HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL RACQUET CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION 1972-1976 LEGALV;}"*-l C^1, G$d" A*dL* 14'11*' t q76 U {p7 1972 thru 1976 BEST rnractS' POSSIBLE rNsPEcioN FrEouEsrBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789' PHONE:328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER EAGLE COUNT E ornen ! pnnrrnl. READY FOR INSPECTION APPROIT€D f]OTSnpPROVED ltl upom THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS t /-t-- E nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR client Va1l Racquet Club Job No.cs-*0 Project Test bY trTW Ipcati;@ ::::I":: s"PptsiBi Porto cement Typq Truck No.SlumP 4 Inches Ticket No.Air content Temperature water Added 2,3 Date lvlade -Ir4F.?6 68 oF. 28 day req'd strength 3OO0 Psl 6"xL2" Cylinder No. Unit Weight Lb/cu. fL. TotaI I.oad Unit Stres s PSI Break TYPe Break Remarks vRc IJ t4 r5 t6 L? 18 7I+? t42 142 142 74,500 ?0,500 103,000 IO?|OOO 2680 2540 37tO 36?o CM CM CM CM 7 Dey 7 Dly 28 Day 28 Day Reserve Re s erve tt-23-?6 tr-2345 t2-t4-75 72-14-?6 REcr"''to DtU 1 6 1976 :iLFt- - |,t ...,; t,.ti Eagle County, 0olo. Mix, Proportions:Final report will include data for all cylinders and will be sent after 28 day break. These tests were mad9 according,,to RstM, PHA, . Acr. 9r -other . ?pP+-t:3lr"agen6y test method. ThLs rabora- t5rv iannot be resPonsible for lnYint'erpretation of the test resurcsb;-;t6;; -[[tn--raroratorv personneL I,INCOLN-DEVORE TESTING IABORATORY ceorge D. Morris, P. E. 5+r* sk., ifL" egs., oal. chlor. Break TyPes: cM - Conical Mortar Break cA - Conical Aggregate Break V - Shear Break CONCRETE TEST REPORT Lf NCOI-,N-DeVORE TESTING L,ABORATORY colorado Springs, Pueblo, Gunnisont Avon, colorado - Rock SPringsr wyo. t, rNs"=tfr* FtEotJEsrBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 EAGLE COUNTY DATE JOB NAME E ornen THUR LOCATION 'FRI i 2,,. TUE B appRovED r-t'r IZT UPON THE FOLLOW!NG CORREGTIONS: ) E orseppRovED E nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS .) / \ rNs"=r#o* FtEouEsirBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 ,.,a,/oarc '7'3./ 76 TfME RESE;VEs ij,'(.t() nrvrlilrrr-) EAGLE COUNTY ! orxrn ..._.t!.*../ /t ,{..y-ol.' COMMENTS: IfiAPP ROVED ' 1 n pnnrral LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION / THUR n orseppRovED FRI- a/r'' t' nfrruspecr! E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS oor, ,/ ? . /) - 7' {', o rN=PEctoN HEeuEsrBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 . PHONE:328-6339 EAGLE COUNTY E orurn E pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED ,{i:: , E AppRovED | ,// n orsnppRovED ''1: -<'-- f1kv,REINSPECT El'upoifrne FoLLowrNG coRR EcrroNs: CORRECTIONS ill.,"-^. DATE ' -.t ')) ,.:' INSPECTOR o rNsPEctloN FtEouEsrBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 . PHONE:328-6339 EAGLE COUNTY DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! orHen f] plarrnl LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION WEDMON COMMENTS: TUE THUR :ret-------J-AM PM D nppRovED E UPOT'T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS E orsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR \a/ Cli€Dt v.{ 1 Pqaq'ro+ a'l"h Job No. cs-tn Te..cbyL Project Location of wnl'l set Brtldtng a5 fourdeU concrete Supplier Pnrto l"fi x Cement Truck No.8053 Slump Ticket No.Air cbntent ll- 3 % oate Made Temperature water Added oF. 28 day req'd strength-3qgq-Psi Inches 6 "x12 " Clzlinder No. Unit Weight Lblcu. ft.Total Load Unit Stress PSI Break TyPe Break Remarks lrDn to 20 2l 22 2',, 24 140 t40 140 140 62,o()o 6r,ooo 91r5oO 92-rn11 )rao 2200 3300 33r0 CM r:vt cl"f CM ? Day 7 fav 28 lev 28 Day Rs s erce Reserve t2-8-76 n-e-?6 12-29-75 L2-29-76 FFnri\tFD JAN 3 Uell '' ' Lalle C iu;r 1i llix, ProPortions 5* sk. , 314't ss.e. Final report witl include ilata for all cylinders and wiII be sent after 28 day break. These tests were made according,-to esiu, PHA' . AcI. or -other, aPPrl999re-icren6v te6t method. This rabora- t5rv iannot be resPonsible for gnY Int'erpietation of Lhe test resurts 6;-;fhA;-t[tn--riEoiatorv personneL LINCOLN-DeVORE TESTING L,ABORATORY ceorge D. Morris' P. 9.Break gyPes: CM - Cbnical Mortar Break CA - Conical Aggregate Break V - Shear Break CONCRETE TEST REPORT LINCOLN-DEVORE NESEIUE I,ABORATORY Colorado SPrings, Pueblo, Gunnison, Avon, colorado - Rock SPringsr wyo' i..=.rL. \ ) Town of VaiI FI,NCIRICAL PERMIT -aNuo,..h.J.&"sr.,*&*^..---.4/4-/-e-.-.-...-...... \!2rl Date of AppIication......-..-.,--.//.-d.t-.--..*--?.---.............-..-...-...n..?-$..-...-...... Erectricar contractor -...:fu - tlt"h-;...r.n4**.. -.... , /,/l/'t./n npplicant.-.flL2z*,-J*J^.../I..t....&tt-t*^---.-- APPROVALS ,t/r/, N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 337 $.....-.......-.........."... s..&:r.:*..: $....- ..-..-....-.-......... Received By Chl.l Bu|ldht Omctal D,l I' THrs FoRM tg ro BE PosrED oN JOB SITE DURII{G CONSTRUCTTON 24 HOIjRII ADVANCE NOIICE REQT,JIRED FOR INSPECTIONS THE a, a. FCrrl:t ro,, o:lrYrt rroa32 rNsnecr]ru TOWN TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER-#. FIEBUEEiT VAIL E ornen E pnnrrar LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRIMON AM PM COMMENTS: I: APPROVED E orsappRovED fl upon rne ror,r-ply! NFF.gryFcr oNs: REINSPECT INSPECTOR BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 I oINSPECTTGIN FIEOUEST EAGLE COUNTY') ../'a/,4r:,. i, t ''' /,, 1,DATE ,,/,;.- / "JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED,'(., ! orxen flappRovED ! panrrel LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR florsnppRovED ! nrrNsPEcr fI UPOT'T THE FOLLOWING GORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS ,{J:}' .-INSPECTOR oINsiPECTIclN FIEOUESTBU]LOING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE:328-6339 oore "l) t /'1r.. .rt./ { JoB NAME rfME REcErvEo / /{i AM d[i cALLER EAGLE COUNTY Ej-ol'xea PARTIAL, LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION /'\ / weo 1 t-) THUR.,' E nppRovED E orsappRovED ! nerNsPEcr fl upon rHE FoLLowlNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR tNsPEcrr(D{ TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE ! plnrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM fl npp Rov E D E orsappRovED fl nerNsPEcr fl uporu rHE FoLLowrNG conRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR TNEiPECTIG FlEeUEsiT flornen E pennnl LOCATION MON COMMENTS: FRITUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM n APPROVED E orsapp RovED E nErNsPEcr E-uporu THE FoLLowrNG conRECTIoNS: DATE I, \ INSPECTOR I EAGLE .-.1.t ' 1 . I i{4rFr-AiI -tr'=:Irt.v.s;i - FIEOUEST U N TY', "7/ PHONE:328-6:t39 co DATE JOB NAME 1' TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orxen MON COMMENTS: E pennll LOCATION TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRt 'i) AM PM , ElnppRovED E orsnppRovED fl nerNsPEcr .[ upon rHE FoLLowlNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR z F ;^ r\t\o O EnI p z h 9H:E<FgkIFa F_<Qt,) < :. ? ztFF.'<!i,-itHEffio9E1Z * <;<ozAzz^z9<elF!.Oo<o<Ql.]Z>itlac:l=\,;<o-69,'l:E;iQ> -<ol r(<> \z s u, [t z v,Fz u,l uJ UJ o F lll J utt F =F F IJJ ooJ aFoF g 3 ! Er ul 0. o z -o J't-o x d-r $= \trf,o il= $= J It tI i.lu i i UJ F xul (9zI i tt F o uJ z ql = IJJ z u IJJ () (J 2 J 9 Fu uJ Jul - UJ z F 6o z tr ul J 5 3ulz z J o t! UJ z () uJ gl Ftt z FI EI gl Yz U' U u,r Eoz Ful = UJ z F 6z uJE o ()zq,l l! o d uJY = z F E uJ IJJcl z tr qtIt oz g oo oJ J =ix uJ o l! u- 6 lu o- U' uJ G F z z 2 lt .iz z o o x cco3 z tr Eo !Jo J UJ STI .''t/- t!ll oz o9 <6 z z llJ F z tt t! F UJ J a ul oo a E uJ J a E 2) YJ6 J I I I ,,,.o,* Dlvls,oN a"*. ffi=&#" S;i&Esr P. O. BOX 789 PHON€: 328-6339 FAGLE COUNTY DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! orxrn I pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR Dn,} EleppRovED I orsnppRovED I nerNsPEcr E uporrr THE FoLLowtNG coRRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS o rNs"="#L*BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328.6339 EAGLE C FIEOlJEsiT OUNTY DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVEO- AM PM CALLER fl ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE I panrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI-AM PM E nppRovED ! or snpp Rov E D ! nrrNSPEcr E UPOT'T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR tNsPEcrtSt TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orHen MON COMMENTS: PMFRTUE I pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR D appRovEDr' D orsnppRovED fl netNsPEcr E UPOT'T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR o : fINSPECTIclN EAGLE COU FIEOUEST NTY BU,ILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! ornen MON COMMENTS: E pnnnnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION TUE WED THUR FRI AM;M' E lppRovED Gl uporu rxe CORRECTIONS E orseppRovED FOLLOW]NG CORR ECTIONS: ! n e rNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR Rovston Hairamoto Beck & Abey October 27, 1976 Mr. Terrell J. Minger Town Manager Town of Vai I P.0. Box 100 Vai1, Colorado 8i657 Re:Vail Racquet Club landscape Architects: Principals: Associates: 225 Mller Avenue l,and Planning Rob€rt Royston FASLA Harold N. Kobayashi ASLA Mll Valley Urban Design Asa Hanamoto ASLA Robert T Batterton ASLA California 94941 ftrk Planning Eldon Beck ASLA George W. Girvin ASLA 415 383.?900 Environmental Planning Kazuo Abey ASLA Robert S. Sena ASLA Lnuis G. Alley AIA htricia Carlisle ASLA Dear Terry: 0n Monday, 0ctober 25, 1976, Walter K'irch met with me in my offices toreview overall project planning of the Vail Racquet club and to reviewthe design and locations of proposed buildings No. 3 and 6. These twobuildings are the next construction phase. Building 3 is the larger ofthe two, Building 6 the smaller and closest to the ireek. The conclusions of our meeting are as follows: Both buildings are fairly wel'l screened from present Highway 6 and from the Interstate by significant groups of existing spruce trees. The visual impactis well absorbed. The more obvious visual impact will be from MeadowDrive. The applicant agrees to the installation of landscape, including berming and planting adjacent to Meadow Drive as a part of this project, to provide aproper landscape setting for the two buildings. A complete site, parking, and landscape plan should beprepared for review by the DRB. Concern was expressed that the buildings siightly exceed allowable height. Also that Building 3 variesin a minor way from the ordinance offset requirement. The applicant proposed the following detail modificationsto effect a visual "lowering" of the building: 1. 2. Buildin Mr. Terrel l J. M'inger - 2 - October 27, L976 a. Extend al] balconies around the ends of the bui 1di ngs . b. Construct balcony railings of natural cedar, stained a light color rather than dark' so that they read as more obvious horizontal el ements. c. Extend the cedar siding around the stair tower at the upper floor levei. This will significantly change the vertical impact of the stair tower and add to the horizontalquality of the facade. In my opinion these changes are substantial improvements and reso'lve my concerns about the variations from ordinance. (Please refer to the latter part of this letter regarding further project detail and concept changes ) . 3. The site locat'ion of Building 6 is acceptable. The site location of Building 3 has been moved westerly from Build'ing 5 currently under construction to create a gap of approximately 60 feet between the bujldings. A sketch was drawn 'in the meeting recording the distance and angular relationship of structures. The 60 foot gap is critical for it relieves somewhat the linear aspect of the overall project and permits a good view of the spruce trees adjacent to the creek. It was agreed that no parking would be perm'itted in this area, the landscape will extend from the entrance road to the creek. 4. A redesign of the entrance drive form and park'ing arrangement adjacent to the tennis courts was agreedto. The app'l icant will prepare a site p1 an showing these changes. 5. Locations of significant clumps of trees adiacent to the driveway, parking areas, tennis courts and the new buildings was agreed to. The 'landscape pian will show these trees. 0veral I Project Planninq: The project site plan, dated 7/21/76 indicates futurebuildings numbered L,2,4,13,14 and 15. It was agreedthat these buildings would conform to Town heighi andlength requirements, and in fact, would desceni in two storey height c'lose to Meadow Drive. I suggest that the design change signif.icantly andthat the bui'lding forms relate more to the landscape spaces and tennis court layout than to the road align-ment. I believe that the applicant is fully awareof the need for design variation and agrees-to fully explore other building types It was agreed that some of the detai1 changes discussed under ltem 2 of Buildings 3 and 6 should be extended into the existing project. Specifically, cedar siding would be added to the top floor levblof the stair towers of Bui1dings 10 anO fZ. This w9yld a]d 'in de-emphasizing of the apparent height ofall buildings, which is moit obvious'in the verlicalityof the white stair towers, and would also relieve some-- what the impact of building alignment. It was agreed that added tree planting adjacent tothe existing driveway would also relieve the buildingirypact. Trees shou'ld be planted in the park.ing dividers as well as near buildings and tbnnis dourts.Trees close to parking must be protected by substant-ia'l vertica'l wooden bol'l ards. Continued ti-ee plantingis the most obvious need of the project. The applicant must extend pedestrian walkways to the newer parts of the project. Site plans should be updated showing the overall pedestrian network. -3-0ctober 27, 1976Mr. Temell J. Minger In conclusion, I recormend that permits be granted for foundation construct-ion of Buildi.ng 6. This was of irrnediate c6ncern to the applicant. Thesite and landscape p'lans can follow the granting of this aiiiicatton. 1 2. ? 4. Mr. Terre'I1 J. Minger -4-0ctober 27, 1976 5. The clubhouse was reviewed and is a handsome buildinq. 0ne.question was raised concerning the extent of wood siding on the east elevation of the handballcourts. 9u"f9'!l' the-project has excelrent potential of being the high qualityfacility desired. I appreciated thb willingness ot [tre ipflicant tofind creative and workable solutions to the various problbms. A strongtree-planting program on the south side of the projei:t will do muchto alleviate current concerns over scale and imiaci or ine project. EI bh cc Mr. Walter Kirch Mr. James Lamont Ms . D'i ana Toughi 1 I Mr. Bill Pierce Mr. Stan Bernstein SingS2ely I! T I V r\-\'b9'- *'\r't'\1tF\t /i *r€i \ #T f Vd f?tirtt tlutluv/v I i f' iltI it J I-!*i*l a2 ,']--v+!rlr--rF-r- dTtclBU;LDING DIVIsIoN P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: tl8-6339 INSPEC N FIE(lUEsiT COUNTYEAGLE DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER D ornen E penrrau LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION TUE ...,PMFRMON COMMENTS: WED ".' THUR f,lneeRovED E orsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR )'/;! client Job No. c.s-?Jn _ - Test by l'-Trf -Project &tdltton Locatron of set@. Concrete SuPPIier P^'+^-lr,h Truck No. 8O4n ; Cement Type rtlSlumP fnches Ticket luo. g?92 Air content Temperature Water added Date Made 9-27-?6 28 day req'd strengthi:I)l[-PSi 6o 6'xL2" ezlinder No. Unit Weight IDlCU. rE. Total Load I Tr,r a '{- Stress PSI Break TyPe Break Remarks vRc 7 8 9 10 11 t2 t42 142 r4t t49 75,OoO 76,000 105,000 101,5oo ?700 2?J0 77?o fr50 cu cu cu ctf 7 Dey 7 Dly 28 Dry 28 Dey Rc cclrltc Rcservc 9-2U?6 9-2&|?6 t0-r9-?6 10-r9-75 :D iliT; I ig76 ., ,,d ri l, ! rrel. tagte County, Colo. l{ix, Proportions: 5* sk. . -2146 agg. Final report wiII include data for all cylinders and will be sent after 28 day break. These tests were made according, to Astt,t, pHA, . ACr. or -other. apPl,-r93lre-agen6y test method. ThLs fabora- t5rv -cannot be responsible for gny int-erpretation of the test resurEsb;-;i6;;-t[in--riroratorv personnel L,INCOLN-DeVORE TESTING LABORATORY George D. Morris, P. E.Break TyPes: CM - glnical Mortar Break CA - Conical Aggregate Break V - Shear Break By:t*!r,'7.1/.--{ LINCOLN-DCVORE TESTING LABORATORY Colorado Springs, Pueblor Gunnison, Avon, colorado - Rock Springsr wyo.CONCREEE TEST REPORT a -0 /.// lVa11 Raequat. Project Job No. og-fttn -- o1- 1'r*t @Location of set Concrete SIPPLLeT /t/Cement 3Bn"Truck No.Slump Inches Ticket No.Air content Temperature water Added Date Made 3=14-76 28 day req'd strength 3OO0 ps I 6"x12r'Cylinder No' Unit weight lb,/cu. ft. Total IrOad Unit Stress PSI Break TyPe Break Remarks vRc 1 2 3ll 5 142 141 1l+1 1l+t 67,500 69rgot, 95'-OOO 90,000 2lr&O 25fro j+to ?.30 cu cu cu CT,l ? Day 7 Dry 28 Dcy 28 Day Rerortt Rcccrvc 9-2t-?6 9-2r-76 tD-12-75 t0-t2-?6 Mix, Proportions:Final report will include data for all cylinders and will be sent after 28 day break. These tests were made according. to ASTIq, PHA, . ACI. or -other. apPrrcaD-Lejgen6y test method. Thls -Labora- t6rv cannot be resPonsible for gnY int-erpretation of the test resu-LEF b;-oEhAi -€[;n laboratory personnel LINCOLN-DEVORE TESTING I,ABORATORY ceorge D. Morris, P. E. RECEIVED OcT i 5 1976 Dept. 0f Plairriiij L L-,c1. 'Eagle County, Colo. Break Types: CM - Conical Mortar Break cA - Conical Aggregate Break V - Shear Break CONCRETE TEST REPORT L]NCOIN-DCVORE TESTING LABORATORY colorado Springs, Pueblo, Gunnison, Avon, colorado - Rock Springsr Wyo. ) P LU M Et I l\tG.' M E C HAN I CA L TOWN OF VAIL D^TN J.BNAME t/d,r, I %n, )er 0 , rB ,8,r,I--,n/, to5, i | 't ) owNER k /4t -n=oa. Kl gg,l=l ADDREss coNrRAcroR fhn t r-t 7-'4/r.t '[U)r=f 14a-v-'t lca/. pnoneQ4S- q*t ffiouro fl orsrppnoveo 7 OF BUILDING: '/ oF woRK: Ll NEW ! noolrroru E nennooel |J REpAtR PTION OF WORK: PLUMBING: NUMBER ,E5 F MECHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATfON $ .<A nfu.VALUATION $-- /, \./ REMARKS: /?----=\REMARKS: \ ,.**,rr.V v? n5* /PERMIT FEE \=:-/ #rt\C ToTALFEES: , Z8# ,^,. ln/ t4/rr. DIESIGN ItIiVI]il.l BOARD DAl'ri Or MI]ITING: ['lllvlBItRS PIil]SIINT : SUBJECT: ACTION TAKDN BY MOTION: VOTE:FCR: AI]STEiiTIO.\: Al)Pllovlil): DISiTPPIIOVLD: surul,tAll\' : / ,/'//t "/, t -t- SECONDUD BY: l4ltvt'/'-+t AGAINST:/ /i , 0 b//nf,o I uLlrtr k4, /c/r* 6r*K *f4' .-.---- .J - --- + --.(ilr:tr'{-t'!jt rt ()l llir'-'i*i]l'tl rl I o or.i VAIL RACQUEr CLUB COIIDOIIINIU!'III I. Breakdoi{n of Land Use fmU - Sguare Footaqe - P.ercentaqe of Total Green Spece 2?g,54O 89- ft. -53.S Roads and narktng t2OrOOO ;23.| tretrnlg courts 72,oo0 1I4. '1 Condo:uinLun Eulldlngs 49'336 ' 9. Club Duilding aad Pool 6,000 .I. rotal Gtound Ar€a 527,0?6 sq- ft. r00'S '. 2. Floor Area Ratlo !g8.l44 scr. ft. of l-lvlnq space a 0.3?11527.A76 sq. ft. of ground rt' For conparigon, the exl-stlng Tovm of VaLr : .. i,+r, ..6i . Zonlng Ordinance has t,he following Floor : 'a{.' ' o Area Ratl.o requlrements :Resldentlal -: o.33t I Multl-9anrily' Elgh Density Hultl-Faml.lY 1tl fn other wordg, Lhs Floor Area Ratlo at the Vall Racguet Club Coirdcnlniums Ie only slightly hl'gher than that allowed by the Town'e residentlal zoning category, and is less than half that allowed by the Townrg srultJ-faaily zoning catEgory. INSPEC N FIEOUESTITroBU.ILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHOt{E: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER EAGLE couNrY B!/v7 ,/1 ( E orxen LOCATION MON COMMENTS: TUE READY FOR INSPECTION wED ( THUR r n pnnrrnl. E eppRovED E orsnppRovED El nErNsPEcr r.-.t / LJ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE tNsPEcrtp* TOWN OF FIEBUESiT VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! orssn ! pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: TUE PMFR E nppRovED ! orsnppRovED D nerNsPEcr E upotrt rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR Vnt I Rncouer CLUg Avlurucue Derense Pnoposeo CLus HousE Vltt, Colonluo PRepRReo ron: lvlR, WRurrn Klnscn Vnrl Rncouer Clue VRt t-, Cot-oRRoo SeprEMeen 1976 76216 Anrnun L l'lennsMcDOWELL, SCOTT & COX. tNC. Bou ld er, Colorado 76216 VAIL RACqUET CLUB AVALANCHE DEFENSE PROPOSED CLUB HOUSE vAtL, coLoRADo September 17, 1976 INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTI VES The objective of this study is a proposed club house addition lies within the runout zone of Ava I anche path. to develop an aval anche defense system for to the Vail Racquet Club. This addition the design avalanche in the 0ld l'luddy The present study is based upon a previous study (Mears, 1975) conducted for l"lr. Donald Patton, and is being used with his permi ssion. The previous study derived the dynamic characteristics of the design avalanche in 0ld Muddy and Path 5, and provi des the i nformat ion necessary for the develop- nrent of an avalanche defense system. GENERAL INFORMATION The design avalanche in the 0ld Muddy path is a mixed dry-flowing and powder avalanche. A portion of the proposed club house addition lies with- in the calculated limit of the dry-flowing portion of the avalanche, and the entire club house addition is reached by the powder avalanche portion. It should be stated here that because the proposed construction is located near the outer boundaries of the runout zone, avalanche f low depths, velo- cities, and pressures are not great. However, the design avalanche wil I cause forces in excess of those for'which buildings are normal ly designed, so avalanche defense is necessary. The two types of defenses which are wel l-suited to this situation are: (l) energy dissipating structures des igned to stop the flowing avalanche before the buildings are reached, and (z) di rect protection structures incorporated into the design of the bui lding. Al ternative (l) was rejected because it requi res construction on private property north of Headow Drive and would be effective against only the f lowing avalanche. Therefore, the recommended defense is di rect protection through special building design. In order to be safe, the new building must be desi gned to withstand both dry-flowing and powder avalanche forces. These are cons idered separately in the next two sections. FLOWING AVATANCHE DEFENSE A. General. Th is at the p roposed zone of the r'01 section describes design for the design flowing avalanches Iocation of the new club house within the rnoderate hazard d Muddyrr ava lanche path. B.Definitions. An object placed in an ava lanche path causes a change in the n'Dmentum of the avalanche at the object. This change in rprnentum causes an increase in f I orar depth at the object to a depth H, and causes forces against the object. l. The design height, H, is calculated as H = ho+h,+h where ho is sorne fraction of the depth of the undisturbed snow cover at the object, hr is the avalanche flow depth, and h is the climbing height. Values at the proposed building location are given in paragraph C. 2. Three unit forces act on the object. Pn is nornel to the wall, P^ is parallel to the horizontal axis of the wall. and p acrss vertically. The relation P, = Pu = 0.5Pn is assurned. Forces act over the design height, H. Val ues of h and pn vary with position within the hazard zone, and with object orientation with respect to avalanche flow di rection. -2- C. Values of Design Pdrameters. Proposed bui lding location hr= l.om (3.3ft) h = 0.5m (t.2ft) o (one-half the snowpack depth) h = 3.1 sin2g m P- = I .22 sinzq ilnzn t/here 0 is the deflection angle (see Figure l) D. Appl icgtion- !o Racquet Club Construction The proposed bui lding I ies partial ly within the nroderate hazard zone and entirely within the povlde r blast area as shown on Figure l. Walls I and 2 must be designed for f lowing ava lanche impact. Wall 3 is beyond the line separa- ting the nroderate hazard and powder blast areas and need be designed for only powder aval anche forces as discussed in Section lV. Wall I deflects the f lowing snow through an angle of 620; wall 2, through an angle of 28o. Design requi rernents for these walls are given on Figure 2. POWDER AVALANCHE DEFENSE The proposed club house addition should also be designed to wi thstand the forces of the po',vde r avalanche portion of the design aval anche. This is a low density, high velocity snow-ai r mixture which is assumed to f low beyond the limits of the npderate hazard zone. lt engulfs objects in its path, causing both aerodynamic drag and lift forces similar to a wind gust. However, it differs from a wind gust in that its density is several times that of ai r. 0bjects, such as the club house addition, which are exposed to powder avalanches, should be des.igned for both drag and lift forces determined by -3- an aerodynamic analysis. Such an analysis determines both coefficients, which, when multiplied by exposed areas such walls, and by a st€gnation pressure, yield design forces. The fol lowing are powder avalanche characteristics at the addition: Stagnation pressure: Flow depth: Durat ion of I oad i ng: Length of tire necessary to reach peak pressure s ta rt irng from no press ure: o.4r/^2 = 8o pqf l9r = 33 ft 5 to l0 scconds I second Respectful ly submitted: And ItcD0!/ELL, SC0TT e drag and lift as roofs and cl ub house c0x , lNc kdh -,tl$l.^ ,, t*i]74239.;-i "",,, -r,. -4- 76216 Dry-Flowing Avalanche At Desiqn Poi nt h' = l.0m (3.3ft) v- = 7.75n/s (25.4fps)t = 200 kg/m" Downhi'l I Li mi t of Hazard Zone Powder Avalanche At Desig!_?o1tt!_ h' = lOm (33ft) P. = o.4t/nz (82Psf) HAZARD ZONES AND PROPOSED CLUB HOUSE \ ,"0""..'"---> Itl /t ,F 1:600 (1" =50' ) Des i gn Proposed Clrtb Figure 1 !- L! E \ (tl EilI'\EEEEr\ <) rJ\ (f .:f i-\.<)NGtO-a{oN\o tl c{€ z. ; ttJ VlT. E.c) t.dz. l-,< urJ= >& o- z, =Ju- \o (\\or\O- c! !tl >)tr .:i 1) J afJ :-1 .J C) Lt.j c-o€c- o: t- u] Ltl tJ, r"ri CJ 3 JtL t r+_ +J +J€ E O.- l-o ooc'r !ot+- >.O-C C P C o- - _O ,t-J ,- O O3! L 'lf, O L. c'ti O O-- O-Cc=-o r-.- E O oo 3 07,-.--E.lf o $-,c !+,,(J- 06) O U -oo l) o-c otF{, t- rJ (, C) - (J-c O.'- --c|.,c+rt(J:,-+.t'-c(/lqruJ3 0 _(] u._.j1 ar+. U- a Z,gro c.- [) ru trJc .- 3-c r .L,- ,tJ V1 A +J .|JUJ -- O O .! q).-C._Ce C trlf,O0,+JC-UO:C -o o- -c o o o" (JE () tn c c tz[) o c q') o ('ro<ruo-ca.-uJ -(JEr-'r.|Jt-o(Ec)0Jt->,c rD > o o-s 0r<uJ-l' o L 'oI _ .99I*.IJ L g '.lO c'' c.- clauJl '- O 3 ! 3Flo (' c O (n o ool.cOO-=.co._zl+J -o cL tr- E +,: {J J lF (4 /\o- q-coo(\to-v\ONU1Ev\N- c{. rnl o UI rl,t- .J 3 tn oc t, a, 0)(o .t-J rD t'l,E (Jr- 4J O{o otDc>tn (a -t ()'- oo N rt-ea\ag\o !J\ o\('\- tl MEMORANDUM T0: Planning Commission FR0M: Departlirent of Conununity Deve'lopment DATE: September '16 ' .l976 RE: Vail Racquet Club Request for Height'-Buiiffiir'-nd-cdvered Parking Variance for Buiidinqs 3 and 6 Walter Kirch has applied for the subiect variances in order to construct two additional buildings of the 15 planned, This application isidenticaltotheprevious.lyrequestedvariance,andwefee.|thesame criteria and findings apply; therefore, our recolTrnendation is for approval' Attached is a copy of the April 1 , 1976 staff reconmendation' a PUBLIC NOTICE PLEASE TAI(E NOTICE THAT lrlr. IValter Kirch, representing Racquet Club Condominiums, has applied for a height variance vAil from the provisions of Section 5,5O4, a building bulk variance from the provisions of Section 5.506, and a variance to a11ow non- covered parking from the provisi-ons of Section 5.510 of the Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance No. 8, Serj.es of 1-973 in order to construct Buildings 3 and 6 of the VaiI Racquet Ctub. Application has been made in accordance with Section 19.200 of the Zoning Ordinance Said project is located on a parcel of land described by metes and bounds, known as the VaiI Racquet Club Condominj-um Subdivision, located in the Bighorn Area. A public hearing will be held in accordance with Section 21.500 of Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1973 on September 9,1976 at 3;OO PII before the Vail Planning Commission whose decision will be transmitted to the Town Council for final decision, Said hearing will be held in the Vail Municipat Building. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMEM OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPIIENT \^,1 -)raoa J 6,q /// Diana S. Toughill Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail on August 20, 7976, d7 Town of Vail EILECITRICAL PERMIT Job Date of Apprication.-.. ---------S-e--e-r.,-J-.---.-...------..... --..--.--.------ts.--?-t-.---...... Electricar contractor--..- ........iled -.€*.t.g-r.c-.rr---.fu-*,.....-............ , /-) Appricant....... W.^/- kZr*"* Stilatura APPROVALS N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee 306 s....... lL t..td....... $..-....t.!.t:.-&-...-... $---..-....".----....-.,...". 5--3--7,-AaA...&--.. rotarFee A.A- DatePaid...... ru*/ Received By.-...-..--..--..-.. Chl., Bul|dht Ofilclal TIIIS FORM !3 TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOIICE REQI,'IRED TOR INSPECTIONS rfia t. f. x0rcrrI r!., !rrivrr 3roa!2 DESIGN NIVIEIV BOARD DATE OT TIDETING: IIEil{BIRS PRESENT: SUBJECT: ACTION a-/a*,ra+u- 4' /t/n SECOMED BY: AGAINST:VOTE: FOR: APPROVIID I i)---/ DISAPPIIOVIiD: SUIrllrlAIIY: ABSTENIIOT\: 1r..'/ .._9\al IZ lc 3 l?e lF o, l2z lc 3\5 ='' il i iNii rJsfiNl: : -.r$l; 3-Sl l.r -S rn r\c3$hf€t\-!'H: Hftsi_<?tt < :. ! zFl'<F k !! .-3t;!iq::i v:2 7>9<EYFLOo<iJ<OtrlZaiii3?E'fi9o{ lH" <a> -<on e<> r.O rV\ = z F ltl cc UJ oz qJ z s tc ll,lF o Fzul Eu, UJ F ut ) l! ul F -J F F ul ooJ II a F - t a 2 ! .E=r =E0. l-eO ===0E'It....._---f o (J.) o ---1. !( -i I!f5. --*re o 1l.qct\J- 2o9 z F Y=d.6FG9o=>:z:< AO>9 ;.i - August 3'l , .|976 Town of Vail - Comprehensive Diana Toughil l Town of Vail Box .|00 Vail, Colorado 8'1657 RoYston Hahamoto Beck & Abey Irndscapc Architccts: knd Planning Pl an lrbalDesfnhrk Planning Eavironnrental Planning 225 Miller Avcnuc Mill Valley Califomia 9494l 415 3E3.r7900 Thansmittal Dote Sublect To lVe are sendlng E Enclosed E Under separate cover EBy messenger EByhand filBy mail !other, Thec€ arc lor flYour review EYour file EYour approval EYour correction & resubmittal EYour estimating EYour signature Iother: Thelollowing Returning Site Plans - Racquet Club - Timber Falls Senrby Lisa Caronna hh o DONALD L. PATTON 6AA2 MORNIN6 GLORY LANE LITTLETON. COLORADO tOI 2E Angust 25, L976 l!s. Diana lrmghifl Sovn of Vail Zodry Afuinistrator Vail, Oolorado 81657 Ear t,b. $oqghill, Ihis is to infor:n ]rou that I ha\ie given lfr. Wal-ter l0rsh of the VaiJ" Racquett CIub, the rigtrt to use the infsnratiqr as outlined in a report preparecl ty l{r. Arttlrr I. libars in ltlay of L975 ard titleal I'Old ltddy and PatI 5 A\raLanche Stiltyr'. If you tnve questions, please cryttact nE. Dmald L. Pattan )ft PLrJMErrrue/ MECHANTCAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL firt^,r^- fpffoveo E orsnppnoveo OF BUILDING: oF woRK: El r,rew E eoornoru ! nemooel fl neprrn ON OF WORK: MECHANICAL: NUMBE t rorAl FEES: , ?V.fl s box 100 vail. colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 Mr, Walter Kirch Vail Racquet Club Condominiums Box 1088 Vail, Colorado 81657 BE: PLAN CHECK T'OR VAIL RACQUET CLUB BUILDING NUITIBER 5 Dear Watlerl On august 21, this office conpleted a review of working drawingsfor the Vail Racquet Club Building No. 5. llon-conrpliancewith applicable codes includes, but is not limited, to thefollowing r rTEItr 1 =-Ladder does not meet requirements of minimumstair (3305). Ladders are permitted forroof access on1y. If this bnilding is to be considered as3 stories, grade must be modified in accordwith definition of story (Sec. 420); (distance from finished floor above to grade, asdefined in Section 408, must be 6 feet f or more than zL of the parimeter'. ) !QTE-:Ensure that bedroom exit windows do not exceed 4 feet from lorver 1eve1 floor to si 1I ( Sect j-on 1304 ) . Each unit must have at least one exit door:(Section 3302). Sliding doors shall not be used as required exlt doors (Section 3303(f)), Shorver & tub enelosures should be finishedwith hard, non-absorbant finish to a heightof 6 feet, ITEM 2 -. ITEM 3 .. of lice of the town manager August 23, L976 ITBIf 4 -- | ; r,ru,.' :.i;-:.:ri&trrLt*''ilaeiiiiiniir{Ei.iiiqa'Lirr;j-Li blr . lTalter Ki.J: August 23, L97 Page Trvo ITEM 5 .- ITEM 6 -- ITEM 7 -. ITfrr 8 -- ITXM 9 -- ITXI4 IO . ITXI,{ 11 - trTEM 12 . trTEM l-3 - Eaves, balconies, overhangs must be at least one hour protected or he a'u'y timber construction (Section 1710 Exception 2). NOTE: Present system of construction will Ee approved if Albi Fire- Retardant Paint No. 10?*A is applied as outlined in ICBO Research Recommendatj-on Report No. 1883 (copy enclosed) or the equivalent thereof. Verification is required that this roof assembey meets one hour construction requirements (Tab1e 17A). Data is required to verify rvindows are in compliance with Section 1305 arrd 1304. Room does not have minimum ceiling height as outlined 1n Section 1307 (a). Dry standpipe system and smoke dector system must be provided and approved by the Vail Fire Department (Sectiou 38 amended). !21' elearance required from the fireplace openings to combustable material (Section 3703(b)) Bullding must be t hour construction throughout (section 1302 (b)) unless classified as heav5z timber. NOTE: Decking rvil1 be approved if Albi Fil6lRetardant Paint No. 107-A 1s applied as outlined in ICBO Research Recommendation Report No, 1883 (cop]' enclosed) or the equivalent thereof, Glass in sliding doors, attd other areas wi'Lhin 18" of floor that are subject to impact must be tempered (Chapter' 54). Concrete tests are requi-red on a1l pours for each 50 yards or fraction thereof placed. The itcnts liste,i above are references on the drawings on file in the 'Town of vail of f ices, These items rvi11 be referenced: ou one sot of d.::auirlgs for your use upon submission of a set of drawitrgs for th-is Pulpose, lvlr. Walter Kir August 23, I97 Page Three This plan check is strictly a service to the building owner, architect, and contractor. Failure by the Building Official to note non-compliance in no way approves such non-complianqe nor relieves the owner, architect, or contractor from compliance. The Builinding Official shal1 notify the orvner immediately if any non-compliance is noted. Information as outlined in the above items must be resubmitted prlor to issurance of a building permit, Sincerely, DEPART}IENT COMICUNITY D OF 2k;'-=-. l[i11iam Building F. Pierce Official wIP/j k lnternational Conference of Building Officials RESERR${ I0rnmtITEE RE[olttnlELnfl 0n Report No. 1883 IanuarY,1976 ALBI FIRI'.NETARDA]\T PAIITT NO. IO7.A ALBI \IANTIF'ACTURIi{G CORPORATION A SUBSIDIARY O[ CITItrS SERVICE COIUPANY 98 EAST N'.{IN STNEET ROCKVILLE, CO\\ECTICUT 06066 I. Introduction: At the re<ltrcst of Allri \lirnrr{.tctrtling Corpor- {rtion, Cities Service Company, Rockville, Connectictrt, the Re- search Con:nrittce of the Internatjonal Confercncc of Brrilding Offlcials has rnrrde a rc-exalnination of the test (htt sul)rnitte(l rn conuection l,ith the usc of Fire-Retarclant Paint No. 107-A. II. Dcscriptionr Ceneral: All>i No. 107-4 Fire-retir(lant Paint is designed [or irrlerior ripp]iciltion ovel Douglas Iir anti celltllose ffber aioustrcal tile . The -i;rcredients of Aliri No. 107-A are of a Droprietary natrrrc. Conttineis are lal>eled by Undcrrvriters' Lab- ira[ories, -lnc., slrowing the requirecl totrrl sttt{lce covelage anci flanre-sprencl chrrracteristics for various applicLrtions. Applicatiorr: Tlrc strndartl painting procedures for syrrthetic painti ale [o]lo..rd rvhen applying Allri \o. l0?-.\ to woo(l srrr- faces or tile. Surfrces mrrst be clean antl free Ir'otn (lirt, grcilse' oil. slrvdust, loose Daint, rvhite wash, calcimine, etc. Surfaces ntust be reasonalrly drl and free o[ moisttrre. Albi No. 107-A nuy bc applied over ras' rvoocl or over a thinned priner. The paint is ap- pll"d bl'sptuy, bnrsh. or roller in a one-coat application to provide iotal coveraqe as sct forth in Table No. I. Field Tesi, When it is clesircd to test the coating to determine its efTectivcness, the follorving procedure is recorlnended; a snlll alcohol, gas or l>utane torch is applied directiy to the Albi pro- tectecl surface for a period of I0 seconds to l2 seconds over a 4-souale-irrch arer. Tlre intumcscent mat or heat barrier shoultl forni jrnmediately to a thickness of -le inch to 9i inch for a Class I flarne-sprertl classifi cation. IIL Evidcrrcc Subrnitted: Application instructions and fiame- soread tests condrrcted in accoiciance with U.B.C, Standard No, 41-l are sul:nritted. Recommendation IV. Recorrrrnendatiou: That Albi Fire-retardant Print No, 107-A whcn applierl as st't forth in Table No. I to Douglas fir or acoustical tile is a satisfactory method to obtair a fiame.spread classificution of I prolided: l. Paintccl Douglas 6r or acoustical tile shall be inrtalled onll in intcrior locations. 2, Field tcsts as dcscribcd in lart II of this report shnll bc made lltcrr required by the Building Olffcial, That Albi Fire-rctardarrt Pairrt No. 107'A when applicd to Doug' las Gr is a satisfactory altcmate lncans to treat l)ouglas lir lunrber to qualify as [ire-Ileiardant Trerted \lood for uses pernritterl by the Uniform Building Code provided: l. All surfaces and ends are painted with t*'o coats of Albi 107-A aoplied at a rate per coat of 175 sqtrare fcet per gal- lon as spieiffed in footnote 3 to Table No. I. 2. A certilicate is furnished to the Brrildinq Oflicial certifving that the Daint is applied as set forth in ltetn I immediatel.v above.'ihc certificalc is sigued by the applicator and a repre' sentstive of Albi lVlanufacturing Corporatiotr' 3. Use is limited to interior locartons' This recomntendation is subiect to annual re'exanlination' rlhe nco(rltrcat tile h{s the labulsted flnn'|e-sPread (hnracleristics qhen atriched dirertly to solid nonmrr,brrslrble surfoces.'lhc Albi \o. l0;-A Deint is aDDlied'to cclltrlose fibr.r tile ()1€r ihe starch-tv!:e fActory finish. ih€ tjl€ ati.rll hAve the foll, wins propertics: DonrjnrLl| r!-inch thick' avemsc w.iqht o{ 73: ttounds r)er 1000 square lert, averige transverse strenqth of lurrr pounds (6-,nc), by Ir-inch salnplc\ broken on lO-inch cellters ). :One oi€rcoat of Albi No. 144 is spplied ov.t the Albi ^"o. 107-A el 3 rate of 450 square feet Per galon. 3In n test of 3o-mimrte duration tl{mespread not over equivalent c[ 25 trith no eviCence oI significant ploglessive combr6iion TABTE TIO. I _ TTAME-SPREAD CHARACTERISTICS DOUGIIS FIR AC0US. TICAL II I.EI Total surface cover- age ( in square feet per gallon ) 87.53 I75 r50 l5c2 I002 150 Flame-Spread l0 20 l5 TJ l5 20 Smoke density 5 0-5 D tl0 APPLtCAl|0tl Rate pe.: coat ( in square lect per gallon ) ltD t,o I50 t50 200 I50 Number of coats z I I I I Total minirrum thickness ( in nrils ) tglh-73 7-B 8t/, -9 \t/z -S t I-t2 8\,2 -g Pago I ol I |.X(5-tn 1f FE F.E<Y t'l F k!{ 'tt E z< zzo<FE<ooa ic <O2o F9a><ot'] ttl&< 't) \ F =Iu o N :)t' "c) NO|lvnlVA Et-x> r!F zo9 -ot z F ==d.6Ftct4(, =>:z:< >oFO ;ai /s) : 6e: Fa cFz O tilz, t'l F z eF F z 9l z 2 2 't F 3 zo F o J ul IJJ z ulozg F2ut =ulo ul F J tt ul FoJ t-oF t\ N Po t ,: =r=H t9 z -oJ -f E lrG' -,-€l- a ttt (!' + .J $ {t $ s\ tN i- U F o z p !. z 9l3l=;::x:_<Qr9 < ;. y z FllF <(,t- .: ,. z*f;Hne ae:Eg!<ozE ^227)z:-d):.FkOEo<r)<ur{z:>i:=:nr6:;;<tJ <F?ei3lir<cQ> -t,<of'!ra=<tr<t"r F E ) o I z z iul -iE uzl z s Fzllt5qJ u,l F J J F F F F cc UJ UJ IE J F ! Er tu 0, o z -oJ -l o = lre =,-@l- t NOtfvn'lvA Y o3 z F a uro .J at 2gl G- Itl>o(') z*N z <.1 9t z trc*-G. 6 oo =>:2:< >o -.i ! ..^ i .rl , -.1;r,.o0, ",\Aru, Couo.O GENERAL PLAN CORRECTION LIST Total Allowa ble Floor Area... 2.4..O. h/..-.....--..Sc. Ft. Basis lor Increase ./, \ .-.H.Aa..alJa#:a"L*-.{..5*<.)..X..7-...=...// ...!.5t.tua...*-../,e.. =. e +ah/ .{. ...... EOMMENTS OR ASSUMPTIONS: Floor Area: FireZonelto.......r3.-.-.--.-.Stories.€f.-fr.krwZT Ftrxlr (lotat).....-/- Corrcctions checked below ale to be nnade on plans before pe.mit is issued. Thc app.oval of plans and specitications does not permit the violation of any section ot the Euilding Code, or other City Or<linance or Statr Law. Valuation should be S............- GENERAL Show job address on plans. Give name ol person responsible for plan9. Submit fullv dimensioned plot plan. Give all dimensions on Plot Plan. AREA LIMITATIONS AND GENERAL OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS Ground €levations should be shown at cornels ot the building and at cnanges In ground sloDe. The ground elevations shouid be taken at the lowest Doint between tne exterror wall and a point 5 teet out or at the proDerly ltne' rf closer. Where the erterror wall rs parallel to and within 5 teet of a publrc srde\Nalk alley. or othet public way, the Sround elevattons should be the elevatron of tha pubttc way. The number of Stories In this burldrng cannot 0e deterinrned until this data is turnrshed. The total tloor area i5 lrmtted to 3quare feet. Secircns 5C5 and Unobstructed yards of bc maintained on ..-..,.....-...-..-.-........-..-..- 3idca ot thc buildrng for area purpose3. Secfion 506. Provrde delaris tc sho',Y that .hcur are,r setaratron *"'rt snorri cb.pri *,iii S€cbon 505 (c). (a) Extend verlically from lhe foundation to ! point 30 inches abovc thc roof' The buildrnS is limited to . ....ti?......,.... . (........-...-... ...- feet in height) as a Type structurr. Section 507 and Table No.5. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTIOII \t"f ShGGt l{o...... 1..,...ot.........Q......-..Shcca (b) Totat width of all openings limited to 25 pet ccnt ot ihe wall length ln the story under consideration. (c) All openings protected with lire assemblies having a fire-resistive rating ol one-and'one' halt (three) hours. (d) Ducts through area separation walls should b€ evoided- lf allowed, tire damDers on each 3ide ot the wall are requrred. Section 30.102, U,B.C. Standards. A tire..€sistive occupancy separation in conform- ance with Table No. 5-B and Section 5O3 i3 required between the Horirontel occupancy separations should be sup- potted wlth a structural system havrnq equrva. lent tire-resrstive orotectron. Sectron 5O3 (d). Type v (lll.N) (lv.N) burldings are not permrtted in Fire Zone No. l. Sectron 1602 (J). Roof coverrngs should be tire tetardant. Sectron 1603 (a) or 17Q4. Oetarls or sgecrfrcatrons com. plyin8 wrth Sectron 3203 (e) are requrred. t(t ta )a Eil:.'J:"1,!T:?" l?' I L 9_.. ru ; ;;; ;i,'l'"iil: S€ction .................... 03 (a). 0t 16.Openings in exteriol (court) wall3 within ....--.--.--teet of property lines should be protcctad slth three.fourths.hour tire assembties. Section ....._-.......... 03 (b). he t7.Usable space under the first floor erceDt in Gtoup | (J) Occuoancres shoutd be cnctcaed a3 ruquirud in Section 1703. l&Fire-tesistive constructron lor structuial elementsin the crterior walls snould comotv wrth Foot.note f,lo. I of TaDte No. l7.A and se.rron See Section I7Q2 lor ctarification. 'tg.Building paper should be apptied to ertenot waffs as specrfied in Section 7707 (a). .e.Enclosures tor floor openrngs snould cornply wrth Table No. 17.A, Sectron 1706, and Chaotir 30. Details should clebrly Indicare thrs. nA 2t.Structural members carryrng masonry or con. crete walls in burldings over ofle story In height Should be protected wrth mrnimum one-houttira protection. Section 1708. "--"-"-';-""" :....::::::::..:::.:.....::..::::::.::.:.:....,::::..::.:.:::..:.:.:: he 2:i2.Nonabsorbent tinish and backing tor toiiet room walls and floor should contorm with Sectionr7t I (a). 4 23.Shower stall walls should be tinished with a hard. nonabsorbent surface to a niignt of O feet. Section lTil (b). t4 24.Doors and panets of shower and bathtub en. closure should comply with Section lTll (c) to (e). n4 25.Parapet walls not less than ....-.--.....-.. inches in height are required. Section 17O9. /rE, 26. rtj Eave overhangs and simitar architecturat pro.*i,l--ll ::::1.:ll. ::Y::llll: l'lg 27.Metal roofing (siding) should be bonded and Srounded in conformance wrth the local elec. trical code. Section 1715. 28.Proiections beyond the ext€rior wall should con. ,otm with th€ least restrrctrve ot the totlorrflng: (a) A point one.third the distance to the progeny line trom an exterror warl. Section 504 (b). (b) A point one.thrrd the distance trom an as. 3umed vertical plane located where lire. resistive protection ot openrngs rs tirst re.quired due to locatton ot propeny. Sectronii 11. a.Envelope cerlings should satisfy the tollowing conditrons lSectron 4303 (b) 6.1:(a) Should not be used to provrde trre Drotection beam and Blrde6 supportlng more than one tloor. (b) Columns should be rndividually tire protected. (c) Duct and outret ocenrngs a.e irrn'red to IOO sguare lnches rn eacn l0O square teet ot cailinS area and should bc protected wtth approved tire dampers.(d) Electrical outlet bores should be of steel andnot 8r€rter tnan 16 Square inches rn area. 30.Gypsunt board cerlrnls In conlunctron wrth tire. reststtve assenrbrres snourd be supported atinteivals not erceedrng l6 inches. ltem 25, T.blG No. 43'C. *ilF"Fi..-i-_.'-.' Shcct No.-....?......ot .......6..........Shcrt3 B-2 Occupancies with an occupant load of lCoO or more should be in Type l, ll, or lll one.hour buildings. The assembly room shoulci not be in a basement if it contains this high occupant loed. Section 7O2 (b). The main entrance shoutd front directlv uDon or have a 2o'foot wide access to a pubirc way at laast 20 feet in width. Section 703. Light and ventilation shoutd compty with Section 705. A onc-hour tire-resistive occupancy separarror, ; rcquired between the boiier or central hea ngplant and the rest ot the building. Sectton 708. gyp3um board ceilings 5houtd be not tess than 2.inch nominal thiclness. Section 4704 (b). lSection 4703 (b) for wall stnpprng.l Fin.l partition layouts and d€tails shoutd be sub. mittcd prior to Installatron to tustrty comprrancr -with occupancy, flre-resrstrve, structurat, ." Iexit requirements. . Ju3titing test date in conformance wrth Section lO6 or an ICBO re3earch recommendation t3 pping or suspended wood sys:erfls for ruquired for Rooms in which rubbish (linen) chutes terrninate ahould be separated from the remarnder of lhe buildin8 with a onc-hour occupancy segaratton. S.ction 3003. Openings into rubbish and tinen chutes shoutd not ba located in required errt corridorg or staar. wa!6. Section 3003. SPECIAL OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS Grcup B 8-3 Occupancies should be ot one-hour fire. rc3istive constrpction it located rn a basement or above the tirst story. Sectron 702 (b). Erterior openings for rooms containing a boileror central heating plant should be protecred with thrce.fou rths.hour tire-resistrve assern bi res that are tixed, automatic, or seif.closing rf lo. catld below openings in another story or rl tess then lO feet lrom other doors or wtnoows lnthr 3rmc building. Sectaon 708. Group C Euildings housing Group C Occupancies shoutdbc ot one-hour tire.resistive construction throughout. Section 802 (a) and Table No. 5.C. Use of tooms should be clarrlied. Note that rooms having an occupant load of more lhan l0O and rooms used for kind€rgarten, trrst, cr 3econd grade cannot be located above the t'rst Story above grade ercept rn Type I consrruc- .tion. Section 8O2 (b). A onc.hour tire-resistive separatlon is reourred Detween laboratofles, shops, storage rooms. These areas should also be seoarated trom other classrooms. Sectron 802 (b). Ona required exit should front directly uoon. ot havc a 2o.toot wrde access to, a puDlrc way at least 20 te^t in rrdth. Sectron 8O3 (a). Sanrtary tJcrlrtres 3hould be provided rn acccrc. ance wrth Sectron 805. 42t rfil. u'LiSht and vcntilation ihould comply with SecH 805. ) .- ? { ,48.A one.hour tire.resistive;Eupancy separation i3 tlquired between the boiler or central heating plant and the rest ot the build'ng. section 808. Group D 49.Gtoup O, Oivision I Occugarrcies should be ot Typi t or ll constructron un less'com pryinS wrth thc Exception In Sectron 902 (b). 50.Group D, Oivision 2 (3) Occupancies should be of onc.hour fire-resrstrve construction through- out. Table No. 5.C. 5t.LiSht and ventilation should comply wrth Section 905. 52.A onc-hour tire.resistive occuoancy separation is required between the borler or central heattng plant and the rest ot the burlding. Section 904. 53.Erterior openrnes for rooms containing a boiieror central heating plant should be protected with three.fourths.hour trre.resrstrve assembliesthat are fixed, automattc, or self.closrng it located below op€nings In another story or if lass than 10 {eet from otner doors or windows in the same building. Sectron 908. Group F 54.Motor vehicle service stations should be of non. combustible or one-hour fire-resistive construc. tion. Section lf02 (b). 55.Storage areas in excess ot l00O square feet in connection with wholesale or retall sales should bc separated from the pubiic areas by a one. hour fire-resistive occupancy separatton unl€ss the building is equipped throughout with an automatic tire-extingurshing system. Sectionrro2 (b). 56.Light and ventilation should comply with Sectionll05. '6 +\ sFax b. tak"n f,oh o.rt.rd€. 57.Exhaust ventilation at or near floor level is re- quired by Section 1105. 58.A one-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation is tequired between a borler room or central heat. in8 plant and the rest of the building. Section 1108. G?oup H /q1 c 59.A Group H Occupancy more than two stories in height or having more than 3OO0 square feet above.the first tloor should be of one-hour fire-resistive construction throughout. Sectron 1302 (b). t'/ ? 60. 7 The following rooms should have wrndow areas as specified in Section 1305 {a), one.halt of :::::.::::::i_... .... ....... /6r.Mechanical ventilating system in bathfooms should provide 5 Pe< rosrr. air change directly to the outside. Sectron 1305 (a). fl,, 62.Windows f.om .......................................... should not be considered as turnishinB required light or ventilation since they do not open to a yard, Court. or street in accordance r{th Section 1305 (a). l)t ,,6a 4 Court3 bounded on four srdes wath watts should be at least l0 teet in length. For ccurts more than fv'-o storres rn hertnt, the requrred wroth should be IncreJscd by one loot and the re.quired length by 2 feet tor each additronal 3tory. Section 1305 (c). Shcct No......1......ot........€..........Shcctr a-Eltable room3 in cellar3 arc not a ow?(t, S.?"habitabla room". detinrtron in Sectron 409.riic-iitint ii- [o piJnioil-ir.r, ioo?I"ro-? tormcd wrth retainrn g walls. . toom doe3 not havc thc minimum cciling height rcqurred inScction l3O7 (a). " iil; "; ;t;1il ; " ;;;; ;;;;;i' iri8,o'",'# "11 square feet. Section 1307 (b). A toilet room should not open directly into a kitchen. Section 1305 (b). Errrpror,| a$i:i:ffrrffi:,'ins units shourd compry with I A one.hour tire-resistive occupancyI. ir required between a borler room I hcating plant and the rest ot theI Section 1312. i Every dwelling unit and guest room should have i comfort heating tacalities as specilied in Section sepa ration or central building- 13l l. Group J 72. Group J Occupancies are limited to l00O (3000) square feet in fioor area and one story an hei8ht. Section 1502. Exhaust ventilation openings in a garage are re. quired by Section 1504. Garages should not open drrectly tnto a room used tor sleeping purposes. Section 1504. An apptoved noncombustible material is required for Sarage tloor surfaces. Section 1504. Asphal. tic concrete does not comply. EXIT REQUIREMEI{TS An occupant load sign is required in classrooms, assembly areas, etc,, havtnB an occupant load of more than 50. Section 33Of (i). See...-...-.... Conto,ming erits ar€lrlow as specified in reouired trom the arees Section 3302 (a). Erits should have a minimum separation of one. fifth the Derimeter of the room or area serveo. Section 3302 (c). Note that "penmeter" rs along the outer boundary of the room or area seryed...-......... No point in the building should be more than l50 (200) teet from an extenor errt, hon:ontal cxit. enclosed starrway, or extt passa!:eway. meesured in the directron of travei. Sectron 3302 (cl). ol. Erit doors should swing in the directron ot cgrcss. Section 3303 (b). See doors Double acting doors are not allowed where serv. Ing a tnbutary occupant load ot mOre than 1,00. Sectron 3303 (b). Errt Coofs shoutd be openabte from ine rnsi:e wrlhout the use ol a key, specral hnci!,r-.il,je, vr ctfo.t. Section 3303 (c). Note also rhrt tlush bolt3 or 3urtace bolts are prdhrbrted. o Erit doon should b. a minimum size ot 3'x 6'8" with a minimum door swtng of 90 degree3,tlction 3303 (d). ................... Thc net dimension (clear width) at doo'ways Jhould be used in determrnrng axrt wrdths rrquired by Section 3302 (b). Section 3303 (d). In consideratron ot door thrcknesses, panrc hatdware, door swing. etc,, the requred erlt width3 havr not been lurnished. See door A floor or landing not mora than 2 inches below thc threshold rs requrred on each srde of an crit door. Section 3303 (h). 000rs should not proiect more lhan 7 inches into tha required corndor wrdth when fully opened or more than one.half into the required cori. dor width when in any positron. Sectaon 3304(c). .................. Revolving (sliding) (overhead) doors are not per. mitted as exit doors. Section 3303 (t). Exit doors should Drovide immediate access to an approved means of egress. Section 3303 (S). Exiting through another room does not comply. A landing or floor that is level or not more than 2 inches lower than the threshold is required on aach side of an exrt door. Section 3304 (h). Co,rido6 should have a minimum wrdth of 44 inches. Section 3304 (b). Corridors serving nonambulatory petsons should heve an 8-toot minimum wrdth. Sectron 3318 Walls and ceilings of corridors should be of one' hour tire.resistive construction. Section 3304 (f). An architectural section througn the corri-dor is necessary to determine how this is accomplished. (c). Oead end of corridors and exit balconies are limited to 20 feet. Section 330.1 (e). Erterior exit balconies cannot proiect into an ar€a where protected opening3 are requited. Section 3304 (t). Interior openings into corridors should be pro- tected as set forth rn Table No. 33-8 and Section 3304 (g). Openings located between the end ot an exterior cxit balcony and the nearest stairway should be protected as required for corndo6. Section 3304 (8). Stairway should have e minimum width ot inches.'Trim and handrails should not proiect more than 3% inches into the requrred width. Section 3305 (b). Rise6 on stairway3 should not erceed 7Vz inches and runs should not be less than l0 inches. Sectron 3305 (c). Lendings on stairways should have a dimension in the direction ol travel equal to the wrdth ot lhc alaifuay but need not exceed 4 feet. Scc- tion 3305 (l). Sasemcnt a p0roved f lou6 in portron of starnvays should have an EJrner whe,e cont'nuous to uDoer an eI|t encrosure. seclron 3305 (8). Vartical distances b€tween stairway landtnS3 aro limited to l2 f€et. Sectron 3305 (h). t0l.Handrails should be placed not less than 30 inches nor more than 34 inches abcve the ttcad. Section 3305 (i). Two handrails are re' quirad where staitways Gtceed r14 inche3 in width. w.Guardrails tor stairg, balconies, and landjnc'- 3houtd conform wrth Sectron 1714. i\iote t . J marimum clearance between Intermediate ra, '-t B 9 inches, \f r03.Openings in exterior walls within l0 leet of Grtrrior stairways should be prolcctec with lrlt-closing three-tourtns-hour fire.teslstrve as' scmblies. Section 3305 (k). t/l 104.Enclosed usable soace under interior statiways Should be protected on the enclosed srde as required for one-hout tire.resistive construc' tion. Section 3305 (l). ft 105.Noncombustible extetior stairs are required. Sec' tion 3305 (m). 106.Exterior stairs Should not prolect lnto an area (yatds or courts) where wall opentngs must be Drotected. section 3305 (m). 'o{' 107.One stainaay should extend to the roof. Section 3305 (n). lt must be in a smokeproof enclosure in buitdings over tour stories in height. Sec- tion 3309 (b). r08.Six.foot 6inch minimum headroom clearance for 3tai.ways should be indicated on plans. Sectron 3305 (o). Note that this is irom a Plane tangent to the stairway tread nosings. N)109.Ramp slopes should not exceed one foot in ...... teet. Section 3305 (c) (d). na ll0.Surface of ramps should be roughened or of a nonslip material. Section 3306 (t). ll l1l. + Stairways 3hould be enclosed as sPecitied in Section 3308. tal Onl ti*oi-nour fire-re3i3tive walls are .'fquired. (b) Only exit doors are allowed to open into erit cnclosures. (c) D,oors should be labeled one (one'and'one' halt)-hour tite assemblies. (d) Erit enclosures should include a corrtdor on the ground tloor extending to the ej(terror. Fire-resistive construction should be as :'e- quired for the exit enclosure, including pro- tected openings. Only exrt doors are per. mitted to open into the cortador.(r) An approved barrier is requlred at thq ground tloor to prevent peoDle from acctdently con- tinuing to the lolYer level.(f) Usablc space is not allowed under the stairs. oa I t2.One erit from the building should be a smoke- prool enclosure complying wrth Section 3309. 0c I t3.Openings into exrt courts less than 1O f€et wrde should be orotected wrth labeled 45-mrnute iire assemblres. Sectton 331I (e)- Aiso see 'exrt @urt" detinition rn Sectron 3301 (c). Coenrngs morc lhan l0 teet above the coun tloor are crempted- n( I t4.No openings other than required errts are oer- mitled in errt oassageways. The passacevrav! Should be ot .... .. ..........-... .hour hre.resrsttve conslructron. Sectron 331I (a). nA t 15.Erit illumrnatron and signs should be provided in contormance wrth Sectron 3312. |ft' r t5.Aisle (cross arslc) In auditonum Should h: I mioimum wrdth of ....... Sect,c.r 3313 (b). Section 3313 (e). Shcct No......{.......ot........6.-.......ShGrt! f. ftt !17. ) Panic hardware rs reouirilFon €xrt door! serurnt Groug B Occupancres havrng an occupant toadof more than 100. Section 3315 (a). In rreu Ot this. doors shall have no tocks or tatchc3. I ir. tt8. ) Main and side errts in conformance wr:h Sec. tion 3315 are requrred for 8.2 (l) Occupancrcs. Srction 3315 (a). 0r t19. ) Cotridors ot Group C Occupancres should have a width fequired by Sectron 3302 plus 2 teet, but not less than 6 feet. Sectron 3317 (a). tlt 120.€ach tloor above or belcw the ground ttoor level of Group C Occupancres shourc have no tess than two exit stairs. Sectron 3317 (c). t2t.Exit staars serving an cccupaot ioad of more than 100 in a Group C Occupancy snould have a minimum clear width of 5 feet. Sectron 3317(c). y)t t22. ) Exit doors cannot be more lhan 2 feet narrower than the required corridor wrdth In Group C Occuoancies. Section 3317 (d). f)t l"''Exit doors from schoolrooms shouid swiflq in the direction of egress. Sectron .3317 (d).- 11r t24. ) Rooms ot Group C Occupancies used by pupils and located below grade should have one exit leading directly to the extenor of the bullding. Section 3317 (e). nt 125.Panic hardware is required on exit doors serving rooms containing more than 100 occupants and in corridors of Group C Occupancies. Sec. tion 3317 (f). fir t26. I Every room in a Group D Occupancy shoutd have eccess to at least two legal means'ot egress. Section 3318 (a). i! t27.Doo6 from bedrooms and wards of Group D Occupancies and all exit oFenings where non- ambulatory patients are housed snould have a minimum clear width of 44 inches. No oro- igctions in this width are allowed. Section 3318 (b). {)t 128.Panic hardware is requrred on exit doors serving more than 50 occupants in GrouD D Occupan. cies unless there is no latch or lock. Sectron 3318 (D. )2s.Every'sleeping room below the fourth floor rhould have one openable wtndow or erterior door conlorming to Sectron 3320 ior emer. gency erit or rescue. 'LOOR, ROOF CONSTRUCTION. COVERING. SKYLIGHTS. ROOF STRUCTURES 130.The space between wood tloor constructron and a Suspended cerlrng below should be divroed into areas not exceeding 1000 square feet. Sec- tion 3103. l3r.Attics ot combustrble material should be drvrded into areas not exceedrng 2500 (7500) square feet. Section 3205 ( b). Root drainage should be conducted under thepublic srdewalk. Sectron 3206 (e). n 133.Overflow drains having the same iize Js root drarns and on Indeoendent drarn lrnes are re. qulred. In lreu ci ': ;. Jy?'ircr/ 5c!ccers tnlee limes the srre of rccr drJrns shourd ce rnshtted in parapet walls. Overttow system snoutd havc inlats located 2 inches above thc low potnts of the root. Secl,on 3206 (c). 134.The aggre8ate area of penthouses and other roof ltructures cannot exceed 33Vt qer cent of tha 3upporttng root area. Sectron 3601 (b). .EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM Srction 3801. This includee blind space3 en. closad wholly or partly by cornbustrbie con. ltruction. U.8.C. Standard No. 38.150 (k). Dry standprpes are requrred in burldrngs 'h'..r ot rnore storiei in herght. Sectron 3804. Wet standpipes are requrred as specified in Sec- tions 3805 and 3806. Fire-extingu ish ing system plans should be sub. mitted to you to determine compltance with applicable building. plumbing, and fire codes. FIREPTACES AND CHIMNEYS Chimneys should comply with Section 3702. The interior wall and ceiling finishes Specified and comply wrth Table No. Section 4203. should bc 42-B and I r42./l I I 143. t4E. 152. Shcct No.......$......of........8.........Strcctt Gypsum wallboard (interior lath and olaster) can.not be installed on weather.exoosed surfaces. Section3 470i, 4710. See Section 424 lot dett- nition of weather exDosed surtace. SkyliShts shoutd comply with Chapter 34. Plastic Skylights are allowed only under the conoitions sp€cified in Section 5205. Glass and glazing should comply with Chapter 54. Type and thickness of glass shoutd be specitied. -'-r) 9f^aa <L^.,.' t<.--r. Glass and glazing in hazardous tocations should comply with Section 5406. STRUCTURAL Special inspection in conformance with Section 305 is required for the following work: (a) Structural concrete where the desrgn rs based on an ultimate comgressive strensth in ex- cess ot 2000 pounds per square inin. (b) All welding except where done In the shop ol an approved tabricator. Installation of high strength bolts. Soil classification in conlormance with Table No. 28-8 and .- pounds per square foot soil bearing value used in destgn should be specitied on plans. Section 2803 (a). The loundation investigation report mentioned in Dlans wasnot included In data forwarded to us.It Should be submrtted tor revrew. Structural calcurJtions should be subrrrtle', i1 ,usirfy the adequacy ot the StruciurJr s!sl':'1 in r$rstrng sersmrc and wrnd loads. anO sup' portrnB deal and live loads. Thrs includes toundations. A ) ) c All masonry Or concrete elements resrstrng sers.fiic ,orces should qualrly as rernforced €le. ments. section 2314 (k) 3. Precast concrete wall panels h./t ratio ot 36 (25). Section are lrmrted to an 2622 (t). Waod members may supDcrt loads fronr riascnry or concrete only under the condrirons specttredin S€ction 251O. )- f ta 153.Ju3tifyhg calculation3 and details should b€ pto' 1.11..111 ::.::...:::::....::::::::::.:::.::::::::::.:.:..:::.:::::::: 154.Roof3 3hatl ba dcaiSned for snow load3 ot ...-h.5...........-. Doundr per square toot. Seciion 2305 (c). flt 155. 1 The roof should be designed for uplift wrnd pre3' 3urcs with due consrderation tor lateral support of compression flanges ot ti€xural members. 155.Roor load should conside? a lFrffund pcr square toot panitron load. Section 230? (b). 11r It57.Itlarguees should be desrgned for a 60'pound per square toot live ioad. Table No. 23'A. f') t 158. 1 Garages for the stotage ot orrvate pleasure cars should be desrgned tor a minimum zooo'pound wheel load. Section 2302 (b). 4 4se.1 Live load signs are required. Section 2309. See nt 160. ? Glued-laminated lumber should be labricated in accordance wrth Sectton 2513 (c). A certificate ot inspection should be submitted to you. Sec' tion 2513 (e). n 161. 4 Allowabte stress in glued-laminated members over 12 inches in depth should consider a depth reduction factor. Section 2513 (a) 4. t62.Cross grain tension in wood is limited to approxi' matelv one.third the allowable stress In sheat. Roof ind tloor ledgers should be Justiiied for this tension resultrng trom a 2oo.pound per lineal toot horizontat force specilied in Section 2313 in combination with dead loads, both causing eccentric moments. 163.Bolted connections exposed to the weather are limited to 75 per cent of the allowable load under protected conditions. U.B.C. Standard No. 25.1711 (c). 'e.Anchorage of concrete and masonry wails should comply with Section 2313. )ffi'Plywood grades should conlorm with Table No. 25.C. 4 166. Lt Justification is required that sufficient slope or camber i3 availaole to assure adequate roof d.a;nage after long time deflections- In lieu of this, roots must be designed for possible ponding of watet. Section 2305 (f). Railing3 should pound per toot Ceiling joists should be desagned of not less than l0 pounds Per Section 2304. Wood members should comp!y lddiuonrl Corrections: Details on stressin8 method and hatdware along with justilying data are requlred on Drestressed concrcte work. This data should be submltted and apptoved pnor to ordertng of matetral. Note thit all tendons should compiy wrth Sec' tion 4303 (e) 3, for tire'resistive purPoses. -la diaphtagm should be provtded- Inrorrna(r'J" Nailing tor gypsum board (lath, sheathing board) used 3trueturally on shear waiis should De specified and comply with Table No. 47'1. Shear walls utilizing gypsum board (lath' sheath' ing board) cannot be used to resrst loads rm' poled by masonry ol concrete walls. Footnote t, Table No. 47-1. be desiened to withstand a 20- horizorital torce. Section 2304. rhouli cohpty v{th a speotic |CEO researcn racommendation or tegt data Submrtted In com' plianc€ with Sectron 106. Detail3 shoutd be provided on roo{ (tloor) dra' phragm connections that Indicate how the 3hea6 are transferred to vertical Shear.reslstrng elements. Connectaons should be lustrtred wrth 3tructural calculations for compliance wrth al' lowable values. for total lcad square loot. Interior partitions should be,ustified structurally for strength and detlection ctiteria spectfied In Section 2312 (b). entering masonry or ccncrer^ with Section 2509 (f). exte'ld Provide complete specitication in contormance with the design tor with a specific ICBO research recommenoaiton or ,ustifying test data snould be submttled in comDliance with Section 105. Plans should indicate that foundations below the frost line. lha|. rh.rtr r.a I ga.a ot iha Dlanl r.d shall tarn.in atlach.d tharalo. Rcchccked tnd Approved.... Gor|tcuo|tr 13 rboya indic.lad rill D. com9litd rith. (Sign Here)....-...(Si8n.tu?a ot Osn.? or aPPl'c.nl) Ch.ckcd by tani 2O.! Shcrt No.....€.......of.......€.....;.....Shcctl l! -r Io Vlt c g6.ccaOer C-urJB 2 BeD @A c€lsDamtNldMS Fea rx)l t). L. - Faa.rtxrcr 2.5 * l5o e .g-^t d,attis a r c n i t e c t (gOS)755-8000 suite 611 hampden easl 8000 e. girard avenue e. hampden at tamarac denver. colorado 80231 = 315 FarpDATfaLl ll.?5*-..1 t<l5o = llao Fvae €r4T. El(.. 2. Lc terDD Bp . A 211 -2') 7 .79 lpeor- .1 FrY. wD. I .t6 @^l<' >- ra r- qr = c.atZZ.tcn lfax3 = : 31C' 3+E WAccg 24.18 > rc) *-L * tLc7.x2* 2o<rtr BeAme.€*l.b?x34xff x3 = 5g Pnpq\rs.33x?tax: 4x1 Der,K . ,Z€ u. ?4 -- 4.2lrr€o(. .aL*? ?. bTlal 4orrv t 6 De<K offi tS = t5E 4.f x .lzf y cS tV = 4't $xz *.37 t.A7 x31xa A I zoF 3o3os/ril. = Pr-. : oo I I IJ. e "!-a.t^ dattts6Vntu lZac€ue-1 rr+lB Z BED Par>tvl c.oNDaMfNtorv\S L.LO . --Fu"ozz 4o*to*a = lc2,.e %ooF 1a sr lS *4G = | t 3A z+ DECS loe >< 4,€ x 3 = l5Scz TuEE */n. -- L. L . ilrx. LoADfNq CapDrrraN5 = ,,bt/et D.L: + 76A6ra/ FT. LL. - lDl l O tlel suite 611 hampden east 8000 e. g irard avenue e. hampden al tamarac denver, colorado 80231 I e "!.att dattisa Vlru- Elc-cpoe1 CuoB Z BED Pfl coSUamtNlolv\S IrfreemeOlATe, WAuu Freortscrs D.L. . - Faartuoy 2* l5o = 3ao FarrroUmaP 7.'t-S >\, b1 x l6cr = ?21 Fr..ooaS ?7.lbx l8xB * lz€o WAuus 3z.1S x B %*e2* z4 E.eF lo.€*lg a tE1 Belrrs.Sxl.c"lx34xf6x3 = 6lz4 Pue-r-rxr5 . ?B r< . tb x3 4 x 4. € z+S7t/e-t = D.L. : L.L. ' Fuaafe 4oxtg x3 = 2ltccs Aooe -?o *lA *24 f 3("ft -at -21 - 35-z5. lf:r = L. L. MlX. Lar>txtc. CaNDtTlaN)S r z4€E s/pt. D. u. + Z3z€€/n. L. L .EE/F; ffllx. %tu Belsruq fteseoE€ = 3a,-,o Psp (Ar-r.owABr€) j €1?3 = z11t PsF (rerrlu) ,.L a r c h i t e c t (303)755-9000 su ite 611 hamDden east 8000 e. g irard avenue e. hampden al tamarac denver, colorado 80231 t. Vlr,- aEeo- Eelz TaAc.6F,JET CLoB ",'@n <aJDomtNroMS War-u Facrnsq e &^g de.tts a r c h i t e c t (gOg) 755-8000 suite 61 1 hampden east 8000 e. girard avenue e. hamoden at lamarac denver, colorado 80231 3oe 3Z-, 5 SC. 5z+ +e = lR? ?+a ?4- D. L. - Fanx.tcq FaorlDATIou pL-oa[aS WALLS P'erF Be,Arns Focr.Jt$S Eltr-c.epy Dec'4 ElEAfltS 2*l€o-_ 3.zCx .b7 x tSC) 27.1b x I x Ei 32.15 x tLc bx,'2-1 * lb2x24 lc2.s x lj.5x l.G? x34 x l3 x3 z1.33X .g3x :r4x E. f E B . f Z<>eSx ZA x7 L.L. pgaapg 4ox E xE ?eee W z+ EAL n$Y 1o*6x3 Mlt . Lalorlxl CaNDtT|aL)B s7 a+ 2to1a/ rt. D. L .' 1cp r 7E6 a tosoffi - Ztol?/ft.2176t/Fr L. L. D. c. L.L. ftlAr. *v EAp,ro+ hess'.= -tlt*at (rcr.o',^u,.,) SlaB -1 -- z+ a€SLPBF (Aclulr-.) giffiffiffij*g,ull*E i 2 ts Fl ltl -t ^^^ .l -\9NDO FI ci < o E o o q) , F ql FI ci < I aldl IHv{:ll wl,)l(/4i I I E.) 'ct t qr o F q) nl\,IFI ,.i < I I 4lctl I I t-, Ill 'r'1cl.0ti<lltl<l I I o <t F al e :E:s::?i E I zr;:a:ti:€ e"l r issi:;lAE !;s ;:rg;;ggg ; i r HE:i-*I!E EEE€E€ilEe;; CF; E.E:F;is! E EE Ea;e,ii;+ii rc* i€€:;g€E€?::: E ii;E; IEiI I l i ,l :i:;ti3ilgi€ gl :;€*;iaarli;e[ ist-E-l;&6.s .4,E q aseE Hi3rE I * s : F II I I I I Ixlol r1 I I ?l \.,1<lA\]" II I II I I ,.1 t< T !l rr o)" r-r F{ ,.4 in(J \9 -<t\\l\l c o) ! B (t o).o tl aII \i El PUBLIC NOTICE PLEASE TAIG NOTICE THAT tn", U"tt ""tnttt tttl O"" applied for a Conditional Use Permit in order to allow private club(includingrestaurant&barfacilities)intheVaitRacquet Club Subdivision located in a MDMF Zone District' A Public Hearing will be held in accordance with section 21.500 of the Zoning ordinance, ordinance No' 8, Series of 19?3 on August 12, 1976 at 3:OO PM before the Vail Planning commission rfhose decision will be transmitted to the Town council for final decision. said hearing will be held j-n the vail Municipal Building. Application has been made in accordance with Article 18 of the Zoning Ordinance. SINCERELY, Zoning Administrator rt I I . MEMORANDUM TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROITI: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE: AUGUST 12, 1976 RE: _NACQUET CI,UB . REQUDST FOR CONDITIONAL USE-PERI\IIT FORrl.|r' -d;'fr=i-NclffiNc inSrauRANT AND BAR FACTLTTIES Mr, Walter Kirch' representing the Vail Racquet Club' has applied for a conditional use permit to a1lorv a club which would include a restaurant and bar facility' This use was pre- viouslyapprovedaSanaccessoryusebythePlanningCommissionand Town Counci-l; however, upon recommendation of Larry Rider' the zoning ordlnance rvas amended to allorv clubs as a conditional use in a Medium Density Multiple Family zone distrlct ' The Department of Community development reviewed the application previ"ously as the zoning ordinance amendment was pro- posed and at that time recommended approval ' ?.7/Publlcation 0a te Hearlng Fee -do hereby request permission to appear before fhe Vair pranning Commission to reguest the followinq: ) Variance from Article :; s/r. ) Park ing Variance) Conditional Use Perrnit to allow lt'ln /-' , /'r' - Z6ns. For the fo I low ing descr i property: Lot/tract_, Block Fi ling Number Clearly this app I ) 7-on i ng Cha nqe f rom ho / <-? PL ICAT IOII FON VAP IANCE And/Or COND I T IONAL USE PERM I T Ordlnance No. 8 (Serles of l973') I /.Application Date Hearlng Date Flnat Oecision date for Town Councl I o AP /-7 / / '--')/L,t".,,.|/),(State)//', / ' j.-1>o, Section-'-,-->-, ti. -'.,'- *n Phone 4i''t','Y)-) What do yo u f ee I i s the bas is for hardsh ip i n th is a4-r--.,-2./ /4 2...-.,,2-/2-.--,-r !'z r:4-: ,?4r-,Y-.1.,a". ' case? 4 C'?',/.) /, \l S ignal'urc of App ticant , -.1 I /o q DESIGN REVIEIV BOARD DATE OF MEETING: MEMBERS PRESENT: SIIBJECT: ACTION VO'fE: FOB: SECONDED BY: AGAINST: UnQn /rn1(Q ABSTBNTION: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: pn -d^ ross SUlrlltARY: E xq, E E \\\iY NI \t\! \ I .9 o o aql U) $ i!iii iiiii:iii ![iigi gli;iliftlii;ilii'; A b o GI q, ; !l <l ! ,l (, U' a',1$,It*t 1 I I l I>trl4 4 I I I olgl r-1 < (l rt 5)2 ! B <l) F q) CI _olt\l:I .i 4icrl I >l)l3i -lA tt I I o) o, ,o 4t 5::sb.i-3 E I g8s.-o*ti G I e;iE:;gE !-l i9 9 c F o -.i t l t;T€€:ii g =, :*€.:FoEF -E ; dXli9oa9 E'X i iF3;;3.E E g .e;?EiiE! 4 fi e'E>",3.o3€ = ; ='';€r9tr ; € sE5"9i:3 ;' r t g€P:E;.9 : F E9!adxE3 5 5 39.=- j G"_ E, c :6 :elEEgg€ g i Eoi."..,"Euo6 : E iESTEf;€T € : E E::fiEEi ; E s:E:iH!a€ ei b !O- j'Y!7.i.,r..5 .. r. iEEdEesiEE€E;?::EfEt S i ax3i€;aia i f €.= :'r C :,j >,- >a q or9:e'-Ig€9 9 rr eFi':S0,)q€3 E :':-Y c39- ',. E d g ;g€s.d*;EJ' g fr E eeE HisfE : r g \ 3 !0. ad (l)>r =^!e'oGJ B= 3o tq F. -C<= Fl- :: 91 ,rt. X Fl .v r^lE :_l-_\lJI,Ol .= 2i4k+r 3 L Fl A; E< t Y.l O rri()t4 f!. \J v r-t Filz3R-aO t Vai. I Racquet C I-,. O" llox 1088 Vai1, Coiorado Vukoslav E. Aguirre, P.E. George Cogorno, P. E. Kal Zeff, P.E. 1 tib Co:idor[ir]i irflis 81"6 5 7 .Iu1y 14 , L97 5 to 5 feet aboue al-'ove iJTe 5 eil t Subi ect :l.'oun clat ion ite0.trirenlents Condoniniun Builciings 2 q-| Yail llacquet Club Vail , Eagle Coun tY, Colori:oc Pro'iect 15375 Gentletnen: As requestetl i-.',' Mr, ilalt.er Kircir, wc obsetr,'cd 1wo backhoe tes i pit.s at the subje,:t si te on July 7, 197C.'. In tlie bui.Lding 3reas, 1.5 to 3 feet of tcpsoil and vege-tatjon had been scripfeci and renroveci fronr tlie are:a. it layer r-ri: tr'et, soft to mediun- riense, very silty satid 0'5 to i.5 feet <lee1: overl.ies v,'ei , medium' d.ense 1-o lre1'y denst: sanci a.nt{- $l:aYi: ! , r,.ii i:h co'ob1es to 18 inch.es, r.rhich ext;er'.dec1 to 5. L) "i:eet, the uiaxj r,run r1epth explorecl . Grorrldwatet'I^t;rs cbserveci al the surface of the excavat i.on . As 'we irn<r:e'rstand, footings are 10 he placed 4 the -presr-rrLt grzrde artd f loor s labs I to I feet graoe . Tire very silty- sarrd should be relicvecl , erpos.ing -the sarrd and gTar.€:1 itratu. (-.iranuI.ar f i ,l.i rnal' tireir -be place<1 atlC conpirc'ted io at least 95 per:ce1t of naxinuin Standarct Prgctor Densi-ty or 70 percent of Relative Density' Tire fill should extend 1at-era1ly from the outside of the building area -starting at the outside edge of the footingS, o distance et1ual to the depth of fill beiow the spread-:[ootings. Footing-s Placed on' this f i11 inay be desigired for a ntaxinum a11owable soi 1 bear-i.ng pressure of 3,000 psf if our reconnendations are closely fcLLowed. Consulting Geotechnical and Materials Engineers 1020 West 1st Avenue . Denver, Colorado 80223 . (303) 534-0882 -2- Floor slabs rnay bc supported at grade on the properly conpactedfi11. IJensity tests should be taken during fiLling operationsto verify that these reconmendations are being fol1owed. If any grade or location changes occur, we should be contactedto verify that no additional recornmendations are necessary. If you please have any questions or if we can be of further service, contact our office. Respectfully submitted, GEOTEK CONSULTANTS, INC REGISTERED ENGINEERS u Pre ent VEA/ss 3 copies sent By ffi,ffi tmil lns rNsr=rfrot neouEsr EAGLE COUNTY a JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED.:- AM PM I ornen f] pnnrrel. LocAroN READY FOR INSPECTION MON GOMMENTS: TUE l weo \1 THUR FRI AM PM D orsepp RovE D E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTlONS F4ee RovE D fl nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR walter Kirch representing the vail Racquet club requested a conditional Use permit for tne club including a restaurant and bar' Gerry White made a motion to recommend approval of the requestl Dan corcoran seconded the motion in accordance with stitf recommendations' A unanimous vote was recorded in favor of the motion. o PLANNING COMMISSIOI{ SummarY August 12, 1976 MEUBERS PRESENT: Dudley Abbott Dan Corcoran Sandi Mills Bill Hanlon Gordon Pierce Gerry White CORNICE Mike Palmer and Ross Davis, Jr., and Malealm Hunt requested a conditional Use Permit for real estate office in HDMtr' zone ' Gerry white made a motion to recommend denial of the request based on staff recommendations, Bill Hanlon seconded the motion; Gordon Pj-erce opposed. Requesi was'denied. The owners further requested approval of a driveway which encroacbes a streei right-of-way and to fence and landscape a small green belt area. Motion was iade by Gerry white to recommend approvaltothecouncir,seeondedbyBillHanlon.Votewasunanimousto recommend aPProval' VAIL EAST LODGING Erlka McCatl requested rezoning of Lot 3, Block 9 and ! of Lot I ' Block 8, Bighorn SuUAivision Third Addition' Dan corcoran made a motion to recommend approval of request I Gerry rlhite seconded the motion in accordance with staff recommendations' A unanimous vote was recorded in favor of the motion' CROSSROADS CINEMA RodToddandMervLapinrequestedforjoint-useparkingforTl tbeater seats. Gerry lfhite made a motion to recommend approval of request; Dan seconded the motion in accordance {tith staff recommendations' vote was recorded i-n favor of the motion. additional Corcoran A unanimous -v Application Date Hear ing Date Final Decision date for Town Council APPLICATION I OIt VAIiIANCI: And/Or COhl D.l Tl0NirL LJSI trEt{Mll 0rdinance I'lo. B (Series of lg73t Pub I ication Date Hearing Fee (we ) Phone y'7<',ly't u(S*ate)(C i ty ) to appea r be fore I low i ng: fhe Vai I Planninodo hereby requesf permission Comm i ss ion to request the fo or a^ Lot/tr^acf ^ Block Variance f rom Article__, SectionZoning Change f rom To X Park ing Variance Cond it iona I Use Permit to allovr in /44.D./14,8 zane. wing described property:For the Fi I ing C lea r ly fo N um a+ llo a te 4 .{t n i il I rl I { i I { {i 1iI p u rpose and intent / what do you feel is fhe basis for hardship in this case? ,&,,/au.or4- of this appiicati '/cn /o r/r rotzlz/c- _ J,/o., /,- %.-lre.q*"2^AJ-/ i"{ -S ignature of App licant t,,4 \ TA3IE OF COI{TEI{TS I. SIMT{ANI AND RECOMMM,IDATIONS 1I. INTRODI.trTION A}ID OBJEffIVB9 OT STUDY I1I. L@ATIONS AND DESCNIPTIONS OT DESIGN AVAIANCIIES - Oeneral Infornatlon - 01d tluddy (Patl O) - Fath 5 IV. AVAI.ANCHE DYI{A"I,IICS AND RECOMMEI'IDED IAND IFE ON PNOPERTY - Lot Llnee and Avalanche Runout Zones - Avalanche Haza'rd Zone D6signatlons - Reconnended Iand Use - Atldttlonal Hazards V. TECHNICAL APPB{DIX - Ava.lanche Dynamlcs - Table 1r Avalanctre Dynanlc hopertles VI. REFEREI.'ICES LIST OT FIGIJRES FIGLIRE 1: Air lhoto of Avalanche Paths FIGURE 2r Alr Photo of Runout Zones hee 1 3 l+ I L2 2 7 I. SIJMilANY AND RECOMIiTENDAfIONS the lirnlts of the deslgn avalanches on paths 4 (Ofd liluddy) ancl 5 are shown ln relatlonship to the Patton property and te:raln ln Flgures 1 antl 2. It 1s reconnended that bulJ-dlng take place outslde o,f the dellneated hazadl zones. If bul1dlng ls to take place wlth the noderate hazard zoner then bulldl.ngs should be clesignecl to wlthstand avalamche forces, or be pocotected agalnst avalanches by eone method. Bulldlng wlth hlgh hazard zones should. be avolded. Mudflows also orlglnate ln the 01d Muddy path ard flow onto prlvate property. Llnlts of past nudflows are lncluded ln the deslgn avalanrche llmlts on the south slde of lileadow Drive. -1- II. INTNODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES OF STIIDY Two p,revlous studles (t. xrets et. al, 19731 2. Colorado Geologlcal Survey, L975) bolh indicate that snow avalanches occur on the slopes above propertles studied ln thls report. The subject propertles are owned by Mr. Donald Patton, who requested thls stucly, and conslst of two lnrcels of land whlch are located ln ValI, Colorado, and are shown ln Flgure 2. Maps produced in studles (f) and (Z) are at a scale of 1124000 antl although they give a general tndlcation of avaLanche hazard lntenslty, they do not provlde the detall necessary for plannlng bullillng locatlons. This study derlves the dynanrtcs of the deslgn avalanches through deter- mlnat ton of ava,lanche A. ?1pes B. llrequencles C. Velocltles D. Dlscharges E, Flor Depths F. Runout Dlstances G. Inpact and/or Stagnatlon hessures fhe design evalanche le deflned as an avalanche of the magnltude that ls expected to reott at an average return perlod of 100 years or nore r havlng a,n anrnual occurirence prrobablllty of IF or Iess. It 1s posslble that avalanches larger than the deslgn avalanche could occur but thls probablllty ls enell enough to be dlsregarded ln plannlng. ltre nethods usecl ln calculatlng the dynarnlcs of the desJ.gn avalanche ernploy the nost recent Swlss technlques (VoelLny, I)64i Sornmerhaldert L967i de Quervalnr ]rg?5), along wlth recent Canadlan (Schaerer, L975) ffi Anerlcan (Mea^:rs, 1976) modlflcations. Assurnptlons and calculatlons used ln the analysls are sumnarlzecl ln the ?echnlcal Appendix (Sectlon V). -3- o AND DESCRI?TIII. LOCATIONS IONS OF' DESIGN AVAIANCHES A. General Infornatlon The slopes above the subject propertles (ftgure 1)* are orlented toward the east amd northeast. ltrey collect wlntl-bIown snow deposJ.ted ln the lee of rldges a.nd receive l1tt1e sunllght durlng nost of the wlnter. Cold air ternperatures and shallor snowpack ln the earfy wlnter often cause structural weakening of the snowpack over large areas on steep slopes. Subsequent loadlng of the o1d, weak snorpack by fresh snow can stress the snowpack to 1ts breaklng polnt. If the snor has evolved lnto a slab capable of transnltting fractures for long distances, large volunes of snow can be released on steep slopes ln both open areas antd forests . Two cllstlnct avalanche paths, or areas ln whlch the avalanche snow noves, were lncluded 1n thls study because they affect the property. Each path conslsts of, three partst I. startlng zone(s) where the unstable snow breaks loose and begins to flow; 2. a track where the flowlng snor attalns termlnal veloclty; aJtd 3. a runout zone where the flowlng snow decelerates and ls deposlted. B. OId Muddy (fatrr +; 01d Muddy has several separate startlng zones ln a bowl-shaped depresslon at elevatlons ranging fron 9600 to 10500 feet (2900 to 3200rn). Starting zone lncIlnatlons avera€e 3Oo lo 35o, Llnd€r very unstable snow condltlons a s1ng1e fracture could connect several of these startlng zones and a large volune of snow rould be dlscharged. Ttre northern portlon of the starting zone ls alnost conPletely devolcl of trees, while the southern portlon ts sparsely tlnbered. Calcula- tions assune that the equlvalent of a unlforn slab l.Jn (4.9 teet) thlck ls released fron the northern part and ls jolned by a 0./n (2.5 teet) thick slab released fron the southern tlrnbered part. * The scale of Figure I varies from rldge top to valley botton and averages about 1:9000 (1" = ?5o teet), At 9500 feet (2900n) elevatlon (nornt l, Figure 1) the flowing snow becomes concentratecl ln a steep-slded channel whlch has a longltudlnal 6radient of ZJo, This constriction lncreases the veloclty of the avalanche to about 33 rneters per second (?Z npn), Between elevatLons of 92OO and 8800 feet (2800 and 2650n) the track widens and the gradient decreases to 15o. Snall to moderate sized avalanches may srop in this section, but the design avalanche will not stop here and will deposit very little of the flowing snow. The runout zone of the des tg-rL avalanche in the Old I'ludd y path extends in a north-easterly direction approxinately 24On (79O teel,) fron the base of the steep slope (Figure 2). The direction of the runout zone of the design avalanche is determined by the direction of the flowing snow in the track a,nd due to 1ts high velocity, is litt1e affected by snall topographlc lnegularities in the runout zone. The design avalamche is a dry flowing avalanche with an airborn powder avalanche conponent. Darna€e fron both flowing and powder avalanche components can be seen on trees at the end of the transition bench at 8800 feet (Z65On) (foint J, Figure 1) elevation. Wet snow avalanches also occur but are not as Iarge.. The ttynanic characterlstics of the design avala;nche are sunrnarized ln the Technical Appendix (Section J). C. Path 5 Deslgn avalanches 1n path J sta.rt on an unconfined slope orlented toward the east and northeast at elevations ranging frorn )JOO Lo 1d+00 feet (Z9OO to 3f50n). It flows onto a broad, unconfined track at 92OO to 8800 feet (2800 to 2650n). Avalanche flow depths anct velocitles are not increased through channelization effects as in 01d Muddy and part of the flowlng snow is deposited ln this sectlon of the track. Below an elevation of 8800 feet (Z6J0n) (between Points 2 and J, Figure 1) the track is fairly heavily timbered indlcating that for an estinated J0 to 100 years, large avalanches have not reached the top of the n:nout zone and danaged trees. -5- Nevertheless r glven proper condltlons r the design avalanche could break through the timber and reach the property ln the runout zone. This posslblllty was consldered ln analysls by assunlng that a unlfozrn slab of l.J neters (4.9 feet) thlckness released fron the sta.:rtlng zone and flowecl through the lower trees. In thls case the tlmber wouLd retard the flowlng snow by provldlng addttlonal frictlon and would illsslpate the energy of the powder avalanche. Ttre runout zone would be reached only by the flowlng conponent of the avalanche whlch would nrn out as lndlcated on Flgure 2. IV. AVAI"ANCHE DYNAMICS AND RECOI,IMEI{DED I"AND TIIE ON PROPENTY A. Lot Llnes ancl Avala.nche Runout Zones The avaLanches descrlbed ln the preceedlng sectlon stop ln the runo zones wtrlch a^re the p,rivately ormd property studled tn thls report. the relatlonshlp of the Property to the runout zones ls shown on a vertlcal alr photograph taken ln Novenber, I9?2 (FLgwe 2). The Racquet Club, and the bulldlngs to the west of the property were not constructed at the tlne of, thts photograph. Lot llne l-ocatlons were scaled frorn boundaly surve1rc and are co:rect to wtt}rln an estlnated +20 feel, Lot dlnrenslons are not preclsely to scale because of, photo dlstortion, but are srfflciently accurate to plan bu1lillng locatlons. n Runout zones were subdl.vldecl lnto three d.ef ined. by recent Swlss recorunendatlons those of the Col-orado Geologlcal Survey tndlcated are deflned ln terns of lrnpact frequency as followsr 1.@.t return periods 2. Moderate Hazard: return periods of zones of haza,:ocl lntenslty as (Fbutlger, pers. conm.) a,nd (r9?5), The three zones or thrust pressure , a,nd pressnres 1n excess of 5oo ]:s/tt2 (lt/^z) ard/or of l-ess Lhan 25 years. pressures of ress than 600 tasht? (3t/^2 ) **n 25 to LOO years. -6- 3. Powder Avala.nche and Airblastr sta€natlon pressures of less than 55 ta"/ttz (ojt/^z) can occur beyontl the llrnits of the noderate hazard zone (Flgure 2). C. Reconrnended Iand Use It is reconrnended that bulldlngs be located outsltle of high and noderate hazard zones lf posslble. If bulldlngs a.re locatecl wlthln moderate haza:rd zones they should be cleslgned to wlthstanil forces of the design avalanche or should be protected by avala^nche defenses. Buildlng within high hazard zones shoulcl be avolded. D. Additional tLazards MudfLows and debrls flows also occur Ln the 01d Muddy avalanche path. The la,st debrls flow occu:rred tn 19?0 (pers. conur., Jln Gregg, ttstrE) and flowed as far a,s Gore Greek depostting mud a^nd clebrls on Meadow Drlve. Boulders as large as five feet ln dlaneter were transported mltlway between the steep nountain slope anct Meo danr Df.'vc. ltre ltrnlts of the clestgn avalanche on the property lnclude the 1funtts of the la,st rnudflor so avoldance of avala"nehe areas w111 also avold mudflow areas. However, because of the much slower velocltles of mudflows, they can be easlly deflected fron prevlous paths tf they deposlt debrls and alter the topography. Thls oouLd endantger areas not a"ffectetl by the last rnuclflow, If new nudflows q debrls flows occur whlch aLter the topography of the property, lt ls strongly recomrnended that further study be tmdertaken to dellneate the haza^rd a.nd reconnend nltigatton tf it appears that nudflows ca.n a^f,fect property. V. TECHNICAL APPEbIDIX Avalanche DFanlcs The dlscharge, Q was calculated by measurlng the area A, and length, I of the startln g zone, assuning ai avera€e slab thlckness, h, and calculatlng the tlrne, t, necessa.ry to dlseharge the snow through the startlng zone. -8- The relatlonshlp t =l/v (r) lras used, assuming LF = ELr, (sin a - fcos a), (z) with U = avala.nche velocity, E = turbulent frlctlon, t - 5/U = kl-netlc frictlon, hr = 1.5h = flow depth, and a = the slope angle. The dlscharge, Q, ln the sta.rting zone was calculated as Q = Ah/t, 3) TLre sane value of Q was assuned to dlscharge through the channeled track in 01d l|]lud.dy. Thr cross-sectional a^treas, flow depths, and velocltles wlthln the tracks were then calculated by trla1 and egor solutlon of the equatlon q = (6'2 tan u) ltn'/z sin u) (n) (srn a - rcos a)]* (4) where u = a gully shape paraneter. Solutlon of ihese eqrratlons enable calculatlon of the runout distancer s, by , = tf /ze (fcos b - tan b + tf /zfri'), $) Impact pressure, P9, at the top of the runout zone !{as po= G,/u) f G) and pressure d.ecrease wlth dlstance in the runout zone Py P* - Po (r - *,/"), (?) where L ls the specific weight of the flowlng snow assunect equal to ZOOkg/n?, g is gravitational acceleratlon, b ls the slope of the rpnout zone, and P |s the lrnpact plessure at sone dlstance x 1n the runout zone. Thls nethod was used to locate zones of pressure lntenslty and tlraw the. hazard rnap (Figure 2). Powder avalanche velocity, runout tllstance and pressures were calculated by equations (Z), (S), a"na (5) respectively by using the clana6e helght observed ln the fteld to deternlne flow depth. These ealculatlons were cross checked by calculatlng the pressures and veloclties necessa,ry to cause the observed danage at Polnt 3 ln the Old Muddy path (Figure 1). -9- hessureg on obJects ln the runout zoneg rould va.ry not only wlth rllstarc. lnto the runout zone, but also wlth obJect slze and shape. therefm, nce detalled studleE would be neoeasuy ln ocder to deslgn obJects located wLthln the deslgn avaLa.nctre. The rettrn pclod. d the desr€t' avd.enohe ras egtLratcd through study of tree trunk crors Egctlona noar ttre bottm of ttre arralarrctre track, between polnts 3 and, 4 on Flgure 1. (\ +t(F{ rr\ tl(\ EEE.{t'xo()ll,OCd._r{drdororo.qltrFPgP+tt{O+tOq{dNgbrcEdoo@Eb0 O r{ O !O ..1 lD Nl ACF{dig+C.OrlO.rlOr{.r{O(\+traN+roN+ggtrt{qioclcld+rdd+tg+t-Ck5+tr5eOO{JOO+'OFr',cqocH q{ +{ 5 q{ ..{ f .- .FlOOot{ooH-CE EEEq{EEq{ggooooooo>'+++.P+jt'ct+t+t+A+i+.)Pr(\lOOOOOOO.O€rqrqF{cqrqF{N€ Iq;; d; d\$ -o {\d+)-EC r{Al(nFl .d..1 33:-o+hAC-0).r{:=Ad -OPl dOP..d.r-l5\ndE .c ._t o4+5+FlCldO()prtr]z -11- Ioooooo. -l Ioc)rJ.\oFlGl oooooo-rla-ll$o\tN(\l F4 ooooooooooo\o\o\o\ooooooooc.\(n(nF{ r-{ Fl Ff $ -+ -+ ol+to I3fi-{ o o5t€l * | | I \o | | E."t IAI (\ (\ c.\ F{Nlo\rGl (.r ('\ (.\ Gl Fl ,{ Ioooooo| .-l Iootrp t-l lltl Fl C! Cl -i r{ (\l ('\ FJ b0I.rt +l H{,v, o\l.l rn .cII +r /1OAEI.{ O\,F.Fr I ohn 16goo o h+,dto F{ 0) .a Itt'J I sEq oorio+,lrtrlD .rlt8& h.t,d5tn.E-C Ol : : : -c: :+tEl€4rdgt d d vI .RETERENCES 1. cle Quervaln, Yl,, !9?5, Avalanche Forrnatlon, ln Avalanche hotectlon ln Swltzerland, IFDA Forest Servlce, Cen. Tech. Rep. Rl{-9r 158 PP. 2, Krebs, P.v. (Fd. ), L/?3, Evaluatlon of the Snow Avalanche Hazard ln the Vall Area, Eagle County, Colorado, (unpubl. INSTAAR rep!. to Town of Valt), ?rpp. 3. llears, A.I.,Iy75, Snow Avalanche llazard Zones of the Vall Area, Eag1e Corrnty, Color:ado, (open fl1e rept. of the Colo:cado Geologlcal Srrvey), lzpp. 4, Mears, A,I., !y76, Guldellnes antt Mettrods for Detalled Snow Avalanrctre Investlgatlons ln Coloradol Colmdo Geologlcal Surrey Spec. hrb1. No. 8. l-28pp, 5, Schaeret, P,, L775. trblctlon Coefftclente and Speed otr fiLowlng Avalanches, Snow llechirnlce Synposlum, Grlndelnald, Swltzerland, Alrrll 1-5' L/14, Ptoc, IAHS publ. 6, Sornnerheliler,8,, L965, Avalanche Forces antt the hotectlon of, ObJects, WDA Forest Senrlce Iba.ns. No. 6, 14pp. ?, Voel1nyl A,, L9&+, 0n the Destructlve Force of Avala^nchee, IISDA Forest Senrlce lYanE. No. 2, 64pp, . ..;o MEt'1ORANDUM T0: Planning Conmission FROM: Department of Community Development DATE: April 1, 1976 RE: Racquet Club Variance Request The appiicant has requested three variances that would apply Eenerally to all future development of residential structures within the development area. The variances requested are as follows: '1. Height Variance of 4'.l3/B"for the one-bedroom building and 6'-45/8" for the two bedroom buildings. Maximum height permitted is 35'. 2. Offset variance on the rear elevations of the structure from the required l0' to 2 feet. 3. Covered parking requirement variance that would eliminate the 50% covered parking requirement. The applicant requests the variance, "to allow the development of the Vail Racquet Club Condomimium Subdivision to proceed in accordance with the original subdivis'ion and development p'l an that was approved by the County prior to annexation and zon'ing by the Town of Vail. The residentia'l development conforms with the requirements of the zoning ordinance except in the previousiy discussed provisions. " The Department of Community Development has reviewed the criteria and findings provided for in Section 19.600 of the Zoning Ordinance, and our conclusions are as fo] lows: Raiquet Cl ub April I , 1916 Page Two l. The relationship of the requested vari ance to oiher existing or potential uses and structures .in the v'icinitY. The development includes at least four existing structures ofasimi]arnature.Theusesfortheproposedstructureaswellasthose existing are residentiai -in nature. lftb'piopoied valiances continue the est'ablished development standarcli'ina li,aructer for tire 'pioiect. Other proiects in the ;;;;;il;h;;d are of i s.imitar nature but of iorver density. There does not appear to be a conflict with existing or potentiil uses. Futur-e development in the ui.iniiv wjll be of a clustered, multifamjly nature' 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or'l 'i teral inieipietation ino enforcement.of a specii:99. regutation li'nel"tsury to ach'ieve compatibil'ity ani unjformity of treaiment among sites in the vicinity, or"io-atiain-ttre ouiecijves of thj s ordin- ance without grant of special privilege' The strjct enforcentent of the zon]19 reguiations would cause a departure tror if," iharacter of-the existing buildinqs' Confornnnce wlth the standards *nufl irio" ror^ u titii'it-utir'ii6tiutul tieatnrent' 0n the other hand tne design"U"i.g .ontio"i"a-appioacnes !!: ilTtt of the ordinance in terms of the offset requirements. rhb'ireignt va.iances are a more difficult .i ssue. The more,rppo.tiiu aigunent js that it "is necessary to achieve 99I:-, patibil ity and ,nitlltiiv;'-ryitit existing buildings -on the^site' It is apparent from existing struciri.ibuilt prior to'tfre Town-of VaiI Control that the applicant - intenoi-tfr" i"tutning buifAing to confornt rrrith the established Dattern. A srm,u."u.gJruil-.un nu ruae ior the covered parking varjance' 3.Theeffectoftherequestedvarianceonl.ightanduii, aistribution of 'population' transportati.on and traffic ii.iiiti"'t, public facilities and util ities, and Publ ic safetY' factors. lJe do not foresee any adverse effects upon these 4. Such other factors and criteri a as the Comntission ' ' A..tt appl ical be to the proposed vari ance ' No additional factors appear to be pertinent' The Department of Communjty Development finds that: 1. That the granting a grant of sPecial the l'irnitations on the sante district. of the variance wi'l I not constitute orovileqe inconsistent with 6thu" pioPurti es cal ssjfied in Racquet Cl ub April I , 1976 Page Three The variance would not be considered.a grant of ^ special privi.l ege in that similar.ur.t inuoiving a transition between county and Town jurisdiction would be given ri*iiir'ioniiaeration as long as essential provisjons such as densjty and.uses a.. contoiting.. The rational be'ing that projects havins existins !turctures ""d ;;;i;; t!it9t11 shou'ld be acknowiedged and conformed with ";;;:r;;";;rii[i.l'"rr;ih;;,,that the-variances required do not devjate rigniii.iniiv'i"or the Zoning 0rdinance requirements' 2, That the grant'ing of the variance wjll not be Oltrimentit to t[e publjc health' safety' or welfare, or materjally injurious to properties or imProvements jn the vicinitY' The grant'ing of the variances will not be detrimental to the above factors. The develop*ent is-.onsistent with existing on-site structures as well as surrounding land uses' 3. That the variance is warranted for the fo1 lowing reason: b. There are exceptional or extraordinary cir- .. cumstancis-oi-londitions applicable to the site of the ui"iin.. that do not apply generally to other ProPerties jn the same zone' The transition between County and Town control ' the desiqn standards of the existing aevefopmeni' anO.!!"^9:9::" of the variances ;il:li i""tiiiri-g.,. pi:.i.'Ji-int6 ionto.inance creates extraordinarv circumstances' The Department of Community Development recommends approva'l of these variance requests' fi Iililiiiiiiiiili:iiliiiiii:iiiii *l'sr e o iY trc{6T 6F o A () oo o nt .(t 6 a,aE ,o(,(J(t ,i 2& &lt o0c k\O(d \ooo .Ca o\c lt>Od..1 Cd..{ogf[4oo tH o0 Ooc c OC r-loo -1 N Ol-,('roc Nzour rt! t{o(t 0)FdH. ..1OF.z N(r$HJ,aI)0. !) 3\o ,a o3(nqrh-rF.r ko. o .E c)ct, .q€aa IaA o'Izqr hlA.) Itstolz Il'.ft..l! (, lt A gl ll " ''l tn\o @ o!rl (6.'l hdo o l+{ () (Joo CFa3 X-loo(6- Ho> \ol"gr YFO>fiFco 3EE ..*gE:.nXEg H 2'@ 4 sl o) r'O o, A c\rn\o @ o I$9 c! i.oE\<s> Io xI ci O. 'JrEcl; a.r. ,-Fir-l j ./\l.l i('t i E\'3 l'! T A F. ,s : ', a_lt rl ,i li-a I Ilrt,\ t t 6! iF.EEgi!eBF::;:e;ilq3: ;ililii i;gFi i;j : :;l;:i5;!:tt:r,5i;irr :lris;g ts'*; u i lillli;i;ili*'iii;i,i ii*iEi u$i=i i fi l Ebii:i;:ill:!;:;lii;i i':liii i ; {,; ;i!q:;!;;'i;;;:iit!,1!;iiii:e,' ;_r I 9ldij " i ' i: E -' : : o . " : F 3 . aF;*i,-;'3;3 .*.?rilii*i:lii:::ii:iesi:i;ilg;; i I I I,t I 'rAl Lt I I .2 cl ; i\l\,If\-lllo, A I I I (xl2l I -A-?il-,I iil ut <31 I I I al ' EF'EieEig E lH**Ei:i3: ;-l ;-EL6.si:E * l:.ir. o59--.2:^ s L; c ! llr.rL ijFs*:;;iE s; s;r+,:33&E .e ioij;s'riy ' i'g:'ir€:E:g 4 i E J:i!$!EE E. € r:d3stlEil p * :'..,r:F"T-g 3 L o.=iEiE;E: r { E =Ei;i!":.j. E E g |-=ZIEEI*€.E 3 =- ?*rt;s+si ; g 3 E€:;i:EEi ; I : IIiE€fiei{ : ; i.= Yn* i: -._ E3 - = r€b;A:iErE: S :'A*X3i*r;aa r g i i;€:ei$?: ; : !:EE:=*.;Ai -e .'!) E :gEFE?!fF; s Vts?e=:sgE F E I = B "l F F] F gI ',Jrl--rl..rl <lJi t-++ 'tD L/ E< t r^ lEl Of4 l'' ,a< 'aO 9.,trx --N rlilwil\l I {,) A B T' CI !x an ,\ \TT N I I I I I -el\l I Irl \l(tl a!l N-l II*E'a x I .l\il \.1 i I I I I I\l\t YIil ^l\lr.rl(\l t*lrl I I (l U) bn I z !J o, a F E J'Il\' I 3qg<!t;l>lfl I EIIrtls{El "l q$l-- Jlt-lE9 ,.i9t-.n< -cl6l'rl -vlNItr \a-l€<l .s {l q) 5 o I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I.l ol iJl'l.l >l Itlcql-l :l ol Hl urt:l 6Itt 6l tsI I oo €'= b B I I EI @l N o I I I6ll I I I N (u I I I I I I I I IFil I I I I .: 5 (J F I I I I I l I ^lYI dz E ^(u oo E (n E z F -J z- c) rr.l.L F <nz FDJ TAt! U)D = F F E (.)z J O z an F r! Fc)D Fa a,/1 F Uz aU} IL 3l F 9.1 F F F F z rL F (-) Q z J g. 2 F" z t- C)t{ U) Ir. v)Fz t! p t! lrl F F Fz a )av) F (.) fi. F rilL) an F v) bO s u L vI\Jqc Ft\,l--\l\ \A'v \r\'ohaDAv \, \i.'vehre\)AF(rrah)v vA\\J \r-\ 'v A\\,*)ri\) \t/ :i)\rtg. ha ?h vv bo C5 d I TNsPECT?N FtEOIJESiT TOWN OF VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orxen f] pnnrrnu.LOCATION MON COMMENTS: TUE READY FOR INSPECTION THURWED FR l--------:--AM P.M B AppRovED I orsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr El uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS n.,..'..) DATE INSPECTOR :rNsPEcibN EAGLE COUNTY .f ._/:tt ;-^ t1 FIEEUE9T DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! oruen n pnnrtlr LocATtoN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: C:'- ;rnr 1:? Ar(@) Enpp RovED / CORRECTIONS E orsnppRovED ! netNsPEcr HE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: rNsr=.flot FtEouEsTBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM JOB NAME .,..: EAGLE COU.NTY ' ,'l c ,?q fl ornen MON COMMENTS: ..o ){ ruE/, ! pnnrral. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI i/t,- _i 7X I "r6) El'nppRovED L:{ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: ! orsappRovED E nerNsPEcr */.;i ..CORRECT]ONS ,,,, oerc l;- /tJ. 'i L rNs"=.flo* FtEouesrBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE:328-633t DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER EAGLE COUNTY'; ,-;, n orHen MON COMMENTS: $t ! pnnrrel. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR /"{.,.-. .'l / 1'u- rnr /' 3o' ^@ ffieeRovED .+r ,/ LU'UPON THE FOLLOWING CORFECTIONS: E orsnppRovED fl nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR ._ _ .,5.4 .r ,qr lt.,L n, ..F.. 1.ItrF|;J|.5|,i'&r. r, -:rqld! rNsFEcfl.,N FIEOUESTBUILOING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 EAGLE COU NTY i'l L'{,L,OATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ' ;" E orren E penrrel LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR -/-.\ MoN " /i, )\.//. h ',,;'4 // / r^, .. . I '--' o* &) COMMENTS: WApp RovED E or snpp Rov E D E nerNsPEcr LI UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS "arc -2- / I,t.- / 1,. F.:G?|F { " i.rr4L:F;J::t\anqrEtr.qr.rr-a rqrr\If!-rr JIr.a{rE i!sta(!}:a!gtsSin ltrq gtvsixIFFF$ i BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6i139 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER INSPEC||clN FTEOIJEST EAGLE COUNTY n ornen Epenrrlt-LOCATION MON COMMENTS: -f"u READY FOR INSPECTION - WED THUR FRI 3-,qO drRovED E orsnppRovED fl nerNsPEcr A-r''T5 UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: coRREcrfoNs / ') / ti' /2'" ^J-z--.' /Y.--'{t/.';, - '-l}r!-'zt- or-".t !f.*r:r.rF 7-€fft4 .'i F-gl*ttGt/Ql*rF ri{"l.4l BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: &!8-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER rNsPEcloru HEeuedr EAG L E COUNTY E ornen E pannnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR tl;-r, | 3 J., ,/€ o"frMON COMMENTS: ffaeeRovED ! orseeeRovED ! nerNsPEcr E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE .JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER EAGLE COUNTY I orxen E pnnrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION MON COMMENTS: ,,TUE/ 14.-: J I WED THUR rnr *1,' ?*i AMCIO Wapp RovED ! nerNsP Ecr INSPECTOR oarc &i./7 -r/4 BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 78S PHONE:3:!8-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVEO- AM PM CALLER rNsPEctoru FIE(lUEST E orxen MON GOMMENTS: {:) D pnnrreu LOCATION READY FOR lNSPECTION WED l{;,-4 3 THUR 2' gr' o"@ Edpinoveo E orsnppRovED fl uporu rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS E nerNsPEcr oerc 9-/?- 76 INSPECTOR ! 1l iF--J, :{:lt}. lj.tfFj'q.qFl BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-633t DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER INSPEGIclN EAGLE COUNT FIEBUEST E orHen MON COMMENTS: l_.._ ,) ,l TUE ,. ! pnnrrnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION THUR /d',".:-4 f rer a,'J'')- ^(E Fftpp RovED ! uporu rre CORRECTIONS ! orsnpp RovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: n nerNsPEcr oarc ,.?' . r 7- tt dl- rNsPEcloN FtEouEsrBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM n ornen MON COMMENTS: /' -l 'TUE,' E panrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR /'d-t.,^.-'l ,'3 FR WApp RovED E uporu rxe CORRECTIONS E orsappRovED FOLLOWING GORR ECTIONS: D nerNSPEcr ,o* j.r!- ?l INSPECTOR I BUILD!NG DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-63:B DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER INSPECIcIN HEEiJEST EAG L E COUNTY ! oruen E pnnrrel.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR ({.'.,;- 4 / {") ,^, J iJ t; ^@MON COMMENTS: L]{APP ROV E D n orseppRovED E upott rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS n nerNsPEcr INSPECTOB rNsPEcf,l.,N HEeuEsrBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-63@ DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER EAGLE COUNTY pL?) ! orxen MON COMMENTS: /" ,\ i:u,'..., D panrrnu LocAnoN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR /'{-t ,:1 b FRI WLppRovED E UPOT,T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS E orsnppRovED ! nrrNsPEcr .,,\ ).) t-, -'-oo'r, Yi - ,'' ,1- 2 iln / EAGLE CO _i -rr,. ,. ; \., r{€if;ts{ FIEOUEST UNTY rNs"=.to*BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME T]ME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! orxen MON COMMENTS: flpennnu LOCATION o AM PM -/, 7€ READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI E orsnppRovED L-l UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS @dee RovED f| nerNSPEcr INSPECTOE 8AOI8 COUIfTY D[PArrUlXr S PtAlfiltilO Ar|D DEVB|OnXSNT 6rrllr prrh oldg, (Erflo Oounty Aurr) P'O. Eot ?8e 3r8b, Colcrto 01091 E.luuar'7 1e?0 Phff. Elt-6113 Vrll Srqurt ChSAtlrl ltdtc Klrob P.O, Bor 1000 Vrll, Colorr& trct? le rr3rrdr to our oooruarllo! ol gl Dooenb* le?i oo trrt of loo$rf rrd ol lrtldlrt lfo. 8r ar.lor.d rn oplo of ttoarr E. Strarrlo r.pott rad oa 3Xwrsb* lt?{ llln Urtarr ol Suanrrlrrr ofllor nrdr rtd tuprotlor brlore @rorda ru pltoed. It thlr tlo loforrrtloo yeu alld o[ hlld4 No, C? All atrrlrlr rad glmrnmt o[ thru nrrtr U.trC. nqulnamtrr t .t r Deqlrr Brgb Couty lutld[n: Ofllotd rplst lEOr :. i- ![.fs-- -,".--|}*.{4:.'1F--'F "e*r!?? q'{.13N$f-\'}:..,!!r-i i ,_.:. t. ,,-["h{ O1[ t: ".'. ',, ,', '. . f t..r'rytin! FTEOUESTrNs!tE.{lo* EAGLE COUIITY DATE JO8 NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orxen ! panrtlu READY FOR INSPECTION TTIUR rar /JlJ,) AM PM E I NSP ECTdrrR ov E D E orsnpp Rov E D El-gporu TH E FoLLowlNG coRR ECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS rNseecforu FlEGluEsr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED:- AM PM CALLER E ornen f] pnnrtlr LocAroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRMON COMMENTS: TUE PM E nppRovED E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS E otsnppRovED I nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR coNcRETEat ELp rEST ANp dOO hdbd dxeadddo grE6 €cbr.do . 00ql7 303.S.1547 O31 s€rrh frsroe ood v,eg o o bo( fi44 - 'rd.dcdo'01657 303.4r5.q2Cl nn9 CL I ENT No 119-3 CONCR€TE CO CON TRA C TO R Becerre Constructj.on Conpany LOCATION OF PLACEMENT I N srRUcruRe wa+f or Buil-d tng #7 (West, Eas t &^South) Porto Mix pRo.r€cr Vail Racquq! Club TRUCK NO TIME MI XEO 869 TICKET NO 7:35 lnn I vED_gLry pL4sss 8:30 7742 cu Yos PLAcED...9/:s TRUCK LOAO I NG. IUA TER CON TE N T. VUATE,R.CEMENT. . AOMI XTURE CALC I UM CHLOR I DE MI X NUMBER sP EC I F I CA T I ON S . . OESIGNEO 8Y..... 3000 CU yDS oATE OF TEST... CU yOS T IME OF TeST. .. gA L,/L D RAIIO AgA oz/ yD fr SLUMP-INCHES... FRESH CONC. IYT. .LO/16/75 o.17 .416 . L42.96 PCF CONCRETE TEMP,. ,rog. oF LAB 59 oF A I R TETP. .roajo oPENT. AtR coNTENT2.l * sAMpLe cURtNG...Lab $rA TER AODeO-GALS____JLANT ceMENT CONTENT.._PCY COARSE AGGREGATE- PCV FINE AGGREGATE.]-PCY 2o .loa sr re 1.54/4' 3/4. _#4 #4 SPEctMEN NUMB€R 119-3 L-7 2-28 3-28 4-OPT OATE TESTEO ro/23/7s rt/L3/75 rr/13/75 T,IUMBT,R OF OAYS CUREO 7 7 r4 28 28 olMeNsl.oNs, tNcHES sro. cYL t NoER=6rx12,r Q F,'l 'sEd srd SPECIMeN We I cHTTP0UNOS 27,46 27.45 27.52 BSS0 oe ns I TY , PCF 139.9 I39. I t40.2 AREA OF CYL I NDER, J N2 stD. cYLtNoe,n=28.2? tna 28.27 28.27 28,27 TOTAL TEST LOAO,POUNOS 76200 100000 10r000 cot|PReSS I ve STRENcTx TPS I 2695 3537 3572 SPECIF I ED STRENGTH.PSI 3000 3000 3000 TYPE OF FRA I ) oTAGoNAL2) core 3) venrtcru CTURE: SHEAR SPLIT 2 z 2 , REI,ARK S G. Manzari TEsr€D "rD. Krupenski s I GNeOSeMpLeo ev FoRil C-l C INEiPE DATE EAGLE OUNTY JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orHen E penrrnu. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION I orseppRovED D nerNsPEcr o APPROVED I upolr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR oo ot Town of Vail EI..ECTRICAL PERMIT N9 Builcfing Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee L71. $.-....-............-.-..-... $.3. i./..7 -6..0..'. 4... $.......... L.3-!...{ A.. s......../.* ./..'.@- Received By. rcaxae.L,+.t*-....Aac.auer...(.*aa.:-,..8ut*uag....*:.{......-.. Date or Apprication.... ......Cr*.n*....J............... ...........rs....7.'€. Etectrical contractor..... ..{L*1.. €.*..(..1F-!s.r.-T..u:re-:--.--...----..-....---.... ( ,r'7 eoti"*t..ffi)JJ. r( Z,**r*^"' APPROVALS THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED 01{ JOB STTE DURIIiIG COiISTRUCTIOI{ 24 HOURSI ADVAI\ICE NOTICE NEQUIRED FOR INSPECflONS Checker t||r a, t. x!r0ta! !o., !tlYal t0r!lr The Board of County Commissioners-Eagle County, Colorado EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 Phons 328-6377 DANIEL F. KOPRINIKAR Augus t 2l , rg7 5 Disrrict No 1 A.F. "AI' ORLOSKY Distrlct No. 2 DALE F. GRANT District No. 3 l.liss Diana Toughi 1I Town Zonj.ng Adninistrator Town of Vai I Vailp Colorado RE: Racquet Club Condorninium Project Dear Miss Toughill: Conflrming my recent telephone call to the zoning Dept. please be advised that with respect to the referenced project after further investlgation by our building department we have come to the conclusion that sufficient work had been done on the project prior to the annexation which would validate the county building perrnits which were applied for and were issued by the county pri.or to the annexatj-on of the subject property. Please advise if you have further questions. Very truly yours, 1t^-zr<rUo'-a*- Hugh R. Warde r cc: Dan Koprin ikar q;gns S[rith Walter Ki rch HUGH WAROER - Counly Attomey ilodlng of 8o{d - Fh!| Iondry ol Xonth iIAXWELL R. BARZ - County Clerk Qt\- o9,s a \/ktu p,OAilff€u4b L;*f^"-zY TOLLEFSON CONST., INC. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION - PADDOCK SWIMMING POOLS I95O TAFT DRIVE LAKEWOOD. COLORADO AO2I5 233.3294 237-1412 TowH or Vr I t- Box 611 Va I u, Couon aoo 81657 GenruEMEN: 0n June 1O, 197, rN rHE AMouNr or $'1OO.OO TURNED. Txts ls oN THE CoNooN I N tu14s. As or rHls oATE I PROMPT ATTENT I ON. UL I : L T Aucusr 22, 1975 I wnor E you REQUEsT I NG ouR cLEANUP DEPoslT (Reoerpr No. 6940 - 10/16/7+ Q47) BE RE- SwtNulHc Poot- AT THE Vatl RecQuer Cuua HAV€ HAD No RESpoNsE. Tnlu x you FoR YouR Vtnv rRULY YouRSt &^or 6- -trtt.#o^^-. Gronce E. Tor-LEFsoN, Pnes. TollersoN Corusr., ltc. FRencnlseo Bu lt-oEa-De eleR PADDOCK 0r Crl I FoRN t A Totlersor,r Consr., lrc. Prooocx Poor-s 1990 T sr Dn I ve Lrxewooo, Coronloo 80215 GET: u r .qs \$ .,$\ June 101 1975 Toyn or Vrtl Box 6)1Vrrr, Colonloo 81617 GerruE!rEr{: Txls you THAT rne Sytfil,rtr{c POOLAT THE ts FtNlsHEo. l,/E lne tHEREFoRE REeuEsrrNG ouR cLEANUp DEposrr BE RETuRNED.Txrs oepostr r,^s or REcerpr No. 6940 1O/1G/?4 (Z4r) $1OO.OO. Txllrx you FoR youR pRo[rpr ATTEr{TtoN To rHts r,tATTgR. Venv tRut-y youRs, t zU*-"a<r Geonce E. Tot ugrsor FRlr'tcx t seo PADD0CK or 6. ToLL ersoN, Pnes I DEr{TConsr., lNG. Burroen-DEALER Clllronrtr oto ST(|P W(|Ri{ fo\\\ ol \/.AlL. coLOt{.\Do OI;l l( l: Ot: tlUlLDlN(; Ofil:ICIAL NOT I C E THIS BUILDING Has Been Inspected. and -! crrurnal coNSTRUcloN E corucnrre ! uasorunv I plulsrNc ! wnnu AtR FURNAcE n ELEcrRtc wtRtNG ! cns FtrlNG AND vENTtNG I No BUtLDtNG pERMtr n zoNtNG n orHER: IS N(lT ACCEPTEI) N()',1 I : I ):L t ,-' ItrrilJ rrrr I rsp,,er,,r Do Not Remove This Notice ! 2oo PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION Jurisdiction "t €^- ( ( t', 3'numbercd spaces only. tlApplicant to complete PLAN CHECK VALIDATION 8t-% 2,sa/o?7 WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PENMIT PERMIT VALIDATION cK.tf fu/-ff ,b I DE S CR.1[s:e et-recx:o sxe:r 1 MAIL AOOi ESS ZIP MAIL AEDAESS PHON E Ltc Ef{sE No. AR CX IT€C T OR OE3IGNER LICENSE NO. ENGINEER MAIL AOOIEsS PHONE LICENSE NO. MAIL ADORESS SiANCH IJSE OF BUILOING 8 C|ass of worK: fIruCW ! ADOITION D ALTERATION tr REPAIR 9 0escribe work: Typc of Finur. or ltart WATER CLOSET (TOTLET'SPECIAL CONDITIONS: LAVATORY (WASH AASIN} KITCHEN SINK & OISP. APPLICATION ACC€PTEO 8Y PLANS CHECKED AY APPFIOV€O FOFt ISSUANCE 8Y LAUNORY TRAY CLOTHES WASHER WATER H€ATER NOTICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND OROINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEO HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. ruRE OF COn Tiat TOI OF AOI;OilZED AGENI URINAL ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR--SINK OR ORAIN GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK & PIT Form lOO.2 11-73 M.O. rtao t. woiKIAx Mttt roao. wtatt.lrti. ca|.t?. aoaol CASH ITEM uildinq Per Application For Subdivision Ap Zone Change Conditional Use Special Use Variance (Building) (Zoning) (Subdivision) Total Received All items are received for collection no-payment of any item. iJ'i 7gZ, Bl AMOUNT only and this receipt shall be cancelled to, EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT oate {-/ ,$-BRECEIVED or 442 , t* '-^- 41 ac/- e*,'' ./ - ,rEd Town of TII.TTCIRICAL Vail PERMIT nA Nane-[/Lt*.-"(ecAurr.--C*.ua..-=.St,,.ra,ztiate-...P.ao.+...-............ Date of Applicatior... -...-.fle-9 .. ..e?*-..--..--...... ...............-1g..2.5. Electrical Contractor..... lU.AL..-.€-*f-.e7.&.t-<'.-..84J..4-,.--.............-...--.-.-.....N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee t25 $.....--..........-.......... s... *,9. o. a..!....... $......... "20 -P-....... s......... /. *.. -s-.... - -.. ,/2 Apptieant...ffi:n2+*)-... K Srd"cr.*^--, Si'gn'ature "( THISlr JoB APPROVALS d22-7{ FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON SITE DURII{G GONSTRUGTION 24 HOURSi AIIVAI\ICE NOTICE REQUIRED TOR INSPECITONS l|lt a. t, ioa!tt! a!.r Darlvaa lottrl .,'.'j-,NsFEcr!ru FIEOL'EST VAILTOWN OF ' bere TIME JOB NA RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I orxen MON COMMENTS: E pnnrrll.LOCATION TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI .,,:' AM Dit [f nppRovED E orsnppRovED ! nerNsPEcr ! uPoN THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS D, i, '' : DATE INSPECTOR -|Ns PEc,+N --FtEeLrEST@ DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E oruen MON READY FOR INSPECTION '--WED ftD I peRrral.LOCATION florseppRovED ! nerNsPEcr I upom THE FoLLow]NG coRREGTToNS: CORRECTIONS PROVED .l{ .'il I FIEOUEEiT VAIL E orxen ! pnnnnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION MON , ;--- COMMENTS: E orsaPpRovED I nerNsPEcrEl-epp Rov E D t-tIJ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR i 'r box 100 vail, colorado g 1657(3031 476-5613 office of the town manager May 12, IgZs Mr. Jay UtterMr. Wa1ter KirchVa11 Racquet ClubVai1, Colorado 81652 Dear Jay & Walter: As you know we ll::^p:." lr{1ne for some months nolv toresolve the iurisdictional ii"iut. between lr,u*rorn of vail,the county ano th"-R;;;;;; ;i;;'as to what government entityif,: iHilli'Ji:; ;;:;.ji:-"in-Ii.,".ion or oiirJine" ? & I oi The county attorney has ruled that the county no l0nger hasjurisdiction because the uurioing permits expired and werei;: ;iffI:l :;::" te the J"i.-ii,; io*n """,,ij-i"tr,"rity over uu i ro iig "o.'"fr i 13,,:ffi ";il:";;"1""! "i*' : I.;j|3i "if iru;:;:;1"", r.,of these buildings. r unaerslrio. tr,ot ;;;;; uJiior,re" wiLt not;fr:t;;*"r;rjf;ri.rndards S.l-i""ti, in tire-io*iii-"oning code.you that,n.u -*"1ii:gili;ffi'fn::T:';;'il,r;l;;;l;:;;l:ir::, the devetopment "1i"g1J! ;;;;";"" woutd need to maintain thedesign integritv-o_f your pro;eci... t woutO =iroierv urge youto begin the vaiiance proler! .o thab we- can "*p6oite the is_;:il.:.:j.:X:..ill-":;#il:-in i"*"nner that wili not delay r would hope that.you recognize the, Town,s willi.ngness to assistI;: :1,;i3ilJ"'"3r't,'" p"oni;;. " ;. have no cresire to inhibitr"",, ;. iJ;;i";.;i.iqi"";;i:i:,3"1i:r:ff":llj *:ir"S*:illi;:'.we believe tnat the Racqu.i-c'r"u ylo;"";-;;-"";;ique and desirableaddition to the comrnunity. r-wJuro appreciate ctiicussing this orany other matter with you "t-v"Ji convenience. Sincerely, DEPARTMUNT O}' COilllvlUNITy DEVELOPMBNT es F,rector in ; t- !, 9! tz rt(\l C\I.C\1 (,oc, utz I trl utF ul z uJ t-t)(D @ oo E).o j a .o t! uJ(J o I Town of VailOffice of The Town ManagerPost Office Box I00Vai1, Colorado 91657 RE: Building permits 102 ano 103ings 7 and 8 at VaiI Racguet Gentlemen: Sep Ler.i:er 30 t 197 4 issued by Eagle County for build-Club Condominiums Subdivision. _.Building permits 102 and 103 were issueo by Ilagle Countyearlier this year for build.in$s z and 8 at vail Racguet clubcondominiums subdivision. we were acLvised by the county thatthese permits would be voioed on Oct<.rber I, 1974 because constructionwork had not begun. This was based on a nrisapprehension of the facts. we did in fact. lregin construction werl within the requiredperiod on both buildings. The sites were cleared of wilro-w trees,construction debris and organic soils <luring the months of June,July and August L974. Engineering work was performed. d.uring the T9l!h of July 1974 and the foundations vrere staked out on August g, 1974. _ Throughout the summer of L974, fill dirt was purchased andpraced on the sites as it became available. rn addition to theon-site work. the normal construction planning activities includingarchitectural prans and arrangements for consiruction financinghave taken place. For this reason we have apprised the county that we wi-Il pro-ceeci uncier these pgrmits. (a copy of our lettei to the county isencrosed. ) we would be seriously damaged if these permits we-re nothonored and must resj.st any attempt to void them. The county's position apparently is that it wilr not perform in-spections, although logically it seems to us that it strourd follorvthrough on pernits previously issueo. RACQUET CLUB CONDOMINIUMS Page Tlvo As you knovr, we have indicated our d,esire to work with the Town of Vailr and that will continue. We will be guite wiLling to meet with your representatives and those of the County to ltork outan acceptable nethod of proceeding. Because of weather gfoblan and other comrnitments we must continue with our conttrugt{on. Best regards, I/ | ,1 i),,t/ /- ,l---> r''/rt./r .+- '/- ,,--/ Walter Kirch ccs Mr. Daniel F. Kaprinikar, Chairman libgle County Board of Commissionersl,tr. Claude L. Gerard, Commissioner Eagle County Board of CommissionersMr. Alfred Orlosky, Comnrissioner Eagle County Board of Commissionersl.[r. Hugh Warder. Attorney for the CountyMr. tester Douglas r. Eag1e County Building Inspector /\. .-----l--t-.r--- DNSIGN II]'VIUI'i ]]OAI]D DATIi OI' :,tEUTIiiC {.40 -/ .J . / / 7''r-!p"J*3-/E-- llELllll,ils 1'ltii S.EIiT : SUBJDCT: ACTION TAKEN l'{OTION; \:orn: .t: FOR: APPn ovDD, J!. n2_htn-eu-- DISAPPI],OVED: --{e l' TJUI,IIIARY: -- ., -' ul l t monAilqfi I' T0: (ll Dlrnr Tcrlhlll(Z) Iterurfr J. frFptU LASI lor strrhur FlOl: Jrar F. Lro6t 0lTE: lhrcb 2f' 195. lf,: f.crp.t Clsb U undrntradtg of thr Colordo lolqlc SutrQy'r nltPon$ to tie Rrc*rt Club Avrlrarilrr n ?ort ldlcrtcd tJnt re 3hould mqulrc fErtir rtr& m o$tllnd In thr lrtt ;trrgrlph of thc lctt r bdora n lrrrc r hllldlf pcrrlt. . Dlanr nuld yq| notlfy Jry utt r fredlrtely rbout thlr rlturtlon. Furthil',n thould bcdlrtoly notlfy hlr rbotlt tlll rltlrtlon rlth hlr ts .rlstfiig foundrtlonr. / *.?""Onoel'il<'"9ttu{kt$q}O lls. Diana Toughill Zoniug Adroinistrator Town of Vail Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Ms. Tough11l: -:;ft3? COLORADO GEOLOGICAL SURVEV DEPARTIVIEI'IT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 254 COLUI\48!NIE BUILDING - 1845 SHERNlAN STREET DENVER. COLORAOO 80?03 PHON E 892-261 1 GEOLOGY STORY OF THE PAST . . . KEY TO THE FUTURE llarch 13' 1975 RE: AVALATiCIIE REPORT ON RACQUEf, CLUB' vArL, C0L0RAD0 JOl.tN w. 80LD Director We have revie.wed the avalanche hazard rePort for the above referenced projectt as prepareo by W. M. Borland, with Mr. Art l1ears, oui consultant, and our evaluation is as follows' An.analysls of the snow aval.anche hazard of the Racquet club site in vaiL, colorado was submj"tted to the property ol{nexs by Mr. W. Borland in Decernber, L972' This analysls uses the Swiss equations of avalanche dynanics derived by Voel-ll]ry in 1955 and sumnarlzed by sonunerhalder in 1g6lr. The avala-nche runout distance and velocitv obtained through use of these equatlons depend heavily on assunptions about the following parameters: 1. The aFount of srrow released ln the startlng zone; ; 2. The geometry of the released snow as iE eneers the avalanche track; 3. Turbulent frj-ction retatding the fl'ow; 4, KLnetlc friction of sliding snow in the track; rr r rr^' 5.Thedepthoffl.ow,rvhich,inturn,dependsonassumptions..I..anoZ. It was not possible to oeasure these Parameters in the fiel-d slnce an attempt vas made to ttreconstruct" the rare, ]arge avalanche event not actually observed' Therefore' alt the paramete-rs were subj ectirrely estlmated, and the runout distance mapped in Figure 1of the report is very dependent on the investigatorr s oplnion about pararneters L through 5. our main cri.icism is that no attempt was macle to verlfy any of the results derived through use of the eguations by roeasuring the dimensions.of the destruction in the avalanche track. such additional informltj.on would provlde both a cross-check on the depth of flow (assur.rptlon 5), and wouJ-d give some ildication of the type of avalanche whlch produced destruction Ln the past, Ihereby reducing the degree of subjectivity inherent ln the use of the Swiss equations' The type of avalanche which can occul is very ixoportant uhen mapping runout limits' powder avala'ches are most often responsible for producing the maxiurum limlts of destruc- tlon below large Colorado avalanche paths and nust be considered when plannlng building locatlons. These avalanches comooly altain high velocities (100 to 200 nph) and travel long dlstance in the runout zone. They are not easily deflected by minor terrain i'rregu- Larltles and stream channels. rf powder avaLanches occur above the Racquet club site' Governor Ms. Dlana Toughl11 llarch 13, 1975 Page 2. then the map provided ln Mr. Borlandrs report does not accurately reflect this hazard. The runout zone as shor,rn ln Figure 1of Borlandrs report is deflected to the northatest by the gently sloplng al1uvial/debris fan of the side strean through which the avalanche descends. Powder aval-anches would not be deflected in this eray although dense avalanches of wet or danp snow whlch flow at lower veloclties would be. I{e do not know lf powder avalanches have occurred above the Racquet Club ln the past because we have not done extensive fleld work at this Loeatlon. Ilowever, they have occurre<i ln several other Vail ataLanche paths of sirullar sizes and orlentatlons. They nust be regarded as a potentiaL hazard until it can be shown that they will noc occur. In summary, are recornmend that no buil<iing take place at or near the uaxfunum runout boundary shown in BorLandr s report unt.il- the results of. the Swiss equations used can be checked by independent fielal methods, and untl1 the potential for powder avalanches can also be checked by field r,rork. Work of thls type should take place after the winter soowpack melts and the integrated effects of many years of avalanches can be observed in danage to the forest. Sincerely, cY(^lt**- P Wll-lian P. Engineering Rogers, Chlef & Environmertal-Geology Section WPR/LRL/AIM/sk.l s\n''trr*,roL IN'PECT,o* *rro*ro To: <yr{ff{ oF vA I L () EAGLE COUNTY llEEK OF r,€Z/1,^>t., -,-. CON T RAC TOR 7t r T-$, OMMENTS: ,r r AIE2-;2//-23- a IIEI.IOMNDUM T0: Gene A. Smi'r,h FR0M: James F. Lamont RE: Rqcquet Club Buiiding Permit DATE: January 8, 1975 lle are ready to notify the Racquet Club that they are subject to Town of Vail zoning and bui'lding regulations on their two illegal foundations. This shoulo set off a suit against the County and Town of Vail' so be forewarned. \I JOHN P. ilOORE ATTORN EY GEN€RAL STUART S. KEOWN Assistant Attorney General @hr Ftulp uf (0shrsiu DEPARTMENT OF LAW O?FICE O' TI{E AITOi TY C'ITCRAL I04 STATE CAPITOL DENVER, COLORADO 80203 January 2, L975 Diana S. Toughill Zoning Administrator Box 100 Vail , Colorado 81657 Dear Ms. Toughill: I am in receipt of your letter of December 20, L974, in which you hav-e asked for a legal opinion-regarding the jur- isdiction over building perniEs in- a newly annexed area of the Eown of Vail . under the terms of the colorado statute defining the duties of the attorney general , we are precluded frorn giving you an official opinion concerning this matter. I am sure you- -reaLlze Lhat chis problem Is primarily one to be decided by the city atEorney. However, the probl,em is both intriguing and importants. FurEhermore, I probably have access to more researth materials than does th-e city attorney. Therefore, I will do some research in this area and contact you again when t have uncovered some law which may be of some help in resolving this issue. Please be advised, however, thaE I can only-offer my assistance and that I will be unable to render in opinioir as to how the attorney general of Colorado believes you should proceed. JOHI{ E. EUSH OEPUTY ATTONNEY GENERAL SSK: j e fltf tl.IIUSiPECT lv FIEBIJEST A]L :fin (._ I ".t | ,-DATE -/ .: lrixr /'-r igg TIME REcEtvEo A ir) 6M-pn,t flornen E pnnrral. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR f,].art nove o ! uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: E orsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR ) ';'. lr oa te suomif for Review Proj e ct 0wner Rn enli6nm#nta I impact report must be made for nontrivial effect on the environment. E{fecls i ces of both primary and secondarv nature. The followlng questions shall be used as guideli negative declaration or an envirormental impact wri ie Itunknown'r in ves,/no column). T O I,IN OF VA IL AL V IEW CKL IST TyPe Leoa I ot rroJecT I t l ,i I i i ,j 0escription any activiiy wh ich may have tny nc lude envi ronmen'l'al conseoueh- nes to dec i de whether +o make a repori. ( lf ansvJer is unknown, YES NO 4. Could the project affectimportant visual value or a I or oDen sDace va I ue? Wi | | any natura I or man-made features In are un i que, tha+ is, not found I n oiher or State be af iected? |,1 i | | the projec+ involve consf i'uction of 30 percent or g reate r? ihe use of a recreational area, or area ofpre-€mpf a site wlth pofential recreation- r' Could the proj€c+ change exis+ing features orin any flood plain, natural drainage course, ls the project, as part of a larger project, the projeci area wh i chparts of the Town, County, f acili+ies on a s lope of i nvo lve cons+ruct ionor watercourse? one ol a serres ol 6. !{ill the project i ffp)2'!'dWrWi ll the project Involv_e constructiqr sub jec+ to aia t anche? p22 a/1r- 7f 7. e r0. |.Does fhe pro.iect area or the projecf site serve as a habitat, fooCgource, nesting place, crossing, winiering ar€a, source of water, etc. tor wi ldllfe species? 12. Could the project slgnifican+ly affect rearing areas or habitat of f ish spec i es? 13, Are there any ra re or endangered p lant spec ies area? 14. Could the project change exisfing features of in the project any of the re9 i on t s stream froniage or greenbe lt areas? 15. Wl ll the project remove substantial amcunts of vegetation incluc- i ng ground cover? 16, Could the prcject result in significant change in fhe hybrologyof the area? 17. Could +he proj€cl result In the displaccmenf of comnrun i+y res i dents? 18, Could the proJect serve to encourage development of presently un- deve loped areas or i ntens I fy deve lopment of a I ready deve loped areas? / _{ JZ_r' _{ _/ / _/ ls there appreclable oppogition lo the pro.iecf be confrovertturt ,O", ry ? cumula+ive actions, which although individually small_, l3y as a who le have slqnificar :1'il-'u':]iz _ -a)vv 20, t{l ll the project creafe new or aggravate exlstlng healfh hazards? 21. Y.llll the proJ€ct involvo ihs application, use or dlsposal ofpoientlally h a za rdous materials? 22. Could the project generate signlficant amouniS 23. Cou ld the porject generate s i9n i f icant no lse? 24. Wl | | ihe project discharge significant volumes rrastes ? 25. Cou ld the rpoject resu lt agricultural land? 26. Could th€ projecf slgnlfi t lon, or conservat ion of 27. Could project al+er local can+ increase in trafflc 24. Additional remarks: I n damage to so i I capab i I ity o.r loss ot of of d ust or odor? solid or I iquid canfly affect the potential use, ex+rac- a na'l ura I resource? tratlic patterns or cause a s ign i 1i-- volume or iransit s6rvice needs? Lel- YES NO __/ JZ ) r,L Revlev Che 0at€ Ch€ckllst Basad on the p rojec t d F- I i st Comp leted by Rev I ewed by Tltl€ Based on the abov€ r€vler,,ls requlred. S igned found +ha+ an Environmen+al lmpact Report Da te NEGAT IVE DECLARAT ION (and ihe sta+em€nt below, ) lt is found that thls it i bove rev I ew,ot ca us 9neo STATEMENT OF ENV I RONMENTAL EFFECTS For any poln+s answe r6 d y€s orrrunknowntt th€ reasons ar€ as follows: RU 08c24t974 Town of ELECTRICAL Vail PERMIT N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 97 $........-.-................- $..15€*e $....z-d-q.. . $......F--: $...2€s Erectricarcont""to"...[J.,€--f +).8t=*4.r*r* ,0. roorica*.pu{@. K #.**...t^-- APPROVALS Dats -2.*...W, Lt........ Date IS FORM IS TO BE POSTED OlI SITE DURTI{G CONSTRUGTIOI{ 24 HOURII ADVANCE NOTICE NEQI'IRED FOR INSPECIIONS Date Paid....... / ./2 Received By..--.-....! tir a, t. fior!raL a!., !alrval ,0rlll .rOB t,Y ,.cyI v^ [ -'(q\vDecember 20, 1974 ilr. Stuart Keown Asslstant Attorney General State of Colorado 104 Stata Gapltol Bulldlng. Denver, Colorado 80203 Dear Mr. Keown: Confirm{ng our telephone conversation of December 19, the Town of Vall upuld llkea legal oplnlon regardlng building perrnits in a newly annexed area. The Town annexed an area conslstlng of approximately 600 acres effectlve Septanber ll, '1974..:'.''''" Prior to the annexation Eagle Cbiro[$ywas rlsponsible for grditing bullding pirmlts .. tnq. performlng lnspections under the authorlty of the Unlform Uuildlng Code, rhtch . Building penn'its were granted Fabruary 25, 1974 for three bu'lldings ln the Vail &cqqet BBub Condcxnlniurn Subdlvls'lon whlch subsequently expired on August 25, 1914. The County Bullding 0fficial notifled the developer of the'explratlon-on Septembber 25' 1974. The deve'loper then requested that Eagle County'Corunissloners renew0r extend these permlts and was notlfled by the County Attorney that Eagle Countyri., no longer had Juilsdlcilon ln the Blghorn irea slnce it ts now a part oi valt. ;,, . .a..' I . Yours truly, DEPARTT'IENT OF COi{4UNITY DEVELOPI,IENT Dlana S. Toughlll Zonlng Mmlnlstrator The developer is now constructing foundatlons for the bulidlngs wlthout benefltof_a valld bullding permit; however, the developer argues thal Colnty permlts arevalld because he removed willows and top soll fiorn thi slte withln tie'requiredtime llmlt. Eagle County and the Town of Vall agree that such slte lmprovements do not constltute work or create a yested right to the bulldlng permlti. Can the Town of Vail lssue a "Stop l.lork Order" on the constructlon since we feelIt ls being done under an lnvalid bu{ldlng permlt? Does the rernoval of wlllows andtop sol'l constltute cuunenclng constructlon? tJe would appreclate your asslstance ln_answerins tltgsg lmportant_questions. If you need furtirer lnformation, p'leasecall on our toll-free llne A5S-90]A. RECEIPT. he Town of Vail oere f !- ll ,s)l RECEIVED FRO ADDRESS Parking Permits- Bldg. Inspection },'ees. - -. - Court Fines and Fees- . -. Highway Users Tax.. _ ..__ ./- HOW PAID-Cash.. .Check - -.i-- N9 7244 Occupation Taxes. Liquor Licenses.- . Sales Taxes.,, - -.: ,-- f.ttha+ '' ..\ i rr,, t ' PL|JMEIINGi/MECHANICAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL NAME /-43tta^ ee l/tt,- //r+aouu7 4- ud ADDRESs E, TtA 2 o'no- "- ' Et c' Pnone ?4f-gf 6A oF BUILDING: P. LASS oF woRK: da.* fl noorrroru E neuooel I nepetn PTIoN oFWoRK: t&ztm.etala ,FaZ- 7 '- t/r' PLUMBTNG: NUMBER l8g+ -P MECHANICAL: NUMBER- VALUATIoN $ '3' aea2 ' &VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS:,'. \\ I // , PERMTTFEE ll22'R /PERMIT FEE 6,11 \? APPROVED TOTAL FEES: $ L orseppnoveo oere 5 Dgr. 74 N = = (\l 6l(\l(\l o ulz r o. uJ trF UJ zlll F .o J o j a ao RU DEC 5 p74 3 December L974 Itir. Jerry Aldrich Chief Building Inspector Town of VaiLVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Jerry: 4ve cornpleted our fall work at th6..Vails of this date. It is ny G we mriFFEfim-ence work again within 120 daysEnar we must conlmence worJc again within 120 daylater than March 3, L975), in order to keep theactive. If this is not the case, please advise. Best regards, F at)o(! I (i. e. nopool permit D<a4:/ Walter Kirch cc3 George TollefsonEric Berg RACQUET CLUB coa{DoM {luils The Board of County Commissioners-Eagle County, Colorado EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 Phone 328-6377 tl ovel lir], t2 r I3 , 19 74 FilCll'r'5 OANIEL F. KOPRINIXAR District No.l A.F. "AI'' ORLOSKY District No.2 NOV 1 a 1974 ..o;Li,LilT.o Dopt. 0, Planning & tgvol. Ilglo Courtyr 0olo.l{r. Haltcr Kirch Box lOOo Voll, color'ado 81657 Dcrlr l1r. klrctt t tf lth rcierence to your lettorB of scptttber 8 and Soptorrler 3Or 1974t I iravc edv.r,{ieii tho bulldl,nE lnrpcctor thrt ha no lonqct haa tha autiioritl, Eo conduet inepGctionr ln tha ltaa reccBtly annarGd to tiru ',crirr of Vajl. I lrave acivlscci hlri of tliig in v!ew of the $tatc 6tatute cnirbllntj Countles to on&ct arld eDforcc bulldlncl coder shich gtatutc cxtends auch "1ul:'ror!ty on 1r' es to territory not lncludetl vithln the bourdarlar of a :,:unlcipallt'r. Tire itnte Annexlttlon Statrrte F,rovl(lci tllat Anrrcratlon Srriinance6 i,econc of f active f or all puri,ocGs, cacoFt taxatioap rtiror1 tslre (lste of r.ar:cae:;o. i'lrcreforo, whon Val 1 irase cd Lts Annerrtion clrdiaance tho j.)roj)6rty vhtch uas tha subJoct of tlro '.rrcllnanca coasGC{, to l'ro a prrt of tlrc unlncor}:orated nrea of ths Count:/, anr.l , as $uch, 1s riot sr:bioct to reitulation 1"7 ti'te (:ountv tsul ldlnq co.je. \to ry trul:t "'c urs , M"IAZ //a,J^- ;lugh Il.rx'&rdef County tr tt orli e y lI Rit tra cc: cene Snlth Les Douglas HUGH WARDER . Counly Attorney iloding of Sorrd - Fl]!l iiloodly ot ilonlh MAXWELL R. BARZ - County Clerk gorcnErOrElo rrsr aruo {O0 frabs daecddo ryrq6c&.d.00917 30J. stu '1547 O$ so.rh trcroocp o bo( fi44 - wa . cdoodo .01657 303.4b.0297 rocd u,es( COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH REPORT cLtENr roL coNcRE rE c oP_or!_q__Ulx coN rRA c roRUe&er_41rqh rRUcK "o866 rrcKEr No-Y]915 r I ME M r xe o 1-i2]-ann r u.o 2:00o,-ocro_1i19 1 new club bulldtngLOCA T I ON Val1 Rac OF PLACEMENl IN U fl R-. CU YDS PLACED. TRUCK LOAO 1 NG. WATER CONTENT. uet CIub. WATER.CEMENT... ADMIXTURE.. CALC IUM CHLOR I OE -- , MIX NUMEER SPECIF tCATtONS.. OESIGNEO 8Y..... Cu yos oATE OF T€ST..tv6n4 coNcRErE ,au" 16o JOB OF LAB .roB oF oF TIME OF TEST. SLUMP- I NCHE S. FREsH coNc. wr..l4J.0 pCF CU YOS 'cl t/r- o RATIO AEA oz/ to % A r R rEMP.460l' ENT. A 1p 6911 1g1'1 12.0 (, sAMpLE cuR tNG. . . Lab- rvArER Aoo€o-cALs pLlNr_!!_,roB stre cEMENT coNrENr..5+ Sk. pcy - 1.5-)/4" coARse AGGREGATE- pcy 5./-E!- 3/4n-fi4 F I NE AGGREGATE.PCY #4//-h- 7q 5:qear', SPECIMEN NUMBER 119-2 L-?2-?J.r4 j+-33 f ?-ial 6-OPT OATE TESTEO LT/I3/?4 Lr/r3/74 Lt/20/74 12/4/'.lt+L2/4/7tr 12/t+/7 t+ NUMBE R OF OAYS CUREO 7 7 14 28 2B -(}ao o IMENS tONS, TNCHES s To. cYL tNoER=6nx12tl std std std std std std SPEC I MEN WE I GHT,POUNOS 27.97 28.L3 10. L2 zB.ro 28.3L 28.35 BSSD oeNsITY, PCF L42.5 L43.3 t43.4 r49.2 L44.2 144.4. AREA OF CYL INOER, t N2 sro. cYl- | NoER=28 .2? tna 28.27 28.27 28,27 eo.1(28.?7 28.?7 TOTAL TEST' LOAO,POUNDS 7920A 79400 94000 I10000 95000 100000 COMPRESSI VE STRENGTH,PS I 2808 2308 3125 3396 3r17 SPECIF I Eo STRENGTHiPSI j000 SOOO SOOO 1000 j000 ]ooo TYPE OF FRACTURE! 1) otAcoNAL sHEAR2) coxe l) venrtcAr- sPr-tr 1 t l *I RECEI\ 1 ReurRxs tNo v!g1b1e ertei_or faJ-lure ma.rks. ", O. Manzart TESTeD evJ. York S IGNEDSAMPL Eo FORM C-I 40O harbd dfecdocb grEs ctuodo.0oql7 303.S.1547 {}C1 sqrh hqrooc rood ueg o o bo( fi44 - rc|.offi.fr57 303.4b .0297 coNcRETEatELo TEST nNO r19-2CL I ENT NO I.A B NO CONCRETE CO 1r9-e-( 7-12) Porto 1.11r " SC'il foundation Sngirwering LOCATION OF PLACEMENT IN STRUCTURE coNrRAcroR Klrsch Construct:!94 Conparly pRo.rEcr Va1l Rqcquet Club TRUCK NO T IM€ M IXED 869 12225o*^,'l rAtr 'l o'ltr vED *'"/ pLAcEo_''"Y rfcKEr No v3o44 ki fls sLUMP-tNcfrES.... 4* FRESH coNc. wt.. L4?.5 pcr ENr. A rR CONr€N t 2.5 fl cuRtNG... lao. cu Yos pLAcEo ... lt TRUcK LoAo tNG. . . q+ IVATER CONTENT WAT€R-CEMENT... ADM I XTURE CALC I UM CHLOR I DE MI X NUMBER SP EC I F I CA T I DNS. . OESI GNED 8Y..... CU YOS CU YOS ceu,/t- o RATIO AEA oz/vo % OATE OF T IME OF resrl ... D/6/74 TEsr...,2:',0 AOOED-GALS PLANT coNrENr.. 5i- Sh. p6t coNcRere reu".49oF oF oF ., 550t .roB LAB A1R .roB TEMP oF 1 SAMPI- E 11, A TER C€M€N T .JOB S I TE 1 .5-)/4" coARSs, AGGREGATE- pcy Ul- )/4"-#4 F I NE AGGREGA TE.PCY _ #4 sPEclMeN NUMBER II9-2 7-?U-/9-]lr 10-2E r t ,ro 12-OPT OATE TESTED LL/L5/71 Lr/tr/74 LL/22/74 12/6/74 I2/6/7t+L2/6/7t+ NUMBLR OF OAYS CUREO 7 14 z6 28 2B otMENSt0NS, TNCHES STD. CYL I NOER=6rrX12tl std DUCr std std std std SPEC IMEN IVE IGHT,POUNOS do. )2 26.25 28.29 4Q c LIU 10. )L 28.-47 BSSD oeNsI TY, PCF 144.4 L4t.9 144.1 L44,.7 r44.2 L4r.O AReA OF CYL INOER, tN? srD. cYr-rNoER=?8.2? tN?zo. d(10.1/23.2?c.Ctl(28.27 1CJ.1./ T0TAL TEST l_OAOTPOUNOS E7400 91000 100200 109000 r09500 105500 COMPReSS I vE STRENGTH,PS I )lJYL 21LO zqt,l,-/ /'11 )o)b 2i:'/'\3767 SPECIF I Eo STRENGTH,PS I f000 SOOO i000 fo00 ]000 SOOO TYPE OF FRACTURE: 1) D I AGoNAL sHEAR2) coNE 3) venrtcAr. sPLtr 1 I 1 I 1 RECE'VE 1 REMARKS --- _ ",,.. G. Manzarl TEsTED ", G. Manzari __9 | GNEO &ptSAMPL Eo FORM C-I coxcRrrOrrlo rrsr nro aoo habs daec6re grE6 cctvodo . 0O917 303 . 546 '75a7 OCl s€rrh irdroc rood 'Aqsro o bo( 1fu4 - vd ' cdorocb .&57 303.4b.0297 ()€enrlg/ CL I ENT ruO ]4:2 CONCRET€ CO CONTRACTOR PRO.,,ECT TRUCK NO T IM€ MIXED Porto M1r Soil LocATroN oF pLAcEMENT rN srRUctrra warl of cLubhouse extenston Va11 i{acquet Club 856 TICKET NO vrL22 12:5&"^ syEe 1:17 p.o.ro 1:JO(ti g cu Yos PLAcEo ... T/T TRUcK LoAo tNG. . . 7 IT'ATER CONTENT.,. IVAT&R-CEMENT... AOMIXTURE.. CALC IUM CHLOR IDE MI X NUMBER SPECIFICATIONS., OE S I GNED 8Y..... OATE OF T€ST. TIME OF TIST. coNcRETE reue.5,4op .r0g oF CU YOS CU YDS eau/l o RATIO AEA oz/vo % ... 11/22/?4 sLUMP-tNCHes.... 4+LA8 oF FREsH coNc. wr.. I43.3 pcr ENT. ArR coNTENT e.5 4 ,,0 B oF SAMPLE IVA TER C€,MEN T cuR tNG.. . Lab. AooEo-cALs pr-ar.rr 15 JoB strE -lcoNrENr.. bt s]i. PCY _ 1.5-3/4n coARsE AGGREGATE- pcv 3/4n i/4"-#4 F INE AGGREGA TE.PCY _ #4 AfR rEMP.5got 'l sPEcrMeN NUMBER 119-2 OATE TESTED tr/29/?LL/29/7 NUMEE R OF OAYS CUREO o IMENS tONS, TNCHES STO. CYL I NOER=6rrXl 2rl sP€clMEN WE I cHTTP0UNDS 27.8r ESSD DENsI rY' PCF AREA OF CYL tNOER, IN? sro. cYt-tNoER=28.2? tHa TOTAL TEST LOAO.POUNOS coMPRESS t Ve'SrnE r'rcrx rPS I SPECIF I ED STRENGTHTPSI TYPE OF FRACTURE: l) DIAGoNAL sHEAR2) coNE 3) vERTIcAt, sPr-IT EcEtyr REMARKS SAMPLED 8Y FoRM C-l J. Iork TE S TED BY J. Iorlr S IGNED I coHcnErOrrlo rEsr nno 4Of hd(bd docecdodo p,rE6 @b(ddo.00917 30J. 506 .75a7 lOCi so{rh frtrro@ roodp o bor fica - d ' cobodo . O1657 303.4ib'0297 r-AB No 119-2-(19-24) coNcRErE coPorto Mlx Soil corvrnncronY4ll TRUCK T I ME M I foundation Angirleering LOCA T I ON OF PLACEMEN T *o Q66 T ICKE T NO vtt27 t N srRucrr"e i'l?11 ,..o l-0: J4 4"", u.o_10:55LAcED 11: 05 for south end of clubhouse ext. r€sr.. ..If/25/?4 coNcRerE rEMp .5gog (t flf 8/8cu yos PLACEo.. TRUCK LOAO I NG. . CU yos OATE 0F CU yos TIME OF e ar-/l o RATIO AEA oz/ vo dl TEsr....le!15 NcHEs . . ..3+ FResH coNc. n,r. . 142.6 pCf ENT. Af R C0NIENTJ^IL l/) COARSE AGGREGATE- PCY FINE AGGREGATE..--PCY WATER CONTENT... WATER.CEMENT... ADMIXTURE. CALC I UM CHLOR IDE M' X NUMBER SPECIF ICATIONS.. OES I GNEO 8Y..... sAMpr-€ cuR tNG. . . Lab hTATER ADOED-GALS PLANT_lL_ cEMENT coNrENr..5* Sk. pcv i/un SL UMP. I .r0B LAB AIR JOB T EMP oF oF .5?ot oF 1 JOB S I TE \ .5- )/4n 3/4" -#t+ it4 sPEc I MEN NUMBER 119-2 L9-7 20-7 21-14 22-28 2?28 24-OPT OATE TESTEO L2/2/74 12/2/74 L2/ 9/74 12/23/74 12/2t/?4 L2/23/74 NUMBT,R OF OAY S CUREO 14 28 28 28 otMENSIONS, TNCHES s ro. cYL | ruDER=6r,X12rr std std std std std std SP€CI MEN .h'E I GHT,POUNOS 28.O7 28.O??7.95 27.94 27.92 27.93 BSSD oeNSI TY, PCF L+<.>L42.9 142.4 L42.1 L42.2 ].42.3 AREA OF CYL t NOER, INE srD. cYr-INDER=28.2? t r.r2 ?.8,27 28.27 28.27 28.27 28.27 28.27, TO TAL TEST LOAO, POUNOS 75ooo 58000 85500 10400o 105000 104500 c0MPResst vE STRENGTHTPS I cooo 20r2 3024 3679 1750 3696 SPECI F I Eo STReNGTH.FSI fo00 1000 ]000 f00o 5000 IOOO TYPE OF FRACTUR€: '| ) otncor.rlL sHEAR 2 ) .corue3) vER r I cAt- sPt- r r 1 I 1 I I 1 EMARKS 4ttl/.,t AMpLEo ev J._,Iork rEsrED gv J. Iork s T,a J4\rNEu I t \/ SAMPL Eo FoRM C-l F|EEUEST VAIL DATE tli Nov 5le74 rNspE4roru JOB CAL n ornen MON COMMENTS: f] pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRr i.l-, i. ," , :AIVI-PM [fnee RovED ! orsnppRovED E nrrNSPEcr IJ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS rl onre . i, '1r.., '-'t' , ,, i i'.........::- INSPECTOR r' ! Yl t Novaber 1, Lg74 !|r. talt€r Klrah $eaquet Club CondomlnlungP. O. Bot lO88Yal.l, Colorrdo D€at faltcr: In eugrer to your lettcr of Oetobot 24, lg?{ regrrdlng the ap-pllort{on f,or e oondltloDal uaG pcrnlt tor your club Louse, lbe.Town Councll bes deteralaed thrt tbe propoeild usa wlll be ion-prtlblo-lrttb tbs eurroundllg Brss aad rrll0che coasldered rera tcoecaory uoc provlded tbat tt le prlnclpally a privete olub. Plorre congider tble lstt€r la a uao pornlt to allos tho propoacdalub hquso, leetaurant and ber. rf you brve turther questlone or lf r oan bc of eealetance, prelec'do aot bcaltatc to crll. Thsax'i tor your patlenee. Youre truly, DEPTNTUE}{T OF COITIIUNITY DBYEIOPXENT Dirnr 8. ToughtllZollng Admlnlatntor f -- F(o l'- o = N ol 6lN ulz o- IJJ trF IC IJJ zlu N oo (E J j a d d) L! tru- Fao(! I 24 October L974 Ms. Diana S. Toughill Zoning Administrator Town of Vail Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Diana: I am writing in regard to our application for a Conditional Use Permit for a restaurant and bar in the Club Building at the Vail Racquet Club Condominiums Sub- division. As you know we aren't interested in the IegaI ramifications of how the Town handles the matter' but I would like to see the issue resolved promptly, rather than dragging-it-out for several months. Best regards, il"h24 Walter Kirch RACOUET CLUB CONDOIINIUMS 4OO hdbq d(ecdocb ryrEs @br.do'00917 303.506 .b47 031 sorh fronoc roodo o bo( 1q4 - wa.drocb.01657 303.{r5.0297 goNcREtF tFLp rFST ^NpCOMPRESSIVE STRENGTH REPORT r.A B No 119-1-( 1-&) CONCRETE NO POTTO MlX coNrRAcroR -llall Sacquet Cfub pRo..rEcr Val1 Racouet Club Condonlnlumr rRUcK No B6h rrcKEl rye V2904- rr ME Mr xeo![rna r vef!["r-rcid:00- tN srRucrupg Foundatlon ra1l bulldla8 #7. aton rven(E LOCAT I ON OF PLACEMEN T Q, g f cu YDs PLAcED ...8/t+z cu Yos IVA TTR CON TE NT. wareh-ceueNr... ADMIXTURE OATE OF TEST... TIME OF TEST... .La/29/74 .4:ooTRUoK LoAotNG...6 cu YDs cALC I UM CHL OR I OE M I X NUMEER SPECIFICATIONS., OE S I GNEO 8Y..... eat/ to RATI O AEA oz/to SLUMP I NCHES 'r t. ^. ::FRESH CONC. WT.. r+w.,/ PcF ENT. A fR coNTEN ,?'a % r'ab 'SAMPLE CUR I NG IVATER ADOEO.GALS 'IN*'10 .JOB SITE ceMENr coNrENr.. S* sir. pgv CDARSE AGGREGATE-- FCV 'i/4n -f\ i4FINE AGGREGATE. Al-r tenp. D l' ',/ : ft, tl 5!-6F- SPEcTMEN NUMBER 119-1 L-7 1-16 >28 4-Orry OATE TESTED tL/r/74 LL/25/74 LL/26/74 !t/26/74 NUMET.R OF OAYS CURED )q[ 28 xr a8 ?8 otMeNstoNs, tNcHEs STo. CYLINDER=6rrXl2x std std std std SPEC IMEN VYE I GHT,POUNDS 27 1CJ. )L 28.Of 28.20 BSSO DENS I TY ' PCF L+a. A L44,2 142.8 L43.7 AREA OF CYL l NOER, INA srD. cYL I NDER=28,2? tNe 10 .1-/28.27 28.27 ?,8.27 TOTAL TEST LOAD'POUNDS 7l+l+OO 108000 104000 108000 COMPRESEI VE STRENGTH,PS I ac )L 3820 )o (t 3820 SPECIF I EO STRENGTX.PSI f000 3000 ]000 1000 QF'drlrrr TYPE OF FRACTURE: 1) otAGoNAL sHEAR 2 ) cone 3) vERrrcAr- sPr-tr 1 I I I - --v;_t V I iul111S t5 REMARKS SAupr-Eo sv G. ilanzari FORM C-l rE s reo ev G.S IGNEO County, Coto- ,o*r^r{!,;;ur*? ^-, fl* '-1 . /-<' "+_ 'r"Y COI/PRFSSIVF STRTNGTH RfPORT CLIENT r.rO llq-l- r.AB No 119-i-(1.-+) coNcRE rE No Portc iiix coNrRAcroR Vail Racquet Ciub pRo,rEcr Vail Racr;uet Cl-ub ConCorrlni.urs rRUcK ruo Cit rrcKEr No v290{ T I ME M t xeo Li2l-nnn t ved:.iO_plrcedj!9_ LocAT loN oF PLAcEMENT t N srRUclupg Foun:latlon wail builtiing ;,i/. 4Oi hd(bo( doce c@(6oo prr€s cotrodo . 00ql7 303 . 5po .1547 soil 10.11 so.rh frmtae road u,,esrp o box 1Qt4 voa'cddado.0t657 303 . 475 -0297 foundation Sngineering(t f F'.. CU YDS PLACEO. . .cu Yos oArE oF rESr.. ..rc/zY/'i4t, ..,, ',r.r" t. l't00T.RUCX LOAOING...(.) CU YOS TIME DF TEST....+;\ WATER CONTENT... - WATER.CEMENT... AOMIXTURE.. CALC I UM CHLOR I DE M IX NUM BER SPECIFICATIONS.. DE S IGNED 8Y..... -)GAL/LD SLUMP .....=-tNCHES RATto FREsH coNc. wr..-*u./ pCF AEA ENr. A rR coNrg"ti.o gAEA ENr. AtR coNttnri.v /4 oz/vo sAMPLE cuR r NG. , . Lab. dl wArER Aooeo-cALs Praruri! '-1ceMENT coNTENT" '; r>i'lc PQY coARsE AGGREGATE- PcY :/4" FINE AGGREGATE.. - PCY Air tenrp. 54"f JOB SI TE 1 .5-3/4" 3/ 4t _94 t4 SPEctMEN NUMBER 119-1 1-J OATE TESTEO L\/i/? 4. NUMET.R OF OAYS CURET)7 14 ao oIMENStONS, TNCHES sTo. cYLINoEn=6[X12tr std sPECI MEN rVE I GHTTPOUNOS ?7.9') ESSD oerus I rY, PCF AREA OF CYLtNOER, tN2 srD. cYL t NDER=28.2? tN2 10.1/ TOTAL TEST LDAD,POUNDS 7|+LOO DT COMPR€SS I VE STRENGTH,PS I t'--t \' -_U SPECIF l ED STRENGTH,FS I 1000 NOV 2 14 1Q7/ TYP€ OF FRACTURE:l) orAcoNAL sHeAR2) coNE 3, vERrtcAt- sPLtr l- Oept.0f , Eagts ;irning & Dcvel. lounty, Colo. RdMAR K S SAMpLED By G. Manzari FoRM C-l rEsrED sy G. i.lanzarl SIGNEO t- (o F. o J s2 (\l I uJzoI uJJ uJ gI z UJo t- (o j d x o ul trlt Fo I 22 Octobex 1974 Mr. Les Douglas Eagle County Building Inspector Eagle County Dept. of Planning and Delvpt. Post office Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631- Dear Les: Per our telephone conversation of Monday, October 2lt L974, I advised our concrete contractor that you would be here to make a footing inspection on buil-ding #8 and a foundation inspection on building *7 at 10:00 A. M. Octobex 22, L974. Based on this information he scheduled his pour for 11 :00 A. M. When you did not arrive by IJ.:00 A. M., I told the concrete contractor to hold up until 12:00 P. M. and I called your office. Your secretary told me you were in VaiI, but that she did not know your exact location. Since we had a concrete Pump from Denver and two truck loads of concrete waiting, I ad.vised the concrete contractor to go ahead at noon. I had then hold a section of the footing oPen until 4:00 P. M. so you could see the steel if you arrived and parts of the walI could have been inspected until 4:00 P. M. I also took photographs of the steel in both the waLls and the footing which we will make available to you. I do not like to work this wayl but under the circumstances I did not know what else to do. Best regards, ilAz*? Walter Kirch REC:i\Ii:D gCT z a tg74 Depi. Li llrri ,,.i .' ' rlll. fagle Couniy' cqlq *$h. NF)\: I\l;. r\t ti l -;Fl n\i 3JFil E;)l t F lElc E Elu G 2o F oo zo F uJFJ o u,lJ-z Gco !J (E cDF z C,z J tto o2 { rrf..\ ul E 2oo 2o IJcc llo u,F o l U t TJ d ,$\) s u,l =z o l<oro &o!,ulcoo E 0 t) 1 \1 -r o vt\s l{, TJ E z AF) o F €oj t F(, p G othulEoo J a E o. a oc,rl 4 r<l 8j t)\ $ F (, C'2 J E Y ao Nl FoJ 2oo o ; (, tt ul o C) o Efolco (Jz o- ()t .i GI : = 2o F(,t CEFo =IJ ttoglc ; 1 c ! 3 Y ctoI t!o 2o t-otoa !,1o tFi 833o(,o ilE an82?2 o zaz F'l< E5gon Ez9 gFA o {H o (c ie*{ trr vo ||,1 (, z Jo o uJ G l|J o(,z uJoz 3E 9F E ul G ooJIL u,l G{ FoJ J F F lllc o Jtt J F F n 2ut Eulo u,l ! ,: =tr=ulolreO -Z-=oE'I!-r--f E o Q Fo c F.z FIz ho \r+ I EIPirgltio.DoEloE i;;ebtsxv eEeE{ o za F:EH Eae;EEiSFe<cSittE<!l,r E t z X >.ql E P + E =G ur J c4 voqr o 2 c 29^ KH =qd64(J o ur!tul oz ll,(J2 3E u,Fzl! =utra ul Itl G oJ FoF u,lE Goo'J IL J FoF c\ a =J II t r ,.' ;l ! E tr lrl o o 2 I o Jf o lre, - -et I i I U'x. ofG C, =YE n- FQ tttto d $ * s C'z o =)o tt !t 3 utG 6.oz Fo Go \zo F I)Gd tto uJF o G| It zo ?at6 E-,A- Xr Yloyo_tn =o C' =o 2oq3 EOF!E2t! =>xo =2bfurtAC'iE .ol rl' 'z), cLEAlluP 0t l'05 l T RE-f'UllU ( ttl t.Ltwtt144, Dat c 0ata Re f undcd ,ProJect Cont roct Dopos.lt Addrcss rjau- k or Pa id by Amount' Ro f un d/Date /oo Author ized 'for a Fa Fz (.) lrlz > F z F F z o kl F =UJ J cc out o 2 J z KH fr! lu IE z UJ z s z IJJ IJJ ql F IJJE J ul !c F a F uJ (r J J ! ,E =r= lrl olroO =,2 =qf- t- l E a z ,l z rd =.l ffi'<Qz 8zE FFV<9ot4z5q>*=9 <O 9o{ Fr'r<a> *<on r(< F NOrrvnlvn E = z t llJo J IJJz IJJ t-l-a<>9.' \l!N ul zo: zo Fqqd6 2ttA> -z*< >U - c,i F. Fz z ' ) F z 3H:Hi<F1<: IL>F.F -<Q.n9 < l. 9 z FIE'<9-<P.-^!5;iiu5o9Eo\z* <3i<ozo =zZ-')E9<45tFaooA <c,<Qtazt>r5iic0::y=;<u < H=9iE- i -. < q O> -./)<oi]a.e l<tr<3J E EE J- z z <g iuJ o IJJ zl 2g E Fz ll, Eul ut - IIJ G Jrl uJ tc F : F F qr .E E aF F t Er lrl o o z -oJ -l o -l< lre =, =ot- ! ! t / I a NOtl'VnlVA .-.!+ t4 \tLN zc.: 9 z F9qi6 qo ;> -z:< >o -(\i ,-- ,$ Kirch-Utter Devel.opment CornpanyP. 0. Box L937 Vai1, Colorado 81657 subject' j#l*lilh5flii-eiffi:'; and 8, and swinming pool(]}lii,*;:;i:'.:ilF, co,.oradoProject 14163 GentLenen: As reques-tgd by Mr. lrral.ter Kirch, we observed backhoe test pitsat the. sub j-ect site . on september 24 , rg7 4. samples rvere taicent-rorn.these holes, visually inspected and subjected to laboratorytesting. In the building qTgas_, a layer of fill r to z.s feet deep apparentlyoverlies 2 to 3-t/2 feet of topsoil and compressible siliy i6irswhich are, in lrirn, underlain Ly sand and giaveL to the nixinumdepths explored. The existing fi11, topsoil and conpressible si.1ty soils shou1d berenoved from footing lines exposing the sand and-gravel strata.Footings_designed for an allowable-soi1 bearing piessure of.3,000 psf T?Lbe placed on the sands and gravels. If it-i-s desired, granular !1f1-inf/ be placed on the sand ind gravel to the footing lriaeThe fill should be compacted to at least 95 percent of maiinurnStandard Proctor Densiiy and should extend 1iteral1y a distancefron the footing equal to the depth of fill. Footiirgs placed onthis filL may be designed for an allowable soil. bearing- pressureof 3,000 psf. Grass and deleterious naterials should be rernoved from fi1Ls sup..po-rting-floor slabs and all fill compacted to at least 95 percentof Standard Proctor Density. The swimming pool nay be constructed by conventional methods.No adverse conditions exist at the prolosed area of the swinmingpool. ZEFE COGCSTNIO A!\trD SEALV, !NC. and geologic engineers ,l d,on]^,ar ,o.tir'raAa of\aaC lE^l -l\.a.oo filr ocT 2 21974 October 14, Lg74 I -j-/V:4' \ / { " , t' 'c. consulting soil 1.r,1!rf rsr 7-c,l -n-v.o If you have any questions, orplease,contact our office. Respectfully submltted, ZEFF, C0G0RN0 AND SEAIY, rNC. REGISTERED ENGINEERS lf we can be of further servico, By GClss 3 copies sent J. - I l^.+rz , ( ueorge uogorno, Vice President NOTE TO:Lamont FROM: RE:nant + ban - Vail Racquet Club If the nestaunant and baF included in the pnoject can pnoceed with the ctton fon as long as the If the plans wene not appn by the County, then the Howeven, since the pnoj was we[[ unden way before , and Gene suggests a t I i.nteronetation of Section NOTE TO: James F. Lamont, Dinecton of Depantment oF Community Planning FROM: Gene A. Smith, Town Attonney DATE: Octoben 11, ''1974 Restaunant and ban pnoposed in Vait Racquet Club SUBJECT: ZoningOndinance 1. You infonmed me that the Vait Racquet Club, a devetopment in pnogness in the Bighonn anea which was annexed to the Town efFe ctive 9-11-1974, will be in a MDMF zoning distnict aften zoning is imposed on said anea, that being schedul.ed to occun by 12-12-1974 (within 90 days aften the annexation). A nestaunant and ban is pnoposed fon the pnoject by the developen. You have inquined as to the applicabitity of the Zoning Ondinance to the pnoposed nestaunant and ban. 2. In the event the pnoposed nestaunant and ban ane in the' p noject plarrs which wene appnoved $z Eagte County, I think it is pnobable that the developen can construct them, pnovided he does so within a neasonable time and white the county buitding penmit has efFicacy, negand- less of the zoning that the Town wil[ impose on the anea i.n which the pnoject is situated . 3. If the pnoposed nestaunant and ban wene not pnevious ly appnoved by Eagte C ounty pnion to the annexation, the Town shor.r ld have the authonity ard junisdiction to contnol that aspect of this pnoject, at least to some extent, thene being some limit unden the existing cincurnstances on the Town's control oven a pnoject. commenced pnlon to annexatlon and being welt-underway pnion theneto. 4. Section 5.4OO oF the Zoning Ondinance pnovides that rrThe following accessony uses shall be penmitted: (1) . . . necFeational Facit- ities incidental to penmitted residential uses." A deve topment which is p nirnanity a tennis club is pnobab ly not a penmi.tted on conditional use RE: ,/ o penmitLed in a MDMF zoning distnict. HoWeven, my impnession oF the Vail Racquet Club is that it is not a tennis club but nathen a condominium development which l.ras tennis facitities. Assuming my impnession ts connect, the VRC is a nesidentia t.deve topment having necneational arr€nities in the fonm oFtennis facilities, and on that basis the pnoject is within the punview of the afonesaid section oF the zo. It would then foltow that ancillany aspects of the extsting necnea- tionat faciti.ties of this project might be altowed by Section 5.4OO. In the event the proposed nestaunant and ban ane considened to be ancitlany aspects of the tennis facilities, they would thus be allowed. I think it is somewhat questionabte to considen that a nestaunant and ban ane ancillany aspects of the usuaI tennis facilities oF a nesidential develop- ment. on the othen hrand, a nestaunant and ban ane typical aspectg oF most tennis ctubs. A libenal intenpnetation of sectlon 5.4oo would penmit the inclusion oF a nestaunant and ban in the VRC pnoject on the theony that such facilities ane a usual aspect of othen necneational facilities of that type of t'nesidential-tennis clubtt development. In view of the somewhat timited contnol which the Town has oven the VRC pnoject as indicated above, t suggest that it is pnobably appnopntate to accond a tibenat intenpnetation to Section 5.4OO with nespect to that development. L "'n'o'nj':'::*,""1i.'j'*ifoli",,"to" ,,r o"p".rL'i oi cr.i:r'r,rxr'lirrl(a,,.,,* , , Ge-ntr A. Sirnitl'r, -l-own /'rttot^nt:y oitober' 11, 19'/4 Re:t:rurant arrd bar pr-oposecj irt Vail J;';la;qugt; (l ir'rl) Z onin3 C)rdinarrce 1. YorJ inforrnecJ n-ra tl'k"t the Vai[ Raccluet Ctub' a development: in pnogress irr tlre Bigl'rorn are;i vr'l-rich *ug '€ a-,.will be irr a - dis;trict ''ft"r- ilIlFl ot't salcl area, thai being schecjurted .to occun by flfr (v"lihin 90 ciaysj aften the annexation)' A restaurant and ban is . by the clevelopen' You l'rave inquired as to the Ondinance to tl-re proposecJ restaurant ancj ban' 2. In the event the pnoposed nestaunant and ban are in the' I thinl< it is Pr:obable tf,.t tf,e- developen can constnLlct thern., pnovided he does so within reasonable time and while the county building Penrnit l.}as elficacy' r'egarcl-- less of the zoning that the Town will impose on the area in which the project is s ituated 3. If the pnoposed restaurant and ban wene not previous [y approved by Eagte County pnior to the annexation' the -fown should have the authonity ard jurisdiction to contnol. tt'iat asPect oF this pnoject' at least to sorrle.extent, thene being sorne limit under the existing Gircurnstances on the Town's control oven a pnoject'commenced prion to annexation and being well-underway prten theheto' ides tl-rat rrThe 4. Section lrrdjCc,-t',uyr of arpglo{2l'1'Lt( '^ i#;'*.3i''i;ii." '" ,/ Q!l;15 ',:t? t-o; Ff]OM: DA]'[:: RE: SUP,JEC-t-: propo-sed For the Pr'oject applicabi tttY oF the Zontng foltowingaccessor.yusesshallbepenmitteo.6r1'..Gt A deve loPment which [s :. l-lowever, ff\Y ' I C /7,1 t rrrclr'o s s: \oi\ tJf MOM;= z-onirrg cl is;trict' the P,ssutr'ring fnY ;":. :;" otlrer r-r;rnd' a nestaurant and bar are t"ot"ul .-4 rrrost terrr'ris clubs ' A 'F EF .est on the '":::^:::'lj*"*' develoPrnent' I ALrG 1:; ,97 It | 4t(\t1 c.:Rr rlll rulrqlr & .ToRDpN pcrnri*ed in a identia t' dewe loPment having lmpression is correct ' the VRC is a res recreational ernrerritit:s in tfrer f'orrn of terrnis Facilitiers' :::-::" ",, -"..ecreattonal cr.v"'-'- r ' noFthe basis the Proiecl- is vzithin the punview of th'e afore:;irid sectto 7-o. lt wor"rlct therr follow that anciltary i'rspects ()F tlre exigting recrea' tiorErlfacilitieso|.thisprojectmighto"#:'".., the event the proposed restaurant and ban ane considered to be ancillary aspects of the tennis tacilities ' they would thtt s be allowed ' I think it is somewhat quegtionable to consider that'a restaurant ard ban are ancilla.y aspects of the tJSual tennis facilities or a resicJentt"t o-l:'-:- t ancl bar are tyPical asPectg of' F1||Ft119li t\'rvr'v- ,_ ^.r_.^ r_occeational theory that surch facitities are a usual aspect of- oih3:- i-oc'ear faci tities of that type 'sf t'r^esidential-tennis clubtr deve toprne'nt ' ln view of the sorr€what limited control which the Town has oven the VRC p"o).:t as indicated above' ' t"'j=.:::at it is probabtv appnopniate to accond a liberal intenPretation to SLcttqn 5'4oo with resPect to that t3 F o ! = t\l6l <\l o ulz - ulJlu E uJ zluo o .E) j qt (o t! trt! ao(t- I September 30, L974 Town of VailOffice of The Town Manager Post Office Box 100Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Building permits 102 and 103 issued by Eagle County for build-ings 7 and 8 at Vail Racquet Clrrb Condominiums Subdivision. Gentlemen: Building permits 102 and 103 were issueq by Eagle Countyearlier this year for buildings 7 and 8 at Vail Racquet CIub Condomj-niums Subdivision. We were advised by the County thatthese permits would be voided on October I, 1974 because construction work had not begun. This was based on a misapprehension of the facts. We did in fact begin construction well within the requiredperiod on both buildings. The sites were cleared of willow trees,construction debris and org:anic soils during the months of June,July and August L974. Engineering work was performed during the month of July 1974 and the foundations v.rere staked out on August 8,L974. Throughout the summer of L974, fill dirt was purchased andplaced on the sites as it became available. In addition to theon-site work, the normal construction planni-ng activities includingarchitectural plans and arrangements for construction financing have taken p1ace. For this reason we have apprised the County that we will pro- ceed uncier these permits. (a copy of our letter to the County i.s enclosed. ) We would be seriously damaged if these permits were nothonored and must resist any attempt to void them. The County's position apparently is that it will not perform in-spections, although j-ogical1y it seems to us that it should followthrough on permj-ts previously issued. Page Two As you know, we have indicated our desire to work with the Town of Vail, and that wiLl continue. We will be quite willing to meet with your representatives and those of the County to work out an acceptable method of proceeding. Because of weather problems and other commitments we must continue with our construction. Best regards t Walter Kirch cc: Mr. Daniel F. Kaprinikar, Chairman Eagle County Board of Comnrissioners Mr. Claude L. Gerard, Conmissioner Eagle County Board of Commissioners Mr. Alfred Orlosky, Commissioner Eagle County Board of CommissionersMr. Hugh Warder. Attorney for the County Mr. Lester Douglas Eagle County Building Inspector ), au sEP2?147't Town of EI,ECTRICAL Vait PERMIT N9 56 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee Date Received I'Jer+ \co 0..?-{.mo.} $....!.o-.?-.,...9-e-.. $.........?..6.,..o..o... $..... Plan Checker 8y .... J4k Gr."1a--a.o*r HTS FORM IS TO BE FOSTED 01{ .,OB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION 2' HOURII ADVANCE NOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS .rou N".".. 1iZe.(6.:r .-C."* G.LqB..La-) 'L*n-.'4.t-*-- Elecrrical contractor.....[J. g!$-....Rs3-..T!9.!s APPROVALS J-1.9-.,..9-e.. \.l a. r. t|orartl to., oarvrl lortil rarsT lmn box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 September 25, L974 Board of County Cormissioners of Eagle County Eagle County Courthouse Codicil Eagle, Colorado 81651 Attention: Chairman Eagle County Building BuildingsTandSof office of the town manager for Racquet Club, Permi ts the Vail vail. colorado Gentlemen: It is the understanding of the Town of Vail, Coloraclo, that building permits issued by Eagle County to the Vail Racquet Club for build'ings 7 and 8 expired on Septernber L, L974, and that the developer had not corrnenced construction of said buildings prior to said date' but that the developer has requested from you extensions of the expired permits. 0n the advice of its legal counsel , the Town takes the position that Eagle County no longer has iurisoiction or authority to extend the expired permits under the foregoing circumstances because the site of the above project is in a portion of the Bighorn area, which was annexed by the Town and was within the corporate limits of the muni- cipality as of September 11 , L974, the effective date of the annexa- t'ion. Consequently, the Town requests that the Board of County Cormissioners deny the extension request of the Vail Racquet Club' for the Town will not recognize the validity of the permits if exten- sions are granted. Generally, the Town considers that Eagle County should not grant an extension for any outstanding building permit after September 11 , L974' except for a development which was legitimately being constructed prior to that date and is a continu'ing development, and that it should Board of County Cormissioners of Eagle County September 25, L974 Page 2 consult with the Town with respect to any request for an extension which is made hereafter before deciding the request. Your timely written acknowledgement hereof is requeste<|. Si ncere'ly, TO}IN OF VAIL DEPARTIVIENT OF C TY DEVEL0P|''IENT HAND-DELIVEREU ON THIS DATE JFL/rum o,url,,u""l';,?H',i ftTli' ouu Orn u", COUIiTII@USE' ;t.O. 0ox 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 September 2i'- Lg74 Waltor Ktrch - Jay Utter Ifox 1008 VaIl, Colorado 8185? Re: our phone conversatton of 9-23-?4 on Butldlng Permlts 101, lO2, and 103 As permlts explred the flret of September 19?4, and the Vall Annexatlon was effectlve on September 11, 19?4, and no work was started on thls date, Eagle County bEs no authorlty to extend bulldlng permits after September l1t L974. Slncerely Leeter L. Douglas Bulldtng Offtclal LID./ac cc: County Attorney Vall Bulldlng Department Phone 328-6338 oa q -rs--tq-?'f \- - | ey6/ ,U---' tf;t Ea4*r.r*-4.'!* #--; 't qe+vu" t1 -'r-*-q.{ 1"fu_t- Fcc l,t=--C. L ^qrn 4*tA*-ffiP L&,:4 Anl ^Lb^t { A Bc-C -,a- -^'** 'n-e<pula-1-- r - l,*,- I ri, -lnl rtnffiffiL !ffi* 1. T; {";,1 Ie"--,.-*- cp*L trffi "4MfuL;t r;,u L^-** WU* '-.4-{c&.e34,-' 7*--ra/ '"ELt 6-- J4-. -+4 "ffi I r&., ,a DEPARTM Jay Utter and Walter Klrch Box 1088 Vall, Colorado 81657 EAGLE COUNTY OF PLANNING AND COURTHOUSE P. O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 8t631 20 Septernber 1974 I ENT valfdabd on 25 February 1974. Bullding Besolutlon dated Sgpteitrbof 'tq.1973, Scctlon 1O, $ubedctlon,(4)a, statca, co'frstructlon le to be etartqfl wlthh (6) elx,rrpnths frorri lgspan"ce of thePermlt.. The above mentloned Permlts wlll be volded on October '1 , 'lg74t ag no actlon has been effected elnce Permlts were lssued. Futurere-schedullngof permltswlll b€handledthroughtheTownof Vall, foryour area. Slncerely, Leeter L. Douglas Bulldlng Offlclal LLD/Kt DESIGN RIVIEi.l BOARD DATE 0F I'tttTING: September 19, 1974 I'IEI.IBERS PRESTNT:Ruoff, BilI Abbott, Dudley Hanlon, 8111 Parker, Lou ACTION TAKEII BY 9!A-8!.: fi-rezptt ^orr@-4rLt/zVOTE: EOR:no(rrKrl u) APPROV ED: DISAPPROVED: SUMMARY: //d1 -4-. 92a,,,>'.-l -ZL /z( ,-pp I l can[ ''.i''e,4:F' ricTic[ 0F PUItLI[ ilt-Ai'r'Ii'l& t;0TI{.1- iS iit-lt;-,1Y iiIViji.i TilAi ilalter i(irch arrC .]ay.rltter {Vai I i{acquet ciuu] irave 'Ipl:l"ii'ra f;; ; ;;-Jitionat use permtf in accordance witlt iiriicle lil, Sr:cticn ii;.t3C-ui Ur,itnance il;:'3'(series of 1973) in order vo ;)€,..,ri.L an sccrssory'""ituu"unt and Oar in-u'Ue.rtu* density ifultipie- ian:j.iy Zone. Sur:u,.i"i,ri'ii-ir-iii--ii iolatec on L't ?, t/ail Racquet l,luii Condorilitriu;,t SubJivis'icn. 5epi:ani-rer 17, iiiTr' ;\ t'fitlic t{earfng utll be ileld tn li r(1 zorl i n9 0rri i nance on ldurilcipal-iiuildlng. Salldurilcipal iiuildtng. Satd i,;re Torm of Va'l'l Flanning Csn*ission and Town of Vail forthe Tovn Council for the I !r7 4. Tufiir 0F llAlL l{ena S. Toughlll ,l:rin; Acln:"l,'l j strittcl' f"*biisnexl in the Vail TratI on Septenber 7A, 1971. 21.400 of ttc Va{l heand before transrnltterl to on October 15' a, / Application Hear Ing Date Flnat Declsion date {or Town Councl I ,( | ( we ) a,7-(Slate) (Ciry) dc hereby request permission to appear before the Commi ss ion to request the fo I low ing: ( ) Variance trom Rrticle-, Section( ) Zon ing Change f .o._to_( ) Parki ng Variance()<) Conditionaf use Permlt to a ltor-lfiLct'ou.nrto-/ Bon 2r rnl/7, t\f({p APPL ICAT ION FOR VAR IANCE And/Or COND I T IONAL USE PERI,l I T Ordlnance tlo. B (Series of l97l) Dafe />' 'Publication 0ate 7-'1a '/'' pnon!.-47L5.!/g Vail Planning I of in Fl ll ng C lea r ly l,l umb e r state For the f ol lovring described property , to+/+ru"{-/--, Blocl/!=a!. J' of this applicaf ion (//c- /Our/o.tz.- 'Je'/A purPose and inten;t / uhat do you feel is the basis for hardship in thit "u..{jfr4-- //-/?e- (Appl i ca n t ) 4/o 14,7P.(Address) 7 '4, ,,re.z/ iz tazz4 c,aJeJ:, .,2 v ./.-'/. : S ignal ure of AppI .-,..,-- .,,|-.-**- oNNN lt,I APFL,CATIoN FoR vARIANCE And/Or CONO I T IONAL U5E PERI'I I T 0rd I nanco tto. I ( Sorl es of | 975) X App I lcatlon Date-2- Hea r I ng Date / c'' F1161 Declsion date {or Town Councl I VI (we ) Publ lcat lon oa+e 7-2a'7{ ,\ of ? e/"Grrl{i , %,2,;:, 'nond ( ) Zoning Change {ron-- ( ) Parkl ng Variance'(X) Conditional Use Permit to dc hereby rcquest permission to appear before the Val I Plannlng Commlssion to request the fol lowing: ( ) Varlance f rom Arf lcle-r.Sec'tlon , r t^- ! ^^ l^h-h^a { Farr.r tO on" Jffip z^le;\ r2' For the f ol lowi ng descr lbed property: Lot/tra cry--' Blocl'JAl Flllng al Bo ln H umue f 4y'a,//o,/?o,<Ll' (Addross) touf Rertar.p,, t-g2 do vou feef ls the basis {or hardshlp in th i' ";,tr-{' fl4-' '4./'7. !- 5 i gnat ure ol A-pp I i cant q ,ae./n/ tiz ta*e-c,a.Ie.f , "'/ I 30 ira;rii;ng County, -<o Ja z o uJzo GllJ ltF tclu z IIJo F F j @ o IJJ E o Fq,o I RECiIY:N SIP ,&0t. 0i f,agle 1974 & uirvcl Colo. l4r. Lester Douglas Eagle County Departmentof Planning and DeveLopmentPost Office Box 789Eagler Colorado 81631 RE: Building permits 102 andbuildings 7 and 8 at Vail divsion. Dear Mr. Douglas: By letter dated September above permits would be voided construction had not begun as Resolution. September l, L974 103 issued by Eagle County for Racquet Club Condominiums Sub- 20, 1974, you advised us that the on October l, 1974 on the basis thatrequired under the County Building As we have since advised you, we had begun construction wellwithin the required period on both buildings. Work done included cJ.earing the sites of willow trees and construction debrisr E€- moval of organic soils, engineering and stakeout, soils tests,placement of fill- and excavation. In addition we have, of course, done the necessary planning work including architectural plane and arrangements for constructionfinancing. We are advised that since this property hag now been annexedto the Town of Vai1, the County will not perform inspections evenunder permits issued prior to the annexation. This would appearto be somewhat illogical since the County requirements would seemapplicable, and it has received the fees. We would hope that aprocedure can be worked out to cover this. In any case we believethat the permits issued are clearly valid and effective and we will proceed thereunder. We will resist any attempt to invalid,ate thepermits since we would suffer very considerable damage now if we could not proceed. Page Trro We hope that no action on our part wiIJ. be necessary. Best regards, 1/4.2*! Walter Kirch cc: Mr. Daniel F. Kaprinikar, Chairman Eagle County Board of CornmissionersMr. claude L. Gerard, CommiEsioner Eagl-e County Board of Commisgioners Mr. Alfred Orlosky, Comrnissioner Eagle County Board, of ColrunissionersMr. Hugh Warder, County Attorney Town of Vail, Office of the Tsrdtn llanager N". 23962 o County $k 243 Ittasurer's Offtcg Eagle County, Colorado teza Account of LLARS ft, /fi &) 3"t'd. 4 il rR 1 Cash Book Page- , Treasurer Eagle, Colorado, J-4--.-4: Eprpiupr) 44, Deputy YHE C, F, HOECI(EL CO.. OENVER (T I) . BUITDING DIYISION OF '' EAGrE COUNW; P.O. BOX 7l' couRTHousE, EAGLE, CO.-PH. (303) 32S.6339 BUILDING PERMIT ts 7( pEaMrr No.P. O. Box 1088 0101o^re ________1!-_=g_ leelrcnlr .lay I lllar - Wallcr Kireh AooREss (-) sroRY NO. ( NO.)(STREET' NUMBER OF OWELL IXG UNITS (coNrR's LrcENSE) 16 Two Bdr. ( PROPOSED I'SE)ITYPE OF IMPFOVEME NT) : ILo o!r dz EoL ZON ING AT ( LOCAT ION)0 tsTR rcT BET*EEN Se 1,/4 Section, 12, T5S, REOW o*o (cRoss STREET) sugorvrsroN Vai I Racouet Club Condominiumqor- BLoc* - !?J. BUILDING IS TO BE -FI, WIOE BY- FT. LONG BY FT. IN HEIGHT ANO SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION TO TYPE USE GROUP SASEMENT WALLS OR F OUNDAT ION REMARKS: 7f /7/ AREA OR VOL UME ESTMATED cosr $-2lgj0Q0- FEEt't $(CU8IC/SOUARE FE ET) ownea Jay Utter - Walter Kirch 19spgs5 Rn- 'IOFR, Vai | , (1.tlnra.{.! 81657 BUILOING DEPT (Aftidovif on ?evirr ridc of qpplicclion lo bo compleled by outhorized cgent of owncr) Bldg. #8 Jurisdiction of BUTLDIRIG PERMTT APPLrcfr ,oN Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. :L Vai I Racquet Club Condo. P. O. Box 1088, 495 Aspen Lane; Vai l, Colorado TRACT I OW, of the 6th P.M tf- 1se: arracx eo sxeerlEagle County, ColoradoE 1,/4 Section owN EF MA|L AOORESS ZIP PXONE 2 Jay M. Utter -, Walter Kirch, P. O. Box 1088, Vai l, Colorado 81657 476-5733 3 s"-"Same Same ARCHTTECT OR DE5ICNER MAI! ADORESS PHONE LICENSE NO. 4 Robert C. Huston, 6015 W. 1st Ave. Denver, Colorado 238-4024 s Kal Zeff u,td Assoc i ates . MA LL AODRESS PHONE 136 Lipan St. Ddnver', Colorado LtcENSE tO, LEN O ER MAIL ADDRESS'6 Unit"d Bank of Denver, P. O. Box 5g4g, Denver, Colorado United Bank Center USE OF EU ILDIN C7 Condominiums 8 ClassofworK: ENCW trAOOITION trALTERATION trREPAIR !MOVE fI REMOVE Describe work:16 two bedroom un its l0 Change of use from PERMIT FEE^ ?-f [. I ?I I Valuation of work: $ 219 , gPg SPECIAL CONOITIONS: Size ot Bldg. (Total) 5q. Ft. Flre Sprlnklers Required flyge [NqAPPLICATION ACCEPTED BY:PLANS CHECKED BY APPROVED FOF ISSUANCE 8Y OFFSTREET PARKI NG SPACES:No. of Dwelling Unlts N OTIC E SEPARATE PERMITS ARE BEOUIREO FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT EECOMES NULL ANO VOID IF WORK OR CONSTHUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTHUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- I\4ENCE D.I HEREBY CERTIFV THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. 5ICNA'TURE OF CON TR FIRE DEPT. SOIL REPORT oTHER (Sp€clfy) WHEN PFOPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK. M.O. FoTm IOO.1 9.69 iEoFoEII FFoM: INTERNATIc'NAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING c'FFICIALS. cAsH PERMIT VALIDATION cK. M.o.F**F)7Ft+ lNspEcroR {t f+'yQ, 9- 1'f '/f -\ BUTLDTNG DtVtStON OF o BUILDING. EAGLE COUNTY, P.o' BOX 789.I EATTLE lrr.ruN I |, V.l). Ult)A tat CaURTHOUSE, EAGTE, CO.-PH. (303) 328-633s PERMITa DATE .7--a{ AppLrcANr Jay ll++ar - \A/alfer Kir.h AoDREss_EO) pER M rr ro New Constfuction (--) sroRY NO. 010 3 (COXTR'S LICENSE) !$!!lf^ooFu.,r.24 one Bedr. ('YFE OF IMFROVEMEIIT)IPROPOSED T'SE) o AT (LocAT IoN) ZON ING D ISTR ICT SE (No.) =\ {srREErr ( CROSS STRE€T) !-o o @ oz o suBo lvrs I LCT - BLOCK - S rZE BUI TO BE - FT. WI LONG BY AASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNDAT ION FT. IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION USE GROUP (TYPE) RE MAR KS: AREA OR VOLUME (CUEIC/sOUARE FEET) owNER J^), utter e']c wailer Kirchaooness oex 1088, V^i I, Oeler-de 81557 .srr"lteo cosr $210,000 FEE"'' g F.J AUILOING (Affidcvit on icvcirc ride of opplicotion io bc completed by oulhorized ogenl of ovncr) t to complete numbered spaces only. G PERMIT APPLIC o AT roN t BUILDIN Bldg. #13 I Juridiction of Eagle CountY WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION Vail Racquet Club Condo. P. O. Box 1088, 495 AspenLane, Vail, Colorado f-ls:e rrrrcneo sxerr) rOW. of the 6th P.M. Eagle County, Colorado MAt L AODRESiS PHOr{E Jay M. Utter P. O. Box 1088, Vai l, Colorado 81657 476-5733 MAIL ADDRESS PHONE LICENSE NO. - Walter Kirch P. O. Box 1088, Vail, Colorado 81657 476-5733 AiCHITECI OF DESIGNER MAIL ADDR E5 S PHONE LICENSE NO. MAI L ADDR ESS PHONE L tc ENsE r.to. and Associates. 136 Lipan St. Denver, Colorado 5 United Bank of Denver, P. O. Box 5848, Denver, ARANCH Colorado United Bank Center USE OF BUILDING 8 ctass ol work: druew tr ADolTloN D ALTERATI0N tl REPAIR tr MovE tr REM0VE 9 Describe work: 24 one bedroom un i ts 10 Change of use from PERMfTFEE -35L. I '/11 Valuation olwork: $ 210,OO0 SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size of Bldg. (Total) 5q. Ft. Flre Spr{nkl€rs Required [ys5 !1116APPLICATION ACCEPTED 8Y: OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOT'CE SEPARATE PEHMITS ABE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB, ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOIO IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 OAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. SICNATURE OF CONTRACiOF OF AUfHOiIZED AGENI (OATE' SOIL REPORT OTHER (Speclfy) P-,.oi4l 7+ )-? tty' I-t / -( ' '-r .- - /),' ,rrrr"ro^4a' P'fu^7do- 1''* o' / /'/INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUtLDING OFFICIALS.Form 100.1 9-59 PERMIT VALIDATION BU|LD|NG DtVtStON OF o .EAGLE COUNTY; P.O. BOX 789 couRTHouSE, EAGLE; CO.-PH. (303) 328-6339 BUILDING PERMIT 010 2OATE APPLTCANT Jay Utter - Walter Kirch pERMrr ro New Construct ion (_) sroRy(TYPE OF IMPROVEMEIIT) NO. NUMBER OF DWELLING UI'I ITS { C ONT R'S LICENSE) 24 one bedr. (PROPOSEO U SE) F ;0, Ar (LocArroN) Se 1/4 Section 12, T5S. REOW- ags Aspen Lanen Vail 6iJ+H,".t-(No.) (srREET) BETWEEN Se 1,/4 Section 12, T5S, RSOW ANO (CROSS STREET){cRoss STaE€l) IL oo .a z Eo suBorvrsroN Veil R ac.|L'et Cluh eenCemini,-tmgor - BLo"* - 5?J. BUILOING IS TO SE - FT. WIDE BY - FT. LONG BY FT, IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION TO TYPE USE GROUP BASE MENT WALLS OR FOUNDATION ( TY PE) REMARKS: AREA OR VOL UM E {CUBIC/SOUARE FEEII ewxgp Jay Utter and Waltq{iirch eooness Ba- .|088, Vai I, Colorado 81657 estrulreo cosr $210,000 FEi-, $ tQ4 .",*^o o,"&i Wt<l ogenl of ownor)(Aftidovif on ievcirc ridc of opplicotion lo bc completed by oulhorized ,r,ro,Ro PERMTT orr'.fi,oN Jurisdiction ot-Eggl e tcanlJ BldS. #z I PLAN CHECK VALIDATION PERMIT VALIDATION Vt,4 J37/1 : Vail Racquet Club Condo. P. O. Box 1088. 495 Aspen Lane, Vail, Colorado 8OW, of the 6th p.M. EagE"udl''itfi"u5'ioraOo loT No. 3e 1/4 Section MAI L AOORESS 3 same Same PHONE Same ARCHITECT OR OESIGNER LIC ENSE NO. LICENSE NO. LENDEF MA II. AODRESS AFANCII6 United Bank of Denver, P. O. Box 5848, Denver, Colorado United Bank Center use oF But Lo[{ G 8 ClassofworK: tsruEW trAODITION trALTERATION DBEPAIB EMOVE trREMOVE 9 Describe workt 24 one bedroom units 10 Change o{ use from , '.7PERMITFEE 3,{/^,6 711 Valuation of wcrk: $ 210, OOO SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Slze of Bldg. (Total) Sq. Ft. Firo Sprlnkl€15 Required !ye5 !116APPLICATION ACCEPTEO AY: No. of Dwollln9 Unlts OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIBEO FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB- ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONOITIONING, THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OB CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OB IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED.I HEREAY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. SIGNATUFE OF CONTRACTOR OR AUTHORIZEO ACENT SOIL REPORT OTHER (Speclfy) WHEN PROPERLY VALIOATED IIN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERM Form LOO.1 9-69 Februery 14, 1973 l,lr. tllke Blalr Eagle County Planner Eagle, Colorado SubJect: Proposed Subdlvlslon Val I Racquei C lub Condomln lum Dear Ml ke: Thls letter ls ln referencs to ihe Town of V6llre revler of fhs proposed subdlvlslon known ss thc Voll Racquet Club Condomlnlum. The followlng ls o llstlng of concerns sxpressed by our Town Englneer regardlng thls subdl vl glon: t.Has adequate provl3lon been nrade to prov€nt floodlng of severalbulldlng sltes along 6orc Creek? The Town Englneer feorg thatthe developer ls lntsndlng to burm the streorn bank to provent such occurrences. We feel thls neans of f lood control ls tofal ly unacceptab le b€eauso I t desfroys th6 va I uab le nofsra I vegetat I on aOong the strcsm bank. The constructlon of such a burm would lnduce oxcesslve sl ltatlon of the Etream. The avalanche rsport suggests that unfts proposed on tho south- eastern protlon of fhe property ore ln a hlgh hazard area. Wefeol that fhese units should not be premltted. Secondly, dueto the proxlmlty to tho avalanche path, sp€clal conslderatlon should be glvan to bul ldlng deslgn in terms of abl llty to rlfh- stand hlgh wlnd velocltlos. |ll9h wlnds, accordlng to the Englnoer, typ I ca I ly ocolmpony 6n ava I onche.Parklng ls Inadequato for fhe proJect. The Town of Vall requlres9r x l9f stalls wlth a 25t al sle. Based upon these requlremenis ne have madc thE followlng calculatlons: f54 unlfs at 1.25parklng spaces pcr unlt ls 417 spaces requlred. Only 576 are provlded. Unlts I and l5 hove only a l0t setback from f4eadow Drlve. Thls creafeg a potenf I a I problem nlth nolse and dust. The 50r setback from tho hlgh rafer llne has been deslgnatedas e utlllty eagement, whlch In our vlew ls unocceptoble. Strssm setback should be reserved for recreatlonal us€e only. Dlsturbance of the ground covor In thls area furthor adds to thc sl ltaflon of thc stroam. Kent suggests that the sewor oosemont correspond wlth fhe exlstlng Uppor Eagle Valley 8r' llne easemcnt and tfiat serrer llnes be constructed 8?? srlnlmum unless they orefo rcmaln prlvafe servlc6 | Ines. No provlslon has b6en made for sag€rionfs for power, water andgas. Deslgn for the flre protectlon system ls also Inadequate. 2. 3. 4. 6. 6. Page 2 February 14, a973 Tho fol lorlng aro goneral observatlonspresgnt as a vlable alternatlve to theDevslopor! I of the projecf pr€psred toplans submltted by the 4. t.A magglve amount of land ls covered by bulldlngs, roods, parklng ond othor lmprovements. Enclosed ls a map showlng the degreoof coverage. lle feel thls sltuation ls ngt tolerab le and lsa great InJustlce to the luturo rssldents of fhe subdlvlslon.It ls the Town of Val lrs foellng that densliy should be concen-trated In clusters as thls allows for less land coverage andgreater op€n spoce for recreatlonal amenltles. tf the doveloperls permltted the requested denslty, we rocommend that tho bul ld-lngs be tcller to llmlt the amount of land coverage. We rocommend thct the developer conslder parklng beneath bulldlngsto ellmlnofe the unslghtly expanse of asphalt. This, agaln, wou I d perml t greater usab le op€n space . The park I ng arrongo-ment submltted ls Insufflclent In that:o. Cors must back onto a road wlth a heavy trafflc volume.b. The porklng conflguratlon wl ll s€verly restrlcf access by f I re veh I c les to I nd lvl dua I bu I ld lngs.c. The parkld cors fornr a barrler betweon the residentlal bul ld-Ings and the recreotlonal amenltles.l{e have prepared a schematlc plan for the redeslgn of thls sub-dlvlslon to lllugtrote some of the concepts presented In theforegolng dlecuss5on. l{e hope lt wlll be usoful fo the EagleCounty Plannlng Commlsslon In assesslng the proposed subdlvlslon.The Torn plonnlng staff questlons fhe approprlateness of onebedroom llvlng unlts se the only houslng fype aEsoclated *lth theproJecf. Hlgtorlcally, Eoialler unlts have tended fo crealegreoter numbers of poople. Thls In turn compounds the problemsof provldlng adequate servlces and amsnltlas. l{e suggest thatthe houElng types lre mlxed rather than unlform. Our recontsfudles have shown that the dernand for employeo houslng haslntonslfled In recenf monfhs. Thls proJect could help alevlatethe employee houslng d€flclency. We have found that In orderto attrsct more gtable, marrled ernp6oyees, tho rnlnlmum slze ofa faml ly unlt should be not lesg than 900 square feot. Thoroare other edvontagos of mlxed houslng types whlch we cannof cov€rIn thls lotter. The f6llowlng ars other ltems rhlch should be tcken Into conslderatlonIn assegs I ng thls subdlvlslon: It has bscn recently brought to llght that tho Upper Eagle ValleySanltaflon Dlgtrlct and the Vall Water and Sonltatlon Dlstrlctaro reachlng o crlels slfuatlon In thelr lnabl I lty to provldo adequote sewor treatmenf for future development tn the UpperEagle Val ley. The Gore Valley Wster Dlstrlct polnts out In a letter of Decem-ber 15, 1972 that lt presently has enough water to servo 4Bone bedroom un I ts. They have tentatl ve p lans to I ncroase capac lty;hovever, oxpansion wlll not be cornpleted for another two y€Ers. t. l. t. 1. Eag te county ", unn"f Page 3 February 14, 1973 ,, Tho Toyn of Vsll ls partlclpatlng n an I ntens I ve water rlghts and resources, es wcll as the ccpaclt and future for water and ssrer facllltlcg. We fee nventory of os prosgntthaf the outcome of these studles wl ll have a deflnltl lmpact upon tho fuiure development In the Upper Eagle Val ley. 4, Thc Town of Val I has Initlated a Valley-wlde maltcppplannlng program, whlch lg Intended to suggest posltlve solutlone to thc growth problem. The plonnlng profram lg a necessory tool Inguldlng growth ond to lnprove thc quality of llfe, as well as fo rcpalr fhe damage whlch exccelrlve dsvelopment hat brought to thc Va I lcy.5, The reeldenfE to the Blg Horn area havc approcchod the Torn of Val I wlth fhc lntcnf of annexetlon. l{e feel that anncxoilon can be accompllshed rlthln four to Elx months. 6ln conclusl0n re feel that for the forcgolng reasons, thls subdlvlslonghould not be granted flnal opprovol unfl I furfher alternatlves hcve been exp lored by the deve I op€r. Second ly, rc recomnend thot r | | subdlvlclons In the Upp6r Eagle Valley be held ln abcyane€ unill such tlme os the scxer problen lr resolved. Slncerely, TOT{N OF VA 1 L James F. tamont Adml n I gtrotl ve Ags I stantto the Clty Mancaer dt / I$![SJi{&t{DLf{ Dato I Sr' I lfssl Dflc$rbrr bht Ltt'll t,lr$ts $suat,y Ii tanning r}l Erst tal$$ &{ lk tl . lldeen, itl F 1.9 r ict {.i' Vsi.l rtsqrlst CluD $osdoqlnlusl$ Kirch - L:,ter lrvolgPncaL {;on*&nt box 19371 Vr1l, Colorldo 816'57 plrsr lor tbo rbovr rqfrrrasod psoPrrtyltG hrvr rll€s€d thc Pssll&i4rrt snd. Ilev* rh* fotlautng $ s*nt$t FriE. bs E€t t;€i&l e $ilunty 'lJ'gqset Sston*rs $t{ !$ iice X ih lrcf *stmant Vrll ;i*quet CLub (1) The gt+llnlnnry yt,rna t'ndtcste tno foi'tttt a'horc vntlr *nd tssor g.Blar ylll crsrr. i;os. pslalr rtiei1a br gropcrty derlgncd end r{ib${rtrd to chu lssll e$i st8r,5 t'g33lrh o*gerts*nt t$f a&psov$l. Ss{ $octio l$.olr $tete flrroblag soda' (l) t;cnpttrr tralra* for tbr afll@tn$ peol, insloding {tltcrlnS'1 beatlaSl and ditln{relrnn-tq;iP8cdt tbo;fd bo 8'rbsltt'od t{' th* locsl rod $Bnts 0cPrrtBrnt of E$vlronq$nttl tlt|[tb" (3) Pllmbrnu plnar for typleol bdglUg nry br fubllttl'd tor rr*ir*r $$) C.la4lteSo ptrenol trnctudin6 ern'hslc con*lrustla{r rnd 6rrdt ltnnt {or on-atBo elrer cell$sll(ra ltn$ E&outd bo isb*nl tlsd for rgrlsr. (3) r*a r.€oi!firnd &lut th* dreiargc cgllsctloo ltrt*r br uprndcd to 1;gludr Go[1$g:lon s{d prlm{ry [8.Et8t}|t os rrirf*cl rrrrr.oftr(dtein,. "fi r*o* burLd{$gcr -pi"ir"g lcrrr nsll*gr 3rrscra rcd oibrr lqrrovod a66o& ) Trcslsoof ror.rld gtt?oat roed grlor*1 alltr tflrbr trlt aod orb*r drsrrrrncqlr -e"iui.tr.r poltuuntl trm cs&.rlnt ggr$ crtek. Ihrrt pollusante csufi blvr r dtlttcsiotis cftect an thr rqurtlc tiJc llr Oors 6rd.6h er:d epuld *fseet' th' **tt'tt&ry *nd chc*letl q*ffty Ef tbt f.i"atn r*lcr *r"gply of tlrt t{rull o[ vallr I I I I I I Tt I, \TAIT, RACQUEf .Breakdotrn of Land Use ITEIT1 Green Spaee Roads and Parklng Tennlg Courta Condomlnlum BuJ. ldlngs Club Bullding and Pool Total Ground Area Floor Area Ratio CIJUD CO!IDO}iINIU}'Ii Square Footaqe 2?9,54O eg. ft. 120, o00 72.OoO 49,536 6, 000 527.076 sg. ft. Percentage of Total 53.?[ ?3. 'L4. 9. 1g 100.% 2. I98,L44 scr. ft. of llvlnq epace 527 rA76 sq. ft. of ground .. For comparison, the exl'gtlng Town . '"i Zonlng Ordinance has the followlng , Area Ratio requlremente. O.37 r I of Vall Floorl,;i.ri Realdentlal . o.33r I Multl-Famlly ... 0.75rI tllgh Density Multi-FamllY lrl fn oth€r words, t,he Floor Area Ratlo at the Vall Racgueb Club Coadcutlnlums ie only sllghtly hlgher than that allosed by the Townre residential zoning category, and Ls Iess than haLf that allowed by the Townrg srulti-faally zoning catlgory. I , , 9'' l'c't ' , t-c3 , t-7 '/ , fhJ- ,{r( zlfl...a-/ 2. gd-zh---<.ltfi'4'--Utt, /-Vt.t - ,/a - /5 3f' a ,rr*7i!,:r'U,tT r+a.-2r-oy t"J-tl /2 r' aft".tta y'-a 4) <--- / _(/ et e8 z.-4 - Ah t---ru--2s. - ,/o- f*,.-1ta"7.,:7-- , Ja .z.t<- a..--ty- -/ t -c---- c74i t ' c/y,,''--l /6a . fc7 ,{c1 , {/o f,.tro') f a.4---, tt )(5-/ tttlo rttej g 6,<tc? /(t x rc1 ti/,2( rl /rz( tt/?l A/U-a.- - 6-f** e a ?L^tzl// , a-. ta,^- X qf{*act-ztfl,4/t,t I 6 /o 7l /7 /L /'/ /l I /L /? I I 8 /> /7- 1?- -/u&.2 tl X 2o / / '{ ta / /7t ?7 /r t97 /Et rl tt,t t"7 /6 t 9' /r.r1/5- /tx//') / t y 7r /, r21 /t.i//r1 tEtlrc? Ic I -s r'--Z-,7 - fd 2 4.+,ale-/ - .4.d ?.+-(:nt /r-*-,t 4-d.----./-- 3 a s- 2*a arp 7-*,,*./..1 (tp:/ :;;;7rryr.'& ^ * "' ) /2,c4/ &atczJ" = c/?r4r7,?l/, /;&. al-wc-r-*;, -U -44.*C-/ V* t ry/L*/ ? 2 y'l ;1 3( z-et - s Qr/X "56 z-.v, lt ^ / o t t /l ta f, /8 ^ 34 /t/ (t /t/Tz- /, t /o'/ /fi x to / rf I ro 7 , q,f2v q 6d7 rJ,t.z/4, 4 cs t36 ./?, ,- 3C lEl tzf 2v ,< rz4 1t I tts- .t vt ?t 2 f, t rzs- 2q )( l'' C 1rl L2J- ?/x t-z 6 ?a t ,. Jt/ 2o5' Je <./2b 4,. r ,-^ J7,/tz ,l:' ''i d.ge'l I r-'*',A-.-th f i 1ea + /ta /lzo,,\.o I ,t )-o A,la-+l*..2 1lo r 1a9 tao x Ja - ?9-, o " a arra--, ,€yAt637 2 i4,@f L, t/'"ztt'-t- %"*/^--;"?/*4 da..rt 4q, fa6 6t) lt - 6t, t srt ?frooa ' tt^8,/24" ,r '|: