HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL POTATO PATCH BLOCK 1 LOT 20 LEGALTOWN OFVAIL 75S .FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ISSUED 08/31/1998 09/04/1998 03/03/1999 Status .... Applied . Issued .. Expires .. Permit #:B98 -0249 JOBSITE ATALLTIMES DR DR 777 POTATO PATCH 777 POTATO PATCH 2101 -063 -01-041 PRJ98-0210 NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PROJECT TITLE:CLAIR REMODEL TO V/C;-<.,,:,::C;~V .ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT Clean-up Deposit Refu nd d Y;0 1l1-,,\eL---:approve ~'i J b Add ._')1::",/0 ress.am0 U nt ~.!?.:.-L Q e a t :i en ...: d ate if}1.>1 D/Parcel No ..: --rOJect No .: APPLICANT NEDBO CONSTRUCTION Phone:970-845-1001 P.O.BOX 3419,VAIL,CO,CELL#471-4888 81658 CONTRACTOR NEDBO CONSTRUCTION Phone :970-845-1001 P.O.BOX 3419,VAIL,CO,CELL#471 -4888 81658 OWNER CLAIRKEVIN &SALLY 193 E GORE CREEK DR,VAIL CO 81657 Description:KITCHEN REMODEL Number of Dwelling Units :001 Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation:45,500 ::.:,.f ~....;e Informa ti on:Re stri cted :#Of Ga~Ap p lian ces :#Of Ga s Lo g s:#Of Wood/Pa l le t: Bui lding-----> Plan Che ck---> I nvestigat ion> v:i ll ca ll----> 462.00 300 .30 .00 3 .00 Restua ran t P lan Rev ie w--> DR8 Fee-----------------> Recre at i on Fe e----------> Cl ean-Up Deposit--------> TOTAL FEES--------------> .00 5 0.00 .00 250.00 1 .06 5.30 TotalCa lc ula ted F ees---> Addit iona l Fee a---------> TotalPe rmi t Fe e--------> Pa ymen to ----------------> BALANCE DUE-------------> 1 ,065 .3 0 .00 1 ,06 5 .3 0 1,065.30 .00 Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept:BUILDING Division: 08/31/1998 JRM Action :APPR APPROVED JRM Item :05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept:PLANNING Division: 08/31/1998 JRM Action:APPRN/A Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept:FIRE Division : 08/31/1998 JRM Action:APPR N/A Item:05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept:PUB WORK Division: 08/31/1998 JRM Action:APPR N/A ~.~.~~••~••••••••••••••~•••••••••••••~••••••••+•••++•••+.+.++•••+•••+••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read t his applicat io n,f i ll ed outi n f ul l t he inf orma ti on r e qu ired ,completed an a ccurate p lo t plan ,and s tate that all the informationp rovided as r equi r ed is corre ct.I agree to c omp ly with t he information and plot plan, t oc omply with all Town o rdinances and state laws,and t o buil d th is struc t ure accord ing to th eTown's zoning and ~ubdivi sion c ode s,design review approved,Uniform Building Code ando t h er ordi nance s of the Town a pplicab l e there to . RLQUiSTS FOR IN SPECTIONS SHAL LBE MADE TW ENTY -FOUR HOURS I N AD VANCE BY TELEPHONE AT ~~~~e :oo j/ S e nd Cl ean-Up Deposit To :NEDBO SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FORHI MSELF A OW NER PAGE 2 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Permit #:B98-0249 as of 09/04/98 Status :ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Permit Type:ADD/ALTSFR BUILD PERMIT Applicant :NEDBO CONSTRUCTION Job Address:777 POTATO PATCH DR Location:777 POTATO PATCH DR Parcel No:2101-063 -01 -041 Applied:08/31/1998 Issued:09/04/1998 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS ******************************************************************************** 1.FIELD INSPECTIONS AREREQUIREDTO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2.SMOKE DETECTORSARE REQU~RED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY ASPERSEC .1210 OFTHE 1991 USC. T OWN OFVAIL ,COLORADO Statemnt S t.t~mn t Number:REC·044 4 Amoun t: Paymen t Method :CKNo t ation:14793 1,065 .30 09/04 /98 09 :35 I n it :TO .00 1 ,0 65 .30 1 ,0 6 5 .3 0Toea!ALL Pmtlil: Balance: 1,065 .30 Pe rmit No:898·0249 Type :A-BUILD ADO/ALT SFR BUILDP E Parce l No:2 1 01·063-01-041 S ite Address:777 POTATOPATCHDR Location:777 POTATOPATCHDR To ea1 F ees : This Payment Account Code SP 001000031 11 100 DR 0 0 100003 112200 PF 0 010 000 31 12300 AD D2 -DEPOB we 001 00003 1 12800 Descripti on BUILDING PERM IT FEES DESIGN REVIEW F EES PLAN CHEC K FEES CLEANUPDE POSITS WI LLCALLI NSPECTI ONFE E Amount 462 .00 50 .00 300 .30 2 50 .00 3 .00 TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUN ITY DEVELOPMENT 75S .FRONTAGE ROAD VA IL ,CO 81657 9 70 -4 79-2138 NOTE:THIS PERM IT MUS TBE POSTED ON JOBS ITE ATALL TIMES ELECTR ICAL PERMIT Permit #:E98-0 206 Job Address : Location ...: Parcel No ..: Project No . 777 POTATO PATC H DR 777 POTATO PATCH DR 2101 -063-01-041 PRJ98-0210 Status .. Applied . Issued .. Expire s . I SSUED 08/3 1/1 998 09 /04/199 8 03/03/1999 APPLICANT DOUBLE QELECTRIC POBOX 242,EDWARDS CO 81645 CONTRACTOR DOUBLE Q ELECTRIC POBOX 242,EDWARDS CO 8 1645 OWNER CLAIRKEVIN &SALLY 193 E GORE CREEK DR ,VAIL CO 8165 7 Phone :970 -9 26 -3 675 Phone :970-9 26 -367 5 Description:ELECTRIACL FOR REMODE L Valuation:,5,000.00 Electrica l ---> DRB Fee ---> Investigation > Will Call ----> TOTAL FEES---> 90 .0 0 .00 .0 0 3.0 0 93 .0 0 Tota l Calcu l ated Feee ---> Add i ti o n al Fees ---------> To tal Pe rmit Fe e -·--····> Payments----------------> BALAN CE DUE-------------> 9 3.0 0 .0 0 93 .0 0 93.00 .00 BUILDING Division :Item :06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 08/31/1998 JRM Action :APPR APPROVED I tem:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 08/31/1998 JRM Act ion :APPRN/A Dept : JRM Dept:FIRE Division : CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1 .FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHEC K FOR CODE COM PLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I h ereby a c k nowledg et hat I have r eadt his application,f i ll ed o ut in f ul lt he i n format i on requi r ed ,c o mpleted a n accurate p l ot p lan,a nd state t hat al l t h ei nf orma t ion pr o vided a s requ ired is c or r ect .I a gr ee t oc omply wi t h th e i nforma ti ona nd p l ot p la n , lo :o c p l y wi t h a l l To wn ordi nanc es and state l aws ,a nd to b ui ld this struc t ure acco rd ing to t he T own 'e z o n ing and s u bdi vi si on codes,des ign review a p proved ,Un iform Bu ilding Co dea nd o th er o r dinan ces o ft he Town app lic ab l e the r eto . REQUE STS FOR I NSPECT I ONS SHAL LBE MADE TWENTY -FO UR HOURS I N ADVAN CE BYTELEPH ONE AT 4 79 1 TOWN OFVAIL.COLORADO St:.at:.emn t:. S t:.at:.emnt:.Numbe r:REC-0444 Amount: Payment Met-hod :CK Not:.at:.io n :1 4793 93.00 09/04/98 09 :38 I nit:.:TO Pernli t:.No:E9 8-0206 Typ e:B-E LEC ELECTRICAL PERM IT Pa rcel No :2 1 01-06 3-0 1-041 Sit.e Address :7 77 POTATO PATCH DR Lo cat ion :777 POTA TOPATCH DR This Payme nt 93 .00 Tot.a l Fees: To t:.al ALL Pmt:.s: Bala nc e: 513.0 0 93.00 .00 Account Code EP 001000031 11400 we 00 100 003 112800 Descrip tion ELECTR ICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTIO N FEE Amount 90.0 0 3 .00 TOWN OFVAIL 75S .FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BEPOSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #:M98-0166 Job Address :777 POTATO PATCH DR Location :777 POTATO PATCH DR Parcel No :2101-063-01-041 Project Number :PRJ98-0210 Status ...:ISSUED Applied ..:08/31/1998 Issued ...:09/04/1998 Expires ..:03/03/1999 APPLICANT STONE MECHANICAL,INC. 1111 SOUTH 9TH,GRAND JUNCTION CO 81501 CONTRACTOR STONE MECHANICAL,INC. 1111 SOUTH 9TH,GRAND JUNCTION CO 81501 OWNER CLAIRKEVIN &SALLY 193 E GORE CREEK DR,VAIL CO 81657 Phone :970-24 2-5014 Phone:970-242-5014 Description: ADDING COMB AIR AND KITCHEN REMODEL Valuation:1,500.00 Fireplace Informa ti on :Restricte d:Y #Of Gas Appliances :#Of GasLogs:nof Wo od /pal let: Mechanical ---> Plan Chec k---> Invest igation> will ca ll ----> 40 .00 1 0.0 0 .00 3 .00 Res tuarant Plan Rev iew--> DRB Fee -----------------> TOTAL FEES--------------> .0 0 .0 0 53 .00 Total Calculated Fee s---> Additional Fe es ---------> To t al Permit F e e--------> Payments----------------> BALANCE DUE -------------> 5 3 .00 .on 5 3 .00 53 .00 .00 J~t:BUILDING Division: Dept:FIRE Division: Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08/31/1998 JRM Action:APPR APPROVED Item:OS600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 08/31/1998 JRM Action:APPR N/A CONDITIONOF APPROVAL 1.FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . 2 .COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC.607 OFTHE 1991 UMC. 3 .INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TOAPPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC. 4.GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.906 OF THE 1991 UMC. 5 .ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.50S AND 703 OF THE 1991 UMC. 6.BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING . 7.PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSISMIUSTBEPOSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIORTO AN INSPECTION RE8UEST. ~.DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CNTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLYBOILERS SHALL BEEQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAINPER SEC. 2119 OFTHE 1991 UMC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS h ere by a c knowle dge tha tI have re ad t hi s app l ication,fil ledo ut in f ul l t he i n formati on requ ir ed ,compl et ed an a cc uratep l ot plan .a nd state t h at a ll the i nf orm a t i on pro vided as r equi red i sc o r rec t.Ia g ree to c o mply with t he i nf o ~a ti on a nd plot pl a n . t~·~"r l y with all Tow n ordinances and state laws,and to b ui ld this s t r u cture acc o rd i ng to t he Town's zoni ng a nd su bdivi sion L OU~S,~e~ign review approved ,Uniform Bu ilding Code and other or ances o ft he Town a pplica bl e thereto. REQ UESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN SIGNATURE OF Ow~ER ORCONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWN E TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt Statemnt Numbe r:REC-04 44 Amount: PaYT.ent Me thod:CKNota tion :14793 53.00 09/04/98 09 :37 I nit :TO 53.00 53 .00 .00 ""ECHANlCAL P ERMIT Total ALL Pmt8 : Ba lance: 5 3 .00 Permit No :M9B-0166 Type :B-MECH Parcel No :2101-063 -0 1 -041 Si te Address :1 77 POTATOPATCHDR l-t)c Ol tio n:771 POTATOPATCHDR Total Fees : Th is Payment Acco u nt Code MP 0010000 31 113 00 P F 0010000 31 12 300 we 0010 0003112BOO Description MECHAN ICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK F EES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amoun t 4 0.00 10 .00 3.00 .._------------------------------------~------------------------ TOWN OFVAIL 7 5 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970 -4 79 -2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEL OPMENT NOTE :THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBS ITE ATALL T IMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #:P98 -0117 Job Address: Locat ion ... Parcel No .. Project No . 777 POTATO PATCH DR 777 POTATO PATCH DR 2101 -063-01 -041 PRJ98-0210 S t atus .. Applied. Issued .. Expires. I S SUED 08 /31/1998 09/04 /1998 0 3/03 /1999 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER GUARANTEED P LUM BING POBOX 4210,AVON, GUARANTEED PLUMBING POBOX 4210,AVON, CLAIRKEVIN &SALLY 193 E GORE CREEK DR, &HEATING CO 8 1620 &HEATING CO 81620 VAIL CO 81 6 57 Phone : Phone : 8 45-6300 84 5-6300 Description :PLUMBING FOR KITCHEN REMODEL Valuat ion :4,000 .00 Plumbi ng-·-·-> Plan Check---:> In ve s tiga.tion;. wi ll cal l----> 60 .0 0 1 5.00 .0 0 3 .0 0 Re st uaran t Plan Review--:> TOTALF EES-------.------> .00 7 8.00 To ta l Ca l culated Fees ---> Addi tional Fees ---------> Tota l Permi t F ee --------> Payment s ----------------::o BALANCEDUE-------------> 7B.0 0 .00 7 9.00 78.00 .00 BUILDING Divis ion:Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08/31/1998 JRM Action:APPR APPROVED Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 08/31/199 8 JRM Action:APPR N/A J~t: De pt :FIRE Divi sion: CONDITIONOF APPROVA L 1.FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE CO MPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I h e re b y acknow l edge t hat Ih ave read t his ap pli cat ion,f i lled o ut in f u ll the information requi r ed,c omp le te d an a c curate p l ot plan .a nds ta te thata ll t he i nform ation p rovi ded as r equi re di s correct .I a gree to c omp ly wi th t he info rmation and p lot p l an , to c ompl y witha llTowno rdina nces a nd s tate laws,a nd t o b uild t hi s structure a ccording to t h e To~n 's z on i nga nd s ub div is ion c od ••,de.ign reviewa p proved.Un if orm Bu ilding Code a nd oth er ordinance eo f the Town a~reto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MAD E TW ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT ~~Ya~~~~nr~FD~~~~~~~~~~--- .................•.............................................. TOWN OFVAIL.COLORADO S t atemnt: SLatemnt Numb er:REC-0444Amou nt : Payment Method:CK Notation :1479 3 7 8.00 09/04/98 09 ,40 I ni t :TO 7 8 .00 78.00 .00 P LUMBING P ERM IT 7 8 .00 Permit:No :P98 -01 17 Type :B-PLMB Pa rcel No:2101 -063 -01 -041 Si te Add ress:7 77 POTATO PATCH OR Loca t ion :777 POTATOPATCH DR Total F ee s: Tota l ALLPmts : Balance: T hi s Pa yment Account Co de PP ~010 0 0 0 J 1 1 1 2 0 0 PF 00 10000 31123 00 WC 0010 000 3112 800 De scri ption PLUMBI NG PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALLI NSPECTION F EE Amount 6 0.00 15.00 3 .00 "--'D-; ~::J -e'.iJ -...J GUC)-,->-~ 7..~"- cl '" 0J ,-,'J v II .D v ::Q ~"~-:t ~ Jl ~\--n ul .~clsJs.z -::;:;I.,)"~.J Il..:g:.:.j ,;' C)....-0<[\-~'l -«~II'-' -l T- ,,"\0- t \.:l ~\J -.;,.n Na:~:Jwr::;:.......D ..a 0....~Iiitil';"\-Ii:no-~=>woa:t"). l.51:'t ... Iii Ii:en en 241 ·1 ..J =>OJ a.~a a a 3 ..J Z ....a ""U a:w 0 111·'0 ;:a::;: .2.it ·'$-r--S:=f -------Town 0'~ .OFFICEC PY "-()1.'l &4.'5 i I----,I'-~ I ! ...@ 91SZ14 A!:J I..JAL-LCL-l<.Ar fOR.. S U"'f"£::tJ VG:.D wo o 0 . fOP ~rl-OO \2-.pb:.A1L c ~1L-I t-J 9 e.i (..11 f l.-DOIL ~'?/f l.....lo OD fL--O OIZII-.!(,1 IO ;,z.--r · u IZ-Ati f. HOOD _-+--- 12- t---.r ·5v Cj0';;>GlOO ® [,0::'000 -®A_'J ''W ~W ": Wtp '''l °-4f @ f &'10'At tlZ:\-l\~.{,?'''l0 ~ ~\1"'.00'4-0 (~ij ·P ·QO'FfJ @ T:", -'roo I. ~ D 4t-J .,~111-').&t--W.~.----t--i -O .~~ :)4:.-l£:. \.{\")1-1 '~2S?:r 'lV I e Receiv~d . ,AUG25 19 96 ERmT 11_- ·'~c !nta c :Eagle County Assessor~fice at 970-328-8640 for Parcel II .TOWN OFVAIL CONSTRUCTIO~~E L II::l1O I 0&3 ()I oLf I PERMIT APPLICATION FORM '/1(..DATE :.R-,;)£-9l? APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR ~~C CEP T E D~•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••PERMIT INFORMATION •••:t:~.~~~~.~~l~..... [~u ilding [-}-plumb ing [~lectri c al []-Mec ha n ~cal []-Other Job Nam e:LJA/R Re.Y'Y\.OJe I Job Address:777 Pofato Patch f)r/ue Town of Vail Reg.No./~L.f.M Phone Number:8':27-5"7 ;)J-f o fAccommodation Units: Gas Lo gs __wood/pellet--L-- ******************************* Number Block___Filing SUBD IVISION: ~~:..::--=Sc<=u/...>..;IY;L::C=f,.:..o..:.:41~Addr ess :777 Rf?~.Ph._ ___--:--::-Ph._ Mech anical Contrac tor: Addr es s: ******************************** BU ILDINGPERMIT FEE: PLUMB I NG PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMITFEE: ELECT RICAL FEE: OTH ER TYPE OF FEE: ORB FEE: ~m b e r and Ty peo f F ireplaces :Ga sAppliances.__ ~*********************************VALUATI ONS ********************************* BUILDING :$35;00 0.00 ELECT RICAL:$~C)(?_02 0 OTHER:$._~~~~__ PLUMBING :$LfOCO.Oo MEC HANI CAL :$I SDQoQO TOTAL:$4 6,5"00 '******************'k*tt *:11 **co MCTOR FO RMA TION ***'k***********:*********** 'en er al Contractor:.Ived!::.hQ -I IVC-.Town of Vail Reg .NO.dSJ.J4 Addres s:P h ori e Numbe r:81f.!2/oo I Electr ical Co ntra cto r:Town of Va il Re3'N o ./9LJ -~ Ad dre ss:'Phone Numbe r:,-(;;ttP -;3"7 b Pl u mbi ng Cont rac tor:To wn of Vail Re9.NO.17/.;-P Addr ess :Phone Number:f?ifs-t,3o () TYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Comments:._ (CLEAN UP DEP.oSIT REFUND TO:AJee!2loo PREPARED 2 /1 5/0 1 ,10 :31 :34 PROGRAMMR415U Town of Vail CUST -ID CUSTO MER NAME TYPE DEPOSIT REFUND REPORT-UPDATE PAGE CHARGE CODE DESC RIPTION 1 20 3 B98~02 4 9 Nedbo Con st ruc ti on DEPOS DEPOSIT D2 TX-DATE 9 /08/98 AJ -DATE 2/1 5/01 DEPOSI T AMOU NT 2 5 0.0 0 D EPOSI T ~ADJ AMOUNT 250 .00 ADJUSTMENT AMOUNT 2 50.00- AFTER-RE FUND AMOU NT .00 TOTALFORCUSTOME RTYPE : GRAND TOTAL : DEPOSI T COUNT : 02 2 50 .00 2 50 .00 250 .00 250.00 2 50.0 0- 2 50 .0 0- .0 0 .0 0 -G/L BATCH CREATED:BATCH-0 045 ?20 01 /0 2USERIO -JOUTHRIE AP HELD COUNT-1.0 0 AMO UNT-250 .0 0 e 1 Project Application .. Date _~r ~e c t N a m e :~~~~~1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pr oject Descr i pt ion :1011\Ii !"U W1--f.-.!-~....LL~--T-~~~~~--==---------­ Contact Person and Phone Owner.Address and Phone :~ Archit ect.Address and Phone:~I ~V ~ (\ C omments :_ Design ReviewBoard M otion by :_~&y ~ Seconded by :11;1ICE.£(~ Dat e _ APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Su mmary: _N ~O-----L~~--=----___=;q:~~~----------- o Staff Approval - ~7<-I ~"'1 rl ~~o~t'H H r.:;:>~I -r~-r,:.M ~P -rt7 - fit .----.~.----f-- -----. ;!I I I I.Y.= I I:I ~!_~L.__._...H -~~1 , I, .-.=l 1===-------..---_..._- ------ ...._.-._--..•- -f '----·-----------1i _....r-..•.~.••...•-ip .....-----.-..~.•.~__-.J ._~. -.---_....._---_..._------_._--_..---- - ! .---.-~~-----::......- ..._-----.-.-.-.~-~~.=~=-.:.-~··~·=-~I -_.•....---."1?.b.lz.::t"1 Lo t __._-...r r .T"I ~L./. .--._--.}-lehr~L;NKIt'H •••,..' ,.'- "II"~..-j /'.I .:":-~~hTl:=-to '··,,. :.::.P;~khl=~~O M ".. ~:1 .-.._._-~._~.._----_~.___.._,--- I I, I •.'_0 ....__....'p "••,•••'",...-...~.,---.~•._•.-,----~....--..--t..:------··......~,;.--:.~-. 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PROJECT NODATE8-1-79 NQ 385PERMITNO. 1.TYPEOF CONST RUCTION 111111 IV€) 2.OCC UPANCY GROU P ABE H I@ M BUILDING 20 3 000 DIVISION 1 2 2a{§f z ELECTRICAL R .OOO0 i=GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WOR K:-c PLUMBING 1?()()() Dup lex Const. => ...J«>MECHANICAL 0 TYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION PERMIT FEES V R-3 4 321 1944 45 BUILDING PERM IT F.?q.40 V M -1 696 835 2 PLAN CHEC K 264 .70 ELECTRICAL 4 7.hO PLUMBING 90 .00 NEW~)ALTERATION ()ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR ()MECHANICAL 0 DWELLING UNITS _2_ACCOMMODATION UNITS ()RECREATION FEE R 4A 1 F. GR .FA.403 21BEDROOMS --L.DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 100 .00 COMMERC IAL SYS T -.O.-RESTAURANT SEATING £1 CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT ?OO.OO ?J ~f1Y HEIGHT INFT.-2..1...BATHTUB /SHOWER '7 /J}..J N" NO FIREPLACES ~NO .TOILETS ,.,TOTAL PERMIT FE~(1879 .85 ~->.t?~.Pfl flw f:j~!J/~"COVERED PARK ING ----3--UNCOVERED PARKING !-}J:}q ~t:ilU5rNGOFFICIAr .....-------DATE INSULATION ~--------------ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE TYPE THICKNES S R-VALUE ONING NOTE S:FLOO R R.,+c:1 Cl EXT.WALLS BaT 6 1 9 ROOF g .,+1()""0 HEAT ELEC:X GAS:X I HER EBY ACKNOW LEDGE TH AT I HA VE SOLAR :WOOD :R EADT HIS AP PLICAT ION AND S TA TE THAT THE A BOVE I S CO RR ECT A NDA GR EE T O COM PLY VAILWATER &SAN.DISTTAPFEE :Si65 00 0 0 WITH A LL-,ljJ.~_ORDINAN CES AND STATE SPEC IAL NOTE S:17 ~:U1~G CONST RUC T ION _ /"~{,.-Y..-o.·,,.-,,'WN E R OR C ON TRA CT O R ~PLUMBINGoFOUNDATIO N ONLYo n"i'E OF PERM IT !Xl BUILDING !Xl ELECTRICAL IX]MECHANICAL -_~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT tow~ department of commun ity deve lopment L EGAL LOT 20 BLK ~.FILING Potato Pat ch ~N A M E :C ollins/McCa rren Duplex ERNAME JJ Collins MAil ADDRES S c /o Vai l Asso c. CITY R ea t,HEstate ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDR ESS CITY PH. GENERAL FIRM Beck &A ss oc . CONTRACTOR MAILADDRESS Box 1 41 3rW17 - A CITYV ail PHS:27 -5 96C FIRM *TRICAL C ACTOR MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. FIRM PLUMBING CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. FIRM ME CHANICAL CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRES S CITY PH. OTHER FIRM MAIL ADDRESS C ON TRACTOR CITY PH. N REQUEST -:INS~-t e re /J ;·r h (b~If't //:TOWN OF VAIL DATE .5('/7 ~JOB NAME (4...,0((f H ,')J~((i'I P ~.--l' 7 CALLE~.0 "~'/(,,<:,/f £L?-H '" READYFOR INSPECTION :MONTUES ~THUR FRI AMPM LOCATION :-;f I p .f.-(P /"f ,(~t - BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ o FRAMING o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ D----:r---.".----------r~FINAL ,6.'4 /!0 , PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /Wt:\TER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ FINAL _ (\ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT _ 0 _ o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ g (FINAL _ o DISAPPROVED !o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ------ f71~J7i)_ #. Iheprintery/va ,1 9).7'51£0 a_ INSP!CTlON REQUEST TOWN OF l VAILf DATE ~__ READYFOR INSPECTION : LOCATI0N :_---'t~+-_l'____-'--_"________'____'"__'___':....___'____'___'___':...LL'___...L____'____"'~_ -)~I L-" BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER o INSULATION o GAS PIPING o SHEETROCK NAIL o POOL /H .TUB 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 I 0,FINAL o FINAL o REINSPECTION REQUIRED r.///+e lL o DISAPPROVED -/!J r::=;rI ?-y-/ a /APPROVEDv CORRECTIONS : 1~----b-~~..L..:.:..:...:~!..J----'=-~~~=~~~~-'------- DATE -+i-f--"--~f--fL-..c:-----INSPECTOR C /',_ .ee INSFfc~ON REQUEST PM______AM TOWN OF l VAIL T $'~/?P'"/YPA./ CALLER /'T UES ~THUR FRI o~8~o ~r cL JOB NAME /22 DATE READYFOR INSPECTION : LOCATION:__L-L-"'--_-'---':::....:.-=--<...=:'----L~'__L_.!:_..I.::!.__ BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRA MING o INSULATION :F SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL _ PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROU GH /D W.V._ o ROUG H /W ATER _ o G ASP IPING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o FI NAL _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FINAL ,"p\APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED .'( DATE INSPECTOR the pr inler y lYa 'l FRI _-:-AM /t.n.;.//1 &.J TOWN OF,VAIL r JOBNAME ~d ,-o /tJ1 'tin/)A..J CALLER 7 READYFOR ,LOCATION:---,r--':::.L..--=---.!..-.:....!....L--=---=-...L-64-"!.!'C--L..L-_ BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ II FINAL -------------- PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /D .W.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GASPIPING _ o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o FINAL _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDU IT 0 _ o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLYAIR 0 _ o FINAL /.APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE --'±-'--j:....,:....-h"--'''------- ••INS~~ON REQUEST PMT~FRI UItJ/lt!. DATE LOCATION:----r'----"--=--~-----<---L----'----------'''''''--'~'--''-LL.-'-----_ READYFOR INSPECTION:MON 7 /~~., BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I D.W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WATER o INSULATION o GAS PIPING o SHEETROCK NAIL o POOL I.H .TUB 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH I o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 y/FINAL o FINAL I~P R O V E D CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED I NSPECTOR --~-=--"---'-"--"-"'-=J"'-""-,"",,",,~~""':>"'--- tjo;trU l!to c1.---------'• BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL _ o FOUNDATION /STE EL _ o FRAMING _ o I NSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ PLUMBING: _.-coUNDERGROUND-..,,,..,- o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GASPIPING _ o POOL /H.TUB _ o _ FINAL _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH _ o CONDU IT _ MECHANICAL: •o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR _ the prin tltry/va it •REINSPECTION REQUIREDoAPPROVED DATE 6-/7 INSPECTOR _~r,jl!t,~=---_ If.~~U/~,aLL hp;1rll7!2f /1htJtlE lhllf/1--Ii)t3~;V!T l OF VAIL, INS ~_ON REQUEST _. t-17~-?ODATE /)/TOWN JOB NAME -t1jJ/~~~) CALLER _-'L'--------::~....___ READYFORINSP MON TUESWEDTHURFRI ----+W PM LOCATION:-----fr..1!C-f---'-'---"-'-'-~'-----U--------'--------------- BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL _ o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ o FRAMING _ o INSULATION __-"--_ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o ~I N A L J2;;IA1Jibll~ r I I PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ O------r-__:___-----:;,.---------- FINAL JJtrr iJlkIJ liP,I MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ DATE _---"'--'-'---'-'--"--_ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH _ o CONDUIT _ Or-------,.r-~__:___--------1~'~F ~I N A~L ~/i1JJj~:~ll~d1t~~t:::1lJ~7E~!2~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~ o APPROVED ••INS"C~ON REQUEST · /J //11 tI JG)N~~F 'J?l7,/ DATE ~<lIb·to JOB NAME Ufl;~g -,IIL ~If ~ CALLER --.-.:.._ READYFOR INSPECT~~TUESWED THUR FRI 6J PM LOCATION :1ft ~I1t?tt-, BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL _ o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ o FRAMING o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL /) o 1 (/ FINAL ~/Pf-}-7""~---:-fM':'---,------ PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /D.W.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H.TUB ----;,..=>r-------- I R INSPECTION REQUIRED MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ I ~ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH _ o CONDUIT _ o _ o FINAL o APPROVED (1/1 DATE h -lb'fiJ #:4-I:"jJ-INSPECTOR --nR---I&U=;,~=+-!A~-=-",,-/_...:-r I r A-;;:)PM"'--FRI INS_~ON REQUEST adf.)~-~ CALLER TUES/WED THUR U~;:..,.-:-#(11 ,-..? • •• READYFOR LOCATION:--f-'::-~----T'--""=-f-~L:-""'=";'-'----"---'-,,-"""-'-"'-....p:.-------------- BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ o FRAMING o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o _ o FINAL _ PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o FINAL _ ELECTRICAL:$.0 (~t!'~I~MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER -0 Z,.e-z a 71&--,~~0 HEATING --------_ ./.., .b.0 EX ~~U:..FT~,OO D S fJ,-~SC(:{R L Y AI ~------;;-,----:------r:,...-- flo [(f;~~/A .::.==-"'''-=---='':=--'---------1-\\0FI NAL ••••••••INSFfc~ON REQUEST -READY FOR LOCATION:-===zjJ:-:t~L-iAILU-=::::==~=~7LVJ~tt__~~_--.:~~~.:::: BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ o FRAMING o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL _ PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /D .W.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o FINAL _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT -\->,-__ D ~- Ji FINAL --------------\+W'-- MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR _ 0 _ o FINAL o APPROVED CORRECTIONS./:/4/tJ-;r ~S A P P R O VE D ;x;(REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ••INS~C~ON REQUEST READYFOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION:,zR//~7n'r",,' BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEE L o U NDERGROUND /o FOUNDATION /STEE L o ROUGH /D.W.V. IoFRAMING o RO UGH/WAT ER I ~o INSULATION NA IL O -GAS PIPING o SHEETROCK o POO L/H .TUB 0 !0 (o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS:, - 'LO 75:?-0 II.Y//) zj:'V I~r- ,~-'-1;& /X/I r I DATE f-'t:J 5--140 INSPECTOR LJtil/A ~ [1/1 lhe prlnlerylv ai INS~C~ON REQUEST-- DATE ~/;;bho JOB NAME 11 I I CALLER READYFOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION :p",FRI PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D .W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER o INSULATION o GAS PIPING o SHEETROCK NAIL o POOL /H.TUB 0 /5t'lL C~...IJ//2 e 0V o FINAL o FINAL ,. ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING .. o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ,~A P P R O V E D o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED bRRECTIONS:/ I INSPECTOR4~r7-f'JDATE_----':..L--J--'----=-_ ON REQUEST ; OF VAIL ,• _tl!17 ~'AA 'I- _____®PMFR) JOB NAME ~ CALLER----x,=£'.,~ MON @ WED T HUR DATE Q ~A :s>2?' READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION:_ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUG H/D .W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER o INSULATION o GAS PIPING I~o SHEETROCK NAIL o POOL /H.TUB 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR D---;:?9'<'">0 '?Q-!''rl b-.0 o FINAL o FINAL cYAPPROVED _ / CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o RE NSPECTION REQUIRED DATE 1..\-'K-~6 INSPECTOR ~~(\.~ ••••• READY FOR INSP1 j'fN:'/ LOCATION :,r r:9- BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING o INSULATION I ~SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL _ _____~PM PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /D .W .V._ o ROUGH /WA TER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o FINAL _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o o FINAL ,o APPROVED CORRECTIONS : o DISAPPROVED MECHANICAL: o HEA TING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FINAL _ o REINSPECTION REQUIRED I I _-.L--_-.,..-__r,=-~----'---."q..._--------- 7 / L I DATE _INSPECTOR _-'--_ the p rlo"ry 'v3 I •• ~TOWNOf)~VAIL, CJfJn/2 -m(1 ,(4M (l T"/La?- CALLER C jJ {I 111 1;/J )~JAJ {l lJ.g r TUESWED THUR FRI AM C9 ./!,-f;:/.. MONREADYFOR LOCATION:...L.:.~"'-'---f---!------_'-'-l-'--f--!-.L:f-~,;.-:L.:.:...L..:!-.:'-------------- BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ~~I N SU L AT I O N [Z]GAS PIPING J!~SHEETROCK NAIL o POOL /H .TUB 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL o APPROVED CORRECTIONS:(~,.. o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE _-=---/-__~_INSPECTOR the prlnler yhl ail •• -----8 PMTUESWEDTHURFRI'Pd:?f IllaL, READYFOR LOCATION :---':~~:.L.--=:!:~~-L~Lf.-:.Y~!...&2>-.._ BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING '!S..INSULATION _ I o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL _ PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o FINAL _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ ,r O....APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR Ihepri"lery'v8,1 ••INSPlcttON REQUEST JOB NAME TOWN OF VAIL PM______AM / .*7 1____ THUR FRI )WD CALLER TUES /'", MON I DATE / /I READY FOR INSPECTtON : LOCATION:f BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D .W.V . o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER o INSULATION o GAS PIPING o SHEETROCK NAIL o POOL /H .TUB 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL--, t.9 ....APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED l1Jlb<ctt Ii,198cJ I INSPECTOR -----8 PMREADYFOR LOCATION :_-,'1-L:....!.~~----::..~~~__~~!........:::.~---=:~-'-.l.-~'-'-'o.-.._ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER o INSULATION o GAS PIPING o SHEETROCK NAIL o POOL /H .TUB 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATING EJ ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS I o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL o APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR the prinle ,y l ~a ,1 ••INS~ttON REQUEST _____AMPM TOWN OF VAILCoI;;~s //7/('~/1~evl . CALLER MON TUESWED 'f READYFOR I NSPECTION: LOCATION: .,. BUILDING: o FOOT INGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING o INSU LATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL _ PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /D.W.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o FINAL _ .~, ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUI T 0 _ o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL o APPROVED ./ CORRECTIONS : o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DA TE ---"S:>~_.::.-_--.:-=-_INSPECTOR ,) INS~_ON REQUEST MON JOB NA ME _--=.--"'-''-===-==---''---''--O>----='4-~~''__''''''__ / DA TE "2.--;L~-¥u READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION :_ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL 0 UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL 0R OUGH /DW.V._ o FRAMING y,AOUG H /W ATER _ o I NS ULATION 0GA SPI PING o SHEETR OCK NAIL 0 POOL /H .TUB _ o 0 _ o FINAL 0 FINAL _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDU IT 0 _ o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEA TIN G _ o EXHAU ST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o F INAL _ o APPROVED CORRECTIONS : o D ISAPPROVED o REI NSPECTION REQUIRED ~.-.­~-----~ DA TE ---"-'-'-:....:0.....----'_--'-'-;-__-'---'-_INS PECTOR I n.p rln"ry.'v'1l1 ! TOWN OF VAIL I Ie »:I , THUR ______AM PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o U NDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUG H /DW.V . ,o RO UGH /WATER~F R A M I N G / o I NSULATION o GAS PIPING o SHEETROCK NAIL o POOL /H .TUB 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EX HAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o F INAL ./o APPROVED CORRECTIONS : o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE _-'''---'---"------,-_INSPECTOR tM prtn"ry!"'C1 .1 INS ON RE QUEST TOWN OFVA IL~/1f?7 e.(PAJAk e/?f.)D/~/ I '"I I llp.e.~{j<fttl«r /a a HUR 0 ®PM {h, MONTUSWED (}~G~h DATE c:J-5 -g'O LOCATION:__----'~.l...-----""=~=.:::..:::...~~==.:.~~~~_ READYFOR INSPECTION : 7 'R'/ BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL G FRAMING.- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL _ PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GASPIP ING o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o FINAL _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ o APPROVED CORRECTIONS; 'I DISAPPROVED I o REINSPECTION REQUIRED / 1 INSPECTOR _IDATE-----,.t------''-------- Permit No .iJ 1097 /1 7-fFj 'j)I .'n B eX NL3 1-"'1 C e-re r rus !S ..1/4/t...L1C.NO ._+-...L----=---'----GENERAL CONTRACTOR VAILWATERAND SANITATION DISTRICT WATERANDSEWERTAP PERMIT e ()Vlt I ~.t.U. TAPPERMITWILLNOTBEISSUED UNTIL TAPFEESHAVEBEENPAIDINFULL. NAMEOF JO"-d '"s'(!p!//A/S I 111 Q.1!4aa e V Dc .lI:::>Ie fr~; LOCATION AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION L p T .)...0 PI?T d ro•• PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR _L1C.NO ._ • Dale Billed _ Bldg .Dept.~White ;-Waterand Sanltation-Gr een ;-Public Work s -Can ary :-Contractor-Pink;-Accounting·Goldenrod lhe prinMry 'va,l .e,INSJfC~ON REQUEST TOWN OF ,VAIL , DATE JOB NAME ·CALLER I PM______AMFRIMONTUESWEDTHURREADYFORINSPECTION: LOCATION :_ BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o o FINAL _ PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o F INAL _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o o FINAL M!:CHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR _ 0 _ o FINAL o APPROVED CORRECT IONS : o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE _INSPECTOR IN printMyNail / ••INS~~N REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL. I READYFOR INSPECTION : LOCATION : CALLER MONTUESWED THUR FRI ______AM PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER o INSULATION o GASPIPING o SHEETROCK NA IL o POOL /H .TUB 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYA IR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ~ o APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE __'--_INSPECTOR •..e ....'I N S P~~N REQUEST PMREADYFORINSPECTION: LOCATI ON :----'---'=-<------"-="""---''-'-''-~''--'~_+___'-'=''"'''-'"''---'':........J~<-.<....:.-r__--------- BUILDING: '0 fOOTINGS /STEEL·cr FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAI L _ 0 _ o FINAL _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o FINA Y _ PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUS T HOODS _ o SU PPLY A IR _ 0 _ o FINA L _ ~PR O V E D CORREC T IONS: o DISAPPROVED o RE INSPECT ION REQUIRED DATE __.;---;-...;-..:...--':--'--+-_IN SPECTOR "\ 1.••INS"C~ON REQUEST TOWN OF ,VAIL , DATE JOB NAME --"'-'---_ PM______AM CALLER MON TUESWED THURREADYFORINSPECTION: LOCATION :---'----'-_ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER o INSULATION o GAS PIPING o SHEETROCK NAIL o POOL /H .TUB 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEA TING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY A IR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL o APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE __----''----;_---'--'-_INSPECTOR the p rln"ry'v8 '1 1.)Lionsridge C1-C5-Va11i Hi Employee Housing 2.)Chuck Wh ite Wa 11 Lot9,Bighorn Subdivision 3.)Wedel Inn Remodel 4.)Courtside Townhomes Si gn 5.)Landmark Sign Program Lionshead Plaza Directory 6.)Caldwell Residence Lot6,Block 1,Vail Village 6th 7.)Morgan/Canada Duplex Lot35,Glen Lyon (8.)Mailbox Design for Town of Va i1 9.)Collins/McCarren Duplex Lot20,PotatoPatch 1st Filing c DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA 6-21-79 Members Present LOT 20 POTATO ~CH TAPEOF 6/21/79 ~ Craig Snowdon mentioned grouping of trees,not disturbing the site too much,and adding two clusters of aspen to cushion the parking entry.Then as he was talking about the color of the house,the tape abruptly ended. • 75 south frontage road vail,colorado 81657 (303)476-7000 December 14,1987 Mr.Michael Lauterbach P.O.Box 3 451 Vail,Colorado 81658 • officeofcommunity development Re:Complaint concerning landscaping for J.J.and Jonine Collins'residence,Lot 20,Potato Patch Dear Mike: Recently,you wrote a letter expressing your concern that your neighbor,J.J.Collins had not completed his landscaping as approved by the Design Review Board.The staff reviewed the landscape plan and on site/existing landscaping and came up with the attached comparison of the proposed plan to the existing plan. From this list,it is apparent that the Collins have landscaped their property beyond what was originally required by the approved landscape plan.The two slight modifications are that instead of 5 aspen planted to the south of the driveway,4 shrubs are planted.However,please note that the northeast corner of the property has 17 aspen,3 spruce,2 crab trees and various bushes instead of merely 6 aspen trees.Also,2 potentilla and 2 hopa crabs were to be planted off the rear deck of the front unit and no landscaping is in this area.The staff reviewed the Design Review Board comments related to this project and found no specific concerns for the area adjacent to the front unit's deck. staff believes that it is very important to treat property owners in the same way.We agree that there are slight adjustments in the proposed landscape plan in comparison to the existing landscaping on site.However,the slight modifications do not depart dramatically from the approved plan,and the total number of materials exceeds the proposed landscaping.In addition,it seems that the Design Review Board did not express any specific concerns relating to •• landscaping and how it would be used to screen certain parts of the proposed primary/secondary project according to the tape of the meeting. In respect to your project adj ac ent to the Collins'residence, the Design Review Board made as p ecific request that landscaping be used to break up the north elevation of the proposed project.This is a requirement that makes your situation a staff concern. The staff will not proceed with any citations in respect to the Collins residence.If you wish to discuss this issue further with the staff,please feel free to contact our office. Sincerely, ~if-kY\9~ Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP:br cc:Peter Patten ; LANDSCAPE CHE~OF LOT 20,POTATO PATCH ... Plans c alled for:Existing 6 aspen on northeast corner 17 (includes 4 clumps) 3 spruce 2 crab various bushes 5 aspen south of driveway 0 o 4 bushes by front unit entry 3 aspen west of front unit 3 aspen,2 large spruce 2 aspen in back 2 aspen 2 potentilla,2 hopa off corner 0 of rear deck,front unit shrubs corner of Collins unit OK 3 hopa crabs west side of Collins 4 red twig dogwood deck o 1 hopa crab in b ack o 2e vergreen on north west •-LANDSCAPE CHECK OF LOT 20,POTATO PATCH Plans called for:Ex isting 6 aspen on northeast corner 17 (includes 4 clumps) 3 spruce 2 crab various bushes 5 aspen south o f driveway 0 o 4 bushes b y front u nit entry 3 aspen west of front unit 3 aspen,2 large spruce 2 aspen in back 2 aspen 2 potentilla,2 hopa off corner 0 of rear deck,front unit shrubs corner of Collins unit OK 3 hopa crabs west side of Collins 4 red twig dogwood deck o 1 hop a crab ln back o 2 evergreen on northwest ."Project Application Date .:..-_-COl L(1'---T\{,-----e..S__{;2AK..-/f.X? -o~Lc.. Project Name : Contact Perso n a nd Phone Owner,Address and Phone:_ Arch itect,Address and Phone:_ ~i±t.,Zone -- Comments:_ DesignReviewBoard Date _ Motion by : Secondedby :_ A PPROVAL DISA PPROVAL Summary :_ Staff Ap proval Dat e :-I- PLA NN I N(;AJ ~1l E:'i VI IW,'J,\II NJ'A1.CO,\l ~lJ S SJ (J N ~.,Jul y 1 3,1~)8J :S;OO p .m._ J.App rova Io f mi.nut c s of J u ne 22 ,19 81. 2 .A r equ e st fo r a setb a ck v a r i a ncc to make l cg n l a n cx i s t i n g encroa ch es 4 'i nt 0 t h e si d c s e tback on SU10 :',1a i n Gor e DJ".i v c a n u n p l a t ted p a rcc 1 in Bi.f'.h om ,t i tl c d S u nd i a L,Phase 11. Co n s t r uc t i.on ~!;lIlage me n t ,Inc. b u i l ding 'wh Ic h wh i c h is pan o f App lica nt:Penner 3 .App eal o f admin is t ra ti ve d e ci sion c on ce)'n in e t he c ol o)'of a r e sidence onLot 20,Po t a t o Pat ch.App lican t:J o ni n e and .J ..J.Colli n s. 4 .Requ e st to ta ble den sity v arian ce Va il II a t11 01 Vail Vi ew Driv e . J ean Cat o e ,et al. a pp li c;l ti o ll for l o t 1 2,Bl o ck A7,Ca s ol a I' Appli cant s:J ean and James W.Mc Don al J, 5.Ar eques t for ame nd ment i n ac cord anc e with Se cti o ns1 8 .66 .110 t hrou gh 1 8.6 6.1 6 0 to the zo nin g ord inance f rom Res i dent i a lClu st er to Rcs i d e n t i.al Prima ry/S ec o nda ry in o rd er to bu i ld ar es i dent ial u nit tog et h er with ac are tak er 's unit.App li cant : Doyl e Ho pkins. 6 .A minor s ubdiv is ion request to v acate a lot l ine between lots A-I and A-2, Lion sridge Fil ing #1.Applic ant:MV Limi te d Partn er ship. 7 ,Ar equ e st for a n ext e rior a l terati on and mod if ica ti oni n Co nune rcial Cor e II, und er S ec t ion 18 .2 6 .0:15 o nl ot 4 ,Block 1 ,Vail Li.on s h c ad1 s t F ilin g, to add 3 ,9 50 squ a r e f eet of office spa c c t ot h e Lio nsh e ad Gon d ola Bu il d i n g , and ar equ est for a va r i a n cc t o Sec t ion 1 8.26 .150 t o w3iv c t h e rcqu i.rc mcn t o fLnc lu d i.n g one-half th e parki ng wi t h i nt h e mai n bu i ld i n g .;,-:--:,1;':""~':' Vail As so ciat es . B.Ar equ es t f or a n e xter ior a I t o ra t i.on an d modi f i ca ti on in Co mm e rc i aICo re 1 und er Sect ion1 8.24.065o n Trac ts A,Il,C,Bloc k5C,Va il Vil lage 1st Fi ling , 1 74 Ea st Gor e Cr e ek Dri ve,th e Lod ge at V[lil,in ord er to add a 618 squ ar e foot r e st au r an t add it i on a nd a r etra ctabl e g l as s enci o sur e over the ex i s ting sw.i mm in g p o ol .Appl i c n n t:Lod g e Pro-p e rti e s,I nc. 9.,Ar equest fo r app rova l to r e pl a t Hi ghl an d Ilc a dows ,l ot s 26-42 ,th e Hi gh l a r rd Park Spe ci al De v el op me ntDi stric t II.TIl e a ppro v a l is reque sted to a l low n e w road d edications and v ac a tions a nd l ot l i ner emovals .This is a major s ub - div ision r e qu es tedu n de rCh a p t er1 7.04o f th e Vail Mun Lc i p a I Co de .ApplI ca nt : 6 UJl Tech uU.iiUt:l 'S ,Inc. 10.A re que st for a va r i a n c ct o Sec tion 18.1 4.090 of the Va il ~I uni c i pa l Co de to alIow th ea ppl i c a n t t o i n c lu dc fl o od pl n i n area in c al culatin g allowab I c d cn si.ty in d et er min in g th e number of units all o wcd o n th es i te o f th e Int ermount a in Swim and Tenni s Club,an lIIplatt('d pa rcc l in Vail Int ermo un t ain Subdivi si on. TIle a ppl i.can t s are th e I nte rmountain Swim and Tennis Club who wish to construct 2 additional un its ov er the previous app r ovn l by Ea gl e Count)'. 11.A requ est un der Ord inan ce 13 ,S eries o f 19 81,for Th e Valley, Pha se (,f or major r ev i s i ons t o a n :II'prov('d s i t o pl an.The proposal is to re-des ign t he hu i Ld i n j;lo c ut r on s a nd u n it de s i gn s,alo ng with a portion of t he ro ad l a you t ,~lu ITa )'I'I"1l pl'l'tie s I'ar t.n c r s h Ip o f Dallas. Published in t hc Vail Trail .lul y 10.!!)81 PLANNING AND ENVlRON~ffiNTAL COMMISSION PRESENT Scott Edwards Duane Piper Dan Corcoran Gerry White Jim Horgan ABSENT Roger Tilkemeier Gaynor Miller July 13,1981 3 :00 p.m. STAFF Peter Patten Dick Ryan Larry Eskwith Betsy Rosolack COUNCIL REP RESE NTATIVE Tom Steinberg The meeting was c al led to orderby Gerry ~~ite,chairman. 1.Approva l of themin utes of Jun e22,1 981. 2 .A request for as etback variance to make legal an existing bu il ding ~li c h encroaches 4'i nto the side setback on5040 Hain Gore Drive which is part of an unplatted p arcel in Bighorn titled Sundial Phase II.Applicant: Penner Construction Hanagement,Inc . Peter Patten pres ent ed the memo,explaining the error made fro m the destruction a nd subsequent re-Iocation of a concrete monument.Jeff Spanel expl ained how the survey error came about,andDan Corcoran added eX y lanations regarding sub sequen t surveys showing other property corners in the subd ivision and a greeing tha t an honest error had been made .Tim Garton representing Vail East Townhomes told of his c oncern of the dykin g of the property and felt that it would affect their side of the creek.Peter stated that hewould discuss this with Tim . Dan moved andDuane seconded to app rove the request for the setback variance . The vote was 5-0 in favor,u nani mo u s. l\'Ap pe al of administrative decision concerning th e color of a residence onLot20 Potato Patch.Applicants:Jonine and J.J.Collins. Larry Eskwith exp laine d that the Col linshad had some problems with th eir color andwer e told by Peter Pattent h at th eir only option was to come before the DRB to appea l for the change i nco lor ,or to chan ge to the co lor that was listed in their original pre sen ta ti on.The Collins'did a ppeal,andwer e deni ed. How ever,he(Larry )was of the op inion that.the PEC did not have th e power to hear this it em. Scott Edwa rds moved a ndJim Mo rgan seconded that the PEC did not have the a ut hor i ty to hear t he Collins ap peal. Thevo te was 5-0,una nimous to accept the fact that t hey could not hea r the appea l. ., •• »:PL AN NI NG At'-l D e NVIRON MENTAL CO MHIS ION June 22,1981 PRES ENT Scott Edwards Gerry White Dan Corcoran Duane Piper later Jim Morgan ABSENT Roger Tilkemeier STAFF Peter Patten Betsy Rosolack 1ne Chairman,Gerry White,called the meeting to order ~t 3:15 p,m .. I,Approval of minutes of June 8,1981. Dan movedandDuane seconded to :l~~~·ove the minutes of June 8,1981:Vote was 4-0 in favor. Request to table density variance application for lot 12,Block A7, Casolar Vail II at 1101 Vail View Drive.Applicants :Jean and James W. McDonald,Jean Catoe,et al. Dan moved and Scott seconded to grant the r equest to table this item until the next meeting on July 13,1981.The vote was 5-0 in favor 0 tabling. 3.Appealof,administrative decision concerning the color of a residence onLot20,Potato Patch.Applicant :Janine and J.J.Collins. Peter Patten explained that ·the applicants 'architect,Craig Snowdon,c ouldn 't be here until the July 13 meeting,and the applicants wanted to wait until Craig could attend.Dan moved and Duane seconded to grant the request to table this item until t he next meeting on July 13,1981.The vote was 5-0, in favor of tabling. 4..Ar equest for a s etback varian ce to make legal a~ex isti ng.bUild~ng which e ncroa ches 4 'into th e side setbackon 5040 Ma1nGore Dnve wh1ch is part of an unplatted parcel in Bighorn,titled Sundial,Phase!I . Applicant:Penn er Construction Managem ent,Inc. Bob Po llack of Penner Construction explained that there were problems with the adjacent property owners a greeing to this request.He asked to table the item to July 13so that both p arties cou ld meet and resolve the differenc es. Scott Edwards inquired about the dyke the Sundial project had installed 4 . PEC -6/22/81 •• a long t he crcck b ank,b ccausc scvc ra lncarby propcrty owners had e xp rcssed conc ern to h im.Petcr r epli cd that llydo p Tr i a d was cu rrently doing a study to d et ermine i fwh at wa s constructed wa s th e same as wh at was originally approve d . The study ",ould b c in to Pct er so on,hc sai d .Pct era lso st at ed that Sund ia l 's C of O's wcreb cin g h el d until the flo odp la ini ssuewas r c solved .Du anemoved and Scott seconded to g ra nt to grant the request to tab le until July 13,1981 . The vote was 5-0 in favor o f t abl ing . 5 .A request for a me n dme nt in accordancc with Sections 18 .66.110 throu gh 18.G6.160 to the zon i ng ordinance f or l otC-l,Lionsridge Filing 2 t o change t he zonin g from Residential Clust er to Resid ential Pri mary/S e condary in order to build a residential unit together with a caretakcr 's unit ..Applicant : Doyle !Iopkins . Peter Patten stated thatt hc a pp li cantan d the staff were requesting that t hisbe t a bled until July 13,1981so that more access alternatives could be researched before rezoning.DanmovedandDuane seconded t o grant t he request t o table un til J uly 13 .The vote was 5-0 i n favor of tabling. The meeting was adjourned at 3 :30 p .m . ••I'LA NN I NG AND ENV l RO :~j·lEN TA L C O ~lmSS ION June 22,1981 2 :00 p .m.Study session,Val ley Phase 6 3:0 0 p.m. 1. 2. 3. ("~ 4. Approval of minutes of June8 ,1 981. Request to tabl e d ensity variance appl i cation fo r lot1 2, Block A7 ,Casolar Vai l II at 11 01 Vail View Drive . Applicants:J ean and James W.McDonald,J ean Catoe,et a l. Th is r equest is t o table to July 13,1981. Appealofadmi nistra t ive de ci sion c onc el~i n g the color of ar e sidence onLot 20 ,Potato Patch.Applican t:Janine and J.J .Collin s. Ar equestf or a se tbackv ariance to make l e gal an existin g bU ilding which encroaches 4'i ntC't he side se tback on 5040 Main GoreDr ive which is part ofa n unpl a t t edpa rce l in Bighorn , t itl ed Sundial,Phase II .Appli cant :Pe nner Const ruction Management,I n c. 5.A reques t fo r amendme nt in accor da nce wi.t h Section s18 .66.11 0 t hrough 18.66 .160 to the zoning ord inance for l ot G-l,Lions Ri dgeFi ling 2 to c hange the zoning f rom Resid e ntia l Cl uster to Resid en ti al Primary/Seconda ry in order to build a r esid enti al ..unit toge th er with a caretak er's uni t.Appl ican t:Doyle Hop kins. Pub lished in the Vail Tr ail J une19,1981 . ~ESIGN REVI EW BO AR D PARTIAL TA~ June 21,19 79 Lot 20,Potato Patch Craig:.....So this el evation here ..and it's all stucc o,a nd th en ad ark brown wi ndow t rim,so that basically all t hese area s h ere,and then Iwas thinkin g color-wi s e--our f irst th ou ght was,well l et'5 try to matc h the grass or do somethin gs o that it would f a de into th egra ss ,but the ' g ras swi ll chan ge co lors f o ur t im es duri ng t he year,so what color do you u s e? And s o,we started th ink in g i f we cou ld get al ittle warm,a r e al warm be ige t ok ind o f pick out t he r oc kf ormatio ns tha t a re h ighupont he b l uffs,y ou k now,b ec aus et hat 's p ro tty stan dar dup there tha ty ou ge t th oses treaks of p inkish red s andsto ne .Sowe thought ,well,t ha t would p robab ly be the b e st thin g to doi s rea ll y ge tah ea lthy con tra st ,but h ave it,y ou k now,t ie i nto th eh ill si.de r ath e r t han t he meadow .And s o we were go ing t o go wi th wha t'sc a lle d a chamo i s color. Femal e: Crai g: For the stucco. Yes ,which is a beige wi t .h j ust a touc ho f p i nk i n i t,s o i t'sgo ing to p ick u ps ome of th e r ed,and th en 'ev eryt h i n g else \1i11 be d ark brown . Youro xfo rd bz-own ,so all the se win d ows --so you 'll basic all y read th ese a s jus t .i t otal r ec e ss,an dwewe re ev en t hin kin g aboutt int edg ]a ss .So,.... Tap e en ds h er e. • MEI>ORAN DU ~l TO :Pl anning a nd Envi ronmental Co nun i ss ion FRO:'I:Departmen t of Comm un i ty Development/Peter Patten DAT E:June 1 7,1 981 RE:Collin s/!'lcCarren Du p lex Color Change Is s ue v -Adm.in i s t rati.ve Appeal Thi s is an a ppealof my decision to b ring b efore th e DesignRev iew Bo ard th e is sueo f theco lor o f th e Collin s/McCarr endu ple x l ocated on lot 20, Block l ~Vai l Potato Pat ch Subdivi sion.I 'd l ike t o give you ab ri ef history of t hes eq uence of events involved along with en cl o sing th er e levant d ocumen- ta tion applic abl e. 1.On June 28,19 79,the Collins/McCarren dupl ex re ceived f inalDesign Review Bo ard a pproval.During th e DRB,the d is cussionon e xhibitA took pl ac e c once rn ing th e color se lect ion fo rt he s t ructure .Submitted for the ma te rials list was exhibit B,s h ow ing Olympic Overcoat Cham ois as thep rop osed and ap proved col or (I 'll show the co lor chip at t he meeting). 2 .On November 7,19 80 ,I sent the enclosed l ett er (exhibi.t C)to the Collins ' asking them to e ither change t o the approved color o r request ac olor change of the DRB. 3.Gn De c ember 1 7,19 80,the DRB deni ed the request ed c olor c ha nge b ya 2-1v ot e(see exhibit D).The DRB a sked that the col or be resto red to the or i g ina l approval (Olympi c Ov ercoat Cha mois)b y June 1 5,198 1. Mrs .Collins wasa t the meeting a ndwas informed of h er opportun ity t oa ppeal the DRB d ecision t o the Town Council w.it hi n 10day s.The DR B dec is ion wasno t appea led. 4.On January7 ,1 981,Ir ece ived a letter (e xhibit E)frem Craig Snowdon, pr oject a rchi tect,protest ing,among other t hing s,t hat the issue sho uld h ave n ever b een seen by DRB . 5 .On January 22,1 9 81,I wrote out a"fact sheet"(exhibit F)abou t t he i ssue up to th at d at e. 6.In ord er to wind lip th e i ssue a ndb e fa ir to t he Col li ns ',I wrot e t heMay 11"19 81 l etter to th em (e xb ib it G)a llowing t hem to appea l my decision to b r in g th e issue to DR B to the PEC (even t hought he off i cia l appeal p eriod for a dministrative a ct io ns was over). 7.On Ma y 1 3,1981we re ceiveda l etter f rom the Collin s'(exhibit II) re questing th ea p pea lb e h e ard. CO*11 in s/1>ICCarr e _'-2-June 17,1 981 -- My reason for bringin g this i ssue to th e DRB was th es igni fi cant dif feren ce betw een th e e xis ting c olor of the hou s e a nd th eapp rov e d c olor(ev en ta kin g into con sid eration t he i ntention to a dd a "touch ofp in k"). I believe I can demon strate at the me eting this d i ffe r ence.Ncreovor,the is sue of strictly en for cin g DIU,approv als ,e ntr uste d to our department, p lays a factor in my decision to have a ORB revi ew of the issue . The PEC should not focu s on the merits of the col or--that has been decided by DRB.The issue i s my decision that a color ch ange from the approved color,officially on record on the materials list,had occurred . •(";)t:").-,,) 'P J r(/! • box 100 vail,colorado 81657 (303)476·5613 J.J .Collins ~Potato Patch Drive Vail,Colorado 81657 Dear J.J., 75 south fron lag e roa d.yal l.cere -see 8 1657 30 3/"76-7000.ext 23 7 PeterPatten Se niorPlann er Dep artmentofC ommunity D evelopment department of community development May 11,1981 .---.....--- This letter is to finalize the Staff's and Design Review Board's position on the color of your house.I'm enclosing a "statement of facts"sheet that I put together last January.Because of Craig's letter,I have reviewed everything that has happened with this case. I regret to say (from your point of view)that after this review,I'm standing behind my decision to call the issue before the DRB.I think the difference between the approved color (even taking into consideration that it wasa base color to contain a "touch of pink")and the existing color warranted the DRB review.Thus,I stand behind and must enforce the Design Review Board's decision to have the house be painted to the originally approved color by June IS,1981. In order to be totally fair in this matter,I will allow you to appeal my decision to bring the issue to DRB,if you so wish.This action would be classified as an appeal of administrative action under Section 18.66.030 of the Zoning Code.This would mean that the Planning and Environmental Commission would hear the issue of whether or not my decision to have the DRB review the issue was justified.Since you chose not to appeal the DRB decision,that must stand.However ,I would consider moving the date back if you think the June 15 date is a hardship. Please contact me on your choice of action and let me know if Ican be of help in anyway to resolve the problem equitably. s;~ A.PETER PATTEN,JR. Senior Planner APP:bpr Encl. cc Craig Snowdon , i, t • "" I':! "I i I • Snowdonand Hopkins.Architects 201GoreCreekDrive P.O.Box1998Vail,Colorado January 6,1980 303476-2201 81657 Pet er Patten Town of Vai l Zoning Administ rator P.O.Box100 Vail ,Colorado 81657 DearPe t e r: I am wri tin g this letter in respon se to the recent d ecision by the Town of Vail Des ign ReviewBoard on the Collins r e sidence.Their d e cisiont o r equire t he own ers to c hangec olors,1t hink i s a nun j ustifiedha rdship .1 didno ta rgue a strong c a se for t he Collins (1was the architect on the project )for fear of prejudicingt he presentation;however,If e el the re sultwasa g rave injustice to the Collins. Therea re s everal items 1 t h ink should be g iven serious con sidera tion.First, t he c olor appl i cation was not a specified co lor as much as an indi cation of l ntent uSlng a base co lor of hcfiamlos"by Ol ym pic as r ef erence.t fie reco rded t ape of the meeting indlcates the inte nt t o matc h the rockf ormations in t he general area.The DRB at thatt ime did not require t he applican t (eithe r verbally or by wri t ten reques t)to return with a color ve rificat ion or a pprova l. 1f eel the Collins have stayed with that intent . ~~~~~i~t~e~m~t o consider is t hat this ' om ri ed of members who d ecision t o require Similar co lo rs have bee n approved by t heBoard i nc ertainly more o bvious locations thant heCollins ,s o i t's inappropriate to say it's an unsuitable color. 1 fee l t hisi tem shouldno t have really been reviffi.ed ba sed on the above f act s.Couldyou please look into t he ma t ter and let me know if any action should be taken.The Collins ha ve not appealed the decision to the Town Council because they felt it i s a decision tha t should be t aken c are of at t h is l evel,and1a gree with them . Anyth ing you can dowouldbe greatly appreciated . Since rely, c~ Snowd onand Hopk ins .Arch ite cts cc:Mr.&Mr s.Collins,Kris Siverston,Lon MesKimen,Nmcy Looms, Roger Tilkemeier,Dick Ryan •J.J.COLLINS COLOR CHANGE ISSUE: FACTS as seen by Peter Patten 1/22/81 • 1.At the original ORB presentation on June 21,1979,the color presented by Craig Snowdon was "a warm beige to pick out the rock formations high on the bluffs"(behind the house).The exact color chosen was Olympic Overcoat Chamois,and it was described by Craig as a "beige with a touch of pink in it"in order to "pick upsome of the red"(in the rocks). 2.The stucco. clearly materials list calls out "Olympic Overcoat Chamois"as The materials list includes a color sample of Olympic a beige color without any pink overtones. the color chosen for the Overcoat Chamois which is , 3.The stucco sample with the existing color is a subdued pink,not a beige "with a touch of pink".The differences in the color sample of Olympic Overcoat Chamoisand the stucco sample are significant. 4.Mrs.Collins appeared before the Design Review Board onDecember 17,1980 at the request of Peter Patten via a letter dated November7,1980.The reason for the request to appear before was the significant difference between the color sample in the file and the existing color.The ORB denied the color change request 2-1 with Craig Snowdon abstain- ing.It was agreed that if the tape of the June 21,1979 meeting clearly indicated the intention to use a pink color,that the Board had no problem with the use of that tape in the case of an appeal to the Town Council.The Board said the color mustbe changed by June IS,1981 if no appeal was filed,or if their decision was upheld by the Council. S.Craig Snowdon wrote a latter to Peter Patten dated January 6,1980 stating that he felt the decision by the ORB "is an unjustified hardship"for the following reasons: a."the color application was not a specified color as much as an indication of intent using a base color of "chamois"by Olympic as reference." b.The application (color change)was reviewed "by a board comprised of members who were not involved in the original decision"which "places a hardship on the applicant' c."Similar colors have been approved by the Board"... Craig's conclusion is that "this item should not have really be reviewed ...." b ox 10 0 vai l,colora do 81 65 7 (303 )4 76-56 13 J.J.Collin s 781 P o ta to Pa tc h Drive Vai l,Col or ad o 8165 7 De ar Mr .Collins, I-. d epartm ent o f co mmunit y developmen t Novembe r 7,198 0 Because o f th e "discuss ion "whic h ha s come t omy atten tion con- cerning the color o f your new duple x on lot 2 0 of the Potato P atc h Subdivision,Il ooked up the fi le whic hi ncludest he mate rial s an d colors a pproved fo r the structure b y the De sign Review Board. The color a pprovedi sOlymp ic Ov ercoat Chamoi s,an d a sampl e i s in the file .Th e c hamoi s c o lor d oe s no t come clo sea t all t o the existin g color. changing a DRB approved color und ermine s the purpose beh ind s uc h a boar d.We mus t enforce the ir d ecisio ns.You may eithe r restore t he house t o the approve d color o r apply to theDesign - Review Boar d fo r ac olor chang e.I f yo u choo se to a pply for a co lo rchange ~I nee d t o hea rf rom yo u soo n,because I won't allow t he e xistingc o lo r t o r em ain.The late st Design Re v iew Board meeting fo r whic hI wil l allow yo u to appea r is Dec ember 3, 198 0.To ge t o n t ha t agend a,I nee d your application by Nov- e mbe r 24.I f yo u con tact me by T ue sday mo rning,No vembe r 11, I ca n ge t you o nt he Novembe r 1 9thDe sign Revi ew Board me eting. If yo u c hoose no t t o app ly fo rt he change ,yo u have 4 5 days from the date o f th isl etter to come into c ompliance.If you d o ap p ly f ora c hange t hrough the Design Review Bo ard and that Board den ie s t he c hange,you have 30 days from the da te of the Desi gn Review dec ision to come into compli ance.This is fair in that the ex i sting color is a violation. I wo uld appreciate y our vol unt ary c omp liance and will be more th an g lad to work with y ou. S ~er ely"/J (I<«: A.P ETER PATT;~.· /br cc C r ai g Sno wdon Project Application /I //'J !Date -..O-----'----'--.;-:.._'----~---- (;/i.;c Project Name :Q )(JJ~'f~ Project De5criP t:nf -lc,.--'----l~.J....e.:..._....LL{..:~~7~~-------------- Owner A ddress and Phone: Architect Add ress andPhone :/,......,=---=::;L~'-'---'~~::....--"--------------------- Zone:----...::"."""'"---------7"':::.---------------------- Zoning Approved : I L/t1 I Date__--'--.::=,.:...._l:-.L-_ DesignReviewBoard APPROVAL Seconded by: Motion by : Summary:--'7-_ Date: 7zOIling ;(dmini5ttJ Date: Ch ief Bu ilding Official Ine printery IYail •LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJ ECT_-V-.L<....L.\-LLl::.4r.....l-L.!....!~:..L-ULL..L~~+'-I:u+'---..,.---,,-- LEGALDESCR I P TI O N_~__L OT-.-:LBLOCK_.lU<.lo"'t-+"--¥-'I-l-'O--4-I'~I-1--I--'-F I LING DESC RIPTION OFP ROJECT ~~--------------- __e(l ·tvwaA\!~VI~(K)<f(~~<1M~aoL.-_ Th e fo llowing in f ormat ion i sr equired f or sub mi tt al by t he Applic ant to t he Desi gn Review Board be for ea f in ala pp rova l can b e given . S i zeQuantity ---lL --1?L- ) ") fA"k1J --=.Ll~~:...ww~LJlj~~~~I ,~atf ) a n ~~b ~~~k tQk9 ~..~'IL WWHUt1 lha..mpj <. -llL?lfV~e ' -n~/tAL--_ ~LJ.....+-~C----WLlI~t---2J.L.U).m.L...!.4-WI Type of MaterialCo lor :fAY i (_~e ~~ -2V-VVI ~O~#J{vl~i\~ .&fINe?f2{ad?~dUW __ olA ALS Landscaping Materials in c luding T rees,Sh r ubs , Cove r) , O LYMPIC OVERCOA~ CHAMOI S Roo f S id ing Other Wall Mater ia ls Win dow Tr im Soffits Win dows F as cia· Oth er Ha nd or Deck Rails Do ors Trash Enclosures Gre enh ou s es Fl as hin gs Ch i.mn ey s Doo r Tr im .Flues E.) A .)BUILDI NGMATER IALS : • Page 2 Plant Materials Continu ed Eot an ic al Name Cormnon Name Quan tity Size C.)OTHE R LA NDSC APE FEA TURE S (Re taining Wa ll s,Fences,Swirmn ing Pools,et c.) (Please Spec ify) Date ---"--'--,.L.-__ Project Application (:~~t~!Yh7e .i..:»:».Projec t Name :~'---=--=-":~-::'-"::"""'!-...:7--:"""-'------='----':::"--~+--"::::'""------------- Project Descrip tion:;II k.J ~J ~ V Owner Address andPhone :"_ A rch itect Address andPhone : 6:2 0 Zone:_ Zoning App roved : DesignReviewBoard Seconded by : Date __~=_"":"""'L.-__ APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary :As'?~e evt.{-R c1 u..i?-ttA (Ll('f w /fDA '7 G~ Date : Ch ief Build ing Official II /1 60 I III L\--l 0 3/.;'7?'-l _~ iJ-P3<JO&'7 q oc;:.oo .1b jCJCJ '3 to .25 = 5.00 .= r:tB ..~a-J-.~ =1/'00 2.~.=.;).So 1.00 =Ir 0 .0 X .~=S -o x .D =~.5 x .25 = x x 1.00 = .x :.~ .I rc..slfl &TOILET X 1.~:::r WE 1'AlF PA ml EXTP.A SI w<.s j X .75 fLLL ~11i ".Y 0 0(s:-C'..,~OR TLB 5 X 3.00 PASI:l,TOILET .,' Rffi'S (Ll'1l r:G P.:Xl"S, £tD.;-ca.\S /Of r I CE.'.5,!( STu'DIOS) KITGBJS DI $I WSh::.---<:tS lI\sPECTOR ...'- KIJD0l DlS.'HASH"R lJ,l.NDiUES curs I a::WATER lUrA!-POINTS U.l..N!~IES (PER l'V\5nc.;:) .' 1.PASEn:rIT JST FLDOR 21 UJ FLO:''! 5.",fLQ"R 2.f'AS V:::IlT )sr F LOJ~ tID FLOO R AD fl(x;R 3.PASEY.-:NT ~Fl£ffi tID FtOOil )RD FlCC'l q. !Q.:i!WrT!AlllA1Gl I:S~I[R 1/.;>~(~iIiiIk'.fICi~. lUI'!:OF 11::''£O..::ER ..J.J".~,<0 .:;Ir.(ET f-D c;.'lESS "1 7 7 !?(1-']:<i\A:Q P--e L(;J., LDT 61.0 ,::LCCK •'FiLlllG ~--_ BILlIr~JJJCKESS 13;-e R "(l.:Y()Q c ·/2 0 3 7 /1113 VAl LI UJ\J...I V \l AJ 5. ·4. 5. .6. 7. 8. ro:u;\w:G 11:::ct'~7l ElllXl 0::ca:S1hl'CTl(W OF fJ .L SlhlJ::11!:!:$,n c DlSmlCT SI'All. rl HfC,';;',A f',rrs I U L I:I.>,'ECT IC:l OF flU.~'!,,:j1 1 S:S 10 [[1 <:;;:111 :::11 ,£I~U t 'ER OF FO U:TS 10 m:f.s~[S :;:J)1\([1.)::01::''>10 11':\.:.-.[<::1 r:·:D $i:.··.L~T:,"f E~.;:;0 1'.\1E ::;C ,:r:L:-1.E,,\:; /10"'£:':PU>,,'''''::0 1l ~E:DI ::iii:JCr S~~\!..L r v.r£,"..·i y f JU U.ir :·;iH S I ~L([S ~,\;l Y IN n ;E C'K I G i;~/,J. lN'lEE P,\lD.nus J:::?[CTICf/SI i-'JJ..tJ..::D 0 ::1(1 ::\1:;[n l:L:UIUJIr.'G O:I[:R'S Iv\I E~ I:m SQiER SERVI CE.o w ;t;E.. ro,'IJ:!)OF0 III [Cl t'flS V,."1 ""'·..,·n ...t't.:f1 °JI Th rln"J nl ~Tr:lrr .1 /, I \ \ J /'!-1Y\.l~· /:;J..P .1'-1-0 /;c., /000 O/(!7() . 0 '1,D . \ .. --=...::..-: ..5--:{}O . 2.:n =.2 ....:5 cJ 1.m =/.t:l ".93 =.S-O .25 =" ;2:5 .25 = x .25 = 5.CO = r:tB ..;~;2 .C 0 _. .1'1 ,a s " co =-.~=.';::'.'~---.. x ·1.= x 1 .00 = -x·.93 . 'f X (X /~X /I X· X u.l V ..'"..P I ~/~~<P tiCX --' .. ll iSPECrc."(JOOI • Ra:t/S (LI'/HIG Px\"S, Eill.,.......a·!S,Gfi'ICES ,""""'x STu'DIOS)~ KI TGB~ DI ~'{.'L6.5h::.-qs SAI.NAS U J1'lffiIES ~III &rn IIET X 1.:n :::z WE I-l>\lF PAm) EXTP.A SIr'K$X .75 .. .fLLL !!.A1H 2-(SO c..'ffi Crt 'na ,X 3.m -. PASJ:I ,io nru OUTSlIE W;'IEH UU ~I ES (PER ~v\5hZ::) KI ~ DIS.'-!L\Si-::=R .I ~:A'ff:R CC':)!..2S ~:ATffi n,"(;(TAI ::S / Sr/It-i 1 !:~PCOLS •.J:'CUZZ I OJTS WE .\-:ATB .--~ (HI :W'1..N OF C:-:E> /. 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CHAMOIS OLYMPIC OVERCOAT. CHAMOIS OLYMPIC OVERCOAT. CHAMOIS Date _=-.-_...:.....,...--':.........,~__ Project APPlicati~-- Project Description: Project Name:~=::...:::.-=c.=....:=-f--7:~---=-::":"-':""'::-=---=----~f-----:L'='-------------- Owner Address and Phone:_ Zone:_ Zoning Approved: Motion by : Seconded by : DesignReviewBoard ~~vevfsoLA __--JJ\Ji,\(....,.J-S _ Date __--'---='--...!..-l--__ APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary .:Ii s rHs.ekL.(..,d l"",h-tv..a Jll)oil !<is ,.£'r "!At ()pJ-S _ _---tiL o=W V\fDA 1 hc..::...lAS.="'--,-,----------------...:-- Date :Date : Ch ief Bu ilding OHicial ". • box100 vail.colorado 81657 (3031 476·5613 department of community development . /' //Lcz.-c.....-1 t -;J..I -'/1 , \'}'1 /u Il !-/../VV C-,c--f.A-V1~ :;0tv C-(-c....e- .' ./.z:/-zL i / J<J"~'"7 /1jJlj-<vt/r:":r.:U~Uc<'j l ./'J (',.:/~~c...-(~.(:j//'1--LL~"/O--.-(,.J<:.-~O ·(.....-<')'-~-=:J _.....L/ ~~.;/7:4 /£7-<' to/vJ;vk 4,~ IJ-~fiA -1 /ik /~:7 j ~-a-~-/ CC~(~A~Q'l./Tc:-<='_-4 -,rl'"'-y T"r·.Q. 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