HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 TRACT B D E TEES 4 5 6 CART PATH LEGALt ,d vAtL rlpE DEpAaTA{ENT HYefe*rt,ta 6^t4|s + ?eoo*cf *WntTThV ?ap ? Vfqu fuvF 6ai?ga HAtIJ1reNAp/-e. ?rctvrtY 1e#Y\ 1e p:13ffi 4894 Van Gordon Shtel*tof F4aY#2:X !i FILE NO VCOLTCO1 , iAFGIMESA FIRE SYSTEMSr.4894,VAN'GORDON STREET iwurAriRrDcE, Coronlno Boo33 i, l'l 1 ;. i i':ii , FLOW TEST RESULTSr' I .. ,. Supp I y PRESSURE STJMMARY t' ACTUAL FLOW 9s. 00 PSI 85.00 PSI @ 9,BB.OO GPId AVAILABLE AT .622,9 GPMxffq OF SPRINKLER OuTifdfrfr MINIMUM FLOW K-FACTOR PRESSTJRE 90.74 PSr f,/,/r SPR 31.39 28.29 25.92 21.69 20,44 28. 33 27 ,73 26,.62 24.94 2L,35 25.64 25, 07 .24. O3 22.42 19. O0 19. 00 19, 00 19. 00 19. 00 19. 00 19. 00 19. 00 19. 00 19.00 19. 00 19. 00 19, 00 19. 00 19, 00 19.00 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 5, 60 ,. 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 5, 60 5, 60 5, 60 5. 60 SYSTEM 3r.42 25,52 21.42 15.00 13. 33 25. 58 24, 52 22.',60 19.83 14. 53 20,96 20. o5 18.41 16. 03 11.51 '372. B6 GPIII 250,00 GP[{ '622. 86 cPI\l 70.65 PSI O. OO PSI 20. 03 FPS TOTAL.WATER REQUIRED FOR OUTSIDE HOS€-STREAMS AT O TOTAL WATER REQUIREMENT PRESSURE REQUIRED AT O MAXIMUM PRESSURE UNBALANCE, IN LOOPS MAXIMTJM VELOCITY FROM 15 TO 106 , .| 09-19-1996 PAGE 1 s$ ' l:.i:'j i - l,i,r'i'l'1',;. O f Il ,;:l i'.'i,l rl Ii i'r; SUBMITTAL SERIAL VAIL GOLF COURSE ii.i,l r50IIY4 I 09-19-19'illALi rrLI\I Lcr'rr tr\r. a.rrirvlll it I ; i . I V:LFCOUpSE : ..,i: I I I ANCE FACILITY i I DRY SYSTEM ;;v I'li,; 'I 'I . j1 ii,r; r I Iji' 'TAL SERTAL NO: ?35orrY4 , , I dg-rg-rgiolFcounsE . i I I]NANCE FACILITY i IDRYSYSTEM . I i I ;y 1,1;,; FILE No IIVGOLFCoI , i i iiii,iir, ,:;,i.Jii i1,,, I ion{;, Flow Pipe ; Fi!-tlnge Equiv Friction iPressur ".- i. in Size , i .'&i , .Length Loss i :Sutnmary'o f- GPM IN 'Devices Ft PSI/FI \^JSI:,i l i i .V, lJL, 6 PAGE 2 (115)l;'i: ll .t: :i' ': '7,nDLr5 il, 1.049 I,i' i L 13.00 (C=100 l/pT 11.5ArQ _1e.00 | .F=9 F 0.00 \l-l Pr 0t8V :,{ BN4 ; : I T 13.00 0,1658 PF 2Y6,"i, ' ' i opdl: zt.3s 1.04e l'.r*#---t\ L 6.00 c=100;pr t4.r4,,',jrQ'h'40,35 :l fir=bl:r 0.00 ipt o,fqi i:: ,,* BNa i lfu,/ ,, 6.00 0.6680 Pf 4;v{ 9 i'f . 1 . 04e .i . Yf L 10. 00 c=100 pT 18, ega 40,35 i,.rF=o F o.oo ipE o.oo I, BN2 ,.:+". I i PT 25.66 --j -fiiF-----F- . .i _ i i 4 i},,i :r 1.049 , i i. ; L 13.00 c=100 PT 16.03 :;dtll, zz,42,l,if1],;',, BN4 ;'i,'i jlilil , ', r 13.00 o.zzsr p\ 2:63'j';$'i:r ;. ijr-.ili: .ti.,,,;,gqd;ir 24.s4 1.04e :i -; il.r i i': i. 6.00. c=r00 pr rs,sr :'i in r, .r |in ,rA .r I ii.. ,, :1c-n ' "t' t ttrl : a/ t t .1. ifl;,, 4 i},,i :r 1.049 , i i. ; L 13.00 c=100 PT 16.03 ,: itJtil, zz, 42 'l,if1],;',, BN4 ;'i,'i jlilil , ', T 13.00 o.zzsr P\ 2:63 , i',$'i:i t, j. .1-i11 , r :.,:,n .gqti;;t r 24.s4 1. o4e , :i .. jli i i ,: i . 6.00 . c=100 pT rs,arr- *.t iqi,; ,, 47 .36 . ;t, j, rj ;.:ir;O ; ,ii F -fin6- PE (. +t.,li;qfi;.ll":l .313 ; '1 ,: ,i'i". ;: ;r,'f 1 6.00 0.8985 PF dle{jl$i=-l-____ ;'i ',ri;1i ,li,r ri:*i;i PT' 25.65 :,li'1tr{::t------ .i ii,:r iir-,^' . i ::: islrftlil;, 1..04e :,i l'l ,' ii r; L ' 13.00 c=100 pT l8,4rr ,';Q.:'i, 24.03 : ;:,-'p=S I 'F 0.00 PB o/aZ/ '; ltfl:', i ' BN4,'"'i.,T 13.00 0.2560Pq' 353.,1:,: i " ti'' i, i r,i.,:i ir' i L:;l',;,;F=0 :' i F t:'i.iiftii'l , :, r ' il' i,ii.i i. ;t i ::f ., ,,i:;i']:'tj'.;i I :'i!;;;i;1ii,: iiI ;.'t'.,, 1F=0 1.F .'l ',',:i,, iIBN4 i:r,:i 'rT 13'oo o'2560r PT 333 ., 1.049 ,j ' .i1", l' ;; t, L 6.00 c=100 | PT 22,6r-,.; ;l',''f=0r::.f 0.00 iPE Ot4U ;:i.,PN3 , i :,,*1";'io.ii;, I 6. o0 r IL74',II,' ^9f.9 (1r0) ( 1e) ( 18 ) (r14) (109) ( 1B) (113) ur,i i i ... i'.' ' ' l,: i' - j'{;:1,1;fldi,:i: tj,r ' -i ,:'?T, 29, L4 lr:'0 iPT: 20.05r3l:00 C=100 i PT": 20.05lil)1.' l';:i.25;07 I r,'., i;',i '*"Sf$,1.-f,f+O .ii;l{} r 0.00 pE 0 BN44ii:'ti,l:lri,l .; i.'T I3.00 o.2770PF 3 (108) ( L7) (r12) (LO7) ( 16) (111) .!i.r zs; oz 1i; ,i ,ffif$,,t$F+0 l l{i r 0.00 pE oA;J ii'f,: ' ::i :';:ti. I i " 27 .73 1. 049 , ' ' i:' I , L 6. 00 C=100 PT 24,5?',.i' 52. BO '. ': ,5=6 : 'i F 0.00 i-PE O..fra/r-' , BN3 '; ' 1, , I I T 6. o0 1.098? pF olcf i" 1' ' i.'o+g'i'l .l' ;1t",1 i l, i,r' 13.00 c=roo I pC.25.64 :: : ',i, 'P;r6 ',i P 0.00 PE' ' i: BN4 r i,, :; :i :'l T 13,00 0.28871 PF i 13,00 C=100 ' :., .1,rr!'r i t | :, l" J I \, i uv v. .()(), .r ll . lBTl P4 6?99 , i PT 31.54i,r.i ,|..itO PT::; 20,,56PE' M87 s7 Pd sYfsli i ! 0. 3463 Equiv Lengtlr Ft 6. 00 0. 00 6. 00 6. 00 4. 00 10. 00 10. 00 0. 00 10. 00 6. 00 4. OO 10. 00 10. 00 0. 00 10.00 6. 00 4. 00 10.00 6. 00 4, 00 10,00 6. 00 4. 00 10. 00 10. 00 0. 00 10. 00 10. 00 0. 00 10.00 'lrl Pipe Siee INI 1r 049 ( 15) (105) C= 100 o .7237 C= 100 o ,2945 C= 100 C=100 0.4198 C= 100 0.3488 C=100 0.2401 ( 11) ( 10) ( 10,1).r-0\( -.{3J SERIAL COURSE IE FACILITY ' SYSTEM :l FrLE NO Flow Pipe, in SizeGPM IN . 52, B0. LgL, L7 'l 245. 13, ji: , i ,',:245, 13 L, l 245, 13 B, 05 8. 29 95. 34 .li: li { ii di ili F ht, | !t! l1 i;t'(i o Equ iv Lengtlr Ft Frictio Loss PS I /Ft 2.635 FM3 2.635 FM2 2.635 10.00 C=100 0. 0010.00 0. 1338 '10.00 C=100 0. 0010,00 0.2t20 10. 00 0. 00 10.00 10.00 10. B0 2A,.BO 20.'00 10. B0 30. 80 10.00 o. 00 10. 00 : 10. 00 6. 00 16. 00 28. 00 7. 00 35, 00 16. 00 7.OO 23.00 6. 00 0. 00 6. 00 ^80.00 )1M '40. 00 C= 100 0,2720 C= 100 o.2120 l C= 100 o,2L20 C= 100 0. 4620 C= 100 rPE 0. 4149 iPF ri C= 100 0.2470 C=720 PT PE 0.0417 PF C= 1OO,'ifT ;PE 0,2070 rPF (t 9- l9- 19 96 l PAGE 4 16) PT PE PF PT PE PI PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PTI PEI PF'I l : t:, 1.1 ) ( 12) 35. 00 ( 0. 00 2.12 : 37.12 ( 13) 0. 00 . 4.41 41.53 0. 00 6. 53 48. 06 '24,79 0. 00 4.62 29, 4L 0. 00 , 6,64 36.05 7) 0. 00 7 .25 43.30 ( 6) 0, 00 4.76 5) 9) B) I I I I I C=100 PT J-8-QO ( 5) 0.0584 FF "**P wrn*Hfifrn 51.01 ( 0. 43 r.67 4) ,: tl,'.. t i' il l BMITTAL SERIAL NO: 2350IIY4 ILiGOLF COURSE :INTENANCE FACILITY I.NItsNANUT, JAUI.LIII ,. :.. I iIC .DRY sysTEM i . 99-rs-1es6 PACE 5 :, ,.. FILE NO VGOLFCO1n..i ".i,ition Flow Pipe Fittings Equiv Friction Pressuret l: , in Size i ':& i Lengtlr Loss i Summary 'i,Io i GPM IN DeviceP Ft PsI/Ft PsI 1,,' 'l-3 4,026 i L .3.00 C=12O PT 53. l, ,. i: Q; 372,86 i L .3.00 c=rzo PT 5J.11 ( 3), F=E,BV F 22.00 PE 1.30;. Vi Ora,6O r "t'=.trlDv f ZZ,UU rL f::i ' FR2 ', : .t i T :25,OO 0.0417 PF,: r','f::t,026 i _t__l_ L, 1!,9q c=rzo ,lr 55, ; , r l T :25.00 0.0417 PF 1.04 l,i,l i '',j.-'l i L 15, 00 C=IZO PT 55,45 ( 2),'\'.w. ,. Ori .l:,.,.14,026 ;.' j..-'l , L 15,00 C=LZO PT 55,45'372.86 . i rioo[ , r, o. oo iPE 6. 50_\FR1''i'riii'.i:i.:':r;15.000.0417PF0.63 Febco Mod./ 856 -rlDoriblil Check Detr:ctor Assembly 4,97 4,026 i i,'ir;r:l I 'L i F;DDC F; 1FRl iriii"i:i' : :f;l./ 856 -,iDouble Che./ l l':4.s40 : i {ttr]Dc=r4o ,Pr 67.s6 ( r)372.86 : F=T,FV\ffiT ,pE 2.60UN i . i rIr+,l.oO 0.0034:pF 0.49 ngi 4A)g i, , i: i ''I . " llO 0u q0 tefrlf II,,i,i ,li V& /,vE€ #T?rY kYLt-'' f/fu,o &oarcs 4FrtJoz| !!i{fi' ^@ 4!ke-- frd- Ahe A.fze - q)6'Wn u *5:,,' J,,:,iirl: :,,:,",:,--, ,.i , j1:,i,f ilt , t',tj,r,i ;,': .i t,',:t,: ' :; l:, .:. 't4&'fi:i ,&/{<,-. ,l,i .ii,;,i i4;1, , ,:;1..,:1.. i I |i I ' :i,. ,l .:l;,,;ri iq;l fr'. 1oo. o CToa€t EdA! EE gt E\t> =o.69 aoEon0fit u,tn 3o(J IL -Jo o'J a ;i : I b oo d s q a6o- 0. :ggltr r aHSo.a U'o:(rtqr.'. E .O '[ ltl 3fiJ , 0.g, I I .'' : : i : I.liF :,'tt l, r,i. i.tEti ,(LIL(L';gtGtct ! ood'''qqq ooNUINN(o ar' '1:Hi , a[: n(o c; ^, It 0t,-(Jbtr-tI'!o I qfld #r.JJAE$fl ESe, I ILet (oq, fi o t H UI o- n(o o :" Erdt ET O,-trE!.ol n'? ,il,*BTPFEEEfiSSHF i.: I t1ii {' l,r'li, il. tilfgPoo (Bal efircad KRPEFFFF i 0 19-1996 PAGE 19- o 87.66 PSI GPM PM ESSURE 23.63 27 ,25 25.7s 25, 56 24. LO 2L ,77 32.69 32. 03 31 . 1.1 30,28 27 ,99 19.15 15.57 17 ,84 13,72 19, l0 16, 55 ZL. L9 17.24 13. 47 t5.46 988. 0 p36. 2 TFLOWS i cton -.i.-- .60 .60 .60 . 60: .60 .60 .10 .60 .60 .60 ;50 .60 .60.10 : .10 .60' .s0 ,60 ,80 .60 .60 OG GP PRE z 2;2 z 2 3 3'3 3 2I '| I 1 L 1 2 I .l1l FLOW Supply PRESSURE ACTUAL FLOW 80033 TEST RESULTS 95.00 PSI : 85.00 PSI @r; OF SPRINKLER MINIMUM FLOW 19. 00 20.00 20.00 21,50 21.50 t? .85 30. 00 2r. 50 21.50 21,50 L7 ,85 23.40 18. 90 30. 00 30. 00 19. 00 16.00 17,OO 17.00 16. 50 16. 50 OU -FAK 27 .22 29.23 28.42 28.31 27 .49 26. 13 46.31 31. 69 3L,25 30. B2 29.63 24.50 22, 1O 34,21 30.00 24, 47 22,78 25;?B 23.25 20.55 22, 02 o 586.16 GPM 250. 00 GPM 836.16 GPM 82.18 PSI 0.00 Psr 23. 8.1 FPS 09-19-1996 PACE 2 o Friction Loss PS I /Ft C= 100 0. 3284 19-1996 PAGE 39-0NO: 23501IY4 C=100 PT PE 0.3B60 PF Pressure Summary PSI i :13.72 ( 139) i 0.65'3.47 17. 84 ( r38 ) i o. os t4.20 32,69 (r2B) 0. 00 ' 5.67 38.36 ( 28) 13.47 ( 135) 0. 00 2. Ll 15. 58 ( 134 ) 1. 30 8. 88 Equiv Length Ft 9. 00 0. 00 9. 00 t r T L T ,.1,,1 iFittt. &, Dev i ce:i i L ,F=0 i !. F=0,i i F=t;i 1 rrii.;iit F=[ i.i i ' ,r,,, l ,i , ]F=Q'r.,i ,'1.,.1 : 'r :i'' I;.F:Trri,ti ,t , r=r ,i 'i:: 't .'F=0 .i,.1,i.",.1,tr. f . :1,.; :l.i'l:, .:F=['',t i .! I, F=E'lii t:li.r'l-;l .i 'i i. i , f,-+ I',i:i I 'ij: ,l: ::t: i.i :i.r,,l ,irllii , : :i',4:,{, l:i,:1:SI44INTENANCE FACTLTTYlX,j'li ;i'ilili:i:rj:fi; . REMoTE 2160 sQ FT' : i ip fl iI;if ;; ' fi, i F I LE No vGoLFc0 z.,i : I i1 ir,lilii,iis,i ;i' ri, .iiq'Loo.,atlon Flow pipe i Fi ',,; r:;ItAm To cPM IN Dev:: ':'1:','1; ;' :, ';:,f3q 139 t.049, ,' . ;ii,.,, t :' Q 30. 0Oili: i r:lili,i, i1 :; BNI ! -r.!_r.,,1 . tJ. ii. -l l, , I _ ': :' ,,i ,i :i : l:irj,128: 138DQ 31 .21 1 . 049:i. i.,;'iii ;a 64.2r': BNl.',1' :: : '',. i :'! ' . ,. ' 28 128DQ 46. 31 1. 3S0'-;' i;i 't,',.ii , , '. , a 110.53.. :;.i,i I , BNz ;,'..i';r,;;'i;;f {p i !i:: , ;. il {.i}i --+i--*---- ,r,:,:iil i,i,irifirl?4;:13fir, 1,04e j .;ri,r..:.:.!: if i;;i: ..,i:. :i,Q 20.55 I.,, .,i', i;'i;,1.'lli ' {,:, BNl , :: ,li' :'f';::il i 'it , '.* r;, i,[i 12il 13{pq zz. Lo t. 049 ; "' i:,"i, l; ;. i, ' ' i I i. q 42.65,:,iljl l; ,.il.l.lr" I BNl ' I ',' il" li'lir'ii-Lll I. .,,f ili. li.;,r * :'' :Ji'.i,if., i{;$,,!jr,23j r23DQ 2a,42 1.380 ' ,ir i'ib: i: ;liiiri.r' i,: . { a rL,or , .:;t l:i i! 'ii:ii:li I : ,;, t BNzli:iir l; .i -: : ,' 'i I I : 137 136 .1. 049 . r, ::{ :. l. .: | "a 22,02 : ,, i, '.: .;1,. ,,. I . BNI ' ..: ., : " , -!'.rI:l I i:'.-:' :' : r.:l,i i ;1.,i1'itl7"n.t3z ' 1. 049',',,ili. ij *i-ql.i"ii t, e zz.oz '; rli,iHi fiirfir$:N4ffi'l '{, . i1i.,:j,1i lli,iiU o'l; 12iDa 26, L3 r'. aso ,l:'i' :l ].:i]r.;;;'i:''|."..iQ4B,L4' iil, 'lr r..i! i. BNz.:,. ;la, " i.1 : i" i ' ..'. . rl ,i::, i,. i t" 26': 27 l. 3Bo,;. :ir:i lQ 48'14' i: ii' ; i BNz: :l: ,,:..r,.1t1.' . t.. ; :.,ii- ' '. i :' I i '.:1, ' .,.,,.1,: :i;,26'L26 1.049 | : ;:BNI.,,,: .i 1 r,.. . ,1., -.,l rl., :. i ri:. ..'' . : ....: ,1!1,..t1. ,,. :.. . ti:t.,,:i::,j , ,1 ,';ll L. 11.00 " F '0,00 Ti 11. 00 L 3.00F '2.00T 5.00 L r2.O0F 2.00T 14.00 . 9.00 C=100 PT 0. 00 PE 9, 00 t,5779 PF 1. 00 C=100 PT4,00 PE 5. 00 1. 1333 PF PT 10. 00 C= 100 PT1.00 PE11.00 0.1917 PF 12.00 C=100 PT0.00 PE12.00 0.7401 PF .l3.00 C=100 PT4.00 PE 7. 00 0. 5006 PF PT 11. 00 C=100 1.0012.00 0.2r78 C=100 PT PE 0.2178 PF C=100 PT PE 0.2436 PF C=100 PT PE 0.2436 PF PT 21.77 ( 127 ) 0.00 ^' 1.22 2?.99 ( 27) 0, 00 3. 41 26.40 ( 26' : ( 123) ( 23) (r36) ( 137) 24. 10 ( 126) L F T L F T L F T L. F T 5,76 0. 00 3. 50 9.26 5. 46 1. 30 2.6L 9.37 0.00 2, 40 2 2 1 I I 1 PT PE PF L r T 0. 00 2.30 PT PE PF 3. 00 4. 00 7. 00 TTAAL SERIAT NO:2350IIY4 i o Equ iv Fr i ct ionLength Loe s Ft PSI /Ft 09-19-1996 PAGE : t. ,1 I L 6.00F 0.00T 6,00 L 3.00F 4.00T 7.00 L 12. 00F 0.00T 12. 00 L. 3.00F 4,00T 7.00 C= 100 o.2652 C= 100 0.3468 C=100 o.2655 C=100 r.0577 PF PT PT PE PF PI ressur unmary PSI 26. 40 i0.00 i 1,5e 47 .99 I 25.56 r0.00 ', 2. 43 27 .99 19.15:1.30 i3.19 23. 64 0.00 7.40 31.04 27 ,25 , 0,00 2.58 29. 83 16.55 0. 00'2.55 19,10 t. 30 11.63 32. 03 0. 00 4 .2(, 36.29 30.28 0. 00 z. 84 33, 12 31. 14 0. 00 2.91 34. 05 P s PII PE PF PF PT PT PP PF PT PE PF PE PF PT PT PE PF PE PF PT PT PE PF PT ( 26) ( 25) (125) ( 2s) ( 133) L F T 0 B 0 PE PF PI PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT ( IzL) ( 21) ( t22) ( 22) L I t L 0 F T L F T L F T 0 6 0 3 0 9 0 0 I 3 I 2 I B I 6 0 f 0 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4. 'f 0. 1. 3. 0, 3. 3. 4. "7 I I L 0 4 0 B ( 140) PE PF PT PE PF "PT (129) ( 29) (13r) ( 31) (r30) ( 30) 3. 00 C=100 4.00 7,OO O.405? 3. 00 C=100 4. 007.00 0.4163 ttlfij:l!: fl#i;l,I,tAIxrENANcE FAcrlrry , r itt++l{,:, til$i{lilji" t REMoTE 2160 sQ Fr ir , !r; ,1r;'iii I,I!,, i FILE No vcolFco2 i Flow Pipe Fittiin Size &'..;,- i:; ',,,ti.'i 'il in Size &. From To cPM IN Device .,:., ,.a75.63F=0,,, 1 , : r. ,Q 75,63 F=0 r i ',t;, ;,. BN3 "i ;;irll'' I 't' I I:i , lr .-_:-.__-, ,l,i ,25 L25 1.049 I i, ; , I Q ?8.31 F=t'I BNtI L GOLF COURSE ,iF=Q : BNl .) t,, ,. i 1.049 I ' i ..11 ,l 121 133 1. 049 l' v 24.50 F=0.r BNl ,: , ,, :a 29.23 F=T .'i l: i -:,:i,r' :,, . l.'.; 140 14I 1.049r' : i:rr, r'i: .:,,,;'lji.jLi, i'Q 22.78 F=E i;i;r":r !i r; ;li.:,i ii I ,,BNl )t :. r'' h , l . t. : .ijr.,i:i ,,. ,129. 140DQ ..24.47 1.049' :,i:, ', i: r ,'' i ' 't I " 47 '25 F=o. '.;:r "ij:,1 ; i:9 , :- !i' t'' ii :. :.i i': - $,iF itiilr,t"t"t il:3i '''uo ,i ;.;.=, rii i[.': i; ifii :i f t BNz I ;.'.,:tf l r BNl;l , I':'1n.------ . jl9g - 1.04s l:, Q 3L,Zs:,l BNl I 19-1996 PAGE 5 eesure mmary PSI (144) ( 143 ) o9- o Equiv Fr i ct ionLength LoseFt PSI/FI I I .'.i : t:- i.,l ri )2i ilt,tInge t&l:vicfsi,lr'l I F=F I.i rl F=0 I I I I .'F=0 ri I''I I F=T,I I tl I ;F=0 I I I I , F=0 I .t I F=0,l I :I I F=0 I ..1 |,,I ."1 E=TiEr'l I i,. I Ii .:;ii 'f=0 : I I ! F=0 i li .i,':'l'i ' "' tl; t:: i l i ..: .r'-,,,: Y4 )FT LFCO rF ue : i I I . . . : ;' : tl j, rr:,i' .','I i', r; L.; j t :1.. l I : l 'rir'.,iil: ' i::.. 'i: : :.:.., ::: . :.:: :-'irr. Eg "'rr''r:'r'ir' t (D ffir,i;$${'[ 'iI3 ;.;' ,ri.lie-ll1l,l ,!lr ir:m,ar r. ::dJ{*:i:ttili,li:ili.,:',I;t,' EGtl..Lrri*.6fiii ll--f l$ Fi Efrir:,ft*Sfr:SUEMITTAL SERIAL No: 2350H1 ffii['.r,:,]Ti'pPivrIL GoLF couRsE ffil:rr, ii'#rS.uelHruNANcE FAcrLrry ilfliil[:f ir3:ffii:"ri;L'' rv REMoTE 2160 s( .t :,i : li'{.i l:.;, : FILE NO VCOI. | :. . lr. ;i lj.,i. t;,, it, I ir, ,:l.ll,looatipn Flow Pipe - i.. ;1:li;'ir) {} i in Size, il{ :,',.",;i';,From Tb cPM IN ,,; iiF ,hn$i$Fl'"$:: : I. :il; '.'-+r.!F:-' ir- i1:F;143 144 1. 049, i:l ":'1ii',11 :iq 23.25. ; ,;: :.. ii. , DNl ii: l. ,;i.:,'i :, li, ,r , i j142 ra3DQ 2s.78 1. 049' : :l, :: , a 49,02 ; ;: i.;, , L t- BNI ,,1: ','':tli li'ii I. 1 :!; . f .i;.ii;il 32 :I42 l. 380 i ;; llirf"l ': ir i ,a 4s . ozi. .r i...r..... BNzri "'ii:,i: i:',,:i. -'ii:3?'132DQ' 29.63 1.610ji', :; ';i.i i a 78,65 ;' 1.:,i:. I BN3 .',, 'r :l.l ' I t r,, ii.; , I:.,ft- f2, l.610!, ji. ,.1 ;': 1::.. i a 78,65 :.:. , i l, ; BN4 ,r ;jr r r30 SIDQ 30.82 2.067 i,' i, l,r I : Q 109,47 ,li 1,,,,;:i ' i BN4 ,.;, ,1"|29 3QDQ 31,25 2,067, r' r i. i Q L4O,7L ,', li : t'l' ',,i it ' ,i, FR9 , i r 28 29DQ " 78,94 2.6is: ,, 1t .: Q 219,66.:i '.. :,, i rR7-:;, ,..i, , , li: z 2BDQ -1 10.53 4,260. ,,,,: i;-.' 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'r''i REMoTE 2160 SQ FT : FILE NO VGOLFC02 | Flow Pipe Fittlngs Equivin Size & LengthGPM IN Devices Ft 7LO7 2.635 L 5.00l75,OL F=0 F 0.00FRB I T 5.00 29.23 2,635 L 8.00204,25 F=0 F 0. 00 FR7 , i T 8.00 I 51,73 2.635 , I L 24.00255.98 I i F=rjE F 15.10 FR6 in ,; I I f 39.10i'! 330.18 4,026 | ' i L 77.00 586. 16 i tF=t F t4 . ooFPs : : T 91.00 t!'i,':l I4,O26i I l: L 6.00 586. 16 , F=Q F 0.00 FR4 : i r 6.00 4.026 : i r 3o.oo 586. 16 I F=D$V F 10. 00 FR3 i4.026 i r 3.00586.16 F=E;BV F 22,00FR2 T 25, 00 4.026 , L 15.00 586. 16 ,, i ' F=DDC F o. oo'FRl :, i T 15.00 Febco Mod.: 856 = Double'Check Detect,i-l . 6.340 I L 100.00586.16 I ,F=T;GV F 44.00uN i T 14{.00iiii rJ' j: tli., :; '-J f!; J irfr. iI .Ll , ,il iHr';3li [|[lrrrlenc j " i:, J'r .oaat i 6n ,r' I trdm Toii .l ','? 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They incorporate a unique center strut design which results in a smaller, more atlractive sprinkler than those manufactured with a mor6 traditlonal design approach. The cenler-strut operating mechanism of the Mod€l A sprinkler responds signilicantly faster than more tradilional mechanisms such as the 8mm glass bulb or link-andlever. The Model A Sprinklers are intended for installation in accordance with current NFPA 13 Standards. They are available in a wide variety of orifice sizes, temperature ratings, finishes, and corrosion resistant coalings. Operation: A fusible alloy is sealed into a bronze center slrut by a stainless steel ball. When the alloy mells at ils rated temp€ralure, the ball is forced upward into thg center strut, releasing the two eiectors and operating lhe sprinkler. Unlike mos! other sprinkler designs, the alloy is nol exposed to atmospheric conditions that could aftect its proper functioning. lt is also less susceptible lo mechanical damage since there aro no protruding elemenls, extending beyond the sprinkler f rame. Technical Data Model: A Style: Upright or Pendent Orifice Size K Factor Thread 3A" p,s rn) %e" 1tt.t mn1 t/2" (p.z rnn) t'rh" (es nxn) 1'/e" (as,*r) 2.7 @.a, 1A' oz.znrr,N.P.T. 4.2@.@ th'ftzznilN.P.T. 5.6@.u) 1A' 0z.znlqiN.P.T. 7.8 o t r.s) 1A' oz.t rd N.P.T. 8.1 \ts.s) 3/o' (ts.t nO N.Pf. Temp. Fating and Frame Arm Color: 135"F/57"C Uncolored 165"F/74oC Uncolored 212"F/100"C White 286"F/141"C Blue Approvals: U.L., U.L.C., F.M., M.E.A., V.D.S., LPCB (see tabular information on Page 3.) Maximum Working Pressure: 175 p.s.i. Factory Hydro Tcst: 500 p.s.i. Standard Finishes: brass, chrome plated (chrcme ls not V.D.S. Approved and white paint is U.L. only.) Coatings: wax, lead, or wax-over-lead (see tabular information on . page 3.) Pintle: on deflector for e/e", 7re', and17lgz" orifice by lz" thread Length: 23/a" (w.ss nn) (excluding pintle) Width: 17|rc" llr'.srnnt(frame arms) Weight: 4.2 oz. pn sranslr' For specitio listirE requlrorrlonG s€o tho appropriata inlormalion conlained ln lhls brociure. No.2.l.O **M ' 286o l€mpor8ture ls nol U.L.C. Approvsd wllh conoslon'r€3lslanl coaung8. " No cono-slon-roalslanl coatlngs 8re Approved by EA'"' Lead only.-* tietea aahignfemperaturo, wex coal.dlorlmlallettonwhore meximumrmblontcolllng lsmpstatura does not exc..d 150"F. LPGB Listlngs fllnstallation All Central Model A Sprinklers must be installed according to current NFPA 13 Standards. Deviations from these requirements and standards or any alteration to the sprinkler itself will void any warranty made by Central Sprinkler Company. In addition, installation musl also meet' local government provisions, codes and slandards as applicable. The system piping must be properly sized to insure lhe minimum required flow rate at the sprinkler. Check for the proper model, style, orifice size, and temperalure rating prior to inslallation. Install sprinklers after the piping is in place to avoid mechanical damage; replace any damaged units. Wet pipe systems must be protected lrom lreezing. Refer to the Central Bulletins on the Model A-1 Dry Pendenl Sprinklers for use in dry pipe sprinkler installations. Upon completion of the installation, the system must be tested per recognized standards. ln the event of a thread leak, remove the unil, apply new pipe joint compound or tape, and reinstall. Installatlon Sequence Step 1. The unit must be installed in the upright position for upright style sprinklers, and in the pendent position for pendent style sprinklers. Step 2. Use only a non-hardening pipe joint compound or Teflon' tape. Apply only to the male threads. 'Tellon is a lrademark ol the DuPont Coro. 3 Step 3. Hand tighten the sprinkler into the fitting. For upright sprinklers use a Central Sprinkler Combination Wrench, and for p€ndent sprinklers use a Central Sprinkler Universal Wrench, to tighten the unit into th€ fitling. A l€ak-tight joint requires only 7 to 14 ft.-lbs. ol torque; a tangential force of 14 to 28 lbs. delivered through a 6" handle will deliver adequate torque. Torque levels over 21 tl.-lbs. may distort the orifice seal, resulting in leakage. For exposed piping systems, lhe sprinkler should be oriented so the lrame arms are parallel with the branch line pipe. Cautlon: Special care must be taken when installing with a CPVC piping system. Sprinklers must b€ installed after the CPVC manufacture/s recommended setting time for lhe primer and cement to ensure thal no primer or cement accumulates wilhin U.L., *U.L.C. and EA (N.Y.C.) Cal. No. 375-7s-SA Orlllce Size and Style Temperature Rating ('F)Corroslon-Reslstant Goatlng 3/e" upright and pendent 'ZAo" upright and pendent 1/2" upright and pendent r?s2" (xr/e" thd.) upright and pendentflle" lx3lq'thd.) upright and pendent ***135 165 z1z ****286***1gs 16s 212 ****286***135 165 2.2 ****286 165 212 ****296 165 212 **t*296 lead, wax, wax-over-lead lead, wax, wax-over-lead lead, wax, wax-over-lead lead, wax, wax-over-lead lead, wax, wax-ovsr-lead F.M. Orlflce Slze and Stvle Temperature Fatlnq ("F)Corrosion-Reslstant Coatlng 3/0" upright %" uprighl %" uprighi1/2" uprighl and pendenl '/2" uprighl and pendenl '/2" upright and p€ndenl t?/az" (xt/e' thd.) upright and pendent t7ls2" (x112" thd.) upright and p€ndent 17h2" (x112" thd.) upright and p€ndent 17lez" (x %' thd.) upright and p€ndent 17lae" (x %'thd.) upright and pendent 17h2" (x %" thd.) upright and p€ndent 135 165 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 286 286 286 286 286 286 286 286 135 165 165135 165 135 165 lead wax-ovet-lead wax' lead ' wax-over-lead wax lead wax-over-lead wax lead wax-over lead wax Orlllce Size and Style Temperature Ratlng (oF)Corroslon-Reslstant Coatlng 1/2" (15 mm) upright and p€ndent nls2" (20 mm) x %' thd. upright and pendent 135 165 212 286135 165 212 286 v.D.s. Orlflce Size and Style Temperature Ratlng ('F)Corroslon-Reslstant Coatlng %' (10 mm) psnd€nt 'i2' (15 mm) upright and pendentilp' (2O mm) x %" thd. upright and pendent 135 135 165 165 165 z',t2 212 286 286 ( Recessed Sprinkler - H Model H Recessed Pendent Automatic Sprinkler Manufactured by: Centlal Sprinkler Company 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 t _l Product ffi:1f;:i::Jfi:'il:i?:"Jffi1" r |I| | Description ffjiiiill;iiilffJT"".ffi:"fi:"!".IlI are no protruding links or lev€rs. The Central Model H Recessed Pendent Automatic Sprinklers are low cost, aesthetically pleasing units that have long been considered the finest Recessed Pendent Sprinklers in the industry. The Recessed Pendent incorporates the Central Model H Center Strut Sprinkler with a special lwo-piece recessed escutcheon assembly permitting %" of field- adiuslment. The ceiling esculcheon ptate, oflered in either plastic or metal, is easily installed after the sprinkler is in place by simply pushing it over the sprinkler and inlo the upper support piece until located flush with the ceiling. This feature allows removal of ceiling panels for ' easy access to ceiling equipment without taking the system out of service to remove the sprinkler. The Model H Recessed Pendent Sprinklers are available with a %" orifice. The Model H Sprinklers are available in three standard finishes. The mating escutcheon plate is available in three standard finishes with additional special linishes available. Operation: A lusible alloy is sealed into a bronze center strut wilh a slainless steel ball. When the alloy melts at its rated temperalure, lhe ball is forced upward into the center strut, releasing lhe two eiectors and operating the sprinkler. Unlike most other sprinkler designs, the alloy is Technical Data Style: Recessed Pendent (adiustable) Wrench: Universal Orifice Size: %" K-factor: 5.6 Thread Size: %- N.P.T. Temperature Rating: 135"F/57'C, 165"Fn4"c, 212"F1100"c Approvals: U. L., U.L.C., F.M., MEA (Cal.No.37$7$SA) Factory Mutual (llght. hazard, ordinary hazard I and ordinary hazard ll) Maximum Working Pressure: 175 Psi Factory Hydro Test: 10o /" @ 500 Psi Standard Finishes: Sprinkler: brass, chrome plated, .white painted Escutcheon (metal): brass plated, chrome plaled, white painted Escutcheon (plastic)'. brass plated, chrome plated, while painted Length: 2%" widrh: Sprinkler: 1 72" (across frame arms) Upper Suppott P.iece:. 2t/i' (dia.l Ceiling Escutch€on: 3%" (dia.) Adjustable Range Below Ceiling: %'lo 1" Weight: 4.2 oz. .U.L. only. n Model: H 'Uf;,,l1?,t,ance Sprinklers musl be handled carefully. They must not be transported or stored where ambienl temperalures may exceed 100'FE8ioC, For best results, store them in a cool dry location in lhe original shipping package. Do not inslall sprinklers that have been dropped or visibly damaged. Sprinklers musl never be painted, coaled, plated, or altered in any other way from manufactured condition or they may not function properly. Any sprinklers altered in such manner musl be replaced.. The owner is responsible for the proper working condition of all fire protection devices and accessories. The NFPA Standard 25A entitled, "lnspection, Testing and Maintenance of Watar-Based Fire Protection Systems", conlains guidelines and minimum maintenance requiremenls. Furthermore, the local Authority Having Jurisdiction may have additional regulations and requirements for maintenance, testing, and inspection that must be obeyed. It is advisable to have sprinkler syslems inspected regularly by a qualified inspection service. Lengilh of time between such inspections can vary due to accessibility, ambient atmosphere, water supply, and site activity. Do not attempt to re-assemble or otherwise reuse a sprinkler that has operated. Replace any sprinkler exhibiting corrosion or damage. Always use new sprinklers of the same type and temperature rating as replacements. Because the discharge pattem is critical to proteclion of lile and propeny, nothing should be hung or attached to the sprinkler unit that would disrupt the pattern. Such obstructions must be removed. ln the event lhat construction has altered lhe original configuration, additional sprinklers should be installed io NB;iln' Design Requirements - Standard Applications In Standard applications, Model H Sprinklers are intended for standard area coverages and standard flow and pressure requirements as specified in currenl NFPA 13 Standards. flnstallation All Model H Sprinklers must be installed according to current NFPA 13 Standards. Deviations from these requirements and standards, or any alteration to the sprinkler itself will void any warranty made by Gentral Sprinkler Company. In addilion, installation musl also meet local government provisions, codes, and standards as applicable. The system piping must be ProPerlY sized to insure the minimum roquired flow rate at the sprinkler. Check for the proper model, style, orifice size, and temperature rating prior lo installation. Install sprinklers after the piping is in placs to avoid mechanical damage; replace any damaged units. Wet pipe systems must be Protected from freezing. Refer to Cenlral Sprinkler Model A-1 dry pendent for use in dry pipe sprinkler installations. Upon completion of the installation, the system must be tested per recognized standards. ln lhe event of a thread leak, remove the unit, apply new pipe loint compound or tape, and reinstall. Installation Sequence Step 1. The unit must be installed in the pendent position. Step 2. The sprinkler fitting should be a nominal 1" (plus or minus %' behind ,r, the finished ceiling line). FinalI adjustmenls ars made via the push- on escutcheon plate to compensate for variations in the fittings. Do not use lhe push-on escutcheon plate to hold the unit in position. The sprinkler will only function properly when the system piping is anchored to the building structure. Otheruise, reaclion forces from system initiation could alter the sprinkler alignment and disrupt the distribution pattern. Step 3. Use only a non-hardening pipe ioint compound or Teflon. tape. Apply only to lhe male threads. Step 4. Hand tighten the sprinkler into the fitting. Use a Central Universal Sprinkler Wrench to tighlen the unit into the fitting. A leak light joint requires only 7 to 14 ft.-lbs. of torque; a tangential force ol 14 to 28 lbs. delivered lhrough a 6' ralchet handle will deliver adequate lorque. Torque levels over 21 ft.lbs. may distort the orifice seal, resulting in leakage. Step 5. To inslall lhe escutcheon plate, align it with and push it over the sprinkler body and into the upper support piece until the outer edge ol the escutcheon meets the mounting surface. The recessed escutcheon toof rngy be used to install the esculcheon plate easily from the floor. Do not over- or under-tighten the sprinkler to compensale for inaccu- rate escutcheon plate adjustment. Caution: Special care must be taken when installing with a CPVC system. Sprinklers must be installed only after the system has been tested and drained, to ensure that no primer or cement accumulates within the sprinkler. 'Tellon is a lradsma ol lhe DuPonl Colo. Sidewall prinkler-H Horizontal Sidewall Automatic Sprinkler Manulaclured by: Central Sprinkler Company 451 Norlh Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 Product Description The Cenlral Model H Horizonlal Sidewall Sprinklers are designed with special deflectors thal discharge most of the water away from the nearby wall in a quarter-semispherical patiern with a limited portion of the discharge direcled toward the wall behind the sprinkler. They embrace the ullimate in aesthetic appeal and advanced design leatures via incorporation of a unique center strut design, which results in a smaller, more attraclive sprinkler than those manulactured with a more tradilional design approach. The center-strut operating mechanisms, such as the glass bulb or link-and-lever. The Model H Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers are intended for installation in accordance with current NFPA 13. They are ideally suited for use in churches, clubs, schools, hospitals, off ices, restaurants, auditoriums, retail stores and similar occupancies. They are available in a wide variety of orilice sizes, lemperature ratings, finishes and corrosion resistant coatings. Operatlon: A fusible alloy is sealed into a bronze center strut by a stainless steel ball. When the alloy melts at its rated temperature, the ball ls forced upward Into lhe center sltut releasing the two ejectors and operating the sprinkler. Unlike most olher sprinkler designs, lhe alloy is not exposed to atmospheric conditions lhat could affect its proper funclioning. lt is also less susceptible to mechanical damage since there are no protruding elements extending beyond the sprinkler frame. nTechnical Model: H Style: HorizontalSidewall Orilice Size and K-Factor: /a' 1s.snn1 2.6 p7.te) 7/a" 1s.s mm1 4.2 (60.06) lz" 1tr.r mm1 5.6 Go.os) Thread Size: t/2" (te.7mn4N.P.T. Temp. Rating & Frame Arm Color: 135"F/57"C uncolored or black 145'F/63'C uncolored or black 165oFn4o0 uncolored or black 212"F/100'C white 286'F/141'C blue Note: Color identification is not required lor plated sprinklers. Approvals: U.L., U.L.C., -F.M. ,.M.E.A. (375-75-SA) (. %' orifice only) Standard Finishes: brass, chrome Decorative Finishes: black, white, off-white (U.L. Only) Corrosion-Resistant Coalings: wax, lead, wax-overlead (see tabular information on page 3) Maximum Working Pressure: 175 p.s.i. Factory Hydro Test: 100o/o at 500 p.s.i. Pintle: on defleclor for %" and 7Ae' orifice. Length: 23/i (69.gnm) widrh:' Frame Arms: 1%e' (s4.g mm) Deff ector: ls/ta" (99.69 mm) Weight 3.1 oz.pz gratnsl No. 2.t5.O FHttrnicaro * List€d as hlgh temperature, wax coated for Installatlon wher€ maxlmum amblant ceiling temp€rature doo8 not exceed 150pF. F.M. Temperature Rating fF)Orifice Size Corrosion-Resistant Coating 135 145 165 212 286 1/r' v,' r/^t '| /^t ,/2, Lead Lead Lead Lead L€ad Design Requirements - Standqrd Applications The Model H Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers are intended for slandard area coverages and standard flow and pressure requirements as specified in current NFPA 13. The %" and tAa" orilice sprinklers are U.L. and U.L.C. Listed for installation in light hazard occupancies only. These sizes are not F.M. or M.E.A. Approved. The %" orifice sprinkler is U.L. and U.L.C. Lisled and M.E.A. Approved for installation in light or ordinary hazard occupancies only. ll is F.M. Approved for installation in light hazard occupancies only. The Model H Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers musl be installed with the deflector lrom 4" to 6" below ceilings and not more than 6" away trom lhe wall or lintel surface through which they are mounted, "unless special construction arrange- ments make a different position advisable for prompt operation and effective distribution' (see NFPA 13). There is no maximum ceiling height limitation for multiple sprinkler installations, when utilizing the Model H Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers. gnstallat i o n :""T1?#,":?["jj $?Ii::Ti:: ""0"" All Central sprinklers must be installed according to current NFPA 13 standards. Deviations from these requirements and slandards or any alteration to the sprinkler itself will void any warranty made by Central Sprinkler Company. In addition. installation must also meet The system piping must be properly sized lo ensure the minimum required flow rate at the sprinkler. Check for the proper model, style, orifice size and temperature rating prior to installation. Install sprinklers after the piping is in place to avoid mechanical damage; replace any damaged units. Wet pipe systems must be protected from freezing. Refer to the Central Bullelins on the Model H-1 Dry Horizontal O su"*"tt Sprinklers for use in dry pipe sprinkler installations. Upon completion of the installation, the system must be tested per recognized standards. ln lhe event of a thread leak. remove the unit, apply new pipe joint compound or tape and reinstall. Installation Sequence Step 1. The unit must be installed in the horizontal position. Step 2. Use only a non-hardening pipe joint compound or Teflon' tape. Apply only to the male threads. Step 3. Hand tighten the sprinkler into the fitting. Then use a Central Combination Wrench to tighten th€ unit into the fitling. A leak-tight ioint requires only 7-14 ftlbs. of torque; a tangential force of 14-28 lbs. delivered through a 6" handle will deliver adequate torque. Torque levels over 21 ft{bs. may dlstorl the orifice seal, resulting,in leakage. CAUTION: Do not "wrench" or turn the deflector, as thls actlon may damage the sprlnkler and cause ll to leak under preesure. ' Teion b a tradam!ft o{ lho Ot/Pollt Coap. Gare Main & bn ance Sprinklers must be handled carefully. They must not b€ transported or stored where ambient temperatures may exceed 100oF/ 38'C. For best results. store them in a dry, cool localion in the original shipping package. Do not install sprinklers lhat have been dropped or visibly damaged. Sprinklers must never be painted, coated, plated or altered in any other way from manufactured condition or they may not function properly. Any sprinklers altered in such a manner must be replaced. The owner is responsible lor the proper operating condilion of all fire protection devices and accessories. The NFPA Standard 25 ontitled, "l nspection, Testing and Maintenance U.L. Temperature Rating ("F)Orifice Size Gorosion-Resistant Coating 135 145 165 212 286- 3/a" , 7/te" ,1/2" %", %s",/2" 3/a' , %u' ,'/z' Ts" , %a",%' %", ?Aa',%' Lead Lead Lead, Wax, Wax-Over-Lead Lead, Wax, Wax-Over Lead Lead, Wax, Wax-Over Lead t Ames Baoktlow Assemblies: The Bight Choice tor Today, Tomorrow, and the 21st Century t fuatures o Non-mnosive 300 senes slainless s teel (lead tree) unstruclion. Superior strenglh. o 40/o shoder end to eN dimensions lor anpact, inexpensive installalbn. . Excellent tot rctrofit installations. , 50o/o Whter in weight, reduces installalion and haMling costs. . Compect s/ainless steel relial valve wiilr a balanced rolling diaphragm and no sliding seals lor reliable long tenn pefiormanree , Fully seruiccable inline, no specialtools. . Preteilted patented' caftidge dre& assenbly tor lorp tem reliability, low head loss, ease ot seruiceability. , Single two-bolt grooved style cover tor quid< aqd easy aooesf. . Only ASSE 1 0l 3 approved assembly lor verlial and horizontal apliutions. . Optional air gap drain. t Cold water aryliutions. AMES t NationalApprovals Approved by all national aproval qencies." t Application The Anes 4000ss provides protection Io the ptable water supply lrom qntamlna- lion aund by a aoss mnneclim in a high hazard application. t lnstallation FLUID CONTROL SYSTEMS The 4000ss shoud be installedwith a nini- mum clearance ol 12' between the lowat Nnt ol the assembly and tha fuor u grade. The 4000ss may be installed hoi- zontally or vertically (tlow up). Befer to loul cdu for specific installation requiremwts. ' Patentl5,U6.525 Ihe Anes Conpany, touMed in 1910, has long been m induslry loader in Noducing frflings md valves lot plpeline systems. All funes $oducb an nenuta'lud d heil 60,M0 sq. ft. lacility in Woodland, Cafrlonia, insuting q)ality @ntol & pionp seruia. 15 Et. $s $o $, 15 E', $e e6 v, s3 15 812Sg' eo-vlfi' ol 0 500 600 GPM 1250 1500 cPM Woodland, CA 95776 t Specilications Ihe redued prexure bad<flow preventer sha/ oonsrbt ot two in@endalily ryrat- ing, sying loadd,cg,ndredj, vd:ts wih a hydraulicafi rynted ditfuentid presarc relietvalve lcrrltedbetwerln ufrbhw he candtgf,s, rewird test ds art ry tional inlet nd ouilet rsilient seBit shut otl valves. When normal flow axbb, bofr checks are qen afu he gassure ln iln area betwesn he dter*s, caild tp zone, b at lemt 2 PSI bwer hm he inht ges- sure. The dillerqtal presriwe rdiet vafue is clcdduing nornalflott It oessalion ol mrmal bw cgl,rc, he ditlerntial pressure rdiet valve will auto matically qen nd dis&arry to neintain he zone at leaat 2 PSI lower hn tp inlet prcssure. fhis aclion will prewtt a M<- flow or badt siphonqe a nclilion. After the rquired dillerenlial is astatlirhed, fie differential pressure relid valve qain cras0s. The can4teds indude e steinless sled spring aN an-arm, rutbr lwd d* nd a replaufule *at. me W dnll b nnulecilrd ton 3@ senbs slainlass steel, hd hee ttwgh iln waluway, witr a single two-blt $@vod Etyle a@ss mvel No Wcial twb shdl fu rryird for seruicing. The reliet valve shail b wrpd wih a rdling cliaptvqn ard rc slidtp seals. The reliel valve shdl disdrarge ln a 3M radius. . Physical Chancteilstics Sizs-2l/2',3',4',f Rated wotkitlg Nemiwe - | 75 Fl Hydrostatic pressure - 3fu pi Temperaturc rcnge - VF - l4tF Hange dimeMon in awrdne witr AWWACImSD My mateial 300 sedes slahrass sf€e, @nstrudion Assembly shallbe ASSE 1013 aprovdtor vertical installations, AWWA C5l1 -89 "Contact the faclory forspscific approvals I 100 2@ 300 ,|{l0 5(n tuuntuFP*l) 4"Documnted Fbw Chuntabllcs @cludins shut-olf wtves) ol 0 0l 0 3(xt 4(x) flow Eate (BPM) a t'Documnted Flow Charnlabttcs (tncludins shut-ott valves) 250 500 750 1000 Flow Bate(GPM) -) . Am854000ss-& Dimensions stzE A I D E F (NRS}(0sY)NelH. (lb.l wllirh. 'NelW.(b.) tr,,/n G,fcc' 21n'38'10'$1n'7'91/4'181n'148'60, 38',10'fi1n'7 112'121141 ,221n'..2?f,'62' 22'40''10'101t2'9'13 3/8'81n'235l 65t 6'27t2'481n'15'111n'11'15 3/4'30':t80t 110' 2|f & S"Docunnled flow Chnntubllcs { 916.666.2493 1485 Tanloran Avenue P.o. Box 1387 FAX 916.666.3914 M-82-55 l/94 rDry Pipe Valve Flange x Groove -AG FlangexFlange-AF Manulactured by: Central Sprinkler Company 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 Eg[llll,'01,,, The Central Dry Pipe Valve is a dry pipe sprinkler system water-supply control valve lhat makes possible the installation of sprinkler systems in buildings sublect to freezing temperatures. lt is designed so that air pressure in the piping system will hold back water pressure at the valve until such time as a sprinkler is activated. Upon such aclivation the air pressure in the syslem will be decreased sufficiently to cause automalic operation of lhe valve and admission of water into the system. It is a 5:1 differential type valve having a clapper air seat ol large diameter relative to the water seat. The two concentric seats are separated by an intermediate chamber normally maintained at atmospheric pressure. The Dry Pipe Valve Trim package includes the necessary valves, gauges, fiftings and nipples to provide an air supply connection, priming water connection, drain connections, alarm connection, accelerator connections and alarm test bypass. (Note: Accelerator trim sold separately). The Dry Pipe Valves ar€ Listed/Approved with Central's Trim. Any substitutions or omissions may void such Listings and Approvals, without prior approval from Central Sprinkler. Cgntral's Air Maintenance Device for owner's air supply or automatic air compressor supply may be easily connected to the Dry Pipe Valve Trim. Central's Accelerator (quick- opening device) may also be easily connecled to the Dry Pipe Valve Trim. lt is an NFPA 13 required addition to the valve and trim when the capacity of the dry pipe sprinkler system exceeds 500 gallons. The Dry Pipe Valves are available in two styles, flange-by-flange Model AF and tlange-by-groove Model AG. Each Valve style is available in lhe 4 inch and 6 inch size. The Valves are Approved by Factory Mutual and Listed by Under- writer's Laboratories and Underwrit- ers' Laboratories of Canada for use in fire sprinkler systems with a maxi- mum working pressure of 175 psi. nTechnical Model: AFoTAG Style: Flange-x-Flange(AF) Flange-x-Groove (AG) Size: 4" and 6" Approvals: U.L., F.M., U.L.C. Maximum Working Pressure: 1 75 psi Factory HydroTest: 1 00% at350 psi (with clapper open) Standard Finish: Blue enamel Flange Specilications: AFlnlet- Classl2SANS| 816.1 AG lnlet- Class 125ANS| 816.1 AFOutlet- Class 125ANS| 816.1 Groove Specifications: AG Outlet-Std. AWWAC-606 PipingTake-Out: AF-4" size = 1 5 1/4', 6"size= 18 1/2" AG -4" size = 16 1 14", 6' size=20" Required Accessories: Standard Trim (as shown) Optional Accessories: Air Maintenance Device Air Compressor Accelerator & Trim Pressure Alarm Switch Water Motor Alarm Low Air Pressure Switch Mfgr. Source: Domestic Weight Valve - 140 lb. (4" size) 235 lb. (6" size) Trim - 45 lb. No. I O-4.O tHOperationtrJ When the Dry Pipe Valve is in the set position, the rubber-faced clapper is tightly closed on two concenlric seat rings. The inner ring is the water ring and lhe outer ring is the air ring. The annular space between the two seat rings (intermediate chamber) is open to the atmosphere via the alarm connection trim piping to lhe normally open automatic ball drip valve. Priming water is provided above lhe clapper up to the level of the priming conneclion. Above the priming water, compressed air (or nitrogen) is maintained at a pressure sufficient to hold the clapper closed. The Dry Pipe Valve has a differential trip ratio of approximately 5 to 1. Thus the valve will open (trip) when the air pressure in the system piping is r€duced to approximat€ly oneJiflh of the waler supply pressure. The purpose of the priming water is to assist in providing a positive seal at the air seat ring to prevent air from escaping into the intermediale chamber and on to the atmosphere. The clapper will remain in the closed position as long as the air pressure in the piping system is maintained at the proper level. When a sprinkler operates, the air pressure in the piping system decays du€ to lhe air escaping from the opened sprinkler. When the air pressure has decayed to the point that it is no longer adequate to hold the clapper shul, the water supply pressure lifts the clappbr which automatically latches in the open position. Water flows into the system piping lo the open sprinkle(s). At the same time, water flows via the intermediate chamber into the alarm connection trim piping (closing the automalic ball drip valve) and continues on through the alarm line to operate lhe pressure actuated alarm swilch and/or the water motor alarm. When a sprinkler opens, the resulting air pressure decay is inversely proportional to the volume of air in the sprinkler piping. The larger the volume, the slower the air pressure decays, which slows t op"r"tion of the Dry Pipe Valve.O P"no"nt sprinklers in dry pipe Central's Accelerator is an Approved Quick Opening Device (QOD) that is sensitive to a rapid, small drop'in system air pressure. lts quick operation directs syslem air pressure to the underside of lhe clapper in the area of the intermediate chamber. Here the air pressure build-up, coupled with the pressure ol the water supply, forces the clapper to open quickly. The operation of the Dry Pipe Valve has been accelerated. The operation of Central's Accelera- tor is described in greater detail in a separate Cenlral bulletin. NB:il" DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS General The Central Model AF and Model AG Dry Pipe Valves must be installed in the vertical posilion. They should be located in a sprinklered area not subjecl to freezing conditions, such as a well-lighted and heated valve house or similar enclosure having suflicient room to enable ease of installalion, care and maintenance. When properly installed, the Trim on the Dry Pipe Valve protrudes lhe lollowing horizontal distances from lh€ centsr line (C.L.) of the riser: Trlm Protrusion' 4' Valv6 6' Valve C.L. to l€lt C.L. to rlght C.L. to rear 221t2' a 1t2' 15' 23' 11" 16" ' When the observer ls lacing lhe valvo body cov€r plals, Drawlngs The dry pipe syslem working drawings must show: 1 . The manufaclurer, style, model number, and size of the Dry Pipe Valve. The total number of sprinklers on each dry pipe system, and The capacity (gallons) of each dry pipe system. systems must be of the dry pendent type in areas that are subject to freezing. Dry pipe systems that supply freezer areas must be equipped with a local, Low Air Pressure Alarm which may be connected lo the system riser iust above the Dry Pipe Vafve. For "lreezer area" systems, a desiccant air dryer should be pro- vided in the air supply line to remove moisture from the compressed air. Dry System Capacity lf the dry pipe system capacity exceeds 500 gallons, lhe Dry Pipe Valve must be equipped with a Central Acceleralor. See lhe appro- priate Cenlral Bulletin for delails. The capacig (gallons) of the piping system may be calculaled using the following table: Diameler (in.) Capacity (gal.fil.) Sch. 40 Sch. 10 3t4 't 't 1t4 't 1t2 2 1t2 3 4 6I .028 .045 .078 .106 .17 4 .248 .383 .660 1.501 2.663 .049 .085 .t t5 .r90 .283 .433 .74 1 .6491 2.7782 | 0.134' wall plp€ , 0.188' well plp€! Schedulo 30 plp6 In accordance wilh cunent NFPA 13, the maximum allowable capacity of a single dry pipe system is nor- mally 750 gallons. The capacity may exceed 750 gallons only if waier can be delivered to the inspeclor's test connection in 60 seconds or less. Alr Compressor The compressed air supply lor the dry pipe syslem is usually provided by a continuously available, electri- cally driven, air compressor which is automatically controlled to turn on and olf at the designed minimum and maximum pressures, respectively. After initial pressurization of the syslem, the air supply is maintained through an in-line, 1/8" orifice in the piping of the Air Maintenance Device. J 2. 3.) I RISER MOUNTED r Oil-Less Piston r Direct Drive o ODP Electric Motorso Permanently Lubricated Bearings rAir Intake Filte(s)r Fully Automatic 6eneral0il-l-ess Air Compressors are fully automalic and deslgned lor easy installatlon. Speclal mounling kits with U-bolts are available for riser mounting. Selections shown will fill the system to 40 PSIG withln 30 minutes as oullined in NFPA pamphlet 13, STANDARD EOUIPMENT: Units are fully automallc and Include pressure swltch, check valve and safety valvo. Motors are single phase and Include lhormal overload prolectlon. Fractional horsepower unlls are UL listed. DRV AIR PAC Engineered Compressed Air Drying Systems for Freezer Rooms/Cold Storage Warehouses o Tank Mounted Air Compressor o Air-Cooled Aftercooler o Twin Tower Regenerative r Electrical Control Panel o Coalescing Filtration o Combination Particulate Filter fhe Aeneral Dry Air Pac is a turnkey syslem designed to provide the sprinkler system wilh moisture free ait to a -40 degree F dew point. The aii compresSor Air Dryer with Pressure Regulator System Gapacity Model DRYER SCFM Motor HP Compressor Speed 5OO GAL.DAPSOO 20 1-112 569 1000 GAL.DAP1OOO 20 3 375 2000 GAL.DAP2OOO 27 5 69'l is designed to fill lhe sprinkler system to 40 PSIG in accordance wilh NFPA 13, as well as provide the higher pressure needed to allow lhe twin tower regeneratlve air dryer to function properly. Prior to enlerlng the regeneralive air dryer, an air-cooled aftercooler cools lhe compressor's hot discharge air to a maximum 100 degrees F. A coalescing prefiller with dilferential pressure gauge removes oil vapor and other contaminents lhat can deslroy the desiccant in lhe dryer lowers. A coml,inalion particulate filter and regulalor prevents downstream migralion of desiccant dust while regulating ak pressure lo the sprinkler system. All componenls are skid mounled, pre-piped and pre-wired for ease ol mechanical and electrical installation on sile. (Standard Ah at Sea Level) .Average CfM ls thg average lree alr delivery lrom 0 t0 40 P.S.l G, I | 5/60/l 115/60n 1 I 5/230/60/1 EXCESS PRESSURE PUMP Increases the pressure in wel syslems automatically, avoiding false alarms due to surges in water pressure' HYDROSTATIC TEST PUMP Portable test pump for use by contractors in leak testing piping systems. AUTOMATIC COM PRESSOR CONTROT The Geneml shrVstop control is designed to use wilh individual base mounted ak comoressors for lull automatic operation. Model #D-800 is available lor sprinkler systems with up to 900 gallon capacity' Model #01600, for systems with more than 900 gllon capacity. The controls consist of pre$ure switch with unloader valve, pressure gauge, A.S.M.E. safety relief valve, alr check valve with unloader port and a 'Y'-strainer to protect seat of check valve. SPECIAT AIR COMPRESSORS FOR: r Private Pressure Tanks (according to NFPA-22) . Special Hazards/Explosion Proof Limited llrarranty General Bto$,€r Co., InC. warrants its products t0 b€ free of defecb In materlal and tyqkmansip undff rnmal use and service for | 2 months from date of purchase. our wananty appties only when such delective parb are rebmed to lls, ot our Authorized Service Depot, tl ansportation epaid, and subiecl to our inspeclion and approval. Littbility is limited t0 repair 0r replacement of material tound defective, lree oliharge, F.0.8. un plant. tttotors and engines are covered by the 0riginal manulacturer's waranty only and slnuld be retumed by ttle flJstomer t0 heir autiorized shtion for s€rvice. Unautiorized repairs 0r reDlacenenb will not be subiect to fac'tory wamnly- This warnnty is in lleu ot all oher wanants, exptess€d or implied. DISTRIBUTED BY FARR.L o AR Johnson Fire & Specialties, Inc. March, 1989 Made in U.S.A. AUDIBLE / VISIBLE SIGNAL SERIES 33{Xt APPLICATION COMMERCIAL or RESTDENTTAL EXTERIOR or INTERIOR FEATURES WEATHERPROOF CONSTRUCTION COMPLETELY DISTINCTIVE FROM ANY OTHER ALARM SIGNAL FAST, EASY MOUNTING - ON ANY TYPE OF WALL ELIMINATE THE NEED FOR ANY ADDITIONAL SIGNS ON BUILDING EXTERIOR APPROVED FOR USE IN ALL HARD-OF-HEARING OCCUPANCIES AVAILABLE IN 115VAC, 24VDC OR 12VDC WITH OR WITHOUT FLASHER/STROBE MAINTENANCE.FREE OPERATION . FULLY GUARANTEED FOR 2 YEARS lRe Say Goodbye to - Water stalned walls Ugly signs to spollesthetics No More - Old-fashloned bells Plpes that clog and freeze The FARR-LARM is the most attractive and practical signal made. It is compact in size, (8"x 8") and won't compromise the esthetics of the exterior wall like an electric bell with a bird cage, or a water-motor gong. Suggested mounting is directly above the fire department connection. During daylight hours, the horn will direct the Fire Department to the connection as well as alert the occupants and passers-by that a fire condition exists. At night, the flasher/strobe can be seen from a distance to guide the Fire Department to the connection. Police panolling an industrial conplex or a neighborhood with their windows up may not hear the horn, but they will "see the light". Since 1975, every FARR-LARM is assenrbled by hand, inspected and tested at the factory. A| m.Jor 6np..rftB i. Ul- Lj!tsd |rld FM ^t?.ovad General II Signal Specifications ilodel Numbe]Input Voltage Fated Curent dBA@ 10 Feet Approvals 3300-'t15 3300N1-115 3300N1-24 3300N1-12 11sVAC 11sVAC 18-31 .2 VDC 9-15.6 VDC 0.160 0.160 0.063 0.125 95 95 92 92 UL, ULC, CFM, FM, CSA, BSA, BFP 3il00s-115 11sVAC 0.160 95 UL, CFM, BSA, FM, BFP 3300s-24 3300s-12 18-31.2 VDC 9-15.6 VDC 0.063 0.125 92 92 UL, ULC, CFM, BSA, FM, BFP NOTES: l. TyFtcal dBA al 10 leel b m€asursd in an edtoic chsmbsr wlh rfininal input voltago. 2. All models are provided wilh in-out lct€w lerminds. 3. DC hom modeir Include nFl lupprelrirn !o mlnimlze kducsd nollo ofl tlc rlarm llnes. a. OC hotns and sttoba homr harro an in-rush cuttsnl of approtlmetoly 3 dm€8 rated current durlng InldC nrm-on. 5. Srrobe horn modolr rhoun in tabl€ do tocomm.rded lbr tls€ on conlinuous alarm lystomr.- C.- APpovalt:. UL^' tldet' wdtcr Laboraorlei, ULC - Un&nrrlb(r laborarod€! ol Canadr, CFM - Sl|b ot C|Ilornla Fk. Mer$oll, FM - Facbry Muual, CSA - Censdlsn Slandard! Assoclarbn, BSA - ilew yorh Ciry Board ot Srander& and Appeels, BFP - Cily ol Chic8go t. All lisdng3 8rd approlralls above ars lor Wheslock, Inc , which manulactres the signals U3ed In ho FARR-LARM. Ordering Information SERTES 3300 Audiblo/Visible with incandescenl light source. Flash rate @ 60 Per minule. SERIES 33OONL MODEL 3it{XF115 MODEL 3il00NL-115 Audible only MODEL 3I'OONL.24 MODEL A3OONL.12 sE rEs 33009 SERTES 3if00s MODEL 91005.115 MODEL gt00s-24 MODEL 3300S.r2 Audible/Visible with 8,000 c.p. strobe. Flash rale @ 55 per minute JOHNSON FIRE & SPECIALTIES, INC. 1297516th AVE NORTH PLYMOUTH' MN 55441 @eorrEn VSR.F VANE TYPE WATERFLOW ALARM SWITCH WITH RETARD Potter Electric Signal Company 2081 Craig Road. P.O. Box 28480 St.Louis, MO 63146-4161 (314) 878"{321 o (800) 325-3936 Potter Electric Signal & Mlg. LTD 1967 Leslie Street Don Mills, Ontario, Canada M3B2M3 (416) 441-1833 UL, ULC and CSFM Llsled, FM and LPC Approv.d, NYMEA Acc.pt d Sorvlco Prossure: Up to 450 PSI Mlnlmum Flow Eale lof Alarm: 10 GPM Maxlmum Su.g6: 18 FPS Conlact Ratlngs: Two sets ot SPDT (Form C) 15.0 AmDs at 125/250VAC 2.0 Amps al 0-30VDC Resistive Condull Enlranceg: Two knockouts Drovided lor 1/2" conduit Envlronmental Specltlcatlons:. Suitable for indoor or outdoor use wilh factory installed gaskel and die-casl housing.. NEMA 4 Rat€d Enclosure - use with appropriat€ conduil fittng. Tempsrature Range: 4a'Fn2a"F, 4-5"C/49'C. Non{orrosive sleeve factory install€d In saddle Ceutlon: This device ls not intended for applications in explosive environments . Slzes Avallable: Pipe schedules 10 thru 40, sizes 2" lhru 8" BS 1367 pige 50mm thru 200mm u.s. PAT. NO.3921989 CANADIAN PAT. NO. 1009680 OTHEBS PATENTS PENDING POTTER ELECTRIC, Rd,. 1990 Servlce Use: Automatic Sprinkler One or two family dwelling Besidential occupancy up to four stofies National Fire Alarm Cods Opilonal: Cover Tamper Srvitch Kit, Stk. No.0090018 NFPA.13 NFPA.l3D NFPA.13R NFPA.72 GENERAL INFORMATION INSTALLATION: See Fig.2 The Mod€l VSR-F is a vane type waterllow switch for use on wet These devices may be mounled on horizontal or verlical pipe. On sprinklsr syslems. lt is UL Listed and FM approv€d for usg on steel horizontal pipe they should be installed on the top side ol ths pips pipe; schedules 10 through 40, sizes 2" thru 8". wheretheywill be acces.sible. The units should notbe Installed within LPC approved sizes are 2" thru 8" (50mm thru 200mm). 6" ol a litting which changes the direclion ot the waterflow or within 24" of a valve or drain. The unit may also be used as a sectional waterflow detector on large systems. The unit contains two single pole, double lhrow, snap aclion switches and an ad,ustable, Instantly recycling pneumatic retard. The switcnes are actuated when a flow of 10 gallons per minutg or more occurs downstream of lh6 device. The flow condition must exist lor a period ol time necessary to overcome the selected retard psriod. ENCLOSURE: The unit is enclosed in a general puryose, die-cast housing. The cover is held in place with lwo lamp€r resistant screws which require a special key for removal. A field installable cover tamper switch is available as an oplion which may b€ used to indicate unauthorized removal ol the cover. See bulletin no. b4OO775 lor tn- slallalion instruclions of this switch- Drain lhe syslsm and drill a hole in the pipe using a circular saw in a slow speed drill. The 2" and 2 1/2" devices require a hole wilh a diam- €t6r of 1 114' + 1/8" - 1/16'. All other sizos reouire a hole with a diameler ol 2' x 1/8". Clean ihe inside pipe of all growlh or other material for a distance equal to the pipe diameter on either side of the hole. Roll the van€ so that it may be inserled into the hole; do not bend or crease it. Insert lh€ vane so that the arrow on the saddle points in the direction of the waterflow. Install the saddle strap and tighten nuts altemalely to an evenlual 50 ft-lbs. of lorque (see Fig. 2). The vane must not rub the Inside ot the pipe or bind in any way. MKT. il8800@t - REV K MFG. t5400761 - 3t95 PRINTED IN USA PAGE I OF 2 @"RoTTFrt VSR-F VANE TYPE WATERFLOW SWITCH WITH RETARD FIG. 1 SWTTCH TERIINAL CONIECNO S CLAURNG PLAIE TERIIINALB* Drc, ,e2t-! FIG.2 RTTARD AA'USIUENT: TO CHANGE TI E TURN KNOB (ETHER DIRECTION) FOR DESIRED TIME OELAY. USE THE I'INIUI,u AMOUNT OF REIARD NECESSARY TO PREVENT FALSE ALARMS, A "d SETIING IS USUAT.LY ADEQUATE FoR IHIS. FACToRY IS SET TO "d. TO INSTALL, :iLL A HOLE AS INDICATEOI PIPE S Z:HOLE SIZE 1t//1'+ 1/8-t / t€ J- T0 lC"2" r 1/{ OIRECTPN Dr{G. t761-J0 OO NOI TEA\IE COVER OfT FOR EXIENDED PERIOO Of TIUE IICHIEN NUTS ALTERMTELY TO AI{ EVENTU^L sfi,-LBs OT TOROTJE t t' cAunoN AN UNINSULATEO SECTION OF A SINGLE CONDUCTOR IS NOT PERMITTED TO BE LOOPED AROUND THE TEFIMINAL AND SEFVE AS IWO SEPARATE CONNECTIONS. THE WIRE MUST BE SEVERED TO SERVE AS TWO SEPARATE CONNEC- TIONS. THEBEBY PROVIDING SUPERVISION OFTHE CONNEC. TIONS IN THE EVENT THAT TH€ WIRE BECOMES DISLODGEO FROM UNDER THE TERMINAL, I,|OUNT ON PIPE SO ARROW ON SADOTE POINTS IN DIRECIION OF WATERFTO\,V ROLL PADOLE IN OPPOSIT€ DIRECTION OF $/ATERFLOW APPROX. RETARO SETT|NGS (N SECS.) o o r0-23 a 20-40 c 13-56 o 30-70 E ao-90 FIG.3 TYPICAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS sr\rE s (cr^!F B) €i{O-OF-UI{E ReiSlOR CXT. EOr RESISIOR LOC t EEtt TR^XSFORTiER OR BATTERY PO'VEREO NOIE: foR SUPEFVISEO ORCUIIS stE 'stncH lEirahr L oot{t€cno6 0R r rrc |r{D C{JnON{ I|OIE (FrG. l). TYPICAL SWIICH ACTION oeeN oor t.f / close orALMM J . AjIRM TO ADD'L DEVICES OR RETURN TO CONIROI- i6JiGI-7 crose o" a\ J 1*u--1r-SIGI{AING OEVICE utrc. r7or -15 NOTES: 1. The Model VSB-F has two switches, one can be used to operale a cenlral station, proprielary or r€mot€ signaling unit, while the olh6r contact is used to operate a local audiblE or visual annunciator. 2. A condition ol LPC Approval of this product is that th€ electrical entry must be sealed to exclud€ moisture. TESNNG The frequerry ol inspection and testing lor lhe model VSR-F and its associated prot€ctive monitoring systern shouH be in accordancs with applicable NFPA Codes and Standards and/or th€ authority having jurisdiction (manufacturer tecommends quarterly or more frequently). lf proviied, the "lnspectors Tesf rralve, lhat is usually located at the 6nd ol the mo€l remote brandr line, shotrld always be used fot t€st puposes ll there are no provisixrs for testing the operatkx of the florv d€teciion d€vice on the system, applirxtirn of the VSB-F is nol recommqtded or advisable. A minimum flow of 10 gpm is required lo activate this d€vi:e. IMPOFITANT M)TICE: Please advise the p€rson responsiHe lor tesling of the Fhe Protection Systern that this system must be lested in accordance with lhe 'Testing' Instruclions. MKT. #8800001 - FEV K MFG. #5400761 . 3/95 SUPERVISED LooP (STE NOIE) PAGE 2 OF 2 PRINTED I'{ USA The first Sch. 10 and Sch.40 sprinkler pipe to be fully UL Listed and FM approved. o Sch. 10 and Sch.40 Fully IIL kted and FM approved sprinlder pip. ffi Approved @ Llsled American Tube & Pipe is the first manufacturer to offer UL listed, FM approved.Sch.l0 and Sch. 4O sprinkler pipe. Although these products do not require separate approvals., American Tube & Pipe gives you the extra quality assurance you demnnd. Our Sch, l0 (l%"-4') pipe and Sch. 40 (lr'-2rr) pipe have paesed the same thorough lab tcet- ing as our other listed pipc protlucts, and receive periodic mill inspections from both UL and FM agents to ensure consistent quality. Meets "lluy American" requirements and is available through distributors nationwide. American Tube & Pipe's Sch. l0 and Sch. 4.0 pipe are in compliance with the following: ASTMATS5 ASTMA795 l\If?A 13 Both pipe products also meet the strin- gent requirements for the following tests: o Welded Outlere o Hydrostatic Pressure o SideVall Rupture o Yibration Test Our exclusive "Diamond Coat" U.V. cured acrylic finish offers a clean, durable surface that outlasts typical lacquers. lt is also paint-ready for cus- tom color applications without special preparation. American Tu[e & ['\rc prrxlucts can be "hot-dip" galvanized lo meet FM retluirements for tlry eystems in accorrlance with the zinc coating specifications of ASTM A795 or AS:J. tk' t%' z', 2Y," 3" 4n r6n *8" 1.660 1.900 2.375 2.875 3.500 4.500 6.625 8.625 42,2 48.3 60.3 73.0 88.9 I14.3 168.3 219.1 t.M2 1.682 2.1s7 2.635 3.260 4.260 6.357 8.249 36.6 42.7 54.8 66.9 82.8 108.2 l6l.5 209.5 .109 . t09 .109 .120 .120 .120 . t34 . r88 2.77 2.77 3.05 3.05 3.05 3.40 4.80 l.8l 2.08 2.(A 3.53 4.33 5.61 9.29 16.94 .82 .95 1.20 l.6l 1.97 2.55 4.22 7.69 6l 6l 37 l9 l9 l9 l0 1 l" ty,' lYr" 1.315 r.660 I.900 33.4 42.2 48.3 1.049 1.380 1.610 26.6 35.1 N.9 .133 .140 .145 3.38 3.56 3.68 1.68 2.27 2.72 .76 1.03 t.24 6l 37 37 rThc 6" snd 8" Sdrcdule l0 oioe olfered bv Arnericsn Tule & PiD€ ig sold under licenae tmrn another dometic nonulacturer and rneets ASTM All5 and NFPi 13. 2525 N. 27th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85009 '101 E. Broadway Kokomo, lN 46901 Customer S€rvice 1-8m-877-8823 1-602-272-6606 FAX 602-269- 1324 6.95 5.000 coIP flY, rNcolPon^rro o 'r/BIT' Black Light\,ra[ Threadable Pipe The original "black" lightr,vall tlreatlable pipe with exceptional hyrlraulics zurd eeonomy Arrrerical 'lule & l'i1xr Cornprury took a lxrpular idea atrd Inarle it bettcr. Unlike other lightwdl threnduble pipeso BI-II is blar:k, rnakirrg it a per{ect rrrrtch wi r ntost othcr sprinkler pipes. And the blnck coatirry ie sofer lo weltl on than zine coated pipes, BLf's proven hydraulic advnrrtage and lighter weight atlds value to any systcrn. IIL'l'p\le is a black, exceptirrnally strong steel spdrrkl:r pipe of tlu: dass generally known as "lightwall thrr:adablc pi;xrl' lts wall thickncssr is less than that of Sr:h-40 or Sch-10 lrrrt thc coll forrning ytrocess rrnrlergonc irr rnarrrfacttrring gives l][,f ;ri1x: nrcrfianical strt:ngth charat:lu risti (:s uguivak:nt to those rct;ttit'r:rl firl Sr:h-40. It is dcsigrtrl lirr lrlarrr,hlint usr: itr wet, dry, preaction and dr:lugt: svstcrus. lll,T r;an bc joiucrl with thre:rrlql couplirrgs (rvlrr:n in a<x:orrlance with ANSI B | .20. | ), rolled groove or plain-en,k'tl cotrplhr6s, or weklul joints. UL has assigrtrl lll'l' pipe Cornrsion Resistance llatios, (CIlll) less than thosc of lhreaded Stfi-4.11 or l)yna- 'l'hrea<[" (set: chart). TIrr: ar:trral lifcspalr of tlrc joint is tklrerrtlent ulx)u nranl vatiables, brrt nray lle trffr:cterl by watcr rluality or almospheric conditiorts rvhile in sclvtce. BLT p\re is manufactun:rl to nreet AS'IllI A135, Glatle A for firr: sprinklcr apJrlica- tions up to li00 yrsi working lrrcssurc. It is UL listrxl for wel, r l11'. lrlr:actiorr aud dehrge systerns, and FIlt upprovtrl for wet sprinkler systcrns. llL'I'is ULC listerl for wct systcnls wlrcn thrcarleil, and r.lly and ;rtca<:tiorr syslr:rns n'hcrr rr ntlrlerrrltrrl. All tlu'carlul and wtltlerl fit ngs are approvul in ar:corrlarrcr: with NlrltA 13. @ffi@ Llsted Appro\r€d Bl,T pipe olTers tlrt: nraxinrurrt hydrarrlit: arlvantage of an1' availalle llrrr:a<lablc sprirrklcr pipe. lts insith: diamcter is ul) to 57o lalger than Sch-,10 and identir:al t<r that of othcr lightwall threatlables. 'fhe use of llLT, in conjurrction with l)yna- l'low@ pi;rc, cnn dranratically inrprove tlre florr chalactcristils. tlrcrclry irrt reasirrg tlrr: lxrtcntial for "rlowrrsizing" svstcnr c(rnrp0nenls. lll,'ll 1igrc is coatcd with our l)ianrorrd Coat'" finish, an advanr:ed modfied acrylic thal orrtlasts tylit:al lar:que.rs. Although the lrlar:k extrrriur enharu:es a rrxre rrniforrn lrxrk with cxistiug pipe systturs, the clcan srrr{atr: rpality of BLT is readil;i paintable. The liglrter l'eight of BUf is a distinct arlvantage for retro-Iit installntions anrl can also redur:e lalror cosls. Bl,T ir r r.rjsl{ed tr.dmsrl of 4mri.!n Tul* & PirE Con,p{ny.lm Allinfomlrft'n h.Einis !,j.(.atr nc knoft !r rinr ofrtrlni.rtinn rnd 'r. r,lidir to.,h.nr eirh4ur norjc.. II{SIDEDIAMETER UL TIIREADED CRR+BLT NPS BLT SCH. 40 BLT scH. 40 Dn\A. THREAD Y/TIFt PCS/ IIFT I 1.104 1.049 .35 1.00 l 00 l 19 9l I u4't.452 1.380 .17 l 00 1.00 r.53 6l I Uz',l (r87 t.6t0 .18 l 00 t.00 l.B?6l 2-2.t54 2.0(t7 .21 1.00 1.00 2.M 37 * (lafcrrlatcrl rrsirrg Stottrlnlrl Ul, (illll frrrrrrrrla, (Il, liirc I'r'ottr:tion l)irtrtory, Caicgrrly YIZY. llttn hangel spacing {(:curale fl ow tomllarisons. 2525 N 27lh Ave. 101 E. Broadway Plrc€nix, Az B50Og Kokomo, lN 46901 Customer Service 1-80G877-8823 1-dJ2-272-ffi6 FAX 602-269-1324 i,fin 6/q5 coi,|PANI INCORPONATED oo Fire Protection Engineering Catalog 892 Manufacturers of PIPE HANGBRS BEAM CLAMPSSTRUT SEISMIC BRACES Michigan Hanger Inc@ Main ()lficc and l'lant 931 Surnnrit Avc. Nilcs, ()l | .14446 Plrone: (216) 544-4700 Fax: (216) 544--5403 TOLI, FREE: (800) 333-0852 \Vcstern l'lant and l)istrilrulion Ccnter 10720 Mulberry Avc. Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: (909) 355-0664 Fax: (909) 355-4590 BNAM CI.AMPS r=lt=F--rstttl -=_ J ('" Model #115 Heavy Duty Swivel Loop Hanger (NFPA RS--. - Rod Sizes) -4- SIZII RANGIi: l/2'' lhru tl" pipe siz.es MA'I'ERIAL: Pre-galvanizcd carbon steel with a zinc electroplatc inserl nut. APPROVALS: Factory Mulual (FlU) LISTINGS: Underwrilers Laboratories (UL) CONI'ORIVIS WITII: Federal Specification WW-H-l7l (1 ype l0), Manufacturers Standardization S(rcie(y ANSUM&S-SP-58 (Type | 0): ins(all in accordance with ANSI/NISS-SP-69. SERVICE: Pipe support manufaclured to use tninintunt rod sizes pcrnritted by NFPA for fire sprinkler piping. ORDIIRING: Specily pipe sizc, nrrxlel nunrber and name. ) a @ {-n J Plpc rlzG H CL RS MRI A Mrx, rscom. lmd lbr, ln" 314" l" 3-tlE" 3- !/16" 3-3n6" t-5/8" t-tt?rtl2'' 3tt" 3/r" 3t8" t" t" l-r/4" t 5/16" l5^6" 300 300 300 t-114" lrn" 3-V7: 3-tsl16" 4-lt/' l-t t/t6" t-15/t6" 2-1t4" 3tE" 3tE" 3/E" l I 7lE" l" I - l/16" 3m 300 3m Lv2" 1-112" 5-5^6" Gvx' 7-1n6" 3-318" 3-5l8" 1-15^6" 3t8" 3t8" 1t8" t I rtn" t-7|t" 1-7t8" 525 525 585 4' 5" t" 7-rn' t-15n6" I l-t/t6" t2-7 t8" 4-llt" 1- l3/16" 63/8" 7-3^6" 3tE" rn" tD' ln" t" l-v4" t-1t4" t- l/4" t-7|t" LUre 3-3116" 3-ut6" 650 1000 1000 t000 Model #130 Service Weight Swivel Ring Hanger (NFPA Rod Sizes) RS* - e(} SIZE RANGE: l/2" thru 8" pipe sizes lVtATItRlAl.: Pre-galvanized carbon steel with zinc electroplate inserl nut. APPROVAL: Factory Mutual (l'lu) llS'l'lNG: Underwriters Laboratories (UL) CONFORMS WITH: Fedcral Specilication WW-H-l7l (Type l{)). Manufacturers Standardization Socicty ANSI/MSS-SP-SE (Type l0): insrirll in accorrlance with ANS|/l\lSS-SP-69, SIiRVICI!: Pi[)c support nlanulacturcd lo use minitnunt rod sizes perrnitted by NFPA lirr fire sprinkler piping. ()RDERIN(i: Specily pipe size. ntodel ttttttrbcr and nattte. a MICHICAN HANGER CO.. INC. Niles, OH Plpc slze H CL RS MRI A M8x. recom. losd lbs. tn" 314" l" 3-v8" 3.vt6" 3-3 6" l-5l8" Ltn" Ltn" 3t8" 3tE" 3/8" I I t-v4" t5h6" 15n6" 300 300 300 t-u4" Ltn" 2" 3-rn" 3-t5l16" 4-tn" r-l l/15" l- t5/16" 2.U4" 3/E" 3tt" 1t8" I t t5/l6" l-v16" l-t/8' 300 300 300 Ltn" 3-U2' 5-1t8" fl-9fi6" L?lt" 3-3t4" 4- l5/16" 3/8' 3/8" 3/8" I I t-3l8" t-ltT t-3t1" 525 525 585 5" 6" 8" 7-lut6" 8-5/8" 9-314" r2-l t4" +3116" 4-v2" tl/16" 65/8' 3t8" ll7:' ln" ln" l" l v4" I u4" I y4" t-13/r6" t-7N' 2-3^6" 2-7^6" 650 t000 t000 lm0 4- j a i $al,ic' PRODUCT SUBMITTAL Submitlal is made lor appror'al of the aollowing Victaulico piping products indicatsd, within tho UL Listed/FM Approved .atings in this publicalioD. Submllled Producl Flexlble Coupling Style 77 Rlgid Coupllng FimLocl'" Style 005 Rlgld Coupllngifififf'S r/ Flargs Adapte]s Vic-Flangoo?ff;,i'g \,/ 0ullsl Couplino srvleT2 a w a : VICIAULIC COMPANY OF AMERICA . P,O. Box 31 . Easton, PA 18042 . 215/252-6400 . WUI Telex 6858011 VICAM UW mA-aol 1/89 isitM G) Copylighl 1989, Victaulic Company of America @ Registersd Trademark of Victaulic company ol Amsrica Submltled Product Shaploss oullol X[,YJ;'ffi Boltloss Couplfurg xl;f?if':? s., High Pressure 3l'131l'5'lO, Checl Ualvo Vlc-Choclo Series 714 Series 710 Eall Valvs $}ff"ftird$- Deleclor Check Valve FIRE PIDTTCNON SYSTEMS UL LISTED/FM APPROVED PRODUCTS SUBMITTAL Submltled Producl Eranch Oullel MechanlcaIT9 sril:stio Sprlnklgr 0ullel Hookoro styree?.2sgil Inspoclors Alarm Terl Modolo 16slltlaslsr' Style 718, Etyle 719 Flre Pump Tesl MolorOrrOt-# Superulsory Swilch Stvle 737-0 or 737-P? I Plain End Coriplin0 Rousl-A-8oul@trtnng Plaln End Gouplino Plalnlooko Slylo 90 Submllted Ptoducl Plaln End Fllli||gs Undorground Flange AdaplonVlc-Flaneoo Slylo 341, Style 342.lh SYSTEM SU Submillal is made for appmval ot lhe indicated Viclsulic piping pro- ducts for lhe followlng s€wlceg wilhin the UL Lided/FM Approved T|les8prodUctssha||besupp||edbyViclaU|iccompanyolAm0rica|0rlhe|oblisl8dbs|ow.A||9roductslobeinsta||ed inslruclions. Victaulic res3lv€s lhe rioht to change producl speciticathns, designs and slandad equipmenl wilhout nolics and virlhout. incurdng obligalions. JOB/OWNER CONTFACTOR ENGINEER Spec. Sect.Para._ System No.Submilled By Approved Location Dat€ 1A-41-1996 9,B4AM FROM AUTOT'4ATIC FIRE GROUP 343425,6127 P. I FtT, L++fr''-Lre El$u/l'r, ^ O^',#_1,v*r - &dSr-srz,+ -4ovf-hdRsE y}trulJT, rv _-*-__ffi.i. ?t,n ^ P,+, " + Glo, a.-.**_ - -t-5t\r"/l tl CaJA AFG/Ues- fiJwrE|lrr| rFlYrOonlorrhaffla Wtrdflgp'Oo ffi $zz> pe.L $looooo = z+, *32Y7o r-1 G- +'At.b+ E+utE-t l >Z.lL 4b?, 1\ .zsE" {? aa & [j* Eo I I 42 lVest Meadow Driae Vail, Colorailo 81657 101-479-22t0 Vail Firc Departmcnt Ric Jefferies AFG/Mesa 4894 Yan Cordon St. #304 Arvada, CO 80033 September 30, 1996 Dcar llic, Allcl rcvicwing thc firc sprirrklcr plans on the Vail Golf Course Maintenance Facility, tlrcrc arc sorne itents that nccd to bc brought to your attention. A Colorado Rcgistration number needs to bc included on plans. Peunit numbcr is invalid. Please correct to M96017. Dollar amount for mechanical nrust be included on application form. RPBD slrown on cut Shcet is an Arnes 4000ss. Page 6 shows a Febco. lliser mounted compressor has no air filter/dryer specified. The VFD recommends a florlr rnountcd comprcssor with a liltu/dryer. t. )) TS 4. 5. ,/ 6. l;arr-Larnr AV signal is rcquircd to bc 24 volt and lnust be visible in direct sunlight. u/7. FDC cut shcct was not irrcludcd in product subrnittals. Typical copied on plans. ., 8. l)endant heads are slrown on thc dry systcm. Hcads rnust be upright, or drylendant l1l3 3-2.2 exception #2. ,/ 9. Providc dctail on return bcnds if intended lbr use with pendant heads 4-5.17. ;' 10. Inspcctor's tcst valvc must be 7' off finishcd floor. l" 45x li ? test bushing has been left out. I /2" tenrrination is required. l,'' I l. l{eating systcln lbr building not shown on plans-caution placemcnt of heads near fan- coil hcatcrs. /r,r/ t;.,t:l)'.,/ y' 12. l,octrlc hcads in ccntcr ol'attic truss to avoid obstruction 4-4.1.3. ,r.' 13. Control valves must bc supervised with tarnper switches 4-6.1.3. r | 4. All sprinkler heads arc considorcd to bc in exccss of l00psi 4- r-" i5. Drainagc of piping is slrown on plan as l/8" per tbot 4-6.3. l-'' 16. Main drain is required to be 2". Dtain shall discharge outside, or to a drain connectiotr 4-(t.3.4.3. \''11 p 17. Aux. drairrs nccd to bc providcd in the crnployco lounge due to a changc in piping irlr ngcttlottt 4-(t,3.6. |''t /it' ifi'p 7),flt llJ. Dircct intcrcorrncct of drain must not bc rnade bctwen drain and sewer 4-6.3.6. / "x ,/L', III II o y{5. CneoU valve from FDC must be provided with an automatic dilp 4-7.2.5. /2O.We assurne that there will be light and hcat in the main control valve room. lf you lrave any questions regarding the items listed, give me a call at970-479-2253. Best regards, -)r/^Y F'*-(_/ John Gulick Asst. Chiet Vail Fire Dept. cclgolfmaint file Prcject Name: Project Description: Participants: Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Vielerecused OWNER TOWN OFVAIL C/O FINANCE DEPT 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL co 81657 License: 07/I2l2N4 Phone; APPUCANT VAIL RECREATION DISTRICT OilTZl2OM Phone: 7OO S FRONTAGE RD E VAIL co 81657 License: 1278 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL LoE Block Subdivision: UnplatEd Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 @f. 970.479.2139 tax:. 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us VAIL GOLF COURSE PEC Number: PEC040048 GMDING IN THE 100-YEAR FLOODPLATN (VAIL GOLf COURSE IRRIGATION SYSTEM) 21010811,1002 tA / val9t;TnT I BOAR,D/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Kjesbo Second By: Lamb Vote: 5-0-1 Conditions: Action: APPROVED Date of Approval= 08109/2004 @nd:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: CON0006606 The applicant shall submit a stamped Improvement Location Certificate and topographic survey, veriffing the "as-built" conditions of the subject site, to the Town of Vail Community Dwelopment Department for review and approval, prior to Town of Vail final construdion inspection. Cond: CON0006607 The applicant shall comply with all requirements of all necessary state and federal permits and approvals. Planner: Bill Gibson PEC Fee Paid: $,100.00 MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Development Department DATE: August 5,2004 SUBJECT: A request for a final review of a floodplain modification, pursuant to Chapter 14- 6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for irrigation system improvements, located at the Vail Golf Course, 1778 Sunburst Drive/Unplatted (a complete metes and bounds description is available at the Community Development Department), and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Vail Recreation District, represented by Hydrosphere Resource Consultiants, lnc. Planner: Bill Gibson I. SUMMARY The applicant, Vail Recreation District, represented by the Eagle River Water and Sanitation Districts and Hydrosphere Resource Consultants, Inc., is requesting approval of a floodplain modification, pursuant to Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for irrigation system repairs and improvements within the Gore Creek floodplain located at the Vail Golf Course, 1778 Sunburst Drive. Based upon Staffs review of the criteria in Section Vl of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, the Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission approves, with conditions, the requested floodplain modification, subject to the findings noted in Section Vll of this memorandum. II. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicant is proposing to modify the Gore Creek floodplain to allow for the repairs and improvements to the Vail Golf Course irrigation system, located at1778 Sunburst Drive. A vicinity map has been attached for reference (Attachment A). A more complete description of the applicant's request has been attached for reference (Attachment B). Pursuant to Section 12-12-3, Vail Town Code, staff has determined that an Environmental lmpact Report is not required for this proposal since this proposal is an "alteration, repair and maintenance of existing structures and site improvements". III. BACKGROUND The U.S. Army Corp of Engineers has determined that the proposed modification to the Gore Creek floodplain does not require a Department of Army permit (Attachment C). I tv.ROLES OF REVIEWNG BODIES Planning and Environmental Commission: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for final approval/approval with conditions/denial of a floodplain modification application. Desion Review Board: The Design Review Board has no review authority of a floodplain modification, but must review any accompanying Design Review application. Town Council: Actions of Design Review Board or Planning and Environmental Commission may be appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whetheror not the Design Review Board or Planning and Environmental Commission ered with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overturn the board's decision. Staff: The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staffalso advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. Staff provides a memo containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Town of Vail Zoninq Regulations (Title 12. Vail Town Code) Section 12-12-3, ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORTS, EXEMPT PROJECTS (in part) An environmental impact report shall not be required for the following projects: A. Alteration, repair and maintenance of existing structures and site imprcvements. B. A phase of a project for which an environmental impact report previously was submdfed and reviewed covering the entire project, provided that the project was approved and not subsequently altered. C. A projectwhich, on the basis of a preliminary environmenfalassessment coveing each of the factors prescribed in Section 12-12-2 of this Chapter is found to have an insignificant impact on the environment. The preliminary environmenfal assessment and the finding on environmental impact shall be made by the Administrator. Section 12-21-1OE, HAZARD REGULATIONS, DEVELOPMENT RESTRICTED (in part) E. The Administrator may require any applicant or person desiing to modify the flood plain by fill, construction, channelization, grading, or other similar changes, to submit for review an environmental impact statement in accordance with Chapter 12 of this Title, to establish V. vt. that the work will not adversely affect adjacent properties, or increase the quantity or velocity of flood waters. Town of Vail Development Standards Handbook (Title 14. Vail Town Code) Chapter 14-6, GMDING STANDARDS (in part) Floodplain Standards; No grading is permitted in the 100-year floodplain without Planning and Environmental Commission approval. lf an applicanf wshes to grade into the 100-year floodplain, an envircnmental impact report is required. The envircnmental impact repoft shall include impacts to vegetafon, ripaian areas, appropriate hydraulic engineering calculations to show no increase in water surface profile and velocity, as well as stating thatthere will be no adverse impacts to adjacent propefties. No permanent improvements shall be constructed within 1'of the floodplain line. The floodplain line shall be determined by a registered professional land surueyor by plofting the appropriate elevation of the floodplain on a maximum 1"-20'topographic 2' contour map using the adopted Town of Vail flood profiles (the Federal Emergency Management Agency Flood lnsurance Study). The topographic survey shall reveal the method for determining the starting point and the starting elevation for the floodplain delineation. A site specific study performed by a Professional Engineer per FEMA guidelines and apprcved by the Town of Vail and FEMA may be required. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS A. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall consider the followinq criteria when reviewinq an appJication for a modification to the floodplain: 1. The proposed floodplain modification will not increase the quantity or velocity of flood waters. Staff response: The technical analysis provided by Hydrosphere Resources Consultants, dated April 9,2004, states that this proposal "...will have no impact on the regulatory floodplain elevations or velocities." (see Attachment C). The Town of Vail Floodplain Coordinator has reviewed and confirmed this opinion (see Attachment E). 2. The proposed floodplain modification will not adversely affect adjacent properties. Staff response: The technical analysis provided by Hydrosphere Resources Consultants, dated April 9, 2004, states that this proposal "...will have no impact on the regulatory floodplain elevations or velocities." (see Attachmenl C). The Town of Vail Floodplain Coordinator has reviewed and confirmed this opinion (see Attachment E). I B. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinqs before approvinq a floodplain modification: 1. The proposed floodplain modification will not increase the quantity or velocity of flood waters. 2. The proposed floodplain modification will not adversely affect adjacent properties. VII. STAFFRECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission approves, with conditions, the proposed floodplain modification, pursuant to Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code to allow for inigation system improvements, located at the Vail Golf Course, 1778 Sunburst Drive/Unplatted. Staffs recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria in Section Vl of this memorandum and the evidence presented, subject to the following findings: 1. The proposed floodplain modification will not increase the quantity or velocity of flood waters, based upon the technical analysis provided by Hydrosphere Resources Consultants. 2. The proposed floodplain modiflcation will not adversely affect adjacent properties, based upon the technical analysis provided by Hydrosphere Resources Consultants. 3. Pursuant to Section 12-12-3, Vail Town Code; submittal of an Environmental lmpact Report is not required for this proposal. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this floodplain modification request, the Community Development Department recommends the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall submit a stamped lmprovement Location Certificate and topographic survey, verifying the "as-built" conditions of the subject site, to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for review and approval, prior to Town of Vail final construction inspection. 2. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of all necessary state and federal permits and approvals. VIII. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map B. Hydrosphere Resource Consultant's analysis C. US Army Corps of Engineers approval D. Engineering Plans ! E. Town of Vail Floodplain Coordinator approval F. Public Notice Attachment: A J J tl (.|)oo f ; Eg 1sr1 9.9 tg gE ',qc Je,T'tci: 6'; !!.E ;1:lrl;rA €ellit E1! Attachment B HYD RO S PH ERE l{esource C()nsLlItat ts April9,2004 Ms. Linn Schon Eagle River Water & Sanitation Distict 846 Forest Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Vail Golf Course hrigation System Improvements Dear Ms Schorr: ln accordance with the desire of the Vail Golf Course to implement certain irrigation systern improvements in order to avoid water shodages on the golf course this season the following maintenance activities have been proposed: . Reconstruct in-place the primary irrigation diversion facility in Gore Creek as shown in plan view at location I on the attached exhibit r Replace the buried inlet pipe from the diversion stucture to Pond 17 with a larger pipe (probably 24-inches in diameter) as shown in plan view at location 2 on the attached exhibit Connect Pond 17 with Pond 18 with a btrried pipe (probably l8 to 24-inches in diameter) as shown in plan view at location 3 on the attached exhibit Replace the buried connecting pipe between Pond l8 and the Pumphouse Pond with a larger pipe (probably 36-inches in diameter) as shown in plan view at location 4 on the attached exhibit This activity is needed because the existing diversion stucture has settled and./or shifted a small amount from its original location as constructed in 1968. While it exists at the same location and general configuration by visual inspection, it has moved enough to prevent adequate water from being diverted into the subject golf course ponds, particularly dwing low flow periods. It is proposed to rebuild this stuchre at the same location and to its original elevations. Pursuant to your request, we have reviewed the crurently effective floodplain map, its associated work map and the study published in 1985, and evaluated the potential impact ofthe proposed project on the elevation and velocity of the 100-year flood. The hydraulic calculations and floodplain mapping that covers the area where the diversion structure is located is based upon several steam channel cross sections located upsheam and downstream of the diversion structure, but not at the structure. We assume the study conhactor and FEMA made the judgment ['(-)li( \',\rlal!Si.5 . i:n:iIterrilt! . !:tr\ i | . \ I I r-] I r- | I I ;t I Inlr,Intarrir)n S.. sternS . '.-lO:3f ++:i-7,3.-J!.' . T.lr-F;ry I l(.t3t 11.)r)(jtG 1r--)rJ5l e935,2556 . TeleFax (:)()5t 835-2(ios, that the diversion structure does not represent a significant enough physical variation in the channel features located in this reach ofthe Creek from that represented by the adjacent cross sections and did not explicitly represent the structure with cross sections in the floodplain hydraulic modeling. As such the restoration of this structure to conditions that existed when the floodplain study was conducted will have no impact on the regulatory floodplain elevations or velocities. Its restoration will impact low flows up to a maximum of 10 cfs, but will have no measurable impact on flood flows of any frequency. The two pipe replacements and the new pipe construction will not modiff ground surface elevations as the new pipes are intended to simply improve irrigation water movement between the ponds. This work will take place in a floodplain fringe area, which for the most part has no flood conveyance capability. Their placement below the existing grade will by definition have no impact on flooding because there will be no change in existing ground contours. Fast-tack design and pre<onsfuction negotiations are underway on these features in order to get them constructed in the very short time window before peak runoffin Gore Creek in order to have them in place before the golf course irrigation season is underway. As such the conshuction is expected to occur the last week of April and first week of May, dependent on weather and skeam flow conditions. We have been in contact with Mark Gilfillan in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Colorado/Gunnison Basin Regulatory Office located in Grand Junction. Mr. Gilfillan has informed us that under the Corps of Engineers regulations for implementation of section 404 of the Clean Water Act, the proposed project is exempt from regulation because the diversion structure is used for irrigation. We will request that Mr. Gilfillan provide written confirmation of our understanding that the proposed project is exempt from regulation under section 404. The subj ect activity is located in an area that has been significantly modified by humans and consists primarily of open sod covered area. Only minimal vegetation other than grass is present at the site. The several existing trees will be avoided by construction activity. There will be disturbance of three clumps of small diameter common sand bar willow, which has grown up through the rock of the current diversion structure. These will be replaced this fall. Appropriate construction best management practices will be used to minimize erosion and sedimentation to Gore Creek. Sod and landscape replacement will occur immediately after construction and pribr to the golf course opening for the summer season. Accordingly, ecological impacts to the site will be minimal and no other permitting is expected to be necessary. Please contact us for any clarifications or additional information, or if you prefer, have the Town contact us directlv. cc: Mr. Jim Myers Enclosures Water Resources Engineer Hydrosphcre Resource Consultants, I 002 Walnut Street Suite 200, Boulder, CO 80302 z< \f,OON ca $ o Go .{: '4.: a; *?33 T; Attachment G DEPARTMENT OFTHE ARMY U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT. SACRAMENTO REPLYIO AITENTION OF CORPS OF ENGINEEFS 1325 J STREET SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95814,2922 Regulatory Branch April 28, 2004 (2O0475L7O) Mr. Robert M. Weaver Hydrosphere Resource Consul-Eants, Incorporated 1002 Walnut, Suite 200 Boulder, Colorado 80302 Dear Mr. Weawer: We are responding to your wriEten request dated April 12, 2004, on behaLf of Vail GoIf Course, for a jurisdictional determj-nation regarding an irrigaEion rock-weir diversion and headgate at Gore Creek. The projecE site is located in the Town of Vail within Section 3, Township 5 SouEh, Range 80 West, Eagle County, Colorado. . We have revj-ewed your project in accordance with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act under which the U.S. Army Corps of Engj.neers regulates the discharge of dredged and fill material in waters of the United States, including wetlands. Based upon the informat.ion provided, it appears the project is exempt from reg"nlation at 33 CFR Part 323.4 (a) General . Therefore, a Department of the Army permiE will not, be required for the above- mentioned work. If you have any questions, please write to Mr. Mark ci1fillan at.the address below, telephone 970-243-1199, exEension l-5 or email mark. a.cli1fillan@usace.army.rnil. Basin Sincerely, ,/ nl" t/'.EL /{- hx--:/. - / | tJ'' -jnl Ken Jacobsonv -'--' Chief , Colorado/Gunnison RegulaEory Office Copy Furnished: Eagle County, Post. I 400 Rood Avenue, Room 142 Grand Junction, Colorado 81501--2553 office Box 850, Eag1e, Colorado 81531 - --- -a8......--Attachment D FII 36s Aa a.!E +Er: st!: .tul; !itl!l; tglHli: ilEra! ta,t:t #EiF= EIII E r.-. ! * a tI I .r! ut H I I iiI r { I I t I I I T T III!l k (J C,) o) L .P b0 L c) <n c.) +.i zI (J LrJzzn UJ(L f, 3E(L! col -l (A o =:) zo LJzzo(J LrJ(L (L3 atz2 o-o I @ ztrl(L F zo U LTJzzE(J LJ o-t clzE(L iFr ,At v. o I LrJ .+-- tt; H;. t^ dE * ii6igl f9 fl t itlrI *hE!l \ i i Nrl,AVi-Rf1 {*')ilw,'{ , L,((\l\\\ : \'-<{F- \ t {;Iet tr ! t,I: ! g ! r: t iF I o\o\o HP AR t6 t- I ",t.1i" o I I {E {n li dtil: os .J o o II E N I :€H! '#3i IE; a o U a C) (.) k +l o0 F ()a (J +r f F,l t I ir il $ d H $ ,l I I I 'Y O G' (t (.) 0) lr oo F c)a I t J I i i! .lit 'T i; t: Nl ti i! !r tl IT :tIt Eit!rl l:li rf.ii 3ilillilt n$H[i t I !?t!HiHriJri9;i Hi! ;!rt tii! !Iri "; .:f il H s l { il !itt I!tI z l-r aa o o r'f b0 F c) lI q-. Attachment E TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEUORANDUM Community Development Department Public Works Department August 4, 2004 Golf Gourse floodplain modification The proposed Floodplain Modification associated with the VRD/ERWSD inigation system improvements within the Gore Creek 100-year floodplain, located at the Vail Golf Course, 1778 Sunburst Drive, comply with the provisions of the Vail Town Code. The proposed floodplain modifications will not increase the quantity or velocity of the flood waters and will not adversely affect adjacent properties. Chad Salli, Town of Vail Floodplain Coordinator THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE Attachment: F mnilffi/ NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Ptanning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public n""ting in accorOance viith Section 12-3-6, Vail Town Code, on August 9' 2004, at 2:00 pM in the Tovin of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for a final review of a variance, pursuant to Section 12-17 'Yariances, Vail Town Code' to a[bw for a building to encrolcn into the side setback, located al4257 \yeg"1 L?neil-g! 1.' Bigil. E"tiGi, a ,E"rOoiuision of Lots 1o & 11 , Bighorn Estates, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Patrick & Mary P. DunahaY Planner: Elisabeth Eckel A request for a final review of a major amendment.to a sP99l?!developnent district (sDD)' prr"ir"niiJSe6ion f Z-gl-tO, AmdnOment Procedures, Vail Town Gode, to allow for an amendment to SDD *O, VaiiViifage inn, to allow for the conversion of existing c^oqlnol 19a.to.. fut s6sa residentialf6;il;i6RFAj, ro""t"o "t 68 East Meadow Drive/Lot O, Block 5D, Vail Villagl Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto' Applicant Carlos RojasPlanner: Clare Sloan A request for a final review of an amendment to an app.roved development plan' purslant to . ^ Section 1 2-9C-5, Oevetopmeni StanOirOs anO a Conditional Use Permit, pursuant to Section 12- gC-3, Vail Town Code, tdlf f ow for the construction of "Public Buildings and Grounds", located at 1289 Elkhom Drive/Unplatted, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Town of VailPlanner: Elisabeth Eckel A request for a final review of a floodplain modification, pursuant to Chapter 14-6, Grading - - stanltros, vait iown coib, iJ"irowioi inigation -ysterin improvements,located at the Vail Golf Course, 1778 Sunburst b;i""/LJ;pi"tted (a iompletl metes ind bounds description is available at the iommunity Development Departnient), and setting forth details in regard thereto' Applicant: Viit Recrebtion Distiict, repreiented by H-ydrosphere Resource Consultants' Inc' Planner: Bill Gibson A request for a final review of a condition use permit, pursuant to Section. 12-6D-3, Conditional uses, va'il Town Code, 6;lb* 6; ; iipe tt emptoveb Housins yn!! (Flq' located at.2683 Cortina Lane/Lot z, eroci A, Vair niOgd'SuOOivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto' Applicant TrentHubbard/StefanSchmidPlanner: Bill Gibson A request for a final review of a minor subdivision, pursuant.to Chaptg! 1?1' Minor Subdivisions' V-ail Town Code, to amend the locations of the exisiing building envelopes; and a final review of a variance from Section f Z:Zf -iO, b.u"lopment Restri-cted, Vail Town Code, to allow for construction on sfopes ol 4oo/oor gt""t"r, foiiteO it f'S90 Buffehr Creek Road/Lots A, B, C, and D, Residences at Briar Patch, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Residences of Briar Patch Homeowner Association, represented by Zehren and Associates Planner: Bill Gibson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public insqection during regular otfice hours at the Town of V"ii Comruni$'Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road' The public is invited to ttt"nO ptoi""t ti"nt"tiJir and th6 site visits that prece-de the public hearing.in the Town of Vail Community beietopment Department. Please call (970) 479'2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request with 24-hour notification' Please call t (970) 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published, July 23, 2004, in the Vail Daily. ,-ffi General lnformation: AJI projecb requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. Type ofApplication and Fee: $650w(Pe - $650 $80o $1500 $250 $1300 Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Gommission Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97 0.47 9.2139'fax: 97 0.47 9.2452 web: www.vailgov.com DsCtrlrtiQT\Lr. Ii Variance $500 Sign Variance $200Rezoning $1300 Major Subdivision $1500 Minor Subdivision $650 New Special Development District $6000 MajorAmendment to an SDD $6000 Major Arnendment to an SDD $1250 ( no exterio r mod ificatio ns) . Conditional Use Permit. FloodolainModification. Minor Exterior Alteration. Major Exterior Alteration. Development Plan. Amendment to a Development Plan. Zoning Code Arnendment Description of the Request:Reconstruction of the Vail Golf Course lrrigatj-on Watef DiVefSiOn StrUCtUIe and Construction (\f helow gr^rlnd G.11 f .l.arr.}.SF Ponds I connections . Location of the Proposal, 161; 002 .Block:Subdivision:@ Physical Address:Vail Valley Drive Unit: :Vai1 parcel No.: 2IOI-081-I4-002 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no') Zoning:Outdoor Recreation Name(s) of Owner(s):Vail Recreation District Mailing Addr""",t/o V"iI GoIf cott"t T Owner(s) Signature Name of Applicant: (s):l^v?f Hydrosphere Re ce Consultants, Inc., on behalf of Eagle River Water & Sanitation District and Vail Recreation District Mailing Address: 100" Walnut Street, Suite 200, Beulderr €€ 9e302Phone:% drl@hydrosphe.re . comE-mail Address:_ 303-442-O6L6Fax RECEIVEO: ttit | 2 i:::i,t Pagfrof l-oa/ri'rca *'i**'1,|***:**trt';**lr'l**l**!4,|l***t *d t***t*t' a'*****t**+*********'t**{' 'lr lr:lt**lr* *'l TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Staternent * 't{.* * * ** ***{r* +{r*:t * 'l * * ** t'l'1.'}* *:l**'} t*:*'}*'} l**'t ******rl.t}al.l.:t*'r**l.!tt ***:},t*****!t'}*{.'rr} rr ** *'l * ***** ** * Statement Number: R040006209 Amount: $400.00 07/t2/2oo4o3:24 PM PaymenE Method: Ctreck rnit: iIS Notation: #32391/ERw&sD Permit No: P8C040048 Tlpe: PEC - Generic ParceL No: 210108114 002 Site Addreas: 1.278 VAfIJ \IAIJITBY DR VAIIJ Locat ion : VAIIr GIOIJF COI'RSB TotaL Fees: $400.00 This Palment: $400.00 Total AIrIJ PmtE: $400.00 Balance: $0.00 ,lr*a"l***,t**ll*'i***********+****a****t|l****lt'l********r|*a*******d.**l*,1**t|********************* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts PV OO1OOOO31125OO PEC APPLICATION FEES 400.00 Parcel Detail http://wl,vw.eagle-county.corn/goodtums/assessor/parcel,asp?Parcel... County Officials I County Services I Community lVideos Advanced Search I Calendar I contact I Ec Home Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information Assesso!'ffreasurer Property Search I Assessor Subset Query I Assessor Sales Search Basic Building Characteristacs I Tax Information Sales Detail I Value Detail I Residential/Commercial Improvement Detail I Land Detail , Tax Area :Account Number R010490 Parcel Number lrlill Levy 210108114002 I 46.566 Owner Name and Address 'l rl 'll L€gal Description I SUB:VAIL VILLAGE FTUNG 7 DESC: 1 TMCTS B,D,E,F I ',i Location property Tax Vatuation Information Basic Building Characteristics Commercial,/Industrial Building Occurrance 1 Characteristics I of2 4127/2004 8:15 AM Parcel Detail http://www.eagle-county. cor/goodturns/assessor/parcel.asp?Parcel... uJl,Lrw: 3,. 12 , CANOPY: 1,152 FRAME: , WOOD FMME: ieerrnc-rurr-, : ir-ecrnrd HEATING-wPE: EIEC BASBD INTERIOR WALL: MINIMUM INTERIOR-WALL: DRYWALL NEIGHBORHOOD: i VAIL GOLF COURSE Tax lnformation No Tax Records Found Top of Page Assessor Daiab3se See.ch Optrcns I Treasurer Database Search Options contact us by phone: (970)328-8640, in Colorado (800)225-6136 By mail: Eagle County Assessor, 500 Broadway, PO BOX 449, Eagle, CO 81631 Or by email The Eagte County Assessor and Treasurer's Offices make every effort to collect and maintain accurate data. However, Good Turns Software and the Eagle County Assessor and Treasurer's Offices are unable to warrant any of the Information herein contained. Copyrlght G) 2001 Good Turns Software. All Rights Reserved. Database & Web Design by cood Turns Software. 2of2 4/27D004 8:15 AM <!) ,- Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 te| 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Public Service Company PEC Number: PE@20057 Project Description: Conditional Use Permit for a "public utility and public service use" (i.e. construct an above ground natural gas regulator station). Participants: OWNER TOWN OF VAIL O9lt7l2OO2 Phone| C/O FINANCE DEPT 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL CO 816s7 License: APPUCANT Public Service Company Of @911il2002 Phone: 303-57t-7454 1225 17th Stree Denver, CO 80202 License: Project Address: 1278 VAIL VAI'IEY DR VAIL Location: Gas line through golf ourse Legal Descr-ption: Lot: Block Subdivision: Unplafted Parcel Number: 210108114fl)2 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Rollie Kjesbo Action: APPROVED Second By: George Lamb Vote: 6-0 DateofApproval= tllI2l2002 CondiUons: Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Toryn of Vail staff and/or the appropriate re\riew committee(s), Cond: CON0005672 This approval shall be contingent upon the Town Council's adoption, by ordinance, of the associated proposd text amendment to Section 12-88-3, Vail Town @de. Cond: CON0005673 The proposed natural gas regulator station shall be relocated west of its proposed location to the west side of the existing gravel Golf Course access drive along the Frontage Road. The applicant shall revise the proposed easement and suruey documents, to the satisfaction of the Town of Vail Public Works Department, to address this relocaUon, prior to the issuance of a Town of Vail public way permit. . Planner: Bill Gibson c o PEC Fee Paad: $650.00 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department October 14,2002 A request for recommendation to the Vail Town Council, to allow for a text amendment to Section 12-88-3 (Conditional Uses), Vail Town Code, to allow for "public utility and public service uses" as a conditional use in the Outdoor Recreation zone district and setting forth details in regards thereto; and a conditional use permit, to allow for a "public utility and public service use" in the Outdoor Recreation zone district, located at an unplatted parcel within the Southwest Quarter of Section 3, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the Sixth Prime Meridian, generally located south of the l-70 right-of-way, north of Gore Creek, and west of 2450 Frontage Road East (Water Treatment Plant) within the Vail Golf Course. A complete metes and bounds description is available at the Department of Community Development. Applicant: Public Service Company of Colorado Planner BillGibson lt. SUMMARY The applicant, Public Service Company of Colorado, is requesting a text amendment to Section 12-88-3 (Conditional Uses), Vail Town Code, to allow "public utility and public service uses'as a conditional use in the Outdoor Recreation zone district and setting forth details in regards thereto; and a conditional use permit, to allow for a "public utility and public service use" in the Outdoor Recreation zone district located within the Vail Golf Course. Based upon staffs review of the criteria in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, the Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission approve the requested conditional use permit and forward a recommendation of approval to the Town Council of the requested text amendments, subject to the findings noted in Section lX of this memorandum. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicant, Public Service Company of Colorado, is requesting a text amendment to Section 12-88,-3 (Conditional Uses), Vail Town Code, to allow "public utility and public service uses" as a conditional use in the Outdoor Recreation zone district and setting forth details in regards thereto; and a conditional use permit, to allow for a 'public utility and public service use" in the Outdoor Recreation zone district located within the Vail Golf Course. This proposed text amendment and the conditional use permit request are intended to facilitate the construction of a natural gas regulator station at the Vail Golf Course. The purpose of this proposed natural gas regulator station is to increase the supply of Iil. natural gas to the East Vail area to address low pressure and loss of service problems associated with the limited capacity of the existing natural gas distribution system. The proposed natural gas regulator station at the Vail Golf Course will accomodate the installation of a low pressure natural gas line connecting existing utilities at Sunburst Drive to the high-pressure natural gas main located along the south side of the Fronlage Road. The proposed natural gas regulator station will consist of the natural gas regulator and its enclosure. The proposed enclosure is an 8 ft. by 6 ft. shed approximately 10 ft. in height. The enclosure had been designed to match an existing well water treatment facility cunently located at the Vail Golf Course in design, materials, and color. The applicant's description of the text amendment, conditional use permit, and design review requests have been attached for reference (see Attachment C). Also attached for reference are easement survey drawings, photographs of the site, architectural drawings of the proposed enclosure, Outdoor Recreation zone district maps, and a drafl version of Ordinance No. 29, Series 2002 (see Attachments D - H). BACKGROUND In October of 1991, the Town Council adopted the "Development Code Revision Report, Phase 1." In May of 1993, the Planning and Environmental Commission began its reviewof proposed text amendments prompled by this report to amend the Greenbelt and Natural Open Space zone district and the Public Use zone district, and to create a new outdoor recreation oriented zone district. The initial approach to these code revisions consisled of amending the Public Use zone district and the Natural Open Space zone district, as well as, renaming and amending the Agriculture and Open Space zone district to create a new Recreational Open Space zone district. The Planning and Environmental Commission expressed concerns about allowing buiEings within zone districts intended for open space, and recommended the elimination of some proposed conditional uses in the Recreational Open Space zone district such as single family residential dwellings, churches, reclories, schools, colleges, convents, seasonal use or structure, etc. The Planning and Environmental Commission also expressed concems about the impacts that eliminating the Agriculture and Open Space zone district could have on established individual property rights. Upon furtherdeliberation, the Planning and Environmental Commission directed staff notto rename and substantially amend the Agriculture and Open Space zone district to the proposed Recreational Open Space zone district, but instead make amendments to the Public Use zone district and Natural Open Space zone district, and to create a separate recreation oriented zone district and to rezone certain Agriculture and Open Space zone district properties to this new district. This new district was intended to fit between the less restrictive Agriculture and Open Space zone district and the more restrictive Greenbeltand Natural Open Space zone district. 1V. On October 4, 1994, the Town Council adopted Ordinance 21, Series of 1994, to amend the provisions of the Public Use zone district and the Natural Open Space zone district, and to create the Outdoor Recreation zone district. As adopted, the Outdoor Recreation zone district only allowed well water treatment facilities and no other public utility and public service uses as a conditional use. Currently, all Outdoor Recreation zoned properties within the Town of Vail are owned by the Town of Vail. At its October 2,2OQ2, the Design Review Board conceptually reviewed the proposed natural gas regulator station. The Board directed staff to "staff approve" the station with the condition that the natural gas regulator station match an existing well water treatment facility currently located at the Vail Golf Course in design, materials, and color. ROLES OF REVIEWING BODIES Planning and Environmental Commission: Action: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for forwarding a recommendation of approval/approval with conditions/denial to the Town Council of a text amendment. The Planning & Environmental Commission shall consider the following factors with respect to the requested text amendmenl: The extent to which the text amendment furthers the general and specific purposes of the Zoning Regulations; and The extent to which the text amendment would better implement and better achieve the applicable elemenls of the adopted goals, objectives, and policies outlined in the Vail Comprehensive Plan and is compatible with the development objectives of the Town: and The extent to which the text amendment demonstrates how conditions have substantially changed since the adoption of the subject regulation and how the existing regulation is no longer appropriate or is inapplicable; and The extent to which the text amendment provides a harmonious, convenient, workable relationship among land use regulations consistent with municipal development objectives. Such other factors and criteria the Commission deems applicable to the proposed text amendment. Action:The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for final approval/approval with conditions/denial of a conditional use permit. The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for evaluating a proposal for: Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. Effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking areas. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. 5. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed use. 6. Conformance with development standards of zone district. Desiqn Review Board: Action: The Design Review Board has NO review authority of a text amendment or conditional use permit, but must review any accompanying Design Review application. Town Council: Actions of Design Review Board or Planning and Environmental Commission may be appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whether or nol the Design Review Board or Planning and Environmental Commission ened with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overturn the board's decision. The Town Council is responsible for final approval/approval with conditions/denial of a text amendment. The Town Council shall consider the following factors with respect to the requested text amendment: 1. The extent to which the text amendment furthers the general and specific purposes of the Zoning Regulations; and 2. The extent to which the text amendment would better implement and better achieve the applicable elements of the adopted goals, objectives, and policies outlined in the Vail Comprehensive Plan and is compatible with the development objectives of the Town; and 3. The extent to which the text amendment demonstrates how conditions have substantially changed since the adoption of the subject regulation and how the existing regulation is no longer appropriate or is inapplicable; and 4. The extent to which the text amendment provides a harmonious, convenient, workable relationship among land use regulations consistent with municipal development objectives. 5. Such other factors and criteria the Commission and/or Council deem applicable to the proposed text amendment. Staff: The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. v. Staff provides a staff memo containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Town of Vail Zoninq Requlations (Title'12. Vail Town Code) The general purposes for Title 12 (Zoning Regulations) are described in Section 12- 1-2, Vail Town Code. Applicable portions of this section include the following: A. General: These regulations are enacted for the purpose of prcmoting the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the Town, and to promote the coordinated and harmonious development of the Town in a manner that will conserue and enhance its natunl environment and its established character as a resort and residential community of high qualtty. B. Specific: These regulations are intended to achieve the following more specific purposes: L To provide for adequate light, air, sanitation, drainage, and public facilities. 2. To secure safety from fire, panic, flood, avalanche, accumulation of snow, and other dangerous conditions. 11 . To otheruise provide for the growth of an ordely and viable community. Based upon Section 12-2-2, Vail Town Code, the proposed natural gas regulalor station is a distribution facility of public utilities and is not defined as a "structure." Therefore, the proposed natural gas regulator station is not subject to many of the development standards prescribed by the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations (Title 12, Vail Town Code). The definition of "structure" as prescribed by Section 12-2-2,Yail Town Code, is as follows: Structure: Anything constructed or erected with a fixed location on the ground, but not including poles, lines, cables, or other transmission or distribution facilities of public utilities, or mailboxes or light fixtures. At the discretion of the design review board, swimming pools and tennis courts may be exempted frcm this definition. The Vail Golf Course is zoned Outdoor Recreation (OR). Pursuant to Section 12- 8B-1 (Purpose), Vail Town Code, the purpose of the Outdoor Recreation zone district is as follows: The Outdoor Recreation District is intended to preserve undeveloped or open space lands from intensive development while permitting outdoor recreational activities that provide opportunities for active and passive recreation areas, facilities and uses. The applicant is proposing to amend Section 12-8&3 (Conditional Uses), Vail Town Code, to allow "public utility and public service uses" as a conditional use in the Outdoor Recreation zone district. Section 12-16-1 (Purpose, Limitalions), Vail Town Code, identifies the purpose for a conditional use permit as follows: ln order to provide the flexibility necessa4y fo achieve the objectives of this title, specified uses are perrnifted in certain distrlcts subject to the granting of a conditional use permit. Because of their unusual or special characteristics, conditional uses reguire review so that they may be located properly with respect to the purposes of this tifle and with respect to their effects on sunounding properties. The review process prescibed in this' chapter is intended fo assure compatibility and harmonious development between conditional uses and sunounding propefties in the Town at larye. Uses /isted as conditional uses rn the various drstricts may be permitted subT'ecf to such conditions and limitations as the Town may prescribe to insure that the location and operation of the conditional uses will be in accordance with the development objectives of the Town and will not be detimental to other uses or properties. Wherc conditions cannot be devised, to achieve these objectives, applications for conditional use permits shall be denied. Town of Vail Land Use Plan The Town of Vail Land Use Plan designates the Vail Golf Course and many other Outdoor Recreation zoned properties as Park (P). This land use designation is described by the Town of Vail Land Use Plan as follows: lncluded in this categoty are town owned parcels intended for both active recreation activities such as athletic fields, golf course and playgrcunds, as well as areas for vaious passive recreation activities. The Town of Vail Land Use Plan includes the following goal statements that staff believes are applicable to this proposal: 6.1 Serylces should keep pace with increased growth. 6.2 The Town of Vail should play a role in future development through balancing grcwth with seruices. 6.3 Seryices should be adjusted to keep pace with the needs of peak peiods. Town of Vail Comprehensive Open Lands Plan The Town of Vail Comprehensive Open Lands Plan identifies this site as part of the golf course and the Action Plan simply designates the area as an exisling "developed park" with no recommendations specific to this site. VI. SITE ANALYSIS Zoning: Outdoor Recreation (OR) Land Use Plan Designation: Park (P) Current Land Use: Golf Course Hazards: None Development Standard Allowed Existing Proposed Setbacks: N/A N/A N/A Building Height: N/A N/A N/A Density: N/A N/A N/A GRFA: N/A N/A N/A Site Coverage: N/A N/A N/A Landscape Area: N/A N/A N/A Parking: N/A N/A N/A VII. SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING Land Use Zoninq North: CDOT l-70 Right-of-Way Unzoned South: Golf CourseEast: Golf CourseWest Golf Course Outdoor Recreation (OR) Outdoor Recreation (OR) Outdoor Recreation (OR) VIII. CRITERIAANDFINDINGS The review criteria and factors for consideration for a request of a text amendment are established in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 12-3, Vail Town Code (Ordinance No.4, Series 2002). A. Consideration of Factors Reqardinq the Text Amendment: 1, The extent to which the text amendment furthers the general and specific purposes of the Zoning Regulations; and The general purposes for Title 1 2 (Zoning Regulations) are described in Section 12- 1-2, Vail Town Code. Applicable portions of this section include the following: 2. A. General: These regulations are enacted for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the Town, and to promote the coordinated and harmonious development of the Town in a manner that will conseNe and enhance its natural envircnment and its established character as a resort and residential community of high quality. B, Specific: These regulations are intended to achieve the following more specific purposes: 1. To provide for adequate light, air, sanitation, drainage, and public facilities. 2. To secure safety from firc, panic, flood, avalanche, accumulation of snow, and other dangerous conditions. 11. To otherwise prcvide for the growth of an orderly and viable community. Staff believes that a text amendment allowing a public utility and public service use as a conditional use in the Outdoor Recreation zone district meets the intent of the above mentioned items by facilitating the construction of effective and efficient utility distribution systems within the Town of Vail. Section 12-88-1 identifies the purpose of the Outdoor Recreation District as follows: Outdoor Recreation District is intended to preserue undeveloped or open space /ands from intensive development while permitting outdoor recreational activities that provide opportunities for active and passive recreation areas, facilities and uses. Staff believes that a text amendment allowing a public utility and public service use as a conditional use in the Outdoor Recreation zone district will facilitate the effective and efficient distribution of utilities within the Town of Vail which are essential for providing active and passive recreation areas, facilities and uses within the Town of Vail. The extent to which the text amendment would better implement and better achieve the applicable elements of the adopted goals, objectives, and policies outlined in the Vail Comprehensive Plan and is compatible with the development objectives of the Town; and The Town of Vail Land Use Plan designates the Vail Golf Course and many other Outdoor Recreation zoned properties as Park (P). The Park land use designation is described by the Town of Vail Land Use Plan as follows: 3. lncluded in this category are town owned parcels intended for both active recrcation activities such as athletic fields, golf course and playgroundg as well as areas forvaious passive recreation activities. Staff believes that a text amendment allowing a public utility and public service use as a conditional use in the Outdoor Recreation zone district will facilitate the effective and efficient distribution of utilities within the Town of Vail which are essential for providing recreation activities within the Town of Vail. Staff also believes that as a conditional use the Planning and Environmental Commission can ensure that any proposed public utility and public service use is consistent with the Town of Vail Comprehensive Plan through the imposition of conditions and limitations pursuant to the provisions of Section 12'16-1, Vail Town Code. The Town of Vail Land Use Plan includes the following goal statements that staff believes are applicable to this proposal: 6.1 Senrices should keep pace with increased grovvth. 6.2 The Town of Vail should play a role in future development through balancing growth with seruices. 6.3 Services should be adiusted to keep pace with the needs of peak peiods. Staff believes that a conditional use permit for the proposed public utility and public service use in the Outdoor Recreation zone district meets the intent of the above mentioned items by facilitating utility services that keep pace with increased growth and demand within the Town of Vail. The extent to which the text amendment demonstrates how conditions have substantially changed since the adoption of the subject regulation and how the existing regulation is no longer appropriate or is inapplicable; and The demands for utilities such as natural gas have continued lo increase with time. The existing natural gas distribution system within the Town of Vail was originally constructed in the mid-1960's and is no longer adequate to meet the community's utif ity needs. During the 2001-2002 winter season, the East Vail area experienced periods of low natural gas pressure and losses of natural gas service due to the limited capacity of the existing distribution system. The extent to which the text amendment provides a harmonious, convenienq workable relationship among land use regulations consistentwith municipal development objectives. Staff believes that the proposed text amendments provide a harmonious, convenient, workable relationship among land use regulations in that the proposed revisions to Section 12-88-3 are similar to existing use regulations prescribed in other zone districts within the Town. Staff also believes that as a conditional use the 4. Planning and Environmental Commission can ensure that any proposed public utility and public service use is consistent with the Town of Vail Comprehensive Plan through the imposition of conditions and limitations pursuant to the provisions of Section 12-16-1, VailTown Code. 5. Such other factors and criteria the Commission and/or Gouncil deem applicable to the proposed text amendment. B. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinqs before foruardinq a recommendation of approval for of a text amendment: 1. That the amendment is consistent with the applicable elements of the adopted goals, objectives and policies outlined in the Vail Comprehensive Plan and is compatible with the development objectives of the Town; and 2. That the amendment furthers the general and specific purposes of the Zoning Regulations; and 3. That the amendment promotes the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the Town and promotes the coordinated and harmonious development of the Town in a manner that conserves and enhances its natural environment and its established character as a resort and residential community of the highest quality. The review criteria for a request of a conditional use permit are established by the Town Code. The proposed public utility and public service use is located within the Outdoor Recreation zone district. Therefore, contingent upon adoption of the aforementioned proposed text amendments, this proposal is subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 12-16 (Conditional Uses), Vail Town Code. C. Consideration of Factors Reqardino the Conditional Use Permit: L Relationship and impact of the use on the development objectives of the Town. The general purposes for Title 1 2 (Zoning Regulations) are described in Section 12-'l-2, Vail Town Code. Applicable portions of this section include the following: A. General: These regulations are enacted for the purpose of prcmoting the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the Town, and ta promote the coordinated and harmonious development of the Town in a manner that will conserue and enhance its natural environment and its established character as a resort and residential community of high qualrty. 10 B. Specific: These regulations are intended to achieve the following more specific purposes: 1. To provide for adequate light, air, sanitation, drainage, and public facilities. 2. To secure safety from fire, panic, flood, avalanche, accumulation of snow, and other dangerous conditions. 11. To otherwise provide for the grovvth of an orderly and viable community. Staff believes that a conditional use permit for the proposed public utility and public service use meets the intent of the above mentioned items by expanding the capacity, effectiveness and efficiency of the natural gas distribution system within the Town of Vail. Section 'l2-8B-1 identifies the purpose of the Outdoor Recreation District as follows: Outdoor Recreation District is intended to preserue undeveloped or open space lands from intensive development while permitting outdoor recreational activities that provide opporiltnities for active and passive recreation areas. facilities and uses. Staff believes that a conditional use permit for the proposed public utility and public service use will facilitate the effective and efficient distribution of utilities within the Town of Vail which are essential for providing recreation activities within the Town of Vail. Staff also believes that as a conditional use the Planning and Environmental Commission can ensure that any proposed public utility and public service use is consistent with the Town of Vail Comprehensive Plan through the imposition of conditions and limitations pursuant to the provisions of Section 12-16-1, Vail Town Code. The Town of Vail Land Use Plan designates the Vail Golf Gourse as Park (P). This land use designation is described by the Town of Vail Land Use Plan as follows: Included in this category are town owned parcels intended for both active recreation activities such as athletic fields, golf course and playgroundg as well as areas for vaious passive recreation activities. Once again, staff believes that a conditional use permit for the proposed public utility and public service use will facilitate the effective and efficient distribution of utilities within the Town of Vail which are essential for providing recreation activities within the Town of Vail. The Town of Vail Land Use Plan includes the following goal statements that staff believes are applicable to this proposal: 1L 2. 6.1 Seryices should keep pace with increased growth. 6.2 The Town of Vail should play a role in future development through balancing grov'rth with seruices. 6.3 Services should be adjusted to keep pace with the needs of peak peiods. Staff believes that a conditional use permit for the proposed public utility and public service use meets the intent of the above mentioned items by facilitating utility services that keep pace with increased growth and demand within the Town of Vail. The Town of Vail Comprehensive Open Lands Plan identifies this site as partof the golf course and the Action Plan simply designates the area as an existing "developed park" with no recommendations specific to this site. Therefore, staff believes that this proposed conditional use permit request meets the development objectives of the Town of Vail Comprehensive Open Lands Plan. Staff believes that this proposal meets the development objectives of the Town of Vail, and the objectives of the applicable master plans. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. Staff believes that a conditional use permit for the proposed public utility and public service use is critical to the effective and efficient distribution of natural gas within the Town of Vail. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverabili$r, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. Staff believes that a conditional use permit for the proposed public utility and public service use will have no significant negative impact on the above mentioned items. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. The Design Review Board has conceptually reviewed this proposal and directed staff to approval the proposal with the condition that the natural gas regulator station match the water treatment facility on the Vail Golf Course in design, color, and material. Staff believes that this proposal will have no significant negative impacts in comparison to the existing site conditions on the above- referenced criteria. 3. 4. L2 D.The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinqs before qrantinq a conditional use oermit: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the Outdoor Recreation zone district. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions underwhich itwill be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the proposed use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Gommission forward a recommendation of approval to the Town Council for the proposed text amendment to Section 12-88-3 (Conditional Uses), Vail Town Code, to allow for "public utility and public service use" as a conditional use in the Outdoor Recreation zone district. Staffs recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, subjectto the following findings: 1. That the amendment is consistent with the applicable elements of the adopted goals, objectives and policies outlined in the Vail Comprehensive Plan and is compatible with the development objectives of the Town; and 2. That the amendment furthers the general and specific purposes of the Zoning Regulations; and 3. That the amendment promotes the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the Town and promotes the coordinated and harmonious developmentof the Town in a manner that conseryes and enhances its natural environment and its established character as a resort and residential community of the highest quality. The Community Development Department recommends approval with conditions for a conditional use permit, to allow for a "public utility and public service use" in the Outdoor Recreation zone district, at the Vail Golf Course. Staffs recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, subject to the following findings: 1 . That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the Outdoor Recreation Zone District. 2. 3. lx. I.' 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it will be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this conditional use permit request, the Community Development Department recommends the following conditions: This approval shall be contingent upon the Town Council's adoption, by ordinance, of the associated proposed text amendment to Section 12-88-3, Vail Town Code. The proposed natural gas regulator station shall be relocated west of its proposed location to the west side of the existing gravel Golf Course access drive along the Frontage Road. The applicant shall revise the proposed easement and survey documents, to the satisfaction of the Town of Vail Public Works Department, to address this relocation. ATTACHMENTS A. Public Notice B. Vicinity Map C. Conespondence from the applicant D. Easement survey drawings E. Site photographs F. Architectural plans G. Outdoor Recreation zone district map H. Draft Ordinance No. 29, Series 2002 1. 2. x. 14 Attachment: A MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPER PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on October 14,2OO2, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council for an amendment to the Town of Vail Land Use Plan and the Vail Village Master Plan, to facilitate the construction of 'Vail's Front Door' project and associated improvements and setting forth details in regards thereto, located on an unplatted parcel, generally located south of the Lodge Tower and west of the Vista Bahn Ski Yard. A more complete metes and bounds description is availabb at the Department of Community Development. Applicant: Vail Resorts Development Company Planner; George Ruther A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council, to allow for a text amendment to Section 12-88-3 (Conditional Uses), Vail Town Code, to allow for "seasonal use or structure" as a conditional use in the Outdoor Recreation zone district; text amendments to Section 12-2- 2 (Definitions), Vail Town Code, to amend the definitions of 'seasonal use or structure," "recreation structure," and "recreational amenity,' and setting forth details in regards thereto; and a request for a conditional use permit, to allow for a 'seasonal use or structure,' in the Outdoor Recreation zone district, located at 1778 Vail Valley Drive/an unplatted tract of land within Section 9, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the Sixth Prime Meridian generally located directly north of Lot 3, Sunburst 3'd Filing within the Vail Golf Course, more specifically described as follows: That part of Section 9, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6h Principal Meridian, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows: Beginning at the most northerly corner of Lot 3, Sunburst Filing No. 3, according to the final plat for Sunburst Filing No. 3, recorded in Book 263 at Page 429, in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, said point also being on the northerly right-of-way line of Sunburst Drive, as shown on said final plat; thence the following two courses along said northerly right-of-way line: (1) 119.32 feet along the arc of a curye to the left, having a radius of 1 35.00 feet, a central angle of 50038'21" and a chord that bears N72o59'22'W, 1 1 5.47 feet; (2) S81 04 1'30"W, 1 87 .43; thence, departing said northerly right-of-way line, N08o18'30'W, 266.90 feet; thence N79o28'56"E, 939.41 feet; thence 511o28'38"E, 91.78 feet; thence 540"01'19'W,490.77 feet; thence S77o00'32"W 165.16 feet to the northerly line of said Lot 3; thence, along said northerly line of Lot 3, 148.02 feet along the arc of a curve to the left, having a radius of 189.10 feet, a central' angle of 44050'53" and a chord that bears N65o08'56"W, 144.27 feet to the point of beginning, containing 6.47 acres, more or less. Applicant: Vail Junior Hockey Association and the Vail Recreation District Planner; Bill Gibson o S ITEMTHI a ry A request for recommendation to the Vail Town Council, to allow for a text amendment to Section 12-88-3 (Conditional Uses), Vail Town Code, to allow for "public utility and public service uses" as a conditional use in the Outdoor Recreation zone district and setting forth details in regards thereto; and a condilional use permit, to allow for a "public utility and public service use" in the Outdoor Recreation zone district, located at an unplatted parcel within the Southwest Quarter of Section 3, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the Sixth Prime Meridian, generally located south of the l-70 right-of-way, north of Gore Creek, and west of 2450 Frontage Road East (Water Treatment Plant) within the Vail Golf Course, more specifically described as follows: A parcel of land lying in Section 3, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th P.M., Eagle County, Colorado, being more particularly described as follows; commencing at the southwest comer of said Section 3, whence the northwest corner of Lot 14 Vail Valley Third Filing bears S07"42'53"E, 474.77 feet and whence the northeast corner of Lot 16 of said Vail Valley Third Filing bears S26'20'09"E, 698.51 feet; thence N56'01'08"E, 921.55 feet to a point on the south ROW (right-of-way) line of Colorado State Highway No. l-70, said point being the true point of beginning, thence N73'43'36'E, along said south ROW line 75.00 feet;thence S16'16'24"E, 25.00 feet; thence S73'43'36V, 75.00 feet; thence N16"16'241V , 25.00 feet to the true point of beginning, containing 0.04 acres more or less. Applicant: Public Service Company of ColoradoPlanner: Bill Gibson A request for a modification to the 1OO-year floodplain, to allow for grading in the floodplain to modify lhe Gore Creek Whitewater Park, located at the Gore Creek Promenade/Tracts | & A, Block 58, Vail Village l"tFiling, and setting forth details in regards thereto. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Gregg BarriePlannen Bill Gibson A request for an interpretation of the maximum height and calculation of average maximum height requirements in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. Applicant: Town of Vail Community Development DepartmentPlanner: George Ruther A request for final approval of a proposed major exterior alteration; a conditional use permit to allow for a fractional fee club in the Public Accommodation zone district: a variance from Section 12-7A-2 (Permitted Uses), VailTown Code, to allow for retail uses in excess of 10% of the total gross residential flqor area of the structure; and a variance from Section 12-7A-10 (Landscaping & Site Development), Vail Town Code, to allow for a deviation from the total landscape area requirement, located at 20 Vail Road, 62 E. Meadow Drive, and 82 E. Meadow Drive/Lots K & L, Block 5E, VailVillage 1" Filing. Applicant Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Braun Associates, Inc.Planner: George Ruther/Warren Campbell , A request for a final review of a variance from Section 12-6D-6 (Setbacks), Vail Town Code, to allow for an addition within the required setback, located at2943 Bell Flower Drive, Lot 4, Block 6. Vail Intermountain. Applicant Alan Budd Zuckerman Planner: Wanen Campbell A request for a worksession to amend Chapter 12-1 5 (Gross Residential Floor Area), Vail Town Code, to discuss modifications and/or elimination of the Gross Residential Floor Area regulatlons in all zone districts and setting forth details in regards thereto. Applicant Vicki Pearson, et.al.Planner: George Ruther The applicalions and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Devefopment Department. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479' 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published September 27,2002 in the Vail Dai!. 'l). Xcel Energy* \7 PUELtc sER vtcE cottPANY Town of Vail Recreation District 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: East Vail Reinforcement Plan Sunburst Drive Gentlemen: This past summer Public Service Company of Colorado - "PSCo" approached the Public Works Department in an effort to preview a project to supply additional natural gas service to customers living in East Vail. Last heating season some customers in the East Vail area experienced loss of natural gas service due to low pressure problems. These low pressure problems can be attributed to a number of factors: The East Vail area is on the tail end of PSCo's natural gas distribution system; and PSCo purchased the original gas distribution system in the mid-1960s. This system cannot deliver the capacity necessary to serve the East Vail area due mainly to the growth in this specific area. The owners in this area are building larger homes with a need for higher volumes of gas to service these dwellings. One option that would increase supply of natural gas in the East Vail area would be to tap an existing PSCo high-pressure gas pipeline that currently parallels Gore Creek on the Vail Golf Course property. There would need to be an above ground regulator station to allow PSCo to increase their pipeline to a 4" diameter. This 4" distribution pipeline would then connect with the existing system thereby providing the natural gas necessary to serve your residents this winter. Due to the sensitive nature of the proposed regulator site, PSCo has taken steps to locate the facitities in an area causing the lease amount of disturbance. Furthermore, PSCo understands the importance of your golf season and will coordinate commencement of operations when the golfing season subsides. Unfortunately, the Outdoor Recreation District does not allow for the placement of above ground public utilities in this specific area. Aa initial review of the steps necessary for PSCo to propose a Text Amendment to the Town Code would mean waiting until mid- November to receive approval for this project. Attachment: C Siting and Land Rights 550 15th Street. Suite 700 Denver Colomdo 802024258 Telephone: 303,571.779!l Facsimile: 303.571.7877 o I send this letter in an effort to inquire if there are any steps that PSCo or the Town of Vail can take to facilitate tJre Text Amendment and move the approval of this project in the early part of October. PSCo realizes the need for the Town of Vail to conhol the growth and architectural integrity of the buildings in this area- However, this may be a circumstance whereby the people ofthe East Vail area benefit by the expedience ofyour approval ofthe project. We realize we are delivering this letter in conjunction with PSCo's submittal of the Application for Design Review, the Conditional Use Permit, and the Proposed Text Amendment. However, any assistance you may provide to facilitate the approval of this project would be greatly appreciated. Once again, thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. Please contact me at (303) 233-8700 should you have any questions or need additional information. Very truly yours, ice Company of Colorado ing Agent- Siting and Land Rights cc: Al Morganfield OXcelEnergy*PUBLIC 5Ef, VICE COhIPANY September 12,2002 Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Application for Zoning Code Amendment Request for Revision of l2-88-3: Conditional Uses Gentlemen: Please accept this letter and the accompanying Application for Zoning Code Amendment for your review of the same. Public Service company of colorado "PSCo" requests the Revision of Chapter 12-88-3 to include the language'?ublic Utility and Public Service Uses". PSCo submits this Application due to the increase in demand of natural gas use in the East Vail area. PSCo proposes to build a regulator station and tap into their existing high pressure gas line running adjacent to Gore Creek. Then, PSCo would construct a 4" low pressure underground natural gas distribution line to their existing distribution line located on Sunburst Drive. I have attached a drawing to assist you in locating the approximate path of the proposed Regulator Station and pipeline. PSCo has worked with the Vail Recreation District to locate the proposed facilities in areas that will have the least amount of disturbance. PSCo will not cut the existing I-70 frontage road. PSCo plans to construct a Regulator Station that will adhere to the current architectural integrity of existing buildings on the golf course. Construction will not affect the home owners in the area and the pipeline will follow an existing golf course service road or cart path. Siting and Land Rights 550 15th streer, suite 700 Denver, Colorado 802024256 Telephone: 303.571.7t99 Facsimile: 303.571.7877 PSCo's other option would be to place the Regulator Station near the junction of the I-70 Frontage Road and the beginning of Sunburst Drive. Construction of the pipeline at this location would be extremely disruptive to those people that live on Sunburst Drive or that utilize the golf course or trails in this area. PSCo would have to road cut Sunburst Drive and cause traffic disturbances. Last heating season some customers in the East Vail area experienced loss of natural gas service due to increased growth and gas loads. The new construction in this area=in conjunction with the size and natural gas needs of the homes has rendered the capacity of the 1960 distribution system somewhat ineffective. This Zoning Code Amendment would allow PSCo the ability to deliver the natural gas required by the Town of Vail residents. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. Should you need additional information, please contact the undersigned at 303/233-g200. Verytruly yours, PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO Town of Vail September 12,2002 Page2 Consulting Agent - AJWjm Enclosures Siting and Land Rights @XcelEnergy*PUELIC SERVICE COMPANY September 72,2002 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Conditional Use Permit Public Service Company of Colorado East Vail Reinforcement Proiect Gentlemen: Pursuant to the submittal requirements for a conditional use permit the following comments address those issues raised by the Town of Vail in order to issue such permit: r Public service company of colorado, "PSCo", purposes to construct an above ground regulator station located in the SW4 of Section 3, T5S, Rg0W. The regulator station will tap into an existing high-pressure natural gas pipeline owned by PSCo. PSCo will then install a buried 4" low-pressure natural gas distribution pipeline that will connect with an existing low-pressure pipeline presently located in sunburst Drive. The proposed regulator station will be small in size (g' x 6') and approximately l0' in height. PSCo will take the necessary steps to use materials that are consistent with other buitdings found on the Vail Golf Course. An Application for Design Review will be submitted to the Town of vail in conjunction with this Application.. The relationship and impact to the Town of vail will be of great benefit. currently, the natural gas service in the East vail area is inadequate due to an increase in growth and gas loads. The addition of a 4" pipeline will provide the necessary service for current homes and future development in the East Vail area.o Due to the remote area of the golf course that the regulator station will be located, the effect on light, air, and other public facilities will be extremely minimal. The fact that the 4" pipeline will be buried below the frost line in an area of existing service roads or cart paths is evidence ofour goal to disturb as little ofthe surface as practicable in this area.e Effects upon traffic will be minimal. The site where the proposed regulator station will be constructed is adjacent to the I-70 frontage ioad at an eiisting service entrance to the golf course. This location will provide PSCo the ability to construct the facility with no road cut of the I-70 frontage road. The proposed location will allow convenient access to the Vail Fire Department in the event of an emergency. A PSCo employee using a standard siie pick-up monitors the regulator station. Aa increase in traffic after this facility is built is basically non- Siting and Land Rights 550 1sth Street, Suite 700 Denver, Colorado A02024256 Telephone: 303.571.7199 Facsimile: 303.57 1.7877 q .i;::j :. .i,1i;ii:';..i:ii7 Town of Vail September 12,2002 Page2 existent. Since the facility is on the rurrrnl PSCo high-pressure easement on golfcourse property, snow removal, parking and traffic flow are not ofconcern.o PSCo is plaruring to construct the facility and install the pipeline with as littledisturbance to the existing golf coruse as practicable. psio does not plan tochange the grade or contour of the existing topogaphy. The pipeline will crossGore creek, however,-?sco will hang ttre piphine tom "n ,iirting cart bridge.The creek crossing will not include boring tire creek bottom o, "ff"ri=ing the flo-odplain in any manner. The construction of the pipeline and regulator station willnot encroach or affect any wetlands. psco will practice -.urto*oy erosioncontrol when working near water in a sensitive area like the vail Gorf club. Ih-k you for your time and consideration in reviewing o'r Application for a _conditional Use permit. Hopefully this project will benefii ttre vait'valey and itsresroents. Very truly yours, Public Service Company of Colorado Andre J. Wilkie Consulting Agent - Siting and Land Rights cc: Al Morganfield Scp-13-(,2 03:44p P-()3Attachment: D N7t8?la@lqt Po9-l z E"E 3Lb6lO'- ci6roLll Nio itr \ EFvl dE C:E Eii ,gf;it Uzt< Liah =FB N;i l\o >a. -l\ FgrF z 'o *'BPdc) r0ct f.lz =.'rq .- t.' !P t) Ksl tn I .8tnda3r!!lI l, 9o+'?*o 14€ Fz, oB ct .lge -if;if E3g ? Et 55o ,:Id6dE lrl(t i-co-!6xoa -t{ 'o.{O'o r.t E3(o Lb o.{aa atz ,'e:.ict 5cFIt Ie HE - oot 'ro..j 6;tIEFz @ LJ E. C) rolOr n* l'l .c{ :a.i :^(t R\ ?, iE''t uJ -o- htt- z= 'P EZ et !r3<,E 8frfiiF E:$;5 ais;Htua gilfr z. rn r lrKvrlr YING COUPAI\Y *"P"R:#t','ro,phone 10to1a:f,_szti r.)( fsi0; 878_s3g2 trUBLIC SERVICE COMPANYEAsr vArL.1, lrrrilFt SECTI,,JI{S 3 & 10, T5S. rPlclr couqrvt8ow olffB rrn P'It{' s-10 .^'.'tlAY No' NlERslArE FU' ,zz ''.' Itl al I I SC!LE: '-:a5 cq.t couRsE totrl Llnctx - tr!-,!2' raat^at - o.:? **\ Page 2 of 2 INC, J0B NO. 1088_83 tqc s/6/2002 PUBLrcInnvrcE coMplrw EAST VAIL METER STATION rN sEcTroN 3, T5S, R80W OF THE 6TH P.M. EAGLE COuNTr, coLoRADO <t' .-.pSIA\trNl \ r-! - Y$GH$IAY ROW FENCE ERACE POST 1 '' ' :..'.i. :t' .': ':. .,. 17 // ,/ No.t-10 GOLF COURSE (ASPHALT) GOLF CART PATH SPRINKLER HEAD 20, WESTERN SLOPE GAS COMPA EASEMENT GAS LINE EASEMENT SCALE; l'=50' JSC, INC. JO8 NO: 1088-8J 0aTE: 9-a-2002 REVISED: 9/10,202 (tE ro pCB) | !. LL. RISER x1s+3dE \s g)-"=--- ls.o9 -.' 6r!,4 R\GH1-OF-$N (GRAVEL) GOLF CART PATH SI SECTION J T5S. REow 5IH P. FOUNO T" STE:L BAR SET IN COITCFETE (GRAVEL) GOLF CART PATH 7.5' /.) o r') (,l (/l NW LOT 14 VAIL VALLEY LINGtrtlI tl -i .{ :_ ,.1Ei. n -.c t: -- |rI 7n 8.,. SPRINKLER CONTROL BOX PAGE zOF 2 oo i \NILRSI AIE No. \.\\G\{N AY \---7 0 {e.,-,a.4336'E\'\," b0L ROV/ FTNCE ERACE POST H BAA t\)O-'p- (ASPHalr) GOLF CART PATH TELi. RISER -r'g /r,Jz ctl t- l- a tll-l < : J ') o- o)- nt ?;;;yt:.,::'? PiPeline Easement (GRAVEL) GOLF CART PATH '?ry *o^O qs EAST YAIL METER STATION SPRINK R HF @ rucrcsewk-' OOCUiGNT NO. € cot NTY, coLoMDo Ailachment: E o oo Attachment: F zo ? L!,) t.rJ LrJo6 zo bJJ bJ Y() m z.otrg LrJJ Lrl Ltio zotrg tdJ LrJ z Etr fi:ir FT::fl F-lG=t t.=j tk::-l EMI EI Attachment: G c) E oE oo 'E E Eo() o o o oo o Eo.J tlI o. ffi ffirot=W"'fE\.XI|q, = ro U) rr-oo'ao-O-:=OG o-d =o 'G .ES i5= +,E8 E8'' =trE o z IEe EEo=o :$ (U o C) ao - ro U) r-ooE o.ro \./ O-:=o(ufi-co.ocit=o.o 8'tt,Ebh €;€oo=o cotraIo (,o FC E 6(J o coc o E oE o(,l Eo. ffiEdart =E q e &t q t ro U) ,*oo Ecoo \-/o-:o$ O-: :6: s'it3 6o.o .,=hF cUo ,qtv -c, \J bho- EEo=o oo q- 3 rf)A.tooErovO-:=OO :=i: s5: FLE= Eo.o obF (Jeg Ebh r.uo- EEo=o rf)U)u-ooEroO \-/ O-:=o(Ufi-co.9cE=o.o 8'tEE h 5-o T s 24 t '6 a(u [rJ BH o= %e q) Eo. o dto oo o oCIo o -o oI EIL Attachment: H ORDINANCE NO.29 Series o12002 AN ORDTNANCE AMENDTNG SECTTON 12-88-3 (COND|TTONAL USES), VA|L TOWN CODE, TO ALLOW FOR "PUBLIG UTILITY AND PUBLIC SERVICE USES'AS A CONDITIONAL USE IN THE OUTDOOR RECREATION ZONE DISTRICT, AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARDS THERETO. WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail has held public hearings on the proposed amendments in accordance with the provisions of the Town Code of the Town of Vail; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission finds that the proposed amendments further the development objectives of the Town of Vail; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail has recommended approval of this text amendment at its October '14,2002, meeting, and has submitted its recommendaiion to the Town Council: and WHEREAS, The Town Council has determined that the prohibition of public utilities and public service uses within the Outdoor Recreation zone district within the Town of Vail poses a risk to the public health, safety, and welfare; and WHEREAS, the Vail Town Council considers it in the interest of the public health, safety, and welfare to adopt these amendments to the Town Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLOMDO, THAT: Ordinance No. 29, Series 2002 Section 1 . Section 12-88-3 of the Vail Town Code shall hereby be amended as follows: (deletions are shown in €tdke+hr€ugh/additions are shown bold) 12-88-3: CONDITIONAL USES: The following conditional uses shall be permitted, subject lo issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 16 of this Title: Accessory buildings (permanent and temporary) and uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional outdoor recreational uses, and necessary for the operation thereof, including restrooms, drinking fountains, bleachers, concessions, storage buildings, and similar uses. Cemeteries. Equestrian trails, used only to access National forest system lands. Public parks and active public outdoor recreation areas and uses, excluding buildings. Public utility and public service uses Ski lifts. tows and runs. Well water treatment facilities. Section 2. lf any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not effect the validi$ of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 3. The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. Ordinance No. 29, Series 2002 Section 4. The amendment of any provision of the Town Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision amended. The amendment of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. Section 5. All bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereol inconsistent herewith are repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. This repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution or ordinance, or part thereof, theretofore repealed. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLfSHED ONCE lN FULL ON FIRST READING this 15th day of October, 2OO2and a public hearing for second reading of this Ordinance set for the 5th day of November, 2002, in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. Ludwig Kurz, Mayor ATTEST: Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk Ordinance No. 29, Series 2002 READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this Sth day of. November,2002. Ludwig Kurz, Mayor ATTEST: Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk 4Ordinance No. 29, Series 2002 ffi TOI4AItrTA,-ILV tr Rezoning $1300tr Major Subdivision 91500D Minor Subdivision $650tr Exemption Plat $650D Minor Amendment to an SDD $1000tr New Special Development District $6000tr MajorAmendmentto an SDD $6000D Major Amendment to an SDD $1250 (no erterior modinca ons) $5s0 $400 $5so $800 $1s00 $2s0 $1300 $s00 $200 Description of the Request: station and a 4" buried natural gas pipeline to serve East Vail via Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax:. 970.479.2452 . web: www.ci.vail.co.us General InformaUon: All poects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. Type of Application and Fee: { Conditional Use Permittr Floodplain ModificaUon El Minor Exterior AlterationC Major Exterior Alterationtr Development Plan El Amendment to a Develooment Plan tr Zoning Code Amendmentfl Variancetr Sign Variance To build an above ground natural gas regulator Sunburst Dr ive Location of the Proposal: Lot:_Block:_ Subdivision: Physical Address: N/A Parcel No.: 2101-o81-14-oo2 (Contact EagleCo. Assessorat9T0-328-8640for parcel no.) Zoning: 0utdoor Recreation District Name(s) of Owner(s):Town of Vai 1 Mailing Address: 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, C0 8L657 Phone:(970) L79-2t7q Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Public Service Company of Colorado- v Mailing Address:1225 ITtlr Street. Denver. Colorado 8OZO2 Phone: (303) 57L-7454 E-mail Address: AlMoreanf ie,ld @Xcelenergl' - Ffi((1c,i\ \71-7A77 For Office 9le-On!y: Fee Paid: \vlJ.'- g6..1 x..' lDlKlS ey: Application Pase I of5-01/18/02 RE0D SEP T6?,|,O2 Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particuLi approval that is requestid. An application for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be a-cepted until all requi.ed information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review 8oard. Type of Application and Fee: D Rezoning $1300D Major Subdivision $1500D Minor SuMivision $650n Exemption Plat g650tr Minor Amendment to an SDD $1000tr New Special Development District $6000D Major Amendment to an SDD $5000E Major Amendment to an SDD $1250 (n o exterior mdi frca tion s) { Conditional Use PermitO FloodplainModification0 Minor Exterior AlterationD Major Exterior Alterationtr Development Plantr Amendment to a Development PlanD Zoning Code AmendmentE Variance tr Sign Variance $5s0 $400 $6s0 $800 $1s00 $2s0 $1300 $s00 $200 Description of the Requestlstation and a 4,,buried To build an above ground natural pas resuletor natural gas pipeline to serve East Vail via Sunburst Drive Location of the Proposal: Lot:_Block:_ Subdivision: Physical Address: N/A Parcel No.: 2101-081- l ll-002 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning:Outdoor Recreation District Name(s) of Owner(s):Town of Vai 1 Mailing Address: 75 South Front Vail. C0 81657 Phone:C970) 4Zq:2I3s Owner(s) Signature(s): NameofApplisanl' Public Service C of Col.orado Mailing Address:1225 LTth Phone: $o3) 571-7454 E-mail Address:AlMoreanfie,ld@Xcelenergy.fax (103) 571-7877 For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: Check No.:By:- PECApplication Date: Planner: No.: Project No.: Page I of5-01/18/02 [or{M (c) 798 - 20 - ]l | 5 Purl Srnucr Connpnruy or Col*to DATE September 12. 2OO2 SITINC AND LAND RIGHTSACCOUNT DRAWNON NORWEST BANK OHIO, IiA. VANWERT, OH 458? I PAY **:1__Iis Hundred Fif ty and No/100--------------------------- DOLLARS VOID AFTER 90 DAYS TO THE ORDER OF L r Tom of Vall- 75 South Frontage Road l{estVal1, Colorado 81657 il. IO18l 5|F r:01. 1 aolB eLr:q9000 Il?5qN REMITTANCE ADVICE, PLEASE DETACH FOR YOUR RECORDS. THE ABOVE CHECK 15 IN PAYMENT FOR THE FOTLOWINC ITEMs. 56-382 / 4t2 1038 35 $ 650:!q _l 103835 ! n n m tr u tr CLERKAND RECORDER FEE PERMIT/ LICENSE LEASE EASEMENT CROPAND/ OR PROPERTY DAMAGE TANDOPTION COURT DEPOSIT sEc. 3&10 TWP. 5S RcE. 8!U_ COUNry TAX F.'rYER l. D. NO. SOCIALSECURITY NO. Easl e 859928 731700 1004864r W DOCUMENT NUMBEIiAf YrdEXPANSION CODE IOR PERF (NTN SUBSYSIEi,I CoDE/rOB ACTY CD EIP MM€OF PROJECI East ValL Relnforcement (Plpe11ne) PUBLICSERVICE COMPANYOF COLORADO o Application for Review by the planning and Environmenlal Commission Conditional Use Permit Public Service Company of Colorado East Vail Reinforcement Proiect O XcelEnergy* PUBLIC STIVICE COfiIPANY September 12,2002 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Gentlemen: Pursuant to the submittal requirements for a conditional use permit the followingcomments address those issues raised by the Town of Vail in order io issue such penrrit: e Public Service company of colorado, "pSCo", pulposes to construct an aboveground regulator station located in the swi4 of Siction 3, T5s, RgOw. Theregulator station willtin into an existing high-pressure natural gas pipeli'e ownedby PSCo. PSCo will then install a buried 4-" low-pressure natuial gas distributionpipeline that will connect with an existing low-pressure pipeline pr"esently locatedi'Sunburst Drive. The proposed regulaior staiion willi",-aliin srze (g, x 6')and approximately l0' in height. psco will take the necessary steps to us€materials that are consistent with other buildings found on the Vail Golf Course.An Application for Design Review will be submitted to the Town of vail inconjunction with this Application.r The relationship and impact to the Town of vail will be of great benefit.currently, the natural gas service in the East vail area is inadequate due to anincrease in growth and gas loads. The addition of a 4,, pipeline Jvirt provide thenecessary service for current homes and future developrn"nt in the East Vail area.r Due to the remote area of the golf course that the t"guluto. station will be located,the effect on light, air, and other public facilities *Jt u" extremely minimar. Thefact that the 4" pipeline will be buried below the frost line in an area of existingseryice roads or cart paths is evidence of our goal to disturb as little of the surface as practicable in this area.r Effects upon traffic will be minimal. The site where the proposed regulatorstation will be constructed is adjacent to the I-70 frontage -ui ut an existingservice entrance to the golf course. This location will provide pSCo the ability tJconstruct the facility with no road cut of the I-70 rrontage road. The proposeclocation will allow convenient access to the Vail Fire Dep-artment in the eve't ofan emergency' A PSCo employee using a standard size pick-up monitors theregulator station. An increase in traffic aftir this facility is tuitt is basicallv non- Siting and Land Rights 550 1srh Srreet, Suite 700 Denver, Colorado 80202-4256 Telephone: 303.571.7799 Facsimif e: 303.57 1.7 877 e Town of Vail September 12,2002 Page2 existent. Since the facility is on the cunent PSCo high-pressure easement on golf course property, snow removal, parking and traffic flow are not of concem.r PSCo is planning to construct the facility and install the pipeline with as little disturbance to the existing golf course as practicable. pSCo does not plan to change the grade or contour ofthe existing topography. The pipeline wiil cross Gore creek, however, psco will hang the pipeline from an "iitiing cart bridge. The creek crossing will not include boring the creek bottom or affecting the flo-od plain in any manner. The construction of the pipeline and regulator station willnot encroach or affect any wetlands. PSCo will practice customary erosion control when working near water in a sensitive area like the vail Golf club. Thank you for your time and consideration in reviewing our Application for aConditional Use Permit. Hopefully this project will benefii the Vail Valley and its residents. Very truly yours, Public Service Company of Colorado Andre J. Wilkie Consulting Agent - Siting and Land Rights cc: Al Morganfield \NIERSI \18 \-'-7 o d\GHNAY No. IELi. RISIR ^f/ ..-t 1'+330''e*'"rb oi> ROV/ FTNCE BRACE POST H r t_ tlt-l ? J P= 2 PiPeline Easement (GRAvrl) GOLF CART PAIH *o^O qs (nseHalr) GoLF CART PATH SPRINKI F-R HtrA EASTVAIL METER STATION (t RtlcService' ir* lr*.Orf..t CC.lrr- sEcnoN I rowNsHfP 5 *yrx nANcE EA ||/€S r SCALE: l": lf' t 6.s lntxCtpel MERID|AN EAACe @UNTY, COLOFADO DRAWN BY: 4,{LINE:PLAT NO.DOCUIIEiTT r.ro.o{rE I - Ib'0t- oo IIa IegF FE !E t g E z F 2 I -.rl _1-! z rrlf-rrl -.1oz q il ,d ETtr *t E xt!:a q rrl rrlr- Trl -l ^z U x mr-rn oz l! ,a OI XF 3l e* 1 E rlzx tt aOrrl TNT- TN --l/-\ z. tlg "l I)l ' Al T.lt A Btx tl,lL-lo r I rii sHat9 6z i! t sitP i 13 a6ff.e fli,8 L31t[ pil li[JS 9?t-r?cy FAx No, 3o32UgT No'443 ''"?. oz., untltY Loarnoil vERrFIC.rrIorl 'gtlTlrmlffi*ffitg*"ffi msrm;ilro*$mr*'" OWESf Authorizod StFnrlun Dalg 970,3E1.0238 (tcDgzo.sor,ozsz ifaircontacr :asoi Shirp 5i".',:ii3!iH''f 'REcAssnbci Brten bulier i'?'.Lff.11ft1il.c^ssoc. etffiT:f [?r EXCET ENEnor fi3!S:;S,1[H)LonDact: Ktt Bogaft ' fifrtr $tn wATER &,sAr{rrATrol 970..+76.7.tE0 (tcflgzo.qze.$sg irh;rcontacfi Fred Hasiee AT&T BROADBAND 3##i?31i;.T co) Contact: RoyO'Salarar ;1n'f NOTEIS! I, If th€ utflfty yedFtcatio i:ili#L"t":ffi ruil"H:Hitr,,m;$*T"f HtrHi?,H,f*Tx'"fl: 2. If a utlllty companv hr ffi ,'ffiht[ffi#'ffi trdffi ffi#t-ronffi## 3. Thesc rcrlflcations.ro r'"'th;"' j#tT:iril' jfiiFsft rffi ffi"J$iltrffi i',gP.""*i?*.pl'hyurq,n[,'g*",fl 5l'#ii*,1,,fltffi=ffi1lHlW Pege 6 of t?tozlo4oz sEP-i2-2002 THU 03:35 Ptl LONETOENERoY 979 26,2 4838 TO 8363233878? P.Az fAl{ N0. 3lJ323U/ I'TIIITY LOCATION VERIFICATIOII This form ls to verify seru,ce a\tailatility and locailon fo new constnrcilon and should be rrsed inconjunction witlt preoarino vour utirnyitan-anJ-deairing tnsaturo;;. il; l;iln and avartabitity ofuti,iaes, whether itrer are ri11_uu"i'** #i'rfrlld"'rines, must be appmved Jntt verined by thefollowing utitfties for -the accompanylng site pfln.'---- Authorizod slqndqE erre SEP 12 'A2 15:56 FR XCEL ENERGY P, U2 QWESr 970.384,0238 (tel) 970.3&4.0257 (tax) Contactt Jason Sharp D(CEL HIGH PRESSURE GAs 970.262.4072 (tct) Conbct: Brtan Sulzer HOLY CROSS EI.TCIRIC ASSOC.e70.94s.5892 (reD 970-949.4566 (fax) Contad: Ted Husky EXCEL ENERGY 970.262..t02{ (tel) 970.262.1038 (fax) comad: Kit Bogan ESGLE RTVER WATER & SANTT.ATTON DISTRICT,T 970.475.7480 (td) 970.476.,f089 (bx) Contac Fred Haslee AT&T EROADBAND 970.949.1224 x lt2 (tet) 970.949.9138 (fax) coniact: Floyd Salazar 1-boL l* P,t^Z - -t-'?-oL ;tffifffi'ff,.?ff1,:ffiJJ!'l'-*;5:X1?Rg:n obtainrns approrarrromthe Easre Rivef wat€r NOTESs l' Il Ere utility verifrcation-form has signahrres from each of the utiriry ompanies, and no comrnenb::?ff1""Jff't,E"T to'm' if,J iofr',iiu'prou"" that thEre # ni prourems and rhe 2' if a utillty companv has.conerns with the prcposed construcilon, the uullty represenbdve shatlnote directlv on the utflitv. v.rrn..tion'rr'i ttri[-,i"r. is a probrem which rieeos .o be ,esolr€d,The issue shourd then be'de6ild ri;;$s'l*r. t*i r*,n oivin.' 'ri-**.r, p,ease keep$Jl,'lflj"' tt is the 'esponslbillw'#6;;id Lnonv and tre appricanr b resolve rdentrfled 3, These verifications do n from the Deparbnent #,L1.jffS:::1y:gL1Te.responsibiilty to obE.n a publk way permitfrom the Departnent ofiui.-,- rr qte responstoiilty to obtaan a public way permit dissina in a ny pubrk''"n,jl5H"lf"ll j9l::,ll'ol til -@SggFg in any pubtk righr€f Page 8 of t2/02/o7lo2 'way or easement wlthin the Tiown of Vail. ljbuitdinq ..-.r!it is noil =*-"-"],.''t'o:" O \v,Oi, H, P'oz :\-ii ---- --=:::j-:::- - :. .":--: -:==-- --:.:::. j::j- .-J j. It jl r-xu-Dreo, r,l"a. u,i. d.yo. ADrtl ,re84 | i '.i i: - "-- -- -ll*;1 ]l il[l:""'""""" d.vo. ^Drrl ,re8/. I REcoRttER'8 8r4',|P ll:;' il v^lr' AssocrlrPs' rNc.' I ll=llrll l,rrurtorrtiondulyorrrnlt.d.ndf:irtlntu,rd(rrndhy?i.trr.6fthrlrwr I llil utthrStrrrol Colorado orrh rilsr F,r. r;d I Illl r.onN oF v^.rr. I lllt rtortonrrior duty orssnilld rntl (rji n1 und.r rhd by vlrlu! ofthc hqr I ll li or.rht!r'r!(or Coloredo oflhrr..tndplrriphoritlrri I lill arirr,.lt rr 75 Soutlr Fronrugc Rood i.tect ' i ll!l vatl, colorqdo 8t652 L._ _ _ ___ jl ;L rvltN EssETH, thi! r[( rlld prrry ot thr flft! t !,r, fur .nd h .onrid.n on or !h. rurr of ll iii:*ft *;*_ruiilr*ilT.''*:11,"*1.iljijr.tr".r^f 3t,,o,o;;;.i;;;ffi rp"{ffi lljj rarr, <nr,.cr rna co'''rrn. unlo rh*rid pn",r "i.,r,..""""i i.;il::::*::.'1"?:1ii1i;;:*ff1Til;:11: llI. dlrcrtb'd orpercrl ortrnd,riror!.,tyintrrJi.i.r_,r,. Cou.lyo, Eagl€ liI 'rrd Stllr ofcolorrdo, to fir: r'ounry ot E il li t.r Exhtbir ]r ittschod h€reto and nade r port h€r€of (thc rprqrntseg,,) li il ll yfl..:1"_-:1i:""" condlrion thrr rhc propcrty rharl be uscd sotely lill as oper, "pace. -::. for. usc by thc putritc. for recreetlonil. purlosea llli :l',:: :i: i;"H:'illl:',::":":1.:r:":l; "lr: .r,"n "" tp"i-.,... illl :l_:t l{rst'parr end rrs succes!,"," "*u "lli!llT:r.:::_:l:.T*r l/li rePossess Lhe property ss of theJr forraer esrare, ll li tl 'tl u*NlnrvHt*Mttttf, ll li "'Cefffer*. wtlh .tt rnd sinaut't[. h.r(.{rirrtn.nh .nd lrrurr.nrmrr lh.r.urto hllondnt, o'," ..^,... llll sPPlrtrini^t' rnd th' 'rvclrion rn.l mvrrtio'rt, r!,n.ind.r rnd ."-,irind'r, rcntr, irr,,., "J;;;?;;."i;.,:,r: .nd r,r llji liilii:ir., i,r';l*':irli:tl;r';:. r,*lr': r*lrl;:.*krl"rui;ili:*iffr'.ll;::1 '.- "' rill 'n0 BAVE AN U TO IOLD r h. r.id p.. mlr., rbov. brrJrlh..l .rrd dircrih,.d, rittr thr rrturlcr r1.ct EDlo rl,. .. ia ll!i prrtJotth. r!..,rd prrt, trt .ucr r!!o.. !n d rrrtanr tor.v.r,ird th..rid llri vArL AssocrArEs, rNc. ilVAIL ASSOCTATES, INC. 'I prti, ofthc firtt p!r!, for ltr.tf, tt. ruccrirod r^d r,.i--. ,^rt..^-----, --- - . lli{i., !,r* o,r,,,,3cond,,.r!, i,,,"":::ilLl,T.:11rfi,fil':::i*:,::lHTli:,i#;fi;1,:::;,,1,::: li!r!i.nti il i. w.ll i.i'.d otthe Fr.m;!!r rtov. ionvt],!rt, xrofrooa, rurr, t,,rrf;cq otlotur! rnd indcf".ribtr rrrrt ot llihh.rirrnre, In hw, tn 1,. rtmDlr. rnd h.th rood.iah!, lult powrr rnd t^*lui .u,,,orfry t,r dr,rt, blrsxin...I rnd ii€onvcy lh. .tn. In Frnncr.n.t for'rl rlof.arid. rnd r.hrt fh. r16€ rr. flrc rnd cbrrrrrnr, irr.r. Ieni, r.,..,.-*.-*r.."0 in.trmbr^,rclr oawh'.,., u,"n ".t::.i1]:1rtl rorn*rrrd orhcrrrrnrr, ll sct forth :n txrrrbri B !!t.ch!d h€rero aod nsde. par! il'"r;;""*, except aE rGG ii tl rtnd ih. nlr$v. blrrlir'rd !,r.mlr?. in th. Aui.t .nd pcr!.rblt plm.qrlon el t ll :uccrr,ror: rna ,*iKD. r8,rhr! s1 .", ;;;;"-:...:: ,:,'::::::'- f:::::::, e.' :" r'id !'rtv or 'r't t'co'r n.'t. r.. llrh(iror,rh,r,,d'i,r,,orl,.n.,tn.,,,'r,"#l"1'lii,"".,:filfil'.:;'H;!H1J,ili';:'',',.*n'r.-.",o.* JflN I$ITNESS r| HEREOP. Thc rrid p.]r, o, ihr tiri,t u.rt r,r(f, .r*.J'inr!(rjb!{t b)'it, vice nr..ui*, ".a n" ""rnor.t(,.jrrro h. h.r(unt,r.rltr "otr'(,to1. hrrn. ro b. hcrconto li Itcr!r!r'. rhr drI tl|d y.r. tirir ilrrv. rrtrt.n. rtt'rl'rrtort'd Dt ilt AsslsttnL i:Aitc'!: .^- li livSlL^SsOCIATES;,.filC>l(a cotor..tn l; t1 l' ;#hlp,r:lff. -coloraao -- li '------7\bsrsrE6t ----F-i;;- ev- -JalL .)ju ll sr'.{ru oF cor.onlDo, I ' w'-* I"vrct- -'.."'"- li - -. -county ", --Fqe-!s-. -l *' liTh€tor?roinr tDrtr\r m.nr vlr r.trno$.ltdgfd l,cfo* or*thtr dalol lj' ,b/ RoIERT u. pARKER ., ""'"ur". ,,..,00,,,.n0 llquRISTfN ., Vlce trrrt;rntrnd jir. As6l.r{nt St.4r.ror il v.ArL AssocrATEs I rNc.. il lttJ nar.ri.t.on,flirrton.!p1.., - 'curto!!(i" Jl P-()3 1/t0.00 feet, a eenEral angle of {Z.O0tOO., en arc distance of 192,63 fee! to-a-point of-Uangeo!, thence'along satil tangent adistance of 130.00 feet t'o a point of curve; thence on a curve torhe right having a rattius of iSS.OO feet, a-central angie "i - -- 13'30'00', ao aic tlisr.ance of g3-64 feet to e polnc "i'l"ng"ot;!l:1:: ?-l:"9 said tangenE a itilrtanco 230.00 feet to a potn[. of-curvei tnenco on a curv€ to the rlght having a radius ;f 285,00feetr a.cenlral angle of fS'30'OO"r an ar" diebancc ot 9Z.Oi iect 19 :-point of tangent; thence along saldl tangent a aista"ce-oi---15.00 feet.to the point of beginniig, except-ls foot raaius curvesat street i n te rsec tiona . .. _Beginning at the Northeas! co)iner of the North one_half ofthe South'dest one-quarter o! lhe Northwest on€_guA!ter of Section9, rownship 5 soutli, Rango g0 rdes! of ttre-siiln'pri..ip;l u;;ia:"ied,_County of Eagte, SUiLc of Coloradof ttrence soueterly alongthe East tine of satd North one-half of the iouthwe"t orri-qrrriierof the Northwest one-quarLer-a atisranc; oi-rii.92 feeb, ind"..-J"an angle to the rtghr-of t O o . is;ii;-"-a:.,l.iil of I3s.t6 foet,thence on an_anglo to the riglrt of 59!s2;ii';-" at"t"n.J "i-ii!.ZCreet. to a poinr on the North-line oi'eiia-t""it, "rr-t,if t -o t -if,i ' . southwcst one-quarter of-Lhe Northweef on"_cuirter, thence on anangle to the. risht of 99.sI;rg; "-ii"i.n"" lF"rss.0o feet ro lhepolnL of bcg i nnl ng. A part of Scceions.3,_4 anrt lO, Town3hip 5 South, Rance gOi'tost of the Stxrh rrtnctpil ueriorin, -a;;;ii'"i ;;;i;: ;;;i; ;;colorado, more parrlculaity aescriuoi "i-i"iri"r, | .. Eeginning at t.he southeagt corner of sald Sectlon {; thcnceI 1lg:!"Tly-along rhe souLh ltne "t suiJ-s".ti"" l-"-aiilor,;"-;;..--I 1062.69 feet to a ootnr on the Souih-rinJ-or pi"p.r"i -iii",I i.t"I Bigheay 70i thence on an anqJ.e to ttre iiitrt of r62,32,i19. andalong the Soulh Iine-_of_Int5rstaie nigfirii, ZO a dlstance of 610.31feeL to a poinE of curvet Lhenco aron! said south line and aronq acurve Lo rhe reft having a radius of isro-oo r""t, -" "I""-'iI.i ^Jiir.oE 4"29'29", an arc disEanee oi lai. Ze-i"lt to a point of tangeit;51""." gl an ansre to- the lcf c "r e; io 'it; ana af6nq--Jal; ilil"-Itne a distance of 2ll.l0 r"ee; iUence oi.n "ngt. to lhe riqht of8"10,15' and alono saia. South iin"-"-ifJi"n." of 2100.00 feeirt.hcnce on an anqlj 19_t19 fifnu-;ia.;i;;;. and arons srin sourhlinc a atlstance ot 2Oz.-20 feiti [t.n"i-oi-an angle to the left of.8'31'15" and alono s.ia_ Souitr -i t n" -.'ii llr."" of 88.30 feet;lh.:"". on an angt6 to Lhc rigbi "i io;6oio-bl a dtsrdnce of 26r.76fectt thence on an angle to [tre rtghi ii it.zt,lz. , aist"nl.^li"380.00 feet, thence on.an angle to'lne-iair of 4I.00,00, a itis_tance of 255.00 feet, rhence-on .; i"gr.-1. tr,e'irgtrt-it ig;6iiOO"a dlistance of 66s.00 feet tg i p.iri"6"-Cfe so,lth line of saidsect.lon 3r chence on.an angle tir tf,e iiEt t'oE 27"30.00, and al,oncthe souLh tine of saio sCciion-i i"ir"ii""" of 250.00 (e€r r.o rh;Northeasl corner of the uor ch*es t-""r:iulil", of the Northhrestonc-quarter of said soction lOl thence'on in angte to Lhe left of90018!17tr and alonq tbe rast i i ne"Ji"irtl"r,rlt.nwes t one-quarrer ofthe ttorthwest one-;uarter o! sald i."iion'io a distance of I20.00feet, tbence on an angre c" Lt,u irirr-i-Zi"li-zt,{5" a dlstanee of]61.38 feeE, thencetance of 3rl0,o0 feetl .11-il9l1 to the-rtsht.of r9"to;t0;-;-;i;: a disraDcs "r ilo. io-trXlil"tnll"."".i'Slt.llrjni"tert orrI 2 "20 i o0' 26"40'00" a distance "i eoo.iio--iiui;;;"il! on an anet€ ro therlehc of 93.10'00.. a dtigtance-oi-{it.;;;:;t ro a potnt on rhe -3- Sep-13-()2 03.47P P-(,4 wcst. line of the Northhrest one_quarter of th€9:::!:I^9f said seccion 10, tt,,;;;-;;ll:slllrl'"na arini-lii.r weEt rine a an angle Northgssg 6n.-to- the right of Lin" -;"i;. ;; i:;llg'fi l""5lil' lilS 1f 3ss.oo i""t-io _ A-part of the SouLh one_half of Section:i::: :i t:li.*-":'i.:y;:,ilillisll ff !i:ii:i':FJliliF t;i::., conr{enclng at tho South$.rat corner of th6 SouEheast one-guarter of ths sourh.,reet one_,1ui r[" i..ii !iri'sectron f; thencell:::Ill arons the south lrne."r-"-"ia-s.iiii,il"li""llr!^.:"li: ilr:.., rert or -ii;sd;ii;, "lii. d3oi33ri"iil*. ;i1i;"!l:1."i' iii,ii,lrq.li:i:' ill'i:;rl!, l;ri'ii:!fi*;tdrnlngr thence conrlnutig -rong re -iiJrJl" ij=" t tu" polnt of bc;tn- l.t9i"b on the sourheiiy rigfrt.,i *ii-Ji-iitiourse 1r0.00 feeE tothenco.oD an anele ro-orhe.rishr "r i6"od,oii;-fi;"".i"1;rllil I;:!|_erry trght of h,ay 295.92--feei to a polni oi "orr"; thence alono:"::"::yth:'JI_Ii9!t of. way ana aro-ns-a-cii.r,Ja, ratitus of 55s0. rio -reet,. I contral in!r. ii-slg3fl;r..,ts3; 1;"i"r **** -4- @ P. ()3Sep-I3-O2 03:44p Nrloot)lr! toto?dPr2 ;-g (\|o 'rr, \ FFvl 'hErg ^ r'tCio+"?+oita a-z s= EgtElr6rv ,Effia ]. hq;- tatqf) t\ 6 Eflo.[gt gi ,.r Y&trg ? E$ rEotr d6dE -_.!iO a\ji-a z UzFI ct CAf- ] FB ild hvl rtt ets F.^ ir <2fug;-oa:@ a 'o -lt tti{oP{tt) rpo|-tz,t o at' a! (\t 53 z trl _<{ = L0l o\l-\ 't HE\ 6!Ra \rJ Y4- -o fttt- zfOE>F bZ? L' -<irEEEESa8c;E*; rII PET6 H P,,r6 H:$;5 EE;;Htua 9 SH - S€p- 13-Oz f _--- .- tr3:44P OM Crnc.l'J owncr :towra oF vAtL ico FtitANcE DEP' l?t s FRoitTA€E RO-lvA[ co 8183? l'lrmo/Addr€r nobllaAulh! I Poton l (?l v.||,. L.l (xt f,d c.r SftiGArd I I Rrcordlng Control i 'hnrglng TYPE :remri indFd P-()4 -13-02 O3.47Pi i.'/l Inii// | P. ()5 I \,., cl- Q u.Jo(tt Sep-13-02 03 : 44P ..t ,r.a rn,*? oO tc-to rtttltt lt! tlr 'r- 3 rTt- R s.l" 9s o Rs etot-o53r.tt taa r. a., t. ar ya AoP OwISION Mln. oivhlon LOCAnON V.il Vdlqy'oo|| Co0l.6 Sec $T59R8Oh, ROW AGENT AlJlln Mat . oESCRIPTION AWHOR Aultin Mfler AUTIIOR AOoRESS !21 17o Srr.l *2510, O.nv.r. CO 60293 DOC. NO. t658i5 PIAT/GRIO NO, WO/Jo/CREG NO: PUBLIC SERVIGE COMPANY OF COLORADO EASEMENT For and in consideration of $_ and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned Granlor hereby granls and conveys lo Public SeMce Company of Colorado, a Colorado corporation, Granteg, an exclusive and permanont €asemont for the installation, construction, maintenance, alteration, repair, r6placement, reconstruction, op€ration, and removal of a natural gas mster slation/regulator station, together with facilities appurtenant lhereto, Including, but nol limited lo, buildings, guardrails, lences, and underground gas pipelines on, under, over, or through the following described parcel of land situaled in Lot _ Block _ Subdivision _ in the rW!4_ ol S€ction .-rL, Township 5 Souih , Rang6 jgqUSL of the _..1d1 Principal Meridian in the City of Vall , County ot _Egg!g, State of Colorado. The easoment is doscribed as follows: SEE EXHIBIT 'A'' ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF The above sum is acknowledged by Grantor as full consideration tor the easemant and also for damages to both land and growing crops occasioned by the initial Installation of facilities on said €asement. Grantor reserves lhe right to uss and occupy said premises for any purpose consistent with the rights and privileges herein granted and which will not interfere with or endang€r any ot the racilities therein or use thereof. Such reservalion by Grantor shall in no event include the right to construct any buildings or struclures, to impound any water, or to plant any trees or shrubs upon the easament. Grantee, at all times, sha have the right of access by a reasonable route lo the easement and along and upon the same for the purpose hereot, which include surveying, inspection, and testing, together with the right ao use as much of crantor's adjoining premises during surveying, installation, construction, maintenance, alteration, repair, replacement, reconstuction, operation, and removal of said natural gas meter statior/regulator station and related lixlures and devices a may be required lo petmit the operation of standard pipetine construction or repair. Grantee shall pay Grantor for actual damages to land and growing crops occasioned by any future installations, construclion, maintenance, alteration, repairing, replacing, reconstruclion, and removal of tacilities on the easement or adioining premises. In case of the pemanent abandonment ot the easement, all rights, priviteges, and interest granted shall terminate, and Grantee shall remove all above ground facililies. To have and to hold the said easement unto the said Grantee, ils successors and assigns, so long as the same shall be used or useful tor the purposes of the Grantee. 'Grantod shall include the singular, plural, feminine, masculine. and neuter. ExeoJted by Granior this _ day of GRANTORT TOWN OF VAIL STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE I The toregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this Dy:By the _ day of -2002 for the Town of Vail By: Title: Wilness my hand and ofticial seal. My commission expires: Notary Public JSC, INC. P.O. Box I153 Meeker, CO 81641 Phone (970)-878-5292 Fax (970)878-s392 EAST VAIL METER STATION A PARCEL oF LAND LYNG tN sEcTloN J, TowNsHtp s sourH, RANGE 80 r,rrEsr oF THE 6TH p.M. El9.lt_99ur!w, coLoRADo, BETNG MoRE pmlculenly oEschraED ns ror_r_byiscoMMENclNc AT THE souTHwEsr coRNER or seto sEcTtoN i wnEnct'nrE Honnrmsr coRNER -gf -L_or 14 VA|L vAr r Fy TH|RD RIJNG eems soz;+z-ii-i, iz+.i'-FiEi ;Ni' w{ENcE fiENORTHEAST coRNER OF LOT-16_OF SA|D Vln- vlLi-Ey rHino nur.ri aEARi SZOZO,OS-E, -6-9E.51 FEFI; THENCE Ns6'01'oB'8, 92t.ss FEET ro l porur oN THE sou'rH Row$!gl1r:gF,-!ey) UNE or coloRabo sTAtE Hreriiay no. pzo. snib Fbiii BE|NG THE TRUEPOINT OF BEGINNING, I1Elt9_E !73.41'56,'E. ALONG SA|D SotJTH ROW UNE 75.00 FEET;IHENCE S16'16'24'E, 25.00 FEET; ES|CE s73.43',36'W, ZS.Oo rerl]HENq-X1616'24-W 25.00 FEET TO THE ]RTJE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTATNING0.o4 ACRES MORE OR LESS. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY PAGE I OF2 rsrensrxre ItLL. KI>LX ^s -ti AY R\G$1-v' sw sEcTroN l T5S. R80w 51H P.M. FOUND 1'' STE-L EAR SET IN CONCFETE j N. | (rr I QJ o''3.t' iJ jli l-i-: I rb 3RD FILING SPRINKLER CON TFOL BOX NW LOT 14 VAIL VALLEY PTJBLICIERvICE CoMPTNy EAST VAIL NIETER STATION IN SECTTON3, T5S, R80W OF TrIE 6TII p.M. EAGLE COtiNfy, coLoRADO H\GHNAY NO' \--70 ROW FINCE BRACE POSI GOLF COURSE *";:';il (GRAVEI) GOLF CART PATH \ _-----'- g)--'-'-"' 6?. (ASPHALT) GOLF CART PAIH SPRINKLER HEAD (GRAVEL) GOLF CART PATH /.) 7 .5' 20' WESTERN SLOPE GAS COMPA EASEMENT GAS LINE EASEMENT SCALE: l =30 JSC, INC. JOB NO: 1088-83 OATE: 9-a-2002 RE\asE1t 9 /to/02 (TtE rO pOg) PAGE zOE 2 OMSION Mln OMlho lOCAllOll Vall V.lLy/colt Cou.s. Scc 3-T5S-R80W ROW ACEIIT Au!!n M.hr OESCRIPTIOI{AUTHOR AilUn M.t r AUTHORAOORESS !21 t76 SU..l. t2J.tO. IrGircr. CO !0293 DOC. NO. PLAT/GRIO NO. WO'JO/GREG NO: PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO EASEMENT Ths undersigned Grantor hereby acknowledges receipt ot good and valuabla considerallon from PUBLIC SERvtcE COMPANY OF COLORADO (Company), 122fF17b Strcet, D6nver, Colorado, 80202-5533. In consideration o, $,hich Gtanlo(s) hereby grants unto said Company, lls successoB and asslgns, a non-exclusfue €asement lo conslrucl opelste, maintain, repair, and leplgce utility llnes and all lixlures and d6vlc€s, used or useful In the oDeration of said lines, through, ovsr, under, across, and along 9 course as 6ald lln€s mey b€ hefealler conslrucled in the SWI/4 ol ssc{ion jL and th€ Nwlr4 ot section r0 , Township 5 south, Range gqy&gLof the qlpdndpd Meridian In the Tourn of !b!!, Counly of Eaole. Stai6 ol Cotorado, th6 aasement being described as tollor,ys: SEE EXHIBIT "A'' ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF The toregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of 20_ by lcrantorname(s)lrom abovel: FOR: TOWN OF VAIL The easement is l! feet in width. The slde boundary lin€s ot lhe sasemenl shall be lengthened and shortened as necessary to encompass a contlnuous slrip of not less lhan tha above width at all points on Granto/s property crossed by the above described easement and extending to the boundarles of adjacenl properlies. Together with the right to ent€r upon said premrses, to survey, construd, maintain. opemte, repair. reprace, crntror, and us€ said utilily lines and relaled fixlures and devices, and to remove objecls Inlerfering therewith, including the trimmrng of trees and bushes. and together with th€ right to use so much ot lhe adjolning premises of Grantor duri-ng surveytng, construction' mainlenance, repak, rsmoval, or replacement ot sald ulility lin€s and relaled tixlures and devic€s as rnay be required to permil the operallon ol standard ulility constructlon or repalr m8chlnery. The Grantot reseles thE rlght to use and occupy th€ easement for sny purpose conslstent wilh the rights and prlvlleges abov6 granled and which wili nor interfere with or endanger any of th€ said compeny's iacjtili$ lherein or usa lhereot Such reservauons by the Grantor shall in no event Include the dght to erecl or cause lo be erecled any buildings or struclures upon the easemenl granted or to locale any mobile home or kailer units thereon. In cas€ ol lhe permanent abandonment of the easament, ill rignt, privilege, and interest granted shall terminatE. The worft ot installlng and maintaining said lines and lixtures shall be dona srlth care: the surlace along lhe eaiement shall be restored substantially to its original level and condition. Signed lhis _ day of --..--._--,20_. Oype or print name below each slgnalure line with ofriciat ti e ifcorporation, partnershlp, etc.): GRANTOR: TOWN OF VAIL STATE OF COLORADO COUNry OF EAGLE By: Titl€: ) )ss. ) TITLE: Notary Public Witness my hand and olficial seal. My commls6ion Expires o JSC, INC. P.O. Box 1153 Meeker, CO 81641 Phone (e70)-S7}-s2s2 rax(lzO;a7B-53s2 EXHIBIT "A'r LEGAL DESCRIPTION l AN EAsEuEur FoR lHE,c3l!:Tyglgry, MA|NTENANCE, REpAtR oR REcoNsrRUcIoNoF A BURTED cAs uNEr-yNc rnsiciib*t"s"[ig_ro, rse';iboi'di;ii 6rH p.il.,Tg.ry.gl EfsT vAll-, cqYNrY oF EAcl.E, srAlE oF cot-oRAo63"Fff3fl'^t-r=,ffiFi:t EAGN..E COUNTY. COLOR' IHIRD RUNG BEARS SO;IN SAID VAIL VAI I FY TI.I THEltcE N56?2.41'E. 90OF INIERSTAIE XICHWAT SAID CE}IIERUNE:HSSE:]'-3I8'Tffiffiffi;fiffi nHil.lcE s|4.48'J9.9 29. THENCE S0918'i+S.W. 45IHEIICE S09:2S',41,W. Ss THEl.lcE st4E8'26-E' Jt.THS|CE S4654'58'E. 3Z THENCE SS+tz.os-p. rz THENCE ss+zt'sz.w. to: #ff$:ffi*FgffiHg*1t+-$$:"i#'j ffifi;g$ffi ffiffii$t'ft',iiiF**r#*,.T*,, Page I of 2 d til r "'j tf,J# $',tnMPdNY MEEKER, CO 8164I Phone 1SzO1ffit-sZli Fax (970) Bll_s3gz PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANYrt^sT VAIL. {,, r,rrrnrtFl SECnrlt{S 3 & tO, tSS, neOW Of fHp rnr p.f* EAcLE couNTy, coloni-bi I $ i Sirtt: '-Z:3' $cnor I -rt torrL L!{6lx - Mi,'2' rarEraa - 0.:? @tt couRsE Page 2 of. 2 INC. JOB NO. 1088_83 lca s /6/2oo2 OXcelEnergy*PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Mr. Pete Peters Mr. Jim Meyer Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Joint Property Owner - Written Approval Letter Application for Design Review Application for Conditional Use Permit Application for Tnning Code Amendment Public Service Company of Colorado East Vail Reinforcement Project Gentlemen: Please find attached hereto a Joint Property Owner Written Approval letter for your review of the same. Pursuant to my conversation with Bill Gibson, he has asked that you execute the letter upon your approval ofthe project. Attached please find a topographic map and a survey of the location for the proposed regulator station and buried 4" natural gas distribution pipeline. The location of the facilities and the pipeline represent the site discussed with Jim while Al Morganfield was personally on-site in Vail. Please contact the undersigned, at303-233-8700 should you have any questions regarding the project. Could you please fax me a copy of the executed document to 303-233-8787. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. Very truly yours, ic Service Company of Colorado J. Wilkie tting Agent - Siting and Land Rights Siting and Land Rights 550 1sth Street, Suite 700 Denver, Colorado 802024256 Teleohone: 303.571,7799 Facsimif e: 303.57 1.7 87 7 cc: Al Morganfield ,*ffi JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL TETTER I, (print name) , a joint owner of propefi located at (address/legal description) Township 5 South, Ranse 80 West. Section 3: SW/4. Section 10: NW/4, provide this letter as written approval of the plans d61sd September 6, 2002 which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above, I understand that the proposed improvements include: 4q 9-i x 6r above ground Regulator Station Buildine (10' in heieht) and a buried 4" natural gas pipeline to be located on the Vail Golf Course. I fufther understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. (Signature)(Date) Page 2 of t2l0zl07/02 L2'q2 14:a? FR *ufr=*,o-?TH FL=B3 s?1 7.o7 TO r*t *P.A2/q7 x 8212, a-.> 8254 ' ?, ','.' ' x,//J E256x E255.1xo o ooo o o s251x 8255.x-j ooo i(, E n(\ .b Ds K s 8255. 4 ./.// ..,/uQ./z' ,..; 1tf;d *- Y. s. .5 824s.5 #-_-=r{sc'r O -^,.':\"----- t'l'j yatcVazzs:y Str/+ 3, T5s, Beo.u ilAe fO, T'f's, R'fuu) sEp 63 ',az a'?'4s * "55-''5f.yi:T 8?? r0 e3a53s7s? Meeker, CO 8164I P.g2/@3 Phone (e70>878-5292 Fax (970)E78-$n PIJBLIC SERVICE COMPAI\TY Er$f VA[.. f L/rr.BAL & EAgr VAIL rtErB, SIATION |N SEcfror{s 3 & rq T3q lJw oFtE 6rg t rf,, EAG| t OOt ttTI, COI.onaDO t$1R51A1t*-:y i*6)*"'* \ gttal! fJ|6t v^r, xEtER St^no{ |Ilr cqtsE l|l ,ttr /i- at- \\ f Scrrr€. r'-20d ,-otrq, tgtgl|r - t617.7?' .ctE^ct - o.!? SEP A3 '@, A?249 FR PUBLIC SERUICE-?TH FL3A3 5?1, ?977 JSC, INC. P.O. Box 1153 Meeker, CO 81641 Phone (970)-878-52n Fax (970)87E-53e2 338?8?P.A3/43 AT{ EAST}ISIT FOR IHE CNNSTRUCTO}I IIAINIENAT{CE. RPAN OR RECoI{SIRUCIIOI{ or e ririnm crs utte Llsre N szcfiirs 3 AllD lo, l5s' Ratw oF rHE 61H P.u.' rorfi oF EASI vAtL cOtNW 0F EAq€ sfAlE oF cdoRAD AN EASEIf;NT BENG 7.5O FEET ON EAcrI SDE OF l}f, FO OTtr{G DESCREO CANIENU}€ cxlnilaunt ri rt'lg $t tHtEttT coRNER 0F :Egttot{ 3, ]!iS, R6ot oF 1l€ 61tl P.M.. erqf-coriNft Cumroo vrOiCE T{ ircRIrESr Conntn oF LOT l/t oF_vAlL Utl-AGE nino nttxC ALARS SOZ+ZS*" +l+tZ FEEf AND nte NmilEASI CORI{ER oF IOT l0 tN sAo v rL vAlrFr IHRD Flul{G BEARS S262dosE 69a51 FEE4 -iiaicr niie-zz+r'r, itili.ir-iesi ro i-porr-ol uE so'rn lor (qerry-9F-ltlll UIE OrlXnnsrere metimV xti t-zo. sltO PONT 8€ntc txE nUE Po|lilr oF BEOI{UI{G oF SAID CENIENUilE IHENCE Sr934'OrE, aO84 FEEr; ilAnCE s2550'r,et 'F.52 FEErr IHE}{CE san27+1'E 2&6{ FEEt:f}lENct ssli33'94'E Slro tEEr: THENCE St,+'4S3sE 29.75 FEEr; THB|CE 9l'4S1qry, {oqt q lHElfcE sos'te{f,* s.r+ rtet uslcE sloldso'rY' il,n Fq|li IHE{CE So!lu,}l'u, 56.?6 FEEri r}IENCE S00$l'081f,. Ja-+il FEET: ntsrcE s1,1ES'6t- 3r.7+ FEEr.'IHENcf, ss+re'zs3 s7 W ]I{SICE S{5Et'58't, 37,E1 FEET: I}|E}ICE S4519'lsli 27.19 FEEIi* IIGNCE ss+E?06'E 42OJ FEf: ilEllCE S{'ir+'r74, 150.06 FEEr; IHB{CE S3+2t'3fW. 10it{. FEETI l}gl0E S56!d16a. 56r{ [!!iI: THENC€ S{215'59'W. 100.06 FEET; tHEilCg s3917{lt-w. 6l-55 [$T: rHBrcE s5a!t0'1o1t +283 FEEI; I|IENC€ 535!427[ *5.05 FEEI; THENCE S295*'2,1'W, 5l-46 FEFI rHE]lCE S29Td4{lr, 6&00 F$r3 rHB{CE S37!6'OE W, ,,to.l7 FEET: ItlE}{CE S++11'o54, 5iLO4 fEEI: I{ENCE SZ1!3'24'W; 24.56 FEEI THENCE Sll!6'lzq 53.65 rEr; uarce so2:it'so? n.+z ttri rrtertcE s222spry. 4.q! qEEr: rHarce 55019'041fl, 5O8E FEEI; IHENC€ 55516'l+1' 30-59 Flfl; lHtr{CE S6119'lfTr,-SEZI FEEri IHE}{CE Sir752'05'w tz50 FE; iii6rcE ss+ro'wil, zzos FEEf; rlgrlcE sge5?3g:u z,tit IEET 10 Tll-E PoNT 0F imtitttus w sruo cilrrnunE IitErCE sAD NoFll{EAsr coRtlER (F srlo LoT 10 BE Rs Noolurdw, 181.25 FEEr, TOGEI}€R SITI: tFARcE- or trno LuNG til sEcltottl s. rcsr$rp s sourH. RAI{cE E0 Elr oF fiE 6fi eM- eAarr cdjt{w. ootoRADO, mNC uoRE PARICUURLY DESCSUEE As Fgtlors crxnorblrc lr ilE guli{lesiibRlF oF sAlD sEcIloN 3 vft}lcg nq }loRmrEsr comm or fOr ii vnr- vlrrrV nitiO nUltc AemS g)r42's3'E +7L7t FeEr AiD,lf,lEllcf lHE ffOn*ASr conn:n Of UOi ie or SntO VAL vAuE'r tXiRO nUrc BEARS 52620'09:8" 6gi.si fiEEf: ri€rtCe tsZtd+Z'E. 9t+.25 rEET TO A Ptrxr ol lHE ScIIH ROlt (ffi-i-or-iriii-uiG-oF coLinfto srlE t1s{w Y No. t-70, sAD Po}lT BENG rHE nuE PONT OF EEdNI{Nq rHENcf N75'4it3o'g AL6lc SAD SOJil Row llNE 75.0o FEEI; IHS|CE S1016'2de 25.00 FEE[; ItlE}lCf, s73',,Nt'38'w, 75.00 FEEI'; ri.iE.tCE Hie,tfi+V, ZS.OO frl-ro fiE IRUE POINr 0F EEclls$lc' COI'IT llllt{G o.o4 AGRES reE oR l€ss. ** TnTd POGtr Ai xx Lor.rrfrnse lO ErurReY, lNc. a#"'fi"'*g;ii"" FAX COVER SHEET ,o*,1?o' 1??'2 fll Nrnov' AJoc< D,lk,t ( We are transmitting \-0 ,ur"s (including cover page) A.tt- Gp^\\sn^'- (T-ta. ?a-- 2so.(\-,:. Tr. tr.,. c'MPANY: V (,a CITY: VA., \ CONFIDENTIAIIT" "O'':Tl$":::L'1,'"T:#:l3t'ljigT::!l_th* is leealrr privil"g"J 6' "*Lpt no' disctosure under appricabic raw prease retum bymail ifreceived accidcntly. lf vou have a"u n-r,r.L" '^.'.,,..;:;;";":;'*' -" ovPltvdurs raw' rrEal' rctum ol- . rve any Problcms or qucstions regarding this transmittal, plcase cail 3 03-233-g700. Thank you. -.::*., *!- 'hm ai '62 11:5s FR puBLIffERUIcE-?TH FL3a3 sz1 E?? Ttr aL-gryngzr66--€ p,ai./w tt O XcelEnergy* PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY FA)( TRANSTVIISSION DATE: TO: TELEPHONENO; FROM: AlMorganfield TELEPHONE NO: 303-57 1:t454 TOLL FREE : 1 400$21-9427 SUBJEGT:€*s NUMBER OF PAGES flNCLUD|NG COVER SHEET): &4, Awow -z/ 77o - 427_ A*s/ FAX NO: 303-571-7877 9,a. /E<. Ths lofomation contained in lhis hcaimib me$age is CONFIDENTIAL informaobn inlended onv fur Ur. use of the indMturl or entity named above. If the readar gt tnb message is not tl€ inEnded rEctipient, of th€ amptoyee oiagen! ,espolrsDle to dellver it b hi lnhnded !€ciPient, yor.l arc hgreby notifi€d that any dbs€minarion, dbtributon, or copying * this coirnunicition is sbidly prohibibd. Ityou have Ecelved hls codnunicSdonin eror. pleas. imtricdiatslynoh'fy tha scrrdcr by bbptrone. Thankyou, 'r{JG 61 '?l2 LLrss FR PIIBLTTRUICE-?rH FL3@3 s?L ?e?" To eLrys2L66-4 P.@,./a4 L-=82?3. 3 ^- a??3.2x x42i3 tzl | .2 4255, rx o o cr C xs?s4.2-'- ' o a CX x E?s: 3.9 x c a.s 4 \\ i* a w. S. .5 8245.3 9?50.5 A "\N ,i 16zsr. biisE. E ?":,j'-,2'E CUG A1 'A2 Lt...56 FR PUH-I !lunlrfi,'=.=" uu, {o f ',-lUilrT' P' a3/44 @t\t €A. ul 7/ , ,, I I \ t\){ ; P.A4/44RUG 61 '@, IT.g7 FR FI,JEL RUICE-?TH FL363 5?1 '7e77 10 8L @t\) -.J N N N r0 qr 5 (.^, \\ @l\) " OXP oo o .@.N.(,J @l\) P N) €l\) -l: 9J X @ N IP llIt tl 4 N(JlI Lr/ 1 N 3 l\) t\) (, ,\t(, 5 r (rt(, A (,f\ ,\: IJ| GI s' o o s taX" o -a\H\b6';, ccN -sv tl ill N ox (t u\ Or1 ; X (Jl oo1 Avl(, (, ;r Xol\)ol5 u\ rJ) ; IX -}=pq5g;: _ g--R!--l+ a\ ffiP-12-2002 THU 04:46 Pil LOREE ENERGY FA)( No, 3ooB?B?P.0l 621 l7{' street' suite 25ol DeDYer, CO E0293 303-233-8787 Far-l- Lor.rrfnru EttsReY, lruc. FAX COVERSHEET t/Trf,r'. 4't/ l* {;^ r-*,-c\a{- +L fu'"1 S3^o- .L*-"^^* AO" a' (.s75ts"'' 6'14 T- UJ[1..-'s"-A t#tn na- ot\_ {? D^rE-?/?-- ro, B/y' 6/r'6oJ *o*, flna** L,r,lJ,, ( Wc are tarrsrnitting s pages (including cover page) B,//, /h,", La- rt* fli^rtct-,rlf k I A-q /('r-o '''-r indlvldorl or .tlury dailSltrtrd rDovg-it Gorfidrntirl md mry contrin inforrnlion lhl it-lrylb grlvilcgd ir crcnpt fron dirclorue utldc rDpliffbl? | rw, Flcrtc trlurn by nril if rcocivod rcoidcnlly. Ulnubrvornyproblc-rnsirqsetionrrtgrrddgthi.&urmltLLPl.r!94!l03gl-I$'n!ry sEP-12-2002 'T0 irpoo +rsoo t550 . . f650 t1000 $6ooo,.$6m0 '. 11250 , to:inslud! conilitional urer . SEP-12-2002 THU 04147 PII LUREE ENERGY.:-. -:---. FAl( N0. 30u8?87 P, 03 s-rti||g |||d lrnd Rlohr3 sEO rffh Srroct, Suite 700 Og'w.r, Colol.do 0@02'{266 Telephons: 3UL5tl.nlF Facsi mils; 3(8.F, l.7gr7 ?), XcelEnergy- \/ PUDLtc EEtvtci coaPANf Se'ptcmber 12,2002 Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road VaiLCO 816s7 RE: Applioalion for Zoning Code Amendment Rliuosr for Rsvision of l2$B'3: Conditional Uscs Gontlemen: Pleasc acoept this lctte and the accompmying Application for Zoning code Amendmcnrt for lour revicw of ttro sarnc' Public servicc company of colorado *Psco" rcquests tho Revision of chaptcr | 2-88-3 o i*fuCt ths langu&gc gublic Utility and Public Serrrisc Uses"' Psco submits this Applioation due to tho incrcass io denrand of natural gas uso in tlre E*t V"il orra. psco'iroposcs to build a regularor station aof tup tolg their c.xisting high ;;; gus [* "ro"iog'rAj".-, !o Gory Q*a,. Thsn, psCo would construct a 4" low Dlcssureundcrground*to'arg,'disbibutionlinebt}reirexistingdistibution|inei;;;-;ir,"Tooi uri"u. t-havc attachcd a dnwhg to assist you in locating the approximate path of thc propoeod Regulator Station and pipeline' PSCo has worted with the Vail Resr€alion Dis6ict !o looate tbe proposed ftcilitios ia ur"r" ttrt will bave the least anxount of disturbsnce. PSCo will not out Op existing I-70 rnonugo road. Psco plans to oonstuct a Regulabr station that will adhere to thc currcot architJcturat integriti of arieting buitdings ur the So!{-c915so' Construction wiU not affcct ths homc owners in nc arlrs anO tie pipeline will follow an existing golf courre scrvicc road ot cart Path' sEP-12-2002 THU 0414? Pil LOREE ENERCY FAl{No.3oo8?8?P, 04 Town of Vail Scptcmber 13,200 PrW2 psco.s other option would be to placc ttre Regulntor station near tbe junction of the I-70 Fronrag' Road ard th" b;*i"g;is*burst-Drive. Constuuction of thc pipelinc at thie location would be €xtr'm;ly dis;pdve to those peopto that live on Sunburst Drivc or that utilize tho golf courre or triifr io tnit area. PSC' would have o road cut Suuburst Drivc and causc traf[c disturbanses' Last hcating $eason sor[e customers in rhe East vail arca experionced loss ofnatural gas Serrricc due to loW p*o**- i" ttre systern. Thc ncw construction in this arca in conjunction with ttre size-a;J*t 13i g."o9eds-of the homes has rsndered fte capaoity of tfrci gOO ilistibution system somewhat iaeffoctve' This zoning code Anrendment would allow PSco the ability to dclivsr the natural gas required bytho Town of Vail residenrc' Thank yorr for your timo and consideration in this mattef. should you nccd additional intormation, plcasc contact the undersigned at 303233-8?00' Vcry tnrly Yorus, PI.JBLIC SERVICE COMPA}IY OF COLORADO tudr€J, Wilkic Consulting Agonl - Siting and Land Rights AJWjm Enclosures FA}( No, 3oO8?B?P, 05 fonM (6) 79E - ro-ul5 I Pusuc Stwrcr ComPerv or ColoRloo ! smNG AND irl'lD RlGflTsAccouNT i onre----teg!sbeLl2'-24o2 -- ot u{of{, -' NoRl't'Esf BANI( oHlo'NA vAl{wElT, oH 458 | I I ;;;;;----l 103833 i I I DOTLARSi PAY**tI'! I I T -l -J TO IHE OROE4oFl l- lown of Vall 75 south Frontage Road lfeet Val1, Colorado 81657 ]p ro38l1|F rlolr L eolB tLri1B000 t l?5qr' REilITIAT{CE AOVTCE PI.fAsE OETACH FOf, Y(XJR BECORDS.. niiliitiw ctrecK is'tn prwerr ron fiE rogowtNc ntrJls'103833 n fl ! EI r.l n r"_lt_l .'ERKAND REC.RDER FEE sEc_l_"- Twp. __J5_ RcE. PERMIT/ UCENSE LEASE FTsEMENT CROPAND / ORPROPERTV DAMAGE tANgomoN couRTDEPoslT 859929 731?00 10046641 lGff ofrl Easc Vatl Belnfsrcemest (neg. Statlon) 80f,- COUNTY- Ealil e -'- Tnr( t"\ivER L D, NO' .-. SoclAtsEcuRlwNo. -.- PTELIC SERVICE COMPANYOF COLOFADO 0cT-23-2002 l,lED 03:00 Pil LONETREEo e XeelEnergy- ENERGY FA)( NO,7873032338o PUELtC SEnVtCE COilPANT Siling d lrnd Biehr 550 ltth Street Suito 700 Denvor. Colorado 902024256 Telephone: 3B.57l.7rtg F csimilc 303.5?r.7gr7 MEMORANDTJM TO: BILLGIBSON DEPT. OF COMMUMTY DEVEI,OPMENT.TOWN OF VAIL rAx 97D4792452 GREG HALL & LBONARD SANDOVAL DEPT. OF PTJBUC WORKS.TOWN OF VNL FROM: DATE: X'AX: 9?ll..{79.2166 MATTMIRE,ESQ. VAIL TOWN ATTORNEY g[x97F4',t9.rt57 JIMMYERS VAIL RECREATION DISTRICT ['AX 97ll-{7}345f AI{DREWILKE AGENT-SITING A}ID LA}.ID RIGIITS ocToBER 23,2002 RE: EASTVAILREINFORCEMENT Gentlermr; Pursuant to thc Community Dcvelapmfit Dspart n€nt rcaonrneld4ttons pr€scnt€d to thc Town of Vail Planning and Environmsnal Commiseion on Oclobcr 14, 2/J,02, plcase find attached had,o a rcvised survcy and lcgal dcscription for the proposed hrblic Service Corupany ofColorado C'PSCo) gas rcgulator statior ud valvc scts. The new looation of the rcgulalor slmion complics with tlrc siiffrccommsrrdrtion and wiu be locatcd wcst of thr cxisting gravel Golf Coursc ecccss roqd, Furfprsrore, in qn efrort to mirumize distrrbance, PSCo has rcduccd thc cize ofthe site to 40'x 25' as coruparcd with thc original 75'X 25'sits. Thc surveyor for PSCo has sot caps marking tha comcrs of tbc proposod rcgulator site. Sincc this move was based on lhe shffs rscosw!€ndstion, you may wish to visit the site and dctetmine if the new sirc is accepEble to thc Town of Vail. P. 02 0cT-23-2002 HED 03100 Pt{ AlMorganfield LONEruEo 3032338oENEROYFAX NO.787 P. 03 At this titn€ PSCo is miting forthe sccond rcading of the proposcd tcxt ancfldmcnt to the Vait ToffrCodc allowingpublic utilities and public service u;g b be e d;airioal.uee i' G ourdoor Rcortation 1T"'t5t:--u.1qTla, !ly, this delay could lead to rdditional prolturu associrrco wirt ttie proi.* ttncnuoD€4 whrl€ conducting our initial sile inrycctiotrs, PSco war accommodating in 'waiting to:gtt"ltc o.'pera[ms on this pipelinc until ttrc golf scasm was over. By oxteortng tlrd drrc futilNovember 6\ tbc sccoad t adtle wcallrcr conai]tions rnay detcrioratc oausing morc <tamagcs to thcT*T tt} aticipaed. Psco has cmtrapbd thc scrvices of a Ncw Mcxid coracts,-sruranrnaConsfuction Company, for this projecl The creu, is on site and ready to procccd with ttla instrilation of 9t Tqo.ty-p,p.lines' Thcsa itonrs arc raised in an effon to urd*ril'*in sll of you to sp666 up thcinstrllation of this facility, In light of ths favorablo r€sPo-ns€ we_ rcceiv.cd at the public hcarings, is therc my way tbat psCo coutd 1*ume thc YL o-r rmving fonvard on tris pmjcci wtrlle indfrni$ing rr," io*n of Vail and alldcpartnents tom damagos by our actions? I havc hetd therc arc certain rcas that PSCo crn strt workhg on (i.e. Sunbwst Drive, ore bike pu1 andon the existine PSCo Easemqrt alorg thc I-70 &onngc roed). I would grcatly appreciatc v"* airG"g *jfi."._T 1,19" 3;yetl u.,oxrEnded !o move fonafr on rhis proiect iilt a'irffi.- nop"fuuy alt of oruGltorrc will ultirbatcly Provid€ tbc nocecea4r nah.ral gas scrvicc to thc rcridents ir nqrf vait in e tinrtynainer. Thank pu for all ofyour assiabocc in tbis mrtb. Plcssc foel frpe to cmtsct mc at l03-zl3{700 shoutdyou havc any ideas ot solutions. orrce again, timc is ofthc osscnce. FAI{ NO,1B'l P, 04 P-O2 3032338 o ENERGYLONETREEo0CT-23-2002 tlED 03:01 Pl{ Oct-zs-OZ IO:BtA FE tl E!F -o m EF l-toIdooa -o g F9frr cf, .=E ft- Bqt-aBT-oIp F *z Bri$rlrD,tJ3mJ:sF F; FI (|. 7to\ aldc2o E 3 Fg E HIt 3>j oz 62 d' \ \ \.\ J*rtgE \lI r\I \\ | \\l\ .."d Io I I I I ctoq ()oc7 UIm :i.E i:rfr iit E"lP .. ;t?; g g =d F L{rt)or FIzIt 3tgF 31 F8(rl *F *s $8 Tgst _-f / ? \ Iil \ -t/1'----' \- e -...--+"-g \- \ I \I $q9 ;*? q-tl +* ."'"" '." i?.rtf# ? ttl \ \ \ \ -r.?\ f-' !# 6FUE,t&8(.a It 0cT-23-2002 lfED 03101 , OeG-23-O2 lO:BtA ENERGY JDU, il\U. P.O, Box ll53 Mcskcr, CO 81641 Phono (n0'sxe-5292 Fu(90)878.5392 LEGAL DESCnIPTION (EAST VAIL ME'IBR STATION) A PARCtriL OF IATiID LYING IN SECTION 3, TOWNST{P 5 SOIIT}L NENOC SO WBST OF TIIE 6TH P.M.. EAOI.E @IJNTY. COLORADO, DEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBEU A$ FOUJ)WS; COMMINCING AT IIIB SOUTIITPEST CDRNER OII SAID SECTTON 3' WHENCE THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 14 VAIL VALLEY TTTTRD IIILINC BEARS s0t4t'S3'8, 474.n FEEr AI.ID WtENcE THB NoR'IIIEAST CoRNDR OF IrlT 15 OF S/\TD VAIL VALI.EY THIRD FIUNC BEARSI 826I20'OTE,69t.5I FEET; TI{ENCE N54o50'57t, S66.33 FEET TO A FoINT ON THE SOUTH BOw (Rrclil-or-wA1) LINE OF INIEruilATB HIOHWAY NO- I-70' sAtD POINT BEING THB TRT'E F(INT OF BEGINNING; TITENCU N?3O43'36I8. AIONG IIAID SOUTH ROW LTNB. 4II'OO trET; TIIENCE Sl dl 6'24T. 25.00 FEBTI THENCE S?3c43'38W, {{t.$ SIET; THENCE NI6OI6'24ry, 25.00 FEET TO TI{E TRUE TOINT OF BEGINNING. (DNTAININC O.M ACRES MORE OR LESS. LSIETREEoPt{FAl| NO.303233878?o P. 05 P.03 Lorrrrf,nee EnmGY, lNc. FAXCOVERSHEEI' rrMe:s:Ib-pn . . Q10 -4 74- A45e We arc ransmiting 5 pages (including coverpage) q)iFIDE{TIAUIY NOIICE; Tbir tnsr gr b itrt ndcd olrly br trc ssc of Irc indivirhd cr iljity rtrdgn&d rbovo, b confidor rrl lc mry oooui! itrfomutior tlrt is lcgrly pdvllecd or crcr[pt fiom di*loclE [ad.r ryplic$lc l|l[. ne|!o rorn tycorurFn|l{a rlc mrt oooul|r rruonnruo[ rlrr 18 Eglty prtvltr4p{ 0r clEr[d r|ml 4ircloclE ||ad.r ryplic|Dla l|l[. Fl9r!0 ttorn ty nril itttccivsrl reoidontly, lfyou hrvo ary prothd|r os qusthns rfrI|llng thb tuumhrt. plE|lc c.lt 301-231-t7m. Thr|t Yo|t, Q*l::l*uitc25or 303-233-87E7 tqr 0cT-23-2002 l,lED 03:00 Pll LONEruEo FAI( N0, 3032338787 P, 0l -l- DrirB:/e-fl,4 QolCcrw-"* Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel; 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: wwwci.vail.co.us Project Name: Public Service Company DRB Number: DRB020321 Project Description: Construct an above ground natural gas regulator station and a 4 inch buried natural gas pipeline. Participants: OWNER TOWN OF VAIL 09lL7l20OZ Phonel C/O FINANCE DEPT 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL CO 81657 Licens€l APPUCANT Public Service Company Ot C&9/I712002 Phone: 303'571-7454 1225 17th Stree Denver, CO 80202 License: Project Address= L278 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: Gas line through golf course Legal DescripUon: Lot: Block Subdivision: Unplatted Parcel Number: 210108114002 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApproval:LllIZlZo02 Conditions: Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Torrtn of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not consUtute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005670 The applicant shall replace any trees that are removed durirg the installation of the gas line with trees of the same species and caliper size, prior to the issuance of a ceftificate of occupancy for the natural gas regulator station. Cond: CON0005671 The applicant shall plant a minimum of six shrubs, of a species appropriate for the Vail climate, to visually screen the natural gas regulator station prior, to the O issuance of a certificate of occupancy. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: 3650.00 l' T0l'l,tV Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 tel: 970.479.2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application' Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested' An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department'. The pqect may also need to o. t iiu*uO by the Town Cruncil and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission' Design review approval lapaes unless a building permit is'issued and construction commences within one year of the aPProval. Construction of a Regulator Station to allDescription of the Request: be distributed to the East Vail Location ofthe ProPosal: Lot:Block:Subdivision: Physical Address: Parcel No.: 2101-081-14-oo2 (Contact Eagle @' Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no') Name of Applicant: $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 $20 tr tr Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: 7 5 Owner(s) Signature(s): Mailing Address: 1225 17th Street. Denver, Colorado 8o?'o2 Phone: (3o3) 571-7454 Fax: (303) 571-7877E-mail Address; Al}lo rganf ie l-d0Xc e lene r gv . com Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs fl Conceptual Review El New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multi-familY/commercial) Minor Alteration (sing le-family/du Plex) Changes to ApProved Plans Separation Request retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to Plans Design Review Board. No Fee p,4 f*.? ('z)6bz-zffG Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area' For consffuction of a new building or demo/rebuild' hA .?t?.-. 8787 For an addition where square footage is added to 'lny resEent|al or commerciat building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' ior minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as' rai*nng, paiiting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc' noi min6r cnanges to buildings and site improvements, such as' rerooRng, pairiting, window additions, landscaping, fences and Qzo) 277- 8656 u/|. already approved by Planning Staff or the fl'.lr dillt)" n Got) Iit - ,'le cKt"' For Office Ugr onlY: Fee Paid: (c(O.t" Check No.: ffic0 $EP l6 ?002 Buildino Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notesl PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvpe of Material 30 year Archi tectural Grade Asphalt Shingles Color Grey Stucco Tan Real Stone River Rock Wood Dark Brown I{ood Dark Brown N/A N/A Hetal Dark Brown I{o od Dark Brown Hand or Deck Rails N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Wall vents - Metal Brown Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip, Page 6 of 12102107102 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name Ouantity Slze PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES N/A TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - z" caliper Coniferous Trees - 6,in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION N/A TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL N/; Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Golf course specs. Entire disturbed area Golf Course Specs. Entire disturbed area Page 7 of l2l02/071O2 zotr L-JJ UJ L-Joa Iazbai 545d: =iiaE e5E3 Eqdr ;F -z;fo ID I,Jyusf E o zf E.F z. _9 zo F LdJII \< C) m z 6 l dH sE3so>o:dI, z 6 al z uz = [.tr tr2 (t iz'= 60ZE<tD <Y $5 z. tr L_lJIll IJOa z tl dH oE #xo> d9 z ,.,t2H9aD1 *- 8,65= o :i. ,YdzF8E.. *> =EfiC lrl I z e o .-) tr z.OF LdJ bJ Fzo E.L- I FEaUr O^lrl .ii5=. 5l,., =').-.J= dH8E eErle Eg Lr | tr,", z, Eoo E z, Fz F i t I I z,oF II]n ooo G,o iK(A/,t\) ffi /ss 9x& M M # K -€ <// fr$ t\> 7 /\,// E F d E !ff!n fi'lE t e fi!li$l IE iH ;H *e Hl Ii' E I t{I t E {dli F TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 APPLICANT OWNER CONTRACTOR DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ADD/ALT COMM BUrLD PERMT Permit VUtl7fl- , , | '^"t of n: ALL TIMES #: 896-0013 Job Address: 1278 VAIL VALLEY DR Location... : GOLF MAINTANENCE SHOP Parcel No.. : 2101-081-14-002 Project No. : PRJ96-0008 MENDEL_ALLI SON CONSTRUCTION vArL GOLF MATNTENANCE/TOV 75 S FRONTAGE RD, VAIL CO 81657 MENDEL_ALLI SON CONSTRUCTION POB 2L-746, AVON CO 81620 Status. . . Applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . Phone: 9708450466 Description: DEMO AND REBUILD SHOP 5541 SQ FT Type Construction: V N Type Occupancy: Valuation: Fireplace Informat ion: Restri cted: 629 ,300 fof 6as App Ii anccs: Bui Lding-----> 2,850.00 Restuarant Ptan RevieH-> Ptan Check---) 1,859.00 DRB Fee--------- TOV/Comm' Dev' ";,;^ Deoosit RefundClean-utP Dep amount date Add Sq Ft: 5541 tof Gas Logs:fol Hood/Pa L tet: Recreation Fee----------> .00 400.00 .00 Additionat Fees--------> TotaI Pernit Fee--------> .00 5,872. 00 5,872.00 .00 lnvestigation> tli l. I Ca t L----> .00 3.00 PaYments------- TOTAL IEES----_5,872.00 BALANCE DUE---- ffirffirfffi ffi*ffi*ffi*tr}lffiffi. Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARIS.IENT Dept: BUILDING Division:02/14/1996 DAt{ Action: NOTE DAN STANEK08'/22'/7996 DAlt Action: APPRia6ma'oseoo pleNllrne onPenruENt Dept: PLANNTNG Division:02/L4l1996 DAN Action: NOTE RUSS FOREST - 08,/2O,/I996 RUSSELL ACtiON: APPR,/2O'/I996 RUSSELL ACtiON: APPR.em:. 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT DEPT: FIRE/L4/L996 DDlt Action: NOTE MIKE MCGEE'/2L'/!22Q-JEqE_A_ -_49!lon3 APPR Fire dept g.ppFovef__ rt6m:'05600 rrnE DepenrMeNr Dept: FIRE Division:O2/L4l1996 DAN Action: NOTE MIKE MCGEE08'/2L'/!996 JEFF A Action3 APPR Fire dept approvaLIt6M:'O55OO PUBEIC WORKS ' D'bbI: PUB WORK DiViSiON:02/L4/L996 DpN Action: NOTE GREG HALL08'/26'/L996 LARRY_P Acrion: AppR SEE CONDITTONS occupancy: H4/82 Hazardous Materials w/apptAVgd Type v Non-Rated t*lt***lrffir#*ffi* FEE SUt'lllARY lnffi(****tH(ffirrlrr*ffitt TotaI catcutated Fecs---> 5,E72.00 #ffrffi See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that nay apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoytedge that I havc read this apptication, fil,t!d out in ful,t the jnformation requi red, conpteted an accurate ptot p[an, and state that all thc information provided as required is correct. I agree to conpty t{ith thc information and pl.ot ptan, to compty with atl Toun ordinlnces and state [avs, and to buil,d this structurc according to the Town's zoning and suMivision codes, design revieu approved, Uniforn Buitdjng Code and other ordinBnccs of the Town appticabte ther?to. REOUESTS FOR INSPECITONS SIIALL BE I,IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 479-?13E OR AT OUR OTFICE FROI'I 8:OO AII 5:OO PI.I ISSUED 02/t4 /tee6 08 /26 /tee602/22/tee7 v send ctean-up Deposit To: I'IENDALL-ALLISoN ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSperrnit #: 896-0013 as of 08/26/96 Status: ISSUED * * **** * * * ** * ***** ** * ** * * *** ** t * * * ** * * * * ** * * * * ** * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** * * * * * Permit Type: ADD/ALT coMM BUrLD PERMT APP]-iCANT : MENDEL-ALLISON CONSTRUCTION Applied: 02/La/1996 Issued z 08/26/I996 To Expire t 02/22/1997 Job Address: Location: GOLF MAINTANENCE SHOP Parcel No: 2101-081-14-002 Description: DEMO AT.ID REBUILD SHOP 5541 SQ FT Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 3. Fence must be replace with a slated cedar fence prior to Tco 4. Remove the T-111 on the earth shelder and use cedar 1by 6 c hannle lap to be staned the sam as the main building prior t o TCO5. F]RE SPRINKLER SYSTEM IS REQUIRED AND NEEDS TO BE APPROVED BY TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT. 6. ACCESSIBIL]TY TO COMFORM TO CHAPTER 11 AND APPENDIX CHAPTER 11 0F THE 1.994 UBC. 7. GRADING INCOMPLETE AT THE TIME OF PERMIT. CONTRACTOR NEEDS TO BE AWARE THET IF THE DISTURBBD SITE GRAD]NG EXCEEDS 2: ]. MORE RETAINING WALLS WILL NEED TO BE INSTALLED 8. CONTRACTOR MUST COME IN FOR A SEPARATE ROAD CUT PERMIT. A BOND WILL BE REQUIRED 9. NO PLI'MBING,MECH OR ELECTRICAL WORK CAN BE STARTED UNTIL PLT'MBING,MECH AND ELECTRICAL PERM]TS HAVE BEEN OBTAINED ************************** TOWN oF VAIL, COLORADO o ********** Statennt o **************************** **************************************************************** Statemnt Nurnber: REC-0190 Amountz 4t372.00 08/26/96 12204 Payment Method: CK Notation: #3437 Init: DS 895-0013 Type: A-COMM ADD/ALT COMM BUILD P 2101-0 81-1 4-002 1278 VAIL VALLEY DR GOLF MAINTANENCE SHOP Total Fees: 4,3'72.00 Total ALL Pnts: Bal.ance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE *****r.********************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 5,872.00 5 t872.oo.00 Amount 2,860.00 400 .00 359.00 750.00 3.00 lf-::'iff :, ;i.:il, [T::',*::iT:effi oF vArL coNsrRucrroonO IIPARCEL' /l: cr tu Pln<TtrD pERMTT AppLrcATroN F'RMI Secxtc>rt q t s.tuxsuiL T *,nt+ DATE: 2 -14-46(L*rrcre- & c.c.., trsf PERI-IIT # , APPLICATLON MUSI BE FITIAD OUtr COMPT.ETELY OR rT t'tAy NOT BE ACCEPTEDU !. to 1-sg I 't4-ooz Il * ***f* ** ** ** * * ******** ******* PER!'tfT fNFORI.IATION *****************************/l.. ,[f]-Building [ ]-Plumbing [ ]-Electrical. [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-otherVF,\L Qd-F C.^rtPdE . ,Job Nane: lV 1|'{Tl-f{Ain{cE Job Addre =r, l?n g V xtu\lx-tzv I)p-tVe. Legal oescription: r.ot Brock rilins suBprvrsroNr.-T owners Nane: Vx,r7o *: & Qzirrrmtlilt"ElW pn.4tq-zztzowners *" 2' -?1TaffitNl'ff#*trd*% Architect: Ft rfraa Apca+rrrc-rS iAdrisJ: p,a, g-* A4 l tlai- C.,Etz-p6-'/(7-Afoz P*gr=i1-, DA4.u rTtciN ^General Description: 4 Re- B,:ir- O Dc-.-,> Errfiro^ ?)O S<€, AoD,-n; work crass: [ ]-Ner{'fi-ora"ration X-aaeitionur'i 11n"p.i" [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:+Nunber of Acconmodation Units: -+ €4? -9/oZ .<-&- cas t"ogs-€- wood/pellet.fi Electrical Contractor: Address: Plumbing Contract.or: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ********************************FOR BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PER}TTT FEE: I'TECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAI., FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: ttri. w * * * * * VALUATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * it * * * * * * * * * * Town o-f Vail Reg. no,o?4f-f Phone Number: Town of v-ail Reg. NO. .tfZ*t?Phone Nunber: oFrrcE usE ******************************* BUfLDfNG PLAN CHE.K FEE: lrEiM s PLUI'{BTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CI,,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: SIGNATUREs ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN I'P DEP.OSIT REFIIND TO:Nar (a.-->e-T4r.L.cr.F F ct rl.cr|!o9.0OE F ooc o <; F F F 9 F oC' |nF c6F :.o|aOD.'g F o EE 4 o'c ooF I Cl EoEI HcqqI D N o E. a6 q :r E 6 (,:.ao c !t C) FIn2 .l l'68P"H EEE!OA 3r 2 6 ET [.44t (t Udozoar 14>o. aEO tOC. .lCoo trl?E El.H TToo oloB otEoo 9 oc.zzp9!.OE-E4 eE F. 4 EEEDIO Fl- At4 EE4tr*tH(aIEA iE(|DooA-t{ E F. oia q l. 6 xrBt Er 2 lr ECr(Jaqla9 aEsIq H COo aotr EUOU oH :.a F E E.cIqq el) !lg :. l0 4o 1: r{fi l!E>oE-'tr&4 A4Eao Iro tcc oAAF KRM .'*=LTLTANTS, rNG. \ stnuctunal engineer-ing and design November 9, 1995 Mr. Russell Forrest Senior Environmental Policv Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Vail Golf Course lvlaintenance Facility Job Number 95V2-I2 The location and orientation of the addition to the maintenance facility will obstruct a future Blue Zpne avalanche and will serve to protect the two properties directly to the north. The site design will mitigate a future Blue Zone avalanche runout at the east end of the building by containing the snow in the retaining walls at the parking area. The buried bunkers to the south will no longer contain any hazardous materials. The pre- engineered E.P. Containment System structure has been relocated according to tlrc sit€ plan in the submital drawings. The design requirements for mitigating the Blue Zone avalanche have been incorporated into the building structure. The new south walls have been structurally designed to withstand a lateral pressure of 110 pounds per square foot. Sincerely, i KRM Consultants, Inc. Structural Engineering and Design -==*$h-tet %#,-N V';"ttl'f Bl/(l.HJ'q Kimberly R. McGhee, P.E. CO 41658 . (3031 ^. P.O. Etox 4572 - Vail. Town of Vail 25 SouLh Frontage Road VaiL, colorado 81557 (303) 479 -2138 Plan review based on bhe 1991 Uniforn Building Code # SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REQUIRED 1 Provide drains and overflow drains or scuppers' -- Project Number: 0215 9 5 Address: 1278 VAIL, VALLEY DR Contractor 3 MENDEL-AL,LISON Architect : FISHER ARCHITECTS Engineer:KIM MCGHEE .' 5 E' L/ n'.4 4 B-L/B-2 I , Name : VAIL GOLF MAINTENANCE Date: February 1 OecupancY:81,H4,82 Type of Const: V-N Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK 11 Section 3207 ' Provide an attic access (22X30 rnin) to each attic area. - - sec. 3205. (a) This is required to be a t hour assenrbly since it is an occupancy separation' -- Table 5-B & sec' 503. (c) This is required to be a t hour assenbly since it is in an occupancy separation wall ' -- Sec' 503' (c) Provide details (eonstruction and location) of draftstops in the attic. -- sec' 2515' (f)4'B Provide a landing on both sides of door' Note! The "t.p a size requirements. -- section 3304' (i) & (j) Note: ManualIy operated edge or surface-nounted fLush bolts aie prohibited. -- sec' 3304' (c) Provide handicap access to the building' -- Chapler 31 as per 1993 Accunalative SupPlement to the UBC' One drinking fountain is required to have a spout within 36 inehes of the floor and up-front hand operated controls. -- ANSI A117'1 Sec' 4'15'2 & 4 . 15.4 At least one toilet for each sex is required !o conply with the handicap requirements' -- ANSI A117 . 1 The required clear area in fron! of the water closet is not' provided in this toilet room' - - ANSI A117.1 Sec.4.16.2 & Fig. 28 Provide a 48 inch cLear access widlh to the handicap conpartment. -- ANSI All?'1 Sec' 4'17'3 & Fis. 30 !4 13 I4 15 Provide the required 30 X 48 inch clear spaee in ir""i oe one uiinal . -- ANSI A117'1 sec' 4'18' Provide the required 29 inch heiqht' 30 inch clear "iatft, & 1? in;h clear ilepth under at least one i;;;;.t. -- ANsr All?.1 sec' 4'1e'2 & pis' 31 Provicle at least one mirror with the bottom within aO-ii.fr." of the fLoor' -- ANSI A11?'1 Sec' 4'19'5 crab bars need to be shorr'n on the plans that cornply riirr ensr All?.1 sec. 4 .16'4, 4'L7 '6' & 4'24 Provide a floor drain in the garage or. slope the ;;;.;; fioor' rf floor drain is used it rnusL "onnecC Lo a dry well or a sand and g'rease i-nterceptor. Any garage floor drain connected to sewer must be approved by Upper Eagle Val1ey water & Sanitation. For heating or hot-!'ater supply boiler . aPpl ications "-ifoot driin shaIl be supplied for suitable disposing of accumulated fluids' LII{C 2119 In bathrooros with a lub or shower and in laundry rooms a rnechanical venlilation syslem directly connected to the outside shaLl be provid'ed' UBC 1205 (c) Provide a mechanical drawing showinq basic design or hydronic syslem or duct system. size of equilment (BTU & actual volune size) ' size of mechanical room, and size of combustion air to be supplied equiPment. Any structure proposed to be built or remodeled on . "l-op. exceeding 30* or in an avalanche or hazar-dous roekfall area wilL require an engineered structural design stamped and signed by the sirucLural engineer. A fire sprinker systeln is required and j-s required By the Town of Vail Fire Department A soils report rs required before any footings will Inspecbed and approved by fhe Town of VAil ' IO 19 2t zt NoTE:The cod'e items listed in this report are not intended to fi"tf"S of all possible code reguirenents in the 1991 UBc' It selected sections of the eode' SEPARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION- flOnfff Properly line 41'0 FeeL 41'0 Feet EASII eroperty line 77 ' 0 Feet 77 ' 0 Feet ioutrf property :.ine ?4.0 Feet ?4 ' 0 Feet WEST Pub1ic way 103'0 Feet 92'0 Feet Area increased 100.00% for open area on 4 sides' Project Nurnber: 02t596 Address: 1278 VAIL VALLEY DR Contractor : MENDEL-ALL,ISoN Architect : FISHER ARCHITECTS Engineer: KIM MCGHEE Town of Vail 25 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81557 (303) 479 -2138 Plan analysis based on the 1991 Uniform Building Code ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok Nane: VAII-, GOLF MAINTENANCE Date: March 27, L996 OccupancY: H4,B2,Bt Type of Const: V-N Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK be a comPlete is a guide to 59 15000 0. 00 ok 347 15000 0.02 ok 2tt 15000 0.01 ok 902 15000 0.05 ok 2773 10200 0.27 ok 237 16000 0.01 ok L27 15000 0.01 ok 62 16000 0 ' 00 ok 297 10200 0. 03 ok t624 10200 0. 15 ok 2I4 15000 0.01 ok 543 15000 0.03 ok 7396 rL757 0.53 ok 7396 1L757 0.53 ok SOUTH WEST BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON'BRG OPNG WALL WALI., PROT WALL WALL PROT Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None FL, NAME OCC MAX FLR AREA ALLOWED RATIO STATUS 1 AIR LOCK 82 1 EMPLOYEE LOIJNGE 82 1 SUPER OFFICE 82 1 CARTWASH B]. 1 EQUIPMENT STORAGE H4 1 SIGN SHOP 82 1 MECHANICS OFFICE 82 1 PARTS ROOM 82 1 WELDING SHOP H4 1 REPAIR GARAGE H4 1 RESTROOMS 82 1 HAIJIJWAY S 82 TOTAI, FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAL The actual heig'hL of this building is 18'0 feeE' it" *"xin,. heiqht of the build'ing is 40'0 feeE' -- Table 5-D EXTERIOR WAI,I, FIRE R}TINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 17-A & Table 5-A Exterior waI1 ratings for H-occupancies are based on Table 9-C NORTH EAST OCC BRG NON.BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT H4 Ohr ohr None ohr ohr None 82 Ohr ohr None ohr Ohr None 81 ohr ohr None Ohr ohr None None -- No fire protection requirernents for openings' Pro! -- Openings .t.'to-i" piot"ttta r"tith 3/4 hr fire assemblies' 50* of the area of the wall t"*i^" '- Sec' 504' (b) & Sec'2203' & Table 5-A Maximurn single "l"io* "itt is 84 sq'ft with no dinrension qi;"c"t lhan 12 feet. -- Sec' 4305' (h) No; - - openings are no! pernitted in this wall' * -- These walls ^.v l^" required to have a parapet wa11-30 inctres above the roofing.'rit. ptitptt waLl is required to have the sane fire rating as the *"if. stl section 1?10' for details and excepeions' OTHER BUII,DING EI,EMENTS EI.,EI{ENT MATERIAI' Interior Bearing walI AnY Interior nonbrg wall AnY Structural Frame AnY Exterior sbruct Frame AnY Floor/ceiling Assenltly AnY Roof/Ceiling Assernbly AnY stairs AnY EXIT REQUIREMEMS: FL NAME OCCUPANT LOAD Table 17 -A RATING NOTES 0hr0hr0hr 0hr0hr None See footnote *1 see Footnote *18 FOOTNOTES r 1)Elementsinanexteriorwalllocatedwhereopeningsarenot'permit't'edor where protectior, -oi-openinqs is required' shal l- be protected againsE exLernal tire exposut'. i" i"q"ited for exterior bearing' walls or Ehe strucEural frame, whichever is greater' -- Table 17-A' foobnote 1 9) In areas with vehicles or airplanes, the floor surface shall be of noncombustible. nonabsorbent rniterials' -- sec' ?02'(c) & 902' (b) 18) In areas conlaining hazaradous materiats' the floor surface shatl be of nonconbustible, lieuid-tiqhr construction' -- sec' 902' (b) DRAFT STOPS: Ifthereiscornbustibleconstructionintheroof/ceilingassembty,drafe stops shal1 be installed so that the area of concealed space d'oes noc exceed3000squarefeetandsothatthehorizonlaldinensionbeEweenstops does nog exceed 50 feet. -- Sec. 2515. (f)4.B. (iii) OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONS -- Tab1e 5-B H4.B2lhrofficeslessthan25tofnajorusedonotrequireaseparation. -- Sec. 503. (a) ex #2B H4-81 thr B2.Bllhrofficeslessthan25*ofmajorusedonotregurreaseparalion. -- sec' 503. (a) ex #28 ADDITIONAL SEPARATTONS NUMBER EXIT PANIC RATED DOOR NOTES REQUIRED WIDTH HDWR CORRIDOR SWING 1 AIR LOCK 1 EMPLOYEE LOIJNGE 1 SUPER OFFICE 1 CARTWASH 1 EQUIPMENT STORAGE 1 SIGN SHOP 1 MECHANICS OFFICE 1 PARTS ROOM 1 WELDINC SHOP 1 REPAIR GARAGE 1 RESTROOMS 1 HALITWAYS TOTAIJ 1 z) 5 'lA 1 I 0 I U 5 53 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 0.0 No 0.4 No 0.0 No 0,1 No 0.2 No 0.0 No 0.0 No 0.0 No 0.0 No 0.1 No 0.0 No 0.1 No 1.1 No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes N/R N/R N/R N/R Out N/R N/R N/R Out N/R N/R In areas where 2 exits are required' the ninimum separation Ls I/2 of the maximum diagonal oi tt't "t"i ot floor' -- Sec' 3303'(c) Exit signE are required from alL areas servinq an occupan! Load of 50 or more' - - sec. 3314 ' (a) poot "tins is based on Sec' 3304' (b) except as noted' occupanE ioad is based on Table 33-A' N"tb;; of exits is based on Table 33-A except as noted' ixits width is in feet and based on sec' 3303' (b) ' ExiE width is to b; ei;ided approximatelv equarlv T:"lrexiEs' Width shown for aLt areas is based on other exrEs ' tu'z' Width shown r"t i"l iioor is based on oLher exits' (0'2)' Width shown for other floors & basements is based on stairways' (0'3) For the minimum width of doors' see sec' 3304' (f) For the minimurn width of corridors' see Sec' 3305' (b) For the minimum width of stairways' see Sec' 3305' (b) FOOTNOTES :gl fit. nurnber of exits is based on Sec' 3319' HANDICAPPED ACCESS: 1) Handicapped' access is required to at least one primary enlrance to this builcling- -- Sec. 3103' (a) & (b)3 Zf if " t"tp is use,f, for handieapped access' the max slope rs LzL2. ' - sec 3307. (c) provide a landing wiitrin 1 inch (1/2 inch at doors used for handicappeil- access) of the threshold. -- sec' 3304'(i) Theminimunwidthissalneasdoorwidthandtheninimumlengthis44inches.-- Sec. 3304. (j) The maximum travel distance in this buiLdinq is 150 feet' -- sec. 3303. (d) ROOFING REQUIREMENTS: i) rfr" tooiirrq on this building is required to be class B or beLter' -- Table 32 -A 2) See section 3204. and IcBo research reports for requirements' sprinkler system is required. -- Sec' 3802' (b) An automaEic sprinkfer systern is reguired in an H4 occupancy more than 3000 square feet. -- sec. 3802. (f)2. If there are 100 or nore sprinklers, the automatic sprinkler systen shal'l be superviseil by an approved central , proprietary' or remote station service or a local atarm which will give an audible signal at a constantly AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEI,IS: If openinqs are not Provided in floor area more than 75 feet each 50 feet of exterior wal1 or lhere is fron an exterj.or opening, an autonatic -- Table 38 -A attended location. -- Sec. 3803. STANDPIPE REQUIREMENTS : There is no requirement for a standpipe' A hose is not required. -- Table 38'A FOOTNOTES: 1) The location is to be Per WALL AND CEILING FINISH: Sec. 3805. (c).(cl).ancl/or(e) 1) wal1 and ceilinq finish materiaLs sec. 4204. (a) and Table 42-B. ale requireit to comPlY with 2) carpeting on the ceiling is requireil to have a Class I flane spread rating. -- Sec. 4204. (b) 3) Textil,e wal1 coverings sha1l have class I flane spread ratinE' and shal1 be protected by autornatic sprinklera or rneet bhe acceptance criteria of U.e'C. Standard No' 42-2 -- Sec' 4205' INSULATION NOTES: 1) All insulation material including facinqs are required to have spread ratingi or zi-oi-re""-""a i naximurn smoke densiEy of 450 it is in a concealld-"p""t and the facing is in contact with a ceiLing. -- Sec. 1714' (c) exc'#2 2) ;;; piastic insulalions are required to be protected' -- sec' GLAZING REQUIREMENTS: All glazinq in hazardous locations is required to be of safety glazing naterial . -- sec. 5405' (d) a fl ane - unl.ess walI or 1713. Devices generating a glow or flame are the f1oor. -- Sec. 908' A ventil-atioD system that exhausts 1'0 cfm An exhaust pipe ls al6o required ag 9 05. (c) For 81 occupancy Devices generating a glow or f1a:ne are reguired to be 18 inches above ADDITIONAIJ REQUIREMENTS : For H4 occupancY If requireit bY the Fire code. shall. be Provided' -- Snroke and heat venting shall Code. -- Sec. 902. (f) lhe floor- -- Sec. 708' The minimurn clear height is required Parking garages require a ventilatlon per sq.ft' of floor area' '- HANDICAPPED RIQUIREMENTS : NOTE: Section nunibers listed below are 4.25 .4 4) A canEilevered unit 27 inches hiqh, 30 5) A clear area of 30 area is required to unit and for a side spi1l control, drainage, & containment slc.902.(c), (d), & (e) be proviiteil as set forth in the Fire required !o be 18 inches above per sq.ft. of floor area' each stall. -- Sec ' to be 7 fee!. '- Sec. 709. (c)5' system tha! exhausts 1'5 cfm sec. 7 05. (b) 2 . from ANSI A117.1 - 1985 WATER FOUNTAINS : 1) One must have a spout within 35 inches of the floor' -- ses' 4'L5'2 2i spout must be at ihe front of the unit' -- sec' 4'15'3 3) Controls must be at or near the front of the unit' -- Sec' 4'15'4 & is required to provide a clear area under the unit of inches-wiae, anA 17 inches deep' -- Sec' 4'15'5 (1) X 48 inches is required at the fountain' The clear provide for a forward approach wiEh a-cantilevered-.ppto..it otherwise. -- Sec. 4.15'5 & Fiq'27 b'c'd TOILET FACILITIES: 1) A 5' diameter unobstructed turninq space is -- sec. 4.2.3 & Fiq'. 3(a) 2) When water closet is not in a compartment' a) 48 inches wide by 56 inches deep with a requireii in the toilet room' the clear area required is: side apProach. -- Sec. 4.L6.2 & Fiq. 28 b) 48 inches wide by 56 inches deep with a front approach' -- Sec. 4.L5.2 & Fig. 28 c) 50 inches wide by 55 inches deep with both approaches' - - Sec. 4.16.2 & Fiq. 28 d) side bar is requiree to start within 12 i'nches of the back wa1l and extend to 54 inches frorn the back walt' -- Sec' 4'15'4 & Fig' 29 The rear bar is required to be 35 inches lonqf' -: Fiq: 29 3) When water closet is in a compartment, the area lequrred as: a) 55 inches aeep by 50 inch-es wide with a grab bar at che back anil one at the side. Door is at front or side' -- FiS' 30(a) or b) 56 inches deep by 35 or 48 inches wide with grab bars on both sides and door at front. -- Fig. 30(b) dl) If a floor mounted water closet is used' the depth dimension Ehown above ^t"i-ut increased 3 inches' -- Fis' 30(a) & (b) e) side bara are;;s;ir;-l;-"t"rr *iiirio tz itr"t"r of bhe back vtal1 and exlend to 54 i;;i;" fto* the back wall' -- Fig' ?'55a t 7'55b The rear bar is required to start within 6 inches of the side wall and be 35 inches long' -- Pig' 30(a) 4) The bars are to l.-i:-io-35 inches above the floor' " Fiq' 29(a)' (b) e Fiq. 30 (c) , (d) The top of the sea! on Che water closet is requirecl to be 17 to 19 inches J""" i.ft" f toor- - - Fig- 29 (b) & Fis' 30 (d) Urinal.E are required t; be stall tltpe or have an elongated rim and be within 1? inches of tfre itoot. -- sl"' 4't8'2 e Fiq' 29(c) i A clear area of 30 x ;8 i;;h;" is required in front of the urinal' s) 5) 7l 8) -- Sec.4.18.3 Accessible lavatorles shall provide a clear area under the lavatory of 31 required in front of the lavatory'29 inches. -- sec. 4.L9.2.1 & Fig' A clear area of 30 X 48 inches is9) 10) -- Sec. 4.19.3 & Fiq. 32 The bottom of mirror iI required to be within 40 inches of the floor' -- Sec. 4.19.6 & Fiq. 31 Augf:EO-96 OZ: E'SP lvlcndel -A] I lson Con.st-Avon 97(J Ei C'21€i5a.to PIIONE: FAX: P. c':. MENDEL-A LLISON CONSTRUCTION 13? BENCHMARK ROAI) P.O. BOX 2l-746 (970) t45-0466 (e70) 845-0465 AVON, COLORADO FAX COVER SHEET O: Dan Stanek OMPANY: Town of Vall FN( #: 479'2462 FROM: ChristoPher Evans RE: Vail Golf Couree Malntenance Facility DATE: 20.Aug-96 AGES:'l (includlns this Per your conversrtlon wilh Tim Kehoe of Shepherd permittin0 -qihcnntrac{ors for the above pmiec't. Rcsources, here is a list and dollar amount of the major Generst contractor: Mrndel-Allison crrnslrucllon, |rc. (license 33&B) value: slt00'000' Elcclriaal: EC Elcotdc volue: S50,E0O' Thenks, I lChris Evans lFlrc sprinhler*. AFG/Mesa valuc: S24'423' lllce,nenrcat & plumDlng: Comtnetuiul Design Enginccrlng valuc: $79'500' I i.r*l SpOkO Wilh Mlke MCGee with rEgards tO thls proj€ct. He rjr'rcsrr'l arrticipate atly pleblcms on hic cnd os l|ong as we plan on submlttiqe snrln-tler shoO drawi.lgs and it uJill be a complet€ dry eystem' lwill being lil;fti-*fih-t i,n egain on'i'fru-rsOiitoming, Itnlrc afe any quc$ions, or anvthirrs I cart ds to helP thc !plpcess along, Please call. PERMIT # PERI'fIT APPLICATION FORM DATEZ:2t-Jb,-'3 Q Wq6- ooo$ t APPLICATfON UUST BE FIr'rED OUf CoUpreTELy OR IT !!AY Nor BE AccEprED X***************************** PERI{IT fNFORIIATJON ****************** ***********rl [ ]-Building g j-ptunbing I l-Erectrical lv{-uecnanibar 1 1-ot}.er f,?, .ror Narne:{Elv 6OvF hVPSL Job Addrer* Legal Description: Lot Ohrners Name:Ph. Block Address: Architect , hsrvg, Address: 4llg{- U,S, Hwr & , *{r0N ph. ceneral Description: Work Class: tuy'-Uew [ ]-AlteraXion W-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Accommodation Units: ^ )pnber and Type of Firepl^aces: cas Appliances ft * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . *.. lW P.;.9 / 5/";"uor-o"" v Gas Logs_ I{oodlpellet ********************************* Electrical Address: Contractor: Plunbing Contractor: Address: ** * * * ** * *** * * ** ******* *** *****!r* BUTLDTNG PERI.!iT FEE: PLUI'IBING PERMTT FEE: !,IECHANICAL PERMTT FEE: EIJCTRTCAL FEEs OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Phone Nuurber: Town of Vai] Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. No. Reg. NO. roR oFFrcE usE **********.***********.*,t******** lrPE RECREATIoN FEE: Stp ? 3 t CI.,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMfT FEES: ,,,. .j, . BUTLDTNG: SIGNATT'RE: ZONTNG: STGNAIIIRE: P_LgIprNG prAlr ,guli;il iffii.',,MECITAIITCAL PI,AN'CHECK FEE: CI.EA}I I'P DEPOSIT REPTIf,D TO: tE-s: .:',,,,ii:. 75 .oulh front g! rcld v!ll, coloredo 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: su&TECT: ottlce ol cornmunlty developm.nl ALL CONTRACTORS CURREMTLYL REGISTERED WIIIT TI|ETOWN OF VAIL TOtfN oF VAIL PUBLIC IVORKS/COMMITNITY DEVELOPIIENT !,'ARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sunma4r' ordinance No. 5 states that it is unlawfur for anyperson to ritter, rrack or deposit ;;t;;ir]-rLi, sand, debrisor naterial, i":t:g1ln trast-r burnpsters, portable toitets andworknen vehicles. upon any street^, ;ie;;"ik; -Iir-Ev or pubticprace or anv portiin tt"i""i.--itrg rigtrt-of-way on ar] Town ofVail streetl ind.Ig"g= is afproiinately s ft. off pavement.This ordinance wirr. be striElrv--enforced by the Town of VailPubric works Deoartment. --p"r=lnl rouna .ri6riri'i this ordinancewirl be siven a-za houi *rit[;;";"Ii""-to-;;;;;:'="id nareriar.fn the event the person so notified.does not comply with thenotice within *:__r1 frour tjne-Jpecitied, the puific WorksDepartment wirr remove said urateii"i-ii:irr"'""ilire of personnotified' The orovisions-or-tirrs orainance shitl not beapplicabre to cbnstruction, -r.ini"tr.nge or repair projects ofany street or alley or any uiiijii", in the right_a_way. _{o.5evi9w Ordinance.No. G in ful', please stop by the To}rn of:::i"3:il3i"g"Tf,i**:*"::""iiii" a copv. riani vou ror y-ur (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 roulh trontrgr rord Y!ll, colondo 81657(fi3'l 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 ottlcc of communlty d.yclopmqil BUILDING PERIiIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAtrtE If this permi.t requires a Town of vai] Fire Departnrent Approvar,Engineerrs (pubr ic ttlrl review .nJ -ipi,"ouur,' a irinnini'bepartmentreview or Heal th Departmint. review, -.ni'.-r.ui., Lv-iiil"iuii oi n9 3;riilH;.,h"lL: .'.i'uted time for a totar ;;;i;"-;";"Li!'i, r6ng Al'l commercia'r ('raroe or smalr ) and al'l murti-family permits willhave to folrow ihe Sbove ilii6";J-*ximum requirements. Residentia.land sma'll projects shourd tar<e i-ieiilr"amount of time. However, ifresidenti'a'l or smalrer.projects i;il;i the various above mentioneddepartments with reoard' to-nii"siiiy-""u.i"", these projects maya'l so take the three weef perloa. Every attempt will be nade by this departrnent to expedite thispenni t as soon as poss i b1 e. - sT PEtr I ('s r'rl I' the frame.. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time v 6or* /o,rc*- lYl Pro ject-Xalne Cormuni ty Devel ooment Departrnent. t TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9,1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMI.r'IS BEQUIRED fl,r+t vre,,, NN oE- fuer"rryP"1rr q-r1'-U t- Please answer lhe fotlowing quesitionnaire regarding lhe need for a 'Public Way Permit : 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performed thal requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls difierent access needed to site olher than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right ol way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a'Revocable Right Of Way permit' re.quired? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to bE used for staging, parking or fencing? B. tf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community. Development? !f19u- a19wer9d yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way permit" must be obtained.?ublic Way_ Permit' applications may be obtained at the public Work's ofiice or atC.o.T1u1'tf Development. lf you have any quesilions ptease call Charlie Davis, the Townof Vail Construction tnspector, at 479-215f, I have read and answered all the above ouoctinnc YES 0Y atvws NO L/ 4-- L.,/ and answered allthe aboye questions. Utt._ 1D,3034?t SV$CR OF PRSPEFT' N/UaE OF APPrr,Arr ADORE3S LEOAL DBSCRIPTbN O,F PROP€ffiY tO BE SCtRveDl aLoo(suEoryr'|oJ r., "fiitr,-rs.Fq6on s, Comar br Int6r tol lg9crlPtnl oF.srnuffi/PE fi ,rE|{s, ftiL rdaliovr);#. AUr6 21'.96 l2:21 N0.uua r.us N o+*h ao'a t //r1 " [ &" {-"^ I 7r't'..UeS Sn*lr r/+* 6 ?, n, i t1.ktco,^..*-f1 o( {n./z-, Co. BESTCOPY AIJAIUELE AppLrc^rtor FqilMrc[,r tE e rFEgr cn r^|r{TAsl A S;f, .#-aE 3'r ^ llDff'r. A#t (PlsttDOorgnt DAT€ vnlL Pugtlc u0R(s Eoa wdllrffi!dilr X ------T 5?^-*l' eaa-* I /( o l*,la Fa.*2<-t0 uJeo-f, elrdr trIrt r|l.it{ erolornor pqrt' n, rlTlrn."pr.1 rr &Dt rrcgrrlrourlnr|dcdl ru tlcjon(3llrd r-jnreonr o h ttluBl'rtffiy.[bt? aoporg aLb fr coar;atuirlt C- llo'l'.u ) ffiltt*caotrnQlP-EAnFe thd 5a errtr'f h.r.in l|tFrizlo Oo r.En riyr,t |o t|c hr{ l.Do,. ar.'aod. ffiili-.' r."*o tp.otrrr b n ,'*d Ilj!_:?qglg!.h. ro'" t|Illtllt|afl. r,ry- t. 2. t 3PfT]:=s;i!!b_1.r-nrrnr* I rg, ilf",f s,l - o'q.,r c.m rn:ll-gl" ,!n + {r oirro ro dr *; h;ild?E;; i. - n oo,rrrbqar. ryro! ry. lrlqlJr.lrF c. a orr ru i ir r*rcr,* rr .gg:llJ 11o3ryT- or J1drrl,, reroy.. o, nini,ifiiifrirft.",.fiffffr#k,,y#l$,iffi,Hfl ;s1d. lt1'th-.ryat of 0r #rL nrEGi'iri.rgrr & u, Jl -_rl"T? grtts trrs. ffidI 6rr oF f! rlrryr-rrr rs: o,g]_ln-!t}t cn + s r|enenrt fanO an gilorr,rh"i.'r;;3r. e, rs.r+.tsr:. .13 _a?Erq_t|lot b prcrf trd In-r!rl\ rt rb In cot, a gotc,' o. Doft|- ol::|ll"T-t ls ro r|r| T-tr Lt*tr olrrr", ocntroiini orl otfblsrr.rm.(t !t rhc grcn| nn enr n rrr errirrplr c mr-trc'r tam, drrsb ralcBc lh. T*n ot vd, r. otrcc6, re|arf ind rr*rr'liom f|y lu frailtt, cum. 6r|tr6. , s.|| or cr[- ol ai iaooer JLfa a, ot Jr|.$FfiLKi -" w liF ir'\rr tr- :r!. "r--EFErrFg$.ffi;r'lP|olra.irIni?.!!.rC ffi"ffi" -:=rr;rr: f,E -. --- 1EaAt firl zo'd 'tzl9-6v6 0z6 'aur sacrnosau p.raqdaqg doo:go 96-zz-6nv vilu pu8rtc uoRxs O I D :5034?92155 cuic 21 ',96 12 :22 No . o0g/ P .04 t. 7. L 9. t0. s&ille.n dgr{{f.q Dt lrsc' corl tro .rcrodnnrt u,too,,. tfrE " osrr'l rqnotr|'|'!trrg'Elo(r |nry b Gror..t r rr' rr t? rr;5 ot'd ;Iil t.nr Till ol vd' Tha L FL tr,*. r i. mtlr' r reoou' dirDoq d 3rr.lrf i[ian fn an rrr t*-rtf-norcr o rrry ttttdr !' r|idpfiil lrla d"rdd; dcrb nfrit bY trerin uos *' ao anolDdrr on |ha mfnol*rY.itl;;;;i.s i-rrrr oa i,r ssrgtlrr* aatr'ctc'l ot lgt'dull i' nol ;;;Fd; iafi n q+ r'o-iii -tt'ril r'tlbtd : t'''r' trt!' r'6 hrr n rt l b rrrr. r, nfr .gt-r ti goprQ-d om'lc oca ot '!non- nirc gr rrtrrt r erltt tlG n d|da Trdn #dttrrtercnfiilifr f drrr:nrdcrotr!'th'lt h bN .eeac$ut.gp.ddco.fic[: slnlqe Erb ffi- ttYI-Ztravw- 'l.ils so'd Tzll-6v6 0z6 '3uI sarrnosau p.raqdaq5 doo:€o ge-zz-6nv TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD r/^ TT a-n R16C?vrlLDt 97 0-47 9-2r38 E Iect ri ca t---> DRB Fee Investigation> UitL CaIt----> TOTAL FEES-_-> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit # : E9 6-0 19 5 Job Address Locati-on. . . Parcel No.. Project No. 9?1.O0 .00 .00 3.00 977 .OO 1278 VAIL VALLEY DR GOLF MAINTENANCE SHOP 2101-081-14-002 PRJ96-OOOB JLctLL|'b. . . Applied.. Issued... Expires. , I S SUED 08/20/ree6 oe /r0 /lee6 03 /0e /7ee7 owNER VAIL GOLF MATNTENANCE/TOV 75 S FRONTAGE RD, VAIL CO 8165? CONTRACTOR E C ELECTRIC, INC. P.O. BOX 3374, GRAND JUNCTTON, CO 81502 APPLICANT E C ELECTRIC P O BOX 3374, GRAND JUNCTION CO 81502 TotaI calcutated Fees---> Add'i t'i ona I tees---------> Tota I Permi t Fee--------> Paynent s-------- BALANCE DUE----- Phone: 970-241-3302 Phone t 9'70-24I-3302 50 / 800. 00 977 .00 .o0 977 .OO 977 .00 .00 Description: ELECTRICAL GOLF MAINTENANCE AND TEMP POvaluation: FEE SUHHARY rtEM: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Divisionl09/10/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR FOR ERNST CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQ'D TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE **********'t-***ff*!t**ffi****Sot**Jrt****ftt****J***Jr******************rr*Jr*rr*rdrrtJr*****tri(************rr**************#ffi****Lt** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowLedge that I have read this appIication, fiLted out in futL the information required, compteted an accurate plot plan, and state that atL the 'information provided as required is correct. I agree to compLy vith the intormation and pl.ot pLan,to cornply Hith al.l. Tovn ofdinances and state [aus, and to buitd this structure according to the Town's zoning and subd'iv'ision codes, design reviev apProved, Uniform BuiLding code and other ordinances of the Town appLicabl.e thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I4ADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPIIONE AI 479-2'l3E 0R AT OUR OFFICE FROtl 8:00 Att 5:00 PH **************************************************************!r* TOWN OF VArL, coLoRADO Statemnt ***************i.************************************************ StatennL Number: REC-O197 AmounL:977.00 09/L0/96 15:09o/ InPalzment Method: CK Notation: #1302 nit: cD Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 896-0195 TYPe: 2101-081-14-002 1278 VAIL VALTEY GOLF MAINTENANCE B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT DR SHOPTota] Fees: 9'17.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES TEMPORARY POWER PERMITS VJILL CAIL INSPECTION FEE 977,00 977.00 .00 **************************************************************** Amount 924.00' 50.00 3.00 ,,..,,,,., [g,1.,j",r;0. 1l:,fi,,.t+-\ t70rrrrt9.4-, ', n-lq-,r Ec ELECrRIcuLp ui:lb 16 :11 Ns ,00g r Slj *jr*-t,"t Eagle c.,un;il;::'ru;"..""-:"" -" "-'-"'-'rr uu 16:11 No 1 ;;-rfo-liallslo for'parcct #. Tol{lt oF vArlr coust:Ruc,$roN PERNTT il--- I PAIICEL f I 2101'081-14-002 PIRHI1 A9PLIC3TI6N FORI{5--"" "-- ulrsr- e7elet--. - " W-o6og bgtr-oor3 , ApptlcATrox Hnsr EE FrLxiED otrT qoHpLEEEtY oR It HAt hrOT BE ACCEFTED Irrrr*********rrri****rirrt**** PERHIT IFFARHATION t*******i*t********lt*tr.t**iat-t J-Eulldlng t l-PlBnblng IxE'-Elecerleet I f -l,techanl-oal [ ]-othEx Ixigal Deeoriptlohr l,ot owDerE Nane: Archlgedb! Ftsher ArchiLects Etoo:r_ Ftl lng Addtagst ?5 5, Frontage Road p1.479-2136 _ Plr.g- gsnersl Daecriptlon: oero apa.rebq*d :,s41 squale fee.! 1E41P ?du/Ea ,, - I{or}<C1aes:[]-Nar.,0Ct).AIterr!lontnl.ndd|tlonalt]inepatrl]-othe:- Nunrber of Dw6111n9 UnLte ! __,.N,linbttl gf Acconltoaadlon unltai - rnber and Typa of F1rel)taceEs Cta Appltanora.__ GrE L€EE_ woodr/Dellet_ Contf actor I Heudel-Allisr'o CoustructicnAddrEEs: 13i BeTrctga* Rpad, Avon;m TGqI: _ Addfegst P.0. Box 3374. Grand JunctlsE BUTLDINC FERHIT TEEs PLUI.IBING PERHIt FEE: MECT{,4NTCATJ PDRlITtr FEEs EIJECTRICAI FEE! OTHE:R TYPE OF rEEs DRB FEE| Tor{rn of vall ReE, N0,--- Phone Hu.u\bsri 545-g4e '- Tsrdn of valt Reg. noJ6)-E Phons flunberr giotZtt-1ffi ToI'n of vatl RBg. No. Phol16 Nunbgt: Tovn pf veil Phone Nunberl Rrg, HO. r*r****trrri *r*********r*******l 80R OFffCE USE t!r*r*a**t******trir*r****t**r*r BUITDING EI..ATI CITECK FEE: PLIJT'IEINE PLhJr CHECK rEEt UECHA}IICAIJ PI'AN CIIECK FEEI .RECREiTION FiEt CI.IAN-UP DEPOSTT; TOE},'., PERI{IT FEES ! BUILDIIC! 6T0NA$'RE! Z, ONIHC: sIGTIIIIJREI .Plunrblng Cohtrectort _ ?.Addrerei ---_.<_ Mechcnleal Contractor: 7. Addrceet % -.-tr--- !-t-rrr-- Connentc i oil*r"r*r oF coMMLNrrY DEvELot "tTOVTN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E97-0003 Job Address: 1278 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status . . . : FINAL Location.....: VAIL GOLF COURSE MAINTENCE BUILDING Applied . . : 0l/1611997 Parcel No...: 2101081 14002 Issued . . : ProjectNo : Expires. .: 01105/2000 APPLICAIIT E C EITECTRIC, INC. O1/16/L997 Phone: 97O-24L-3302 P.O. BOX 3374 GRAIilD ,JUNCTION, CO 81502 License: 262-E AIso is CONIRACTOR coNrRAcToR E C ET,ECTRTC, rNC. 01/L6/L997 Phone: 97O-241-33O2 P.O. BOX 3374 GRAIID .JI]NCTIO}T, CO 81s 02 License z 262-E Also is Applicant owNER TOWN OF VAIL, t FINAI{CE DF.P?&.O1/L6/L997 Phone: 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIIJ CO 8L657 License: Desciption: INSTALLNEW FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Vafuation: 52,420.00 **t *a't tt't t't *t*tt l t'l l t:l t't't t* **'t:t * *a Electrical-------> S54 - oo Total Calculated Fees-> $57 .00 DRB Fee-------> s0. oo Additional Fees-----> $0 . 00 lnvestigalion--> S0. 0O Total Permit Fee-----> $5? .00 Will Call-----> $3 - OO Payments---._-----'> $5?.00 TOTAL FEES--> $s?.00 BALANCE DUE----> S0.00 Approvals:Iiem: 05000 ELECTRICAL DEPARI'I{ENI oL/L9/2ooL JRI4 Action: AP Item: O5600 FIRE DEPART!,lEilflf 07/09/1999 iIEFF_A Action: APPR fd approves plans l *t++ttl 'l:l l **:r **t CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: CON0003073 A]-,I-, FIRE ALARM TESTING WAS COMPI-,ETED ATiID SPECIFIC PROBLEMS WERE SOLVED BY LIFE SAFETY S FIRE AIJARM IS ON-IJINE A}ID APPROVED BY FIRE DEPT. *+,t++|.'*.||+.t,'.:|.:t*.:,i.lt*:|+t*|l.'*t:}*t|i:.|**t}t'|!t*l'.+.'t|i|||'t..'}.lt'.|*.++.l*'t:tl.*.|':l.*:|*:|:}:t**||.+...|t|i**t**.'*.**.*|l DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, nrotnon and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQIJESTS FOR INSPECTIoN SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTORFOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF * * 'l * * * * * * * * * * * t '1. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * f * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * + ** TOWN OF VAIL, COIORADOCopy Reprinted on 09-10-2002 at 15:33:59 09/1012002 Statement ** *****+ * * * +l' 't *+ +'3dr*********'i{r**** * * +*** * t ** *** **** t ****** * * *{' * + + +{' * ***+***** * * *** ** + *** **** Statement Nudber: REC-0243 Amount: $57.00 OL/20/L99711 :59 AM Palment Method: CHECK Init: CD Notation: #12865 Permit. No: E97-0003 1\4)e: EIJECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 210108114 002 Site Address: 1278 \TAIL VALIJEY DR VAIL I,ocaLion 3 VAIIJ GOI,F COI]RSE II,IAIMTENCE BUILDING Total Fees: $57.00 This Payment: $5?.00 Total ALL Pmts: $57,00 Balance: $0.00 ** t * | *+** *+ * * * ** * * * *****f* * ** +i+* + +*{r'}+ + *'} f* *t *t*+ + t +*** ** ** * * * *+ {. + * t* * **** +* * *+***f* * * * * * ** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Curnent Pmts EP OO1OOOO31114OO TEMPOMRY POhJER PERMITS hIC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 54.00 3.00 .p E /o,*-* DEVELO APPLICANT COMMERCIAL DESIGN ENGINEERING,LT Phone:p.o. Box 2440t coLoRADo spRrNGs, co 80901" CONTRACTOR COMMERCIAL DESIGN ENGINEERING,LT Phone: P.O. BOX 2440t COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80901 O TNER VAIL GOLF MAINTENANCE/TOV 75 S FRONTAGE RD, VAIL CO 81,657 Description: MECHANICAL GOLF MAINTENANCE ADD Fi rep lace Infornation: Restnicted:#0f Gas App[ i ances: *rt*ffirffieHr*rffiJt*ffit**ffi **ffi ffi **i***ffi **t F E E SU itARy llechani ca [---> Pl,an check---> Invest i gation> tli Ll. cal.t----> ffitffi ffi *rnttffi ft *i***ffi *trtffiffi rffirrhF#r*i**rtffi ffi * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * rr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DECLARATIONS l_hereby acknowtedge that I have read.this appl,icat'ion, fiLted out in ful,l, the information required, compteted an accurate ptotplan, and state that atI the information provided as required is cornect. I agree to compty riith tire iniornation and ptot itan, TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 Job Address. . . Location Parcel No..... Project Number Mnp'r,o Io- Lg- Ab a DEPARTMENT OF' COMMUNITY NOTE: THIS PERM]T MUST BE POSTED ON MECHANICAL PERMIT PMENT JOBS]TE Permit AT ALL TIMES M9 6-0 12 9 ]-278 VAIL VALLEY DR GOLF MAINTENANCE SHOP 21,01-081-74-002 PRJg 6-0008 Status. . . Applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . Valuation: APPROVED o8 /20 /lee 6 08/22/Lse6 02/18/tee7 Restuarant Ptan Revieu--> DRB Fee-------- TOTAL fEES-----1/ 103.00 #of Gas Logs: .00 Totat Catcutated fees---> 7 L9 /390-O595 7L9 /390-0595 43,455 . 00 fof wood/Pa t Let: 1 ,103.00 -00 1 ,103.00 .@ 1 ,103.00 EEo.00 220.00 .00 3.00 ITem: .O51OO BUILD]NG DEPARTMENT08/22/1996 DAII Action: APPRItbm:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTI.,IENT08/22/1996 DAN Action: APPR Additionat Fees--------> TotaL Permit Fee--------> Paynents------- BALANCE DUE---- Dept: BUILDINc Division: DepI: FIRE Division: 1.2.3. 4. 5. 6. 7. CONDITION OF APPROVAL FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.qQuBusTroN ArR rs REQUTRED pER SEC. 607 OF THE 199L nMC.I\ISTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES TIISfNOCTTOT.TS_fuIOTO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC.GAS APPLTANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 ANDFE4!!-TEBMTNATE AS SPECTFTED rN SEC.906 OF THE 1S91 ulAC-.-agqEss To HEATTNG EQUTPMENT MUST eOl{pr,y Wrrn--snc.5Os-ello703 0F THE 1991 UMC; EqII,EBS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTTBLE CONST.qNI,_EF-9-L,ISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLoORTNC.DBAIN GE OF MECHANTCAL ROOMS CONTATNTNG nUAtrNG On'nOr-wArnR$qPPLI BoILER9 SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DNEiW DNN SEC_.2119 0F THE 19 9 L rrMC to ci$ty'nidtr rtt Tosn ordin.ncls ."a .X tavs, and to build this structurr .""o"ainito thc To!rn'3 zoning and eubdivision codas, dcsign nevian approrcd, Uniforr Bui tding Codc .nd othrn ordinrncca of thc Tosn lPpl,ic.bte thcrcto. RECTESTS tOR IIISPECTICIS SII LL BE IIADE TllEilil-FollR HOURS lll ADVAI{CE BY TE|EPI{OIE AT 479-2138 0R AT oUR OFFICE FROII 8:d) All 5:00 Pr SIGNATURE OF OTINER OR COITRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OIII{ER loilT/s8 TEU 14:28 FAx 9702481016 Connerclal Desl8n @ ool FAX NUMBER GRAND JUNCnON (970) 245-1015 FAX NUMBER COLORADO SPRINGS (7le) 3s0€44E FROM: RIIONDA COLE DATE: lotlrtsi FAX TO: TOWN OFVAIL NAME: CHARLIE DAVIS FAX NUMBER: g7u47g.i2#2 PROJECT: VAIL GOLF COURSE TOTAL PAGES (INCLUDING COVER SHEET): 1 REFERENCE: BREAKOUT OF PRICING FORPLUMBING & XIECHANIGALWORK. HVAC: grl3,tl55.00 ET . PLUMBTNG $33,045.00 RK BEING DONE. SIGN Aqo' 5a ztto DEITAPIACE Oq.onADoS*fiNGS, @ gn10 P.o. BOX 2{/m, CON.(XADO SFnnrcS, CO S![1 oFFICE ptlOl€: 719l!t9Xl555 FAIG 719/390{&lt 1OO3 WINfERS AVENUq GRAND N,JNCTION, CO 81501 P-O- BOX 24rE, GRAIID JUlrcnON, CO 81502 oFFICE PHOmr9TO / 245lO595 FA)c 97O / 245.1015 d_" Comnercial Deeign Engineering, Ltd. Mechanical Contractors October 18, 1996 TOWNOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAI) VAIL, COLORADO 81657 Phone: 970479-2138 ATTN: CHARLIE DAVIS RE: PERMITPAYMENT Serial Letter # 11 Dear Charlie: Attached please find a checck for the amount needed for the plumbing portion only- the mechanical payment will be sent at a later date. Please call with any questions you may have. r': QlL,ir I J I :tlti ii: 'ULti, ttt-i l' 1OO3 WINIERS AVENTJE, GAAND JI,JNCTTON, CO EIsOI p.o. Box 2418, GRAND JIJNCTION, CO 81502 OFFICE PHONE: 97O / 2454595 FA)(: 97O / 245-LOl5 Thanks for your assistance. e_f,-r L\--(--,n-l-\"---f)onr,.,! pc.--\K- Klr( Ds-.^---s,*Ufu-G'Ar- | D(a 2-6 L'3t (( o d cc--a-j--'-<'/-q\--- o Ah' a!-- J t9-Q- Po-Y-6s,ubb:ea-- T -L:uL;\ +..r "s14"-- bon- a Qr& oP Pr^;+ o5fu,r- @ v:oa-"rrr+ o( ru*^"* 2710 DELTA PrACE COI.oRADO SPRItifGS. CO gt lO P.O. BOX 24i0, CI)II)RADO SPRINGS. CO Sn Ol OFFICE PHONE 719l39OO555 FA)ft 719139194118 o lD_ te _za () ;:': c<tu1an,j6 VAJ . CaBare;- )L6 ulfTug t*Cortr-act: llag,I c CounEy Asa€sEorg Of flce ftr*ilfil1W6P:Wit-t \Hlr ;g -Other Job NanqtArT. c0r,F cqVRSE Job ACCra66; 1278 vArL VALLEY DR. I-€gaI oercription3 lpt alock_ Orrners lf$oE: SfllPHERD RESO,URCE INc.Addrees: ryffi?g, ??A?- Archltect:FISHER ARCHITECTS Addreeg: BOX 641 VAIL, CO 81620 P:n.949-5624\ ^General DeecrlptLon: 6aLF 6n(r tlnrrrrr:ruar,(d fi*C.rlt rr/./"\./\worX Clasg: p(l-lev [ ]-Altcratlon I t-Aildltlonal [ ]-R6pair I l-other_ I UIIN UT \/H I L LUIYI-IJL.V I D : JUJ-4 ( Y- 1452 SEP 09'95 7671Jtr Fax Note il;;;;;-- e'r..',!evr..G'rr _ Tosn of vail Reg. NO.Phone Nurnber: Nunber of Drelll.ng unlta; tfuuber ot Aacontiodadlon unl.ta: _\/\Nnnber and TvDo of Fl,replaceE: 6as Anpllance"lyf, Gae tagsn,/* woodr/peltutr!.Lv w; t A t?.1:::.::.#1i?k::.4Hffi;T;;:;:.ff.:...:...-..fr-rrrirr****ttf**trl BUILDfNG: I ^iff""iiilildG='=< il?ffi:lf:l_ i3iil; F-Y'---_ ,I;:::iTlii:#ll;.ffiffifiilirp,s6frg6RBrTmoR{ArroN-:..:*::.::::.:::".:1i1i:.:* ...i'r......1-_D *!l:::? "r"f&ilo"ror"fr,* I:ll "-! v.ar.r Ree. no.z#)..p.rvvJ wrrr r tir\rr ,r1 vr, (r.J. uu a1qn.l Town o! VaLl Res. no.219.-1:Phone Nurnbc.ri 91O-2454i9Fr I'lechanlcal Address: Contractoy; SAME AS PLUMBING BUTLDING PER}ITT FEE: PIJUUBING PERITTIT FEE: MECHF{TCAIJ PERMXT FEE; EI-.ECIRICAL FEE: OTTIER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: COMMERCIAL DESIGN ENG. I.oun 63 ValI Reg. No.lqz-ryPhone Nuuber: **********ri*****tr**t*c*r*i****FOR oFFrcE usB r*rr****i*rr*rtrr**rrr*r*rriirr* EUII,DING PTAN CHECK FEE: PII'UBIITG ?IAlg CITECK FEE: I,IECTIA}TTCAIJ PI.nN cEBcx gEE: .RECREATIOI| FEE: CIEAII-UP DEFOSII: 8C'IAT/ PERI{IT FEE6: BUTLDTNG: EIGNATURE: ZONTNG: STGNATURE: ceneral DescriPtion: ;::':i":::1]:;';X-'*:'-'X-ouui.i::]::",::]'.:".l.l"".l"'=dornrnoaation Unj'ts: I | -.4-Nunber o f,Ac+ Nurnber of Dwelling Units: : Np:nber and Tlpe of, Fireplaces: Gas ApPliancesJfi! t'r ,,..r,.r*l******:t € tttood/eeLhet:/ ('^^. .p "$a,iT*sr,EcrRrcArJ: l4 i3[il; ilurror*c, lV!t"*, ME.HANT.A Lt r-:2g@- '0-4t2. Electrical contractot' *C AW E Phope Nunber: I prrrru:.ng contractgrt Phone Nurnber: rown of vSil'Res' No''//Z-// Mechanical contractot' /rffi Phone NunJcer: il;;;i-; PERlril I::: iiuniiNe lqI.:.HE^:5it*'3lffiiiH 'eriuiii-!nn-:-- iliE'riiHiEoi-tr'atr cHEcK FEE: iriiiie*icer, pERMrr FEE: , iscREArroN_FEE:'ii.i'irniiel, FEE: 6iiin-iiFe oF FEE: DRB FEE: iiiiilt!|.-' --' ' '' - '-rzt "'--" rown or vair Res. no.,#f,-f se.FT.iler,uartotl BUII,DING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: REnnfDCTEAN IIP DEPOSIT , -D*D&*i*r_Dro: Nar YET TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Yail" Colorado 81657 970-479-2t3V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 D e p arune nt of C ommuniry Deve Io pme nt C O1\{I\! TINITY DEVI! L OPMENT FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET FROM: DATE: ro, R+loruOA coMPAI'rYNAl'G' C D E FAXTELEpHoNE NvxlgJl'n 17o- TtlS - tdt5. lo - 16 rn,E // trvt/l # oF pAcEs rN DoCUMENT(S) (NOT TNCLUDING COVER SHEEr)-----lz-- tt/ RESPONSEREQLTIRED? AT) nSENTBY: )WL TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FAX#: (970) 479-2452 TOWN OF VAIL COMIV{UMTY DEVELOPMENT TELEPHONE #: (97q a7q-2138 SPECIAL COMMENTS AND NOTES:PHo* ott , l*€Lz r: r*L 4utrc Sn r-c L.J4-.71 ru6 tr-€-\*E Lequeffi)o ,q'Yn h Co"rft2r4lnnr:nl 6F U,+utr> FoL B"-- Fcrrrlg. /T,-1" t0 yVL Ectfi^r t (vK-. Vo:, tl"+ut- Q,resns,n-r3Ws { Cna. y\A€- u (firttlwtx {S ^tn""ro r.ur"q7e-&rq3 TOIYN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Departrnent oJ C ommuniry Deve lopment COMMI.]NITY D EVEL OPMENT FAX TRANSMITTAL SIMET TO: COMPA]TIYNAME: FAX TELEPHONE NIJI\{BEB FROM: DATE:TIME: # OF PAGES IN DOCUMENT(S) (NOT INCLUDING COVER SHEET)- RESPONSE REQLIIRED? SENT BY: TOWN OF VAIL COMMUMTY DEVELOPMENT FAX#: (9701479-2452 TOWN OF VAIL COMI{UNITY DEVELOPMENT TELEPHONE #: (e70) 479-2138 SPECIAL COMMENTS AND NOTES: {S "tn'r"rr rut^ tutlJl\'UT ViIL UUI'I-]JE.V IU:JUJ-4(Y-Z4JZ il routh trcnr.gt r[(t r|ll, color.do rt!3t(roq 479-21,38 or 679-2139 TO: FROllr DATE: guBxECT: f*g4" sLP U9',9b l5:54 No,UUb r.Ur r'' BUo'Dat?, ord:tnanca No- 5 Etates that tt is unlawlur for anypeDtoh to rltter, track or aep""rt- iny-e"ir]-"Jli, sand, debrleor rnaterlal, rncrudlng trasft-ipet"r", portabre tollctg andnorkmen vehlcles-upon.lny ctrret', s!,dorralk, alley or publlcilii";;.:ll Hft"n ticieoi:--iha rlsht_oi_;;t-a" a' rown of rhia ;;ii;;;;' ;tii:!i- ::,i:8il.:'#*ll'"f.;":';.*;:?"iii, -' Pubrlc |rorks oeoartuiit. --p"iiinl rouno "i6fJ[f"i thts ordlnanceulrr be Etven a 24 hour ,ri;;;;-;"tiee-t"-;;;;;;rr"rd naterlal.In the evcnt thc pereon go notlfied doee not-Eirpiy wlth thenoticE srthin trrg__21 triui-tli"-iieclclca, ue puLric rforksDeprrtment ulrl renor- sard uateiiai-ii-q,;';ra;;" of personnotifled' Thc orovi"roii-dr-Iirl oratnance shirr not beappllcabre to c-onstn ciron, -riliEen"nga o-r repair projecte ofany atraet or alley oE any utfiiires fn the right-a_way- lo rerrlcw'rdlnancre.No- 6ln full, pr-aae stop bf ths ?or.rtr of:ili"1:til*"g"tf,i*nt.:i""iili" r copy. rirani you ror y-ir ctilca ol co|hmunlv dcrrlopmrnt lI{,_ cOlllR[cToRS CITRRE]|III,YL RlcrslERED rdrmr t[rEtolclr OF vAu. lfot{N oF vAtL puBr{c roRKs/COtOtUtfIty DEI|EIOPUENT I{ARCH 16, 1988 cor{stRuelroN pNucING t ]|ATERIAL SfoRAGE (i.e. contractor, orrrrer) d.," Commercial Deeign Engineering, Ltd. Mechanical Contractors September2T, 1996 TOWNOFVAIL (COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ) 75 S, FR,ONTAGE ROAD vArL, coLoRADO 81657 Fax: 970479-2452 ATTN: Mary Caster RE: Permit Application Serial Letter # 7 Dear Mary, Attached is the portion of the permit needed from ow company, the remaining pages which were attached have been filled out by the General Contractor ( Mendel Allison Construction) in Avon, their address and phone number are filled out on the application. Please contact our oflice upon issuance of the permit number so a check can be over-nighted to you immediately. Please call with any questions you may have (G.J. ofFrce listed below.) Thanks for vour assistance. Tom Vagell 27rO DELTA PIACE, COT.oRADO SPnItrlGS, C() $910 P.O. BOX 24O. COLORAIX) SPRINGS. OO 8GDT OFF|CE PHOM: 719 / 39X)555 FAX: 719 / 39G944a 1OO3 WINTERS AVEIIUE, GEAND JTJNCTION, CO 8T5OT P.O. BOX 241a. GRAND Jt NCTION. CO 41502 OFFfCE PHOhfE: 97O / 245{595 FAX: 97O / 245-l0l5 T0WN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 D epartment oJ Communiry D eve lopment COMMUMTY DEVELOPMENT FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET Conrrreecro+c DEsrel Ent(o . FAXTELEPHONE NUITBBN, 97O _ FROM: Q: to wn Ern # oF pAcES rN DOCUMENT(S) (NOT TNCLUDING COVERSHEST>--+- *- SPECIAL COMMENTS ANI Pae^, ts qto?.L T,rc- V+.us3 f, cL€)42- -t RESPONSE REQURED? AIZd^ oSENTBY: JitIAA L TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT FAX#: (.970) 479-2452 TOWN OFVAIL COMIVIUMTYDEVELOPMENTTELEPHONE #: (970)479-2138 oPrUwa.4 fifrurD Fo? ? Tlltstr 'tueil 7l -Tbr€. G,C,' C-n4.- ED B,cc, {4 nPPffiL\ uttu"lCOMMENTS ANDNOTES:Azc- t r€trd tvLL -1-ifi.^16 S OP 97o -./7 ? - {g rtr"oto rur* 2tu/3 MENDEL-ALLISON STRUCTION o CON I37 BENCTIMARK ROAI) P.O. BOX 2l-746 GOMMENTS: iDan. I irar rorr.onr"rcetlon whh Tim Kehoe of Shephefil Rcsources, here is a list end dollar arnount of the major lpermittirE srrtrenntraclorc for the above proiec-t' l"rnr,", cont€cton Mrndel-Alison consrrucjion, Inc. license 33&B) varue: $500,000. I lBcorncaf: Eo Elcdric voluc: t50.800' iFlrc sprltthlct'-. AFG/Mesr veluc: $24,423' I I luaat an,ort & ptumDlng: Cornntetciul Design Enginccring value: 979'500' l.-, .**. *n uiha Mccee wnh resards.ro tnp nr.o]!_d^-1c.1^::"1'l:'*l^i:,.Tl1to'"'" on hb cnd oe hong as we ptsn on suUmitting tprin*f.irnop Cra'wi.{g_sjtnJ n *iil b€ a complet€ dry system' lwill being lspeaking $rith him aqrin on'iLr-rsdii mo,ning, ff tn!ru are an' questions, or anythitrg I carr do to helP tho 'orocess along, Please call. Thanl(s, It-^- o PIIONE: FAX: (970) E45-0466 (e7o) 84s-046s AVON, COLORADO FAXCOVERSHEET O: Dan Stanek COMPANY: Town of Vall lrX #: 479'2462 FROM: ChristoPher Evans RE: Vail Gotf Course Malntenance Facility DATE: 20'AuE 96 AGES:1 (including this cover iChrir Evanc Commercial Decign Engineering, Ltd. d.,"Mechanical Contractors ,lr)q il'Nqb' October24, 1996 TOWN OFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAI) VAIL, COLORADO 81657 27IO I'ELTA PIACG" COLORAIN SPRNreS, CO gDlO P-O. BOx 24lP, C(XI)RAIX) SPRINGS, CO gx)Or OFFICE PIIONE: 719 / 39X)555 FAX: 719 / 39(}*148 Serial Letter # 14 RE: VAIL GOLF COURSE MAINTENAI{CE FACILITY Subj: PERMIT Dear Charlie, Attached for your use, please find a check written for the mechanical permit for above referenced project. Please call G.J. offrce lisred below with any questions you may have. IOO3 WINTERS AVENI.JE. GNAND JI.'NCTION, CO 8I5OT P.O. BOX 24T8, GRAND JI,JNCTTON. CO E15O2 OFFICE PHONE: 97O / 245-0595 FAX: 97O / 245-l0l5 Thanks for vour assistance. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 Job Address... Location Parcel No..... Project Number 1.278 VAIL VALLEY DR GOLF COURSE MAINTENCE 2101-081--14-002 PRJg6-0008 Status. . . FACILITYAppIied.. Issued... Expires. . DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M96-0151 I S SUED oe/23/Lse6 to /r. /Lse 6 o4/oe /ree7 APPLICANT AUTOMATIC FIRE GROUP INC Phone: 303-425-0464 4894 vAN GORDON STREET, SUITE # 304, WHEATRTDGE, CO €0033 CONTRACTOR AUTOMATIC FIRB GROUP INC Phone z 303-425-0464 4894 vAN GORDON STREET, SUITE # 304, WHEATRTDGE, CO 80033OWNER TOWN OF VAIL * FINANCE DEPARTMEN 75 S FRONTAGE RD, VAIL CO 81657 Description: FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM Fi reptace lnformation: Rest ri cted: l'lechan i ca [---) Ptan check---> Investigation> Iti L l, Ca I t----> #of Gas Apptiances: 500.00 Restuarant P lan RevieH-->'125.00 DRB Fee--------.oo ToTAL t EES----- 3.00 .00 Totat Catculated Fees--->.00 Additionat Fees--------->62E.00 Totat Permit Fee--------> Payments------- Valuation: dof Gas Logs: 24 ,432 .00 fof Uood/Pa L l,et: *************lt***ir**************************************** FEE SUf'lllARY ********ff*********t************ff******lr***************** 626.00 .o0 628.00 628.00 *******|H(***lHl***********i*****r.****#*************rr**********ti**********************illlili-lli;;;;;;;;;ii**i***********ill?*** IlS{ri ,951q0_9qIIJDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDTNG Division:09/23/I996 CHARTIE Action: APPR N,/AIIem:'.O56qO_T]B DEPARTMENT DepI: FIRE Division:09/.23/.1996 CHARLIE AcEion: NOTE PLANS TO FrRE-DEi'i'--10'/11'/1996 CHARLIE Acrion: AppR JoHN AppRovED LO/It/96 CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. ADD PERMIT NUMBER M960151 TO PLANS.DOLI-,AR AMOUNT FOR MECH. MUST BE INCLUDED ON APP.opTIoN FOR FLOOR MOUNT COMPRESSOR WITH FILTER/DRYER rNCL ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS r.hefeby acknovtedge that r have read-this application, fil,ted out in ful,l, the information required, compLeted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atl the information provided as required is conrect. r agree to compty riith tire information and pl,ot il,an,to comPty with atl' Town ordinances-and state taws, and to buil,d this structure according io-the Town,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, Uniform BuiLding code and other ordinances of the town afpticabLe thereto. REoUESTS FoR INSPECTIoNS SHALL 8E I'IADE TIIENTY-FoUR HoURs IN ADvANJtq BY TELEPHoNE AI 479-?138 OR AT oUR oFFrcE FRolt E:OO A 5:OO pfi SIGNATURE OF OI,INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII.ISELF AND OI,INER o *************************** o *********** Statemnt ************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0220 Amount: Payment Method: CK Notationz #L494 L4.20 LO/22/96 12259rnit: cD Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Palrment Account Code 01 0000 4t33201 0000 41336 Total Fees:14.20 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE M96-0151 Type: B-MECH MECHANTCAL PERMTT 2101-081-t4-002 1278 VAIL VALLEY DR GOLF COURSE MAINTENCE FACILITY *********** ******** ***** * ***** ***t {. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 628.00 628.00 .00 Anount 11.20 3.00 oo * * * * * * * * *.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **************************************************************** t"'************************** TOWN OF VArr.,, COLORADO Statemnt Nunber: REC-0218 Amount: Payment Method: CK Notation: #1455 ******** Statemnt 513.80 I0/15/96 08:58Init: CD M96-0151 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT 2101-081-L4-002 1278 VAIL VALLEY DR GOLF COURSE MAINTENCE FACILITYTotal Fees:613.80 Tota] ALL Pnts: Balance:**************************************************************** PermiL No: ParceL No:Site Address: Location: This Paynent Account Code 01 0000 4t3t2 01 0000 41332 Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES 628.00 613 . 80 14.20 Amount s00.00 113 . 80 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2r38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE! THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOB S ITE PermitPLUMBING PERMIT AT ALL TIMES P9 6-0131#: APPLICANT COWERCIAL DESIGN ENGINEERINGP.O. BOX 2440, COLORADO SPRINGS, CONTRACTOR COMMERCIAL DESIGN ENGINEERINGP.O. BOX 2440t COLORADO SPRTNGS, Job Address Locati-on. . . Parce1 No..Project No. 1278 VAIL VALLEY DR GOLF MA]NTENANCE SHOP 2101-0 81-]-4-002 PRJg6-0008 co 80901 co 80901 Status. . . Applied.. Issued.., Expires. . Phone:. 9719- I SSUED 08 /20 / lee 6 t0/18/ree6 o4 /L6 / 7ee7 390-0s95 Phone: 97)-9-390-0595 OWNER VAIL GOLF MAINTENANCE /iIOV75 S FRONTAGE RD, VATL CO 81657 Description: PLUMBING GOLF MAINTENANCE ADD Valuation:33, 045 . 00 ********************fi***tr***ff**Jr******************t**** F EE SUt4l.lARy ****i*t****************************ff********************* P tumb i ng-----> Ptan Check---) Invest igat i on> tli l, L cat t----> 510.00 127.50 .00 Restuarant Ptan Revie|r--> TOTAL FEES----- .00 Total Catcutated Fees---) 640.50 AdditionaL Fees---------> Totat Permit Fee--------> theIa t_o comp(y with the infornation information requi red, compteted an 640.50 640.50 640.50 fte.m: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT08/20/1996 DAN Action: AppR Dept: BUILDING Division: ***************************************#*********************************rti****************************************************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE *******i****************H********************id*********ff****i****************t************************************************ DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoytedge that I have read this appLication, fil,l,ed out in fuu,ptan. and state that att the information provided as required is correct.to compty with al.l, Town ordinances and state taus, and to buitd this stcodes, design review approved/ Uniform Buil,ding Code and other ordinang accufate plot and pl,ot p Lan/ subdivi sion REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I1ADE TI{ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY SIGNATURE OF OI,]NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HITISELF ot the T .o),**************************************************************r.* TOWN OF VAIL, COTORADO Reprinted: t0/Zl/96 15:06 Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0220 Anount: Payment Method: CK Notation: #56143 540.50 I0/2I/96 15:05rnit: cD This Payment ********************************************************r.******* Permit NoParcel NoSite Address Location Account Code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 41332 01 0000 4t336 P96-0 131 Type: B-PLMB 2101-081-74-002 1278 VAIL VALLEY DR GOLF MAINTENANCE SHOP PLUMBING PERMTT Total Fees:640.50 Total ALL Pmts: BaLance: Descript,ion PIJUMBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 640.50 640 .50 .00 Amount 510.00 L27 .s0 3.00 REPT I31 A3/ 13/97 , O6 :5.3 Activity: AddreEs: Lou-at i on: Jrarce I : Descr i pt i on : Appl icant: Owner: Cont naet or" : M96-lalP9 3/L3/97 Type! B-MECH Status: ISSUED 1878 UAIL VALLEV DR BOLF MAINTENANCE SHOF' e101-Urgl*14-AA? TOI^|N OF VAIL, trULURADO REOUESTS FT]R INSPECTION WORK SHEETS Occ: FI€CHANICAL BOLF FIAINTENANCE NDD CBMFIERCIAL DESIGN ENGINEERINGT LT Phone: VflIL GOLF MAINTENANCE/TOV Fhone: COMMERCIAL DESIGN ENGINEERING' LT Fhone: FOR:3/13/97 U5e: 718/39ra-rasg5 719 /39er-0595 F.AGE 3 AREA: CF Constrl AtrOM Inspect i on Request Requeston: Jin Req Time: 01:0O Itens r"equest ed to 66390 MECH-Final Information... Comnentsl HVAC be Inspected. . F,hone: JEA-OEqI0| Aql-ion- cg Tine Exp Inspect ion Histony. .. .. It em : ArAa0@ MECH-Rough AL/34/97 Inspectorr DS Actionr Notes: B-VENTS pENETRATING OCCUtrRNCY tall31./97 Inspector: DS Action: Itern: 6Ae4A trLMB-Gas tripingItem: et0glO MECH-Heat ing It em: 00390t FTECH-Exhaust HoodsIten: 0033ra MEEH-Supply Air Iten: 46340 MdCH-Misc. Item : CtO390 MECH-Final DN DENIED SEF.ARATION hJNLLS APPR B-VENTS NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT JOBSITE AT Permit V u,l +Vt- 0 urcal f' ALL TIMES #: 895-0393 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479 -2 I 3 8/479-2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 Job Address:Location...: Parce1 No..:Project No.: Development ISSUEDtt/02/tees tL/08 /tees05/06/tee6 D ep artment of Community 1278 VAIL VALLEY DR Status. . . VAIL GoLF CLUB .MAINTENANCAppLied. .2101-081-L4-002 Issued. .. Expires. . APPLICANT DAVID BRENNAN P.O. BOX 1574, CONTRACTOR DAVID BRENNAN P. O. BOX 1.57 4 ,OWNER TOhIN OF VAIL T75 S FRONTAGE Description: TRASH ENCLOSURE MASONRY, INC. AVON, CO 8162 81620 MASONRY, rNC. AVON, CO 8162 81620 FINANCE DEPARTMEN RD, VAIL CO 81657 Phone z 970-476-2240 Phonel 970-476-224O TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up Deposit Refund Occupancy: Tlpe Construction: Type Occupancys Valuation: Fireptacr lnfortration: Rcstficted: Not in 1-HR Type V approved amount date Add sq Ft: flof Gss Logs: .00 .00 B v table ! 1-Hour 5r000 fof Gas Appt iances: R.stuarant Ptan Rlvi ff--> DRB #0f Uood/Pa t Lct: *#**ffi*tffi#*#*i*H*******ffi*H* FEE SUllllARY Bui tding---> Ptan Check---) InvestigatiolD Ui l.l, Catt----> 95. O0 61.75 TotaI calcutated F..s--> AdditionrL Fees---------> 259.75 .00 259 .75 259 .75 TOTAL FEES_--------__> ?59.75 BALA CE DUE_______> .00**|kit***trffi**ffiffiffiffi********:R**ffiffi**ffiffiir*ffirrt***:tir*rtffr**ff****l#**ff**JrffiiJ<rt*****ffif,**#* Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: REAUESTS FOR IIISPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE IIIENTY-FOUR HOIJRS IIt ADVANCE BY TELEP}€NE Al 479-2138 oR AT olJR oFFICE FRoll 8:00 Ar 5:00 Pil Item: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENTL\/O2/L995 DAN Action: APPRItEm:' O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENTLI/O2/L995 RUss Action: APPRItb,m:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENTIL/O2/L995 DAN AcTion: APPRItbn:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKSll/O2/r995 DAN Action! APPR ffi,r*'t**|t*rr}'r*ffi **ffi *ffi***ffi ffi****tffiffi***ffi#rrffi*****ffi * see Page 2 of thie Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I.hcreby acktroetedgc that I havc read this application, fitted out in ful,L the infopoation requi red, conpteted an accurate ptotptan, and statc that atl thc infornation provided as requiecd is corrcct. I agree to corp Ly Uith thc inforration and ptot itan,to coipty yith alt Tovn ordinances and state [avs, and to buitd this structure according to the Tounr s roning and subdivision codes, design revicu approvcd, uniforn BuiLding Code and othep ordinencas of the Tovn appLicabtc therrto. OI.INER ORSIGNAIURE OFSend Ctcan-Up Dlposit To: VAIL REC DISTRICT $'*"uo CONTRACTOR ***********:***************************************************** TOIVN OF VArL, COLORADO Statennt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0097 Amount: Payment Method: CK1365 Notation: 2s9.?5 n/O8/9s LOt26Init: lo.tc Perrnit No: 895-0393 TIT)e: A-COMM ADD/ALT COMM BUILD P Parcel No: 2101-081-14-002Site Address: L278 VAII' VALLEY DR Location: VAIL GOLF CLUB I.IAINTENANCE SHOPTotal Fee6: 259.75 This Palrment 259.75 Total ALL Pmtsz 259.75 Balance: .00**************************************************************** Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PI..AI{ CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WIIL CATL INSPECTION FEE Anount 9s.00 6r.75 100 .00 3.00 o o ooC' 'FlOEO|'.oo-q( F.oa0E)d8 q ! A|{ olol oo o0 o oo o o c; a(, ll oE- g Eql (!oo at ct o|o IJI{fro oEH E o E l.I4 0 o o l.r2 f8P"Haqr28,CEt!)a Hql a z iiqoEt aruo oE'&o .l(,HI E4A Aof E ?t IrnI l.ora ql U 38 I f; E AFI,, F.O 4rEI FI!.a t{ l.AE!D E9P'{E 7 BEaEli9H' RtE HFH' HE Hf{ .I Ha t eF.{cl xH! >.t{ 2oHiHECII(,|(qlEfl caE 'Eo c|rF lto H E8 AH :rloD(J E F. ID l!dI tsE 2 T4 H HTo ,t: d o r,t El .{C ior)HIif 6 c H8 t!l!.L t. d ::T il;,;;:l;,3:;*"f :: iTuT;,K ", vArL coNsrRucrro FPARCEL .lt:. -__ e ztoto4,tqoo'vpERMIT AppLIC4FION, FORM.' DATez to l=ol1g al ApplrcArroN MUsr BE FTLLED our cor,lpr,ErEl,y oR rr rirAyistF.o0tffiftffi, DEPI r************** *t************** pEp!{IT fNFORSAII9N it*********** *i***************rl|-t l-Building t l-Prurnbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanlbal txl-other TgtJl",,^r- Job Narne: W ,rob Address: 14]! Va;!Ja-2-I4h;, * F-V^CA ILegal Descriptionr 'rlot- Brock- ririns___7n___jurDrvrsroN, Vo^lttitla.qt* a olOlrners Narne: ( Vdi Address: ag'?V.MI-+DadM- g5.a-?1-a7a2,- Architect ftsl*n C^"t^' L.r{s Address: ftvo',- ( to.^a t,;lp\ p6.1./Q- 56gLl ;,D # -^ _":.-_-;' a-!!JE- rLr'r'Arr:,4.2_ f * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 6? * €o#{.JnoR rNFoRI,tATroN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *7 Eeneral Contractor: D4r.r,) Brc"rnr+r*rnr,+sbr.rr., Town of Vail Reg. NO.,OG-3 [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Accommodation UnLts: M/* Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nuruber: - Mechanical Contractor: Address: t,***************** * ** ******* ***** FORBUfLDfNc PERHfT FEEs PI,I'IIIBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERIIIIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: oFFrcE usE ********* * ********************* BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLWBTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CI.,E]AN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL BUILDTNG: STGNATURE ZONING: SIGNATT'RE General Descripti on z d^cJou.+<- lm L( V^{. a; h I v.*rs+ zt + lo^Ao ",*;, Vlork Class: Q(J-llew [ ]-Alteration Nuraber of Dwelling Units: L tfnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appri^n""=;N/* eas Logsl!/ft wood/pettetW_ ||t********************************* VALUATTONS ******************* * *************, BUILDING: $ ELECTRICALZ I_-__4.1T. OTHER:\rI&tLI\. y lLIIuBrNc: _ _ _r{TIryrcAL: +T- roi;i; $:-a?z-_- Address: pfr"""-ll"r|.]", -fiif$d Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Req. No.Address: - Plurnbing Contractor: Tordn of VaiI Req. No.Address:rsE-'. phone Nunber: cLEAtr IrP IIEPOSIT BEnlIp TO: Ud-a Pas-,bisfrict t - e?? ia rt'qo"lPt D-'t V;l\(4 8tt57 t l O MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1gg4 WHEN A'PUBLIC WAY PEBMIT'tS REQUIRED TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Job Name.rf ,-^-\ G.\a (ro\ s.lo^-I-'Date:__re\go\qs Please answer lhe following questionnaire regarding the need for a 'Public Way Permit': NO )< x v X I / x E 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performed lhat requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? 3) ls any utitity work needed ? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls ditferent aocess needed to site other than existing diveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done atfecting lhe right of way, easements, or public property? 7) fs a "Revocable Right Of Way permit" required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? x ]f_V9u_ a19wet9d y"s to any of these questions, a 'Public Way Permit' must be obtained.?ublic Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or alC9.ryry1ity Development. lf you have any questions please callCharlie Davis, the Town of Vaif Construction Inspecior, at.479-Z1Sg.' I have read and answered allthe above questions. Job Name Contractor's Sig natu re lnwn 75 routh fronlage rold Yail, colo..do 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 oltlce of conmunfty devcloprncnt TO: FROM: DATE: su&fECT: d and acknowledged by: O ..tS" .-*r-ositionTneliEi6Tp-to ALL CONTRACTORS CURREMTLYT, NNCTSTSNSD WIIH TIIETOIIN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC I{ORKS/COMMITNITY DEVEIOPMENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCITON PARKING & I{ATERTAL STORAGE rn surimary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit i"v-="ir]-tJ.r, sand, debrisor naterial , including trash bumpsters, portable toirets andworkmen vehicles. upon any streetl sia"r"ix, -;ii;y or publicprace or anv porti6n theieof . --ri-t" right-of-nay on arr. Town ofVail streetl ind.Ig"-d" is afproxinately 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinance rill b".;t"i;iit"enforced by the Town of VailPubric works DeDartment. perslns found viaratin; this ordinancewilr be given a-24 hour .r"iii.""i"ti."-t"-;;;;"t=.id nateriat.fn the event the person so notified-does not -ompfy with thenotj.ce wittrin the- 24 rroui-tirn.-.p".iiiil, "il"-;ffitic worksDepartment wirr remove said rnateiiur it-th;-';6;;re of personnot-iried. rhe provisions-or-'trri"-""ai;"#; ;f,5ii not beapplicable to c-onstruction, r"irrt"rr.nce or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilitres in the right_a_way. To review Ordinance No. e in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Buir'ding Department to obtiin a copy. rlani< you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. ReaY- \ lnwn 73 routh fronbg. rord ttll, colondo 81657 l3o3l 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 olflcc of communliy dcuclopma||t BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TII4E FMME If this permrit requi.res a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval,EngineerLs (Pubric !l*rr review ana-ipp"ouar, a pranning Departmentreview or Health Departm6nt review,-"n[ a-review ry tne'6ui]aingDepartment, the estimated tini ro"'a-tstar ili;*-;uJ"iai!'as tongas three weeks. Al] commercia'l (]arge or smail) and ail murti-fami'ry permits wiilhave to fo]low dtre iuove renti6neJ-maximum requirements. Residentialand small projects shourd take a teiier amount of time. ttowever, itresidential or smailer.projects impiii the various above mentioneddepartments with reqard' to-necessiry-revrew, these projects mayalso take the three-weet perioJ. Every attempt will be nnde by thfs departrnent to expedite thispermit as soon as possibie. - vv !^rss'es e' I:-l!" undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeTrame. vFr=Ei=+\tu- Agreed to by. Corrnuni ty Devel ooment Department. KRM CONSULTANTS, ll'lC' P,O, Box 4572 u^'trttlofof-gr8it* '^tli8)t"'&'rlil" 5"C,r''.Jc. S;a{. l.Jsrlt} L)'t-r- ll) -+-4 cr'.tr. BH.€r No. '' --*-- o? ,, rs r\ c^',cu'rrto 9Y . CZR-.---- '--- D^t€ OATE Crt€CKtD BY u^,, H' :-l-"o- *\f u.u- hll 1x.t^\l'+ y',,,.3t..',q =,, t.'.' lrl-: -lll -t l fll: rl I ti58' f.c SL^3 .*-,[i:-7-,.3,. "-Tq. l rr.!.rl".Y .'* z' f r''1v :. ' :'11) [', ' r( 1..'1-' ( \ '- \l ("?:., ) "- \ (; ?a' : | (- _^ 'a(Y'J:t-.L -' J' 'il . ("t \t" I*' 'r9l.,t In'L.__- r^ ,)r;1<4 -.l1i- . 1""- t. .. --\.,t{ '1 i.{ ocilr{.,. , i ', -r '?i- . - -.. :,1.(l -ts 5 f'oxlr- Town oi Vail 0FFICE c0P'j *1lgr=Jz KRM CONSULTANTS, INC. P,0. 8ox 4572 vAlt, co[oRADo 81658 (970) 949'9391 rAx (970) 949.1877 ? sr{Er r+l --9-- ---- oF lru (,|..c.rl^l€O 8v -b\A-- --.. *---* O^tt CrrElXEr) EY .-*"- DArf, i TO.lla.{pur<v '€-iii=ttl trt=llli lll=ill 4 olqll'rLrJ..Jra<1i -t'4( ,tG^r to^S., t-"r flt/.-r (.l; -+ r, ,/(..* c.,,*rc\t- - --/ ---'" s' Cr.4Ll l''!ru- - /<---'-/- ,-'' .sl-i) l^!,tr Jo,s,. iir-,t " e lb" t1 'l-y'' Ld' (',.--,*5'-'L S,xin a*ll* lii 'rl/..:t, ?-r'*rrr:r- S-)3 t.i t.t. !lulx,u N'." ,--*s D,.iLS- I'l Crrc'-:-tb cr-rr: g l{r" i. .sl< " 1.1*L_-. 6t' Iowr, oi Vail Cr't.I''. tetlb A, {, (?) - ro'r (tsr* C.ou'LlO #s5 g i(,/rs', Ca..m*yO rrt FucLY Gao,rnt> C€tlS CDJ::TL:; 4'L.:."" it:wi ilr".,. 6'cg lJt4.. Frtr'U C'lt tc'r< ir"''-t- -A 8254 - -'l"--Y t o.6cnrxJq l' ,,' ls_l___Lz).* =0EEl.cr c0PY JOI KRM CONSULTANT9, INC' P.O, Box 4572 vAlL. coLoRADO 81658 t970) 949'939rrAi (970) 949.1577 SXEEt NO,I cAr.cuL^rED By /P\. *_- o tr -4 chEcKED gY,*-.-" oAlE '/4' . l''oS{jALE --l-J-*+- t*-4 fto(- 5' AB"'lt t'1,.;: S-'*: ,,J, 6"-b tii 4 \ ti .4, ,,to",' 6'ir 6u'"'' ./lpasr\, t xfC_p\U&e lZ 0P6^-, 1l Fc,l- \-l)pr3*r- D-':-',- I i I I I I \- l- -rr. also'L-lZ lOWf) oi Vail Ct.1,J PJlrl - lS c"Ui-t(5 4n " l'-o OFFlcr c0p'' Jan-23-97 ozl: OsP Mendfaf -Al -l -ison Const-Avorr 97o Bzls ozl55 tt P-03 \ II A t t5 a, alIE EEJI !3:tl,tt rd d AEoF€xr{ r{ Fte Ea til4 Fzo t6 at,t{c 9t F.Ito a -rFnrlrt -oa HU' 6 - otP EF'5 I!J20 ith,;E LAIJI -E:tsrIETIll Ft!lria Itl:cI A?qST i IitnaHrI 3i lc5; i9il;E =t i-tl rg rP il El ;l Ed ;i -I ,{,ikr ii:f$ EI!E!JTE:g tl;i! ilSii l$rffi ii ili irid$ iH$ffiiis ?fiE Ift I!t t;rl !lII l.;ls3r 6,t a aoo ri!^t?t l5lfiq!r | 'tFr E rs ii?{ d., 3cr rct NI ?I Itrfr a e ::d ! ff:;: {:*: E I II ! 3 I t I Hiis;Itlrtrxrlr llfiir Eroro-rrIt!f,-:-s :!l-- .ut!! i-$rt t :I:it A a rl ;l ;a30oo,,1 qD3t]. sgNIdds' 0t0 l-"iunsnxlf9t8-86S-5IZ-I: l3I96'90 d?sto'd 60()'o|| ?]rtI P -OZJan-23-ez ozr:osF, Mendtr-Ailris.n consr-Avon eToaf5 oa6s >t E C! I *-..| I H t{)l.V J t:i .5 .rl 5 -7 "3 :r I 7 ^ithd3 .J CJ !-c! st EEeJ-. !t19 I3-6 c>frl,rEt!CFC'IA! .9,Es'e t;i:3 J..td23 * \ \ Ht_l Ir\tol a !' .-: {1 ^' i) .,\' {P.) . yJr'" Il; ::E ftl r:. I\-lF -_l,J\r, !.i B1,. :: (") I 'j " (J I l.t s 9 .:t )i 21.$1Fs, ! I t \ fI atl+ sI 3ta 3ts4 aal Gl!o rtt aor-rllOE|tG.O9rpIi a aa a .:llt Ptltn oEOq6F OalOOilrD ar (, 5 E; ;3 Bioo U.E nslT9 a, a, :t< gg ltt arlGI3E llt3!a=a r'll Io tl uf,6 HE ;;1;; :i;fiiiE i se isii* si;tffl! ^\ x-'le5 6€ YA { BJ C9rraro'9 f =Adt Utrt.Ialt Irlta --' - i.- -:i ;5Sttii lEqr-. I e'ii $rxii IEF ii E: !F i-d g cl a.I Q,Add ttt, IEs EF3.:.: .a la $Hst at= o3 rt rrrtl 55r8 o!rllea!! IE EF za l 3$t<aa troStrt Gsat !s6 F Ir $ sI )- -,{ TJl,-t ) a-q o H T{I B 5F;i6iu!lago- !.Ef,XFF !r - e gI9 Jan-23-92 ct4:OSp M{en.rfe_I -Al I ison Const-Avon EzO J5 0465 + ,o__ + ,u. + ERIFY AND UATCH EXSTG. 'EEL XT. DEPIH W/ gXSrC. RUSS CONilNONS 4SONRY 2'-6' (r/€RrFY) 5r'8' PtYttD. ROOF SHEATHING P -o4 (!ER|FY) J J-PRE-MANUF. WOOo rRussES o 24' O.C. 2xE rOP PLATE (2)- CONT. BONO BM.'s AI rOP OF WATI. FOR WALL OPENINGS {5's O 16- o.c. !€RT. CENTEREO IN ruLLY GROU]EO CETLS sm. wRE iotNr RtlNF. coNr. HoRrz. o t6' o.c. f5's x 4'-0 vERt. O lb O,C. II.I CROUIED CELLS 1/2' ExP. MAl'1. rYP. IRUSS MANUFACIURER TO LOCATE CONNECITON PLAIE IO AILOW FOR SHEAR CONNECTION C 8RG. ! :- F 5'CONC. SHEET SI SLAB, REF. FOR INFO. z, =to .l(\ too'-4 -A'l'l ison const-Avon 97o KRM CONSI,'LTANTS, INC. P.O. Box 4572 vAlL. OOLORADO 81558 (970) 949.9391 FAi €70) 9.19-r5z 8r{EE rE. Clt4lf,rTEo rV cry $rlc - Ur,)-toJru.rr,I ertl il'o.t -?rY SxAtL Taus5 /"e.<rtu.f^dt S'DE g Siltlt TorJBl bcrNuo'{ L4+:A{alrtsg,ra'' r'oD ZF x le" Ai; O t6" ftL-(* l-urs$r gt4 C^r.. S^ttn. f/ C0 +d, gT"r * d.rr +s! ftr.e' ro' crr.rttuo rs FuaY C"qr.rftD QflrJ g'61.1 PLr- (-a)'rol{"u e 6"rio gA<A SDL (t)-lrltr\aru g c'