HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL POTATO PATCH BLOCK 1 LOT 17 LEGALTOWN OFVAIL 75 S.F RONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 8165 7 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOP MENT ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES Permit #:B98-0323 DR Status ...:ISSUED DRApplied ..:10/2 2/19 98 I ssued ...:11/17/199 8 Exp ires ..:05/16/1999 NOTE:THISPERMIT MUST BE POSTED TOV/Comm.Dev.PROJECT TITLE:BA KALAR Clean-up D~Refund NEW (SFR,P /S,DUP PERMIT approved WJ2 amount ~~~A d dr e s s :780 POTATO PATCHdate~Location ...:7 80 POTAT O PATCH arcel No ..:2 10 1-06 3-01-027 Project No.:P RJ98 -0100 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER STRUCTURAL ASSOCIATES CO . 4 185 COUNTY ROAD #154,GLENWOOD SPRINGS, STRUCTURAL ASSOCIATES CO . 4 185 COUNT Y ROAD #154 ,GLENWOOD SPRINGS, BAKALAR JOHN STEPHEN REVOCABLE T 1760 DALE AVE,HIGHLAND PARK IL 60035 Phone:970-945-01 47 CO 81601 Phone :970-945-01 47 CO 8160 1 Description :NEW SFR Number of Dwelling Units:001 Occupancy Typ e Factor Sq .F eet Valuat ion Dwellings Zone 3V-N 1 38 .5 54 ,363 604 ,49 3 .65 Dwellings Zone 3V-N Basement 30.0 9 1,780 53,560.20 Private Ga rages Zone 1 V-N Masonry2 3.80 1,164 27,70 3.20 S ubtotal :7 ,307 685,757.05 Table Date:05/17/1996 Total Valuation:685 ,75 7 .05 Towno f Va il Adjusted Valu ation :3,000,000.000 Firepla ce I nforma ti on :Re strict ed :Y #Of GasApplian ces :2 #0£Ga s Logs:2 #Of Wood/Pa l let: .WTW •••W'_••_•••••••_••••••••••••••••••••'••••••••••••www••FEE S UM MA RY w.w.w.*.w.w•••_•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*.w., Bu ilding -----> Plan Check---> Investi gat ion> Will c all----> 1 0 ,3 40 .00 6 ,721.0 0 .00 3 .00 Restuarant P l a n Revie w--~ ORB Fe e-----------------~ Recrea t ion F ee ----------> Clean-Up Deposit --------> TOTAL FEES --------------> .00 500 .00 9 21.45 1 ,0 00.00 19,485.4 5 To tal Calcu l ated Fees---> Addit ional Fe es ---------> Total Permi t Fee --------> Paymente----------------> BA~~CE DUE-------------> 19 ,485 .45 300 .00 1 9 .7S5 .4 5 1 9,7 85 .45 .0 0 Item :05100 BUILDI NG DEPARTMENT Dept:BUILDING Division : 10/2 2/1998 CHARLIE Action:NO TE PLANS TO CHARLIE 11/09/1998 CHARLIE Action :APPR charlie davis Item :05400 PLANN ING DEPARTMENT Dept:PLANNING Division : 1 0/22/1998 CHARLIE Action:NOTE PLANS TO PLANN ING 11 /04/1998 BWILSON Action :APPR Item:05600 FIRE DEPA RTMENT Dept:F IRE Division : 1 0/22 /1 998 CHARLI E Action:APPRN/A Item:05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept :PUB WORK Division : 10/2 2/1998 CHARLIE Action:NOTE PLANS TO PUBWO RK S 11/17 /1998 TPARTCH Action:APPR Is rec'd pw permit It em:0 5 550 ENGINEERING Dept:ENGINEE R Division: 10/22/19 98 CHARLIE Action:NOTE PLANS TO PUB WO RKS 11/17/1 998 T PARTCH Action:APPR appr TOWN OFVAIL Id :ACTP135D Keyword:UACT User :JN OLEN 07/18/00 Activity Maintenance -Fee Item Summary . Permit No :B98 -0323 App licant :STRUCTURAL ASSOCIATESCO. Status :FINAL Address:780 POTATO PATCH DR Notice:Original driveway backout area as on DRB approved per GH e~e~eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee£ o Calculated Fees:1 9,485 .45 Total Fees:19,685 .45 0 C Additional Fees:200.00 Payments :19,685.450 o Total Fees:1 9,685 .45 Balance:.DOC aeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeY eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee£ C Item Descript ion Fee Payments BalanceD uaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaN C 0010 BUILDINGPERMITFEES 10,340.0010,340.00 C n 0070 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 500 .00 500.00 C C 0080 PLAN CHECK FEES 6,72 1 .00 6,721 .00 C n 0130 CLEANUP DEPOSITS 1,200 .00 1,200.00 C C 0140 RECREATION FEES 921.45921.45 D C 0150 WILLCALL INSPECTION FEE 3 .00 3 .00 C C 0160 RESTAURANT PLAN REVIEW D C 1210 INVESTIGATIONFEE (BLDG)C C D aeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee¥ ESC=New Option TOWN OF VAIL Id:ACTP135 Keyword :UACT User :JNOLEN 07/18/00 Activity Maintenance -Fee Summary. Permit No :B98-0323 Applicant:STRUCTURAL ASSOCIATESCO. Status :FINAL Address:780 POTATO PATCH DR Notice:Original driveway backout area as on ORB approved per GH eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee£ n Calculated Fees:19,485.45 Total Fees :19,685 .45 0 o Additional Fees:200 .00 Payments:19,685 .450 n Total Fees :19,685.45 Balance :.000 aeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee¥ eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee£ o Entered Time Type Method Amount Posted Notation .Receipt 0 uaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaN o 11/11/98 08:44 Payment CREC 200 .00 11/11/98 pre-paid 0 o 11/18/98 09:45 Payment CK 19,285 .45 11/18/98 27334 REC-04770 o 11/18/98 09 :51 Payment PREP 200 .00 11/18/98 PREPAID DRB FEES 0 o 11/18/98 09:51 Payment CREC 19,585 .45 11/18/98 #27334 REC-04770 o 11/18/98 13 :55 Payment CREC 19,485.45 11/18/98 #27334 REC-04780 o 11/18/98 09:49 Void CREC -200.00 11/18/98 VOID n o 11/18/98 09:51 Void CK -19,285.45 11/18/98 VOID REC-04770 o 11/18/98 13 :44 Void CHEC -19,585.45 11/18/98 VOID REC-04770 o ***End of File ***n aeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeV ESC=Exit Se e Page 2 of this Doc~t for any conditions tha4ltay apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS Ih ereby a ek no wl edg e t ha tI hav e r ead t h i s a p p licat i on,fi l led out in fu ll the information r e qu ired,complet ed a n ac c u r a te pl ot plan,ands ta te t ha t al l the i nformat i on provided a s required is correct.I a gre e to c omply wi t ht h e i nforma tion and plot p l an, t oc omply with a ll Town o rdi nanc es a nd s ta te laws ,a ndt o bu ild t hi s structu re accord ing t o the To wn 's zoning and subdiv ision c o d es ,de sign review appro v ed,Uniform Bu il ding Code a nd o the r ordin ances of t he Town applicabl e t here to. REQUESTS FORINS PECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENT Y~FOUR HO URS I N ADVAKCE S end Cl ean -Up Deposit To:STRUCTRAL ASSOCIATES BYTELEPHONE AT(\479 -3 13 B O~A~UR ~E FROM 8 :00 AM 5 :00 PM\fY\Q l!..~r<~l ,&Ad-A S IGNATUREOF Oh"NER ORCONTRACTORFOR H IMSELFANDOWNER PAGE2 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL P e rmit #:B98 -03 23 a s of 1 1 /18/9 8 Status :ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Permi t Type : Applicant: Job Address : Location : Parcel No : NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP)PERMIT STRUCTURAL ASSOCIATES CO. 7 80POTATO PATCH DR 780 POTATO PATCH DR 2101-063-01-027 Applied: Issued: 10/22/1998 11/17/1998 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS ******************************************************************************** 1.THIS PROJECT WILLREQUIREDA SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY .SUCH SURVEY SHALLBESUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TOREQUESTFOR A FRAME INSPECTION . 2.ma ke note of correctons /analysis attached to plans a soi ls report i s required prior to a footing inspection PREPARED 11 1Q/0 0,1 5 ,31:4' PROGRAM MR4 15U To wn o fVa il CUST -IOCUSTOMER NAM E TYPE DEPOSIT REFUND REPORT-UPDATE PAGE 1 CIlARGE ODD E DESCRIPTION 1314 B98-0323 STRUCTURAL ASSOCIATES DEPO e DEPOS IT TX-DATE D2 11 /19/9Q AJ "::DATE 11 1Q/00 DEPOS IT AMOUNT 1 20 0 .00 DBPOSIT-ADJ AMOUNT 1200 .00 ADJ USTMENT AMOUNT 1200.00 - APTER -REFUND AMOUNT .00 TOTAL FOR CUSTOMER T YPE: GRAND TOTAL, DEPOSIT COUNT: D2 12 00 .00 1 200 .00 1 200.00 12 00 .00 1200 .00- 1 200 .00 - .00 .0 0 GIL BATCH CREATED ,BATC H-01 863 2000/01 USERID-JPOPECK APHELD COTJNT-1.0 0 AMOUNT-1,2 0 0 .00 • *************************.-.**************************4It********* TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number:REC-0477 Amount:19,585.45 11/18/98 09:51 Payment Method:CHECK Notation:#27334 Init:CD NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP)PEB-BUILD 19,585.45 B98-0323 Type: 2101-063-01-027 780 POTATO PATCH 780 POTATO PATCH Permit No : Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment DR DR Total Fees:19,785.45 Total ALL Pmts:19,785.45 Balance:.00 **************************************************************** Account Code BP 00100003111100 DR 00100003112200 PF 00100003112300 AD D2-DEP08 RF 11100003112700 WC 00100003112800 Description BUILDINGPERMITFEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS RECREATION FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 10,340.00 300.00 6,721.00 1,300.00 921.45 3 .00 1-7'-$ PAG e 2 TOYin of Vail Re Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. Phon e Number:...J'-4-.u..;~::c..l~-+-- BiJILDING: S IGNlo.TU?.E : ZONING: SIGNATURE: P I SQ.FT .VALUAuoN1---i T>'E IGROU !----._--- :O:il!Ilf nts :+_ OCT -20-98 TUE 11:37 AM ST RUC TU RAL ASSOCiAT ES FAX:9709 450482 ···~l..on"(lCt r.at;lc count)'As ses s o rs Office ...~.at 570-328-8640 for pal:cc .TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUC"l'~_l'E?~';rT t: MRCEL 0:2101 ofp,~/OZ 1fll'PERMIT APPLICATION l:'O~ate Received .DATE:lo/IIi/'I6 .L APPLICATION ~ST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT z.l~PTN~iB1~9~ccr;PTE:D' l\*************************,,***PERMIT INFORMATION *~*-*.!~.~**~"'***********'""**;,u, (,xl -Building (J -PlUmbing (]-Electrical [J -Mechanfcal (I'J -ot.ncr a.7fj()~alD~~tJ/~,fJMn-?; Job Nall\e:8A~~,c.IS~Job Address:P~i/.C4 '57 Ma~N ~~, Legal Des ription:Lot /7 Block I Filing S I'IlDIVISIO~~"~& ....'/76t>.e-,{e be---(~ Owners Na!e:/dhnf.cn/"/~~~~Address:/li9bJen4.PMk.,IJ-~ts Ph .?~-477"J A4..-J 11-~_'./-_-k I,{,.6.~~Nor.(/(ltJ)!Architect .rr/~rler ·'7'Glln&.,;o Address:jli&iJ.@ 81'~7--Ph.~lOS ~.~~n~~:"1_ General Description:mVd.-d<V y;...~~;4t ,,~ y-,,' Work Clas,;:.1)<']-New [)-1.1 tera~ion [)-Additional ()-Repa ir [)-Other_~__ Number of Dwelling 'Units:I llumber of Accor.unoda~.:m Units: Vll\ber and Type of F ireplaces:Gas Appliances~Gas Logsk Hood/Pellet I\*************;'*****~**~*********;'VALUATIONS ***********************~**** BUILDING:-$2t~,@3'~ELECTRICAL:$/Sq a::+:J .- PLUMBING:-$/50;o~-.MECtiANICAL:-$t54;Qoo..... ~***************************CONT,fl~nera~contra£tor:s.:b:-,~<..:c..:., Ulg :~~ff 6-\€.IA.'S~~s CO ·'"l:o Elcctri,:al :;ontractor:~~+'F,s:C! Address;ZiR"o tbuA t:S-.~~..:u.:R' ~~~~~~~o ·. .Plumbing coi .tractor :--?:\~A \>\v~:-~ Addre ,;s:]:>0'K <eO \~u.~\~LL~\ Mechanica l Contractor:~j,.'-.\'tI\.e.~!,'A :c~\ Address:\.r'2L\;--J~~"'-Y;l~l.({\J~\~~:6.... .R··h.\("\-,...j 8v3 03 -Z--GJib*********~~~*\*~**y'~~~**~FOR OFFIC~USE ********y ***********~*****r ';'** 3UILDING PERMIT FEE:BUILDING PLAN CHECK F ":E : ?LUMBING PERMIT FEE:PLU~BING PLAN CHEC K YEE: 'iECHANICAL PERMIT FEE:MECHA.~ICAL PLAN CHEC"EE: ':LECTRICAL FEE:RECREATIONA ': I THER TYPE OF FE E:CLEAN-Up;nEP~S T: 1 RB FEE:TOTAL PEron:EE --------------------..---------t- e e TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES DEMO .OFPART/ALL BUDG .Permit #:098-0019 Job Address:780 POTATO PATCH DR Location ...:780 POTATO PATCH DR Parcel No..:2101-063-01-027 Project No.:PRJ98-0100 Status ....ISSUED Applied ..:10/22/1998 Issued ...:10/22/1998 Expires ..:04/20/1999 Description: DEMO AN ESITING SFR FOR NEW SFR Valuation : 970-945-0147 970 -945 -0147 Phone: CO 81601 Phone: CO 81601 TOV/Comm.Dev. Clean-upDe 0 Refund approved amount date Add Sq Ft :15,000 STRUCTURAL ASSOCIATESCO. 4185 COUNTY ROAD #154,GLENWOOD SPRINGS, STRUCTURAL ASSOCIATESCO. 4185 COUNTY ROAD #154,GLENWOOD SPRINGS, BAKALAR JOHN STEPHEN REVOCABLE T 1760 DALE AVE,HIGHLAND PARK IL 60035 Occupancy : Type Construction : Type Occupancy : OWNER CONTRACTOR APPLICANT F irepl ac e Inf o ~~ae i Q n :Re str icted :~Of Gas Appli a n ces ;#t-Of GasLoge:#Of Wood /Pall e t: Bui lding -----> Plan Check ---> Invest ig at ion> Wil l cal l----> 1 9 5.00 1 26 .'75 .00 3 .00 Reet ua r a nt Pla n Rev iew--> ORB Fe e-----------------> Recreation Fee ----------> Clean-Up Deposit --------, TOTAL FEES--------------> .00 .00 .00 100.00 42 4.'15 To tal Calcul at ed Fe ee ---> Addi tional Fees---------, Total Permi t Fee --------> Pa ymen te ----------------> BALANC E OU E-------------, 4 24 .75 .0 0 4 24 .75 424 .75 .00 Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept:BUILDING 10/22/1998 CHARLIE Action:APPR charlie davis Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept:PLANNING 10/22/1998 CHARLIE Action:NOTE NOTIFIED BY E-MAIL 10/22/1998 CHARLIE Action :APPRPER DOMINIC Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept:FIRE 10/22/1998 CHARLIE Action :APPRN/A Item:05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept:PUB WORK 10/22/1998 CHARLIE Action:NOTE NOTIFIED BYE-MAIL 10/22/1998 CHARLIE Action:APPR per terri Item:05700 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Dept :HEALTH 10/22/1998 CHARLIE Action:APPRN/A Item:05900 LIQUOR Dept:CLERK 10/22/1998 CHARLIE Action:APPRN/A Division: Division: Division: Division: Division: Division: See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit . DECLARATIONS I here by a ck nowledge that Iha ve re ad thi s app licatio n,fill ed out i n full t hei nf ormat ionr equired,c ompleted a n accuratep lot plan ,and state tha t al lt he informa ti on provided as required is c orr ec t .I agree to complywith the in fo rmat ion a nd pl ot plan , t o comply wi th al lTown o rd ina nc es a nd s tat e law s,a nd to bu i ld t hi s struct ure acco rd ing.to theTo wn's z on ing and SUbdivisi on cod es ,d es ig n r eview appro ve d,Uni form Buil di ng Code an d o t her ordi n ances of the Tow n appl icabl et here to . RE QUEST ~FORINS PECTIONSSHALLBE MADE TW~-FOUR HOUR SIN ADVANCE BYT ELEPHONE AT 479 - Send Cl ean·Up Deposit T o~S TRUCTRAL ASSOCITATES ORAT OUR OFFICE F ROM B :OO AM 5 :00 PM ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #:D98-0019 as of 10/22/98 Status:ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Permit Type:DEMO.OFPART/ALL BUDG. Applicant:STRUCTURAL ASSOCIATESCO. 970-945-0147 Job Address : Location:780 POTATO PATCH DR Parcel No:2101 -063-01-027 Description : DEMO AN ESITING SFRFOR NEW SFR Applied:10/22/1998 Issued:10/22/1998 To Expire:04/20/1999 Conditions: 1 .FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. PREPARED 7 /18 /0 0,15 :34 :5 6 PROGRAM MR 4150 Town of Vai l CUST -ID CUSTOME R NAME TYPE DEPOSIT REPUND REPORT-UPDATE PAGE 1 CHAR GE CODEDESCRIPTION 1279 D9 8 -0019 STRUCTURAL ASSOCIATES DEP08 DEPOSIT TX-DATE 0 2 10/23/.8 AJ-DATE 7 /1 8 /0 0 DEPOSIT AMOllNT 1 00 .00 DEPOSIT-ADJ AMO llNT 1 00 .00 ADJUSTMENT AMOllNT 1 00 .00 - AFTER-REFUND AMOllNT .00 TOTAL FOR CUSTOMER TYPE: GRAND TOTAL : 02 10 0 .00 100.0 0 100 .00 1 0 0.00 100 .00- 1 00 .00- .00 .0 0 DEPOSIT COUNT; G/L BATCH CREATED, 1 BATCH-01864 2 000/07 USERID-JPOPECK APHELD COUNT-1.00 AM OllNT-10 0 .0 0 ·e e**************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number :REC-0468 Amount: Payment Method :CHECK Notation:#27046 424.75 10/22/98 14:18 Init:CD Permit No :D98-0019 Type:A-DEMO DEMO .OFPART/ALLBU Parcel No:2101-063-01-027 Site Address:780 POTATO PATCH DR Location :780 POTATO PATCH DR Total Fees:424.75 This Payment 424.75 Total ALL Pmts:424.75 Balance:.00 **************************************************************** Account Code BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 AD D2-DEP08 WC 00100003112800 Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTIONFEE Amount 195 .00 126.75 100.00 3.00 e e TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVE LOPMENT 75S .FRONTAGE ROAD VA IL,CO 8165 7 970-4 79-2138 NOTE :THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES MECHANICAL PERM IT Permit #:M99 -0066 Job Address :780 POTATO PATCH DR Location :780 POTATO PATCH DR Parcel No :210 1-063-01-027 Project Number :PRJ98 -0100 Status ...:I SS UED Applied ..:06/24/1999 Issued ...:06/24/1999 Expires ..:12/21/1999 APPLICANT SUTTON INSULATING WEST ,INC .Phone :970 -945 -1313 5398 CR 1 54 #1,Glenwood Springs,CO 8 1601 CONTRACTOR SUTTON INSULATING WEST,INC .Phone:970 -945-1313 5398 CR 154 #1,Glenwood Springs,CO 81601 OWNER BAKALAR JOHN STEPHEN REVOCABLE T 1760 DALE AVE,HIGHLAND PARK IL 60035 Description : INSTALL SEVERAL F IREPLACE LOG SETS Valuation :6,975 .00 F ireplace Infor..tion :Res tricted :Y I Of Gas Ap pliances :*Of Gas Logs:#Qf Wood/Pallet, Mechanical---> Plan Check.---,. Investig ation> wi l l Call ----> 140.00 3 5.00 .00 3 .00 Reetuarant Plan Review--> ORB Pee-----------------> TOTAL PEES--------------> .0 0 .00 1 78 .00 Total calculatedFe es---> Additional Fees ---------> To tal Permit Fee--------> Payments ----------------> BALANCE DUE-------------> 178 .00 .00 178.00 178 .00 .00 ~t :BUI LDING Division: Dept :FIRE Division : Item :05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 06/2 4/1999 JRM Action:APPR APPROVED I tem:05600 F IRE DEPARTMENT 06/24/1999 JRMAc tion:APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1.FIELD I NSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR COD E COMPLIANCE. 2 .COMBUST ION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC.701 OFTHE 1 997 UMC,OR SECTION 701 OFTHE 1997 IMC. 3.INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 1 0OFTHE 1 997 UMC CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. 4 .GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTE6 ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHALL TERMINATE ASSPEC IFIED IN SEC.806 OFTHE 1 997 UMC,OR CHAPTER 8OFTHE 1997 IMC . 5 .ACCESS T O HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC .101 7 OFTHE 1997 UMC AND CHAPTER 3OF THE 1997 I MC. 6.BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. 7.PERMIT~PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BEPOSTEDI N MECHANICAL ROOM P.t<IOR TOAN INSPECTION RE8UEST .8 .DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CNTAINING HEATING OR HOT -WATER SUPPLYBQILERS SHALL BEEQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAINPERSEC . 1 022OFTHE 1997 UMC,OR SECTION 1004 .6 OFTHE 1997 IMC. ******************************************************************************** ::....................•...........~. , TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt .............•........•.........•...............•..•....•....... Statemnt Number:REC-0536 Amount: Pa yment Meehod:CK No~~tion:388 7 178.00 06/30/99 11:01 Init:JRM 1 79 .00 178 .00 .00 MECHANICAL PERMIT aalance : 1 7 8.0 0 Permit No:M99 -Q OGG Type:B-MECH Parce l No :2101·063-01-027 Site Address:780 POTATO PATCH DR Lo ca tion :780 POTATO PATCH DR To tal.Fees: Total ALL Pm.ta :ntie Payment Account Code MP 0010000311130 0 PF 001000031 1 2300 we 00 100003 112800 Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 140.00 35 .00 3 .00 •DECLARATIONS •I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application.fi lled out in full the information required,completed an accurate plot plan,and Btate that all the information provided &s required is correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state lawB,and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved,Uniform Building code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPEcrIONS SKALL BE MADE 1WENTY-FOUR HOURS IN AOVAN /TELEPHONEAT SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER FROM 8:00 AM 5:00 PM nusr BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR 1'1'MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED -JJor p \1t ~I()I G(;:3>0 10 ~7 ole County II r rice a d 'i?""-8"10 '1-0 .• .r -28 !!64Q .fo Parcel n.TOWN OFVAIL CONS'l'RUCTIO. ~~~~/~_PERMITAPPLICATION FORM ""DATE:<;;<1 \-9'1 "~ Job Address: / ':**********************PERMIT n~FORMATIOr****~_***************.******** ()-Building [)-Plumbing )-Electrical (~Mechan1cal ()-Other Job Name:_~o.~\"""",--___p.\..\.P..\.-"1)r. SUBDiVISION: ____,Ph._ Legal Description:Lot Block___Filing --"-''-'-'-''~"'''_'''_''_=~-- Owners Name:B o.~\C\.\~s '.J.e~c.e Address: Architect:Address:_____________Ph._ General Description:See ~"'~'SheJ. .,A ,,' Hark Class:)AlJ ~New [)-Alteration [)-Addi tiona 1()-Repair ()-Other _ Number of Dwelling units:..k-Number of Accommodation units: Plumbing contra ctor: Address: . :;rmber and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances"~Gas Logs_'_'WoodjPellet ~*********************************VALUATIONS ********************************* BUILDING:$EI£CTRICAL:$OTHER:$ PLUI1BING:$MECHANICAL:$-<;"9'95--'l'OTAL:$'---;;;C."---"Q"""?"52"""'-- '******************-A'********CONTRACTOR INF;)HMlI.'l·ION ***'k***********:**********:\; teneral COlltractor:Town of Vail Reg.NO.----Address:~h on e Number: Electrical Contractor:C\\d Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Address:_.()"U Phone Number: __________-+~Town of Vail Reg.NO._K Phone Number:--~----\'t - Mechanical Contractor:S V\\O"Y '..Ce~\c.~Town of Vail Re<;t.No.mPl Address:'53%c:..~.fSL{.,.I C\eV;,..X""c'C S pri Dar Phorie Number:..I/S.i3:!:2=: ********************************FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDINGPERMIT FEE:BUILDINGPLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PERM I '!'FEE:PLUMBING PLAN CHECK yEE: HECHANICAL PERMIT FEE:MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE:.RECREATION FEE: OTHER TYPEOF FEE:CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: DRB FEE:TOTAL PERMIT FEES: Comments:----------- 'rYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION BUILDING: S IGN.I\'l'URE: ZONING: SIGNA'l'UHE: (CLEAN UP DEP.osrr REFUllD TO ~ ••TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES ELECTRICALPERMIT Permit #:E99-0103 Job Address: Location ... Parcel No .. Project No . 780 POTATO PATCH DR 780 Potato Patch Dr. 2101-063-01-027 PRJ98-0100 Status .. Applied. Issued .. Expires. ~~o~ 06/24/1999 06/28/1999 12/25/1999 APPLICANT MARMOT ELECTRIC P .O.BOX 4511,AVON,CO 81620 CONTRACTOR MARMOT ELECTRIC P.O .BOX 4511,AVON,CO 81 620 OWNER BAKALAR JOHNSTEPHEN REVOCABLE T 1760 DALE AVE,HIGHLAND PARK IL 60035 Description:Electrical for new SFR Phone:970 -926 -0990 Phone:970-926-0 990 0~ ,-,uo I"oA )\ 0w Q ~..ct''1~o1 "rP Valuation:.00 Electr ical---> ORB Fee ---;:0 Investigation> wil l Call ----> TOTAL FEES---> 2 4 9.00 .0 0 .00 3.00 2 52 .00 To tal Ca lcul atedFees---> Addi tional Fe es ---------> Total Permi t Fe e--------> Payme nts----------------> BALAN CE DUE -------------> 25 2.00 .00 25 2.00 25 2.0 0 .0 0 Action:APPR Approved DEPARTMENT Action:APPR N/A Item:06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 06/24/1999 KATHY Item:05600 FIRE 06/24/1999 KATHY Dept:BUILDING Division: per KathyDept:FIRE Division: CONDITIONOF APPROVAL 1.FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknOWledge that I have read thi s application ,fi lled ou ti n f u ll the i nforma tion requi red,completed an accurate plot plan ,and state that a ll the informa tion provided as required is correct.I a gr ee t o comply wi tht he i n formati on and plot plan, to comply with all Town ord inan ces and state l aws ,and to bu i ld this s t ructu re acco rding t o t heTow n's z oni ng and subdivi si on codes ,design review approved,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of t he Town appl i cable theret o . REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALLBEMADE TWENTY-FOURHOURS IN ADVANCE: •....••.•.....•...•••....•••..•.•.••.•........••.•....•..........•TOWN OP VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt Statemnt Number :RBC-OS35 Amount:252 .00 06/28/99 12:28 Payment Method:CK Notation:~3471/MARMOT rnit:LC Permit No:E99-0103 Type:B ·ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No :2101-063-01-027 Site Address:780 POTATOPATCH DR Location :780 Potato Patch Dr. Total Fees:252.00 This Payment 252.00 Total ALL Pmt8:252 .00 Balance:.00 .......•.••............•...........•............................ Account COde EP 00100003111400 we 00100003112900 Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT PEES WILLCALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 249 .00 3 .00 ~C\CO TOWNOF VAI&NSTRUCTION PERMIT A~CATION FORM INFORMATION MUSTBE COMPLETE ORTHE .-\PPLICATION WILL BE REJECTED Contact t'A!ap/e CountyAssessorsOfficeat970-328-8640forParcel # Parcel #~L::-~S-Ol -02....-"f- Date :6 -;2 'i ~c:r cor Permit #"B.ct 8'05-z.> Job Na me:~AKA:(A,Rc JobAddr ess:73"0 'p~~~ftr~be?. Electrical ~Plumbing (Bui lding ()Mechanical ()Other () Legal Description:LotBlock Filing Subdi vision ffl--~~A1rN Owners Nam e :~*,.,,)R.6~Address :Phone #_ Arch itect:~\:()JL Address :__~Phone #_ Other ( Number of Accommodation Units :_ .$'EBJICE fu4~-~~lMt'.........:'"'=.>.=-'------------ Additional (Repair() J Alteration ( Des cription ofJob:EZECll2JcAL WorkClass:New ~ Number of Dwelling Units :__---L._ NumberandTypeofFir eplaces :Gas Appliances Gas Logs,Wood/Pellet _ BUI LDING :$_ PLUMBING$_ VALUATIONS (r;Cf::D ~..)..t E LECTRlCAL:$60;~OTHER :$_ MECHAN ICALS TOTAL $_ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor:.s:"T2 ttal\D!'sLA~.Address:_ Oftfs-0 I '-f 1- ~Q L(.St( '7.26 o<i'1 D Plumhing Contractor:_Address :_ T owno fVai lRegistration No .Phone #_ Mechanical Contractor:_Address:_ FOROFFICEUSE BUILDING:SIGNATUR-""E:-:------------- ZONING:,_ SIGNATURE:_ Phone #_ Da te Receive d JUN z 4 1999 VALUATION I Town of Vai lRegistration N o._ GROUPSQ.FT. ----+---t:===-_---'----' ,TYPE CLEAN UPDEPOSITREFUNDTO: ••TOWN OFVAI L DEPARTME NT OF COMMUNI TY DEVELOPMENT 7 5 S.F RONTAGE ROAD VAIL ,CO 81657 9 70-479-2138 NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BEPOSTEDON JOBSITE ATALLTIME S MECHAN I CA L PERM IT Permit #:M98-0210 Job Address :780 POTAT O PATCH DR .Locat i on:780 POTATO PATCH DR Par ce lNo :2101-0 63-01 -027 Project Number:PRJ98-01 00 Status ...:I SSUE D Applied ..:10/22/1998 Issued ...:11/17/1998 Expires ..:05/16/1999 APPLI CANT R &H ME CHAN I CA LLLC 1047 CHER RYVALE ROAD,BOULDER,CO 80303 CONTRACTOR R &HMECHANICAL LLC 1047 CHERRYVALE ROAD ,BOULDER ,CO 80303 OWNER BAKALAR JOHNSTEPHEN REVOCABLE T 1760 DAL E AVE,HIGHLAND PARK IL 60035 Phone:303-543-9894 Phone:303-543-98 94 Description : ME CHFORNEW S FR FireplaceI nf o rmation:Res tric ted:Y #Of Gas App liances:2 Valuation : #Of Gas Logo:2 1 50,00 0.00 #O f Wood/Pa l le t : Mechanical ---> Plan c h eck---> I nvest iga ti on :> Wi l l c a l l----> 3,0 00 .00 7 50.00 .0 0 3 .0 0 ReBtu arant P lan Review --:> DRB Fee-----------------> TOTALFEEs--------------> .00 .00 3,7 53 .00 Total Ca lcu lated Fe eB---> Ad diti onal F ees---------:> Total Permit Fee --------:> Payme nte ----------------> BALANCE DUE -------------> 3 ,753.00 .00 3 t 753 .oo 3,753.00 .00 Dept:BUILDING Division: DAVIS Dept:FIRE Division: Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 11/17/1998 CHARLIE Action :APPRCHARLIE Item :05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 11/17/1998 CHARLIE Action :APPR N/A CONDITIONOF APPROVAL 1 .FIELD I NSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . 2.COMBUST ION AIR I SREOUIRED PERSEC .607 OFTHE 1991 UMC. 3 .INSTALLATIONMUST CON FO ~I TO MANUFACTURES I NST RUC TIONS AND TOAPPENDI X CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC. 4.GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.906 OF THE 1991 UMC . 5.ACCESSTOHEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC .505 AND 703 OF THE 1991 UMC.. 6 .BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLE SSL ISTEDFOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. 7 .PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSISMIUSTBEPOSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIORTO AN INSPECT ION RE8UEST . 8.DRAINAGE OF MECHANI CA L RO OMSCNTAININGHEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLYBOILERS SHALL BEEQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAINPER SEC. 2 119 OF THE 1991 UMC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I h ereby acknowledg e t h at I have r e ad t~PPli cat i on,fil l ed o ut in f ull the inform ~requi red,c omp leted an plan,a n d Btate tha t a ll t he inf o rmati on provided as r equired is correc t .I agree t o comp ly with t h e informat i on t oc ompl y wit h al l Town ordinanc e s and state l aws,a nd to b ui ld this s tru ct u r e accord ing t o the T OW~'B z on i ng and c o des ,d es i g n r eview a ppr oved ,Un iform Buil d in g Codea nd o thero rdi n anc es of the Tow n a pp licable thereto. ac cu rate p l ot a nd p lot pl an , s u bd i v i sio n REQUESTS FOR I NSPECT IONSS HALL BE ~~E TW ENTY-FOUR HOURS I N ADVANC E BY T E L E ~HON E AT 479 -2 13Q ORATOUROF FICE F ROM 8 :00 AM 5 :0 0 p ~ SIGNATURE OFOWNER OR CONTRA CT OR FOR HIMS EL F AND ~"NER N-,Q'-""~':>,J"b.'-.:~,,",'''''~_~L=--_--'~''''''''''~::s..-,,..A.~~~_ ·.•.......•.......•.••.•...•.••.....••...~.•TO~~OF VAIL,COLORADO S t acemnt S t a te ~~t Number:REC -0478 Amoun t: Pa ~ent Meeh od :CK No tat ion:27 334 3,753 .00 1 1 /18/98 0 9:5 4 tn i t:J R Permit:No :fo198 -0210 Type.B-MECH MECHAN ICAL PE RI-lIT Pa rcel No :210 1 -0 63-01 -027 Si te AddreSB:78 0 POTATO PATCH DR Location:780 POTATO PATCH DR T his P ayment 3 ,753.0 0 T otal Fees : To tal ALL Pmts: Bala nce: 3.753 .00 3,753 .0 0 .00 Ac c o u n t Code MP 0 01 0 0 0 03111 3 0 0 P F 0 01 00003112 300 we 0 01000 03112 8 0 0 Descri p tion ME~~I CAL PERM IT FEES P LAN CHECK FE ES WILL CALL I NSP ECTIONF EE A~ou n t:. 3,0 0 0.00 7 50 .0 0 3 .00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE RO AD VAIL,CO 8 1657 970 -4 79 -2138 •DEPARTMENT OF COMMUN ITY DIRLOPMENT NOTE:T HIS PERMIT MUST BEPOSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES PLUM BING PERMIT Permit #:P98-0150 Job Address: Location ... Parcel No .. P roj ect No. 780 POTATO PATCH DR 780 P OTATOPATCH DR 2101-063-01 -0 27 PRJ9 8 -0100 Status .. Applied. Issued .. Expi res. ISSUED 10 /2 2/19 98 11 /10/1998 0 5/09 /1999 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWN ER ZIKA P LUM BI NG &HEATING P .O.BOX 6 013,VAIL CO 81657 Z IKAP LUMBING &HEAT ING P.O.BOX 601 3,VAIL CO 81657 BAKA LAR JOHN STEPHEN REV OCABLE T 1760 DA LE AVE,HIGHLAND PARK IL 60035 Phone :970/390 -4629 Phone:970 /390-4629 Description:PL UM BINGFOR NEW SFR Valuat ion :150 ,000.00 ••*•••••••*••••***••••******••••••*•••••••••••••••**•••••**FEE S UMMk~Y P lumbi ng----->2 ,2 50 .00 Restuar ant Pl an Re view --> Pla n Ch eck --->5 62.50 TOTALFEES--------------> I nve stigation >.00 Will Ca l l---->3.0 0 .00 2 ,815 .50 Total Ca lculated Fees ---> Additional Fee s---------> Tot al P ermit F ee--------> P aym ente----------------> BALANCE DUE-------------> 2 ,8 1 5 .50 .00 2 ,815 .50 2 ,8 15 .5 0 .00 Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 11/10/1998 CHARL IE Action :APPRCHARLIE Item :05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 1 1/10/1998CHARLIE Action :APPR N/A Dept: DAVIS Dept : BUILDING Division: FIRE Division: , ••••••••••••••••••••••••_•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••***•••_.__._._••••••••_••••••••••••••••_••_•••_•••••••***••••••****••*w ***** CONDITIONOF APPROVAL 1.FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby ackno wl e d g e eha t I have r e ad thi sa ppl i c a tion,f il l e d out i n full t h e informa t ion requ ired,completed an a ccu rate plot p la n,a nd s t ate that a ll the informa ti on provided as r equired i s corr ect.I agree to c omply wi tht he i n format ion andp lot p la n, t o comply with a ll Tow n o rdin a n ces and state laws,and t ob ui ld th i s stru cture according to the To wn 's z oning and sub divis io n c odes ,d es i gn review approved,Uni f orm Bu ilding Code a nd o th er o rd i nances o f t he Town a pplicable the ret o. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE ~~E TW ENTY~FOUR HOURS I N ADVANCE BY TELEPH ONEAT 47 9 -2138 OR AT OUR OFFIC EFROM B:OO AM 5 :00 PM " .........................................IIIIl . TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt •Statemnt Number:REC-04 78 Amo unt: P ayment Me thod :CKNotat ion:27334 2,915 .5 0 11 /19/99 09:59 Init:JR 2,815 .50 2,815.5 0 .00 PLUMBING PERMITB-PLMB DR DR Tot al Fees : Total ALL Pmts: Bal ance: 2 ,815 .50 P98 -01S0 Type: 2 1 01 -06 3-0 1-0 27 780 POTATOPATCH 7BO POTATO PATCH Permi t No : P arcel No: Site Address: Lo cation: T h is Payment Ac c ount Code p p 00 100003 11120 0 PF0 010 00031123 00 we 00100003112800 De s cription PL UMBING P ERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK F EES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amo unt 2,250 .00 56 2 .50 3 .00 ••TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7 5 S .FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479 -2138 NOTE:THI S PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES ELECTRICALPERMIT Permit #:E98-0276 Job Addr ess: Location ... Parcel No .. Project No . 780 POTATO PATCH DR 78 0 POTATO PATCH DR 2101-063 -01-027 PRJ98-0100 Status .. Applied. Issued .. Expires . ISSUED 10/22/1998 11/10/1998 05/09/1999 APPLICANT MARMOT ELECTRIC P .O.BOX 4511,AVON,CO 81620 CONTRACTOR MARMOT ELECTRIC P.O.BO X 451 1,AVON,CO 8 1620 OWNER BAKALAR JOHN STEPHENREVOCABLE T 1760 DALE AVE,HIGHLAND PARK IL 6 0035 Description :ELECFOR NEW SFR Phone:970 -926-0990 Phone :970-926-0990 Valuation:150,000.00 El ectri cal ---:> DRB F ee ---:> l n veseig at i on> Will cal l----:> TOTALF EES---:> 3 05 .00 .00 .00 3 .00 30 8 .00 Tot al Calcu la ted Fees ---:> Add itional F e ee---------> Tota lPerm it Fee--------> Pa yme nts-----------w ----:> BALAN CEDUE-------------> 30 8 .00 .0 0 30 8 .0 0 3 08 .00 .00 BUIL DING Divisi on:Item:06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 11/10/1998 CHARLIE Act ion:APPR CHARLIE Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 11/1 0/1998 CHARLIE Action:APPR N/A Dept: DAVIS Dep t:FIRE Division: CONDITI ON OFAPPROVAL 1.F IELD I NSPECTIONS ARE REQU IRED TO -CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I h erebya ckno wle dge that I h a ve r ead thi s applicati on,fi lled o u t i n f ull the information r equi red,c ompl eted an accurate pl ot pl an,and state t h at a l l the i n formation prov ided as requi red is correct .I agree to comply wi th t he i nf ormation and p lot plan , to comp ly with a ll Towno r di nances a nd s tate l aws,a nd to build t his structure a ccord i ngt ot he Town 's zoning and s ubdivis ion codes,d es ignr eview a ppr oved,Uniform Bui ldi ng Code a ndo th er o rdina n ces o f the Towna p pl ica blet h ereto . REQUESTS FOR INSPECTI ONSSHALLBE MA DE TWE NTY-FOUR HOURS I N AD~CE BYTELEPHONE AT47 9-2 138 ORAT OUR OFFICE FROM 8 :00 AM 5 :00 p ~; ·...•.......••.•..•..•..•.••..•••...•.•••.~.•••....•...•.....•TOWN OF VA I L,COLORADO S ta te m..,t Staternnt Number :REC-04 18 Amoun t: Pa yment Method:CKNotation :27 334 30B .00 11/1B/9B 09 :57 rn it :JR 308 .00 JOe .DO .00 ELECTR ICAL PERMIT Tocal ALL Pmt e : Balance : 308 .00 Permit No:E9B -0276 T)~e:B·ELEC P arcel No:2101 -063 -01 -027 Si te Ad dress:78 0 POTATO PATCH DR Loca tion:7BOPOTATOPATCH DR Tot al F ees: T hisP ayment Account Code EP0 01000 031 114 00 we 0 010 000 31 12 800 Descript ion ELECTRI CAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FE E Amou nt 3 05 .00 3 .00 Requirements • forTerminatingtheVenting WARNING:Venting terminals must not be recessed into a wall or siding. In addition,the following must be observed : A.The clearance above grade,ora veranda, porch,deckor balcony must bea minimum of12"(30 em).' B.The clearance toa window or door that may be openedmustbeamin imum of12"(30 em).' C.A12"(30em)clearance toa permanently closed window is recommended to prevent condensation on thewindow. D.The vertical clearance toa ventilated soffit located abovethe terminal withina horizontal distance of2 feet(60em)fromthe centre-line ofthe terminal must bea minimum of18 "(46em). E.The clearance toan unventilated soffit must bea minimumof12"(30em). F.Clearance to outside corner. G.Clearance to inside corner. H.Avent must notbe installed within 3feet(90em). abovea meter/regulator assembly when measured fromthe horizontal centre-line oftheregulator.' • 6 I.The c1earan.serv ice regulator ventoutletmust bea minimurrw feet(1 .8 m).1 J.The clearance toa non-mechanical air supply inlet tothe building orthe combustion airinlettoany other appliance mustbea minimum of12feet(30em).1 K .The clearance toa mechan ical airsupplyinlet must bea minimum of6feet(1.8 rn),' L.The clearance above apaved sidewalk orapaved driveway located on public property mustbeamini- mumof7feet(2.1m)1.2 M.The clearance under a veranda,porch,deckorbal- conymustbea minimum of12inches(30em).'> ,as specified inCAN1 81-149 Installation Codes (1991)Note:localcodesor regulations mayrequire different clearances. 2 aventshallnot terminate directly above aside- walkor paved driveway which is located between two single family dwellings andservesboth dwellings" eonly permitted if veranda,porch,deck,or balcony isfullyopenona minimum of2sides beneath the floor" Ga~Vent Rcol'PI""'.'X/12 H •Mlm mum He lghl h om ROOfto loweS!Olsdlarge O pit'lll'lg RoofPitch Feet Meters Flatto 6/12 1 0 .3 7/12 to 9/12 2 0.6 10112 to 12/12 4 1 .2 13/12 to 16/12 6 1.8 17/12 to 21/12 8 2.4 The The Tara Direct-Vent pictured ill Brow'1 porcelain featuring the optional decora. rive front grill over the glass window. Outstanding Features •Can heat up to 1.500sq.ft. •25.000 BTU's per hour input •78%efficiency •Optional decorative frontgrillover the glass •Supplied as NG unit.LPGconversionkitavailable •Richlogglow and realisticflame •Thermostat option.easily accessed controls •Optional variable speed blower •Color match vent paint available •Piezo Spark ignition -no electricity required (except forblower,unit can be operated without blower) •Available infour porcelain colors and matte black •LimitedLifetimeWarranty GAS PARLOR STOVE The latest addition to Waterford's renowned lineof highqualitygas products.TheTaraisamid-sizedgas stove that can heat up to 1,500sq .ft.,andhasamaxi- mumBTUinputof25.000BTU's per hour. TheTara comes withan optional decorative frontgrill over theglass window whichprovidestheunitwith two distinct looks. Specially designedfirelogsofferarichlogglowwhich is enhanced byatrulyrealisticyellowflame. TheTaramaybe thermostatically controlled with the controls easily accessed at the front of the unit.An optionalvariable speed blower distributes the heat further into your home. Available infourporcelainenamel colors (includingthe new "Claret"enamel)and matte black.Matching warm- ingshelvesalso available . The Tara Direct-Vent pictlJred without optional decorative (ront grill over the glass window. , .".' H EP WORTH-PAWL&EOTECHN ICAL,I NC.•Road 1s-l G lenwood S prings.CO81601 Fax 970 94 5-8454 P hone 970 94 5-7988 RECE IVED APR 03 1998 STRUCTURALAS SOCIATES Bge-03;23 SUBSOILSTUDY FOR FOUNDATION DESIGN PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOT 17,BLOCK 1,POTATO PATCH 780 POTATO P ATCH DRIVE VAIL,COLORADO JOB NO.197 683 JANUARY30 ,1998 PREPARED FOR: JOHN BAKALAR 1760DALEAVENUE HIGHLAND PARK,ILLINOIS 60035 HE&RTH -PAWLAK GEOTECHNI January 30,1998 John Bakalar 1760DaleAvenue Highland Park,Illinois60035 ,INC. JobNo.197683 Subject:Report Transmittal,SubsoilStudyforFoundationDesign ,Proposed Residence,Lot17,Block1,Pota to Patch ,780PotatoPatch Drive,Vail , Colorado Dear Mr.Bakalar: Asreque sted,wehave conductedasubsoilstudy fortheproposedres idence atthe subjectsite . Subsurface conditions encountered intheexploratoryboringsdrilledinthe proposed buildingareaconsistofmediumdense ,siltytoclayeysandwith scatteredgraveland cobb les.Groundwater wasencounteredinthebo rings between16and 16 11z feetbelow thegroundsurface . Theproposedresidencecanbefoundedonspreadfootingsplacedonthe natural subsoilsanddesignedforan a llowablebearingpressureof2 ,500 psf. Thereport wh ichfollows describesourexplorat ion,summarizesourfindings ,and presents our recommendations.Itisimportantthatwepro vide consultation during design,andfieldservicesduringconstruction to reviewandmonitorthe implementation of the geotechnical recommendations. If youhaveanyquest ions regardingthisreport,pleasecontact us. Sincerely, H~PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL.INC. Rev.By :SLP DAY/lank I TABLE OF CONTENTS • P URPOSE A ND SCOPE OFSTUDY 1 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION 1 SITE CONDITIONS 2 GEOLOGIC HAZARDS 2 FIELD EXPLORATION 2 S UBSURFACE CONDITIONS 3 DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS 4 FOUNDATIONS 4 FOUNDATION AND RETAINING WALLS 5 FLOOR SLABS 6 U NDERDRA IN SYSTE M 6 SITE GRADI NG 7 SURFACE DRAIN AGE 8 LIMITATIONS 8 REFERENC E 9 FIGURE 1-LOCATION OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS FIGURE 2-LOGSOF EXPLORATORY BORINGS FIGURE 3 -LEGEND ANDNOTES FIGURES 4 &5 -SWELL-CO NSOLIDATIO NT ESTRES ULTS TABLE I-SUMMARY OFLABORATORY TEST RESULTS H-P GEOTECH •• PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF STUDY Thisreport presents theresultsofasubsoilstudyforaproposedresidencetobe locatedonLot17,Block1,PotatoPatch ,780 P otatoPatchDrive,Vail,Colorado .The projectsiteisshownonFig.1.Thepurposeofthestudywastodevelop recommendationsforthefoundationdesign .Thestudywasconductedinaccordance withourproposalforgeotechnicalengineeringservicestoJohnBakalardated November6,1997. Afield exploration programconsisting ofexploratoryboringswasconductedto obtaininformationonsubsurfaceconditions.Samples of thesubsoilsobtainedduring thefield exploration weretestedinthelaboratorytodeterminetheirclassification, compressibility orswellandotherengineeringcharacteristics .Theresults of thefield explorationand laboratorytestingwereanalyzedtodevelop recommendations for foundationtypes,depthsandallowablepressuresfortheproposedbuildingfoundation. Thisreport summarizes thedataobtainedduringthisstudyandpresentsour conclusions,designrecommendationsandothergeotechnicalengineeringconsiderations basedontheproposed cons truction andthesubsoilconditions encountered . PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION Theexistingresidenceonthelotwillberazedforthenewconstruction.The proposedresidence,tobelocatedasshownonFig.1,willbeatwotothreestorywood framestructure .Ground floorlevelswillbecutintothehillsideandsteppedtolimitcut depth .Groundfloorswillbeacombination of slab-on-gradeand structurally supported overcrawlspace.Gradingforthestructureisassumedtobeconsiderablewithcut depthsuptoabout12to15feet.Weassumerelative ly lightfoundatio n loadings, typical of the proposed typeofconstruction. H-P G EOTECH •-2 -• If buildingloadings ,location orgradingplanschangesignificantlyfromthose describedabove,weshouldbenotifiedtoree valuate therecommendations contained in thisreport. SITE CONDITIONS Theexist ing residence islocatedinthemiddle of thelotasshownonFig.1. Theterra in ismoder ately steep ,southwesterl y facinghillsideabovePotatoPatchRoad. Theground surface slopeisfromabout15 %to 25%throughthebuildingsite.Grading for theexistingres idence constructionappears to consistofcutandfilldepthsupto about6to10feet.Theexistingresidenceisapparentlyingoodcondition,basedona foundationviewpoint,withnodistressreported .Thereareresidencesontheadjacent Lots16and18.Vegetationconsistsofgrassandweedswithscattered aspenandpine trees.About I lh to2feetofsnow covered thesiteatthetime of ourfieldwork . GEOLOGIC HAZARDS Wehavereviewedthefieldconditionsandregionalhazardsstudiesofthearea . Thesiteismappedas beinginahighseverityrockfallhazardzone (Schmueser & Associates,1984).The cliff alongtheuppervalleysidetothenorthisthepotent ial sourceforrockfall.Basedonourexperienceinthisarea,the local terrain ,andtypical smallsizeoftherocks,webelievetherockfallseverityismoderate.Construction of thenewresidenceonthelotshouldnotincreasetherockfallhazardor other potential geologichazardstoadjacentpropertiesincludingroadsandutilities. FIELD EXPLORATION Thefieldexplorat ion for the project wasconductedonJanuary5,1998.Two exploratory boringsweredrilledatthelocationsshownonFig.1toevaluatethe subsurfacecondit ions.Theboringswereadvancedwith4 inchdiameter continuous H-P GEOTECH •-3-• flightaugerspoweredbyatrack-mountedCME-45drillrig.Thetrackrigwasneeded duetothemoderatelysteepslopeandsnowcover.Theboringswereloggedbya representative ofHepworth -Pawlak Geotechnical,Inc . Samples ofthesubsoilsweretakenwith 1%inchand2inchI .D.spoon samplers.Thesamplersweredrivenintothesubsoilsatvariousdepthswithblows froma140poundhammerfalling30inches.Thistestis similar tothestandard penetration testdescribedbyASTMMethodD-1586.The penetration resistancevalues arean indication oftherelativedensityorconsistencyofthesubsoils.Depthsatwhich thesamplesweretakenandthepenetrationresistancevaluesareshownontheLogsof Exploratory Borings,Fig.2.Thesampleswerereturnedtoour laboratory forreview bythe project engineerandtesting . SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Graphic logs of thesubsurfaceconditionsencounteredatthesiteareshownon Fig.2 .Thesubsoilsconsistofabout1to2feetoftopsoiloverlyingmediumdense, siltytoclayeysandwithscatteredgravelandcobblesandpossiblebouldersextendingto thedepthsdrilledof20and21feet.AtBoring2,about1foot of fillwasfoundabove thetopsoil.Afilldepthgreaterthanencounteredintheboringshouldbeexpectedin other areas of thesite. Laboratory testingperformedonsamplesobtainedfromtheboringsincluded natural moisture contentanddensity,andpercentfmerthanNo .200sieve.Results of consolidation testingperformedonrelativelyundisturbeddrivesamplesofthesubsoils, presented onFigs.4and5,indicatelowtomoderate compressibility underconditions of loadingandwetting .ThelaboratorytestingissummarizedinTable 1. Freewaterwasencounteredintheboringsatthetime of drillingandwhen checked8dayslateratdepthsof16to16 th feet.Thesubsoilswereslightlymoistto moistwithdepthandwetnearandbelowthe groundwater level. H-P GEOTECH •-4-• DESIGN RECUMMENDATIONS FOUNDAnONS Considering thesubsoilconditionsencounteredinthe exploratory boringsand thenatureoftheproposedconstruction,werecommendthebuildingbefoundedwith spreadfootingsbearingonthenaturalsoils. Thedesignandconstructioncriteriapresentedbelowshouldbeobservedfora spreadfootingfoundationsystem . 1)Footingsplacedontheundisturbednaturalsoilsshouldbedesignedfor anallowablesoilbearingpressureof2 ,500 psf.Basedon experience, weexpectsettlementoffootingsdesignedandconstructedasdiscussedin thissectionwillbeabout1inch. 2)Thefootingsshouldhaveaminimumwidth of 16inchesforcontinuous wallsand2feetforisolatedpads. 3)Exte rior footingsandfootingsbeneathunheatedareasshouldbe provided withadequatesoilcoverabovetheirbearingelevationforfrost protection.Placementoffoundationsatleast48inchesbelow exterior grade istypicallyusedinthisarea. 4)Continuousfoundat ion wallsshouldbereinforcedtopandbottomtospan localanomalies suchasbyassuminganunsupportedlength of atleast 12feet.Foundationwallsactingasretainingstructuresshouldalsobe designedtoresistlateralearthpressuresasdiscussedinthe "Foundation andRetainingWalls"sectionofthisreport. 5)Allexistingfill,topsoil,looseordisturbedsoils,anddebrisfrom demolitionoftheexistingstructureshouldberemovedandthefooting bearinglevelextendeddowntofirmnaturalsoils .If waterseepageis encountered,thefootingareasshouldbedewateredbeforeconcrete placement.Thedewateringcanprobablybeaccomplishedbytrenches leadingtosumpsandpumpsplacedoutsidethefootingareasfor -shallow drawdown. H-P GEOTECH -5- 6)Arepresentative of the geotechnical engineer shouldobserveallfooting excavations prior to concrete placement toevaluatebearingconditions. FOUNDAnON AND RETAINING WALLS Foundation wallsandretaining structures whicharelaterallysupportedandcan be expected toundergoonlyaslight amount of deflection shouldbedesignedfora lateralearthpressurecomputedonthebasisofan equivalent fluidunitweight of 45pcf for backfill consist ing oftheon-site granular soils .Cantilevered reta ining structures whichareseparate fromtheresidenceandcanbe expected todeflect sufficientlyto mobilize thefullactiveearth pressure condition shouldbedesignedfor alateralearth pressure computed onthebasis of an equivalent fluidunitweight of 40pcfforbackfill consisting of theon -site granular soils . Allfoundation wallsand retaining structures shouldbedesignedfor appropriate hydrostatic andsurchargepressuressuchasadjacentfootings,traffic ,construction m aterials andequipment.The pressures recommended aboveassumedrainedconditions behind thewallsandahorizontal backfill surface.Thebuildupofwaterbehindawall oran upward slopingbackfill surface willincreasethelateralpressureimposedona foundation wallorretaining structure .An underdrain shouldbeprovidedto pre vent hydrostatic pressurebuildupbehindwalls . Backfillshouldbeplacedin uniform liftsand compacted toatleast90%ofthe maximum standard Proctor densityatamoisturecontentnearoptimum.Backfillin pavement andwalkwayareasshouldbe compacted toatleast95 %ofthemaximum standard Proctor dens ity.Careshouldbetakennotto overcompact thebackfilloruse large equipment nearthewall,sincethiscouldcauseexcessivelateral pressureonthe wall .Somesettlementofdeep foundation wall backfill shouldbeexpected,evenifthe material isplacedcorrectly ,andcouldresultin distress tofacilitiesconstructedonthe backfill. The lateralresistanceof foundation or retaining wallfootingswillbea combination of theslidingresistance ofthefootingonthefoundationmaterialsand passive earth pressureagainsttheside of thefooting .Resistancetoslidingatthe H-P GEOTECH -6- bottoms of thefootingscanbecalculatedbasedona coefficient offriction of 0.40. Passivepressureofcompactedbackfillagainstthesides of thefoot ings canbecalculated usingan equivalent fluidunitweight of 350pcf.The coefficient offrictionandpass ive pressurevaluesrecommendedaboveassumeultimatesoil strength.Suitablefactors of safetyshouldbeincludedinthedesigntolimitthestrainwhichwilloccuratthe ultimate strength ,particularly inthecaseofpassiveresistance.Fillplacedagainstthe sidesofthefootingstoresistlateralloadsshouldbecompactedtoatleast95 %of the maximum standard Pro ctor densityatamoisturecontentnearoptimum. FLOOR SLABS Thenaturalon-sitesoils,exclusive of topsoil,aresuitabletosupportlightly loaded slab-on-grade construction.Toreducetheeffects of somedifferential movement ,floorslabsshouldbeseparatedfromallbearing wallsandcolumnswith expansion joints whichallo w unrestr ainedverticalmovement.Floor slabcontroljoints shouldbeusedtoreducedamageduetoshrinkagecracking .Therequirem ents for joint spacingandslab reinforcement shouldbeestablishedbythedesignerbasedon experienceandtheintendedslab use.Aminimum4inch layer of free-draininggravel should beplacedbenea th basement levelslabstofacilitatedrainage .Th is material should consist of minu s 2inch aggregatewithatleast50 %retainedonthe No.4 sie ve andlessthan2 %passingtheNo .200sieve.Thebelowslabgravelshouldconnect frequentlywiththe underdrain systemdiscussedbelow. Allfillmaterialsforsupport of floorslabsshouldbecompactedtoatleast95 % of maximumstandard Proctor densityatamoisturecontentnearoptimum .Required fillcanconsistoftheon-sitesoilsdevoidofdebris,vegetat ion,topsoilandoversized rock . UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM Freewaterwas encounteredduringour exploration nearproposedcutlevelsand ithasbeenourexperienceinmountainousareasthat groundwater levelsmayriseduring timesofheavy precipitation orseasonalrunoff.Frozen groundduringspring runoff H-P GEOTECH •-7-• canalso create a perched condition.We recommend below-grade construction,such as retaining walls,crawlspace and basement areas,be protected fromwettingand hydrostatic pressure buildupbyan underdrain system. Thedrainsshouldconsist of drainpipe placed inthe bottom of thewall backfill surrounded abovetheinvertlevelwith free-draining granular material.The drain shouldbe placed ateachlevelof excavation andatleast1footbelowlowest adjacent finish grade andslopedata minimum 1 %toa suitable gravity outlet.Free-draining granular material usedinthe underdrain system should contain lessthan2 %passing the No .200 sieve,lessthan50%passingthe No.4 sieveandhavea maximum size of 2inches.Thedrain gravel backfill shouldbeatleast2feetdeepandextendto above any seepage inthecutface. SITE GRADING There isariskof construction-induced slope instability forthe deeper cuts, especially if groundwater is encountered.We recommend cutdepthsforthe basement levelsnot exceed onelevel,about12feetto15feet.Fillsshouldbe limited to about 10to12feetdeepandshouldbe compacted toatleast90%of the maximum standard Proctor density near optimum moisture content.Prior to fill placement,the subgrade should be carefully prepared by removing all vegetation andtopsoiland compacting to 90 %standard Proctor density.The fill should be horizontally benchedintothe portions of the hillside exceeding20 %grade . Permanent unretained cutand fill slopes should be graded at2 horizontal to 1 vertical orflatterand protected against erosion by revegetation or other means.The risk of slopeinstabilitywillbe increased if seepage is encountered incutsand flatter slopesmaybenecessary.If seepageis encountered in permanent cuts,an investigation should be conducted to determine ifthe seepage will adversely affectthecut stability. This office should review site grading plansforthe project prior to construction. H·P GEOTECH -8 -• SURFACE DRAINAGE Thefollowingdrainageprecautionsshouldbeobservedduring construction and maintained atalltimesaftertheresidencehasbeencompleted: 1)Inundation of thefoundationexcavationsandunderslabareasshould be avoidedduringconstruction. 2)Exterior backfillshouldbeadjustedtonearoptimummoistureand compactedtoatleast95 %of themaximumstandard Proctor densityin pavementandslabareasandtoatleast90%of themaximum standard Proctor densityinlandscapeareas . 3)Thegroundsurfacesurroundingthe exterior of thebuildingshouldbe sloped to drainawayfromthefoundationinalldirections.We recommendaminimumslope of 12inchesinthefirst10feetinunpaved areasandaminimumslope of 3inchesinthefirst10feetinpavedareas. Free-draining wallbackfillshouldbecappedwithabout2feetofthe on-sitesoilstoreducesurfacewaterinfiltration. 4)Roofdownspoutsanddrainsshoulddischargewellbeyondthelimitsof allbackfill. LIMITATIONS Thisstudyhasbeenconductedinaccordancewithgenerallyaccepted geotechnical engineeringprinciplesandpracticesinthisareaatthistime.Wemakeno warranty eitherexpressedorimplied .Theconclusionsandrecommendationssubmitted inthis report arebaseduponthedataobtainedfromtheexploratoryboringsdrilledat thelocationsindicatedonFig.1,theproposedtypeofconstructionandour experience inthearea.Ourfmdingsinclude interpolation andextrapolationofthesubsurface conditions identifiedattheexploratory borings andvariationsinthesubsurface conditions maynotbecomeevidentuntil excavation isperformed .Ifconditions encountered duringconstructionappear different fromthosedescribedinthisreport,we shouldbenotifiedsothatre-evaluationoftherecommendationsmaybemade. H-P GEOTECH •-9-• Thisr eport hasbeen prepared fortheexclusiveusebyourclientfordesign purposes.Wearenotresponsiblefor technical interpretationsbyothers of our information .Astheprojectevolves,weshouldprovidecontinued consultation andfield servicesduringcon struction toreviewand monitor theimplementation of our recommendations,andtoverifythattherecommendationshavebeen appropriately interpreted.Signific ant designchangesmayrequireadditionalanalysisormodifications totherecommendationspresented herein.Werecommendon-site observation of excavationsandfoundationbearing strata andtesting ofstructuralfillbya representative of thegeotechnicaleng ineer. Sincerely , DavidA.Young ,P .E . Rev iewed By : ;...-.".. Steven L.Pawlak,P.E. DAY/kmk cc :Morte r Architects-Attn :TomCole REFERENCE Schmueser &Associates,1984,Rockfall Study -Town of Vail,PreparedfortheTown ofVail. H-P GEOTECH LOT 18 APPROXIMATE SCALE 1"=40 ' 125 I I -10 5 / / __~------•BORING 2 __--7- .i.->:/---t-----/ LOT 17 _----I- I -- J --------..-BUILDIN G .! _--I SETBACK A \_--_LLlNES _----/-- /~--l_/ ---1/' 100 145 - 140 - 150,- -145",,/--_1-"'"---_----;--~140 1 »>"--- ---135--- \---~-130-t ---PROPOSED",_'<'"- --RESIDENCE",",:::-,-.","-",____----B ORING ~",...-""--",","--135 -__~ -------"I ).-/ 130-------\--_--..::::.--~.::s-r J--, _I--\I_r EXIS TINGI\RESIDENCE J/ __L--l --~----\-l-- I __.-1-----..- -.-150 P OTATO PAT CH DRIVE 197 683 HEPWORTH -PAWLAK GEOTECHN ICAL,INC.LOCA TlONOF EXPLOR A TO RY BOR INGS Fi g.1 r--:....;----------: 135BORING2 ELEV.=114' BORING1 ELEV.=133' 135 130 130 11/12 125 ' 125125 33/12 WC=10 .7 -200 ~38 APPROX IMATE PROPOSED 120120GROUNDFLOOR LEVE LS 18/12 WC=14.6 00=121 ~115' 115 ..-Q)115 Q)Q)Q)L....L.... c 31/12 c.2 a..-28/12 ..-a 0>>Q)WC=1J .5 Q) W 11 a 00=115 110 W 20/12 WC=14 .2 00-1 07 -200=32 10 5 105 12/12 WC=17.4 00 -107 100 100 11/12 8--0 ---- 95 18/12 95 No te:Exp lona tion of symbols i s shown onFig .3. 197 683 HEPWORTH -PAWLAK GEO TECHNICAL.I N C.LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS Fig.2 LEGEND: FILL;man-placed gravel and sand.silty.clayey,medium dense.sl ightly moist.dark brown . TOPSOIL;organic sandy s ilt,clayey,stiff,moist,dark brown. SAND (SM);s ilty,slightly clayey,scattered grovel and cobbles.possible bou lders,med ium dense. sl igh t1y moist,dark brown . SAND (SC-SM);c layey,silty,scattered gravel a nd cobbles ,possible bou lders.medium de nse. slightly moist to moist becom ing wet with depth.reddish brown . Relatively undisturbed drive sample;2 -inch I.D.California liner sample . Drive samp le;standard penetra tion tes t (SPT).1 3/8-inch !.D.sp lit spoon sample.ASTMD -1586. Drive sample blow co unt;indicates tha t 33 blows of a 140-pound hammer fall ing 30 inches were 33/12 r equired to drivet heCa lifornia orSPT sampler 1 2 inches. 0 ,8 NOTES: Depth t of reewa ter a ndn umbero f days f o ll owing dril ling measurement was mad e. Caved de pth of boring when checked on January 13.1998. 1.Ex plora tory borings were drilled on January 5,1998 with a 4-inch d i ame ter con ti nuousfligh t power a uger. 2.Loca t ions o f e xploratory borings were measured approximately by pacing from features shown on the s i te p la n p rovi ded . 3.Elevations o fexploratoryb orings were obtained by interpolation betw een contou rs on the s ite p lan provided andc hec ked by i nstrument level. 4 .The explora tory boring locations and elevations should be considered accurate on ly to the degree i mplied by t he method used. 5 .Thelin es between ma ter ials shown on the explora tory boring logs represen t t he appro xima te boundaries be twe enm at erial types and tran siti ons m ay b e gradual. 6 .Wat er le velr ead in gss hown on t hel ogswere madea tt het ime andu ndert he condi t io ns in dica ted. Fluctua tion in water level may occur with t ime. 7 .L aboratory Test ing Results: WC =Water Content (%) DO =Dry Densi ty (pcf ) -200 =Perc ent p assing No .200 sieve. 197 683 HEPWORTH -PAWLAK GEOTECHN ICAL,I NC. LEGEND AND NOTES Fig.3 Moisture Con tent =14.6 percent DryDensity =121 pc f Sample o f:Silty Clayey Sond From:Bor ing 1 o t 14 Feet 0 i--r-r---.. ~1 1"'- t--No m ovemen c <.upan0 'iii 2 wetting'".,"~....a. E 0 3 -,u ""-D 4 0.1 1.0 10 100 APPLIED PRESSURE-ksf Moisture Content =13 .5 p ercent DryDens i ty =115 p cf Sample o f:Silty Sand From:Boring 2 at 2Feet a -:--.~r---.. 1 r-~ c r-,No movemen .Q upo n'"'"2 wetting.,....-.I a.c 0 0 1'\3 4 1\1> 0 .1 1.0 10 100 APPLIED PRESSURE -ksf 197683 H EPWORTH -PAWLAK SWELL-CONSOLIDATION TESTRESULTS Fig.4GEOTECHNICAL.I N C. ·. - I Moisture Content =17.4 percent Dry Densi ty We ight =107 pef Somple of :Silty ClayeySand From:Boring 2 at 10 Feet 0 ~-r-,-r-~c 10 <,I'No movementIII III ~o...upon....a.2 wettingE 0 <,()f\p 3 0.1 1.0 10 100 APPLIEDPRESSURE -ks f 197 683 HEPWORTH -PAWLAK SWELL-CONSOLIDATION TESTRESULTS Fig .5GEOTECHNICAL,INC. HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL,INC. TABLEI SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TESTRESULTS JOB NO.197 683 SAMPLE LOCATION NATURAL NATURAL GRADATION PERCENT ATTERBERG LIMITS UNCONFINED BORING DEPTH MOISTURE DRY GRAVEL SAND PASSING L10UID PLASTIC COMPRESSIVE SOil OR Ct ••t)CONTENT DENSITY (%1 1%1 NO .200 LIMIT INDEX STRENGTII BEDROCK TYPE 1%'Ipdl SIEVE (%1 1%1 (psI) 1 9 10.7 38 silty clayey sand 14 14.6 121 silty clayey sand 2 213 .5 115 silty sand 5 14.2 107 32 silty sand 10 17.4 107 silty clayey sand / HepworthPawlak Geotech TEL:970-945-8454 HEPWORTH-PAWLAIEOTF.CHNICAL,INC. November 12,1998 John Bakalar 1760 Dale Avenue Highland Park,Illinois 60035 Nov 8:02 No.OOl P.02 5020 /lood 154 Glenwood Springs,CO 81601 Fn 970 945-8454 PhD""970945-7988 JobNo .197683• Subject: ..,)~'.).(1;' Comments Regarding Wintertime Construction.Proposed Residence,Lot 17,Block I,Potato Patch.780 Potato Patch Drive,Vail,Colorado Dear Mr.Bakalar: As requested,we met atthesiteon November 6,1998 to discuss the excavation conditions and the winter time construction considerations.We previously conducted a subsoil study atthesiteand presented our findings ina report dated January 30,1998 , JobNo.197683. The excavation forthe uphill part of the residence was in progress.The bearing soils appear similar to those described in our previous report.Apit was dug adjacent the downhill side of the residence which found about 5feet of oldfill above the natural soils suitable for bearing.We wilt monitor the excavation for bearing conditions asitis completed.Structural fill and/or deepening the bearing level could be needed inthe lower building areas. It isproposed to continue construction through the winter.We believe this isfeasible provided precautions arc taken to protect the bearing soils and concrete from freezing. Structural Associates provided us cold weather concrete information which we generally agree with.We prefer to not use salt (NaC!)in the concrete mix.Additional cement isan option togain early strength.The excavation subgrade should he protected from frost such asby covering it with heavy plastic or insulating blankets.The concrete protection can consist of covering and heating depending onthe severity of exposure.We call review the protection requirements atthe time of construction.Surface drainage is important to prevent wet subgrade conditions.Surface water should not be allowed to flow intothe excavation and snow should not be allowed to accumulate in foundation areas.Foundations should be backfilled or heat applied to prevent freezing ofthe bearing soils. HepworthPa wla k Ge ot ech TEL:97 0-945-8454•8 :03 No .OO l P .03 John Bakalar November 12,1998 Page 2 Weare currently monitoring the bearing conditions forthe foundation support and will ' provide our results whenavailable .In the meantime,if you have any questions.please call our office. Sincerely, HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL,INC. Steven L.Pawlak,P.E. SLP/ksm cc :Structural Associates -Attn:Mel Owens Morter Architects -Attn:Amy Jones • ;"7.'.'-- ...THU,NOV-12-98 1:57PM ~R ENGINEERING 970 845 75'P.01 Rader Engineering Inc.:·~·III E l iI C III ~III EI II EI II EI I I E I II EI II E I II I PO BOX 7811·AVON.co 81620·Telephone !l7lJ.845-7910·Fax !1700845-7522'e-mall drewsti@Yal1.Ilel FAX To:Charlie Davis Company:TownofVail Fax:970.479 .2452 JobName :Bakalar Residence Comments: Charlie, From:Dan Goodman Date:11/12/98 Pages :8 Job #:9835.00 Thank youfor bringing themechanicalroomvolumecodeviolation to ourattention.After review, weagreewithyourconcerns.We are currently in contactwiththeArchitectand will make revisions to our designasnecessary to complywiththe mechanical code.I have included cut sheets onthe boilers anddomesticwaterheaterforvolumecalculation pwposes. The combustion air louveris24"x96"asdiscussed in our conversation.The louver is designed to be installed inanoutsidewal l,thusnotrequiring any ductwork in conjunction with the9'-0"floor to ceiling height.Please seeattachedcalculationsheetforadditionalinformation, If you have anyfurtherquestionsorconcerns,pleasedonothesitatetocall. Privacy Notice:This message is intended for the usc ofthc individual or entity to which itis addressed and may contain infonnation that is privileged,confidential,or exemp t from disclosure underapplicable federal law ,ITthe reader of the message isnot the intended recipient or the employee or agent responsible for delivering the =age to the intended recipient,you are bereby notified that any dissemination,distribution,or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited.Ifyou have received this communication in error,please notify the wove immediately by telephone and return thc original message to the above address via U.S .Mail. P.02 303.3-304.6 -.-. 2.Coorleetor.i Mall nOi becceceated .,ilhin or extended lhrough a .,a1I.floor Or plUl itinn.I J .Alisted "PplilllCe ronJ1l:l:lOT valve nOlle"Ihanlhc nomimJ 'iz.c01'the conOCClQr slt:lllbe acccs.ibic " lIle g;rs piping oullet imm<XIi:lltly ;o/l0lld or lB!00""""10',• 1994 UNIFORM MECHANICALCODE ATING, ..~.-- :>RM MECHANICAL ccos ~.THU.NOV -1 2-98 Rader Engineering Inc.111§11I§1I 1§1I 1§1I1§111 1 11 1§11 1§11I§1I1§11 1§1I1§1I 1§11I1 P.O.Bax 780•133 RiRlrsile ci SUila #1•AVON,co 81620'Tek!phcne 97lHl45-7910'FIlI9J0.845.7522·e-maI ~@v8iI.net Date:I/~~:~=~£.b~ I3y::;pr-J ~6 •:.:L---r I I J q-'-,I i 'I 'H---i.-i --,l !:i :,~~l "_'j """,I ',-l:'I I---I i r l j-r-'i i ii i I !I !L'.LLJ,rttrt-!-T-L i'i i !i-r-CT '_J I--iii r~~LLJ I I i !I t-I I I ,!'I ';l ~1..~t':I I :!1-'!".-r-I •1-:..,~i :~ i I :II I';:I "I:I '.J i "I ,:'i :'I '.I I ;:J•I ::I •I I •I ,I:;;:I r -·-!---··---'-{-I --+-----I '--,-,-~"",'I,"'••'----,--I!ii i ;i ~'i ij !l !ii !l i i l !i l j i i ! l--,-+--+-.-;....,.....l--l-.----L ..-~-J ---r -'1 -qr--:'L ',I I ,!i ~l ~3M:!d...;T-2 ±:'~?l!:~_k .::t--,---+---,---,-;(i "I !4?+-,-r-~~~-r-,"="'Fl'...:-t--i H --t:--l--r--i !I i!'~-J ---f---r!_,L .L·'r-I i I ~I ';~:0LJI,I'I I ii 'I I ,:,J 'i ii--l-T1 -!"-r-~rr i TT l.T t -l=~'~~_~'~~~.~L_W__ZZ-51.r~I!Ol.=!_~~j ~b !&q t ~~_~_~i !!L : !I I I'~I "---'-'~,I 'I ""'"L !,I ';,,1 --'I J !":-L L-L i '1.-1,j ;'-.....L-.) i ~:,I I:'1 !I :I -r--I :I:I '•::.I I,I ·••L I :••i ••:.I I I '.:.I •I ',::I :'I .:I !!I ~•:l ';,.I !:,~-J~1 !;:~-W :i :i ::---~,~~~-=~--+·++h ':~,:;!: I ~-,l stJ..:B -~.,!',,,.;,,I ';j ,,.,:r-T :r i i ~...Ll r i ';-';--;-1-:-i -T -i ---r-i --i '-':-T -i-~i! :---'("--;'"/;;-'1--,_!=I-r--7-1-r-t -T ---t~:f71T---'"~--r--t i ;i---t-·-r -' i---t --i!-=t=H--&,r 1'II I f'd+~~r-T-l'!:1 i i --1-i r--r--'r1 I---i--i-I ,!'=r~~.s~bJlj r--I~-!-,+--+-r i --i +--" j i i .i I I I I ;:~i •I ~i i !::!,:,]1_-'-i ,i I ',I I j :I;I I ,'i ""1-+,1 j !:,!II'~",,I I 0 '":.I .~'.,..,:~~-L -t I !,!i I I 'I !i ,!,i ::,i ! r:I ''I I I ,;,.,";1 I '',',',':I !::I!!:i i ~i ::.!~I:!:I Ir--;!~/;i ;;J\....:;:J -I id:~~'~-"2 :4~'i ;-"1.;·H--r-":!:i :i !L-..l-._.1..__...1~_~__._,..._....:-~~.--t-~.Q.~__;...._•.r....._~_.+~,..i..!.~.-..----.:--..--;..--._'__.~7---~---,--:--.~ :!i I '!I i -L i I ;:!!:I ii ;:j ;;i :~; :-"T "'i------;--,~,-;-.D."""--'+---.'--'+-+-+--+--.--,_-'I_'I__+~_.LI i !-·_-'----1~--'-!--l_--:--I--,-,W =,~Pl--..j.;:.F ;i-~II_....L..-4"":-:---t-~-!,I !--t " ','I I I I ,"."',:'I "I :',I :' ,!I :''I ',J I ;!I ':':!I -I 'I~--~-;-.~----.~---l-.i :'I !j I '''i I;.!!I !!I iH'I I I 'I i i,I i 0 "1 I ::!'!~I :•!.;.!~.-+--:.:!..7-;-!.~!!!i !!~!f ':I !I i I 'i ,:1-+:'i:!I I a~±:~",i±-,'l:>i3 '"'"([/~.,:=I /r.;,,-i ~l.-j..'-rliiiLL_L..l_..-l-I !!!I L-.t-!I !!I !_l--L-r--; I ''I ,i "I 1 I ::,,,-,I I II I ;':;';!J.i :I l I i I !I ;Ii:i '~i l i ::..l~-i -:i 'I i ~~;"!I I i':!.i ::,I :,-,--:ill !.j j ,I _-2-.!I".I I ---J.--..i-_'_:"_--J-..--.~_~-1--':'. 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Rader Engineeri nco --II IEII IJ;;IIIEII 1§lIlsIIIEII1611IEII II POBOX 780•AVON.co 81620·TeEplme9TO-ll45·7910·Fax97D-845-7522'~drewsl<i@valne1 PROJECT:"""!S~ JOB #:9'B~o;-,~ DATE:~I /0('7'0 BY:..JD~ TOTAL INPUT:~--Sp'j.-£:)-+-I (P7o &"Zo ~~•c.e:>~"?.-h....1.... P.03 SIZEOF OPENINGS OR DUCTS: (SeeattachedTable7-A)L.'QU'J~c..." LOUVER MODEL NO.AND SIZE: (See attached cut sheet)~N & STATIONARY LOUVERS:Penn Model S12(4"deep,stormblade,extruded aluminum,prime coatfinish)•"2- OPERABLE LOUVERS:PennModelS012 \\~/,.J 2.-"'"2-~~O,~LoJ(~"12.. •'!a 0 ~Fr'+:C.J!i: REMARKS:~o 1~12..,I. --,..:-7."""..-~t::t t- 2-~- ,- L"u~S/~:~)<'~" OTHER MANUFACTURER'S:Cesco,Ruskin,Dowco DESIGNERNOTES:Provide sketch showing combustion air design.Verify requirements in mechanical code.Start with models listedabove.Specify that actuator is required for operable louvers. ~OOI Receipt" M ...JOR =\LURATIQN fEES; fe ..ior ",.j...~lCtOIi91\$,1InJ1 to:~sc'tonh in 't'.QI.3-'"er <h.Un;(Clf'!'\AJ",iniJUllli..CQlJ.or T;>I)I.loI o.1....or llIc lJniiorm Bl;ildl~S CO~(.• .B .DO' V....LU ...TION •20,OCO'h., a~',7'~?..r Dumb"";«'o.priY~I'.nhlencc clevalOr; L'p 10 ~u Jn~lu~i~ll S:C.':':~';";.,;\'~ll;~:,_".$:50,')11 0 "01~O.OOO.OO o(valy.lion -mo.oo pl~s $).00 r\ll n ,;h Sl .ilOll.~O IK 1'r.ltl iOn Itoereilro~r SlQ.OOQ .OO NWCCOG FJ HTN B: ELEVATOR PEAAIIT ~ Jurisdiction VcliJ I (In Tor:-I 'F.. NOTIC"E ,Mrcbv c~rti[v thOI I h "c '<;c ..~d ~~~"'I~'~,h,s ilJ'plialilln lII(!~o\Y lIle sumo IU ~o:rul :md eerree t,:\11 pmiSlOns of InWi :IllU ordlnM';;1 iO':-::'~i ~"'S 1)::<o( work will bc tompllecl witll wlI"ln"spC':lll,,~hClc ,n ~I Ill" The gnnlins of a p~il d~nOI p'tiym(to II 'V'~U:.'lOl1" 10 violill IIr o;:lI\~1 the provi'illn1 01 .ny olher ~...Dr 10.-..1 Ill\Y reIlU\~I;nll «>nStNCl;On 01 .r.<pcrt;;'rm-'J1~C o( QonllNcdon. x x 03 /1 7 /9 9 0 7 :55 ft970 468 0295 MAR-04-99 THU 01:32 PM ST RU~L ASSO CIA TES 03/04/&9 11 :27 FAX 1 9~21 3768 Plan Review Apprgv~d by: Approved by: O:ue: Elento.plan nvic\V ~nll li~ld inlp~~lIgn."ill IN tOndijCI~(l by til'l'forthwnt CQlorado Council of I Gavl!rnntontl.PI~n~wlll b l;(orwardtll 10 ~WCCOG for revle,..'Iud :lpllrflvlll.Sl:h~(lIlIG inlp~e~on.b.,J C1)lll:lC;;ng ehe NWCCOG Elw\3101 In~p.~IOt ~I (9i U)~QS'O :')~\IllS ,Pl~3!Ul1 make ehe.ks pllyublr III j NWCCOG.- " ••Denve-r.(;f ll'';:II"I,) \·~t il .O )!llr.ld" Monroe &Newell June 16,1999 Morter Aker Architects 143East Meadow Drive Vail.CO 81657 Attn:Ms.Amy Jones Re:Bakalar Residence (M&N #4074)]q8_03;1.3 Dear Ms.Jones: Monroe &Newell Engineers.Inc .observed the structural framing of the above mentioned residence during framing, Tothebest of our knowledge and belief,based on our limited v isual observation and the info rmation provided us.the structure is constructed substantially in compliance with the intent ofthe construction documents as approved by the Building Department. If you have any questions or comments ,please call. Vcrvtrulvvours~..~, MONROE &NEWELLENGINEERS,INC. Colleen Hazel Engineer P.04/04 tONC'i ~f:;{;:i<x.'"~l i:·RS 1N'".>U.A1L't7 V,iir1 ~-~C'A-r-r ~'IN I 'Xi IN WRIOR ....l1n·1 MAff;JaAL ~'f.('Jnr.t:'ON f lN I~~f'VU _E: OVf'~CON11 NU<A1S V N"OR p~l eR I I W Nr\::::;JpZA'M.-~~.f KI-rOie I Fl-OOl'?.J019f5 F'r:R 5 1l1lG'"In'..._.;.;.'"r ~o vl t/c R-!<8 IN:Sl1..A110~ir ~, I ! -, "'---CF-Il-INC<K>rt:: AS "'") DR f'CJ'1l.I NU -- r~'n~M.:2 '.Y1.=·;;-T~/:b,,:,n,:X''J..x''A OJ..J...•..'£..'1.-'£-'..Ly~.:LY_\C'i-'i _Y .Y _y y '/.•. _._------------,,' , -I_.,, dIh'?/,g?f/l7/~r/ ;jf u..-/!.-0 r/ ¢:z-/tJ O I ' L......,..__.----,-_--1.- I /( \ I '' -v ,1WICAl..fO.l'<OA11ON WtLl..:I .:! WAj~f-'i0,..w OveR WAIEI<l"Roq:i Nc</:/ ATf,PoC ,f:1/1'0 D"~IN f'Oi?i.a:'D CONCjRt:n;:<' W~L '1 ·'. I "L ./ _~'I .•.._.~:;..L::..__1.., -,~~•••::,;'"__J ............./~/.... -'.-----'1"C;RI'Wl-oveR 6 MJI./ V"f'OIZ P.~E;F<.~Aj..Af t'i -L eocc:s A"JD r'l:::-...:e·J1<:A11 0N5 . PROV1 r;~5OUNt/ ['Aft"lN51LA110N AI'I i.L.50F K f5 A':'JI'Gl:N f rr> ~f:E:F'NC;N ?J:.A5 . MA Y-23 -2000 TUE 08:23 AM MOR TE R AKER AR CH IT ECTS. ,,2::-.Z:1 FAX NO .9704760710 P.03 /04 01 P.02 104 -l I bo"l roY.I I -.I~I-~""",.,;.,. FAX NO.97~60710 I I I I i I I I I II .----L -----j~__f r--~""t/i.db p/o~,!Jar- I r~e.,t;7r/~l/~PA?t-{T I I 1--------------""'~~r-_-_""""-_-_--I..c......11_..;_~.;;._.:l.._-_..J.....-_-__~-_...:_"-....",.II__'••.'_. --..-:::.:.: MAY-23 -2000 TU E 08:23 AM MOR ER AK ER ARCHIT ECT S ( I I I I I I I 'Y?'"I h,;-I ''5$I_____._:=~-=J 5i. '7~aptJ J/e--r4?-~dl.'C'c')rdir -;..~,t?d- !-r/a/:!-t""hi ~fz.-~/J':'M~.7" ~ FOOL. WOipt&N1 121 Lf' 1--~~t-16~ <i1'"/.':i " ----------=r;:p;;;:::::;:::::;:::;:::======~1 :6~~/?~W ?r~/7~~r:/o~ :epmn?:~UJ.%:.t ~.9~,a 9/a.p ~~Ver',c..Y~cL~'f . ~"...YiP/''~J//c:-/"?'!1. '.'(7 if-- I I..I-;#~W .~"qlr:.W l'1~m..:I I ."tfA-1n --~/'7t"/~1')'M0,I L ._.•.•.•..J-_._-~ ·"·-tH---------1 Phcnc # Fax II M AY -23 -2 ~OO TUE 08:22 ~M M~R AKER ARC HITECTS 7671 o)~I~..:f/;:1,l:'J?~g .s" "...._._...._...__.,.-_._-_.._-_...._-- :7-!"-ro- -------......------------.-..---------:--~_l J DD (\1 \\\,~,\l • -- P A-,\.\11 \\ 'PL I4-+-l A.\I r\.lbD~I).: lJu ~l\["._.r "-I I .C .u 'g ~8 -o 3 ~~ •\-(\c...t.. 'r)-.\"--.,\0,~jI\u--'\- APPROVED Community Development Department Building Safety&Inspection Services SecIIoa 106A..3,Vallorm 1IlIIJdJDI Code,Va1IdI\J of PermlL The iss_ or puling of.permit or approval of Plans.specifications and compulali_ Iha1IIIOl be constnled to be•permit for.oran approval of,any violatioa or aD)'of the provisionsof this code or of ally other ordinance of thejurisdietiOll. ~presuming to give authorily to violateor cancellbc provisionsof this code or other ordinances of the jurisdiaion shall not be valid. The issuance of a permit based onplans.specifications and other d4ta shall IlOl prevent the building official from thereafter requiring the c:oneaioa of atOrs in said plans.specificctic.:v ,..J C","••c.crfrom prevenlillll buildial operations being carried c,,',-"',"VIo lation ofIbis code «or aD)'other ordin ances of .',. \ INITIALS:C·L .~-;)s -()o I, I I I I I I ~' 4 :34pm \I ===NOTE===============6 /08/:0==4:30pm== Pri nt ed by Joan Nolen '08 /00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------. From:KathyWarren To:JoanNolen Subject:Ref :098-0019 Would youmind return ing the clean-up depos it on this one.We issued the bldg permit.In f act they are trying to f inal the bldg permit ,soyoumight want to wait anddo both at the same time.If too much time passes just do the de mo. Thankssoooo much J oan!kat P a ge :1 ·•.............•....•..•....•..•.........~.................•• Notat io n:#347 1!MARMOT • Init :LC ELECTRICAL PERMI T 2 52 .0 006 /2B /99 12 :2B Repr ineed :0 8 /20/9 9 1 1:39 S cacemnc Type:B-ELECPermitNo:E99-0 103 Parcel No:21 01 -063 -0 1-027 Site Address:78 0 POTATO PATCHDR Payment Method :CK Stace~t Number :R E C~0 5)5 Amoun t: T OWN O F VAIL.COLORADO Location :780 Pota to Patch Dr . Total Fees:2 52 .00 Thi s Payment 252.00 T oe.l ALL Pmts :2 52 .00 Balance:.0 0 AccountCode Description Amount EP 0 0 100 0031 114 00 we 0 0 1 000 03 11 29 00 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL rNSPECTI ON PEE 2 4 9 .00 3 .00 o -f.-LL ~t( ~8-"/f.f;2-{) £..e~'L <-ov-."lv'r\- ":,('""Y~~~:-v"~ c: •... REPT131 TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO 02/29/2000 08:52 REQUESTS -INSPECTN WORK SHEETSFOR:2/29/20 PAGE 1 AREA:EG ================================================================================ Activity:E99-0103 2/29/20 Type:B-ELEC Address:780 POTATO PATCH DR Location:780 Potato Patch Dr. Parcel:2101-063-01-027 Description:Electrical for new SFR Applicant:ftARftOT ELECTRIC Owner:BAKALAR JOHNSTEPHEN REVOCABLE T Contractor:ftARftOT ELECTRIC Status:ISSUED Constr:NSFR Occ:Use: Phone:970-926-0990 Phone: Phone:970-926-0990 Inspection Request Information••••• Requestor:ftar ot Elec Phone: Req Ti e:08:00 Comments:Pool bonding Items requested to be Inspected...A~~7 comments~7~.:t§Time Exp 00140 ELEC-Kisc..~<Y""l.'""'~"-"aI"'-·'-"e:;;.k<_"-f·M-"·.'""""'~-I'7"";)IL"--....;./;;;..__-_2=-·....ty_---'<"-r:...'_(!)~o"-/j/'---- r Inspection History ••••• Item:00110 ELEC-Temp.Power Item:00120 ELEC-Rough 07/13/99 Inspector:EG 07/30/99 Inspector:EG Item:00130 ELEC-Conduit Item:00140 ELEC-ftisc. 08/26/99 Inspector:EG Item:00190 ELEC-Final Action:APPR Action:APPR Action:APPR top 2floors only lover lvl-guesthouse service=garage .'••REPT131 TOWN OFVAIL,COLORADO 06/26/2000 07:58 REQUESTS -INSPECTN WORK SHEETSFOR:6/26/20 PAGE 5 AREA:CD ================================================================================ Activity: Rddress: Location: Pat'ce I: De s cr-I pt i on: Applicant: Owner-: Co rrt r-ac t o r-j B98-0323 6/26/20 Type:B-BUILD 780 POTATO PATCH DR 780 POTATO PATCH DR 2101-063-01-027 NEW SFR STRUCTURAL ASSOCIATESCO. BRKRLRR JOHNSTEPHEN REVOCABLE T STRUCTURAL ASSoCIRTES CO. Status:ISSUED Constr:NSFR occ:0007 Use:VN Phone:970-945-0147 Phone: Phone:970-945-0147 Locks,Holds,and Not ices .... RCTIVITY Notice:Original driveway backout area as on ORB approved per GH Notice:see comments Notice:FIRE DEPT HRS RPPROVED FINAL ON PROJECT VIA EMAIL VAUGHN 6/9 Phone:945-0147 Comments Time Exp BRIDGE &RETAINING WALL APPROVED WEST RETAINING Action:APPR Action:APPR Action:APPRPROVIDE SOILS REPORT Action:APPR SOILS REPORT RECIEVED Action:NR NOT READY AT 11:15 A.M. Action:PA LOWER LEVELFOOTINGS OK Action:APPR2LEVELS PLANTER WALLS Action:APPR WEST SIDE AND ICEPRIOR TO CONCRETE PLACEMENT MAINTAIN A MIN.OF 2"CLEARANCE FROM PROPER CLEARANCE FROMFORM WALLS Action:PA GARAGE/GUEST ROOM AREA ICE FROM TOPOFFOOTINGPRIOR TO CONCRETE Inspection History ....• Item:00501 PW-Temp.access/drainage 06/01/00 Inspector:LS Action:APPR APPROVED Item:00502 PW-Rough grade Item:00503 PW-Final driveway grade 06/01/00 Inspector:LS Action:APPR RPPROVED Item:00010 BLDG-Footings/Steel 11/19/98 Inspector:CD 12/04/98 Inspector:CD 02/16/99 Inspector:GRG 02/16/99 Inspector:GRG 03/26/99 Inspector:GRG 04/16/99 Inspector:CD Notes:REMOVE ALL MUD,SNoW ADJUST ALL STEEL TO THE EARTH Item:00020 BLDG-Foundation/Steel 12/03/98 Inspector:JRM Action:PAPARTIAL ON NORTHWEST Notes:PORTIONOF BLDG.PROTECT FROM FREEZING CALL INFOR REMAIND 12/14/98 Inspector:CD Action:PAPARTIAL APPROVAL Notes:REMOVE SNOW AND ICE FROM FOOTINGPRIOR TO CONCRETE PLACEMENT ADJ BARS TO PROVIDE 02/24/99 Inspector:CD Notes:REMOVE SNOW AND PLACEMENT 03/31/99 Inspector:CD 04/21/99 Inspector:JRM Notes:WALL MAINTAIN SPACING Item:00520 PLAN-ILC Site Plan 07/19/99 Inspector:BRENT W.Action:APPR APPROVED •REPT131 TOWN OFVAIL,COLORADO 06/26/2000 07:58 REQUESTS -INSPECTN WORK SHEETSFOR:6/26/20 PAGE b AREA:CD ================================================================================ Item:00030 BLDG-Framing 07/21/99 Inspector:CD Action:RPPR APPROVED/CORRECTION REQD Notes:INSTRLL FIRE BLOCKING WHERE REQUIRED BY CODE COMPLETE THE INSTRLLRTIONOF RLL RTTIC SPRCEACCESSES ROD BOLTSS AT ALL PREFA~HANGER LOCATIONS OR HAVE STRUC. CONFIRM A NAIL SCHEDULE THAT WILL WORK ADD BOLTS TO THE SADDLE BRACKETS WITHIN THE CRAWLSPACE ADD BOLTS TO VALLEY CONNECTIONS IN GUES T SUITE THE SPIRAL STAIRCASE HAS NOT BEEN BUILT RT THIS TIME WITH THE GUEST SUITE Item:00050 BLDG-Insulation 08/03/99 Inspector:GRG Action:PA ONLY UPPERLEVELS... Notes:LOWER LEVEL,GUEST HOUSE &EXTERIOR OVERHANGING SOFFIT AREAS WERE NOT YET INSULATED.NOTE ALSO THAT FRRMING CORRECTIONS FROM 7/21/99 INSPECTION MUST STILL BE COMPLET CALL FOR INSPECTION WHEN RLL FRAMING CORRECTIONS HRVE BEE COMPLETED.THESE AREAS MUST REMAIN AVAILABLE FOR INSPE CT 08/09/99 Inspector:CD Rction:PR see note Notes:struc.complete except garage and crawlspace all framing corrections completed 09/13/99 Inspector:CD Action:APPR garage and crawlspace Item:00060 BLDG -Sheetrock Nail 08/09/99 Inspector:CD Action:PA upper two levels 08/25/99 Inspector:CD Action:APPR APPROVED Notes:GUEST HOUSE COMPLETE EXCEPT FOR STRIRWAY. *INSTALL FIREBLoCKING AT VERT TO HoR ASSEMBLY IN STAIR AREA MAIN HOUSE COMPLETE EXCEPT FOR GRRAGE 09/22/99 Inspector:CD Action:APPR for garage Notes:corrections: -1-hr fire resistive construction required for all struc. columns -complete fire resistive assembly for mech room lid in garage Item:00070 BLDG -Misc. 10/14 /99 Inspector:JRM Rction:APPR APPR FIREPLACE CONCRETE Notes:PAD Item:00090 BLDG-Final I tem:00530 BLDG -Temp.C/O 05/15/00 Inspector:CD Action:DN DENIED Notes:PLANNING APPROVAL REQUIRED PUBLIC WORKS RPPRoVAL REQUIRED FIRE DEPT RPPROVAL AND KNOX BOX ISSUES RESOVED REMOVE ALL CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL FROM SITE INS TALL SMOKE DETECTOR IN MASTER BDED ROOM AND EHU EGRESS WINDOW IN MASTER BEDROOM MUST HAVE SOME TYPEOF MANUAL OPENER LOAD HINGESIN AT EHU GARAGE DOOR REMOVE OFFICE FROM GARAGE COMPLETE OVERHEAD DOO R ASSEMBL Y 05/18/00 Inspector:ART Action:APPR Approved as noted: Notes:APPROVED CORRECTION OFITEMS NOTED BY CHARLIEDAVIS ON 5/15/00 . PLANNING APPROVAL IS REQUIRED 06 /01 /00 Inspector:GRG Action:APCR PENDING FIRE T.C.O.APPR Notes:CHECKED CRAWLSPRCE RND RTT IC SPRCES FOR CONFoRMRNCE WITH REVISED P LRNSSUBMITTED 5/23/00 &RPPRoVED BY CD ON 5/24/ ALL SPAC ES HRVE BEEN DIVIDED EXACTLY AS PER THE P LANS .,..••REPT131 TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO 06/26/2000 07:58 REQUESTS -INSPECTN WORK SHEETSFOR:6/26/20 PAGE 7 AREA:CD Action:DN DENIED Action:DN DENIED FOR CONCRETE PAN TO BOTTOM OF CULVER ================================================================================ SUBMITTED ON 5/23/00. Item:00532 PW-TEMP.C/O 05/15/00 Inspector:LS 05/15/00 Inspector:LS Notes:MUST CLEAN OUT DITCH EAST MARK WHICH VALUE IS FORRIGHTOF WAY HEAT ZONE.ON DRIVEWA DRIVEWAY NEEDSTOBE 15 WIDE AT CURVE SECTION OF DRIVEWAY NEED STAMPED APPROVED DRAWING OF BOULDER RETAINING WALL DOUBLE TIER.TOV HAS SINGLE RETAINING WALL DRAWING. 05/19/00 Inspector:LS Action:DN NOT READY DENIED 06/01/00 Inspector:LS Action:APPR APPROVED !te-lll:--QnZl533 -PLAN":TEtiJP .---C ~.~t~m:00537 PLAN-FINAL C/O '),'It em-.:00539 PW-FINAL·C/O ---.> Item:00540 BLDG-Final C/O Department of Comm unity Development 75SouthFrontage Road Vail,Co lorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 June 15,2000 Jo hn S.Baka lar 1760Da le Av e . Highland Park,IL 60035 Re :La ndscape Bond/Lot 17,l3Iock I,V ail Po tatoP atch Dea r John, Perou r ag reement I visited your property to complete a landscapeinspe ction.Ifyo u will recall the lan dscape work wasto b e completed byno later th anJ une 15,2000. While all of the landscape work wasnotfully completed,Ididfindthat work is sufficiently progressing towards completion.Therefore,I am returning toyouthela ndscape bond moncy andthe unexecuted deve loper im provement agreement Iam certain yo u willseetoit that the required work isfully completed. Should youhave any questions or concerns,please do not hesita te tocall.Youcanreac h meby telephone at 970-479-2145 . Sincerely, ~K~ Geo rge Rut her,AICP Chief of Planning Town of Vail o RECYCLEiJPAPER 2 ·1/710 4065 - JOHNS.BAKALAR CHRISTINE H.BAKALAR (84?)433 -0779 +0 1760DA LE AVE.0I 5 II @UHIGHLANDPARK,IL 60035 ae _._._."---- ~:~O\~IQ~rV~VU-L11 I $(PJIr1~O.(U 5'1~~~~US ~\./V;D h "'"q ,e {~~()lIarS rn g;:m~:'::::" ~Tho Fil51National Balik of Chicago Chicago,illinoIs 60670 f lY _ - 1:071.0000 I.jl:b 2 j 210 g jil"----.-Jfl.f28~~O'~5-r~--_.-----~ -BAKALAR 01"JOHN o CHRISTINE FAX ------- To: FAX No.: DATE: RE: #OF PAGES: [INCLUDING TllIS COVER} G~~R.J lk./' 9)19 -~(/~-()v s:l. j.-/II!rP O ?!O jJl)~P~ht,..~9>(AfJ~/~J1, 7 Mr .12..,TN-!':!Jrf rWde r U/Vf'lc:.1"vi-q '"~UL ~&.A..J I 't,~('V(~ £1AJ -f-<;Et.J::;r:i>w\r;.U ....X -;..,.'"-~~.fiv"~ (At or~/ilJ "6 ~r :]:"'t''''''I-e4,-ryIY,.,-f ~'"rk/i. ¢{(,AI ~IUJ.ro vi Ak Yf"",1e _J J 4 r(.;>d6MtI jfJV W.'i/~f{~cf,.u!L CvA.Ct&<oA I 'J<JJA.IJH.-.>:d;iis"oed lJw.f fj..p 0h»- 5:'¥'''1 "H ~ff't ~01'{f'O ~I'riA ./lw.wt {of iJ"W #7t- j1w&~ r[vS UJ8!i f...~OS£¥-CMW . ~7'------ ~ 1760 DALE AVENUE 0 HIGHLAND PARK.IL 60035 7888 POTATO PATCH DRIVE P HONE :847-433-0779 VAIL,CO 81657 FAX:847-433-0789 PHONE:970-476-3442 _.FAX:970-47O-Q573 t:.-MAIL.CHBAKALAR@AOL.COM JSBAKALAR@AOL.COM -------- HOll'"WOOD SE~VICES BOX 4901 ·· VAIL COLORADO 81658 PH:970-748-0725 FAX:970-748-0770 Wort Changes Scope of work changes:Any proposed change by either party must bein writing and approved by opposite party.If proposed ~hanges result ina change In price of bid,price changes must also be jlpprovectby all parties affected.All proposed changes need to be.addressecfjn.atimely manner to -- try to maintain woJi(schedule. Warranty Warranty:Hollywood Services,Inc.,hereby warrants all materials and workmanship fora period of one year except forbutnot limited to:Acts of God,i.e.lightning,·willful neglect of Owner or other contractors on property,animal or pest damage,and airborn viruses undetected at planting,in which case Contractor to replace damaged planting and Owner to pay soley costs of materials. PaYments Contract Payment:The Owner ;grees to Pai H~llywood Se",ices,lne.,for landscape work the sum of Forty One Thousand Five Hundred and Seven Dollars ($41,507.00). Progress payments: 25%Before work starts. 25%After sprinkler complete. 25%After trees complete. Final payment upon satisfaction. Hollywood Services,Inc. CONTRACTOR (Firm Name) Dated ' Job:Bakalar --HOllVWOOD SERVICJ=S BOX 490i , VAIL COLORADO 81658 ·PH:970-748-0725 FAX:970-748-0770 Date:Apri114,2000 L~NDSCAPE AGREEMENT This agreementls made this {51-day of "l,-~'1',2000,by and between John Bakalar (Owner)and Hoiiywood Services,Inc.(Contractor)to perform the WOB identified in attached bid sheet In accordance with !he landscape plan specifications dated April 23,1999 (Ll)and May 2, 1999 (L4~-..----- PROJECT: PLAN DATE: LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: CONTRACTOR: Bakalar April 23,2000 Rick Fields Hollywood Services,Inc. Scope oj Work Irrigation:Sprinkler system is to consist of 10 total Zones(S pop-up and 2 Dnplines).Components to be used are mainly Rainbird and Hunter.The eight automated underground zones will cover the needs of the garden areas and reseeded areas,the two automated driplines will cover the need of the trees and shrubs.The Owner is responsible fora backflow preventer to be installed inside the Unit,daylight a 1.0"diameter water source,a power source forthe automatic timer,and to sleeve all sidewalks and driveway areas.First year blowout of system is ineluded in price of system (see attached bid sheet).Id'J~h~?,,",v - Landscape:Planting of trees,shrubs and ground covers aceor~ing to plan specifications and approved by landscape architect Landscape architect or agen,may pre-approve trees and shrubs. Prices are on attached bid sheet and are fixed except when ;1l~lldation1s required,in which case, Owner or Landscape-Architect must approve.BacKfill and rough grad&-are not1ncluded inthebid but can be done upon request.Topsoil to be provided by Contractor.Grading and drainage to be maintained as delivered to Contractor by Owner. Schedule of work Timetable:Weather and product availability pennitting: Start date:May 15,2000 Finish date:June 2,2000 Schedule of events:tst Week for sprinkler sy:tem,2nd Week for Trees and Shrubs,and 3rd Week fer ground covers. 0 1 /1 0/1 99 5 2 3 :0 4 30 38457003 -F:L ELDSCAPE PAG E 0 2 Dar.0'Exp·rlllJOfl ;_ C ~H DEPOS IT FORMAT Legal Description ;Llll_Block _ S ubdlvllion :_ Add"'SS :~:--.=_:_----- ReceilltlUnd.to:Nam.:_ A~..:_ DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT '2.0x>0 THIS AGREEMENT.madeandenteredinto this J,/~day of~i ,~, byandamong Jol-\\.l be.,":'A.I.M?-(hereinaftercalled the ·Develo~er"),andtheTOWN OFVAIL (hereinaftercalledthe HTown H )and rue.Jowl-!of-JidL 'herelnattercalled the "Bank"). WHEREAS,the Developer,as aconditionofapprovalofthe ~~.£"--L"'--_ plans.dated ,!fell Z2 ,19..!i,wishes to enter intoa Developer Inprovement Agreement;and WHEREAS.theDeveloper is obligated to providesecurity or couatoraisufficientinthe jUdgment of the Townto makereasonableprovisions forcompletionofcertain improvements sat forthbelow ;and WHEREAS.theDeveloperwishesto provide collateraltoguarante 3 performanceof this Agreeme nt,including c onstruction 01 the above -referenced hnprovemente by meansofthe following: Developer agrees toestablish acashdeposit with the Town ofVail in adollaramount of $(P1..2(;0 .6 0 ~atthe totalcost ofthe work shownbela N)to provide securityfor the following:ISO ~<:$ IMPROVEMENT .%t=.ATTM.lif;.D··t:o.itV\u fOC HO \.L~(l0a.l O '362""!'£f":>. 1 of4 W A.ILIDATAIEVERYONE\I'ORMSIDIACASH .OOC -1 21-221 0 21 l--IED 17 :09 ID :CHRISTINE /JOHN BRKRLRR PAGE:2 01 /10/19 95 23 :0 4 3 0 384570 03-F IELDS CA PE PAG E 03 NOW,THEREFORE,incons ideration ofthefollow ing mutual co ve-rants and agreements.the Developer andtheTownagreeas tallows: 1.The Developer agrees ,atthesoiacostand expenses.to fl'rnish all equipment and material necessary toperformandcompleteall improvements,onorI)efore .Jvt.,)E:-115 .20:00 .The Developer shall complete .ina good worlcmanlike manner,all improvementsaslisted above .in accordance withallplansand specifications filedinthe office ofthe Community Developme nt Department.theTownofVail .andtodo all work inCi dental thereto according toandin compliance withthefollowing : a.Such other des igns.drawings ,maps,specifications ,sketches,and other matter submitted by theDeve loper tobe approved by anyof the ac ove-retererced governmental entities .Allsaidworkshallbe done under the inspectionof.and to the sat isfaction of,theTownEngineer.the TownSuild inu Official,or other officialfromtheTownofVail,as affected by special districtn or service districts. asthe ir respective interest mayappear,andshallnotbe dE'smed complete until approved and accepted as completed bytheTownofV ail Community Development Department andPublicWorks Department. 2 .T osecureand guarantee performance atits obligations asset forthhere in,the Developer ag rees toprov ide securi ty and collatera l as follows: A cash deposit acco untin the amount of $1;1,2 1,0,",;0.t obeheld by the T own, as escrow agent.shallprovidethe security tor the improvements set forth above ifthere isa default under the Agreement by Developer. 3 .The Developer mayat any time substitute the collateral ori!linally sat forth above for another formof collateral acceptable tothe Town to guarantee the falnful completion of those improvements referredto herein and the performance of the t erms I )f thiS Agreement. Such acceptance b yth e To wn of alte rnativec ollateralshallbeat theTow t ssa le discretion, 4 .The T owns hallnot.no r shallanyoHicer or employee thereof,be liable or r esponsible forany accident,lossordam age hap pening or occurring t o tt e work spec ifiedin this Agreeme nt priorto the complenon and acceptance ofthesame.n or Ehall the Town ,nor anyo fficer or employee thereof.be liable forany persons or property injUiedbyre ason ofthe natu re of said work ,butallofsa id liabilitiesshall andare hereby assurnec 'by the Developer . The Developer hereby agrees 10 indemnify andho ld harmless the Town.andanyof its officers,agents andemployees against anylosses ,c laims,damages .or l'abilitiesto wl1;ch the 2 0f4 F i EVERY O NE1 FORMSIOIACAS H.DOC :AY-1 0-2 0 00 WE D 17:10 ID:CHR I STINE /JOHN BA KALAR PAGE :3 01 /1 5 /1 9 9 5 23 :04 3038 4570 03 -F I ~LDSCA P ~ Townoranyof itsofficers.agents Of employeesmaybecomesubjectto ,insofar asanysuch losses ,claims .damagesorliabilities(oractions inrespectthereof)that arise outof or are based uponanyperformance by the Developer hereunder;and the Developer shallreimburse theTownforanyandall legalor other expenses reasonably incurred by Ita Townin connection w ith inves tigaling ordefendinganysuch loss ,cla im,damage.liability oraction. Th is indemnity provisionshallbeinadditiontoany other liabilitywhichthe Developer may have. 5.It ismutually agreed that theDevelopermayapplytotheTownandtheTown sha ll authorizetorpartialreleaseofIhecollateral deposited withtheTownforeach category ot improvement at suchtimeassuch improvementsare constructed incomp iancswithall plans and spec ifications asreferenced hereunder and accepted by theTown .Under no condition will theamount ofthecolla teralthatisbeingheldbereducedbelowthe ariount necessary to completesuc himprovements. 6 .If theTowndeterm ines.at itssolediscretion ,thatanyof th('improvements contempl ated hereunder arenotconstruc tedin compliance w ith theplansand specifications setforth inthis Agreementonorbeforethedatesetforthin Paragraph 2 ,:heTownmay.but shallnotbe required 10,redeemtheletterofcreditasnecessarytocompletethe unfinished improveme nts.TheBank sha ll release suchfundsuponwrittenrequest frJm t he Townstating that theimprovements have n otbeencompletedasrequiredbythisagreement.TheBank shallno trequire th e concurrence ofthedeveloper prior to release of the fu nds totheTownnor shall the Bankberequired toverify independently thatsuc h imorovernsnts havenotbeen cornpletso asre quired by thisagreement,butshall releasesuchfundssolelyuponthe Town-s wr itten reques t. If the co stso f comp leting theworkexceediheamountof the dep01it ,theexcess , toge ther with interestat twelve percent per annum.shall bea l ien against the property and maybe co llectedby civil su it ormaybece rtified tothe treasurer ofEagle County tobe collected in thesame manner as delinquent advalorem taxes leviedagainstsuchproperty.If thepermitholder failsor refuses to complete thecleanupand Iandscapmc .ad defined inthis ch apter ,suc h failure or refusal sha ll beconsideredaviolation ofthe Zonirg Code . 7 .TheDeveloperwarrants all work and materialfo r aperiodc f one year after acceptanceata ll work referred t oin ttlis Agreement bytheTown ifsuch work is locatedon Townof Vailproperty orwithin Town 01 Vailright-at-way pursuant to Secti :,"17 .16.250. 8 .Theparties heretomutuallyagreethat this Agreement maybe amended from tim e totime .pr ovioed thatsuchame ndments beinwritingand executed !."y allpartieshereto . 3 of 4 F :\EVERYONE'FORMS\OIACASH .OOO -10 -2000 I~ED 17 :10 ID :CHRISTINE /J OHH BAKAL AR PAGE:4 01 /10 /1995 2 ~:0 4 3 038457 0 03•FI ELDS CAPE FA!=:E 05 ) )SSt ) Dated the day and yearfirst a~b_o_v_e_w_r_itt_e~U~~_.....:......::.._ Developart'l 1 LL I/VO /'l STATE OF G9tORADO 1-1 )::"' COUNTYOF -EA6tE l/fA.Th e for ego ing Deve loper Im provement Agreemen t was acknowtedqed before meth is dayof &1/1 :;,1:9drro by ;;0 /I /\(13 ~i<',fl /?K. Witness myhandandofficial seal...'-~.,.o.<""....""'-_._._,_...........,. 'O~'F[(,'L\L SEAL' ReDrielta V.Slerl Nolar7 Public,State of I!!bo ~ My Colll:lllssion E:pires ','.:.::. J V (.Y '"2-,'"}-t:ttl I~·j/AZ:/...l Notary PUblic My commissio n expires---'''------'::.....<._---t'--=-L-:.....:::..-_ P lan ner,Com munityDevelopment STATE OF COLORA DO ) )SS. COUN TY OF EAGLE) T he foregoi ng Developer Improvement Agreement wasack nowlecged be fore methis ___da y of ,19__by ., Witness my hand and official ssal, My comm ission expires:_ Notary Public 4 uf 4 F:·r:.ERYONE\FORMSIDIACASH.OOC ~AY-1 0 -2 000 WED 1 7 :1 1 ID :CHR I STINE /JOHN BA KA LAR PAGE :5 ••Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL ProjectName: Bakalar Residence ProjectD escription: Minor revision to previously-approved plan (per 6/22/99 submittal) Owner,Address andPhone : John &Christine Bakalar 1760Dale Avenue,Highland Park,n,60035 (847)433-0779 Architect/Contact,Addres s andPhone : Amy Jones,Morter Architects 143 East Meadow Drive,Vail 476-5 105 Projec t StreetAddress : 780 Potato Patch Drive LegalD escription: Lot 17,Block 1,Vail Potato Patch Parcel N umber : 2101-063-01-027 Comments : 23 sf of GRFAis added -17sf remains. Building N ame: nla M otionby: Seconded by: Vote: Cond itions : TownP lanner: Brent Wilson Date : 6/24/99 F:\EVERYONEIDRBIAPPROVAL'98\BAKALAR.617 Board /Staff Action Action:Staff Approved DRBFeePre-Paid: $200 .00 . ••j .., ProjectName: Bakalar Residence .... Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL ProjectDescription : Minor revision to previously-approved plan(per6/9/99submittal) Owner,AddressandPhone : John &Christine Bakalar 1760 Dale Avenue,Highland Park,IL 60035 (847)433-0779 Architect/Contact,AddressandPhone : Amy Jones,Morter Architects 143 East Meadow Drive,Vail 476-5 105 Project StreetAddress: 780 Potato Patch Drive LegalDescription : Lot 17,Block 1,Vail Potato Patch ParcelNumber:BuildingName: 2101-063-01-027 n/a Comments : 101 sfof GRFA is added -40 sf remains.Skylight and window additions are approved as part ofthis application. Board I Staff Action Motion by: Secondedby: Vote : Conditions : TownPlanner: Brent Wilson Date : 6/9/99 Action:Staff Approved ORBFeePre-Paid : $200.00 j JU N-09 -1999 WED 12:25 PH HORTER AKER ARCHITECTS...FAX NO,9704760710..P.02 5-rlL'IO 117 5.1", NeWCiRfA II'-6" ~N CA'5eMtNf CAl 0000 l- ....~.'"--- --, + ::J I I I -[% ~/: I I., I I ;1 I I I I I.....,..,:1.- I I I I I I !1.!il . II I~ II UPPER LEVEL STUDIO OPTION MORfERAKERARCHITECTS DA TE :06 .0~.99 SCALE:1/4"=1'-0"•...r........1 e......_.""'~~:~:~..v;r.'·· v ....Ca llD ....e:to IIU)1 TO:STR UC TlJRALAS SOC IA TES ""476-51.' ~J~M:AMYJONES I f:Jakalar /?eciderce :'='::'=f'.=-'3 :'~':::::.~:==c-=-""~=':::::':':~-:_~-'-0=-_"7••'0.--===:--',-=-.~,..,.,.·c-~-",,·..c=-==--_-.~'__.'''''-~'c,.-:.'':'',::::::~'':::.-.:::::.~.~::.-:.:;.::..:.._,,.'." ~JUN -09-1999 WED 12:26 PM MORTER AKER ARCHITECTS FAX NO.9704760710 P.03•• (17 /'X 10"I 'I'_.cr-Vvt.';('Pa WNf :1 1 -~I I ___•..•.:-.o.:.:.~':,...__._~..__.-........;.~.:.;..:-.......'~':;"'''~'''~''~•._.,,;•......._............._..___.-........ REVISED REAR ELEVATION MUlti HITECTS DATE:5.28.99 TO:STRUCTURALflSSOCIA lIS AT:STRUC n JRi\l.flSSOC IA1 ES FROM:AJONES SCALE:i /4"=1'-O" {)akalar R eclderce ~t·t;~-~-~-'.".'-',""-.-...;;.'.""'.:.;.'.:,:...,..."-'.-,-":.;,:_;~;.....:..'-'..:..:;;;;,-.:"....;:';"~-';.'~.:;,_.";.;~.....-;.~;.;;.:;_';..::.::.::.:.;;.....-;.;...,,;,;;;~-~ cGGt ~E :20 :Ot GO unr paM 6 MP'2 -EV\SU O ~leAa I3\a J n l~al !U~JV\Sal~IMeJo\aA l1JV\Jele ~e8 -~~l6\:d ·.~JUN-09-1999 WED 12:26 PM MORTER AKER ARCHITECTS..FAX NO.9704760710..P.04 "{"'--u "YOhl>'I I II I I I I I I I I I I ~I I I I I ~I I I I ....l II~l /~(S [\<,I I I I ......~I ./"I ~~-:~I:; \I ..,k I 119-19 I-X I I "i.-.Ol I I, I I I ..j I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I m I I I I I I I ~ I~I Cj ~~---...__..-I Z 1I~"'19 I S UDIO INTERIOR ELEVATIONS OAk O~.28.99 SCALE:l /J."=l'-O· TO:STRUCTLJRALASSOCIA TES AT:- FROM:AMYJONES MORTERAKERARCH ITECTS A P,.IlIf............Corpa,..tia"14:1 t.d .........Doriwr Cro'jrD."~11\V ... Ve.,tal.,..~"':51 71Q.1476-51D5 t;;akalar R eoiderce ••Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name : Bakalar Residence Project Descript ion : Minor revision to previously-approved plan (per2/26/99 submittal) Owner,AddressandPhone : John &Christine Bakalar 1760Dale Avenue,Highland Park,IL60035 (847)433-0779 Architect/Contact,Addressand Phone : Tom Cole,Morter Architects 143 East Meadow Drive,Vail 476-5105 Project Street Address: 780 Potato Patch Drive LegalDescription: Lot 17,Block 1,Vail Potato Patch Parcel Number : 2101-063-01-027 BuildingName : u/a Comments: 46sf of GRFA/site coverage added with this change. Board /Staff Action Motionby: Seconded by : Vote : Conditions : TownPlanner : Brent Wilson Date : 3/1/99 Action :Staff Approved ORBFeePre-Paid : $200.00 j/\I r 1206 r;;, 1--- ~(Q)g '" 0 1, 0 II ~ '" 11\\-_rr.~,I Q 4 )0"204 \ L.lNE:N t,~ 1 ~/l I ,II ~.-1'-8 " I"-[ 12" I-~ ==-M .r;;WROOMci20~-"-'~...Jo /J ~rI-I ~<-,AD OI110N.AJ-Ci RfA : »L 465.f. I ~N 0 0 r\\\Ic.\l\l'---- C)irI 0 N ~\\\ l:'r -."-'0 1 r---.,~"\'"~,lOl L..........0 2 c ~"~k~,-Ie f'b0i ''t--- I R.D.-L ~~ -{-\';,!O'2 0 'oJII14'-11 " \I Jo.~O .- I I (----------------=2:.------~~~Jl ~~\ l?:k '~,1--1 --e-:-.'-I I I I ~1_OII 16 '-6 "I I 6 1_01 ' 0 I I,I I- '"I I w11/vrl9 I I I I 1 L ~ ~~~~ MORTERAKERARCHITECTS SCAL E:1/4"=1 '-0"A p,.cf.sslona.(CO,.po ra.tlol"l 1<1 3 t Gst H.l1da.D,.lv. C:"c 5 s,.oo.ds Go t Va ll Villi ,ColorAd o 81657 9 70/.76-51D~ Bakalar R eeiderxe o \ •1'-11" / -~, ~j .•••••::::•••••••••••••.•.:.::••..•.••••••••..•••:. '.'.'.'.',':,',':::..'.'.' '.'.'.'.':.:':::::::/ Revised South Elevation DATE :02.23 .99 TO:STRUCTUR ALASS OCI ATE S AT :STRUCTUR ALASSOCIA TES FRO M:AJONES SCALE:3/8"=1'-0" MORTERAKERARCHITECTS A P,.oft"sslonllL Corporation l~J Eust Heaalo.Drive' CrD5Sroo.ds Got Va ll Vo.ll.Calor ode 01657 97DJ'.,76-SICS f)aka/ar R c5idcncc ------------', • I .O.f'L. "'KIVU] I,C .PL.A-rf I'lvI,IO I?ROOM II , V/ I ('l = I ,. ~-,:::: ~ I I III 'II'JII '- - 11 0'-0" I,O ,5L.AB 1:::::,''':'.''((,' !,"""}'" I l ~@ m l I:::·::::}: ~~:jj :,(?. 1 ':·:'.·:·.·:':......:.·. I I , fi Ill .: 8618'-0"-100'-0 'f--'-'-'-' MORTERAKERARCH ITECTS!Revised West Elevation DATE :02 .2 3.99 TO :STRUCTU RA LASSOCI ATES AT:STRUC TUR ALASS OC IATES FROM:AJ ONES SCALE:3/8"=1'-0"A Prafp5Slcno.(Ccrparo.tlon I04J [05t Heo.do_Dr-lvE' C,,05s,.otr.cili Clot Va-II Va.",.Coloro.do 81657 970/.76-5105 Daka/ar f(e5/dence o \ ~t toO .lII----II ~fl --II------II \2.2) SCALE :1/4"=1 '-0 " MORTERAKERARCH ITECTS A Pror.ssiol'la.l Cc"por"Q.tIDn 143 El:l.st I¥a.do.Il ...ivl!' Cross"oa.ds a.t Va.IL va.l(.Cotoro.do 81657 970/0476 -51D5 r;;ok oj or R e5iderce I I O I1fL-INE:.i-> Of C:;UE:S'---------'IHOUSE: ,,,'",',._"-',:..,-'''-'''''':'''-''_.. / ('l \-,-Cl--=\ Cl\ -I ?POS'-I I )C:;~I Elevation (A3.1)Master Bedroom DA TE:02 .23.99 TO:STR UCTU RAL ASS OCI ATE S AT:STRUC TURA LASSO CIATES FROM:AJO NES SCALE:1/4":=1'-0" MORTERAKERARcH ITECTS A Pror..sslana.l CorporAtion 143 EAst ""lImow Dr-Ivp C"ossroo.ds o,'t VQ,I\ VQtl.Colorado 91657 970/~76-5)OS Daka/ar Re5idence .... -- f.o .Pl-A'1"e M .r;lWROOM 1 [1;1 II,I[ ::1:1:::I ',,-::::::,",.,::'",.,,.",~.':,',~,':,:":':': "1:111'",:::::':',:':'::',':','.1.'::"':",'::,:::':',,",",':,::,,,,:.,:.,::::.':'til::'sp"",>:cc '""" .... 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S incerel U .,'l ~~ Dominic F.Mauriello ,AICP Chief ofPlanning C:Leonard Sandoval ,PublicWorks GregHall ,Town Engineer Brent Wilson,Planner 1 o RECYCLEDPAPER Fic l dsca pc ••• l ncor p o.ra t e.d .....• J~Hi.u~ry6;1999 ..Dominick Mauriello '; Town Planner,Town Of Vail 7's.Frontcige Road ':'. Vail,Colorado 81657 ' Dear Dominick,.' .'Happy:New Yea~! ,'.. ••'c ~" Thanks for returning myc~ll;Bn~nt Wilson pho~ed shortly 'cifter you ·did regarding the same topic.As wediscussed,I'mworkingwiththe .Bakalarsontheir new home in Potato Patch.i Wepresented:the project to the Design Review Board andreceivedbothfinal .approval and . .permit for construction;the house is .currently :under construction..We "cannow take .a .breath and review where weare on paper...,.....-.,.,':".'".''., One ofthe issues we .resolved with .Terry .Partchdurfng our permit .'. 'applicaticmwasthe driveway layout andaccess to .the .GuestSuite .'.. Garage..While this solution was acceptable to Terry,it issomething the . .-.Bakalars and I would like to review with you and the engineering .'.....". .··.department.1 appreciate you approaching GregHall.iinTerry's absence,'. ·oil our .behalffor-reconsideratiori of this issue..... :p~r yourrequest/l've 'provideq several r easons .we 'd -like the dri ~e .to ' revert .to its oeiginal .formrPor your use,I've included a current Site . Grading and Layout Plan which shows the .driveas Terry hasapproved it,as well as a Landscape Plan whichis our original and preferred ':. ..Iayout;'All comments pertain to .thecurreN alignment;unless . otherwise .specified...'."..'.'. L The 'area in question is for~ccess to a seconda~y :ga~age i ~hile the . current configuration would likely accommodate most of the .garage . users,'onl y 'a.small minorityof 'secondar yusers would have to perform ".'. a multi-point turri,Hat all.Thisisacceptable.to us :,,".. 2.The currentJay~utimpactsthe sit~more than the preferred. 3.-The -current layout is aesthetiCallyle~s appeallrigthanthe preferred: 4.-,Becauseof the.reasonsstated,above and following,the currentlayout .incurs unnecessary additionalexpense to'the project both for . ·installation and for monthly heating,asthe entire drive is .heated:the . currentlayoutadds paving square footage toan already ambitious drive.. -.'-, ..P ost OIfi~eBq~1871 ·Avon,Cb l~ra'do 81620 9.70-845-.9045 'Fax 970-845-7003 ~.-. ;:: • " '.. '. ,5.The preferred drive ~eets'th~requirements set f~rth by the.T.O.V~ FireDepartment and has receivedits approval.... ..6.·:!n all otherdesign'review processes that 1am aware,efforts to . minimizepaved surfaces is highly encouraged fo minimize site ..disturbance,protect existing vegetation,and maximizeareas for '',' ".plantingwhileproviding ample vehicular circulation.,We would like to reduce paving wherever possible;this seems tobe an area we .can ., accomplish that.. .Thanks,again;for approaching Greg on this.I'd be happy to present this myself if yOll feel that's the best way to go about this.I'd rather not step on toes or offend anyone.iorgo through a formal appeal 'process .If 'we can handle this man informalway,so muchthe better;I'm 'Willing todo what Lean to make this go as smoothly aspbssible..........."....;.'. Thanks,again,Dominick ',Talkto you 's~on. Sincerely,'... c Fields Fie .ldsc a pe In c orp o ·r ~I .~~ .... "'. .,.-. ., •'1';. .\. ." .:.; '.-"• -s" '.;. .' .,.. ",-'. '" -.'.. .... ..-,, :.•' ,. Pri nted b y Bre nt Wilson ,../2 6/98 ~----------------~~~~~------------ f 'r ,'I II:Tr)!"].'j F','l L'tch '1'0 :r i rnui n i c-M i:-l.lIL"i e.l lu ~;u l,j n c t .: f wd :do y0 11 kn o w wl l (">i,?, r i..r \i :;l t l n ~1 t.l l R h ak al aI-'[Il:u jc ct ...! ===-NOTr-:=====-=-==========,1 (1/2 ?/~)H =1 2 :4 :)['111= F w,-I =hy :=lic-s mi n i C'=M ,"'l I l "i =1 ()/22 /9~~-{==1:2 0~'111= Fw d t o :'J'eLri L'.~].:-t:-C'I I n 1"~t I t-j :;:I k l II ·j I I TlIJ L t-•1 t W ,C-t f;l r -:':Il,.i :~;t.:-in '::;['L ,·,jPC·t I::;t 'l l (~I 'H ::;0111 8 1ll;:ot --j Ol "i :";:=:'1 8::::'~'lL :.';H H II I:;a t-r-en c!w i th ll e l p l a ll :-;.I f t I i o ro L :,::,L et '::::try t on w '"'Lk i t -'-'lit. 2 :0 1pm • T il i.:':III 11 r.:t h e ;:l l .·l=.!,w O l "k i 11 '1 r.L'11:-::1 :-1 ',")t -i rl1~f \".0 y O I];:}rI d W (-'~ ()r t L L w .L t .11 ell 1 I.:n ew ::j t a f f . T ll t:"t11 k :::1""'1"Y OI ]I 'PC':lt i o nce , Jo'wd -=-I )y :T f ~1.-1'i =p ::~L·t C'll ==1 ()/;.>::;/(.IH ==-/':O ·/r'l lI = l"w d t u : K J '~l lt wiL r.c .ri ,I"h ,ll l .il l i l '· M .'11 1l'i F~I I <>,'I'(~L L l !'i'l L-t ch N c ,r '.L:()l·)L or u, 'T 11 ~l'e al:e ::;0 11 1(')i s :::::u o ~e-s n 1-h e p l ."ln .T t . o e c .rno t h at t ll~i r <]lJA st YCil:oq e :Jt:i l.l isn '~~c ce3 ~l L)le w i th a 2 0 'r~dj .u s . Til e y a J.no n c e-ct a n e nC]i nRA I "'oS ('JAs iq n a nd S t ·rlIll p o n ho t l l t hel l."l .:o ck wa J_.1 ~:.:::IS w cl .l M::::::L UL:u t l lL'al w ~l.l :;:I I 0 1 d.i f ltJ II p t-tr e d l :i ve way .I ;:;t ill ;:;t I :~;c ,u n o u re w ll et h ol:-o f n nt "'-L e h a :::;.:tPPl:ov cci tI i i.rs .(k now i t- w a:::d i :::cll ::~3ed i n D R'T w i t :ll M.i k e ,b ut J. ca r l 't l 'A lllemb eL l.l te d ec i:;;.i o n .(T h e .-::l ri v e d oe ::;n 't nH)()1:t-u e L a-l:flrl i Il ~1 '8 q ll l l"~3 m eIl t::J, so I d on 't ..te eeL cOlll for tab lc a p pl:o v i n9 i .t).T h e d l :i .V 8 .1.1,,::,1")n ee d :,:t".o h p.:w .i cte n e ct ('11 1t:t 'n l r:,'t"l'l I "C)lliJ l l L lJf,~l r e fl t:.i l.·(~()() d 8 1.II 'I ~e <.'1 <';-:::::;n V f--3 L 't r irn . F'w('J =t'~V :=13 L eI I t "=W i lSI-"1 --..,,-============== F'w -'!LI ',:Lu nui rri e:M M 1 J I 'i(~l..J " A c'I ·11 (l J .J y ,l :l l P P.C ·l 'A W f-~rJ ll f'f ,'l :0 ',e et w a:3 H Ill t 'nn r 1'11 1 d o n 't -m i.r r cl fin l :-:>h in .;t l i P t -It e B ..-"lk il.l.<.i l"r A :::i d An (-·~~. Pag e:1 ProjectName: e ~ Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Bakalar Residence Project Description :New s ingle familyhouse Owner.Addre ss andPhon e:John &Christine Bakalar 1760Dale Avenue,Highland Park,IL60035 (847)433 -0779 Architect/Contact.Address a ndPhone :Tom Cole.Morter Architects 143 East Meadow Drive.Vail 476 -5105 ProjectStreet Address : Legal Description: 780 Potato Patch Drive Lot17,BlockI.Vail Potato Patch ParcelNumber:2101-063-01-027 BuildingN ame :n/a C omrncnts: Motionby: Demo/rebuild Clark Brittain Board /Staff Action Action :Approved Secondedby:Ann Bishop Vote:4-0 C onditions:That the landscape plan be worked out with staff in order to add variation in the size of thetrees by reducing the overall total number of spruce and aspen trees. T own Planner:Christie Barton Date :6/17/98 DRB FeePre-Paid:$200.00 commlty Development Plan Rout!Form Routed To:GregHall ,PublicWorks Todd Oppenheimer,PublicWorks MikeMcGee ,Fire ReturnTo: Christie Barton,Community Development Date Routed :6/24/98 Return By:6/25/98 ProjectName:BakalarResidence ProjectAddress:780Potato PatchDrive ProjectLegal:Lot17,BlockI ,Potato Patch ProjectDescription:Newsingle family house -final submission Rev ised driveway to allow staging areafor fire accessperdiscussion withMike McGee .Let meknowif r should getanothercopyoftheplansovertoMike. __Approved _x_Denied (citedetailedreasons)__~A p p ro v e d with condition s ;~n;Iji~;ljl~1 ~'~~;~~1!~!~11!1;1 1~ It stilllooks asif fire trucks cannot reach thehomedue toa radius intothedriveway whichistighter than 36'(center line radius).Also the circumference arou nd the house appears tobegreaterthan300'.Pleaseshowhow you believe the tire hoses reach aroundthe structure.Please redesign thedriveway toreflectthecurrentstandards. which are:a 29'inside radius,44'outside radiusanda36'centerlineradius Ihada difficult time evaluatinghegrading andwalls dueto thenumber ofplanover lays.Please putallrevised plansonto one drawing. TIle drivewa ystill need s tobe widenedoutto 15'wide throughtheentire 90degree cornercrossover.Pleasesee thehatchedarea shownontheoriginal submittal. Ibelieveitisillegaltotake a sitespecificdesigndonebya registered engineer andtransferitto anotherproject without that engineer's knowled ge.Please have allyourwallsdesigned andstampedbyaregisteredengineerwho is familiar withthesite. Thedriveway site wallneeds tobedesigned andstamped by aregistered engineer. TLPartch recieved 6~/9 8 (~reviewed/returned 6~/9H .../-,. '/.,. 8600 ',~'.'--'.--:----.../...~./--../-------\ ..";:*/ 98 ,.io~/·<9$,..'7 .if'.. 96 ",..~~...._.)!_~_... ;;..~..~ .....a:;;;..8'~'.~ .:~::~~.-9 8 .25 '- ..''94.0'. ~·a ·~lCet::..-'........""':"".'.......,.-~- Stood Erect .w L \:: ~ss N um be rs 3 1 /2 ':".: di :.:Accent w l th«. entrlal Bed ":':;', ~;~ain pan.--t--r--,:vert· • MORTER ARCH ITECTS Letter of Transmittal Da te O~/I~/9$ To:7h~/?~~t/A-//-~n?~/7?-De:vdt:J;P~ 1'.67:Chn~h"t:..J?.:uf-d?"l- 711"5b~F.nn-?~~~ t/;v/II C//S/~7 Pleasefinde nclosedthefollowing: AProfessionalCor poration 143EastMeadowDrive CrossroadsatVail Vail,Colorado 81657 970/476·5105 970/476·0710 Fax Emai l Morte r@ compuserve.com Dated Copies / Of /Zd.//~5"-1 t/~f/~j?b-r?)//:td/CA.P>-~ ~I "t:ld/~s t:lS'p(/~P4~ca$>d-~~/f.B. Remarl<s: Otr/~r/G­ I /f~/~~~a..g'~l,ad/uS 41-~~ 10 7?u ~)"~es ~~5rd-~/~ tP~~/7tJ t:JT ~//z/?S./'/kA~/~rnu 47~ ~~t1)~~s/,l/n ~~~//7/?.! OJ?.,8.~~. By : AProlessional Corporati on 143 E ast MeadowDrive Crossroadsat Vail Vail,Colorado 81657 970 /4 76·5105 FAX970 /4 76·0710 June 11 ,1998 • MORTER ARCH ITEeTS Christie Barton Town of Va il-Community Development 75South Frontage Road Va il,CO 81657 RE :Bakalar Residence 780 Potato PatchDrive Lot17,Block 1,Vail Potato Patch Dear Christie , Pleasefind following a response tothe items you outlined in your memo dated June10 ,1998 regarding final approval attheDesign Review Board meeting. Comment:Add ridgeheightstothesiteplan so Staff cancalculateridge height . Response :Aswe discussed Iwill provide botha roof p lan mylar overlay anda redlined grading plan that will illustrate allridge heights relative to projected ex isting grades.Allridgelines appear tofall within the33 'lim it.Aswealso discussed ,please keep inmind that wehave allowed for a slight buffer zone by calculating our r idges tothetop of shingles rather thanthetopof sheathing . (The Town 's guidel ines illustrate ridges calculated totopof sheath ing).This buffer alongwith variable interpolation of "existing grade"should provide usw ith 6"-18 "of leeway. Comment:Add thelocation of exterior lightingtothesiteplan. Response :Aswe discussed ,all proposed exterior lighting is illustrated on sheet L-1 (May 26 ,1998)thatwas submitted withthefinalD.R.B .application. Shouldanyadd itional lighting associated directly withthe house be desired by theowners,the fixtures and locations willbe presented totheD.R.B.prior to installation . Comment:Itstilllooks as if firetruckscannotreachthehomedueto a radius intothedrivewaywhichis tighter than 36 '.Alsothecircumference around the houseis greater than300 '. Response :I have marked upasiteplanwiththeinsideand outside radius requested fromthe Town of VailFire Department for vehicle #410 attheturn into the driveway.The requested inside rad ius is26.5 'andthe outside rad iusis • MORTER ARCH ITECTS ChristieBarton Page2 33.5 '.FromthefirestagingareathatIhadindicatedontheplan that Isubm itted totheTownofVailFire Department ,I calculate a130'-140 'hoselengthfrom the centerline ofthebackandfrontofthestagingarea.AsI understand the requirements andthemethodof measurement,our current planfallswithinthe design parameters . Comment:Thefirstsection of thedrivefromthenortheastside of thepanto the 92 contour isbetween 10-11%.Pleasereviseto 8%or less . Response:RicFieldshas generated arevisedgrad ing planto address this concernwith minimal impact tothe overall-grading plan .Aswe discussed ,we wouldalso li ketoreviewthe possibility of aculvert under the driveway ifthe D.R.B.andTownofVa il Engineering Department alsofeelit isagoodidea. Comment:Theguestgaragestillneedstobeaccessiblewith a 20'centerline radius. Response :Ricfieldshasalsorevisedthe driveway configuration torespondto thiscomment.Asyouwillsee,over100squarefeetofpavingareaddedandit maymake sense toreviewwith staff andD.R.B .toseeifsome practical compromise makessense. Comment:Thedrivewaystillneedstobe widenedoutto 15 'wide throughthe entire90-degree comer crossover.Pleaseseethehatchedareashownonthe original submittal. Response:Wehave widened theradiusasrequested.Aswe discussed,this isbeyondthe12'maximum driveway widththatthe guidelines suggest andif15' isnotrequ ired bytheFire Department,wewouldstill prefer a driveway that is15' attheradiusand tapers to12 'atthe beginning andendofthecurve . Comment:Allrockwallswillneedtobe designed and stamped by a registered engineer if youdec ide nottolaythewalls under 4 'backat a 1:1 as previously requested.Therockwall as shownalsoexceeds 4 'in a fewspots .These portions of thewallwill need tobe designed and stamped regardless. • ORTERARCH ITECTS ChristieBarton Page3 Response :The boulder retaining wall details drawnon8 .1 weredes igned bya registered engineer for another jobofRicFields'.Ifrequired ,wewill gladly have the details stamped byan engineer to include w ith ourbuilding permit submittal aswe discussed. Comment:Thedrivewaysitewallneedstobe designed and stamped by a registered engineer. Response :Thesitewalldesignwillalsobe stamped bya structural engineer to be includedwiththebuildingpermit submittal. Christie , Thank youforthe comments .Ifthereareany other concerns,pleaseforward themso that wemay address thempriortotheJune1i h D.R.B .meeting .Also ,if youcould forward anagendafortheD.R.B .meetingassoonasit is developed , wewould certainly appreciate it. Best regards a~. Thomas A.Cole ,AlA • June10,199X TomCole MorterArchitects 143 EastMcadowDrive Vail,CO XI6S7 Re:BakalarResidence no potatoPatchDrive Lot 17.Block 1,VailPotatoPatch DearTom : Thefollowingareissuesthatneedtobeaddressedassoonaspossibletobeable to receivefinal approvalattheDesignReviewBoardmeetingWednesday.June 17.1998: v(AddridgeheightstothesiteplansoStaffcancalculateridgeheight. ~.Addthelocation of exteriorlightingtothesiteplan.1.---1 3.It stilllooksasiffire trucks cannotreachthehomeduetoaradiusintothedrivewaywhichis tighterthan 36'.Alsothecircumferencearoundthehouseisgreaterthan 300'. vA.The first section of thedrivefromthenortheastsideofthepantothe92contourisbetween 10-1 1%.Pleaserevise to 8'Yo orless.?()/cJ-6 % /S.Theguestgaragestillneedstobeaccessiblewitha 20'centerlineradius . /6.ThedrivewaystillneedstobewidenedouttoIS'widethroughtheentire90degreecorner c rossover.Pleaseseethehatchedareashownontheoriginalsubmittal. /7.Allrockwallswillneedtobedesignedandstampedbyaregisteredengineerifyoudecidenot tolaythewallsunder4'backataI :1 aspreviouslyrequested.Therockwallasshown alsoexceeds4'inafewspots.Theseportionsofthewallwillneedtobedesig ned and stampedregardless . /8.Thedrivewaysitewall needstobedesigned and stampedbyaregistered engineer. (fyou haveanyquestions,pleasecallmeat 479-24S4. Very truly yo urs, Christie BaJ10n PlannerII commlity Development Plan Rout'Form RoutedTo :GregHall,Public Works Todd Oppenheimer,Public Works MikeMcGee,Fire ReturnTo : ChristieBarton,CommunityDevelopment DateRouted :5/29/98 ReturnBy:6/10/98 ProjectName:Bakalar Residence ProjectAddress:780 PotatoPatchDrive ProjectLegal:Lot17,BlockI,PotatoPatch ProjectDescription:Newsingle family house-final submission Revised driveway to allow staging areafor fire accessperdiscussionwithMike McGee.Let meknowif[shouldgetanothercopy of theplansover to Mike. _~A p p ro v e d _x__Denied(citedetailedreasons)__~Approved with conditions t!:11tl Ii .-liil If It still looksasif fire Hucks cannot reachthe home duetoa radius intothedrivewaywhichistighterthan36'.Also thecircumferencearoundthehouseisgreaterthan300'. Thefirstsection of thedrivefromthe north castside of thepantothe92contourisbetween 10-11 %.Please reviseto8%orless. Theguestgaragestillneedstobeaccessiblewitha20'centerlineradius. The driveway still need"to be widened outto 15 'widethroughtheentire90degreecornercrossover.Pleasesee thehatchedareashownontheoriginalsubmittal. Allrockwallswillneedtobedesignedandstampedbyaregisteredengineerifyoudecidenottolaythewalls under4'backataI:Iaspreviouslyrequested.Therockwallasshownalsoexceeds4'inafewspots .These portions of thewallwillneedtobedesignedandstamped regardless. Thedrivewaysitewallneedstobedesignedandstampedbyaregisteredengineer. Questionsforstaff:....-- Howmanyparkingspacesare reqi&ed?Somespaceswillhavedifficultyturningaroundonthesite. Thelanguage of thecurrenthazzard letterdoesnotmeetthelanguagerequiredbyordinance.Isthisletter acceptable?VJ a--s \ TLPartchrccieved6/1/98 Reviewed/returned 6/3/98 1/4 10 ,25 FROM ,TOV-COM -OEV -OEPT . APR -21 -8B •ARTT IUR I.MF.J\n~.I).F. N:.\,...lll.lMI>c:--u....a 222F....("MIoi:A.... e-.-u-.Color..l.'IJlO )0)-"U,-)2Ji. 10 ,870478245 2 Post·it·FaxNot __·:..:'6:.:7...:.1_b--,l--;:.r.;-f~::7-,,::-:--t;-/i To .. April 21.19S7 Kr.2~be~t a.Wi'son P.O.Box 151 - lake Forest,111inois G004& Dear Mr .W'i1s-on: In response toour prev5ou$communications.I completed 3 site inspection of ygur property at 780 Potato Patch Drive,on April 18.to lvalu~te the exposure gf th.~prop~T~Y to ov lanehes.debris flows.ant rockf 11.In my opinion.t~p~pe~ty is fret or all thesehazards.a$di!cussed below. AVALANCHES Snow and/or deb~~s avalanches may begin on steep slopes agprOxfmDtely 2.000 feet north and 700 fal!t abo"c your proporty.The lnrgC$t ~v<lhnch(!s will probably result rrom ,l",)pid Salura Uon ~f <l wet sni)Wl:over dJring the unus-ual combination of a b~avy low-alcv~tion Srnr~coycr ann a ranid tha~in April or May.'Ouri~g my s~Lc ins~ctio".1 conclu4ed th~t your hou;e is not within range of even tnese largo aval~n~hes for tho fol1ow~ng reo ,ens: i.The steep terr~in is irregular and .nIl not sup~lrt a uniform release of 1arg~wet snow slabs or anociatltd sa':urat2d soils. b.The large,'low-sradiont bench b~hind 780 Potato latch (approxi- mately 300 feet long and 2~{12·}gradient).wi 11 sarve as the daposition a~a for snow or Soil avalanches;and ,...c.There c~~sts no ev;d~nce ~f preVl0US avalanches. DE:BRts FLOWS In gen~ral.and throughout the Vail nrea.debris flows occu~whcr~ground and surface w4ter &re concentrated nu~ing timas ~r vp.ry rapid rlnOrr.Dabris oflow$lIlay occur in rc Snonse to lhe S~comJ tl i ons lit..t pro·luce cklb~;s avalanches.Dc:bl"h fioWS.hOW(lVl1r.do not ;:f'fect your "ou,;.!at 780 l'otato Pa tell for__tho fenOt/!no rca :;onr.: a.NO catchmont uQsin ~xists to ~oncentr~tc ~a~r or Siturata the soi 1s. b.The torrain Above your hOUse docs not chan~C!li~e ~ater or dc~ris~ i1nd ~.There axf~t$no ~v~donce o~p~C!yious dqbYis-flow d)posit ioo at OP above your holll(:!t itO.• PRGE .902 2 /4 :PAGE10.8704782452---_.......•• APR -21-8B 10 ,26 FROM,TOV-COM-OEV -OEPT.------ .'2•Robert H.Wilson .pril zi,1987 • ROCJa<Al.L A smal'roc~ra'l ~ovrcc ~roa docs exist ~PDro~i~lcly 2,000 feet northeast and 700 fC!et.above your house .The:sourc:~ilN!i1 'is a smAl1 ~·O °1ncHnation outcropping of the Minturn Foram~ion and h.s prod~cQ~rockfill 'in thc.pa$~. Site inspection of the roclt:n srl.crop :lnd t.he lC'rnnn 'Ibov~y<ur house ,nd!- cates that rockfall naza~~S insignificant at your house fer the fol 1o~n9 reasons: a.The source (c1if~)~rei 1$sound an~well-bonded 1cr the most part.therefore.there exi5~few largo.loose ro~ls; b~Any rocks that become d~tached ~ro~the cliff must roll an4 bound through the up!!n fO'rc~t which will oissipaU!mucf of tM rockfall enQrgy; c .Th~large.low-9r~oicnt area mentioned abovo {under uavalanches~}, ~'l absOTb ~maining reckfal'anergy;and d.No previous cvid~nco of rockf~l1 cxist~c~ccpt direetly b~low the cliff.. Although aval;ncnas.debris flows,and rockfvl'aTC ~ot ~roc'ems a~your house. I did notiee soooe e1ear evidence or 5011 creep in tha a~pen rorest to the northeast or your property.Approxi~tely l~Z aCr~~of ~ture aspen t~ees have been uproot.c:d on the sJopr,s above your property .These trees were de~royed in ~y.and vune of 1?84 duringa period of widespread soil creep that tended to t,lt th~treQs In a downslope dirQCtion (the ~irectiQn of S~,l creep).A $ubseq~ep~heavy,~et 5nowsto~fn e~rly Jun~heavily loadad the as~n and ~Teat~~~ny aTe~$of ~rQ~fai\u~~throuq~~ut the su~rounding moUnta1fts.$0"cr~p lS not D d~ngOYCus or 'lfe-thrnuten;n~process at this location.The fOrQst ~s not rlamagcd ~s a r~5u't of ~valanc'es.rockfall 01'"debn s 1'lO"'S.r Pl~a$e contact =e if yOU have any queStions. Sincerely, Cldt..~ll 4n1f0Kl Arthur I.Hc.rs,P.E . ~IM:De PRGE.0e3 SEP 06 '!'IS I I:;34 APR-21-8B 10,26 FROM ,TOV-COM-OEV-OEPT .• Hello John and Christine, 10 ,8704782'1.52• october 27,1995 Christine a~d John Bakalar 1760 Dale A~enue aighland Pa~k.rL 60035 PAGE 3/'1. I'm glad ~t we were able to provide this first "disaster check" service for you.aM hope that you enjoyed Ot..r brief time tog-ether as much as r did. To briefly recap the two meetings I had aft£~YOQ and I met: 1.I reviewed your site p Lan with represen·:atives of the Town of Vail Fixe Deparblent.While their final rul.ing-(s)can only be made after review of final drawing-s,thei.r preliminary opinion is that we should J:)e able to desi<jIl a dri.veway that will preclude the need for fire sprinklers :i .n your home. 2.I confirmed with Andy Knudtsen of the ~'own of Vail C01Dlllunity Devel.opment Deparbtent,that Art Mears's letter of April 21, 1987 regarding avalanche,debris flow,and rockfall hazards confirms that no such hazards exist on {OUI site,and that no further studies are required. Also,John,the allo....able GRFA is indeed 6,:187 square feet. As ,..,e discussed,please remember to use us as a resource as you mull over your thoughts abOut your home -1:e sure to piCk up the phone ,..,ith any thoughts or questions,day 0::night. And.Karen and I would love ee see you so :ially (even with the wi~sons,if necessaI:Y)during your next vis it to Vail. Best regar:is, Jam.es R.H:>rter,PArA MORTER ARC BITEC'l'S 00:Ken Wilson 65/68/1998 64:19 3638457663•FIELDSCAPE •PAGE 61 Fieldscape Incorporatr:d Memorandum To: Cc: eM."Duron From : Date : Ric:fitldB Re:Tree Relocation DearChristi, Project:The Bualar Re.iienc:e Per our conversation this morning,I'm writing toyou regarding the removal ofexistingtreesfromtheBakarar's house on Lot 17,Block1, Potato Patch.As I mentioned,there are a number ofverynice spruce trees which would substantially benefittheoverall appearance of the finished house ifwecould find awaytoreusethem .If not,they would inevitably havetobe removed for construction. You and I agreed that moving thetreesonetime is best fortheir health, should that be convenient andeasyto provide the proper care .However, since the existing house willhavetobe demolished and another willbe built initsplace,itswell-beingon site willbe questionable atbest.I'dlike to remove thetreeswhich can easilybe spaded foroff-site s tock until such timeas would best suit their reintroduction to the site in their designated place. nus noteshould serveyourneedsasassurance that measures are being implemented for providing the bestpossible result of construction. Thank,Christi.Please don't hesitatetophone with any questions.. Sincerely, Ric r.o.llo~11171 Ayo",CoIor.du Q uestions ?•the Pla nning St arr a,47 9-:"12S APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL • DESCRIPTION OFTHEREQU EST:--'-..:...::.:=--...=L-.:....:.,;;c......='---'-..:...-.:__~L.!<..~:c.:=.-<-..:._ GENERAL INFORMATION This applicationisforanyprojectrequiringDesignReviewapproval.Anyprojectrequiringdesign review must receiveDesignReviewapprovalpriorto submitting for abuild ing p ermit.Forspecific information,seethe submittal requ irements fortheparticularappro val that is reques ted.Theapplic ation canno t be accepted untilalltherequ ired info rmationis submitted.Thepr oject may alsoneedto bereviewedby theTownCouncil a nd/orth c Planning an d Environmental Commi ssion.Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit isissued and construction is started. ~ A. B. C. D. E. F. G. LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL:LOT:/7 BLOCK:/FlUNG ://all -,q,hz-f6 ~tz:h- PHYS ICAL ADDRESS :780 f6fp...fr:>~fch Dr/t/~/4L.i/,Co/t:'n::t.do I PARCEL#:2.101 LX:>~tJ 102.7 (Contact EagleCo.Assessors Officeat 970-328-8640 for parcel #) ZONING:,7ho ~;fi.5l!C-Pnck /Z.7id.Pnfla-L d~In?r- NAMEOFOWNER(S):doh/?f r~Ti~>aJ::;aJa.r MAILINGADDRESS:/760 a:z./e./ib£n~ M'hr-,L ~Z;w"h 60t:?~ H. o Minor Alteration -$20 Construction ofa newbuildi ng. Includesany addition wheresquarefootageisaddedtoanyresidential or commercial building, Includ es minorchangesto buildings andsite improvements.suchas , reroofing.painting.window additions.landscaping.fence s and retaining walls,etc. DRBfeesaretobepaidatthetime of submittal.Later.whenapplyingfora building permit,please identify theaccuratevaluation of theproject.TheTown of Vailwilladjustthefcc according totheproject valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPUCATION,ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT.75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. VAlL,COLORADO 81657. BUILDINGMATERIALS: • UST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPEOF MATERIAL: • Roof Siding Other WallMaterials Fascia Soffits Windows WindowTrim ~/8JU.-/d:z.h&J :¥,n~5 6ra.n;k-- ;<ht>pd.,-.J;tJr/Z.lelj?(5lp/:n~d-) /\/.-4 . /)Uf-rf4 wrnd P&~'r7'!l 2/ C~~~.w~<?d-h//n~ .cPa -e.ah'7aed.-) 1f "/1 Doors Door Tr im Handor DeckRails Flues Flashings c1~;;~T/I?AY~~/AvL ~,-E----,,-,,--,--=-,C<..--::..--_ ~ Ch imneys .. Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Wal ls ExteriorLighting** Other ..Please specify themanufacturer's color,numberandattachasmallcolorchip ....Allexteriorlighting mustmeet theTown'sLightingOrdinance18.S4.0S0(J).Ifext erior lighting isproposed, please indicate thenumberoffixturesandlocations onaseparatelightingplan.Identify eachfixturetypeandprovide theheightabovegrad e,lumensoutput.luminous area.andattach acutsheetofthelightingfixtures. 2 Updated 6/97 r CATALOG NUMBER LOGIC Example:B/Q WHW Series ~ Lamp Type o -By Others 1-EsxrOWj'14"Spot3-FRB35W ,12"Spot 15 -EYR 42W ,11.5"Spot 6-EXT 50W ,10"Spot Finish: Powd ercoat Wrinkl e Bronze BZW Black BLW White (Glo ss)WHW Verde VER Ava ilable in Ca st Brass .Prefix Series De signation With 'B ',S pecify 'NAT'for Natural Brass, 'POL'f or P o lished Brass,'MIT'for MitiqueBr ass o r Powdercoat Color i nFi nish Se ctiono f the Catalog Number.See the 'B -K Br ass 'Br oc hure for Additional Details . 3 3/16" W 1 @ 5"•I Rectilinear Lena P rovides Wide Lateral Distrib ution -.ri lh Prisms in Vertical Poelttc n an d Long Nar row Dis tribution in Horiz ontal P os ition . 'I ,j, Cftsl Aluminum F 8.ce W--- I 1/2'" Two Countersunk, 3/16"Ole .Holes ·1 Will ~~ High Temperature Silicone Gasket 2 ?I f!" 3"•I ,ill:::~~ Re ctengul ar 4?I f!"X 2 ?I f!" Ca st Aluminum Bo x nth Three 1/2'"NPS Tapp ed Holes .Two Plugs Provide d------ SIDE VIEW FRONT VIEW For Use wi th Remote Transform ers See Sheets TRSS S eries,TR Series o r Po wer Pipe inAccessory Se ction ~BRICK STAR 11/9 4IB-K LIGHTING,INC.DRAWIN G NUIJBER SUB-I009 -02 ••UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION •• This form is toverifyserviceavailability andlocation fornew construction andshouldbeusedinconjunction withpreparing your utilityplan and scheduling installations .Thelocation andavailabilityofutilities.wh ether thcybemain trunk lines orproposed lines.must beapproved and verifi edby the following utilities for the accompanying siteplan.. Authorized Signature •U.S.WestCommunications 1-800-922-19 87 46 8-6 860 or 949-4530 •Public Service Company 949 -5781 Gary Hall -. H91 y CrossElectric Assoc. 949-5892 TedHusky/John Boyd Heritage CablcvisionT.V. 949 -5530 SteveHiatt EagleRiver Water &Sanitation District * 476 -74 80 Fred Haslcc ~W~"'h"~Q..';..,.~,~'S ~".....,a.1a ~~e.e.~'.N\q ~~Q..~~• *Please bringasiteplan.floorplan.ande levations whenobtaining UpperEagle ValleyWater &Sanitation signatures.Fire flow needs mustbe addressed. N OTES : I .Ifthe utilityverificationformhassignaturesfromeach oftheutilitycompanies,andno commentsarcmadedirectlyontheform,theTownwillpresumethat therearcnoproblemsand the development canproceed. 2.If a utilitycompanyhasconcernswiththeproposed construction ,theutilityrepresentativeshall notedirectly ontheutilityverification formthat thereisaproblemwhichneedsto beres olved. Theissueshouldthenbedetailedinanattachedletterto theTownofVail.However.please keepinmind thatitistheresponsibilityoftheutilitycompanyandtheapplicanttoresolve identifiedproblems. 3 .These verificationsdonotrelieve theconlraetorofthe responsibi lity toobtainaPublicWay PermitfromtheDepartmentofPublicWorksattheTownofVail.Utility locationsmust bc obtainedbefore digging inanypublic right-of-way orcasementwithintheTownofVail.A buildingpcrmitisnotaPublicWaypermitandmllst beobtainedscparately. 4 MR Y 26 '98 MRY-26-1998 8:43 10:17 ••••PRGE.OOI P.132 UIII.rrv LOY).T!Ol\'VERIFrCATIOl\' ~,ttJLfJ.€-:a--.s/~C6 Thj~ft,""i~to verify ~ervicc availabil ity and location I'm new constru ction <ll1d :hould be used in ct'lnjLlllction with prcpa.:m.:)'Il"r ,,,t.lIly pllll1 and ~"hcdullns installations.Thc locfltion and <:vailability of utilities.whethcr they be main m,~k line.<;or propo~elliinc s .must be approved and verified by tlu following utilit ies for the llt'Co lllpanylllS SIte plan.- Aurholiu:d Sjgnantr ~-, HC?Jy Cr~~Electric As soc . Y49 ·S892 Ted Hll';ky/John Boyd U.S.WC:~1 Cornmunications )·1;00·922·1 C)1l7 46li·(jg60 or 94C)·45JO Public Service Company 949-578] Gary Hall Hcrlmgc Cablevision T.V. 949·5530 Steve Hiatt r.lIgle River W/ltcr &.SlInimtion Di~lriCI • 476·7480 Fredllaslcc •Please bring a slte Illal1 .floorplan,alH1 clcvotious when obtaining Upper Eag c Valley water ok Sanit:llion sign:ltllfcs.fire flow needs must be a ddressed. NOTES: I.rr the util ity verificationform hax s ignatures fromeachof th e itility companies.andno comments arcmade directly on the fonn,the Town will prcsu ne that there arc no problems and the development can proceed. 2 .(fa Illili\y company has concerns w ith the proposed constructon,the utility rcprescatative shllll note directly onthe utility verification formthat there is a proi ,lc:m which needs to be resolved. The issue shouldthenbe detailed in an attached letter tothe TawnofVail.However.please: keep inmind thai it is theresponsibitiry oftheutility coruparr i andthe ;lpplicont to resolve identified problems. 3 .These venfications donotrelievethecontractor of thercspon ;ibility toobtain II PublicWay Permitfrom the Department "fPublic WorksattheTownof "'ail.Utility locatiops 11111$1 hI: pbtained bcfnrc dis ..';nll inan y publicright-of-way or eascmc rt within the Town orVail.b. bujldjne n.;rmit is notaPnhlicWay permit and mllst be obtai)Cd ssnarnlclv, 4 MRY 2 6 '988 :15 TO TRL P .et? PAGE.002**TOTA L PRGE .OOI ** 05 .26 .9 8 0 3 0.4 ~ MF:lY-26-1938 10:0El •*AVON .COLORA i '.POI p,e2 Thi~f01T1l is to verifY service IIvAilability anttlceaticn fol'new CO"~lrllction IIlld lIQuId be used in cC'lnjul1Clion wi th I"rcplIring your IItili~l'l lan IIntl schc:dulilli in~[lIl1l1lions.The location IUld '""ifllhility OrUlilitic.~.whether they he m"in trunk lineN orpreposcd lines.nlll~t be approved lind verified by the followinG utiliricR forthe ne:eolnl'lnnyil1j.!site plan,• U .S.West Cernm unicatiuns 1-S00·922·19R7 4G!!·6860 or 949·4530 Public Service COIl\fll\l1Y 949·5711 I Cnry HnlJ Holy CroftA EI~lrie Asscc, 1)49·5892 Ted HlIMky/John Boyd Iierilll;;c ClIbh:viKioll r.v. 1)49·SS30 Steve 1[,,111 (;llgl<:River Water '"Sanit.uion Di,clnet • 476 -7480 Fred Ilaslcc " •Please bring asite:plan.noor plan.lind ctcvaucns when obtaining l:l'l'or Eag c Villley Willer &Sanitation siSllillurCK ,Fire tlow needs llIust be addressed. N OTES: I ,Iftheutility verifiClltiol1 formhas signntures fromeach ofthe ltili!)'companie~.Md no comments arc madedirectly on the funn.theTownwillpresunethatthereareno problems and thedevelopment CRn proceed. 2.If a utility company has concerns with theproposed COn$lntcl on,the utility representat ive shllil note directly ontheutility verification forrn that there is Rpro ilern whichneedstobe resolved, The issue should th::n be detailedinanattached letterto the 1 own of Vail,However,please keep in mind tha tit isthercspensibility orlhc util ity cornpanv and the applielllH toresolve identifiedproblems. 3 ,TIH;~e verifi cations do not relieve the contractor of the rcsporsibility to obtain a Public WRy Permitfromthe Depanment ofPublic Work~M theTownof Vait.1llility locatigosmust be om\\ined hero[~llil:c,ior inanypublic right-of-way o r e,m:mt nt within the TownofVail,Ii bll ildine perm it is no!it Publ ic Way permil and n.l1Uth.rn.til ned s\ill3rJ1tel v. " TOTI=IL P .132 n~'l h ~R n Q ~l AM P O, MAY-27-1998 15:08 lJJ"LUy "QeurQN YEB[EJC'ADO~: ..P.02 Thill fllrm is to yqif)'IC,lVicc awaillbility anlllacariCII for new CClI'I$lr\Ietlan II'ld &IIould be uJc4 in conjunction wiCh p~nl your utili!)'plan and -ehcdulin;il1st:lllaticns.TIle loalian lInq•,viiIability of'utilidlS,~"etllcr 'hey bll ~in lnInk Unct..Ol"~05ed lines.mllSl be ;jpprovcd lII1d verified by Ih !followingunlitica for me:. ilCl:om~n;;sireplM. U.S.Wr:st Communil:01lions .1-8nO·922~,987 468-6860 or 949-4S30 f'ublit SCf1ricc Company 9490$11'1 Gllry Hill Holy CrD$s Ela;tric Auoc:. 949-5J192 Ted Hll$ty/John8oyd T.C.'.\. 949·'S~1l Floyd Sala7.:1r ~lc Riln:r W6UCr It-Sanillltioll Oistrict • 41f,.74IiIJ fred H;&'1lce Aurbprized SinD." •"'CllSC bring a lIoitc pliln.float pl:n.Mil c1cv:ltionl ",11m obtaining Upper iii!;e\'alley WaItT 01:Sanlt\tiun ~i,ll;lIurc::i.Fin:now a~mlllll be 1A!drc=d...":'... NOTES: I.Iflhe utiljty vmtiQllion form has ~,from r:ach ortbe 1I1i1i )'companies.anel no camnll:nt5 81"'~~dircctly on IhQ fonn.die TOWll..n1\tRIlII:1C t l&1 there Me no problems l1Ild the c1cvclopmcnr can I'l'Ol:c:c:d. 2.Ir a luili!)'"mpany has conecms with tile 1Jt'l1IlO-consll'\lt:lt:ll\,t!le lIriliry h:pILiUl~,flail nate dirccCly en tIn:U1i1l!)'Vl:rificJl1iDn fOl\'R dlat t"ereit.prot \em wbicll ncals 10 be reso11lBd. n~issue mallld then ~dc:ailcd in lin altacbcd leiter10 die T,IWfI ,rVall.HnLwCf,pJaaso lecp M mind tbal it is the;~bility of tile ulility LOllipl!')and the appIiClllt to n:sol'\'C _.idcruif!cd prQ.~lems. 3..Thcsncrificatiom do I1IIt reli~the CCln1rllClgr afthe I'CSpOIIl ibililt to obllina Public Way Pem1it &om the DcpztiilQlt of PublicWorts ;at U\C Townuf'':til.:bilin'Jgc;aI!pM II!IUt II; gLrajncd herpes "i:gio!!In ant publicJiCht·of'....y or CZliI1'Cf t wit lira d=Tcrwn cfVaiI.A l/ujldjDrpsrmit Is nplll1"ub!ic;way ogmjr ani!pUIlIt be Pbtau J:Ut11"• • TOTAL P.02 MAV-26-98 10 ,38 FROM ,LANO TITLE GUARANTEE 10,1970'176'153'1 PAGE 2/6 OLD _LIC NATIONAL TITLE INS_COMPANY ALTA COM MIT MEN T SCHEDULE A Our Order #VTF252407 For Information Only -Charges - Alta Lender Policy Tax Report Endorsement 335.6 (Alea 8.1) Endorsement 281.1 (Alta 6) Endorsement 116.00 --TOTAL -- $100.00 $20.00 $25.00 $25.00 $50.00 $220.00 ***THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE,BUT AN ESTIMATE OF FEES.WHEN REFERRING TO THlS ORDER,PLEASE REFERENCE OUR ORDER NO.VTF252407 *** 1 .Effective Date:January 22,1996 ae 5:00 P.M. 2.Policy to be issued,and proposed Insured: "ALTA"Loan Policy 10-17-92 Proposed Insured: NED MORTGAGE COMPANY $850,000 .00 3.The estaee or interest in the land described or referred to in this Commitmene and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4.Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effective date hereof vested in: THEJOHNSTEPHEN BAKALAR REVOCABLE TRUST 5.The land referred to in ehis Commitment is described as follows: LOT 17,BLOCK 1,VAIL/POTATO PATCH,ACCORDING TOTHE RECORDED PLATTHEREOF,COUNTY OFEAGLE,STATEOF COLORADO. ;;;;;== PAGE ID,19704764534 PAGE 3/6 AL"COMMITMENT .. SCHEDULE:B-1 (Requirements)Our Order #VTF252407 The following are the requirements to be complied with: 1.Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. 2 .Proper instrument(s)creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record,to-wit: 3.DEED OF TRUST FROM THE JOHN STEPHEN BAKALAR REVOCABLE TRUST TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF NED MORTGAGE COMPANY TO SECURE THE SUM OF $850,000.00 . NOTE:AFFIDAVIT RECORDED January 19,1996 IN BOOK 686 AT PAGE 189 DISCLOSES JOHN STEPHEN BAKALAR,CHRISTINE HEILMAN BAKALAR,AND WILLIAM SCHWARTZ AS TRUSTEES WHO MAY ACQUIRE,CONVEY,ENCUMBER,LEASE OR OTHERWISE DEAL WITH INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY FOR SAID TRUST. IF THERE IS A CHANGE IN OWNERSHIP OF THE PROPERTY TO BE INSURED HEREIN FROM THE VESTED OWNER SET FORTH IN ITEM 4 OF SCHEDULE A HEREIN,THE TERMS, PROVISIONS AND CONDITIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX MAY BE APPLICABLE. SENATE BILL 98-045 STATES THAT EFFECTIVE JUNE 1,1998 THE FEE FOR REQUESTS FOR RELEASES OF DEEDS OF TRUST WILL BE $16.00. PAGE 2 MA¥-26-98 10 ,39 FROM ,LANO TITLE GUARANTEE 10 ,1970~76~S3~PAGE ~/6 COM MIT MEN T" SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions)OUr Order #VTF252407 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 1 .Standard Exceptions 1 through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6.Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable and special assessments not yet certified to the Treasurer's office. 7 .Any unpaid taxes or assessments against said land. 8.Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges,if any. 9.1996 TAXES NOT YET DUE OR PAYABLE AND ASSESSMENTS NOT YET CERTIFIED TO THE TREASURERS OFFICE. 10.RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED July 13,1939, IN BOOK 123 AT PAGE 617. 11 .RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS,WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE,BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS,IF ANY,BASED ON RACE,COLOR,RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN,AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED March OS,1974,IN BOOK 233 AT PAGE 628 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED September 24, 1975,IN BOOK 241 AT PAGE 950. 12.EASEMENTS,RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL/POTATO PATCH. 13.TERMS,CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF BASEMENT DEED RECORDED February 21, 1985 IN BOOK 436 AT PAGE 836. H.10 FOOT DRAINAGE EASEMENT ALONG TIlE SOUTHERLY LOT LINE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL/POTATO PATCH. 15 .DEED OF TRUST DATED February 13,1996,FROM THE JOHN STEPHEN BAKALAR REVOCABLE TRUST TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF NED MORTGAGE COMPANY TO SECURE THE SUM OF $850,000.00 RECORDED February 27, 1996,IN BOOK 688 AT PAGE 680. ***********ENDORSEMENT 335.6*********** THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THIS ENDORSEMENT IS ONLY EFFECTIVE IF THE LAND IS USED OR IS TO BE USED PRIMARILY FOR RESIDENTIAL PURPOSES. THE COMPANY INSURES THE INSURED AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE SUSTAINED BY REASON OF h~CK OFPRIORITY OF THE LIEN OF THE INSURED MORTGAGE OVER: (A)ANY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION LIEN WHICH,AT DATE OF POLICY,IS RECORDED IN THOSE RECORDS ESTABLISHED UNDER STATE STATUTES AT DATE OF POLICY FOR THE PURPOSE OF IMPARTING CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE OF MATTERS RELATING TO REAL PAGE 3 1D '19704764534 PAGE 5/6."-.AL.COMMITMENT .. SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions)Our Order #VTF252407 PROPERTY TO PURCHASERS FOR VALUE AND WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE,OR FILEDIN THE RECORDS OF THE CLERK OF THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT IN WHICH THE LAND IS LOCATED,EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN SCHEDULE B;OR (B)ANY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION LIEN PROVIDED FOR BY ANY STATE STATUTE IN EFFECT AT DATE OF POLICY,EXCEPT ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION LIENS PROVIDED FOR THE BY THE FOLLOWING STATE STATUTES:NONE THIS ENDORSEMENT IS MADE A PART OF THE POLICY AND IS SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS THEREOF AND OF ANY PRIOR ENDORSEMENTS THERETO .EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT EXPRESSLY STATED,IT NEITHER MODIFIES ANY OF THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS OF THE POLICY ANDANY PRIOR ENDORSEMENTS,NOR DOES IT EXTEND TH , EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE POLICY AND ANY PRIOR ENDORSEMENTS,NOR DOES IT INCREASE THE FACE AMOUNT THEREOF. ***ENDORSEMENT 281.1***THE COMPANY HEREBY INSURES AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE BY REASON OF: (1)THE INVALIDITY OR UNENFORCEABILITY OF THE LIENOF THE INSURED MORTGAGE RESULTING FROM THE PROVISIONS THEREIN WHICH PROVIDE FOR CHANGES IN THE RAT] OF INTEREST _ LOSS OFPRIORITYOF THE LIEN OF THE INSURED MORTGAGE AS SECURITY FOR THE UNPAID PRINCIPAL BALANCE OF THE LOAN,TOGETHER WITH INTEREST AS CHANGED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE INSURED MORTGAGE,WHICH LOSS OF PRIORITY IS CAUSED BY SAID CHANGES IN THE RATE OFINTEREST. "CHANGESIN THE RATE OF INTEREST",AS USED INTHIS ENDORSEMENT,SHALL MEAN ONLY THOSE CHANGES IN THE RATE OF INTEREST CALCULATED PURSUANT TO THE FORMULA PROVIDED IN THE INSURED MORTGAGE AT DATE OF POLICY. THIS ENDORSEMENT DOES NOT INSURE AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE BASED UPON (A) USURY ,OR (B)ANY CONSUMER CREDIT PROTECTION OR TRUTH IN LENDING LAW. THIS ENDORSEMENT IS MADE A PART OF THE POLICY AND IS SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS THEREOF AND OF ANY PRIOR ENDORSEMENTS THERETO,EXCEPT THAT THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THIS ENDORSEMENT IS NOT SUBJECT TO PARAGRAPt 3 (D)OF THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE .EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT EXPRESSLY STATED,IT NEITHER MODIFIES ANY OF THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS OF THE POLICY AND ANY PRIOR ENDORSEMENTS,NOR DOES IT EXTEND THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE POLICY AND ANY PRIOR ENDORSEMENTS,NOR DOES IT INCREASE THE FACE AMOUNT THEREOF . ***FORM 116***THE COMPANY ASSURES THE INSURED THAT AT THE DATE OFTHIS POLICY THERE IS LOCATED ON SAID LAND A RESIDENCE KNOWN AS 780 POTATOE PATCf DRIVE AND THAT THE MAP ATTACHED TO THIS POLICY SHO WS THE CO~~ECT LOCATION AND DIMENSIONS OFSAID LA}ID ACCORDING TO THOSE RECORDS WHICH UNDER THE RECORDING LAWS IMPART CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE AS TO SAID LAND. PAGE 4 COMMITMENT. MAV-26-9B 10 ,40 FROM ,LAND TITLE GUARANTEE SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) 10 ,19704764534 Our Order #VTF252407 PAGE 6 /6 .;.. NOTE:ITEMS 1-3 OF STANDARD EXCEPTIONS ARE HEREBY DELETED.FORM 100.00 IS HEREBY ATTACHED AND BECOMES A PART OFTHE POLICY.IN WITNESS WHEREOF,THE COMPANY HAS CAUSED THIS ENDORSEMENT TOBESIGNED AND S~~ED ASOFTHE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS POLICY,TOBEVALID WHEN COUNTERSIGNED BY AN AUTHORIZED OFFICER OR AGENT OFTHE COMPANY,ALLIN ACCORDANCE WITH ITS BY- LAWS. PAGE 5 From:Mi ke Mc g ee To :Ch rist ie Barton ,Lar ry Pa rd ee Suhjec t: fwd :To me Cole/J im Mor ter r e 7~U Po tato Pat ch Si te Plan Re view ;;;N (J T E;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;4 /2 J /9~;;~:J 6 a m ;; CC :J e ff Atencio Imet wi th Jim Mo rt er a nd t he o wner- yesterday and weh a ve i de n t ifi ed a c o u p l e of o p t ionst o p rovide a t urnar ou nd o ns ite .J im wi ll b e reworking the deta ils (min o r)t o provide ac cess t o th e u pper garage a pro n_I t appea rs t he ywil l be a ble t o meet t he inten t (if n o t th e exa c t s pec i fi cat ions ).Jim ini ti atedt his p r o j ec t p r i or to t he r oll o ut o f the II n ew "des ig n g u id el ines .It see ms i n o u r best i ntere st t o work wi th t h e m o n t h is one . I 'l l le t yo u k onwh ow it comes o ut .I told Mo rt e r t o simp l y ge t b a ck with me be f ore he g oe s t o OR Bf or Fin a l .I to ld him I,e ,loes 't need to g et bac k wi th La r ry t o r eview t hes it e .bu twill to r a nys ta gi ngi s su es o nce we g et t o th e p ermit sta ge . T h anks ! Fw d ;b y:;L a r r y =P a r d ee ;=4 /2J /9~=;9 :1 U am == Fwd t o : Christ i e Bar ton .Mik e Mc ge e. Ter ri Pa rtch Mik e . Pu b lic Works st il ln e e d s to see t h e new s ite p lan .PWh as 11 other t h ing t h at they need t o wor k o u t f o r us.P lea se as k Ji m o rTom t os e nd us a c o py o f t he new plan . T hank You I,P Pdqe :1 1 0 :07 am .-- ,9?0 479 2176 P .01JUN-30-1998 08:54 Vml Fire Department 41 Weft MemWw Drive Vail,Colorado 81657 97fJ.479-2250 June 30,1998 Jim Morter Tom Cole Mortn-Architects Crossrotub at Vail 143 EtISt MellJ/Dw Drive Vail,Colorado 81657 Fax Transmittal Dew Jim and Tom; .' I received tMfax you :sent on 6/19/98 reference the de:sign standards you are currently using to design fIN access The attachment was drafted in 1989 and is no longer applicable.As we discussed,the TOWIl tkveIope41UUl pulJlisMd a new standard in Janulll'J'1991.~standards were developed and agreed to by the Public Works Department,the Fire Department,Community Development,and were reviewed by a variety ofdesign professionals prior to implementation.The standards have been appr'fJvedby the PEC and Town Council I believe we offered a copy and advised additional copies were avnilllble from Dominic Mauriello at Community Development.Use ofand compliance with the current design standards would aIlevifIte the apparent confusion.The tnlck nllmbers and turning rtullllS on the sheet attached to the fax you sent yestenlay,are no /ongu valid since we published the new stIlndards llal year. Please contod lIS ifwe can be ofas:si'fillnce. MIChael McGee Fue Marshal cc:Terri Partch Do,mnie MllIlIiello JeffAtencio TOTAL P.01 A Profess ional Corporation •••• 143East Meadow Drive Crossroads atVail Vail,Co lorado 81657 970 /478 ·5105 FAX 970 /4 76-0710 November 19,1997 Lise Fischer TownofVail Community Development 111S.Frontage Road Vail,CO81657 DearLise , MORTER ARCH ITECTS The purpose ofth is letteristoverifyour telephone conversation of 11/07/97 regarding Lot17,Block1in Vail/Potato Patch. Basedonyour conversation withMikeMollica ,youconfirmedthatforthe purpose ofhe ight calculat ions onalotwithanexistinghometoberemoved , ex isting grade w ill be determined basedonthe topography pr ior tothe existing homebeingbuilt. I've attached atopoqraph ic surveydated 11/13/97 withprojected grading i nred pento indicate our determination ofexistinggrade prior tothe construction and cuUfillofthe building outlined onthesameplan . Ifyouagreewiththe indicated grading ,pleaseaddth is drawingtothe T.O.v.'s Lot17file .If not ,pleasenotifyMorterArchitects immediately,asweplanon proceeding withourdesignbasedonthisdeterm ination of existing grade. Thank youverymuchfortheassistance. Sincerely , ~~~ Thomas A.Cole,AlA cc:John &Christ ine Bakalar o 691 NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE 5/11/84 0 1....~PERMIT NO. 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTrON 1111 11 I VV 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEHIRM BUILDING DIVISION 1 2 23 3 4 z ELECTRICAL0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OFWORK :~PLUMBING powerhookup :::> ...J«>MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A.VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERMIT PLAN CH ECK ;~ELECTRI CAL 35.00 \9 ... NEW()ALTERAT ION ()ADDITIONAL()REPAIR ()PLUMBING } DWE LLIN GUNIT S __ACCO MMODA TIO N UNITS __MECHANI CAL I~~ HEIGHT IN FT.__NO.FIREPL ACES --RECREATION FEE ~~ INSULATI ON:TYPE THICK NESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD ~C1~~FLOOR CLEAN ·UP DEPOS IT EXT.WALLS ~UUSETAX ROOF ~TYPE ELEC.GAS TOTA~RMIT,FEES 35~OF I SOLA R WOOD I k(~~~-·~~-DATV tf-tt- HEAT ADDITIONAL PERMIT S NEEDED : s.!!INITIA L ~--------------ST.CU T I70NING ADMINI STRATOR DATE BLAST ING ZONING &BUILDING NOTES: PA RKING DEMO I hereby a cknowledge that I have read this appl ication,filled out in full the information required , completed an accu rate plot plan ,and state that all the information provided as required i s correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved,Un iform Building Code and other o rdinances of the Town applicable thereto.n [j GJ ~i.J Ii J f or J 0 /11 A t .; SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOFV'FOR HIMSE LF ANDTHE OWNER . o PLUMBINGoFOUNDATIONo ~CONST~~....C~ION PERMIT to,,~ department of community development o BU ILDING [XJ ELECTRICALoMECHANICAL TOBE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OFPERMIT TYPEOFPERMIT •LEGALLOT 17 BLK 1 DESC .FILING Potato Patch JOB NAME :WILSON RESIDENCE OWNER NAME MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH . ARCH ITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRE SS CITY PH . GENERAL FIRM CONTRACTOR TOWN OFVAIL REG .NO. TELE. FIRM Eagle Valley Elec LECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TOW N OFVAIL REG .NO. TELE. FIRM PLUMBING TOWN OFVAIL REG .NO. CONTRACTOR TELE. FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OFVAIL REG .NO. TELE. OTHER FIRM TOWN OFVAIL REG.NO. CONTRACTOR TELE . the printery/v all _____AMPM " eTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL . INS I /'(,I<~/...I CALLER -!:::=----==--:-:~.,..,.:_---::.---'::..------ MON TUESWED I ' READYFOR INSPECTION : LOCATION :_ BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /D.W .V ._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS ~l_ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ o APPROVED,o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: /;/f •/~ INSPECTOR [,-7'l~.M//C"':L r:///~~-.>,<C-_<.-/ /1-9rrDATE..-...;:...-----"-'--_""--....:...._ ,....-- .CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE May 16,1983 UAlt u LJ ..!.j uU PERMIT NO . 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 111111 IVV 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEHIRM BUILDING DIVISION 1 2 2a 3 4 z ELECTRICAL0 GENERAL DE/CRIpTION OF WOrK :R e~l aTe ~PLUMBING::Jtileroowlthmetaonsngefamlly....J r esidence <MECHANICA L> Roof 4 ,900 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A.VA LUATION PERMIT FEES V R-3 4 ,900 BU ILDING PERM IT PLAN CHECK 50.50 "'\ EL ECTRICAL 25.25 ~ NEW()ALTERATION (v )ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR ()PLUMB ING ~~DWELLING UNIT S __ACCOMMODA TI ONUNITS __MECHANICAL P41QGHT INFT .__NO.FI REPLA CES --RECREATION FEE .s INSULATION:TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIG N REVIEW BOARD 10.00 I ~I'~~FLOOR CLEAN ·UP DEPOSIT 100.00 F\:!:~EXT .WALLS USE TAX ~~ROOF TYPE ELE C.GA S TOTAL PERMIT FEES 185.75 OF HEAT SOLA R WO OD ~~O ~~---5 ;:T~-f3___ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED : 1.!i INITIAL ~--------------ST.CUT ONIN G ADMINISTRATOR DAT E BLA STIN G ZONING &BUILDING NOTES : PAR KIN G DEM O I hereby ack nOWledge that I have read this application,filled out i n full th ei nformation required , completed an accurate plot plan ,and state that all the information provided as requ ired i s correct.I ag reet o comply with t he info rmation and plot plan ,t o comply with all Town ordinances and state l aws,and to build th is structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved,Uniform Building Code and other ord inances o f the Town appl icable th ereto. /(/,'J "~'/7"t1 V'n SIGNAT6RE OF OWNER Qfl CONTRACTO RFORHIMSELF AND THEOWNER. TOBE FILLED OUT COMPLETEL YPRIOR TO ISSUANCE OFPERM IT TYPEOF PERMIT o BUILDING 0 PLUMBINGoELECTRICAL0FOUNDATIONoMECHANICALIKJRoofing ,LE GAL LOT 17 BLK Pn ...n P.t,h DESC .FILING 1s tFi1i ng JOB NAME :Wi1so n Re -Ro of OWNER NAME Bob Wi 1son Su ite 1000 MAil AQDRESS 303 E W k Dl ••aeer clTYCh icaao.IL PH.312-23 - ARCHI TECT FIRM N/A MAIL ADDRESS CIT Y PH . GEN ERAL FIRM Bek c &Assoc iates CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAIL REG .NO. TELE .827 -5711 l L ECT RICAL FIRM TOWN OFVAIL REG .NO.CONTRACTOR TELE . FI RM PLUMBING TOW N OFVAIL REG .NO. CO NTRACTOR TELE . FI RM M ECHANI CAL CON TRACTOR TOW N OFVAIL REG.NO. TELE. OTHER FI RM TOWNOFVAIL RE G.NO. CONT RACTOR TELE. 1M printery /vail INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL fA;I <(!V'I»: READYFOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION :/~~I ~ CALLER TUESWED 7rfCJ THUR "FRI _____AM PM BUIL DING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V . o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GASP IPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSULATION ,o POOL /H.TUB o SH EETROCK NAIL 0 i 0 0 o FINAL ((O r,f o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 IoF)NAL o FINAL . ~:PR O V E D o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,I CORRECTIONS: DATE ----"~-'--'=r--"---"-------INSPECTOR I7DATEJOBNAME ---..:...'---_ _____AMPM CALLER TUESWED THUR FRI (ILOCATION:~_ READY FOR INSPECTION: PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH I DW.V. o ROUGH /WATER o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB 0 0 o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING o EXHAUST HOODS •o SUPPLY AIR 0 o FINAL BUILDING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ n FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT ---.:._ o o FINA ~ / o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED / INSPECTOR -"'::=-=~=""':-':;'~==-=-=-=,----,,.L----­'-- 75 south frontage rd . vall,colorado 8165 7 (303)476-7000 November 5,1982 Robert H.Wilson 303 E.Wacker Drive,Suite 1000 Chicago ,Illinois 60601 DearRobert : department o f commun ity developmen t RE:ORB Submittalof 11 -3-82 On Nove mber 3,1982 the Design Review Boar d approvedthemetal roof for your residence.Approval was for an AEP,low gloss redwood met a l roof . Sincerely, r~~r---- J'im Sayre Town Pl anner JS:df Project Application Date Octob er 18 ,1982 Wilson Residence Metal RoofProjectName:--'--_ Project Description : 234-234960601 Owner AddressandPhone :_.!\.!.l~u......u...---Il..LL:ill1J4-.:l..:.l.l-l:~l!I.aJ:;JUu:.....L!.!:.:uu4_.:lU~::......JJ.!U!J_----_ Beck &Associates.Inc.Architect Address andPhone :--=---_.:....:...._ Box 1113.Va il.Co.81658 827-5960 17 Zone :R sidential Zoning Approved:Existing residence DesignReviewBoard Date _----l-+~:........__~L--- Motion by : Seconded by: C:PROV3)I DISAPPROVAL r C.,L O >SAEP //' :2. Summary:_.L...,I-!==..!L_-r-_=..::::....=~_..J...u..LLL...z...2_____!.~~~~..l..LSL.:__L._ Date:Date: Chief Building Official 7tI 34 ·1k , f/;TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING S>i//?4 4/':;- ~ :".Z PLUMBING 4 z.OO T YPEOF OCCUPANCY AMOUNT E XITS REO . BUILDING PERMIT 0 -t-)f2.E;..\1<-3 F fj3S7'C>t=MECHANICAL .:5"00 2 38 ro<l: :J "7 ~I\A.-("~R-'7S c.::,/PJ9aC)-'ELECTRICAL 13013 V{J.~<l:>M -lJh,o ~573JOBNAMEIt.s oo f OTHER b ZfJrJS""" DATE OF APPLICATION '-l I Ie 19 t-tA TOTAL I II !I s I 3/'-/'LTOTALFLOORAREA a:NAME~\A./,L ~,,~CLASS OFWORK TOTAL LOT AREA :z.<:;'1.3 Y w MAIL ADDRESS 'Z '2.1 ,lj .L.J~A.',I r:;.s NEW MALTERATION II ADDITION (I REPAIR II 1/12-Z f-.FLOOR AREA RATIO;: 0 CITY C /.)/LAr.,(J ru..PH ~~t:-..l=l ::>~c-USEOF BUILDING UuE U .COVERED UNCOVERED a:NAMEH l='I'~It ~S~cx....sa.FT .OF BLDG.~1'-1 'Z.HEIGHT INFT .ICf OFF ST .PARKING 30>-MAILADDRESS ~X ly\3 2.,U NO .OF STORIES SETBACKS OFF ST .LOADINGZ<l:oa: CITY \fA1/p./(/1 c,'l PH·B 21 S 9~IU>-NO .OF LIVING UNITS FRONT EASEMENTS >-NAMEIIN...C .AO",,-CONDO.I~L O DG E ~IRI ILloSIDEw>- MAIL ADDRESS '"'K(,)'X 14 1:3 I-e-J:sa .FT.COMMERCIAL REAR VARIANCE DATEu CITY V £)II ex 1'1 PH.A 7 '7.,'Not..TYPEOF HEATa: <l:WATER I)FORCED AIR I)ELEC()UNIT II -' LOT 1'1 BLK I FILlN~Yh ,/-11T /~~<l:u COVERING ClVlwW E XT.WALLS ('.,.,r-r 1"\ROOF f::JJ-~';;1'-'0 TRACT G u?R".IG\t)O APPLICATION INT.WALLS ~f,FEES 3 :5 '7 so ACCEPTED 1 .T YPE OF CONSTRU CTION I II III IV Q IHR BUILDING PERMIT 3 53 % SPECIFIED , II(Co 992.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABCDEFGHIJ YESNO PLAN CHECK FEES PLAN CHECK 1<- 2 (3)4 '/~/5C.~V~DIVISION 1 FIRE SPRINKLERS PLUMBING WET STANDPIPE X MECHANICAL 3 '75 APPROVAL 3.USE ZONE DRY STANDPIPE X ELECTRICAL 3Y 5 1 COMB .STANDPIP E X CLEAN UP DEPOSIT 200 .OC /~{,- SMOKEPROOF ENCLOSURE X .~<!;..~.--:.::5"'0 ex;~E R M I T #-./ GENERAL DESC~ON OF WORK AREA SEPARATION X-1('\TJ1 A L Icr:>~0 ~/.:tI.3 VI t--.l s uJ ~I:"S I .OCCUPANCY SEPARATION V \l'l -~ •~H A V E1f SOIL TEST Y.R~~D\II A L IC ATIONA ND ST AT E THAT THE 0 ~~:~CC RECT A ND A GREET OCOM PLY SURVEY X T W N ORDI NA NCE S ,'\ND S T A T E v:AR ING B UIL DIN G C ONSTRUCT I ON . SPECIAL INSPECTOR \'._.. PLAN NUMBER s:'NVJ;/r:;",'ift=r<l7")[;L X , e - ~"-,... •- Lot 17,.10ek I, Vail Po..,o Patch Building I)ermit #126-78 • box 100 vail,colorado 81657 (303)476-5613 department of community development December 13,1978 Bob Wilson 3100 Prudential Pla~a Chicago,IllilllJis 60601 Dear Hr.Wilson: A Conditional Certificate of Occupancy will be issued on your resid ence with the understanding that the paving of your driveway be completed by July I,197~.If this item is not compl et ed the Town of Vail Building Official may cause this to be completed at your expense. Your cooperation in this matter will be greatly appreciat ed.If there are any further questions please contact me. I have read and understand the above condition Conditional Certificate of Occupany. -~~~~~W:Marchus ~-=-;> Chief Building Official ./Z-4//z£2 Date 7 I ----------December IB,197B Date SEAL /1 ,,/)/!1-0 -.J--C (;7!~1 -II (J'j (I I ~C i ;: NOTARY -P UB LIC Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1978. I /Y i /day of /),.(7(i /i _ I I '~I I box 100 vail,colorado81657 (303)476-5613 Bob Wilson 3100 Prudential Plaza Chicago,Illinois 60601 Dear Mr.Wilson: Wilson eSidence Lot 17,Block 1, Vail Potato Patch BUilding Permit #126-78 department of community development December 13,1978 A Conditional Certificate of Occupancy will be issued on your residence with the understanding that the paving of your driveway be completed by July 1,1979.If this item is not completed the Town of Vail Building Official may cause this to be completed at your expense. Your cooperation in this matter will be greatly appreciated.If there are any further questions please contact me. I have read and understand the above condition f Conditional Certificate of Occupany. ~~~~> Chief Building Official December 18,1978 Date SEAL Subscribed and sworn to before me this ~j?;tIday of i21 ~e ~~ 1978. ({(JaM a-e -iuiog/y?') NOTARY PUBLIC ROBERT H.WILSON SUITE 3100 .PRUDENTIAL PLAZA CHICAGO,ILLINOIS 60601 312 -944-2812 December 18,1978 Mr.Mark W.Marchus Chief Building Official Town of Vail Depax:tment of Community Development Box 100 Vail,Colorado 81657 Dear Mr.Marchus:Re:Building Permit 1126-78 Enclosed is an executed copy of the Conditional Certificate of Occupancy,properly notarized.A completed copy of the certificate would be appreciated for my files. Sincerely,aJu0t 91 Qv;L~ Robert H.Wilson ik enc , ·~ INs_eTION REQUEST ____----'-(~PMFRI., CALLE IJ MONTU ES ·rl J f tl /'ifLOCATION:__....:..-.:..L.......:"'--""'-------=_=-"'--_---=c;=------>O-'----'---"-'-'----=_ READY FOR INSPECTION : 7 i (J DATE BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ 1 0 FRAMING o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ ,/Q FINAL _ PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o FINAL _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLY AIR O __~_ o FINAL o REINSPECTION REQUIREDoDISAPPROVEDoAPPROVED CORRECTIONS :!h("J(,E~~~;;I!!l!!~~~~L____'~~.:r:.~~!..__ PAVI!tJu T#I3E uVO-!J.Ll",~P !lAII/;g,~#,~IL 4-I Nt=<t:=.-o 1'4 ([1.---,--'--'-'-.=:....:....:..'"-7-~------'L~~~~"---------------- (2.) /....--- d, DATE .1(/_2:~/If INSPECTOR Ih&p"nler)'N8i1 TOWN OF VAl L I INSPEC~N REGUE.ST ! ~. DATE JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER _ LOCATION _o OTHER 0 PARTIAL BUILDING COVER PLUMBING ELECTRIC FOOTING REO.RATING__ROUGH TEMPORARY FOUNDATION SHEETROCK STANDPIPE ROUGH VENEER FINAL woe SFRAMING FINAL FINAL ROOF PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI A M PM COMMENTS :_ o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTlONS"""""'-J,, o APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT 7 rr I \ • INSPECTOR , ,r~ ~~___'=__.:=..:_L_!.____'__'__"__"'_______ ~ ~.....-'I .NSPEC~N REGUEST TOWN OF VAl L DATE JOB NAME ---,-\_'-"-'-'-_ TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER --,-''-:;--_ D OTHER D PARTIAL READY FOR INSPECTION LOCA T10N '·-=-"--_--'-----'-_ MON TUE WED THUR FRI AMPM COMMENTS :_ D APPROVED D DISAPPROVED D REINSPECT D UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS 6\,/~Jft --;;711..=- / / DATE / --'-----'--"--=------------- INSPECTOR ttl.prlnt ltry;vall J ',........INSPEC~N REGUES.T TOWN OF VAl L DATE JOB NAME _\-"-------'----=--_ TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER ---:;;--_ o OTHER 0 PARTIAL READY FOR INSPECTION LOCATlO N'--'-_ MaN TUE WED THUR FRI AMPM COMMENTS:_ o APPROVED DDISAPPROVED o REINSPECT DAT E / ...,-, -........,.--_...:..-_------------ INSPECTOR the prinl.f)"va,1 • November 17,1978 To: Attn: Sirs: The Town of Vail Building Department Mark Marcus This is to certify that the study area on the 2nd floor,Northeast corner of our house on Lot 17,Potato Patch SUbdivision,Vail,Colorado,otherwise known as 780 Potato Patch Drive,will not be used as a sleeping area.Thuswe seek an exemption from the town to UBC Ordinance #1404. Yours truly, rw/nd • PermilNo. VAILWATERAND SANITATION DISTRICT WATERANDSEWERTAP PERMIT L1C .NO ._ L1C .NO ._ GENERAL CONTRACTOR PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACT R _ EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR _ SIZE OFTAP :Waler Sewer -------=10'1::- NUMBEROF UNITS c;2,~I (x $600 .00 )=Amount ---H-,---J'-I"'~~~~:.:...--__r_=_____=c=. Dale Billed _ NAMEOFJOB --v:~L!:::~~~e...-----'L:::".~~~~~.DL~;;;;::::-__:::::=_---___,.......-- LOCATION ANDLEGALD Bldg .Dept.-Wh ite;-Wa ter a nd San itation -Gr een;-PublicWor ks -Ca nary;-Co ntractor ·Pi nk;-Account ing -Go ldenrod lOTALPOIrITS 2~·t"l) lO .CO POINTS ,=l.~~5 rt!"""e«-.~~x ~=$(;>2 D. tCluR .- -, ",_I FOIJ.O,iHlG TI!!::CO~?lETI CU OF ccr:srnUCTI o.'l OF All srnUCTUR ES,THE orsrsrcr SWIll." PER FO,;''1 A Pfr(SIO J...1 ~1 5 .·ECTl C.·1 OF IIlL I'f;.EHI5ES TO CET EF;;-lI ii"n s ~;Lr t'E R OF Pa WTS TO IlE AS SESS:J)"CO)I:0 I;;'5 TO n s \':Af[:l ;\:;D 5"',,,,;:;t )»FEE.-;::D i'J\TE S(:EEWLE,.\5 NlENDED ,A:m n!E Dl Sm lCT SHALL ~~'.f(£A:1Y f.l.\JU:iT:'"mS N E ~[S S,\:l Y INn ;E 9 ?:IGI;:fJ... TAP FEE PAID ,nu s 10l 3PECTICtl SHALL .\LSO DETER;-i1NE TI lE J;U I LDWG o.','N ER S HATER A'ID SOiER SERVICE OW\GE . BOARD OF DI Rccron s VAIL 1i.\TCR NlO Si\'-liTA Tlml DISTRICT ~,f:.:...1 • INSPECTIONREMARKS (Co nt ractor'sSignature) '10 C;(./,Receipt #:---'--="--"---.,f--------- (Finance) Paid: Perm it Fee 5".00 Bill to:_~'--t-\"J l"-l,,1......e'i1."'-,~~,J-}---------~--------- KG TOWN OFVAIL PERMITNO.00 81 ~ STREET CUT PERMIT 1 .L l,,)A 94&0 t-krtt4-P /o:fCctJ fb:Rz:A 121 .[fur/ J '.,.~~(\(JObNamwLoca IW::~~~/~ 2 .~-r-J!!;11 011)\Y!bL<~E f~ies: (Excavall ngContractor's Name,Add ress and license NO.) 3.Wo rk is for :ICirc 'eonei e Fb ~GASELECTRICT ELEPHONE T V CABLE SK ETCHPLANOFWORK AnACHED Permit No . VAILWATERAND SANITATION DISTRICT METER INSTALLATION PERMIT METERTOBE INSTALLED BY LICENSED PLUMBER WIT ~TOWNOFVAIL..b'/ NAME OF JOB BOB WILSON RESIDENCE .3 /C'()elfudtx:tuJ /Aa~CV; ADDRESSAND /OR LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot]7 B )k ]PotatoP atc h PLUMBING CONTRACTOR E agl e Valley In·umbin g/Andy Beck L1C.NO._......]......]....6 =-=P _ 3/4 "MeterSize _Meter Make ..J:Hlle:'-..lr--::Si.te~y<------------ Meter Number 5924 Q 24 Bill th is Amount to Plumber _--,$;>,;9::,4h-'4;u8~---:=---:;--_ DateIssued ,Tll]y 3 1,]978 vel I tJ -/:t -7f f i¥-R' CALL FOR PHYSICAL ANDMETER INSPECTION WHEN INSTALLED 476-5613 EXT .230 Vail Water &Sanitat ion D istrict Bldg.Dept .-Wh ite;-Water &sa nitation-Ca nary;-Co ntractor-Pink;-Ac cou n ting -Goldenrod INSPEC N REGUEST TOWN OF VAl L DATE X //7 I JOB NAME I l'--'-----;7--------.--.,...--,------------- TIME RECEIVED_',--,,-__AMPM CALLER _-=---"---=:....::..!-_ LOCATION _'--'--'--_ , READY FOR INSPECTION /- MON TUE WED THUR FRI AMPM COMMENTS :-'--;,---------r-------'--,-------------------- o APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REI NSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS------------------------------- DATE / /~/P .J I INSPECTOR the printery 'v,u l REG~3 VAl L "YI13 '~ LOCATION _ INSPEC o OTHER 0 PARTIAL BUILDING COVER FOOTING REO.RATING__TEMPORARY FOUNDATION SHEETROCK STANDPIPE VENEER FINAL woe SFRAMING FINAL ROOF PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: READY FORINSPECT ION FRI AMPMTHUR, / WEDTUEMON COMMENTS:-=--':....:!:...-~~:.=!:..-~~~~?"-----"---'----=-----'---"----------=-------- o APPROVED o DISAPPROVED GREI NSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS------------------------------- DATE /INSPECTOR INSPEC-AbN OFII DATE Z /.1/?~JOB NAME TIME REC t;';VED _/AMPM CAL-L-E-R~'=""::-7-""'-':::w:...::,-=---=::-,-,--=--------~ o OTHER 0 PARTIAL ('/-1-...-/1 'Y ~'7 L~{j<::'f!!:.e Z I .:;'Jt:~o - / /, FRI AMPM READY FOR INSPECTION WED THU~ £(Pa /0 MON TUE .i> COMMENTS:/--.-r /'.J Qed //#'P 7"7/-7/ / o DISAPPROVEDQAPPROVED---~UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORR :CTIONS:; CORRECTIONS (;/-.?-..u 2 f _f, /C7 / I //0 r: o REINSPECT L DATE INSPECTOR lite prinl ery 'II.l11 _REo.UE·ST OF VAl L CA LLER _--'--'--=----'::.:-::--=+-_.....,..:..,.,"'-'-'--..:>,-_ PARTIAL LOCATION: PARTIAl o OTHER 0 PARTIAL TI MER Ec'EIVED----'-~.:.._==::;;..; .lOCATION: MON TUE READYFORINSPECTION WED T"HUR ) '"---//., COMMENTS:_ .--o APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHEFOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS------------------------------- DATE •INSPEC~N REo.UES ·T TOWN OF VAl L -"---!--'--JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED_---''--_AMPM CALLER _!....-'-----'.....:.....---L.!..-_ ILOCATION_--=---'--_o OTHER _ READY FOR INSPECTION MON WED THUR FRI---~-'-/....:./'-<eYPM o APPROVED ------!2J.DI-SAPP ROV ED o REINSPECT / ~UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : ~/-.. / / DATE INSPECTOR th e p rlnlery :"i1,1 REBUEST TOWN OF VAl L DATE JOB NAME _ TIME RECEIVED AMPM CAllER _ PARTIAL lOCATION; VENTI lATlON PARTIAL lOCATION: PLUMBING PARTIAL STANDPIPE w ocs lOCATION: COVER REO.RATliltG __ SHEETROCK PARTIAL FOOTING FOUNDATION BUILDING lOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.lOCATION _ READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI AMPM COMMENTS:_ o APPROVED DDISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOllOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS------------------------------- DATE INSPECTOR •INSPEC~N REGUES ·T .... TOWN OF VAl L,...I /~./"I DATE '/~J I ("i JOBNAME .....;Vf::...:......<-J.-'-'-;--=---=;:::-<-.:........,t;:::;--'-....:...:r-------_ TIME RECEIV tD "I?),AM)PM CALLER _~_--"--~~~~'---!.~,..----------- o OTHER 0 PARTIAL READY FOR INSPECTION LOCATION ..,--_ 1 0 -,17 ,/ MON TUE THUR FRI AM (PIYI.J COMMENTS :_ o APPROVED o DI SAPP ROVE D o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS------------------------------- DATE Z;p~,/INSPECTOR •INSPEC ~N REBUEST TOWN OF VAl L ;(e::.-<:~ -?A··j "le --li e.I ; BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL REO.RATING __ROUGH VENTrLATION TEMPORARY FOUNDATION SHEETROCK STANDPIPE HEATING ROUGH FINAL woesFRAMING HOODS FINAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: "" o OTHER 0 PARTIA L. READY FORINSPECTION LOCATION _ MON TUE WED THUR FRI __----'-AMPM COMMENTS:_ o APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS------------------------------- DATE I NSPECTOR •INSPEC ~N REo.UEST VAIL DATE ...."..,~JOBNA ME --------;7---..-----;-------------- TIME RECEIVED A:;'!PM CALLER ----fH.J=;r-~~::c:=----------------- TEMPORARY ROUGH FINAL PARTIAL ELECTRICAL PARTIAL MECHANICAL VEN.T1LATION HEATING HOODS PARTIAL PLUMBING ROUGH STANDPIPE woe S FINAL PARTIAL REa.RATING __ COVER PARTIAL FOOTING FOUNDATION FRAMING BUILDING LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: D OTHER D PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION MON•TUE WED THUR FRI AMPM COMMENTS:_ o APPROVED D DISAPPROVED D REINSPECT D UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS ------------------------------- DATE INSPECTOR the pri nklryi \fa tl •INSPEC ~N REo.UEST TOWN OF VAIL 7 £b-tZ tv I t?~qDATEJOBNAME TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER _ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL REO.RATING __ROUGH VENTrLATION TEMPORARY FOUNDATION STANDPIPE HEATING ROUGH FINAL IN 0CS FRAMING HOODS FINAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCA TlON _ READY FORINSPECTION M ON TUE WED THUR FRI AMPM COMMENTS:_ o APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS ------------------------------- I },( I DA TE I I I f t •I IN SPECTOR I( l hoepr lnlery '~il " INSPEC ~N REGUEST TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL FOOTING REO.RATING __ROUGH VENTrLATION TEMPORARY FOUNDATION STANDPIPE HEATING ROUGH FRAMING FINAL woe S HOODS FINAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAl. READY FORINSPECTION LOCATION _ M ON T UE WED THUR FR I A M PM COMMENTS:--''---_ o APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECT IONS------------------------------- DATE INSPECTOR th.pr lnlllt,i vdll DESIGN REVIEW BOARD•April 13,1978DATEOFMEETING:------------- MEMBERS PRESENT:BILL RT:JOFF LOU PARKER - BILL BISHOP .- RON TODD ABE 8IIAP!FtO SUBJECT:WilsonRes i dence 17 FILING Vail/Potato Patch ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: MOT ION __-"==<:.J..>o..Ll--.1..!I:::.f-_SECONDED BY:~ AGAINST :_./' ?--... VOTE:FOR:--_--".L-_ ABSTENTIO N:__ APPROVED:X i DISAPPROVED:_ SUMMARY:·----------------~____l~-J--+--!---'--------- CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD ...,..• SINGLE FAMr"LY RESIDENTIAL AND RESIDENTIAL ZONING CHECKLIST Owner: Legal Description:~~il W~I yo""" Zone District:PIs Architect: Proposed Use: f elK I,Lo-I-(7 Ie /q /,k! Lot Area:3 ~7Y1 Minus Hazard Area: I Equals Buildable Area: Height:Actual --..!...-_--- Front ,------Actual - Setbacks:Required -Front 20 I V Sides 10'+~,Rear20 1 +L.=.::._---- Sides C;5,\.oj S ,Rear _ I Distance Between Buildings:Required Actual------.,------ G.R.F.A.Allowed:Buildable Area x--- Site Coverage:Allowed Lot Area Landscaping:Required Lot Area Parking:Required ~ Drive:Slope Permitted e: _~%=<..-/,5 3 ?Actual ~/Y 5 3- x %=<---------- x %=----'---------- Actual a Slope Actual 10 0 /0 Parking and Drives Must Be Paved -", Environmental/Hazard:Avalanche _ Flood Piain Slope «os e,1.5 (JJ/L /Lu/~I-( Date Trees Removed ---------- Distance From Creek t'\D------- f\D Kcz ",,+ Zoning Administrator Comments:IP lr;'-"~t.Vt.(Y Vl <z.(l e:I ) ~f V "v "(I (i '"Xc.r;s ~ Zoning Approval: _t) '(;~s:A ..:LU{-15 oz,-, ." ~3X J~_r--=. {~X L(7.,.S = l D.-->X s .::: ?\.6 A (flo=: )<0 )(l3 ~ ~'i/,S- 7/;).~S 8'1 >b O t(Ao.8 I S-x '-(1.--s:~ "3>D,'5"X s:....:r~ ':-"3>s - 7 1;).,"5 Ib 7,7 :) -J~ , 5 ()L-\+L.. N!).....~~ t G{'7 +- w eJ-J- (A~-I-a ~+/7===- ~/,5"-f-)..LS -4-t7 ::: 11 ,.5"+t 7 +~~~ II +/7,S+~y:=.- 6S--::s:: (90 :~-=:. 5"0 ,s-.;:>':: ~;l,S+5 ~ ........., ,. • • BUILDING PERI·lIT APPLICATIOil OWNER --...'.-' CONTRACTOR Phone I Nam ~~~I ~."V Phone ~27 -S 'j"~I~ ARCHITECT Address \b.-JX /JI}~ City l (),,:I St.Cn /'Zip ey(O ~"( LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot Tract Blk Fil in BUILDING ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR JOB VALUATION MECHANICAL-----i---------------------lEXCAVATING PLU~lBI i ~G TOTAL "\,,~""'\---~~~7 2 ~O ONLY CorlTRACTORS THAT ~~I L u dN iES &PERMITS '• \<~~,~~e ~Ass..c) SIGiv\TURE OF APPLICANT I uo -., ,. 'I ././' Rear :20 S .{ Rea r ?s ./'-Fr ontActual Required -Front5ETBACKS: zou I NG CII [CKL 1ST ... Dato Pal d ,e SUMMAHY ... ~RO J ECT i h/v/Y.~&I ~.i ;RCH I TECT ,.....h ..l-/2."-,,,~"-)---7-_i~EGAL DESCRIPTION k l ,It 11+/)W!,6tozr;IlVCt ;(i PROPOSED USE (S)~vk -lc hr /4 .'0 t/a i F ROtHAGE iP l /t -//S'I loT /1-/0.[/ I Sides /O-l 5:s /()t$~(', S I des E JI{)t.J 5 0 l lSTArJCEBETWEENBU ILDINGS :Requi re d _______,Actu al ___________i ~E I G H T:A j.~ba~\'l--"rJlde Hei ght A llowed 3;Z ~()f /SV ~/LL.1 ;.R .F.A.:s..3 U ~R a t i o ,Allowab le sq .ft.~J'11 .q Ac'tua]:2(/ ,A ctua I sq .ft .J-!L({J;( ;o r~M E R C I A L F LOOR A REA:P ercent age allowable ,A ll owable sq.f t.··---------- Actua l s q.ft . 3U I LD I N GB U LK CONT ROL:A I I owab Ie max i mu m length D iag ona l i % D iagonal %,A llowable Sq.f t.I(J ~91 &,A ctu al / A ctua I l ength A ctu al sq .ft. ~equ i red O ffsets )lTE COVE R AGE :A l lowa b le ~() JSEABLE OPEN SPACE :Require d sq .ft .,Actual _____sq.ft ., Gr ound Level _____%,Co mmon ---_%; _ANDSCAP I NG:Required %,----____s q.f t. )ARKI1~G AND LOADIIJ G:No.Re quired ,Cove red Re- )ESI~N REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL ~ON I NGAP PROVA L Da teChairman,Design Revi ew Board .~... ____%No.;1u i re d JT IL ITIES APPROVAL Town Eng in e er Da te :NV IRO N ME NTAL I MPACT APPROVAL ~1a y o r Date )a te Subm itted for Z oning Re v i e w la te Submit ted for Desig n Re view Ja t o Sub mi tted f or Envi ronment a: .x t ens i on of j tem ,Dead l ine Date------ ,Dead l ine Date------ I mpactRe viow t o date Dead l ine as permitt ed ly Section o f Or di nance No.8 (S e ri es of 1973). ;OM ~lENTS : _._-------'"-----_._----~..'t.".•••,>.,' 1fl11J.N()-'j ~f'-: s ci:'.-s.{J ~9'J ." . JJz ~U1 ar 2 ff j f/5 '-~/3JrJ /l-A'/2-jJ/t-j If t 1- .----- t£- It)rrl s" ../39;(29,( 3 1:J{Z- ;2 5 / IIS-O,(' ~3 1 }0 Y 1 (' :Z f Jfb {;3,('r 3 2-t:~o 32- Iii II j l-/ J-/S3 ./)839/\..//7~z .2-\.1//S 3 ,1 \ :J S--3' 3f..t Z ,2( If} :;~2-,2 ~ DESIGN REVIE W BOARD DATE OF MEETING: ME MBERS PR ES ENT: I i I f It ~ f f ACTIO N TAK EN BY B ~D:! MOT ION:-P-"'-.://J...I...,t..l",-",/(.",-."'->-".<"'--_ VOTE:FOR :------ /JOM 1/11 {i w ABSTE NTIO N: SECONDED By:~.~~~,r~~~~I~J~~~__ AGAINST:_ /' !' f r " APPHO VED:(~ DIS APP ROV ED:'0,',Sm l ~IA nY:4CdJjl0:1\.:1 6 ~h 1J7i d .//1 c·(L~~(l.c/h7·~_I.lC!f:.7 r ,/ 12.4&).''~-------- r I