HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL POTATO PATCH BLOCK 1 LOT 11 LEGAL• ,:ro~OF ¥.-IIL •• Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VA IL Project Name:L udwig Res idence Project Descript ion :S tucco a ndsidin g addi tion Owner,Address .a ndPho ne:Allen Ludwig 792 Potato Patch Vail,CO 81 657 P roj ect N umber: Arch itect/Con tact,A ddress,and Phone:Danny S we rtfeger PO Bo'385 Ed ward s,CO 8163 2 926-7610 ProjectS treet Address:792Po tatoP atch Legal De scription :Lot 11,Blk1,Va ilPota t o Patch Pa rcel Numbe r:B uild ingN ame : Com ments :a pprnvulb ased o nde sign a s o utlined i nme eting minuteso f 7-28-00 Mot ion by: Sec o nded by: Vote: Board/SlalTAction A ction :S taff approved w ith conditions C onditi ons:1 .additional si ding as addressed i nm e eting minu tes o r7 ~2 H-O O T own Planne r:A llisonO chs Date:7-28-00 OR B FeePa id:$20.00 Projec t N ame : Doc ume nt2 Ludwig Resid ence QuestiOnS .1I the Planning Staff at479·2138 APPUCATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL C) ~~wP~O?- ••. GENERA L INFORMATION This a pplication is forany project requiring Design Review a pproval.Any pro ject requmnq design reviewm ust receve Desgn Revle'N approval prior to sutrnitting for a budci ing permit.For soecsc n tormanon,see the sutrrattat requirements forthe parncu jar approval that IS requested.The applicatxln canner be accepted until all the required Information is subrrutted .The p roject mayalsoneed to be reviewed by the Tawn Counciland/or the P1anmng and Envunnmental Commission .De5ign Rev iew Board approval ex pires one yea r after fi nal approval unless :~"~~. B. C. D. E. F. G. LOCATION O F PROPOSAL:LOT?t-BLOCK:FlUNG : PHY SICAL ADDRESS :---.1ge El\ID;>\dkl:l.tl -uCA~JI---.__ PARCEL #:0-01-0"~ct fag"CD.Assessors Office at 971}-328·8640 fer parcel #) ZONlNG ::---,.,.NAME~M:::~r;-q-z,-ft==-,--~~1---------- -:-----,,----c::------PHONE:.s1l-8'31 -+1$ NAME:;==~'(5 :Q Ck~btLLlt~_ MAJUNG ADDRESS:~PHON~-'6Um6 H.TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE:o New Construction·$200 o Addition ·$50 ~Minor Alt eration -$20 Construction ofanewb uilding . Includesanyaddition where squarefootage is added toany residential or commercial building. includesminor changes to buildingsand site improvements,such as ,rerooflng,painting,windOW'additions,landscapmg,fences and retaining walls,etc. ORB tees are to be paid at the time of sutrnittal.later,when applying fora building permit,please identify theaccurate valuation of the proje:t.The Town of Vail wi.adjust the feeaa:ording to the project:valuation . PLEASE SUBMIT nus APPUCATION,AU SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEETOTHE DEPARTMENT OF CCMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SCU TH FRONTAGE ROAD ,VAIL.COLORADO 81657. j1pforOffice~U Only: Fee Paid:'.¥QiI 0<;;: Application Date; Pre-APPlication~ng Date: By: DRS Meeting Date: JUl 1 ~1000 TOV·COM.DEV Questions?cfthe Planning Staff at 4 79 -2138 MINOR ALTERATIONS TOTHEEXTERIOROF BUILDI NGS A ND SITE I MPROVEMENTS ~oN ERA L I NEO RMATl QN This a pplication applies to changes made toasite or exterior alterations ofabuilding.Any alteration in wh ich additional t:Ul iding squarefootageis added w illr equire a n"add itions" application . I.SU BMmAL RE QUIREMENTS CPhotos o r sketche s whic h c lear ly conveythe existinqcondit ion s. [J Photosor sketche s which ~conveyth eproposed bUildingor sitealteration(s). o Allrelevant spec ificationsfor the proposal indudingcolors andmaterials '.0 be used . o Condomin ium Associa tion a pproval (if app licable). o If the intentofth e proposal is not clearly indicated,t he Admi nistrator may determi ne that aca itional matenats are necessary for the review of the appl ication. ~UI L D I N G MATERIA LS: Roof Sidi ng ether VI/a ll Materi als Fatcia Soffi ts Windows window Trim c ocrs Doer T~i lTI Hand or Deck Rails Flues f !t:sh ing Chimneys T rash Enclosures Greenhouse Retain ing Walls Exterio r li ghting Othe r e UST O FP ROPOSEOMATERIALS e TYPE QF MATER!l;1::O LQR: '"Please specify t hema nuf acturer =s color,n umbe randattach a sma ll colorch ip **All exterior lightin g m ust meet the T ow n -s l ight ing Ordina nce 12-11-5].If exterior lig ht ing is proposed, p le aseindicate the n umberof fixturesand locat ions ona separatelighting p lan.Id entify each f ixturety pe and provide th e height above g rade,lumens out put ,luminous area,a nd attach a cut sheet of th e lighting fixtures . 2 ••PRO POSED LANDSCAPING PROP OSED TREESAND SHR UBS: EXISTING TREE S TO BE REMOVE D: Bo tanical Name:Common Name:Quant ity:Size*: *Minimum r equirements f or landsca ping :deciduous trees -2inchcaliper co nifer ous tre es-6 feetinheight shrubs '5 gallons Tyee:Square Fo otage: GROU ND COV ER SOD SEED l R."rGATION TYPE OF EROSIO N CONTR OL OTHER LANDSCA PE FEAT URES (reta ining walls,fences,swimming pools,etc.)Pl easespecify,I ndicatetoo and bottom e levationsof retainingwalls.Maximum h eightofwalls wi thin the f ro nt setbackis3 f eet . Maximumheightof wa llselsewher eo n t he p roperty is6 feet. J • UTILITY LOCATIONVERIFI CATION • T his f ormis to verifyservice avail abiJ :ty and location for newconstruction and s:'ould beused in conjunctio n w ith preparing your utility plan and scheduling installat ions,T he locationand availability of ut ilities,whether th ey be main trunk li nesorp rc oosed linES ,m U~1:be approved and vem eo by t he f ollowin g util it iesfo rt he <lC':or1.~anying sit epian. Au tho rized Signatu re: u.s,West Co mmunicat ions 1-800-922 -1987 468-6860 o r 949-4530 Public Se rvice ':ompd r.;' 949-5781 (Gary Hall) Holy CrOSS Bectrk esscc. 949-5892(Te1 H uskvj j otm Boyd) T .:.I. 949 -5530 (floyd Salzar ) Eagle River wacer e.San ita tion District '" 4 76 -7480(fred Hastee) '"Please bringasitepian,floorplan,and elevations whencbtainlng uoc cr Eagle Va lley Water & San itation signa tures.Hre flow ne eds must beadd ressed . NOTES: 1.If the utility verfflcatlo n for m h as signatur e'S from each of t he utility compan ies,and r-o comm ents are made di rectl y o n the torm,t he Tow n will pre sume th at th ere a re no pro blems and t he develcpmentcan proce ed . 2.If a L:ti lity compa ny bas con cerns with the proposed construction,t he Ltility represen tat ive shall note direct!y onthe utility ver fkaton fo rmtha t th ere is a problem which needs to be reso lved .TI.e ssuc shou kt then be d etailed in ana ttached 'ette r tot he Town of Vail.However,plea se keep in mi nd that it is the res ponsibi lity of the utility com pa ny and t he a unncan t to resolve identified problems. 3.These verifications do n ot relieve t he contractor of t he r esponsi bility t oobt ain a Publ ic Way Perm it f rom t he Department of Public WorKS .c theTo wn ofVail.Utility locat ions m ust be obta ined before d igging i n a ny public right-of-wayo r easement w ithi n t he Town of Vail.A b unolnc pe rmit is not a Public Way per mit and mustbe obta inedseoa ra tel y. 4 "•• I.PRE-AP PLICA TION CO NF<B ENCE • Ap re-application co nference withT own of Vailstaff is required.Noa pplicationcan beacce pted unless the mandatory pre-application meetin ghas beencompleted .It ist he appllcant-s resnonsibihtv tosched ule th ismeetingby calling 970--479-2 128. II.TIME RE OUIR EME NTS T he Design Review Board meetso n the 1st and3rd we cnes cavs of each month.Acom plete applicationformandall accom panying material mustbe accepted bythe Community Development Department a minimumof t hreeand ahalf(31/2)weeks prior t othedateoftheORB p ublic h earing . III.RFVIEW CRIT(RI A Your proposal will be reviewed for com plia nce With the Design Guidelines asset f orthin section12- 11 ot tt.e MuniCipal Co de. IV.NOT!'TO ALL APPLICA NTS: A.If aproperty is locatedinamapped hazard area (l.e.snow avalan che,roc kfall,floodplain, deb ris flow,wetla nd.etc),ahazard studymustbe submtted andthe owner must sign an affidavit recogniZi ng the hazard report prior to t he issuan ceofabuilding permit.App licants areencou raged tocheck withthepla nning staff prio r tosubmitta l of a ORB ap plicationt o determine th e rela t ionship of th e property toall mapped hazards. B.Basic Plan Sheet Ferm at.Forall surveys,siteplans,landscapep lansa ndot her site im provementsplans,aUof the followingm ust beshown. 1.Plan sheet size must be24"X 36".For large p rojects,la rqerpla n size maybe a llowed. ').Scale.The m inimum scaleis 1"=20'.All pl ans must be at the same sca le. 3 .Graphicbarscale. 4 .Northa rrow. 5 .T itleb lock,project name,proj ect a ddressand legal descri ption . 6 .I ndication ofplan preparer,address andphone number. 7.Dates cf o riginal plan p reparation a nd allrevision d ates. 8.Vicinityma po r locationma p ata scale o f 1"=1,000'or lar ger. 9.Sheet labels a nd nu mbers. 10.A borde rw ithaminim um left side mar gin of 1,S". 11.Names ofa ll adjacentroa dways. 12.Plan legend. C.For newconstructionand add itions,the a pplicantm ust sta ke a ndt ape th e pr oject site to indicate p roperty lines,prop osed bui ldings andbui lding corners .All tree-to be removed mu st be ta ped.T he applicantm usten suret hat sta king do ned uring the w inter s not buriedby snow.All site ta pi ngs and staking m u st be c om pl eted p ri or to the d ay of t he ORB meeting . D.Ap plicantsw ho failt o appear before th e Design Review Board all t heirscheduledme eting date andwhohave not asked inadvance that d iscussio n on th eir item be postponed ,w ill havethei r items removed fr om th e ORB agenda until s ucht imeasth eitem has bee n repub lished. E.If t he ORB a pprov es th e applica tion with conditio ns o r modifica tio ns,a ll conditions o f approval must be resolved .tl!iQr to theissuance of abui lding pe rmit. 5 V.STAFF APPROVA L ••r, The Administrator may review and approve Des ign Revie....applications,approve with certain modifications, denytheapplication,0"mayref er the application tot he u esign Revie-....Board for de cision.All staff approvals are subject t ofinalapproval by the OR B.The following types f)f Des ign Review epnlications may be st affapproved : A.Any applicat ion fo r a n addition to an existing builaing tn at .5 consistent w ith th e a rchitectural design, materials and colo rs of t he building,and aoc rova t has been received by an authorizedmemberof a condominium associati on,if applicable; B.Any application to modify an f'..x isting build ir 9 thatdoesnotsignificantly changetheexistingplanes cfth e buildingana is gene!'"ally consstent With the architectural de:ign,materialsand colors of the building,inc:uding,butnotlimited to ext enor l)uilding finishmate-as (e.g.stonework,Sidi ng,roof materials,;ft1 int or statn.),exteriorlighnng,canopies orawnings,fences ,antennas,satellite dishes, windows,skylights,~i ding,minor ccrrrercat facade improvements,and other similarmodifications; C.Anyapplication for site improvements or rrcdjkatons including,but not limit edto,driveway modificat ions,site grading,sue walls,removal or modificationsto existinglandsca ping,installation of ecces scrv structures orrecreational f acilit ies. VI.AWmQNAL RMEWAND FEE,~ A.!.t his appllcatlcn requires a sepa rate r ~'1ie·.'V by any local,stateor Fed eral agency otherthanthe T own of Vail,t he epphca ton Ice shall ce increased by$200.00.Examplesof such review,may i nc lude,t-ut ",re not limited to:Colorado Department of Highway Access Perm its,Army Corps or Engineers 404,etc. B.The ap plicant shall beresccnsble far payingany publ5hing fees whichare in excess of50%of tile appnc at tcn f EC.If,at theapplica nt 's request,arv matter is postponed fo r hear ing,causing th e matter to be re-published,then the entir e .ee f or seen re-pubucatl on shall be paidby the applicant. C.e oonca tons deemed by the Community Deveoprren t Departme nt to have design,landuse orother Issues vhich may have a significant impa ct ont he community may require reviewby consultants inad d itio nt o To wn staff.Shou lo ad eterrnlnattcnbemade by th e Town staff t hat a n o utside consultant is needed,t heCommunityDevelopment Departm ent may hire the consultant.Th e Dcc.rrtmem shall estimate me amount ofmoney necessary to payt heconsulta nt and this amoun t s ha ll be f orwarded to theTownby the applicantatt he t ime offil ing anappl ication .Expen ses incurred by t he Town i n excess of t he amou nt f orwarded by t he applicat ion sha ll bepa id to the Town by t hea pplicant wittun 30 d ays of notitcation by th eTow n.Any excess fundswill be retumed t o t he a pp licant upon reviewcomplet ion. TO WN OF VA IL 75SouthFrontageRo ad vsu.Colo rado 81657 970-479-21381479-2139 F AX 970-479-2452 •• D epartment of Community Developm ent Bui lding SlTfc ~r &lnsprction S ervices D iv ision No .or P a~cs __ FAX COVER SHEET TO:N10 fl.~.•\..~-'~OW.J9::_ C OM I'ANY NAM I'::,92.2~,,"","D..L£."-_ FA X M JM IIEI{:84,-'B'QI -41(0'..:..-_ I'H ONE Nm lll f:l{:B4 li -C\g'l -q,c2. FIW 'I:K athy Warren.Permi t Rev iew Coordinator Town of Vail Communi tyD evelopment Department Building S afety &Inspect ion Service s Divi s ion 75 Smith Frontage ROi lO Vail.Colo rado 81657 Pho ne 970.-l-7 9.2J:!5 .directline FAX (}70 .4 79 .2~5 2 Evmu iI:kwarrcn@ci.vail.co.us C OMMENTS.NOT ES: c~_-1:1 EA':-I:h'to>t:>'btoT Kn ed....-:_URJ?·t>..?PU.Um.=__ ___________Bldq,V,,(mIX.J:::.?I,i or o :t1 cn. _'R\ease call lD~~t:iOO'"!don't lOC)'frl.<\..a'o.eu:r 4="6).EL :.i!'l:\----m..tmi e>m:ITlI..lJ,lJI:i2-.....B..\,lJef ?~.luY\\Ti~<;!.~. 1.()£CAl-;>Db ~rr N L ....l:YXtJ.LCl..O r.CMH:c",,[-...__ ---------~::JJ.D.... ------------'-C-fk-$PC:) Town ofVall.Department of Community Dev elopl1l9llt /...75S.Frontag.Road Vall,CO81657 :X:'s ~.~ReceplNo.&54 5 Pro ject:Oate-LJQ/p I (X) Please make checks p ayable to t he TOWNOF .VAIL Account No ."em No.Code'Co st Each j Total 00 10000 3141110 Zonina a rKt Address ~acs ZA $5.00 · 001000031 4111 2 U niform Buildina Code -1997-Vo lume 1&2 CB $50.9 5 · 00 10000 3 14 1 112 UniformBuildi ceee .199 7 -VokJm e 3 $57.20 · COl0 00 03 141112 Inlemational P l/mb i ecce -t 99 7 CB I $36.00 · 00 100003 141 112 .Internationa l Mechanic al Cod e -1998 tea $35 .00 · 001 0000 314 1112 U niform Mecha nica l Code -199 7 ,$3 3 .60 · 0010 0003 141112 U niformF ire Cod e ca 53 6.00 · 0010000314 1112 Na tional Electrical Code CB $37.00 · 00100003141 112 Abatement of Danoerou s B ldo .'s 1997 $9.95 · 00100003141 112Model Enerav ceee •1995 $10.00 · 00 1000 0 3 14 1112Ana s is of Revisio ns to 199 7 UniformCod es $12 .75 · 00 10000 3141 112 Other Code Books c a · OO t0000 3 14121 1 8 11e PrintsIM tar Coov Fees BF $7.00 • 00 100003141 111 ·Xerox Caa ies XC $0.25 :" 00 1000031 41111 I U on sh ead Master P lan 51.801$1.60 'MS $40.00 · 00100003141111 S tudies,MasterPlans,etc .MS • 0 0 1 0000 3 153 000 P FeesJRa-ln lion s PN QOl000 03 1 1 2 300 P lan R ev iew Re-c heck Fee $40!D er hou r)PF 00 1 0 00 0 3 152000 Off Hours Ins action Fees OH 001 00 0031 2 3000 ContractorsLicense Fees Cl 0 0100003 12 4000 S n ucencn F ee SP $20 .00 001 0000 3124000 I Additional SkIn Acclica tionFee SP 001 00 00311 2200 '0 .n Re.n-Boa rd F ee CPr ,"DR I ~ 001 oo ao3 153000 Buildi Inve .ation Fee PN 0010000240 3300 DeveIDpet Irroor..eITl«"ll ~02·DEP10 MJ 00 100003121000 Resta.wantLicensefee (10V)I RL 00 1 0 000 2302 000 ~Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.D eotRev.SA ·0 010000 20 11000 Ta u ble@4.5%State -Tax able TP ·0 01 00 00 3 101100 T......4."'"own •Ret:IIJ1 Sales Tax 17 OttlarlPJiisc .-MS 00 1000 031 1 2500 PEC APPUCA nON FEES 00 1 00003 1 1 2500 Add itional GRFA -"250·PV $2 00.00 0 0 1 00 0031 1 25 00 Co rKt itional UsePermit ,PV $200.00 0 01 000 0 31 1 2500 Exterior Alteration ·less than 100~tt ,PV $2 00 .00 0 0 1 00 0031 1 2 500 E xterior AltElr3tiQ n ·More than 100.tt.PV $5 00 .00 0 0 1 00003 1 1 2 500 Special Ogy9lopment OistJict -NEW IPV $1,500 .0 0 00100 003 11 2 500 ~iaID 6\I ent District -M .r Amend ,PV 5 1,000.00 00 1 00003 11 2500 S &C ia!Develo ent District •Minor Amend PV $200.0 0 00 1 00 003 11 2 500 Subdivision Fees PV 00 1 0000 311 2500 Variance PV $250 .00 00 1 0000 31 1 2500 Zon in CodeAmendm ents PV $250.00 Re -ZonJn PV $200 .00 0 0100003193100 Greenstar Proaram Oth er -I MS .~ I IT OTAL :V I l- I-Commsnts:-- - I-~/t/L Rec,;vod by :A0 - I-eash MoneyOrd_'Check'- I-- 2IlQ'99 ••r \ 51543NCl Pollee Re ceipt Numbers _ By 110 /./117 (",I/If,/ HOW PAlD-Cash 01ock ~Il/" ,'-------------------------I ------------------,RECEIPT -TheTown or van --------------.' :DATE rf/n (,joc ,,1 •'19 :C YCElVED FROM Irdl lA';'1'1 /fl(~/"1 r ADDRESS ' :'J rh ~ll{)/'-/1 11, r r I r,,, I :.....Perm it Numbers ---:---;-:=-_ 1, TQlln of Wail +t-t D.SltJO iEC£tPT t+t NO TE:11211111 81 REIIIPT:88121 58 DEStR IPTllJ<IllY IIWff TP 111 tESllit REHEW FE 1 ,~.•tDR Q{ HIGH ~ClJ<51R lI«; TOOER DETAI L (l(21'5 NOTE:71211N lIIlAL DEDI IIWff IDiOCRED 128 .N TIlE:18 :81:34I28.N I 28.N ~YCll F ~YClJR PAYlOT ! ,',-' i C A LLE"R ~u.- NT UES W ED T HUR ,. .)-c;)u PellA REA DY F OR LO CA TION:--':'-.:Lt.!i..l:::.::.ifJL_EE:::f}:J.::.~f.£~~.:.-...:.......:..._~~:..:~-,~:!:.- PLUMBING : "o U NDE RG ROUND o R OU GH /D .W.V._ o RO UG H /WATER --'-__ __________,'0 GAS P IPIN G o P O OL I H .T UB _ 0 -'-_ o ""BillLD I N G ~ o FOOTIN GS I S TEEL o FOUNDATION I ST EEL _ a F RA MI NG ROOF &S HE ER ' o PLY WOOD NAILIN GoINSULATION _ o S H EETROCK NAI L _ o F JNA L o FIN AL o AN AL M ECHA N I CA L: O "HEATING _ o EXHAUST H OODS --;-__ o SUPPLY AI R 0 _ o F I N AL 'f;P£?RO VE D CO R RE CT iON S: o D ISAPPROVE D o RE INSPECT ION RE C I •~-ICAJO~J; ~~~ c.O.J .~~""r .f(;,./i /e«f(C---;;'.I --f:»- .~jill'};.- ISJf -- .:-tl-j~.u:u-L ......L.L f~ ..~~.,,-f.J "".p .~ P .B1••".1;<,e 0 m C I+f.(IL L a;«Fill:-l:«e P~-A2'II.1IT ~j,~CCJIl1Pct::11 0 Aj ------c.s r:« lS, I 'l'/9 -d f../S-d.P"P<A- I i /O.V•• I NOV-1B-1997 10:13., ; • P02~: ~tuJ~ ~7(",-d-Sd-j----rAf;V )r;.-eP?3 7-, !e~~~Co ~/ -~L......";t:2dU:eL~""'" ./7~3, I ~:lSl'!, " "'.u,, ~ , ·.... 245,00 159.00 so.oo l5.00/pc.i4.00 ~..-' -r PERMITFEES .--,.PERMIT NO,.. SUll.DINC .. ElEcrrnCAL .,..,. PlUN",,",.,- EUC TJl ICAL P\.UMBINC BUIlDII'I G PERM IT I REPAIR(1 V,t,lUAllON 272 G .R ,f.'" R-3 'ROUP v , TYPE NEW(1 Al TERA T+CNI l lDOITlQNA L EGAL LOT11 BL",,-_-,-'--1 __FILlN'IfoIL/POUIQ..UCK "IlIJ!'NAME ;WILSON 1lIlIODEL ~~~~',\'C"o~T R ucT ro~PE RMif::NO\~.,ft~~~:~'t 1;~BE ~~oN"-:W,;·j .". lal~..'...TYP:~[.CO.ST.:'::':'"~'~,~V,~...,~,3 9 6 .3 detyrtmlnl of commtanltv d....elopment tOCCUPA.~CYCROUP .~ABE H I RM'."'.' ~..'..'i f r L l E OO U T CO M Pl ET ELY Pfl tO ~T O ISSUAN CE O FPEAAU T D l Vt~~'J Z 2.:3 ,,'~1-'~:::::::+_--JL..-ClO!IL_':""~::":''''':'_'''':'_~ •CENEAAl DESDUp!IONOrWOJJX :_--:---II~ TYPE OF PERM IT It!fJ ADDItION FOlt tunm BOOH ;~~===-I--..l.Qllj:L._-'----_"":"-i.e BUII.DING g.PLUMBING •~lI'ECHAHICAl B ELEC TRICAL !J FOUNDAT IONoMECHANI~~U .r MECliAN ICAL AOQtT IONo\l PERMITS NEEOED. 1.!!. ZONING &BUilDING NOTfS; -RECREA TIONFEE .,nn I'-VAL LUE.C($ICN REVIEW80AltD <'-·~ ClEAN ·UII'CEPOSIT 'M ~·..... USE TAX " ,,~ WILL CALL .9.001 ~r...!'. ss- TOTAl PERM IT FEE S I".M ' wooo TltlCkNl[I,S __"IO.f IAV'l.ACES e .e e.,,.... ST.CuT ROOF - UT,WAlL' 1P(SU\.A TION: TY'E OF JoI E A,T H E IQlifWFT . Bl..ASTlNO "'"0 ,.049-4074 [18M I.EfltRIC UNI.1tJ ITED sum PL1JIIBiliG ,RCHI1ECT f iR"PIPER AkQlrTF:CTS MAIL AOPfl ESS BOX oS:5 60 l )4 -P GENERAL fIRM RUST't SIIKE INT. INfRACTOR TOWN Or:YAIL BEg.NO.102-5 T'"476-4374 • TRICAL 20Q-E RACTOR TOWN Of 'tAIL BEO.NO. TE1.E 476-l448 OTHER TowN Of YAtL BEO.NO . ONTRACTOF TELE. ...._... .::'.:.,(;:....-._..:-_---- ••... -."' ,""- N0 TE ,opy OF PE A M~O BEKE P.T.'P~:o!OB Sl TE Sep temba r 1 6 1993 .'.".DATE •,•6349 ,F.'", T ", "'.....:PERMIT NO ,t ., IIWIG l!I .TYPE OF C~R U CT'C N ·..·/1111 I,V V ',':..~'r,"".,,~;.~..':';:.;;' dep artment of cQmmunlty dftilropm en't ,, 2.OCCU PAMCY GROUP '.A &E HI RM BUILD INg I 'nn .", , ELECTR ICAl. ,~,.! DM$IOH 12.~.J4 ,z ,, !f1UEO OiJT COMJ't.ETElYPRIORTO ISSUANCEOF PE"Mrr -,2 GENERAl OESCRl PTIO'fOFWORx:~!P\..UUBoHG ·•n ~~TYPE OFPERMI T Md bn r b to l,t)droa=~&ndd on in to ~;iii BUILDING III PLUMBING b alc.oux OTC Q.MECHA"'.cAl ~<El E CT R IC AL 0 FOUNDATION ,.19 .000.00 !.. ME C ~~~:~ALR Dr , ,, 9 2Po n D.TYP'GROUP G.R.f.A..VAlUAT'lO N PERMIT FEES , EGAl LOT 11 BL"I 'V a W IlDING PERMIT .....,...n 1«FILI NG Po tyto PM,t ch PlAN CHECl(1'3.00 ~, DNAME:Wl1S0 Q R.odd EUCTltlCAL '0.00 D9.99 t>J.Q9 -P9-J,,~'.! !ViNE R NAME Ko"\H laQD NeW I J Al TERA TIOH I ADDITIONAl.(I REPA'R!I Pl U MB ING 60 /1 '.00 r c 141 3 "",- MA IL 6QDBESS 292 p n t;"ltn p ;l teb OWE"llINQUNITS __ACC C j,01lll ()Ol\TlOlolUftlITI __""EC ~AN IC"l -----:-<i CITY v."A''''1'>1&_"'"\i -HEIGHTl'tn.__"IO."'tlf ......CE$RECFt fAlIOtol FEE ,------ ~R cH r T E cT 1I1l SUL.ATION :''''''THIc:.KNE1511 fI ·Y "'l.LUE OES teN Ilfl'lEW!IOARI)<n M n n , FIRM PX prr "OOA t ,~MA IL MQ!!E:lS ;I t);,t SS6Q ClEAJol ..up DEPO SIT , Aveu 01620 949-707\n T.WALLS ,use T A X ,~C0 7'(P H, ROO''/\'' GENERA L f lBN RlI.;ty Spike Ene.u,,,~.",~ )N TRAC TOR TYP E n.<~.....,TOTAL PERMIT FEES 6 16.00 , t CW "4 Of VA.'I,'£0,N O ,102 ;OF , ,"....'"WOOD /r ete 4 76"4374 .""A '.Dan S tanek 9-15-93 A DOfT IONAl P ERMITS HiEOE D: ,. •;;'f C'''· a UTll)tN GO~I CV.C ----~-tJ"n -----FEM Lac tr1 c Un 'f"i t c d ,, .lRICA l 290-~~"-Shelly Xa lla 9-13-93 I TOWN O F VAlL REO ,NO .-:O"oH NC "D'MiN'iiT RAfOR----------ACTOR 5 T.CUT OlllE I~",4 76-1448 . &LA5T1NQ .ZONI Na &e UlLOJNQ NO TES:, FIRM Vai l VAlley P l \:J:I bing "',, '''''''NO "I PlUM91NG , 'N TRACTOR I Qwtt OFYAll BEG.N~,LIt!-P oeec I r ete .".·7771 , • " 4ECHA NICAl f iRM I hereby acknowl edgethatI hsvs rei d th is applicaUon,fill ed out Infu lltheInformation re quired..",...co mpleted an accurate-plot plan.and state th etall th e I nrormaUonpro vided 8S reQ uired i.s correct.I ". ,__agree t OLOamJ :t-lrilh 1M Informati on and pl ol £1 8n,to c omply wn h a ll Town ord inances end stal eDNm'~f4..",'law••and 10 b ulkS t hrs st ructure I ceordlng t o tfie -T2zonrno a nd IU bdtvis lo l'n:m:tel,deltgn ---T EL '•-:I OTHER .n A. ,e v;.w •••'0 vee .U n lfonn S o lid;""C od ••nd 7~<a b "Lh...-.';1,.,CLEAN UP DBPOS IT 1 0:.•~J ,'~ TOWN 9"VAll eec.NO,.SIGNATURE OF QWNEFI OR.CONTRAC'tOR F~.H IMSELF ',,:; AND THI!OWNER .'.~;;'.,::,':."...O riTR,6,CTOR TElE.r .',~::.".,".'..'..-. \.\~CON?TRUCTION PERMIT ~ 0. ,• TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.F RONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 •• DEPARTMENT OF COMMUN ITY DEVELOPMEN T NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALL T I ME S PRO JECT T ITLE: ADD /ALT SFRBUILD PERMIT Permit t:B96-0062 J ob Address:792 POTATO PATCH DR Location ...:792A PO TATO PATCH DR Parcel No ..:2101-063-01 -045 Pro ject No.: APPLICANT FINE ·CUSTOM CA RPENTRY POBOX 963,EAGLE CO 81631 CONTRACTOR FINE CUSTOM CARPENTRY POBOX 963 ,EAGLE CO 81631 OWNER LUDWIG ALAN &SUSAN 1656 EASTWOOD,HIGHLAND PARK I L 60038 Status ...:I SSUED Applied ..:04/22/19 96 Issued ...:04/22/1996 Expire s ..:1 0/19/1996 Phone:30 3328653 3 Phone:3033286533 Description:ADDITIOPN OF FOYER Town of Vail Number of owelling Adjusted Valu a tion: Units:000 11,000 FinpliJu Inf or_tion:Il e striet .d :/lOfG..Appl i ances :.ot GIIS Logs:'Of lJoodjPall tt: _1111.'1**•••••*•••••,•••**.**••",•••••*1'**••••1••••1.,.*FE E S U~A Il Y iliii •••••••••••••••••••••••••'*I.I••••••••••••••*••••ii" 8uHd1~)155.00 R••t~r.nt Plan Re v 1...->.00 Toul caleulated 'an-)4015.15 Plan Cheek-->100.75 ORB Fe~---->50 .00 Additional FHS >.00 Inve st igat i on>.00 Recreation Fee--->.00 To tal Permi t Fee >lo08.75 lhll ClIll-->3.00 Clean-Up Depos it >100 .00 PllY"erlU >408 .75 TOTA L f EES >408.75 BALAHCE I>U E >.00 Item:05100 BU ILDING DEPARTMENT 04/22 /1996 CHARLIE Action:APPR CHARLIE Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 04/22/1996 CHARLIE Action:APPR PER JIM Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT I tem:05 500 P UBLIC WORKS Dept:BUILD I NG Division: DAVIS Dept:PLANNING Division: CURNU TTE Dept:FIRE Divis ion: Dept :PUBWORK Divis ion: See Pag e 2 of this Document for a ny conditions that may apply to th is permit . DECLARATIONS 1 hereby acknow ledge tha t I heve read th is appt fclti~,filled out i n full th e i nfor..t ion ·required,cc.pleted an accura te plot plan,and state th at III the infor ....t ion provided II nqu'red Is eeereet .I .;rH to co-ply with the i nf o r M t i ~end plot plan , to cOllply with all TOlin ord1N1nces and stat e liiol"anet to build t hi a st ructure ICGo rding to th e To\o'l1"zonir\g and subdlv1s ion eeeee,desigtl re vi ll'W approved,unifor.Building Code and other ordinancea ofth e Town Ippl i ceble th ereto. SIGN ATURE OF O'olNER OR CON TRA CTOR REOUESTS FOR I NS PECTIONS SHAll BE MDE TVENTY-F OUR HOU RS IN ADV AN CE BY TELEPIfOHE S~d Clean-Up Deposit To: ~I-:l~"":oo API 5 :00 PK SELF AND OWNER •• PAGE 2 ******************.*******************************************.*.*************** CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Permit t :B96-0062 as of 04/22/96 S tatus:IS SUED ******************************************************.************************* P ermit Type:ADD /ALT SFRBUILDPERMIT Applicant :FINE CUSTOM CARPENTRY Job Address :792 POTATO PATCHDR Lo ca tio n:792 A POTATO PATCH DR Parcel No :21 01-06 3-01-04 5 Applied:04/22/19 96 I ss u ed :04/22 /1996 ***********************************************************************.******** CONDITIONS ******************************************************************************** 1 .F IELD I NSPECTI ONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHEC K FOR CO DE COMPLIANCE. 2 .SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQ UIRED INALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY ASPERSEC .1210 OF THE 199 1UBC. 3 .NO ELECTRICAL WORK ALLOWED BEFORE PE RM IT IS AQUIRED •• TOWN OF VAIL,CO LORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number:REC-0124 Amount: Payment Method:CKNotation:#1957 388 .75 04/2 2/96 14 :03 Init:CD ADD /ALT SFRBUILDPE 3 88 .75 Permit No: P a rcel No : Site Addres s: Locat ion : Th is Payment B96 -0062 Type:A-BU ILD 21 01 -0 63-01 -04 5 792 POTATOPATCH DR 79 2A POTA TO PATCH DR Total F ee s: Tot al ALL PInts: Balance : 408 .75 408.75 .00 *************************************************************.** Accoun t Code Description Amount 01 0000 41310 BUILDI NG PE RMIT FE ES 155 .00 01 0 000 4 13 31 DESIGN REVI EW F EES 30.00 0 1 0 000 4 1 332 PLAN CHECK FE ES 1 0 0.75 01 000 0 2 2 002 CLEANUP DEPOSI TS 100 .00 01 0 000 4 13 3 6 WILLCALL I NSPECTION FEE 3 .00 •• TOWN OFVAIL DEP AR TME NTOF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7 5 S.FRON TAGE ROAD VAI L,CO 81 657 970-479 -2138 NOTE:THISPERMIT MU STBE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES PROJECT T ITLE: ADD /ALT SFRBUI LD PERMI T Permit t:B96-006 2 Job Address:792 POTATO PATCH DR Lo c at ion•••:792 A POT ATO PATCH DR P arcel No ..:2 10 1-063 -0 1 -0 45 Project No .: APPLICANT F INE ·CUSTOM CA RP EN TRY POBOX 963,EA GLE CO81 631 CONTRACTOR FINE CUS TOM CARPE NTRY PO BOX 963,EAGLE CO 81631 OWNER LUDWIG ALAN &SUSAN 1 656 EAS TWOOD,HI GHLAN D PARK IL 60038 Status ...:ISSUED Appl ied •.:04/22/1996 I ssued ...:04/22 /1996 Expires ..:10/19 /1996 Phone:3033286533 Phone:3033286533 Descripti on :ADDITI OPN OF FOY ER Town o f Vail Number o f Dwell ing Adjusted Valuation: Units:000 11,000 f i rep lace J nf o ru t;on :Rest r i cted ;'Of Gas AppUances:1101 Gu Logs:'Of loIoodjPallet : .'••'lli ••••••••••••••••••,••••••••••••••111111 ••••••••••••f EE ~IlY ••••11 1••••••••••••••••**1*••••••••••••••*••••••••••••i ••• 8tl1lding-->155.00 Il.st u.rant P l.~Re v ;~>.00 Tota l C.l C\l lated FH '-)408.15 Plal'l Check->100 .75 eee see >50 .00 Addit ional Feu >.00 Jn VllI't igation>.00 Recreat ion Fee---------->.00 Tot al Par a it Fte-------->408.75 Wi ll Ca ll->'.00 Cl..n-Up tlepos 1t --->100 .00 PaYlIle ntl >408 .75 TOTAL FEES >408.73 B.\UNCE DUE >.00 Item:05100 BUILDING DEPAR TMENT 04 /2 2 /1 996 CH ARL IE Actio n:APPR CHARLIE Item:054 00 PLANN ING DEPART MEN T 0 4/2 2/1996 CHARLIE Action:APPRP ER JIM I tem:056 00 FIRE DEPARTME NT I tem:055 00 PUBLIC WORKS Dept :BUILDING Division: DA VIS Dept:PLANNING Division: CURNU TTE Dept:FIRE Division: Dept :PUB WORK Division: •••••••l ••••••l ••l •••l •••••'.'l'l••l •••••••••••••l •••••••,••••••••l.l •••••l.'.l.l•••••••••••••lllll.l •••l ••'lll.lll.ll.,l••••l.ll, Se e Page 2 of t his Do c um ent for a ny conditions t hat may apply to this perm it. DECLA RA TIONS I hereby .cknow l~e t hlt 1 have re .d th is .pplic.tion,fill ed OUt i nf ull t he i nforaltion "requ lrtd,cOlPl'ted .n .ccur.te p lot p lan,<lind st.te tNi t <IIll the infor ution provided <lIS r ~i r e<l is correct.1 ~r _t o CO<IIPly ....i tll t ile i nfor_t i on <lind pl ot p l<lln, to Coqlly ....ith .ll Town or dinances and l Ute lilli,afld t o build t hil structure IIc cordingt o tile Town's zoning 8nd aubcl ivhton codes ,design r evi ~approved,Un ifor.Build ing Code and oth er ordinances of the Town .ppl ieeble thereto . SELf ANO ~HER ~I~',,!":oo All 5 :00 PI! SIGN ATlJ REOf O\I NE R OR CONTRACTOR REQUES TS fOR INSPECTJOHS SHALL BE /'IAO E T\lEHTY-fOU R HOUR S I N AOVo\HCE 8Y TEl.EPHON E Send Clean-Up Depo sit To: •• PAGE 2 *********************************.****.******************.********************** CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Permit t:596-0062 as of 04/22/96 Status:ISSUED *************.*****************************••*********************************** Permit Type:ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT Applicant:FINE CUSTOM CARPENTRY J ob Address:792 POTATO PATCH DR Location:792 A POTATO PATCH DR Parcel No:2101 -063-01 -045 Applied :04/22/1996 Issued:04/22/1996 *****************••************************************************************* CONDITIONS *****************.************************************************************** 1 .FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . 2.SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED INALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY ASPER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC . 3 .NO ELECTRICAL WORK ALLOWED BEFORE PERMIT IS AQUlRED ••• TOWN OF VAIL,CO LORADO Statemnt •••********************************************.**************** Statemnt Numbe r:REC-0124 Amount: Pa yment Me thod:CK Notation:'1957 388.75 04/22/96 14:03 Init :CD ADD /ALT SFRBUILDPE 388.75 Permit No: Parcel No: site Address: Lo cati on : This Payment B96-0 062 Type:A-BUILD 2101-063 -01-045 792 POTATO PATCH DR 7 92APOTA TO PATCH DR Total Fe e s: Total AL L Pmts: Balance: 408.75 408 .75 .00 **************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount 01 0000 4 1310 BUILDINGPERMITFEES 155 .00 01 0000 41331 DESIGNREVIEW FEES 30 .00 01 0000 4 133 2 PLAN CHECK FEES 100.75 01 0000 22002 CLEANUP DEPO SITS 100 .00 0100 00 41336 WILL CALLI NSPECTION FE E 3.00 .' TO WN OF VAIL 7 5 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VA IL,CO 8 165 7 97 0-479-2138 •• DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES ELECTRICALPERMIT Job Address :792 POTATO PATCH DR Location ...:7 92A POTATO PATCH DR Parce l No..:2101-063-01-045 P roject No .: APPLICANT EAGLE /SUMMIT ELECTRIC CO P.O BOX 744,FAIRPLAY CO B0440 CONTRACTOR EAGLE /SUMMIT ELECTRIC CO P.O BOX 7 44 ,FAIRPLAY CO 80440 OWNER LUDWIG ALAN &SUSAN 1656 EASTWOOD ,HIGHLAND PARK IL 60038 Permit #:E96-0168 Status ...:ISSUED Appl ied ..:07 /30 /1996 Issued ...:07 /30/19 96 Expires ..:01 /26 /199 7 Phone :7198363559 Phone:7198363559 Description:ELEC.WORK FOR FOYER ADDITION valuation :300.00 Electr ical-' ORB Fee -, Investigation> "''ill call-' TOTAL FEES-' 42.00 .00 .00 3 .00 45 .00 Total Calculated Fees-' Adcliti onel Fees > Tota l Pereit Fj!,e > P.y~entl -> BALANCE OUE----' 45 .00 .00 45 .00 45 .00 .00 Ite~:06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 07 /30/1996 CHARL IE Action:APPR FOR Dept:BUILDINGDivision: ERNST 1. 2. COND ITION OF APPROVAL F IE LD INSPECTIONS ARE REQ'D TO CHECK FOR CODE ALL WORK MU ST COMPLY WITH 1996 NEC COMPLIANCE DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read th is appli cation,f il led out in fu ll theinf or..tion required,cOMPLeted anaccurate plot plan,and s tate that all the information provided as requi red ;s cor reet .1 agree to co mp ly withthe info raation and plot plan , to ce-ply with all Town ordinances and state Laws,and to build this s tructure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision code s,design review approved,Unifor .Bu ilding Code and other ordiBin c••of the Town applicab le thereto . REQU ESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHA LL BE MADE ~ENTY -FOUR HOURS IN ADVAN CE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFF ICE FROM B:oo A"5:00 P" SIGNATUR E OF OlIN ••'**~***************************.******************************** TOWN OFVAIL ,COLORADO Rep rinted :07 /30 /96 11:48 Statemnt **************************************************************** S tatemnt Number:RE C-0 177 Amo unt : Paymen t Me thod:CK Notatio n:#2012 45.00 07 /30 /96 11 :45 In it:CD Pe rmit No:E96-0168 Typ e:B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERM IT Parcel No :2101-063 -01 -045 Site Addre ss :792 POTATO PATCH DR Location:792A POTATO PATCH DR Total Fees:45 .00 Th is Payment 45 .00 Total ALL Prnts:45 .00 Balance :.00 **************************************************************** Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTIONFEE Amount 42.0 0 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75S .FRONTAGE ROAD VA I L,CO 81 6 57 970 -4 79-213 8 ••DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNI TY DEVELOPMEN T NO TE:TH IS PERMIT MUST BEPOSTED ON J08SI TEATALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERM IT Permit i:E9 6-0 168 Job Addre ss :7 92 POTATO P ATCH DR Loca tion ...:792A POTAT O PATCH DR Parcel No..:2101-063 -0 1 -045 Proj ectNo .: APPLICANT EAGLE/SUMMIT ELECTRIC CO P.D BOX 7 44 ,FAIRPLAY CO 8 0440 CONTRACTOR EAGLE/SUMMIT ELECTRIC CO P.O BOX 7 44,FAIRP LAY CO 80440 OWNER LUDWIG ALAN &S USAN 1656 EASTWOOD,HIGHLAN D PARK IL 60 0 38 Stat us ...:ISSUED Appl i ed ..:07 /30 /199 6 Issued ...:07 /30 /1 996 Exp ires ..:01 /26 /1 997 Phon e:7198363559 Pho n e:7198363559 Description:ELEC.WORK FOR FOYER ADDITION v aluat ion:300.00 Eltlctric.l-> DR S Fee -> Inve st igation) \lil l c.all--> TOT AL.FEES-> 42 .00 .00 .00 '.00 45 .00 Total Ca lcul ated Fees-> Adchti0fl8l Fees > To tal Perll;t Fu > Paymen t.-) BA LAN CE DUE > 45.00 .00 45 .00 45 .00 .00 Item :06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTM ENT Dept :BUILDINGDiv is io n : 0 7/30 /1996 CHARLIEActio n:APPRFORERNST COND ITIO N OF I.FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REO 'DTO CH ECK 2 .ALL WORK MUST COMPLY WITH 1996 NEC APPROVAL FOR CODE COMPLIANCE DECLARATIONS I hereby ackn ow ledge that I have reed t his app licati on,fi lledout i n f ull t he i nfor..tion requi red,co~l e t ed ~accuratepl ot pl an,and state that all the i nfor.at1on provided as required is corre ct .1 agree t o comp ly withthe i nf or-et;on and pl ot plan, to ee.p ly with a ll Town ordinance s and s t ate l~s,and to bu;ld t his st ructure acc ordingt ot he Tow n's zon;ngands ubdivi sion codes,de slgn revi ew approved,Uni1o r.Building Code and ot her ordinances of the Town applicablet hereto . REQU ESTS FOR IN SPE CTIONS SH ALL BE "ADE TU ENTY-FOUR HOU RS IN ADVAN CE BY TE LEP HONE AT 479-2138OR AT OU R OFFI CE FR~8 :00 ~5:00 P" SIGN ATlJ RE OF OIoI N •••***•••********************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Reprin ted:07/3 0/9611 :48 Statemnt--_.*••_•..••_--------_._*-----*--*------*-_._--------********** Statemnt Number:RE C-0177 Amo unt: Pa ymen t Met hod :CKNotat io n:12012 45 .0 0 07 /3 0 /96 11 :45 I nit :CO ---------------------------------------------------------------- P ermit No :E9 6-0168 Type :B-E LEC ELE CT RI CA L PERM IT Pa rce l No:2 101 -063-0 1 -0 45 Si te Addre ss:79 2 POT ATO PATCH DR Location:7 92A POT ATO PATCH DR Tot al Fe es :45 .00 This Payment 4 5 .00 Tota l ALL Pm t s:45 .00 Balance :.00 •••*••_._--_._-----------------.*---------_..-._*-----._--*.._-- Account Code 0 1 000 04 1313 01 0000 4133 6 De scrip tion ELECTRI CA L PERMIT FEES WI LL CALL INSPECTIONFEE Amount 42.0 0 3.0 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------- *Co nt a ct Ea gl e County As ses .Of fice ... a t '970 -3 28 -86 40 fo r Parcel .TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCT:i'!!!Jft PAR CEL ,,__________PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DATE:_ 'i>'I c.,'flU1. PE RMIT ,_ SUBDIVI SION : f6 &:-tc,Pa.IYL.. Foyce • General Description: APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT HAY NOT BE ACCEPTED~.............................PERMIT INFORMAT I ON ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• [J -Buildinq [J-Plumbinq ~E l ect r i ca l [J-Mechanrcal [J-Other Job Name:Lu..tiw'w Job Address:1'\'L -t frta -\.o fa.I:.<.-k. .,'2.-1"')-0 {p 3 -0 I -0 ~l 5=< Legal Description :Lot Bl ock Filing,=OlI.I"'-"~'T-__---_ .:OWners Name :AI "",...S,,?q ~L..d';.S Address:_l "'q"'L=-"A'-....:...;;..::._--'-.Ph.?f7?2&1 2..- Architect:P.0tit-(,w o.-\::..\"""""1 _Address:IJ ..',1 Ph ._ (Lt:£..WOel<:.FM2. Work Class:[J-New [l-Alteration [~dditional [J-Repair [l-Other _ Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Ac commodati on Units: NO._Town o t Vai l Reg. Phone NUmber : c ont ractor:P lumbing l'-ldress: * mber and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances__Gas 1og5__Wood/Pellet •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••VALUA~.~*•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• {39(;,-I,"'d BUILDING :,ELECTRICAL :,.3 0 0.DC!OTHER:, PLUMBING:,MECHANICAL:'TOTAL:,;..-------X***********.*.********•••••CONTRACTOR ~FORMATION ••**.**••••••••••**.******* eneral Contractor:F ,,,,,e,((.$-6",('ao/4e.....t..'..,Town of vail Re g.NO ._ Address :-&~6 6 'G'-i5 I <..•"Phone Number: C o L I '-e¥>.Se-3S"7 8 Electrical contractor:~..s-..~J Y">W\o\.It-~Co ,Town o f Vail Reg.NO.2.11'-C- Addres s :po Boll 7'tj I-a-,r Il I,,"f'~_Phone Number:7..l.:'L83G."3 ""'~_rr rrr::'(,o4<{O I Mecha ni cal Contractor: Address: Town of vail Reg .NO.__ Pho ne Number: ***.******•••*.*••*•••••••••••*. I FOR OFFICE USE ••••••**••••••••••••••••••••••* r:',e>L <.tS ~;.,. 13,,~"i:t..~I "'''-<l .,.. BUILDING PERMIT FEE:BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE:PLUMBING PLAN CHE CK yEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE:MECHANICAL PLAN CHEC KFEE: ELECTRICAL FEE:RECREATION FEE: OTHER TYPE OFFEE:CLEAN -UP DEPOSIT: ORB FEE:TOTAL PERMIT FEES: TYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION BUILDING: S IGNATURE: ZON ING: SIGNATURE: Comments:, , ~CLU1i UPDEPOSIT REPlJND TO: • town of vai 75 soulh frO"I.Iil~ro.d VlliI ,color.do 81657 (303)47 9-2 138 or 479-2139 • aNle_ofco mmu nity d evelopment TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT : ALL CONTRACTORS ct1RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No .6 states that it is unlaWful for any person to litter,track o r deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material,including trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upona ny street,sidewalk,alley or pUblic place or any portion thereof.The right-oi -way o na ll To wn af Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail PUblic Works Department.Persons f ound violating this ordinance will be given a24 hour written notice to remove said material. I n t he event the person so notified d oes not comply with the notice within the 24 hour t ime specified,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person not ified.The provisions o f this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair p r oj ects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To rev iew Ordinance No .6 in fUll,p lease stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy .Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. Read and acknOWledged b y:>l _ '<position/RelationSh iP '-Date to Project (i.e.c ontra cto r,owner) ..• 7 5south tron tage road waU,eerereee 81657 (303)47 9 -2138 or 479-2139 • office of commun ity developmen t BUI LDING PERNIT ISSUA NC E TIME FRA II E If thi s penm it requires a Town ofVailFi reDepa r tm e nt Appr oval, Engineer'os (Pub lic:Wor ks)review and approval,aPl anning Department r eview'orHealt h Department revi ew,andareviewby theBuilding De partment,t he estima ted ti me for a to tal re view ma y t ake a s long a s three weeks. All commerc i al(largeor small )anda ll multi-family pe rm i ts wil l havet o fo llow th ea bov ementioned maximum requirem ents.Res identi al andsmal l projec ts s ho uldtakea l esseramo unt of t ime .However,if re side ntial or sma ll er projectsi mpactthevariou s abovementioned departments with r egard to necessary rev iew,these projects ma y a 1s o take th e t hree week pe r iod . Every attem pt will be made by thi s department t o exped i te this . pe rrn 'it assoon as poss ible. I .t he undersigned~und erstand t heplancheckprocedur e and time fra me . 1-Agre ed to by . >'pr oj ect Nam e 'I-Da t e Wo r k Co mm unity Sh e et was turned ;ntoth e D ev el o ~o ~t Depar tment . ALL CONTRACTORS TOWNOFVAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY9,1994 WHENA "PUBUC WAY PERMlr'ISREQUIRED ••• TO: FROM: DATE: RE: •MEMORANDUM • JobName:._ Date:.--::---..,.-::---:-__-::-_-;-_ Please answerthefo llowing questionnaireregardingtheneedfora"PublicWayPermit": 1)Isthisanew residence? 2)Isdemolition workbeing performed thatrequires theuseofthe right ofway,easementsorpublic property? 3)Isany utilityworkneeded? 4)Is the driveway being repaved? 5)Isdifferent accessneededtosite otherthanexisting driveway? 6)Isanydrainageworkbeing done affecting the rig ht ofway,easements , or publicproperty? 7)Isa"RevocableRight Of WayPermit" required? 8)A.Isthe right ofway,easementsor publicpropertytobeusedforstaging, parkingorfencing? 8 .If no t o 8A,isaparking.staging orfencingplan required by Community Development? If youansweredyestoanyofthesequestions.a "PublicWay Permit"mustbeobtained. "PublicWayPermit"applications may be obta ined att he Publi c Work's office or at Community Development.If youhaveanyquest ions pleasecallCharlieDavis,theTown 01 VailConstruction Inspector,at479-2158 . Ihavereadandansweredalltheabovequestions. JobName Contractor'sSignature Date •• PUBLICWORKSPERMITPROCESS How itrelates toBuilding Permits: 1)R II out ourcheck listprovided with abuildingpermit application. If yeswasansweredtoanyoftheabovequestionsthena "PublicWay"is required.Youcanpick upan application ateitherCommunityDevelopment, locatedat75S.FrontageRoador PublicWorks,located at 1309Vail Valley Drive. 2)Notice sign ottsforutility companies.Allutilities mustfieldverify (locate) respective utilities prior tosigning application.Someutilitycompanies require up toa48hournoticetoschedulealocate. 3)AconstructiontrafficcontroVstag ing plan mustbepreparedonaseparate sheet ofpaper.An approvedsite planmaya lso beused.This planwillshowlocations ofallt raffic controldevices(signs,cones,etc..)andtheworkzone,(areaof Construction,Staging,etc..).This planwillexpire onOct.15th.andwillneedto be resubmitted forapprovalthroughthewinter. 4)Sketch of wor k being performedmustbesubmittedindicatingdimensions(length, width &depth ofwork).This may be drawnonthetraffic control p lan orasite p lan for the job. 5)SubmitcompletedapplicationtothePublicWorks'soffice forreview.If required, locateswillbescheduled fortheTownof VailElectriciansandIrrigationcrew.The locatestakeplaceinthemorning but,mayrequireup to48hourstoperform. 6 )The Public Work's Construction Inspectorwillreviewtheapplication andapprove ordisapprovethe p~rmit.Youwill becontactedastothestatusandanythatmay needed.Mostpermitsarereleasedwithin48hoursofbeingreceived,butplease allowuptooneweekto process. 7)Assoonasthepermitisprocessed,acopywill befaxed t oCommunity Development allowingthe "BuildingPermit"to be released.Pleasedonotconfuse the "PublicWayPermit"with a "BuildingPermit"todoworkonaproject itself. NOTE: "The above process Is for work Ina public way only. "Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15fh. •Anew Public Way Permit Is required eachyearIf work Is not complete. 75 South Frontage Road Vail.Colo rado 8 1657 303 -479-2138 /479 -2139 FAX303 -4 79-2452 •• Department of Camnum ity Development INFORMATION NEEDED WHEN APPLYING FORA MECHANICAL PERMIT 1.HEAT LOSS CALCULATION S. 2 .TOSCALE FLOOR PLAN OF MECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DRAWN I NTOSCALE,WITH PHY SICAL DIMENSIONS AND BTU RATINGS OFALL EQ UIPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROOM. 3 .SHOW S IZE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS ,FLUES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES . 4 .NOTE WHETHER ELEVATO REQUIPMENTWILLALSO BEIN STALLEDI N MECHAN I CAL ROOM . FAILURE TO PROV IDE THIS INFORMATION WILL DELAY YOUR PERMIT. • 75 aouth frontagl!road n il,eolorlldo 81657 (3Q3)479-2131 (363 )4 79-2139 • officeof community development NOTICETO CONTRACTORS/OWNER BUILDERS Eff ect ive June 2 0 ,1 991,the Towno f Vail Building Department ha s d ev el ope d the fol lowing p rocedurest o ensu re t hat new cons t ruct ion s ites ha ve adequa te ly establi shed proper drainage f rom building s ites a l ong and ad jacent t o Towno fVail r oads o r s tr eets. The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage ad jacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and thei nstallation of temporary or permanent c ulverts at access points from the road or street on to the construction site. Such a ppr ovalmu st b eo b tai nedp ri o r t o a nyr equest for inspecti on by the To wn of Va il Bui ldingDepart ment f or foot ings o r temporary e lectri ca l or a ny othe r inspec ti on.Pl ea se call 4 7 9-21 60 to re quest a n inspection from the Public Work s Depart ment.All ow a min imum o f 24 hour n oti c e. Als o ,t he T own o fVail Pub lic Work s Departmen t will be a ppr ovi ng a ll f in al drainag ea nd cu lverti nstall at ion wi th r es ul ting road paL ch ing as ne cess ary .Such a ppr oval must b e obtain e d pri or t o F jnalCe rt if icate o f Occ upa nc y issu a nc e . Co nt act Eagle Co unty A ss es ~ a t 970 -3 28 -864 0 f o r P a rce l ~ PARCEL IJ :'".,I 0 I ~):..1,) c-i ('\it s : Offic e I TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DATE :......-/-1 '"4{. PER>lIT ,_ <'I - -I",.-:it r:>~1 ,j ,l Owners Name:Ale.....!.~-'-'-'''-'--'--'--'-:---- General Description: APPLICATIO N MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT HAY NOT BE ACCEPTED~•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••PERMIT I NFORMATION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• LX)-Building [J-Plumbing {-Electrical [J -Mechanfcal [J -Other _ Job Name:L UFlll !r -<..'1(1 Job Address:..1£~TJ-J..,·-.....::·/'f :/. Legal Description :~t I I I Bl ock I F i ling SUBPIVISION ,-\:J-."N -If t-(\ -t-v 1..,::"'1 7DS Address:r-.u,{"...I Ph.'Go ~/.."}(6 Address:lOCO S 1,,,,?p.,,,,ln "J ~d Ph ."1]/.1I 4? "work Class:[j-New [j-Alteration [~l~Additional [J-Repair [J-Other _ Number of Dwelling units :Number o ~Ac comm odat i on Units: * rn be r a nd Type of Firepl aces:Gas Appliances __Gas Logs Wood/Pellet fC-.er e,;;-0c.'f3 •••*****.***•••••••*•••••••••••••VALUATIONS .*****•••••••••••••••***.******••i3'1w -00 W-- BUILDING :$1 \,--,-<,EI.ECTRlCAL :$,-(OTHER:$T _ PLUMBI NG:$MECHANICAL :$TOTAL :,_ ~••••••••••••••••••••~•••~••CONTRACTOR INFORMATION •••••••••••••••••••••••••••l1~n e r a l Cont ractor:i -«.('1,-+),q.,r '~-\,".1 ,_Town of Vail Reg.NO.'~\)-t> Add ress :\'q/.~(:,"'.(,'<'!('~'~Phone Number :T .<";':"·"~1 / Town of Vai l Reg.NO._ Phone Number: ,~"..Ele ctr i ca~l~C~o:n~t~r~a:c:t:::o:r~:..:::::-~/~"'j~/~.=~~~=~==::Address :~ P lumbing Contractor : Addre ss: Town of Vail Reg.NOo _ Phone Numbe r: Mechan ical Contractor : Addres s: Town of Vai l Reg .NO o _ Phone Number: ******************•••**.**.*.**.FOR OFFICE USE •••*••**••••••***••••••••****** BUILDING PLAN CHEC K FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CHEC K FEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE : RE CREATI ON FEE: ---3'/CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: ~;;)(3!9-f1 <C TOTAL PERM IT FEES ' BU I LD ING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE : OTHER TYPE OF FEE: OR B FEE '.. j TY PE GROUP SQ .FT .VAWAT ION BUILDIN G: SIGNATURE: ZONING:1/,/l ~"1//"1 /;"t-~-S GNATURE: Comm ent s:, XCL EAN 1JP DEPOSIT REF1JIlO TO: '-J 1(.)/ • town 01 val 7S south Iro"I.1I9_road vall ,colorado 81657 (3031 4 79 -2 138 or 479-2139 • office of c ommunity d evelopment TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITHTHE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS /COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track o r deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material ,including trash dumpsters.portable to ilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or public place or any portion thereof.The r ight-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pavement . Th is ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Va il Pub lic Wo rks Department.Persons found violating this o rdinance will be given a24 hour written notice to remove said material . In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,the Pub lic Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notif ied .The provisions of this ord inance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance o r repair projects of any street .or alley or any utilities in the right-a-wa y. To review Ordinance No .6 in full,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter . Read and acknowledged by~~/"Jz:.,it ,I ""~/I,.~~osition/RelationShip to Project (i.e.contractor,owner) ~Date ' " I ~/ • 7 5 souln Ir o n ta g~road va ll,eeteree c 81657 (303)479 -213 8 or 4 79-2139 • offic e 0'commun ity development BUILDING PE RMI T IS SUANCE TIM E FRAME If t his perm it requ ire s a Town of Vai lFire Depa rtment App roval, En g ineer '~(PublicWorks}reviewand appro va l,a Plann ingDepar tme nt revieworHealthDepa rtm entre view,and arev iew by theBuil ding Department,th e estimated time for a tota lr eview ma yta keas lo ng asthr ee weeks . All conm erc t el [la rge orsmall )and all multi-fami ly penn its will ha ve to f o ll ow the above mentioned ma xi mum requirem ents.Res idential and sma ll pro jects shouldta ke a les ser amount oftime.Ho wever.if re si dential or sma ll erprojects i mp act t heva ri ousabovementioned de pa rtments with regard to necessary rev iew.these proj ec t s may a lso ta ke t het hree wee kperiod . Every at tempt wi ll be ma deby this depar tm ent t o expedite th is perm it as,soonas possible . I.t he under signed,und ers tand theplancheck procedu re and t i me fram e. )/.it I /l.:.~I C Pro ject Name } - ( .I h ~. J ;:::£/, I ""-//1 'iUf'Da te Work Sheet was t urn ed ;nto the Comm unity Devel ~omp~t De partm ent. ••MEMORANDUM • TO: FROM: DATE: RE: ALL CONTRACTORS TOWNOF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY9,1994 WHENA "PUBLIC WAY PERMlr'ISREQUIRED ,,~ Job Name:'/1,I ~J-.~·f'l·, Date:~J ,/\./c,/) Pleaseanswerthe fOllowing questionnaireregardingt he needfora"PubllcWay Perm~": 1} 2) 3} 4) Isthisanewresidence? Isde molition workbeing performed t hat requirestheuseofthe right ofway,easements orpub lic property? Isanyutilityworkneeded? Is t he driveway being repaved? x X 5)Isdifferent accessneededtos ite otherthanexistingdriveway? 6) 7) Isany drainage workbeing done affecting the right ofway,easements , orpub lic property? Isa "Revocable Right Of WayPerm it" required? 8)A.Isthe right ofway,easemen ts or pub lic property tobeusedforstaging, parkingorfencing? B.If noto8A,isaparking,staging or fencingplanrequired by Community Development? If youanswered yes toanyofthese questions,a"PublicWay Perm~"mustbeobtained. "PublicWayPermit"applicationsmaybeobtainedatthe Public Work's officeorat Commun ity Development.If youhaveany questions please callCharlieDavis,theTown ofVail Construct ion Inspector,at 479·2158. Ihavereadand answered alltheaboveques tions. L i I ,{a;<,;::,,/(')I:f,fJr J JobName .»/Contractor's Signature ./Date •• PUBLICWORKS PERMIT PROCESS Howitre latestoBuilding Permits: 1)Fill outourchecklist p rovi ded withabuildingpermitapplication. Ifyes was a nsweredtoany oftheabove q uestions t hena "Public Way"is required.Youcanpick upan application ateither Community Oevelopment, locatedat75S.FrontageRoadorPublic Works,locatedat1309Vail ValleyDrive. 2)Noticesignoffs forutilitycompanies.Allutilities must field verify (locate) respectiveutilities prior tosigning app lication.Some utilitycompaniesrequire up to a 48hour noticetoschedule a locate. 3 )A construction trafficcontroVstag ing planmust bepreparedonaseparate sheet ofpaper.An approvedsite planmayalsobeused.Thisplan willshow locatio ns ofalltrafficcontroldevices(signs,cones,etc..)andtheworkzone,(areaof Construction,Staging,etc..).Thisplan willexpire onOct.15th.andwillneedto be resubmittedfor a pprovalthroughthe wi nter. 4 )Sketch of wor k being pe rformed must be submitted indicatingd imensions (lengt h, w idth &depth ofwork).This may be draw n onthetraffic contro l p ian orasite plan forthe job. 5)Submit completed app lication tothePublic Works'sofficeforreview.If required, locateswill be scheduled fortheTown of Vail Electricians andIrrigation crew.The locatestake placeinthe morning but,may requireu p to48 hourstoperform. 6 )The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review theapplication andapprove ordisapprove thepermit.Youwillbe contacted astothestatus andanythatmay needed.Mostpermits are released within 48hoursofbeing received,but please allowupto oneweek toprocess. 7)Assoonas thepermitisp rocessed,acopywill bef axed t oCommunity Development allowingth e "BuildingPermit"tobe released.Please donotconfuse the "Public Way Permit"witha "Building Permit"to doworkon a projectitself. NOTE: "The above processIs f or w ork Inap ub lic way only, "Public Way Permits are valid o nlyuntff November 15th. "Anew Public Way Permit Isr equired eachyearIf work is not complete. 75South Frontage Road Vail.Colorado 8/657 303 -479-2 /38 /479 -2/39 FAX 3 03 -479-2452 •• Department of Community Devel opment INFORMATION HEEDED WHEN APPLYING FOR A MECHANICAL PERMIT 1 .HEATL OSSCALCULAT IONS. 2 .TO SCALE FLOORPLAN OF MECHAN ICAL ROOM WITHEQUIPMENT DRAWN IN TOSCALE ,WITHPHY SICAL DIMENSIONS AND BTU RATINGS OFALL EQUIPMENT I N ME CHANICAL ROOM. 3.S HOW SIZE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS,F LUE S , VENTCONNECTORSAND GAS LINE S. 4 .NOTE WHET HER ELEVA TORE QUIP ME NT WILLALSOBE I NSTALLED I N MECHANICALROOM . FAILURE TO PROV IDE THIS INFORMATION WILL DELAY YOUR PERMIT. •• 7S IOUth fr"onbgeo road ".n,cok:ndo 81557 (303)479-2138 (303 )4~2139 • office of community d~opmenl NOTICETO CONTRACTORS/OWNER BUILDERS Effe ct ive June 2 0,1 991 ,the Towno fVai l Bu ilding Department ha s deve loped thef ollowing pr oce dur es to e ns u re t hat newc o nstructi on sit.es h ave adequatelye sta blish ed p roper d ra inage fr om b uil di ng si tes al ong and adj ac e nt to To wn o f Vailr oadso rs tre ets . The Town of Vai l Publ ic Works Department will be requ ired to i nspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail r oads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street on to the construction site . Such ap provalmu st be o bt ai nedp ri or t o a ny r equest f or i nspecti on by t he Towno f Vai lBuildi ngDepa rtmentf or footings o r temp or a ry el ect.r ical or any o ther i ns pec t ion.Ple ase ca ll 47 9 -21 60 to requ esta n in s pec tion fr om t hePu blicWor ksDe pa rtment.Allowa mi ni mum o f 2 4 h o ur n o ti c e. Also ,the Towno f Va i l Publ ic Works Depa rtment wi ll be appr ovin g all fin a l dr ainage a nd c ul ve rt insta l la tion with re s ul t ing r oad p aLc hi ng as necessary .Such approval mu st be o bta ined pr i or t o F i .na lCe rtificate of Occupancy i ss uan ce . o_gn Review Action F~ TOWN OF VAIL Date _-'-'--_-'_"Category N umber _ Proje ct Name:_ Build in gNa me :_ Pr oject Description:__-'--'--_-'-'-'---'-_ Ow ner.A ddressan d Phone :~____'_"'--_ Architect/Contact,Address a ndPhone:_ ",-7',... .-.-"1.,"~ COmments:_ ,' "\,,!\'.C l\ ....''-. 31 8VlI'tfJ\V AdO:llS 38 "';~;"'.r-,'-('...r1;'.,•;,•r " ".----_._-..... -B o a r dt ~!a ff Ac tion j----Vole:-'--'-_'-_ l-"~i!1"1:1 j',"'..'. Mot ion by:_ Seconded by:_ o Ap proval o Disapproval ..0 'StaffApproval ."'.,.......}\'! Cond itions:(L J !i!; ,(I "."J ",.'J'.,i,•••J....-''.\\'r.'.)',,/....,:-,'.··.:1 ....·'',,-,-'\\'"t""••,1 .....·-1!.\-•.".,-",,"', TownPlanner ".,,,,-,r )J "I 'J")~~_." \ DAB Fee Pre -pa id_:....!--"'-'--=-f""'-'--_''1-'1/,.(t. , Dater.\,>1..1"- "'"' ••• ---'...'.._-- -1{-<~-:f ~~~~<)_."p'L /."':"j2.,:~)..__ _____t-.~'cJ:f-~~'--"-k>:~-"::"-'--.--J--,__ ----- --a-~F;j;--J-,-0'6 ~:..jJ---~,~.~_.-sh.~,.&L .r -~-=- ---- --_. TOT~P .01 ; I • Desi geReview ActionForm• TOWN OF VAIL Project Description:fttd aulor I;---tnt~ Owner,Addressand P hone :AItl~\ \L/(ooP,r:; ~~of bt:-f1jL--_ Archi tect/Contact,Address andPhone:_ Leger Description :Lot ~B IOCk ~S U bd ivis io n~~--'--"==-Zone District i]>...=S "---_ ProjectStreet Address:_11 'h A;~.L-,-""qpl.!L --,·r;j-",ilin,",-",!..L _ Comments:_ -8oartH-5taff Action Motionby:_ Seconded by:_ o Approval Vote :_ Town Planner Date:•..),tHt-.1,l'(p DRB FeePre-paid t~().07)rJ · •••••••••• DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPLICATION -TOWN OF • DAT E RE CE I VE D: DAT E OF DRB MEET ING : I r ••I •••'/17/'~ • INCOM PLETB APPLICATIONS HAY NOT BE SCHEDULED FOR REVIEW• •••••••••• 1. A. PROJECT IW'O!!HAT I ON : D~r:;g::,tW~De'1j1 'b ~E (lM'iN B . C. D. TYPE OF REVI EW: ____New cons t ruction ($200.00)~Alteration ($2 0.00) ___Addition ($5 0'0f:l _~co ncePtual Review ($0) ADDR ESS:1'(l-tiL.---L~=--_-=--2...---=:"""":":""-_ LEGAL DESCRIPYPN :!'P:-L~loc k JL _ Sub division ~A ~~ ,-(-'(iI) 70 0-U3 -62-<hJ (co)NAME OF APPL I CANT 'S RE PRESENTA TIVE: Mail ing Add ress : If property is d escribed by a meets and bounds legal description,please provide on a separa te sheet and attach to this ~pr;.cation. ZON ING :jJ .:::. iE. F . G. \ Phone Offl'lER lSI SIGNATrlRB:~4L:'-.L---~"L----'''------------­ Mailing Address : H.NAM E OF OWNER(S): Phone APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BB PRQCB~Ss:BD"llWI7'HOU'l'OIfNBR'S SIGNATURB 1.Condominium Approval if applicable . BY; J .DRBFEE:ORB fees ,as shown above.are to b e paid at the t ime of submittal of the ORB application .Later ,when applying for abuilding permit.please iden t ify the accurate va lua t ion o f t he p roposal .The Town of Vail will a d jus t the f ee according to the tabl e b e low .t oe nsur e t he c orrect fee is paid. FEE PAID:•'20eb CHECK FEE SCH EDULE ; VALUATION $0 $10.000 $10.001 $50.000 $50 .00 1 $150.000 $150.001 $500.000 $500 .001 $1.000.000 $Over $1 .000.000 FEE $20.00 $50 .00 $100.00 $200 .00 $400 .00 $500 .00 DESIGN REVIRW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL APPROVAL ~ESS A BUILDING PBRMIT IS ISSUBD AND CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. 1 ..•••• DU'ARnIL'T OF co""n ;:oro:rn'DI.'"U.O"U.xrr .- re "d E (,L 2.i-': CHECKS MAD£r4 Y~UTO~'NO'V",n ,~ NO.TAX -COSTaA.TOT AL -J;1 TOWNO F VAIL1----'=='-'-'=-1"'<£0·"e ._ • ~I ) • • $7.00 • S5.oo • S54~00 • S39.• 37.00 •):'iiii-S3 7~• S20 .00 PR S .r r,I. 1 4 1 4 --zm;;rr.;A ND ADDRESS MAPS 01 0000 44 1 lJiii'tORM BUILDING C D E ~4 4 11 ORMPL •BING CODE ~~441 IFORM M I N A D ~I ul 4 4 1 I OR.\00 ~.....Q.I 4 4 ~.A ..A t 4 _41 D EB KS 01 41 4 ~E RJNTS IMYLA ~4 4 C PIES _.0 100004241 DES 14 2412Tf E -MP EPR 'J 0 iOll1iO42371 _PI~~A rv I ·.S ·iolio04 1332 PLA REVIEWRE-Cl IECK FEE $4 0 P 'R IR. _J 0000 4 2IIURSINSPECTION FEES •C]!RI[4 mri A LCS •1~4 1 4 13 SiGN'APPLICATION FEE 'UOI0 0(0 4 14 )3 ADDITIONAL SJGNA EE ..I VTCA RT PROJ ECT DO NA I N ~_0 1 4 I •A ).S I j RE VI EW B A I{)... ~0 1 A j .E I0 ,J ,.:'\0 " I~I'U;A ·I 4 1 A 'A =A 0 100 41 A ::-US:' ·01 000041330 X TERl R AL I u0004 IJ BE JO EXTERIOR AL TERATION MORE THA N100 SO .rT .;;-4 41 ~I AL D EV EL OP~t E:-J"T DI STRICT N E\\' !J.1M)OO 41)·SPE C IA .MD S A A :.~~~A DI :VELOPMENT D1STRI C M NR AM : I {)OOO 4 1330 VARI ANCE ..I 0000 41330 ZON I"G COD E AMENDM ENTS~0 10000 413 4 -O NING . $200 .00 S200 .00 ~..BI lJI..~·S~50i ~J IiH $200 . · TOTAL:·.V(....- • CASH I u.c.BY 'UN • S3 .• $3 6,00 • $3 7.0 0 •• S .•· 1.2:•• S5.00 • ~ , S2 0 .00 .'-r ./~,· , · •·$2 00 .00 ·$2 00.00 -$2 00.00 ·00 .· S1.500.00 1;.1 SI.· S200 .· I ~.2 . / A [..../ RI:C.B D",n: CTrr.a.:..~MAOF.""VABU TO TfIW"j {}f""AIl I !'to T AX CU<JTEA.TOTAL S.5 .00 • S5 4·-• .FT. """ TOW N OF VAIL &=~IR. I --'c:.:.:.:..:.:""--'-"=--JI Rf-ClU'T !'>O._ ___Y.'I)._~.DD"[PARTM[~·iTOf'ro\l'Il'm ·I)(\T.LOr _\IJ.·'" ""t.~~ ;OO Otl 45 11O T A K N FU KI) 010000 22027 TOV N EWSPAP.R DISPENSER F 1'0 ·01000021112 ,\A (Ii .W.(S T;\·~~I ) ;.·0 1 0 000 4 1010iJt'XABLF.(ii-4 e;.(fO \\~) ~'I 42 37 1 1bi ING INVEST IGATiON ~O l 00041 4 !J ANDADDRESSMAPSF.f 10000424 15 RMBUllDlNGCODE 0 1 0000424 15 ORM PLUMBINGCOD · -j.01 0000424 15 ~OR M ~I NICALCO DE -1 0 1 00004241 m-:,:.J RMFI RLCODE _ .-004241 A AI.F.LE CTRICAL cob · "E I 004 241 ~:"ODEBOO KS I 41 48 .(ARS .,1 ססoo4 2 4 1 2 .OXCOPJ I ~S --0 1 ססoo4 2412 S)'5 _0)ססoo 4 412 TOYFEES COMPUTER P 0 1 ססoo 42 3 7 1 PENAln'E S iRI::.INSP · ·0 1 ססoo 4133 PLA:.VIEWRE-CIIE CK •01 ססoo 4 2332 0 If'SPECTIO . OI OOOO41 41~l CTORSI _ _ססoo4141 1r ~~CA TION FEE 01414 13 A rn osx .N AGE FEE 1.00 ER S !O 0 100 A PR OJECT DA 0 1 4 :PAID DESIGN ri.EVII ::\\:U<.~F ;:: _01 •11 INVESTIGATIO ,TE IBI ·..·~ · ..,J ~- '.---·~- (·I'''I loIJ::...TI: Iv • ·- ·• •CAS U I· .. • Y---L..-~r ~,....t-.co r:1// V~;L ?cm-tm -P...rv,. T01..J t-l OF I ~IA I L • I tero p -",id ...re t r l:'_ t "EEr o.(I AmOLlnt p aid ~-.,- NOTE -CO PY O F PERMITT O B EK EPT O N JOBSITE E APRIL 27 1 994.~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT OAT •...PERMIT NO.6682tillIIII•1.TYPE OF CONSTRUC TION 1 II III I V V. d e partment o f community dev elopment 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP A aEHI RM B UILD ING <oon 00.z ELECTRICAl ,.n 00 TO B EFILLED O U T CO M PL ET ELY PR IQ A TO ISSUANCEOF PEAMIT DIVIS ION 1 22a 34 0 "GEN ERAL DESCRIPTIONOF WO RK :•PlUMBING '.n oo 00TYPEOFPERMIT~NEW BATHROOM I S EXISTI NG S pACE ~•~BUILDI NG n PLUMBING >M ECHANICAl. ~ELECTRICAL o FOUNDATION 11 .000 .00 D ,~j',C H A N I C AL o,g"TY'"GROUP GAfA V ALUATIO N PER MIT FEES ~G A L LOT u BL"I v-~R-3 B UILDI N G PER M IT ,..00 ESC.FlUNG POTAT O p ATCH -f4 L PL AN CHECK ,n , JOBNAM E:LUDWIG BATH REMODEL elECTRICAL 5 0.00 OWNER NAM E ALAN I IIDWIG HEW (I ALTERATION !A DDITION Al (I R EPAIR!I PlUM BI NG 60 .00/PC 15 .00 I 1334 MAil ADDRESS BOX 963 O....ElLIN GUNITS __ACCOWM,)[)ATIONUNITS __M ECH ANICAl. CITY EAGL E 81631 PH HE IGI'H IN rr.__NO .f iREPLACES --RECREATION FEE ~ARCH ITECT INSULATIO N.TY "THICKNESS R-VAL LUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARDFIRM"O~I IIMAILADPRESS CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT 100 .00 .~ CITY PH .USET AX ~~FIRM F Ii.:t::CL$J."O}1 CARPEN TRY ~W AL L S ''I ''r ",Q nnGENERAL I'T nWN n ~VAIL R~G .NO."'_0 TY PE fLEC .GAS TOTAL PERMITFEES '.nn nnCONTRACTOROF .,0_«>7 1 tf:1.1~/J,,,~""""WOOD TELE HE AT DA.~S T A.~EK 4-27 -94 FIR M !JUI 'I'E RI VER ELECTRIC A DD ITION AL PERMITS NEEDED:~UliD INGOFFl CiA l ------'l5"A n ----- ECTR1CAl ,!<INITIAL TOWN O f VAlL REG .NO.J 4 5-E -1::::.--------------CONTRACTOR STCUT ONING ADMINISTR ATOR DATE TElE.6 LAST ING ~ONIN G &BUILDINGNOTES: f I RM CONCEpT ME C1l4NICI)L PARKING PLUMBING 189 -PTOWNQfVAILREG.NQ.CONTRACTOR D EM O TElE.92 6-2 693 "0.Ihereby acknow ledge t hat I have read t hi s appli ca ti on ,fi ll ed o ut I n lu llthe info rmation requi red. MECHANI CAL c o mpletedan acc u ratepl ot pl an .andstate th at allth e infor m ati on provideda sreq uired i s corre ct.I CONTRACTOR TOWNQ F VA I LREG .NO .agree toc o mpl y with thei nf ormat i on andpl ot plan.toc omply with all T own o rd i nan c esandstate T ~L ~.laws.and10 bu ild t hte struct ure a c c o rdtnq 10 tn aTo wn 's Z Oi7~and su bdivisio n odes.d eslqn O THER FIRM review a ppro ved,Un iform B u il d in gC odeand ot hero rdinance .th ~T~~~e th eret o. CLEAN UP DEPOSITTO:-(j;z~t1 q, T OWN Q F Yfo IL REG.NO,Phi I II £;\to la.:ype \try SIGNAT URE O F OWN ER OR CO NT RM:TOA FORHIMSELF CONTRACTOR T ELE.I U 'l"r)1 AN DT HE OWNER. ~01.41"?r::..",.;It .CD 1<1 [3>1 TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DAT E:.LJ -2 '2,<1 4 -/7r;tI(. PERII IT I ?1ft g;). APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED~•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••PERM ITINFORMATI ON ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• [~uilding [~Plumbing [~ctrical [j-Mechanical []-Other __ Job Name:Loch "c 73a..-U~Rt"'J':;d dre ss :]q2-A \=la ta-:/:(,(J tl..fc l, :J Legal Description :Lot _ Owners Name:A \ltv-.Ll(rfu..l'r ) :lo g ee, Number of Dwelling Units:-l/__ ]-Other'_ Number of Accommodation units:_ Gas Logs Wood/Pellet _ OTHER:$T OTAL:~$~/==~~~~~~ Town o f Vail Reg.NO .,''S i!-P Phone Number :q :U,Z k g 'j * mber and Type of F ireplaces:Gas Appliances *********************************VALUATIONS *****•••*************•••*.*.***** {p VO,~ BUILDINe?:('"V'::a5'ilt".;,;?ELECTRICAL:$~..:n- XLUM BING:$"i7 ","C-MECHANICAL:$ QD1lO **************************.CONTRACTOR INFORMATION **********••***•••••••••••• eneral Co ntractor:1=",,,,,(l(?:tD ~C'a r /Hf.'t{-I:J,,<.Town of Vail Reg.NO .2 12-0 Ad d ress:----p o 130 3 1 (..'3 C cl-7-!<:._?c.r ~j"k ~'Phone Number:3;Z9 '?S-3~ ,'17//23> El ectrical Contractor:1 0 80 C }/05 t.AJ Town of Vail Reg .NO ._ Address:Phone Number: Plumb ing Con t ractor:e Ol1 c:..P,t t1 1 ~(·h a .11 'ca 1 1'1 <, Address :-r;I >1 -t:.('I ('--E ~JU ('.; Me chanical Contractor : Address: Town of Vall Reg.NO._ Phone Number: TYPE GROUP SQ ,FT .VALUATION \.'rJ C-"> r ..--r ..-" ""I i II.'UI ,I t'l A f er)- FOR OFFICE USE **********••*****••••*••******* BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE:/01- PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FEE:-","'''''--,------- MECHANICA L PLAN CHE CK FEE : RE CRBA'f I ON FEE : CLE AN,U P DEPOSIT: TO T1\1.""':?::=S: BUILDING:AU~~~~=~===========SIGNATURE:_ ZONING : SIGNATURE: /r/J - *********.***.****.************* BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHAN ICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE : ORB FEE: c o mme nts :__ f-,.e C,(5{0I11 ('a.';Jell!.'-))J.,c, '3D>(q I-?>E«'5 Je-(",g /te -$I • Proposed Bathroom Remodel FOR:792A Potato Patch • SCOPEOF WORK:To partition with wood framing an area @ 12'10~X 4'6"off of the present recreation room for a private bath off the south bedroom .Sewer access to be via a cut through the present slab into the existing drain .All subcontractors to be T.O .V. l icensed :all work to c urre nt T .O .V.codes and specs .No changes to be made to the exterior of the unit . • PlanReviewBasedon the1991UniformCodes • NAME:LUDWIG REMODEL ADDRESS :792 BIGHORN A VAIL.COLORADO OCCUPANCY:R-3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:V DATE:4 -25-94 CONTRACTOR:FINE CUSTOM CARP. ARCHITECT:NONE ENGINEER:NONE PLANS EXAMINER:DANSTAN EK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED • Theitemslistedbelowarenotintendedto be acompletelistingofallpossiblecode requirementsintheadoptedcodes.It isaguidetoselectedsectionsofthecodes. Thefollowingisnottobeconstruedto be anapprovalofanyviolationofany of theprovisions of theadoptedcodesoranyordinanceoftheTownofVail. I.SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED INALL BEDROOMS AND HALLWAYS AS PERSEC1210OF TI lE 1991 UBC. 2.FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FORCODE COMPLIANCE. 3.VENlLATION IS REQUIRED IN BATHROOM ASPERSEC .1205OF THE 1991UBC .. 4 .THISP ERMIT IS GOOD FORAN INTERIOR REMODEL OF BATHROOM ONLY. ·f INSpaTION REQUEST ' T OWN OFVAIL 4 79·21 38 UW.J At-Hl ,fMlf')~/ CALLER l!I"ytb/IC1"f ,Jkd,,6 /.r,if T UES W EDT HUR FRI AM •@ • JOB NAM E -'"-=="7'-:::==;';;1==='--ir:---;---;---'-- PERMI T N UMBERO FPROJECT D ATE tj -Z1 READY FO RINSPEC TION:@ C ORRECTIONS : L OCATION:~...A j)I /),/0"1 ~"<-'/''',M.I~IV".v'IIIe.92(,.z6.' BUILDING:PLUMBING:U~ o FOOTINGS 'STEEL X U ND ERGRO UN I /(~I a 7L;~{,~j o FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROU GH I D .W .V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WAT ER ROOF &SHEER o GASPIPI NGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATION o POOLI H .TUB o SHEETROCK N AIL 0 0 0 o FI NAL o FIN AL ELE CTRICAL:ME CHAN ICAL : o TE MP.POWER o H EATING o ROUGH o EXHA USTH OODS o CO NDUIT o S UPPLYA IR 0 0, o FIN AL o FI NAL L tY OV ED o DI SAPPROVED o REINSPECTION RE OUIRED DATE ---'l.;-"'--'-;-''---;L-:;t---IN SPECTOR PERM IT NUMBE RO FPROJECT •• ••• DATE IN SP ECTI ON: "'[C I'~-A BUILDING :PLUMBING : o FOOTINGS I STEEL o U NDERGRO UND o FOUNDATION I STEEL ):l ROUGH I D .W.V.(--i-?'zt~(dMf)= o FRAMING ),t ROUGH I WATE R ~ ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING o GAS PIPI NG o IN SULATION o POOL I H .TUB,o t-n /(I ,<..(I--F'\I II "\1 '£o S HEETROCK N AIL R I "0 0 o FINAL o F INAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP .POWE R o HE ATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CO NDU IT o S UPPLY A IR 0 0 o FINAL o F INAL ~~P P R O V E D o D ISAPPROVED o REIN SPECTION REQUIREDc C ORRECTIONS, sl!1-11'-1 /I D ATE --"""''+--"---'----f---L--'----- • • , TION REQUEST . T OWNO F VA IL •• 479·2138 '£(!115 ldm OI-/?ff#'7i</AJ~ §) 1'.z:u CALLER @ PERMIT N UMBER OF PROJECT DATE f/~;Zg -'l'j JOB NAME -""'=-'-'-'-::;,=---'-4'--------:----,-----,..,----,....-.-,-.--- REA DY FOR ~E CAO N'?,k ,~~TUES WEDTHU R FRI AM P LOCAT ION ~.;g 10 ~A /lLI/)%..I.~.~/tJ/~,4'1/I1'AA _-/S''7 -t1?'.sZ or 9'71- BUILDING:PL GMBING:II o FOO TINGS I STEEL o UND ERGROUNO o FOUNDATION /S TEEL o ROUGH /D .W .V . o FRAMING o ROUGH I WA TER ROOF &S HEER o GASPIP INGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSULATION o POOL I H .TU B o S HEETROCK NAI L 0 0 0I~FIN AL o F INAL I ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP .POW ER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOOOS o CO NDUIT o SUPPLY A IR 0 •0 o FINAL o FINAL l ~P P R O V E D o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECT ION REQUIRED CO RRECTIONS ,_ DATE --=P""--4 ---'---''-----INSPECTOR (e;t;:~. PERMIT NUMBER O FPR OJECT DATE IF)j ::J J /CJ±J O B NAM E -,-,c.u=,!,=__=--_"='-==,~'-----:=::"--""-_ INSPECTI O N : ryC)·3,A BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOT INGS /STE EL o UN DERG ROUN D o FOUN DATION I STEEL o ROUGH /D .W.V, ,. CI FRAMING o ROU GH /WA TER. ROOF &S HEER o GA S PIP INGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN S ULATI ON CDI..:"";7 o POO L /H.TUB o SHEETROCKNA IL /0 0 f;~'o t.E5-IN AL c,o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP,POWER o H EAT ING o ROUGH "o EXHAU STH OO DS o CO NDUIT o S U PPLYAIR 0 0 n ~I N A L o FIN AL ,,oM p PROV ED "o DI SAPPROVED o REIN SPEC T ION REQUIRED I VI I CO RREC TIONS: • ,. • DA TE ,.... INS PERMITN UMBERO F PRO JECT DATE ~f,'J )~J O B IN SPECTION :'-n -A.. BU ILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOT ING S I STEEL o UNDE RGR O UND o FO UN DATIO N I STE EL o ROUGH I DWV. o FRAM ING o ROUGH I WA TER ROOF &SH EER o GA S PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NS ULATION o POOL I H .TUB o SH EETROCK NA IL 0 0 0 o FINA L o FINAL ELECTRICA L:MECHANICAL: o TE MP.POWER o HEAT ING p ROUGH o EX HAU ST HOODS !'o CONDU IT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 o F INA L o FIN A L o DI SAPPROVED .. ;a.'A PPROVED CORRECTIONS: ~. I NSPECTOR o REI NSPECTION REOU IRED kA!"CIt q%.'~• 71 7-/1 P";;..4 fkl.'Iff Elk I f."f /1 ;""a /II ,M,/~(,8.J'1 (?) ..s f :-J,t'tt,p (?I ~;;--:-------- I ' -~~----~ _.ign Review Action'" TOWN OF VAIL -..'oc.....,L 7 7CategoryNumberr,.-L _ Project Name :__---==-=--"''--''3-----'=''-'':LLLl-'2Ll..-'-__ Build ing Name:-----''---'-:-''''--'''"'-''-'=j--L.!...!..!:==-r---1-----'.L!.=<::...L'''''''-'''-''-.;L---------- Icy.:;G,.'/1'1 "'*II Gee S I '/76 -(/'/7Architect/Cont act,Address and Phone;---'~'--'-"":---'-!..:c..c.ll..'----':...<..:"'----L'----'----L._ Project Street Ad dress :_----'---'--=-_'---..L""-''--''--'--'=---L.::'-'-''--'-l-l.LLL"'''-'''--_ Comments:_ Board /Staff AC tl~~ V ote :,WMotionby:~'_"+""'____ Seconded by:.L-'--fL-'-_ Date :---+-"'4---::~'-----------ORBFeePre-paid _ I. A.IlUCIUPTI ON:AIV'1..:;:;Oc.k--=::.......::....:.:===-__ 9 19'14 •• B.TYPE OF REVI~W: F. E. G. ____New Ccnat~uction (S2GO.001 Mlnor Alteration (S20 .00) ~Addit'on ($50.00)Conceptual Reviow (SO) C.ADDlIESS:.-J '11-p,PRim.&w..Q,:i ve.- D.U~D~SClUP'l'ION:Let......lL..-Block -.JL._ SubdivUion .......\~P,t..-,_ If property is de.cribee by a ~••ts ~O bounda legal d.'Qript1on,ple.se provide on ~separate sheet and attach to this application. ZONING:,....i_"'~/-:...c........J.....11-_ LOT ~:If required,.pplican~mu.t providB a cyrr.n~ Itamped survey Ih~wln9 lo~.rea . NAME OF APPLICANT:~~L-VD6JJ~M'l111n~Addr•••:?!J:e"n:::=30 "$lIVE+;l.:(7V"~"FCC ~3L 1-hOne _6 ·~~~.4~ ,,~...I CondomlniUd Approval it ppltca eo slG~FE& $20 .00 $50.00 $100 .00 $200 .00 VAloUAUON S0-S 10,GOO $10,001 -$50,000 $&0,001 -S 150 ,000 $1&0.001 -$500 .000 pone c~FSt:ORB te ••,ai &hown Above,are to be paid .t the ti~8 ot .uomlttal of ORB applieation.Later,wheT. applying tor &buildinq ~rmit,please identify the accuzat.valuation of the proposal.The Town of Vail will adjust the fO.,cco~din9 to the table belOW,to ensure the correct fee ia paid.$Pl.()(} "5 rAXD ;_d...L •Pho~. ~DP~~:~~~~~/~-~---------(J,..,U /'°pIGIIAS'1lU C.): M.ilin9 AGar •••: J. K. II. ""..,w ....,........ $1,000,000 $500 .00 •DUIGII 1\&VUIl 1IC»"ll Af,aovu.IUfUS ClIl5 nu.An'Ea n1ll\L ""aonr.VIILIII A IlOfUlDlG 'UIa:13 f&SWD llII1l CQlSftllCTIOil 15suaftD. ".0 AJPLfCU'I01l MILl.IIlI UOCI:SSI:D 111_OI/lID.'S 81......'1'01\1I 1 SUBDIV IS ION V ..iLT1>:j.+<> r ..+........Pv-"'v<.:"'--""'-_ Ad~~_ The f oll o wingi n form ati o n is required f or s u bmit t al t o t he Design Review Boa rd bef o re a fi nal appr ov al can be g i ven : COLOR, t"1\~,:.t-.J '-...) <::--../> ~ TYPE OF MAT ERI AL H 'lc..M Fa s cia S of fi ts Windo ws Wind ow Trim Do ors Door Trim Hand or Deck Ra il s Fl u es F la shing s Ch imneys T ra sh En cl os ure s Gr ee n ho us es BUILDING MATERIALS : Roof Siding Other Wall Mate r ia ls A : Ot he r B .LANDS CAPING:Nam e of Desig ne r: Phone: PLANT MAT ERIALS :Botani cal NameCo mmon Name Qu ant i ty S'e* PROPOSEDTREES EXIS TI NG TREE STO BEREMOV ED *In d icate ca l ipe rf or de c idu ous t re es .Minimum caliper for de c idu o~s t re es i s2 inche s.I n dic a te he i ght for conifero us t re e s .Min imum height f or conif erous trees is 6 -fe et . 7 • P ROPOSED SHRUBS . EXIST ING SHRUBS TOBE REMOVED Botan ical Name Quantity Size* *I ndicate size o f p roposed sh rubs.Mi nimum si ze of shrubs is 5 g allon . S qu are F oot age GR OUND COVERS S OD NA SEE D TYPE OFIRR IGATI ON TY PEOR METH OF _ EROSI ON CROL C .LAN DSCAPELIGHTING:If exterio r li g ht i ng i sp ropos ed ,please show the number of f ixture s and locatio ns o na sep ar at e lighti ng plan .I dent i fy each fi xture from the l i ghtingp lan on the l ist bel ow and p r ovide t he watta ge,h ei ght ab ove grade and type of light pr opos ed . _---..:'l<--.:..L.::...F (~~~~.e,...';'v---E-"'+--l ~~h-t +0 ~E wt....""t:Dc,v--. \ D .OT HER LANDSCAPE FEATURES t r er.e i n Lnq walls ,fen c es ,swi mming p ool s ,et c .j Pl e ase spec ify.Indi ca te h e i gh ts o f r etai ni ng wal l s .Maximum h eight of wa ll s wit hi n the front set ba ck is 3 f e et.Ma ximumh ei ght of walls e lsewhere on the p r ope rt y is 6 fee t . 8 I •-.•• April 22 ,199 4 Mr.Alan Ludwig c/o Ludwig &Company 408 1Ryan Road,Suite 106 Gumee,IL 6003 1 RE:Ludwig Residence 792 A Potato Patch Drive Vail,CO • The foll owing is a com putation of availableinformationfound with the Town of Va il Department of C omm unity Development,Eagle Valley S urveying ,MJ Mueller Engineering,and rov Zon ing Regu lations . LOT DESCR IPTIONLot11,Block I,Vail PotatoPatch 792 Potato Patch Drive,Vail,CO LOT SIZE 33 ,192.72 SF 1.762 acres) DATEOFILC August 11.1981 ZONING DISTRICT Two FamilyPrimary/Secondary Residential SITE COVERAGE GRFA Allowed All owed Existing Remaining Primary Seconda TOTAL 6638 SF 4052 SF 2586 SF 60 % 40% (20%1 (12 %1 18%1 Existing Rema ining Primary Secondary T OTAL Primary Secondary TOTAL lREC t:U'T N O.~7/7>. -7<9(/DA1C :::>/>. CII ECK$MAOn FAYAH!.F.TO 1O....'N OF VAL NO.TAX ~-rF..A TUTAL TOW NOFVAI L "",,,~~,~~~~~ I~_....;.;;..;.;.;.;.;...~_----, /~ua 1/.."1£7 t:tl4D ~W;:/~fTY O m).o 'M <'" .AI ';)/m i l(r!t,J,r /l,YL 0Jc/::. AD DRESS NAM" j!L1)ci\!\!}15-l IUZONIJ>:C A ~P .\PDRESS ~lAPS •01 lXXX)4:!-u5 :UN IFORM Bt.:JLDING CODE 0 1 0000 424 1:rTuNIFORr\i PLt.:\1BISG CODE - 5.• S50.00 1 - I 536.00 ,- S32.0(h · ---i I S36.00 j",530.001",I "-3 i $7.00 .- S0.25 ,• I ,1 ,., i S5.oo,- I , I I ,,,,,, I !i S20.oo I .i....- f--,,, : i ,, 1 ,, 1 i ; I ., I , , >._. •, 2 ; sxnoo S2OO.OO ' I S5OO.OO · 151.500,00, :1 000.001 S2oo.oo ., S25 0.oo S250.oo1 $200.00 1 •PEe APPLI CAT ION FEEStoi"11OO1fSi3To A t5 b1TrO NALGRrA '2 ,iJ~._.... ·oI Oool f'I))O 'CONDln'6NAL USE PERK IIT,,-iJ l OOoO ,j}:;OE X1'ER i O"A L 1~RA Ti ~'Ci [E~S·Tr.ii ~IA~N~l oomS~Q~.FTt't'!I3==E=3j~i===3 !'010000'):;:;0 ,E XTE R I O R A LT E RA T I O ~~1 0 R ~THAN l oo S Q .FT .J ,0 1 0000 'mO:SPEC iAL DEYE~OPMEN T DiSfRTCT ISEW . ,01 oqoo ,mo 'SPECIAL DEV ELOPME::'.T DISTRICT IMAJ OR AMEI'D 0 10000 '1))0 ·SPECIALDEVELOPMENT DISTR ICT IMI KOR A.\lENDI ~01 0(.0)41330 ;S U B D I V J S I 0 ~ ,01 0000'1330 ,VARIANCE 01 00004133 0 'ZONING CODEA~1E;\DMENTS 0 1 000041:UO ,RE i.b~I:'-1 G 'OTHER .OTHER TOTAL:.)0 COMM£.~l~"-l MO .•,-,l eK .[tllJifLj 0,,,_,_,_R I;C.DV'_-f!t'-_ ,--, ...- I ,.. 1/~~'/ ;;'"<d (14 f//-"---;1 ,- I 7 Police Receipt Numbers _ II - /),0 ,,,,,, '.._----------------------------------_..."..._---------_..---."-~.' --------------------- TOWN OF UI'>IL Miscellaneous Cash 1 3:41:11---------------- ~~~~i p t #~4 9 4 3 ~ Q-Cu)I-,t #CK It 4£94 e;lRTYE'''''/F'RATT/SCYUL TZ-,PREPI=l ID DRS r --"n ·(:>i,d~ro?d 58.00 Lt.em pa id Amount pa id 50.00 O.@0 T HI=lt'-.J K Y OU ------------- f i RM SI BLEY PLmtBING DATE 6396 -,---9 ~lJ /9.-3 ---- 9/29/93 PER MIT FEES BUILDI NC PERM IT 245.00 PLAN CH ECK 159.00 ELECTRICAL 5 0.00 PL UMBING 15.00/PC-$4.00 41334 MECH AN ICAL RECREATION FEE 4 1.00 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 5 0.00 ~ CLEAN·UP OfPOSIT ,nn nn ~tUSETAX WILL CA I.L 9 .00 ~~ TOTAL PERMIT FEES <7'.00 I -~ PERMIT NO . BUILDING t a .nno z ELECTRI CAL ,n no0c<PLUMBING 1 000~ ~<MECHANICAL> DANSTANEK--------BU ILDINGOFFICIAL SHELLY MELLO SN ING AOMINI STRATOR-- ~ON ING &BUILDI NG NO TES:_ VALUATIO N WOOO GA S 1 1I1U 1I/V ABEHIR M 272 GRFA ACCO",MOOATt ON UNITS _ NO FIREPLACES --;;-:;;;-::c.c- NO TE -CO PY OF PERMIT T O BEKEP TO NJ OB SlTE S EP TEMBER 2 4,1993DATE SOLAR ELEC R-3 G ROUPTYPE 2OCCUPANCY GROUP DI VI SIO N 1 2 ze 3 4 GENERAL D ESCRIPTIO N O F WORK :""=,.,.,,------111 ADn ADDITION FORLIVI NG ROOM V A DDITI O NA L PERMIT S NEE DED ; DE"'O B LASTING PARK ING HFIG ...r 'N Fl S 1 CUT ------1--- OWFlL 'NG U"IITS _ -I N SULATION TYPE THICKNESS A-VALLUE >COO"='J---=-1=-f=-~r-=±=t=::~==================~~~~~~~~~=========~~:: I ~==:=:=~~~~~T YPf: 0 > H EA T NEW (l ALTERATION (l ADDITIO NAL XX l REPAIR () 200 -E ENT. 102-5 pH')49-4074 U N 1.I MI T E D ARCH I TEC TS BOX 5 560 LECTR IC KEN f,JPXCE WI1S.PN - 476 -4374TELE. WILSON REM ODEL CITY AVON ,CO NAME' FIRM PIPER FIRM RUSTY SPI KE,--,"'-l~_ TOWN OF VA I L REG ,N O , FI RM MAILAppRESS C T VAIL ,I , MAILADDRESS JO B N AME: ARCHITEC T I t!!"'---"-'''''.l<_=W1.UlOW-'>-_ OWNE R El ECTRICAL CO NTRACTOR TOW NOF V A i lREG ,N O . TELE,476-1448 L EGALLOT 11 B LK_---'-I -1 ESC Fl lI N~I L /pOT AT O p ATCH P LUMB ING IOWN Of VAl l REGNO 13 4-p CONTRACTOR 827 -5 736 I ELE G ENERAL CONTRACTOR I -"''''''''''''-'''''''-''''''''-'''''---_ department of c ommunitydeve lo pm ent.•- T OBE FILLED OUTCO MPL ETEL Y PR IOR T OISSUAN C EOF PERM I T .•TYPE OF PERMIT ,XX BU ILDI NG LXk PLU M BING ~ELECTRICAL U FOUND ATIONoMECHANICALr 792 PO'rAT O PA TCH DRIVE FIRM MECHANI CAL CONTRAC TOR TOWN O F V A IL REG .NO . TELf OTHER "F1R:::"'---_ T OWNO F V AILREG .NO , CONT RACTOR TElE. I hereby acknowledge tha i 1haveread this application ,f illed out i nfu ll t he i nfo rmation required , completed an a c curate plot plan .an d state that all t h e i nfo r mati onp rov ided as requi redi s correct.I agree to comply w i lh the information an d p l ot p la n ,t o c omply with allT own ordinances andslate laws ,and10 build th is st ructure according tO~heTown'on ing a n ~s U~divisio n codes ,d esign review approved ,Uniform B uilding C ode and other o r''les .s~uaWlicable t hereto. CLEAN UP DEPOSIT TO:.L _./4"" RUSTY SPIKEENTERPRISES • SIGNATURE O FOW NER O R.GONT RACTOR FOR H IM SELF A ND T HE O WNER. ,•I ,••I• ______A MPM •INSPECTION ,).IJ .TOW N O F IA//..Jt.dt J--I\.It\.t:> CA LLER j/r:rr.,-ft ,;f:u.C· )T U ES WED f HUR FRI t~IA h id--l4-.h j I / INSP ECTI ON :(M O~'11 -.;-READ YFO R L OCATION -----+=+--"---+-"-'-"'''-'-=----1'-'''=:....<..---''''--'----------- PER MIT N UM BERO FPR OJ EC T DA TE !(/~/q::7 JO B NAM E _----!~¥0::..:.!:::::....~~~~~~,,__;__- \ BUILDING:PLUMB ING : o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UN D ERGROUN D o FOU NDAT IO N I STEEL o ROUG H I D W .V. o FRAMING o ROUG H I WAT ER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIP IN GoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSU L ATIO N o POOL /H .T UB o SHEET ROC K NAil 0 0 0 o FINAL o FI NAL ELECTRICAL:MECHAN ICAL: o T EMP.POWE R o HEATING !P'ROUGH o EXH AU ST HOODS o CONDU IT o SU PPLY AIR 0 0 o FIN AL o FI NAL D 'A PPROVED CO RRECT IO N S: o DI SA PPROV ED o REIN SPECT ION REQUI RED DATE _IN SPECTOR _ PER MIT N UMBEROF PROJECT DATE If /:t~/03 J OB, READ Y FORINSPECTION : LOCATION :-----L)~..).--L1'...!J.:..!L_"~~l.\.....---.f.~--'------------ o REI NSP ECTI ON R EOUIREDoDISAPPROVED BUILDING:t l '~) PLUMBING : (O'FOOT INGS I STEEL "/"-o UN DER GROU ND,r' o FOU NDATION I STEE L o RO UGH I D .W.V. o FRAMING o RO U GH I WA TER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPI NGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSUL ATION o POOL I H .TUB o SH EETROCK N AIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHAN ICAL : o TEMP.POW ER o HEATING o ROUG H o EXHAUS T HOODS o CON DUIT o SUPPLYA IR 0 0 o FINAL o FINA L ,,~C O PPI1'OVE D CORRECT IONS: INSPEC T O R p;;'1/(! _'----__M ".-.INSPECTION .REQUEST./S T OWN O F IIAI I:- U I C"-.../) C ALLER )If!1/4 -0/ft.0 0 ' INSPECTI ~/C);;MONd ;'/S"w ~FRI I ~O r READYFOR LOCAT ION :----t.::...!..:2~_L-"--U.Cd-"--.p.=""''=-fd_L~---------- PER MIT N U~?a:p~~/ft 77 0 ) D ATE 1 1111/'1 ~J DB NAME --"""'-,....:....;--.:.....=:....-----;?:2--;---,---~,....,.- o REIN SPECTIO NREQUIREDoDISAPPROVED BU ILDING:PLUMBING : o FOO TINGS I ST EEL o UN D ERGROUND o FOU NDAT ION I STEEL o ROUG H I D .W.V. 'O Y R A MIN G o RO U G H I W ATER .ROOF &S HEER o GAS PIP INGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATION o POOL I H .TUB o S HEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FI NAL o FI NAL ELECTRICA L.:MECHAN ICAL: o TE MP.POW ER o H EATING o ROU GH o EXHAUST HOODS o CO NDUIT o SUPP LY AIR 0 0 o FI N AL o FI NAL .~ I eli"AP PROVED CORR ECTIONS: lA_,"\/??a.da I'~("d../It ,,1 CY£J-r...-~I f D ATE __--L-,.:.--C-:;,.<-"'---'---__IN SPECTOR _____A M l PMFRIWEDTHUR A C 1 _\ CALLER { MO N UE S f\TC INSPECTIO N , ,I READ YFO R LOCATION ,_~~_--'-__"___'______'_''______'__'___'_____''_'____'__ •I '"I (/(r INSPECTION fl EQUESr PERMIT NUM BER OF PROJECT TOWN O F VAI L:' DAT E I II,Jj r,~J OB NA M ~__\~--:.I -,:I ,-'--'(0..:1'.1'--"'-_----;-_ _I-Ii =ry -flw.lS.....c-'-_ BU ILDI NG:PLU M BING : o FOOT INGS I STEEL o UNDERGR OUND o FOUNDAT ION I STEEL o ROUGH I DW.V. o FRAM I NG o ROUG H I WATE R ROOF &S H EER o GASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL I H .TUB o SHEETR OCK NA IL 0 0 0 o F INAL o FINAL EL ECTRICAL ,M ECHA NICAL ; o TEMP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST H OODS o CO NDU IT o SU PPLY AIR 0 0 o F INAL o FINAL, r'Jf:>A(>P.ROVED o D ISA PPROVED o REINSPECT IONREOUIR ED CO RRECT IO NS' {/ DATE ----'-..:.,==-'-T--.,.<,,;;>..--IN SPECT OR I ... U~INSPECTION tREQUEST T OWNO F VAleAt.11itJ.-.L ~~~~~~(/~ ____-\~P M ' CALLER • PERMIT READY FO R LOCATION: DATE _-'--+-"-+--'='0- BU ILDING:PL UMBING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UNDERGRO UND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH I D W .V. DFR AMING o ROUG H I WA TER ROOF &SHE ER o GASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULAT ION o POOL /H.TUB o SHEETR OCK NA IL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICA L:M ECHANICAL: o TEMP .POW ER o HEATING [:o:F OUG H o EXHAUST HOO DS I o CONDUIT o S UPPLY A IR 0 0 o FI NAL o F I NAL fr';'PPROV ED ?r-; CO RRECT IONS, o D IS AP P ROVE D o REIN SPECT IONRE OUIRED DATE --'...1-_-'-'---'--"-_IN SPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER ZPRO JECT DATE Ie!}d:5 JOB •I ··. I NSPECTION -R EQUE ST •T OWNO F VAIL NAME IL1f1 /<;OI\.).. CA LLER &;;\V G7r <;lJ" READ Y FOR INSPESI"ON :Go);)T UES ::THU R FJ i CD PM LOCATI ON 7'i~)~JIe)t2L.t~t..kL BUI LD ING:PLUM BING: DFOOTI NGS I ST EEL D UNDERGROUND D FO UN DATIO N I STEEL DRO UGH I D WV. D FRAMI N G o RO UGH I WATER RO OF &SHEE R DGASPI PINGoPlYWaODNAILING o I N SULATIO N DPOOL I H .TUB D SHE ETROCK NAI L D D D o FINAL o F INAL EL ECTRICAL :MECHANICAL: DTEMP .POW ER D HEATING DROUGH DEXHAUST HOODS D CONDU IT D S UPPLYAIR D D ~F INAL DFINAL )(A PPROV ED CO RRECTIONS : 0 00 '"~ o D ISAPPROVED DREINSPEC TION REQU IRE D , 4L~-£...v:L.V .......,.~d /-t"'q INSPEC TOR ~-'-.L--=-<-'----=-'-_-:'=7-'------/.?·27 -/'lDATE....:..-"-----""-.!-_.!-'--__ DEC 28 '93 03'ElSP!1 8OYL~'1'£ER''''INC .""'L .CO • Boyle E ngiwuing.lac . 143 e.Mcadow Dm'C,Sutl:c 390 Vall,Calomdo8 LM7 30.31476-1110 FAX 30]/4764313 Decembe r 21,1993 Towa or Vall Dep t.~CommllDfty Dc\"dopmeat All:Cbck 75 So 'ro 8r.qe ....West Vai4 CoIendo It651 Subject:WilsoD Ra-idence Ad:li.tion PerOt 1639S 792 Pouim P£h DrM Vau.CoIo..m DwChuct: •,D~O )0 199~ nus is to continn lNlt I hne m."ICWed the beam stj)Qjt\JtionJ for tbe abow:wed rmdence.Spe<:ifi.Qlly the double I 1I4 xCi 1/2 mJao-tam header mil the triple:I )/4 Ii:I I 7IK mlcfo-latn fioor bmm ha~been replaced wi1h tri ple D.F.12 2 x 12'1.I haYII foo.nd that these changes meet the UBC and Town of Vail CocSo requinaeotJ . • • Boyle Engineering.Inc. 14 3 E .Meadow Drive ,Suite 390 Vail.Colorado 8 1657 303/476·2170 fAX J 03!4 76 43XJ December 2 8,1993 Town of Vail DCI)!.of Community Developm ent A u :C huck 75 S.Frontage Road We st VIIi!.C olorado81657 Subject :W ilson Residence Add ition Pe rmit #63 95 792PotatoPatch Drive Vai l,Colorado Dea r Chuck: • REO'O DEC 3 0 \q93 Thi s istoco nfirmt hatI h ave reviewed thebeamsubsti tution s fortheabovenotedresidence .Spec ifically thedouble J 3/4x91/2 mtcroet am head e ra nd the tripleI 3/4 x I I 71X micro=lam fl oor bea m have been replacedwith trip le D .F .#22x 12 's .1 have found that t hese c ha nges meet the UBCand TO\\-11 of Vail Codereq uirements. Please give me acallif you have any questions or commentsonthis matter, ours . .80 ~i«~ f1 mot~M.Boy P.E. Prcsidcnl -r--c->" ,."'" ..•Project Application • Dale _ P r crect N a me .\\J 'hDY)CL.QLd.J1 tf.:..lr-.--'-_ P rOject uescncuon.t·Afl.A.hL.M~_ Con tact Pe rso n and Phone VJliV \\~J,I L;{)ll ,~:h']'QArchitect.Ad dress andPhone :..l2..lLJ lJ._.'-_ II e i \ C om me n ts:_...,.----.-__---.--:-_-:-__--j'----_----.-,-_+-__-;-__;-_ Design ReviewBoard M ohon by futJ,&\X7tI Y,;o >(III Secondedb y 91 (,\\I ':'Q,YrX . D ate _ AP P ROV A~Q!SA PPROVAl S ummary ·~__ o StaffAp p rovalCfNY~U To wn P la nn p.r ...( Dale ~'\S I \'i ]L--"'---- • ,.OWNER ZONE CHECK • F OR • 'R ,R PIS ZONE DISTR ICT DATE :4vtfr Il.\)it1Gf-.2:;>. LEGAL D~S JRIPT ION:L ot ~Bl ock ~Fi l ing ~~~~~~~~~ ADDRESS:!or~!il \ r ARCHITEC T .:...t:.L.Q!~:""....,,-PHONE _ ZONE DISTR ICT 1'1ti.,~-=--._ PROPOSED USE J2J~~~~,----~---------- "LOT S IZE 72 1 'Do ql-:..-_ All o wedExisting Proposed Total Primary GRFA +425 ='_ Se condary GRFA z,.ll cP .+ill..:2 '3-1 L Sl ope _ \)0 i\l\!?IJ\Ao",r2;?~__ Jd lo11 Y t;,? 2.5'0/3 1JrW '2S3 +=-*--2-1"1 (30)(50) &10 1 20 ' 15' 15 ' tJ /u. NIA- (300)(6 00 )~(1200)mb Permitted Sl ope ~Actu al 3 '1 6' ...5...-Reqrd Front Sides Rear Setbacks Height (30)(33) Total GRFA 6P'lo -r e~id:1l2....- Lands caping Site Coverage P arking Dri ve : Garage Credit Retaini ng Wa ll Heights Water Course Setback Date app r oved by Town Eng ineer: View Corridor Encroa chment :Yes,_NO,_1?1,_ Environmental /Ha zards:1)Flood Pl a in 2)Percent Slope _ 3 )Ge ologic HazardskROCkr:¥f:;'~Ch\3&n ''1i-D~b;ls Flow 4)Wetl ands ----------- Previous c on dit ions of approval (check property f il e l":~~QLC(~~__ Does th is reques t i nv olvea 250 Additi on?.~~V~~~ How much of t hea llowed 250 Additi on i s used with this r eques t?_ " ,, PL EAS E MAKE CHECKS PAY ~TOTHE TOWN OF "~TT •~~*ut":M:~""~;'~;j~\~~~'1It.R~~+t>'(J ';""Y~il.,i.~,~'i ,";~1<";)."Mn~$U!t,i;.,~'*'t$o.t),.,V'('i.~ l\,~I [_TOyvN OFVAIL _,..~\'~ i DEPARTME:'iT OF COMMlJ'NITY DEY E LOP ~IE r;T '~ :or SAL ts ACTION r OR;\1 if~'-"'-f\.75 SOUTH FROXTAGE ROAD ."~,I 11 ~1'\.0 1/,I'Ch VAIL Ift.0 LORAD O 81 65 7 0 f).a""~~~.\)I E ":I DATI:0 ,fl 't::~~,""'''''~'''_'''o..~~."",~~~'.~~<'3,...:r~":,:,;.jJ~~",,,,,,,,,~~~_~,,,,,,,~~I;;:~'A C C O Ll'l T,..\'O~~~~~~~:';>-~j;-~~~'~~J TE M{,;~"1t ,sa,l\lT.i;NO~~C O ST:E A~~r o.T,,\Llftr:~ !0 '00004Jl'0 I ZC'lNG ,",,''0 ADD lliS MAJ'S I ".00 i . ~:01 COOO-<t 2415 I UNTF OR.\f BUILOIXa COD E I 5jO .00 ~*i 0'ovoo "<1S I UNlFOR.\1 PJ.UMBll'C CO DE I ",.001 1\\• ~0100VQ.f 2·11S ./UNi FORSI MECH M1C A L C OD ~532 .oo ·~* ~01 OOOO-l ~-41 S I UNIFORM FIR£coo r=:536.00 .~{* '.I I?'0 100004'24 15 N.\TI ONALF.LECTRICALCODE .5)0.00 ~* ~OlCOOO4241S I OTIiERCODEBOOKS I :...* 0 'rooo'u"'BLUE PRI!'1'S ('IYLARS)I ",001 •~01 ~)42':12 'XEROX C OPT'l:S I ST t.:'DIES I SO.25 t *' W,_~o!.,OCC=~:C-:'·'~J:!71l....JI',-!P;;;8'£"",A":L!:n!:·~F!~,~r.S?:'!,!R~E~.ll'~''=:S~E~C:!n!"o~~~'S::-:==-,-+~__"':"'-:-I"gr 01 ((<'04 1Jj2 i jl L.\.~REVIEW RE ·CHECK FEE I~O ,E R HR.I !i ~-,~.01 (000 42:;22 I OFFHOURS I}lS?EcnON FEES I 1:;~."010000 ':'1·112 I CONT~\CTORS UCE.~SE.S rill I j 0 1 OOOO~I:'30 I OTIIERFEES I 1:", .01 rooo,,,IJT SIC"APPLlCA nON FEE If--""s"":o"".oo-:;+::::::::::::~·~~~I ~0 1 c000 41413 I ADDmON A t#SlGN AG~n E ISI.OO i'ER.SO .FT.],---I "I .-!f.~'OI IX\.""O .:2..;.:0 h Ie AR T PROJECT DONA 1"10:-1 I I ~Ol""@?!J IPRE PAlODESIC"REVlEWBOARD FEE j -vr I '""'Jr'f'i"it ~•0~~1'2 I BUn.DING-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT CO MPUTER DI KS "nn .~k j:000 21ilZ TAX 4 ."Ii '·01 0000 41010 TAX (I,.)-,t ~.01 OO O ~423 71 I NV ESTI GA TI ON FEE (BUILDING)'TOTAL DUE:"~ j'~/;r..~'''''i!'::..ii",~;\;w.'ij~~V''~,"l;l5·'''4W;'''·''W'''''''''''''~'·'i%,"~i(&t¢'',.~"""~;;il:i~~i:tI:";i.lli_'Si~',j!.1?:.~1fj4J:r....~~~:':1,,;;tV:n;'J:~~~J,;P E C;M~r t:J CATJON':F.E ES ~~-E1f.i1~]?4i ~-{'~::-~,~~;~t~,utii~J ~~* ..01 0000413:;0 IA DDlTIONALGR F.'"~O -\$'2 .00 1 :;; .01 000<l J IJJO ICO/\,UlTIONAL USE PE~\nT ..I S:::oo,oo ~ "/.-OI C'OOO04 }J30 j E)"TIRJORALITRATION l ESSTHAN100S .rr,I S20:l.rJO i( ~010C'004 13jO I EXTERJ OR Al.TF.RA TION IMORETliA.'"w'fSO:FTJ $500.00 N: ;'i:01 0I."I()(l 413JO ISPE CIALDEV ElOP~fE ....-rDISTRJCT NE\51.500,(Xl 1 ~0 1 0000<41 330 I SPECIA LDEVE lOP~IE"'TDISTRlCT 1-ol.AJOR AME..''D n.cco.oo TC 1...1 :.or:J:L •". _.•.r·~-- ~-,=.t ·n-=: "-_.:. PER>IIT #(3 9;,••,.., C9 TOWN OFVAILCON STRUCTION •PERMIT APPLICATION FO~93 'DATE:~ -J APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLE TELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACC EPTED)(**~**************************PERMIT INFORMATION *****************************~-B U il d i ng (j-Plumbing (j -Electrical(j-Mechanical (J -Other Job Name:tr'et<M6~1'6 ~4-Job Address:./'1f7 .4?f:t JE /#Ii:i .dt . OwnersName: Architect: Block~__ Ph 5'76-~-F' Ph ?'~lf General Oeseription:.c..-'!.=,--",==~-,--,=:::..<.;;:-'<..e:;:,"-"'-L"'-'T,,4'=='----------- Number of Dwelling Units :Number of Accommodation Units : * mb e r a nd Type of Fireplaces :Gas Appliances Gas Lo gsWood/Pellet ********************************VALUATIONS *********************************a:/0<'''-' BUILDING :$~ELECTRICAL:$,£w?~-?O OTHER:$ PLUMBI NG:$~"'''''MECHANICAL:$TOTAL:$..-"'0,<'JCO~~~ **********************}**CONTRACTQR I ~F O RMA T I O N *******************4.****** e ne ra l Contract or:r:i'&T.Town of Va il Reg.No ./o~5 Addre ss:-5;'1 ,'.•Phone Numbe r:Vt -'ii79 Electrical Contractor :•~/;htdtJ ~~~or Vail Reg.No .~a:;,E Address:•""-PhoneNu mb er:"l ZG-/V<l,~ Plumbing Contractor :~~~~.T own or Va il Re g .NO /gyjJ· Addre ss:1&41 mA~=~4 Phone Numbe r:J;l7-.s?3'?> Mech anical Contractor : Addr es s: T own or Va il Reg .NO ._ Phone Number : -tiri - OFFICE USE ****.*********************•••*. BU ILDING PLAN CHECK FEE:/2):0') P LUM BINGPLAN CHECK FE E:q,m MECHANICA L PLAN CHECK FE E : RECREAT ION FEE:,IS CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT : TOTALPERMITFEES : BUILDING: S IGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE : . DR B FEE :N o FEe 5?= 0 "'.,1 <;""'1 '"';') TYPE GRO UPSQ .FT .VALUAT ION LI r ..,;?7d . ********************************FOR BUILDING PERM IT FEE :.29::[:('('. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE:1 £cc MECHANICAL P ERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE:W ·m OTHER TYPE OFFEE ' Comments .-"-_ ~CLEAN UP DEPDSIT REFUND TO : ,,• 75southfrontageroad va ll ,col orado 81657 (303)479 -2138 or 479-2139 • o Ulceof community d evelopment BUILDING PE RI,IIT I SSUANCE THIE FRAflE I f this permi tr equires a Tow n of Va il Fire Depa r tmen t App roval, Engineerl ·s (public Wo rk sl review a nd approval .a Planning Depa rtm ent revieworHealth Depa rtm ent rev iew,an d a revi ew by the Buildi ng Dep artment,thee stimatedt ime for a tota l r eview may ta keas l ong a s th ree weeks,. Allcomm erc ial (large or small)and all mult i -fam ily pe r mits will ha ve t ofo l lo w th e above menti oned ma xi mu m requ ir ements.Re siden tia l andsmall projec ts shoul dtakea l esse r amou nt of t ime.Howev er.if r esi denUal or s ma ller proj ectsimpact th evar ious above me ntioned departments with.r egard to necessary review ,t heseproj ec ts may a lso ta ke t he t hree week period. Every a t tempt will be ma de by this department to exped ite t his permi t as.soon a s po ssible . I ,the u n d er s i g n ed~und ers tand t he pl a n c hec kproc edu re a ndtime f rame , Agr eedt o by'.., I >t p r ~:.j ~yu )C Da~e e t~lt urn .r~o t he Commu ni tyDevelopm ent De par tm ent. ,"...•• lown of vai 75 sout blrontage r oad vall .c o l orado81657 (303)4 79 -21)8 or 479-21 39 • o ffi ce0 1 c ommu nity d evelopment TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALLCONTRACTORS CURRENTLYLREGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VA IL TOWN OF VA IL PUBLIC WORKS /CO~~ruNITY DEVELOPME NT MA RCH 16,1988 CON STRUCTION PARKI NG &MAT E RIAL STORAG E I n summary,Ordinance No .6s tates tha t it is unl awfu l for any person to litter,t rack or dep osit anys oil ,r ock,sand ,debr is or materi al,includ ing t rash dumpsters ,portab le toi lets and workmen v ehic l es u pon any s tre et ,sidewalk ,al ley or pUblic place or any portion thereof .T he right-o f -way on a ll Town of Va il stree ts and roads is approx imate ly 5 ft.off p avement . This o rd i nance wi ll be strictly en f orced b y the Towno fVail Pub lic Wo rks Depa r tment .Pers ons f ound violating t his o rd i na n ce wi ll b e giv en a 24 hour written notice to r emoves aid material. In the e v ent the person so notified does not comp ly with the n otice within the 24 hour time specified,the Pub l ic Works Department wil l remove said material at the expens e of p erson not ified.The prov isions of th is ordinance s halln ot be app licable to construction ,ma intena nce or r e pair projects of any street o ra l ley or any u tiliti es in the right -a-way. To r e viewOrdinance No .6i n fu ll,plea se s top by the Town of Va il Building Department to obtain ac opy .Thank you for y our c o operation on thi s matter . owner) ...• PlanReviewBasedon the1991 UniformCodes • NAME:WILS ONREMODEL ADDRESS:792POTATO PATCH VA lL ,COLORADO OCCU PANCY:R ·3 TYPEOFCONSTR UCTION :V DATE:9-29-93 CONTR ACTOR:RUSTYS PIKE ARCHITECT:PIPER EN GINEER:NONE PLANSEXAMI NER:DANSTANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED Theitemslistedbelowarenotintendedto be a complete listing of allpossible code requirements inthe adoptedcodes.It isaguideto selected sections of the cod es. The following is notto be construedto be anapproval of anyviol ation of any of the provisions of theadoptedcodesorany ordinance of the Town of Vail. LGUA RDRAILS TOMEET SEC-171O OF TIlE 1991 UBC. 2.ENGINEER MA YBE REQUIRE D ATFRAMINGIF TIlERE ISANY STRUCTUAL PROBLEMS . 3.FIELDINSPEcnONSREQUIRED FOR CODECOMPLIANCE. 4.SMOKE DETE CTORS AREREQUIRED INALL BEDROOMSASPER SEC 1210OF TIlE 1991U BC. .•Project Application •• Project Na me (1J~f}r7 Pro je ct Desc riPtio n:MJ Ewe Date _ Contac t Pers on an d Phone _ Owner .Add ress a ndPhone : Zone -++=- I'iJ i . Arch itect,Address andPh one :~'¥~~S-~!J"~~---____;c,,__--------- Comm ents :_ Design Review Board Date _ / A PPROVAL D I SAPPROVA L Se conded by:--Pl.fL"":::::::=f~lf-.LL--'--''----~ M o tion b y :--f--=-~-""'''--==c-i Su m m a ry : l1Q H7z• •o S tallAp p roval PR OJEC TI NFORMA TI ON: A.DESCRIP TI ON:-~,--,Am-n=="-U...0'N.u.....>'-_ revised 9/4/91 ********** •DRB APPLICATION -TOWN 'OF VAIL ,COLORAD O DATE APPLI CA TI ON RECEIVE D :nEC'C A'UG 9 '1993 DA TE OFORB MEE TI NG : TBI S APPLICATION WILL NO T BE ACCEPTED UN T IL ALL REQUIRED INFORMA TION I S SUBMITTED ********** I. B.TYPE OFREVIEW: ___New Cun st ru ct ion ($20 0.00)Mi nor Alte r ati o n ($2 0.00) X-Ad di tion ($5 0.00),Con ceptualRe view ($0) C .ADD RESS:-.::¥3 :z.'\'DrbTCI [AU .Q1>---'-'_ D .LEGALDESCRIPTI ON:Lot --..lL-Block _ Subdivision kA1b=,,-.\:!fJ:>:tY4~=,,-_ If pr operty is d e scribed by ameets an d bou nd s legal desc ript i on,plea se provi de on a separate she et a nd attach t o thi s a pplica tion. LO T ARE A:If require d,app l ica nt mu st p.r ovi!?a current s tamped survey s howi ng lo t area.-='0t li9 4 2ft- NAM E OFAPP LI CAN T•.:.::~Jt1~~Ct:~~~~~~W~\Ki!N:~~;::===Maili ng Addr e ss:_ Phone ~201& E . F . G . ZONI NG :GwMf-~----- H. I. FEE $2 0.00 $5 0 .00 $10 0.00 $20 0 .00 $400 .00 $5 00 .00 -$10 ,0 00 $50,00 0 $15 0,000 $50 0,00 0 $1,000,00 0 $1 ,000 ,000 s 0 $1 0,001 $5 0,001 $150 ,0 0 1 $5 0 0,0 01 $.Ove r F EE SCHED ULE: VAL UATI ON J .Condominium App r oval i f appl icab le. K.DRB FEE :ORB f ees ,a s shown abo ve ,a ret o be p aid at thet i me of submittal of ORB applic ation .Lat er ,wh en applying f or a building p erm it ,please identify t he acc urate v a luati ono ft hep ro posal .The Town of Vail will a dj ust the fe ea c co rdingt o the table below,t o ensure the c or rect fee i sp ai d.D~ FEE PAID:. .*DES I GN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL AP~ROVAL UNLESSA BU ILDING PERMIT I S I S SUED AND CONSTRCCTI ON I S STARTED . **NO APP LICATION WILLBE PRO CESSED WITHOUT OWNER 'SS IG NATURE 1 ·.'. NAHE OF PROJECT:_I JJ l l-<:;'o t--\.AtCOLT-"IO...N.L...1 =-_ LEGAL DESCRI PTION :LOT~BLOCK __SUBDIVISI ON ~r~O rtrr~ STREET AD DRESS :Iq ~0rl'lrt>fP""\W EJeIVE:; OESCR IP TION OFP ROJE CT:6~'---'MXJ=......'-lr~lu.oN='------__ The f o ll owi ng informa t ion is r equired fo r subm itta l to the Design Re vie w Boa rd befo re a fina l app rova l c an be gi ven: COLORA.BUILDING MA TERI ALS : Roo f Siding Ot he rWall Mat er ials Fascia Soff its Windo ws Wi nd ow T ri m Doo rs Doo r Tri m Han d o rDe ck Rail s Flues F l ash in gs Ch imn eys Trash Enc losure s Gre en ho uses Ot h er TYPE OF MATERI AL Qe.Q~~---­ -h<'b fN1'l C.CtO>f.. B .LANDSCAP I NG:Name of De signer: Ph one : P LANT MA TERIALS:Botani cal Name Common Name Quan ti ty S ize * PROP OSED TREES EXIST ING TREESTO BEREMO VED *Indi ca te :c al ipe r f o r dec i duous trees.Minimum cali per f or d ec idu o us -trees is 2 i n ch es .In di cat eh e igh tf or con ifer ous t r ees .Mi ni mu m hei g ht f o r coniferQus t rees is 6f eet. 7 __Fil in g ZONE CHE CK F OR R,R p iS ZONE DIS TRICTS AJi-Q.OOO ~q4t -1014=_PHO NE PHONE SF R, DATE: LEG AL DESCRIP TION :Lot a Bloc k ADDRE S S:'Y1 !l frrAJ'O f4"1'C44 . OWN ER --....b:::tre ~lt1 (L_'70 'H.~_ ARCHITECT ~_ ZONE DISTR I CT 0 v ~,¥_,,----_ PR OPOSEDUSE _~l~~ "LOT SIZE 201 €J \:,44-L/-_ 7)Al lowed Exis t in g Pr opo sed Total- Heigh t ""~,),<1 (30 )(33)t+o ~ To tal GRFA /~~1O 4¥tb '"'J Ct ft =&JJ1· tJ'?/'?f1l'Primar y GRFA +42 5 = Secondary GRFA 'Jell (f +ll2 ='l 'S l:\I .~~WNit#. UJ OSetbacksFront20't-L c~~~Side s 1 5' Rear 1 5' Water Cours e Setback S ite Coverage Landscapi n g Reta ining Wa llHei ghts P ark ing Garage Cred it Drive : (30 )I SO ).J.J.I.f- (//1/1 ~"2l-~_C.::.:..L_ Hc~".__ 3'16 'WI>-. 6"~R e q r d ?=oIL (300~ZI 1200)1710 Permi tte d ope ~Actual S lope Vie w Corri do rEn cr oa chment: Date app ro ved Yes _ b y To wn Eng ineer: No /???_ Envir onmental /Hazards:1)Fl oodP l ai n 2 )Per ce nt Slo pe 3)Geo log ic Hazar ds a)Sno w Ava l.,a~n~C~h~e~=========b )Ro ckfall -::c:De br is Fl ow _ 4)Wetla nd s _ P re vi ous co n ditions o f approva l (che ck property fi le ):tt(,,/"'Vl:C.._ Do es t h i s re que st i nvolve a 25 0 Add it i on?~~)~()~~~~ How much of the all owed 25 0 Addi tion is used wit h this r eque s t?_ **No t e:UnderS e ctions 18 .12.090(3)a nd 18 .13 .080(3)of th e Mu ni ci p al Cod e,l o ts zon ed Two Family and Primary /Se c ondary whi ch are l ess than 15,000 sq .f t.:i n a rea may not construct a second d welli ng u nit.The Commu nity Developmen t Department may gra nt a n ex cep ti on to this rest riction provided the a pplica nt meets t he cri te r ia se t forth unde r Sections 1 8 .1 2 ~09 0 (B )and 18.13 .08 0(B)o f the Muni cipal Code inc luding p ermanent ly r estr ic ti ng t he unit as a long -term rent al u nitf or f u11 - t imeemp loyees ,of t he Upp er Ea g le Va lley . 10 N OTE -C OPY O FPERMITT O BEKEPT O NJ OBSITE Se p tember 16 ..1993CONSTRUCTIONPERMIT l '-'-'.f I DATE .6349.:~PERMITNO. 1811 81 lIi1 lY t TYPE O F CONSTRU CTION 1 II Ill IVV department of community devel opment 2..OCCUPANCY GROUP A BEH I R M BUIL DING "non nn DI VISIO N 122a J4 z EL ECTRICAL 2 nnn nn T O B E FtLL ED OU T CO M PLETELY PRI O RT OI SSUA N C E OF PE A MIT 0 G ENERAL DESCRIPTIO N O F W ORK ;~PLUMB ING 4 onn .nnTYPEOFPERMIT~ A dd b a th &ad d o n t o b edroom in to "•IX BU ILDING ~PLU MBING b alcony >M E C HAN IC ALarea. IX]ELE CTRICAL CJ FOUNDATION 19.00 0.00 ~MECHANICAL 0 PER MIT FEES92PotatoPatenDr.TYPE GROUP GA FA VALUATION , EGAL LOT 11 BLK 1 V R BUILDI NGPERMIT 0>0 n_n DES C .FILIN G Potat o Pa t ch PLAN CH ECK 153 .00 \7S JO BNAM E :Wilson Remod el ELECTR ICAL 50 .00 89,99,'+,,99-P8 #:~OWNER NAM E Ken Wil S QU N EW ()AtTER ATlO N (A DDIT IONA L ()REPAIR ()PL UMBIN G 60/15 .00 PC #4 33--~MAIL ADDRESS 7 92 Po tato DWEl liNGUNITS ACCOMMODATlOtliUNITS __MECHANICAL------------ CITY U~"a t "'7 PH"-2'<8 iJ'toHEIG>-tT ItliFT --"1 0 FIREPLACES --RECREATIONFEE --------- A RC HI TECT FIRM P Tpe r IN SULA T ION :TYPE THiCKNESS R-VAllUE DESIGN REVIEWBOARD ,nnn n n FLOOR CLEAN-UP DEPOS IT 1 00 00 ~MAl lADDRESS IWx 55 W- Avon 816 20 949 -7074 EXT,WAl l S USE T AXCITYPH. Roar G ENERAL FIRM Rusty Sp ike Eu t- I "'00 TYPEElEC GAO T OTAL PERM ITF EES 6 16 .00CONTRACTORTOWNOFVAllREG.N O .lO:.l -S OF 4 76-4 374 S Ol M~WOOD TELE .H EAT Dan S tane k 9-15-93 ~UIL 6IN G OFFICI AL -------DATE ----- FIRM Lec.t.z.Lc Unlim ited AD D ITI ONAL PERMITS NEE DED: E LECTRICAL 200 -E 1."-INITIAL Shelly Mello 9-13-93 TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO .te;-NING ADMIN ISTRAT OR---------- CONTRACTOR ST,CUT DATE re re.476 -144 8 tz ONING &BUILDING NOTES.BLASTING FIRM Vail VAlley Pl umb ing PARKING PLU MB I NG 1I8-P CO N TRACTOR T OWN OFVA l l REGNO DEMO T ELE.0 /.0_7771 FIRM I hereby acknowle dge tha t I haveread th i sap plicat ion ,fi lled o ut in ful l th e informat ion req uired , MEC H ANICA L c ompleted an acc urate p lot p lan ,andsta te that a llthein for ma tion pr ovided as requiredisco rrect.I CONTRACTOR TOW N OfVAIL REG .NO ,agreetocom ply w it h t hei nformationandprot pla n .to c ompl y with a ll T o wn ordinances andsta te l aws.and tob uild t his structure ac co rdingt o t he T O W~n zoni ng and subdivision codes ,designTHE.reviewapp roved.Unltcrm Buildin9 Co de and ~n",~"app licab le the ret o.. O THE R FIRM CLEAN UP DEPO SIT TO,~..~ TOWNO F VAil REGNO .SIGNA l UREOFOWNE R OA )Z'i NTRA CtOR FOA HIMSEL F•AN D THEOWNER .CO NTRACT OR TElE. ("! 17 oC.) PERm!• .re :::p7 •TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCT ION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DATE: --, APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR I T MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED . )(•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••PERMIT INFORMATION ••••••••••••••••••••••••~•••• ~-BUilding ~]~~lUmbinq ~-Electrical []-Mechanical ]-Other Job Name :KeN wil~oN Job Address :7'1J.~""-L"'-l.!l-U-J~""-"~---';"Ir-:-if- Legal Description :~t~BIOCk~ Owners Name :*iA.-W(/Sotv Address :'"~Ph.~18-cls:~ Architect:8A t:Zt-d~Address :;::?".6.0.-i[2ri:.°Ph!fI7 -7p 7'f General Description:AU,&,b.to /U?.{J,EJ AA9 LJdJ.eq,'m tn1i'3,./~. Work Cl as s:(j-New»<1-Alterat ion (J -Additional (j -Repair (]-Other _ Number of Dwelling Unit s:Numbe r of Accommodat ion Units : ~mb e r a ndType of Fireplaces :Gas Appliances Gas Logs Wood /Pellet *********************************VALUATI ONS *k******.**.**.****••***.*•••*.** ..,1 ~S-t'o/3 0 C.<.. BUILDING:~ELECTRICAL:$5000 OTHER:I PLUMBING :$as-db .,1 '0 MECHANICAL :$TOTAL :$/'7 -.n/ ~**************************FORMATION ***************************"~neral Contractor:t...o •Town of Va il Reg .NO.lD;;1-~ Address:~Ai Phone Number:'f76-'i37\t Electrical Contractor :L...~c..+-e Ie.,tJ=/I;"'r:J.,.iO ,.:'-Town of Vail Reg.NO .~OO£ Address:176l?Off""'.0:<;;:;;;<H.L LlJiii/c;..'Phone Number :~7h-tY'f g :~~~~~~;cO~~~'~'k~~~~~e o~u~~;~:R9Y9~~;;"lOv "/1F</9 ·LAJ 'r1t</4 ,6 A(/MMechanicalContractor:'Town of vail Reg .NOo _ Address:Phone Number : I (C.W I cflr:.CX ') ********************.****.******FOROFFICEUSE ******************************* .flP,,,,/BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE:/53 - I·/,-PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FEE :/5 ;;>,MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE : 5 !1 5 RECREATION FEE: 2,'Il'IIfColJ CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT:_po..5 0 -W.TOTAL PERM IT FEES: BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE : MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE : ORB FEE: TYPE GROUP SQ.FT .VALUATION •J K Comme nt s: BUILDING : SIGNATURE:( ZONING: S IGNATURE:'1ti iQlit r K!JWO • ,.• lown of vai 75 so uthf r onlage road va ll,co lorado81657 (303)479 -21,38 or 479-2 139 • J oUlce o f c omm unity d evelop m ent TO : FROM: DATE: S UBJECT : ALL CONTRA CTORS CURR ENTLYL REGISTEREDWITHTHE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OFVAIL PUBLI C WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEN T MARCH 1 6,19 88 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIALS TORAGE In sunmary ,Ordina nce No.6 states t hat it is unlawfu lf or any p erson t o litter,track or de posit any soil,r ock,sand,debris o rmaterial,i ncluding trash dumps ters ,portabl et o il ets and wor km en veh icles upon any s t reet ,sidewa lk,a lley or pUblic place or any portion t he reof .The right -o t-way on a llT owno f Vail s t reets a nd r oads i s a ppro xi ma t ely5 f t .o ff paveme n t. This o rdina nce will b es trictly en fo rced by t he T own of Va il Public Wo rks Departmen t.Pe rsons found v iolati ng t h is ordina nce wil l be giv en a24 hou r written n otice t o r emove s aid mater ial . I n t he e vent t he p ers on so n ot if ied does no t c omplywith t he n oticewi thin t he24h o ur time spec ified ,t hePu blic Works Department will r emove said materia l at t he e xpen se of pe rson n o ti f ie d.Th ep r ov is i o ns of t hi s ordinances ha ll n ot b e appli cab l e to con struct ion,mai ntena nce or r epa ir pro jects o f a ny s t r ee t or alley o r a ny u tilitiesi nt he r igh t -a-way . Tor ev iew OrdinanceNo.6 in fU ll,p lease s top by t heTown of Vail Bui lding Department to obta in a copy.Thank you for you r c oop eration on this matter. (i .e.contracto r ,owner ) 7 /7 /..;', •••• • lown of val 7 S loulh fro nlag_roa d ven,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 o r 479 -2 139 • .' office or communUy development BUILDI NG PER I·lIT I SSUA NCE TIM E FRAlIE If t his perm\t requ ires a Townof Va il Fire De par tm ent Approval , Engineer "s (Publi,c Wor ksl review an d approval,a Planning Department rev i ew orHealth Department review ,and are view by the Bu ildi ng Depar tmen t,t he estimated ti me for at otalrev iew may ta ke as l ong as three weeRs. All conme rc t e't (l a r ge or sm a ll)anda ll multi-fam ily pe rmit s wi ll haveto fo llow t he above me nt ioned ma ximum r equ irements .Resi denti al and sma ll pro jects should t akea l es ser amou nt o ft ime .How ever,i f re s identia l or sma lle r projec ts i mpac tt he var iousa bove men tio ned depar tmentswith r egardtonecess ary r evi ew ,t he s e proj ec ts may also ta Re th e th r ee we ek period . Every·a ttempt will be made by th isdepar tm enttoexpedi te t hi s pcnm it a ~SQon as po ssib le. I ~t he u nde rs i g ne d ~un derstand t heplan checkprocedur e andt ime f rame . ~.'I-gree t o. )t.Mi;,~ Project Nam e ..• Plan ReviewBasedon the1991 Uniform Codes • NAME:WILSON REMODEL ADDRESS :792 POTATO PATCH VAIL,COLORADO OCCUPANCY:R -3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCfION:V DATE:9-14-93 CONTRACTOR:RUSTY SPIKE ARCHITECT:PIPER ENGINEER:MONROE PLANS EXAM INER:DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED Theitems listedbeloware notintendedtobeacomplete listing of allpossiblecode req uirements intheadoptedcodes.It isaguidetoselectedsections of the codes. Thefollowingisnottobeconstrued 10 be anapproval of any violalion ofanyof the provisionsoftheadoptedcodesoranyordinanceoftheTown of Vail. 1.SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRED INALL BEDROOMS ASPER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC. 2 .EGRESS WINDOWS REQ UIRED FROMALL BEDROOMS REQUIRED ASPER SEC.1204 OF THE 1991UBC . 3.FIELD INSPECfIONS REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 4.GUARDRAILS TO MEET SEC 1712 OF THE 1991UBC FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 5 .HANDRAILS TO MEET SEC 3306 OF THE 1991UBC FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 6.A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER MAYBE REQUIRED TO APPROVE THE REMODEL,IF THERE ANY STRUCTUAL CHANGES. o o Fir, pJ O ·JQ---C SJ ~o_____0 ;~ ---.....aiM~Eo OJ v·C0 GI •_U .IJ.D. U ~.[i Build Jj ~ea!th --..jrvr u TOW II 01 Vall Community Develoom en l - L.! Plan o~oproved Deni ed • It::r r s-.~ 4 1 ~ II~.===--=-----:---.I'"--'1 J • I ~ I • r --~----- I~~~ II "I I"I M~N ~ -i>:7-+---.~ '"e:;~"".. ::u=t f - I +- I I I i1---'~I !11 !I I '~ -I ~4~ • '. ,.. Validity or Perm: Sec.30:-I':;19 U n c. TownofValJ .OFFICE COpy DATE:q-I L/-~" I -....J.. -------l~Il \\7'!f!.e j ~';Jali~e 0 ,grafiri r:g o:a pe;fr,il Or c1!)7)'Q','<1 of pians an sr-t;(,i f j(,~t :ons !>h a!l n OI ~.t?::N I :~;l'~(j n ,l-,..::;;c:-·,,::f r,r,ora apcrova :of.any v:oia:i::r.(J~arr ~'0 :l ilf;D ":)v:'~IO i1 ~t'i this coo s 01 of any (Hiler crdlnanc e 01 ~r,a !~.(j :;~i ':il ti (1n.T!1 r rssusnc e perm it based upon plans .speci l icat rons and oth-r data 5;'3': nc,j pre vent the building oHi cia l from thereafter requiring the cor rec tionof errors in said plans,soe clflca tlons and otM f cata." \ - ,,~J ~~,.~ r:..1'0'" ~--_._---_. ! ! 7 '~ LL C.J ,. " -.lZl <-:: "">.-"..... r---- -, .'-~;r1:.,_ ~v.~~3 ~~t: (~~i~r r ~\r r....-1-L...- \T ,J 'r I~....~r I 1 I ~ I I l -il"1 - I .-.,----I • ~ ; I I I 0 J I....~IJ .LJ It -~J ",.. ~ ~ t _-.. J ...... •• GeologiC Hazard Review Q::?rt?eE?~"'I"i ~ (Date) • (Legal Descript ion) slhavere ad th e ~Hazard Report,dated ~~~l£d~S~Mrul ......_pr_epa__re_d_b_ y . e understand from theconclusions that th e proposed building is locat edin a -f':f2L~~L__--,..,.-_hazard zone ,and there is thepotential hazard of ;---,---;-:- reachinthe propos ed house ,causingdamage .Wearepreparedtoathese facts and raques the T wnofVail i ldingDepartmentgrant ua permit , (Name,Own er) STATE OFCOLORADO) r )ss . COUNTY O F ::<\C.\,) J .\~ The forego ing instru mentwas acknowl edged before me thi s ~da y of V:1;ct"t .19£,by 'h ,\)~\.W.v:,.\<".,,known to metobethepe rson whose name is subs cribed to the foregoing instru ment and acknowledged to methathe f:f xecute d the same for th e purposes and cons ide ration the reinexpressed.r:('Y'q,(\.C f,y,I.\\ My comm iss io n expire s: STATEOFCOLORADO) )ss . COUNTY OF } The foregoing instru ment wa s acknowledgedbeforeme thisday of ""'==-:::-:~.19--1 by .kno wn tome to be the pers on wh ose narne is subscr ibed totheforegoing Instr ument and acl<n owledged tome th at heexecuted the same for the purposes and con sid eration the rei n express ed. My co mmission expires : •.. thaias Lampiris,Ph.D. CONSULTINGGEOLOGIST P .O .8 0X 2 SILT ,COLO A AD081652 (3031876-5400 (24 HOURS) September 14,1993 Ken Wil'iion Vail Assoc.Real Eastate PO Bo)!7 Vail CO 81658 • RE:Rock Fall Evaluation,792 Potato Patch Dr.,North Unit Dear Mr.Wilson: I have v isited the property referenced above for purposes of Rock Fall r e view for the Town of Vai l.The site is a part of a duplex unit at the above referenced address on the north side of t he Vail Valley,near the top of Potato Patch .There is a Hig h Rockfall Hazard in the area s o tha t thi~is a geologi cally sensi ti v e are•• The proposal 1.for a n addition,as shown on y our pla ne,on the northwest corner of the unit .The rock fal l hazard is less here than a.t other portions of the unit .I do not believe that mitigat ion i~necessary for this additi o n,as it is ve r y s mall and doe~not e xt en d o ut from the home.The construction of t his addition will not i nc rease the hazard to o ther property or structures~or to public rights -of-way,bUild ing~,roads, streets,easement~,u tilities or fa~i l it i es o r other pr o perties of any k i nd ,If there are questions please contact me . S incere ly ,• .',.),:.-;:',"»:{...11,,~ t,0 ..1 I /"'-1 Nicholas L am p i r i ~ Cons ulting Geologist • A Olas Lampiris ,Ph .D . CONSULTI NG G EOLOGIST 0793 VALLEYROAD C ARBONDALE ,COLORADO 81623 S oc t.ernuc-I ~.1"''::38 f.ll'i..ri o PI pe t".Hr c h 1 v ee t. ..,'_O .b o ~556':' A'I ,:jn CO 816 2'I •3 FE :Hcw H,:'j J 1 Ev e t o e t r c n ,-/92 Pot.e t oe ~"a t c h U t 1 ,i F'.N lJ r-U',U n r t ~,s i t e-u t.h ~n ome a t ,t n e-d LJO\'E r er e renc co a o o re as oc ,'O U " ...·t'ql l ~<;1:t o o ca Lue t e t he ,...n \~~·f ,~~!I p ,.)t ~n t:i d l f o r-th ,.,>p r -(J c ,."}:,.t'~d ...,J tl i i inn or.t he eoc.t.~.i tlf..•o f th {C>r-om e ,T hI S i ':"t o erv c j c s e .,10'1 :l l ··(~<?tJe t:\,,~.':'n tfu-c e e Ir-e a d v (~::1'f>t i fl9 I,-J<\11 5 wh ich t s no w ~ de::."'. Mv l j l,dl nas -.v -r:-t na tt ne o c c r t r o nI S ern t.b e si de of t t-.€"'r-,o mr · \·,hl,-h l ~;':'~l''''.V s r-o .n a nd ~o m'e \"t,~t ri r-o toc t eo fr om th e oa t e vc n o ~\~~r o c ~+~I I h dz ar d a s ma op vd b v me f or th p To wn n f val I n ~":'8 -~.It IS my op r n i o n t h ...e t,t h e ad c i t i on 1 5 i ~a O ,-:,,.-,1 0 QI C all v ':er ,ot;lt l v t::'e r e c but th e d ev e l op mon t,d oes not. i nc r-e eec t~c n e e or o t o)c t b e r-p r-oc e r t.v o r-ec r-uc t.ur eu ,o r-t o D l \bl l C buil dI n g ...!....-i gh t s -of --1 ·1 .:.~'{.r-c e d s,e t r ee t s ,e o s cmemt .s , uti l i t i eo.;c or t a c r t i t i e-s o r-o t.tten -nr c o er t i e s of srv v k i nd .I t t he re ~rp I l 't t l l ~r q u~s t l o ns p le~se d o n o t h e s i t ~te ~o c an t B=~ fIlC'• N ,c ndlas L emo i e-t .... C o n ...u l t i n o GE:'ol tJ u i st. • PERMIT NUM BER O F PRO J EC T INSPECTION REQUEST T OWN O F VA IL CA LLER DA TE /0/7,W,I~01 ')/:,;rncc k.1 _ 1l1k-~_ THUAREADYFORINSPECTION, L OCATION,712. MON Pa±t-h! T UES WED Ddr..lJh'---_ •.BUILDING:PLUMBING: '--o FOOnNGS r~h E E L o UND ERGROUND o FO UNDATION I ST EEL o ROU GH I O .W .V., f ,FRAMING oROUG H I WA TER ROOF &SH EER o GASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSULATION o POOL I H .T UB o SHEE T ROCKN AIL 0 0 0 o FIN AL o F I NAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: oTE MP .POW ER oH EATING o RO UGH o EXHAUST H OODS OJCONDUIT o SUPPLY A IR 0 0 o FINAL o F INAL I./J"- o AP PROVED o D ISAPPR OVED rb EINSPECT ION REQUIRED, CO RREC TIONS, D ATE jI2 -y 2.3 IN SPECTOR - ,RI C A L LER • REA DY FOR LOC A T ION ,-1.-""...a"---'--U=..b<~'__'_'"'''''_''''''''''''___ .(/)3L{EJ PERMITN UMBE R 0 /,P R OJ E"C"'T~- DA T E 'I 0 I d J OB NAME ------¥.:~--'-'--=-=___;_T:::;_;_-_== (BU IL DING'...)r LUMBJNG :.J-----o FOOT INGS /STE EL o UNDERGR OUND /2 o FO UNDATiO N /ST EEL ~R O U G H /D .W .V)ff{) ~FRAM ING ROUGH /WA TEN oLlJlL. RO OF &S H EER o GASPIPI N GoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULAT ION o POOL /H .T UB o S H EET ROCKNA I L 0 0 0 o FI NA L o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP.POWER o HEA T ING o RO UGH o EXH A UST HOOD S o CONDU IT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 o FIN AL QFl NAL-. C O VED o D ISAPPROVED o REIN SPECT IONREQ UIRED CO RRECT IO NS , DA T E __---''-'~~¥~'='--_IN SPEC TO R PE RM ITN U MBER O FP ROJECT D ATE ~J OB , • •INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OFVA IL - •• MO N 'JC'l BUILDING:PLUMBING: oFOO TINGS I STEEL o UNDERGR OUND o FOUNDATION I STEEL ,oROUGH I D .W .V. o FRAMING oROUGH I WATE R R OOF &S HEER o G AS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING oI NSU LATION ~o POO L /H .T UB?:SHEETR OCK NA IL .tI~0~f 0 o FINAL oFIN AL ....ELECTRICAL:ME CHANICAL: I o T EMP.POWER o H EAT I NG o ROU GH oEXHAUST H OODS o CONDUIT o SU PPLYAIR • 0 0 o FINA L o F INAL • It'VED o DISArPROVED o REIN SPECTION REQU IRED CO RECTION S: I NSPEC T O R --1+'V4=IJ.'~-''---------- "•, ------fC8 PM I ••INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF V A I L ~dJ CA L LER f'e..-- IN SPECTION,MON TUES WE ~.A THUR ~ 1Y1t-f1rh-:-h g 'ceL .1'H· •• READ Y FOR L OCAT ION ,----F/~+t+-IL.t-"='''--'''------J===~.L.=------------ PERMIT N U MBEROFltI0J EC T DA TE /DVV~JOB BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOTINGS I ST EEL o U NDERGROUN D o FOUNDATION I STEEL o RO U GH /D .W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WA TER < RO O F &S H EER o GASPIPING /'o P LYW OOD NA ILI NG o POO L I H.T UB _b<,k(J M Lo PoINSULATION o SHEETROC K NA IL \O ~~"-I l ld .r.;u -Kd= / ('"",,2 (!,.?'0 0 6 ,,7 o FIN AL o F I NAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TE M P.POWER 'o H EAT ING o ROUGH o EXHAUST H OODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AI R 0 0 o FINAL o F IN A L P 'l/>.mJVED CP RRECTIONS ' o DIS APPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED D ATE }O-/5 S) I ' INSPECTOR ..,'-,..,=-L-'---_ , • ---AM (PM- •• (LoCk-P"'-1 )•INSPECTION REQUES,J I I )//J AL T~WN OF VAIL DATE +"'--=~+"'-_J OBNAM E ----"LM="'~/'i1~'8""'-"""~___",.-',.;_'_,----_----;--,-....,-, CALLER ilIilet?-2PtbL 4 &7 ;»<>;./7CJMON/TUEf/WED 0 HUR FRI -r;:C *°1 ~fI-~ READY FOR I NS PECT tO I L OCATIO N :------,'--t..;'=--r-~'--"=-"--+~---'==--="-------------- BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOT ING S I STEEL o UNDERGRO UND o FOUND ATION I STEEL o ROUGH I DW.V. o FRAM ING .o ROUGH I WATER RO O F &SHEER o G ASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULAT ION o POOL I H .T UB o SHEE TR OCK NA IL 0 0 0 6'..fI NAL o FINA L ,ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POW ER o HEAT ING o ROUGH o EXHAU ST H OODS o CO NDUIT o S UPPLYA IR 0 0 , l]tr l NAL o FI NAL '. • r SAPPROV ED AREI NSPECTION REQU I REDoAPPROVED CO RRECTION S: DATE B lJlLDING") o FOOT INGS I STE EL • , \ PLUMBING : o U NDERGROUND --'-_ o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GA S PIPING _ o POOL /H .T UB _ 0 _ o o FI NAL INSPEC ION REQUEST TOWN O F VAI L ,:J 4792138 IIi);JSt")/l). CALLER (/It/I!')4 7&-/~~1 I N~~;'C TlO N :()~O N T I£E~cWEDJ -lHUR FRI I I L"//(1.41-/.'AM)~M '7U ?f//)'ttt .Jr.-Vn I"7X 1 "Y I'm/r;"fA:;;~h- II''':'~l/1u ]A)-,AJ A ~ ./If~'] •• o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING _ ROOF &S H EERoPLYWOOONAILING -------- o IN SULATI ON _ o SH EETROCK NAIL _ --- ••h 2 9 r tl63 ~9 PERMIT NUM BER OF.PROJECT ;jZI??, 7 REAO Y FOR ELECTRICAL: o T EMP.POW ER _ o ROUGH _ o CO NDUIT _ 0 _ o IN A/- M ECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o F INAL C "t.PPROV ED CORRECT IONS: o DI SAPPROVED o R EINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ----'=='C~:.....::-"""=-"'---"=.--:>--- PLANS I N SLOT,_N OTE -C OPY O FPERMIT TO BEKEPT O N JO BSITE SEPT 30 1988DATE.,0 03 56 7PERMITNO. 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION III IIlI VV 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP AB EH IRM BUILDING 16 ,0 00 DIVISION 1 22a 34 z ELECTRICAl 1,0000 GENERALDESCRIPTIONOFWORK :~PLUMBING 1,000ROOMADDITION-DECK ON COMMON AREA ~ <INEEDSOKOFOTHEROWNER.>MECHANIC....L TOTAL 18 ,000 TYPEGROUP G RFA V....L U....TION PER MIT FEES V R-3 312 18 ,000 'BU ILDi NG pERMIT'.v A1 "',189 '-..,;;\~..jr C,<tF PL....NCHECK /)95 I()/'It ,~~~".-.,~\-.44ElECTRICAl0:>e!?lt~"~..(,......"'-Y \'NEW (I ALTERATI ON I1 ADDIT IONAL REPAI R ()PLUMBING 10 ~76::;' DWELLING UNITS __ACCOMMODATION UNITS __MECHANICAL !f;,I ~E A T 1 C)N FEt,n2\.x 15 /.>47 ~HEIGHT IN FT __NQ,FIFlEPLACES --I}INS ULAT I ON :TYPETHICl<N ESS R-VALLu e DESIGN REVI EWBOARD rl 25 FLOOR "Cl EAti.UP DepO SIT .V../~")100 eXT.WA LLS -NU N" USETAX ,' ROOF '\\'.(.",~--~ TY PE fL EC,G"TOTA L PERM ITFEES $5 10.00 OF SOLAR WOOD HEAT JOE NORRIS OCT.6 ,1988- ADDIT I ONAL PERM ITS NEEDED :-i;aUlt.DINGOFFICIAl ------DAfE ----- V'ed ti -INITIAL ~t3 ET S..!...ROSOLAC.!.__...2..C T~h 198!,.--ST CUT ~..t :b--e.~1·;TO y c ~·-QNINGADMINISTRATOR DATE-,--,._.l'Q..BLASTING •o ~ONI NG &BUILDINGNOTES: •_.---p,~pPARKING X **NEEDAPPROVA L OFOTHER HALF OF DUP LEX DEMO V ,......\\\.:":,\~X FOR DECK ADD IT ION. J hereby ack now ledge t hat I have r e ad th is applic ation,fi ll ed o uti n f ull th e inf ormati on r e qu ired , comp leted a na c curate plot plan,a nd state th at all the i nformat ion p rovid ed as r eq u ired is c o r rect.t ag ree t oc om p ly with the information a nd plot p lan,to comp ly with a llT o wn o rc tn ances and s tate laws,a nd10bu ild t his str ucture according to l h~~S zoning ~;)7J:~V is;on codes ,design r eview approved ,Unifo rmB ui ldi ng Code a nd other or .ence f the To a pp licable t hereto . -,'v.;'\\f)CLEAN UPTO:~~.:.:.~-~'\,.. <:::...~~,,\I(:~~'\~,*S'G J'lATU RE O F OWNER ORCO NTRACTOR FORHIMSE LF ,,~~;..::'~:.\."\:;'~ANDT HE OWN EA. ""~";,<\'-\"0 '~"1,\'is''! TYPEOFPERMIT [XX BUI LD I NG txl PLU MBING III EL ECTRICA L 0 FOUNOAT IONoMECHANICAL0792POTATOPATCH DR .:~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT 1m IIII ·.Apa rtment of community development " -TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPlETELYPRIQR TQ I SSUANCEOFPEAMIT ~G A l l OT 11 BlK .-1· ESC.FlllNG VA1L P OTATO PAT CH JOB NAME :WILSON ROOM AD DITION OWNER NAME KEN WILSO N 792 POTAT O PATCH MA i l ADDR ESS CITY VA I L PH.6- DUANE PIPERARCHITECTFIRM MA i l ADDRESS 0048 E BEAVER CR AVON 9-7074 CITY PH. f iRM A.T.SM I TH CORP. GE NERAL 107 -B CO NTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. 949-5828 T ELE, EIRM HUN T EL ECT RIC l ECTRICAl 125 -E CO NTRACTO R TOWN Qf VA IL REG,NO. TE lE.949 -406 1 FIRM A.I.$!IlTH CORP . PLUMBING TOWNOF VAll RE G .NO .107-B CON TRACTOR TE LE .926 -372 1 FIRM MECHA NICAL CON TRACTOR TOWNOFVA IL REG.NO. TELE. OT HE R FIRM T OWN OF VAil REGNO CONT RACT OR TELE. h llrlnll 1.a11 1NOTE-CO PYOF PERMIT TO BE K EPT O N JOBSITE 1 ~, ...~ CONSTRUCTION PERMIT•,,....0"3;;;61,DA TE ""PERMITNO.~1111 •1.TYPEOFCONSTRU CTION 111 111 11/11 ~partment of communitydevelopment 2 ,OCCUPANCY GRO UP ABEH IRM BUILDING ,U VV\i •,z ELECTRICAL I ,0 n TOBE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PR IOR T O I SSUANCEO F PERMIT D IVISION 122a3 4 a.GE~~""~~~~I~T ~ON_O ~t?RK Ud ~",'.."...AAa&~PLUMBING 1,'0'TYPE OFPERMIT ~ ~ ~. £_oJ _.•MECHANICAloBUILDING0PLUMBING."> o EL ECTRICAL 0 FOU NDATION J.lJ ..,'J...•,"o ME CHANICAL 0 792 Ato PATeR Uk TYP,GROUP G.A.FA V ALUATION PER MIT FEES ~GA L LOT u B L!\..•V k-l lIZ 16,UOO ,,Mit"BUILDING PERMIT , V .1J..'rHC' ESC.FILING PLANCHECK 9,ID /lit JOBNAME :ll.Sl...'"DITI~ELEC TRICAL 44 d# OWNER NAME ~'-l.Wi'II NEW (I AL l ERATl ON ()ADDI TIONAL(REPAIR(I PLUMB ING .,.,\10 fit~h2 ru 1Al'U PlO1'Cti MAll ADDRE SS DWELLI NG UN ITS __ACCO MMOOATIONUNITS __MECHANICAL /~/CITY VAl.PH.Q >HEIGHT IN FT ,__NO,FIREPLACES )''frREAT IO N FEE )}:/o-'x IS 47--rARCHITECTfiRM vu,"","U ,~-I NSULATION:TYPE THICKNESS R-VAllUE DESIGNREVIEW BOARD 2)_8 .AV'.Q FLOOR CLEAN.UPDEPOSIT ~.J<:'IIMAILADDRESS A.v Y-".'4 •EXT.WALLS C'TY PH.US E TAX ••T ...nr <ClIP .ROOF . GENERA L flBM I , I•T YPE ElEC.GAS TOTALPERMITFEES ••",CONTRACTOR TOW N O F VAi l REG .NO .OF..oil;:4..SOLAR WOOD JO~I\OJ UC.•1'"TELE.HEAT IItLECTRICAl FIRM Bc.T.tLllt."f ClC A DD ITIONAL PERMITSNEEDED:-i ~U"'ii.6TNG OffiCIAL ------DATE -----,.,-.,N INITIAL TST SOl OI.T J 19 T OWNOFVA I L REG .NO .ST.CUT '-t -i 1---------------CONTRACTOR T",.;""lU ONINGADMINISTRATOR DATE T L E.BLASTING 1-.~~ON ING &BUILDING NOTES:•.-.-nr.Co lP.FIRM PAR KING •PLUMBING I v;.,-.0 .....P"'....."11II""'0 "... CONTRACTOR TQWNQF VAi l REG ,NQ .DEMO \:'...X "vA ,;....-.....~j.".LV,.;"0.-]'2.1.. T ELE. FIRM I he reby a cknowledge that I haveread this application ,filled o ut in ful lthe i nfo rm ati o nrequired, MECHANICAL c om pleted an ac c urate plot p lan ,andstatetha t a ll th e information p rovided as requ i redi sc orrect.I CONTRACTOR T OW N QF VAILREG.NO ,agree toco mply with t h e in formationandp lot pl an,t o co mp l ywith a ll T own o rdinancesand state IT'"l aws,andto build t his st r uctu reaccording tothe T own's zo n2:'g and subdi vision codes ,design rev iew approved,Uniform B uilding Co deand other o rdinances of t ~~n applicable thereto. OTHER FtRM (U.L~N.,lj,..dl V ~p... T QWNO F VAil REG.NO.~-c ,-SIGNATURE O fOWNERO R CO NT RACTORFORHIM SELF CONTRACTOR TE l E.~.....\AN D T HE O WNER. ....p rl"'-'Y....1ll1 .-,\.... •• ."" x x X ·x PERMIT FEE S "ELE CTRICAL f s:7 U'oc/1 ,z:>90:0 ,0 PLUMBI NG s 30V·00 (<POe:>< ~ ~-c M(CII AN1CAl> TO TAL ,I~~ VALU4HONGRr.A. DlVlsrON C ROUPTYPE 1.TY PEQFCONSTRUCT ION 2.OCCU PANCY CR OUP 1 11 111 IV(i) A OEH ()M IV'@ G E N ER ~DESCRIPTIONOF WORK:.....,,.-r:vr---:<fA.u u 1'''''t'J rf d r ~'(....¥'1 :./(0'""ere <..'';1 c·::>/.>,....U =1 (l,"<-<-r_ ''\'I-<.J.--..,,(d ('1--L ..I-.-O ••h (,< TyPE OFPE RM IT EfOU llO ltlG 0 Pl UM mUGoELEClll'CAL 0 FOUNOAIIONoMECHANICAL0 Sfl':>.'~1m ofi3i1 ' (Tepa rlmc nl of co mrnunity d eve lopm ent .....Pl{ASE FI LL OU Il fl liEIlE l llE (Xl 1·1I\1lKS AilE ' TO BE fiLLED OUT c aMPLETELY PRIO R T O ISSUANCEOF PEIlMIT 1--=.... 'N .~ 10.~ BUI LDING PERM IT RECRE A TlO~rE E ~>.. MECHAN ICAL DES IGN REVIEWBOARD PL AN ClIECK U SE T AX ClEAII·UP DEPOSIT ElE CTRICAL PLUMBING C J 1/1."j Uii iil~a;~~~"~"::·l=-==-=--·~~:il s-----_i.i ~?1._ 'ON I NC AOIA INrSTRA10R DAlE R-VAllUE ZO NING ~'U ILO ING N OTES ::-e ~".r ./I.rr.-.f .J o M ,!..d .~ .(v ,f A '.f .-,k ,..~-, I , WOOO THICKNES S >'. _NO.rIJlEPLACES TYPE SO lA~ n.rc. EXT.WAllS ST.c ur BLASTING PAnKIr.lG Ih ereby ack nowledge l hat I have read Ih lsa pp lication.f illedou l inf ull t he Intcrmaucn r equired, c ompleted an accurate pl ot plan,andstatet hata utne lntcnnauonpr ovided as requi redi s c orrect .I ag reet o c omply with the Intorma ttcn and p l ot p lan,t o c omplywi lh all T own o rd inances a ndsta te l aw s.and 10bui l d thiss tructure according to t he T own 's z on i ll,9.:~,~bdi \l i s i o n co des,de si g n .~e 'i e w apprcvec.Unil.ormBuilding COdXXd O lhC ~jO L~..?Pli c abIC lhere lo. SIGNATURE 0"OW NER OR CONTnAC10R rOR HIMSelF AND THE OWN ER. ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: 1. ~OOF rL O O ~ TY PE OF H EAT DEMO IN SULATI ON: HEIGI-i TIr.ln . !lEWC I ALTERA TlON II ADDlTlOflAL()REPAIR I I ,OWEllINQUN IT$_ACCOMMOOATIONUNIT$_ LEGAL LOT 'Y1i II BLK I OESC.FILIN G Vatv\,.)~C<.~WJ ~~ODNAME:UJ t\.>t>'" OWNER NAME ~"''''w·\S un MAliAQDRESS '7 '1)I'vf'"t;Ii-I CITY vc<,(PIt. ARCHITEC T FIRM Ov"eo.....,'T P ~eer MAll ADDRESS CITY 'H . GENERAL FlnM A·\.S·.,:th C u _{J, CONTRACTOR TQWNO F VAilREG.NO. TElE,q ~(-3 7,),( [jR M rf '-'l ",r ,ECTRICAL H RACTOR TOWNOF VAll REG.NO , TElE 9 qq -If oc ( [JJl"/f .r .}~.r e-;c v;r p PLUMBING TOWN Of VAl l REG.NO ,CONTRACTO R •!£LE.q ;>c-'>7 .L/ fiRM MECHANICAL CONTRACT on TOWNO FV AIL REG ,N O , rEp; OTHER FIIIM •TQWt ~Of VAILREG .N O. CQ NTI1AC TOIl TUE...._..,.... ( \ x x X X • 75 sou lh Ircntaqe roa d v ai l,col orado 81657 (3 03)476 ·7000 departm e nt o fp ublicwo rks/t ra ns portatio n M EY.O RA ~DUM • . VAl Ll989 ,. ....j ..I " TO: FROX: DATE: RE: ALL C O ~T RA C TORS CUR RENTLY REGISTERED WITH TUE TOlm OFVAIL TOIm OF VAIL BU ILDINC DEPARTI1E~T HARCH 1 6.1988 O RD I ~A.'\C E NO.6 In summa ry .Or d inance No.6 states t h a t it i s unlawful for an yp e rson t o l it ter .tracko rd epos it an y s o il.roc k.sand.d ebr is or mat er i al,i nc lu ding t r ashdumps te rs ,por tab le t oi le ts a nd workcen v eh icle s u pon any s treet, s idewalk.a lle y o r pub lic p lac e or a ny po r tion t he re of.The right-or-way on all Tovn of Va il st r eets a nd roads 1 s app roxi~a t cly 5 f t .o ff pavemen t. Th is or dina nce will b e strict ly enf o r ced by the ToYn o fVailPu bli cWo rks Dep art me nt .P er sonsfo und violating this o rdinan ce will be given 24 -hour wr i tt en no tice t o r emove sa id ma te r ial.In the event t he p erson so no ti f ied d oesno t comp ly with t he not ice with in the 24 -hour time specifie d,t he Pu blic WorksDepa rtment wi ll remove said matp.r ial at t he e xpense o fp e rso n n ot i fi ed .The provisions of t hi s o rdinance sha ll no t beap p licablet o c on structio n,maintenance o rr ep air pr o jects of a nys tree t o r alley o r an y u t i lities in the right -of-way. To revie w Or dinance No .6 in Depa rtment to o b tain a co p y. Read and A~knowl ;a e~_by : ~I'-?...A'~, (J;1],;//zl Date I/ full ,p l ease s to pb y the ToYn o f Vai l Bui ld ing Thankyo u for your coo pe ra t ion In th ismat te r . , N 3 3°5 7 4 2 .44 ' , i I I---r-N2 0 05C, I 35.47 R=289 .5Z L=53.84' Ll =/0°39 '22" 500"44 '05 "£ /2.00' '8 00 PARCEL /I -A 0 .060oc, I 5 89 1 55 w I I IL-' 5Jj90 15 55 w 2510 c '"'" PARCEL II -C Q 6 4 6 en;. ~ .0 ~ ~ooo ? •• LOT II 0 .162 IX. Ovllm,of [M is/;r;g Oup/&t: /Z'Acc.n EO$fJ~ (Ori ~tl w Q y /0 PoI O/Q Pale" Dr ;vtl across Lot 10) -,_. "•'(\j ••~ ."'I .~ go )~.) / .!I ~/ .J N J 4 D26 Z0"[ 2 0 .00' - R =139.43' L=6557' Ll =2 6°56 '5 2" ,>t .'"\.,.. .,••:".'"J I ...:•I ..I '11 ~.~"!."'"h ,•~ mtaln properties associates lB ·MEMO _,Estate se es 0 Management 0 Development suite 214,108 south fronta8e rood west vail ,colorado 81657(3 3)476-7450 REALT OR® TO GaCt'\DATE ~ruoi A/llJ c .SUBJECT -A~QcLd ;s :I iv.id,~pQ-(,.). As .1<Jt-a?:~,n'I:fpr 01 6,,:11-':7 ciJJ..aNd k~rWJ '~a.tj O..;/..Not.)-:r {.JlJukJ d ..1..k,~o tJu"d ON ~~(..... ~CdfJ r>t'...I<>oc ~dtSc.v.u ii.:.l'1ak . .~lIi~..... . -.... ...............,._......-...".....,..-._..-_... -...--.-.._...--_.-._..-.. GE NERAl LEDGER AMOU "" PURCHASE ORDER ....THISNUMBERMUST APPEAR ON ....AU.PAPER &PACKAGES RELATIVE TO THISORDER. 04 1 GENERAl.LEDGER ACCOU NT NUMBER P.O. NUMBER :L QJ QOOQiilQQ2QQQ I 100 .00--N 0 D A ::r:L 002288 019375 VENDOR NUMBER ~_75 south frontage road .':;vail ,colorado 81657 lOin II (3 03)476-7000 BUYERS NAME JANEl TURNBULL "("I~/47q -'1"':lct ::J'-:::'~ """'"EXTEN SK)N reo NO. '-"ITPRICE P ERM...l l.T _,,[1 1 PART NUo.<lE R DEPDS t I---,,-F...EE~-="'~l-----CC"---:-=-- P RM T 5 7FOR L' I FA -UP " N POR1>HT "-V.S!NOTFr us _EOOlTELY F YOU ARE \oI<lA8I.£TO ~COIolPUT!ORDER IlY Dl.TE SPECFlED.II PART DESCRIPTION &.IORio(ST A.TF.p ON THE ~I D E SC A I P T 'O N L l--:r UN QUANTITY NO.OROERED PART DESCRIPTION ORDER DATE DUE DATE CLAIM NUMBER TERMS • 12 /12 B S HIPTQ:TO '101 OF v IL (ll MUNIC IPAL BUILD ING 7 'SOUTH FRONTAGE RO AD VAIL.CO 81bS7 VENOOR [...lLSON,~E ]08 S FPONTAGE ROAD WEST•v AIL CO 81b~7 PARTDESCRIPTION IA6.GE NUMBER 1 o~1 PARTDESCRIPTION QOESCAIPTION I 0::L by ~D DEPARTMENT COP., INS~T ION REQUES'T TOWN OFVA IL THUR FRI ~PM .0s-, READYFOR L OCATION :-----':O~;l-__~_'__'=_"""=__:=~=="'____==___ BU ILDING:PLUMBING: ~O O T I N G S /STEEL o UND ERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUG H /D ,W .V, o FRAM ING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &S HEER o GASPIP INGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSULATION o POO L /H .TUB o SH EETROCK NA IL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o H EATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL o APPROVED o DI SAPPROVED 0REIN SPECT ION REQUIRED IN SPECTOR '::,,-J.~-.I-,Ltt.~"""L-_------- -......",.., ----~8 PM ett INSPECTION REQUEST T O WNO F VAIL (S ",.,cr e c&*'c r fLCALLER T \i ~S WE D{/"-r--f-dyj77l...- REA DY FOR I NSPECTION :MO N L OCATION :---t''-+---.'-~__+_J:LL-''=':L1!-+'-''"4--''''--'----------- PERMITNUM BER OF PROJECT D ATE 4/-£=I y ,(d JOB NAME ---"'-'<-'--'-'""--'-0.4""""'""-----"~~=fSi"------ BUILD ING :PLUMBIN G: o FO OTINGS I S TEEL o UN DERG ROUND o FOUNDATION I ST EEL o ROUGH I DW .V. D FRA MING o ROU GH I WATER ROOF &SH EER o G AS P I PINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSULATION o PO OL I H .TU B o SH EETROCK NA I L 0 0 0 );i FIN AL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECH ANI CAL: o T EMP.POWER o HEAT I NG o ROUGH o EXHAU ST HO ODS o C ONDUIT o S UPPLY AI R 0 0 o FIN A L o FINA L ROV ED o D ISAPPROV ED o REINS PECT IO N REOU IR ED C ORRECTIONS: D ATE =u+2l~~9-----IN SPEC T O q rt~1f~-- •Project Application • /,I • )) Project De scription:.:....--=~_...:..._=__'_____'___'''_.:....''_''__ C ontact PersonandPhone Owner,Address a nd P hone :_ ) 1 ,!'"'--= Bl ock _IIlegalDescription:l ot__'-'-_ Comments :_ Design Review Board M o tion by : Date _ J AP P ROVA L D ISAPPROVAL - Summa ry :_ Dale : To ...n P Jan,..er ~/2-1 /J'r' o Staff App roval --- I/I,Date__-'---~_'~_'-'--_=_ • I -y ) Project Application• //-Project Nam e:----'---='-----------c-----"-----,--=='------------------ Cont act Person andPh one O wner,A ddressand Ph one:_ Archit ect ,Ad dress and Phone :1 )f' /1 Com ments:_ Design Review Board Dat e _ M otion b y : Seconded by : I APPROVA L DISA PP ROVAL S um mary :_ TownP lanner L o Sta lf Ap proval Dale:/ ,.........."..•,' • MEMO mountain properties associates Rear Estate Soles .r-J.o nooement •Development suite 214,108south frontage road west vail ,colorado 81657 (303)476-7450 IB REA LTO R4!> ) )58 . )Coun ty o f Eagle State of Colorado Subsc r ~bed a nd swo rnt o b ef ore me thi s20th -?fept ember ,198 8.------ MY COMM ISS I ON EXPIRE S:Aug us t 5 .1 99 2 .~.'6ta...-uA.;.:!_.P~m el a A .~.No t a ry 75Sou t hFront age Roa~~es t VaiLCO8 1657 • • Lo-l-I'(})'P~7r...+-(-lv'!.JO 1/ [j)~~J.._L.!J~­ G ." • • • LIS T OF MA TERIAL S• r j A~'I E OF P:1 0J£CT:»'11 5 0 0 :\d d it j oo LEGAL DES CRIPTION:LO T 11 BLOC K F I LIN G Potato Patc h STRE ET AD DRESS:792 Potato Pal,.b ---'----- DESCRIPTION OF PROJ EC T:--A dd jt j oo 1 0 r es ide nce The f ol l ow ing info rma tion i s requ ire d f o r SUbmittal 9uard before a fin al a pprovalcanbe five n : by t heapplic ant toth eDesig nReview Fascia Ceda r IX g ray SoHi ts 3 /8 cedar pl ywood gray Wi ncows wood /pr imed ma tch existi ng ',J indm1 Trim br i ckmQuld watch ex ist in g Deo rs wood I f ull i 1 aze ma tch exist ing h rj ckmQul d mat ch ex i s t ing Hane or De ckRa i ls 2X 6 r ed woo d w I 2X2 p i cke t g ray Fl ues NIt\. Fl ash ings 2q B<:l .8 :=1 111 _IIl Qtall -llSr a 'fy _ Ch i mneys Tras hEnclosures Greenho us e s Other 3.lANDSCAP IrIG:Name of Desig ne r: phon e : ~o a ddi t onal l ands ca ping proposed . PlMlT :1 ATE RI AlS:Bot anic al Nam e Corrmon Name Quani t y Si ze PROPOSED TREES EXI STI NGTRE ES TO __ BE RE flOVED *Ind ica tec al i oe r for dec i d uc i cus tr-ee t.In dic at e hei ghtf o r coni fe rs . (ove r) • W ILSO~RESIDE~CE 792 Potato Patch D~ive Vail .CO 8 1657 ADJACE~T PROPERTY O~ERS Lot 24 Joan and Barrie Damson 366 MadisonAve. Ne w york,~y 10017 Lot 12 ~arjo ry and Richard Sauders 1530 E.Oxford Lan. Englewood .CO 80110 Lot 12 ~arsha an d Larry Hester Box2688 Rancho Santa Fe,CA 92067 Lot 11 Peter Kallman 2 Par k Place Ne wburgh ,NY 12550 Lot 10 J .D .Kno wles 142J .F.K .Ci rc le Atlantitl ,FL33 462 Lot 10 Dean Wigton FSLIC 400 Southwest 152nd .St . Sea ttle ,WA 98 148 • • •• I APPUC ATl ON FOR AOO ITlorlAL GR FA FOR PR OPER TI ES IN EXCESS OF AL L O ~ABL E GR FA I ~'>"''''1 <J~J ',}'tJ Oat e o f APP Iic atio n~/) Dat e of ORB Meet in(c 1.-1 PR E-APPLICATI ON CONF ERENCE Apre -appl icati an conference with amembe r of t heplanning staff i s strongly encoura ged to disc ussthe pro visions under wh ichadditionalGRF A c anbe added to a site .I t should beunderstoodthatth is ord i nance doesnotassu re each ,pr operty an additional250 sq uaref eet of GRFA .Rather .theordinance a llows for ~1£ 250 square feet if certa in c onditio ns are me t. Ap plications f or ad dit ions undert his s ect i o n wi ll notbeaccept ed un le ss t hey are comp l ete.Thi s i ncludesall information requiredo n this f orm aswell a s Design Rev iew Board submitta l requir em ent s. A.PROJECT DE SCRI PTI ON:Ad dit i o n t o r esidenceo f 3 12 s .f .andnew dec k of nnproximate ly 220 s .f . B.LOCATION OF PROP OSAL : 792 PotatoPatc h DriveAddress.-'..L:--'-'==--'-'="-'''-'=_ LegalDescri pt ion:Lot II 81 oc k 1 Fil i ng_P"O",l","",t",o-,P-"8"t"c,,,h _ Duple xZonEOisirict~~~_ Ken ond Jo yc e Wi lsonC.NA:1E OF APPLI CANT :-"""-"=-="'-=--"-'-'-"''"-_ Ad dress__-'""'-~~"'_~~_'C~"'__'phone 4762528 DuanePipe rPi pe r I Archi t ee tsD.NAME OF APPLI CAN T'SREP RES ENTATI VE :__--'=""--'-'-"""------''-'-'''''-'-====__ Av on .CO 8162080x5560Address~~~~__~~~~_'~=_'phone 9497074 phone 4762528Vai1,CO E.NAJ.l E OF OWN ER?!"n 8 n9f~W i1S 0 n ••SIgna ture{s)~-'_ZJ.~.~Lft.""'''~.._'''~....,-''------------------ Addr e ss792 Pota to Pat ch Dr ive F.Fil ingFee of $100 .00 is requ ired at t imeof submi tt al 8/n /w Thefo llOl·ling "info nnation.inadd ition to ORB su bmittalr equ i rements .sha ll be reqUired with thi s submittal: 1 .·Verificat iontha t theunit has rece iveda final ce rtif ic ate of occupan cy. 2.Nam es and mailing addresses of adjacent property owners and of owne rs of unit s on t he same lot .This info rmati on is available fr om the Eagl eCou nty Asse ssor1s office. 3.Condomi nium asso cia tion ap prova l (if app licab le). 4 .Exis ti ng fl oor pla n of str ucture. • - • ':"----:-•• .A.PP LI CAII ON DAT E:Angusl !5 .1988 " DATE OF ORB :-1EET I ;~G :A,l g lI St 3 ],1988 ,"\\., ORB APPLI CATION ""'THIS AP PLICATI ON WI LL NOT BE AC CEP TED UNTiL ALL I NFOR:'IATi Dr I I S SU3I II"EO ..•.. I .P R E -A P PL I C A TI O ~MEETING: A pre -appl ica t ion mee t i ng with apl a nni ng sta f f membe r i s s tro ngly suggested to de ter mi ne if any a dditiona l info rmat ion ;s neede d.No a pplica tion will beaccep ted u n l ess i t i s co mol ete(mus t inc lu de a ll i tc-n s r -e qu t r edby t he zoning a d ministrator ). I t i s t hea p plicant 's r esponsibi lity t o ma ke anapp ointment with t he staff t o f ind out about ad diti onal submit ta l .requirements.Pl ease note t hat a COM PLETE appli ca- t ion will st rea mline theapproval process fo r your pro ject by decreasi ng t he numoe r o f conditions of approval that the ORB may s tipu late .ALL c onditi ons ofapprova l mu st be resol ved bef ore a bui lding penm iti s i ssued . A.PR OJEC T DESCRIPTION :Addition to reside nce or 3 12 s .f .(fami ly r o om ) Piper /Ar chitects ---'Fil i og Potato Pa tc h _____~"'_"_"'="'--=""''-''''-'-_='''--te lephone 4 76 -2528 B.L O C AT I O ~OF PRO POSAL: Addres s 792 Potato Pa tch Dr .Vail legal Des cript io n Lot 11 Block 1 Zoning Dup lex C.NAI'E OF APPLl CAN T :Ke n and Joyce \~ilson Addr ess 792 Pota to Patch Dr ,Vail O.NA~'IE OF APPLI CANT'5 REPRESENTATI VE :Duan e Piper Addres s Box 5560 Avon,CO 8 1620 E.N A ~I E OF O"NEXo/alid ~1 ,o n Sf q na tur-e ~0 ~ Addr e ss 79 2 potat o Patch Dr ive Va il .CO F.OR 3 FE E:The fe e w'i ll be paid a t t he t ime a buil ding per mit is r equested . VALUATI ON FE E I0 I10 ,001 I 50 ,001 l i50 .0 01 1 500 ,001 S Ov er $10 .00 0 5 SO .000 I15 0 .000 -I500.000 5 1,000.000 1 1 .00 0.000 s 10.00 $25 .00 5 50.00 51 00.00 52 0 0.00 $3 00 .00 m pORTA NT NOT ICE REGARD IN G ALL SUB M ISS I O ~I S TO THE ORB : 1.I n a ed it ionto meeting s ubmi ttal r equi r ements,the a ~plicant mus:sta ke t he site t o i ndic ate propertyl ines an d buil dl ng co rners .Tree s that will be re mo ved shou ld also be ~a r<e d.Thi s work mu st be com pl eted bef ore the DR3 vis its the 5 i te . 2 .Th e r ev i ewpro cess f or NEW BU ILDWG S wi ll no rma ll yi nvo lve t uo s epa ra te meetings of t he Design Rev i ew Bo ard ,soplan on at l e a s t two meet ingsf o r th ei r app roval . 3 .People who fai l toappea r before the Des ign Review Board at th eir scheduled m e e t ~ng a ndwho have notask ed f or a po stponement wi ll bere qui red to :e r epub 1 i sh ed . ••.., ~".- ,, , 0' ••" :..... I..',.r·.'·..""... ",•f ' ~I ••..:. • "· ". ", ·'.";., • SCHEDU LE A-Con tin ued 2.Covering theLand inth e State ofColorado ,Count )"of Ea g le Desc ribed as : Pa<ce1 No .11 -B TO GETH ER WITH a n u ndivi ded ~inte rest in Parcel Il-C , Lot 11, POTATO PATCH DUPLEX , a s u bdivisi on of Lot 11, ar e subdivision o f Lo ts 1 0,II ,and 12, Bl ock I, VAIL/PO TA TO PATC H, acco rdi ng t o the r ec o rded map the re of and ac cord ing to the Decl ara tion 0 :Cov enants ,Cond i tions a nd Restri c tio ns for Lot 11 , POTAT OP ATCH DUPL EX r eco rded Ja nuary 26 ,1982 in Book3 35 at Pag es ~~,435 . '13 3 ,, ,. /•• S CHED ULE A -Con tinued, R EQUJR EME ~T S .. ". ,, '0·'~ ,,.. 3.The f ollowing'are t he r equir ements to be complied with p rior t o the issuance of said policy orpolicies. A n y other instrument r ecorded s ubsequent t o t h ed a t e hereof m ay appea r asan exce ption und er Sched ule B at th e poticytobeiss ued.Unlessoth erwise n oted ,a ll document!mus t be rec ordedin the offi ce at clerk an dr ecorder oft hecounty in which sa id p r o pe rty Islocated. A.Rele a seby t hePublic Tr uste e of : " Deedo f Tru st fr om : To the Publ ic Tru s t ee f or t he use o f to secure dat ed re corded KENNETHD.WI LS O~a nd JOYC E O'LEA RY WILSON of E3g1e Coun t y COLONI AL I NVE S~l ENT CORPORA TION $62,000 ,0 0 Fe br uary 7 ,198 3 February 24 .1 98 3 i nBook 3 5 4 a t Pag e 11 5 "i ,, NOTE:Sa id Deed of Tru sta ssigned to Col on ia l Sav ings &Lo a nAs s o ciat i on. by Tr ansf er of Lienr ec orded Fe br ua ry 24,1983 i n Book 3 54 at Page 1 16, .... " "'..-,, ,".'\... ~l ,, 1... ."; ';.... t ~,, ',' ....." ~. ~. t ~ ; B.Deed of Trust fr om : To theP ubl ic Tr u st e for the u se 0 f to secure KE~N ETH D.WILSON and JOY CE O'LEARY ~I L SO N o f Eag le Count y MORTGAG E ASSOCIATffilrl //,:I \'(: $6 2,000 .00 e ~/tv-'-",. -: .-C\J C\J ~• ., LOT II 0.7 6 2 oc. PAR CELI I -C 0 6 4 6 DC Qul/m.of b isl n9 {Npiex 6JJO' PA RCEL 11 -8 tJ.0 .56 DC N33°5 7 42.44 ' N2 005C 35.47' R=289.5Z L =53.84 ' lJ =1 0°39'22" \ I I500"44 '0 .5 "[ 12 0 0' -I I- I,",- \)•I '8 00 ' 58!11-' Puttl Of fJ,gi,mirn;,~ PARCEL II -A 0 ,06 0 oo I I 1 IL~ SW J.5 55 .....25 10 500"4 4 '05 "£- 16.00' ,~ ~ .C ~ ~e C C ~ /2 '''crtJu £OJ.trHJflf ---(O"~tJ ",a,10 Potato Po/ell Dr;"'.across L ol 10) ---- --, -- R=139.43' L =65.57' lJ =26°56'52" ••I ',,'... ..."1 ,I ~,•.''l'.1 .' 'l .",:.'~'I.I ",' •N icholasLamp iris,Ph.D. CON SULTING G EOLOG I ST 07 93VA LLEYROAD CARBONDALE,COLOR ADO 8 1623 (303)~3600 (24 HOURS) Sep t emoer-1 L I 1 '1'88 Uuanc Plp~r .Architect P.O.Box 55bQ Avon CO 81620 •., \,~ "J \'>'J RE:Racvfall EvaluatIon,792 Potatop Patch DrIve,Nor th UnIt Deer-Mr-.Pi per : I vIs ited the home a t the a bove r e fer en ce d a ddress ~t your r-eque-s t;to evaluate t he rock f all pot enti..ll fot-the pr op o sed addit ion on the east s ide a t tne h o me.Th is i s to enc lo se an ar-oe b c'tweeri three already eXIG tl ng walls which 1S naN a ctec c, My fin~ings A rp thA t th e addition i s u n the si de of th e homp which i s away from ~nd som ewh atp r otectedf rom t he e xistino h i cn rock f<",11 h aze r-rt as me pp ed b y me for t he TO'''"o f Vai l In 1'184 .I t i""my op i nion th at th e addi ti on i s i n at Qeo loqically sensi tive a rea bu t th e d ev el o pmen t does n ot Lnc r-ee e e t.hp h az ar d to other pr op er ty or str uct u res ,o r t o p Ubl ic b uild ings ,righ t5-o f -w ~y,roa ds ,st reets ,~a 5e ment s . u n t t r t i e-s o r -s ac i tt t ue e o r oth er p r-ooer-t t ee o f an y kin d .I f the re ar e e u r-t ner-que-stions p l ea se do n ot hesi ti't e to cont act me . S ince rely, /]1~-u:-A-~' Nicho las L amp ir is Co ns ulting Geol oQis t • PUBLIC NOTICE •... NO TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in on September 2 1,1 988 at 3:00 PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building . Consideration of: 1 .A request for 250 additiona l g ross residential square footage for Lot 3,Potato Patch Second Filing .This request is to add a family room and additional storage . App l icants:Richard a nd Janice Plattner 2 .A request for 250 add itional g ross res idential square footage i n ord er to enclose part of a deck a t Lo t 11,Potato Patch First Filing. Applicants:Ken and J oyceWi lson If you have any questions o r concerns about these two requests , please contact Kristan Pr itz or Betsy Rasolack at 476 -7000 in t he Community Development offices i n the Vail Municipal Building . NOT E -CO PYO F PERMITT O BE KEP T ON J OB SI TE ~\lw~ OUT APRIL 41988 • ~'CONSTRUCTION PERMIT,DA TE •~'2..•"0032~9,-PERM IT NO . 1m I "'1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION t nmrv v ~d epartment of commun ity development 2.OCCUPANCYGROUP AB EHIR M BUILDING 6 ,000 orVISION 1 22~34 z ElECTRI CAl 200 TO B EFI LLED OUT CO MPLETELYPRIOR TO ISSUANCE O F PERM IT 0 ~1JWAl ~Ei\li RI PTlO"OF WORK ,~PlUMBING TYPEO F PERM IT D U ROOM GR EEN HO US E OV ER "~ EXISTING DE CK TO ENC LOSE HOT TU B.~MECHANICALJ{XJ BUILDING ss PLUMB ING >1 ,0 00 XX'ELECTR IC AL 0 FOUNDATIO N TOTAL 7 .200 .00 0 M ECHANICAL 0 792 POrAOT PATCH TYPE GROUP G ,R.E.A VALU ATI ON PERM ITFEES fAEGAl l OT [1 BlK 1 V '-3 7.20 0.00 BUILD ING PERMIT 92 ESC.FILI NG V:IL POTATO PATCH PLAN CHECK ~ JOB NAM E :KAL TMAN SPA ElECTRICAl.37 I~ OWNER NAME KALTMAN NEW I I ALTERATION ()ADDITION Al XX)R EPAiR (,PlUMB I NG 10 ;.; M N LAOQRESS OW ElllNGUNITS __ACCOUMQOATlQN UNITS __MECHANICAl CITY PH HE IGHT INn .__NO.f iREPlACES --RECREATIONFEE 234 @ 15 35 AR CHITECT FIRM IN S ULATI ON :"'.THICKNESS R-VAllUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 10 t<) FlOOA CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT iY) MAll ADDRESS 100 "aEXT.WALLS CITY PH.USE TAX 11 ROO' f iR M GRAY -STON E CONS T.~GENERAL TYPE E1.EC.GAS CONTRACTOR T OWNOF VAll REG .NO .171-8 0 ' TOTAL PERMIT FEES ,un "n nn T"L"8 27-5 231 SOLAR WOO D 1!ECTRI CAl H EAT GARY MURRAIN APRI L 4 ,1988 f iRM UN ITED ELE CTRIC ADDIT IONAL P ERMITS NEE DED :UIi.DiNGOfflCIAL ------'l5An:----- 111 -E 1.!!.~-r-RICK-.-!'YLMAN __ T OWN O F VAil REG .NO --------CONTRACTOR S T.CUT O NINGADMINISTRATOR DATE TElE.949-4500 BLASTING ONING &BU ilDING NOTES : '"'"MTN.HIGH PLUMB ING PARKING PLUMBING TOWNO F VAil R EG ,NO 137 -p **~IlT"',unn n ~n no ".. CO NTRACTOR ""949-45 00 D EMO T . FIRM I h ere b yac knowledget hatI h ave read thi sa pplication ,fill edou t inf u ll t he in f ormation requ i red, M ECHANI CAL co m pleted anac curate plot pl an ,a nd stateth at a llt he Informat ion p rovided asreq u ired i sco rrect.I CON TRACTOR TOWN O F VAil REG .NO .ag ree toc omply with t he in fo r mation and p lot p lan ,t o co mply wi th all Towno rdi nances a nd sta te TElE. la ws ,a nd to b uild th i sstructure according t o t he T own'szo ning and s u bcivletcn co des ,d esig n OTHER FIRM rev iew approv~d ,U niform BuJldi ngC odea nd »r:»t h ~wn a pplicableth ereto. CLEAN UP TO:~-t(;~~~~~\-.,r \~1 /1""\"..Q '1C'l\.(1 TOWNO F VAilREG .NO .,,~.~.~~>:;:~..;:,"G!,~TUR E of OWNER OR C O N T R~O R FOR H IMsm CONTRACTOR TE lE."".,,,',,"....'~ANOT HE Or--J'ER.t1..,-..,,,,..'-'.\~':'--.."'l---.') , .D DATE Dill IE ----- -e-: ;;l'<J.....l-".IS -'S' Jt:-<.../0.cd -.PERM IT FEES C?L.__ce:.- TOTAL Cl E...N ,UPDEPOSI T U SE T AX MECHANIC Al PLAN CH ECK ELECTRICAL PL UMBING DESIGN REVIEW BeARD BUIL DING PERMIT TOTAL ~llMI HEES A-V"'LlUE VALUATION 7 ,2 00 THI ':KN ESS G .R F.A. NO.FIREPL ....C ES TYPE /V / XDATE G ROUP )U~ r -:/r1 '~L EC./.I.;;..c0,'_ SO\....R/'\.--wooo BLASTIN G f LOOR OWElLlNGUNlTS __Acca ~MO OA TIO N U N 'T S _ EXT,W"'LLS S TCUT "'OO1TlONAL PERMITS NEED ED ; 1. HE IGHT IN FT . P...RKING crao INS ULATION : TYPE 0'HEAT NEWl I Att!R AiiUN\k1 AOO11l0NALC»REPAIR(I, FIRM CITY P H. MAil ADpRESS M AI L ~Q DR ESv?t?(,fliMrr;- ARCHITECT OWNER f IR M .,,-;J1 .,1 #/rh £(f-!7f2 "PLUMBIN G ;,?--,p"CO TRTOR TOWNOF V6!L REG .NO ./r N AC ////0 <:'//'00 TELE./,7 ' 'IR"(;-""V ,shrt(Ci>/I,iL X GENERAL i d CONTRACTOR TQWN QF VAIL RE G,NO ./7//J TELE .b ,)j -SeJ ]/ x x X X , N OT E-CO p y O Ff EA'IIT TOBE KEPT O NJ OBSI TE.r..-SDJ'CONSTRUCTION P_E:.:R:..:M:..:IT.:.-~~~===.:I .,....,.._-.THEFOLLOWIN G I S NEE DED FOR FILING PE RMIT ' ~~~:.,.1.Letter f rom condo a ssn .(IF AP PLI CAB LE)lawn DI'~1.TYPEOF CQN STRUCTlQN 11l11l 1V&.J 2 .2 Se ts pf co mpl ete draw in gs/exDl anat ion d ep artmen t of comm unityd eve l opmen t 2 .OCCUPANCYCROUP A BEH ~M t1Ull DING ,L".c.;./D V Y "***PLEASE FI LL OURWHE RE TH E(Xl flARKS ARE!r:OZ ElEC TRiC .....~."..2 00 ' ibBE FILL EDCUTCOMPlETELV PRIOR TOISSUANceOFPERMIT DIVISION 12 2'~~A r-~ C ENERAlOE SCR lfTlONOF WORK :h,-,Id(''':(.h ~PLU MBING ~ TVPE OFPERM IT l0 'OArI L c,tf t"1'"1 I-pL-d<"Q(.....-"'y-:> o BUILDING B-PLUMBING ~~~~"-~X~~'~.J~1'-:~"~Y~~r~f~<~C~~A~~~~~Y~v~::?~/~'~t ·~&~&t~.r~~J~"[E CtH~A~'~'C~AJLt2~=~/'~'iO~~O~~:a~'~~t~-:'jqD-ELECTRICAL 0 FOUNDATION I./",/.)t h. o MECHANICAL 00"",\~~~"'.~'\>~\l ~"7TY""PE'-r7?'7[--,---""'=--r:",,",,~~- LEGALLOT //.~L"7.IY 1I ------..:..::c::.~.=;;,.,,"'7.'7'--,---I DESC .FILING /h;"~LJa h BNAME ,~,~\.."1\",':<'..~~\, I N'"'»'t<£1 /;£/'.4>_ ,ME CHAN ICA LI'E""R""'----------- \CONTRACTOR roWN OF VAIL REG.NQ , TELE \ OTHER I",,'R:;;"=---_ lOWNQF VAIL R EG .NO. CO NTRACTOR T El E. Ihe reby acknowledge thatIha ve readthi s application,fi ll ed o ut Inf ull the informat ion requ i red, com ple ted anaccurate plot p lan.a nd stat et hata llth e in formation provideda srequired isc orrect.I ag ree to co mply with t hein fo rma t i on andp lot pla n,t o c ompl y w ith a li T o wn o rdinancesand s ta te l aws,and 10 build t his st r uctu reaccordin g 10the T own 'szoning andsubd ivision c odes .d esig n rev i ew approved,Uniform BUild ing Cod e and other ord inances ofthe Town applicablethereto. xx SIG NATURE OF O WNER O R CONTRACTOR fOR HI M SELF AND T HE OW NER. ,.......,...,....., • • P O ST I N A,CO NSPICU OUS PL ....CE • 75 sou thfr ontage r oad vall ,eol orado 81657 (30 3)476-7000 August1 4,1 988 Mr .Peter Kaltman TwoPa rk P lace Newburgh ,NY 12550 • office o t community developme nl Re :Lo t 11 ,Block 1,Va il Potato Patch,Spa Add iti on Dear Peter : To day I rece ived t he l etter f rom Nicho las Lampi ris stating that your spa addition does n ot create a ny add itiona l rockfa ll d anger for ad jacent propert ies a nd pub lic r igh ts -of -way .I have e nclosed t he waiver which th eTown requ i res for any c o nstruct ion p rojects in rockfa ll zones .I f y ou have a ny question sa bo u tt h is agreement,pl ease fee l f ree to ca ll me .I would appreciate it i f you wou ld r etu rn i t t o me as soon as possib le .Onc ea gai n,th anky ou f or your cooperation on thi s i ssu e. Sincerely , ~iS~~I\-t Kri stan Pritz Sen ior P lan ner Enc losure KP:kc • WAI VER Pet~r Kaltman ,Ow ner of Lo t 1 1,11 - Blo ck 1,Vai lPot atoPa tch c1l/};;~ Notary Public • •• ,•• 7Sso uthIronlage road vail,colorado 81657 (3 03)476~70 0 0 August 14,1988 • of fice o f community dev e lopment Mr .Peter Kaltman Two Park Place Newburgh,NY 12550 Re :Lot 11 ,Block I,Vail Potato Patch,Spa Addition Dear Peter: TodayI rece ived the letter from Nicholas Lampiris stating that your spa addition does not create any additional r ockfall danger for adjacent properties a nd pUblic rights -ot-way .I have enclosed the waiver which the Town requires for any construction p rojects in rockfall zones .If you have any questions about this agreement,please feel free to call me .I would appreciate it if you would return it to me as soon as poss ib le.Once again,tha nk you for your cooperation on t his i ssue. s incerely, ~iS~~I\-t KristanP ritz Senior Planner Enclosure KP:kc •,• WAIVER • As the own er o f th e southern dwe ll ing unit on Lot 11,Bl o ck 1, Vail Potato Patch ,Ia c knowl edge that I have r ec eiv ed pe r sonal notice o f the f a ct that my unit is in a n area of geologic sensitiv itya nd not i ce of th e studies conducted to d ate . Peter Ka l tman,Owner of Lot 11, Block 1 ,Va il Potato Patch Notary Public PM-----8 •INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL -S/lr, V ttl-IJ ~jJ"i 1 W EDTH UR FRI }r I-(I" CALLER ----'-!-!!."--'-=r-----'~;L-':...!;~c----==--- • ~ IN SPECTION :\M ON)..TUE S -j tl z,'---":::';.",(,( (I 3?-y 1 READ Y FOR LOCATIO N :-----'--f-..f.<c.-----'''7-?'--'-'--f---'-..LL'-'-:::....-------------- PERMIT NU MBEROFPROJ ECT D ATE 1-1 'L vi YV JOB NA ME --'---"--"-~'T--------':::--7'S:-"'------- o REI NSPECTION RE QUIR EDoDISAPPROVED BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOTINGS 1 STEEL o UNDERGR OUND o FO UNDATION 1 STEEL ,,~o ROUGH 1 D WV. o FRAMING o ROU GH 1 WA TER ROOF &SHE ER o GA SPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATION o POOL 1 H .TUB o S HEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o F INAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o H EATING o ROUGH o EXHA UST HO ODS o CONDUIT o SU PPLYAIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINALrr-j."JCOAPPROVED I C 6 RRECTIONS: 1 I NSPECTOR -~.....,.'-'--+c'--"=----------/w I DA TE _---'+='-;......"'-_ lS','C" ----":~!2.AM )PM r INSPECTION REQUEST T OWNO F VAI L c >S" C ALLER NAM E --"'::.;...--,:+-=-,--""",-__~...:c..-.--_ M ONINSPECTION: <J?\ R EADY FOR LOCATION :-'-'''''-'''------'='-''---''="'"'''''"-'-''..''--_ ~ DAT E PERMIT NUMBER O FPRO J ECT -Cl'1-JO B BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UNDERGROUN D o FOUNDATION I STEE L o RO UGH I D W ,V,I'd'FRAM ING a . o ROUG H I WAT ER I ROOF &S H EER o GAS PIPIN GoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATION o POO L I H ,TUB o SH EETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FIN AL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEM P,POW ER o HEA TING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY A IR 0 0 o FWAL o FI NAL -d i pPROVED o D ISAPPR OVED o REIN SPECTI ONREQU I REDc::.. Ic O R ~E C T I O N S: I (}1 I Q d ).l~ ,-;.,,_Q _,..A -.2, --- ) I NSPECTOR 1/r f ,yy=.n...-.s /'er /c.«I IDATE-=f-9~--='-"---- • PM-----fC'-AMFRI INSPECTION REQUESTb1\T~v:'N O FVAIL CALLER -'H=,.~~r--------------­......,.. (TU ES_WEDTHURMOl"READY FORI NS PECTION : L OCATION :_ PERMIT N UMBER O FPROJECT DATE 5 /?,'-!/'i!'-'JOBrI BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UNDERG ROUND o FO UNDATION I ST EEL o ROUGH I DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WATER ROOF &S HEER o GAS P IPINGoPLYWOODNAILING "J&\k ,_'3f!NSU L AT ION Ok o POOL I H .TU B, o SH EET ROCK NA/L 0 0 0 o FI NAL o FI N A L ELECTR ICAL:MECHAN ICAL: o TE MP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ~~PROV ED k>Il O.\--d)o D IS APPROV ED o RE INSPECT/O NREQU IRED CO RRECTIONS: >f--r/U<."J ...l uel ____--'-'-9 (?(L 1 DATE _INSPECTOR /'........,'- • DATE IJ INSPECTION REQUEST TO WN O F VAIL ~"I-I;r~,' .-r- I ll-,a \~, CALL ER V 1 PE RMIT N UMBERO F PROJECT S-/i,</!!J READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TU E ~WED )n /.-r-L,rLOCATION:I ,,. T HURFRI _____AM PM BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOTINGS I STEEL o U NDERGROUN D o FOUNDAT ION I ST EEL o ROUGH I DW,V, o FRAMING o ROUGH I WAT ER ROOF &SH EER O 'GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING, o INSULATION o POO L I H ,TUB o S HEETROCK NA IL 0 0 0 o FIN A L o FIN AL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP,POW ER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FI NAL o FIN AL- /,,/'d /fi'EINS PECT IO N REQUI REDoAPPROVEDoDISAPPROVED CO RRECT IONS: \A .='"~ l "II},.....-"'P "1 r-I "!.- ~ I {.} '01 DAT E <:- INSP ECTOR / }, 'r _____AMPMFRI r INSPECTION REQUEST T O WN O F V AIL \L.,0.\\""<t v>'A• CALLER TUE SW ED C TH @) ( MONREADYFORINSPECTION: <, BUI LDING:PLUMBING : o FOO T INGS I STEEL o U NDERGROUND o FOU N DAT ION I STEEL o ROUG H I D W .V. o FRAMING o ROUG H I WA TER ROOF &SHEER ~GAS PIPIN G 10 flZ T ~¥o PLYWOOD N AILIN G VoINSULATIONoPOOLIH.TUB o SH EETROCK N AIL 0 0 0 o FI NAL o FINA L ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP.POWER o H EATING o ROUGH o EX HAUST HOODS o CON DUIT o SUPPL YA IR I 0 0 /Jofl)'lAL o FIN A L , APP ROVED o DISA PPRO V ED o REIN SP ECTION REOU IRED I CO RRECT IONS : __'"'Y"_' .IN S PEC T O R ~/r / /I {QrzDATE-""0f-'=4--"'";.....----- • MO N TUES PJr IN SPECTION : --;<j- READYFOR LOCATION :__----'-_'--'~__--'--'''_'____'__'__'_''__''~_ 3 "2-V '1 INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT N UMBERO FPRO J ECT 1/TOWN OF VA IL D A TE j~/3>f If((JO BN AM E _-LL=c6-c:....::£._T ;....,h---_I _'-"'"77"-------- I /CALL ER f+o ~Vl/l-C., 'wED)TH UR 'FRI -1----€J PM c I<L BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOT INGS I STEEL o U NDERGR OUND o FOUNDA TION I STEEL o RO UGH I DW .V. o FRAM ING o ROUGH I WAT ER ROO F &SHEER o GAS PI PINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NS ULAT ION o POOL I H .T UB l:(S H EETROCK NA IL o.!0 0 0 o FI NAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o H EATIN G o RO UG H o EXHAU ST HOODS o CON DUIT o SUPP LY A IR 0 0 A D ~!N A L o FI NAL "<:_0 ApP ROV ED I I COR RECTION S: o D ISAPP ROV ED o REI N SPECT IONREQUIRED 7--, DATE ~/I /"INSP ECTOR ,II ~~ 1 I -......."..., INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN O F VAILPERMITNUMBEROFPROJECT c ,DA TE ----"_J OB NAME _--"-,,-,------':.....,~~____::_----- PM_____A MFRITHURWED C ALLER ~ MON ~E~ " READ Y FORINSPECTION : L OC ATION :--'--"-_-'--'--'-=-=__-'-__'--''--_ G f •/0 REINSPECTION REQ UIRED '", o AP PROVED CORRECTIONS : BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FO OTINGS I STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDAT I ON I STEEL o ROUGH I DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUG H I WATER RO OF &S H EER o GA S PI PINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSU LA TIO N o POOL I H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 I -,..'-o FINAL o FINAL ELEC TRICAL:MECHANICAl: o TEMP.POWER o H EATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDU IT o SUPPLYA IR 0 0 o FI NAL 1 o FINAL.., .0 DAT E ---'--f-.u:+'--':-:;---- ( IN SPECTOR - / ) 17 17 - •PE D ATE ",q'~~'3>'19 • T N U MBEROFPRO JECT q h ,/£<5 JOB N A ME ~r I elON 'lREOUEST TOWN OF V AI L :2..-",,_I(L ......7- C A LLER MONT U ES &T HU RFRIREADYFORINSPECTION: L OCAT IO N :_ B UILDING:PLUMB ING : D FOOT ING S /STEEL DUN DERGR OU N D DFOUNDA TION /ST EEL D ROUG H /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUG H I W ATER . ROOF &SHEER D G AS PIP IN GDPLYWOODNAiliNG D IN SUL A T ION D POOL /H .T UB D S H EETROC K N A IL D D Db D r:o FI NAL _~I N A L (flb I ~ ELECTRICAL:ME CHANICAL: D T EMP.POWER D H EATING DRO UGH DEXH AU ST H OO DS D CON DUIT D SU PPLY A IR D D I' D ~I NA L yO\FlN A L oP, ('iiPPROVED D DI SAPPROVED DA EIN SPECTION RE QU I RED7C,RRECTl QN S: D ATE /f;k 7l ............,..•" JOB TOWN OFVA IL ,:?..,.<;.I d..........z» --------"/AMZ9. •INSFM"ION REQUEST N AME~~lQ C ALLER M ON TUE S e THURFRIREADYFDRINSPECTION, L OCATION , PERMIT NUMBER O F PROJECT DATE q/;;i 7h/6rI BUILDING,PLUMBING : o FOOTINGS I ST EEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATIO N I STEEL o ROUGH /D .W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WA TER ROOF &SHEE R o GASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NA IL 0 0 {)/\t;:0 ~tNAl _Af-INAL /'£ ELECTR ICAL:.....MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUS T H OODS . o CONDUIT o SUPPLYA IR 0 0 A o FINAL ~I~AL r ~"\ ((.../PPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REOUIRED 7 C1 RRECTIONS, ~@---- DATE -.f..L.4.I.::L~:a:>----- -,..........., •• FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLE TED The below itemsneedtobecomplete before giving apermita fi nal C of O. Please check off in t he box provided. •1 ., 'b..\ FINAL MECH AN ICAL, DATE:.(\,."i.. FIN AL PLU MB I NG DATE : OJ ---'-'="'--"='T-'-=-------,,------------ D FINAL ELECTRICAL DATE:.----_._------------- DATE :. TEMPORA RYC of 0 DATE :.""\\ , .) ,rIII CERrI FICA TE OF OCCUPAtlCY DATE:>~. •...'" • • NO TE -CO PY OF PER MIT T O BEKEPTO NJ OB$ITE JUNE 23 ,1988CONSTRUCTIONPERMIT,DATE 0 0339::)"PERMITNO.••'1111 8 III 1.TYPEOF CONSTRUCTION I IIIII IVV department of community d evelopment 2.0ccUPANCYGROUP A BEH I RM BUIL DING. DI VISION 1 22a 34 Z ELECTRICAL 600 T O BE FI LLED O UT CO MPLET EL YPRIOR TO ISS U ANC E O F PERMIT a ~«fnW '1'8ii.R1 g ~R N F&l'p)R ~,BLOWER «PLU MBINGTYPEOFPERMIT~ ~M ECHANICALoBUILDING0PLUMBING> X!J<£lECT RICAl 0 FO UNDAT IONoMECHANICAL0 TY P E GROUP GRF A VALU ATION PERMITF EES ~G A l l OT \\BlK \V R3 X 600 BUILD ING PERMIT t.fllFILING"''';:'00 ",<,\.\".";-,......\'-.;ESC.PLANCH ECK W'1 JOB N AME 792 POTATO PATCH ELECTRICAL 44 till. OWNER PET ER KAL TM EN NEW()ALTERATION (•A DDITIONA L I )REPAIR ()PLU MB I NGNAME It,5t MA IL AD DRESS DWELLIN G U NITS __ACCOMMODATION UN ITS __M ECHANICAL I ~CIT Y PH HE IGH T INFl --NO .F IREPLACES --REC REATIONFEE ARCH ITECT FIRM INS ULATION :TYPE THICKNESS R·VALlUE D ESIGN REVIEW BOARD FLOOR M AlI ADD REss Cl EAN·U PDEPOSIT EXT.WALLS CITY PH.U SET AX GRAY CO NST ROOF FIRMGENERAL TYPE ELEC GA; CON TRA CTOR TO WN Q F VAIL REG .N O.O F TOTAL PERMITFEE S $44 SOLAR wooo TE LE .H EAT XX ERNS T GLA TZ LEJ UNE28 ,19 88 •lECTRICA L FIR M DOUBL E DIAM OND SER ADDIT ION ALP ERMITS N EE D E D:B UILDING OFFICI AL ------D AlE ----- 134 -B i.!i I NITI AL 1---------T O WN O F VA il REG _N O .------CO NTRACTO R ST.CUT ONI NG ADMINiSTRATOR D ATE TELE.4 76 -62 72 BLASTI NG O NI NG &BU ILDING N OTES : FIRM PARKI NG PLU MBING T OW N O F V A IL R EG N O , CON TRACTOR DE MO TH E. FIRM I h ereby acknowledg e th at I have read t h i s appl icat ion,fill ed o ut i nfull t he i nformat ion require d, MEC HANI CAL c o mplet ed anaccur at e pl otplan ,a nd state t hat all thei nforma ti o n providedas req uir ed i s c or rec t.I T OW N O F V AIL RE G .NO.ag reeto co mp ly w ith t h ei nfo rm at i o n and p lotp lan .toc o mply wi th a ll To wn o rdinancesa ndsta teCONTRACTORlaws,andt o bui ld t his st ruc tu re according to the T own's zoni ng a nd s u bdiv ision c o d es .d esign T ElE revi e wa p proved ,U nifo rmB u i l dingCo de a nd o ther 0t;;1J;S o f t he Town a pplicab l e t hereto. OT H ER FIR M ,. T OWN OFVAi l RE G.N O.S I G ~~U E OFO W NER O R CONTRACT OR F OR HI MS ELF CO NTRACTOR TE L E.A ND H EW NER. • ••Project Application • Dale _ Project N ame :_ P roject Description :_ Contact Perso nand Phone O wne r,Ad dress and Ph o ne :_ Arch i tect ,Add ress an d Phone : FIling .Z o ne _Block _l egsl D escription :L ot _ Comments;_ Design Review Board Date ~_ M ononby : Seconded by: APPR OVAL j -DI SAPPROVAL n Summary:_ To wn Plann e r o SIs ti Ap proval D ale :-_...." -,• 75 sout h fr ontag e r oad yall,col orado 81657 (303)476 ·7000 GRFA FOR THE KAL~~RESIDEN CE • oUlce of community developm ent Lor 11 ,BLOCK Allowed GR FA : Lot Size : 1 .VAIL POTATO 5410 s i f , ~7 6 2 o r 33 .190 PATCH UN IT A (KA LTI1AN)UNIT B GR FA: GARAGE: MECH : 2208 s .f . 4 32 s .f 32 .4 s c f . GRF A: GARAGE' MECH: 2032 s s f , 330 S oL 50 s s f, Pro posed Deck :24 3 s .f . Enc lo su re To ta l GRFA:245 1 s c f. af ter a ddition . GRFA '2032 KP 'j lt March a .19 88 •..'.•LIST OF MATERIAL S • •l<NA ME OF PROJ EC T:Au /)/>1"",fladt.~Ct.llell.h &c4,w~~LE GAL OESC RI PTION:(If!I I "BL OCK _I .Fl U NG eo "",,;:~ -,I-STR EE T ADDR ESS:--:7 'l ?......"'&.4 <l !o,', DE SCR I PTI ONOF PROJECT:~~~'~~~'~\"~'~~"~It ~"'~Y'~'========================================= The foll owi ngi nforma ti oni sr equiredf or subm it tal by t hea ppli canttotheDesi gn Rev iew Boardbeforea fin al appr ovalcan bef iven: A.BU ILDING MA TERIA LS : 'i Roof "Siding Other Wal l Materi als Fascia TYPE DF MATERIA L &Ic.#WeJ.'<.v Y-X d _cnel Soff its -.L Wi ndows .,(Wi ndow Tri m Doors Doo r Tri m Ha ndorDeck Rai ls FI ues Flashin gs Ch i mn eys Tra sh En c l osur es Gr e enh ou ses B.LANDSCAP ING:Name ofDesigner: phone : PLANT MA TER IALS :Bot anicalName PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TR EES TO _ BE REMOV ED COnInO "Name guani ty Siz e* . *Indicate caliperfo r deci du ci ou s trees.Indicatehe ight f or conl f e rs. (over) • •• .PLANT MAT ER IA LS :Bo tanical Na me (con't) SHRU BS EXISTING SHR UBS TOBE REMOVED GROUNO CO VE RS SOO SEED TY PEOF I RRI GATI ON Conrn on Name • Qua nity Size Square Footage TY PE ORMETH ODOF _ EROSION CONTRO L C.OT HER LANDSCAPEFEA TUR ES (re ta in ing wa lls,fences,swi mm ing poo ls,etc .)Pl eases pe cify. Nichola s Larnpirls,PhD COfllSUlT lJ'+O G!:OLOGIST • 079)'jIaiko ~ooi clUfxmJdL,CO 8162J • • l"'l..~ 25?:~:2 ~:.----..-:::.--~._."""---...l1 ,.t r ,,,I ..;\,,,,..----.-.-~..-"-'- ••••• IMP.O"TANT MESSAGE TO -ki~~ DATE j 1..!08 Tu rn]2'2~: WHI.LE YOU WERE OUT . M -luc I[L a/J!/i .e C I,)I r OF Area Code &E xchange TELEPHONED «PLEASE CALL X CALLED TO SEE YOU WILL CALL AG AIN WANTS TO SEE YOU URG ENT I RETURNED YOUR CALL 1.)('1) Message / (oQCOct tid U6J6 ~( <<o, Operator • 75 so uth f r ontage ro aG vail,co lorado81657 (30 3)476 -7000 August1 4,1 988 Mr.P eter Ka ltman Two Pa rk P lace Newbu rgh,NY1 2550 • oUlce ot communlly development Re :Lo t II,Bl ock 1,va il Potato P at ch,Spa Addition Dea rPeter : Today I received the l etter from Nicholas Lam piris stating t hat your s pa addi tio n does n ot create a ny addit iona lr ockfall danger for adjacent p rope rt ies a nd public rights -ot-way .I h ave enc losedt hewa iver which t he Tow n requ ires for a ny construction projects in r ockf all zo nes .I f you have a ny quest ions about t hi s agreement ,p lease f eelf ree t o ca ll me.I wou ld apprecia te i t i f you wou ld r eturn it to me a s soon as poss ib le .Once again ,t hankyo u fo r your cooperat ion o n t h is i s su e. Sincerely , ~i)~~I\t Kristan Pr itz Senior P l anner Enc losure KP :kc • WAIVER • As the owner of the southern dwelling unit on Lot 11,Block 1, Vail Potato Patch,I acknowledge that I have received personal notice of the fact that my unit is in an area of geologic sensitivity and notice of the studies conducted to date. Peter Kaltman,Owner of Lot 11, Block 1,Vail Potato Patch Notary Public • P€'ter-Kaltman 2 Park Place Newburgh NY 12550 Nicholas Lamplris ,Ph.D. CO NSULTING G EOlOGIST 0793 VA LL EY ROAO CARBONDALE ,CO LORADO816 23 (303)9&3-3600 (24 HOURS! August 11.1988 •• RE:Rockfall Evaluation,792 Potatoe Patch Dr i ve Dear Mr.I<a I tman: 1 Visited your home at the above referenced address at the request of Kristin Pritz of the Vail Planning Office to p.valuate the rock fall potential for the recent addition on the south side of the home.This is an enclosed spa area ov@rlooking the Town of Vail. My findings arc that the addition is on the side of the home which is furthe st from and protected the most from the e n t e tt nq high rock fall hazard as mapped by me for the Town of Vail in 1984.It is my opinion that the addition is in a qeologically sensitive area but the development does not increase the hazard to other prop~rty or structures,or to public buildinqs,riqhts-of-way,roads,streets,easements~ utilities or facilities or other properties of any kind .If there are further questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely , /L ~'-/~' Nicholas Lampiris Con~ulting Geologist NOTE -CO PYOF P ERMITTOBEKEPTONJ OBSITE DEC 22,19B7CONSTRUCTIONPERMIT .""{,)DATE 110 IfllmY 1 11 III IV !£' PERMIT NO.0 032001TYPEOFCONSTRUCTION department of community development 2 OCCU PANCY G ROUP AB EH I@'M BUILDING 30 0 00 DIVIS ION 1 2 21(3'4 z El ECTRICAl 1 0 00TOBEFILLEDOUTCOMPLETELYPRIORTOISSUANCEOFPERMIT0 ~ TYPEOF P ERMIT CENERAl.DESCRIPTION OFWORK•~PlUMBING 3 0 00REPAIRSDNKENFLOORAREA.GEN" iii BUILDING XX PLUMBING REP AIRSAIilD PATCH WORKA S PER .>MECHANIC Al ia ELECTRICAL o FOUNDATION ENG INEER ING TlDTAL 34 ,00 0 .00 U MECHANICAL 0 7 92 Potaot Patch TVPE GROU P G .R.F.A "''''LUAlION PERMITFEES LEGAL LOT 11 BLK 1 V R-3 34 ,000 .00 BUILDING PER MIT ",~~.ESC FILlNGVai l P otato Pa t hh PL AN CHEC K 1 5 5 JOBNAME:KA LTMAN RES IDC REPAIRS ELECTR ICAL 44 b Kaltman -c OWNE R NA ME Peter N EW ()ALTERATION (I ADDITION AL ()REPA1RX JO PLUMBING 3 0 MA il AODBESs2 Park Pl az a DW ELLINGUNITS __ACCO MMODATION UNIT S __MECHANICAL C lTV Newberq NY PH HEIGHT IN FT,__NO,FIREPLACeS --RECREATIONFEE--~ARC HITECT FIR M IN SULATION .TYPE THICKNESS R-VALlUE D ESIGN REVIEW a OARD-- FLOOfl CLEAN -UP DEPOSIT 2 5 n Q ;:i;M AI L t,DDRESS <:5" EXT.WAllS US E TAX u ,.n <>-CITY PH . '00 '//, GENER AL FIR M GRAY-STONE CONST.~171-B TYPE a.rc f If V GAS)TOT ALPERMIT FEE S 1,040 .00CONTRACTORTOWNOFVAILREGNOOF/T ELE 82 7 -5231 SOLAR woo~ _GABY_MUJl.RAIN"J:...1....-D E ~.24 ~!9aJ__HEAT f iR M UNITED ELEETlUC A DDITI ONAL PERMITS NEED ED :UtLOI NGOFFIC,AL l5'ATl lECTRICAL 1 11-E z,"-INITIAL I-lUCK ~I,MAR _TOW N QF VAIL B EG .N O .-------- CO NTRACTOR ST.CUT \O NINGADM INISTRATOR DATE T ELE.949 -4119 BLASTING If ZONING &BUILDINGNO TES: FIRM MTN .HIGH P LUMB ING PARKING ..:... PL UM BING 137-P - CONTRACTOR TO WNOF VAILREG .N O ,DEMO I I T,",.9 49 -450 0 FIR M Iher eby ac k nowledge tha t I haveread th isa ppli cation ,f illed o uti nfu llthe i nforma t i o nrequ i red, M EC HANICAL co mple tedanaccura te plot p lan,a nd state t hatall t he I ntc rmattonp rovided as required i sco rrect., CO NTRACTOR TOWNO F VAIL R EG .N O .agree to c omply wit h thei nformationandp l ot p lan ,toc om ply wi th a ll To wn o rdinancesand state T ElE .laws,and to e uno th isst ruct ure acco rdingt o t he T 9,"h's z on~~b4...teto nco des,de sign revie w approved.Un iformBui lding Code a nd O tli~idl hances of th e .//n:a pp l icable t hereto. OTHER FIRM CLEAN UP TO ,"""",~,'",,,,,-~-,'0 )}V77JlJl/{/~4 ffL-- T OWN OF VAILREGNO .------------Q,~~.';l\SIGN ATURE OF OW NER OR C ONTRACTORFOR HIMSELF CO NTRACTOR TElE.\~<\..~\'\',AND THE OWNERij-.~..- - - <'0.0 00 PERMIT FEES TOTAL OEStGN REVIEWBOARD ClEAN·UPOEPOS IT B UILDING P ERMIT PLUMB ING U SE T AJ( MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE pt ANCHECK ELECTRICAL TOTAL pl;mllT FEES I ,of/O.co.=:- ZONING &.BUILOINGNO TES:_ 1 I'l-VAL LUE VALUA TION /' 'WOOD / THICKNESS / GR FA I T YPE __NOFl l'lEPlACES A/'/ SOlAR ROO ' ST .CUT PARKING HEIGHT IN F T. FLOO l'l TYPE 0' tl~T DWEl l i N G UNITS __ACCO MYODAl IONUNITS __ EXT.WALLS A DDITIONALPER MITS N EEDEO : 1. IN SU LATI O N: BLASTING DEMO NEWI)ALTERATlO"'{)AOOlTlON.\L (I REPAIRlbJ CITY PH . MAli ADDRESS ARCHITECT OWNER X I "RU /'J1 /t'#/~n""tMt PLUM BIN G \(~\\) CONTRACTOR T OWN Q :;:A~L:;,G ,N~/£'- TE lE ~~~~~~~ X~B N A ME :7 1;L A-/{,/../.~;;h ,0<1/.Kc';, GENERAL 'RM!:'"'4U -'5 1-0 ,,,,(eJ",+X CONTRACTOR TQWN 0'VA'(REO NO.13 I V TELE \?0'--7 -S ,?.3 / X x , NOTE -COPYOFF ERMIT TOBEK EPT ON JOBS'TE~(7 ~'CONSTRUCTION PERMIT \~\-~.,-.(!TH EFOLLOWI NG I S NEEDEO FOR FILING PE RMIT :..[c..'"X DATE I.Lett er f rom co ndo assn .(I F APPLICAB LE ) .lawl01 ¥al l!;"1."'EO'CONST RUCTtON III "''-0:2 .2Sets pf ca mpI e tedrawings /e,p la nation d epar tment of community development 2OCCUP ANCY GROU P It 8 E H l et M fiB~U~IL~O~'N~G~t==;S ;(/~~/~)g(/~'05~~~~=~")(3'''''PLEASE FI LL OU R WHE RE THE oo fV\RKS ARE!,J .I,z ElE CTR'CAL /00 0 Y. T O BE FILLE DO UT C OMPLETELY P RIORTO ISSU ANCE OF PERM IT ....,,~DIVISION I';JI~4 .J"'c..../_0 L ~E r "At OESCR JPT~!?N O f WORK:,-K?~PLU MBING 3Cc'0 XTYPEOFPERMITrv'0 '-e..t.e.<"&l /··o!~";""·#1 f ~ ~XoBUILDINGDPLUMBINGrj',/?/;lfY~l./t/)r-t:v ~./...~M "E C"HC'A__N__'C__AL+---,=<"""'_=--,-",",,c-_,,==c-_H--IoELECTRICAL0FOUNOATION''."../,~')( o MECHANICAL 0 7 '1.2 {/,hI/A TY PE GR OUP X L EGALLOT l 2 B ~2 ~j.~.:~{L~t~-~'J~r=:::=~~~~~lb~~~~==1j~~~~~I~ OESC FILING jZj..1O I hereby ackn owledge t hat I ha ve readt h is ap plicati on.fill ed o ut i n f ullt hei nformation requir ed , completed anaccurate p lotplan ,an d statet hatall t he Informationp rov i dedas requiredi sc orrect.I ag reeto c omp ly with t heI nformat io n and p lotp lan,to comply witha llT owno rdin ancesa ndstate laws,an d to bu i ld th isstructure ac cording to,?ttheTow)il 'S zo nin:;candubdiY/sion c odes.d esign rev iew app roved,Un if orm Bu i ld ing Code ando tne 1~a n c es of t hown b(>pli cab le t hereto. XX '/V /./!A~~-",ZZ/_ P'S ~~_~:U RE O FAWNER O R CO NT RA C~R HIM SELF A ND THE OWN ~." FIRM TO WN OF VAILREG .NO . CONTRACTOR TE lE. OTHER :.:""RM=--_ {M ECHANICAL '\CONTRACTOR T OWN Q F VAll REG.NO T ElE < ,..._.,,'.., JJ1l@ll[J[J(JJ) LETTER, De te 22-~~e:f} so eiect 712-~O p~ ~~-UN 11""A i VAiL., ~co .~~c:f'"'1th~M~IS 'TO CO-1F"le1vi ~ms. ~~~~~~ftXu;Ik-lNIZ:>~~~6~ ~1--1 'fi>e-'17rI6 AkJYr;3.~, ~-<t 17IlE3i ~L61&t-Ie.,.P-4WIAU;-(~~, ~fNo I"AlMAu.:-(/dCOD f1.tAM 1~,1Ii&",At4;?A WI11es-f I~evl~Move-~~~Ie,.~aP -tY,q~/dCVr;>~~1H6 p.Al.A~a:=1J/'t!!3 ~~ <j?i&t;l'tYZAtt:&h'Jo ~PitA.MIA6 Ie,..~.t>+~ H'r.H 1"-~N0 UP~o z!c IAj~,i717~~ I>-.:ve 'TV /IJ~re ctlM.PNt:flo,..j.oP 1#fe"~u.1"!1cro ~4o '1t'te l?bV'dJJI"-lb WvJ;.,~y PUL/AJ6 ~me o Pleasereply 0 No replynecessary S IGNEO .' ., -,0 JJ1l@f!OO([J) LETTER ( nere '2-2-~~~eo .,bjaO!71z-~O PA7Ct1- LNn A ~Nb ON ~~/'("~~OeNlQ)<;'--ow -o«:Is Nul A PiWI2><&-t I4l17Of lrOASo ~DoeNL-'1'~8:::>-('i ~5.-rrP\-r b{f?~HA>eee-i »ceee»/>(I te,A<;.'('1vU1C& t1?Wl8-oot tfH&~Nb ~,~At26 A v~(JIP /vIerrIoIX "11IA'r caoa>TM ~-rz>~60<'17t7~-G1'fV~otJ­ ,~.l.6\ta.--n+t;;?~J.d-l-ni M.o'2e bYf"'.Ct2@'nE --tmS OFA~ &::Des I-Jo7'tz.ecoNIvf~NP '1lrlls souxnc»;A<;.l-r Ie,.ON..--"'1 A ~,z.1".~~~/.1)'17cN. ~111&e¥.JSl1NcQ ~0,g,Mo M-~ru?D ~(LLI ~f'tGf'1rI£'foIL..ANO FOVe.A N6ld <G.iA13. o Pleaserep ly 0 Noreplynecessary SIGNED .. ..JJfkPJ[][)[J@ LETTER Dote ~~l:77 S 'bjec'?1z..~O ~­ LNI-r A .-~e -tne .f3Kj<;,11N0 ~e,AND f2<:2.~WI'1if i&'~ A ~UMIL ~~'3>CY2-/Aa;:l?P1241vt1~ ~INb ~I ;fOvIJOA'n ON w,A..L.'TV 'fl;V~ON kJAu..., ~vz.I'2eVteJt.lw:::.111&~V6 a"'770i'K tr I:'tvtZ. UtJMt-~"',ANOI>.Jb 1J-/;>(f we a.-teNr"bIA.~o,q-a>"Pi?.e.I2eI"lAON:'::> 'Pt&e><l'711N0 ~l/I(b.ON·~oe /411'l-!-~I?llXlt?f1eAMli\l:!:;>c:PnotJ, k 1lI7'b -tiue 1-('1<,;.t::tP'P1CVl:r '1Z?D<;:;-nazM~~y WI1M'~No or CCNt?I17o¥$@;<JG:T,f?,Uf{tvu.o}...l~ts:A U~-r F ,AtJ,ilC/PATraO COl\lomof'H -W 12e V.elZ.tPleD F.51 'PJre ~t£.u,t't)"J tAeNo."mo-.!--- o Please reply D Nore ply necessa ry SIGNED ...•CJ lJ1l@[Jf)(J(Jj) LETTER l Date '22-~/vl~eo Subj ect -;q~A::>r',oefo PArCH- LNn-A . •~e rno~f.&D :f"'i.W/2.W-t1'?f ~Me <IfZ IWLMNVIz.eb 2>llO'S.Goo Ih"~e-.(NM..~N OF I~").~Jol~~~l</AL..,­ r;tuN fJ·{.~~VNr:::<A([J.oN ~5.,I2GM~~IC ~ ~'f,(A~-0 1rtA'r JOI~-r!:.~Co""l6 lAJ WI'i1Acr WI'TH ~.Pr::u6le UI".J0i.!<rr.~Au..rNAl...leL J<.lAt.l-<;»eo/e . I ~(]o.jJee::notJ kT'1rfti;:~W"tU...~w:u.Be A ~ II•(o,vDYt'\oN-.~-we JO/~"'t;.ON 2-x ~AND ~~ /2-it--{IdrrH ~uo ~Nb. 1>1'CONNeello...l M'me No2Tl+~~I-/;Au...~A ~ CoNorno-J .l-tzlNb 1*6 ~1,·H1ft In-IO H;>:We::@'U kr"-rACf-iG;o'TO A 2-"2)(10 c.et:\te1'2-/.<.1/'¥'eP x eh...'--MJP-£U"'/Al<iox ~> SlGIllEOoPleasereply0Noreplynecessary'----------J .... •\EJ 1J1]@[J[J[J(O) LETTER ( nate 22-~~8'7 S,bjee'7Clz.-PO/7'(Io PI\'1CH - L,nwr A e ~.a .c.~rae6o --rz:;>f'1 €O'I'10M.t::v Nor P<Ace A~~ Wltfl11A.J ~'\~l -nt&'12A'cJP-'fl'I&ecJb-nA.6 :j"!;VN'-l1l'i/0IJ l-tJAt.L., I ~!:}.JO JDI.!>"T"&W ~NrClo"t17GW WAu-e-?#ac;ANo Aw 0uo ~NC::>lr-J 1rte /vllt:::/A:..G c;p -me ~fUe ~ f1..U.t&N~;irn or Ole -euIL.OII\):? •~~:f'~0/~'PL.-Yk-levo A.N!?Gbtl~ALL ~'11A6 1.JAu.,~, •~w,~~J!...r;eMou1/OJ.-tv verz;.P(77fAr-m€ fIi;oYe /'6bIJMf'71Ot.J~Nle ACCU~. ~~1I11.s tffice-"-llm CJN(~I/JC" ~s /..{~I ~I+o/W.X'::>6rc... D Please reply ~::.::N o~r=ep~I Y ::::ne=ce=••:-a ry~_~~~~~~,,==-----.J READY FOR I NSPECT IO N : l 'iLOCATION:__f-"-I----"--'-'---'---''--l..-''L----'''--"----'---'---''---_ DATE x • ~)("Y)INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBERO FPR OJEC T T OWN O F VA I L I I J 4 I'?8'JO B NAME ¥-.,o,\\",""'"/'L4J11 I I }CA LLER &~'I-"iJ flirt'.'"'_ MON T UESWEDTHUR 'FRI _-'-I __----'/'---~~PM P')h +.,Pel c L o REINSPECTION REQUIREDoDISAPPROVED BU ILDING:PLUMBING: J:<FOO T INGS !STEEL cX..o UNDERG ROUND o FO UNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D .W.V. o FRA MI NG n ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SH EETROCK NA IL 0 0 0 o FI NAL n FINAL EL ECT RI CAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP.POWER o H EATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST H OODS o CO NDU IT o SUPPLY A IR 0 0 o FJNAL o FINAL _."CP ~P P R O V E D /CdRRECTIO NS: DATE ---+-:f-J~w..1L_--INSPECTORY ?f ' ........,.....,,.,... ~ PMFRI •INSPECTION REQUEST T OWNO F VA IL \\ CALL E R~.~,=,.'-'--=.:o.....="----'-'''-~==__= QN ~E s)WED TH UR "-\:>;~ READ Y FOR IN SPECTION: \\ PERM IT N UMBER O FPR OJECT DATE ~J O B o REI NSPECTION REQ UIREDoDISAPPROVED B UILDING:PLUMBING: o FO OTINGS I STEEL o UNDERGROU ND o FOUN DATION I STEEL ~O ROUGH I D .W.V. o FRAMING .~-c....-e-",,-"<"0 ROUGH I WATER ROOF &SH EER o GASP IPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATION o POO L I H .TUB o S HEETROCK N AIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FI NAL ELECTR ICAL :MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEA TING o ROU GH o EXH AUSTHOO DS o CO NDUIT o SUPP LY AIR 0 0 o FIN AL o FINAL "/.-I 1 1..,"",'{"1 ",'I IN SPECT0 0 12 c II DA TE -"-+-=+-"'-"-_ ~. , ~. IN SPECTIONREQUEST T OWNO F VA IL "s.'>>:'¢, • P ERMIT NUM BER O F PROJECT D ATE \.-:l~J OB R EADY FOR I N ~~~TI ~N MON ~U ES W :\THUR )FRI 'C',~"-:..e--~\pM L OCAT ION ;>,'r~.'-.<--"-<~,'C~"'",\""s: ,,,-,,,,-<0-,'<:.\.c "'>~'" BUI LDING:PLUMB ING; o FOOT INGS /STEEL o U NDERGRO UND o FOUN DAT ION /STEEL O·R OUGH /D WV .d!. 0"FRAM ING ~~"o,'-,.~T•..R OU GH ~WATEll26ROOF&SH EER --'I - PLYW OO D NA ILING o G AS PIP ING o IN SULAT ION o POOL /H .T UB o S HEET RO CK N AIL 0 0 0 o FI NAL o F INAL ELEC TRICAL;MECHANICAL: o TE MP.POW ER o HEA T ING o ROUGH o EXHAU ST H OODS o CONDU IT o S UPPLY A IR 0 0 D/f INAL o FINA L ./r:1 AP PROVED o D ISAPPROVED o REIN SPECT ION R EQUIREDL;C 6RRECTIONS; I 1 DA TE ---+r~I-'6:=:;-'--------- PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT •INSPECTION REQUEST TO WNOF VAIL FRI CALLER MON TU ES (WED TH URREADYFORINSPECTION: LOCATI ON :--'-_---"=-_--'-__-'--_ DATE __--'__-'-.--'.JOB NAM E --'--J.~__'::O~,-------- BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOO TINGS I STE EL o UN DERGROUND o FOU NDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WA TER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL I H .TUB o SHEET ROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FIN AL o FINA L ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: I ~TEMP .POW ER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHA U ST HOODS o CON DUIT o SU PPLY AI R 0 0 o FINAL o FINA L ,,0 APPROVED, CO RRECTIONS : ,/r o DI SAPPROVED o REINSPECTIONREQUIRED <':. .'J •INSPE CTOR ..::.-'---''-''-_DATE _ / \,; ____---'(AM'"'I PM •INSPECTION REQUEST TO WN O FVAIL r-; CA LLER -'" T UES WED 'n :;QR 'FRI \'i $\ • PE RMIT N UMBERO FPROJECT OATE =4 -\)~..J OB N AME -''---------''--''='''"-----'__~_''_~'''___ .' BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOTINGS I ST EEL oUND ERGROUND o FOU NDATION:\STEEL r!J ROUG H I D ,W ,V,oto ib FRAMI NG .''''''''""oK ROUG H I WA TER "JI-... I ROO F &SH EER oG A S PIP INGoPLYWOODNAILING oI N SUL ATION oPOO L I H ,T UB o S HEETR OCKNA IL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TE M P.POWER o HEAT ING o ROUG H oEXHAU ST H OODS oCO NDU IT o SUPP LY A IR F"I b"uJ0-0 -tl.£"A ~r Jt.MbICV)'\C,. 0 /NA L o FINAL ;....'.PROVED oD ISAPPROVED oREINSPECTIONREQUIREDA L-/:aRREC TIO NS : /J DA TE ---<",\--\+-'<;>_------I N S PE C~R )7 Ie A /1 .._......... •INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMITNUMBEROFPROJECT DATE J\-~J OB N AME _---''---,--''--'''-'--'-~_ _____AM PMFRI C ALLER '--'--_-C;_ M ON TUE SWED T HURREADYFORINSPECTION: LO CATION :'-_'----"_---'-_ ;;;D:'REINS PECTION REQUIREDoDISAPPROVED BUILDING :PLUMB ING : o FO OTINGS I ST EEL o UNDERGRO UND o FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROU GH I D W .V. o FRAMING o RO UGH I WATER ROOF s SHEER o GAS PIPIN GoPLYWOODNAILING o IN S ULA T ION o POOL I H .T UB ~SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FIN AL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TE MP.POWER o HE ATING o ROUGH -o EXHAUST H OODS o CONDUIT o SUPP L YA IR 0 0 o SIJllAL o FIN AL , ,=, D 'APPROVED / CORRE CTION S: DATE _-'-=_'-_"-''-_INSPECT O R /' PE RMIT N UMBEROFPROJEC T INSPECTION REQUEST TOW N OFVAI L • PM_____AM \,CALLER ~ M ON TUE S WEDTH UR FRI JOB NA ME -0.'....:.__~--.:....:.:....:;,-~_---,,-_ REA DYFOR INSP ECTION : L O CATI ON :'---=~--''---'---_'--'----'-_---'-_ D ATE ~- BU ILDING:PLUMBING : DFOO TINGS I STEEL DU NDERGROUND D FOUN DATION I ST EEL D ROUGH I D .W.V. D FRAMIN G D ROUGH I W ATER ROO F &SH EER D GAS PI PINGDPLYWOODNAILING D INSULATION DPOO LI H .T UB D SHEETROCK NAIL D D D . D FINAL D FINA L ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: DTEMP .POWER D HEATING D ROU GH DEXHAUST HO ODS o CO NDUIT D SUPPLY A IR D D Ib FINAL DFI N A L ..o APPROV ED CORRE CTIONS: D DISA PPROVED D REINSPECTIO N REQUIRED /IN SPECTOR _~-""----'-:...:.-"-_D ATE _~...:-_ • _____AM PM INSPECTION REQUEST J TOWN O F VAIL LAl-."-E~) CALLER ~ MO NREADYFORINSPECTION, L OCAT ION ,------Lk;~--_P~~~-_19~:J:~'----------- PERMIT NUM BER OFPROJ EC T DATE ~J OB NA M E ----====-:-f=c.:-c"""'------------ aREINSPECTION REQUIREDaDISAPPROVED BUILDING :PLUMBING, aFOOTIN GS I STE EL aU NDERGROUND aFO UNDATION I STEEL a ROUGH I D W .V. aFRAMING aROUGH I W AT ER ROO F &SH EER a GAS PIPINGaPLYWOODNAILING a IN SU LAT IO N a POOL I H .TU B a SHEET ROCKNA IL a a cf.rW a 'd.FINAL o FI NAL ,-ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: aTEMP .POW ER aH EATING aROU GH aEXHAUST H OODS a CO ND UIT a SU PP LY AI R a a a ~NAL a FINAL , C a'APPROVED7C6RRECTIONS' 1 I ( I N SPE CT O~)7 !..'. I "'--''''' •• FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The below i tems needto be comp lete before giving a permit a final C of O. Plea se check of f in the box provided . FINAL PLUMBING DATE: o ---'-'-='----'-"="-""-----_ FINAL MECHAN ICA L DATE: 0 ---'--'="'--'=="---__ FINAL ELECTRICAL DATE :'~,s.~, [Xl FI NAL BUILD ING DATE :~:s~. D TEMPORARY C of 0 DATE : o CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPAIICY DATE: • • PO ST IN A CON SPICUOUS "LACE 83 82 NOTE -CO PY OFPERMIT TO BE K EPT O N J OB$ITE-~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT',DATE --001111..PERMI T NO.• '"111 '~till 1 III 1TYP E OFCON STRUCTION •.-d epartment o f community development 2.OCCUPANCYGROUP ABE HI BUILDING 500 .00 • DIVISlON I 2 2a ~z ElE CTR ICAL TOBEFI LLED QUTCOMPlETELY PR I OR TO tSSUANCE OF PERM IT 0 GENERAL D ESCR IPTION OFWOBK ;()~PLUMBING ..TYPEOF P ERMIT deck a dd.ons ouths ide of b ldg .~ ~•~BUILDIN G 0 PLUMBING Planters boxes on west s ide of dup >MECHANICAL ELECTR ICAL 0 FOUNDATIONoMECHANICAL0 TY PE GROUP SOFT.V ALUATION PERMIT FEES LEGAL LOT 11 BLK 1 BU ILDING PERMIT 10 .00 ~ESC .FILING Vail Pota toPatch PLANCHECK 5 .0 0 ,-SNAME:Ken Wilson Deck Additon ELECTR ICAL I:lOWNERNAMENEW!I AlT'ERATlQN t )ADD ITION Al I REPAIR(I PlUMBING N AIL ADpRESS D WelLI NG U NITS __ACCOMMODATION U NITS MECHANICAL l......, CITY PH.G RF ,;,__BEDROOMS RECREATIONFEE <,:'" ARCH ITECT F IBM COMMERCIAL SYST__COVERED PARKING DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 10.00 ~~ MAll ADDRESS H EIGHT I NFT.__U NCOVEREDPARKING ClEAN ·U POEPO SlT ~ CIT Y PH.N O F IRfPl..ACES USE TAX L~ GENERAL FIRM INSULATION ~~ CONTRACTOR TOWN O F VA ll R EG .NO.TOTALPER TF.I'ES 1$25 .00 r:.J TYPE TH ICKNESS R ·VALUE TELE ,FLOOR 1'0,,/, '"n 'Vn;-r -~¥r.Z ----- EIRM GOf ICI....l LECTRIC AL EXT ,WAllS , T OWNO F VAIL R EG .NO.---------------NTRACTOR ROOF ONING AD MIN ISTRATOR DATE.TE LE .HEAT ZO N I N ~&BU I LDING NOTES: FIR M co or s t o mat ch exf s t i nc •no concrete PL UMBING EL EC :GAS :wor k CONTRACTOR TOWN O F VAl l REG .N O. T EL lO . SOLAR :WOOD : fl RM Ihe reby acknowledget ha t Ih ave readt hi s app l ication,f illedo uti n f u ll th ei nfo rmation requir ed. MECHANICAL TOWN OFVA I L RE G .N O . co mpleted a n acc u ratep lot p lan ,a nd st ate t h at a ll t he Information provid ed a srequiredis correc t.I CON TRACTOR ag ree toco mply w itht hei nfor mationand p lotplan ,toco mp ly with all Townordi nances a nd state TE LE . laws ,a nd t o bu ildt his st ructure acco rding t othe Town'szo ningand subdivision codes,desi g n reviewapp roved ,Uniform Building Co de a nd o ther o rdinances o fth e T ownapp licable t he reto . OTHER f IRM /II"./)/..n~..,t;,.M/.. TOWN Q FVAI l,.REG .N O .SIGNATURE OF OWNER O R cotlt'RACTOR FOA HIMSELF CONTRACTOR TElE.AND THE OWNER , h -, NOTE -CO PY O FPERMIT T OBEKEPTO NJO BSITE ECONSTRUCTIONPERMIT' ~-;.!.OAT uG1 OS6o. I II III 11/tS;!PER MIT NO.lawnal ia ilLY I TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION -d ep artment ofcom mun ity deve lopme nt 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP A B EHI ~BUILDIN G ./;;1,.,(":C;c-rc -.1220 ·z ELECTRICAL T O BE FI L LE D O UT C Q MPLET ElYPR IORT O I SSUA N C E O F P ER M IT DI VISION 0 GENERALDESCRIPTI ONOFWORK :~PLU MB INGTYPEOFPERMITJ)~J ):.(v~rL \I ~,"..>-....o.;tl \,dl.~ ~•< 0 B UIL DING 0 PLUMB ING r I I,,':lei .>.Pin -I;.bk.-s.:'-:.r '-J >MECHANICAL 0 ELECTRI CAL 0 FOUNDATION ".\".::..d,e \~tL,,:'J K" 0 MECHANIC AL 0 so FT,TYPE GROUP VALUATION PERMITF EES L EGAL LOT I I •L BL",,I R -<-So C)/0 ,0 C'BUI LDING PERMIT DESC .FILING 1 1;,-1 to I'ckl PLAN CHECK :5,0 cJ~NA M E :ELECTRICAL - OWNER NAME I<t 'y ':1-5.tl D W'I ~.....NEW e )AL TERATION ()ADDITIONA L ()REPAIR ()PLUMB I NG - MAIL ADDRESS Pt ·......3.')~g M ECHANICAL -DWELLINGUNITS __ACCOM MOD ATIO N UN IT S e 'TY \'~'.l PH '-1)(..J~<;0 - G.RFA tRt!:RECREATION FEE A RC HITECT F I RM eO MMERe'AlSYSf i OV,RE RKING DES IGN REVIEW BOARD 10 .,?O M AILADD RESS HE IG HT I NFT.U NCO EREDPAR K ING C LEAN·UP DE POSIT - C I TY PH.NO F IREP LACES --USE T AX G E NE R AL FIR M I N S UL AT IO N CONTRACTOR T O WN O FVA il R EG .NO TOTAL PERMITFE ES .::z _~00 TYP ET H ICK NESS A ,VA LUE TELE FLOO R .;//J FI R M rll r '",iiiOINGOFF,e"l ---~----- e ECTRICAL EXT.W ALLS O ~RA T ~-o,,~z'l-'3 'n RA CTOR TOW N O F VAI L REG ,NQ ROOF ,I T ELE .>ToHEATZONING&BU IL DlN~N O T ~.C O.......o4-.! FtRM .X "rl P LUM BI NG ec ec./1 Go///~r.// CO N TR AC TOR I.OWNQ FV AIL R EG.N O /I I I ~Iy '"Lt:""VL~,,,.----'SOLAR 0 T HE. FIR M I h e reby ac knowledge t hat I h ave read t his a ppl ica tio n.f il led out in f ullth e in formatio n requi red. M E C HANI C A L co mp leted an acc urateprot p lan,a nd state t hat allt he info r mat ion p ro videdas r equire disco rr ect.I CO N T R AC TOR T OWN Q F VA IL FlEG .NO.ag ree t o comply wi th t he in format io n a ndp lot p lan,t o com ply wi thallT own o rdinan ces a nd stat e..law s,a nd t o bu ild t hisst ructureaccordingt o tz s zoni ng and S Ubd~;~n cod es,desig nTEL"'.reviewap proved ,Un iform Build ing Codea n d ot he r:~''';7 o);'e TUep lcabte t hereto . OTHER FIRM T OWNOFVAi l REG .NO.~~~!,TURE OF OWNER O RCO N T RACTOR FOR H IMSELF CO NTR AC TOR T ELE .AND TH E OWNER. ....p ~ft ...•••, 7-/e-r ».,•Project Application• Pr oject Nam e ,U).Is,..,It-'J)..c !< .:D ."-k:C\.,,- Co ntactPerson andPhon e -c/('-'--'....c::.'-"...._--'-.!',d~t...,;,...QJ:=.----:=-_---.:.....:...!C-.::.~:..::~:....':..._ If I ~ Co mme nts:_ DesignReview Board Dat e _ M otion by:_ S e condedby:_ A P PROVAL D ISAPPROVAL /'f Staff Appro val ...""""""'..... I .••• • PRES El'IT Sco tt Ed wards h'ill Tr ou t Gerry \\'hi t o Dan Corcoran Duan e Pip er Ji m ~fo rgan A BSENT Roge r--Tilk emeicr Decemb er 14,1981 STAFF DicK Rya n Peter Pa t t en Pete r .Jam a r J im Say re Betsy Roso lac k. Themee t i ng \\'35 ca ll e d t o orde r a t 3 :00 p .m .by cha irman ,Ger ry hnite , f o ll owinga work sc~s ion on CC 4 zon ing an d rev i sedRed Li onp lans . 1 .~r o v a l of the min uteso f _t he Novembe r 23 ,198 1 me etin g . an d Duane seconded to approve th e minute s .The v o t e 1"00S 5 -0. IHIl move d una nimous . 2.Reque st f or ~minor s ub div ision of l ots 10 .11 ,a nd1 2,Block_..!L..E.0ta t o Pat ch .Applican t:CDS Enterp rises .I nc . Pe terPat ten s ho ~e d s i t e p lans sho wing ne wl ines wi th the o ld proper tyl ines in r ed .He cxpl3ined wh y t he sta ffr ecommend ed approva l a nd Ken Wilson represen ting the p rope rty ownc r s exp la ine d th at a dr -Iveway encroac hmen t o n lot 11 was to h ee I i mi na t e dwith t he res ubd i vIs i on . Dan ex p la ined t hat no a llowa bl e GR FA ch ang es wou l d o c cur .Duan e voiced concerna bo ut l ot l i ne s 'r c gard lng t hed ist a nce be tween the b u ild ings .Pe te r assuage d t h ei r conce rn s .S co t t moved an d Will seconde d to a pproved the r eque st f or a min or s ubdt vI s Ion•The v o te was 5 -0 i n f avor wi th Dan nbs t ai n I ng . 3 .Re ques t fo r a re zoninR o f lo t s 1 through 5.Clif fs ide Subdiv is ion from Res identia l Cluster Dist rict to Single Fam ily Dis t ric t .Ap plicant s:Ric hard Bro~n .Dary l R.Burns ,David L.Co le .a nd Cha rles H.Rosen qui s t . Pet e r Pa tten e xplained the memo sho~i n g the s it e plan a nd discuss ed th e graphs in the memo .Phil Ordway e x pl ained t hat he an dDave Smentana ea ch ha d a con tra ct t o buya l o t if t he zo ning ...-a sc hanged.an d t ha t they we re i ns tr um ental i n re ques ti ng the re zoning .Jim reca l le d that ~hcn thi s sub div ision was annexed a n d z onedRe siden tial Clu s ter i t was th eI n ten t ion to recons id er the zo ning at a l ate r d a re .He was i n fever of th e c han ge.Da n s ta ted t h at he fel t t h a t lot 6s ho ul d be i ncluded .Or dway e xp lain ed that Rosenqu ist (owne r of l ot 6)was i n f nvo r o f chang ing hi s l ut to du pl ex (pre s ently h e cou ld b uil d a po ssib le 3)o r PI S .Ord ways ta ted that h e d idn 't hav e t ime t o s tudy the a l terna tives i nf ul l an d so d e ci d ed n ott oi nc lude l o t 6 .at the l a st minute .:lJding t ba Rosenquis t t o ld him that h e (Rosenquis t)wou'l dno t insist on building .3 units . Or d way wen t o n to st e te t ha t h e did not fee l t .h a t th i 5 wa S spo t :on ing for lot 6 since it wa s ndj .tc ent to RCzoning . 1 / •••-2-12 /14 /81 Scott a greed with Ordway adding tha t lot 6 va s so different ,there wasno nee dt o c onsi der i t with the other l ots.Scott added t hathe was concerned tha t the houses not be built hi gh on the ridge and wondered i f a trad e-of f could be made in this r espe ct .Ordway assur edSc ott that th e hou s es would bed o wm t heh ill f ar enough s o that they 'W ouldn't int erf ere with others 'vi ews. Ordway add ed that s iting was the main r eason for tne request .Jim voiced concer n ov er the vi sua l i mpact ,al so ,then said he wa ss ure DRB would ta ke that into c ons iderati on . Wi ll movedan d Du ane secon ded to re zone lots 1 thru 5 to Sing l e Family.The vot e .....as 6 -0 .u nan imous . Dan v oi ced his conc ernt hat the home o ...nc rs ~ho.....concern as t oho wh igh they build,beca use the ~~ne rs o f the Ridge were p urpos ely n ot bUil di ngon the hi gh point.Ge rry felt this vas the cor rec t zoni ng b ecause o the r wi s e the owne r s woul d be c omi ng in wit h a ser lcs of r-eq ucs t s for variances since th e RC zo ne i n this d eve l opmcr rt ma dei t v ir tua l l y unbu Ll dn b l c . Pr elim i na ry Rev iew Scss)on ForTix t eri orAlt erati ons and Nodi f i c at .i ons . This sess ion wast o decide whether o r not the subm it tedp r oj e ct swou ld b eco nside red majo r --rcqui ring a 90 da y s tudy,o r minor--rcqu i r in g a6 0 da y s tudy . Al l of th e f o l lowi ng ~er e consider~d t o b e ma jor rev is ions : Ga lle ry Buil di ng 5 }ifer Bu i J di.ng L od g e at v a i I -Har-r yr s Bar (ne w t o cn ti on) Red Li onIn n -Deck Enc losure The mee ti ng \f\'3S ad j ourne d at 5:30 p.m. • A ,N:II;lC of Ap p l J cnnt C OS',,:,.((-!./t..t...!.!-~J ._--:/~~._ AdrJ r css_13 _._"'"-'-----'1_';...·~-/_2._~/_,L~L-----y-(::__t &.~.-,~~._,_,_,,_~J_Ph onc_..'I_Z(. Address -r-, I )"--"'_.1I-:;.'I'_·l _,_,\,_L _,(,,-.l ~·l f ~'J([,UI Phone •(i t .- c , D.Loca t i nn o fP ro pc s a l Lo t-"I(lh~n l 0d _!__ri ling _gJ;?:tf .Z:-{<:;':1 ,1(1.:),...1 ,.J Eo f cc sic o fC/,j )' F Type of Su bd 'i.v i s i on :(c heck (J!1c) "'_-"..:)or _X_~':inor (f nvo Iv lng :1 or f ewer Iots ) ____Du ple x{s p l i t r i ng a dupl r -x s t ra cr u re and/o r-lot ) G.Proc edur es f or majo r and mi nor s ubd i vi s Ivn -a re as 11 ,·fi llCG.i ll t.h c Toren elf \'ail su bd i v i s icn I k ~~l :J a t i o n s e n P;i!~cs 9 thl"OUr,:,20 . II.Duplcx su bd i vl s J on rc qu Irc s the sumc I nforma t i on a~n xi n r.r ~::lh ~i\"i~:U:1 w i th t ill' r eqni rcmcn t t.hut th e f('ll;'.dn g sta t ement 1I III st oppca ron the p lat bcf'o rc l "~~"l'i \·i l l ~ Town of Va i 1np prc va l: I .For ron In g or o t.herLund -u sc i-cgu ln tj ons L1f t he Town o f r ;I"I ,the t «.p:n".·cls c rca t c dh)'th Ls sul.d i vis Lou m-e 11 IlCI!K'"to UI.'l 'I H'l ot .N(,.\;'1,)1"C t imn "Ill'l \'d -f .l!:l ji ~ rc s i d r-ncc s l1 :l l l be n l l o wcd 0 11 t hc c01::1.J iJ':.'J arv.vs t l,'the t \\'(~pu rccl s .,\1 1.';,:111 1 (,. Gl'OSS Re s id ent 1::1 Fl oor Ar ea (C;I~r'\)for 1 he t wo-Fun !1)"rc s Idc ucc ;,11 .111 be- c a l cut at ed u s ing the conb i ncd ;1 1"{':"\of '..lie 1\,0 p.n-vc ls • J .Ti11C'H ('qlli n'l ~H ,llt :-:;:~~1ju r a ud mi nor subdi-..i slons nns t he:n ppro vcd by tlu-I 'L 1 1 ,:~:Io ;: a nd buvi ron.acntn I Commis si o n .Ti le PEe »c ..~t:-=l';1 t he .1:1(j :'lI1U -l th :,bllJ ,I:.:••:.•.•,1: Month .:\:"1 npp ti c.u Io n ci t ht h .....ll c lt :~~a l"f :1 ~Cl):";~.Il,yi f;!~ni t crrn l 1.:U::.t I ,.,:.0/"...•,:•...: four (-1)"c ~·l.:;pr i or to thc ,b tl·of t.h c n(·~;11 1l b . P.O .B OX 184 2 VA I L ,C OLO RA DO 8 16 58 3031476-088 5 SUBS IDIARI ES HERITAGECO NTRACTO RS G &GDEV EL OPMENT CO. INVESTMENTDES IG NINT ERIORS L TD. ;.~!;.Ze t e .r I'a t t en To ..n c-Len nI ng Town o f ',211 Yan I Co'lo rad o Dear :i c tcr-r • itE :r o ta t.c ,(...tc h rt 1 0 &11 Ll e r-z.e po es ou r ntnor-8u \:<i ivis ion h ear ing t.c the fi rst :r:.~rie o't .a ngi n L c c erebe z-, 'I'r e :::i€ned c op i c s of t he minor s ubdiv is ion p l:<.t and oo s e ae.i t.s Lave no t bee-n z-c t u rn cd t o thi s o:fice ".s ye t ,I l'i ll folIo....u p on these and g e t.t hemt oyo u a s s oon e e p ossibl e .Thanh yo u f or :,-c ur es s Iatence and c oope ra t.Lon , »: Ie n;':.Cag'l I a.rc o !kt ;'({ 110/'1/0 Jf 1290 3 COUNTRY RIDGE SA N AN TONIO ,IX.7 82 16 5 121 49 4-2 19 5 P.O.BOX 1842 VAIL.,COLORADO 81658 3031476-0885 SUBSiDIARIES H ERITAGE CONTRACTORS G &G DEVELOPMENT CO. INVESTM ENT DE SIGN INTE RIORS LTD . Mr.A.Peter Patten ,Jr. [epartment of Com munity Planning Town of Va il [ear Mr.Pat tenl l\ovember 3D .1981 CON STRUCTJOto INVESTMEHn Th isc orres pondence shall serve as an e xpla nation for the request of'vari- ance sInl ot lines onLots1 0 .11,12,Slock I ,Po ta to Fa tch Subd ivis ion ,Town o f Vail .Acc ompanying t his c orresponden ce s hall b e ti tl e s earches t.o verify own ers of Lots 10,11 .and 12,a survey s how ing ex isting lot B~Ze8t (whi c h are Id ent ial to th e p ropos ed )l ot lines as p ropos ed and s i gned copies of a survey. with proposed lot l Ines ,by the res pective owners of Lota 10 ,I I,and 12. Fresently two s et -back violationsex ist on Lots 10and11 and thee xist ing drive wa yon Lo t 12 e ncroaches u pon Lot 11 .Vi thout c han ging the size of the lots a nd with t he full c ons ent of a llr e spective owners we propose t o the e taf! a nd Planningand Enviromental Com miss ion to alter existing l ot l ines to me et present ordinances of the Town of Va ll . One set-back viola tion occurs on the s ou t heast corn er (s outh unit )of t he s t ruct ure loca ted on Lot 1 0.It i s7 .6 feet f rom t he l ot line be tween 10and 11 .Originall y this lot line wa s to b e vacated ,but t hiswould ha ve created a largeduplex lot with f our units.After mu ch thought,it wa s d ecided to c reate an ea s em ent i nsteadof vacating thel ine .Thev iolation occ urred (pouring of the founda tion)before this was d ec ided.Theproposed c hange in l ot lines will c lear ly e rase the violat ion witt out c hanging t he size of eitherl ot . Theot her s et -back v iolation occ urs on thes outhea st corner of the structure l ocatedon Lot 11,(north unit ).Thef oundations Its 12.4f eet from the lotline of 11 and 12 .The proposal for c orrec ting this viola tion 115 b est eb ovn by the acco:npan1n g plat ma p .An even i:-ade of land as proposed betw een Lots11 and 12 which wi ll c orrect the v iola tioL on Lot 11and the existing en c roachment of the d r i v e ~~y onLot12onto Lot 11 .Thi s 18done again wi th no c hangei n lot si ze. It shou ld a lso be notedt hat the existing s t ruct ures on tote 11a nd 12ha ve th ir ty or a c c-ef eet be t we ent hen.a tt heir ckosea't points . 129 03 COUNTRY RIDGE SAN ANTONIO.TX .7 8216 5 1214 94·2195 P.O.BOX 1842 VAIL ,COLORADO 8 1658 3 03/476-0885 S UBSiDIARIES HE~lAGECONTRACTORS G &G DEVELOPMENT CO . I NVESTMENT OEStGN INTE RIORS LTO. • Page 2 CONSTRUcnOI INVESTMENT : We hope this c orrespondencecl a rifies our intentions on c orrecting existing v iolationsan dme e ts with approval of the Town Planning Staff and Plann ing and Envlromental Co mmission .Should there beanyquestions please feel fre e to c ontact me at 476-0885 or 476-0937 .Yo ur cooperation in this matter will be greatly appreciated. I MG/bd 12903 COUNTRY RIDGE SANANTON IO.TX.78216 51 2/494·2195 [:'UvI:J:.L/;;q, (- .-,\ P roject Appli cation 4t' ",.• Project N ame:.l(J..r..!J.)73~'-...1.~~L..!:.C2.!..!1.l<~~.!:L__----J'----_ Contact Persona nd Ph o n e _ O w n er.A ddressand P hone:_ Ar chitec t,Ad dress a nd Ph one :_ ,Zo ne _![f I Leg alD esc riptio n:Lo t .la.s.u:B l ock Fil i n g Comments:_ Design Review Board Mo t ion b y :---/L*L.:"'~~_,_---- Seconded by:----j~UL..1..!:."-JL-!------ A PPROVAL . "D ISA PPROVA L Date :----f-.4-,L • ~1E~IlRAN DUM TO:Pl anning and Environm ental Commi ssion • FROM:Depar tment of Commun ity De ve lopment/Peter Pat ten DATE :December 9 ,1 98 1 SU BJECT:Minor s ubd iv ision request for l ot s 10.11,and12,Vail Potato Patch Subdiv isi on .Applicant s :Da nM.Ga gli ardo ,~~rjory E. Saund er s,Laurence K.Hester BACKGROUND The twodupl exesonl ots 10a nd11werecon struc ted asaun if ied pro ject by as ing le owner a nd c ontr actor.TlIC l ot linebe tween lots 10 an d 11 was n ot abandon ed becau s e it wouldhave mad e one l arge lot a l lowing only two mits . Th e problem is that t h ere are two signif ic ant s e tback violation se x ist i ng . One is on the south eas tc orn er of the l ot 10dupl ex (7 .6 fe et Erom t he comm on p r oper ty l i ne)an d on the sout heas tc o rn e r of t he n orther ly unit of the d upl exonl ot 11 (12 .4 fee t fr om th e proper ty line c ommon t o lots 11 an d 1 2). TIlE REQUEST Thus .thi s r eque st i s to c ha nge l ot l in e s conmon t o l ot s 10 a nd 11.as well a s 10 t5 11 a nd12 50 t hat thenew lot s ha ven o setback v i o lat ions .Al so, .the n ew]ots creat ed h ave t he s a me square foo tage a s th oex ist i n g lots . so no changes i n ~l low ab l c GRF A wo uld occur . R E CO ~NF~"i DA.TI ON Th e Department of Commun ity lle v el op me ntr econun ends approva l of t his minor subd i vds ion r eque st.Th e ex ist ing setback viol at ions have no neg ati v e impa cts as s oci at ed wi t h them.The di stance b e twee n the h ou ses on l o ts 11 a nd 1 2 i s 38 .5 f eet.well ove-r t h e required 30 f e e t.The other i nfringe ment on l ot10i s insignifica nt b ecause t h e co rn e r of t heh ouse is onl ya couple of fee t f rom th e d ri vc ....nypa vement.Th is i s t he lot line that ac tually i s rscan t n glc ss a s it s eparat es what is b a s ica ll y one 4-uo it proj e ct.1\150 , th eowncr of l ot 1 2ha s n o problems wi thth e request .Due tothese r easons. wehave n o p rob lemswi th rec ommendin g a p prov a l. • to wn of vai boll 100 nil,colo rado 8 1657 (303)476 -5613 De cember 3,1981 Da n Ga 91 ia rdo CDS Enterpris es Bo x1842 Va il ,Co lorado 8 165B •Dea r Da n: • depa rtmentof com munity d evelopment Att heir mee ting of Decembe r 2 ,19 81 t heTownof Va il Desig n Re view Boa rd approved your su bmi t ta l for build ing,site a nd l ands caping r evi sions from th eor igin alpl an wh ichwasapproved bythe Board on November19,1980. Specif ical ly ,th e Desi gn Review Board a pprovedtherevi sed r id ge and slab elevat~)ns ofthe t wodup lexes andther ev i sed l a nd scape plan s ubmitted on Dec embe r 2 .1981.The r evised l a ndscape plan in cludes t he reta ining wa l ls wh ich hav e been in stalled. The Boa r d 's appr ovalof the abov e me nt i o ned item s i nc t uded severe1 cond itions whi ch mus tbe pres ent ed to t he Co mm unity Development Dep artment fo rapproval a nd mus t becomplete d pr ior toany fina l Ce rt if ica teofOcc upa ncy issu ed fo r thebui ldings .Th e c onditions a rea s follow s: I )The boulders al on9 th e s outh s id e of the dri vewa y must ber ed ist ributed to c reate a l ess f ormal arrangement .This r edis tri but ion should i nclude eli minat in gboul ders t o e nab l e desig natedpl ant ma ter ialsin tha t a rea t o beplanted , pa rt ial ly burying boulders,and gr ou ping boulders t ogether r athert hanfo nm ing th em in arow; 2)Theex isti ng a spe nonth e sout h si deoft he pr operty which a renot li Vin g rrust berep la cedwith3"ca l ipera spen with additional gr ou pi ng s of l !a"-2"c ali peras pen ; 3}Screeni ng with plant mate ria l sshould be providedtothe sou th ofthehot t ub a r ea ; 4)The area t othe r e ar c ornerof unit lIB mustbe r egraded t oa2:1 s lo pe ; 5)Addit iona l ever greens(3 mini mu m)8 '-10 1 in hei ght mu st bepla ce d tot he e a st of un it 11; 6)Reg radet he a rea we st of the r etaining wall s adja ce nt ••~age 2 to Lo t 9 t o ma tcht heexist ing gradeon Lot 9 prio r toconstructi on; 7)The planter bo xes and t i mb er wal ls mustbe sta ined dark brown ; 8 )Th e exposed fou ndation wal ls mustbe sided with si ding to matchthe exis ti ng s idi ng ; 9)The plante r boxes in front ofre ta ining wa l ls wi ll be pla nted at own erls di sc retion ; 10)Regra deth e area tothe sout h of the retaining wal l on t he s outhoftheproperty to reso lve unde rm iningprobl em whichcu rrent lyexi sts; 11)Rep lant lot 9 wi thvegeta ti ona s agreed to by th e own er of lo t9,Mr .Bob Fri t ch.Th e plan fo r thi s re vega tion mus t be subm itted for myreviewpr ior to planting .The De si gn Revi ew Bo ardhasc ommented tha t t her evegation s hown for Lot 9 onthelandscapepla n subm itted Dec ember 2 .1981 would beade qu ate . It is unde rstood th att he applicant is a greeab le to these conditions ofthea pproval andth at a revised pla n including th ese r e visions wi ll be'submitt ed to t he Town Staff a ss oonasposs ible .Upon r eceipt andapp roval ofth is planthe app li cant will then beabl e topro ceed with buildingi nspec ti ons(pendinga pprova l ofthe setb ack va ri a nc eneeded f r om t hePlanning Co mm ission)and the rig ht t or equ e st at em porary Certificate of Occ upancy .It i sa l so un derst ood that on or before Ju ly 1,1981 the Townof Va il will in spectth e pr o perty f or compl iancewith theapprovedl and scape plan .Fa ilure to pass thi si nspect i on wi ll cons titute gr ounds f orrevoki ng any tempo raryCertificate 0:Occupancy which hasbee ni ssued. Please respo nd andc onfi rm thi sag r eeme nt assoonas pos sible.If youhavea ny quest ions,please do not hesitatetoc ontact me.A copy oft hel and scapeplan s ubm it ted t o theDesign Re view Bo ard wi th t heirnot ati on s is attached f oryour refere nce. S i1'~~ Pete r Jamar TownPlan ner PJ :df Enc l. -.~ I I r • J . .., .., ., •,, ·•, r I d • box 100 .ail,co lorado 81657 (30 31 476-561 3 Novem ber 30.19 81 Dan Ga gliardo CO SEnterpri ses Box 1842 Vail.Colorado 81657 Dear Dan :. • departmento f community development RE:Lots 10 &11,Potato Pa tch We have received and renewed y ourre qu e st for continuation of s everal items forthe abo ve referenced duplexes .We wi ll li ft thes top work orderfor all i t em s1-5in y our l etter o f November 19,198 1.It i s unde rstood thatthe se items are all i nterior and that no work will becomp leted onth e exterior ofthe bu ild ings . All wor k comp letedi sat th owner's r isk and it mustbeunderstood that thi s letter represents no approva l ofany work done onl ots 10 &11.PotatoPatc h and that fi na l approva ls bythe Des ign Rev iew Board and Planning and Env ironme ntal Co mm ission are st i ll pending. Sin C ~e lY,\z.:l ~C ~ Pete r J amar Town Planner PJ :df town of vai box 100 vail,colorado8 1657 (303)476·5613 Novemb er 23 ,1981 Da n Ga gliardo Bo x 1842 Vail ,Colorado 81657 Dear Da n : • dep artment of commu nity development RE:DR8 Submittalof 11 -18-81 Atthe Nov ember 18 me eting ofthe De sign Review Board,y our s ubm ittal fo r bu ilding mat erial and s i te al t erati ons on l ot s 10 &II,PotatoPatch ,was a pproved with t he fo llowi ng stipulat i on s: ap prova l of windowchanges and native s toneon c him neys.e xamine grad e changes I c lar ifylo ca tions of retain in g walls.All oth er .items tab l ed unti l next meet i ng . S in~~ Pet er Jamar Town Planner PJ :df - • Contact Per son andPh one Architect ,A dd ress andPhone :_ legal Description :l ot S"/0 $JI I .Zone_ Comments:_ Des ign ReviewBoard M otion by: APPROVA L D IS APPROVAL , ________~6~-___"o::<....__ s um m a ,y ,M1;v~(}F tVlAltlCMJ (~).;#f77I€07ME CYY CJ/!JW!fS; -&!tmpYE TJ?H/.SmD.A/E/?DIn &J2A(J/£b (Or 10 70 A(}JfC£/oIT {o/7 Li2 I6¢87j C'<M'ff,V (/KArt0t.<s O£K'm/,.II#~AS Dd ,7 Jf&:r ;-w~flYI?IJ 11JI4 V1 S/L SIE ~/~70 ¥M Mf71~ ,r ~LIm/,lYE ?jrT... o Staff App roval Date:__+!'-I-''-''-+&LL-_ -~- ,ENTERPRISESINC .··:~~i~~ >.0.BO X 1842 iAIL,COLORADO 81658 1031476-0885 SUBSIOfARIES HE RITAG ECO NTRA CT OR S G Ie G DEV ELOPMENT CO . INVESTMENT DESIGN INTERIORS l TO. • CON STRU CTION INVESTMENTS Late I To , FrOttl 11 -1J-el I ete r Ja~~r ,To ~~of Vail CD SEnterprises ,Inc . SubjectJ tEJ Ee et ing ,11 -1 5-81 ,r otate ?atch #1 0 &11 1 .I :::lv ewa y re built to 1 ~grade a nd heated.as per Bill And rews xec cmnenda t do ns , 2 .Rid ge elevatlons l Unit l OA -2 .2 f eet.hi gh er Unit l OB -0 .9 fee t l owe r Uni t itA -4 .1 feet hi ghe r Unit ttB -0 .5 feet lower Both lots ba ck u p to E IJ~l and a ndne ither structures cau ses any obstruct ion of views f romad joining l ots as t he v i ew sa re a ll due south ,an d not to e ither s ide . J .Chimne y ffi aterlal -1s being chan ged t onati ves tone 4 .Lrtn dsca pingl A.See land scape plan B.South ba nk c at down to meet contours onne w landscape plans . C.Additional timber wa l l s on we stofun itlOA a nd to the east of llA have beenc ut C O~~to me ~t ~a xim~~height r eq u ireme nts . D.Addi tiona l wall onnorth s i de adde d for ex tra r e ta ina gebe cause of stee p - nes s 'of slope . E.?lanter box ha s been a dded i n front of l owernorth wa ll with l a ndsca pins in order t hat wa ll does not exc ee d ma ximum he i gh t . 5.Set ba c ks : A.Easeme nt be in g ~nt e d be tween lots 11 a nd 12 by own ers of each to me e t set back r e qu irement s . 3 .Ease ze nt.s b eing granted between l ots 1 0 end 11 b y own e rs of each to me e t se t ba c k r equireItents .c.~se ~ent requests to behea rd at 11 -23 -[1 TEe m e e ti~[. c.Addi tional win dows (2)a dde ~t o liVing room uni t cf un i ts 10=a nd 1 1=f or a dde c v i ews of Vai l n o un t2 i ~.Se e p la~. 12903 CO UNTRY RIDGE S ANANTON IO ,TX ,18 216 51 2/494-2195 • box 100 n il.co loudo 81657 (3031 47 6-5613 Lots 10 &11 ,Potato Patch • department of community development 1.Driveway at lO X orig inallya t BX 2 .Slab &Ridge Elevations Unit l OA Actual Sla bElev .-8605 .4 Plan Slab Elev.-8602 .4 Difference +3 .0 Actual Ro ofElev.- Pl an Ro of El ev • Differe nce 8631.1 8628.9 +2 .2 Uni t l OB Act ua l SlabElev.-8615.1 Pl an Slab Elev.-8616.0 Di f ference -0.9 Actual Roof El ev.-8637.6 Plan Roof Elev.-8638.5 Difference -0.9 UnitllA Ac tual Slab Elev .-B606.5 Plan SlabElev.-8603.4 Difference +3 .1 Actua l Rool Elev.-8634.0 Plan Roof E'lev ,-8629 .9 Differe nce +4 .1 ••••• Unit ll B Ac tual Slab Elev . PlanSl abElev. Di fferen ce Actual Roof Elev. Plan Sla b Elev. Difference -8616 .5 -8617.0 -0 .5 -8639.1 -8639 .6 -0 .5 •Page2 3 .Ch i mney Material -was to be native s t one,i s stone veneer 4 .Landsca ping --areas oft reesdes ignated to besaved on north an d west des troyed --bank tos outh s teeper than orig i na l ly shown Reta ining Walls --addi ti onal t imberwall s on wes tof un it l OA &t othe east of ItA .heighto f bo thwall sex ceeds maxim um height of 6' --additio nalwalionnort h si de of units --lower wall o nnorth of prop ertyexceeds max im um hei ght by 2.2' 5 .Setbacks --12.4 fe et on east ofUnit 11A --Line between10 &11mus tbe vacated 6 .Wi ndow Changes J • box 100 vail,co lorado 816 57 (303)476·5613 Lots 10 &11 .Potato Pa t ch • department of community development 1 .Dr ivewa y at 10%origin al ly at B% 2.Sl ab &Ridg e Elevat ions Unit IDA Ac tualSlab Elev .-8605.4 Pl an Sl ab Elev .-8602 .4 Diffe rence +3 .0 Actual Ro of Ele v .-863 1.1 Plan Roo fElev.-8628 .9 Difference +2.2 Uni t l OB Act ua l Sl abElev .-8615.1 Pl an Slab El ev.-8616.0 Oi iference-0 .g Ac t ual Roo fElev.-8637 .6 Pla n Roo f Elev.-863 8 .5 Differe nce -0.g Unit llA Actua l Sl ab El ev.-8606 .5 PlanSlab Elev .-8603.4 Di f fe re nce +3 .1 Act ualRool Elev .-8634.0 Plan Roof Elev .-8629.9 Difference +4.1 -• Unit 116 Ac tual Slab Elev. Pl an Slab Elev. Difference Ac tual Roof El ev . PlanSlab Elev . Difference 8616.5 -8617.0 -0.5 8639 .1 8639 .6 -0.5 •Pag~2 3 .Chi mney Ma terial-was tobe native stone,1s stoneveneer 4.Landscaping --areasof trees de signatedt obesavedonnorth and we st dest royed --bank tosout h steeper t han orig ina lly show n Retai ni ng Wal ls --addit io na l t imber wa l ls on westofunit IDA &tot hee ast of Il A,height of both wa ll s excee ds max im um height of 6 1 --additional wall on north s ide of un its --low er wall on northofprop e rty exceeds ma ximum hei gh t by 2 .2 1 5 .Setbacks --12.4 feet on east of UnitllA --Li nebet wee n 10 &11mus t bevacate d 6.Window Chang es .. ••,. .. zwr C1 :.IfE f orsrn,R,n PI S zo:;r DI STRI CTS l e gal De scri pti on :I.o t II Bl ock __Fil ing --'-_ O,.'lC"...!flr c hi tec t --:-_ "..-.....".::..~.:.Pr opos ed ....,-_-'-_3D ' ..• .'.Lot !Ire a'._0.'• GRr A:.!l1 1m·:e d _--'-_L.....,--.::....:...,-__ .CP.Ff.:Pri m):)'Prop os ed Se condary Pr oposed _.L.:-.!.:==:o.__ S 'i t e C O \'Ci~i!qe:1\1 1ai-le d ---'-r ~Pr oposed ._ _....:.__-'-.Slopc J\ctual __-,-_I I I I•! I I I I I I..., .-- .------ .'• .,_"~..,---_. --..,--'-~---..,----,-----_.._- ---------------_.._--------- Dri ve :S lope Pe rm.i tr t e d t n \'i r o r.il i ~ll t n '/1 1 "7 a l ~d s :·l\vl'.l anc h':'l -,-__---'.. fl o od 1'1 ai n .S10 pe -,----_._---_....-._------'''--'-'---'''--...-_....--'- Lands ca p i ng :Requ'ired .__-,-Pr oposed _ Parkin g:.Requir-ed ~Propc sc d _---'-_ Co w-,1cnis :·-,-_ ._...-._-._--_..._--_._----_.._~ rr-; Project Application e -',/}"'dz;Dale ,I 2';'/if!~*~/t\1 «.M--/i ~-~,7f i ;;;j.fl n: P roject D escrip ti on :_ Co ntact Pe rson an d Phone Owner ,Add ress andPhone :-,-_ Arch i tect,A ddres s and Ph o ne :_ legal Desc ript ion :Lo t B l ock Filing ,Zo ne _ C o m me n ts:_....:..._ Design Review Board Notion by : Seconded by :_ A PPROVA L DI SAPPROVAL Summary :--- /'1 _ Dale : o Stal1 A pp rov al • to wn of vai boll:100 vail,co lora do 81657 (30 31 47 6-56 13 Da n M.Gag liardo Box 1 842 Vail,Colorado8 1658 Dear Da n. • d epartmentofc ommunity devel opment October 26,198 1 Re:Lots 10 and 0 Po tato Pa tc h- resumption o~ork We have received and reviewed your request for continuation of s everal work items fo r the above referenced dup lexes .Thep lanning staffwill lift the stop work order fo r al li tems in the le t te r excep t for l and- scaping work.We feel that you should appea r before t he Design Review Board for their recommen dations on the l andscapingwork before you resume your work ont hat a spec t • .Thus ,le t t his l e tt er serv e as a n approvalt o work on i tcm~.l t hrough 5 onyo ur l et te r of October 22 ,198 1,with the s ti pula tion t hat all wo rk i s at the d evel oper 's risk a nd that th is l ett er rep res entsno app roval o f an y work doneon t hel ot s , s in c~:'9 " I~ A .PETERPATTEN,JR SeniorPl ann er APP :bpr ." •• Mr .l eter latton Town of Va il Vall ,Colorado I'ea r-1 eter a •OCtober <2.19 ?1 RE I Lots 10 and II ,Fota to Pa-tch r esuutlon of 'Wor k . We understand an d agree that all workperformed under this r equ est .a s ou t lined be low,Is donesoa t the r isk of the developer and with the ful l knowledge that final app rova ls mu stbe forthcoming f romt he Town of Va il Euilding La partment . 1 .I rlve wa y -to meet code 8S per B111Andrews recommendation . 2 .Exterior stone work -to meet specifications. 3 .Hea ting and FIUllb lng -to prevent dama ge t o structure . 4 .Exterior hardware -to s ec ure bu ildings . 5 .Necessa ry t ile -in order to complete plumbi ng . 6 .Crib walls a nd planter boxes -t o meet staff recommendations . 7 .LAnd s ca pe -to be started and completed as weather permIts. T hank yo u f or y our c oo peration and assistance . I MG/c g •, \0 ~\\ C-~IM1.\~'{S -\N£Zffi---ro 8£MTlY£ S'"TD~~~S~"77L YVtoSS.ee.c..IF; -C/2{T/C-f'It,....ISSO&~ [So -'10 ~M J/'{.~ ~-rs-s C~~ ~~~ANY JfffficGe'7~V tmYV"ro~ l/'fro 'f)l6\ItJ~V/'iW'>~I'{[) ~'1ltL ~~~ S'i~"'Y ~!aJy OeIfrJ~~ P~51 ~.e..Ck0Sfp V){D.;£ .06~JOr1tli'{or 1lt~srn; \AfI.ID~J(1'JG. -~Q~I ~l£,\~10 ~~~I 0'>.~.1"> Project Applicat ion Project N ame:~&1:!Jt Project D escription:_ Co ntactPerson an d Phone ------1.C-U1OJ,~"_=l~"""'"''___ O wn ."A ddr essand Phon"_..LC.....OS.~('OO ~S'_<.5_S"------------ A rchitect,Addressan dPhone :_ Leg al Des crip tion :Lo GJD 4Ll--B lock -----l _Fi ling ~£AlI!±.,Z one _ Co mments:_ Design Review Boa rd M otion by:_ Second ed by :_ A PP ROVAL DI SAPPRO VA L I ----~sf AIIZ/C4tt!1: ~~~::#s;I~1!i ';v::t,tt;;:::~ j}g;VIEI1 MY ~S Au-erWN//l/6 N1U5 /~/6CfTi ~_'t.MI /.5 W-4'~':!"1!" ~e-::tW~~s.;;e;~ ~./'f.; o Staff Ap proval Dale:----L-'4-f+.LLi'--------- ..._........ Potato Patch Duplex Homes Vail,Colorado Po tato patch .Past &Prese nt Early settlers found only one place inVail Valley with enoug h year-roundday-longsunshine to sustain thei r potato crop...and they called it The Potato Patch . In 1962.with thebeg inning of the development in Vail ,thosesettlershad moved on.andthe rich Potato Patch land wasg rown over wi th aspens. A decade passed.during wh ich Vail became kno wn as a wo rld-elass resort.Ma ny ofthose people who had bee n coming toVailforskivaca- tionsyearafter yeard ecided theywanted aplaceof th eir o wnwhere th eyco uld enjoyall ofVai l's seasons. ...... , a.5o',~.....~: •I ...~. t-or ID ., ""---."--_.... .'-"""'".~~.."',.......,. The opening of the Potato Patch subdivision by Vail Assoc iates.Inc .in 1974 was the answer for thosewhowantedto combine aview of VailVillage andtheskislopes with privacy 'and sunshine. Today.PotatoPatchisone of Vail's most presti - gious residential enclaves.with custom-designed homes.several of which have been resold for over half a million dollars. An unbeatable si te .•• The Potato Patch Duplex Homes are built atthet op o f Potato Patch on sloping land heavily wooded with aspenand bordered onthe north by Forest Service Land .They offer unobstructed andexpan- siveviews of Vailski slopes.aswellasthe beautiful peaks at the western end of VailValley. The paved Potato PatchRoadleadstothe asphalt drive which serves both duplex homes,allowing a h igher,more private placement of the homes themse lves. On the o utside •••.. Aspe n-colored sta inedc edars iding Cedar shake roof Exterior detai ling stai nedto match s iding Native stonefir eplaces Redwoodd ecks with optional hot tubs Land scaping of landd isturbed by con structio n wi th spr uce,n ativegrassesa nd wi ld flowers Mi nimal tree removal;ca refu l pre servation of existing aspen Fine finis hes ••. Pella clad double-glazed insulated windows Natural oak woodwo rk throughout Solid core doors throughout Beamed living room c eilingswith tongue-in-groove paneling Heat-effic ient recirculating fireplaces Wall -to-wall carpeting inareas not ti led or wood - floored American Olean tiledba ths with Kohle r fixtu res Pogge npohl imported kitchen with fully-warranted top-of-the-line Gen eral Electri c appliances General E lectric washerand dryer i n laun dry Built-in shelving i nwalk-i n closets Automatic ga rag e d oor openers Feature s of northerly homes ..• Approximately 1,950 sq.ft o f enclosed livingspace:addi- tionala rea ofsingle-ear garage ,storage ,and decks: TOTAL of over 2 ,500 sq.ft. Slate-floored skylit entry qallery with adjace nt powder room. Uving roomwith wrap-around clerestory windows ,vaulted cei lings.and tw o-story floor·to-eeilingnati vestone fireplace , Viewstosouthandeastor west Oakffoored dining areaon e stepabovelivi ng rcom.preserv- i ngthefeeling ofopenspace . Poggenpohl kitc hen ope n tothe dining room ,with bar counter as visual separation. A master bedroom suite of approximately 435 sq.ft.over- looking theliving room .with awindow walltothe south,very private deck into trees.Also o versized jacuzzi 'Whirlpool tub, separateshower ,double vanity ,andwalk -in closet T wo more bedrooms withadjacent skylit full bath . Sauna. Laundry and heated srnqle-car ga rage. Features of th e southerly homes ••• App roximately 2 ,500 sq.ft of enclosed livi ng space:addi- tiona l areaof two-ear garage,storage ,andexterior deck; TO TAL of3 ,250 sq.ft. Sletefloored entryfoyerhasanadjacent powder room. Spacious living room 'Ni th clerestory windows tothe south facesslopesandsun. Oakfloored raised dining areaprovides definition while pre- serving feelingofopenspace . Poggenpoh l kitchen,measuring approximately 19'x 14', provi des working privacy f rom dining an d l iving room areas (so advantageous in forma l entertaining),plus a breakfast counte rfor informel meals,a working area ,pantry.a nd ample storage . Amaster bedroom suite of approxi mately 420 sq.ft.incl udes bath areawith oversized jacuzzi with whirlpool tub,double vanity ,andseparate shower .Also private views and walk-i n closet. Additiona l two bedrooms andfull ba th islocatedon lower level. Family roomfeatu res native stone fir eplace and adjacent sauna. A fully-equipped laundry and heated two-car garagea lso included. f IVI l-h '<COr-"I Ur"'1S l >n---' ~''''''I''~:II~<itAl<'".IIC..E: ~" ~. Uv."J(,~M ~.~,.j ,~",,&"'0 ",...," _. co""'--II~J II 1 !a,.,I"'A6,r. VAIL COLORADO phot ography (.design :im p<!-"1 ~i1 il . -Pota to Patch Duplex Hom es Villi.Colorado • Design andc onstruction o fthePotato Patch Duplex Homes isbe ing c arried o ut by Craftsmen Co nstruction Company,In c.of Denver,Col orado. A highly-respected firm,Craftsmen bega n its co n- struction o perations n early thirty years ag o.Sati s- fied clients include Co lorado Women'sCo llege , MontgomeryWard.andBenjaminLowdermilk (forhisp rivate res ide nce),and many others. The figur es q Ual t'<:!in th i~brochu re are ~lieved to bP accurate.Due to irt evitablc incre a ses in .~f'lVk::es.taxes lind utilitres,you should verify a n ex - pen ses prio r to en h"l1 ng into a ny agreement to purcha",:,. offered exclusively by: Vail Associates RealEstate,Inc. Vall V'"~ge Va ll Gon(lOla 6""'0 109 S ,"m a'~A nn ,,~L,ons H"aCl 476 -4500 4T6-JD3 Boo 7.ve«.ccro-eee 8 1651 • Potato Patc h -10 &11 Site In spe c tion -6/29/8 1 • Appearst obe fill onLot 9to wes t --t reesin dic ateda s rema ining on S .W.Portio n of lot dest royed 2ext rar et aini ng wa l ls tor ear One dupl ex redwoo d --oneceda r re dwoo d approved a t ORB Ex trar et ain ing on ea st &wes t of du plexes Aspe nt r eesr emovedon S.W.por ti on of l ot Fl ueson fir eplacesare sid ingi nstead of r ock •Proj ect Application • Project Name: Pro ject Desc r iption : Contact Person and Ph one • '(,\\ rCI'~1 Owne r,Address a nd Ph one:_ Architec t ,Address and Phone --'-_ , Legal De scrip tion:Lot 1D '(I \,I Comments:_ Design Review Board Dale _ M otion by : S econded by :_ A PPROVAL DISA PPROVAL Surnrna rv 1-\c:h.\'Itk 0 r~--r \::2.,It1 Cu e,:::C !.4-v.!6 1;."M bl (·T(()e N Vv!t:'n-c-P li5L L-I ST -I'c .::.c'I-\IC'NF 'TI~L~'_ """"'l I I)I ::'1""7 ;),,-,('(0 ~17t /t-i ..-T§fd"....{-c=-(t\j3£'c:IG-S c;<;~v .------I ( -:../(';-{:::- '-'-../\.._- Date :--_.... ~Y~>~~',~ ENTERPRISES INC.~"')i!l!~i!l ~. ...,T 1m P.O.BO X 1842 VAIL ,COLORADO 81658 303 /476-0885 SUB SIDIA RIES H ERITAGECONmA CTORS G &GDEVELO PMENTCO. INVESTMENTD ESIGN INTERIORS LTO. ~:r .Peter Jamar Building t epertment Town of \'R 11 VRi l,Col oredo Pl t 58 Dear Pe'ter-r au::WE W ,I • CON S TRUCTION IN VESTMENTS July 6 ,1961 LOT #10-Un i ts A &B or vlfr1f ica tlon of changes r equested Patch Subd iv i sion ,Va il ,Colorado , 1 .Or igina l Spec 's -Cedar Si dingonplans/Redwood on Specs .Cedar Siding as speci fi ed with linseed all c lear seal er. 2 .Originals pec 's -na tive s tonee xt erior on fi r eplace f lue box es 8S sp ecif ied -flue box to b e "Regular Dr ift Moss Ro ck". 3 .West endSouthwest s ide of lot to b e to replace tree s thatwere remo ved . Bubm i tted i f you80d esi re . re planted withAspent rees Revised l andscapeplans t o 1 2'/16 ' b e LOT #11 -Un itsA &B 1.Originals pec's -Cedar Siding on ple ns/Red wood on sp e cs . Redwood Siding with ~~F c l ear s eale r. 2 .Origi nal sp ec 's -Na tive s tone ex te rior on fi re place f lue boxes as s pec ified-f lue bo xes t ob e "Re gul Drift M.os s Rock " cere 1 Y:~-d, lot .Ga liard 'l D~,G/cg 12903 COUNTR YRIDGE SAN ANTONIO ,rx,78 216 512/494-2195 c 7 vlllrr- Dale _--'-€-~'-',",,'-L>,,--"''''':'_ Tr.Jf3!loT Project Application• CDS t()?rJJfJ{------=----L..c:::.L.-~""'---------=-=---..:....:..-------l....<~Pr oject Description: Contac t Person and Phone _ Owner,Add res s and Phone :_ Ar c h itect ,Add ress and P hone :_ legal Descri ption :L o t _--'L.j~__Bl ock F iling jfj2L2(j~~~f.~~rf .Zone _ c omments -_ Des ign Revie w Board Dale _ M otion by :_ Seconded by: A PPROVAL D ISAP PROVAL -~- Siaff A pp roval I I 1 I. --.- -r ,',".I.(, ......., T'•_.- , If ?a •.• 11,&"0 . j ,C.lbo.). -".",.,...,..'..- I II 1:1 1'/v ).(J s :-l I R II. t ',',oc~: 0,'\1::/0 'I f"-pu _=_th_ ~I '/J S~ON , .! r :,C v.~ ::.O::CL!?;":~CY GROWP ---~-j i c n.r t ,::.r:D ':;::,O~.~s f C :J·.I ·.~f;"lC!Al SYST i1 ::S.~A J flM'':T !.;';T1 ~:C !:-;:;:I':"T i t'>r r..,' i ""-"L C'S ~O.TOILETSI\0 ""I.."",,.;.- j CO\'~RE:J PARKI NG (,;."CO \';REC PAR!C.ING '--------------,: '1 1 ---------...:'.:.:::::::.:::.::.~--.-'------!\::~O~"~"~'t.~'~.~'~:~'-'~"~,'~',:5 -~,"='0='=,c,:,================~~'--+--':::=~:'::=--f--:':::::'::'--:L....",-"....~C "•-••_...........••.J ._",I 'i _ I E X;\'I;..:.\..5 H---------------------I I ,___'_-,-- ' II _:::.::::._---'-1.'-H- t-I!:---------------~----~------!iII-'0 ,:i 'I'-~:-~"•"~-""._-----.H I::-,',·,.~~::-::.-='~==============~!,i,".,~""'-"~"".>,U is__'_~_:_:l_.~_'_:_'"'-s-',--------------_---H I !l (~~!.l CONST RUCTiON '--v-....•'I::;;:::'(:,:;v c;;:P ~t t r.~.;;~:o f :O;;',MU :"l :-:y c'cv elcpme n t ,'."~.'.~.•"r ••.•• I I f)-I-U_,B lock _l egal l1 ~s cri p~j Q ,,"Lo l L one:_ Zon ing ApiJroved: •Pr o j Qc l flp licatio n • D e sig n R ev i ew Board Da lo A PPHOVAL 'u.A {(/AU~j(j.~ _Dat e: D ISAPPROVA L • bo x 100 vail,co lorado 81657 1303)41 6-5613 Mr.Ned Oyl er Bank of Eag le Ea gl e,Colo rado 8 16 31 Dea r Mr .Oyl er : •... office ofth e town manager Au gu st 1 0,1977 He :Lot 11 ,Block 1 ',Vail P otato Patch Subject lot is n ot in d a nger of t he 100 year f lood p lain or a valanch es . I f you have a~y f urt he r questions pl ease co ntact my office . Sin e r e ly, i '~~£j i o a Tou g hi!!~ Zonin g Admi nistrat or DT /d i ••uf<FA-... La+10+II,I/~rP~j?;:td; I ..4't ;V\lAV\;t-.[?.,)..~~1 L-ov</~~L eu JZ-r 8 7 '-1 -0+<>-/-- 3,1 (,9 ?-\.s X ;7,0 <,C(J,o- I I .5 ;X 10 .5>-=-I ~6 ./S- )f )<1"5 .5"-.:...~'-I ;' I i:>A s:--110 _F C0 fv jt _L«.'-( 33 X ~Lr :. -(lO X;)")=: 10 x I IS .,. 9-.0 )(f 'J-.~-= SO.S x ~I ::::: _(I 3.X ;)~- _r/.x:5):::: -(I <.{X &.)/-:.- U If rPfll,l-e '-'L I- -;).,3 X I I t: -\7 .k~)=- l OX c:s;;- }'1 ,X /J :::- Ib X 14 -= -"3 ;;;>....::: !sb 3.J -d-8 (, -~I -\I '1 :>o ;;;, --;;1..\ 67 ,g~ j,D L{ -1,;I-- ~o6-. -••... Craftsmen Construction Company,Inc. November25,1980 Mr.Peter Patton Town Planner Vail Comm unity De ve l opment 7 S Sou th Frontage Road Vail ,Colo rado 81657 Re :Gotcnski Co ndominiums Pot ato Patch Vail,Colo rado Dea r Mr.Patton: We wor ked with t heVai l De si gnReview group in ea rly 1 978on approva l of p rimary/secondary r e sidences for Go tenski.I nc .•onLots 10,II ,an d 13 o f Potato Patch Subdi v ision,Vai l,CO lorado. Subsequen tly ou r client has so ld t heprope rty and neither we nor t he de si gner,Sid Flook,are now invo l vedwith t he proj ect in any way.The Town of Va il contacted Mr.Flook to a dv ise that you r approva lhad expired since mo re t han ayea rhad e lapsed andr e submit t al wo uld now b e necessary. Youap pa rent ly o btai ned Mr .Fl ook's name f r om the draw ingsp rovid edby a no t her buil de r.~~.Flook is not i nteres ted i nwork ing with t h i s un kno wn bu i lder a nd t he refore has noc apac i ty t o enforcequ a li ty o rade quacy of cons t ruc tion . We reque st t hat your emove our a nd Mr.Flook's nam esa nd r eg i st r a tion from al l do c um ent son t hi spro ject s i nce he ha sno d e si gn r e spon sib i lity und er th ep resent st atus o f ownershi p.Pl ease a cknowledge with you r pos it ive response t o t his reque st .Ple as eca l l us i f youhave qu e stions o r di ffe rences with t his reque st . Sincere ly, ?c~~~avf Vice Pres i dent KGB/ph Gr eenw ood Pl azaNor th 5660 Sou t h Sy r acus e C i rc le ~l6 Engl ewood .Color ado 80111 Ph one:(303)770-4600 Developers/Bui lders/Enginee r s ••." box 100 d e pa rtm en t o fcomm unity d ev e lopmen t vail,c o lo rado 8 1657 13 0 3 )4 76-56 13 J anu a ry 5,1 981 Re :Go tcn s kiCondominiums Po tatoPatch Vail ,Co l ora do K.G.Ber get Vi ce Pre s id e nt Cr aft smen Construct ion Com pany ,I nc. Green wood Pl aza North 5660 Sou t h Syracu se Ci rcle -L6 Englewood,Co l orado80 111 Dea r Mr .Ber get : We h av e received you rl ett er of November 2 5,1 980 stating t hat yo u and Sid Flook would 1 ike your names rem oved from t h e above c on domtn i.uas on L ~ts 10,I j.a nd 13 of Potato Patch . Althoug h we cannot;p hys Ica l I y r-emove your names fr om documen ts from 1 978 , we will n ot consider t hemc on nected with t he p ro j e c t any l onger,a n d will k eep your l e tt e r j n o ur f il es. Since re ly, .)/J ...:'}..,-.' ,;.F ./...../1(·.../_L-U v !L1..-.1 ____./ A.PETE R PATT EN,JR. :br Sheet Number o o ..... -,J I I I I I / r iI FFIC COpy o t o 1 ,pproved 0 ~"i E: -__I-- flenled J<'Town of Va ll Community /""Develo pment PIaII Health Fire Validityof Perm it Sec 303 (c)19 U.B C. :'Ja nce or granting ata per mitor approval of plans an~ -,ons sha ll not be co nstru ed tobea per mit tor.or an ,of,any Vio lation ofanyof me provisions ofthis COdE "yoth erordmance of the juri sdica tion .The issuance of ..TIll ba sed upo n plan s,specificati ons and othe r data shal ' 0'preve ntthe building official from thlll'ea lter requiring the fI ec tion oferrors In said plans,spectfi ca tions and othe ' ..ata.'· o..JL- --------------- --- >--- ;::eo ....-r ~~I-A ,.J Go...-J,.,..........c,.,...,~.,...I.-I .,,~'L)(I"Z. _-r:j /"""T1"".........l.ol.- 1 1 l-----r- T ~t:;..+<:,..;-j .-J I I;'"'"- -+ I -1.....- T c""""'_ ""'f'>.....LJ io..J ~~~c:;.... -T""...E>~,.J /-..,I""c::. "..J a?V ~:;.. ."'L.-r '"He..... I "~.,,.. 1 - t:::;><I~.......~f"P 1t' 12E:?ID ~b c..e:- ,... "';,/....-r ,"''-I ..J 01 ..".1"....lIZ-.....eo F (eo ",~-rr I...J •fZ ~A ':7"-...c:.~ -::;>"'">-l-~ F c.l ~-rj T H,P- c:./e.~...,.~~,...-n- lEo ~t!!>~-&o"'-rT'...a. E<,><:r ~i..J":>~L..l.-.....I @ I-OI T "-4'--T ~ r r:. LI oot-J J "::?f ~J T e:)<"iE:I-l J:,.>"7.. >--1~~T~I r-l P.~,....JGG.S -+-_f~~9 Io..U'''IP e ~~'" t-1.b- / ~ \\--,- - L "-"" I P.I ~\..J_ &:1 1''''''1.-1 ~T c.I.' lZ-E:>~71-1 ~j;.-, ,P-~cN"6 Ti G "..,I?>-l EO....."'" • I-?-------M.f"o t t- I ~\J 'A -j j ,.. ---rr :f-- I ~ -.,. e:o 'pi' [I .-. -- ..J -r... L ~T 1 e r L : _..lo-- JN20'5d2I'I 35.47' I ..,,.....p.,I-J {..,e sa. (~"'(.p\ ~r;-W'a) ~~~ R-289.52' L-53.84· L1-10 039'22" .,..wre,.-..,.;i.t:::J (....'\'2.XI2- W /('2.)"0/~'~'""-,., "'T~~W 4It'~'Joo"'-l c c.e> Ittt~~~e>l..OC 1"C::::' I • 500°.4'0'''( /200' '400 I PARCEL 11-8 00'6". -OT v .......... --- PARCEL II-A 0060 lie r<ri/8~OOn I 5"111' I I IL..J 'i89""~III'2'.'0 ,~ "0 e '"o......•oo ~ PARCEL /I-C G646 oc &~'I?b ~~VRAt-l lIt.".,- ~~ I •If/O . I )~ /) / !I~/ /().99 -I--- /2 Aczwsl (til (Dnr..,oy 10 PoIaiD Patch Dr",.oeross Lc 'OJ R=IJ9.43' L ::65.57' NJ4'Z6'20"E:z'70 ' D W~IJ.o (pit ~~IJ/~ll-"J ~~"t ~J~~~~ "_r.l concHU...at tile CGntraat tor CGnaU'Uatlon"(AlA DoC.-ftC &201). can.tnaot w.lla ..to11_- -REtarior-~8 1'"00. -lnt.ar1or-3X4 •1.-DC.,un1__noted ot.ben1... All _,joi8ta and ratter.....to baar _waU.or ...... oa ...bun"vith 8DEPIIOII ItronCJ-'I'i.Ilan98ra or ppto.64 aqual•• AU OCJIII..etlOll bardIoar._....utantur...try 8~aUaIMI-TI. or approved equal•• All ~a1 •'I .....abDvn In tlle1r final _lUana properl,.brae-!_.upported,lSIK1DCJ oon.truot1on lt uy be _..ary to __portiona of tlla .truct.....vbil.otller partlOll8 ....bainl OODII~.Contaat tile aU1mturaI ....,inear tor anltaUon ..Z'DqIllracl. CGntraotar i.tMpca..llll.for .11 .-_peolt164 001 r ......1 ....., contaat .truotDral _lnaar for .-taUa ..lred.1Dvu-z. to ............all aUwtur.l _UtuUoow. Contractor 1.to ooordlnata all diapbrap panatz.U....(1•• cII.i_yr,pl-iJov ,.to,l t.Il1'ouQb flocno,~.and founclDU ..."all.with ppropr1.ta .Ub-oonUacto....aa-ral cont.rac1:or i.'Mpar.ibl.tor .......MtbcIcIr,tacIIn1_. HqUanc".nd paooedaz .....ochtad wIth iD projaot.lOanaral centractor to nrity .U di-..i.....wlth arohitectur.l dr.wlnp.oUty _,in..r ot .n oont1iota or oai••lon. "'t__riour .1_at tile worki...,dr.wi...,.and tile -btl",oondiU_"'fore ..-.ainCJ with tllet partlon of tba projaot, A.ll _t.rial........to ."tador and/or _iatur.oondiUana ....11 ...tr••tad for _.condition.(i••_i..l traat-.t, ata i",.peinUnq,.to.)..raqu.lrad try 004a. 11) 8) 4) 10) roundaUan''..__..a '-....t.._11..~inI allpUlit}'of 1_JIIIf ...d -.quiYalant fluid _ar.of 45 pat to be .-r1t1ed lor •_11a •...,u-z..t ts.-at ....,av.tian. IlUtl:aU.tt_of ~s.-tar drain to _ora wlth _U.raport try ~.AU footin......to ~_nataral un4iaturbad _U....S =-atruetur.l fill _aSS aoed try tile _11._u-r. a)All t_U __~s.-tar at .trw:t.....11 _atni froat pnrtaGUan of 41"to bottoa at feoti...,.All toundation waU._eol_to be oan an ta f-u.-aII1_ .-..otbanr1.R WI plana. All _t iD ~_lOZ.ta _t be _vlt:ll Portl_e-lt aDd tUin u.u-.........adva atnftCJth of 3000 pai atter day..-1\ID _upon IIITIIDUIC c:cx..-oo"O'.t8 1"011 Dl.tC*:m liM .1&(ACt 311),1 2.All ODDCZ'ete .~_ p _t ..._ided oontrol j01 ta (aoo ...._t)in IM)OOr'daDce ritJa ..11.raport..AI _;a ••d or n ••t:.e .al br#e 1/2-at'af~. laintorclftlJ __1 1.UTI!or 40 ,AlI.-1_vlra fUrl0 _t _tor-with UTI!Aln.lainfora_t pl_t 1IIla11 conf~vith pFU OJ'ftAIIDAJm ..-erIa,1 ••0_Pz:I ..red CIUII,All lap ap1loaa to ...a1.~31 bar dl_,all lIo1'i antal reiatonlinG .teal to ...contin_around ~. _t wall in_fona.1I1nt-...infw 'It protect;ionl -eonarata pou1'"aqainat Mrth I" -c:oncr8te pc =eel 1ft tOIWll 2· -.1....I" II)All l.-r aball be Do...,-rlr t2 848 Or "'tter,.11 woI.anb'" l~1IIla11 ..._-Pir fa 848 or better.ProYide _lid bloc in9 .t 8'-0'_cantar in .11 di.pIIr.9M.All col.....to be continuoua _i...,to foundaUon. 'I All Tr:ubolt wed;Il _ora nd ....ta to be inatall...aooordin9 to aanuf.ot~.paclfl0.tlona. 7).....th floon with 3/4"or and G plywood WIth a1nbuD .pan ".ti...,of 40/aO ....batter an4 ,IUD with PL400...il plyvoo4 wlth lad'""CIC to all joi.ta,U.ld ooordlnata .or.wopUon. CO"...dacIta with ax6 _w004 with a lICra".~baarlnq point • .....tIl roof.with 5/8"plY¥OOd vlth ainia_.,."r.tin9 of 40/ao or ...ttar.8.U plywood wlt1l ad •,.oc .t panel adI" and U·oc .t 1JItarwadi.ta _ra. ').....th.U...e.rlor walla vI til l/a'plywoo4 or ori_tad .Uand board witll Dint-.,."r.tinl of a4/0 ....bettar.8ail wlth ad ••"DC .t ,..1 ad ...aDd 12"00 .~in~.ta .t.ua,Ll".1__tor _1",- -Roof -IO paf DDOW. -P100r-40 pat reli4an~1.1. -8lnd-a5 pat.-1art!IquAk..-_1 OBC. All ..-trucUOD _~ooap1y wlth til.1"1 lllIitor-1IU11din9 COde _..sopt..s bJ'tile 'l'Dwn of ".U a"l141nt oapartaan~and 1) 14) 11) 11) 12 ) 1) 17 ~~"II/'~~ ~,~Jl~~II~t---JltIr-...~~-Irt~ ~~Nat I.~-I Ra== p,q:;::'--..--J~I ,I ....-.-...1-.\-1_-_~ ~~ ~«'..."..~ ~~,IJPI~-~. ()('*fbfHIJPO I:W6o aw.t."....., - • r .-.--- I (Ne.tJ ~ 0 ~-r~LOH \ '~er ~l3r~ I Wt <~0J StO ~ M~E{<J.~T~. - , --I r I J: Cft~~ \ ~\"1 \r-JO v..v..}.i>'C I I Lt---- I dIt I I I - ~~t ,,'-It::'II t l"l~~r~, !---- II 0'I"t ~~Q 'I-~~.\0~II ~, :I-u._' -- •U~fL,t/)F-f'L,AN I eeo~A:90LT /tJN b/bl'1~Y4 11:.lo" ~~~,~, ~"O ·(;_,...,.r,..- \ 1993 1/3./7 ' vo ') \ \ \ '. '. 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