HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL RACQUET CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION 2004-2008 LEGALVJa..KJcl*ICD-do" &iEJh ?ocq'eoo6 u o.*fitY {IstEt0ptff{? Design ReYisw Eoard ACTIOH FOR].| Pepartmsnt of Communlty Dsvslopmont 75 So{r$ Frontage Road, Vail, Cdordo 81557 tsl: 970.479.2139 tex; 97O,479,2452 web: rxrv.Yailgov.tsm Project Name: VAIL MCQUET CLUB CHIMNEYCAPS Project Description: REMOVE EXISTING DII.APIDATED CHIMNEY SHROUDS AND INSTALL NEW CODE-COMPUANT TERMINATION CAPS IN ALL 15 CONDO BUILDINGS Participants: OWNER MCQUET CLUB OWNERS ASSOCIAT 05/06/2008 Phone: 970-331-1861 4695 RACQUET CLUB DRIVE VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT MCQUET CLUB OWNERS ASSOCIAT 05/06/2008 Phone: 970-331-1851 4695 MCQUET CLUB DRIVE VAIL co 81657 Project Address: 4695 VAIL MCQUET CLUB TWH DR VAIL Location: VAIL RACQUET CLUB- ALL BUILDINGS Legal Description: Lot: TRAC Block: Subdivision: VAIL MCQUET CLUB CONDOM Parcel Number: 2101-124-0300-1 Comments: See conditions DRB Number: DR8080142 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ Action: SIAFFAPP Date of Approvah 05/07 I2OOB Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). @nd:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not aonstitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (P|-AN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. C.ond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is ommenced and is diligendy pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0009963 The applicant shall paint all existing and proposed mechanical penetrations and flashing to match the existing dark brown chimney chase within 15 days of installaton of new mechanical penetrations. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: 1250.00 Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of C.ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 lel: 970.479.2L28 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.wilgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested, An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. /1 DescripUon of the Request: K€y'l av€' Z,{ts 7t.t / G 1 ttt a Pt D,4zED /,r4 UeY adDS nIL N 'oDr - co ttlA 7to nJA(L /S' CotvDo /qLl/u Dl4/6tS of the Proposa[ t*:7K'lCstocx:suuivision:l/A /l RncEt uez (I u I 6rvot^r1d) urrr Physical Address= /6 Parcel No.: Z/Ai'/2/-oltto 'l (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-85.O for parcel no.) Zoning:,/VdL//-Fn44/Ly Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: '6 7-t Co Owner(s) SignaHre(s): v{ Phone: VTrt - 331 /Fal CLL(8 Name of Applierrrc= .f7€V€/a FTas' ""12,fit*"7:u67 (tutq '415 Phone: 77a - S] t:134 E-mail Address:-9.7€V€/,oF7L(S@ rax: UA /a /?4 cQ 4 € 7C. 48, C " t\ Plus $1,00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square foobge is added to any residenUal or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor dranges to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already Design Rs/iew Board. No Fee Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Concepfual Reviarr D New Consbuctiontr Addition Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (sin gle-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 $20 o tr o9sc(u+rEoo 9E :=YObEF ooI €;r(5CO tsEr o=; eg= gEO ee+f ga O 5 di+ c;H EHt 96 -o.g:6 I E 5g o(uctr L. 5H or E_co ualF'x tu Loo- eo- ct)ca .o(f) EFE - o \ttIItuo -0g+,.cI; -E=POe- +, Cl' 4tt E =g-tcUct ,sOF(rdM: c) -rrO(E Ea o(u =oalt L>.9P6 ELa- '-tFL?L.odo*-cF I 3tru;q lVto,tWl y 7 or3 lt^z l"t, (c ' J. =, O-, Q>-c-c.n QqrH oq ot g=o-ao€ mg?eE.lJ E, e f;sEgtE:;P- O 69; P FEa---._ E8 EHF.o eP F IF €= dr E E.e I 5 :# i $ g; r' o gE EilEE ?, E g5 r.E .r F E Q)EE EFg {Ee ;6o- gE E co c>.O = PE ne=Fs& Lob +, ',0 nlF lr sL,"L tqtfl tffovL hqLh'u , o( P"rJ rio y--.- itr_t,,,^t,- D* ( R o-, h (h; n*y,(qy5a:t'l>'b z!- d*+,^.l +******f++++l**l****+++t+++t+******t*+**f+****'t***t!'i+'i***'|t'|'i*'tl'{'{'t'****++{'{'+**+*+t+**i**{'**{'* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statpment Statement lil\riber: R08oOOo621 AmormE: S250.00 05/06/2O0SO9:55 A[l Palment Method I Check Init,! RIrF Notation: 29315 \IAIIJ IIACQUET CIJUB CONDOMINIUMfI Permlt l{o: DR8080142 Tl4)e: DRB-Minor Alt, Comm/Mu1tl Parcel No: 2101-124 -0300-1 Site Addre€a: 4695 VAIIr RACQITET CIJUB TtlH DR VAIIr IJocation: VAIIJ RACOT ET CLITB - AITL BUIIJDINGS Tot,al Fees: $250. O0 ftlis Paynent: $250.00 Total AIJ, Prnts: $250.00 Balance: $0. oo ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OOIOOOO3TI22OO DESTGN REVIEW FEES 250.00 oor,r,t.flw E\€LriEflr Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef: 970.479.2139 far.97O.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name! VAIL RACQUET CLUB SIDEWALK Proiect Description: FINAL APPROVAL TO INSTALL PAVER ENTMNCE WALI(VAYS ON 4 NEW DUMPSTERS Partlcipants: owNER MCQUET CLUB OWNERS ASSOCIAT 0212s12008 STEVE LOFTUS 4695 MCQUET CLUB DR VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT VAIL MCQUET CLUB CONDOS 0212512008 Phone: 970-331-1861 C/O STEVE LOFTUS 4695 MCQUET CLUB DR VAIL co 81657 ProjectAddress: 4695VAILRACQUETCLUBTWH DRVAIL Location: VAIL RACQUET CLUB CONDOS Legal Descriptionr Lot: TRAC Block Subdivision: VAIL MCQUET CLUB CONDOM Parcel Numben 2L0t-I24-0300-1 Commentsr DRBNumber: DR8080042 BOARD/STAFF ACIION Action: SIAFFAPP Date of ApprovaL 0212812Q08 &nd:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (P|-AN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEAIS. Cond: 202 (PI-AN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Planner:DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Revi Departnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colomdo 81657 teli 970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,vailgor.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building refur to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An a cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town C.ouncil and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences wiUrin one year of the approval. Location of the Prcposalz t-ot'@9 Alock:- Subdivision:I4 Physical Address: ParcefNo.: ^lOl' 12l-A706-l (ContactEagleCo.AssessoratgT0-328-8640forparcel no.) RAea u€7 t/ Ltg 6bJ^J€R'c rlf,"foct *7t oNName(s) of Owner(s): ),&, OoA Owner(s) Signaturc(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Phone: E-mailAddress: -(/6V€LoFzoa{) rax. Yrl / I 44 CA uV/ Cl 48. Co twt Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Concepfual Review E New Construdiontr Addition E Minor Alteration (muhi-tamily/commercial) D Minor Alteration (single-family/duplo<) (}( cnanges to Approved Plans $20 No Fee $50 Plus $1,00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residenUal or commercial building (indudes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, sudt as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. [0uciElr vEl | ill] ihts:ri2u00 a Separaton Request o +.o I ,'::' ) L- E E:E ?c ^83=: E;tg EfigE= FEe+ :Afie=eg .frgqgEg"o^. :;i xuUb I o >,P o q (.::'.=o dsxE:C -:'':;J ? FBPUR4gQ i::'-r'-F#6Et;gE ;. \r IoE9ox-o dg -O).L r986 Po--o.-EE eEr{, - r- _,t ]Y.'d- m .rjr \I + '!) Yx C\ In-- I Po- e5: ggE *E -€,;'g* 6=Eg -gE E-gE=t i=E*, eF fiFePE: HE EF:b iEgEEs$=sE + H = HgE #s-oE;-. Io o() -o o o Eov. ac hE f; : -=F 8; E e F* =*'^ f =E=gHEUgE='.EE : .: T -U E d E g X = > F 6 E e *,- E',: S-Seg:*5;f sfr:iigE g rr eEsii Y=*igIEEgfi E-"[ 'F #EbEs€s-sE#bsE #-F s ,, licto> c'l rF o UBeE*, E F"6; E H o-o Po,, re H HFFef = P,E E : 9:5 =e dE 5'=OOO-ar65-c-c|/)Y>Ol-(o(/)$-|/)c) .'?.: !l ,,+2 O ,r\ -rh \-E o o) E:PEEEg=*:,8 E =EExe'Hsg*ggEFo r E;;iEHs;fegtfrE € rs EEEE,EETE;FPFap Hc : E€€EHE*EEEEgEg Ffr 6aa8E.v. .Ycc(!.! 55s $nb bP E cE S9.9.9 v)ia6U,alcocY'=r'r\ fi€fi I.tr tE q)('oo'E 'tr 'trEEE c866\<c1\c:ege vlOEOc3 s 3 .: ciPci s Fc3 EE E SuJpur oH;fi-E€E OEEE SE.c,t.J sg s sEqE.<G9(U.EtEGqcrq ef(,|U'(n)trrtot K(o (o (l, \r' ocr+rt- - tF ,/ggg' EE#.e E 9H5""" €Ou =pAk- o'u) 6oa,c E to e5aoEco o-cu E .EI:t El€Elg6l E Fil eeEl@ 't|l Bsl Eel E Utl EEI EfiIoE 6 soc E6(L5x ;t EEs 3fF(J E= E EE6E]crto f, i,t FA EJo .U E(U CDc E |Uo- g#EF-€cooo SEE bEE EEf; EgF-.Et ********+*************** *****f******ft****:**+*ff**:****+**+f*+***++* * * * * * * * * * * * * | * * * * * * * * * * * * TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Stat€ment Pa)ment Method: Check I,OFTT'S Inic: ils Notation: 1336/STEVE Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addrees: Locat,ion: Thie eayment.: DRBo80042 qfpe: DRB-Chg to Appr Plans 2101-124-0300-1 4595 VAIIr RACQUET CIJttB TWH DR VAIIr VAIIJ RACQITET CIJUB CONDOS Total Fees: $20.00 TOEAI AI,IJ TINTA 3 Bala.nce: $20.00 $2o. oo $0.00 '1.+:1.{.++*****f*********t**f**{r't*'t*****'t+*f*+**l.l***{.*******+++*****i************+*****+******* ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR 00100003II2200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 V;z Rooa'ofu^hr- v u.bnlamnttrlts Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Front.ge Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tat:97O.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.corn Project Name: VAIL MCQUET CLUB TREES Project Description: FINAL APPROVAL FOR A MINOR ALTEMNON TO REMOVE 6 TREES, 4 BEETLE KILL LODGEPOLE PINES AND 2 COTTONWOOD. Participants: OWNER MCQUET CLUB OWNERS ASSOC. OilZOlZOi7 Phone: 970-331-1861 STEVE LOFTUS .1695 MCQUET CLUB DRIVE VAIL co 816s7 APPUCANT MCQUET CLUB OWNERS ASSOC. 0712012007 Phone: 970-331-1861 STEVE LOFTUS 4695 MCQUET CLUB DRIVE VAIL co 816s7 ProjectAddress: 4695 VAIL MCQUET CLUB TWH DR VAIL Location: VAIL RACQUET CLUB Legal Description: Lot: TRAC Block Subdivision: VAIL MCQUET CLUB CONDOM Parcel Number: 2101-124-0300-1 Comments: DRB Number: DRB070334 MoUon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of Approval A7 12412007 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Rachel Friede DRB Fee Paid: $25O.OO rOWhI OF VAIL 75 SouthFrontageRd. Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2t38/479-2t39 F4X.970479-2452 July 24,2007 Steve Loftus 2695 Racquet Club Drive Vail. CO 81657 Steveloftus@vailracquetclub. com Re: DRB074334 Vail Racquet Club Condominiums Department of Community Development Dear Steve, Thank you for your design review application for a minor exterior alteration to remove and replace trees at th€ Vail Racquet Club Condominiums. The purpose of this letter is to inform you that your application has been staffapproved. A DRB Action Form is included for your records. You may commence removal at your convenience. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. Rachel Friede Planner, Town of Vail (970)479-2440 Rfriede@vailgov.com Attachment: DRB Action Form ,m one year of the apprroyal, Description of tlre Request: Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 Iel: 970.479.2L28 faxj. 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.@m General Information: All projects requiring design rodew must receive apprwal prior F submifring a building permit ITT*OF VAIL refer to the submittal reguirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Departrnent. The project may also need to be reviewed W the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission, Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review ot/4 $s0 No Fee $5s0 $300 'At Location of the Proposan trlt:frl8txf: - sumiv ision,Ve t t Rt cauer czue -67iffii t il 7tL 8 @ o u Physicaf Address: ft ?S 2l cOac - czu4 2zt /e-V Parcef No.: 2/O '- /2{-a 3oo '/ (Contact Eagle Co, Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address:IL Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Ot Mairi4s aaa{f. St aB L.Ce Phone: srzvcto FTus@ tax:E-maif Addres: ,fftV€lo FTUS(C Fax: UA )aRACau€7eLu8.€o4 Type of Review and Fee: O Signs tr Conceptual Review n New Constructiontr Addition Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For mlnor dranges to buildings and site improvemenb, sudl as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request $20 tr tr o ) -o3/o Fg':ffg2t$rp- cn".r ,33 ++++*+***************************t***+t*++*****t*****+++**+************t*t****+t*****+t+t*1* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement t * * * * * * * * *****'1.*'1.{.{.i.******{.{.****t**** * * * * * * * * t t*+******* **************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Statement Nuriber: R070001295 Amount: $250.00 O7/20/2oo7L0:25 Attl Pa)ment Method: check Init: iIS Notation: 28585/vArr., RACQUET CLI]B COI{DOS Permit No: DRBO?0334 TIE)e: DRB-Minor AIts, Comn/Mutti Parcel No: 2101-124-0300-1 Site Addreas: 4695 vAIr., RACQUET CLttB TwH DR VAIL L,ocation: VAIL RACOIIET CLIIB Total Fees: $250.00 This Palment: $250.00 . Total ALL Pmts: $250.00Balance: 50.00 *ff****+tt****t*1**1.**+**i***********+++++***t***********tt*l**|.*+******ta*****+**++*+**+*** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR O O 1OOOO31-7.22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 250.00 Rt"g.'"tA^ohnfus (5^motr a'4retu cot t,nw cEt/EulFlE t Design Review Board AGTION FORM Department of CommuniU Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail. Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 taxz 970,479-2452 web: www.vailgov.com Proiect Name: Project Description: Pafticipants: Motion By: seoond By: Vote: Conditions: APPUCANT STEVELOFTON ,T695 RACQUETCLUB DR VAIL co 816s7 O4l30l2OW Phone: 331-1861 VAIL RAC CLUB LNADSCAPING DRB Number: DR8070179 RNAL APPROVAL FOR A MINOR ALTEMTION FOR NEW I.ANDSCAPING AT TOWNHOME EAST AND WEST ENTMNCES OWNER RACQUETCLUBOWNERSASSN. 05/022007 Phone:970-331-1861 STEVE LOFruS VAIL co 81657 Project Address: '1595 VAIL MCQUEr CLUB TWH DR VAIL Locauon: EAST AND WEST ET.ITMNCE Legal Description: Lot: TRAC Bloclc subdivision: VAIL MCQUET CLUB CONDOM Parcel Nunrber: 2101-124-0300-1 Comments: SEE CONDffiON BOARD/STAFF ACIION ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of APProvalz 0510712007 Cond: 8 tn-CN), No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). EnVv: OatOTl2OOz ey: gc Action: AP Have recevied a Revokable Right of Way. Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constihrte a permit for building. Please onsult with iown of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities' @nd:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. @nd:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date oi hnal approvat, untess a bui6ing permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Gond: 113 All daelopment applkaUons submfred b the Town afur the eftctMe date of Odlnane 26, Sedes 2006 shall be a$ed to the pendlng arpbyee houslng rcgulaUons inwhatener form they ate fua[y ado@; povldcd, hotwer, that if ttle To[m falb b a@ Ute pendlng employee luslttg ttgulatlons bY April tS' M7' tlrls Ordlnane shall not apply to sudl devcbpnent appedons. DRBhPald: $250.0O Minor Exterior Alterations *m Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colondo 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 fax:. 97O.479.2452 web: wwwvailgw.om General InformaUon: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit applicaUon. Please reftr to the submittal requirements fior the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted untl all required information is received by the Community Ds/elopment Departnent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design rcview approval lapses unl€ss a building pernrit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Application for Design Review Description of the Request: D €74/LA tvD Zfto?a,f€A /t.1/)Jc4/t*fo.D€Z- . Location of the Proposal, Lotrfrqc Block:- Subdivision: Physical Address: Parcef No.: 2/o/- /2f-a3oo- t (Contact Eagle @. Assessor at 970-328-85'10 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s):AA Cauez Cz ue Au/^/FRr' Ac,roct e7)oal Mailing Address:T?.ua L. Ca Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant:.r o F ///,/ Mailing Address:t.L. to '/ds7 E-mail Address:7:30 v F) @Alca-v-v'o \r. \,\o ".s'cJ vai/racqu e Type of Review and Fee: 7Tl.a,m tr Signs E Conceptual Review E New ConstructionD Addition $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 $20 E tr F(Minor Atteration (mufti-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (singlefamily/d uplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re.roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc, For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenB, such as, re-roofing, painting, windou/ additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc, $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Sbff or the De$gn Review Board. No Fee {'*t*t**********f**+**t****+***l't'}t**t*fl*l*+*tr+++*a***t******t**i*****:}t}'}********++**+****** TOWNOFVAIL, COT,oRADO Statetnent +ttlttt+**a**aa**tli+++*****+t++'italtlll++t+t+++++**a**l******t****t*{r**+*********t++*:t+t++*+ Sgatement Number: R0?0000588 Arnount: 9250.00 04/30/2OO7O4 !51 PM Payment Method: Check Init: ,fS Notacion: 28293/VAIL RACQITET Cr,ItB COIIDOS Permlt, No: DRB0?0179 TtE)e: DRB-Minor AIt, Corun/uu1ti Parce1 No: 2101-124 -0300-1 Sit,e Addresg: 4595 VAITJ RACOUET CL,[B TVIH DR VAIIr Irocation: EAST AIiID WEST ENTRANCE ToEal Fees: S250.00 Ihia Palments: S250.00 Total Ar,rr Prnta 3 $250.00Balance: 90. oo ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description DR OOI.OOOO3LL?2OO DESIGN RTVIEW FEES Current Pmts 250.00 At- E$v F:FF 8ii a c-o5-b g .5 EEEE.=E o I E F- .t... ,) ih.lr{.+ ()p a #a O =(l) Oc$ c LU +r v) CI € (l) Eo .C C EoF O x. o Eo =oF 6q)(It()rir C(EeFcS ct)'6 o (U C)ootr 0)p U) a$ CI (I) ()c$L.r Li_.| ffi (1) CI fio .C C 3 OF O v. io oxFB6.,5E E?3sL+rFrl H F.Ph.Y{ := ..? (,) l.E o e E IE b COr-.- tt -Yr ds op @ +,a(uo ooc (Ut-t,c tU +ta(u TU o Eo -i c =oF C)t ,/ '\ @t- -gSiz.OL- "F =ECUC)li .- ,^\O (/)u- r- F*Eg =-t B g -J =ooc);-ooE'=E 9 El--Lir$ ;, *'' ..-- a w "_{q1 r _rffil; "${l "'tr{fi-".b.ffi ,/i, c .o (U o_ rzl-oo.y-o6q oiocoo_co .9,\/- 6ir O7..,n \r,JOa,a o)PF\4L -i'-Y 6'o-oaEc$J Ot c .9 (U (L -Yt- (U O--:<-o6q oocoo_co.a\/c oi.r-E-r,N rY'JOz,a(')R l- l= - n *Eoacc (UJ Otr Design Review Board ACTIOH FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Ftontage Road, Vail, Coloredo S1657 tel:970.479.2139 tax:978.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project ilame: VAIL MCQUET CLUB DECKS DRB Number: DR8070123 nro;eC Description: FINAL APPROVAL FORA MINOR ALTEMTION TO RESURFACE TOP DECKS OF BUILDING 5 AND 6 Participants: OWNER RACQUET CLUB OWNER'S ASSN. 03i222007 Phone: 970-476-4233 4595 MCQUET CLUB DR VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT RACQUET CLUB OWNER'S AS;SN. 031 27 12007 Phone: 97 047 6-4233 MATT TVY 4595 MCQUETCLUB DR VAIL co 81557 Project Address: 4595 VAIL MCQUET CLUB TWH DR VAIL Location; VAIL MCQUET CLUB Legal Description: Lot: TRAC Block Subdivision: VAIL MCQUET CLUB CONDOM Parcel Numbetz 2lOl-L24-0300-1 Comments: Motlon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of APProvaE O3l28l2OO7 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building' Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building Permit is issued and construction is cornmenced and is diligently pursued toiward @mpletion. Planner: RACHEL FRIEDE DRB Fee Paid: $25O.OO Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 Sou$ Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 teli 970.479.2L28 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ra ilqw.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit applicauon. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Dsign Review cannot be accepted until all required informauon is received by the Community Dwelopment Deparhent. The project may also need to be revievred by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request:-.n *t u/L)hr'G €74 /L€D ,fe Location of the proposal: tot:.frA€Block:- sudinision:l/4 // Ka culu€z' %qB cd Physical Address: /rf ?O ParcetNo.:2/a/'/2{'O3oo't(ContactEagleCo.AssessoratgT0-328-8640forparcelno.) Name(s) of Owner(s):P+ eeuez Aug o wMtet' Acnoct'+7torl Mailing Address:cQu€7 e/ Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant! Address:/t g7 E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs El Conceotual Review El New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Altention (multi-family/commercial) (sing le-family/d uplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request lai/ ra.cguef Phone: Fax:70- v,zu (1, oJo aE'p u$s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 C/u,co47 /zz Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For con*ruction of a new buitdins or o"tolr"u,lf$R 27 2g0l For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site amprovemenB, such as, re.roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee ff MinorAlteration E E *****+t*tl{'l{'****'}*a*f**+***t*X***l'i'{'***l'**a'arar*t{'*+*+**f***+f*t*************'}+++************ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Staternent ********+tf**+********i********f{'a'a't****+***tt*+**it*******t****'t**********+*'t****+******,1** statement Nunber: R070000371 Amount: 5250.00 03/27/2oO704:55 PM Palment Method: Check Init: iISNotation: 2aL25/vArr' RACQUET CL,UB COI{DOS Permit. No: DRB0?0123 Ty'pe: DRB-Minor Alt, Comm/Mu1ti Parcel No: 2101- 124 - 0300- 1 Site Addreas: 4595 \IAIIJ RACOITET CL,I]B Tl{H DR vArL, Location: \TAIL RACQIIET CLIrB Total FeeE: $250.00This Payment,: $250.00 TotaL AIJL, Pmts: $250.00Balance: $0.00+++a+*tftt****************'1.'*r!{.**+lt+ffr***,t{.'ia.r.ttt a{.t+f***lf'ttf++**'*'*t'}*{.'}'}**{.+**+*******++* ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DeacriDtion Currents PmEs DR OO1OOOO3LL??OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 250.00 Vail Recquet Club Condominium Buildings 5 & 6 Top Dccks "Dex-O-Tex" I)eck Surfrce System Description of the Requert: We propose to overlay the existing top decks on Buildings 5 and 6 with a "Dex-O-Tex" surface. Attached please find: 1. Photos showing the proposed locations for the system and the desired architectural fi nishes. 2. A Scope of Work document describing the layers and installation s€quence required to install the proposed deck surface systern. 3. Physical properties ofthe deck surface and underlayment. 4. Additional manufacturer literature on the system. 5. A small sample showing the layers that make up the system. We have a large mock-up (on a 4x8 sheet of plywood) that shows the proposed architectural finishes for the deck surface (the mock-up is available for viewing). The system is being proposed to: l. Provide a waterproof top deck The existing tongue and groove deck surface allows water to drip through to the decks below. During the winter, snow on the top deck melts during sunny weather and drips on the shaded and colder decks below, forming a thin sheen of ice that can be a significant hazxd. The proposed system will eliminate this hazard. 2. Reduce maintenance: The top decks zuffer the most weatier and sun damage by far. History shows that within 5 years of installing new tongue and groove planks on a top dech local patching will be required (individual planks in the most exposed areas will need to be replaced due to water damage, which weakens the planks to the point that they can fail due to nomral foot trafftc). The proposed zurface is designed to for at least a 20-year life. 3. Aesthetic improvements: The appearance of the existing tongue and groove deck surfaces deteriorates rapidly as the coating deteriorates and patching occurs. This appearance is a significant detraciion from the desired standard that the HOA is striving for. The proposed system should maintain its appearance indefinitely, requiring only periodic washing and resealing on a 5-year interval. -,,^.'\ .ii I a:l 'f l r-,. t./ t,... Page I d3 !.; ' 3t'sIo*ur Vail Racquet Club Condominium Buildingr 5 & 6 Top Ihcks (I)er-O-Ter' Deck Surfee System f . SCOPE OF WqRK CONTRACTOR shall provide tle materials and labor to instal a deck system on the 3'o lwel of Buildings 5 and 6 (the top deck on all 4 sides o116s 6uilding) as follows: A. OWNER will remove all trim boards that comact the deck surface and will install %" ext€rior grade plywood over the existing 2x6 T&G deck, frstened with l-%" screws on E" certen. B. CONTRACTOR shall install perimeter flashing backer rod and a ur€tbane seal at the 6uilding walls. C. CONTRACTOR shall oveday the W plywood with metal lath, frstened with l" crown stapl€s. CONTRACTOR shall install a minimum of lE staples per square foot and a minimum of one staple every 4" along the perimeter of each sheet of metal lafh. D. CONTRACTOR shall apply 'A-81" polymer modified concrst€ underlaymeirt to the metal lath. After drying, CONTRACTOR sball flood test all deck surfrces to verifo proper drainage. CONTRACTOR shall then float out any low areas with additional "A-81'polymer modified concrete as needed to eliminate water ponding. After drying, CONfRAgfOR shall repeat the flood test to ensure there is no remaining ponding and shall ndiS OWNER to witness this test and approve proceeding with the next st€,p. E. CONTRACTOR sball install *Barrier Guard'wdsrproofing membrane over all deck zurhces. F. CONTRACTOR shdl apply "Resistite" finishes per tle sampte board provided by OWNE& including both hand-troweled and knockdown textures (knockdown t€rfture to be applied in the stairlower areas; hand-troweled texture in all other deck axeas). r The top coat of "Resistite" in the hand-troweled hall be pigmented with Dex-O- Ter( color 304 C'Adobe') to reduce the color contrast between tle Resistite and the surfrce color (in case of scratches or chips in the suftc€). o The grout lines in the hand-troweled areas shall be cut with an angle grinder. r Prior to applying stain, CONTRACTOR shall use a floor sander to knock down the high peatc in the hand-troweled finish tbat would otherwise be susceptible to breaking offdue to normal wear and teax. r The top coat in the hand-troweled areas shall be stained with Dex-O-TEx Chem- Stain color 173 (Medium Brown) o The top coat of Resistite in the knockdown textured areas shall be coated wittr Dex-G'Tcr( color 503 ("Adobe'). G. CONTRACTOR shall apply two coats of polyester surfacps.STAFFH. OWNER will restore atl Eim to original finishes. Paee2 of3 FAli 3lx1lo+ t. 2. Phvrical Proocrties: Provide a wderproof dock covering system that mests tr o<cpeds the list€d minirmrm phpical propefy when tested according to the refercnc€d staodard t€s m€thods in parcotheses. A-81 Undcrlaymcnt: r CompressiveStrength(ASTMC 109): 5,l40psi. r Florural Strength(ASTM C78)' 1,26t psi o Flexural Modulus of Elasticity (ASTM C 580): 2,415 psi. o Inde,fiation (MII-D-3134): 0.005" mat<. . Impact R€sistance (Gardner Impact Testsr): No chipplng, cracking, or delamination and not more tlan 0.014" indentation o Adhesion (A.C.I. Comm. No. 503.1): >400 psi (100% frilure in concrete) o ShearBondstrensth(ASTMC-8E2) 4lOpsi Reeistite Trdic Topping:o ChecdcalReistance(ASTMD-2299) r InduskialDebrgent Nodrangeinbxtureorcolor . Salt (20%) No dtange in bxture or color r AmmoniaSolution(5%) Nodrangeinbxtureorcolor . MuriaticAcid(10%) Nochangeinbxtureorcolor . Chlorine(10%) NochangeinExtureorcolor r trGros€ne Nodtangeinbxtureorcolor . Turp€ntine Slighttemporarysofbringofsurface r Paintthinner Sligfitffinporarysofteningofsurface o Thickness 3132" r Corpressive Strength (ASTM C-109) 2,440 psi. r Tensile Sfrength (ASTM C-109) 430 psi. r Flammability (ASTM E-E4) Flame Spread 4 r Smoke Density 0 r Resistancc to Satt Spray (ASTIvI B-l 17) 1,000 hrs. exposure, No visible degadaion r Adhesion (ASTM C-8t2, Type l) 515 psi. o Freeze-Thaw R€sistanc€ (ASTM C672) Thirty-two cycl6, '0" Scaling e ltrardness (ASTI\{ D-2440) Durometer A 82 o Water Vapor Permeability (ASTM E-96) 1.95 perms/inches r Absorption < 2% (Weigh gain by coated concrete cube after 2 I days#Wfiiotjf VfQ PESIGNI RE\/IT. 'V Sfnf f fiPi)iii t\'j-ii- z-l-r*, lol-_ F,n"tE "...'/ l-.Y I l' ':'i:' 'P-Vf Page 3 of3 H; g= Hl gHE e8 EI rE El H'-- dIE E '-F ---\ ..-)\-cJ --=:==--E E€g=s He E iiEE I;+Ei I EEgE: EE E= €iE F .Yo."l €9|o- €t : =l b6t E ': I, \ f ,a. ^ tl \-..- -Jf\^- rn\J c./ -___:---\(w) ? gEEE "iEEgaia 3l ;EE€f;EEfl s E t o:;g El *aE E bgE e se € t r H =gEE-E= crE EE aiEag gE PE<(U(E-O Eg*i; to E.,i E TEEs Es+5s EE L€ s EEiBE o-tr Ef xo Eo6 =ot9 =l fJI P H.,E =l o-c o o.:t Io @o (J J ") ll\_\'-Y.J t \.-.t-.\-. { fc'. o J xo 3oE allv{ -Y.Jto.*l 9ol vol<l o) =l -C o o- -tIoao O c\ c.l \o c..l c.) c.l Gi q) b0cl \J \ (s+ .9&e cf;tfcET ^trt E(,b q-.;bI d*Er4 oFsgi 68S5: f *rgE ; ; F EE 5 ) o ul o o o o c oIP(J E OJ t-o = \o E € (D Eo oo ,tlI c-.c c Xo () X(;) xc)€ F F3\x oo o t! E H.F =3';Fgr' 3 s ESF5E!E;; 3 A FE gSohEECb g q o) iI;f:EEFFi E E ; :friF*:Efi E _g + I i#gESIEE E 9E H E e Efi;E;;;E ag ;fr n ; ry: :e:=F*e; +: eu t + E E E EE!IiEiE EE IE E ; E E s geEgHlEE ga sg s c F n cDI anl u |E o q!t roo =o yr o |o Eo CJ E T U) o0 o X rrl I Xc)F I Ixc) Fs ai ;g a,c t- al \ool t) \o ll€ € (g it) u trllt|rI 6.o tq)E IX(l) xc,E F 3 F\ii .l-a (u e(u od E.9 d U fEo 6 vl U N N lr) N @ c.o).E oo(J o C,2 = oh 2: 3o E(JE;6P ..t tr ju E-ciq tE-Eo ''{Ur|D.tLduY := too- L!:)> :lu t(A od o€ol d.9E E |o a co (l) E E = Nlno EF @ CD $ o J =c .9 o- o ! (u C'3 t (u lE; .E o.o x- E (u Eo c =co (u a ul E z (|J t- o d)U c .o (, (u o- '; gl E ro N L, EF U1 o)C'tro-c |l'(u =o (t c, l|) c.i ri!to o J q,(., |l' '6 (ud c, (t =tn o- ti -o m ^i E ,9(|) 3 ..i c.l(*r o.l ID o0lltA Eo t! eE t!g cE(,oF UI CJ ro ttt uo.\,U)H:! L' TlE14 o>voxulo-FCgd 3ro,r-xaoHo)(-)xo =v(,;E-;.= .= -r 14 .'; o-tF zorto >cl.t:U Eb3 =:tL . Ei-F J 6rc ooE 6:lout=-=oo=9;- g - I.= l,O- ('rior-E-g*rF-69u>3E>;*E 9r3;o P!9U:ec69E>JYE o# 6 i tll=FtEoc2-U);[!Jul (t) o v) b0 8 Ir X lrl Ix{) t-{ I IXc) Frc!an$ln\o a Resistite Micto-- Iopping White and Sealer: Aero-Flor ll Clear Gloss Ghem-Stain RUSTY BROWN 174 PRAIR E GREEN 177 0ex-0-Tex Division Crosslield Products Corp. 3000 E. Hrr rr;o rrrl Street Rancho Donr rgrrez. CA 90221 Te i310) 880 9100 Fax (310) 836 9119 t/ir,/!v.0ex0lex.c0m 1.10 Va ley R oad Rosel e Park, NJ 07204 Tc . t90Bl 245 2804 Flx (9081 245 0659 SH-50 CARIBBEAN BLUE 175 AURORA GREEN 176 YELLOW TAN 179 LIGHT BROWN I80 I/EDIUIV GRAY 183 [r rl1]'j arrl':r:rls r:)Irrr), rrr',,ir(1riri irir0T Ff,L r.r )r irpIrr).,i1 slrIt ( |1 Ilr'jtl f arf pl)!iil,l sllll)| I | 1r(.1 i, | [ ) -r , , i ] r ' r ' r ( r ', r1.( [/ ] ru rt ( I tt I.c{ry',ill}.' lrrrl:i llr'!:ll: !ejl irlr,r l,' .11rr:-:r i -ll : r:r r') ii r" il '' ,l;:rjr sLf'lr l, f" )l r. "rl"1IF;q I P lrl trll ,llislrale ll !- suLl il:, lli L:f L1 !ri:,/(,r .'./r:, (.,,fr :rl )rcurFrF, rr1 rir,r ..,?l.l:,,:i;.,;,{,,]l,j;li]i^l]t,litc,l rrrctr,lt. ;rllr .l rirl io a r ir r i | )lr,r lr ]lr(.rl I ['i'- r, ,r,' tl'H.llll) \\'l irl:!lg, ( r) !01rri ! ex0.18x IVIIDN GHT BLACK 171 DARK BRO\,VN 172 r/rEDruM tsROwN 1/3 LE[,{ON L [,4E 1/B AUBURN RED 181 BAY GREEN 182 o Colot Chail for Seamless Floors and Decks Ilex-0-Iex 303 IVORY CREAIV 304 SANDPIPER BEIGE 307 HARVEST GOLD 506 DESERT ROSE 606 SPANISH TILE 511 SURF GREEN ALS0 AVAILABLE lN 8tACK. WHITE, SAFETY BED AN0 SAFETY YELL0W. C0nsull y0ur Dex-0-Tex Represenla Pr nted c0l0r charts appr0x mate actua col0r. Final co or approval sh0uld be made lrom actual sample. F nal col0r appearanc€ is alfected by li0hlin0, surlace texture and meth0d 0l applcali0n. File Cocle L-300a www.dexotex.com -l.4PPI]LI) PLlSNC Whcatridge. ( () 80011 I'htrr lOl-J2l 02 00 Ird\ 301'12tltt00 (ROSSFIELD Dex-0-Tex Division Crossf ield Products Corp. 3000 E. Harcourl Street Rancho Domingue z, CA 90221 Tel. (310) 886-9100 Fax (310) 886-91 19 413 SPEEDW LNt;lNLI"ryNt;' .\All.\ ' \l Rtlt L. Iex +.) |BRIGHT 715ICE BLUE 720 MEDIUM BLUE live l0r 0lher colors and combinati0ns. 607 BR ICK RED 21.I GREEN 402 DARK GRAY 230 HUNTER GREEN 505 SMOKEWOOD 512 GRIZZTY 705 BLUE 606 SPANISH TILE Ava ldb e n gloss or n rrc I r i,h I51,1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (-9"<t='-"---"t- :--*\a rlJ\ e'-.1.t-'---+ c!- -\6 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PETMit #: MO6-0304 Job Address: 4695 VAIL RACQUET CLUB TWH DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: VAIL RACQUET CLUB MAIN CLUBHOUSE Applied. . : lol24l2ffi6 ParcelNo...: 2101124ft3{Ju'_l lssued. . : lO/26/2M trgal Description: Expires . .: 0412412007- Project No ' tJ'A'-. owNER r-,rcHT, BRAD A. & DANA r,. L0/24/20O5 5703 S IVA}THOE ST GREE}IWOOD VII,LAGEco 801-11 APPI,ICANT MEADOW MOIJNTAIN PLI]MBING/IIELO/24/2005 PhONEZ 97O-479-298L P.O. BOX 4564 VAIIJ co 81658 I-,icense:24A-M CO}TTRACTOR ME.JADOI{ MOUNIAIN PTI'MBING/HELO/24/2005 PhONC: 97O-479-29AL P.O. BOX 4564 VAIL co 81558 License t 24L-M Desciption: COMMON ELEMENT-VAIL RACQUET CLUB-REMOVE TWO EXISTING WATER HEATERS AND REPLACE WITH TWO NEW HIGH EFFICENCY UNITS Valuation: $20.000.00 FireDlace Information: Restricted:# of Gas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 TOWN OF VAI[, 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 m0479-2138 Mechanical---> 3400.00 Restuarant Plan Review- > FEE SUMMARY ***'****'t:f'r***r(*:*'t)**.*******)t***r<*i.1.'*'*:ir:1.+rt:!:l.,lr:i('t********'i*t:i(*** 90. oo Total Calculated Fees--> $503 - 00 90.00 $503.00 9503.00 CL^\a\^--.--^-- Plan Check--> gloo.oo TOTAL FEES----------> Sso3.oo Additional Fees---:-- > Investigation- > Will Call-*-- > $0. 00 $3.00 Total Permit Fee----- > Payments--------.-- > BALANCE DUE.-..---.- > Item: 051-00 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENf LO/26/2OO6 cgunion Act.ion: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BI-,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. CoIrd | 22 (BIJDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR rS REQUfRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC AND SECTION 304 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAIL. Cond: 23 (BL,,DG.): BOITLER TNSTALIJATION MUST CONFORM TO MAMTFACTIJRER'S ]NSTRUCTTONS AND CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 2OO3 IMC. Cond:25 (BLDG.): GAS APPIJIAI{CES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BLDG. ) : ACCESS TO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CIIAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 / TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO R060001815 Arnount l Check Statement $s03.00 to/26/200611 :43 AMInit: DDG Notation: Meadow Mtn. P & Statement Number: Palment Method: H 9935 $s03.00 ****************{.i.,1.*+:}:}:}1.*******++****** ** ******* ******f *******1.** **:N({.*****:1.{.***i*{.*{.** * **+,1. ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Current Pmts Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Location: This Palment: MP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 wc 00100003112800 M06-0304 Type: 2101-124-0300-1 4695 VAIL RACQUET CLUB VAII, RACQT]ET CI.,I'B MAIN DescriDt ion MECIIANICAI, PERMIT TI{H DR VAIL CLT'BHOUSE Total Fees: Total AL,L Pmts : Balance : $s03.00 $s03.00 $o. oo MEC}IANICAL PERMIT FEES PI,AN CHECK FEES WILI, CAIIJ INSPECTION FEE 400.00 100.00 3.00 / IMC AI{D CHAPTER 3 OF TI{E 2OO3 IFGC.. Cond: 31 (BI.,DG,): BOII,ERS SHAI-,L BE MOI]NTED ON FI,OORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI,E CONST. I'NI,ESS IJISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FLOORING. Cond:32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PITANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED Il{ MEC}IANICAI-, ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQI]EST. Cond:30 (BLDG.): BOILER ROOMS SIIALL BE EQUIPPPED WITI{ A FLOOR DRAII{ OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS FOR DTSPOSING OF rrrQUrD WASTE PER SECTTON 1-004.5. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that atl the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:OO AM - 4 PM, SIGNATURE OF O CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF APPTICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project #: AQob- o:qV ty'{q.h<"rrt-"..- ( zq t -/14 Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: 97 O-47 9-2149 (Inspections) TOWN0FWn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81652 Plumbing Contractor:', PrH Contact and Phone #'s: 1q -&18 I F..d Gpi-"y Contractor Signature coNTRAqTOR TNFORMATTON COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (LAbOT & MAIET|AIS) PLUMBING: $ Asses p !2fficej,t 9ZO-329-SilO or visitrarcef * J/ O Job Name: Vatl lcal JobAddress: \ulo vct-t I K..g.r^rz* dr,t' $., itl^lr, -t. I I U Owners nl3ms; Vq' I Detailed descriptrol o1 we]fffif; 9as F,r rA 4 fl gt.' igF.- ururts Work Class: New ( )Repairfl) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Singte-famity ( )Duplex ( ) Multi-famity ( ) Commerciaf p<1 Aestiurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in ihis buildino:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: to an EPA Phase II devicE?-Tes7-J ************************************'t**FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************* Other Fees:Qate Received: DRB Fees:Acceoted Bv:Planner Sign-off- \\\'ail\dara'\cdev\FORN4S\pERN4 tTS\pLMBpERM.DOC ef 07 i26!20Q2 GYGLONE xHE@ Modet BTH 120-250(A) SERIES 970 AND 973 COMMERCIAL GAS WATER HEATER GAS.FIRED POWER BURNER FOR DOMESTIC HOT WATER .INSTALLATION . OPERATION . SERVICE .MAINTENANGE . LIMITED WARRANTY AwnRrulruG: tf the information in tfreJ instructions is not followed exacily, a fire or explosion may result causing property damage, personal injury or death. - Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance. . WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS: . Do not try to light any appliance.. Do not touch any electrical switch;do not use any phone in your building.. lmmediately calt your gas supplier from a neighbor's phone. Follow the gas supplier's instructions.. lf you cannot reach yourgas supplier, call the fire department. Installation and service must beperformed by a qualified installer, service agency or the gas supplier. I hank you for buying this energy efficient water heater from A O Smrth Water Products Company. We appreciate your ()onf tdence in Our products. AcnurroruIi Xi I:)iIII,IIFD OR UNDERLINED IN RED CONTAINStii:OiifJAilON RELATTVF: TO YOUR SAFETY PLEASE i < I /. t ) | rO t(Ul. j G I t Lv ts E p 6 * U I N SfAgr r ll 6_ 4*O_, j^O ir.ils AirPt IANCi: PLACE THESE INSTRUCTIONS ADJACENTTO HEATER AND NOTIFYOWNER TO KEEP FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. i'r{r!ittitNUSA 110.1 4\.@.'SnilnT[N WATEFI trFIclDUCTSCOMPANY A DIVISION OF A.O. SMITH CORPORATION Mc BEE. SOUTH CAROLINA ETFICIENCY SATINC c€FI|||ED ama c@us 1 PAR] No 196145-001 CYCLONE XHE BTH 'I2O - 250 ROUGH-IN.DIMENSIONS TOP VIEW 87" I WATER OUTLET 1 t/2" itPT 145' 27.75" I 70.scm T,,., 1,,,", lr..uo-,,0,". | "'i'*'OUTSIDE DIAMETER nercsiro IWATER OUTLET I ANO GAS VALVE I , rNLEr (rN BACK) I 64.50" 120" / 164cmoPTToNAL 45. WAIER OUTLEJ 1 t/2'NPT IN TOP OF UNIT CLEANOUT 6.30" / 1 Recovery capaclties are based on heater performance at 94% thermal efficiencv FOREWORD Ihese desrgns comply wrth the latest version of the AeejlAat N-al!!Da! _Slartda!'d,lar-ca$ Wale,LHeatletF, V_olume ttt, ANSt / CSA 4.3 M 98 as an aulomaltc circulating tank water heater. and automatic storage water neaters Delailed rnstallation dragrams are lound in this manual. These diagrams will serve to provide the installer with a reference for ihe materials and methods ol piping necessary. lt is highly essential that all watet gas piping and wrnng be Installed as shown on the diagrams. Partjcular attenlion should be given to the installation of thermomerers ar the iocations indrcated on the d agrams as these are necessary for checking the proper funclioning of lhe heater 44.50" / 113cm (120 ONLY) 7.50" / 19cm In addilion to these instructlons, the equipment shall be installed in accordance with those installation regulations in force in the local area where lhe installation is to be made These shall be carefullV followed in all cases. Aulhorities having lurisdiclion should be consulted before installations are made. ln the absence of local codes the installation musl comply with the latest editions of the National Fuel Gas Code. ANSI 2223.\INFPA 54 and lhe National Electric Code. NFPA 70 CAN/CSA 149. 1 or .2 and CSA 2C22 1. The former is available from the CSA International, 8501 East Pleasant Valley Road, Cleveland. OH 44131, and Lloth documents are available from the National Fire Protection Association, I Batterymarch Park, Quincy. MA 02269. GASVALVE PIPING BTH-120 1/2" NPT BTH-150, 199 & 250 3/4" NPT Table 1. RECOVERY CAPACITIES - NATURAL GAS / L.p. Model Input BTU/HT Approx. Gallon Capacity TEMPERATURE RISE. DEGREES 'F - GALLONS PER HOUR 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 BTH . 120 125,000 Nat.60 475 356 285 237 203 178 158 142 125 't 19 110 102 BTH . 120 120,000 L.P 60 456 342 274 228 195 171 't.52 137 124 114 105 98 BTH.150 150,000 Nat.100 570 427 342 285 244 214 190 171 155 142 132 122 BTH - 150 150,000 L.P 100 570 427 342 285 244 2't4 190 '171 155 142 132 122 BTH - 199 199,900 Nat.100 759 569 456 380 325 zdJ 253 228 207 190 175 163 BTH - t99 185,000 L.P 100 7,l1 527 422 351 301 263 234 211 't92 176 162 151 BTH - 250 240,000 Nal.100 9't2 684 547 456 391 342 304 274 248 224 210 195 Model In pul kw Approx. Liter Capacity TEMPERATURE RISE . DEGREES 'C - LITERS PER HOUR t7''c 22"C 28"C 33"C 39"C u"c 50' c 56'C 61"C 67"C 72' C 78'C BTH . 120 37 Nat.227 1798 1348 1079 898 768 674 598 538 488 450 416 386 BTH - 120 35 L.P 1726 'r29s 1037 863 738 647 519 469 432 397 371 BTH - 150 44 Nat.379 21s8 1616 1295 1079 924 810 719 647 587 538 s00 462 BTH.150 44 L.P 379 21 58 1616 129s 1079 924 810 719 647 587 538 500 462 BTH " 199 58 Nat.379 2a73 2154 1726 1438 1230 1079 958 863 784 719 662 617 BTH - t99 54 L-P 379 2661 1995 1597 1329 1139 996 886 799 727 666 613 572 BTH . 250 70 Nat.379 3452 2589 2071 1726 1480 129 5 't 151 1037 939 863 795 738 TABLE OF GONTENTS ROUGH-|N D|MENS|ONS.. ...... ..... FOREWORD FEATURES....,.. Water Temperature Control ..... High Limit switch (E.c.o.) Dishwashlng [,,lachine Requirement........... Circulating Pump INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Required Abrlity lnsulation Blankets Locating The Heater... ...... C leara nces Hard Water Air Requirements . Mechanical Exhausting of Room Air Unconfined Space. ..... Confined Space... Chemical Vapor Corrosion.. Venting....... Vent Pipe Termination . Thermometers -.. ....... Relief Valve nr.o.t \/6ntin^ Direct Vent Terminal lnstallation (Sidewall) Installation Sequence Vertrcal Vent Terminal lnstallation Installation Sequence Installatton of Vent System.... . Vent Pipe Preparation ... ..... .... CONTROL AND SWITCHES.... ..., Blower Prover Swrtch.... . .... Blocked Oullel Prover Switch Blocked Inlet Prover Switch Low Gas Pressure Switch. ..... On/Off Switch Hol Surface 19niter ........ ... ..... GAS PIPING Connection of Gas Pipe.... ...... Purging...... Gas Meter Size - City Gases Only Gas Pressure Regulation Gas Valves.. SYSTEM CONNECTIONS... ..... .... Water Line Connections.... ..... Heater Wiring....... OPERATION Sequence of Operation ........... Self Diagnoslic Controiler.......... Gas Value LEDs Flashing Error Codes Fault Condilions No Incoming Line Voltage ...._... No Low Voltage ... Temperature Probe Fault E.C.O. Switch Open ................. Control Bad Combustion Air Blockage ......... PR|OR TO START-UP ................... f:a^,,,ra.l Ahilir!, OPERATIING INSTRUCTIONS ... -...,. Adjustmenl Procedure (lnitial Start-Up)... Lighting Inslructions . ...-........... Cathodic Protection .................... Precautions GENERAL INFORMATION .,, ........... Power Burner...... High Limil.............. High Altitude Installations.......... I\4AINTENANCE Genera1. ............. N4aintenance Schedule ... ......... Draining..... Sediment Removal Lime Scale Removal . ...... ....... Anode Inspection and Replacement Drain Valve and Access Panels PAGE 2 2 3,4 3 4' 4 4-13 4 4,5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 b-at I BI '10 10 10 ,11 11 't 1 ,12 11 12 12 13 IJ 13 '13 Relef Valve Circulat'ng Pump Vent System INSTALLATION DIAGRAMS...,....-... Manifold Krts CHECKLISTAND SERVICE INFORMATION ...,.........,. TROUBLE.SHOOTING ...,..,,. REPLACEMENT PARTS,,...., ..,,..-. LIMtTED WARRANTY .................... PAGE 14 t5 15 15 15 16 16 16 to 17 't7 17 18 18 18 1B 19 20 20 2A 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 23-27 28 29 29,30 30 FEATURES IMPORTANT IT IS REQUIRED THAT AQUALIFIED SERVICE TECHNICIAN PERFORIVI THE INITIAL FIRING OF THE HEATER- AT THIS TIME THE USER SHOULD NOT HESITATE TO ASK THE TECHNICIAN ANY QUESTIONS WHICH HE I\,IAY HAVE IN REGARD TO THE OPERATION AND I\4AINTENANCE OF THE UNIT A CHECKLIST AND SERVTCE TNFORMATTON section are inctuded at the rear of thrs manual By using this checklist the user may be able to make minor operatronal adJuslments and save himself unnecessary service calls. However lhe user should not atternpt repairs which are not listed in this seclion. WATER TEMPERATURE CONTROL A oeucen THIS WATER HEATER IS EQUIPPED WITH AN ADJUSTABLE TH ER i,'tO STAT TO CONTROL WATER TEMPERATURE. HOT WATER TEMPERATURES REQUIRED FOR AUTOMATIC DISHWASHER AND LAUNDRY USE CAN CAUSE SCALO BURNS RESULTING IN SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURYAND/ OR DEATH, THE TEMPERATURE AT WHICH INJURY OCCURS VARIES WITHTHE PERSON'S AGE AND THE TIME OF IHE EXPOSURE- THE SLOWER RESPONSE TIME OF CHILDREN. AGED OR DISABLED PERSONS INCREASES THE HMARDS TO THEM, NEVER ALLOW SMALL CHILDREN TO USE A HOT WATER TAP OR TO DRAW THEIR OWN BATH WATER. NEVER LEAVEACHILD OR DISABLED PERSON UNATTENDED INA BATHTUB OR SHOWER, THE WATER HEATER SHOULD BE LOCATED IN AN AREA WHERE THE GENEML PUBLIC DOES NOT HAVE ACCESS TO SET TEMPERATURES The water temperature is controlled using the Temperature Control Button on the Display at the front of the unit (See Figure 1). This control utilizes two temperature probes to determine the tank temperature. The pnmary temperature probe is located at the top of the tank and the other is near the water inlet The temperature may be adjusted ttom B0'F 127''C to 185'F/85 C. The thermostat was adjusled to 120"F/49"C before the healer was shipped from the factory. lt is recommended lhat lower water temperatures be used to avoid the risk of scalding. lt is further recommended, in all cases, that the water temperature be set for the lowest temperalure which satisfies your'hot water needs. This will also provide the most energy efficient operatron of the water healer and minimize scale formation. SETTING THE WATER HEATER TEi/IPERATURE AT 1 2O"F/49"CWILL REDUCE THE RISK OF SCALDS. Some states require setlings at specific lower lemperalures Figure 1 shows the approximale time-to-burn relationship for normal adult skin. Short repealed heating cycles caused by small hot water uses can cause temperalures at the point ol use to exceed the thermostat setting by up lo 20 F11 1' C. lf you expenence this type of use, you should consider using lower temperature seltrngs to reduce scald hazards. FIGURE 1 Valves for reducing poinlof-use lemperature by mixing cold and hot water are available (see Figure 2). Also avarlable are inexpensive devices that attach to faucets lo limit hot water temperatures. QeI aqlaIe€l$cdl)lumbel or the local plumbrng aqthqrity. TEMPERED WATER OUTLET COLD WATER INLET CHECK VALVE I tutxtnc VALVE CHECK VALVE TO TANK INLET FIGURE 2 HtGH LtMrr SwrrcH (E.C.O.) l he lop immersron well of the dual bulb controller also contains the high limit (energy cutoff) sensor. The hrgh limit switch interrupts the main burner gas ffow should lhe water lemperature reach approximately 202F 194"C. Should the high limit switch activate, it must be manually reset by depressing the Temperature Adlustment Button/Reset Button on the display board. The water lemoerature must droo below '160'F/71 'C before the controller can oe reser Continued manual resetting oI high limit control, preceded by higher lhan usual waler temperature is evrdence of high limil switch operation. The following are possible reasons for high lirnit switch operallon. . A malfunction in the thermostatic controls would allow the gas valve to remain open causing water temperature to exceed the thermoslat setting. The water temperature would conlinue to rise until high lrmrt switch oDeratron. Contact your dealer or servicer if continued high limit switch operation occu r s. DISHWASHING MACHINE REQUIREMENT All dishwashing machines meeting the National Sanitation Foundatron requirements are designed to operate with water flow pressures between 15 and 25 pounds per square inch ('1 03 Kpa and 1 73 Kpa). Flow pressures above 25 pounds per square inch (173 Kpa), or below 15 pounds per square inch (103 Kpa), will result in improperly sanitized dishes. Where pressures are high, a water pressure reducing or flow regulating control valve should be used in the 180'F (82"C) line to the dishwashing machine. and should be adjusted to deliver water between these limits The National Sanitation Foundation also recommends circulation of 180 'F (82"C) water. Where this is done, the circulation should be very gentle so that it does not cause any unnecessary turbulence inside the water heatet The circulation should be jusl enough to provide 180.F (82"C) water at the point of take-off to the dishwashing machine. Adjust flow by means of the plug cock in lhe circulating line. (See nstallation diagrams ) CIRCULATING PUMP A circulatrng pump is used when a system requires a circulating loop or there is a storage tank used ln conjunction with the healer Refer lo the piping diagrams at rear of manual for electrical hookup information and install in accordance with the latest version of the Na.llqnal-Eleetric Codc NFPA 70 or Canadian Code CSAC22.1. All bronze circulators are recommended for used wilh commercial water heaters. Although circulators are oiled and operated by the manufacturer some circulators must be oiled again before operated. Please refer to manufacturer's instructions. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS REQUIREDABILITY INSTALLATION OR SERVICE OF THIS WATER HEATER REQUIRES ABILITY EQUIVALENT TO THAT OF A LICENSED TRADESMAN IN THE FIELD INVOLVED PLUMBING, AIR SUPPLY VENTING. GAS SUPPLY AND ELECTRICALWORK ARE REOUIRED, INSULATION BLANKETS Insulation blankets available to the general public for external use on gas water heaters are not approved for use on your A O Smtth water heater The ourpose of an insulaiion blanket is to reduce the standby heat loss encountered with storage tank water heaters Your A O Smith water heater meets or exceeds the ASHRAE/IES 90.1 1999 standards with respecl to insulation and standby loss reguirements, maklng an insulation blanket unnecessarv Awanrutuc Should you choose to apply an insulation blanket to this heater, you should follow these instructions. Failure to tollow these instruclions can result In fire, asphyxiation, serious personal iniury or death . Do not apply insulation to the top, or the upper 15" (38 cm) of the water heate[ as this will interfere with safe operalion DISPLAY EOARO I TEMPERATUFE AD.'USTMENT BUTTON/RESET EUTTON Temperature Time to Produce 2nd & 3rd getlt-r.g Degle_e. B!I!LS- alr_Ad ult Skin 180 F 182'C Nearly instantaneous 17O F 177 C Nearly inslantaneous 160"F / 71"C About l/2 second 150 F/66 C Aboul 1-112 seconds 140 F/60'C Less than 5 seconds 130 Fi 54'C About 30 seconds 120 F 149 C More than 5 minutes . Do not cover the temperature & pressure relief valve. .' Do nol cover the Instruction manual. Keep it on the sjde of the warer healer or nearby Ior future reference. . Do obtain new labels from A.O. Smith for placement on lhe blanket directiy over the existing labels. LOCATING THE HEAf,ER l Awnnrunc THERE ISA RISK IN USING FUEL BURNING APPLIANCES SUCH AS GAS WATER HEATERS IN ROOMS, GARAGES OR OTHER AREAS WHERE GASOLINE, OTHER FLAMI,IABLE LIQUIDSOR ENGINE DRIVEN EQUIPIIIENT OR VEHICLES ARE STORED, OPERATED OR REPAIRED. FLAMI\,4ABLE VAPORS ARE H EAVY AND TRAVEL ALONG THE FLOOR AND MAY BE IGNITED BYTHE HEATER'S IGNITER OR MAIN BURNER FLAMES CAUSING FIRE OR EXPLOSION. SOME LOCAL CODES PERMIT OPERATION OF GAS APPLIANCES lF INSTALLED 18 TNCHES (46 cm) OR MORE ABOVE THE FLOOR. THIS MAY REDUCE THE RISK IF LOCATION IN SUCH AN AREA CANNOT BE AVO|DED THE HEATERSHALL BE LOCATED OR PROTECTED SO IT IS NOTSU&'ECT TO PHYSICAL DAIVAGE BY A MOVING VEHICLE. DO NOT LOCATE THE HEATER WHERE NOISE FRON/ THE EXHAUST OR INTAKEWLL 8E O&JECTIONAALE. THIS INCLUDES LOCATIONS CLOSE TO OR ACROSS FROM WINDOWS AND DOORS, AVOIDANCHORING THE VENT AND INTAKE PIPES DIRECTLY TO FRAMEDWALLS, FLOORS OF CEILINGS UNLESS RUBBER ISOLATION PIPE HANGERSARE USED THIS PREVENTS ANY VIBRATIONS FROM BEING TRANSMITTED INTO THE LIVING SPACES, A AwaRHlrlo FLAMN,,IABLE ITEMS, PRESSURIZED CONTAINERS OR ANY OTHER POTENTIAL FIRE HAZARDOUS ARTICLES MUST NEVER BE PLACED ON OR ADJACENT TO THE HEATER. OPEN CONTAINERS OF FLAMMABLE MATERIAL SHOULD NOT BE STORED OR USED IN THE SAME ROOMWITH THE HEATER. When Installing the heater, consideration must be given to proper location- Location selecled should be as close to the intake and exhaust termrnarron points as praclicable, with adequate air supply and as centralized with the prprn9 system as possible THE HEATER MUST NOT BE LOCATED IN AN AREA WHERE IT WILL BE SUBJECTTO FREEZ ING. LOCATE IT NEAR A FLOOR DRAIN. THE HEATER SHOULD BE LOCATED IN AN AREA WHERE LEAKAGE FROM THE HEATER OR CONNECTIONS WILL NOT RESULT IN DAMAGE TO THE ADJACENTAREA OR TO LOWER FLOORS OF THE STRUCTURE. When such locations cannol be avoided, it is recommended that a suitable drain pan, adequately drained. be installed under the appliance. Water heater life depends upon water quality, water pressure and the envrronment in which the water heater is installed. Water heaters are sometimes rnstalled in locations where leakage may result in property damage, even with the use of a drain pan piped to a drain. However, unanticipated damage can be reduced or prevented by a leak detector or water shul-off device used rn conjunclion with a piped drain pan. These devrces are available from some plumbjng supply wholesalers and retailers, and delect and react lo leakage in various ways: . Sensors mounted in the drain pan that trigger an alarm or turn off the Incomrng water to the water heater when leakage is detecled. ' Sensors mounted in the drain pan that turn off the water supply lo the entire home when water is detected in the drain pan. ' Water supply shut-oft devices that activate based on the water pressure drfferential between the cold water and hot water pioes connected to the water heater. Devices that will turn off the gas supply to a gas water h€ater while at the same time shutting off its water supply. A*onHr*c THIS WATER HEATER IS A CONDENSING UNIT AND REQUIRES A DRAIN TO BE LOCATED IN CLOSE PROXIMTTY TO ALLOW THE CONDENSATE TO DRAIN SAFELY THE CONDENSATE DRAINS FROM THE UNITAT THE EXHAUST ELBOW LOCATED AT THE BOTTOM OF THE UN|I NOTE: tT tS IMPORTANT THAT THE CONDENSATE HOSE NOT BE ELEVATED ABOVE THE EXHAUST ELBOW (SEE FIGURE 3). THE CONDENSATE BUILD-UP WILL BLOCK THE EXHAUST OUTTEI WHICH WILL CAUSE IMPROPER OPERATION. EXHAUST ELBOW COND ENSATE TUBE NOTE: THE CONOENSATE TUBE MUST BE BELOW EXHAUST ELBOW. FIGURE 3 Awenxrnc DO NOT USE THIS APPLIANCE IF ANY PART HAS BEEN UNDER WATER, II\,,IMEDIATELY CALL AQUALIFIED SERVICE TECHNICIAN TO INSPECT THE APPLIANCEAND TO REPLACE ANY PART OF THE CONTROL SYSTEM AND ANY GAS CONTROL WHICH HAS BEEN UNDER WATER. CLEARANCES These heaters are approved for installation on combustible flooring in an alcove when the minimum clearances lrom any combustion construction are followed as indicaied in Figure 4. In all installations lhe minimum combuslible clearances from any vent prprng shall be 0". Vent piping passing through a combustible wall or ceiling must be a continuous run (no joints). A service clearance of 24" (61 cm) should be maintained from seTviceaore parts such as relief valves. flue baffles, flue damper devices, thermostats, cleanout openings or drain valves Always disconnect electrical power before servicing the unit CEILING RIGHT WALL FRONT VIEW 'For removal of toD cover -ILLUSTRATION OF I\4INIMUM ALCOVE FIGURE4 COMBUSIIBLE CLEARANCES IN AN o HARD WATER Where hard water conditions exist, water softening or the threshold type of water treatmenl is recommended. This will protect the dishwashers, coflee urns, water heaters, waler piping and other equipment. See MAINTENANCE section for details of tank cleanout procedure. AIRREQUIREMENTS KEEP APPLIANCE AREACLEARAND FREE OF COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS, GASOLINE AND OTHER FLAMMABLE VAPORS AND LIQUIDS. DO NOT OBSTRUCT THE FLOW OF COMBUSTION AND VENTILATING AIR. A AwanHrHc FOR SAFE OPERATION PROVIDE ADEQUATEAIR FOR COMBUSTION ANO VENTILATION. AN INSUFFICIENT SUPPLY OF AIR WILL CAUSE RECIRCULATION OF CON4BUSTION PRODUCTS RESULTING IN CONTAMINATION THAT MAY BE HAZARDOUS TO LIFE. SUCH A CONDITION OFIEN WILL RESULT IN A YELLOW LUMINOUS BURNER FTAME. CAUSING CARBONING OR SOOTING OF THE COMBUSTION CHAMBER, BURNERS AND FLUE TUBESAND CREATES A RISK OF ASPHYXIATION. MECHANICAL EXHAUSTING OF ROOM AIR Where an exhausl fan is installed in the same room with a heate( sufficient openrngs for air must be provided in the walls. UNDERSIZED OPENINGS WILLCAUSE AIRTO BE ORAWN INTO THE ROOMTHROUGH THE HEATER'S VENTING SYSTEM, CAUSING POOR COMzuSTION, SOOTING MAY RESULT IN SERIOUS DAMAGE TO THE HEATER AND RISK OF FIRE OR EXPLOSION. IT CAN ALSO CREATE A RISK OFASPHYXIATION. UNCONFINEDSPACE In buildings of conventional frame, brick or stone construclion, unconfined spaces may provide adequate air for combustion and ventilation. lf the unconfined space is within a buiiding of tight construction (buildings using the followrng construction: weather stripping, heavy insulation, caulking, vapor barriet etc ), air for combustion and ventilation must be obtained from outdoors. The installation instructions for confined spaces rn tightly constructed buildings must be followed lo ensure adequate air supply. CONFINED SPACE When drawing combuslion air from inside a conventionally constructed buildrng to a confined space. such a space shall be provided with two permanenl openings, ONE lN OR WITHIN 12 INCHES (31 cm) OF THE ENCLOSURE TOP AND ONE lN OR WITHIN 12 INCHES (31 cm) OF THE ENCLOSURE BOTTOM. Each opening shall have a free area of at least one square rnch (6.5 cm')) per 1000 Btuh appliances in the enclosure, but not less than 100 square inches (645 cm'?). lf the confined space is within a building of tight construction, airfor combustion and ventilation must be oblained from outdoors. When directly communicating with the outdoors through vertical ducts, two permanent openings, located in the above manne[ shall be provided. Each opening shall have a free area of not less than one square inch (6.5 cm'z) per 4000 Btuh of the total input of all appliances in the enclosure. lf horizontal ducts are used, each opening shall have a Iree area of not less than one square inch (6.5 cm'?) per 2000 Bluh of the total input of all appliances in the enclosure. CHEMICAL VAPOR CORROSION Atro**,nc CORROSION OF THE FLUE WAYS AND VENT SYSTEM MAY OCCUR IF AIR FOR COMBUSTION CONTAINS CERTAIN CHEMICAL VAPORS. SUCH CORROSION MAY RESULT IN FAILURE AND RISK OF ASPHYXIATION. Spray can propellants, cleaning solvents, refrigerator and air conditioning refrigerants, swimming pool chemicals, calcium and sodium chloride, waxes, and process chemicals are typical compounds whrch are potentially corrosive. PRODUCTS OF THIS SORTSHOULD NOT BE STORED NEAR THE HEATER. ALSO, AIR WHICH IS BROUGHT IN CONTACT WITH THE HEATER SHOULD NOT CONTAIN ANY OF THESE CHEMICALS, IF NECESSARY UNCONTAM IMTEO AIR SHOULD BE OBTAINED FROM REMOTE OR OUTSIDE SOURCES. VENTING A*o*r'nn THE INSTRUCTIONS IN THIS SECTION ON VENTING MUST BE FOLLOWED TO AVOID CHOKED COMBUSTION OR RECIRCULATION OF FLUE GASES. SUCH CONDITIONS CAUSE SOOTING OR RISKS OF FIRE AND ASPHYXIATION. Heater must be protected from treezing downdrafts during shutdown periods. Awnnurc NEVER OPEMTE THE HEATER UNLESS IT ISVENTED TOTHE OUTDOORS AND HAS ADEQUATE AIR SUPPLY TO AVOID RISKS OF IMPROPER OPERATION, FIRE, EXPLOSION OR ASPHYXIATION. VENT PIPE TERMINATION NOTE: Before installing venting, delermine place of vent pipe termination. See Figure 6 before proceeding. Acautton DO NOT TERMINATE THE VENTING WHERE NOISE FROM THE EXMUST OR INTME WILL BE OBJECTIONABLE, THIS INCLUDES LOCANONS CLOSE TO OR ACROSS FROM WINDOWS AND DOORS. A\AfID ANCHORING THE VENT AND INTAKE PIPES DIRECTLY TO FRAA,IED WALLS, FLOORS OR CEILINGS UNLESS RUBBER ISOLATION PIPE FIANGERS ARE USED. THIS PREVENTS ANY VIBRATIONS FROM BEING TRAAISMITTED INTO THE LIVING SPACES. AIR INTAKE - _---..-..-- - ..Joo',lloJll,|ln,-- =--''=-=;/ sEcrr o N, PAG E s-**ilYrru":;i A*o*","o VENT H@D(S) MAY BE EXTREMELY HOT DURING OPERATION A 6agnqx TO PREVENT EXHAUSTING .. ,.; DIRECTVENT VENT HOOO MUST BE MOUNTEO 1' (30.5cm) MtNtMUM ABOVE DOORS AND WINOOWS I@R PRODUCTS FROM CIRCULATING TO THE AIR INTAKE IN WINDY/COLD AREAS, THE MAXIMUM PRACTICAL DISTANCE BETVVEEN THESE TWO TERMINALS IS RECOMMENDED. A*o*","n 8- l'(30.scm) MINIMUM VENT HOOD MUST BE MOUNTED 1' {30.5cm1 MINIMUM AWAY frl,lffcufl) HoRjzoNr&rv rnor,r ooons l--W-1- l ,-Jfr -l '| i-:<:-:2tffi,#)[j-ts ;;5---: "NOTE: BTH 25O USES TEE ON AIR INTAKE TERMINAL ON DIRECT VENT INSTALLAIIONS, EXHAUSTVENT HOOD MUST BE LOCATED i' (30.ftm) itrNtrrtutl FROM ANY OPENING IN BUILDING. OIII DIRECTVENT INSTALIATIONS, EXHAUST VEI{T HOOD MUST BE LOCATED 4, (1z2cml MIN|MUM FROM ANYOPENING IN BUILDING. 3' (91c|n) MttitMUM FROM INSIDE CORT,IER RECOMMETTDED DO NOT TERMTNATE EXHAUSTOVER PUBLIC AREA WHERE CONDEI{SATE OR VAPOR CAITI CAUSE NUISANCE OR HAZARD. VENT HOOD(S) MAY BE EXTREMELY HOT DURING OPERATION -- EXHAUST l' (3O.5cm) MINIMUM ABOVE OOORS AND WINDOWS FIGURE 6 7 IMPORTANT The vent system musl terminate so that proper clearances are maintained as crted in local codes or the latesl edition of the National Fuel Ge-eCelC, ANSI 2223.1i NFPA 54 and for Canadian installations consult the Canadtan Installatron Codes and CAN/CGA B'149.1 and .2. '1 Do not terminate the exhaust vent terminal over public area where condensale or vapor can cause nuisance ot hazard. 2. For drrect vent, the venting system shall terminate at least 1'(30.5 cm) below 1' (30.5 cm) hoflzontatly from or 1'(30.5 cm) above any door, window, or gravity air inlet into building. 3 For honzontal the venting system, using room for combustion, the vent terminal shall terminate 4' (122 cm) betow 4' (jZZ cm) horizontally from or 1' (30.5 cm) above any door, window or gravity air inlet into building. 4. The manufacturer also recommends the vent system terminations not be installed closer than 3' (91cm) from an inside corner of an L shaped structure. And not less than 1' (30.5 cm) above grade or anticipated snow tevet. 5 The vent termination shall not be mounted direc y above or within 3' (91cm) horizontally from an oil tank vent or gas meter to avoid potential freeze-up from condensatton 6. The vent shall terminate a minimum of 12" (30.5 cm) above expected snowfall level to prevent blockage of vent termination. Plan the vent system layout so that proper clearances are maintained from plumbrng and wiring Vent pipes serving power vented appliances are classified by building codes as "vent connectors". Required clearances from combustible malerials must be provided in accordance with information in this manual under LOCATION OF HEATER and CLEARANCES, and with National Fuet Gas Code and local Codes. IMPORTANT Plan the layout of the vent syslem backwards from the vent terminalon ro the appliance. Awennrnc USE ONLY I'HE VENTTERMIMLS SUPPLIEDWITH THIS UNIT TERMIMTION OF A VENT SYSTEIV WITH A DEVICE OTHER THAN THE SUPPLIEO VENT TERMINATIONS WILL AFFECT SYSTEM PERFORMANCE AND RESULT IN A SAFETY HAZARD. DIRECT VENTING The air intake provided on lhe unit contains a mesh screen (see Figure 7) to prevent large partrcles from entering the unit 3" (7.6cm) 45" PVC ELBOW WITH MESH SCREEN RESTRICTOR FIGURE 7 A AwlnNrruc WHEN THE UNIT IS TO BE SETUP AS A DIRECT VENI THE IVESH SCREEN MUST BE REMCA/ED, THE INLET VENT PIPE MAY THEN BE GLUED TOTHE AIR INTAKE (see Figure B) PROVIDED ON THE UNtT FIGURE 8 DIRECT VENT TERMINAL I NSTALLATION IMPORTANT THIS UNIT CONSISTS OF TWO VENT TERMINALS . AN INTAKE VENT TERMINAL AND AN EXHAUST VENT TERMINAL. THE INTAKE VENT TERMTNAL tS A 3" 45" PVC ELBOW (OR 3" pVC TEE FOR BTH 250) W|TH A MESH WIRE SCREEN ANDTHE EXHAUSTVENT TERMINAL IS A 3" 45'PVC ELBOW WITH A MESH WIRE SCREEN. NOTE: TO PREVENT EXHAUSTING PRoDUCTS FROM CIRCULATING TO THE AIR INTAKE IN WINDY/COLD AREAS, THE MAXIMUM PRACTICAL DISTANCE BETWEEN THESE TWOTERMINALS IS RECOMI\,4ENDED REMOVE MESH SCREEN ANO RESTRICTOR RING AND DISCARD WHEN OIRECT VENT PIPE IS AODED. ExHAUgr vENT t TNTAKE vENTTERMINAL\ r - I TERMINAL- * l; \2,A\ lj \ - HAUST VEiIT E INTAKE VENT C,TERMINAL\ i X TERMIT{AL - F FIGURE 9 IMPORTANT WNTru IOCETIruC THE TERMINALS ON A SIDEWALL, THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS PERTAINING TO TERMINAL LOCATION MUST BE FOLLOWED. '1.The intake vent terminal and the exhaust vent terminal must terminale on the same exlerior wall and must be located at a minimum of 24, (61cm) from the vertical centerline of the exhaust vent terminal (see Figure 9). In colder climates increasing the 24,' (61cm) minimum will reduce possrbility of frost over from side winds blowing exhaust vapors to the air intake of the direct the vent. The horizontal centerline of the intake vent terminal may nol be located lower than the horizontal centerline of the exhaust vent terminal (see Figure 9) INSTALLATION SEQUENCE For installations in the City of Los Angeles, California Category lV pVC pipe such as that manufactured by Brownline pipe Gompany, must be used as vent prpe material A"ou'o" Vent terminals supplied with the heater must be used. NOTE BEFORE BEGINNING INSTALLATION OF ANY VENT PIPE READ THE VENT PIPE MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. 1. After the potnts of terminalion have been determined, use the cover plales as templates to mark the holes for the vent pioes to be inserled through the wall. BEWARE OF CONCEALEDWTRTNG AND ptptNG tNSIDE OF WALL. 2 lf lhe vent terminals are being installed on the outside of a finished wall, it may be easier to mark both the inside and outside wall. Align the holes by drilling a hole through lhe center of the template from the inside through to the outside. The template can now be positioned on the outside wall using the drilled holes as a centering point for the template. 3, A) MASONRY SIDE WALLS Chisel an opening approximalely 112" ('1.3 cm) larger than the marKeo crrcle. B) WOODEN SIDE WALLS Drill a pilot hole approximately one quarter inch outside of the marked circle. This prlot hole is used as a starting point for a saws-all or sabre saw blade. Cul around the marked circle staying approximately one quarter anch oulside of lhe tine. (This will altow the vent pipe to easily slide lhrough the openrng. The resulting gap will be covered by the venl terminal cover plates.) Repeat this step on the inside wall if necessarv. 4. Cut a length of 3" PVC pipe about 3.5" (8.9 cm) longer than the wall thrckness at the opening. 5. Glue lhe intake venl terminal to the section of the pipe. 6 S|de the wall plate over the pipe to stop against intake vent terminal. 7.Place a bead of caulking (not supplied) around the gap between the pipe and the wall. Place some oI the caulking on the back of the plate to hold it against the wall after installation. lf the vent pipe is installed up to the wall, with a coupling on the end against the wail opening, the pipe with lhe vent terminal can De prepared for gluing before lnserting through the wall. Slide the pipe through the wall and inserl into coupling on the other side of the wall, making sure that lhe vent terminal ends up pointed in the correct position (Figure 10). 8 METAL PLATES 3' PVC VENT TERt\,llNAL WITH MESH PROTECTIVE SCREEN INSIOE EXHAUST VENT TERMIiIAL FROM WATER HEATER EXHAUST VENT TERMINAL - ALL MOOELS METAL PLATES 3' PVC 45' ELBOW WITH DIVERTER PLATE AND AOAPTER SCREEN INTAKE VENT TERMINALq OUTSTOE '12" (30.5cM) BU|LD|NG MINIMUM3" PVC COUPLING wnu- | INTAKE VENT IERMINAL - BTH 150 & 199 MOOELS ONLY METAL PLATES 3' PVC TEE WITH MESH PROTECTIVE SCREEN INSIDE INTAKE VENT IERMINAL @ 3' PVC COUPLING r2" (s0.5cM) MINIMUM IJ. INTAXE VENT TERMINAL - BTH 250 MODELS ONLY METAL PLATES MORTAR OR stLtcoNE CAULK ! '' 3' PVC 45" ELBOW WITH DIVERTER PLATE AND ADAPTER SCREEN INTAKE VENT TERMINAL ouTstoE 12' (30.5CM) BUILDING MINIMUM 3" PVC COUPLING WAIL I INTAKE VENT TERMINAL - ATH 120 MOOELS ONLY FIGURE 1O PLUMBING VENT'ROOFBOOT 24..t61cm)(TYP. BOTH P|PES) , Mt tMuM' P< AAB: '12' {3{t.scm} ABOVE ROOF OR SNOW ACCUMULATION LEVEL VER]ICAL VENT TERMINATIOI. BTH 250 MODELS ONLY BTH 120 ONLY EXHAUST VENT TERMINAL ITITAKE VENT TERMINAL NOTE: lntake vent Terminal wall or verlical venl installations are requa,ed for oirect venl units BTH 150 and 199 EXHAUST VENT TERMINAL INTAKE VENT TERMINAL NoTEi lntake Vent Terminal wall or Vettical Vent installations are required for Oirecl Vent units BTH 250 ONLY EXHAUST VENT IERMINAL INTAKE VEIiT IERMINAL FLASI{IIIG 12" (30.5cm) ABOVE AVERAGE SNOWFALL 12" (30.€cm) ABOVE AVERAGE SNOWFALL NOTE: lnlake Vent Terminal wall or Vertical Vont inslallations a,e requiaed fot Oi.ect Vent units FIGI.,FE 11 VERTICAL VENT TERMINAL INSTALLATION IMPORTANT WHEN TEFMINATING THROUGH A ROOF, THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS PERTAINING TO TEBMINAL LOCATION MUST BE FOLLOWED. 1 . Proper support must be provided for all pipe protruding through the root 2. The vertical roof terminations should be sealed with a plumbing rool boot or equivalent flashing. 3. The intake vent termination and the exhaust vent terminalion must penelrale the same side ol roof. 4. The center line of the intake vent termination and the center line of the exhaust vent lerminalion must be no closer than 24" (61cm). 5. The intake vent terminal and the exhaust vent terminal must be oriented facing downward and the same direction. The speciticalions are displayed in Figure 11 & 12. NOTE: Exhaust vent terminal is installed using lhe same procedure. INSTALLATION SEQUENCE NOTE: BEFOBE BEGINNING INSTALLATION OF ANY VENT PIPE, READ "VENT PIPE PREPABATION" SECTION ON PAGE 11 . 1. After lhe points of termination have been determined, use lhe cover plates as templates to mark the holes tor the vent pipes to be inserted through the rool. 2. Drill a pilol hole approximately 1/4" (6 mm) outside of the marked circle. This pilot hole is used as a slarting point lor a saws-all or sabre saw blade. Cut around the marked circle staying approximately one quarter inch outside the line. (This will allow the vent pipe to easily slide through the opening). The resulling gap will be covered by the rool booUllashing. 3. Suspend the pipe through the center of lhe hole using proper support. 4. Sllde roof boot or equivalent llashing over pipe and secure roof boot equivalenl flashing to roof. 5. Seal around llashing. 6. Terminate intake terminal and exhaust vent terminal lacing down as shown in Figure 12. FIGURE,I2 INSTA,LLATION OF VENT SYSTEM A AwaRNtttc THE OPTIONAL INTAKE VENTING ARRANGEM€NT AND THE EXHAUST VENTING ARRANGEMENT MUST BE INSTALLED TO RUN DIRECTLY TO THE OUTDOORSAND NOT IN ANY WAY BE CONNECTEO TO ANOTHER VEI"ITING SYSTEM (I,E. FURNACE, DRYERS OR SPACE HEATERS), IT IS CRUCIAT THAT THE VENTING ARRANGEMENT BE KEPT SEPARATE FROM OTHER VENTING SYSTEMS. IF THIS WARNING IS IGNORED, AND THE SYSTEM IS VENTED INCORRECTLY IT MAY CAUSE IMPROPER OPERATION, FIRE, EXPLOSION, OR ASPHYXIATION. 1- Plan the route ofthe vent system from the vent termination to lhe planned location of the appliance. Layout the total vent system to use lhe minimum of vent pipe and elbows Possible. 2. The installer may add up to a MAXIMUM OF FIFTY (50) EOUIVALENT FEET (15.2 m)of pipe to the exhaust venting arrangement This addition of FIFTY (50) EQUIVALENT FEET (15.2 m) of pipe on both the intake venting arrangemenl and exhaust venting arrangement must include any 3" PVC elbows which equals (5) EQUIVALENT FEET (1.5 m) of pipe. 10 Table 2. VENT LENGTH TABLE Number of 90" Elbows J Minimum Pipe (Ft./M.) 3" Maximum Pipe (Fl./M.) Maximum Pipe (Ft./M.) oNE (r)7t2 45t13.7 115/35 rwo (2)7t2 40t12.2 110/33.5 THREE (3}7t2 35t',to.7 105t32 FouR (4)7t2 30/9.1 100/30.5 FrvE (s)7t2 95/29 srx (6)712 90t27.4 4-inch PVC may be used for a MAXIMUM intake of ONE HUNDRED TWENTY(120) EQUIVALENT FEET (36.6m) and a [,4AXIMUM exhaust of ONE HUNDRED TWENTY (120) EQUTVALENT FEET (36.6m). The rnaximum number of 90 elbows with the 4-inch ventrng is six (6) on the Intake and six (6) on the exhaust. A 90. elbow is equal to five (5) equivalent feet (.1.5m) of prpe. One (1) 90'elbow is equalto two (2)45. elbows. Any venting coniiguration usrng less than 50 equivalent leet should use 3-inch venting. See Table Z. The 3-inch venting terminals (provided) must be used wrth the 4-inch venting by adding 4x3 reducing couplings at the venting terminals. A reducrng couplng is aiso needed immediately after the condensate elbow(exhaust) and immediately before the 3-inch blower adapter (inlake) if dLrect venting is Installed See Table 2. IMPORTANT When multiple units are direct vented through a wall (3-inch or 4_inch venling), all intake vent terminals should be no lower than the hiahest exhaust vent terminal NQ-IL This unit can be vented using only pVC (Ctass 160, ASTM D-2241 Schedule 40 ASTM D-1785 ; or Cellutar Core Schedute 40 DWV ASTM F'891) , Schedule 40 CPVC (ASTM F-411), or ABS (ASTM D_2661) pipe. The fittings. other than the TEBMIXAIIQNS shoutd be equivatent ro pVC- DWV fittings meeting ASTM D-2665 (Use CpVC firtings, ASTM F-438 for CPVC pipe and ABS fittings, ASTM D-2661/3311 for ABS oioe. tf CPVC or ABS pipe and fittings are used, then the proper cement must be used for alljornts, includrng joining the pipe to the Termination (pVC N4ateriat). pVC N4aterials should use ASTM D-2564 Grade Cementt CpVC Materiats should use ASTf\4 F-493 crade Cement and , ABS Materials should use ASTM D-2235 Grade Cemenl. NQT-E for Water Heaters in locations with high ambienl temperatures (above '100'F or 38'C) and/or insuificient dilution air, it is recommended that CPVC or ABS pipe and fittings (N!!|ST_L!SESUppLtED_VENT TERMTNAL) be used 4. ll rs impo(anl that condensate not be allowed to buildup in the exhaust vent pipe. To prevent this from happening the pipe should be installed wrth a s|ght, 1/B inch (3mm) per 5 feet (152 cm) of pipe maxrmum downward slope. 5. The vent system should be supported every 5 feet (152 cm) of vertical run and every 3 feet (91cm) oI horizontal run of vent pipe length. NOTF: Stress levels in the pipe and fittjngs can be significan y increased by improper installatron lf rigid pipe clamps are used to hold lhe prpe rn place. or if the pipe cannot move freety through a wall penetration, the pipe may be direclly stressed, or high thermal stresses may be formed when the pipe heats up and expands Install accordingly to minimize such stresses. VENT PIPE PREPARATION 1 INITIAL PREPARATION A Make sure the solvenl cement you are planning to use is designed for the specific application you are attempting. B. Know the physical and chernical characteristics and iimitations of the PVC, PVC cellular core, ABS or CpVC piping materials that you are aboul to use C Know the reputatton of your pipe and cement manufacturer and their products. D. Know your own qualifications or those of your contractor. The solvent welding technique of joining PVC, pVC cellular core, ABS or CPVC pipe is a specialized skill just as any other pipe fitting technique. E. Closely supervise the lnstallation and inspect the finished iob before srarFup. F. Contact the manufacturer, supplier, or competent consulting agency ii you have any questions about the application or instaltation of PVC, PVC cellular core, ABS or CPVC pipe. G. Take the time and effort to do a professional job. Shortcuts will only cause you problems and delays in start-up. The majority of failures In lhese systems are lhe result of shortcuts and/or improper joining techniques. 2. SELECTION OF I\,4ATERIALS PRIMER ll as recommended that Tetrahydrofuran (THF) be used to prepare the surfaces of pipe and fittings for solvent welding. Do nol use water, rags, gasolne or any other substitutes for cleaning PVC cellular core, ABS or CPVC surfaces. A chemical cleaner such as MEK may be used. CEMENT The cement should be a bodied cement of approximatety 500 to 1600 centipoise viscosity containing 1A-2O% (by weight) virgin pVC material solvated with tetrahydrofuran (THF). Small quantities of dimethyl formamide (DMF) may be included to act as a retarding agent to extend curing time Selecl the proper cement: Schedule 40 cement should be used for Schedule 40 pipe. Never use all-purpose cements, commercial glues and adhesives or ABS cement to join PVC or CPVC pipe and fittings. SAFETY PRECAUTION: PRIMERS AND CEI\,4ENTS ARE EXTREI\/ELY FLAI\,4I\4ABLE AND MUST NOT BE STORED OR USED NEAR HEAT OR OPEN FLAME. ALSO, USE ONLY IN A WELL.VENTILATED AREA, CONTROLS AND SWITCHES The BTH-120 and 250 are provided with four pressure switches. Both the BTH 150 and 199 are provided with three pressure switches. These switches are essential to lhe safe and proper operation of the unit. All switches are wired in series. The controller is set up to shut the unit down whenever there is a failure of any of the switches. lt is important to understand the ouroose of each switch. FIGURE,I3 BLOWER PROVER SWITCH (SEE FIGURE 13) The Blower Prover Switch is provided on the heater to verify that the fan is operating. lt is a positive pressure switch whose electrical contacts are normally open When the fan increases the pressure in the burner, the pressure switch will allow the electrical contacts to close. The pressure switch is connected to the burner lap by a piece of tygon tubing. Thrs lubing must be connected in order for the switch to change the electrical contacts. The controller reouires lhat the electrical contacts on this air Ilow swilch be oDen before it will allow the blower lo come on. LOCATED ON INLET SIOE OF GAS UALVE. 11 BLOCKED OUTLET PROVER SWITCH . (sEE FtcuRE 13) The Blocked Outlet Prover Switch is set up to shut the unit off when a build_ up of positive pressure in the exhaust vent pipe occurs. This swtch is a posrtlve pressure switch tha! requires an increase in pressure to change lhe eleclrical contacts from normally closed lo open. When this swrrch prevenls the unit from igniting, most likely the exhaust is blocked by some means Check to see if the condensate is allowed to flow freely lrom the exhaust elbow and for obstructions in the exhaust venting and exhaust vent terminal. Also verify that there is no more than fifty equivalent feet ( 15.2 m) of three inch PVC vent pipe on lhe exhaust. BLOCKED INLET PROVER SWITCH (SEE FIGURE 13) The Blocked lnlet Prover Switch is set up to shut the unit off when a build_ up of negative pressure in the intake vent pipe occurs. This switch is a negatrve pressure switch thal requires an increase in negative pressure to change the electrical contacts from normally closed to open. The switch is connected to the pressure tap on the pVC flange connected to the inlet of the blower. When this switch prevents the unit from igniting, most likely the intake is blocked by some means. Check to see if there is no more rnan fifty equivalent feet (15.2 m) of three inch pVC vent pipe on the intake. Also verify that the intake and intake vent terminal is free of obstructions that may prevent air from entering the unit. LOWGAS PRESSURE SWITCH (SEE FIGURE 13) The Low Gas Switch (LGS) is a single-pole, normally open pressure switch thatwill close its contacts when a rising pressure of S.0 in. ( 1.25Kpa) VlC. is encountered. The contacts will open when the pressure falls below the fixed set point of 5.0 in. (1.25Kpa) WC. The LGS monitors the gas supply pressure to lhe heater lf the gas supply fa s betow 5.0 in. (1.25Kpa) WC., the main burner is extinguished (if heater is running) or the heater will not slan up. ON/OFF SWTCH The ON/OFF Switch is a single-pole, single-throw rocker switch. This switch provides 120V from lhe line source to the heater. lAcnunot THE WATER HEATER IS POLARITY SENSITIVE. BEFORE APPLYTNG ELECTRICIryTO THIS HEATER BE CERTAIN TITAT SUPPLY NEUTML WIRE TO GROUND CHECK INDICATES ZERO VOLTAGE. HOT SURFACE IGNITER The Hot Surlace lgniter is a device that ignites the main burner by high temperature (>1800"F or >982"C). When 120VAC is applied to the igniter, sufficient heat is generated to ignite the main burner Although jmpro\,€ments have been made to strengthen the igniter, it is still fragile and care must be laken when handling the igniter to prevent breakage. GAS PIPING Contact your local gas service company lo ensure that adequate gas servrce is available and to review applicable installation codes for your area. Size the main gas line in accordance with Table 3. The figures shown are for straight lengths of pjpe at 0.5 in. (125pa) WC. pressure drop, which is considered normal for low pressure systems Note that fittings such as efbows and tees will add to the pipe pressure drop. Acorr,o* TABLE 3 MAXIMUM CAPACITY OF PIPE IN CUBIC FEET OF GAS PER HOUR (Based upon a Pressure Drop of 0.5 inch Water Column and 0.6 Specific Gravity Gas and max. gas pressure of 0.5 psig) LENGTH IN FFFT NORMAL tRON PrPE STZES (tNCHESI INPUT IN THOUSANDS BTU/HR 3t4i', 1" 11t4" 11t2' ?', 21t2 3. 4" 't0 175 30q 680 1400 2100 3960 6300 11000 23000 m 'tzo 250 485 950 1460 2250 4360 7700 t5800 30 97 204 375 77A 1180 22AO 3520 6250 12800 ,t0 82 170 320 660 990 1900 3000 5300 10900 50 73 151 285 580 gg0 16B0 2650 4750 9700 60 66 138 260 530 810 1520 2400 4300 8800 70 Ll?a 240 490 750 1400 2250 3900 8100 80 57 118 220 460 6lQ 1300 2050 3700 7500 90 53 110 205 430 650 1220 1950 3450 72oO 100 50 103 195 400 620 1150 1850 32s0 67rn 125 44 93 175 360 550 102Q 1650 2950 6000 15{t 40 u 160 325 s00 950 1so0 2650 ssoo 175 37 77 145 trq 400 850 1370 2450 5oO0 200 35 72 135 280 430 800 1280 2280 4600 LENGTH IN METERS NORMAL IRON PIPE S|zES (INCHES) INPI.IT IN KW 112' 3t4" 1' 11t4" 11t2- Z' 21t2" 3. ,t' 3.0 51 105 199 410 6'15 l1ffi 18/5 3221 6735 6.1 35 73 142 27A 428 805 1277 2255 46m 9.1 28 59 110 225 36 644 1031 1830 3748 12.2 4 50 94 193 290 556 878 1552 3192 15.2 1 44 83 170 2U 492 776 1391 2UO 18.3 19 40 76 155 237 445 703 1259 2577 21.3 18 70 143 220 41A 659 1142 24.1 17 35 64 135 2 38'1 600 1083 21 27.4 16 32 60 126 190 357 571 1010 2108 30.5 5 30 57 1 182 337 542 952 1962 38.1 51 105 '161 299 483 4 1757 45.7 12 25 47 95 14ti 27a 439 776 1610 11 42 88 135 249 401 717 1464 61.0 1O 21 40 82 126 2|lj 375 688 13a7 AwonH'no THE HEATER IS NOT INTENOED FOR OPERATION AT HIGHERTHAN 14,0" WATER COLUMN (1/2 POUNO or 3.4sKpa PER SQUARE |NCH) SUPPLY GAS PRESSURE. HIGHER GAS SUPPLY PRESSURES REOUIRE STJPPLEMENIAL REDTJCINIG SER1VICE REGULAIIOi.I. EXPOSTJRE TO HIGHER GAS SUPPLY PRESSURE MAY CAUSE DAMAGE TO THE GAS CONTROLS WHICH COULD RESULT IN FIRE OR EXPLOSION. IF CIVERPRESSURE HAS OCCURREDSUCH ASTHROUGH IMPROPER TESTING OF GAS LINES OR EMERGENCY MALFUNCTION OF THE SUPPLY SYSTEM THE GAS VALVE MUST BE C|ECKED FOR SAFE OPERATIOiI. I,IAXE SURE Tti{T THE OUTSIoE VENTS ON THE SUPPLY REGULAIORS AND THE SAFEry VENT VALVES ARE PROTECTED AGAINST BLOCKAGE. THESEARE PARTS OF THE GAS SUPPLY SYSTEM, NOT THE HEATER. VENT BLOCKAGE MAY OCCUR DURING ICE STORMS. IT IS IMPORTANT TO GUARD AGAINST GAS VATVE FOULING FROM CONTAMINANTS IN THE GAS WAYS. SUCH FOULING MAY CAUSE IMPROPER OPEMTION, FIRE OR EXPLOSION. IF COPPER SUPPLY LINES ARE USED THEY MUST BE INTERMTIY TINNEO AND CERTIFIED FOR GAS SERVICE. BEFOREATTACHINGTHE GAS LINE BE SURE TTiAT AI I GAS PIPE IS CLEAN ONTHE INSIDE. TO TRAP ANY DIRT OR FOREIGN MATERIAL IN THE GAS SU PPLY LINE, A URT LEG (SOMETIMES CALLED A SEDIMENT TRAP OR DRIP LEG) MUST BE INCORPORATEO IN THE PTPING (SEE FIG. 14). THE DIRT LEG MUST BE REAOILY ACCESSIBLE AND NOT SUBJECT TO FREEZING CONOITIONS. INSTALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH RECOMMENOATIONS OF SERVING GAS SUPPLIERS. REFER TOTHE NATIONAL FUEL GAS COOE. REGULATEO GAS SUPPLY LtNE---+ MAIN GAS SHUToFF -VALVE FIGURE I4DO NOT USE FLEXIBLE GAS PIPING. OIRT LEG TEE 1 CONNECTION OF GAS PIPE When connecting gas pipe to unit, apply wrench to flange only. Note:Do nol use wrench on gas valve or gas bracket. See figure iS. PERFORM THE GAS LEAK TESTANY TIME WORK IS DONE ONAGAS SYSTEM TO AVOID THE POSSIBILITY OF FIRE OR EXPLO'IOru WITNPROPERTY DAMAGE, PERSONAL INJURY OR LOSS OF LIFE. GAS METER SIZE. CITY GASES ONLY Be sure that the gas meter has sullicient capacity to supply the full ratedgas input of the water heater as well as the requiremenls of all othe, gas fired equipment supplied by the meter lt the gas meter is too small. asK thegas company to install a larger meter having adequate capacity. GAS PRESSURE REGULAT]ON Main line gas pressure to the water heater should be between a maxtmum 14.0" (3.45Kpa) W.C. and a minimum as shown in Table 4: that rs, ror Natural Gas, 5.0" (1.25Kpa) W.C. tor BTH 120 & 250 or 4.5,, (1.12Kpa) W.C. for BTH 150 & 199 or; for L.p. cas, 11.0, (2.74Kpa\ W.C. Tne intet gas pressure must not exceed the maximum value. A service regulator must be installed within l0' (305 cm) of unit. FIGURE 15 The Gas Leak Tesl is performed as follows: paint pipe connections upsreamof gas control with a rich soap and water solution to test for leaks berore operating main burner. Bubbles indicate gas leak. To stop leak, tighten pipeconnections. After piping connections are checked, turn on ma-in burner.Wth main burner in operation, paint pipe joints (including flanges), pttot gastubing connections and control inlel and ou et wlth riih solp and watersolution. Bubbles indicate gas leak. To stop leak, tighten flange screws, Jornts and pipe connectrons. Replace part if leak can,t be stopped. To pre!€nt damage, care must be taken not to apply too much torque whenattaching gas supply pipe to gas valve inlet. Apply joint compounds (pipe dope) sparingly and only to the male threads of pipe joints. Do not apply mmpound to the first two thr;ads. Use compoundsresistant to the action of liquefied petroleum gases. DISCONNECT THE APPLIANCE AND ITS MANUAL GAS SHUTOFF VALVE FROM THE GAS SUPPLY PIPING SYSTEM DURING AI.{Y SUPPLY PRESSURETESTING EXCEEDING 1/2 PSIG (3.45Kpa), GAs SUPPLY LINE MUST BE CAPPED \A/TIEN DISCOI'INECTEo FRoM THE HEAIER. FoR TEST PRESS{JRESOF li2 PSlc (3.45Kpa) OR LESS, THE AppLtANCE NEED Nor BEDISCONNECTEq BUT MUST BE ISOLATED FROM THE SUPPLYPRESSURE TEST AY CLOSING THE MANUAL GAS SHUTOFF VALVE, BEFORE PI.ACING THE HEATER IN OPERATION, CHECK FOR AAS LEqKrcE. USE SOAP AND WATER SOLUTION OR OTHER MATERIAL ACCEPTABLE FOR THE PURPOSE OF TOCATING GAS LEAKS, DO NOT USE MATCHES, CANDLES, FLAME OROTHER SOURCESOF IGNITION FOR THIS PURPOSE, PURGING Gas line purging is required with new piping or syslems in which alr nasenlered. AcrurroH PURGING SHOULD BE PERFORMED BY PERSONS EXPERIENCED IN THIS TYPE OF GAS SERVICE. TO AVOID RISK OF FIRE OR EXPLOSION. PURGE DISCHARGE MUST NOT ENTER CONFINED AREAS OR SPACES WHERE IGNITION CAN OCCUR. THE AREA MUST BE WELL VENTITATEDANDALL SOURCES OF IGNITION MUSIBE INACTIVATEDOR REMOVED GAS VALVES Awenmlc SHOULD OVERHEATING OCCUR ORTHE GAS SUPPLY FAIL TO SHUT OFE TURN OFF THE MANUAL GAS CONTROT VALVE TO THE APPLIANCE. SYSTEM CONNECTIONS The system installation must conform to these instructions and to the local code authority having jurisdiction. Good practice requires lhat all heaw piping be supported. THERMOMETERS (Not Supptied) Thermometers should be obtained and field installed as shown In lne inslallation diagrams. Thermometers are installed in the system as a means of detectino rne temperature of the outlet water supply. RELIEFVALVE Thjs heater is equipped with an approved temperature and pressure reliel valve. ASME ratings cover pressure reliet. CSA ratings cover release rale with temperature actuatjon. FOR SAFE OPEMTION OF THE WATER HEATER, THE RELIEF VALVE(S) MUST NOT BE REMOVEDOR PLUGGED. In addition to the appliance relief valve, each remote storage tank which may be used in conjunction with this appliance shall also be installed with a properly sized, rated and approved temperature (ANSt) and pressure (ASME) relief valve(s). This relief valve shall compty with the standard for reliet valves for hot water supply systems. ANSI 221.22 Your local code authority may have other specific relief valve requirements Awlnrno THE PURPOSE OF A RELIEFVALVE IS TOAVOID EXCESSIVE PRESSURE OR TEMPERATURE INTO THE STEAM RANGE, WHTCH MAY CAUSE SCALDING AT FIXTURES, TANK EXPLOSION, SYSTEM OR HEATER DAMAGE. NO VALVE IS TO BE PLACED BETWEEN THE RELIEF VALVE ANO THE TANK. A DRAIN LINE MUST BE CONNECTED TO THE RELIEF VALVE TO OIRECT DISCHARGE TO A SAFE LOCATION TO AVOID SCALDING OR WATER DAMAGE. THIS LINE I\,4UST NOT BE REDUCED FROM THE SIZE OF THE VALVE OUTLET AND MUST NOT CONTAIN VALVES OR RESTRICTIONS, NOR SHOULO IT BE LOCATED IN FREEZINGAREAS. DO NOT THREAD OR CAP THE ENDOFTHIS LINE. RESTRICTEDOR BLOCKED DISCHARGE WILL DEFEATTHE PURPOSE OF THE VALVE AND IS UNSAFE. THE DISCHARGE LINE SHALL BE INSTALLEO TO ALLOW COMPLETE DMINAGE OF BOTH THE VALVE AND LINE, 13 WATER LINE CONNECTIONS ihis manual provides detailed installation diagrams (see back section of this manual) for typical methods ol application for the water heaters. The water healer may be installed by itself, or with a separate storage laNK. CLOSED SYSTEM A"ouloru A closed system wrll exist if a check valve (without bypass), pressure reducing valve (wilhout bypass), or a water meter (without bypass) is installed in the cold water line belween the water heater and street main(or well). Excessrve pressure may develop causing premature tank failure or intermittent relief valve operation. This type of failure is not covered by the limited warranty. An expansion tank or a similar device may be required in the inlet supply line between the appliance and the meter or valve to compensate for the lhermal expansion of water under supply pressure. lf a water heater is installed in a closed water system, check local codes or contact the water supplier or local plumbing inspector on how to control this situation WATER (POTABLE) HEATTNG AND SPACE HEATTNG 1.All piping components connected to this unit for space heating applications shall be suitable for use with potable water. 2. Toxic chemicals, such as those used for boiler treatment, shall N.EY_E-R be introduced into lhis system. 3. This unit may never be connected to any existing heating system or component(s) previously used with non-potable water heating aoolrance. 4. When the syslem requires water for space healing at lempere higher than required for domeslic waler purposes, a lempering must be installed. Please refer to installalion diagrams on pag through 28 in back of manual for suggesled piping arrangem( HEATERWIRING lF ANY OF THF ORIGINAL WIRE AS SUPPLIED WITH THE APPLIT MUST BE REPLACED, IT MUST BE REPLACED WITH 105'C C EOUIVATENT, EXCEPT IN THE BURNER HOUSING IN THIS CASE 200,c wrRE. THE COMPUTER CONTROL REQUIRES A SOURCE OF STABLE C ELECTRICITY FOR PROPER OPERATION INSTALLING THE HEATE A BRANCH CIRCUII THAT HAS ELECTRONIC NOiSE. IS SUBJE( FLUCTUATIONS IN VOLTAGE LEVEL OR HAS AN APPLIANCE W GENERATES EI\,4F OF RFI INTERFERENCE CAN CAUSE CONTROTLER TO MALFUNCTION, A HIGH QUALITY PO CONDITIONER MUST BE INSTALLED IF THE ABOVE CONDITIONS E MALFUNCTIONS CAUSED BY A POOR ELECTRICAL SUPPLY ARE COVERED UNDER YOUR WARRANTY The controller is wired to the heater as shown in figures '16 & 17 model and rating plate provides the electrical lnformalion need size the complete heater branch supply. All electrical work must be installed an accordance wilh the Na E-lcrlirel Lqde and local requiremenls When installed the appliance must be electrically grounc accordance with local codes ot in the absence of local cl with the N? ljon€ L€-Le_Cldsa l C!de. ANSIi NFPA 70 andlo CSA C22.1 Eleclrical Code. DO NOT ENERGIZE THE BRANCH CIRCUIT BEFORE THE HEATER IS FILLED WITH WATER, NOTE: This controller is Polarity Sensitive. lf the Hot and Neukal S Voltage is reversed. the controller will not sense flame. Verify pc before connectino the un it. IE PEFATUNFJ E C,O PROB€ TEMP PiOBE '2 ?3'^H t8-88 cN3 MAIN CN8 CONTROL BOARD cNs 6 CONDUCTOR RIBBON CABLE WHC12O2 INTEGRATED WATER HEATER CONTROL CONNECTION DIAGRAM IO JUNCIION 80x FIGURE 16 14 2 Control Board & Cabte Ass'y3 E.C O./Temperature probe 4 5. 6. 7. 8. 10. 1',] 13. Blower Proving Air Swilch Low Voltage Cable Assembly Line Vollage Cable Assembly Blower/l\4otor Assembly lgniter Assembly Control Display Eoard Blocked Outlet Exhaust Swilch Lower Temperature Probe Wire Assembly-Gas Pressure Swilch 14. Tubing-Pressure 15. Tubing-Pressure '1 7. Switch-On/Ofi'18. Low Gas Pressure Switch (BTH 120 and 250 Onty).'19. Bocked Inlet Switch 20. Wire Assembly-Air Flow Switch FIGURE 17 OPERATION SEQUENCE OF OPERATION Typical Conlrot/Appliance Operating Sequence 1. When the control is initially powered, it enters a tesl mode and witl display the current software revision (example "104") for approxrmarety 2 seconds, then "88.8" and allthe LED,s will illuminate for approximately 2 seconds At this point, the control is in the idle mode and will disolav lhe actual lank lemoerature. 2 ll the control determines the actual water temperature inside the tank is below the programmed temperature setpoinl less one half the differential. a call for heat is activated. 3. The control then performs selected system diagnostic checks. This rncludes confirming the proper state of the air switch, ignitor, gas valve, flame sense rod, and ECO limit device. 4 lf all checks are successfully passed, the combustion blower is enerozeofot the pre-purge cycle. 5. When the pre-purge cycle is complete. power is applied to the ignitor elemenl for the ignitor warm-up period (blower should continue to run). 6. During the ignitor warm-up period, the control will sense ignitor current. It ignitor current is within the specified range, the controllei will energize (open) the gas valve at the end of the ignitor warm-up period, allowing gas to enter the burner chamber. lf ignitor current is not within the specified range, lhe control will not energize the gas valve, and the control will return to Step 2 of the process. (See section below: Apprrance lgnition Failure). 7. After energizing the gas valve, the control will keep the ignllor on for a short predetermined time perlod, then remove power to the ignitor 8. After an additional 1 second, the control will monitor the flame sense probe to conlirm a flame is present. lf a flame is 0e! verified within this time period, the controller will immediately de+nergize (close) the gas valve, and return to step two of the process. (See section below: Appliance lgnition Failure). 9. lf a flame is confirmed, lhe control will enter the heating mode where it will continue heating the tank water until the setpoint temperalure plus one half the differential is reached. At this point, the gas valve is closed and the control enters the posfpurge cycle. 10. The combuslion blower will run for the duration of the post purge cycle to purge the system of all combustion gases. When the posr purge cycle as complete, the blower is de-energized and will coast to a stop. 11. The control will now enter the idle state while continuing to monitor the internal tank water temperature and the internal state of the controller lf the temperature drops below the setpoint value less one half the differential, the control will automatically return to Slep 2 and reoeat the entire operating cycle. SELF DIAGNOSTIC CONTROLLER A green LED is mounted on the [4ain Control Board to indicate line votrage polarity is properly connected. The green LED is mounted next to connectorCNI (Line input connection). When 120 VAC input power is properly connected to the Main Control Board, the green LED will illuminate. lf an error is made when connecting 120 VAC input power, this LED wi not light. lmproperly connecting the input power may result in a false sensor failure. The 24 VAC circuitry is prolected with a 3 amp auto fuse. lf the fuse opens, the LED display and discrete LED'S on the Display Board assembly will not illuminate. The recommended fuse replacement part is Lit efuse o/n 257003 aulomotive fuse. Repeated failure of the fuse is an indicahon of possrbte damage to the Main Control Board. lf repealed fuse failure occurs, return the Conkol Board for service. Under normal operating conditions, should the ignitor current fall out ot specification or the gas fail to light at the burner during the first trial for ignition, the control will perform two (2) more ignition lrials pnor to enreflnga lockoul state. Note lhat each subsequent ignition trial will not occur immediately. After a failed kial for ignilion, the controller will remove atl power from the blower, gas valve. and ignitor and return to the call for neat state. lf a call for heat is activated, the controller will energize the combustton blower for the pre-purge cycle, and again activate the ignitor to complete its warm-up period. Afler the warm-up period, the gas valve is opened, ignitor power removed, and the control will again check for flame. lf ignition is sensed during any one of these trials, normal operation will resume. lf ignitor current should fall out of specification or flame rs nor sensed after the third ignition trial, the control will aulomatically enter a lockout state ("Loc" displayed on the Display Board) and the ignitor or gas valve LED on the Display Board will flash. The lockout state is manually reset by momentarily pressing the push-button on the Display Board. lf a manual reset does not occur within a one hour time period, the controller will automatlcally reset the lockout condition and provided the call for heal still exists, will attempt another ignition sequence. OOK3KT K2 FIGURE I8 15 GASVALVE LED FLASHING This condition results from a failure to establish burner ionition after three successive trials. In such cases: 1. Investigate the possible cause and remedy any observations. 2. Momentarily depress the button on the display panel to reset the lockout condition. 3 Confirm proper appliance operation. FAULTCONDITIONS The conlroller is set up to orovide additional status indicators under Fault Conditons. The following figures are possible Fautt Conditions. NO INCOMING LINE VOLTAGE (Figure l9) Line LED Off 1 . No Input Power 1. Apply Power 2. Wiring Disconnected 2. Check all wiring 3. One or more wiring receptacles 3. Reconnect plugs on controi, disconnected from control confirm all are fully seated 4. LED burned ou| 4. lgnore or replace control NO LOW VOLTAGE, 24V AC LED OI' FIGURE 20 NO LOW VOLTAGE (Figure 20) 24V AC LED Off 24V ACo o OKrK4-iF;ilH-Fr SwlTCH SWTTCH VALVE VALVE IRLYr RLY2 L K1 K2 K3 K4 l.Blower 24 VAC Fuse 2.Defective Transtormer 3.LED burned out 1. Replace 24 VAC 3a Fuse (Littlefuse 257003 automotive fuse) 2. Replace Translormer 3. lgnore or replace control TEMPERATURE PROBE FAULT (Figure 21) Water Temp LED Flashing OOKqK4 > 21u ac Eco PREssuRE GAs cls It t swrrcH swrrcH "flt"uF "diur. Ito KI K2 x3 xa TEMPERATURE PROBE FAULI WateT Temp LED Flashing FIGURE 21 This condition accommodates multiple failure modes. To more accural delermine the cause of failure, press the pushbutton on lhe display bo€ 1. Burner ground wire broken 1. Check wire and connection or corrooeo at burner 2. Connectors unplugged 2. Check conneclions 3. lgniter broken 3. Replace igniter 4. Flame probe faulty 4. Replace flame probe 5. Gas shut off 5. Turn on gas supply6 Clogged gas valve 6. Replace gas valve 7. Faulty gas valve 7. Replace gas valve 8. Defective control 8. Replace control 9 Burner improperly adjusted g. Adjust burner 10. Dirty burner 10. Clean burner K1 K2 OOK3K1 21V ACo ECO PRESSURE GAS GASSWITCH SWITCH VALVE VALVERLY,I RLY 2 K1 K2 K3 K4 NO INCOI\4lNG LINE VOLTAGE, Line LED Off K1 K2 FIGURE 19 K1 K2 16 Display Flashes "05" when button is pressed: 1. Temperature Probe wiring 1 . Repair Wiring open 2. Defective probre 2_ Replace probe Display Flashes "l5" when button is pressed: 1 No water in tank and tank 1. The symptom does not in freezing conditions reflect a control probtem 2. Water in tank above freezing 2. Temperature probe out of toterance, replace temp. probe Oisplay Flashes "25" when button is pressed: '1. Water in tank is low probe .1. Filltank rmmerseo In steam 2. Probe wiring shorted 2. Repair wiring 3. Defective probe 3. Replace probe ECO SWITCH OPEN (Figure 22) ECO LED Flashing: Kl K2 K3 X{ CONTROL BAD, All LEDs Ftashing FIGURE23 1. Temp. Probe unplugged 1. Check connectors 2. Temp. probe wiring damaged 2. Repair wiring 3. Water in tank too hot 3. Normal condition when watertemperature exceeds safely limit. Allow water to cool or admit water into tank and manually reset the control. Determ ine cause for overtemp condition. COMBUSTION AIR BLOCKAGE (Figure 24) Pressure Switch LED Flashing: OOx3K4 KI K2 X3 K4 COMBUSTION AIR BLOCKAGE, Pressure Switch LED Flashino FIGURE 24 1. Combustion air blocked 1. Check exhaust piping and flue for obslruclions 2. Blower not operating: 2. a. Repair wiring a. Check blower wiring b. Replace blower motor b. Check blower motor 3. Oefective air switch 3. Reptace air switch 4. Pressure switch jumped out 4. This controller must sense an open contact on the blower proving airflow swilch before the blower mmes on. Check lo see if blower proving airflow switch is still connected lo the unit- CONTROL BAD (Figure 23) All LEDs Flashing: OOKaK. 21V ACo "6fi?" "3ili3[' uiti' uffu'. RLY I RLY 2 KI K2 K3 K4 ECO SWITCH OPEN, ECO LED Ftashino FIGURE 22 1. This indicates the control has 1. press button on the failed on of its internal dlsplay board to reset diagnostic self-tests. control. lf this error occurs repeatedly, replace control. PRIOR TO START UP' REQUIREDABILITY INSTALLATION OR SERVICE OF THIS WATER HEATER REOUIRESABITIry EQUIVALENT TO IHAT OF A LTCENSED TRADESI\,IAN IN THE FIELD INVOLVED. PLUMBING, AIR SUPPTY VENTING, GAS SUPPLY AND ELECTRICAL WORK ARE REOUIRED. Before attempting starl-up, lhoroughly study and familiarize yourself with the exacl sequence oI operation and all olher details on the specific heater being used. The power burner is equipped with an ignition system which automatically sequences prepurge and ignition, senses and ignites main burner flame and sequences burner operation. Heater is equipped with an ignition control which locks out after three unsuccessful ignition attempts. Familiarize yourself with the sequence of operation of this unit prior to start-up. Be certain that the water heater is full of wate( that air is purged from ajl lrnes, there are no leaks (gas and water), and all inlet water lines are open. The following test equipment should be on hand (all test equipment must be acciimaled to ambient temperature before calibration and use.) - Two U-tube manometers or calibration 0-10" (0-2.5Kpa) and 0-3S,' (0- 8 TKpa) WC pressure gauges. . Attach a gas pressure gauge or manometer to the upstream side of main gas cock and a gas pressure gauge or manometer to the manifold pressure tap (see Figure 15). . You are now ready to begin the burner start-up procedure. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS IMPORTANT IT IS RECOMMENDED THATA QUALIFIED SERVICE TECHNICIAN PERFORM THE INITIAL FIRING OF THE HEATER. ATTHISTIMETHE USER SHOULD ASK THE TECHNICIAN ANY QUESTIONS IN REGARDTOTHE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OFTHE UNIT. Acout'o* BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE OPERATTON OFTHE UNII MAKE SURE HEATER ANDSYSTEM ARE FILLED WITH WATERAND ALLAIR IS EXPELLED FROM HEATERAND PIPING, NEVEROPEMTETHE HEATER WITHOUT FIRST BEING CEKTAIN IT IS FILLED WlTH WATE R AND A TEI/PEMTURE ANOA PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE IS INSTALLED IN THE RELIEF VALVEOPENING OF THE HEATER. DO NOT ATTEI\,4PT TO OPERATE HEATERWITH COLDWATER INLET VALVE CLOSED FILLING: 1. Close the healer drain valve. 2. Open a nearby hot waier faucet to permit the air in the system to escape 3. Fully open the cold water inlet pipe valve allowing the heater and piprng to be filled. 4. Close the hot water faucet as water starts to flow. 5 The heater is ready to be operated. THE IVAIN MANUAL GAS SHUTOFF VALVE MUST HAVE BEEN CLOSED FOR AT LEAST FIVE (5) MINUTES, THIS WAITING PERIOD ISAN IMPORTANT SAFEW STEP ITS PURPOSE IS TO PERMIT GAS THAT MIGHT HAVE rcCUMULATED IN THE COMzuSTION CI-IAMBER TO CLEAR. IF .l(fu DETECT GAS AT THE END OF THIS PERIOD, DO NOT PROCEED WITH LIGHTING. RECOGNIZE THAT GAS ODOR, EVEN IF IT SEEMS WEAK, MAY INOICATE THE PRESENCE OF ACCUMULATED GAS SOME PLACE INTHEAREAWITH A RISK OF FIRE OR EXPLOSION. SEE THE FRONT PAGE FOR STEPS TO BE TAKEN. DO NOT USE THIS HEATER IF ANY PART HAS BEEN UNDER WATER. IM [,,I E DIATELY CALL A QUALIFIED SERVICE TECHNICIAN TO INSPECT THE HEATER AND TO REPLACE ANY PART OF THE CONTROL SYSTEM AND ANY GAS CONTROL WHICH HAS BEEN UNDER WATER. LIGHT THE UNIT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS LABEL ATTACHED TO THE HEATER. THESE INSTRUCTIONSARE REPEATED IN THE LIGHTINGANDOPEMTING LAEEL ILLUSTMTION ON PAGE 20 IN THIS MANUAL. ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE INITIAL START.UP A minimum gas supply pressure of 5.0"(1.25kPa) WC. (4.5"or1.12kPa) on BTH 150and 199) for nalural gas (11.O" ot2.74 kPa WC.forL.PGas) is required before making any adjustment to the gas control pressure regulator Attempts lo adjust the regulalor during periods of low gas supply pressure could resull in overfiring of the heater when the gas supply pressure returns to normal. 1. Check gas line pressure with a manometer 2. Check manifold pressure (see Table 4, page 20) using a pressure gauge (manometer) connected to the manifold pressure tap on the gas control valve, (Figure 15). lf full rate adjustment is required, remove cover screw from top of the gas control valve, (Figure 15). Using a small screwdriver, turn adjusting screw clockwise Q to increase or counterclockwise fl to decrease gas pressure lo obtain 4.o" (1 kPa) on BTH 120 and 250 (3.5" or.87 kPa on BTH 150 and 199) for natural gas (10.0" or 2 5 kPa WC. for L.P Gas) Water Column. 3. Cycle lhe burner on and off several times to check its operalron 4. Check the operation of lhe limit and operating controls. 5. Check the vent system seams and joints and ensure that there is no discharge of flue products into the room. 6 Check the input rale: For appliance instaliation locations with elevalions above 2000 feet (610 m) refer to HIGH ALTITUDE INSTALLATIONS section of this manual. a. Attach a pressure gauge (manometer) to the manifold pressure tap (Figure 16) and refer to Table 4, page 20 for correct pressure. b. Use this formula to'clock" lhe meter Be sure other gas consuming appliances are not operaling during this interval. =l'XH=Btuh I Should it be necessary to adjust the gas pressure to the burner to obtain lhe full input rate, the steps below should be followed: T = Time in seconds to burn 1 cubic foot of gas. (With a stopwatch read the gas meler and measure the amount of time required for the heater lo consume 1 cubic foot ot gas.) H = Heating value of gas (in Btu's per cubic foot of gas). Btuh = Actual heater input rate, in Btuh. E)(AMPLE: (Using BTH-199 heateO T - 18.9 seconds H = 1050 Btu/ft.3 BTUH = ? -, rs%o " ,ouo = 199,900 Btuh (59 Kw) For high altitude installations, compare result to the derated input required for the elevation at the installation location. c. Remove the pressure regulator cover screw (Figure 16) and adjust the pressure by turning the adjusling screw wrth a small screwdriver Do not exceed 4.0" ('1 kPa) on BTH 120 and 250 (3.5" (.87 kPa) on BTH 150 and 199) Water Column. /'] Cloct<wise lo increase gas pressure and input rate. fl Counterclockwise to decrease gas pressure and input rate. d. "Clock" the meter as in step (b) above. e. Repeat steps (c) and (d) until the specified input rate is achievec. f. Turn the manual gas valve to "OFF". Replace the pressure regulator cover screw. Remove the pressure gauge or manometer from the manifold pressure tap. Replace the set screw in lhe manifold pressure tap. lf the gas pressure regulator cannot be adjusted to gave the full input rating with sufficient gas pressure at the valve, check to ensure the unit is equipped with the correct orifice. '18 OR R OREOP G WARNING: lf you do not follow these instructions exacily, a fire or explosion may result causing property damage, personal injury or loss of life. OPERATING: RNING: lf you do not follow these instruction, """"1u, " fl;;;l lIm ion may result causing property damage, personal injury or loss of tife. | [S?| ENNRE SYSTEM MUST BE FILLEO WNH WATER AND AIR PURGED FROM ALL UNES A. This.appliance does not have a pilot. lt isequipped with an ignition devicri which automatically lights the burner. Do not trv to tight the burner by hand.B. BEFORE OPERATTNG smeil ail around theappliance area for gas. Be sure to smell nextlo the floor because some gas is heavier thanair and will settle on the flo6r. WHAT TO OO IF YOU SMELL GAS:. Do not try to light any apptiance.. Uo not touch any eleCtriC swilch: do nol.use.any phone in your building.. lmmediatety call your ga5 supplier frdm a nerghbor's phone. Follow the gas suppliers instructions. . ll yoll cannot reach your gas supplier, call me lrre deoartment. C. Use only your hand to push in or tum the gas control knob. Never use tools. lf the knob will not push in or turn by hand, don't try to ropair it, call a qualified service technician. Force or attempted repair may result in a tire or explosion. D. Do not use this appliance it any part has been under water. lmmediatelv call a qualified service technician to ihspect the appliance and to replace any part'of the conlrol system and any gas control which has been under water- OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ,' @ :Js,t"'"[,"f;: ll8"]""v inrormation 2. Set the thermoslat to lowest setting. 3. Turn off all electric power to the appliance. 4. This appliance is equipped with an ionition device which autoniatically lights the-burner. Do not try to light the burner by hand. 5. Remove too cover. 6. Push in control knob slightly and turn clockwise 6fi ro "Off". W 7. Wait five (5) minutes to clear out any gas. lf you then smell gas, @ SfOef foffow "e" in the safety informatiof above on this label. lf you don't smell gas, go on lo next step. 8. Turn gas control knob counterclockwise , i)to "ON". K 9. Replace top cov€r. 10. Turn on all electric power to the appliance. 11. Set thermostat to desired setting. 12. lf the appliance will not operate, lollow the instructions To Tum Off Gas To Appliance" and call your sorvice technician or gas supplier.GAS CONTROL KNOB GAS CONTROL KNOB TO TURN OFF GAS TO APPLIANCE 1. Setthe thermostat to lowest setting. 4. Push in gas conirol knob slighily and lurn clockwise .JF\ to "OFF. Do nol lorce.2. Turn off all electric power to the appliance 'V if service is to be performed. 5. Replace top cover. 3. Remove top cover. 19 AA t',u&nS'+l'9 rNPUr EXC EED rHE RArE UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SI- irioilr.r or.t iie HEATER nnTING PIATE ovERFIRING coulD RESULT lN ONTTNCT OR SOOTING OF THE HEATER' CATHODIC PROTECTION lAcRurtou HYDROGEN GAS CAN BE PRODUCED IN A HOT WATER SYSTEIV SERVED ilv"rHis*n-eeieniinr xns Nor eeEN usED FoR A Lo!9 !.E:RLoD oF i'"i'ioiruennLLY rwo wEEKS oR MoRE) HyDRoGEN GAs ls eiii,iil?ii ir--ir',rutneae ro reduce the risk of injurv under these conditions, it rs remmmended that a hot waler faucet be opened for several .i"r* Oif"t" using any electrical appliance cgln:cte9 to ll:-.hot water svstem. lf hydrogen is present' rhere will probably be an unusual sound "1"'a'"" i,i t"..ring through the pipe as the water begins 10 flow There il; il;noiilin"g ot op'un flame near the faucet at the time it is open' PRECAUTIONS IF THE UNIT IS EXPOSED TO THE FOLLOWING' DO NOT OPERATE HEATER liiii nil coniicrtvE sreps HAVE BEEN MADE BY A QUALIFIED SERVICEMAN, 1 FLOODING TO OR ABOVE THE LEVEL OF THE BURNER OR CONTROLS 2, EXTERNAL FIRING 3. DAMAGE 4. FIRINGWITHOUT WATER 5. SOOTING NEVER OPERA]E THE HEATER WITHOUT FIRST BEING CER]'AIN ITIS FILLED vririn'ivnren nrlo A TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE REUEF vALVE ls 'Hlrnlleo rr'r rxe RELIEF vALVE oPENING oF THE HEATER' SHOULD OVERHEATING OCCUR OR THE GAS SUPPLY FAIL TO SHUT oiiiunGrt rie unruum cns coNTRoLVALVE ro rHE APPLIANCE' GENERAL INFORMATION POWERBURNER The initial start-up procedure ol the unit is provided on page 18' The sequence of operation of the unit is provided on page 15' It is important to note that the controller has a reset button on the control ;"; ;l;;t; 1. The reset button is a safety device and would not normarrv be used. HIGH LIMIT HIGH ALTITUDE INSTALLATIONS AAmnutruc BTH HEATERS ARE CERTIFIED FOR USE WITHOUT MODIFICATION FOR O",-,O" ,,,O 6500 FEEI INSTATLATIONS ABOVE 6500 FEET MAY *iouou *''*"EMENT .FTHE BURNER.RIFI.E caLTHE TE.HNI.AL CENTER @ (80o) 527-'1953 FOR REOUIREMENTS Some gas utility companies derate their gas for altitude' making it unn"""lrrrry to install high altitude orifices Call the local gas or utlity company to verify BTU contenr' Due to the input rating reduction at high altitudes' the output rating ot the uOO,t"*" is also reduced and should be compensated for in the sizing of the equiPment for aPPlications MAINTENANCE GENERAL KEEP APPLIANCE AREA CLEAR AND FREE FROM COMBUSTIBLE toia*,oaa, ootoLlNE AND orHER FLAMMABLEvAPoRS AND Lloulos' (SEE WARNING ON PAGE 5. LOCATING THE HEATER)' Water heater maintenance tncrudes periodic tank flushing and cleaning' aJ l."tou"l of lime scale The unit should be inspected and adiusted to i "int"in prop"|. "otbustion Refer to the following table A periodic inspecton oiin" u"n,,nn system should be made. Where used' the water circulating pump should be oiled' Following are the instructions for performing some of the recommended maintenince Unit inspection and adjustment should be pedormed by a MAINTENANCE SCHEDULb comPetent technlclan Tank Sediment Removal N4onlhlY Flushang Tank Lime Scale Removal Seml AnnuallY UNLIME@ Oelimer Anode Rods lnspect S€mi Ann uallY Replace as Required Relief Valve Inspect Semi AnnuallY Circulating Pump (1) Oiling Four Months SAE No. 20 non-detergent motof oll Blower Clean Inlet Screen and Blower Wheel As Required Soft Brush Vent System Inspecl EVery J Months Joints should be sealed (1) 20 The hiqh limit (not adiustable) is factory set to cutout at 202"F (94'c) The ffi ;il;,;;.i' ;; .lnu"rrv ieset bv depressinn :n:-:"::^0"?Y,:1"'"corrtrurrcr t'qJr --- utu'" drops to below 160"F (71'c)' of the conlrol when water temper friililGuPPtv Pressure w'c' Nom'r"al Gas SuPPIY Press' W'c tf furnished with oilinq provision' FLUSHING t. Turn off the'heater electrical drsconnect switch. 2 Open the drain valve and allow water to flow until it runs clean 3. Close the drain valve when finished flushing. 4. Turn on the heater electrical disconnect switch. DRAINING The healer must be drained if it is to be shut down and exposed to freezing temperatures. Maintenance and service procedures may also require draining the heater 1. Turn off lhe heater electrical disconnect switch. 2. Close the cold water inlet valve to heater. 3. Open a nearby hot water faucet to vent the system. 4. Open the heater drain valve. 5 lf lhe healer ts being drained for an extended shutdown, it is suggested the drain valve be left open during this period. . Follow FILLING instructions when restoring hot water service. SEDIMENT REMOVAL Waterborne rmpurities consist of the particles of soil and sand which settle out and form a layer of sediment on the bottom of the tank. For convenience, sediment removal and lime scale removal should be pertormed at the same time. LIME SCALE REMOVAL The amount of calcium carbonale (lime) released from water is in dtrect proportion to waler lemperalure and usage. The higher the water temperature or water usage, the more lime deposits are dropped out of the water This is the lime scale which forms in pipes, heaters and on cooking utensrls. Lime accumulation not only reduces the life oI the equipment bul also reduces efficiency of the heater and increases fuel consumption. The usage of water softening equipment grea y reduces the hardness of the water However, this equlpment does not always remove all of the hardness (lime). For this reason it is recommended that a regular schedule for deliming be maintained The depth of ime buitdup should be measured periodically. Heaters will have about 3" (7.6cm) of lime buildup when the level of lime has reacneo the bottom of the cleanoul opening or about 1,, (2.5cm) of time buildup if it has reached the drain valve opening. A schedule for deliming should be set up, based on the amount of time it would take for a 1" (2.5cm) buildup of lime. Example 1 . Initral inspeclion shows 1/2" (1.3cm) of lme accumulation. Therefore, the heater can be delimed once a year Example 2 : Initral inspection shows 2" (scm) of lime accumulation. Therefore, the heater should be delimed every 3 months. Sediment and lrme scale removal may be accomplished through the cleanout opening furnished on the heatet see Figure 25. The heater must be drained, see DRAINING, before removing cleanout cover on tank. TANK CLEANOUT OPENING CLEANOUT COVER FIGURE 25 To dissolve and remove the more stubborn mineral deposits, A.O Smith UN.LINTE@ Professional Delimer should be used. A.O. Smith UN.LIME@ Professionat Delimer is an easy to handle patented food grade acid formulated specifically for lime scale removal from atl types of water using equipment. Available in 1 galton (3.8L) (part no.4763) and 5 gallon (l9L) (part no.48'13) sizes. Hydrochtoric base acids are not recommended for use on glass-lined tanks. A.O- Smith Form No.4800, entitled "Why, When and How", describes ranK cleaning methods and materials. UN.LIME and the booklet may be obtained through your A.O. Smith dealer or distributor The cleanoul opening is shown in Figure 25. To clean heater through cleanout opening, proceed as follow; 1. Turn off water inlet valve, the heater eleckical disconnect switcn ano open drain valve. 2. Remove outef cover plate from lower side of heater Jacket. 3. Remove cover from cleanout opening. 4. Remove lime, scale or sediment using care not to damage the glass-lining. 5. lnspect cleanout plate gasket: ll new gaskel is required, replace with A. O. Smith part no. 99038. 6. Install cleanout plate. Be sure to draw plate up tight by tightening screws secu rely. 7. Close drain valve, open water Inlet line and turn on the power burner electrical disconnect switch. L Check for water leakage. 9. Replace ouler jacket cover plate. ANODE INSPECTION AND REPLACEMENT This water heater is equipped with multiple sacrificial anodes Anodes protect the glass-lined tank trom corrosion by sacrificing themselves through electrolysis. When the anode material is consumed, there rs no more proteclion and corrosion of the tank accelerates Inspection of the anode every 6 to 12 monlhs allows you to identify a spent anode and replace it. Replace the anode when its dlameter is 3/8" (1cm) ol an inch, or annually which ever is first. Aggressive. very hot and softened water causes rapid consumption of the anode requrrrng frequent inspections, Anodes are available from your distributor or A.O. Smith. 21 t 3. 6. To inspect or replace an anode: Th6 anodes on this heater are easily accessible from the top of the heater making replacement simple and quick '1. Turn lhe heater off per the lighting instructions. Connect a hose to the drain valve . Locate the hose's discharge in an area where hot water wi'l not cause any damage or injury. 2. Open lhe drain valve to flush any sediment out of the bottom of the hea ter. Acrut,o* BEFORE MANUALLY OPERATING THE VALVE, MAKE SURE THAT A DRAIN LINE HAS BEEN ATTACHED TO THE VALVE TO DIRECT THE DISCHARGE TO AN OPEN DRAIN. FAILURE TO TAKE THIS PRECAUTION COULD MEAN CONTACT WITH EXTREMELY HOT WATER PASSING OUT THE VALVE DURINGTHIS CHECKING OPERATION. lf the temperature and pressure relief valve on the heater discharges periodically or continuously, it may be due to thermal expansion of water in a closed water supply system, o[ it may be due to a faulty relief valve. Thermal expansion is the normal response of water when it is heated. In a closed system, lhermal expansion will cause the system pressure to build until the relief valve actuation pressure is equaled. Then, the relief valve will open, allowing some water to escape, slightly lowering the pressure. Contact your water supplier or local plumbing inspector on how to control this situation. Two common corrections are listed in the Checklist and Service Information which aoDears later in this manual. ABOVE ALL, DO NOT PLUG THE TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE. THIS IS NOT A SOLUTION AND CAN CREATE A HMARDOUS SITUATION, CIRCULATING PUMP The water heating system may include a circulating pump. Where used, it should be lubricated as directed by the circulator manufacturet VENTSYSTEM Examine the vent system every 3 months. Points of inspeclion are as follows: 1. Check for obstructions and/or deterioration of vent piping and vent hood. Replace immedialely where needed. 2. Vent pipe and vent hood screen should be cleaned of foreign malerral and sool. The screen is located inside the vent hood outlet and is accessible from the outside of the hood. Do not reach inside the vent hood when the heater is in operatton. 3. Check all vent system connections for leakage and reseal as requrred using Hi Temp Silicone sealer or equivalent. Shut off the cold water supply. l\ilake sure all hot water fixtures and circulating pumps are turned off. Wait for water flow from the hose to stop. Remove the anode using a socket ol the appropriate size Sometimes a pry bar will be required to loosen the anode plug . Do not use an impact wrench. Inspect and replace the anode as required. Use a pipe tape or sealant when reinstalling the anode. Close the drain valve . Open a hot water fixture to allow air to escape. Open the cold water supply to heater and allow the tank to fill. Follow the lighting instructions. 7. Check your anode and drain valve for leaks. DRAIN VALVE AND ACGESS PANELS The heaters are equipped with a 3/4" drain valve. An access panel covers the cleanout opening in the tank which is sealed by a gasket and cover. frgure 25. RELIEFVALVE At least twice a year, lhe lemperature and pressure relief valve should be checked to ensure that it is in operating condition. To check the relief valve, iift the lever at the end of the valve several times. The valve should seat properly and operate freely. lf waler does not flow remove and inspect tor obstructions or corrosion. Replace with a new valve of the recommended size as necessary. Inspection of the valve should be performed at least every three years. Do not attempt to repair the valve, as this could result in improper operation and a tank explosion. In areas with poor water conditions, it may be necessary to inspecl the T&P valve more oflen than every three years- 22 r:. -il . INSTALLATION DIAGRAMS ONE TEMPERATURE - ONE HEATERVERTICALSTORAGE TANK FORCED CIRCULATTON WITH OR WITHOUT BUILDING RECIRCULATION INSTALL TI{ERN4AL EXPANSION TANK IF CHECK VALVE OR PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE rs usEo tN A coLo HOT WATER OUTLET WITH STOMGE TANK ABOVE HEATER, PROVIOE HEAI TRAP TO APPROX. MIO POI}{T OF HEATER VACUUM RELIEF VALVE .INSTALL PER LOCAL CODES. II,ISTALL THERMAL EXPANSION TANK IF CHECK VALVE OR PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE IS USED IN A COLO CAUION: lF BUILD|NG COLD WATER SUPPLY HAS A BACK. FLOW PREVENTER, CHECK VALVE OR WATER METER WITH CHECK VALVE PROVISIONS FORTHERMAL EXPANSION OF WATER IN THE I]OI WATER SYSTEM MUST BE PROVTDED NOTE: CONNECT RETURN LINE FROM HOT WAIER clRcuLAT|NG LOOP (tF USED) TO COLD WATER INLET LINE. . PIPE TOOPEN ORAIN INSTALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL CODES ONE TEMPERATURE - ONE HEATER HORIZONTAL STORAGE TANK FORCED CIRCULATION WITH OR WITHOUT BUILDING RECIRCULATION Aoono.* TEMPERATURE SETTING SHOULD NOT EXCEEO SAFE TEMPERATURE AT FIXTURES- SEE WATER TEMPEMTURE CONTROL WARNING ON PAGE 4.IF HIGHER PREHEAT TEMPERATURES ARE NECESSARY TO OBIAIN ADEQUATE BOOSTER OUIPUI ADD AN ANTI-SCALD VALVE FOR HOT WATER SUPPLIED TO FIXTURES. 'PIPE TOOPEN DRAIN INSTALL INACCORDANCE WITH TOCAL CODES I J VACUUM RELIEF VALVE IiISTALL PER LOCAL COOES. 3/4" 'Tf5 ALL BRONZE CIRCULATING PUMP CIRCULATIT.IG PUTP WIRING DIAGRAT' STORAGE TATIK TEI'PEFIATURE CONTROL L1 'r20v Ac crRcuLATtNG L2 NEUTRAL WIRING DIAGRAU FOR BOILER TO TANK LOOP AND/OR HOT WATER LOOP {tF USED). STORAGE TA}TK '11t2- q1ff].:t RETURN LINE FROM BUILDING CIRCULATING LOOP 0F USEO) 23 AorHeen TEMPERATURE SETTING SHOULD NOT EXCEED SAFE TEMPERATURE AT FIXTURES. SEE WATER TEMPERATURE CONTROL IYARNING ON PAGE 4' IF HIGHER PREHEAT TEMPERATURES ARE NECESSARY TO OBTAIN ADEQUATE BOOSTER OUTPUT' ADD AN ANTI-SCALD VALVE FOR HOT WATER SUPPLIED TO FIXTURES, CAUTION: lF BUILDING COLD WATER SUPPLY HAS A BACK-FLOW PREVENTER, CHECK VALVE OR WATER METER WITH CHECK VALVE PROVISIONS FOR THERMAL EXPANSION OF WATER IN THE HOT WATER SYSTEM MUST BE PROVIDED. TWO TEMPERATURE . ONE HEATER HIGH TEMPER^ATURE WITH OR W]THOUT BUILDING RECIRCULATION 'P|PE RELTEF VALVE To oPEN DRA1N NOTE: IF TEMPEREO WATER IS RECIRCULAIED, RETURN LINE SHOULD BE CONNECTEO AT POINT 'A'. INSTALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL CODES. INSTALL THERMAL EXPANSION TANK IF CHECX VALVE OR PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE IS USED IN A COLD VACUU RELIEF VALVE 1NSTALL PER LOCAL COOES. lSO"F (82"q) WATER OUTLET+ THERT/rc ETER + CHECK VALVE ,t 112" TEMPEREO WATER OUTLET VALVE COLD WATER.- SUPPLY r I I -J I I I J 12" TO 15' (3()cm 10 3acm) POTNT'A' UNE TEMP.-rJ--LFLt- COi{TROL 'T&P RELIEF VALVE HEATER PLTJG cocK CHECK VALVE rclr(:1fo=i{}.c"{}jk,m "-ot\rr-f ir-.r' RETURN LINE FROM 18O"F (82'G) crRcuLATlNG LOOP (lF USED) CIRCULATING PUI'P WIRING DIAGRAM STORAGE TANK TEMPERATURE CONTROL Ll 'r20v Ac L2 NEUTRAL WIRING DIAGRAT' FOR BOILER TO TANK LOOP AND/OR HOT WATER LOOP (IF USED). WIRING OIAGRAI{ FOR 180'F (82"C) LOOP (lF USED) CIRCULATING PUMP WIRING DIAGRAM srriiirGE rrtx Te PERATURE cor{rRol 120V AC L2 I{EUTRAL LI Dts}IIIYASHER TOGGLE swtrcH wrttl REO LII{E TETPERATURE LIOHT 24 TWO TEMPERATURE - TWO HEATERS HIGH TEMPERATURE wlTH OR WITHOUT BUILDING RECIRCULATION ALL MATIIFOLDING MUSI BE EOUAL LENGTX I 1/2'MAXIMUM PIPE iAO'F IA2'CI WATER OUYLET THCFMOIICIEA INSTALL THERTI,IA L EXPANSION TANK IF CHECK VALVE OR PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE IS USEO IN A COLD MIXING TEMP€REO OUIIAT VACUUM RELIEF VALVE 'INSTALL PER LOCAL COOES. coLo WATER SUPPIY,:TeP RELIEF VAIVE 1r TO 15" TO !acm)I T4UST AE IDENIICAL HEATERS RE URN L||{E FROM tao.Ft82.C) WATER CIRCULATINC LOOP IIF USEO) TWO TEMPERATURE - THREE HEATERS (TWO PRE-HEATERS/ONE BOOSTER HEATER) WITH OR WITHOUT BUILDING RECIRCUL.ATION ALL MANIFOLOING MUST AE EOUAL LENGTH I '/T $AXIIIUM FIPE r@'F (82"Ct W TER OUTLET THE RMOi/IETEF AL! MAXIFOLOI||G MUST BE EOUAL LENGTH itr-x€^1ti .. PRE{IEAT€R ADOCHECX VALVE WHETI CIRCULATING LOOP FOR MULTIPLE HEATER INSTALLATION SEE MANIFOLD KIT SPECIFICATIONS. PAGE 28 CAUTION: lF EUILDING COLD WATER SUPPLY HAS A EACK-FLoW PREVENTER, CHECK VALVE OR WATER METER WITH CHECK VALVE PROVISIONS FOR THERMAL EXPANSION OF WATER IN THE HOT WATER SYSTEM MUST BE PROVIDED, HOT WATER TO FIXTURES PREHEATEO WATER TO BOOSTER INSTALL THERI''AL EXPANSION TANK IF CHECK VALVE OR PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE IS USEO IN A COLD VACUUM RELIEF VALVE -INSTALL PER LOCAL COOES. 'r80'F {82'C) WATER OUTLET MUST BE IDENTICAL HEATERS Aoerucrn TEMPEMTURE SETTING SHOULD NOT EXCEED SAFE TEMPERATURE AT FIXTURES. SEE WATER TEMPERATURE CONTROTWARNING ON PAGE 4. IF HIGHER PREHEAT TEMPEMTURES ARE NECESSARY TO OBTAIN ADEQUATE BOOSTER OUTPUI ADD AN ANTI.SCALD VALVE FOR HOT WATER SUPPLIED TO FIXTURES. 25 TWO TEMPERATURE -TWO HEATERS (ONE PRE.HEATER/ONE BOOSTER HEATER) WITH OR WITHOUT BUILDING RECIRCULATION Aonrucen TEMPEMTURE SETTING SHOULD NOT EXCEEO SAFETEMPEMTURE AT FIXTURES. SEE WATER TEMPERATURE CONTROL WARNING ON PAGE 4. IF HIGHER PREHEAT TEMPERATURES ARE NECESSARY TO OBTAIN ADEQUATE BOOSTER OUTPUT. ADD AN ANTI-SCALD VALVE FOR HOT WATER SUPPLIEDTO FIXTURES. - PIPE RELIEF VALVE TO OPEN DMIN * 140"F (60'C)TO 150'F (66'C) SHOULD BE MAXIMUM WATER TEMPERATURE MAINTAINED IN THE PRE-HEATERS. 120'F (49'C) SHOULD BETHE MININ4UM TEMPERATURE OF WATER IN THE PRE. HEATERS. CONNECT CIRCUTATING LINE FROM FIXTURES, IF USED,TO COLD WATER SUPPLY LINE OF PRE-HEATER. coNNECT CIRCULATING LINE OF 180'F (82"C) OR BOOSTED WATER, IF USED, TO INLET WATER LINE TO BOOSTER. INSTALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL CODES. INSTALL THERMAL EXPANSION TANK IF CHECK VALVE OR PRESSURE REOUCING VALVE IS USED IN A COLD HOT WATER TO FIXTURES THEFMOIIETEF VACUUf RELIEF VALVE 1IISTALL PER LOCAL COOES. "PRE-HEATER COLD WATER SUPPLY MAXTMUM 1 t/2'PRE-HEATED WATER TO BOOSTER CIRCULATING PUTP WIRING DIAGRAH STORAGE TANK TEHPERATURE CONTROL L1 120V AC L2 NEUTRAL WIRING OIAGRAM FOR BOILER TO TANK LOOP AND/OR HOT WATER LOOP IIF USED). WIRING DIAGRAI' FOR r80'F (82"C) LOoP (lF usED). CIRCULATING PUtrP WIRING DI,AGRAT STORAGE TANK TEUPERATURE CONTROL t2 NEUTRAL LI O|sH!ryA9HER TOGGLE swtlcH WIIH RED LINE TEI'PESATURE COXTROL 26 CIRCULATING PUHP WIRING DIAGRAM STORAGE TANK TEUPERATURE CONIROL 120V AC I{EUTRAL otsHWaSSER TOGGI.EL1 SWITCH LINE TEtrPERATURE W]TH REO LIGIIT TWO TEMPERATURE -ONE HEATER HIGH TEMPERATURE WITH RECIRCULATION OF SANITIZING LOOP WIRING DIAGRATI FOR 180"F (82.C) LOOP (tF USED). VACUUI$ RELIEF VALVE 1NSIALL PER LOCAL CODES. INSTALL THERMAL EXPANSION TANK IF CHECK VALVE OR PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE IS USEO IN A COLD SUPPLY COLD WATER SUPPLY.+ 180"F (82.C1 WATER OUTLET TEMPERED WATER oUTLET (NOTE il).r t2' TO 15" (30cm - 38cm) WATER HAMMER ARRESTER PRESSURE REOUCING VALVE 1 1nr LINE TEMPERATURE coNTROL (NOTE 2) 3/4' #75 ALL BRONZE CIRCULATING PUMP Aoo,rcen TEMPEMTURE SETTING SHOULD NOT EXCEED SAFE TEMPERATUREAT FIXTURES. SEE WATER TEMPERATURE CONTROL WARNING ON PAGE 5. IF HIGHER PREHEAT TEMPERATURES ARE NECESSARY TO OBTAIN ADEOUATE BOOSTER OUTPUT, ADD AN ANTI.SCALD VALVE FOR HOT WATER SUPPLIED TO FIXTURES. CAUTION: lF BUILDING COLD WATER SUppLy HAS A BACK-FLOW PREVENTER, CHECK VALVE OR WATER METER WITH CHECK VALVE PROVISIONS FORTHERMAL EXPANSION OF WATER IN THE HOT WATER SYSTEM MUST BE PROVIDED. .PIPE RELIEF VALVE TO OPEN DRAIN INSTALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL CODES IVOIE t: TOGGLE SWITCH CONTROLS 180"F (82"c) WATER CIRCULATIoN. INSTALL ON OR CLOSE TO DISHWASHER. TOGGLE SWITCH MUST BE CLOSED (ON) DURING THE RINSE OPERATION AND OPEN (OFF) WHEN DISHWASHER IS NOT OPEMTING OR WHEN ON LONG STANDBY T{O|E 2.. INSTALL LINE TEMPERATURE CONTROL IN AN UNINSULATED TEE BEYOND THE DISHWASHER TAKEOFF IN THE SANITIZING LOOP CONTROL SHOULD BE SETAT 185"F (85'C). ^rOrE 3i ADJUST PLUG COCK SO THE SANITIZING LOOP FLOW RATE DOES NOT CAUSE UNNECESSARY TURBULENCE IN THE TANK. t{orE4i IFTEMPEREDWATER lS RECIRCULATED, RETURN LINE SHoULD BE CONNECTED AT POINT A. ,no?,., S^[f{ '#$F Sff{I t L roen.. SwlTCH (NOTE 1) MANIFOLD KITS Precision cut type "1" all copper A.O. Smith manifold kits assure water flow balance of all units. Without this balance, the full water heating and storage potential of the system cannot be achieved. Plus, the units with the higher water flow may have a shortened life. Unions shown in piping diagrams are not included in the manifold kits. Dimensions shown are for minimum space occupied by the water heaters assemblies Space for the venting system and unit servicing must be added. l-i [,30' 2 U4' (7cm) TYP. 2 I/Z' INLET AND OUTLET MANIFOLO CONNECTIONS 2 I/2" INLET ANO OUTLET MANIFOLD CONNECTIONS FOUR UNIT MANIFOLD KIT (PART NO. 195688) TWO UNIT MANIFOLD KIT (PART NO. 195686) ---T.- THREE UNIT MANIFOLD KIT (PART NO. 195687) 2 1/r I LET AI{O OUTLET MANIFOLD CONTIECTIONS (1 (76cm) '- 2 t/2- INLET AND OUTLET MANIFOLD CONNECTIONS 9t 3/4' (233CM)2Il2" INLET AND OUTLET MANIFOLD CONNECTIONS 2 3/,t' (7CMl TYP. ,--?.rt- 1241t16" (3i5cm) 3o' 2 I/2- INLET AND OUTLET MANIFOLO CONNECTIONS 3" (7.6cm)TYP. l-i 9tcm) I LI 28 CHECKLIST AND SERVICE INFORMATION IMPORTANT The instailer may be able to observe and correct certain problems which mrght arise when the unit is put into operation or when it is rejired after aprolonged shutdown. HOWEVER. it is recommended that only qualified servtcemen, using appropriate test equipment, be allowed to service the hea ter. BE SURE TO TURN OFF THE ELECTRICITY WHENEVER POSSIBLE OR APPROPRIATE WHILE CHECKING EQUTPMENT ^A wnRrurnc FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS CAN RESULT IN SERIOUS PERSOML INJURY OR DEATH. CAUTION: LABELALL WTRES PRTORTO DTSCONNECTTON WHEN SERVIC|NG CONTROLS. WIRING ERRORS CAN CAUSE IMPROPERAND DANGEROUS OPERATION VERIFY PROPER OPERATION AFTER SERVICING. BURNER OPERATIONAL PROBLEMS 1 . Refer lo TROUBLESHOOTTNG. NOT ENOUGH OR NO HOT WATER 1. Be certain the electrical disconnect switch serving the water heater rs in the ON position. 2 Check the fuses. . The electrical disconnect switch usually contains fuses. 3. The capacity of the heater may have been exceeded by a large demand for hot water . Large demands require a recovery period to restore water temperature. 4. Colder incoming water temperature will lengthen the time requtred to heat water to the desired temperature. . lf the heater was installed when incoming water temperature was warm, cotder water creates the effect of less hot water 5 Look for hot water wastage and leakjng or open hot water faucers. 6. Sediment or lime scale may be affecting water heater operation. Refer to MAINTENANCE for detaits 7 The heaters temperature high limit sensor has activated. press rne reset button on the thermostat. L Burner may not be firing at proper rale . Check gas pressure. Adjust to obtain required manitold pressure. 9. Burner fan wheel may be dirty. . Clean fan wheel with a stiff brush. 10. Condensate hose may be blocked where il connects to the exhaust elbow . Verify lhe condensate drains from the unit without restriction. WATER IS TOO HOT 1. Refer to WATERTEMPERATURE CONTROL. WATER HEATER MAKES SOUNDS 'L Sediment or lime scale accumulations cause rumbling and pounding no{ses when the heater is operating. . The sounds are normal. howevet the tank bottom should be cleaned. Refer to MATNTENANCE for detaits. 1. Some of the electrical components of the water heater make sounds which are normal. . Contacts click or snap as the heater starts and stops.. Transformers often hum. WATER LEAKAGE IS SUSPECTED Check to see if the water heater drain valve is tightly closed. Also check the cleanout opening for leakage. The apparent leakage may be condensation which forms on cool sL,rfaces of the heater and piorng. 3. lf the outlet of the reliel vatve is leaking it may represent: ' Excessive water pressure.. Excessive water temperature.. Faulty relief valve. Excessive water pressure is the most common cause of retief valve leakage. lt is often caused by a "closed system". lf a check valve rs rn rne inlet system it will not permit the expanded hot water volume to equa zepressure with the main. The relief valve must release this water or the water heateror plumbing system will be damage d. Refer to MAINTENANCE- RELIEF VALVE section in this manuat. When such a condition is encountered, local codes or inspectron agency should be consulted to determine which system is acceptable in your area. See CLOSED SYSTEM section in this manual also. TROUBLE.SHOOTING 1. Verify that the allowable vent length has not been exceeded and lhat the blower inlet screen has been removed if direct venting. 2. Verify that the condensation, which WILL be present in the heater and exhaust vent, will drain. 3. Check supply wire polarity - hot to hot and neutral to neutral and no"stray" current in neutral. 4. Heater is properly grounded Checking these four (4) items lirst will often result in a timetv solution to the service call. A AwnRxtr.tc JUMPING OUT COMPONENTS AND/OR CIRCUTTS DURING TROUBLESHOOTING CAN CAUSE SERIOUS PROBLEMS WITH THE UNIT'S OPERATING SEQUENCE AND IGNITION SAFETY IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THE PROPER TESI EOUIPN,4ENI I.E. A\,/OLTOHM METERANDA MICROAMMETER. DO NOT ATTEIVIPT TO TROUBLESHOOT OR REPAIRA.O SI\,4ITH EOUIPIVENT ALTERINGTHE CONTROLLER AN D/OR CONTROLLER WIRING IN ANY WAY COUTD RESULT IN INTERNAL DAMAGE TO THE MODULE CIRCUITS. POSSIBLY ALTERING THE IGNITION SEQUENCE ALLOWING GAS VALVES TO OPEN BEFORE THE HOT SURFACE IGNITER IS UP TO IGNITION TEMPERATURE. NOTE: ANY BYPASS OR ALTERATION OF THE UNITS SAFETTES WiLL RESULT IN VOIDING THE APPLIANCE WARRANTY Before performing any troubleshooting familiarize yourself with the particular applrance. Refer to the SEOUENCE OF OPERATTON and the mnnection diaqram located on page 15 before continuing. Make sure the appliance is connected to a 120V AC power supply, manual gas valve is in the ON position, and all electrical connections are secure before continuing to troubleshoot this appliance. Aceunon THE WATER HEATER IS POLARITY SENSITIVE. BEFORE APPLYING ELECTRICIryTO THIS HEATER BE CERTAIN THAT SUPPLY HEATED WIRE TO GROUND CHECK INDICATES ZERO VOLTAGE, 29 3. MOTORWILL NOTRUN '1. Confirm 12OV AC to the controlter Atso, to venty correct polarity, check for 120 V AC belween hot supply and ground. lf there is no voltage, check for a loose connection where it connects to the controller. 2. lf there is 120 volts to the controller, check for loose connections or a locked rotor lf the rotor cannot be freed the motor and blower assemblv must be replaced. MOTOR RUNS. PREPURGETIME ELAPSES BUT MAIN FLAME NOT ESTABLISHED. 1. Check to see if main manual gas valve is open. 2. Check for a loose connection at lhe lransformer, or a detective transformer. Check for a loose connection at the gas valve. Check for open pressure switches or open reset button. Check for blockage ln the intake and exhaust ventjng or at the venl hoods. lf no blockage is found. check vinyl lubing for cuts or crimps. lf this tubing is damaged it must be replaced. lf these steps do not eliminate the problem, replace the pressure switches. Check to see if there is resistance across the igniter terminal with an OHM meler. lf there is no continuity, the igniter is broken and should be reprace0. lf the igniter appears to funclion properly, then verify that the inlet pressure is 12" Natural Gas (3 kPa) and 14.0" L.P Gas (3.45 kPa) WC. maximum. The gas valve supplied on lhis appliance is not designed to open against a higher pressure. At this time also check that the inlel pressure is not lower lhan the minimal gas supply pressure, as shown rn Table 4: thal is, lor Natural Gas, 5.0" (1.25 kPa) WC. for BTH 120 & 250 or 4.5" (1 1 kPa) WC. for BTH 150 & 199 or; for L.P Gas, 11.0" (2 7 4 kPal W.C. if the inlet pressure is not within these limits then adiust the supply pressure accordingly. lf (he inlet pressure falls within the allowable limits, then verify that the manifold pressure, when the gas is fully open, with the heater running, is as called out in Table 4: that is, for Natural Gas,4.0" (1 kPa) WC. for BTH 120 & 250 or 3.5" (.9 kPa) WC.forBTH150&199or,forL.Pcas, 10.0" (2.5 kPa) WC. lf the manifold pressure is nol correct then adjust accordingly. See ADJUSTMENT PROCEOURE in OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS selection, page 18, for the manifold pressure adiustment proceoure. lf lhe inlet and manrfold pressures are within the lirnits specified in step 5, fhen reset the appliance. Verity 24V AC at the gas valve during the three (3) second ignition trial, after the igniter reaches operating lemperature. ll 24V AC at the gas valve is not seen during this period, the controller must be replaced lf there is 24V AC al the gas valve during lhe four second ignition trial and lhe manifold pressure does not increase above 0" WC. then verify that the manual gas control valve rs in the "ON" position (see page 20). lf the valve is in the "ON' position and lhe previous voltage and gas pressure conditrons are met. then the gas valve is defective and must be replaced. Nole that a positive manjfold pressure reading of approximately 1.5" (.38 kPa) WC. is normal during the prepurge portion ot lhe ignition cycle due to lhe localion of lhe gas orifice. MOTOR RUNS, BURNER LIGHTS MOMENTARILY THEN LOCKSOUT Reset the aoolrance two more times lo ensure lhat all of the air has been purged from the gas ltne. lf the burner lights momenlarily but does not sustain ignition, verify that the inlet Irressure is not greater than 14.0" (3.5 kPa) WC. or iower than the minimal gas supply pressure, as shown in Table 4: that is, for Natural Gas, 5.0' (1.25 kPa) WC. for BTF] 120 & 250 or 4.5" (1.'1 kPa) WC. for BTH 150 & 199 ori for L.P Gas, 11 .0" (2.74 kPa) WC. pressure. Also, the manifold pressure should rise during the three (3) second trial for ignition to the manifold pressure value for the individual unit listed in Table 4: that is, for Natural Gas,4.0" (1 kPa) WC. for BTH 120 & 250 or 3.5" (.9 kPa) WC. for BTH 150 & 199 or; for L.P Gas, 10.0" (2 5 kPa) WC. lf the nranifold pressure is not correct then adjust accordingly. See ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE in OPERATING INSTRUcTIoNS section, page 18, for the manifold pressure adjustment procedure. 3. Check for the reversed polarity in the supply wiring This controller is polarity sensitive. lf lhe hot and neutral supply wires are reversed, lhe controller wrll not sense flame. Reverse the supply wires and try to fire the unit. NOTE: Always turn ofl and disconnect main supply wiring before servicing the un t. 4. Check connecting wire to lhe flame sensor Verify that the flame sensor has not been damaged in any way. 5. Verify that the air supply is adequete. The air inlet screen or blower wheei may be restricted. Also, check the installation for proper ventilation See AIR REOUIREMENTS 6. Check the venting system for the correct sizing, excess or insumcient. See VENTING. 7. Check for a maximum inlet pressure of 12" Natural Gas (3 kPa), 14.0" L.P Gas (3.45 kPa) WC. and the manifold pressure as listed in Table 4: that is, for Natural Gas.4.0" (1 kPa) WC for BTH 120 & 250 or 3.5" (.9 kPa) Wc. for BTH 150 & '199 or, for L.P Gas, 10.0" (2.5 kPa) WC Please note that the manilold oressure listed is the maximum value for the manifold pressure. Do not set the manifold pressure higher than the value shown for your heater in Table 4 Overfiring the heater will result in rough ignition and/or noisy operation. L Confirm that the air inlet screen (see Figures 7 & 8) is free of obstructions. lA clurtoru Do not reach into the bumer housing or combustion chamber il the heater is still hot. Allow the heater to cool and always use gloves as the combustion chamber and the burner sleeve and housing can become very hot after operation. Overfiring is a dangerous condition that must be corrected immediately. NOISY BURNER OPERATION The exhaust of this unit produces some noise. This noise may be objectionable if the exhaust terminal is located too close to the opening of an occupied space. The noise may also be objectionable if the exhaust is located in the confined space between two buildings such as an alley or walkway. Since everyone's perception and tolerance for background noise varies, there is no standard recommendation. The best option when the noise is a concern is to locale the exhaust as far away from any occupied soaces as Dractical. It noise becomes more lhan one can tolerate, a dampening mumer 1s available through our Product Service Division See "REPLACEMENT PARTS" segment Delow GAS FAILS TO SHUT OFF Check lor defective gas valve or thermostat. lf operation is incorrect, reDlace REPLACEMENT PARTS Replacement parts may be ordered through A.O, Smilh dealers, authorized servicers or distributors. Refer to the Yellow Pages for where lo call or contacl the A.O. Smith Water Products Company, 5621 W 11sth Street, Alsip, lL 60803, 1-800-433-2545. When ordering parts be sure to state the quantity, part number and description of the items including the complete model and serial number as it appears on the product. Refer to the parls lisl for more rnformatton. 6. 2 30 Model BTH Limited Warranty A o Smith-corporation, the warrantor, extends the following LIMITED WARRANTY to the owner ol thrs water heater1, THE TANK lf the glass-lined tank in this water heater shall prove upon examination by the warrantor to have leaked due to natural corrosion from potabte watertherein, durinq the first THREE years after initial installation, the warrantor will supply a replacement tank less bumer and controls or a comprere newA o' smilh water heater oI equivalent size and current model at the wanantor's option. Some government agencies are requiring energy etficientstandards for water healers. ln the evenl regulations prohibit sale of a model of equivalent sizJ and construction, A.o. Smith will provrde a modelwhich complies with the regulations ot your area, in which case the consumer will be charged the difference in price between the hke replacemenland the energy efficient model required. The warranty on the replacement water heater wilL be lim ed to the unexpired lerm of the ongrnat warranty.2. ALL OTHER PARTS lf within ONE year atter inltial installation ol this water heatet any part or portion shall prove upon examrnatron by the warrantor to be defective inmalerlal or workmanship, the warrantor wirr repair or reprace such part or portion at its option.3. CONDTTIONS AND EXCEPTIONS This warranty shall apply only when the water heater is installed in accordance with local plumbing and building codes, ordinances and regulations,the printed instructrons provided with_il and good industry praclices. In addition, a lemperature and pressure relief valve, certified by AGAJCGA andapproved by lhe American society of Mechanical Engineers, must have been installed.a. This warranty shall apply only when the heater ii used: (1 ) used at temperatures not exceeding the maximum setting of its thermostat;(2) used al water pressure nor exceeding the working pressure shown on lhe heater:(3) ufh-eo operated free of the damaging etfects of uniontrolled water hammer;(4) filled with potable water, free to circulate at all times and with the tank free of damaging water sediment or scale deposits,(5) used in a non-corrosive and non-contaminated atmosohere:(6) used with factory approved anode(s) installed;(7) in its originat instaltation tocationi(8) In lhe Unated States. its territories or possessions, and Canada;(9) sized in accordance with proper sizing techniques for commercial and/or residential water heaters:(10) bearing a rating plate which has not been altered, defaced or removed, except as required by the warrantor;(l 1 ) operated with properly installed dirt legi (12) fired with the luet lor which it was tactorv built:(13) lired at the tacrory rated input: (14) operaled with the inner and outer combuslion chamber doors in olace.b Any accident to the water heatei any misuse, abuse (including freezingj or alteration of it, any operation of it in a modified form, or any anemprto repair tank leaks will void this warrantv 9a!ncelcd la-rldcss an effective method of controlling thermal expansion is also instalted at the heater(sleldooerational ai;lil;es'The retietvalve installed on the heater is lqt an acceptable method. SERVICE ANO REPAIR EXPENSES under the limited warranty Ihe warra.ntor will provide only a reptacement water heater or part thereof. The owner is responsible for all other costs.Such costs may include bul are nol limited to:a Labor charges for service removal, repair or reinstallation of the water healer or any componenr pan:b Shipping, delivery. handling, and administrative charges for forwarding lhe new he;ter oi replacement part from the nearest distributor andreturnrng the claimed defective heater or oarl to such distributor.c All cost necessary or incidental for any material and/or permits required for installation of the replacement.5. LIMITATIONS ON IMPLIED WARRANTIES lmplied warranties, including the wananty of merchantability imposed on the sale of this heater under state law are limiled to one (1) year durationfor lhe heater or any of its parts. some states do not allow limitations on how long an imptied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apptyto you. 6. CLAIM PROCEDURE Any claim under lhe warranty should be initiated with the dealer who sold the boilet or wilh any other dealer handling the warrantor s products lfthrs rs not practicable, the owner should contact: U.S. Customerg A. O. Smith Corporation 5621 W 11sth Street Alsip, lL 60803 Canadian Customels A. O. Smilh Enterprises Ltd. P O. Box,310 - 768 Erie Street Stratford, Ontario N5A 6T3 Tetephone: (800) 323-2636 Tetephone: (800) 265_9520a The warrantor will only honor replacement with identical or similar waler heater or parts thereof which are manufactured or distnbuted bv thewarra nlot b. Dealer replacements are made subject to in_warrantv validation bv warrantor7 DISCLAIMERS NO OTHER EXPRESS WARRANTY HAS BEEN OR WILL BE MADE IN BEHALF OF THE WARRANTOR WTH RESPECT TO THE MERCHANTABILITY OFSHEATER OR THE INSTALLATION, OPERATION, REPAIR OR REPLACEMENTOF THE BOILER. THEWARRANTOR SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR WATER DAMAGE, LOSS OF USE OF THE UNII INCONVENIENCE, LOSS OR DAI\,4AGE TO PERSONAL PROPERTY OR OTHER CONSEOUENTIAL DAMAGE. THE WARRANTOR SHALL NOT BE LIABLE BY VIRTUE OF THIS WARRANTY OR OTHERWISE FOR DAN4AGE TO ANY PERSONS ORPROPERry WHETHER OIRECT OR INDIRECI AND WHETHER ARISING IN CONTRACT OR TORTa' Some states do not allow lhe exclusion or limitation of the incidental or consequential damage, so the above limitations or excrusrons may nor apply to you. b This warranty gives you specific tegal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. Fill in the followrng for your own reference. Kggp.I. Registration is not a condition of warranlv. The model and serial number are found on the heater'srating plate Dale Installed ft,iodel No Dealer's Name - Senal No ___ City and State FILL IN WARRANTY AND KEEP FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. .)l Dealers Address . ., Zip Code ?,3zlt#ot In"p""tP,'l,F"duFqlRef".,ting t"g" ''t Requested Inspect Date: fhursday, March 15,2007 lnsDeition Area: CG Site Address: 4095 VAIL RACQUET CLUB TWH DR VAIL VAIL RACQUET CLUB MAIN CLUBHOUSE A/P/D Information Activitv: M0G0304 Tvoe: B-MECh Const Tvo6: Occuoairbv:Or'rier: LICHT, BRAD A. & DANA l-.Applicant: MEADOW MOUNTAIN PLUMBING/HEATING ContTactoT: MEADOW MOUNTAIN PLUMBING/HEATING Descriotion: COMMON ELEMENT-VAIL WITH TWO NEW HIGH EF Comment: MAINTAIN ALL WORKING Requested Inspeciion(s) TWO EXISTING WATER HEATERS AND REPLACE D CLEARANCE TO COMBUSTIBLES. - CGUNION Sub TgOe: AMF Phone: 970-479-2981 Phone: 970-479-2981 Requested Time: Entered By: Status: ISSUED lnsp Area: CG DGOLDEN K Item: 390 MECH-Final RequEstoT: MEADOW MOUNTAIN PLUMBING/HEATING 04:30 PM 970479-2981 Comments: main club house. will call479-2981AssionedTo: JMONDRAGON- Action: t\ | ll Time Exp:wT[-\\,r-- L\4. ??7- 6zo(Inspection Historv Item: 200Item: 310Item: 31 5 Item: 320Item: 330Item: 340 Comment: Item: 390 MECH-Final InsDector: PLACK PIPI CANNOT RI P&T REVIEI WOOD FLO tPc 504.6. ( DRAINPAN. CR CORRECTION REQUIRED (36 INCHES REQUIRED.)'rPc 504.6.1. JRERS INSTRUCTION AND SRANE AND FLOR DRAIN VS REPT131 Run Id: 6472 cCa'il"FdIY CEttELOPl€Hl Design Reuiew Board ACTIOI{ FORM Department of ConnmunitY Development 75 south Frontage Road, vail, colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2'152 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: VAIL MCQUET CLUB TMSH ENCLOS Project Description: Replacement of existing trash enclosure in seven different locations on site with new wildlife- proof enclosure on concrete pad. Each enclosure to be 117 sq. ft. Site coverage caclculations not completed due to existenc€ of current enclosures. All Participants: OWNER UCHT, BRAD A. & DANA L. LOIL6I2OO6 5703 S IVANHOE ST GREENWOOD VIL1AGE co 80111 APPUCANT VAIL MCQUET CLUB CONDOS C/O STEVE LOMJS 4695 MCQUET CLUB DR VAIL co 81657 Lll 1612006 Phone: 970-331-1861 Project Address: 4695 VAIL MCQUET CLUB TWH DR VAIL Location: VAIL MCQUET CLUB CONDOS . ( r,. -_L1,"^-*/r\Legal DescriPtaon: Lot: TRAC Block Subdivision: VAIL MCQUET CLUB CONDOM ['(M-r ;v*<" Parcel Number: 2101-124{300-1 Comments: seecondition DRB Number: DR8060488 Motion By: Second Byl Votei Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: APPROVED Date of APProval: 10/19/2006 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building' Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities' Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Deparfiient of Community Development 75 South Fronbge Road, Vail, Colondo 81657 tel| 970.479.2L28 taxi 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review mu* receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An appliotion for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Departnent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request:R{rtacg 7 e-xtrr/'lG a4tryxt" {ilCzu LDL/ ENC.ecuag Location of the Proposa,. Lolnn,gock:- Physical Address: Parcef No.: 2/ ol-12Y- o3o o ' /(Cnntact Co, Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no.) t( L7/ Name(s) of Owner(s): KA C u€7 Ctot& AoutvF,ifoCt4 2 otV Mailing Address:6?,4AVtt. Co Owner(s) Signahrre(s); Name of Applicant: Address:f 2-f ,<Ac&u€7 zilE D V€ Co Elg s (, oo qs oe) € E-maif Addressi Jleu€/"t4"<l € t/qt//dtC?Lteh/A, TypeofReviewand Fee: o D. Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercjal) Minor Alteration (sin gle-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request 7a-| - /.?6/ 7o,/7'7-sd IPhone: Fax: tr D . Co',A? $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc, $20 For revisions to plans already approVed by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Bulldim l{aterials PROPOSED iIATERHIS Tvoe of l'laterlal Golor 74at4o H€?r746-€ 514165 -fc, LA *t / ^t A 7€ D 4!iU_n n fU / d (,AS H,IRJ, ) - ?adank! U€R rr clt L,fl D t N G Bg,]RDS DAR< Ga€€^J /* co/ub/tRt:A, Rmf SkJing Ofter Wall Mabrhb Fascia Soffits Wndovvs Wndo,vTrim Doors DoorTrim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Fhshing Chimneys Trash Endosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior UghUng Other aa t!4ctJ // C l/t c tlo;?./ (.lfDrun &R"ir:rJ) ( HanDt- TntA E€l€C r l€D4RpuLl- 6ta72atf J46€ e,,eeAv /^l fttty'lc,\€ tt oX fo,rl) BRu inl*J ,144r/ -2tANz ,t4r< € AJ J-/2 /N G /v/4 ^//A 3'* 7'gom*rs;q6,aL -fq€€L Doo&oXFo/aD &ctul^) Ztr I Rsc oX Fo{aD ERoc+taJ .{,/a al,/a 2 x Z ,+/utH/.l/ot4 2ARK igreoa.t,t/ 8"fZo'vf ' fo E€{ratcca N4/76 (CA^e A! Co/!tos' ? .ot4r,tH ttmf{) 6n<AzAe 7nuc.e '4ccE"ts (tA f :9 t' ki7 7"or€"P H")aL Fc-Zz 4"ttae Jl€€L 2ccr'( ,aowz€rQ ?<t4/ 24</< 84ot/a) l{otes: ,4tr.+rt "rr€ 472ct/€) pl/c"rc-r * &/qe1F^!7{ nltiz€ 444C Please specfi the manufach.rre/s name, the olor name and number and attach a color drip. Page 6 d 13F:\d€qFORMS\PERI'fl Ts\t'lannlng\drb_mlnor_all11-23-2005.doc F l F itt =oF* LLoo?LEOoo(, ttE=e,=o53.jb9.o063.E.=EDfeeEheE.tJ'Eb.tE.lntrltqttlEF6 E E "ggF E E3 O CLA G =?crfi-eE E 'E ;:-Ifl (' cLg.gEg e E Eat-'c!EE 3E a b . t.:YE6o€:ll = t ! ! sE sl., rn It o g,A E= .E'g: Eg E fr B g E* F ,n E €* 3 E HF EE Fri EE IE qd oE pp g; "'I E FE 8I R: Ei;E TI utk org ! E E E EE €oEc.9-E ^L X.;E3 eg 6E S.= oE o X o3 Q- .c- .cilEE FG. F .g llE lo I .9 e ;*E'E E e EE I f#lr, \!-J-.b-r_i- 1r,otF o(,R0 ;.!E!PotsoooJtF 16a-trol 6,P a 3Ec:.!9A EEEs.9 .=6EE orr0, C')ofi €ix:€E sEEE -UrO.tECat - = .-;F =E38--r e b -E= 9?eb,6,,P fr E = EHh 9F=oE 5 :s3tr -r-*O!ui'=+ S6E.UiP-..E6-r|,-E ;rEg =.9=oE3 .9 3 cLg -EqOO = IE6FEqroE::- = E O 2=='=:rG|I'EE"ets.9-tEpuuE54tr6:dp;F;8XH.E}:JXr,-edarT-o.ll .D F l\ q( h sN\\A.\s\ .:\ R f, N N \ \ N.N \ Ns\i\J -oIT)e u,= -{-J€'tt o5 (trE d,e o) - It.ttED +,9'E@D ...r4 . .,i,: - $iri ' rd3,fl, ., :.\'Jr str / .,: - $!:l'> 'itF- l, ffi**ffi /// 1"///*t( tt/.,n -'{trii \ ,/ 'l{' ****** * * * *+*'i ******************++* ****t+{r* * 't t * + +*t*+++t},}***********{.*****'}'t'l*****++**t**** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement Payment Method: Check RACOUET CTTJB CONDOS Init : ,fS Noeatiorr: 27275/VAIL Permit No: Parcel llo : Site Address : L,ocation : Thie Payment: DRBo6 0488 q4)e: DRB-Minor Alt,comn/Mu1ti 2101-124-0300-1 4695 VArL RACQITET CL,[B Ttfn DR VArL vArrJ RACQUET CLITB CONDOS Total Fee6: $2s0.00 Total ALL Pmts : Balance: $2s0.00 $2s0.00 $o. oo ******************+************+*+*++t****************f****i+**{.*+*****************+lt*t+**+* ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account code Descript ion Current Pmta DR 00100003Lr2200 DESIGN REVTEW FEES 2s0.00 Planning and Environmental Commisson ACTION FOR[.{ Department of Communily De'Jelopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, {olnrado 81557 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970"479.2452 web: www.vailgou.com Project Namer VAIL MCQUET CLUB CONDO PLAT Project Descriptionr Participants: owNER MCQUET CLUB OWNERS ASSOC 01/1212006 4690 VArL RACQUET CLUB DR VA]L co 81657 APPUCANT RACQUET CLUB OWNERS ASSOC 01/12i2006 4690 VArL RACQUET CLUB DR VAIL co 81657 Project Address: 4800 MEADOW DR VAIL Location: VAIL MCQUET CLUB Legal Description: Lot: Block: Subdivision: VAIL MCQUET CLUB CONDOM Parcel Number: 2101-124-3100-1 Comments: PEC Number: PEC060004 FINAL APPROVAL FOR AN EXEMPTION PLAT. AMENDED CONDO MAP l1TH SUPPPLEMENT FOR BLDG 15, UNITS l THRU 4. Motion Byl Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 08/15/2006 Cond: B (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Planner: Matt Gennett PEC Fee Paid: $650.00 *m pnnnfrlpl',tiili*:fri::;;lt,l,'fr*s.n n 75 South Frontage Road, Vaii, Colondo 81657 ter: e7037e:213e..iHr:3.JJr',*' ilct General rnformation: t'll All prolects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to zubmitting al building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application br Planning and Environmental Commission review @nnot be accepted until'all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. g = Type of Application and Fee: 0 Rezoningtr Major Subdivision E /Minor Subdivision- Ef Exemotion Plattr MinorAmendment to an SDDtr New Spe-cial Development Districttr Major Amendment to an SDDtr Major Amendment to an SDD (no eyterior modifi ca tions) tr C.onditional Use Permittr FloodplainModificationtr Minor Exterior Alterationtr Major Exterior Alterationtr Development PlanE Amendment to a Development Plantr Zoning Code AmendmentE Variancetr Sign Variance $1300 $1s00 $650 $6s0 $1000 $6000 $6000 $12s0 $6s0 $400 $6s0 $800 $1s00 $2s0 $1300 $s00 $200 Ho ooo Descri Request: Location ofthe Proposal: Lot:_ Parcef No.: ) lf I I JL/3lOO I (contact Eagle Co. tusessor at 970-328-8640 for parcet no.) Zoning: g Aldress: Phone: 476 - L/810 Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Phone: a E-mail Address: t2) Physical Address: Name(s) of Owner(s): 93ff*E3s'ui of 6-01/18/02 TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement Statement Number: R050000030 Amount: $550.00 0L/L2/2OO6t1 :15 AM Pa)ment Method3 Check Init! its Notation: 25662/VAII' RjacQuET cr.,uB coNDos Permit DIo: P8C060004 Type: PEC - Generic Parcel No: 2101- 124 - 3100 - 1 Site AddreaB: 4800 ME"ADOW DR VAIIJ Location: VAIIJ RACOT ET CLttB Total Fees: $650.00This Palzment: $650.00 Total AIJIJ Pmts: 5650.00Balance: $0. oo * * t * ***++***+1'it**++*{'*r}***!**!******************{' + + * * ** ************,1.{r*+*{.,r.********'t'i******'1.{.* ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account code DescriDtion current Pmts PV OO1OOOO31125OO PEC APPLICATION FEES 650.00 01/06,'06 11:29 FAI 303 132 09Sg ORTE\ & EI\D}Ii,}i @ ooe . . . FIRSTAMEI{DMENT TO THE ELEVENTH S APPLE'TENT TO CONDOMINIUilI DECLARATION FOR t 4IL H{CQUET CLUB CONDOIIINIUTIS FOR BUILDING 15 TI{IS AME\D},IENT is n aae ur,s$4aroi fL{LY,2oE RECIl'ALS "Vail Racquet CIub Condorniniums," a general partil.orship, and 1:redecessor ip iaterest to "Yail Raccluet club co'dorniniums," a limited partnership, rvhich ale collectively ret'cffed to as t]re "initial Declarant," caused to be recorcled a Condorninirln Dec,laration lbr Vail Racquet CIr-Lb Condolriniurns in Book 232,page484, et seq.. of the records of the cled( and Recorder of Eagle couniy. coloraclo, as anrendeil and supplemented of record (the "Condominium D eclaration"')_ oue of the amendmelt- and srippienrents to the condoninium Deciaraiion is tho Eleventh supplumcnt ro conc.;a:iniuin Declaraiion for vail Racquet Club Condomini- ums, recordcd in Book 337, page 934, et. seq.. ofthe rccords ofthe clerk and Recorder of EagLe county. colorado, {lhe "Elevenijr supplemenf') relating to Building 15 of the Vail Racqrret CIub Condonrini,r:lis. The owners in Building 15 r'ar set forth in rhe anached E;rlribit A) and thc Association ,.le sire to alrend ih e E levri; :rr i ,,lppie;l:ni b5, nre ars of tnis iiirst y'.nsn&rlent to the Elevenrli Supplement to Condominrrrn: Declaration for !'ai1 Raccluet Club Condornini- ur:rs for BuilC,ing i5 i:he "Errt;, -{::,':er,l:d Eiev*ath Surpie*enC,). The Condominiuin Declarrticn pr:ovides for and allorvs for this First.,\mended Eleventh Sulipiernenr in Seciii:ts i j-i :ri 15-?, rvhich provide as follows: "15-i. E:t:;;i ::s iiher,vise hereiu proi,ided, this Declaation can be revoi(ed or ameriled oliy if ; i.;ner$ represeruing ae aggregate ownership interest of 75% or-more li :t: 1:n:ral cr:immon elemc-nis aacl all holders of recorcled ll]Ofigages or deeds of liust enc';inbering condominiurn units consent thereto by in strumeot(s) duly recorded. Provided, hop'ever. that the un<liviiled interest in the general corunoo el;rcems epFi,rrten ant to eech aper.'inent unit, as expressed in this Declaration, sliall h.i.ve 1FO:mlrtent character ard shall not be changed without tlre consent of all condoininium unit orvners affccted by any such chalge as expressed in a duiy rccorded amendment to this Dccl.aration. ' i lt:. )' -:-. _. -.- B. C. .D. B oor 15.2. A sworn staLemerrt by any persou purporting to ktow of his own l(novledge that ih: rrdirsSailr" .rirsons have consectcd to such anrendmeut or revocation, r.'"ten duly recorded therew'jth, sha'll be nrnna facie evidencc of such facts." E. A11 Orvners in Building 15 coliecriveiy own an aggregate 100% orvr:ership interest in the geueral corrmon elements of the property srrbject to the Eleventh Supplement. F. All Owners in Buiiding l5 are awarc of the provisions 0f tbe Condominium Declaratiorr allowing for amendment. by rrirhre of the record notice of the Condominium Deolareiion, by virtue of ihe record notice 0[ the Elevonth Supplement, by acts and disclosues, newslel'ters or notjces oiti:re Associarion and bv other means- G. The pLrposes of this First Amended Elcvcnth SrLpplenrent are: i. to allow tbr a re-allocation oi the allocated interests for all of the Urrits in Build- ing 15 due to an authorized reconfiguration ofthe four cxisting units on the frst iloor ofBuildirLa i5 i;xistinu l-lnits i5-1, ]5-2, ii-3 and 15-4); ii. to autJrorize coustruction of ,;he proposed Recoufiguled L'nits; iii to autJrorize ihe prcpcscd re-aliccatiorr of interesi sucb ihet upon completion of construction, the new allocaled interests in the Reconfigured Urits is to be equal to the other teit u.Jis tn Burldir.,g 15; iv. to authoiize tire Board oi Dire ctors of the Association to prepare , approve, executc and record arr arnendeii map for the arrthorized reconfigruation and a fiut'her amendment and supplernent of the Eleventh Supolement, all. after con- StructiOn Of the i.e; ' -trrr'{i -,'. -.'.'',-nc-.i ir r,}i16jeiOi ind v. to allor,v for allocaijon of rertrin ar,ias aE ljmrted ccnm,:n elements to the autho- ii29$ .';-;i1-1,;-,- :.- - ;.';,. H. The amendments .*ithi; i,:* First .\::;nded Eiev.lnit g,:Fplerr;nt have been prepared and detelmincd b..,.' ti:e -\;ir',,:rr,:li,:n :-,.r,i ;1'*re O'.,-.;er-, i:l 3i,-1Ji:rg I5 to be reasonable and not br:Lrdens ome . I. The pulpose of the -l-s;oc-tlr;n, a.- provided in rhe Declaraiion, is to preserve flre value and desirabiliry oitl:e Corrnluniqv anC L\e Ltnits aud to fur*rLer ihe interests of the lesidents of the Colunimit'i and lvlembers of the A.sscciation, 009i9J8.VDD;4 ,2- . 01/06/06 11 :J0 FAI 303 {32 0999:r f ',-:1' ORTE\ & EI\D]I,I\@ oor (b). I. The undersigned, bcing the President and $Esrslar)' oftbe Association, hereby certifr that i00% of th,J Owners :n Buiidiilg 15 and all hoiders of recorded urortgoges or deeds of trust cncLrmbenng Lnits iri Brriiding I5 have approved tbis First Amendcd Elcvenrl: Supp'lement. NOW THEREFORE, tlre Eieventh Supplement is hereby amended as tbllowst (fl), Reneal and Restatement. Paragraph I is hereby repeeled in its cntirety aud the follordng ameuded Pnrngraph I is substicatedl l. Divisio$ of Proner:tv into Conciontiniur!-].laits (aurended). (a). Existiug units lJ-1, I5-2, I5-3 a:rd l5-4 are hereby aurhonzed to be re-configured into "Units 15-Al (arnendcd)". "15-A2 (arnended)", "I5-A3 {amended)" and "I5-A4 (amended)", (the "Reconfigured Units"), as generally depicted and set forth on thc attached Exhibit B, and as turther provided in *ris First Aarended Eleventh Supplement, As a part of this auihorjzation. the Associarion, actir.rg through the Board of Director:s and the Oificers, is authorized as tbllorvs: to complete construction ofthe proposed Reconligured Units; to piepare, approvrl, ,jv-$c te and rocord ao arnendcd map to depict the reconfigu- ration and new ideliillcatioir of tl:ose Unim (afier constructiou of the new bound- aries proposed for rhe-se Recoirfigurect Uaits is complete); (t)to i:riher srippLenrent ihe following: (a) 4,,3 'rl;-r.;:ti'l) Supplernerl; ar:d (b) d:is Filst Amesded Elevenih Supplement in a Second Amended El;v:n:h Supplement; and .o ?repal'e r,rfl. 'i11end:'rent to trre Eieventh Sripplement to the Condominium Map, t2) ali consisteni wiih Lrc audlorii- allowcci above, ancl after the conslruction of the boundaties ofexisting urrits 15-1, l5-2, 15-3 and 15-4, is complete, to effectthe re-alocatiod of irltriests i:r the R-econfigured Uriits and tbe Units in Building 15, such lhat the Reconriguled Uniis' allocateci ifferests are to be equai to the othsr ten units iu Buildir'3 l5; 'and II. fiI, 00989J8.\vPD:.t 01/08/06 11:.30 FAL 303 132 0999 (e). oRTE\ & III\Tltr,r-@ oos w,to allocate the foilowing lirnited common eleinents of Building l5 to proposcd Units 15-Al (anren.-ied). 15-A2 (amended), l5-.{3 (amended) and l5-A4 (arncnded), after completiou oithe construcrion ofthe new boundaries tbr the Recoufisured Urrit.s: Porlions of the patios adjaceni to Urrits 15-AI through 15-A4 (amcnded), provided, however, rhat such patios shall be available ro adjoining Units to &e extent required by building code or olher governmerrtal regdaLion for access or tb: enrereency access or cxit purposes. b. Portions oftlie outside closets and wood storage areas on the patios or.Ltside LTnirs l 5-.A, 1 ih:'ough 1 5-A.1 (rmeaded). Tlie real propeity denonrinated Tract N and ihe improvernents on that real propeffy arc confirmed aa divided into 14 separare fee simplc estares. Changes to existing uuits I5-1, 15-2, l5-3 ald l5-4 are authorized by but rrot yct implementcd by this First Amended Eleventh Suppiernent, The rcal property described cn Exhibit I ofthe Eleventh Supplement continues to consist of one parcel denominated Tract N, on which is constructcd Building 15. The properqr devoted to Building i5 is Tract N as shown on the Elevenih Supplemeut to the Condo- nriniurn .VIap. as areenCed. Each of the fourteen fte sinple estates shail coniinue to consist of one Condominium Unit and its appurlenalt l:nrited common elemenr$ together with an appurtenant undi- vided iuterest in and io iiie gerieral corlxnon elements, as set fonb in the Eleventh Supplement, this Fint.d:nenceC Ele'rerrth Supplement, any f,Ether amendfireuts or supplernents to tbe Eleventh Supplement rrnd this First Ameaded Eleventh Supplement, and the map rrmendmeni arn}orized in this First Anielled Fleventh Supplemenr. r"*pon the rnap am;nC;:i+:rl .-:' r,:-::e j trirg approved, e:recrited and recor.ded by officers cfiheAsscliari,:.:-:r:l-. ll-..-:,.ri'..--'tr.-'..]..i:a,i ;::,.:rahedl;;urnberesorovidedon tlr n F'qrrcvrrl. er'-^'=--=...- ...- -rjI-r.il L)^,^r...r!!yy!.?r!!1:! tc :,.; I..iap ,:r:iai1 Racqilet Ciub Cordominiums, as amended- I irril rl'.,-ror cr-..c-l--='-, - .,, :,;-:,:.j:.. ,:l::S Fi--:l _!yr:.-ird El-1-=nr\ Sr,nr.t.w\J.LrL:r u{v rr.i;,P r--t-j-rr!-i.-/.. ii^:.-vu _-ti\;::i.-I Jlll'uttrrde Ils recorde4 the existing 14 units shall rcn:arn as esrabl.ishedpreviously and cunently, without the re-configurations authonzed yet being cornpleted. The allocation oi,;o-olvrership irrierests in Tract N, effeclive rvirh tlris First Aner1ded Elevcnft Supplement rernair timchanged and a:'e as fuilows: (c). (d) (0. (e). (h). 009E958.\'v?D:i -+- .01/08./.08 11;31 F.[ 303 132 0S90 ORTE\ & EI\'D]L,\\@ ooe UnitNo Co-Ownership of G,enernl Comnron E,lements in Tract NiBuilding 15 t< I ci)b 2156 15-3 3156 3t56 15-5 1t56 15-6 4t56 r5-7 4ts6 15-8 4i )0 15-9 4t56 I5- 10 4i56 15-l I +i )o 15-t2 4i56 r )-iJ +,,) o 15-14 1t56 (b). ReBenl and Restutemen!- following amended Paragr:rlh 3 P:rragraph 3 is hereby repealed in its eutirety atrd the ls siilrs iitiiItl I (b). The Slpoi;n--erl :,, '.-: -aap c;-,r:;iing tj:e i;eaii0n oie:rci: Ur:ir, borh iiorizontally and verticall;r, rogether rvith ihe engineeriag a:rd oiher data. as is provided rurder Section 2 rf :i,e;ec,-,i,:d lec_:iaLirn, renirins licJe-rlged by this First Amended El evenrh -Supp ie,lreiiL. Base<l on authoriry nclr-tded v;irhin rhis FirstAnrended Eleventl, Supplement, an aniend,ed il4 Ii:* 5r,ir.li::g i_5 is euthorized a-rd is erpected to be prepaied, execnted er.d i;c;id:l Dltce rhe boundaries in existingUnits I5-1, 15-2, li-3 and 15-4 have been chan3cd to depict Unirs 15.A1 (amended), 15-A2 (amended), 15- A'3 (amended) and 1j-A4 (amended). Such an:endnicnt to lbe Condominium l,Iap siraii tre tc:r:-:,j 'Filsi Ar:nded Eigr,;nfi S',ipplernerrt ro \fap of Vail C0989i8.'ffPD:4 -)- 01/06/.06 11:31 F-{-\ 303 {32 0999 ORTE\ & Hi\DUN\@ ooz l,)lJ- Racquet Club CondomrniLhrs" or such sir:rilar rume or dtle as the Association I -+^" *;-. ^ " (c). Repeal and Restatement. Paragruph 13 is herebl.repealcd in its entirety and thc following ameuded Parugraph 13 is substituted: (a).Upon the approvai, execution and recordiug of the First Anrended Eleventh Supplement to Map of Vail Condominiums, the l.Inits previously known and ideniilicd irs 15-1. I5-1, 15-l i:id 15-4 mav rbcn te ^tnown and identified as I5- A.1 (amended). i 5-A2 (mended), l5-A3 {amended) and l5-A4 (amended). At tjrat time, those tbru Units shall not be subject to reduced assessme ts, as origi- nally provided in the Elevcnth Supplement to Crindonrinium Declaratiorr- Those Units, as re-ccnfiguie,-1, shall be subject to assessments in thc sanre manner as the otber ten Units in Buiiding 15. Seciion 33 of rtre Cundominiun Declaration provides fot enlargement of the condonr in ium proj ect throu gh the constnrcd on of additi onal condominium buildings and other irnprovcrnent5. Sin:ilar expansion aii.ii.:.rit1 rs prcvided fo: in Seciion 33 ofthe Condomirrium Declaration for Vail Racqrrei Ciub Townhomes, recorded in Book 291 ,Paga 170, of the records of!:e Ci;;i< gnd Lecorder ofEagle Couuty, Colorado. Pursuant to the Condooinium Declaration and tlre Townhome Declaration, assossruents ar-e rnade by the Racquet Club Or,uers Association (alcla Racquet Club Tc'.r,:hi,iti i 3r: j ,ll+t"t,1.:;::... iu,*;s) iur ;crrnci 3filerrses of these trvo conimuities, as ti.e trvo comrnuniries may lre further enlarged or changed frorn time to tinre- Seotion 33-'j :li;ii ili '., ---oijriij iir De c1a,--ai:t:i: plovides thai common expe$es fcr itenrs pecuiirr ii :.x.;'h ad;i:1io1al r:niis sha11 be separateiy assessed. Secdon 33 ot ti:e Cond,imiuium Declaratir:n is iniei:ded utd shall be so coustucri thet, so long as the se.,.elai buildings in the;wo conrmunities are similar in size and construciion to rl:e iniiial ,:r earlier br:ilclinAs in the tvro communities, assessments shall be ;u'bstauti,rliy equa.l regardiess of .vhen any building has been added. Assessn:entg ';itli: rr1' gi.,'cn briidirg shali be based aDproxrnrately upon the propoilion of tite Ccir.lrni: Eisr,:nts eppl'_czble io cach Unir of a Building. (c). (b) (d). (0. tro\ Suppiemcnt to the Condomrnium Map Autliorized. 00?8953.r\TDr4 .01/06106 11j31 FII 303 {32 099s (c). (0. 0RTE].. & HI\Dll,i.,\@ ooe : (h) The Board of Directors (lr{anagers) shall be ernporvered to make the nccessory d.etei'minatio;.ls fol :h; in'rposition of assessmcnl-s. aud as ;equiled hereunder, and its detenninaiions, if reasonahle and if made in good foith. shall biud all Owners of L"nits in the cornmrmities. td)' Repcal and.Restrrtemeut. Paragraph 15 is hereby repealed in its entirefy und the lbllorving aurended Paragraph 15 is substituiedl 1).Services - Assessments farnc4ded). Upon rhe approval, executioo and recorcling of F.irst Amended Elevcnth supplement to Map of vail R.rcquet club anrl a second Amended Eleventh Supplement, a1l Uni L; shall be assessed eqr_Lail-v- as -orovided in the condonriniurn Declaraiic:r 3,1i a*; p1o.,'iced ir: rhis Firsr Amended Eleventh supplement and as rnay be provided rbr in rhe Second Arnenderl Eieventh Supplemcnt. Deletiou, Paragraph 16 is hcreby deleted in its entircty, No other Ameudments- Except as arnendod by the terms of this First Amended Eiwenth Supplement and prcvious amenclmeuts, the Eieventh Supplement to the Condominium Deciaration and the Condoniiuium Declaration shall remairr in fuIl tbrce and effect" IN WTINESS $/TIERIOI. this Firsi.{nsnded Eicvenilr Suprlement is cxecutecl bv the rndersigned. )l.acquet Cl':b a Cclorado ,{TTEST: By: 0093)58.rl?Dra 0Li06i06 11:32 FAI 301 {32 0S99 , - .,t :. Wimess mI harrd:rnd official sca;. .STATE OF COLORADO crolil.iry oF E4't /€ . T]5 foregoing Coudorninium Declaration rvas aclqlowiedged before rne on this /5 *:l-"-l*+. - - --=-' t lo {, av --Po-+e:-t-*Wt"+-. as Presiden, oi nu.q.Grctuuuwners Asriocrattoll, a Colorado rrouprolit coiporarion. ORTET & IIiND.ILL\ ) ) sr. ) ):t. Witness my hand antl offlcial seal- My comn:ission exlrires: So,r|rrnl<," Mycomrnission.expites: Sqfe*be. t, 7oo.. S'IATE OF COLORADO couNTY oF fd! /€ _ foregoing coudominiun Decraration rvas ackno,,a4eclged before me on this J3.itl-"-l:;J+y: , tQof , ov--Us.rs!6-1}s-tar- - ul s."i"turv-ofRacquetctub u wrers Assoclafion, a UoiJreco noi,rpioiit corporation. @ oos 009119i8.\'i pDt4 -8- E oro EXHIBIT A I}LILDI\G T5 OWNER CONSEI'{TS lattacLiedl 00989s8.$rPD;+-9- 0L/04/08 11:32 FAI 303 432 0999| ',. , .r | . ATTEST; STATE OF COLOR{DO COUNTYOF Witness my hand ru:ct rtE;lal l;il. O\}Ti-ER CONSENT - EXISTII\'G UNITS 15.I TIIROUGH 15-4 TI]E u\-rJERsrGNED, a$ the orwrer.(s) of exi.sting LTnirs 15-1 +o i5_4. of the vair r{acquetclub condorniniums, consents ro rhe adoprion .f thi;i;;;;#;;;ih Ereventhsupplement to coudonrinium Declaradoo ttrv.l no.quet ciub condominiurns. ORTEN & HINDil.A"I,I RACQrJ'ET CLUB a Colorado n @ orr By: By: ] Z*_#;lx#rf#,ackncwieiged' betbro me on rhis 2? dav or {4- - ,^[*quetclui6*,*J#ffi -::,:l;1'i::1ffiH:_fl*ffi 0098958,W?D:a -10- 01/08/06 11:32 Frl-I 303 432 0909 -rt ORTE]i & EI:{D]IA!I @ ore owliERcotisEtrT _ [Nn t5_5 ^ TnE U\DERSTGNED, as thc owner(s) of unit i 5-5 of tbs vail Racquet club Condominiums. conseots to the adopt-.on of tliis Fjryt Amendrneni to the pl eveoth Supplemept toCondorjnjum Declanrion ibr r/ail li...rcquet Club Cc,rrdorrdni.rms, Printed Name of Owner/s: ,jo-*L-_*. E,,>l.t- STATE OF COLOLA.DO c:oui\iTY OF Dato ) The fotegoing wal aclnowicdgec before *e or .hi, , 1{ aay of Sg0ter,,rbe r eeS-, tv{ncirsOl-B*ahf- as rrre o"lo"ior :hir 1 i-5. Witness my hand and o,fit'ial .i,:nl. \,Iy cornmissi,:a e:<pites :-J ^-& ?-'? z'd c09a9s8.wrr}J -i1- xur IScdssut dH ee rEr SO0z SI des . 01./0B106 11:32 FAi 303 il32 09Sg 0RTEli & HI\-DIL{N OWIiER CO\SENT - UNTT 15.6 @ ors Supplement to THE UNDERSIoNED, as the o,.vner(s) of Unit l j-6 of the Vail Racquet Club Condorniniums, consents to the acloption of this First Amendment to the ^Eleventh -co-irffmiiffirir-D'iElEtr-ari6n'Trrrfr-ali Rricqiiet chib condoriiiruurns. Printcd \ame of Owner.,s: tr a{ ,!,, _ Signatruels: /Wr-/r,{ STATEOF COIrEFEDO COUNTYOF ltr/itness roy hand::ld offii;ia1 es ihe Or,vnef of Unif 15-6. ,; eal. Date Public srAr'JF $, LA/n(E I'lctary P:rbirc. Stale cf New v,ofl( No. a.90802Cr\l,, .r'rv(Jt{lv / Ouai:f,;d irt Nossa|] CovnlY /L"-..r, Co;nn tiFei.,l Exoires _ /*or,"-, ]ss' ::qo*F,*-Taclarowlerlgedbetbreme onrn & I .d^rrt MZ" .4. ) ) ) / My commission expires:*fl / /)/-t/ O 06 Lef J? ioo-( ..-Xhe foregoing was aclaro A ,ayt4ffi-(e5le r 00989s8.w?D;4 1a 01/06/06 11:Sl FAf 30J d32 099s ORTEN & EINDTLA.N OWNER CONSENT . UNIT I5-7 @ orl THE UIIDERSICNED, as the owner(s) of Lhit 15-7 of the Vail Racquet Club Condominiums, eonsents to the adoption of this First Amendment to thc Eleventh Supplement to Condominium Declaration for Vail Racquer Club Condominiums. Priuted Name of Omeris: o{ Date STATE OF COLORADO COUNTYOF :KEE&OIT ) ) ss. ) The foregoing wa$ acknorvledged before me on rhis \Z{* day of,lEFrrrtgP. , ze5-,ovbnrorn' [Lg'Eq astheowoerofl]nit15-7. Wihess my hand and official senl. f="'T Kriu'";lW 009s95E.wFD;4 1l 0L/06/.08 11.:33 FA.x 11/3e/z€ss ls:39 r -,1 :. 303 432 0999 !764?6469A ORTEN & HII\]:DIIA,N VAIL RTCAJET A..UB o1v-f {ER coNsEltT - Uiffi 9-S @ ors d2lgZ Tse l;'!*nrasrFlur, as Sc on'ner1r) sf L'nit ls.E of tb€ l/iil Racqnet club Condominiums, corr.sr'.t is tD tle adcprirrn af thjs First .tmfidfi..enl ro the F,le+ entir-suqrplemUrt tO C$ndondniutx Declamtion-fprVa:l F;cquet Ct'.b Ccudoariuu:rrs. Priqfed Name ot' Owrgr/s: nf t.-' f-5. Date --Thc fqtgoing was acbro';1;dged bei:re rre ol tbip ftr]-r-. fuy of CQ01,by t-I tc- n"1nrn\r:)ss 6s0wter ofUnit I5-8. STATEOFCOLORADO S.ui*eo my har:d and e :tici.:ri -:;e1. !lv gommiegion ExD/res 0tsi 2t /?0C g Eu-p fl*'e", Sigranrds; H1#4= IIot$l'F"biil"- ogsgtt,tr|!D;.'t4. 01/06/06 11:33 Ftl 303 132 0999 oRTEN & HII;DIL'I'N IgluI0 OWNER CONSENT. UNIT 15-9 THEUNDERSICNED, as the orvner(s) of Unit l5-9 ofthe Vail Racquet Club Corrdominiums, con$ents to the adoption of this First Amendment to the Eleveuth Supplenrent to Condominium Declaratiorr for Vail Racouet Club Condominiums. Printed Nanre of Ownerrs: 0q^ 1 -q3[.''"rA'1 Ko"o i-.llr\^"os+or1 )l .44 / STATE OF€OLQRrarEe- COUNTY OF ) ) ss. ) The foregoing was acknowle,lged before me on this -2-aay ot 9<Plgr-b!/, as the O*:er of Unit 15-9.26o9_,by Winess my rand rnd cii:ial ;*1. My commission expires:i- 3l- LotD Q098958.lWD.+ @ 017 OIITER CO}iSENT. LT\IT 15-IO Trm Uloresror-rD, as rh€ owner(s) of Unit 15_10 ofthe VaiI Racquet CIubcondominiums, consents to the adcpriou ortiris plst e-endment to tn. Eiurentn supplanent toCondomiuium Declaration for Vail h.arq,,et Ctut ionaoruitiun:s. Printed Name of Oqrer/s: Date STATEOFCOLORADO ] coliNryoF f,:4q- j"' The foregoing was aclqrowledged before me on &is ;5L*daV at dc|r)W-l- 5n06-, bv 6\cW trn(mnv\ as the ownerof unit til-ol- Witness my haud and of1iciai seal. IVlycommissionexfites: Ol k lZiM /d-3/ - o,s- ALLISON S. KRAUSEN ii NOTARY PUBLIC Ii STATE OF COLOIIADO ii -l 0098958.WPD:4 -IO- 01./06/06 11 :33 FAI 30J 132 O99S oRTE\ & EIMIIAN O1INER CONSE}IT. TNTT 15.11 THE UNDERsrcl[ED, as rle owner(s) of Unit 15-11 of the Vail Racquer Club Coadouiniums, coflserts to the adoption of ihis First Amendment to the Eleventh Supplement to Condominium Declaration for Vail Racquet Club Condominiums. Printed Naue of Owneris: -J a szpl J,+ol r Signature/s: cial sral. Ool, t't t.M& srArEor#M,e col^lrY oF fur!4P\ Witness ruy hand a:rd offi My commission cxpires: \ , s5,: ) - The foregoing was acknorvlerio,eci before nt, oo this 1nd f,O0J n" ./orr-t "q rx.l+' -A-:lt * rhc o*r-.er of u.nit 15-t l- .'Idavof 'JFlo'-)00J . uv Jorr,t "q X++r ,/',*:l[ a; thc o*r-.er of u:nit 15-t1- 14 018 Notary Public CIjARLES PRCUD NOTARY PU3LIC. Aiizc]lA tul.diiicP.l t'llrlt i.{ My Conmrssior: Expires October 4, g00B 009E958.wPq4 1't 0L/09/06 11;S{ FNI 303 132 0999 ORTE\ & HITD]f,{I owliER coNsENT - UI{IT 1s-12 @ ors THE ur.,,DERsrct{Eu, as the ou'ner(s) of unit 15-12 of the vail Racquet club Condominiums, consents to the adoption of this Fint Amendment to the Ejeventh Supplement toCondominium Declaration for Vail Racquet Club Condominiums. Printed Name of Owneris: Jnc1< g, 56+;{)f;eJ iJr6,.,r.7 FAA {ApDrms Signatureis: a\ -/^10 4\7Vt*-2 >3*-7LRJ< \J Date The foregoiog was ackao'rieciged before nre on tlis Jgndo ouc dayof % srArE or diilffi' - *6"') COUNTY OF &b5.-W Wita 3 my hand a:id oi$:ial. r;rri. lcq ) as the Owrrer of Lrnit 15-12. 009895t.wPD;a -1E- 01/00/.06 lli3.1 FAI 303 132 0999 ORTE]{ & HI:,IDM|\ OW\:ER CONSENT. LTiIT 15-13 @ ozo TITEUNDERSTcNED, as rhe owner(s) of Unit 15-13 of the Vail RacquetClub Condominiums, consents to the adoption of this First Amendment to the Eleventh Supplernent to Condomirrium Declaratiou for Vait Racquet Club Condominiums. Printed Nanre of Owrreris: 5 Fted T- Cbrk - P.ikq A. C-lank _ {o -is - ds lltzLww \ STATE OF€OifRi{trU ) ) ss' coUNTY orflLl-rusn J ) ---+l ^ -The foregoing was acknowledged before me on rhis lb 4 aoy ot @5_,by fl.rre &!.a t*t'* as rbe Owner of Unit iJ-13. Witness my hand and 0098958.WPD;a 01/06106 11:3{ FAL 303 432 0999 oRTE\ & EIND}I-L\ ow\ER corsENT - L]{IT Is-14 E 021 TIreUNDrnstcNED, as the owner(s) of t'nit 15-14 of the Vail Racquet Club Condominiums, consents to the adoption of this First Amendment to the Elevmth Supplement to Condominiurn Declaratioo for Vail Racquet Club Condominiusrs- hinted Name of Ou'ner/s: COUNTYOF A lged before me on this Ab day of l\*rIusf - 'ls rhc O,r'ner of Unit I 5- 1 :1. Fnft,qure {oh,ou STATE OFCOLORADO l , DD.iI - The foregoing was acknowledged 6"1'9rc ryre sa this 2oo 5-, by '[* r anco H* na'v- Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires:_ Signqture,is: 0@89J8.wPD;+-24- . 01/06/08 11:31 FAI 303 {32 0399 ORTEI & I{I\DIAN @ozz EXIIIBIT B fsee the atrached clepiction ofthe re-configuratioll ofihe existing units 15-1, l5' Z, tS-S anA l5-4 to proposeti ncrv Units 15-Al (amended), l5-A2 (arnended), i5- A3 (arnencled and l5--4.4 {.arended). TlioSe proposed re-cont-rgurarions may be unplcmented by a map amon,inieiii lo be ar-rthodzed ancl ap1:roved, executed and recorded by offioers of the Assr:ciation.] 0096958.WPD;4 -21- l4 023ORTET & HI\D]IT}{' 01/06/06 11:31 FrI 303 132 099S ,i. t. :.17i. it, ali j:t ,2 t 1:;', 1' i.J\l Iil i;iili ::ij : ':ii,;i1:illi 1r' I ,i L 1i\ );lb"rtFlt _l tt::i:-. llt\ ;ii I a',l,tt"-t. ':l' lr'l Ii:.- - | \r,'.t" I .l I I .. 1 I I \l ii Iir' ii t1'l![;^ / i>:.,'i :-1-'.fv:1 ttotl,rP'f, ii' Il,i iiii L.'t .r. , i'--< ;ir ,,i I i 1 ': 1' /.,t I t: lr lr ',? :i;;i Si::iiztl:f 'Q l\g.ti"a \fr.iYiE i*rJ.t'F .., \ ....' 'l' ..:' f-l*ir;/)rl2 i..^ | -.-' \'-{---. !\+ iil (::: ,fliii riiii .:1:l i t' \l-iril;:i ij3ic; ili.l ; ::2 li" lii I 1::! I:i ;'l;r ii r.l ' tr*'*--lH4FF6I , LI H1'- $''4::lI i: ltllll llr 1 l Elr-!,-Jl li ir r,:i ];tli: l; i: rl iltlrl! tr'ltJ! !! i iitili iiiili iili!ilirr:-liiit lii irirli ri.lri I ii. t i.ri; H6 !l it f,i ilil iHH= a't 0098958.W?D:3 ) WitwT/( Olr/b W'd^'?Design Review Board ACTTOI{ FORtr't Department of Cornmunity Development 75 Sorth Frontage Road. Vail. Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.1139 fax:970"479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: Project Description: Pafticipants: Prcject Addrcss: VAIL MCQUET CLUB Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: owNER LICHT, BRAD A. & DANA L. 0912612005 5703 S IVANHOE ST GREENWOOD VILI.AGE co 80111 APPUCANT MCQUET CLUB OWNERS ASSOCIAT09/26|2005 Phonq 476-4840 469s VArL MCQUET CLUB DR VAIL co 816s7 4695 VArL MCQUET CLUB TWH A*r"el- ]ub DRB Number: DR8050519 COMMON ELEMENT-FINAL APPROVAL TO REMOVE 12 TREES DRVAIL Location: LoB TMC Block Subdivision: VAIL MCQUET CLUB CONDOM 2101-124-0300-1 See conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Mouon By: Second By: Vote: CondiUons: Hanlon Dorward 5-0-0 Action! APPROVED Date of Approvalz L0lL2l20O5 Cond: 8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s), Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $250.00 Y ,r-m Minor Exterior Alteratiotls Arrnr.r y\v e. ...- Appl ication for Desisn RevigU[.I9.I[9.t y4L Deparunentorcommuniry *uloo'"n, DESIGN RFVIPV BOARD 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 - teli 970.479.2L28 tax: 970.479.2452 DATE: web: www.vailgov.om P;*r":,lfiE General Information: All poects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all requircd information is received by the Crmmunity Development Department. The project may also need to be revie$red by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commis$on. Design review apprcval lapses unless a building Demit is issued and construction commenes within one year of the approval. Description of tlre Request: Location of the Proposal. Lot:-t449 Block:_ Subdlivisioil t/4t( /aAqtu€/ cu40 crdb'd)Nt physicaf Addrcss: /d?{ ltf/z,(Acau€7 czug tat v€ Parcef No.: ^ / o /- /zy' - o3oo - I (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no.) Zoning:.Mztt rr - F4*tt t tt v ,N €|\to Name(s) of Owner(s)l Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Ct Phone: a ' 4;to ctA 7,r oaJ Mailing Address;//4/,."/ l/€ /76- Jtf/oPhone: Fax:/7/- y'!?o Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs D Conepfual Revieur tr New Constructiontr Addition Minor Atteration (multFfamily/commercial) Minor Alteration (singl+family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separaton Request $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 $20 Plus $1.00 per square foot oftotal sign area. For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping. fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor dranges to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee tr tr Hr!ff*g*ag't'--* nx no.,zg r ff av, LA-( .- .-oarct@-!7'oJ €it ss:g€.o o)o)|.r bn (n X(.) o, s) !() o) c) q) O c)q) t< a I€ ()() o..(l) ^\: = bI) -*{ l.rbo o. B bo GI rt) c)l-.! <-4. O l-.c) (D Eo B :. C) 0) q) j t. * ir rs "i, "t' tI tt { rowNl ot, ,fr.it DESl3il Fl,_' l'ur/ STAFT- af)'. ' "'.i-':1. q) (J =oifd.*9 -E€E i-E# .F ooatoq& eo'--0fn/gr- EIAFF:EEr e sFgF g*?Ea E€I8g 3 E € 3,X g;EEE H BEE F-eE; f.=oo(|)g'8;t H E€ 3.Eg E€ f,EH EgEgE Ee€ r A :E6€F 5E gge i('r,r'. 1i-": ;f lDI -. i ii, ' l; ',',/ S j,: '. i .i.i), :-,' ,',.,'',.\i, fr' :t.i \is, .,:t.:F gE "aE b= g O'as Hf fi HF,E "i5 HE g !":€.= *3=3b€:31* E; ,+i?'E 9iEgf€€ E HE Bg Fe: gT EhEe s = a E.e d :- a l -q.9 FEE:: Et€.Eg9EEg€ EF r_ ltrts\tA4 €BE s$€ €E 5Fgi 5qE =s E ,E.E; S E E ln* crr f *E 9E i;&l5s f. llXG)r\ (,) *i'cdi'b0-,. Otsl {J € -. cE,= .= C.lR}:J. (l)oE 3€ !) \\/ F"9grF t-t Fr -+).Es.s Eq,: -+'tEb0 l- v.Ei€* 6'; s\a l-Q. (1) -cl-. (IrEiE.Vir9 E Ea=;fraqc)= -. t-r ' r-l .ESE ETEI61 j FE9s.{(l)=ESsOIiLr.=8tE(,)tra.r# FisFaE=h E&>-r' FY'EEs l? -;Hq 6 Eo-v (g < &;_E# o)(-) (h t?. Ioo t-l q) O ti).t?6c.; =bo :- -i <h -o(l)o) = =(l) (D 93U)J () cg +.) O -"! ()E =()(.) -&5 crl q =EIg.Eg€gaic fe Fr:F-B -.-Er\!aF-.E Bo. o tr k Egu9EEEEi€ si H!s€Eg € eg€EE EgE iE E Q E s€ b =Eg ECE AE-< Cct-.E rHsigE f;iEEi sEEgFE eastaH;€ a F b€6fi>.o)F -cC)F.ts.aFFaq) $ ilt sH€ \cj TOWV OF VA|I- DESIGN REVIE\.V STAFF APPFOVAI F:* 9EEi,5 F 3€ EE H e fE;gEsPe ;+aEv-'r!Fr o =Ep ; is'ab:= r€+ Fr boEi r-.sEi; ;Ege EE€ E.= ts= u) E FEg ciE5 EgrEE g* d aiqEH9bx (t)&=3t -c't s€.r o c,') 6,r,9a<d*:(!7-':o);i-.= c -, I L .FrY^^.\ -o) oo E-q3; Er<k.o_cE 0i Io\ F 0,)() aq) ,--.- F 0.) rt) oo F (I) I c) B () o) o) o0 o) (t) , (.) I() c) (t) (t) () (.) ad +*****l***+*l*!t********++*+****+*****ff**+********+*+*************,!*,i*****++****i.'tlr+++****{r* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€ment++************l++t'i**************+*rt++******t*+*f++***************,if****************+*****l't Statement Nurnber: R050001592 Amount: $250.00 09/26/2OO5O4:05 PM Pa)ment Uethodr Check RACQT'ET CIJUB CONDOS Init: iIS Nogation: 25159/VAIL Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addre8a: Location: This Pal/ment: ACCOUNT ITEM UST: Account Code DR 00100003tt2200 DescriDtion DRB050519 Il/tr)e: DRB-Minor Alt,comm/Multi 2101-124-03 00- 1 4695 \IAIL RACQUET CLI]B T9iI{ DR VAIL VAIL RACQUET CI.,T'B Total Fees: $2so, oo Total AJ.,L Pmt6 : Balance: DESIGN REVIEV{ FEES $2s0.00 $2s0.00 $0.00 Current Pmts 2s0.00 , !r ,"! DESIGN REVIEW BOARD ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, West Vail, CO 81657 tel: 970-479-2138 fax: 970-479-2452 web: www,vailgov.com Project Name: ?? rtX nrcate l- /1" 5 Project Description: RELOCATE AND ADD WINDOWS AND DOORS AS REQUIRED Pafticipants: OWNER RACQUETCLUBOWNERSASSOC 01/2812005 Phone: 4690 VAIL MCQUET CLUB DR VAIL co 81657 License: APPUCANTTRDARCHITECTS Otl28l2005Phonet970-479-7387, PO BOX 1492 VAIL co 81558 License: ProjectAddressl 4800 MEADOW DRVAIL VAIL MCQUET CLUB Legal Descriptionr Lot Block Subdivision: VAIL MCQUET CLUB CONDOM Parcel Number: 210112431001 Comments: see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApprovalz O2/14120O5 Meeting Date: Conditionsl. Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced WRatff*+etbfu DRB Number: DR8050022 Application Type: Location: U r -)and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0006922 All new windows and doors shall match the rest of the VRC buildings. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: ?? TOI,i4V rt MInor Exterior Alteratlons Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97 0.479.2739 .fax: 97A.479.2452 , web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and cons,truction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: Location ofthe Proposal: Lot: Physical Address: zlolr24Tlool.fHfU Parcel No.: ?\eIIe L7t@1-(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing. painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and tr Sepiration Request \ FlHSH:1,'h,D Tev-cct4"DFV. Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: '.9< f/a,L Fk.euE{ <LAR DF,.}t-, VA,,l f(. R)\o57 Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s) ; Nameof Applicant ftO lectl\n<t: MairinsAddress: ?<z f3a*, r4gZ ,t/AL. Cc Blto5B Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review E New Constructiontr Addition Minor Alteration (multi-f am i lylcommercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 $zu retaining w€lls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee \ E-mail Address: Page 1 of I2lO1l2Bl04 I MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDING AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS i Generaf Information: ! ' This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading,.or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REqUIREMENTS**\,/8(- Rll pages of Application are complete --{ Checklist is completed and signedtr Stamped Topographic Survey*, if applicableD Site and Grading Plan*, if applicable ! _ Landscape Plan*, if applicable \ Architectural Elevations*, if applicableE Exterior color and material samples and specifications.E Architectural Floor Plans*, if applicable rO_ Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures, if applicable,![ Ille report, including Schedules A & B to verify ownership and easements* Jtr(zFhotos ofthe existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable. (-Ef-flrilen .approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if appltcaDle Q Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable*D The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). **For interior conversions with no exterior chanqes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Name: Contractor Signature Date Signed i' , JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER i, (print name ., joint owner of property located at (address/legal description) provide this letter as dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Development Department for improvements to be completed at the address noted I understand that improvements include: I further understand that minor modifications may be the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and (Signature) Page 2 of tLlOIr6lM Buildino Materials Roof ---.\ Sidino'--\.- Other Wall Materials ---.- Fascia ----.-.-.-.- Soffits ---..-_----....- Windows Window Trim ----.-- Doors ----..---.- Door Trim U PROPOSED MATERIAb Type of Material *'trtt(@ Color J /o, J,'., R:-1a:BliP -Z * <v E5 <erne \/r{ /t NJ /J.tr Other Notes: Please specif, the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. YsY<r*ls- (N,, d tl*l /c t,\i 1A EtuJa-2. 19 | vr A1<$ 9-tt91\J6 Beoul,Jro \ l'{Ar<!A E{,161\\h dt .nare Flashinq----....\ Chimneys Trash Enclosure Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting EEW{J TP MA-r<tIE-{/{r1ruJ( t.lA rtp. ro J/c t,( ECSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" Coniferous Trees - 6'in Shrubs - 5 Gal. Common Name Ouantitv Size Square Fpotaqe Botanical Name GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) zolr{ F{ r{ f-{ rq l?'lt{lrfroz Iz Fal-{X 14 tl't n 1..1ri iR + it ii TTt:l trl' ,rz Zg?Ft'1 FFtr< A23lF]E I I I I t i I rt fiHfi IT T zoll F{ rrl 1{ rq |T|tsl F{p oa IzH F{al-{X 14 I t art fiHE T ()A fisxtI]>l fr1 I I ,i &ii;.v i r i;- ffe t'I..rr>.EXISTING WEST EI,EVATION ,U OAZuY HgE14d f I.AND TITLB GUARAITTBB COMPAIIY MAIT IVY RACQI'ET CLITB OTNNER^S ASSOC. 4690 \'"ArL RACQUET CrIrB DRITTBvArL, co 8L657 I,AND TITLE GUAR,AIiTTEE COMPANY CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTIO}i Our Order No-: v2632'74-3 RACQI'ET Cr,UB OI{NBRS ASSOC. November 24, 1998 Property Address: 4690 \rArr, RACQIIFT C[,UB DRrVB VAIL, CO 81657 ATTN: MATT IVY PAX 476-4890 Copies: 1 via US Postal Service C. I,BB KIRCH 953 S. FROIfTAGB RD. W. vArt, co 81657 AtsIn: FAX 479-7509 Copies: 1 ISEACSON ROSBNBAT'M 633 17Trr ST #2200 DEN\rER, C1C 80202AELN: STANTON D. ROSENBAI'M FAX 303 292-3].52 Copies: 1 via uS PosEal Service KIRCH ENTBRPRISBS LtC H&K}4ANAGBMEIi[fLLC 953 S. FROTEAGE RD. 9T. trArl,, co 81557 Atstsn: VArIr RACpttET cLttB clcNDOS FN( 475-7509 Copies: L MICIIAEL BTOOM REALTY 1401 1?TII SIR.EETsurrB 300 D$IVER, CO 80202ATLN: MTCEAET BI,OOM FAX 303-298-1919 18938 ST. I,AI'RB}TT DRIVE LWrz,, FL 33549Attsn: vERl[oN TAyr,oR, PRES. FAX 813-94A-6705 Copies: 1 CTPSER (AVON OFFTCE) AEEn: KARLA MCCULLY Copies: L ss&F/\IARE SS&F CEIfTER-AVON RT'NS P.O. DRAI{ER 2A2O AVON, c1c 81620 ATI,N: RAY-}/IA ROSE 970 845-2000 Copies: J- ss&F/VARE ITYATT-AVON RI'NSP-O- DRAI'ER 2820 AvoN, co 81620 AEtsTT: CAROL DT,DDY 970 845-9400 Copies: J- ORTEN AND HIIIDMAN 1099 18Tli sT- #2750 DENyER, CO 80202 Attsn: JERRY ORTEN/IAURA FAX 303-295-2L76 Copies: l- GIBSO}i ! IJAND TITLE GUAXANTEE COMPAIiTY Copies: 1 VAIL RACQI'ET CLUB CONDOS FAX 303-295-2t76 AEEn: PA!{ BECKSTROM Copies: L t YO{'R T,AND TITLE GT'A3..,ANTEB COMPANT CONTACTS Novenber 24, 1998 Our Order No.: V253274-3 Buyer/Borrower: RACQI'SI CtItB OWNBRS ASSOCTATTON, A COTORADO NON- PROFTT CORPORATTON Seller/owner: KIRCII EIiITERPRISES LIC, A COI€RADO LI!,ITTED LIABILITY CI]MPAI{Y AS TO PARCELS 1 AIID 2 Property Address: H & K T{AITAGETIIEIIf I,I,C. A COII}RADO T,$'ITED r,IABILIrY COifPe$Y NOI| KNOI{}I AS KIRCH EIfTERPRISES TJJC, A C1CIPRADO LI}IITED LIABILITY COMPANT AS TO PARCELS 3 TIIROTreH 5 \rArL RACQttEir CLttB @NDoMrl{rtlrs, A clcr,oR,ADo GEIIBRAL PARIIIBRSHIP A.s TO PARCEL 6 PARCALS 1-6 VRC If you ba\re aDy inquiries or reqrrire further assisEance, please conLacE one of Ehe numbers lisEed below: For Closing Assistance: For Title Assistance: KARI,A UCCT'LLY TTTLE DEPARTMENT OO3O BBNCIIMARK RD. #21.6 108 S. FRO}{TAGE RD W. AVON CO 81520 vAfL' co 81658 Phone z 9'lo 949-5099 Phone: 97o 4'16-225r. Fax: g7o g4g-4892 Fax: 97O 476-4534 *****i:t*:ti}**i********:t*************:t:}****************:t:t*********:t** N€IIE: ONCE AN ORIGINAL CIOIO{IITIENT HAS BBEN ISS['ED, AI'IC SUBSEQTTENT CHAIIGBS I{ILI BE BIT{PHASIZBD BY UNDERLINITiIG. ***:t*******t***:t****:t**********:t**************rt:t******:t************ TITANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER! CHICAGO TITLE INSUR.ANCE COMPANY O(NTTCilT FOR TITLE IIISI'RArcE CHICAGO TITLE tl,tSURAIrcE COilPANY, : corpor.tim of f,{issoud, hcrcin callcd the Cornpany, for e valuaHe cood&r:tiqr, hcrctoy ccnmits to iseu€ ifr policy or policies of tillc insuralrce, as identificd in Sctr&rb A ia firc of thc prqccd Imrrcd nerad h Sdrcd[h A, s ovncr o. mortgrgF of thc cskte or inrcrcst corcrcd hcreby in rhc lnd dccribcd c rcfcrrcd ao in Schc&rle A. uPo P.t/trcat of rlrc premiurns and drergcs rlccfc; i;| sQfrrct to thc praii<rc of Schcdub A ad B aod to the Ccrdticrs end Sfigrhricrs lrcrcof- Thb Cm|sitmcor shdl bc cffccriyc mly rftcn ttc iddtity of tb propcod lnsurcd and thc amount of rhc pdicy c pdicics cqrmitt(d fc hatc bocl itr$rtcd in SdE&b A hcrcof by thc Compeny' cithcr et the rin* of tIE issrre of this Cormimcat or ty $becstcot cndorsctrEnt. This Cgtnmi6Ertl b pdiminary to the issuance of 4|ch policy or polfoi€s of Ude insurence and all liability and <rbligetics hcreun&r shCl occ lrrd tenuinetc six mbrths eftcr the cffecriue datc hcreof or wlreo Oc pdicy or polici,es cornmitted for $ell i59r, striclrcver lirst ocanrs, provided that lhe failure to issuc such pdicy oJ pdicbs b nol rl|3 htdt of rhc Cmpay- This Canmimcnt Crdl rot bc vCid or binding rmtil counanigncd by eo euthorized offiocr or egent. tN WIINESS WIIERBOF, rhc Corpmy h:s ca|rcd thb f.ormitmcnl to bc signcd ad seeled' to beodnc vdid thcn co.|ntetsErEd by :l rutlcizcd offocr or .tent of the Copeny, dl in sqdencc with ils By-l4rs- This Cdnmitsot b clfcctivc a of thc detc showl itr Schcdttc A es "Effcctivc Dutc-" ISSUED BY:CHICAGO TITLE INSURAT{CE COMPANY P.O. Box 357 Vail, Colorado 816Ii8 (9?O) 4?6-2251 FAX (9?O) 4?6-41t34 I.AND TITLE GUARANTEE COUPANY log S. Frcntage Bd. W- ' Suite 203 orz ,/ Prtsident By:A-*rr/'W F- 2a80 I Aaru^tL fu4.ftap @(r CTIRB: 5-l-75 ulllLA\n, r I ll,ll tlaD urStlr\a\-jl Lurtrl.A.ol r -\tTA COMMITMENT SCIIEDUI,B A Our Order * V263274-3 Por fnfonnaEion OnlY PARCEI,S 1--6 VRC - Charges - A1ea O!,rner Pol-icy $2,388-OO Tax Report. $550-00 BadorseroenE l-o3-L $50'OOEndorserne":io$6iL- - s'll3l:33 *** TEJS IS ITo|:T A}I INI'OICB, BIII EN BSTIUATB OF FBBS. WHEII REFERRTNG 10 THIS ORDBR, PLEASB REFBRINCB OttR ORDER lro' \1263274-3 MAKE CIIACKS PAYABTA .I1f, I,A![D TIT1TB GTTARAIITEB CoIIIP,AIr|I' *** 1. Effectsive Datse: November 06, 1998 at 5:OO P-M' 2- Po]-icy Eo be issued, and proposed Insured: ffALTA. On6er,s policy LO-t7-92 $2,7OO,O00.O0 Proposed lasured: R.ACQUEil CLLB OI|]IBRS ASS@rATrOll, A @I''oRADO NON-pROFrr CORPORATION 3. The estate or intseresc in the land described or referred to in this CoumitmenE and covered trerei-n is: A Fee Siryle 4- Title to Lhe estate or inuerest covered herein is aE the effective daEe hereof vested in: KIRCIT EITTERPRISES LLC, A CICI{'RADo LIMITM TIABILITY COMPANY AS TO PARCEI,S 1 AND 2 H & K UAIIAGEMENT ttc, A CI3IOR-ADO LfMITED LIABILITY ClCt'IPAIirf NOW KNOTIN AS KIRCS EIITERPRISES LLC, A COIORADO LTMITED tIABIIITY COilPE}ry AS ICI PAREELS 3 TIIROT'GII 5 vAIt RACQITET CtIrB CONDOil'{rNIII{S, A COTORADO GENERAL PARTNERSHIP AS TO PARCET 6 PAGE 1 CHTCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPAI\TY AtTA COMMITMENT SCHEDIILB A Our Order * V2632'14-3 PAGE 2 5. CHICAGO TITLE TNSI'RANCE COMPANY Ar-,TA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Our Order # V263274-3 The land referred to iE this coutritsments is described as follows: PARCBL 1: A TRAgr OF raND TOCATD rN TltB sB1/4 oF sBcrro$ a2, T5S' R8O I{BST OF THE 6TE PRTilCTPAI, TIBRIDIAN, COI'NIIY OF BAGLB, STATiB OF GCI,oRADO' DESCRIB$ AS FOLLOI|S: C($A'E[ICI}|G AT THB SOIIIIIBAST @RNER OF SAID SEC:IIION 12 FROI'I flHrCg 'IHB SO(}TgrBs:f CCIRrm. OF l'gB Sg.L/4 OF ITIE SBL/4 OF SAID sBc:rlolr 12 BEARS N 89 DEGRBES 35 UINtIIES 41 sEcoNDS ttEsT (IRIIE r.mnroreart, 1305.39 FBE:F, .IgBllcB ![ 64 DEGRBES 33 I'liluIBS 19 sEcl3nDS w; 1614-60 FBEr TO A uORTITBAST C:oRNER OF I|RACT M, .TBrfE SUipr,grmm T0 MAP OF \rAIL RAOQIIr:T CrJ'B CONDOITINIUMSn, ACC1ORDITG TO TEB RBCORDED PI,AT AIIBRrcF, TIIBNCB S 3? DBGRBBS 4]- MINUTBS 45 SBCOIIDS If, 259.]-3 FBE:II EIO}€ TTIB ELSTtsRLY LINB OF SAID TRACI M Al|D TIIB EASTBRI,Y LI}IB oI| TRAcr N, .EIE\'BI,IfH sttPPLFrtBl[f To lrAP OF IrAIL RACpttB:f CLI]B C:oNDCMI]uuus' ' AC@RDING TO THB RECORDED PLAT THERBOF, 10 THE SO(IUIIIESTERLY I,INB OF THAT TRAET OF LA}ID AS DESCR,IBH) IIT DEBD RBCORDED IN WR 227 AT PAGE 320 OF TIIE RECORDDS OF C1OUITIY OF EAGIE, STATB OF CPISRAI}O' TSEIICB N 3? DreREES 3T. UINIITES O" SECONDS W A06.79 FEET AIONG TIIB SOTnITWESTER,I.,Y LINB OF fiIAT TRAC! OF TJAND DESCRIBED IlI SAID BooK 227 AT PAGE 32o T1o A P\oIN:Il oF ctJRvB To .I:HB LEFT; TEE}rcE NORTHWESTBRLY, 38.OO FBB:I| AI,OI{G TITE SOIINffESTERI-IY LIITE OF IUAT TRACTOFI,A}IDA,sDESCRIBEDINSAIDBOOK22TA:EPAGB32OA}ID AI,OITG TTTE ARC OF SAID CT'RVE TO TTIB TIOST IIESTERT.'Y CORNER OF SAID TRACT N ATiID TI{B TRT'E POIlrf OF BBGI}T}TIIG, SAID ARC IIAVII{G A RADIUS OF ].375.93 FBE.[, A DELTA AIIGIE OF l DEGREES 34 MINTTTES 52 SBCOIIDS AND BEIIG St'BTENDED BY A CHORD TIIAT BEARS N 38 DEGRESS 18 MINUTES 33 SBCO}IDS T{'' 38.OO FEET; TIIENCE N 52 DEGREBS 28 UI\TTIfES OO SECONDS B, A23.8O FEST AI'ONG TIIB IIORfiIT|ESTBRLY LINB OF SAID TRACT N TO THE I'IOST NORTHERTJY CORNER TI{EREOF A}ID 1TIB SOT'TTITIBSTERIY IINE OF SAID TRAET M. TIIENCE N 52 DEGREES 16 MINT'TES 32 SECOI{DS YT, 6.64 FEET AJ€NG TIIB SOTTTHT{ESTBRLY I.TNB OF SAID TRAET M TO TIIE }PST WESTERLY CORNER THEREOF,. THENCE N 30 DEGREES 04 UINUTES OO SECONDS E, LL2.94 FEET ALOIiTS THE flBSTBRI,Y TJINB OF SAID TRACT M TO TIIE NORTHWEST CORNER THEREOF A}TD TIIE SOUTEBRLY LINB OF TRAC1I t, NEIGIffH SUPPLEMEMT To MAP oF VAIL RAcuET CI.,UB coNDoMINII.,Ms", AccoRDII.G To TrE RECOR.DED PIAT TIIEREOF; PAGE ! CHICAC'O TITT,E INSI'RANCE COMPA}TY ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDTIIJE A Our Order * V267274-3 THENCB N 82 DreRBBS 41 MINUI1BS OO SECONDS lf , L7.82 FEE:I. AIOIIIG TEB SOUTEBRTY I,INE OF SAID .IRACT L 1lO A SOTITETTBST CORNER TEERBOF; TIIBNCB N 03 DBERBES 30 UINI'IES OO SEcollDS W, 1-18-t4 FEET elolG THE WEST LIITB OF SAID TRAC.T t TO THE ISORI IfBST C1CRNER THEREOF; TSENCB N 85 DEGREES 30 UIISTITBS OO SBCTNDS E, 76.32 FEET AI'ONG TEB T|oRTSERTY LINB OF SAID TRAC1I I fi' TTIB If,ESTM.LY LINE OF TRAgf D, 'IFIRST SI'PPLEI|HIT !O I,{AP OF UAIL RACPI'AT CLT'B CICNDOMINIUIISII, ACCORDIIG TO THB RBCORDM PI'AT TSSREOF,' TEBICB II 05 DEGRAES 04 UIIITTIBS 17 SECUNDS W, 55 . 07 FBEtr ALOIIG TEB WAST LTNA OF SAID .IRAc:f D A}ID fiS }IBST LINE OF TRASI C IN SAID 'FIRST ST'PPLEME!{T II) IIAP OF TTAIL RACQUET CLT'B CONDOHINIU}ISi; THBNICts IT 41 DreRBES 04 UINUTBS 17 SBCONDS W, 69.52 FBET AI'O}TG TTIE WBSTERLY fII}IB OF SAID TRACT C AIID TEE SOUfSHBSTBRLY tINE OF TRAcr B, |IMAP oF \rAIL RACSI'ET G.I'B coNDoMI!.It't{sl, ACCoRDI}.G l|o rHE RBCbRDED PI,AT TI{BREOF; TEMICB N 49 DreREES 34 MIN(xIES A7 SECOI{DS W, 2L7.LO FEBT AI'ONG THE SOT}TIIWESTBRLY LINE OF SAID TRACI. B, TTIE SOUTHWESTERLY IINE OF TRAC'I A IN SAID trI-IAP OF VAIL RACQ('ET CLUB CO}IDOI'IINIT'IIIS'I, A.AID TIIE SOUTIIWESTiERIy LINB OF TRAer B, tsEcoND SUPPtEII{BIr To UAP OF \/AIL RACQUB.T CLUB CONDOMINI{'I'IS" ACCORDIIiG TO THE R-ECORDED PLAT TIIBRBOF,. TIIEIICE N 58 DreRBBS 34 !{Tlvt'TES I-? SBCIOI{DS W, 72.t4 FBET AIjoIIG THE SOIINIT|ESTERLY tINE OF SAID TRAC.I B TO TTTE MOST WBSTERI'Y CORNER THERrcF AIID fiIA MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF TRA T G, 'IFII{ITI SUPPLEMENT TO I{AP OF VAIL RACQIIEI. cLItB C9NDOMINIITIIS! ' ACCORDII\IG TO TIIE RECORDED PI'AT TT{EREOF; TIIENCE S 3]- DreRBBS 25 MINUTES 43 SBC1CNDS W, 23.02 FEET AIONG TIIB SOuTIIBRLY LTNB OF SATD :rRAqf G,' TSENCE S 77 DEGREES 16 UINUTES OO SECO}IDS W, 223.31 FEBT AIONG TI{B SOIITSERLY LIIIB OF SAID TRACT G, THE SOUTTIERLY LTNE OF TRACT II, TIFOURTII SUPPT.EMEIfT TO IiIAP OF VAIL RACQT'ET CLT'B COTVOOIATUTU}ISN, ACCORDIT{G TO TIIB RECORDED PI'AT THEREOF A}TD THE EASTERI,YIJINEoFTRASTK,IININTHSUPPLEMBNTToMAPoFVAIL RACQUET CLIB CONDoMINIItlls., AC@RDING TO TIIE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF,. TIIENCE S l-2 DEGREES 44 !,IINIIfES OO SBCOIiIDS E, 142-00 FEET AIONG THEEASTERLYI,INEoFSAIDTRAcfKToTHESoUIIIEASTeoRNER PAGB U CIIICAGO TTTLE INSURANCE COMPAI{C ALTA COMMTT14ENT SCHBDT'LE A Our Order * V2632?4-3 TIIEREOF; TEENCB S ?? DreRBES 16 UI}ITIfBS OO SBCCIIilDS Tf, 18.OO FBBT AIJ T:G rHE SOUTHBRTY LINB OF SATD TRACf K; IiIIBNCB S 48 DreRBBS 14 tilINUrES 43 SEC9I{DS Yl, 30.08 FBET AIONG fTIB SOUTH$IIJY IINB OF SAID TRAc1f K 'IlO TIIB ilOST SO(I$IERI-,Y CORNER THERBOF AIID TI{B SOUTSTTBSTBRTY LII|B OF TEAT TRAET OF T.'A}ID AS DESCRIBED IN SATD WK 227 AT PAGB 32O; THElrcE s 41 DEGREBS 45 MINUIES L? SECONDS B, 4L2 -4'l F8,Bit AIJOIIG TTIB SOTIITINBSTBRJ,Y I,INB OF IHAT TRACT OF I,AITD AS DBSCRIBED IN sArD BOOK 227 Xt PIGB 32O lto A I|OIltT oF cttRva To .III8 RIGIfI; .ITIBIC3 SOTIISEASIEILY 63 .8O I|B T AIIoIIG SOT'ItsIvESTERI'Y LINE OF 1IEAT ITACT OF I,AITD AS DESCRIBED IN S}ID BOOK 227 XT PAGE 320 AND AIJoIG lEB 'RC OF SAID CURVE TO 1TIB TRT'E POIIIT OF BEGINNITG' SAID ARC HAVIIG A REDIUS OF 1376.93 FBE.T, A DELTA AITGLB 2 DreRBBS 39 I.IIIIUTBS 18 SBCICIIDS AIID BBIIG ST'BTENDED BY A CHORD THAT BEARS S 40 DEGRBBS 25 Ullrurtss 38 SB@IIDS E, 63.80 FEET- PARCET 2: A PARCBL OE| IiND STTUATB IN Tffi SOIITIIBAST L/4 oF sBerIoN 12' 'IOT{NSIilP 5 SOTITH, RAIGA 80 WBST OF TEE 5TH PRINCIPAL I'TERIDIAN, colrlflry oF EAeLB, STATB OF COIORADO. BBII'\G ltloRB PARTrcuTraRl,Y DESCRTBED AS KLI,OTIS: BEGINIIIIG AT A POINT ON TIIE SOTIITII{BSTERLY RIGIIT OF WAY OF MBADOI| DRIVE FROM WHICII TIIB SOTIITIEAST C1oRNER OF SEETION ]-2, TOWNSIilP 5 SOItrg, RANGE 80 WESIr OF TIIE STIi PRINCIPAL IITERIDIAI{ BEARS SOUTH 59 DEGREES 28 MINUTBS 58 SECOI{DS EAST A DISTAIiICE OF rigz -sz FEEI,, SAID PoIllT BBIIG TIIE SAMB As lTrE IIoRTI{!{ESTERLY coRlrsR OF TIIB llottl|TArN !{B,ADOI{ SIIBDMSIOII; THENCE SOIITH 48 DEGRSES 32 I,II}ITITES 15 SECOI{DS WAST AI^o}E TIIE TIESTERLY LTNE OF SATDT{OT'ICTAINMBADOflST'BDTVISIONADISTENCBOg34T.6TreEI|; TIiENCB INORTII 42 DreREES 04 IIIINI'TES 48 SECICI(DS WEST A DTSTINCB O9 L77.98 FEET; TIIENCB NORT,II 02 DEGREES 53 MINUTES 50 SECO}iDS EAST A DISTAI'ICE OF 12]-.67 FBB:f; TIIBNCE IiIORTH 47 DEGREES 52 MINTITBS 29 SBCONDS SAST A DISTAIICE OF 26t.55 I|BEfl| TO A POINT O}I 1!O SOUISTESTBILY RIGIIT OF TTAY OF MEADOW DRIVE'' THENCB SOUTH 42 DEGREES 04 MINT,II'ES 48 SECI}IIDS BAST AI.'ONG TITB SOIITH!{ESTERLY RIGI{T OF WAY OF MEADOT| DRIVE A DTSTAIiICB OF 258.00 FBET, TO TIIE POINTOFBEGTNNII{G,COI'NTYOFE"AGLB,STATEOFCOIORADO. PARCET 3: COIIDOMINIUM I'NIT NOS. ]- IIIHROUGII 8, OF BIIII,DI}iG NO. 4 OF VAII PAGE ! CITICAGo TITTB INSURA}ICE q}TPA}IT AIJTA COMMITUENT SCIIBDT'LE A Our Order * V263274-3 RACQ1 Bf, CLttB ClClIDOtt{nrItnrS AC€ORDITG TO Tff IIMTE SITPPLBMEIIT IlC THB l,lAP THERSOF FIL@ FOR RBC1CRD AllD THE CPNDOMINII]Ii! DBCI,ARATION TEHIBOF RBCoRDH) DBCBITIBBR 13, 1973 IN BooK 232 AT PAGE 484, EAGI,B COOTTTT RBCORDS AIID TITE NT}TTII SUPPLE{BT+T 1O SATD DECIARATION, RBCORDBD SEP1H{BBR 10. 1980 I}I BOOK 3O8 AT PAGE 881, BAGTB CISI'ilTT RECoRDS, SU&].BC:[ .IlO .I.TIB TERIIS, CONDITIONS, pRO'iISIONS At{D OBLIcATIONS OF SAID DBCLAzu\TION aND IrMTE SUPPTEMENT TTIEREIIS, COT'}fIY OF EAGIJB, STATE OF COIORADO' PARCEI, 4: cot{DoMl}llul ultlT llos- I TEROIEII 8, OF BUILDTIiG !tO- 13 OF VArL RACQI'EE' cLIrB CEbrDOItlnrIItlts AcEoRDnrc 'Io Tm EIGEIII SSPPLH{ENT TO TEB I{AP ISEREOF FILH) FOR RBCORD AND TIIE CONDOMINIUU DECLARATIOU TS$IEOF RECORD@ DBCEIIIBER 13, L973, IN BooK 232 XI PAGB 484, EAGLE cottN1lr R-BcoRDs AIiID THE BrGIfrH SUPPLE{Rtf $O SAID DBCiARATIOS, RECORDD APRIL 16, 1980 IN Bg6K 3O1' AT PAGE ?44, BAGTB C€I'IITT RACORDS ST'&]BCT TO TIIB TERI{S, CIDIDITIONS, ATiID OBTIGATIONS OF SAID DBCI,ARJLTIOII ATiID BIGSTII SUPPLEXIIEUT TITERHI'|), COUI(IY OF EAGr,B, STATB OF COTOR.,ADO- PAR(EL 5: CONDOilTNIIA UI{IT NOS. 1- TEROITII 8 OF BUI',DIIIG NO. ].4 OF VATL R.,ACpIrEf cLIrB COxDOUMUilS ACCICRDIIG TO TIIB TBNTE STTPPLEMENT rO TEE UAP TEEREOF FILM FC}R R-ECORD A}ID TIIB CONDOMINIUM DECLARATTO$ TEBREOF RECORDm DECBUBER 13, L9'13, Ilt BOOX 232 AT PAGE 484, EJLGIJE COUMTY RBCORDS AND TTIE TBNTTI ST'PPI'EUBNT fi) SAID DECLARATiON, RE@RDm NO\IEMBBR 9! 1981 IN BOOK 331 AT PAGE 825, COT'NTY OF EAGLE, STATB OF COIORADO. PARCEL 6: coNDoil|INII'M I,NIT Nos. 1-1-7, 1.-18, AI{D 1-19, BUIIDING No. ]--2, vAIt RACQI'E|T CLttB CONDOa,IINII'MS, ACCORDITiIG TO TIIB ssvENTn STTPPLEMENT TO TIfB l{AP THBREOF FIr'ED FOR' RECORI}-AND THE E6ffiouflrulr-teci,iRACiou -risnsoF-nrEOnosD DEcEMBBR l-3, 1973 rN BOOK 232 AT PAGB 484, AIID THB SBVEITTII SUPPTE}IENT TO SAID DBCI,ARATION REC1ORDED JULY 19, 1979 IN BOOK 288 AT PAGB 575, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATB OF C1}IORADO. PAGE ! CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPAIVY ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDT'LE B-SECTIONl 1- 2_ (Requiremencs)Our Order * V263274-3 The following are Ehe requiremenEs to be corplied siEh: Iteu (a) PalmenE tso or for Elre account of Ehe grErnEors or mortgagors 6f tne full consideraCion for Etre estsatse or intserests to be insured. tten (b) Proper itrstnrment(s) creaEing tsbe eseaEe or inEeresE co be insured mlst be execuEed and duly filed for record, to- wit: Iuem (c) PalmenE of all tsaxes, charges or assessnentrs lewied and assessed againsE the subjecE, pr-mises which are due and payable - Iceur (dl Additsional requiremenEs, if any disclosed below: RELEA,SB OF DEED OF IRUST DATED AugusE l-9, 1985, FROI \IAIL, RACQITEA CLITB CoNIXTTIINNN|S TC' lgB PT'BLIC TRUSTEB OF EAGLB COI'TtrY FOR TIIB TISE OF T'NTTED BANK OF DEil\rBR NATIOLAL ASSOCIATION TO SBCTRB THB StnI OF s1,225'00o'oo RECORDED SepCember 04. 1985, IN BOOK 424 AT PIGB 187 .AND AilB{DMENTS THERETO. RELEASB OF DBED OP I.RUST DATED September 10, L99'7, FROM KfRCH EilITBRPRISES r,I,C TO TIIB PT'BLIC TRUSTBE OF EAGT,B COTINI'Y FOR TEB USB OF IIORWEST BANK @ISRADO, NATTONAT, ASSOCIATIOIT TO SBC{,RB firB sI'It{ oF $3,1OO,OOO-00 RECORDED Septedber 15, L997, IN BOOK 737 AT PAGB 248- SAID DSED OF TRSST WAS IrI'RTEBR SECI'RED BY ASSTGNIIEIfr OF LEASES AI'ID REMIS RECORDm Oceober 06, L997, IN BooK ?39 AT PAGE 611 ' (TTEMS 1 Ar{D 2 AFFEgr PARCBLS 1 AND 2) RELEASE OF DEBD oF TR.UST DATED APril 15, L992, FROIil VAIL RACpUET CLLB coNDournruM To TIIE pltBr,rc rRUsrEE oF EAGr.,B coutcrY FoR THB usE oF ItNrrED BAr{K OF DBNER NATIONAL ASSOCIATTON TO SECURB TIIB Smi oF $1'255,2O2'L5 RECORDED May 08, L992, IN BOOK 5?9 AT PAGB 625 AND AMENDMEIUTS TIIERSI0- SAID DBED OF TRUST IIAS FI'RTIIER, SECT'RED BY ASSIGNMBfiT OF LEASES AND REI{TS RE@RDBD May 08, Lggz, IN BOOK 579 -AT PAGB 626' RELEASE OF DEH) OF TRUST DATED SePter&er ].O, L99'l , FROM KIRCIT EMrBRPRISES LC TO THE P{'BIIC TRI'STEE OF EAGLE CO{'NTY FOR THE USB OF IiDRWEST BAI\IK COIORADO, NATIOTiIAL A,SSOCIATION TO SECURE TI{E SUM OF S3,1OO,OOO.OO RECORDED September 15, L997, fN BOOK 737 AT PAGE 249' 3- 4 PAGE CHICAGO TITI.,E INSI'RANSE COMPA}TY AtTA COMMITMENT SCHEDT'LE B-SECTTON]. (RequiremenEs) our order * v263274-3 SAID DBED OF TRUST WAS FT'RIUBR SBCTTRED BY ASSIGNMBIIT OP LBASBS A}ID REIITS RECORDED October 06, L99'l , IN BOOK 739 AT PAGE 609. (TTBIS 3 END 4 AFFECT PARCETS 3 THROI'GH 5) 5. TER!,TIIIATIOTI OF PIIIANCTTG STATEMEItT WTIE NOR}IBST BANK COISREDO, I{ATIOIIAT ASSOCIATTON, TIIB SECT'R.H} PARIY, RACPRDED OCTOBER 1I-, 1996 IN BOOK 7O8 AT PAGB 181 AIB R.ERECCIRDED ITOVBIBER,4, 1996 T}T BOOK 71O AT PAGE 475. 6. TtsRMT}IATTON OF FIITAI\ICTNG STATEUENIT WITII IUORI{8ST g,ANK C13ISR;ADO, N.A., THE SECT]RED PARTY, RE@RDED OEII}BER 6, 1997 IN BOOK 739 AT PAGB 510. (rTRrs s AND 6 AFFECT PARCBLS 1 TEROLGH s) 7 - CBRTTFTCATB OP RfGIIT OF FfRST RAFUSAL fN C0|.{PLLAIICB I|ITE TEB TERllS, COI{DTTIONS AND PROVISIONS OF CONDOIIIINIU.I DBCLARATTOI{. !|C[IB: SAID ITEtt ]IILL rqf BB NBCBSSARY IF TIIB PURCIIIISER REXI{AINS RACQITET CTJ'B ONNERS ASSOCIATIOII, A CPIORADO NON-PROFTT CORPC}RATION. 8. TRADB }I]iME AFTTDAVTT OR CEDIBRAIJ PARTNERSI{IP AGREEMENT OF VAIL RACQUBT cLuB CENDOIIIIIUIUUS. A COr{)R,ADO GBTBRAI, PARTNERSIIIP, A GENERAL PART}IBRSHIP, DTSCIOSITG THB I{AIITBS A}ID EDDRBSSES OF TTIB PARTNERS TIIERSIIO. OIIE OR MORE OF SATD PARTNERS MI' T EXBCUTE APPROPRTATB DOEIUUETiTfS. (ITEIIS 7 A}ID 8 AFFECT PARCBTJ 5) 9. EVIDENG SATISFAETORY TO TIIE COT{PANY TIIAT THE TERIT{S, COI.IDTTIONS AI{D PROVTSTONS OF TIIE TO'{N OF VATIJ TRANSFER TAX }IAVE BBEN SATTSPIED. ]-O. I{ARRATflTY DEED FROM KIRCII EIfTERPRTSES tLC, A COIORADO LTMITED I,IABILITY COII{PANC A![D VAIL RACQT'E? CLUB CPNDOMINIT,MS, A COIORADO GENERAT PARTNERSHTP TO RACQugr CLrtB OIJNBRS ASSOCTATION, A COIORADO NON-PROFIT CORPOR-ATION CONVEYING ST'BJEEf PROPERTY. NOTE: ARTICTES OF ORGAIIIZATION FILED Decetnber 24, 1996 WITII TI{E SECRETARY OF STATE OF COI,oRADO, DISCTJoSE C. LEE KIRCTT TO BE TIIE MAT{AGBR(S} OF KIRCH ENTERPRISES tLC, A TIMTTED LIABTLITY COMPANY. NC[E: SAID DOCI}}|ENT MUST BE EXBCtITED BY THE PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENT OR SECRETARY OF THE CORPORATION. IF AIV ASSISTATT VTCE-PRESIDENT OR ASSISTANT SECRETARY EKECIITES SAID DOCttMgtIr, A CORPORATE RESOT,,UTION MUST BE PROVTDED TO LAND TITLE GIVTI\TG SATD ASSISTANT ATT|HORIZATION. PAGE 8 t CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPA}IY AtTA COMMTTMENT SCIIEDI'LE B-SECTTON]. (Requirement.s) Our Order # v253274-3 NOTE: ITBIIIS 1-3 OF TIIE GSIERAIT ECCEPffOITS ARE I{BREBY DBLETED- I'POTT TEB APPROVAI. OF TEA CEUPANY AIID TIIE RBCBIFT OP A NOTARIZED PINAL LIEN AFFIDAVIT, ITEM !TO. 4 OP THA GESTERAI.. E:KCEPTIONS WILL BB A!{EIIDED AS FOLLOTiS ITEI{ NO. 4 OF TIIE GEI{BRAL BXCBSIIONS IS DBLEfm eS TO AIIY LIEI{S OR FIIIITRE TIENS RBSt'LTITre FROU WORK OR TTIATERIAI, FT'RNISHED AT TIIE RBOT'BST OF KIRCIT BIITERPRISBS LI€, A COIORADO IJII{IT@ I..IABILIIY C€TIIPAI{Y. CEICAGO TITLB INST'RAIICB @!IPAI[Y SEAT,I, IIAVB ilO T,IABTT,IIY FOR ENY LIEIIS ARISIIiIG FROM WORK oR IIaTERTAL FURIIISI|ED AT THB RBQIIBST OF RACQTTET Cr,ttB OHIIBRS ASSOCTATTON, A COTORADO I{ON-PROFIT CORPORATION. li[OfB: rTEItl 5 OF TIIB STAI|DARD EKCBPTIONS WTLL BB DBLFTBD IF LAI{D TITTE RECORDS TEB DOCSITIBTTS RBQUIRED I'IIDBR SEIIEDT'LE B-1. NOTB: ITPON PROOF OF PAYUR|I OF ALL TAIGS, rTEU 6 WILL BE AI{B'IDED TO READ: TAT(BS AlrD ASSBSSITE!$TS FOR TrrB yBAR 1998 AtrD SUBSBQIIBII TBARS. I'fEM 7 I'NDER SCIIEDUf,E B-2 WTIJI.. BB DEtEf@ T,PON PROOF TEAT TIIB I'IATER AI{D SEWBR CHARGES ARB PAID UP TO DATE- (ITB.IS 9 TEROTreE 10 AFFBCT ALIJ PARCBLS) SENATE BTtt 98-045 STATES TIIAT BFiFECTIVE JUNE ]., 1998 TIIE FEE FOR REQT'BSTS K}R REIBASBS OF DAEDS OF TRUST T{TLI BE $16 - OO. NOTE: EFFECTI1rE JAITUARY 1, 1993, CORPORATTONS TI{AT DO NOT I'AIIITAITT A PERI{ANESIT PI,ACE OF BUS,INESS TN COI.oRADO, AND NONRESIDBNT IITDIVIDUALS, ESTATES AI{D TRUSTS WILL BE SUBJECT TO A COI,ORADO VIIISSOLDTTG TA)C FROI,I THE SALES OF COIOIADO REAL ESTATE r$ EKCESS OF $1OO,OOO.OO. Tm WTTItrTOLDrNG TAX IiII,L BB lEE S!'IALLER OF TWO PERCEhff OF TIIB SALES PRICE OR THE NBI PROCEBDS FROT.' THB SALES OF ITIE REAL BSTATE. TI{E TAX }IILL BE WITHIIEI,D BY THE TTTTE INST'RANCE @MPA}TY OR ITS AGENT AIID SI'BI,IITTED TO THE DEPARTMEITT OF RSVENUE. WIIERE IT WTLL BE CREDITED IIO THE SBT,I,BR'S TNCOME TAX ACCOUTIT AS AN ESTIiTIATED TAX PAYTTIEI{T. fiIE SELLER CAN CI,AIM CREDIT FOR THE ESTTMATED PAYMEMT AGATNST THE T}ICOME TAX TTABILITT WEEN IIE OR SHE FILES A COIORADO RETURN FOR :rIIE TEAR OF THE SAIE. PAGE 9 t CTIICAGO TITLB INSURANCE COUPA}IY .\LTA COMMITMENT SCH@I'LB B-SEETION2 (Exceptions) Our Order * v263274-3 PAGE 10 I CHICAGO TITLE INSIJR;ANCA COMPAIIY Af.,TA COMMITMENT SCIIADI'LE B-SEETION2 (Exceptions)Our Order # v263274-3 The polic-l| or policies to be issued silI cooEaia excep-tsions eo Ehe follbwing'mattirs unless the saue are disposed of to the saeisfaction of Ehe CorqranY: !-- RigbEs or claims of Parties i-u trrcssession nots sbotn by the pubLic records. 2- EasenenEs, or Claims Of easeoents, nots shotrr by cbe public records. 3- Discrepancies, conflicts iu bq,rndarY lines, sborEage-in area, encroaclmeoes, aoA ary facts shich I correcg survey inspection "i tft" preuisis woutd-disclose and wbich are noE shown by tbe trrublic records - 4- Any lien, or rigbt to a lien, for services, labor or maEerial heietofore or hEreafter furnished, irposed by law and noE sbowu by the public records. 5- Defeces, liens, encudrances, adrterse clains or ottter rnatstsers, if any, created, firsE atrryearing i1 ch9 pub-lic records or -ee-"iring sutrseiuene to fle eff6ceivb daLe bereof but prior to Ehe daCe Ltre prdposed insured acquires of record for value tslre esEatse or inc6reit or rcrtsgage Ehereon covered by this CorruriEment. 6 - Taxes or Special assessmencs lttrictt are nots Strosln as existing Iiens by tshe Public records- 7 - tiens for unpaid uaLer aud sewer ctrarges, if any' 8- In addit,ion, the osner's policy sill tre subject Eo Ehe lien of tsbe nes,ooregag", if any, notea under secEion 1 of sclredule B hereof - RIGI{T OF PROPRIE1OR OF A VEIN OR I,ODE TO E CfRECT AilD RET'!oVB HIS ORE THEREFROITI SHOIILD TIIB SAI-IB BE FOUND TO PENSITATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RBSRT'ED III T]NITS) STATBS PATEI T RBC1CRDED NO1'EMbET L7 ' 7'902' IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 492. TIIE EXISTBI{CE OF TTIB }IINER.,AI EKCEPTION AND/OR RESERVATION SSOWN AS ITEM 9 ' SCTIEDI'LE B-2, TTTIr|L NOT AI'FEET OUR ABILITY 1'O ATfACE COIORADO ENDORSEMENT NO. 100.31 TO OI'R ALTA ONNERS POLICY WIIEN ISST'ED. 9. PAGE 11 CIIICAGO TITLE INS{'RANCE COMPA]iTC ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDUTE B-SE TION2 (Bxcepcioas)Our Order * V263274-3 10. RIGIIT OF WAY FOR DITCSES OR EAIIALS CONSTRUSfED BY TTIE AIIITIORITT OF THE T]NITED sTA.IEs As RBSBRVED IN I'I$ITED STATES PATEMf RACICRD@ NOVCUibET I.7' L9O2, IN B@( 48 AT PAGE 492. THB BI(ISTBIICB OF IgE BASH{ETIT SHoI$I AS ITEM NO. 10, SCE@I'IB B-2' TTILL NOT AFFBgf OI'R ABILITY TO ATfACII COIOTIADo ENDORSEMENT IiO. 103.1 1O OUR OT|NERS POLICY WHEbI ISSIIBD. 11 . RIGETS OF orINERS, coVBTAI{l1S, CICf,IDITIONS, RESITI.IC:IIONS, RBSBRVATIONS' EASEp{BISTS, f,IEtfS'FOR AssESSi{BtfTS' OPTIONS, Po_lvm1s oF AflORtfBY, AlilD r.rMITATIoNs oN TITLB cRcnTH) eS lrr FoRTII IN TEAT CCINDouINfOu DBct,ARllTIot{ RBCCIRDg) DECETTIBER 13, 19?3 III BOOK 232 AT PAGB 484 AIID JAI{T'ARY 9' 1980 IN BOOK 297 AT PAGB ]-?O AND STIPPLAUBIYTS AND A}{NIDUBTTS TEER.E['IO' AND 'EI{Y AI.{ENTXE!'TS PRBSEItT OR FTTTT'RB, AND IlT THE RBI'ATED BYT'AWS, RUIIBS AND RTSI,ATIOIIS, OR III AIST OTSER IltSTR{'UEf,{T CREATIT{G TIIB BSTATB OR TNTERSST INST'RED BY TIIIS POIJICY. ALL RIGITIS A}ID PRIVIT.EGBS OF CTTIIER OWNSRS IN TSE OONDOilITIITil PRG'BEf IN ANT TO ALL GBUKIAL Al{D LIIIITID CUA,0N BIrB{ENTS, AS TIIOSB TERIIS ARB DEFINED BY COIORADO IJAW, TIHICI{ PASSBD AS Ail APPTJRTE}IAIICB I1C TIIB INSURBD PREUTSES' Atr, FTIIURA AssBssltENfs }}rD CIIARGES OF VAIL RACgttBf cLttB cENDOilINIttll ASSOCIATION. 12. EXIS:fIIiIG LEASES AIID TEI{ANCIES. (ITE}.IS 9 TEROUGH 12 AFFE T ALL PARCELS} 13. EASET.iENTS, RESERVATIONS A}ID RBSTRIEIIONS AS SHOTIN OR RESBRVBD ON TIIE RECICRDBD CpNDOMINIUIiI MAP OF vAIL RACQIIET CLttB CONDOMIIIIIIIiIS AND SUPPTEMEMTS TI{ERSIO. (AFFECTS PARCEI,S 3 1TIROUGII 6) 14 - TIIA BFFECT OF CONCRETE IIALK, C0ilCREfE WALL Al{D @GB OF ASPEATT PARKIIiIG llfltt BUILDI}G a, espner,r TEIINIS COttRT INTO TRACT H, SIIEDS' PARKIIiIG SPACES FOR BUII,DI!re 15, EDGE OF ASPHAI,T PARKIIiG IMTO TRACf A, BUILDING 9 AND TRACT B BUTLDING L0, coNcRE:rE atALK, rJooD TI8 WALL, STAIRS AND COIICRETE nAtt INIO BUrr,DINc 13, AtL AS SHOI{N ON IMPRO1IBMSNT Irut-A*TION CERTIFICATE DATED MAY 18' 1998 BY EAGLE VATLEY SITRVEING, JOB NO- 2456'L' (AFFECTS PARCEL 1) PAGB L2 CHICAGO TITrE INSUITANCU CUITTPAJ{I AtTA COMMITMENT SCIIEDT'I,E B-SBqTION2 (ExcepEions)Otrr Order * V263274'3 NCrrE: sArp rry!-glg-Pe iryg+Pg-+.#,#F ffi.rg"#pRoFrr$ffi +sffsEFff"S]E_cE=gEgf#ilA*:*H+9Ea*ffi @**,*H;ffitramrffie-t'lencen gg PURCnSB- T.5.TIIBEFFBCToFDITCHBS'AI'AI.ANCBHAZARDzoNI}GANDPARKINGAREAoUTSIDEoFBOIND.ARYrrrltBs,ar,r,lq--s4or*rolrruraqlqGNT-IOCATIONCERTIFICATtsDATEDMAYil -i5-gT - sY -tdEi,n-vfrr-r,ev- b-utivsYrtirc, JoB No' 2 4 s 5' 15- crrAltts oF RIGIfI, TITr-tE AIID/oR ITqI|BRBST IN TIIB PROPBRTY BE:rwEElI THE FENCE BottltDARY LrIIE AND lTrE FEhrcB ras- orpic'rrp oN THB sttRvBY PREPARED BY EAGLE \fAL,IrBY SIIRVEYIIG, INC" 'IOB lIttlCBR 24551 I{IIETIIER SAfD CIJAIMS ARISE BY ABAlrDoNuBttr, aorrinss PossBssroN oR orHBR MEANs ' (ITEMS 15 A}TD 16 AFFEET PARCBI' 2} ]T8MS 1, 2 A}ID 3 OF TTIE STAIUDARD EXCEP|TIONS I{ILT'' BB DELETED FROM THE OWNERS POTICY WHBDI ISSUM. PAGE 1-3 L A N !J f l- I !t s rt !' t:! ta'a'r DISCIOSI'RB STATEMENT Required bY SenaEe Bill 91-a4 A) ltre subjecE real proPerEy stay be located in a special Eaxing districu. B) A certificace of Taxes Due listsilS ?1:l^:"Iing jurisdicEion may be oUt'ainJ-rrm cne cormty Tieasurer or Ette county Tliasuter's autborized agenL- c) Tbe informaEion regard-ing :pecial districts-and Ehe boundaries of suclr diserictss nay be obd$ed frqtr Ehe Board of count'y coranissioners, ttre county cl;;;-;a Recorder' or tstre CounEy Assessor- Required bY Serrate Bill 92-143 A) A CerEificate of Taxes Due listsing-each -E=iig jurisdi-ccion shall Oe ont.ainea-iior. tt. co.rtcy-Tre.soter or Etre county Treasurer's autshori zed agent ' 7 ++********+++**********:t+*++++*+++**'i********{.*tf'}'}+*'}'}++++++f++f++f'}ff**************'}It****+ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statemetrt Statement Number: R05O0OOO70 Anount: $250.00 OL/28/2OO5O3:49 PM Payment Method: Check Init: iIS Notation: #1185/TRD ARCHITECTS Permit No: DRBO5OOzz Type: DRB-Minor A1t, Comm/Multi Parcel No: 2101124 310 01 Site Addre6s: 4800 MEjADOW DR VAIL L,ocation: VAIIJ RACOUET CLt B This Payment: $250.00 TotaL Fees: $250.00 Total AIJIJ Pmtss: 5250.00 Bafance :$0.00 **'i ***** * * * * * * * * * * * ***++* + * *t+***** +* * * + * * * * * * * * ******:i+*****************'iti.:*** ** * * *** ****'1.* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Cuftent Pmta DR OO1OOOO3TL?2OO DESIGN RSVIBW FEES 250.00 O V*zK*bnmn ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 9703792139 taxt 97 0.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail.co. us Project Name: VAIL RACQUEI CLUB VARIANCE PEC Number: PEC040070 Project Description: CoNVERT DflSnNG OFFICE SPACES BACK INTO (4) n /O BEDROOM CONDOMINIUMS Participants: OWNER MCQUET CLUB OWNERS ASSOC 10/18/2004 Phone: iI69O VAIL MCQUET CLUB DR VAIL co 816s7 License: APPUCANT TRD ARCHITECTS L01I812004 Phonet 970-479-7387. PO BOX 1492 VAIL co 81558 License: ARCHITECTTRDARCHffiCTS l0lL8l2004 Phone:970479-7387 PO BOX 1492 VAIL co 81658 License: C000001769 Prcject Address: 4800 MEADOW DR VAIL Location: 4690 VAIL RACQUET CLUB DRrVE Legal Descrlfion: Lot: Block Subdivision: VAIL MCQUET CLUB CONDOM Parcel Number: 210112431001 210rr243t002 210112431003 210112431004 Comments: see file documentation of withdrawal BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: MIHDRWN Second By:Voter DateofApproval: Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of TOI,IINM Planning and Environmental Commission l,l TOI4'NM Parcel No.i tr Rezoning $1300tr Major Subdivision $1500tr Minor SubdMsion $650tr Exemption Plat $650tr MinorAmendmenttoan SDD $1000tr New Special Development District $6000tr MajorAmendmenttoan SDD $6000tr MajorAmendmentto an SDD $1250 (no aderior ndifications) tr Conditional Use Permittr FloodplainModificationE Minor Exterior AlteGtiontr Major Exterior Alterationtr Development Plantr Amendment to a Development Plan - tr- Zoninq Code Amendment X variati:e - tr Sign Variance Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community DeveloPment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.d.vail.co.us General InformaUon: All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application, Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. Type ofApplicaUon and Fee: $6s0 $400 $6s0 $800 $1s00 $2s0 $1300 $500 $200 DescripUon of ttie Request: Location of Physical Address:Zprl?4,l@l Tfi', dieiid 4rii o+ (contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zonins: t€r:rd* I}JsffY t4,\LirrA-E'EqtrY , Name(s) orowner(s): tllcqrlg'l <L,tf 4{GR< A'ao.{rTf"'l Mailing Address: Phone: 1V,owner(s) sisnature(s): J 1."'.-I D--<lt ' Forp of Ufc<lcRJ 1f A) NameorAppticant: -l-RD ARcAlfe<Ts k({t.'!*' Mailing Address: Phone: E-mail Address: / Page I of6-01/18/02 #E"rchitects October 13.2004 Town of Vail Planning and Envircnmentel Commission 75 S Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Rs The Vail Racquet Club Vait Colorado Deat Planning and Environmental Commission, The Racquet Club Ownets Association is tequesting a yeriqr,ce ftom the Town of Vail's Town Code Tlde 12, Chapter 6, Artide G (Medium Density, Multiple-Family), Sectiom 8A, Density Contrcl (12- 6G-84), cureot edition. o Total Site Area: 7.231 zae/374982.4 sqft o GRFA (56% of site area): -allowable= 176,390.12 qft -existing= 201,536 sqft (includes 9B36 sqft fotmedy designated as EHU's) -ptolnsed= 3,456 sqft additioaal (204,992 total) o DwellingUnits: -allowable (18 unis/acre)= 130 units -exis '.g= 271 units (includes 23 units forrnedy designated as EHUs) -prolnsd= 4 uaie additional (275 uaits toal) The Association's offices and operations (housekeeping) are curently located in the garden level of' condominium Building No. 15 as indicated on the attached site phn. As patt of the remodel Proiect now underway, thesc offices and opemtions will be relocated into Club Building. As best that can be obtained ftom available TOV zoning documents, the garden level of Building 15 was approved as two two-bedtoom uoits at 6rt8 sqft each, one one-bedroom rmit et 432 sqft and the balancg 1,728 sq& to be used for the Association offices and opetations. The three residential units wet€ to be designated as employee housing units fot a certain period of time, which has since expired. Over tbe course of time, it appeas the Association was granted perrnission to expand their offices and opemtions into the cutaent residential unis by designating other units on the property to EHUs for a certain petiod of time, ^g.ir, which hes since expired. PO Box 1492 Vail, CO 81658 tel: 970-479-7387 fax:970-4760077ttdubois@att net A litetal interpetation of 12-6G-8A presents a pnctical difficrky in that the building cunently contains 10 tyo.bedrcom condominium rmits. Any use othet than 4 more two'bedroom condominium units seems impracticd and countet to tJre existing uses not only in ttris building but in the srrrouoding buildiryg contained within end suttouoding this site. This would not seem to be granting special pdvilege but nthet restoting the buildiog to is otigioal inteoded use consisteot with rhis Zone Disttict As this;. all sxbling buildin& tlete will be no effect on light and an, distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities, utitties ot pub[c safety. Siocetely, Thorras R Du Bois, AIA PO Box 1492 VaL CO 81658 #Ef.orchifects aaoalaaaoaaaaoaaao tel: 970-479-7387 fax:970-47GM77*dubois@att net THIS ITEM MAY AFFECTYOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE *m NOTICE lS HEBEBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town ofVail on November 22,2oo4, at 2:00 PM in th6 Town of valt trltunicipil Building, in considerationof: A request for final review of a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 1Z-7A-2, ExteriorAlterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, and a variance from Sectio n 12-7A-7, Height, VailTown Code, to allow for revisions to the previously approved development plan for One-wiilow _Blog.".lo..9o (previously Swiss Chalet), located aitcjcjwittow Bridge noaohracts K & L, Btock5E' Vail Village,First Filing, and setting forth detairs in regard ihereio.Applicant One Willow Bridge Road, represented byhesort Design, Inc.Planner: George Ruther A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council of proposed text amendments toSection 12-3-3(E), Appeat of Town Council Decisions; anO settirig fortn Oetaits in regard thereto.Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Matt MirePlanner: George Ruther A request for a final review of a variance, from Section 12-6G-8, Density Control, Vail Town 9-999: qyt.y"nt to chapter 12-7, Yariances, vait rown code, to ailow f6r additionat gross resldential floor area and dwelling unit, located at 4690 Vail Racquet Club DriveA/ailhacquet Club Condos, and setting forth datail in regard therero.Applicant: Racquet club owners Assdciation, represented by TRD ArchitectsPlanner: Matt Gennett A request for final review of a Conditional Use Permit, pursuant to Section 12-6D-3, ConditionalUses,.Vail Town Code, to allow for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit, located al 4812 MeadowLane/Lot.8, etogf 1, Bighorn Fifth Addiiion, ano betiing forth de-tails in regard thereto.Applicant Bighorn LLC and the Duane F. Rogershevocable Trust, iepresented by Larry BenWaVPlanner: Bill Gib-son A request for revision to the final plat, pursuant to Chapter 13-4, Minor Subdivision, Vail TownCode, to allow for additional gross residential floor arei, located at 1094 Riva Gten/Lot 4,Spraddle Creek Estates, and setting forth details in regird thereto.Applicant: W&B Development, LtC, represented 6y Tim Losa, Zehren and Associates, lnc.Planner: Matt Gennett A request lor a final review of a variance, from Section 12-6D-9, Site Coverage, Vail Town Code,purs^uant to Chapter 12-7, Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a resident-ial addition locatedat 2339 Chamonix Lane/Lot 11, Block A, Vail Das Schone Filing 1, and setting forth detaits inregard thereto.Applicant: Robert stephanoff, represented by Jack snow, RKD ArchitecrsPlanner: Bill Gibson The applications and informati.on about the proposals are available for public inspection during regularoffice hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 7s South Frontage noiO. lnepublic is invited to attend project orientatioh and the site visitd that precede the public hjaring in theTown of.Vail Community Development Department. Please call (970) 41g-21g8 for additionalinformation. 9l9l.tqlquqge_interpretation is available upon request with 24-hour notification. ptease catl(970) 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearini tmpail.eO, for information. Published, November 5,2004, in the Vait Daitv. TYPE III EMPLOYEE HOUSING UNIT RESTRICTIVE COVENANT WHEREAS,iVare the owner(s) ('the Owner") of andcertain property legally described as: commonly known as: 'lhe Property''); and WHEREAS, the Orner wishes to place certain restrictions on the use of a unit or apartment located on the Property for the benefit of the Owner and the Town of Vail, Colorado ("the Town,") NOW, THEREFORE, the Owner does hereby impose, establish, acknovvledge, and declare for the benefit of all persons who may hereinafter purchase, or lease, or hold the subject land the following restrictions, covenants, and conditions, all of which shall be deemed to run with the land and inure to the benefit and be bonding upon the Owner, its respective grantees, successors, and assigns. 1. The Employee Housing Unit (EHU), containing _ square feet, is hereby restricted as a Type lll EHU which must comply with all the provisions of Chapter 13, Title 12 of the Town Code of Vail as amended. 2. The Type lll EHU shall not be subdivided or divided into any form of timeshares, inlerval ownership, or fractional fee. 3. The Type lll EHU shall be leased to and occupied by tenants who are full-lime employees who work in Eagle County. The Type lll EHU shall not be leased for a period less than thirty (30) consecutive days. For the purposes of this paragraph, a full-time employee is one who works an average of a minimum of thirty (30) hours each week on a year round basis. The owner of the Type lll EHU shall rent the unit at a monthly rental rate consistent with or lower than those market rates prevalent for similar properties in the Town. The Type lll EHU shall be continuously rented and shall not remain vacant for a period to exceed five (5) consecutive months. 4. Occupancy of the Type lll EHU shall be limited to a maximum of two persons per bedroom. 5. The Type lll EHU shall have its own entrance. There shall be no interior access from the EHU to any dwelling unit to which it may be aftached. 6. The Type lll EHU must contain a kitchen or kitchenette and a bathroom. 7. The Type lll EHU may be sold, transferred, or conveyed separately from olher dwelling units or EHUs that may be located on the same lot or wilhin the same building, if one of the following conditions are met: a. lt must be utilized according to the criteria set forth in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this document. or b. lt must be used bythe Owner of the Type lll EHU as a permanent residence. For the purpose of this paragraph, a permanent residence shall mean the home or place in which one's habitation is fixed and to which one, whenever he or she is absent has a present intention of returning after a departure or absence therefrom, regardless of the duration of absence. In determining what is a permanent residence, the Town staff shall take the following circumstances relating to the Owner of the residence into account: business pursuits, employment, income sources, residence for income or other tax purposes, age, marital status, residence of parents, spouse and children if any, location of personal and real property, and motor vehicle registration. Thirty (30) days prior to the transfer of deed for the Type lll EHU, the prospective purchaser shall Type lll Revised April 18, 2000 Page 1 of 2 submit an application obtiained from the Community Development Department, to the Community Development Department documenting that the prospective purchaser meets the criteria set forth herein and shall include an affidavit affirming that her or she meets these criteria. 8. No later than February 1 of each year, the owner of the Type lll EHU shall submit two (2) copies of a sworn affidavit on a form to be obtained from the Community Development Department, to the Community Development Department sefting forth evidence establishing that the employee housing unit has been rented or o\,rrnercccupied throughout the year, the rental rate, the employer, and that the tenant who resides within the employee housing unit is a full-time employee in Eagle County. 9. The Type lll EHU shall be operated and maintained in accordanoe with Chapter 13, Title 12 of the Town Code of Vail. Failure to do so may result in enforcement proceedings in a court of competent jurisdiction and in accordance with Chapter 3, Title 12 of the Town Code of Vail. 10. The conditions, restrictions, stipulations, and agreements contained herein shall not be waived, abandoned, lerminated, or amended except by the written consent of both the Town of Vail and the Owner of the Property. TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado municipal corporation By: Town Manager STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing instrument was acknorvledged before me this _day of Town Manager. Notary Public: My commission expires: and 20 by By Property Owner STATE OF COUNTY OF Property Owner was acknowledged before me this _day of ss. The foregoing instrument 20 oy Notary Public: My commission expires: Type lll Revised April 18,2000 and Page 2 of 2 I.-? fillfill _3::filiF-{:8n:o ;3Fa Fc F i r!; iCFET ilcii:= pf;E 3r3 Er s, p 5 s i/ /tIII f ;t $'l il 1 .0 I ti!; !iir 6IIii! liE J=?6 / '{'ii$'il[' I i [i '-! !rl tl,-j (tr,.'fi-y oo -s Ax ss s\ dc$z.rfi\sr ro X F o i0 {tE vAlL B.t(Qr( cLlfr aLvN6 t9 At"1tP ArL7.. t5 1b9Q',1CRzad Cr* Vrte v,/'.co 8t697trH% oo f s.l{EiA 5I{ lt{il#!:i:*t E $$T$frl F iiiiif Sr:5S F !l*niitii$prElJdlli{?llrt--:.4.:}+tr -(F II 0 Hq 169lv7 l.oo :lEt sh -t!U\I j -.1" Vail Racquet Club O''rcE RIYOOEL O "* rrrlE .'ARANTEB "o'}." Copies: 1 VAIL RACQUET CLUB CONDOS FAX 303 -295-2L76Att,n: PAM BECKSTROM Copies: 1 YO TITLE GUARAM|EE COM CONTACTS o i'R LAND t PANY Novenrber 24 1998 Buyer/Borrower: SeIler/Owner: Property Address: For Closing Assistance: KARLA MCCULLY OO3O BENCHMARK RD. #2:-6 AVON CO 8]-620Phone: 970 g4g-5099 Fax:970 949-4892 RACQUET CLUB OWNERS ASSOCIATTON, A COIJORADONON-PROFIT CORPORATION KIRCI{ EMTERPRISES LLC, A COLORADO LIMI?EDLIABITITY COMPANY AS TO PARCELS 1 AND 2 H & K MANAGEMENT IJLC, A COLORADO LIMITEDLIABTLITY COMPANY NOW KNOWN AS KTRCH ENTERPRTSES LLC, A COLORADO LTMTTED LTABILTTY COMPANY AS TO PARCELS 3 THROUGH 5 VA]L RACQUET CLUB CONDOMINIIJMS, A COLORADO GENERAL PARTNERSHIP AS TO PARCEL 6 PARCELS 1-5 VRC Our Order No.: V253274-3 assistance, please For Tit,le Assistance: TTTLE DEPARTMENT 108 S. FRONTAGE RD W.vArL, co 81558Phone: 970 476-2251, Fax:970 476-4534 If you have any inquiries or require furthercontacE one of the numbers li-sted below: ******************************************************************* NorE: oNcE AN oRrcrNAL coMMrrMEMf nAs BEEN rssuED, ANy sIrBsEeuENTCHANGES WILL BE EMPHASIZED BY I'NDERLINING. ******************************************************************* TI{ANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDERI CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation of Missouri, herein called the Conrpany, fora valuable consideration' hereby commits to issue ils policy or policies of title insurance, as identified inSchedule A' in favor of the proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate orinteresl covered hereby in the land described or referred to in Schedule A, upon payment ofthe premiums andcharges therefor; all subject to the provisions of Schedule A and B urd to the Conditions and StipuLtions hereof. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed lnsured and the arnount ofthe policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule .c, hereof by the Company, either at thetime of the issuance of this Commitment or by subsequent endorsement. This Comnritment is preliminary to the issuance of such policy or policies of title insurance and all liabilityand obligations hereunder shall cease and terminate six months after the effective date hereof or when thc policyor policies committed for shall issue, whichever flrst occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy orpolicies is not the fault of the Company. This Commitment shall not be valid or binding unril counrersigned by an authorized officer or agent, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Cornpany has caused this Conrmitment to be signed and sealed, to becomevalid -when countersigned by an authorized officer or agent of the Company, irll in alcordance with its By-Laws.This commitment is effective as of the date shown in Schedule A as ..Effective Date.,' ISSUED BY:CHICAGO TTTLE INSURANCE COMPANY LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY h z.--)l/zH^ ,/ Prcsident 108 S. Frontage Rd. W., Suite 203 P.O. Box 357 Vail, Colorado 81658 (s70) 476-2251 FAX (970) 476-4534 Byt 7A-"'-- L dl.rrr^". U .sccrerarv ffiff /AfrleJ-L 6t4,/'r.b- Aurnonzed ultlcer or Asent '/ F.2A80 CTIRB:5.1-75 - Charges - AlE,a Owner policy Tax ReporE. Endorsement. 103.1 Endorsement L00.31_--TOTAL-- L. Effective Date: November 05, 2. Policy Eo be issued, and proposed. rfALTArr Owner,s policy LO-t7-92 ]caeo rrrLE TNSURANcE coMli .\LTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Our Order # V263274-3 For fnformation Onlv PARCEI,,S ].-6 VRC $2,388.00 $ss0 .00<trn nnYJv r vw $477 .sO $3, 455 .50 1998 at 5:00 P.M. fnsured: $2, 700, 000. 0o l_n LTMTTED LIABILITY COMPANY NOW COLORADO LIMI?ED LIABILITY *** THIS Is NoT Ali INVOICE, BIJ:| AN ESTIMATE oF FEES. WHEN REFERRINGTO THIS ORDER, PLEASE REFERENCE OUR ORDER NO. V263274-3MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY *** 3. A Proposed Insured: RACQUET CLUB OWNERS ASSOCIATION, A COLORADO NON-PROFTT CORPORATION The estate or inLerest in the land described or rererred tothis Commitment and covered. herein is: A Fee Simple Title Eo the est.ate or interest covered herein is ac theeffective date hereof vested in: K]RCH ENTERPRISES LLC, A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANYTO PARCELS ]- AND 2 H & K MANAGEMENT LLC, A COLORADO KNOWN AS KTRCH ENTERPRISES LLC, A COMPANY AS TO PARCELS 3 THROUGH 5 VAIL RACQUET CLUB CONDOMINITJMS. AAS TO PARCEL 6 1rft\J.E COLORADO GENERAL PARTNERSHIP ]ceco rrrr,E TNSURANcE coufv ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Our Order # V263274-3 PAGE 2 ]ceeo rrrlE TNSURANCE cor"rfv ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Our Order # V263274-3 The land referred t,o in Ehis Commi-t.menE is described as f ol"lows : PARCEL 1: A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SET/4 OF SECTION 12, T5S, R8O WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERTDTAN, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COI,,ORADO, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 1.2 FROM WHICH THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE SEI/4 OF THE SE!/A OF SAIDSECTION 12 BEARS N 89 DEGREES 35 MINUTES 41 SECONDS WEST (TRUE MERTDTAN), 1306.39 FEET, THENCE N 54 DEGREES 33 MINUTES ].9 SECONDS W, 1-6L4.60 FEET TO A NORTHEAST CORNER OF TRACT M,IITENTH SUPPLEMENT TO MAP OF VAIL RACQUET CLUB CONDOMINIUMST', ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, THENCE S 3? DEGREES 4].MINUTES 45 SECONDS W, 259.T3 FEET ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF'SAID TRACT M AND THE EASTERLY LINE OF TRACT N, ''ELEVE}flIHSUPPLEMENT TO MAP OF VAIL RACQUET CLUB CONDOMINIUMS'" ACCORDINGTO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, TO THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF THATTRACT OF LAND AS DESCRTBED IN DEED RECORDED TN BOOK 227 AT PAGE320 OF THE RECORDDS OF COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, THENCE N 37 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 07 SECONDS W ]-06.79 FEET ALONGTHE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF THAT TRACT OF LAND DESCRTBED IN SAIDBooK 227 AT PAGE 320 To A PorNT oF CURVE To rHE LEFT; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY, 38.00 FEET ALONG THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF THAT TRACT OF LAND AS DESCRIBED IN SAID BOOK 227 AT PAGE 320 ANDALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE TO THE MOST WESTERLY CORNER OF SAIDTRACT N AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID ARC }AVING A RADTUS oF 1376-93 FEET, A DELTA ANGLE oF I DEGREES 34 MTNUTES52 SECONDS AND BEING SUBTENDED BY A CHORD THAT BEARS N 38 DEGREES 18 MINUTES 33 SECONDS W, 38.00 FEET; THENCE N 52 DEGREES 28 MINUTES OO SECONDS E, 123.80 FEET ALONGTHE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT N TO THE MOST NORTHERLY CORNER THEREOF AND THE SOUTHWESTERLY LTNE OF SAID TRACT M. THENCE N 52 DEGREES 16 MINUTES 32 SECONDS W, 5.54 FEET ALONGTHE SOUITHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT M TO THE MOST WESTERLY CORNER THEREOF; THENCE N 30 DEGREES 04 MINUTES OO SECONDS E, LI2.g4 FEET ALONGTHE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT M TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER THEREOF AND THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF TRACT L, ''EIGHTH SUPPLEMENTTO MAP OF VAIL RACUET CLUB CONDOMINIUMSN, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF; PAGE C.o"o rrrlE rNsuRANcE .orf" ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Our Order # V263274-3 THENCE N 82 DEGREES 41 MINUTES OO SECONDS W, :.7.82 FEET ALONGTHE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT L TO A SOUTHWEST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE N 03 DEGREES 30 MINUTES OO SECONDS W, 11-8.1.4 FEET ALONGTHE WEST LINE OF SAID TRACT L TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE N 85 DEGREES 30 MINUTES OO SECONDS E, 76.32 FEET ALONGTHE NORTHERLY I-JINE OF SAID TRACT L TO THE WESTERLY LINE oFTRACT D, ''FIRST SUPPLEMENT TO MAP OF VAIIJ RACQUET CLUBcoNDoMINrUMS", ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED pLAT THEREOF; THENCE N 05 DEGREES 04 MTNUTES 17 sEcoNDs lv, 55. o? FEET ALONGT'HE WEST LINE OF SAID TRACT D AND THE WEST LTNE OF TRACT C INSAID IIFIRST SUPPLEMENT TO MAP OF VAIL RACQUET CLUB CONDOMINIUMS '' ,. THENCE N 4]- DEGREES 04 MINUTES ].7 SECONDS W, 69.52 FEET ALONGTHE WESTERITY LINE oF sArD TRACT c AND THE soUTHwEsTERLy LrNE oFTRACT B, ttplaP oF VAIL RACQUET CLUB coNDoMINIIlMsr', AccoRDrNc ToTHE RECORDED PI,AT THEREOF; THENCE N 49 DEGREES 34 MTNUTBS 17 SEcoNDs w, 2t7.1,o FEET ALONGTHE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT B, THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINEOF TRACT A IN SAID "MAP oF VAIL RACQUET CLUB CONDOMINIUMST', ANDTHE sourHwEsrERLY I-.,INE oF TRAcr E, ',sEcoND suppLEMENT To MAp oFVAIL RACQUET CLI'B CONDOMTNIL'MSX, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLATTHEREOF; THENCE N 58 DEGREES 34 MTNUTES 17 SECONDS W, 72.L4 FEET ALONGrHE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT E TO THE MOST WESTERLYcoRNER THEREoF AND THE Mosr EASTERLY coRNER oF TRAcr c, "FTFTHSUPPLEMENT TO MAP OF VATL RACQUET CLUB CONDOMINTUMS'" ACCORDINGTO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF; THENCE S 3]. DEGREES 25 MINUTES 43 SECONDS W, 23.02 FEET ALONGTHE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SATD TRACT G; THENCE S 77 DEGREES 16 MTNUTES 00 sEcoNDs W, 223.3J. FEET ALONGTHE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT G, THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF TRACTH, IIFOURTH SUPPLEMENT TO MAP OF VAIL RACQUET CLUBCoNDoMINIUMS", AccoRDING To THE RECoRDED PLAT THEREOF AND THEEASTERLY LTNE OF TRACT K, ''NTNTH SUPPLEMENT TO MAP OF VATLRACQUET CLUB CONDOMTNIUMS'', ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLATTHEREOF; THENCE S 12 DEGREES 44 MINUTES OO SECONDS E, 1,42.00 FEET ALONGTHE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT K TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER PAGE 4 ]caeo rrrlE rNsuRANcE .oQ" ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Our Order # V263274-3 THEREOF; THENCE s 77 DEGRBES L6 MrNuTEs oo sEcoNDs W, 18. o0 FEET ALONGTHE SOUTHERLY LTNE OF SAID TRACT K,. THENCE S 48 DEGREES ].4 MINUTES 43 SECONDS W, 30. 08 FEET ALONGTHE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT K TO THE MOST SOII|HERLY CORNERTHEREOF AND THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF THAT TRACT OF LAND ASDESCRIBED IN SAID BOOK 227 AT PAGE 320; THENCE S 41- DEGREES 45 MINUTES 17 SECONDS E, 4T2.47 FEET ALONGTI{E SOIJ:|HWESTERLY LINE OF THAT TRACT OF LAITD AS DESCRIBED INSAID BOOK 227 AT PAGE 320 TO A POINT OF CURVE TO THE RIGHT; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY 53.80 FEET ALONG SOUTI{WESTERLY LINE OFTHAT TRACT OF LAND AS DESCRIBED TN SAID BOOK 227 AT PAGE 320Al{D ALoNG THE ARc oF sArD cttRVE To THE TRuE porMf oF BEGTNNTNG,SAID ARC HAVING A RADIUS OF 1376.93 FEET, A DELTA ANGLE 2DEGREES 39 MINUTES 1,8 SECONDS AND BEING SI]BTENDED BY A CHORDTHAT BEARS S 40 DEGREES 25 MTNUTES 38 SECONDS E, 63.80 FEET. PARCEL 2: A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATE IN THE SOIITHEAST L/4 OF SECTION 12,TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 80 WEST OF THE 5TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN,couNTY oF EAGLE, srATE oF coLoRADo, BErNG MORE pARTTcuIJARLy DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF'WAY OF'MEADOW DRIVE FROM WHICH THE SOU:THEAST CORNER OF SECTION ]-2,TOWNSHIP 5 SOTITH, RANGE BO WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERTDTANBEARS SOUTH 59 DEGREES 28 MINUTES 58 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF)-992.57 FEET, SATD POINT BEING THE SAME AS THE NORTHWESTERLYcoRNER oF THE MOIINTATN MEADow suBDrvrsroN; THENCE sourH 48DEGREES 32 MTNUTES L6 sEcoNDs wEsr ALONG THE WESTERTJY LINE oFsArD MoilNTArN MEADow suBDrvrsroN A Dr.srANcE oF 347.67FEET; THENCE NORTH 42 DEGREES 04 MTNUTES 48 sEcoNDs wEsr ADrsrANcE oF 177.98 FEET; THENCE NORTH 02 DEGREES 53 MTNUTES 50sEcollDs EAsr A DrsrANcE oF l-21.57 FEET; THENCE NORTH 47 DEGREES52 MINUTES 29 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 26]-.65 FEET TO A POINToN To sourHwEsrERLY RrGHT oF wAy oF MEADow DRrvE; THENCE sourH42 DEGREES 04 MINUTES 48 SECONDS EAST ALONG THE SOU|HWESTERLYRIGHT OF WAY OF MEADOW DRIVE A DISTANCE OF 258.00 FEET, TO THEPorNT oF BEcrNNrNc, coIlNTY oF EAGLE, srATE oF coLoRADo. PARCEL 3: CONDOMTNIUM UNIT NOS 1 THROUGH 8, OF BUILDING NO. 4 OF VAIL ]"o"o rrrlE rNsuRANcE "on,'f"ALTA COMMTTMBNT SCHEDULE A Our Order # V263274-3 RACQUET CLUB CONDOMINIU}IS ACCORD]NG TO THE NINTH SUPPLEMENT TOTHE MAP THEREOF FILED FOR RECORD AND THE CONDOMINIIJMDECLARATION THEREOF RECORDED DECEMBER l-3, 1973 IN BooK 232 ATPAGE 484, EAGLE CoIINTY REcoRDs AND THE NrNTH suppr,EMElfr ro sArDDECLARATTON, RECORDED SEPTEMBER 1o, t-98o rN BooK 3og AT PAGE881, EAGLE couNTY REcoRDs, suBJEcr ro rHE TERMS, coNDrrroNs,PROVISIONS AND OBTIGATIONS OF SATD DECLARATTON AND NINTH SUPPLEMENT THERETO, COU}II|Y OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. PARCEL 4: CONDOMINTI]M UNIT NOS. ]- THROUGH 8, OF BUILDING NO. 13 OF VAILRACQUET CLIIB coNDoMrNIItMs AccoRDINc To THE EIGHTH supprJEMElfr ToTHE MAP THEREOF FILED FOR RECORD AND THE CONDOMINII]M DECLARATTON THEREOF RECORDED DECEMBER 13, t973, rN BooK 232 AtPAGE 484, EAGLE coIlNTY REcoRDs AND THE ETGHTH supprrEMEr\ru TosArD DECLARATTON, RECORDED APRrL l-5, L98o rN BooK 301, AT PAGE744, EAGLE COUMTY RECORDS ST]BJECT TO THE TERMS, CONDITIONS,AND OBLIGATIONS OF SAID DECLARATION AND EIGHTH SUPPLEMENTTHERETO, COUNTY OF EAGI,E, STATE OF COLORADO. .Yfll(ut:|! 5: coNDoMrNrItM ijNrr Nos. L rHRoucH 8 oF BUrr,DrNG No. t-4 oF vArLRACQUET cLItB CONDOMINIIJMS AccoRDING To THE TENTH Suppr,EMElilT ToTHE MAP THEREOF FILED FOR RECORD AND THE CONDOMINIIJMDECLARAT]ON THEREOF RECORDED DECEMBER 13, Tg73, IN BOOK 232 ATPAGE 484, EAGLE coulvry RECORDS AND THE TEI'ilrH suppLEMENT To sArDDECLARATION, RECORDED NOVEMBER 9, L981 rN BooK 331 AT PAGE 82s,COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. PARCEL 6: coNDoMrNruM llNrr Nos. l--r'7, 1-18, AND 1-t-9, BUTLDTNG No. t-2,vArL RACQUET CLUB coNDoMrNruMS, AccoRDrNG To rHE SEVENTHSUPPLEMEII'I TO THE MAP THEREOF FILED FOR RECORD AND THECONDOMTNIIJM DECLARATION THEREOF RECORDED DECEMBER 13, 1973 INBOOK 232 AT PAGE 484, AND THE SEVENTH SUPPLEMENT TO SATDDECLARATToN RECoRDED ,fuLY 19, 1979 rN BooK 288 AT pAcE 575,COT]NTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. r}}\Jtl rcHrcAco TrrLE TNSURANCE clemr -v ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-SECTIONl (Requirements) Our Order # V263274-3 The foLlowing are the requirements to be complied wit,h: Item (a) Payment, to or for Ehe account of Ehe grant,ors ormort.gagors of Ehe full- consideration for the estate or int.erest.Eo be insured. rtem (b) Proper instrument(s) creat,ing E.he esEaEe or interest.Eo be insured must be execuEed and duly filed for record, Eo-wit: Item (c) Payment. of all taxes, charges or assessments Leviedand assessed against the subject premises which are due andpayable. ILem (d) Additional requiremenE.s, if any disclosed below: l-. RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED August 1-9, L985, FROM VAIL RACeUET CLITB CONDOMTNIIJMS TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COI]NTY FOR THE USE OF iJNITEDBANK OF DENVER NATTONAL ASSOCTATTON TO SECURE THE SUM OF 91 ,225,OOO.OORECoRDED september 04, 1985, rN BooK 424 AT pAcE j-87 AND AMENDMENTS THERETO. 2. RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED September l-0, L997, FROM KIRCH ENIEReRISESLLC TO THE PITBIJIC TRUSTEE OF EAGITE COIJNTY FOR THE USE OF NORWEST BANK COLORADO, NATIONAL ASSOCTATION TO SECURE THE SIJM OF g3,1OO,OO0.OO RECORDEDSeptember l-5, i.997, IN BOOK 737 AT PAGE 248. SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS FURTHER SECURED BY ASSIGNME}TT OF LEASES AND RE}ilTS RECORDED October 06, a997, IN BOOK 739 AT PAGE 611. (ITEMS 1 AND 2 AFFECT PARCELS 1 AND 2) 3, RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED APTiI 15, Igg2, FROM VAIL RACQUET CLUBCONDOMINIUM TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF BAGI,,E COUNTY FOR THE USE OF IJNITEDBANK OF DENER NATTONAL ASSOCTATTON TO SECURE THE SUM OF 91 ,255,202.L5RECORDED MAY 08, 1992, IN BOOK 579 AT PAGE 525 AND AMENDMENTS THERETO. SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS FURTHER SECURED BY ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES AND RE}TTS RECORDED May 08 , L992, IN BOOK 579 AT PAGE 626. 4- RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED Sept.ernber l-0, L997, FROM KIRCH EMTERpRISESLC TO THE PIJBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COIJNTY FOR THE USE OF NORWEST BANKcoLoRADO, NATTONAL ASSOCTATTON TO SECURE THE SUM OF g3,l_OO,OOO.00 RECoRDEDSepcenlcer L5, t997, IN BOOK 737 AT PAGE 249. PAGE 7 f.*rcoeo rrrlE rNsuRANcE O*" ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-SECTIONl (RequiremenE.s ) SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS FURTHER SECURED BY ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES AIVD RENTSRECORDBD OcEober 05, L997, IN BOOK 739 AT PAGE 609. (ITEMS 3 AND 4 AFFECT PARCELS 3 THROUGH 5) 5. TERMINATION OF FINA}TCING STATEMETfI WITH NORWEST BANK COLORADO, NATIONALASSOCTATTON, THE SECURED PARTY, RECORDED OCTOBER 11, 1995 rN BooK 7og ATPAGE 18]. AND RERECORDED NOVEMBER 4, 1995 IN BOOK 7]-O AT PAGE 475. 6, TERMINATION OF FINANCING STATEMENT WITH NORWEST BANK COLORADO, N.A., THEsEcuRED PARTY, RECORDED ocroBER 6, 1997 rN BooK 739 AT PAGE 510. (ITEMS 5 AND 6 AFFECT PARCELS 1 THROUGH 5) 7. CERTIFICATE OF RTGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL IN COMPLIANCE WI?H THE TERMS,CONDTTIONS .AND PROVISIONS OF CONDOMINII]M DECLARATION. NOTE: SArD rrEM WrLt NOT BE NECESSARY rF THE PIIRCHASER REMATNS RACQUETCLUB OWNERS ASSOCIATION, A COLORADO NON*PROFIT CORPORATION. 8' TRADE NeMS arFrDAvrT OR GENERALT PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT OF VArL RACeUET CLUBCONDOMINITIMS, A COLORADO GENET4-L ?ARTNERSHIP, A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP,DTSCLOSING THE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ITTE PART"NCRS THERETO. ONE OR MORE OFSAID PARTNERS MUST EXECUTE APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTS. (ITEMS 7 AND 8 AFFECT PARCEL 5) 9. EV]DENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONDITIONS ANDPRovrsroNs oF THE TowN oF vArIJ TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN sATrsFrED. 10. WARRANTY DEED FROM KTRCH EMIERPRISES LLC, A COLORADO LIMITED LTABILITYCOMPANY AND VAIL RACQUET CLUB CONDOMINTIJMS, A COLORADO GENERAL PARTNERSHIPTo RACQUET CLUB owNERS AssocrATroN, A coloiADo NoN-pRoFrT coRpoRATroNCONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. NoTE: ARTICLES oF oRGANrzATroN FrLED Deceniber 24, l-996 wITH THE SESRETARyoF srATE oF coLoRADo, DrsclosE c. LEE KrRcH To BE THE MANAGER(') oF KrRcHENTERPRISES LLC, A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. NOTE: SAID DOCUMENT MUST BE EXECUTED BY THE PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENT ORSECRETARY OF THE CORPORATION. IF AN ASSISTA}i:| VICE-PRESIDENT OR ASSISTANTSECRETARY EXECUTES SAID DOCUMENTT, A CORPORATE RESOLUTION MUST BE PROVTDEDTO LAND TITLE GIVING SAID ASSISTANT AUTHORIZATION. Our Order # V263274-3 11 rJ I l-{ SCHEDULE a B ]"r*eo rrrlE TNSURAN.E .l*" OMMITMENT - SECTION 1 (Requirement. s )Our Order # V263274-3 NorE: rrEMs L-3 oF THE GENERAL ExcEprroNs ARE HEREBY DELETED. UPON THE APPROVAL OF THE COMPANY AND THE RECEIPT OF A NOTARIZED FINAL LIENAFFIDAVIT, ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENERAT EXCEPTIONS WILL BE AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS IS DELETED AS TO ANY LIENS OR FUTURELIENS RESULTING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL FI'RNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF KIRCHENTERPRISES LLC, A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. CHICAGO TITLEINSURANCE COMPANY SHALL HAVE NO LTABILTTY FOR ANY LIENS ARTSING FROM WORKOR MATERIAL FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF RACQUET CLUB OWNERS ASSOCIATION, ACOLORADO NON-PROFTT CORPORATION. NOTE: ITBM 5 OF THE STANDARD EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DEIJETED ]F LAND TITI.,ERECORDS THE DOCUMENTS REQUIRED I]NDER SCHEDULE B-1. NorE: uPoN PRooF oF PAYMENT oF ALL TAxEs, rrEM G wrLL BE AMENDED To READ: TAXES AND ASSESSME}TTS FOR THE YEAR 1998 AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS. ITEM 7 UNDER SCHEDULE B_2 WILL BE DELETED UPON PROOF THAT THE WATER ANDSEWER CI{ARGES ARE PAID UP TO DATE. (ITEM,S 9 THROUGH 10 AFFECT ALL PARCELS) SENATE BrLL 98-045 STATES THAT EFFEcrrvE JUNE 1, 1998 THEFEE FOR REQUESTS FOR RELEASES OF DEEDS OF TRUST WTLL BEs16.00. NorE: EFFECTTVE JANUARY 1, 1993, coRpoRATroNS THAT Do NorMAINTAIN A PERMANENT PLACE OF BUSINESS IN COLORADO, ANDNONRESTDENT INDTVIDUALS, ESTATES AND TRUSTS WILL BE SUBJECTTO A COLORADO WITHHOLDING TAX FROM THE SALES OF COLORADOREAL ESTATE IN EXCESS OF $1OO,OOO.OO. THE WITHHOLDING TAXWILL BE THE SMALLER OF TWO PERCENT OF THE SALES PRICE OR THENET PROCEEDS FROM THE SALES OF THE REAL ESTATE. THE TAX WILL BE WTTHHELD BY THE TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ORrTS AGENT AND SUBMTTTED .fO THE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE, WHEREIT WILL BE CREDITED TO THE SELLER'S INCOME TAX ACCOUNT AS ANESTIMATED TAX PAYMENT. THE SELLER CAN CLAIM CREDIT FOR THEESTIMATED PAYMEMT AGAINST THE INCOME TAX LIABILITY WHEN HEOR SHE FTLES A COLORADO RETURN FOR THE YEAR OF THE SALE. PAGE 9 f"tcoco rrrlE TNSURAN.E "Q*.4LTA COMMITMENT SCHHDUIJE B-SECTION2 (Exceptions) Our Order # V263274-3 PAGE ]-O f"r"o"o rrrlE rNsuRANcE .O*. ALTA COMMITMENT SUHTJDULE B-SECTION2 (Except.ions) The_poli-cy or policies to be issued wirl conEain excepEions E,o thefollowing.matt,ers unless t,he same are dispo"ea of E.o thesatisfaction of the Company: l-. RighEs or craims of parties in possession not shown by thepublic records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, notrecords. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary 1ines, shorEage in area,encroachments, and any fact,s which I correcE sur.re| inspectionof. the premises would discrose and which are no! siro*n 6y thepublic records. 4' Any Iien, or right to a 1ien, for services, labor or materiarheretofore or hereafter furnished, i-mposed by raw and not. shownby the public records. 5. Defect.s, liens,- encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters,if any, created, first appearing in the puffic records oratsEaching subsequent to Ltre effective dale hereof but prior tothe daEe t.he proposed insured acquires of record for virue theeseate or interest or mortgage t.hereon cowered by thisCommitment. Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as exisE,ingliens by the publrc records. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 8- rn addiEion, the owner's policy wilr be subject to t.he rien ofthe new mort.gasJe, if any,-noted under secti5n 1of schedule Bhereof. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORETHEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOIJND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES *: lP::*Yl? iN uNrrED srArEs PATENT RECoRDED Noveriber 17, 1-s02, rN BooK 48t1L Et+lrfr +> Z . THE ExrsrENcE oF THE MTNERAL EXCEPTTON AND/oR RESERVATToN sHowN AS rTEM 9,SCHEDULE B-2, WILL NOT AFFECT OUR ABILITY TO ATTACH COLORADO ENDORSEMENTNO. 100.3]- TO OUR ALTA OWNERS POLICY WHEN ISSUED. Our Order # V263274-3 shown by the public 6. 7. PAGE l_1 ]=t.*co r.,.TLE TNSUTANCE "Q*ALTA COMMTTMENT SCHEDULE B-SECTION2 (Exceptions )Our Order # V253274-3 RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AIITHORITY OF THEiINITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNTTED STATES PATENT RECORDED Novernlcer 17,T902, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 492. THE EXISTENCE OF THE EASEMENT SHOWN AS ITEM NO. 10, SCHEDULE B-2, WILL NOTAFFECT OUR ABILITY TO ATTACH COLORADO ENDORSEMENT NO. ]-03.]- TO OUN OMINNSPOLICY WHEN ISSUED. RIGHTS OF OWNERS, COVENA}TIS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTTONS, RESERVATIONS,EASEMENTS, LIENS FoR AssEssMENIS, oPTroNs, PowERs oF ATToRNEY, ANDLIMITATIONS ON TITLE CREATED AS SET FORTH IN THAT CONDOMIN]IJM DECI,ARATIONRECORDED DECEMBER 13, ]"973 rN BOOK 232 AT PAGE 484 AND JANUARY 9, 1.980 INBOOK 297 AT PAGE ].70 AND SUPPLEME}fiTS AND AIvIENDMENTS THERETo, AND ANYAME}IDME}iTS PRESENT OR FIJ:TURE, AND TN THE RELATED BYLAWS, RULES ANDREGULATTONS, OR IN ANY OTHER INSTRUMENT CREATING THE ESTATE OR INTERESTINSURED BY THIS POLICY. A]-,L RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER OWNERS IN THE CONDOMINIT]M PRoJECT IN ANDTO ALL GENERAL AND LIMITED COMMON ELEMENTS, AS THOSE TERMS ARE DEFINED BYCOLORADO LAW, WHICH PASSED AS AN APPURTENANCE TO THE INSURED PREMISES. ALIJ FUTURE ASSESSMENTS AND CHARGES OF VAIL RACQUET CLUB CONDOMINIUMASSOCIATION. EXTSTING LEASES AND TENANCIES. (ITEMS 9 TI{ROUGH 12 AFFECT ALL PARCELS) EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THERECORDED CONDOMTNIUM MAP OF VAIL RACQUET CLUB CONDOMINTUMS AND SUPPLEMENTSTHERETO. (AFFECTS PARCEIJS 3 THROUGH 6) THE EFFECT OF CONCRETE WALK, CONCRETE WALL AND EDGE OF ASPHALT PARKTNG INTOBUILDTNG A, ASPHALT TENNIS COURT INTO TRACT H, SHEDS, PARKING SPACES FORBUILDING 15, EDGE OF ASPHALT PARKING INTO TRACT A, BUILDING 9 AND TRACT BBUILDTNG 10, CONCRETE WALK, WOOD TTE WALL, STAIRS AND CONCRETE WALL T}ITOBUILDING ].3, ALL AS SHOWN ON ]MPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE DATED MAY 18,1998 BY EAGLE VALLEY SURVEING, .JOB NO. 2456.1-. (AFFECTS PARCEL 1) l0 1t_ 12 13 L4 rft\rEr 1,2 friicaeo rrrlE rNsuRANcE cfn",r ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-SECTION2 (Exceptions) Our Order # V263274-3 IQIE+ .E}I9 ITEM CAN BE REMOVED FROM THE FINAL TITLE POLICY IF THE I9R9E4!S EEYAIN9 RACQUET CLIIB owNERs assodre,tror.l, A cor,ouoo Nom-pnoprr coRPoRATroN AND LAND TrrLE REcErvEs 4N AFFTDAVTf QscaRDrNG THe l,tencER upoN PI'RCHASE ].5. THE EFFECT OF DITCHES, AVALANCE HAZARD ZONING AND PARKING AREA OUTSIDE OF BOIJNDARY LINES, ALL AS SHOWN ON IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE DATED MAY1, 1998 By EAGLE VALrrEy SURVEYING, JOB NO. 2456. 16. CLAIMS OF RIGHT, TTTLE AND/OR INTEREST IN THE PRoPERTY BETWEEN THE FENCE BOUNDARY I,INE AND THE FENCE (AS DEPICTED ON THE SURVEY PREPARED BY EAGLE VALLEY SURVEYING, INC., JOB NUMBER 2456) WHETHER SAID CLAIMS ARISE BY ABANDONMENT, ADVERSE POSSESSION OR OTHER MEANS. (ITEMS 15 AND ]-6 AFFECT PARCEL 2) ITEMS ]-, 2 AND 3 OF THE STANDARD EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DELETED FROM THE OWNERS POLICY WHEN ISSUED. PAGE 13 , LAND rftle G U A R A N T E. C O M P A N Yv DISCLOST'RE STATEMENT Required by SenaEe BilI 91-14 A) The subject real property may be locaEed in a special taxing district. . B) A Certificale of Taxes Due listing each Eaxing jurisdiction may be obtsained from Ehe Counuy Treasurer or Ehe CounEy Treasurer's auEhorized aqent. C) The informaEion regarding special disEricts and Ehe boundaries of such disEricts may be obtained from Ehe Board of CounEy Commissioners, E.he Count,y Clerk and Recorder, or tshe CounEy Assessor. Required by Senat,e Bitl 92-143 A) A Certificaf,e of Taxes Due listing each Laxing jurisdiction shall be obtained from the CounEy Treasurer or the CounEy Treasurer's auEhorized agent. O LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COANY IIATT IVY RACQUET Cr.,uB owNERS ASSOC.4590 VAIL RACQUET CLI'B DRIVEVAIL, CO 81657 LAND TITLE GUARANTEE TIPANY CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION our Order No.: v263274-3 PARCELS J.-5 VRC)- II- RACQUET CLUB OWNERS ASSOC. Property Address: 4590 VAIL RACQUET CLUB DRIVEvArL, co 8L657ATIN: MATT IVY FAX 476-4890 Copies: 1 via US post,al Service C. LEE KIRCH 953 S. FRONIAGE RD. W.vArL, CO 81657 Ai- f n. FAX 479-7509 Copies: 1 ISAACSON ROSENBAIJM 533 17TH ST #2200 DENVER, CO 80202ATIN: STANTON D. ROSENBAUM FAX 303 292-31_52 Copies: 1 vj.a US post,al Service KIRCH ENTERPRISES LLC H&KMANAGEMENTLLC 953 S. FRONTAGE RD. W.VAIL, CO 81657ATTN: VAII,,, RACQUET CLUB CONDOSFAX 475-7509 CopJ.es: 1 MICIAEL BLOOM REALTY 1401 17TH STREET SUITE 3CO DENVER, CO 80202ATIN: MICHAEL BLOOM FAX 3 03 -298 -L91,9 RACQUET CLUB OWNERS ASSOC. 1-8938 ST. LAURENT DRIVB TJUTZ, FL 33549AI,TN: VERNON TAYLOR, PRES. FAX 8L3 -948-6705 Copies: 1 CLOSER (AVON OFFTCE)AITN: KARLA MCCULLY Copies: 1 ss&F/VARE SS&F CENTER-AVON RI'NSP.O. DRAWER 2820 AVON, CO 81520 At,TN: RAYMA ROSE 970 845-2000 Copies: 1 ss&F/VARE HYATT-AVON RIJNSP.O. DRAWER 2820 AVON, CO 81520At,EN: CAROL DUDDY 970 845-9400 Copies: L ORTEN AND HINDMAN r_099 18TH ST. #2750 DENVER, CO 80202ATTN: JERRY ORTEN/LAURA GIBSON FAX 303 -29s-21"76 Copies: 1 Lgl29/2aa4 LLr22 sia45rsa VAIL RACOI..ET CLUB PAGE 42162 October29,20(X Town of Vail Corrmunity Devclopment 75 Sourh Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Dea,r Town of Vail Communiry Development Thc Condorrrinirrm properties surotmding the Vail Racquet Club are as follows: Courtside llomeowners Association Riverbend HomeownErs Associgtion Mormtain Meadows Homeowners Assocj stion Sunwood Homeowners Association P,O. Box 1762 Vail, Colorado 81657 All properties are managed by: S & A Services P.O. Box 1762 Vail, Colorado,81657 The Property Manag€r is Stove Ankerholtz, (970) 390-6640. Please let me know if you have further questions. m cral Vail Racquet m,s#-[g:,n 46,#J&tlrer*z 4690 Vnlt lrcquct Cl,.rh Drive Vail' thloto6o Ut'tt 80042E.4 340 . 970.1i6.1810 1103.674-8026 ttcn rcr Dtrccr . 970-4?6.,[890 p,' crnniL strffi lvallracquotclub,com I I ** * * **:1. {. * ******:t lr * *{' * * *** * * * ** rt * * *'}:t*,}*** * 't * **{rf * ****** * **** ** ** * * '} *****,}*:t,t'}'t*********** **:} TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ** * * * +'t* * ** * * * ** ** ** * '* *'i* f *'i**************'|***t'rt'tt 'ft**'ti***{r**'t {. tt **:r* ** * * * ** * {i * ** 'l 'f * *r':r 'r * * *'1.,fr Statement Nr.mber: R04OO06909 Amount: $500.00 lO/:-8/2004]-0:15 A.Dl Pa).ment Method: Check Init : ,JS Notation: *78L7 IVAII' RACQI'ET CI,T'B Permit No: PEC040070 T)pe: PEC - Variance Parcel No: 210112431001 2!Orr243LO02 210112431003 2LO]-t243tOO4 Site Mdress: 4800 MEN)OY| DR VAIIr Location: 4690 VAIL RACOITBT CLITB DRIVE Total Fees: $500.00 This Palment: $500.00 Total AIIJ Pmts: 9500.00 Bafance: 90.00 *a':t 'l * ***,f *dr***t*'* * ** * **** * ** ** * * * **'l*rt****** f,*,1**'l *'i!*d!*,|** * * * **'l*****:r {r '} ** {. * * **{. + * **'},}**:}'} ** ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code Descniotion Current Pmts PV OO1OOOO31125OO PEC APPLICATION FEES 500.00 December 15,2004 Mr. Matt Gennett Tovrn of Vail Departmeot of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: The Vail Racquet Club Building 15 Variance Application PO Box 1492 VaiI, CO 81658 Dear Matl Follovring up on our meeting of November 30,20f,4 and aftet having conducted additional reseatch into our TOV Property File with regards to the Gardeo kvel of Building 15, we feel the Town of Vail has akeady approved the units, both in tetms of GRFA and Dwelling Units. Although our TOV Property File contains some holes, I'm confident that additional tesearch on your part into past Planning Commission N[ssring Minutes san fill these holes and suPPort out argument, I am slgle5ing copies of pertinent documents ftom our TOV Property File, the tecorded Condominium Map for this building and select sections ftom the Vail Racquet Club Coodominium Declarations for this building. EKHIBIT.& lln Supplemeot to the Map of Yail Racquet Club Condominiums -executed March 11, 1982 -apptoved by TOV Pleoning Commission Match 12'1982 -recorded with Eagle County March 19, 1982 The condominium map indicates the Garden Ievel beirg divided into 4 units of varying size as approved with the option of dividing it into 6 units subject to the apptoval of the Town of VaiL We assnme these to be Dwelling Unis and GRFA. It furthet states that Unit No. t has been leased as office space until March 2,2ffi2 ot until such time the lease is terrninated. It is the Racquet Club Ownes Association desire to tnointain the 4 units and GRFA as approved but to reallocate them into 4 equal 2-bedrcom condominium units of apptoximately 864 square each to match those on the levels above. D(HIBIT B: 11ffi Supplemeal 1s Qsadorninirrrn Declaration fot Vail Racguet Club Condominiume Section 1 of the Declatations reitetates what is shown on the Condominium Map, furthet statittg the Building is divided into aparment units aod that Unit No. 1 could be subdivided into 3 #EEorchirecis naaaaaaaallaaaaarlta ?Gcovoozo tel: 970-479-7387 hx:970-476-0077 riEe mivm.lS LJcr, z .r TOV.COM.DEV. ttdubois@att net : #EE"rchiiecrs additional condominium units, again suggesting that the Garden Level was approved as Dwelling Units and GRFA Section 16 of the Declatations reiterates the leasing of Unit No. 1 as of6ce space to the Owners Association. It dso rcferences an agrcernent with the Town of Vail apptoving the office use in the Fall of 1979, again sugesting the space was already apptoved fot residential use. There is no copy of the *Fdl 1979" agremenit in the Vail Racquet Club's Ptoperty File. EjGIIBIT C: Stafr Memo dated Decemb q 6, 1979 This is a for a variance request 6led by the developer to add employee housing units to Building 15- 2 units ril/ith a total GRFA of 1680 sq ft. It does not addtess the proposed space to be leased as offices. EXHIBIT D: fhnniog and Enrdronmental Comrnission Meeti g MinuteE of Decembet l0tl979 meeting -Documentation of the vadance request. There is no indication of the outcome but it appeas the Planning Commission at the time apptoved the vadence EjGIIBIT E: I-ettet dated October 31, 1981 ftom TOV to Walter Kfuch This lettet d6t^ils x Recreation Fee and infers that dl of Building 15 is GRFA Hopefirlln the Town Records will be able to fill the gaps in out Propety File and allow you to concur vrith orrl ftldings and approve the proposed use of the Gaden I-evel of Building 15 without need fot a aqi4nce. If you have any questions or need additional infotrnation, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank vou Thomas R Du Bois AIA cc Matt Ivy-VRC PO Box 1492 VaiI CO 81658 tel: 970479-7387 hx:970-476-0077tdubois@att aet Exhibit B ELEVENTH SUPPLTMENT TO CONDOMINII,JM DECLARATION FOR KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: TIfAT W}{EREAS, Vail Racquet Club Condominiuns, - a eeneral partnership, and predeeeisor in interest to Vail [""q.r"c blub Condoiriniurns, a liurited Partnership, which latder is hereinafter called "Declarant," caused to be recorded a condominium Declaration for vail Racquet club Condominiums in Book 232, page 484, et seq.,9f the records of the Clerk and Recoraei 6f-fagle County, Colorado; and I'IHEREAS, Seclion 33 of the recorded Declaratlon provides for the enlargement of the Vail-Racquet Club Condo- ir11ni.-s condominiuo prS5ect by constructing additional condominium buildings and improvenents on seParate ProPerty' which condominium units may be submitted to this condominiun pio5Jct, such suboission t; be expressed-in-a suPPlement-to th"-D".i.ration and e suppleoent to the Condominir.rn l'lap o-f Vail Racquet Club Condominlums; and . WHEREAS, by the First Suppl-eoent to Condoruinium- Declaration for Viff-Racquet Club tbndominiums, recorded in s""t 2ij, p"g. 931 et sed. , of the records of che Clerk and n.""ta"r'oi EagLe-County, Colorado, said general parcnership subrnirted an additional-building to said Declaration; and WHEREAS, by the Second Supplernent to Condominium Declaration for Viif'Racquer Club Cbirdominiums, recorded in goot Z+t, paBB 933 et se{. of the records of the Clerk and n."ota"i'oh E"gl.-County, Colorado, said general partnership submitted an aiiditional-bullding to said Declaration; ancl IIHEREAS, by the Ttrird Supplement to Condominium Declaration for Vail'Racquet Club bbndominiums, recorded in Book 250, page egi-et ";d., of the records of the Clerk and Recorder'ok Eagle County, Colorado, Declarant submitted an additional building to said Declaration; and WHEREAS, by the Fourth Supplement to Condominium Declaration for viii'R"cquet club Cbirdominiums, recorded in Sook 255, p"g. eASl-.i-idq., of rhe records of the Clerk and Recorder'oi Eagle County,'Colorado, Declarant submirted an additional building Lo said Declaration; and IIIIEREAS, by the Fifth Suppl-ement to Condominium Declaration for Viff'Racquet Club bbndominiums, recorded in B;;k-tet;-p"i. srgl-e;-sdq., or the records of'the clerk and R;;;te;;'oh-Eagr--co""ti,'c6lorado, Declarant submltted an additional building to said Declaracion; and IJHEREAS, by the Sixrh Supplemenc to Condorninium Declararion for Viif'Raceuet CIub bbndominiums, recorded in Book 270, page 999 et seq., of the records of the Clerk and i , Llt Recurder "t t?Fl:_!":l.r,.fo_lorado, Declaranr submirred anaddi tionat building to laid Decrarati_on; and I{HEREAS, by rhe S"":l-!} Supplemenr ro condominiuuDccl;rrarion for-Vair',n"cq""i'qty.o c"i,br*i"i"*", recorded inf;::5,..r::, ,F"g:^ szi-.t--"Id:;'"i tr,u i."J,;l^#. rhe clerk and a d d i c i ona i - uJito.i"!"ll.I;, s"i::i::; ; ?ji] *f ",,u,i i r " J r,, - hTHEREAS, by rhe Eieh'th, Suppleoent to CondominiumDeclararion tor ry,Tri_n-li"!i.qr:p condoniniums, recorded ini::lr]:] ,"|^E:rl!4^et seq' .,-oi rhe records or rhe cterk and " a J i I iI"" i' u""i ia' i"!'il'I; r5'i::ii:; .l* l;*l ; ",,u,i i r " J L, - Declaratirfrulr*I, by the Ninrh Supplemenr ro Condominium i::il#::.r.i:.lir.*:;;:::rFiii,uili#i,j,";?";,*iiii*l addi rionai^uiiiii"!"tl'3;r5"i::i*;.ffi l*l; ""u.itt.J I"- IIHEREA_S, !y the Tenrh .Supplemenr to condominiumuecrararion for,y:il-R";;";;'.;iub_condominiums, recorded inii3"*33"t;o!it|rt3l,., 3.r-J!il, "il. the.records of rhe crerk 'n "adili"""r"i"ii5i;rtH":Iio';::i;:j;r*:i:iint subnirred _ !'IHEREAS., Declarant has, completed the construction3:o ::. ;:oi.t"ti"""rt ^ !"i r J i"i -""a "o'. n"t. improv emen r s on rhe iirtrtii:i;'ii:f ,:i,$:iid+ii::ii+*$H#t:,:*'":;Xi'il' i'i55lll.'3r*'*S,il;;#il'il''J; ;; r',,io"i ",.., r r o l,rap The rear rl""" -- i; :" "+o 3";:3i:: :.:t, 11" 9 t . ri-oi''f, -r.r, i s con s rru c ron rhe Ereventh {,,::y:j:!-.J..r,lirains t5 :." rr""id*u}"trl*:.qon .the Eleventh ::iii:l;1.'l""iijoiii.iirii"J''oljj. - ffi";*$i;:,'"3;":::.il"::l:'in" iJJ-rr-"'" i' ro. and the imprtiements :::"::", """ii-",1:il :l;:i:d":;"':. ta ""p'iJ.""'i"I'simpleand ics "ppurtenant rimile;-;#;:i":l:iJi; l3;::iljl;*l?i.,":iH::;3:':""il:i:.._aea inieJ"Ir""i., and ro rr,e gE,,eral counmon:riI,niir -;".,;;:;liii:i. Bi"Lljf;!; J";l"jii:.;:*i:i;lfJ""er e'enrh suppleoent ao -ar,I'u.i"'5r r,.ir, n "qJ"i Er.ru co'aominiums Unit No. 1 2 ^ proportion ueneral Corunon of Elernents 8/ s6 2/56 ol'lr j -2- I I II 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 t1 T2 13 L4 1A IB 1C. 3l55 3t 56 4l s6 4/ 55 4/s6 4l56 4156 4156 4156 4l s5 4l s6 4/ 56 By ag,reement, unit r has been raid out and constructed for useas the office for che owners association a',;;;;ciation")-i"a--leased by Declarant to it for a period of'Zo yeara, Uponexpiration or, te:mination of Ehe' lease to itre"association,Decrarant or its successorsi or assrgtr" shaii be entltred iosubdivide said unir 1 into nor'uore Ehan rhre" ";;;;;;-:t -- condominiuu units in accordance wlth til ;;ircuratlon showrron Ehe Elevenrh Supplement to Uap of Viif-n..oi.t Cf"Ucondouinir:us bv br6Len r-ines and' inier;;i e;;i;iarionsas lA, IB and IC. The proportion of the co on-e1enents i:"1F1:1-:?,unit -L:-81s6,'sharl, in thi eveni oi a subdivision,be allocated as follows: 3/ 56 3l so 2l so. A subdivision shalr be perurissibre into two units initiar-1y,^ if Declarant or its'successors or assigns so elect,and a later subdivision into three units sfiall sti1l bepermissible, -p_rovided that any subdivision urust utilize ther. lnes esEablrshed on the said-EIeventh Suppl.ement to Mapas the boundaries for such uniis. Thus, t,he airspa". siro*rnas lA,and ),B-gray become a singie unit which would then beoenomr-naEed lA-B with lC as che other uniE. Or lB and IC :3"1d !:S"*: a single unir, which ,o"fI -it"., U" a"r,orinaredrD-L rtrEn lA as the other unit. In either such evenE IA-Bor lB-C could larer be subdiviiea into rwo unit,s to bedenominated IA and lB or tS-and-tC, ,."p."ri.r-iy. Any such::ldi:*:i:-T_11lb: accomprist;J ;t'"-;;I;;ii-i"ry "*6.,,i"d::"_::":?wlecrBeat. by Declarant, or by irs successoi or assign,as Ehe case mav be, and placed_of rlcord, providing for tfrE--'subdivision. ihe_provi"i"""-"r-section 15 and 16 hereofrerating to -unic 1- and certain-orhers sharl reoain appricablenocwiEhscanding any subdivision of unit i "s-tii.in lrio.ri-ea. -3- ti tl I MEI'{ORANDl.IM !o Exhibit C TO: PI,A}INING /U{D ENI/fRONMINTAL COMINSSION FROM: DEPARTMENT OF CCMMUNITY DE\,TLOPMENT DATE: L2-6-79 RE: DENSITY vARLAlicE REQUEST l'oR VAII RACQUET CLI]B CONToMINIIJI'IS IN BUILDN{GS 14 AND 15 TO BUILD EMPLOYEE HOUSI}IG T'NITS. DESCRIPTION OF V^q,RIANCE REQUESTED The appl-icant , I,lalter Klrch, vishes to contj-nue construction of erirpl-oyee houslng units by building eight one bedroorn units in Buiiding 14 and two two bedroom units in Building 15. The Density Variance is requited due to a previous voluatary downzoning in 1977, which does not pernit the proposed unlts. A1so, the additional ten rmits would put the Racquet Club three units over the MDMf' Zone maximum for the site. This varianee request is similar to the one previousLy granted on ltrarch 23, 1979. At that r.ime, a density variance request for l-6 Eurployee Housing Units ia Buildings 4 and 13 was unanimously approved by Planning Coonission. Mr' Kirch now wishes to complete his construction of employee housing units. The writs will be buil-t at garden l-evel on both buildings and will raise the Height of the burldturgs 4.5 feet; The GRFA of the 10 units totaLs 49C0 square feet., 3220 for the eight one bedrooms anC 1680 for the two two bedrooms. The units would be restricted to long-term rental units for trtenty years. Ihe units would be available to e-mployees of the Racquet Club first, with the renajnder offered co other enpJ-oyees of the Va i1 Area. fhere a::e sufficienc parking spaces at the Racquet C1ub. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of che Municipal- Code, Munlcipal Code, the Department of Corununity Development recommends approval of the requested Varirnce based upon the f ol-lowing factors: Consideration of Factors The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinj.ty. The Helght increase should not adversely iurpac t any cther surrounding properties. The distribution of enpLoyee housing throughouE four buildings represents a sound solution in terms of integrating the Racquet Club corununity, 0onduci of rhe tenants vil1 be strictJ-y monitored by Mr. Kirch and his staff so that no negative impacts upon other users of Ehe grounds and facilities will be reallzed. !7 o wsr v o Ihe degree to which rellef fron the strict or llteral il"tgrpretatlon.SI.lg _ffiif1edregu1ationisnecessarytoachievecornp4t1bi.]-1 To ubPEC lGM0-Va11 Racquet CL 12-6-79-Page Two and unlformity of treatment arnong sites in d're vicinity.or to attain the obiectives of this title without grant of special privilege. The Comlssioners are obviously aware of the critlcal need for employee housing in the Torrn. A policy of granting density bonuses for employee housing has been adopted with this ln mind, we feel that h no way wouLd approval of the variance represent a granting of a speclal priviJ-ege- Moreover, the applicant has voluntarily do$nzoned ln the past and Ls now asking only for an extra three unitsbeyond what is allowed. The effect of the requested variance on ties, Public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Not only do we .ae1 that the spreading out (versus concentrating In one buil<ting) of the units in four buildlngs is desirable for the Racquet Club' but is also a sound concept for the geographical distrlbution of enployee units for the Town as a whole in terDs of transportation, the Townrs Bus System provides excellent service to the P.acquet C1ub. RecreaEional faciLities are obviously no problem as Club privileges are conditiona.lly included. Adequate parking will be provided. SuchotherfactorSandcriter1aasthecomj.ssiond""@ DroDosed varlance. tle highly encourage developeis to provide enployee housing as part of thelr projcets and feel the conmunity will beoeflt f;on the granting of this variance. FINDINGS: lhe Plann and Environmental Con lssion shal1 nake the fo1l flndin before granting a variance: That the granting of the variance wiLl not prlvilege inconsistent rtith the liuitations ln the same district. That the granclng of the variance will notbe detrimental to the Public health, safety, or welfare, or rncerially injurious to properties or improvements in the viclnitv. constitute a grant of special on other properties classified 'Erc Fli v 2. gerreral corrtrson of rlre owrrers referred to as Limitecl Cormqn-ElemenEs'ffifor ";-;;;;;in of the units and Portions of rhe the exclusive use ;ririt"a coumon elements ' " -;;-;;;;;ed are as defined such areas are The Ii-mited on Exhibit I' 3. s"??lg",:p! y:=g3? r.:;"tilnil;?:"' I " ili,ll":,,$"l*I::' ifi t:;i !i3; ;i';;r'.1ili" !Iii"i- ""a other data as i"-;;;;ieta-t'iatt-s";li;"-i or ine recorded Declararion shallvili^t"-rii"a-t"i-i"""ta until the building has been srrbttanii;iiy";ttPiutta-i" order to Permit the locario', boch fr"iit"i,t.11y-and *teitical-fY' oi the unirs' such Map shall b;-;;;;;a-ni:1tt'""i;-;;PPi6ent ro llap of vail [".q".t' Club Condominiums .'' 4. r:""sr:B!+++Iwi ":':Iil.:'"-tract, deed, lease, mortgage,. tt instrunrent mav i"girri aEsEriue l-"o"a"otinium unit' uy iI:- idenrifying rrnii=3il-i"r1;in!-nuu,uer followecj by rhe woros ,,Vail Racquer ciri"E"ii;;i;fir;; wirtr further-reference Eo rhe Elevenrh suppleuenr ro rhe lb;-;i;";;"i- iir"a for record and the recorded'Declaratio'' t''a Ltte Elevent'h Suppleroent thereto. Every such description "iil[-q!-looa air-a sufficient for al} PurPoses to sell, cbnvey' lransfer' encumber or orherwise affecE not only the o.rit-[ni-tf"6 Ehe general corrmon elements -"rra-tt.-ii-itea -"o*"" elenents aDDurtenant thereto.Eactrsuchdescliptio''"f'"ffbeconstr""-d-toinclude a nonexclusiwe ;;;;t;; roi :-ngre"i-tnd- egress' and use of atr of the geneili-t"*o" eleoEnts' including^easernents ' together wictr ctr!^tiit't-io-ir'" """i"sive use of the liruited coutrnon ef ernents . colnmutl e I emenr-s hereLo, 5. reserves the r- 5-I' The right further Eo elrlarge uhis condominium project as provided ii-'d""ti""-fq "f the Condo- minium Declarati""-f"i tail Racquet Club Condominiuus; 5-2' Declarant expressly reserves to itself' ics successors ;.;'"";i;;;,-;ht figttt ti gl-ttl-.or otherwise create or define easements and rig6ts-of-way over and across such portions "f ;;;;;9n"tii-99"Eiiu"a on Lxhibit t hereto as DecLarant rnay from titne to Eime decermine to be necessary or convenient to the ach:'evement of the f oll-owing PurPoses: 5-2-L lnstallation' maintenance and replacement of ,,.".r!"iy-utilities serving the improvements on Lhe propercy";;;;;i;!d-on Exhibit 1 or anv other Portron oi tir. ton'dootinium project or elsewhere; 5-2-Z- Reasonable Pede-sErian and vehicu- lar rravet and access frou one potii"". bt ll:-:""d?Till"T-proiect ro arrotilli-""a-lo oEher proPerEy adjacent to or In Lhe*vicinity of"Iir" ."onaori"inr ii"5""t'o,ttiitt- is developed in conjuncl-ion tt,eiewitt', or Eo !;t";i the Vail Racquet club facilities. Reservations, Easemencs DeclaranE exPresslY fdflor^'ing: 6. Ingress and Egress. ::ti' :T:,," r.3;:1ffi":"lT;l:.Ei;:i;"':";ffi:";"i#'iliH,,arro egress betrreen l{eadow Drive and Building 15 over anIacross th_1t portion of the existing private"ro"dr"y (aenorni-nated as Vail Racquer Club oiive) ionstrucred on ti.,"'pitp.itydescribed in sectfon 3s-i-oi-the condominiuro Declaration as :-:.]1_i: those porrions oi ".iJ-vait Racquer CiuU DriveexLendrng trom the easterl.y lerminus of'rhe property des_cribed in said Secti-on 35:i ;;;;er1y and "o,rltrlr"terry rol-he inrersecrion_with u;;d;r-'oii.r.,-as shorrn on the Second,Third, Fourrh, Fiflh, sixit and Iinth Supplements to Map ofvail Racquer crub conaoniniun"l ro, the use of each suchowrer, his family, guests, tenants and invitees. Sucheaseuent shall be appurtenant to said condorninium unit andthe transfer or encuirurin".--Jr-i condoninium unit shalrtransfer to the transfere" "n"h-a"sement without any referencetherero. Decl_ar.anr, ror-it""ri, trs suJce;;;;;-and assigns,reserve' the right to shift .or relocat. ".r"fr-ioadway ";-i;;;as reasonably comparable access to Buiidi"i -rs-i" maintained. 7. General |" ir addirion l;] ""lliJ::Ili':1",;: ;l''.;rlffi:"ff1:.i*ltin the recorded oecrallrio"--or-v.ir Racquet club condominiums. 7:2. If any of the provisions of this instru-InenE or any secri_on, senreirce, "ri"!., ;;;;;; Jruora, orthe applicarion thereof il ;i !ir."."t!;;;; b;'invalidared,such invalidirv sha[ "oi--.iil"i tr," varidity of the remainderof this insrruienr, and the-aiiii""tion of-airy such provision,paragraph, sentence, clause,-ifii"". or word iir any othercircumsrances shall'not U"-ifF""r"a it"r"l;. -" " 7_3.be in addition andAct of the Srate oflaw. Ttre provisions of this instrurnent shallsupplernental to rhe_ Condominiun- O"nr;;hi;Colorado and to al_l other-pi".ri"i"ns of conrexr sha1l "i!l,.is";ffI.::"tn!":i*;;r#ti,lio:l""n.,.,include.Ehe plural, rh; ;i;;;i'rtre singular, and the use ofany gender shall include' "ii-!e"aers.8. pqfjlgfg. Subjecr only co rhe provisions ofsection I here6T-r6i-Eir r;-'t;; provisions of -secrion 7.of thecondominium Declaration "t"ir -not'u" "or,"iir"J io permit theo!'rner or oLrners of any condominium unit to piitition saidunic, and each unir ."i.,"ir-';1;;;;;"-;;i ;;r5i;'l si'greiill.e"iljlilil,,"il::i.*.Uli"ii"a-i,;;;";i"-;" i",,iEr.a uy 9. Ea :I^li"Ii"r,'n o oshatr be consrr,rea m-fi;;il;;r;#ft;';;;encroachmenEs due to rlpaii or rnaintenancecouulon elements or any portion thereof. The provisionsare intended andany furtherof the general It 10. Iirderirnification - Mqllgagqe. The provisions ol :iectiuu 10 6. ion shall not be cgrrsrrued to reguire that the holder of a first mortgage or fiisr deed of tt'ust be required to indemnify fhe owners of uit.li unirs against liabiiity arising fron the acts of the o*r*r of the init encurnbered- by said-mott1age or deed of ' fru$E, 11. AssessmenEs - Advances by MortgaBes' The last Ewo lirres of S aration, reading as follows: "additional advances made thereon prior Eo the date such assessment lien becorDes choate, as hereinafter provided", shal1 Lre so construed that the lien of additional advances made in good faith prior to the date that the holder of such first rnoitgage or first deed,of trust is notified in utriting that asseslmEnts have not been paid shall nevertheless be prior to tlre lien of such assessments. 12. Unpaid Assessments - Mort,gages. Ttre provisions of Section 19- on shal1 not be construed to make the holder of a first mortgege or first deed of trust liab1e for unpaid assessmenEs accruing again-st the unic encuobered by its iien prior Lo the date that such lienholder shaLl. acguire title to such unit, whether,by foreclosure of such -lien or by deed in lieu of foreclosure. 13. Enlareenent of Proiect - Assessments. Section 33 of the Cond argement of the condominir.rn project through- the construction of addi- tional condominium buildings and other improvements. Pursu- ant thereLo assessnents are made for couunon exPenses of the project as thereby enlarged fron time to time. Section 33-3 provides that cormon expenses for items peeuliar to such ldditional units shal1 be separately assessed. Section 33 is intended and shall be so tottrtt.tld that, so long as the several buildings in.the condominiuu project are siroilar in size and construction, to the earlier buildings, assessments thereon shaLl be substantially equal regardless of when any building has been added to the pioject. Except as provided hereinafter in SecEion 15 for Units 1 through 4, in Building 15, which provisions shall govern the assessment of said Units, assessment.s Lrithin a given building shall then be based upon the proporEion of-f,he common elements applicable to each unir thLrein. The Board of Directors (Managers) shall be empowered Eo make the necessary determinationsrequired hereunder, and its determinations, if reasonable and if rnade in good faith, sha1l bind all owners of units in the condomj-niun project. 14. Insurance. Section 17 of the CondominiumDeclaration prFildEFlEo-r insurance to be maintained against various hazards. In cornplvine therewith the Board of Directors (Managers) shall observe' tire Eollowing additional provisions. 14-1. To the extent obEainable, policies shall irrvolve sEandard premirrm rates, esrablished by the \ Uolorado Insr 1;lliil "i; *ff iil :i S:"Ti : ii!!i' i*"ii, l:"H'iti"nli il, "t' - r;rri:ll t" oUt,.l"e reporE rating of AAA oi U"it"r. No policy : li j" r* iff i_ :i,gi :,,,! : i.il.ii ;r, i;:j": i. l*. lffi: ci c s i g nc e, r, . i iri:.'J" :;" "E:H:'.;r:"Hl!gi: ;:;:i ;Hfg;ff i;:<,r poticy, toss p!),menrs aie-conti;ii;!-;l;n acrion by ther:ourpanv's Board br'pii.ic"iJ, pori"ir,l'ia.I" or members; or(iii) the policy.i-ncluJJ;-;;i rirniring cr.auses (orher thanr-rsurance condition") rtrict "iould preient morEgagees or theurorEgagor from coll"iti"g-i"!rrr.r"" proceeds. wi rh ex r e,r"o.: :yf ,:{l].*ltlir tlilf ":ffJl:*:"::, Til:ainedcndorsernencs shalL if;"r"JI !"a";;;;";;;-;;;Tandatism,ili|ilil":"l"'iil].1: -il;;i;; ilpree!;"-'""a-,".iinery with a 11i;, -*";'i"i"l1E:illl, ::,ii3;333,3fi "::;iiit"n!:"1;i;;., property, the , nature or rhicir-' is . a cormron- element (includineall of rhe unit.s, ii"rirJ"'lii"r"ir inirialry insrarled bvthe Declarant bur not inclu;i;g-i;r;iil;;,.irrnishings oiother personat prope-rty ".rppriEa ui "r-i"3tiii"a by unirowners) togethei rittr-iri-551ri". Lquipurenr .orrt"irr.a thereinrn an amount equal to the i"ii-r.-pfi"da;; .,rii.r.,.rilirhour ffl:ff ilirf :;,9'o'" c i a iionl -i"a "[i"r, --"t. ir' iir,." r' a s randard,r . - ".o" J;i;iilH!F:gi, :l"H:, i",::;i;. " f,:a t;:;ii3i: ;i;"' " BDY' rhereunder, .shail il"-i"vlur; i;-ih;-n""q',1.. crub or^rnersAssociarion for - tr,"-"""-;"5-i;;;iii-oi' ioi;;;;""" as rheirrnterests may appeat. rocared in an :::"^lj:i.rll,.lE";:lFi:l"ii,rf,l"jE!l"lx,, o,Housing and Urban n"""foir!iq'e: an area lraving specialrtood hazards and- rhe ".i"-oi irooJ i;;;r;;;;"i,as b".n ,"deavaitable under rr," ^.tlJi"i'riooa r"lii.il!'e". of 1968, a"blanker" policy "r.li".i"ii"rri"r,". on Ehe conaoniniurn proj_ecE.rn an amount.yhlsh i" iii"-i"sser of the maxrmum amounEor lnsurance avairaule undei-ttr. Act or the aggregate of theutrpaid principar uarrnce-J;-a;; morrgages on rhe condominiu'runlts comprising the "o"a"tniii,} tr;;;E;-"il"ri' be.mainrained. age insur","u "l:1r .{i,,"lX:li;":tr':t}i:il ilirll.l3,fil"o.,-Board of Directors_ luanat"iJi-r"y from Eime ro rime derer_mine, but not in an amorrit i."" ir,"r,-$:oo.,.ooo per injury,Per person. Der occurrence and umbreri"-iiiuitr.y ririEs ofs1,000,000 plr :::u::enc", "gJ"ring all ctairns-for boditvlT:Yty or ProPerry damage. Co.r.r"ge shall include, with6utrrlnltation, ti"lili-.y i;; p.;;;nal. injuries, operarion ofaurourobires on behali ;i-.t;';;lociarion, and !ccivities inco-nnection with,tl:^::"it"iiipl-iperarion, main.enance andoEher use of thg groject. Slia-policy-.sharr also conrain a-'severability of rnteresE endorsement. ,, riability r.",,1:::^Jii aii'H;:,""ff?i:l"i;l:l";* emproyer, srespecr ro eurproyees of ii; ;;;;"iarion shall be uraintained irr Ehe anount and in the forns nord or hereaft'\,J. --'- -i.'1..rD now or hereafter required by rhcreafrer ma-"_- . ll) *" f.:::i:!ion shalI -purchase and.'1, I oy e e r ; ;::ffi : ll ii F'' .ii#;i#*,;J ;;lX" * *X ft, ffG,:":""lf "f:;8":t. saia -poli'iy' ir,"ir- "i"J-""itain endorse_ "i ;;;' ;";'iil"illt'5i:t';t p.i " "" ! -ir, i' li'J!" .[il;;;;i iEi.,, LerrL obtainabl L4_2. AII policieg of insurance, ro the ex_ i,'i i""i ! -;i".-;;'e JHI: f ll jo"'l_'9 i".i " -;; *ilt,.ga r ion andac}; of " "o"6"rii;,;=";i:"lJ: invalidi-ty "'i"inf-ii"i"ir,,policies r"., i:Til'iuu unit owrl0 days p=io,tT.u. ."".?itfin"t and shall providE .tJl' lfiin n,or rsasee s . ff t.t-t t,t "". i"J-.3t"ttio"tf tif "tiilo" t - a t teas i - " n"mif,g"ttJ'o"""t lnsurance sha f or a r I "r .r" "11-' 5 i ;T -i; -.il"i:;E+:':itl.'i#1* ifi$'"' .13.r -, " r " " - " r, i i' i " rT li .: iilil" : l;T: i*? :ili;ffi iliil "'unlt olrner (owner,s naie-"ia-rjr,rt number designation). value shalr o" iX;i' ""ffiilT1".,.-io:^of maxirnun_ replacenent : i" lri ii i i ;:;i:t:':" l;;*:i"* : - $_Jii";i'i:. :':,il ;;P Ia ceroen t valuepraisals ro be '.-shali-te;;; ,D9Fermination or-t"*inoot i!l or reprac;;.;; :;:li:ff ff"; ;I'3ffi $ ;:I:;H'ffflri!;"*r" _for rheir u"r,"r:11-1- , unir- owne -rrabitity of th.it ana-ai-itr;i;=t" may carrv other insurance {gard of Direcr,l-:"T.ti";" -i]Jii,"*Pense ' providea. rn". -in-"-- diminish.e;-;;-;:;4"-i":iit;ti+:.il#"ii*"#i:::v"ir'' ;ifii;99:tr""l|"Fli-t "',,"i"1 -ii!,,,,,,"e coverase' on rur_ i$iii+;':"iili:" f:ri..::'' SFff i1;i,;li =:li:; #fu l, "$iiii :J*r:: *i!'iJliild::3"Iil:d*' l; :i.:|: ::i" H!i' " ,lanasins Asenr ;ilir{"ili'.ii);.1$"*i**ji:1"::l;:". i i Irl I II 15 Services - Assessments _ Units throu assessment f or c,- v'rr LD r Enrough 4 shall be su,tI"."| '.;;";i; ;ff""'l:I"::::::':: on-such unirs and hereof. :I-::gl + "r,"ri-, r-" Lrre uonoominiurn_Declarriio"] "fiii.l"r' : :::: i"" "; ";;p'"1::" :""; ::j i",' "':-:.: " ; ; ;;;; ;- il' ",.,, o rher 5ra-s! ;;;";i: :,":""'Ey insuranc I e"q'!r ue suDJect to : i: t. or p rovi d e d "i;;;i: " :Tr:iii- !i:!:lii"lnlli'i"'*io i;i; ;in the|i:li"l p.",rii"a*"s :rssesssrents th-erefor rn"ri -u"'#lal"i l[.::ei; [-;;;i;",.'i f!".,?il::Tili"T-t""rii,.i,i] units li;,l;rrl"i;:"1.,'ll'lrn 4 sharr be subjec ano assessma.=,ia ::^91-"u"h_ units ana ioi --:o" "' Drrall not be SUbjeCt t -- ----qrullon. Units I;::::;:" or expenses, "*""it-i"..;,ffi8:;,il.rjllr:l;ri!l; ::":::ll:lr.rr, .it-2' units 5 th:o:ch. 14 sharr be subject ro:: lrov i.d : e - i" " t*':;lS::llX l;r, l+^liif i lir, Il l, :*ffs :1,;:,:li. obrigario;; ;";;hl,iH.r"" provided in_d""tion 15_3 - .'*__*-.... ::. I15-3, Declarant aBrees , for itself and for its successors in title, to provi6e, or secure provision of the following services in connectlon with Building 15: (a) Necessary repairs to exterior walls Snow clearance on sidewalks within Lawn care, including ferti).ization, lawns within Tract N. of Unics l through 4 only, buE inpluding the doors and wirrdows thereof ; 1 (b)'I'ract N; (c) walering and mowing, for (d) Sewer, water, electricity (including that for exterior lights on the hresterly side of Building 1-5) and natural gas for Units l through 4, pursuant to separate metering and billing for said units. Provision for payment of the foregoing may be uade by agreements with tenants or other third parties. - 15-4. Declarantrs covenants contained in Seccion l5-3 hereof are deeued to touch and concern the real property int,erest.s represented by Units 1 through 4 andshall bind Declarant's successors in title to said uni.ts.If Declarant shall convey its interests in said units and ifits successors in title do not perfo:rur substantially and in good faith, the covenants contained in SecEion 15-3, Ehe Owners Association shaLl be entitled to a decree frorn acourt of. appropriate jurisdiction abrogating the provisionsof Sections I5-l and 15-3 hereof and providing that saidUnits l through 4 shall be subject to assessment in the same fashion as other units in SuiLdine 15 MCQUET CLUB COi'IDOMTNIUMSlimited partnership, '' , /1 ;l /7 Bv /)."/4 ('J - Partner 6. Unit I - Pemitted Uses. Unit I , as recited in Sectior-r l@d to the owners ! association for use as its office. Such use has been approvedby the Town of Vail in accordance with agreement reached between it. and Declarant in FalI , L979. Upon t.he expirationor Eermination of the lease to the olrners assoc'iation, said unit or subdivisions thereof, if it shaLl be subdivided, may be used for such other purpose or purposes as may be approvedby the town of Vail from tiDe Eo time. .L- ,-!+-,_ / -9- -o MEMOMNDIIM ENI/:RONMXNTAL CO}OII SS ION COMMUNITY DE!:ELOPUENT !o Exhibit C TO: FROM: PI,ATNING I\}iD DEPARTMENT OF DATE: L2-5-79 RE!DENSIIY VARLAIICE REQUEST l'OR \,'AiL RACQUET CLUB COI\'D0MINI${S IN BUILDN{GS 14 AND 15 TO 8U]TD EI,fPLOYEE HOUSI}IG IJNITS. DESCRIPTION OF VAP.IANCE REQUESTM Ttre appJ-icant, Walter Klrch, vishes to continue construction of eurployee houslng units by buildilg eight one bedroorn units in BuiidiIrg 14 and t'*'o two bedtoom units in Buil-ding 15. The Density Varj.ance is required due to a previous voluatary dowrrzoning in 1977, which does not PermlE the Proposed unlts. A]-so, the additional ten unj.is 'lould Put the Racquet Club three units over the I4DMF Zone maxinum for the site. TtrLs variance request is sirnilar '.o the one previously granted on llarch 23' 7979. At that tille, a density variance request for 16 EmpJ-oyee llousing Units i:r Bulldings 4 and 13 was unanimously approved by Planning Cornnission. Mr. Kirch now wishes to compiete his construction of employee housing units- The units rril1 he buiLt at garden Level on both buildings and 'till raise the Height of the buildilrgs 4.5 feet. The GRFA of the 10 units totals 49C0 -square feet, 3220 for the eighc one bedrooms anC 1680 for the trlro two bedrooms. The units vould be restricted to long-tern rental units for Eventy years. Ihe units lrould be avaiJ-ab1e to employees of the Racquet Club first, with the reroair:der offered to other enployees of the Vail Area. Ihere are sufficient parking sPaces at the Racquet Club. CRITERIA AI{D FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the y.rn ic iPal Code' Municipal Code, the Department of ConmuniEy Developmenc recommends apProval of thg requesced Varirnce based upon the f ol-lowing factors: Consideration of Factors Ttre relationship of the requested variance to other existing or Potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The Itelght increase should Dot adversely inpact any cther surrounding ProPerties. The distribution of enployee housing throughout four buildings represents a sotmd solution in terms of integrating the Racquet Club eoromunity. Oonduci of the tenants will be strictl-y monitored by Mr. Kirch and his staff so that no negative impacts upon other users of Ehe grounds and facilities will be rea11zed. w U PEC MEM0-Va11- Racquet Cl 12-6-79-Page Two The deeree to which rellef from the strict or llEeral irterPretation and enforcement of a sDecifled tion is necessa to achieve c The Cor"rnissioners are obviously aware of the cri.tical need for emPloyee housing in the Town. A poLicy of granting density bonuses for employee housing has been adopted rtith this in mind, we feel that ill no.way would approval of the variance rePresent a granting of a sPecial priviJ-ege. Moreover, the applicant has voluntarily downzoned in the past and j-s rrow askhg only for an extra three unitsbeyond what is a11owed. and utilities, and public safety. Not only do we .eel that the spreadiag out (versus concentreting In one building) of the units in four buildings is deslrable tor the Racquet Club' but is also a sound concept for the geograPhical distrlbution of employee units for the Town as a who l-e iI terms of transportation' the Townts Bus Systen. provides excellent service to the P.acquet C1ub. Recreational- facllitles are obviously no problern as Club privileges are conditiooally inc luded. Adequate parking will be provided. Such other factors and criteria as tbe coonission deerns licable to the DroDosed var lance . The Pl-anning and Bnvironmental Conrnisslon shal1 nake the foll findines before granting a variance : o ub o We highly encourage developers to provJ-de employee housing as Part of their projcets and feel the cornrnunity vi11 beneflt f;on the granting of this variance. FINDINGS: That the granting of the variance wiLl not prlvllege inconsistent with the l-initations in the same district. constitute a grant of special on other properties classified That the granting of the variance will notbe detrimental to the pubLlc health' safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to proPerties or improvements in the vlcinity. I I i I l and unifornity of treatment among sltes in dre vicln@ otjectirres oC tirislitle r^tithout grant of special privileFe. The effect of the requested variance on 1lght and alr, diE!IabC!i94--9E @on and traffic facilities, public facilities '-uF'rc] a to PEC MEMO-Va11 Racquet Club L2-6-79-Page Three That the Variance is warranted for the following reason: The strLct or literal interpretatLon and enforcement of the specl'f led regulation would not result ln practical difficulty or unnecessary ptryslcal hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this tltie- RECOMMEMATIONS: The Department of Courunity Developnent recornmends approval of thls variance request. The critical need for quality employee housing rrill continue to be addressed by granting variances of thls type. ,' Mlnutes of the Pla Not yet approved by 'Members Present Jack Goehl Ed Drager Gerry |rlhite Sandy Mi11s Roger Tilkemeier Members Absent Jim Morgan Staff Members Present Peter Patten ,lim Rubin Dick Ryan Council Person Present {-*r,-rmental co*l rrroier}., I 2-to-7e Board Exhibit D the Dr. Steinberg l.) Density Variance Request for Vail Racquet Club Condominiums in Buildinqs l4 and l5 to Build Employee Housing Units Peter Patten expla'ined this item. Gerry White asked |l|alter Kirch if he would like to make a presentation. He said he would iust address questions. A person from the audience asked about the number of units this will give them. t,ialter Kirch explained that under the former zoning through the County, they could have had 360. They will now have 247 condo units and 28 employee units' for a total of 275. Under the current MDMF zoning, they are three units over the al]owable. They would not be over under the former MDI4F zoning before that district was downzoned. 60 to 70% of the units were built before the downzoning of the district. Sandy Mills asked about the impacting of peoples views etc. She said she was concerned because there had been such a large group of people protesting at the last Vail Racquet Club/PEC meeting. Both the Staff and Walter Kirch said there were no objections this time. Notices have been sent to all concerned. The Staff pointed out that there - is no visual impact. Sandy asked about the he'ight. Peter Patten said there'is no problem there. Walter Kirch said some of the owners who protested last time about employee units have now actually leased the units. He said peop'l e were mainly concerned with having emp'loyees in thei r bui I d'ing. rli 75 soulh lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 475-7000 RespectfullY Yours '-c' // D /^/L<-<- fStzzltt Rich Parzonkd cc: BilI PYka Peter Patten ./t llt7 (- L-'tit ,'( u l- --..-_- Exhibit E October 13, 1981 Walter Kirch Box 1088 Vai1, CO 8L657 Dear Mr Kirch: Enclosed is a listing of permits issued to the Vail RacquetClubfromtgTgtothepresentdatecontaining recieation fee'charges. The cilculation for the recreation fees charged on eaci of your permits are calculated for your infoimation. Each inOiviAua.l permit was.calculated on L .ZS% credit basis with the exception of'permit #455 which was calculated on a 50% basis. Therefore the TolvD owes the Vail Racqubt Cl-ub 25% of the recreation fee charged on p.r*ii f+SS ruti"h amounts to 9678.50. Permit #783 was also talculated at bo% due to the re'ision of the recreation fee ordinance of 50% maximum credit. IfyouhaveanyquestionsconcerningtheTownofVail records please contlct me at the Tov'n' Itty phone number is 476-7000 ext. 257 . o O/ Recreation Amenities Fees Permit# Deqg$p'li-on ) Amount ,39 413 Vail Racq!ej-9!b-lp!4os, Bldg 13 @.50 = $5,540.50 X,25 = $1,385.12 4L4 Vail Rasquet Club Condos, Bldg 4 11,081 GRFA X $..50 = $5,540.50 X.25 = 1,385.12 ]80 455 VaiI Racquet Club Townhomes' Bldgs L4, 15, t6, L7 5,428 GRFA X $.50 = $2,7t4.O0 X .25 = 678.50 482 VaiI Racquet Club Condos, Bldg 14 13,3?5 GRFA X $.5O = $6,687.50 X .25 = L,671-87 484 Vail Racquet Club Condos, Bldg 15 t2,2OO GRFA X $.50 = $6,100.00 X .25 = 1,525.OO )81 715 Vail Racquet Club Townhomes, Bldg H' 6,.000 GRFA X'$.50 = $3,000.00 X .25 = 750.0O 783 Vail Racquet CIub Townhomes, Bldg K 2,7L4 GRFA X $.7O = $1,899.80 X .5 = 949.90 (l j 1. ,-ffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnent of C-ommunity Development 75 Sorlth Frontage Road, Vail, Oolorado 81657 tel: 97 0,479.2139 f ax: 970.479,2452 web: www.ci.rail,co.us Proiect Name: VAIL MCQUET CLUB CHANGE DRB Number: DR8040424 Project Dascrlption: PAINT DCSTING WOOD ON CLUB BUILDING A DIFFERENTCOLOR Partlcipants: OWNER RACQUETCLUBOWNERSASSOC 08/19/2004 Phone: 4690 VAIL MCQUET CLUB DR VAIL CO 81557 License: APPUCANT MCQUET CLUB OWNERS ASSOC 08/19/2004 Phone: 4690 VAIL RACQUET CLUB DR VAIL CO 81657 Licensel ProjectAddress: 4610 E MEADOW DRVAIL Locauon: 4595 VAIL RAQUET CLUB Legal Descrlpuon: Lot: Block Subdivlsion: VAIL MCQUET CLUB @NDOM Parcel t{umber: 210112400021 Comments: seeonditions o'ffiy*' BOARD/StrAFF ACTION Motlon By: Actlon: SIAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofAPPrcval;' @lLSl2O04. GondlUons: Cond:8 (pl-CN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vall staff and/or the approprlate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for bullding. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction actlvlties. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval' Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year folloling the date of final approval, unless a building permit is lssued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. oPlanner: Matt @nnett o Fee Pald: O Minor Exterior alter*ns 6ffi - Application for Design Review ffi ^3;J,XHl"!!?#il,1il::f,',."iffit,T0I,{NOFTmW "" "o;oJ;;',,Ti."5il"?'*il'*' RECEIVED I ll ,,,i, General Information: All poecb requiring design rs/iew must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, Description of the Requestr Parce|No.:@(ContactEag|eCo.Assessorat970-328-8640forparce|no.) Phoner Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: zoning: Me.o'.u* f)e*lar\ Fli;rl. F*'rrY Name(s) of owner(s): P.rcVseJ (cara 4trr\'t+ A'^*raftJ Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition E Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) fl Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) I Qranses to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $3OO For an addiUon where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenE' such as, reroofing, painting, window additjons, landscaping, fences and retaining walls' etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as' reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to Plans Design Review Board. No Fee already approved by Planning Staff or the 2004 Page 1 of 12l REri,D AUG 1? --ffie-dng s*"":t O White to match existing T.(1\^f\! rlr Dl S \iAll :W ,/AL DATE: STAFF; andtimben Brown to match existing fence: Sage Grcen-Beniamin Moore #Brtr/'-24+?fi-BK-23.TG-zy6/- o ***'t** *!*'l * r* i *l I'r*,i* lli** t *'tt ** * * ***** * {.!t*:}i ft {r*'},1* {.:lr'l * * * ** * *:}* *{.*,} * * **** * * * * * * #*'1.{.** 'l'1.'*'* ***,|r'} TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement ******a*'l'l**t***tt*,t't*******************t ****t*'t***l'*,r* ****** **l:t*1.*ll"l.{.*'t***:t***'1.*i*:l:l*'f *l't statement Nunber: Ro4ooo6454 Amount: 920.00 08/19/2OO4O4:oB PM Palment Method: Check rnit: iIS Notation: #1094/TRD ARCHITE TS Permit No: DR8040424 Type: DRB -Chg to Appr Plans Parce1 No: 2LOLL24O0O21 SiTe AddreEs: 4510 E MEADOW DR VAIIJ Location: 4595 \rAIIJ RAQIIBT elJIrB Totsal Fees: 520.00 This Palment: $20.00 Total ALL Pmts: 920.00 Balance: $0.00 'tt*'|t,tt**i**{ri******t****'tr**'t**t*'t 't*'t*'t'tt'i't'tt *** *** *'tr *'t,f l +{r{r*** ** * * + * * * 't* * * 'i * {r + | '1.{r*** ****l {.'t** ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Cunrent Pnts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEhI FEES 20.00 7t AppLrcATroN wrLL Nor ae lccebreo rF TNcoHpLETE oR .l ,;ffi1 Frontage Rd.81657 2- page informatlon. COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (Labor & Maleriale) Fire Alarm: $ ******r************************r.*****rFoR oFFlcE usE oNLy *t *** t* ******a**a*t* **** ***** ***** Project #: Bulldlng Permit #: Alarm Permlt #: 970-179-2135 & Resldentlal Fire Alarm shop drawings are required at time of 75 S. submltta Fire Alarm Contractor: FRAs Town of Vail Reg. No.: &18 -(Contsct and Phone #'s: (.e-o..,- lot",t..\ -<-lq . ah-l1 E-llallAddress, 9nre^J_ O-nng.ii.i.*lrLor\c^t^affi Ofrlce at 970-328-8610 or for Parcel # Parcel #\ro\ t)-.{(r oaLl *1o6 Name: \r/,vr I R*"r., C l.-b Job Address: %r, y'.rl Rrnr"rC/_t 0*< /_l to Legal Descriplion ll Lot: ll Btock: ll Fiting:Subdivision:o'1rR',\"ftf;.ou.f6 .t]u-r?",.ro tln'n*'5\-'.; L.s€ sd{y il 99f*a"r 'g't*n 0-r}9'cd lPnone: il2o-k,s5-too1 Dotailed Location of work (i.e., floor, unit#, bldg. #) #T.ul|bu.ld.,"..Uo.lyorlo€rCrofCo"rr.i[...',,...+|,,\.i,.,,.\r.. Dslailed description of work: €^lc.ro-!\ 6'.< J '\J ll-l-t^- 5v Ste,< Work Class: New( ) Addition ( ) Remodet fti Repair ( ) Rerro-fit ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this builO Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Vesyl ) No ( )Ooes a Firs Sprinklor System Exist: Yes ( ) No V FTPE DEPAP-r fipfr0r.f:d as $uhnlfled fu_\waiMah\cdov\FoRMs\pERMtrs\ALRMeenur.o*0pilyyOd 1S HOteil ly: Tltlo: Bato:--_?-:Q, _o,( fficD ruN 25",3p',,'! 4* a /rl' ^rlt lul' I l/ ffir1 Submitted to: Vail Fire Department Projecc Vail Racquet Club Equipment Vendor: R&A Enterprises 5317 CR 154, Ste 201 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 970-945-6500 Fire Protection Engineer:Deborah Shaner. P.E, Shaner Life Safety PO Box 1073 Frisco, CO 80443 970409-9082 Vail, Colorado RECDJUNz52004 t ti rlo SIEMENS FireSeeker Model FS-250 Addressable Fire Alarm Control Panel The FS-250 addressable fire alarm control panel is a small, low cost fire alarm panel suited for stand-alone operation in small to medium srzed facilities. lt features a single addressable input device circuit and four notification appliance circuits. The system is available with both a black or red enclosure. with operating controls and indicators behind a locked door. The FS-250 is Llsted by Underuuriters Laboratories. Main System The FS-250 indicates alarm, trouble and supervisory conditions with an 80 character backlit LCD disolav and integral system status LEDs. Acknowledge, alarm silence, and system reset are accomplished with built-in membrane control buttons. Basic user and maintenance level f unctions such as viewing history or system enable/disable are also accomplished through the membrane control buttons. Password protection of maintenance level functions is present. The main system can support up to 38 AH battery sets, up to l0 AH will fit inside the enclosure. The basic FS-250 features a single addressable signaling line circuit (Style 4 or 6) capable of supporting up to 252 addressable input devices, whether they are detectors, manual pull stations, or contact monitoring points. Each detector can also have an optional audible detector base, relay detector base, or remote lamp associated with it. These auxiliary devices are completely controlled through logic, and are not required to activate simultaneously with the detector. Fire Safety ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT SPECIFICATIONS . One intelligent signaling line circuit (Style 4 or 6) . SureWire polarity insensitive loop wiring r Utilizes H-Series detectors and devices . Supports up to 252 addressable inputs AN D signal/relay outputs . Devices operate on standard wire, no twist or shield reouired . FirePrint application specific fire detection . 4 Class B/2 Class A NAC circuits . Up to 6 amps of NAC power . Built in strobe synchronization protocol . One man walk test (silent or audible) . 80 Character backlit LCD display . Optional internal DACT capable of transmitting point or group information . Programmable from front keypad orWindows based PC configuration tool . Built in RS-232 port for computer programming . 2000 event history log . Alarm, trouble, supervisory and power fail relays built-in . Auto program feature makes system start-up faster o Maintenance and technician level oasswords . @) L'","0, MEA and CSFM pending CATALOG NUMBER 4f06 'The system also has four class B or 2 class A Notificarron Appliance Circuits built into the main board. Each circuit . has a capacity of 1.5 amps oI 24VOC for powering horns, strobes, chimes, and other notification appliances. The total base system capacity for the four circuits is 3.0 amps and can be expanded to 6A. Each NAC is fully programmable, and supports standard and custom coded outputs of audible devices. Systems can be configured to sound different codes on the same NAC to indicate different conditions. The FS-250 has four Form C relays on the main board for monitoring alarm, supervisory, power fail and trouble conditions. Each relay is rated at 'l amp @ 2BVDC. Auxiliary 24VDC power is also available on the main board, with a capacity of up to 0.5 amps. The Loop The FS-250 utilizes the advanced P-2 protocol for the detection circuit. The P-2 loops features include SureWireTM technology providing, 252 addresses (inputs AND outputs), polarity insensitivity, response time under 3 seconds, retrofit installations using almost any type of wire (shielded, non-shielded, twisted, etc.) You can install an FS-250 using any of the H-series P-2 devices including the HFP-l1 FirePrintrM detector. But we also offer a new lowcost HFPO-I1 detector that is a non- FirePrint photoelectric device for the lessdemanding, more cost{ompetitive applications. lf you require two detector accessories, such as a relay or audible base AND a remote lamp, you can install the new ILED-HC or ILED-HW Intelligent Remote L.E.D. that con be programmed to mimic the detector L.E.D. or can respond to panel logic (see ILED installation or catalog sheet for details.) Optional Modules Remote LCD Annunciator The FS-250 supports a remote LCD display called the FS- RD2. This remote display uses the same B0 character backlit LCD display found on the main system panel. The FS-RD2 has remote acknowledge, silence, and reset capability, secured with a keyswitch. User and mainte- nance level functions are also possible from this remote display. Maintenance level functions require the system maintenance password for activation. The FS-RD2 communicates with the main svstem board via an RS- 485 communication network. Up to sixteen FS-RD2 remote displays can be supported on a single FS-250 system. The FS-RD2 mounts in a 2" deep 6 gang electrical box, and the plate on the display is suitable for flush mounting. Digital Alarm CommunicatorTransmitter (DACT) Communication between the FS-250 and a monitoring station is accomplished with the Model FS-DACT Digital Alarm Com munication Transmitter. The FS-DACT supports two lines and fouraccounts, and can transmit serial information by point to the Central or Remote station. Communication protocols available include SIA DCS 8. SIA DCS 20, Ademco Contact lD,3/1 1400 Hz,3/ 1 2300 Hz, 4l21400Hzand4l2 2300 Hz. The FS-DACT mounts within the FS-250 enclosure on an B-pin connec- tion point on the main board. No external enclosure is required, and no wires are required between the panel and the draler. Programming of account and dialing information is done as part of the system configuration. No external programmer for the dialer is required. Municipal Tie/Leased Line For installations that require connection to a municipal call box or a leased line. the Model FS-MT municipal tie module is used. The FS-MT provides a local energy output for municrpal call box connection and a reverse polarity output for lease line connection. The unit mounts within the F5-250 enclosure on an 8-pin connec- tion point on the main board. Configuration of the FS-MT parameters is done as part of the system configuration. Programmable Relays Programmable relays are available on the FS-250. A remote orocessor board communicates with the main svstem board via an RS4B5 communication network. This processor board controls a relay board mounted adlacent to it. The relay board has eight Form C relay contacts, rated at I amp @ 2BVDC maximum. Model FS- RU relay unit contains one processor board and one relay board to add eight relays to an FS-250 system. Each processor board can support up to three relay boards simultaneously, for a total of 24 programmable relays per processor board. Additional relay extender boards are available as Model FS-RE8. A total of eight processor boards (including serial annunciator processor boards) can be supported simultaneously by the FS-250. All pro- grammable relay processors and modules can be mounted in a Model FS-AE accessory enclosure. Programmabte Serial Annunciator Drivers Programmable serial annunciator drivers are available on the FS-250. A remote processor board communicates with the main system board via an RS485 communica- tion network. This processor board'controls a serial annunciator driver board mounted adjacent to it. The driver board has sixteen outputs for LEDs. All serial annunciator outDuts are suoervised. Model FS-SAU-2 serial annunciator unit contains one orocessor board and one serial annunciator driver board to add 16 LED drivers to an FS-250 system. Each processor board can support up to fouradditional driver boards simultaneously, fora total of 64 programmable serial annunciator drivers per processor board. Additional serial annunciator extender boards are available as Model FS-SAE16. A total of eight processor boards (including relay processor boards)can be supported simultaneously by the FS-250. All pro grammable serial annunciator processors and modules can be mounted in a Model FS-AE accessory enclosure. Programming/Gonfi guration 0ptions Configuration of the F$250 can be accomplished in wvo ways. The operator interface includes a 16 button keypad. This keypad can be used to configure all system param- eters, including custom messages and logic, right at the panel with no other conJiguration tools. Alternately, the ,Model FS-CT2 configuration tool can be used on a laptop Ordering InformatiOn computer to upload, download, and edit the system . configuration. The Model FS-CT2 configuration tool tncludes a connection cable for use between the FS-250 and a 9-pin serial connectron, and the FS-CT2 software. Use of the FS-CT2 software requires a computer running Windows 98, Windows 2000. orWindows XP The FS- CT2 tool can be used to generate configuration reports and download and print history. lf an alarm or other system event occurs during system configuration, the event will cause the panel to annunciate the alarm and operate the appropriate outputs. Custom messages for system addresses consist of two lines of twentv characters each. The characters include both upper and lower case letters as well as numbers, punctuation marks, and control characters. This forty character custom message will be displayed for all events at that address. General Specifications Environmental Operati ng temperatu re: 32-1 20oF (0-4goC) Felative Humidity-85%@86"F Primary Supply Primary input voltage - 120Vac (50/60 Hz.J,240Vac (50/60 Hz.) Maximum primary input current - 1.3 amp@ 120Vac Secondary and Trouble Power Supply 24 volt lead-acid battery with 7 AH-38 AH capacity Auxiliary Power Ourpurs Current - 0.5 amp resettable/non-resettable power outputs Status System Relays 4 relays rated @ 1 amp, 2BVdc resistive NAC Circuits Rating per NAC circuit, l.5A ed., 6 max. Battery Base cabinet will accommodate a 10 A battery set. Larger batteries will require separate enclosure FS-250 Dimensions 22" x 18" x 5 1/4" deep - enclosure only 22 9132" x 1 8 3/8" x 5 1/4" deep - enclosure with door Model N umb er O.scriplaon Pa Nonbst Ts-250R Sinole Ioop Panel. Red 599.049346 FS-250 Sinale Loop Panel. Slack 599-049345 FS-R02 fl emote Annunciator, Blacl 500-618980 FS,R U?Selay Processor Card 500-649308 ts-R E I I Relay Extender 50 0-699467 FS.SAU2 Serial Annun. Processor Card 500"649307 FS.SAEl6 16 0utput Annuncjator Ertendel 500.699469 FS.AE Acc. Enclos!re for Serial Drivets 500.693470 FS-OACT Serial 0ACT'500-699464 FS.MT Munitiple Tie Module 500-699462 FS.CT.2 Cable and Programming Software 500-649380 FS-SFT-R Semi Flush Trifi, Red 500-648955 FS.S FT Semi Flush Trim, Elack 50 0-648954 FS- N PT Nac Power Ixoander Transformet 500.649120 FS,2 50 -C0N FS-250 Elecrronics packaqe 500-6491r 0 FS -250-EN CL FS-250 Enclosure. Elacl 500-648952 ts-250-ENCt-R fS-250 Enclosure, Red 500-648S53 HFPO-I1 Phdto 0etector 500-034800 HFP-11 FrrePrint 0etector 500,033290 H FPT.11 Ihermal 0etector 500-033380 flL-HC Bemote Lamp-Ceiling 500.033230 H L-HW Semote Lamp-Wall 500.0333r 0 [,tD-HC Intel [amp-Ceiling 500-048809 [.E0-HW Intel !amp-Wall 500-048637 AD.H8 Air 0uct Housing w/ Belay 500.033280 AD.I ] P Air 0uct Housinq 500.095656 HMS.S Ma nual Station-Single Action 500-033200 H f/ s.0 Manual Station-Dual Aclion 500-033400 HMS.M Metal Manual Station 500.033450 H TRI.S Slnole lnout Monilor Module 500-033370 HTRI-D Dual Inout Monitor lllodule 500-033360 HTR I. B Siiqle In0ut w/ Felay l\,lodule 500.033390 HTRI.M Mini Sinale Input Module 500-034000 H LII\,I Line lsolator 500-033170 HZM Convention Zone Module 500-034850 DPU Device Proarammer/[ooo Tester s00-033260 DPU-PRT Label Prnter and Catrvinq Case 500-034020 DPU.CI DPU Carrying Case 500-033990 !l 'Wiring, Main Termination Board Tygicd Notification Tvpicd Notiticllioo Applia.c! OrEuil Apdranca Cicuil Sryle Z Cl.as A $yle Y, Class g Sup€rvis€d. Powor Li ilsd Sls€Ms€d. Powsr Limitsd Sec Owncf3 Man|]al for See Ownert Manual for Co.nDalibl€ gsvicas Co.npatjblo Dsvkrs NAC Rlting: Alarm Voltage: 2!V FW nomir|ar Ma. Allnr C.rt€nt 1.4'A IAC dcuit Md. Riod.: I6VAC Mar. Wiro vdt.ge Drop: 1.oVDC Mal( Sl6ndbv Gr.cnt 1.ornA NOTET the mlriFrirn total cu,?erJt fe.lho F92S0 NACE i! 3.0A 9rd 0.OA with the oprkFal additb.al TrarBldrn€r PA FS4IP€ tddre3saus Dot/ico Circuit Strl64or6Ooe.alon 24VDC norninll Wire Sgdslanro60 ohms rEr i!6.o Uno Rgligt ncg C'fllarl S|lD6rvis€d. Power Limired S€€ O$n946 Manual for Com@mlo Devicss Sdid lot€dece grclit {-. i 24VDC tprlnd, 0.,{ ror {X}, Xi Rg85 ls,/els t lit6 Ty!+Twistrd Ptir For Drt. wie A.3istrrEG-l 1 ohnJlina t4{}m' raad Sopervisad, Po*rr Li.rlitsd S€e OwaEr's M6*ud fo. Cornpal;blo Oerlicos Aaitsw Po\ ,€r Odprrts 0.4A m.x. e24VDC nomind tjrsuoerei$d, Power Limiled Md.cr$fi cryrant of aF auxifury oqtqrttt ci.crJits, Serisl Intsrtaco Circ!;t and ootbn boa{ds igr 0.5A S€rug Rddt Cqrtacis 6ho\^n h ogrmd st rdby c!.rdition) 1A 28vDC anrx ResBdve Fo. Po^/c. Umned So{rco. Un$tervis€d Siemens Building Technologies Fire Safety Fire Salety 8 Fernwood Road Florham Park, NJ 07932 Tel: (973) 593-2600 FAX: (973) 593-6670 Website: www.sbt.siemens.com/f is Fire Safety 2 Kenview Boulevard 1104 Erampton, Ontario 5w Canada L6T 584 SF9G Tel: {905) 799-9937 Printed in U.S.A: FAX: (905) 799-9858 Relay Ctcuit I Rsbv Ctq,it 2 i€ky C,rcuir 3 Ro*ry Clcrtt 4 January 2OO4 Suoersedes sh€et dated 4,m3 daE6r4El | |H- tlf*g *sE o o -"o fl_[i F_.?s _5U.H;a)€ tr #+b".J-Fffi ,.1 #"i I LUJ LI I *on I Pridte/Ngt!.r@k f cfcuit tl T-l o [--lo SIEMENS FS.RDz t 4 x20 Character Backlit Display . System Status LEDs . Optional local sounder r Built-in lamp test button . lntegral System Control Capabilities (with keyswitch) . Integral System Maintenance access (with keyswitch and password) . @ uL Listed The Model F$RD2 Remote Displav is used forannunciat- ing system events remotely from the fire alarm control panel on the FireSeeker FS-250 system. The FS-RD2 will mimic the system status LEDs and the BO-character event message found on the main system panel. The 4 x 20 LCD backlit display will illuminate upon receiving any event f rom the system. or upon pressing any button on the FS-RD2. System Acknowledge, Silence and Reset Capabilities are available on the FS-RD2. The control functions must be enabled using the integral keyswitch. Up to sixteen supervised FS-RD2 annunciators can be used simulta- neously on the FireSeeker FS-250 system. Mounting is accomplished using a standard 6 gang 2" deep electrical box. The FS-RD2 requires a 2-wire data connection from the RS4B5 port on the FS-250. as well as 24VDC power. Maximum wire loop resistance is 25 ohms. Fire Safety Remote LCD Annunciator for the FireSeeker FS-250 System ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT SPECIFICATIONS Ordering Information ll odel It|nbcr ,t',, Parl tl0rnbi. FS-R02 500.648980 CATALOG NUMBER 4308 NOTICE: The use of other than Fire Safety detectors and bases with Fire Safety equipment will be considered a misapplication of Fire Safety equipment and as such voids all warranties either expressed or implied in regard to loss, damage. liabilities and/or service problems. Fire Satety Fire Safety I Fernwood Road 2 Kenview Boulevard Florham Park, NJ 07932 1104 Brampton, Ontario siemens Buitdins rechnotosie. li-,'?Jil,'3j;'"%% ,ffo ijiiger\%351., Januaryz(x)4 Fife Safety Website: www sbt.siemens.com/fis Printed in U.S.A. FAX: (905) 799-9858 sup€€€d6s sheer dar6d €,!3 SIEMENS FS.DACT Digital Alarm Communication Tiansmitter ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT SPECIFICATIONS Fire Safety for the FireSeeker FS-250 System The Model FS-DACT DigitalAlarm Communication Transmitter is used to provide communication between the FS-250 and a central or remote monitoring station. The FS-DACT supports two lines and four accounts, and can transmit serial information (including the address of the event) to the monitoring station. Any of the accounts can send alarm, supervisory, trouble, reset, or trouble restore information (or any combination) as required. Communicatron protocols available include SIA DCS 8, SIA DCS 20,Ademco Contact lD, 3/1 1400 Hz.3l1 23O0 Hz,4l214OOHzand4/2 2300 Hz. The FS-DACTcan oerform the automatic 24 hour test reouired bv NFPA. The FS-DACT mounts within the FS-250 enclosure on an &pin connection point on the main board. No external enclosure is required, and no wires are required between the panel and the dialer. Programming of account and dialing information is done as part of the system conf igu- ration. No external programmer for the dialer is required. and dialer.information can be downloaded as part of the system conf iguration. . ([|D UL Listed for Central Station/Remote - Station Monitoring (NFPA 72 Chapter 4) Four separate monitoring accounts available Two ohone lines available Can send serial information to monitoring station Reports in 8 standard communication formats Automatic 24 hour test available Mounts within the FS-250 enclosure directlv on the main orocessor board All programming is done as part of the FS-250 configuration Ordering Information Hodcl ll umbrt FS.DACT Digital dialer for the FS-250 500-699154 CATALOG NUMBER 4307 NOTICE: The use of other than Fire Safety detectors and basas with Fire Safety equipment will be considered a misapplication of Fire Safety equipment and as such voids all warranties either expressed or implied in reg€rd to loss. damage. liabilities and/or service problems. Fire Satety Fire Safety I Fernwood Road 2 Kenview Boulevard Florham Park. NJ 07932 1lU Brampton, Ontario siemens Buiuins rechnolosies lir,'?3i1,'33;'"33% ,ffo ffii!ir\%3:r1., Januaryzoo4 Fife Safety Website: www.sbt.siemens.com/tis Printed in U.S.A. FAX: (905) 799-9858 .sup€,!ed63 sh6er dar€d 6,03 SIEMENS FS Series Detectors FS.DB FS-DPI FS.DT Intelligent Detectors for use with the Siemens FS-100 Control Panel ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT SPECIFICATIONS Fire Safety Introduction The FS-DP and FS-DPT intelligent photoelectric smoke detectors orovide reliable smoke detection to meet today's critrcal life safety and property protection needs. The FS- series of detectors provide an extremely high degree of resrstance to RFl, EMI and humidity. The FS- senes detector utilizes a micropro- cessor with "on-board" EEPROM supporting the detectors sophisticated programming. error checking and seltdiagnostic capabilities. The FS-D P is an intelligent smoke detector, the FS-DPT is a smoke detector with thermal assist, and the FS-DT is a heat detector. The thermal sensors respond at ,135"F These devices are designed for use with the FS-100 control panel and use the 11-series detector bases. Description The FS-DP FS-DPT and DS-DT are two-wire, plug-in detectors that are compatible with the FS-l00 control panel. Each the FS-DP and FS-DPT have a dust resistant, field cleanable photo chamber and micropro- cessor based electronics. The FS-DPT and FS-DT utilize a stateof-the-art thermistor for heat sensinq. All detectors have low proftle, high-temperature plastic covers for maximum protection of components and use surface mount electronic components for increased reliability. Every smoke detector is shipped with a red protective dust cover. Smoke detectors utilize an infrared light emitting diode (IRLED) and a light sensing photodiode. Under normal conditions, light transmitted by the LED is directed away from the photodiode and scattered through the smoke chamber in a controlled pattern. The smoke chamber is desrgned to manage light dissipation and extraneous reflections from dust particles or other non-smoke airborne contaminants in such a way as to maintain stable, consistent detector operation. When smoke enters the chamber, light emitted from the IRLED is scattered by the smoke particles and is received by the photodiode. When an alarm condrtion occurs, the detector " latches" in alarm and informed the control panel of its status. The detector is reset upon command from the control panel. The control panel also sets the detector's sensitivity. Three models available Photo (FS-DP), Photo-Thermal (FS-DPT) and 135oF Thermd(FS-DT) High-Speed, Fault-Tolerant Communication Multi-colorstatus L.E.D (green, amber, red) Field cleanable photo chamber Electronic addressing with field programmer FS-FPl Mounts in standard DB-11 Series Base Low Profile Design Optional fully programmable relay base, audible base and duct housing TwoWire Operation I Ut I UL Listed FS-DT 135'F Thermal CATALOG NUMBER fif01 ' Every time the control panel polls the detector, the multi-color LED will flash green to indicate that it has passed the internal self test and has communicated its status to the control panel. lf the detector does not pass the self test, is dirty beyond the limits of its environmental compensation, or is in "trouble" in any way, the LED flashes amber and informs the panel of its status, allowing for easy identification of which detector is in trouble. When in alarm. the detector LED flashes red. Detectors are assigned their address using the FS-FPl Field Programmer/Tester, which electronically stores address information in the detectors non-volatile memory. The FS-FPI can also be used for device testing and diagnostics. The FS-series detectors can be on the same circuit as other FS-series initiating devices such as manual stations, TRI Monitoring/Relay Modules, etc. Detectors are mounted in the standard DB-11 or DB-11E Base, DB-X-11RS Relay Base, ADBX-I1 Audible Base, or AD-1'l P/AD-11XPR Duct Housing. Use the standard FLI-l or RLI-2 (red) Remote Lamps when remote annunciation is required. These detectors are also comoatrble with other non-electronic I1-series accessories such as LK-l1 Base Locking Kit, DMK-l1 Detector Maintenance Kit and DB-ADPT Base Adaoter. Smoke detectors are field cleanable per the instruc- tions included on the installation sheet orovided with the oroduct. FS-series detectors are UL listed for operation within the standard UL specified tempera- ture range of 32 to 100 degrees F (0 to 38 degrees C). Application Data lnstallation of FS- series detectors require detector bases (DB-11, DB-X11RS, ADBX-I1, AD-11P or AD-l1XPR) on a two-wire circuit of 18AGW or greater, unshielded, twisted parr, low capacitance cable (see the wire selection guide in the FS-l00 manual for full details.) The FS-DP and FS-DPT detectors can be aoolied within a maximum 3Gfoot center spacing (900 square foot area) as referenced in NFPA 72. This applications guideline is based on ideal conditions; specifically, smooth ceiling surfaces, minimal air movement and no physical obstructions between potential fire sources and the detector. Do not mount detectors in close proximity to ventilation or heating and air conditioning outlets. Exposed joints or beamed ceilings may also affect safe spacing limitations of detectors. Should any questions arise regarding detector placement, observe NFPA 72 guidelines. Locating in close proxim- ity to "noisy" electronic light ballasts or other sources of high level EMI or RFI should be avoided. Good fire protection system engineering and common sense dictate how and when fire detection devices are installed and used. Contact your local Siemens Frre Safety authorized sales outlet whenever you need assistance applying these devices. Be sure to follow NFPA guidelines, the UL approved installation instruc- tions orovided with the product and local codes, as with any other fire protection equipment. Dimensions Tech nica I Specifications Operating Temperature +32"F (0"C) to 100"F (38"C) per UL 269/2684 Humidity 0-93% Relative Humidity Non-Condensing Ordering Information Siemens Building Technologies Fire Safety Fire Satety 8 Fernwood Road Florham Park, NJ 07932 Te: (973) 593 2600 FAX: 1973) 5935670 Website: wwwsbt.siemens.com/fi s 6/03 5M sF s-lG Printed in U.S A. Frre Salety 2 Kenview Eoulevard Brampton. Ontaf o Canada L6T 5E4 Tel (905) 799-9937 FAX: (905) 799-9858 June 2003 suF€Bsd€s sh€€r rhred .402 6" Dlameter Base -T- I I 2.3" Ov€aall Height I I I Et3cbr,500.69941 n t$.0Ff ' Phoo-Ih€m€l0sbcbr 500-699482 , FS[IT ;:]:.lfi'F FxedThermal Detector 500'699183 08.1r Detector Ease for ll.Selies 500-m4l5l 0 B.r 1E Detector Ease {small}500-m4r 5r E AD.11P Air Duct Housinq s0-m5656 AD.l1XRP Air 0uct Housinq wilh Relay 500-096(F2 0B-t1xRs Relay Base 500-096125 RLI-1 Remote Lamo ked)for4 octaqon box s0.390673 RLI.2 Remote Lamp kedlforsinqle ganq box 50G390674 tx-Fackaoe of 50 base locks 500-m$50 0MK-lr oetector Maintenance lct S0'695338 OB-AOPT Base Adaoterto 0B-3S Base sG0s4l n FS.FPI Field Programmer f0r ts-series Devices 50G699480 SIEMENS lntelligent Initiating Devices Introduction FS- series intelligent manual f ire alarm stations pro- vide an advanced method of address programming and supervision combined with sophisticated control panel communication- Each manual fire alarm station incorporates custom microchip technology with bi- directional communicati6n achieving a truly intelligent oevrce. Fire Safety Manual Fire Alarm Boxes ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT SPECIFICATIONS Description The FS-MS and FS-MSD are constructed of durable molded polycarbonate. The FS-MSM has all metal material construction. The FS-MS-LFA and FS-MSD- LFA are similar to th€i FS-MS and FS-MSD with addi- tional lettering indicating that they are for "Local Fire Alarm" use. All models have a matte red finish with raised white lettering. Stations are reset using an Allen key.' The FS-MSM is shipped with an optional break glass. All models are designed for use with the FS-'|00 Control Panel. lf double action operation is desired, use the olastic models FS-MSD or FS-MSD-LFA. For the double-action metal version. FS-MSM, order the double-action adapter MS-FD which can be field installed. All stations are addressed using the FS-FPI program- mer/tester. Surface boxes, extra keys, etc. are avail- able as indicated in ordering information below. Fs-Msmtb,anual stations, FS-MSM metal manual station, and FS-MS-LFA, FS-MS-LFA manual stations for "Local Fire Alarm" for use with FS-l00 Control Panel . Durable Design . Shock andVibration resistant . Electronically addressable with FS-FPl . Single and Double action. Plastic or Metal, and " Local Fire Alarm" models . Surface or Semi-flush lnstallation . Break{lass option on metal model UL Listed CATALOG NUMBER 4103 Model D esc ripl io n Pa umter FS-tvtS ManualStation 500-699476 Fti.Ms0 500-699478 FS-MS-tFA ManualStation l0r Local Fire Alarm 500-699477 FS.MSt).LFA Manual Station, Double Action for Local Fire Alarm 500-699479 sB-5ff Surface Mountinq 8ox 310-01S00 LTP Seset Key (2 pe(packaqel 500-620490 FS.MSM Manual Station. Metal Construction 500-6rs489 MS"F8 Surface BoxforFS-MSM 500-694512 MS.FO DoubleAction Adaoter tor FS-MSM 500.6945r 5 i\4s-FK Package olTen {10) Break Glass Rods for FS-lt/lSlVl IVS.FK Packaqe ofTen {10) Reset Kevs for FS-MSM 500.6945t4 t\4s.NY NewYork Citv White Strioe Wall Plate 500.6945r6 ' 'Ordering Information Mounting Data Mounting Data Fire Salety Fire SafetY I Fernwood Road 2 Kenview Eoulevard Florham Park, NJ 07932 6/03 Erampton, Ontario Siemens Buirdins rechnorosies lil,'?Jji,'33;'"'3% ,fJl,o f;"i33r!%3-:!., June zoo3 Fife Safety Website: www.sbt.siemens com/tis Printed i. U.S A. FAX: (905) 799-9858 s!p€.s€d6 shst dated s02 Model No. MS-FD Double Action Separately) SIEMENS FS-TRI Series FS.TRI-S, FS-TRI-D. FS-TRI-R, FS-TRI.M lntroduction The FS-TRl Series Intelligent Interface Modules are designed to provide means of interacting direct shorting devices to the FS-100 Control Panel. These modules provide an advanced device monitoring method with sophisticated addressing, supervision and communication. Units are microprocessor controlled with bi-directional communications for state of the art device intelligence and control. Description The FS-TRl-Series devices are available in four models. The FS-TRl-S, FS-TRI-R and FS-TRl-M are designed to monitor a single normally open or closed dry contact. The interface module reports the contact's status to the control panel and supervises the integrity of the wiring to the contact. The FS-TRI-R also incorporates an addressable Form C relay. The FS-TRI-R relay and contact device input are controlled at the same ad- dress but the relay can be controlled independently by panel logic. Fire Safety Intelligent Initiating Device lnterface Modules for FS-100 Control Panels ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT SPECIFICATIONS The FS-TRI-D is a dual input modgle that supervises two sets of dry contacts at two individual addresses. This is ideal for monitoring both waterflow and tamper switches with a single device. These FS-TRls feature a tricolor L.E.D. that flashes green for normal operation, amber to indicate a trouble condition and red indicates a change of state. The FS-TRI-D f lashes wvice to indicate status of the two addresses. These models mount on either a 4-inch square or double-gang electrical box (at least 2 % inch deep) and are shipped with a wall plate that allows viewing of the L.E.D. A barrier for use in the electrical box to separate power mited wiring is also included, The FS-TRl-M minr version is designed for use when mounted completely within an electrical box and therefore does not have an L.E.D. or cover plate. The FS-TRl-Series of devices is fully compatible with other FS-Series devices that are used on the FS-l00 Control Panel's initiatrng circuit. Interfaces and Supervises Normally Open or Normally Closed Circuits Single, Dual, Relay and Mini versions Available Tri-color status L.E.D. (except -M model) Dynamic Supervision Electronic Addressing with FS-FPl for easy dependable programming Is[)uL Listed\.7 CATALOG NUMBER 4302 All FS-TRI series modules are UL listed. Environmental Operating conditions for all MS-TRl modules are 32 degrees F (0"C) to 120 degrees F'(49"C) with relative humidity not greater than 93%, non-condensing. Ordering lnformation Figure A Mounting the FS-TR!-S/-R/-D Mounting Diagram Siemens Building Technologies Fire Safety Fne Saf€tyI Fern\ar'ood Road Florham Park, NJ 07932 Tel: (973) 593-2600 FAX: (973) 5936670 Websh€: wwwsbt.siemens.com/fis 6/03 5M 5r5{(: Printed in U.S.A. Fi(e Safely 2 Kenviaw Boulevard Brampton, Ontario Canada LOT 5E4 Tel: (905) 799-9937 FAX: (905) 799-9858 Juna 2OO3 SE!d6JHrd.r€d4e SIEMENS Fire Safety U-HN & U-HNH Series U-HN & U-HNH Electro-Mechanical Horns & Horn Strobes ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT SPECIFICATIONS Contactless Electro-Mechanical design, resulting in no contact generated inference and high reliability (Patent #5,596,477) TheAdapterm/U-MCS feature offers four field selectable candela values - 15/75,30n5,7 5 or 110 Strobe operates in either sync or non-sync modes Strobe synchronization requires the Dual Sync Control Module or PAD-3 a,i UL 1971 & UL 464 listed for both wall and \7 ceiling mount - CSFM, ULC, & MEA approved Horn/strobe can be wired together or independently ScrewTerminals accept #12 Awg. Made in USA, ISO 9001 quality crafted Horn Strobe 3 , \ C Description The Electro-Mechanical Horns & Horn Strobes combine state of the art electronics with the rugged proven durability of a mechanical horn.The combination of electronics and mechanics provide the maximum pen- etratrng sound power while eliminating problems associ- ated with mechanical contacts. The Adapter/U-MCS feature offers four field selectable candela settrnqs - 15/75.30115.75 or 110. Detail - Adapter selector switch All models remove the etfects of inrush and RFI noise associated with contact operated mechanical devices. This design also eliminates the possibility of dust and d irt contaminating the contacts. The construction of the horn and horn strobe allows for flush mounting on a standard 4-inch square back box or surface mounting on a Model FBX-S or FBX-SF Screw terminals are provided for the horn and strobe. The strobe can be confrgured to operate indepen- dently from the horn. The strobe has a Xenon fiash- tube with solid state circuitrv for maximum reliabilitv and efficiency, and a rounded dome shape made of clear polycarbonate. Strobe Synchronization requires the Dual Sync Module or PAD-3. CATALOG NUMBER ReDlaces Calaloo Sheel Nlimber 2541 2557 ' Engineering Specifications The audible/visual notification aooliances shall be Siernens Burlding Technologies, Inc. Fire Safety Division Series U-HN-MCS, U-HN-MCS-C, U-HNH- MCS. or U-HNH-MCS-C Selectable Candela Strobe - Electron Mechanical Horn, or approved equal. The audible appliances shall be Fire Safety U-HN-C, U-HN, U-HN-W U-HNH-C, or U-HNH, U-HNH-W Electron Mechanical Horns, or approved equal. The Series U-HN-MCS, U-HN-MCS-C, U-HNH-MCS, and U-HNH- MCS-C visual segment shall be the Adapter Selectable Candela Strobe and shall be listed to UL1971 (Standard for Safety Signaling Devices for the Hearing Impaired). Audibles shall be UL listed under Standard 464 (Fjre Protective Signaling). In addition to indoor applications, the U-HN, U-HN-W and U-HNH, U-HNH-W shall also be UL listed for outdoor applications, when mounted in a Fire Safety FWB-1 or FWB-2 Surface Box. All other appliances shall be listed for indoor applications, and shall be ADA/NFPA/ANSI compliant.The strobe seg- ment shall produce a flash rate of one (1) flash per second over the Operating Voltage Range Limits. The strobe shall consist of a xenon flash tube enclosed in a rugged clear polycarbonate lens. The strobe shall be oi a low current design, and shall provide a minimum of four (4) fleld selectable strobe intensity settings, 15175,30175,75, and 110 candela. All settings shall be UL1971 listed for both wall and ceiling mount applica- tions. The selector switch shall be tamper resistant. lt shall not be necessary to remove the appliance from the mounting surface to select the strobe intensity. When strobe synchronization is required, the Strobe shall be compattble with the Fire Safety Dual Sync Module, or other source of Fire Safety Sync Protocol, and shall not drift out of synch ronization. lnputs shall be compatible with standard reverse polarity circurt supervision by a Fire Safety Control Panel. The appliances shall combine electronics with the rugged durability and maximum penetrating sound power of a mechanical horn. To eliminate the efiects of inrush and RFI noise, the appliances shall not have any mechanical contacts. The Series U-HN-C, U-HN, U-HN-W, U-HN-MCS, and U-HN-MCS-C shall have a typical sound output rating of 96dBA at 10 feet.The Series U-HNH-C. U-HNH. U-HNH-W, U-HNH-MCS, and U-HNH-MCS-C shall have a typical sound output rating of lOOdBA at 10 feet. The Series U-HN, U-HN-W U-HN-MCS, U-HNH, U-HNH-W and U-HNH-MCS shall have a square grille for mounting to a 4" square backbox, as well as Si- emens Fire Safety FBX-S and FBX-F Surface Boxes. The Series U-HN-C, U-HNH-C, U-HN-MCS-C and U-HNH-MCS-C shall have a round qrille for mountina to a 4" souare backbox. Environmenta I lndoor: 32'F to 120'F (O"C to 49'C) at 85% RH Weathbrproof (U-HN. U-HN-W& U-HNH, U-HNH-W only): -31 'F to150"F (-35"C to 66'C) at 95% RH Operating Voltage Range Limits Strobe: l6-33 Vdc oTVFWR Horn:20-31Vdc oTVFWR Horn Current see ordering information on page 3 Typical dB Rating at 10 Feet U-HN.C, U-HN, U-HN-W U.HN-MCS, U-HN.MCS-C 96dB U-HNH-C, U-HNH, U-HNH-W U-HNH-MCS, U-HNHMCS-C: 100 dB Note: Typical dB ratings are frontal readings taken with a dB meter with signal mounted on wall. Mounting Flush Indoor: 4'' square box Surface Indoor: FBX-S or FBX-SF box Weatherproof (U-HN, U-HN-W & U-HNH, U-HNH-W onlv): FWB-1 or FWB-2WP box ShippingWeight Horn: 1-112 lbs. aporox. Horn/Strobe: 2 lbs. aoorox. Dimensions U-HNH, U-HNH-W 'r' -- ttlg.---"1. 7-r'td};' j ! : l" Model U.HN-C & U.HNH.C Model U-HN.MCS.C & U.HNH-MCS.C 'Ordering Information U-HN & U-HNH Series HomsWallMount U-HN & U-HNH Series Weather Proof Horn/Strobes Wall Mount Mod€l Number 0ascription Parl t{umher Horn C{rrent dB Bating @10' U"H N L4ech Horn 2. VoC 500-096512 38 ma s6 d8 U.HN.W Mech Horn 24 VDC 5t0'6s6513 38 rna 96 d8 U"HNH Mech Horn ?4 VOC 500-695s34 65 rna 100 d8 U-HNH.W lVech Horn 24V0C 500.696535 65 ma t00 dB U-HN & U-HNH Series Horns Ceiling Mount Model Nsmber Dcacriplio|l Pa rt Number Hors Cur.$nt dg Satiag @10' U, H N"C [4ech Horn 24 VOC 500.6s6935 38 ma 96 dB U.H N Ii,C Mech Horn 24 VDC 600.696946 b5 ma 100 d8 U-HN & U-HNH Series Horn/Strobes Model l{ut|tber Part Nunler, dB Batiog @10Q,, u;llN:Mgs,:' :', !j 'r Shobb tBedl B U-HN.Mcs-c Hc;n w/Adaorer Skobe {Ceihnq}500.699725 38 ma 96 d8 U-HN.MCS-W Horn wlAdapler Strobe lwhite 50c-699726 Jd ma 96 d8 U.IINH.MCS Horn w/AdBpler Strobe 18ed1 500.699729 55 ma r00 ds u-HN H.tlCS-C fiorn w,/Adapier Sttobe {Ceiling)500-699730 65 ma 100 d8 U"t{NH.l\,ilCS ^W l{ofn 'rlAdatler Strobe lwhitei 500-699731 65 ma 100 dB Model l{unt.t 0escriptioo Pan f{ u mber Strobe Currsnl dB Fating @10' u-HN Sl7.t Horn w/ 6BCD Strobe Red 500-696676 5Y ma 38 ma 96 dB u.HN-St7-1.W Horn w/ 68C0 Strobe White.500.696677 59 ma 38 ma 96 d8 u-HN.S175-l Horn w/ 68C0 Sync Strobe ffed 500.696678 59 ma 38 ma 96 dB U.HN.S17S-1.W Horn w/ 68C0 Svnc Strobe Whito 500"69667S 59 ma 38 ma 96 dB u-HN.S1l0.r Horn w/ '100C0 Strobe Red 500.696692 249 ma 38 ma 96 d8 u"HN-Sr10-1.W l{orn w/ l00CD Strobe While 500-696693 249 na 38 ma 96 d8 u"HN-S l10S-1 Horn w,/ 100C0 Svnc Strcbe 8ed 500-696694 2Ag na 38 ma 96 dB u-HN-S110S,1-W Horn w,r '100C0 Svnc St.obe White 500-696695 249 ma 38 ma 96 dB U.HNH-S17.I Horn w/ 68CD Strobs Fed 500.696698 59 ma 65 ma r00 dB u-HNH-S17-t-W Hori v|l 68CC Strobe White 500-696699 59 ma 65 ma 100 dB U.HNH-S17S-I Horn w/ 68CD Sync Strobe 8ed 500-696700 59 rna b5 ma 100 d8 u-HNH-S17S-l.W Horn w/ 68C0 Svnc St/dbe While 500-695701 59 ma 65 ma 100 d8 u-HNll-s1t0-t Horn !v,/ 100C0 Strobe 8ed 500-696714 249 na 65 ma 100 dB u-HNH.S110-1.W Horn r.r/ 100C0 Strobe White 500-696715 249 ma 65 ma 100 d8 u-hNil-s r 10s-1 Horn \t / l0oCD Svnc Slrobe Bed 500-696716 249 ma 65 ma 100 dB u-HNH-S11tS-r-W Horn u,/ 100C0 Sync Slrobe White 500-63671i 249 ma 65 ma 100 d8 Listed operating range is 20 to 31 VDC/FWF Minimum UL measurements are 85-88d8 taken in free air at 360" around the device and averaged. Typical readings are frontal sound readings taken with a dB meter with signal mounted on wall. Rated for indoor use at 32'F to '120'E (0"C to 49'C) wlth 85% RH. Outdoor. -3'l"F to 150"F (-35'C to 66'C). RH at 95%. Note: For weather proof order part number FWB-l or FWB-2 DacK oox. Model N u mber Description P8n l{ umbe r Strobe Curreal llorn Curront dB Bating @10' U.fIN.AC Mech Horn 120 Vac 500-6s6500 85 ma s6 d8 U,HN-AC-W Mech Horn 120 Vac White 500-696501 85 ma 96 dB U.HN.S17-AC Horn w/ l5/l5CD Strobe Red 500-6s6s02 3Bma 85 ma 96 d8 u-HN-S'17-AC.W Horn w/ 15/75C0 Strobe White 500-696503 30ma 85 ma 96 d8 U.HN.S11O-AC Horn w/ l10CD Strobe Fed 500-696510 75ma 85 ma 96 d8 u.HN-S1t0.AC-W Horn w/ 110CD Strobe White 500-696511 76ma 85 ma 96 dB 'U-HN & U-HNH Series 120Vac Horn/ StrobesWall Mount Non-Sync Only Accessories U-HN & U-HNH Series l20VacWeather Proof Hom/Strobes Wall Mount For U-HN and U-HNH Series Electro-Mechanical Horns Wirinq Diagram, please reter to Installation Inslruction Sheet. Fire Safety F re Satery 8 Fernwood Road 2 Kenview Boulevard Florham Park- NJ 07932 12102 Bramplon. Ontario Siemens Buitdins rechnotosies Ii;,iJli,r33;rf3% ,fl1l. i"1l1ffiri%;:r1., December 2oo2 Fire Safety Website. wwwsbt.sremens.com/lis printed in U.S.A. FAxt (905i 799-9858 supersedes sheer dated to/01 Modet ttl umbe r Doscfillion Psrt l{{ m be. Strobe Csrronl dB Raling @10' u-HN-S17-1-AC 68CD Strobe fled 500-696664 30 ma 85 ma s6 d8 u-FlN-s17-r-AC-W 68CD Srrobe White 500-6s6665 30 ma u) ma 96 d8 U-HN.SI1O.1.AC logcD Slrobe ffed 500-ss6672 76 ma 85 fia 96 d8 u.HN.S1l0- l -AC-W 100C0 Strobe White 500-696673 76 ma 85 ma'96 d8 ll odol f,umber 0sscriplion Modsl i|trmber FWB.1 Weather Prool Box 1/2' Pipa 1.7"0 tlush 0r Surtace Box for HOrn/Stlobe rw8-2 Weather Proof 8ox 3/4* Pioe FBX.F 2.7"0 Surface Bux lor Horn/Strobe Fr8 lndoor 8ox FBX.ST ?.7"0 Flush 8ox lor Hornlstrobe SIEMENS Fire Safety Adaptefl Stand Alone Selectable Strobe ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT SPECIFICATIONS The Adapter" feature offers four field selectable candela strobe values - 15175,30/75, 75 or 110 for ceiling and wall mount Operates in either sync or non-sync mode Low current draw Integral universal mounting-single gang, double gang or 4" square box Colors- red or off-white ADA/NFPA/ANSI compliant UL 1971 listed for both wall and ceiling mount-CSFM and ULC Listed r Made in U.S.A., ISO 9001 certified . A Dual Sync Control Module or PAD-3 is only required to activate the Instant Sync feature, , nothing to set or change at the strobe unit Description rnflffi]gries ancj U.-MCS-6oeov U-Mc$6o9oV-W stro6-€is combine state of the art electronics to provide reliability and low current draw to meet visual life safety applications.The Adapterfeature ofiers four field select- able candela settings - 15/75, 30/75, 75 or 110. Detail - Adapter selector switch The integral universal mounting plate of the U-MCS provides for easy installation with single gang, double gang or 4' square box mounting.The lens construction provides high candela outputwith low current consump- tion while meeting UL and ADA standards. Adapter Strobe Bell Plate The U-MCS-6090V U-MCS-6090V-W provides the same strobe choices and is constructed of metal for mounting bell or chime devices to the plate- The U-MCS Series & U-MCS-6090V, U-MCS€O9OV-W use a Xenon flashtube with solid state circuitry for maximum reliability and efficiency. Strobes have a rounded dome shape made of clear polycarbonate. The U-MCS Series uses a terminal block foreasy installa- tion and the U-MCS-6090V U-MCS-6090V-W uses a pigtail (4 wire) connection. Strobe Synchronization requires the Dual Sync Module or PAD-3. CATALOG NUMBER 2550 ' Engineering Specifications The visual notification appliances shall be Adapter U-MCS Series or U-MCS-6090V U-MCS-609OV-W field selectable candela strobe appliance, or approved equal.They shall be listed to UL'l971 (Standard forSafety Signaling Devices tor the Hearing lmpaired) for indoor applications, and shall be ADA/N F PA/AN Sl com pl iant. The strobe shall produce a flash rate of one (1) flash per second overthe Operating Voltage Range limits of 16 to 33Vdc.The strobe light shall consist of a Xenon flash tube enclosed in a rugged, clear polycarbonate lens. Inputs shall be compatible with standard reverse polarity circuit supervision by an FACPThe Strobe shall be of low current design, and shall provide a minimum of four (4 ) field selectable strobe intensity settings, 15n5,30n5,75 and 1 10 candela. All settings shall be UL 1971 listed for both wall and ceiling mount applications.The selector switch shall be tamper-resistant. It shall not be necessary to remove the strobe from the mounting surface to select the strobe intensity.When synchronization is required, the strobe shall be compat- ible with the Dual Sync Module, or other source of Siemens BuildingTechnologies, Fire Safety Division Sync Protocol, and shall not drift out of synch ronization. The U-MCS Series Stand-Alone Strobe shall have an integral universal mounting plate that shall allow mount- ing to single- gang, two€ang, and 4" square backboxes, as well as FBX-S and FBX-F Surface Boxes. A cover trim plate shall be included to enhance appearance.There shall be no mounting holes or screw heads visible. U-MCS Specifications Environmental 32"F to 120"F iO'C to 49'C) af85% RH InputVoltage 16-33Vdc regulated or FWR Mounting Integral universal mounting plate mounts to single gang, double gang or 4" square box. ShippingWeight 9 oz. aoprox. U-MCS Dimensions The Series U-MCS-6090V U-MCS-6090V-W Strobe Plate shall facilitate the addition of a strobe to a bell installation. The Strobe Plate shall mount to a 4" square backbox for f lush mountrng. Ordering Information Stand-Alone Strobes-Wall Mount and Ceiling Mount - forAgent Release Stand-Alone Strobes-Wall Mount and Ceiling Mount - for Agent Release Siemens Building Technologies Fire Safety Fire Safety 8 Fernwood Road FLorham Park, NJ 07932 Tel: (973) 593-2600 F/\j(: {9731 593-6670 Weilsite: www sbt. s iem ens.co m/i s Strobe lntensitv Settino 15O5 cd Strobe Current Oraw 63 mA 84 mA 143 mA 178 mA Fire Salety 2 Kenview Boulevard Brampton, Ontario Canada L6T 5E4 Tel (905) 799-9937 August 2OO3 FAX (905) 799-9858 slpe,ced€s sh€sr,rared 3/03 30/75 cd 75 cd 110 cd 8/03 ev1 SF9G Printed in Ll.s A. Stand-Alone Strobes-Wall Mount and Ceiling Mount Model Itlumber 0!scriltion u.Mcs U.MCS.W Multicandela Selectable Strobe-White 500-69970? Retro-Plate Wall Mount Mod?l l{ um ber 0cscription Part il um b€t U.MCS-6090V Fetro Plate lllullicandela Selectable Strobe- Red 500.699703 u"Mcs-6090vw FBtro Plate Mul{icandela Selectable Strobe- Red 50 0"699 704 Model Num bcr Dcscriptio n U.MCS-AR Multicandela Selectable Str0be " Red for Aoent Release 500.6s9746 Canadian Ordering Information Stand-Alone Strobes-Wall Mount and Cei Mount Model l{rm ber 0€scription Part umbet CU.MC S Mutticandela Selectable Strobs- Red 500.69970r c CU.MCS.W Multicandela Selectable Strobe-White 500.699702C Retro-Plate Wall Mount Model umbct Dascriplion Part llum b er cu-MCs-60s0v Retro Plale Multicandela Seleclable Strobe- 8sd 500.699703c cu-Mcs-60s0vw Revo Plate . Multica dela Selectable Strobe- Red 500-69S704C Model l{um b er 0cacriptiofl Part l{u m ber CU-MCS'AR Multlcandela Seleclable Strobe - fled For Agenl Release 500-699746C SIEMENS PAD 3 a a a a a a a a a a a a Introduction The Model PAD-3 (PAD-3C for Canada) is a notification appliance circuit expander with a built-in auxiliary power output. lt is designed for use with Siemens BuildingTechnologies, Fire Safety Division fire alarm control panels.This power source is designed to provide the extra power required in buildings conforming to the Americans with Disabilities Act. Features The PAD-3 provides 6 amps ot 24VDC power for multiple uses. All 6 amps can be directed to 4 Notifi- cation Appliance Circuits (NAC s). Each is rated at 3 amps and is power limited. Either 1 or 2 inputs can control the four outputs. These outputs are compatible with all Fire Safety 24VDC notification appliances. The PAD-3 can be configured so that the inputs can be programmed as steady outputs, ANSI temporal outputs. or synchronized strobe outputs. lt can also be programmed so that one input will silence U-MH U- Series horn/strobe horns while the strobes remain on using one set of wires. Auxiliary Power Supply - Notification Appliance Extender ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT SPECIFICATIONS 6 amps of Notification Appliance Power Advanced Microorocessor Control 24VDC Output Voltage Four Power-Limited Notification Outouts Strobe Synchronization Option Built In Synchronized ANSI Temporal Pattern Class A Selectable Ground Fault Detection Battery Supervision 3 Amp Auxiliary Power Output Trouble Contact for Monitoring Multiple Module Mounting in System 3 Enclosures Fire Safety o Multiple Modules Share Battery Set . (D ,r, ULc Listed, csFM, NvMEAv and FMApproved The PAD-3 also offers a 3 amp auxiliary output for driving other portions of your fire alarm system such as door holders.This 24VDC filtered output is power limited. When using this output, the total power available from the PAD-3 will not exceed 6 amos. A trouble contact is provided for monitoring the PAD-3 with a fire alarm panel through the input. lt also has a Form C dry contact for trouble monitoring. Therefore, the user has the option of connecting it to a conven- tional fire alarm panel's existing notification circuit, or controlling it with aTRl Series device on intelligent fire system s. The PAD-3 offers battery supervision and management as is required of fire alarm system components. Ground faults are transmitted as are any other trouble conditions. Trouble conditions not only change the state of the trouble contact in the unit. but they also break the notification circuit input to create a trouble signal in the fire alarm control unit. CATALOG NUMBER 3362 This product is packaged in its own sheet metal enclosure with enough space to house the 7 amp-hour battery set required for back-up.The enclosure comes in black or red. System 3 enclosures may also be used to house multiple PAD-3 modules in a single enclosure. Two modules are capable of sharing the same battery set when mounted rn the same enclosure. Options One or both PAD-3 signal inputs control the notification outputs, depending on the specific configuration setup. Possible conf igurations for the PAD-3 are: Supervision The Model PAD-3 supervises a variety of functions including: . Low AC power . Low battery condition o Earth ground fault . Auxiliary output power limit condition . EOL supervision trouble or power limited condition at an output When a trouble condition occurs, the PAD-3 creates a trouble condition on the fire control signal circuits to which it is connected. lt still maintains the ability to be activated by the fire control. ln addition, the PAD-3 provides a Form 'C'trouble relay output as an alterna- tive to using the notification circuit trouble. Electrical Specifications AC lnput: 120VAC @ 2.5 amps Output: 24VDC@ 6 amps Auxiliary Power Circuit: Notif ication Circuits: Output Conf iguration: Amps per Output Circu it: Notif ication Circuit Outputs: No. of Inputs: ln put Conf iguration: InputVoltage Range: Battery Charging Capacity: Trouble contact rating: Ambient Temperature: 1 4 2 Class A or 4 Class B or l ClassA&2ClassB 3.0 24VDC at 3.0 amps each, 24K ohm EOL resistor required on each Class B circuit 2 2 Class B or 2 Class A 9-32VDC 15.0A.H 2.5A @250VAC, 30VDC 32'F to 120"F Green Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Siemens Building Technologies Fire Safety Fire Safety I Fernwood Road Florham Park, NJ 07932 Tel: {973) 593-2600 FAX: (973) 593'6670 Website: wwwsiernens-com/ll s 9ta3 10$/ SFS.]G Printed in U S.A. For 0ption: These Inputs: Control These 0utputs:As: I Input I All 0utputs Class B Circuits 7 Input I Input 2* All 0utputs Silences horns on 1 Class B Circuits 1 lnput I lnput 2 Outputs I and 2 Outputs 3 and 4 Class B Circuits Class B Circuits Input 1 Input 2 output I 0utputs 2,3 and 4 Class B Circuits Class B Chcuits Input I 0utputs l-2,3 and 4 Class A Circuit Pairs 6 Input 1 Input 2* outputs 1-2,3 and 4 Silences horns on 1 Class A Ckcuit Pairs Input I Input 2 oulputs 1 and 2 outruts 3 and 4 Class A Circuit Pairs ClassA Circuit Pairs 8 Input 1 Input 2 0utputs l-2 outputs 3 and 4 Class A Circuit Pairs Class B Circuits *When used with U-MHU-Series horn/strobe units Mechanical Specifications Single Module Enclosure Model EN-PAD Dimensions: 12"W x 16"H x 3''D Color: Black Indicator Lights AC Power On: BatteryTrouble: Ground Fault: AuxiliaryTrou ble: Output 1 Trouble: Output 2Trouble: F re Satety 2 Kenview Boulevard Brampton, Ontario Canada L6T 584 Tel: (905) 799-9937 Scptember2(X)3 FAX: (905) 799-9858 sopo,sedes 5heet d,ted 5/03 Ordering Information SIEMENS Air Duct Housings-Series 11 ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT SPECIFICATIONS lntroduction The Siemens BuildingTechnologies, Fhe Satuty Division air duct detector housings are desigrnd to be used with the PE-ll and FP-l1 dotectors. Designed ior installatbn directly to heating, ventihting and airconditionirg duct systemq they comply with Natbnal Fire Protectbn Association Standard M. 90A.When equipped with photoelectric detectors, these units will s(;nalthe presence of hazardous quantilies of products of combus. tion or smoke being canied through the duct system. Air duct detectors are not intended to be substiMed ior open area detection. AI drct housingscan b€ equipped with optinnal rehys. These relays are utilized to operate any supplementary equipment when smoke or particles of combustion are detected. Note: Most control equiprnent guarantee only one detector per zone when the detector operated relay function is critical. The connection of a remote lamo and a remote relay per delector is allowed with PXL or System 3w only, other corventional svstems may use either a remote lamp or a rehy. With the MXL series of control panels, up to 60 detectors per circuit having rehys nuy be used. The connection of a remote hmp or a renpte relay is allowed br each detector but rpt both. Air drct housings (see Ordering Informatbn) are Underwriters Laboratorie s, lrn. listed. Fire Safety Description The Fire Safety air duct housing is uniquely designed to use the plptoelectric detector. Sensitivry of PE{ I detectors can be checked by viewing the LED oran BSAW-ll or BSAC-ll multicolor remote lamp. A green flash indicates the detectot has passed its self test. Amber indicates a troubb condition, and red indicates an ahrm state. FP-ll sensitivity may be viewed from the multicolor LED on the detector or preferably may be prinled by command on an optional printer lrom the MXL control panel. The detector unit employs a cross-sectbnal sampling principle of operation. Inlet sampling tubes are rvail- able in four lengths (see table on reverse sile). Outlet sampling tubes are one common length. A contintpus cross-sectional sample of air moving through the duct is taken. This aveftrges the effects of laminar flow stratificatbn or skin effect phenomena occuring in the duct that could prevent combustion prduct or smoke (especialV in large ducts) from reachirg a spot type detector. In addition, the unique design of the sampling chamber insures uniform sensitivity in air velocities, rarging {rom a low of 300 feet per minute to as high as 4000 deet per minute. CATALOG NUMBER For Series ll Detectors Rela/ Models Available Self contained Model available with "On - Board" Power Supply Alarm LEDVisible from Front Clear Housing Corer for Ouick ldentif ication of DetectorType ' @ &Tff; r'"tt ti",i?o *0,** IteplaceB Catalog fu ln!trer 5177 6178 The inlet sampling tube length is determined by the wilth ol the air duct beirg protected. The inlet tube nearest to but greater than the drct wilth shouH be used (see tablel. The inlet tube can then be trimmed at the iob site to the exact wirlth of the duct. The outlet sampling tube for all ducts, irrespective ol width, has a lixed length of approxirnately 3 inches (75 cm) and is supplied with the duct housirg. When the use of a remote relay is required, order rrndel ADllPR for conventional srrstems; ADllXPB for MXL systems. When required the EAF3 weatheF proof enclosure for Duct Housing is avaihble. Sam pling Tube Selection Table Maintenance of the detector is easily accomplished by the removal of the Series 11 duct housing sampling chamber cover. The detector, which plugs into the housing, is easily removed for cleaning by a trained technician. All that rs necessary for the installation ol the air duct detector is the cutting of three small holes for the sampling tube installation (temphte includedl and the drilling of four holes lor rnountirg the air duct housing. The unit is then easily mounted in place and connec- tion made to the existing wires or terminals if optional accessories are utilized. When using the PE-l1 or FP-l1 detector in an AD3l or AD3ILP duct detector housing you must use the ADll UK upgrade kit consisting of a detector base adapter and a new duct housing cwer. Ary Series 3 accessories such as remote hmps on relays will also have to be updated to PE-ll accessories. The FP-ll is faolo: Mhin|'r hddrr*o .sqraed F ooo Ai Dl&t housiE Asr$ly, oto Sanr*t0 tr.6o ..|d oi|o Dotetd. IOTICE: n|o u-se d othor lhaa Firo Safoly dotocto,g and bagss wlh Fi.e Satsty equip.nem ral bo consiro,€d a .rfuapplirbn ot Firg Safoty oquapmont and as slch voidg all wo,raotigs oithor orprossod oa impliod in aogard to lo$, damsgs, liabilit,os and/or servic€ problolns electrically compatible with Series 3 MXL accessorbs. ,qi 'r"' D!r F-E Sdtsty 2 Forwi€w Boubvard 5/03 Brsmpton, Onlario 5M Canede L6T 5E4 SFS{G Tol (9051 7ss37 l|.t 2mt Pfided in U.S.A FAX (9(}5) 7S$58 s-Fr.b.h.adr'trr(? -) --) Siemens Building Technologies Fire Safetyt Fire S€bty S Fernrrood B€d Flofi{n Palt- NJ 07912 Tel: 19731 5S2600 FAx: €Zl) 593€6ru 0rcr Wiat Srrplirt trb. Iod.l Io. gto 19lA sn to 5l cml sI&2 lghfS6lcnbgScml SIA3 33 ro 6 tr lS5 cln h 187.5 cml srAt 63 to 9'9 llE 5 cm b 295 t'nl STAI|} Brrter $sn g'9 lP.5 cml Cortsult tiiornenr F e Sofsiy Ioa.l Dr'c]lp o|| Sllppl4 Wrl$ttl. tg. AD.IIP Sefies ll Eir ducl housing with unet for the PE-11 and FP11 dstectors 5 ?25 AD.I I FR Sories ll air dud housing \.vilh co/er tor the Pf ll lhotqrkrctric (kroctor and equirped with rernote relaY b z.h AD.l1XPF Series l'l ai duct housing wrth over kn the fPll delsctd ea{.iooed with remote r€lay 5 2.25 sA-l1P Series 11 air duct housing wilh power supply l0r selt-contained unit oDera:ion tor Pe-l'l Dholo{rer.ric detcfior 7 3.15 AO.'I I UK Upqrade kil for rrnq Pf-ll or fP']1 deteclor h a se:ies 3 duct housinu .45 STA-2 Sampli gTube. fot ducts 9' to 1'9'.45 STA3 SamplinOTLbe. for ducts l 9' ro 3 3-.s stA.6 Samplin0Tube. lor ducrs 3'3 io6'3- sTA- 10 Samplino lube. tor ducls 6'3 10 9'9' Samplino Tubos q?aler lhan 9'9', cDnsult Siemcns trre Safetv 6 3.1 RLC-1r RemoteAlarm [amp, ceilinq mouoled for PE-11 .5 RLW-11 BemoteAlarm Lano. rvall mounted lot PE-l'5 .22 RSAC-11 FsmoteTri-color LED. ceiling moun@d for PEll .5 .22 BSAW-1I Bemotelri-color tED. wall mounted tot PE ll 22 PE-I1 Conventional Photelectric Delecior 45 FP. n Inlellioent Firel"intIM Dere[tor I 45 fAD 3 Wcathcrproot cndosurc tor 0uct Ho$rno 55 Iod.l D.rcriptioo P.rt lftmbrr F I Romots (rudl alarm Inrlcator 4" o.lqon box fir|nt v)0-sn673 nU,2 Rennte lrdi alarm indicator - single gang box mount 500-3!n5/4 SIEMENS Fire Safety System Batteries 24Volts DC Nominal for FireAlarm System Secondary Power ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT SPECIFICATIONS . 6, '10, 15. 31, 55 & 100 Amp Hour Battery Sets o Sealed, Lead-Acid, Rechargeable o Mount in System Enclosure or BB-55, BB-55R Battery Box . @ Listed and ULC Listed . FM, NYMEA and CSFM Approved Description Siemens BuildingTechnologies, Fi re Safety Division battery sets are manufactured by major suppliers of bafteries such as Johnson Controls,Yuasa and Eagl+ Picher. All are UL listed for use with Fire Safetv control panels. As the manufacturers improve the design of their batteF ies, the amp-hour rating will increase. However, the dimensions of the batteries remain the same to insure that they fit in the system enclosures as specified. lf the system enclosure does not house the required battery set use the model BB-55 battery box, Catalog No.3326. lt can house any of the available battery sets. SXL is listed with BT-33, BT-34 and 8P-61 only. Please Note:The amphour ratings stated here are minimums.The actual batteries installed may exceed the indicated rating. 4 0 Ordering Information CATALOG NUMBER 3361 . j Dimensional Drawings BT€3 12 Per Sctl ril__ irs _ _l zse _f BP.24 (2 Pcr S.tl l2v 6AH 5 lbs t- aoa - 12\r 3tAH 2e.5lb6. eE$9.I4.Pcr.9sl pT I 3.78 I 3.76 tloaa lP-2{ and EF€O hc!d. Gonildln, arDbfo. CF2f,R. 6V 10AH 45lbg 1..- s.ss -l -'l r.ez Pl I 65 3.6 FT BTX.212 Per s€tl(+) (-trt 1Al 56AH 40 lba 6.E7 pT (-) (+) -----n r I 12V 6 H | 3.78sbi I.l l- 13.it2 BTr(.1 12 P€r SeoP'l n. r I 6.31 --l z8 - I 7.X t 7,96 I 6.e0 Fz?s-:T --{to *T tO.2O - T Siemens Building Technologies Flre SafeQr Fire Srloty 8 Femtrood Roed Florham Parl, NJ 07932 Tel: (973) 59$2@0 FA( (973) 59S6670 Websito: wwwsbt.siom6ns.com/fi s Fire Saf€ty 2 Kerwbw Boulev€rd Brampton, Ontario Canads L6T 5E4 Tol: (905) 79$9937 FAX: {905} 7999858 .rrn 2OGt S{f.n d.r rhil drt d 5O2 603 €M SFS.|G Printsd in U.S.A. BP€l, l'l P€r s€tl (+)