HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL POTATO PATCH BLOCK 1 LOT 18 LEGALPtrfa-h ~-kA IDr If,bl~/ Project Name:BARTUT RE-ROOF Project Description: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.vailgov.com DRB Number:DRB060263 FINAL APPROVAL TO RE-ROOF 2 AREAS TO MATCH EXISTING Participants: OWNERBARTUT,FRED H.06/27/2006 1899 WYNKOOP 800 DENVER CO80202 APPliCANT MASTER SEALERS 06/27/2006 Phone:970-476-3975 P.O.BOX 4473 VAIL CO81658 License:577-B CONTRACTOR MASTER SEALERS 06/27/2006 Phone:970-476-3975 P.O.BOX4473 VAIL CO81658 License:577-B Project Address:778 POTATO PATCH DRVAIL Location:778 POTATO PATCH Legal Description:Lot:18Block:1Subdivision:IRISH/BARTUT CONDO Parcel Number:2101-063-0105-4 Comments: BOARD/STAFFACTION Motion By: SecondBy: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date ofApproval:06/27/2006 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consentofTownof Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN):DRBapprovaldoesnot constitute a permit for building.Pleaseconsultwith TownofVailBuildingpersonnelpriortoconstructionactivities. Cond:201 DRBapprovalshall not becomevalidfor20days following thedateofapproval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shalllapseandbecomevoidone(1)yearfollowingthedate •Conceptual Reviet ApplicationforDesign Review DepartmentofCommunity Development 75SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado81657 te l:970.479.2128 fax :970.479.2452 web:www.va ilgov.com hone:7 .?~~ Forconstruction ofanewbuildingordemo/rebuild. Foran additionwheresquarefootageisaddedtoanyresidential or commercial bU ilding (includes 250additions &interior conversions).. Forminorchangestobuildingsandsite improvements,suchas, re-roofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesand retainingwalls,etc. Forminor changestobuildingsandsite improvements,suchas, re-roofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesand retainingwalls,etc. Forrevisions toplansalreadyapprovedbyPlanningStafforthe DesignReview Board. £!J.!.s $1.00persquare footoftotalsignarea. <' /A/";?~;'?~;;;:i7 Y/,Z7 Description of the Request: J!t- General Information: Allprojectsrequiringdesign review mustreceiveapprovalpriortosubmittingabuildingpermitapplication.Please refertothesubmittalrequirementsfortheparticularapprovalthatisrequested.AnapplicationforDesignReview cannotbeaccepteduntilallrequiredinformationisreceivedbytheCommunityDevelopment Department.The projectmayalsoneedtobereviewed bytheTownCounciland/orthePlanningandEnvironmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building pennit isissuedand construction commences within one year of the approval. Location ofthe Proposal:Lot:Block:Subd ivision:_ Zoning:-----------------"7"'--,;-+-------------- Physical Address: ParcelNo.:~/.t765q/"r/(Contact Eagle Co.Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Type of Review andFee: ~$50 eal Review NoFee 0 NewConstruction $650 0 Addition $300 0 MinorAlteration $250 (multi-fam ily/commercial) 0 MinorAlterat ion $20 (single-family/duplex) 0 ChangestoApprovedPlans $20 Name(s)of Owner(s):--"~::...=.~:..::::..--...=:.::~...::..-.;=---------------___=::_7"7'" eft.-Mailing Address: Owner(s)Signature(s~~_0__=~~"""'-------------------­ Name of Applicant:..c?z/LA/,a/t 4~ Mailing Address:~.F-'yy??~,,;?./.(..c ~r./o.J t:T ~Phone:7?.&·b?tt?:? E-mail Address:Fax:e .;r.?-...rf f J' Planner: MeetingDate:__---"_.....:::_ o Separation Request No Fee --~~~ For Office Use Only: FeePaid:---"Check No.:.----BY:__..!..4~W~t...=.:.....:..__~~.---.=-_ J .:.5.-o6 -.1 7 WWN~JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER • I,(print name),------'.a joint owner of propertylocatedat (address/lega l description)-t-r--' providethis letter as written approval of theplansdated whichhave beensubmittedtotheTown of VailCommunityDevelopm;nt Department fortheproposed improvements tobecompleted at theaddressnotedabove.Iunderstd that theproposed improvements include: Ifu rther understand that m inor modificationsmay bemadetotheplansovertheco urse of thereview processtoensurecomp liance withtheTown'sapplicablecodesandregulations. (Signature)(Date) F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Plan ning\drb_conceptuaU I-23-200S.doc Page3of4 11/23/2005 eft ee // ~I~/~~ P~~~)88 REPT131 TOWN OFVAIL,COLORADO 08/07/98 07:53 REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION WORK SHEETSFOR:8/7/98 PAGE 22 AREA:CF ================================================================================ Activity:B97-0027 8/7/98 Type:A-BUILD Status:ISSUED Constr:ADUP Address:778 POTATO PATCH DR Location:778 POTATO PATCH DR UNITA &B Parcel:2101-063-01-054 Occ:Use:VN Description:REMODEL AND 250 ADDITION TO SEC.(UNIT A &Bl Applicant:BECK &ASSOCIATES,INC Phone:3039491800 Owner:BARTLIT FRED Phone:312-494-4442 Contractor:BECK &ASSOCIATES,INC Phone:3039491800 Time Exp Phone:949-1800 ______________________________________L_ Inspection History ••.•. Item:00010 BLDG-Footings/Steel ,/ 05/05/97 Inspector:EG Action:APPR APPROVED Item:00020 BLDG-Foundation/Steel 08/01/97 Inspector:LPV Action:APPR APPROVED Item:00520 PLAN-ILC Site Plan Item:00030 BLDG-Framing OS/23/97 Inspector:OS Action:ON CANCELLED 08/15/97 Inspector:ART Action:APPR Partial framing approved Notes:Approved framing for upper bedroom 1302.Approved framin for lower bedrooms 102 &116,brfst room,gym and baths 103 &111 Item:00050 BLDG-Insulation 08/18/97 Inspector:LPV Action:APPR APPROVED Notes:UPSTAIRS BEDROOM 302 OFFICE AREA NEEDS A STIP OF VAPOR BARRIER. COMPLETE DOWNSTAIRS VAPOR BARRIER LIVING ROOM AREA. 10/29/97 Inspector:CD Action:APPR NORTH SIDE Item:00060 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail 08/25/97 Inspector:LPV Action:APPR APPROVED Notes:PAR TIAL ALL OF LOWER LEVEL COMPLETE. UPSTAIRS OFFICE AND BEDROOM 302;COMPLETE WILLBE ADDING DURO ROCK IN WET AREAS. 11/04/97 Inspector:CD Action:APPR PRIMARY KITHCEN AREA Item:00070 BLDG-Misc. Item:00090 BLDG-Final Item:00533 PLAN-TEMP.C/O Item:00530 BLDG-Temp.C/O 12/19/97 Inspector:ART Notes:APPROVED WITH COR -PROVIDE FIRE P OT~~~Lnu -FIREPLACE IN EA T FOR CLEARANCE TO 'H~I ........, DI SCONNEC T ED UN TIL >DT..,...,nn-~-",,...--.rS'f<1F"iiC;; Inspection Request Information ..... Requestor:kim Req Time:08:00 Items requested to be 00540 BLDG-Final C/O ee -. TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.F RONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 APP ROVED 03/11 /19 97 0 4/03/1997 09/30/1997 S ta tus ...: App l ied ..: Issued ...: Expi res ..: DR DR UNIT 778 POTATO P ATCH 778 POTATO PATCH 2101-063-01-054 PRJ97-001 4 NOTE:THISPERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES OJEC T TITLE:BARTLIT SEC.250 +REMODE L AD/ALTSFRBUILD PERM IT P e rmi t #:B97-0027 Add ress: .....a.r~~r~l'el!:H:ion ...: ........'-'-""-l.......,p~a~r~ce1 No..: rOJect No.: TOV/C"'-"'~ Clean-up approved amount date Phone:312-494-4442 3039491800 3039491800Phone: Phone:APPLICANT BECK &ASSOCIATES,INC POBOX 4030,VAIL CO 81658 CONTRAC TOR BECK &ASSOCIATES,INC POBOX 4030,VAIL CO 81658 OWNER BARTLITFRED 54 W HUBB ARD,CHICAGO ILL 60610 Descript ion:REMODEL AND 250 ADDITION TO SEC.(Nu mber ofBDwell ing Units:002 Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation:434,500 Fireplace Information:Restricted:N #Of GasAppliances:#Of GasLogs:1 #Of ~ood/Pallet: ***********************************************************FEE SUMMAR Y ********************************************************** Building----->2,080.00 Restuarant Plan Review-->.00 Total Calculated Fees--->4,172 .50 PlanCheck--->1,352.00 ORB Fee----------------->200.00 Additional Fees--------->.00 Investigation>.00 Recreation Fee---------->37 .50 Total Permit Fee-------->4,172.50 ~ill Call---->3.00 Clean-Up Deposit-------->500.00 Payments---------------->200.00 TOTAL FEES-------------->4 ,172 .50 BALANCE OUE------------->3,972.50 ********************************************************************************************************************************** Dept:BUILDING Division: PLANS TO DAN Dep t:PUB WORK Divisio n: P LANNING Division: Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 03/11/1997 CHARLIE Action:NOTE 04/03/1997 CHARLIE Action:APPR Item:05400 .PLANNI NG DEPAR TME NT 03/11/1997 CHARLIE Action:NOT E 04/03/1997 CHARLIE Action:APPR Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 03/11/1997 CHARLIE Action:APPR Item:05500 PUBLIC WORKS 03/11/1997 CHARLIE Action:APPR Dept: PLANS TO TAMMI E TAMMY APPROVED Dept: N/A N/A FIRE Divi sion: ********************************************************************************************************************************** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may appl y to t his p erm i t. DECLARATIONS Iherebyacknowledge that 1havereadt his application,filled outin full thein formation required,completedan accurate plot plan,and state that al l the informa tion pro vided as required is correct .I agre e t o compl y with t he in for ma tion a nd plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,andto buildth is structure a ccord ing to the Town's zoni nga nd subdivision codes,design review approved,Uniform Building Code and other ordinance s ofthe Town applicable thereto . REQ UESTS FOR INSPECTION S SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-F OU R HOUR S 111 ADVANCE BY TELEP HONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFI CE FROM 8:00 AM 5 :00 PM ••SendClean-Up Depo sit To:BEC K AND ASSOCIA TES ••SIGNA TURE OFOWNE ROR CON TR ACTO R FOR HI MSEL F AN D OW NER PAGE2 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #:B97-0027 as of 04/03/97 Status:APPROVED ******************************************************************************** Permit Type: Applicant: Job Address: Lo~ation: Parcel No: ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT BECK&ASSOCIATES,INC 778 POTATOPATCH DR 778 POTATOPATCHDR UNIT A &B 2101-063-01-054 Applied:03/11/1997 Issued:04/03/1997 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS ******************************************************************************** 1.FIELD I NSPECTIONSAREREQUIREDTO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2.SMOKE DETECTORSAREREQUIREDINALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY ASPER SEC.1210 OFTHE 1991 UBC. 3.STRUCTUAL ENGINEERTO APPROVE FRAMING BEFORETOV BUILDING WILL OK FRAMING INSPECTION PREPARRD 8/21/9B.15:40 :14 PROGRAM MR415U LET'S CUST -IDCUSTOME R NAME TYPE DEPOSITREFUND REPORT -UPDATE PAGE 1 CHARGE CODE DESCRIPTION TX-DATEAJ-DATE DEPOSIT 'DEPDSIT-ADJ AMOUNT AMOUNT ADJUSTMENT AMOUNT AFTER-REFUND AMOUNT 640 897 -0027 BECK &AS SOC. DEP08Dep -Clean up 02 1 /11 /98 8 /2 1/98 500 .00 5 00 .00 5 00 .00 -.00 ~OTA L FOR CUSTOMERTYPE : GRAND TOTAL : D2 50 0 .00 50 0 .0 0 50 0 .00 500 .0 0 5 00 .0 0- 5 00.00- .00 .0 0 •DEP OSIT COUNT : •G IL BATCHCREATED, •• BATCH-0176S1 998/08 US ERID -JPOPECK AP HELD COUNT-1.00 AM OUNT ·500 .00 •••• TOWN OFVAI L DEPART MEN T OF CO MMUN ITY DEVELO PMENT 7 5 S .FRON TAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 8 1657 970-479 -2138 NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBS ITE ATALLTIMES ELECTRICALPERMIT Permit #:E97-0029 Job Address: Location ...: Parcel No ..: Project No .: 778 POTATO PATCH 7 78 POTATO PATCH 21 0 1-06 3-01-054 P RJ97-001 4 DR Status ...: DR UNITSApp l ied ..: Issued ...: Expires ..: APPROVED 03/11 /1 997 04/03 /1 997 09/30 /1 997 APPLICANT WHITE RIVERELECTRIC Phone:3039491403 POBOX11 18,AVON CO 8 1620 CONTRACTOR WHITE RIVERELECTRIC Phone:303 9491403 POBOX 1118,AVON CO 81620 OWNER BARTLIT FRED Phone:31 2 -494 -4442 54W HUBBARD,CHICAGO ILL 60610 Description:ELECFOR REMODEL AND 250 ADDITION Valuation:24,500.00 ***********************************************************FEE SUMMAR Y ********************************************************** Elec tr i cal---) ORB Fee ---) In ve st igati on) Wi II Ca ll----) TOTAL FEES---) 450.00 .00 .00 3.00 453.00 To tal Calculated Fees---) Addit ional Fees---------) Total PermitFee--------) Payment s----------------) BA LA NCE DUE-------------) 453 .00 .00 453.00 .00 453 .00 ********************************************************************************************************************************** Item:06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 04/03/1997 CHARLIE Action:APPR Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 04/03/1997 CHARLIE Action:APPRN/A Dept:BUILDING Division: Dept:FIRE Division: ********************************************************************************************************************************** CONDITIONOF APPROVAL 1.FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ******************************************AA AAAAAA AAAA**AAAAAAAA****************************************************************** DECLARATIONS Ihereb y acknowledge that Ihaveread thi s application,filled outin full the information requ ired,complete d an accurate plot plan,and state that all the information provided as required is correct.I agree to compl y with the information and plot plan , t o comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,and to build this s tructure accordi ng to the Town's zoni ng and s ubdivision codes,design review approved,Uniform Bu ilding Code and other ordinan ces of the Town applicable thereto . REQUE STS FOR IN SPECTI ONS SHALL BE MAD E TW ENT Y-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPH ONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM 5 :00 PM SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIM SELF AND OWNER •••• TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #:P97-0016 Job Address: Location ...: Parcel No ..: Proj ect No.: 778 POTATO PATCH 778 POTATO PATCH 2101-063-01-054 PRJ97 -0014 DR Status ...: DR UNITSApplied ..: Issued ...: Expires ..: APPROVED 03/11/1997 04/03/1997 09/30/1997 APPLICANT GUARANTEED PLUMBING &HEATING Phone:3038279414 POBOX 2156,VAIL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR GUARANTEED PLUMB ING &HEATING Phone :3038279414 PO BOX 2156,VAIL CO 81658 OWN ER BA RTLIT FRED Phone :312-494 -4442 54 W HUBBARD,CHICAGO ILL 60610 Description :PLUM BING FOR REMODEL AND 2 50 ADDITValuation:30,000.00 ***********************************************************FEE SUMMARY **********************************************************Plumbing-----)450 .00 Restuarant Pl anReview--).00 Total Calc u lated Fees---)565.50 Plan Check---)112 .50 TOTAL FEES--------------)565.50 Additional Fees---------).00 Investi gation>.00 Total Permit Fee--------)565.50 Wi II Call----)3.00 Payments---------------).00 BALANCE DUE-----------)565 .50 ********************************************************************************************************************************** Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 04/03/1997 CHARLIE Action:APPRItem:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 04/03/1997 CHARLIE Action:APPRN/A Dept:BUILDING Division: Dept:FIRE Division: ********************************************************************************************************************************** CONDITIONOF APPROVAL 1.FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . ********************************************************************************************************************************** DECLARATI ONS I hereby acknowledge that Ihave read this application,filled outin full the information required,completedan accurate plot plan,and state t hat a ll t hei nfor ma tion provided as required is co rrect.I agree tocomplywith the information and plot plan, to complywit h all Town o rdinances and state laws,and to build this structure according t o the Town'szoningand subdivision codes,design review approved,Unifo rm Bui lding Code a nd other or dinances of the Town applicable t her eto. REQUESTSFOR INSPECTIONS SHAL LBE MA DE TW ENTY-FOUR HOU RS IN ADVANCE BY TE LE PHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM 5 :00 PM SIGNAT URE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE R •••• TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970 -479-2138 NOTE:THIS PE RM ITMUSTBEPOSTED ONJ OBSITEATALL TI MES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #:M97-00 29 Job Address :778 POTATO PATCH DR Location :778 POTATO PATCH DR Pa rcel No:2101 -063 -01 -054 p roject Number:PRJ97 -001 4 APPLICANT GUARANTEED PLUMBING &HEATING POBOX 2156,VAIL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR GUARANTEED PLUMBING &HEATING POBOX 2156,VAIL CO 81658 OWNER BARTLIT FRED 54W HUBBARD,CHICAGO ILL 60610 Stat us ...:APPROVED Applied ..:03 /11 /1997 Issued ...:0 4/03 /1997 Expires ..:09 /30/1997 Phone:3038279414 Phone:3038279414 Phone:312-494 -4442 Description : MECH FOR REMODEL AND 250 ADDITION Valuat ion:3,000.00 FirepLace Informat ion:Restricted:#Of Ga s AppL ian ces:#Of GasLogs:#Of Wood/PaLLet: ***********************************************************FEE SUM MAR Y ********************************************************** Me chanica l --->60.00 Restua rant Plan Re view-->.00Tota l Calculated Fees--->78.00 Plan Chec k--->15 .00 DRB Fee----------------->.00 Additional Fees--------->.00 In ve stigation>.00 TOTAL FEES------------>78.00 Total Permit Fee------->78.00 Wil l Call---->3 .00 Payments---------------->.00 BALANCE DUE------------>78.00 **************************************************************************************************************••••••••************ Dept:BUILDING Division: Dept:FIRE Divis ion: Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 04/03/1997 CHARLIE Action:APPR Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 04/03/1997 CHARLIE Action:APPR CONDITION 1.FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO N/A OF APPROVAL CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that Ihaveread this application ,filled outinfulL the inform ation required,completedana ccurate pLot pLan,and state that all the information provided as required is correct.I agree to complywith the i nformationandpLot plan , to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws ,andto build this structure according to th e Town's zoningand subdivision codes,design review approved,Uniform 8uilding Code and other ord inances of the Town appli cable thereto . REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWEN TY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8 :00 AM 5:00 PM SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER PERl-lIT II ---.:..•"OWN OFVAIL CONSTRUCT~N. PARCEL II :dJ..Ql -003 -01 -09-/PERMIT APPLICAT;J:0N FORM -,DATE:3!JDL97•I ~APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ~*****************************PERMIT I NFORMATION ***************************** ~]-Bu il d i n g []-Plumbing []-Electrical []-Mechanfcal []-other Job Name:1?~'l\\\t e-e..VV\.ode\Job Address:.1.:18 Po-bdn ~A---\-s...h Legal Description:Lot 1 6 Block-L Filing V.\I S UBDI VI SI ON:{t±l'\:\o 'Pl'\-tL I '"54 'W-e::.t +\lA.b bA-'("d.3 I :J... Owners Name:teed 5A'Ytl;=t Address:Ch,r~£11 .Ceor,/D Ph.4'H -1 4 4.."2, f1,...!(J,(.) Architect:U;\\f\-ey...c /2 Address:11e5~":1 d r-Ie Ph .41b -b 34.:1. Gen eral Description,Re"""d",I ;-r.dO .Z"D t.~~g:t~)lM'Mtr Wo rk Class:[]-New ;xJ -A l t er a ~i on []-Additional []-Repair []-Other _ Number of Dwelling units:~Number of Accommodation units: Town of Vail Reg.NO,_ Phone Number: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ~mb e r and Type of Fireplaces:Gas~piiances Gas Logs~Wood/Pellet peoJ -OD 1'-/ *********************************ALUATIONS *********************************.-oo BUILDING:$154>,000 ELECTRICAL:$f\;§DO - PLUMBING:$\:Z;D ()a MECHANICAL:$l -e "f":!1:!-~v3cJl~~ *************~************CO TRACTOR INFORMATION eneral Contractor:C -5 (:)".-6 [).)...7 Town of Vail Reg.NO.'fi=A Address:Phone Number:949-/0 0 .~.~-E1 2-'Cb rJ 4 .4 -Electn.cal Contractor:~i~~ne..Town of Va~l Reg.NO.)S-c Address:~\\'I\e:\-c.I\--\£r d~12.Phone Number:949-/403 ..~~97 -bO/0 ..Plumbing Contractor:G~I\:~ci'i}\um .Town of Vail Reg.No.11<P -p Address:~.::jC610 4V_____w02D__Phone Number:8,)1-94/4 ;tV/.97 .-0 0 ~9 ******************************** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUM BINGPERMIT FEE: ME CHAN ICALPERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: TYPE GROUP SQ.FT .VALUATION FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING P~'8!J;f ~""~'E·~'"7t ;;-.:::"l ~;',;' MECHANICAL P ~~~~~~t~fi 1 +i'-~T..1"",!~:;r-1;-·--- .RECREATION F ~~-,\,;!iii'f1"-'+'1 ~;':';i""::------ CLEAN -UP DEP9 .S IT:"Q:)'i 1;', TOTAL PERMIT ~"FEEs~M:.i 1 1997 ---;~~.~..J-i.~---- ,":-';:r~I'~q '~f "[;'""',.-, BUILDING:..',.,:..~~i~~\¥,I)t'.',i)t ~I SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE:Comments:_ (CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: •••• March10,1997 TOV Community Development ATTN :Mr.Charlie Davis Vail ,CO81658 VIAHAND DELIVERY DearCharlie: Thisletterand Permit Application replacesmy3/3/97 package .It wasmy understanding that UnitA-Primary Sidehadbeen approved byPEC.Thisisnotthecase :UnitB -Secondary Side hasbeen approved,according toLauraNash of Fritzlen,Pierce &Briner Architects . Therefore,ournew Application isforUnitB-Secondary.Unit A -Primary is scheduled fora March24,1997 P EC review.The drawings youhavereflectthescope of work forSideB ,which Ihave highlighted ontheplans.Again ,the Secondary Sideisouronly Application atthistime. Sincerely ,-,L}~ua"fl-~ Bill Anderson Vice President Beckand Associates,Inc . Enc\. L o L 9 '",i I .-;~;~'1 €.~~~'\~'] .,,~,t. PERM IT 11 _...'••TOWN OFVAIL CONSTRU~O_1I:dJ 0/-~3 -01 -o5~PERMIT APPL:CATJON FORM DATE:3 {jDL97 ItIAPPLICATIONMUSTBEFILLEDOUTCOMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ~*****************************PERMIT INFORMATION ***************************** 9C]-BUildin g []-Plumbing []-Electrical []-Mechanfcal []-Other __ Job Name:1?tl.'l\\..j--'\2.e \N\ode \Job Address:TI B po-!-w-\:o ~A--k-k Legal Description:Lot I B Block---L Filing V.V SUB DIVI SION :?D1!'\:-\o '?A-k.L -\A tl \.,_$4 W-e.:5t +\u.bbA-Y'd.3/:2. Owners Name :\--eedUA'v ;t Address:Ch,rA:€rO -ell .CeQ(,ID Ph.4114 -144.2- d,..·rU,!.) Architect:Di\\P ieY(l ;R Address:IfeSDJ:t(\~'j.~~dv Ie.Ph .41b-b34 .:l. General Description:ReY\'\Cde,\f!\-Q.d.25'D t.~~A-yt (~;d-e~)u.Y\H- Work Class:[]-New ;xJ-Alteration []-Additional []-Repair [)-Other _ Numbe r of Dwelling units:~Number of Accommodation Units: 'f:ARCEL x:mber and Type of Fireplaces:Gas ~piiances Gas Logs~Wood/Pellet peS -OD iii -- *********************************ALUATIONS ********************************* BU ILDING:$IS ~J 000 ELECTRICAL:$II,SDD -OTHER:$~__~_ X PLUM BING:$\3 i p oo MECHANICAL:$I POD TOTAL:$I all S OD ***************************CO *************************** eneral Contractor:C ~e,-Ol)J..7 Town of Vail Reg.NO.ill=A Address:Phone Number:949 illQP Electrical Contractor:\tl hiL Pi~~~?-e.~17 -D6 ~wn of Vail Reg.NO.14S-t' Address:~\rl\e\-c.A-\£rrl~D ~~Q Phone Number:94'1-/403 ..~~;J 9 7 -60/0 .plumbing Contractor:GlJA:v6=&'?\u m .Town of Vail Reg.NO.11Gz -P Address:-W4a,\o A'V2:r:l _ID w ~o__Phone Number:(3,J1-9 414 Mechanical Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: ********************************FOR BUILDINGPERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPEOF FEE: ORB FEE: TYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: ******************************* Comments :_ '/rEM<UPDEPOSIT REF1JIiD TO, , CHECK REQUEST PREPARED BY: VENDOR NAM E: VENDOR NUMBER: NAME OFJOB: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND FOR BP# ACCOUNT NUMBER:01000022002 AMOUNT OFREFUND:'5t/tJ.~ ~ DATE APPROVED:\(\ APPROVAL SIGNATURE: •" ·.•••• REPTl~l TOWN OF VAIL.,COLORADO 12/19/91 1218:28 REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION WORK SHEETS FO~:12/19/97 PAGE AI'<EA;I~, Cons t reADUP:3t.at us:ISSUEDri...t 1 II it": Addr'ess: I,cation: ~'"r'L"e I: Dese ......i pt)on = Apr Li cc,nt : Owner: rant rao t or r B97 012127 12/19/97rype:A-BUILD 776 POTATO ~ATCH DR 778 POTATOPATCH DR lJNIT A &B ;::.11211'-063-1211 -1215,+ REMODEL AND 25121 ADDITION TO SEC. BF:Tf 8.ASSOrIATES,INC BARTLIT FRED RECK &ASSOCIATES INC Dec': <UNIT A Pralle: Phone: Phone: 1(..B, 31212,94918121121 31 ;=:-494-444t' 30394918121121 VN 1 me I x p 949 761E:- APPF<{WEDAPPR Phone: ActIon: t:». FI'I E /'il/('IJJ k>/.~/ F0'c t 44/1r:J;-ICr..f Ct05<~,~(.I'C4drJ~"~ It@m: Item: 11..e,l,: Item: .I t e Il,: r t e m lns p e ct ion Re q uo st Ln to r-m a ri on ••••• R que s t or:~lIl<F kE4 Tin,p:1211:0121 COh,m@nts;UNITS H &B Items ,-equested to be Inspected •••Action Co me enLs 0~~30 PLDG-l@mp.~/O ----Sr·/4t:J-I/LU2-J.kla;ML)£6Z2/-'L~·P;;;'·i'/1;;7LCI;.o~··FL2.:.Z-£r:::'r.Ul~....n.n~4 --_.--------1-/J.!.-tt44 ~.:r$l.t1...s:-----_...-._--------.--- --.--.-~-FlL1f~-P-IJ./..("..~tL 11:./l5r.~.:.fL.n 11'74"d..f3tU2 atn4-~-'i'-_---.--_..---"'0 r-eo.l'1./"7!.__t:Q..-'1..-CL/L.q..'1.t'j.~7:-+a-~1&fl.Ji/S"T~T-- -------iJ.vo (;:1:/C Cu/,-R..t-.Y #-4(:)'13 "F &J 1!$"~,lL4 a ~----..;b__.•.•._._~,_._.:-_..-..4..0 .:...•",..-_._.-----..",.,.--------_._------- I •H't -IJ i1V !/lci"C-<:'j.v;';'--(rC?,'(//7/7.11V'/~/·-J./"'/'i'£..L/p.~I/Oe7i'L ns p e ct 10n 1S Ot'Y.•••~ 'tern:~Ql010 BLDG-Footings/Steel ~ 05/05/q7 Inspector:EG ActIon:APPR APPROVED Jte~:00020 BLDS-Foundation/SteeI 08/01/97 Inspector:IPV P'el~005":0 PLAN-ILC SIt€'Plan Itew:00121-0 r DG-FramIng 05/?~1 spector:OS Action:[IN CANCELLED 08/15/~nspector:ART Action:APPR Part1al fr~~ing approved Not 5:I~pp'Dye ft'am I rog for'upper'be dr-o om #302.App.'oved Fr-,='!"I n for'lowe.'b e d r-o o ms 102 &11~.,br-f s c r-o om,gym and baths 103 &III Item:00050 BLDG-Insulation Q)B/18/Cl7 Ln spe c-t or s LP\,J Actior,:Q'='-'"(',"F;lVt-T Notes;UPSTiHRS BEDROOM 302 OrF-TCE HR -1 J-f-"-:;),.,rr'I:'F VHPDR BARRIFR. COMPI~TE DOWNSTRIRS VAPOR BARRI~R LIVTNG ROOM AREA. 10/~9/q7 Inspector:CD AC'tion:APPR NORTH SIDE Itelo:000G0 BLDG-Sheet.ock Nail ~8/25/g7 Inspec-tor:LPV ActIon:APPR APPR8VED NotES:PARTIAL ALL OF LOWER LEVEL CoMPl.ETE. UPSTAIRS OFFICE AND BEDROOM 31212;COMPLETE WILL BE ADDING DURO ROCK IN WET AREAS. '1/04/97 Inspector:CD Action:APPR PRIMARY KITHCEN ARLA 00070 BLDG-Misc. 0009il.!BLDG-Final 00533 PLAN-TEMP.C/O 00530 BI.DG-Temp.C/O 00531 PL~N-FI,~AL C/O 00540 8L.DG-FlnaI C/O .~•• RLPTlll TOWN OF VAIL.COLORADO 12/19/q7 08:28 REQUESTS FOR INSrECTION WORK SHEETS FGR:12/19/97 . PAGE"20 AREA.cr f":lctivit-y:P97 0016 12/19/-=;7 Type:B-'PLIYlB Statu'-:ISSUFD C"nsb:ADUP Adur~.s:778 POTATOPATCHDR Loratlon:778 POTATO PATCH DR UNITS R &B Parcel:2101-0&3-01-054 O~c:Use: O.scription:PLUMBING FOR REMODEL AND 250 ADDITION Applicctnt:GUARANTEED PLUMBING &HEATING Phone:3038279414 Ownet-:BAf-<TL I r FRED Phone:31,~--494-444c: COllh'actot':GUARANTEED PLUi'1BING &HEATING Phon£~:3038279414 471-11-"30Phoi1e: ------ Lra pec t t on R",qu('st Ln f o r-m e b io n .•.•• [«-ouest-at':TFD Req Tlme:08:00 Comments: Itellis r equesteo to be l nsp e c t ed ...Rctton C"ommerts flrr.e Ex p 1211212%;PLI'm ,-i na J /fPc?l"1,n:!'/I'''1/'''It''"rJ:-_____...___._ f!-LLtJo....V.Ji..tl___W./.c:e.I1/Zr.t"!l!,~-=-8..«,,:?u7"---c P7T '!..qi-VK s:Opr--_~::::'L __ '.__•.._...__tJtz.{f!['~L..!ij/P ...J::._ElI:'£el!/M t.I~_!?(,!Y(S----------~-----.~...~'Sa OKAtrtest10#/15min. 1121 PSI NORTH SIDE SNOW MELT 90PSI SNOWMELT 9t2lPSI 1121~~PSJ STREET PRESSURED STRE=t:r PRESSUliE HORTH 8TH UNIT NOT HLDNG PRE~~ APPROVED Action:PA Actton:APPR Actlon:APPR Action:APPR Actlon:APPR Action:APPR Action:HPPR ActlGn:DN ActIon:APPR Lns p ec..t IonHrs to r v ••••• Item:00210 PLMB-Underground 0~/08/S7 Irlspecto,-:~F 05/09/97 Inspector:OS Item:00220 PLMB-Rougll/D.W.V. 07/2~/97 Inspector:LPV Actio~:APPR PARTJAL MASTER-BArH. 07/31/97 Inspector:CD Action:APPR ~PSI AIR TEST Notes:KITCHEN BATH 103 AND S~CONOARY MASTER STEAM SHOWER DWV NOT TESTED CONTRACTOR WAS ADVISED Tu fEB ALL ROOF DRAINS AND SHOWER PANS 10;1&/97 Inspector:CD Actlon:APPR 3 WATER COLUMN TESTS Item:0023121 PLMB-Rough/Water OS/23.'97 Inspector:DS 07/31/97 Inspector:rD 10/1E..'97 Inspector':CD It-em:00240 PLMB -Gas Piping 09/11/97 Inspector:ART 1121/30/97 In.pector:CD Item:002~0 PLMB-Pool/Hot Tub Itel":~0260 PLMB-Misc. 07/1218/97 Inspector:DS 1217/17/97 Inspector:OS Item:002ql21 PLMB-Final III F R o M III GUARANTEED PLUMBIN~A T I NG P.O.Box 4 2 10". AVON,COLORADO 81 620 ATTENTION: (970)845·6300 .~_.PRIORITY..,o URGENTl J---=---------1 0 SOONAS POSSIBLE o NOREPLYNEEDED III T o III R E p L Y III SIGNED : SENDER:DETACH AND FILE FORFOL LOW-UP. ,-,.--"'~~rr;rr-~1'.~;~'-~..,':",.~'i1 J Ul 3 1 1 ." J.I • ! "I {~~~..:~~/)~J i voJ ~.?rd REPT131 TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO PAGE 4 08/18/98 08:05 REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION WORK SHEETS FOR:8/18/98 AREA:CD ================================================================================ Occ: 30YRSHINGLES Phone:9709491905 Phone:476-1350 Phone:9709491905 Activity: Address: Location: Parcel: Description: Applicant: Owner: Contractor: B98-0094 8/18/98 Type: 610 W LIONSHEAD CR 610 W LIONSHEAD CIRCLE 2101-063-07-000 REROOF REMOVE SHAKES USE PLATH CONSTRUCTION LANDMARK CONDO ASS.INC. PLATH CONSTRUCTION A-COMM Status:ISSUED Constr:ACOM Use:II FR Time Exp Phone:949-1905 Comments:clean up be Inspected •••Action Comments Information •.... Inspection History•.... Item:00510 driveway grade final Item:00010 BLDG-Footings/Steel Item:00020 BLDG-Foundation/Steel Item:00520 PLAN-ILC Site Plan Item:00030 BLDG-Framing Item:00040 **Not On File ** Item:00050 BLDG-Insulation Item:00060 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail It.em:00080 **Not On File ** Item:00070 BLDG-Misc. Item:00090 BLDG-Final Item:00530 BLDG-Temp.C/O Item:00531 FIRE-TEMP.C/O Item:00532 PW-TEMP.C/O Item:00533 PLAN-TEMP.C/O Item:00537 PLAN-FINAL C/O Item:00538 FIRE-FINAL C/O Item:00539 PW-FINAL C/O Item:00540 BLDG-Final C/O --------~~'---"/""'---'----- Inspection Request Request.or:st.eve Req Time:01:00 Items requested to 00090 BLDG-Final ~, •••• ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #:B98 -0094 as of 05/08/98 Status:APPROVED ******************************************************************************** Permit Type:ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applicant:PLATH CONSTRUCTION 9709491905 Job Address: Location :610 W LIONSHEAD CIRCLE Parcel No:2101-063-07 -000 Description: REROOF REMOVE SHAKES USE30YRSHINGLES Applied :05/08/1998 Issued :05/08/1998 To Expire:11/04/1998 Conditions: 1.FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2 .FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . REPARED 8/21/98.15 ,30,3, ROGRAM MR41 SU E7 'S CUST -I D CUSTOMER NAME TYPE DEPOSIT REFUND REPORT-UPDATE PAGE 1 CHARGE CODE DESCRIPTION 1022 B99 -0094 PLATH CONSTRUCTION DEPOS DEPOSIT TX ~DATE D2 5 /12 /98 AJ-DATB 8 /21/98 DEPOSIT AMOUNT 25 0.00 DEPOSIT-ADJ AMOtr.IT 25 0 .00 ADJ USTI<ENT AMOUNT 25 0 .0 0- AFTER-REFUND AMOUNT .0 0 TOTAL FORCUSTOME R T YPE: GRAND TOTAL: D2 250.00 2 50.0 0 2 5 0.00 25 0.00 250.0 0- 25 0.0 0- .0 0 .0 0 4111f EPOS I T COU'7 , •GIL BATCHCREATED : •• 1 BATCH-0 116 4 1999 /09 USER ID-JPOPECK AP HELD COUNT-1.00 AMOUNT-25 0 .0 0 PERHIT II--- ,UCOI yt -,;ct Eagle C~lInty Asses"fice ••.~on.(970 -328-86/.0 for Parcel II.TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PARC EL II:~\a )\\\()1:\0 \Q PERMIT APPr,.:¥CATI~FORM ,;}-IO /-C63 -07 -Q:x:>.DATE:5 /1/9 is tI APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED }\*****************************PERMIT INFORMATION ***************************** []-Building []-Pl~mbipg []-Electrical []-Mechanfcal []-other e..:...tYrJf)o 4r.so~°"'\~':::'......n ;:>. Job Name:~J'11a..«..tL'=fOc:xJ"P.erW ~Job Address:(0 /0 k./(..,fr~~ Legal Description:Lot Block Filing .SUBDIVISION: .'\-r.y, Owners Name:~cirYQ.JL.>%wnhotu.o Address:~/Q Lc .-/cjfL ~9--b ili!lt~h ._ Architect:Address:_____________Ph ._ General Description:t.o-o...A.-Q;y .~~u&.t ~~'~~"'I-'7~/}~b:;r50~tJ~h~~IA.:,ITT" Hark Class:[]-Ne\J-'[]-Altera~[on1 ]-Addition []-Repair []-Other _ Number of Dwelling units:Number of Accommodation Units: * mber and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances._.G~s Logs__Wood/Pellet *********************************VALUATIONS ********************************* (~dCf03, BUILDING:$-J]j Wi ELECTRICAL:$0 OTHER:$,.-_ PLUMBING:$MECHANICAL:$TOTAL:$ )/***************************~~~~:~MA'l'I O N ***********-*-*-*-*-*-*--*-*-*-*-*-*-*--*-~-* "*eneral Contractor:7/qJ;L -Town of vail Reg.NO.)48 B Address:"'D ro...~5£p..O A 1/'0 n it---~hone Number:Cj L.I t:;-,qO?" Electrical Contractor:'&'\1-O D'i ~____Jown of Vail Reg.NO._ Address:~bJ hone Number: Plumbing Contractor:'0 p...tJ.l Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Address:~Phone Number: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUILDINGPERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPEOF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phorie Number: FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PLAN.CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CHECK YEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: ·TOTALPERMIT FEES: Comments:----------- TYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: (CLEAN UP DEPDSIT REFUND TO~ •••• Revised May 5,1998 Roofing Specification and Proposal for Landmark Townhomes I.T EAR-OFF Locations:A ll of thepitchedr oofs atthe Townhomes of theLandmark. Srecifications: ITear o ffexisting shakeroofingandremove alldebrisfromthesi te .Plath Construction will kee~the j obsiteascleanas possible andpracticalduringthe construction ,andathoroughcleaning of Plathswork areas willbe performed uponcompl etion .Plath Construction willtakeall reasonable rreeautionsto pro tect the interior of the building fromwater andweather.However,PlathCon struction wilnotbeheldliablefor any interior damage sustamed fromleakscausedbysuddenand/orunforseen storms thatoccurduringthe tear offphase of thiswork. 2]Cutalineinthesiding18"upfromthe roofline andremovethesidingbelowthecut.Savetheremoved s idingforre-installation aftertheroofingiscompleted . 3)Inspect theplywoodforwaterdamage,andreplaceas needed,**Thiswork ,ifrequired,willbeanadditionalchargeoverandabo ve the contract price ,andwillbecharged attherate of $2.5 0 persquarefoot.No additionalcharges will beincurred without prior notification of,and authorization from,theownerorowner's agent.** 4]Plath construction willprovideallinsuranceandpermitsrequiredbytheTown of Vail'Building Department. IT DRY-IN I SH <\KFS Locations:All of thepitchedroofsattheLandmarkTownhomes . Specification asfollows: 1]Install 1;2",fire rated,cdx plywood o ver the split sheathing on the north facing upper roofs . 2)Install Ji ffy SealIceandWat er Guardby ProtectoWrapover theen tire pitchedroo f areaattheupp er roo f locations .Extendthe membrane 12"upthewallsatthe roof towall junctures. 3J Install #30 asphalt impregnated feltovertheentirepitched roof areas of the lowershedroofs. 4 ]Install asphalt shingles as specified by the manufacturer.Shingles to be "PinnacleI "(30 y ear sh ingle)a s manufacturered byA tlas.Color to be selected is Weathered wood.Install starter shingles and h ip /ridge shingles as needed.Shingles to be nailed w ith coil n ails,not stapled,for a better attachment to the substrate. 5]Install 26 gauge prefinished flashingsasneededatallendwalls .Install 26 guage prefinished dripedgeat all eavesrakesandpeaks ,Install 26 guage prefinished counterflashing atall roof towall junctures.Appl y a urethanesealantattopedge of thecounterflashing. 61 Install 26 gauge ,galvani zed stepflashingatallsidewalllocations . Price forSecti on II:$64,903.00 Exclusions and Qualifications: I]Added costs for working under adverse winter conditions is excluded from this proposal. 2]Miscellaneous flashing not associated w ith t he roof system is excluded from this proposal. 3]Gutter and downspout is excluded from this proposal. 4]Deck waterproofing is excluded from this proposal. Page 2 of3,Lan dmark Townhomes,R oo fi n ~P roposal,May 4 ,1998 •••• III.GENERAL NOTES I]Pleasebeadvisedthatmaterialsforthisproposalhavebeenbidat current market prices .Due tovolatility of themarket,materialpricescannotbe guaranteed past30 days."Please take note that a "letter of intent"received by Plath Construction,Inc.within the 30 day period will allowusto "lock in"current material prices evenif actual purchases are made several months later. 2]Plath Construction carries property damageliabilityinsuranceintheamount of$2,000,000 .00 per occurrence.Plath Construction carriesautoinsuranceintheamount of $2 ,000 ,000.00 .Plath Construction carries appropriate Workman's Compensation insurance through Colorado State Compensation .No further insurance coverage ismcludedin our price ,andIfrequired,the additionalcostshallbeaddedtothecontract. 3]Uponreceipt of the contract price ,Plath Construction willissuea warranty certificate guaranteeing roofingagainstleaksduetoflawsinworkmanshipforaperiod of twoyearsfrom thedate of roofing completion.Leaksqualifyingundertheterms of said warranty willberepaired promptlyatnocosttothe owner.This warranty doesnotcoverany subsequent mteriordamage thatmayoccur. 4]ThisproposalhasbeenbasedontheasbuiltdrawingsfurnishedbyGeotTWright.Thepricing is contingent ontheverification of thetake-otTascomparedtofield measurements .Field measurementswillbeperformedafternotification of the contract award . Option #1 Tear-off andremovethetypex,gypsumsheathingsonthesouthfacing upper roofs . Price for option #5:Nottoexceed $1,296.00 Page3 of 3 ,Landmark Townhornes,Roofing Proposal,Ma y 4 ,1998 Bartlit ., ;,i. ~~.o-----_....J I,. , 1?a~rOC)s ¢'1z;P)f-<-. S-S<bz.. ex..LS77 tJC 1ftI fK tt!:=t (P30 1~4" I II t Y1s n",'1 50,"...dQ.Y'j-e t:x./5'TJ IJ S ~'-~&"'7 -7 1L YCLtr ~400.i 4f?'1{-ex I S 71~ /7 t>rJ1 -L 3 7 1 ',R:t:I11~/J D~n Review Action F~ TOWN OF VAIL Category Number _Date __-'--__..L..-L--:--__ ProjectName :&f!TuTC 778 f071Pr'D PItTC.tJ- Build ing Name:_ Project Description:_ I ,!l PinON fJTIL/=l:-fIlfG .3 5 4 r AVdIL~[;c.f.2Fft, ·Board 51aft Action-------' Motion by:_ Seconded by:_ o Approval o Disapproval Staff Approval \/nto· Conditions:_ Town Planner DRB Fee Pre.paid _..c.:c!~(___:,_l::.....,=---_ Miscellaneous Cash I Rec~i pt #2 27172 Qcc(')u nt #Cf<**2569 l·jEI)Tt·~t·jEL5Otf··.DE5 I G~·j REI)I EI...I 80RPD FEE Hero paid Hmo\.Jnt.paid 20 .eKI -, THRt--IK YOU >·...ou r cash i e r PEHTHP PlfaZenPierceBriWllr ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO:~vgWae P/Muu~ DATE :1h/rz 7/ JOBNO.16~O RE :/3a/ttvr SPECIFICATIONS SHOPDRAWINGS ATTACHED PL EASE FIND : ~PROGRESS PRINTS PLANS OTHER _ ITEMNO .NO .OFCOPIES DESCRIPTION FORYOURUSE RETURNED AFTER REV IEW THEITEMS LISTED ABOVE ARE: ,J;fFOR REVIEW AND COMMENT _AS REQUESTED OTH ER _ REM ~RKS :.();e eui~1 IJe:addl1f a :--·adtctu7<di2·36/1 1 6 /ZPTt . 1))&.OJ/II be t7@/f1AY 1fe-~//J1/",j/1e-rIUff;t&fz;/?;;/u re 'fz; 81(:r /?~~~r tlS I pe~._ab7 XefbX ~.u U!f;11<-e ttn ,l rAt ~./~-on-PI&.JC·C~rJ·f (J)Ck' 1650 EAST VAIL VALLEY DRIVE FALLRIDGE c-i VAILCOLORADO81657 9 70-476-6342 FAX 9 70-476-4901 PIERCEFRITlU::"i1M-~VB"rRITZUN nEJ:CE BRIS'fJt ... ~, Questions ?ca"-Ianning St aff at4 79-2128 ,APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL · Construction of anewbuilding . Includesany addition wheresquare footage isaddedtoanyresidentialor commercial building.~Minor Alteration -$20Includes 'minorchangesto buildings andsite improvements.suchas. -.reroofing.painting.window additions,landscaping.fencesand retaining w a lls.etc. o Conceptual Review -$0Forany application wherethe applicant wishes tomeetwithDesignReview Boardto determine whether ornotthe project generally complies withthe design guidelines.TheORBdoesnotvoteonconceptual reviews. D. D. G. F. C. 13 . GENERAL INFORMATION .'."',., Thisapp lication is foranyprojectrequiringDesignReviewapproval.Any project requiring designreviewmust receive Design Reviewapprovalpriorto submitting forabuildin g permit.For specific information,secthe submittal -rcquircmcnts for thepart icular approvaltha t isrequ ested,The application cannot be aeccpted untilallthe required i nformationis submitted ,The projectma yalsoneedtobereviewedbythe Town Council and/or thePlanningand Environmental Commission ,Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless,a building permit is issued and construction is started.'£$;1 A .DESCRIPTION OFTHEREQUEST:f3:xPANP I'trt:+l eN -t/'Ge G,eEA f::ut= NtJ NeW Sfm CtlYe.e46E.miG ~AN A/?PI!:WP&-tM To .4 ftzl3Y1out;C.Y AfnUXII?P AfPU(rlJr17t2N -New GIO/N6 /lJ tftt1?t/PHdf~ LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:LOT :It!?BLOCK:!FILING:VAk.fOT!'rrt?PArC# PHYSICAL ADDRESS:77&PtJrA"fO PArcH [;1<. PARCEL #:(Contact EagleCo .Assessors Office at 970 -32~-8640 forparcel#) ZONIN G:t;I?;'","."b"'>,,'.-t.;~.•,..".;'..-v i- NAMEOF OWNER(S):f'ltW i JANA M~ilr MAILINGADDRESS:'7'1 W~L titJl38AKP g;-:,'. C.It:-A60,IU=?a~/t?~PHONE:(3/Z)441,+++2 OWNER(S)SIGNATU~E(S):-"-~----,p..:...__=__='-"-_""'_C..~~----''-------- N AMEOFAPPLI CANT:r,ztrzu;,f'le!Ze IV. MAILINGADDRESS:/r,t;c>VA-I{,-::4U-E-p~.PAU/ZIP6.e /-C- ______l14k-/c:o.&/(,'7,7 PHON E:47~~tP3tf2. TYPEOFREVIEWANDFEE: o New Construction -$200 o Addition -$50 ORBfees arc tobepaidatthetime of submittal.Later,when applying fora building permit,please identify the accurate valuation ofthe project.The Town of Vailwilladjustthefee according totheproject valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION.ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL,COLORADO 81657. ... ,..~4Pe LISTOF PROPOSED MA TERIALS BUILDING MATERIALS:TYPE Of MATERIAL:COLOR:* Roof t<ef'lA ce:Siding Other Wall Materials eLM}!vercn~~/N '3rt-tao - Fascia ,, Soffits .'NoNe Windows WindowTrim Doors DoorTrim W.4 /1f!; ., fi n:::-AA II-r ~~-------- PAitJr ~MirTUlflues HandorDeckRails Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses i NIA. Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other *Please specify the manufacturer's color,numberandattachasmalleolorchip **All exterior lighting mustmeetthe Town's LightingOrdinance18.54 .050(1).If exterior lightingis proposed, picase indicate the number of fixturesandlocationsonaseparate lighting plan.Identifyeaehfixturetypeandprovide the height above grade,lumensoutput,luminousarea.andattaehacutsheet ofthe lightingfixtures . 2 •• ....._..._..--_.---.--.....__.._.·_~-''';-·:2F~.:-:._.-:"~'~.:'-__:.1:':"-:~.~~_~_.-:~----_.~;~~-~~./02:::--._--._--;.--~...-...-.....-"...-.....,.~Co · [-_.TOWN OFVAIL Inr.crrrr :-;0 .-1"'-(;./£1'[~ l '-_.,-- r;:::"r.:.., -;:;U E r A l·n ~IJ-:~-r Of CO .'l ~IL-:SITY [)E\"T.1.0PllotE~"T f1. 1"."1F.3.A-tTI-I r 77t .R ).Dlw ~C41..t VtY--N Q-,n)~I-;~ ~ ,\()f)RF.s s .1_D •6t.....,X-"';s.,.DAT[._~~~/_'1.1 4. ~~~'-';;:F >:,. if ..,C ~t t-J~~~ltp e~ed.p \a .t.s ~\;,:"HOJECI )¥ '"CHF.Ch:S MADr.r ....'·A n cE TO T OWN O F vx u .'"~.'CCOU;'\f :":0 In;~1 ..__....•..•.'._....•.•...'NO .,',-TAX ''7 '·"CO~T)'..A...•T crr AL .:;:.;:, ~0 1 00 004 1540 z ol'JrNG AND ADDRESS M APS S5 .00 •~!!t 01 00 004 241 5 UNIFO RM BUI LOING C ODE .. S 54 .0 0 •;5 ~-0 I 00 60 42 4 15 U NIFORM PL UMlllN UToDE S39.00 •:t.V· ;-::0 1 0 00 0424 15 UNI FORM l\iEC IIANICAL C ODE S37 .00 •, 0 1 00 0041415 ._. S36.00 •ii'UNI FOl lf\1 ruu :CO DE ~i'_(,)00 0042415 NATrONA L ELECTRICAL CODE S37.00 • 0 1 00 004241:'OTII ER C:ODE 'l1o m,:s •~ ~-(il 0000 4 15·18 B LUE PRI NTS (MY LARS )S7 .0 0 •-~~.;:z 0 1 0 0004241 2 X EROXCOP IES 50 .25 • ~0 1 00 0042412S TUDIES -•r.;q .0 I 0000424 12 TOV F EES CO~lPLri'ER PIlOGRAM S 5.00 .•~rz oI 0000 4237 1 p ENALTY FEE S T!(E-INSPECT IONS ~ 0 1 00004 1.1 f2-P Li~!,n H \'I E\\/I_{E.:..C I IECK FEE_iS40 P ER IIR.]r.. i~0 10 000 42fi2 OF FIIOUll S INS I'ECTION FE ES B.- ;~-(iT (TeJ oo 4 1.112-=C()NflfAC 'TOIl ST IC.T NSES FEES .~. --eli OO (lO;\iT!,\--sTG N III'P I]c i\'n i1N FEI,---'S20 .00 ....- :;l .lIO()(IO -1 I 4 13-..0 !iW!!:I5 )t!~J:::sl ~j N.(\(II ~11~!L-J s 1.00 P ER SO.FT.](.~ ::::l i\eWllO -1 2T1ti -.., VTC A III PIlO .llTT DO NA lION -ff,:;t'''o I 0 0 0 04 13 3 U finn'AII)D1 :S'IC,N HLVIEW BOARD FE E ZO.W ~.;-------~-------•.:1.t010000-1 2.1'11 INVESTIGATIUN FEI:(BU ILDING)F ~'1 -f io i.i (J(l'15T iO -YOV!'ARKINC;TuN ii {.~-----------.__......'---~t {01 00 (10 22 027 TO \'NEWS PAI'EI(D ISPENSEIlFU ND J,. .~-*lIlO()lITI 2I ill.-·i ·A XA)}.~c QI :4 ..:1~·n(STA T E)~. r :'·---or-o()()().fiOTif ~X ~~~E (t~i ~Q 7,_£rQWN)~ ~:..-0I00004'217Y BU ILDING INVESTIGATION ",'Ol'IIER .~. ~i-:§,;.' ~I'L C AI'PLfCATIO:'I FEES ...........1•~:Ii -OT 00 00 4 1330 ADDITI ONA I.GIU'A "250"5200.00 tf'"'&0 1 00004 1330 COND ITIONAL US I:PER.MIT S2 00 .00 ~g '"01 00004 1330 EXTERI OR ALTERA TION ILESS THAN 100 SQ.H.I 5200.00 ~ ~01 000041 33 0 EXTERIORA LTERA TI ON IMORE THA N 100SQ .H .1 S500 .00 ?c:--0 1 0000413 30 S PEC IAL DEVELO PMENT DI STR ICT I NEW]S1,500.00 - ~0 1 000041330 S PEC IALDEVE LOPMEN T D ISTRICT rM AJOR A MEND I 51 ,000.00 ~:::-0 1 000041 330 SPEC IAL DEVE LOPMENT D ISTRICT [MINOR A MENDI 5 200.00 If-';- ~:01 00 004 1330S UBDIVISION ti :'~0 1 0 0 00 4 13.1()VARIA NCE S250 .00 <i ..~.-'(,I oo00413j(j ZC5 N ING CODE AI\1EN DMEN TS 5250 .00...." ."CiTO<JoU,rLDo R IO -ZONING 5200 .00••O TIlER~ ~OTIIER ~TO TAL:2 0 A:.)"!: ~COMM D'TS:>. i - ~!; ~ CA SU I Ib --;"2-Tt l!"~I °1 )H .OW Me.BY' IW c-.'. J .J ••.....-'.'...............-.-. .. neTEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPER. PUBLICNOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENthatthePlanningand Environmental Commission oftheTownof Vailwillholda public hearingin accordance withSection18.66.060 ofthe Municipal Codeofthe TownofVailon March 24,1997,at2:00P.M.intheTownofVail Municipal Building .In consideration of: ArequestforamajorexterioralterationinCC1,attheA &DBuilding ,locatedat286Bridge Street/Lots A,B,&C ,Block 5A,VailVillage tst Filing. Applicant: Planner: 286BridgeStreet,lnc.,representedbyCraig Snowdon Dominic Mauriello A request foramajorexterioralterationinCC1,atthe Creekside Building,locatedat229Gore Creek Drive/Lot A,Block5B,VailVillage1stFiling. Applicant: Planner: Michael Ditch,representedbyDaveCarson LaurenWaterton A request foraminorSDD amendment toSpecial Development DistrictNo.30attheVail Athletic Club,locatedat352E.Meadow Drive/Parcels A &B,VailVillage1stFiling. Applicant: Planner: VWT 1987LimitedPartnership,representedbyJohnPerkins GeorgeRuther ~request fora residential addition,utilizingthe250 Ordinance,locatedat778PotatoPatch Drive/Lot 18,Block1,VailPotatoPatch. Applicant:FredBartlit,representedbyBillAnderson Planner:Tammie Will iamson A request foramajor exterior alterationandminorsubdivisionat Gasthof Gramshammer,located at231E.Gore Creek Dr.lPart ofLotA,Block5B,VailVillage1stFiling. Applicant: Planner: Pepi Gramshammer,representedbyPierce ,Segerberg,&Associates George Ruther A request fora worksession todiscussaconditionaluse permit toallowTypeIIIEHUsfor seasonal housing,locatedat1309VailValleyDrive/legally described as: beg inning atthe Northwest corner at Section g,Township 5 South,Range80 west ottheSixth Principal Meridian thence S89°31'49"E 2333.84 teet,alongthe North lineofsa id Section g,toa point onthe northerly right-at-way fence line 01 Interstate H ighway No.70 thence along the northerly right-aI-way Ieneeline 01 Interstate Highway No.70as follows: S 67°41'33"W 415.82 feet;thence S78 °13'02"W 1534.29 feet,toa point 01 curvature; thence 456.43 leet ona curve totherightwitha radius of 5580.00 leet,the chord 01 which bears S80033 '38"W456 .30 leet toa point onthe Westerly line 01 said Section g: thence departing the northerly right-aI-way fence lineof Interstate Highway No .70and following the Wester ly line 01 sa id Section 9 NOooi8 '21 "E565.11feettothe point ofbeg inning. Applicant: Planner: TownofVail ,representedbyAndyKnudtsenandSusie Hervert Dominic Mauriello Community Development Department Published March7,1997intheVailTrail. The applications andinformation aboutthe proposals are available forpublic inspection duringregularofficehoursinthe projectplanner'sofficelocatedattheTownofVail Community Development Department ,75SouthFrontageRoad.[ Signlanguage interpretationavailableuponrequestwith24hour notification.Pleasecall479-2114voiceor479-2356 ./...(i.,J-f.. TDDforinformation.;/(7 ."'- utf'f1t 'f I • A re questfor an interior remodel totheseco ndaryun itutil izing the250o rdinance,located at77 8 Potato Patch Dr.lLot 18,mock I,VailPot ato Patch. .".,.-..-......~--:---_.-~-,---".-. Applicant: Planner: Fred Bartlit Tammie Willi amson STAFF APPROVED 9.Ar equest for aresidentialadd itionforanexp ansiono fthe living ro om,uti lizing the250 Ordi nance,lo catedat 1998 Sunburst Drive/Lot 19,VailV alley 3rd F iling. Applic ant: Planner: Na te A ccardo L auren W aterton WITHDRAWN FROM AGENDA 10.Arequ est fora conditional usc permit to allow foraTyp e II EHU,loc ated at392 Be aver Dam Circle/Lot 4 ,Blo ck 3,Vail Village 3rd Filing. Applic ant: Planner: Howard Koeni g Tammie Willi amson WITHDRA WN FROM AG ENDA ///////1/11 11.Inform ation Update: S usan Connelly announced thattheL ionshead public forums had submitted thebestand worst of Lionshead. 12.Appro val of J anuary 27 ,1997 minutes . Greg Amsden made a motion for approval of the January 27,1997 minutes. Henry Pratt seconded the motion. The motion passed bya vote of 6-0-1,with Greg Moffet abstaining. H enry Pratt m ade a motion to adjourn. Greg Amsden seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously bya vote of 6-0. The meeting adjourned at10:25pm. Planning andEn vironmental Commission Minutes FehnlMV 10 100" DE C -23-96 ]1 :37 FROM :LAND Tl TLE GUARANTEE V AIL•10 ,30 3 4 ?S 45 ::14•P A Ge Propert ies Adja cent 10 Lot 18 Block J Vail Potato Patch. KEVIN CLAIR AND SALLY CLAIR 193 E.Gore Cn:~k Dr. Vail .C O 81657 Lot 20 mock 1 (parcel B) THE JOHN STEPHEN BAKALAR REVOCABLE TRUST \760 D ale Ave . Highland Park,IL 60035 Lo t 17 Block I MARJORY E.SAUNDERS 3()1J Robin Wa y Denver,CO R0222 L ot12 llI ock J (Parcel B) KIRK J.AND JULIANNE M .HANSEN 775 Porato Patch Dr.W1/2 Vail.CO 81657 Lot 29 Block I (West Parcel) NICOLAS C.AND ODETTE A.ASSOlJAl) 6919 Fryingpan Rd. Boulder,CO 80301 Lol 20 Block 1 (Parcel A) 'SISSEL POMBOY 40 Baldwin Farm s No . Greenwich ,CT 06831 Lot 21Bl ock 1 (P arcels A &H) ROBIN JEAN DAVISand SCOTf S .SEGAl. 2 Wildacre Rd. Charleston,NV25 314 Lut 12Blo ck 1 (Pllrcc(C ) NORTHEAST CAPITAL PARTNERSHIP #5 Highfield T errace N.Caldwell,NJ 0 7006 Lot 29Bl ock 1 (Ea st Parcel) 12/23/9 6 11:39 TX/RX NO.6 375 P.001 • Mon Dec 16 1996 3:14 PM XScale:1 in =4.88 ft YScale:1 in =4.90 ft I r . J-t PriMary GRFA I 758 Secondary Secondary IGRFA Gat-age 1900 498 r~lPriMary Garage I 510 Bat-t 1it GRFA (LolAJ r3="fZ=) • - - Mon Dec 16 1996 3:15 PM XScale:1 in =5.21 ft YScale:1 in =5.23 ft I Pt-iH;:U-y GRFA 1530 Bat-t 1 it GRFA (mA-r N) I • ~~CtU C(A.,~f 7/Z-7../1 (p Fromtbedeskof...~--\JJ+\t>\-::r1E/?~?CA~LaurenWaterton .fwy't\;:-W,q--~D ~ ~o1!1_ 2-01~ 4:1.}7 ~ ~l~' ~~ 51""1 . ~5/7 1 ~o-\-:r z,b 4-l'6 "2-l£O3 z.tj-6 +260 e e Community Development Plan Routing Form REC 'D FE3 26 ,1997 - Routed To:Greg Hall,PublicWorks .TerriPartch,Public Works Todd Oppenheimer,PublicWorks MikeMcGee,Fire ReturnTo:TammieWilliamson ,CommunityDevelopment X 2142 DateRouted:2/26/97 RetumBy:3/5/97 ProjectName :Bartlit 250 Request Project Address :778PotatoPatchDrive Project Legal :Lot18,BlockIVailPotatoPatch Project Description:250Requestforaddition toprimaryresidence (PEe) _---"Approved .>(Denied(citedetailedreasons)__-,Approved withco nditions I t-------------------------------------l, t!------------------------1 Date received : Datereviewed: ; 1-----------------------1 IRev iewedby: ) J .kcccption l"b.'-______Recorder. •~Rceoldod nl o'eloek----M~,,---~----------- and Stilt.of COLoRADO 1 I ! )I I/~;col (JOe.S3·0 ,between ,grantor,and ,1996 WARRANTY DEED 11118 DEmO,Mudo thl.19t.h doyor nftc_mber nAV;tn R.Ulml rom NINA E.LANE 01 t~.~Atd Coullt)'of EAGLE F1U!:D !l BIUt!rLI!I! wrrsssssru,nlot the srMlot for andIn conoid.rd tioh or!ho sum of Ten dollars lind ailh.u·good and : valuablll Cloul.l.derat.ion DOLLARS,In.r""eipt and sUff1oloncy otwhlch 1.itereby . lICknowl edSed,hus granted,borsolned,,old and convoyed,und by thoo.presollbl doos 8l'OJlt,borgol ••0.11,convey .od confirm,unto tho gllllllee,hill hollll lIIid osj!gns f'Qroyor,all tho rell!properly lllgclbcr wiUllmproyemonlll,If any,oltunlo,lyingand being In \he "Id County of I!:ll,gla iUld Sb1to or Colorado dOlotibC<!UI roll"w.,\ CONDOMINIUM UN:t~1,IRISIr/BAll!It.LI'l!CONDOMINIUMS, According to the CDndomin~um MAp reoorded Sept.mber 1S,1984 in Book 394 at PAge 903 Il,S Reception No.291198 and ae da.cribed in eondominium DeclarAtion recorded sep~ember 18,1994 in Book 394 at Pllge 904 as Recept.ion No.2911999 wllollO lcgrJ addrcs!Is 5 4 Wl!:s~:Il:t11lIlA1l.D S~1U!:t::t::~ CHlCAQO,IL 60510 or tho BllId County of andStute or Colorado ,grantee :i I 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 611014 12/31/1998 02,26P B71e P36 432 1 of 2 R 11.00 D ~3.00 N 0.00 Ee~le Ccun~y Cle~k nlso known by stroot and number tu:71 B-A ..OrAi'D l'A~CH VAIL,CO 81657 ) , TOOIltJIER with aJllllId 91ngulsrlbe hcroditnmcnty Ilnd sppurtellance~thoreto boiongillg,orin aI1y""I se appcrtnlnlng,nnd tho re ~etljbn and teYerdons,remclnder IIlld remainders .rcntll,islUes Dlld pront!thoroo!,andall lhe olta~o,r1gbt,tiU.,Interest,e1ulm and domand wbal.' seever .flhe srlUllor,ciUJDt In lllw or eq,uity ,of,In and 10 LIlt>obove bargained preml.e.,with tho hcrcditwnentllll1\d nppurtollMeCll ,I TO HAV£ANO TO IIOLD tho .old prom ises abo"e bargained lllId described,with tho nllFUrtenllllcol ,unto lbe Hl'anfeo,hi,lioirs andl lClulgns forC1ler.AlId lbo grl1lll0r,for hin1le1r,hI.nolls,and perlonal raprosonlllt lvol,dccs covonlUlt,grAnl,bnrg6la.end "l>ree to and ....ith tho granll:e,hi.helro and alligns,that at the time of lho .nlcoling l\I1d d ~llyory ofthtoe pre,cnts,ho Is well .oizcd of thopremlsol above eonvoyed,h"good,auro,porCeet,,blolule and lndofclilll bic .,tuto of Inho/iblnce,Inlaw,In f~Ilhlplo ,and hIlS good right,Cull powor and Inwru!autho rity logrant,burgaln,0011 .nd convoy tho Mlnoln Inunller and form all aCoro,old,Md tllat tho ,omo aro fm>md oIe1l1l\'om a.I1 fornler ond other grdnts,baegn lns,salce,lIeM ,In.xes,UdeSlr.1ents,encumbranees and restriction.ofwbntoyor klndornaturesoevee,exeept Tho.A ma~ters Bat.forth in ERhibit ~nttnched he rete and madll a . part.hllreof. I Tho grMtar ,ball llJld will WARRANTY AND FOR,EVEJ,1.OB!'1lND Ih.6boYc-bargnlned promlso.In tho qUiet tlId penCQablo poe,,,,,,ion orthogrullteo,hi"'ltcit~IlIId us signs,egulnsl ulland ."ery pllI'fIon 01 pmonllowrully claiming lllowholo or uny potl thereof,The singUlar number .ltlliJ inclUde the plural,the plurnllhe sidgula,.and tho 01.arMY gcnde r shoJI bo npplieobh.to nil genden. IN TNJ::SS WIIERE:i:l:!tr,0 grantol hou exocuted thlo deed on the dulo set forlh abovo, ?i'.1t.t'""~'1 t ,..~?t.,:d.*?y ~ DAVID R.LANE NIN~E.LANE Slate of COLORADO ) )ss, Counl)'01'EI\GL1!l J Tho roregelng InsIrument wo,acknowledged boror.me tills by DAVID R.LANE Am)NrNA E.IJ\NE 19th day or ,1996, My commi ssioll expires 08/21/00 1'1\.No."Ol~180 sl_tt1'111 ••rDoII,(:011111Y,I.." No,93M ,WAlIMN'n'lJEtm (for1~II~ogl'llphk>Reolr~l Ilt».$/'1$ l>/E'd l>5E'Of-J lI~~3l1Il 1~CJM31S ~.ld J:E:S -L66re 'f-JCJf..I comm!ity Development Plan ROU!g Form Routed To :Greg Hall,Public Works Terri Partch,Public Works Todd Oppenheimer,Public Works I-rvli l(e McGee,Fire -R eturn To :Tamm ie Williamson ,Commu nity Deve lopment X 2142 Dat e Routed:2/26/97 ReturnBy :3/5/97 Proj ect Name:250Add ition Proj ect Address :778Pota to PatchDrive Project Legal :Lot18,Block 1 Potato Patch Project Description:250Addition (throug theconversion of theathe garage forthe secondary unit ,minor exterior change. __Approved /Denied(citedetailedreasons )_----'Approved with conditions Need Comments by 3/597 /// Daterece ived: Rev iewedby :Daterev iewed: ·r.vi.ad 7/14/94 DESIGN ""~REVIE~~J30ARD APPLICATION -TOWN OP-VAIL,COLORADO DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** feb.0I-lrrz INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS MAY NOT BE SCHEDULED FOR REVIEW. ********** I. A . B . C. D. E . F . G. H . I. J. TYPEOFREVIEW: _____New Construction ($200.00)~Minor Alteration ($20.00) ____Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS:.T~&71.,"/1 e.IC ~·[),:z , LEGAL DESCRIP~ON:Lot /h Block .....:::..J:::....._ subdivision ~t L..P ;-j ;-/y rn M 7-'........,.... If property is described by a meets and bounds legal description,please provide on a separate sheet and attach to this application: ZONING: NAME OF Ma .i Li,ng Addres s:_==--e::L.I......~=:::..J:;,...:..~..:c...:':C:..---'~....;....~~..,:-:.'--:-~..:....;;,~'::r'oo!=~ //1"'J/-:!/i NAM EOF APPLICANT 'S Ma.i Li,n gAdd res s:-'=,r=-"'--'--"'J..--'-~"---'-L-r;;...~~,-,-,'-f-""--"'~=:--""-7'-:::P"-'";-;':c..::::.:.~,-+./...,- (/./( APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE:DRB fees,as shown above,\are to be paid at the time of submittal of the DRB appli~ation.Later,when applying for a building permit.please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal.The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according tot~e table below,to ensure the correct fee is paid .. FEE PAID:$CHECK #:DATE:BY: FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION FEE.......10,000 .20.00'I'v .p .;> $10,001 $50,000 $50.00 $50,001 -$150,000 $100.00 "'"$150,001 .$500,000 $200.00 $500,001 -$1,000,000 $400.00 $Over $1,000,000 $500.00 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES ONEYEARAFTER FINAL APPROVALUNLESS A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. 1 ,' /._LIST OF MATERIALS e NAME OF PROJECT:~A12r'L..Jr 'f5 E?CC7.A./vr11Z y UA-./l;'Z..~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT-!-BLOCK I.ti-SUBDIVISION PoTAjp..fA T(Y-f STREETADDRESS:::r:::rA ·Pt7Ci4 YZ?/2fTc:-H,.Dg I The fo 11owing in formation is requ ired for submitta l to the Des ign Review Board before a final approval can be given: A.BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof TYPEOF MATERIAL COLOR Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffi ts Windows Window Trim I I II II Doors Door Trim Iland or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other /iJcJOO -/C::I.-r'-t--:=.:5 (m rJ TGii Ey/~!:. p.)tJ /,:;;;;TT I t:::- ;'I 11 II II 'I II {I II B.LANDSCAPI NG:Name of Designer: Phone: 7 Single ._ilY ZONE CHECK FOR Residence,Dupl ex. ZONE DISTRICTS e ' Pr~mar y /Secondar y DATE:/2 /28 /q 0 ,r I j LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot -L-Block l);Subdivision ~~~(t?~~~ ADDRESS:9;::;'9;PC'lt!rZ2 P;1 TC::rt ,~ OWNER ;:=.g':P-O .i3A eJiJ?PHONE ::5/70 ..4..C?A-44 4 Z ARCHITECT Azrr-s't..GN,.ffG{2L.E }~f1<?..PHONE 4"l/.::z &'?4fZ.'::;/O .r--).F?&'X?_O ZONE DISTRICT __j_/~/~~~'o~~_ PROPOSEDUSE J2'~·~::"'-!oD~.,..Ji lrU~0 A r7rA'"t.")AI LOT SIZE BUILDABLELOT AREA Height Total GRFA Allowed (30)(33 ) ~1 :::;::.:...2 +.~:;"':'7 Z .<.:.-:; Existing proposed Total IV Ci c:::...;-f-A f-/e.,r:.:.--- Pr imary GRFA Z 0L::.rt2,+425 =Z C;"7?Z '102 Secondary GRFA I I/Z-+425 ='2/3::;'l CJc;o Q 2 13 2 - ?c:J,,~-:1 / 20' 1 5'/--/c."~1 1,,-.4 A.j.0'.E~_--,-__ 15' Front Side s Rear Setbacks S iteCo verage 4=1 20 4120 Landscaping Re taining Wall Heights Pa r king /,1:"'::1 C flr'l l'-/.~e..-----'---==---- 3'/6'/-/(1 C~""fpr"~E--~- ~Req r d ~En c 1 %Permitted Slope __~%_proposed Slope __~_ Complies wi th T.O .V.Ligh ting Ordinance Aj/~i Yes No Water Course Setback (30)(50) Do Finish Grades Exceed 2 :1 (50%)YES,_NO X En vironmen tal /Hazards:1)Flood Pla in 2)'Percent Slope «>30%)A II"o.:} 3)Geolog ic Hazards a)S now Ava Lariche _ b)Rockfall >< c)Debr is Flow _ 4)We tl ands _ View Corridor Encroachment :Yes _N0 __--::.:.=.-_ Does this r eques t .i.l1vulve d 250 Addition?N C. How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request?(J P revious conditions of approval (check property file): 10 ,, TOWNOFVAIL I n ::'\o{~_..•...."-roo _.'TAX~--COSTRA.-."TOTAL ' D ErARTMf.:'\"T or <:O:'ll.\IL";'\fIl'DE\"[LorM F.=,,. 1'---.:...=....:......:...:....::..:......:..:...:.:.=...1RE CEl rT 1'0.//'7g /0 ..... ~.~..... rI .-._.------..-._----.............._..- S5 .00 ·S54.00 •... S39.00 •"~-S37.00 •;; S36 .0 0 •ii;i' S37.00 • •, S7.00 • SO .25 • •ri'< S 5.00 ·10 ,.;;. I :;~. ~v · '%.. S20.00 ~..(~ l'l; I /00 '=-~ ~s,.... f: ~i:x= :J ~'.: -x- tt 01 0000 4 ~412 T OVFEES C01\lPUTER P ROGRAM I!0 \0000 4 ~3 7 1 PENALTY F EES /RE-INSPECTlONS~()\OOOO 4 1332 Pl.AN R EVIEWRE-CIIECK FEE.:,..;[S,;::4"'0,..,1"")I .,..,:R;-I·I.-nR'.1-----l---!------+----t----j ~;j t ,01 (){)0042332 O FFIl OURS INSPECTION FEE S ;!01 0000 4 1412 CONTRAC I;;,-O""R<-;S~I•.;Ji7C-,.;E,.;cN;:;"S:..;.E7.-S~F;.;:E;;:;E<-S--------f--+---t----t----j~ :~010000414 13 SIGN A P PLICATION F EE ..0 1 (){I OO -11413 AD D l"I ToN :\L SIGN~A;,.;(c<;Jl,,":1,;,:E;;;:Ii,:",--'"[S::.,:I"'.O:..:O:...;P:....:':..:,:R.:.;S:::cQ"'.c:..F-=-T:.J,.l___4---I----I----t----t 0 1 0000 -12 -140 VTC ART PROJECT DONA n ON .~0 1 0 00042415 U NIfORM BUILDINGC ODE '""0 1 (10004 2415 UNIFOR MPLUMBINGCODE :=0100004 1540 ZON ING AND ,\DDRESSM APS ~0I 0000 42 415 I UNI FOR;Tl\c.;-l.;.;-M",I:;,;:·C,..:,1~1";.c.N~I ~C~Ac::L:....:C::..:O~D=E I-_+__+----;;.;,T7.7;--r.-~~1 ..010000 42415 UNIFORM FIRE CODE·<i:.h':'io~;i;-;';;-'-iT--bIT7%;,rr7T--;;':-'i~~~7T...,...-;""r---------j---t----+-ITfrvrti.----~".(,I ()(l 004 ~41 5 NAT IONALE LECTRICALCODE ~a I 0000 4 24 1-)"'()T 1I ER CO DE HOOKS '"0 1 000041548 BLUE PRnl"'N~T;;'S":';(l\;':;l:';Y;';L:';A:"'R"'SC;-)----------+--__4--__4-~,..",,,-+.,___--~ 8 0 1000042412XE ROXCO PIES ::,.0 100 00 4 2 ~12STUDIES R 0 1 00004 1331 l'1iE 1'/\1 1)DESIC<GT-N"'r;.;;{;;.E\;:c;.,IIFo:\;;V~I3~O~A~R~D...!.I...!.:r~":=--.-----+--ii---+-----t-L~"-----e: ~_~0 I l){)00 4 ~J I I INVESTI(jAT ION FEE (l3UILDING) 310000 -151 10 TOY P/\RKING FU ND •.0 I 0000 ~~02 7 ITOVN EW S;cI';-;I\-7P~Ei:,;R:;D~I S"i'p"'E"N17S"'E'1iR"FC'i-U'N"'''D,---------j---+---l----t----{ "-t"7'.""0""1 ""0""0(;;-;1('"')2"'1""'1-;-12'-+-;;,'f,\XA BLEra;4 •51.(STAT~ECL:)----------I----I----I----_l_---lx'! -~•0 1 aooo -11010 I T ,\XABLE (a)4 .0 7~TO W N) '--0 I 0000 4 237\IIU ILDING INV ESTI GA~:l;;;-J~O~N\------------l---!------+----t----{§l 10lllER PEe APPLICA 'IIO.\;l·EES ., S20 0.00 ~ S200 .00 S50 0.00 S1,500.00 SI,OOO.OO S200.00 S2 50.00 S250 .00 5200.00 .:0 I 0000 -1 1330 S PECIAL DEVELOP~IENT DIST RICT [NEW] ~.01 0000 4 1330 SP ECIAL DEVELO PMENT DISTRICT [MAJOR AME ND]:!h:0,.;-1-;O<J~0;<-0..;.4 .;.;1 3;..;3~0-+;;S;.;,P;;E;.C~I A;;L::...;"D;;E;.,V;;E.;::LO~P tv~I~E~N;..;T"';D;;I;';:;S';T';;R';';IC;';-T;"'+[l\~1~IN~TO~R--.:A:,.:.l\~1:;;E~N:;;D;.d-ll-l----+----4=-:,;~;.:.K;<-+----§1f.0 10000 41330 SU BDIVISION OTHE R TOTAL: REC.~HI.OLl 7 NS ." CASH 1 -'1 CI'.'(''7't'$""5" ~ If. ~@COMMD-TI:-ft1 I~~---------------------------------§~~:t----------:---=:-:-----------------------EE.:l ~ - I,ETTER OF TR A&LJ..lIMCLIL..TL..T.L....CJlA..a.IL-'_.-----= DATE:~/~+/q7 ~ TO:fbwtt of V~;c/f~NNfNb .,ATTN:.1?rI1 MY Wtu"IAM~N JOB NO.q~'.. RE:PJAlCrt.(-r (C.~pBi ?Af)0!170N ATTACHED PLEASE FIND: t>L.PROGRESSPRINTS.$SPECIFICATIONS ~PLANS SHOPDRA~GS kOTfIER Pf$/f~AP{UZAlltJN» ARCHITECTS ITEM NO. .~. NO.OF COPIES DESCRIPTION ;<FORYOURUSE .RETURNED AFTER REVIEW THE ITEMS LISTED ABOVEARE: FORREVIEW AND COMMENT ,_::.'p(AS REQuEsTED '. .OTHER '""----------------------- BY:Pll3/fj~?-A'U,if/ftJY QUEfG17(j.JS .J /aur~ COPIES TO:fiie Planning•Architectu re •Interiors 1650 Ea st VailValleyDriv e Fallridge c-t•Vail,CO816 57 •fpb@ colorado.net •fax(970)47 6-4901 •(970)476-6342 .... TI le effi cien t Series69 and Series 69R kitchens offer comp lete meal pre paratio n.co nve n- ient storage and stylish design s.The y can be cus- tomi zed wit h a variety ofoption s.such as dish- was he rs.garbage di sp osers or microwav e ove ns to meet sp ecifi cneeds .(R ec esse d kitchen des ig nsare 3"longer and feature up turned sink-top ends .) StandardFeatures: •Porcelain sinktop with embossed dra in boa rd and sing le handle fauc et withlimited swi ng spout. •24"no-d uct exhaust hood with light. •Dee p bowl sink (1 2-114"x 17-314"x 6-112") with 3-1/2"drain and strainer. •Co lor-coordinated bac k wal l shie ld. •Co ord inating cabi nets in any Dwye r fi nish. Series69 offers: •Three-burner surface elec tri ccoo king units (with safety swi tches and sign al lights),El ec tri c ove n wi thtop broil er has two tubula r heatin g el em ents foruniform bakin g or bro ilin g.Also availabl e with gas two -b urne r surfac e cooking units wit h so lid -state pilo tless igni tion with no ove n. •Re movable61-cubic foot refrige rator wit h fan- co oled co nden ser,interi orlight ,pus h-b utton defros t,wipe clean se am less interiorand short-term pre- frozen foodcom partme nt. Wired for l iS-volt ,tw o-wire , 6O-cycle A.C. Series 69 R offers : •'lwo-b urner surface elec tric coo ki ng units (w ith safety swi tches and signal lights ), or gas (with so lid-state pilotl ess ignition). •12.0-cub ic foot ,fros t-free upr ight refr igerato r/free zer with interior lig ht,wipe - clean seam less interio r. Availab le in Almond or Wh ite. Wire dforl l i -volt ,two-wire, 60-cycle A.C . II .l/odel E69SCR sbou n ui lb W1Jile t extu redsleelcabines (//u/lJ1Jileporcelain co un- lerlopuitb tuo burners,'/0- duel exba ust bood u.ilh lighl {/1II1 12.0·ClI bicf ool./rost - Fee refi it<erator/freezer. Dwyer's 69"kilcherr untb Wi/so"art'BilleR Cherry HPL·sly}e cabines .'J1J ile porcelain cou ntertop un tb tbreeburners,'/0 o£'err (Mod.I)and opliollal30" buill-ill miaouace uilh exbaust hood and lighl (stod.7V). rovlS&d 212~ill3 ,, DateofApplication Feb.1.4-)/1'17 DateofORBMeeting ;·i .J.:.,l '-i ;'.I' DateofPECMeeting(if necessaryL..i1tlV,@ I /117 ) APPLICATION FOR ADDITIONAL GRFA (250) I.TYPe..eF REQUEST VStandard 250 TypeIEHU250 __TypeIIEHU250 __TypeVEHU 250 II.PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE Apre-applicationconferencewithamemberoftheplanning staff isstrongly encouragedto discuss theprovisionsunderwhichadditionalGRFAcanbeaddedtoasite.Itshouldbe understoodthatthisordinancedoesnotassureeachpropertyanadditional 250squarefeetof GRFA.Rather,theordinanceallowsforupto250squarefeetiftheconditionssetforthin Chapter18.57orChapter 18.71 oftheTownofVailcodearemel. Applicationsforadditions under this sectionwillnotbeacceptedunless theyarecomplete. ThisIncludesallInformationrequiredonthisformaswellasDesignReviewBoardsubmittal requirements. III.APPLICATIONINFORMATION A.PROJECT DESCRIPTION'_-=-==--"--~:::""-":"-:=":"'''':''+--l-':'''':';''''~~__ CcJ!J'JEt2..ta D A /C!:J E .oLI . I . t . B.LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: Address ?7-8 PeJ7-A7Zd R1rcrf ~I LegalDescription :Lot )2;Block 1 Zone District PI ~. F. C.NAMEOFAPPLICANT:~f3dg.rt.-/t Address 5.1:ItJ H Ue£2.Cl££2~:;?T7 Cf1 /~M Q ,rL,fe:O(/40 I D.NAMEOFAPPLICANT'SREPRESENTATIVE:8 /1.-t-)~,-u2t=:;1!?6lJT-I Address c/O f3r:=-ct<.,1,4;.o~C ,).~o~,~2?>}\J,:I L,;,GJ .. E.NAMEOF OWNER(SI '~.~ ••Signature(s), Address 54-'j )1/vr::8 ;4f2p 7 .4 1C.r4 ,-;,~Phone 8 /Z -dq4 444 z.. :I1-&1:-'c-./o I Fili'lg Feeof $200.00 is requ ired '!t lim e 01 submittal ofa standard 250 .Fora request involvir.g en -E1 ':iJ,thefee 13 waived . .}\~.~.:.~~'"~"""..~.'~.: .'-,,': r ·' Mon Dec16 1996 3:15 PM XScale:1 in =5.34 ft YScale:1 in =5.36 ft I r . r--Site Covet- r- 4120 ~et· r-- Bartl it "-) Ir ,-- ')-- CAN .,AOO 44¢d F ~f1'b ~'1eR.AGE- XScale:1 in = I Pt-iHanj GRFA 1530 Mon Dec16 1996 3:15 PM 5.21 ft VScale:1 in =5.23 ft J Bat-t 1 it GRFA (rYJ /hN) 1b'rA (.,A L {,()'If <::>~/7'2-fi 1S rA(.,j;;;(/~1~1#4~z.1 f<.~MAIN/~G bR-FA 3tfo;i (UGf;P ON f {<Jlvllt fZ'() r tGt:J f!Z.IMAK.-Y CPA/?:17/rC) t 'ZC7()C3>ectiV f)A ~r Mon Dec 16 1996 3:14 PM XSeale:1 in =4.88 ft VSeale:1 in =4.90 ft I r . PriMary GAFA I ?58 Secondary Secondary IGRFA Garage 1900 498 IIr--- PriMary Garage I 510 Bat-t lit GRFA (Wf/,.J ~fZ=-) .-. Pt-iMapj \GRFA \644, Man Dec 16 1996 3:15 PM XScale:1 in =4.47 ft ¥Scale:1 in =4.49 ft Bart lit GRFA ')• ign Review Action F TOWN OF VAIL Category Number _Date 2-ID-97 Project Name:BA1?TLrr BuildingName:_ Project Description :2-50 A pprnON 7f1-l(out:..tf {!(JNVC;£\lOtI ()("fJI~710/l! nE Gtft/k;£)ON <t:CONM#=Y UN IT (97P)941-/Bco• Zone District f5 1?IlRTt..IT ?T CIIIUlGo/IL.fa ()(P/V (112.)4q1-1~1z.. Owner,Address and Phone:_HwR"-It:-.<D..L-.-...LLLJ..L:>-'---"'!.'---.L-_ 5'-4 W.4t<fJ.M !4> rchitec ontact,Address andPhone:----U.B~/L'-'-L~LJ.,4;caw:~~~....2!sv.O!l.""~_ C/O &<i:..P k 5fX../!t;X 10 112 VALI..!:II--=-=U;,------",[3,::..:....V6."""':5;o<....!B=---"'--L-l.~--'------'-~:::::......=- Legal Description:Lot 18 Block I Subdivision JdlI t.8JllrtD 71r7ZH Project Street Address:-:;=r8 forrtro 'RJ.7cH /)gI vE Comments:5 £..&C ON{)lfIDN S 1,5$1)Bf4p w,'To &:..s'A W/7TP/) P;e/O(2..P &/>(,.h:RIlJlT -Beard VStaff Actio Motion by :_ Seconded by:_ o Approval Vote:_ o Disapproval ,(Staff Approval Conditions:(j),f2E Vl4)/"f tl1.iJNt;70 sllow ~tJ11c£.5 ~.&5'1/.5 ,9t 6VYlt llP/1 0 (1/*"$'/7£pt-/J1'f 71J &/I 11f1/11ll1!lIrYI WI!JT!t or:/2 Fa./.Il:s P£IR-,;I ;jIliN DC ~fL Q7}Nt)4?D5 , PI Efl?£.:5H!J rI 'R ElJVtJ 1/lIe,WAu..t:£TJ9 1L.S (I,e.f/m;,ur WTJ7 7()O (£Ci)3 n) lW y 7212 ~J)Gl2-1tA1 NC l /:j50c 11I7J=.!J /1/1711 /f£711IN/It'c;viIft...c-s . Town Planner Date:Z~I cr<I7 •DRBFee pre-paid-. ..e MEMORANDUM TO:File FROM :Tamm ie Williamson,TownPlanner DATE :February19,1997 SUBJECT :778PotatoPatch250Requestsubmitted1-13-97 and subsequent submittalmodification . App licant:F red Bartlit Planner:TammieWilliamson Summary On January 13,1997Fritzlen,Briner,Piercesubmittedan application fora250through theconversionofaportionofthegarageonthesecondaryunit.Staffreviewedthe proposalassubmittedanddecidedthatsincethemajorityoftheconversionwas interior withverylittlealterationtakingplaceontheexterior.Therefore ,therequestfor 250 inordertocovertaport ion ofthegarageonthe secondary dwellingunit,wasstaff approved onFebruary10,1997,withtwoconditions: 1.Thattheapplicantrevisetheparkingtoshow spaces number3and5as submittedonthesiteplantobeaminimumwidthof12feet ,asperTown ofVailstandards ;and 2.Thattheapplicantshowretainingwalldetails,(Le.height(nottoexceed3 feet))andanyproposedgradingassoc iated withretainingwalls. On February 11 ,1997LauraNashandBill,onbehalfof t he applicant ,FredBartl it, cameintorequestmodificationtotheproposalintheformofanadditional250to expandtheprimaryunit.Theywereasking guidanceonwhattheprocedurewouldbe torequestanother250 .Shouldtheypaytheapp lication feeatthispo int sincethewant to incorporate itintothisproposal?Thisproposalwouldremovetheentiregarage associated withthesecondaryunittocreateadditionalsquarefootageintheprimary unit.Morespecifically,thisproposalwouldcreateanew gymnasium fromthe secondary unit's garageandexpandingtheprimary unit'smasterbedroomandcreate another bathroom. MyresponsewasthatIwouldrunitbythegroupforguidanceonhowtoproceed .I talkedtoDominic ,LaurenandDirk .Everyoneagreedthisrequestfora250mustbe submitted onaregularsubmittaldateanditwouldbereviewedassuch .Irelayedthis •• •e information toLaura,on February 12,1997.IalsotoldherthatIneedmore i nformation onthek itchenette inthenew250request ,becauseIwasnot sureasto what wasgo ing onanduntilIknowthatfullkitchenfacilitiesaspercodeexistinbothunitsthis 250 requestcouldnotbeapproved. Weleftitasthe250request submitted on January 13,1997wou ld stillstand ,andthey wouldcome inthenextsubmittaldateonFebruary24 ,1997to submit forthesecond 250 request forthe primary unit. •• • • • • • • • • • • • • co mm u!Developmeut PIau RO U tiU~vr m Routed To:Gr eg H all ,Pub licW orks Te rri Mart inez,PublicW orks T odd Op penh eimer,Pub licW orks MikeMcGe e,Fire Retu rnT o:Ta mmie Will iamson,Community D evelopment X 2142 Date Routed :1/15/97 Return By:1/29/9 7 Project Name:Fr ed Bartlit2 50Re quest Project Address:778 Potato P a tch Drive Project Legal:Lot18,Block I ,VailPotato Pateh Projec tDescription:Interior Co nversion /g;ed _~Denied (citedetailed reasons)__~Appro v ed withconditions I ,'!t.':'7'.'!:'?_'':;~_§-l ~.1~'[i'liB~;I:':!~l III18::C''';;'!: .:::;:.:.; Need Com m entsby I /29/97 D ate re ceived : Re v iewed b y :Da te reviewed: •• ZONE CHECK Date:1-21 -9 "7 Legal description :Lot !B B lock _/'-----_Filing !i1WTl>PIIK t/ Address 77P Pomm P4 1Uf Owner aGD BIJ.R"rt-1 r Phone (312-1194--144z. ~A'PArc!f l3iLi-IIIi)FtsrW Phone (qZO\Q4Q-/8oo Zone distriet':-"n'-;f--""S:--Proposed use -RE:..~I DEMJA--L- Lot size 0 ~Buildablearea 'kG BZ-l I Allow ed Existing Proposed Remaining T otal GRFA ---+---=----+----= 60.zPrimaryGRFA2S'13 +425(675*)=,10/5 t4 0 /o sccondary GRFA ~~l ~6 75 *)=2-kS -3 ~+ /q05 + o =zCfL I4_ =7./0 I '"675 =425credi t plus250 addition =---- Do cs th is request involve a250Addit ion?"/E.5 I J. H ow much of the allowed 250 Addition isused withthis request?77:~,..LA...L..J0"'--'LP----- tjJftErQb +Site Coverage Height Setbacks Landscaping Retaining WallHe ights ~33 ) front 2 0' Si des 15' Rear 15' Minimum IZA'i1-, 3'16' 52.;\If' t'o.8' NO (ha.~ f1 {,.700 r:_ J Parking Required _____Encl osed Garage Credit (300)(600)(90 0) Driveway Perm itted Slope %Pr oposed Slope % Complies withTOYLighting Ordinance Yes _No.NjA Arefini shed grades lessthan2:I (50%)Yes,_No 'I, Environmental/Hazards I )PercentSlope «>30%)_--...:..tV....."f-'IA-=--_ 2)Floodplain N 111:, 3)We tland s NI!,1+L 4)WaterCourse S etback (30)(5o),_---'AS'...:-1I'-'-rr'--_ 5)G eologic Hazards __......!...:./v+I-'-A-:--_ a)Snow Avaianche,_..,N:+l.u,!-_ b)Rockfall 'A/If c)D ebrisFlow --~A.'f;/~,7t=--------­, Previous conditions of approval (checkproperty filc)~:_ Isthe property non-co nforming?Describe:_ •• Project: DESIGN REVIEW CHECKLIST 79tf,,'~T1-IT;2b{;77 8 R.wrrv IttTell o SURVEY .,./Seale ./Benchmark ,/Legaldescription LotSize BuildableArea Easements ~Topography 100 yr.floodplain Water CourseSetback Environmental Hazards ~Trees ~Utilitylocations /Spot elevationsv o SITEPLAN v Scale v Building Height V Encroachments ~Setbacks ./SiteCoverage- Eaves/Overhangs (4') o FLOOR PLANS Scale GRFA V 250 additional GRFA Crawl\Attic Spaee EHU o BUILDING ELEVATIONS ./Scale -.L Color\Materials v"Roof Piteh o LANDSCAPE PLAN ./Existing trees V Proposed trees Legend MISCELLANEOUS CondoApproval Titlereport(A &B) Utility verification form Photos of site Building material samples C .O.Verification ./Decks/Balconies ./Garageconnection Site Grade\Slope RetainingWalls Fences-- ..L Parking/Garage ..L Turning Radius ---.:L Driveway(accessandgrade) SnowStorage Fire Access ./ Sun\Shade Angles Utilities (underground) ViewCorridors Variances Plat restrictions •~\Wc.6.\51~0\,\ Commumty Development Plan Routing Form Routed To:Greg Hall,PublicWorks TerriPartch,PublicWorks Todd Oppenheimer,PublicWorks Mike McGee,Fire ReturnTo:TammieWilliamson,CommunityDevelopment X 2142 Date Routed :1/15/97 ReturnBy:1/29/97 ProjectName:FredBartlit250Request Project Address:77'(1,Potato PatchDrive ProjectLegal:Lot18.Block I.VailPotatoPatch ProjectDescription:Interior Conversion __.Approved Y Denied (cite detailed reasons)__.Approvedwith conditions Need Comments by1/29/97 ~""[tit(I::oof-we lan:.lsw.p i 11'-1 e tin - ~(o..\opOif~\Uc.~) ~oF \lUI """",,<nun--.Id "o ,C<'d<trd is \2' Review edby: rectlled 1/1<;lq, I"r.\I\cu>ecl/reo ned 1/2.2./'n Date received: Datereviewed: DE C -23 -86 11 ;3 7 F RO M:L A ND TITLE G U AR AN TEE VAll.ID :3""'3 476 4 534 P AG E Properties Ad jaccnt to Lot 1 H Block 1 Vail Potato Patch. KEVlN CLAlR AND SALLY CLAIR 193 E .Gore Creek Dr. Vail,CO Hl657 L ot 20 mock 1 (Parcel B) TIlE JOHN STEPHEN BAKALAR REVOCABLE TRUST 1760 Dale Ave . Highland Pnrk,II,60035 Lot 17 Block 1 MARJORY E.SAUNDERS 3013 Robin Way Denver,CO R0222 Lot 12 Dlock I (Parce l H) KIRKJ .AND JULIANNE M.HANSEN 775 Potato Patch Dr.W 112 Vail,CO 81657 Lot 29 Block I (West Parcel) NICOLASC .AND ODETfE A .ASSOUAlJ 6919 Fryingpan Rd. Boulder,CO80301 Lot 20 Block 1 (Parcel A) SISSEL POMBOY 40 Baldwin Farms No : Greenwich,CT 06831 Lot 21 Block 1 (parcels A &B) ROBINJEANDAVIS and SCOTr S .SEGAL 2 Wildacrc Rd . Charleston,NV 25314 Lot12 mock 1 (Parcel C) NORTHEAST CAPITAL PARTNERSHIP #5 Highfield Terrace N.Caldwell ,NJ 07006 Lot29 Block 1 (East Parcel) 12/23/96 11:39 TX/RX NO.6 375 P.001 • ,• ..In:~t ·~ACCOIJ:"r ~o .4 •••~••••._~.:7:·,···;···..d ~··:~'···.:NO.'·-,·_·.'-·TAX ·.-"COSTF..A'...····TerrAL ' 0 1 00004 1540 ZON ING ANDA DDRESS MAPS 0 1 000042415 UN lfORt\l ROILDINGCO DE $5.0 0 • $54 .00 • $39.00 • $37.00 • $36.00 • $37.00 • ~-;c.;.~~~-7--I---iT.~~'-i--i-i~i-".7;~::;:'-.""-~~-------+--1-.,..---t--7'i~i;-t;,------fi1j..01 00 004 241:iU NIFORMPL UMBING CODE 01 00 0042 415U NI FORM !Y~,l-FiE-;:,C:..;H;,;A~N~1 C;.;A:...::..=L-=C:..:O:..:D:..:E,,-~--------1i---+----j-~'IT'_ld\_r._---I~1 I ~01000042415 UNIFORM FlRECODE rt'rJl 000042415 NATIONALEL ECTRICAL COD E 13·01000042415 OT HER CODEBOOKS • 57.00• $0.25 • $20.00 .. ~ $200.00 5 250.00 5250.0 0 5200.00 5200.00 $200.00 55 00.00 5 200.00 51,500.00 s 1,00 0.00 ..'::-",:,~>.;.,:.'.:'..~" .... EXTERIOR ALTERA TIONIL ESS THAN 100 SO .FT.! EXTERIORAL TERA TION [MORE TH AN 100SO .FT.! PEe AI'PLICA1101'0"FEES ADDITI ONAL GR FA"250" SUBD IVISION VAI UANCE ZONING COD E AM ENDMENTS R E·ZONING OTH ER S PE UA L D EVELOPMENT DISTR ICT INEWI SP ECIAL DEV ELOPMENT DISTRICT [MAJOR AMEND] SP ECIAL DEV ELOPMENT DISTRICT [MINOR AMEND! CONDITIONAL USE PE RMlT 010000413 30 0 1000041330 01000 04133 0 01 ()()0041330 _01 0000 4133 0 ;:0 1 000041330 01 00004 1330 .~01000041330 2<0I oo oo 4 1330 "~f l------=-.;c:..:..:':":":"------------------''-----'----L----'---_j:;:l :~-----------,lIT.'O,..,....ToI'icrr.I"'T'.,....,,""""Y.'T.''T.'"<:'------::-:--::----,---,-""7""---,---,---,-:----.----:-:-:-:-::7~___,_--_j\'rl i¥:<YI 000041330 :t3 /-;i:T-;i~ii_:;_~;i;-ITT;-:;:;:mTiii:,.=..:-'----------------ii--+--+........,""'nn_t_--_j~1~~hT-7i:~~~~~Tm~~........,.......,""''''''rrr'i'i'--------+---l----1h~~:+--_ftB ~1--7i~~~~;K-Fn-i~~i:-m~~=~==~:...--------'-I--+--+...:;;~~+---j~ ~I'" 14 0 I 0000413 30 TOTAL: OTH ER ~ ~. ~COMM D-TI:,-tsj I-----------------------§~~-~CASH 1 -')CK "[v'"7"3 ~}~0 I-J !: asc ,BY ·I~V j • .............N U ......VRIL Misce llaneous Cash I 01-16-97 11:29:11 Receipt.II 2 15063 Recount.#CK II 7362 FRITZLEtJPIER CE 8RII~EF:',DR8 FEE Rrflount.t.endered >100.00 Item paid 01 (1161010413310016 Change r e t.urned :;. Rmount pa id l H ..• .........--..."....---..._-.-..--':':.'.--.-'!".,.-.:.:.-_!?-"i....~_....._.-:::~:.::::·.1(.--·:?~:'::'!'?'~.._..:~~~i?~e':"':'T"":-"O-._--.---.....---.-..-.."....."..-..•r"...s:;:(!772f)0IIR.r.c nfT x o,-t T OWN Or-VAIL ~~ :;0 rc ::::."41i'!iBffE;;;;~:;:~:""""·...<;,. +:~= ~~¥I ,/3 '--CiJ~D ATE §~ ~r ll OJECT .{f ~C HEC"';SMADF.PAVA nL I=:TO TOWN o r "AI L :a ~.\CCOlI:\-r :--:0 ...~..........".-....JTE~I '..--...-:'...•..,......-..:,.....'N O:'"_....TAX -'~-COSTlt.A.~...T errAL ':~ ~=.':i'; ~0 1 00004 1540 ZON ING AND ADDRESS M APS $5.00 •{; IR 01000042415 UNIFORM IlU ILDINGC OD E $54.00 •':i ~0 1000042415 UNIFORM PLUMBING CO DE $39 .00 • i ~OJ 000042415 UN IFORM MECIIAN ICAL COD E $37 .00 • it 0 10000424 15 U NlmRM I·IRI:CODE £36.00 • ~i"(J]00 0 042415 I""I iC,;;,,,..J:L1 :LTiUCAL CODE S37.00 • ~0 1 000042415 O TIIER CODE BOOKS •> f:]0 100004154 8 B LUE P RINTS (MY LARS )£7 .00 • Ii~0 1000042412 X EROX COPIES SO .25 •'.01000042412 S TUD IES •~ ~.01000042412 T OVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM $5.00 • .!"t·0 100004 2371 PENALTY FEES I R E-INSPEC TlO NS ~ 0 1 0000 41332 PLAN REVJE\V RE-C IIECK FEE ($40 PI:R II R .]Jj.'i ~~010 000 42332 OF F !l OURS INSPi:CTION FEES ~" n OT OOO04 1412 =CONTRA CTOR S LI CENSES FE ES r . "010 000 4 1·113 S IG N AP PLICATION FEE S 20.00'..oI 0000 414 13 ADDITI ONIIL S IGNAGE FE E [S1.00 P ER S Q .FT.l 7~.~0 1 00 00 424 40 V T C A RT PROJECT DO NATIO N I~ 01 0000 A 13 3 I PRE PA ID DI:S IGN REVIEW BOARD F EE ".f ~ ~0 1 OOOD 4 2371 IN VESTIGATION FEE (BUILDIN G)~- ;;3 10000 4 5 110 T OV PARKING FUND ~ 71.0 1 0000 22027 TOV N EW SPAP ER D ISP ENSERFU ND ~.-*01 00 0021112 TA XAB LE (II:4 .5%(S TIITE)s:.- ~*01000041010 TAXA £ILE (iD 4 .0 %(TOWN)7-. "-0 10 000 4237 1 BUILDI NG I NVESTIG ATIO N ;cr.~OTIIER ~~. ~f..4".t! '"P EC A P PLICATIOI'I'Et<;S .'.............*.".;...~ '.'m ..'''~,'. =~(r l 00 004 1330 ADDITI ONAL GRFA "250"S 200.00 Zo(>.c ,,; d:01 000 04133 0 C OND lTlON ALUSE PERMIT S200.00 , ~010000 41 330 EXTERIOR A LTERATION (L ESS THAN 100 SQ .FT.]S2 00 .0 0 .., -~0 1000 041 330E XTE RIOR A LTERA nO N (M ORE THAN 100SQ.FT .]S 500 .0 0 ~...0100004 1330 S PE CIAL D EVELO PMENT DISTRICT [NEW]51,500 .00 ..-~!:-"010000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTR ICT (MAJOR AMEND]SI,OOO.OO ~:01000041330 SP E CIAL D EVELOPMENT DIST RICT (MI NOR AMEND]S200 .00 IT' 01 00 004133 0 SU BDIVISION .., "t";~~1 010000 4 1330 VARIA NCE S250.00 0". ~c aI 0000413 30 ZO NING C ODE AM ENDMENTS $250.00:r.'. ffi :01()()00 4133 0 RE-Z ONING $200.00"F-;OTHER ~O THER ~TOTAL:'2-OQ.Od~~. ~COMM a-OS :•. 'E~.. ~~. ~ ~"1?1 fr;f n »>.. ~.CASH I J CK."[V lH.Ol-J I asc,BY'-rr W ,1/>.....-..._......'"••_0 '••0 _ • Miscellaneous Cash ., 01-16-97 11 :2:3 :3 3 Rec eipt #215062 Account *'Cf(*'7361 FR ITZLEH PIERCE BRIHER ',.I=lD(lITIOHAL GRFI1 2 50 I"=Irilount.t.endered )- I tem paid 01 0~XJ041330 0 00 Crlsnge retl.Jrned )- 2€Kl.00 Rmount paid <:.-.-..... .O"h Review Action F~ TOWNOF VAIL. BuildingName:_ ProjectDescription:(f'SIA((t1 Ce...l l"'y hrdt rlr,/f"'<A)QA/\ r(~P(Cl 0:.,hfflbtr 11"-/f-l ;'1 )rv:0.Jf).1/<(AJilll '"'b rl(t \'-t-Owner,Addressand Phone:-'..n-'.(..:.....I'"",,-(-,--(-----'-=..:..L.....L-'-'--'---_-/---!...'''-''-'-=-'-----=-.::..:.!.='---_ Architect/Contact ,AddressandPhone:'"&C ~f:{.:--!..~~~~":::"":"~~--!..~~L=-._=.L~~~__ 'Yo ry-x 4-030 Vfl;t,co SlhC3B Cf4'l-l hoo Legal Description:Lot /p)Block {Subdivision ?ohrlo 'Pr:'d-c ~ ProjectStreetAddress:1 -:r B 'Pn t tttD "'??i.+r ttl, (\./r \'\11(({Ja I /t r t \(/J ,,1 ,r Zone District Y...L-=<S==--_ -soa...~taff Action Motionby:_Vote:_ Seconded by:_ o Approval o Disapproval A StaffApproval Conditions?_'...Llt,,--f-'LW7-~-'--'-'=:"":'::"--<----"---":":":":"-------J ,II IL ,IAh l\ Y1-,DRBFee pre-paid ---:.t'--"'--/_J_~-------74Date:_-'-_-----'---_--'--'-_ TownPlanner /71 Block -----'----'-------ce I eh ADDRESS:_--:.7_"7l-...:;C6i!....-.......::..:....:::....t..k:.-.....Il...::;...:..=i....-_ LEGAL DESCRIPTION~Lot /y-c.e Subdivi B ion tun /f q If?/:5' TYPE OJ"QEVIEW; ____New Construction ($200.00)~i no r Alteration ($20.00) __~AddiLion ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) {!r I a 10 lcY let,. B. D. c. PS NAME OF OWNER (S);--'~~=..:....:.;..:....----_t'_4.:...;.-:..:..;:~.....:;,...~=---- 1£prope~ty is.described by a meets and bounds legal description,please provide ona separate sheet and attach to this application. ZONING: NAME 'OF APPLICANT:tU)~.t Ac£Cl t.i g~C; Mailing Address;fO.Au W ~;;:t/n/:Cr2 4;If £"3 .______________-.,..Phone 9 '19 -I 'f>PO NJ\ME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE;/'1rHf fW.h-17' Mailing 'Address:~rp;1.Jl.~g O lj /,c ,;;;':f-~:________________n_Phone -r-------------- "J D(}v-lJ lf E. G. F. H. APPLICAlfIONS WILL NOlf BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNBR'S SIGNATURE I. J. Condominium Approval if applicable: DRB FEE:DRS fees,as shown above,~are to be paid at the time of submittal of the DRB appli ation.'Later,when applying for a building permit,pl ase identify the accurate valuation of the proposal.The TOwn of vail will adjust the fee according to the table below,to ensure the correcL fee is paid. PEE PAID:"CHECK #:DATE:BY: VALUATION FEE SCHEDULE: $0. $10,001 $50,001 $150,001 $500,001 $Over. $10,000 $50,000 $150,000 $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 FEE $20.00 $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 DESI:GN REVl:EW BOARD APPROVAL EXPI:RES ONE YEAR AFTER FI:NAL APPROVAL UNLBSS A BUILDING PBRMIT IS ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION I:S STARTED. 1 ~}:. FAX NO.aO~0318 ~TII JlJi:C;;IiiiX'YJ!l:O I nATB OIl'I»lB ~•.......".. ,l"HP"".NelIDI JlUArQ'uep EX'Jm!ll P"'Sl'!PWz'R rqa ..,,-.raw..••••••••••I Uo.mSlR ir:'"9'=!fAUQK. ;;;~j;;;~;1{142;;:zitP6t:1::~'"::1,c;;i r -., I TYPB OJ!'JlWJ;l!Ms " _--!New ccm.c:nlct,lon ct30D.00)~IlO~A1.t.cn:atJ.on C~20.0Q) __.AAddS.\o~OJlI (.50.00)C!OlI:l.oe))~ua1.':aov.l.e\W :('0) ~BSft'77:§p,/o k 'PO'h/" liBear..J:)8SCR:tP'1'X~~Lge 1 ~lI:1.ook S:Ul>CU.V£D1.gn 10'4/f9;il;;::&It 7.M'------------- X:f pZ'op~:I;'~1'"A.a,lIeaOlC'.iJ:le4 by II JDuts and ~DU.Ilc1a l.eqa1 deS:C::II:'S.J;lt.i.~,p1olt.88 »:l:O'ri.d~Dn a 88Pa~at.e ahee~aDd EIo~tadb to tb~8 ~11ca~ion..I ZQN%NC&£....5:....·_ ~·Olil'APPl.%~.J u ".J ;4~~~e;NaUi~Ack1n••,.J]CA.....;:~~CI~;;::-i~,;;:¥~~.,.;i~t..;...~oJ!1~;p~~-::'J;-,?I./IA'L~:::..,=-,--~---- ,II ODe _~1'S;tP w.MB OF .APPIaCAm"S RIlPKBS~M'XVIU l''1f~L ~~=1i Z' Ma.i.1:Lnq AdClorol!:GI '6i"c1&es etAA'rG-Q=d7 ::=5 ,"Pholl:lG W\HIl 011'~CB)I -J.26LBlel::I."-=J,:.!:f:...-~-'i~~t.....I~Il2!!::__--- p~_.......ol::o...-..::O:;"'.,;;,Ill:~:...---­ AH1f'lIZCA'f'~.NZ.li1i NrJr sa ~l!lDCJIJlI1I11l rtJ:t'IlOEn"~,B Br~'l!rDU!l Con4om:s.u.l.um Appll:'CWtI.1 Ie app1!.c:~tGl': ORB 1'1121 tmB 4!.ea,s..ilhcnm above.~:e to ~.pala.at thot.1mcI o~.ubm11t.1:.a1 of tha I:lU appu'at.icm.·IlatDZ',¥heD. applyinq fa'll a w.i:L4ing Pl'U'm1t,p1 e .:LClant..s.ty t.be aO<:\;lrate YI!l1\aQ,~ioll a£the propo.al.'1'he T~of:v-.J,1 ,.,111 a4jU;lIt the £ee acoo~diDljf tD ~D ta~~~bolow,ta snBU~B ~cor~~L ~eeisgatd.,': '! E.!pam,e SlIJIQ&II pAlg.-X,! x. G. C. D. 8. z. ( 'IPEESS!!fR!IJklI!I VALtJA'PION I'D •0 ••10,000 •20.00 $10,001 ••60.000 •50.00•50,001 .,150,000 $100.00 '150,001 ••500,000 ,aoo.Oo .500,~01 -f1,OOO,000 '400.00 f ovali:'.'1,DOO.000 'SOO.OO 3)BSXo.R.BV%8W BOARD U~DPDJlS (IIq '!'BaR Ar:aa :ra ~~LOY~W:W.,I ~BV:tLDXlIGI'IIJUa'.L':u ~8.UZD M1D CORS XS -8'r~aD. ~----~ ,, i " ------:------;----.--.,. I , (,r .z-w LOT---l:1.BLOCK -1.-SUBDIVISION v..::!-'~=~..Jt.:l,~;.L.27~&£P?&~l !2r <y..e- NAME OF PROJECT :_.....J:o~r...L~!..--.J.'-'-'-t::.=.~:....::::::..:::::L_----;-""7"":'I""7"-r---:;;-;-7 LEGAL DESCRIP~ION: STREET ADDRESS:__-'--'-..2....--'-~~---J~:s.tZ-..I.C..!.~.==--------- -, Th~following information is required for submittal to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: 'A.BUILDING MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATBRIAL 'COWR Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fasoia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys TrashEnclosures Greenhouses Retainino _walls Or;i'~W~u...rj /hsJ .p ot aj r0n;Halls ExLerior Lighting Other /<!1 ~f~Cv 'r ''''./''1'';'''1 112 ((~y ~{~s )/1.,/1"...,-%tty/~l ~IVI I ",..d4 ~t-I.,{P !'c!-c'"~(I l'.e-i S";,J.f re.+....1-,h-r {'(J fo.-,-;f ee '-rl n,~C ~,.;(.'(<<~f#;ftt /P;v'f I~'f(~"d n "e- w/II I.L re/~d t(/;fh eiT>1u4 ~f.<76 -'",?-In qr~("V1 /AI/If /;,7-~#"nf ~&t ~.fLrr?II ""t lVi f ll J",i ~bl ,Q7'""'1--:r"'~/Jd/....,.A A-k./L/Aa.~/(h -Ut- n LJ (f<rk,,!1.1 i <i /',;:1'1'1 't 'C d:'plrh'? j<gi l':£..Ip"./s,,1 ItW.LF ~In ,P',e pi ~HI,~ <i5,h ,,//.(,!:n /r ill Iu C h£Y{flJ,(~C;&P711f !.e.) B.LANDSCAPING;Name of Designer:___ Phone: 7 PLANT MATERIAl Botanical Name common Sa Quant~ty Size* PROPOSED TREES ..- AND SHRUBS A/tw *Indicate caliper for deoiduous Lrees.Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches.Indicate heiqht for coniferous trees.Minimum height for coniferous trees is 6 feet. **Indicate size of proposed shrubs.Minimum size of shrubs is 5 !;fallon. GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION I I Square "Footage 4 &:frl: TYPE OR METHOD OF .....:.,~+-""='--_------- EROSION CONTROL C.LANDSCAPE LIGHTING:If exterior lighting is proposed,please show the number of fixtures and locations ona separate lighting plan.Idenlify each fixture from the lighting plan 1n the space below and provide the height above grade,type of light proposed,lumen output,luminous area and a cut sheet of the light fixture.(Section 18.54.050 J) r,-rfv...6z /It ,;i!"be {,"rr!I!.<tt ~ndf.~..ta/.JZy1 O:n / :b tff wer/<R kI!raA fI('//j .£-r ~a~d..I~ D.OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls,fences,swimming pools,etc.)Please specify.Indicate heights of retaining walls.Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3'.Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6'. ~",If £«~J r :::x~wt '::t~~_!-4 k cft ~_~_al'her0}"q~~J;/.0/f a II}C q/e-d'-$'AI!t</#h 2 ,;;<; 8 U.S.West Communicatio~s 1-800-922-1987 468-~860 or 949-4530 '.SUBDIVISION --r--r'r.-T....:...~_.L.l:!.!t-!..!!..........'-"-~~------------JOB NAME ~~..J/..j:taI.L:I.~~~~'¥--:----:;;;;'-=:;;-- LOT 1 4 ADDRESS --'..:...~_..L.:.~t.LJ'--L..!:.:..:..:~--- The location and availability of utilities,whether they be main Lrunk linea or proposed lines,must be approved and verified by Lhe fOllowing utilities for the accompanyinq site plan. Authorized 'Signature Pate )1/h?Q ~!lQ4t2--b~1/l !r~t/J k &~i d Itllet!..te~y Public Service Company 949-5781 Gary Hall Holy Cross glectric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 949-5530 steve Hiatt upper Eagle Valley water &Sanitation District * 476-7480 Fred Haslee NOT:E:1.This for.m is to verify service availability and location.This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling insL.allat.ions. 2.For any new construction proposal,the applicant must.provide a completed utility verification form. 3.If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction,the utility representative should not directly on the utility verif,icaLion form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved.The issue should then be spelled out in detail in an attached letter to the Town of Vail.However,please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company to resolve identified problems. 4.If the utility verification form has siqnatures from each of the utility companies,and no comments arc made directly on the form,the Town will presume that there are no problems and that the development can proceed. ---5.---'!'h ese veH-Hcat.i.ons do not-rel-ieve -the -contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the TOwn of vail,Department of Public works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right-of-way or easement in the Town of Vail.A building permit is not a street cut permit. A street cut pe~it must be obtained separately. 6.~nstallation of service lines are at the expense and responsibility of the property owner. *Please bring a site plan,floor plan,and elevations when obLaininq Upper Eagle Valley Water &sanitation signatures.Fire flow needs must be addressed. 9 Subdivision,.t, " , "'V4~""..............,..FOR .single F.ly Residence,Duplex,Pr ry/SeconCiary .h /.ZONE DISTRICTS taa: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ADDRESS:OWNER PHONE _ DATE I .. ARCHITECT ~PHONE _ ZONE DISTRICT ___ PROPOSED USE ~__ LOT SIZE BUILDABLE LO'r AREA _-_ Allowed Existing Proposed Total Heiqht Total GRFA (30)(33) Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA ___+ill =._ ___+4~5 ""_ Setbacks Front Sides Rear 20' 15' 15' I Permitted Slope _.........lll_Proposed Slope _---"_ Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining Wall Heights Parking Garaqe Credit Drive: 3'/6' _Reqrd (300)(600)(900)(1200)___ _---'Encl complies with T.O.V.Lighting Ordinance Yes No Water Course Setback (30).(50) DO Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 (50%)YES._NO._ Environmental!Ha~ards:1)Flood Plain 2)percent Slope «>30%)_ 3)Geoloqic Hazards a)Snow Avalanche'--_ b)Rockfallc)Debris Fl-o-w------------- 4)-Wctlands _ View Corridor Encroachment:yes,_No._ Does this request involve a 250 Addition? How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with Lhis request?_ Previous ~onditions of approval (check property file):-------- ~f w.u,#;76-71 r-CtPY!(/ilr<7Cr l.M W /14 If~>ltJuc!9-Y 10 \, '1s-!~(p , 3 ·?d .·1.710 ,3·49 4.83 - n l -----I -- ·.CU l.O(e.TS _ ,,(]fte.TL fi.-rJ _J2.f£S .~~'d I S Tft- ·,N ~~f .•$ "..~.051.9.~<3 .9{»I -~~Ce C:>I.S9 -l.tS .?.'..c,.:9'3 12..01 fo.oS ;;2.7,)..5 s.oS IS:,'I '3 ..8.ft/.-f,7'1 s.ss 3 ...16,33 '-I __._to.73."<3 .'17 __....,._J~~T ~TO )?1TX~C fJ ' ~~J~_.ftf\.L £XSITli'J"t}-sp~T _'D f?J0'fu..:.rTj )_L4..Ji TH .tt F t+,'-IrV~-r;m~ C2..£.nh N ,,\I(".£..,.0)rh...-L)W I L.c,@:~PU}cC _t.l SpH11t..T (;),n ..-4 ?l'W £is I"'tN 0 r4-0D (2)e~N.P.fT1\J5.--r;w.6£(L .l .....ntU.../..;-i H..i... 3 ·9DI .£>~~If.40/0 5'.7 &_..2.01 s:.IO.DS % IJ~~~...3 7.7 ~'/.7~;-~.cfS ....t.t 'I,s 8..'_'_. ·.rs 5 I (pC&>,.~q -=.,.9S'~ ..CP 7.:25 3 .of>::.J549'o ·.7 /0.33 J~_C-t _.f £.p,..:~C£Q .c....;I rH _kEySRJ"'C (3 te 5T~P .._4.fJ3 .._...~..tJ.~e.SI4-l.-0c.\C..__Wi U-._~()8 J"YI.l T__.F..a t2.. G~E-__3.t.9 '.._"._._._._.._!L~~....4JJ-t1'tT'_Po CS .._W.'_,...A~p r. .__..__..........~.'__W~..1!>..._~.~_4Y I !?..IE:..? _.__._51£e ....-....__.. t~;z-dJq -_-:-----~ i I TOWN OF VAIL 'RECfilPTNO.YTo z?!'~] ii"a"I ~~ARTMENTO P COMM U N ITY DEVELOPMENT ;1 f ~~~1~::~~~n4£1L 1.:.'.~.'.;.,'.:PRAOCCOJECTUNTNO./\i r.~KS ~E PA YAB LE TOTO WNO P V~~!i "ITEM ·'NO.TAX ,·,COST EA:TOTAL $ UNIFORM BUILDING CODE UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE S32.00 • S36 .00 • S30.00 • / I PREPAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE INVESTIGATION FEE (BUILDING) PLAN REVIEW RE-CHECK FEE 1540 PERHR.]i 01000042332 " TAXABLE @ 4%(TOWN) BUILDING INVESTIGATION OTHER PEC APPLICATION FEES 5200.00 51,500.00 51,000.00 szoo.oo S200.00 5200.00 I 5500.00 ADDITIONALGRFA "250" CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT EXTERIOR ALTERATION ILESSTHAN lOOS0.FT.] EXTERIOR AL TERATION IMORE THAN100SO .FT .] SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT INEWI SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMAJOR AMEND 5250.00 5200.00 OTHER OTHER TOTAL: & TOWN OF V~IL Misc el laneous Cash , 09-13-'34 14:12:42 Receipt #1554 92 Account #CK #3 269 BEC K &RSSOC ~PR EPAID DRB Rm ount.tendered :>20.00 Item paid Rmount paid 0100004 1331000 20.00 • •• • -- ["Av ~ TownPlanner Returnto -"-_""':"";__=-_-=:-__ INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW ~~~~~CUT~M~I/Lr-~fb~~'P~\C DATEOFPUBLICHEARING _ COMMENTSNEEDEDBY:_ BRIEFDESCRIPTIONOFTHEPROPOSAL: P()6 ~\G ~ro 41~0 f-1 b7H r Of W\4 vi Tf?t/A-[l PUBLICWORKS Reviewed by:\erri I ("{e.<J.,Date:IeI Ie.i '¥{ -~-_............----." Comments: .)'?l.luLiC...."c,,'I-',\I.l W\O Gu 10 c.m-oJ('At~SC<tne C\fDJ{'.c>,\e I wh)<,n-\J-l C<~\).>'\\1 ~\\C __ OhVC"""''i I (e\'olN Nj ""0.1\u,,"\"Y\lcX\W'\"Vle(.\',c,C.M to.Lt "\ern /v'\ortll"le1.."~~"1'1-Zl w'1 V'/,,"h CO \\<,lr\J4"\tx1 '}~u\ule . revi$ed 11/3(92 •,t I APPLICATIONFORREVOCABLEPERMITTOERECTORMAINTAIN ASTRUCTUREONAPUBLICRIGHT-OF-WAY v Fence Wall Landscaping Other (Pleasetypeorprint) DATE 9h /qt{ ,f OWNEROFPROPERTY n ,t!8""I (l I-~JcI 1-th4..12 NAMEOFAPPLICANT p ~.:1:.7 4~'i ft(r c-l~Cj (11r;J;31R--'64 '::' ADDRESS P tJ ;1elK '(Op (tI.,.,J ,[c?q,<...:/..LI-"s:?e.-.:::..._ LEGALDESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTYTOBESERVED: LOT .d....-BLOCK I SUBDIVISION tIo ;1 g.£,./fi ~0 (If necessary ,attachlegal descriptiononseparatesheet). Cornerlot_Insidelot_ Attachplansshowingencroachment ,propertyline,sidewalks,curbs,intakes ,hydrants, meters,manholes ,anyotheraffectedappurtenanceintheprojectarea(toscaleor dimensioned)andsection(s)aswellaselevations(ifapplicable). Doesstructurepresentlyexist?7!5 ,Ii 1'3 f /~I'..e ;g:/.h>re./t.up-1e-.1o,,?.1 ~?;r"Q/lc; Proposeddatefor commencementof constrGc lion S '7'('..:me b"/%,.199t( Inconsiderat ion oftheissuanceofarevocablepermitforthestructureaboveindicated, applicantagreesasfollows: 1.Thatthestructurehereinauthorizedonarevocablepermitbasisisrestricted exclusivelytothelandabovedescribed . 2.Thatthepermitislimitedspecificallytothetypeofstructuredescribedinthis application . 3.ThattheapplicantshallnotifytheTownManager,orhisdulyauthorizedagent ,twenty- fourhoursinadvanceofthetimeforcommencementofconstruction,inorderthat properinspectionmaybemadebytheTown . 4.TheapplicantagreestoindemnifyandholdharmlesstheTownofVail,itsofficers, employeesandagentsfromandagainstallliability,claimsanddemandsonaccountof injury,lossordamage,includingwithoutlimitationclaimsarisingfrombodilyinjury, personalinjury,sickness ,disease,death ,propertylossordamage,oranyotherlossof anykind whatsoever ,whichariseoutoforareinanymannerconnectedwith applicant'sact ivities pursuanttothispermit ,ifsuchinjury,loss,ordamage lscausedin wholeorinpartby,orisclaimedtobecausedinwholeorinpartby,theact,omission, error,professionalerror,mistake,negligenceorotherfaultoftheapp licant ,his contractororsubcontractororanyofficer,employeeorrepresentativeoftheapplicant , hiscontractororhissubcontractor .Theapplicantagreestoinvestigate ,handle respondto,andtoprovidedefenseforanddefendagainst,anysuchliability,claims,or demandsatthesoleexpenseoftheapplicant.Theapplicantalsoagreestobearall otherexpensesrelatingthereto,includingcourtcostsandattorney 's fees,whetheror notanysuchliability ,claims,ordemandsalleaedare grounrllp.!,:!,:.1::11,,<>.':'~!'~~~~!(:~!. Ti re appiicantagreestoprocureandmaintain ,atitsowncost ,apolicyorpoliciesof insurancesufficient toensureagainstallliabilityclaims ,demandsandotherobligations assumedbytheapplicantpursuanttothisParagraph4.Theapplicantfurtheragrees toreleasetheTownofVail,itsofficers,agentsandemployeesfromanyandall liab ility,claims,demands ,oractions orcausesofactions whatsoever arisingoutofany damage,lossorinjurytotheapplicantortotheapplicant'spropertycausedbythe TownofVail,itsofficers,agentsandemployeeswhileengagedin maintenance or snowremovalactivitiesoranyotheractivitieswhatsoeveronTownofVailproperty, streets,sidewalks,orrights-of-way. I 5.That thepermitmayberevokedwheneveritisdeterminedthattheencroachment, obstruction,orotherstructureconstitutesanuisance,destroysor impairstheuseof theright-of-waybythepublic,constitutesatraffichazard,orthepropertyuponwhich theencroachment,obstruction,orstructureexistsisrequiredfor use bythepublic;orit mayberevokedatanytimeforanyreasondeemedsufficientbytheTownofVail. 6.Thattheapplicant willremove,athisexpense,the encroachment,obstruction,or structurewithintendaysafterreceiving noticeofanyrevocationofsaidpermit. 7.Thattheapplicantagreestomaintainanylandscapingassociatedwiththe encroachmentontheright-of-way. 8.Thatintheeventsaidremovalofthe encroachment obstruction,orstructureisnot accomplishedwithintendays,theTownisherebyauthorizedtoremovesameand havetherighttomakeanassessmentagainstthepropertyandcollectthecostsor removalinthesamemannerasgeneraltaxesarecollected. 9.Thattheapplicanthasreadandunderstandsallofthetermsandconditionssetforthin thisapplication. 10.Specialconditions: SignatureofPropertyOwner (Ifjointownership,bothsignatures) ~u qf /.-u-U l~h L-c!h-,flf APPROVED: ~9'/ Oat ~(Zr8(qf Date .' 6. 6. 7. 8. 8. 10. That the permit may be revoked wnensver It 18 Cfatetnllned that the encroachment. obstruction,or other atruoture conalllull!lS a nuisance.destroys Dr Jmpainll tho Ul!Otl of the t1ghl-of-WBV by the pUblic,aon8tltLltes a tramo huard.or the propertY upon which thea enQlOlKlhment.,obstruetlon.·or IIlNClLlre exIsts Is requIred for use bY the public;or It may be reVOked at any time for an)'reason deemtld sufnclent by fhl:Town of Vall. Ihat the applicant Will remove.aI "IS expenllle,the encroachment,obstruction.or structure within ten Clays BIter receiving notice of any revocation af said permIt. TItat the applicant 'agrees to Maintain any lanClecaplng associated with the enetQaChMent on the right-ofoWa)'. That in the event aafd removal of the enctOlSct1msnl obstruction.or structure Is not accomplished within tan days,the Town IIlI hereby authol'l%ed to remove same and have the rfgl\t ta make an u&eument against 1I'l8 property and col/ect ttle costs or removal In the Slame manner as general taxes al'O collected. That the applicant hu read and undet'llitandS all or the terms and condllions set fonh in , this appDc3tlon. SpeDial conCllttonlll! • AJ=!PROvec: Projeot Plano8/' Town Engineer Dale Date ee 5.Thatthepermitmayberevokedwheneveritisdeterminedthatthe encroachment, obstruction,orotherstructureconstitutesanuisance,destroysorimpairstheuse 01 the right-ol-way bythepublic,constitutesatraffichazard,orthe property uponwhich theencroachment,obstruction,orstructureexistsisrequiredforusebythepublic;orit mayberevokedatanytimeloranyreasondeemedsufficientbytheTownofVail. 6.Thattheapplicantwillremove,athisexpense,theencroachment,obstruction,or structurewithintendaysafterreceivingnoticeofanyrevocationofsaidpermit. 7.Thattheapplicant agreestomaintainanylandscapingassociatedwiththe encroachment ontheright -of-way . 8.Thatintheeventsaidremoval 01 the encroachment,obstruction,orstructureisnot accomplishedwithintendays,theTownisherebyauthorizedtoremovesameand havetherighttomakeanassessmentagainstthepropertyandcollectthecostsor removalinthesamemannerasgeneraltaxesarecollected. 9.Thattheapplicanthasreadandunderstandsallofthetermsandconditionssetforthin . thisapplication. 10.Specialcond itions: Signature ofPropertyOwner (If jointownersh ip,bothsignatures) ?u afl<u1J i~hLr!k-,f If APPROVED: f1I9YDat ~(Z 8/qf Date Jol2-0fq~/ Dlte j i I hereby acknowledge that Ihaveread this appl ication,filled out in full the information required . completed anaccurate plot plan ,a nd state that allth e information provided as required is correct.I ag ree to comply w ith the information and plot plan ,to comply with all Town ordinances andstate laws ,andt o bu ild this structure accordingtothe Town 's zoning and subdivision codes,design rev iew approved,Un if orm Bu ilding Cod ea nd othe r ordinances o f the Town applicable thereto . CLEAN UP TO:1;1 ~ IIIIIIIIII II f?&C-1£,-T,5S(:)C.~OR CONTRACT OR FOR HIM SELF AND THE OWNER . !zONING &BUILDING NOTES :_ MICHAEL WHITAKER JUNE 7,1991 BUILDING OFFICIAL ---.---DATE ----- ---DA TE 0 04901 2,500 3,500 20,000 26,000 250 259 129 43 40 *721 PLANS IN SLOT~ PERMIT FEES PERMIT NO .----..:~-'----'--- BUILD ING PERMIT RECREATION FEE DE SIGN REVIEW BOARD USE TAX PLUMBING CLEAN -UP DEPOSIT PLAN CHECK ELEC TRICAL MECHANICAL TOTAL PERMIT FEES BUILDING z ELECTRICAL0 ~PLUMBING::l ....I..MECHANICAL> TOTAL -------70NING ADMIN ISTRATO R 26,000 VALUATION I IIIII IVV ABEHIRM o G.R.F.A. NOTE -COpy OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE IN ONMAY 24,1991 DATE GROUP R-3 TYPE 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP DIV ISION I2 2a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK :_ REMODEL EXISTING MASTER BATH.NO EXTERIOR MADIFICATIONS. HEIGHT IN FT.--NO .FIR EPLACES -- INSULAT ION:TYP ETHI CKN ESS R-VA LL UE n o ,"j E-I EXB'-~tI1~ ROOF TYPE EL EC.GAS XX OF SO LAR WOODHEAT ADDITI ONAL PERMIT S NE EDED : s.!:!.INITI AL ST.CUT X BLAST ING X PARKI NG X DEMO X DWELLING UNITS __ACCOMMODA TION UN ITS__ NEW ()ALTERATI ON ~ADDITI ONA L ()RE PAIR () V-N department of community development ,.~~)':~CONSTRUCTION PEr-R_M_IT_~~=:::::::...-_..... town 0 val L TYPE OF CONSTRU CTION TO BEFILLED OUTCOMPLETEL YPRIORTOISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPEOF PERMIT ~BUILDING }Qg PLUMBING ~ELE CTRICA L 0 FOUNDATION o MECHANI CAL 0 778 POTATOPATCH .EGAL LOT 18 BLK D ESC .FILING VAIL POTATOPATCH JOBNAME :BARTLIT REMODEL OWNER NAME FRED BARTLIT ;tBI Tl'TRJ(U I\1D &ELLIS ZUU c ...'H CITY carcsco IL PH . ARCHITECT FIRM JIM STRAIN MAIL ADDR ES S 500 SFRONTRD 1111 CITY VAIL PH .6-3038 FIRM BECKAND ASSOCIATES GENERAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OFVAIL REG .NO.l17-A TELE .949-1800 WHITE RIVER ELECTRICFIRM LECTRICAL 145-E CONTRACTOR TOWN OFVAIL REG .NO. TELE .949-1403 FIRM GUARANTEED PLUMBING PLUMBING 17 6 P CONTRACTOR TOWN OFVAIL REG .NO. 949-4320 TELE . FIRM ME CHANICAL CONTRACTOR IOWNOFVAIL REG .NO. TELE . OTH ER FIRM TOWN OFVAIL REG .NO. CONTRACTOR TELE. • May 24,1991 T own of Vail Building Department Attn:Gary Murrain Vail,Colorado Gary, Attached is a very small remodel at Fred Bartlit's residence at 778 Potato Patch in vail. We will be remodeling his master bathroom and will not be modifying the exterior of his home. If you have any questions,please give mea call. 4~~~ Bill Anderson Vice President Beck and Associates,Inc. BA/kh Enclosure ____~@ P M D ATE -f--f---<[,."--+-+-,-JOB NAM E --------"--"~~~:::.....=-=-_____7r+-...L-~:::c...~---_6~___;_, READY FOR INSPECTION : LOCAT ION :11 ~ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FO OTI NGS /STEEL 0 U NDERG ROUND o FOUNDATION /ST EEL ~O U G H /DW.V._ o FRA MING ~OUGH /WA TER _ ROOF &SH EERoPLYWOODNAILING 0 G ASPI PING o I NSULATION 0 P OOL /H.TU B _ o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 _ o 0 o F INAL 0 F INAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER .,....--_ o RO UGH o CONDU IT o _ o FINAL MECHANICAL: o H EAT ING _ o EXHA USTHO ODS o S UPPLYAIR o o FINAL ~A PP R O V E D o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS : JjGrJI ~/C~U/../A-PT r.C/T OAT E _--=---'-=<~=----"-~----4-C-_INSPECTOR -'!~,'/ INSPECTION REQUEST r£Z ~T O -N OF VAIL 'f,(£)~(;!- ,------'-==+7.;---~=>.."'-l.-___:;.__- CALLER ,t:dpc£-~y'-d.a ~( ~S WED THUR FRI AM 6)~1?~-~4,~ READY FOR I NSPECTION : L OCATION:21 g DAT E ---+--f-4--J--'-f--JOB NAM E o F INAL BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /ST EEL 0 UNDERGROUND o FOUNDAT ION /ST EEL }RO UGH /DW.V._ I><lRAMING ~ROUG H /WATER _ ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING 0 GAS PIPING o INS ULAT ION 0 POOL /H .TUB _ o SH EETROCK NAI L 0 _ o 0 o FINA L ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POW ER _ o ROUGH o C ONDU IT 0 _ o FINAL _ ~ MECHANICAL: o HEAT ING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY A IR '--_ 0 _ o FINAL (rtiPPROV E D C ORRECTIONS: o DI SAPPR OVED o R EINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ----~'----f--'L..--- ~INSPECTION REQUEST I . I /I /J :/I ..).TOWN O F VAIL DATE -~'---I~--f---t-i'-JOB NAME ~C7'9- CALLER k!!fUt-()j)uM AJdi1 ~ MfJa dn ~~~AM @ ':READY FOR INSPECTION : LO CATION ·1--1-1-8. L-1/J fr1;i~Y~7 •.... BU ILDING:PL UMB ING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDAT ION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o RO UGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SUL ATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETR OC K NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTR ICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING ~O U G H o EXHAUST H OODS~o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FI NAL ~P PR O V E D ~o D ISAPPROVED o REINS PECTION REQU IRED CO RRECTIONS : • ...~. DA T E _L..C..__---=--==---_-L.....<'----_ , .t INSPECTOR :?~ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DA TE ~-~5:J.\JOB READY FOR LOCATION : INSPECTION REQUEST NAME k&&TOWN OF VAIL CA LLER ~b,"s §<.i§.IT;" I N S P E C T I O N :Gli)~U~WED THUR FRI \AM ~~~~~~ BUILDING: o FOOTING S /STEEL o FOUNDATION /ST EEL o FRA MING RO OF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING ---------- ,JiNSULATION b~H E ET R O C K NAIL ---------- o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o o FINAL _ PLUMBING: o UN DERGROUND o RO UGH /D W .V ._ o RO UGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .T UB _ 0 _ o o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o S UPPLYAIR 0 _ o FINAL _ ~A P P R O V E D CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED IN SPECTOR .' PM______AMFRI INSPECTION REQUEST TOW OF VAIL o FINAL o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o RO UGH /W ATER _ o GA S PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o JOB NAM E ---"""-"""-----=-;rF---------.:=-~-"'-_T=~~7bl----__:;;o;;__:. BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /S TEEL o FOUNDA TION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING ---------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o o FINAL READY FOR LOCATION :----,f--f-I:;;)------,f-..l..<..--'-"-=cl.....-'-'-----::=--J---==---==--:---------------- PERM IT NL/MZ~i F PROJECT DATE I v(ty/q I o REINSPECTION REQUIRED MECHANICAL: o H EATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o S UPPLYAIR _ o o FINAL _ o DISAPPROVED ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o APPROVED /.1 CORRECTIONS:L~------------------------------ r , DATE /2 -II -91 INSPECTOR PERM IT N UMBER OF PROJECT I NSPE CT ION REQUEST i, TOWN OFVAIL _____AM re1iD L OC ATI ON : DATE /2 -2'/-9/JOB NAME --,,&=W~/G~.<.~=~=--<:~~7_~&~W~Z1t:L-_ C ALLER ~~V~~- READY FOR INSPECTION :MON @ WED THUR FR I 77f/dJPM .e'.pTc// PL UMB ING: o UNDERGROUND o RO UGH /D W .V ._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GA SP IPING o POO L /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ,/ l ,), , BU ILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /S TEEL o FRAMING ROOF &S HEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSU LATION o S HgETRC:CK NAI L ----+,L------- o " I ~INAL ELECTR ICAL:~¢'"ME CH,ANICAL: o TEMP.POW -'---0 HEA T ING _ •o ROUGH 0EXHAUST HOODS _ o CONDUIT 0 SUPPLY AIR 1 o 0 _ o F INAL 0 F INAL o REINS PECT ION RE QUIREDXAPPROVED CORRECTIONS :,J~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~------------- \... ---~ \\ D ATE ,/Z-Z?/-0/INSPECTOR ~ ri [J ~AL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The items below need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of o. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING DATE: FINAL MECHANICAL o DATE: IMPROVEMENT SURVEY DATE: RESID.NAME: ~!FINAL ELECTRICAL ~};'\;6 C\\DATE: C1J ( FINAL BUILDING EAST SIDE: l ~~/~~\\\DATE: LJ \ TEMPORARY C OF 0 DATE: LJ CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DATE: r-:LANDSCAPING DUE DATE: WEST SIDE: NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE 4/3/85 002021PERMITNO. 1.TYPE DF CONSTRUCTION IIIIII IV €;) 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H I ~BUILDING $1,000.00 DIVISION 122@ z ELECTRICAL0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK :~PLUMBING two windows in existing garage ::> --':;MECHANICAL Total $1 ,000.00 TYPE GROUP G.R.F .A.VALUATION PERMITFEES V R-3 $1,000.00 BUILDING PERMIT 17.50 PLAN CHECK 8.75 ELECTRICAL NEW()ALTERATION t x i ADDITIONAL (l REPAIR ()PLUMBING <, DWELLING UNITS __ACCOMMODATION UN ITS __MECHANICAL CC; HEIGHT IN FT.__NO .FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE--0'1lnINSULATION:TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 10.00 \f)~FLOOR CLEAN ·UP DEPOSIT ~J<EXT.WALLS USE TAX ROOF ~)::J TYPE ELEC .GAS TOTA~.pERMIT FEES $36.25OFSOLARWOOD~~,Jj7;____~/j/y...5 =-HEAT ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED :lftj[DING OFFICIAL DATE s.!!INITIAL Kristan Pritz 4/2/85>----------------ST.CUT X ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING X ZONING &BUILDING NOTES: PARKI NG X DEM O )( I hereby acknOWledge that Ihaveread this appl ication ,filled out in full the information required , completed an accurate p lot plan,and state that all t he i nformation provided as required is correct.I agree to comply w ith the information and plot plan,to comply w ith all Town ord inances and state laws,andto build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subd ivision codes,des ign review approved,Un iform Bu ilding Code and oth ~;an~es o~a~le thereto. y P'~~~-.-... I SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CQNTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND THE OWNER. o PLUMBINGoFOUNDATIONo CONSTRUCTION PERMIT-" IKJ BUILDINGoELECTRICALoMECHANICAL TOBEFILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPEOFPERMIT LEGAL ~'LOT 18 BLK 1 DESC.•'FILING Potato Patch JOB NAME:Bartl it Garage Windows OWNER NAME Fred Bartlit MAIL ADDRESS 778 Potato Patch CITY Va il ,Co .81657 PH .Hg4 ARCH ITECT FIRM B ri ne r-Scott MAIL ADDRESS 143 E.Meadow CITYVai 1 ,Co 81657 PH.M§o FIRM Beck &Associates GENERAL CONTRACTOR TOWNOF VAIL REG .NO.1I7A TELE .827-5711 FIRM ELECTRICAL NTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. TELE. FIRM PLUMBING TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO.CONTRACTOR TELE . FI RM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL RE G.NO. TELE. OTHER FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. CONTRACTOR TELE. the prlnterylvall TilE FOL LO HIN G I S HEEDED FOR FILIN G PE RI-II dA (Of l'bl))WorK ~I ee.l ;/~/?-rlS-1 letter f rom Con 0SSOC1 a pp 1 cae '2 sets ofcompl'ete 'dra wings(if no I '.DATE ldrawings t wo comple te e xplanation of :I work ,1.TY PE OFCON STRUCTION I 11111 IV~.. mmunity development 2.OC CUPANCY GROUP ABEHI BUIL DING -#'//J/)/)X. 122&4 z ELEC TRICAL X 8E~Y P-m~R 1°~ft ~~~t A~H 'R M I T DIVISIO N Q XGENERAL QESCR~ON DFWORK :,:t PLU MB ING X ~M I e t,'&'bhj ::>X 6Z h ),h 1,)'S i l l -'-c MECHANICA L Ii X0PLUMBINGX'3:-:JsxJ9-4 E'' > 0 FOUNDATION T OTAL /(//)/0/),I?D L 0 G.R:F.A.TY PE GROUP VALU ATION PERMITFEES~I R-3 I ) e BLK /IOoCJ BUILDING PER MIT /7;<~O f-JR -t4 iv ~k J.PLA N CHEC K $1-.7,<j /..(C:::C"t?",lu;/f.J~, ELECTRICAL ~ j::Y"e d ~-AI ;?J L:T NEW()ALT ERA TI ON (Xl ADD ITI ONAL ()REPAIR ()PLUMBING ..- qfr;../o 00 , DRESS 11d DW ELLING UNITS __ACCO MMODATION UNITS __MECHANICAL -dress VlkL.(!.oJ.:>. RECREATION FEE -HEIGHTIN FT.__NO .FIR EPLACES -- "J?1\Qv -~Jf INSULATION :.TYpE THICKN ESS R·VALLUE DES IGN REV IEW BOA RD ~If).DO FLO OR I ~ , DRESS .CLEAN ·UP DE POSIT --. N,tl.,)fJ~1 0 PH .LI1t,,-3 o 3e EXT .WALLS ,USE TAX I ~")eo{.f ~s~c..ROOF 111-A-TYPE ELEC .GAS TOTALPERM IT FEES .3~.;;;.s-F VAIL REG .NO.OF M-z.-1 -S;J11 SOLAR WOODHEAT AODITIONAL PER MITS NE ED EO :'i;~F F(f --_-_-:.=--§fE ([)-~=.s.!!.~ :ONINGADMINIS ~OR ~FVAIL REG .NO.ST.CUT L eLASTING X ZO NING &BUILDING NOTES: PAR KING X F VAIL REG .NO.1- /\DE MO I I hereby acknowledge I hat I h ave re adth is application,filled out Infu ll the Informa tion required, completed anac curate plol plan ,and state th at allthe Information provided as requi red is correct., F VAIL REG .NO.agree 10 comply w ith th e i nformation and plot plan ,to comply with allT own o rd inances andst ate laws,andtobu ild th is struct ureaccording10the Town 's zon ing and subdivi sion codes,da sign r ev iew approved,~niform Build ing Code and other ordin~nces~~icable thereto, .'...XXXXXXX XXXXXX ~P..A":.,,~~.-/ F VAIL REG .NO.SIGNATURE OF OWNER OryCONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND THE OWNER . LOT I FILING LECTRICAL NTRACTO R TOWN 0 .....==9 TEL E. LEG AL DESC. FIRM TELE . GENERAL F!..!!'R"-",-",, CO NTRACTOR TO WN 0 ARCHITECT FIRM -n OTHER FIRM FIRM MECHA NICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN 0 TEL E. FI BM PLUMBING TOWN 0 CONTRACTOR TELE . TOWN 0 CONTRACTOR TELE. pEE'~Sr-LF?ELUTOCUf~·~ TYPEOFPEl !YI3UILDINGoELECTRICALoMECHANICA X X • X •....'Y'. •''''..,"1' .-.",-::.:.. -..--.~.....-.-~•.: I " .,.-'.'......- ..--_...--.--.--..._..-~-_.-.._--."---..-._----.J "-". "x ' L • Fire o '0 o o o o -r-,- o TOWft of Vail C .-.Deve/op:emmUnily.or ·. .Plan .~.'BUildApproved .DO llied ......-_._.-----_.. :~," Va lidity f T',.,"Sec .303 c c/ermit <'.',:Juanceor .;:.()1 ~82 U .D,C ,..:,ICati ons .gran tmgof a ". <-.,J ,!Jval ofa snail not be i:o r l s~e rm i t Of ap proval?:of any oih ny v l ~ia ti o n o'f a ;ued to be'a Osr C?f pla ns '8/1 ,1~pe rm it base~Ordi na nce of 'thi O Uh~.p riii;iSj o n~/t for:Or an ·I :M prevent uP on plans s ,1Uf/Sdlca ttJn T ?f thIS COd' t orrection :,the 'buil ding oir ~eclfic~tjons ''and h.e I SS ~n ce of data ~,.,d .0 errors in .,Icla/frOm the .:othe i data sl -, .,"•:.,',-''...:'..sa1d "Plans",spe;fe"caaf lt~r req u;rii'g':i~,e'l ..... (JA r '..,IOns '....>,~.,€~.'~"',-.....t r:.",.'and O!har -: .' ~.'.'1Ii_'.... ,. .L-1 " ......... ....r: .v..,,' • ~.t..'t .. .:",: ..:.. .-_......:----'---4 r _._--_.'-..-.--:------1 ----···-·t I I T I ; •-, l- ----._-_.-_... Ir T / / .... ".' .."', • ..~'. .... (":'" ....". '.t:- ...... -, '. .~~. -. .~." ............,......<--';..-.. -,»: " ".. ...... -. :'. '-.-, n~~l t-l ''- J ' '-.., j ~; 1:: ~, ~i ,.I .-'.....-., • .--"--'.._.------h;;:;:r:;.. 1_ ~~...tv-\)g-t ~~~~ -----"._-_.~.L_..o.-"'I"'l:!~01.;----_.,-_._-.,'-...----'-=1 ". \ t ,-,/•! ,," I .... .~. ,'. .'~,-.~;~~,~" -.:..:.!'<'-.....~:. ".'_-.~~. • _____AMPM INSPECTION REQUEST . -+(I TO NOF VAIL e I"-rls~ I~I(I a J---,&"t<UJ '7CALLER TUESWED THUR FRI r-;c,f;-{1 NAME :...---=-~_~c.....:..__..d;.......!..._....:......:.::.,.._!..----- LOCATION:--'-----'--"'--.....:......::...-...::.:.......:.....'-----'-----=-~'__''_'__ READYFOR INSPECTION : -y;tf' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE 4-I'/".)75;'JOB I )I ,.BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH I DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING . o INSULATION o POOL /H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 -< 0 /J I 0 .~I ..L ~r >f".s_(~I L v....-£.,(J <;A It ,)..-+c.'~rlL ·.co FINALt!1.FINAL 1- ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY A IR - 0 0 o FJNfL o FINAL A / ~AP P R O VE D o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ., INSPECTOR /~4~..-.~ C:>://' 4 -1 3-cJ .5DATE_=.:."---L-'='-_ "•Project Application ~...,,-Date clune 15 18.. '.,- Pro ject Name :-::.:::..:....:~~~~~~.!....!.:~~~!.:!..!.~'--------------------------- Project Desc ript ion :---,~e==-..::..t:.:..:.!...~~~~!..:i...~~!'!'!!'....!<lJ~~_~!.J!.!._J..L!L.!~_ Contact Person and Phone Henr y Pr Owner.Address and Phone:---,l=-!I"~o:.:......~LL.J....LI...l-.a.:..L!..:..-J.a:!!.!::....JJ~'-!L _ p 0Bn2?4Vail Col a~ Arch itect ,Address and Phone:B",-rL..l,u'n.:..:p~r~/-,-S,""c,""o,-,t,-,t,---",A,,-r-,-('.:..:h-,-i.!.Lt;e",c...t~_ Legal Description:Lot ---:.1 .:..<8 ~Block -!1'--~Fil ing ya q P •Zo ne _ Comments:_ DesignReviewBoard Motion by : Second ed by : Date _ DISAPPROVAL Summary:------------:(----------"7"-----+------------- o Staff Approval June15,1984 brinerscott Mr.Tom Braun architects Department of Comnunity Development 143 e meadowdr.Town of Va i1 vail colorado 81657 (303)476 ·3038 75 S.Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 Dear Mr.Braun : The owners ofthe nearly completed Bartlit/Irish residence (Potato Patch,Lot18)areseeking Design Review Board permissiontoextend their proposed (and approved)drivewaytothenorthso that a second vehicle access point canbe constructed.You should have the improve- ment survey on file and this office has already submitteddrawings to you inthe attempt togain staff approval.I would like tonote that we are aware ofthe three foot height limitation on thetimber retaining walls within the setback.I would also like tonote that althoughthedrawings show anaspentobe removed,the owners have indicated a desire tosavethe tree (if possible). The owners'reasons for the driveway change arerootedinconcerns for the safety ofthemselves and their children.The triangular site has resulted inadrivewaydesign that requires the owners toback their vehicles the full length ofthe drive in order to get out. They view this as dangerous tothe drivers (especially in winter)to other traffic on PotatoPatchDrive and to their young children who mightbeplayinginthedriveway. The Bartl its and Irishes share the Town's concerns for seeing that thedriveway extension work is done right and will not result in something visually offensive.They are willing tobearthe rather high cost of this change and theyunderstand that additional land- scapeelements may be required. If you have any further questions or concerns,please call.I hope that we can make the July 5th agenda so that further delaystothe contractor canbeavoided. :L:e lJ:i- Henry R.Pratt HRP:kmk It UST of M'lT €RIALS • N,\~II:'01'"IW.i Ecr '&2:11..~lelo!1 J:>el\JE\JP<Y ~&I'. -•.~'__~---•••~__~_._.._._•__•••••••_••_.o •••••••_....•. LEe,,\.Il E ~j C I{[1''1'10;-';:LOT_J E!::>__~\.OCK..I'J I.I Nlj.__VAJ.L ~-.f'OT !:!~_.~A-Tc..H- l :E ~:r:l (11''1'J(J:~0 1'I'HO.J LCT E.)(.1'ENb APP/2{)\Iffi ~ve:1b "-lo /2..n4 boWN 10 ~€LONb-_._-----_..---_._._----_._----_.__._--_._----_... The f'oll o wi n g i nf o rma t i on i ~;rcqu i r cd for s uhn i t.t al by r.h c app li cant to the Des i gn Rcv i c w Board b ef o re a fi n al ap proval call be g iven: A.BII It.n J Nl;~t<\'I'ErU ALS Roof Si ding Other Ka ll Ma tcrials Co lor Fasc ia Soffits Wi ndows Wi n dow Trim Doors DoorTrim Hand o~Deck Ra il s Fl u es Flashi ngs Chimneys Tr-ash Enc lo s ur c s Gree nhou ses Ot her -----------_._-_.- B.LANDSCAPING Na me ofDesigner:"52.l>J.e::R../SU51\A.et.t\-rn:L-r:=. Pho ne:4"110 '2>0~% PLANT MATERIALS -I'Y\~TEeIPr~u~:"r~\::)A.f2E-£ELOCA-nmJ6 0 '::f12EY 1 04J ~'1 PtPPf2OJE"f:) lJt-I l.E;6 No~~~D ITIONA-L Botanical Name Comm on Nam e QuantitySize TREES SHRUBS ••.GROUND COVERS FbT O::FRLb P-. SOD •SQUARE FOO TAGE _ SQUARE FOOTAGE _ SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE _SQ UARE FOO TAGE _ TYPE OR r~ET HOD OF EROSIO N CONTROL C.Other Landscape Features (retaining walls,fences,swimming pools,etc.)Please specify. eo ....to Ilmt:>E'IZ..l2.t::.\"Alo-JINq.W1TLL~:;;"·""Io-JE':)-ro M~TU-\E:><.I=-nNQ-. ~ET"F'l;11J11\I6 wML,;::>SH'Prt-L Be L~7l+1T"1 3'ltV HI.AT 1ltElr<...H1 C:rl+E.""=>T PI. -MEM ORAN DU M TO:PLANN INGAND EN VIRONME NTAL COMM ISSION FROM:DEPAR'IM ENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEL OPM ENT DATE:January 5,1983 SUB JECT:Requ e st for rear se tbackv a rianne for anew d up lex on lot 1 8,block 1 , Potato Pa tch 1st F iling AP PLICANTS:David Irish a nd Fred Bartlit DESC RIPTION OF VA RIANCE RE QUEST ED This is a follow-up app lication from the on e denied onNov ember 22 ,1982 by a 3-2 vote.The applica nt s now wish to locate the house fi ve fe et from the rear property line,instead of the one f o ot previously app l ied f or.Al s o,the house i sno w p r opo sed to b e 27 feet fromt he edge of pavement of Po tato PatchDrive ,five fe et f urt her back t han previously propo sed.Thea pplicants feel that this latest proposal meets the c oncerns expressed previously by the PEC in November . Consideration o f F actors The relationsh ip of the r equested variance to other exi sting or potentia l u s es and structu res in the vicinity . The propo sed placement of the house i s positive for the Wilson r esidence located to the northwest on l ot 17.This location a l l ows for r etention o f the Wil s on's views of the ski slope s as we ll as for a substantial buffer zone between the houses co nsi sting of large aspens . The degree to which relief from the strict o r literal i nte rp re ta tion ande nfor cement of a specified r e gul atio n is necessa ry to a chieve comp a tibility a nd uni fo rmity 'of treaonent among s ites in the vicini ty or to a ttain t heob jectives of t his t itle without grant of spe cial p r ivilege. The staf f fe els this would n ot be a grant of .s pecial pr i vil e ge in that the lot is an unusually di fficult one due to its triang ular shape and also becausei t is a djacent to Nat ional Forest service land.Locating t h e dupl ex withi n the s etbacks produces a negative e ffec ~upon people walking or dri vi ng along Potato Patch Drive due to th e proximity t o the road .It i s more desirabl e to p ush the hous ea way from the road to r elieve 'the undesi ra bl e feeling of closene ss of the structure. There a renon egative impacts f rom th e variance,·as the rear property line is common with the National Forest Service b oundar y. The effect of the r eque sted v arianc e on light and air,distribution of population, tra nsportationa nd tra f f ic f acilitie s,pub lic faciliti e s and utilities,a ndp ublic safety . .There would be no nega tive effects on these fac tors if tile variance were g r anted . -.Sh/Ba rtlit -2 -1/5/83 Su cho t herf acto r s a nd c r i te ri aa s th eco mmi s s io n d ee msa pplic ab l e t o th e propos ed v aria nce . FINDINGS: The Planni ng a n dEnvironmental Commis s i ons ha llmake t h ef ol lowi ng fin di n g s b e for e g ran t inga v arianc e : Tha t the g ranting of the varia nc e will no tc ons t i t u te a grant of s p eci al p r ivi lege i ncon sist ent with t he limitat ions o n othe rp r operties c la ssified i n the samed i str ict. That t he gran ting o f the v a ria n c e wi ll not be d etrimen t a l to t he p ubl ic h ea l th , s afet y,o rwel f are,o rmateria ll y injur iou s to prop e rti e s or imp ro vement s i n the Vi cinity. That the varia nce i s war r a nted fo r the f o ll owin gr eason: There aree xceptio ns or e x t r ao rdinar yc i r cunst an ces or con d i tions a p plicabl e tothe siteo f the v a ria nce that don ot applyg ene rally to o ther p r opert ies in 'the s ame zo ne. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Uponr eview of Criteriaa ndF indings,Sec tion 18.62.0 60 of tile Munic ipa lCod e, the Department of Comm un ity Developme nt r ecomm endsa ppr ovalo f the reque sted v ariance based upon the f ollowingf act ors: Thes t af f fe els the re are un i que circ um st a n ces i nvolv e d h ere d u e to the size and shape o f the parcel.The prop osedl oca t ion fo r th e .h ouse r educ e s the neg a tive imp actso f construct ing theho u se t oo c;ose to :the r oad a nd hindering t he vie ws from the Wilson houseon lot 17. •- PRESENT ~J i ll Trout Diana Donovan J im Viele Dan Corcoran Duane Piper Gordon Pierce Jim Morgan (later) PLANN ING AND ENV IRONMENTAL COMtlISS ION January ,lO,1983 STAF F PR ESENT PeterJ am ar Peter Pa tten Betsy Rosolack 1.Appointment of me mber to ORB for 3months. JimViele volunteered to attend ORB January,February and March,and Gordon Pierce said that he would attend ORB April,May and June. 2.Election of new chairmantotake office February ;4. Dan Corcoran was re-elected chairman,and Duane Piper re-elected vice-chairman. 3.Approval ofminutesof December 13,1982. WillTrout had two corrections to make totheminutes.Donovan moved and Pierce seconded toapprovetheminuteswiththe corrections asnoted.The vote was 6-0, in favor. 4.Request for exterior alteration and modification in Co mmercial Core IIinorder to construct employeelo ckers pacea nd p!Jbl iclockel'facil Hies inthel oading dock areaofthe Vai lLionshead GondolaBUilding.Applicant:Vail Assoc.,Inc. Peter Jamar explained the request and added that since there really was no ~xterior alteration,theLionshead Urban Design Considerations and Design Guidelines did notapply.He referred theboard membersto th~letter from Bob Parkersuggesting that sections 18.24.065 and 18.26.045beamended to exempt constructioninin te rior areas only from the PEereview process.Jamar explained that the staff would be reviewing this procedure.Shawn Primerof VA told of trash changes. Viele moved and Donovan seconded toapprovethe re~est per t he staff me mo dated December 30,1982 ~The vote was 5-0in favor.(Pierce left temporarily.) 5.Request for setback variance toencroach10 feet into the1adjoin~orest Service property in order to build a t ~~f a~m~i~l ~y ~r~e~s~i ~d-en~c~e~o~ lot 18,block1,Potato Patch Filing 1.Applicants:'Dave Irish and Fr Peter Jamar reminded theboard ,that there had been a similar request at their last meeting,butasking for anencroachment of14 feet r ather than10.Jamar exp laine d that the house had been nloved tothe north,He add ed th at one condition t he s taff would 1iketo add would be that theappl icant build a sno w f ence along th e lurcs t Service property line.Tom Brin er,archtect for theappl ica nts,was in t he au di e nce . •..Trouts tated that he was ev enmor eenrhu s i as t i ca bo utt he pr opos ed pro je ct t h is time tl ~n he was l a st.Donova nsaid tha t i ft he purpose was to pr ote ct th e nci qllbor. she would1i ketose e more trees planted be tween t his proj ect a ndt he 'Wil 5 0 11 house. Vi ele f a vo red the proj ect.Corco ran a greed wi thDono va nt hat sp ec ifica ttent ionbe pa idt ot hel andscaping nex ttothe Wil son's. (Patte n ar rived.) Donova nmov edandTrout second ed~~py'!_O V ~the reg u ~~~~h e 10 f oot rear set back va .r"_La nce---'p-e r th e st ilJ.L!~--'!1.~_d a t~_d Janu.il!Ll_Q.,1983 w.jth ...t -'le__cp.!1_d.it i ~.l h_aJ:L .?n 0 'i ie_n_c .L~~.Q.lac~_a l o ng th e Fore s t Ser v~~..2 r02e r ty l ine ~~9..129 t hatORBbe ins t.r'uc te.\i !Q..lqQLi.Qlo ex tra .~t i!!L0 n theWi lso n s ideofth e prop er ~The vot e \~as~-..Q. i n favoI....o f a pJ2.!:.Oval. 6.Re.9 uest for a condition al use pe rmit i n 'orde r t oconstruct a drive-th.r..ou gh bank fa cility int he CC3 zon e di s t ~ic ~a nd a r eq~e s t to a ~end anapproveds ite p_~an to allow t he driv e-i n te ll er fa c ility andto r evise the parki ng pla n for th e Vail Comm on s developme nt at Vai l dasSchone,F ili n~Appli can t:Vail Commons,Ltd . Peter Patten explained the two differe nt r equ est sa ndJayPet erson,rep resentin g the ·applicant,requested.t hatth e boardconsider th e cond itional use permit f irst. Patten showed the site plan a nd explainedth at the drive-through facility wa s on thenorth east corner of t he site with3 s tations.(Pierce r eturn ed.)S igni ng .was discussed.Peterson felt that the driv e -in bank help edra therthanhindered the project,a s much traffic a tbankswas five-minu te .Gary Swetish,architect, added that they may usea gate,but hadn't decided.. Piper moved a nd,Pie rce secondedtoa pprove the conditio nal useper the sta ff me mo dated 1/5 /83.The vot e was 5-0-1 wi th Vi elea bstaining. Ne xt the site plan amendment was considered.Patten show edt he site planchan ges and explained the added par ki ng spac es.Pe terson said that t heowners oftheVail Co mmon s proj ect owned 5 2 1~of the Va il Das Schoneshopp i ng center where par t ofth e parking for th e Vail Commons was to ta ke pl ace.Patten addedt hat there tw o condit ions for approval.(Morg an arr ived.) One wa s that the applicant pay for th ecostto construct abikepathonth e south side ofboth the Va il Commons area andt he Vaildas Scho nepa rcel.As econd condition was that a deed re s triction be f iled for an off-site and joint parking facility agrement for the Vaildas Schone property. Jay Pete rsonobj ected t o the conditionof paying for the b ike path.He s ta te dth at Vail Coaa nonsial r-eady hada pprovalf rom th eCounty,and s ho uldn'thavetopay f or thebi ke pat h which he felt was anaddedburdenand unfair .Co rcoranpointed ou t that Si mb aRunandValli Hi had topayfo r th e bikepaths inf ront ofth e ir pro perties. Peters on a nswered that tha t had been apart ofth ei r or iginal SOD appro val.butV.C. already had r eceived approval from the Co unty.Trouta sked if there werea ny pr opert i es thathadbeenapprovedalon g th eN.Fronta ge Roa dt hat had .Q.ot bee nasked toin stall abi ke path,and Patten answ ered,"No,"statin gSim ba Run and Va ll i -Hi were t heonl y ones. Pi ercea sked how th e bi ke paths were fun ded,a nd Pa tte n r ep l i ed that th ey \.:,'1'('funded throughre crea tionf eesa nd general op ensp ace capital imp rovement fun ds.I'atte n • t 'u.--J-I /I U /" as ked Pe te rs on if th .she lter ~"}S s t il l pa rt of tt!n,a nd Pet er s ol.;,i i r ~d t hat i t wa s .Pa tten suqj e s t ed th atonere qui reme nt a l r eadywus ,under t he L iJIJI ILy , t hat 'the applica nt pu ti n a buss hel t er on Charno ni xRoad a l oll'l '.-I i than 'aCC I;','-,t'rom t he s helter to th e Va il Comm ons a rea .Pe te r son r epli edth at ViJ i l Comm on s vrou ld grade th e bike pat h ,p uti n employe e ho usi ng a nd the bu s sh l ete r. The phasingof the projec t was disc us sed .Cor coran wascon ce r ned that th eremig ht be a utilityease mentin front of t he pr operty th at wou l d pr ohi bit const ruc t i on of t he bikepath .Pet e rsonr e pl ied that t he Town could buil d ontopof ut il it i e s, but would have to rep lacethe pav ing i f it weredama ged. More discussion followed concernin ggra di ng,landscapin g and pa ving ofth e bi ke path. EiP.e r moved and Vieles econded to a pprove the amen ded s it e2Ja n asperth e ~Ja f f memo with one conditi onbe i ng to provid e aneasementand rou~h gr ading at t~e t i me of con struction,and the other conditi on beto file~o i nt ~kin~faci li ty ~g r ee ­ me nt ~Il-th ..the Va i l aas Scho n e J~.r:212_er ty as requi r eaby -SeillO ni8 .5 .060 of t ne Vai l Mu nicipal Co de. The vote was 7-0,unani mously infavo r. 7.Request for reconsid e ration of the general circulation andaccessplan f or ~he Arte rial Bus iness District ..App licants:Pr operty ow nersin the p ro p o s~d Arterial Business District. Pa tten explained that theState Highway Department had the fi nal j urisdicti on i n acceleration and deceleration lanes,and that a mee ting had been schedul ed f or Thursday wi th th em.He added t hat t he sta ff had r eceivedd i ff erent answe rsf rom different personsint heHighwa y De pa rtme nt and was tryin g tor esolve this,wi th the result that the staff wished to table this 'item until t he January24meetin g. More discussion fo llowed ,and Viel e mov ed and Donova n se con ded to ta ble th is item until the me eting ofJ anuary24,1983.The votewas 6-0-1 wi t hMorgana bs tain ing. Dick Ryan announced that there would bea joint meeting on January 25withthe Council that wo uld last fr om 12:00 noon until 5:00 pm. •• PLANNIN G AND ENV IRONMENTAL CO MMI SSION J anua ry10,1983 2:00pmSiteIns pections 3:00 pm PublicHearing 1.Appo i ntment o f member to DRB for 3 months . 2.El ection of n ew ch airman to t ake 'o ff iceFe br uary 14. 3 .Approval ofminutes of Dece mb er 13,1982. 4 .Request for exterior alteration and modification in Commercial Cor e I I in order to construct emplo yee locker s pace arid publ i cloc ker fac i l Hies inthe loading doc k areaofthe Vail Lionshead Go nd olaBuilding. Applicant :Vai l Associates,Inc . 5.Request for setback variance toencroach 10 feet into 'the15 foot rear s etbackadjoin i ng Forest Servic e_pr ope rtyinord ert o bu il da two fa mily residence on lot 18,block 1 ,Va il Potato PatchFiling 1. Applicants :Dave I rish and Fred Bartli t 5 .Request fo ra condit ional usepermiti n orde r to construct a driv e-through bank facil ity inth e CC3 zone district anda request toa mend anap proved s iteplanto allow th e drive-in teller f aci li tyandto revise thepar king plan f orthe Va il Co mmons development at Vail das Schone,Filing 4 . App licant :Vail Co mmons,Ltd . .6 .Request for r econsiderationofthegeneral 'circulation and access plan for the Arterial Bu siness Distr ict .Appl icants:Property owners i nthe proposed Arterial Business District. Publish ed i n theVail Trail January7,1983. CONSTRUC-rION PERMIT 4 NOTE-COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE... DATE 6/1 0/83 ~J81 41PERMITNO. 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 111111 I V ~ 2 OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEHIR BUilDING 375,000 DIVISION 12 2a~z ELECTRICAL 16,0000 GENERAL DESCRIPT ION OF WORK :>=-e PLUMBING 24,300 duplex with attached garages :::>.....-c (4320 GRFA)>MECHANICAL 17,550 otal 432,880 TYPE GROUP G.R .F.A.VAL UATION PERMITFEES V R-3 5266 432,880 BUILDING PERMIT 1265 50 PLAN CHECK h':l?71; ELECTRICAL l?l nn ;~NEW (-.)ALTERATION ()ADD ITIONAL()REPAIR ()PLUMBING 250.00 I DWE LLIN GUN ITS ~ACCO M MO DA T I ONU N ITS ~"':MECHANICAL 1 an 00 HEIGHTINFT 33 ~oJ,.~~~&~o j e c t~RECREATION FEE 7Qn nn INSULATION:TY PE THIC KNE SS R·VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD t nnnn ~~FLOOR Batt 6"19 ClEAN·UP DEPOSIT k..L ...:<:nn nn EXT.WALL S "6"19 2164.40 T 2S"US E TAX )...::::::::."10"ROOF 38 ~~TYPE EL EC.X GAS TOTA!,.RERMIT FEES 6003.65 /' OF ---SOL AR WOO D lL{~v~--~~~/eY3__HEAT ADDITI ONA L PERM ITS NEEDED : s.!:!.INITI AL BlDING OFF ICIAl"at""t--ATE ., ---------------.ST .CUT X ONING ADMIN IS TRATOR DATE - BLAST ING X ZONING &BUilDING NOTES: PARKI NG <::,,,,nnroe:nn X nlnns DEMO II ,he reby acknowledqe that t haveread 'hi,application ,lill.~requ ired, completed an accu rate plot plan ,and state that allthe int ~.daqu O IS correct.I agree to comply with the i nformationand plot plan ,compl ~or 'cesand state (taws,andtobu ild this structure acc~g tot ~~subdi .n codes ,design !reVi eW approved ,Uniform Building Code der ord i~Tow plicable thereto. ~\>~ \~~~F OWNER or CON TRACTOR FOR HIMSELF f A THE 0 NER. "'--.-/ IUWI val d epa rtment o f commu nity d evelopment TO BE F lllE~UT COMPLETELY PRIOR TOISSUANCE OF PERM IT TVE OFPERMIT 51 BUILDING ex PLUMBING 51 ELECTRICAL 0 FOUNDATION 51 MECHANICAL D the printery/vall ~GA L Lor la BLK 1 ESC.FILING Potato Patch OBNAME :Ba rtl it/Irish Residence OWNER NAME same MAil ADDRESS Box 5310 CITY PH .845-7885 ARCHITECT FIRM Brjner-Scott MAil ADDRESS 143 E Meadow CITY PH . GEN'ERAL FIRM Beck CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAi l REG .NO. TElE. ARM Eagle Valley~LECrR 'CAL NTRACTOR TOWN OF VAil REG .NO . TElE. FIRM Sibl ey PLUMBING TOWN OF VAil REG NO.CONTRACTOR TElE. FIRM Sibley MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OFVAil REG .NO. TElE. OTHER FIRM TOWN OFVAil REG .NO. CONTRACTOR TElE. PERMIT N O.------- CONSTHUCTION PERMIT N OTE -.:;:/!OFPERM IT TOBE K EPTON JOBSIT E DAT E ~'b>.'I ';:53'f .J 0 "(3} ~ 1;>£:;- uCi J..JuJ I x-o 00 7 '70 C/o /c o 00 PERMIT FEj:S '!I f ,, I ~,o c>o ?CJ .~O (""\• )1.D - nU ILDING MECIIA NICAL PLUMB ING ELECTRI CAL BUII .D ING PERMIT ~LEcrR I CA L CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT MECHANICAL USETA X PLUM IJING PLANCIIECK DESIGN REVIEW C1 0ARD RECREATION FEE TOTAL PERMIT FEES IZONING &BU ILDINGNO TES :_ 91.i~N oV ....s VALUATION GA S WOODI ,YPE i/ If EL EC. ag ree 10 c om ply w i ll'the inform al i on ilnel P~I~==-~I "comp ly wi th a l l T ow n ord inancesnnestn te la ws,andtobu ild th is structure accord inp I ....zon in g ilnd s ubdivision coo ns.d oslgn reyiew a pp roved,l!~iro rm Bu ild ing Co de a nn 0 ord a c ~s 01 tho Town op pl i cab le th e r eto . f f -0 ~,~c:."-q"A ~s oc.,J :tN:... Sib ,.un eOF OWNEROR CONTAACTORFOR ~t1M'SELF~AN D T i lE OWNER . I hereby acknowledge thai I have read th i sa ppl icnt lon ,fil lecl ou t i n l ull t he lnlo rmnu onr equireu , corn ptet ec an ac curate plot p la n,a ndsta re I M I illl 1I1 e into rmn tionp rovided a s requi red I S corr e ct I TYPE 'lOOF DEMO PARKING BL ASTING EXT.WA LLS FL OOR S T.CU T --_.:::--::---_._-,--,------------ TY PE OF H EAT ADD IT IONAL PERMITS NEEDED : 1.~!~/______L _~ --I =t ~I--- I_Q!yN OFVA IL REG .N O. CITY orn sn AllCHI TECT dnpur t ruunt of community rluvnlopm ant r 10 R E FILLE D O U r COMP LETELYPRIORT O ISSUANCE O FP ERM IT TY ~'~OFPERMIT ~DU I I.D IN G 'i2r P LUM B I NGG:t E IH:rrll CA L '[2:-FOU ND A T I ON @:..MEC I IA NI CAL 0, :"'L.Ii:'L LOT I 'b "C .F ILING Q,;I L~~B N AME:~\I;\)1:.\'"..~""-\?~<..~~ t OWNER NlIME t?...,e ......e \'r &k t\:i NEW I)ALTERATION ()ADo·li'iii,:iAl ()REPAIR (I DWE LLING UNITS ~ACCOMMOOA TIO N UN ITS~ J'"t f I /'boO-~rtJ.C)J ~-cC~NJ HEIG I1T INFT .V __NO .FIREP L ACES -!2.-' I GEN r:R 'I L ElRML-":-:!:-.!:.::..E.-=:::;";;-"--_"':':"---'..:..J:;::" :C ON Tn A C TO n TOWNOF VAIL REG .NO.ee==='!:.EL E.£b-z.,.S 7 \I \EIflM I I i IO LECTRICAL -..) :CONT RA Cl Oll IQ...WN O F VA IL REG .N O . ~===_~=.~_I !.§.I:E.~-~/f 5: [lfUlI S :1,..1 ,\SI. I PLlJ MEJING I ;CON r nA CTO I1 .lQ'ti t!.N J:OIlF:JVU.A~I Lb.B.R E!E O;U:!Q...-===:t [..TELE ."b'Z 7 ~1 ;r:.IfIM S .k l cOd ?I ........~:-, I M ECIIANICA L IICONTRACIonIQYJti..9..f VAIL REG",.N.!.>O""-._ ;..__TE LE .~-7 , \. \ brineJiscott architects 143 e.meadow dr. vail co lorado 81657 {303l 476·3038 , March 9,1984 Mr.Steve Patterson ChiefBuilding Official Town ofVail 75 S.Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 Re:Bartlit-Irish Duplex PotatoPatch Road Dear Steve, , , Thankyou for offering me an opportunity to describe the intent behindthedesignofthe"French"doors in the Irish unit.Given that these doors are not required as exits Itook that opportunity to raise their sills from the floor thus offering some assurance tothe Irishes against water entering their unit.As you may be aware,that side ofthe house facesan up hill slope.With a low retaining wall and ashallowswail we are attempting to direct surface water away from thehouse;buthere in themountains who canbe positive about how much run off will occur.Also,as you may have seen,snow tendsto pile up on thedecksbehind these doors.By.raising the sill ofthedoorsin question approximately 12"we in effect create adam against either surface run off or water from melting snow.I recognize that if these were required exits a step and,inthecaseofthe IrisheS:-alanding would by Code need tobeprovided.ThisnotbeingthecaseI hope you will consider this situation as one that is tothe Owners benefit and accordingly approvethe existing installation.Thankyou. Yours truly, I Thomas A.Briner BRINER/SCOTT ARCHITECTS TAB:kmk cc:Dave Irish Bi 11 Anderson , I chen and ssoci ates CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS 5080RD 1 ~GLE NWOODSP RINGS ,COL ORADO8 1601 303 194~7 ''~8 • June 27,1 983 L , Subject:Excavati on Observa tion , Propos ed Duplex ,Lo t 1 8, Block 1,Po tato Pa tch Subdivision,Vail ,Eagle Coun ty ,Co lorad o. Job No.25,389A Beck &Associ ates P.O.Box 1413 Vail,CD 81658 Attn:Bill Anderson Gentlerren: As reques t ed,weob served the excavation at the subj e ct s ite o n June 17,21 and 24 ,198 3.The purpose of o ur observations ....zas to e valuate the exposed conditions for the foundation and s l ab s upport.We previously conducted as o il and foundation investigation a t thes ubj ect site for the proposed duplex and surmi,t ted our fi n dings to Br iner- SCott Architects in a report d ated April 28,19 83,under Job No.25 ,389 . At the t ime o f our site v isit o n June 17,cut depths ranged f rom0 to about 1/2 feet over most o f the proposed building area with the exce ption of the nurtheast portion whichh ad cuts from about 2 to 31/2 f eet.The ext.reme southern end was still in a natural state.'IW:> backh oe p i ts had been excavated prior to our arr.ivaf for the purpose of e valuating the topsoil d epth .Onep it was located in the no rtheaste rn building corner ,where the current cut depth was about 31/2 feet and the second p it wasl ocat ed in the southwest portion of the b uilding where the current cut depth was about 1/2 foot.Observation of the soils exposed wi thin the2p i ts r ev ealed an additional 2 fee t of topsoil in the northeastern corner and an additional 3 feet of topsoil at the southwest corner.The topsoil was overlying silty to cla yey sands with some gravels.No footing trenching had begun at this t ime and Beck and Associates personnel on the s ite were advis ed of the tops oil depths observed. At the time o f our June 21 site visit,the footing excava tions had been canp1eted with the exce ption o f the ext.reroe southern po rtion o f the building.The soils exposed wi,thin the footing excavatio ns consisted of silty to clayey sands with occas ional gravel s.Beck and Associates OFFI CES:CA SPER.C OLOR ADO SPRINGS'D ENVER.S ALT LAKE C ITY Beck &Associates I June 27 ,1983 Page 'IWo pers onnel on-site were advised to excava te the s o ils in the southern portaon beI ow all topsoil,similar to the .footing trenchesp revio us ly excavated. On J une 24 ,foot ing trench es througho ut the entire b ui ld ing h ad been excavated .Cut depthsr ang ed fran about 4 feet t o 8 feet be lON the p revi ous natural ground surface .Spread footings,g enera lly about;16 inches in width ....'ere being f orrned wi thin the s ou thern half o f the proposed building .Sane loose and soft areas were observed in the northwestern corner of the excavation,apparently due t o sloughing of the sides and recent rainfall.Al l footing trenches were belrw topso il d epth and the undisturbed soils exposed are s uitable to support the recarrnended 2,000 psf bearing pressure .All the l ocalized loose and soft areas should be rerroved to expose the f irm natural subsoils.Sev eral feet of topsoil was stillo bs erved wi thin proposed slab-on-grade areas and should be rerroved .To re-establish des ired slab e l evation grade,replacemento f the t ops oil with canpacted structuralf i ll is reccmnended.The on-s i te soils exclusive of topsoil can be used a s fill.Canpaction should be to at least 95%o f the maximum standard Proctor d ensi ty a ta rroi sture content near optimum .Other applicable r ecarrn endat ions presented in o ur original r eport sho ulda lso be f ollo.ved . If you have any questions or i fwe c an be of f urther service , p lease c al l. Very trulyy o urs , CHEN M'D ASSOCIATES ,INC. By I{£td.()~itDa1dA.Young DAY/lmk Rev.By :S.L.P. cc:Briner-Scott Ar chitects " , ~©[[ AND f\SSOCIAT ES,INC. , PO eo<1413 \bit Cobracb 81658 (303)PQ7-EfItf) ATTAd!ED J r CEAS E £':v D Dp~1/..51/£5 DI t.5 R ~QeJ -p~\=012Me:-~"B 1 CH€"J.!,'",4S5DC.6)/ 12E"'SI VE.#L 6-1 77tJ~~~Lt\\:)l2., As 10l)CA;../5F~ D13 5G/2..rAT;oN S DN --r-4c- ON -s.uJie 2 L/-B 3 VI #G"il c::::&-u A--;1Z,rlYZA1~D :5 £?/h i -:j -.cE'k7 D'Pt:"P $iTc.l+\-t (AST 0JJE= "Fo"C\;lJ ~-r'g.~uL4(:"'S yJ~12-{;L Dhf pk-t€.. Designers/Bu ilders ·Construction tvb rogers Yoder E'ineering Consul&ts,Inc. Mechanical /Electrical Benchmark Plaza-Suite 307 P.O.Box 5740 A von,Colorado 81620 23 Apri 1,1984 Mr.Gary Mu rrain TOWN OF VAIL BuildingDepartment 75 S.Frontage Road Vail,CO 81657 RE:Bartlit/lrish Duplex/Bartlit Mechanical Room Dear Gary: 303 ·949-1191 1 -800 -332-3259 (Co lorad o O nly) The combustion air opening for the Irish mechanical room,located intheupper part ofthe room,is sufficient for good combustion efficiency particularly when the function oftheinduced draft fan is considered.We could technically rest upon Section 602 of U.M.C. where theupper combustion air opening is satisfactory since the areaofthe enclosure is .at least 50 square feet and there is an unobstructed areaequaltothe required openingareaextendingto thefirebox. From a more realistic and practical standpoint,theuseofthe in- duced draft fan,incombinationwiththe draft diverte rs onthe out- let ofeachwater heater and boiler,assures anadequatesupplyof combustion air intheproper quantity for efficient firing. I would beconcerned if theequipment were gravity vented,butwith theinduced draft vent,we believe thesystems will function efficient- ly and within the spirit ofthe Uniform Mechanical Code. If you have any questions or reservations,please do not hesitate to contact me. Davi d L. DLY/ew cc:Henry Pratt BRINER/SCOTT ARCHITECTS BECK &ASSOCIATe P.O.Box 1413 VAIL,COLORADO 81657 [L,~TI'TI'.®[f TI'OO £[j\I]~[K'X]01fTI'£[L, NQ 1220 o SamplesoPlans 0 _ ~0 Underseparatecover via the f ollowing items: o Specifi cationsoPrints o Change order Phone 827·5960 o Shop drawings o Copyof letter GENTLEMEN: WEARESENDING YOU TO COPIES I THESE ARE TRANSMITIED aschecked bel ow: o Forapprova l o For youruse ~uested o Approvedas submitted o App roved asnoted o Returned f orcorrec tions o Resubmit copies for approva l o Subm it __copies for d istribution o Return corrected prints o Forrevi ew andcomment 0 _ o FORBIDSDUE 190PRINTS RETURNEDAFTER LOANTOUS REMARKS _ COPY TO,_ FOAM240-3 Availabl e fr om INE:B SI To.....neend.Mass 0 1469 • .JOHNSON·vOlll.ARCHULETA.INC. Co nsulting Structural En gineers Au gust 31,1983 Mr.He nry Pratt Brin er/Sco tt Archit ec ts 143 East Meado w Drive,Suit e N40 Vai l,Col orado 81657 RE :Bartlitt-I ri sh Re sidence De ar Henry: You hav e asked for verification ontwosp ecific qu estions. R obert H .Voi land R ob ert B .H unn •• D avid M .Houd••nell 14.Ga ••Hbwoll Rober t C .A ltOn R .A .Honon GeraldineM .Boone ThomlSS .$oell 1.Anchorboltsf or column base plate s were specifi ed to be 1/2" diam eter.WEJ-ITan chor bolts 1/2 "diameter by7"long d rilled into con crete 4"may be substituted at contractor's option. 2 .Ho ney com bvoid approxi mat ely 2 feet lo ng by8"high throu gh east foun dation wall may ber epaired as follows.Re move a ll hon eycomb andlo o se ma terialand sq uar e-off e dges of void.Apply bondin g agent t o int e rnal surfaces and dry pa ck with stiff portland cement mortar. If you have f urther questions or problems,please let us know andwewill do our best to help . Very truly yours, JOHNSON-VOlLAND-ARCHULETA,INC. B y[)~/j(~ David M.Houd esh ell,P.E. DM H:jn 2JO ~CAN Y ON a ou LE V AR O 638 5 ""'ES T 52NO A V fNUE B OU LD E R ,C O LORAD O 8 0302 444 ·1951 A R VAD A ,CO L OR A DO 8 000 2 420-205 5 -- P O ST I NA C O NSP ICU OUS PLACE • -- POST IN AC ONSPICUOU S PLACE I Y/'/ eTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL . 1 t-' INS J I ':"r,-/I , L t:kCALLER //c-'/'-I I 1 I If .JOBNAME ~_..:...___;_-----~-------DATE _____AM PM LOCATION:=-_~_...:..:.-_='_____:_-..!-:....:...c..:.;..L.!-.-___;_:"O"":'--'.-'___:_-------..:..----- READYFOR INSPECTION: UJt BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL (-\.!,{i l PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /D.W.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL . ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH _ o CONDUIT 0 _ o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR 0 _ o FINAL _ ,-o APPROVED I CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED • DATE _INSPECTOR _+¥.-~..::.:.::..~~..l-L---------- the prlnte"lvail INSPECTION REQUEST .--TC?WN OF VAILrj.-./..::-..1-...-,-DATE JOB NAME ---!..::::<..::....=-""--L---...!.:..-=-.~..::::...-_--=::::::.~~.:....-_ PERMI T NUMBER OF PROJECT CALLER 6'-L L MON TUES WE~<;HU:,3GRI) 7 )r-jJ~T?Y .") READYFOR INSPECTION : LOCATION:..::---'----__~::::.......!.~:...._!:.__"__e....__ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D .W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 Dr FINAL CC/.-CJ o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 °YI ~Al.o FINAL /t::'d~PP R OV E D /CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED / ( / INSPECTOR --==;-':........,,""""-~!::-.:===::::....-_DATE --:"L..:.._--::'_~..,.L-_ /' ______AMPM eTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL .• INS I I I WED THUR FRI I J CALLER DA TE ---'''--f---'-+---"---JOB NAME ----'-~-:--..:.---------------- LOCAT ION:-.-!--..:.!-__---'---'---'------'----'----'-_ READY FOR INSPECTION: .-).t BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D.W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING- o INSULATION o POOL /H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 \c_V 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 ,o FINALoFINAL ~:A[]APPROVED I o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: /-~/ DATE ..!-_ ( INSPECTOR .:::.,.....<:::..::""-..,-:-_..:....::;~::.::..-....:-__:::::._ .,.p rln"ry/va il PMAM INS eTION REQUEST -,TOWN OF VAIL .L->(l'f e r(-:t J I.}, CALLER e'(!~k-//f't,{I..., MON TUES .'-;~THU~FRI /1 l'}1 r:r:r~L JOB NAME __--'--__~_:_---!.-,...__:::=:....:---.......,...__;_--~--- READYFOR INSPECTION: LOCATION :L.:.:..A_..f__/-'y=---_--:....:::!-~'____'_~_~=_~'____==.._ DATE -77'6 II I I BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROO F &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING. o INSULATION o POOL /H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 ~FINAL n FINAL --- "I~- o REINSPECTION REQUIRED /;/ /.'..,., f I ( o DISAPPROVED 7 Io APPROVED /CORRECTIONS: '1 DATE _--'--_--'------::-"_INSPECTOR ...",----'--:-...;O-'--'----'--'-='-S-------- the Pfln....y /vaU /'7 'jtj eTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL .I I _____AMPM / CALLER _----.::::..-=---_~_._:.:...___---=:=___ MON TUESWED THUR FRI DATE __.:...-JOB NAME _-'--~___:..._____!..._._:._____==___ READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION:----'--___"____!..._~____"__=__._ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND...-.,--k?o FOUNDATION /STEEL <I '(/o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING- o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o F.lfI!AL o FINAL &PPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE --'-_INSPECTOR _"'-'-'-~_-"==""::"---:'-__:"'_==-_ the prl ntltfy !va il /Y 1 '/ eTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL . ,/. J It r I I .I ;-'NAME ....!-.:....:...:_---.:.--"..!-!...._.!..-.!..--:....__-=!......L. «.,/'f';/ '/./JOB -/ DATE ______AM /PM rWEDTHUR-,9 CALLER _ READYFOR INSPECTION:C MON)TUES LOCATION :__--"'-~_---=L...:o __'___..c.....:.__""_____'_ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL 0 UNDERGROUND ------_ (,1 o ROUGH /D.W.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL / o FINAL o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 1l«, o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING ---------- o INSULATION '.. ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLYAIR 0 _ o FINAL _ ~G (A PPR O V E D CORRECTIONS: /.z;r.-...,£) ? o DISAPPROVED I,2 '?0/r:j(,-r.;0 1"3-L4i( o REINSPECTION REQUIRED r.....111Mb DATE _t.--"':O"-_____'...L-_INSPECTOR f-=--'---"-=---AM I PM eTION REQUEST TOWNOF VAIL ., .: FRI INS CALLER TUESWED THUR //1>I d,1'.It READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION:L "T A - ;f;/k I BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D .W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING.. o INSULATION o POOL /H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 09~I NA L o FINAL o REINSPECTION REQUIRED / o DISAPPROVED /-,j I m APPROVED j/CORRECTIONS:/fl.r -':---:---,---r-r-r-_ I DATE _--'---":'---'--'-_~--'--_INSPECTOR -.,,---=---=--1----:d-~..:.--,-:--'----­ --/ tM prln'tf\'lvllil -L J?/(<-/ eTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ., INS CALLER ______AMPM-MON TUES 'WED THUR FRI-READYFOR INSPECTION: LOCATION:_ PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /D .W.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL -"? MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FINAL -"--,,_ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o FINAL / _$APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED ([ff REINSPECTION REQUIRED " I I 5 Tlr)p /1 01 ,,, /INSPECTOR -~T-~,,2....-"=--",=--,.-,.---------DATE _--"-----'-_----'-'--_ the prIntHylolail eTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL . PM_____AM f \.I CALLER _--L_-"--~__-'---'--'-'-_-'-_ MON TUES i (i oJ /y READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCAT ION :-.J X BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o ~/ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDU IT 0 _ o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR _ 0 _ o FINAL o APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o RE INSPECTION REQUIRED DATE __=----=---'-_INSPECTOR /' /y'I t( INSP eTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL .r),t:0.--f )I 't : ./.. o .f I,'/ I.)0'".,,f'r ()0 /-/);,)DA TE __...L-_-!-----,t--JOB NAM E---__---:.---:.~:__~______'_~~~:.._~:______....:~_ FRI CALLER MONTUESWEDREADYFORINSPECTION: LOCAT ION:--'-_ BUILDING: o FOO T INGS /STE EL _~_ o FOUN DATION/STEEL _ O 'FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- cD INSULATION _ .! o SHEETROCK NAI L _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING ._ o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ , o FINAL _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0--0:--------------- ..f /.J"'"o A'PPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED r ,( INSPECTOR2/1 ,/7DATE--:=-----'-'---=--'-_ It.prlnlilrylltail - MON TUES i .'v.... DATE READYFOR I NSPECTION: LOCATION :----.,...".....---..,.....---..,.-,.--~~_w_--.,L_--"'-"'-~"-"=....:....:.."-------L-~~'-----.:....-- '-" BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL I ,~D FOIUNDATION /STEEL FRAMING _ ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING '_ o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL .7 ".". MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR _ 0 _ '7oFINAL ~p FINAL :,.L _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP,POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT _ o ,,:(APPROVED 0 DISAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: ----"-'-'''-'-''---''----'-''7-'-~'-'--''-7_-::..--=-'''-'''=-___,:r_----_f_-----------. / / INSPECTOR --"':::::..-.!::-~::....-...,.-_2--If/DATE _ P~ 1 _____AM I YI V eTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL . 5; /(.f/'U.!'. I _,",,>I I r" 7 THUR FRI INS ~{v\~{'T C'(CALLER MON I I r READYFOR INSPECTION: LOCATION:~-'--L..!....-__----,,.2--'---':"':""::,",,--=-,,-.l-.1.---':--:"_--:-"---:=~'---'-:'-= BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /D.W.V._ o ROUGH /WATER • o GAS PIPING ._ o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ /o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ o APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ~..,-,--_INSPECTOR .....L.._ the prln ....y/vail /III READYFOR INSPECTION : LOCATION :L.-...L-=---_--=------L~~"'_"_______;.,e_=--.I:.---'-L"'-~------- BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND - o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING ~~S U LAT I O N o POOL /H .TUB SHEETROCK NAIL 0.... 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 o F.INAC o FINAL ,/./ • pP~-P PR O V E Dz-: CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE -/-_=.l."'-'==--..!."--''--_INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAll . !In /'"rI -L Y /"Ii (Ld:fdt;) CALLER ~/1'/A #d ='eY..sr"--I .,VTUES~THUR FRI AMPM '--"7 2 q Po!?)~j?«'!t~t?~ .~l MONREADYFORINSPECTION: LOCATION :--L--L--,:;....--I---=---L.:'"'----I.-=---_-+--="--"-'~__""'_..::__ BUILDING: o FOOT INGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL \J FRAMING F t ",.("'~O O F &SHEER o PLYWOOD NAILING ('f.INSULATION __----'r-----','--.,--'..:.'''----''----- o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGRO UND o ROUGH /D .W.V ._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER 0 HEATING _ o ROUGH 0 EXHAUST HOODS I ' o CONDUIT 0 SUPPLY AIR o ----------------/7- o IJPI 'L .'k FINAL PPROVED \ o DISAPPROVED 0 REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE ...<-----:..---'-----""-7'-------INSPECTOR PM INSPECTION REQUEST TWNOF VAIL 1 /.t1 '1."-e P1 CA LLER E.C'~(~IJCf'L-=-~ r:~t/TUES ~~T HU R FRI»:~<><.,7 Z f/v /2-/)1 If LOCATION :-.L-L..-+-.L.-=-L~____.£._=L._..,L_~::...--==:_..__ READYFOR INSPECTION:MON BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /D .W.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ ~O U G H o CONDUIT 0 _ o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ /APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ./1 -.2l -?,i INSPECTOR~I i~ /t/I V INSPECTION REQUESTn+).--rT O W ~OF VAIL J-::>a r:r.J--v J s:k> CALLER S ,b I=(I".. MONTUES fiiE-Z)TH URFRI I AMPM ~+I r f3,t(I 1-='--t-~7 .B n JOB NA MEDATE READ Y FOR INSPECTION : LOCATION :---,---=.e::--'----'---"----__-=::..-~_____'_~.:_.:_____::.:.......J_~___!.___Sl.~.__....::,__ ) ,I' PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V._ ~~....~.~~I~~~~::2..:::~ROUGH /WATER _~ 2 ~~o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL BUILDING: o FOO TINGS /STEEL _ o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o _ o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o T EMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o _ ~F}NAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYA IR _ o _ o FINAL _ .........'d:AE.eBOVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,I / .#")C' / 1.'7 L/fi7DATE~-I -~INSPECTOR --==-"-"=-------L_----=::::.~~~~::::::....------ /s::»y eTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ))10 {I r f>',- INS -3 tI y )'-I_C-".--=--__-=--_..:..-~_=____~~_ CALLER LJ I I ~r- , READYFOR I NSPECTION:MON LOCATION :"}?(,/S- 7 TUES ~'D I ~.ED I THUR FRI ..l.--I ".0 ;--. (" _____AM PM" (,C- BUILDING: o FOO T INGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ o FRAM ING ROO F &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o ~_ o FINf.L PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ o _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POWER _ [XROUGH o CONDUIT _ o _ o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR _ o _ o FINAL _ LE £~/~2 d~ Q-A:ea--~.Jrd %z al-~~..,//tLx d <fy OR£L, o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED / (,;7(;-POeJ O r/ /')7 -!':.~DATE -c -L!..-v INSPECTOR thl pr l"~,y .lv'i l I Y/Y INSPECTION REQUEST h _t r ---'-TOWN O~VAIL i:~/r /:r yl .ro( \.i / CALLER ~I c6 ?''-• TUESWEDTHUR ,~/-----£;)PMP.Ti t:rf-rr~ JOB NA ME INSPECTION :MON ~IIJ' /0 k -4--~1.>-<-( DA TE READY FOR LO CATI ON:_----;-__--:....-..:........,.--:-L-.:----:--:....-.:....:....__--=----_~'___ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL 0 UNDERGROUND _ o FOUNDATION /STEEL Ii!!"ROUG H/D.W.V._ /o FRAMING I2l ROUGH /WATER _ ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING 0GAS PIPING o INSULATION 0POOL /H .TUB _ o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 _ o 0 o FINAL 0 FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT _ o // o FIJ"AL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ D ?"wPROVED / CORRECTIONS : o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE .,<-~"'--_INSPECTOR CALLER "_____AMPM -i,.e eTION REQUEST _TOWNOF VAIL - /'IT ' I JA I.r FRI INS 111-) IJOBNAME------!.....,.:c:~-____L_~~_L_!....!..._____'_.L....____!'___!.._ ~ READYFOR INSPECTION:MONTUES ;WED)THUR LOCATION:l ,Y J}4"_-;..')\)-r-r ~ DATE -1 BUILDING:PLUMBING: Io FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND. o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D.W .V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING.- o INSULATION o POOL /H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL?o FINAL...," o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT ION REQUIRED • DATE -..::;:z.--=::..T-'~=-------INSPECTOR /_:::"~_....;;::.:;::..~~~~=~--=.:::::::_ ----- Iht p rln..."v:ail eTION REQUEST .TOWN OF VAIL . !1AuT,71 Z;/(1>+1 CALLER !?£"~-K ----TUESWED (..J Hl J..B )FRI AMPM ,f--?5'--7 JOB NAME _-L-.<-~":"-':~_-->!:::~":::"":"'~~_DATE READYFOR INSPECTION :MON LOCATION:_ BUILDING:PLUMBING: '[(FOOTINGS I STEEL c«Ad o UNDERGROUND,o FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I D .W.V., o FRAMING o ROUGH I WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING- o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 A 0 //o FINAL o FINAL / v'APPROVED /CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION ·REQUIRED DATE --:.'-----=="---'-_..::.---'--_ INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF V1\IL0~v~/.7-1 Tv'.I: CALLER ()(\-e c..( TUES '!!!V THUR FRI ----+'--AM (i;) l'Q ('~+J 1.-<t..- NAME~/2-3d .J JOB 7 7DATE READY FOR INSPECTION :MON LOCATION :~<-.l-l..l..k..!..-"==------L....:.....::~c.=..---'----- CORRECTIONS: BUILDING:PLUMBING:I· o FO OTINGS /ST EEL o U NDERGROUND ~O U N D AT I O N /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRA MING o ROUGH /WA TER ROOF &SHEER o GASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINA L ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL /l o FINAL ij /1 7 7 o APPROVED ~I S A P F'VED ~E I N S P E C T I O N REQU IRED / .---- DATE _---='----='------"-__-'---_INSPECTOR ~~~C--/ the prln t.,v /viII ,1 INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VA IL _rk4~+/1 ,)6 .!ks . CALLER ---....,q..""-'4~='-.f;U.=-1f-----------r== READYFOR LOCATI ON :__""-''-J-----'-'---£.:L.-__~~'--U---J-=~_q-----------l------- BUILDING:PLUMBING:I· o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDAT ION /STEEL o ROUG H /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WA TER ROO F &SHEER o GASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL -Ii \,'nApA".</0/; I 0 0 o F INAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEA TING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUI T o SUPPL Y AIR o /0D~A L o FINAL J '/ %APPROVED o DISAPPROVED ~N S P E C T I O N REQUIRED CORRECT IONS :Ok ,.-ft..c ....~ I f./ DATE _=-_INSPECTOR tt...•.,l..t.r ..i ~lh l ..INS eTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL . PM"---AM .... FRITHUR CALLER (MON \-------/LOCATION:---!....C~--.:=......l...___!.___ READYFORINSP ECTION : I PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINA L ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POWER _ o ROUGH o CO NDUIT o A o FI ~L _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ I iJ ~P PR O V E D / CORRECTIONS : o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED lheprln"ry/vai! // INSPECTOR ~~~~.L-~:...:£==~~::::::-_ ( 7/;'1/ff3 /I DAT E ...-!.-/-..L:..I.'-!--"'-L-_ INS eTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL . PM...-"__--"--__AM .-. FRI I //? WEDTHUR Je"'11<::::r- CALLER TUES />( READYFOR INSPECTION : LOCATION:--"---=-__~:.....___=;;:...!........:.=:...___'__"'~__'__ o REINSPECTION REQUIREDoDISAPPROVED BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND "0 FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH/D .W.V. •o FRAMING o ROUGH/WATER ROOF &SHEER o GASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING- o INSULATION o POOL/H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 9--F I ~A~o FINAL /"O ~:APPROVED /CORRECTIONS: / INSPECTOR / ( DATE ~"-'-_--,--=-'-::"_ PM '., ~---"=--__AM I)r t < eTION REQUEST TOWNOF VAIL . () (-4 f THURFRI(,rt-rWED ... INS ?(i l:rr ~Tv t 5 L CALLER TUES ) J.I \ MON &/2 I I LOCATION:'------'-_-=---..!..---'-_"---'--__-'---''----'--_---'_ READYFOR INSPECTION: I BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _.,--_ o SHEETROCK NA t _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH/DW.V._ o ROUGH/WATER _ o GASPIPING ._ o POOL/H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: ~TEMP.POWER _ I o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ ,Cl'''APPROVED ;VCORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE --'---=---"='-----,i-""----INSPECTOR _.,..::;..._'----:::.-....c.!-+~...=,,;.:..~'--------- lhe pr1n"ry/vail IDate-"':"--7-~~--:-~~--- Project Application•..... • .;11 1I'tArchitect,Address and Phone : Contact Personand Phone Owner,Address and Phone :__~..:.c..--L..L..-L~_ legal Description :lot _~_'----_~Block __----'Filing PDb.tL ,Zone f 1<\ Comments:_ DesignReviewBoard Date _ Motion by : Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Dale:\/ o Staff Approval ~. •-•LIST OF MA TERIALS • NAM E O~PR OJ ECT :~1,'+b ~/~5 LEGAL DESC RIPTIO N:~37BC O~FILI NG . STREET ADD RESS:~~_D -v . DESCRIPTIO N OF PROJ~.dl-f.ffi1i#1 £tt ~?u-~ The fo llowi ng information is req uired f or sUb mi ttal~e ~tothe Desig n Revi ew Boa rd beforeaf inal approva l canbefi ven: A.BUILDING MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Sidi ng Ot her Wa ll Materials Fascia Soffits ~W i n do w s X Window Tri m Doors -J:-_rtut ti~(.<£UIJ t:-q 14/i~ v V'6?t>d -bcz ~±J .eM1 \sr1z,\~ Door Trim Hand or Dec k Ra i ls Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclos ures Greenho uses Other B.LANDSCAPI NG:Name of Designer~ phone: PLA NT ~'A TE R I A L S :Botan ical Nam e Corranon Nam e Quan ity Size* PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO ___ BE REMOVED *Indicate cal iper fordeciducious trees.Indicate height for conifers. e. PLANT ~~TERIALS:Botanical Name (can't). SHRUBS EX ISTI NG SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION Common Name •• Quanity Size Square Footage TYPE OR METHOD OFEROSIONCONTROL ------------------- • C.OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls,fences,swimming pools,etc.)Please specify. FRAME EXTENDERS ..~-, -FIXED SERIES Overall Un it Dimens ions ,10 72..on WINDOW INNOVATION FROM PEACHTREE. CJ c::::J ~I I I I ,36 1''&011 I '...".'7'211 0 i i CJ ) I "362'"I 'I OH ,-I ,..".I '122' D D I~ I F 3UlI I F .030 I ..'"I ,-I I "''' I D 01 D D LJ D Co I "'",,.,."""I ..."F _OU "..,...,,,F UM 0 D I i ."'Ilo'O "...I "'"''''''',-I .....I ,-I '7140 0D 1 LI LJ , ,,...,,...,,...f 3tioo101 ,...."....I ,....I 'uu ~n [J D "...'1460j ,...,"3660 ,..'",-,,'"'"''~U11 DD.. UN ITWI DTH ~~~t18+1-24'4 1-3o'i t-36'~1-40''"1 t-48 ~t-60 '~t-72"------1 -+-18 "-+- ---r- 24 " -+- -r 30 " 4- I 36 ".r, "I 40 " .i. T48"--L T60"1- T(I '1m "'12 'JOn 'Mn 'IlO U ( HEAD SILL 1 ... ...s: OJ Q) I ROUGHOPE NING :Add,..toUnit Width and 'h"toUni tHeight. l 4.....------Unit Width------~ JAMBS Scale :6 "=1 '0 Dec embct'1982 02 ·AW2 21 DATE 9-1/-f9 APPLICATION FOR DUPLEX SUBD IVISION REV IEW --IIf?/sdA.NAME OF APPLICANT 1Jfl (jJ-J}j( MAILING ADDRESS p(8 Z Z 9 4 ______('="="-L)("""'M~"1"""'"/PHONE ,±)(,-S"gj MAILING ADDRESS------------------------- B.NAME OF APPLICANT 'S REPRESENTATI V~';,-_ ~ _______________________PHONE _ C.NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER (print ortype).1J1 ///D t:.::iR ISHI!JeJJ II ffdi?TL/T OWNER'S SIG NATURE 1;()X-{/(4/(?~P~E i7G -/2 5 Ff MA I LI NG ADDRESS .p Q f3 2 2:C)Lf l ),c?,A 'L i -I PAIDE.FEE $100.00 D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL LOT If BLOC K /SUBDIVISION LlflLL.£TJJT6 !1n:",H V '1/lft C;-/I s--cJ (.0 .I I F.MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED F .._?~ 3.A copy ofthe declarations and/or covenants proposed to assure themaintenance of any common areas. 1.Two mylarcopiesoftheduplex subdivision plat followingthe requirements of Section 17.16130(C)1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,13 and 14oftheSubdivis ion Regulations. 2.The plat must contain thefollowing statement: "For zoning purposes,the two lots created by this subdivision are to be treated asone entity with no more thanonetwo-family residence allowed on thecombined areas ofthe two lots."The statement must be modified accordingtothe number of lots created. G.APPROVAL PROCESS,REVIEW CRITERIA These canbe found inChapter17.24oftheSubdivision Regulations. H.FILING AND RECORDING The Department of Community Development willbe responsible for promptly recording the plat and accompanying documents withtheEagle County Clerk and Recorder upon Town ofVail approval. ·-MEMORANDUM TO:Planning and Environmental Commission FROM:Department of Community Development DATE:November 17,1982 SUBJECT:Request for rear setback variance for lot 18,block 1,PotatoPatch Filing #1 for a new primary/secondarydUj:llex.Appl icants:David K.lrish and Fred Bartlit DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED The applicants wish to construct a new duplex home on this triangular shaped lot in PotatoPatch.The wide part ofthe triangle contains anarea which is fairly heavily wooded,which theywishto preserve.To move the house away from the existing trees means pushing it into the rear setback,adjacent to National Forest Service land. The applicants wish toencroachto within one foot ofthe rear property line .Siting ofthe house in this manner also optimizesthe views from both units,especially tothewest (down valley).Moreover,the applicants argue that preserving the many trees existing on thewide,or northerly portion ofthe lot al lows a significant buffer zone between the existing house on lot .17to remain intact. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS · Upon review of Criteria and Find ings,Section18.62.060ofthe Municipal Code , theDepartment of Community Development recommends approvalofthe requested variance based upon thefollowing factors: Considerationof Factors ·The relationship ofthe requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures inthe vicinity. The location ofthe house inthe southerly',or narrowest,part ofthe lot allows asign ificant sta nd of trees to remain to the northofthe house to buffer between the proposed house andthe one on lot 17aswellas opti mizing views from the residence tothe w~st.The one foot distance f rom Forest Servicelandcouldbea problem during construction in attempting to keep all construction activities on private property,but this will bea condition of approval. The purpose section oftheVarianceChapter(18.62.010)states that:"A practical d~fficulty orunnecessaryphysical hardship may result from the size,shapeor dimen- s tcns ofthe site .••.from topographicorphysical condition on the site ...."~taf~believes that theshapeof this lot incombinationwiththe majo rity of .trees belng.in thewidest portion ofthe site,point toward ahardship which would not result ,na special privilege if the variance were granted. .-Irish 11/17/822--The effect ofthe requested variance on light and air,distribution of population, trans ortation and traffic facilities,ub1ic facilities and utilities,a~d ub1ic sa ety. No negative effects on these factors are foreseen." Such other factors and criteria asthe commission deems applicable tothe proposed variance. ,FINDINGS: The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting a va riance: Thatthe granting ofthe variance willnot constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other proper~ies classified inthe same district. Thatthe granting ofthe variance willnotbe detrimental tothe public health, safety,or welfare,or materially injurious to properties or improvements inthe vicinity. That the ·variance is warranted for the following ·reason: There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site ofthe variance that donotapply generally to other properties inthe same zone. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Department of Community Development recommends approvalofthe requested variance.We feel there exists some hardships on this site which warrant locating the house intheareaproposed,·without it beinq construed asa special privilege. However,we sharethe ForestService's concern that all construction impacts and activities remain on lot 18 and do notencroach on Forest Service land.Thus, thefollowing is a condition of approval: Thata snow fencebe constructed on the property line common to lot 18 and National Forest landtokeep construction activity off ofthepublic land: I .T his proc edul-~j ~J ';(J \J i .~~J f or Dny p ro j(!c t requ e sti ng a Vari anc e. :;'~'J 'h o ap pLi c a t i o u \·...i.l l 11 Ut be "c c~].J tl 'd unti l a ll .i n Eor ma t.Lon is s ub md. 1\.NANE O F AP PL IC1\N'J'DAV I DIR ISH ,'PHON E 4 76 -17 57 13 .Nl\ME OF 1\1'1'],\l",N T '~;RE PR ES ENTA TIVE BRINER/SC OTT AR CHITE CTS ADDRESS 14 J EAS T MEADO\~DR IV E,VAI L,CO LO RA DO 81 657 PHON E 47 6-3038---------_.--- C. D .LOC1\TI ON CF pnOl'O~7\L ADDRESS ..P.QIAIO EP ATCH .D R l VE ,'J.All.,.-COLOAADO--S. LEGAL DESCH1 P TI ON lo t .J1 _block J __Pi lin g __~/,---_ F .A l i st o f t h e ll i1iH',S o f O W.'1c r::;o f aL],pro pe r.ty a d j a c e n t,to th e s u bjec t PJ :O F ,~·cLy ;Jl1 d 1 h eir a dd rc ssc s . E.FEE .$10 0.0 0 p l us ;,11 a mou nt eC]u.1J 1."t h e t hen c u rr cut [j.r s t .v c la ss po s t a r a t c COl'(',1 ,'h pI"C 'p en)'own c r t o b e no t i fie d h c rc u nclc r . •I I,Lot 11 1 7:Louise \Hls o n (Rob e rt) 6 1 Sto lleg a t e Road Lake Fore st,Ill ino is 6 00 4 5 Lo t 0 19 :Thoil lus Ass oc iat es of Conn ec t i cut ,I nc . Box 10JI Vui.l ,Col o r a do Lo t 0 20 :Wi.ll ia m J .McCa r ren Jr . 1061 Hum bol t S t ree t De l lvl~r ,Colo rad o 802 18 Lot 11 21 :~l o un l a i n Hi gh Pr o per ti es 7 J I0 I s l and(:ir cle \loul J er ,Co lorado 8 0JOI . "\v'.>1 ,-1'1,1 IVl./ •• BARTLIT/IRISH APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE RE:PRIMARY/SECONDARY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT CHAPTER 18.13 PARAGRAPH .060 SETBACKS •..minimum rear setback shall be fifteen feet. REQUEST Applicant wishes to encroach into 15 foot building site from National Forest lands. from 14 feet at one point to 0 feet. HARDSHIP rear setback separating Encroachment would vary 1.The lot is triangular in configuration thus limiting location for construction due to converging proper ty lines. 2.The "broadest"portion of the triangle is most heavily treed thus requiring removal of trees (large aspen)if construction were to occur in that area . i~S 3.From the "broadest"portion of site views would be obscured by residence across the street (view to west in particular)and, view of Bartlit/Irish residences could encroach upon Wilson residence view to south as well as Wilson 's privacy . SUMMARY •,. Froma site planning and architectural point of view the best location for a primary/secondary residence is somewhere south of a line roughly parallel with the north property line and approximately 100 feet to the south. This location provides unhindered views to the west and Vail Mountain. This location would allow many of the existing large aspen on the property to remain. This location retains for the Wilson residence its privacy as well as a "front yard"with trees. This location is constrained by the 20 foot and IS foot set- back requirements of the rapid ly converging west and east property lines. There being noknown use t o the Forest Service lands that would be compromised by encroachment into the adjoining setback the applicant believes his program could be most practically met, at less aesthetic expense to his neighbors,if his application is granted. - BARTLIT !IRISH APPLICATION F OR VARIANCE PAGE TWO .. 4 .The eas t e dge of thePotat oe Pa t ch Drive pavement is only several fee t from the Applicant's west property line .This eliminates the advantages of the road righ t-of way as a buffer to sound and v iew . 11/22/82 PEC 2 •Sackbauer sugge$ted trying to have the arcade throughout ~,Dbr i s t ma s sea son without a full time supervi sor ,and then coming backinJanuary to 5ee now the 'boa rd fe1 t. Viele moved and Donovan secondedtoa pprove the request f ..a t:onditiona1 use per mit at the Va il Li onshead Gondola Build ing witha full ti me a tt:!Endent on duty a t all times within the game room itself durin g hours ofoper ati and thesPEC would reserve t he right to re view the per mlt in case of problems co nce ~~10itePlng,li tte rin g, vandalism,drug abuse or disorderly conduct as stated in 'tne staff J)lemo dated 11/15/82. The vote was 5-0unanimouslyin favor ~ 2 .A request for a rear setback variance of14 feet i ~to build atwofa mily -residence on lot 18,Block 1,Potato Patch Fil ing fn ,e.,p pl ican.t.:Irish/Bartl it Peter Patten show~te plans and explained that the )l i cants w~hed to encroach to within one foot of the.rearproperty-l-ine-in-order to p .reserve -tbe trees in the north section of the lot and to optimize the views frOlll b o t:hunits ~_ Tom Briner,architect for the project,reiterated Patten "s statements,and discussion followed concerning both viewsand trees.Some felt thit a f'ter visjting the site, it appeared that there were just as many trees in the 'n=fr ~e r e t~residence was proposed to be built.Briner responded that he also ~to place the building so that the driveway wouldbe the shortest and.least ~~_Donovan stated that she did not feel view was a valid reason .to give a varj ~e _Viele 'fe1t that it .was beneficial to the public to push the house to the -57:.Morgalbread a letter' from .the neighbor to the north who hadno objections to "::e Tocat ton,of the building. -~:: Patten stated that hehadmetwith Bob Poole of the F~'S erv i ce ~d showed him the ' site plan.Poole said that it was too close -and asked '.=t thehouse not be built so close.'Patten stated that he then asked Steve Pa't "n:lII hether or not it was possible to build a foot away from the lot line and stay DTf~of the;Forest Service land,and Patterson doubted that it coul d -be done.B 'lY s a id thaj-if.necessary they ~ld ,hand dig.More discussion followed.-- ~-=-­-~ Morgan reminded Briner that hehad10days in which to -·ee1 to Council. ~ '"..-:":.~~ •".::Jall Code "Oesin Standards.II ." Morgan tol d the staff that he woul dbe interested in ha :.,',g;.a nothet;.llleeting with or without the Council todi scuss procedures -wi th va riances ;?-<il tten answered that it 'wa s the intention of the staff to look at variance cr'i :1ef"i:.a ito see -~i f changeswere :needed.- -', ..,3.Ruest for amendin Section 17.20 of the VailM _p icant:Town of Val •~"= -. --_. ..'.~H .And rews of the-Public Works presented -changes to Des ign S..!-S-lJdards section "Of -the subdivision regulations.Discussion followed .~~i n g slope of private drives, -..sign of bike paths"~6sion control ,-'borKt~.and sti ·;;\~1t ing whe.jber or not to '-i Jooe ,language.=lf:1 cthe--document stating that a professi ··'1 engir.\e€r review plans for -subdivisions.Patten explained that 'putting the '•:l .ation _~the document "'~Zp .-:~ • Mr .Peter Patton Zoning Administrator Villa ge of Vail Vail,Colorado 81658 ROBERT H .WILSON 303 E A ST WACKE R DR.I VE SU ITE 1000 C H ICAGO ,I LLIN OiS 60601 3 12 -044 -28 12 O R 861 -1300 November 16,1982 • Re:Irish -Bartlett Request for Variance,Lot18 Vail Potato Patch,Vail,Colorado Dear Mr.Patton: We have studied the request of the above to ask for a variance in the location of their property andI have copies of the exhibits being furnished your office. Please be advised that we have no objection whatever to the variance request andwelcome the Irish's and the Bartlett's as new neighbors in the Potato Patch a rea. RHW/m cc:D.Irish l Sincerely,~,/.--0-:---/t/I----- Robert H.and Louise Y.Wilson ~~/bfI1 --.- PL ANNING AND ENVIR ONMENTA L CO MMISSI ON Nove mb er 22,1982 2:00 pm Site Inspections 3:00 pm Public Hea ring 1.Ar equest f oraconditional use per mit at the VailLionshead Gondola Building inorder toenla rge and contin ue a ma jorarcadeonth ebasement level. Applicant:Vail Associa tes,Inc .. 2.Areq uest for a rear setback va riance of14 feet inorderto build at wo fam i1yr esidence on lot 18,Bl ock 1,Potato Patch Filing #1. Applicant:DavidK.Ir ish 3.Requestfo r amending Section 17.20 ofthe Vail Municipal Code "Design Standards."These are standards andproceduresgoverning infrastructure and utili ty improve ments in Town.Applicant :Town of Vail 4.Reque st toame nd Section 18 .04.360 ofthe Municipal Code to revise th e defi nition of site coverage.Applicant:Townof Vai l. 5 .Request toa mend Section 18 .04.360 ofthe Vail Muni cipal Code in order tored efine · "Gross Residentia l Floo r Ar ea"andtoadda new section,18 .04 .368 defin i ng "Storage Area."App li cant :Town of Vail Puq1ished in the Vail Trail November 19,198Q. ProjectApplication Date __--'--'--_ -AProjectName:....!...:....L.-"'-------"':!:....-"'---_ Project Description :_ Contact Person a nd Phone / j f / I O wner,Add ress andPhone:_ Arc h itect,A ddress andPhon e:_ Legal Des cript ion :Lot ~B lock ~Fi ling ,Zone _ C omments :_ DesignReviewBoard M otionby:7fJ Po '!104 Seco nded by:~.::::l--,----_ r~/l-J~L-€o:L) Dat e __----=.---,.'~___'~---=.--=- DI SAPPROVAL s-o 7 10 I 2.~-I '5I-k;vL./) .. 11a..6f:J S ~S£4060 JJfCK I I ~I(\J c.../S 2..t3 S;O~Vc z:2-62. Summary :~.-------- Da te: o Staff Approval • 75 south frontage road vall ,colorado 81657 (303)476-7000 January24,1983 Gary Sweti sh Briner-Scott Architects 143 E.Meadow Dr. Vail,Colorado 81657 RE:·DRB Submittal of1-19-83 Dear Gary: On January19,1983 the Design Review Board approvedthe Bartlit- Irish Duplex.The rear deckshould havea .2.5 foot.se.tbackfrom .the property line.A sturdy fence must be constructed onthe rear property line and maintained insucha ma nner that there is no disturbance of Forest Service land.All disturbed areas shouldbe r eseeded.Landscaping shouldbecompleted asperthe revised materials list on file at the Town offices dated 1/19/83. Approval is for aduplexwith 2620 GRFA ontheprimary side and 1700 GRFA on thesecondary side.Thisduplexhasreached its maximum allowed GRFA. Sincerel~,~ ~/vp/e.---_~s~yre Town Pla nner JS:df .~ -------------------..--._-,--------------_._---- The fCJ IIOI·:ing i n f o r ma t i on i s r cq u i r cd f or s ubmitt al b y th e ap pl i cn n t to the Design Review Bo ard b e for e a f i 11:J 1 npp ro va l CI Il he given: A.BUIL!11 Nl ;l.lI\TErUI\LS T)'pc of ~b tc r i a l Col or Roo f Siding Membrane with g r ey~r~o~c=k~b~a==l=l =a=s;t~~---------­ l x4Redwood Clapboard (at o verhang) .lX6 Redwo0.9.._<:.lap board -"Wo od life"clean finish Ot her 1':a ll ~I Jt erials -Light T e ~~ll ~~_~tuc co -greyt o match Peachtree windows Driftwood Fascia S offits Pai n tedM.D.a .Grey to match Peachtree windows - Dn.ftwood Dr iftwoodPeachtreeclad..........c._Wi n dows \~i n dowTr i m Peachtree clad Driftwood Doors Peachtr ee clad Driftwood Door Trim Pe ac htree c lad Dr iftwood Hand 01'De ck Rails Pea chtree clad Driftwood F l ues F l ashings Shee tme ~a l to match Peachtree -Driftwood Ch imncy s 1 .con~r et e ,1 redwood Tr ash En~los u re s I nGarage Gr c cnhou s es _Cl e~r glass -f rame t o match P eachtree Dri ftwood Other 1 .Conc re te Columns -natur al 2 .S ky lig hts -sol·a-r--g-r-e-y-g....l-a-s-s---f.,..r-am--e-s~t-o-m-a~t-c~h-- P eachtree Driftwood. B.LANDSCAP I NG Name of Designer: Phon e 3 .Accen t wa ll above primary entry -P &L #B6671A Leafy Bower 4 .Accen t wall at p rima ry unit rec e ss -P &L#4075 Tea Leaf 5.Awnings -light gre en PLA NT MATER IA LS !3otanicalName TREES Common Na me Quanti ty Siz e _Quak in g AspeIL._15 ~II .Qu a ki n g Aspel1..--1 0 ~ z,L·.S.r>J;:IJce pi 2-B s B 2-1"2-' "L.j If '2- ------_._--- SHRUBS J u ni perusHor izontali s _-!.\II}i.E:u,,""s _ Pote ntil la Fru iticosa 2 5 125 ~l. 5 gal. Clima tus Vine----_._---75 L.F . 4 50 I SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATI ON AjUga . At T e rra c es TYPE Nati ve Gra sses Hose 4ItQUARE FOOT AGE ----- SQUARE fOOTAGE As required SQUARE FOOTAGE As requ ired t o Re vegita te d i sturb ar eas TYPE OR METH OD OF EROS I ON CONTROL C.Other Landscape Features (retaining walls,fences,swim ming ~ls,etc.)Please specifj 1 .Timb er reta ining wall s 2.T imbera nd sod ter ra ces 3 .P a vers 4.Stucco P at io wa l ls •Project Application Pro ject Name :_ ProjectDescription : Owner Address andPhone : I~ ,/ I I Zone:_ Zoning Approved : Date _-J.L.....L:.--L------=="""-"==-----'= DesignReviewBoard Motion by : Seconded by : DISAPPROVAL t/YjTTH£wS.'N£l;/2 lA"-kQ(5c..A.f?£ScAEJ=J../IA)(.., ~ /7WN b ,,If2;;)J'9JtJ)-0 III':t<S I I~Y SI 2..&c16 4 ..;d~tV H/YTE.a.llAI.--,HOrJs f.-1 M!;..ME E..'1 cV'!t2E <H-4 f/JI:-) N o'-N.f N s e-Af..t./-/£.L>'<;vtc,e'e-/£'1·rn_'J fA)rrn Pt-A'"IT Hrl1£t2-1 J.4l-S t'!1Ttf.J po !-J P"/~ IWH6Jf/J..OF 6vlL.OI/o.}v Hrl1J!./2.I",t}v~. ~~~.< Chief Build ing Official Date :I I ___Date : "-v!'...... \ INNESOTAOMPANYOF POLI CY NO.AZ 2 33479 ITLE NSURANCE AMERICAN LAND TITL E ASSOCIATION OWNER'SPOLICY FORMB -1970 (Amended 10 ·17·70)A •Q ~ f·a Stock Company,ofMinneapoli s,Minnesota SUBJ ECTTO TH EE XCLUSIONS FROMCOVE RAGE,TilE EXCEPT IONS CONTAINEDIN SCH EDULE BAND 11IE PROVISI ONS OFTIl E CONDITI ONSAND STIPULATIO NS IIEREOF, TITLE INSURANCECOMPANYO F MINN ESOTA,hereincal ledth eCom pany,insures,as of Date of Policy shown in ScheduleA,against lossorda mage,not exceedin g th e a mount o f insu ran ce stated inScheduleA,aridco sts,a tto rneys'fees and expense swhich th e Companymaybecome obliga ted t o pa y her eunder,sustai ned orincurredbythe insuredbyreason of: I .Ti tle t o th e estate o r int erestdesc ribed in Sc heduleAbein gvestedo therwiset han as stated there in; 2 .Anydefect in o rlien o rencu mbrance onsucht itle; 3.Lack of aright of accesstoand fromth e land ;o r 4 .Unmarkelabili ty of such title. INWITNESS WHEREOF,thesaidTitle Insurance Company of Minnesota hascausedits corporate nameandsealto be h ereunt oa ffixedby its duly authorized o fficersas o fthedate shown in Schedule A ,th e policytobevalidwhen co untersigned byan authorized o fficer o ragent of theCompany . ITLE NSURANCE OMPANY OF I NNESOTA Pre sident t' Secretary I t EXCLUSIONSFROM COVERAGE Th e following matters areexp ressly excl udedfromthe coverage o fth ispolic y : I .Any la w,o rdinance orgovernmental regulation(i ncludingbu t not limitedto building andzonin g ordinances) rest rictingor regulating orpr ohibiting the oc cupancy,use o renjoyment of theland ,orregulatingthe character , dime nsionso rlo cation of any improvement n ow orh ereaftererected o nth e land ,or prohibiting a separation in o wnershipora reduction in t he di mensions o ra rea of th e land,o rthe effect of a ny violation o fanysuchlaw, o rdinance o r governmental regulation. 2 .Right so f e minentdomain or governmentalrightso f po lice po werunless notice of theexer cise of suchrights appearsinth e publicrecords a tDate ofPoli cy . 3 .Defects ,liens ,en cumbrances,adverse claims,or ot her ma tters(a)c reated,suffered,assumed o ragreedtoby the insured claimant;(b)no tknowntothe Company andnot shownbythepublic recordsbutkno wn totheinsured claimant e ithe r atDate of Policy o r at thedatesu ch claim anta cquiredanest ate or interest insuredbythi s policy an d n ot disclosed inwritingbythein sured claimant t oth e Company priortot he datesu ch insured claimant becamean insured hereunder ;(c)resulting innolossordama ge to the insured claimant;(d)attaching orcrea ted subsequentt o Date of Policy ;or(e)resulting inlossordama ge wh ich would n ot havebeensustain ed iftheinsured cla iman t ha dpaidvaluefo rt hee state or interestinsuredbyth is policy. r L " Dat e: F ile No.V0003977 SCHEDULE A JUNE IS,1902 at 8 :0 0 A.M . Add res s 2.No e of In sur ed: .RD BAR TLIT AND DAVID K.IRISH ,as Tenants i n Common , 3.'he estat e or int~rest in the land desc ribed in th is Schedul e a nd whi ch is covered b y t his po l ley is: ·A FCC 4.T i tle to the estate or int ere st cov er ed b y this p olic y a t th e dae. hereot i s vested in: :. F.R"ED CAr<TLIT AND DA VID IL I RISH,as Ter ran t.a in COMm on " 5 .Th,land referred to i n t his policy is situated in EAGLE Coun t y, 'Co lorado,and is described as follow s: ~O t 18 BL OCK I ,VAIL/PO TA TOPAT CH,ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT ' 'TI,t EREOF,COUNTY or EAGLE,ST ATE OF COLOf~AOO • {" j ., " J 1 ,Th is Po l i ClJ vali.d o nly i f Sche du le B is a tta ch ed •.Page , ~................, '('..\ ·e f or s er'vic es,l abor,or m at ~rj al fur nish ed ,impos ed b y law and n ot s hown b y IDfpartiesinpossessionnotshownbyth e,pu blic! " n ot ins u re a9~j ns t loss or d aM age b y r ~a 5 0n of t h e Ol~claiMs of ease ment s,not s hown b y the p ub l ic r eCDI "ds . ,., 1 .... ANp ALL T AX E ~AND ASSES SMEN 1"S . _fl . j O l ~·UNPAIO WATER AND SEWEk CIIA RGES,IF ANY. ,IdGH ',o"i:IJtW fOI(D!TCHEG 01(CI)Nt1LS CO NSrrWcn:o I3Y THE AUTIiOlun or\~T I E i U N I ~C [)"SHITeS AS I~ESEr'VE D IN UN IT ED S 'fAres PATCNT r~ECOf WED'AUGUST 1 5,1935,IN BOOK 9 3 AT rAGE 27 8.(11 1f"l!<'1 I . [,r,:E STR I CT.xvr COVENANTS ,WHIC H DO NOT CONTA IN A FORFEIT URE O l~REV ERTER~C L AU S E ,»U T OMIT TI NG RESTR ICTIONS ,IF ANY ,BASED ON RACE ,COLO R,~R E L I G I 9 N ,OR NATION AL ORIGIN,AS CONTAINED I N IN STR UME NT REC ORD ED~"ARC H b s;197 4,IN BOOK 233 AT PAG ~628 AND AS AMENDED I N I NST RUM EN T~!R S COR ~£9 :SEPT EMB ER 2 1"1 9?5,I N BOOI<24 1 AT PA GE 950 •.,~ IN rwr'E MEMUH 10 FEET IN WI DHI ALO NG TilE NOIHHWESfER LY LO T LIN E SUBJECT PROPERTY AS S liOWN ON THE RE CORDED PL AT. 13.Notlcn,Whore sent .,1 I , All notices required to begiven th~Company and any itiot~m"nt In writing required tobe furnished tl)e Company shallbe addreued to It I Home Office,Minneapolis,Minnesota 55401. I j '.... ,.'12.liability limited to this Polley This instrument together with an endonements md other Instruments,if any,attached hereto by the Company is the entire policy and contract between theinsuredandthe Company, Anyclaim of 1055 or damage,whether ornot b~,d on j negligence ,and which arises out of the st.tUI of the titl.tothe estate or interest covered hereby orany action asserttng sueh claim, shellbe restricted to the provisions and conditions and stipulations of this polley.".~ No amendment ofor endorsement to this polley Can be made except by wrltlna endorsed hereon or attached hereto sllned by either tho President ,a Vic.President,the Sacretary,an Aulstant Secretary,or validating officer or authorized slgnaCory .of the Company. 11.SUbrogation Upon Peyment Or settlement Whenever the Company ,hall have settled aclaim 'under this polley,all right of subroga tion shall vestIn the Company.unaffected byanya ct of the Insured claimant.The Company shallbe subrogated toandbe e ntitledtoallr laht.and remedies which such Insured claimant would have hadagainstanypersonor property in respect tosuchclaimhsd this polley not been issued,andif request ed bythe Company .such insured claimant shalltransferto the Company all rights and remediea against any person or property necessar yIn order to perfect such riaht of subrogation and shall permitthe Company tousethename of suchinsured 'claimant in any transaction orlitiga tion involvingsuch rights or remedies.If the payment does notcovertheloss of suchinsured claimant,the Company shall be subrogated tosuchrights and remedies in the proportion wh ich said payment bears tothe amount of said loss.If 1051 should result from anyact of such Insured Claimant,~uch act shall not void this polley,but the Company,in that event,.hall be required topay only that part of anylosses InsureG agalnsr hereunder which &hall exceed the amount.If any,·.Iost.to the Company by reason of the impairment of the riaht of silbroaation. 9.liability NoncumulatiYe It is expressly understood that the amount of Insurance"under thi,polley shaUbe reduced by any amount the Company maypay under any polley insuring either (a)a mortgage shown or rerer~ed to In Schedule B hereof which Is alienon the estate or Interest covered by this polley,or (b)a mortgage hereafter executed by an Insured which Isa charle orlienon the estate 0'.Interest described or r eferred toin Schedule A.and the amount so paid shsll be deemed a payment under this polley.The Company shall haveth'e option to applytothe payment of anysuch mortgages any a~ount that otherwise would be payable hereunder totheInsured owner of the estate or Interest covered by this polley and the amotmt So paid shanbe deemed a payment underthis policy 10 said Insured owner. 10.Apportionment If the land described In Schedule A consists of two ~r more parcels which are not usedas 8 sinlle site,anda loss is 'established affectins:OneOr more of said parcelsbut not all,theloss shall be computed and settled ona pro rata basis as ir the amount of insuranceunderthis policy was divided prorataastothe yalue on nate ofPolicy of each separate parceltothe whole,exclusIve of any improvements made subsequent to Date of Polley,unle ..a liability orvalue has otherwise beenagreed upon IS toeachsuch pt.rcel by the Company and the insured at the time of the issuance of this polley and shownbyan express statement herein orby an endorsement attached hereto. All payments under this polley,except pa attorneys'feesand expenses.shall reduce "t e 5.Options to Pay 0'Otherwise settle Clelms Th e Company shallhave the option to payor otherwise setlle fororinthename of anInsured claimant any claim insuredagainst Or to terminate all liability and obligations of th e Company hereunder by paying or tendering payment of the amount of insurance underthis policy together with any costs,attorneys'fees and expenses incurredup 10 thetime of such payment ortender of payment,bytheinsured claimant and authorized bythe Company. 6.Determination and Payment of loss (a)The liability of the Company under this policy shallinno case exceed th e least of: (i)the actual loss of theinsured claimant;or (Ii)the amount of InsuranceatatedIn Schedule A;or (b)The Company will pay,Inadd ition toanyloss insured againstbythis policy,all costs imposed upon aninsuredIn litigation carried onbythe Company forsuch insured,andall costs, attorneys 'feesand expenses in litigation carried on bysuchinsured withthe written authorization of the Company. (c)When liability has been definitely fixed In accordance with the conditions of this p<?licy ,the loss or damage shallbe payable within 30 days thereatter. 7.limitetlon of liability Noclaim s hallariseorbe maintainable under th is policy (a)If the Company.aft er having received notice of analleged defect,lien or encumbrance insuredagaJnst hereunder ,by litigation or otherwise.removes such defect ,lienor encumbrance or establishes the nne ,asin sured,within a reasonable time after receipt of sucb notice:(b)inthe event of litigation until there has been afinal determination byacourt of competent jurisdiction,and disposition of allappealsthere f rom,adverse t9 the title,asinsured.asprovided In paragraph 3 hereof:or (c)Jar liability voluntarily ass umedbyan insuredin settling anyclaimor suit with out prior written consent of the Company . 4.Notice of loss -limitation of Action In addition to the notices required under paragraph 3(b)of these Conditions a nd Stipulations.a statementi nwriting at anylossor damagefor which it is claimed the Company is liableunderth is policy shallbe furnished tothe Company wtthln 90 days sfter such los.or damage shallhave been deiermlned andno right of action shallaccruetoaninsured claimant until30 days aftersuch statement shallbave been furnished.Failure to furnl.h s uch statement of loss ordamage shall terminate any liability of the Company under this poli cy as tosuchlossordamage . ri:o"""U~d frO ~'""d~';;b"'fT4 r --_---~ of.lhe Company shallceaseand terminate in regard to the matter or 8.Reduction of liability matters forwhichsuch prompt notice isrequired ;provided,how. ever.that fa ilure to notify shallinno case prejudiceth e rights of anysuchinsuredunderthis policy unless the Company shallbe prejudiced bysuch failure and then only to the extent of such prejudice.- (c)The Company shallhave the rightat it!owncostto institute and without unduedelay prosecute any action or proceeding ortodoany other act which inits opinion maybe necessary ordesirableto establish thetitletothe estate o r interest as insured,andthe Company maytakeany appropriate action under the terms of this policy ,whether or not itshallbeliable thereunder, andshall not thereby concede liability orwaiveany provision of this policy . (d)Whenever the Company shallhave brought any action or Interpo",d a defense as required or permitted by the provisions of this polley,the Company may pursue anysuch litigation tofinal determination byacourt of competent jurisdiction and expressly reservestheright,initssole discretion,toappealfromanyadverse judgment ororder . (e)Inallcases where this polley permits or requires the Company to prosecute orprovideforthe defense of any action or proceeding.theinsured hereunder shallsecuretothe Company the right ·to so prosecute orprovide defense In such action or proceeding,and all appeals therein,and permit the Company to use, at its option,thename of suchinsuredfor such purpose.Whenever requested bythe Company ,such insuredshallgivethe Company all reasonable aid in any such adion orproceeding,in effecting settlement ,securing evidence,obtaining witnesses.or prosecuting or defending such action or proceeding ,andthe Company shall reimburse suchinsuredforany expense s o incurred . .~, Note:Thispolicy valid only if SchedulesAandBareattached. ,.. ~.._.-._. I I I•-.-'- ZOI~E CI:[CK for SFR.R.RPIS ZQ;{[DISTRICTS ILcga1Description.:lot -.t.-x..-B1ock I ·Fi1 in9 .L.-:.==-.L-C.=-_~~c.==-_~_ BI~N .;isZone·District --"-"----:;~-=--~ ..-'...."... :. ., 2,,20 170;,) /?'J'2. ~ /728 '1J4 -- Parking:. landscaping: Primary Al l owed .Pr-imary Proposed _-=--=.-=--=--_ Secondary ;\llo\-lcd Secondary Proposed _---'-_ Site Coveraqe :All m...ed __....:...=---=--=__.Proposed _---'-_ Requf red Proposed ~_ Requi red --="--__--'-Prop es ed _~_ -GRFA: Drive:Slope Permitted S10pe Actual----------------- Environmentc1/llazards :.Avalanche __..::.....:..L...L _ Flood P1ain __.Sl ope __"-=_---'-=-...o:..=c'--_.~/tIJ9- COririlimts:-i)",A-£X "~.~......rtA ~'AJ:A- ._--------~----------- ----'--------._------'-'.'-".-- .P.\t!::I _/.~_"j./-9 ~_._ ~S • ~..~. ENGINEERING CHECK LIST ..·e .',';"..' ... 'Subdivision....-....:-:-:~~=--~....:...:..~::....!...._-LO.. Block Filing (if applicable) 1.SubmittalItems (A)Topo Map (0)Site Plan (C)Utility Plan (D)Tit le Report (E)Subdivision Agreement (Acceptable) L lZ (Net Acceptable) 700 ':>711'JI'&o "Z;"po Q=.->'lo,->O>"",--r.,,.o ..:.',.'.' 2.~n9ineerin9 Requirements (A)Culvert Size lVo~ (0)Dri veway Grude (8%max)(Actual)_~.-!._"""""-'--_ 3.Sourceof Utilities ". (A)Electric ,/ (8)Gas ./.(C)Sever l/' (D)1·la ter 7 (E)Tel ephone .......... (F)T.V .V. 'I.Co nsnents :([)1\r 3 5,TjTTJ PW z"O £6"2-_../.Y..a GlJWI=~9foUj 0 ,I I l- I}N O C=..~ae I v G/..J.q y,I £"¥!- Approved:#._3__ Di sap proved:_ £~~DelJart m ~nt of Publ1c Work s Bi11All drc ws ---------------Sf /l H)[V IS [ON .JOf!NAME LOT I E lJT 11.1 TY I.OCAT I ON V I ~I (J F J CAT J ON ~mTD MTCf{ I3I'fR.TL-IT ;ZIR /~:~-- BLOCK I FI LING------------------- ADDRESS------------------- The location of utilities,wh ether they bemain trunk l ines or proposed lines,must be approved and verified by the followin g ut iliti es for the accompanying site plan. Mountain Bell Western Slope Gas Public Service Company Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Vail Cable T.V. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District Authorized Signaturet":", Date /.)-/3 -&:'.=Z, ~-13 -J2- t¢-/3 cf z-- /1-.../0-'6-.,/ ;2-fO -7/2-, I~-;0-1 '?- NOTE:These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the To"nof Vail,Department of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easement in the Town of Vail.A building permit •is not a street cut permit.A street cut permit mustb e obtained separately. This form is to verify servic e availablity a nd location. This should beus ed in conjunction with preparing your uti!ity plan and scheduling in stall ations . The Blue Cow Restaurant P.O.Box325 Vail,Colorado 81657 Telephone:476·2204 May 5,1976 The Finest in Food and-- Beueragcs Served graciously in a nutic informal country Atmosphere Mr.RichardPeterson President,Vail Associates,Inc. Vail,CO 81657 Dear Mr.Peterson: Following ourmeeting,Mr.Tilkemeier,Mr.Herman Staufer and myself inspected the 30 acresof forest land east of The PotatoPatch filing. As the owner ofLot #18 I strongly oppose any land trade between Vail Associates and The Forest Service for thefollowing reasons: 1)When Ipurchased home site #18 I was assured by a representative of Vail Associates that the filing on PotatoPatch was completebecause of all thesurroundingland is National Forest.The Sales Pitch was: Your backyard on National Forest.And the price oftheland was accordingly to it. If theland trade doesoccur some home sites will bebordered by a new road and the proposed additional thirty lots. 2)Also,I seriously question the traffic safety ofthenarrow,steep, and curvedroad leading toPotatoPatch.Beforeanyapproval at the county level,abouttheland trade,and the increased density Iurge thecounty commissioners and theplanning commission toconducta studyto insure public traffic safety on PotatoPatch Road. 3)Gore Valley is surrounded by National Forest County and city planning on density is focused on all available privately owned land.If Vail Associates initiates the first land trade with The Forest Service who is goingtobe next,to trade aparcelof private land somewhere outinthe "Boons"fora few acres of forest landinthe valley. Pressure from homeowners and thegeneral public hasstopped any further negotiations between aproposed forest land trade on Vail's golf course10th filing. What will benext:The lowerslopesofVail Mountain?It's forest land. It's timetostop any further negotiations "now"because if Vail Associates trade with The Forest Service does go through,other investors and Real Estate Companies will followourso called "MotherShips"course,file for more land tpades,make a fast profit,at the property owners,and thegeneral public's expense. The Blue Cow Restaurant P.O .Box 325 Vail,Colorado 81657 Telephone:476-2204 Page 2 Sincerely, T he Finest in Fooda nd..~ B everagesServe d graciously ina rust ic informal country A tmosphere cc:Hon.Sen.Floyd Haskel Hon.Nancy Dickerson Forest Service reg .Office Ernie Nunn Local Forest Service Repr. Eagle County Planning Comm. VailCity Counsel VailPlanning Commission Colorado Land Commission