HomeMy WebLinkAboutLAND EXCHANGE GOLD MAINTENANCE BUILDING APPRAISAL FOREST SERVICES LEGALMay 8, lg84 \c" Irge ' Mr. Ric Town rd A. Vail Fron Dea r Mr The purpose of market value of the assumptions noted. 8 y657 Ca p1a n Total land area as follovrst Lan Road the area has no 1egal fol l ows : the east side of #t'\valrev ,tl2' 3'0 ; 1.69 ve with golf maintenance facilities \n oI the third green of the golf course in place. this appraisal was to est imate above described property, su Market value may be defined 75 buth U:,LI rCo the rent {1 t^tout{ re of{eri part iesr; a knowlqdge That\price wi ll ir\,1 and and vrhich a in clollars which a purchaser who is reariy, able to buy r^ou1d be warranted in paying seller who is ready, willing and able to be warranted in accepting, if the property in the market for a reasonable time, both ing without undue ccrnputsion and with ful1 the rights, pntential uses anci restrictions the ownershio. \r/\,/'/ Pro She The ti 6^-, *6'i, , s rectangul ar, longer i n the east/west on is d Natural Open Space District" of Vail Valley Dri-ve and bedrt h.se ,"n \rn of the Town of Vail; ItIicial Zff the O. Valley oJi.,. {o ,:,rrracent to platted subciivisions zoned ,,Two FamiIy nesidf.i-n.*]tstricr, " and "TwoJami'ily primary/secondary \ \)t '"' lResidentiar oi!-tt-icE" ( see;Pe..rjlsuty! on th..drf ollowing page ) . sreen; hishest uno u.ft u1" i7/ut o^{"insle ru*i rvfiqu. rhe {''j / .,' \property east of Vail Vai\.ey Drive;has been graded and c\tains the solf course maintenan")\r, #'^n, in"ruqi {g u *oty{.*\ \ z' ./ (\ equipment storase, and " rouo\j e:aLy^(' Hisl is as three single family sites .'l-t ".'\ .,/ (- The property is owned by the ll\ionul,4or"=1 S.{ui"" being used by the Town of Vail uncter )1j5."i"t ,is" permir. balance of the approximately ten acres owned by the Forest S (to the east and south of the subject property) is steep an mostly unusabl e. SUBJECT AND SURROUNDING AREA I t l.'J INTERSTATE 70 ...ttat.'.ta.aatt. t..... t ta./ t t a. r. a r. 7A6Hr7fi{;ffHl{gitttt... t. at tt. a..tr tt /. af a, ...4r/"t.rttr/. a t t t t / t r.... t t t.... r,-a.ttaa./r.attaa/,tt/l.t r aar ?. a. t.. t at l.r2/tt.taata,..'...'...'/'/ a€o .a H:a 94e{:: -- - " Rft!_ :iFn ::;I':$ffi rq:c.Y.-:,-a:o h.FFlSff --__- TOWN BOUNDARY ,2,'It is c/-ar that zoning for the .rt"nunnu -y{tn",fi aua.,... However,-./JionlYlpossiblez,,{se/ of the property is To a I ue y. It is rny subject this is within opinion for the f uture . \./ttt,rt wou I av a n7*ityfis.\t"o price encumbering the g subject property. Current Retail Value in fdda l^ There have been few oo area transferred over the las as follows: J||fect/the we.^cterly part of the "a.rl/rt s l.larP8t Iot r0, vail Vatley rhird Fii\ "^r*i!"o ,{F L982 for 5450,000, to Eagle Beaver,\td., and then was transferred again in December l9B2 for the sarne price, to V'lestern Colorado Fvelopers. This site fronts on the golf course on Sunburst Drive to the east of the subject property, and is zoned ,'T\lc pamilv prima Secondary ResiclentiaL District." ( (z (Ky defi-ng with t rate. considt'rins trl6 specurative nature of a venture of this sort, a reas{rably long wa iting period js.-b^ppropriate to ref lect the necessity 'change inpo+-fs, Di t7"o j /i'v the Gi9ity . A1so, leases property will not not to say that the current zon i ng that a speculator fand for specul at ion, This timing couLd be of,a/mi]e- southwest of the subject property, and./ ,'1overlookin$ the golf course, but with no frontage, \t-'/' tltranslEdrre{ frcrn Thcrnas to Walters in July I9B1 for,/l F6SO,o00./ rhiqflenerty is zonect ,'T\,ro Family Residenrial / )\Distrig.d." lly'.'v,la:-ihrs owns the duolex unit ariiac.pnf .// Ir,L ,r' of . Vail Village Tenth Filing, approximately a third ! waltys owns the duplex unit adjacent,1 ,/' )to.'(his.Sffoprty rLolthep"ast-. It is clear that other *"t-" .rn(ru.o, tJ) --r{^ ""ry("' jtending to inflate this price Irt ot value for sites of thisano setzth.,.,rRry:.J"ftnit of ,value for sires of rhis \ ../' ('\ tw{ | .,/\'r. ( / l-----/V approximately $550,000 ro S650,000 as \t site. Application Easterly portion. It is my opinion that a d reflecting the specuJ.ative nature of a should range from l8g to 208, and the should be from ten to fifteen Vears. l- scoun purchase o appropriate t Applying this ra te ty ,a IBE 202 10 15 years years hence hence s258 ,0oo s] 13 ,000 s218,000 s BB,000 du si rh WerSterLv p#;Z *,"n'€::y'/^ "81. ",: te''gi 1I y/'/a is wVve: oprnro es for he yea ance. of S55 I o r p .{ I\s my opppltun i t i -,/' /\e6" bt.-tlr"\t :::-F""'*ol in a rangT; r '' ."-/ I ttion ,7' t hap s^{, pri6 $172,000 n that any significant redevelopment of the golf r 2OI5, or 3l years hence, The retail value of the 0 ,000 to $650 ,000 . Applying 18A t worth 31 years 20?' hence,{ pribe-at S550,000\*__-,-S 3."251 trS 1'031f,,:' .:' \ ,--'-\. \co""t"o\) r,7 /../ s3, o00 t'.,'\f i\1!.subject to the assumpt\o/s' def ip-'Jo in this terrlr\"0 .n"\'. / ,./ \completion of a survey ot\fre "uf2t'".t properLy; it is my'opinion \/,./that value of rhe subje.r p$yr as ":,,u'{;4, trys'{w"" {Sa\Hundred sevenry-Six Thousand Dol tVqg Udtt6,00o lr.{, cash, qto'\rcash, al"O \? (/, Present urorth 31 in today's dollars \ ,// : -r/ L/ I /l/AdditionaL data and reasoning appi\g'rt in arriving at th'is resent r+rorth 31 yeets'"-'-' .,,'' ihence, prig6'ar-S6sg,oqo-- f' 3,842-1/ S 2,2s2 \ ,--'-\.\ / ,,' value conclusion are in my files in worksheet form. available for further discussion and,/or reporting if Respectfully sub Christopher M. B They are CMB:Ijs necess Fc!:t App!o?sd OMB No.40-i.:495 Urilt.d Stst!r D!pafim.nt ot Alrrcullurc Forr!r Scrvic. SPECIAL USE APPLICATION AND REPORT (Reference FSll 2712) il'rr rsporr ir outhorir.d by rhr Crgonic Acr of Jvnr 4, 1897 lor lhc Furpoco oI cvoluoting rls proposcci ut. onC no p.rmit noy 5c irrr.rcd enlcrs thir lorrn ir iomplcrad or thc in{orrno. l;an it r.quircr hor Srrn modc o port cf rho rccord in roml c litt n'cnFat. itlzlo IHl=IuJl9i> lHIF trq te c. Rcr crci no, (l-2) 70 !g,on t c. F:rcrt {56) d. D; r tricr {74)c, Usrr nurrbar (9-l 2)t, Kind ol urc (l3.1 5) 9.Srotc (16J 7)h. County (l8-20)k Cord No. (21) I PART | . APPLICATION(To be comoleted by applicent) Acplic:tion is ferely mccic for o permit ?o rrsc Nctiondl Forcst lond oi lndic.led Sclowi L Dcccriotion ol londt lAttaci MAP or PLAT) The land that the Tovm of Vail is applying for (the use of) is at the furthest most parE of Big Horn located under the I-70 vladucE and is boardered by Gore Creek on the east' private property on the south, frontage road on the west and Gore Creek Carnpground on the north. This property at the present time is v,/ithin Ehe Town of Vail and is referred to as parcel H, (see attached annexation plat), The size of this ProPerty is approximately 40 acres. 2. Purporc of uro. This piece of property would be lncluded as part of the overall Park & Recreation lands with the Town of Vail. Itts specific use \,/ou1d be as a neighborhood park that would accomodate the resident recreation needs of the Town of Vail. Some of these needs are: (f) picnic area, (2) large 1eve1 grassy area that would allow families to play ltith their children (re. frisbee, baseba11, kickball, etc.). l{e do not envislon any schedulling of this park, It will be for drop-in use only. (3) possible tot-lot '(4) small parking facility to accomodate users vehicles, (5) 'bike Path r^rou1d connect this park wit.h all other parks in the va11ey, (6) possible use on bike path for cross country skiing. Land may also be considered in the future for long term lease for housing of employees of perrnittees and directly supPorted permj.ttees of U.S. Forest Service rand nf the t^lhira Riwer N:tional Forest. (cont. on DE. 2) 3. Lont Arco opplicd lor (For RieAts-o[.9o, shou lcngth and uidth ond cont.tt to acres: ior otAer uses shol.. acrcs) L en 9rh in: (:.1i I cr) or 1320'--aF;;t- 1320'X width lF..t) = 40 (Acrc.) 4', Inprovcmcnr Verv little improvements other than some leveling which would al1ow families o' DlrE'iPtion rec;eational use of the property. The Town of Vail would replant or seed any disturbed ground due to 1eve1ing. The maximum area that l^rou1d be leveled wollld be approximatefy fZO yds by 100 yds (360r by 300') or any area agreed upon by the Town of Vail and the Forest service. It is not our inEention to disturb any natural or wild gro\rth that may appear on the site but to actually improve existing conditions. The area scheduled for leveling and improvements is all- rough and disturbed ground that vas created by the Highway DeparEment durlng the construction of one of tbe I-70 bridges. I feel that \re can improve existing conditions and suPPly a much needed recreaEion Dark for the local residents. It is our intention to improve (cont. on Pg. 2) b, Plonr o och.d f-lY.t |--lNo. tt "NO" rhow dotc olonr wilt bo {vrnishcd Dolc ol Applicorion 8/28/80 c. Erlinrotrd cort . 25,000 to 30,000 d. Con3truction will tcain within as carly as 6/81 ( Vonth.) €. Conrtruction *ill b. cornpl.r.d within three (Monrh r) Appliconr': oCdrcrr c/o Town of Vail Box 100 Vail, Color"ao ---9}r5*., AFpliconrr nomo ond rignoturc Rich Caplan Prcviour cdirion ol t5ir lorr ,: coscrcrc (OVER)F5.2700-3 fl r,t8) ll 2 Statement of need At the present time the Town of \tail does not own or offer any park areas that could be used on an on-going basis for family activities such as baseball, throwing a ball around, frisbee, flying planes, kites, etc.. Every park that is Presently developed by the Tovrn of Vail is meeting the need of organized events and is scheduled to its maximum thereby elirninating the individual or fanily need for drop-in recreation. This requested piece of property when properly developed will help to balance the recreation facility needs within the Gore Val1-ey. The overall size for development can be determined by the people in the corirrrunity, the Forest Service and the Town of Vail-. We feel with that kind of cooperation and input L'e can improve the quality of life in the va11ey. tI 4 the quality of the Big Horn area. This parcel is a continuation of the Gore Creek Campground which is basically the same use that is being proposed, plus it is also a buffer area berween private land and a eamping area. At the present tine there are individuals that are using this piece of property for over night carnp sites which is i11egal. The Forest Service who controles this area is unable to remove these individuals unless 14 days notice has been given. If the property was under a special use permit to the Town of Vail, than the Town of Vail laws would apply and more strict controles could be placed and enforced on the agreed use of this property. Development plans will be furnished after the Town of Vail and the Forest Service agree on improvements. @ Unlted States Degarfmnt of Agr lcu lture Forest Servlce Rocky l,&runtaln Reglon tlt77 r. 8rhw, El27 Ld<*ood, O0 Avenue wzD 9ffi1 r - 8EJ Ben and Cel lne Krueger 1628 Va | | Val ley Dr lve Valf, C0 81657 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Krueger: You prevlously contacted the Foresf Servlce regardlng a proposed land exchange Involvlng Natlonal Forest System (NFS) lands ln Vall, Colorado. A declslon has been made fo proceed ulth o<changlng 40.0 acres of NFS land along Spraddle Creek and 2.5 acres of NFS land n€ar the Lodge at Vall for 585 acres of prlvate lnholdlngs wlthln the Eagles Nest l{l lderness. Should the Spraddle Creek parcel not be conveyed to the land exchange proponent, Wesfern Land Exchange Co., lt shall be avallable to the Torn of Vall. The 5-acre, more or less, matntenance bulldlng parcel of NFS land ls to be exchanged to the Town of Vall for cash. There ls a tlne llmlt on these transact lons. Repfy to: 5430 A 40-acre East Vall parcel of NFS land was the Town of Vall. Thls parcel wlll not be Natlonal Foresf System. also applled for by conveyed out of the A copy of the Declslon Notlce whlch explalns the declslon In nore detall ls enclosed for your lnformatlon. Slncerely, T)Afffi(N \^^<A H. PETER l{II,IGLEO Dlrector, Recreaflon and Lands 2cc: l{hlte Rlver NF FS.6200.28(7-82) DECISION NOTICE and FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT for VAIL LAND EXCHANGE PROPOSAL AND TCITN OF VAIL TOJNSITE APF!'ICATION The Western Land Exchange Company (WLEC), repre-senting Lodge.Propert'ies,.Inc'' has submibted a 1and uiEit"ng"'proposat t6 tfrl White River National Forest' The Town of VaiL has suUmi[teO 5 piopitsaf m puictrase NaLional Forest Syst-em (NFS) i"nJ".- four parcels oi HFS lindare invoived 1n the Luo proposals' However' one 4O-acre parcel or Hrs'Iand is involved in both proposals. The purpose of tfris decision is to respond to the two proposals which are described below' WLEC is offering two non-Federal parcels totaling 385 -acres ln the Eagles N-e:t Wilderness in exchange io" i"o paicets of NFS taia at Vail, Colorado. The NFS Iands include 40.0 "d""i on SpriOO:.e Creek (the Spraddle-Creek parcel),?pd approximately z.S acrli-;i"fi-iil-the South Side br tne Lodge at Vail (the ffi;;'pfi;Ii. trre tana eictrangE proponent has the pri.marv objective of utlii"ing the Lodge p-rcef for Lminertial developnent as a hoLel siLe. Utilization of the spr"aOi"-C"eek parcel would involve low density residential develognent or resale to tlre Tovrn of Vail' The land purchase proposal by fhe Tom of Vail involves three pareels "! lll. land. These are the 40-acre East vaII parcel , the 5g-ac1e Mainbenance Building p".".f,-""a-tn"-qO-acre Spraddle Creek iarcef. The Townrs stated obiective is to utilize a]l three p"""!i"-i"i 1ow intensity recreation.developneng and rnaintenance of open "p"t".--111" Town also indicates that it would consider ;iiii;iil ine-eiir vair parcer for employee houslng develosnent. An Environmenbal Assessment (EA) has been written to disclose the c'onsequences of the land exchange-proposa:-, the purchase proposat, al$ 3-no action alternative. ffre gR,'ii'tiefimin"ri form, wis made available for public comment. Based on n*""or" r"sponsl", thi prelimilary F+ has been modified to' clarify some informaiion anA inituOe iAAiti.irnaf informagion. The final EA is available for review in- ttre orrices of lhe Forest supervisor, white River National ForesL and the Holy Cross Ranger District' In surunary, the alternaLives discussed in the EA are as follows: Alternative A: The United States would issue patent to.the Spraddle.Creek p""""i (40 acres) and the Lodge parcet.(2'5+ acres) in eictrange for acquisition of 385 acres in the Eagles Nest . wiioeriess undei Lhe authority of the General Exchange Act oi l9ZZ, as amended, and the Federal Land Policy and ill"ii"rlnt l"i (nFml of 19t6: This confisrrat-ion_is based on L[e Amended Statement of Intent submitted by WLEC on June 28, 198q. I Alfer:raiire-D: AllcrnaLivel: The United Stabes would sell bhe Spraddle Creek and East Vail parcels (80 acres) to tbe Town of Vail aL fair market vaIue. These parcefs were applled for-in the National Forest Tomsite Act applicat'i6n dated December '13, 1983' In addition, the United Stales would issue paLent bo bhe Maintenance &rl1.ding parcel (fu acres) under authoriby of Lhe General Exchange Acb of 1922 as annnded by the Exchange for Schools Act of 1967, as amended' This action was proposed by the Town of Vail in their StaLernenL of InLenL dated JuIy 6' 1984. No Action. Landownership adjustmenls made under aubhority of FLPM must meet the equal value requirltpenis of that Acb. If an adJustment in acreage is required to equalize values, such adjustment shall be disclosed by arnerdment to this Decislon Notice. The White River Natlonal Forest Land and Resource Management PIan (Forest PIan) "i" "pp.ou"d Septernber 20, 198t1. The Forest Plan contains a set of goals wttich were biveloped in response Lo public issues and concerns presenLed during the planning pro"ess. ThL Forest PIan Goa1s relevant to llLECts J.and exchange iroposai ind the Townrs proposal to purchase MS lands are listed below: 1. Acquire private lands withln wilderness. Consolidate National Forest ownership patterns. 2. Pursue opporfunities to make landownership adjustnents Lo improve m"nagerent effici.ency for both NFS land and intermingled private land and [o meet bigh prlorlty resource management objectives' 3. Provide the opportunity for economic gro'rlh of industries and comnunities dependent upon Foresb outputs. The Forest Plan also provides General Direction for fandovrnershlp adjustrent activities whicfr inctude land exchanges and land sales. The relevant portion of this direction is as follols: 1.. Ensure floodplain and webland values are approximately equal on both offered and ielected tracts in proposed Land exchanges or thab values are in favor of the United States. 2. Classify lands for acquisition or Lo acquire interests wtrere lands have been identlfied as more val-uab1e for NFS purposesr or where current or potential use of private lands would adversely affecL National Forest values and urhere acquisllion would not Lransfer impacts to another site accordlng to the following prioritles: a. In deslgnated wllderness and other congressionally cfassified area5.b. Where lands or rlghts-of-way are needed to meeL resource managannnt goals and obJectives. c. Landi wtrich-provide habitat for threatened or endangered animal or plant specles. d. Lands which include floodplains or weLlands. e. On lands having outstandlng scenic values or critical ecosystems, when these resources are threatened by change of use or when management may be enhanced by public ownership. f. Lands which are National Forest in charac0er that provide essenblal big game winter range and are valuable for obher Nat,ional Forest purposes. 3. Classify lands for disposal according to bhe followj.ng priorities: a. To Sbates, counties, cities, or other Federal agencies when disposal will serve a greater public interest. b. In small parcels intermingled with mineral or homesteads patents. c. Suitable for developnenb by the privabe sector, if developnent (residenLial , agrlcultural , lndustrial' recreational, elc.) is in bhe public interesf.d. When critical or unique resources (floodplains, wetlands, essential big game winter ranger threatened or endangered species habitaL, historlcal or culbural resources, crilical' ecosystems, etc.) effects are mitigated by reserving interests to prcfect the resourcer or by exchange where criticat resources to be acquired are considered Lo be of equal or greater value- The criteria used in reaching this decislon on the two subject proposals are shown below. Criteria nurnbered 1 through 3 are relevant policy statements found in Forest Service Manual 5403,1: 1. Consolidate Nabional Forest lands within existing National Forest units. 2. Dispose of tracts no longer suitable for National Forest purposes- 3. Complete land-for-land exchanges to consoLidat,e National Forest and private, Stafe, or local government land paLternsl to permit needed urban or industrj.al expansionl or to make other adjustments in landownership clearly in the public interest. 4. Any conveyance rust be consisLent with and aid.in inplernntation of the Whibe River Natlonal Foresb Land and Resource Managemenb PIan. In consideration of the above criteria, bhe EA, and public corurnnt, my decision is as follows: First, proceed with Alternative A, the land exchange proposed by WLEC. 0f the three al.ternatives, Alternative A provides the best response to the above listed decision criberia. However, if lhe Spraddle Creek parcel ls not conveyed to WLEC, ib shall be available to the Town of Vail as described in Alternatlve B. This deci.slon ls contingenb upon approval of the appraised values for all parcels ln the proposed land exchange. If appraised value of the NFS lands to be conveyed by land exchange exceeds $1 ,000,000r the case mrsL be revier.red by the Forest Servlce Washlngton Office Director of Lands upon whose recomrnendation an Amended Decislon Notice will be issued, as requlred by FSM 5404.13b. Thls decislon 1s also subJect bo mltigation requirerents Iisted hereinafter. secondly. proceed with conveyance of the aintenance Building parcel to the - Tosn of vail under authority of the General Exchange Act of 1922 as aoended by the Frchange for Schools Act of 1967. Since receipts under this autbority roay be used, ,hen .ppropriated, to purchase landE valuable for National Eorest purposes in the State of Colorado, this portion of Alternative B also responds very werr to the above listed decision criteria. .Ttris parcel will reoain available for conveyance to the Torpn of Vail for one yesr frou the date of thi6 decision. If no substantial progress is nade totrard conveyance sithin one year, this parcel shall be available for disposal to other entities- This tioe iimitation also applies to conveyance of the Spraddle Creek parcel to the Town of vail if it is reooved frou the propoeed WLEC land exchange for any reason. Itrirdly. the East Vail parcel will be retained as NFS land since it is valuable for National Forest putpo"es in association with the Gore Greelr canpground and trailheads for the Tlro Elk National Recreation Trai1, Vail Ten Mile National Recreation Trail, and Gore Creek Trail . For the purpose of protecting and presenring prerriouEly authorized public and private uses of the NFS to bi conveyed aE s result of this decision' the fol}oring nitigation Eeasures are requird! Spraddle Creek Parcel 1. The conveyance sha1l be subject to the higtrway right-of-way for IDterstate 70. 2. Easeoents granting rights sinilar to uses currently authorized by ' Special Use Pernii strilt be granted to Holy Cross Electric Association ftr porrer transni.ssion lines and to Mountain States Telephone for overhead and buried telephone lines. 3. The United States shall reserve a right-of-way on the existing Spraddle Creek road. Lodge Parcel 1. The land exchange proponent shall execute an agreeoent with vail .Associates,Inc.'PerroitteefortheVailskiArea,whichensuresthatfurure developnent of the parcel will not Daterially interfere with current ski area operations and in which Vail Associates' Inc. agrees to relinquish all speciil use pernits covering any Part or al1 of the parcel . 2. Eesetrents grenting rights sirnilar to uses currently authorized by special use pernit shall be granted to the Tor.rn of vail for a bike path, Itoly Cross Electric Association for electric Poorer trsnsmission iitt"", Vail Water and Sanitation Dietrict for nater ard 6ener lines, Mountain states Telephone for telephone 1ines, and the Town of vail for road accesa to One Vail Place. a Based on the facts and circumstances discussed herein and in the Envirormental Assessment, it is determined that this declsion wiII not result in si.gnificant impact on the quality of the human envirormenb; Lherefore, an envinrrmenLal impact statement is not needed. This decision is subject bo appeal pursuant to 36 CFR 211.18. Notice of appeal mrst be in writing and subrnitbed !o Janres F. Torrence, Regional ForesLer, Rocky Mountain Region, ISDA Forest Service, bx 25121 r Lakewood, Colorado 80225, within 45 days from the date of this decision. A statenrent of reasons Lo support the appeal and any request for oral presentation rnrsb be filed within the 45 day period for filing a notice of appeal . n stk, -l ort-J antes F. Torrence Regional Forester Ric uth 1 ,co rd A. tCa Vail Fron/age 81457 Capl a n Mr. Town 75 As you equ par go 1f ourse Un i ted A1 t houg h been ordered descr ipt ion fan Road May 8, 1984 inspected and appraised 3.0 acres in e third green of the golf course, he maintenance facilities for the ed under special permit from the O1 alI and the area has no legal fol l ows : Total land area as follovr/:3.0 the east side of Va\ Valley ve with maintenance facilities \n pI .69 acres in the Vail Valley 1.69 golf acres The purpose of market value of the assunptions noted. et/ with this appraisal r"ras to est imate the c above described property, s it v S ^ .52 acres on the west side the third green of the golf of VaiI course ey Drive in place. Market value may be defined as: lCe and cha subrfect roperc tt Gree and Ihat in dollars wtrich a purchaser who is ready, able to. buy rnould be warranted in paying seller who is ready, willing and able to be warranted in accepting, if the property willi re of in the market for a reasonable timer both parties without undue ccrnpulsion and with full knowl the rights, potential uses and restrictions 1 the ownershio. Pro De scr tio The s rectangular, longer in the east/west She icial Zghing t'lap of the Town of Vail. It is ]t add Natural n Space District" under the ord i na of the,/Town l. The parceL is bisected by Vail Valley Drive y'nd 1S jacent to platted subdivisions zoned "Two Family Resid{ntia{ District, " and "Two Residential Di " (see t The portion o pr i s improved a s pa rt \f) the v f ourse ^dnd conta ins the third o..'t he we of VaiI Valley Drive green; highest and best use i as onf single family\s\te. The property east of Vail Val\ey Drive as been gra! the golf course maintenance\ui$ing, includ,fng a wor{area. equipment storage, and a loadi pla t fo H igh and be is as three single family sites. Pr ima ry/Secondary following page). The property is owned by the Na\iona Fores being used by the Town of Vail under d ecial'use permi t. 52". balance of the approximately ten acres (to the east and south of the subject mostly unusable. owned by property ) rh the Forest Serv is steep an SUBJECT AND SURROUNDING AREA INTERSTATE 70 I l,'rtffiititltit//,/tIl /2,.'r.'ll//'/t."'tl/'.t/r.f fitt'f+^f{9i :J=ra Ic ffi1ffi T - TOWN AOUNDARY alue Itisc ar that zoning for the subj ect this is within change the {eal future. However, onl,{possibleTi:sefof the property is y. It is my opinion woul ay a he9&ily rdisco\ted price for the future.ping for;{ezory{ng some,,yime in the defi wi th rat.e. Considfring t speculative nature of a sort, a reasqnabli,f long wa iting period the necessity cy property will not not to say that the current zon i ng that a speculator land for speculation, This timing could be e frgrd ten tolthirtyJye\rs. dering is, I e*imatd market value of the property by tail price if zoned for a use consistent rrounQlng I{nAs;-6nd discount that price at an appropriate venture of this the ate to re f lect A1so, Iea se s rt of the pr p aFPro b 9i tv / terly rh weencumbering the g subject property. Current Retail Value in s Mar There have been few go cour.ce frontage area transferred over the l_as t to thr years as follows: I,ot 10, Vail Valley ltrird Filing\tr brred i 1982 for $450,000, to Eagle Beaver, ,*4" transferred again in Decernber l9B2 for to l&stern Oolorado Devefopers. This ., and then was the same price, site fronts on the golf course on Sunburst Drive to the east of the subject property, and is zoned "I\,rrc Family Prirna tjecondary Residential District.,' on ng bhange in in t subj ec t I.ot of overl Vail Village Tenth Filing, approximately a third mile^ southwest of the subject property, and the golf course, but with no frontage, frcrn Thrcrnas to I^Ia l ters in Julv 1981 for rty is zoned rrTbo Family Residential owns the duplex unit adjacent the t. It is clear that other lved,te f of balue for sites of this ing to inflate this price Other sal-es of through range in the year 1981 in Vail Filirg price f 330,000 to ,t9425,site.l.{c Vall all lof Vail i/allev Third /J' ry/ry ResidentialFilirg is District. r' Iy, Considering the above a ssuml hrould be on the market toda 'I could be sold out of the easteYly $450,000 each, indicating a gross' westerly portion, containing the th approximately $550,000 to $650,000 that the ls my oplrl of tc site. izsyfregt "${o":w^ rties Ltes Application Easterly portion. It is my opinion that a discoun refl-ecting the speculative nature of a should range from 18t to 208, and the should be from ten to fifteen years. appropriate t purchase o' a nge ave: ,000. t l-ct and supJect pro n that tlfree ther,6ub j ec t rice of $ d q1{een, Applying this we t8t 202 due site this wi 11 vrorth 10 15 pri worth years years hence hence s258,000 $113 . ooo s218,000 $ 88,000 oplnlon es for he yea r ance. of $550 t f tio $r72,000 that any significant redevelopment of tbe golf 2015, or 31 years hence, The retail value of the ,000 to $650,000. Applying h Present hence, rang years s550 ,000 18A 20E 31 AE 3l s 3F"'"\s r,o3r completion of a survey or \e sf5ect propeEy,l'it is foOinion that value of the subj".t e$yr 6s "f; +, tP{w"= e\ Conclude\ ) \/ / /93,000 value conclusion are in my files in worksheet f available for further discussion and/or reporti Respectful ly su concrude! ,, ,/, / subject to the u=",r*pfiord oerinCa isubject to the assuKi.op6 aetfa in this tl completion of a survey of \he suh2.ject property./'it orm. ng if tte nd the They are Hundred Seventy-Six Thousand DoIlrqs l,$I76,O00)/a1 I cash, in todayrs dolIars. Additional data and reasoning app in arriving at v ti \t '\D1 I m ni re um ,l rt\ ooot( pen De ease J) ina ';/'o' ot hat 'vd , irr,do anges in it is rn Y 4, 19 176,000 CMB:ljs Christopher M. Bowes necess -t IL IFID 292 wesl meadow drive vail, colorado 81657. . W l47GM ME f ROPOLI TA N F E CRE AT' ON O ISTR ICT July 6, 1984 Dave Stark HoIy Cross District Ranger P.0. Box 190 Minturn, C0 81645 Dear Dave: As requested by Mr. Richard E. l,rloodrow, Forest Supervisor of Glenwood Springs,I am submitting this letter for your concerns on the proposed purchase of approximately 1.5 to 3 acres of Forest Service Land. Please see attached map. Please consider this the first step in the six step process for Sisk Act Application as outlined by l4r. l,loodrow. Please find attached a formal statement of intent. lrle realize that the procedure could take as many as two to three years before the Vail Hetropolitan Recreation District can obtain title to this National Forest Land. I be]ieve the Districtwill be interested in accelerating this process and would consider paying foranenvironmentalassessmentandappraisal. I __: ,..: ,- ,l P'lease consider app'lication towards the purchase of this propertystarted and inform me as to the ongoing steps. ' .',.'': '' '-'.-'' -.. Sincerely yours, C-u"-.-- . Dodson n Director, Town of Vail . ': .,,'. Patri c Recrea /\ | / K,J tio I D DtsrRtcT A METFOPO U TA N R E CR E A T ION 292 west meadow drive vail, colorado 81657 .3{J3t476-2W FORI'IAL STATEMENT OF INTENT The Vail Metropolitan Recreation District is interested in the purchase ofapproximately1.5to3acresoflandpresent.|yunderSpecialUsePermit FileCodeNo.2720orReference:FFtlt27|4.Thispermithasbeeninthe name of the District since September 8, 1966 and has been used in conjunction with the Vail Golf Club operation (maintenance building and part of the third green). The GoIf Course Maintenance building is approximate'ly 24'LlIllu glgtllr. lIlE u{', ll l,vuI >E I'lq I | | t,EIlqllLE uultur||9 rJ qPPl vr\r||r(rus.J .-t x 88'. There is a perimeter fence around approximately .5 acre that contajnss ''' the maintenance building, storage shed for equipment and various other ' ' storage. The rest of the land would remain as open space. It is our intentlon '' to use the site for golf maintenance or go1 f activities only. Approxinately' .,": 1/3 would be used as-fainrlay and green, l/3 as a dedicated road (Vail Val'ley. '.' Drive) and the remaining 1/3 as a-golf maintenance facility. -. ..- g ll+ sn(n I €E,.8 - \.t Fo.) nrs',1 .FV Fi /il/ stI e ''\r, €; ; \ =tt rtr'\ g \ \\.. \ rtrlxt<. Lt o il3[\, ll tlJ il5 lHIFlo t& IP d:t \\, 1.,\ \\ F'Hlrt :5 B* .,/ \ \ .B*. ALLAN MacROSSIE & ASSOCIATES rorvn o, u#T BoorH CREEK DRIvE o vAlffipnlq$oPnglusT o (303) 476-3437 Att:Mr. Rich Kaplan andLIr. Pat Dodson Re: U.S. Forest Service Land Presently Used bY the Recreation District The purpose of this letter is to confirm in rvriting, the appraisal contract on the above captioned property. If this arrangement meets with your approval, I would appreciate your acknowledgement on the space provided below on the enclosed copy of the letter. I believe that the total land presently utilized for the vail Golf Course contains 133 acres and of this 1.5 acres constitutes the Forest Service land norv being used for the maintenance shack and the third green. The purpose of this appraisal is to estimate the current fair market value of the 1.5 acres. In order to do thls I suggest that an appraisal be made of the entire 133 acres currently being used as the connplete golf course and then apply the pro-rata share appticable to the 1.5 acre U.S. Forest Service parcel. The appraisal approach which 1 suggest be utilized is the income approach to value, In my analysis I assume that a typical prudent investor owns the golf course in fee simple and free and clear. I will disregard the fact that it is actually owned by the recreation district subject to debt and land leases. The typical investor owning the property free and clear of any leases or encumbrances would have a net operating income different from that actually earned by the property in the past. For example, he rvould not be selling season p"sl"s lnd rvould earn the same greens fee on all rounds of golf played. bartially offsetting this factoi is the probability that he would have to pay real estate taxes. If you decide to have us complete the appraisal along the lines as outlined above the cost of the appraisal will be $4,000 and the l-eport can be completed in approximitely 25 days from the time that 1ve are authorized to proceed. I hereby authorize l{. A11an MacRossie and Associates to proceed immediatety wittr the appraisal assignment as outlined above and enclosed is our check in the amount of $2,000. The balance of gZ,OOO will be paid simultaneously with the delivery of four copies of the appraisal rePort. Very yo_urs Allan MacRossie Date Signature 4+Az"--- 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 office of lhe town manager Fehruary 16, 1984 Mr. Dave StarkDistrict Ranger T{hite River National ForestP.O. Box 190Minturn, CO 81654 Re: #5450 Dear Dave: on behalf of the Town of vaiI, let me provide you the add.itionalinformation requested by Forest supervisor Ricirard woodrow inhis letter of January 6,7.9g4, regarding the Town of VaiL'sTownsite Act appllcation for two vair pircers in the whiteRiver National Forest. A. Development plan Spraddle Creek parcel - It is the Town of VaiLrslntent to use this site as a surnmer and wintercommunity park. In the surnmer the area wouldbe designated as a hiking information centerand served as a traiLhead for hikes into theforest lands and Eaglers Nest Wilderness area.It would be the i.ntention of the Town to allowthe current special use permittee to continueto maintain hls horse riding operation. Amodest increase to the existing parking areawould be made to al_low hikers and back-packersto park their vehlcles. During the winter, theinformation center would be used as a crosscountry ski information center. The centerwould distrlbute cross country ski tips andtrail maps. Enclosed is a brochure ol the Townof Vail cross country ski program. This sitewould be incorporated into this program. The site would also be used for outdoor sled.d.ingand tobogganing in the winter time. The Townof Vail does not have any area within itsjurisdiction designated for such a purpose. Mr. Dave Stark February 16, 1984 Page 2 B. Parcel H/East Vail - This site would be developedinto a park with one other non-park need al_so beingsatisfied, a snow dump. During the winter monthsthe Town would establish a cross country ski centerand trai1. Currently this area is used informallyby many residents and visitors for such purposes. The Town also has an immediate need for additionalland to dump excess snow removed from public streelsand other areas around our conununity. In the sutnmer the Town would seek to d.evelop anopen ball field, pienic area, sma11 parking 1otand rest stop for bicycle riders who cross thisproperty to access the Vail_ Pass bike path. Community Objectives The Town of Vail believes that the transfer of thisland to the Town would serve the park d.evelopmentobjectives of the Town. The Town of Vail has thelong-standing commitment to park acquisition anddevelopment (brochure encLosed). In 1979 the Townadopted a speclal tax exclusively for the purposeof land acqulsition for park purposes. In addition,the voters of the Town of Vail have approved numerousbond issues for such purposes, The current lnformal uses whieh the public makes ofthese parcels could be maintained anct enhanced. betterby the Town of Vail than under the Forest Service. ( In fact, the Spraddle Creek parcel has been placedon the,land adJustment plan of the U.S. Forest Service.)Both of these parcels abutt urbanized land on one sid.eand Forest Service land on the other side. By developingthese sites as Town parks, they provide a desirabletransition zone between Forest Service land and morehighly urbanized property. Zoning Both of these parcels were annexed to the Town ofVail in 1980 and zoned agriculture and open space.The Town definition for this zone distriit allowsfor public parks and recreation areas (Sec. 19.32.020 C)and certain types of prlvate recreation facilities ( Sec. 18. 32.010) . c. Mr. Dave Stark Tebruary 16, 1984 Page 3 3. 4. 1. 2. 5. 6. The Town of Va1l is committed to conform toall applicable federal and state laws andregulations related to the use of theseparceLs. The Town does not intend to build any permanenrstructures on either of these sites and, there-fore, no liquid waste disposal should result.The Town is prepared to provide trash receptacleson each of these sites and will assume responsj_-b11ity either directly or by contract for theregular removal of trash from these receptacles. No new utiliti.es will be provided to eithersite. The existing o1d Hi.ghway 6 road will be usedto access the East YaiL/Parcel H site. Nonew roads are necessary. The current access road to Spraddle Creek willcontinue to be the road used to access the site.The Town would ultimately provide some improve-ments to the road through either the additionof gravel andf or asphalt. No new road is neededto access the Spraddle Creek site. No structures or other improvements will beconstructed within 150 feet of the adJacentnational forest system lands. No live trees will be removed to accommod.ateTown improvements. llinor impacts may occuron some of the existing natural vegetationln order to establish a parking area andfield area on the East Vai.1 parcel. Existing vegetation may be impacted on theSpraddle Creek site in order to expand theexisti.ng parking a"Tea. However, such impactwould be less significant than the gradingalready performed on the site associated withthe existing horse stable special use permit. Mr. Dave Stark February 16, 1984 Page 4 r hope that thls satisfies the appllcatlon requirernent asrequested. rf there iq roy additional informatlon ueceasaryto comp-Iete your congLderation of the Town applicatlon, pleisedo not hesltate to contact me. ely yours, Btchard Caplan Town Manager cci Bichard Wood,rowForest SupervisorU.S. Forest Servi_ce /"2 1,)t-. Mr. Richard lfoodrowI'Ihite River NationalP.O. Box 948 Glenwood Springs, CO frontage road . vail, colorado 81657. (303) 476-7000 office of the mayor February 15, 1984 Forest 81602 Dear lYoody: on behalf of the vail Town council and Eagle county, let me takethis opportunity to thank you for your willingness to meet withus last ruesday regarding the proposed forest service rand. ex-change Let ne reiterate the understandings which resulted from thismeeting so that we are all clear on how this matter is proceeding: 1. The Town will review and comment on the Forest serviceland adjustment (disposal) plan so that the ForestService may consider possible changes to that p1an. 2. The Town will be able to review and comment on theenvironmental assessment which is to be done aspart of the proposed exchange. 3. The Torvn will have the opportunity to revierv andco.mrnent on the appraisals on the exchange parcels. 4. The tr'orest servi-ce will hold a public hearing as partof the environmental assessment process in tie Vailarea. (The vail Torvn council chambers are availablefor such a purpose). 75 south llr. Richard lYoodrow February 15, 1984 Page 2 5. Torvn park related uses are acceptabr.e criteria for theForest servlce to conslder aE plrt of the Town's iownstteapplicatlon for certain Forest Service parcels. 6. The Town-Attorney wltt revlew yarlous Forest servlcearternatlves vhr.ch may be suitabre for the Town toacquire other Forest service parcels on the aa3usimentpla!. ret me restate tbat while the Torpn coDtinues to oppose tbe proposedland exchange trade-as r.s, we apprectate the wlLiiigoess-ot-;[;--:Forest servlce to allor tor a noie open process tn ieviewiog-l[r"i.mportant matter. Tbank you again for your cooperatlon and,attendance and we lookforward to workl_ng elosely wtth you. ; Rodney Itayor J-y yours, SllferE. cc: Dave Stark-U.S. Forbst ServiceEagle County Comnlssloners 'L)"''"'r'*' United States Oepartment ol Agriculture Foresl Service so aler ro: 5450 Tltle ClaLne, Sales, and Grante off.: Februa ry 7 , L984 Directlon for Sr"fi Tracts Act, 36 crR par! 254, lyUll. Lau 97-465 Dlstrlct Rangers Pursuant to Publlc Lav 97-465 wtrich was publlshed January 10, 1984, ln the Federal Register, Volume 49, No.6, the sald Act rdll becooe effectlve on February 9, L984...j Enclosed Ls a reproductton of thls Act. An appllcant ulust request the transfer of Natlonal Forest System land by letter, or other sul.table erltten foro (see enclosed fonn) flled erLth the DlstrlcE Ranger who has adulnlstrative Jurlsdlctlou over the lands be lng r equi red The appllcant sha11 bear aIl reasonable costs of adolnlstratlon, euwey, and appralsal lncidental to the corweyarce. Distrlct Range r w111 provlde applicanE copy of Law 97-465 lrhen appllcat,lon L6 nade.. AdminlsEraEive costs nay be walved at the dlscretlon of the Chief of the Fo res c Se rvice . If the appllcatlon qualifies, and the envlrornent al assessment report ls approved the applicant wlll be furnLshed lnstructlons for completlng che t rans ac C 1o n. The Ranger should inform the appllcant that Congress has not provlded funds to cover costs of admLnLstratlon of the Soall Tracts Act. At thls tlme appll- cant wlll be requi red to pay all cost and requlrements under 254.43 Sunreys. SubJect to the avallability of fundlng and uanpower, I and uy staff w111 respond to appllcatLons on a flrst cooe basis, a llst w111 be developed ln thls offLce, provided that the applLcante can neet requLrenents ln a tloely and efficlent lnanner and nlnioun expendlture of tlne and noney on our Part. Informatlon on Collectlon Agreements t'I11 be provlded the Dlstricts as soon as pos slble To: (*. fr*-QrZ-k RICHARD E.ZwooDnow Fores t Supe rvi so r EncLosure \N\L yr{\o\-!\,\T.f k.tn'-_ , \^.r----Jtttr.su'${.D\ G aa,lnec)3o,-la!lzlGI =l I I r-ll ,!;Eb3 B$&,Elittl**tt* 251. fi De tatz:' i n i ng Pu b I i c osl reapondenlt commen 0n ru33erted r ddtng tther and regvlotionr" to ltrm tirne wat rswrttten lo inclu ted meaning. OLhor comm ted a lced.ln paragrrph. c ion of ltemr (bl. til. ind rith llerc ruggertionr rr \n and rdded to itemr (l clarify thlr rection. (d) wrr dele snd "admini6tr clelmo and dilputer oy.r !moll \{ land. which wlll ricnificenrl,td. which wlll r ignifice ond cortr to the !'ederr ent and p riva le tiver lo laaua / Ruler and Regula lionrIodoral Ragirtor / Vol..ag. No. O / Tuesday, fanuory 10.1185 I uEe Thr ortegori€r of trrch oftrnd: parcelij_.- -encroached on. roed righrr-of-way. and- mrneral turvey trEclion!.. . -r. Implementetion of tlrerr regula tions doer nol con!tilule authorizalion of nor conrenl to adverre possession s ga insllrndr aCministered by the Secrelary of Agnculture. I rs.lr oiilrrroirl- ifor Na har det r rignificant rubt Iantial n Furtlrermore. of rmsll enrities. nol directly rcrull ed.tn sdditione durer or pa perwork. lence The regula e flect the r lery of Agriorlture ! ond Environment t aclion wrll not hsve For the purpore of thir rubpart, impecl on a thir d th€.lr rcelr r€d uce cr ln atc no I there ired by the ot rignihcantly t: therefore. an 3Ees!menl ru 63 exps rSll€? ftwrit and (cj Scction No mai Minor cha rtructure. tl unnece ! ! a Item lc! war be consistent ' Section 254.41 lin Absence'of : Mo3t commen ' tr cls:-ily or define I . Some cha ngea . :o clanfy thir ra I the l.we heva (bt, al live" ln l" to in lhe Act. Exchange rqul Smell The A lndi Aa "applicanl" lr a person who' . . - -.': o-ccupier or has lmprovcmcnt! on iNational Forert Syitcm land under : claim of titlc or color of titlc. or who . . o.w,nr land abutting or undcrllng a road uel enviionmentel will be made on a tal impa latemcnt it nol the Na ntal Policy oI tg69. right-of-way, or who ownr land , lnlerrperred with or adjaeent to min.ral tun/ey hactionr .,.: "Approximately Equal Value' is e. comp6rstive e!timat? ofvaluc oflands involved in an inlerchante where . :, ' rlements of voluc. ruch is physical i, . characteristicr snd other smenilte3. !re reed.ily epparent and rubstanrielly .... . .timilar. "Claim of Title" ir a claim of land a s a . person'! own, bered on any rearonablc cvidence which cslablirhes the peron's lctual u3e of the land as thouRh the person had full title tlereto from rhe fime the peraon obtained ownershrp of rbuttinB land. "Color of Title" srises from an instrument purporting lo consey litlc tor trac( of land. ."Encroachmenls" are irnprovements occupied or ureC on Ne tional Forest Syste;n land under &i.st of tirle or color '- .. of tille. -:. . -::, ' "Exchange" ir a diecretionary. : voluntary transaction involvinj mutual . . '.. bansfers of land or interests in land belween the Secretary of Agricuirule .',:*' scring by and through the Forest Senrce .. and a nonfederal entity. "Good Feith" ir honesty of inrention rnd freedom from knowledge oi' circumslances which ought lo put a . . . - -:' prudent pef6on upon inquiry. ' : "lmproveme nts" rtean sn sddltion to property costing labot or capital r+.hich rllect3 it! value. Thc term generally lncluder fix ture3. rtructurer and ottendant fscilitie!. or buildrngs. "lnterchange" ir r land lransfer in which the Secretrry lnd gnother person .. i exchenge lands or inlererts in lands of I rpproxrmolely equal value wtthoul I formal o ppraie al. "[{ineral rurvey frectionr" rrc smull Porcel6 of Nstional Forcsl Syslem lunds interspcr:ed with or odi0cenr to lends bcnsfered out of Federal ownership un der the rrining lews. '?emon" includer cny nonfede ral cnUly ruch ar o Stale or 8ny poiiticsl ' ha ve rerrritten fully describe Lhe: procedrue. *ction 29.42 U olTmcs One rc:po'ndent ru13es ted Lhat bc crtabiishcd ar be{n danfied in the s were alFde to this concerned cls lhc. nls: howcver, we ca .guls tory lmprcl Tnir fingl nrle har bern Eviewe thrr ir not a major rule. The rcsult ed Ore need to e notice. We of Subjcctr lo 35 CFR Pari ion lo more National forestr. Public land notice and rsle icquisilionr and exchanges, t. by-caae A FT 254-LA}IDOWNERSHIP Ttrereforc, foc the ressonr lel forth in the preamble. Port tsq of Title 36 of rh€ Cocie of Federal Regulations ir arnended ar follor:vi: (11 Change rhe rirle oI PEn Z't hom'L{IiDOIvNERSHIP" lo-IJ"liDO lVl\'ERSI itp ADIUSTIiL.VTS": {11 Add e new Subgarl C to rurd sr follcws: atbFrt C-4o(fvaFncr ol S.ru! Tncir S<c. 25{.3{, hlrpo.c. eta.l1 Drfinitionr.29.3: Encre!chm.nlr. 291.3J Rordnghrr.of-way.- 2i1.}{ Mincrrl rurvey frrctionr. 25|.15 Uq|lira rion!. Z3{.}I Derermining public inte n:t. 251.37-2s4.39 [Rercrvcdl 25,1.{O Apphcs ti0nr. 25.a.rr hlblic rulc or crchanpe in rbrcnoc o(rpplicr tron. 25,1.{l Vs lu! rlon ol blclr.25{,{3 Sqracy..l.'l.tl Document of convcyrncc. Aurboriry: hrb. L 0?-a65, 96 Shi. 2S3S. S{bpcrt C-4onvcyanco of Sm![ Tmctr ! 25..3{t firporr. . These regulationr rel forth procedurer by which the Secrerary of Agiculturc may erolue lend diapures and hansgement protrlemr purruant to Arb. L.0?-.105. commoniy called the S,.nall Truct! Act, b1. convrying. th:ou5h rale, cxciBngc, or tnterchangc. L\re e , thre rcgulotioo wili have little or no -' tflect on thc cconooy. Tfie propored Procctjurct provrde r r reamlincd. eunplrfied arechanism of rcrolvtng rualt tuty- .! lingr Lhidr , oblcror will - -.! --.i sne ntr l.- cultural:.,,-, ly rlfecred ' ruthorierd catcm€nL :t ' e. rnd a.nd roning d.'..-t eof I rurt be .,. Ranger or.., :r tlc ell n lion. al to the nvcy8nce noI*e rlr rr road€en .. or{n et 'rale or rarlel d rele <rfcant -. for four ' -wsgapet qibe . ', etc. Ete rnd .: :. _..',. 1' r rhril .- .j.::I ", "', on lh€ ..: 1. I _. to be .' ,. ocation,ilily. . . ... rnd " . :.1 ... j r.: , ';:, lf ee Fodcral Ree{rkr / Vol. le. No. O / Tuerday. lanugry 10. :gS4 / Rulea and Re?ulationr:;l i;iiiilu#'::;;:*..ray.|nr1ivJdualo'n)T:T.:nera|rurueyfracdons , ;: ili;tr*"g;XU"..*fi:;,*"' E1i,ffiilfr.1ii{$$ti;;:,",'*l i'.",'J"'"":f;11:..,1i"i",0,",,;n,,i,i'iilix.,l'k_ : n;.illif"..t""i.'rJo'i'J,",'0."",s" xi.Jiffili,s:H8.":,*le-br";f;:; ,,' i:,iirlj"ffi:;:'"ml:l1;"*;:'"f1x," r.',i1.ff*:;*xii1',1;;1"r*' dnffiiHlsl'&':ffip6'i, .: ,, I I i;;:nj6orvc .n*""b-""1-t6-uc! or teEr lo rtilitv. .cce-.r.'occ"tlil-1,Tilll'li'o" valuer -'ll.not bc ru-brranrially'rfie-ir., i:.:r:ilri (rrrowhoooo.0'J'^-ol-fYn!:- -r ilJ,:11:il'fftt#,ffn1H'd:"o: orrmpaired; ,: --- j',i. i;,.given rirar thc toprovlfffJ$n:.|t', hr..tt t a. - ., - "-* uc; 8r€ (61 Exirtencc otrt',,.rui, "uitor,-.a . ti'i';i,,i',:,"11*l-""{;;i*!' c.l.-,scdeo trsrjs 11r}*.donG Hiet arncriel ut€ Fttjtit..;;i''i ;:;t: lt,| Ya0otnSood faitb-relied oo e-n - la) lrnd.r within tbe Netional (7j Applicable Fed*at, state. rnd' :i I ij,IT-,",TI' lt5.v, tjtlcrearc.b"ororlcr wi;;j i i:ihx*Hlm*ltuaaaoir",e"i''i:".;;lfii,fftrlsTiiiJ:ln" ln*f"::th';rfl*,i:ji:',-"ll ,ii .; i;|i:rur!""f;LHlomo"r,,u.,r iI'fi*,tlTHH"Jlf liiil:ru* ,,,-.,;;; 'r...J;''"'.-, ''. : '! li;contider tie follo*'ing_fag1"r ,3.". ' anffirr.y"oce under there provrsionr. | 25{.ao Aprltc.uo.r..:; l li cetermininSwhetlrer'tocoil:tF"d. --iiii"ra.-iui.r'r.u"*ii";;;""^ -.[a.)Are_querrrorconvcyanceof r: iii;l$;r!fftr"ffffitr.- mj:;i#;n;:1"ff,1fffi,i* I::j:rltrerrsysiem,anamu*be. .; , 1 boundarier bared oo bi'r'o.i&iiictioo -t"iri".lh,i.riederat tandr ffi:'lrlllr.r#r}r"r?;jT::-;r;;";ir.iii,ii#,fi""*f"*o'-:: fm*nt';rXi:ll#"*, ilLjffi:i*iH::":*"".,r" .:: ;l 1l;, {:; F.,ctusl eyideucc of ctaio of rjrle or ;$iil. lTd.. "; ' : 'c"l)lor of tiLle. (dl coopenqtion for toenr clnvcvcr ftl rhe.applicant rhall b€ar ell n' ,' ; i'l,i[:iNo.tica giveo ro p€r'on. rlirf uc oratrea;i;d;;i;;i;;;; rid. :H$::1.i.?;:jf,T:li;.:-lji*..; , i ;:ti;f;Iq qsl'i3r6n,.rr-='tsyrtem c"'eofinr".c!--unael;;;;;;;;;i;. conveyanc€.:'iiJpp;;gg's.;,".'. #i$ilH$,,fiifiit!'str"1 -$iiliwlrii"it:sff:r:1';:"-, . i:i- l5l C'uatioo of ga uqecoooojc U"*"i,- .l Clrief of the Foregr s"r"i."-'1; i.? l'J::'oar't -(") nr" ..1", 3;rh:1ge, or ir,te:rhange | 15,l,ll h6rc -$r or rrs...!o. o,r' .i 111:sls Rod rrcib.r-rr,- of,lgndt or intere6r -i"iil rt*"r it'lrt"" ;;;;;.pro$; '' , i ,' i:l;ii)i;:ilfi:;Ttr"u,ff"0,nn,-or- n"t".:!T,;"1T[TlfldT il'.'fir]," *1,";"Yi.# ##ff#,:'i".1'*:f"o; : i irildcr Grc rubparr o.' tti*i,ij'i.,'^,. ^;?,Y- eipiied roriy a;;;fi,fu lando*rer- .3tl+ .;;;;;,,i;ifi:1.:",'Pl' . (tl rLc abqrting.taodownc(rJ rball 'i"v u. "iL#iio-til iiuri" ror r"r" o,'t""4" tr " io-"i.a*by'1if iYT*f uo oy have the lirEt ri6il ofrcquisilion- -- rxctrsnge 8t Dor l3rr prao fair marlerCl r"*,ii,il;;;;1ili,",,i,:* ,,Jtl.T.: "'. o-rtu'ci *'n".yJ'r"l u. vErue. cznsider pubucroad li-;-- "r: - !'qur!rs to- the -tru--nigtum necessasy lo . (b)-p.,rblic a-oticc of r propored rele of 1- " j:"*a'.-u-.-r-.i-ii ii'i'- ltnt'ot' tecolve encroachmenl or land rtia'r"i *t-io ulri'ir'Jo applicanrlt*'porr"tion ;i",.ii'J::H1f,!f,"tjd :*"8tteot pmblean- ' rbau be pubrished once r week for four. t":l]"- befoc makin! any- ----"- | 25arr Drrm*ntra nor. n -.t coneecutjve weekr in. fo""in.*rp"i-u,crtnveysnce oI ncfitr.of.v'r0:'. (e) The requirenrnlr of [ ,={3s B,,d pior to $e date of aale.(c) Rei=burrcoenr riU t requir€d orl,{J"'r"r I ?5i.3r. 6.i.33. or 25i.}{ o.'urr ., rcl q. publk notice rhalt desobe. for tne vafue of anv imorcvem.iii'.iao uu rJ,-u",oo " dcteru,i*tiorr of publ,i.'t oo I*a..i" 0..;ld";fur- :{,$^1Yit.d Stater oi ot}er hi;i;;' ;i.;;;" o€ Erde. : acccptable price.-oondirJonr oI rele. 'uruoflues'| oruerr wclved by tbc chicl [b] Before i conveylDoe ir aade reale'l or oral bid procedurer. dare rndcf tlc Forert Service. rnder rhii ruuprrt ruch ronvcvanc" location of ralc. ' ! a5r3{ rr'rrr{ rnay rrrctro.r. ;'t-tr b";'.i";;.'J;;;'il:;;iii" | 2s{.{2 yrr.rtrcn o. rrds. ."1.'"J"!fi::It1,1::I?:.-.-ti"" ," -iliTJ*., s.eMcc orfieatr rbar! . 11) Apnrorimerelv cqual varuilhr'u . , qi*Jf:".ilf;""Hf"+:::,"*, fii.'$",i#:.,"ri;fiffitl1l_,, tJ.i:f,ffi5j,+Fiti.li'd.l.,on*. , "E,ii.""-;:!""r;r1ig;:,,.. stjil?,"ji;ii.1,.,fr#,Tj;r,[""ri:, ;lff,*'ffifti1m#":,,.,*],trj::"or ured by adiotniac ovrr{slht;;iJ;;"";:''.::-'"d undcranvoure.utlonrvorr-hi"'' :ffi[1H:T""Jll"'''T oo.., *oTf#l**;;;'.d"*", if.f;"Hi'{,*itrfriTjrr"li{s "; ^-P-ll;,.:i-*y* om"l,:]::\:u *Tffilfn sv"*' i'"il*frL appmximarery equar in vrrue rhan beqalrrcet tre (ollowiqq eitenr in Gp-;; "tiri.ution: donrmcrxe<i. An irpotLlt, musr '-rnifyd'r'jnruoriq wbethetio 1-n-vey-orleral -(?l;;i."f ud ure rnd GniolEenr i;::{HUL"j*L1';.uo;tfrjil:;if".rrr:r'cy racrlcnr und€r il:n rubperr oririruili FoN.l syrreo r""af 6i't" b l5t urercb^^ge. ' :..'..til:". ' '. 'i.:lri; " '':' ';[l'i -''il':;r S-Iq* t::!:e. Nc. E / T\eedtov. fanurry rc. rss,r / Ruler rnd Rcaulationr;l.ii1'- ' j j ii_!!l E{yat nJu.e. tn rte or .xcfi.Dse. f .i il lrl t{uat htue In }rl€ or GxciaDge- !! trcn . ctioot trball bc dn't loced bv- ,,., . 1j:,fcognr_t€d rpprelrrl pcoodr folllwim .., .{ .l jl}orert Se n ice epprtbel proccdr,rra ani. , ti. t.l;Ine- uor!.Fm Ayprrical StaJldadr for; !, :l:Fa:derpl t-r na A cqnistt,o{r. nc aitc of , ., ,.!;: l.[f f c valu. e|linsrc rill bc nrrrent with r Ii, i, i I fi:i.frf'1i:"T;'frffln", ro,,r *, ' ...1 ,.f ,lr;l.yrFrn land !re dc by o:ry p*ropr odrer , l iii{{1.1b"" r.hr Ccvrrrm sni a"y L "r'a"a.I- r ': . i f i.liJ I jii thc.proP€riv valuc detgrmi.na Iicrrc' -i::;;ljil l'x<rs er.lvcrr ' i i il i; i i att o::-siarr rr-r rrvcyr of -. , l,i,:.il H.rrional forcri Syrtra t .oi.tr.ft Ue . ii ii'i :?Sjl I $ra.* pr'"r', ! q ii lprrocu -r-iiE"","r p.i,or .... , :i j: l,i trn,r.Ta urxie r l'orrst Service , '.iii ilr: lj'F.1'-l9tions. contr€cled by the person .,:'.: i'!i;it 9.pt'fJl8 lor the 6e,ssgy6nce, oibyc: :i 'i; ii.!",:r"f s{ryice .u'!ryor. The pcnon will: i.l:,i':li+llo o€ Fguir€d lo hsve ell F€d€ral'_ i i. ;t: iE ?Flerq.boundarier rcsrhi"n froo r t.: .ril ,,!ii | | oonveyBnce marked rnd pcried to- :;j:1:ijlli"', Servics rr&ndard'.' ' --'- ' ' ;.: '(, ii i in a oeq.,r.ar or co,rvrr.ncr. , ;;i ijilli.l:(ot Itle.lo th Lhhed garer may be '1.,.i,l't.l: ti.'?1f1-d bv quitclaiur or rrFrnry , ,;i riif j.l!q1t'ttle,ro rh Lhhed saier may rre '1.,.i,j'liit ti'?:?F}-d bv quitclaiur or r?Frnry' ..,;; :;: iri.ig:d. Thc tlnited srater will convfo 6de.; I i;i; illi:.ly by quircJaio deeo-. :-I ,i'lil l:tr} De:ds rhell be hee of rerms.. .li':i: i,if?t(!tio;r. rnd coE|/lf,lenrs ercept tlme f:.r.,j; 1:r'3::aed n€cetsrrft to aEAu:e pf6tr. Oo.1' i ; l'in{ Lrc public inieresr. ii i;ii l,i'; r'te.'-"y.:l:l!:*'"11. 9r -: ''.i ii-, t..lt,rn stji.ulce wtll be tsanrmitted aher. i.! ;rr. i;ltworua r,oc- |A.her€ a:pLcabla to the ' , " :t itiillffil"t"',,ltate o0ice ol ii,a Bureeu or, i, l,I.r.nd Managroent. i i: i tFA! 8. Crowclt, tr- .: ;'i i1tr11.r1 S:<;.elrry lu t$tutlt tusq:ct;,''. .i .': i.and Elvitvnmcnl - L . , i lrecrob€r 16. lErgl. . i . | ,rt D*. F-4- ll{ r.}{aa6.t4";l**Y'.*rFr 1187 J UNITED STATES DEPARTMENI OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERrICE SMALL TRACT APPLICATION Appllcant wt shed to acqulre title to Natlonal Foresc Systen lands under provlsions of the Act of January 12, 1983 (96 Scac. 2535). 1. Narne of appltcant(s): 2. Addres s: 3. Telephone Number: 4. Applicanc's proposal (attach sketch rnap): 5. Attach copy of. Eitle to applLcantt s property, or title ls located in public records of CounEy, in Book , aE Page(s) 6. (If applicable) To the besc of appllcant's knowledge and belief, the encroach- roenE. occurred as the resulc of 7. Applicant undersEands that there may be adrulnlsrratlve costs associated wit.h this Eransacci.on and t.haE Ehe U.S w111 be pald fair marke E. value for the prope rcy Co be acqulred. If this case is determlned ellgible for processlng, applicant. r.rill be advised of esElmaled cost.s and given an opportunity to reaffirm lnteresE in coru- pleclng the proposed Eransaction. day of ,19-' Fl.Led thls day of ,19 --r 3t p.m. in the offtce of Ehe Ranger DisCricE, Signed rhls S lgned: Slgned: Tl tle Reglonal Fores E by Lr pubt tc LAw 9?-46s-.tAN. lz, t98g 96'5T4T.2535 t "5vr'.rttLTl*& A** - ro aul$ ttre se'"vgffiHf;;gffitr- Nationar Fo,"* qrnca -:r,n. ra rga3 & it enactd, by tho Forntrtn --t ;:---: ^ -fGj- . : : y#* ffififfip?H*"ffi%Hw:f,{tr,i{# o.u"'r,,",.o Plpiq Law g?-465 .:,, 97th Congress An Act '*$t-**"nr'ff,m" includea ""' s"* o' *";; f,**'ffi' 16 USC S2lc. *'mlfm De'n"ns ;!{:ffiffi*"v' ;; ;L* or turicurt're sec' Z'The secretary. is. authorized, when the secretary deter- 16 usc s2rd.rnines i_t to be in tuJputitic i"Gil"i=; wrrtirr L'c DecreEat (l) to selt..ex;t."g", o;il-t"f"frqg by-quitclaim deed, aIIrighq title. -and irrteiCt-1rrci;,itl, themineral estate, of theunit€d stares_in ."e-d;[d;iiiir i."t*t sys,em lands described. . - in eec{ion g;aao (2) to acciot a9 consideration for tle tan_d-s sol4 exchangp4 orinrerchangeiott,"'igi-diii.iiGfr i"E;d",*o;-;;ii'i"*"n,,or anycombination oJzuc\ roi--" orii.iiie?tii"Fili5l,, iu the- csse of conve-5rane ui.saie-ii eichange, is-;ti.;,;qual invalug includiirg trre -riti"erar-o6t", or, in the case of oonvev-ancebyinrercllange,is;a;pd;*?6iiArJ*,iiie,-induairie the mineral estati, itthe-ff;d;L,ng conveyed by the Secr*tarv. The secretarvs-riall -t"d;;y such quitclaim deed suchterms, convenants, conditions, "n'i ,"r"."ru";; tG S"*t"ryir".iffi#ffiry to ensure i'oiectio; ."f rh; F"tiiJf"t"Gt, vaf ues "r d ;m8lr"l"k; ffit.;. X,irr.f:;,SS ffi fSpriate..publie access f"-e"eGilLa" within the srrstem. Ttreprecedingsenteuce ei,u not ue;iril*ur"-t" a;*a-rffi; by *reuecretarv to rands outside oe uofiiaary dr""]iJilffi"-ft"uoo"t_ Forest sylstem. . *J vr uruts or ule I\' ::ift &tT!$tjs;*tu'fi En';l,"*:*Lrff.h?L1,6usc52rc ;fr:Btg:,i1":l'*is.not-practicirJi"a",a"y.dhfe;i-ffi-t;i not rno.re tnriri srsoffiHe ;lilit{Srminei uv i[L se;;;tdr;i . (l) parcels of fortyacres- J" t-eG irricr, are interspersed with oradjacent to uoas. i'ruitr-_t avlGi' traperred 6ut of Federarownershin under the r.'i._Gtt",* ;d ilrj;6 |!;&}[iged bythe Secre-ran. F.ogr" Jr r8ciii'"" o" ;#;;il8[.rliij*t t"eflicient aa-iirttraUon; - ---*- - '96 STAT. 2536i PUBLIC LAW 9?-465-.tAN. 12, 19$;st; ,_(_zl q1ce,ts.of ten a-cles or tess which "." "n.#;nea upon U"rmprovements occupied or used under craim oi-ct6i"itittd 6ipersons to whom no advance notice w.as giuenih;it Ji-p-"omdnts encroached o.r would encroach ""pd;nth ;;;;;Ti ;"awho.in gogd faith reried upon an erroneoiu aurvey,iitlJsearch,' or other land description' indicating it at tt "-rl"ri,ii- io"t suctrencroachmenE or(3) road rightso!-w.a-y, lese-rved oi acquired, which are sub-stantial{ eu;rounded 5i H;a; ilt.i*"iir 1fiil'ii;iil'statesand which ane n_o r.ongei needed uv ttre 0nitia-sLG;;rli""t t"the {irst right of abutrting randowire,€ b;;a;.-"iiiir?iit .r-way. . s.rp.-1. Any person to- whom tands are conveyed under this Actshall .bear ill' reasonabro Losts bi aiministrition, survey, andappra_isal incidentat to such-conv-eyurce, a" ddt"ilil;h fiiir;se;;;tary. In de0ermining the vatuqof ilti;ds;; i,iiiiii"ii#ri',ii, to u"c-onv-eyed under this Act, the secretau ma:{, in those cases in whichrhe secretary dererminei it would b.i" ah;ilb]iilffi:;'excruaerrom 6uch determination the value of any improve.ents-to thelands made bJ rtrv pe.son oi-tier ttran t[L co'"fi;;;t.i',iiif, iase orr91d. nghts{f--way conve_yqd qnder this Act" the person to whom ihengnE{t-way rs. conveyed shall reimburae the united states for thevatue ot any irnprweme-nts to euch rightof-way which may havebeen.made_5v thb united staG. rtrll*retary ir"v, in-tfiG *"".in which the secretary determines itraT it wtiuili-6e l'ir iiie*ouur ic i:3Sj,_y^qn.p_a]'ne;t uy *i p"'ion-;i iiG-d;a?'niJ ti, a"yconveyance authorized by this Act or reimbursement by any Dersonror rne varue of rmDrcvements to rightsof-way othenrise ieiuiredby this section. 9r* s- conveyance of qny road rightsof-wav under this Act shall LoD rt construed as pe-rmitting any designatioi, maintenance, or useor sucn n-ghts{t-way for road or ot}rer purpc,es except to the ertent tr11nil$ by Stataor local law ana untEr cddid;"s Gftsil 6i6UCn law. Sec.- 6. T!re. Secretary.shglt issue_regulations to carry out theprovisions of this Act, in-cludine specifica[ion or-(l) c{teria which shall be'used il ;aking the determinationas.to wfrat constitutes tle public interes6 .. (2) the defrnition.of.dn$ th-e procddure for determining'hpproximately equal vatudtand -- .(3] {actors relating to location ot aiz:' which shall be consid-ered in connection- with determining the lands to be sold, _ exqhanged, or interchanged under ciaGe iiiof section g.-- - s-ec. ?. Nothing in this acE ehati auth;rize i"i""e-v""-ce olFederal!e"q" within tle Natiqnat Witdffi;;t pi!#v;ii6ri'Si-it"., Na tio n al wi I d an d sc€ n-i:c Ri ve rs-system, Hatioi iiriaiii'Sra-6 -, o "National Monuments. Nothing in-ttris act ;rfiU a;t6-rt;-;;G;iFederal tands, witnin National"RectiaEoii ereas.. S-Ec. F..(a) The Act-of December 4, 196? (81 Stat SBt). is amendedby inserting- Fe&re the phrase "public echoor district"'wherever itgppegrs, and beto-re the phrase "public school authority', the secondtime it appearc' the words "staG, county, oi municipal govJrnmentor'-. -.....*'3.:. -. 16 usc 521f.' Rightof-way. Waiver. 16 USC 5219. ' R.egulationa.. 16 usc 521h. Regtrictionr. - .. 16 usc 521i. 16 USC {8{a. til PUBLIC LAW 9?-465-.IAN. 12, 1983 ?;. 96 STAT.zsgn .,:i ' -;{' O) The Act of December 4, 196? (81 Stat' 5-31), is furth.er amended 16 usc {8{a' uv iaiiite-ihu lorro*ing ti t-ti" e.i it ei"ort "Lands may be cg.nyeye{ 6 ;ty-Sfti;,-"""tti, o? municiptt government pursuant Lo this. Act ;ty'if ;h"-Hd;;'"[ b;i"c ui[tir"? uv euch en-tities on the date of ena-ctmenl of this sentence.-Lands so cbnveyed may be'used only for itu po.por"" for which they were being usid prioi to conveyance.". Approved January 12, 1983. I LECTSLATTVE HISTORY-{. ?05 (H.R. 3021): HOUSE REPORT No.9?-192, pt. I accompanying H.R. 3-0!l (Comm. oniSriculture). i;fx"^:rA'{ifr'frrdiivL gz-$s'z (Comm. on Agriculture N-utrition and Foreatrv} and No. S?-'t90 (Cot t-. on Energy and Natural Reaources)' @NCRESSIONAL BEOORD, Vol' 128-(1982):--- -A;g.-iO. considered and passed Senate' Dec. 21. considere<l and Pa3oe<l noua€' o ,T .United.Stabs Depadment ot Agricullura Forest Service Write Rlver Natl-qnl FoEt P.O. Bca 948 clemocl $xtngs' @ 81602 Redy to: Date: 5430n Janriry 26, t981 l{r. Patrid( J. Dodson vatl lletncpofttan Reeeattcn District 292 IFst Medorv Drive Vail, @ 81657 Dear M!. Dodsonr !€ are adcrmleclgl$g I'our Janrnly 20, L984 letttr llsting I'our cdterrg on lVeetern tand Hdtange Ccnqnrny-s (t{tEC) prcpOeeit land ardtarge on the ttrlte Fltrrcr and mrdcr:s ortlrer Nati.qnl ForeEts ln Colordo. Orr itarrrnly 21, 1.:984 letter (ocpy endosed) to llou daheeseal cur gene:al poficry on iand'eLdrarryes lrrvofvfrg prbl.1|c laltds-with spedal use pemits. t{e ar€ encrrryirq WIEt to tod< tdt}t lou on l'our @ncxilIE. I€ will inclu& l'our oonerrls tlt the Errrirornertal Asesgltnt being pe pard. A cq)y oi ttre Decisidl ldoti.ce, dren signd, wlll be sert to ]totl. Slnerely, nhfr rr y RICHAD E. tFCmOn 4t Foreet Sr4nwiort Enclctrre @ ,r, F$el(bl rb o/at) llhlte Rlver Natlonal Foreat iP. O. Box 948 Glenwood Sprlnge c0 81602 5430 January 24, t984 Vall Metropotltan Recreatloa DlstrLct Attn! Pat Dobson, llanager 321 Eest Lyonahead CLrcle Vall, Colorado 81657 Dcar Mr. Dobeoo: lfeatern Land Exchange coupaay of 428 East l.lth Avenue, Denver, colorado 80203, hss offered certato lands la th€ Whlte Rlver Natlonal Foreat ln exchange for Natlonal Foreet System lends oa the White Rlver Natl'onal Foreet. These offered prlvate lanils end selected Netlonal Foregt Syst€8 lands are ehown on the eacloaed mape and E:<trlbtta A aad B. Psrt of the landg the Forest Serv{ce w111 erchange v111 loclude the tfact of Natlonal Forest the Vall uetropolltan Dlatrlci hae under epeelal use pernlt ln Sectlon 9, T.5 S., R. 80 W., 6th P.M. Otr general pollcy on dlsposal of Natlonal Forest Syaten lande lg: Natlonal Forest SysteE landa occupled rmder penmits or Gaseuenta ordloarlly ehould not be exchanged unless the erchange propooet and the apeelal uae pe::nl.ttce reach an "lr"er*nt on the dleposltlon of the exlatlag uee. It "g"""*t cannot be reached snd ternlnatlon of the peralt and colryletloo of tfre enctrange is in the publlc lnterest, as supported by an environraeotal 8s8casoeat, the pernlt nay be terolnated and the exchange coupleted. Ter- nlnatlan rnuet couply wtth the condltlons of the perolt docruent and the pollclee goverolng the tetlDlnatlon of perrultted uaea. our reporte and recormendatl.oae ln thLe n'tter w411 be 6eat to the Reglooal rorester on or about February 25, 1984. If you deelre to coment l! say way on the propoea!. as lndlceted, pleaee do so prlor to that tlue eo I nay tnclude your comlents 1n uy recomandatlooB to the Reglortal Foreeter. Slncerely, #n hT-< RICHARD E. WOODROI{ A Forast Supervleor Eaclosuree f,Elrstorla CC: BC SD R0/Lands ^llp'{- Exhibit A Property that the Western Land Exchange Company will consider exchanging: Poye Tract (Gunnison Countv) Township 51 North, Ranqe l East of the New Hexico P.H. Section 31: NEtsEk, S!sEt Section 32: SwtSWt 160. 00' Acres,Hore or Less. Countie s ) Township 3 North, Ranqe 72 West, 6th P.M. (Boulder Countv) Section 1: Lot 4 (NwlNwt), Sl{lNwt Section 2: SEkNEt Section 3: WL Lot 5 (w!NWLNEL) Township 4 North, Ranqe 7t West, 6th P.M. (Larimer Countv) Section 29:That part of the W! of the NWk lying Westof the right-of-way for U.S. Highway 36 andNorth of the following-described line: Commencing at the Wk corner of said Section 29, thence N. 00"29'46' E along the west line of said Hwk, with all bearings herein reLative thereto, a distance of 244.86 feet to the Beginning of said line; thence due East 475.51 feet to the Southern-nost point on the right-of-way for U.S. Highway 36 in the WN of said NWk and the End of the described 1ine. EINEL except a portion of the sEtNEl t. 2.Biq Elk Meadows Tracts ( BouIder,/Larirner Section 30: described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of said Section 30, thence South along the East line of said Section 30 a distance of L320 feet, more or less, to the northeast corner of the SEtNEt of said Section 30; thence S70oW a distance of 1"405 feet, more or1ess, to the northwest corner of the SEkNEIof said Section 30, which is the true point of beginning; thence due South 590 feet toa point; thence N70oE 590 feet to a point; thence due North 590 feet to a point on theNorth line of said SEtNEt of said Section30; thence S70"W 590 feet to the true pointof beginning. Town sh i North Section 26: Section 27: Section 34: Section 35: Exhibit A - continued (Larimer County) EtNEt, swtNEt, sEt, sElswt, swksi.lt except that portion in Big ELk Subdivision as shown on the Amended Plat of Lots 13-31, Tract 4, Big Elk Meadows, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the common sect'ion line of Sections 25 and 35 from whence the common section corner of Sections 26 , 27, 34, and 35 bears N 84o41r30" W, a distance of 197.40 feet; thence N 25"32'20"W a distance of 191.00 feet; thence N 53o27r40" E, a distance of 60.00 feeti thence N 6L"13'35" E, a distance of 200.00 feet; thence S 26"25 '23" E, a distance of 100.00 feet; thence S 25"39r59" E, a distance of 90.00 feet; thence S 53o49'01" E, a distance of 100.00 feet; thence S 42"39'01" E, a distance of 114.94 feet; thence S 42"01'50" E, a distance of 22.83 feet to apoint on the commoD section line of Section 26 and 35; thence N 84"4L'30" w, a distance of 4O2.73 feet along said section line to the point of beginning. SLSET NEk, NINELSEI, W&SELpglo, ElNEtNWt, NELSEk 1141.00 Acres, More or Less. Cal ifornia Park Tracts (Routt County) Raftopoulos Tovrnship 9 North, Ranqe 87 West of the 6th P.M. Tract 37 (forrnerly N*sEl , swtsEt, SecLion 3, and NwtNEt, Section 10) and Tract 38 (formerly Elst{t, Section 3, and ELNwl , Section L0) 320.00 Acres, More of Less. Scott Tract 43 (formerly slswk, section 10, and NwtNwt, section 15) Townshi North '120.00 Acres, l"1ore or Less. f. Exhibit A - continued 4.,Lilv take -Foresta Inc. Gunnison Count Townsh i 14 South, Ran e 87 West of the 5th Section 9:s* 322.71 Acres, More or Less. Olsen Propertv (Eagle County) Townshio 4 South, Ranqe 81 Lrlest of the Section 3:Lot ], Nr.It SEt NEL, Wt N}tk sEbE! NEK STVN, NEI SEI SI3IT, swk swL NEk, Nt SWt lrEl,Nt SEk SWI NEk, NWA SWL SEk SEL SEK SEK. IVL SEK SEK,s! N?it sEL, NEk SWL SE}, SIVL NEL SEI. SEK NWK, SWL }IE-K, SL NWK NEL,Et NEL lrwl, l.rL Nwk sEN,N! NEI SWk Section 16: NEk NEk NEk 385.81 acres , more or l_ess. Totalling 2449.52 acres, more or 1ess. Exhibit B Property 6rh Section 9: that the Forest Service consider P-11 . exchanging:wi 11 6thTownshi Sectioh 5:Section 7: Section 8: Section 9: Lots I and 2 NkN!NLSLI\rEk NtNllrlswklFdk, stNEkNEkswLNr^lk NWKSELNI,]K NLSwlswhNwk Townshio 5 South, Range 79 West, 5th p.M. Section 18: I'IEkNWIIn Eagle C6unty,Containing 111. 3l Coloradoacres, more or 1ess. _i) I Nr'TI "u<l ": ! "'Y ': l "\t'rn.''*a]' is *e'nt for visuar:=t-rr ^'\i.r rt -" J " I'Flr--! \ C.\4/a/re,5 Ldre r,s,-ar. - -Lft\ -> -:'--- - Ir<I- $li*t tu"l Sil *o iescription for accuratt i-*. . ro' :-::#,5=:,tilT+ --i. ,:t I _ _, _r _ -. . ;;$:i1,11#fi;L,.ffi i . -:' rii*,, WHITE RI\,ER NATIONAL FOREST COLORADO SIXTH PRINCIP.{I MERIDIAN lv?9 I ttl l, -:=L---:1 R.8rW. T.5l N. - T.49N. EL+ lit"\ l.:l uurvisou *oril]noi bofrEslf.it' i , ,,-'l) I 'it n l=:. -ftrr- ,-',a- lt lgitia iJ l'\olt' | ;\ l'rr I _ !ruN!\ rD\JIr LUU --: ).'.( ': __:J:..= _ -__l_ _:_ )r __.9 -_- -"'" i_ | ____j, -'_ __ _ >- _ | -.: ' _ ' ::'i'":""12,,/l\,, | '\;" l ,r*""'1,.* l. ,li-'.I.'{,' .F"" *':l ," i ,. l,i-,"-'t_-i-:!+-,-#.l,:":re"j;.'F*r.:)1_-i. "w.ffi _.-l'; -i-: r - ;l -t **lltlir;F l +t'gg#;1," i, r-i ;it*.*i**ti'9,'F=rini- ^--- Lfr-l l--l;: ttt ,J <' ,'( ,.1 ,,li,tit,;11 *Y'r*,LFi--r.--.--i i I uJ? .r '-c lii ii- l'll,",r'''i-'r iK(,i . -. ,r1.lv,l--1-fl\-.' i \,i.Jl:r t:. Y+= I I I "9"oJI '.(r ': II \\\ | - || --il l .;:r""1'--E:-- - -ltfl i II i I -.tt)/ 2. .. 2. I| ..- t -- |==i- -'--lrif /{117-. 'c*z; | ,-:,;\ z?c; i i ," ',,,',on/!l ^ l-.fi;., j: 'c''* // i5..r I -l-,--" I llJ.l. l ,. ,, ._i--eut"n lftl\,i i Leapsf | ."' :';t I I'nil'.T- '#f".uuno- I , ./ rs | : a4ND I .ct7a36--:-- r =:- - t --',t:''"J l'' llrr==:*=, T=:=-,-1 ,, V/'" ;l _ -2. _Btp!\. 9.171,i. | ;;-Birhet id:;,1:,'i 's1';'v. ,3 ish.^ I i -- .Gut i'- .. -g\..; I '-. ++, .l'l 19 i'21 I I --ct a,-'- -,t\ l,.-1.:"..< zi'-rd ' ,jTo ) --," 'i' t., l,' ", -it--€.t* ,,! ,, [i"=. \\.'-\i*o t-'-::rll 9156 cO? .'j rdssn.?.r 2 r 39 //I \ )\1 \,-.--,. \\\\ 10. ; -11, : ai. cr\ if f-'xoo'' \\.r2 .t-..", I -'-e., -l \\.l-atsl on .s,' . \, .', . Mrn \-:.Lake , iLlTi-' -' Itq! | Lt/. t 'li- ' ,.1:::;( _-,.,--'rir r po'r- r "tii1:;.r,61 .;:;f -l'--'- | GUNNISON NATIONAL FOREST U.S. DT]P.{RTIIENT OF ACRICULTURE FOREST SER\'ICE i JottN R. itccul8E cRlEf i t coLoRADo T.1 r S. li\ c"-c'^1t'9 'r a1." t'i,h'n r16?E Mtn l..j i l' :t t.t.Schuylkill; -iMtn i '. '-\l.e <! eo -=\------ -J#r\L'r rrruerrii,l,: -daREA ={'tii,.i.::'.'i -.i'l ' i.:#*-:rgxfr$flN rW i-- I tt # i "'FH ri?l'q{. - tg I_\a,_ i -rryj=^] 1.".l ----i, \i- I -Crested IButte i ,- l'" hi::, I {.{4. 'j)"= Ihl) 'Yi)---/it: (c R.86W. "r Carbon..APK' l?o79 I uv9N Iiq"*ffi ;ff;,rgV,-;til"#;i'-s;9#. ffi ru$'y/K'"l.'y-;:isr*ql1.,j1-"ii*;*,-S_-..,J-#l;!J++ iu"ir*\g)*i"iJ_K$"-=6=:i:'i:..'Tj*''"'tf;+-*tir1-M; ir\i.":\i . ,lf-;;.==o* \^:i. "*l-4q"! +;^ -;-l: .t'.?.,. :i..*'frii,)"n-2-+i) ll"'L,,2=i-1 P6rk I 6-...[ 'o,,. r i .tii3: '] j, ', .rr_eirl7" ,=$3j:o "g " -tt---_ '^ '- _*- jln ._t* Z'i -?- - , if.-_ ' '- i\ir 4-i r); ;s - .+.- | - 1r-l\+ -:a _ i_+_i :I !,._' *..@fi -*i4t*l'i-..-.?,'ffi i-"-i\*=-*s;*iu"l*g.. p i:,il -t[,T'-]-fi$t{ tYA,,t':'${^l '" r "":-rj"-C'l':- ["lirii;;;' l;18,,'s_ iM,,'{,d,,,,t,.i']Jr*,/ | _l-,,r,"*i.\io",,_'. 1-"-,-'i-F,E;i ffiffi*{T*fi,Wffii*,1- :- ,r4ffi#EEtEF: .fL\rr'*r'=',, | ," r,'4,.:; ,' t,,'ll5:1"' .. I 'i,o"crags , ( t', t l. "*-"rtl."""o t\ ; lf , ;i;i :i"i ) );:":1,*'zg=- .)fl',.r1':' | )@-v"'- ool",R:.-'.-,.l." l\y+\ - ntVeRl CO '' i.'ri ;' .''*|-iji*i f;fr,'##r: : iffa i . :\;i: - +F# nfi+="ry*' {t*,[tD$-l;ffi- +ry*u1t., i\,*,;), - i_,trfffi i- i .''eplj\ " -i l$'"tr'f : Jil-t ; ;Affi:i;ajV' ;.'*ffi'\ i -'- -i"'b"-' - -'c'a---f--.=ni f i i'v * i, \--r13 |-k,:- l)i:-[i;i:?--srr'; ffiEkfjiT-'+q;F t5-"ti'.q'1.']'":""?. t _W l: ; Hi;i," 1 s-il}11-ilJ[;li, tot' i ,. " " lsr ?,oi"\r'"",l ;lrr I er!i, -l- --* 9tr1_---1,-_ ( l" _ --9etii'i'too --ou,! -l -a-5?urH sr lJR ^i;;r4' i ;'r1_=::i:I;5"i,$( lf l,'iiiinr' 1,'nni,i n):1;yffi ,,.- $." : J.Ii,;; =t"jQ-" l I-l;: l .$r-ffip*g: ; ro 'i -J\ ,'i ',*--'1.*'( --\, r^-'-l' ,/' vl : r.! r ' :f : 'rl I -.r l..ts!l i t)) ",'| |..,-+]i*t -r- i /-i | sc:JrH sr t\\' "e ( -, -.- r .:l - I -:'c'l'" i 7*"- | COLOIiADO co.r'"-ii.-Yo,,'-,1 oescrip.ion for accurate r(,rl#s - l' :,;:::i= .rxrnrit-toltpAl.lrERlDtAN i ,,. i ,.4zzz"i- rocacion. :rr \t.- l:/7- 1 | 1e7{ l- ./i r,;."..-:.1 -:r- .1 ,,J-, -, --le;-f*tZ1 .= _ ___=_; Calnon purposes only. :lee wrlccen ouo/,er) '/, . ;F:- creehola:i,: Yj" ,._, descripcion for accurate '\i1t""t -'l', _ --- i"':J. f'1'2,,;a'; lgca,c ion ' ' " L.t.fi. ,= *^:i .;;;;5 i",'r-;;o;;,,ir1l ;"i""" .' l'"",t] ;.,,ilr..it I -'* '- * =*_--=t'.1P.-l#"ai,b-1F'.. - i;fi ,,--[=.;, ,,E'"^i'-* l*';la*r'firffiJ= 1 " -J,--- t--^F*.r*l ":-o i-,d,-.- t ",,V t-,",ii - . J, - f:lhl";-j;-..!,-i'i.b'"-/,!d-l--'+--l=:-- ; '-*.i ""'"-)i'W '": *'1-"r' ' (:1,' l'. 'l':"'t-'-' ;";#I\fi{ i :",':: _#,i ffi :ffi j,iW :_.! _ _l_ _ East.l -,,/ .r ) 32 s" ;,. qi 8er-. i'. t. I I il R.B8W. .:\r\, €i'l \'F,- (?- |\\ \\\ )\ .,,Middle:,.Mtn 25 f--=- 6 r,.s -34 - - ll i ^1..,;, : "\.South lForIt | "-'31- 6, '"'-9=s = =t:"\\ls"{^1t1*d; '' I - l\\('\ / \,Jze'--lrlr,., 1,"! t. I \-x oo ,:'li. P,t- tr 'g\ a1ll ,--rt tl -( | =;,'l ,{) oP|'po^* | w .ii4'. -l*l PRrvA"e { s-\fi;i'al' + .." \ s"-- Ict' I+t/=i14+-*-t\stt'K*<+ .*'lu-.'l^_-:-'r{ --+ - | J0128,11: -:-3 _ + Mgu[r4tu ?iE*?{ l. 't l.:lItlo u ! ' " \tl' n'/1. ,i .l ,{C,t' +1 'r l'a, l,o ,t*.IF*T '/ ", 't l*'-t v -+- D(I ?to: d -Qr"ter32 I Mtn rJ.. Slide i' Pona Li:9=.. zl \._i Suck \.,r Mtn 'T-_trT'-, ^ | i The map is meant for visualpurposes on1y. See writtendescription for accuracelocation.(."\ l *tl // ,,li I i RoUTT rvATrO\rAL FOREiT | ,, COLORADO SIXTII PRINCIP,I,T ITERIOIEX l9?5 ,: Wo4?;it''i )/ Itiltit :*='/ ' Hill i ",; i .:.. I i.^.: |...---L'if i 6.r:- I il; 1/ Z,z*"--- 75 south fronlage road Yail, colorado 8't652 (303) 476-7000 A copy of your letter hasso that they are aware ofdeveloping its plans forownership in the future.be coverlng thls proposal months. Thank you agaln for your oflice ol the town manager January 25, L984 Mr. Charles Austin Carriage Homes 7950 E. Prentice Ave., Suite 201 Englewood, CO 80111 Dear Mr. Austin: Thank you for your letter regarding the proposed trade ofForest Service land in your neighborhood-, been forwarded to the Town Counctlyour view. The Town is currentlythls land should it come under TownI expect that the Vail Trall wiLlin great detail ln the coming concern. e1y yours, Bishard Caplrin Town Mauager United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service l{hLte Rlver National Foreat P. O. Box 948 Glenwood Sprl"ogs co 81602 nepty ro: t/1!Q oate: January 24, 1984 - v"i1 lletropolltan Recreatloa Dl8trlct AttD: Pat Dobeon, Uanager 321 Eaet Lyoaehead CLrcle Val1, Colorado 81657 L Dear Mr. Dobeon: I{eetern Land Exchange Conpany of 428 Eaet 1lth Aveaue, Denver, Golorado 80203, hae offered certaln lands in the l{trfte Rlver Natlooal Foreet ln exchange for Natlonal Foreet System lande on the Whlte River Natlonal Foreet. Theee offered prlvate lands and seleeted Natlonal Foreet Systen landa are ghown on the encloaed nape and Extrlblte A atrd B. Part of the lande the Foreat Servlce rdl1 exchange will lnclude the tract of Natlooal Forest the Vatl Uetropolltan Dlstrlct hae under epeclal use perrnlt ln Sectloo 9, T.5 S., R. 80 ll., 6th P.u. Our general pollcy on dlepoeal of Netlonal Foreat Syeten lande lel Natlonal Forest Syetem lande occupLed under pernlta or easementa ordlnarlly ehould not be exchanged unlees the exchange proponent and the epecLal use pe!illttee reach an agreement on the dlsposltlon of the exletlng uae. If agreemeDt cannot be reached a$d terlDlaatlon of the pemlt and co4letlon of the exchange le 1o the publtc lntereat r as Eupported by an envlronmental assea6ment, the pert[lt nay be terninated and the exchange conpleted. Ter- nlnatlou nuBt conp ly re.Lth the condltloas of the pernit document aad the pollcLes goveralng the .telmLnatlon of perrltted use8. Our reporte and recot"-endatlons ln thle matter v111 be aeDt to the Reglonal Foreater on or about Febtuary 25t L984. If you deelre to corrnnent Ln any llay on the propoaal as lndlcated, pleaee do so prlor to that tlBe 80 I nay lnclude your comneota ln uy reconnnendatlons to the Regloaal Forester. Slacerely, (1f y<-.-:-<-fi /:7---,- v RICEARD E. I{OODROII Foreet Supervleor Encloeuree FS-6200-1lb l7l81) r.rF l' - ,t.tevt;i -iJ ' ,ft .1 11., ISF _ij . .t.: )'ti!l . ' ';:' i tq: -'.1j:a-tqt, a) I -: :i 'J.: .-Jfr{ 1,'1;igr: arr.f3' ;j'?j.t()ijtrlrBdi.. :,,:--: 'r.r.. :r.i:io,it.-,., 1.: rlil' ': ,t\ .--, g :', . r! r .' . -).:ttt.. - -.f1,- i'' atg r.,.'-J!ttf"r L1() : ,rl3 .i'.)- '. s^. i.,-i .:,.ji: -,,!.;tj :,: Jlit-:.-..: !: l[q -1i3ol; .[l;; i .:lJ: ,...ti :,',': J:tl --'-. , I 9,. },f o..".)iJ.':: Il;; ' .:lf f .-"r-.'f ..l '), . ,.:' j;t} . .i^l i;3;..i . . ..',' -.'"1 goi.:.,.) r. . ')t- l:, .'r ,r' -i ,,.r .r,' , iJ'i ,,f-.,:l 'j.8' 'i q. 'rT')g: il}tidlirjr;.. Tr_.-t. 9..,r._:..-. ... Ien,^,lj :1: lrgir', .ea ',...: . dlfr;f )iiiv -.i i.:,ig'r,r: lri*l;; ,.,i'- ]:r,- r-,,, g,r] -r. -i ,'- .:' tri,i j: a*: i' '.:! hj.1ij' 1...;:r' fE.:.." rJ ;ilt- -.1 ri,rbd$,,:i . .-:- . r.,.., i-: ' ,r\.--, 9.1'r .1r. -i'i. ,.:,Ir1 , -#l_:i.' nC i,.--I!t?-J. , -111.::"r,1$ .,,.,=::,,' ' l9 I tri't' '' ,t .a i"r {:; Exhibit A Property that the Western Land Exchange exchanging: Company will consider 1.P.oye Tract (Gunnison Countv) Township 51 North, Ranqe L East of the lfet-Fte>tico NE'.SE|, S!SEL swtswt Section 31: Section 32: 2.Biq Elk Meadows Tracts 150 . 00' Acres ' More or Less. (Boufder Countv) Section l: Section 2: Section 3: Lot 4 (NwtNl{t), swlNwt SELNETwl tot 6 (wlNwtNEl) Township 4 North, Ranqe 71 West, 6th P.M. (tarimer Countv) Section 29: Section 30: described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of said Section 30, thence South along the East line of said Section 30 a distance of 1320 feet, more or less, to the northeast corner of the sEtNEt of said Section 30; thence S70"W a distance of 1405 feet' lnore or less, to the northwest corner of the SELNEL of said Section 30, which is the true point of beginning; thence due South 590 feet to a point; thence N70"8 590 feet to a Point; thence due North 590 feet to a point on the North line of said SEINEI of said Section 30; thence S70"w 590 feet to the true point of beginning. That part of the Wh of the NWt lying West of the right-of-way for U.S. Highway 36 and North of Lhe following-described Iine: Commencing aL the Wt corner of said Section 29, thence N. 00"29r45" E along-the west line of said NWt, $tith all bearings herein relative thereto, a distance of 244.86 feet to the Beginning of said line; thence due East 476.61 feet to tshe Southern-rnost point on the right-of-way for U-s- Highway 36 in the wL of said NWL and the End of the described line. EtNEt except a portion of the SEINEL Township 3 North, Ran 72 West, 6th Townshi Nor th Section 26: Section 27: Section 34: Section 35: Exhibit A - continued (Larimer County) glNEl, SI^ttNEl, SEt, SELSWL, SWISWL excepr that portion in Big EIk Subdivision as shown on the Amended Plat of Lots 13-31, Tract 4, Big Elk l.leadows, and noreparticularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the common section line of Sections 26 and 35 fron whence the common section corner of Sections 25 , 27, 34, and 35 bears N 84o41'30' W, B distance of f97.40 feet; thence N 25"32'20"!i a distance of 191.00 feet; thence N 53o27'40u E, a distance of 50.00 feet; thence N 61"13r35" E, a distance of 200.00 feet; thence S 26"25'23' E, a distance of 100.00 feet; thence S 25"39'59" E, a distance of 90.00 feet; thence S 53o49r01" E, a distance of 100.00 feet; thence S 42"39'01." E, a distaDce of 114.94 feet; thence S 42"01'50" E, a distance of 22.83 feet to apoint on the comnon section line of Section 26 and 35; thence N 84o41'30" w, a distance of 402.73 feet along said section line to the point of beginning. sLsE'.NEt, NLNEISET, W+SEL NET, EINE?NWT, NETSEh 1141.00 Acres, More or Less. 3.Cal"ifornia Park Tracts (Routt County) Raftopoulos Township 9 North, Ranqe 8? West of the 5th P.M. Tract 3? (formerly NlSEt, SwtsEt, Section 3, and Nwl'4NEt, Section 10) and Tract 38 (forrnerly ElSWt, Section 3, and EtNWk, Section 10) 320.00 Acres,' l'lore of Less. Scott Tract 43 (forrnerly SISWI, Section 10, and NWtNWk, Section 15) Townshi Nor th '120.00 Acres, More or Less. f,. Exhibit A - continued 4.,Lilv Lake -Foresta fnc. Gunnison County) Townshi 14 South, Ran West of the 6th Section 9:sl 322.1I Acres, More or Less. Olsen Propertv (Eaqle County) Township 4 South, Range 8l- I.Iest of the 6th P.11. Section 3: Lot 1, NI^IL sEk NEL, wt N}lt sEL Secti-on 9: E! NEL STVL, NEK SEK ST37K, swt swk NEk, NL swk NEL, NIJ sEt Swk NEk, NwL swk SEk SEK SEK SEK, IVL SEK SEK,st NwL sEk, NEt SWk SE?, SIfK NEL SEL, SEL NWK, Swk NEk, Sl5 Nwk NEk, EL NEL }II^IL, }IL NwK SEK,N! NEK SWL Section l-5: NEk NEk NEL 385.8L acres, more or Less. Totalling 2449-52 acres, more or less. Exhibit B Property that the Forest Service wiLl consider exchanging: Tovrnship 5 South, Range B0 i^test, 6th P.M. Section 5 Section 7 Section B Section 9 Lots I and 2 NLNTNLSLNEL NLNLlILswkNrdk, slNEkNEksrdtNr^7L NWLSELN}IK NLSWKSWLNWL Townshi^o 5 South, Range 79 West, 6th P.M. Section 18: l{EkNIlIkIn Eagle C6untv, Colorado Containing 1I1.37 acres, more or 1ess. 7t-t.u Ifl T.5tN. .//\ t\ FOREST SI;RVICE JOIIN R. UCGUIRE. CItTEf COLORADO/-'NEw MEXIco AND stxrH pRINCIpAL wtsRtnteN* I -+)l 1 ) rl 'o ,l $,t-:- t[:I J'[. l;-.i;iAI ci,.rtitt "k i', b-.Change | ,'( f $' = = a"'{lq -'.../"t l,€i-r-t= :'s$l.|K'll t:.,,j.,K* l, ,"I =:6+_ l"_.,1 '., jl" ,'tv,.4 ;:lJ-i[,;tt{*TrL--. ', ( ,.'iil'+l- |r -']'\;r**r, ; I '.\ =-*,i It--tUfli--1-l* =. "- | " l)Y=;\'=ri"*"-.pt-ltv* \,'*i\.:T*1i4:. \\ l-igr'iio'ou"iF;;;a* :{ t;:!:tAt--, 1-\+-+=if,=?=l*u-dl\ I >' | ",' '" ,l'f ?u''i; R. I E. -+"- \,?"FG.$ l,.i ll,, | ,")> | ,,ii Iil\c-".l )t l" I[i\*.,-9fs" I 1\.. 1''"'i\".! "'*l l-t-;'^;;'^gi l')Y'"''l' 'l tstt Er_ cu\LNISoN'r_aEI\ l.l ::"ir:121+l i--l ?- | a 1l '?f;i; li ,. !i' 1,46 6l ,"'\ I lri--l--gi-+i il i "u ; "?:rl '" tl I -'ir- - B, - r.-F=::t-==+ ).rl i="2 ! ." \l I T.48N. ilFrF J) .,^\)l (t:i!\ 3.lr' -T-i /r r..: I ------L b r )iE i'"\'l \o-^v,", ,\. 1- // ,i"\ .<l:c 4j...-'{{?---i\\1u'//kq -)/')'l , i ,4. l!\\ \ ' l) a i/ v) !e'((\ i' '\\ ;'- !\ .. Va!dez,!! . r rtf 1t '\ I:-7=t{ l: o*"lr I --t€ 54oe _YL '..\ :Ea_ _Sp ..J I ii l1 ,x==; ,.""ii.,ill ?:d O 'Sor- ,7- *,-.,-,il:' ,i\ =\==fu \ !1-t ,,i.--"' ;) ir'l'o. * _\:.',1 .}" ,'* P *.,1R.2E.- "rra,_ l_<.r[ ('. ' ,,/---- I ri'-i I .^-',t \ ,6/ i) ,-\\'. | ,/'"o)\zl\ =z'i qil ,. v--l=.=r.o.{11 GLrlch "r Y o l"{- ';fz):d I ;ir L,ik. | -r -\"\\ Ho,se (- 5 toughr ' L l./Rancrr;ir L,ik. | -r - \!",\\ Ho,se ,.' 5 'ougrd.. t L_./ RanchI t r li\\€ark I -D.F"); ,- - -,-f -\=;€Sa '--r /^\) - l..*. -' \---:+- ."----> 8856 l. --Jozo -|/-zt 29 t2 \ rCarbon.EPK ' I 12079i- Itq,,,"=* --E7O;:.":) I ) Florestr -+it'^' R.86W. '#;,pr-+- ;H"H, r:.qi1i;Pd/k I Hffiffifftx$ffilMTr{l* ffi-$riffiffiffi}-l *l..ffi g1:gf*;'Fr1ffiffi , -i ffi ,1|'_","i ;*": l :g*L *ii- .I:.-{ i'Yl'-f iY:--f-:,11\ _;i?Hl,:ri-?f;1'l ,- | "". l\ t6, I ,,,,.i f;,i _""'r--] i {*r};Wi'=wt".,'i*l? l" |'""";[-.1' . |'" I'i-'iid'::'1'] "']fS )yy"ffi--','.,;,4:;iti,rr 1.3N.'t"',t"I","?. i ,H ,"---'n;t\. -af/,/ l'lo':a#;n #i< - 1g-- "i7tl;11.#I-us-iJ-.- + -';;.,iTZfHNMtn r" -r nio.r. . -.1 | 21 ](lo+ --.-^- I fi l'" !,,&,21":Ai. l\='jJ | "bz1 ::.;i,,; -i,.*"","10o;.o | ..')1t ':'",1 11"-N:-[=,,*,j*,r .]'\,;{i:.|*1..=i'F;KJ I - .lftji"" - ; -.. -,ii--71 -i"- lr,r I """"j'l t i' luittI l, | . ^r, ./r tr I ^l:-;,==i,tl-:--i" I lio{" ..r//'&Fnou+ ro lle,'i'roNet FoREST r 'l --"--tt+ ?he map is meant for visualpurposes onl-y. see writtendescription for accurace *9N "-, -rf-r tol' .{$l i 8er,- ;i3 ) /a ,, location. ._" :r:*- , --+-f= -r:f --1,Rourr *$3rr8il*L FoRESr -l SIXTH PRINCIPAL XiERIDIAN r975 1.." Ili|e! -r - T.8 -,;--ol )-71- ")r I// l) '(_ +1:r l-[3tl I )i1 -+r".. Y "J)x i ,.,!'"1 I" -=''.*1""' I I .i*!. . ;1----eli,=-c' ;--6--1;3s - Lol2J{d --_-=_ _-;--__;-l--1 , 292 wesl meadow drive Yail. colorado 81657 303 / 476.20/,0 ME TRO PO LI fAN RECR E ATION DISTRI Cf January 20, 1984 Richard E. Woodrour Forest Supervi sor l.lh i te Ri ver Nati onal P. 0. Box 948 Glenwood Springs, C0 'i Forest 81602 5430 Vail - liultiple Forests Dear Mr. Woodrow: ]f9 Vaii Metorpolitan Recreation District Board of Directors met on January L6, 1?91 ut their Regular tleeting and discussed your letter dated December 15,1983 concerning the Forest service land exchlnge. As you know, the golf ioursemaintenance facility sits on Forest Service pr6perty and has been unier a ForestService Special Use Permit for well over 10 yeai^s. After'l istening to Rich Caplan- IoIn ltlanager, Jay Peterson and Ed Dreager -'of Western Land Exchinge, the Diitrictasked me to send a letter to the Forest Service statinq the followini: 1. The District, at this time, does not want to take a qeneral stand onthe Forest Service Land exchange polic.i es. Z. The Vail Metropolitan Recreation be involved in the land exchanoe District Board members would like to process for this L0 acre parcel inquesti on . 3. They would like to seelhe land remain under public ownership indefinitely. 4. If that piece of land was not available to the District, the golf operation'i;..., l rr could not take p1ace. - | , , i;L.'.ii,l],1,.| , . . -: :, . . ', r ,,)1.;. i;'.i:,.' Mr. Peterson and Mr. Dreager were very congenial and cooperative, and stated 166f i,1.',];i;i ;;1 they would put in writing how they would aicommodate the V.M.R.D., as far as il'e i:d:.$l;i:,.iuse of that permit and property. As of this date, we have not received a lettei,::, from them and the District does not know where it stands, as lt relates to ttrii ltlijrrom trnem anq rne ulstrlct does not know where it stands, as lt relates to this tiparticular parcel. The Board members remain very concerned and request that the'IForest Service keep_them appraised of the status of that 10 acre parcel presentlheld under a U. S. Forest Sirvice Special Use Permit by the Vail iletropoiitan ,':' Recreation District' - . :' ; -1' ,':".', ,,1ii;lii1;irs$,.r111''i:rii'l'1i,ft ' ltldrlK yUU IOf yOUf Ilme. ii. I : r". :i l: ., ,i :,.. ,. :.I ' r-- ' :i' ''l '_ "r_.'i'Sincerely, P 454 039 648 RECEIPT FOR CERTI FIED MAIL NO INSU RANCT COVEBAGT PqOVIOFD_ NOT FOF IN tER\ATIONAI MAII C€rtified Fs€ -, Dale, rn.l AJdr,it7-11-3A ] TOTAL r ettroeh: comcrta"negl;2in3; ffiar;eN 1o,, seaoe' on rcvers€. rl ic!2ttnI -t (oollsuLT POSIIASTER FOR FEES) r. Thglollowing scrvicc is requcstcd (check oae)' M Show to whom and dare delivered E Show to whom, dat€, and rd&css of dclivery- r. E&.e-YrR.r crED DELIvERYT(Thc rt5.rkted detiprv lc is charyed itt &itbn b the raum r4,eil, fee) d _C -C TOTAL fuut/ Salpztzt>ov, A24Fl!rEo-I13 &,,--d .)a tl . TYNE'F SEIVICE: Elfeosrao D ramoEcerr:o E cootl ErPREsa rlt IrNGlE IIEN P4{/,ffi -l Ett|l C, 5oIrlt :l i3 3 7 i-rwayr ooten rigrrtrr c lcqqlgl*-e9!9l @ruovc. .S|GXAI! RE plaat"sse. , E nuthoti"ed ogettt oFrullm/-?i-E ;"4),s' f)Ii'o, n, C ADmClg€Eig ADoF8a @i,r tr#d, 7. t xtl.E ro B.ntEn -cat lt tallr /U ry January .|8, .|984 Richard E. l.loodrow Forest Supervisor }Jhite River National P.0. Box 948 Glenwood Springs, Co Forest 81602 Dear Mr. l'loodrow, At our recent Board of REALTORS' meeting, the Djrectors spent time discuss'ing the issue of #5430-Vai1-Mu1tip1e Forests-the land trade that would negatively impact Vail. }Je unanimously oppose thi's trade for the fo1 'l owing reasons: 1. The trade doeichange the basis of the naster plan concerning green spacE-for" Vail. 2. 5. 4. 5. It does not preserve private property rightsIt do-eE not agree with the government's pof icy of keepinc public tanils open for all the peopleIt does create additional density where not needed.It ddes set a bas'ic bad precedence for unscrupulous developers who-could acquire more of thi s kind of land for deveioppent. It does contradjct the representations made to the honeowners who bough-t in those areas proposed for development. They bought because their views would be protected and their privacy would be secured by the forest service land bordering their property. Now what? 6. Our next general Vail Board of REALTORS'meeting will be held January 24th at The Westin Hotel at 8:30 a.m. Our program will be a discusiion between the audience and a panel about this proposed land trade. This will be an open meeting, and we welcome you. We are unaware of any positives concerning this trade, and we invjte your comments in answer to this letter. Very sincerely, ---<'. 7 ,-n ./ r<Z-->, V-/-7J /rr,;'--.227 B. Susan Rychel President-Vail Board of REALT0RS cc Mayor Rod Slifer llanager-Town of Vail-Rich Caplan Josef Staufer-Action Vail Eagle County Commissioners Vail Metropolitan Recreation Djstrjct Lodge Properties, Inc. The Vail Trail 4i TIMBERLINE PROPERTIES A EHOGE SIFEET \rqtL, co 8r657 BUS. (303) ,176-21 1 3 ltsEtl 3. SU3A]{ RTYCHE! P|€side -\ail Boad ol FEALTOBS. BEAL ESTATE, INC. /@. lr lt*,.'t Orrd d oFrH lhtr oi Cdddl 8dt n6ctl "',*, ," ffi {a- }*-!' '-------.--.: 'l : : STATEMENT OF NEED ' FOR E BUILDIT{G rcn vntllrrnopoliretl REcREATI0II DISTRIcT OF PROJECT 4.I4ETHOD OF OPERATION I'IHEN THE PROJECT OPED Ownership--Vaill'letropolitanBecreationDistrict'apublicbody 2.HOI1 THE The proPosal is to erect that will allorv onlY one existing embankment and scape therebY minjmizing minimize the imPact'al1 green to blend with the As with the maintenance fac-i1i!y in genera1' !|t M..:torage must be .tocated ."nt.urt!"i; ;;;'G"ii opeiiiion. The requ'irement for close proximity of ine proposed storage facil'ity to-tre'existing 'ma jntenance oper.atiih-i" o'u"io's' n'i-erbwlns i'gpyluli ty of golf in this-area is-requiring greater ttphuiit on-miintenance anC sub- sequentlti nlore equiprnent. The severiiv.qi-1ire.rye!!::-it -rell as -.- a desire to encrose and organize storaie'efforts require expanding - the facil itY. ToprovidemuchneededStorageforGolfl'|aintenanceequipmentand material, it i, p.opll.i"l"-iiailitnal storase Plilgilg.be erected on the si te currently under permit to il're-vait i'letropol i tan Recreation District. a orecast concrete structure in a locaiion ;"!;-;i;;,-i.€. it will be sunk into an tn5"t".i-6. covered with earth and land--i;u';;p";i or tn" buildine' To furcher "itiui"-itifices will be painted a light background. The reason that Forest iei'vice land.is required for this proiec'" is 'that the proposed +i.iriiv'wit-t r''ort< rvith the 1l-:-lii:-lac'ili'"v verv c'lose'ly, a central i;;;iii'" for this maintenance equipment is required' and no other rand is'i"iiiiure around il ""i"ii iruide ior tnis tvpe of use.Thecurrentmaintenanceprogramforthegoifcoursemustbe central'ized for organizational, supervisory' and security reasons' I A.. B. -- Year round. 5. Periods oi tt" year the proiect wi'll be operated SCHEDULE OF DEVELOPNENT It is desired that the bui1ding be put into its intended use inmediatelY .i .; 'I / '6. OTHER LANDS OR IIITIRESTS l,lHICH MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROJECT The private lands vrhich the golf course are located near would be affected through denial of this proposal REGULATIOII AGEi{CIES The project would be regulated'by the Vai'l Metropolitan Recreation Di str i ct. 8. IIECESSITY OF THE PROJECT l'lho vril I be affected if the permit is not granted? The general public who uses the go1 f course as t'rell as the constituants of the Vail i'letropolitan Recreation District. l,lhat will be the effects if the permit is not granted? A gradua) deterioration of the high Ieve'l of,naintenance on the Vail l'lunicipal Golf Course will occur. How will the effects, including social , economic, and environmental , be felt considering human benefit and welfare jf.the permit is not granted? The growing popularity of golf in the region wpuld be affected through deminished quality of rnaintenance if this permit is not granted. Approximatley 40,000 golfers use this Vai'l l4unicipal Golf Course per year. 7. 9. DESCRIBE ALTERNATIVE METHODS AND/OR LOCATIONS TO THE PROPOSED ACTION ; 0F THE APPLICATIOI{, I --'--;- -No alternatr'ves-that are large enoughrclose'enough, or centrally . i located have been discovered IO. TECHNICAL REQUIRET'IENTS NEEDED IN DEVELOPI'IENT OF THE PROJECT A. Construction width of acreage -- approx'imately 1,300 square feet in ex'isting permit area B. Operational rvidt-h or acreage existing in permit area. C. Percent of site coverage'-- minimal (see landscaping plan) D. Any operational constraints or engineering factors which night' affect the location or design of the Project -- operationally' a close proximity to the existing facility is required. A BRIEF EVALUATION OF THE EXPECTED EFFECTS OF THE. PROJECT ON A I'IILD O EI,IV IRONI'IENT None, in that the roof will be returned to native grasses and environment' and the project wil'l merely enc'lose existing materials and equiprnent. I ! ll. --- I: lI : -Gh-,-r-..1U' H lt las.t uK5/ SPECIAL USE PERMIT \# Act of Junc rl, 1E97, or Fcbruerv 15, -190t.Thir pcrmrt tr rcvocrblc 'nd nontranrtcreblc ud--- ffi;-.'" 4 ae"<r'ru' J irclor.l 2 Coloroio lroFEtrI r:ti:g 3'-t Tt''c ot "Etttatr?EC C thll ibtrc2ol..all Soorc a';1on Lls trtot x3x0 07 Urc i,aft . r'd Pkyg,rouad ''II C()DC 27ZO Ecly Crcsa ef 1q11. C'1-c:'Co tfC57 - - ' hereinafter callel the permittee, to use subject to ttr" conditions set out below' the following described lands or improvements: r_ rL^ --.r.{ t-_2,. g* ...:Trr t cf tire Sl-*X.':;' Sectlcn 9, a G".t o;' ;3ltr:=r} ic:'osi land t= .i-he =crLhacst c''tzrr r c: 1.5S., i..C;:':., €'"h P.i:. es shcr'a t" " "tp-9" fife ie ';hg -i'ils';rlct iu-':1o r asd Foreet- Su-::cniecrt€ iifflces, :lintur3 -a-ct"-'-od sprin6s' Colcr..io rca Jsc:i-'-r iy' Vall !b 'r,ro ?c 1l'uc-n ! cc:ootlou t1c^-rlct Permission is hereby granted to This perurit covers Constn:cti:r':' usiiF- c'rd nr1!g!g!g!33'! *t Ii''' e"ot - 1- Oao iolf course greea (;9)'with un3arg'round \c- E.O ."ru, {iiil&-'-a.-'- l.Elffil$ and is issued for the purpose of : 3 - gno i;o1f courso =slatens'rce 'Luildir€ (Z+t x boaril sldlng o:rd shako shl:r5,lo roof)' Access rcac Sg-foot sldo r1;ht-cf-;-ey ap-croxl,lrtcrv g?gl roa6, iid e srcll psrki:rg Broa o!1 tnc =ouin side of tiie s'-eintc::a-rco tnrildlug' 'D - Feroo or tt€o Scroen{ng forL}'e salntE: sj: co buildlrg aud par)dn5 ar.. a' E - llorcl $iro ascurlb'-tfpe feaco for thc ocuiprcot yer<i on tho ocutjr sido of l.h o cej':rte:ruco lullClnt' Ttre exercise of any of the privileges granted hereby constitutes acceptance of all the conditions of this permit. Agriculture, the sum 61 t'iirc:s1. In corsideration foi this hi-n?;;[ ""T'.'Jf:d]$'":i.., l9 i'-c'cc--'---,---) for the perioduse,then_c.r11i-tte;:.1^Il,.F:y.l"th:S,:6s.tc!:$91-gg''Dr:p,'rfl$:,$ laqm Jri:tulrry I , tg"'t , and thcreafter lrri5,atiou sivE &w€6o 4C r, fra-::g ocnstructlon,bcrrd o:l E'ATC OT FEAMIT annually on J s;.t. rL-^^ 1...--+:l:1r"'-;tf:--*'*. in*i'Gr= re:3rr-o:-r---.i-?--r. ;!r7 r'- -- - - - - - - . c nl ade or read j u stcdProuid'ed, houetc'r, Chaiges foi' this use may b - s'hcnever necessary to Place .h"rgo" on a basis comminsurate rvith the vgtue of use authorized by iF.r ;ft f"t i. x. iscs thrcugh r''o'11 'tssoctetoa' Ltd"- " '.^o nuntor 21.) tlrH (Lt. l{ot ll,$:"Hli* or L/ts/rr, thc . 2. Construction or occuPancY and coristr'uction, if any, shall be completed use shall be actually exercised at least . use under this peqmit shall beginr*'ithin -. , I -- months, and within --- ----l- months, Erom the datc of the permit' Ttris -Il r days cach year, unlcss otherwise authorized in -: I writing. 3,-Devetopment pians; layout plans; construction. reconstruction, _c1 alteration of, improvcments; r,r revision of iay'ouf or "onrti.r"iion plans for this area must be approved 'in advance and in writing by the i;;;;t."pu.;'i.ni. ti."t oi sirrubbery on the permitted area-niry be rremoved or destroved onlv after t5e foresi officer in "ft".go- his app.oved, and 'has marked or otherwise designated.that '*'hich may be ;;;Gd;. .1";tr"ioO. --tii"Uii"ut'"-. destrbyed rvill be paid for by the permittee as follorvs: Ilerchanteble ii1nUo" ii .ppi"i..a t"l*; yuuna-grorlth iimber below tnerchahtable size at current damase appraisal iil:ii: proi{ritd that the f6rest Siivice reserves the right to <iispose of Ehe merchantable timber to others than ih" permittee "t ;;;t";-pqqe-cost to the permitte6. Trees, shrubE,.and other planls Tav !e planted i" iuitr ni".,n". and in suci'r piac6s about the piemises as rnay be approured by the forest oficer in charge. 4, The permittce shall rnainiain the improvemenls and premises to standards of repair, orderliness, neatness,saniiation,andsafetyacceptabletotheforestofncerincharge.. 5. This permit is subject to all valid claims. 6. The iermittee, in excrcising the privileges granted by this perrrnit, shall comply- with the.regula- tions-of-itre'Oep"rtmenf oi -iiii.,ijtrre -and alf Federal, Staie, couit15,,-and municipal la'*'s, ordinances, oi regulations *1hich are applicla.bie to the area or operations covered by this permit. ?-. The permittee shali iake all reasonable precauiions to prevent amd suppiess Jorest fires- No ma- tcrial shaii fij airp**i of b-v burning in open 6ies during the-closed season estgblished byJaw or regula- tion without a o'.,tten permit from the for-est ofiicer in charge or his autihorized agent. 8. The permittee iha1 exercise diiigence in pr-otecting from dam.age.the.land,and properly-of ttre United St"l.'" .ot.r.d Uv "na usea in con-nection trith this plrmit, and sLrall pay th.e United Siates for any a"-jiJ."""iting from'negiigence or f rom th,.e violation oi the terms of this permit or of aly iarv or reg!- fati"iiippf i*Uf"'tJ tfi" ""fi"f;A i".*ts bi tlie peimitiee, or by any agsrts oi employees of the perrniitee acting rvithin the scope of iheir agency or'employment. i'. -ttte permittee shall fully re*paii ail damage, other.than ordi-nary -wear and !94r' to national forest roadi ana itiils eaused by the ferniittee in the exlercise of the privilege Sranted by this pennit' 10. No lllember of oi Deleiate to Congress or Resident Commissiorer shall be admiited to an1'- share or pi* ol itrit igreur*ni "i t"fii beneft'ihat may arise herefrom unless it is made with a corporaiion ror its -general benefrt.-1l. Upon abandonment, termination, revocation, or cancellation of -this p.ermi! the permittee shall remo* -rifhi" a reasonable time all structures and improvements except ]hose oivned by the United Stares, and shall restore the site, unlesJotherl,r'ise agreed upon in writing or ii tiris permit' . If ihe germittee fails to remose atl such structures or improvements rvithin a reasonable perioe., they shall become the propr'r-ry or itt" Unlt"a States, Uui ti .f rr.ill not relieve the permittee of liatiility for the cost of their removal anci restoration of the site. 12. This permit is not transferable. If the pcrmittee thr-ough voiuratary sale- or transfer, -or through enforcement of cont.aci, foi."to.ui'", t"* sate, oi other ralid legil proceed,ing shall cease to be. the or.ner oi iiie pfrirlcii i-pion=*""ts other then those b*.aed bV the United'states siiuaL'd on the lend described in tiiG -*lmii "na iJ unuUi"lo fuinisir adequate proof-of ability to redrisn or othen'ise reesLablish title to a;ia'i,rp;;""nt"nit, ti",i.-puirnit;dii U" jiili""t to cancellation. But !f !\e ner-qoJrto *'hom tiile to sgid ir"pr;i'i;;.t" it1oif tr^tu'been transl'erred in either manner above provided is qualified as a pelmittee and is wil'ting ttrat triJ iuture occu,oancl;oi the premises shall be subject.tb such new Condiiions and stipulations as eiktiig:oi pioip..tit" circumstances may \varrant, his contiiued_occupanc-"- of the premises nury be-a"thor- t;a bi:rr;it i; hir"li;il ah; ;tira.; ;i the issuihg officer or his suc'cessor, issuance of a permit is desir- able and in the public interest. 13. In case of change of address, the permittee shall immediaiely noEify the forest supervisor. . 14. The temporarS; use and occupancy of ihe premises and improvements herein described may. be' subtet Ufitr-e p"rfoitt.i to itriia pi.tt[r onty ivith tire prior rvritten app,roval of_the forest-supervisor but the permittee ihall continue to be responsible for compliance with all cocditions of this permit by persons ro whom such premises may be sublet. 15. Thi; permit -"j' Uu terminated upon breach of any of the conditions herein or at the discretion of the. regionel forester or the Chief, Forest Sen'ice. 16. In the event of any conliict betrveen any of the preceding prinred claus-es-or any provision.thereoi and any of tne fofforting clausc's or any provisions therco?, the preccding printcd clauses will contrS!- 1?: This permit is iccepted subject-to the conditions set forth abor.e gnd to conditions ro to -'- aA -^^-,L-r i---.- ^--: -^r^ ^ --J -r lL:- -^-.-:l 1B attached hereto and made part of this pertniL N^ru^E or f s3t t.{o €|Frtc€R -ae<\n-'a"- -[ Tlrr4 ''\. r.r--r t. - .- -. :--r;'"-=r: ;---ar;;.r., ,.rr-- _t --._ _ , >:-Ft+e t. ' itio -Tall t'otrc;clttan ircoroati<rs Ll'trl"tt PerL and 3lay5'round' e/a/ee I gholl bo rca2onalblo for prorcetloa end ccntrol of g:1l.cr.,rlon le. T: ?:e:il.c,,","*a uy t*to'ic'J*i'"'".iu:::;lt"l"l[l?;-:l"H:'"lrl[te'd 6u11y1r; ot 11:i:.i]l'l-"-,r,1 "o'.rrltoa rr"o. Es gha-rr :i :::::';J.lI-"c ttilTi'i:'ii jiti$**i"ii:ri'-#j-:-:lti$i.:t*:Fi=ii*r1.""' . r:etor and tc 1."t._:::'^.",1"^i""...^.if o:istruot €jad :si:rtrt:, "":::::'.t.i,J."too". 'r!re er,11 h.ac *tt'"]'"]""1-oI c'..cu ""-li-i'rLt-:t1:ii;noco8sory-?re'.ontl:'o'J"".u""u to au-::lc:'git t'le revo;ota'"i'i;;;;;';""1bsd bY tho Forosi suporv) 19. All <nt ard f llf 'topo" !'tl:} bo et 1ee'st t:1-o:-l]t**ot' thov t:111 bc rovegcto.tcd *,;"*l!-o'd,.cepcn;-!-4.,.-tr,o o3ocica.,oue]-io to 20 pc:,eitg of ooo0 ;;".;;; ;ilr -oi r'tui:'oc' ' ?ie Secdhs cr;l:::tin; r';!llbe.,icso at a tlrs tf =^;;il -.i"tt;-it:l-'fit;ttn ol.eo1oa ;'i'ich ie i;";;;"i;" of i!:c Fcrest Suicrrlggr c StlC30E 6 r 2!, lio s16as or- o.dtcrtlelrr5 ioricoo si::rll ia ?l:t:d -cn ibs are:lcos o:'oo a.dlaccnt estleaal,ic:'o6', lcnds, "t'":";''l;"so t'csted 'ry ni-it't!''o iircctice of irri-i"ri"t susert':ac'r. errJ.t a -ro"t of :uru oo cirall r';ake the ccedi"ioas "l t!t-T3ilol'"-'" -' ' -- ' 2?, Trro pcI=ittuo :'t*:-u1::.-;--: ;;;;-'so 1o to te er oblls,oticns "' 'ii illi""'i-i""i;; il;-;o-ru t' be ex*'olsodr 2'3.Sgecutcttolo,.i.t."elteortl:epllrale;aseut,hcriacdbJthlsPoliattE.1u not bo Porni';toil' 24Cltaport.ifoo'ahallponltfreeendunrEet,rl.cted-accosebSrtt:cgrrbllol.oend u:ca lrre p""=r'ul-J Jr ir"" r'"'lli"io"*"r ''1 iiaii''i|*:::f=';;:;;t;f"t tttf, fio objr'ots oi €ro Sorrit or rilt! thc reii6o::a3le {*ro gordttoe-of the r1g}rts tiicroofr -26olhepor=liteeslrelll*:':.'1-l*e:'t1'n3uls!ret"lldfircf!6'::ilngapp'rrs-"acof !1" = : ;:, :; I l' ti ;,ii lT ;" ;l :. ff "I'.1::illtlii:iii:lil';t [;: " l"l,:]l l' g' thia equ13=.3!t sl:alr "" :-,:_::--o -",., bc rc:1ulred bi tcstcti ee oh ;iea:, e'; such ti-"" o"uli"i'l'-iti"it"Jul' o"-t"*::,::::::= 2Err:rsta1la',;ic:.lgofuillitiosr-cuclie,Srr:terr.:"t:5orcloctr1c1'3ye'nG.-liguiflod cotrolc'-: s;'sttJl i'i"t ""trot"t to"ioeil"rr' '"it1o1ri'T"uttli*t:Sti;:::: 'Qcc tirlrl"lro-or u:"'el?[""'-i'il lhe hr"hor 1-.. "]c oiot"t ot - ,L^^ ^-,r l,:a ..:.^rfev6oe shlll nct dttcr-r':--:^:.:;:- +.r' firrnleh cuch27. 11:c pcrr-lttoc o:C h1e-c's":)cyooe sh:'11 nct dtscri 'i=sto b'uoause cf ! roli;1on, ""roi'-l'?'a'rar oiiii;";;;+t '"v-?:ll-tr:J"':i;:;ft I'il:tn;cvocl il' :i " :l l :: : I l, ;;ii* ; t :*il',':" I :i :: i :l ]ii *;':*tl'* l?;:, ;* ,::"::1"::it::,';;;iitr'u, oerricoai cr ;'ri"lr':s"" i; ;"".;1;iii1y,"1 "t*-+' k']jffi l*rH'**t;".+iii*,,"-r ji,fi f -;*rir.i'.j'j'*" :l|" ::liitilli"^ tiJl- ""i"rr::oat ln e!:r I ubooatract ;;;;;;; oui\orizcd hercu'dorr -.: .l I'! i.!? fhls 9en:1t si:e.ll ba"s Do re 1'l l rc il : a;':: l:,t ed h:s tho dupllca',a c=iry tc ^.ic s lE/c6 (I.gto J lirc ur:derg!5ncC' eui!:'-iri red offlclc-! of {;:c bas read. .tlrc-fcrc;clng Scnrltr r:rd-.€r€es f,te trlci tl:e.t lt acccgi;s e=d r-'i11 atido 'cy .t/or#r ,rt' ': 2T2O - Vatt lc'trcpollto-e ioorsatloe lhtrlot, Park "d ?lay5'r'und ' e/u/cU 2SlThopor:.lttzolrroopcaglbloforochllnuourlnapootloucllrnSrovcl:.:nt3- arir a cot'Jrud Ly th!: ;cr:r-!t to aa;urs ";hot i;e;ardE atc r€novod urd that ::ubllo eafoQr, hoalth, crd r,-elfcro crc at?cluatoly crclactcd' Ttro 9o r':rlttoo v1Il t:j:o gat"o-" i1-, o eotic:r a: cc',igd. forco or offcct u:tll tho ;rcrd'tteo haa rnadE '.i:e fj'rgt t15r1f!cC lts accc;tarco of lt by ai;nl:r5' srd t'-t"rt':{6 loroet Su;orr;io:r' te1l l-rtrc1clltes iecrcstlcg listrici fo; ald is beh-rlf of seid iecri::ti;a elf ijre te r=s eri co:iii-tlcns tl-': rt' cf' i.etl ;.:trc;cli'"sl l.ecr.;g.tion I':cirict . .,.4z'Jb z.- y'7'4r-'#:r.-'9 -la- ,QT APR z6leir, ; , ("ta.'-,t- Urll.al 9r.rr. D.p.trh.nt ol At?tcultu'. : . F.rcal S..ylc. I L. Two i" (3'.)c. Fc'o rr'15.6,y ournrurnri,!r/ FOR o2 ite River 15 f. Xi^d ol ,.,ro lt3-t5) issued to Vai'l SPECIAL USE PERMIT' Ref: FSM 2714 THIS A[.IEHDMENT IS ATTACXED TO ANO MADE A PART OF THE ANNUAL PE RMIT For- Park & Plaveround J. Di !t'icr (l4l ly CrossOZ 9. Stoto (16-l7l olorado 08 h, County (18-20f Eagle O37_ - (xlNo oF PERMttlMetropolitan Recreation District 9/8166,oD(NAA'€ OF P EFMI TT EE' amended as follows: of Perrnit cover sheet to: (OA'E OF PEFMITI which is hereby Revise "At' GoIf course green (//5) is now called green t!3. Revise "8" of Permit cover sheet to, One expanded golf course maintenance buildiny. 24'x88' as shown ondated 4/3I/74 One. partially buried storage structure (precast concrete) for golf course mai-ntenance materials as shown on landscaping plans dated 8128/75 and described in Statemenr of Need dated 8/28/75. plan Add The landscaping plan and narrative dated Augustfollowed.28, L975, will be AdjusE fees, triis(3o(on6oxro<is>muo1*e&zubiecror*m>coxditiiosr-*et;{ourbihe,cxixT<:o$ioolocxdixibDreuxxxxixxxxuo( rci>rctiohx* ieoi loxaodxr..ds)elp€ldxh,ixxloe if necessary. PE RMITTEE ISSUtNG OF F ICER : A,u/r76 CtO ll 1.2 02 THO}IAS C. EVANS NAME OF PERMITTEE Vai-l MetropoLiEan Rec. Dis t.TITLE Forest Supg rvisor XAM E A 2t00-23 lf./7:l Kcc flt f 46t t '('/J' VAIL MUNICIPAL G0LF COURSE I,IAINTENANCE FACIIIII /,/ra,uo.{#/'7tr- F4..&t,- fr /2,2,4-zo - (ta, -4rsz. LANDSCAPING NOTES General C'l ean-up and Landscapino 1. Al'l areas disturbed through construction activity or other- wise will be restored to prev'ious conditions 2. Storage will be consolidated and all materials to be stored will be evaluated as to future usability and potentia'l value- Items of little potentia'l value will be discarded. 3. Tree p'lantings will be improved as shown on landscaping plans and devised to assure survival of all p1 anted materials 4. The wjllow screen that commences iust east of the north 'privacy fence will be restored. Dead growth will be removed and the iemaining shrubbery will be scheduled into the maintenance program. 5. The area south and outside of property access must be main- tained aS a snow storage area and therefore cannot receive tree trans- p'tants. A iuniper hedge will be instal'led to visually break the ?ence line and i'llo Parking" signs will be erected to prevent use of the area as an auto parking 'l ocation. _ . 6. Auto parking on the site wi'll be organized and arranged to to minimize visual imPact. ' 7. Due to the access problems and the very limfted area for the intended use, no practica'l means exists to improve the view into the site through the access opening for northeast-bound traffjc on Vail Valley Drive. A'l I reasonable care will be extended to prev.ent accumu'l ation of unsightly storage in this view corridor however- LANDSCAPI NG OF NEI.I STORAGE FACILITY l'. Landscaping of the new storage facility,whose need is substantiated in the "Statement of lleed", will be extensive and is intended to minimize the visual effect of fhe structure. 2. All exposed surfaces of the structure shall reveive a painted finish to match the exist'ing structures, a light , natura'| . green. iftit inifrdes all interior iurfaces as well as al'l exterior exposed surfaces.' /-/z Landscapinq of New Storage Facility 3. The'structure was designed to fit into the existing bank on three sides to minimize the visua'l impact of the structure. The bank wi] I be brought over the top of the structure to a minimium depth of l0 inches. Tt,e sides will also be covered with earth as much as poss'ib1e with i.he maximum permissible slope of 2:1. 4. Upon completjon of the aforementjoned earthwork, all disturbed earth will be reseeded with native grass mix and wildflowers seed. ih. u."ut will be watered to assure growth unti'l the ground cover is mature enough to sustain 'l ife under natura'l conditions. TIHE SCHEDULE FOR LANDSCAPE l^JORK 1. All work mentjoned above will be completed as soon as oracticab'le. l,lith the understanding that actual maintenance of the golf course is of highest priority, it is expected-that-a portion 6l the work will be done during the off-season of Fa'l'l 1975- 2. Items that can more logicaily be done jn the spring,-- : - prior to opening of the golf season,will hopeful1y be done in the spring of .|976. 3. It is clearly intended that the vail Metropolitan Recreation District complete the landscap'ing and cleanup of this.ltlairrtenance Faci'l ity as butlined on this stalement and on the Landscape_plan. These iirprovements will be Carried out as soon as tjme and funds per- ni ts. 4 /? ,^61 7rv 'l . ' -. . 11. At[Al{ [llcR0SSlt @ lilYtslrlttlll RElL tsIAIt PO3t. oFFlcE BOX 11O.6!i . YAIL' coLoRADO !1457 ' (sos,.tc'3't7 TOUN OF VAIL OF U. S. FOREST SERVICE I,AIiTD USED BY THE RECREATION DFTRICT I l I I I I February 2, 1977! f' I I , t- :. lV. AtLAli fYlrcR0S$l (E.\'t lffi.J rilrrrsTmurr Rmt rsnrr POST OFFTCE aox NO.. 63a All,pn Gerstenberger District Coordinaior P. O. Box 100 Vail, Colorado B16b? Re: U. S. Forest Service Land Presenlly Used By Recreation District Dear Mr. Gerstenberger: Pursuant to yo-ul request of January 1?ttr and in accordanee withyour subsequent verbal ilitr"ti"""l I have completed an appraisar oft}te above -captioned property. The land on the east of va' vatey Drive contains approximatery31,000 square f eet a',d could ue utirired as_two d";i;;;o"ed bundingsites. The land on tl.e west of VaiI valley o"i"" "'o"t.iis approximately25,000 square feet and wourd ac"olmoaaie two "iogiu drrrily sites. It strourdb_e noted that presenilv the land is "oio'iirr;,-ill;;lil" Ir tn" Town ofvail and that neither water nor sewer are included within Vail valleyDrive adjacent to the two subject parcels. Typical lots with utilities and in the Town of vail fronting alongthe golf course wourd currently ""rrio" $bq ooo ""*"rirrg they contain3l ay..epg-" of 14,000 square feet. on this d";il,-th;;;" of the landif within the to*n limit; and with utiriti"" courd h";;; .r"ro" as high as$200,000. This opinion is uasJup*-ur" transaction; ;#;ffi;;. The very small quodv of rots availabre combined with avery high demand. for this prestige location trai-Uroughtextraordinarily high pricei. ore tot in the iolr, niiirrgwas sord for $55, 000 and another_in v"iivrirev i"i n'irrg !o1 $oQ 0m. q b_eeemter-i-9?il Brtton sold rwo srnaltl_otl aveJaU_rn9 !,^!OQ_squ"".r""i at the rate of g& 1b persquare foot or $S0,000 each. 'i-ive rots in the 11th Filing lying just to the east of thethirteenth gleen with acce"s"'*h"p* Lane were sold toone mar within one week of the time that they were 81857 . (30!r ata-3a!?. YAtL, COLOR,ADO W. ntul{ lrllcR0S$lt @ tilvrsrilmr RrAr rsrArr POSr oFFrcE 80x lro. 63e o yAtL, coLoRADO !t657 0 (!O!t at3-!a!t offered. The average lot contains 18, OOO square feet and sold at 91.95 per square foot or $gb, OOO. Vail Associatesr Resubdivision of Lot 1 in potato Palch contains five lots and these were sold in flve days for $2.60 per square foot. The lots involve 17, 000 square feet on the average. Under the assumption that the land could not be developed with building sites but had a classifieation of rrresource use onlyr', the value would be much less- If the appraiser assumed the following hypothetical situation, the lald value is estimated at 920, O0O. Assume that the area was norv being platted and about to be offered for sale by the developer. For certain reasons he elected to put a deed of restriction on both of these parcels limiting their use so that an abutting property owner could anticipate enjoying the view across Lhe land in perpetuity. The question then arises,thow much would an abutting owner pay as a premium for his lot given the assurance of the continued resource utilization of the subject parcel?r. I.r this situation, the two parcels of land if left with resource classification world benefit four nearby residentiat lots. As these lots today would have an average value of 950,000, it is reasonable to expect that their value if abutting an open sflace area woul.d be increased bytqo. This means that the land developer would expect to receive $5,000 more on each of the four benefiting lots for a total of $20,000 in extra lot sales revenue if he put a deed restriction on the two subject parcels. I trust that you will not hesitate to contact me.if I can be of any assistance in the interpretation of the report. Please note the contingent and limiting conditions as included on page 3. Respecttullv submitted.i ,1-,'7;r "7",' '// '*:(,*((*;(:*"'i2? CERTIFICATION OF APPRAISER . I certify that to the best of my larowledge the facts stated herein are tme, that t}te compensation is not contingent upon the amount of valuation reported, that t have personally inspected the property, that this appraisal has been made in accordance with the recommended and professional standards of the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers, and lhat I do not have any present or contemplated interest in the subject property. o AttAil (G.Ei} Itllcfi0SSlt IWJ tilvr$rmmr RrAt rsrArr POST oFFlcE BOX lto.63o . YAtL, COLoRADO 7. EOMTINGENT AND LIMITING CONDI1IIONS That the title to the subject property is good and marketable. That the subject property has been appraised as if free and clearof any liens or encumbrances and no responsibility for legal mattersis assumed. That no survey was made of the property for this report, and that any plans or sketches utilized in this report are for visual aid only and are not to be eonstrued as surveys or engineering reports. That certain opinions, estimates, data and statistics furnished byothers in the course of investigation are reliable.. That the appraiser shall not be required to testify in a court oflaw unless prior arrangements have been made. Neither all nob any part of the contents of this report shall be conveyed to the public through advertising, public relations, news,sales or other media, without the written-consent and approval ofthe author, particularly asd,o valuation conclusions, t}te identityof the appraiser or firm with which he is connected, or any reference to the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers orto the M. A.I. designation. The appraiser has no lsrowledge of the geologicat factors whictr may be encountered in the development of this land. The valueindicated in this report is predicated upon the assumption that no unusual costs or constraints due to geological considlrations willbe incurred. 3 box r oo vail, colorado 816s7 303.476.56t3 17 dlanuary 1977 Allan Macrossie Real Estate Box 639 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Macrossie : Enclosed is a rnap indicating the portion of U.S. Forest Servicer,and presently used by the vail Metropolitan Recreation District forour rnaintenance operation. land ancl requested that \rewil-l pay 58 of the value per Smile, Allen Gerstenberger To date, the Forest Service has not requested lease payments forthe use of their land. However, since the building burne-d, they.veinformed the Board of Directors that lease payments w r be necessary. The Foreset Service is appraising thedo the sa:ne. Wtren we agree to a value. weyear. rhere a:re two thoughts on how to appraise the land. one is to considerit as open space or resource l_and; the other is to value it as residentialproperty, sirnilar to the surround,ing land use. obvious ly, the Rec Districtwould prefer the resouree crassificition. r.ve spoken with Ernie Nunn,District Ranger for the area, and. he agreed that we courd go with thelower-intensity crassification- (Howeier, just to u. *i", prease giveus a quick appraisal for residential use also.) . rf y-ou have any questions or need additional information, prease carrme at 476-5513. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. Enc; District Coordi:rator box lO0 vail, colorado g1657 1303t 476.s613 office of the town manager 11 February 1977 Ernie Nunn, District RangerU.S. Departrnent of Agric,lfio""Forest Service Itrite River National Foresttdnturn, Colorado g1645 Re:: Iand Appraisal for Vall Golf Course Maintenance Building Dear Ernie: ' Ercl.sed r-s an appraisal for three^ acres of u.s. Forest servicelA:":trTiI":=:1- :l_ * -"" ri -r".l"i"r i tan Re c re ation ni s rri ct. ff Ti*:#L iit#f; jff.*. rtT: ::. *T, ::*;:*i,,. ". If you have an, "pp'"i " "i, -pi;" ;I":T:'1"::rfl# ;lir";:.ff H:."::;" tl,S"*.,. Ihanks for your assistance on this project. Ttre loss of thebuilding has been ex;rensive for the Disprosressins r"ti"r""torily-. *" *n"-iJ.ilI:,"t;:j::Tffi: H",.werve had winter _- a new lui.faing^r.riii ,r"fp. . Eave a.pleasant d€iy. Srnl le r \)) \ l, \ \ I \ \ I I lr-\J ) 1 \W rftli \NI i'il/(( l: il I ri\11 'V( \ t- ro d 0l \ \., / s .x R u, (_) Hv) s-olouI ut5 \( tl I \ t\ \\ \\ \\\ N ,\\, . fi b" /t*fu /"--"'- E",tfr,a' CONVEYANCE OF I,IAIIONAL FORIST SYSTEM LAIIDS TO STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNI,IINTS usDA, F0REST SERVICE ROCKY I'lOUNTAIN RTGION i NTRODUCT IOi{ The pur methods 9OVernmlegisla agencie cons i de avai I ab pose of this handout is_to provide informat.ion concerning the variousof conveying-t'rational Forest sysie,r linds to state and localents' The onlv methods discussed i.e it'rot. avairabre under ex.i st,ingtive authoriti-es. These authorities are not appl icable to others of the united states Gove.n*eni.--nJoitionar'authorities are beinqred.by congress and the Adminisiration. specifi; i;fo;m;iiJn witt ueI e i f new I aws are enacr.ed . Land sales and land exchange are the two basjc rnethotjs used to conve-y l{ationalForest svstan lands to staie;rJ i;;.i';overnments. Both methods require thatlhe united states receive cornpensailon it the fair market varue for theNalional Forest land conveyed. This cornpensarion may be.i n the fonn of 1and,rtoney' or both as specificalJy provide for in the fo"lroninq authorities. SALES National Forest rownsite Act of Jurv 31, 1958 (i2 stat. 4g3;7 USC 1012a; 16re Federal Land po l.icy and ManaqernentAct.of_1976 (90 star.2teo). The To,"rnsit" n.t authorizes,,'.'sl.l.il;;';l=""- vue, !uq.J vl l:.1.i]::::,lo 1^..:iq::l: ll!l,nar ro.eii.sysiem l;;, ;;; io e*ceeo 640 ares, c\. .vr\ c t' \-ri ..r"\ r.it "' ..| ', "'\t i 'rr as a. townsite upon appl icar ion and a saris?aciorv ;h;',i;; ;; ;;;';y"uir""' "'c0unty' city' or other governrnenLal subdivision." n oeslinateo to,/nsite may besold to a governinental iubdivi sion foi no less than marke! value. Thisauthcrity applies only to Alaska and the eleven contiguoui western staies ofAi izona, caiifornia, ,colorado, Idaho, -iuiJntana, Nevada] New Mexico, 0regon,Utah, Hashington, and Wyornjnq. f tgwnsite tract rnay be disposed.of by the goverrmentar subdivision to anyperson or private corporation, firin, or agency for deveropnrent afterc 0nveyance. Regulations further defining this Act may be found in 36 cFR 254.20-.2g. Theseregulations require that the townsile tract must be,,. . . located adjacent toor contiguous to an established ccrrrmunity, and that transfer of such landwou.ld serve indigenous community objectjves that outweigh iire puotic objectivesand values which wou.l d be served by maintaining suih iriCt-in ruo"ral ownershio. . .,, .\'\i \'- Jr -.5' N Any state or local governmental Sys t em I and under th is aut hor i t vadministering the desired land.- rnc tude: subdivision wishing to acquire NaLionai Forestshould contact the District Ranqer Formai applications for purchasi must a. A precise descr.iption of the land desired. b' A developmell..plan consisting of a narrative section ano appropriatemaps, charts, and drawinqs. c. A statement of reasons why sa1 e of the land would cornmun ity object ives that outwe i gh the pub l ic Jo:..i i ve-anobe served by maintainjng the trait in Federal owiershio. serve indigenous val ues wh ich woul C EXCHAIIGE nrflpa< The following general requirernents apply to al Iautlroriies.Forest Serv ice land e.xchanqe the publ jc interest. When cons iderinrt nub I ic g ive fu1 I cons iderat ion Lo better Feieralstate and locai people, including needs for recreabiorr areas, food, fiber, rninerals, fish be equal in fair market value. A paymenl oftlte fair markei value of t.he National Foreslparty to equalize the transacLion. Theled in exchanges pursuant to the Exchanqe for^ 16 USC 435, A land exchange must cornpiy with all laivs, regulat.ions, and Executive b. The excharrqe must be jn inLeresLs the Foresi Service ntust I arrd manaqernent and the neeCs cfthe ecoflc)my, corninunity expansion, and wildlife. c. The lands exchanged rnust money not to exceed 25 percent of System lands may be paid by either arnount of cash payment is not limi Schools Acl- d. The Forest service can only c0nvey lands that are suitable forelirnination fron the National Foresi Systern. e. The lands acquired by t.he united states cannot be encunrbered byreservations, oulstanding inLerests, or clains that would unduly inierfere withthe ir use and rnanaqenrent as par''.- cf Lhe Nat ional Forest Syst.err . f. Reservations by the non-Federal party must be sud..iecr to theapprcpriate rules anci regul at ions of the secretary of Agriiuiture. s. Federal and non-Federal lands exchanged nusl be in the sarne staLe. Each law-which pernits exchanqe of Nat,ional Forest System lands was enacted fcra. specific purpose. i^ihen a lind exchange is proposel , the froper authority forthat particular prcposal must be identiiied.'The.r.i,unge process rnust beaccording to specific requirernents of the applicable layr] A synopsis ofspecific.requirenents for authorities rncst appliable to land exchanges rvithstate and local governments fol lovis, .t General Exchance Act of March 20, 1922 (42 Stat. 455, as anended;ffi a. The lJational ForesL systern lands tlrat nray be exchanged are those withreserved publ ic domain status. b. The non-Federal lands ihaL rna-v be acquired by bhe Uniled Slates rnuslbe within the exlerior bountJaries of a l,laLional ForesI and musL be chieflyvaluable for National. Forest-purposes which are defined as outdoor recrealion,range, tirnber, watershed, wilderness, alrd wildlife and fish purposes. c. The land conveyed by the united states must be non-mirreral incharacler, or if it is reported by the Departrrrenb of the Interior to containvaluable or potential 1y valuable minerals, such rnineral s must be reserved to the equity of ihe Foresl land and the Inter ior anci the. United srates, or their value appraise,J and consirier ed inexchange. Authorjty to. approve mineral values in the Natjonalto.convey title (patent)-l-hereto is vested in tire i"...iury ordelegateC by him to ilre Bureau or ianj-ianagernent (BLtl). d. Reservations.!Y either party are generally lirnited to rninerals,t imber, or easements for ingress and eqress. Weeks Act of March L, 1911 (36 Stat. 961, as arnended; l6 USC 516 ) * a' The l'lational. Forest Systan land to be conve-ved must have lieeks Law:t?!u:'^.General1y, this means that the rancis were previously acquired by iheUnited States through purchase or donaiion. b' The non-Federar rand to Lre acquired by the United states nrust bewithin the watershed-of, a navigable ta;;*. The rand rnust be chiefly varuabrefor lhe regulation of the flow"of a uiuiqaUte strean or for the productjon oftimber and must be within the exLeriJi boundaries of a Nationar Forest. c' Exchanges of ress ftran $z{o0o can be approved by the Forest service. d, if the exchange value is SZ{OOO or more, the exchange must beapproved by the Secretary of Agricultr.u uno a report must be submitted to theCommittee on Aqriculture of the tlouse oi R.pr*r,-.ntat.ives and ile ConmitLee onAgriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry of the senate. The exchange cannor becompleted until 30 days after ttre s"ubmissron oi-itr; ..;;r;';; such earrier t jrneas may be approvei by both ccmmjtiees. e. The non-Federar randowner may reserve rocated or definedri,ohts-of -way, edsrnents, and other re"servat ions subject tc the conditions setforlh in section 9 of the l'Jeeks Law.--in. i.;nitec siares wil I mare reservationsof timber, minerars. or rights-of-wiy ui ur. found to be.i n the pubrici nterest f. The deLerminat,ion of mineral values and approvalminerals are within the authority of the Forest Service. _ S. The state in which the exchange occurs nrust havefor the exchange to take p1ace. Ail Siates in R_2, "i..pthave enabling legislation for 'rleeks Act exchanges. to convey title to enab I i ng legi sl at ion Wyorning and Kansas, (76 Stat. 1157;16 USC 555a) by exchange ofrs no of her a. This Act is the_basic auilrority for the conveyancethose acquired National Forest System linds for wnicn "tneie exchange disposa) authority. b' The non-Federar rand to be acquired must be su.i tabre for use inc0nneclion with Forest Service activities. c' This Act does n0t specifica) 1y .aurhorize eiLrrer party to rnakereservat ions. flo'ever, reservat jons mi-vbe rnade in aonuayuu..s to the Un jtecstates r':hich wil I not jnterfere with tfr! conterrolatec use oi tir. lancls by lheForest.service, and lhe un.i ted states may rnake such reservalicrrs as are foundio ho in +ho n,,hl i,- i,.i^-..,-! of !:T- Exchanoe for Schrol Decen:ber 4. 1957 (81 5tat. 531; 16 USC 4B4a) as97:T05..-- The act contains no sclroo l auIhorilies conveyance, . a. Lxcnanges of not more than g0 acres of Nationalbe IndCe wilh publ ic school auLhorities. - specif ic linr j tat.ions on lands to ben0r 0n subsequent use and developrnenl . b' Exchanges of not more than B0 acres of Nationar ForesL sysim i ?:r'li:;,1;:? ttare, county, and municipa.l sover.nmenti suu;ecL to the fot 1. Lands rnay,be.conveyed to StaLe, count-v, and municipalpursuarit to this Act.only if the tanJi ne.e being utilized by suchDecenber 12, 1983, (i^rrJat, ,i.,.,i I i",-' Forest Systerr land rnav conveyeC t.o pub l i cof the proper'uy after and can'lor,ri ng qovernnent Sentities on Z. Landsthey were o.irg";r.o';ri;l';J':.1'ilr:;,::"0 onrv ror the purposes ror which or uofr,.'f;"13'.,f"f i],.?i:i?i,lr.l.{n!'HJ;:,"i,,ll!,; l,lr:, - !??.iii, Hffl i;J,,i;i, ;i: u,::,:l ji il,l !x lj. oifl:' l!3,i,f i.ii'ff,.f n,::,':s,,,;:i:e?1.-;;'";;; same purposes SUiiiliARY Any aoency of a state or local gcvernnent wishing to iniljate a land exchange or- to.purchase Nationa.l Forest lands should conLact the Distrjct Ranger -_ _ administering the area where the land is located. The District Ranger lvil l provide infoinralion concerning aulhorilies, requirerrertts, and tirne frarnes necessary for processing a land exchange or sale. If a preliminar.v agreenent is reachid, th; Districi Ranger will piovide ar-eiter-of-Intenl to be signed b-v an authoriied representative of lhe iocal agency. Time requirelents for processing a land exchange or sale can often be reduced if the local agency irovides itt or part of Ihe expenses jnvolved in appraisal , land survey, injneral exarnination, cultural resource survey, wetlands and floodplains survey, and threatened and endangered species survey for the aFfecled lands. Conversely, the Forest ServjCe may trish to prornote managemenl efficiency Lhrough dliposal of certain lands. |.lhen it is apparent that the lands to be dispoied of can be utiiized by a state or local governrnent, reasonable efforts wjll be made to see thal ownership of the property is conveyed to thal governmental unit. l-lowever, if these reasonable efforts fail and disposal of - dhe property is still in the public interest, the Forest Service may dispose of the property to a private indjvidual, corporalion' or coinpany in ffihange for other lands that are valuable for National Forest purposes' Subject lo the availability of funding and manpower, it is the policy of tlte Roc[y llountain Region to r!spond to the needs of state and local governnents by sel1ing and exchanging lands as al lcrved by current Iaws. The best way t0 initiale iand salei ana exchanges is through early conLact wi lh the local District Rangers. These transictions are time consuming and cosbly to both nart.ips- buL arp often effecLive in prornoting public interests boih iocal 1y and nalionally. cash, or a cc,rnbi nationequaiizalion. ited jn a special funcj .purchase of lands withjnas the llational Forest I W ,| ffi\f LLor- r-O2J TJJ =)E=iiz>0uoouro1>6E 3=OGo.o. J UJ OE o- ul Oz z IJJFz = o o) o GI lo t \ ] I i I \ ) I I I /N,\ l'ol,rv) =-\,i ( i\ 'r\')'R\r4$r-i; hr/ ArtAofcrr l-16-5 white RLver National Forest '@ United States Deoartment ot Agriculture Forest Service P.O. Box Glenwood 81602 948 Sprlngs, C0 Cz-:-i)-. c.r.^- t \. Fody to: 5430 Vatl - Multipl_e Forests oarei December L 5, 1983 L Town of Val1 75 South Frontage Road Vall, CO 81657 Dear Town Councll Members : Western Land Exchange Cornpany of 428 East llth Avenue, Denver, Col_orado 80203, has offered certain lands in the whlte Rtver Natlonal Forest in exchange for Natl-onal Forest Systen lands on the White Rl-ver NationalForest. These offered prlvate Lands and selected National Forest systenlands are shown on the enclosed naps and Exhlbits A and B. part of thelands the Forest servLce will exchange nay incLude wetlands and/or floodplains and lands the trfestern Land Exchauge Compaoy wll1 exchange nay ln- clude wetlands and/or flood plaios. our reports and recommendations ln thls matter urll be seot co the ReglonalForester on or about January 20, L984. If you desLre to comnent Ln any wayon the proposaL as indlcated, please do so prior to that tine so I nay in-clude your comments in my reconnendatlons to the Regional Forester. Slnc RICHARD Forest Supervi sor Eoclosures * Ple&u -nf,-L bhuJ ilJ fu*& S4./-," b,tJ*:1:r,ffi .la,,C **u:;'; p*-r"r ry SwD;u) t- t/M Fs.ri20o.11b (7/81) \ 'i Exhibit A Property that the Western Land Exchange Company will considerexchanging: Poye Tract (Gunnison Countv) Township 51 North, Ranqe I East of the New Mexico P.M. Section 3l: NEtSEt, SISEI Section 32: SWtSWt 150.00'Acres, More or Less. Biq Elk Meadons Tracts (Boulder,/Lariner Counties) Township 3 North, Ranqe 72 West, 6th P.M. (Boulder Countv) Section 1: Lot 4 (NWliNVtl'r), SWTNI{ISection 2: SETNE* Section 3: W* Lot 6 (wlNWLNEt) Township 4 North, Ranqe 71 West, 6th P.M. (Lariner Countv) Section 29:That part of the WL of the NWL lying Westof the right-of-way for U.S. Highway 35 andNorth of the following-described'1 ine: Comnencing at the Wl corner of said Section29, thence N. 00o29r46" E along the westline of said Nl{t, with all bearings hereinrelative thereto, a distance of 244.85 feetto the Beginning of said line; thence due East 475.61 feet to the Southern-nost point on the right-of-way for U.S. Eighway 36 inthe WN of said NWL and the End of thedescribed line. EtNEt except a portion of the SETNELdescribed as l. 2. Section 30:follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of saidSection 30, thence South along the Eastline of said Section 30 a distance of 1320feet, more or J.ess, to the northeast cornerof the SEINEI of said Section 30; thence S70oW a distance of 1405 feet, more orless, to the northwest corner of the SEINEIof said Sectsion 30, which is the true pointof beginning; thence due South 590 feet toa point; thence N70oE 590 feet to a point; thence due North 590 feet to a point on theNorth line of said SEtNEt of said Section30; thence S70"W 590 feet to the true pointof beginning. Townshi North 3. Section 25: Section 27:Section 34: Section 35: California Park Tracts Exhibit A - continued (Lariner County) ELNEI, swlNEt I sE!, sELslll, swtsvtl exceprthat portion in Big Elk Subdivision asshown on the Anended Plat of Lots l3-3I,Tract 4, Big El.k Meadows, and noreparticularly described as follows:Beginning at a point on the connon sectionline of Sections 25 and 35 fron whence theconmon section corner of Sections 26 , 27,34, and 35 bears N 84041.30" W, a distanceof 197.40 feeti thence N 25o32t20"!l adistance of 191.00 feet; thence N G3o2Zr40"E, a distance of 60.00 feet; thence N51o13r35" E, a distance of 200.00 feet;thence S 26025'23" E, a distance of l0O.O0feet; thence S 25039,59" E, a distance of90.00 feet; thence S 53049rOln E, adistance of 100.00 feet; thence S 42o39r0I',E, a distance of 114.94 feet; thence S42"07150" E, a distance of 22.83 feet to apoint on the common section Line of Section25 and 35; thence N 84.41r30" W, a distanceof tl 02.?3 feet along said section line tothe point of beginning. SLSETNE*, NLNE}iSEL, W+SET NET, E*NETNI{I, NETSET 1141.00 Acres, More or tess. (Routt Countv) 320.00 Acres, More of Less. Section 10, and NWtNWt, Section 15) '120.00 Acres, More or Less. RaftopouLos Tract 3? Scott (formerly NlSEl , SWtSEl , Section 3, and NWlrNEt,Section 10) and Tract 38 (forrnerly ELSWT,Section 3, and EtNwl , Section l0) Townshi North Tract 43 (formerly SlSWt, Exhibit A - continued 4.,Lily Lake -Foresta fnc. Gunnison County ) Townshi South, Ran e 87 t{est of the 6th Section 9:sl 322.7I Acres, More or Less. Olsen Property (Eaqle County) Township 4 South, Range 8L West of the f. Section 3: Section 9: rot l, NwL sEk NEt, Wt NV'L sELEL NE* Swt, NEt SE!. SwL,swt swl NEk, Nt SWL NEL, NL SEK SWL NEL. NWL SV'K SEL SEL SEL SEK, W* SEL SE!6,slr NwL sEt, NEt SwL SE*. SI{L NEL SEt, SEL NWL, SWL NEL, SL NWL NEL, EL NEk NWk, lr| rvlvle sEL,N! Nn1 shrl Section 16: NEL NEk NEk 385.8L acres, more or Less. Totalling 2449.52 acres, more or less. Exhibit B Property that the Forest Service will 5th Section 5:Section 7: Section 8:Section 9: SLNEtNEtSWINI^'L Coloradoacres, more or less. consider P.!t. exchanging: Townshio Section Lots I and 2 NtNtNtsllNEL NLNL}ILSWKNW:(, NWLsEtNI,rlr N!SWLSWKNVT* l8: l{EtN}lLIn Eagle C6unty,Containing 111.37 l'?, . _._..:E_..,,-- _tft__(-'-.. | ..,."\ r cs.o WHITE RIVER NATIONAL FORESt", cotoRADO SIXTH PRINCIPII MERIDIAN F,.:.k "::.::3r The maP is meant purposes onIY. descriPtion for location. 6 l(ilorn.tf. :,k=t-=tstfor visual See written accurate \ .. ll)i'. //l. tlia I 7t 22 {,:2': I K6tbr l: .:*l!lt" ;'-:-.!.. ,. 2. : rrl-, - -r.-'J',.\-l ; ..l,jl.;"i ^i.t2:1-i\.!" i-': './,oR.81W. R.79W. "4, The map is neant for vibualpurposes only. See rrrittendescription for accurate -,_ lt location. _ T.8N ;illn - lott --!--------_l--i r''r . .-t4 -(: l..lo"'ffi8#+ l'lr.ul*:_+s-_._+_-tf"=4i.; {,. r 7lw.; 216t \:'i2 Quoni.r .'\ L-t ffiffifi{' -t 1;=: for visual ..-lThe map is meant purposes only. description for locat ion . '\v 2tI l.:- +Pl' See written .G accurate .i..- r'lll+- 2t ll tl. \Mr".:r I J*" ."-.{""1 H ;i tt ll i,?:!.Irl,\j r+ - ,i liirl:tr;i.,,#*i.i.r"- i GUNNISON NATIONAL FOREST U.S. Df,PARTMENT OF AO RICULI'UNE FOREST EERVTCE ,ogN R. YCCUTRI, Cf,I!t COLORADO NgW Mf,XICO AND SIXTH PRINCIPAI, MDRIDIANS l97a . :1. rhe map 11 il"TI ror visua ipurposes only.oescription for loca tiion. See wri t ten accura te l:-'r'i T.125. T.I35. { L)'tu{, t. '\ ''\. ,..1:( T.l45. {:; T.51N. - T.49N. \ \ I )( \\7) !ror- i9 lrl ==*eYOg6 UJOoluog> 6E 3=oco. o. J UJoE o- IJJ Oz z UJFz = -_ aD E() oo \ \ itt ", \) trii i r\\ \\\, r l\ \\,7',.t. \ \ ,l\_)\\,rl i\\(*il\r /,tii ft ;! ,\){ /l 'r lr] i\Yl i {..-' iil I iI '/\i ,,-rtil 1\iili) ,; ril l lil\,(|fl))l oo oo lo ato () oo .\ )\ll' ( ) ),( (t \\ ) "l I I(\I r\ \ t)\ fta, [r i:{ \\ \ iilll r L] -.), \ 7