HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL POTATO PATCH BLOCK 1 LOT 21 PART 2 LEGAL• 1 CJW Of '''H L,cor URH c. '1 S FOI;I SwECl 10 ~ORk r-H-E S FJ,~ f ,PT 1 -.,-~I 01-1[,.:REOUc --:=.=-=-:;:-------=--=-=-==~-==-~ 7 ----------- AuLr0f1 Orr S at s ~IGr·~: BcplZP57 1,-/1 7Tv po e ,:l elU I D 784 PuTATO ~ATr~'R 7134 E PflH'TrI PP I H DR .::1'"'1,-121£-01 •r-,"7 £It..,.....':.OG EXSIT NG CRHWI srI- L opr-R rOt~(~T ur i ['N c .r R"I rF- ~qL iNO JAM'.'("1H-<Lf·S I OPF'R CO ~TR'JI 1 Ttll\SE RICE nt . ,I II A'-t.I \ j t:"S: J, t '-1· •f.l , rI1,e , I usrD FOR ~IR BLOr 74C'l I, '+7, ISUL• HP tuVEC ell,0 1 '?: APPP~lL·t.i 0r Act i or .....st slOe ed •••Hctlwn C~nnen c s f\ ../,1",,,r--~~,f'"..-._..---_..- .ki1 X )/.(1:)Ull&..,)------- I Irr '-------- /'\/)--A J---- -I.II.J./1 ..L.-l--1-- --------------t\-)tv~-~-~~---~--·-0-'~'-~ irti0P:H~rR ~~~ROVED If [ommp"t-c: [1E'1 rs p e I"'r tIC!n f e q ,e c: R(Ie-tv}.,Jeff nqlim.12I8:"QI Ite IS ;:>qqest d '- If1~pt?c ion HI"tory •• It m:12101<.3121 BLDG-Framlllg 11 1217/97 Insper or:rD It e IT':ellZlli)50 BLDG -Ins u1a I 0 II l1/eJ7/97 Ln s p e ct or e t,D Item:1211211216121 BLDG-Sheetrock NaIl 11 /13/97 II.ree o,':E-G Item.001217121 BLDG-Ml I'I:001219121 BLDG-Final il.'1IZ!1l)')0 BL no-FIn :11 • ----~-----~==:===~ 'lW rH'VI-;I I tIIB:03 R["QUeSTS r CRT .sr r T T fAJ WI f)II .='00 h cHEET~FOR'l~~-9 'kt 1 V 1 t. f-lc.lcWess: I cr'a~i on, r-'i'r ce 1: [i P c;'~r'i nt Jon. ~r~rllr;..pt: (l,r,P,. tr r t;;).,.... 1=-'7-'1Zi17~-'1 1..:/97 "p"':B-,'LMJ:"I 784 POTAl II r ATCt-'r R 78+POTATO PATel rR ~-,1 Q11-iZIb3-1211-0b 7 REMODEL Cf LAl\lfJ RFC I NTF RIOR CALqNO TAMES CHAR'S ~AI ANO JAMES CHARL-3 STATE <:.;T,,<['[-r'LUtAB T ,r St ~I Ph ",...e : Ph 0''=: I.'t"E': T SUED [0 u~f (19 48b -1 If t :H 3,R [" STRETT PRESSURE .~~ER COLUMN TEST Phor API=-P i-PPR C!'.Ar 4L t i Or : A T.i on : WATER I TNES -------- Ir,fc"rf-t i o r •••"".,pc:t,on Reollest R .questo,':Je-Ff F<eq lDe:iZIB'I7ll?! 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UCf': p,'TIL Prj l{lP" P .: ':i"f ' l', teas t Lrsp e c e ed ••• f 1 p I-t n I Requesl Requestli":Jeff R L;r e:~18 00 C l~en~reques pd tu lQll iZJ ELlC-Flnctl •to at 1 U I • 7 <::l I ,,,pee-tio,,Hi t o r -• Item:00110 ELEe Te mri,e'owe Item:00120 ELEC-Rouqh 11/~16/Cl7 In"pect'1~':E,- Iten:001 <s 0 Elr:C-CGld"l~ Item:00'40 FL~C-Ml~C. !tell':0019121 ELE.=L ~n aI Item:0~224 FIRE-ALARM ROUGH Itpm:0121538 FInE-FINAL LID Artior.: e • Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Date :August 13,1997 I Parcel Number: ProjectName:Calano-Interior Conversion Building Name: ProjectDescription:Interiorconversionof crawl space Owner.Address a ndPhone:James andDeborahCalano Architect/Contact.Address and Phone:Steve Loper.POBox 2223.Vail ,CO X165 8 LegalDescription:Lot15 I Block I I Subdivision VailPotatoPatch I ZoneDistrict PIS ProjectStreetAddress :784E PotatoPatchOlive Comments:70squarefeetofavailable GRFAusedforthis application.Property maxedout. Board /Staff Action Motionby:I Action:Staff Approved Secondedby: Vote :I Conditions: TownPlanner !~W~ Date:August 13.1997 ORBFecPre-Paid:$200.00 ouest ioaall thePlanning Staffat 479 -213 R APPLICATIOtli FOR PLANNING AND ENVIROm..IENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application isfor any projectrequiringapprovalbythePlanningand Environmental Comm ission.Forspecific information.secthe submittal requirementsfortheparticularapprovalthatis requested.Theapplicationcannotbe accepted until allrequired information issubmitted.Theproject mayalsoneedtobereviewed bytheTownCouncil a nd/ortheDesign Review Board. A.TyPE OFAPPLICATION: £5 Additional GRFA ~iLJh!t2iol2 o BcdandBreakfast cpu>J~oU-o Conditional UscPermit o Majoror0MinorSubdivision o Rezoning o SignVariance o Variance o ZoningCodeAmendment o Amendment toanApprovedDevelopmentPlan o EmployeeHousingUnit(Type:) o Majoror0MinorCCIExteriorAlteration (Vail Village) o Majoror0MinorCCIlExteriorAlteration (Lionshcad) o Special Development District o Majoror0MinorAmendmenttoanSDD B.DESCRIPTION OFTHEREQUEST:8 C?Mcc:le I e K i5 -I i "")C r",'-VIs P erce'. I C. D. E. F. G. H. LOCATION OFPROPOSAL:LOT IS BLOCK FILING Vt:'/i I Pc +~to f>q fe=.h ADDRESS:784 E &f..f.,.Pe.fc It Dr :~BUILDING NAME:Cak,....Re'$;ofe",ce ZONING :Pri..,g,,),/S@cc",J ""rv I / NAMEOF OWNER(S):~M ~s Gfld De 1,0 r ~h Calc]no MAILING ADDRESS:6 ~o 1300101er \lie w LaYl e 8<>"/.;I~,C.0 "'"J:.PHONE,(>03)5"'16 -,po II /()WNER(S)SIGN~URE(sk ~(l (1 a..v-... NAMEOF REPRESENTATIVE :s+-~f.h en Lot::,.LOfer CC'nsb-vcticm ~VI'C~S MAILING ADDRESS:Po 0 ,BoX :Z:J..3 Vq .i\CO ~I~5'F?PHONE:[970)If 767 'i fl L( / FEE-SEETHESUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FORTHEAPPROPRIATEFEE. SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION,ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL,COLORADO 81657. ForOfficeUseOnly; .FcePaid:2m.CD Ck#:tLit6 By:cLK . ApplicationDate:J'EC Meeting Date: Revised 6196 JIMMY CALANO -.~'. ·..I ·' , /':'.'......:...:....;'•..:',....-.-:' AUG-04-1997 09:50 ! TOTAL P.01 • •••-_0.___--.-.._~..~-:'.--:-..-:,-..-:.,'-~-~~....-,,;..-_. ~ ......"_.~~-,--:.;.--:l F !..""'_._-__-.~~.-::s ~-:~~1:.~·-'h ":_-__.._~_---.~.__~_:~ IRF.C f.lrr xo ,0'tf/3 ./~~L__.TOWNOFVAIL i §f ::":Il;F::~_OF cml'I;:f.n:LoP Mf.:-T ........~. H ~~~l\,\~IF.B r-1-~\.../~8~J\O UHESS D .-\TF.I ,___! ~l.,.rHOJF:Cr ~~C IIF.CKSMADE J>AYARLE.TO TOWN OF vx u. 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M scellaneous Cash • REce~pt #22Q~1~ QC~~lln1 ~CV ¥~:1~~ 1 l-rj:'C:~:r":i~'4";T~'SEPI.,fIC·[""':;Ttt!-·..;:":;'''=;!="~l=" Pr(I!-'(lTI1..tpr";d1?n..::{'!t:;r~~10 Item paid THRt--11< HmQ unt.paid "rAlign ReviewAction Fa TOWN OF VAIL Date ~~--='--!-.j'___'-+_Category Number ------j'-----"'=----:::--_ Project Name:----t7""-:':-+"'''-''---=-=--=--''-'''--''='---'--"""''''''''--------------------- BuildingName:;--_ /(r,/J('- r:dl-v ,.....,1 i Jrh:.",(h ,>n '.~.,\r L /."OA rJ.(' ~~§" Project Description :_b -'---L--+=---'-'-''''--:'T-__...:..-..:..:..-:.L..O'---------<:...!...L..._.......:...L..:.....L-'---_--L-''''--''"---''-'=-''-'-''~_ Owner ,Addre ss andPhone :~=-'-''--'''''''_=~--='--=-~.......:..._-'-__"______-='-'-~_-=__<_--'''--=--_ Architect/Contact,Addressand Phone:__"'--''-'--__-'---''-'---'----'-''--_--''-'''''---...:......--'=--:'----"-.:..:...-......!-_-----'-~__ "/1-"-".(-~ /./LrIr (.. J ,;fl. LegalDescr iption:Lot Project StreetAdd ress:~~-'-~--1-..!.L..!..---.$...-!-.!..~~~-L~--'-!...'---~~~---- Comments:r ;.~.-1 i f Board/Staff Action Motionby:_ Seconded by:_ o Approval Vote:_ o Disapproval X'Staff A pproval Conditions :_ TownPlanner Date:/1"/2 7/7<2 ORBFee Pre -paid_----=-"----=---=--'----'-~_ .' .tzlenPlerceBrineM ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO:AAAay 1::-.,rov OeD Attn: Attached Please Find: Date:te,/Z4/94- f I Job No.q u.<C2 Re:'~,ReS. 1-0//G J ec«1- ~/~O ~-H- __Progress Prints __Specifications Plans Shop Drawings ~Other Cn'tOte --CI/..,er Item No.No.of Copies Description 1 c;,,,o,e ~~r The items listed above are: ~or Your Use Returned After Review Remarks:fife "10(,,)'<"@E.()l.tt=Ez/-~<J~ UI",.e:r--CI IAV~J 1m 17FJ(;:J ZZ'~A1T"'11\J6 ;24t.'-4,r-4"J 't72fi I 15 AL/P an -IF£'-p;::..x:~ ~F!JZnna //4PHr<'f.I266N TO ~ B:8l~~~t!!JL/vE. y J,C4.6pe.£:N Copies to: Page 1 TRANBOOO.DOC , POSTOfFICE BOX 57 1000 L10NSRIDGE LOOP VAIL COLORADO 81658 303 476 6342 FAX 303 476 490 I JlPCl ..T&DI 1C.IllM"lUJI N\IIICI:IflICA ~tz1 enPierceBrine' ARC HITECTURE P L ANN IN G I NTERIORS LOPER RESIDE NCE LOT 15 BLOCK 1 POTATO PATCH FACIA,RAILS,TRELLIS, STEEL BEAMS SHERWIN WI LLIAMS 2371 UPPER STUCCO AREAS SHERWIN WI LLIAMS 2087 LOWER STUCCO AREAS SHERWI N WILLIAMS 2085 June 24,1994 POST OFF ICE BOX 571000 LlO NSR IDGE LOOPVAIL CO LORADO 81658 3034766342 FAX303476 4901 ~NAHE OF ,PROJECT :LoP'Ei?-i?t?h .~(P#=I rr1t1t?i .;~lp~),' LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT 16 13LO::K/_SUBDIVISION 'AI/"ft?,?<:1 -ro f?trd; STREET ADDRESS:7P>4 g,rArn f?Jra+.t:J:?'., DE:SCRIPTION OF PROJECT:6...I!?f<.A...I Ptz./rVflBy I&C/2t-/..oAB'Ir.o-:J.,/'"',//<JF !/'-J <:"E:. i ,I ~ri~ZI~.n Pi~re~Briner 3SW4ge l .....t:;t·~.j/~·r,-,,../6/'2./I ~LIST OF MATERIALS '. P.03 ,I I ' \: EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED '- Quantity Size*' 15 -Z11-3 i1fl;,e f'l...+:i '2 'D &'...IZ~rtArJ :.1 ZII ., ,:)t~{?/'-'/I)./kJ I LL.JI'!;n1 za::t '2 g JiPlZ/J./1J/W!LL.M.-;'(...?~·l!:>5 ,' $/"/EF,<ZI/JI,j /,.JIW-fn'~'28"?1 NI1rvrE'~- Ct Ap g.~.C G@\E' /6/(lno /XII r(~flI'-1e GLeO TYPE OF MATERIAL (~~'s9.J:SI},./):; W K,a-;re 7tiliA.l~LEC."ep1tE@ CIZ!L;et.F?,fO [ iJ~-~1!:N1NtJ(,.U~Zl:lJ8,"1 .QTl.c(~a 71?Jm f l <2b.lee -f :¥#e!j:.l h(I.J ¥/~"Z'£8~ ,""'"zrnh,lP"(Af-.....lr de)B';e:::.£?A'Jr./:JZJ.-Ji='. Botanical Name ~M£¥ .':;'L.AU~A I2;2EUll p2Ei (10 c:z;c.e?'A~e t:?aJ~ Name of Designer: Phone : Other LANDSCAPING: BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors DoorTrim Hand or~e~k Rails) .(~.eL~I":> Flues F lash ings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses The following information is required for submittal to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given : A. B. ,I :I i I j : .I;,I ~.! ·1 ;I ;':I I '[ I I ,i i .!I >I ;I i:I :I .:':I ,:I :.I "I ;!:,1 I I I l .:I.. ..,I I' ':"II ! ,! ..:: Fri~zl~n P i ~r c~Briner 3034764981 .~tzlenPierceBrinere AR'IiIH'TUR~P~ANNIN3 INHRI,ORS p.e1 ,'.. PHONE: TO:/v111!..e m~u..,/c,/r FROM:81'-'-AGtece , DATE:?(21/C;4- FAX: PAGE 1 OF I PAGES f?-E:L-aPGfe ~/O~-c Lor lob}Bt...?:f.)Por.A-rop?~H ,,'I :;I,,I,:i,:,I i :I:'I ,:!I,I :;i :i [:I :I :'I iI ':1 .i I ;IIi /?1f~), ,:1 'I'U":/OSre-6TA-ND ~-I yCJd HrJVE /N~~rE:O , ::17JfiE:(2EX-E:-/'h?P'L,ft---INI.E:1?-ffl,e.me L oPE¥2--- ',:,I fZ~/OGJce -CNG>{?~/&J"$/'':.' ,[I ,B/17?£;::O UPt::>,J Pppt./6/he-{7EFn/frvO (1?JerICUt..V'Jr:?~Y .•i I ~vn 77-j-E Fer'/<..G6rAi'i,,",Cb-nr;Ju~UTY)Jr tZEqUE5<-rj :::ICJAi a:::l/~Ol"""r /7fl:=3 Lo~~)m RfrjtJ?e ';;-;-tE :,: ,i !c'...a...o ;:::.tV/==-7'7f;£3 !E:-VT"E:feltJ/Z .oT-e:r=L.fIri,-IP,t2,4;ti'5): .!6fic-Jt30 I2A-t t..6)~o eJ~d::~~,0 rn/j~.:,~ :II '77--h~F-;9-c':/fl (6.1f-E""~UJIAJ t..IluJ~7 gOT1.)f2~~j ·:'!TH/JN G~<.u14 tJlUAl(JW1h '2'8::;z ~w~~,:i ::l1 ff.etJ IA~-o .OJ If€.;fforCJ~COLore /~~.....,e. ,:'17 j,-)7'Jr.-1 'Z!312,:r f-/rtve A-'rT&.-M6=O /~..'.: :I P--£--VJv bo L/~OF-1??~~I~(6/ltJ/Cf5 ~-. "i ~/?/1 14 .)," :I .~/E /tR-lS 1-}o('11J~r-0t2-~r==-~p,:.?-ov~_. ,:~t:'"r¥-"t-:-:C/t-L.L·Ir y~u .D::JAJ1r-)-f*'(/€:;r9-c~U:?,e c.#/-r·p .' ::I POST OfFICE BOX 571000 LIONSR IDGE lOOPVAIL COLORADO 61656 303 ";766342 FAX 30347601901 '". JDliIMTa1Il ....~JIeaI~,,I ",I --.•. _'.-----"reViSe ?JJ.1..4 19.1 e-ar-a ......=or:::.-..;',;}jDRBAPPLICA'l'ION -'l'OWN OF VAIL,COLORADO t.,- DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** 'l'HIS APPLICA'l'ION WILL NO'l'BE ACCEP'l'ED UN'l'IL ALL REQUIRED INFORMA'l'ION IS SUBMI'l''l'ED ********** TOV .COM M,Ot.MPt I.PROJECT INFORMATION: A . E. DESCRIPTION:~At .L C!',J n ~c A P J~(.-<'" fL "h_'F n '2'.L D P F..,,...~.E ~?l o --:-;.,<I'':(Lo -:-/5 dt!0 0 /1;.)1 .!2.c:S/0 6 A1 C F (I.Or-/('.i 0.;/:-.. f 0i r n /-'-1TrJ..../"r<C(~;)··JJ ·/7 :·V I fA~J I I-..'A/E:. j)AL ilteti 7?J ~().5C/f"PP.IY6 ~ B.TYPE OF REVIEW:1./~r /(,h't>uezrc~"~No~.i>Si~/W"Y ____New constructio~($200.00)I ><Minor Alteration ($20'1~~~ ____Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($O)~abs07 J C.ADDRESS:7 .~2~"./..;l,/i.(bT:"A:,-D F-;,\;-:.~:.-!-J ~,.);:;~.Jcg- D.LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot /6,I t-Block _ \/--);r.:..-7Subdivision//~I ".j-....c..'.,../···'i')/r I T(~-I .J If property is described by a meets and bounds legal description,please provide on a separate sheet and attach to this application. ZONING:.<>/.~.:.---'-....:::::....._---------------- NAME OF NAME OF Mailing F. G. H. I. LOT AREA:If required,applicant must provide a current stamped survey showing lot area.._ NAME OF APPLICANT:Orb./E:!o r -:F -r.:',;7!_./j ".j C ·;.:,!L ,/ ,Majling Address:(''<.'''''/'Z 2 z.2?' ~1/)I""j?'Phone A -/7~7 4 ,¢'"4- APPLICANT'S REPRESEN:rAJ'IVE:{(ILL 1,4 "Y V1 l 1 E.::)..:.'C[: Address:136><S:;IV.,lI,II,...If ./) ,Phone .;..7 )Uc'(."-::::;4 '7---------------- \l ', //:,-Ii .JL J (__I-"I i .•....../ J.Condominium Approval if applicable. FEE · $20.00 $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 -$10,000 $50,000 $150,000 $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 VALUATION DRB FEE:DRB 'fees,as shown above,are to be paid at the time of submittal of DRB application.Later,when applying for a building permit,please identify the ~~~ accurate valuation of the proposal.TheTown of Vail ~l -I will adjust the fee according to the table below,to I ~ ensure the correct fee is paid.V p~ FEEPAID:$<)/,.::.:.,fJrlJ / (JJJ FEE SCHEDULE: s °$10,001 $50,001 $150,001 $500,001 $Over K. .*DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES ONE YEAR AF'l'ER FINAL APPROVAL UNLESS A .BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. **NO APPLICA'l'ION WILL BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE 1 LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT:)(1,1771 /A-L LA1-/(::>:~c:rlPvVc:,..:::qe LoR=E £:.i;nt--I jZE?-5, LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT/O/lt-BLOCK __SUBDIVISION ~i L.-(;';;"7/\1'0 !3i-rc-lo-i STREETADDRESS:7 ;2,";/j 7~.ch /?"\~o i9:rrc.r-l r;e, DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:t:2fE'-.J!c>t:=:O LA "l h ~'::::cl-r-7lrJ /-FlI'1r-J ) AL.n 6/~C"ttJ02 (JI\J P,£!.CJ f->PIe-.r<-1 I II,IA The following information is required for submittal to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A.BUILDINGMATERIALS: Roof Siding Dther Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other TYPEOF MATERIAL '0 COLOR B.LANDSCAPING :Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical NameCommonName Quantity Size* -,..."...;r-r9-t-o\q-~"::w-p'h'-Q- ------:;'lA'r--+A-'-t!?7t0:J ""'~p l)O \AI'/r I V 1VII'Y1L:--1')1;..-Y7t -(\(i /.~,:v.fl e--\'-f IX "J 7 'l(Z'v I.-Of 1 7 ---__ EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees.Minimum caliper f or deciduous trees is 2 inches.Indicate height for coniferous trees.Minimum height for coniferous trees is 6 feet. 7 .;u . $250.00 $250.00 $200.00 TOTAL: t ; l ~rO()O(f4lfW);~DlTibNAL 'G R f<lES21~::;·p'.,;;,L""IC"",A~T=IO=N=="F",;;E,,·..;Es;;;;;·;;"'~~=~o=;~···~=--=r~==;~·=·~'"'2"'00"'7<.0~0 ~~";"';"9 ;; t 01000041330 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT $200.00 W-oT6o004133[j"""EXTERIOR ALTERATION [LESS THAN100SQ .FT.,$200.00 t:r...._9 1..otRJ0 41330..~}(T E R I 6R A LTE~T I O N LM QRg:tHAN 100 SQ.FT .'$5?r0""0..00"nI t ij-gt~-}~if ~~~E*l%~~~~~i~T~m~~}g-r~1~~A MENDJ n-~~:~·.,rlr.:.::.•.: i .:}-..J1.L()()9(j.11330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT [MINORAMEND I $200.00 : T 01000041 330 SUBDIVISION101000041330-'V'i-iA;R"~IA:-;;N..;.;C"';E~'----------------j---t----t--<=""";t----I H 1:010000 41 33!C ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS ;.•.~.·.'.i m 010000 41330 ~~~-E~~;:';O~N~I~N~G~-------------+---I ---i---"==f-------t!i\; i , ~OTHER i MO.#LI 1 CK.#I DATE,_I_'_ t'I>, \.)4).-/ REC.II~_ Misce ll aneo us Cash ·, 06 -21-94 15 :02:01 Re ceip t #151458 Reco u nt #CK #5913 FF.:ITZLE t·J,PI ERC E,ElF.:HlE R'·.PREPRrc C'RB i=lm oun t.t.end ~"?red ">20 .00 I t ern pa id Ct1ange returne d ~ Rrnou nt pa id 20.00 0.00 ...- Project Application D ate _~~~~~~_ Project N ame :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ P roject D esc ription J\QAA )tVv"{\/\/~I A,j\l\.AT~~_~~~~~~_ I'0 Contact Persona ndPh one _~~_~~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ Owner,Ad dressa ndPhone:i ,Qypv \)eA.,.J!j)t J--1VU!..&-et ~~~~~~~~~- '\ Ar chitect ,Address andPh on e:-@rJ i I if,(l if (J2..JPo~ca l \fa/1 I (jj DesignReviewBoard Date _~~~~~~_ Motio n by :_~~~~~~~~~_ Seconded by : A PP ROVA L D ISAPPROVA L AvO D ate :--*!c.L----e=-----+--L...C-~~--__ o Staff App rova l e revised 9/4/91' DRB DATE APPLICATION RECEIVE D: DATE OF ORB MEETING: E. F . G. ********** THISAPPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTILALL REQUIRED INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED ********** I.P RO JECT INF ORMATI ON: A .DESCRIPTION:Pn~UMf -h>r 181 .~Dc B .TYPE OFREVIEW: ~New Construction ($200 .00)Minor Alte ration ($20.00) Addition ($50.00)Conceptua l Review ($0) ~ADDRESS:16U<?w..m £htcjll,l,tV~_ D.LEGAL DESCRIPTIO~:.Lot _\0 Block ---.JL...._ Subdi vi sion Vo.-u r,,~to fl?ttyk,'---_ If pr opert y is d e sc ribed by a meets a nd boun ds l egal descri pt ion,please prov ideo na s ep ar at e sh eet an d a t ta ch to this app li ca ti on. ZON ING'iwo &~~frl ~/~ LOTAREA:If requ ired,applicant must provlde a cu r ren t I ,st a mped survey shQwlng lot area. NAME OF APPLICANT:~f?t~~~~~~J~A h~~~~~~~___ Mailing Address:,8:Jx 'J.~/tT Vall/CO.81b~8 ____~Phone 4 1fP '71./<84 H. 1. J . K. NAME OFAPPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE:t?1 n flaw Ma il in g Add r e.s s:.....,....-----flJ=.,.t-'-"-,-.!2..=..1--t--------V()).A ,.(/).6 1CPc?6 Ph one 3 7b'.p '2 4=~ NAME OF OWNERS~'D~we-~ *SIGNATURE (S):L-." Mailing Add:ress:p:B<>;~::;;3=V<t;;/,C o 'SIC se P hon e if 76 -7"1 <if 'I Co ndominium Appr oval if a p pli cabl e. ORB FEE:ORB fees,as sh own above ,a ret o be p aid a t th e timeo f submittal of ORBa ppl ic at i on .La te r,when applying for a building permit,pl ease identi fy the accurate valuation of the p roposal.The Tow n o f Vail wi ll adjust the fee according to the table below,to e nsure the correct fe e is paid. FEE PAID:$ FEESCHEDULE: VALUATION $0 $10,0 01 $50,001 $150,001 $50 0,001 $Over -$10,000 $5 0,000 $150,000 $500,000 $1,0 00,00 0 $1,0 00,0 00 FEE $20 .0 0 $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500 .00 *DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL APPROVAL UNLESSABUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. **NOAPPLICATION WILL BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE 1 •• f'lf'-c..1?-~.r.-......II--c .k ~!. II ~(.d...S fJ "'"J i hi L weri s cl ~fJ /A..t-i/Y;J /i '"yt r . ~cd~1 JIJ,·l-A-t4 e-!~~J eLL ,j., ".:' ,',..... ':,:. ", ~., ~" <t o"J."0 ' Filing ~~~~~ E xisting PHONE PHONE 1)Flood Plain 2)Percent Slope Permitted Slope ~Actual Slope Date approved by Town E~i~eer: Yes No ~,1 ??-:- 3'/6' -.1i..Reqrd (300)(600)(900) 20' IS' IS' B16ck (30)(50) &4 0 1..' U Vl~&..I """t .u .:.,.........\, FOR • R,R PIS ZONE DIST RIC Front Sides Rear Parking Drive: View C'Jrridor Encroachment: Enviro nmental/Hazards: Reta in ing Wall Heights Garage Credit Site CfJverage Landsc <:1ping Water Course Setback Setbac ks Allowed Height **LOT SIZE PROPOSED USE ARCHITECT ?:Yt I.)9,Wr1h ZONE DISTRICT -f?+.i ~~~,__ p')!7 OWNER •R, DATE:1§f?J)(&\3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot ADDRESS: .''.":.:""3)Geologic Hazards ', a )SI1 9JLA~l anche,,...,,..-:.;..;. b )-Rockfa 1 :.:>_lo.:.l!-t+-J~_a.~....;,. ~)Debris Flow J:-------~--:;---.;4)Wetlands ',. Previous conditions of approval (check 'p ro p er ~y 'fife):'~~,'; Does this request involve a 250 Addition?I\JO .,', How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with,this request?__~_ **Note:Under Sections 18.12.090(B)and 18.13.080(B)of the Municipal';},,:;? Code,lots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary wh i.ch i'a re less than:',:;:.':,i,::, 15,000 sq.ft.in area may not construct a second dwelling unit.'The ::::~;:j :;i Community Development Department may grant an exception .t;o this ,''(::.(,:l'+:~'t restriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth 'under ;'::<;,<i~ Sections 18.12.090(B)and 18.13.080(B)of the Municipal :Code including,:.;',:};: permanently restricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for full ~\,~~ time employees of the Upper Eagle Valley.'"':,h ::,~';' r~y ~~?J~,~···.•.i~~"ti~t \(30)(33) Total GRFA )'(,!_. Ptiliial::Y-GRFA ~,.ecl::r +425 '=_'_ ";";;":,.-Fr17\1:",-"Se"COndary GRF AP,.,w ~+425 _ .:;" .',."., •• \~')a+'?7!I;;PZL -e.,c J-f "?5:"-Q7.1 -f ~~S[ ]/(.--5 .~6 "'71 ~G-5 -S~SI -r b~£:p;l EdandJudyCohen 181 MeadowDrive,Suite200 Vail,CO81657 ArtAbplanalp Cosgriff,DunnandAbplanalp 108SouthFrontageRoad Vail,CO81657 AndrewandLucindaDaly clo VailAssociates P.O.Box7 Vail,CO81658 BillPierce P.O.Box57 Vail,CO81658 GeorgeWiegers clo MatthewsandAssociates P.O .Box3567 Vail,CO81658 SteveLoper P.O.Box2223 Vail,CO81658 75Sou th Frontage Road Vail,Co lorado 8165 7 3 03 -479 -2138/479-2139 FAX303 -479-2452 May 20,1993 ToInterestedParties • Department of Community Development OnJune2,1993,aproposalforasecondaryunitattheLoperresidenceatLot15,VailPotato PatchFiling No.1 willbereviewedbytheDesignReview Board .Thismeetingstartsat3 :00 p .m.andwillbeheldintheTownCouncilChambers.Plansoftheproposalareavailableat theTownofVailCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentforreview.Copiesoftheplansare availableat$7.00asheet. Ifyouhaveanyquestionsregardingthis application,pleasecontactShellyMello,Town Planner,orKristanPritz,CommunityDevelopmentDirector,at479-2138. Sincerely, ~'lJtQf\r~1t. KristanPritz DirectorofCommunityDevelopment _p~o Mlj ", ;I ~0rf,{)L<(yYt,-'(F'L E"COpy w v Vl...JUV ~"~iI6 '6)"'1 to prepare this issue for the ballot this-f;"l l.,.-----ll---- Before discussion of Agenda Item No.5,Larry Eskwith recommended Council adjourn fora brief Executive Session.Tom Steinberg moved that Council adjourn to Executive Session, with asecond from Jim Shearer.Beforeavotewas taken,Mayor Osterfoss noted that,due to conflict ofinterest,Bob Buckley would not participate in this Executive Session discussion or discussion of Agenda Item No.5.Avote was taken and the motion passed 5-0-1;Bob Buckley abstaining. Council reconvened at 10:05P.M. Item No.5 was an appeal of the Design Review Board's (DRB)March 17,1993,decision approving the primary unit at 784 Potato Patch/Lot 15Nail Potato Patch.The applicant was Loper Development.The appellants wereAndy and Lucinda Daly and Mr.and Mrs.George Wiegers,represented by Art Abplanalp,attorney with the lawofficesof Dunn,Abplanalp & Christensen.Shelly Mello noted the DRB had unanimously approved the application fora primary un it on March 17,1993,with the condition that the application meet zoning.There werealsotwo recommendations to t he applicant,the first being that the applicant amend the landscaping plan to include adjacent properties;the second being that stone be added to the lower levelof the building.Shelly indicated there was an unusual situation with this appeal in that the secondary unit on this property was approved in October,1992,prior to approval of the primary unit and was currently under construct.ion.Mayor Osterfoss noted,i nadd ition to the Design Review considerations on appeal toCouncil,there were other appealspending that wouldbe dealt with bythe Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC).Those other appeals would not be subjects of discussion at this meeting.Larry Eskwith confirmed that the only concerns tobe considered byCouncil during this appealswere those items related to the Design Review Guidelines.Larry referred specifically to Section 6ofMr. Abplanalp's March 23,1993,letter of appeal.Section 6of that letter referred specifically to Design Review Guidelines 18.54.050.A.l,18.54.050.A.2,18.M.050.B.l,18.54.050.B.2(a-e), concerning compatibility with existing structures,building sites and unique land forms and features,location and configuration of structures and accessways with regard to existing topography,massing,terrain,proximity to adjacent properties,drainage,and general impact of proposed projects upon adjoining properties. Mr.Abplanalp's letter of March 23 ,1993 ,indicated two adjacent property owners,Mr .and Mrs.Wiegers and Mr.and Mrs .Daly,disagreed with the DRB's determination that the proposal and plans fora primary residence tobe located on the onLot15,Block I,Vail Potato Patch,conformed with requirements oftheTownofVail Municipal Code.In that letter,Mr.Abplanalp referred to aspects hefelt central to requirement for the disapproval of the proposal and plans submitted by Loper Construction Services,Inc.,including uncertainty regarding GRFA and compliancy with other land use regulations,previous representation and reliance upon location and sizeof building and building envelope, violation of height limitation,absence ofamodel,ineffective staking and inspection,and violations of Design Review Guidelines.His letter concluded that premature consideration of the Loper application without zoning review,the mass of the proposed structure,its proximity to Potato Patch Drive,its configuration on the terrain,its height,and the GRFA proposed tobe constructed violated either the letter or the intent,or both,of the design review regulations and the zoning codeof the TownofVail.Mr .Abplanalp reviewed the chronologyof this project,noting that between the time of the approval of the secondary unit in October,1992,and the primary unit,there had been a change of architects.Bill Pierce of Fritzlen Pierce Briner was the new architect engaged to complete the project,and because of the configuration of the lot and the plan asawhole,options for development ofthe primary unit were limited.The developer decidedto maximize the square footage,but in such away as it was not the same plan the applicants presented to the DRB in the fallof1992,when the secondary unit was approved.Mr.Abplanalp felt there were procedural errors related toGRFA determinations and zoning.Mayor Osterfoss advised that that wasoneof the issues being handled by the PEC.Larry Eskwith indicated the project,in fact,had been foundto be in compliance with zoning regulations.Secondly,Larry felt the record wouldshow that when the issue was originally raised at the March 17,1993,DRB meeting,noone had objected to proceeding with the project.Kristan Pritz confirmed that noone had objected. Mr.Abplanalp felt this was oneof the difficulties of having adenovo hearing.Mr. Abplanalp's recollection was that when the question was raised,he illustrated a problem on the plan relating to the GRFA determination.He submitted there was improper consideration because the peoplewhowere there had no opportunity to review the 2 .. determinations.In retrospect,Mayor Osterfoss asked if aGRFA check wasdoneon this project.Shelly confirmed it had been,and the project was found tobe under its allowable GRFA.She added the space Mr.Abplanalp was speaking of had been addressed at the hearing. Mr.Abplanalp fully reviewed the history of the property.Hefelt this residence did not comply with the Design Review Guidelines.There wasa review of those guidelines.Mayor Osterfoss asked Mr.Abplanalp to highlight the sections hefeltwere not incompliance.He highlighted Sections 18.54.050.A.1,18.54.050.A .2,18 .54.050.B.1,18.54.050.B.2(a-e),and he offered specificsto illustrate whyhefelt those were not in compliance.He distributed two exhibits,a page of notes fromaDRB meeting,and a list of thirteen proposed findings,any oneofwhichhe felt warranted reversal of the approval of this project. There was discussion regarding whether or not the landscaping on the site was adequate and whether or not the adjacent property owners couldwork together on the landscaping issue. Mr .Loper was willing to work with the neighbors on this point.Kristan believed that the DRBfelt the landscaping plan was adequate.George Lamb,DRB Chairman,confirmed that the DRBfelt that the landscaping plan was adequate,and added that the applicant was willing to locate landscaping on neighbor's property to create a natural edge rather than a straight lineof trees.Shelly added the staff was concerned with how that was being handled. If landscaping wastogo onto the Cohen residence to thewest and the Daly residence to the east,then those residents needed to be co-applicants ona single application for the landscape plan.Mr.Abplanalp felt,that although the landscaping was deemed adequate and was not a condition,the affect of that was that one property wouldbe permitted tobedeveloped in such away that it couldbe maximized onlyby incorporating other property owned by neighbors in the mitigation plan,making the plan dependant,not self-sufficient.Mr.Lamb disagreed.He felt the applicant agreeing toa landscape flow showed sensitivity on the applicant's part to the neighbors'concerns.Hefelt this wasawayto create amore natural streetscape. George Wiegers,property owner to the south of the proposed Loper development,felt the representations made in the October,1992,hearings were not followed.His primary objection was to the mass of the proposed building.His secondary objection was that the mass of the buildings did not allow any roomfor drainage,whichhe said wasa problem on that road.Hefelt the project would diminish the value ofhis property. There was discussion about allowable heights of retaining walls as stated in Section 18.58. Shelly Mello said an issue that comes up quite often was the question of when something becomea retaining wall when it was part of the structure.In this case,staff determined that this element was in fact part of the structure,it was not a retaining wall,and because of that it had tobe added to the setback.Shelly said the slopeof the cut slopewasless than 2:1, which Mayor Osterfoss added was akey point related to the Design Review Guidelines. Betsy Wiegers asked why,after originally disapproving the project,the DRB then approved it a month later.To try to clarify this forMrs.Wiegers,Larry Eskwith and Mayor Osterfoss explained height and site coverage issues were not part of the DRB's function.Larry Eskwith felt that zoning gave individuals certain development rights related to height,site coverage, and interior volume (GRFA).Hefelt the Design Review Guidelines allowed individuals to utilize their development rights as set by the zoning code.He advised that the Design Review Guidelines picked up where zoning ended.He explained that the Design Review Guidelines came into play with regard to where a structure wouldbe positioned on the site tobe most appropriate in terms of its compatibility with the neighborhood.But the DRB,nor Council,had the right to determine the appropriate useof these items because those were "by right"criteria,not conditional uses,or special use permit requirements. AndyDaly,adjacent property owner to the east,said the results of the October 21,1992, meeting which approved the secondary unit now under construction and near completion were based ona site plan and model showing a relationship of the secondary and primary units and how the primary unit would sit on the lot.He said they had some objections to the secondary unit,but,Mr.Daly said the Loper's responded to those objections.They were sensitive to landscaping and to some subtleties in design.As a result,Mr.Daly no longer objected to the secondary unit because the project on its own seemed to make sense.He said the DRB went through the whole process and began tosee the relationships of the primary and secondary unit.He said he specifically asked the architect at that meeting about the 3 , building envelope,feeling it lookedto small to accommodate a primary unit.The architect reassured Mr.Daly that it was adequate to handle that.Mr.Dalywas not challenging Mr. Loper's ability or right to build the square footage proposed,but henow challenged the lack of sensitivity and difference of the project from representations originally made.He thought those representations were the same as those made to the DRB.He pointed out that the DRB had onlyone continuing member of that Board,sohefelt there was an incongruity in what had happened since fournew members had been appointed to the Board.In addition, he asked whether the DRB failed to consider the massiveness and compatibility of the structure with the neighborhood.Hefelt the original plan considered that.He said hewould not have been supportive of the original plan i f there had not been certain representations he believed the previous DRB relied on.He distributed a computer generated photo based on the drawings provided.Hefelt this photo showed the massiveness of the project relative to the rest of the neighborhood.He noted other adjacent neighbors,Karen Josephson and Phil Freedman were unable to attend this evening's meeting,but they had sent a letter voicing their objections to Council.Dr.Cohen,another neighbor,also had signed a letter expressing concern about what was originally represented and what wasbefore them now. Hefelt the DRB's mission wastosee that structures met zoning requirements and to ensure that what was planned was consistent with what was already being developed or had been developed in the neighborhood while still allowing anew building tobe designed in such a way that the owner could maximize what was permitted on the site.Hefelt the DRBwas not protecting adjacent property owners.He acknowledged someof this wasdueto things beyond anyone's control,such as turnover on the DRB and lossof the tape of comments related to the representations that were originally made,and he hoped Councilwould realize that and ask the Loper's to re-examine the original building design so the neighbors were not faced with a footprint 70%larger than originally represented.Mr.Daly said there were approximately 40 changes made on the secondary unit after it had been approved.Hefelt it was important forCouncilto realize that the adjacent property owner's"wanted protection and felt that the process had broken down through a series of mechanisms,and asa result, hefelt the project should be required tobe re-thought. Lucinda Daly expressed concern aboutpotential lossof the view corridor at Potato Patch if the second phase of this project went ahead.She hoped the impact of the second phase could be reduced so it couldgo back on the originally proposed footprint and still get the square footageallowed.Mayor Osterfoss noted there wereno provisions within the Design Review Guidelines relating to impact fromviewson adjacent properties. Mr.Abplanalp reviewed differences in the maps from what Council had seen during a site visit earlier this date and repeated that the appellants major concerns were the mass and the siting.Mr.Abplanalp said the original architect represented to the DRB and adjacent property owners that this building couldbe constructed and effectively maximized within the envelope originally represented to the DRB in October,1992 .He suggested without enforcement of zoning codes,peoplewould find loopholes in the zoning code and misuse the process. Bill Pierce reviewed the history ofthe proposed construction of this project,responded to Mr. Abplanalp's March 23,1993,letter point bypoint,and compared the particulars of the Wiegers'and Daly's residences to the proposed Loper residence.As everyone agreed,only the secondary unit gained approval in the fallof1992,and Mr.Pierce did not believe the location of the primary unit wasaspecificof condition of approval for the secondary unit.On February 3,1993,there wasa conceptual review of the primary unit.He said the DRB required that both units be entirely compatible in architectural style and detail.He said he altered the size,style,and percentage of openings.Council reviewed and questioned various aspects of displayed blueprints of the project.There was a review of elevations of the project. Tom Steinberg initiated discussion about changes made to the project without design review. Hefelt this was happening far too often and should not be allowed.Mayor Osterfoss felt it was important in this case tolook at what was built and ascertain whether or not that was compatible with the proposal for the primary unit.She said,according to the DRB,the design was compatible at this point.Mr.Pierce felt it was important to note there wasno discussion at the February 3,1993,meeting regarding any objection to the massing,siting, or setback issues that came up at a later date. After further review of the chronology of the history of this project,including some debate about technicalities cited in Mr.Abplanalp's March 23,1993,letter,BillLoper noted most of the numerous change made on the initial submittal were made because the DRBfelt they 4 ,' ",•,, wouldbe more appropriate.Healso noted he called the Daly's when he first purchased the lot and indicated the Loper's wanted to share hisroad.That proved not tobe possible for legal reasons.He noted it was a difficult site to build on,and they have spent a great deal of time trying to work out the lot.He said they always intended todevelopa house as large as was permitted,and the original footprint did not indicate hewas not going to try to build approximately 3,700feet.Mr.Loper explained the firing of his first architect and the engagement ofMr.Pierce because it was felt he understood the property,the DRB,and what the Loper's were trying todo.He said most of the things they have tried todo had been in an effort to mitigate the impact his project would have.Hefelt the plans shown represented afair attempt at trying todo what would satisfy everyone. After further discussion and review of several related sections of the Design Review Guidelines,she noted by right,zoning on this site was not superseded by the Design Review Guidelines.Larry Eskwith confirmed that was accurate.After individual Council member input was heard,RobLeVinemoved to overturn the DRBdecision approving the Loper application based on non-compliance with the Design Review Guidelines,specifically Chapter 18.54.050,Section A,Section B(l)and B(2),and Section 1.Tom Steinberg seconded the motion.Avote was taken and the motion passed,4-1-1,Jim Shearer opposed;BobBuckley abstaining. Bob Buckley rejoined Council. Item No.6 was an appeal ofaPEC approval toallowaTypeII Employee Housing Unit to be constructed onLot41JGlenLyon/1210 Westhaven Lane.The appellant was Kristen Blume.The applicant was Larry Grace.Andy Knudtsen noted that the applicant's request foran EHU TypeII required conditional use approval from the PEC.He r\tviewed the March 22,1993,CDDmemoto the PEC including a description of the request,a zoning analysis, criteria and findings,and staff recommendations.Andy called attention to the EHU Criteria and noted allof the criteria for this request were met without question.He said staff and PEC believed that the request met the conditional use criteria He emphasized No.3 regarding the effect upon traffic.He noted the amount of traffic the proposed EHU would generate in the neighborhood was the focusof discussion of this appeal from the viewoftwo neighbors at this meeting.Kristen Blume expressed concern about the density and traffic flow throughout Glen Lyon.She did not feel the PEC had taken adequate consideration of the problems that extra housing would cause in the area.Mr.Grace felt this was agood area to accommodate employee housing,and explained his plans for having a caretaker on the site as he was onlya part-time resident.He stated he understood the street there now serving onehomewastobe widened not onlyto permit accessto his site,but other sites planned for development.Howard Stone,a resident two sites to the west of the subject property,agreed with Mr.Grace about the buildablilty of the site,and felt the requested EHU wouldbe compatible from an architectural standpoint.Hedid not believe,however,that anyone had taken into consideration exactly where this site was.Hedidfeel the Town had a need for employee housing,that staff encouraged Mr.Grace to consider this,but he referred to a number of problems with Westhaven Drive,including that it was the only road to the subject site.He,like Ms.Blume,was concerned about future requests from other homeowners in the area should Council later observe problems with too many EHUs there. After further discussion,Larry Eskwith confirmed that under Ordinance No.1,Series of 1993,Westhaven Road wouldbe dedicated toTOV and brought up toTOV standards.Andy Knudtsen noted currently the private driveway leading from Westhaven Drive tofourlotsin the subject area was substandard.He said Mr .Grace's development,with or without the EHU,required upgrading the driveway to18'in width plus l'shoulders on either side.Greg Hall said standards fora private road was22'feetwide,however,the easement that was dedicated in the plat which could not be changed at this point was20'.Greg indicated the easement had been fully utilized as based on the plat,and that was part ofa prior agreement with the Forest Service.After brief discussion,Jim Gibsonmovedto uphold the PEC decision toallowa Type II EHU to be constructed onLot41,GlenLyon Subdivision/1212 Westhaven Lane with findings per stall's memo.RobLeVine seconded the motion.Avotewas taken and the motion passed unanimously,6-0. Item No.7 was aVailTown Council appeal ofaDRB decision regarding final design approval of the Spraddle Creek Subdivision,located to the northeast of the Main Vail1-70 interchange. The applicants wereSBC Development Corporation,represented by Emil Rothlisberger and Jay Peterson.MikeMollica reviewed hismemoto the DRB dated March 17,1993,detailing 5 75SouthFrontageRoad Vail,Colorado 81657 303 -479-2138/479-2139 FAX 303-479-2452 April27.1994 Mr.GeorgeWeigers 230BridgeStreet Vail,CO81657 ,, FILE COpy Department ofCommunity Development RE:TheLoperResidence,Lot15,Block1,VailPotatoPatch DearGeorge: As wediscussedonthetelephoneWednesday,April27,1994,thestaffanticipatesthatthe framinginspectionfortheLoperresidencewillberequestedshortly.Atthattime,the contractorwillhavetoprovideanimprovementlocationcertificate,stampedbyasurveyor, identifyingthelocationofalloftheconstructedimprovements.Thiswillincludetheheightof allroofridges.Atthattime,oneoftheplannersonstaffwillverifythattheconstruction complieswiththeapprovedplans. Ispokewiththebuildinginspectorwhoisdoingtheinspectionsonthisresidence,Chuck Feldmann,andhetoldmethatatthistime,itappearsthatalloftheconstructionconforms withtheapprovedplans.Ifyoudonotmindwaitingapproximatelytwotofourweeks,thestaff willbeabletousethesurveyinformationtoverifythatthisisthecase . Irecallthatmanyneighborswereinvolvedinthereviewprocessofthisprojectandwillwant toseethattheagreementsreachedduringthepublichearingswillbecarriedout.Thestaff willhelpyouinanywaywecaninthiseffort.Pleasecallmeat303-479-2138ifyouhaveany other questions . Sincerely,Ii .J;r::#c!~ AndyKnudtsen '-/ SeniorPlanner xc:BillPierce KristanPritz ChuckFeldmann ·.~,,, ~~ITlaw~ APR ~~'ag 4 TO V·CO lvli VI.DEV,DEPT. DearKristan, April18,1994 KristanPritz CommunityDevelopmentDirector 75 SOUnl Frontage Road. Vail,CO81657 Wiegers &Co. 230 tBriage Street o/ai{,Colorado 81657 (303 )4 76-0878 Consideringthecontroversyover784PotatoPaDrivethatexistedamongthe neighbors,DesignReviewBoardandeventuallytheTownCouncilItrustthatyour department hasmonitoredconstructiontoinsurethatthenewunithasbeenbuilt accordingtoplanandthatrequiredmodifications of thefirstunithavebeenmade. Iwouldappreciateconfirmationthatinspectionshavebeenmadeandthatconstruction isgoingaccordingtoplan. y ,'/..LJw.CJ-"'o L-~ttr d J :'~rgeWiegers ,Jr (/ ThomasMoorhead ./y7 cc:)QY~.ArthurAbplanalp .{p 1'cc > ~[(l r;r?l-yl 1>, V +~ •• DateReceivedbytheCommunityDevelopment Department:....-_ APPLICATIONFOR CONDOMINIUMITOWNHOUSE PLAT REVIEW (Chapter17.22VailMunicipal Code) (pleaseprintortype) 4...K F Lc,er :#5'0 V:;I ('a lf~S7 APPLICANT W,·t{;alM.L0 o~r .. I MAILINGADDRESS Z.Z.u)ttee:JQ W Or 't7~-¥ttLPHONE'--_---''--<--=-_-..:............''''''-=_ A. B.APPLICANTS REPRESENTATIVE,_ 'UI F 4 7"'f-'t82. {)4,'/Ct2 g/,S7 OWNER'SSIGNATU ....~~"""""c:....r::~=.L_' MAILINGADDRESS Z l.t-o tf~4 'cL tU Or ff ~C> ADDRESS , C. D.LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: STREETADDRESS 78lf-(JJ.a:l.aJklc..~Dr Va,'/Co gm,5Z LOT I~BLOCK I SUBDIVISION~FILlNG _ E.APPLICATIONFEE$100.00 PAIDCHECK #DATE._ F.MATERIALSTOBESUBMITTED: 1.arcopiesandonepapercopyofthesubdivision platshallbesubmitted pmentofCommunityDevelopment.Theplatshallincludeasite hefollowingreq.ements: Thefialpia rawnbyaregisteredsurveyorinIndiaink,or otherbs I Is fon,onareproducible medium(preferablymylar) whiionftwnty-fourbythirty-sixinchesandshallbeatascale f.1 0 undredfeettooneinchorlargerwithmarginsofoneandone- I h fto 0 inchesonthe leftandone-halfinchonallothersides. b.Accuratedimensionstothenearestone-hundredthofafootforalllines, anglesandcurvesusedtodescribeboundaries,streets,setbacks, alleys,easements,structures,areastobereservedordedicatedfor publicorcommonusesandotherimportantfeatures.Allcurvesshallbe circulararcsandshallbedefinedbytheradius,centralangle,arc scoreddistancesandbearing.Alldimensions,both linearandangular, aretobedeterminedbyanaccuratecontrolsurveyinthefieldwhich mustbalanceandclosewithinalimitofoneintenthousand . c.Northarrowandgraphicscale. d.Asystematicidentificationofallexistingandproposedbuildings,units, lots,blocks,andnamesforallstreets. 1 •• e.Anidentificationofthestreets,alleys,parks,andotherpublicareasor facilitiesasshownontheplat,andadedicationthereoftothepublic use.Anidentificationoftheeasementsasshownontheplatanda grantthereoftothepublicuse.Areasreservedforfuturepublic acquisitionshallalsobeshownonthe plat. f.Awrittensurveydescriptionoftheareaincludingthetotalacreagetothe nearestappropriatesignificantfigure.Theacreageofeachlotorparcel shallbeshowninthismanneraswell. g.Adescriptionofallsurveymonuments,bothfoundandset,whichmark theboundariesofthesubdivision,andadescriptionofallmonuments usedinconductingthesurvey.MonumentperimeterperColorado statutes.Twoperimetermonumentsshallbeestablishedasmajor controlmonuments,thematerialswhichshallbedeterminedbythetown engineer. h.Astatementbythelandsurveyorexplaininghowbearingbasewas determined. i.AcertificatebytheregisteredlandsurveyorasoutlinedinChapter17.32 ofthistitleastotheaccuracyofthesurveyandplat,andthatthesurvey wasperformedbyhiminaccordancewithColoradoRevisedStatutes 1973,Title38,Article51. j.AcertificatebyanattomeyadmittedtopracticeintheStateofColorado, orcorporatetitleinsurer.thattheowner(s}ofrecorddedicatingtothe publicthepublicright-of-way,areasorfacilitiesasshownthereonare theownersthereofinfeesimple,freeandclearofallliensand encumbrancesexceptasnoted. k.Theproperformforfilingoftheplatwith the EagleCo.unty Clerkand Recorder. I.Certificateofdedicationandownership.Shouldthecertificateof dedicationandownershipprovideforadedicationoflandor improvementstothepublic,allbeneficiariesofdeedsoftrustand mortgageholdersonsaidrealpropertywillberequiredtosignthe certificateofdedicationandownershipinadditiontothefeesimple ownerthereof. \ n .Signatureofowner. m.AllcurrenttaxesmustbepalpriortotheTown'sapprvalofplat.This includestaxeswhichhavebeenbilledbutarenotyetdue.The certificateoftaxespaidmust be signedontheplatorastatementfrom theEagleCountyAssessor'sOffice must beprovidedwithsubmittal informationstatingthatalltaxeshavebeenpaid. 2.Thecondominiumortownhouseplatshallalsoincludefloorplans,elevations andcross-sectionsasnecessarytoaccuratelydetermineindividualairspaces and/orotherownershipsandiftheprojectwasbuiltsubstantiallythesameas theapprovedplans. 3..Acopyofthecondominiumdocumentsforstaffreviewtoassurethatthereare maintenanceprovisionsincludedforallcommonlyownedareas. G.APPROVALPROCESS,REVIEWCRITERIA Uponreceivingtwocopiesofacompletesubmittalalongwithpaymentofthe appropriatefee ,thezoningadministratorshallrouteonecopyofthesitemaptothe townengineerforhisreview.Thezoningadministratorshallthenconductthisreview concurrently.Thetownengineershallreviewthesubmittalandreturncommentsand 2 ""... notificationstothezoning administrator whoshalltransmittheapproval,disapproval or approvalwithmodificationsoftheplatwithin fourteendaystotheapplicant.The zoning administrator shallsigntheplatifapprovedorrequiremodificationsontheplat forapprovalordenyapprovalduetoinconsistencieswiththeoriginallyapprovedplan orfailuretomakeotherrequiredmodificationsoftheplat. H.FILINGANDRECORDING Thezoningadministratorshallbethefinalsignaturerequiredontheplatsothatthe DepartmentofCommunityDevelopmentwillberesponsiblefor promptly recordingthe approvedplatwiththeEagleCountyClerkandRecorder .Feesforrecordingshallbe paidbytheapplicant.TheCommun ity DevelopmentDepartmentwillretainonemylar copyoftheplatfortheir recordsandwillrecordtheremain ing mylarcopy . I.Ifthisapplicationrequiresaseparatereviewbyanylocal,StateorFederalagency otherthantheTownofVail,theapplicationfeeshallbeincreasedby$200.00. Examplesofsuchreview ,mayinclude,butarenotlimitedto :ColoradoDepartmentof HighwayAccessPermits,ArmyCorpsofEngineers404,etc. Theapplicantshallberesponsibleforpayinganypublishing feeswhichareinexcess of50%oftheapplicationfee.If,attheapplicant'srequest,anymatterispostponedfor hear ing,causingthemattertobere-publ ished,thentheentirefeeforsuchre- publicationshallbepaidbytheapplicant. ApplicationsdeemedbytheCommunityDevelopmentDepartmenttohave significant design,landuseorotherissueswhichmayhaveasignificantimpactonthe communitymayrequirereviewbyconsultantsotherthantownstaff.Shoulda determ ination bemadebythetownstaff thatanoutsideconsultant isneededtoreview anyapplicat ion,theCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentmayhire anoutside consultant,itshallestimate theamountofmoneynecessarytopayhim orherandthis amountshallbeforwardedtotheTownbytheapplicantatthetimehefileshis applicat ion withtheCommunityDevelopmentDepartment.Uponcompletionofthe reviewoftheapplicationbytheconsultant,anyofthefundsforwardedbytheapplicant forpaymentoftheconsultantwh ich havenotbeenpaidtotheconsultantshallbe returnedtotheapplicant.ExpensesincurredbytheTowninexcessoftheamount forwardedbytheapplicat ion sha ll bepaidtotheTownbytheapplicantwithin30days ofnot ification bytheTown . 3 f2rt~1460 1 (:>G--.:rL-IFf'~ $ul11:lol Avl-ru>f!.rA L 0 Report Date:08/26/94 SUD 14 -147-4 ORDERNO: VENDORNO: STEVELOPER 784WPOTATOPATCHDRIVE VAIL,CO81657 2."Z W .....~,;)yy.r<.. ft3 tLiJ • /Ie..I c».£t (".f( EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER CERTIFICATE OF TAXESDUE SCHEDULENO:R009546 ASSESSEDTO : LOPER,WILLIAMD.&ANNF . POBOX2223 VAIL,CO81658 Page:1. SITUSADD: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SUB:VAlL POTATOPATCHBLK:ILOT:15AND/THRU:LOT: BK:0316PG :0871 BK:0348 PG:0798 BK:0516 PG:0708 BK:0578PG:0403 DESC:BK-BK.Q516 PG-0806BK-0516 PG-O 807 WD CLASS:0100ASSDVAL :110930 PARCEL:210106301002 000784POTATOPATCHDRVAl81657 TAXYEAR TAX AMOUNT 19~0.00 TOTAL TAXES INT AMOUNT 0.00 ADV,PEN,MISC TOTAL DUE 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 ASSESSMENT TOTAL ASMT CERTIFICATE TOTALCERT ASMTAMOUNT CERTAMOUNT INT AMOUNT INT AMOUNT ADV,PEN,MISC REDEMPTFEE TOTAL DUE 0.00 TOTAL DUE 0.00 GRAL'ID TOTAL DUE GOOD THROUGH 09/30/94 0.00 ORIGINAL TAX BILLING FOR 1993 Authority EAGLECOUNTY CMC RE50J SCHOOL TOWNOFVAIL MINTURN CEMETERY DISTRIC VAILPARK &RECREA nON DI COLORADORIVERWATERCO VAILWATERDISTRICT VAILWATER &SANITATIOND VAILVALLEYCONSOLIDATED UPPEREAGLEVALLEYCONSO EAGLECOUNTYEMERGENCY Mill Levy 10.018 3.997 28.306 6.200 0.027 1.321 0.394 0.000 1.179 1.334 0.704 1.169 54.649 Amount 1111.27 443.39 3139.99 687.77 3.00 146.54 43.71 0.00 130.79 147.98 78 .09 129.68 6062.21 FEE FOR THIS CERTIFICATE 10.00 TAXLIENSALE AMOUNT ISSUBJECTTOCHANGEDUETO ENDORSEMENT OFTHECURRENTTAXBYCERTOF PURCHASE HOLDER. AFTERSEPT.I ,PERSONAL PROP.&MOBILEHOMEAMOUNTISSUBJECTTOCHANGE.AFTEROCT.IREAL PROP.TAX AMOUNT ISSUBJECTTO CHANGE.PLEASECONTACTTHETREASURERSOFFICEFORCORRECTAMOUNTPRIORTO REMITTING . SPECIALTAXINGDISTRICTSANDTHEBOUNDARIESOFSUCHDISTRICTS MAYBE ONFILEWITHTHEBOARDOF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS,THECOUNTYCLERK,ORTHECOUNTYASSESSOR. Th is certificatedoesnotincludelandorimprovementsassessedundera separateschedule number,personalpropertytaxes, transferlaxormisc .laxcollected 00 behalfofotherentities,specia l orlocalimprovementdistrictassessmentsof mobilehomes,unlessspecificallymentioned . .:-: I,theunders igned,dohereby certifythattheentireamountoftaxesdueupon the abovedescribedparcelsofreal property and alloutstandingsalesforunpaidtaxesasshownbytherecordsinmy officefromwhichthesamemay still be redeemedwiththeamountrequiredforredemptionareasnotedherein .Inwitnesswhereof,Ihavehereunto setmyhandandsealthis 08/26/94. TREASURER,EAGLE COUNTY,SHERRY BRANDON,BY i\\C-',\(:\(~K J,.'k.~ .,<., '2 -.{O I~ CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION FOR CONDOMINIUMS AT LOT 15,BLOCK I,VAIL/POTATO PATCH William D.Loper and Ann F.Loper ("Declarants")are the owners of real property (the "Property")situate in the County of Eagle,State of Colorado,knownasLot 15,Block I,Vail/Potato Patch consisting of 34,616 square feet (.0794 acres). Declarants desire to establish a condominium project and to define the character,duration,rights,obligations and limitations of condominium ownership .Two residences and related improvements are being constructed onthe property,which buildings and improvements shall consist of separately designated "Units"and "Limited Common Elements"assuch terms are hereinafter defined. Declarants do hereby establish a plan forthe ownership and useoftheunits and limited common elements assuch terms are hereinafter defined anda membership in the Association as such term is hereinafter defined. DECLARATION Declarants do hereby subject the Property tothis Declaration and publish and declare that the following terms,covenants,conditions,easements,restrictions,uses, reservations,limitations and obligations shall be deemed to run withtheland,shallbea burden and a benefit tothe Declarants,their successors and assigns,and any person acquiring or owning an interest inthereal property whichisor becomes subject tothis Declaration and improvements built thereon,their grantees,successors,heirs,personal representatives,devisees or assigns. 1.Definitions.As used III this Declaration,unless otherwise expressly provided: a.The term "Assessment"means the annual special and default assessment levied pursuant to paragraph gbelow. b.The term "Association"means Lot 15,BlockI,Vail/Potato Patch Homeowners Association,a Colorado non-profit corporation. c.The term "Association-owned Property"means the common parcel as shown onthe plat and all improvements and fixtures ofanykind whatsoever located thereon,and all other real property and improvements,ifany,inwhichthe Association owns an interest forthe common use and enjoyment of all owners ona non-exclusive basis .Such interest may include,without limitation,estates infeefor terms of years or easements. d.The term "Building"means any building improvements containing one unit located on the Property and allsuch building improvements,andthe term "Buildings"means one or more units.A building and allofits interior and exterior walls (exceptpartywalls),floors,ceilings,balconies,chutes,flues,ducts,wires,conduits,bearing and non-bearing walls,doorsteps,patios,exterior doors,windowsandall other fixtures are limited common elements asdefinedbelow. e.The term "Bylaws"meansthebylaws adopted bytheAssociation, as amended fromtimetotime. f.The term "CommonExpenses"means: (1)allexpensesexpressly declared tobecommonexpensesby this Declaration orbythebylawsofthe Association; (2)all other expensesof administering,servicing,conserving, managing,maintaining,repairing or replacing the general common elements; (3)thepro rata share ofanyexpensesassessedagainstthe Property; (4)insurance premiums fortheInsurance carried under paragraph 9 herein,and (5)allexpenseslawfully determined tobe common expenses bythe Board ofthe Directors ofthe Association. g.The term "Common Parcel"meansLot 15,Block1,Vail/Potato Patch consistingof 34,616 square feet (.0794 acres)as described ontheplat,includingthe drivewayandexceptingonly Unit 15W and 15E as described onthemap,andthelimited common elements as designated onthemap. h.The term "Declaration"means this instrument andall amendments or supplements thereto hereafter recorded inthereal property recordsoftheOfficeofthe Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County,Colorado. i.The term"FirstLienor"meansthe holder ofapromissorynote, payment ofwhichis secured bya mortgage encumbering an interest ina condominium whichhas priority overall other mortgages encumbering such condominium.The term "Mortgage"shallincludeadeedoftrustand"Mortgagee"shallincludethebeneficiaryofa deed oftrust. j.The term "General Common Elements"meansthecommon parcel andall improvements andfixturesofanykinds whatsoever located thereon. k.Theterm"Guest"meansanyfamily member,guest,tenant,agent, employee,licenseeorinviteeofanowner. 2 1.The term "Member"shall mean every person or entity whoholds membership intheAssociation. m.The term "Owner"means anyindividual,corporation,partnership, association,trust or other legalentityor combination oflegal entities whichisthe record owner ofan undivided fee simple interest inoneor more units. n.The term "Limited Common Element"shallmeanthephysical structure enclosing the unit as defined in Article l(d)abo ve andasshownonthe condominium mapasa limited common element,except any party wall designated onthe map. o.The term "Project"means condominium unitsubjecttoth is Declaration,andshall include the general common elements andunits. p.The term"Unit"means abuildingor portion ofabuilding that is designed and intended fortheuseand occupancy asa residential dwellingunitby one member. 2.DivisionofReal Property into Condominiums.Limited Common Elements and Common Elements. a .The Property is hereby divided intothe common parcelandtwo units designated as 15W and 15E,with each such unit consisting ofafee simple est ate inthe unit andthe limited common elements appurtenant thereto. b.The Property andthe Project isa "Common Interest Community" as defined under CR.S.§38-33.3-103(8)andshallbe assessed andtaxedas provided in§38- 33.3-105 . c.Each unitwithits limited common elements shallbe inseparable and maybeconveyed,leased,devisedor encumbered onlyasa unit withitslimited common elements.Title toaun it andits limited common elements maybeheldind ividually orin anyformof concurrent ownership recognized in Colorado.Inthecaseofanysuch concurrent ownership,each co-owner shallbe jointly and severally liableforthe performance and observance ofallthe duties and responsibilities ofan owner with respect tothe unit inwhichheownsan interest. d.Any contract ofsale,deed,lease,deed oftrust,mortgage,willor other instrument affecting aunitandits limited common elements shall describe itas described onthe condominium map. 3 e.Each unitwithits limited common elements shallbe considered a separate lot of real estate andshallbe separately assessed and taxed as provided in CR.S. §30-33.3-105(2). f.Each unit and its limited common elements shallbeusedand occupied solelyfordwellingorlodging purposes.Allofthe above-stated usesand occupancy shall beonlyas permitted by and subject tothe appropriate and applicable governmental zoning and use ordinances,rules and regulations fromtimetotimeineffect. An owner shall havetherighttoleasehis unit andits limited common elements uponsuch terms and conditions asthe owner may deem advisable provided,however,that (1)anysuch lease shallbein writing andshallprovidethatthe lease is subject tothe terms ofthis Declaration; (2)aunitandits limited common elements maybe leased only fortheuses provided hereinabove;and (3)any failure of the lessee tocomplywiththe terms ofthis Declaration,Articles of Incorporation,Bylawsofthe Association orrulesofthe Association shallbea default under the lease enforceable bythe Association. g.No "timeshare estate"as defined by CR.S.§38-33-ll0or similar interest whereby ownership oftheunit and its limited common elements is shared byowners onatimebasisshallbe established or created with respect toanyunit. 3.PartyWall. a.Each common wall,ifany,whichis part oftheoriginal construction ofthe units and their limited common elements placed equally dividingonthedividingline between anytwounits,thefootings underlying andthe portions ofthe roof over suchwall are collectively referred to herein asa party wall. b.Tothe extent not inconsistent withthis Declaration,the general rules of law regarding party wallsand liability for damage duetonegligenceor intentional actsor omissions shallapplytothe party walls. c.The ownersofany unit and its limited common elements shallhave a perpetual easement in and to that part of any other unit andits limited common elements onwhicha party wall(whichtheyhave used)is located for party wall purposes,including mutual support,maintenance,repair and inspection.Inthe event of damage toor destruction of a party wallfromany cause,both owners shall,at joint expense,repair or rebuild said party wall,and each owner shall havetherighttothefulluseofsaidpartywall so repaired and rebuilt.Notwithstanding anything contained hereinabove to the contrary, ifthe negligent or intentional actor omission ofany owner orhisguestshall cause damage 4 to or destruction ofa party wall,such owner shall bear the entire costsof repair or recon- struction and an owner,whobyhis negligent or intentional actoromis sion cau ses a party walltobe exposed to the elements shall bear thefullcostof furnishing the necessary protection against such elements. 4.Limited Common Elements. The limited common elements as defined in§§l(d)and(n)shallbe owned and used exclusivelybythe member owningthe appurtenant unit,except to the extent the Association shall have aright to enter the unit or limited common elements for any purposes permitted in the bylaws and forany purposes of repair or maintenance provided in§3,in§5,in§8 and as necessary in §19 of these Declarations. 5 .General Common Elements;Encroachments. a .The general common elements shall be owned bythe Association and shall remain undivided .Prior tothe conveyance by Declarants ofany unit withits limited common elements,Declarants shall conveythe general common elements tothe Association.No owner shall assert any right of partition with respect to the general common elements.This paragraph shall not,however,limit or restrict therightof partition ofa single unit withits limited common elements among the owners thereof,whereby the owners petition the court tosellthe unit and its limited common elements and to allocate the sale proceeds among the owners ,butsuchrightof partition shallnotbe construed to mean a physical division or partition ofa unit orits limited common elements,nor shall such right of partition affect the other unit or its limited common elements. b .Each owner shallbe entitled tousethe general common elements in accordance withthe purpose forwhichtheyare intended,without hindering,impeding or imposing upon therightsofthe other owners and in accordance withtherules and regulations duly established from time to time by the Association and subject to the provisions of paragraphs 19,20and21 herein.No owner shall park any vehicle on the general common elements directly in front ofthe garage area ofanyunit other than hisown or inany other location that would impede another owner from vehicular accesstothe garage area ofhisownunit. c.There ishe reby created an easement upon,across,over and under allof the general common elements for ingress and egress,installation,replacement,repair and maintenance ofall utilities including,without limitation,water,sewer,gas,telephone, television and electricity.An easement is further granted to allpolice,fire protection and ambulance personnel,and all similar persons to enter upon the general common elements and each unit and its limited common elements inthe performance of their duties.Further, an easement is hereby granted tothe Association to enter in ,onto,above,across or under each unit and its limited common elements to perform the duties of maintenance and repair toany unit and its limited common elements orthe general common elements. 5 Notwithstanding anything tothe contrary contained inthis subparagraph 5(c)andexceptas provided in Paragraph 20 herein,nosewers,electrical lines,water linesor other utilitiesmay be installed or relocated onthe general common elements exceptas approved bythe Association,andanyutilityor company intheuseoftheutility easement granted herein shallbe responsible forany damage toany general common element,unitorlimited common element,orcost incurred bythe Association asa result ofsuch damage andshall be required to promptly restore anyofthe general common elements,unitorlimited common element disturbed or damaged bysuchutilityorcompanyintheexerciseofany of their rights under theutility easement granted herein.Should anyutilityorcompany furnishing aservice covered bythis easement herein request aspecific easement,including a vehicular easement,the Association may grant suchan easement tothe general common elements bya separate recorded instrument without conflicting withtheterms hereof and without consent ofthe owners being required.The easements provided forinthis Paragraph shallinnowayaffectany other recorded easement tothe general common elements. d.If any portion ofthe general common elements now encroaches upon any unit orits limited common elements,orifany unit orits limited commonelements now encroaches upon any other unit orits limited common elements oruponany portion ofthe general common elements asa result ofthe construction ofanybuilding,orifany such encroachment shall occur hereafter asa result of settling orshiftingofanybuilding, avalid easement forthe encroachment andforthe maintenance ofthesamesolongasthe building stands,shallexist.Inthe event anybuilding,anyunit,any adjoining unit,orany adjoining general common element shallbe partially ortotally destroyed asaresultoffire or other casualty,orasa result of condemnation or eminent domain proceedings,andthen rebuilt,encroachments of parts ofthe general common elements uponanyunitoritslimited common elements orofany unit orits limited common elements upon any other lotorunit or upon any portion ofthe general common elements,duetosuchrebuilding,shallbe permitted,andvalid easements forsuch encroachments and the maintenance thereof shall existsolongasthe building shallstand. 6.Mechanic's Liens:Indemnification. a.If anyownershall cause any material tobe furnished tohisunitor limited common elements orany labor tobe performed therein or thereon,no owner ofany other unit withits limited common elements shall under any circumstances be liable forthe payment ofany expense incurred orforthe value ofanyworkdoneor material furnished . Allsuchworkshallbeattheexpenseofthe owner causing ittobedone,andsuchowner shallbesolely responsible to contractors,laborers,materialmen and other personsfurnishing labor or materials tohis unit orany improvements thereon or therein.Nothing herein contained shall authorize any owner orany person dealing through,withor under anyowner to charge the general common elements oranyunitor limited commonelements other than ofsuch owner withany mechanic's lienor other lienor encumbrance whatever.Onthe contrary (and noticeis hereby given)therightand power to charge anylienor encumbrance 6 ofanykind against the general common elements or against any owner orany owner's unit or limited common elements forwork done or materials furnished toany other owner'sunit or limited common elements is hereby expressly denied. b.If,because ofanyact or omission of anyowner,any mechanic's or other lien or o rderforthe payment of money shallbefiled against the general common elements or against any other owner (whether ornotsuch lienor order isvalidor enforceable assuch),the owner whoseact or omission formsthebasisforsuchlienor order shallathisowncostand expense causethe same tobe canceled and discharged of record or bonded bya surety company reasonably acceptable tothe Association,ortosuch other owner or owners,within20days after the date offiling thereon,and further shallindemnify andsaveallthe other unit ownersandthe Association harmless from and against anyand allcosts,expenses,claims,lossesor damages including,without limitation,reasonable attorneys fees resulting therefrom. c.Labor performed or materials furnished forthe general common elements,ifduly authorized bythe Association,in accordance withthis Declaration orits bylaws,shall be deemed to and shallbethe basis forthefilingofalien pursuant tolaw against each oftheunits.In theeventalienis effected against both unitsand their limited common elements,theownersofthe separate unitsandits limited common elements may remove their units and their limited common elements fromthelienby payment ofthe fractional or proportional amount attributable to each oftheunits affected.Individual payment shall be computed by reference tothe Sharing Ratios.Subsequent topayment, discharge or other satisfaction,theunitandits limited common elements shallbe released fromthelienpaid,satisfied or discharged.Partial payment,satisfaction ordischargeshall not prevent the lienor from proceeding to enforce hisrights against any unit notso released or discharged. 7.Administration and Management. a.The Project shallbe administered and managed pursuant tothis Declaration,the Articles of Incorporation and theBylawsofthe Association.The Association shallbe managed bya board of directors (the "Board"),whichBoardshall consist of two directors.Each owner shallbea member ofthe Association andshall remain a member until he ceases tobeanowner.As members ofthe Association,eachunitis entitled to one vote.Each member shallcomplystrictlywiththeprovisionsofthis Declaration andof the Articles of Incorporation andBylawsofthe Association.The Association shallhavetherightto promulgate and enforce rules governing theuse, maintenance and appearance of the general common elements,the buildings andthe Project in general,and the Association shallhavetherighttoassign parking spaces,ifany,inthe general common elements.Each member shallbe bound byandshallcomplywiththe rules,resolutions and decisions ofthe Association duly made or adopted inthe manner set forthinthis Declaration orin the Articlesof Incorporation orBylaws.Failure ofa member tocomplywithsuchprovisions,rules.resolutions or decisions shallbe grounds foran action 7 to recover damages orto obtain injunctiverelief,or both,bythe Association on behalf of the owners or,ina proper case,byan aggrieved owner.In addition,the Association's Bylawsmay authorize the Association,during the period ofany delinquency (i)torevoke a delinquent owner's righttouseany portion of the general common elements designated for recreational purposes,ifany,and(ii)to suspend a member's votingprivileges;however, nosuch suspension shallaffecttherightsofafirst lienor. b.The Association mayemployor contract fortheservicesofa manager provided that such employment shallbeby contract havinga term ofnomorethan three years and each such contract shallbe subject to cancellation bythe Association on ninetydaysnotice,withor without cause.The Board maynot delegate toa manager the authority to make expenditures for capital additions or improvements chargeable against any portion ofthe annual budget,as defined in subparagraph 9(b)herein,other than that portion specifically designated for capital expenditures.The members ofthe Board shall notbe liable foranyomissionor improper exercise bya manager ofanysuchduty,power, or function so delegated by written instrument executed byamajorityoftheBoard. 8.Maintenance and Repairs. a.Each owner shallbesolely responsible for maintenance and repair ofthe inside andthe outside ofhisunitandhis limited common elements including,without limitation,all components as described in§§I(d)andlen)herein servingsuch unit only.In performing such maintenance or repair,orin improving or altering hisunit,no owner shall doany act orworkwhich impairs any general common element orthe structural soundness ofany unit withits limited common elements,anypartywalloranybuildingorwhich interferes withany easement. b.The general common elements shallbe administered,conserved, managed,maintained,repaired and replaced bythis Association,whichmayhaveaccess to any unit andits limited common elements including,without limitation,therightto enter the garage area ofeachunitto administer,conserve,manage,maintain,repair and replace such common elements fromtime to time during reasonable hoursforsuchpurposes,orat any time forthe purpose ofmaking emergency repairs therein necessary to prevent damage tothe general common elements orto another unitandits limited common elements.The costsof repairing any damage toaunit resulting from entry therein foranysuch purpose shallbea common expense ofallthe owners.However,ifthe need to makesuchentry results from the negligence or intentional actofany owner orhisguest,suchownershall reimburse the Association forallofthecostsof repairing such damage andshallbeliable to the other owners forall additional lossesor damages suffered including ,without limitation,reasonable attorneys fees. c.Utilityorservice connections,lines,facilitiesor equipment located inoronanyoftheunitsor their limited common elements orthe general common elements,whether or not servicingoneorbothunits ,the general common elements orany 8 combination thereof,shallbeownedbythe Association,shallbeadmini stered bythe Association as general common elements and,exceptforanyexpenseorliabilitycaused throughthe negligence or intentional actofanyownerorhisguest,whichshallbe borne solelybysuchowner,allexpenseand liabilities concerned withsuch property shallbe deemed common expenses.The Association shall ,asa common expen se (pro-rated inpro- portions as provided inthebylaws)maintain thedri veway anddr ive turn-around,parking area andall landscaping.If theneedfor repair iscaused through thenegligenceorwillful actofany owner orhisguest ,suchownershall bear theent ire costs ofsuch repair or reconstruction.The Association shallhavea perpetual easement inand to thatpartofeach unitand limited common elements asis reasonably necessaryfor purposes ofprovidingthe maintenance,repair and inspection required hereinabove. d.Notwithstanding theforegoing ,eachownershallpayallcostsof repainng any damage tothe general common elements or to anyunitanditslimited common elements other thanhisownresult ing fromthenegligenceor intentional actof such owner orhisguest. 9.Assessmentsfor Common Expenses. a.Each owner shallpayhispro rata share ofthe common expenses , which proration shallbemadeonthebasisoftheSharing Ratios in effect onthedatesuch common expenseisassessed. b.TheAssociationhasthepower to fix,determine,levyandcollect annualandspecial assessments tobepaidbyeachoftheownersto meet thecommon expensesandto create acontingencyreserve therefor.Prior tothe beginning ofeachfiscal yearofthe Association,theAssociation s hall adopt abudgetforthatyear.Thebudgetshall include,without limitation,an estimate ofthepro rata share ofexpensestobeassessed againstthe Property bytheLot 15,BlockI,Vail/Potato Patch Homeowners'Association pursuant tothe Homeowners Bylaws,thecostsof maintenance,repair and replacement of the general common elements andall other itemsrequi red here in tobe mainta ined, repaired and replaced bytheAssociation,thecostofutilitiesand other servicestobe provided bythe Association,thecostof insurance required by Paragraph 10 herein,and proposed capital expenditures.The budget shallincludean adequate reserve fundforthe maintenance,repair and replacement ofthose general common elements andthose other items required herein tobe maintained,repaired and replaced bythe Association thatmust be replaced ona periodic basisin order that such maintenance,repa irs and replacement maybe paid for through regular installments rather than byspecial assessment.Forthe Association's firstfiscalyear,the Association shall adopt thebudgetatthefirstmeetingof the Association and designate thedateof commencement ofthefirst annual assessment, withthecostsfor maintenance,repair and replacement ofthe general common elements andthose other items required herein tobemain tained,repa ired and replaced bythe Association andanyreservefund needed therefor basedonagoodfaith estimate ofthose costs;saidest imate maybebasedonthecosts incurred bys imilar associations inthe general 9 locale.Thereafter,thecostof maintenance,repair and replacement andany reserve fund needed therefor shallbeonthebasisofthe pervious year 's costswithsuch adjustments therefrom as the Association considers appropriate.The budget shallalso include the annual assessment for each unit.Special assessments maybelevied whenever inthe opinion of the Association itis necessary or advisable to doso(i)to meet increased operating or maintenance expense or costs,(ii)to provide for additional capital expenses,or(iii )because of emergencies;however,ifthe proposed additional capital expenses atanygiventime are or would beinexce ss often percent ofthe maximum rep lacement valueofthebu ildings, as determined bythe Association pursuant to subparagraph 9(c)herein,inthe aggregate for any calendar year,such expenses maybe incurred only after the owners ,bythevoteof both units,approve such expenses.All annual assessments shallbe based upon an approved budget;all other a ssessments shallbein itemized statement formandshallbesetforththe detail of the various expenses forwhichtheasses sments are being made . c.The Association may prepare and provide to each owner ast atement for the annual assessment andany special assessment against his unit andits limited common elements.Annual assessments forthe budgeted common expenses shallbe paid in quarterly installments,eachsuch installment dueand payable in advance onthefirstday of each calendar quarter,or more frequent installments asmaybe determined bythe Association.Special assessments shallbedueand payable as specified inthe written notice of such assessment provided bythe Association, d.The Association shallhavetherightto add toany owner's assessment as provided inthis paragraph those amounts expended bythe Association forthe benefit of any individual unit and its limited common elements andtheowner thereof including,without limitation,fines (pursuant torule adopted bythe Association),repairs and replacements (to anyunit,its limited common elements orthe general common elements) caused bythe negligent or intentional actsofsaid owner orhis guests ;maintenance,repair, care of and replacement of general common elements appurtenant toaunitanditslimi ted common elements;andall other expenditures or charges provided forby this Declaration ortheBylaws. e.Ifany assessment shall remain unpaid tendays after thedue date thereof,the Association may impose alate charge onsuch defaulting owner ina reasonable amount or an amount equal to 1.5 percent ofsuchassessment,whichever is greater. Likewise,a late charge ina reasonable amount orinan amount equal to 1.5 percent of the unpaid assessment,whichever is greater,maybe imposed on the firstdayofeach calendar month thereafter solongassuch assessment shallbe unpaid.Failure to make payment within30daysofthedue date thereof alsoshall cause thefull amount ofsuch owner's regular monthly assessments for the remainder of that year to become dueandowingat once .Inthe event itshall become necessary forthe Association to collect any delinquent assessments or fees,whether by foreclosure ofalien hereinafter created,by commenci ng ofa court action or otherwise,the delinquen t owner shallpay ,in addition totheassessment 10 and late charge herein provided,all costs of collection,including a reasonable attorneys fee and costs incurred by the Association in enforcing payment. f.All sums assessed but unpaid for the share of common expenses assessed toany unit and its limited common elements shall constitute a lien on such unit and its limited common elements in favor of the Association prior toall other liens and encumbrances,except:(I)liens for general property taxes and special assessments;and (ii) the lien of anyfirst mortgage or first deed of trust of record encumbering such unit.The Association's lien shall attach from the date when the unpaid assessment shall become due and may be foreclosed by the Association inlike manner asa mortgage on real property upon the recording of a notice or claim thereof executed by the Association setting forth the amount of the unpaid indebtedness,the name of the owner of the unit and its limited common elements,and a description ofthe unit and its limited common elements.If any such lien is recorded by the Association,the owner shall be required topay the costs and expenses of the preparation,recording and resolution of the Association's lien including, without limitation,reasonable attorney fees,or $175.00,whichever is greater.Inany foreclosure of the Association's lien,the owner shall be required topay the costs and expenses of such proceedings including,without limitation,reasonable attorney fees.During the period of foreclosure the owner of the unit subject to such action shall be required to pay a reasonable rental tothe Association.The Association shall be entitled to purchase the unit and its limited common elements at the foreclosure sale,and to acquire,hold,lease, mortgage or convey the same. g.No owner shall except himself from liability for payment ofhis share of the common expenses either by waiver of the use of enjoyment ofanyof the general common elements orby abandonment of his unit. h.In case of sale or other transfer of a unit and its limited common elements with respect to which sums assessed for common expenses shall be unpaid,the purchaser or other transferee of an interest in such unit shall be jointly and severally liable with the seller or transferor thereof for such unpaid assessments.Notwithstanding the above,any first lienor who obtains title toa unit pursuant to the remedies provided inthe mortgage or foreclosure of the mortgage will not be liable forsuch unit'sunpaid dues or charges which accrue prior to the acquisition of title to such unit by the first lienor. i.Upon written request of any owner,mortgagee,prospective mortgagee,purchaser or other prospective transferee of a unit and its limited common elements,the Association shall issue a written statement setting forth the amount of the unpaid common expenses,ifany,with respect to such unit and its limited common elements, the amount of the current monthly assessment,the date onwhich such assessment became or shall become due,the amount of any other charges due and owing from such owner and the amount of any credit for prepaid expenses.Such statement,for which a reasonable fee maybe charged,is binding upon the Association in favor of any person whomayrely thereon in good faith.Unless a request for such statement shall be compl ied with within 11 15 days after receipt thereof,all unpaid common expenseswhich became dueprior to the date ofmakingsuch request shallbe subordinated tothelienor other interest oftheperson requesting such statement. j.Anypartyinfavorofwhomalienonaunithas been created may butshallnotbe required topayany unpaid common expensewithrespecttosuchunitand its limited common elements,anduponsuch payment suchpartyshallhavealienonsuch unitforthe amount sopaidofthesamerankasthelien theretofore existing. k.The Association may require eachownertodepositwiththe Association,without interest accruingtotheowner,an amount notexceeding three times the amount ofone month's common assessment levied against theunitownedbysuch owner,which amount shallbeheldbythe Association asareserve to beusedforpaying such owner's periodic common assessments,payingsuch owner's specialassessments,for working capital or other reasonable purposes determined bytheAssociation.Suchreserve payment shallnotrelieveanownerfrommaking regular payment ofcommonassessments or payment ofspecial assessments asthesame become due.Upon thesaleofaunit,the owner thereof shallbe entitled toa credit fromhis grantee foranyunused portion ofsuch reserve,which amount then heldbythe Association shallbe transferred ontheAssociation 's bookstothe account ofthe grantee. l.Each ownerhereby agrees that the Association's lienonaunitfor assessments as hereinabove described shallbe superior tothe Homestead Exemption provided byC.R.S.§38-41-20l,etseq .,andeachownerherebyagreesthatthe acceptance of the deed or other instrument ofconveyancein regard toanyunitshallsignifysuch grantee's waiverofthe Homestead Exemption granted insaid sections ofthe Colorado Revised Statutes. 10.Insurance. a.The Association shall,on behalf oftheowners: (1)keepthe common elements andpartywalls,butnotthe unitsoritslimited common elements orany furniture,furnishings,or other personal property therein or installed byowners)insured against lossordamagebyfire,with extended coverage(including insurance againstlossor damage byvandalismormalicious mischief),inatleastthe amount ofthemaximum replacement value thereof,determined in accordance with subparagraph 9(c)herein; (2)provideandkeepinforce,forthe protection ofthe Association,itsofficersand directors,andalltheownersandfirstlienors,general public liabilityand property damage insurance againstclaimsforbodilyinjuryor death or property damage occurring upon orinthe general common elements (butnotthelimited common elements),inlimitsofnotless than $1,000,000 forbodilyinjuryor death to any number of 12 persons arising outof one accident or disaster,orfor damage to property,andifhigher limits shall atanytimebe customary to protect against possibletortliability,suchhigher limitsshallbe carried. (3)carry insurance insuch amounts asthe Association may consider necessary or advisable against such other insurable hazards asmayfromtimeto timebe commonly insured against inthecaseof similar property in similar locations elsewhere. (4)carry directors andofficersliability insurance In such amounts asthe Association may consider necessary or advisable. b.All insurance required tobe carried under this paragraph shallbe carried infavorofthe Association,the owners andallfirstlienors,as their respective interests may appear.Each policyof insurance shall contain a standard mortgagee clause infavorof each first lienor (ifany)ofaunitandits limited common elements whichshall provide that theloss,ifany,thereunder shallbe payable tosuchfirst lienor,asits interest may appear,subject,however,totheloss payment provisions infavorofthe Association hereinafter setforth.Allpoliciesof insurance against damage tothe building andfixtures shall provide that lossesshallbe payable toand adjusted withthe Association,as attorney- in-fact fortheowners.The Association shallholdandapplythe proceeds ofsuch insurance assetforthinthis Declaration.Each insurance policyshall provide that no cancellation thereof maybe made bythe insurance carrier without havingfirstgiven30days'prior written notice thereof tothe Association,the owners andallfirstlienors.Each insurance policyshallalso contain a"severabilityofinterest"endorsement,that provides incaseof violation ofany provision thereof bythe Association oroneormore (but lessthanall)of theowners,the coverage ofsuchpolicyshallbe suspended or invalidated onlyastothe interest ofthe Association orthe owner orowners committing the violation andnotasto the interest ofany other owner.All policies ofphysical damage insurance shall contain waiversof subrogation andofany defense based on co-insurance.Duplicate originalsofall policiesofphysical damage insurance andofall renewals thereof,together with proof of payment of premiums,shallbe delivered toallfirst lienors atleasttendays prior to expiration ofthe then current policies. c.Each ownershallbe responsible forall insurance coveringlossor damage tohis unit,his limited common elements andall personal property inhisunitand upon his unit andits limited common elements andliahilityforinjury,death or damage occurring inside his unit andits limited common elements.Anysuchpolicyshall contain waiversof subrogation andshallbeso written that theliabilityofthe carriers issuing insurance obtained bythe Association shallnotbe affected or diminished thereby. 11.Appointment of Attorney-in-Fact.Each owner byhis acceptance ofthe deed or other conveyance vestinginhiman interest ina unit andits limited common elements does irrevocably constitute and appoint (a)the Association withfull power of 13 • substitution ashis true andlawful attorney inhis name,plac e and stead to dealwith such interest soastogiveeffecttothe provisions ofthis Declaration including,without limitation, assetforthin Paragraphs 5and19 herein and upon damage toor destruction ofanyreal property or improvement whichisa common element (including the party wall)as hereinafter provided,and(b)Declarants,withfull power of substitution ashistrueand lawful attorney inhis name,place,and stead tode al withsuch interest in order to effectuate the reservations contained in Paragraph 20 herein,eachwithfull power rightand authorization to execute,acknowledge and deliver any contract,deed,proof ofloss,release or other instrument affecting the interest ofsuchowner,andtotakeany other acti on,which the Association or Declarants may consider necessary or advisable togiveeffect to the provisions ofthis Declaration.If requested todo sobythe Association orDec1arants,each owner shall execute anddelive r a written instrument confirming such appointment.The action ofthe Association in settling any damage or condemnation claim shallbefinaland bind ing on allowners .No owner shallhavean y r ightsag ainsttheA ssociation oranyofits officersor directors with respect thereto except incase offraud orgro ss negligence. 12.Damage or Destruction.Incaseof damage toor destruction ofany common element orany part thereof byanycause whatsoever,the Association (as attorney- in-fact forthe owners)shallcausethe common element tobe repaired and restored, applying the proceeds of insurance for that purpose.Ifthe proceeds of insurance arenot sufficient topaythecostsof repairing and restoring the common elements,the difference between the insurance proceeds andthecostsof repair and restoration shallbeacommo n expense tobe assessed toallunitsandpaidbyall owners as provided in Paragraph g herein. Nothing contained inthis Paragraph shallbe construed as imposing anyliability whatever onanyfirst lienor topayallorany part ofthecostsof repair or restoration . 13.Quality ofWork.Anyrepairs,renovation or restoration ofthe property covered bythis Declaration bytheAssociation as attorney-in-fact forthe owners shallbe done insuch manner astomakethe property atlea st as valuable after suchworkas itwas immediately before the occurrence requiring theworktobedone. 14.Amendment or Revocation.This Declaration maybe amended or revoked upon the written approval in recordable formof100%oftheownersand100%of thefirstlienors. 15.Property for Common Use.The Association may acquire andhold,for theuseand benefit ofallowners,real property andtan gible and intangible personal property andmay dispose ofthe same bysaleor otherwi se.Each ownermayusesuch property in accordance withthe purpose forwhichitis intended,without hindering or encroaching upon thelawfulrightsofthe other owners. 16.Registration by Qwner ofMailing Address.Each owner sh all register his mailing address with the Association,and,allnot ices aswellas monthly statements and other routine noticesshallbesent regular mail,postage prepaid,addressed inthe name of 14 the owner atsuch registered mailing address (whether bythe Association or another owner). All notices,demands or other notices intended tobe served upon the Association shallbe sent regular U .S.mail,postage prepaid,tothe address ofthe Association as designated in theBylawsofthe Association. 17.Duration of Declaration.Each provision contained inthis Declaration whichis subject tothelawsorrules sometimes referred to astherule against perpetuities orthe rule prohibiting unreasonable restraints or alienation shall continue and remain in fullforceandeffectforthe period of21yearsfollowingthe death ofthelastsurvivorof Ann F.Loper or William D.Loper (whoever lastsurvives)oruntilthis Declaration is terminated as hereinafter provided,whichever firstoccurs.All other provisions contained inthis Declaration shall continue and remain infullforceandeffectuntil January 1,2021 , and thereafter forsuccessive periods oftenyears each,unlessat least one year prior to January 1,2021 ,orat least oneyear prior tothe expiration ofanysuchten year period of extended duration,this Declaration is terminated by recorded instrument,directing termination,signedbyallownersandallfirstIienors . 18.Architectural Control.Nobuilding,fence,wallor other improvement or structure shallbe commenced,erected or maintained upon the Property ,norshallany exterior addition toor change (including painting)or alteration totheun its or their common elements be made untiltheplansand specifications showingthe nature,kind,shape,height, color,materials,and location ofthe same shallhave been submitted toand a pprovedin writingasto harmony of external design and location in relation to surrounding structures and topography bytheAssoci ation.Inthe event the Association fails to approve or disapprove suchdesignand location within30days after saidplansand specifications have been submitted toit,approval willnotbe required andthis Paragraph willbe deemed to have been fully complied with .After receiving the approval ofthe Association,the owner shall thereafter obtain all other approval s asmaybe required by the Master Declaration and byany governmental or quasi-governmental entity having jurisdiction overtheProject. 19.Easement.Lease,License andUseof General Common Elements.The Association shallhavetherightto grant by easement,lease,licenseor permit theuseof,by less than allownersorby nonowners andwithor without charge asthe Association may deem desirable,any portion ofthe general common elements oranyunitownedbythe Association.The rights granted to the Associations inthis Paragraph 19shallonlybeused inthe promotion ofthe collect ive best interest ofthe owners . 20,General Reservations .Declarants reserve an easement andrightofway upon,across,over,under and through improved and unimproved partsofthe general common elements,aswellastheunitsand their limited common elements,tothe extent necessary or convenient (as determined in Declarants 'sole discretion)for completion ofany buildings and improvements on either lotand upon allofthe property including,without limitation,therightof Declarants and their agentstoingressandegress. 15 21.Restrictive Covenants and Ohligations. a.No Imperiling of Insurance.No owner and no owner's invitees shall do anything or cause anything to be kept inoronthe Project that might result inan increase in the premiums of insurance obtained for the Project orwhichmightcause cancellation of such insurance without the prior written consent ofthe Association first having been ob tained . b.No Violation ofLaw.No owner and no owner's invitees shalldo anything or keep anything inoronthe Project which would be immoral,improper,offensive or in violation of any statute,rule,ordinance,regulation,permit or other validly imposed requirement of any governmental body. c.NoNoxious.Offensive.Hazardous or Annoying Activities.No noxious or offensive activity shallbe carried on upon any part ofthe Project norshall anything be done or placed onorinany part ofthe Project whichis or may become an unreasonable nuisance,disturbance or annoyance to others.Completion by Declarants or their agents ofa ny punch listor warranty item shallnot violate this Section 21(c)if done ina reasonable manner.Noactivityshallbe conducted onany part ofthe Project andno improvements shall be made or constructed onany part ofthe Project which are ormight be unsafe or hazardous toany person or property.No sound shallbe emitted onany part of the Project that is unreasonably loudor annoying.No odor shall be emitted onany part of the Project that is noxious or offensive to others.No light shallbe emitted fromany part of the Project that is unreasonably bright or causes unreasonable g lare. d .No Unsightliness.No unsightliness shallbe permitted onorinany part of the Project.Without limiting the generality ofthe foregoing ,nothing shall be kept or stored onorinany of the general common elements,nothing shallbe hung or placed upon anyof the general common elements,ad nothing shall be placed onorinwindowsor doors of the Project,whichwouldor might create an unsightly appearance. e.Restriction on Animals .No animals,livestock,horses or poultry of any kind shall be kept,raised or bred onanylot ,within any unit or within the general common elements,except that dogs ,catsor other domesticated household animals not to exceed twoin number maybe kept by an owner as household pets solongas such pets are not a nuisance toany other owner.Household pets shall notbe allowed onthe general common elements unless accompanied byan owner oran owner's guest and unless said pet is under their direct control byuseofa leash notto exceed ten feet in length.No animals shall be allowed to remain tiedor chained toany 'decks,balconies,patios or other parts of the Project,and anysuch animal(s)sotiedor chained maybe removed bythe Association orits gents,at the expense ofthe owner ofsuch animal(s)and without liability tothe Association orits agents. 16 •• f.Restrictions onSigns.Nosignsorad vertising devicesofany nature shallbe erected o r maintained onanyp art ofthe Project withoutthe prior wr itten consent ofthe Associa tion.The Association shall permit theplacingof a tleastone signof reasonable sizeanddignifiedformto identify the project andtheunits therein and /or to advertise any unit forsale. g.Trash andUnsightlyUses.Un sightly objectsand materials shallnot be placed upon any part ofthe Project andno part ofthePro ject maybeusedas ad umping ground for garbage ,trash or other waste ,andthe same shallbe disposed ofina sanitary manner.The Association shallhave therightto enter upon a ny part ofthe Pr oject to remove such refuse pilesor other unsightlyobjects and material atthe expense oftheowner causing the same,and such entry shallnotbe deemed atre spass. h.Parking Areas.Novehicle of an y typemaybe parked onthe general common elements except in parking sp aces designated by the Association.No commercial typeofvehicleandno recreational vehiclesshallbe stored or parked onthe common elements.Motorcycles shallnotbe stored on porches,balconies,decks,patiosor yard areas located onanylot. i.No Violation of Rules .No owner andno owner's guestsshall violate therulesand regulations adopted fromtimetotimeby the Association,whether relating to theuseofunits,theuseof general common elements or otherwi se. Determination withrespect to whether ornot ap articular act ivity or occurrence shallcon st itute a violation ofthis Paragraph 21shallbemade bytheAssociation and shall befinal. 22.EffectofProvisionsof Declaration.Each provision ofthisDecl aration, and agreement,promise,covenant and undertaking tocomplywitheach provision ofthis Declaration,andany necessary exception or reservation or grant oftitle,estate ,rightor interest to effectuate any provision ofthis Declaration:(i)shallbe deemed incorporated in each deed or other instrument bywhichanyright,titleor interest inany unit and its limited common elements is granted,devisedorconveyed ,whether ornot setforthorre ferred to insuch deed or other instrument;(i i)shall ,by virtueof acceptance ofan y right,t itle or interest inany unit byanowner,be deemed accepted,ratified,adopted and declared asa personal covenant ofsuchownerand,asa personal covenant,shallbe binding onsuch owner and hisheirs,personal representatives,successors andassigns;and,shaIlbe deemed a personal covenant to ,withandforthe benefit ofthe Association andofeach owner ofany unit;and,(iii)shallbe deemed a real covenant by Declarants,forthemselves,their successors andassigns,andalsoan equitable servitude,running ineachcase ,asa burden with and upon thetitletoeachandeveryunit. 23.Enforcement and Remedies.Each provision ofth is Declaration shall be enforceable bythe Association orbyany owner by a proceeding for a prohibitive or 17 •• mandatory injunction and/or byasuit or action to recover damages.If court proceedings are instituted in connection withtherightsof enforcement and remedies provided inthis Declaration,the prevailing party shallbe e ntitled to recover itscosts and expe nses in connection therewith including,without limitation,reasonable attorneys fees .Failure bythe Association orbyany owner to enforce any provision,covenant or restriction herein contained inno event shall be deemed a waiver ofthe right to doso thereafter. 24.General. a .If a ny ofthe provisions of this Declaration orany paragraph, sentence,clause,phrase orword,orthe appl ication thereof inany circumstance be invalidated,such invalidity shall not affect the validityofthe remainder ofthis Declaration, andthe application of anysuchpro vision,paragraph,sentence,clause ,phrase or word inany other circumstances shall not be affected thereby. b .Whenever used herein,unless the context shall otherwise provide, the singular n umber shall include the plural,t hep lural the singular,an d theuseofa ny gender shallincludeall genders. By: 18 • NOTARIZATIO NS • STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF _E~(;J-:1(j-,--lQ.=----__ ) ) ss. The fo regoing instrument wasack nowledged beforemethis q~da y of Sf pto yvJ-v'\...-,1994,by WilliamD.Loper,D eclarant. W itness myhand a ndof ficial seal. KARENHORT"HO NO TAR Y PU 8:.1C SlATE OF COl.ORA DO "---,.,.....,~---­My C bll lm l ~l i l,n f.~pir e s 03-16·9 8 Nodry Publ ic Mycommissio n exp ires:3 -)/P-qg----"-<----=--------- STATE OF COLORADO ) C OUNTY OF ---,t""-'"U:..:....8+le"""!=----__) ss. .The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before methis q'f+--dayof ..kf2-~,1994,byAnnF.Loper,Decl arant. Witness my hand andofficial seal. KAR EN HORTH NOTARY PUS :.iC SlATE OF CO LO RAOO ~..,...,......__.. My Co mmi ssion Expires th!6-98 My commission expires: sId AT L sep\potato .dec Nota ry Public 19 lttb~~~~~, C-~\rr<. DateReceivedbytheCommunityDevelopment Department \ --@",cV ii !J t 2,APP~AT'fOlfi:OR G CONDOMINIUMITOWNHOUSE PLATREVIEW (Chapter17.22VailMunicipalCode) (SlV".J:...~~~..,.171 -c ~I e as e printortype)~ >r'~~'O\J...L I.~APPLICANT ......!.,--.:...;:..-__v=-......::==---==!...-===="7""1 ~----A. ~::G ADDRESS,--------------------J 'C>"Go':..!> B.APPLICANTS REPRESENTATIVE._ C. AD DRESS,PHONE,_ PROPERTY OWNER'--_ OWNER'S SIGNATURE.PHONE._ MAILINGADDRESS _ D.LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: STREET ADDRESS,_ E. LOTBLOCK SU ~VISION.------FILlNG._ APPLICATIONFEE$100.00 /PAID CHECK #DATE._ F.MATERIALSTOBESUBMITTED: 1.Twomylar copiesandonepapercopyofthesubdivisionplatshallbesubmitted totheDepartmentofCommunityDevelopment.Theplatshall includeasite mapwiththefollowingrequirements: ~ThefinalplatshallbedrawnbyaregisteredsurveyorinIndiaink,or othersubstantialsolution,onareproduciblemedium(preferablymylar) withdimensionoftwenty-fourbythirty-six inchesandshallbeatascale ofonehundredfeettooneinchorlargerw ith margins ofoneandone- ./halftotwoinchesontheleftandone-halfinchonallothersides. vb."Accuratedimensionstothenearestone-hundredthofafootforalllines, anglesandcurvesusedtodescribeboundaries,streets,setbacks, alleys,easements,structures,areastobereservedordedicatedfor publicorcommonusesandotherimportantfeatures.Allcurvessha ll be circulararcsandshallbedefined bytheradius,centralangle,arc scoreddistancesandbearing.Alldimensions,bothlinearandangular, aretobedeterminedbyanaccuratecontrolsurveyinthefieldwhich mustbalance andclosewithin alimitofone inten thousand. Northarrowandgraphic scale. Asystematicidentificationofallexistingandproposedbuildings.units, lots,blocks,andnamesforallstreets. 1 •,.-'. An identification ofthestreets,alleys,parks,and other public areasor facilitiesasshownontheplat,anda dedication thereof tothe public use .Anident ification oftheeasementsasshownontheplatanda grant thereof tothepublicuse.Areasreservedforfuture public acquisition shallalsobeshownonthe plat. Awritten survey descr iption oftheareaincludingthetota l acreagetothe nearest appropriate significant figure.Theacreageofeachlotorparcel shallbeshowninthis manner aswell. A statement bytheland surveyor explaininghowbearingbasewas determined. A certificate bytheregisteredland surveyor asoutlinedin Chapter 17.32 ofthistitleastotheaccuracyofthesurveyandplat,andthatthesurvey was performed byhiminaccordancewithColoradoRevisedStatutes 1973,Title38,Art icle 51. A description ofall survey mon uments,bothfoundandset,wh ich mark the boundaries ofthesubdivision,anda description ofall monuments usedinconductingthesurvey.Monument perimeter perColorado statutes.Two perimeter monuments shallbe established asmajor control monuments,themater ials whichshallbe determined bythetown engineer. Acert ificate byan attorney adm itted topracticeintheStateofColorado, orororatetitleinsurer,thattheowner(s)ofrecord dedicating tothe publicthepublicrig -o f-way,areasorfacilitiesasshownthereonare theownersthereofinfeesimple,freeandclearofallliensand encumbrances exceptasnoted. Thecondom inium ortownhouseplatshallalsoincludefloorplans,elevations and cross-sections as necessary to accurately determ ine ind ividual airspaces and/or other ownersh ips andiftheprojectwasbuilt substantially thesameas the approved plans. The proper formforfiling oftheplatwiththeEagle County C lerk and Recorder. Certificate ofded ication and ownership.Shouldthecertificateof dedication andownershipprovidefora dedication oflandor improvements tothe public,all beneficiaries ofdeedsoftrustand mortgageholdersonsaidreal property willberequiredtosignthe certificate of dedication andownershipinadditiontothefeesimple owner thereof. ~All current taxesmustbepaidpriortotheTown'sapprovalofpial.This includestaxeswhichhavebeenbilledbutarenotyetdue.The certificateoftaxespaidmustbesignedontheplatora statement from theEagleCounty Assessor's Officemustbe provided withthe submittal ~f o rm a t i o n statingthatalltaxeshavebeenpaid. ~Signature ofowner. Acopyofthe condominium documents forstaffreviewtoassurethatthereare maintenance provisions included forall commonly ownedareas. G.APPROVAL PROCESS,REVIEW CRITERIA Uponreceivingtwocopiesofacompletesubmittalalongwith payment ofthe appropriate fee,thezoning administrator shallrouteonecopyofthesitemaptothe town engineer forhisreview.Thezoning administrator shallthenconductthisreview concurrently.Thetownengineershallreviewthesubmittalandreturn comments and 2 '.'.-'-• notificationstothezoning administrator whoshalltransmittheapproval,disapprovalor approvalwithmodificationsoftheplatwithinfourteendaystotheapplicant.The zoningadministratorshallsigntheplatifapprovedorrequ ire mod ifications ontheplat forapprovalordenyapprovalduetoinconsistencieswiththeoriginallyapprovedplan orfailuretomakeotherrequiredmodifications oftheplat. H.FILINGANDRECORDING Thezoning administratorshallbethefinalsignaturerequiredontheplatsothatthe Department ofCommunity Development willberesponsibleforpromptlyrecordingthe approvedplatwiththeEagleCountyClerkandRecorder.Feesforrecordingshallbe paidbytheapplicant.TheCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentwillretainonemylar copyoftheplatfortheirrecordsandwillrecordtheremainingmylarcopy. I.Ifthisapplicat ion requiresaseparatereviewbyanylocal,StateorFederalagency otherthantheTownofVail,theapplicationfeeshallbeincreasedby$200.00. Examplesofsuchreview,mayinclude,butarenotlimitedto:ColoradoDepartmentof HighwayAccessPermits,ArmyCorpsofEngineers404,etc. Theapplicant shall beresponsibleforpay ing anypublishingfeeswhichareinexcess of50%oftheapplicationfee.If,attheapplicant'srequest ,anymatterispostponedfor hearing,causingthemattertobere-published,thentheentirefeeforsuchre- publicationshallbepaidbytheapplicant. ApplicationsdeemedbytheCommun ity Development Department tohavesign ificant design,landuseorotherissueswhichmayhaveasignificantimpactonthe community mayrequirereviewbyconsultantsotherthantownstaff .Shou ld a determ ination bemadebythetownstaffthatanoutsideconsultantisneededtoreview anyapplication,theCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentmayhireanoutside consultant ,itshallestimatetheamountofmoneynecessarytopayhimorherandthis amountsha ll beforwardedtotheTownbytheapplicantatthetimehefileshis applicat ion withtheCommunity Development Department.Uponcompletionofthe reviewoftheapplication bytheconsu ltant,anyofthefundsforwardedbytheapplicant forpaymentoftheconsultantwhichhavenotbeenpaidtotheconsultantshallbe returnedtotheapplicant.ExpensesincurredbytheTowninexcessoftheamount forwardedbytheapplicationshallbepaidtotheTownbytheapplicantwithin 30days ofnoti fication bytheTown. 3 Revised 5/2/92 Da te Received b~e Cornm un ,y:-C:>Vl"'~~ Development Dep~ent:,~__ AUG 17 '1~94 rov'.COMM,DEV.DEPT. APPLICATION FOR DUPLEX SUBDIVISION REVIEW (Chapter 17.24 Vail Municipal Code) (PLEASE PRINT ORTYPE)L'/7 '/ A.APPLICANT c>pC?,-L.-<,.15 l r c.I":'-r-,'o '" I MAILING ADDRESS P.v ,i3c>,><..2 .2.2.-3 PHO NE (303)£-/76''1 '18.2- l ~,/C c:?'i?/6 5 8 7 B. C. 5'-Ic?e l.C':f'I I ADDRESS 784 tU f1,f ",.fo Pc,f e i.a··,.N PROPERTY OWNER IJ /,1/,,,;M L c t:J e~.r.:£:I OWNER'S SIGNATURE/1 ft,;;?:'.f(?zrj/J i7 4 - MAILING ADDRESS e o Box /617 E. D.LOCATION OFPROPOSAL: STREE T ADDRESS 7'f3 1.f pol",f a Pc.,+c~Dr-,vC LOT /5 BLOCK~SUBDIVISIONJ A ,'/&1-<1 10 Rie l FILING I APPLICATI ON FEE $100.00 PAID ~rrh L/CHECK #Ji,z.., F.MATERIALS TO BESUBMITTED: 1.Two mylar copies and one paper copy of the subdivision plat shall be submitted to the Department of Community Development.The plat shall include the fo llowing: a.The final plat shall b ed rawn by a registered surve yor in India i nk,or o the r substantial so lution,on a reproducib le medium (pre ferably mylar)with dimension of twenty-four by thirty-six inches and shall be at a sc ale o f one hundred feet to one inch or larger with margi ns of one and one- ha lft o t~o inches o n the l e ft a nd o ne -ha lf inch on all other s i des . b.Accurate dimensions tothe nea rest one-hundredth of a foot for all lines,ang le s and curves used to describe bounda ries,s t ree ts ,s etbacks,alleys, easements,structures,are as t o be reserve d or dedicated for pub l ic o rcornmonu ses and other important fe atures.Allc urve s shall be circular arcs and shall b e defined b y the r ad ius,central angle,are scored distances and b earing.All dimensions,bo th linear and a ngular,a re to be determined by an accurate control survey in the f ie ld whichmust bal a nce a ndc lose wi th in a limit of one in ten tho u sand . c.North arrow and graphic scale . d.A systematic identificat ion of all existing and proposed bu ildings,un it s,lots,blocks,and n ames for all streets. e.An identificati on of t he st reets,alleys,parks, and other public areas or f acilities as shown on the plat,and a dedic ation the re of to the public use.An identificati on o f the eas eme nts as shown o nt he p l at and ag ra nt thereof to t he pub l ic use. Areas re served fo r fu tur e publ ic acquisition shall also be shown on the pla t. f.A writt en survey d escription of the area including the total acreage to the neare st appropriate signi ficant f igure.The a crea ge o f each lot or p arcel shall b e shown in t his manner as well. g.A ~cription of all survey m~ents,both found an~et,which mark the bound~s of the . subdivisio n,and a description of all monuments used in conducting the survey.Monument perimeter per Colorado statutes.Two perimeter monuments shall be established as major control monuments, the materials'which shall be determined by the town engineer. ., h.A statement by the land surveyor explaining how bearing base was determined. i.A certific ate by the registered land surveyor as outlined in Chapter 17.32 of this title as to the accuracy of the survey and plat,and that the survey was performed by him in accordance with Colorado Revised Statutes 1973,Title 38,Article 51. j.A certificate by an attorney admitted to practice in the State of Colorado,or corporate title insurer,that the owner(s)of record dedicating to the public the public right-of-way,areas or facilities as shown thereon are the owners thereof in fee simple,free and clear of all liens and encumbrances except as noted. k.The proper form for filing of the plat with the Eagle County clerk and recorder. 1.Certifi cate of dedication and ownership.Should the certif icate of ded ication and ownership provide for a dedication of land or improvements to the pUblic,all beneficiaries of deeds of trust and mortgage holders on sa id real property will be required t o sign the certificate of dedication and ownership in addition to tne fee simple owner thereof. m.All current taxes must be paid prior to the Town's approval of plat.This includes taxes which have been billed but are not yet due.The certificate of taxes paid must be signed on the plat or a statement from the Eagle County Assessors Office must be provided with the submittal information stating that all taxes have been paid. n.Signature of owner. 2.The plat must contain the following statement: "For zoning purposes,the lots created by this subdivision are to be treated as one lot with no more than two dwelling units allowed on the combined area of the two lots."The statement shall be modified to indicate the number of units and lots proposed." 3.A copy of the declarations and/or covenants relating to the subdivision,which shall assure the maintenance of any common areas which may be created.The covenants shall run with the land and shall be in a form suitable for recording with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. 4.Schedu les A &B of a title report. G.APPROVAL PROCESS,REVIEW CRITERIA Upon receiving two copies of a complete submittal along with payment of the appropriate fee,the zoning administrator shall route one copy of the site map to the town engineer for his review.The zoning administrator shall then conduct this review concurrently.The town e ngineer shall review the submittal and return comments and notifications to the zoning administrator who shall transmit the approval, disapproval or approval with modifications of the plat within fourteen days to the applicant.The zoning administrator shall sign the plat if approved or require modifications on the plat for approval or deny approval due Revised 5/1/92 to inconsist~e s with the o rig inal ly ~oved pl an or failure to mJlrother r eq uired m od ific a~s of the p l at . H FILI NG AND RECORDING The Department of Community Development will record the plat and any rel ated covenants with the Eagle County Cl erk and Recorder.Fees for recording sh all be paid by the applic ant.The Communi ty Devel opme nt Department will retain one mylar c opy of the p l at for t he ir records and will record the rema i ni ng mylar copy. Revised 5/1/92 If this application requires a separate review by any local,State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail,the application fee shall be increased by $200.00.Examples of such review,may include,but are note limited to:Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits,Army Corps of Engineers 404,etc.. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50%of the application fee.If,at the applicant's request,any matter is postponed for hearing,causing the matter to be re-published,then,the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have significant design,land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants other than town staff.Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application,the Community Development may hire an outside consultant,it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Department.Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant,any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant.Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. I{'#A'M",@,~@:,~::t'r#:ti~W\,,*W~~~':ia<~":~i#)]#'Md@i#i:Mi@#n)]fiiH'<ii\i$"W""'ih"t#{i~.t#":##tW§lm'#%iiimifWff@t::(@;#i,:NW::mt: I ¥6 9S,£;~:(;: ,RECEIYT NO .;:::.TOWN OF VAIL J:;::: t 1~~~'~~.. ~~;y.•.•.<;~:<;x <.~::NAME~7~8 ,a~ix·ADDRIlSS H!4--W-I DATE~:~:'1\11 .e;::=::.~~No. PROJECT \~c '\:::;1'/1 .:;:;;l CHECKS MADE PAYABLE TO TOWN OI'VAIL 8:' tc-ACCOUNT NO .rmM NO.TAX COST&.TOTAL ;~~i ~~ ~:,:~:: ji 0 1 ססoo4 1 540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS $5.00 * 01 ססoo 424 1 5 U N IFORM B U ILDING CODE $50 .00 •.'.:::;~:.:::::~0 1 ססoo4 2 4 15 U NIFORM PL U MB ING CODE 53 6.00 •t»:it:0 1 ססoo 424 15 U NIFORM MECHANICAL CODE $32.00 •I:: l 01 ססoo 4 2 4 15 U NIFORM FIRE CODE 536.00 *,~, 0 1 ססoo 4241 5 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE $30 .00 •..~~~:~t;::~ :'l'0 1 ססoo42 4 1 5 ornER CODE BOOKS •t:?:: ~::-0 1 ססoo 4 1 548 BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS)$7.00 •.~>~:::.::~.::;:ii 0 1 ססoo 42412 XEROX COPIES $0.25 •~::' ::::0 1 ססoo42412 STUDIES •ci t':01 ססoo4241 2 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM $5.00 •f~ 01 ססoo4 2371 PENALTV FEES /RE -INSPECTIONS tfx·' 01 ()()()()41332 PLAN REVIEW RE-CHECK FEE [$40 PER HR.\.'l 0 1 ססoo42332 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES i~4:.:~r 01 ססoo 41412 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES i,~01 ססoo41413 SIGN APPLICATION FEE S20 .00=:;::01 ססoo41413 ADDITIONAL S IGNAGE FEE 1$1.00 PER SQ .FT.I :~~~::'::~:;:> 01 0000 42440V TC ART PROJECT DONATION r\l'}~01 ססoo 4133 1 ~E PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE fi~~:01 0000 42371 INVESTIGATION FEE (BUILDING)~:*:tli~e-----Rgoo<J 45 I 10 TOV PARKING FUND ,:~: TOV NEWSPAPER D ISPE N SERF UND :~~t 01 ססoo 22027 );::::•0 1 000021112 TAXABLE \al 4%(STATE)t::~:;::;I.>'•01 ססoo 4 1010 TAXABL E~4%(TOWN)~" H:01 ססoo4 2371 BUILDI NG INVESTIGA TION». t ornER J ~~::::;:lit,~, B::PEe APPLICATION FEES ~~.:r irOlOOOO4mOTAITDITIONALG~·250 ·:S 200 .oo .» ;!'f 01 ססoo4 1330 ICONDITIO NALU SEPERMIT S2OO .00 ;Y" J~~010000 41330 EXTER IOR ALTERATION [LESS THAN i ocso.rr.t S200.oo -ec 0:t---2 1ססoo 4)330 EXTERIOR ALTE~TION J.MORE THAN 100 SQ,FT.l $500.00 r i 01 ססoo 4 1330 SPECIAL DEVE LOPM ENT DISTRICT [NEW)$1,500.00 £t 01 ססoo4 1 330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT [MAJOR AMENDJ SI ,OOO.oo t~::::.r 01 ססoo 41330,",~ECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT /MINOR AMEND]S200.00 ~s:~~~ t~~SUBDIVISION "'lI ,_;-//00 "-reo ~~Ii 01 _VARIANCE 1..'S250.oo ~; K .(ill 0 1 ססoo 41330 ZONING CODE A MEND MENTS $250 .00 i 01 000 041330 RE-ZONING $200.00 :~ :~ :h~OTHER :::" i~I:ornER j]:::~TOTAL:.:~.f ;~:::.::::;j:"~'it .?::.t CO M M ENTS,~:il~}~ f :~:~~ ?:~~-:-;. I ~f ~~1 '7 1x,~3 L DAT2K/l1-rf REC .BY~.i->'::::"..~x-.;.:. J:CAS H [I CK.#[l:::.~:;::;t;.-.....:-:.:.:.:-:{.,.:...:.:.:.;-:.:.~:.:...:.:-:.:.;.;.......:.:.:.;.;..;•..:-:.:-:.;-;.;.;.;.;.:-:.:«.:.:.:.;...:.:.:.',.;.;.:.;...:•.:.;-:.:.:-..•.;.:.:,.:.:.:.......~...•.......,...:.:-;.:.:.;.:.;.:,.;.:.;•..:...:.:-:.;.:.:...;..-...•:.;.:.;.;.;.;.:...:.;.:.;.;..,.:......-:.:.;.:..;.:,.:.;...:.;.:.:.:.:,.:.:.;.:.;.:':';':".:.:.:.:'.:.:.:.:••;.:.:.:.;.;.:.;.:.....:-:.:.:-:.;.-.:.;.:.;•••:.;.;.:..:.:,.:•.-..:.;.:.~:.:.:.:':•.•:.:.:.;.;.:.•.:-:.•.:.:"=":.~:.;.:.:':-..:....:.;•.:.:.:.:-:::~ -.II NicholasLampiris ,Ph.D. CONSU LTING G EOLOGIST P .O .BOX 2 SILT .COLORADO 8 1652 (3 03)876 -5400(24HOURS) August 28,1993 ~srp ,199J Wi 11 i am Pi erc:e FritzlenPierc:eBriner PO Box 57 Vail CA 81658 RE:Hazard Evaluati Dear Mr.Pierc:e: ------._--._-- Potato Patch,Primary Residence ------------I visited the above referenc:ed lot in Vail recently for purposes of a geologic:hazard evaluation,especially as it pertains to rock fall potential.As you know this hazard is noted on the Town of Vail's maps.This unit is less vulnerable than the secondary unit to the west but still would benefit from mitigation. The topography is such that rocks will tend to roll to either side of the property.The outc:ropping of rocks above the lot is minor and not very fractured.I recommend that you choose either a.three foot wall or berm behind the home,or to provide a three foot stem wall of at least three hundred pounds per square foot strength protruding above finished grade with no windows in this three foot interva.l. The property does lie in a geologically sensitive area,but development will not inc:rease the hazard to other property,or structures,or to public rights-of-way,roads,streets, easements,utilities or facilities or other properties of any kind.If there are further questions,please contact me. 8i.nvnr;ly , ......,~/'/I .~ Ni~hola.s La.m 'iris Consulting Geologist "",-" Geologic HazardReview S et-I::-,...b<?r I /1'73 I (Date)// t o!/5 U",;/&~f~ale"'. ~~. Rfr7J SfP 7 199J (Legal Description) The undersigned haslhavereadthe Of'''/'")i G-HazardReport,dated Oe-l..lcr ~t #l ,19"f3,preparedby lJi cA o As L."M o ic t s I IfWe understandfromtheconclusionsthattheproposedbuildingislocatedina .jeD 10';c:..hazardzone,andthereisthepotentialhazardof ""0<:'kS reachingthe proposed house,causingdamage.Wearepreparedto accept thesefactsand ~wn ofll BuildingDepartmentgrantusapermit. /~Ow n e r)y=(Name,Owner) STATEOF COLORADO ) ~-C ~)ss. COUNTY OF ill ~) fl .Theforegoinginstrumentwasacknowledgedbeforemethis 3 /~d a y of ----t"f{~,19 90,by S7"GftlOJ I?,/J)IG~,knowntometobetheperson wh§'se nameis subscribed totheforegoinginstrumentand acknowledged tomethathe executedthesameforthepurposesandconsiderationthereinexpressed. Q }Q?/Jdi:iii.J J(;@c410 Mycomm ission expires:9-<~)('7 /99/ STATEOF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTYOF ) Theforegoinginstrumentwasacknowledgedbeforemethisdayof ____-',19--,by ,knowntometobethe personwhosenameissubscribedtotheforegoinginstrumentand acknowledged tomethat heexecutedthesameforthepurposesandconsiderationthereinexpressed. Mycommissionexpires: c:lformslhazard NOTE -COPY OF P ERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE September 3.1993CONSTRUCTIONPERMIT 630 8 PERMIT NO .-------- I .'J.?.nnn _nnBUILDING I II III I VV A BE H I RM I.TYPE OFCONSTRUCTION 2 OCCUPANCY GROUP ,~:lo,,~L.,Ofr=va:;nIlI -·., department of community deve lopment TOBE FILaD OUTCOMPLETELYPRIOR T O ISSUANCE OF PER MIT CITY PH.6-6342 P ERM IT F EES 17 oon •00 2~nno.00 1R nnn .oo PLUMBING ELE CTRICAL MECHANICAL BUILDING PERMIT 0000 "" PLAN CHEC K ,n~nn ~"'v ••vv ELE CTRICAL 101."" PLUMBING 375 .00/P C 94.00 If4133~ MECHANICAL 360.00 /PC 90.00 ff~1 33 ~ RECRE ATIO N FEE c.~~""~DESIGNREVIEWBOARD 200.00 pp CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT 500.00 ~~ USETAX C\~ <; Will Ca ll 12 .00 \TOTAL PERM IT FEES 6045.00 !zONING &BUILDING NOTES:_ ""Chuc LEeldmalllL 9::.2=.93._ BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE ~he.ll~e.l lD.----9-~9.l ____ ONING ADMINISTRA TOR DATE of n ew 12 2.34 DWE LLING UNITS __ACCO MMODATIONUNITS __ DIVISION ~1---t--l........'>J.1LlLLJ.l.I.L --1 GENERAL DESC RIPTION OF WORK :11 ~ Sitework a nd cODs tructioD ~1---t~~J.l.I.Ll.L.LJ.l.I.L --1 p'rimar y residence >1---t--l..lLLJ.l.I.LlLL'>J.1L --1 N E~V )ALTE RATION ()ADDITIONAL()REPAIR () HEIGHTINFl __NO .FIRE PLACES -- INSULATION:TYPE THICKNE SS R-VA LLU E h,FLOOR I ;]EXT.WALLS ROOF TYPE ELEC .GAS OF HEAT SOLA R WO OD A DDITIONAL PERMITSNEEDED: 1.~INITIAL ST.CUT BLASTIN G PARK ING DEM O TYPE GRO UP G.RF .A VALUA TION 1 V R-3 3655 V M-1 7 13 frOTAL 4368 ---- 192-P PH.9 -9629 Loper Residence CITY NAME Stephen LopiH'---- MAIL ADDRE SS FIRM Ash Mechanical J OB N AME: O WNER AR CH ITECT FIRM F.P•B MNLAPDRESS 1000 Lionsridge TY PE OF P ERMI T Q\l BU ILDING ts PL UMBI NG []I E LE CTRIC AL 0 FOU ND AT IO N Q;j ME CH ANI C AL 0 784E Po tato Patch Drive PLUMB ING CON TRACTOR TOWNOFVAIL REG.NO. TELE.926-3358 FIRM L oper Construe tion G E NERA L C O NT RA CT ORTOWNO F VAILREG.N O.35 1 -S TELE.6.76-7["8[,, ~L E G A L L OT 15 B LK ~E S C .FI LI NG Vail Pot ato Patch TO WNOFVAIL REG.NO. C ON T RACTO RTELE. O THERFIRM-------------- FIRM A sh Mechanica l MEC HAN IC AL C ONTRACTORTOWNOF VAIL REG.NO. TELE.Q 7h _11<;A 192 -P I he reby ac knowl edge that Ihaveread this appl ication.f illed out i n full the i nformation required. completed anac curate p lotp lan,a nd state t hatallthe information provided as required i s c orrect .I agree to comply w i th t hei nformationand plot plan ,t o comply w ith all To wn ordi nances andstate laws .and t obu ild th is stru ctureaccor dingtothe Town's mn ing and SriVision code s,de sign re view appro ved.Uniform Bu ilding Code a nd O.!!J-er-e ~-theT ow applicable t hereto . CLEAN UP DEPOS IT TO :-~-)__A SIGl'IiU(JRE 6 FOWNER ORCONTRACT6 RFOR HIMSELF ANDTHEOWNER. • July 11 ,1994 Mr.ChuckFeldmann TownofVail Department of Community Development 75SouthFrontageRoad Vail,CO81657 Re :Permit#6308784PotatoPatchDrive DearChuck : • p .o.box2223 vail,colorado 81658 tel./fax 476-7484 Peryourrequestoninspection 717/94 Imovedheatpiping out ofthefourfeetwide concretecrosspanadjacenttothestreet.Iamsubmittingthis letter andattachedphoto inlieuofre-inspection.Ipouredthe lowerconcreteportionofthe driveway Saturday 7/9/94 .GregAshwill pressurizeupperportion ofdriveand will callyourofficeto schedule inspection.Pleasecallmewithanyquestions .My daytime phonenumberis 949-1690 or 476-7484 .Thankyou . ~L steP::L:per r- LoperConstruction Services ~llWq 5 199~ May5 ,1994 Mr.Chuck Feldmann TownofVail Department of Community Development 75SouthFrontageRoad Vail,CO81657 DearChuck : p .o.box2223 vail ,colorado 81658 teLlfax 476-7484 '. PerourdiscussiononApril2thisletternotifies youthat784E .PotatoPatchDrivewill bedeedrestrictedasacondom inium platatthetimeofclosing .Ihavescheduled Intermountain Engineer ing tobegintheirsurveyworkonMay13.Pleasecallmewith any questions.My daytime phonenumberis949-1690or 476-7484.Thankyou . ~4- StephenLoper LoperConstruct ion Services loperconstructionservices design-development-building•• (:~\,y RfC'D AU G 5 1993 ~TOWN OFVAIL CONSTRUCTION4It~ PERMITAPPLICATION FORM DATE:_ , P EJUoIIT 1/ItfPj PERMIT INFORMATION ***************************** OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED SUBDIyI SI ON :tJ.,.;;tbfe;t-oO f!,1cL. Po kIt:>R,Ic~Or/Co("Ph.~7?'16 ~., Ph.'t 76 l53 '7'<' ]-Other _ ]-Electrical (]-Mechanical (]-Other _ Job Address:73'-/£Pol..!.:.~I-ct Dr,,/e Legal Description:Lot /5 Block J Filing Owners Name:5/ef t,e '"L ""Pc.~Address:78 i W I I Architect:;:;,'fz./e ..?,erce Llr,,,,,,,.,-Address:/(JtXJ Ll o.1.s r/d.,e Loop ,J I General Description:5",/~w~rk q",J C~/J s fr<Jc It"o>'/e:-t I'kf't.vI fr,',.A<><r y v'l 7 Work Class:~-New (]-Alteration (]-Additional (]-Repair ( APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED]1(••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1XJ -Building (]-PlUmbing ( Job Name:["'fe.-RC"s ;dc"cc, Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Accommodation Units: ~mber and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances Gas Logs~Wood/Pellet ~*********************************VALUATIONS ********************************* BUILDING:$Jt3:<070,ELECTRICAL:$!2,t:?oo,OTHER:$i-fS7t:fJao. PLUMBING:$-<t 000.MECHANICAL:$/f Cl~O _TOTAL:$,~**************:************CONTRACTOR INF~RMATION *********~*~*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*--*~*~*~*-*-*~* "eneral Contractor:LD~r COMfrvcf/o r1 5?rv,'c<."'5 Town of vas i Reg.NO.35'1-05 Address:?eJ .t30x ~2 -?3 I V..:t C o go /1555 Phorie Number:-J._70~'6::.....'-L~~--::~ Electrical Contractor:Jolt'f clel<"'or ...;....~,j Town of Vail Reg.NO.-------l'7', Address:Phone Number: Plumbing Contractor: Address:eo .(Joe</S35 Mechanical Contractor: Address:eo .Vox /5'35 Town of Vail Reg.NO.__~__ Phone Number:9 2"33 S 8 Town of Vail Reg.NO. Phone Number:'92t 33 5=-=g:----- OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE:/9$,1 - PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FEE:tI - MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE:90 -- RECREATION FEE:I-55 - CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT:~-~UT OTAL PERMIT FEES:zq s:- BUILDING:/d-J0 '::;; SIGNATURE:I I ZONING: SIGNATURE: ... MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE:.~~I?- ELECTRICAL FEE:I <;I CI - Q!Pf!ER TyPE-OF PEE :uJ i/l &d I Q..Of)..., ORB FEE:m (!./Y)!)(('h TYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION t./(2 ,3 ~i,..,s5 1/VYI I ....,l~ --r.-;T A L-----j 3(/<: ********************************FOR BUILDINGPERMIT FEE:d/2 ~<j - PLUMBING PERMIT FEE'q ?-: Comments:_ xCLEM<UPDEPOSIT IlEF1JlID TO, J PECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ' DA T E __J...-.::-+-,":"':""__JOB NAM E --------I7L---7.qp=--=--~-_____;,.__z,;;0_7------ READYFOR LO CATION :__~:::L-l----.l.::_----i~~~~~~"':"":~~~~":::""'~~~_ PERM IT NUMBER 'F PROJECT .., ...... PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /D W .V._ o ROUG H /WA TER __-----'------O...:........:c _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB o o -- /--o FOOTING 1 STEE~==-_ o F OUNDA T IO ~!--_ o FRAMING ROOF &S HEERoPLYWOODNAILING -------'----- o INSULATION -r-, o Sf!ETROCK tJD~'--'-"'-'-::r=-'-~=t--:~"-=--:-'--""+=------:- o FINAL 0 FINAL L BUttDlNG:--- ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER 0 H EATING _ o ROUGH 0 EXHAUST H OODS o CONDUI T 0 S UPPLY AIR o 0 _ o FI NAL 0 FINAL 1''1 . o DISAPPROVED 0 RE INSPECTIO N REQ UIRED CORRECTIONS: DA T E -'----=,<----'-------jL-_I NSPECTOR JOB N AME -"'=-----.L----F~hr_==-------.l C ALL ER READY FOR I NSPEC TION :~T UESW ED LOCATION :1Zlf 9 ---P2 ~PeN PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT D ATE {I I cf /q3 I BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /S TEEL o FRAMING RO OF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: ~UN D E R G R O U ND o ROUG H /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER ~--- o GA S PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o _ o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHA UST HOODS o SUPPLY A IR -r-r-:_ 0 _ o FINAL _ /"'./.J..L-t._ [j3":"Al'"P ROVED CORRECTIONS : o D ISAPPROVED o REI NSPECT ION REQU IRED D ATE __-!....~-----!~------=---=-_I NSPECTOR .' eTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL,) x.;f 479 -2138 /.f2 //a("/JJ~~A ?f 1Y7 - 0 / O CA ;ER ~~7V!P &J /'(!-eJ)l4!f. ~\...,/// TUESWED ~,FRI -----C!!!J PMfl17(;10 P~iJ1 NAME READYFOR INSPECTION:MON--/0 1j t: ILOCATION:~---<""::'--'----""'--_---L--"---'-'=-~_~=":=:""""::=----=r..=::...L......::"-_ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE J!:Jo /1 L/JOB /~I BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB %J SHEETROCK !1/fI/!;l/tA.L'/n/~NAIL 0 1 0 t ~»:0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL -. ~ePROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED ORRECTIONS: .. DATE ~__'----~_INSPECTOR PM TION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ,/ 479-2138 q l(q I~-S --------14ww./j~1 UfJC . p 0 -----+- ..' DATE --+--f-t,L--+--'--''--JOB NAM E ----'--"---;-;(-----,,-----;;---=-.----r-T.----- READYFOR LOCATION : BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NA IL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT ....._ I'q)A\l\\S{C Q,'/ o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HE ATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ ~~P P R O V E D ~~ C ORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED /o REINSPECTION REQU IRED DATE ~!..-.._-=-------'---"_INSPECTOR __'--__AM @READYFOR LOCATION: (o ?:D s INSPECTION REQUEST PERM IT N UMBER OF PROJECT /TOWN OFVAl [ DA TE :://:-):5 /-13 J OB N AME --,l""",,,CL..j)Jep-h~~~~>....-....l<:;:-'-'_ CA LLER =:k?c;;-Bed r :c !{enn $""C INSPECTION :MON ,TUES Vj'ED ~THUR CE§V -7;,(1 6~rb·b JD {hi I:k:f3 KJ)'-'!-.>...-,_ \. BUILDING: o FOOT INGS /STEEL IpiFOUN DATION /STEEL ~rmL!!.....-'L...L!....-'-"-"';,:r--::----:.J'---- o FRAM ING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUG H /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL , ,.lO':~.•o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS rrr:_ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ -ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o ,CONDUIT 0 ---;:-_ o FINAL; U~P P R O V E D CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED '" '0 I ,, DATE ----L.T--.Q<:~+~~~INSPECTOR C/l2 ~ tJf6PM INSPECTION REQUEST T OWNOF VAIL ___--'-_-'--_JOB N AME ---tc::...---.!.-~1L:.::;::::::~__--;--,,---_~...,....,~~_ READY FOR L OCA T ION :--.:......::::....-~---;-'7--='----'--=----=-.<...----=::....::...--=--="'--~---------l.............c..J.:.-t:......- ~U1L~-lit L PLUMBING:I ~~O OTI N G S /STEEL JfKA @ o UN DERGROUND o FOU NDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D W.V. o FRAMING o ROUG H /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GA S PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CO NDU IT o S UPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL Q:fPPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQ UIRED CORRECTIONS : DAT E -'---'''''-7'<------c~:....-:c...--=-_I NSPECTOR o o •INSPECTION'S COMPLETED _ The items below need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of o. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING DATE: FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: D IMPROVEMENT SURVEY .»: DATE:Jri M ~ FINAL ELECTRICAL RESID.NAME: o o ·0 o DATE: FINAL BUILDING DATE: TEMPORARY C OF 0 DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DATE: LANDSCAPING DUE DATE: EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: FILE NAME:_--,-~r:-.:..:l(.:S,._ I I PMMONTUES '7 ~4 READY FOR I NSPECTION : LOCATION:----''---'-'----'-__---!..--''---'-.:~~'______'_____'_~~~_l.__I._ DATE co!3J 8 INSPECTION REQUEST PERMI T NUMBER OF PROJECT r r'TOWN OF VAIL ' q J ICr fc (3 JOB N AME _--=Ll::=:..-iUt \~ r (CA LLER ~I( BUILDING: /I>¢FOO TINGS /S TEEL /rd-FO U NDATIO N /STEEL o FRA MING ROOF &S HEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SH EETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o U NDERGROUND _ o RO UGH /DW.V._ o RO UGH /WATER _ o GASPIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o F INAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH n CONDUIT 0 _ o FINAL ~ MECHANICAL: o HEA TING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLY AIR !.- 0 _ o FINAL \~;'\(PP R O V E D CO ~RECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE -J -11 -q"2 INSPECTOR --a~....,.::;"-+'~~==--_ ~SHOP PERMIT NUMBER OF j ROJECT DATE (/)/7Jl {qLj JOB , READYFOR INSPECTION:~ LOCATION :1 Y'1!r:- INSPECTION RI;QUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479 -2138 L/-:t/l -q~Z? ------1(§)PM o REINSPECTION REQUIREDoDISAPPROVED BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 rA,FINAL {'I D .o FINALc ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING. o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 9,F,'NAL o FINAL / CJrf:/'*JPPROVED CORRECTIONS: I INSPECTOR/()L av!0I/.I .DATE ----J.:..!."..4->---''f----;I---f---r--- ,. 3WED TO INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAI L.:.' Loke e-5?JDF"NCE £TF\J£CALLER JOB NAME _--'=::..l..L--I---!~=-_..!:=...L..::~~~~~_DATE LO CATIO N : READ Y FOR IN SPECTION :t=.+M~ I.- BUILDING: o FOO TI NGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAM ING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILIN G --------- o INSULATION PLUMBING: o U NDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS P IPING o POOL /H .TUB _ o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 _ "l;,Nrl /ffi UEwVo/8 62ft{)E 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _---'-_ o ROUGH o CONDU IT 0 _ o FINAL _ M ECHANICAL : o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FINAL _ If APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o 'D I ~A PP R O V E DV(2\LJ ~w&y 6 eOOE I S I 0 REINSPECTION REQUIRED lJNbEQ I d-.% INSPECTOR Q&£,fL.J-/~-9 '1DATE-J..._~_--'------'--_ --------_. I i -I ,--,---+1_'_1__ -=--:==C===8:±W -!I-r -I- --'-_'----'--__-'-~___'__l I -~-------~T !i I,--;---;---t--+----_.---- ,,, j --c '-'--7--- --~~:-==~ ---;---'----:-----------------\-----vv')---,----:-------- 8 ~c---+-----'--~---,------:...---_;___;___-__._----o~------'-----=i =1 =1 S '~ f1 ~ --::'."":-:---=-:-_~---::-----~;_:-:-:-.~~----_...~.:,:~...-:-:---:::-~~------.-- --_0 ._ '--------------;------~----~-- PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INS TION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL, 479-2138 DATE 7 -!-7L /JOB NAME ---'''=--l..LL!.-=-_~~::'--_ _____AM ~ CALLER ----::,--_ READYFOR INSPECTION :MONTUESWEDTHUR (sRI) LOCATION:J ~'/c p",I OTo 0fiTcH bi2 BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ fJ'ecx Y---J-!r,f'MV' o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP ,POWER '0 HEATING _ o ROUGH 0 EXHAUST HOODS ----.::~_ o CONDUIT 0 SUPPLY AIR o 0 --------------__ o FINAL 0 FINAL 'APPROVED CORRECTIONS:Pt&1 t\f r- o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED I 6 ..- DATE 7 -/-fy INSPECTOR (~~( f (o()05 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INS TION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL•479-2138 DA TE -5 )-),0 Iq 4 JOB NAME l Cp-,-C=,-I ---------c,-------------- CALLER 'Lt\C'I J EJ \ICC\i -f X.(') READYFOR INSPECTION :MONTUESWED ~~FR I I PM LOCATION:1 F4 f),i-cro ro FCLrC~l~ o REINSPECTION REQUIRED /1 ,t-1 ~,,/;th.r t)t v/}(b d'/L,rJ,/'71 ;-','-;;d ruA~I /·.'It ¢L;",('/tf,.tfc 01 0t &.&/?,'//L-...I o DISAPPROVED BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW,V, o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H ,TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: 't1 TEMP,POWER o HEATING bROUGH k-o EXHAUST HOODS. o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL -- I' .'EJ APPROVED CJU'/C ' CORRECTIONS: ~ INSPECTOR .-----'----;:-----:..:---:c:'----'----DATE _~_--=-_----":,,,-,-_ TION REQUEST TOWN OFVAl 479-2138 INS ~:- PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJEC T DATE 11-/1 -11 J OBNA ME --f--~-----h-----r,...----,--------,-----j---- , READ Y FOR LOCATION :~~~~-1jrz.!!.~'...I!.~1:L~'!..!..!.~==----------a~Y~!!h'f---= BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL 0 UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL 0 ROUGH /DW.V._ o FRAMING 0 ROUGH /WATER _ ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING 0GAS PIPING o INSULATION 0 POOL /H .TUB _ HEETROCK NAIL 0 --'----_ 14 ..:i,1M)-1tJ 0 o FINAL 0 FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL:.o TEMP.POWER 0 HEATING _ o ROUGH 0 EXHAUST HOODS _ o CONDUI T 0 SUPPLY AIR _ o 0 _ o FINAL 0F INAL o DISAPPROVED 0 REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE -~~~---r:....=--!...-.E----:'--+--INSPECTOR C~Ud---- NA ME ---------=~.::..-J------:;;,.----;--=-~..,.......,,...___------ INS eTION REQUEST TOWNOF VAIL. L 479-2138 OptJ£ CALLER (}$/§ue 9t(9 /~'!O M ON I TU ES;)WED V:f/;;t~.f<,~r.i:t ;(§l>?;;;l PM i o..io r--0 'I I:'t..7 READ Y FOR LOCAT ION :__----'-=--__-+--""''---'-''''-'-'--=---'----'-''---'-=--_--l...:....L.::=-_ I tf ?2Z PERM IT NUER 07 PROJECT DATE 10 _1 JOBI - (B,UJ!-DI,!!.-<0 PLUMB ING: o FOOTINGS /STEE L o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D .W.V. o FRAM ING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING ~INSULATION o POOL /H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPP LY A IR 0 0 o FIN AL o FI NAL (~P R O VE D o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED, CORRECTIONS : DA TE -~~"L-~--r-'---'----I NSPECTOR 23 MAR 1994 0 .0 IB .4 IB.4 0 .0 0,0 0 .0 -IB .4 -IB .4 0 ,0 5 .50 12.94 17.05 I.45 -5 .BO 5,50 12 .94 17 .05 1.45 ~-5-: 24 ,45 38 .0B 50 .41 3 .60 0 ,00 -24 ,45 -3B ,OB -50 ,41 -3 .60 I I I I 4 7 7 7 7 6-9-0 HIO 1'=0 W IJO !O I Sianoaro unIform loaolng IPSFIrcu,-100 .0;TCDl •25 .0;BCDl'10 .0; Increase.1 .000 lIVE lOAO DEFLECTION BASEO ON l/360 SPECIAL PLATE POSITIONING CHART JOINTI ~:(inl Y:(inl ANGLE 12-4 -0 5-7-0 W2--965 W4-232B W 6 --1429 6-0-0 6-0-0 36-8-0 OYERAll SP4N 12-0-0 WeDs WI--1429 1/3-2328 W5--965 12-4-0 5-7-0 6-9-0 Top ChO Botto_cno T I--8245B I-7815 T 2--6842 B2-4863 T 3--6B4283-7815 T 4--6842 T 5--6842 T 6--B245 lBS 3247 3247 SIZE In . In . BEARING REQUIREMENTS BEARING ACT.,SIZE REQ. Bl 6.46 BI 6 .46 Thto oo.,gn hasDeenChecked for 10p .s .f. Datto.chorO II.e loao In occorOonce 6-7-6 wltn USC. l~ER SPECIFICATIONS ToO Chord 2.6•16~OF-1.5E HSR SPF/ESlP Bot Chord 2.B•2100F-1.BE HSR SPF/ESLP WOO Ploco 2.4 •STueW.WOOOS WEB ,Ploco 3 4 2.4 •IB50F-I .5E MSR SPF/ESlP BRACING HEHBERS SHOWN BY •WHERE REQUIRED. 1~4 CO"TINUOUS lATERAL BRACING ATTACHED WITH TWO 12J Bd NAILS . WHERE CONFUSION MAY E~IST CONCERNING PQOPER FIELD ERECTION,CLEARLY HARK INTERIOR BEARING lOCATIONS.CANTI- lEVERS,ANO THE CHOIlDS O.THE TRUSS TO PREVENT IMPROPER INSTAllA TION. Ieao:THIS TRUSS HAS BEEN DESIGNEO IN ACCORDANCE WITH ICBO RESEARCH REPORT 1607. R-5000 HOLDING VALUES ARE 203PSIIN SWTHERN PINE/OOUGLAS FIR-LARCH ANO 1~2 PSIIN HEH-FIRISPRUCE-PINE-FIR. THIS TRUSS IS DESIGNED USING THE USC-BB CODE.BASIC WINO SPEED -BO MPH. left sldo SIIOor 2.6 '2 or Botter'! Rlgnt slOe SIIOer 2.6 '2 or Better!I PlATE COOl!Sl'l'ClNG DATE RSOOO Lee-BB 16.00'D.C.3/25/94 A TrusPlus Design .1 08 4 046 co 5286A I TRUSFAB /Version 4 .0 IT '8 THI ~011 CJTHR'S TO ~...tKllT ,....LOAOS UTIUZl'O Off nttS IlUIQIiI ...,OR DelIlD THI ACTUAl DUoO LOADI I~••THI ~..,..,THI lJW:LOAOlI ~D BY .,...L.OCM.8UK.DtHClI COOl 0"....,QfUCN.ClJIr,IATIC "1:00AM ItO MIP'ONIlItkJTY tS ASSUIIoteO '011'~ACQMACY.~AU.Dt~""011 TO ~~.......'IS !HOWfiI....~...'..Of'JO GAGa AS U"IClFlfD.'.lllll'M;AI1(JN,..L C()Ylt.T WITH ntI "'OUAUT'I'~WAHUAl.~0'TWf TRUSS 'lATI -.srnvTr I""AM).,..r....-...TRl.JlkXllII ~AU """1 NOT PlClf"JC.-.UY DUtQHlllTID AN TO •EQUAllY DlYIOI.O .&DeKJTD PECW,.CUfTW'fG,ONlY UlTlAloL II'AC:*IQ ~0#JMJMDIJAL TRUll NOTm ON THIS CJlIII,MWlIQ.''''IS OfIIOM ....u ...S THe TO~CHO"O TO ••CONTtNUOUSlY .....«0 .y ,..,..THIHQ ~I"onte n"Tlo.WHI"I NO .nOIO CleIUJCJ •~D DlNCT\."TD ~.aTTOM oeoMl f1'IMN..L •~..,..,.........NOT I*:IaMHQ "-r."IMOHI _CTWIIO T1Il..aU AM ~TO 1ft!(~MMICI ~T~Peel..~-.eM ..Al1lMn qQUlNl) TO lIINYPf1'TOfI"".IM:Ii AND ""OOMWOINCL."DP TO ~IIIOOD TJUSRS.c:our.JfTMY NiIO -.c0 elOA1'lCJNS"(ff'tl.M4DtI ~'US'ON .....,UIST COfitCI""""O~"F1ILD I ....C''''".CLI"fIIL"..AlIte '''''Ifill"",.1.....JIIIQ LOCATIONS.CA"TIUvrfllS.""0 ntI CHOfIDI CW TI4I T'fIUSS TO ~NT I~INlITIILLATtON 'AUUU SKAU.NOT •"lACID ..Nf't fliiMM)HWI"T f HAT wnu. CA08I THII«)ISTUfI.CONTINT 0fJ TliW WOODTO UCUD I",ANDIOfI CAIJ&f CQNNICTOA P\.ATf COflllflOI ION .~"'lfII.'IIIMI" ,.a:SSAfI"I'.IS BEST ..·U .-.....D ..,.IUOIClOUS ,,",,"ICAT~Of'~AHO T'H(""'(RI II oun.o.T'ME SCDfIIlI!Of flUIIOH&I8JUT"t""- QtY •10/Tru.s name -IlIB·-l' 3 .4 90 .0 90 .0 0 .0 90 .0 4.12 9.97 -5 .80 2.40 B.56 Loaas locateO J3 v ~2 V ~4 V 13 .36 V 5.26 V 12 .62 37 .31 0 .00 -6.45 -2B .88 unHorm LOBelS InItial 400 .0 140 .0 133 .0 34 .0 I I 5 7 7 Stanoara unI for",loaOln;IPSFIrcu,•100 .0:TCOl·25 .0 ;BCOl -10 .0: PlF loao Case FInal Start EnO Olr . 400 .0 5 .26 13 .36 V 140 .0 5.26 13 .36 V 133 .0 0 .00 36 .67 V 34 .0 0 .00 36 .67 V TCLl TCOl TCLl TCO l 12-.:::::J 4 4 COMPLE TE TRUSSES RECUIREO' SPECIAL PLA TE POSITIONING CHaRT ~OINTt X:(i nl V:(inl ANGLE Ccnc:entratetJ LIVe Deaa TC 200 .0 50 .0 TC 600 .0 150 .0 TC 600 .0 150.0 , ar ]110 0 '320 .0 9B01-las .0 268.0 Increa.e -1 .000 lIVE lOAD DEFLECTION BASED ON lt36 R3260 SP6"S 6-6-2 B-4-6 --5776 --7195 --14059 --4524 Webs . 1034 W 2 2635 W 4 9544 \I 6 11177 \I B 120 WI- W 3- \I 5- \I 7• W 9• I I 4-2-B I 3-10-12 ~~ SPH7100 3-10-14 5-3-4 I 13-10-121 5-6-12 CONCENTRATED LOAD(S)REQUIRECS)ADEQUATE CONNECT IO N TO TRANSFER EQUAl..LOAD TO EACH PLY CBY OTHERS). NAILING PATTERN SHOWN IS FOR UNIFORM LOAD ING ONL Y. Top Cho 80ttom Cho T 1--43701 B I-41412 T 2--38207 B2-41412 T 3--32201 B3-36246 T 4--21190 B 4-30548 T 5--21190 B 5-24303 T 6--25634 B 6-24303 )(XXXX +3"O;C.IN Be EACH ROW,2 ROWCS). xxxxx lBS 9831 1493B SIZE In. In. BEARING REOUIREMENTS BEARING aCT .SIZE REO . Bl 5 .50 In .4 .89 BI 7 .43 THIS TRUSS IS DESIGNED USING THE USC -BB CODE .BASIC IIINO SPEED -80 MPH. 0-6 -II Tnls aeSI;n has Dten checkea for 10p .s .f.~In~ bottom Chora Ilye 10aoIn accorDance ~ with UBC .',0-0 1-1--=5"'-_~3_-:2,..--+=-....:.::~=-+.:---:-::,....,,=+--="'::"''::--+---::-::-::----+-----''-'':;'''';'-----1 36-8-0 OVERalL SPAN WHERE CONFUSION Hav EXIST CONCERNING PROPER FIELD ERECTION.CLEaRLY HaRK INTERIOR BEARING lOCATIONS .CANTI- lEVERS.aNO THE CHORDS OF THE TRU SS TO PREVENT IHPROPER INSTAllATION. ICB~THIS TRUSS Has BEEN DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE I/ITH ICBO RESEARCH REPORT 1607. R-5000 HOLDING valUES aRE 203PSI IN SCUTHERN PINE/DOUGLas FIR-lARCH ANO 152 PSIIN MEM-FIR/SPRUCE-PINE-FIR. UNIT SHAll CONSIST OF (41 MEMBERS FASTENED TOGETHER WITH 160NAllS AT IS·DC THROUGH- OUT .NaIL TRUSSES TOGETHER IN lAVERS . EACH HEMBER MUST HAVE CONNECTOR PLATES BOTH FaCES OF EACH ~OINT AS SHOWN. All lOADS SMAll BE DISTRIBUTED IBV OTHERS) Eouallv TO EACH PLV .6-7-6 lUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TopChord2x6•1650F-I .5E MSR SPF/ESlP BotChord2xB•1950F-l.7E MSR SPF/ESlP WeD .P lece 2x4•STUO W.WOODS WEB Piece 6 78 2x4•1650F-l .5E "SRSPF/ESLP WE8 Piece I 5 2x8•1950F-I .7E MSR SPF/ESlP left Wed;e 2.8 '2 or Better!! Right weo;e 2.4 '2 or Better!! 28 MAR 1994 A TrusPlus Pl.ATE R!lOOO CODe lIIC-ea sPACING 1Il.00-D.C. Design 084 046 DATE 3/?l/94 co IT ..no.,.~Of'0'TMUtSI TO AlCPT....fHAT THl LOADS UTIltnD ON THII DnIIION ..IT OR IXCftD THI AC'1'\IAl,M.AO LOAOI ~IT THI ~AND THE LM LOoUlS ...-.oefl)BY THl LOCAL MIlt.DNQ coot:OR HlSTONCAL C1.IMATIC "tCQlllOS fC)IWSIlQi 18_m II A&aJlIII'D R;JIlI ~AoCO..IUC't VOWY AU.CMIO«SIC)frrd PRI(lII TO 'A8fIIIICATIQN COHHIC'TOI'"lATIS ~".t~III.II,0IlI2IIcu.a.Aa!ll"tO'tQ)'AeNCA1'ION ~L COW'U',,""rHI ""QUAUT'I'c:orr.'Mk ~·01THI TMJ:S,!; "-All INP1TVn I,"NtIO THI ~lJIUSCOr'~AU ~NOT U(CWICAU.Y DUKlNATID MI TO ..lQJAUy OMOEO ..DU«)TU ..aAL aJ'T"Y1NQ,ONU'LATPtM.IRACIIiIO M~01'IJrClMlXJAl 1'JlUSI ~IS NOTID DH na CJRMWrtQ.TMrS OIltON .uau...1 THI TOP CHOfID TO .1 COHTlI!IUOUkY IAACIO IT SHUTMUlICllJ111ll..O"*IltW1U 'TATIO.WHI"I NO RfOIOa-....o e Nl"Uft)0IIIleCTU'TO ~IO'nOW CMO"IO.IT SHIlU _IIlUC%D AT 1fIifTU'WILS MOT PCUDINQ ......~IMICT..a TJlUSII,Q AN CM.ITJONU)TO ...I"fIlICWIS8tOHN..AOWtCI ~n:~PIeCTlOJIf ~WMICM IS Al_'f1I llfOUIf'l!O TO ~fOP"'\....ANO ~.N'PV'TO ~WOOD ""USHS.COUWOITNn'""'lID ~TlONr (TP'IJ.WHO't! COflWUSfQfll .....,U IST CONCt:IINtllf(J ....QfOt..".eLD fftlECTIOH.CU"'''LY ....'..e IHTllltOfl .1........0 LOCATION"CAN TlU'4'lRS.AND T14 0«)IIID8 or '"'f1IIlUSS TO f"IIIl'nOl'T I~IHSlAl.1.An()flI ""-'!!IS"SHAll NOT •I"'LACIO '"AN't'~NT TMAT wtU,. CAUIl IHI "OtSTUIII CONTINT 0'THI WOOD TO 1 1lCUO ,...ANOIOA CAUS.C ONNI!CTOlll I"\.ATI!CO''''OIION.C ......II.""HIN f«lCl:SSNh.IS 8f:n DETEMlWft)ev JUOtCIOUS A"'t.JCATIC)H 01'Dnll'lNCI:.......,fH(N.,e-t!'I 0UTSIDt:THI IICOP'I!c»~ltfUn""....-. 5286Al /TRUSFA6 /Version 4 .0 Qtv ·21 Truss name·/1/8-•I' SPECIAL PLATE POSITIONING CHART JOINTI X:(in)Y:llnl ANGLELUMBERSPECIfICATIONS Top Chord 2x 6 •1650F-I .5E HSR SPF/ESLP Bot Chord 2x 6 •1650F-l .5E HSR SPF/ESLP Wlb .Plscs 2x 4 •STUO w.WOOOS LIft Wldgl 2x4 '2 Or Better!! TOp Chd Batt ••Chd WebS T I--1731B I-164P WI--1773 W 2--553 T 2-0 4 .05 23 .63 1.60 6 .81 0 .0 90.0 3Z!lZ 28 MAR 19943-11 -6 Standard Unl fora Loading(PSfI TCLL -100 .0 :TCOL -25 .0;BCOL'.0; Inc rease -1 .000 LIVE LOAO OEFLECTION BASEO ON LI 6 10-4-0 O'ERALL SPAN 4-7-14 5-B-2 LBS 1325 1324 SIZE In. In . BEARING REOUIREHENTS BEARING ACT .SIZE REO . BL 2 .75 In.1.53 BI 5 .50 In .2.63 BRACING HEHSERS SHOWN BY •WHERE REOUIRED . 1~4 CONTINUOUS LATERAL BRACING ATTACHED WITH TWO 12J Bd NAILS . WHERE CONFUSION HAY EXIST CONCERNING PROPER FIELD ERECTION.CLEARLY HARK INTERIOR BEARING LOCATIONS.CANTI- LEVERS.AND THE CHORDS OF THE TRUSS TO PREVENT IHPROPER INSTALLATION . ICBO:THIS TRUSS HAS BEEN DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE wITH ICBO RESEARCH REPORT 1607. R-SOOO HOLDING VALUES ARE 203 PSI IN SOUTHERN PINE/OOUGLAS FIR-LARCH AND 152 PSIIN HEH-FIRISPRUCE-PlNE-FIR. THIS TRUSS IS OESIGNED USING THE UBC-B8 COCE.BASIC WIND SPEED -BO HPH. This dlslgn has bIen Checked for 10 P.~~fI1_6bottoachord11••load In accordanCI with USC. VERTICAL RUNS THROUGH TO BEARING . PLAn:CODE SPAClNQ R5000 lIlC-BB 24.00"O.C. A TrusPlus Design 3 OB4 046 3/25/94 .co IT ..~"~11"'r 0#(Jl)CM TO ~TMA1',..UMC8 UfL&Zm ON THIe DC'IIQIlI ..er eM IXCRD "..AC'nJAL CIAO LOA08 IWOSfO IT .,..lSTN.ICT\JM.AND TMI LM LQf.OI ~..,THl LOCAL IUlI.I»IQ coo.Oft ~a.nMTlC "COl'Q& NO tttS>O 1-"'"IS .........0 fOR ~ACCl.I\IICY YDWT AU.~"'"OIl TO '~T1ON..c::otrwI:C'T'OR "-ATI! a«7MiI AN!~....OR.GA<M AS .-tCIf1£O '~!'HIlU ~"'TM THI "'OUIoUT'I'COJImWJl ~.01 THI muss "I.ATI:...-mUll ITPfl NfO ."..~TlIUM:ON IiINlIUH...AU........u NOT PlCWICAUJ"DUION'ifDI AN TO•IOUAUJ'DMOU). ....DeflIO'nS lI"eCIAl.ctIfT1MQ.ONlY LAJ'MAL MACING NCJUlRID OIl IfrClMOUAI.TMJIS ...-.•NOTID ON na DIWWtNCl ntiS DfIfOM ,,-.ua.I.TH411 ,~CHCMtO TO II COfiIflNUOUky MACID •.,....AT'HtfIICI U*.I..Onte......nATID.....".fifO AlGIDct....a I!I ......"'0 I*tIGfLY TO JHI .a"OM DtOfD.If SHIIIU.•MACl.D A'l tNT .......MOT ocuo.G 11"-0"'.NMaQtd rMCT11iIIO • ~AM.CAUf1IClINU'TO .1Il ....,,~AIMClE _~TI~PIIC'I'IC:*MAC*G M«:H ..ALM'fa ~m TO ""!VDfT ~AJIC)~....,,,10 ~WOOO l'M.ISSeS.(;:()MMBnMY AM)~tONr(TPJ).-.M CONf'1JStON IilAY IX IST CONCa"tmtO ~Ill '''LO El"cCft()lil.CUNtl.Y ...IlJC 1'''11110''HAIt'NG ..OCATION ••CAJlTtl,.rvtllS."'NO lMt CMOf'DS or "..TMISS TO ....ntNT ~INSTAU.ATJOtf TllIUS!JD SfoCAU NOT •~IN """~TMoIrf wtU. CAUS(THI MQtST UIII!CONT(NT 0'THI:WOOO TO DClEO I"~0I0Ill CAUII:COHNICTDt'",AT'CONtOltoflr'.CAW.'''.WMIN..cus.un.I'.ST DlTtfIYtNEO tn'.JIUOC:IOUS........JCATIONor IXJIUIIIf:HCI ,Ii,tC)TI't«""QRI IS ClUTSIDI THlICCI"W M LIIlI!Sl"'ONII8fUTY "''- ~2B6A10 I TRUSrAB I Vlrslon 4 .0 Ot.-9 I Truss naml -I 3/B"-I' VERTICAL RUNS THROUGH TO BEARING . 3 .51.774.56 3-11-6 StanDarD uniform loaDing IPSFI TCll'100 .0:TCDl -25 .0:BCDl -10.0: Increase'1 .000 lIVE l OAD DEFLECTION BASED ON l /360 SPECIAL PLATE POSITIONING CHART JOINTI X:(inl Y:lin)ANGLE 4-10-10 -405 WeDs WI--3088 W 2- W3--582 10-4-0 OVERAll SPAN 3-2-12 5-5-6 12 4 [::::7' Top ChO Botto_ChO T I-2223 B I--2107 T 2-0B2-379 2490 lBS 796 1932 SPF/ESlP SPF/ESlP SPF/ESlP BEARING REDUIREMENTS BEARING ACT .SIZE REO .SIZE Bl.2.75 In .1.50 In . B2 ~.~O In.3 .84 In . Uplift Rlactions B2 -106 WHERE CONFUSION HAY EXIST CONCERNING PROPER FIELD ERECTION.CLEARLY MARK INTERIOR BEARING lOCATIONS.CANTI- lEVERS.AND THE CHORDS OF THE TRUSS TO PREVENT IMPROPER INSTAllATION . ·X·OENOTES 2X4 CONTINUOUS lATERAL BRACING REQUIRED AT 24"D.C .IF NO RIGID SHEATHING IS ATTACHED . ICB~THIS TRUSS HAS BEEN DESIG~ED I~ ACCORDANCE WITH ICBO RESEARCH REPORT 1607 . R-SOOO HOLDING VAlUES ARE 203PSIIN SOUTHERN PINE/DOUGLAS FIR-lARCH AND 1~2 PSIIN HEK-FIRISPRUCE-PINE-FIR. ~~~.~~~cI~I~s~~g ~~~NGI'1P~~E UBC-B~_11_6 This deSIgn hss oeen Cheeked for 10D.s.f. botto_choro lIve loao In eccoroence With USC. l~R SPECIFICATIONS TaD Chord 2.6•16~OF-I.~E HSR BotChord 2.6•1650F-I .5E HSR Web Pllce 2.4 •STUD W.WOODS WEB 'PleceI 2.4 •1650F-I.5E HSA ~OOO UBC-BB 24 .00"D.C. A TrusPlus Design 084 046 DATE 3/2~/g4 co IT ..ne fIIUIIe ...un 01 0'TIeItI TO ~~1lfI LOADIlIT1UZEI OM TMI oc-....-r ()lII nCieD THI ACT\IAL ObD ~ItII"OUD ...,...!T1IIUC'T\.N NCJ THI LftIII LOAOe IMPOIO)rt THI LOCAl.-..oRQ c::ooe 011 HlSTe:-cAL a.IMATlC lWCON)S. NO ~IS A&SIJWO 'OR DNlNSIONAI.ItDCUItAC"I WIlWY AU.~....:JR TO fA8MCATJON ~CR "'""TIS ~AIII ~...'..""200o'OI MsPfQf1(D.'MllCATION~CQlIlIP\.Y'MTM TI4*Q.WJTY~~·OI THI T"USS PVITI MTm11'1 IT"J NflJ ,..TMIS'fML TAUSCOM MANUl'l......"PAHUS HOT PK1ftCAU.Y ~TlD AM TO •IOUAU!'DMDlO. ....Dm«JTa PWClAL CUTTW'G.ONU'U'fDlM.IfIAaNCI ~0fI ~TNJa .........IS NOnD ON ntIS DAMWlIQ.TWla DIIIDN AUU....'HI TO,.C1+OftD TO ••CONTINUOUSLY MAcao •.,."IATHING UNU"OT"I"'"ITATID.WHI",MO lIttOID CMJNQ ..Nft.IRO oeM:C1'Ly TO ,.....IIOnOM 0ClRD.fT --.L •~.,INTE.......HOt'IIlICftI*IG ....r ."'"'OMI ("'ICTtNO lRLII8I8 AM CAllf1CWU)TO lSIll(lI'lItOf'ltSSIClIUt..ACMCI ~~INCTtDII ~...-eM 'I Al.NiI'I'II ~ TO ,.,.".",.',,",,-IJIIO AND ""O()I,MlI()IN.-..,Ut TO ~'MJOO 'MJ:ltlWI.~NI'I'AND NCO'"1V*T1OfrW'IT''f)......M CQNIJUI'QN "AT UrsT CONCI .....NG ""01'1"fino l'hfCTtQIlI.C1.IAIIILY".....A..1""11"01'.1AAN<fG LOCAT1ON1.CAHTrt..IVI"'.A~ 1MI ~CJII'~""'UU TO ~~lHSTM.1JlTlON.TNISUS -....u.NOT •'lACU)•I«'f ~TMAT 'Mll CAUII THI lItOIl1'\Htf.CONTINT 0'"...WOOD TO n CUD .1'ANO/O"CAUSI CONNICTOft ~TI COMOSION C.....llIlI._1"1 NICl.SSAR'f'...UST OITVl.....O ItY .II..IOC1OUS oVPllCAT1OH 01'hP'I'RlPClI .-..0 ntt.""aa.•QIUT8IOII 1..-:SCOlJ't"01 illll!SPOHSt....l n""..-- ~B6All I TRUSFA8 I VlrS lon 4.0 etv -9 I Truss ne..-I 3/B'•I' SPECIAL PLATE POSITIONING CHART JOINT.X:I inlY:(in)ANGLElUMBERSPECIFICATIONS Top Chord 2.6•1650F-I .5E KSR SPF/ESLP Bot Chord 2.6•2100F-I.BE HSR SPF/ESLPWeD'Piece2._•STUO W.WooOS WEB Piece 2 3 2.4 •1650F-I.5E HSR SPF/ESLP Top ChO Bottoll thO T I--7744B I-752B T2--6220B 2-4953 T 3-0 \IebB WI--1793 W 2-16B9 W 3--563B W 4•-1414 B.49 32 .77 2 .40 6 .BI 0 .0 90 .0 ThlS aeslgn hiS Deen checkea for 10p .s.f . Datta"chora live 10eaIn Iccoralnce 3-11-6 wltn UBC . 2S MAR 1994 PLF Load Ca.e I Fina l Start Eno Dir. 365.3 0 .00 14.53 V 91.3 0 .00 14.53V 330 .0 0.00 13.12 V B2.50 .00 13.12 V 36 .5 0.00 14.53 V 33.0 0 .00 13.12 V 3-11-3 un 1farm Loa(Js I n,tial TCLL 0.0 TCOL 0.0 TCLL 0.0 TCOl 0.0 BCOL 0 .0 BCOL 0.0 Increa.e -1 .000 lIVE LOAD OEFlECTION BASED ON l/3 4-1-12 6-6-2 14-6-6 OVERALL SPAN B-0-4 2 .B3~ 5-11-6 0-6-11 LBS 2065_2B3 SIZE In. In, BEARING REGUIREHENTS BEARING ACT .SIZE REO . BI 5.50 In ._.11 BL 8 .52 BRACING ~H8ERS SHOWN BY •WHERE REDUIRED . IX_CONTINUOUS LATERAL BRACING ATTACHEO WITH TWO 121 Bo NAILS . WHERE CONFUSION HAY EXIST CONCERNING PROPER FIELD ERECTION .CLEARLY HARK INTERIOR BEARING LOCATIONS .CANTI- LEVER~AND THE CHORDS OF THE TRUSS TO PREVENT IHPROPER INSTALLATION . ICB~THIS TRUSS HAS BEEN DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ICBO RESEARCH REPORT 1607. R-5000 HOLDING VALUES ARE 203 PSIIN SOUTHERN PINE/DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH AND 152 PSIIN HEH-FIRISPRUCE-PINE-FIR. THIS TRUSS IS DESIGNED USING THE UBC-B8 CODE .BASIC wIND SPEED -BO MPH. lett Wedge 2._'2 or Better!I 1l!I000 lIlC -BB0 .00•D.C. A TrusPlus Design 084 04& IT•TMI ~ITY ~0'ntUt8 TO Aae::OmWN TMAf T..:l.l»DS UT",IUD 0JIf THIS ~MIlT 01'UCIIO TMI AC'1UAl DeAO LOfoOS IW'OSEO ..,,...~IHO TMI LM l.OiI'OIS~D BY Tt4!LQICAt.iIUIt.DIMJ COOl 011 ~QJMATlC NCOlIIDS. NO....•....n ..ASaJMfO fOR ~IlCICUUlC'r VPWY AU 0IMDII5a(IIMI ,.,.,..TO ~ION.COfrMrCTQllll 'tAUS It4O'lllIN AIlIIl'lIUI-..011:10GAc.....~IUJ '.-..cATOiI ~~wmt,...""CUM.IT"t'c:ormtOl ~.01 TJoI(''''USa PUTI.INI1'rTUTI ""'"TMI ~TJIIUICOM MAHUAL AU.II'AHflI MOT l!If"fCIfeatu DOIOfiIATEDNIl TO•EOUAU.J'DMDIO ....OINOTD IPKIAL CV1TMI.ONU'L.ATBUiL ~fIIOUIMD cw ~TJlUIa ...-:RI •NDTID 0fII na ClfWfNl.,.... OI:llGII AS THI TOP CttOfID TO '1 COH'TfIiIUOUSlY MACl'D..,SI*",.....O u.........OTMI ......STATIO .WHrJIII NO l1li1010 QIU«I .-0 .-..cn:r TO THI eCJTTOM 0t0I'l0.I"....U ..MACf:O At INTPNII'UI NOT ax:ca...a •.0",~fIIIlICTINO T..-a AM CMJ1lOI'IfO TO "II .....SSI()IrIAC,AOWICI ..aMDINO n:~IMC110ff ~WMCH ..........lttou-fO TO "'flIhBff 'fOPII'UIIQ AIG ~~1IlU't"TO ~wooo 1"'USSU.~M'JAND ~TtONr ,""t.WMOII COfIIt.USIOfll ....,.IlOST CONCI,,"INO MOl"""'UD 'ltiCTIOff.a.IAM.Y ....."Ie INTllt'OIlI ......'NG ,-OCA'IOHS.CA"InUVf.lltS.ANO T14 QtOlIlIOS Of"n.:T1IUSS to "'IVUf1'~INITAU.ATIOH.T'lIllMSI!'SKAU.NOT ..'VlCIO ..IW'f t~TMAT W!U. CAUSI THI WOISTUIIlIE CONTINT Of'THI WOOO TO nCI!lO ,..ANOIOlt CAUSI CONNICTOlt !'LATI COltltOatOfoL CAW811t ."'"EN ..atlSNl't'.IS 8IST on~.,.Jl.CJCIOUlI .......ICAT"'"Of"IlfPftMI!NClE AND TMUtf:.0lIlI't II ClUTaIDI '"'ICX)l'I 01 ~IT'I' ""~'CO DATE 3/25/94 CODEPlATE 5286AI2 I TRUSFA8 /Version 4 .0 QtY -2/Truss nl ..e-I 1/4·-I' SPECIAL PLATE POSITIONING CHART JOINU X:lin)Y:linl ANGLELUMBERSPECIFICATIONS TapChard 2.8•2100F-1.BE MSR BatChard 2.8•1650F-1.5E MSR Wlb PleCI 2.4 •1650F-1.5E HSR IlEB 'PIece 3 5 2•••STUD W.WOODS SPF/ESLP SPF/ESLP SPF/ESLP Tap Chd T I-38. T2--359. T 3-0 Botta_CM B 1--35. B 2--35. B 3-349B lI.bs \I I--3027 II3--6BO II 5 --1659 \I 2-3961 \I 4 --3B34 3 .41 0 .00 1.20 0.00 0 .0 0.0 14-6-6 OVERALL SPAN 23 f./AR 1994 PLF LoadCa•• Final Start EndDir . 365 .3 0 .00 14.53 V 91.3 0 .00 14 .53 V 330.0 0 .00 13 .12 V B2.5 0 .00 13.12V 36 .5 0 .00 14.53 V 33 .0 0.00 13.1 V 3-11-3 unllarlll Load. IOltial TCLL 0 .0 TCOL 0 .0 TCLL 0 .0 TCOL 0 .0 BCOL 0 .0 BCOL 0 .0 Increase·1 .000 LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION BASED ON L/3 5-2-6 4-10-14 4-9-2 4-10-14 2.B3~ 4-B-9 4-6-13 LBS 3122 3359 SIZE In. In. BEARING REQUIREMENTS BEARING ACT .SIZE REQ . B2 7 .7B In .6.21 BL 6.69 uplift ReactIons B2 -191 BRACING I1EIlBERS SHOIIN BY •\/HEIlE AEQUIREO . IX.CONTINUOUS LATERAL BRACING ATTACHED \11TH TWO 121 Bd NAILS . WHERE CONFUSION MAY exIST CONCERNING PROPER FIELD EAECTID~CLEARLY MAAK INTERIOR BEARING LOCATIONS.CANTI- LEVEA~AND TME CHORDS OF THE TRuSS TO PAEVENT IMPRDPER INSTALLATION . ·X·DENOTES 2X4 CONTINUOUS LATERAL BRACING REQUIRED AT 24"D.C.IF NO RIGID SHEATHING IS ATTACI1ED . ICB~THIS TRUSS HAS BEEN DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE IIITH ICBO RESEARCH REPORT 1607. R-5000 HOLDING VALUES ARE 203PSIIN SOUTHERN PINE/DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH AND 152 PSIIN HEM-FIA/SPRUCE-PINE-FIA.3-11-B THIS TRUSS IS DESIGNED USING THE UBC-BB CODE .BASIC WIND sPEED -BO MPH. TnlS O.llgn nas D.en cnecked for IcP]p.~~I. DottOM cnora I1V~load1"aCtardanc~ wltn usc .2460 A TrusPlus Design '4 046 A!lOOO COOE LeC-BB 0 .00 •D.C. ""TE 3/2!J/9. .co IT ..nc....se ITt'011 ~TO ~A"TMAT ~LOrAI»UTIUZID ON nca DUIQH ...,.QIIl UCUD n.:AC'MJA&.DeAO LOAOI IMJl'I()RD ..,TMt ST~~THI LNI lOAOll ..-.oslO ...".l.C.lCA&.-.oeNQ ccx:.O't MlTORICAL aJMAnC ~-=-~II ASlIUMIO fClt CJNIfiIIlONAl.A(;(;UIUoCt WI","AU.~JrClIIC)HS ~TO ,~ee:-.crQlll IIIlATlS 840WN .....TJfIUIItIII'L 16.'"O't.CIAOI All 1NOnrD.'~IONPt4ALL ~Y.nt TMI '"OUoIUTY CClIrf"IOt.MANUlIof..011,..TIIIUSI "-ATI MTTTUfI:r"'t AND THI ~~IiIMlMl.....l .....-u NOT lWf:ClfICALU'~AM TO •IQUALLY OMDID. ....oeeoTa WtQIiIL CUTTIMCL OM.Y ~~~011 ~TIlII..U .....,.II NDTID ON "..0fUWWl1 THIll 01...AQUUla '*TO"CMOfl'O TOn C()flrnMUOURJ'PAcaO ...IM....THtMCI UHUh OTM«Mwtal ITATIO.....".NO RIOlOc::u.-.II N'ftJI'D e-.CTU'TO ntI -aTT0If t;;:IoIOfIQ.rr IMllU.•II'ACII)'"N1'IR'lMLa NOT DCI"'"..·r....,.,..IJIIICTINCI ~.....CMmONID TO ..PiiCW't ..ACMCI flIICIAN)INQI ~IENCT10N ~'IIIlMCH ..AL.-n08 ""0UII'fl) TO ~~NfD ~..M!PIJII TO "'WW:WO WOOD ,...,."..~.uwMe lIItCO PIQf,TIONr f~'IIII'MPtIo COHrUStClN IUT UIIT CONC""NlNQ NOfI'f"..no fNCTtOH.CLIAA""MAIl'C INTl!lUOft 8L\11tfItQ LOCATtOtd .CANTt\IYI"I.AND 'HI CHtWOt 01 TIC T1IUSS TO ~~IlISlAUATlOM."'USSa SHAU.NOT •"'-AeRO ..MY ~~'MAT WILl. CAUse nt,lII()tST"""1 CONTINT Of'THI "'000 TO UCIID ....ANOIO"CAUl.CONNfCTOA P\.ATt'COItt'tOStOM .CA ......I.W"f" NICI'UAI'Y.•MeT OI"T'IMIIHIO IIY ..IUDtCIOUI "",,,ICATION M fXPf~AND "*_,~..0l.JnM)I THII SCOJOf M 1lI1~""'I",""- 52B6AI3 /TRUSfAB /V~rslan 4 .0 Qt.-2/TrUll na_.-/1/4'-I· 0.0 90.0 0 .0 28 MAR 199 4 2 .BO 6 .SI -5.BO 5-0-1 13-6-2 STUB 7 .65 23.62 0.00 I I 3 ..060 12~4 SPECIAL PLATE POSITIONING CHART JOINU X:linl Y:Un)ANGLE 4-9-\4 10-9-14 B-6-2 12 •c:::""'" Standaro Unlfor~load Ing TCLl -100 .0;TCOl-25 .0 ;BCOl Incre••e-1.000 LIVE lOAD DEFLECTION BASED ON l/3 23 -1 -\4 OVERALL SPAN 12-4-0 9-9-14 S660'::Q:b I LBS 2036 203B SIZE In. In. BEARING REQUIREMENTS BEARING ACT.SIZE REQ. BL 2.75 In .2 .35 BI 5.50 In.4.06 VERTICAL RUNS THROUGH TO BEARING. ThIs deSIgn hiS been cnecked lor 10o .s .l. bottOM chord 11vI load 1n accordance WI th USC . LuilsER SPECIFICATIONS Top Cnd Botto..CM Webs Top Cnord 2x 6•2100F-I.BE HSR SPF/ESLP TI--3659 B 1-3469 WI --1500 W2-IBBO TC PIece 3 T2--269BB 2-1245 W3 --2014W4--3B3 2x 6 •1650F-1.5E HSR SPF/ESLP T3-0 Bot Cnord 2x 6 •1650F-1.5E HSR SPF/ESLP Web PIece 2x 4 •STUD W.WOODS WEB PI.c.23 2x ....1650F-1.5E HSR SPF/ESLP BRACING HEHBERS SHOWN BY •WHERE REQUIRED . IX4 CONTINUOUS LATERAL BRACING ATTACHED WITH TWO C2J Sd NAILS . WHERE CONFUSION HAY EXIST CONCEANING PROPER FIELD ERECTION.CLEARLY HARK INTERIOR BEARING LOCATIONS.CANTI- LEVERS.AND THE CHORas OF THE TRUSS TO PREveNT IMPROPER INSTALLATION . ICSO:THIS TRUSS HAS BEEN DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ICBO RESEARCH REPORT 1607 . R-SOOO HOLDING VALUES ARE 203PSIIN SOUTHERN PlNE/DDUGLAS FIR-LARCH AND 152 PSIIN HEM-FIRISPRUCE-PlNE-FIR. THIS TRUSS IS DESIGNED USING THE UBC-BS CODE.SASIC WINO SPEED -SO MPH .6-7-6 Left wedge 2>.'2 or Better!! A TrusPlus R5000 COOE Lee-BB sPACING 16 .00·D.C. Design 084 0 It 6 DATE 3/25/94 co "IS tHI......!1M ITT OP'0Tl4B'S TO ASCD'ITA*TM«1'~lOAOII UTlUZQ)ON TICS IX.aN YUT 01'IXCUO THI AC1'UotoI,.DeAD LOAOS ~D ."TM!S~NrC)tHI.UYI LOADS ~D BY n.:lOCAl IIUIU*'!ICJ COOl DR taT"ONCAL Q.I~MCOROS. JIIO ~"IS UIIUYID FQIIl ~,Io(;ClJMCY 'if","AU,DIUUIStONS ""CIfll TO '.uNCA1lQN.~0lI'"'-ATIS IMOWH AM TfIUnIIt,l ...II.Oft 21 GAGe.u l!I"fClfI(U ,~11CWt~COW'lYWITH n«-ouAU1'Y CQNTMJlIMMJAl.-01 THI TJIIIUSS "-All INIrm.rTI Iffi'll NIO THI '........TIIIUSCCJN WAMJAL.ALL PANlLa ,."If'fClfICM...,.DUIQNIld"ED NIl TO •fOUAL..U"DfYtDfD ...QDIOTd ~Q1T1'WIfQ.ONLY LATIJIAI.IMCING MQUIMD eM'IHDMOUAl T"UIS .....-..IS NDTID ON ll4fI ~.THIS DillON "'.u ....n.1 ,o~CHOflO TO ..CONTINUous.:r PACtO IT IttI"THING UNLI.'OTHIIIWI8I STATIO.WHI"I NO "1010 elJUNO ..-'"\."0 DtIWC1't.y TO '"'IIOTTOM CHOIID."IHAU •IfIIACIO Kr IHTUIWlU HOT IXCI.toeMI "-0".~PlCTING ~......CNJ'TlCJM:D TO SID ~ACMCa ,.QMDINQ TINPOfWn'IMCTtOflI INlaNO 'IIIMtCH IS Al."""MQUtfIlEl) TO IlRIYIHT TDPPUHO AM)"1)()UIN()IN(l-Mf'"TO"MAClNO wcoo TRUaD.CXJMMrNT......MID lllCOMUI.NDATIONr (TPf)......1IlI COtWUSION MA.,(Xt,T CONCIIllMIHQ "'0""fllLD lUIIiCTtON .CllAMY WAIIt(IM1"IIllIC)ft elAllllINQ LOCATION'.CAN'IUVIIll&..NO f'MI(CHOI'OI f:*...TRUSS TO ~NT ~MlTAU..ATIOM.TtIU!I8(S !JHAU.NOT H "'-"CID ..Jt«f ~"TWAT WIU CAUl''"I MO'ITU"I COffTINT 0,","I WOODTO 'WCUD ,ft ANOI()lII CAUS4E COMfltlCTOft fOU,TI.COf'''OltOfiII CAMII".W"'N..-en........"_Sf D4!'T~D."JIJOtCJOIJ!I .......ICATJON 01'lD't:NI!NCI!AHa THI".,QM rs0U'f'Sf0I:THE ~OI"~ITY00-. 52B6A2 I TRUSFAB I V.rslon 4.0 Oty -5 I Truss name -I 3/16'-\. SPECIAL PLATE POSI TIONING CHART .xlINTf X:(ln l Y:(lnl ANGLELUMBERsPECIFICATIONS Tap Chard 2~6•16~OF -I .5E HSR SPF/ESLP Bat Chard 2~6•1650F-I .5E KSR SPF/ESLP W'D Plec,2~4 •STUD W.WOODS Left Wedge 2~4 '2 or Betterl! Tap ChD Bottoll Chd WeDs T I-0B I-0 WI--383 3.00 23 .62 1.20 6 .BI 0 .0 90 .0 2460 2-2-B 31-6-10 STUB Standard Unllorm LoadIng (PSFI TCLl -100 .0 :TeOL -25 .0 :BCOL •10.0 : Increase'1.000 LIVE lOAD DEFLECTION BASED ON L/360 5-1-6 5-1-6 5-1-6 OVERALL SPAN 2-2-B BEARING REQUIREMENTS BEARING ACT .SIZE REQ .SIZE LBS BL 2.75 In.1.50In .413 BI5 .50 In.1.50 In.413 WHERE CONFUSION MAY EXIST CONCERNING PROPER FIELD ERECTID~CLEARLV HARK INTERIOR BEARING lOCATIONS.CANTI- lEVERS .AND THE CHORDS OF THE TRUSS TO PREVENT IMPROPER INSTALLA TION . ICBO:THIS TRUSS HAS BEEN DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ICBD RESEARCH REPORT 1607. R-5000 HOLDING VALUES ARE 203 PSI IN SOUTHERN PINE/DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH AND 152 PSIIN HEM-FIR/SPRUCE-PINE-FIR . THIS TRUSS IS DESIGNED USING THE UBC-BB CODE .BASIC WINO SPEED -BO MPH. ThiS d.Slgn nas Deen check.D lar 10p .s.I botto~charD lIve loaD In accarDence ..Ith lAIC . VERTICAL RUNS THROUGH TO BEARING. pu\n CODE 5P'\CING DATE R!l000 IAIC-B8 16.00·D.C.3/25/94 A TrusPlus Design .2>Q8 4 04&co 52B6A3 1 TRUSFAB 1 v,r810n A.O fT ..ntt fIIlS"ONlSI-..TY OF 0TMUtll TO AKOtT"IN nuP'~LQoII.OS \IT1l.I.UO C»I THIS DUIQN WET OR EXQfO THe ~DUD LDAOI lWOSl!D In'THe S1'1'tUCTUM!AHa r..-uri.u»c8 .-oRO BY u.:LOCAl.-......DING COOl OR ....-r0f'lCAl QJt,UlTtC fIfCQftOS. NO NSI'ONSI8ftJTT rs ASIUWID 'OR ~~YIJIt,"AU.~,....TO 'AeRlCATJON CCJMiIf(CTO""-ATO ~NfIf.T~'.....OR 20 GAOl ....SI'ICWJUJ f......cATIOH!"tW.L COW'\.T wnM T*-ouAUtY CONTf'OI.~~Of TMI fRUSI 'lAn:..,.mnr tTP'tJ lIMO ntI TM.ISWIllL ~MMlJN..AlL I"UI(U NOT If'IeIflCAUy DUlQllMTIO MI TO•IQUA&..L)CJNC)IlO ...ClUIOTU SPtClN.CUTTINQ.ONLY ~~~D Off ~TNJa ..-....NDTID OM TMI ~1'l4t1 DIllON ..........U 1'MI'TOP atOItO TO •COMTIfIIUOU:a,Y IIIItAcaO ..,IHIAT"*G """...~ITATIO....._.IltO '"GIO Clr'IUMl3I III ~~cn.T TO f'HI 8O'tTOM CMOI'D.rr ...,r.u •MAaO AT -'~NOT IDCUDlMCJ 1O'-r.IJ'PSONa DlIC'T1NQ TIUSSIS MI CAUTlOHID TO IftIC ~AO'lftCI ..~T~!NCTtClN ~WMQoII ..AlWlft"l lWOUI'lfD TO ~TO"UNG AND~·"InR TO "'MACWQ WOOO TJIU88lL ~MY AIIIID ~l1'P').WHO'f COftWUIJOH MA.'t U IS'COMC€(IIiINIIltO "MUlIPlUD lAECTtO...C\.u.ALY .....""INTI!RI(MI:HAltiNG LOCATtQtd.,CNlTIUYI!"'....-0 ~CHORDe 01'TM(TJlUSII TO ""ftDn ~"..-r.tlI.....'ION.TJIUIIU IHAU.frCli '•"-.ACID ../IIHt ~fMA1'WI!..L CAUSE 'HI wOfSTURI CO"'"NT 01'THE WOOO TO ucnD I '""'''010''c...uaE CONNICTOilt "-A'I!COMllOalON C......I!(IIiI .WH(H NECl:SlJ,UI'Y,IS HST ~rt JUOICIOUlS ~T1ON OP 1~,"fIrICI!a.HO fMU'."0iIt11S 0tIT'IaDI "*scoPI 01'"IPONS18II.ITY""--. atv -5 /Truss name -1 3/4"-I' .2 a MAR i994 0 .0 IB.4 IB.4 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 -IB.4 -IB .4 0.0 6 .00 13 .12 20 .55 1.45 -5 .50 0 .01 6 .00 13 .12 20 .55 1.45 :to -6 -l 25.95 3B.61 60.91 3 .60 0 .00 -1.75 -25 .95 -3B .61 -60 .91 -3 .60 12~4 I I 1 1 3•6 6 6 6 9-4-0 9-5-12 Stanoard UnIformLoadIng TCLL -100 .a:TCDL -25 .0:BCDL I ncrlase-1 .000LIvELOADDEFLECTION BASED ON L/360 sPECIAL PLATE POSITIONING CHART ,JQINTI X:linl Y:llnl ANGLE Rl6JO sP>e100 7-B-0 7-6-4 2-6-4II 36-6-0 OVERALL SPAN 7-6-4 12 4 C:::::------:::::::lf:::::::JliiJ:::::::::----- RI6JO 5P",100 7-9-12 9-4 -0 9-5-12 Ll 1;2PISO 1-'010 I LBS 324B 324B SIZE In. In. BEARING REOUIREI'IENTS BEARING ACT .SIZE RED . BL 6.46 BI 6 .46 IX4 "T"BRACE STIFFENER NAILED FLAT TO EaGE OF WEB WITH Bd NAILS AT B INCHES O.C .OR A SCAB (OF THE SAME DIMENSION AND GRADE AS WEBI NAILED TO FACE OF WEB WITH 100 NAILS AT B INCHES O.C.STAGGERED. WHERE INDICATED BY'.'.SCAB OR "r-BRACE TD EXTEND FOR 90S OF WEB LENGTH . WHERE CONFUSIDN MAY EXIST C~CERNING PROPER FIELD ERECTI~CLEAR\.Y MARK INTERIOR BEARING LOCATIONS.CANTI- LEvERS.AND THE CHOROS OF THE TRUSS TO PREVENT IMPROPER INSTALLATION. leaD:THIS TRUSS HAS BEEN DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ICBD RESEARCH REPORT 1607. R-5000 HOLDING VALUES ARE 203PSIIN 1SOUTHERNPlNE/DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH AND 1~2 PSIIN HEI'I-FIRlsPRUCE-PINE-FIR . 6-2-1THISTRUSSISOESIGNEDUSINGTHEUBC-BB COOE .BASIC WIND SPEED -BO MPH. 'J.ll;;;~~E:=====::!==::J::I===:::~::=~~===::III:=:~~====::=s:=;;?'JOnusOlullgnnaBbliPnc:n@Cl<ed for 100 .ar-B-.1I ~ DDttO~cnora lIve lcaa 1n accoraanc@ w,th UBC. LUMBER SPECIFICA HONS Top Chd Botto.Chd WeDs Tall Chord 2x B »2100F-I .BE MSR sPF/ESLP TI--7610B1-7214 W 1-III W 2 --2136 TC Piece 3 T 2--5531B2-7214 W 3-900 W 4 -0 2x 6 »16~OF -l .~E MSR SPF/ESLP T3--5247B 3-~247 W 5-900 W 6 --2136 Bot Chord 2x B »I B50F -1.5E MSR SPF/ESLP T ,--5531B4-7214 W 7-III WeD Piece 2x 4 »STUD W.WOODS T5--7610B5-7214 WEB PlecI 2 6 2x 4 •1650F-l .5E MSR SPF/ESLP Left Sloe Slloer 2x6 '2 or Betterl I Right sloe SlIder 2x6 '2 or Bltterl l 5266A4 I TRUSFA9 /versIon 4.0 A TrusPlus Gtv-2 I Tru ••n••1-I 1/9'-I ' rt II lMC ~0#OTMIJIII TO A8C2RTAIN ft\,\T THl l()oll(JS VTII..1UD ON THIll Da3lQfll MOT Oft lXCUO THI ACT\.IAI.D£\O L.(),AOI IWOUD ..,THl ITMICTUN NIIJ .,..uw LOoIoOa IMI'OSm'In'TMI l.OCA.L -........DINQ ee:x-OR HISTORICAL Q.Ul&ATJC "ICClROI. NO IIlUI"ONIl_JTY 1$ANuWl.D 'CM OI...:ld.O"',,&.1IiC".CUAACY.lIPl'"AU.D1~PNOR TO 'A8AtCATION CONNlCTClfl pt.AtlS -.owN NIl TIIIIJl!t*I.111.1&Clfl20 GAOl AS Sl'fCWIlO.f~K)H ~COW'L'"'""""'-ouALJ1'YCQIlITiIlOllMMJ,A,L-Of THlI f1'USS IIUT'I:-.nrvn CT~NCt .,..~TflUlICOY IIlN'IIML AU I"lUtll.S NOT ~1f1GM.Cl OUI(JlI,ATID NIlI TO•tClUALLY OMOID ....DDlOfD If'KW.c:::uTTWfO.0fIlU LATIJItAL IMQNCI MOUIfIlO 01'JJC)MI)UAL 'fNAa ~18 NDTID ON ncs ~fHtS DeatON uauwa T.-'T()II'CMOfID TO ..COffTIM"IOUkY PACla •.,SHIATHIJllO """'In OTl+fl'Wlsa sunD.""",,.NO 'UQIO CPL*CI .........0 ~L"'FO !'HI IOnOllt CHOfIO,n SHM.L •IIII.tICn)#IS "'Fl1tW'L.I NOT UClu:.«I ".0".~EMCn«I TIIt..lISa8 AM ~'FO 3IlDl ~AO'nCI MOMOlNO Tl:W'OIUoII'Y ~MACIJCI -.eM ..,.,...,..JIIOUIlIlI!D TO LIIMYUff ~AICJ ~..""01 'Fa "'WMoC»'O WOOD TRlJlSSU"~.uw AND REC::OIACNOAl'lOI'II"{TPtt.WMEJItI! CONNSIOtl ..AY 110ST CONCa""'"""O "OPUll nUD fNCTtOM.CLU""""""'II{INT IJUOflI HA"'NO LOCA'FIOIllL CAHTlLfV(fIl."'HO '"'CHOII08 01 TMI lW.JS8 TO "'f'W(NT tW'llIOf"'U'lNIfAUA11ON_f"USSlS SHALL.ftfOT N PVoClD IN ANt lHVlfIIOfr,Hr,llN1''fK.t.T WILL CAUH THI YOIITU'"COHn,.T 0"THI WOODTO eeceee It...AHOfOf'CAUSE CONMICTOf'"\.ATI eo''''O&rON CA"B!...WHIM NlCU8AIft'.tS MS1'DlIl£RWI~DBY JUOtOOlJ&AI'f'UCA'F1ON01'lUIfUlNCI AHO 'ntt""()lIII1 II QUTSM)I THI !ICO"t:01'M!JIl'OHSl....ITY""--.co 3/~/94 SPACING Design 16.00-O.C. CODE LBC-66RSOOO 0 .0 lB .• IB.4 0 .0 0.0 0.0 0 .0 -lB .• -lB .• 0 .0 6.00 13 .55 18.34 1..5 -5.50 0.01 6 .00 13 .55 lB .3. 1.45 25 .98 39 .91 54 .26 3 .60 -0.00 -1.75 -25 .98 -39 .91 -5•.26 -3 .60 I 1 I I 3 A 6 6 6 6 St.noard Uniform loadln; TCll-100.0 :TCOL -25 .0:BCDl Inc r •••••1.000 lIVE lOAD DEFLECTION BASED ON l/3 SPECIAL PLATE POSITIONING CHART JOINU X:(In)Y:(in)ANGLEW.os 102W2--2011 826W 4 -0 826W6--2011 103 lBS 324B 3248 SIZE In . In. BEARING REOUIREMENTS BEARING ACT.SIZE REO. BL 6.46 BI 6 .•6 IX.'T'BRACE STIFFENER NAILED FLAT TO EDGE OF WEB WITH Bd NAILS AT 8 INCHES D.C.OR A SCA8 (OF THE SAME DIMENSION AND GRADE AS wEBI NAILED TO FACE 01'wEB WITH 10dNAllS AT B INCHES D.C.STAGGERED. WHERE INDICATED BY I".SCAB DR 'T 'BRACE TO EXTENO FOR 901 01'WEB lEtoGTH.. WHERE CONfusION MAY EXIST CONCERNING PROPER nELD ERECTION.CLEARLY "All!( INTERIOR BEARING lOCATIONS.CANTI- LEVERS .ANO THE CHORDS 01'THE TRUSS TO PREVENT IMPROPER INSTAl.LATIDH. ICBD:THIS TRUSS HAS BEEN DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ICBO RESEARCH REPORT 1607. R-5000 HOLDING VALUES ARE 203PSIIN SOUTHERN PINE/DOUGLAS FIR-lARCH AND 152 IPSIINHEM-FIR/SPRUCE-PINE-FIR. THIS TRUSS IS DESIGNED USING THE UBC-88 5-8-ll COCE .BASIC WIND SPEED -80 MPH . nus 0.'19"nas Deen C""eked for 10 p llt-lJ-l:r "3~~§~~~==!i::==~~~~~~==~~~~~~=::!~==~~:E~?JDattoMcnordI1V!loaa1"accoraance WIth UBC. lUHBER SPECIFICATIONS Top Chd 8otto.Chd TopChard 2x 6•2100F-l.8E MSR SPF/ESLP T1--78B4 81-7474 WI- TC PI.c.3 T2--5908 8 2-7474 W 3 • 2x 6 •1650F-1.5E MSR SPF/ESLP T3--5605 B3-5605 W5 • Bot 'Chard 2x 6 •1650F-1.5E MSR SPF/ESLP T 4--590B B .-7474 W7- W.O PI.c"2x 4 •STUD W.WOODS T5--7BB4 B5-7474 WEB Plec"2 4 6 2x ••1650F-1.5E MSR SPF /ESLP l.ft 91a"Slld.r 2.6 '2 or B"tter!! Rl;ht 91d"Slld"r 2x6 .2 or B.tt.r!! A TrusPlus Design ,.046 IT IS 1H(.."..,..rn Of'oncas TO ~l14AT TIC 1..0-0t U1'1UZH)ON n.s oc-.WftT 011 DCQO THI ACT\.IAI.OCAO L.OA08 ...-oRO BY TMI nM.CnN NfIJ TttI ~lOli'Oe JWOSED 8Y 1H(lOCAl.-.DING ceee QIII HlIT~QJtMTlC "COf'CJS. NO ~fTY II A.IaIliIIO fOlII OIUI~.tCCU'ACt VUW'r AU ~MIOIII TO'A8flIICAf1CN ~CT'Ol"PlAn• ...,........TNJ8IlIlIU."'I.CJlllIO GAOl!q lIPICIf'lR)'~TII(JIt~cow\'Y WITH THl -ouAUn ct.»ONX.MAMJA&..or TM TJIlUU "-AT!INITI1'\IT1 l~NrC)ne T'JIUDII'&.TIUI(X)M ~AU....,.U NOT S"ICInCAlLY ~AIlII TO •1000000YDMOI.O ...DDIOTU IlI"U:IAL QJTTWl1 ClM.l'l.AT'IJ'AI......e-a Mal.MEO or ~TJIUU NO'nD <*TMI8 ~TMS MalON OUtu....nttI TOf'CHOlIlD TO ..coe.TtNUOUa1'MAC.O .,.IHIATMfNG lINI.~""'u n.-ntl.'111M....lItO IIItQtO CRJIIO ..-'"'\.110 DMICTU'TO TMI IOTTOM CHDfID.rr IMAU.•~AT ~NOT IEIlC&DING .......'PSONS E..C1lNO """--S .....CAUT10NID TO IEIJIl II'IIIOFIUtOMM.JiID'IICI ~~'MCTlOII MM:WO \IllNCH II .-..VS MOUM:D TO LII'lrtINT ~AIC)~.MFOt TO --..aNa WOOD TIIIUSlLU.coa..",/ItW't Me)N~'fJl)fC'(l'Pt).WH.M COH'IJtH)fil .....Y (XIST CONCllIINIHQ HlOP'1t flUO ....CTIOH.eLl"lIIlY "ARK INTI,"0lll BI!AlII t"H)lOCATIONS.CANTlLI!V'M."'''0 THI Ct4OlIIOS Of fHI fIIIlVS8 TO f"IIIh9fT I~1NITAU.AT1ON .TlIUSRS SMAU.NOT If:P\.ACU)IN »rt UMMlN"II!NT THAT ~l CAUSI THI IIIOIIT\JlIIl Co..-rlNT 0'TH.WOODTO nCUD 1"ANOIOlll CAUH CONNI!CTOlII "-ATI COfU,OIUOH .CA".llll.WHIM Hll!CUSART."MST DtTII!IlI""':O..,JIo.IOC~Uflt..JCAT1ONOf'V1PPMHC1'AND THI"'''Of'III CIUf'IH)I THlICOPf:Ol'NSfl'ONSf8fUTY""...-.co DATESPACING 16.00·D.C . CODE ~C-BBR50DD PlATE '10 5286A5 I TRusFAB I V.rolon 4 .0 atv -2 I Jru.o n....-11/8"-I' LUHBER SPECIFICATIONS TopChord 2.6 -1650F-I .5E HSR SPF/ESLP BotChord 2.6 -2100F-I .BE HSR SPF/ESLPWeD.Piece 2._•STUD 1/.1/0005 Left side Slider 2.6 '2 or Betterl ! RIght sla.Slider 2.6 '2 or Better!! SPECIAL PLATE POSITIONING CHART JOINU X:I,"'Y:(In)ANGLE BEARING RED UlREHENTS BEARING ACT .SIZE RED . BL 6.46 BI 6.46 SIZE In. In. LBS 3248 3247 Top Chd Botto.eM .T I--7932 B I-7519 T2--6281B 2-6236 T 3--5958 B 3-7519 T4--5958 T5--62BI T6--1932 WeDs 1/1--16B3 W2- W 3--434 W4 - W 5-1110 W 6 - 1110 -434 -16B3 I I I I 3 5 7 7 7 7 24 .45 38 .45 50.7B 3 .60 0 .00 0 .00 -24 .45 -3B .45 -50 .78 -3 .60 5.50 13.07 17.18 1.45 -5 .50 -5 .50 5.50 13.07 17 .18 1.45 0 .0 18 .4 18.4 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 -18 .4 -18.4 0 .0 ~-6 -1 12~4 7-9-14 Standard Un l for~LoadI ng IPSFI TCLL -100 .0:TCDL -25 .0:BCDL -I Increase -1 .000 LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION BASED ON L/3 14-5-12 6-6-2 7-9-9 I 4-0-0 I 14-5-12 7-9-14 36-a-0 OVERALL SPAN WHERE CONFUSION "AY EXIST CONCERNING PRDPER FIELD ERECTID~CLEARLY HARK INTERIOR BEARING LOCATIONS.CANTI- LEVERS,ANO THE CHORDS OF THE TRUSS TO PREVENT I"PRoPER INSTALLATION. ICBO:THIS TRUSS HAS BEEN DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ICBD RESEARCH REPORT 1607. R-5000 HOLDING VALUES ARE 203PSIIN SOUTHERN PINEIDOUGLAS FIR-LARCH AND 152 PSIIN HEH-FIRISPRUCE-PINE-FIR .I THIS TRUSS IS DESIGNED USING THE UBC-8B CODE .BASIC WIND SPEED -BO "PH.5-3-6 Tnt!desl;n nas cern cneCked fo~10p .s.f .~3~~~~==============~~:!~==========~~~JI==============~~~~'JODottOMener-e ltv'l oaa 1n actor-aanee 0-6-'1:III "'tn UBC .-r.l.IW 1-'0.10 I IX4 ·T·BR4CE STIFFENER NAILED FLAT TO IBDTH)EDGE 151 OF WE9 WITH 9d NAILS AT 9 INCHES D.C.DR A SCA9 lOF THE SAHE DIHENSIDN AND GRADE AS I/EBI NAILED TO 180TH)FACE lSI OF WEB I/ITH lad NAILS AT 9 INCHES D.C.STAGGERED .SCAB lSI DR "T- 9RACElS)TO EXTEND FOR 90S OF WEB LENGTH . (I)INDICATES ONE III EDGE OR ONE III FACE.1--1 INDICATES BOTH EDGES OR BOTH FACES. A TrusPlus Design (l~4 046 R5000 COO£ LeC-B8 SPACING 111.00·D.C. DAlE 3/25/94 co rr CI ,...~01 an..-TO AICSI'Do*TI4'lT 114 LQADI lIT1UaO ON na OOIQM ...,.""DICUD n.I AC'T\.IAL ou.o lOM)lI IW"()MQ ....THI ~AHO 1'MI uw:"QADI -..osR)..,THI \..OCollIL IUILDINQ c::cc.0I't HISTOll'CAL CUMAnc MCOfIOII NO ~IS ASSUMI:D 'OR ~ACCUI!'ACY.'lVWY AlL ~....,..TO ,~c:otr-."CTOIt "'-ATIS 1ttOMf ...T"US*L 11.II.OR ~0Ac.:AI 3P'1an1!D.'MMCAT1OfI'rHA&.L.COW'LY 'MTH Tl1I "'QUrMln CCIflAOl MNIAIN..-OP THE JlI'UU ~IIIITIT\ITI (Tilt)NeG TMI TJIlIl.MML TRl8COM ~AU ~NOT SPfCWlCAUJ'DUIOIIAftD ....TO•ICUAI..l.Y DlYIOf.D. ...DDIOTU "'CWo QJTT1IIiHL 0M:t ~MACINQ ,.~M ItCJMOUoIIL TRUSI NCJTU)ON nq ~,..... alt..~.fHR lew CHORD TO ••COM1lfiIUOU1&..,MACeD •.,......TMtIlHl UNt.1..OTttrI n nATlD.WMIM NO ,nOlO caLINO as ~DII'ICTl.Y TO .,..~0llII e:t4ONJ.IT IHAU...-..e::-o AT INTIINM.8 HOT OCUDIIIG W_O".~um:T1fItG T'MlIIIQ ...CM.11lONUJ TO HI.~~~..~TIIM"OftMY .RlCTION IRAClNQ WMCH II ""'1M'""IOUtMO TO "'I'iBfT 'ClI"".WO ....0 ~."'""TO ~WOOD 1"MJSR&COlIIUlNTM'Y AM)"C()WMUrOU~(TPt).WHfIIIt COW1JSK)N MAY (1:'8'CONeI",....IltG~..'IRD .'hECTION.Cl.IAM.Y w.uue ."Tt,"CHt alAAlHG lOC"T~LCAHTILlVt"S....1otO Tl1I 0.-.0/1 TMI TJIlUSI,TO "'ftUfT ~INITAUA"nON.,.......'""'-L IlIOT ..~D ""NI'f ~THA'--." CAUM nt,MO&STU'"CQHTtHT 0"'"I WOOD t o nella ,....A"O,()tIl CAUSI CO""'CT()tlI "-"'I CORItOSI()fiIt CAW.tlll....,HIN ~.IS IIIT DlTIJI'MtHED..,.AIOIOOUS """'lJCATlOfII OI'tllPOtlllfNCl:AHO THI~IS 0VJSl0I ~8CIQPI OII1t£PONSN1....n"'...-. 5Z86A6 I TRUSFAB 1 verSion 4 .0 Oty -2 I Truss name -1 lIS·-I · LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TopChord 2.6_1650F-l .5E MSR SP_/ESLP Bot Chord 2.6-2100F-l .BE MSR SPF/ESLPWeDPIece2.4 _STue W.WOODS Left 81de SlIder 206 '2 or Better!! RIght 81de SlIder 2.6 '2 or BItter!! SPECIAL PLATE POSITIONING CHART JOINTf X:linl Y:linl ANGLE BEARING REaUIREMENTS BEARING ACT.SIZE REa . BL 6 .66 BI 6.66 SIZE In. In. LBS 326B 326B Top Chd Botto_thd WeDs T 1--B129B1-7705 WI--1505W2-1173 T2--6655 B 2-6B5B W 3--703W 6 --703 T 3--6316B 3-7705 W5-1173W6--1505 T4--6314 T 5--6655 .T6--B129 I I I I 3 5 7 7 7 7 26 .45 3B.OB 50 .41 3 .60 0 .00 0 .00 -24.45 -3B .OB -50 .41 -3.60 5.50 12.94 17.05 1.45 -5 .50 -5 .50 5 .50 12 .94 17 .05 1.45 0.0 lB .4 lB .4 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 -IB.4 -IB .4 0.0 2 S MAR 1994;to -6-1 Standard UniformLoading TCLL -100.0;TCDL -25 .0:BCOL Increasl -1 .000 LIVE LOAD OE _LEC TION BASEO ON L/360 5-10-25-'-0 36-a-0 OVERALL SPAN 7-1-14 5-10-2 5-4-0 7-1-IA THIS TRUSS IS OESIGNED USING THE USC-BB ·l56"264.847. CODE .BASIC WINO SPEED -BO HPH .I~c;§.-~.. TnlS desIgn nos oeen cnecked lor 10p .s .l .••-4 4. Datto_cnord 11~.]080 1n accorQanCf 4-10-1 2~4.• WI tn UBC.40 .0~20 .0 -~II4 ~ 1'/1011"321~32105 HIott"~~112 5PH5112 t-:-f !-'Ql<J 10-'-B ~;o-C I 13-1-12 13-1-12 I WHERE CONFUSION MAY EXIST CONCERNING PROPER FIELD ERECTIO~CLEARLY MARK INTERIOR BEARING LOCATIONS,CANTI- LEVERS.ANO THE CHO~DS OF THE TRuSS TO PREVEN T IMPROPER INSTALLATION . ICB~THIS TRUSS HAS BEEN DESIGNED IN ACCORD~WITH ICBD RESEARCH REPORT 1607 . R-5000 HOLDING VALUES ARE 203 PSIIN SOUTHERN PINE/DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH AhO 152 PSIIN HEM-FIRISPIlUCE-PINE-FIR . IXA "T"BRACE STI__ENER NAILiD _LAT TO EDGE OF wEB WITH Bd NAILS A"B INCHES D.C.OR A SCAB IDF THE SAME ,DIMENSION AND GRADE AS WEBI NAILED TO _ACE OF WEB WITH IDa NAILS AT B INCHES O.C.STAGGERE~ WHERE INDICATED BY 1-'.SCAB OR "r BRACE TO EXTEND FOR 90S OF WEB LENGTH. A TrusPlus Design 084 046.2- Pl.ATE R5000 COOE UBC-BB 111.00"D.C . DATE 3/25/94 co IT •'"'~01 O'TMUIS TO ASCUfT ......TttllT THl l.G/loCllI U'TlUZID ON TttII 00tGH ...IT OR ocrtD THI ACT\.lAt.D£o\O lOAOI ...-oMD IV "...I'T'ltJCTUI'tI!N«J TWI UVI 1.0ADlI IW'OlKO 8'l'THI LOCAL ......0tH0 COOl OR HlSTONCAl.a......nc AlECOf'OS NO 1Il~18 ASStMfD fOR DtlrHN81OHA1.ACCUlI'AC1",YIM"Y AU.OtMl!f'aIK)HS """tIlt TQ 'ABNCATION.COHNtCTCM lltATIB -.cwNNttIl T-....&.,.,...""2OClAGaAS8PfCII'ItD.'ABNCATtoHttW.Lc:.ow"U''MTH''''""OUM.JTt'~IIIAHUAi.~Of THI 'RUM II\..UI ~ITJIIf)AND TMI T ~T"UICOM WoHIJAL.AU I"ANIElSNOT lIPWQt1CAlLY DUIQNo1ITU)..TO II fOUN.U'DMOED. ...DIMJ'TU .-c:w..~ONU'LATDW.IRACaiI8 ~c:#INDMDUAL TN..IM ...-..MOnO ON """~1MS oeltQllrl ~~TO"CHOMJ TO ..CONTtfriIlJOUSl,:r MACaD '"IHUTltUI"UNLU8 onw:JItWt.."'ATIO.aott.N NO flIlOID C2ILRI •~~TO nc eD"T'TOIlt 0t0flID.".......IfIACID AT ~NOT DCHa.I ..-e-,~IJIItIC'T'WIO ~....~ro IRK ~AOWICI ~~IEMCT1O'f MAC-ea ...,...No""MQIJIIIllD TO ~TC/II'9UICI NCJ ~."'ut TO ~wooo 1lIUSSU.~AIW liMO ~(fPI).-uti! COM'UStO".....IIUIT COHClflINfNQ P'ftOIl'Ifli "nD Ifh!CTIOfiI.CllA"L'I'......1Il .~..tO ..1."'''fIt(J \DCAnONl.CAJrfTlUWIIitS.AND lMI 0tClf'0e 01 ~TM.II8 TO ~I~""AUATJON "'USSU SHAU.HOT Ie P\AaD IN Nff I!~N'l'WAT WtU. CAUII TH.¥OtITUfl:I CONTIN"OJ THI:WOOO TO exceee '"'ANO/Ofli CAUSI CQNNICTOfli nAT'COfU'OSIOfrt.CAM"".W)4I" ICClSSNtY.tI _IT DlTE ...INtO..,JlJDtCIOUS A....CAllON OIIXPOltENCI!AHa l'Jo!lM'OfIlI IS OUT'&OI TMI SCOP'I01'fllS"OMSIllUT'r'00--.. 5286A7 I TRUSFAB I versIon 4 .0 at,-2 I Truss na..-IliB"-I' • SPECIAL PLATE POSITIONING CHART .JOINT'X:linl Y:lin)ANGLE • l\Jl1llER SPECIFICAHOHS Tap CM Botto"CM Tao Cno'd 2_5 •1650F-l .5E HSR SPF/ESlP T 1--B324 8 1-7B90 TC Piece 2 T 2--7029 B2-76152_6 •2100F-I.BE HSR SPF/ESlP T 3--666BB3-7B90 Bot Cno'd 2_5 •2100F-I.BE HSR SPF/ESlP T 4--666B \leo Piece 2_4 0 STUD W.\lOODS T 5--7029 IIEB Piece 3 4 T6 --B3242_4•1650F-1.5E I1SR SPF/ESlP lelt side Sll0e,2_6 '2 Dr Better!! RIght sIde Sllae,2_6 12 or 8ette'!! WeDs WI--1326 W2·1236 W 3 --1098 \I 4 •-109S W 5 -1236 W6•-1326 I I I I 3 5 7 7 7 7 24 .45 3B .08 50.41 3 .60 0 .00 0 .00 -24 .45 -3B .OB -50.41 -3 .60 5.50 12.94 17.0S 1.45 -S.50 -S .50 S .50 12 .94 17 .05 1.45 0.0 IB.4 IB.4 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0.0 -IB.4 -IB.4 0 .0 28 MAR 1994~-6-1 StanDarD Un ltorm loaDIng TeLL •100 .0:TCOl-25 .0 :BCOl Increas!•!.OOO LIVE LOAD DE FLECTION BASED ON l /360 36-B-0 OVERALL SPAN BEARING REQUlREHENTS BEARING ACT.SIZE REQ.SIZElBS Bl 6.46 In.324B BI 6 .46 In .324B IX.·T·BRACE STIFFENER NAILED FLA T TO EDGE OF WEB WITH Bo NAILS AT B INCHES D.C.DR A SCAB 10F THE SAH!DlHENSION AND GRADE AS wEBI NAILED T~FACE OF WEB WITH loa NAILS AT 8 INCHES D.C.STAGGERED. WHERE INDICATED BY (01 .SCAB OR ·T·BRACE TO EXTEND FOR 90S OF WEB LENGTH. WHERE CONFUSION HAY EXIST CONCERNING PROPER FIELD ERECTION.CLEARLY HARK INTERIOR BEARING LOCATIONS.CANTI- LEVERS.AND THE CHO~OF THE TRUSS T~PREVENT IHPROPER INSTALLATION. ICB~THIS TRUSS HAS BEEN DESIGNED IN 6-5-1.6-B-0 5-2-2 ACCORDANCE WITH ICBO RESEARCH REPORT 1607 .S-2-2 6-B-0 6-S -14 R-5000 HOLDING VALUES ARE 203PSIIN SOUTHERN PINE/DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH AND IS2 12 6A7!l 3245 6.7!l 12 PSIIN HEI1-FIR/SPRUCE-PINE-FIR.I~L?'~4 THIS TRUSS IS DESIGNED USING THE UBC-BB 244.•.45 CODE .BASIC WIND SPEED -80 MPH.4-4-11 2 40lM ThIS aU19n nls oeen cneckeo la,10 PJlt-B-.II 43 ~~430 oottom cno,a lIVe loaa In ICCD'Dlnce L1 /3290 3290 "10/' WI rn USC .~'1/0"5,,",112 50"5112 ,.,e W 1-0 '0 13-0-B l'O-lO I 11-9-12 11-9-12 I PlATE COOE SPACING DI\TE R5000 LeC-se 111 .00·D.C.3/25/94 A TrusPlus Design /3 4 046 52B6AB I TRUSFAB I V.,rs1an 4.0 co IT .,ntI ..5Fl un 01 0TltUII TO ~1'I1lIIn'no.LOADS UTlllZlD OIl THII DlJI<WII MDT 011 IXCQ:D ~AC'TlIAC.ou.o LOADI IWOBfD BY nc S1'1IIUCT\lIIII:AfCI TMI UVW LO'OI -..osd)BY THE LO<:Al BUIlOfJ«J CODe ClfI ~CUIlllATM:MCOfIlOll NO _"""""ITl'..~'Q11 ~ACCUlI'AC'f'W,..,........0IMfN5t0NI "...TO'......1lON ClOfWfCfOf'"lATES IttC:JIlIlJIN NIl'~tI.,.,Oft 20 GAGe MaNor_D.'~'1QIiII ~~WlTM T'"'"QUAUTY COWfIlOl.~·0lI'"HI T1IlUSS P\ATI MTmITI IT",..ucli ntI ~f1IIJIl.*OII ~AU.~NOT 1l'eCIflCAUJ'~AN TO.lCUIlU.Y OMOt:D ...DINOTO .ecw..CUTT1NG.OM:!'lAfIfW.~NCUNO Off ~T1IIlJIU ~•IC7fID QfI na DIWWIQ..THIS DIllON .......,....~T~CHORD TO H COffT INUCJlJkY _.-.ceo I"......1141...u......anta.....n no.MttM NO RIOlO eaa.-cJ t!I """UIO ~y TO 1MI IOTT'OIII CMONt .IT ~•~AT INfUNill.8 NOT ~~PIICfWi1C1 ""--U ....CH.mONB>TO ..fW)lllUM)N.IlL AOWIC:I ~1'UoW"'OfWIIT IMCfIOIrf MAOIIO -.:::;M JlIIQUlIAI:O 1'0 ...-vBfT TOf"'\.WO AND ~.....,.1,.TO "'WlIotONQ WQOD ~COIIYaN1'M'Y ,UC)~lT1"'a.'fIIIt4UIII COHfUS&ON ..AT ....ST CONCf:ltlIIlJitQ N<)ItI""UD PWCTION.C\.LfoIlIU'YAJIlIl(''''''.''tOII HAMfrtG lOCATtONl.CANTIlh"11ItS.AND 1'MI 0tClM)S 0#TMl!T"USS TO ~I~INITAU"a,TlOIiI .TlIIUISlI ........NOT M ~lit iliff tHYIflIC)HYINT THAT 'MU. CAUSl TtfI VOISTU'"CO,.TlNT 01'TW.WOOO TO neliD 1ft ANOfOfl CAUl.CONNICTOR ftlATI CO,U'OI'OH.CAw.IIIlI .WMIN ,.crS'SoUfY.IS _Sf ~Tl.....-o..,JUOtQOUI ..........e.t.Tto..0#nl"lAlEHCI:MIO TH€1IlItf'0l'I1S OUTSIOI .".tcOII"'I 01'~" ""'- aty -2 I Truss na~e -I lIB·-I ' l oeas Loca ted 10 .33 V 25 .33 V PlF l oaaCase I FInal Start Ena Olr . 133.3 0 .0 0 35 .57 V 33 .3 0 .00 35 .57 v 13 .3 0 .00 10.33 V 13 .3 25 .3336.57V 400 .0 10 .33 26.33 V 153 .3 10 .3325.33 V I 7 .65 2 .BO 0 .0 I 37 .31 9.97 90 .031.75 0 .01 0 .0 5 -1.7!1 0 .0 1 0 .0B-7 .55 2 .80 0 .0B-37 .3 1 9 .97 90 .0 Uniform Loads I n it ial 133 .3 33 .3 13 .3 13 .3 400 .0 153.3 •COMPL ETE TRUSSESREQUI RED ! SPE CIAL PL AT E POSITIONI NG CH ART J OINT.X:l in)Y:(r nl ANGLE TCll TCOl BCOl BCOlscu, ecOl Concentr"eted Liye Dead BC 2B25 .9 9B9.1 ec2825 .9 989 .1 Increase -1 .000 lIVE lOAO OEFlEC TION BASEO ON Ll 3 5797 -BB 5 -BB!I 5797 Webs -995 II 2 - 7051 W •- 0116 - 7051 W B • -995 II 1-II 3• II 5 - W 7- W 9 - Top ChaBot to.clla T 1--33952B 1-32176 T 2--32959 B 2-31277 T 3--37214 B 3-37214 T 4--37214B4-3 1277 T 5--37214B 5-32176 T 5--32959 T7--33952' \ CONCEN TRATED LOAD(S)REQijIRE(S)ADEQUATE CONNECTION TO TRANSFER EQUAL LOAD TO EAC H PLY (BY OTHERS). NAILING PATTERN SHOWN IS FOR UNIFORM LOADING ONLY. +3.5"O.C.IN BC EACH ROW,2 ROW(S). SPF/ESL P SPF/ESlP SPF/ESlP l BS 113B2 113B3 SIZE In . In . SPEC IfICATIONS 2.6 •16!10F-I .5E MSR 2.8•1950F -I .7E MSR 2.4 •STUO W.WOODS 2 3 7 8 2.4 •1650F-l .5E MSR BEAR ING REQUIREMENTS BEAR ING AC T.SIZE REO . Bl 5.66 BI !I.66 Le ft Wettge 2xB 1112 or Be ttf F"!! Rlgllt weage 2.8 f2 o~Be t ter!! WHERE CONFUSION MA Y EXIST CONCERNING PROPER FIELD EREC TION.CLEARLY MAR K INTERIOR BEARING lOCATIONS.CANTI- l EVERS.ANO THE CHORDS OF THE TRUS S TO PRE VENT I~ROP ER INSTALLA TION . ICBD:THIS TRU SS HAS BEEN DES I GNEO I N ACCORDANCE WIT H ICBO RESE ARC HREPOR T 1607. R-5000 HOLDING VALUES ARE 203PSI I N SOUTHERN PINE/DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH AND 152 PSI IN HEM-FIRISPRUCE-PINE-FIR . UNIT SHALL CONSIST OF r41 MEMBERS FASTENED TOGETHER WITH 16d NAILS AT 16"DC THROUGH- OUT.NAIL TRUSSES TOGETHER IN lAYERS. EACH MEMBER MUST HAVE CONNECTOR PLATES BOTH FACES OF EACH JOINT AS SHOWN .5-0-B 5-4-9 5-5-5 5-0-B ALL l OAOS SHAll BE OISTRIBlfTED IBY OT HERS)I 4-3-B I I !I_I_I I I .-3-B I f EOUALL Y TO EACH PL Y.;7 .-,'12 64120 RI630 244!!64120 12 H "~ THIS TRUSS ISDESIGNED USI NGTHE UBC -BB I ~·[;7 ~<::::J 4 I!/~;CODE.BAS IC WI NO SPEED -80 ~H .3-11-5 163 630 it .: ThiS aes lgn ha s Deen cheCkea f o ~10 p sf .R40 1 <013!!~::= Do ttOIl cn er-c liV e l oeai n accor-nence 0-6-II 5("150_5 _~:-w1thUBC .._._Ill''0 5(,,150 5660 56105 5560 5660 VI.'.. •171 sP6090 SP BOgo H ",'.",.'.• I0 -0 ~-.4 -9 ~-2-1 3 1 -0 ~.~o "a..1.r.<, I 10-4 -0 5-4-9 10-4-0 I ~.$'/•••••~<:)I------------;~~=_;_;;;:;_:;;_-------_ll '.eNAL to \35-B-0 OVERAll SPAN lUMBER •Top cllo~a Bot Cho~a Web Piece WEB Piece 28 MAR 1994 PlATE CODE SPACINQ Dl'TE IeOOO UBC-BB 0 .00 'D.C .3/25/94 ~~~~ A TrusPlus Design TRUSWAL ...............~SiSiEMS 084 046 TRUSWAl SVSTEMS COIlI'Cllt-'T10Nco ~!l286A9 I TRUSF AB I VerSion •.0 fT II .,.."~TT01 OTHlJlll TO A8Cf1IIT'"THAT t ..l OADS U'..ano ON TMt$0I1IIQN ..n OR f XCIIO T1C ACTUAl..DEAD L~IWOMD ..,,ttl STMJC1'UN AND 'HI UVI Lo.-os JWOSl.D BY f HlLOCAl -'-[MiIl]COD(CM HlSt()AlCAt.a,IMATtC NCOIIOS. NO ..~IS ASSUMIO ,""DtMf~ACCUfIlAC'l'VI","AU.DlMEHStONI MI()lII TO ,AMtCAnoN.~T()ft ~TlI ,...,..AN T'IlIlISilIIlN.'"'..QlIlI •GAOl AII...aP11D.fAallllCoUJON ItWJ.~'MTM THI "'QUaUTY COfIIn'JtO&.~4 (JIll',...T'lI'UAa II'\ATI MTIftITI I"",AHO TMI ~T1IWJKOtlt IMNJAI..,loU ~~".,.,~L'f'DlSOrMTID AN:TO Ie KIUAU'DMOfO...DDwOT.'IW'U:lAI.e:t.rTTWO QIla'l ~MAC..:I "tou"",o op ~TM.IS8 ......'"IS MOTtO ON tHIS OfIl...NO..THIS 01:110 au ..l!S 'HI TO"CHOf\!O '0 ••COftT,fIUOVSU'alllACIO .Y SI'lIA'M'MQ UNUU O TMCftWI'.STATIO.WHIIIlI NO "'010 aM..*O 0 ~.,TO fMI ~CMOIIO.IT St4AU II 8JlIUlC(D AT ~NOT IXCRDtMQ 10"-0"'.~(MCTING 1"MJSSI S CAUTIOHfO TO SlEPl ~AIMCI MGAllcw.o "WOR....."l ftfCTtON MAC1NO WHICH IS Al.'"IIIIOl...n"IO TO "'fYf:Hf TO"'\.NJ .&ND ~••,trtw to ""8IUONO WOOO f1I'US&lS.COIAIINT...,..,NC'I MCO"N(HOATlOfrtS'"IT1l'll .....,.. CONf'UI.OH ..A.,(JUST CO NC I"Nl Ha ""'~1It F ino (IUCTlON ,e LI "'''LY "."11:I"TI IIlI Of!'!M'A"INO LOCATIONS .C ANT l llvrlllS.AND .,..Q4ON)I 01'.,..T"USS TO PM'WJrfT ~Il IHST....V.noN TJIIUSSI!S ~""'"NOT 81 PUoCID ...AHY I HY~NT TMAT "flU . CAUII THf wo.stURI CON TIN 'O''M.WOOD 1 0 tllcna I ~"'''D.l0fI C.a.USl CO HNI(C 10_~Tl C:OIUtQSI()lill C........III.WMIN "'~".r5 eoT Mn"-'o 8T .JUOtCtOlI&"""'UCAflON ()III'I(X~ANO 1'14MPO"l("0UTII0f ""-5C:O"'l O"~,..,"'--. Dtv -2 I Truss nam e -I l I B"-l ' eTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAil 479-2138 NAME ~--,L--:-\:-~_'---,---=-_ CALLER .L.A---,,-'="'-!.I---,:.-..!..~--!..-~---.'.!.-~+-_---::=--__ READYFOR INSPECTION : LOCAnON :q ~f_'--=.....:.......:=--"="---''--''=--=..!..:~----l.-_ BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND ,,' o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V, o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER GAS PIPING 'J 0 u;ooPLYWOODNAILINGL; o INSULATION o POOL /H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS : o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 ,0 ---t ')\(({\D C)fJ If \0 1 l t 1')( o FINAL o FINAL J~J:P P R O VE D o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE -+---=-_-!------'_INSPECTOR __----0.--".-'--_ PERMIT NUMB ~R ~PROJECT DATE /c(L2 JOB NAME -----;7-----'---'="'-r-~~--__:::'Y4-L--___::=:_____:;_:~___:_."........,,..._.. READYFOR INSPECTION: 7,??L ; ELECTRICAL:v , o TEMP.POWER ----'- o ROUGH o CONDUIT o --:-_ o F ~NAL _ [pPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o RE INSPECTION REQUIRED f\..)61 C.D~... ~~.,... DATE __---i__-'----_INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAl t 479-2138 / / -;J) JOB NAME -/...('C A.-",,,,,- ~~LL E R I I /l --r)M '"I (£0 -<7 (/0 WED HUR FRI J !"AM jj~---e.--z . READYFORINSP CTION:MON,)TUES LOCATION:I /(j f .7 6 ~-6 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE I ti~/qt/ / BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ o _ o o FINAL o REINSPECTION REQUIRED MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY A IR o _ o FINAL _ o DISAPPROVED ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH-o CONDUIT _ o _ )::(f INAL _ /!==;:====~;::========================::::I ia'APPROVED -U 60RRECTI o NS :/_ DATE //•/i ·Yf£INSPECTOR _---/",1-;;1 J 1('.."ft-j b / INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OFVAl t 479-2138 WED ;Va I H TUES()/4 _-r/o i CALLER DATE _-+--=+----""''-------'-<=--_JOB NAM E -----7'=--=--f---ii----------:;-""T--::-r.;.-r---___==>'= LOCATION:__----'-----'-'----J-__+------'--"--"-'----""''-----'---'~_+--'-''-=---'--'=------:::=------------- READYFOR INSPECTION:7fit j BUILDING:~B I N G :) o FOOTINGS /STEEL 0 UNDERGROUND _ o FOUNDATION /STEEL 0 ROUGH /DW.V _ o FRAMING 0 ROUGH /WATER _ ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING ---------0GAS PIPING ----------- o INSULATION 0 POOL /H.TUB _ o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 _ 0 0 o FINAL {fFINAL ELECTRICAL:/'MECHANICAL:) o TEMP.POWER ~"EA T I N ~_ .0 ROUGH 0 EXHAUST HOODS _ o CONDUIT 0 SUPPLY AIR o 0 _ o IJ INAL p FINAL Cf.~t.PP R O V E D 0 DISAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: o REINSPECTION REQUIRED (/~ I INSPECTOR ---I...-----'-;,.L-\;;:=-'O------------- INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL J /-u •• PE RMITN UMBEROF PROJEC T DA TE (,,(--I J OB N AME,_----=:c_=-,.--_----:--=--__=::::.-_ CAL LER PMI J FRI I M ONT UES W ED TH URREADYFORINSPECTION: -'X'-fLOCATION:-'----'-----'---"''---'--''--_ o BUILDING: o FO OT INGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &S HEERoPLYWOODNAILING ---------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o o FINAL PLUMBING: o U NDERGROUND o RO UGH /D W.V._ o ROUG H /WATER _ o GAS PIPIN G _ o POOL /H .TUB _ GJ /--./,, ! o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o T EMP.POW ER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o o F INAL MECHANICAL: o HEAT ING _ o EXHAU ST HOODS o S UPPLY AIR o o FINAL _ o APPROVED CORRECTIONS : o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED / I,j((./ INSPECTORI c/'DATE -+---------=-----=-r'--- •... PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL • PMz ,,) THUR FRI CALLER MON TUES W ~ ,l S -'1 c.,JOB NAME _--""------'-----'----'--"'--_ READY FOR INSPECTION : LOCATION : DATE .' "'", PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _----::-_ o o FINAL BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEER o PLYWOOD NAILING o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ o APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE _INSPECTOR F '.•,e October 21,1994 OCT Z 4 1994 TOV .~~lVi M .OEV,~EPt '.tlo pt-:;XpSloJ-vvU-BE AU DIN GANZE CO:"S ULTll\G' E:-lG INEERS,I NC. ent Stanish 'nity Develop Frontage Road 81657 Mr.Mike vail Co 75 South Vail,CO ,'RE:784 Potato Patch Drive OUr Project Number 4663.00 Dear Mike : "Greg Ashe with Ashe Mechanical has rquested us to review t he boiler,flue and combustion air installation at th above ment ioned project.After reviewing the installation,I have come to t he concl~sion the system appears to be installed ,in conformance with good engineering practices and workmanship with one exception .The combustion air-was found to be inadequate for the "quantit y o f boiler input found at the site : The deficiency in combust ion air may be alleviated by utilizing t he existing 14 x 14 upper co ustion air opening and providing a t second opening.The second combustion air opening is ,required to be within 12"of the finished floor.The size of this 10pening mus t be a 'least 179 sqUare free area inches \or the equivalent of ta 14 " '<:x 13"duct ,utilizin g/an outside air ,grille with a minimum 6f 1 70 square inches.A 26"x 14"grille located in the overhead garage door could solve the problem or an opening through the e xteri or wall within 12"of the finish d floor could also solve the problem . /-, once the combustion air is installed,it i s my opinion that 't he sy t should perform adequately .I personally observed t he boilers firing and the draft inducer operating .The equipment 'is interconnected with the air proving switch and gas burners.., I ~ If you have any questions,please call. I -I / ,sinc ere';;t .' .~Beaudin. Pr aident \ cc:Greg Ashe -Ashe Mechanical DHB:dje / / P.O.Box 39 Vail,CO 81658 (303)949,6108 _ Fax:(303)949-6159 \ 14142 D env e~We,t Pkwy. Suite 295 Gold en,.CO 80401 (303)27&-3820 Fax:(303)27&-3843 INSPECTION REQUEST ~TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 ,(J;U/I i/(c:;iL~uc ~/T\:.:..!J~~ 0308 DATE PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT /qhi J OB NAME ;~~==::3~~-;Z=~~§~~~ READYFOR LOCA TION:__-LLL-L---L:.~_+--l....<~~.-!..!.....:!-..,L....!::::!d!::.~:=:==-6.;~_ -.-. (BUILDING:~PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D.W.V . o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION //I o POOL /H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL (~n/AJ £tJ.l ~b)0,/u:dC'/.J-P J ) o -~--..0kfFINAL"'7i ~(I)o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL. [l!"r OVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INS TION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 -------18 PM DATE _ READ Y FOR INSPECTION : r/E4 ULOCATION:_--'--==---..:_==::...._<..-...:....-'-'-:......::-~-'--....L.....l'-'--..L....::'--'---'---'-""<......L'-'---<-..._ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL ~O U G H /DW.V. K ~FRAMING OUGH /WATER ';-~"-- ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: "o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS '-o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 ~ o FINAL o FINAL i;;;'7·,t.pROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED7' CORRECTIONS: b/J/7777 INSPECTOR . -,~< DATE READYFOR LOCATION :--------=lCG~----J'....L-__L,~~~____;::*';C~z;;::.=-------------- BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o _ o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND ROUGH /OW.V.--,,-5~(....~"""7'::"'----__ OUGH /WATER -95:f-;-J;.r\{;:oL6\:?'Ob=----- GAS PIPING 30 ~ o POOL /H.TUB _ o _ o o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR o _ o FINAL PPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DA TE ----:-~+-",Lf---'--'-----INSPECTOR • Town 01 Vail OFFICE COp y Town of Va il 25 South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 (303)479 -2138 Plan review based on the 1991 Uniform Building Code Name:LOPERRESIDENCE PRIMARY Da te:August 30,1993 Occupancy :R3,M1 Type of Const:V -N Address:784 E .POTATO PATCH DR. Contractor:LOPER CONSTRU CTION Architect :F.P.B. Eng ine er:REIZAN Plans Examiner:CHUCK FELDMANN ============================================================================= 1 Sloped glazing (skyl ights)shall be tempered over l aminate glazing as per UBC 3402.Plast ic glaz ing shall be as pe r UBC 5207.A curb may be required depending upon glazing ma ter ial,slope of roof,or flashing used . 2 Th is project will require a site i mprovemen t survey. This survey sha ll be submitted and staff approved pr ior to a request f or a frame inspection.Under no circumstances wil l a f rame inspection be done without a n approved si te improvement survey . 3 Exterior su rfaces with stucco shall be provided wi th exterior meta ll ath as per UBC 4706 with 2 layers of paper .Windows and doors are required t o be adequate ly f lashed(not with just screed metal)A lat h i nspection is required prior stucco application . 4 All new construction within the Town of Vail will be required to have an initial inspection by TOV Public Works Dept.to approve site drainage and culvert installation .This approval must be comple te prior to any inspection by the Bui lding Department. 5 This project is restricted from the b u rning of wood in f irep laces.Unles s t he lot is a restric ted lot in size,three gas logs f ire pl aces and three gas appliances are permitted per unit al lowed.Gas l og ch imneys enc losures shall be one hr.p rotected . 6 Domestic c lothes dryer exhaust ducts sha ll be installed as per UMC 1 104 and 1903.Flexible duct connectors may not exceed 6'in length a nd sha ll no t be concealed within const ruction.Ducts shall termi nate outside the bu i lding and not exceed 1 4' length . 7 8 9 1 0 11 12 13 1 4 15 16 • Nodom est ic dishwashing machine shal l be directly connected to a drainage system without t he use of an approved d ishwasher a ir -gap fi tting .UPC 608. P lumbing fixtures with mechanical apparatus shall be supplied with a n a ccess panel for inspe ction and repair o f equipment.UPC 90 4. Dome s tic ranges shal l have a vertica l clearanc e above the coo king surfa ce of n ot l ess than 30"t o unp r otected combustible material .UMC 1901 . Heating and cooling equipment located in the garage shall be insta ll ed wit h the pil o ts and burners o r heating elements and swit ches at least 18"above the floor level of the garage .UMC 508 . Approved gas logs may be installed in sol id -fuel burn ing f ireplaces provided the instal lation is according to the listing instructions,any damper shall be removed or permanent ly blocked,and a safety shutoff va lve is provided.UMC 803. Supp ly a mecha ni cal drawing i ndicat ing design of sys tem,size (BTU and volume)of equipment,ven t loca tion a nd termination ,and combust ion air to be supp lied prior to any i nst allation. Due t o Colorado State Statutes,all sink f aucet t s and shower heads are required t o utili ze flow restrict ion devices.Also ,t he maximum water clos et flush usage i s limited t o a maximum o f 3 .5 gal l ons per f l us h. At eaves and va lleys an adequate underlayment s hall be provided t o pro tect a structure from ice buildup and wa ter damage .Two layers o f felt solid mopped to sheathi ng and between l ayers or a commercia l water &ice shield may be used as per Tab le 32B1. In addition to a mi nimum reinforcement,not less than two #5 bars s hall be provided around all window and door openings.Such bars s hall be extended beyond the corners of t he openings not l ess than 24".UBC 2614(d)7. Because of t his project's l o cation ,the foundation is required to be dampproofed to prevent damage to areas be low finished grade .UBC 1 707(d). •• 17 18 The structure is required to be anchored to the foundataio n with 1 /2 inch anchor bol ts .The b olts must be into the concrete or masonry 7 inches and s paceda maximum of 6 fee t apart .See code for a dditional requi reme nts.--Sec.290 7 .(f) Provide t russ details by t h e truss manufacturer 's enginee r.(reg in this state) Co • To wn o f Vail Town of Vail 2 5 ~outh F r ontage RoadOFFICEC'()OVVall,Colorado 816 57 J'! (303)4 7 9-2138 ...I , Pl ana naly si s ba sed on the 1 991Uni form Bu il ding Code Name:LOPER RES IDENCE PRIMARY Date:August 30 ,1993 Oc cupa ncy :R3,M1 Type o f Co nst:V-N Add ress :7 84 E .POTATO PATCHDR . Co nt r actor :LOPER CONSTRUCTION Ar ch it ect :F.P.B . En ginee r:REIZAN PlansExami ner:CHUCK FELDMANN NO TE :Thec ode items li s ted in this r ep orta re n ot intendedt ob ea comple te l isting of al l possible c ode require ments i n the 1 991 UBC .It is a guide to selected sections o f the code. FL NAME AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO .EXITS EGRESS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 Master bath 192 0.00 9.60 1No 2 Bedroom 267 26.70 13.35 1 Yes 2 Bedroom #1 155 15.50 7.75 1 Yes 2 Bath r oom#l 44 0.00 2 .20 1 No 2 Be droom #2 160 16.00 8 .00 1 Yes 2 Bath ro om#2 3 7 0 .0 0 1.8 5 1 No 2 Ba th r oom#3 41 0.0 0 2 .05 1 No 2 Bedroom #3 1 56 15.6 0 7 .80 1 Yes 2 Halls,cl osets.etc .6 48 0.00 0 .00 1 No TOTAL FORFL OOR 1 700 1 1Ba th room 29 0.0 0 1.5 0 1 No 1 Living ro om 47 547 .5 0 23 .75 1 No 1 Laun dry ro om 5 60 .00 2 .80 1 No 1 Kitchen 229 22.90 11.45 1 No 1 Dining room 1 58 15.80 7 .90 1 No 1 Halls,closets,et c.6 81 0 .00 0 .00 1 No TOTALFORF LOOR 162 8 1 BGarage 713 0 .00 0 .00 1 No B Bat h room 26 0 .00 1.50 1 No B Halls,closets,et c .3 01 0 .00 0 .00 1 No TOTAL FOR FLOOR 1 04 0 1 Yes BUILDING TOTAL 3 3 28 2 FOOTNOTES: 1)EGRESS -An operable window or door t hat opens direct ly to the exterior is required fr om this ro om .The minimum clear openable area must meet the foll owing.--S ec .1204. 1 }The minimum cl ear height is 24 inches 2}The min imum clear wid th is 20 inches 3}The minimum clear area i s 5.7 square feet 4}The maximum s illh eig ht is 44 inches 2}The number of e x its i s based o n Table 3 3-A (Dwellings ) • 3)A mechanical vent ilation system may be used in 1n lieu of exterior openings for ventilation.--Sec.12 05.(c) 4)The requirement fo r an egress window in t he basement is based o n Sec.1204. ROOMDIMENSIONS: Habitable space shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7f eet 6 i nches.Kitchens,hall s,bat hr ooms and to i let c ompartments may have a cei l ing he ight of 7 fe et me asured t o the l owest projection.If t he ce iling is s l op ing,then the min imum height is required in o nly1 /2 o f the area. --S ec.1 2 07.(a) Eve ry dwel lingu nit shall have at least one r oom which has no t less than 1 20 square f e et o f floor area.Other habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area o f not l ess than 70 squa re feet.--Sec.12 07.(b) Habitable ro oms other than a kitchen shall not be less than 7 feet in any dimension .--Sec.1207 .(c ) GLAZINGREQUIREMENTS: All glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety glazing material.--Sec .5406.(d) 1)Glazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies . 2)Glaz ing in fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies and panels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors. 3)Gla zing in storm doors. 4)Glazing in all unframed swinging doors. 5)Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs,whirlpools,saunas,steam r ooms ,bathtubs and showers.Glaz ing in any portion of a building wall enclosing these compa rtments where the bottom exposed edge o f the gla zing is less than 6 0 inches above a standing surface and drai n inlet. 6)Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent t o ad oor where the n earest exposed edge of the glazxing is within a2 4 -inch arc of either vertical edge of t he door in a closed position and where the bottom e xposed edge o f the glazing is less t h an 6 0 inches a bove the wa lking surface. 7)Gla zing i n an individual f ixedo r ope rable panel,other than thos e loc ations described i n items 5 and 6 above,t h an meets all o f the fo llowing conditions: A .Exposed a rea of an individual pane great er than 9 square feet. B .Exposed b ottom edge less than 18 inches above the floor. C .Exposed top edge greater than 36 inches above the floor. D.On e or more walking surfaces within 36 inches horizontally of the p lane of the gla zing. 8 )Gl az ing i n rail ings regardless of height above a walking surf a ce. Included are structura l baluster panels and nonst ructural in-fill panels. See ex ceptions. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS: A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall at a point centra lly located in the corridor o r area giving access to each sleeping area . --Sec .121 0 .(a)4. A smoke detector is required on the ceiling o rwall in each sleeping area.--Sec .1210 .(a)4 . A smoke detector is requ ired 1n the basement .--Sec.1 21 0.(a)4 . • A smoke de tector is required on all stories.--Sec.12 10.(a)4. I f the upper level contains sleeping room(s),asm oke d etector is required in the ceiling of the uppe r level close to the stairway. --Sec.1210 .(a)4 Smo ke d e tect ors are requ ired t o be wired to the b uilding's power s ource and shall be equipped witha bat tery ba ckup.--Sec.1210.(a)3. Det ect or s shall sound an alarm audible in all sleeping area of t he dwe lli ng in whi ch they a re loca ted .--Sec .121 0.(a)4 . F IREPLACE REQU IREMENTS: FACTO RY BUILT FIREPLACE: 1)Uni t must be an approved un i t.--Sec.3 70 5.(a) 2)Cleara nces and hear th size must be per manufa ctures approval. --S ec.3705.(a)&(b) 3)Chimney height must be per manufacturer's approval and Table 3 7-B OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the residence,materials approved for 1hr fire construction are required on the garage side only and any doors between the garage and the residence are to be a self-cl osing 1 3/8 inch solid c ore doo r or a20 minute fire door.--Table 5-B &Sec .503.(d)exc.#3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 36 i nches wide.--Sec.33 06.(b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches. --Sec.3306.(c)exc .#1 P rov idea handrail on one side a stairway 34 t o 38 inches above the nosi ng if t here is 4 or more risers.--Sec.3306.(i ) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater t han 30 inches .Minimum h e ight =36 inches,maximum opening size =4 inches.--Sec.1 712.(a )exc.#1 The minimum headroom is 6 ft.-8 i nches.--Sec .3306.(0) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as requi red for 1hr fire-resistive construct ion.--Sec.33 06 .(1) SHAFTENCLOSURES: 1)Chut es and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross -secti onal area of not more than 9 squa re feet may lined on thei nside with no tl ess than 2 6 gage galvanized sheet metal with a ll joints locklapped.The outside mus t be 1 hr c onstruction.All openings into a ny such e nclosure shall be p r otected b y not less than a self-closing solid wood door 13 /8 inches thick o r equivalent.--Sec.1706.(f) 2)Gas vents and noncombustible piping installed in walls passing through 3 floors or less do not need to be in 1 hour shafts. --Sec .17 06 .(c) 3)Shafts for gas vents,fac tory -bu ilt chimneys,p iping ,or ducts that do not extend through not more than 2f loors need not be in 1 hour shafts . --Sec .1706.(c) 4)All other shafts are required to be enclosed i na1 hour assembly. Sec.1706 .(a) ATTI C REQUIREME NTS: 1 )Pro vide an access to a ll att ic areas with a clea r height of 30 inches or more .The min imum size is 22 inches b y 3 0 inches.There must be 30 inches or more clear height above the a ccess.--Sec .32 05.(a) 2)Provide ventilati on i na ll attic areas .The ne tf ree vent area is to be n ot less than 1 squa re f o ot for each 15 0 squa re feet o f at ti c area . The v ent area may be 1 /300 if at l east5 0%o f the required v entilat ing area is pro vided by ven til a tor s located in t he upper po rt ion o f t he a t tic .The upper v e ntila tor s must be a t leas t 3 f eet abo ve t hee ve or cornice vents .--Sec .320 5.(c) F ora 1 700.0 sq .ft .at ti ca rea: Ra tio Mimi num sq.ft .of v ent 1 /150 11 .33 1 /300 5.67 CRAWLSPACE REQUIREME NTS: 1)Provide ventilation either by mechan ical means or b y openings In exteri or walls .Open i ng shall p r ovide a net area of not less t han1 square foo t for each 1 50 square feet of a rea in crawl space.Openings sha ll be di stribu ted on t wo oppos ite sides and be located as cl ose to corners as practical. --Sec.25 16 .(c)6 .Note:Vent openings may be reduced to 1 0%of the above if ground surface area i s covered with an appr ovedv apor barrier an dt he bu i lding official approv es. For a 415 .0 sq .ft.crawlspace area: Ratio Minimum sq.ft .of v e n t 1 /150 2 .77 2 )Provide 18-inch by 24-inch a ccess opening t o the crawl space area.Note: o pening may be required t o be larger i f mechanica l equipment is located in the crawl space .--Sec.2 516.(c)2 . 3 )Un less the woo d is listed as an approved wo od o f natura l resistan ce to decay or treated wood,the minimum cleara nc e b etween exp osede art h a nd f l oor joist is 1 8 inche s.The mi nimum c le aranc e to b eams and gi rde rs i s is 12 i nches .--Sec.251 6.(c)2 . ADDITI ONAL REQU IREMENTS: For R3 occupancy This p roject will require a s i te imp ro vement su rv ey .Such s urvey sha ll be submitted and approved p rio r to r eq ue st f or f rame inspection. All c rawl spaces within the Town Of Vail a re limi ted to a earth to st ructural floor ceiling height of 5',b ee ar thf lo or only,b e v entilated as per UBC 2516(C)6 with minimum a ccess as per UBC 2516 (C)2 and maximum access of 9 sq.ft. Any building si te with as lope of 30 d egrees or more sha ll requ ire a n e ngi neer design.Such design sha ll address drainage,so il ret ainage and st ructural design . Ex c avati on below s labs on grade sha lln ot be permitted withou t prior a pp ro val . Address numbers sha ll be posted plainly visible and l egi bl e from the street . ..• For Ml occupancy Slope garage floor to allow f or drainage t o out side t o provide a floor drain with sand and oil i nterceptor to dry well or t o sewe r . Any garage floo r drain connected to sewer must be approved by Uppe r Eag le Va lley Wa ter &San itation District . I n garages wit h living a rea a bo v e,the wa l ls of t he gara ge wiich are beari ng t he area above shall b e protected with o ne ho ur f ire res ist ive const ru ct ion .UBC 503(B ). JI!IDI.PLANSATTACHEDNOTE-COpy OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE 2/17/9,5924PERMITNO. 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION IIIIIIIVV 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEHIRM BUILDING DIVISION 122a34 z ELECTRICAL0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK:i=<PLUMBING::::l ....J<MECHANICAL 15.000Heatingfornewresidence> TYPE GROUP G.R.F .A.VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERMIT PLAN CHECK ~ELECTRICAL NEW()ALTERAT ION ()ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR (v)PLUMBING ~ DWE LLIN GUNI TS __ACC OMMODAT IO NUNI TS __MECHANICAL 300 +75 .....'S'- HEIGHT IN FT .__NO.FIREP LACES RECREATION FEE t'\\--~ INSULATION :TYPE THI CK NESS R-VALLUE -~DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FLOOR CLEAN ·UPDEPOSIT EXT .WALLS p 'USE TAX ROOF r--.....I.>.-. TYPE ELEC .GAS TOTAL PERMIT FEES 375.00 ~OF SOLAR WOODHEAT ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED :BUILDING OFFICIAL------DATE ----- 1-!i INIT IAL ---------------ST .CUT ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING ZONING &BUILDING NOTES : PARKING DEMO I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out in full the information required , completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the information provided as required is correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with a Town ordinances and state laws,and to build this structure accordinl~~lad subdivision codes,design review approved,Uniform Building Code a er ordin s of t Town applicable thereto. ~r S,,->,''''I uREOF OWNER OR COrVTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND THE OWNER. o PLUMBINGoFOUNDATION }8h B Potato Patch Rd o BUilDINGoELECTRICAL Iill MECHANICAL ·~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT to'~ department of community development, TOBE FILLED OUTCOMPLETEL YPRIOR TO ISSUANCE OFPERMIT TYPEOF PERMIT ,EGAL LOT 15 BlK 1 DESC .FILING Potato PateR :JOB NAME :LOPERXX MECHANICAL OWNER NAME l ,oper MAIL ADDR ESS CITY PH . ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH . GENERAL FIRM CONTRACTOR TOWN OFVAIL REG.NO. TELE. FIRM 'NECTRICAl NTRACTOR TOWN OFVAIL REG.NO. TELE. FIRMAsll.Mechanical PLUMBING 192 P CONTRACTOR TOWN OFVAIL REG .NO. TELE .328-5465 FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OFVAIL REG.NO. TELE. OTHER FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. CONTRACTOR TELE . ~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE --7,;;,0'PERMlno BEKEPTON JOBSITE 8i~,~).DATE J 93 "0 •..'I -_••-7 t99!.t'li~'"u PERMIT11111ralI.1 fPE o rCONSTRUCTIONIIIIIIIVV VJ I ~NO. department of community development 2.OCCUPANCYGROUP AB EHIRM Il BUILDING DIVISION 12 2.34 I~ELECTRICAL TOBE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCE OFPERMIT~'"~"~...~.PLUMBING TYPEOFPERMIT ~::;J~,,1../,,~,-l '1--1-_;;!~ ICMECHANICALoBUILDINGPLUMBING.fI.-,r ..I of (h r-,..c ,~)'"J.J.I A.JJ .-;',>«000 j;LECTRICAL 0 FOUNDATION ....., _Y..ADD S~ECH ~~C~~g,..,J .J...v...~J /(r)TYPEGROUP G .R.FA VALUATION PERMITFEES ~LEGALLOT IS BLK I GJv ClJ ,,()./t 7/VRMIT DESC.FllING M c.-Io Pajc..L. JOBNAME :/-O p(;12.../1I!C r f/IJ,r°/ll S (i ",;1 (..u'H..<;'0 ~OWNER NAME l.cfX-r /<.eS ,0',.N GA.--NEWe )ALTERATION()ADDITIO I f 'ck v;--''-'1)-j--lSMAilADDRESSDWELLINGUNITS__ACCOM MOI ell.\'l ~( CITY Iln_"I .r/)PH.HEIGHTINFT.__NO.FIREPL HEE ARCHITECT FIRM INSULATION:TYPE THICKNE SS R-VALLUE ~MAILADDRESS FLOOR CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT----_..------ EXT WALLS USETAXCITYPH. ROOF ~GENERAL FIRM ICONTRACTOR TYPEELEC.GAS TOTALPERMITFEES ~I$.OOTOWNOFVAILREG.NO.OF HEAT SOLAR WOOD TELE. ADDITIONAL PERMITSNEEDED:auTtrnNGOfFICIAL-------t>ATE ----- FIRM ELECTRICAL 1.!i INITIAL 1-------TOWNOFVAILREG.NO .--------ONTRACTOR ST.CUT ONINGADMINISTRATOR DATE TetE.eLASTING 1z0NING &BUILDING NOTES: i FIRM 1/6 t;~-h <yv/c-e-I PARKINGXIPLUMBING ::OF=i~~~54(;tt -fCONTRACTOR DEMO X FIRM I hereby acknowledge thatIhaveread this application.filled out In full the information required, MECHANICAL completed an accurate plot plan,andstate that allthe information provided as required Is:GQ rrect.I CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG .NO .agreeto comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and state TetE.laws.andto build this structure according tothe T~;S zoning and subdivision codes,design,review approved ,Uniform Building Codeand oth~nances ~~n /PPlicable thereto. OTHER FIRM GLEAN UP DEPOSIT TO:~----"'x7-. TOWNOFVAILREG.NO.I~NA1 U ~NE~OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF CONTRACTOR TELE .ANDTHE ~. l~]HARRY MAR T:?:~;UP P L"~"---G U " WH OI [SALE PL U MB ING "NL HE.>\T1 NG 5195 VI VIAN ~TfiE"T •A livADA.COLOI1,',Il O 8 (\002 l:lllJ)4 21 -6665 AD D RESS r :(!..---,.,.Or,.J'~DA T E /I!o((f 'Ie B TUH per fOoot 01 R ..d latlon S .l.cted ").l..0 ROOM LIN .FT .OF TOTALS RADIATION F ROM LINE'2 SE LECTED D esign W.ater T emp .,-J Ct u C 1 0 y "0 I y t:, D C 20 0 7 ..... E F G H K _ w STUH COL.G BTUH CO L.F STUH COL.E ", 00 'f {J 0 BTUH /'7 "" CO L .D "JD 0 BTUH /'(0 0 IJ..e. COL.C :J...J "0 a: o >- U 4: u, CO L.B 11 ------1------+-----1-----·1=--<-------1 1RO OM I -~-----o---------------- I-~--------..- 2 ROO MD IMENSION "f T . f------------..•----.----- 3 L E NGTH E XPOSED ',;A:::L:::Lc.::S.c,_F_T..:.U 4 WINDO W AN D O ll T :.,D E D O OR AREA 5WA LL CONSTRU CTION t Tilbla 9 .Line 3 I'-I t) •~TYPEOFG·LASS..---- (Ho ll om 0 'tabId uud l or Lino 6) 7CE ILING C ON STR UCTION ~(T .b lat ~:~~~!~=~~._ 8 FL OORC ONS TR UCTlONr ~~Tabl~~~.~_,!!~~~~~~.,. 9 CO LD PA R TITI ONC O NSTR UCT ION (Tabltt9 ,L x tt' "I N CREASE BA THROOM TOTAL 20'14> lFOR C ONCRETEF LOOR ON GROUNO OR FILL AT GRADE LEVEL,USE LINEAR F EET OF EXPOSED EDGE --- CO L.A COL.B COL.H COL.•COL.J COL.K COL.L 1 HO OM II: 0 H I L I w H I L I w H I L I WH I L I w H I L I w•--f-:I II I I II II IROOMDIMENSIONS.F T .U ,. L ENG TH E XPOSED WALLS,F T .4: 4 WINDOW A NDO llTS IDE DOOR A REA U- ---------- BT UH STUH STUH STUH STUH 5 WALL CONSTRUCTION (l ilbl.9 ,Line 3)l,H ) f---1-------------IX6TYPEOFGLASS (Hollom of ..bl.u S¥ll lur ,:-In.5) -._. 7 CEILING CONSTR UC TION (T.bl.9 .L •W~ F LOOR CONSTR UCT iONt ----- 8 I T abl.9,L x W o r Lill.Ft.) 9 COLO PARTITION C O NSTRUCTION (T.wl.9 ,l..)l H) ~ 10 1Wall (With O pfilling,J 0=a ~;t_.-2 W.lla (With OIJ.~ing,)~X~~~J~3 Wall,(W ith 01J_ninga)o r Ent.H .II t-/ -----rx11TOTALBTUHAT70FTEMPDIFFERENCE' 12 TOTA L B T U ~j A TD ESIGN T EMP.DIFFERENCE 16 7 0 0 TOTALBTUH OF BUILDING AT DESIGN TEMP.Q DIFFER ENCE C c:/,,_C ~=r>y TOTAL RADIATION SELECTED F ORM 15n3 ?;loBTUHperFool0' R;r,di;r,tlon S,lected _.:..,,=-::<-_ ROOM LIN.FT .OF TOTALS RADIATION FROM LINE 12 SELECTED DA TE --'-'-'-,~=__ 101"I .,UI v lln..a 1..~(nUle Daden W;r,ler T,mp. C /.1/0 {) o I to () E _ F G ~,.-_ H':r.0 91 ';-0 0 10 .:7J"o Elevation ~__~__.__ I-IARRY MART::t ~1UPPLY (;l). WHOL ESALE PLUMBIN G ANL HE !HING 5295 VIVI AN 5 THEET •AR VADA .C OLOR I·.DO 8(}()02 13(3)4 21 ·6 665 OWNER .~ADDI<ESS O~-<"to -DESIGN TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCe '----.-. CO L A CDL.B COL.C COL.0 CDL.E COL.F COL.G--___--_.0--------- I R O O M nA (J .~£j ~rl,.Loy e;,LoLocl .I.o .::r 8~r l,:1u (J'TVr.-#,,-._---II: 0 HL 1 w HL IW H I L 1 W H I L I W H I L W----I-7 I ?I ~y 9 7 -6 1"0 9-I s .c I '/-'9 1..r lr CJ'l.r2ROOMDIMENSIONS.FT.YI--------------u 3 l.E NGT HE XPOSED W AL LS.FT.4:t/r , II ---~WI NDOW A N D O UTSIDE D OOR AREA u,7:1 ~------ STUH BTUH BTUH BTUH BTUH 5W A l.L CO NSTR UCTION (TaDI.9 ,Line 3 ..H ).o F I {,I>0 300 ----«T YPEO F GL ASS IX(Soltam 01 tabl"UitlO for Ltne 5)EI._!:I 02 '00 ...1 o 0 ----1----CEILING CONSTRUCTION (T able 9,L )(W)----~ 8 FLOOR C ON STRUCT IONt ._--- (Table 9 .l...Wor L in.ft.)--------_.._-----9 CO LD PARTITION CONSTRUCTION I T.blt,9,I.x HI ------ to 1Wall'W ith Open iug$)I 0 V boo <,»><,..-/<,./,-:~-----------...~~.>«,~»<-'-2 W",II,(Wilh O penings),z.~X ~/rEE--------_._--'~--./......-/.\<,»:'-..3 Walll (With Opiming~)or Ent.Hall ~~:;z.,V-.r~"0 v 2-d..h ·....~;J u"'.)---_._- II TOTAL BTUIi AT 70F TEMP .DIFFERENCE'IX ,?"z,e-u /.:100 ii/1 8 11//1-TOTAl.B ;:~l iAT-DESIGN TEMP .DIFFEREN CE--/:7/00 /t tl 0 "12 L _ I ·INCREASE BATHROOM TOTAL 20% tFoR CONCRETE FLOOR ON GROUND OR FILL AT 'GRADE LEVEL,USE LINEAR FEET OF EXPOSED EDGE COL.A COL .B COL.H COL.I COL.J COL.K COL.L---- L ""''-~/';IA''''/('1'4..._1 ROOM II:,/"r,,>-.ri:#:;-R""T.t;r 0 H 1 L 1 w H I L Iw H I L I w H 1 L I W H I L 1 W•ROOM DIMENSIONS.FT....'7 1.:2..1 I",...'9"1 /()41 /~'r.9 1:1_'-1 1 Co I y I <,I 110 LENG TH E XPOSED WALLS.FT.4:t!,,--,/0 -'" .,.-1 1-(. WINDOW AND OUTSIDE DOOR AREA u,.7 Yr 1 ,7 .~·I4-.. BTUH BTlJH BTUH BTUH BTUH 6 WALL CONSTRUCTiON (Table 9,Lina 3 K til .oJ I ).•u :}C>o ......'/0 0 6 TYPE OF GLASS IX -(Bottom 01 ••bla Ulad tor Line 51 h J-I Itd-lIO -.J6 Q //"o 7 CEILING CONSTRUCTION (Toblo 9.L •WI ."'I ------/6 0 B FLOOR CONSTRUCTIONt (Table 9,L x Wor Lin.F I.).OJ /(,00 fo o 10 0 /0 0 9 COLD PARTITION CONSTRUCTION (To"lo 9,L •HI ----- 10 =~IWoll (With Oponlng.1 I 0 ..(~V 1000 <,./~i' !~2 W.lI.(With oP.~!!,,,,1 l..~X ..(~~.l..()O »«:......9o{),~-'..3 Wall,(With Opening,1 or Enl.Hall .....1 :7 ............<, 11 TOTAL BTUH AT 10F TEMP.DIFFERENCE'IX ).2;"00 s.J 0 .0 II"L).J1 000 12 TOTAL BTUH AT DESIGN TEMP.DIFFERENCE '3/r o »(J ;],..,~/V I 2.71>0 orr COOO TOTALBTUH OF BUILDING AT DESIGN TEMP.o DIFFERENCE c,-=~o ..~ ! TOTAL . RADIATION ' SELECTED Ilia ....~u 'v.1 J1...iI III.~ • BTUH per Foot 0' R~dl~IIDn S.llcted ?2..P D ellgn W~ter Temp.J CJ '" LE::z)F .DATE afyO" --,.."".~. Elevatio n,~~~_ HARRY MAR TZ SU P PLY (;U. WH OLESALE P LUMB ING ANL H E !\l"I NG ~1!l!>VI V IA N ~rH "'ET •AlivADA .CO LDA r.DD Ullll1l2 1311J)4 21-1i665 j.1//f'll AtOWNER9 'b_ADD RESS q,""<>"£..DESIGN TEMPERATURE DIFFEREN CE- CO L.A COL.a COL.C COL.D COL.E COL.F COL.G-- I RO OM Ll~.J A 0 <'>'"s;irA J,:Ja J lJ t A:J o:,,"L 11_.1 It .7.,(,c 4,f-~.;'<.>--_.II: 0 H +L _I W H L I WHL I W H I L I WH I L I W-..t-?'I l...),/r ,T i ll.k )·{,-2 ~~OM DI M ENS ION S ,F T .9'I.,-:.L 2".r;(,.1 c.:r I ...I Y·h ~._.U 3 L E NG THE XPOSEDWA LLS.F T ,q:tf,r s -I'l....-.---4 WIN DOW AND OU TSIDE DOOR ARE A u.'1S'/0 .7 0---- aTUH aTUH aTUH aTUH aTU H 5WA LL C ONST RU CTI ON .OJ'(Ta ble 9 ,Line 3 JIo H )/.J..D U ,2 00 -J t!)~~•TY PE OF G LA SS XIBoHOm01tauteUIOUlorLinti61M)/.2,6.0 '10<>-II (!J 0 -..---- C EI LING C O NSTR UCT ION lT able 9 ,L ...w).-.'1 7 00 1 0 6 /0 0 JOO /v o 8 FL OO R C ONSTRU CTION ' (T able 9 ,L x W Or Lin.Ft.)-~---._----_. 9 CO LO P ARTITIO N CONSTRUCTI ON -tTabllil 9 ,L A H )------ -----<,./<;./10 ::5 1 W illi (W ilh O pe nlny.),0 f~~L2 .......'3,,0 ,,/1 10 0~~><~~-2 W all"(W ith Op e ning,,)~.!!X .d II'~~3 Walls (With Openlnglilo r E nl.H all ~-' .7."""t'J.....{oj /.:,J v 7.--........./"<,t-.0 ,.7 Y...-~._._.- 1 1 T OTAL BTUH A T JO F TEMP.DIFFER HJC,,'r.x ,/"Jo>o 1 :1.6 0 /0'".7 0 "'I I.--12 TO TAL BT UII AT DE SIGN TEMP.D IFF ER eNCE I I r GO 1 700 1 ,,0 7'J "u I V ,rJ --.--~-_. FORM 1503 I FOR CONCRETE FLOOR ON GRO UND OR F ILL AT , GRADE LEVEL,USE LINEAR FEET OF EXPOSED EDGE ..... COL..A CO L .R COL.H COL.'COL.J COL.K COL.L.. 1 RO OM II:H ·:It.<,lI ~r~j <>t B ,-;f /,Jo)~-""'".7 0.>d oc..1 .7 II-- 0 H I L I W H I L I WH I L I w H L I WH I L I W._-0- f-~I "?I y r I ?r"lr-L ,y Ir:.'"I 7.'p-I A I I?1'1 7 'I ~•R OOM DIME NSIONS,FT ...----U '.LE NGTHE XPOS ED WALLS .F T.q:-r-f..-.1)y WI NDOW A ND O UTSIDE DOO R AR EA u./,;,'>'J -•------.- BTUH BTUH BTUH BTUH BTUH 8 WALL CONSTRUCTION (Tabl.9.Line 3 lil HI •4t I '--.;l.0 0 -boo l oa-._..._.- X6TYPEOFGLASS CBottom of t.blflll us.d for Llnllt 6.ct Jl -tj ""-16 0 ()--._. 7 CE ILING CONSTRUCTIO N lToblo 9 ,L •WI -r "lob I "e I"c)'/Q0 I c>e.. 8 FLOOR CONSTRUCTION' ITebhl9.L )(W or Lin.Ft.)----- 9 COLD PARTITION CONSTRUCTION ----I T.tile 9 .L x HI - 10 t W .II (With O penin",.) '-"---0 ••,'Z.<,./".--'3c>O "--......»><,./=&__L-~~.'-:I Wall,(With Op.n l ngs')..!X .~"<«~J,//600 ..><~!~-'./<,)00 L,,"../).:1-<>"".'""\.../<,~3 Well,(Whh Openings)or En•.H IlII ....d '7.. 11 TOTAL BTUH AT 70F TEMP.DIFFERENCE'ex:y t)0 I ,J,.""1°0 4 ,;L Go o II/A 12 T OTAL BTUH AT DESIGN TEMP.DIFFERENCE ';'00 1700 /0 o 60 0 0 v , ·INCREASE BA THROOM TOTAL 20% " Dulgn WAter Temp, .,;1 ..BTUH per Foot of R oI dlltion Selected _ I IOU fl )'",lvllM,;il u n t~ ROOM LIN.FT.01' TOTA LS RADIATION FROM LINE 12 SELECT ED ;"'"F .DATE "I'flf'" C _,--"__,,,,---.:..::.-.-'-_ D _ E ~_ K --,_ F G _ L __-,-_ H _ ~levation ~~~_ 71''1'10' HARRY MAR'rZ ~;Ui-'IJL '{~(.)• WtlOLESALl:F'LUMBING AN[;HEATING b l9!>VI VIAN S rHE ET •Al ivADA .COLOH,',1l0HIlOO2 13031 4 21 ~;665 • OWNER f-Sj::ADDRESS 0-1'&"";..~,L r ,"'.DESIGN TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE COL.A COL.S COL.C COL.D COL.E C OL.F COL.G--- I R OOM ~a: 0 ~_L W H I L I WH I I.I WH I L I WH I L I W ~ROOM DIMENS I ONS.FT ,...'?.Co III I IIIIu 3 LENGTH E XPOSED WALLS.FT.<l:J--u,4 WINDOW AND OUTSIDE DOOR AREA (;- STUH S TUH STUH S TUH ST UH 6 WALL CONSTRUCTION (Titbit 9.Line 3 x H)."or-I 0 to 6 TYPE OF GLASS ---XIBottomoflaul.u wd t Ot I.illd 6)a LI ~0"--------_._------CE ILING CONSTRUCTION 'Tabid 9 .L A W t ~/0 0 I--FLOOR CO NST R UCTI ON'B I T auh.9,t .xW or Lin.r:a.)-f---g ---..-_.--..__._._------COLD PARTITION CO NSTRUCTION -(Tabl ..9,L x HI .----r--10 1 Wall (Wilh OpunJ"".)0 V"Jo 0::s ._L .~;:~. ~~r!-~~!.!.l~!~OP ~~~!I".1 )!X .v ,t ."_..__~_J ----.~3 Walla (Wilh Opel lillQ")(If E nt Hall .0 ~,'._.._----- 11 TOTAL BTUH A T 70F IEMP .DIFFERENCE'X ')0 0..-- 12 TOTA L STUll A T DESI GN TEMP .DIFFERENCE /tJ o a------ "INCREASE BATHROOM TOTAL 20% tFOR CONCRETE F LOOR ON GROU ND OR FILL A T GRADE LEVEL.USE LINEAR FEET O F EXPOSED EDGE COL.A COI..B COL.H COL.'COL.J COI..K CO L.I.._-- 1 ROOM a:---I0HII.I w H I I.I w H I L W H I L I w H I L I W ROOM DIMENSIONS.FT....I I I III II I Iu LENGTH EXPOSED WALLS.FT .<l:.. 4 WINDOW AND OUTSIDE DOOR AREA II. --_._- BTUH STUH S TUH S TUH BTUH 5 WALL CO NSTRUCTION (Table 9.Linea xHI .....X6TYPEOFGLASS [Bc r tom of tablu u.ad '01 1_ln.51 7 CEIL ING CO NSTRU CT ION IT.bl.9,L x WI 6 FLOOR CO NSTRUCTION' (T.bl.9,L x W Of L in .fl.)---_._----9 COLO P ARTITION CONSTRUCTION fT."'e 9,L..HI 10 1 W.II IW ith Opening.1 0=~~;: ~.-2 W.II,(W ith Opunlng,1 !X~~~..J~3 W.II,(With Openingsl Of Ellt.11011 ....... 11 TOTAL BTUIl AT 70F TEMP .DIffERENCE'C><12 TOTAL BTU"AT DESIGN TEMP .DIFFERENCE /00 0 T OTAL BTUH OF BUILDING AT D ESIGN TEMP,- DIFFERENCE TOTAL RADIATI ON S ELECTE D FORM 1503 R£C'O fEB 09 '99~ Validity of Permit Sec.303 (c)19U.S.C. The muance or granting 01 a perm it or approval of pla.ns and specifica ti ons sha ll n01 be construed to be a permit tor,or ..8f1 approval of.any violation of any of tile provisiDns or this Co<:I6 or ofany othe(ord inance of the iurl&dlcatlon .The issuance e1 a pe rmit based upen plans,specifieatklil$and other data shal l no t prevent the building official frQf'a 1h.:eafttr requiting thE correctlon ·oI errors in said plans,~,_..and othe' da ta." Of\TE~~//?/93 ~ \J' ~----., --1 \TlMIl tf.,YaII eon-nlly -.I Qt~ PJBn Bulld ....fltt · roved 0 0 Q Deru ed 0 "·Cl .....O ·~ q..;:,.. I E-I- .,----"iI •Fj) 6,,;k..r f/vl!.- 'efY"vl..,.....}.(lo~d.rc.f~ 7,''','010 l;...(...'1"dovllol....-w...II -l \ I Plan Review Based on the 1992 Uniform Codes NAME:LOPER ME CHANICAL ADDRESS:784-B POTATO PATCH VAIL,COLORADO OCCUPANCY:R3 TYPEOFCONSTRUCTION:V DATE:2 /16/93 CONTRACTOR:ASH MECHANICAL ARCHITECT:NONE ENGINEER:NONE PLANS EXAMINER:C.FELDMANN CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes.It is a guide to selected sections of the codes.The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the pro- visions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail . 1)50"OF COMBUSTION AIR TOP AND BOTTOM IS REQUIRED .FOR A 200,000 BTU BOILERPER S EC.602 UMC. 2)30"OF WORKING SPACE IS REQUIRED IN FRONT OFBOILERUNIT PER SEC.703 OF THE 1991 UMC. 3)A FLOOR DRAIN IS REQUIRED INA MECHANICAL ROOM. 4)PERMIT AND PLANS MU ST BE POSTED ON THE JOBIN OR NEAR THE MECHANICAL ROOM. 5)ROUGH AND FINAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED FOR CODE COMLPIANCE . • .- -----AM f;;JIcpn I I , INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL.\ NAME ------~:__=;~~:L,.,------__._:;_::_---'-__;:;_",____:_ READ Y FOR I NSPECTION :.~~TUES L OCATION:7 ?<-C(r."/'"/u DATE PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT 1/;~/7 ":?JOB c BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS 'STEEL o UNDERGRO UND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D.W.V . o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 I 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:~C H A~~!-~:) (cO L&-.->o TEMP.POWER HEATINGroROUGHoEXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR I' 0 rl 4 -t1.£.'r-:II/~, I ,.o FINAL o FINAL ri LA;PROVED o DISAPPROVED o RE INSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: D ATE ---'-+---"'---"'--r'-----'--""'-----INSPECTOR -fL}~~~ DianaDonovanstatedthatshevotedagainstthisrequestbecausshefeelsthatthe parkingrequirementisbeingincreasedonthesite. 6.AppealofstaffinterpretationofthecalculationofridgeheightandstaffreviewofDRB applicationfortheproposedprimaryunit onLot15,Block1,VailPotatoPatch Filing#1/784PotatoPatchDrive . Applicant: Appellant: Planner : LoperDevelopment Mr.andMrs.AndyDalyandMr.andMrs.Wiegers ShellyMello BillLoper,theapplicant,statedthattheTownCouncilhasdeterminedthattheplans cannotbebuiltandthathehaswithdrawntheplans . ShellyMellostatedthatthepurposeoftheappealwastodeterminewhetherstaffwas,., interpretingthezoningcodecorrectlyasitpertainstoridgeheightandthatArt Abplanalp(therepresentativeforadjacentowners,theWeigersandDalys)could pursuethisissueasidefromMr.Loper'spresentsituation. LarryEskwithstatedthattherewasalsotheissuereferredtointhestaff's memorandumconcerningthezoningcheckontheLoperprojectnotbeingcompleted priortogoinginfrontoftheDRB .Larryfeltthatthiswasamootissue. DianaDonovanstatedthatthePECwouldfocusontheissueofhowtheTownstaff calculatesridgeheight. ShellyMellomadeapresentationperthestaffmemosummarizing howstaffcalculates ridgeheightandwentoverthetwoexamplesshowninthememopertainingtoridge heightcalculations. ArtAbplanalpstatedthattheappellantdoesnotfeelthatstaffisinterpretingthe ordinancewrongandthatthefaultliesinthewordingoftheordinanceitself.Hefeels thattheordinanceencourageshiproofsandthatmeasuringtheeavesisnotqualified withintheordinance.Hefurtherstatedthattheordinance'sintentseemstobethat structureswithaheightgreaterthan33feetcannotbebuilt.Hecontendedthatthe gradeonthewestsideofthebuildi ng wasbasicallythedrivewaywhichcreatesa heightof37feetfortheLoperresidence.Hefurtherstatedthataccordingto Webster'sDictionary,gradeisdefinedasaslopeandnotasgroundlevel,whichisthe waytheTowndefinesgrade .Hesaidthattherearetworeasonsforthisappeal:1)to clarifytheordinance,and2)to prevent futureproblemsfortheTownofVail. BillPiercestatedthathefeltthattheappellant'sinterpretationoftheordinancewas "absurd"andthathefeelsthattheordinanceisclearandthemeaningofitisobvious. KristanPritzstatedthatthezoning codehasdefinitions addressingexistingand finished gradesandthatheightisthedistancemeasuredvertically,accordingtothe code.ShesaidthatshewasunclearastowhatMr.Abplanalp'sconcernwas. Planning and Environmental Comm ission April12,1993 5 --• KathyLangenwalterstatedthatshehaslivedinVailforseventeenyearsandthatshe feelsthattheTownofVail utilizes anexplicitandwelldefineddefinitionforridgeheight andthatstaffcalculatesridgeheightaccord ing todefin ition.Shefurtherstatedthatit isherunderstandingthatfinishedgradereferstoaroundthe perimeter andexisting gradereferstoanythinginside,andthatyoucannottakeapointofexistinggradeto gettheridgeheightofastructure.ShesaidthattheTownofVailZoningCodeuses thelanguageof"anypoint"and"vertically"tomakeitsmeaningclear . BillAndersonstatedthatheagreeswithArtAbplanalptotheextentthatthewordingof thecodecouldbeclearer. LarryEskwithstatedthatitisthePEC 's tasktoeither uphold,modifyoroverturnthe staffinterpretationofridgeheightandhowtheycalculateit. KathyLangenwaltermadeamotionthatthestaff interpretation ofheightbeupheld. <! LarryEskwithaddedthatthePECshouldincludethewordingthat"section18.04.170of ZoningCodeisconfirmedandthatthestaffiscorrectinits calculations." KathythenamendedhermotionperLarry'sdirection. JeffBowensecondedthemotionandA 6-0 voteapprovedthedecisiontoupholdthe staff'sinterpretationofridgeheight. AnexecutivesessionwasthenheldwithLarryEskwithoffoftherecord. 7.ArequestforaproposedSODandminorsubdivisiontoallowforthe development of singlefamilyhomeslocatedonTractsAandB,TheValley,Phase 11/1480 BufferCreek Rd. Applicant: Planner : Steve Gensler/Parkwood Realty AndyKnudtsen AndyKnudtsenmadea presentation perthestaffmemoconcerningthisrequestfora proposedSODand minor subdivision.Hestatedthatstaffis recommending approval ofthisrequestwithcond itions,andthattheapplicanthassaidheisagreeabletothe recommendations containedwithinthestaffmemo.Henotedthatstaffhasnotseen alloftheplansfortheupper development areaasofthismeeting. KristanPritzpresentedaletterfromPhillipTaylor,Montgomery andLarmoyeux Attorneys,concerningtheArchitecturalReviewBoardforLionsridgeSubdivisionFiling NO .2. DianaDonovanstatedthatitwouldbedifficulttoapprovetheupper development area untilthestaffhadreviewedthedetailedplansfortheupper development area. TomBraun,the representative fortheapplicant,summarized whatchangeshadbeen Planning and Environmental Commission April12,1993 6 ..e. MEMORANDUM TO : FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: PlanningandEnvironmentalCommission CommunityDevelopmentDepartment April12,1993 Appealofstaffinterpretationofthecalculation 0 geheightandstaff reviewofDRBapplicationfortheproposedpriaryunitonLot15,Block 1,VailPotatoPatchFiling#1/784PotatoPatchive .-------- Applicant: Appellant: Planner: LoperDevelopment Mr.andMrs.AndyDalyandMr.andMrs.Wiegers ShellyMello I.INTRODUCTION Thestaff 's interpretationsofthecalculationofridgeheightandstaffreviewofaORB applicationarebeingappealedtothePlanningandEnvironmentalCommission(PEC)bytwo adjacentneighbors,Mr.andMrs.WeigerandMr.andMrs.Daly.TheDesignReviewBoard (DRB)approvedtheprojectonMarch17,1993.Thevotewas5-0withtheoneconditionthat theapplicationmustmeetzoningandtworecommendations :1.Theapplicantworkwiththe adjacentpropertyownerstoamendthelandscapeplantoincludeadjacentproperties,and2. Stonebeaddedtothelowerlevel.. TheDRBdecisiontoapprovetheprojectwasappealedbytheDalysandtheWeigers.The TownCouncilreviewedtheDRBdecisiononApril6th.Theyvoted4-1tooverturntheDRB's approvalbasedonSection18.54.050 -(A),(B,1 )(B,2)(1).(Seeattachedguidelines.)The appellantwishestopursuetheremainingappealstothePECforclaritytopreservefuture rightsofappeal. AllappealsofstaffinterpretationsarereviewedbythePECpursuanttoSection18.66.030(A)- AppealofAdministrativeActionsoftheTownofVailZoningCodewhichstates : "Appealfromanyadministrativeactionordeterminationbythetownmanageror thezoningadministratorpursuanttoprovisionsofthistitlemaybefiledwiththe plann ing commissionbyanyresidentorpropertyownerwithintwentydays followingsuchactionordetermination .Ineventofappeal,thecommission , afterreceivingareportfromthetownmanagerorzoningadministrator,may confirm,reverse ,ormodifytheactionofthetownmanagerorthezoning administrator.Ahearingshallnotberequired .Failureofthecommissiontoact withinthirtydaysofthefilingofanappealshallbedeemedconcurrenceinthe actionofthetownmanagerorthezoningadministrator.· 1 ee Thefollowingarethesectionsbeingappealed : Section18.04.170 -Height .-.. "Height"meansthedistancemeasuredvertically,fromtheexistinggradeorfinished grade(whicheverismorerestrictive),atanygivenpo int tothetopofaflatroofor mansardroofortothehighestridgelineofaslopingroof . Section18.13.075 -Primary/Secondary·Height Foraflatrooformansardroof,theheightofbuildingsshallnotexceed30feet.For slopingroofs,theheightofbuildingsshallnotexceed33feet. Section18.54.040 -MaterialstobeSubmittedProcedures -Staff/DRBProcedures TheDepartmentofCommunityDevelopmentshallcheckmaterialssubmittedfor DesignReviewforcompliancewiththeapplicableprovisionsofthezoningcodes, subdivisionregulationsunderSection18.54.040C.Thezoning administrator may requireanyadditionalitemsfromtheapplicantasmaybenecessary.Iftheapplication isfoundtobeincompliancewiththeapplicableprovisionsofthezoningcode, subdivisionregulationsandSection18.54.040C,theprojectshallbeplaceduponthe agendaforthenext appropriately scheduledDRBmeetinginaccordancewiththe requiredapplicationsubmittaldeadlinesonfileintheCommunity Development Department.Iftheapplicationisfoundnottobeincompliancewithapplicable provisions ofthezoningcodeandSection18.54 .040C,theapplicationsandmaterials shallbereturnedtotheapplicantwithanexplanationofthezoning administrator's findings. II.APPEALSOFSECTION18.04.170 AND18.13.075 The appellant feelsthatthestaffhasbeencalculatingheightcontrarytotheintentofthe regulations.It isthestaff'sproceduretocalculateheightbemeasuringbelowanygivenpoint oftherooftoexistingorproposedgrade ,whicheverismostrestrictive .Theappellantfeels thatthemaximumridgeheightwiththelowestpointofproposedgradeshouldbeconsidered whetherornotthatridgeisdirectlyabovetheproposedgrade.Inthecaseathand,thepoint oftheridgeislocatedinthemiddleofthisbuilding.Becauseofthis,inthestaff'sopinion, thereisnocalculationfromridgetoproposedgrade.Stafftakestheridgeelevationand measurestotheexistinggrade .However,heightismeasuredfromtheeavetotheproposed andexistinggrade. Itistheintentofheight calculations tocontroltheheightofbuildingsastheyrelatetothe specific topography ofthesite .Inmostcases,themostrestrictivecalculationisfromthe highestpointoftheridgetotheexistinggrade .Ourmethodcomplieswiththezoningcode 's definitionofheight.Theintentoftheregulationsistoencouragethelayoutofthebuildingto followtheexistingtopographyofthesite. 2 -. III.SECTION18.54.040 e. Theappellantisalsoappealingthestaff'sprocedureasitrelatestoapplicationstotheORB. Inthisapplication ,thestaffwasunabletocompletethesecondGRFAcheckpriortothe secondDesignReviewBoardreviewofthisprojectonMarch17.1993.Allotherzoning checkshadbeencompleted.butfinalGRFAhadnotbeencalculatedagainafterrevisionsto thedrawingshadbeenmade.Thestaffwasattemptingtoworkwith theapplicantand neighborsinanefforttoaccommodatechangesintheprojectafterinitialapplication .butprior tothesecondDesignReview Boardhearing.DrawingsweresubmittedtotheTownofVail theFridaypriortotheDesignReviewBoardhearing.SubsequenttotheDesignReview Boardhearing ,aGRFAcheckwascompletedandtheapplicationwasinfactbelowthe allowableGRFA .ItisLarryEskwith's findingthatsincetheapplicationwasfoundtobe in compliancewiththeapplicable developmentstandardspriortothishearingthatth is isnotan issue. 3 I I tOTA'f'"p6> <,ME~n+oP <, ;f.S.XI?lI N &:>~.'"~~e.L-OL.-AIEoD t/\~I1-L(E£-~'.l 'f2-1 ObE;.:., "*NDf'~..e-D b~\00 tr.-eo eetA~f2 \Oboe L-I Ne.DDt:r,::, }.lor ~-H ~ex=-lYJILD\~k f(:::crrf''\2-1 -rr jJ\A)(\-\-e.Il::J-\-1 F~ f::I::.<\f e IS ?Q -: •e ~./2./~e.'O14-~e pRo p .b~'51 DB ~6'"*A-PfE::-L-LAl--tr PRo'PDSf:£.~ ~~e D ~.D e..I'--br L-Q:A-r.BD eeLoN RID~e)evr PA-T~K .' eN eP",-e..cr-~()I LD\Nb ee-lJ2E:D. -~- e e e• ..r ._ 011'2.. Af'E:..LA..-A-1'J-t"S ~o'FasAL-. :\.,-<,, <,<,"", "'....,,?Ub -.-. 1-14- 311~ gll'2.. ~~e <, 314-3 ,.~ 2)110 f2-ID~3\Lt~ t;:..)(.~pe.3\IV -~\~e.~14.? 'f{2-0P.~D£:..~\10 ?'?:J " 0\Ar-=-?"'0 Me-r-ltop -------~..J.-----,..~_ ~tf5rAF'F AND k"PB\...~S f'IlenToD Do l-.\OI DIVef<be..J 'NtteN,1l+f:fZl'Dlj::.WI-JE=.PeAffie..6 -rtte ~~C::P-1f\€.~L..-DI ~0 fOOIPP-1 '''-IT: TO: FROM: DATE: -. LarryEskwith ShellyMello April1,1993 MEMORANDUM ee SUBJECT:Loper property -Lot15,VailPotatoPatch1stFiling Thefollowingisa chronological reviewoftheapprovalprocessfortheLoper project located onLot15,VailPotatoPatch,1stFiling. ·September 21,1992 ·October 7 ,1992 ·October 21,1992 ,. LoperConstructionServicesappliedfordesignapprovalofa three-storysinglefamilyresidenceand corresponding sitework developed withinthe Primary/Secondary guidelines (withpossible futuresecondresidence). ConceptualReview-Inthereviewofthebuilding,theORB discussed thatoverhangsweretobeaddedtothebuilding, landscapingatthenortheastcornerand northwest cornerwereto beadded,andthesplit-faceblockshouldbe reconsidered. TheORBreviewedthechangesfromthelastmeetingandfelt thattheapplicanthadaddressedthe ir previous concerns .There weretworecommendationsmadebytheChairmanoftheORB, NedGwathmey,regardingthe drainage studyandthe driveway andalsothattheapplicantshould consider usingthickerpickets andrailingsonthebuilding. Inreviewingthis application,theORBrequestedtheapplicantto considerthelocationofthe primary unitwhichwasnotbeing proposed,butcouldbebuiltinthefuture.Theapplicantprovided amassingmodelandalsoindicatedthelocationofthisbuilding onthesiteplanasadashedlineforfuture development.The ORBreviewedthelocationinregardsto providing proper access andalsomakingsurethattheproposedbuild ing andthefuture development wouldbeattachedtomeettheDRB Guidelines . Theapplicantshowedthatthiswaspossibleandindicatedthe locationofthebuilding,butdidnotgoasfarasindicating bUildingdesign. AmotionwasmadebyGeorgeLambtoapprovetheapplication withconditionsand recommendations .Sherry Dorward abstainedfromvotingasshewastheLandscapeArchitectfor theproject.Therewerefourconditionsofapprovalforthe application: ee ee -r, ·November 17,1992 ·January 11,1993 ·February 3,1993 ·February 17,1993 ·March3,1993 1.Thattheapplicationmustcomplywithzoning ; 2.ThattheapplicationmustcomplywiththePublicWorks Department'srequirementsforlandscapingandgrading; 3.ThattheapplicationmustcomplywiththeFire Departmentrequirementwhichindicated thatthebuilding istobesprinkled ;and 4 .Thattheapplicantneededtoobtainapprovalforgrading fromtheadjacentpropertyownertothewest,duetothe proximityofthedrivewaytothepropertyline. Abuild ing permitwasreleasedforthesecondaryunitas proposedandapprovedbytheORB.~T h e GRFAforthebuilding waslessthan40%andtherefore,qualifiedasasecondaryunit. Th is hadalsobeenindicatedinprevious reviews . TheTownofVailreceivedanapplicationfortheprimaryunitto belocatedonLot15,VailPotatoPatch,Filing NO .1.This primaryunitwasthesecondphaseofdevelopmentfortheparcel astherewasalreadyasecondaryunitunderconstructiononthe site . TheORBdiscussedthechangestothesecondaryunitalready underconstructiononLot15.Atthattimeitwasfeltthatthese changesneededtobeaddressed priortothereviewofthe proposedprimaryunit.Inaddition,theORBdiscussedthe compatibilityofthetwostructuresandfeltthatasproposed,the buildingsdidnotmatchandd id nothavethesamecharacter .At thatmeeting,theORBdirectedtheapplicantstocomebackto thenextmeetingwiththeseissuesaddressed.Theapplication wasthentabledtoFebruary17,1993. TheORBdiscussedthechangesanditwasfeltthatthechanges werebetter.Aftermuchdiscussionbytheadjacentproperty ownersaswellastheORB,theORBdirectedtheapplicantto returnwithphotostudiesofthebuilding.TheORBChairman, NedGwathmey ,didstatethattheapplicanthaddealtwiththe commentsmadeatthelastmeetingandthecommentsmadeby theneighborsconcerningtheeastelevation,butwas"bucking thegradesandthesouthelevationwasveryvisible·.Hesaidhe wouldliketoseetheapplicant work withtheneighborstocome toanaccord.HefurtherstatedthattheORBcannotdenythe rightstobuildordevelopandthattheneighborscouldbeasking forunobtainableitems.Theapplicat ion wasthentabledtothe March3rdORBmeeting. Tabled 2 ee ee -March17,1993 ThereweretwoitemsonthisagendarelatingtoLot15.Thefirst wasthereviewofthechangestothesecondaryunitunder constructionandthesecondwasthereviewoftheproposed primaryunit. GeorgeLamb,thenewChairmanoftheORB,gavethe backgroundontheprojectwhichincludedthebackgroundonthe approvalofthesecondaryunitin1992.TheORBdiscussedthe changestothesecondaryunit.Thechangeswereapproved withtheconditionthattheapplicantamendtheapplicationto indicatethatthedarkerstuccowouldbe3inchesinwidthand thelighterstuccowouldbe1inch. TheORBthenwentontoreviewtheprimaryunit.Again, GeorgeexplainedtheintentofthePrlmary/Secondaryzone districtandbackgroundonhowthepr imary unitwasapprovedin relationshiptothesecondaryunit.Hefeltthatthisprocesswas anadvantagetotheORBandallowedthemtoaddressthe projectupfrontasitrelatedtobuildingconnectionsaswellas access .Healsoexplainedtheprocesstothosepresent.Bill Pierce,projectarchitect,discussedhiseffortstocomplywiththe neighborsdesiresbymovingthebuildinguphill,steppingtheroof andremovingthemassfromthestreet.Theyalsoadded landscapingtotheeastandwestsidesoftheproperty,aswell astothesouth .Thefrontsetbackwasalsoincreased. Inthisdiscussion,theadjacentpropertyownerslegal representative,ArtAbplanalp,broughtupanumberofzoning issues.KristanPritz,DirectorofCommunityDevelopment, indicatedthattheORBhadnoabilitytoaddresszoningcriteria withinthisreviewandthatzoningwasaddressedbythestaffand thattheORBonlyhadtheabilitytoreviewtheapplication accordingtotheDesignReviewBoardGuidelines.Theapplicant wasaskedifhewouldagreetoplacelandscapingonthe adjacentpropertiesandheagreedthathewouldworkwiththe adjacentpropertyownerstoaccomplishthis. AmotionwasmadetoapprovetheapplicationbyMikeArnett. Theapplicationincludedoneconditionandtwo recommendations .Theconditionwasthattheapplicationmeet zoningandthetworecommendationsaskedthattheapplicant amendthelandscapingplanandsubmitittotheTownandthat stonebeaddedtothelowerlevelofthebuild ing.Themotion wassecondedbyKathyLangenwalterandapproved unanimously.TheORBfeltthattheapplicationdidmeetthe DesignReviewBoardcriteriaandthattheapplicanthad compliedwiththecriteriaaswellasworkedwiththeORBto makechangeswhichaddressedtheadjacentpropertyowners issues. 3