.'7/ ))a., g, A'ZTA --.^ z- a l- ,4LZ Ozrl//lc tl Lhvrl '/825 ,42ft1 972r"G"trt"'z 5?6 a/,'. // 4: i1 I I.\v , /., !77'171 ep'4 stt c ..,-<- l" "v' /0^.> 4- ,, '^,J-.,7 2 O r'' az- ./ .JL -:-:-r-::"_-:$, L/7'tD {/./.) 2.r' :_,. ( t:( 4^ //lg .lti '1 ' /5:, /t.''r",/i. Z/'i ..) )t / 294^/ t ,t:ri', o,\r2 l7i/.-, a/./'tt,t'/ 5'/ ':" ' "t.n- 4 o'1., ',:'/ ,, ,'t I lr,/ BA Rg ., :'7r,trv, ut,.{-: s/r:i -2).:',, Lbl s,ii'/ N/ltri1t,,e /3,/;/ Srrz.<; -[,r,,, e4t/: 'r !(- &Jt^:, ni' u 6f'Ri. ://,'.rqu,. t:,t t i ,t/1ra /q.,.,1rr.; {,/,.: /' 4 1 ,f, r;,|ii.t it,- E " :r,r'., ,|1t-. ) Asiun'o.' <1T:u!j ltt;'7 -i/;= +42t ', ' i''/ti"(' I (ti AtJe ;t... --; 1f1.r4t;5,.-, l'/.r-, :/ ': -;,. ,,-/,'td 6/,,'.r (,t/'.-i ,' .,,2. -Oet,;t..' /"1!1, ane*)*l'$t/t, sz:at,.t.,;. ' r;t.ti, ,h;"/&, att/ k- y'u-. t25O".4rr/ ',,:r'-., -/P//,1 frnl ulr,. f,'rfl' ;Vr "':*. .,4/; f,iy't:, ,,t,{rry ao p/af or /*r/ ri '.1'1 , r.t ' t"'';i '.t;:J .ttl!rw aYCllctlt\rllr= b)r rr r-l-Rockfall l\lTrtchdrT EOJUN 2 E1991?acr Loorr Arcl|lGcl Tmr. I{cw Mrrlco t75ll I /1 vt* /??/ "/fuy, ^{/D@^^f /t!^l*^ ; vlr^'/ HffiiLeffin*hffi h#ub-, t / *, $,* {+ 4 6c lf dtl cil /l-/rtls, {."-y-i"V -- //r4Arb(, U',b44 ffrz (*- aftiuc(' ta4t- iltaK. / ftil,Ao^-es. "/ //r,rtrt .d o/p*o\pr,ryh,eqrrare 6eUa< tt/ qat or,< {o E,6r-\ aRL 477h"J^.1./ , efu/AWfu,#ah:(7e.rf,h,< a tiar.ta1s aH- dpafu.</ uxW , ffifftfh, '/ 4**q ""r'-h*- aM- /, h, n fu,/,4 lr'^- L[ru lL%r,t ^/ r rtrfl-a- A ilur/L'& s=rti;7h'rf ;adttT n*r4tupd eFry':ffiry,''TA-'WffiryA{Xrafrolrtu ?K .t'ozf*/ (-r4,q- /- fu-nJ{*f / r c4a4 -alfca 74, cag"l'(c-0\ , e,-6"/ o f,.,, u {L,{,r-/, *d "fu* d*.f. u si.tzT at 4(,, og ^/ tth*r+ Vrf6,,!- u lek{"/t \;"t", a I ffiI} JUN 2 B1ssl Fcrr Loo] turtl|rctTr, t{lrl f,idoo fu71 \t** 6 'Wt'&; D\ftI' f4 owL{orc '. ,rr. | lt LI( tW- d- atl,sl-aitT ot &an <rta j *? P'\g n4<"+ Au/li* fi'*^t . r.l PUBI.IC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEF€BY GII/ENVail will hold a public Town of Vail Municipal Consideration of: that, the Deslgn RevLew Board of the Town of hearing on {Iuly 3, 1991-at 3:00 p.n. ln the Bullding. 1. A request for an additlonaf 250 sguar€ feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for thq Mindlin reCidence located at 800 Potato Patch Drive. Lot 7r' B.Lock 1' vail Potato Patch. Applicant: Mr. and Mrs. Mindlin lhe appllcations and information about the proposaLs are availablein the zoning administrator's office during regular office hoursfor public inspection. TOI{N OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on June 14, 1991.; ! I-t'I : DATE: ADDRESS: OWNER ARCHITECT ZONE DTSTRI PROPOSED USE Height TOtAl GRFA prirnary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining WaIl lleights parking Garage Credit rltN&-" ZONE CHECK FOR JAzowr DrsrRrcrs Block _ Filing 7P*" nuWiols q{d,: R"'& -,yF _&. d^kWatts-#:y\rffi, <1"u;. Pennitted Slope 88 Actuat Slope Z<% Date approved by Town Engineers 1) Fl.ood ptain 2l Percent Slope 3) Geologic Hazards 4) I{etlands all &6h^A a,t h,r,l.)^ Does this request involve anow nuch of the allowed 250 sFR, R, R 250.Addition? 4;Addltion is usedx6Ftr-fris request? Z& q$V [D"K bt[q (oQrlloXr'*f ,+L enonn#. frrn , ql I Allowed Existincr propbsed Total (30)J!.ll- A2, ! ,26 G,Vg ,17{ 20. 15r 15 1 (30) (s0) 3/{r2ffi_- vrar.l +- ^)/' / AtLh lE r ncl,u'[! 4lb,^Y,wv&o r.'or srzg 1l, fiGA,€ 42%]7€(ssd) (42s,) 2 r556'7 ---!4re,e+Le 6A4,E 4tF' qa 4t ao 3t /6t Regrd (3oo) (6ooJ (eoo)(x2001 a) Snotr Avalanche Lrr-b) Rockfarr Ntnchlrl c) Debris FIow Qorror FoR ADDi'ou^. *ro| Date of App Date of DRB Lot 7 Btock / Fit in-----7-Descri pt ion: Distrlc OF APPLICANT: Address D. E. ** NAMT OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVEI(';-' FOR PROPERTIES IN EXCESS OF ALLOI.IABLE GRFA NBI)(JUN 2 81991 PRE-APPL ICATION CONFERENCE A pre-app'lication conference with a member of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to discuss the provisions under which addlttonit eRfR can be aididto a slte. It should be understood that this ordinance does not assure each propertyan^additional Z5O_square feet of GRFA. Rather, the ordinance allows for gp tb250 square feet lf certain conditions are met. Applicat-ions for additions under this section will not be accepted unless thevare.complete. Thls includes all informatlon requlred on this iorm as weit ii"Design Review Board submittal requirements. llcationd Meeti n hone B. LOCATION OF Address Lega'l Zone C. NAME Addres NAI4E 0F or,tNER(-S):tatd/r. Signature( s ) Address ZoiB o f f**ta cy. F. Filing Fee of $'100.00 ts required at tinre of submlttal The foll.ow!19 information, ln addltion to DRB submlttal requirements, shall berequlred with this submlttal: l. VerifJcatlon that the unit has recelved a final certiflcate of occupancy. 2, Names and malling addresses of adJacent property owners and of owners ofunits on the same lot. This information-is'available from the Eagle CountyAssessor's office. Condomlnium associatlon approval (if applicable). Exlsting floor plan of structure. Your proposal will be revjewed for compliance wlth Vai'l 's Comprehensive Plan. "9{.H&6 3. 4. G. P€7TZ' loo/7):: 4.K.4//rz. cf f405, , /Uc:A,:tk,f/A e7s7/ Y6 T "AgJtt@- Ga-Flr $liC( {o"t-- ,1*a"- wr*u* *Lo p/*r.nh,F {" e.d j{-t 4* drz ,'^ flwvawtf| *ru.L, t tr'1 mrr rue)gr 'Qnur"n &'^,"*a\n^.Lfr*^{- 8oo L*t'o *l,."U tqql Qo Qa v - oroo PatfiLort A|tlt3cr Tu, Ncr t fto Jlt?l Z, L+" A*L4/-r/-*,ryA ,yoyobrVA" lrefl'o* A,W( rl^pl/Faryau\ F- / $ea$<- fa+p'qr fl.t-f- gb fh"fr L4r< -nna{V.ze/ c&(fr/e(f /6 , / s{r/ / L 6;r["t I, r{.f"*na.s-i T*+ir,*tnr #/ek&// h7d do^A aoJ# 6r n6, l;*"/z{or//*r/3#3{k-Lf frr-<- h"^7nf hz- ffi*irarf,q-'k /d*-7,/-7\ / $r'r Mi,r I tggl.<bh s!*"'-ireel T W .z&r/, + /ttu.,* rt #* #*/r %. :,jfl of fii y icabl* /zrrt oQ' or ,k a4 Lh ,oT d-(11 .U4 64, ,.1/O ,$ Tq PPl ha4 /t | . . /r.17,qf l/f tLut<r,;;1us ttta @r/,z(f -'' + /-ottk //94f f/k,7o4Q1' Tv aetr *ffie k!/ir/'11 i^ i# z,eracrl //prb/ Lu4l-,/ 7- p ^ rI-' J- r99l T MTO APR 5 OO ORDINANCE NO. 37 Series of 1990 ,..i.'-' i,;l-il AN ORDINANCE REPEAI,.T.NG AND REENACTING SECTION 18.04.130, THE DEFINITION OF FLOOR AREA, GROSS RESIDENTIAL (GRFA), SECTION 18.09.080 DENSITY CONTROL--HILLSIDE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT, SECTION 18. 10.090 DENSITy CONTROL--STNGLE-FAMTLY DISTRICT, SUB-SECTTON 18.12.090 (A) DENSITy CONTROL--TWO FAMTLY RESTDENTTAL DrStRrCT, SUB-SECTTON 18.1-3.08O (A) DENSITY CONTROL--PRTMARY/SECONDARY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT AND. SETTING FORTH THE DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS, Gross Residential Floor area is an important tooL for controlling the level of deveLoprnent in the Towni and I{HEREAS, modifications to the cross Residentia} Floor Area system are necessary to ensure its effectivenessi and WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 18.66.140, the Planning and Environmental Commission held a public hearing on the proposed amendnents, and has subnitted its recomnendation to the Town Councilt and WHEREAS, the Town Council has held a public hearing as reguired by Chapter 18.56 of the VaiI Municipal Code. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THATs Section 1 Section 18.04.130, the definition of floor area, gross residential , is hereby repealed and reenacted to read as follows: 18.04.130 Floor area, qross residential (GRFA) Gross residential floor area (GRFA) means the total sguare footage of all level.s of a building, as measured at the inside face of the exterior wal-ls (i.e. not including furring, sheetrock, plaster and other similar wall ^ '/ finishes) . cRFA shall include, but not o. t;t;;;l .o, , . *,to:fu elevator shafts and stairwells at each level , lofts, \rat\ t'ft' fireplaces, mechanical chases, vents, and storage areas. Attics, crawl spaces and roofed or covered decks, porches, terraces or patios shall also be included in GRFA, unllsrs they neet the provisions of paragraph A__below.. d. Witfrin buildinEs contalning two or felver dwelling units, the following areas shafl be excluded frorn calculation as GRFA: 1. Garage spaces of up to three hundred (300) sguare feet per garage space not exceeding a maxirnum of two spaces for each allowable dwelling unit perrnitted bY the zoning code. 2. Attic space with a ceiling height of five feet or less, as measured frorn the top side of the structural members of the floor to the underside of the structural rnenbers of the roof directly or above. Attic area created by construction of a roof with truss-type nenbers will be excluded frorn calculation as GRFA provided the trusses are spaced no greater than thirty inches apart. Crawl spaces accessible through an opening not greater than twelve sguare feet in area, with five feet or less of ceiling height, as measured frorn the surface of the earth to the underside of structural floor nernbers of the floor/ceiling assenbly above. Roofed or covered decks, porches, terraces, patios or similar feature,/spac.e with no more than three 'exterior *aIIs and a minirnum opening of not ]ess than 25t of the lin'eal perimeter .of the area of said deck, porch, terrace, patio, or sirnilar 'feature/space provided the opening is contiguous and ful1y open from floor to ceiling, with an allowance for a railing of up to three feet in height. GRFA shall be calculated by measuring the total square footage of a building as set forth in Section l-8.04.1-30 above. Excluded areas as set forth in paragraph A shal-l then be deducted from total sguare footage. within buildings containing more than two allowable dwelling or accomnodation units, the following additional areas shal.l be excLuded from calculation as GRFA: 1. Garagesi 2. Solar heating rock storage areasi 3. Mechanical areasi 4. Common hallways, connon closets, lobby areas, stairways and comnon enclosed recreational facilities not exceeding a maximurn of an amount equal to twenty percent of the aLl.owabLe GRFA perrnitted on the lot. Any sguare footage which exceeds the twenty percent naximum will be included in the calculation of GRFAT 5. All or part of an airlock not exceeding a maxinum of twenty-five square feet per aflowable dwelling unit. Section 2 Section 18.09.080, Density Control in the Hillside Residential District is hereby repealed and reenacted to read as follows: 3. 4. B. TO: FROM: DATE: SIJBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Departurent Aplil22, l99I Section 18.04.130(AX4) - Floor Area, Gross Residential (GRFA) (Please see attached April 15, 1991 letter from Peter looms) Appellant Peter Looms Under Section 18.04.130(A)(a) of the Vail Municipal Code, "within buildings containing two or fewer dwelling units, the following areas shall be excluded from GRFA calculations: Roofed or covered decks, porches, terraces, patios or a similar feature/space with no more than three exterior walls and a minimum opening of not less than 25Vo of the lineal perimeter of area of said deck, porch, terrace, patio or similar feature/space provided the open space is contiguous and fully open from floor to ceiling with an allowance for a railing of up to three feet in height." Mr. Looms is the architect on the Mindlin residence, located at 80O Potato Patch Drive. As currently constructed there is a covercd entrance which staff has concluded, under the current regulations, would now count as GRFA. The lineal perimeter footage of the space is 76.25 feet. 25Vo of76.25lineal feet is 19.06lineal feet. To qualify as a substantially unenclosed space under the new regulations, and. therefore not count as GRFA, there must be a minimum contiguous opening in the exterior walls of not less than 19.06 feet. As currently constructed, this covered entryway has three openings. The size of these lineal openings are 4, 8 and 7 lineal feet, respectively. However, these floor to ceiling openings arc not contiguous, and therefore staff has determined the space does not qualify as being substantially unenclosed and, thercfore, shall be included as GRFA. Mr. I-ooms is appealing the staff determination, and is requesting relief from the strict and literal interpretation of this section of the code. ,.,..d4 c4l l3/ t 991 l2ra5 , FR0i Rrdlo 5h.elr D.rl,or. 22F7{9 TO t 3454792 r t7 P. e s/03.'-. :.-. .-- -- .: - .- -gryrS74 t0TAL P,03/93 I I I I I I t t\lri rri-t r I I I 4ffiP'u- ,/ l--;l,r--+ F_ FrJ 0(r ' \\ \- ..s \ N \ O o p.2 g'orynry I : /-nZa/ ftrrmeLD kc/'r--' --' - /4.?5 " t4.75 23. 2523.2.5 ,'%66at ! 76 (.25) 2 / 7 ao^lr/Quous obr/At) REGL|/R€D' /^J apD&- 7D '' auiitT? 4s suBsH/uaALLY . : utla/Q-o-962 €P4C€ a(EnNq f.-.*-_ J F-...-'i 7'agnrr4't\J €ilszaG 4,afe?l//U6 noortb-,ap* t' i L ,- l. -. d! Vnia r'-I.i t 2//sr/'vG- l- 4zstr. E/a.v5 . .//.75 '/4. z< ?4. 25 - zt?h / lr.rz"t-// .-l I 23.25 76.2s 6 Zd = ,/?. aL DOE9.4/or qut44Fyas u,ueaazae),sfr?b aero arj,r ti Eai r,oiz"i#/"""', i ,l€Au/,"a ztutiro, aEa)tzu6 | a t ti - osed . PIAI{NING A}ID EI{VIRONMENTAL COUMISSION llgriL 22, 1991 AGENDA 1:00 Site Visits2=L5 Worksession 3:00 Pub1ic Hearing Site Visits Worksession 1. A request for a worksession to consider an applicati.on to rezone property generally located west of the Town of Vail Pub1ic Works shops from Agricultural and Open Space to Public Use District. The sPecific description of the property is as fo]lows: That part of the North L/2 of Section 8, Township 5 South, Ranqe 80 west of the 6Eh Principal Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado, lying north of Interstate Highway No. ?0 and being more particularly described as foffows: Beginning at the NE corner of said Sect,ion 8; J thence along the northerly line of said . Section 8, S89 46t2'7"w a distance of 1500.00 ft.i thence departing the northerly line of said Section 8, 500 23' 03"W a distance of 529.86 ft to a point on t,he nort,herly ROW Ii-ne of I-70; thence along the northerly ROW line of I-70 following two courses: 1) 575 28' 18"8 a distance of 180.82 ft to apoint of curvaturei 2) L327.90 ft along the arc of a curve to the left, having a radius of 5580.00 ft' a central angle of 13 38'04" and a chord which bears N89 35'34"8 t324.70 ft distance to a point on the easterly line of said Section 8; Thence departing said ROW line of I-70 N00 23' 03"8 along the easterly line of said Section 8, a distance of 572.10 ft. to thepoint of beginning, containing 20.480 acres nore or less. The above description is based on the Town of .r__ Vail annexation plats for the property described and is not based on a field survey. z- ? The basis of bearing for the above parcel is the northerly line of Section 8 being S89 46t27"w as shown on said annexation p1ats. Applicant:. Town of Vail Public Eearinq A reguest for a setback variance, Forbes Residence, Texas Townhouses 48 and 58, Lot 48/58 , vail village Fourth Filing/ 483 Gore Creek Drive.Applicant: Walter Forbes TABIJD TO I4AT 13, 1991 A request for a setback variance, MacCormick Residence, Texas Townhouses 68, Lot 68, Vail Village Fourth riling/ 483 Gore Creek Drive. Applicant: Alexander MacCormj-ck A request to amend Lhe Zoning Code, adding a section to identify all approved view corridors and to set forth deLails with regard thereto.Applicant: Town of Vail Appeal of calculation of GRI'A for Prinary/ Secondary units under 199L reguIations.Appellant: Ned Gwathmey Appeal of calculation of GRFA as it relates to substantially enclosed space, Looms Residence, Lo1c 7 | Vail Potato Patch/800 Potato Patch Drive.Appellant: Peter Looms Presentation of staff policy decision on calculating GRFA as it relates t.o residences in primary/secondary zone district. Worksession on Master Transportation Plan Applicant: Town of Vail Approval of Lifthouse Lodge portion of ninut,es fron March 25, 1991 meeLing. Approval of minutes from April 8, 1991 meeting. Reminder of joint PEC and town Council airquality worksession, April 23, 1991. / 6./ 7. 8. 9. 10. i\-/ t 71/t/Lu : //rzr? 6 (rr/ CoVy oS tQdt&rc 6v 4e'1'2 2aJ C4FA A) ^LZp ZsC> bprt E /a.t1t. b. ht.^? 7//i._, Pra/ r+ . 32a? 6 /tstt/ *7 l,{ /o" /-or Jt)2, 3/ 5Q1s 5.7t cot'. (:o% ) ' /--3/ 3 -tAar.t/eutL //o5 '/,/t tr-,,t t ' 'Al A./.'. Lvt /vL./t /r- 7 / / r.,tL/ / ,/ /L';l /n4 O.XIL . ?Pr- " / tJ/2 Ct ?rqg- /-,.( / ___A4J a m gz. 5-tg- 42ZJ/ z,=,er4 >V,Cge ('&tt€e 3'177 (x,'d/,ir )fu;,'l istz.G d = dntl I 277/ Lh,t A _ *22!-7^.&;/l ua$ 5 5 C8 ftntt *."4 /.__7.a* 6/0 / 6,€/,4._..-_--- 5329./g -> ,!* 6-5a - - agac1Ae4.-2l Zs 4azra &A/ot //rru(A- /ezs tu-a 972 6arug 3-U *27974-aara 4 5 9A G,4rt4 '' ir /,2\/.L* 4' ,t/a 4 I tv 2?97 c*'Fl 591 2.;rJr:L, //, k/,r,tl& ' 4ari kd'/ /45oUp/. " /U7 oa,ezCE kve L 8/ > Zf 7 / 4 (rqra 55.1 d rhaq,4t;:- __._,---_ brttryd nft ,47m( 3? ( ./-zl375o / 500 78,/5 (*,ri t,7' ./99/ /*-.", lzD) { y-2 vz tt t.g 4FnZ.,'tPD/ 77 *V 6/fe* cotrua€ / ,6l,uasr7aru A'i ' 5o/4 K00F aGpKA//G A' J9.E Dezz A Koon AucZrca,,UG . 323 = _f4r6*s4// , 75 _57o__ AnD/T € 9Ey'.?5 &/E cot tu/loazr _4_313_ 3 ? B. 23 fezna // )//''r.l er{ (au€ZA6 A o - 272/2 4-2tB o& G4FA oil s €cail&/e /U'ueP'7/ t@/ tna /. lRztal //. ,,eCo.'c-2) 37qj.8) + 25o35!/'2 '* zso 21ry2 qi ", rl) I* 3252,8 ' 4Za ,e/' 272/"2 * /Zs-\-------- J L 7B 'u/ z- zsa'r ,/' .r3 4o% x lst,st"s-s) Pnj Nl uay s3'slopecl = - lEgaE,l ZJ /t/0 /q. /.s- 8. au-.i fIi Ounrre'Forr 2312 L Pollcy Detrf JUNE 0lr I ? " Nsre of I rr$ur'ed: nIt{01 Itt RFAr l IE9, INC., .[he +rtett or lnterert sh l ch l ri covered bg th l A FEE 1 | tlr l.o the est.ei.e or' hereot' ic vcefed In: a x f I;:ifk! "',* O.e No. At232?1s F | 1r No. Vtl0O48B7 Aaount |480'OO0.OO SCHEDIILE A Addreer r i '' r-t'l 'i.', r ' A CATIADIAN In fhe tend r potlrg lrt t 8rtlo A.n. CORFORAI I ON drrcrlbrd In thlr Bchedule rnd irrterest covrr'cd bg thlo potlca at the det,* -$ -N in EAGLE Corrntgt POIATO PATCH, BOOX 337 AT PAOE :l . 4. nrNpt rlt REAt_lIEs, Itrc.r A cANADlAr,l c0RPoRAlIoN Ihe lant{ referred to in thir pol lcg ls gltusted Coloredo, and is descrlbed.as follonsl PARCEL A, A RESUBDIUT$IO|{ OF LOT TrBLoCK I, UArL ACCoRDTHIi I0 tHE PLAI RECORoEO nARCH 3, 199? INt89, CO|-|NTY OF EAOLET.9IATE 0F C0L0RA00. Pege IhiB Polirg volid onlg lf 8chedule B lr ritrchEd, Tllt Grnir,Forr 21t13 No. VOOO{887 Pollcy ilo. 42232?43 ECHEDIILE B Thlr potlcg dorr not ln*ur* rgalnrt lotr or deorge bg rrrron of the fnl lou I ng I l. Rlghte or cltioc o{'pertier ln porrtrllon not *houn bg th* publtc rccordr. ?-. Frseneni.s, or rlelnr of eeser,entr, noi. choun hg the publ lc records. 3. Dlscregancles, conftlctE In boundary tinesr thortaga In rraat encrolr hfirpnt.c, and eng factr $hlclr r corr'ect. runvag and lnspectlon of the prcalrrc€ uould dlcclorr rnd uhlch rrr not rhorn bg thr publlc rec ordr. 4, Ang I len, or' rlghL to r lien, for rer'viret, lrbor, or tal,orlcl theretafore on har,eeftcr furniehed, Inpored bg luu rnd not shoun bg the l,util ic r'ecor.ds, 5" 1983 IAXES NOT YEI DUE AI.ID PAYABLE. (',. I IEI{ti f 0F. Lll.lFAI0 UAIER AllO SFUIR CllAR6[S' IF Al{Y. 7. RI6HTOT: PROFRIETOR OI.'A UEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AI{D REI'IOUE HI$ ORE THFRFFRON $H(}IITO'THE $ANE BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR I'{TEREJEC1 IHEpREtIISE$ Ali REEERVED rlr UNITEO STATES PATEilT RECoRDED nAY 02, t?O4, IN P.OOI( 46I AI PAGE 503 ANO RgCORDED JULY 13, 1939 IN ROOK I23 AT PA6E 6t7. THE COfIPANY HERETIY INSUREE AOAITISI LOSS IIHICH THE TII$URED $HALL su6TAIN B't REASON 0F DAilASE T0 EXISTINS IfiPRoVEftENTS, Illc[.UDINO tA!,r{s, gt{RUBBERY OR TREE9, RFStlr-'ttN0 FRofl THF- EXERCISE 0F ANY RI6HT TO UsE THE IIURFACE Of.'SAIO LA}{D FOR THE EXTRACIION OR DEVELOPNENT OF IHF f.II}TRAI.$ EXCEPTIO FRON IHE OE$CRIPTIOI{ OF 6AID LANO OR SHOIIN AS A R[,$ERUAIION IN gCHEDULE B.I. B. RIOI{i (,F HA\'FOR DITCHES OR CAI{ALS CO}{$IRUT;TED BY lHE AU'THORIlY OF fHE IINIl,ET, SIA]E6 A.(;j f(ESEKUED IN UNIlED STA1ES PATENI' RECORDED SAY 0:1 , Lg04t llJ P,oOl{ 4S Al PA$f.503 Ali0 FEc0RtrEO JUt,Y 15, 193? Il.l tl00K t 2.r A r PA0I: 617, ItlF c0nPAllY HEREBT" I|{SURFS Tl{E INSURED ASAINST t.0SS 0R DAfIAOE t{HICH THF IN.(iUREO SIIALL SUBTAIN SY ftEASON OF THE ENFORCENEilT OR ATTENPIEO r}tFORCTIIFNI IHERFOF ABAINST THE I,GNI, IN CONNECTIOH IIITH TH€ ITEN AB09E. \ 9. ftESlRICtlVf, C0VEI{ANIS' tIHIC}l D0 ilOT CONIAIN A F0RFEITURE 0R REVERTER '\ ULAUSE, BUT OttITl'rt{li RESIRICTTOHS, ilj ANY, BASED ON RACE, C0L0F, Rr I IOI0N, 0R NA"t IOt{At ORTGIN, AS C0NIAINED lN lHSTRUflEt{T R[.C0RDEL f,tARcH Ori, t?7a, rN E00K 7?3 At PAGE 628 AND AS AnE}{OED IN IN$TRUIiENI RFt:OfiOFo SEPltllBER ?4, t975, Ili B00H 241 AT PABE es0. tege 2 TIft O-rfnlr Fom 2313 | *r. v00o4887 Pollcg t{o. AZZI2?43 SCHEUULE B 10, lEkfrs, coilDITroNs ANO pRovrsroNs oF louNHousE 0ECLARATIoN RECoRDEo 8EPTEnBER 1, 1?81 IN BoOK 328 AT PAOE 421. 11. DEED OF rRUSl DAIE0 APRIL 18, 1983, FROil nlxol.ril REALTTES' rllg.r A CAIIADIAN CORPORATION TO THE PUBLIC IRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE ugE OF CONTTNENTAT BAitK r0 SECURE IHE SUn 0r f380r000,00 RECoRDED ftAY 18, 1983, lN BO0|( 35t AT PAGE 890. SAID DEED OF TRUSI I'AS A9$ISNEO TO CONTINENTAL BANK I}.I ASSIONfiENT RECoRDEO l|AY 31, 1983, rN 800K 160 AT PAI}E 632. f)/- ,.l./),\. ,/, ,-, _,' hesent Chuck Crist Diana Donovan Connie Knight Ludwig Kurz Kathy Langenwalter Jim Shearcr Gena Whinen PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION April22, t99t Staff Kristan Pritz Mike Mollica Jill Kammerer Andy Knudtsen Shelly Mello Amber Blecker The worksession was called to order at 2:l7PM by Chairperson Diana Donovan. l. A reouest for a worksession to consider an application to rezone oropertv generallv located west of the Town of Vail Public Works shops from Aericultural and Open Soace to Public Use Disrict. The specific description of the properw is as follows: That nart of the North ll2 of Section 8. Township 5 South. Ranee 80 west of the 6th Principal Meridian. Eaele Countv. Colorado. lvine north of Intentate Hishwav No. 70 and beine more panicularlv described as follows: Beeinnine at the NE corner of said Section 8: thence alone the northerlv line of said Section 8. S89 46'27"W a distance of 1500.00 ft: thence departine the northerlv line of said Section 8. S00 23'03"W a distance of 529.86 ft to a point on the northerlv ROW line of I-70: thence alone the northerlv ROW line of I-70 followine two courses: U S75 28'18"8 a distance of 180.82 ft to a ooint of curvature: 21 1327.90 ft alone the arc of a curve to the left. havine a radius of 5580.ff) ft. a cennal anele of 13 38'04" and a chord which bears N89 36'34"E 1324.70 ft distance to a point on the easterlv line of said Section 8: Thence departine said ROW line of I-70 N00 23'03"E alone the easterlv line of said Section 8. a distance of 572.10 ft to the point of beeinnine. containine 20.480 acres more or less. described and is not based on a field sun'cv. Thc basis of bearine for the above oarcel is the northerlv line of Section 8 bcing S89 46'27"W as shown on said annexation plats. Applicant: Town of Vail Andy Knudtsen stated the purpose of this worksession was to discuss the rezoning of the parcel from AgriculturaVOpen Space to Public Use Disuict. The proposed zone has three permittcd uses, consisting of public parks, playground and opcn space; pcdestrian and bicycle paths; and seasonal structur€s or uses to accommodate educational, regeational or cultural activities. Any other uses of the zone disuict are conditional uses, in which case the Planning and Environmental Commission sets the standards. Greg Hall cxplained the location of the stakes for a proposed snow dump which were seen on the site inspection and wherc the berm would be located. He also clarified what cuts would need'to be made and what the elevations of the proposed snow dump would be. Chuck Crist asked what the typical snow volume for the Town is, and Pete Burnett answered that it is averages 60,000 cubic yards. Jim Shearer asked why the height of the berm wasn't raised to incrcase the capacity of the dump, to which Greg answered that the project was still in the planning stages with the landscape architect, and the final berm slope had not yet been dctermined. A major constraint in this rcgard, however, was that the slope along the highway portion of the proposed dump could not exceed 2:1, with a I l/2:l slope on the Town Shop side. Chuck inquired how much snow typically accumulates. Pete indicated that the high end was 120,000 cubic yarids, which was plowed by the Town during the 1982 season. Chuck asked if the proposed dump would eliminate the other dumps around the Town. Greg replied that the intent was to do just that, and to remove the snow storage from the parks. Pete further explained that this dump would be for Town of Vail snow only. Connie Knight clarified that the proposed dump would eliminate dumping into Gorc C\eek. Kathy Langenwalter asked where the drainage from the proposed snow dump would be. Greg Hall said there is an existing culven under I-?0 which would be utilized. There would be a water quality pond, with a 40 hour retention period, constructcd to filter suspended solids from the water. Jim asked if a sand filter would also be used, and Greg replied the baffels in the filuation system would filter out any oil contained in the water. He continued to say that the pond would not eliminate salts, though the Town does not use much salt in their sanding mixture. Greg stated that Aspen utilizcd thc same type of pond. In thc inrcrests of timc, itcm 3 was postponcd o a latcr time in thc mccting. 4. Apocal of calculation of GRFA for himarv/lSecondarrr units undcr l99l reeulations. Aopcllant Ncd Gwathmev Kristan Pritz cxptaincd the staff would agrec to calculatc GRFA as rcquestcd by Mr. Gwathmey, and that this item was not actually an appeal, but morc a clarification Equest from staff o thc Commission on the direction to take with regard to Fqucsts such as this. Shc explained the rrason the bonuses were calculated on a 60/40 basis was that this was how rhe original language in the codc had divided up credits. Thc code allowcd fu credits to be allocatcd pcr unit or poolcd into one unir Ncdhad brought to thc attcntion of staff that if thc 850 sq. ft. was added to the toal GRFA and thcn thc 60/40 split was calculatc4 thc sccond unit would nor gcr thc full bcnefit of thc crcdits. An cqual allotmcnt of 425 sq. ft" sccmcd to be more fair to Ned. Staff was willing to calculatc the GRFA by using Ore formula bascd on lot size and then aM 425 sq. ft. per unit. Howcver, staff did not want to be rcsponsible for dividing the 850 sq. ft. of GRFA betwecn two ownc$. Thc secondary unit would stipulate the GRFA cap of 4O% + 425 sq. ft. The bonom line was that total GRFA + 850 sq. ft. shall not bc exceeded under any circumstances, and Primary/Secondary lots will not be allowcd to have a secondary unit that exceeds 407o of GRFA + 425 sq. ft. Staff wanted to cnsure the PEC was clear on this decision. Chuck Clist askcd if the primary unit would bc cligible for all 850 sq. ft. if a sccondary unit was not built. Kristan rcplied it would. After discussions with Jay Petcrson, Diana Donovan indicated she was agreement with thc staff direction on this issue. Chuck Crist moved the Commission suppon thc staff position outlincd in thcir memo. Connie Knight seconded. The vote was a favorable 7-0. Jill Kammerer clarified the bottom line on this appeal was therc was a diffcring codc interpretation benrecn staff and appellant. Thc cxisting sEucturc had a covcrcd cntrancc with three floor-tocciling openings which werp non-contiguous. Thc lineal opcnings of thcsc areas Otallcd 26% of thc spacc, and codc only ruquircd a 25% hneal opcning. Howcvcr, thc codc spccificd the opcnings must bc contiguous. Peter Looms, architcct for thc Mindlins, sgecd drat the opcnings did not mcct thc code requirement for contiguous openings, but that no one connoctcd with the housc had ever consiilerpd the area as enclosed qpace. If it wcrc countcd in that manne& approximaely 350 sq. fr of CRFA would be lost and the cxpansion porcntial fo'r the residence would be severely impacted. Kathy Langenwalter agrccd with the staff intcrpreUtion of thc code, sfating this was a massing issue. Thc Zonng Codc Task Forcc had specifically addrcsscd this issue, with a g.eat deal of time spcnt thinking and cxamining what thc provisions should be. The Task Force had carefully looked at whether posts could be allowe4 but had determincd they could not. Chuck Crist ageed with Kathy's assessmenL Connie Knight indicated this proposal was exactly what was to be eliminated- She asked Mr. Looms if the posts were structural supports. He indicated they werp, but also statcd they werc solely architectural elements. Ludwig Kurz felt the question was a mass and bulk issuc and agrccd with the staff position. Gena Whitten also agrced. Jim Shearer agreed with staffs position, but questioned the interpretation if the space had turned a corner with a corner post. Kathy Langenwaltcr indicated the Task Force had specifically talked about that, and decidcd the space needed to bc contisuous. Otherwise, support beams could become 4' posts. Chuck Crist moved to uphold staffs dccision rcgarding the GRFA question for the Mindlin residence. Jim Shearer seconded the motion, and a unanimous, 7-0, Commission upholding the decision. 6. prcsentation of staff oolicv decision on calculatine GRFA as it rclatcs to residences in primarv/secondarv zone district. Kristan Pritz indicaed ro the Commissioners staff had been making interpretations of the new GRFA policy, and was making this presentation to cnsur€ they were acting in accordance with the intent of the policy, and the direction the PEC wished staff to take. The Commissioners upheld all of the staff decisions presentcd. At this time, the Commission r€turned to Item 3. RECEIVED I"IAR QO1419er ao PROiIECT:,/.-aort CO},IMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIIryION OF 4d* Tba.rze@rgt ne . Jtc<, {,. INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING POSAL: PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: Connents: Reviewed by: Comments: ./) FIRE DEPARTMENT Date: /2.--/Date: j'r? 7 ,r4u*-/ ?n- 'J oha7 S>717, Vr.Z o- u2E?'')(/" F ,i /7""*'- 'zJ'A-zzz POLICE DEPARTI.IE}flT Reviewed by: comments: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Conments: Date: revised 3/LL/9L Date: -"#i-:ii'ii',nn, DRB APPLICATION - TOI{N OF VAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB I,TEETTNG: COIORADO lrrs rpp&r*r#li#lliior "" accEprEDUlflllr lI.L REQUIRED fNAORltAIfOll I8 SltBllI!|IED lal|ltttaat r.PROJECT INFORIIIATION : A. DESCRIPTION: X mai ADDRESS: I,EGAL Subdivision If property description, attach to s apptJ.cation. ZONING: L,OT AREA: If regirired,applicant stanped suryey showing lot area. G.ITAI{E CF APPLICAT\T:I.lailing Address: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction Dtinor Alteration Block a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and Phone c. D. is described byplease provide E. F. fl. I. J. K. NA!,IE OF Mailing APPLICANT:S Address: $oI 1OrO01 I50,oo1 s150,001 $500, 001 $ Over - S 1o,ooo- I 501000 - $ 150,000- I 5OO,O00 - $1r000,000 $1, OOO, OOO If,O APPIJICAEION TIIJL AE PNOCESSED ";tr,,. r,r-3 ual Review mugt provide tu rn"4, .arcNAtuRE(s, suaillng Address: Phone Condoninium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees are paid at the time of issuance of abuildincr pernit. FEE SCHEDULE: Itl 7 ttl mt/rrtYalltuttll4t lt r.rtl $ ro.oo I25.O0 $ 50.oo s100. 00 9200. oo $300.00 trEEour omEnrE SrcttaIunl Tlir lat ' fir I )*aa f d ,le nvu,at+'Y 1gl %MAR11reer, o nith the design gruidelines. The DRB does conceptual reviews. The property owner or representative shall be present at the DRB etil i' ,ii. ! i, ti not votehis hearing. on 'iJl NAI.IE OF PRO'EST: IJEGAL DESCRIPTION: I,OT STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PROJEET: SUBDIVISION LTST OF UATERIALS The following infornation is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING TTATERIALS: Roof Siding other WaII t{aterials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other required for submittal to the Design approval can be given: B.I,ANDSCAPING:Name of Designer: Phone: PI,ANT IIATERIAIS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Nane Common Name ouantitv Size* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees.Minirnurn caliEr &-ri Plri,Q.,"r,o wonnfua '47/. ' @L ZONE CHECK FOR sFR, R, R 2/E-?ONE DTSTRTCTS DATE: I,EGAL DES ADDRESS: OWNER ARCHITECT ZONE DTSTRI PROPOSED USE PHONE Allowed nxisting Proposed Total (30) (!1 "7 / -Z -1A .rlDoes this request involve a 250 Addition? Ni,^-r How much of the allowed 250 Addition is useEE-EFis recruest? 10 rJor srzE ?i,ozl ,F sr,-F, I Height Total GRFA Prinary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining Wall Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: Environmental/Hazards : 144,2{+ (850) (4251 =6ft,^Z-.L€ n( q^,A{ LFer 4hF,1 4t67b7 ;t3,1 2(E41,2- (30) (50) 20. 151 T5r 6/04,{ +ts4o a-bo 4Loo 3'. /6'. Regrd (30o) (6oo) (eoo) (1200) Pemitted Slope 8* Date approved by Town Actual Slope Engineer: 1) Flood Plain 2) Percent Slope 3) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris Flort 4) Wetlands o xf,['t] i,l;rii 5 1991 Pcler Looms Archlrccr Tros, Ncw Mexico t?571 6y {. lni,il14, itr wtitw I I I Ilii9Itrtr Ilrti l'{*n tlql Qon^* 1*^ "F V"i[ A*^yq^rl\ u6,,i* fra(lwiwwi ! ffia^rioud at^d{l zxisfir^L rulfuha- .itL kid " Uai[, tral.a[*fi'n bul'-^A ^V{urcI" tL|t4ruan), ffTu?tafrd oVlz+*LossWI"TLPS1 ,1800' fr{at?1 g, fzgL auv ft on i* <,Woj qqlIt_ftll YFnr olrrFc, *l-TTautsdy/1 fr* '1ot- 4 rt rs cllcf ioll, f I i@'E,LL+ Iaan Mirdlin, M,D. Olplo|noL, Anrrlcon Eosrd of Orlhopoedlt Fdlcu Arrrrlccn Gclhg. of Surgrcnr -r.r.,,.^G"'" NIAH 4 lggl tuq*y Qffi M<rylod PcqLwq, Suite ll5 l,ar Veocr. Nevcdc 89109 (7U2r 7S?-n2S February 27, I99L City of Vail Vail, Colorado 81657 To llhom It May Concern: Our address is 80O Potato Patch. However, recent construction has assigned higher numbers than 8OO to dwellings below us. This is confusing to delivery people and everyone e1se. I would like to get a new number assigned to our dwelling higher than the houses below us. Ivan Mindlin, IM/csr o ,zfue h// at/cnz /ao,r4i+ Tass P/arz '3 " ,/tr'/rt x l/e /?ecz/s h arlzu/ asanfq* l& rzraz3 h .say'rt-.t'; o 7rft<t rTuC x 7'1/e'// nter,{ ,s/es4,, oo tt ,l A;ndliu'{dl *f ffi (xwtw t-hrte 6 @r* eL A4rou, .,/'lAN i-Fleu(6,E*tz l1slco,lx% frp. b lSirEx \1,3 L1*'gg- -1o71. 1z5- UW% l+re-l6x%,5 GIO G x lo,9 Gl,b l4,zx zz,€ _ 3zl ,1< . 117 '55. ,- /- t 'gay% aW,A, t,=aw\ tr l)<Avdq4 Ttl^l 6Fffi Lpv.Gz{-.}.fr ls, 12,6..1 q.tf', oo ilv+tc't lale>Vx" foxl.5,7{3Sxb lo <ll 36 Lg7-s ?D llo 331 ,€ %@ drM".be+J^ -t/r; t 4 ALleaAtcils '"(Aa^Bu 6ffi AE;{^o: , uFHL ieVEr- 4x I€,2{cl z4 &6x1-/ K l'?- Y i l, l. -'-.-r - frdtuTo-Vd. # INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor. Q -lo -q/ JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATiON: INSPECTIO MON ,/r, ) CALLER TUES Boa BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER r.1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr tr FINAL ELEI trT f,-h trc tr- CTRICAL: TEMP. POWER OUGH CONDUIT tr FINAL tr FINAL tr HEATI 1t APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED '1, REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT A q'Q DA-IE /' t // JoB NAME i':AtttOUtO DISAPPROVED tr REINSPEGTION REQUIRED F._e' cohRecrroru$: INSPECTOR IVTN MIITDIJN, *O.. "?ODltflorli., A|r|?lc.rr lood ol Od|cpodlc tuqnry Llhc, Amdc.rr Cdhf ol turgpmr o; December 4, 1985 Mr. !.{ike Provosnik, Presldent l[aximum Comfort Pool & Spa 41010 Hlghway 6 &,24 Eagle Vail Business Center Avon, Colorado 81620 Dear Mike: The planning board insists that if we do not plant we must paint the dish the same color as the house; seem more approprlate to palnt lt green. Please check lnto thls as soon as possible and make do so as soon as possible. !ficrylcrnd Pqrlcway, Suit. {15 Iaa Vegcg, Ncvada 89109 (7021'1s2.2223 trees now that to me it would arrangements to You might ask the people that sold us the dish if they have anyfacilities for meeting the request as they must be experienced in the handling of this type of problem. Very truly yours, Ivan Mindlin, Itl.D. I!.[/csr cc: Richard DittemoreVail Planning Coruuission (4,t/*), 4-Jkl J- 'R" / "tL^tL ' ['^LFe^^- /+n^'E -1 p/'t /-ilt*lorg^y k ,"*^7 oo 75 south tronlage road yail, colo.ado 81657 (303) 476-7000 November 8, 1985 Mr. Richard D. Dittemore Djttenrore & Porter, P.C. First Interstate Bank Center 3333 S. Bannock Suite 888 Engl ewood, Co . olllce ol communlty developmont 80110 Dear l,lr. Di ttemore: I read with interest your letter dated October ?9,1985 concerning the issue of landscaping around a satellite dish at the Mindlin residenceat 800 Potato Patch RD., Vail, Colorado. I do however, have to take exception with a number of points made in your'letter. To my knowledge, these three trees were not installed as required with the Design Review Board approval . While it does appear that three smal'l aspens were planted around the satelljte djsh, I saw no indication of evergreens hav'ing been planted during a number of visjts to this site during the sunmer. tJjth respect to planting trees at this time of year, I would agree that the recommended time for planting would be jn the spring. However, by following proper techniques jt is entjrely poss'ible to instal 1 evergreens at thjs time of year in a mountain environment. In order to resolve this issue, I would offer you the following alternatjves: 1. In order to insure that these trees are installed in the spring,I will grant an extension until Ma-v l at which time these trees would be required to be installed provided a letter of credit payable to the Town of Vail is submitted to our office equal to I25% of the cost of purchasing and 'installing the requiredtrees. It is not uncommon for extensions to be granted with respect to landscaping requirements, particularly in the winter months. However, the 'l etter of credit is our meansof insuring that thi s work will be accomplished. 2. The Design Review Board has had an opportunity to review a numberof additjonal satellite dish installations fol lowing the llindlin application. In retrospect, the Board has found that painting pase turo oo November B, 1985 l.lr. Richard D. Di ttennre satelljte dishes to match the color of existing structures can be very effective in mitigating their visual impact. If the Mindlins were wiiling to paint this dish to match their resjdence,I would be willing to rrraive the letter of credit. l^lhile this would not eliminate the required three evergreens, it would rel ieve the i"lindlins of obtajning a letter of credit for the installationof these trees. As per your corresponCence, I would request awritten staternent from your client agreeing to jnstall the three trees this spring. 3. A final alternative would of course be to install the trees arthis time. If this is to be pursued, I wouid encourage you to contact a local iandscape architectural fjrm for advice on howthis may best be accomplished. Keeping in mjnd that the approval for the satelljte dish was given on January 30, 1984, I feei these alternatives offered are fajr jn an attemptto resolve thjs matter. If you should have any questions concerning myposition on th'i s matter do not hesitate to call me at 476-70A0, extension101. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. Sincerely, Thomas A. Braun Town Pl anner TB/bt f r c. RICHARD O, DITTEMORE JEROME V. PORTER JAMES LOUIS NOEL Drrrnuronn & Ponrnn. P. AT'OFA,EYS A/VO COUNSELLOBS AT LAW FIRST INTERSTATE BANK CENTER 3333 SOUTH BANNOCK, SUITE 888 ENGLEWOOD. COLORADO 801 1O TELEPHON E 13031 761-2322 cretober 29, 1985 BETTE HELLER PBOBATE & ESTATE ADMINISTRATION GEORGE V. CHESTEEN TAXATION SPECIAL COUNSEL Ivlr. Thomas A. Braun Town Planner ?own of Veil ?5 South Frontage ltoact Vail, Coloraclo 8f657 Dear lvlr. Braun: I am the attorney for Dr. Ivan llinolin whose company, Mindlin Realties, Inc., is theowner of 800 Potato Patch Road, Vail, Colorado duplei, concerning wnicn you adoressedyour letter of Oetober 18, 198b. Would you please advise the Design Review Board that Dr. &tindlin did install thethree evergreen trees as per the conciition whieh wes placeci by your Board upon hisinstallation of a satellite dish antenna. The sad thing is inat att of inese three exlensivetrees are oead. Dr. Iviinolin has been advised by his nursery rnan that he has a mueh better chaneeof having a survival of nis planteci trees if he waits until spring. I notice also in reaciingthe gardening parts of the local newspaper, that aX d the articles suggest that forColoraoo climate that spring planting is recommenciec for all kinds of tre-ei. I am notparticularly familiar with the aovise of the county agent in Eagle County is giving as tothe best time to plant trees, but it would seem to me that as expensive as tr6es ire, anowith the loss that tne lviinolin people have alreaoy suffereci from flreir first planting; thatit wouki be aovisable for them to wait until spiing. Dr. Mindlin and his -compaiy arevery. resPonsiDle people and will see that any commitments that you neeo in writing arecarried out. They will agree to reouce the same to writing in order to have an extendedperiod to establish these plantings. There is another good reason also for delaying the planting of the trees and that isthat the earth seems to be lnoving in a mudslide fashion towaro their residence. Theprobabilities are that they will have to builo a retaining wall and they will have to takethis into consicieration at the time of the planting of tlre trees so that the trees will nothave to be oislocatect. oo C.. Drfrnnronn & Ponrnn, P. RDD/ske ces Dr. Ivan Mindlin Mr. Thomas A. Braun October 29, 1985 Page 2 - You may consider this as a request to the Design Review Board for an extension oftime until the first of May or perhaps even the first of June (you would know better asto when the snow is off of the grouno/ to aceomplish the agreed planting. Thank you very much for your eonsideration of this request on behalf of Dr. Mindlinand his eompany, Mindlin Realties, Inc. We will appreciate a reply after the Board has considered the request. Thanx you. J:Y"+ 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 475-7000 0ctober 18, 1985 l4r. Ivan I'iindl in 800 Potato Patch Rd. Vail, Co. 81657 Sj ncerely, offlce of communliY develoPment Dear l'lr. l4indl in: Enclosed you rvill find a copy of the Design Review Board-approval for the installatjon of your satellile djsh antenna. Thjs installation was approved with the condjt'ion that three evergreens be p1 anted to screen this dish frcm vjew. 0f specific concern, and as was highlighted in the nntjon for approval , was to attempt to screen this djsh from property west of your home. Having recently vjer.red your property, I noticed these trees have yet to.be. jnstalled. I would enciurage ybu t-o pl ant the three evergreens as required in your Design Review Board-approval . There'i s still ample tjrne this fall to instalt tfrjs.landscaping obfore wjnter sets in. Your inabjl]ty to cotPl{ with the Design Review bouiO's approvai is a municipal code violatjon- t'lhile ihit d"purtnreit would prefer not'io issue a cjtatjon' we are prepared to do so if this work js not completed. Do not hesjtate to call rne with any questions you may have. A"-* P3r*- Thomas A. Braun Town Pl anner TBlbr f ProjectName: Ivan Hindlin -Sa!eltite antenna insftliation Projsct D€scription: i+ Contact Person and p6sns Pobort G- Qodmond (303) 04Q-1457 Owngr, Address and Phone:Ivan Mindlln -- RnO Potat.o Pafch Rd- Vail. Co 816637 f "'t'' Prolect Appttcatton (30? ) 476-6q9 r Archilect,Addr€ssandPhone: UniVef Sal TVR Inr. 4l lR4 U.S urrry 6 I 2A Block I , Filing Design Review Board ( *,*/.( Date Motion by:rl second€d uv: t-.l r-r trA ,''ir^o**\.-cl- |\*___ _ -f l ,,,, ^iJ,., ., ..,, DISAPPROVAL - L:-?.2'r'i,rr i A 't l' o"*^,t"L, rf ^f Ql Town Plannsr ;ery'\l" E Statt Approval f.L,t ^Ilqg-6 r-Fc - zOliI cll[cl( for P/S Z0iiIsrR, Iega1 Description: l-ot 7 noct:F'irins -e, Drsilrrcrs fl 7 JO, Zone District Proposcd Use Lot Area 3/ f6/Hei glrt Al I o'rrerl 30'l']ropose d 24.3?' Setbacks: Front-Require.f 2Oi-*proijcsea S'ides-Required l5' Proposed Rear -Required l5' Proposed l{aterccurse-requirecl (1 Propcsed GtiFA: ' Artoi.red i f 328- #1- pr^opoieci 4a9-t q GRFA: Pritnary Allor,red 3tf,> f -- Fi'irnrr;, l)roposecl -3-g-9{Seconclary Al'lorved -lfik-!- Scconclar'.y Proposed --Laa{ Arc h i tc c t - -Rtp4-;.r,-iu:+lr::---u-- - Site Coverage: Allotved 2e /c Landscaping; . Required -fu.%_--_-_- Propr-rscd Parking: . 'Requir^ed 2/r;" *-.- Prnpcs "o 4! Drive, ,ron. Permitted/ -3%----_-_-"Iopr: /;cl-rirr: _- R, R ?s- =- /s* Ormer Env jronmental /Hazards: Ava'l:anche -----_-- AK-- --' Fiood Plain Coinncnts: Sl ope Zon'ing : 3t >z"tr , 3zs:D/bft,// IS1O 787 fiRrA-/4; /,*4 h,wti+'TA: 2G. 7f," 7z,l{ l z? x tb = / V,?ft z > . zst? >_ 7 v7,f //4s. sz fzL -a 2.f, 6-7{ f-.1,{/7f,2-31 llfal t&trc /6 (rq "f /4, z {x\(. zS = 33, /e 379'tf fl?.f, /'; !, 1?7, e7 to/. 52 G'b3a 7."f,ffi 9o4:EI 31,47> lL,ft lA/u}- - slar 6D. hrdg* L'*( At' --tt- W s6.z{ ? /4,,7f t 7g t6o /3/3 ' /0a7.7f Project Application Proiect Name: Project Description: I U, r t \ r-Lrr l,(.cln y Owner Address and Phone: Archilect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot *1 , atock' Zoning Approved: | .. t.j.-...,:i-. Ii'it't Design Review Board .tloate r-; I 11 [7C APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL ministrator Chief Building Off icial 7-.(,;l !:_clll.-q[ forR, l( I'lS Z0ilt Front-Rer;tiircO ZOi --Plt,;,;3sq1 CI{ l,iaicr"ccursc-requi red - Q,Proprs ed A] I or+ed 35f> b t))sfirlc'r"s Dcscript'ion : l.ot .-/,Bl rrcll -3-186:1- O. sltr I Q., </,1 1An'2'^W /,2U, )-) '/ ':=- l-Fc 2 IcAa1 0mcr Zort e Lot Arr:a Setbacks: GRFA : Pri tnar5, Secondary Ar'lcrr+ed - -122b-!- GrtrA: A'lloved -! - 5lllZ,3 - .l-,,:h I Site Coverage: Allorved -,zggt-Lanclscaping: Requ'irea Jp/-p-- -parlrirrs.: Requii.r:rJ -r/i;{ ---_//_r l)ri-rrc r rr ono tr::.mitLetl/ EYt Invironnrcntal/llazards: Avilanche Fl ood Pl ain S] ore Coi,rtcrrts : OKG( pr.opcre<, - 1-6 tg o'/ ') sccorrdary Proposed /-1 7( Prolrc,:r r:d Propos cd Pt'trp.ro:.ed SIo;;t: /.c'r-rt;r.!- e<_. -Gzej:"t-;1=L /trclritcct- D,l'' ,,,,,.'.;---e"6- -],^",,o,u,iu,.- : Zon'irrg : 3r;ar /5^ /b\7'/ /., - -I -r t)l/) o.t.-L__. ,__- t"tOto sa lrprovcti i I '3 I 7S'D fo ,) /8 iz"zn -- I'r v oo T,SI,IST OlT T'ATIINIA NAI,IE OIT PIIOJIICT I,EGAL DI'SCNIPTION DDSCRIPTION OF PROJECT e9ft^t*-'.4ilvs €krlAilAME LOT 1 BI-,oCK fltttro lbrat 9uenvtf rar.J trILING 0 llr Gzt\tt w-*9 The to A.) following informationthe Design Reviel Board BUI LD ING ]I{ATER IALS : Roof Siding I Other lfall $aterials I Fascia Sof f its ITindows Itlindow Trlm Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other Dotanical i'iame is required for submittal bybelore a fiual approval can the Applicant be given. Type of l{aterial Color Ceo* (tr+r.es (alr*u lxgtbgnorTt C,€roe ilAT,rr.o"(=Cr,€o)' 'C-rotrz &,rcapG t W^,r,rb Wblu-g 9*olr Cgoara Ntru,roc (o6.) lxb r*e gwon u^e llxnwu((,rA OALvaprtra Auuu nr,+,r Pt'rrT., fvllrclr gtorllg lvb aQ A .,p,"tl CeOpP ttfru,r+c (ot,.e4 Nan r Nrur P.)PLANT MATERIALS i(Vegetative, iandsbapine I,Iaterialsand Ground Cover)including Trecs, Shrubs, Si zeConlnon [lame Ae-eOtlF-t ttlmJVlirPp< rl"? .qdl :Fl Quantitv It" -F 16 l6 b -lo' lr t?' 0 tVt oU.or-900r,tcQg \ CN rnx,, f kqto^I tlote (S,o'ro Tr,i) -i^\0tNb ll'tn Doa,t.o a ) to Page 2 PLant Materials Concinued Botanical Name Name Quantitv Size ---_....-__..r_I i --1- c.)OfiTER I"ANDSCAPE FEATURES(Retaining l.lalls, Fences, I(PLease Speclfy) Swirrning Pools, etc.) I I rNsP?cnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON ,TUES WED THUR FRI DATE BEADY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB E FINAL D FINAL EL tr tr tr tr ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL U APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rNsc?crroN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:a FRI CALLER oN@ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL E POOL / H. TUB tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS C] CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINA!- tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: a-o-tsRppRoveo EINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 'r., ,r.:,ta:rir'.r.i OF VAIL CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI tao fnun 'ffi)NTU PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. - tr ROUGH/WATER INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETR,OCK NAIL tr tr tr tr - tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR BAPPROVED tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR n tthrt/v.il rrvsilcrroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WED THUR AM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND N ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL E/Appaoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rNsPftTroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL ,. / . ,". ,'DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES .: WED THUR PMr^l BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND FOUNDATI ON / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: B TEMP. PO tr HEATING B ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL a- A-PPRo'ED D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR I TU ITvsTcTION REQUEsT i / /r, n n, / .t" I .,wl\ (rl- vAlL oarc1/2-'s/,[O JoB NAME f,tUtnu't f'/ / t .,-r-*=. CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: T] TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ,"rt"roN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL fl rUEq,/+-'f ' ,( weo r/ry$)FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME' CALLER INSPEGTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL .' tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED F,Ji DATE INSPECTOR .r,ii. ,"tt"roN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPEC.TTON:MON LOCATION: ')'tt-.=i THU !a; BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELEGTRlCAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIB EI APPROVED /, CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ,"s#cnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE 1---. /? JOB NAME i L c?rE rzz sn ' " ' CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES WED a:.a/: z.7.aa2 o@ tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H, TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECT r"rt"roN' REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB / CALLER ,{..-----{--a(i uroru -.'TUES wED BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER v{ovnoor oN / srEEL tr FRAMING tr tr tr tr tr tr INSULATION GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL C] FINAL APPROVED )RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED ,4, INSPECTOR o rNstcnoN REeuEsr ----@ PM ,*. ley'f" JoB NAM READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMEING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. C] ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB tr tr tr tr tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR tr APPROVED COBRECTIONS: REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOB rNstcnoN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL-.1- / -,//J JOB NAME -* ( ,- t ( r/ t//// ,tL./ CALLER MoN rues ( weo) THURzj-/ -/ __n' - -7,r' /1/*" ./2,- L'' ,r1 4'*+/3 tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE READY FOR INSPECTION:....//'|,-\' LOCATION: ( L L' FRI T] APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL EL tr tr tr tr ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL il n (]-t DAte $- /' l'-' tNSpEcroR ,*tt"roN REeuEsr c--i TOWN OF VA|L y;l/tliif i - c/. 1' DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME MON /-)/')t/L/i .7- ; INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEI;,;;;;.t;-;w O POOI, h1.fUB 4 ( €/ e/.* r, 'o tr TEMP. POWER tr CONDUIT 4.k-r4< eq /eL.z. A/ d<-PLV AlFt / - - ^ ' _ tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE :..INSPECTOR tl',\t oz F() uJ-loEc ot- 4 A FI u,F o ts =E lrJ Jzoz ze dro>z JO(L rJ- ix 2?1l(Ji =rlJxdd= L =E tUc Llo u.J(Lr> F!tr b4d4zv ? OF o-zo F C)fEF(t,zo C) / -. \tF\ I -r- "N=t L,./fl=\[r/ tb\:./ ) l--!_-z_ = oz F =t UJo- I l_ IEr6 I I I I I It tbz t= l2 :< .lctt= = :'Eo o OOI s g 6HE P O EI.n o trTe, EsFi EEaq r,HN(, =-QfruS Et"e;qEiF;<oz6ZlEllil1.1Fo z.3=[?Fz: !- UJ l.lJ'r-E(r(,E; UJO()-zo J -J*<l!x30diE uJ lltl.tl+)l I Ht I Iptlnt IHE+Jl uJlf'll ql told:trt E J @4UI qq <l --l >l I I r!lclolol<l J E I I ,,lalujl ttsl <l J E (,z II co I I IF-l I 5J f Eo Rd ii =z I I ILl" I I ,)vrl uJl @ct cJ :ao t 2Pc?>tfFd6 &.F EoF() Fzoo z I uJ = Et;gi L.r z -rO<F(rO IJJ <zEIjJ F(.1 Zo F C) uJF -trE uru J th o 9coz a v,oc ffi ffi ffi -i:5-t:i i ! !y=- i:=;: -: a ii E zJ a* i;;=:il:=itr lz j=, < 6E j: - a:4+;:: c-_r ,.= a = 9a:.-":E:- ="i.ac.i i 1 = i= ::-E_:81 ;'. y a :J a. =Z - a -E 'r, ! .-E t- .1 = r:2:E A2 FEI:. ::= 7 c-?-i=Ez:-E;i:;;LuPi...:'.: E ! -: : a{ F. li t.:; i; FI<lAl olHI<lFlo1eil dl r-{ I<lol sl E] H& F F{ A F-t? E-roA @ .E .t, = z EE F?oH t >i I - U F .if z 00 rc IE (') I 6 I i I HI<IHI zl trrt HIull rr]l "l o.; .; _( U :l Xrd B z E&lr] FIh iJ z 11 --urH Y!-e>x -22r{<< art -euila a'\ :-2up)zj H.af,fszr,.-Pr- kJ !, - A( r^FtrZZUA|.rJ \ -'.1 *<F<= aagcQ 3FF-rl.l< |!\,=FZnF<Vc;pl==>A= -<:Y!?EqrI -'F--l -attc> -J. !a \Jali..iz*,-YV l"ti?A<_tiaR {r.r€l SZU.-ff;<;u:x**FYliff*t*F(J>F- *-f -a fifPe.AFFE !3*^ER a. Eg EE5E|efi.lJ#lhA. € !nt{t- -a *FHLr(t\ EY ifr 11 nfr, JF:< (,_o:,z' aa r'l 9Y oz2=< ;;Fcurrr z.r!5iu.3i 'rr < 3E<' I I 1., t3 I I I I tr F c I = z.o I I I I I I I I I I I lltJ lo l I I th \\l\J -\* lo lG\wlb-- lcr ..to r:) t(O tu Fo o =zo q ). l..l \ Ib I F(J (!l (Ll o O ) o f-(J Lll (, g)-l c ut fJ ? CE o Jq i u_3-RJF= u., a\ s \ t! LU LL F 2culo- o F r; J F-oF (, F (,z J F6oo-ul o- ?z ru (J o G, o(D rit; 9 Ltl u, z.otr (: Ot!, 9 ou, NOTIVn'lvn \N"lbl oz F u,l/, Fz. e. f F- (ll rh. I '\1 F,a vlJ =(JE lLt -oo.o UJ V\f\l lL: cE AI\l'lvlLz)z9F =o(J ,l\tl I .n trz:)o =J u, ? (r Loo zI F (( F \:'. u, z.9F 3 (E uJ3oI\(D lF F- d .'.jl sl -.l I\*\ li =F 9.tt :< o ozotr a<) lrlo e.trlz UJo (,zi sc3rl.,ca oRiUozz>rl I|l,- r tl (,'z.n =.?Fdout ulE,Gc9fooz<) r-{.\) GI or zo6- \c<v-- =ig=' co z.I F J =<nz. zIho- SP2o<- )>9(J(,, zt!<oo-lo-()>- (JFO;oj (t .,J zo z. ,r9zeoo>zl:lJc)(L i! DODtrl :I Jfit d*il !H;:l ol-.i ii' | ::' );.'i cr{| -r":lrji.l i;;ri:i l-b-'J u: a tro() -i -,: o (-) = t?.[s I LUII t t\L tr^T[tl e sel,r8 TAP rtE cl ilo'l PtflslcL--_ PL IIo['cj(ll' ?zlt,lE oF lc'c- |.or BlLtt,E ,oD?€ss+ 'FiLlrlG I, d,sttl lum Lrc. No. Lrc. No. Lrc. No. *, P"# -t"--'T-'F*r J, q. 5. -'l j"L*-,4**t lrsPECtoRDATE ..... rcuJl{ll:G n€ co}?LETlcfl.oF cslsTRL(TIo.{ o!-4-!-smucTt!i5s' Tl€ DlsrnlcT slrJ\lL r.ir6.r.t A 'rislcJL ,,,,,..iici,ti'iiiJ-isa]rsss io-DrTiilrrr;E rl: r:uucR cF Polr:Ts ro ltE tsgtss-:D nccu'ut"' i6'ivi't"'''Fr xto:t1':l i^' tsg' "":0 lilE sClitilf' '\s A(-:tjO[!, Niu nt: otsr,,,ar'ir.ni tl..i ,.,v-rruuil;I;IIS rii(tss,liY lN n€ cAl6l;v'L inr rre pnto, n,,, lr-,tciiuisi'"r-l- ''tt-r: ocrci;ti::e nc LUlLDtl'€ cr"rt-R's lfi\IER ;;tD !b'di;iivtcE or ricE' Hif"',?5.t'*SS I t Ar I r' nr "rP rrr permitrno. '-l 1108 vArL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT WATER AND SEWER TAP PERMIT TAP PERMIT WILL NOT uNTrL TAp rees heve BEEN PAto tN FULL, NAME OF JOB // /3 LOCATION ANO LEGAL 7 GENERAL CONTRACTOR PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR NG CONTRACTQR nP:Water 9 NUMBER OF UNITS 3.4-S:o ($]joo1=amount ?te Date Billed Date Paid gtdg. Oagr. - Whttri - Wrtr rnd Sanltrtion - Oraan: - PubllcWorb - Crnrry:- Contr|clor - Pink;- Accounting - Goldcnrod rlil -. *' .s 'x1.S I TAL POINTS ' 10.C0 eotfis = l.C[ urtr .rorru o,,rt5 7s q x$reoo.oe I KITf,}€N Dlslr{AshcR i,q$oRlEs CUTSTIE HATER Sswer/-l.'4 EXCAVATI SIZE OF T SIKIEA September 13, 1980 Mr. Steve Patterson Building Dept. Town of VailVail, CoIo. Bt65? Dear Mr. Pattersonr This wi1l serve to confirm Mrs. Boyer's request in your office on September 11th. that you use your good _offices to have the pile of concrete removed from our lot #6' Potato Patch, Block 1. This concrete was placed there by a truck belonging to Mountain Mobile Mix acting as subcontractors to Etters Construction who are working on a duplex on.lot #7. ffris litter which is located on the nor{tr edge oi Lot #6 was depositedin violation of Tovm of Vail Municipal Cod,e, Chaptei 8,t5.t20, Iours very tru1y, Georges M. Boyer GB: I-',K CC: It!r. Ken llentworthEtters Construction Co. drawer J vail colorado 81657 303 949 4815 cable: SKEA vail colorado SIKIEA X,$rs verlr tru'lv,t\ ^ ,/ t-Y \\-A-^- \ u.. Georges M. Boyer i GB r IJ( CCr Mr. Steve PattersonuMr. Duane Piper 'r !J> drawer J vail colorado 81657 303 949 rtgl5 cable: SKEA vail colorado Septenber tJ, 1980 Mr. James A. Rubin Town of VailVail, Colo. 8165? Dear Mr. Rubinr . [his will serve to confirm lilrs. Boyer's conversationwith you in your office on septernber 11ih. when she advised,you that we were extrenely concened that the fill being movedintg Lot #4, pota.to patch-Block 1, wa.s passing the lot linebetween our lot fiJ and lot #4. ltle are ad.amant that our 1and. not be trespassed. upon inarqr way and ask that you take al1 neeessary sleps with CDSenterprises to have the situation correcteh and.- future ' encroachments on our property prevented. While we are not experts in this particular fieId,it seens to us that the iiff Ueing plaLed on lot #U i;'not in accordance with the informdtion furnished. to the townto obtain a building permit. After you have had the opportunity to revj-ew the situation,we would appreciate hearing fiom you. SIKIEA 0ctober 7, 1980 Mr. Steve Patterson Building Dept. Town of VailVai1, Colo. 81657 Dear Mr. Pattersonr Mrs. Boyer and f were up on Potato Patch yesterd.ay evening and the results of your efforts on our behal.f both onLot 6 and T,ot I were clearly evident. Many thanks for your prompt action. Very truly yours, ,7/ '( --t't- / .' '/\ Georges M. Boyer I 1 GB r IJ( drawEr J vail colorado 81657 303 949 /1815 cable: SKEA vail colorado SIK EA August 1, 1980 Mr. Steve PattersonBuilding Dept. Town of VailVai1, Colo. 8765? Dear Mr. Patterson: This wil-l- serve to confirm Mrs. Boyer's telephone caLlto you earl-ier this week wherein she asked that you use your good offices to have the pile of concrete removed from theiorth edge of our lot #6,-Potato Patch, Bl-ock 1. This concrete was apparently placed there by a truck belonging to Mountain Mobile Mix acting as subcontractorsto Etters Construction who are working on a duplex on J-ot ffi. At the same time it would be appreciated if you would urge the employees of Etters Construction to keep their refuse on their own premises. Both our lots #5 arf, #6 are continually used as depository for cans, papers, etc. By the way, please accept our congratulations for the honor bestowed upon you by the Town of Vail , Very truly yours, drawer J vail colorado 81657 303 949 4815 cable: SKEA vall colorado Georges GB r IJ{ SIKIEA December 22, 7980 Police Department Town of Vail &Building Departnent Town of VaiIAtt: Mr. Steve Patterson Vail, Colorado 8L657 Gentlemen: I am writing this letter to the two departments shown above because I believe this letter concerns them both. I was most surprised this past week-end to find threevehicles parked on the Town right-of-way at the top of Potatp Patch Drive: A white 'International' truck bearine the licenseplate. Colorado \ry1-4+5, A yellow 'backhoe', scoop & shovel, bearing the numberJJJ, w,.thout a vehicle license. A traller beari-ng the 'expired' temporary ColoradoIicense plate 5593IY which expired 7/I/80, I would appreci-ate your taking the necessary stepsto have these vehicles moved from the righ-of-way. Furthermore,I would appreciate your taking steps to prevent this typeof probably illegal parking from taking place in the future. Your comments will be appreciated. {),rt ,#/1 hun ( o, IJJ_O CK L. 6d, truly, L1 drawer J vail colorado 8.|657 303 949 4815 cable: SKEA vail colorado Georges M. Boyer Owner Potato Patch GB:I,K .rv RTSIDCJ|IIAL TIATEN t SA'JER TAP ur *'il,fiff 3t6t EttttrE toD?Ess I dol. 2, 3i q, 5. 6. 7, 8. 9. t0. l. 2. 3, 4. 5. SASEI€HTlsr noon ?ro noor - . JRD FLocR EAStlStT lsr nmr zlo FL@R JfD BASR€ilT Jsr rrccn ho nooa .,RD FLOOR BAsnr 8 rotlEt. 2-x 1.9 (qIE HALF PAT}UEfin.lsrn'cs /x .E [s"St8* '* , 4 ;i l,n ="/7' @ BASIN, TOII.ET] - RCCT'S (LI'/ING M'S, EEDROSS, oF;lc€s, fiDlos) :Lx Z,fl2 x l.fi! x1.S = 5, oc) 2. do - / r, -l-::- KITC?GNS DI$?IA-$AS I.II3DRIES Gen ustaJ ICE }TAc1IINES sAl,r$tAs wnrn cooGns I T.IAIEI rcL[{TAI!6 s1{lt'i4lrlc P00lJ JAAJ ,I OUTS I DE }IATER, 0,tlttl*rn oF c\FJ RI-L EII}S n00rs rrrorsi DISH.IASTGR i.ar.r'orues (n'TSIDE WATER IIITAL POINTS /x .50 = '3 x' ,6 x.6 .z> 5.m 7I l:ffi x x =ffi- APATN€NIS x 3.CI x l.m rtt x' .5) x l.frl = 31,53 *lil[#il'i*o* sjrL{e tl{sPEgfoR ..... rc,ug{llicT}€cor?LErtcr|oFccxtslRLgllo..|oFA.LsTRE-rtFEs,n€DlsTRlcrSH^LL;fi6ii'; iiisiiil-rrr;,'Eciic'r-rir'ritl- FRUrtsEs To DErEilrrtie Tl:c rruLrER oF Polrirs ro nE AssEsssD Acojrurr:,, io n i r'r"rer t':D sa''.L.n Tt-2 F5E, t"iD fl\TE scl i:-c'JLE ' '\s risi Drri-^-],J*nri-orsirlrcr'innr.i iliiG r';rv-r.ruuil;rirTs ril'cESs,\iY tN_niE{;ilGlivl- TAp rEE pAlD. n,rs r,,?cciiuisiirl_ rur: DEIfl;ll:lE nc l;ulLDll.c oilER'S lt\IER aiiossiERstRvlcEot^'i.E' H||o,?[.p,qgflri,rnr,.urrr\rnr.r DAIE Pr(stcru-- t* U 'FiLlilG ruir fr (rwat) O IT.TSilCTION'. REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL oor. K-ll- fu JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI APPROVED CALLER ,. /'_a, ', TUES ,/THUR FRI tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING D ROUGH / WATER INSULATION tr GAS PIPING O SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB O FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT FINAL P?.ffiilil' /,INSPECTOR DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME rr.rstcrtoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL /46,L1 CALLER TU 095 (t4INSPECTI 6oo ' i" I BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL DISAPPROVED g REINSPECTION !i REQUIRED : /) 1l O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: | .',.. . !' INSPECTOR ,"rt"rroN REeuEsr CALLER TU WED; THUR TOWN OF VAILt/ DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL C POOL / H, TUB tr tr tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING E ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: \_ TE INSPECTOR r-ffi-tl-,r..l , 'lih. InsilcTlON REQUEsT oo* ll f'll ,qo JoB NAMEI 'T READY FOR LOCATION: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. {rnaurna v,'!';Tt\|,fu trRoucH/wArERf \ " t BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS/STEEL tr UNDERGROUND E lrrLrrrr!\r. rLUlY|ElNtr; tr FOOTINGS/STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V.,. S:::Y'::^ tr RoucH/wArER tr INSULATION - tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTFICAL: IIECHAN|CAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH T] EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB - trtr tr INSULATION " tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTFICAL: IIECHAN|CAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED ,*s#"roN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL CALLER TUES WED THUR DATE ti.,t(c JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: '/ ,l -)./ / , BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION D GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr ffirwat tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr q F|NAL tr FINAL APPROVED ,''',i.../, {{$,,',.6,.,,.-tr DISAPPROVED b RE|NSPECT|ON REQU|RED DATE DATE JOB ,*r#"toN REeuEsr TFIUR FRI . .)'i 1' CALLER READY FOR TNSPTECT|ON; LocArloN: t rlEiL DISAPPROVED fi5erruseecroN REeutRED TOWN OF VAIL ':)nS,+P----------'7' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL - tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL - tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: oarc l' )a - 6 I rNSpEcroR DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME t tNsPEcfl*oN, TF9pEs.r '{*', y' CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr D { rrr.rer- 'T t' tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL E FINAL tr APPROVED ,.DISAPPROVED INSPECTION .,/,a \ ,-r- IRED CORRECTIONS: /,: rrR :jr.. / 7j t, t, /t ,, i 11 t' r{/,,t ,"#"toN TOWN OF fi7 REQUESTVA|Llrr JOB NAME /L/ Qr l'l\ I l)<DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION: ,) TUES WED THUR AM"\ r' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O BOUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH /W tr INSULATION D SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH -------.- tr EXHAUST HOODS tr FINAL APPROVED \(/'t --fd tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED RRECTIONS: TNSPECTO&-: -i - ,-,i n- rrus#ctoN- TOWN OF REQUESTVA|Lorr DATE JOB NAME CALLER TUESREADY FOR INSPECTION:MON PMAM LOCATION: :f (1 s tJ ( n BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL r] POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICALT,. tr TEMP, POWER O HEATING RoucH t tr EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPTY AIR E FINAL APPROVED T] REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: O*.--.- $. 2- <-r- or .-- -DATE ."r - 7 4r INSPECTOR ,i 3,, r . 1i: .rlrj r - INS DATE READY FOR LOCATION: Mory CALLER TUES. * JOB NAME l:),i ' ..@t) FRI * PE 9^!.t.9N- BFopEs;rTOWN OF VAIL - BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEE_ N UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. O ROUGH / WATERtr FBAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK B GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr ( rrrunr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT - tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL D APPROVED ISAPPROVED SJIJPECTON REQUTBED CORRECTIONS: D^rE €'f-{7 rNSpEcroR -t DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME FBION:cTl C) t-EINS rnst,c;*o$, gfigpESJ y^ ' " r-r C- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION D GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB i{prrunr- (L,r.R (trt.,tti', ) oF1NAL/\ TF.uf c%a '/ ELECTRICAL: T] TEMP. POWER tr HEATING O ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT - D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: PROVED PECTION REQUIRED Pe 7f. r t INSPE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL i tF r DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: NAME CALLER THUR FRI /|, ./ CORRECTIONS: *: - zc t l- qa '- ^i C Y ofar@- BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.T] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr_ tr GAS PIPING NAIL T] POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL 1. .tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr BOUGH -tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr O SUPPLY AIR tr N FINAI ./ n trrNAl -4./-)7 tr APPROVED '&sapPRovED %l^r,*"rEcr o N R Eeu I R ED /'-> // .-DArE 7../S -,, ,/ tNspEcroR * TOWN OF VAIL I t ' oor, ?-'rz U JoB NAME - Fe fo( , wED ('ffi- r*,o"@CALLER MON TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:7 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: T] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL E POOL / H. TUB trd fl t, yr (L w LrT.Ee {rr'rnr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH EI EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR trtr1 o rr*{tr FINAL ?fuwRovED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: oor= f-/&-.1-/ JoB NAME BEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL . CALLER TUES WED THUR FBI AM PM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB D fr*or-tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED <s 8'D 24 FrzVl INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: "o'= f\r+l(S JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trT ElF trc tr- CTRICAL:ITIECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: \orsneenoveo { nerruseecrroN REeuTRED "^tr b/Rl(t rNSPEcroB PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ' .. onre Or4. lQ tl4I[roe runve CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI BUILDING:PL tr tr E tr D tr UMBING: tr tr o tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATEH FOUNDATION i STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL #rrunu B tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH o tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ED ORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR