HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL POTATO PATCH BLOCK 2 LOT 3 LEGALcmtt,ltrY cEtrEltrtf}{l Deeign Revlew Soard ACTIOI| FORl.l Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 te;x,:979.479.?452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: CERISOLA DRIVEWAY Proiect Description: Partacipants: Project Address: 754 POTATO PATCH DR legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: OWNER PINETREE HOLDINGS LLC 805 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT SNOWDON AND HOPKINS, ARCHIE08/21|2007 Phone: 970-476-220L PO BOX 33,10 VAIL co 81658 License: C000001763 ARCHffiCT SNOWDON AND HOPKINS, ARCHffi0S/21I2007 Phone: 970-476-220r PO BOX 3340 VAIL co 816s8 License: C000001763 754 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL DRB Number: DR8070429 FINAL APPROVAL TO REPLACE ASPHALT DRIVEWAY WITH HEATED PAVERS 08/2112007 Location: .U^l[ ?rt* ?a+c\ Lot 3 Block: 2 suuivisionfinirle roWlrHousEs IV) 2101-063-0201-9 See conditions Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Actaon: STAFFAPR Date of Approval= O910512007 Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). C,ond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building, Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and @nstruction is commenced and is diligendy pursued toward ompletion. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 16 O€ lJ? 11:13a Lic Cer-isola 565AA 135 P.1 Minor Ecterior Alterations Application for Design Rewiew Department ot Communlty De\reloprnent 75 South Frontage Road, Vall, Colorado 81657 td: 97O.479.2L28 f axt 970'479.2452 web: www'\rallgov.com Gieneral Intrormalion 3 All projEcts requtrlng destgn revt€w must recelve approval prior to submJtung a building perrnlt appllcation' _Please refeir O tfre strbrnitrat rcquirements for the pardculr apprn -al that is rcquested- An applkEuon for Deslgn Flevie!., cdmot be acept€d unt[ all ]EqulrEd tnformatlcn is rer€h/€d by the Corrrnunlty Dettdoprn€nt Departrnent. The pmjert may atsb need to be nerrlerr{d t'y the Torvn Courrcll and,/or the Planning and Eflviroffnental Comtnlssion. beebn reidcw aFprgtral lapses unlese a buildlng pcrrrft is irEucd and corsttucdon Gom]fFn€ wlt'|ltr one y6r ot Ure EpDroval. Locauonof rfi€p.rpo6a.= tj)t:.4 Btod<t 4 suwr*"nnrPaTATDffif^+ w, Physlcrl Addies.: Pat!€l ilo. !4-talD be.(Contact co, Ass€ssor at 9ZF32a-854O for parcel no.) zofiing: Nam€(3) of Owner(3): l'alllng Addresc: PhonG! Ourncr(s) slgnll r€(a ane of ADpllcaot: cl 6 % oE9\ -(t ffars Ttpe of R3vl€tir rnd Fee: E Slgns E C.onceptual Review El Nev', ConstructiorlE Addluon f,3 Mlnor Alteratbn (mdtFf.mllyl@tnnErcial ) fr mtnor alerabn ' (slngfefarrdly/dupl€D() tl Changes tD AFpro\rEd Plans $5O Plus :i1,OO per square foot of total ggn area. No Fee $650 For constructio.r of a new builcltng or demo,/retuild. $3OO For an addluon where square footag€ ls aclded to any r€siderrtr:al or ommer(lal bullcling (lnducles 25o addltlons & interior @nversions), $25O For mlnor drrnges to brjildlngs and site impravernents, sr.rch as, re-rooting, paht|ng, wlndow additions, landscaFing, fences and r€b|nlng walls, €tc. $2O For ltlnor ctrang€s to buildhgs and dte amprovements, srEh as, r€-rootlng. pdnung, window addiuons, landsc?dno fcnces and r€tainlng walls, &. $2O For revlslons to plans alr€ady approved qf Pbnning S'taft or the DeCAn Review Board- MaElng Addr€3c: **f,******t*****l*******************t******a******t***+*********************'l***'l***t****,1'*+* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement Statement Number: R070001619 Anount: S20.00 08/2L/2OO708:52 A}r! Palment Method: Check Init: iIS Notation: 824ISNOI|DON AND HOPKINS Permit No: DRBO7O429 Type: DRB -Minor A1t, SFR/DUP Parcel No: 2101- 05 3 - 02 01- 9 SiIe Addrese: 754 POTATO PATCH DR \IAIIJ Location: 754 POTATO PATCH DR Total Fees: $20.00 This Payment: $20.00 Tota1 ALL Pnts: $20.00 Balance: $0.00 ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Des cript ion DR OO].OOOO3LT22OO DESIGN REV]EW FEES Current Pmts 20. 00 SONNENBLICK GOLDMAN PAGE 82/42. 68/2A12887 L5:42 2t22624224 rufiil\,m t\ I. (print name; ll n c[ r ' ow 0l i v cr JOINT FR,OPERryOV"NER WRXTTEN APFROVAL LETTER a jolnt owner of properw locaH at (addres5/legal description) ? 5b Pcla-F 0".Fsa. Dri-r1.. Vai I , Co t 16 f 7 been submitted to th€ Town of Vail Community Development Department frJr the prcposd tmpru!€menB to be compleEd at the address noted abo'/e. I understand that tfie proposed provide thls leter as writErr approval of the plans dated which have I further under#nd that minor modififdtions may be made to the plans over Sre course of the revlew prace$s to ensure complianoe with the Tovynt applieble codes and reEulations, ,l/ ,]6[* (Signature) *lz'l ct (Date) Page 2 of r40il281w .98/.20/,2007 MON r7! 07 FAx 9709254106 0s/rt/2no6 10:0$ FAI s70 176 74sL Afir.lf-9007 l[:Ul Fror-EillS0 ccrxcAtiT L:Ari.LB SNOIIDON AND EOPEINS ARCE 0I047!40P9 gluur/uu.t @ ooz t-zzt F'ooe/00t F'tlf -qa.rr.t | . i4 *m UxnfiV ffPnDVlL I Vefirl?Efiroll thir lbrn g'JEE b vcrfl tfiat tne FrE'Ed tt$u,ttfiutlf ||t not lmpd tuq ffHrrg or @FE€Ed rrHllty FrrtH, er6 eb b 'rttrifr lgtlc ffiihHW ttd loqthr tur !ff €rurttc0an €rd rhcrlH il trd ln @r{tg!c[rr ttttl prr$aing ysqr rnnr phr urqdr.ifllEltshkuc_r* Adsdanrlrdrfif,!4qtsEeEglFOfbrfiddErddryrS{llCefrnriadtrururuUOnntnu* fE aptu4f_rnc'_vdtuL tll.3l tuor uP Tg I u3trll FoI tpFnilrL gf, eiilfiils Rlra ill |''sIIvcDl|RrflIft' lf tllu al umble ts Etilnh snnretttq Hlfifn ffi fficfiemr fte 6nhd Thr To*n of \fat[ AsrElqFf ao 4nrttf,fi hl AM ffi tAtr*l Eggflt'f+-t. fl{no w {vr xl Fdrir l,titL3tla drttdtq-I\rf - .5,a JUlt 0 7 flr t$P 6# rt. d. rel. $rftrlllEr DlJftlFtffiffiffiry'tr: 9r0,{r8.sr{,E ftlD Fo.9ar.Drr4 (tlr) frddEE DEVU A,tnt @ l'.If thruqryaegud&yq[FE"tt.|!qtE CEnslnEsfrcrn-€dr drh6 |.t[nvarlfier{E, ml na cr|,ttmefitsar€ rndsdtildy 3I!E !rt_t "g Tlq E htqr r*fnn r r|l|llE dfte tfiltf.?E reelFt Fr ulo lbrrn iu|u|ei sptslsoir ure rarn rdfl Frruh;tnilt ltgt t|€ m prqEltms End tE dludtrtrl|drrt t'a fiqield,& [ r_.u$|f qlp9ny ltal tuflf,rrrl tdqr ilte FeFis€d qutrsder, UE ruliq rrrpr€flrtrtfy. CE4 ru[s drr*fy on tlra qurry lE'lnEgoh rcrm it'!t dran! E I Fl*m_udidr nE F b Dc rerot d. TfF r{* 9louH tfiGD iE dEEfhd h gr ttnfibc Hnr A prEl .!!e-91h4- Horew?, dsi ftup h mjhd tttt lt E uro nFon4htu, an ure uhry;rin -rrii-freaFr.qni ra rtpttrHriltfbd trsbfelr. E:Ig.o7 tr-j.a *07 5, ilw ttrtfiqqonr & not rdlsr lt€ cilffi d fne ruponaldle !Q atrbtn a prible |?trf lilto fie Dapgrbfl.nt ofwDletjVuilsat$e Townof v!!! G:{rt'iritircdrihror.rdoi&*rrs* L{tth q€ TEtrril ol Vr||' - ,r. r nE rreuciDp€r ts r€rsrrEf $t4 $rc{r E erbffrlt *rv tw&.d rfiturhge b inE utlsrn lbr reapprovBl e. tE.,,tufiEtdott tf th64Drdq Cf il t'r ticE'td frr ndy urrt dltr dr. qttt tled +nafrr irh (Unteer odrartc rianEafy niEd rtdthh ttrc Eml|Ettrr* cathb ltsnrr}- r*r srldr"Hqril&1C{ Tber^thclrt btfr Al{td&d{tql'tt''E s@ffi EIr QmET tro_,ffit.6rt60(!ef) sm/ffi.n6n$a,4Afihe gnrfbsby irrrELloolerrda$iltffi .rcELnwy rilEH lttEfir[!crDt7o,relrnEs€D 970-.f6t ldor (ru) Ccrtrc! Rtshglr,ilrg . E 0.S47,9i25{t61, e7o.948.{oet (fa.gfrflffi $ff$€cnr , nlRwgv -..' rrrlllrl'iailc|5 92U.l6Z.m98Cilfl 9?0.262-{0A[(Et)Onffir lfl EDsqt,(drFt f,ddtFBr| FitERGY,m neLSr$rEtwrlTR,t iaoi,ii*iil{reris Jaa fiicrsf ErttB oewbFrfsSarEhm Mon, Aug 20,2OO7 4:39 PM Subject: RE: Cerisola / Alpine Townhomes lV' , Vail/Potato Patch, Date: Tuesday, June 12, 2O07 7:59 AM From: Bogert, Kathryn Kit <Kathryn.Bogert@XCELENERGY.COM> To: Pam Hopkins <phopkins@vail.net> Conversation: Cerisola / Alpine Townhomes lV , Vail/Potato Patch, According to the Town of Vail Address Map, this address should be Lot 3. lf that is the case, there is a 2" steel main in the easement running west to north on that property. lf I can be of further assistance, please let me know. Kit ----Original Message---- From: Pam Hopkins [mailto:phopkins@vail.net] Sent: Thursday, June 07,2007 4247 PM To: Bogeft, Kathryn Kit Subject: Cerisola / Alpine Townhomes lV , Vail/Potato Patch, Hello, I am an architect with Snowdon and Hopkins Architects. I am hoping to find that there are no utilities in the easement from the north property line going diagonally to the west shown on the attached ILC. I am not referring to the easement along the east and south property lines. We would like to build a new stair to replace the existing stairway that spans over the drainage and utility easement and lands at a foundation in the easement. The property address is 754 Potato Patch Drive. The west unit is my client. If you could reply via email or have a TOV form and would fax it to 970 476 749t I would appreciate it. Thank you for your help. Please call with any questions, Pam Pamela W. Hopkins, AIA Snowdon and Hopkins Architects, PC PO Box 3340 Vail, CO 81658 970.476.220r 970,476.7491 fax Pa m @Snowdon Hopkins.com 2lruflt ,lniur,a /t7?rc/'/ tfuuiq Ttfill Page I of 2 cRqss 3799 HTGHWAY 82 ' PO. BOX 2150 CLENWOOD 5PRINGS, COLORADO 81602 {970) 94s-s491 . FAX (970) 945-4081 June I8, 2007 Ms. Pamela W. Hopkins Snowdon & Hopkins Architects, PC. PO Box 3340 Vail, CO 81658 Re: Variance to Encroach into Easement at 754 Potato Patch Drive Dear Ms. Hopkins: Holy Cross Energy has reviewed your request for a variance to encroach into our utility easement from the north property line going diagonally to the west. At this time Holy Cross Energy does not have any utilities located at this location and will allow you to construct a new stairway to replace the existing one. We will maintain our rights to the utility easernent. Please contact UNCC at l -800-922-l 987 for line locates before any digging is undertaken. Sincerely, HOLY CROSS ENERCY &,. &u\on Bob Ballinger, Engineering Department bballin ger@holvcross.com (97O) 947-541s BB:vw tallingcr\Hopkihs +toL BOB BALLINGER ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DTRECT (970) 947-s41s ENERGY HIGHWAY 82 . PO DRAWER 2150 SPRINGS, COLORADO 81602 945-s491. FAX (970) 945-4081 e[,talnt rlw)tt lor!ry FilTI A Touchstone Energy" Cooperatirre (i' e-mail: bballinger@holycross.com P. rHu'g 17 A'7 O'7:OLa \--,s \N+SS '---:- \L a.-\ NR+ \ \-\ S*-N- \) ..F-Egs, F p** '4 bs J,e# ). !>ls.+ p_\i J *€4,62-c*.u)e AL) V- I -... Yl. F- \9tr\ot\ '*g tll lt( ) // -/ 1. '). u{fFI d_? (! t =6 ot/r6/2oos 04:55 FAX S7O 476 74gL SNOIYDON AND f,0PKINS ARCE @ooe ori,Bff,itfr.iu,li u*rl;ta70 740r sNnrDgrv * *Ijflq-s.E [uosrr e7o{rrjg! t-r?t p.oortrllz- I -YV' .!t.<ft r.."c-' --@ rm[?vrnpnnmrevmmcrrrarr @u*n'frt4nn6-,4a6gs,o* r't'mr@rrrt---.- ffitr fDrililt+r'o'' aa' .,|l fih' qulDr s,ffi*{'|f ErsE [fffi#ffiElrltlE sr|' tteh, @-__T;" F;';; upc*['w3irrLrlF ttt*ts*t . a!- 'k,;;^t. 646F2 { L.faM(A z-2a-o7 eL€S7ruffi--E nc|c+r g!",44itEoorE* ondlir t:Hl*'tf$ial,_,,*.1e $11 fi s FrNrcEr c r,f !sffiIkgtEFr'_{ :flEH-!4qfiyrlrraDrprrqrenrorf;4:+tr-1H*J fi* f3"*Ht*np*neh!.:,r:;-rE;F;#rffH"EffiifweDm,6rrrr,$ierrdnl d;ffif;lH k** 03/16/2008 04:55 o | /,1.1/,2"0{,$,, o 9, ir?L FAX 0?0 478 749L FAx for?o$+tfr30 ?4ol SNOIIDON AND EOPKINS ARCS SNOIIDON AND f,OPSINS AR6H ril16_{9! @ ooc @ ooz 1,221 P.0I?/002 F-s!?-1-€r , ..* ffi[Z urartYrnnrornr a ummcerrql armtqp A f'o fr tA 7g6tv!fr!.ahdt*t% p, ' (Itltif erD-{cBqqqo(u, nrurmm 0r/Xd ?h,vtharr rQ-.canmrn trtr#Jffi*_ ,,{-r, #!ffI*fflffi,ruwrffi*ffi-"ffiffi#Yfffiffiffi.h.-- rK *:: t;4; *p*tl'wffi reS mr,,{J^w&ffi*'!i..n. ffi-ffi tu #ffi,Wry",&16+ HLq€iEf,! Jatbb xtu,E frj9"U-iw,*lr' s, &.r€-o7 ro ::5Hryffir#H"trffirffiffiHftffi#FdHu#$effifrH_ffiil#sffi lr "'.' ;-Griidffi s .'rtrrE fr'rr ]q' il'r uE rt fialHt dcilrri'frrca-G'ffi k *_ cfi|l|r.r{w 0E!ELoP|E {T Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FORlrl Department of Community Development 75 South F.ontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 taxi 978.479.2432 web: www.vailgov.com Proiect Name: Cerisola - repaint Project Description: Participants: Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: C,omments; DRB Number: DR8070281 Final review of a minor alteration - repainting stucco and trim colors. 0612512007 Locationr WEST UNIT Lot 3 Block 2 Subdivision: ALPINE TOWNHOUSES IV 2101-063-0201-9 See Conditions OWNER PEDRO CERISOI.A 754 POTATO PATCH DRIVE VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT SNOWDON AND HOPKINS, ARCHffi0S/25I2007 Phone: 970-476-220r PO BOX 33,t0 VAIL co 81658 License: C000001763 ARCHITECT SNOWDON AND HOPKINS, ARCHITE0S/25/2007 Phone : 970-476-220L PO BOX 33,{0 VAIL co 816s8 License: C000001763 754 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL Motion By! Second By: Vote: C,ondiUons: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalt 07 I L8l20O7 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s), Cond: 0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities, Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Minor Exterior Alterations-''"-:.-\ Application for Design Review6rt} l1-\\ t ,/.1 Department of community Development ---.- -!:r:----. -: it 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, colorado 81657 T0l{N0f yAlt"/ ta,gzo.qzglzul.*t"?11fl, *', General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittll requirements for the particulbi approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. beiign review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. v Na ).ts Psa Location of the Proposa tz tot: 4 alo*.: L suoaivision: F14(o FkTl4 Physical Address: Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additionq landscaping. fences and retaining wallt etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as. re-robfing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review E New Constructiontr Addition E Minor Alteration ( multifamily/commercial) F, Minor Alteration' (singlefamily/duplex) E Changes to Approved Plans tl Separation Request (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) ent By: PEDHo#CEHI-s_0!5 I, (prlnt neme Jun-19-07 AND SOPKINS ANCE s704769260;3: 36PM;Page E! ooz 1t1 JOI||T WRITTETI &p-w+a Joint owner of propfiy hcatxl at (addresdlesrl desalplon)75q U ft74 zA- prwlde $ts hthr as wrlthn approval trtlrc planr whljr have been s{&rritted to the Toan dVall Cammunlty b be mnphd at the addrcss noted above. I DcperEncnt for the proposcd Fnpgorrcnrenb thatthe prysed lmpqvennnB loctude: I futtfier understand that mlnor rnodificatJons m.y be to the pfens orler the cou|Ee of the r€lricw mdes and regulauons, (D|ts) Page 2 of 13/06/05los JtjN,'23.2007 6:47AM gL IVER' Juli, 22. ?00? 5 r 32 Pld A, SLIFER SMIT|l FRAl}4PTOl.| z',z-ze€-at',rz 8tI IER SIIIT}| FTAHFIOTI tzG?4,/6? OBz8@.P.trrlllo' 642i fi0, b42+ f, I p? tsffiFntrEnilYowf,EEtrlTlEillFrour|FnH' tOflnt trohtsrrfi_c l,*I tff+ U* tsbr tE nrlilsr arfiftrl hi9 fiE drH vyliCt tHll bwt flbfiild E ahGlti{n sf lE[ &trudlu DaIlhfit|lt Dnermst hrtle pnH lrporcnah b bccqilPlfitl tfir d*sreq| *6c I utldEdand thtfn ntpd frnmr*nEt hdude; lffiUoilllt tlflrt d|*Ur rtEnrnelCn* n[lil E nsrtwtrtrHcE t|o{r H I uffit *Fttsfiornffi'!. w E t'fr/a b tf,,n[r|f aastrorr*afitr ftfflil ptfEgf o wn g/rwF !ffi, h fffi w ffi *r ffin r)qffiffiE tr I [{fldl ffid ffi* ttffilrphtlllry, tdldt ue HlaitrrFffi ilxtlta etF d lE t#n ffi, lp bmql* a W rwa A AE ffi W M #|otd lpfrto rflffi tUtnq t6r fr tE Tant ffiirtffi fa'|l'l******++l'****'lttl*ffffffflfltt'|****+**+*'l*'}**'}'}**lr****a**l*'}t*'}'}fl*tttt'}ft'}fff********t TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€noent t**+*tf+++fa't*l*t**+aaf{tlt*t'a*a***t*+****t*t*tl*all***+++++a*tlll*l*fffft++']***t**f**a+attttt Statenent Nunber: R070001090 Arnount: $20.00 06/25/200702:37 PM Palment Method: Check Init: L,TNotation: snolvdon & Hopkine / ck 81L Permit. No: DRB0?0281 T!pe: DRB-Minor Alts,SER/DUP Parce1 No: 2101- 063 - 02 01- 9 SLte Address: 754 PO|rAI',O PATCII DR VAIIJLocation: WEST ITNIT Total Feea: S20.00 ThiB Payment: $20.00 Total ALrr Pmta: $20.00Balance: $0.00*+affffll'l'******{r**rr***flff+++++tt*a*+ff+f***++++*+tt***++++**|}'}ffff*f*+**+******a*lt**'afffa ACCOTJNTITEM LIST: Account Code Description CurrenE Pmta DR OO1OOOO3I]-22OO DESIGN REVITEI{ FEES 20.00 T-T*-r I Fi(F.- Ij t.il l'-T-t II! . ", i or- !;-l.it_ rr'SiGN REVIEW g;TAFF APPROVAL / a1 .,-Jt,,.,i: V:.4--!-W---- _ I) +-J .; _) ,1. <i- .{),i ,) 'l .,) 'i)- .'t J\,. J )l ), 1_ sir , tf\c[4ciui.L I Cc)v( UI y'i,x t.r1L,u,.)r.o- ( i'- , ,L.,r(u"rt1;,1. .,Lud- Lr-"\iJ. ti\ \,-...1.r,,.-{ ) t ,r-m Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 tel: 970.479.213I) fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co,us Project Name: Purchase Residence DRB Number: DR8020272 Project Description: Paving stones added to landscaping Participants: OWNER PURCHASE, LARAJ. &JOHN L,08/19/2002 Phone: 754 E POTATO PATCH DR VAIL CO 81657 License: APPUCANT PURCHASE, LARA J. & JOHN L. 0811912002 Phone: 476-3646 754 E POTATO PATCH DR VAIL CO 81657 License: ProjectAddress: 754 POTATO PATCH DRVAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: 3 Block: 2 Subdivision: ALPINE TOWNHOUSES tV Parcel Number: 210106302018 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Approval= 1010312002 Conditions: @nd: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005509 Public Way permit req'd. Please call Leonard Sandoval at 479-2198 for info. Cond: CON0005610 PARKING IS NOT ALLOWED IN THIS AREA. TOV MAY ISSUE TICKETS IF PARKING OCCURS IN THIS AREA Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 ,*ffi S,€t Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.179.2L39 lax" 970.179.2152 web: www.ci.vail,co,us General Information: All projects requiring design revie\ / must receive approval prior b submiEing a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular appoval that is requested, An application for Design Rwiar cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department' The proJect may also need to be reviewed by the Town Cruncil and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approvat lapses untess a building permit ls issued and construction oommences within one year of the apprcval. Description of the Request:?er|- OtSc Ss TJ I/T Epx pAViNtr Slor{Es ,vtISt a./NKrrlQ Location ofthe Proposal: Lot:3 Bbck 2 physicarAddress: 1S+ E lor*to ?nlcu Datv-e ,\ Parcel No.:2 t 0 | Q b'3 o Z 0 | t (contact Eagle co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Name(s) of Owner(s):k v*rLA \Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant:J ot/?ut. C 4 ht Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construdion of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where Euare footage is added to any residenfal or commercial building (indudes 250 additions & interior conversions)' For minor dranges to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, rerooftng, painting, window additions, landscaping, funces and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Revlew Board. Type of Review and Fee:tr Signs C Conceptual Review D New Consbuctiontr Addition Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (sing le-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request tr nn tr tr $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 $20 No Fee Mailing Address: $20 T0l4,,m JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name) L i z F-n re ru S t^, o Br* , a joint owner 9f property tocated at (addressilegal description) rs-+ tO f"t$* Fab0= provide this letter as writren approval of the ptans dated z1+o t ln which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Deparfrnent for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: <€t PrNuvtr S'lov6 OL(75t0( /fuoN7 €N-/ft4i,/Ce, utlyl coNcr<tie p*rt uNKt^t(, lo uETluaoure\ g,4sOrrvG fttM (+') -fMiLta/Cr Ao 3'frK LeNGT,/ of- f4'tvh I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the reyiew process to ensure compliance with the Town! applicable codes and regulations. Page 2 of L2l02l07l02 TOI4'NM --tr Stamped topographic survey*, if applicable( t ,Site and Grading Plan, if applicable* i/ F Uandscape Plan, if applicable*( goiPnotos or drawings which clearly convey existing conditions* (_o-, Photos or drawings which clearly convey the proposed building MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS or site alteration(s)* v/o Exterior color and material samples and speciflcaUons. q--Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures, if amliceble- 6 Wiitten approval from a condbminium association ofioint'ownei; it-applicable / \-/The Administrator and/or DRB may require the sDbmissian-oP-additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submil three (3) copies of the materials noted wilh an asterisk (*). Topographic survey:o Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyoro Date of surveyD North arrow and graphic bar scaleo Scale of 1"=10'or !"=20")o Legal description and physical addressD Lot size and buildable area (buildable area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40olo, and floodplain)o 'fies to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer inveft. This information must be clearly stated on the surveyo Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) ofa foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relauonship to the established corner.I Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information.a Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report. List any easement restrictions.tr Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the street frontage of the propefi at twenty- five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot.o Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervalso Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade.' tr Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.),o All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.).o Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils) Page 3 of L2lOaO7rc2 r Watercourse setbacks, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback) o Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of existing uUlity sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include: Cable W Sewer GasTelephone Water Electric o Size and type of drainage culvefts, swales, etc.o Adjacent roadways labeled and edge ofasphaltfor both sides ofthe roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. Site and Grading Plan:o Scale of L"=20'or largero Property and setback lineso Existing and proposed easementso Existing and proposed grades o Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including deck, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line.o All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations, Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height. o Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade, D A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uphill direction.tr Locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures. o Proposed surface drainage on and off-site. o Location of landscaped areas, o Location of limits of disturbance fencing o Location of all required parking spaceso Snow storage areas. o Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure.o Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4' and 6'feet in height. tr Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable Landscape Plan:o Scale of 1" = 20'or larger o Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan, o Location of existing trees, 4" diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new location), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the proposed improvements and grading. o Indicate all existing ground cover and shrubs. o Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground cover,o Delineate critical root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and construction.o Indicate the location of all proposed plantings. o The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation. Page 4 of Lzl02l07l02 o Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Lighting Plan:o Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.o Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous areao Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. II. REPAINT PROPOSAI-S For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: o Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s)o Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc,) The following is an example: Page 5 of L2l0Zl07l02 PROPOSED IIATERIAIS TVoe of MibrialBuildino Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Color Notesi uw"t*_q Please speciff the manufacturer's name, the color name and nunSb Page 6 of r2lO2lO7lO2 (j-^Wi!- [n/v- r and attach a color chip. V t)) qsled olElod 1!rA tZ tColg e lq] At sauoqurnol autdlvi'Nfui' a I a 4. t, :,2 it -1 1.a1 1 ai!iri 1 + iii ' t':'t1.'..'.::.'t':it- i r 2 jl''. t I o''r,1.,'a ''- lf!!t:t ' t {,4I: i!;r,' 1t',. !i!r!i! ".< i -) It ri:ltt- :"i ?.r!t;'__:- | 11,1.!!l!it; rF- ci+'j !'!'" * rN. T- r6. lt I I I I g: l; I\i\t \i\ -l d I 9 s {YS s \ € -5 I * sG-- < s/a\ {.a- '.;) ) / z/ i.)-.- \ --.- \ ********f*l'*a'i****+***++tf*f+.|*****'l***a'*tt**+a'ifa*++ttf+++++*+*+***+*'|t**+a************'t+**{t't TOWNOFVAIL, COLOMDO Statem€nt {'***********la'tlr***a***{'{"}r*++*+f+ttt++++it*****ta+*'}'}'}*{'*'}'}'tt**a*+'i***r*tt***l*******+****+ i Statement Number: R000002905 Anount: $20.00 OS/L9/2OO2O4:23 PM Palment Method: Check rnit,: iIAR Notation: 603Purchase Permit No: DF-8020272 Tlpe: DRB-Minor AIt,SFR/DUP Parcel No: 210106302018 Sit.e Addresa: 754 POTATO PATCI{ DR VAII' Location: ThiB Pa)ment: $20.00 ****t **** * * t**t** * * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri pti on DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES Total FeeE: S20.00 Total ALL Pmts: $20.00Balance: $0,00 + *+ l+ | * + ftl' f a' +*t*** *t+ * * * l+ *'if f** ***l***++***** ** ****** Current Pmts 20.00 Re: Potato Patch Easement Question ',r! \ O scot Hunn - Re: Potato Patch Easement Question Page 1 of L From: Pam HopkinsTo: Scot HunnDate: 05/24/2007 12:05 PMsubject: Re: Potato Patch Easement Question Thanks Scot, I will get back to you if we find another solution. This was a big help. Pam Pamela W. Hopkins, AIA Snowdon and Hopkins Architects. PC PO Box 3340 Vail, CO 81658 970.476.220t 97O.476.749I fax Pam@Snowdon Hopkins,com BUt[ Q|l-r€ncN\ On 5/24/07 7:29 AM, "Scot Hunn" <SHunn@vailgov,com> wrote: Pam, Here is the email from George Chalberg, Public Works. Let me know if you want to explore any other solutions that may be a win-win for your client and the Town. Scot Scot Hunn, AICP Senior Planner Town of Vail (97O) 477-3551 Office (97O) 479-2452 shu n n@vailgov.com file://c:\oocuments and settings\Administrator\local Se. .. 06/0L/2007 From: To: Dab: SubJect: Scot I dont think there should be a problem as long 6 ther€ ls nothing struchrral put in to the easement. We will abo need a Revocabte ROW permit wlth a speclal condltion fllhd out (provided by me), We wlll need to see that the uulity co. are ok with the stairs. Hope this is what you were looklng for. If not give a call 3507 Thanks George >>> Scot Hunn 0512312007 4:22 PM >>> George, I have an applicant who is proposlng b r€place and add on to an e sung set of e,ytedor stairs rlat cunently encroach into a platEd 20' "Drainage and t tility Easement" on tot 3, Block 2, Potato Patch SubdMsion - 754 Potato Patdr Drive. Cunenuy, the bottom of the stairs are sihraH on sorne sort of landlng wtthln the e6ement, but I doubt there are arry footers or other sbucture. wondering if pu have any Infio on "as-bullb' or statlrs of the €sement..I'm about ready b tell the Applicant that as loIE as they can get slgn offs from t Ulity Co.t and get us a DRB appl., tll€!/re good b 9o, Wanen adised that I dreck with niy first to see if there are any reasons rvhy the Tofln uDuld not want fur$pr errcroadrrnent Into he eement with rmre 'permanentn sbucture. Thanks, S@t Hunn, AICP S€nior Planner To n of Vail (970) 477-3551 Otre (97O) 479-24s2 shunn@vailoov.com George Chalberg Sot Hunn 0512312007 4:45 PM Re; Potato Patch EasementQuestbn _ r4/4V,tcBr*!*:t rt{g,xr riq 'S r.t Gl 0ol r"gd 1i B. F{*6or}r!<0. 4.( tr FJ s trJ(,()td t,!3 c.ltl rO-11- J r.d() w -{ t--r", ";F|- I+* lrJ{)frq'i ,F.€"..#tli}" {,-"lr ix;r-i;sgP 3B*rs i.i1 fa ,*: \';. $ H$ HH !B'i{ A li. *::r; !t,i', f, 1&.fitrtlw {ttp > <4.,." 5 ii, -d n{ +4r; i*: ,t * tr11 l#I +'!'t€lr ffi, !g ${&* '"., isfitps Jr# {.} X.**H ,itfi*1{fi l**,* f\"{l !G F* }ri x4F.l {Y? Frg *f ,/F whsil POTAT O PATC H N 86"l3' 39 8" 8 DRIVE 50'76' 40'Row /-1 C2 @$ @ ie tc (2 LS.4r3t trJ to |r) (\.|\t olrol 2l ,; D.o fC Po $) foP, 2 TRACT BLOCK FND L 5.w--Po'o c ? Residential (2 Parcels)... Cornmon Parce l 0 . 1616 Acres 0.3188 Acres o . 4804 Acres $ze>se-\,+rrepf jt* - #tfirMtJe D Nau - @rtlF4rvr ..tt'sl,s Snruqr:vrz: - SET L,S. I2566 o \sr % 8..f SET L-S.I2 56 6 X FND LOT 4 BLOC K o lo 20 40 SCALE' l" = 20' CURVE DATA Delta tlzrd. ,\t'c Cll CD 64'10':16" :'9.7'l 66.92 S.6l'l1'02": 63 4? 19"26',28" 62.Sti 21.33 S.39'r8'58"E. 27 23 Land Use SummarY L s. l1413 Tan 3?.46 r0.i7 i.t t.t. ,eseo COMMON PARCEL (o F .'l *l il EAST UNITS .7 2o5 3'14 'E. o.5Oi WEST UNIT 8 EAST PARCEL O.O783 ocres o @ ". -.D COMMON PARCEL O.3188'ocres aa-ra) oz E =c UJo. CA .i' \o .5'O'tN\' an r,u IIJt! F =t LrJ o- {dtoolslh @tsil #{D ( o\c{ (n rJ)H&&oz FI uJF o\ .it .if iz9?trF4o fcl lEx IJJF o c, F c,Fan =-o =2 tttulFo2 ozoJf @€ 0zz FtsE x &ts tsu .l( Hoz E nJz3o lllIFoz H.h@Z14o ,-{ \o C) !a .-{.+@F(')<xo€oc)&A fr1ts.FlPOI{ FfA> H A z Irl Ffo lt uto =I Eot! toFo G,Fzoo Go Gul2]o lto ci EoE Eo oG o tc6 oI'oo ctc !t =:'lo E o =cl (t €'I CIo6 '.c E tro ttott otooo() co .Atr 'oF oG o CD .E Eooo!t EJ ()t al .2E t 34t o tc6 6 'o d:gE6g BEE EEE €sE :EEc96'- c\.c.!= -.=B6' EEE500 :i.;;q! i E --!CL6 CL SEroi-o-E€e E6: EEE -eC6 0'-5ae gEi 8I--o E;E EEg -o6 o\F\ \oo\ @ O\(! dr \o .5. rno + r\N oo ln @ .J. + tr =c,u,c(,zo =t ao t() UJaoz o- IcFIuJJ llJ (,z .o =f o. J Iz (, ul E X UJ uJt!zo F uJE() ute oE o ao 'ultuJc,zIv, UJo F too uJo o,3z utJo x F ulof 6 IJJ IJJltt =E llJ o- oF ('zoJ =o J IGt-o uJJul oz .DttJG cI zIo uJt Fl H H NOtrvn]YA t:' l!> c. lF=;:l:ruc16 = E - ll -lct) 9rZ Z tLto oo: HE=E:6g fiE iHEl zIF f {t! 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J Ioz =oF u, ulF' G IJJz3o F() uJ E (.)e t -rO<Fcout<z&ulF(tZ-o Q JG 5P;Q EE3?ru (Jz TD =Jc I ? :.) =z dF =3gE Eo E irg Ft-o2 o() J<oa.t at)rir l!JO / '1 o =E-E uJe I f s. 0\ t$ttllt d' frt'l s o s \3 ) sss s \ oss \ 3t ( d tr c( + r{ t9 Fi. tbN f.{ ollj uJl! b = IIJo- (i ozo lJ F 0) d *r .lJ od tri o lE IJJz3o UJ o oracd \o tr@O .'r'p Ln5\foco o F-l FlXO q,) Fat!. o o .,1.Fl .(!>la> $or-t(J lo$ 6 B ,o\ \ot\ q. .q)vF.C'\ E o q) o C) o) E 5(o o 0, o ; 0, o ot 0, t, 0)Eo() .so .:c v, au. a. !, ;oF o o o() .l o g, ii o o.3 o a 9' qt <t,q) C' (! o. c. ',l- !. o o .:: . fit o' o '' c, (g. -oo .l:0)(/:F-6E Q6 ;3Qc.=c 9i (!c -,86oEF'i= O.! t't':>E;!.- Eoo o'-5i =goo =- =E -.so-E E= o'-;o qv- g= 3!o>C'; c: RU3a :^ EE ()(E 0, t\t E o 0t o o (! oo (g o (lt o) 3 x gl. CTr 8( j d 8( <r(( rn g(8r .i(Jq B $ v]! tl ({ 8( q U 8t a o u 8(. Uil d Y F I u, z @ t() llJ (J z f gJ o 6 = d {Iz uJ = FIg u,lil I uJ !U o o ao-l! uJe =9 uJ a EgJ gJ (J x F uJo U'tl, UJlt == UJ FoF z -)o E () tl,l gJ z I J 7. =e otr,I t-v rQF >.\X\ /^\ U =tEtt| J =le?t: lJ\J H-rlt3aE4 NO[VnlVA I IA,E IX.'= * l-: r Pli= ro .., lir ll Yo: ':I I oige =E;EE [J EgEi X d +J qJ 'rlaotr tr(d c)o z lt I lrJ F \ \ m efl .ct' u, J z9F z9F E UJF \ 3 tltAltltlo 3z9c5?o1IPt5<z -l rl oF JE9= d6}D JJ ? uulzx i ul ). ; s. I Illrclr, I I -s {\ o 3 \ o 0 ) Ff, Fo -tl<l =l zl ., >l u, r!gJz tr IJJ J zo Fo ! z Y iIlt t- lslS l'''l lH'Fl l^ s/ At f"rl ilel;l lr o CI ,-J ' J .{ .: 3 ,, 0)t z) L uc u 0l ER to\ L LI ql--1 L4 3HrE !J ,,. 1<tlO .P(! erzo.n9 Hzk : =z?P Xo-ts ": Jdfi =E=A;H Dtrb tto2u,F9E<ctlo.nE9lo.itFb0 :o- => = UJ i-E FE: =EE ooP iurE iiI UiFo-EF 'uJ a0 F I'I - F =E tIJ o-zoFoDEF-azo(J td ^l fl Jslcol Hll'' -l ;tzF-i Jl.|. F tt) at) o E F o F FlA F{ ni =z -)I (! tio d F-l o(n ..1 E UJ =2 rn\' X o Lq UJ I - .$\t I F-$ A r-l.rt(! F6 o .,1,t o - -e. "l X I q ^'llvtIAgJ od J I c 0c c\l I r\.if o. r-l.rl (d 6 -t t.| +Jo (s c) {J Gj =e D,1.4l--:l t1t.ltolt1ltolI u.ll t5lt<ll>lI llltqtzll3ltel \o I\or\.$ UJ UJF ( ]s ?v =&tr I I I I .lol 1lolujl :l slltlq FI E t 3 I{IS I J rll l z) (9 uJ :l sl ttlq zlilIFI s = o gJ = l! zl 3lq r-l :c z.l sJl 5l <l>lttlol zl 3lolFI rd UJ F' uJz =o o UJE () 2JO2<.F.1 EO4'-ru <,r' z E . IIJ F .?o 6)o 5P =a)ES ;F;6lo 29 =f>F tJ- o(J *6::Fz<)e< iz =o = \JZ <()on56,. t(>-*x I(- bub ,?u.r<e$ U vri\ L<,.r-l L..r--,\ t\ G**og. a6*l.'t.5 ,€ a,- 2r t( > -f;fA -97Q Y t1 : i??t x?a : Cz-** { to)o W' S)ca #q?g *tab F D*r.ot[r1, "*(G *qgn Q.,,t c LL-= D.^rett,S 3Asc{ e)qa aat ,Llbo -{aSQ 2=A .€ \ r[ F}ASt U VtS L.^rr,\ ( Qo| T/7 : ?ea ? xzo: 0oq boq lo zbs ,2? rG> d-? + + Cx*a}gZ DUr-ll"--; L.r'-{ a trB8.#9*-\ Lo*-t J=7vt/D-"llu \ --r I ?o (oqb o. 75 south fronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (3031 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: offlce of communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED T{ITH TITE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT l,tARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summary, ordi.nance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anvperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, OeUiisor naterial , including trash dunpster!, portable ioilets andworkmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public _p-I?ge or any portion thereof. The right-oi-way 6n aff Town ofvarr streets and-roads is approximately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance wirl be stri-Lry enforcld, by the Town of Vai.I "y!li." works Department. persons found vi6lating this ordinancewrrr be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said rnaterial .rn the event the person so notified does not cornply with thenotice within the 24 hour time specified, the pulric worksDepartrnent wilr remove said rnateiiat at the expense of personnotified- The provisions of this ordinance snirt not beappricabre to construction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or a1ley or any utiLities in the right-a-way. To review ordinance No. 6 in fu1l, please stop by the Town ofvail Building Department to obtain I copy. tirani< you for yourcooperation on this matter. Position/Rela€io@ ( i . e. Orrmer & Contrac tor conEractor, owner) iIIl|A8 IJ. YIEIJE Colorado P.E. and L.S. No. 11413 1000 S. Frontage Road W.VaiI, CO 81657 March LO, 1990 I ltichael L,auterbachP. O. Box 3451Vail, CO 81659 RE: Soils Observations -Iot 3, Block 2, YaiL/Potato Patch, Vail, CO Dear ltichael: As requested, r have observed the soils conditions in the areaof your proposed excavations. The purpose of ny observations isto recoimend specific design requirenents for foundations and srabsupport for your proposed residences to be constructed on the site. The subsoil conditions in the area consist nrainry of coarsegranular soils frorn glacial noraine deposits with tie rnaterialranging fron relatively fine to very laige boulders. Topsoir of2 to 3 feet is common. _.considering the general type construction and subsoilconditions, spread footings praced-on the coarse, granular subsoilsshould be used for support of the structure. The forlowing designand construction details should be obserrred: 1. Footings should be pJ.aced entirely on the natural coarse,granular subsoils below any topsoil and slrt and designed for an?llTun bearing pressure ot 3IOOO psf. Settlenents should bewithin tolerabre limits, approxinateiy r inch total and 3/4 indndifferential. 2. Mininun footings width should be 16 inches for walls and2 feet for columns. 3. Continuous foundation walls should be adequatetyreinforced to span an unsupported length of at least ro reetlBasement waLls acting as retaining structures should also bedesigned to resist laterar earth preisures as discussed below. _4. AII topsoil and any local soft pockets of soil found atthe base of the footing excavation snoirta be removed and theexcavation extended to the lower firn soi1s. 5. All footings should be provided with adequate soil coverabove thel.r bearing elevation for frost protectLon. Basenent walls acting as retaining structures should bedesigned to resist an equivllent lateral larth pressure of 45 psfper foot of depth. An underdrain systeu should be provided toprevent hydrostatic pressure build-up. The on:ite granular subsoils below all topsoil and tow densitysilt are suitabre to support slab-on-grade con-struction. To reducithe effects of sone differential -movenents, slabs should beseparated fron bearing nenbers with a positive expansion joint andadequately reinforced. A nininum 4 inch layer -of free-draininggravel shourd be provided innedLately beneath srab-on-grade froortto distribute loading and provide J unifom surface for concreteplacenent. cravel should Consist of a maximum 2 inch size. The underdraining system for basenent walls acting asretaining structures shourd consist of a perforated pipe instirrea !1 a gqavel filled trench placed at lealt 1 foot 6eiow adjacentfloor slab or crawr space grlae leading to suitable gravity olttet. The onsite soils, exclusive of topsoil and organic silt, canbe used for structural fill. conpaction shourd be to at reast 95tof the rnaxinun standard proctor density at a noisture content nearoptirnum. If, during construction, soil conditions appear to bedifferent from those described herein or groundwate-f seepage is l{ichael Lauterbachllarch 10, 1990 Page 2 encountered, this office shouldreevaluation of the recornnendatio JLv/cdb at once so that Vieie 'i. :fffi€ E E€;=.:F:i::!itc::|!,..: - e= c :5* !::;Ei!.=i= ;ii€Eic9,---=r E aii:i:. : = ; e- €E:!!!;: i€;s€ E = J.o olrrt) cd o\o\ .it 14z Hv) F A ts ts p'. FlH lrl l-lE !lc)F l1<H .t rnt\ I & I Fftrl c)Ht ; I F .il( 6l.+ z o|) (v) IE a'1 Htsa .J) EI& (J H rJ) u)D 2B H rllzHA a z l l-urH()F-5 ESx >zzES< 3dz 11 <\.Ji!'A- 2UQ3<t lL) I*F?br'->:q.-Hop: F--ZZu^r{ :'r -<F<= o<bco '_'r (/) ftoix zr{Li-<..rQt:iF<Voiil=ziAx<-9 EE*3PFIOn ,,, Irl ilto>F;nOatri''i z*'-;}< Hf=<-<r<x l{rsCZa FZU:ff;<;u=x*,{ -FYl EESE *-rF -?O. IF(F<-f rl..ta a+6. FI ENIt -fitsaH.tsat -H E{ .lJaF itsl+hEY {J -FqIF? -FrH|e aF\alLI F. -d *HPH La =v l{-a 11 e. thfdi.arPlH flJ l|{f{e. € ul o- ttl ; z z F o o Project Number: 4294 Address: 754 PATATO PATCH Occupancy: R3 rlltL tR3 rlrtlType of Const: V-NrV-N Town of Vail 25 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8L65'7(303) 476-7OOO Plan anaLysis based on the 1988 Unifonn Buil.ding Code NAMe: ALPINE TOWNHOUSES IV DRIVE Date: Uarch 29, 1990 Contractor: L,AUTERBACH CONST. Architect: JOHN PERKINS Engineer: TIM BOLYE Plans Examiner: NORRIS NoTE:The code lterns listed in this report are not intended to be a completelisting of all possible code requirements in the 1988 UBC. It is a guide to selected sections of the code. SECTION # ]- DIRECTION BOUNDARY NORTH Public wayEAST Building SOUTH Property linewEsT Property line Area increased 50.00* FL NAME SEPARATION AREA INCREASE 104.0 Feet O.O Feet 115.0 Feet l-5. O Feetfor open area on OCC MAX FLR FIRE PROTECTION 84.0 Feet0.0 Feet L15.0 Feet 15.0 Feet 2 sides. AREA ALI,OWED RAIIO STATUS 3 Dwelling TOTAL FOR FISOR2 Parking carage 2 Dwelling TOTAL FOR FIOORt owelling TOTAL FOR FIOOR BUILDING TOTAL R3 ok 1230 Unlinited d-e./t 123O Unliraited€*E*' ' s76 unlinited ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok IBI*EBB=-- mhis e€e"Fan€y ia rct a" - e*i 6rt EIIFs-lftodF. cK.. M1 okR3 R3 ok 978 Unlinited l-554 Unlinited 1070 Unlirnited 1070 Unlimited 3854 Unliruited Page # 2 Code review for:Project Id.: ALPINE TOWNHOUSES IV Address: 754 PATATO PATCH DRIVE The actual height of this building is 33.0 feet. The maximun height of the building is 40.0 feet. -- Table 5-D FOR SECTION # 1 EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 17-A & Table 5-A NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON.BRG OPNG BRG NON.BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WAI.,L PROT I{ALL WALL PROT R3 ohr ohr None l-hr* thr* NoP ohr ohr None Ohr Ohr None l-{1 ohr ohr None Lhr* thr* NoP ohr ohr None ohr Ohr None The exterior walls may be of COITBUSTIBLE naterial . Sec.2201. None -- No fire protection requirements for openings.Prot -- Openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assenblies.50t of the area of the wall maxirnum. Sec.22O3. (b) & Table 5-A Maximum single window size is 84 sq.ft with no dinensiongreater than L2 feet. -- Sec. 4305. (h) NOP -- Openings are not pennitted in this wall.* -- These walls nay be required to have a parapet wall 30 inches above the roofing. The parapet wall is reguired to have the same fire rating as the wall. See section 1709. for details and exceptions. OTHER BUTLDING ELEUENTS Table 17-AELEMENT I.IATERIAL RATTNG NOTESInterior Bearing lrall Any 0 hrInterior nonbrg wall Any 0 hrStructural Frame Any 0 hrExterior Struct Frame Any 0 hr See footnote #1Shaft Enclosure Any L hrFloor/Ceiling Assenbly Any 0 trr See Footnote #9Roof/Ceiling Assembly Any 0 hrStairs Any None NOTE: See Sec. L7o5. (a) for Shaft Enclosure exceptions. FOOTNOTES:1) Mininurn on exterior side also based on exterior brg. wall reguirements. 9) In areas with vehicles or airplanes, the floor surface shall be of noncombustible, nonabsorbent materials. -- sec. 7o2.(bl & 902.(b) OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONSR3-Ml thr Materials approved for Lhr construction are required on the garage side only and 1 3/8 inch solid core, self-closing door. -- sec. s03. (d) ex #3 ADDITIONAL SEPARATIONS FOR R3 OCCUPANCY: FOR M]- OCCI'PANCY: Code review for:Project Id.: ALPINE Address: 754 PATATO SECTION # 2 TOWNHOUSES IV PATCH DRIVE Page # 3 SEPARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NORTH Public way 67.0 Feet 47.0 Feet EAST Property line 17.o Feet l-7.0 Feet SOUTH Property line 43.0 Feet 43.0 Feet WEST Building o.o Feet o.o Feet Area increased 28.75* for open area on 2 sides. FL NAI'IE occ UAX FLR AREA ALIPWED RATIO STATUS 3 Dwelling TOTAL FOR FI.oOR2 Dwelling TOTAL FOR FI.,,OOR1 Parking Garage 1 Dwelling TOTAL FOR FI-,OOR BUTLDING TOTAL The allowed area for -- Sec. 5o3. (a) R3 ok 7728 Unlinited 772A VnLLmitedR3 ok 1188 Unlinited 1188 UnlirnitedML ok 504 Unlinited R3 ok 609 Unliurited l-2L3 Unlinited LoL29 Unlimited ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok the najor use was used for minor accessory areas. The actual height of this The maxinurn height of the FOR SECTION # E NORTH OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WAI.,L PROT R3 Ohr Ohr NoneMl Ohr Ohr None The exterior walls nay building is 33.o feet.building is 4O.O feet. -- Table 5-D EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 17-A & Table 5-A EAST SOUTH WEST BRG NON.BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON.BRG OPNG WAI.,L WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None thr* thr* NOP Ohr ohr None ohr Ohr None thr* Lhr* NoP be of COI.IBUSTIBLE material . Sec.22OL. None -'No fire protection reguirements for openings.Prot -- openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assemblies.50t of the area of the wall naximum. Sec.2203.(b) & Table 5-A Maximum single window size is 84 sg. ft with no dimensiongreater than l-2 feet. -- Sec. 4306. (h) NoP -- openings are not pernitted in this wall.* -- These walls may be required to have a parapet waII 3o inches above the roofing. The parapet wall is required to have the samefire rating as the wall. See section 1709. for details and exceptions. Page # 4 Code review for: Project Id.: AI-,PINE TOWNHOUSES IV Address: 754 PATATO PAICN DRIVE OTHER BUILDING ELEUENTS TAbIC 17-AELEI-IENT I,T,ATERTAI., R,ATING NOTES Interior Bearing wall Any 0 hr Interior nonbrg wall Any 0 hr Structural Frame Any 0 hrExterior Struct Frame Any O hr see footnote #1 Shaft Enclosure Any t hr Floor/Ceiling Assernbly Any O hr See Footnote #9 Roof/Ceiling Assenbly Any 0 hrStairs Any None NOTE: See Sec. L706. (a) for Shaft Enclosure exceptions. FOOTNOTES:1) Mininun on exterior side also based on exterior brg. wall requirenents. 9) In areas with vehicles or airplanes, the floor surface shall be of nonconbustible, nonabsorbent rnaterials. -- Sec. 7O2.(bl & 902.(b) OCCI'PANCY SEPAR,ATIONSR3-Ml- thr Materials approved for thr construction are reguired on the garage side only and I 3/8 inch solid core, self-closing door. -- sec. so3. (d) ex #3 ADDITTONAL SEPAR,ATIONS FOR R3 OCCUPANCY: FOR I,T1 OCCUPANCY: For Section # 1 EXIT REQUIREI,IENTS:FL NAll{E OCCUPANT NWBER EXIT PANIC RATED DOOR NOTES I.,,OAD REQUIRED WIDIIH [ft.] HDWR CORRIDOR SWING 3 Dwelling 4 L 0.1 No No N/R ToTAL 4 2( 21 0.1( 0.L) No No N/R #2 2 Parking Garage 3 1 0.1 No No N/R 2 Dwetling 3 L 0.1 No No N/R TOTAL 5 L( 1) 0.1( 0.2) No No N/R 1 Dwelling 4 L o.L No No N/R ToTAL 4 r.( 1) 0.1( 0.2) No No N/R Door swing is based on Sec. 3304. (b) except as noted. occupant load is based on Table 33-A. Number of exits is based on Table 33-A except as noted. Exit width is based on Sec. 3303. (b). The numbers in ( ) include occupant loading from floors above this floor. -- sec. 3303. (b) FOOTNOTES 32) Basenents and floors above the 2nd floor are required to have 2 exits. - Sec. 3303. (a) see Exceptions Page # 5 Code review for:Project Id.: ALPINE TOWNHOUSES IV Address: 754 PATATO PATCH DRIVE STAIR NOTES: A stairway in a dwelling rnust be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306. (b) The maxinun rise of a step is 8 inches and the rninimun run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3305. (c) exc.ff1. Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is more than 4 risers. -- sec. 3306. (j) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 3O inches. llinimuur height = 36 inches, maximurn opening size = 6 inches. -- sec. l-7LL. exc 2 The ninimum headroon is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- sec. 3305. (p) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as reguired for thr fire-resistive construction. -- sec. 3306. (n) ROOFING REQUIREMENTS:L) The roofing on this building is not required to be fire retardant. -- Table 32-A AREA SEPAR,ATION WALL REQUIREUENTS:L) The area separation waII is reguired to be a 2 hr fire assenbly. -- Sec. 5o5. (e) 1..2l ff the building has a projection with concealed space at the area separation wall , Lhr protection is reguired on the projection and the exterior wall each side of the area separation wall equaL to the depth of the projection.-- sec. 505(e)2.3) If the area separation wall terminates at an inside corner, see ICBO article in 'BuiLding Standards' sepr/Oct 1982 for requirements.4) A 30 inch higtr parapet wall is reguired above the roofing. -- sec.sOs.(e)3. see exceptions for alternate protection at roof. AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEMS: STANDPIPE REQUIREMENTS : There is no requirenent for a standpipe. -- Table 38-A A hose is not reguired. -- Table 38-A FOOTNOTES: L) The location is to be per Sec. 3805. (c), (d),and/or(e) WALL AND CEILING FINTSH: 1) Wall and ceiling finish naterials are required to conply with Sec. 4204. (a) and Table 42-8.2) carpeting on walls and ceiling are required to have a class I flarne spread rating. -- Sec. 4204. (b) INSUI,ATION NOTES: 1) Al1 insulation material incLuding facings are required to have a flame- spread rating of 25 or Less and a rnaxirnum srnoke density of 450 unless it is in a concealed space and the facing is in contact with a wall or ceilinq. -- sec. 1713.(c) exc.#22) Foam plastic insulations are reguired to be protected. -- Sec. L7L2. GI,AZING REqUIREI.IENTS : 1) Afl glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety glaziSrs material . -- Sec. 5406. (d) Page $ 5 Code review for:Project Id.: ALPINE TOWNHOUSES IV Address: 754 PATATO PATCH DRIVE ADDITIONAL REQUIREIIENTS : For R3 occupancy Provide a window or door to the exterior fron every room used for sleeping. -- Sec. L2O4. A window nust provide a clear open area of 5.7 sq.ft., a clear treight of 24 inches, and a clear sidth of 20 inches(ninimun). -- Sec. L2o4. A11 habitable rooms require exterior glazed openings egual to 108 or more of the floor area. (nin L0 sq.ft.) -- Sec. L205.(a) A1l. habitable roons require an operable exterior openings equal to 5t or more of the floor area. (nin 5 sq.ft.) -- sec. i-205.(a) The mj.nimum ceiling in a habitable space is 7 feet 6 inches except kitchens, halls, and baths may have a ceiling height of 7 feet. --Sec. -- l-2O7. (a) Provide a smoke detector in aII areas having access to sleeping rooms. -- Sec. L2l-O. (a)4. Provide a srnoke detector on all floors that is connected to an alarm audible in all sleeping areas. -- sec. 1210.(a)4. For UL occupancy For Section # 2 EXIT REQUIREUENTS: FL NN.TE OCCI'PANT NT'MBER EXIT PANIC RATED DOOR NOTES r,oAD REQUTRED WIDTH [ft.] HDWR CORRTDoR SWrNG 3 Dh?elling TOTAL2 Dwelling TOTAL l- Parking carageL Dwelling TOTAL 26 2 O.5 No No N/R 26 2( 21 0.s( 0.5) No No N/R 4 L 0.1. No No N/R 4 2( 2) 0.1( 0.5) No No N/R 3 I 0.1. No No N/R 2 L 0.0 No No N/R s 2( 2) 0.1( 0.s) No No N/R In areas where 2 exits are reguired, the minirnun separation rs L/2 of the maximum diagonal of the area or floor. -- Sec. 3303.(c) Door swing is based on Sec. 3304. (b) except as noted. Occupant load is based on Table 33-A. Number of exits is based on Table 33-A except as noted.Exit width is based on Sec. 3303. (b). The numbers in ( ) include occupant loading frorn floors above this floor. -- sec. 3303. (b) FOOTNOTES: Page # 7 Code review for:Project Id.: ALPINE TOWNHOUSES IV Addresss 754 PATATO PATCH DRIVE STATR NOTES: A stairrray in a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306. (b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the nininurn run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3306.(c) exc.#1 Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is more than 4 risers. -- Sec. 3306. (j) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Mininun height = 36 inches, maximum opening size = 6 inches. -- Sec. L7LL. exc 2 The rninirnun headroon is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- sec. 3306. (p) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as required for l-hr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 33o5. (n) ROOFING REQUIREITIENTS :1) The roofing on this building is not required to be fire retardant. -- Table 32-A AREA SEPARATTON WALL REQUIFE}TENTS:1) The area separation wall is required to be a 2 hr fire assenbfy. -- Sec. 505. (e) l-.2, If the building has a projection with concealed space at the area separation wall , thr protection is required on the projection and the exterior wall each side of the area separation wall equal to the depth of the projection.-- Sec. 505(e)2.3) If the area separation waII terminates at an inside corner, see IcBo article in 'Building Standards' SeplOct 1982 for reguirements.4) A 30 inch high parapet wall is required above the roofing. -- Sec.5O5. (e)3. See exceptions for alternate protection at roof. AUTOI,IATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEMS: STANDPI PE REQUIREI.IENTS : There is no reguirement for a standpipe. -- Table 38-A A hose is not required. -- Table 38-A FOOTNOTES:1) The location is to be per sec. 3805. (c), (d),andlor(e) T{ALL AND CEILING FINISH: 1) wall and ceiling finish materials are required to conply with Sec. 4204. (a) and Table 42-8. 2) Carpeting on wal1s and ceiling are required to have a Class I flame spread rating. -- Sec. 4204. (b) INSUI,ATION NOTES:L) Al1 insulation material including facings are required to have a flarne- spread rating of 25 or less and a rnaximum smoke density of 450 unless it is in a concealed space and the facing is in contact with a wall or ceiling. -- Sec. 1713. (c) exc.#2 2') Foam plastic insulations are required to be protected. -- Sec. 17L2. GI,AZING REQUIREMENTS : 1) AII glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety glazing material. -- Sec. 5406. (d) Page # I Code review for: Project Id.: ALPINE TOWNHOUSES IV Address: 754 PATATO PATCH DRIVE ADDITIONAI., REQUIREI*IENTS : For R3 occupancy Provide a window or door to the exterior frorn every room used for sleeping. -- Sec. L2O4. A window nust provide a clear open area of 5.7 sg.ft., a clear height of 24 inches, and a clear width of 20 inches(nininun). -- sec. L2o4. Al1 habitable rooms require exterior glazed openings egual to lot or more of the floor area. (nin 10 sq.ft.) -- Sec. L2o5.(a) All habitable roorns require an operable exterior openings equal to 58 or more of the floor area. (nin 5 sq.ft.) -- sec. L2o5.(a) The minimum ceiling in a habitable space is 7 feet 6 inches except kitchens, halls, and baths may have a ceiling height of 7 feet. -- Sec. -- L207. (a) Provide a smoke detector in all areas having access to sleepj.ng rooms. -- Sec. 121-o. (a)4. Provide a smoke detector on all floors that is connected to an aLarn audible in all sleeping areas. -- Sec. 121-0. (a)4. For Ml. occupancy 2DtrFFtsTMtrNT @F.E@MMUNITV DtrVtrLEFMENT XXXXXXX sALEs AcTroN FoRM XXXXXXX 0t 0000 41330 COM. DEV. APPUCATION FEES I 0000 41540 ZONINC AT.ID ADDRESS TTAPS | 0000 42415 1988 UNtFoRlt ButtDtNc coDE I 0000 42413 1988 UNIFORI.I PLUIIBINC CODE t 0000 424.13 1988 UNtFoRl, LtEcttANtcAL CODE 1988 UNIFORI/ RRE CODE | 0000 42113 1987 NATIONAL ETCTRICAL CODE | 0000 42115 OTHER CODE BOOKS | 0000 41548 PR|NTS (MYTARS) 01.0000 42412 ox coptEs ./ sruous I oooo lzszt E},IALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIoN oFF HoURS UVSpecnoH re CONTRACTORS UCENSES fEES I 0000 4t330 0l 0000 414t3 .slcN rlPI.ICArtoN DtrFHRTMtrNT @F,tr@MMUNITV DtrVtrL@FMENT XXXXXXX sALEs AcTroN FoRM 01 0000 41330 COM. DEV. APPUCATTON EES t 0000 41540 ZONING AI,ID ADDRESS I.TAPS 1 0000 42415 1988 UNIFORI.I BUIIDING CODE 1 0000 42+15 1988 UNtFoR!.t PLUHBTNO CODE I 0000 42115 1988 UNIFORI.I MECHANTCAL CODE 1 0000 42415 1988 UNIFORI.I RRE CODE 1 0000 42115 1987 NATIONAL E EC]RICAL CODE r 0000 42115 OTHER CODE BOOKS 1 0000 4:548 PRTNTS (MYJARS) 01.0000 42412 0x coPtES ./ sruors I oooo lzszt FEES / RE-INSPECTION OFF HOURS INSPECTION FE CONTRACTORS UCE}ISEs FEES I oooo antzl.pr,AN cHEcK FEE ($30 PER. HOrrR) 0l 0000 41413 .srcu eprlrcrrron coMr.rENTs: _\s..' !\rrN. \,i \ lr\r.,. \\,u_- \-trqo 151\ sru>oqu \o I t^:\\a-. o o I 75 routh lronLge road Yall. colorado 81657 (303) 4792138 (303) 479,2139 August 21, 1990 Mr. Mike Lauterbach P.O. Box 3451Vail, CO 81658 olfice of communlty development Lot 3, Block 2 vail Potato Patchr/Duplex GRFA On August 3, 1990 your prinary/secondary development on the above lot wis issued a stop work order by the Connunity Development Departnent. The reason for the stop work order was that the project violated the allowed GRFA for the Property- In addition, there is also a problen with the retaining wall. The walls are not built per the approved building pernit p1an. On August 15, 1990, a meetJ.ng was held to review the GRFA problem vith you. cary uurrain, Mik- Mollica and I attended the rneeting with you. On August 17, 1990, Ron Phillips, Larry Eskwith,.Gary Murrain, ttike uollica, and I net to review the Townrs position to come to a resolution for the GRFA problem. We can approve the structure at a sguare footage of. 4341 sq. ft. This arnount is what the current zoning aLlows even though this is larger than what the DRB approved plans indicate. The Town staff has determined that it is not within our adninistrative power to negotiate a GRFA solution beyond what is allowed by the zoning on the property. Staff nust maintain the position that the project conform to the allowed GRFA for the lot. The zoning code does not give the staff any discretion to apProve a GRFA overage. Section 303 (c) of the Unlform Building code--@ also relates to the GRFA issue. It states: I,IIKE ISUTERBACH LETTER, PAGE 2 rrThe issuance or granting of a pernlt or approval' of plans, specifications and computations shall not be construed to be a-pemit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this code or of any other.ordinance of thejurisdiction. No per:nit presurning to give authority to violate or cancel the provlsions of this code shall be valld. The issuance of a per:mit based upon plans, specifications and other data shall not prevent the building official fron thereafter reguiring the correctl-on of errors in said plans, specificationJ and other data, or fron preventing building- oierations being carried on thereunder when in vlolation of tirls code or of-any other ordinances of this jurisdlction.rl In order to resolve the GRFA issue, you have two options using the municipal revielt processes. The first is to appeal the.staff decision to ttre Planning Conmission. If the appeal is received by August 22 by 5:OO p.n., the staff wiII schedule your-reguest for the August 27th Planning Corunission meeting. .The Planning Conmission-will review the issue and make a decision. This decision will be final unless an adjacent property owner appeals the Planning Connission decision or the Toltn Council calls it up. The PEc decision of August 27th will be reported at the August 28th Council work session. If the PEC decision is appealed or called uP by the Town Council it will be reviewed at the Septenbei elh evening Council nreeting. The staff has also agreed to- schedule the GRFA issue as a nork session iten for the August 28th Council work session. This will give you the opportunity to address the Council personally on the issue before waiting until the Septeurber 4th meeting. Secondly, you may subnit an application for a GRFA or density varlance. -The next subrnittal deadline is August 27th for a septenber 24tb PEc neeting. The council nay also call up a PEc delision on a density variance. If the Council chose to call up the Septeuber 24th PnC decision, it would be heard at the October 2 Tolrn council evening rneeting. Attached to this letter are the GRFA cal.culations for the DRB, Building permit, and As Built plans. .At this time, the staff is relying-on your as-built plans to be accurate. If for any reason you-know of-any inaccuracies in these plans, I ask that you notify the staff, in writing, irnnediately. MIKE IAUTERBACH LETTER, PAGE 3 fn addltion, the retaining walls have been extended beyond wltat was originaity approved on the brrilding perTi!. The walls also appear €o excied-Ltre tretgtrt llnitE. A retalnLng wall may be a rniiiroun of three feet in the front setback and a maxinum of six feet on other areas of the site. I ask that you address this issue by subnltting a set of revised plans to_our.departnent by augrust ie, 1990 whlch meet the zoning code and building code requirenents for retaining walls. If you have any further guestions about the process, please. feel freL to caII ne. Thank fou for your assistance on this natter. Sincerely, Kft^ ft'h- Kristan Pritz Community Development Director KP,/pp cc: Ron Phillips Cary hrrrainLarry Eskwith Mike l.fo1lica AS-BUILT zotE ctEcr Fon sFR, n, RP/s zolE DlsrRlcrs DATE: LEG L: [0T 3[(rX flllllc ADORESS:olltlER: PtlolE 'ARc[trEcT: Pl{ollE # l0T StZ€: 20,9m PROPOSED UsE: ZOIE DISTRICT: StR RES n P./S Ft(pR TOIAL B SElfErr so.FI. 1,1mlsr. ;t@t so.FT. 1.174 zlfD. Frqrn so. Fr, 718 5t0. ftcxn sc.Fr. 0 0TOTALS 3,62 GARAGE 558 0 0 0 0 556 CREDII foTAtS ,GAR.spsc$ 2 558 GRFA ALLoUED 4,341 IOTAL CR€DITS 995 GRFA USED 2,U7 GRFA REr'rAmmG 2,274 cREDnS tEX I{IXG 42 Tt@R TOTAT GARAGE SASELEXT SO.fT. 940 0 lsT. Fr@n se.fT. 1,500 587 2ltD. Ftm se.fT. 1,238 0 3RD. Fr@R So.tT. 0 0 TMI|SFER 0f cflEDtr 0 0TOTATS 3,578 587 Gf,EDTT TOTALS *GAn.spaccs 2 587 GRFA AITqJED 2,27Ltot^! cREDtTs I,085 GRFA USED 2,593 cnFA REIt ttXG . (319) nEDrTS REIIA[llrG 13 TOTAL UIIUSED CREDITS IOl 55 GRFA ALLOIIED OII SI IE ALtqfiD SITE COI/ERAGE SITE OO'ERAGE USED SITE COVERAGE REIIAIX I }IG LAIIDSCAP OO'ERAGE YXll 4t41 4181.E 2838 1:t41.8 12545 xEc[. srAlR AlRLocK VOID550000 lll 25 15o{1 000000000053 208 2t 15 TorAL GROSS So.Fl. 3.06250 208 25 t5 I'IECH. STAIR AlR!oCK VolD000040 109000 105 32 160000300043 ?14 32 t5 TOTA! CROSS SO.FT. 3,67843 214 25 16 SIqAGE 3t 27 65 0 12 139 139 6l SIfiAGE 1U 55 3:t 0 0 212 200 (3) (f2) 7 0 <7, 49a0(7, BUILDING PERUIT zotE cltEcr fq sfR, t, nPls zolE DlsTRIcrs DAIE: LEG L: tol BICK tttlllc IDDRESS:C.TER: PHotIE I |ncfltrEcl s PlloflE Il0l slzE: 20,909.0 PR$OSED LrsE: ZdlE DISIRICT: Stt REs R P/s s E c o x D A R Y ftot SASETEIII SC.FT.lsr. FL@R SO.F . 2lt0 . tl@t s{1. Fr. 5RD. FL@T SO.FT. IOFT f L(DR SC.FT. TOIALS CREDIT TOIALS GRTA ALTOI'ED TorAt crEDns GRFA I'SED GRFA REIIAITITG CREDIIS REI|^IIIIG t0rA! 0.0 1,16{t.0 I,t18.0 717.0 0.0 2,gtE.O ,GAR.spaccs 2.0 4,341.0 988.0 2,007.0 2,3:,!..0 GIIAGE STCAGE0.0 0.0618.0 52.00.0 ?5.o0.0 6i2.o0.0 0.061E.0 140.0 6q).0 140.0 (18.0) @.0 GARAGE STqAGE0.0 89.0t85.0 53.00.0 32.00.0 0.018,0 0.0603.0 174.0 500.0 174.0 (3.0) 26.0 (21.0) 85.0 GnFA Au-(LrE0 q stTE AttqJ@ stTE aoVERAGE SITE CO/ERAGE USED SITE OO'ERAGE IETAITITC LAIDSCTPE OOT'ERACE TOTAI GNFA USED C[ SITEI x. sxl.tT. rn SEoODARY llll STATUS 0F SEoODAnY UIlr a 60r YTII 4,:'41.0 4, tEt .8 2,4t8.0 t,:t43.8 12,541.4 4,546.0 1,736.4 (270.6) IECil. STAIR AIRLoCK U)tD0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 116.0 25.0 13.00.0 96.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 210.0 26.0 11.0 TOTAL GnOSS SO. FT. 2,995.00.0 210.0 2r.o 13.0 50.0 0.0 (1.0) 0.0 lrEclt. sl^lR AlRLocK volD0.0 0.0 0.0 0.040.0 ilt.o 0.0 0.00.0 104.0 29.0 18.00.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 0.040.0 215.0 ?9.0 18.0TorAL Gnoss so.tr. 3,611.040.0 215.0 25.0 18.0 fL@I IOTAT BASEilEIT S{I.FT. 956.0P 1Sr. Ftq SC.FT. 1.485.0R 2ltD. tt(n se.fT. 1,158,0I 3RD. Ft(n SC.fT. 0.0 fr tRArsFEt oF cREDtr 0.0A rorArs 5,611,0 RY CREDIT IOTATS GRFA A[LqfiDU TOIAT CREDIISI GRFA USEDt GflFA REIIAIIITIIGT CREDITS TEIUIIIXG lGlR.lplccs 2.0 2,3:t4.0 1,072.0 2,539.0 (205.0) TOTAL IXUSED CREDITS t20.0 10.0 60.0 0.0 (4.0) 0.0 0.0 (5.0) 0.0 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD z E cltEcr FoR sFR, t, np/s zoxE DtsTRrcrs DAIE:TEGAI: LOI ADORESS:q ER: ATCHITECT: l0T SIZE: 20,909.0 zorE DtsTttcl: GRFA AttqfiD 0t sttE AILqJED SITE CIII'ERAGE SITE OO'ERAGE USED slTE 00t ER C€ RElt tltxc LAIDSCTPE C[ryEtACE TOTAI GRFA US8D Of SITE BLOCK Httftc PiloNtE # PIO|E # PREOSED USE:sFR RE8 t P/SYltx 4,:,ll.O 6,181 .8 2,E58.0 t,:t43.8 12,5b5.4 4,U7.0 1,736.4 174.6, ST$AGE IEClt, STATR AIRLoCK VotD0-0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.044.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0,021.0 0.0 103.0 28.0 1E.069.0 0.0 ct.o 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0134.0 0.0 200.0 28.0 18.0TOTAL GRoSS 9.rr. 2.Tn.0134.0 0.0 200-0 25.o 18.0 66.0 50.0 0.0 (3.0) 0.0 sloRAGE HECfl. STATR AIRLoCX VotD&t.0 40,0 0,0 0.0 0.055.0 0.0 107.0 0.0 0.031.0 0.0 100.0 28.0 28.00.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0166.0 60.0 207.0 28.o 28.0TOIAL ctoss sa.FI. 3,257.0166.0 40.0 207.0 25.0 28.0 TAX. SC.FT. FOR SEOIXDARY UIIIT STAIUS 0f SEDof|DARY uttT t 40t s E c 0 I D A R Y FI@R TOIAL B SEi|EII S0. tT. 0.0 1sT. FraER SO. rT. 1,075,0 znD. Fr(En sQ.rT. 1.035.0 3nD. FLmR se.FT. '662.0 LOFI FL(Fn SQ.tr. 0.0roT Ls 2,7n.0 CREDTT TOTATS lc R.spac.6 2.0 GRF^ lrtqJED a,:t41.0 TotAt CREDITS 961.0 GRFA USED 1,E11.0 GRFA REr tltlc 2,530.0 CREDIIS REI4A}IT IIG CARIGE 0.0 584.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 5'&.O 584.0 16.0 GATAGE 0.0 555.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 555.0 555,0 FIMR TOTAI. BASE EIT SO.FT. -gsi.o P 1ST. FtOn so,Fr. 1.325.0R 2rD. fr00R so.FT. t:0s1.0t 3RD. Ft@t S0. tT. 0.0I toFT Ftm $. FT. 0.0A TOTATS '.25t.0RY CREoIT ToTALS *GAR. spaccs 2.0 GRFA ALLqJED 2,530.0u IoTAL CREDITS 1,021.0T GRFA USa) 2,?S.OI GRF nErAmtrc .294.0 t CRED t ts nE uuxc TOTAI UXI'SED CREDTTS 45.0 215.0 6t.0 34.0 10.0 rm.o 60.0 0.0 (3.0) 0.0 0-0 (6.0) 0.0 lhe lteas below glvlng a perDlt Please check off FINAL PLI'}TBING ]nar, rNsPEcrror's ueed to be conplete a flnal C of O. 1o the box provlded. COUPLETED before l-r t__l FINAL UECUANICAL DATE: N^/ .-\t/ A/r* Td*l* FI \N.' TMPROVB,TENT SURVEY ( ,A RESID. NAUE: . .- /-- -- p^rl, I .23. ao 'l FINAI ELECTRICAI, DATE: FINAI. BUILDING /\\ L_.1 EAST SIDE: ( WEST SIDE: TEMPOMRY C OF O ',.\r\:Lr... , )\JDATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPAI{SY .K LAr'IDSCA?ING DUE ,*", L-f-Z FILE NAI{E: MLchael Lauterbach P.0. Box 3451 VaL1, CoLorado 81658 llarch 7, 1990 Mr. Tom Braun Town of Vail Vail, Colorado 8L657 Dear Torn: Pursuant to our recent dLscusslon, I would llke to wlthdraw my request for a variance for Lot 3, Block 2, Ftllng I, Vail Potato Patch. auterbach OwnerLot 0\ C [.'"KTO: FROM: DATE: RE: Planning and Environmental Commission Cormnunity Development Department February 12, 1990 A request for a height variance in order Primary/Secondary Residence on Lot 3, Potato Patch. Applicant: Michael Lauterbach (-\J^,Lk- I. to consLruct a Block 2, Vail DESCRIPTION OF THE VARTANCE REQUESTED The height limit for structures in the Primary/Secondary zone district with sloping roofs is 33 feet. Height, as outlined in the zoning code, is defined as follows: Height 18.04.170 "Height" means the distance measured vertically, from the existing grade or finished grade (whichever is more restrictive), at anv given point to the top of a flat roof, or mansard roof or to the highest ridge line of a sloping roof. In simplest terms, height is determined by superimposing a roof plan over the existing topographic plan of a Lot. If one were to drop an imaginary 33 foot line from the top of any point along the a ridge, the line must hit the ground in order to be within the 33 foot ]imitation. A key point to rernember with regard to height limits is that the 33 feet is a maximum as measured from existing grade or finished grade, whichever is more restrictive. The proposed structure exceeds height lirnits at a number of locations. In some cases the proposed structure exceeds height lirnitations when measured to existing grade, and in other cases it exceeds the height timj-tation when measured to proposed finished grades. The variance request ranges for 2-9 feet of various points on the structure. The applicants statement has been enclosed for your considerati-on. As proposed, this project would involve altering existing grades by filling in low points throughout the lot. An existing easement is also referenced as a hardship affecting the site planning and height of the proposed structure. There is a history to this lot that is relevant to thisrequest. Sometime around L975, excavation !.ras begun on thislot for the constructj-on of a primary,/secondary residence.This excavation has dramatically altered the existing gradeof the site. This past surnmer, the applicant began fillingthe lot without approval from the Town. These factors arerelative in detennining what is the existing grade of theIot. To consider the grade of the lot after the 19Zoexcavation would impose an unfair hardship on the applicant because of the hole that has been created on the lot. Twosurveys have been subnitted, one essentially showingexisting conditions and one showing conditions of the lotprior to excavation in 7976. The staff has determined thatthe nost reasonable survey to use as the existing topographyof the lot is the map that was done prior to excavation inL975. This approach is also consistent with other decisions made by staff concerning lots that have been disturbed. 1I. CRTTERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 78.62.0G0 ofthe VaiI Municipal Code, the Department of Comrnunity Development reconunends denial of the requested variance based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1.The relationshi of the ested varlanceother existinq or tential uses and structures to inthe vicinitv. This 1ot is bound on the west and south by an openspace tract, on the east by an undevelopedprirnary/secondary lot, and on the north by 't7O Potato Patch. The subject lot is situated below770 Potato Patch, and it is unlikely that theproposed structure would irnpact this property.Lot 4 is unbuilt, and it is difficult to determine how this proposal rnay affect this adjoining lot. 2.The deqleq Eq Lqhich relief from the strict andliteral interpretation and enforcement of aspeci-fied requlation is necessary to achievetibility and uniformity of treatment amonsites in the vicinitv or to attain the obiectivesof this title without qrant of special privileqe. 3. The height ordinance is written to allow for a rnass of 33 feet at any given point on a structure. On a sloping lot such as this one, it is theintent of the ordinance that the height of thestructure "follow" the topography of the lot. The topography of a lot should effect the ultimate design of a structure. However, this design isnot responsive to the existing grades of the parcel. One could argue that conditions on the lot today present a hardship because of previous excavation. However, using the pre-excavation survey as the topography of the lot effectively elimi-nates this as a hardship. Even when using the pre-excavation survey as a basis for measuring height, thestructure sti-ll exceeds height limits in a numberof locations. In some locations these ridge linesare within 33 feet, but only after significantfill has been placed on the lot. Yet in otherlocations, the ridge line would be within 33 feetto existing grade, but proposed excavation aroundthe structure creates heights in excess of 33feet. Again, height is measured to existing orfinished grade, whichever is more restrictive. Over the past ten years, there have been very fewrequests for height variances for primary/ secondary and single family development. There have been even fewer variance requests granted. Many hornes have been developed on lots with slopesthat exceed the topography of this parcel . Inthis case, it appears the design is being forcedon this lot with little consideration given to grades on the parcel. To grant this reguest would be a grant of special privilege inconsistent withthe treatment of other sites within the community. The effect of the reguested variance on liqht andair, distribution of populatj.on, transportationand traffic facilities, public facilities andutiliti.es, and public safetv. The only relevant consideration listed above would be utilities. At the present tirne, the UPper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitatj-on District has a sewer line located within the Potato Patch Drive right-of-way and a ten inch htater main that is within a twenty foot utility easement located between this lot and Lot 4 to the east. ft ttould obviously be inappropriate to construct a residence over this water line. However, the fifteen foot side setback would prevent any development over the easement in this area. The twenty foot easement that bisects the property isnot being utilized by Upper Eagle VaIley, and conversations with the District indicated that they see no need for using this easement in the future. The easements across this lot do not appear to be an issue relative to this development. III. Such other factors and criteria as the commissi-on deems applicable to the proposed variance. IV. FINDINGS The Planninq and Environmental Cormnission shall make the followinq findinqs before grantinq a variance: That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrinental to the pubtic health, safety, or welfare, or naterially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply. generally to other properties in the same zone. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement the specified regulation would deprive the applicantprivileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties the same district. STAFT RECOMMENDATION The staff can see no legitimate physical hardship to allow for this variance. while there does not appear to be any significant impacts that would result from this request, that alone is not just cause to grant a variance. As has been stated, the proposed design shows little consideration to the grades of the property. While a cause for hardship could be made if the existing conditions of the lot today were the basis for existing grades, allowing the applicant to rely on the pre-excavation survey effectivelymitigates this potential hardship.The staff would encourage the Planning Corunission to direct the applicant to redesign the structure within the 33 foot height Iimitations. of of in v. Variance Request Lot 3' Block 2, Flling 1 Vall Potato Patch Suppleoental Inf ormatlon JanuarY 15, 1990 I am requestlng a variance !I9T th" Town of Vall Munlclpal Code' chapter Ig.13.o75 as-it defines buildlng helghts for prlrnary/secondary residencial zoning' I am seeking approval for construction of a primary/ secondary "ttu"l'"" which would exceed the naxlnua roof ridge height Pursuant to archltectural plans prepared by Joho Perkins' Architect' Thestructureistobelocatedlnanaturalravioewhichopenstothe west. The site is consttained by several utility easeEents-' Potato Patch Drive access frorn the north and a natural ridge to the -south rthlch have been referenced on ihe errclos.d drawlngs. A heightened structure would not aPPear to inPact any adJacent property ownerts views' iopact safety on PotatoPatchDrive'norhaveanyothernegativeeffects. Filling the ravine prior to,constructioo and calculatlng ridge helghts fron the n""-tooogttphy will trtost llkely be allowed on the Lionsridge site which was-thl iectpient of the najorlty of fill dlrt frorn thePost0fficeslte.Slnilarly,wewouldflllthesiteafter.thefoundatlons are comPlete - As an alternative, it night have been posslble for us to avoid a variance if we were Eo remove the toP of the ridge located to the south' However, a oain ,.i.i- rii"- servlng vatt rs located in that easemeot and Fred Haslee troo. ti,l-upp.r raere ialley Consolidated l{ater and Sanitation Dlstrict has inarcaied'itrat rhey would rnuch prefer lhar we raise our ;;i;i;; rather than further undermlnlng thelr water line' Ad'iacent ProPertY Oamers - Lot 4' Block 2, Filing I Lot 6, Block 2, Flllng I Ralph D. Jones 2500 Que SEreet xl{ Washingtoo, D.C. 20007 770 Potato Patch Condo Association c/o Sllfer Management Co- 143 East Meadow Drlve Suite 391 B Va1l, Colo 81657 75 south frontage road Yaal, colorado 81657 (30:r) 47S'z138 (303) 4792139 oflice ol communlty development January 19, 1990 Mike Lauterbach P.O. Box 345Lvail, co 81658 Dear Mike: This letter is to reiterate our discussion concerning the Alpine Townhomes variance request. This application is scheduled forconsideration by the Planning Cornrnission on February L2, L990.Any amendments you would propose to your application must besubmitted to this office by 9:OO a.m.. January 29, L990. Any amendrnents to your existing proposal must be reflected in revisedelevations, site plan, and floor plans. f will be out of town all next week and will be returning onJanuary 29th. I will be available the week of the 29th to meetwith you and discuss the staff position concerning your requestprior to the PEC meeting. Mike Moll-ica can anshrer any questions you may have regarding this application while I am gone. Sincerely, -/- 4/d>.N F.1&E_ Thomas A. Braun aj O f"tftu;so 10 Ac; , ?o'or-1t,ttW7',1t1PUBLIC NOTTEE NOTICE IS HEREBy GIVEN that the r-.- .ring and Environmental Comrnission of the Town of vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section L8.56.060 of the rnunicipal code of the Town of Vail on February L2, L99O at 3:oo P.n. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for a minor subdivision and zone change for Lots 4 & 5, Block 2, Bighorn Lst Addition. Applicant: Sable/Lupine Partners, Ltd. 2. A request for an exterior alteration for the Arnerican Ski Exchange in the wall Street Building on Block 5C, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Arnerican Ski Exchange 3. A reguest for an exterior alteration for condoninium unit #3 in the Gore Creek Plaza Building at 193 East Gore Creek Drive, Block 58, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Michael Sanner/Piero Rivolta 4. A request to rezone a special Developnent District for the Garden of the Gods on Lot K, Block 5, VaiI Village Fifth Filing at 365 Gore Creek Drive. Applicant: Garden of the Gods, Mrs. A.G. Hill Family 5. An amendment to Special Development District 4, cascade Village, to amend Area D, Glen L,yon Office Building at t0O0 South Frontage Road West, I€t 54, GIen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: GIen f.yon Office BIdg. - A Colorado Partnership A request for a height varLance for I€t 3, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch; Alpine Townhones IV. Applicant: Michael Lauterbach 7. A reguest for an exterior alteratlon for a portion of Ipt 1, BLock 2, Vail Lionshead third Fillng; vallglo lodge. Applicant: Cra5.g Holzfaster : 8. A request for an amend,roent to Special Developuent District 23 and a parking varLance to allow for an office expansion, for the vail National Bank Building at 1og south Frontage Road West, a resubdlvislon of part of Lot D, Block 2, Vall Village Second Filing. Applicant: vait Natlonal Bank Bullding Corp. 9. A request for a side setback variance for Vail Village Sixth Filing, Lot 5, Block 2. Applicant: Clinton G. Anes, Jr. o o DtrtrHRTMtrNT @trtr@MMUNITV DtrVtrt@FMENT XXXXXXX :ALEs AcroN FoRM XXXXXXX 01 0000 41330 CC}.{. DEV. APPLICAT]ON FEES 01 0000 41s40 ZONINC AND ADDRESS MAPS 1 0000 42+1s 19BB UNIFORII BUILDINc CODE 1 0000 4241s 1988 UNIFOR!,I PLUIIBING CODE 1 0000 42115 1988 UNIFORI/ MECHANICAL CODE 'r 0000 42415 1988 UNIFOR}I FIRE CODE | 0000 42+1s 1987 NAT]ONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 1 0000 42+15 OTHER CODE BOOKS 1 0000 41548 BLUE PRINTS (MY_{RS) 01 0000 +2+12 XEROX COPIES ,/ STOrES 1 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES / RE-INsPEcTloN 01 0000 41322 OFF HOURS INSPECT'ION FEE l OOOO 41412 CONTRACTORS UCENSES FEES 1 0000 41330 0l 00oo 4t413 ,SICN APPLICATION -r0Lrl't BF lJFt r 1_ Itiscel I aneous Cesh Lil-15-'Jt:1 15:11:41: FjB ':E i c't. * F iir--r t:li:l llcc'lurrl. { r:lt: # 544'-r I'1II-:HFIEL .1. LFLiTEF:EI?I::H-T \'IIF,F FEE Firn,:",r-rn L t *ndi? rF'J .: I BF . rji.l I t€r p€id r:rl FEBE41l:8889 hourt paid 1Et-1. E[t tl.h.:n,_le r'f l.r..Irne,:l .i ; i, tl':i -t-HFtF.l}{ I/EIJ \'*ur';.1=hr*r 5T Variance Request Lot 3, Block 2, Ftling I Vail Potato Patch Supplemental Inf ornation January 15, 1990 I am requesting a varLance from the Town of Vail Municipal Code, Chapter 18.13.075 as lt defines building heights for primary/secondary residential zoning. I am seeking approval for construction of a primary/secondary structure which would exceed the maximum roof rldge height pursuant to architectural plans prepared by John Perkins, Architect. T'tre structure is to be located in a natural ravine which opens to the west. The site is constrained by several utility easements, Potato Patch Drive access from the north and a natural ridge to the south which have been referenced on the enclosed drawings. A heightened structure would not appear to impact any adjacent property oumerts vlews, inpact safety on Potato Patch Drlve, nor have any other negative effects. Filling the ravine prlor to construction and calculating ridge heights fron the new topography will nost likely be allowed on the Llonsridge site which was the recipient of the majority of f 1l-1 dirt fron the Post Office site. Si.milarly, we would fiL1 the site after the foundations are comp le Ee . As an alternatLve, it might have been posslble for us to avoid a variance if we were to remove the top of the ridge located to the south. However, a main water Line serving Vail is located in that easement and Fred Haslee from the Upper Eagle Val1ey Consolidated Water and Sanitation Dlstrlct has indicated that they would much prefer that r^re raise our butlding rather than further undersrining their water line. Adjacent Property Owners -Lot 4, Block 2, Flllng 1 Ralph D, Jones 2500 Que Stf,eet NW Washington, D.C. 20007 770 Potato Patch Condo Association c/o Slifer Management co. 143 East Meadow Drlve Suite 391 B Vail, Colo 8L657 Lot 6, Block 2, Flllng I /-rd-fo Z-l>- /o Appl ication Date .January 15, 1990/;;-ii' This wil I A. APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE I.procedure ls requlred not be accepted until for any project requesting a variance. The applicatlon all ln-foirnation is submitted. Ml-chae1 Lauterbach B. NAHE OF APPLICANT ADORESS P.O. Box 3451 Vall, Colo 816s8 PHoNt 476-6944 NAME OF APPLICANTI S ADDRESS REPRESENTATIVE N/A PHONE ADDRESS P.O. Box 3451 Vall. Colo 8i658 PiioiiE 47 6-6e44 LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS 754 Potato Patch Drlve LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 3 BLOCK 2 FILING I Val1 Potato Patch E.FEE $IOO PAID cK#FR0M ufctrael Lauterbach THE FEE MUST 8E PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY YOUR PROPOSAL. OEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT }IILL ACCEPT c. 0. F.A 'list of the names of owners of all property INCLUDING PROPERTY EEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, THE APPLICANT t^lILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT adjacent to the subject property and their mai'ling addresses. MAILING ADDRESSES.(or #L II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE I.IITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO.}OETERMINEIFANY'ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION I,IILL 8E ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRAT0R). IT IS THE APPLiCANT'S RESPONSIEILITY T0 MKE AN APPqINTMENT I.IITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION l.lILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT SY OECMTfrFTHE NUI'IBER oF coNOITIoNs OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING'AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONOITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED I^IITH BEFORE A EUILDING PERJ,IIT IS ISSTm'. ' , IlI. r0uR (4) cOPrEs 0F THE FOLL0WING MUST BE SUBMTTTED: . A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: l. The relationship of the requested variance to'other existing uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The- degree to which relief from the strict or'literal interpretation andenforcement.of a-specifled regulailon is necessary to achieve corpiiibilitvand uniformit_y 9t treatment among sites in the vitinity or to iiiii;'ih;'-objectives of thJs title without grant of special privilege. THE or potential February 12, L99O o}lNER(S )pri nt OVER .a PIANNING AND ENVIRONIIENTAL COMMISSION February L2, l.99o l,!inutes Present Chuck Crist Diana Donovan Connie Knight Ludwig Kurz Jirn Shearer Kathy Warren Dalton wil-lians Item no. 2: StaffKristan Pritz Mike MolLicaShelly MeIIo Tom Braun Betsy Rosolack The Planning and Environrnental Cornnission neeting began at approximately 3:oo p.n. following Site Visits which started at 12:OO p.m. The rneeting was called to order by the vice- chairperson, Diana Donovan. Iten No. 1-: Appointment of PEC chairPerson and vice-chairperson. Kathv warren moved to appoint Diana Donovan as chairperson. Chuck Crist seconded the notion. VOTE:6-OINFAVOR. Jirn Shearer moved to aopoint Chuck Crist as vice- chairperson. VOTE:6-OINFAVOR. A request for an anendnent to Special Developnent District 23 and a parking variance to allow for an office expansion, to the Vail National Bank Building, 108 S. Frontaqe Road a resubdivision ofpart of Lot D, Block 2. Vail Vil]acre 2nd. AppLicant: Vail National Bank Bldcr. Corp. Jim Shearer excused hirnself frorn this iten due to conflict of interest. Tom Braun reminded the Board that this was a recomnendation to the Town Council. Ite explained the proposal by stating that there were two parts to it. one was an anendment to the approved plan to allow for the encLosure of two decks on the third floor of the structure and the second part was a request for an amendment to the parking standards to allow parking for the addition within the parking structure at the VaiI Valley Medical Center. Tom revie$ted the criteria for rnajor amendrnents to SDDrs and then listed several concerns of the staff. He stated that the staff recomnended denial of the request. |. Jay Peterson, representing the applicant, explained the original requests fron the hospital and from the Doubletree regardingparking and the proposed hospital parking structure. Jay pointedout that the Doubletree had amended their SDD even though theparking structure rras not started and no condition was placed onthe Doubletree at that tine. Jay stated that the hospital has agreed to add tcwo L/2 levels, 35 lnnediately for parking and 35at the present would be used for other things to maxinize thespace. He said that the past two approvals were not conditional upon the parking agreenent. He suggested to the Planning Connission that they could approvethe request with conditions concerning the start of constructionof the Hospital parking structure. Jay said the Vail National Bank wanted to start construction l{ay flrst. They would be donein July or August. The conditions could state that the parkingstructure roust be started by Augrust 1 so the Planning Cornmission would know whether or not there would indeed be parking available. Jay explained that they do have a tenporary tining problen priorto the cornpletion of the parking structure. He explained that if one assumed the Hospital did not build their parking structure the Town coufd revoke the tenporary c.O. and he would sign aletter regarding that. Tom pointed out that the approved parking structure does not have excess parking spaces but only meets the demand of the Doubletree and the hospital. The proposed additional parking spaces have not yet been approved. Kristan Pritz added that at best, there night be one excess parking spot. she also added that, although the town issupportive of adding the two L/2 LeveLs, the Highway Department would need to be contacted for approval of the additional parking spaces because they would contribute to additional traffic. She continued to explain that the issue is adjacent property owners wanting additional developnent without the parking in place. Connie Knight stated that she felt the present Vail National Bankparking was atrocious and would recommend denial. Kathy Warren stated that until sonething concrete ltas in place with the hospital parking structure, she felt that the Bank should provide some temporary parking. AIso, that the existing parking should be addressed because, at present, it is already a problen. Jay stated that the Bank did neet parking reguirements now. Chuck asked if the Bank wanted to purchase additional parking spaces that were going to be constructed but were not yet approved. When he was told that was correct, he wondered what would happen if the structure was not constructed. Jay stated that the vail National Bank would have to exercise their option for the additional spaces that they were renting before receiving a building perrnlt. Ctruck felt that with that restriction, he would vote for the reguest. Datton stated that he had wanted to lease a space in the Vail National Bank for his business but he could not get parking along with it. He asked if they could request a parking study to see exactly what the needs really were at the vail National Bank Building. Dalton wondered if they were too premature in tryingto vote on the project. Perhaps the hospitaL could cone in with the proposal for the additional parking first. Kristan felt that they were prenature but that it was an issue for the Planning Connission to decide. Ludwig added to DaLton's renarl<s. He felt that he would have to say no to the proposal at the moment. Ludwig asked what the tine table was for construction. Jay said that it would be okay to table the issue fot 2 weeks. He added that he feLt it was unfair of the Planning Commission to nake the Bank provide more parking than is really required- Diana asked that if there were more spaces needed than were originally required, if it lilere possible to still reguire more. Kristan said she would discuss it with Larry. Tom explained that Larryrs feeling is that if they are conplying with the code, he was reluctant to say whether or not they could ask for urore parking. Kristan rernarked that if the bank was planning to lease parking spaces on a pernanent basis it rnay alleviate concerns for the future. Diana had the same concerns as the otber planners and said that the Planning connission could deny the reguest, table it or they could approve it with conditions. Jay stated that with conditions the Town would have absolute protection that the spaces wilt exist by the end.of the faII and-it would be easily enforced. Ton stated that this was not easily enforced. Jay pointed out that the conditions would work, that the VaiI National Bank would not be able to take out a buiJ.ding pernit until the construction of the parking structure began and they could get a Tco when the parking structure itas substantially conpleted. Kristan stated that the board needed to realize the wl-shes of, and the nunber of entitieE involved. She was concerned aboutgetting a TCO before conpletion of the parking structure. She added that the Bank is not under constraintE that were inposed on the Hospital. Unusual circumstances were put on the Hospital because of the staging and she santed the board to keep in rnindthat the action on the bank proposal was a real precedent and needed to be looked at very carefully. Jay sald he felt that thevail National Bank was in the same positlon as the hospital. Datton asked if there was a contract between the Bank and the Hospital . Kristan answered that lt was not officially approved yet. Diana suggested tabling for two weeks and Jay agreed. Ton asked Jay to put the conditions that he had suggested in writing. The rnotion was made by Dalton tlillians and seconded by Chuck Crist to table the natter for two weeks with the condition that Jav would draft and submit conditions to Kristan within one week. VOTE: ftem No. 3: 6 - O - 1 (with Jirn Shearer abstaining) A recruest for an exterlor alteration to the Vailcrlo Lodae on a portion of Lot 1, Block 2. Vail Lionshead Third Filinq.Applicant: Craiq Holzfaster Tom Braun described the request as a nodest one. That the Vailglo wanted to add two entries plus a porte cochere. They also want to put up a gate and do additional landscaping on the West side. Tom reviewed criteria and said that it would be as outlined in CCII zone distrLct and the Vail Lionshead Urban Design Guide Plan in addition to Etandard zoning considerations such as set backs, site coverage, parking etc. However, since the Lionshead Plan focuses prinarily on the pedestrianized mall area of Lionshead and the vailglo L,odge is located outside the main pedestrianized area of Lionshead' most of the review criteiia hrere not directly relevant to the Vailglo proposal. There hrere no sub areas directly affecting the property. As far as cornpliance with the Urban Design Considerations for Lionshead, the relevant issues ltere massing, roofs, facade-walls, structure and accent elenents. The propoeal seened to be in conpliance with these elenents. Ton polnted out that the proposal is also consistent with zoning considerations in the CCII zone district. The staff reconnendation was for approval . However, in evaluating this gite the etaff felt that landscaping inprovements are needed on the berm on the Frontage Road. Landscaping in that area would screen the parking lot and in conjunction with improvements that would be made to Lrostello, it would greatly inprove the streetscape in this area. The staff recornmended approval with the condition that the proposed landscape plan be revised to include improvements to the bern between the parking lot and the south Frontage Road. This revision is to be nade prior to the Design Review Board Review of the proposal . Kirk Aker, Architect on the project, stated that landscaping on the back berm provided very little advantage for users of Vailglo.Jin Shearer stated that he would like to see the entire Frontage Road landscaped. He also added that he wanted to see the durnpster on the Southwest corner incorporated in the l-andscaping p1an. Kirk said he would like to discuss these landscape issues with his client. Kathy felt that an enclosure or screen for the dumpster sbould be part of the conditions to the Design Review Board. chuck Crist agreed with the need for landscaping on the Frontaqe Road and the screening on the durnpster. He said that he was unhappy about the fact that the tops of the pine trees were sawed off to allow the sign on the wa1l of the vailglo to be viewed. Dalton felt that the bern needs to be high and there needs to be better landscaping, because on the Interstate one can see the parked cars. Diana stated that with all the signs on the VailgJ-o the berm can be built up a bit. Connie nentioned that the proposal did look nice to her. The motion nas rnade bv Kathv Warren and seconded by Chuck Crist to table tbeiten- VOTE:T.OINFAVOR ften No. 4: A request for a rninor subdlvision and zone chanqefor Lots 4 & 5, Block 2, Biqhorn First Addition.Applicant: Sable/LupinePartners, Ltd. Mike MoIIica explained the proposal . He reninded the board that they had had a work session on this iten two weeks prior. He explained that there were two parts to the request; a zone change and a minor subdivision. The reguest for the minor subdivision would create four singlefanily lots fron two duplex lots and the zone change was forsingle fanily zoning. Mike reviewed existing zoning and the criteria to evaluate a zone change. one item was the suitability of the proposed rezoning. The staff felt that the proposed rezoning would be consistent with the Townts objectives and would not increaseoverall density. Mike showed a map which indicated large areas of snow and debrisflow, red hazard and blue hazard avalanche zones within the boundaries of the two lots. He explained that the applicant was proposing to mitigate the hazards either by constructlng large benns or direct rnitigation which is structural strengthening of the buildings. He said the applicant wanted to keep open the options of which type of roitigation to use, and would prefer to have tbe individual lot olrners deci-de the method for themselves. Mike continued to explain that the staff felt very strongly that the proposed berming nethod of nitigation was unacceptable. rt was fett that vehicular access into the woods to construct the berm would create additional scaring. Another concern of thestaff was the four driveway cuts proposed and the staff recomrnended a maxinun of two driveway cuts. The second criteria was whether or not the anendment presented a convenient, workable relationship within land uses consistentwith the municipal objectives. trlike stated that the staff feltthat single family residential zoning was consistent with adjacent land uses and was conpatible with the neighborhood. The staff was in favor of the proposed staggered setbacks along Lupine Drive. However, one concern of the staff was the applicantsr reguest for GRFA. The existing allowable GRFA is l-3,2gS square feet. The applicant is asking for 14'390 square feet. The staff was not in favor of that increase. The third criteria was whether the rezoning provides for the growth of an orderly, viable connunity. The staff bel-ieved that the rezoning would provide for the growth of an orderly andviable conmunitY. The staff recornrnendation was for approval of both the requests with ttre following conditions of approval: 1. That the Town Council approve the zone change request before the Planning commission chairperson signs the plat. 2. That the platprohibits thenitigation.3. That the plat include athe total allortable GRFA include a restriction which use of berming as a method of hazard restriction which linitsto 13r295 sguare feet. 4. That the plat inctude a restriction liniting the nurnber of driveway cuts to a maxirnum of two. Michael Perkins, architect for the project, stated that the applicant would prefer to be allowed some flexibifity in the solutions for nitigation of the hazards. He passed out a draft resLrictive covenant proposed to be used for hazard mitigation. rt stated that the use of berrns as the sole or prinary method of nitigation of naturaL hazards be prohibited and that the use of berni, retaining walls or other rnitigation devices less than 6 feet in height lnay be used in conjunction with direct rnitigation of the structure. He continued to explain that the reason they were asking for extra GRFA is that it would cost more to do direct nitigation. This, according to Perkins, would off-set their cost. Marty Abel, property oltner, said that his engineer confirned that each dwelling unit woutd cost about 24 thousand dollars to do the direct mitigation and that that was how they arrived at the additional sguare footage for each unit--270 more square feet per unit. In regard to driveway cuts Michael Perkins felt that with four cuts it would be 50t less traffic as opposed to two cuts and he fett that if they were neeting the single faurily restrictions they shoutd have single farnily allottance of one driveway pgr -unit. He said sharing a driveway is part of what makes a duplex not as pleasant as a single fanily house. Marty Abet said he would agree to covenants that restrict large berrns. However, he felt the best way for nitigation was site specific, not necessarily direct nitigation. He felt the wording on the restriction should satisfy each reguirement for construction and felt that excluding aII berming was unfair. He fett that the covenants could say that berning would not be used as the prirnary nitigation nethod. Kathy asked hin that if he did not want to go along with any ofthe staff recommended conditions. ttlarty that they would go alongwith itens #2 and *3 but not #4. Kathy was not very confortablewith ttre statement that said that they could only do a certaintlpe of rnitigation and asked Kristan if it would be appropriatefor the applicant to cone back to the Planning Cornnission if berming is proposed. Kristan ansuered that the condition was related to the subdiviEion reguest and therefore must be dealtwith now. Kathy felt that the correct way to do thls was to come back with a design and discuss nitigation. Marty felt that the prinary nethodbut felt it was unfair to restrlct Kathy was not comfortable allowing the drive cuts, she had no problen should be direct nitigation berns conpletely. additional GRFA. Regarding having four driverrays. Dalton felt that the applicant could be pernitted additional GRFA since it would be allowed under single fanily zoning, which is what they were requesting. Dalton also preferred the sentencethat allowed retaining walls or ber:ns less than 6 feet in height to be used in conjunction with direct nitigation. Connie asked if with hazard nitigation was a concern of the Planning Comnission. Kristan answered that the Planning Comrnission needed to consider any concerns that were part of aproposal. Connie was in favor of two driveway cuts, did not want an increase in GRFA and felt that the nitigation should probably be in the structure itself. She also felt that there shouLd be some warning of the hazard on the plat. Jirn had no problen with four driveway cuts. He spoke of the reconfiguration of the lot lines and felt that this type of thing should be discouraged. He wanted the GRFA to stay the same as that which was originally on the lots. With regard to mitigation, he felt tbat if they need both tlpes of nitigation then both types of nitigation should be pennitted. Diana stated that developersr financial concerns cannot be a consideration of the Planning Connission. She felt that four driveways were better than two and that the GRFA should stay the same. She stated that the Planning Conrnission has not previously given additional GRFA when changing zoning. She suggested possibly adding a condition that said trees over six inch caliper cannot be removed. She wanted the setbacks shown on the plat and covenants for all four lots. Chuck asked if the total square footage restriction would be placed on all the lots. Mike answered that this would be part of with the covenants. A motion was made bv Kathv l{arren and seconded,bY Daltonwilliirns to reconunend annioval of a rninor subdivision to the Town Council based on the staff nemo with the following conditions: 1. That the Town Council approve the zone change reguest before the PEC chairperson signs ttre plat. 2. The the following restrictive covenant be placed on the subdivision: rrThe prirnary rnitigation of natural hazards on the property shall be through direct nitigation of the structure, and the use of berns as the sole or prinary nethod of nitigation shall beprohibited. Berms, retaining nalls or other nitigation devices less than six feet in height may be used in conjunction with such direct rnitigation.rl 3. That the following restrictive covenant be placed on the subdivision: I'The total allowable GRFA for the subdivision shall be as folLows; L'ot I = 313oo square feet, Lot 2 = 31300 square feet, L'ot 3 = 31300 square feet and Lot 4 : 3,395 sqluare feet. The total GRFA shall, be 13,295 square feet.rr 4. The front, staggered setbacks shatl be indicated on theplat.Lot l. = 40 foot front setback T-at 2 = 20 foot front setback L'ot 3 = 30 foot front setback Lot 4 = 50 foot front setback VOTE: L2. L990. VOTEs 7-OINFAVOR Item No. 5: A notion $ras made by Kathv Warren and seconded bv Ludwio Kurz to approve the zone chancre based on the staff nemo dated Febnrary Connie removed Gods stating a herself fromconflict of the discussion of the Garden of the interest. Fanilv Kristan Pritz presented the proposal to the Board. she started out by saying that the applicant had decided to have only a worksession. Mr. Don Hare, representing Mrs. Hill, discussed the proposal . He concurred with the staff and reasons for the proposal . He said the owner will tear down tlre bultding and build a new one. Regarding the concerns of tlre Vorlaufer residence, he said he met with then and considered rotation of the building but will stilL need to anend the SDD. Art Carol , a resident of the Vorlaufer, asked when this would be proposed to coroe back. Kristan answered that this would be on the 26th of February, but that she felt it would be helpful to hear his concerns today. The naln concern is the effect on the view of the mountain and he questioned whether there was sone way that this could be lessened. There followed a long discussion of views, aroount of encroachment and View Corridors. Iten No. 6: A request for an exterior alteration for Condominium Unit #3 in the Gore Creek Plaza Building at 193 East Gore Creek Drive. Block 58,vail village FlrBt Filinq. Mike Mollica presented this proposal . He had a letter of approval fron the Condoniniurn Association. The owner of condominiun #1, next to the condominiun that was proposing changes objected to the locatlon of a balcony. She had two concerns. The first was sharing the balcony and the second was the fireplace venting. This was dlscussed and it was decided to elirninate the balcony, and the fireplace would be vented to the east, three feet above unit fl's operable windows. for approval with conditions. Conditions: 1. VOTE:7-OINFAVOR The Balcony be removed from the comnon wall. The fireplace be vented to the East about three feet above the window per the staff memo. 2. Item No. 7: ShelIy Mello explained that the applicant requested to table this iten for two weeks. A recruest for a side setback Vafiance for Lot 6' Bl-ock 2. vail villaae Sixth riling. Applicant: Clinton G. Ames, Jr. 10 sh4ru The motion was nade bv Kathy !{arren and seconded bv Jin Shearerto table this iten until Februarv 26. 1990. VOTE: 7-0INFAVOR Item No. 8: Anollcant: llichael Lauterbach The request is for a height variances ranging frorn two to nine feet. Tom Braun presented this request and slrowed site plans and surveys. He explained that the project would involve altering existing grades by filling in low points throughout the lot. An existing easernent- is also referenced as a hardship affecting siteplanning. Torn pointed out that the history on the lot was relevant. Sornetirne in L976 excavation litas begun for a residence. The excavation dramatically altered the grade and then this past summer the applicant began filling the lot without approval frorn the Town. fhe factors were relevant in deternining what is the existing grade of the lot. Tom also added that considering the. grade of the lot after the 1976 excavation would impose an unfair hardship on the applicant because of the hole that had been created on the lot. T$ro surveys were subrnitted, one showing essentially existing conditions and one showing the conditions of the lot prior to excavation in 1976. The staff determined that the nost reasonable survey to use was the one that was done prior to excavation in 1975. This approach is also consistent with other decisions made by staff concerning lots that have been disturbed. Tom continued to discuss criteria and findings. The staff felt that granting the request would be a grant of special privilege. The staff recomrnendation was for denial . The staff could see no legitimate physical hardship to allow for ttre variance. The stiff feft tnit the proposed design showed little consideration to the grade of the propertY. Mike Lauterbach, the applicant, took exception to the staff memo. He felt that he could conform to ttre required regulated heigbt if there were not a gas line in the easement. He felt that he coufd drop the house nine feet into the ho1e, cornpensate by alJ.owing a foui to six foot height variance or fill the lot cornpletely and start from scratch. He then pointed out that the Lionsridge subdivision had filled a whole ravine. He felt that the Potato Patch subdivision would be best served if the house were built to the highest and best use for this site. He stated that without filting the J-ot, there would be no views of the ski mountain. Alnine llownhomee IV. 11 t Gary Bossorr, a property olrner who lives two lots away, agreedwith both l,like and the staff in that you could fill and build but he said 10 feet over the height restriction was excessive. Kristan explained that in construction, tlre existing grade must be used and persons were not given pennission to dunp dirt and ttren build on the lot later on. Chuck asked trow the Lionsridge eubdivision obtained approval and Kristan said that the planning Connisslon had given approval for a total site plan Gary Bossow stated that rnaybe the lot was not deslgned to have a view of Vail Mountain. Ludwig Kurz then stated that with really creative plans you could inprove the situation without reguiring a variance. Lauterbach said that he felt that Ludwig was suggesting that he point the house down the valley but that was not what he wanted to do. Connie asked if it was permissable to flll lots and Diana explained that they could fill tr'ern but they still must use the original grade in considering height restrictions. Mike added that the ridge was artificially high and that was a hardship and that the easement ltas as big a problem as the low point on the lot. Diana said she could not find a reason for the variance, and that the lack of a view is not a hardship. Mike asked about the easenent. Kathy asked if the easements ltere on the lot when it was purchased and Mike stated that they were. Diana wondered if the Planning Conmission didnrt often give variances for easenents. Tom pointed out that there rtas still plenty of land to build on. At this point the board discussed other ways and places that the hone could be built. The notion was made bv Kathv l{arren and seconded bv Lgdwig Kurz for Denial based on the fact that there was no hardship Proven and per the staff meno. Jin stated that he felt that the home needed to be redesigned. Diana said she was not convinced a variance was needed. Bossow asked what kind of hardship Iauterbach could possibly have. Diana expressed a need to look at the lot again. Mike asked how the Lionshead subdivision had gotten an approval and Kristan explained that they went before the Planning cornmission requesting a fill and grading pernit. Mike Laterbach said he would like to table for two weeks and present a grading plan. L2 Ludwicr withdrew his second. Tom reminded l,[ike that if the lot rtere regraded, the engineer would need to look at the whole project and the other lots affected. Mike said he thougtrt he could come back with a revised grading plan and asked to table. Diana asked Kristan if you could look at all tbe lots that had been filted. Diana stated that the Planning Cornnission had allowed gullies on lots to determine whether units could be separated. Dalton said if the ridge were artificially raised that that seemed to be a factor. VOTE: Iten No. 9:Discussion of revisions to Zoning Code. Siqn Code and Desiqn Review cuide.f:irles",- Ton explained to the board that there lras a need to revise existing developrnent reg"ulations, that over time a number of small and relatively isotatea issues and problens with the codes had arisen. He asked that the Planning Board take a comprehensive look at the regulations. He stated that he was interested in the big picture percePtion of existing guidelines, for example do the codes only need refinernents or are they in need of a roajor overhaul? can the relationship between -DRB, PEC, and Council be improved with regard to tire developnent review process? Is the existing review process cumbersome and s1ow, not thorough enough or adeguate. ion wanted to know what the problens were and wanted input for the RFP. Diana felt that it was not a good thing to rewrite the zoning code and that she also felt that it hras not a good thing to hire an outsider. She sirnply felt it needed to be tightened up. Torn explained that it was extrenely valuable to bring in fresh eyes to look at the zoning code. Kristan explained that when they did choose a consultant the staff and -Board would have input. They wanted to work with the Board and council but felt that a fresh look was irnportant. Diana felt that there uere very few ninor problens. Cbuck tended to agree with Diana, he was very opposed to hiring an outside consultant. 13 Jirn felt that we did not need najor Lnvolvernent of an attorney to oversee the project. Dalton did not feel that an outsLde consultant was necessary. He said that the consultant would be pald to study rules that thestaff was already fanlliar with. Dlana stated that everyone that works with the code knows the problens already. Kristan extrrlained that the staff waEnrt advising a total overhaulof the zoning code, but'that she has seen the use of nany loop- holes and she felt the need for consultant assistance wasinportant, especially given the existing staff level in planning. Dalton wondered if you could get an outside adviEors in certain areas without hiring a consultant. Diana expressed that fact that usually ideas seened to come frorn the community during the public hearings. Kristan said that there would need to be some tlpe of consulting tearn and that the staff was not in the position to work on this because of their rtork Load. Kathy felt that this was not an easyproject, that there were broad range issues to consider and that the County regulations and those of the Town should fit together better. Kristan said that it sounded as though the PEc wanted a lead person with consultants as needed. But she reminded then that they would need an Attorney for rewriting the code. Jim statedthat he would like to see clearer linee between the Planning Commission and the Deslgn Revlew Board. Tom agreed that total revision was not necessary. Kathy liked Chuckrs idea of having localsr input, but felt there were many locals that were self senring. The discussion ended. L4 Jin Shearer was concerned about the columns on the corner. Hefelt they were very close to the building and Gordon discussed opening that area up more. Dalton discussed the parking reguirements and wondered if withlarger rooms, they would not necessarily need to have more cars. Kristan said that they could try to get more parking nurnbers from studies on parking nitigation conpleted last year. Jim Shearer said that he would like to know, excluding the Austria House, the number of employees now and the nunber that there would be later. Johannes said that he had 250 employees nolrr and did not anticipate needing nore employees, because 35 of them were used at the golf course in the sunner only. Chuck Crist said he would also like to see parring calculations. Gordon said that when the parking ordinance was written, there were no rrVans to vail and that was how nany people traveled toVail which has reduced on site parking demand by gruests. ftem No. 6: Eacrle County referral--545r tall transnission tower located 2.3 rnil.es N.W. of the West Vail I-70 interchanqe.Appticant: Global American sites Item No. 6 lras Item No. 7: Kristan gave the history regarding this itero. Dalton asked Mike Lauterbach vhy he made changes without Town approval. and Mike responded that every step of the way he was told he had additional GRFA remaining. He ltas told be had 200 sg. ft. on the east side so he could transfer this to the west or larger side. % Kristan replied that 60/40 zoning split. Dalton said that the changes and needing responded that ninorstaff. Board talked a few weeksto come back with changes, changes can usually cone ago regarding and Mike Mollica back just to the when the project was approved there was no So the 60/40 split was not an issue. postponed until after Item No. 7 13 Minutes PEC 8/27/90 Kristan stated that when plans come in for the building pernit reviehr, the architect should tell the staff that additional sq. footage had been added and the change should be carefully checked. Connie asked if Mike had ever had this sort of problem before, and Mike Lauterbactr responded that he had to fill a crawl space last year in the clen Lyon Subdivision, but to fill the crawl space was inpossible on this site because it would crack the concrete lrall. Diana said that she was slmpathetic that the staff made an error but that the Board had to follow Section 303 (C) of the Uniforrn Building Code. Larry Eskwith, the Town Attorney, asked Mike that when he got tbe building pernit with GRFA nunbers on it, why hadnrt he responded when he saw that the number on the pernit was different from the one found on the DRB plans. Mike replied that he didn't focus on it. The pernit nunber doesntt natch any other numbers. He also spoke of many planners working on his project. Kristan stated that one planner had worked on his project. The Board excused themselves and went into executive session. When they cane out, Dalton asked llike Lauterbach how long he had been building and Mike replied L5 years. Dalton asked how many buildings he had done and Mike replied 4 or 5 duplexes in Vail and 15 structures County wide. A motion to uphold the staff decision and denv the appealper the staff neno hras made bv Kathv warren and seconded by were based on Uniform FuiLdinq Code Section 303 (Cl . Validitv of the Permit. VOTE: 6-1 WTTH CHUCK CRIST AGAINST THE DENIAL OF THE APPEAL Mike Lauterbach asked if they had voted to bring the crawl spaceinto confornance and Diana stated that they voted to uphold thestaff decision. Ludwig said he felt that the staff decision was correct. Dalton felt that the staff memo was correct and that he felt alsothat Mike Iauterbach was knowledgeable and a competent builder. 14 Minutes PEC 8/27/eO Chuck Crist agreed with the staff concerns and voted against theappeal. He felt nodifications had been made. Diana felt that Mike lJauterbach shoul-d have been given GRFA egualto the original corrections and the staff errors but not theother overage. Kathy felt that the staff decision was correct. She felt it was unfortunate that there were discrepancies early on in the pernit process but felt that the Section 303 (C) of the Building Code covered that. Jim Shearer felt that the letter of the Law was being followed. He said they were not being asked to rule on a variance so they could not grant one. They were only asked to decide whether or not the staff had acted appropriately. Kathy felt that a rnodification nas a forn of a variance and a variance required a hardship. Connie said that she was swaying back and forth. If this had been Mikers first house she would have been nore favorabl-e but it was not his first house. Mike Iauterbach replied that it boils down to the fact that, rrlf Irm experienced, I canrt nake mistakes.tl Diana said. rrAccording to Section 303 (c) of the Unifort Building Code, the Board had to vote on whether or not the staffrs Stop Work Order was correct. ftem No. 6: Eaqle Countv referral--649r tall transmission tower located 2.3 niles N.W. of the West Vail/f-70 interchanqe.Applicant: Global American Sites Andy described the tower and revieued the issues. Diana felt that the tower that existed was extremely visible anddidnrt feel there was any need to add to the one tower. Jin Shearer asked how rnany dishes would be on the tower and wouldthe other antenna be taken down. He feLt that he could not support the strobe lights and that there should be naxinum of four lights on it. Kathy lgarren agreed with Jiur Shearer and wondered what inpact there would be fron guide nires. 15 -l-r:rtrtF{ ftF- Ur+ I L : lliscei i.srrecus r::rsh. i:i!- I !,'*,.;,t 1. 4; :i i. : :;'.1 ll';,,,-:i -+ l+ '--,=..,--. . _._ - E n .r t.'._ _,i:, -:..i -,-.-,' '..-+ ,r -rir-.._'Jirr tt .jl t-.:. . n,.- J: I'rt-:r.t r. ,', :-rlr-l |::t::,ti'- H ..Ft.-,::;.i L;irtnUfi ! L rj f-, ,i,::: : .* ,: I t en p.= !,j ;;l I I.iGl:,i.r.1. | -. t.:.i:,i_ .:. r-..t.. i il-_ .jur:l, r;:itj. Pr*."*un t Fai d -r tlr{r . Iilr:1 r.lAPS vuul 3 CODE N0. c0sT EA .IOTAL AUOUNT r. lr :jit':l* i..:l i.U l-i, -=,: _ TF-1Ftl-+!.:- l-rrJrJ 1 00cc 42+151 tgEE uNrfoxr.r \'l[r-.TI li, !:rt:l CAL CODE iMENT @F trVtrL@PMENT FORM xxxxxxx I 0000 42115 1387 NATIONAL Ft FCTRICAL CODE 1 0000 42115 OTHER CODE BOOKS r 0000 41s48 PRTNTS (un-ms; 01.0000 42112 )ERoX CoPtEs ,/ sruolEs 1 00oo lzszt PRIALTY F:EES y' RE_|NSPECTION r 0000 41322 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FE coNtRAcToRS UcstsES fEES 0l 0000 41413 .srcu APplrcnrroll \-t:qc \.L\\\$>s\q \of t^:i{t_. 4'1b- bt14 Lot 3, Block 2, Vall/Potato Patch GRFA Reductlon August 30, 1990 Space Dlmens ions BeglnnLng Balances Garage Credit s5 0K Qaar;e tln< /-+7Adielr 8 @/ + L2t2'b 18 K _23l,lo )qr 108 )rffrN N (:r,a)y'4@oK ffi,- S torage Credit \rr' 2 J 4 5 6 9 10 LZ t3 L4 14A IJ t6 T7 11 LL/3 x LL/O Total Reductlon Reduction Required Net LL/6 x 2/o 5/6 x 2/O L2/2 y 2/O 7/9 x 3/3 616 x 3/4 8/3 x 4/o f 6/9 x 210 710 x 2/6 519 x 2/o 8/0 x 2/7 4/3 x 2/O 8/0 x 2/o LO/6 x 2/o 6/8 x 4/o 5lO x 2/6 3/2 x 2/o 6/6 x 2lO ( ( ( 22.1 z5 11 P{.'? 25zs'z 22?1. I tn.5 18 20 fl.b L6 8.4 2L zt,o 27 2b.7 i3,2.? 6 6,2 B ,j.2 L3l'b beF* g'b{ +;;.1 5ftce1r cgeJi* @ T"n Michael Lauterbach 6-7o -1e Lot 3, Block 2, Vall Potato Patch GRFA Reductl.on Elevatloo and Sectlo'n Detail August 31, 1990 4Ec'rr oN OPrroiq.Ar-SrFFrr . (\CtLr Fl ,--r Sra' h.t "*-,"- bAl .r,qr'. 5tl€.4T{t*r - FRr*- v\ E\,*/ . }EftA , 'l-"oo'tt.1 EftsnNe&arE1_o ful u, n. 'toeFAce T 5'o _l_ SEctt o t'l 4€r urN G o h At< t t!1 \, \.*- Fso oR bR\r,Ar-u tR€ rtTrl t$a' E}rD ENcLai I Ptl u oroJ\rC.Fl<€ Planning and Environnental Conmission Connunity Development Departrnent Augrust 27, L99O TO: FROI,!: DATE: RE: I. DESCRIPTION OF TIIE REOUEST Mike lauterbach, tbe owner of Lot 3, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch, has appealed a decision of the planning staff concernLng the detetnination of GroEs Residential Floor Area (GRFA)for this lot. The staff position is that the Pritnaryr/Secondary structure, which is currently under construction, is presently 881 8q. ft. over the allowable GRFA for the site. II. BACKGROI'ND AND HTSTORY A. on l-tarch 7, Lggo the Deslgn Review Board granted final approval for the applicantts Prinary/Secondary.reiidence. Drawings Eubnitted for the DRB review indicated that 294 sq. ft. of GRFA was remaining at this tine. fn other words, the applicant had not utilized the ful1 GRFA available for the site- B. On Dlarch 14, 1990 a building pernit was issued to the applicant for the construction of the Prinary/Secondary relidence. ModificatLons were made to the apProved DRB drawings, however, a buildlng permit was issued- said nodifications included the addition of 499 sq. ft. of GRFA. This additional fl.oor area put the structure 205 sq. ft. over the allowable GRFA for the site. c. On August 3, X99O a Stop Work Order was iEsued by the Conrnunity Developnent Departrnent for this lot. The reason for this Stop Work Order was that the project violated the allowed GRFA for the property. fn addJ-tJ-on, dLscrepancles wlth regard to approved retalning salls versus constructed retaining walls was also noted. The walls currently on site are not built per the approved building petmit plans. K"th - ne",; ry- T-! ; ,/,"-1 ;4 vY r { dtet .*v a4*t&6 .A .&f . Fil/.V 1r*,1 o.- uBc zd -L4 '*fr"tr t'^A' 3n((> FtL t cuPr An appeal of a staff decision concerning GRFA for L'ot3, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch (754 Potato Patch Drive).Applicant: llike Lauterbach Y,+1. b- ( G.,\ i _-! D. ,' On or about August 15' 1990' the appllcant submitted a ., ' revised eet of drawings for the property. At this tine1" the appllcant indicated ttrat there ltere certain nodiflcations nade to the structure not in conforlllance with the approved DRB plans. Upon analysis by the staff, theee nas-bul-ltn plans indicate that the proJect Ls now 319 Bq. ft. gref the allowed GRFA for the site. In addltion to thl-s, an over-excavated area of approximately 562 sq. ft., vhich is located beneath the existJ.ng garage on the east half of the duplex, would also need to be counted as GRFA. In total , the project is gg1 sq. ft. over the allowable GRFA. E. On August 17, 1990 the Town staff made the detemlnation that lt is not withln our adninistrative po!iler to negotiate a solution to the GRFA problen, beyond what is aLlowed by the zoning on the property. The staff posltion ls that the proJect must conform to the allowable GRFA on the lot. The Zoning Code does not give the Etaff any discretion to approve a GRFA overage. III. Section 303 (c) of the Unifom Building code--y3!i4,ily-€ the Permit also relates to the GRFA issue. It states: rrThe issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans, specifications and computations shall not be construed to be a pernit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this code or of any other ordinance of the jurlsdiction. No pernit presunlng to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this code shall be valid. The issuance of a pernit based upon plans, speclfications and other data ehall not prevent the buifdins official from thereafter requiring the correction of errors ln saLd plans, specifications and other data, or from preventing buildlng operations being carried on thereunder when Ln violation of this code or of any other ordinances of this jurisdiction.rl IV. DECISTON REOUESTED OF THE PEC The PEc is asked to review the applicantrs appeal and, pursuant to Section 18.66.030 of ttre Toltnrs Zoning code, Litner confirm, reverse or nodify the action of the Zoning Adninlstrator. <D DESICN REVIEI{ BOARD ailE c8€cr Fc sn, l, lPl3 rErlE DISTRICIS DAIE: LEGAL : LoT 3LCr ADoRESS! OOIER: AICfl I TECT: l0l SIZE: 20,909.0 ZOIE DISTRIST: GR'A AtLdfD q SI'E ALIqf,D SITE OOI'ERAGE SIIE COYETAGE IJSED SITE @rrEr GE tElttlurc ulDscAPE oorEn^cE TflAt GnFA USED Ol SITE ?fiP06EO USE: R P/S T s E c 0I 0 AII 'L@T TOTAI SASEI€XI SC.IT. 0.0tsr. tLu sc.FT. 1,075.0 axo, ,tot sxl.tr. 1,035.0 tRD. rt6t se.Fr. 662.0 toFT rt@t se.rr. 0.0lo?ALs 2,7n.0 CnEDlt T0Tll3 ,G R.tp.c.. 2.0 GRFA ^Ltqf,D 6,341.0 r0rAr c'tEDtrs %1.0 GRFA USED 1,811.0 cRtA tErAlttlc 2.530.0 cREDlts tE||AtltG lr r. sc.fl. ?fi sEoolo^tY ullT SIATUS Of SSoO|DARY UIIT a 40t 3rr tEsYT 3,:t41.04,lEl.t 2,tgt.0l,34l.l 12'.'l.5.( 1,U7.0 1,7X.4 17a.6, tEcfi. sT ll0.0 0.00.0 0.00.0 10:1.00.0 97.00.0 0.00.0 200.0T0l^l Gt0s30.0 200.0 50.0 0.0 IECfi. STllt40.0 0.00.0 107.00.0 t00.00.0 0.00.0 0.060.0 207.0TotAt Gtossa0.0 207.0 FIIITG PllolE t PNO'E ' t0.0 60.0 GATAGE SIdACE0.0 0.0584.0 t*.00.0 21.00.0 8.00.0 0.0584.0 134.0 584.0 13.0 16.0 66.0 GARACE STOIAGE0.0 E0.05tt.0 55.00.0. !1.00.0 0.00.0 0.055t.0 166.0 t55.0 166.0 a5.0 14.0 6t.0 100.0 ATttOCT YDTD0.0 0.00.0 0.028.0 lE.o0.0 0.00.0 0.02E.0 tE.os.jr. 2,7n.O25.0 18.0 (3.0) 0.0 ATRIOCK WID0.0 0.00.0 0.02E.0 28.00.0 0.00.0 0.02E.0 2t.0 80.Fr. 3,257.0E.O 2t.0 (1.0, 0.0 (6.0) 0.0 tL@R l0TAl SASE|{EXI 30.Fr. E51.0P 1ST. ttm SQ.lr. t.125.0 R ao. ;tcn sc.Ft. 1,06t.0t 3RD. rrq $.n. 0.0t toFT Flq se.ir. 0.0r roru3 3,47.0IY CnBtl tollls lG n.rPrl 2.0 GnF ALTCHED 2,530.0u loT L clEDlrS t.021.0r GiFA iJSED 2,&.O t ;tnFA lBrAtltrc l 494.0t crEDtrS lBlAtlrc loTAt uusED clEDtTs 21t.0 0.0 0.0 3 BUILDITIG PERTIIT zoE crccf Fot !tt, l, lPlt zqE Dl8ltlgrS DAIE:LEGAL: LOT ItH 'ILIMlDlEss:qflEl! ltclillEGl:lol IIZCB 20,S9.0 tlO@ lrSE: 2ilE Dlmtgt: ttl BF lLqfrD il $tl ttLq|ED $lt 00YEr ct 3trE cqrEucl l,lEo 8trE oortR|/ct llt lttlc tlllosQlPc OOYEIIGElor r GrfA lrED c 3ttlr . $.tr. tc 3toD|rl ltll SrAlrr3 0f ttosllv ur a ad YTI a.31.04.ttt.t2.8t.0t.Ll.E ta,ta'.aa,%.0l,f!L.a |2m.6' EOt. tt tt AtlL6 rorD0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 ila.o u.o r3.00.0 96.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 2t0.0 26.0 t3.0rotAt crsS tn.fT. 2,995.00.0 210.0 25.0 |l.0 t0.0 0.0 (t.0) 0.0 ECr. SrAtR lntg u0r00.0 0.0 0.0 0.040.0 ttt.o 0.0 0.00.0 t06.0 29.0 lt.o0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 0.0a0.0 ert.o 29.0 ll.0tgt L cqss sc.tl. l,6ll.0a0.0 215.0 2'.0 tt.o '|0rE,nqE, ttm rgTAt lAsEl€rT SC.FI. 0.03 1ST. rt8 SC.FI. t,160.0E ap. rrm so.n. l,tlE.0c 3rD. rlm se.tr. 717.0o roH rrm sc.tl. 0.0r rorlls 2,995.0 0A CtEDtr ?orAtst cr;A ALLqf,DY TOTAL CIEDITS clf^ rrtEoclf^ lExAttlrc CIEDIT3 TAAIIIG ftrf .rprcer 2.0a,y1.0 gEE.O 2.007.0 2,l3(.0 .ruct nctE0.0 0.061t.0 tz.o0.0 26.00.0 6e.00.0 0.06tt.0 t40.0 .t@.0 t40.0 (rt.o) 60.0 cauct tTctGE0.0 t9.0tt5.0 tl.o0.0 52.00.0 0.0tt.o 0.0603.0 t74.0 tt00.o 174.0 (l.0, u.o (2t.0, tt.0 lE l ?/s 0.0 (a.0, 0.0 0.0 (t.0) 0.0 flm lolAlusErn sa.Ft. 95E.0t tst. rrd sc.Fr. 1.46.0l ao. rrd sc.fi. t,l6t.0| !t0. ;!qn sc.tt. 0.0r tr rsrEr c crcoll 0.0A rcrrls 3,6t1.0 If Cr€Dtt rcTr!3 ,Grn.3ps.. 2.0 GntA AiLm 2,184.0u lorAL crEDllS 1.0?12.0t GnF^ uSED 2,539.0t crFA larlilrc (20t.0tt cuDlt3 lHlrIrG ror^r uustD ctEDrts 120.0 10.0 .l0.0 AS.EUILT zilE cltEcx Fc stl, l, lPls zflE DlsTttfis oAtE !IEGAL: tor ltcr illlrc ADDRESS!qflEt: Pfl{xE I ^lC[tIECt: PtlOlE, tol SIZE: 20,909 PIoPOSED USE: ZOIIE DtSTttgr: 3fR tES t P/3 frot T0TAI, SASE|{E|[ SO.Fr. l,tmlsl. troon so.F?. 1,171 zxD. ir@R !ilt.fl. 71E 3tD. irofi sF.fl. 0 0lorALS 3,ffi GATAGE 55r 0 0 0 0 558 CTEDIT lOTAts ,G n..9rc.! 2 558 cRfA AtLorGD a,y1 ror r crEDtrs 995 cttA usED 2,U7 GRrA tErrAlrlllc 2,274 ctEDfts tEfArrre 42 'LOOT IOTAI GARAGE E SErErt So.Fl. %0 0 tsT. trcn sc.Fr. t,500 gl ao. fLoR so.tr. t,zlE 0 lnD. rld $t.FT. 0 0tt rsFER or ctEDtT 0 0rorALs !,67E 5E7 cREDtr loT !S tGAl..P.c.t 2 tE7 6nf^ r.tqfiD 2,274 ror t cnEDtrs l,oE:i cnFA usED 2,r9t t crFA rEr^tftrc : (1t9, cnorrs lf, rtIG tl roT r urjsCD ctEDtrs l0l t5 GIFA Attdco c|r slrE AITffiD SITE OOVERAGE SIIE GOI,ETAGE USED StrE oo,ErAGE tErAllllc tAlrDsclP cot ER cE YIa:'ll 4tEt.E 2EB8 t34r.E 1254t slfiAGE lGctt. stAtR Alttcx volDr55l 000270111 ?515610970000000120000139 51 208 2' 15 TOTA! GR06S Sn.ir. 1.062139 50 20E 2t 15 ttl(!)000 sT(nrcE ilEcll. srAln Allrccr volD121 00005540t0900!3 0 105 !2 t600000o!000212 a3 21a 12 15 rcT r Gn6S so.tl. l.tt7t200 43 214 A t6 (t2t 19 70t7r0 .0(7r0 o 75 $uth tont g|. ro.d r|ll, color.do 81657 (303) 4792138 (303) 47&2139 Augrust 21, 1990 offlce ol cornmunlty dav€logmcnt Mr. Mike lauterbach P.O. Box 3451ValI, CO 81658 RE: I,ot 3, Block 2 vall Potato Patch/DuPlex GRIA Dear ltike: On Augrust 3, 1990 your priuary/secondary developrnent on the above lot wis issued a stop work order by the Conmunity Developnent Departnent. The reaion for the stop work order was that the pr-oject violated the altowed GRFA for the property. In additlon, trreie ls alEo a problen with ttre retaLnlng wall. The walls are not bul.It per the approved bulldlng pernit plan. on August 15, 1990, a neettng was held to review the GRFA problen with fou. eiry Uuirain, ltikt Uollica and I attended the 4eetlngwith !ou. on iugrust L7, Lggo' non Phillips, Iarry Eskwithr -GaryUurrain, Uike Uoilica, and I rnet to review the Toltnfs positlon to corne to a resolutlon for the GRFA problern. We can approve the structure at a square footage of nilt sq. ft. This anount is uhat the current-zonlng allowE even though this |s larger than what the DRB aPProved plans lndicate. The Torm staff has determlnect thal-1t le not sithln our adninistratlve power to negotiate a GRFA solution beyond_what is allowed by the zoning on tJrE property. Staff nust na-lntaln the posi!,ion that the proJect conf6r:n-to ttre alloved cR1lA for the lot. The zonlng code does not gLve the etaff any discretlon to approve a GRFA overage' Section 303 (c) of tlre Unlfor:n Bulldlng Code--Valtditv of Permit aleo relates to the GRFA lssue. It states: I.TIKE I,AUTERBACII I,ETTER, PAGE 2 nThe lseuance or granting of a pernl! ot approval of plans-, rili"iii"iti""t-in6-conpu€atlong- shall not be construed to be a perait eorl-or--in-ipirott"l of , any- vlolatlon of any of the itS"frio"s-oi tfrfs coil or of any olher-ordlnance of the i;;i;i;tr";: -r- pemlt presunlnE to Eive authoritv to violate or cancel itre proitslons of ttrte code shall be valid. The issuance of a pe::rnit baged upon plansr.speclficatlons and other aita shail not prevenfthtbutldlnE official fron thereafte" ;;q,tl;fng the iorrectlon of crrors in satd-p1ans, ."""iii""t1;#-;e 5tner data, or from preventlng bulldtng- ;;;;;;i#-;;id ;aiirea on tfrereunder ihen I'n vlolatlon or this code oi-oi-"tty other ordlnances of thle Jurlsdlctlon'rr In order to resolve the GRFA issue, y99 have two optlons.using --ili"-r""i.ipa1 review proces'ea. .fire first ls to appeal the.staff decision to tlre ii"ri"i"e couroission. rf the appeal ls recelved ui-a"g""t 22 by;;oo ;;.t th? staff will schedule your-request iirr tfi" Augrust Ziin-pianning Cornnles1on neetinE. .The Plannlng Conmission rill """f.r-iti issue and nake a deiislon. This d;A;i;;-wifr m-elnal unlesE an adJacent property-owner- appeals the planning connl;f;";;lslon or the totrn Counclt calls it up' ,il; i;c alcisfon-Ji-nugust 27th will be reported.at the August 28th council work ""iriJ". If-the pEC declslon ls appealed or ;;ii"e-G-ui tr," rown council 1t ulrr be reviewed at the Septenber atrr eveil;;.4;G;ii neetlng. lltre staff has also asreed to schedule ttre GRFA-issue as a work-session lten f,or the Agsus! 28th Councff wori-!e*i"". -Thie will glve y-ou the opportunit)'.!" address ttre Councfi-peisonally on ttre issue-before walting untll ttre Septenber 4th neeting. SecondlyryouDaysubnitanappllcationforaGRFAordensityvariance. ffre n'ect-subnittaf-4ead11ne la August 27th for a septenber 24th piE;ating. 'llhe councll nay also. call up a-PEc ;::il;;-"i'i'-alirr.ti "aii.".e. rf the councll chose to carl up the SepteDber 24;; iiC ieclelon, lt would be heard at the October i- ro*t- council evenLng ueetlnE' Attached to thLs letter are the GRFA calculatl'ons for the DRB, ;;iiilG Pelria; ;il A3 i"iri plans. .At thls tlne, -the staff ls_ iJiiing-"n your as-uulrt plans-to be accurate. If for any reason vou know of any fn"ccuiacies I'n thg?e plans' I ask that you i,.itiv-uti-sti?t, ln rritJ'ng, lnnedlatery' o o UIKE IAIITERBACH I,ETTER, PAGE 3 In addltlon, the retainlng walls have been extended beyond what ,i"-oiieinaity approved oi ttre builcllng pgrTl!. The ualls also il;.";-6- "iri,"a the heisht tlnltg- A-retal'nlns w1l-l-13v^1"-?- :nii<taurn of three feet ln-the front setback and a Daxlnun of alx feet on other areis of-ine glte. I ask that you address this i""".-6y-sritrftiing a set of revised plans to-our,lgpartnent by lugust 'Z+, tggO shich ueet tlre zonlng code and bullding code requtreuentg for retainlnE walls. If you have anYfree to call ue. Sincerely' Kfo^ft-'h, Krlstan Pritz Cornnunity DeveloPnent Dlrector KP/PP cc: Ron PhilliPs Gary Murrain Larry Eskwith ULke ltollica further questions about ttre proceesr- please. feel llhank fou for your assistance on tlris uatter' t'\ffi0 A{ -"'r€go sznv @ UEMO TO: Krletan Prltz Tolrr of Vall Co@unl.ty Development FROM: lllke Lauterbach DATE: Augugt 22, L99O RE: Lot 3, Block 2, Vall Potato Patch/Duplex GRFA I an in recelpt of your letter ilated August 21, 1990. Pursuaat to the contentlr of that letter, please al1ow me to conflm that I an appeallng the staffts rull.ng regardlng GRFA to the August 27, L99O Deetlng of the Plannlng Coml.esloa. AddltLonally, please lnclude my name end thiE lseue ee an agenda lten for tbe Couocll work sesslon of Auguet 28r 1990 as lre dlscuesed. A1so, to ny knowledge, the as-built plane are totally accurate aa eubultted. I cst l$g 21 \ss! TO: FROU: DATE: RE: I an here to request relief from the zonLng gruidelines for portions ofthe east and west residences of a prinaryr/secondary structure locatedon the above referenced site. The structure has been legallysubdivided and the east residence deeded to the owner. The buildingIs framed with plunbing and electrical installations cornplete. A stopwork order was issued August 3, l99o pursuant to a crawl space issue. In hindsight and pursuant to the enclosed calculations, the eastresidence tras never been in compllance with allowable GRFA. rtexceeds zoning allowances by 330 sqluare feet and buJ-lding permitapprovals by 60 sguare feet. The west residence is in conpliance with GRFA requirements subject to a crawl space solution. In sunnary, the DRB process for thls building was lengthy startingNovenber 20, 1989 with approvar not obtained until ltarch 7, L99o. Theproject entailed two aAipted topographical drawings, three sets ofpotential building plans, and a -pab variance iequest which rrasultinately withdrawn. As the process was so lengthy, the purchaserrequested various changes during this period and I complied. Then, Iobviousry made an error in calculating enra prior to Luilding pemitsubnittal-s. Even sor ttre pemit subnittar prans with notileautechanges were again rechecked for GRFA compliance by the Town prior toissuance of a building permit. The buildS.ng permil carculati6n by the Town staff showed approxinately 2oo square feet of unused GRFAavailable to the east iesidence wfricfr at tne time seemed plausible. frelied on that infomation and made minor adJustments which added Gosquare feet of GRFA to the east residence to satisfy the onner. reubnitted the revisions to the staff upon request. when the crawlspag? issue surfaced, the staff notified- ne that 459 sguare feet wasavailable to satisfy that Lssue and reguired that r sribnit a retterstating that r would forfeit 53 square ieet to solve that issue. At that point, r knew that the staff had made a calculation error.The staff also recognized that a nistake had been made and proceededto recalculate the project GRFA using rny as-buirt plans. The staffrs ME}IOR,ANDU!.! PIAI{NING COUI.IISSION AND TOI{N COI'NCIL !,IEMBERS I{ICTIAEL I,AIJ:IERBACIT AUGUST 27, L99O IOT 3, BI,OCK 2, VAIL/POTAIO PATCH Menorandum August 28, L99O Page 2 conclusion was that r had added over 5oo square feet to the project,the sum of 200 square feet of unused GRFA ldentified in the- pemitplans and 33o sguare feet of calculated excess. rt was j-n excesl of aweek before they would acknowledge that an error had been made withthe issuance of the building pernit. lleanvhile, r have been penalized for a nonth wlth a stop work order.r berieve r have conpried furry with the staffrs rlquests, havepursued this project in an honest and dlrlgent nannerf and wouldassume that you would not.penalize me for a etaff nistake and personalerror. I therefore feel justifled ln requestlng that the Town-endorsethe calculations and credits for GRFA as deternined fron the originalbuilding pennit plans as recarculated in August 1990 for the -east residence and accept, the west resLdence -as conforming. Ttrisendorsement would requLre a 60 square foot reduction in exisiing GRFAto the east residence. Additionally, the west residence is designated as having a crawl spacebeneath the garage which currently is enclosed. rt is ny intention tocreate a 2 l/2 foot wide and 8 foot high corridor along the north wallto the west side of the building which exposes the crair space to theoutside elements with lattice work arranged to provide nirnerous onesquare foot openings. r berieve this will negate the currentrrenclosed'r condition of tlre space and thereby providt conformance withzoning guidelines. rn concrusion, the work stoppage is having a substantial physical andemotional affect on ne and especialry ny faniry. conlining theseconsiderations and the facts, r believe- you cln be justiiied ingranting ne this relief. Thank you for your consideration andfairness. I I Lot 3, Block 2, Vall Potato Pstch GRPA Aaalyela Auguct, 1990 East West Regldence Reeldence Xleaigu leviery Eoard Calculrtlone, llardr 7, 1990 1,925.4 sf 2.436.L af DIB Plane Recalculated, Auguat 1990 1,811 ef 2,236 sf Plaaa ltodtfled Bulldtng Perlt.t Calculatiura,Aprll 4, 1990 2,L54 ef 2,780 ef Peralt Plang Recaleulated Augrat 1990 2,OO7 af 2,539 af Ag-8utlt Plang August 1990 21067 Ef 21593 ef Allowablc GRFA !12!. ef 3r.699 et "if|,,dr #{:P\QF \tt; !ti v 3 Lss o F $tt\r \ olFxrlr N I I I il 0l+l I fl 4I Irll\s oi\ls\!sv ts rd .b{ $+t\1 vr YgJ1rlJz+ lrl\c€ \) t $ ) ) -ir . .\\ Nt;b"' - I ,'' zotE cltEc( FoR stR, R, RP/s zolE DlsTRlcTs BLMK FILtl{G DATE:LEGAL: LOT ADDRESS 3qflER: ^,/ PllollE # ARCflr TECI: /.€<t\ PHOIIE # LoT stzE: ( 20,909JR0PoSED UsE: ZoilE oISTRICT: SFR RES R P/s GRFA At-t Orf,D 0I S|TE ALLqJED SITE CO/ERAGE SITE COVERAGE USED SITE COI'ERAGE REI{AIIIIIIG LAIIDSCAP COVERAGE TOTAL 1,170 1 ,174 718 0 0 3,06a #GAR, spaces 4,v1 995 ?,M7 2,274 TOTAL 940 1,500 r,258 0 0 3,674 1?545 FL@N B SEt{EltT SO. FT, 1ST. FL@n S0. FT. ?1r0. tL@R s0. FT, 3RD. FL@R SO. FI . TOTALS CREOIT TOIALS GRFA ALLOJED TOTAL CREDI TS GRFA USED GRFA RE]IAIII IIIG CREDITS REI4AX I }IG FLOOR BASEIIEIT SO. FT. 1ST. FLqn S0. tT. zxD. ttoon s0. fT. 3RD. tt00R s0. tT. TRAXSFER OT CREDIItol Ls CREDIT TOTALS GRFA ALIOIED TOTAL CREDITS GRFA USEDilfnm,crrotts nEmrIlG G RAGE STmAGE l€Cll.558 35 53027006500000 12 0558 139 53 TOTAL? 558 139 50 42 61 GARAGE STORAGEo 124,a7 550350000t87 ?12 0 0 16 0 0 16 3,678 l6200IGAR.spaces 2 5a7 2,274 I ,085 2,593cts B ( ,0, s5 t \l l TOTAT UIIUSED CREDITS (12) 7 494 0 <7> 0 0(7)0 t6.66ll Ot\t/o- lrJb +5b2- ff$- o-r'J' h'/'e 4 STAIR AIRLOCT VOID000ltl 25 159700000000208 25 15 Gnoss so. FT. 3,W?208 25 15 (3)00 l{Eclt. sTAIR AIRL@K00040 109 00 105 320003004t ?11 32 TOTAL GROSS SO, FI.43 214 25 0 l/ot D -lelon,r) *'',1\r ryof L"'/{ l" 411vveeL 1l*ns oAd^in,$rcirn^ @ rt\n roc''R - drcrd,a.'*"J $i.px'b,\;\ x{'* cirtwvt}e'r, @Hdrili,ryo,@ rh4 'lt-- rt I tffrr"f,,.!. \rrt (/ i.'l t r \ ZOIIE CHECK TOR STR, R. RP/S ZOXE DISTRICTS YI DATE: LEG L: LoT ADDRESS: ot'[ER: ARCIttECT: LOT SI ZE: ZOIE DtsrRl CT 3 IOTAL 0.0 1,160.0 I ,118.0 717.O 0.0 2,995.0 *GAn.spaces 2.0 4,341.0 988-0 2,007-0 ?,334.0 TOTAL 958.0 I ,485.0 I ,168.0 0.0 0.0 5,61 I .0 *c^R.spaces 2.0 2,334.0 1,072-0 2,539.0 (405.0) .-, -. - -'.\ 2,838.0 r,:t43.8 12,545.4 {,5(5,0 1,7#,4 (270.6' BLOCK FIt I XG PHOI{E # PIO|E # 20,909.0 PRoPoSED USE:SFR RES R P/S'f , ,, ! GRTA ALI(IJEO OII SITE ALL(*'EO SITE COVERAGE SITE COVERAGE USED SITE CI'VERAGE REiIAII I }IG IAIIDSCAPE OOVERAGE TOTAT GNFA USED OT SITE ftAx. so.tT. FoR sEcoilDARY ul[T STATUS OF SE@IIDARY lnII A 4OI '6'rtlr*: FtMR BASE ENT SE. fT.s lsr. F100f, s0. fT.E 2[D- FL@R SO. TT.C fRD. FL@R SO. FT.O LOFT FLMR Sq.IT.lt ToTALS DA CREDIT TOTALSR GRFA ALLCIIEDY TOTAL CREDITS GRFA USED GRFA REiIAI II I IIG CREDITS REI,IAI I XG FI(x)R B SEltEltt s0. tT.P 1ST. FIOoR SO. FT.R ?IID. FL(X)R SO. FT.I 3RD. FLMN SO. FT. l'l TRAIISFER OF CRED I IA TOTALS RY CREDIT IOTALS GRFA ALICIJEDU TOTAL CREDITSX GRFA USEDI e?A mtltteT CREDITS REI.IAX I IIG GARAGE 0.0 618,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 618.0 600.0 ( 18.0) GARAGE 0.0 585.0 0.0 0.0 18.0 603.0 500.0 STORAGE }IECII.0-0 0.052.0 0.0?6.0 0.06?.0 0.00.0 0.0140.0 0.0 rOTAL140.0 0.0 60.0 50.0 STORAGE }IECH.89.0 0.055.0 40.032.0 0.00.0 0.00.0 0.0174.0 40.0 TOTAL174.0 40.0 STAIR AIRLOCK VOID0.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0,0114.0 26.0 13.096.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0210.0 26-0 13.0 cRoss sa.FT. 2,995 -0210.0 25.0 13.0 0.0 (1.0) 0.0 STAIR AIRLOCK VOID0.0 0.0 0.0 111 .0 0.0 0.0104.0 29.0 18.00.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 2t 5.0 29.O 18.0 GROSS SO.FT. 3,611.0215.0 25.0 18.0 0.0 (4.0) 0.0 0.0 (5.0) 0.0TOTAL UIIUSED CREDITS (3.0) 120,0 (21.0) 6R FA 26.0 86.0 10.0 60.0 4tt o fill<e YY zoftE cHEcK FoR sFR, R, RP/S Zol|E DISTRICTS DATE:LEGAL: LOT ADDRESS3 0t+.|ER: ARCfitTECI: LOT SIZE: 20,909.0 ZolIE D ISTR t CT: GRFA ALL(HED OII SITE AILO9ED SITE COVERAGE SITE COVERAGE USED SITE CO'ERAGE REI,IAI II I }.IG LAIIDSCAPE COVERAGE BLOCK FILIXG PxoltE # PHOXE # PROPOSED USE:SFR RES R P/S ll f L@R TOTAL GARAGE BASEHEITT SO. Fr. 0.0 0.0 1ST. FL@R So.Ft. 1.075.0 584.0 zl{D. FLmR SO. FT. I ,035.0 0.0 3RD. FL@R SO.Fr. 662.0 0.0 LOFT FLMR SO. FT. O.O O.OToTALS ?,7n.0 584.0 cREDtT ToTALS ttcAR.spoces 2.0 584.0 GRFA ALLoHED 4.y1 .0 TOTAL CREDITS 96I.0 GRFA USED 1,811.0 GRrA REIA![ING 2,530.0 CREDITS REI.IAII I IIG 16.0 FL@R TO'AL BASEI|EIT SQ.FT. 851.0 1ST. FL@R SO.FT. 1,525.0 2ltD. FLqn so. FT. I ,(,81.0 3RD. FLqn SA.FT. 0.0 LO'T FL@R SO.FT. O.OTOTALS 3,257.0 CREDIT TOTALS ''GAR. soaces cRtA ALLOTJED 2,530.0 ToIAL CREDITS 1,021.0 cRfA usED 2,236.0Sflrldllllt Aa.O CREDIIS REXAII I }IG TOIAT UIIUSED CREDITS AIRLOCK VOID0.0 0.00.0 0.028.0 18.00.0 0.00.0 0.028.0 18.0 so.FT. 2,22.025.0 18.0 (3.0) 0.0 ATRLOCK VOID0.0 0.00.0 0.028.0 28.00.0 0.00.0 0.028.0 28.0 so. Fr. f,257.025.0 28.0 TOTAT GNFA U€ED OII SITE lr^x. s0.FT. FoR sEco]tDAnY uxrT rrATus oF tEcoxDARY t tr I 40r Yll 4,3t 1 .0 4,181.8 2,838.0 t ,313.8 12,545.4 4,V7.0' 1,736.1(71.6' STORAGE I,IECH. STAIR0.0 0.0 0.044.0 0.0 0.021.0 0.0 105.069.0 0.0 97.00.0 0.0 0.0134.0 0.0 200.0 TOTAL GROSS134.0 0.0 200.0 66.0 50.0 0.0 STORAGE IIECH. STAI R80.0 40.0 0.055.0 0.0 107.031.0 0.0 100.00.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0166.0 40.0 207.0 TOTAL GROSS166.0 40.0 207.0 GARAGE 0.0 555.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 555.0 2.0 555.0 45.0 215.0 61 .0 34.0 10.0 0.0 100.0 60.0 0.0 (3.0) 0.0 (6.0) 0.0 o ffiD A*{ {seg -:gzn $ uEl,to TO: KrLstan Prltz Town of ValL Conmunlty Developnent FROM: Uike Lauterbach DATE: August 22, L990 RE: Lot 3, 81ock 2, Vall Potato Patch/Duplex GRFA I am ln receLpt of your letter dated Augus t 21, 1990. Pursuant to the contents of that letter, please allow me to conflrm that I am appeaLlng the staffrs ruling regardlng GRFA to the August 27, L99O meeting of, the PlaonLng Co'miseion. Additlonal-ly, please lnclude my name and thls Lssue as an agenda lten for the Councll work sesslon of August 28, 1990 as we dLscussed. ALso, to ny knowledge, the ae-bullt plane are totall-y accurate as Bubmitted. o lnwn 75 south lrontage rord vall, colorado 81657 (303) 4792138 (303) 4792139 August 21, 1990 ofnce ot communliy development Mr. Mike Lauterbach P.O. Box 3451Vail, co 81558 RE: Lot 3, Block 2 Vail Potato Patch,/Duplex GRFA Dear llike: On August 3, 1990 your prinary/secondary development on the above lot was issued a stop work order by the Connunity Developrnent Department. The reason for the stop work order rilas that the proJect violated the allowed GRFA for the Property. In addition, there is also a problem with the retaining wall. The walls are not built per the approved building pernit plan. On August 15, L990, a rneeting was held to review the GRFA problem with you. cary tturrain, Mike Mollica and I attended the rneeting with you. on August L7, Lggo' Ron Phillips, Larry Eskwithr.Gary Murrain, I.like l,Iollica, and I met to review the Townrs position to come to a resolution for the GRFA problem. We can approve the structure at a square footage of 4341 sg. ft. This anount is what the current zoning all-ows even though this is larger than what the DRB approved plans indicate. The Town staff has detennined that it Ls not withln our adninistrative power to negotiate a GRFA solution beyond what ls alloved by the zoning on th- property. Staff must maintain the position that the project conform-to the allowed GRFA for the lot. The zoning code does not give the staff any discretion to approve a GRFA overage. section 303 (c) of the uniforn Buitding code--@ also relates to the GRFA issue. It states: MIKE I,AUTERBACH LETTER, PAGE 2 ilThe l-ssuance or granting of a petmlg "t. approvar of plans-' ,p""iii""ii""r-i"6 cornpu€ations shalt not be construed to be i-prr-it roil-oi--in-ipbrov"r-of, t"l'.Y1"11!i3" "r anv of the pti.titi""s oi ttris cooL or or any olher.ordinance of the 5"ii=ai"ti"". -x- pernit presuniirg to- give authority to violate ot "i.""i Ltte p=oiislons or ttris code shall be valid. The issuance of a pernlt based upon plans'.specifications and other data shail not prevent the-building official fron thereafte" i"g"fiing the iorrection of errors in said plans' ;F;#ia[i""J and 5ther dati, or from preventing bui]ding- operationt u"i"g ;airiea ot' tite""onder when in vlolation of this code oi -t-"ty other otditt"ttc"s of this jurisdiction'rl In order to resolve the GRFA Lssue, yoY have two options. using --lii.-t""l"ipa1 review processes. .The-first is to appeal the.staff decision to the ;i;;"-i;-aonnission. rf the appeat is received uy-august 22 by ;;od ;.;. { ah9 staff will schedule vour request for the Augiust zztn pianning Cornrnlssion neeting' The Planning conrnission will =""il"t Cn" itt..e and make a decision' This declsion will be final unless an adJacent proPerty.owner-anltgars ifr"-pi"""ing Conni""i""-a..ision or the Town Council calls it up' ifr" pnC aecision "i-l"g""t 27th will be reported.at the August 28th council work s"="iott. If the PEC decision is appealed or cuii"a ,tp Uy tfre- town council it wlLl be reviewed at the septernber atrr eveii;;.4;G"i1 neeting. Tle staff has also agreed to schedul.e the GRFA issue as a work session item for the August 28th Council work ""t=i"t. This will give you the opportunity.to address the Councii-peisonally on in" it"ue-before waiting until the Septenber 4th meeting. secondly, you may subnit-an application for a GRFA or density variance. fne nlxt iuUtittat-headline is August 27th for a septenber 24th p;a-r."li"g. The council nay also call up a PEc decision on a aeisit'-viiian"e. If the Council chose to call up the septenb"t za{f, pic decision, J-t would be heard at the october 2 Town Council evening meeting' Attached to this letter are the GRFA calculations for the DRB, Building Pernit, ;;-At g"irt pfins' 'At this time' the staff is i"iii"g-"n your .r-r,rirt plans-to be accurate. If for any reason vou know of any i"""""i""ies ln these plans' r ask that you i,.iiiv irre stair, in writing, irnmediately' UIKE IAUTERBACH LETTER, PAGE 3 In addition, the retainlng walls have been extended beyond what was originaity approved on the building perTi!. The walls also appear €o exclea Lhe tretght linits. A retaining wall nay !e a rnii<inurn of three feet in-the front setback and a maximun of six feet on other areas of the site. I ask that you address this issue by subnitting a set of revised plans to olrr.departnent by August ia, tggo which neet the zoning code and building code requirements for retaining walls. rf you have any further questions about the process, please feel fre6 to call nL. Thank you for your assistance on this natter. Sincerely, Kfu^ft'h" Kristan Pritz Conrnunity Development Director KPlPP cc: Ron Phillips Gary MurrainIarry EskwithItLk lloLlica AS-BUILT z E cltEcx ;(n sfl, l, lP/s zoxE DlsTRlcTs DATE:IEGAL: I.OT BIOC( FILITG IDDRESS:qflER: PllotlE IARC[tfECt: PIO E , Lor SIZE: 20,909 PRoP0SED USE: ZO|E DTSTRICT: SFR RES R P/SYllx l.Y1 4181.8 2838 1343.8 12545 SToRAGE l€Cfl. STAIR AlRtoCr35550027 0 ltl 25650970000012000159 55 208 25 TorAt GRoss s0. tI.139 50 208 2t VDtD 0 t5 0 0 0 t5 3,(b? t5 GNFA ALLCIIED OII SIIE ATLOUEO SITE COVERAGE SITE OOVERAGE USED slTE ct VERAGE REllllllIllc tAltosc P oo/ERAGE FTqN TOTAL GARAGE BASETGTT SO,FI. 1,170 558 1Sl. rt@R so.Fr. 1,174 0 2[0. f t@R sc. Fr, 71E 0 3RD. rL@R SO.FI. 0 000IoTALS 3,W? 55E CREDTT ToTALS #GAR. spaces 2 558 cRfA ALIqJED 4,141 TOIAL CREDTTS 995 GRFA USED 2,4b7 GRFA lEr,rAll|lrc 2,274 CREDTTS NE AITTG 42 TI@R TOTAL GARAGE B SEXETT SO.FI. 940 01$. tt@R so.Fr. 1,500 5E7 zxD. rt@R sc.FT. l,8E 0 3RD. Ftffi S{l.Fr. 0 0 TRAIISFER OF CREDIT O OroT^Ls 3,67a 567 cREDtl loTAls tG R.sp!c.s 2 587 GnFA AttqGD 2,274 TOTAL CREDITS 1,085 GRFA USEo 2,593 r cnFA REI |tltc r (319) cnEDrTs nE|{ xrIG 15 ToTAL t [rsED cREotrs 101 55 51 (3)000 STqAGE lrEcl{. SIAIR AIRIOCK lrolD 12t000055 40 109 0 035 0 t05 t2 160000003000212 {3 214 t2 16 rorAl GROSS S0. tT. 3,678200 4t 214 ?5 15 (12) 7 O <7' 1940(7) BUILDINC PER}IIT zotE cltEcK Fm sfR, n, tP/s ZolE DISTRICTS DATE: LEG L: l0I BtoCK FILIIG IODRESS:(t ER: PllolE tAnCIIIECI: PlnE, LOT SIZE: 20,909.0 PR(PoSED tSE: ZCIIE DtSTRtcT: Sft REs R P/S s E c o x D A R Y f LOR IOTAL BASE |EIT SO,FT. 0.0lsr. fL@R so.Fr. 1,160.0 21t0. Ft@R sQ.fr. 1, | 18.0 3RD. fr@n so.Fr. 717.0 loFT ttqn sa.Fr. 0.0tor^Ls 2,995.0 CiEDIT ToTALS fc^R,sprcc3 2.0 GRFA ALTOIJED 4,Y1 .O T0TA! CREDTTS 988.0 cRfA usED 2,007.0 GRFA REr'rAtlrxc 2,314.0 CREDTTS RE}IAX IIG FLqN IOTAI BASETCXi So,FT. 95i.0P lST. rL@R So.Fl. 1,685.0n 2[D. FL@R SC.FI. 1,168.0I sRD. FLOOR Se.Ft. 0.0 II TMIISFER OF CIEDIT O.OA ToTALS 3,611.0 RY CIEDTT 'OTAISGRFA ^LI$IEDU TOIAT CTEDIIS X GRfA USEDI GnrA tBtAtxtftcI CREDTTS nEXAX!|G TOIAT U}IUSED CREDIIS (3.0) 26.0 120.0 (21.0) 86.0 GRFA AIT(IIEO (n SIIE AILqJEO SITE CI'VERAGE SITE COTIERAGE USED SITE OOVERAGE REIIAIXt IIG LADSCTPE @I'ERAGE TOTAI GNFA USED OI SIIEI rx. sc.Fr. fc sEoODAtY lttT STAIUS OF SECflDARY UTII I4OT ll 4.341.0 4,181 .E 2,E38.0 1,343.8 12,54t.4 1,'t$.O 1.7t5.4(270.6' IIECII. STAIR0.0 0.00.0 0.00.0 114.00.0 96.00.0 0.00.0 210.0TOIAI GRGS0.0 210.0 50.0 0.0 rEclt. slAtR0,0 0.040.0 llt.00.0 104.00.0 0.00.0 0.040.0 215.0 toT t GRoss40.0 2,|5.0 10.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 GARAGE ST*AGE0.0 0.0618.0 52.00.0 u.o0.0 62.00.0 0.0618.0 140.0 600.0 140.0 (18.0) 60.0 GATAGE STqAGE0.0 89.0585.0 53.00,0 32.00.0 0.018,0 0.0605.0 174.0 600,0 174.0 AtRLOCT VOtD0.0 0.00.0 0.026.0 13.00.0 0.00.0 0.026.0 t3.0so.Fr. 2,995.025.0 r3.0 (1.0) 0.0 AIRLCK TOID0.0 0.00.0 0.0n.0 r8.00.0 0.00.0 0.029.0 18.0 so.FT. 3,611.025.0 18.0 (4.0) 0.0 (5.0) 0.0 *G R.3p€ccs 2.0 2,334.0 1,072.0 2,539.0 (205.0) DESIGN REVIEI| BOARI) zdE clEc( Ffi srR, R. RP/S ZollE DISTiICTS DAIE: LEG !: tOT IDoRESSso Er: ARCilITECT:l0l SIZE: 20,9(n.0 zotE Dt sT ct: GRTA ALIqED (t SITE ALTCED SITE COYEIAGE SITE qOVETAGE USED stTE oovEt GE lEI lllllc! IDSCAPE OotEttGE TOTAT GT'A USED ITI SITE 3tc( flLlllc PllolE * PIIOIE 'PROGED USE:S'R RES R P/S x r x. so.tr. Fot sEcoDAnY urlT srArus 0t sEOofiDARY rfill a 4(N YI 4,541.0 4,181.E 2,E18.0 1,143.8 12,515.1 6,047.0 . 1,7t6.1(74.6' s E c o x D A R Y FIqN TOTAI GARTGE B SEilETT Sro.fT. 0.0 0.0 lsT. Ftot sn,FT. 1,075.0 5E4.0 2xD. froR sn.rT. t,(B5.0 0.0 3R0. ftcxn sp.FT. 662.0 0.0 LofT ftqn so.FT. 0.0 0.0ror^rs 2,7n.O 584.0 2.0 555.0 {1.0 215.0 61.0 sromcE tccll . sT I R0.0 0.0 0.0t$.o 0.0 0.021.0 0.0 1(E.069.0 0.0 97.00.0 0.0 0.0t:t4.0 0.0 200.0roT^t Gl06st:t4.0 0.0 200.0 66.0 50.0 0.0 sTonAGE IECll. STAIR80.0 40.0 0.055.0 0,0 107.011.0 0.0 100.00.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0166.0 40.0 207.0 TOTAL GROSSt66.0 40.0 ?07.0 :t4.0 10.0 0.0 100.0 60.0 0.0 AIRLOCK VOID0.0 0.00.0 0.02E.0 1E.00.0 0.00.0 0.028.0 18.0so.Fl. 2,7n.02r.o 1E.0 (3.0) 0.0 AtRlocK l/olD0.0 0.00.0 0.028.0 28.00.0 0.00.0 0.028.0 28.0so,Fr. 3,257.025.0 28.0 (3.0, 0.0 (6.0) 0.0 GREDIT l0T ts fG R.spcaca 2.0 GRFA ALLqGD {.:I4I.O rorAl ctEDtTs 961.0 GRFA t SEo t.8t t.0 GRFA RE tltftc 2,5:t0.0 CREDlrs REl,lAlllxG fL@t ToTAL SASE|{E|T SO.FT. 851.0P tST. rtmn so.fr. 1,16.0n 2[D. Frm sc.fT. t,081.0I 3nD. Ft(n SC.fr. 0.0x toFT Ft(n se.tr. 0.0A TOTATS l,2r7.o RY CREDIT TorAtS *G n.sprccs csFA ArrqfiD 2,530.0u rolAt cREDtrs 1,021.0r cnFA usED 2,2y.0 I fGnF mr mlxc ..294.0 T CNEDIIS IEIIATTXG TOTAT TI|USED CIEDITS 584.0 16.0 GARAGE 0.0 'tt.00.0 0.0 0.0 555.0 MEMO M TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Kristan Pritz Michael t^ut.taa.t 14/ August 15, 1990 T,ot 3, Block 2, VaiUPotat.o Patch Pursuant to our neeting yesterday afternoon and after a lengthy discusslonwith the owner of the east residence last night, r believe it would be anexercj.se of poor Judgment oo ny part to make unathorized changes to theexisting franing and floor plan of the east residence.. r think you mayalso presume that no authorizaElon will be forthcoming from the owner. Therefore, your deslre to reduce the size of the residences by 218 squarefeet through the use of alLowances and reduction of enclosed floor areawill have to be directed to the r^rest residence. Reducing the size of thewest residence by 110 square feet j.s perhaps possible but at substantlalexpense. Enploying the allowances to reduce GRFA by another 108 square feet would either greatly impact the salability of the vest residence and likelyruin ure financially or it would cause a buyer to make unauthorized changesto the structure in future years thus lnpacting the potentiaL safety of both resldences. only propose that the size of the nest residence'be reduced the app e to thetotal 108 square feet be forfeited to the Town of Vai1. Itrs ny bellef that requiring the reductioo of 118 square feet fron aprevlously desirable residence coupled vith the resultant three week perlodof inactlvlty and the substantlal incremental cost of adjustlng and relnspecting approved framing., electrlcal and plurnbiag lnstallations ls a substantlal Penalty. Any addttlonal peoalty will llkely ruin oe and oy faoily.financlally and prevent me fron cotrtlnuing to oake a living in Eagle CouDty. Uemo to Krlstan Pri ' r aBe t In concluslon, I would llke to renind you that evea.though I erred lnsubnittlng a set of plaos for a buildtng per:nlt that cotrtalned a GRFAcalculation latake, the staff theo preetroably cmpared then to the Desl,gp. Revlew Drarlngs, approved theo, recoutrted GRPA, tseued a buildlng pe:oit: subjecr to the suboltted plans, and that Uike Molllca throughout theensuing coantluction period aad as late as laet llorday represented that459 square feet of GRFA cootloued to be avallable to Batlsfy the crawl spacecondition. IlLtb confuslon like thie prevailiag, I donrt belleve that I should be rulned financlally for aa error la Judgeoe[t wheu r was relyiug oothe staff|s presuned expertl.ge. ' Please contact Ee at your earllest convenl.ence w'lth your deelslon regardlogoy proposal and thank you ln advonce for your proupt coosl.deratlon. cc: Larry Eshdth Ron Phlulps "/ o Lot 3, Block 2, VaLl/Potato Parch 754 Potato Patch Drlve Fquare Footage Analysis Auguet ll, 1990 Comunl.ty Developuent Calculatl,one - EAST RESIDENCE - Flret Floor Second Floorlhlrd Floor Leee Credlts: Garage Storage Mechanical Stalr Alrlock Volde NET GRFA Allored - 1,737 sf. RESIDENCE - Fi,rat Floor Second Floor Thl.rd Floor Lege CredLte : Mechanlcal NET GRFA Allowed - 2,605 sf. !,tarch 14, l99O Butlding Peruit l,196 sf. 1,220 690 trd'd 551 120 -0- 208 25 -0- August 9, 1990 Gary Murrala 1,170 1,L74 718 31062 558 L27 50 208 25 15 780 749 1.071 2,600 ef. (l{lndo Seat Iucl. ) 2,2O2 ef .2,079 sf. ef. 845 773 1,040 2,659 ef. sf. ef. 4049 2,609 - 2,560 oo /W ^fr ////&,*"/"^l- s-/34o 7'qot/4- t*-{tur/, .( -1; b4fu - rr*/^ G e F4,r,e # /,&.!2q ; h r6a-a--# o-1 +,* ' ^i"r/ktffib/*/ /""€ .e /-"" - t # "r-0,-4 b"fr-'< pf//* n d ( JaA,*, - kZUt k /,q, a M 764* €-/zH ";U,Qa//U6fr#*/,/" l.tEM0 T0: Mlke MoLluca Town of VaLl FROM: Cornmunity Developnent , /l / Mike Lautero^"n /,t/A/ DATE: August 6, 1990 RE: 754 Potato Patch Drlve ['Iest Residence Crarrl Space Beneath Garage Floor Pursuant to our rneetlng thie morning, I agree to deslgnate a epace under the garage floor of the west resldence as GRFA pursuant to the Town of Vailte definltion. This space whLch would not be consraed by any requlred shear bracLng or the existlng dlrt, whlch cones wlthin flve feet of the garage floor ceLling, meaaures 3.5 feet by 15 feet for a total of 53 square feet. Pl"ease contact me lf you have any questions. \ 754E & 754W Potato Patch Drive Vail., Colorado LEGAL DESCRIPTION tjast Parccl, I{est Parcel , and Connon Parcel, Alpine iownhones IV, Town of VaiI. county ofliagle ' state of colorado. according to the plat recordecl July 13, t99Q in Book s3l at page 51? of the Eagle County Records. IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE I ht':rcby certify that this ir provement location certiliicate was prepared for MichaeLj,.iute}.bach, that it is not a lzuid survey plat or ilrprovenrent survey pJ.irt, alcl that it is rlc t to be reL j.c'd uPon f or the cstabl ishment of f ence , bu j. J.ding, or other t'uture i.nrpr.ogemr:nti i nes . i ittt'rltet' celtify tirat the inlprovenents on the above (le:icribe;cl prircel ori this 4att:, .JuJyl[]. 1090. tl,tce;r1: tlt-ility conttect-ions, are enIirely withirr the borruclaries 6f the 1.r1r.r:ci,'licept os slrr''wn, that there are no encroachmeltts upon the describecl plemises by 'i rlpl'ovclllollts oll any adjoining p|emises, except as indi<:aLecl , anrl that t-here is no apparentevidence of any easement crossing or burdening any t)art of said parce-1 , except as noted. Ndte: Rldge elevatlon for East unlt is 84s2.s9', and l{est untt is 8441.69'. r-ote: There was no final title policy available for thjs certificate so there may beeasenlents, or rights of way of record other tharr what is shown on t-hi s celtificatc. lnriscertificate js based on tjtle connitnent nunber 89005329 preparecl by Stewart Title GLrarantyConpany, dated September S, 1989. )lote: Base<l on FEYA napping for the 'l'own of Vajl. the inrprovenrent:s lie within zolle c. Notice defect cvent years nay fron : Acco'di'g to colorado l.w, you must comnlcnce a.y legal .ction basediu tli:s certificate within three years after you first cliscover such upoll any defect. In lo nore than teltany action based upon any defect in this certificate be connrencedthe date of certification shown hereon. t /9 ==--- - -a P.E P.L.S 12566 /094 /eapeJ- €*) f*sl ' t4sL, j?t ptytr,l : y453, o o,6t " IVSI M,,"K.,n'. S,,ru".r'i,tg & fa,,git',"".i,'g' It,* P. O. Box 321 . -109 0r6oP-, L;r,r,.: o I.rgk:. Colo. Bl6ll . 3ATt318 7 2OIl e.e) we5+t44 t, 6?' 6142, 5 O,tr t' urycleA tx;'i.x3 Page 2 of 2 f DRIP 4O, R o.w POTATO PATCH L s. 12566 N 860 13' 39 8" E 50.76 L S I? 566 COMMON PARCEL 20' Radial Drainage Easement TRACT C BLK 2 - ^2't\? ^c€. o ^ \liP-nRF'' -v:'1i'-\ t ' -'9.'.< --<;\^EN'E AD - L.S. |r)9 to @ F r.) \@- - WEST PARCEL O,O 8 33'ocres N l'-/<o t! () hv 3rl ^l;l ^i,n ,'b i! rt) C! fo z ';\-- *\, rx t r.s. . Ab' tro P o ro 20 40 SCALE' l"= 20'o lfl FND L.S. II2O4 c1 c2 CURVE DATA I)e I ta lt:id. Arc 6.1 "10'36" Lrtl .74 00.92 t9'2(;'28" (\2.86 ?1.3{lTRACT Br-0cK c ? 3 W.C SE lr+ j Rl,,"Y / SET r2566 o LOT 4 BLOCK 2 5 i'r Ls r2i.€t6 +. EAST uNtr 2 STORY }IOOD FRAME EAST o.o783 PARCEL (ta rp< s.72,)53 r4"E. 0.5 0; 4l ^. \r,.0' _rq WEST UNIT 2 ST0RY t,lo0D FRAME 5 3 N. 7 Zo5 3' i4"!v ,rT" tt. s,l -rc{q 1'.,s' i /205J-- COMMON PARCEL O.3188' ocres /aJ'n*, /af.[ b ^^'f"*6*.\ Page I of 2 89/O94 CB CL) s.61".t1'02"E, (iat,.47 S.39" 1B'5u" 8. ?.\ .2i\ Project Application (-^^,\^\--.--l*- or," 3\-l Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Conlact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: -\lArchitect, Address and Phone: ?2 Leqal Description: Lot 2 , Block z-- ,r|nn/ Com ments: Design Review Board Dale DISAPPROVAL Stafl Approval F5^-"- *ll) DD 1('D I 1,t1,?o \9n f>.J* g- P^*- Nfit az .ap-,2-6;e ^d .* zh ao--.{ "r'J'( 1tL, j4 -e#d h fu6/- laH b;\- W -M"d'h;- ory4b+'4, t4 /7t< 1 )i I' lr i di l' + Rr/7tl tA - oz+z+-, ^^ftr. //'2?'t7iiliiry ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZOIIE DISTRICTS ho ne Block L Filing /a#4' hl"L AOORESS: 0t,lNER n;(< Le,.lcrln.l' ARCH I TECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Hei ght Total GRFA PrimarY GRFA SecondarY GR'FA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course . I l,ttg\Site Coverage Uu'u ) Landscaping LOo'\ Fence,/Reta'i ning 'Cal l Heights Parki ng Credi ts: Garage Mechani ca l Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Phone 4341 t Al I ot'ted gg1(33) 26os t736 20' 15' 1qr (30)(so) irEJ t2519 5 pq"irc.ol (3oo ) (600 ) (soo)(1200) (so)(loo) (2s)(50) (2oo)(4oo) Pro oo s ec _fr18 zl'lz:l 11oo.4 2t"t1.i 1- ?- ,/ L/ n/A a G') (to\ Drive: S'tope Permi tted F ?o uN<' Slope Actual 5'/t 7" Envi ronmental /Hazards :Aval anche Flood Plain Slooe /6'l9a AvJ- $letl ands Comments: i.T ZoEry Geologic Hazards Zoning: Approved/DisaPProved Date: )Eatf 5lgnaEure o , Rt[,0NOv2cl'j8g APPLICATIOiI I)ATE OF ORB OATE: .qRB APPLICATIoN . ,.Fi '*r**THIs APPLICATIoN WILL NoT BE ACCEPTED uNTIL ALL INFoRI,|ATIoN Is sUgl|ITTEDT'.r*i ..'.: - :.{.;: T. PRE.APPLICATIONMEETING:. :. ...f: ,,;itPRE-APPLICATIoN MIEIING: ,. :.. , . :'. ,,;i; A pre-application meetine with-a plannins staff T*b:: i:-?l::9ll :Y?lt::t1.::^.., .,;lA pre-application meeting lith i planning staff member'is 9lrongly suggested to-^-, .ff .tpremi ne if a?iv additiorral information is nceded. Nc application-lrill be.accepted . ";iF; ilil;;'il i; ffipil;-i*it inctuae oit iierns required bv the zonins adninistrator). *,'i;:t ii ii tfr. applicint's iesponsibiiity to make an appointtnent'dith the staff to,find . '..:.:.i i]t'iuJiji iiiiiionJr-suomittat-"equ"irurunts- Pleise note that a coMPLETE 9nn!ic1' r ..'-rjii lion witl streamline ttre approvai'procesi for your proiect by decreasinq the number i-; Ji-ljonaiiionr-or approvar ihai ifre'ons miy sti-pulatb. ALL conditions of approval must _ffi be iesotvea before i building Pernit is issued- .' j:l A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Alplne Townh'ohse IV, Prftuarv/Secondar., te".i,r"',rial ' i-:c# DuDlex S t ruc ture 8. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address 754 Potato Pa Legal Descri pti on Block Fil in9 t P. O. Box 3451 v a1_t Colo 81658 tel ephone JfhJgA! be paid at the gime a building Permi t is requested' rgg Zoning P/S NAI,IE OF APPLICANT:Mlchael Lauterbach Address P. o. Box 345I vaiL, colo 81658 telephone 476-6944 D. NAI'IE OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Addres s NAI'IE OF tel ePhone OI.JNERS: Signature Address F. DRB FEE: The fee will VALUATION 3 0-i 10,000 i10,001 -t 50,000 l:.50,001 - f 1s0,000 $150,001 - t .500,000 $s00,001 - 51,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $100.00. $200.00 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. ln addition to meeting submittal requirendnts, the applicant must to indicate property iina; and building corners- Trees that will should also be irartio. 'ihis wort nust-be completed before the DRB . si te. 2. The review process for'NEl|| BUILoINGS will normally lnvolve two separate meetings of the oesibn Review Board, so plan on at least tt',o rneetings for their.approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled rnee'tirg'ina ntro have'nJi'.ik.d fo. a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. stake the site be removedvisits the ZOIIE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZOiiE DISTRICTS nA?tr. l1-20-89 iEiii mseAriiorm'1 Block4Filing t 1OOSESS, ?54 Po 0r.,lNER ARCHI TECT ZONE O PROPOSED LOT SJZE USE Primarv/ seconda"v nuolex ... J!-{sJ:ee - Hei 9ht TOTAI GRFA Prinary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Si des Rear llatEr Course Slte Coverage LandscaPi ng Fence/ Reta i nj ng Ual I Park i ng Credi ts: Garage Heights Al 1o\'ted (30)(33) 4,341 2,605 r,736 ')il 1<r 15' ( 30) (50 ) Pro oo s ed 33r Maxlnrn ;!]!!-Maxluuo Substantlally r,/Jo 20, 15' 15' @ 1.200 100 50 400 Mechani cal Al rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: SloPe Permi tted Envi ronmental /Hazards : (3oo) (600) (900)(1200) (50)(1oo ) (25)(so) (2oo) (4oo) Slope Actual Less than 8z Avalanche Flood Pl ain Slope tfetlands *ott , Geologic Haza"ds '"..fl Conmen$ : Zoning: Approved/DisaPProveo oate : slatf si gnarure o nTTT T-1' I llr- rrt^,, !:F' I?.ralT;c:l SUDD IVIS ION Potato Patch JOB NA".1E Alplne Moirlhouses LOT 3 BLOCK 2 FILING A!DBESS 754 Potato Patch Drive The Location of Eust be aPProved sire pta!. Mounsain Bell 4bat-o)uv urillti.es, wherher they be tr,aiB cruni< llnes and veri.fLed by the folloring ucilicies for or proposed lJ.nes, che accoBpanying Author::ed S lzna ture Date l.les reln Sloge Cas Co. I 800 922- r 98 7 llarry MoYes Publj.c Service Coopany 949-57 8L Gary BalI lloly Cross Elec,airc Assoc. 949-5892 Ted l{usky/MlchaeL Lavercy Ileri:age Cablevision T.V. 949-5530 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley l.Iacer & SaniEaEi.on D !s rricr Fred Haslee NoTEr ' '4-97 t/-h-€q -///-tu-€9 cut perniE. A streeE cu! DeEBiE lusc be obcauEd separaceiY. - - . o qr&x;. qLa'*'/'*-/ aj//2t"4'/ ,l^ ' /sU U lhls fora is to vcrlly service availablliiy aad locallon, Thts should be used ln conjuncelon vich preparing your utlllry plan alrd schedullng lnsaallattons. t(Please bring a s{te plan "t"rr' oicalnlng Upper Eagle Vatley lr.cer & Sanltaclon s lBnarures ) -:4-:%'+ /t-'co:-?7 1l^16-F,0 These veri.ficatlons do no! reliEve che conlraccor of to obEain a srree! cur pennj,r lroB ghe Tosn of Vat1, l{orks and ro obEaj.n u!iliry locaElons before diggi:rg of-way or easeDenc !n che Tosn of Vail. A builCing hls !espons ib iI! !y DeDa!cirenE o! Pub I:c in any public rlBh:- Derr:ri.c ls noE 3 stteet LIST OF i.!{TIRiALS #IF;oi,.llgiF?l;*,. fEcll orscnlPrtcltt LoT-:- iiRrei looness 'diSEiipiiotr oF PRo .'=? ':-' The foi I otri ng Eoard before A. BUILDIiIG Roof Siding information is required for submittal by a final approvai can be fiven: |,IATER,IALS: iYPE OT MATERiAL the appljcant to the oesi9n Review... COLOR cedar Shakes Re&tood 1x6 Redwood lx6 Redwood Kat ls PLANT I'IATERIALS, gg!4igLIE Common Name Quanitv .F^^^--h +.i... Evergreens 10.-.- AsPens qi".i 6-8' To Exceed Mlnlnuru, TXISTING TREES T() 8E RE|'I()VEO -6EDes-I4" rlndicare calrper.for deciducious trees. lndicate height for .lrt,l.it"; 0ther Hall MaterialS Stucco Belge Fasci a (nffi t< lr|i ndor.ts llindolv Trim Doors 0oor Trim Hand or Deck F'lues Flashings Chimneys T&GFlrPlywood Belse Pella Ittite Clad Beise Belse M"t"1 Pip" B"ig" calvanlzed Metal Belge Belse Trash Encl osures Greenhous es 0ther B. I-ANDSCAPIIIG: Name of Oesigner: Phone: . PLAitT IIATEiIiLS: (con't) <uo||n< Bota n i cr I l,lame Con::?on liame Potent 111a Quani t'/ l0 rt . -!u (lrc '.14- EXISTIiic SHRUBS TO 8E REI'IOVED GROUiiD CCVERS Tvoe NacuraL Grassea (^ri:r. F^^?r^o 6.000 sf s0D cc:n IRRIGNTIOiI Bluegrass 2.000 sf . c. TYPE OR METIOD OF EROSIOII CONTROL NaturaL Ground Covei OTltER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wallsr fences, swimting pools, etc.) Please specify. {1 Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D. @NST'LTING GEOLOGIST O79I} VALLEY ROAD CARBONDALE, @LOFADO 81623 (3&r) 96$3600 (24 HOt Rs) December 10, 1989 Flichsel J. Lauterbach F.O. 8ox 3451 Vail, CB. 81658 RE: Lot 3, Vail F'otatoe Patcho RockfalI Dear l"lr. Lauterbach: I have re{eren decided after ha vi ewer,ite on Lot S ed above. that The lot is near the top of the rock{allg are minimal anyway. With the pnsitive area existing where you plan to build,racks frorn the opposite road cut, having the potentiaL {orlittle momentum, cannot reach there. I believe the rockswill not go past the road right-of*way on your side ot the road and have indicated such on the map revieion. Your lot becomes steep on the south and wegt gides of theproperty so that site specific soils investigation {or proper {oundation design is very irnportant for the6e uncongol idated gl, acial. moraine depo*its. Site drainage should be part o{the overall design. Even though your lot will be mostlyt is necesgarv to Please contact rne i+ ah;iFE-ai'A er taken outstate that qu 5i ncereL y n {bl.E \ r. r,.alrFj.r. -1, : f r...-r . -. .-. -^|. ^ L'. I1 r'.: 7.:'--:, .:5ffr I NTER.OEPARTI'IENTAL REV I EI.I + L- ,1 ' -t2,, _ ,t^ltr'"f,2, /, "/o, ",) "f,r"r*tJoJLs 6\tt,r 4^'^ t'V ,??:;, #*-.#r,. h;' f :L P'fft?fr r"> L-. . BRIEF OESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: t nu;z&^-q ,-l6sr-T rroRfi---:=- ate_&f2fu{ Conr,ents: ,\td" {" h*- /^u u-{., a-A 4ri^ + lA* k)*r' ttut<)i+..- , tr - ' - ' rv"'|"'A 'lt,tk Jia< /t,, , -D-Lh Sizz ruu)-s. t I ti, - -r, rtnE oEpr.nrmEHi ]; ,3'"!K- * /t14'e"J b'41'/<- * ?')^-r-'.&ctt'-1<' Reviewed by, u** ')"'n'A-^r?7"1^ "t^', -/L o{"rtJ P?.OJECT: DATE SUiI.IITTEO: CCI'{'4ENTS IIEEDED BY: Corrnents: POLICE DEPARTI4ENT Revieued by: Conneerrts: Revie'ied.by: CO:-,-:,entS: Date 'fir. ..r j; / DATE OF PUELIC HEARING. IZ. /..77 Date lanriarr:aira Titlo Association Commitm€nt - rUol r OIZS COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY STE\,V'AR.T TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY STEWABT TITLE GUARANTY COMPOftV, O Texas Corporation, herein called the Company, for valuable consideration, hereby commits to isAe its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed I or interest covered hereby in the I premiums and charges therefor; all sub and Stipulations hereof . This Commitment shall be effective of the policy or policies committed either at the time of the issuance of This Commitment is preliminary to liability and obligations hereu nder or when the policy or policies co failure to issue such policy or pol valid or binding until countersigned lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Com become valid when countersigned by with its By-Laws This Commitment is ST tiii * ,'& u le A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate to in Schedule A, upon payment of the of,Schedules A and B and to the Conditions of the proposed Insured and the amount l-in Schedule A hereof by the Company, enclorsement. or policies of title insurance and all months after the effective date hereof shall hever first occurs. provided that the Company. This Commitment shall not be or agent. td thiii Commitment to be signed and sealed, to officer or agent of the Company, all in accordance 3asof the date shown in Schedule A as "Effective Date." YART TITLE nartt coiPatrYn^rrt corP^rYy -A,7 J'-#,ffi;;= W 'l1l\ ,)l ( t)t!ltttt I Chairman of the 165 (20M IO/88) Rcccrdcd at .'"**? .r., tfr5oatflso Rrcoder. Rcccption No. wAffiiFff+ DEED ,rJ:1 tD"' % ld'> THIS DEED. Made this 2&- 19 89, between SECURITY BANK OF of the * CountY of Colorado, grantor, and MICHAEL LAUTERBACH whoseregaraddressi" p.O.foy 34f/, /a*t CO &/bS/ of the counry of Eagle and state of Colorado, grantee: WITNFSSETH, That the grantor for and in consideration of the sum of oNE HUNDRED FrFTY FrvE THoUSAND AND No/1 00---- ( $1 55, 000. 00 )-------- the rEceipt and suffrciency of which is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold and convepd, and by these presents do€s grant, bargain, sell ' convey and confirm, unto the grnnt€e, his heirs and assigns forever, all the real pmpeny together with imprwements, if any, situate, lying and b€ing in the countyofEagleandStatcofColoradodescribedasfollors: Lot 3, Block 2, VAIL,/POTATO PATCH county of Eagle, State df coLorado. day of August ARLINGTON and Stat€ of r{ aU lr'lo.o u', sUStrl .En DOLLARS, tto oq- as known by strcet and number a5:n/a (Vacant Land ) TOGETHER with all and singular ihe hereditamenrs and appurtenances rhereto belonging, or in anyuise appertaining' and the rcrersion and reversions. remainder and remainders, r€nts, issues and profits thereof, and all the estate, right, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever of ihe grantor, either in law or equity, of, in and to the above bargained premises, with the hereditaments and appurtenances' TO HAVE AND T0 HOLD the said premises above bargained and describ€d, with the appurtenances, unto the gnntee, his heirs and assigns forever. And th€ grantor, for himself, his heifs, and Personal Eprcsentatives, does covenant, gmnt, bargain, and agree io and with the Srant€€ ' his heirs and assigns, that at the time of the ensealing and delivery of fhese presents, he is well seized ofthe prcmises abave conneyed ' has good' suE' perfeci ' absolute and indefeasible estate of inheritance, in law, in fee simple, and has good right, full power and lawful authority to grant, bargain' s€ll and convcy the satne in manner and form as afoGsaid, and that the same are fiee and clear from all former and other grants, bargains, sales' liels, ]axes' asscsErncnts' encurnbrances and restrictions of whate,{€r kind or nature soever, excepl easements r restrictions , resgfvations and rights of way, all of record, and taxes of the year 'l 989 not yet due and payable. IIrt!(||J 'U IJ 0J>FrFzof,oo\U u') AUJ\Joosc lrl ,"2.d I'linshew r President 1,, , re 89 lo Noory fublic *when the claim is by, through of-Ct!dif..!t.te Grantorr.but not.ot'herwise'."ii"lr""ir*r,"rr ""i * I wedC,cNT-d.,l6RinEVnn pErrxo ttre "uoue+atgainia prcmis€s in ihe quiet and peaceable poss€ssron ol rne grancc' his heirs and assigns, against all and every person or persons lawfully claiming the whole or any part rhereof.thc singular numbcr shall includc the plural' the plural the singular, and thc use of any gender shall be applicable 'o all Senders' fN WITNESS WHEREOF' the grantor has executed (his deed on the date sel forth above' € {1JOoo lF{0.JJiJ F{ -rI!t[1 Itr trlFFl. trllrzl't ZI]-sc+ r-, srarB oF mXJ(!400X T exas County of Tarfant The forcgoing insuument was acknowledged beforc m€ this by MORRIE B. MINSHEW, PRESIDENT OF My commission expires 'U in Denvcr, insert 'CitY and " No. 932A. Rev. ?-t4. wAnnaNTY DEIx! GG rtd.sr'Phlc R"ord) Brtdford Publishing, 1743 wezc€ St , Dcnvcr. CO t0202 - 30th daY of August SECURITY BANK OF ARTINGON . Witless my hand and offtcial seal. ry Morrie B. l''ly Comm, Erp. 11.9.93 8tuosa,7 PROPOSED TNSURED: MICHAEL LAUTERPACH B. ALTA LOAN POLICY $ PROPOSED INSURED: C. ALTA T,OAN POLICY 9 PROPC,SED INSURED 3. THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND DESERIBED OR REFERRED TO TN THIS COMI'|ITMENT AND COVERED HERETN IS FEE SII-IPL,E AND TITLE THERETO IS AT THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF VESTEL] IN! 4. THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS EOMMITMENT IS DESCRTBED AS FOLLOWS: FOR QT'ESTIONS REGARDING THIS ( 303 ) 949-r011 PREMIUlI: OWNERS: 584.00 ?AX CERT. 10.00 EOMMITT'IBNT PI,,EASE CALL BETII O'NEILL DRDER IJullltsEP; ts90053f 9 1. EFFEETII"'E DATE: JuIy 3I., f . POLI,]Y ()R I'OLICIES TO BE A. ALIA OWNER'S POLIEY STEWART TITLE OF HAGLE CO[.'NTY, INC. P.O. Box 1240vAIL, (-'O. 81658 ( 303 ) 949-r0rt SEHEDI;i,E A I989 :t I : 00 A. i'l . ISSUED: TIMOLiNT {-}g I\SIiRANCE S 155'000'rt0 ':/. . rt - - ---3.I-i--- ---J*;-LAT'ITTICHIZED , COUIiTERSIG:\ATURE STE\vART TITLE oul Rl trtt coIEAtf l COUNTY OF FAGLE STATE OF COIJORADO 9tc t600M 1-49) St:HEDLrl.,i I - SECTT{l}l i (JRDER NLTMBEi+ : 89003319 REqLTI Re!!ENTS THE FOLLOWIN!] ARI] ?HE RF,]TJfJIREMEN'TS 'ICr EIE l]OI'lPLlEI] I{ITI{: ITts!,I (A) PAYMENT'TO OR FOR fIIE ACCOTINT OF THE GRAh'TORS OR MORTGAGOITS OF THf, FULL CONSfDERATIOI\i FOR TIIE ESTATE ,JR IISTEREST 1'O tJE I\ISURED. .ITE!"I iB) PROPER INSTRUI'IENT (S) CREATI}iG TI]E IjSTATE OR INTEREST TO DE INST]RED I'IUST BE EXECUTED AND DI.]LY FTTED POR RECORD, TO ITIT: l. Exeeution of affidavit as to Debts ancl Liens and its return to Stewart title Guaranty Company. 2. Execution of Certif j.cate - Entity 'Iransf erorl Indivtdual Traneteror and it-s return to the office. 3. Evidence satisfactory to Stewart TitJe Guarant-y Cornpany that the real eatate transfer tax assegsed by the Town of Vail has been paid or t.hats the lransaetion !s exempt from said tax. 4. Deed from Security Bank of Arlington, vesting fee simple title rn Hichael LauLerbach. NOTE; NOTATION OF THE LEGAL ADDRESS OF THE GRANTEE MUST APPEAR Oli THE DEED AS PER 1976 AMEND},IENT TO STATLITE ON RECORDTN(; OF DEEDS 73 CRS 3835109 (2). STE\'VART TITLE o|'irnaNll colPir rY 99C (500M 1-A9t 1l()IIn[]l:i-E ll - sEC'lIi.. EXCEPT-!:()l.lS t,,ltDFR'r(il'10!lt-i : Bg0ii:i.ll!l ,TLIE P()I,ICY (JR POLT(] I ES TO TOLLLiI{III(; UNI,ESS THE SAME THE r]'-rPlP;\l\lY: BE ISSUED i^JII.,L .'()lii-'1LN i-,),(:EPT i(:)NS 'l (j 't'L'iF- ARE DTSP()SED OT? TO THE SATISFACTTON OtT RIGHTS OR CLAIMS OF PARTIES IN POSSESSI()N NOT SHOI^JN I]Y THE PUBLIC RECORDS. EASEMENTS. OR CLAIMS C)T EASEMEi{TS, NOT STIO!{N BY THE PUBLTC RECORDS. DISCREPANCIES' CONFLICTS IN BOCNDARY LINES' SHOP.T.\GE Lli :\REA, ENCROACII}IENTS, ;\ND ANY FACTS WHICII -\ CO1IRECT SURVTY .\i'iD INSPECTIO.T* OF THE PREI.{ISES WOULD DISCLOSE AND tliHICH Ap.E NOT SHOI{N BY THE PIJBLIC RECORDS 4. ANY LIEN, OR RIGHT TO A LIEN, FC}R S!]IIVICTS, I,ABOR OR U-CTERI.\L HERETOFORF: .l,R IIEREAfTER FLTRNISHED, IMPOSIL\ BY LAW l:'lD \()T SHOWN BY THE T'UBL'C REEORDS DEFEETS, LTENS, ENEUMBRATJCNS, ADVERSE CI,ATHS OR OTHER MA'ITERS, IN ANY, CREATED, FIRST APPEARING TN THE PflB},TE RECORDS (]R ATTACHING SLtsSE?L]ENT TO THE EFIiECTI\JE DATE I]EREOF BUT PRIOR TO THE DATE PROPOSED TNSURED ACQUIRES OL' RECORD FOR VALUE THE ESTATE OR INTERAST OR MORTGAGE THEREC'N COVERED BY THIS COII}IITMENT 6. Any and aII unpaicl taxes and assessnrents and any unredeemed t-ax saIes. 7. the-bffect. of inr:llrsions in any ,Jeneral cr: specif ie r'rater eonservancy,' fire f'rotection, soil conservation or other district or inelusion in any water serviee or street improvr--ment area. I . Easements f or water, sewer and rrtri I itv t-rt-rrpos€s -ls 'J r,lntr?'i to Vail Associates, fnc., in instrument recorded August 7. 1974 in Book 235 at Page 974. 9. Easernenbs for electric transmission and.,or discrrbution ii-rre purposes as granted to HoIy Crosa ElecLrrc Associatron. Ini., in instrument recorded February 23, L97i rn Book ?5? at Fage 777, recorded Septenrber 22. 1978 rn Booi< 275 at fage 735. recorded Novemb,er J9 ,' 1978 in Book 219 ar ,-'age 76 and recor,led Septernber 19, 1980 in llook 309 at Paqe 65'i as Recr:ption ilo. 206030. Llasement s .rnd rrghts-of -wa-v as shoi!'n ,-.ln L.he ir1at.. STE\I:AR.T TITLE OUANANIY COl|PAI{Y )9C (500M 1-89) I 1. 2. CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS The term mortgage, when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument. lf the proposed Insured has or acquires actual knowledge of any defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage th€reon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereof, and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing, the Company shall be relieved from liability for any loes or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by failure to so disclose such knowledge. lf the proposed lnsured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company, or if th€ Company otherwise acquires actual knowledge of any such defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter, the Company at its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitment accordingly, but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability previously incr.rrred pursuant to paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations. Liability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Incrred and $ch parties included under the definition of lnsured in the form of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in reliance hereon in undertaking in good faith (a) to comply with tho requirements hereof, or (bl to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule B, or (cl to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covsred by thisCommitment. ln no event shall crch liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies committed for and such liability is subject to the insuring prwisions and the Conditions and Stipulations and the exclusions from coverage of the form of policy or policies committed for in favor of the propoaed lnsured which are hereby incorporated by reference and are made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. Any claim of loss or damage, whether or not based on negligence, and which arises out of the status of the title to the estate or interest or the lien of the insured mortgage covered hereby or any action asierting such claim, shall be restricted to the provisions and Conditions and Stipulations of this Commitment. STE\^/ART TITLE GIIIARANTY COMPANY All notices required to be given the Company and any statement in writing required to be furnished the Company shall be addressed to it at P.O. Box 2029, Houston, Texas 77252, and identify this commitment by its printed COMMITMENT SERIAL NUM- BER which appears on the bottom of the front of the first pageof thiscommitment. 3. 4. Page 5 a a A:: \,r;4!<zr 2F 61!\ :H 4)l li: Zmo@o-{tT@O-P -v,4r-lmmg @(o@oo,o dH2 =F6, ?Z =6TH > aolo zotriz P E6;3 n =<zj gPurU'< o 11 m { :-{or-o 3Irr36o=cEi ,m Z{o m Hei tht Totai GRFA PrimarY uxrn SecondarY GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course f "n\Site Coverage V"' ,t^\ Landscaping L?y. FInJel neta ini ng 'ilal I H Park ing Credi ts: Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat ZONE CHECK FOR sFR, R, R P/s zollE oIsTRIcTs 3-Block z Fil:ng /o#tr' /*{'L//.2?'77uAii. -====;ooat.-=-liiii o-EscatPttoti{: Lot ONNER ARCH I TECT -ni(.i L^"k.h.L Phone zor.rE Otsrntcr FnoposEo usE LOT SIZE 4341 2boS t736 A'l Ior'red Ff(33) 20' 15' 15' Proooseo -b 2712,5./ _-_.--- ^ tn?, I.-M.- ,/too'4 .. L n/a 2t t<.i -- V ei ghts (300)(600) (goo)( tzoo) (50) (1oo) (2s)(50) (2oo)(4oo) a Gs)@@t tz5'{5 5 Pcr"iaca 37 z5 . 4t/o 7o Drive: Slope Permi tted 7 7o ufrx' Slope Actuat r '' - Environmental,/Hazards: Avalanche Flood Plain Sl ope tletl ands Geol og i c Hazards Zoni ng: Date: Approved/0i saPProved DATE RECEIVED by CoMMUNTTY DEVETOPMENT DEPART!{ENT Appllcation for DuPlex Subcllvlslon BoxI,IAII,ING ADDRESS PROPERTY OWNER I'TS ,l,.ll (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE) A. APPLICANT llilchael Lauterbach PHONE 476-6944 B. OTNERIS SICNATUNE !,TAILTNG ADDRESS c. IpcATIoN oF PRoPosAI, (STREET ADDRESS) 754 Potato Pqtch Drive D. 3 BIpCK 2 SUBDMSION Vail/Potato Patch 91OO. OO PArD - cIIEcK # 6 2r,;\ 'l-b ,ro t-q.r^/ n2e b 4r4-r-( */ ry% J. Vail. Colo 8L657 o .;{a fiff'D ..]u,,; ,.., DtrFMRTMtrNT @Ftr@MMUNITV DEVtrL@trMENT XXXXXXX sALEs AcTroN FoRM XXXXXXX 01 0000 41J30 coM. DEV. AppucATroN mzsp:r ti.+ 01 0000 41540 ZONINO AND ADDRESS MAPS 1 0000 42+15 1988 UNIFORII BUILDING CODE 1 0000 42415 1988 UNIFORI.I PLUIIBINC CODE r 0000 424,15 1988 UNIFOR}/ MECHANICAL CODE 'r 0000 42+15 1988 UNIFORII RRE COOE 'f 0000 42115 1987 NAT]ONAL zuCTRICAL CODE 1 0000 42115 OTHER CODE BOOKS 1 0000 41s48 LUE PRINTS (M\1-{RS) 01.0000 +2+12 XEROX CopiES ,/ STD|ES r 0000 42371 ENALTY FEES / RE-INSPEC]IoN I 0000 41322 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FE CONIRACTORS UCENSES FEES I 0000 41330 0l 0000 41413 .SIGN APPLICATION cOMr'lEAtrs: M,c L.qe-i Lc. ute_/L.-. l... -, i,I rr,], -f fllr-lh{ fiF t JFl f [- l'liscel I ane*u= Ca=h ili - '::i::- :J-'1 lj:.i:: ii: ir:; F {,':'. j. i, r. + rj'lili i,,:l fl,;,_,;:11, i ,i+ t..1,. ,S lrr,:,-:jil i,lIrtllilFt- -r. i.HLtTF:fr:F-rq[:]l ...i.!irF, i:rE i!14r.-,r_rJ-; t i.'=1-"J,]:1,3r-j ;. i!-1L1, irifl I r.ern pa i d Flrn,-run t F,.r i d t:1 I t-1 .:1ettj4 1 ::!:r[!: :r 1 t:.t$. +ii i-li.::ri' ':,',- 1.r.; i.r-r1-';,-1 j . ..:,.i -l-HFtt.{t{ \J ILt ',r,:!r._! I' i-.:l :l'i i ,r r ":T TOWNtrOUSE DECI.IRATIOX FOR AI.,PINE TOMWOUSES IV RECITAI,S I. MLchael Lauterbach (IDeclarantrr), Ls the owner of thereal property (the rrPropertyrr) situate in the County of Eagle,State of Colorado, described as the rrEast Parcelrr, the rrWest Parcelrr, and the rrCommon Parcelrr in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. 2. Declarant has constructed on the East Parcel and the west Parcel a building consisting of two units, with each sushunit designed and intended for use and occupancy as a residentialdwelling unit. The units are designated herein as the rreast apartment unitrr and the rrwest apartment unittr, respectively, which are sometimes referred to herein separately as rrapartment unitrr or collectively as rrapartment unitstr. 3. The East Parcel contains the east apartment unit andthe West Parcel contains the west apartrnent unit. 4. Declarant desires to and does hereby establish a plan for the ownership of the East Parcel and the West Parcel asestates in fee sinple and the co-ounership, by the individual and separate o\rners thereof , as tenants in common, of the Cornrnon ParceI. DECI,ARATION Declarant does hereby publish and declare that the following terms, covenants, conditLons, easements, restrictions, uses, reservations, linitations and obligations shall be deemed to run with the land described herein, shall be a burden and a benefitto Declarant, their personal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns and any person acquiring or owning an interest in the real property which is described herein and inprovements built thereon, their personal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns. 1. DMSIoN oF REAIJ PROPERTY. (a) The Property is hereby divided into |ttownhouse unitslr as follorrs: (i) The trEast Townhouse Unitrr consisting of a feesinple estate in the East Parcel and an appurtenant thereto one-half undivided interest in and to the common Parcel ,together with the irnprovements, easements and rights located thereon or appurtenant thereto in the same respective interests i (i1) The lrWest Townhouse unLt" consisting of a fee slnrple estate in the west Parcel and an appurtenant thereto one-half undivided interest Ln and to the Common Parcel, together with the inprovements, easements and rights located thereon or appurtenant thereto in the same respectiveinterests. (b) Each townhouse unit shall be inseparable, and nay be Leased, devised or encumbered only as a townhouse unit. No owner (rrownertr) of a townhouse unit shall assert any right ofpartition with respect to the Common Parcel and each owner waives any and all rights of partition he may hold by virtue of his ownership of an undivided interest in and to the comnon Parcel asa tenant in comnon with the other owner. (c) Title to a townhouse unit may be held individuallyor in any form of concurrent otrnership recognized ln Colorado. In case of any such concurrent ownership, each co-ohrner shall be jointly and severally Iiable for performance and observance ofall the duties and responsibilities of an owner with respect tothe townhouse unit in which he owns an interest. For all purposes herein, there shall be deened to be only two owners, the owner of the East Tohrnhouse Unit and the owner of the West Townhouse Unit. The parties, if nore than one, having the ownership of each such townhouse unit shall agree among themselves how to share the rights and obligatlons of such ownership; provided, however, that if a corporation, partnership, association or other legal entity shall become an owner or theparties, if rnore than one, have the concurrent ownership of a townhouse unit, then such entity or concurrent owners shall from tfune to time designate one individual who shall represent suchentity or concurrent owners in all natters concernlng a1I rights and obligations pursuant to this Declaration. Any such entity or concurrent owners shall give written notice to the other owner designating the individual to act on its or their behalf and suchnotice shall be effective until revoked in writing by such entityor oqtners. Any act or omission by such designated individualshall be binding on the entity or ohrners having designated hin in favor of the other owner or any person who nay rely thereon. (d) Any contract of sale, deed, lease, deed of trust, mortgage, will or other instrument affectlng a townhouse unitshall describe it by the legal description of the parcelconstituting such townhouse unit and as an undivided one-halfinterest in the conmon Parcel described by its legaL description,with such legal descriptions being set forth in Exhibit A. (e) Each townhouse unit shall be considered a separateparcel of real property and written notLce shall be given to the assessor of Eagle County, Colorado, so that each toqtnhouse unitshall be separately assessed and taxed. 2. ENCROACHMENTS. If any portion of one of the three above described parcels now encroaches upon any of the otherparcels as a result of the construction of any buildLng, or if any such encroachment shall occur hereafter as a result ofsettling or shifting of any building, a valid easement for the encroachnent and for the maintenance of the same so long as thebuilding stands, shall exist. In the event any building shall bepartially or totally destroyed as a result of fire or other casualty or as a result of condemnation or eminent domain proceedings and then rebuilt, encroachments of parts of thebuilding on any other parcel , due to such rebullding, shalL bepermitted, so long as such encroachments are of no greater extent than those previoust-y existing, and valld easenents for such encroachments and the maintenance thereof shall exist so long as the building shall stand. 3. PARTY WALL. (a) The conmon wall placed equally divided on the conmon boundary separating the east apartment unlt and the west apartment unit, the footings underlying and theportion of roof over such wall is collectLvely referred to herein as the rrParty Wallrr. (b) To the extent not inconsistent with thisDeclaration, the general- rules of law regardlng party walls andIiability for damage due to negll-gence of willful acts or omissions shall apply to the Party Wall. (c) The owners of either apartnent unit shall have a perpetual easenent in and to that part of the other apartnentunit on which the Party WalI is located, for party wall purposes, including mutual support, maintenance, repair and inspection. Inthe event of damage to or destruction of the Party lilall fron any cause, the owners shall, at their joint expense, repalr orrebuild the Party WalI, and each owner shall have the right tothe full use of the Party WaLl so repaired and rebuilt. Notwithstanding anything contained above to the contrary, lf the negligence or willful act or omission of any orilner, his fanLly, agent or invltee, shall cauae damage to, or destructLon of, the Party Wall, such owner shall bear the entire costs of repaLr orreconstruction, and an owner who by hls negligent or willful act causes the Party Wall to be exposed to the elements shall bearthe full cost of furnlshing the necessary protection against such elements. 4. I,ANDSCAPING, SERVICE FACILITIES, ACCESS AND PARKING.(a) Except as otherwise specifically provided in writing andexcept for any expense or liability caused ttrrough the negtlgenceor willful act of any owner, his farnily, agent or invitee, whichshall be borne solely by such oerner, each owner shall share one-half of all expenses, Iiabllities and general upkeepresponsibiLltles with respect to the Conrmon Parcel and all improvements thereon. The onners from tine to tJ.me, shall undertake such landscaping and general outdoor J.mprovenents asthey nay mutually and unanimously deern proper for the harmonioua inprovement of both townhouse unlts in a common theme. The ohtnerof one townhouse unit shall not unreasonably danage the value ofthe other townhouse unit such as by shoddy upkeep outside, butboth owners shall make all reasonable efforts to preserve a harmonious conmon appearance of the apartnent units and Common Parcel . Each onner nay use the Conmon Parcel and irnprovenentslocated Lhereon in accordance with the purposes for whJ.ch theyare intended, including, but not linited to, access to his apartment unit, parking, landscaping, trash storage and open space, without hinderlng or encroaching upon the lawful rights ofthe other owner. (b) conmon utility or Eiervice connections or lines, common facilities or other equipnent and property located in or on the Conmon Parcel or either of the apartment units or theparcels upon which such apartment units are located but used in common for the benefit of the Common Parcel or for both the East Parcel and the West Parcel and the apartnent units locatedthereon, shall be owned as tenants in connon of egual undl-videdone-half interests by the owners of each townhouse unit and, except for any expense or llability caused through the negligenceor willful act of any ouner, his fanily, agent or invitee, whichshall be borne solely by such owner, aII expenses and liabilities concerned with such property shalt be shared proportionately wLth such ownership. The owner of the parcel and the apartnent unit thereon on which such property is not located shall have aperpetual easenent in and to that part of such other parcel and apartment unLt thereon containing such property as is reasonably necessary for purposes of maintenance, repalr and inspection. (c) It is expected that common parkJ.ng and accessfacilities will be provided on a portion of the common Parcel . The owners shall have equal right to the use of such access andparking facilities and no owner shall hinder or permit hisinvitees to hinder reasonable acceas by the other orvner and hisinvitees to the parking areae or such other ownerrs apartmentunit, and further, the onner of the east apartrnent unlt shall nottake or permit his invitees to take more than one-half of theparking spaces fron tine to time provided on the Common Parcelwithout the consent of the other owner, and the owner of the west aparturent unit shall not take or permit his invitees to take more than one-half of the parkinlt spaces fron time to tine provided onthe Comnon Parcel without the consent of the other owner. It is presumed that snowptowing will be required fron time to tJ.rne, thecosts of which shall be shared equally by the onners. other maintenance and repair of such parking and accese facilities, as nay be reasonably reguired from tine to tine, shall be undertakenjointly by the oyrners, the costs of whl-ch shall be shared equally by the owners. 5. ALTERATTONS. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS. (a) Inaddition, to naintenance provided for in Paragraph 4 above, the owners shall, at their joint and equal expense, provide exterior rnaintenance and exterior repair (naintenance, repaLr and replacernent of items required from ordinary use and on a perlodic basis) upon each apartment unit and the J.mproved and unimproved portJ.ons of the parcel upon which located lncluding, but notlimited to, the exterior walls, decks and staLrcases, and theroof housing the apartment units and the parking and accessfacilities located on such parcels, but excluding the exterl.orhot tubs, which hot tubs shall be maintained and repaired by therespective owner thereof. If the need for repalr is causedthrough the negllgence or willful act of any owner, his famLly,agent or invitee, such owner shall bear the entire costs of such repaLr or reconstruction. (b) Each owner shall be solety responsible for maintenance and repal.r of the inside of his apartnent unitincLudlng, without lirnitation, fixtures and lmprovements and allutility lines and equipment located therein and serving such unitonly. In performing such maintenance and repair, or in inprovingor altering his apartment unit, no ovrner shall do any act or workwhich J.mpairs the structural soundness of either apartment unitor the Party t{al} or which interferes with any easement grantedor reserved herein. I (c) Utifity or service connectl.ons or linee,facillties or other utility equipment and property located in, onor upon either parcel contalning an apartnent unit, in such unit,or in on or upon the conmon Parcel, which are used solely to supply a service or utility to one apartment unit or the parcel upon which it is located shall be owned by the ohrner of the apartment unlt using such utility or service and all expensee andfiabilities for repair and maintenance shall be borne solely bythe owner of such apartnent unit, who shall have a perpetual easernent in and to that part of such other parcel or apartmentunit containing such property as is reasonably necessary for purposes of maintenance, repair and inspection. (d) No owner shall make or suffer any structural or design change (including a color scheme change), either permanent or temporary or of any type or nature whatsoever to the exteriorof his apartment unit or alter any present exterior inprovementor construct any additional exterior improvernent or additional building or structure of any type or nature whatsoever uPon anypart of the parcel containing his apartnent unit or the Conmon Parcel without first obtaining the prior written consent theretofron the other owner. In case of danage or destruction (other than as provided for in subparagraph 5(a) above) of any apartrnentunit or any part thereof or of any inrprovenent upon any part ofthe parcel containing an apartnent unit by any cause erhatsoever,the owner of such apartment unit or improvement shall cause wl.th due diligence the apartment unit or irnprovement to be repaired and restored, applying the proceeds of insurance, if any, forthat purpose. If the cost of repair or reconatruction exceeds such insurance, the excess shall be paid for by the owner of the damaged apartment unit or improvement. such apartnent unit or irnprovement shalt be restored to a conditlon conparable to thatprior to the damage and in a harmonLous manner to pronote the cornmon thene of both apartment unLts and Lmprovements on theparcels containing the apartment units. 6. MEcEANTc's LrENs; INDEMNIFTCATION. (a) Except for items incurred as a comnon expense as provided for herein, if any ohrner shall cause any rnaterial to be furnished to his parcel or apartment unit thereon or any labor to be perforned therein or thereon, the other owner shall not under any circumstances be Liable for the payrnent of any expense incurred or for the valueof any work done or materLal furnl.shedi all such vtork shall be at the expense of the owner causing It to be done, and such ownershall be solely responsible to contractors, laborers, materlalmen and other persons furnlshing labor or materials to his apartnent unit or the parcel on whLch located or any irnprovements thereLnor thereon; nothing herein contained shall authorLze el-ther owneror any person dealing through, with or under either owner to charge the Conrmon Parcel or any apartnent unit or parcel on whlchlocated of the other owner with any mechanLcrs lien or other lienor encumbrance whateveri and, on the contrary (and notice lehereby given), the right and power to charge any lien or encumbrance of any kind against the Cornmon Parcel or one owner oragainst one ownerrs apartment unlt or parcel on which located for work done or materials furnlshed to the other ownerrs apartmentunit or parcel on which located is hereby expressly denied. (b) Except as provided for in Paragraph 8 below, if, because of any act or onission of any owner, any mechanicrs orother lLen or order for the payment of money shall be flledagainst the Cornmon Parcel or against the other ottnerrs apartnentunit or parcel on which located or any improvemente therel.n orthereon, or against any other owner (whether or not such lien ororder is valid or enforceable as euch), the owner whose act or omission forms the basis for such lien or order shall at his oerncost and expense cause the same to be cancelled and discharged ofrecord or bonded by a surety company reasonably acceptable to such other ohrner, within 20 days after the date of filingthereof, and further shall indennify and save the other onner harmless fron and against any and all costs, expenses, claims, losses or damages, including reasonable attorneyrs fees resulting therefron. 7. INSURANCE. (a) Each owner shall keep his apartrnentunit and all fixtures therein lnsured agalnst loss or danage byfire and extended coverage perils (including vandalism andmalicious rnischief) for the maximurn replacement value thereof. Any owner may on 30 daysr written notice, at any time one year orIonger after the last appraisal of the apartment units, obtain awritten appraisal of such units from a competent appraLser, charging both owners with the costs thereof. Such appraisershall be a disinterested and independent third party who Ls unrelated in any manner to either owner whether through joint business ventures or otherwise. (b) Each owner shall- provide and keep in force for theprotection of hiureelf general publlc J-lability and property danage insurance against clains for bodily injury or death orproperty damage occurring in, on or upon hJ.s parcel owned ln fee sinrple, the improvements thereon, and the Common Parcel and the improvements thereon, in a linit of not less than $5oo,OOO in respect of bodily injury or death to any number of personsarising out of one accident or disaster, or for damage toproperty, and if hiqher lfunits shall at any time be customary toprotect against possible tort tiability, such higher linits shall be carried and each owner shall narne the other owner as anadditional insured party under such policy. (c) Each owner shall be separately reeponsible for all .lnsurance covering loss or damage to personal property ln hls apartment unit and liability for injury, death or damage occurring upon his parceL or inslde his apartnent unit thereon. (d) Each owner shall deliver to the other ownercertificates evidencing all insurance required to be carrled under thls Paragraph 7, each containing agreements by the insurers not to cancel or nodify the policies wlthout givlng the other owner written notice of at least 30 days. Each owner shall have the right to Lnspect and copy all such Lnsurance policies ofthe other owner and require evidence of the palment of prerniums thereon. (e) Nothing provlded ln this Paragraph 7 shall prevent the owners from jointfy acquiring a single policy to cover any one or more of the hazards required in this Paragraph 7 to beseparately insured against by each owner. 8. RIGHT TO LIEN. (a) If an owner, at any tLme, shallneglect or refuse to perforn or pay his ehare of any obligatlonrequired hereunder, the other owner may, but ehall not beobligated to, after 20 days written notl.ce unless the circumstances require imnediate action, nake such payrnent, or, onbehalf of such other owner, expend such sum as may be necessaryto perforn such obligation including, but not linited to, the paynnent of any insurance premiums requlred hereunder or theundertaking of any work required hereunder for repair,restoration or maintenance, and such other oerner shall have an easement in and to that part of such defaulting ownerrs townhouseunit as is reasonably necessary for such repalr, restoration or rnaintenance. (b) AII sums so paid or expended by an owner, withinterest thereon at the rate of 18 percent per annum fron the date of such paynent or expenditure until paid in full, shall bepayabte by the owner so failing to perforrn (the I'defaulting ownertr) upon demand of the other owner. (c) All sums so demanded but unpaid by the defaulting olrner shall constitute a lien on the townhouEe unit of thedefaulting owner in favor of the other owner prior to all otherliens and encumlrrances, except: (i) liens for taxes and special assessmenti and, (ii) the lien of any first mortgage or first deed of trust of record encumbering such townhouse unit. Thelien shall attach from the date when the unpaid sum shatl become due and nay be foreclosed in like nanner as a mortgage on realproperty upon the recording of a notice or clain thereof executed by the nondefaulting owner setting forth the amount of the unpaid Lndebtedness, the name of the defaultlng ovrner, and a deecrlptionof the townhouse unit. If any such lien Ls recorded, thedefaulting onner shall be required to pay the costs and expensesof the preparation and recording of the nondefaulting ownerrsIien, including reasonable attorneyrs fees, or $150.00, whicheveris greater. In any such foreclosure the defaulting owner shall be required to pay the costs and expenses of such proceedings, including reasonable attorneyrs fees. (d) The lien provided for herein shalt be subordinateto the lien of any first mortgage or deed of trust, including alladditional advances thereon. Sale or transfer of any townhouseunit as the result of court foreclosure of a mortgage, foreclosure through the public trustee, or any proceeding ln lieuof foreclosure, including the transfer of a deed in lieu of foreclosure, shall extinguish the Iien of such asseEistments as to paynents thereof which become due prior to such sale or transfer,but shall not relieve any former owner of personal llabilltytherefor. The rnortgagee of such townhouse unit who acquirestitle by way of foreclosure or the takinq of a deed in lieuthereof, shall not, however, be liable for any past due assessment and shall only becone liable for future assessments on the date it becomes the ohrner of such townhouse unit. No eale ortransfer sha1l relieve such townhouse unlt fron liability for any aErsessnents thereafter beconing due or from the lien thereof. In the event of the sale or transfer of a townhouse unit with respect to which suns shall be unpaid by a defaulting owner, except transfers to a first nrortgagee in connection with a forecloeure of its 1l-en or a deed Ln lLeu thereof, the purchaseror other transferee of an interest in such unLt shall be jolntly and severally liable with the seller or transferror thereof for any such unpaid Buma. (e) Upon written reguest of any ortner, mortgagee,prospective mortgagee, purchaser or other prospective transfereeof a townhouse unJ.t, the owner of the other townhouse unlt shall ireue a writtsn Etaten€nt Eetting forth the anount he ls owed under this paragraph, if any, with respect to such townhouseunit. Such statement is binding upon the executJ.ng owner infavor of any person who may rely thereon in good faith. Unless arequest for such statement shall be comprJ-ed with within fifteendays after receipt thereof, a'tl unpaid sume which became dueprior to the date of nraking such request Ehall be subordinated tothe lien or other interest of the person requesting suchstatement. ?. USE RESTRICTIONS. (a) Each apartnent unl,t shall berestrlcted to a residential dwelling as - pernitted use, and suchuse as welr as conditioned and accessory uses sharl be as defl-nedby the Town of Vail Zoning ordinance. (b) No exterior nounted radio, shortwave, televisionor other type of antenna whatsoever or tank of any kind, eitherelevated or buried, or clothesline or Lncinerator of any kindwhatsoever or outside storage of any personal property -hall bepermitted or maintained on either townhouse unit wittrout theprior written approval of both ouners. . (c) No aninals shall be kept or maintained J.n, on orupon either townhouse unit, except thit each ohrner may keep andnaintain within his apartment unit two donesticated a69s aia twodornesticated cats; provided, however, that such donestlcatedanimals are kept under control at al1 times, do not present anuisance to the other owner and are kept and controlled in strictconpliance with all Town of Vail ordinlnces that may apply tosuch animals. . (d) fn addition to the parking restrJ.ctions set forthin subparagraph 4(c) above, the ohrner of the east apartnent unLtnay keep no nore than three automotive vehicles perrnanently onthe East Parcel , and the owner of the west apartment unit lhallkeep no more than three automotive vehicles permanently on thel{est Parcel . Parking of boats, trailers, campers, nrotor homes,ATvs or recreational vehicles on either townhouse unit lsexpressly prohibited. parking of more than three autonotivevehicles by either owner or his faniLy, agent or invltee on suchownerrs townhouse unLt for more than a 49 hour period isexpressly prohibited. . (e) No rtime sharingrr, trinterval ownerEhJ-pil or sirnllarinterest, whereby ownershJ.p of a townhouse unit is sirared byowners on a time basis, shalr be established on either townhouseunit without, the prior written approval of both owners and alllienors holding a first nortgage-or first deed of trust of recordon any portion of the property which approva). shall be reflectedin a document of record. 10. NOTICE. Each owner shall register hls nalllng addresswlth the other orlner and all notices oi denands Lntendea to ueserviced upon orrners shall be sent by certlfJ.ed mail, postageprepaid addressed in the name of the owner at such regl_sterednaiJ-lng_address. rn the alternative, notices may be ielivered Lfin writingt, personally to onners. lL. DUR+TION OF DECIARATION. Each provision contal.ned inthis Decraration which ls subjeE to the j.aws or rules sometLmesreferred to as the rule against perpetuitLes or the ruleprohibiting unreasonable iestraints- or alienation shatl continueand renain in full force and effect for the period of 21 yearsfollowing the death of the last survivor of the now ftvingchLldren of Mlchael Lauterbach, or until thls Declaratl_on-l.sterninated as hereinafter provided, whl-chever first occura. AIIother provisions contained in this Declaration shalr continue andrenain In full force and effect until January 1 in the year 2o1g4.D., and thereafter for successive periods of 1O years eachiunless at least 1 year prior to Janulry 1, 20lB A.b., or at least1 year prior to the expiration of any such 1O year period of extended duratJ-on, this peclaration iE terminated by recorded LnEtrurnent, dJ-recting terrninatJ.on, slgned by all owners and alllienors holding a first mortgage or first deed of trust of recordon any portion of the Property. t2. AUBNDI,IENT OR REVOCATfON. Thls Declaration may be anended or revoked only (a) by Declarant so long as Declarant owns all of the Property, or (b) upon unaninous wrltten approvalin recordable form of all owners and aII lienors holding a fLrstnortgage or first deed of trust of record on any portion of theProperty. 13. EFFECT OF PROVfSIONS OF DECLARATfON. Each provlsJ.on ofthis DeclaratLon, and agreement, promise, covenant and undertakLng to conply with each provision of this DeclaratLon,and any necessary exception or reservation or grant of title,estate, right or interest to effectuate any provision of thlsDeclaration: (i) shall be deemed.incorporated in each deed orother instrument by which any right, title or interest in anyportion of the Property is granted, devised or conveyed, whetheror not set forth or referred to in such deed or other instrunent;(ii) shall, by virtue of acceptance of any rlght, tltle orinterest in any portion of the Property by an owner, be deemedaccepted, ratified, adopted and declared aE a personal covenantof such owner and, as a personal covenant, shaltr be bindlng on such owner and his heirs, personal representatives, successor€r and assigns; (iii) shall be deerned a personal covenant to, withand for the benefit of each owner of any portion of the Property;and, (iii) shall be deerned a real covenant by Declarant, forthemselves, their personal representatives, heirs, successors andassigns, and also an equitable servitude, running, in each case,as a burden with and upon the title to eactr and every portlon ofthe Property. 14. ENFORCEIiIENT AND REMEDIES. (a) Each provlsion of thlsDeclaration shall be enforceable by any owner by a proceedLng fora prohibitive or nandatory injunction or by a suit or action torecover damages. If court proceedings are instltuted in connection with the rights of enforcenent and renedl.es provLdedin this Declaration, the prevailing party shall be entitled torecover his costs and expenses in connection therewl-th, including reasonable attorneysr fees. (b) Bach ownerln equlty or at law whlch hereunder shall be brought County, State of Colorado. hereby agrees that any and all actionEare lnstl-tuted to enforce any provisJ.onin and only in the courts of Eagle (c) Failure to enforce any provision of thlEDeclaratLon shalL not operate as a waiver of any such provJ.sLon,the right to enforce such provisl.on thereafter, or of any otherprovisJ.on of this Declaration. 15. EXERCISE OF RIGHTS. Any exercise of any rlght granted hereunder by one ohrner wlth respect to the other ownerrE townhouse unit including but not llnited to the use of any easement granted herein shall be exercised in a nanner whichshall not unreasonably hinder, inrpede or impose upon such other ownerrE use of his townhouse unit. 16. SUCCESSORS AND ISSIGNS. Except as otherwise providedherein, thls Declaratl-on shall be blnding upon and shall lnure tothe benefit of Declarant and each owner and the personalrepresentatives, heirs, successors and assLgns of each. t7. SEVERABILITY. Invalidity or unenforceablllty of anyprovisLon of this Declaratl.on Ln whole or in part shall notaffect the validity or enforceabifity of any other provision orany valid and enforceable part of a provision of thisDeclaratlon. 18. CAPTIONS. The captions and headings ln thisinstrunent are for convenl-ence only and shall not be consideredin construJ.ng any provisions of this Declaration. 19. CoNSTRUCTIoN. When necessary for proper construction,the mascull.ne of any word used in this Declaratl"on shal-l Lncludethe ferninLne or neuter gender, and the slngular the plural, andvice versa. IN I{ITNESS I{HEREOF, Declarant has executed thLs Declarationthis ,5v'\ day of 5-L^-\e , 1990. DECI,ARANT: The undersigned holder of a deed of trust upon covered by this Declaration hereby subordinates its such property to the provisions of this Declaratlon. VAIL NATIONAL BANK STATE OF COIORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ss. (sEAr.,) STATE Or COIORADO )) ss. COUNTY OF EAGI,E ) the propertyinterest in . The foregoing instrunent was acknowledged before ne tnis /$ day of aA]N|Ja_, Lggo, by lllchael Lauterbach. Witness my hand and official seal . Mv commission expires: * @,rlq5fp.fr'.'r'Eg Sttuor,;r^JEa ^Notary tsulffc The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before ure this l5h day of fuln4-' t99o, bY@as President of Vail National Bank. Witness my hand and official seal . My conrmission ex;'rireE : My COMM;SS;ON2p(eIRES (SEAL) ffi EXHIBIT A (Attached to and made a part of TounhouseDeclaration for ALPINE TOWNIIOUSES fV) IAGAI, DESCRIPTIOTT East Parcel East ParceL, A RESUBDMSION OF LT 3, BIOCK 2, VATL/POTAEO PATCIT SUBDIVISION, TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COIORADO West Parce1 lfest Parcel, A RESUBDMSION OF IDT 3, BIOCK 2, VATL,/POTATO PATCH SUBDMSION, TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COIpR'ADO Connon Parcel Conmon Parcel ,A RESUBDMSTON OF rdr 3, BrOCK 2, VArr,/POTATO PATCH suBDrvrsroN, rowN oF vArr,, EAcr.,E coln{TY, coroRADo IHTIP..OEPARTHENTAL REVI El., e,a.oxCtt ftlptne h,-*[n,r,, - lo+ j, ttloJ< 7 - /o{^/, /eill', DATE SUSI,IITTED: L . IT,9 o . DATE 0F PUBLTC HEARING rl/A COI.'I'4ENTS HEEDED BY :___A,j4p_ ERIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: F;^/ ft - /^r/4 teJ/s/sL rn F;l-ll! -- c>k-:- FIRE DEPP.RTI.IENT Reviewed by:Date Conments: POLICE DEPARTI4ENT Reviened by: Cormerrts: Date '€t- .;.i; REC?gATiOX OEPARTI.::NT Revlewed by: Co;;"ents: .iDate , -' August 17, 1989 Rick Py1-enan Town of Vail Planning Department Vall, Colorado 8L657 RX: Lot 3, Block 2, Flllng I Potato Patch Dear Rick: Pursuant to our recent discussion, lt is ny intentlon to place fill dlrt wlthin the excavated portlon of the 1ot and further attempt to grade the site to match the origlnal tooograohy. As we discussed, Lf I have not been issued a butlding permlt for that lot by June L, 1990, I agree to revegetate the site by June 15, 1990. Please contact me Lf you have any questions. Thanks agaln for your cooperatlon. Michael Lauterbach P.0. Box 3451 Vail-, Colorado 81658 t ':2'' tt'tl: '.''t! . ,:"n .,;i -'"1 "".,i: .::..,.i..r,''lt, r!. .-. - ( December /th, L976 Mr. W'ill-iam Pierce, Building Official Torrm of Vail Box 100 Vail, Col-orado 8L657 Dear BiLL:Re: Lot 3, Block 2 In reply to your letter of Nov. ]-6, L976, S.U.N. Co. has full intentions of building the Town of Vail Design Review Board approved solar duplex. Weather threatened the project before further construction could continue and plans to build have had to be postponed until after the winter season. Full working drawings have now been completed and your office will be contacted as soon as I return to Vail. I plan to drop by the Town offices in January when Mason Rumney and myself can take some time to bring you up to date. I appreciate your ecoJ-ogical concerns as they paral-1e1 my or4m. We were quite careful in placement of backfill so as not to show too bad a scar on the town side of the hill and feel that spring runoff will not danage surrounding properties. I look fonward to seeing you soon and appredilate your: continued concern. rcci Mro Mason P. Rumney, III lnwn box lfil rail, colorado 8165? B03l 47G56r3 Sun Company Box 2854VaiI, Colorado 81657 department of community development 25 July 1978 Ref: Lot 3, Block 2, YaiL Potato Patch Subdivision TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERI{: Please consider this Letter as notification that within thirty (3O) days of your receipt, the excavation slte on the above referenced property must be filled and revegetated. Dud to the long non-activlty on this project we have received complaints about this open excavation and the Town of Vail considers this to be a public safety }aazatd. Your cooperation in this matter wilt be appreciated. DST/gew ll ra=al lE-51 r.l (u .Fl ().rl (+{ a0 .r{ t-.l a t.\ O\OgF{ t{@o.r'l Op{E F{(9E .rf fi.u.(' 0.r{ > t-{r-{ OF{qrOOr'l OoBFIgF,l. ! x.dtrOOt!EFr€> u.)'\o 6 o H !+Orn Ot@Cen qt z a : 'nI te=\9 E\ "\s\vilrI;\.J ? \\" box 10O vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 office of the town manager November .|6, .l976 Messrs. Al Connel & Mason Rimney P.0. Box 463Vail, Co]orado 8.|657 RE: Lot 3, Block 2, Vajl Potato Patch Subdivision Gentlemen: 0n May 20, 1976 the Design Revjew Board of the Town of Vail approved the design of your solar duplex residence located on Lot 3, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch Subdivision, Vail, Colorado. Prior to the jssuance of a building permit, excavation was begun but with no subsequent work initiated, Sufficient plans have not been received by this office for e'i ther a building permit or a foundationpermit. Due to the long period of non-activity on your project, we request that you inform us of your intentjons regarding this project.If this inactivity is to continue, the Town of Vail requests that thesite be regraded and revegetated. Your cooperatjon in this matter will be greatly appreciated, Sjncerely, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT llilliam F. Pierce Building Official I'lFP/i k cc: Mr. Roger Tilkemeier TownofVail \ ELECITRICAL PERMIT Job Name... N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation 304 $...--.-.......--......-..... $-............-....--........ Date or Apprication..---....2--=..2.....*..:.....--........ ................rs..2-/.......- Electricat con ^"r*-fi*.-ffi:r- APPROVAI,S//'H J',$....,/.2.-......-...-.-. ,Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee THIS FORTI 13 TO BE POSTED 01{ JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTTON 24 HOTJRSI ADVANCE NOIICE REQI,'IRED FOR INSPEOTIONS txa !, r. xgaliaL !o,. otxYrl ,10452 o DESIGN RI]VIIW BOARD DATE OT MEETING: MEMBERS PRESENT: ACTION TAKEN BY BOABT'l./ / '/t.4 ,("" sECONDED BY: MOTTON : /l.LV,4 /(.L3* " ooor*r,,VOTE: FOR: '... APPROVDD 1 ,-/ DISAPPROVED: ABSTENTION: SUIIiUARY: a DBSIGN RI;\/.I I;ItI I]OARI) DATE OF iIUBTING MEMBEIIS PRBSEI{T: .SUBJECT ACTION TAKEN MOTION: VOTE:FOR: APPROVDD: tz' DISAPPROVED: SUI,{MARY: * 4//^ysltcoNDIjD AGAINST a BL$i csl] A\jflllABLts ot