HomeMy WebLinkAboutONE VAIL PLACE FOREST SERVICE PERMITS LEGALUnired S tates Departmenl of Enc losure ?."", Se i-v ic e I llhite River Nat ii na1 N--J i^ .";) ' ,(rrA + .. r' -i;v;Hu Eoly Cross Ranger District P.0. Box 190$g-r_iggJ.3g_r_e __________F-o-r-e5.i:-_---_.-l_{_in-rurn. Colorado gl645 Reply to. 2730 Date: December 20 , 1988 Attu: Larry E. Lichliter, Executive Vice president Vail Assoc iates, Inc .P.0. Box 7 Vail, C0 81658 Dear Larry: Enclosed are che forns ro be completed by the Town of vail to relinquish itsinterest in the road serving No. I VaiI place in favor of V.A.I. Please return the original and 2 copies with the upper part r dated and signedby an authorized representative of the Tovn, and with the lorrer section shownas Part rr daEed and sigaed by a designated officer of v.A.r. as indicaEed. rwill send the signed and dated application with ny recomendation to tbe Forestsupervisor for authorizing a permit to v.A.r. for the access road. Feel welcome to contact Bob poole of this office if you have questions. S iocerely, 99 - +3o -oo , h*tt[" /? l"a \u-</ 0^ ()dl /12**':* &LL,14-!- P.P'l'*t'l' #r"k' iltt"J -A t(,LAwc-^("* A^ U"J f!-{tPu 4,1.. Cn S r-a-pt-2, l. (, UJ +"L*/ //c'n-fl Caring for the Land and Servi.ng people FS.O2OO.28(7.82) t Fo.n' ostB i;o..O.R36JS Unrted Fcrert Strtcr Servtca REQUEST FOR TERMINATION OF AND APPLICATION (Rei: FSM 2716j Thir rrporr il suthorr:16 by rir r Crgonic Aqt of Juno 4, l?97 br rhr orrgosr oi rvoiuorrng thc rcquorrcd ccrioat q^dno palmi, rnoy br irrurc unlorr $it fornr ir cornolqrod. rtmcat oI A grrcultur" FOR SPECIAL UsE PERMIT PART I. REOUE FOR TERtilNATlON /?o bc cted bv P.tmitted TOr FOREST SUp ERVTSOR X rwel. rse uNoERslGNEa l.hite River NATIONAL FORESi XE$ eurrontzrNG riGl({usr ro mainr€ in and -€RMITTEEIS) UNOER THA T CEPTAIN SPECIAL use a road rri.th in US: =ZRMIT, DATE' sw i/4 NI,] 1/4 of December 11, 1978, Sec.8, T.55., R.8OW., 6th P.M., htriCe Rlver Narional_ Forest HAVE . lcoruveveo ALL JO? PA RCEL CCVERED BY {CUF! RIGHT, ]!TLE, ANC i:!TE;iEsi IN ANO TO SAIC FERMIT.: tH€ TITP"oVEMENTS LOCAfEt ON ?H€ XE EElllE)N€liftwrrx: Vail ociates P.0. INAHE OR HAMESI Box 7 Vail,c0 81658 lAOORl',.j) AcccRDlNGLY, x(w€) REcuEsr rHAi sAto sPEc:AL-usE p:RMtr EE ?EnMINA;=D, ihE REMAINTNG -ALANcE aF AN..FEEs pR€1./rorJsLy pAro sHouLo BE CREDTTED ro ihE ApFLtcANT NArirEo BE,_ow, OATE:t9_. .STRIKE CUT INAFPLICAALS ALTERNATIVEs {SIG ATURES OF AL:- 5€RMITTEES .IS?ED ON PERMIT) PART ll - APPLTCATTON (To ba coalc;ll.d W.4ppticant) aPt'LlcATloN ts HEREBY MAoE FoR A spEcrAL-usE pERMrr ro covER THE sAMe pARcEL oF LANo covERE: syTH€ FE'IUIT R€FEFFIEO IO IN IHE A€'OVE REQUEST, ANO FOR IHE SAME PURFOSE OF SAIO PERMIT. SUEJEC:.HOWEVER, TO SUCH NEw c.-IrolTIoNs ANo STIFULATIoNs As THc ctRclMsTANc=s MAY TYAFRANT. X twel ecxHclvLsoGE lHAi \YHEN A N€w p€RMrr:s rssuEc, A TRANsF:R r-Eg:- szs.oo, aR AN AMouNT ecu,iL -oTHE ANNUaL FEE. wHlcHE\"Et ts LEss. rs cHARGaD. rT rvrLL BE rNc:uDEt rN -r€ rNrTrAL pAYMENr FoR ;lr€ )1.t'{PERMI T. Vail Associates, Inc. {IYPE rN ira v es oF .o3-o5Ea 2Eivl:-gE:i .j,aif{.1 Il,,i Ii). t). B(r ): ; l9 _. iOIe.) r lt)B I r'5S PART ItI . RANGER'3 'IEPORT ON cATloX 1, IS SITE NEEDED FOF| HIGHER USE? ATTACH JU5?IFICATION EEF FsM TENUR€ F€COM EftOATtONi tF TEFIMINATION IS RE'CMMENCE:.oEscRr aE 2721.23'., 2..,YHA7 IS TH€ CONOITION OF EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS? 3. IS THE F€E FOR THE P€FMIT APPRoPRIATE, (A.tacII, TcQ aamputaUon sAcer r{ rcAut rcd, 4. IS THE FEFIMIITED AREA FROFERLY OESCRTE NOi,ow Pqo 5. ]S CURRENT MAP OF ?HE UsE A'TACHED?IS I? AOEQUATE?IF NOT, EXPLAIN 6. OESCRIB€ UNOESIFIABLE SITUATIONS TO BE CORRECTEE. 7. LIST MA OATORY ANO SUG€ESTED SPECIAL CLAUSES NOT FRINTED ON fH€ PERT{IT FORII. REMARKS: SUAMf tTEO ( 5tat1..ur.t TIILE DISTRICT RANGER ;ITLE FOREST SUPERYISOR RA}IGER OISTRICT tPoFoveD roR ES7 fATE sWW lnWn-ilU[iTP communitv Development Depanment /"-,- -/L, 'o/ u' A ^ ,*'ttt-1'fr't' '-ll 6-/t /rL A/-ry6 ryl^'{L--r*/r,i"y' il,--^l-;4 ** t/- {IJ)r*-br fu/u^f,//*'-L: n-"2 *& //"-'P^'J"^' -rL f -!";-l/'*.4 . aJ*,rJp o**zd*T J--*< /L t--"''1/'"'-Z''3;78 'f7J*J-:-'-/'srd a*-1 r'L- ad2zzr-'-at-7s 0/-,-*a*--urtrs 4/*J-/& 0 Uoit.d sararr Dcartoant of Atrlcsltun ; For.ra Sawlct SPECIAL USE PERMITof G. 21, lfJf,d)(P.l. e4-s7e) Rcf. FStl /r33- o. RECORD NO. (t.21 b. REGION (3..r' 02 c. FOREST (5-61 d. OISTRICT (7.8) ^ ? Holv Cr.oss " :r. usER NO. (9.12) L_0.8 2 f, KrNo oF usE 03.1? 3 t3iit1H3"' 0I h. touN,rY 0&20b 37 L. CARO NO, (2 l) Act Town of Vail Vail, Coloradoof I (N.t!.) (hereofter colled thepermittee) ishereby outhorized to use Notionol reconstruction, mointenonce, ond use of q rdod within the sw!;ttl?rL opproximotely -014 - ocres, ond locoted upon the grouni occording ments, widths, ond other references shown on the plol ottoched hereto Permit closs E Forest londs of Scr. 8, (Addrcr.) for fhe conslruction, T5S, R80t{, !,itrite River Notionol Forest for ths proteclion, odministrolion, monogemenf ond thereof now or hereofler .owncd or controlled by the permittee. This permit is subiecl lo the generol provisions listed herein ond to the speciol clouses items 8 through 1t , on poge(s) 2 through 3 ottoched hereto of this permit. This permit covers-o-right of *oy '057 . miles in l"ngth, 20 ft'057 in width ond contoining utilizstion of londs ond the resources ond requirements, ond modo o port lo the survey line, figures, meosure. ond mode c port hereof. l. This permit is subiect to oll volid rights existing on this dole. 2. The permitfee in exercising fhe privileges gronied by this permit sholl comply with oll opplicoble Stcte ond Federcl lows, Executive Orders, ond Federol rules ond regulotions. 3. The permiflec sholl cut only such timber os necessory in cleoring for rood construction, reccnstruc- lion, ond moinfenonce. Timber so cut sholl, unless olherwise ogreed to, be cut into logs of lengths speci- fied by the Forest Service ond decked olong the rood for disposol by the Forest Service. 1. The permittee sholl do everything reosonobly within his power to prevent forest fires, ond will nof . dispose of moteriol by burning in open fires during ihe closed seoson estoblished by low or regulotion without o writlen permit from the Forest Service, 5. The permittee sholl fully repoir oll domoge, other thon ordinory weor ond teor, lo Notionol Foresf roods ond troils coused by fhe permitfee in exercise of the privileges gronted by this permit. 6. No member of or Delegote to Congress or Resident Commissioner. sholl be odmitted to ony shore or port of this ogreement or to ony benefit thot moy orise herefrom unless it is mode wiih o corporotion for its generol benefit. 7. This pernit moy be terminoted or suspended upon breoch of ony of fhe conditions herein or ot the discrelion of the Regionol Forester or the Chief, Forest Service. GENERAL PROVISIONS THts PENIIT t5 ACCEPTED SUAJ5CT TO ALL OF tTs TERMS AND CONDITIONS PERMITTEE NAME OF PERHITTEE . Tcnrn of Vail// -/l OATE 4t/ze tssutNG OFFICER "7m'"Pr,q;4,..,-,TITLE Forest Supenrisor )q,// ?FO Cra.att THOMAS C. EVA}IS z'00-19 lrrlr2l o 8. ltee Use Tttis pennit issrred free of drarge under regulation 36 CFR 251.2. Specificatlons Construstion of t}re road straLl be in accordanoe wittr tlre s5nci-fications set forti in exhibit A, attached hereto. Mainterfance 9. 10. 11. L2. The prndttee shall provide minternne r.ade necessary by his useof the road constructed under this perrnit: kwided,-tGt haulersof producEs frrcrn Federal lands a.1d erl otherffiiaL haulerswill be required to trnrform or bear thei.r prcportionate strare ofmajrrtenance rnade necessar]r hy theix use of ttle road, as deterririrtedby tie Forest Senrice. Use by ttre Governnrent The United Staes strall have rnrestricted. use of the said. right-ofr+ay and any road constnrsted tiereon for all purposes deer.,ednecessarlz or desi-rable iI onnection wit} the pnotection, adrninis-tr3Li9n, rnanagernent, and utj-lization of rederar lands or resollrces,ard shall have t}le right alone to extenl r:ights and privilegesfo1 use of $re right-of-way and road tlrereon to states and locarsubdivisions ttrereof, and to otlrer users includilg nernbers of ttrepr:lc1ic, er<cept users of land or resources crrmed oi controlled bythe penrdttee: kovided, I|rat zuch use sha1l be oontrolled tryittre Forest senriGE not r:nreasonably to inter:fer" "ittr o".of ttte road by ttre perrnittee or cause ttrE ttre permittee to bear asnale of the cost of mainternnce greater than ttre perrnitteers rrsebears to alL use of ttre :oad. Erosion Control Ttre prmittee shall be responsible for the prevention and controlof soil erosion and gullying on ttre area cdrered by ttris p".*itas required by t}le District Ranger. 13. Reveqetation, Ground Cover All earth ctrt or fill slopes_favorabre to re,\regetation or otherar-eas o.n which ground cover is destroyed in u; course of con-stnrcEion, will be rievegetated to grasses or other suitablevegetalion as reguired by tne District Ranger. . 2720 L4. 15. oof Vail C Seed.ing or planting will be done at a Lirre of the year, in a fllanner' and. with species which the District Ranger considers rvilloffer the best drance of success and rvill be repeated anrn:aIlyuntil sudr areas are accepted in wriLing by ttre District Ranger as satisfastorily revegetated and stabilized. Terrniration UnLess s@ner terrninated or revoked in accordance with ttre pre visions of the permit, tJlis permit. sha1l e>pire and becone rrcid utrnn issuance of a ne,r autlrorization or one year after publicationof regulations by the Secretary of Agriculture under the pnovisionsof Title V, P.L. 94-579, whictrever oones fj-rst, but a new authori- zation to occu5ry and use tJle sar,e National Forest land rvill be issued prwided the pernittee rvill ccrrply wittr the thenexistingrules and regnrlations governilg the occupanql and use of }Iational Forest lands. - .:- -L---- -r -\-.- a\-g .-l_!l,1 acL .lOocA' oatt oa2< atoEEo.u rtc60ooLlTi 4t L (ttOEt,o|D(,rco|aacaLal (,dE a|.et .o acot 9!.Laa,.r{loo1lcoaOrlratau(ooi: da o>au-o> ' ,'/-'-,,) -.-P nu, E, ! ,r ' j -r':-.'.-,-.-' .<\-U-,'-a )-' n E 3 F ,q ;' 8. 6 . I .t , 6 o * g-'-t--1 - -/ ! t b " $ E t ' " E E ! .9 j g E t.Y :3 :B &8gi.g" i ;:I: B;,c F. =z 3; ei q;tEoE ; !t?; ie r,r>o'=i<u' >6F,ui i5 ag;:;i E E;59' :gFelsEsH!?g;3"9 Ed ;.! Eri:gE a il?a: t.!, "EeEei;:fr:f=..s=E! F- sE 3lri3' E ,c'f ^l !lr-3i9iii!9'i8.E" 8.1 -B 33i;iq I Eii! I;SL EUE;EeiEa;6E3;EBl;E 1i ;:;i., 1 ! rEle Ee.F SeEiHElExislSiE:IF E; ' -, o 5; i q E '1 3 i: '? z?3*ff"Fo8ziro*E?g "g ;; g;F3;i i ;lE: $i-. 3 a!: ^,:i6E3=EilI $ e cj .< o o o'- .E e F j E q E $9t 83,";bPEEe.EEBEd;2 i f E. ? '! i : ! - 'D E c, o i': aq ss!;Etd;elgE;esgE i;,gi ::glsH I il;if.5;Ei ::tri..iHFi"-'"='H',rd 3 . i A 5 .. i 6 3: F ! a' i G i " ,;; . lO !.l|lU|OC0 Hd"' "e":see,!FiFF:F;E: { E i i ; ! F E : 1 i i H I T I t ; 3 i Ivt 7-i,,,kFdFEeEelbEig ! ! : q i 3 3 i : .t -e 5 ; 6 i 5.i 6 E ; jE 9P""6""i3dUi35Fi: I o i g I G i E g .., -' i i, o a i. ; 3 i, o- g;p-H6;EiEHi!"-g:F -. g r. .c s' iu ; o .- 5, F f g H i q i q EEI:#gI<rr{viF!r!.F!a o; i r'::,t E i I:'i = e-: * !. €: ! 5n EIFi;EE;;;i;ili;r s ; $E ! ! E ; ir E { I E 5 : ; : ; : ; - "H63seHEf;Ei::s8FE i ri = ! $ E:ii.q'i € E €r:: ei e5 t,.,; ;g EI;',"-r d .{. f iE;: i; rdE*:: ; :i i iiaj ag 3:P9.3-" f jl .r ;.9:; !l iEr#!! i ?,s ! ;a a (, o(, to o s ,;8,.{g i; I glll!,i giir*; rirl ;ri!liEi Ei i ai ;iiiiiit;i i;ii:;!*:i t{[ i4: stg!E$:Eii;; :;iE:ilg!iei E; i 3;ii;;;,;Hi{ Hi;:i:;E;:Ei ;i i :g.$;tEri'i!5 i;*"isiEi:i: :; H ilr;i;;lqli: *:;fi:!$;ri!; ii E-sr;sEi:3le'E: ;:5sireri;;: ii i:sii:lsll:a;; E!iii;ii:i€l Et 'aiEq;i ii.e:i;i sEig{:stii{? ii"eg:ieis?;.;sri; :!;; EiiH;iEi EgiSi:i3t:i;;iili :lti = I iiii = ? ; = ii,2,i ril ii i 3i rl i= i i ;;;lii is gt : :rE;!lr;;;€; si;lno& 4 19. ),1t Jr F.T I I I I I I I l*"l I I I I I Ilito -Fl!.lul,'l!l tgEIE Es oX.{ rxa .E ItEa'!lol.tlL5Orro|!.CcErorr iaaa -r-O!.ta^9R; iE..1 Aartan|ordo(' ttc| ! arlAE €Edo(,.x6=trJoa!.9 Fe!uoF.rarzqH]oOE..t.|a EQ, ra5o : !ohqlra6aa€ iji 5oi!5 > .gt3 r 3 3 3a.9orrC'!r(,! i ;!i E!8.c3 g 9'u q E aF! " ?.95 f 83,ru.c..rrtl'Fcct.r.oooaor8ib $tj9ra ius,5in; H;;;!g ;gr;EE! ::,138 Li$r:$E i!cEtI f 66sh<t g:gi:{l! i:ii:E IIf ;s'_8 EiEi;H'itttt3:i €i{8r!;e!#:d3: 5!: r.* o re. o{orc!rkntr".3t6H;i g5B!HgiE;;:ootno"ts38i ar.rr^tD,{-t(r.'al!5€Ef sessseF€se: ^;^; tt;^:.s953t'6r^"'cor., I i8e-si!ggr,.,oo b if i* s3 : :Ee $i€; i EEi sEi o!r t I GT @,ffir i{r;jii,1l1it, t)l' :':r,, li,'.:. _(,.:( ll ii: ' irtfl' ,;' i! i;'.ii:\ I i;lli ,L(,-{ r. i .rsl:i' 'l i.i r,. Ft\ is;il: iri ,i".--.1 i ,. t':''!,t:: , '.ti,r, :'l,i! ,. i: ,.;; i t,-,;;t I i.:r.1 i. i..'..'-. . l.;i:i'; i. !41'.Lrt r :.,. iil;i | ', t; 1"- i:& i r,:r:ti:I ri,.,f I i.lii' | ,il I .rl I'r.'|.i.;l,'41Ljti'"ll.j i::[i; 'tiii:l i:': 'liif;:i :.'r'if.i;il '. xi-lii:'