HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 8 BLOCK 1 LOT 9 LEGAL,-t)Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Cornmunity Development 75 Souh Frcntage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 fax.: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Proiect Name: Iron Hawk Properties, LLC DRB Number: DR8010254 Proiect Descrlption: New SFR with Type I EHU Parddpants: OWNER IRON HAWK PROPERTIE tlc 08/13/2001 Phone: 303447-0094 2L2I4TH STREET BOULDE& CO 80302 Liense: APPUCANT K.H. Webb Arcfilbcts 08/13/2001 Phonez 970477-2W0 Kyle Webb 953 S. Frontage Road W. Ste. 216 Vail, CO 81557 License: Prcie€t Addrcss: 1126 HORNSILVER CR VAIL Location: 1125 Hornsilver Circle legal Descripdon: LoE 9 Block l SnbdlvlCon: VAILVIII-AGE FIUNG 8 Parcel l{umber: 210109203002 Conments: BOARD/STAFF ACTIOII Motion By: Andy Blumefti Actlon: APPROVED Seond By: Hans Woldrich Vote: 4-0 DateofApproval: 10/08/2001 @ndiUons: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No dranges to these plans may be made without the written consent of Tovvn of Vail staff and/or the appropriate revlew commit@(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not onstitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005086 That all staff condiUons be met. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $2OO.(X| -/,a ApplicaUon for Design Revieur Depatnent of Cmrmrnity DErdqnrent 75 Sou0t Fontage Road, VaiL Cobado 81657 E[ 970.479.2il19 fu: 970.4D.2I52 ryeb: mvw.cl.vall.o.rs General InllormaUm: This.+pllcaUm. b br any P|o-Jed leqbinS Deslg Redew appoval. Any troJ€ct rcStbt€ d€slgn rw|g1r rustt€ch,€. applwal prlc b srhnlturp a duttotng pennn apprrcamir. please raL'o-tp srinnai re+rienrenc rt ure PTddJar appwal Uut r rcquescO An qblcadoti'tu Deslsn Rs'rFw srrt be aaepd'rnu ar lgCrjt€dmfll 11$$.by Ute_Cmnunty -Dgreiomerr oepartniic ne prqect rna!, aSo rieec o be ret€il,Et EE_ rownfJluncll and/or t|e ?lannins and EfivironnE ilal Cofinbdon. D-gn Roritr Bo.rd applwd tT{i||nlc a hdldh0 p.nnit b blrnd rnd conGucton cornmeis widdn-om yrar dtlrr lb'r*.f. locatonofthepropcal: tot 1 Eock I Subdivision: I Address: n"r"or$#ffi ilalllng Address: l.-- -Typeof Revlewand fee:d NewGrsurrUmtr Addl0on tr MhorAlte6bl tr ChangestoApproved F'lans 1o7 -vt-7 ae?q Fcorrtsudon of a nerv hddttg qdemdrEbulld. Fq an r.tltbn wt|erc squne tuotage is ad&d b ary rldde'|tbl or corrnerdal buldfp (httdes 250 adltbrs & trrbr crverstorr). Fa mlmr dratg€s b hildngs aad site fryrote'nenf, e.dr a,remffq paffiig, wlndorv aditbnq landscaphg, frnes ild rEtahrE walb, etr Fr lwblons to plans afeady aproved by Platdng Stafr a the Dedgn Reriar Eoard $200 $s0 f20 $20 PTEASE SUBMITTHIS APPUCATION, A[t g,JBMTTTAL REQUIREI4S{TS AND nE HRHRfl^IFI"H ?lffiJ.Hllb'51#.*a"REcD A U G I 3 20 0 I L&\ A\ B b11 (Conbct Eagle Go. Asessor at 970-328-8640 br parcel no.) Owner(s) Slgnahrre(s): 1"@ Sltg Protect lIame: Iron Hawk DRB l{umber: DR8010235 Project Descrlptlon: New single-hmlly with Type I EHU Pardclpants: OWNER Iron Hawk Properties, LLC 08/06/2001 Phone: 303-447-OOg4 Jefrrey Bosboom, MGR 21214th St. Boulder, @ 80302 APPUCAI{T Kyle Webb 0B/06/2001 Phone: 477-2990 KH Webb Architects 953 S Frontage Rd West Suite 216 Vail, Co 81657 Pmlect Address: 1126 HORNSILVER CR VAIL Locauon: legal Descrlpdon: Lotr 9 Block 1 Subdlvlslon: VAIL VILJ-AGE RUNG 8 Parcel Number: 2101-092-0300-2 Commentsi BOARD/STAFF ACTIOT{ Motlon By: Acdon: CONCEPT Second By:Vote: DateofApproval: Condltions: Gond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made wlthout the written consent of Town of Vail stafr and/or the appropriate rwiew ommittee(s). Cond:0 (PI,AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permlt for building, Please consult with To^rn of Vail Bulldlng personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Bill Glbson DRB Fee Paid: l2OO.qt ,r1 'i' ,r-m Il'!-P-[1L !.tut "nry.p-tJF rclullp Des[n Redar-appro/at. Any pmject r€quii]rg destgn r€\riew musrrecer'/e appronl prh b submlHng lbullglng pTmlt app]tcauoir. prease refu-o'r[ sdmiuar requhemenb to thepartkuhr approval tlnt b requescd. nn dprkauori-m. ootE nerien canmi-ue acepea unul all rcqulrcdIntunnatlon is recetued bv he^conmun'ty.qgrt-w"-t *g.*g{ The proJect rray ato need b be revlned bvffgff*-"S$$t31y_1ry_q$q|tii-6*'-i*jb":;ffilrfirilBocrdapprovarrryo General InfomaUon: utils a buildtng pcmit b irr,r.o -o -"ir.r"uo;;;;#'.,ffi,r1;;$;tr;ffi ofthe Locaton of tfie pmpcat: roh 1 uo.t, I Subdivision: Physical Address: lbarcel lro; Zoning: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 97G,329€040 tur parcel no.) r"r"or#ffi llalllng Address: il|r. TYpe of Reylerr and Fee:tr Newconsu|rtm $2OO ForcorEtsucdonofanavhrildlrporderno/Ebrdld.tr Addiuon *so not an aaoiuon where squae ooage F adled b any r€cdent;al ortr MrndArEratbn g20 trffi'ffi,#ffi,##Tff,frffiL , relgfin$ palnflrg window addltiors, tand.scaptng dres ilxi tr GransesbAppo!,ed ptans Szo ff'SHtiffi* aleoy bpro,rco by ptarnirg srafi a ure{bat*r; trtcia,r*r o"ogn R;"" Bo.d\ p.fAs_E $JBMITTHI' AppucAno*, Ar.r suBmITTAL RE*TREMB{TS A]'rD THE FEE TO THE DEpARTT'rEtui or coMl"tUHrrv oeiaopuenr,7ssourHR.NTAGER.AD,vAT'coLoRADosl6sT' iico nug 0 6 2001 Orner(s) Signature(s): A $***O,$;s h6 Buildlno l{ahrials UST OF PROPOSED MATERIAUS Tvoe of Material Color Roof Siding Ofter Wall Materials Fascia Sofn'B l Windows Window Trim Dooc DoorTrim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Wdls Exterior Lighting Other llotes: A'@*. ldb(ffib Aun.Ch+ ?x@e( €br\L., , /q".6/ev,^t Please speciff the manufacture/s color and number and attach a color chip. All o<terior lighting must meet the Town's regulations regarding lighting (see Title 14 - Darelopment Standards). If o<terior lighting is proposed, please indicate the number of fn<tures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identiff each fixture type and proMde the height abwe grade, lumens ou$ut, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of the light fixtures. 5.3.01 (updoled) Preliminory Zoning Anolysis: Lot 9, Blk. l, Voil Villoge 8n tiling I | 25 ]|ornsiher Cide Voil, Colomdo l-ol Sizs .2441 ocn/10,630 sq. fl. (l{on'tonforming [ol) (Bosed on Survey by lee lechner, nol doled ond Plol (olculotiom by Eo$e Volley Surveying) Primory/Serondory Zoning -Single tomily Residence onfu permitled wilh lype I Et|U Employee Housing: Type | (for sole/deed restdcled/3% onnuol oppreciotion cop. lf sold) Setbocks: Z0'fmnt l5' S'rdes l5' Reor Height 33'Sloped Roofs 30'Flot Roofs GRFA (Floor Areo): 3,683 sq. ft. mun for Single fomily with twotor goruge. 4,908 sq. ft. mox. for Single Fomily wiih Type I El|U wilh twamr ond onetor goroges. Nole: Ihae indude 300 sq. ft. Credil per. Gomge spoce. EHU moy be up to 40% mox. of floor oreo. Site Coverogu 2,126 sq. ft. or 2,658 sq. fl. with EHU. lodscoping: 6,378 sq. ft. or 6,909 sq. fl. with tHU. Porking: 2.5 spoces required/ 4.5 spoces wilh EHU. fireploces: One tPAApproved Wood Burning Fireploceond two GosApplionces OR Two Gos log Fireploces ond lwo Gos Applionces Pleose Nole fiol mory olher Zoning issues exist which will bocome relevonl os fie Design proces proceeds. Also nole lhotfie obove numbes ore subiecl lo veflicoiion by fie Town of Voil Plonning Stcff. nug 03 Ol l2:52p Fnsden Davis I Foul€r RE 9?0-476-8637 p.f I Land Title Guarantee GomPanY cusr0MER IllsTRlBUTl0lll Date: 06{62001 Property Addrcssr LOT9, BLOCK I, VAILVILLAGE, EIGTITI{ FILING (hn ffier Numben v27242G2 SLIFER, SMIIT & FMI{YION.HYAIT 14E BEAVER CREK PIAZA P O DRA\ryER. 2820 AVON. CO 81620 AIul: CAROLCOL|.INS PDoac: 97G845{400 Frr: 970-845-7635 Elvlail: r".uollil@elifcr.nct Scat 1rlr Couri€tr** COI.ORADO BUSINESS B/{NK P.O. BOX 2E26 EDWARDS, CO EI632 An[: BETSY Phonc: 970426-6801 Frx 97G926-6606 Scttvi! Frx AlilSDEN, DAvIs & Fowl,ER 5OO S. FRONTAGE RD. E. vNl- co 81657 Ann; MARTIN FOWLER Phoo.: Yr0-4748610 Fax: t0476-E637 EIU!iI towlct@vsil. lEt Scot Via Couri6tt* WILIJAMH. DUDDY 2lE5 SlltD couRT liLAPLBS, FL 3'll@ Itom; 911-732-0530 Fsr:9fl-712-0t() gal Vi8 US Po8tal scrvicc JEFFREY BOSBOOM AND I-AI'RI C. HUGIIES 212I FOURTH ST. BOULDEn, CO EO302 S€ot Vis US Poctrl Scrvicc LAND TII1J CUARANTEE COMPAI{Y 0030 BBI\CHMARK RD. #116, Po EoX 3'180 AVON, CO El62t) Attn: Klthryr shion PLone: 970149-509 Far: 910-949-489 SUFER s|\{NH & FRAIIPTON-AVON OO3{I BENCHMARK RD #IO7 P.O. DRAWER, 2A2O AYON. CO Er620 AIh: MYIT4A ROSE Pbonc: 97G845-Zn0 Fax 970-E45-556O EMrik rrosc@slilbr.rct Senl Vis Couricrttr toro 0ttMFY Fug 03 Ol l2:52p Rmsdcn Drvis I Foulen RE 9?0-r+76-863? p.2 Land Title Guarantee GompanY CUSTOilIER DISTBIBUIIO]I Drtc: 06-06-2IFl Proprtt A&bcrs: I,OT 9, BI.oCK I, VAILVTLTAGE, EIGHTH FIIJNG Fon DlllVtSY Huq 03 Ol 12:53p Bmsdcn Davis & FourleF RE 9?0-4?6-8637 p.3 Land Title Guarantee Gompany YOUR GOTTACIS Date: 0606-2001 Propcrty Address: l,C}T 9, BUrcK I, VAILVII!q,GE, EIGHTH FILING Buyer/Bortowcr: JBFFREY A BOSEOOM AND LATJRI C. HUGTIES Sdler/Ownerr WILLIAMI{. DIJDDY OrrOrdcrNunberz \2llA:26-2 +ataataaaaaaarat+tt*********r.******tni*atrlaa*a*3***+la*a******.ca Notc: Once an orlglml comnnment hes b€etr lssuedr any subsequat morllflcetlons wlll be enphesized by uderliniry or commonts. raaaat*Fr**|+f aata*at*****atartllraar*lt*t***+*+++**tltrlaaataf cara If you have rny inquiries or rcquire firrther asdstance, please conlact one of the numbers bdow: For Clodng Asslstrnce: Itathryn Shinn M3O BBNCIIMARK RD. f216, PO BOX 3480 AVON, CO 81620 Phone: 970-949-5099 Fax: 90-949-489 EMail: kshin@ltgc.com For Tltle Arslstanccr VailTide Dcot/GB Tricie Kdloeg 108 S. FROMAGERD. W. #203 P.O. BOX 357 VAIL, CO 81657 Phone 970476-2251 Far: 9G4764534 EMail: pkeltogg@ltgc.con $eed a map or directions for upcorning closing? Checlt out Lanrl fitle's web site 8t lYww'ltgp.com ESTITIAIE OF T]TLE FEES Ala Ownas Poliry 10-17 -92 Ala Loan Polics 10-1?-92 Deletion of Stsrdsrd Brccptiods) (Owner) Deletion of Strodard ErcE tion(s) (lrnder) Endorsernent Altr Q (lJder) Endorsement 103. I (knder) Endonement Alta 5 (Lender) Endorsemeil Alh E.l (|Jtrds) Tax Reoon R008894 F7,339 ,00 sL77.00 s40.04 s0.00 s271.00 s30.00 s274 . O0 s30.00 $7S.OO s2 ,779 . 00 tom Cot{TACT TIIAI{K YOU }'OR YOUR ORDERI nuq 03 Ol 12:53p Hmsden Dsvis & Fouler RE 9?0-/$?6-863?p. rt Chicrgo Title Instrance Company ALTA COMMITMENT OurOrderNo. Wl242G2 Cuil. Ref.:Schedule A hoperty Adilress: LOT 9, BLOCK I, VAIL VIIIAGE, BIGT{T}I FIUNG 1. 2- Effedlve Date:Msv 29.2001 at 5:00 p.M. Policy to be Issucd, end propoecd Insrrcd: 'ALTA' Owner,s policy lVlJ -n Proposcd Insurcd: JBFFREY A. BOSBOOM AI{D I.^AURI C. }rUG}IES $1,262,500.00 "ALTA' I-osn Policv 10-U-g Proposed losored: COLOMDO BUSINBSS BAN $1.3@.000.00 4, ITS SUCCBSSORS ANp/OR AssrcNs 3.The cstatc or iilecst ln ahe land dccrlbed or nferred to in thls Cornnihd and covercd hcrdn b: A Fee Simplc Titlc to the estate or iilerest ovcreil herein b at the effective dare bereof vcted in: WILUAM H. DUDDY 5. The land relerred to in thts CourmlbDent is described as follons: LOT 9' BTOCK I, VAIL VILLAGE, BIGHTH FIUNC, A,CCOR,DING TO THE RECORDED PLATTHEREOF, COUNTY OF EAOLE, STATE OFCOLOIIADO. Ruq 03 Ol 12:53p Rnsd.n Devis & Forulcn RE S|?()-476-463.7 P.s ALTA COMMITMENT ScleduleB-Sectionl G,equircmeDtr) The followlng rre the rtquinmenb to be complied wlth: Our Order No. V2724262 2. 3. Ibm (a) Payncni to or for thc accoud of tbe Fantors or mongagors of tlle firll corsiderEtion for the esble orintercst o be inn[ed- Itctrr.O) PrcPcr insmrment(s) sr€aring tle cstab or intcrest to bc insored nnst be execrul and duly filed for rccord,!o-wit: Iteo (c) Paynrent of all taxes, chrrges or assessmcne levied srd rseesseil against the subja:t premiscs which rre duernd payable. Irn (d) Additional requircmenrs, if any disclosed bclow: BVIDBNCE SATISFACTORY TO TIIB COMPA}{Y THAT TTIE TERMS, CONDITIONS ANDPROVISIONS OF TIIE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFBR TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. S'ARRANTY DEED FROM WIIIIAM H. DUDDY TO JEFFREY A BOSBOOM AND LAURJ C.HUGHES CONVEYING ST'BJECT PROPBRTY. NOTE: rrBMS l-3 oF TI{E GENERAL H(cEmoNs ARE HEREBY DELETED FROM THEOWNERS TIrLE POUfi. UPON THE APPROVAI OF TIIE COMPA}TY AND TITB RECEIPT OF A NOTARIZED FINAL LIENAFFIDAVTT, ITEM NO. 4 OF TTIE GENERAL EXCEMONS WILL BE AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: MEM NO. 4 OF THB GENEML H(CEPTIONS IS DELETED AS TO ANY UENS OR FUTURELIENS RESULTING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL FT'RNISHED AT TT{E REQUEST OF WILUAMH. DUDDY. C}IICAGO TTTLE TNSURANCB COMPANY SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ANY LIENSARISING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL RJRNISHED AT TITE REQ1JEST OF JEFFREY A.BOSBOOM AND LAI'N C, HUGHBS, NOTE: ITEM 5 OF THE GENEML ExcEPTIoNs WILL BE DELETED IF LAND TITLERECORDS THE DOCUMENTS REQUIRED UNDER SCHEDI,JLE B-r. NOTE: UPON PROOF OF PAYMENT oF ALL TAxEs, ITEM 6 WILL BE AMENDED To READ: TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS FORTHE YEAR 2001 AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS. Ruq, O3 Ol 12:53p Flnsden Davis & Fourlcn RE 9?0-+76-8537 p.6 ALTA COMMITMENT Sc0crlrlcB-Sectionl GeEtrocmtd Our Order No. ynZ4Z6Z Cotrnued: ITzu 7 IJNDER SCI{EDI'IJ B2 WILL BE DELETBD UPON PROOF TI{AT TIIE WATER ANDSBWBRCITARCES ARE PAID TN TO DATE. Buq O3 Ol 12:54p f,n3den Davis & Foul€r RE 9?0-4?6-463?P.? ALTA COMMITMENT - Schc&deB-Secdon2 (Exccptions) Our Order No. VZ7Z4ZG2 The policy or lnlidc to be issued vlll contaln exceptiorc to the foilowlag unless the sarc sre dbpccdof to th satlsfrdon of thc Comparry: l. Rights or claims of prrtics in posession not $owa by the public rannls. 2. Easecnb, or claims of eascocnts, trot shown by 0re public rconls. 3' Discrcpancics, coofticts iu boundary liucs, shofirge in area, encrolchrnents-, anrl any bcts uhich a conect strvey'aod inspecrioa of tbe premises nurld disctor and which are not sbown by tbe prblic records- 4' Any lico" or right to a licq for scrviccs, labor or muerirl therebfore or hercafter frunishcil, inposed by law anrl not showlby the public records. 5' Defects' licns, cnctobrances, llvcrsc chims or other m,rtten, if rny, creatcd, fint appearing in the prblic reconls orsttachilg subsequcnt to the efftctive dar bereof but prior to the date thc proposed iirsured ,"E iter or recorO fotvalue 6e estarc or intercst or mortgsge tt€reo[ cov"r.C Uy tnis Connni*i*. - 5. Taxcs or spccial assesmerts \ryhich sre not shown as existing liens by ttc prbric records, 7 , Licm br uqgrid water rnd scwcr charges, if any. 8. In "aditioa, tle owrr's policy will be subjet to the mongagc, if rny, noed in Section 1 of Schcdule B hseof, 9. RIGIfI OF PROPRIETOR OF A VBIN OR LODE TO EXTRAET ATID REMOVE HIS ORB T}IEREFROM SHOULD TIIE SAME BE FOT'ND TO PENETRATE ORINTBRSECTTHE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN IJNI1ED STATBS PATENT RBCORDED ruNE 29, IWI,IN BOOK 48 AT PAGS 495. IO' RICHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANATS CONSTRUCTED BY TTTE AUffiORITY OF THEUNITBD STATES AS RESERVBD IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JI.'NE 29, 1903,IN BOOK48 ATPAGE 495. 1I' RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS II'TIICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITTJX.B OR RSVERTER CL,A,USB,BUTOMITTING A}IY COVBNANT ORRESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, REUGION, SE)q HANDICAP, FAT,TTLIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO TI{E EXTENT TI{AT SAID CO\IENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CI{APTER 42, SECTION 360? OF THE UNITED STATES CODB OR (B) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTAIMD IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 17, 1955, IN BOOK I87 ATPAGE 523. 12. EASEMENTS, RESERV.ATIONS AND RESTR,ICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLAT oF vAlL ul.t-acE, ErcHTr{ FILING; TNCLUDING Bur Nor LMmEDTO: . Rug Og O1 12:54p Rn3dcn Davig & Fouten RE 9?0-+?6-4637 p.A ALTA COMMITMENT SchduleB-Scction2 @re*pdorr) Our OrderNo. V27Z4ZGT The policl or polld6 to be isd wlll codain ercepfions to thc followlqg unless the srrne arc dsposedof to the satlsfrrtion ofthe Cornpaay: DRAINAGE EASEMENT lEN OO) FEET IN WIDTH ALONG THE WESTERLY LOT LINE OFSUBTBCT PROPERTY. .Fug 03 Ol l2:54p Fnsdcn Dlvis & Fouler RE S?0-.0?6-8637 p.3 LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMFANY DISCII)ST'RE STAIDMENT Required by C.R.S. 10"[.122 A) The subject tcat propcrty tuay bc locrted in a special orxing <lisrict. B) A Cenifi"ate of Taxes-Duc listing ead ro'ing jurisdiction uny te obtain€d ftom rhe Couuy Trcasurcr,s authorizot agent. C) The information regarding special disticts end thc boundaries of such districts oay be obtaicd from fte Bord of cormy comnissioucrs, tbe coutrty clerk and Recorder, or the county Asscssor. Eftctivc Septcobcr lll9gl' 9RS 3tl0a06 reEtires thu all docnuents received for recording or filiqg in tbeclerk and recorder.J oST qS corain a top margin of at leasr orc incb and a left, ;glt -o Sttm oigin orat lease orc half of an irrh' Tbe clcrk end recordcr mey refose b record or filc any document dnt does notconform, excqrt that, rhc requircoe_nt for rhe mp nargin sball not apply to documcnts using foms on whichqpacc is go'idcd for recordiqg or filiqg information at oe op narln or tbe rtoc'neu. NoE: Colon(lo Divisioo of Insurance Regulations 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article VII rcquiru 0rat "Everytitle entity strall bc rcsponsible for att rleners crlich apperr or-rccord prior to the time of recordingciheoever fte titlc entity conducts thcclosing am is rcsponsiUte fot;;rdi"g oifilirg of legaldostmcnb resulting from the nausaction vfr-ich was closed". provided thrt Laul Title GuarauteeConpany conducts the closiqg of lhe ilsured cs'r€action and is respomible fcr recordirg tbelegal iloctmcnrs ft9m tbe transaction, exccption nrmber 5 will not appear on the Owner,s TitlePolicy ud the l-eo.Jers policy when issued. Notc: Affinnadve mecbedc's lien protection for the Owner may be available(typicrlly by detcionof Exccption m. 4 of sc,hcdure B, &ctiol2 of the commimeil from the o#'s rorcy o tr issucd) upon complisnce with the following conditions: A' The hnd described in Schedute A of this conrmiment mus be a single farnily residencc whichircludcs a condominium or toudousc unit. B. No labor or maredrt-s brye beeo ft'nished by mcdanics or materiar-men for purposes ofcorutructicn on the lard demribed ia Schedulc A of this Conmiunent withio Oe p.rr 6 months,C' The Comprny mw recreive an appropriate atEdavit indemni$iog t r corg.ny ,grinst un-{iletl mechenic's rud materid-mco's liens. D. The Company must receivc paym.ent of thc appropriae prcrnium. E' If here has been constructior, inpnxemcnc or ralo.,.pairs uoa.rtakcn on the propeny rc be purchased within six months prior to ihe Dme of rhe Ctrnmitmcnt, ftc requirenens to obrailcovcragc for unrecorded liere will include: dirclosure of certaio m*r,'rction ioforr"tionlfinamial infonnetion as to the seller, the builder urd or the contractor; paynent of tnerppropriarc preorirrn fully executod Indemnity Agr€emcils sstisracory io-the cornprny, ano, any additioml requirem€[s ts nuy be necesary rfter at examinati-'of Oa aforesaidinformarion by tbe Company. No coverage will be given under auy circumsunces fot labor or material for which the irulred hrs coruracrcd for or agreed to pay. Nothing herein conrained will be decned to obligare the cornprny to prcvide any of trrecoverages rcferred to rrerein uolcss rbe above conditions are frr[y utiifiert.Fofln Dl scLoslri.E May 4,2001 Kyle Webb, AIA 953 South Frontage Road West Vail Professional Building, Suite 216 Vail, CO 81657 Re: Development potentiat for Lot g, Block I, Vail Village * Filing / 1125 Homsilver Circte Dear Kyle: This is a follow-up to the letter I sent you regarding the development potential ofthe property located at I 125 Hornsilver Circle. The ehu can be slightly larger than I originally calculated. The revised calculations are as follows: LotSize: .2441 acres/10,633 s.f.Zorlng: Two'Family Primary/Secondary Permitted Unib: I free martet dwelling unit (du) + I tl4e I employee housing unit (ehu) Total GRFA: 2658 s.f. + 500 s.f. (ehu credit) = 3158 s.f. + 850 s.f. (2 x 425 s.f. credits) Strndard Free market unit onlv Free market unit + ehu GRFA:3083 s.f.du 3083 s.f. du + 925 s.f. ehr (up to 1988 s.f.) 2658 s.f.Site Coverage: 2727 s.f. Setbacks:20 ft. (front/ 15 ft. (sides & rear) same Landscaping: 6380 s.f. (minimum) 5848 s.f. (minimum) Garage Credit 600 s.f. Required parking: 3 spaces 300 s.f. 2 spaces Please note that the 500 s.f. credit allotted for the ehu may only be used in the ehu The ehu may be up to 1988 sf,, (40% x 2658 s.f,, + 925 s.tr credit) and is subject to the Town of Vail Employee Housing restrictions as outlined in Chapto 13 ofthe Zoning Title. Also, the calculations shown herein are subject to verification with a stamped, topographic survey of the property. If you have any further questions, please contact me at akierulf@ci.vail.co.us or 479-2148. Sincerely, Ann Kjerulf Planner IVGIS Specialist Town of Vail coPyF'L T TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us J. August 27, 2001 Kyle Webb K.H. Webb Architects P.C. Vail Professional Building, Suite 21 6 953 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: Iron Hawk residence - 1125 Homsilver Circlellot 9, Block l, Vail Village 8'h Filing Dear Kyle, The Town of Vail Planning staff has recently reviewed the Design Review application for the proposed new single- family residence located at I125 Hornsilver Circle. The following are the preliminary comments from that review: I 2. 5. 6. All proposed roof ridge li:res with proposed ridge elevations must be identified on the site plan. The location of the limits of disturbance fence must be identified on the site plan. The location of all required parking spaces must be identified on the site plan with a 9'Xl8' box for enclosed spaces and a 9'Xl9' box for surface spaces. The top and bottom of wall elevations for all proposed retaining walls must be identified on the site plan. Detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. .Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4 and 6 feet in height. Cross section drawings must be submitted. All exterior materials and colors must be specified on the elevations. Exterior color and material samples must be submitted for review prior to the September 5, 2001 Design Review Board meeting. This proposal exceeds the rnaximum allowable gross residential floor area (GRFA) for this property: Max. GRFA 25% of 10,630 sq.ft. lot size additional 425 sq.ft. for one allowable d.u. total Additional credits 300 sq.ft. per garage space per allowed d.u. (max. 2 spaces) Type I EHU credit Type I EHU garage credit (l space proposed / max.2 spaces) = TOTAL = 2,658 sq.ft. = 425 sq.ft. = 3,083 sq.ft. 600 sq.ft. 500 sq.ft. 300 sq.ft. 4,483 sq.ft. {g*tno"oruo Department of Community Development 75 South Ftontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www,ci.vail.co.us 8. The locations ofall proposed service lines must be identified on the site plan. 9. The proposed surface drainage on and off-site must be identified on the site plan. 10. The proposed snow storage areas must be delineated on the site plan. I 1. The elevations from the topographic survey must be based upon either a USGS landmark or sewer invert. These calculations may not be based upon a sewer maohole rim. 12. Please note that the required landscape area for this property is 6,378 sq.ft. (60plo ofthe total lot size), however, the construction ofthe proposed Type I EHU will reduces the landscape requirement to 5,847 sq.ft. (55% ofthe total lot size). 13. The issuance of Revocable Right-of-Way Pennits is required for any stnrctures, driveways, retaining walls, landscaping, etc. located within the Hornsilver Circle right-of-way or the drainage easement At this time, cornments from the Public Works Departrnent's preliminary review of this proposal are not available. I will forward any Public Works Department comments to your attention as soon as they are available. This proposal has been scheduled for final review by the Design Review Board at their September 5, 2001 meeting. The Design Review Board meeting will begin at 3:00PM in the Town of Vail Council Chambers located at 75 South Frontage Road. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2173 or at bgibson@ci.vail.co.us. Sincerely, 4Jz^ vv-.4L Bill Gibso4 AICP Planner I {p *no"-r o E COPYFIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us Bill Gibson, AICP Planner I August 28, 2001 Kyle Webb K.H. Webb Architects P.C. VaiI Professional Building, Suite 216 953 South Frontage Road West Vail. CO 81657 RE: Iron Hawk residence - I125 Homsilver Circle/Lot 9, Block l, Vail Village 8d Filing Dear Kyle, The Town of Vail Public Works Department staffhas recently reviewed the Design Review application for the proposed new single-family residence located at I 125 Hornsilver Circle. The following are the preliminary comments from that review: l. Boulder retaining wall and driveway cannot be on drainage easement. There must be enough room to allow for maintance and repairs on drainage culvert ifneeded. 2. Width of driveway to EHU on site plan must be 15 wide. Landscape plan showing driveway at l0 wide. 3. West and east side of lot show distrubed grade not returning to a 2: I . adjust and revise. 4. Is driveway heated? What will the surface ofthe driveway be? Show on site Plan. 5. Show on site plan a limit of disturbance fence around construction site. 6. Show on site plan some form of eroison control on north and south side oflot. 7. All snow storage areas must be with in Lot boundaries. adjust and revise. 8. Revocable right of way permit is required. 9. Landscape Plan must meet all site distance requirments per T.O.V. standards. Two fees vrdll be required to be push north. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2173, or Leonard Sandoval with the Public Works Deparnnent at (970) 479-2198. Sincerely, 2^/-A- m. /./-L_ {g nnotoru"* Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 wwwci.vail.co.us October 9. 2001 Millie Montgomery, Assoc. AIA K.H. Webb Architects P.C. Vail Professional Building, Suite 216 953 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: Iron Hawk residence - I 125 Hornsilver Circle/Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village 8'Filing Dear Millie. The following outstandilg Public Works DeparEnent issues must be addressed prior to the issuance of final Desiga Review approval for the proposed new single-family residence located at ll25 Homsilver Circle: l. Revocable Right-of-Way Permit required for all heated portions of the driveway in the proposed new drainage easement and R.O.W. areas. 2. New proposed drainage easement must be documented and recorded before final approval is given. 3. Additional manhole is required on drainage system, per Town of Vail construction standards (the existing manhole is 10 ft deep) 4. Minimum size of proposed pipe must be 15 inches. Provide detail on manhole and profile on proposed elevation grade of new pipe. 5. The existilg 8" drainage pipe cannot be damaged. 6. Show on site plan - Heated portions of driveway on drainage easements and right of way area to be in different zone marked at control box. Ifyou have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at (97O) 479-2173, or Leonard Sandoval with the Public Works Deparftnent at (97O) 479-2198. Sincerely, Bill Gibson AICP Planner I {p*"uo' o' ' Homsllver Residence Lot 9, Blod< 1, 8s Flllng, Vail Village Extedor Materials: Roof: Cedar Shake 8:12 Stone Veneer: "Aspen Granite" Siding: Stucco "Dark Beige" 1x6 @ar T&G "Olyrnpic. 909- Beige" Fasciar 2x Cedar "Olympic 916- Dark Beige" Windows: Alum. Clad "Sand" Soffits: 1x6 CedarT&G Trim: 2x Cedar "Olympic 916- Dark Beige" Doorc: Alum. Clad/ Cedar Match Trim/ "Sand" Garage Doons: "Tongue &Groove" Cedar Flashlng: Copper Natural Flues: Painted Mtl, "Black" E)CeriorllghUng: Copper/Bronze Natural Snow Fences: Stee[Wood "Olympic 916- Dark BeBe" Chimney "Aspen Granite" Utilities Enclosures located adjaent to EHU entry PNOFOSED IIIII'|SCJTPIilG Botanlcal tame C.onrnron llamo PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS ffz€t arvr6t.\5 ftftl}rb nunCf< AFbJilri<.'ft-rMFd ft$s rrotn ONl)3arDtA)rftun P. Fal'ilcot^'z.ot @,tpe&/,1o- %.W 4W^\tr *efft l Khufrt4*JE {urn Pt.F ffiiaJb FUrm Kpriq6 bilnun Qurrtltf r2 24 + Stso 6'dth''. 24c*t 4'rtf. 2-5rHf.*+ *b 2- D{srINGrREEs frcft qN[{.' TO BE REMOVED cotf//agJ vaw 2- loo4nt-. Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Decidtrcus Trees _ 2', C-alip.r Coniferots Tr€es - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvoe square Footaqo GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL rtL gnfb6O W9 r{*m FegL}tt9 7ot> rFrn$6, tutF tuo furvttil' DotP (* s{r-s> Pleas€ specify other fqtrF. (i.e. retainirE wak, fences, swimming pools, etc.) ,:J^Tf *etrXts" tti- T)b t|2-i.'y'*trlm !!i99irro3 F tn\\.ul: 'r.rrriE rE .Efr ; EEE*EEE f; tt Ito0,PPtD Itggtt rt!tEtrtrnl9 tG =6 =clY'\/ YIV t-9b,3 c=oNPEI E ++A d ftioPPOdB fi r'rn** * dtld.ul ur rIr|r cL rgEFgggIFgg Pc, €" E il FE Eg E Eg rod o(J0 ct E 5 .9clt tr LF +t LottLo tro +|c LI('oo *+,cf F .9+|avoJ ttoF(,o o E =Px!IIL E'ltr IIP?I E'lIIJ LoTTLoPxtrr European Country Lantern The European Counrry Lantem blends influ- ences of the early European Ars & Crafts Movement with imagery of old English castles and French counyards. With is steeply pitched roofline and upered proportions this fixture is a unique and charming addition to fine homes and landscapes. Smaller lantem sizes arc appro- priate for landscape and patio lighting. Each European Country Lantem is handcrafted of solid brass and is available in a variety of fin- ish options including our authenric Aged Copper Verdigris Patina. I:rger lanterns avail- able with optional decorative multi-socket lamp cluster. Please call for further information. See front cowr and, page 2 t'or other Europun Country lantems. 3 E(-500E-AI2 European Country lrntern Curved Arm Wall Moum (8' roof width)EX-5006-AIE European Country Lanrern Chain Mount (6' root width) tr-5(X}6-422 Europcan Coumry l:ntem Post Mount (6" roof widtli) H-500GA10 Euroxan Wall Mounr (6' roof ddth) tX-500GAll EumDsn Courry l:ncm Curved Arm Wall Mount (6" roof widrh) .1 . BRASS LIGHT GALLERY To Order Direct Call l-800-243-9595 (M-F 8:30-5:00, Sat 10:00-3:00 CST) H Europ*r, Country lantern EX-5006-A22 European Country kntem Post Mount (6" roof widrh) Dcscription Model Number Roof width lantern Height Ovcrall Height Projecdon Mounting Plate Wattage EX-5006-Ar0B-5008-At0* 8"EX-5010-AI0* 10"EX-5012-AI0* tz" Lz-V4" L7-3/8' z0-Ln" 21-3t1' t5-L/2" zl-t/4" 30" 8.1D" 10" 12" 14" Vl50 watt l/150 watt Vl50 uratt Vl50 watt 5'dia. 6" dia. 7' di^. 7" di^. Optional bottor. glrss rrlr.el availoble . .Lat4er lantems i^clude bottom support brachet shown leJt. Ov{'all hcigha inchdes bottom $Wrt bra.het ol largcr lurtems. VA */r/A\ IIB Tm|il iml Curved Arm Wall Mount H-t012-Al2* 12" ll-Lt1" t9-r/4'zo-rn" 23-3t1"21-3t4" 28" 10" 1-3/1"wx7"h Ul50 watt11" 4-314"w x7"h Vl50 watt15" 5-ll2"w x 8-5/8"h Ul50 w"au18" 8"w x I0"h U150 watt LZ-1t4" L7-38" Optio al-boaaom glass Wncl awilablc. ,larger lantens include bottom suryrtbraeha, shown l4t. Overall hdght inclades bottom suppon brachct on latger lfitrrns. Affi Flush Ceilinr Mount EX-too&Al7 EX-500&AI7 EX-50r0-Al7 E(-5012-Al7 tx-501,r-Al7 t2-v+" 17-3t8" 20-r/2" 2+-3t+" 28" t1-Ltz" L9-Lt1" 23' 27" 30-t/+" ) dvr. 6" dia. I - (lla- I (lIA- 8-l/2" dia. Vl50 watt Vl50 watt Vl50 wan Vl50 watt Vl50 watt 6" 8" 10" t2" t4" OpAonal bouom gla"ss panel availablc. lJ.L listcd wd location lor covercd. ceiling only. Chain Mount EX-500GA16 /h EX-500&ArE er€;8i#i8. EX-501+Al8 EX-50rGAl8 o- 10" t2" t4" 16" tz-v+' t7-3/a" 20-tt2" 21-3t1" 28" 32" 2L-L/1" 26-3t1" tz 36" 39-Lt4" 43-L/4" 5" dia. 6" dia. 7" di^. I C\A- &r/2" dia. &l/2" dia. l/150 watt l/I50 watt Vl50 watt l/150 watt l/150 watt l/150 watr Ovctall hcight inclwles 6" mtnd chain. Longcr overalllttgths available at sta charse. Optlonal bottom glass pancl availablc. U .L.1ht d, wet locdion Jor covertd, cciling onlj. /\lm'lmn Stem Mount EX-5006Ar9 EX-500&Al9 EX-50lGAlg EX-5012-Ar9 EX-501.1-Al9 EX-50t6A19 t2-y1" 17-1ia" 20-tn" z+-3/4" 28" 32" 19-Ltz" 25-V4" 29" 33" 36" 40" l/150 watt l/150 watt 1/150 watt 1/150 watt 1/150 watt l/I50 watt 6" 8" I0" rz" l,t" I6" ) qla. 6" dia. I (lta- I CIIA. 8-l/2" dia. 8- r/2" dia. Overull height incluaes 6' stem. Longer oyerall lansths available at acra charpe. Optirltal botlom glats pancl avallab(c. U.L. Itstcl iet location lor covered ceiling only. Post Mount E(-500,6-A22 6" EX-500&A22EJ(-5010-A22 10" L2-v4" t3-U+"L7-3/4" L8-r/2"20-112" 21-ttz" l/150 watt I/I50 watt l/150 watt Oterall helght does not includr post litt r sleev{.. Flts stonAard 3' .liam.aer rcund post. Post ^ot ln luded. Sce bach cwcr Jor tnlormation on oribring posts. .Ft Column Mount EX-5qr6-A23 EX-5008-A23 EX-5010-A23 EX-5012-A23 EX-501,1-A23 EX-5016-A23 tz-v1" r7-3t8" z0-rn' z1-3/+" 28" 32" 6-l/2" sq x 3/4"h 8-l/2" sq x l"h ll-l/8" sq x I'rh I3" sq x l-ll4'h l5' sq x l-I/2"h 18" sq x 2"h 6" 8" 10" I2 I6" r4" Lg-t/2" 2Z-3/+" 27-t/+" 30-3/4" 35" I/I50 wart I/150 watt I/150 watt l/150 watt I/I50 watt I/150 watt Ovcrcll height includcs lantem y)ith srrb-base. gtb-bo-sc mounting plale tolerstce is +l- t2- . Motmting harduarc not pro\/id,ed, Ior column mount fixturcs. 24 Hour Fax Order Line: l{00-505-9404 CLASSIC EXTERIORS COr I pCTIOITI o 5 Fitn Startt is perfect for lighting narrow pathways or large patio areas' Path Star's unique opticalsystem allows itto be a highly eff icient, low-level lighting instrument while providing maximum brightness control. Path Star's extremely rugged construction, all aluminum and stainless steel components, polyester powder coat finish and clean architectural look, make it a perfect choice for any low-level path or area lighting design' Features . Tamper proof design. . Power PipetM mounting option available. . All aluminum construction with stainless steel hardware' . Can be sDecified with integral transformer'. @ a @; UsteO with MR16 tamps to 50 watts. . For remots transformers, s6e pages 74, 76 and 79. FRONT VIEW (by othorsl__--_-__r I zl o 11 3is'.---1 Stake PP MOUNTING OPTION For photometrics, see Page 86. Stvle ..-.- A:Shon (681, B - tong (90') OptlonsuDl|ons---- FF]'diino"tu "tutinum base with- 12' Power PipE slaks^' Elzl"-fr'ilfr ift"b-'"i' iEVr eiectroirictransfomer: For 1 20v operalion or lo f€€d aauitional 12V lixtur€s'to f€€deLrsol"v'1ffr"?s*ii3oi/iliffiii,rnsf orm€r.For12ovop€ration and to ffr additional 12V fixtur€s. 30 =-K [xlsior filoledols: looft (efoSh*e llolnd 8:12 SlmcVerou: 'AponGmih' Sidlq: Stmo 'l)oil 8oi0o' lil t lxl tdor lhrhqrdl&G'0lpr*' 90$lob' h6 fttu Yqliol B0qd m 0md '0yrqic 9l & lhtl hige' tcdo: 2rftfo '0lylnr0kll&hd(80&' ffirfurs lftm.ftd 'Satr Sofrr: lx6 furT&G '0yrqic.909'Boloe' tbr: ZxCrfu '0ppi9l&lhrk0oip' lhm: Am.0d/Cofo lloldrftim/'hd' &mgo lhct lx8 t lxlft&rtlqhardf&G 'fficll&lh* Bo{p' FhCin6 Cnpfl tluu: m|dm. 'Bh*" trtriorffing: @tt/Btottr tlolurd Snuhrm: Slrd t00d 'dynTic9larhil(Edge' friltoy 'A4oofunih" tlttiG Bdcr'$ bod b0lrtn hy wlnfom o h$ |I0ll d fibil glb b -tr-{ il @ r-{ zo F_ tUJ LU Fa tU + qr 0CT-12-20u1 lRl 04:56 Pl{ K,l|, IIEBB ARCHITECTS 4' GI{AVEL ON 10 MIL VA'OR BARRIER (REINF.I SEAL AT ATL ED6ES ANT, PENETRATIONS FA)( N0, 970 4?7 2965 TYPICAL EXT- WALL .T&G WOOD OR EOARD SIOING -BUILDING PAPER -SHEATHING ON 2X FRAMING .R-19 INSUIATION -VAPOR BARRIER AT INTERIOR -%" cvP. ao. P, 02 T,O. PLYWD. *F U$Nq@n{ 47'-OU ENTRY T.O. PLYWD. locx4p: tpq l-w wt 37'-0* T.O. PLYWD. - DRAINAGE MATNNG OVER | | | WATERPROOFTNG O\/ER FOUNoATTON | | | WALL (CARRY WATERPRooFING rz' -|l'|l I I t-r I t-t I t-r I t-*l I r---l | | ABOVE GRADEI Dec 1O O2 1O:28a K.C.Compang 12:AB 9709269089 ( 9?O ) r+?S -5217 LKP ENGI}.EERING II'E p.1 s2/62 Engineering, fnc. CWlrEEOTEclfMC t Novcmbcr n,nVz Mr.JcffEorboon 2l2l 4s St. Bouldcr, CO 80302 Sinccrely, Dear Jcff: -Al thc reqrrsr oflvfr. Rich capres of The KC corupnny, on Jrme 5, Scptcnber 5, ocrobcr24, aad Novembe,r 4,2w2-we viged rhe corumrcrion siri "tiizs ll",oJh* ill., ia Vail,Eagle cowtv, colorado Tbc purposc of orr sire visib nas to inspoor thc boutd iaaining q,11U along the oorth ard wesr sides ofthe ncu, driwrray. The bouldcr urdl almg the &ivervry was b,uirt with large boulders, rqro to four &ct indianetr. Iltc hcight of the qrrll varicd fipm I o 6 fca- Tbe consrruction of the bouldcr wafl wassatisfactory- Ifyou have any questiorr,s, pleasc do not heoitarc to catt. LKP N,*, Luiza Prcsident One copy focd to Mr- Rictr Caplcs Lr479lSZl? C\wPl0.LKn0l59Bw.wpd ,174_ Tlbb RD,; Doqldor rrVrll Inrpcction Lot 9, Bloclr t, Veil Villaea 8ft Filing I 125 ltrorasilver Circle Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorqdo hoject No. 0159 P.O, Box 2E37, Edwrr*, CO E1632, (9?o)926-90tS Tcl, (920) 92G90r9Fax L2/L8/2492 L7i43 9769269SS9 LKP ENGII.IEERING INC PAGE 62 AS-BUILT BOULDER RETAINING WALL NOTES; TYPICAL HEIGHIS AT HIGHEST POINTS THE BOULDER WALL. I.= .l(o I I!"(] cluLlcEotBcf,Mc,lL Engineering, Ine. ?.o. -ecr 2ll? E|E.(r OO atrJ2td (!70) s2F9o!E tur (D0) 923-rGr DOT'A)M NETAININE TAIT tlq|gf N,t ot59 LO? s. *ocx ,, YAt- WJAd. AfH hA.NG fi26 HNEfl|fn CRGLE w. f,lau Mrtfu &frAN FnE ,v. xs. t2-r7-2002 '-mJ I L2 2642 L7i43 97A9269689 ENGINEERING INC PAGE 63 August 23,2fi)2 Mr. Georye Ruthcr Chicf of Plenning Community Planning Town of Veil lll S. Frontege Road Vril, CO 81657 Dcar Mr. Ruther: The purpose of this lctter is to cxpress our concern over the new rcsidence thrt is nearing complction et 1125 Hornsilver Circle. Wc are rdvising you thrt rs immediete neighbors rt 1153 Eornsilver we arc very disappointed in the ecthctics ofthe dcvelopment Beceuse of its magnitudc tnd overpowcring setting the building doec not lit in with the general desig[ and feeling of the rcst of the homes on Horrsilver and Cabin circlcs. The building is entirely too hrgc for the building envdope, too high and over imposing in relntion to the gcnerrl fceling of the ncighborhood. We rrc vcrl unhrppy thrt thc Ilesign Rcview Bord epprovcd this structurt It gcems to defert thc rerron for the DRB's eristcnca Scverd other ncighbon have expresscd thcir displeasurc with tbis conctruction. Be that as it mry, and although it may bc impossible to change much of the devclopment to mrke it rcccptrblc, wc rre esking you, as Chief of Planning and thc DRB to makc somc spccifrc chengcs: Ihe snow blocks on the roofs arc vcry unsightly. Instcad of uring thc metal bars comnonly used on most high-end homcs thfu builder hes uscd rougb-cut 615 timbcrs. Something of this nature might be rcceptrblc in rnother location but not in this ncighborhood in our opinion. We algo are unccrtrin how the chinney tops will be completed. While thc above ir an important concern of oun, perhapr even more importrnt is our conccrn for thc development of a landscape phn that might olfcr some scrcening between our homc and this building. Last winter, the owner/speculator/builder acsured us thrt the large Spruce trter (about 16') near the property line that had bcen rrmoved rnd balled, would not only be rtphnted, but that othcr large cvelgrecn trees would also bc planted to form e screen of density and height betwoen our houses. Recently howcver, the owner claims hc is only required to phnt much smalle r trees which would take sevcral yeanto afford screening, leaving the imprcssion his concerr for catirfactory screening is unimportrtrt Wc insist thrt the Review Board visit the conctnrction rite in order to get thc feel of the impact this structurc will have on our propcrty rnd the entire neighborhood and rcquire a landscape phn that will soften the impact this building will have on our pnoperty and the neighborhood- Wc would appreciate being kept in the discussion loop with thc DRB and given the courtesy of a rcvicw of the landscapc plans beforc their erecution. 611 Shipton/Brynnawr, PA 19010 6r0-5297185214-36&3{m t-o3\2-L?l Easement Exhibit Legal description: Pait of lot g, glock 1, Vait Village, Eighth Filing, according to the recorded plat thereof, Eagle County, Colorado being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northerly line of said Lot 9 wirence the Northwest Corner of said Lot 9 beirs S 7i"06'5?' W, 10.75 feet; th-ence along said northerly line N 71"06'57' E, 16.05 feet; thence departing said northerly line S 1'8'00'00" W, 56.47 feet to the easterly_!in9^o!!h^e existilg platted 10 fodt nrainage Easemeni; thence along said easterly line N 02"40'16u E, 48.56 feet to the point of beginning containing 362 square feet more or less. z4-zno-z-' Date Golf Course 15.q Point of Beginning Platted l0' Drainage Easement .w toOuod (t,or'cp tot 10 Lot 8 Scale 1"=20' Address: HomsilverCircle Ieland Lechner PLS 30946 County Rd. 356, Buena Vista, Co. 81211 ( 719 ) 395-9160 *s "8 \o) Easement ( described above ) Ii H bl E; E'9 .E I outline of house foundation &24"33'16" R=45.00' L=t9.29' o afto- TYPE IEMPLOYEE HOUSING UNIT RESTRICTIVE COVENANT WHEREAS' lron Hawk Propertles, LLC is the owner ("the owne/') of certaln propeily legally desc1bedas: Lot g' Block I vait village 8th Filing' commonly known as: 1 r 25 Hornsilver circle, vail, cotorado g16b7('the Propert/); and ' WHEREAS' the orvner wishes to place certain restriclions on lhe use of a unit or aparlment located onthe Property for the benefit of lrre owner and the Town of Vair, cororado (,the Town^). NoW THEREFoRE' the orner does hereby impose, establish, ackrrowredge, and declare for pre benefitof all persons who may hereinaller purchase, or lease, or hold the subject land the following restrictions,covenants' and conditions, all of which shall be deemed lo run wiUr the land and inure to the benefil and bebonding upon the owner, its respecrive grantees, successors, and assigns. The Employee Housing unit (EHU), containing 4g0 square feet, is hereby restricted as a Type I EHU which must conrply with all the provisions of chapter 13, Tlfle j2 of ilre Town code of Vail as amerrded. The Type I EHU shall not be subdivkJed or diviJed into any form of [meshares, lnlerval ovrrnershlp, or fractional fee. The Type I EHU shall be leased to and occupied by tenants who are full{ime erlptoyees whowork in Eagle county. The Type l EHU shail not be leased for a period ress than thhty (30) conseculive days. For the purposes of this paragraph, a full-time employee is one who works an average of a minitnum of thirty (30) hours each week on a y€ar round basis. The owner of lhe Type I EHU shall rent lhe unit at a monUrly rental rale consisrent wfth or lower than .rose market rates prevalent for shnilar properties in the Town. The Type I EHU shall be conlinuously rented and shall not remain vacant for a period to exceed five (5) consecuuve months. Occupancy of the Type I EHU shall be limired to a maximum of two persons per bedroom. lf the Type I EHU is constructed without a dedrcated garag€, a minhnurn of seventy-five (zs) square feet of storage area in addilion to normal closet space is required for lhe exclusive use of lhe occupants ofthe Type IEHU. The Type I EHU shall have ils own entrance. There shall be no intedor access fronr any EHU to any dwelling unit to which lt may be attached. The Type I EHU must contain a kitchen or kitchenette and a bathroom. 8' The Type I EHU may be sold, transferred, or conveyed separately from the slngle family or two family dwelling only if il is to be used by the own€r of fire Type I EHU as a pennanenl resir,ence. For lhe purpose of this paragraph, a permanent residence shall mean tre home or place hr which one's habitation is fixed and to which one, whenever he or she is absent has a preserrt intention of returning after a departure or absencs thelefrom, regardless of the duration of absence. ln determining whal is a permanent residence, the Town staff shall take the following circurnstrances relating to the owner of the residence into accounl: business pursuits, employment, hrcorne sources, residence for income or other lax purposes, age, marilal slatus, residence of parents, spouse and children lf any, location of personal and real property, and motor vehicle registration. Thifty (30) days prior to the transfer of deed for the Type I EHU, the prospective purchaser shall submit an application obtained ftom the community Dwelopment Department, lo the communlty llllllll 77e6s1 llflllfl ?;7i;,",3" zo.o,, Pase' o'2 R to.oo o o.oo 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ^**.,44!J3\ | ilil |ilil iltil] ililt ilfl iltil ililt til iltlSara J Fisher Eagle, CO 373 o o 9. Developnrent Depaltment docutnenling that the prospeclfue purchaser meets the criteria sel fodh herein and shall include an affidavit aflirming that her or she meels these criteria. No later than February 1 of each year, the owner of the Type I EHU shail submit two (z) copies of a sworn affidavit on a form to be obtained fiom lhe Conrmunity Developrnent Department, to the Community Development Deparlment setting forlh evidence eslablishing that the employee housing unit has been rented or owner-occupied throughout the year, the rentar rate, the employer, and that the tenant who resides within the ernptoyee housing unit is a full-tirne employee in Eagle Coung. The Type I EHU shall be operated and maintained in accordance with Chapter 13, Tige 12 of the Town Code of Vail. Failule lo do so may result in enforcement proceedings in a courl of competent jurisdiction and in accordance with chapter 3, Tifle 12 of the Town code of Vail. The conditions, restrictions, slipulations, and agreements contained herein shall not be waived. abandoned, terminated, or amended except by the writlen consent of both lhe Town of Vail and the Owner of the Properg. 10. 11. By; TOWN OF VAIL, a lolorado municipal corporation , l--- / I, (-1 L4_.L-------___..... __. I own Manager By: acknowtedged before me rnis /lhv o, 0r-- -*- 2o-gl , f 6."l'.- lvLd"-r.ge'. . lgl^EtEt DoNALDsoN, Norary pubilc My commission expires: - My uommission Exnires July 5, 2002-+SS.frontaguffrd-%it, CO S I 6St ! )t'l; i:* Fltr:'65 t,rr'.;:.1 t, iit.flte nl r':,..', l h' I ''l; '' ' . io:-i iMy commission ex;iires: .\ The foregoing instrument was acknowredged before me ftris d}ay ot l\ c0r*l--x- ,zoaL The foregoing instrument was ,,-t) Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Iron Hawk Properties, LLC DRB Number: DRB020045 Project Description: Change to approved plans (change shed roof to walk-out deck on north-east side) Participants: OWNER IRON HAWK PROPERTIES, LLC 03/08/2002 Phone: 303447-0094 2T2I4TH STREET BOULDER, CO 80302 License: APPUCANT K.H. Webb ArchitecG 0310812002 Phonet 9TO-477-2990 Kyle Webb 953 S, Frontage Road W. Ste. 216 Vail, CO 81657 License: Project Address: 1126 HORNSILVER CR VAIL Location: 1125 Hornsilver Circle Legal Description: Loe 9 Block: 1 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG I Parcel Number: 210109203002 Commentsl BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Seond By:Vote: DateofApproval= 0312212002 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail BuiHing personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005218 Prior to the issuance of a C/O or T9O, the landscape plan must be revised to relocate the two proposed trees on the east side of lot B to the west side of lot 9. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO I MAR-o1-42 7r 'os FPoM' ToV-CofEV-DEPT.rD,e7@47es2 Application for Design Review Deparfi ent of Communiv Derclopntent 75 Sorrlfr Ronlage Road, Vafl, Cofocdo 81557 Gl: 970.479.2139 tax: 97A.479.2452 web: www,ci.rrail,o.us General Informatiail: ,Cll prujects requrrfng d€sign rsriev\r must reeive approal prior to glbrnifring a building permit apptica$on. Plsase Efer to Ste sihnatbl requirements for tfie partkular approlal tiat is Gque$ed. An applh?tion br Dedgn Reviarr cannot be aepted urfil all required inbnnatircn is recehrcd by the @rnmuntty Do/elopmst DepartnenL The project may ale need to be reriet\,ed by $e To$m @uncil aMlor the PlanninE and Environmental Commission. D€sign reuieu approval lapces unless I buiHlng permit b isssed and constructiro corrrnerres witlrin one year of the apprwal. r.ocationoftheprppoeat: rou.,3. Bbck-J--subdivisbn;. yilL-..y/u,th€ Fth FfHl{q Pffic*mdr*, lH{ l/nden"r,z Cie, Zoning; Owner(s) Slgnat|rc(s): Hailing Address: E-mail Addrcss; PAGE 2/ 3 (Conbct Eagle Co. Assessor at 97G328-88t0 for pard no.) Nameof Applkant Type of Ren'ew and Fee:tr Signs O Conepfual Review tr Ne$, CoftstsuctionB Addittort tr Minor Alteration (mufti-tamily/ornmeffial) tr Minor Alteraton (single'family/duplex) X **otAppovedPlans $50 PEs $1.00 pen square foot oftotal sign area, No Fee $650 For consfrrrttion of a rew building or Gmo/rebuikt. $300 For an addrtim w'lett equaR footage 's adderl to any reiderthl or conunercial fuilding (indudes 250 addiEons & inErior corwersbrr). $250 For mimr changes b buildings and ete impro!'em6ts, srch as, r€roofing, painbng, window addfions, landspinE, Ene afld rcbln-ng walls. ete$20 For minor changes to huildings and srte mprcvem€nts, $!cfr as, rer@fing, paiNng, wincbv, additions, hndscaflng, ftnces ard rctainitrg walls, etc t20 For re/isions to plans already apprwed by Planning Sbff or the DeCAn Revla^/ Board. No Fee For OfFe Use Only: Fee hid: -3J ).. _ Aoollation Dab: Plariner: tr Separauon RequeS. fia :".. .t -s2 rr.oa FRoM, rov-co5)Ev-DEpr.rD's"o47us2 PAGE 3/3 Inildino Fettriab PROFGED MATERIAIS tnledtlabriaLl Golol Siding OdlerWall MaE iats Fascia Soffits Windours WindowTrim Dods DoorTrim !'land or Deck Rdls Fues Fl6hing qrimnEys Trash Endcures Grcenhouses ReEhing Walls b(brbr Lighting Odrer so*ebemP M Notes3 Please spe@ the manufactrre/s narne, the olor narne ard number and attadl a olor dtb. Ir|* l*,t + ft **fl'f | * la** ll | * | fl I I ff+ I *l f* | * t ftflt*l* t tftttttt f+ ff * flflffltf***:t'i*ft*ft ft ltflfl*+ TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Stat€me|rt **t**t**+ **i*f*****+f+t alftt *tt***t**+ff*t+a*+ *+ tta+****t*ta''tftta*af****a**a{'fttaaa*l a*l*a** statement Nufiber: Rooooo2o2S Amount: $20.00 03/08/2oo2o2:52 Pl( Palment Method: Ctreck rnit: ,fAR Notation: 2639 K.H. webb Architecta Permit No3 DR8020045 Tl/I)e: DRB-Chg to Appr PlanE Parcel No: 2LOLO92O3OO2 Site Address: 1126 HORNSIL,VER CR VAIL, Location: 1125 Hornsilver Circle Total Fees: 520.00 ThiE Payment: $20.00 Total ALL Pmts: $20.00 Balance: $0.00 **+*t t * * * * t' * *** * * * * * * ** r * 'l* t * * * * f, * **** * * *'t** f t | * * * +* * * * * {r*'l** ** ** * ** * * * * '}*:}* +*** * *'} * | * t *** *,f ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pnts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI./ FEES 20 .00 o we a/'(l /te(tr /{ IRAI.II}IITTAt lo: Sill Gibson - IOV Oate: 02.11.0? from: llillie l{onqomery Re: Hornsiher lesidenct cc tllCL()StD: 2 IETS El.tYATl0llS - revisions to DRB tet APPUCATT0il r0n DESTGT{ Rt|,rtl{ nEYtsED 5T0ilt vt|tEtR {0t0t llorEt: Bi[, Indudsd are two ret! 0f the revind elevations *owing ninor changes. Creating the deck off the den nemed o help the awkward shed roo{ previoul. Pleue call and let me know if thh could be *aff approved and what I will need to give to thr Building Dept. Thankr l'lillic lxr soun r*otr et iolD r'ttn flt 16 vlr. t0t0uo0 lrrir lt70.4rr.ltr0 et0.1tt.le6t 1r1 www.khwebb.com I + $sE zo F- LJ-lJ tU Fa uJ + qr o o o o Vr-,Wltq.lot4, Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FORU Depa.tment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 8tr657 tef:970.479.2139 fax29V0.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com tu dL Coilt. W EEVEI]F|E I Project Name! COOK RES. TREES Project Descrlption: Project Address: legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: DRB Number: DR8060434 RNAL APPROVAL FORTHE REMOVAL OF 4 DEAD LODGE POLE PINES Parddpants: owNER COOK, UURA A. 0911512006 PMB 205 2121 N FRONTAGE RD W VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT COOK, LAUMA.0911s12006 PMB 205 2121 N FRONTAGE RD W VAIL co 81557 1126 HORNSILVER CR VAIL Location: 1125 HORNSILVER CR Lot: 9 Block I Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE RUNG I 2101-092-0300-2 See C.onditions Mouon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOART'/STAFF ACTTOI{ Action: STAFFAPR Date of ApProvalz 0912U2006 Cond: 8 (PIAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Condl 0 (PHN): DRB approval does not constitute a p'ermit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of flnal approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0008464 The applicant shall remove the trees by accessing their lot solely. No acess shall be gained from the Town of Vail owned Golf Course to remove the trees. Should the applicant choose to access the trees to be removed from the Golf Course written . l' ir,,'. \.r.\, i :l t . .. . i, ' -:ltmlssion must be obtained ftom the Vall Rerreation Dbblct and the Tor{n of Va]|' r ' ' ! | Public Works department. The Publlc Work department wlll require a Right-of-Wry Permlt b be ompleted in onjuntflolt wlth any access thmrgh the Golf Course. Planner: Warrcn Campbdl DRB Fcc Pald: l2O.0O Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frcntage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L28 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.railgw.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all requircd information is received by the Community Dsrelopment Department. The project may also need to be revienved by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the apprcval, LoDC>€-p o LE Description of the Request: Location of the Proposal: Lot: ? Block: I Subdivision:Ynf t- Yit-tAe€ f't'ti'nl& t PhysicalAddress: lt 2-S ftoLilsiLlEp- Zi?-<-Ltt Parcef No.: 2t otoqLoT00L (ContactEagleCo.Assessorat9T0-328-8640forparcel no.) ,l ./\Zoning: f ---/ vp @3T J\Aq ^t l-6 -rfi e &o uP C-pJ.Ls € . I Name of Applicant:IAt'A-a L- LoolL Mailing Address:zra-l N. FLd'trkec- &D', v{tts'f Phone: q+d-v+(, - oz-tr q E-mail Address:t- I abra A too z ra e a t . carv'r Fax:3j-A-:-E-p=--!.-2ZJ Type of Review and Fee: tr. Signs tr Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) ArMinor Alteration- (single-family/duplex) D Changes to Apprwed Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot oftotal sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where quare footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc,rfrff For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee -.--'tt'-t - Bl!1 \ II ? freet *" De feiloud iaihs AfQa, NCWN OF VAIL DESIGN REVIEW STAFF APPROVAL _9=arc DATE: TOWN OF VAIL DESIGN REVIEVII i STAFF APPROVAL \ ? -aloL \ r \r$':nFF:* \-\J ( Wzt/ttty-fr,,7 r /of /, b/ooL / Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparunent of Community Development 75 Souft Frontage Road, vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxi 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Prcject Name: COOK DEAD TREE REMOVAL DRB Number: DR8040593 Proiect Description: DEAD TREE REMOVAL Pafticipants: OWNER COOK TAURA A. 11/10/2004 Phone: PMB 205 2121 N FRONTAGE RD W VAIL co 81657 License: APPLICANT A CUTABOVE FORESTRY LllL0l20O4 Phone: 970-453-9154 P.O. BOX 7133 BRECKENRIDGE, CO 80424 License: CONTMCTORACUTABOVEFORESTRY 11/10/2004 Phone: P.O. BOX 7133 BRECKENRIDGE, CO 80424 License: 574-5 Project Address: 1126 HORNSILVER CR VAIL location: 1125 HORNSILVER CR Legal Description: Lot: 9 Block 1 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 8 Parcell{umber: 210109203002 Comments: SEE CONDffiONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Actaon: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApProval= lll|Ol2004 Conditions: Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Joe Suther DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 t'tov O2 2OOO 2:18PIl HP l7/o2/200a 1l: 10 FAx 02rre{3 LFSERJET 3330 Eaale Offtce P.? [D ooz rt ^-r - IE- ' II I'T" Jvl a t aLrvTOI,lN Appllcation fior Design nECeruen N(]V r., ::l TOV-coM.DEV' D.frtmant C CornrDr*y ocueloFnr,rt 75 sorfi F|Dntria RoaO v!1, cohr.oo 61652 El: 970.t79.2l:tt' fd* 97b.479-2,{52. web: r,uw.ci.vail,co.us Al prorcds rcguirlng dcCan rsdew ust rccrhr appovat prbr tn $bmiBing a brsding p!?mit Dplcatbr, plorse rtter to th€ subrnmll rcqulcmerts rbr tlrC pErtcular |Pp,ovEl thst is re{r.Estcd. An apgliEatbn for Dcsign R6,iew c.onot !€ ilcep$d |tr1ul a0 req|lrad tilorrnlton B ractvad by b1e conruntty Deydoprunt Oeparanror fneprord tnay Elso rteed to be tevie$red by the.Town C.ouncl rnd/ot the PlannlE End Aulrunmcnid Commlsslon,llertgn rwtsry apprwll hp* unl-t r bulldlng Fildt tr iEuad rod coEtruction <srrnenccr rltrln onc yltr of thr tpproval. GbnstEl lr|lbr|trruon: Dcslptlonof u|e n4ucsc Phyilcrl Addrcor: Prrad 1{o.r Zonlngt (Contact Efgl. Co. A6sesso? rt 97&3eE-6840 for parcC m.) lt{;N- fta*t*&+ @' cnd slta JS s{s-$t ApR*rJ PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED ("t*l P,'r, .fne> Lff 3 /o' Minimum Requirements for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please speciff other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fenes, swimming pools, etc.) Page 7 of Lzl0zll7l0z ( l"'\r\. \\r t" 3 \\" (6 A 6 o U (,J (E P c.'.EEYGe.E ',|lbo b0> rtt * E,Sto;'ta)-. .E .= ,9 FoQ9*.c 'E 8€ ..:v.tsrl E -E 53rE t b &g { ? \9 I \A Hlt;.9:lo n,5 iltr60€E trF bEtx 6E }E "9 .9 E.Eoc)Eab5oh .tsx Bb Eg/" =$q I.sc>, *.Ei6X .F6 bO 0J "er .9EF ctu Fd ,:i c,,tt'j( !JeZV I I J +l 1aL 6J E z F U l.r .A U q) F IF{l DIbl*l I I II I At) F. lJx (E dX E.ezz '6, 3So, >.tr4.9TEEE :eE.E6b s P..FEE X.EEivI'd €'f €'E-8€ tE2E- JbHb €iExgE;EE =(JL,6ePF;i.E.ei-3€ ttr! r-eSPoo tr.E e tirs.E At*r 9t'O-q.,tra;l5'E 9Ao d)AEEX-*'H€E;i *) cr'-6C'.e5 E3 oo96 tr .ll.9'5.9EE 5gEH (,,-r'V s.(gdF> > HU eA DUUo Fo HH4() H FlHHft frlU IL =o>C.} 3 u,l =qJO- .EF lr3d! ?Fq. F^$Eg.x Ll F< oo E$$EiF..iFrH *SE €iAr€X*E Y $'Fos s.E\LJH ca f-fsf-r{O = IF oqrI (E Ea 1.. OJ?l! r. 0)ok 1.1x a(g o (gz TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 OVilNER IRON HAWK PROPERTIES I,LC 2t21, ATH sT BOIII.DER CO 803 02 License: corflrRAgroR K.c. coMPAlrr P.O. BOX 341 AVON, CO 8162 0 License: 465-8 APPLICAI\M K. C COMPANY Permit #: B0l-0312 Status . . Applied. Issued . Expires . ]0/04/20OL Phone: LO/3L/2OOL Phone: 970-926-0566 to/3L/2ooL Phone: oepmleNr oF coMMUNITY DEVELoPMJ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PROJECT TITLE: NEW (SFR"P/S.DUP) PERMIT Job Address: I 126 HORNSILVERCRVAIL Location.....: I125HORNSILVERCIRCLE ParcelNo...: 210109203002 ProjectNo , (WCt-621e U.i\ 0i L.rl <, L(7^q G\\X \ APPROVED r0t0412001 License: Desciption: NSF Occupancy hrellings Priwatse Garagea Number of Dwelling Units: I Type Zone 3 V-N zone 3 v-N Totals. . . 54,721.00 Restuaf,anlPlanReview-> 93, 058 .5s 90.0o S3. oo Clean-up Deposit-> TOTAL FEES..---> Sq FeeL Valuation 4,rs6 $s?s,813.80 777 $28,135.17 4,156 $1 ,127,000.00* Factor 138.5s 36.2r Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: Fireplace tnformation: Restdcled: Y # ofGa.s Appliances: 0 # ofcas Logs: 0 ....t9lyg-o!-ldl"' o tt:|**:itt*ltlll*ttttal***1.,i:l*ll*rrrtl,l'l Building-> Plan Check-> Invedigation-> will call-> DRB Fee-> Rccreation Fee--> 90. oo Total Calculated Fees--> S5oo. oo Additional Fees----.-_> 5623 .40 Total P€rmit F€€-> So. oo Palm€nls-----...-2 ss , 916 . os BALAIICE DtrE-> s8,915.0s $0.00 $8, 916 .0s s8, 915 . 05 s0.00 tttttt{ttl lltltl*l Approvals:Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEN:I 1"L/06/2OO! cdawis Action: AP MAKE NOTE OF CORRECTIONS SUPPLIEDWITH FIELD DRAWINGS Itemr 05400 PLAI'{INING DEPARTMEIflT LL/08/20OL bgibson Action: TteM: 05600 F]P.E DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PIIBLTIC WORKS LO/I9/2O0L LS Action: APPROVAL. EXISTING DRAIN PIPE CAI{NOT BE DISTI'RBED OR DA}IAGED. MUST BE KEPT OPERATIONA],. Ali COND NEW DRAINAGE EASEMEIiI:T MUST BE RECORDED PRIO PAGE 2 't f* * * 't +* * * **'t*** !t !t:** * * * i* * *** {r * * ** * * * ** * * !* 't!t 't ** * ** * * * +* * * * * ** * * * ** * ** * ** * * * +* !t ** ** * *** * * * ** ** ** !*'* '}*t*it ** * CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: B0l-0312 as of I l-09-2001 status: APPROVED ** * * * * ** * + +:r't** * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * ** * * * ** * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * *'t * * * * * * ** * i* * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * ** * * * * +* ** * * '*'t * !t *'i * * * Permit Type: NEW (SFRP/S,DUP) PERMIT Applied: 10104/2001 Applicant: K.C COMPANY Issued: Job Address: 1126 HORNSILVER CR VAIL Location: I125 HORNSILVER CIRCLE ParcelNo: 210109203002 {' !t * * ** * * * * f * * * * * * * * * * +* *;}* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * +* ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * + * * * * * * * * * * * CONDITIONS {. * * * * t,* * * * ** **'* * * *:* + * * * * {! * *,* * * * {( * * * * * * * * {r * * * * ** {. * {r * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * {' * * * ** * * ** * * ** 't* Cond: 33 (PLAN) THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL SE SUBN,ITTTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQInRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Item: 05550 STGINEERING t'lllalltlttl,tattlltt*tattr|||rrtra'|i See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, fille.d out in full the information requird completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this sffucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, REQLTESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOTTR HOLIRS IN ADVANCE BY Send CleaFup Deposit To: N/A OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM t:00 AM - 5 PM. CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE APPLICATION NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR o WILL MVNMYIN 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 tl Building Permit #: 97O-479:2149 {I:nt Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, eiC ORMATION Contact and Phone #' : COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials BUTLDTNG: S L000,oo(2 ELECTRICAL: $ Llz,OOO OTHER: $ PLWBTNG: $ ?O,OOO MECHANICAL: $ 7, OOO rorAl: $ l./ L7, b)O. For Parcel # Contact **************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************** Asressorc Office at 97O-328-8640 or visit Parcet# alOl O q 2_O3Ooa-- (application will not be accbpted without parcel number) robName: Hornsilrcr Reg.lac<robAddress: t 6 r Hunglw. 4141 Lesaf pescription ll .*, ? llt!9!l' / ll ririns' F ll suuai'irion t l/ail h'l/nla aunersnane:anlluv Ftq&4 tq6T? 7-e9y ArchitecvTP/.W cA 6 A^At k{,^ddressat? sourl fio^kr( Rc( t/ail Phone:1?o tl?7-xb Ensineerl?Ji t/riltr Address:Phoneiq72_.t76 - 24l: Detailed description of work: tllcql S,i*k ft*b WorkClass: New@{ Addition( ) Remodet( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes (fQ No ( ) Type of Bldg.: single-family (() Two-family ( ) Mutu-famity ( ) commerciat ( ) Resburant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: Nofrype of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loss ( ) wood/pellet ( ) wood Burninq ( No/rvpe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances f I I cas Loqs ( I ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NoT ALlowED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No (D() l F :/everyonefformtbldgperml^.4-'4 4a"on1. O Questions? Callthe Building Team at 479-2325 Depaftment of Community Development Project Name:Horn Sl,nr ?esilact Project Address: / This Checklist must be ampleted before a Buildino Permit aoolication is acepted. o7 All pages of application is complete P Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy ofapproval form ,;/ Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex o Complete site plan submitted o Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) o Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster,oarkino or material storaoe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aooroval tr Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurringa Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) a Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) o Window and door schedule o Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) o Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) o Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection D Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated o Smoke detectors shown on olans u Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicant's Signature: Date of submittal: F:/everyone/forms/bldperm2 Received By: ,/-\- ^s{'r'At+4J nnfivdV HOW DID WE RATE WrrH YOU? Town ofVail Survey Community Development Departnent Russell Forest Direstor, (970)17e-213e Check allthat appf,es- 1. Which Departnen(s) did you conbct? Building _ Environmenhl_ Housing_ AdminPlanning DRB _ PEC _ 2. Was your initial contacl wi0r our sbffimmediab_ dow _or ' ' ' no one available_ _? 3. lf you were required b wait, how long was lt behre you were helped?_ 4. Was your project reviered on a linnly basis? Yes / No lf no, why nof? 5. Was tris your first lime b fle a DRB app- PEC app_ Bldg Permit- tUA I : 6. Please rate dTe performance of he stdperson who assishd pu:5432lName: (knorledge; responsivercss, availability) 7. Overall efiectiveness offrre FrontServiceCounten 5 4 3 2 I 8. What is the best lime of day for you b use ilre Front Service Counter? 9. Any commenb you have which urould allow us to better senre you nexttime? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are conrnihd b irproving our seMce. IUR1YOF WHEN A'PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUESNONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBUC WAY PERMIT'': Is this a new residence?YES NO a o o o o Does demolition work being prformed/eguire the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property? YES V NO_ Is any utility work needed? YES V NO- ,/ Is the driveway being repaved? YES-!- NO- Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES_No t/ Is any drainage work leing done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property? YES NO I/ Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required?YES Is the Right-of-Way/asements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? NO If answer is NO, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Public.Work?YES NO If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESNONS. Date Signed: {' i6 (( L^*. 0 Contrdctor Signature Company Name rob or project *u "' lL^1bt Pa/atL F :/everyone/forms/bldperm4 PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Building Permit Aoolication. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. you can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November lst and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit". i NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is reguired each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal, I have read and understand the above. Signature F:/everyone/forms/bldperm5 Date Sagned BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Depaftment Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Depaftment review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeKs. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projecls should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Asreed to uv' R,.L"/ 6Gdz*, Project Name: Date:lo- 34 -ol ilt^s;lr* P'silarr F:everyone/forms/bldperm3 APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT ls- Brds.Permit#:E I I'f I f Q*n,If'tIII Parcer#:III['!In T.!TT o TI 1,Job Nam€Sr6et Addross Tl Tl -_n (ttunknowncallI ll ILJ | | 479-2138 ext. O) Excavatlng Contraclor Neme Malllng A6616""TOV Contrac'tor'8 UcEnso Numb€r REOUIRED () ZpCity Phone il 4. Start Date Work is for lcircte one; Other Completlon Oato Water Sewer Gas Electric Telephone CATV (Permit Explration Dat6) Landscaping Temp. Site Access Trench-width (min.4') Bond Amount $ ALL MATERIAL, EOUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC JOB IS STARTED. 7. 8. Bubber out-riggers are required on Asphalt surfaces undemeath the A signature below indicates a signatures are obtained, permittee necessary Town of Vail signatures. BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE working on asphalt. at all times. utility locatlons and approvals. Once all utility company appllcation through the Public Works ofiice to obtain the up to one wsek to process. Depth ToralsF $ TotalLF $ Permit Fee Total Permit F€e S Public Service Natural Gas Group (1-800-922-1987) Public Service Company (1 U.S. West (1-800-922-1987) TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (1-800-922-1987) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District (97G476'748O, ext. 114) Holy Cross Eleslric Company (1-800-922-1987) Town of Vail Elsctricians (970479-2158) Town of Vail Inigation (970479-2158) Town of Vail Public Works Construclion Inspector (970'479'2198) 9. THERE W|LL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURESI A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the 'I Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. 10, All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bill 172)' 11. pennittee must contact Publlc Works Deparlment at 47$2198 24 hours priot to commencino of work. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspec-tlon fee. 12. I certify that I have read all chapters of Title I - Public Ways and Property, of the Vail Municipal Gode and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and lhat all utilities have been notified as required. ConlrEclor's Signature ol Agre€mont ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONSTBUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show slreets with names, buildings, and location of cuts' USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. Prlnt namg clgarly Dato of Signalure White - Public Wo*s Yellow - Contractor o DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below: s The Town of Vail Building Depaftment has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. o The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streeb and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Depaftment for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2L98 to request an inspection from the Public Works Depaftment. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Depaftment will be approving all flnal drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Certificate of Occupancy issuance. Agreed to by: Q**l € 4: Print Name +Lnsbt" Pts,rhut lO- 30 -dl Project Name: Date Signed: F :/everyone/forms/bldperm6 Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED a Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit. or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. o Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rock, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. o Summons and Penalty! As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 ofthis code, tr Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-3A-I AND 7-3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED o No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) 5 1) o Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1968) $ 3: Ord, 28(1981) 5 1) I have read and will comply with the above code provisions: Print Name Position or Relationship to Project: Date Signed: F :/everyone/fomrs,bldpemrT S ignature TM ItU, "' NOOO ctuLroEorEclIMcAL gON. ANII TOUNIIATION INVNSTIGATION loR PROPOS$D NESIDENCE LOT 9, BLOCK r, VAIL VIII/\GE tTr rulNG I T 25 }IOITNOILVER CTRCLTT TOS'NOTVAIL EACLECOUNTT,COLORADO PR(NECTNO, OI59 M Yl7,r00l PREPANEDFOR' MR.JEtrTBOSBOOM IIZT INflTREET EOIII.DER, CO O{|3O2 l0-08-01 l0:5?Al[ FRou Jlll 0UIDA C0NST. ,, ftuti-lz-zuu, ,se gz:4u fn K,H. I *Uill|OU'' P02 t, vt Englneertngr Inc. G@PV l0-08-01 10:5?Al[ FR0l[ III'l flutt-zz-luul |lEu uz;4u rn tu H' GUIDAt fr,r Nu, uru cluoc c0ilsI. Httultt lLulb pn? r, u5 TABLE Of CONTNT{TS EXECUTIVESTMMARY .-....'...' 2 scoPEorgruDv ...'..,...2 SITEDESCRTpUON .. .,.... 2 PROFOSED COT{{TTRUCTION . .. . .. . . . . . ... 3 FTBLDINVES'IIGATION ...., 3 SUESURTACE SOIL AND OROUNDWATBR CONDITION . . . . . . . . . . . 3 I'|OI'NDAIIONRECOMMII$DAIIONS .. ...........3 sr-AB coNsl'RUCI'IOI{ ,.... 1 RETAININO WALLS .. .. .,.. 5 T,TNDERDn INSYSTEM .,....: ,..,.5 SITE6RADINGANDDRAINAGE... .,.,.... 6 I,AWN'IRRICATION . , . , , , . , . . , . ,. , 6 LTM|TATTON . ... . ,, 7 rIGI'NES I.oCAITON SKSTCH .. .. . ,DRAWING NO. T SUBSURFACRBXPIOMTIONI.OGS.. ...PIOIJRENCIS IIT2 OMIN"SIZBDISTRIBUTION, ... '.FIGURBNO'I l&4 t'8ttMBrRDMtN.... ..lrICURnNO. S t Yrrt t!- -!- ---!-- r-- 10-08-01 l0:5?AM FROII JIil flUU-ZZ-ZUUI ]'ltu UZ|4U fll fttt, GUIDAI l.Ht M/, uru seluc c0NsT. flltt/tll l!.Ul!t P04 r, u4 T,XNCUTTVE SI'MMARY lhc proposcd rcridcncc should bc rupportcd with convontlond type sprcad footlogr, duclgnod for m rllonnble soil beuing prunnc of 3fi10 prf. Ttuy rhould construct Oto footlngl on thc undistuttcd, gnvelly rud with oobblcs and boulders. $cc Foundrtlon Rrc,onnudrllonr, SCOPE OF STUDY Thir rcport peacntr tbc rcsultE of I rubuutfhce Soll md Fowrdrtion Invodgrtion fol r proposcd rosidsnoc t0 bc constructcd on Lot 9, Block I, Vail Village 86 Fillngl Town of Vail' lJaglo Couaty, Colorado. thc purpose of$c subsurface goil and fottrdation inw*igation was to dctcrmirc rhc cngineeriug characterirtics ofthe founihtion mit rnd to provldc rscommcndotlons for thc foundation dccigtr, gnding, anrl drairugs. SITE DEECRITTION Lot 9 ir on the north side of tlre road and the cul-rtc-sac, at I125 llornrilctn Omlc, ofr Vntl Vrllcy Drlvr, iu the Town ofVril, Erglc comty, Colorarlo. thc topography of tho lot ls modcratc with a stccp dmp offto the north. Vcgctation on thc krt coruirtcd of gnsl, aspenr and plncr. Dralnagc h to 0ro norih snd !o the south from thc ccnter oftho bernr. T}o lot in vaornt. -'J.-. i' l0-08-01 l0:5?Ail FR0u llll ,, f,UU:ZZ-ZUUI ll!'U tll l4U Pn l(. ]1. GUIDA ;r.fil( NU, uru qluul PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION Wc luvc assuncd that thc proposcd rcsidonco wfll consist of a two-story' wood fuinc oo1gtlrcliou, on s cotrcrcto fuundattor\ wtth a pouiblc walkout bascnrcut. Loads arc antlclped to lrc liehq rypicd of rcddcntial consttction If th6 finalizcd plerrs diffcr nignlficarrrly fiurn the above undarrtandlng, they shookl rrotil! us to rcevalu*o thc r€commenahtions of thii rspd. UELI,INT'ISTIGATION thc flsld Investiggtloil conducted on Mry E, 2001, conslsted of tlrllllng" logglng and sampling t$/o tlst bodngs. Tho test bodug locmions arc shown on Drawing No. t. Dtilling of tho mrt borlngs rms domwifi a 4.inch diarnctor, e continuous fliglrt ponrcr augcr on a tnclt rnorntcd, driU rie. Wc rhow thc oolt profilq of ttro tcat boriqgr on thc Subsurfacc tsxploratlon [ogr, FlgurcNo'r ono and two. Soll runplel br hborrtory roil rnrlyrh and obscrrtion wErc tahcn at scleotcd irrtwah with a Stmah'il Split $pon and Crlifornh $ampleo, advancsd wilh a l,l0-pound heumcr, ftlling 30 luohes. STIESURFACE SOII ANI} GROUNDWA'ITR CONDTTION Thc roil pmlllo cncountaaod ln tho tot boringr werc frilb uiform. conslsting of about c fmt of hpoll ovc gnvolly to rilty.gnvclly rand with oobblcs ond bouldcrrr. Pncticcl drill rig rrfirsal was cncountorrd lrr both borings on tho cobblcr and bouldsn * 12 fcet below thc cxlrtlrtg ground rurfrce. $OUNDATION RECOMIIIENDATIONS Tho propolcd ncidcucc ehoutd bc supportcd with cowcntlonal typc spread footings, c0ltsT. Rl(uil'ftulu P05 r. ub 10-08-01 10:5?AM FR0M lll'l RUU-ZZ-ZUUI l.lbu UZi4U rn L H' GUIDAI r,Hrl NU. Yru qOuul 4 tlcsigncrl for a mudmum nltowsblc roil beerlng precsurc of 3000 pcf, At thir timo tho dopth of thc pmposcd foundation ir not kuoun. Tlu footingr should bo placcd on the undistutbcd, gnrdly to dty-gravelly sand with cobblcs and bouldcre. Wc resuuncnd rntnlmuur widih of 16 inqhcg for thp coutinuour footingl ud 2 ftd ftr ths isolapd footing pads, Continuous fouodation walls should bc roinfoltcd top and bottom to Eprn 0n uruupportcd ledgth of at lelt l2 fect. A minlmum of 4t inchor of backlill oover 18 teoommcnded for lh$ ttrotection of ths footlng nrbsolls. The undcnlgncd cnglnc* fiould okenc thc lomdotlon ucavallon to veilly thal the soil cowlitio* mc unfom througlrout lhcloundallon cxcavatlon lte fouudattoil exclrtton rhould be firc ffom sxcrwtion rpolls, ftost, otgnnlcs and standing wrtcr. Wp rccommcnd proof-mlllng of fu foutrdatlorr otcavation. So[ spots dot€ot,cd dudng tho ptoof-mlling, rhoutd bc rcmowd by ovauncsvrtiou. Aqy owr:roavation vitlirr tho proposed foundation, should be backfilled, in E inchos loose level litts and compuctal to 10F26 of thc maximrrm dry dmltty rnd wlthln 2 pacant of thc optimum noirhuo contont as dctormined in alaboratory ftom n Standsd Proctortnst ( STM D-698). A thrcturnl filL placcd undcr footlngc chould bc tcsted by the onglncr or hcr reprormtrtivos on regulu basis. ffLAB OONSTRUCTION ' 'l'hcnaturalon-site soils, exolusivcoftoptoil and orgmlco, oro nribblc to suppott ltghtly s'r'.' :' loarled rtrbontndo constuction, 'l ho subgradc for thc elsb-on-grado ooartruAion should bc proof conrpactcd to dctcct and turroro soft rpolr, Thcy shottld backfill ovcrcxcavated roft 4otr ond othcr rmdcrulab fill with tho on-rib roil, ftoc fiom toploil and organiq, or othcr ndtablc materirl, compactctl to l minimum of 95 pocent of the maxlmum Etandard hoctor denslty (A$TM I).698), Suitrblc matcrial should be trc ftorn topaoil, orgnnics ard rsck frtgmcOts gratcr thau 3 irclror. The concreh ihb rhonld bc conctrucbd ovor a 4-inc[ laycr of clcra gnvcl conrirting of - 3/4 inch gravcl with at lcart 5096 roleincd on tho No, 4 riwe and lcgs thnn 3 pcrccnt passlng tho coNsT. Hr{unl l!,ull P06 lr, uti 10-08-01 l0:5?Al{ FROI{ JII'l GUIDA C0NST. , AU0-ZZ-ZUUI l,ltu Uzrbu fll lLll, I ,*rrrTru',,tflt( tlu, vru couuu 5 No.200 sieve. Thcy should rclnforcc tho corrcrctc rlab-on-grade md scorc oonhol joiutr according to tho Amorlcan Concrete lffirituto r€quinmentr ontl por fhc mommendrtionr of thc dsignct to rcducc dnmnge duc to shrlnkago. The concrete glab stroutd bc mporltcil llom tho foundation walls aod colurnns with erqrarutonJolna to ollow for indcpndart movcrnpnt wilhout curing damngo. RETAININGWATTS Thcy ohould dorign foundation walls rruining earth and rctaining structuros that mt labnlly supported to resist an cquiralcnt fluid dcruity of 50 pf for en "st-ruot' condition. Iarcrally unrcsraincd $ruonrrcs rctaining tho on.sito oarth *ould bG dcclgnod to rssist qn cquivdcnt fluid dcusity of 30 pcf for tho "octird'can. Thc above dcrign reconrncndations Bssume draircd backfill oonditions aad n horlzontal backfill rurfrpc. Sutuhargc toadi4 due to a{iaccnt structurer, wcigbt of bmporary storcd conrtnrction nrtcrials ond equipmcnq hdlincd backfill ad hyfuostatic prccourc duc lo rrndrained backfill ehould bo lncorporatoil in tho docign. thcy should try to provant tl$ buildup of hydrostatio prossrrm bohlnd tho rotrtnlng wall. IJNDENDRAIN 8YSTEM - _1. - To rpducc thc risk of rufoc€ watcr inliltrr$ng tha foundation sub$llt, $c toconm€nd itistalation of a fouudction pcrhcbr drain bchid owry sbp in thc forqdation, urd r mlnlnum of ono foot bclow thc floor curfsae. The forqdation porimotcr draln should corrsist of a 4-inch diasrstcr pcrforated pipo rlopod to q guitrblc gnvlty outlct. Ttts dntn chould rlopc at l/4 inch Dcr foot lf tlorlblo or at l/8 of an iach if rigid pipo ir usetl. Ilo bottom of thc trmch rdJaccrtt to the feqdng should bo llncd with a polycthylcns moisturc banicr glucd to the foundNtloil wall, The droin plpc shonld bo phcel ovcrthe moistuE banicr and covcrql with a mlnlmwn of 6 inohcs of -ll4 inch frec-draining grmular mrterial, Geotoxttlc (Mtrafl +t40N or oquivalont) PO? r, uf 10-08-01 10:5?AM IRO[{ JII'l RUj-4Z-ZUU I li!,U uz l5u rn [' [. GUIDAt fru NU, uru qOul 6 rlrortd bc used to cover the ftecdraining grrvcl to prcvcnt Eiltetion and clogging of ths drdn. Tho backfill abovc thc dnin chould ba granular matclrl b wllhin 2 foot of ths gound rurfaoc to ppvont lbulldup olhydrostctc ptessure, T'hc lop onc firot of the beokfrll llrafcrial should courlst of a rolativoty tunporvloun flll, Thc bsck0ll rhoulrl bo rlopiDg Eway from thc buildlng. SITE GRAI}ING AND DRAINAGN Thc sitc sumouding thc building dnrchrre rhould rlopc nrsy fiom thc b,uilding iu rll rlircctionr. A mininun of 12 incbcs ln tho first l0 fost ls rccomnrcndcd ln unpavod arual ald tlucc Inchos in thc first t0 fcct in pavcd arsas. ftc op of thc granulat founclation basHilt shosld bc covcred with o minimum of I foot of rcldivoly impcwious fill to rodrrco tho po&ilial of rurfioo wrtcr inliltnting thc fourdation rubsolh' Surfacc wet6r uatunlly draining torvrrd fhc Eopomd bulldlng rlh or pcrnrsnont oUt, sho$ld bs divcrtcd around and awa)'from it by mcrur of drainagc rwrlcr or othcr rpprovEd methorlr. Tho ruof dnlnr rnrt ilorrmrpoulc drcdd Extsnd ud dischargo bcyond thc limits of thc bsg}fill. Extarlor bnckffll should b0 conpactod at or rcar tho opimum Eoisturc sonbnt to at lost g5% ofthsnrxlnun rnudardProcbrdcodty undcrpavcmcnt, ridcwalk andpotio ucae uril tO al lcast 90% of tbo rarximum rbndud Prwts donsity mder landecepd arcr.s, Mcchauical methods of compaction should bc used. Do not puddle tho foun&tion cxoavatlon. It is reoommcn{gd, cuts and fill not to orccad 10 to 12 fe€t For proposed cute grtdcr * ";'' . ' :' than 12 feet slopc sbbility analystr rnlghtbe nceded. Slopc Strbility andyrir ir ortside or rcope of rcniccs. Cut ad lill rurfaccr $oulrl bo gradal rt 2 tot. A stufint fill. constuctcd on etopss greatcr rhsn 20 % rhoutd hrvo thc ritc prcprrcd to rcccivo thc fill, by cuutng bsldtct itrto thc llop. IJAWNIRRIGATION It ir not rccommoudcrl to lntroducc u(csss.wtrtcr to the foundation roik by inrtnlling sprlrrtlor eyetcns ncxtto the building. Ttrc inrallation of tbr rplnklor hceds should insuts thot coNsT. fll{t/ll I l!,U lU P08 r. UU l0-08-01 10:5?AM FR0u lllil H$fll-auut l{tu uziSl rn Ln. GUIDAa rHI NU, ''' *|u0. coNsT. HXUNl IEUID pn0 f, UU tlrc rpray from thc lrcads will not fall within 10 fca of foundaion walh, porchcs or patio rlrbr. Lrwrr in'igation must bc consollcd. LIMITATION This rapoil has bccn prtp$€d according b locally acccpted holessional Geoteohnicat Bnglnoorlng rtandsdr for rimilar rncthodr of tcrthg and rcil conditiom at fir tftnc. llrcrr is no other wrtt&flty ciihcr exlrcsicd or implicd. Tho findingr Urd rtcommendations of thir rcport uc bascd on lield exploration, laboratory tcrting of mmplcr obtftred attho rpmific locrlio!! rhowrt on thO Locdion Skelch Drming No.l and on aeeumptions statod in the rcporr, Soil conditions at othcr locations may vary, whioh mly not bccome cvidcrrt until thc ftundation cxcavatlon ls complctcd, If roil or wetfi corditions $crn diftkrnt ftom thosc dcsoribcd in this rcpoc wc should be contactcd irnmedicely to recnaluats the recommendatioru of this rcport' Thir rcport hrr becn proparcd fur thc cxclusivc urc ofMr, JcffBosboom, for tho rpccillo application !o the prnpoaed rcoidonco on Lot 9, Block l, Vatl Vlllagc 8u Fillng, Town of Veil, Uaglo Coumy, Colondo. Prmidcnr C Ul'ltJrdeiglDc.'$l t9tr.|t..ltt.sta ?t h tt-.-!----!-- ?-- l0-08-01 AUU..ZZ-ZUUI l0:5?AlI FR0I{ III'l GUII}A C0NST. [bu uzibt rn [,]t, ] munttrutt t H[ NU. ''' nfroo P10 |,tu Gall Cortrlc NOIE: Slacp ttope it lorclrl wllh q mln. al lrac opccloc " hluc spruc. traallna Lo| l0 NOIT.: BffiINGS LACAED EY PACNa a.v; * l'r- 1O'ctvla/c lottctu.lc{t Lot I N,Ut ,, n/L Un/,t t l{wu'rtf,w,, Eftil.e &ilnEngineering, Ine. 10-08-01 l0:51A1{ FR0l{ JItl Aui-3z'zuut tlhu tfllbz rn [.H, coilsT. flr{uHl rhulS GUIDAo r,fix NU, ,,, ooroo Pil f, ll 0A1€ OBSERVEO: Mot E 2001 ELEVATON: BOR!!{O N0. ffiPH trEt aLollf.s PEN FI 5t u a o L 5 A u P L E DESCfiPnON 6 tlAfEnAL AM) SAHPLE LOCANOil LAAOANTORY rEsr Rrfl4,lg REUAfrKS -5 *._ t5 __- t0 31/r 8l 24/12 X W I I Llght-btown, grovclly sond vith cobblcs ond bouldors -200= S,Jt MCn 5,421 -2OOa J.2fr MC- J,7l Rsfugol O 12 teet No Ground Wotcr Encountered LB0S{Dl tr - 2-ineh O0, Golltoralo Llnar Swnplcl - fira *oonOD - Nalwo! Dry Dnilly (pcf)uc - 'Nolurol Nobtun Coal',r,/ (r) -2m - Ptctat Pocshg Nq 200 ShvcLt - WH LrnLF, - Hoattcfty hhtCll - Gtound wal* I.f,P INCINIInII Eltilt ^tlt lt I riri -ornt oue Itlq lNUr I trrDEr.I[far'rE Al5,!lr5al M alrrlt ,4, 10-08-01 l0:5lAll FR0u II[l .. Atl;-zz-'luul lltD uz;bz fn [, H' GUIDA CONST.t *ur,ro'r,,l,R)( Nu, "' nlro, P12 Y. 11 DATE OESER\d)I Moy E, 2001 ELEVAIION: BORINO NO. P 0&n FEEf aLOff PM FI 5 YuI o L 5 A H P I, E gfSCS/P7A( OF MAIERIAL AIID SAUPIE L$ANON LABOARTilIY tEsr FF5/tnt r?6rt nlcs t0 t5 _t0 28/l a X Tapioil Light-brown, grovelly sond with cobbles ond boulders Refusol O 12 fool No Ground Woter Encountercd I.EGEND; O " 2-htch AD. Colif$nlo llnar gc nptcI - $lil Spaalt ry. - Nolurd Dry Darslty (1cl)UO - Nolurd lloblurc Coatul (i) -2@ - ?.,F.nt Porr}l,l Na ZOO StinLL - W0 LtnttPt - Pl'tltctty hdtrcW - Crouncl volt LTF ETOtrIIEHI{g, Itrc. I SnSEutFACl EIOn nOil loc *'rt rat orgg 10-08-01 l0:5?Al'{ FR0[{ Illl ilfr2z-4001 llED 02:52 Pl{ l(,H, OUIDA CONST,t orrr,rrro FAx No, slo aleas Pl3 P. t3 Fvcaf.l Goong{, W lhlght oRR8Sfi8R88s Rt ! R III E$llrf;:r3 T' ;'S4 I I t;t:il: I u Ss88R8g9BRe oo ci Il ctd ort d o I Jf; s E I : g b .E d il E !t Itl x uf,Ifit b fr tg I P(6.nt ftr* by t*,REht i{t Lg B tq o : t i l E tl € g I / I / 1 ( LKP Englnaarlng, lnc,ffiAIN-fl',E ASNEUNON l0-08-01 l0:5?A[{ FROII IIIt| AtJCr22-2001 llED 02!53 Pl{ K.H, GUIDA CONST,I *nru'nrn FAx N0. gro nab05 Pl4 P, 14 Nrl & N s fiE s I $ I ,l q d I CJ a R IH st Pcrcnl Cottr by |//rllghl ES88Rt R8 8r8 P.rcal Fht tit tlbrdra a gE F dxT FI s R a eiffnE:Il 9lga; 5r li ,ltdtr t l I!;f;glDl . I E x {tl : {I{ tt $ o H t fi 0 € t ; I i 6 I $ -- ,t:-_ /:l-v- -r'- z ! ---a / I eRilN=szF AStflBUt'laNLKP Englne*lng, lnc, l0-08-01 l0:5?AI{ FR0l[ IIDI CUIDA C0NST, AW:Z-ZUU| H!,u Uz;bJ Pn [,fi, J ^nun,,ou,, tfil It, ,,u oloo Pl5 r, lb ctvly'otoTtcltt|tcJrl wrnL &fr,,/oEngineering, Inc.P.a,tnotl'l 6-t2-2nt earthcore INDUSTRIES, INC. REVISED MAY 1999 O .,o(Y O l$OK=llu' .-='.-r *Til,o3l ,NASONRY FIREPTACES AND CHIMNEY SYSTE'YIS SPECIFICATION AND INSTALTATION'YIANUAI SAFE ATVD EIF'CIENI EASy r0 Nsnil, This manual contains assembly rules and installation guidelines. This manual must become the property of and be reviewed by current and future users of this accessory. lt is the responsibility of the installer to ensure that this manual is properly displayed. $TARNING: IF THE INFORMATION IN THIS MANUAL IS NOT FOLLOWED EXACTLY, FIRE DAMAGE TO PROPERTY, PERSONAL INJURY OR I'SS OF LIFE MAY RESULT. * DO NOT STORE OR USE GASOLINE OR OTHER FII\MMABLE GASES OR LrguIDs IN THE VTCTNITY OF THrS ISOI(ERN FIREPLI\CE. INTERTEK WARNOCK HERSE9 TESTING AGENCY REPORT NO. T30014-764 r.c.B.o. No.5017 s.B.c.c.r. No.96261,ffi CERTIFIED U.L. 127.U.L. 1777, U.L.C, 5610, U.L. IO3HT TABTE OF CONTE Important Information.I Table of Components..........'.,.'...,.'.,.,.,.,2,3 Wamock Hersey Label ............ Foundation Details Framing Dimensions.... Isokem Chimney Construction......................10 Brick Ledge Detail..........................1I Offset Chimney Details ...................12,13 Chimney Reinforcement.................... Multi Floor Installation ..15 Typical Chimney Terminations ........16 Roof Pitch/Flashing ...........I7 Ash Dump.............19 Metal Chimnev Transition..............,...,.,24 Accessories .....................25 ..5 -l- DED PRODUCT USAG THIS FIREPLACE IS DESIGNED TO BURN WOOD, GAS OR COAL. THE FIREPLACE IS NOT DESIGNED TO SIT DIRECTLY ON A COMBUSTIBLE FLOOR. THE FIREPLACE CAN BE INSTALLED WITH ZERO CLEARANCE TO COMBUSTIBLE BUILDING MATERIALS AT THE SIDE, BACK AND TOP SPACES. (SEE OFFSET DETAILS FOR EXCEPTIONS.) ONLY PARTS MANUFACTURED BY ISOKERN AND LABELED FOR USE WITH ISOKERN FIREPLACE SHOULD BE USED IN THE INSTALLATION OF THIS FIREPLACE EXCEPT FOR SPECIAL ROOF FLASHING, DAMPERS, LINTELS AND SUPPORT WALLS TO AID IN THE INSTALLATION THAT MAY BE FABRICATED LOCALLY. THE USE OF IMPROPER PARTS IN THE INSTALLATION CAN BE HAZARDOUS AND VOIDS THE WARRANTY OFFERED BY ISOKERN. USE ONLY UL1O3 LISTED METAL CHIMNEYS WHICH ARE ITOO' RATED WITH THIS FIREPLACE. THIS FIREPLACE IS INTENDED FOR SUPPLEMENTAL HEATING ONLY AND IS NOT INTENDED FOR HEAVY USE AS A PRIMARY SYSTEM. ABUSIVE BURNING OR USE WILL VOID ANY CLAIMS. (I.E. CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS, OR ANY HIGHLY FLAMMABLE MATERIAL.) USE SOLID WOOD LOGS, PLUMBED PROPANE (LP) OR NATURAL GAS FUEL ONLY. GAS LOGS MUST BE LISTED BY A.G.A. ANSI22I.I1.2..2A WARNING: DO NOT USE ANY FIREPLACE INSERT OR ANY OTHER PRODUCT NOT SPECTFIEDFOR USE WITH ISOKERN FIREPLACES UNLESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION IS GIVEN BY ISOKERN. FAILURE TO HEED THIS WARNING MAY CAUSE A FIRE HAZARD AND WILL VOID THE ISOKERN WARRANTY. IMPROPER INSTALTATION Improper installation or improper use of this fireplace will void the warranty and can causel 1. Damage to the fireplace from overheating; 2. Hazardous temperatures to develop on combustible materials adjacent to the fireplace or chimney; 3. The emission of smoke, sparks, or hazardous gases into the dwelling; 4. Leakage of rain water into the dwelling. 5. Cracks in the fireplace due to improper footings and foundations. WARNING: AVOID PLACING ISOKERN FIREPLACES - OR ANY FTREPLACE - IN AN AREA ADJACENT TO TALL TREES, TALL BUILDINGS OR LAND MASSES THAT MAY REDUCE AMBIENT AIR FLOW PRESSURES THUS REDUCING DRAUGHTING OF THE FIREPLACE. THE DESIGNER AND BUTLDING CONTRACTOR ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR SPECIFYING APPROPRIATE CHIMNEY HEIGHTS AND LOCATIONS. TABTE OF COTIPONENTS . 36", 42'-46" FIREPIACES Parl l'ireplace QtfNo. Size21 16"22 42" Part No, l3 Part No. t4 Fireplace Qty. A B Size46" 2 53 16 C 4 4. TOP BIG FireplaceQty.ABC Size42"24884 5. TOP NARROW Part Fireplace Qty.No. Sizr34 36"34 42"34 46" 6. TOP STOPING Qtv. 2 I. BASE PLATE Fireplace Size 36" 12" 43 2s'1, 349 25'1, 3 {l )\t ? A 32'/. 32'L Parl No, t2 IZ Qtv. 2 2 Qty. 2 2 2 B r6 l6 B l6 l6 t6 C 4 'l C 4 4 4 2. TOP SMAtt Part Fir€placeNo, Sizell 36"ll 42"ll 46" 3. TOP MEDIUM 4 25'1, 164 25'1, 164 25'/, 16 c 3 3 -t A 43 43 43 Part FireplaceNo. Size35 42" c 3 t>f.A7.toP StoPtNG NARROW !q.,. c^* Part Fireplace Qty, A B CNo. Size20 36" 6 25'l' l0% 3 ^.r,.(zo 42" 6 zs':i io,i; j C' 20 46" 6 25'/, lOY- 3 8. S|DE WAtt Part FireplaceNo. Size 24 SIL 36" 24 SIL 42" 24 SIL 46" IO. DAMPER Qty. 212 3/l 4/O A t7 /t2 t7/'t2 t7112 454545 ' Ft^ \€)>. \-,,-c ,<r v Fireplace Size 36" 36" 36" 42" 42'. 42 46" 4() 46" 9. BACK WAtt ABC All measurements in inches EHMENT S/t Fireplace Qly. Size36" l42" I Fireplace Qty. Size46" I AB 25'/, 22'/-2s'1, 22'1, c 4 4 ,( Part No. 36 Part No. )J 26 27 28 29 30 3l 33 > B ) B{ > 26'h l0'A26'k 10'l26'h lo'l32'l' lo'A32'/' lOY"32'/' lo3l37 r0'37 r0./-I I. TOP PTATE SMAtt 5 7I :l 7 9 5 737 10./- 9-c Part No. 37>: 12. TOP PTATE IARGE BOX DIMENSIONS FRONT VIEW k-a+l I I l SIDE VIEW CH]MNEY OUTER CASING 3'li' FIREBOX TOP VIEW SMOKE CHAMBER SIDEWALL I I THROAT v DAMPER T I ,FSTANDARD OPENING HEIGHT 3O'' ItL 4'lr" WITH l'li' 75 FIREBRICK OFFSET T, 4'' WALL THICKNESS 4: Large Crown J l 12 4" TOP PLATE l€ '3" )T E J le E -rl 7[' 37'1," t k-r-t 7f,' 26'1," -:tg g J 7F' *. 6" ifi' v:tr.-,.a I lo lbs. 4\ -J- 6' 2l'/"" g Offset Blockl€ zs" tl ifi' 3t'li' T- Hv *(Custom Finished opening Height 27" to 36" 1 (TlPical Finished Depth 19" ) T c I T BI Brick Ledge f€ 3t'fz" t o FIRF.PI-ACE B c D E F G H I J MINIMUM FRAMING WETGHT SIZE FIREBOX CHIMNEY 36"J)JO 2tl 2s'A t9 2t'll 12 24 34 44W x 73H x 26'l'D 1,300 lbs. Outer Casing 85 lbs.42"48 J)44 2t/25 I,l9 )1t l.l2 -t0 10 50Wx80Hx26r/:D 1,700 lbs. 53 35 -JO 2v 2s I'l9 32'l't2 34 44 54Wx73Hx26'/:D I ,700 lbs.Liner 45 lbs. oo l03f +'o 31 1r" 115 lbs.125 lbs.37lbs. w K HERSEY tABEt tE I I { YYir od( ]Lra.ylltIiro OO NOT B€MOVE OF COVER THIS LAEET M0DE[S: 48", 42", 36, 28" COMPLIES WITH APPIICABLE REO OF UL 127 ulc s610, uL 1777, UL 103 REFER TO INSTALLATIOI'I MANUAL CLEARANCE TO COMBUSTIBLES: UNIT SIDES. REAR. FRONT. CHIMNEY FRAMING OR SHEATHING ABOVE OPENING TOP SHEATHING OR TRIM TO OPENING SIOES MANTLE ABOVE OPENING OPENING TO SIDEWALL HEARTH EXTENSION BEYONO FRONT HEARTH EXTENSION BEYOND SIDES WARTIOGK HERSEY TISTEO MASOI{RY FIREPLAGE SYSTEII Qrcn=w MADE IN DENMARK earthcore INDUSTRIES JACKSONVITTE Ft-. 32256 = Oin. = 8in. (205MM) = 8in. (205MM) = 1zin. (305MM) = 2ain. (61 oMM) = 20in. (51 oMM) = 12in. (205MM) USE SOLID WOOD FUEL OR LISTED DECORATIVE GAS APPLIANCE. DO NOT USE A FIBEPLACE INSERT OR OTHER PRODUCTS NOT SPECIFIED FOR USE WITH THIS PRODUCT. IF DOORS ARE USED OPERATE FIBEPLACE WITH DOORS FULLY OPEN OR FULLY CLOSED. WHEN BURNING A DECORATIVE GAS APPLIANCE IN THE FIREPLACE, ADJUST THE DAMPER TO THE FULLY OPEN POSITION MADE IN DENMAAK INSTALLATION MUST BE IN ACCOFDAI{CE WrItI INSTRUCTION PROVIDED AND ICBO BEPORT #92.1G2 CONTACT BUILDING OFFICIAL PRK'R TO INSTALLANON NOTE: A PRINTED METAL PLATE IS AFFIXED TO THE SMOKE FIREPLACE UNIT. VERSION DOME OF OF THIS LABEL EACH ISOKERN UNDATION DETAILS NOTE: 3000 PSI 4" REINFORCED TYPICAL RESIDENTIAL SLAB SUPPORTS UP TO 36 FOOT ISOKERN INSTALLATION. REINFORCED SLAB REQUIRED FOR USE WITH ISOKERN BRICK LEDGE (SEE PAGE ll). NOTE: NOTE: ALL FOUNDATION DEPTHS TO COMPLY WITH LOCAL CODES RAISED HEARTH; USE CONCRETE BLOCK TO LIFT FIREPLACE AND CHIMNEY TO DESIRED HEIGHT ISOKERN FIREBOX SLAB FOUNDATION RAISED ISOKERN FIREBOX FLUSH l'li' firebrick minimum without base plate ISOKERN base plate 3" (DO NOT MAIrc oF wooD) CONVENTIONAL OFF GRADE ISOKERN FIREBOX ISOKERN FIREBOX without base olate FLUSHRAISED I'1" firebrick minimum ISOKERN base plate 3"flush heanh (DO NOT MAKE oF wooDr,l 2 x joist/ 2 x joist '-+ 4" l. with #4 rebar at 6" o.c. as per local code permits 4" l. with rebar at 6" o.c. as per local code permits -5- FRAMING DIMENSIONS FIREBOX SIZE DEPTH A HEIGHT B* WIDTH c 36" A1'. 46" 26',1"', )6t t," 26'l;' 80" 'r'r.,' 44" 50" 54" x Height B includes 3" base plate. FRAMING DIMENSIO --/ OFFSET FRA'VIING DilNENSIONS FRAMING DIMENSIONS* FIREBOX SIZE DEPTH A HEIGHT B* WIDTH c 36" 46" 27" 27" 27" 73" 81" '73" 52" 56" * Height B includes 3" base plate. *USE THESE FRAMING DIMENSIONS WHEN OFFSET BLOCKS ARE PART OF THE FLUE CONFIGURATION. (SEE PAGE 12) ER FRAMING 2 I'/:" square tumed 45o or to desired direction FIREBOX A B C D E F 36" 42" 46" 43" 48" 53" 98" 104" 106" 67" 72" 74" 30" 35" 37" 23" 28" 30" 48" 51" 54" DRY'IA'AII DETAIT Frame up to and along side firebox and smoke dome. Drywall spans across front of smoke dome and can be attached usine drywall screws. Keep drywall back so 2" of ISOKERN material is exposed at the sides and top of firebox opening. This gap is to be filled with mortar in conjunction with facing material. WARNING: DO NOT NAIL INTO ANY ISOKERN MATERIAL. USE SCREWS. Outside Air Tube - Placed 3" away from combustible materials when exiting firebox. FIETD PROCEDU A.MIXING AND APPLYING THE ISOKERN MORTAR: Start by taking one or two bags of ISOKERN mortar and mix it with water in a 5 or 6 gallon plastic bucket. Mix with a trowel to a smooth toothpaste-like consistency. Place the mortar into the supplied ISOKERN application bag. Squeeze the mortar out of the bag creating approximately l/4" beads of mortar applied l/2" in from the edges of the component. Apply Isokem monar all around the binding surface as well as I or 2 lines down the middle of each binding surface. 1.When two components are mortared together, it's only necessary to apply lines of ISOKERN mortar on one of the surfaces (the upright one is the easiest). An important sign of proper sealing is excess mortar squeezed from the crack between the two binding components. Trowel off excess. SET TIME - Restir every 20 minutes. POT LIFE - Approximately 4 hours. COVERAGE - 4 Bags per firebox. APPLICATION - I bag per 5 feet of flue. FIREBRICK LINING THE FIREBOX: The manufacturer requires a minimum of l-114" thick firebrick lining. To apply the firebrick any refractory mortar is suitable. The manufacturer suggests wetting the inside of the firebox lining prior to applying the bricks. The following steps should be taken when firebrick lining the ISOKERN firebox: l.lA{ix l/2 bag of Isokem mortar with 2 shovels of masonry mortar and 4 shovels of sand. Add water and mix to a sticky toothpaste consistency. Using standard "thin-set" technique, firebrick all interior surfaces of the firebox. Set the I l/4" firebrick beginning with the firebox floor. Next firebrick the backwall up to the damper. Continue with firebrick up each sidewall to the damper element. All firebrick should be set with a l/4" horizontal and vertical joint, thus allowing for heat expansion of the firebrick. Grout each ioint with the same mortar. The manufacturer has no responsibility as to the function of the firebrick lining and as to cause and eifects of such linings (hairline cracking which may be common). The manufacturer is only adding suggestions from in-field responses. BROKEN ISOKERN COMPONENTS: Components that become broken from faulty handling or shipping (into 2 or 3 pieces) are easily repairable using the ISOKERN mortar adhesive. Due to the compressive strength of the individual components, any cracks should be clean and not fragmented. Any components broken in multiple pieces and are noticeably irrepairable must be discarded and replaced. B. J. c. -8- 36", 47" 46', FIREBOX AS5 TY 36" 42" I . Base Plate - Firebox must be placed on non-combustible surface... for 'on-slab' installations, base plate is oDtional. 2. First Course Side Walls - Mortar all contact areas with ISOKERN adhesive... 3. First Course Back Wall - Monar srooves and slide back wall down... 4. Tanered Back Wall - First Course Five lnches Thick. Second Course Thicker, Third Course Thickest. Be sure to Monar all conlact areas.. . 46" 36"5. Damper Element - Set First Course Smoke Chamber for Positionins of Damoer Elements... 42"5. New Damper Element - Set First Course Smoke Chamber for Positioning of Damper Elements... 5. New Damper Element - Set First Course Smoke Chamber for Positioning of Damper Elements... 46" Damper Element lifts Damper four inches (4") (36" use 30" Damper) (42" use 33" Damper) 2" Long Narr, \ *(4 6. Set Damper - (DO NOT MORTAR DAMPER IN PLACE...) Continue to complete Smoke Chamber Construction. .. to TOP PLATE. .. 6. *Set Damper - (DO NOT MORTAR DAMPER IN PLACE...) 42" Firebox includes 3 courses of smoke chamber; first course long narrow pieces... 8" tall. 6. Set Damper - (DO NOT MORTAR DAMPER lN PLACE...) Conlinue to complete Smoke Chamber Construction... to TOP PLATE. . . into Smoke Chamber. closer to Flue. (46" use 36" Damper) 7. Top Plate - Final piece compleles Firebox... hole towards back of box, can be reversed in soecial situalions... 7. Top Plate - Final piece completes Firebox... hole towards back of box, can be reversed in special situations... 7. Top Plate - Final piece completes Firebox... hole towards back of box, can be reversed in special situations... -9- ISOKERN DM ble Module) CHI CONSTRUCTION CROWN CAP Approx. 3" minimum of nri,l tlner extending out; filiH> '/," joint around flue with caulk. ROOF LINE MORTAR Apply mortar to all contact surfaces on the outer casing and inner flue liner so that when fitted together excess monar squeezes out. Wipe off excess. DO NOT ALLOW MORTAR TO FILL CAVITY BETWEEN INNER FLUE AND OUTER CASING, PARGE TOP OF EXPOSED FLUE FLASHING I16.5 lrto {t: EXTERIOR WALL WALL TIES Place every 4' IREBOX IMPORTANT!. When ISOKERN material is exposed to the elements, the material must be covered with brick, stone, stucco, or encased in wood chase. \ ISOKERN F //-(A \._.--( .r =-\- \-/ -z F,uu -.1Il''1 |@r\t. 12-r DM54 FLUE STARTER Place on smoke dome in bed of mortar with recess face up. T 12I A _ DM54 INNER FLUE LINER Place with recess up B _ DM54 OUTER CASING BLOCK Place with male part up RICK TEDGE DETAIT ISOKERN LARGE CROWN CAP CAULK JOINTS For waterproofing. BRICK TIES Placed in comers of casing block every 24" ROOF LINE TYPICAL INNER FLASHING (See Page l7) ANY ADDITIONS OR ALTERATIONS TO BRICK LEDGE NEED TO BE REVIEWED BY MANUFACTURER. DM 54INNER FLUE LINER DM 54 OUTER CASING BLOCK ISOKERN BRICK LEDGE Single Brick Ledge Max Load 12,000 lbs. For large loads consult structural engineer or contact dealer. FOR LARGER BRICK OR STONE CHIMNEYS CONTACT LOCAL DEALER. WHEN USING ISOKERN BRICK LEDGE WITH BRICK OR STONE VENEER FOUNDATION AND SLAB WILL BE REQUIRED TO MEET LOCAL CODES. IMPORTANT: ll - OFFSET CHI'iANEY DETAIT ISOKERN small for stucco Interior sheathing/drywal I Header 2 x OFFSET BLOCK Large crown (optional) Brick ledge Offset block No support for chimney necessary off the back of Firebox until third offset. ISOKERN Firebox Brick Veneer DO NOT support offset with wood, bricks, or stone. ISOKERN +l orrsBr BLocK: Compressive Strength: Weisht:85lbs. OFFSET UP TO 6' MAXIMI.JM HORIZONTAL MEASURE. SUPPORT AT FOURTH OFFSET BLOCK WITH ADEQUATE CONCRETE BLOCK OR STEEL SUPPORT 972 psi AND AT EVERY THIRD OFFSET BLOCK THEREAFIER. I To ,t- NOTE: IT IS THE NATURE OF OFFSET BLOCKS TO SLOW DOWN THE RATE OF FLOW OF COMBUSTION GASES UP THE FLUE CAUSING A SLIGHT INCREASE IN THE TEMPERATURE OF THE FIRE BOX AND SMOKE DOME. THEREFORE, W}IEN USING OFFSET BLOCKS INCREASE CLEARANCE TO COMBUSTIBLES FROM O" TO III2" AT FIRE BOX AND SMOKE DOME. (See Page 6 "Offset Framing Dimensions") 103t;' 3'h" la FSET ABOVE CEITING ISOKERN DM Chimney Frame tight zero clearance Roof line I Ceiling line I \-\-L\.l -lt ISOKERN MORTAR Tensil strength: 56.8 kglcm'?= 807 psi Compressive strength: 173 kg/cm? = 2460 psi Uplift: 8 psi OFFSET BLOCK 25" x21.5" x6" Slab depth to local code MAXIMUM OFFSET ABOVE CEILING: 3 OFFSETS WITH MAXIMUM OF 4 VERTICAL SECTIONS ABOVE OFFSETS -13- I SOKE RN D'tA54 C HI'YIN EY RE I N FORC EME NT REQUI RE'YIE NTS Reinforce Isokern DM 54 Chimney if any of the following conditions exist: A. Chimney extends 8' or more above roofline; B. Wind load is rated above l l0mph; C. Brickledge is used. Reinforcement is accomplished by placing #4 rebar in the 2" diameter holes at each corner of the DM 54 outer casing. Lap rebar lengths with l-2 foot overlaps. Grout holes with standard mofiar mix. Reinforcement should begin at the lowest possible outer casing member and continue through the top most DM54 outer casing. NOTE: REINFORCEMENT NOT REQUIRED IF DM54 CHIMNEY IS ENCLOSED WITHIN A WINDLOAD RATED WOOD CHIMNEY CHASE. FOR SEISMIC CONSIDERATIONS CALL DEALER FOR SUPPLEMENT. - t4- Mulri-Floor lnsfqllotion TOP BOX A B C D E 36" 42" 46" +J 48" 53" 52" 55" 57" 29" JJ 35" 81" 88" 92" l0' l0'6" l0' Three sided CMU enclosure at first floor elevation DM 54 outer casing2l'lz" 6" reinforced concrete pad with #4 rebar at 8" o.c. each wav 8" CMU Wall *General Contractor is responsible for meeting local codes (drawing is a suggestion only). All footings to meet local code with this installation. I CHIMNEY TER'YII oNs Small Crown Finish ISOKERN Small Crown 26 /: x 26'/: x 3 Seal Joi w/ cement * For stucco veneer. wet down pumice or apply lathe and scratch coat. Large Crown for Brick, Wood, & Stone 37'Lx37'l:x3 * Use wood up to crown, will finish offtoa3'x3' Galvanized Pan on Wood Chase Tum up 2" Flange against Outside of Flue Liner ,., and Silicone Seal Storm Collar make local Wood Chase with Pyramid Top * Manufacturer has no responsibility over draught performance. * Provide firestop as per local code. LATE YOUR ROOF The roof flashing must fit the pitch of your roof. By using two rulers and a level, you can determine roof pitch (see illustration). Measure the number of inches from the end of a level rulerdown to the roof. This wouldbetheriseforl2inchesofrun. Ariseof3incheswouldbea3l12pitch...4inches,a4lI2pitch..., etc. I Roof with Ridge Roof Pitch Although most building codes specify the 10:2 rule atmospheric conditions and air tight construction practices can negatively affect any fireplace's performance. Manufacturer suggests taller chimneys for better oerformance. FLASHING DETAITS INNER FLASHING Use aluminum or a heavy felt paper or tarp. Place over the casing block for complete coverage. Cut around inside casing so that the flashing rests on the outside of grooved portion of outer block. DO NOT INFILTRATE CASINC OR LINER JOINT. DETAIL WEEP HOLES ROOF Z FLASHING ROOF \. ALUMINUM INNER FLASHING 30" SQUARE OUTSIDE 20" SQUARE INSIDE INNER FLASHING LII\TE\ BRICK TIE ISOKERN BRICK LEDGE - lt - -,a ll I A " ISOKERN sEE.TH FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW * Specify Isokern 14" Flue Liner *DM Chimney Firebox 21.5 x 21.5 x 12 * Top sealing damper only! (See Accessories) Smoke chamber to rest on 2'li' of sidewall Angle Iron min. 3" x 3" Firebrick lining 1 '/i' Reversed sidewalls Must suppon cantilevered portion of sidewall extend over base FireboxISOKERN 36 Base plate (can be removed L- ZS't; J for flush heanh.) | I Frame tight or place CMU's with cells grouted INSIDE FIREBOX A OUTSIDE WIDTH B INSIDE HEIGHT c J+55"30" ROUGH OPENING WIDTH 56" ROUGH OPENING HEIGHT SEE PAGE 3 Reversed sidewalls PLACED IN REAR OF BOX ISOKERN Firebox with base plate on 8" C.M.U. * [f raised hearth extended, do not make of wood EXAMPLES: Typical residential con#" slab of masonry foundation PLACED TOWARD FRONT OF BOX ISOKERN base Ash Dump Hole to be placed one brick in from center of front of firebox. Combustible exterior wall I " Air Space ASH DUMP 4" x9" Cut ISOKERN base plate with masonry blade. Non- combustible material to extend under firebox and out through non- combustible hole in wall. ASH DUMP hole to be placed one brick in from back wall or one brick in from front of firebox and centered. Combination airldump can also be located where desired. Keep framing a minimum of 4" from clean out. Surrounding openings with non-combustible material. Leave opening in raised hearth for clean out by creating air-tight channel or using clay flue tile approximately 9" wide. ASH MP with Roised Heci -19- GAS IINE & OUTSIDE Relative position of ISOKERN Firebox with base plate 36", 42" orFinished floor Gas line drilled through either side wall of firebox or floor, check with contraclor 4" reinforced 1. slab Position of ISOKERN Firebox Typical 4" slab side firebrick Outside air (optional) - built into slab as shown. Terminate on footer wall or basement. (Typical Opening 4" x 9") FOIINDATION DEPTHS TO COMPLY WTTH LOCAL CODES USE MASONRY BLADES AND DRILL BIT FOR EASY CUTTING AND ACCURACY Outside air fitting introduced through firebox sidewall should be no less than 3" from firebox floor or front of the fire box opening. Leave a l/4" mortar joint for expansion. A 3" dia. pipe is suitable. Attach flex or terminate throueh non-combustible veneer. Outside air tube to be kept clear of combustibles immediately outside Isokem Firebox. All non- combustible flex pipe attacned Air vent with dress plate EXTERIOR TERMINATION Exteri wall "t ll or fill any gaps with refractory cement cover inside \o GAS LINE DETAIL -20 - Outside Air Tube L AND HEARTH DET Isokem firebox openings are subject to the same safety zones and clearances to combustable mantel trim as with any freplace. Check local codes for special requirements regrading mantel clearances and hearth extensions. 'YIANTEI CTEARANCES Header 2 x Non-Combustible Wall Board Non-Combustible Facine Matedal 18" MIN. Note: Do not overhang firebox opening with any non- combustible material less than 1'l2" thick. \ r" mortar joint around opening (seal any gaps mortar) See Page 7 "Drywall Detail" ,f; Mf N 12* -21 - 'tAI N I'YTU'II WAtt COVERING CLEARANC ES PROPOSED SIDE WALLS Combustible Mantel within Safe Zone Wall Shield For adjoining wall wlin 12" of firebox opening FIREBOX A B C D E F G 36" A"'t 46" JJ 39" 43" z+ 1A'. 24" 12" t2" 12" 45" 45" 45" 23" 23" 23" 24" 24" 24" 8" 8" 8" HEARTH DIMENSIONS Non-Combustible Hearth Material Hf- n FIREBOX A H I J 36" 42" 46" JJ 39" 43 12" 12" 12" 20" 20" 20" 58" 63" 68" DETAIL 6'' STUD WALL FRAMING BRICK OR STONE DETAIL 4'' STUD WALL FRAMING DETAIL 6'' NORWEGIAN BRICK WALL BRICK OR STONE DETAIL 8'' BLOCK WALL BRICK OR STONE SUPPORT DETAIL IO" BLOCK WALL BRICK OR STONE DETAIL 12'' BLOCK WALL SUPPORT BELOW VARIOUS WAtt DET ISU(ERN FIREBOXES I "s;: (o"<t€. tr ",'* aot)t (Ht[rn slzt sT0([ t A B (D t0'0(R 5441 r0 r/8 r5 3/8 t9 v r2" D(55{l 11s46 i 5/t6 2l t9 t4' D(5641 t4 t/8 l9 rtlr6 23 2l 16" 0(5741 t6 t/8 2l546 25 23 I I _-r AP Green or Comparable INSWOOL-HP BLANKET is a manulaclured in 24" and 48" widlhs and In a Yallety of thicknesses and d€nsilles. lt is shlpped in e 25-fool rolls. Standard packEging contains 50 or 100 square feet per carton. MASONRY ANCHOR PLATE. The masonry anchor plate lor Dura- chimney systems, provides a base for beginning the installation on the top of a masonry lireplace. Factory-built chimney's low weight reduces footing requirements and ensures Jasl installation time. ISOKERN FIREPIACE METAT CHIMNil TRANSITION CHIMNEY HEIGHT DETERMINED BY MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AS PER INSTRUCTION MANUALS IN ACCORDANCE WITH FIREPLACE OPENINGS. FIBEPLACE rr OPENING (INCHES) -'* I r_l Dott3d tl,E rcpres€.n/s samde problem. Exampl€ shows lireplace opening as 36 inches wide. 30 inches high, and the chimney height as 20 feet. The co(ect llua siz€ for the samole orobl€m is 12 inch diameler oioe. ISOKERN FIREBOX HIGH PURITY ALUMINA.SILICA CERAMIC FIBEB BLANKET CHIMNEY MANUFACTURER RESPONSIBTE FOR CHIMNEY WARMNNES EXPRESSED r- D ---l f ,,,---\-l t(o)lt.H.l;.r\ 'l-T, ro' r 13.875" SPARK ARRESTOR/RAIN CAP Spark Arrest/Rain Cap is made of all stainless steel construction built for longevity. Fits perfectly over the Isokem round flue 12" and 14" liner. Also available in salvanized all black construction. TOP SEAL DAMPER The Isokem top seal damper is a sure way to prevent down drafts and keep unwanted pests out of your chimney when not in use. These units are typically used in the see-through and Rumford fireplaces and fit inside the Isokem 12" flue liner recess and as well as our 14" round liner. ISOKERN DM 12'FLUE LINER OUTSIDE AIR KIT The Isokem outside air kit is made of all stainless steel construction which outlasts existing alternatives. Built for sidewall installations the unit comes complete with slide door, 6" stainless pipe which fits to non-combustible flex (not included) and termination vent. PLAN VIEW RN ACCESSORIES I smflntu isclsimsr ISOKERN FIREPLACE AND CHIMNEY SYSTEM ISOKERN wa.ranrs all Isokem fireboxes, dual rnodc chifirey snd chimrcy .rliners to b€ frEc from dcfecls in mrteials that oegadvely affe4t sysrem performaoc€ for a period of on. ( I ) yeat from lh. datc of pu.chase, subjccr to tlrc terms and condirions of this limited wormnty. lsokcm warrants tbc lluc lind sgainst drmag. causcd by chirnncy fift for tln (10) yean from lhc date of putchas€. This wananty covers only the abovc srated components, and M) WARRANTY, EXIRESS On IMPLIED' EXTENN TO ANY OF TIIE HARDWARE, FOOTING, VENTS, DUCTING, OR ACCESSORIES. TIIIS WARMNTY DOFJ NOT COVER DRAUGHTTNG' SMOXING OR PUITING OF TIIE FIR.EPLJ\CE SYSTEM. Factors beyood the manufacrurer\ control affect fircplace draughting, smokinS, and pufling, and ISoKERN qmnot guarantee 0rcse aspecls of perfonnanca. lf a component is found to b€ defecrive unde. $e terms of fris wr.nty the pany to whom dis warranty is ext€nded shall, norify ISOKERN, 8917 Wcstem Wiy. Suile 120. Jacksonvillc, Roridr 32256, in writing, by registered mail, within thiny (30) days follou'ing th€ discovery of |he defect within lhe orc ( I ) yenr wararty period. Thc noticc shall conlain ( I ) ltc dale ofpurchase; (2) place of purchas€; (3) addt€ss of insiallationi (4) name, rddEss md phone number of tl|€ owne( and (5) a bdcf description of the defect. ISOKERN, or any division rhereof, is not rcsporlsible for eny labor cosls or indirEcl cosls incurrcd for the Eplscement of defectiv€ components. ISOKERN is not responsible for misuse or mishandling ofcomponcnts. Nothing in this waranty rnales ISOKERN, or any division rhereof, liabl€ in any respect for any injury or damage to the building or sinrcture in which th€ fir€plac€ o. chimney system has been inslalled or to peBons or propeny th€rein Erising oul of the us€, misuse. or installation of prop€rly manufactured ISOKERN producl. ISOKERN, OR ANY DIVISION THEREOF, SHALI, NOT BE IIELI' LIABLE FOR AI\IY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR EXPENSES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF TTIE FINEPLACES OR CHIMMY SYSTEMS. ALL SUCH DAMAGES AND EXPENSES ANE HENEBY f,XCLUDED' This warranty is null and void whetr thc fircplace or chimry systems arl not installed pu.suant to $e installation insErcrions prDvided by ISOKERN or local building codcs have not b.en followed completely. This warranty applies only to those lireplace atd chimncy systlms installed in the contine0tal United Stat€s, Alaska, and camda. If any part of lhis waranty is found to be uncnforc€able, the remaining parts shall temain in force and effect. ISOXERN HEIEBY DTSCLAIMS ALL GUANANTTES AND WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED' BEYOND THE WARRANTIES SET FOTTH HEREIN. earthcoreINDUSTRIES, INC- 8917 WESTERN WAY. SUITE 120'JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32256 TEL (904) 363-3417 . TOLL 1 (800) 642-2920 ' FAX (904) 363-3408 TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT O VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTACEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970479-2135 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARM PERMIT Job Address: I126 HORNSILVER CR VAIL Location.....: I 125 Homsilver Circle ParcelNo...: 2101W203002 Elect cd-.---> DRB Fe€-> lnvestigstion--> Will Call > TOTAL FEES-.> sso.00 so-00 s0-00 93.00 953.00 $53.00 90. 00 $53.00 s53.00 s0.00 ||||*'.*..i.|..||''l'l''||*l.|l|..|.*|.*:l|||'t*|'|'.r*'|'..ll''t.ii*| Approvals:Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEITT 05/L2/2oo2 mcgee Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL t+t:t+ttlIt:i:tt*a**rt*'|*al|t'ilt,t{.at*a+t,t+*:}a|'t'!t*****a|'tt+*****'ll+t'l*aai++t'}:lt*'ll|tall'|ia'|+t:}'lata{*at+ DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate ptot plan' and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable there-tro. -- REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN AT 479-2lti FROltl 8:fi1 AM - 5 PM. ProjectNo I agfJ\-AAnA OWNER IRON HAWK PROPERTIES, IJIJC 2L2L 4T:H STREET BOIII,DER, CO 80302 License: COIiflIRACTOR THUIJ EIJECTRONIC SYSTEMS P O BOX s34 AVON, CO 4L620 License: 112 -S APPIJICANT THI'I.' EIJECTROITIC SYSTEMS P O BOX 534 AVON, CO 81520 L,icenseI 112-S Desciption: RESIDENTIALALARMSYSTEM Valuation: $ 1.500.00 05/29/2OO2 Phone z 3O3-447-OO94 Os/29/2oo2 Phone z 970-949-4638 05/29/2002 Phone: 970-949-4638 FEE SUMMARY a:t:aalr*'l+iaa'r:t**t.tr*tt,lr*'raa{rarra Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees--.--> Total Permit Fee----> Pa''ments-..---> BALANCE DUE--.-> Permit #: A02-0030 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 05/29/2002 Issued. .: 06/1312002 Expires . .: 12/10/2002 Rol-dst( Vl-ol.a < tVto/: &>3G lWqt\ 764 <nIK SIGNA NTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF + + t ** + * {' ** * * *** | i 'l * i * r {' a' 'lr + * +t I * * * * * | * * * t{r** * * t** * * * t *rt * * * + ** * i i + {r * +** * * | t t * * + +*** * '} +{r** * f* * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ** * ** * * *** *tf * * * at | + + ++* * * t*+* r * * +t+ a t I t* t** * ** * ** + ** t* ** *a** *+i + + **+****+* I * * *+* +* +tt * * ft* * Statement Nurnber: R000002571 Anount: S53.00 06/13/200209:25 AII Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notatsion3 Thul 15155 Permit, No: 402-0030 ll/tr)e ! ALARM PERMIT Parcel No: 210109203002 Site Address: 1125 HORNSILVER CR \IAIL Irocat,ion: 1125 Hornsifver Circle Total Fees: S53.00 This Palment : 953 . 00 Totsal Arrrr Pmts : $53 . 00 Balance: S0. O0 + ++ * * *** + f+ f* * f,* * *ir+*f*** ** * | * +f** a+ ittt+ + +t t*,1' | *+ * ++*l*t * * ** * + + ++f* ** ** ** * *+ f +***+******1.** ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts EP OO1OOOO31114OO TEI4POMRY PO.IER PERMITS !,lC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 50 .00 3.00 ort"rrr oF coMM uNrry DEVEL'.?', NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED oN JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 1126 HORNSILVER CR VAIL Location.....: ll25HomsilverCircle Parcel No...: 27O7O9ZOgffi2 Project No : IRON HAWK PROPERTIES, LLC 2L2T 4TH STREET BOI'LDER, CO 80302 License: TOWNOF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 OWNER COMTRACTOR DAI{ICr EIJEqTRIC 1838 SII,VER EAGIJE COI]RT I,EADVILIJE, CO 80461 License3 114 -E APPI,ICAI{T DANICI ELECTRIC 1838 SILVER EJAGIJE COI'RT LE,ADVIIJLE, CO I0451 License: L14 -E Permit #: 801-0262 status...: Applied .. : lssued. . : Expires . .: tL/05/20Ot Phone: 303-447-0094 LL/05/200I Phone: 719-485-0603 Lt/05/200L Phone: 719-486-0503 ISSUED 11/05/2@r 1r/06/2007 0s/0s/2mi2 Desciption: NEW ELECTRICAL & SERVICE FOR RESIDENCEValuation: $34,m0.00 *-* FEESUMMARY Electdcal-------> DRB Fee-------> lnvestigation--> Will Call------> TOTAL FEE+-> 9209.00 s0.00 s0.0o s3.oo F212 .00 5212.00 s403.o0 9615. Oo 961 5. OO 90,00 Total (lalculated Fces--> Additional Fees---------> Total Permit Fee.-----> Payments-------------> BALANCE DUE.---.--> Approvals: I€Cim: 06OOO ELECTRIC}.L DEPARTMEMT LL/06/200L df Action: APrtem: 05600 FfRE DEPARTMENT cond:12 CONDITIONSOFAPPROVAL (BLDG.): FrEriD rNsPEcrroNs ARE REeUTRED To cHEcK FoR coDE coMpr_,LLl,IcE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that l.have-read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurateplot plan, and state that all the information al required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all rown ordinances and state laws, and to build thisitructure according to the towns zoning ancl subdivision codes, design rev**, "pprf, Uniform Building Code -A ort ", orto.* of tfte Town applicabh thereto. REQUESIIIFORINSPECNONSTIALL BEMADEThIENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BYTEI,EP}IONE AT479.2I3SOR ATOUR CTFPICE FROMs;OO AM.5PM. -^. - .r/ TURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE TO\^/NOF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 ort rr*r oF ..MMUMTY or*roG*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: MlO2-0124 $:t-ost z Job Address: 1125 HORNSILVER CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1125 Hornsilver Circle Applied . . : 06/13/2002 Parcel No...: 2101,09203002 Issued . . : 06/20/2002 ProjectNo: 2q3o(-oX.tG Expires..: 1'2/17/2002 ot'INER rRON HAWK PROPERTTES, r,LC O6/L3/20O2 Phone: 303-447-0094 27,2L 4TH STREET BOUIJDER, CO 80302 I",icense : CONTRACToR FIRE woRKs HEARTH & PATIo TNo6/L3/2oo2 Phone: 970-928-8758 P. O. Box 213 3 clenwood Springs, CO 815 01 License z 243 -14 APPLTCA]\f1| FTRE WORKS HEARTH & PATIO rNO6/!3/2002 Plrone: 97O-92A-A758 P.O. Box 213 3' Glenwood Springs, CO 8 L501 Iricense . 243 -M Desciption: New SFR with Type I EHU Valuation: $6,000.00 Fireplace Infora,ation: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas logs: 0 # of So. oo Total Calculaled Fees--> $273 .00 Wood Pelleh lnvestigation-> 912o.oo TOTAL FEES-------------> $273.00 Total Permit Fee--------> $328.00 Payments--> 5328 - 00 Mechanical--> 5120 . 00 Resfuarant Plan Revie' r--> Plan Check-->S j 0 - 00 DRB Fee-------->So . oo Additional Fees--> Will Call---->$3.00 BALANCE DUE--> Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEMI o5/L3/2oo2 DF Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENf CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: l-2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IAIICE. Cond:22 (BL,DG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE L997 INIC, OR SECTION 70L 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BI-,DG. ) : INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MAMFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AllD TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 I]MC, CHAPTER 10 OF TTM 1997 IMC. $s5.00 $0.00 Cond: 25 (BLDG. ) : GAS APPIJIANCES SHAIT, BE VEMIED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AIID SHAI-'L TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC,8O6 OF THE 1997 I'MC, OR CIAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BI-,DG.): ACCESS TO HEATfNG EQUIPMENT MUST COMPIJY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.]-017 OF TI{E 1997 I'MC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond:31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHAI-,L BE MOUNTED ON FI.,OORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI,E CONST. IINIJESS I-'ISTED FOR MOT'Ii|ITING ON COMBUSTIBI.JE FI-'OORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT.PLANS AND CODE AIIAIYSIS MUST BE TO AN INSPECTION REQT]EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING BOII,ERS S}IAI,I, BB EQUIPPED WITH A FI,OOR DRAIN PER sEcTroN 1004.6 0F THE 1997 rMC. SIGN{ POSTED IN MECTTANICAI, ROOM PRIOR HEATING OR HOT-WATER STIPPLY sEc. 1-022 0F THE 1997 IIMC, OR I ORCONTRACTORFOR DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fuIl the inlormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is plot plarg to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and I agree to comply with the information and this according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform thereto. of the Town applicable REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN 2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. OWNEF r APPucATToN tO no,ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETEO Project #: Build Permit will not be accepted without the following: Provide Mechanical Room layout drawn to scale to include:a Mechanical Room Dimensionss Combustion Air Duct Size and Location Gas Line Spec ID cTo 0{fu Town of Vail Reg. No.: VATUATION FOR MECHANICAT PERMIT Assessors Oflle at 97O-328-8640 or visit forParel Ffrfet.fl (BequireO if no bldg, permit # is provided above) >lnl -On- O 3^ O0Z_/ @44 o,rnt ) | N r fux, Jfu/',.-p Job Address: //zt ,+{tnt,/rnn Lesar Description I uot Q llelcx:u I ll ririne, B ll suuoiui"ion, Vct,t I V,lfanpt Pwners name: foq h^t Vfo4Address:2J'21 L/ tL fiuulglOfi.enone:a Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed descriotion of work:;;;i\i#X,"5"Eoo Antrczcp \ + / eax /no Cnnnt*n^\ Work Class: New (*.J- Addition ( ) Alteration ( ) Repair ( ) Ottrer (Y BoilerLocation: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Other( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Single-family (fJ Duplex ( ) MultFfamily ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: I No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Tyoeof FireolacesExistino: GasAoDliances( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurning( ) Noflype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances (?J Gas LoSs ( | ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALIOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? yes ( ) No ( ) *** **** * * * ** * * ** t* * * * ** *FoR oFFICE USE ON LY** ** ** * ** *'x * * * **** * F! /everyone/forms/ mechperm AppLrcATroN 'ulnot BE AccEprED rF rNco'pLErrlunrronro Project #: MWNOFVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Building Permit #t D62 -@Zl Mechanical Permit #: 970-47 9-2L49 (Inspections) Permit will not be accepted without the following: Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include:a Mechanical Room Dimensionso Combustion Air Duct Size and Location o Flue, Ventand Gas Line Size and Location a Heat Loss Calcs.n EquipmentCut/SpecSheets CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Mechanical Contractor: lauvt Or-hl, Ptt'^'bur- Town of Vail Reg. No.: 2q5- $Contact and Phone #'s: v't-uv aztq- zg, s9-7o contractor sisnature: tyrlh. W MECHANIC,AL: $ amO ? ****************:rx**x***FoR oFFIcE usE oNLy*********************x**6{-!.*'Y\. DRB Fees: Date Received: 1 ..,, - COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor & Materials Other Fees:Planner Sisn-off:Accepted Bv: DRB Fees:Date Received: Contact Assessorc Offie at 97O-328-8640 or visit forParel # # (Required if no bldg, permit # is provided above) JobAddress:3to € LrE'irs ha"-l Gn. ffifi:'i"L*,s hca-t u^Ji+ Ito" v*'l e {}.t ,{i zo' hcc- - -.'a'l gztll 1 I'r<*| 1.1.o, 1I.a,^cs-L+F; WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Alteration!4) Repair( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Boiler Location: Interioft.rj Exterior ( ) Other ( ) Typeof Bldg: Single-familylQ Duplex( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:, /No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: : Gas Aopliances ( I ) Gas Loqs ( 1 Noflype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( 1 ) Cas t-oSs (l ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes F: /everyone/forms/ mechperm Town of Vail MechanicalCodes and Design Criteria o You must obtain Design Review Board (DRB) approval if any of the mechanical work will involve ANY exterior work. This includes and is not limited to removal and replacement of driveway snow melt systems. Please contact a planner at 479-2L28 before submitting your mechanical permit application. . The Town of Vail has adopted the 1998 International Mechanical Code (IMC) with the 1997 Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC) as an acceptable alternative. . All new construction within the Town of Vail is considered to be of unusually tight construction, thus all combustion air is required to be drawn from outside the structure for mechanical equipment. Reference the 1997 UMC Sec. 7(J1,2. Town of Vail Fireolace Ordinance In September of 1991, the Vail Town Council adopted an ordinance which restricts te construction and use of open hearth fireplaces within municipal boundaries. Since that time the ordinance has undergone numerous changes and revisions, striving for compromise, yet effectiveness in addressing the air quality issue. Therefore the following criteria has been adopted: I Construction of open heafth wood burning fireplaces is no longer permitted within Town of Vail municipal boundaries. . Dwellino Units - Each new dwelling unit may contain: One (1) EPA Phase II ceftified solid fuel buming device and no more than two (2) gas appliances (B vent) OR Two (2) gas log fireplaces and no more than two (2) gas appliance fireplaces (B bent). . Restricted Dwellino Units - Each new restricted dwelling unit may contain: One (1) gas log fireplace and not more than one (1) gas appliance fireplace. . Accommodation Units - Each new accommodation unit may contain: One (1) gas log fireplace or one (1) gas appliance fireplace. . If two or more separate dwelling units or accommodation units are combined to form one larger unit, the combined unat may retain one woodburning fireplace (if one already exists) and no more than 2 gas appliance fireptaces, or may convert up to two existing fireplaces to gas. . If during the course of a remodel an existing woodburning fireplace is altered or moved, the unit must then comply with all provisions of the ordinance. That is, the fireplace must be converted to natural gas or replaced by an EPA Phase II ceftified unit. F: / everyone/forms/ mechperm /ft{tr'At$/rJ roxNdunY HOW DID WE RATE UUTTH YOU? Toum ofVailSurvey Community Dwelopment Deprhent Russell Fonest Director, (970)17e-2r39 Check all that appfies. 1. Which Deparfnent(s) did you curbct? Building Environmenbl_Housing_Admin Planning DRB PEC _ no one available ? 3. lf you were required to wait how long was it bebre you were helped?_ 4. Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why no0 5. Was this your first lime b file a DRB app- PEC app- Bldg Permit- l.UA 6. Please rate $e performance of he sffiperson who assisted you: 54321Name: (knowledge, responsiveness, availability) 7. Overall efiectiveness of he Front Service Countrer. 5 4 3 2 1 8. What is fte best lime of day for you to use fie Front Service Counter? : 9. Any commenb you have which uould allow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you br taking the time to complete this survey. We are cornmittsd b improving our seMce. Town of Vail Mechanical Codes and Desiqn Criteria . You must obtain Design Review Board (DRB) approval if any of the mechanical work will involve ANY exterior work. This includes and is not limited to removal and replacement of driveway snow meft systems. Please contact a planner at 479-2128 before submitting your mechanical permit application, . The Town of Vail has adopted the 1998 International Mechanical Code (IMC) with the 1997 Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC) as an acceptable alternative. . All nenr onstruction within the Town of Vail is considered to be of unusually tight construction, thus all combustion air is required to be drawn from outside the structure for mechanical equipment. Reference the 1997 UMC Sec. 70'..2. Town of Vail Fireolace Ordinance In September of 1991, the Vail Town Council adopted an ordinance which restricts te construction and use of open heafth fireplaces within municipal boundaries. Since that time the ordinance has undergone numerous changes and revisions, striving for compromise, yet effectiveness in addressing the air quality issue. Therefore the following criteria has been adopted: . Construction of open hearth wood burning fireplaces is no longer permitted within Town of Vail municipal boundaries. . Dwellinq Units - Each new dwelling unit may contain: One (f) EPA Phase II certified solid fuel burning device and no more than two (2) gas appliances (B vent) OR Two (2) gas log fireplaces and no more than two (2) gas appliance fireplaces (B bent). . Restricted Dwellino Units - Each new restricted dwelling unit may contain: One (1) gas log fireplace and not more than one (1) gas appliance fireplace. . Accommodation Units - Each new accommodation unit may contain: One (1) gas log fireplace or one (1) gas appliance fireplace. o ff two or more separate dwelling units or accommodation units are combined to form one larger unit the combined unit may retain one woodburning fireplace (if one already exists) and no more than 2 gas appliance fireplaces, or may convert up to two existing fireplaces to gas. . If during the cou6e of a remodel an existing woodburning fireplace is altered or moved, the unit must then comply with all provisions of the ordinance. That is, the fireplace must be convefte{ to natural gas or replaced by an EPA Phase II certified unit. Fi /everyone/forms/ mechperm 2. Was yourinitial contactwith ourstaff immediate_dow_or ; . r .,,,,, no one available ? 3. lf you were required to wait how long was it before you were ,/--\ _ffiJt+/,/rvnffi! HOW DID WE RATE WTTH YOU? Town of Vail Suruey Community Development Departnent Russell Fonest Direcbr, (970)1i9.?13e Check allthd applies. 1. Which Departnent(s) did you contact? Building Environmental_Housing_Admin Planning DRB _ PEC helped?_ 4. Was your proj,ect reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / t,lo lf no, why not? 5. Was this your firstlime b file a DRB app- PEC app- Bldg Permit_ l,J/A 6. Please rate fte performance of fie sffiperson who assisted you: 54321Name: (knourledge; responsiveness, availabifity) 7. Overaff efiectiveness of fie Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 1 8. What is he best lime of day br you to use he Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would ailow us to better serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are cornrnitbd b irproving our service. !3iil'-fi; E[iB5:]. Model: Everest Pnntedrn U SA Copynght2000, Heat-N-Glo, a drvrsron of Hearth Technologres Inc 20802 Kensngton Boulevard, Lakevrlle, MN 55044 o H HT-N-Cro No onc bullds a bcttor llrc Installers Guide ,@* TISTED Underwriters Laboratories Listed THIS MANUAL BEFORE INSTALLING OR IING THIS APPLIANCE. THIS 'A'STALLERSGUIDE MUST BE LEFT WITH APPLIANCE FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. WARNING: IMPROPER INSTALLA- TION, ADJUSTMENI ALTERATION, SERVICE OR MAINTENANCE CAN CAUSE INJURY OR PROPERTY DAM. AGE. REFER TO THIS MANUAL. FOR ASSISTANCE OR ADDITIONAL INFOR. MATION CONSULT A QUALIFIED IN. STALLER, SERVICE AGENCY OR THE GAS SUPPLIER. 1. This appliance may be installed in an af- termarket, permanently located, manu- factured (mobile) home, where not pro- hibited by localcodes. 2. This appliance is only for use with the type of gas indicated on the rating plate. This appliance is not convertible for use with other gases, unless a certified kit is used. Please contact your Heat-N-Glo dealer for any questrons or concerns For the number of your nearest Heat-N€lo dealer, please call 952-98ffi000 Th|s product 19 covered by one or mo.e ot the tollovtmg patents (untod states) 1,112.e13,4,404.594, 1,422,426, 4,421,792, 1520,791, 4,753,322, 4,a52,54a, 4,875,464. 5,000,162, s,O16,609, 5,076,254 5.191.a77, 5,21a,953. 5.324,356, 5,429,495. 5.452,708, 5,542.107, 5,613,€7. (Aust.aha) 543790, 586383, (Canada) 1,123,296, 1,297,746, 2,195,264, (Mexco) 97-0457, (New Zealand) 200265, or other U S and foreEn pabnts pendrng Do not store or use gasohne or other flam- mable vapors and ftqurds rn the vrcrnty of thrs or any other applnnce What to do if you smell gas . Do not try to lrght any applrance . Do not touch any electncal swrtch . Do not use any phone rn your burldrng . lmmedrately call your gas suppler from a neghbor's phone Follow the gas suppler's Instructrons . lf you cannot reach your gas suppler, call the fire deoarfnent Installatpn and servce must be performed by a qualfred rnstaller, servrce agency, or the gas supplrer WARNING: lF THE INFORMATION IN THESE INSTRUCTIONS IS NOT FOLLOWED EXACTLYA FIRE OR EXPLOSION MAY RESULT CAUS. ING PROPERTY DAMAGE, PER. SONAL INJURY OR DEATH. 750-900c 9/00 'AFETY AND wAR*C,*roRMAtoN Prior to lhe first firing of the fireplace, READ lhe Using Your Fireplace section of the Owners Guide. A rr,t uNtr ts Nor FoR usE wrrH soLtD FUEL. due to excessive lint from carpeting, bedding malerial, elc. lt is IMPERATM that the unifs Always KEEP the appliance clear and free from combustible materials, gasoline, and other flammable vapors and liquids. Due to the high temperature, the appliance should be LOCATED out of traffic areas and away from furniture and draperies. Clothing or flammable material SHOUL D NOT BE PLACED on or near the applrance. A A These described in lhe the ,nsfar/ers Guide. NO components MAY AE U1 This gas fireplace and vent assembly MUST be vented directly to the outside and MUSf NEVER be attached lo a chimney serving a separate solid fuel burning appliance. Each gas appliance MUSI USE a separate vent system. Common vent systems are PROHIBITED. ,NSPECT maKe sure flow. The glass door assembly [fUSf be in place and sealed, and the trim door aspmbly MpSI be in place on the fireplace before tfe f;t grn be placed the glass removrng. be pe person. The glass door assembly SHALL OA/LY be replaced as a complete unit, as supplied by the gas fi replace manufacturer. wO SUBSfTfUfE material may be used. Turn off the gas before servicing this appliance. lt is recommended that a qualiJied service technician perform an appliance check-up at the beginning of each heating season. C ContentsTable of Safety and Warning Information. ..............2 I Service Parts Lists. .............4 Section 1: Approvals and Codes. .............6 Approval Listings and Codes ........................6 Appliance Certification .. .......... 6 Installation Codes........... ..............................6 High Altitude Installations ..............................6 Section 2: Getting Started .........................7 Introducing the Heat-N-Glo Gas Fireplaces ....................... 7 Pre-installation Preparation ..........................7 Section 3: Installing the Fireplace ............9 Step 1 Locating the Fireplace ...................9 Step 2 Framing the Fireplace ...................9 Step 3 Installing the Vent System ........... 10 A. Vent System Approvals ................................ 1 0 B. Installing Vent Components ......................... 1 5 C. Vent Termination .................... 19 Step 4 Positioning, Leveling, and Securing the Fireplace ................22 t Step 5 The Gas Control Systems....... ..........................22 a Step 6 The Gas Supply Line ......................................... 23 Step 7 Gas Pressure Requirements ............................ 23 Step 8 Wiring the Fireplace ....................24 Step 9 Finishing ................25 Step 10 Installing Trim, Logs, and Ember Material .........26 lnstalling the Trim ........................26 Positioning the Logs ....................26 Placing the Ember Material ..........26 Step 1 1 Before Lighting the Firep|ace................... .......... 27 Step 12 Lighting the Fireplace ..................27 Afterthe lnstallation ..............27 Section 4: Maintaining and Servicing Your Fireplace. ............................................ 28 I = Contains updated information. Seruice Part?HHT-tdo IIo onc bulldr e bcttcr llrc EVEREST Exploded Parts Diagram / Vue 6clat6e des piices * Part number list on following page. * La liste des num6ros de pidce se trouve a la page suivante.11 f-og SetAssembly 12 eackLog (not shown) 4 EVEREST Service Parts List I lt" des pidces de rechange O IMPORTANT THIS lS DATED INFORMATION. The most current information is located on vour dealers VIP site. When ordering, supply serial and model numbers to ensure correct seryice parts. ONI/CFF Rocker Swibh / lfiempteur d bascde marche/an€t 060-511 1 Main Burner Orifice NG (#45A) / Orifice de br0leur GN (#45A)062-801 1 Main Burner Orifice LP (#56) / Orifice de bnleur PL (#56)045-802 2 Log Bumer Orifice NG (#53A) / Orifice de br0leur GN (#53A)060-801 2 Log Bumer Odfice LP (#64A)/ Orifice de br0leur PL (64A)750-800 3 Glass Door Assembly / Module de Porte en vene GLA-Everest 4 Standard Door / Porte Standard DF-Everesl 5 Bunpr NG LP / Br0leur GN, PL 750-175A 6 Log Grate / Grille de Bfrche 750-360A 7 Refraclory Base / R6fractaire, Base sRV7s0-733 I Refractory Right Side / R6fractaire sRV750-731 9 Refractory LeftSide / R6fractaire sRV750-730 10 Refractory Back / R6lractaire sBV750-732 11 Log Set Assembly / Jeu de B0ches LOGS-Everest 12 Log 1 Back Log / Birche 1 sRV750-703 13 Log 2 Left Bumer Log / Br)che 2 sRV750-701A 14 Log 3 Right Burner Log / B0che 3 sRV750-702A 15 Log 4 Right kside Log / B0che 4 sRV750-705 16 Log 5 Small Log / B0che 5 sRV750-706 17 Log 6 Left lrside Log / B0che 6 sRV750-704 18 Valve NG / Vahe GN 750-500 18 Vahe LP / Valve PL 750-501 19 Pilot Assembly NG (must order wtrcle pilot assembly) / Module de veilleuse GN 593-510A 19 Pilot Assembly LP (must order whole pilot assembly) / Module de veilleuse PL 593-511A 20 Modde / Module 593-592 21 Wire Assembly 593-590A 22 3V Adaptor Plug 593-593A 23 Battery Pack 593-594A Remote Control Kit / Commande A distance RC-SMART Remole Confol Kit / Commande A distarce RCF.MLT Remole Confol Kit / Commande d distance SMART.STAT Wall Switch Kit, Off White / Module d'interrqlteur mural , Blanc Casse WSK-21 Wall Switch Kil Wtite / Module d'intern+teur mural , Blarrc wsK-21-W Trim Door Mesh / Erpadrement de Porte de Ecran MESH-Everest Conrersion Kit LP / Modde de corversion au proparc LPKD-Everest Conversion Kit NG / Module de conversion GN NGKD-Everesl 5 Approvals and Codes Appliance Certification High Altitude Installations TheHeat-N-Glofireplacemodeldiscussedinthis/nsfa//ers U.L. Listed gas fireplaces are tested and approved for Guide have been tested to certification stiandards and listed elevations from 0 to 2.000 feet in the U.S.A. and from 0 to by the applicable laboratories. 4,500 feet in Canada. Certification MODEL: EVEREST LABORATORY: Underwriters Laboratories TYPE: Direct Vent Gas Fireplace Heater STANDARD: ANSI 221.88-1 998/CSA2.33-M98 lnstallation Godes The fireplace installation must conform to localcodes. Before installing the fireplace, consult the local building code agency to ensure that you are in compliance with all applicable codes, including permits and inspections. In the absence of local codes, the fireplace instiallation must conform to the National Fuel Gas Code ANSI 22231 (in the United $ates) orthe CAN/CGA-8149 Installation Codes (in Canada). The appliance must be electrically grounded in accordance with local codes or, in the absence of local codes with the National Electric CodeANSI/NFPA No. 70 (in the United $ates), orto the CSAC22.lCanadian Electric Code (in Canada). These models may be installed in a bedroom or bed-sitting room in the U.S.A. and Canada. When installing this fireplace at an elevation above 2,000 feet (in the United States), it may be necessary to decrease - the input rating by changing the existing burner orifice to a smaller size. Input should be reduced four percent (4%) for each 1,000 feet above sea level, unless the heating value of the gas has been reduced, in which case this general rule will not apply. To identify the proper orifice size, check with the local gas utility. When installing this fireplace at an elevation between 2,000 and 4,500 feet (in Canada), the input rating must be reduced by ten percent (107o). When installing this fireplace at an elevation above 4,500 feet (in Canada), check with local authorities. Consult your local gas utility for assistance in determining the proper orifice for your location. @)ru1 ffi:["T$:*. Getting Started Introducing the Heat-N-Glo Gas Fireplaces Warranty Heat-N-Glo direct vent gas fireplaces are designed to oper- The Heat-N-Glo Warranty will be voided by, and Heat-N-Glo ate with all combustion air siphoned from outside of the disclaims any responsibility for, the following actions:' buildingandall exhaust gases expelled to the outside . Instailation of any damaged fireprace or vent system com- The information contained in this /nsfa//ers Gurde, unless Donent. notedothenrvise,app|iestoa||mode|sandgascontro|- systems. Gas fireplace diagrams, including the dimensions, ' Modification of the fireplace or direct vent system. are shown in this section. . Installation other than as instructed by Heat-N-Glo. Pre-install Preparation . lmproperpositioningof thegaslogsortheglassdoor. This gas fireplace and its components are tested and safe . Installation and/or use of any component part not manu- when installed in accordance with this lnstallers Guide. factured andapproved by Heat-N-Glo, notwithstanding Report to your dealer any parts damaged in shipment, anyindependenttesting laboratoryorotherpartyapproval particularly the condition of the glass. Do not install any of such component part or accessory. unit with damaged' incomplete' or substitute parts' ANy sucH ActoN MAy possrBLy cAUsE A F'RE The vent system components and trim doors are shipped HAZARD. in separate packages. The gas logs may be packaged separately and must be field installed. Read all of the instructions before starting the installation. Follow these instructions carefully during the installation to ensure maximum safety and benefit. Failure to follow these instructions will void the owner's warranty and may plesent a fire hazard, When planning a fireplace installation, it's necessary to determine:. Where the unit is to be installed. . The vent system configuration to be used. . Gas supply piping. . Electricalwiring. . Framing and finishing details. - . Whether optional accessories devices such as a fan, wall switch, or remote control are desired. lf the fireplace is to be installed on carpeting or tile, or on- any combustible material other than wood flooring, the fireplace should be installed on a metial orwood panelthat extends the full width and depth of the fireplace. aa t I i'l6 (227lflr|l 7 i$|6 (a'2nn) O t Jt (2llnm) 20 ?/l (Einmm) TOP VEIIT OOLI.AHI TRt OOOR RATING PLATE AND LAAELS GAS LI{E ACCESS ELECTRICAL accEss 4 rrnc Figure 1. Diagram of the Everest ultum Clearances from the Vent Pipe to Gombustible Materaals lnches ltrn Vertical Sections. ............. 1 ......,......... 25 Horizontal Sections Tan 3 ....,..- 75 Rnftom 1 25 I 25Sidcs AtWall FirestopsTon ? 112 M Installing the Fi replace Step 1. Locating the Fireplace The diagram below shows space and clearance require- ments for locating a fireplace within a room. ABCDE 35'112" 21 314'. 30 1t2" 43 1/16' 60 7/8" (902mm) (552mm) (775mm) ('1094mm) (1546mm) Figure 2. Fireplace Dimensions, Locations, and Space Requirements Clearance Requirements The top, back, and sides of the fireplace are defined by standoffs. The minimum clearance to a perpendicular wall extending past the face of the fireplace is 4 inches (10?nm). The back of the fireplace may be recessed 23 (584mm) inches (546mm) into combustible construction. For minimum clearances, see the direct vent termination clearance diagrams on pages 20 and 21 in this manual. The distance from the unit to combustible construction is to be measured from the unit outer wrap surface to the combustible construction. NOT from the screw heads that secure the unit together. Step 2. Framing the Fireplace Fireplace framing can be built before or after the fireplace is set in place. Framing should be positioned to accommo- date wall coverings and fireplace facing material. The dia- gram below shows ftaming reference dimensions. CAUTION: MEASURE FIREPLACE DIMENS/ONS, AND VERIFY FRAMING METHODS AND WALL COVERING DETAILS. BEFORE FRAMING Minimum Clearances from the Fireplace to Combustible Materials lnches Glass Front..... 36 ..............914Flmr ....0 .................0Rear ...1D...............13Sides ,..1n ...............13Top ....4...............102Ceiling* ... 31 ..............787 * The clearance to the ceiling is measured from the top of the unit, excluding the stand-offs and collar. See Figure 28 for further details. Shows center of 12" x '12' venl framing holes for to venling. Framing should be construcled of2 X 4 lumber or heavier. A......35 112" (fi2mm) 8......50 1tZ (1283mm) c.,....212' (565mm) D......54" (1372mm) Fagure 3. Framing Dimensaons Step 3. Installing tne venQstem A. Vent System Approvals These models are approved to use D-series direct vent pipe componenb and terminatirns . Approved vent sys- tem componenEare labeled br iJentificafnn. This pipe is tested and listed as an approved component of the fireplace. The pipe is tested to be run inside an en- dosed wall. There is no rcquirement br inspedion open' ings at each joint within the wall. There is no required pitch for horizontal vent runs. NO OTHER VENTING SYSTEMS OR COMPONENTS MAY BE I'SED. Detailed installation instructions are included with each vent termination kit and should be used in conjunction with this lnstallers Guide. The draw- ing below shows vent system components and ter- minations. The flame and ember appearance may vary based on the type of fuel burned and the venting configura- tion used. ldentifying Vent Components The vent systems installed on his gas fireplace may include one, two, orthree 90'elbowassemblies. The relationships of vertical rise to horizontal run in vent configurations using 90" elbows MUST BE strictly adhered to. The rise to run relationships are shown in the venting drawings and tables. Refer to the dia- grams on the next several pages. NOTE: Two 45o elbols may be used in place of one 90" elbo\ ,. rise to run ratios in the vent systemmust be follored if 45" elborc are used. a NOTE: PIPES O\|ERLAP 1 3A INCHES (34.93mm) AT EACH JOINT. Figurc 4. D€eries Direct Vent Gomponent Speciffcations ($.inch inner pipe l8 S8-inch outer pipe) n! 4i5 t:T--a-i-l II I|nJ?I ltH r.4----r- v*D If nl ET ',./E'. tr-r- | | lrrE-{lE -rr"t-f-lllontHglmfttl b-l---------I- ffitttD -tT-.r?E-l i0.H !x- [rF*n Vent system termination kitsN ([IUl ovK{rttno DVK+LEX34IO @ DVr-WCD ROOF FLAST {G XORIZO'{TAL PIPE SUPFORT rt=t I To Unit NPE LCXgfI{ $ OEOREE ELA(nV Figure 5. Vent Components and Terminations 10 -- STRAIGHT UP VERTIGALVENTING v (FT.) 40'MAX. (12.4M1 Figure 6. Straight Up Vertical Venting 11 It VENTING W|TH ONE (1) 90'ELBOW 1'MlN. (305mm) 10'MAX. (3.1m) 2'MlN. (610mm) 15'MAX. (4.65m) 4'MlN. (1.22m) 20'MAX. (6.2m) V+H=40' MA)(. (12.4MM) H = 20' MA)(. (6.2m) NOTE: lf a 9tr elbow is first attrached to the unit. the maximum horizontal run is 3-feet (914mm). NOTE: Forcorner insbllations:A6-inch (152mm) section of straight pipe may need to be attached to the fireplace before a 9e elbow to allow the vent pipe to clear the top standoffs. Figure 7. Venting with One 90o Elbow 12 -- vENTtNG W|TH TWO (2) 90" ELBOWS V H+Hr 1'MlN. (305mm) 10'MAX. (3.1m) 2'MlN. (610mm) 15'MAX. (4.65m) 4'MlN. (1.22m) 20'MAX. (6.2m) V+H+HI= 40'MAX.(12.4m) H+Hr = 20' MAX. (6.2m) V+Vi+H= 40' MAX.(12.4m) Figure 8. Venting with Two 90'Elbows 13 al u*Vr " * Hr 1'MlN.(305mm) 10'MAX.(3.1m) 2'MlN. (610mm) 15'MAX. (4.65m) 4'MlN. (1.22m) 20'MA)t. (6.2m) NOTE: H+ H' =20'MAX. (6.2m) V + V,' + H + H,|= 40' Mtu\. (12.4m) VENT|NG W|TH THREE (3) 90'ELBOWS Figure 9. Venting with three 90o elbows 14 B. Installing Vent Compon"nrJ lf your vertical vent component is over 10 feet, you may want to install the included vertical baffle to improve flame appearance. Vertical baffle is located in the bag containing the instruction manual. Center the vertical baffle on the five inch flue being used, and with self tapping screws secure the batfle to the inside of the firebox (see Figure 10). With vent runs of 30 feet or more without elbows, an additional baffle (SRW50-152) is to be used with the supplied baffle. This is a service part and is to be purchased separately. Figure 10. Vertical Baffle 1. Attach tne flvent Component to the Starting Gollars To attach the first vent component to the sbrting collars of the fireolace: . Apply a 3/8 inch (9.5mm) bead of stove cement around the 5 inch (127mm) fireplace starting collar. . Make sure that the fireplace rope gasket supplied with the fireplace seals between the first 8-5/8 inch (21gmm) vent component and the outer fireplace wrap. . Lock the vent components into place by sliding the con- centric pipe sections with four (4) equally spaced interi- or beads into the fireplace collaror previously insblled com- ponent end with four (4) equally spaced indented sections. . When the internal beads of each 8-5/8 inch (219mm) outer pipe line up, rotate the pipe section clockwise about one{uarter (1/4) tum. The vent pipe is now locked togeher. 1. Apply the stove cement. 2. Line up the internal beads and rotate the pipe sections clockwise until locked. 3. Lock the vent components into place. 4. Check the seal on the rope gasket. STABTING COLLAF STOVE r-SEALANT ! BEAo II--l [__i | | .-' ,,", ' ' (2s.4mm) Figure 11. Attaching the First Vent Component to the Starting Collars 15 lf the installation is for a termination cap attached directly to the fireplace, skip to the sections, Install Firestops and Vent Termination. 2. Continue Adding Vent Components t Figure 12 COMBUSIIBL€ To Install the Heat Shield: 1, Determine if the heat shield is required. Do so by mea- suring the vertical distance between the top horizontal surface of the elbow to any combustible surface above. lf the distance is more than 4 inches, the heat shield is NOT required. lf it is 4 inches or less, the heat shield lS REQUIRED. Install perthefolloring steps. See Figure 12. 2. Fasten the shield in place using the four pilot holes pro- vided in the part. The shield should be oriented such that the 13 1/8 inch dimension (longest dimension) is run- ning in the same direction the elbow is pointing. The shield should be centered directly above the elbow and positioned so that it creates a 1/2 inch airspace between the shield and the combustible surface. See Figure 13. To continue adding vent components in accordance with the pre-planned vent system configuration: . Ensure that each succeeding vent component is securely fitted and locked into the preceding component in the vent system. . 90' elbows may be installed and rotated to any point around the preceding component's vertical axis. lf an el- bow does not end up in a locked position with the preced- ing component, aftach with a minimum of two (2) sheet metal screws. Continue adding vent components, locking each succeeding component into place (see Figure 14). CORRECT COMBUSTIBLE SURFACE 90 ELBOW Figure 13 INCORRECT fdt= \-)|-7 Figure 14. Adding Venting Components 16 3. Install Support Brackets For Horizontal Runs -Theventsystem mustbe support- ed every fi ve (5) feet of horizontal run by a horEonhl pipe su pporl To install support brackets for horizontal runs: . Place the pipe supports around the vent pipe. . Nail the pipe supports to the framing members. For Vertical Runs - The vent system must be supported every eight (8) feet (2.4m) above the fireplace flue outlet by wall brackets. To install support brackets for vertical runs: . Attach wall brackets to the vent pipe and secure the wall bracket to the framing members with nails or screws. . Use wall brackets to support vertical runs every 8 feet (2.4m) above the fireplace flue outlet. 1 INCH MIN. (2s.4mm) Figure 15. Installing Support Brackets 4. InstallFirestops For Horizontal Runs - Firestops are REQUIRED on both sides of a combustible wall through which the vent passes. NOTE: Model DVK-0|TRD does nof need an exterior firestop on an exterior combustible wall. To install Rrestop"Oorizontal runs that pass through either interior or exterior walls: . Cuta 12-inch by 12-inch (305mm X 305mm) hole through the wall. The center of the hole is one (1) inch (25.4mm) above the center of the horizontal vent pipe. . Position the firestops on both sides of the hole previ- ously cut and secure the firestops with nails or screws. . The heat shields of the firestops MUST BE placed to- wards the top of the hole. . Continue the vent run through the firestops. 1. Cutthe 12-inch by 12-inch hole. 2. Position the firestops. 3. Place the heat shield to the too. 4. Continue the vent run. VENT PIPE Figure 16. 12" x12" Hole and Vent Pipe HEAT SHIELD INTEFIOR FIBESTOP TRIM HEAT SHIELD IF TOO LONG AOD TO SHIELD IF TOO SHORT EXTERIOR FIRESTOP AIY Figure 17. Heat Shield, Interior & Exterior Firestops 17 For Vertical Runs - One ce,,,n?r"r,op is REQUTRED lf the area "t,n" ceiling is NOT an attic, position and at the hole in each ceiling through which the vent passes. secure the ceiling firestop on the ceiling side of the previously To instiall firestops for vertical runs that pass through ceilings' cut and framed hole' . Position a plumb bobdirectlyoverthecenterof the verti- This shows a ceiling installation. cal vent component. . Mark the ceiling to establish the centerpoint of the vent. . Drill a hole or drive a nail through this centerpoint. . Check the floor above for any obstructions, such as wir- ing or plumbing runs. . Reposition the fireplace and vent system, if necessary to accommodate the ceiling joists and/or obstructions. . Cutan 1't{nch x 11-inch (280mm x280mm) holethrough the ceiling, using the centerpoint previously marked. . Frame the hole with framing lumber the same size as the ceiling joists. Figure 18. 11" x 11" Hole & New Framlng Membee NAILS (4 BEOTTIRED) CEIUI{G FIRESTOP Figure 19. Ceillng Firestop (Geiling SHe) lf the area above the ceiling lS an attic, position and secure the firestop on top of the previously framed hole. This shows an attic installation. Keep insulation away from the vent pipe at least 1 inch (25mm). NA|LS (4 nEOUTRED) 18 G. Vent Termination For Horizontal Terminations-To aftach and secure the termination to the last section of horizontal vent: . Rotate and interlock the ends as described at the begin- ning of the Installing Vent Components section. . The termination kit should pass through the wall firestops from the exterior of the building. . Adjust the termination cap to its final exterior position on the building. ' ^' wAnNrNG: rnErrinaunnoHclpmusree fii".Pot,ttoNED so inlr inE ennow tC '''''Po|NT|NGUP,' For trapezoidal cap termination kits: . Screw the cap to the exterior wall through the flanges in the caD. . Seal the joint between the pipe and the exterior firestop. - TRAPEZOID CAP TERMINATION Figure 21. Trapezoid Termination Caps 7114" 19 t--lH <B - -B- El I rT]ffi M=venr TERMINAL @ =AlnsupPLYlNLET VZ =o ^WHERETERMINALISNOTPERMITTED 12" .................... clearances above grade, verarr da, porch, deck or balcony 12" .................... clearances to window or door that may be opened e" (u.s.A.) 12" (Canada) .....clearance to permanently closed windovr. vertical clearance to ventilated soffit located above the termi- nalwithin a horizontal distance of 2 feet (60 cm) from the cen- ter-line of the terminal clearance to unventilated soffit clearance to outside corner clearance to inside corner not to be installed above a gas meter/regulator assembly with- in 3 feet (90crn) horizontallyftont the center-line of the regulator 3 ft. (U.S.A.) 6 ft. (Canada)..... clearance to seruice regu- lator vent outlet. g',(U.S.A.) 12" (Canada) ..... clearance to non-mechan- ical air supply inlet to building or the combustion air inlet to any other ap- pliance 3 ft. (U.S.A.) 6 fi. (Canada) ..... clearance to a mechanir=l air supply inlet 7ft. ................... clearance above paved sidewalk ora paved drive- way located on public property 18" .................... clearance under veranda, porch, deck or balcony ' 30" minimum forvinyl clad sofflt8. '* a vent shall not terminate directly above a sidewalk or paved drivewaywhich is located between two single family dwellings and serves both dwellings. *** only permifted if veranda, porch, deck or balcony is fully open on a minimum of 2 sides beneath the floor. NOTE: Local Codes or Regulations may require different clearances. Figure 22. Vent Termination Minimum Clearancee 20 install the vent sections: . Locate and mark the vent centerpoint on the underside of the roof, and drive a nail through the centerpoint. . Make the outline of the roof hole around the centerooint nail. . The size of the roof hole framing dimensions depend on the pitch of the roof. There MUST BE a 1-inch (25.4mm) clear- ance from the vertical vent pipe to combustible materials. . Markthe roof holeaccordingly. . Cover the opening of the installed vent pipes. . Cut and frame the roof hole. For Vertical Termination= - ro ,olrne vent and To seal the root not0c to divert rain and snow from the vent system: . Attach a flashing to the roof using nails, and use a non- hardening mastic around the edges of the flashing base where it meets the roof. . Attach a storm collar over the flashing joint to form a water-tight seal. Place non-hardening mastic around the joint, between the storm collar and the vertical pipe. . Slide the termination cap over the end of the vent pipe and rotate the pipe clockwise 1/4 turn. Use framing lumber the same size as the roof rafters and install the frame securely. Flashing anchored to the frame must withstand heavy winds. Continue to install concentric vent sections up through the roof hole (for inside vent installations) or up past the roof line until you reach the appropriate distance above the roof (for outside terminations). NOTE: This also pertains to veftical vent systems in- stalled on the outside of the building. HORIZONTAL OVERHANG VERNCAL WALL TERMINAIION CAP L "oo. ",r",ts v12 TO LOWEST DISCHARGE OPENING I. MINIMUM HEIGHT FR$ ROOF H {min.) ft. 1.0 1.25 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.25 4.0 4n 6.0 7.0 7.5 8.0 Figure 23. Minimum Height from Roof to Lowest Discharge Opening Roof Pitch llatto 6112 6112 to7l12 over 7l12to 8112 over 81121o9112 over 9112to 10112 over 101'12to 11112 over 11l12to 12112 over 12112to 14112 over 14112to 16112 over 16112to 18112 over 18112to2OI12 over 20112to2'1112 LOWEST OISCHARGE OPENING 21 Step 4. Positioning, t-"u"lQ, "ndSecuring the Fireplace The diagram below shows how to properly position, level, and secure the fireolace. Figure 24. Proper Positioning, Leveling, and Securing of a Fireplace 1 . Place the fireplace into position. 2. Level the fireolace from side to side and from front to back. 3. Shim the fireplace with non-combustible material, such as sheet metal, as necessary. 4. Secure the fireplace to the framing by nailing or screwing. Step 5. rne lcontrol Systems Intermittent Pilot lgnition (lPl) System The gas control system used with this model is lntermittent Pilot lgnition (/P/). This system includes a 3V control valve, electronic module, and intermittent pilot. Figure 25. Intermittent Pilot lgnition 22 Step 6. The Gas Supply l-ine O Step 7. Cas Plure Requirements NOTE: Have the gas supply line installed in accordance with local building codes by a qualified installer approved and/or licensed as required by the locality. NOTE: Before the first firing of the fireplace, the gas supply line should be purged of any trapped air. NOTE: Consult local building codes to properly size the gas supply line leading to the 112 inch (13 mm) hook-up at the unit. This gas fireplace is deslgned to accept a 112 inch (13 mm)gas supply line. To install the gas supply line:. Alisted (and State of Massachussetts approved) l12inch (13mm) tee-handle manual shutoff valve and a listed flexible gas connector are connected to the 1/2 inch (1 3mm) inlet of the control valve. NOTE: lf substituting for these components, please consult local codes for compliance.. Locate the gas line access hole in the outer casing of the fireplace.. The gas line may be run from either side of the fireplace provided the hole in the outer wrap does not exceed2 112" in diameter and it does not penetrate the actual firebox.. The gap between the supply piping and gas access hole can be plugged with non-combustible insulation to pre- vent cold air infiltration. . Open the fireplace lower grille, insert the gas supply line through the gas line hole, and connect it to the shut-off \€hre.. When attaching the pipe, support the control so that the lines are not bent or torn.. After the gas line installation is complete, use a soap solution to carefully check all gas connections for leaks. At the gas line access hole, use insulation to re-pack the space around the gas pipe. Insert insulation from the outside of the fireolace and pack the insulation tightly to totally seal between the pipe and the outer casing. Pressure requirements for Heat-N-Glo gas fireplaces are shown in the table below. Aone-eighth (1/8) inch (3 mm) N.PT. plugged tapping is provided on the inlet and outlet side of the gas control for a test gauge connection to measure the manifold pressure. Use a small flat blade screwdriverto crack open the screw in the center of the tap. Position a rubber hose over the tap to obtain the pressure reading. The fireplace and its individual shutoff valve must be disconnected from the gas supply piping system during any pressure testing of the system at test pressures in excess of one-half (112) psig (3.5 kPa). The fireplace must be isolated from the gas supply piping system by closing its individual shut-off valve during any pressure testing of the gas supply piping system at test pressures equal to or less than one-half (1/2) psig (3.5 kPa). Pressu re Natural Gas Prooane Minimum lnlet Pressure 5.0 inches w.c. 11.0 inches w.c. Maximum Inlet Gas Pressure 14.0 inches w.c. 14.0 inches w.c. Manifold Pressure 3.5 inches w.c. 10.0 inches wc. Figure 26. Gas Supply Line 23 Ia FAN OUTLE? RECEPTACLE LOW VOLTAGE SPARK TO PILOT IGNITOR TRANSFORMER 3V PILOT ASSEITIBLY AND VALVE ASSEMBLY MUST BE GROUNOED ICOMMON GROUND WITH FIREPLACE cHASStSI cRou;o ro FIREPLACE cHASSTS -_ MTTERY BACK.UP NEUTRAL NOTE 1: lgnition module, valve, pilot and wall swilch operate on 3 volts. 120 VAC is required at junciion box unless equipped with battery back-up. Figute 27. Intermittent Pilot lgnition (lPl) Wiring Diagram WALL SWITCH Step 8. Wiring the Fireplace NOTE: Electrical wiring must be installed by a licensed electrician. CAUTION : DISCONNECT REMOTE CONTROLS lF YOU ARE ABSENT FOR EXTENDED TIME PERIODS. THIS WILL PREVENT ACCIDENTAL FIREPLACE OPERATION. Intermittent Pilot lgnition (lPl) Wiring Appliance Requirements This appliance requires that 110-120 VAC be wired to the factory installed junction box. Maintain correct polarity when wiring the junction box. Optional Accessories Optional remote control kits require that 110-'120 VAC be wired to the factory installed junction box before the fire- place is permanently installed. Remote Wall Switch Position the remote wall switch in the desired position on a wall. Run a maximum of 25 feet (7.8 m) or less length of 18 A.W.G minimum wire and connect it to the fireplace ON/ OFF switch pigtails. CAUTTON: LABELALLWRES PRIOR rO DTSCOJVwEC- TION WHEN SERVICING CONTROLS. tyrR trrc ERRORS CAN CAUSE IMPROPER AND DANGEROUS OPERA- TION. VERIFY PROPER OPERATION AFTER SERWCING 24 Step 9. Finishing The following diagram shows the minimum vertical and corresponding maximum horizontal dimensions of fireplace mantels or other combustible projections above the top front edge of the fireplace. A 1/2 inch clearance must be maintained between combustible materials and the top front edge ofthe fireplace. See Figures 2 and 3 for other fireplace c|earEtnces. Only non-combustible materials may be used to cover the black fireplace front. /\ , WARNING: ttVFEN FlNlSlllNG TtlE FIREPI.ACE, 'A; Neven oBsTRUcT oR i,tootFy THE Atn qri',: LET'OUTLET GFIILLES IN AT{Y MANNER". . ,.]d.$44lc.i{!!:t!:::::::::1::::::::::::::::::::=::::::::::.:::ii::::iii:,::i:::J:,;r;;;};r$ilirilisl,',",,,, Figure 28. Minimum Vertical and Maximum Horizontal Dimensions of Combustibles above Fireplace CAIJTION: IF JOW)ETWEEII THE FINISHEDWALLS AND THE FIREPLACE SURROUND (TOP AND S'DES/ ARE SEALED, A 3OO" F. MINIMUM SEALANT MATE- RIAL MUST BE USED. THESE JOINTS ARE NOT RE. QUIRED TO BE SEALED, ONLY NON.COMBUSTIBLE MATERTAL (USING 300" F. MINIMUM ADHESIVE, lF NEEDED) CAN BEAPPLIEDAS FACINGTOTHE FIRE- PLACE SURROUND. SEE THE DIAGRAM BELOW. FINISH WALL MATERIAL MAY BE DRYWALL HIGH TEMPEFATUFE (3OO'F. / 149 b. MrN.) TOP & SIDE SEAL Jo|NT lF'"'-'lF'"" Figure 29. Sealant Material Heafth Extensions A hearth extension may be desirable for aesthetic reasons. Horever, ANSlor CAN/CGAtesting standardsdo not require hearth extensions for gas fireplace appliances. 25 Step 10. Installing rrim,?gs anO Ember Material Installing the Trim Combustible materials may be brought up to the specified clearances on the side and top front edges of the fireplace, but MUST NEVER overlap onto the front face. The joints between the finished wall and the fireplace top and sides can only be sealed with a 300' F. (149" C) minimum sealant. Install optional marble and brass trim surround kits as desired. Marble, brass, brick, tile, or other non+ombustible materials can be used to cover up the gap between the sheet rock and the fireplace. Positioning the Logs lf the gas logs have been factory installed they should not need to be positioned. lf the logs have been packaged separately, refer to the instructions that accompany the logs. Save the log instructions with this manual. lf sooting occurs, the logs might need to be repositioned slightly to avoid excessive flame impingement. Placing the Rock A bag of rock is shipped with this fireplace. Refer to the placement instructions on the back of the log placement instructions. Placing the Ember Material Ember material is shipped with this gas fireplace. The bag labeled Glowing Ember(050-721) is standard glowing ember material. To place the ember material: . Pull the six glass latches out of the groove on the glass frame. Remove the front trim door and the glass door from the unit. . Cover the top of the bumer with a single layer of ember material. For best performance do not place embers di- rectly on the ports. Save the remaining ember materials for use during fireplace servicing. . Replace the glass door and a ftont trim door on the unit (see Service Parts List of this manual.) . Pull out and latch the glass clips into the groove on the glass frame. Glass Specificationa: 27 X 33 lr2 CERAMIC Figure 31. Placement of the Ember Material CAUTION: rr rS SfRONGLY RECOMMENDED THAT TRIM DOORS WTH OPTIONALT'ESH SCREE VS BE"V. STALLED ON PROPANE MODELS. Figure 30. Glass Assembly zo Step 11. Before Lighting tne fltace Step 12. t-ignfthe Fireplace Before lighting the fireplace, be sure to do the following: Remove all papenruork from underneath the fireplace, Review safety warnings and cautions . Read the Safety and Warning Information section at the beginning of this /nsta//ers Guide. Double-check for gas leaks . Before lighting the fireplace, double-check the unit for possible gas leaks. Double-check vent terminations and front grilles for obstructions. . Before lighting the fireplace, double-check the unit for possible obstructions that could be blocking the vent ter- minations or the front grilles. Double-check for faulty components . Any component that is found to be faulty MUST BE re- placed with an approved component. Tampering with the fireplace components is DANGEROUS and voids all war- ranties. A small amount of air will be in the gas supply lines. When first lighting the fireplace, itwill take a few minutes for the lines to purge themselves of this air. Once the purging is complete, the fireplace will light and will operate normally. Subsequent lightings of the fireplace will not require this purging of air from the gas supply lines, unless the gas valve has been turned to the OFF position, in which case the airwould have to be purged. NOTE: The fireplace should be run for 8 hours on the initial start-up. This will help to cure the chemicals used in the paint and logs. You've reviewed all safety warnings, you've checked the fireplace for gas leaks, you know the vent system is unobstructed, and you've checked for faulty components. Now you're ready to light the fireplace. Afterthe Installation Servicing Fireplace Maintenance Although the frequency of your fireplace servicing and main- tenance will depend on use and the type of installation, you should have a qualified service technician perform an appli- ance check-up at the beginning of each heating season. See the table below for specific guidelines regarding each fireplace maintenance task. IMPORTANT TURN OFF THE GAS BEFORE SERVICING YOUR FIREPLACE. Reolacino old ember material Frequency: Once annually, during the checkup. By: Qualified service technician. Task: Brush away loose ember material near the burner. Replace old ember materialwith new dime-size and shape pieces of Golden Ember (DE-93) and Glowing Ember (050.. 721). New ember material should be placed altemately on top of the burner - a layer of Golden Ember, a layer of Glowing Ember, and so on. Save the remaining ember material and repeat this procedure at your next servicing. For more information, see Placing Ember Material. Cleanino Burner and Conlrols Frequency: Once annually. By: Qualified service technician. Task: Brush or vacuum the control compartment, fireplace logs and burner areas sunounding the logs. Checkino Flame Patterne. Flame Heioht Frequency: Periodically. By: Qualified service technician/Home owner. Task: Make a visualcheck of your fireplace's flame pattems. a Burner Flame Patterns Make sure the flames are steady - not lifting or floating. See Figure 32. Gheckino Vent System Frequency: Before initial use and at least annually thereafter, more frequently if possible. By: Qualified service technician/Home owner. Task Inspect the extemal vent cap on a regular basis to ensure that no debris is interfedng with the flor of air. Inspect entire vent system for proper function. Cleanino Glase Door Frequency: As necessary By: Homeorner. Task Clean as necessary particularly after adding neur ember (flame colorant) material. Film deposib on the inside of the glass door should be cleaned off using a household glass cleaner. NOTE: DO NOT handle or attempt to clean the door when it is hot and DO NOT use abrasive cleanens. Maintaining and Your Fireplace I 28 IN gTONE, INC. OUALITY 9TONEWORK ALL TYPEg Di.,r,ributor ot I lSOf=lN fire7lacee O(\an Stahl' ?reb denr ?a Oox 2179 ' Aa'alt' CA A621 rvtonerax (giflo .\ gn-4461 o cell # 97o-379-2t31 efi a\lt sLore fi an @ r oi nel /;11 UTIAIESTIC ,..I,l W '. .':'''l ... :: ... : ': t::.' ., . ,:.. . .. .. ..:: ........ ''. :. ,.. ,',:..:.. ,:,, ',.:: :...... ..:. ,1. ::... ti: , ,'.:. : .....-t. r. .1. . .t::- .,a. ::i '. .t:: .., Detai,ls Send in Warranty Card er to Win a Cash Rebate!Inside The CFM Majestic P]!duc|3 Company Inc.n andThe Male3llc P]ltducts The CFM tlalestic Products Compeny Inc. et The Malostlc Product3 Companyn (h€rslnaltor rciefisd to collectlvely as the "Comparry') Company (aux pldlenios nommde la "Socl6l6") garantlt votla nouyoeu warrania lhal your new Malostlc Gas Flaeplace 13 trao trom loyer au grz llalo3tlc contra tou3 ddauts de tabrlcetlon et do madar€r manulacturlng and malerlal dotocls for a porlod ot oneycff Itom dato pEmlar€s pour unc p6rloda d'un an i compter de le date d'ln3tallatlon, of Installltlon, sublect to lhe lollowlng condldon3 and llmlladona. luFt aux condlilons 6l llmldons tulvanGs. EXTENDEO LIFE TltrlE YVARRA TY:GARANTIE A V|E PNOLOT{GEE: The heal archtnger, combusllon chambar rnd c€ramlc bumsr part3 Lo! placo3 de l'6chrng€ur de chal€u( da le chambE A combustlon et ol evsry' alosdc product ara warrunt€d lor llis to the odglnal o$not, du brol€ur on canmlquo (b tout produll 'ilEleallc aont garantlss pour sublecl to proot of purchrae and ths lollowlng condltlons and la yb do l'ach6ieur d'orlglne, lo buf suFt A uno pr€uye d'8chat ot luxllmitadons: condltbn! et llmltetlona sulvantos: D WARRAITTY & l- For Nlaiestic Firep BASIC WARRANW: L This nel,v Mal€tlc producl must bs installed by a compet€nl, authoaized servbe contraclor. lt must b€ installed and operatsd al all lim€s in accordanc€ with ths Installatioo and Operaling instruclions fumished with the product. Any alteration, willfulabuse, accident, or misus€ of the producl shall nullify this wananty. 2. This warranty is non-transbnabl€, and is mad€ to the original o$,ne( providod lhat lh€ purchas€ was made lhrough an authorized supplier ol the Comparry. 3. This warranty is limited lo tho repair or replacement ot part(s) tound to b€ delectiw in material or workmanshlp, provided that such parl(s) have been subjec{ed to normal condilions of use and servic€, aftet said defect is confirmed by the Compenys Inspoc{ion. 1. The Company may, at its discrgtion, tully discharge all obligations with respec{ lo lh is warranty by refunding the whol€salo pric€ ot the d€bctiw par(s). 5, Any installation, labour, construclion, transportalion, or othor r€laiad coswexpenses arising from delective parl(s), r6pair, replacemenl, or othe^ /ise ol same, rvill not b€ co\€red by this $/atraniy, nor shall lhe Company assume responsiullty br same. Futhef, the Company vrill not be responsiue ior any incidental, indirect, or consequential damag6s, except as provided by law. 6. Allother vr,ananti€s - express€d or implied -with rospect to the product, its compon€nls and accessories, or any ouigations4iabililias on th€ parl of the Company are hereby expressly €xclud€d. 7. The Company neilh€r assumes, nor authorizos any third party lo assume, on iis behalt, any oth€r liabalilies wiih resp€cl to ths sal€ ol this Malesllc produc.t, 8. The warranties as ou[ined wfiin thb documsnl do not apply to chimnsy componenls or othsr non Malo3tlc accassodes used in coniunclion wilh the installation ot this product. 9. The Company wlll not bc r!|ponduo lor . . . a) Down drafts or spillage causod by eawironmental conditions such as near-by trees, buildings, rool tops, hills, or mouniains. b) Inadequale v€ntilation or negative air pressur€ caused by mechanical systems such as furnaces, fans, clothes dry€rs, etc. 10. Thls waranty lt vold ]t: a) The fir€place has bo€n operated in atmospheres contaminaled by chlorine, fluorine or other damaging chemicals. b) The liroplace is subjscled to prolonged periods ot dampness or condensation. c) Any damag€ to thg fireplace, corntustion cf|amber, heat exdrangar or olh€r compon€nts du€ lo water, or weath€r damage which is the result ot, but nol limited to, improper chimney/v€nting installation. d) Any alteration, willlulabuse, accidont, or misus€ ol lhe product. GLASS DOORS & BRASS PLATED PARTS Glass doors are nol warranted tor breakage due to misus€ or accidsnt. Brass parts should be cleaned with lemon oilonly. Brasscleaners cannot be used. Mortar mix and masonry cleaners may corrode the brass linish. The Comparry willnot be r€sponsible to( nor will it warrant any brass parts which a.e damagod by external chemicals or down dratl conditions. IF WARFANW SERVICE IS NEEDED . . . 1) Conlacl lour supplier. Make sure you have your wananty, your sales receipt, and lhe modou3€dal number ot your Mele3tlc producl. 2) DO NOT ATTEI'PTTO DO ANY SERVICE WORKYOUFSELF. 'Majestic Gas Fireplaces bearing this special Wananty Seal of Approval carry a comprehensive Limited Lifetime Wananty. This includes the rnstr-Frame Ceramic Burners, Heal Excfiange Syst€m and Combustion Chamber. Allother Darls are covered for one vear. LIFE TIME PROTECTION SrM Gas Eireplace Products* GARAilTIE DE BASE: Cs nowoau produit Malestlc doit €tre install6 par un entr€preneur de service auto,isd et comp6tent. lldoit gtre installe et utilis6 en tout temps s€lon les instruclions d'installation el de fonc'tionnement foumiss avsc 19 produit. Toute alt6ration, abus \olontaire, accident ou mauvais usage du pmduit annulsra cetts garanlio. Cens garantie n'est pas transt6rable €t est offsrto e l'acheteur au d6tail d'origine, a condition qu€ l'ac+tat soit eflectu6 par l'entrsmis€ d'un d6laillanl autorisd d€ la Soci6t6. Cstt€ garantie est limilde A la r6paration ou au remplacement de(des) pi6ce(s) trouv6e(s) d6f€ctueuse(s) en matiares premidres ou main- d'oeuvr€, a condition qu6 l€sdiles plO@s aiont 6t6 BUFttes aux conditions normales d'usage et do servioe, apds que ledtt ddfaut a 6t6 conlirmd par une inspeclion pa. la Sod6ld. La Soci6t6 ped, A sa discr6tbn, se d6dErgol edlerem6nt de toutes obligalions ss rapportanl a cots garands en rambouGant le pdx de gros d€ la(&s) pieco(s) d6feclueuse(s). Tous les haHd6psnsas dinsiallatim, d6 maitrd'o€wrB, do constuc{ion, d€ transport ou autr68 caus6s par un€ (d€s) piitce(s) d6lectueuse(s), une r6paration, un rorplacement ou auire, n6 soront pas couv€Jts aous c€tte garantie, €t la Soci6t6 n'assurne audne rssponsabilit6 pour caux- ci. Ds plus, la Socidt6 ne pouna 6tr€ t€nu€ responsabb pour tous domrnages forlults ou indlr€cts saul la ou prdvu par la loi. Toutes autres garantiBs, sqrim66s ou sous-entendues, en ce qui a trait au produit, ses @rposa s sl accesslorgs, ou lout€s oblbations/ rosponsabilltes de la part dq la Soci6t6 sont aux pressntes expressment exclus6s. l-a Soci6t6 n'assume et n'autorh€ gersonne e assumer. en son nom. tout€s rgsponsablllt6s en ce quia lra a h v€nte de c€ pfoduit Malg3tic. Les garantios, tslles que d6crites dans cE doclrm€nt, ne s'apptiquent pas aux compasants dg chgmin6g ou aux aulres accassoires non Malo3llc utilis6s conjointement pour finstallation d€ ce produit. La Socl6t6 n'encourera aucuna rslponsablllt6 pour . . .a) Les reloulsmenls ds chemin6€s ou d6bordem€nts caus6s par les @nditions snvironnementales mmms par los arbres, les edifices, les toits, les coloaux ou les montagnes adjacents.b) Une venlilation inad6quate ou une pression d'air negative caus6€ par des systemes mocaniqu€s comme les fournaises, les ventilatsurs. lgs sdcheuses. etc. C€lle gErantlo cst nulle d: a) L€ loyor a 6lC utilis6 dans une alrnoGphdr€ contaminee par du chlore, du fluor ou tous autrss produits €fiimiques.b) Le toyer est assui€ni a de longugs p6riodes d'humidit6 ou de condensation. c) Dgs dommages sont caus6s au loyer, a la chambre de combustion. a l6changeur de chaleur ou aux autres composants par dg l'€au ou par la temp€€lure qui esl le r6sultat mais sans y elr€ limlt6, d'une mauvaise installalion de clEmin6€/ventilation.d) Tode alt6Jation, abus volontai.e, accidsnt ou mauvais usage du produit annulera cena garanlie. PORTES EN VERRE & PIECES PLAQUEES LAITON Les pones 6n verre ne sonl pas garanties contre l€ btis caus6 par un mauvais usage ou un accident. L€s pieces€n laiton devraient otre nenoy6es qu'avecde l'€ssence de cilron. Les netloyeurs de laiton ne psuv€nl pas etre utilis6s. La Soci6td ne sera pas.esponsable pour, et ne garantit pas ies piCces en lailon qui sonl endommag€es par des conditions chimiqu€s externes ou de r€foulement. SI UN SEBVICE SOUS GAFANTIE EST REAUIS . , , C.ommuniquez avec votre dglaillant. Assurez-vous quevous avez votre garaniie, votre reQu de caisse ainsique le num6ro de moddley's6ri€ de votre produit Malostlc. NE TENTEZ PAS D'EFFECTUER DES REPARATIONS VOU$ MEME. 'LeE loyers i gaz Malsstlc portant ce scean d'approballc de la garantle spdclale sont couverts par une garantle llmlt€e e vie. Celle-cl Inclue les briileurs on c6ramlcue Insla-Flame, le'6changeur de chaleur et la chambrs it combustion. Toules les autros plCces sont couverte pour un an, 7. 8. 1. 475 Admiral Blvd.,. Mississauga ON L5T 2N1 1000 East Market St. , ' Huntington lN 46750 10000310 INSTALLEF/CONSUMER SAFETY INFORMATION PLEASE READ THIS MANUAL BEFORE INSTALLING AND USING APPLIANCE WARNING! IF THE INFORMATION IN THIS MANUAL IS NOT FOLLOWED EXACTLY, A FIRE OR EXPLOSION MAY RESULT, CAUS- ING PROPERTY DAMAGE, PERSONAL INJURY OR LOSS OF LIFE FOR YOUR SAFETY Installation and service must be performed by a qualified installer, service agency or your gas supplier. WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS:. Do not try to light any appliance. . Do not touch anv eleclric switch; do not use any phone in your building. . lmmediately call your gas supplier from your neighbor's phone. Follow the gas suppliers instructions. . lf you cannot reach your gas supplier call the tire department. DO NOT STORE OR USE GASOLINE OR OTHER FLAMMABLE VAPORS AND/OR LIQUIDS IN THE VICINITY OF THIS OR ANY OTHER APPLIANCE. ufE$le NT a,4fir"UH DVRT36 DVRT39 DVRT43 lnstallation Instructions and Homeowner's Manual The VermontCastings, Majestic Products Company 410 Admiral Blvd. Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. L5T2N6 www.majesticproducts.com / www.vermontcastings.com INSTALLER: DO NOT DISCARD THIS MANUAL - LEAVE FOR HOMEOWNER 100024281 1201 Rev 3 The Vermont Castings r}rn Products Company O Thank You and Congratulations on Your Purchase of a Vermont Castangs Majestic Products Company Fireplace, PLEASE READ THE INSTALLATION & OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING THEAPPLIANCE. IMPORTAN1 Read all instructions and warnings carefully before starting installatlon. Failure to follow these instructions may result in a possible fire hazard and will void the warranty. Appliance Installation Instructions lmporlant Curing/Burning Inslructions ..... ...........................3 Locating Your Fireplace .............................3 Fireplace Dimensions .... .............................4 Clearance lo Combustibles ..................... ............................6Mante1s........... .......................6Hear1hs........... .................... .6 Framing & Finishing ...........7 Final Finishing ....................8 Gas Specifications ................ ......................8 Gas Inlet and Manilold Pressures....... ............................. ..8 Gas Line Installation...... .............................8 Remote ON/OFF Switch Installation ....-..--.--..... .................9 EB-1 Electrical Box................ ....................9 Optional Top Vent Application..... ............. 10 Installation in Mobile Homes (DVRT36RMH only) ...-.......... ..................... 11 Converting the Appliance from LP Gas to Natural Gas................ ............ 11 Venting Installation Instructions General Venting Inlormalion-Termination Localion ......... 13 Connecting Direct Vent Componenls... ............................'15 How To Use The Vent Graph ................... 15 Rear Wall Vent Applications & Installation ..................... .......................... 16 Vertical Sidewall Applications & Installations ...................17 Below Grade Installations.. ...................... 19 Vertical Through-the-Roof Installations & Applications ....................................................20 Gravity Ducting System (DVRT4:| only) .............. ............22 Venting Componenls, Twist Lock & Crimp End ................ .......................23 Operating Instructions Glass Warning .....-.............25 General Maintenance ...............................25 Louvre Removal .................... ...................25 Window Frame Assembly Removal .........25 Glass Cleaning .................25 Installation ol Logs & Lava Rock .. .............26 Flame & Temperature Adjustment ................. ..................27 Flame Characteristics & Appearance.... ...........................27 Lighting Instructions .........29 Operating Instruclions ..............................30 Comfort Valve System Control Chart ...............................31 Auto Path Chart.............. ..........................32 Trouble Shooting Guide ............. ..............34 Replacememnt Parts Part Number List ................. ............... 36-37 Parts Pictorial ...................38 Optional Accessories Fan Kits ............................39 Wiring Instruc1ions................ ....................40 Remote Control Units............... ................40 Ceramic Refractory Lining ............. ...........40 Decorative Bay Window ...........................40 Decorative Frame Trims... ........................41 IOOO2428 DVRT36/39/45 This gas appliance should be installed by a qualilied installer in accordance with local building codes and with cunent CSA 8149.1 Installation codes for Gas Burning Appliances and Equipment. lf the unit is being installed in a mobile home the installation should comply with the cunent CA],|/CSAZ240.4 code. For USA Installations lollow local codes and/or the current National Fuel Gas Code. ANSI Z:223.1. FOB SAFE INSTALLATION AND OPERATION PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: 1 . This fireplace gives off high temperatures and should be located out of high traffic areas and away from furniture and draperies. 2. Children and adults should be alerted to the hazards of high surface temperatures of this fireplace and should stay away to avoid burns or ignition of clothing. 3. Children should be carefully supervised when in the same room as your fireplace. 4. Under no circumstances should this fireolace be modified. Parts removed for servicing should be replaced prior to operating this tireplace again. Installation and any repairs to this fireplace must be performed by a qualified installer, service agency or gas supplier. A prolessional service person should be contacted to inspect this fireplace annually. Make it a practice to have all of your gas fireplaces checked annually. More lrequent cleaning may be required due to excess lint and dust from carpeting, bedding material, etc. Control compartments, burners and air passages in this fireplace should be kept clean and lree ol dust and lint. Make sure lhe gas valve and pilot light are turned off before you attempt to clean this lireplace. The venting system (chimney) of this fireplace should be checked at least once a year and if needed your venting syslem should be cleaned. Keep the area around your lireplace clear of combus- tible materials, gasoline and other flammable vapour and liquids. This fireplace should not be used as a drying rack for clothing, nor should Christmas stock- ings or decorations be hung in the area of it. Under no circumstances should any solid luels (wood, coal, paper or cardboard etc.) be used in this fireplace. 10. The flow of combustion and ventilation air must not be obstructed in any way. 1 1 . When fireplace is installed directly on carpeting, vinyl tile or any combustible material olher lhan wood, this fireplace must be installed on a metal or wood panel extending the full width and depth ot the fireplace. 12. This fireplace requires adequate ventilation and combustion air to operate properly. 13. This fireplace must nol be connected to a chimney flue serving a separate solid fuel burning fireplace. 14. When the fireplace is not in use it is recommended that the gas valve be left in the OFF position. rooo2428 This appliance has been approved lor after-market mobile home installations IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING CAREFULLY Remove any plastic f rom trim parts before turning the fireplace ON. It is normal lor f ireplaces fabricated of steelto give otf some expansion and/or contraction noises during the start up or cool down cycle. Similar noises are foundwith yourfurnace heat exchangerorcarengine. It is nol unusual for your Vermont Castings Majestic Products Company gas fireplace to give off some odor the first time it is burned. This is due to the curing of the paint and any undetected oil from the manufacturing process. Please ensure that your room is well ventilated - open all windows. It is recommended that you burn your fireplace forat least ten (10) hours the first time you use it. lf the optional lan kit has been installed, place the fan switch in the "OFF" position during this time. ., 8. 9. A - Flat on the wall C - ' lsland E - '-Flat on wall (in corner) B - Cross Corner D - 'tFloom Divider F - Chase lnstallation lsland (C) and Boom Divider (D) installation is possible as long as the horizontal portion ot lhe vent syslem (X) does not exceed 20' (6.1 m). See delaib in lhe venting section of lhis manual. When you install your lireplace in a Room divider (D) or Flat on the wall in a corner (E), a minimum dislance of 6" (153mm) must be mainlained lrom the perpendicular wall and the front of the appliance. See (Y) in Fig. 1. 5 The Vermont Castings nfri, Products Company a ffil Appliance Dimensions Ref.DVT36 DvT39 DWfil A 36'(914 mm)39" (991 mm)43" (1092 mm) B 37-114" (946 mm)37-114" (946 mm)40" (1016 mm) c 34-114" (870 mm)34-'114" (87O mm\37" (940 mm) D 21" (533 mm)21" {533 mm)23-112" {.5,97 mm\ E 32-718'(835 mm)35-718" (9'11 mm)39-7/8" (1012 mm) F 20" (508 mm)24-318" (619 mm)31" (787 mm) G 14-114" (362 mm)15-3/4' (400 mm)16-1/4" A12mml H 6" (152 mm)6" (152 mm)6'(152 mm) 5-1/2" {140 mm)5-1/2" (140 mm)5-1/2" (140 mm) J 7-314" n97 mml 8-1/2" (216 mm)8-1/2" (216 mm) K 10-314" e73 mml 12-112" t318mm\12-'ll2" (318 mm) L 18" (457 mm)19-1/2" (495 mm)21-112" (546mm\ Framing Dimensions M 36" (914 mm)40" (1016 mm)44" (1118 mm) N 51" (1295 mm)56" (1422 mm)62-114'(1581 mm) o 14-1l2" (368 mm)16-1/2" (419 mm)16-1/2" (419 mm) P 36-1/2" (927 mm)39-1/2" (1003 mm)43-112" (1105 mm) o 3s" (889 mm)35" (889 mm)37-3i4" (959 mm) tooo2428 DVRTs6/59/43 #e |4. Appliance Dimensions Ref.DVR36 DVR39 DVR43 A 36'(914 mm)39" (991 mm)43" (1092 mm) B 34-1l4'(870 mm)34-114" (g70mml 37" (940mm) c 21" (533 mm)21" (533 mm)23-1/2" (597 mml D 32-7i8" (835 mm)35-718" (911 mm)39-718" (1012 mm) E 20" (508 mm)24-318" (610 mm)31'(787 mm) F 14-114" (362 mm\15-3/4" (400 mm)16" (406 mm) G 16-3i4" (425 mm)18" (457 mm)18-1/4" (464 mm) H 25-1/4" G41mm\25-'114" (641mm \28" (711 mm) I 28-3/4" {.730 mm\28-314" (73O mm)31-1/2" (8O0 mm) J 5-1/2" (140 mm)5-1/2" (140 mm)5-112" fi40mm\ K 7-314" /197 mm\8-1/2" (216 mm)8-1/2'(216 mm) 10-3/4" (273mm\12-112" (318 mm)12-112" (318 mm) M 18" (457mm)19-1/2" (495mm)2'l-112" (546mm\ Framing Dimensions N 59-9/16" (1436 mm)62-1l4" ('1581 mm)68-1/2" fi740 mm\ 40" (1016 mm)44" (1118 mml 48" (1219mm) P '14-112" (368 mm)'16-1/2" (419 mm)16-1/2" (419 mm) o 36-112" @27 mm\39-1/2'(1003 mm)43-'ll2" (1105 mm) rt 35" (889 mm)35" (889 mm)37-314" (959 mm) tooo2428 The Vermont Castings nDti. Products Company I Appliance Top Bottom Side Back Venting Concentric sections ol DV Vent 1" (25 mm) Non-concentric seclions of DV Vent Sides and bottom Top 1" 2" (2s mm) (50 mm) 0' U 0" 0" The height that a combustible mantel is fitled above the fireplace is dependent on the depth of the mantel. This also applies to the distance between lhe mantel leg (il fitted) and the fireplace. For the correct mounling height and widths refer to Figs. 2a, 2b, 2c and the Mantel Chart below. The distances and reference poinls are not affected by the fitting of a bay window front trim kit. Noncombustible mantels and legs may be installed at any height and width around the appliance. When using paint or lacquer to finish lhe mantel, such paint or lacquer must be heat resistant to prevent discoloration. Top of Combuslion Chamber Fig.2a 0 mm) 0 mm) 0 mm) 0 mm) Sile of Cornbuslirn Char$o. - A hearth is not mandatory but is recommended lor aesthetic purposes. We recommend a non-combusti- ble hearlh which projects out 12" (305mm) or more from the front of the f ireplace. Cold climate installation recommendation: When installing this unit against a non- insulated exterior wall or chase, it is mandatory that the outer walls be insulated to conform to applicable insulation codes. Ref. Mantel Leg Depth Ref. Mantel Leg From Side of Combustion Opening F 10" (254 mm)K ll-l/2" (292mm\ G 8" (203 mm)L 9-112" (241 mm) H 6" ( 152 mm)M 7-ll2" (l9l mm) I 4" (l0l mm)N 5- l /2" (140 mm) J 2" (50 mm)o 3- l/2" (89 mm) Ref. Mantel ShelfDepth Ref. Mantel From Top of Comb, Chamber 10" (254 mm)A 19" (483 mm) w 8" (203 mm)B 17" (432 mm) x 6" ( 152 mm)c 15" (381 mm) Y 4" (101 mm)D 13" (330 mm) Z 2" (50 mm)E II"(279mm) 10002428 DVRT56/59/43 1. 2. Check fireplace to make sure it is levelled and properly positioned. Choose the unil location. Place the unit into oosition and secure it to the floor with 1.5" (38mm) screws, or nails. The holes lo secure the unit to lloor are located just behind the access door grille on the left and right side ol the unit. Frame in the fireplace with a header across the top. ll is important to allow for the linished wall lace when setting the depth of lhe frame. Attach the fireplace to the frame using the adjustable lrame drywall strips (located behind the access door for shipping). Preset the depth to suit the facing material ol the wall. The strips are adjuslable to 1/2" (13 mm), 5/8" (16 mm), or 3/4' (19 mm ) Figs. 3 & 4 Screw through the slotted holes in the drywall strip and into pre-drilled holes in fireplace side. Measure from face ol fireplace to the face of the drywall strip to confirm the linal depth. Adiustable Drywall Strip A = 1/2" (13 mm) Drywall B = 5/8" (16 mm) Drywall C = 3/4' (19 mm) Drywall Fig.4 3. 4. Fig.3 looo2428 The Vermont Castings ruli, Products Company O Noncombustible materials such as brick or tile may be extended over lhe edges of the face of the appliance. DO NOT cover any vent or grille panels. lf a Trim Kit is going to be inslalled on the fireplace, the brick or tile will have to be installed flush with the edges of the appliance. DVRT36/DVRT3g/DVRT43 CERTIFIED TO ANSI Z2r.88b-1999 / CSA 2.33b-M99 Vented Gas Fireplace Heaters When purging the gas Iines, the front glass must be removed. The gas pipeline can be brought in through the side of the fireplace as well as the bottom. Knockouts are provided on lhe botlom behind the valve to allow for the gas pipe installation and testing of any gas connection. It is most convenient to bring the gas line in from the rear right side of the valve as this allows fan installation or removal without disconnecting the gas line. The gas line connection can be made with properly tinned 3/8" copper tubing, 3/8' rigid pipe or an ap- proved flex connector. Since some municipalities have additional local codes, it is always best to consult your local authority and the CSA-8149.1 installation codes. For USA installations consult the current National Fuel Gas Code. ANSI 2223.1. /2" NP T x 112" Flarc Shut-otf Valve r 3/8" Flex Line I (from valve) Fig. s Always check for gas leaks with a mild soap and water solution. Do not use an open llame lor leak testing. mild Max. lnput BTU/h Min. Input BTU/hModelFuelGas Control DVRT36RN Nat Millivolt 25,000 17,500 DVRT36RP Prop Millivolt 25,000 18,750 DVRT39RN Nat Millivolt 30,000 21,000 DVRT39RP Prop Millivolt 30,000 22,500 DVRT43RN Nat Millivolt 33,000 23,100 DVRT43RP Prop Millivolt 33,000 24,750 lnlet Minimum Nalural LP (Propane) 5.5" wc 11" wc lnlet Maximum 14" wc 14" wc Manilold Pressure 3.5" wc 10" wc 10002428 The fireplace valve must not be sub- iected to any test pressures exceeding 1/2 p.s.i. lsolate or disconnect this and any other gas appliance control from the gas line when pressure testing. The gas control is equipped with a captured screw type pressure test point, therefore it is not necessary to provide a 1/8" test point up stream of the control. When using copper or flex connector use only ap- proved fittings. Always provide a union when using black iron pipe so that the gas line can be easily disconnected for burner or fan servicing (Fig. 5). See the gas specilication for pressure details and ratings. Do not wire the remote Ol'l/OFF wall switch for thas gas appliance into a 120V power supply. Thread the wiring through the electrical knockout located on either side of the unit. Take care not to cul the wire or insulation on metal edges. Ensure the wire is secured and protected from possible damage. Run one end of the gas control valve and the other end to the convenientlv located wall switch. Attach the wire to the ON/OFF switch and install the switch into the receptacle box. Attach the cover Dlate to the switch. 3. Connect the wire to the gas control valve (Fig. 6). Fig.6 Alternative Switch Location The remote switch can be installed on either side of the access door. Mount the switch to the bracket provided and screw the bracket to either side of the frame, using the pre-punched holes (Fig. 7). IOOO2428 A A A A DVRT56/59/45 The fireplace, when installed, must be electrically connected and grounded in accordance with local codes or, in the absence of local codes, with the current CSA C22.1 Canadian Electrical Code For USA installations follow the local codes and the national electrical code ANSUNFPA No.70. It is strongly suggested that the wiring ot the EB-1 Electrical Junction Box be carried out by a licensed electrician. Ensure that the power to the supply line has been disconnected belore commencing this procedure, The EB-'l Electrical junction box has been supplied standard on the DVRT 36139143 models to allow for the easy installation of an optional fan kits (Fig.4). To connect the EB-1 box to the house electrical supply follow the steps below. 1. Unscrew the retaining screw f rom lhe EB-1 base plate (Fig. 8) and remove the EB-1 assembly from the fireolace.2. Flemove the front cover ol the EB-1 box.3 Remove the plug socket assembly lrom the EB-1 box. 4. Feed the supply line in from the oulside through the cable clamp (Fig. 8). 5. Connect black wire ot the power supply line lo the brass screw (polarized) of the socket assembly. 6. Connect the white wire of the power line to the chrome screw of the socket assembly. 7. Connect the ground wire of the supply line to the green screw of the socket assembly. Refit the socket assembly back into the electrical box and replace the cover plate. Secure the cable with the clamp on the outside of the unit to prevent strain on the connections. The EB-1 electrical junction box is now ready to supply power to the FK12 or FK24 fan kits if f itted. 2. 8. 9. The Vermont Castings nuli Products Company t Ensure the gasket is in place and undamaged. Install the flue pipe and gasket removed in step 5 over the flue opening in the top ol the intake box. Refit the outer collar adapter and gasket to the unit with the round collar on the top. Secure the adapter with the 10 screws removed in step |. When converting the appliance lo top vent ensure that the insulation material relerred to in step 3 is completely removed. The DVRT360RiI/RP appliance is shipped as a rear vent unit. lf the installation layout requires the unit to be a top vent conf iguration the appliance can be converled by following the steps below. When removing and relitting the plates and adapter be sure the associated gasket are undamaged and relitted as required. Remove the 10 screws securing the outer collar adapter to the lireplace body (Fig. 9). Set the collar aside, complele with the gasket. Do not damage the gaskets as the adapter and gasket must be refitted. Remove the insulation material (exposed in step 2) from the top of the unit (Fig. 10). This material can be discarded, however if the unit is converted back to rear vent for any reason a new piece of insulation material approved by Vermont Castings, Malestic Products Co. may be used for this purpose. The insulation pad is only found on the DVRT36. lt is not fitted to the DVRT39 or DVRT43. Remove the 4 screws securing the flue cover plate to the top of the intake box and remove the cover and gasket (Fig. 11). Remove 4 screws securing the flue pipe to the back of the intake box and remove the pipe and gasket (Fig. 11). Secure the plate and gasket removed in step 4 over the flue opening in lhe back o1 the intake box. 8. 1. Insulation pad Flue Pipe Fig. 10 Remove these screws Remove these screws Outer collar adapter Fig. I 10 tooo2428 DVRT56/39/45 Fig. 11 The insulation pad extends beyond the opening in the top of the unit. Be sure to remove all of the insulation material before completing the conversion, After conversion to top veni configuration the 4" (100mm) llue pipe shoufd be concentric within the 7" (175 mm) outer collar. The DVRT36RMH may be installed as an OEM installation in a manufactured (mobile) home and must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and the manufactured home construction and safety standard, Title 24 CFR, Part 3280 or Standard for Installation in Mobile Homes, CAN/ csA 2240 MH. This appliance is only lor use with the type(s) of gas indicated on the rating plate. A conversion kit is supplied with the appliance. This gas fireplace should be installed by a qualified installer in accordance with local building codes and with current CSA-8149.1. Installation codes for Gas Burning Fireplaces and Equipment and CAN/CSA Z 240.4 Canada. A manufactured home (mobile home) OEM installation must contorm with the ManuJactured Home Construction and Safety Standard, Title 24 CFR, Part 3280, or when such a standard is not applicable, the Standard lor Manulactured Home installations, ANSf INCSBCS A^225.1, or Standard for Gas Equipped Recreational Vehicles and Mobile Housino CSA 2240.4. The DVRT36RMH appliance must be firmly attached to the building. The conversion of this appliance flom one gas to another must be carried out by an authorized service provider. Disconnect power to unit and shut off the gas supply. Remove the glass (see 'Window Frame Assembly Removal" Section). Carelully remove the logs & lava rock material. Remove the pilot assembly from the bracket. Remove the screws that are holding the burner housing assemby in place. Remove the burner housing assembly. Remove front and rear orifice and replace with the orifice supplied in the conversion kit. Use the orifice wilh the smallest hole for the lront burner and the orifice with the largest hole for the rear burner. NOTE: On the DVRT43 (only) the adjustible air shutter on the end burner housing must be re- placed. Reter to the instructions in the specific gas conversion kit for details. SIT top Convertible Pilot Gently lift otf pilot hood from the pilot. (Do not remove the spring clip holding the hood in place). Using a correctly sized Allen key unscrew the exposed orifice. Insert the new orifice supplied in the kit, do not over tighten the oritice. Replace the pilot hood ensuring the index tab aligns with the nolch on the hood. PSE Pilot Using a suitable wrench on the hexagonal body unscrew the pilot hood assembly trom the pilot, do not twist the hood itself. Remove the orifice and replace it with the new orifice supplied in the kit. Relit the pilot hood assembly. Do not over-tighten the pilot hood. The hood must return to its original alignment. Take care not to damage the thermo- couple, thermopile or igniter. SIT 820 NOVA Gas Control Valve (Fig. 12) a) Using a Ton T20 or slotted screwdriver, remove and save three pressure regulator mounting screws (A), pressure regulator tower (B) and diaphram (C). b) Ensure the rubber gasket (D) is properly positioned and install the new Hi/Lo pressure regulator to valve using the new screws (E) supplied with the kit. Tighten screws securely. (Reference torque - 25 in.LB) c) Install the enclosed identification label (F) to the valve body where it can be easily seen. Honeywell Gas Control Valve (Fig. 13) The Honeywell valve fitted to this unit is suitable for use with LP or Natural Gas. lt is converted to the required gas application by installation of a color 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. A A 8. looo2428 I1 The Vermont Castings nufri, Products Company o coded "conversion screw". a) Using a suitable small screwdriver lift out the central regulator cap lrom the 'Hi - Lo'knob on the valve. b) Unscrew the exposed conversion screw. c) lnsert the new color coded conversion screw. Do not over-tighten the screw, at must be tinger tight. d) Refit the regulator cap. e) Mount conversion label supplied with conversion screw to valve in a visible position. 10. Reassemble fireplace in the reverse order, except window screen assembly. Leave this off until after unit has been checked for leaks and the gas supply has been bled. 11. After bleeding gas line and checking for leaks with a soap solution, replace the front glass. Fire up the unit, check for flame impingment on logs, adjusting them if necessary. Check manifold and supply pressures against the appliance specifications. The procedure for converting from one gas to another is the same regardless of the initial gas used. The only variation is in the orifice-sizes and component part numbers. Your auth- orized service provider will ensure correct parts are used. Nova SIT820 Gas Valve Fig. t2 Regulator Cap Conversion Screw Pressure Regulator Housing Honeywell Gas Valve Fig. 13 I2 tooo2428 -l DVRT56/39/43 M vENT TERMTNAnoN @ ArR supply INLET El AREA wHERE TERMINAL ls Nor PERMITTED Canadian lnstallations 1 US lnstallations 2 A = Clearance above grade, veranda, porch, deck. or balconv 12 inches (30cm)12 inches (30 cm) = Clearance to windoddoor lhat mav be ooened 6 in (1Scm) for appliances<10,000 Btuh (3kW), 12 in (30cm) lor appliances > 10,000 Btuh (3kW) and < 100,000 Btul (30kW), 36 in (91cm) lor appliances > 100,000 Btuh (30 kW) 6 in (15cm) lor appliances > 10,0OO Btuh (3kW), I in (23cm) tor appliances > 10,000 Btuh (3kW) and < 50,000 Btuh (15kW), 12 in (30cm) for appli- ances > 50,0O0 Btuh (1skW) C = Clearance to permanently closed window 12" (305 mm) recommended to prevent window condensation. tz- (JUb mm, recommenoeo rl prevent window condensalion. D = Verlical clearance to ventilated soffit localed above the terminal within a horF zontal distance of 2 feel (61omm) trom the center line of the lerminal 18'(458 mm)18" (458 mm) to 12" (305 mm)12" F = Clearance to oulside comer see ne)il page see nelt lo corner see nexl page see ne)il = Clearance to each inside ol center line extended above meler/regulator assembly 3 leet (91 cm) within a height ol 15 feet above the meter/regulalor assembly 3 feet (91 cm) wilhin a height of 15 feet above the meler/regulator assembly Clearance to service regulator venl outlet 3 teet (91 cm)3 feet (91 cm) t-Clearance to non-mechanical air supply nlet to building or the combustion air inlet lo any other appliance 6 in (1scm) for appliances <10,000 Bluh (skw), 12 in (30cm) lor appli- ances > 10,000 Btuh (skw) and < 100,000 Btuh (30kW), 36 in (91cm) for appliances > 100,000 Btuh (30 kW) 6 in (1scm) for appliances < 10,000 Btuh (3kW), I in (23cm) Jor appliances > 10,000 Btuh (3kW) and < 5O,000 Btuh (1skw), 12 in (30cm) for appliances > 50,000 Btuh (15 kW) loa atl 6 feet (1.83m)3 leet (91 cm) above if within 10 leet (3 m) horizonlallv = Ulearance aDOVe paveO SlOeWalK Or a paved driveway located on public property 7 leet (2.13m)t or balcony 12 inches (30cm) t a a passes and anv olher obstruction wilhin a horizontal distance of 18" (450mm 1 In accordance with the current CSA-8149 Instalation Codes. 2 In accordance with the current ANSI 2223. |/NFPA 54 Nalional Fuel Gas Codes. t A vent shall not lerminate directly above a sidewalk or paved driveway which is located belween two single tamily dwellings and serves both dwellings. $ Only pemitted if veranda, porch, deck, is lully open on a minimum 2 sides beneath the lloor. Note: 1 Local codes or regulations may require ditferenl clearances. 2 The special venting sysiem used on Vermont Castings Majestic Products Company's Direct Vent Fireplaces are certified as parl of the appliance, with clearances tested and approved by the listing agency. tooo2428 t3 The vermont castings n^frii. Products Company Termination Clearances Termination clearances for buildings with combustible and noncombuslible exteriors. lnside Corner A= -- Combustible 6'(152mm) Noncombustible 2"(50mm) Fig. 14 Balcony - with no side wall G= Combustible 24'(610mm) Non-Combustible 18"(4s7mm) Fig. 16 Outside Corner B= Combustible 6'(152mm) Noncombustible 2'(50mm) Fig. 15 Ealcony - with perpendicular side wall Combustible & Non-Combustible H = 24'(61Omm) J = 20'(508mm) Fig. 17 Recessed Location C = Maximum depth of 48' (1219mm) for recessed location. D = Minimum width for back wall of a recessed location. Combustible 38'(965mm) Noncombuslible 24'(61 Omm) E = Clearance from corner in recessed location. Combustible 6'(152mm) Noncombustible 2"(50mm) Fig. 18 T4 tooo242a o I DVRT16/59/45 Crimped End Pipes Before loining elbows and pipes apply a bead of high temperature sealant to the crimped end of the elbow or pipe. Join the pipes using a 2" (50 mm) overlap and secure the joints with three sheet melal screws (Fig. 19). Wipe off excess sealant. CANADIAN INSTALLATIONS: The venting system must be installed in accordance with the current CSA-B149.1 installation code. USA INSTALLATIONS: The venting system must conform to local codes and/or lhe cunent National Fuel Code ANSI 2223.1. Only venting components manufactured by the Vermont Casting Majestic Products Company may be used in Direct Vent systems. Twist Lock Pipes When using Vermont Casting Majestic Products Company twist-lock pipe it is nol necessary to use sealanl on the joints. The only areas of the venting system that need to be sealed with high temperature silicone sealant are the collars on the fireplace and termination, and the sliding joint of any lelescopic vent section used in the syslem. To join twist lock pipes together, simply align beads of the male end with the grooves of the female end, twisting the pipe until the llange on the lemale end contacts external flange on the male end. lt is recommended that you secure ioints with three (3) sheet melal screws, however this is not mandatory with twist lock pipe. To make it easier to assemble the joints we suggesl putting a lubricant (Vaseline or similar) on the male end ol the twist lock pipe prior to assembly. Screw Holes The Vent Graph should be read in conjunction with the following vent installation inslructions to determine the relationship between the vertical and horizontal dimen- sions of the vent system. 1 . Determine the height of the center ot the horizontal vent pipe exiting through the outer wall. using this dimension on the Sidewall Vent Graph below, locate the point intersecting with the slanted graph line. 2. From lhe point of this intersection, draw a vertical line to the botlom ol the graph. 3. Select the indicated dimension, and position the fireolace in accordance with same. Example A: lf the vertical dimension from the lloor of the fireplace is 11' (3.4m) the horizontal run to the face of the outer wall must not exceed 14' (4.3m). Example B: ll the vertical dimension trom the floor of the unit is 7' (2.14m), the horizontal run lo the face of the 1'From crimped end r"ll--1 r- of pipe Fig. 19 outer wall must not exceed 8-1/2' (2.6m). 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 20 19 t8 17 t6 15 't4 13 12 t1 t0 8 7 6 4 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 11 12 13 14 15 16t7 18 19 20 Horizontal Dimension From the Outside Face ol the Wall to The Center ol the Fireplace Vent Flange Sidewall Vent Graph showing the relationship bet'/veen vertical and horizontal dimensions for a Direct Venl flue syatat. "rr.,o, i(D -{ 6' =otY -to=(DJfo o9.r\o JTI o-lil'd DO 6qf-r _t 6' ECo=t IOOO2428 l5 The Vermont Castings M^fr. Products Company I When installed as a rear vent unil this appliance may be vented directly to a terminalion located on lhe rear wall behind the appliance. Only Vermont Castings Majestic Products Company venting componenls are approved to be used in these applications (See 'venting components' listed lor diff erent installation requirements).. The maximum horizontal distance between the rear of the appliance (or end of the transition elbow in a corner application) and lhe outside face of lhe rear wall is 20" (508 mm), (Fig. 21).. Only one 45' elbow is allowed in these installations.. The minimum clearances between any combustible material and the vent pipe sections are:Top 2" (50 mm) Sides 1" (25 mm) Bottom 1" (25 mm) Top view flrt instdlrtiotr Top view corncr instsllrtion Fig. 21 STEP 1 Locate and cut the vent opening in the wall (Fig.22). For combustible walls firsl frame in opening (Fig.22). COMBUSTIBLE WALLS: Cut a 10-3i8"H x 9-3/8" W (265 mm x 240 mm) hole through the elderior wall and frame as shown (Fig.22). NON-COMBUSTIBLE WALLS: Hole opening should be 7.5'(190 mm) in diameter. Zero clearance sleeve is only required for combustible walls. (framing detail) Vent Opening -Noncombustible Wall 7.1t2"-+ r^(1e0m1l-v- Fig.22 A t6 STEP 2 Measure wall thickness and cul zero clearance sleeve parts to proper length (MAXIMUM 12"/305 mm). Assemble sleeve lo its maimum opening (10-3/8'x 9-3/8') and attach to firestop wilh #8 sheet metal screws (supplied). Install firestop assembly (Fig. 23). Maxlmun Lor{th 1? (29&rrn) rB Scrows (2) Adju3tatl. Zgro Cl€cr8nca s|06/0 Adlu3t bla Z.io Cloli|ncs Slcavo Fig. 23 STEP 3 Measure the horizontal length requirement for the venting including a 2" (50 mm) overlap, i.e. from the elbow to the outside wall lace plus 2" (50 mm), (Fig. 21). STEP 4 Install the 4'(100 mm) vent to the appliance collar and secure with 3 sheetmetal screws. Install the 7" (175 mm) vent pipe to the appliance collar and secure wilh 3 sheetmetal screws. lt is not necessary to seal this connection. lf a 45' elbow is being used attach the elbow to the appliance in the same manner then attach the venting to the elbow. It is critical that there is no downward slope away from the appliance when connecting the vent or elbour. tooo2428 STEP 5 Guide the venting through the vent hole as you place the appliance in its installed position. Guide the 4" (100 mm) and 7' (175 mm) collars ol the vent termination into the outer ends of the venting. Do not lorce the termination. lf the venl pipes do not align with the termination remove and realign lhe venting at the appliance flue collars (Fig. 24). Attach the termination to the wall as outlined in the instruction sheet supplied with the termination. Since it is very important thal the venting system maintain its balance between the combustion air intake and the flue gas exhaust, certain limitations as to vent configurations apply and must be strictly adhered to, The Vent Graph, showing the relationship between vertical and horizontal side wall venting, will help to determine the various dimensions allowable. Minimum clearance between vent pipes and combusti- ble materials is one 1" (25mm) on top, bottom and sides unless otherwise noted, When vent terminalion exits through loundations less than 20' (508mm) below siding outcrop, the vent pipe must flush up with the siding. It is best to locate the fireplace in such a way that mini- mizes the number of offsets and horizontal vent length. The horizontal vent run refers to the total length of vent pipe from the flue collar of the lireplace (or the top ol the Transition Elbow) to the lace of the outer wall. Horizontal plane means no vertical rise exists on this portion of the vent assembly DVRT56/39/45 Fig. 2s The maximum number of 90" elbows oer side wall installation is three (3), Fig. 25. ll a 90'elbow is fitted directly on top of the fireplace llange the maximum horizontal vent run belore the termination or a vertical rise is 36" (914 mm), Fig. 26. . ll a 90' elbow is used in the horizontal vent run (level height maintained) the maiximum horizontal vent length is reduced by 36" (914 mm), Fig. 27a&b. This does not apply it the 90" elbows are used to increase or redirect a vertical rise (Fig. 25). Example: According to the vent graph (page 15) the maximum horizontal vent length in a system with a 7.5' vertical rise is 20' (6m) and if a 90' elbow is required in the horizontal vent it must be reduced to 17' (5.2 m). A+B=17(Max.) Fig.27a When installing the appliance as a rear vent unit the 90" or 45'Transition Elbow attached directly to the rear ol the unit is NOT INCLUDED in the following criteria and calculations, and unless specifically mentioned should be ignored when calculating venting layouts. These ends/:l1o be even l:rEt]_t <_ Fig.24Flat to the wall installation Max '::+ Fig.26 10002428 17 The Vermont Castings M"frc Products Company O Vent Opening -Combustible Wdl H (framing detail) , (240mm) ,tr*r'l---]----.F|-|-|T lt I I9-als' tl I I.--.: J-l--J---l---(z4umm) lJ+J I I Vent Opening -Noncombustible Wall Iz-'o'-Th('*'1f\7 I I Fig.29 7ttg A 10 fl. 90'elbo',v=3fl. A+B=17fr.(Mar.) 7it.6 i(|. (2286 mm) Fig.27b In Fig. 27a&b Dimension A plus B must not be greater than 17'(5.2m). The maximum number of 45" elbows permitted per side wall installation is two (2). These elbows can be installed in eilher the vertical or horizontal run. For each 45' elbow installed in the horizonlal run. the length of the horizontal run MUST be reduced by 18' (45 cm). This does not apply il the 45' elbows are installed on the verlical pafi of lhe vent system. The maximum number of elbow degrees in a system is 270' (Fig. 28). Example: Elbow 1 = 90' Elbow 2 = 45' Elbow 3 = 45' Elbow 4 = 90' Total angular variation = 27O' 1+2+3 + 4 =27Oo STEP 1 Locate vent opening on the wall. lt may be n€cessary lo first position the fireplace and measure to obtain hole location. Depending on whether the wall is combustible or non-combuslible, cut opening to size (Fig. 29). (For combuslible walls firsl frame in opening (Fig. 29). Iriaimum L.ngth 12'(294|rm) -l *8 Scr€vr3 (2) AdirdaHo ZerD CbarflE€ Slesvo Fig.30 Zero clearance sleeve is only required for combustible walls. COMBUSTIBLE WALLS: Cut a 9-3/8'H x 9-3/8" W (240 mm x 240 mm) hole through the e)'.terior wall and frame as shown (Fig.29). NON-COMBUSTIBLE WALLS: Hole opening must be 7.5" (190 mm) in diameter. STEP 2 Measure wall thickness and cut zero clearance sleeve parts to proper length (MAXIMUM 12'7305 mm). Assemble sleeve and attach to firestoo with #8 sheet metal screws (supplied). Install firestop assembly (Fig. 30). t8 10002428 STEP 3 Place fireplace into position. Measure the vertical height (X) required from the base ol the flue collars to the center ol the wall opening (Fig. 31). Fiq. 31 STEP 4 Apply a bead of silicone to the inner and outer flue collars of the lireplace and using appropriate length of pipe section(s) anach to fireplace with lhree (3) screws. Follow with the installation of lhe inner and outer elbow. again secure ioints as described in the 'Connecting Vent Pipe'section. STEP 5 Measure the horizontal length requirement including a 2" (50 mm) overlap, i.e. lrom the elbow to the outside wall face plus 2" (50 mm) (or the distance required if installing a second 90' elbowxFig. 32).A ^t \ Always instatl horizontal venting on a I3|' level plane. DVRT36/59/43 STEP 6 Use appropriate length of pipe sections - telescopic or lixed - and install. The sections which go through the wall are packaged with the starter kit, and can be cut lo suit il necessary. Sealing vent pipe and firestop gaps with high temperature sealant will restrict cold air being drawn in around fireplace. STEP 7 Apply high temperature sealant to 4" (100 mm) and 7" (175 mm) collars or the termination one inch away from crimoed end. Guide the vent terminations 4" and 7" collars into their respective vent pipes. double check that the vent pipes overlap the collars by 2" (50 mm). Secure the termination to the wall with screws provided and caulk around the wall plate to weatherproof. As an alternative to screwing the terminalion directly to the wall, you may also use expanding plugs or an approved exterior construction adhesive. You may also atlach the termination with screws through the inner body into the 4" vent pipe, however for lhis method you must extend the 4" pipe approximately 6' (150 mm) beyond the ouler face of the wall. Support horizontal pipes every 3' (91 cm) with metal pipe straps. When it is not possible to meet the required vent lerminal clearances of 12 " (305 mm) above grade level. a starter vent kit is recommended. lt allows installaiion depth down to7 " (178 mm) below grade level. The 7 " (178 mm) is measured f rom the center ol the horizontal vent pipe as it penelrates through the wall. Ensure that sidewall venting clearances are observed. lf venting syslem is installed below ground, we recommend a window well with adequate and proper drainage to be installed around the termination area, lf installing a snorkel, a minimum 24" (610 mm) vertical rise is necessary. The maximum horizontal run with the 24" vetlical pipe is 36" (915 mm). This measurement is taken from the collar of the fireplace (or transition elbow) to the face of the exlerior wall. See the Sidewal. Venting Graph for extended horizontal run il the vertical exceeds 24" (61Omm). '1. Establish vent hole through the wall (Fig. 29). 2. Remove soil to a depth of approximalely 16" (406 mm) below base of snorkel. Install drain pipe. Install window well (not supplied). Refill hole with 12" (305 mm) of coarse gravel leaving a clearance ol approxi- mately 4" (100 mm) below snorkel (Fig. 33). tooo2428 I9 The Vermont Castings Mufrk Products Company a 3 4 lnstall vent system. Ensure a watertight seal is made around the vent pipe coming through the wall. Apply high temperature sealant caulking (supplied) around the 4" and 7' snorkel collars. Slide the snorkel into the vent pipes and secure to the wall. Level the soil so as to maintain a 4" clearance (100 mm) below snorkel (Fig. 33). DO NOT BACK FILL AROUND SNORKEL. A CLEARANCE OF AT LEAST 4" MUST BE MAINTAINED BETWEEN BETWEEN THE SNORKEL AND THE SOIL. lf the foundation is recessed, use recess brackets (not supplied) for securing lower portion of the snorkel. Fasten brackets to wall first, then secure to snorkel wilh self drilling #8 x 112 sheel melal screws. ltwill be necessary to extend vent pipes out as far as the protruding wall face (Fig. 34). This Gas Fireplace has been approved for,. Vertical installations up to 40' (12m) in height. Up to a 10' (3 m) horizonlal vent run can be installed within the venl system using a maximum of two 90. elbows (Fig.35). Max. Heighl ll()' (12.2 m) Min. Height 8' (2.4 m) Max, 10' (3 m) Max. 10' (3 m) . Up 10 two 45' elbows may be used within the horizontal run. For each 45o elbow used on the horizontal plane, the maximum horizontal length must be reduced by 18" (450mm). Example: Maximum horizontal lenoth 'A |nlnitnu.n of 2a'l@EDm v..tic.l tip. mu.t b. in.t lLd nhr| u.ing lh. TOVSKS ldt I No elbows 1x45' elbows = 2x45o elbows = 10'(3m) 8.s'(2.6m) 7'(2Jm1 A minimum ol an 8' (2.5m) vertical rise is required. Two sets of 45' elbows offsets may be used within the vertical sections. From O lo a maximum of 8' (2.5 m) ol vent pipe can be used between elbows (Fis. 36). .- Snorkel 'r Wall Screws Watertight Seal Around Pipe Sheet Metal Screws Fig. 34 20 IOOO2428 1+2+3+4=27Oo 1--):>-t TDVCS supports offsets (Fig. 38). This application will require that you first determine the rool pitch and use the appropriate starter kit. (See Venting Componenls List) The maximum angular variation allowed in the system is 270' (Fig. 36). . The minimum height of the vent above the highest point of penetration through the roof is 2'(610 mm) (Fig.39). See note 2, page 13. 1. Locate your lireplace.2. Plumb to center of the (4") flue collar from ceiling above and mark position. 3. Cut opening equal to 9-3/8' x 9-3/8" (240 mm x 240 mm).4. Proceed to plumb for additional openings through the roof. In all cases, the opening must provide a minimum of 1 inch clearance to lhe vent pipe, i.e., the hole must be at least 9-O8'x 9-3/8" (240 mm x 240 mm). Place fireplace into position. Place firestop(s) #7DVFS or Attic Insulation Shield #TDVAIS into posilion and secure (Fig. 37). Install rool support (Fig. 38) and root flashing making sure upper flange is below the shingles (Fig. 40). Install appropriate pipe seclions until lhe venting is above the flashing (Fig. a0). Install storm collar and seal around the pipe. Add additional vent lengths for proper height (Fig. 39). Apply high temperature sealant to 4" and 7" collars of vertical vent termination and install. lf there is a room above ceiling level, fire stop spacer must be installed on both the bottom and the top side ol the ceiling ioists. lf an attic is above ceiling level a TDVAIS (Attic Insulation Shield) must be installed. The enlarged ends of the vent section always lace downward. FIRESTOP SPACER l-- rrrr-s 61 Fig. 37 BBAV Typical Roof TYPical Cailing Support SuPPort Application Application Fig. 3g DVRT36/39/45 Fig- 39 Fig. 40 5. b. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. tooo242B 21 The Vermont Castings M^fr. Products Company o A The Gravity Ducting System is only Clearance between grille adapter & combustibles - 0" ,.1| \ applicable if installing the DVRT43 Oirecttr ventFireprace A f#f'l?ir:::Hffi'opeinanv Installation of the DVRT43 fireplace provides you with ---an opportunity to heat either rooms on an upper level or adjacent rooms on the same level without the use of a blower. However, with the intemal blower installed, there will be some increase in warm air movement to rooms serviced by the gravity duct (Figs. 41-42). 1. Plan the gravity duct run firsl. Use the following graph to ensure thal the installation meets the Vermont Castings, Majestic Products Company recommendations. There is a maximum number of three elbows in a run, but the run must never go in a downward direction as this can trap heat in the gravity vent syslem. Be aware when designing the ducting syslem thal elbows will restrict airflow. Minimize the use ol elbows in any installation. 2. lt is recommended that the gravity ducting system be installed so that the grills exit at the same vertical level. lf the gravity venting system is installed such that the ducling exits at differenl levels, a chimney effect may occur resulting in uneven heat distribution. Do not discharge directly into lhe wall or inside an enclosure. Maierials needed for the gravity ducting installation. 2 x 5' dia. duct to grille connector boots 2 x Wall Outlet grilles 5" dia. rigid ("C" vent) or 5'dia. llexible metal ducting 5" dia. elbows (maximum of 3 per run). Remove the gravity duct plugs from the top ol the DVRT43 by taking out lhe two (2) screws around the perimeter ol each plug, and lhen removing lhe plugs from the fireplace. Note: Do not remove the center screw from the plugs. Install 5" rigid (C-Vent) or flexible ducting on the DVRT43 and run the ducting observing the limitations shown in the graph. Be aware that flexible ducting is more restrictive lo air llow than rigid ducting. Secure all loints with three (3) sheet metal screws. Seal all joints with foil laced aluminium tape lo prevent heat loss and maintain maximum air llow. Ensure thal the following clearances are maintained when installing lhe DVRT43 Gravity Ducting System. CLEARANCE TO COMBUSTIBLES Clearance between ducting & combustibles - 1" o8ro o.=o Ll- EuoFg7I :6o ;s -a4'6 =3(g .9E2 5 6 7 8 910 11 12 13 14 15 Maximum Horizontal Dimensions Note: All dimensions are in FEET Conversion Factor to Metric 1'= 3O5 mm. Fig.41 // ^/ / / 7 / .a / ,/ 7 ./ / Fig.42 4. 5. / b. 7. 22 10002424 DVRT56/59/43 TDVBW - Through the wall Rear Vent Tetmination Starter Kit-Model TTDVSK-Sidewall Venting Starter Kit-Model TTDVSKV-Verlical Venting foTTTDVSKV-A order 1l12lo 6/12 rool pitch for TTDVSKV-B o'det 7/121o 12112 rool pilch tor TTDSKV-F order tlat roof Starter Kit-Model TTDVSKS-Snorkel Kit lor Below Grade Installalion 45' elbow kil 7TDW45 tor Vertical Installation Otlsets 7TDR45 lor Rear Vent Application 90' Transition elbow kit 7TDVRT9O lor Vertical Sidewall Applications or through-the-roof. Telescopic venl sections 7TDVP1218 -12" lo 18'adlustible length 7TDVP3564 -35" to 64" adiustible length Pipe sections tor verlical or horizontal venting Model 7TDVP8" 4 per box Model 7TDVP12" 4 per box Model 7TDVP24' 4 per box Model 7TDVP36" Model TTDVPtlS' Firestop Spacer Model TDVFS Attic lnsulation Shield Model TDVAIS Vertical/Horizontal Gombination Otf sel Support Model TDVC I tooo2428 23 The vermont Castings M4Iac Products Company O TOVRW - Through the wall Rear Vent Termination Starter Kil-Model TDVSK-Sidewall Venting Slarter Kil-Model TTDVSKV - V€rtical Venting lor TDVSKV-A o'det 1112 to 6/12 root pitch for TDVSKV-B o'det 7112 b 1A12 roof pitch for TDSKV-F order flat roof Starler Kit-Model TTDVSKS-Snorkel Kit for Below Grade Installation 45' elbow kit 7DW45 lor Vertical Installation Ottseis 7DV45 for Rear Vent Application 90' Transition elbow kil 7DVRT90 for Vertical Sidewall Applications or lhrough-the-roof, Telescopic vent sections7DVP61G 6" to 10" adiustable length 7DVP1018- 10" to 18'adjustable length 7DVP183+ 18" to 34" adiustable lengrh 7DVP3466- 34" io 66' adiustable length Pipe seclions for vertical or horizonlal venting Model 7DVP8" - 4perbox Model 7DVP12" - 4 per box Model 7DVP24" - 4 per box Model 7DVP36" Model 7DVP48" Firestop Spacer Model TDVFS Attic Insulation Shield Model TDVAIS VenicauHorizontal Combination Offset Support Model TDVCS 24 rooo2428 al DVKT56/59/43 Only glass approved by The Vermont Castings, Majestic Products Company should be used on this fireplace. The use of any non-approved replacement glass will void all product warranties. Care must be taken to avoid breakage of the glass. Under no circumstances should this appliance be operated wilhout the front glass in place, or with the glass in a damaged condition. Replacemenl glass (complete with gasket) is available through your Vermont Castings, Majestic Products dealer and should only be installed by a licensed qualified service person. Burner and Burner Compartment It is important to keep the burner and the burner compartment clean. At least once per year the logs and lava rock/ember material should be removed and the burner compartment vacuumed and wiped out. Remove and replace the logs as per the inslructions in this manual Always handle the logs with care as they are fragile and may also be hot if the fireplace has been in use. FK24|FK12 Fan Assembly The lan unit requires periodic cleaning. At least once per month in the operating season, open the lower louvre panels and wipe or vacuum lhe area around the fan to remove any build up of dust or lint. Brass Trim Clean the brass trim pieces using a soft cloth lightly dampened with lemon oil. Do not use water or household cleaners on any brass components. To remove the top louvre p.inel by lifting the panel up and out f rom lhe lireplace (Fig. 43). The lower panel is hinged at the bottom edge and swings down. I t-ii-.* *"*"t :i FMMEIi ASSEMBLY 1. Turn the fireplace OFF (including the pilot). 2. ll the unit has been operating, allow time for the components to cool.3. Remove the top louvre assembly. 4. Open the lower louvre panel. 5. Release lhe two clamps along lower edge of the frame by pulling down on clamp handles (Fig. 44). 6. Tilt window frame assembly out slightly at the bot- tom, lifl the frame up and away from the fireplace. 7. To replace window frame assembly reverse procedure. It is necessary to periodically clean lhe glass panel. During start-up condensation, which is normal, lorms on the inside of the glass. This condensation causes lint, dust and other airborne particles to cling to glass surtace. Also initial paint curing may deposit a slight lilm on the glass. lt is therefore recommended glass be cleaned two or three times with a non-ammonia based household cleaner and warm water (We recommend gas lireplace glass cleaner) within the lirst few weeks of operation. After the initial cleaning process the glass should be cleaned two or lhree times during each operating season depending on the environment in the house. Clean the glass after the first two weeks of operation. tooo2428 25 The Vermont Castings Maj|^ Products Company I Unpack the logs from their shipping box. Remove each log from its wrapping material. Dispose of the plastic bags and wrapping in a safe manner. Keep the logs and plastic bags away from children. Take care handling the logs as the material is fragile. The individual logs can be identified by the number cast into the underside of each log. DVRT36 Befer to Fig. 45''|. Remove the top louvre assembly.2. Remove the window frame assembly. 3. Fit the left-rear log (834) onto the lett side of the rear log support. The two (2) holes in the log locate on the 2 studs of the support.4. Fit the right-rear log (831) onto the right side ol the support. The 2 holes in the log locale over the 2 studs of the support.5. Fit lhe left-front log (832) onto the support bracket over the burner housing. Again the 2 holes in the log locate on the 2 sluds on the bracket.6. Place the left-top log (B33) across the left front and rear logs (Fig. 45). The hole under the end of this log locates over the knob on the left rear log. The fonrvard end of log 833 resls in the cutout in the letl front log. Place the right front log (834) in position by resting the 'heal' of the log between the outside and first prong of lhe front grate and laying the log down in the culout of the right rear log (Fig. 45). Scatter the Ceramic Ember Rocks (Pt #57897) over the burner housing assembly in the area foruard of the fronl logs. See shaded areas in Fig. 45. Scatter the lava rock (Pt # 1 0001i+54) around the base of the lirebox area. Do not place any of this material on the burner housing assembly. Do not mix up the lava rock materials. The lava rock from the package labelled 10001454 must not be placed on the burner housing assembly. DVRT39 Refer lo Fig. 46 1. Remove the top louvre assembly2. Remove the window frame assembly 3. Fit the rear log (835) onto the rear log support. The two (2) holes in the log locate on the 2 studs on the support. Fit lhe right-front log (836) onto support bracket over the right side of the burner housing assembly. The 2 holes in the log locate over the 2 studs of the bracket. Fit the left-front log (837) onto the support bracket over lhe left side of the burner housing. Again the 2 holes in the log locate on the 2 studs on the bracket. Place the left-top log (838) in place. The notch along the lower front edge sits against the front grate (Fig. 46) and the top of the log sits in the cutout on the inner end of log B37. Scatter the Ceramic Ember Rocks (Pl #$f897) over the bumer housing assembly in the areas between the logs. See shaded areas in Fig. a6. Scatter the lava rock (Pt # 1 0001454) around the base of the lirebox area. Do not place any of this malerial on the burner housing assembly. Do not mix up the lava rock materials. The lava rock from the package labelled 10001454 must not be placed on the burner housing assembly. Note location of front grate tines DVRT39 Log Set (viewed from the rop) Fig. 46 DVRT43 Refer to Fig. 47 Remove the top louvre assembly. Remove the window frame assembly. Install the right-rear log (Ba6) onto lhe rear log support. The two (2) holes in the base of the log locate on the 2 studs in the log support. Install the left-rear log (845) on the rear log support. The 2 holes in the base of the log locate on the 2 studs in the log support. Install the left front log (848) on the left side of 4. 7. L 7. 8. t. t(t t / x y' \t-,1,o./*,-( / DVRT36 Log Set Fig.45 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 26 IOOO2428 6. 7. 8. 9. DVRT36/59/43 It is important to periodically perlorm a visual check of the pilot and burner flames. Compare them to the pictorials illustrated below (Figs. 50, 51, 52 & 53). ll the flame patterns appear abnormal contact a qualified service provider for service and adiustmenl. PSE Pilot SIT Pilot Fig. s0 5 SeDarate flames Glowing Lava Rock DVRT36 Fig. s1 the burner housing. The 2 holes in the base of the log located over the 2 sluds on the burner housing bracket. Install the right front log (849) on the right front corner of the burner housing assembly. The notch in the outer end of lhe log locates against the outermost tine of the front grate. Install the right rear top log (B47). This log sits on top of the right rear log. lt has a rectangular hole on the underside that locates over the rectangular lug on the lower log. Install the left front cross-over log (B50). This log is located over the round knob on the top ol the left rear log and lays across the cut-out on the lront left log. Install the center front log (851). The hole in the base of this log located over the stud atlached to the front log grate. 10. Scatter the Ceramic Ember Rocks (Pt. #57897) over the burner housing assembly in the area forward of the front logs, see shaded areas in Fig. 47. 1 1 . Scatter the lava rock (Pt. #10001454) around the base of the firebox area. Do not place any of this material on lhe burner housing assembly. Do not mix up the lava rock materials. The lava rock from the package labelled 10001454 must not be placed on the burner housing assembly. Rl,l/RP Models For unils equipped with 'H|/LO'valves the flame adjustment is accomplished by rotating lhe 'HliLO' adjustmenls knob located near the center of the gas control valve (Figs. 48 & 9). IOOO242A Turn counlercloclffise to increase flame height Turn clockwise to decrease flame height SIT 820 Valve Fig. 4e Turn counterclockwise to decrease flame height Honeywell Valve )*-* Fig.48 27 The Vermont Castings nait)c Products Company a 5 Flame areas DVRT39 Glowing Lava Rock Fio. 52 NOTE: Glowing Lava Rock for DVRT36, DVRT39, and DVRT43 is only allowed to be positioned at the front area (radiant portion) of the burner housing assembly. 2A tooo242a DVRT56/59/43 A. This lireplace has a pilot which must be lit manually. When lighting the pilot lollow these instructions exactly. B. BEFORE LIGHTING smell all around lhe lireolace area lor gas. Be sure to smell next to the floor because some gas is heavier than air and will settle on the f loor. WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS . Do not try to light any fireplace . Do not touch any electric switch . Do not use any phone in your building . lmmediately call your gas supplier from a neighbor's phone and lollow the gas supplier's instructions. lf you do not lollow these instructions exactly, a fire or explosion may result causing property damage, personal injury or loss ol lile. . lf you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the Fire Department Use only your hand to push in or turn the gascontrol knob. Never use tools. lf the knob will not push in or turn by hand, do not try to repair it, call a qualified service technician. Applying lorce or any attempted repair may result in a fire or explosion. Do not use this fireplace if any part has been under water. lmmediately call a qualified service technician to inspect the f ireplace and to replace any part ol the control system and any gas control which has been under water. 1. STOP! Read the satety information above on this page. 2. Turn ofl all electrical power to the fireplace. 3. For MN/MP/TN/TP appliances ONLY, go on to Step 4. For RN/RP appliances turn the On/Ofl switch to "OFF' position or set thermostat to lowest level. 4. Open control access panel. 5. Push in gas control knob slightly and lurn clockwise to /-\ "oFF. Do not I'm'ry@ f :Ov 7o;l E \-iv" "l\_'-/ \TL EURO SIT SIT NOVA HONEYWELL 6. Wait (5) minutes to clear oul any gas. Then smell for gas, including near the floor. lf you smell gas , STOP! Follow "B" in the safety informalion above this page. lf you don't smell gas, go to lhe next step. 7. Remove glass door before lighting pilot. (See Window Frame Assembly in manual). S.Visibly locate pilot by the main burner. 9.Turn knob on gas control counter clockwiser--\ lo'PILOT'. 10. Push lhe control knob all the way in and hold. lmmediately light the pilot by repeatedly depressing the piezo spark ignitor until a flame appears. Conlinue to hold the conlrol knob in for about one (1) minute after the pilot is lit. Release knob and it will pop back up. Pilot should remain lit. ll it goes out, repeat steps 5 through 8.--ffiffiffi 11. 12. 13. 14. lf knob does not pop up when released, stop and immediately call your service technician or gas supplier. lf after several tries, the pilot will not stay lit, turn the gas control knob to "OFF" and call your service technician or gas supplier. Replace window f rame assembly. Turn gas control knob to "ON" position. For RN/RP appliances lurn the ON/OFF switch to "ON" position or set themostat to desired setting. Turn on all electrical power to the fireplace. 1. Turn the On/Off switch to "OFF" or set the 3. Open conlrol access panel. thermostal to lowest setting. 4. Push in gas control knob slightly and turn 2. Turn off all electric power lo the fireplace il service clockwise to 'OFF'. Do not force. is to be performed. 5. Close control access panel. IOOO2428 The Vermont Castings nA). Products Company t The Comfort Control Valve allows remote control of temperalure, fan and flame appearance. NOTE: The antenna should hang in free air away from grounded metal. OPERATION 1. lf the manual switch is in remote position, switch it to LocAL. (Fig. 3e) Turn the pilotstat knob counterclockwise from OFF to the PILOT position, push the knob down, and hold in position. The pilot valve opens and allows gas to flow to the pilot bumer. Push plunger on the piezo until the pilot burner is lit. When the pilot burner is lit, the LED on the control will come on after approximately 40 seconds and will provide 1 short blink continuously in the normal mode. When the light turns ofl which will be approxi- mately 10 seconds after it has been continuously red, the receiver/valve is fully powered. Release the knob. The shafl will move uoward. The pilot burner should now stay burning. lf the pilot burner goes out, repeat step 2. Turn the knob counterclockwise to the ON position. lf the manual switch is in the LOCAL position, the main burner will turn on immediately. ON the inilial use of a lransmitter, a recognition operation is required between the receiverfualve and transmitter. Change the switch from LOCAL to REMOTE. Press the fan or flame button on the transmitter within 30 seconds. The LED will blink indicating lhe transmitter will now work with the receiver/valve. It the switch continues in the RE- MOTE position, the transmitler will now control the main valve, flame modulation level and fan control. Fig. 39 Comfon conlrol valve. 30 2. 3. 4. 7. lf the manual switch is in the LOCAL position, the valve will be at the highest fixed pressure setting and the lan will be at the highest fixed speed. The transmitter will control lhe lan only. SHUT OFF PROCEDURE lf the manual switch is in the REMOTE position, the transmitter can shut otf the main burner and fan. However, the conlrol is still on and a command from the transmitter can lurn on the main burner or fan. To shut off lhe system, turn the pilotstat knob clockwise to the OFF position. This action closes the main gas and safety valves. The transmitter cannot lurn on the main burner or fan. TRANSMITTER OPERATION Off Mode In the OFF mode, the fireplace flame and fan are off, the display will show OFF and displays the room lemperature. ll the receiver is in REMOTE mode, the f ireplace will shut otf. On (Manual) Mode In the ON mode, the room temperature, flame and lan levels will be shown. MANUAL will appear next to both the flame and fan icons. When the conlrol is in the ON mode, the flame and fan levels, and delay timer are changed with lhe up and down buttons. To change the flame level, press the flame button followed by an arrow key. To change the tan level, press the lan key followed by an arrow key. Pushing lhe arrow key once will change the level by one unit. Display Room Temperalure Sel Temperalure Flame Heioht Level Fan Speed Level Countdown Timer Low Battery Flame lncreases Flame Height, Fan Speed Timer. or Sel Point Decrease Flame, Fan Speed Timer or Set Point Up Fig. 40 Transmitter diagram. IOOO2428 o o DVRT56/39/43 Delay Timer Mode The shut off delay timer has a maximum of 2 hours and a minimum of zero minutes. To change the timer level, press the time key followed by an arrow key. Pushing the key once will change the limer by 10 minutes. Auto Mode In the AUTO mode, lhe room temperature, set tem- oerature. flame and fan levels will be shown. AUTO will appear next to both the llame and fan icons. When the conlrol is in the AUTO mode, the main burner will turn on/otf or modulate based on lhe heat needed to maintain the set temperature. The llame level will change automalically to optimize the heat output needed to maintain the set temperature. To change the set temperature, press the up or down key. Pushing a key once will change the temperature by one oegree. In the AUTO mode, lhe lan speed will increase with increasing flame heighl or decrease with decreasing flame height. 'AUTO" is displayed next to the tlame and fan icons. Fan Override During Auto Mode lf a lower or higher lan speed is desired when operat- ing in the AUTO mode, the fan speed can be overrid- den by pushing the fan button lollowed by the up or down key. Pushing a key once will change the fan level by one unit. In this mode 'AUTO" is displayed next to the llame icon and "MANUAL" is displayed next to the fan icon. Change Between F/C Temperature Units Push the up and down arrow keys simultaneously for at least 3 seconds to toggle between Fahrenheit and Celsius units. Fig. 41 Comlorl Valve wiring diagram. tooo2428 Disable Thermostat Function To disable the thermostat function in the AUTO mode, push the time and down keys simultaneously lor at least 3 seconds. To Change Batteries 1. Remove cover on the backside of the transmitler. lnstall 3 AAA batteries as shown and reattach cover. 2. Once steps 1-3 in OPERATION are completed, receiver/valve and transmilter are now ready. Press any button on transmitter for recognition process to occur between the receiver/valve and transmitter. 3. Use functions as described in TRANSMITTER section. Troubleshooting 1 . Locale LED light on valve. 2. LED will blink after every valid command received by the transmitter: this is not an error. 3. Failure codes may occur anytime after pilot burner is lit. 4. Sequence is failure code lollowed by light not blinking lor 30 seconds. 5. In the event of multiple failure codes, next failure code follows previous failure code by approximately 3 seconcls. lf an Error Code 3 is observed while performing the testing, complete the following: '1 . Make sure the spade connectors are pushed all the way on. lf rhe Error Code 3 is still showing, then go to the next step. 2. Switch the lront two thermopile leads with the back two. Be sure the white lead is connected to the spade with the white dot next to it. lf the Enor Code 3 is still showing, replace the thermopiles. lf an Error Code 8 is observed while performing the testing, complete the following: 1. Confirm the valve is not in REMOTE mode. . ll the valve is producing Error Code 8 and in REMOTE mode, lhe valve is defective and should be replaced. . lf the valve is in LOCAL mode and producing Enor Code 8, lhen go to the next slep. 2. Slide the Remote/Local switch to REMOTE and teach the valve a transmitter (see item 6, page 30). The Error Code will clear itsell after approximately 1.5 minutes and return to normal oDeration. LED Count I 5 4 3 2 Service Action Reolace valve Confirm stepper motor connection exists Confirm fan connection exists and works Conlirm gas type; jumper in place Replace thermopiles Turn fan ON NOTE: Some keys are not active. 5l The Vermont Castings Myj)c Products Company a Comfort Valve system control sequence of operation with transmitter Set manual switch to local or remote Cycle switch once and leave in remote. Press any key on lransmitter lor recognition op€ration. Choose Manual or Remote path. Set switch to manual or remote. Turn pilotstal knob from PILOT to ON. LocalPath ll manual switch is set to LOGAL, did main burner light and fan tum on? Move switch from local lo remote. Press any key on transmitler. Move switch back to local. Turn pilotstal knob to PILOT lo tum ott main burner. Turn pilotstat knob to OFF to turn valve complelely otf. On Path ll the manual switch is set to REMOTE, press the mode button to display "ON".does transmit- ter control the main bumer and lan? Move switch from manual to remole. Press any key on transmitter. Does lransmitter change levels ol llame heighl, fan soeed? Set levels of tlame height and fan to "0" to shut off main burner and lan. Tum pilotstat knob to OFF to turn valve complelely off. 32 IOOO242A a I DVKTs6/59/43 Auto Path lf the manual switch is set to REMOTE, pr6ss the mode butlon to display AUTO on lhe lransmitte r. Does th€ lransmitt€r display ihe room and temperlure setting? Move switch from LOCAL to REMOTE. Press any key within 30 seconds. ll the settings is above room temperlure on the transmitter, does the main valve and fan lurn on? lf the settings is below room temperture on the transmifter, does the main valve and fan lurn otf? Turn pilolstat knob to OFF lo turn valve completely off. tooo2428 53 The Vermont Castings M"fr. Products Company o SIT NOVA 820 MILLIVOLT VALVE Note: Before trouble shooling the gas control system, be sure erternal gas shut otf is in the "On" position. WARNING: BEFORE DOING ANY GAS CONTROL SERVICE WORK, REMOVE GLASS FRONT. SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSES CORRECTIVE ACTION 1 . Spark ignitor will not light A. Defective or misaligned elecirode at pilot. Using a match, light pilot. lf pilot lights, turn olf pilot and push the red bution again. lf pilot will not light - check gap at eleclrode and pilot-should be 1/8" to have a strong spark. B. Defective ignitor (Push Button)Push Piezo lgnilor Butlon- Check for spark al electrode and pilot. lf no spark to pilot, and elec trode wire is properly connected, replace ignitor. 2. Pilot will not stay lit after carefully following lighting instructions. A. Defective pilot generator (thermocouple), remote wall switch. Check pilot flame. Must impinge on thermo couple/thermopile. Note: this pilot burner assem bly utilizes both-a thermocouple and a thermopile. The thermocouple operates the main valve operation (On and Otf). Clean and or adlust pilot for maximum flame impingement on thermopile and thermocouple. B. Defective automatic valve Turn valve knob to "Pilof. Maintain flow to pilot; milivolt meler should read grealer than 10 mV. ll the reading is okay and the pilot does not stay on, replace the gas valve. Note: An interrupter block (noi supplied) must be used to conduct this test. 3. Pilol buming, no gas to marn Durner terminals il switch wiring for grounded to lireplace or gas A. Wall switch or wires defective Check wall switch and wires for proper connec tions. Jumper wire accross terminals at wall switch, if burner comes on, replace defective wall switch. lf okay, lumper wires across wall switch wires al valve, if burner comes on, wires are taulty or connections are bad. B. Thermopile may nol be generating sufficient millivoltage. 1. Be sure wire connections from thermopile at gas valve terminals are iight and thermopile is fully inserted into Dilot bracket. 2. One of lhe wall switch wires may be grounded. Remove wall swilch wires from valve pilot now stays lit, trace wall ground. May be supply. 3. Check thermopile with millivolt meter. Take reading at thermopile terminals of gas valve. Should read 250-300 millivolts (minimum 150) while holding valve knob depressed in pilot position and wall switch "Otf'. Replace faulty thermopile if reading is below specitied minimum, C. Plugged bumer orifice.Check burner orifices for debris and remove. D. Delective automatic valve operator. Turn valve knob to "On", place wall switch to "On" millivolt meter should read greater than 100 mV. lf the reading is okay and the burner does not come on, replace the gas valve. 4. Frequent pilot outage problem. A. Pilot llame may be too low or blowing (high) causing the pilot safety to drop out. Clean and/or adiust pilot flame Jor maximum llame impingement on thermopile and thermocouple. B. Possible blockage of the vent terminal. Check the vent terminal for blockage (recycling the flue gases) 34 tooo2428 a a DVRT36/59/43 START . GAS SUPPLY ON HONEYWELL MILLIVOLT VALVE CHECK . SUPPLY LINE HOOKED UP . SHUTOFF VALVE OPEN . LOCKOUT HAS ENGAGED. WAIT 60 SECONDS AND TRY AGAIN, . FOB SPARK AT ELECTRODE WHILE DEPRESSING PIEZO (RED BUTTON) 1/8"GAP TO PILOT HOOD NEEDED. . ALL WIRING CONNECTIONS . REPLACE PIEZO IGNITOR . FOR AIR IN THE TINES . THERMOPILE NEEDS A MINIMUM 325mV. ADJUST PILOT FLAME HEIGHT. . ALL WIRING CONNECTIONS. . REPLACE THERMOPILE . THERMOCOUPLE NEEDS A MINIMUM OF 14mV. . VALVE lS TURNED ON . WALL SWITCH IS NOT TURNED ON. WATCH FOR GROUNDED WIRES! . THERMOPILE NEEDS A MINIMUM 325mV. . PLUGGED BURNER ORIFICE. . DEFECTIVE VALVE. TURN TO PIIOT, METER SHOULD READ GREATER THAN 100 mV. lF NOT. REPLACE. PILOT STAYS LIT 10002428 .'D The Vermont Castings M^il, Products Company a Items marked '*' are not shown in the lollowing parts pictorial page, Ref.Description DVRT36 DVRT39 DVRT43 1 Log Sel (complete)10002427 10002469 10002853 1a Loo - Rear N/A 835 N/A 1b Loo - Rear Left 843 N/A 845 1c Loq - Rear Riqht 831 N/A 846 1d Loq - Front Left 832 B37 B48 1e Log - Top Lelt 833 838 N/A 1t Loq - Front Riqht 834 B36 849 1q Loq - Too rear N/A N/A B,47 th Log - Crossover front left N/A N/A 850 1i Loq - Front center N/A N/A 851 z',Lava Rock - (Burner)57897 57897 57897 3-Lava Rock 10001454 10001454 10001454 4-Rear Log Support Assembly 10002425 10002471 10002855 5.Front Grate Assembly 10002432 10002432 10002852 6a Burner Housing Assembly, Nat.10002510 10002578 10002866 6b Burner Housino Assemblv, Prop 10002510 10002578 10002885 6c Loo suooort wilh Stud Assemblv 10002912 10002912 10002914 6d Log support with Stud Assembly N/A 10002912 N/A 7-Ceramic Tile (singular)57803 57803 57803 8a'Oritice/s, Main Bumer, (RN)Refer to the rating plate for orifice specifications 8b'Orifice/s, Main Burner, (RP)Refer to the rating plate for orifice specilications 9a Pilot assembly, PSE (Nat.)10001739 10001739 10001739 9b Pilot assemblv. PSE (Proo.)10001740 10001740 't0001740 10a Pilot assembly, SIT Top Conv. (Nat.)10002264 100022il 10002264 10b Pilot assemblv. SIT Top Conv. (Proo.)10002265 10002265 10002265 11 Pilot, PSE (with cable and electrode)10001824 10001824 10001824 12 Pilot, SIT ToD Convertible 10002266 10002266 10002266 13 Pilot hood, SIT Top Convertible 10002385 10002385 10002385 14a'Orifice, PSE pilot (Nat.)10001822 10001822 10001822 14b',Orilice, PSE pilot (Prop.)10001823 10001823 10001823 'l4c-Orifice, SIT Top Conv. (Nat.)10002268 10002268 10002268 14d'Ofilice, SIT Top Conv. (Prop.)10002269 10002269 10002269 15.Pilot tube with fitlinqs (PSE)53211 53211 53211 16.Pilot tube with fittings (SlT Top Conv.)10001296 10001296 10001296 17'Manifold Tube with fittinos 57318 57318 57318 18'Flexible Gas Line (18") wilh fittinqs 20002500 20002500 20002500 19 Thermocouple, PSE 10001828 10001828 10001828 20 Thermocouple, SIT Top Convertible 53373 53373 53373 21 Thermopile 51827 51827 5't827 22 lgnitor electrode (with cable), SIT 10001297 10001297 10001297 23 lonitor (Piezo). SIT 820 Gas Valve 52464 52464 52464 36 10002424 o o DVRT36/39/43 Items marked ''' are not shown in the followi Ref.Description DVRT36 DVRT39 DVRT43 24 lqnitor (Piezo). Honevwell Gas Valve 20000062 20000062 20000062 25a Gas Valve, SIT 820 (Nat.)52677 52677 52677 25b Gas Valve. SIT 820 (Prop.)52678 52678 52678 26a Gas Valve. Honevwell (Nat.)10001782 10001782 10001782 26b Gas Valve. Honevwell (Proo.)10001759 10001759 10001759 27 FK24Fan Assemblv, with bracket (optional)54103 54103 54103 28',FK12 Fan Assemblv 241110 2A1110 241110 29',Electric Cord (6') (ootional)51865 51865 5't865 30.Fan Soeed Control (ootional)51738 51738 51738 31.Fan Soeed Control Knob (ootional)51882 51882 51882 32'Fan Temperature Sensor (optional)5',1704 5't704 5't704 33 Window Frame Assemblv 10001425 10002478 10001805 34 Lower Window Frame Clamps s4174 54174 54174 35"Window Glass (complete with qasket)54427 54445 54564 36-Window Glass Gasket 573't7 57317 57317 37 Top Louvre Assemblv 10000037 10000039 10000041 38 Bottom Louvre Assemblv 10000038 10000040 10000042 39 Hinqe (bottom louvre assemblv)czJco 52356 52356 40 Plate, Flue pipe with 4" pipe assembly 10002509 10002509 10002509 41"Plale. Flue cover 10002298 10002298 10002298 42-Plate, Air inlet cover with 7" collar 10002766 10002766 10002766 43-Gasket, flue cover plate 10002233 10002233 10002233 44-Gasket, llue pipe cover plate 10002237 10002237 10002237 45'.Gasket. air inlet olate 'too02449 10002449 100024/i9 46.Remote ON/OFF switch il442 51a42 5'1442 47-Wire harness (remote switch)55923 55923 55923 48-Remote ON/OFF switch Kit (incls. above olus brackets)53875 s3875 53875 49"EB-1 electrical/connection box kit (ootional)241200 741200 241200 50-Ceramic Linino Kit (ootional)BT2TBO CT2TBO lVA 50a'Ceramic Lining Kit Standard on DVRT43 N/A N/A 10000459 51a RF Valve Nat 20002045 2000204s 20002045 slb RF Valve LP 20002046 20002046 20002046 52 Antennae 20003651 200036s1 20003651 53a Pilot RF Nat 20002266 20002266 20002266 53b Pi|ot RF LP 20002268 20002268 20fl,02264 54 Transmitler 20002047 20002047 20002047 55 Cord Set 20002541 20002541 20002541 looo2428 57 The Vermont Castings nuli, Products Company O 2l ll lr^#(O,c- )) 34 { r-----l ffi ,,hs 6c 24 6alb DVRT43 ,^-,w4,4J._" !e -l Z.&-F ?-* tooo242a DVRT56/59/43 FK24 Fan Assembly The FK24 Fan Assembly is standard on RFN and RFP units. This auxiliary fan system increases the efliciency of the circulation ol the heating air. The FM4 fan kit allows variable speed control ol the circulation tan and also incorporates a heat sensor in the circuit. Specifications 115 Volt / 60Hz / 56 Watts Maintenance The fan itself does not require regular mainlenance, however periodic cleaning of the lan and the sunounding area is required. Check the area under the control door (lower louvre assembly) and in lront of the lan and wipe or vacuum this area at least once a month during operating season. lnstallation The fan assembly and other components are supplied tully wired eliminating the need for a licensed electrician to carry out the installation. lf hard wiring the lan in using Method B (following) we strongly recommend lhe use of a licensed electrician. 1. Open the lower louvre assembly. Maneuver the fan & bracket assembly around the gas valve and lines to locate the unit onto the screw studs on the back ol the lireplace. 2. lnstall the thermal sensor under the bottom of the firebox, locaiing it over the two 1omm studs and secure it with nuts. 3. Locate the fan speed conlrol unit. This can be fitted behind the lower louvre assembly as in Fig. 54 or located remotely in a conveniently located wall mounted electrical box. Remole location of the speed control will require suitable extension of the component wiring. 4. The power supply may be connected in lwo ways: Method A Route the 6' lead litted to the unit to a conveniently located wall socket. Method B The EB-l receptacle box (Pl. # ZA12OO) may be hard wired into the house supply. The fan lead is then plugged into the EB-l box. FK12 This auxiliary fan system increases the efficiency of the circulation of the heating air. The FK12 Fan Assembly is a lixed speed fan system and does not allow for variable speed control. lt does not use the speed control unit or lhe heat sensor used in the FK24 Kit. Specifications 1 15 Volts / 60 Hz / 56 Watts. Maintenance The lan itsell does noi require regular maintenance, however periodic cleaning of the fan and the surrounding area is required. Check the area under the conlrol door (lower louvre assembly) and in front ol the fan and wipe or vacuum this area at least once a month during the operating season. lnstallation The fan assembly is supplied fully wired eliminating the need for a licensed electrician to carry out the installation. 1. Open the lower Louvre assembly. Maneuver lhe fan & bracket assembly around the gas valve and lines to locate the unit against lhe back wall of lhe appliance, resting on the base. 2. With the orotective cover removed from the selt adhesive 'Velcro' strips apply mild pressure to the fan & bracket unit to secure the strips to the metal panels. No further securing is required. 3. Power to the fan can be supplied by plugging the supplied lead into a conveniently located wall socket or by using a hard-wired EB-l conneclor box. The fireplace, when installed, must be electrically connected and grounded in accordance wiih local codes or, in the absence ol local codes, with the current CSA C22.1 Canadian Electric Code. For USA anstallations follow the local codes and the national electrical code ANSUNFPA No.70. A A Fan is installed at the back of the air intake box Fan speed control/ Junction box TOP VIEW Fig. 54 tooo2428 59 The Vermont Castings nufiti, Products Company O Should this fan require servicing or repair the power supply must be disconnected. For rewiring of any replacement parts see Fig.55. Any electrical re-wiring of this fan must be done by a licensed electrician. Method A (Not using EB-1, Fig. 54) 1. Connecl the ground wire to the power supply line to ground stud located on the base of the firebox. 2. Connect the black wire of lhe supply line to either lerminal of the speed control unit. 3. The second terminal ol the soeed control unit is attached to either terminal of the thermal sensor. 4. The second terminal of the thermal sensor is connected to eilher terminal of the fan motor. 5. The second fan motor terminal is connected to the while wire of the supply line. A: SPEED CONTROL B: TEMPERATURE SENSOR C: FAN Method B (Using EB-1 Box) For instruction on wiring the EB-l Electrical Junction Box see section 'EB-1 Electrical Box'. Optional remote control units are available to control different f unctions of the appliance.Model Functiory's Controlled MRC1 ON/OFF MRC2 ON/OFF and Temperature MRC3 ON/OFF and Temperature control with a digital display and a programmable 24 hour clockIMT Wall mounted thermostat control. Ceramic refractory panels are available to line the lirebox area. The ceramic lining kit for lhe DVRT43 is supplied standard with the appliance. A A Take care when handling the retractory panels as they are fragile until held in place and supported. Installation, referto Figs.56 & 57 1. Remove the window frame assemblv 2. Remove the logs. Place the lower supporls lor the side retractory panels on the base of the firebox. place each support so that the slotted hole fits over the loruard screw head along the edge of the base. Lay the angular base panels in place on the lloor ol the firebox on either side of the bumer housing assembly. Loosely attach the top adjustable labs to the studs located in the top of the firebox toward the lront corners. Place the rear refraclory panel in place. Locate the 'small brick' edge of the panel into the two small supports on the back panel just above the rear log support. Slide the side retractory panels into place to hold the rear panel secure. Adjust the top adjustable tabs to hold the side panel against the firebox wall and secure the tab. Repeat the procedure on the other side. Replace the logs and window lrame assembly. For aesthetlc purposes we recommend lining up the horizontal mortar lines. Floor refractory panel Fig. s5 Y\ -.r lreDox Back Rear LosSupport Fig.57 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Unit DVRT36 DVRT39 Kil Model DW36CB DVT39CR 40 tooo2428 ao DVRT56/39/43 When fitting the Bay Window Kits the original f ront frame/glass assembly MUST remain in place. The Bay Window kit is fitted over the existing front glass. Bay window kits are available for the DVRT36 and DVRT 39 model fireplaces. Installation 1. Remove the existing bottom louvre assembly complete with the hinges. 2. Remove the top louvre assembly. 3. Assemble the Bay Window Kit according to the instructions supplied with the kit. 4. Place the 2 pieces of ceramic relraclory along the base of the bay window (Fig. 58). 5. Hang the Bay Window Assembly over the existing window frame assembly. 6. Re-install the upper louvre assembly. Do not remove the existing window frame assembly. A selection of decorative frame lrim kits are available for mounting around the outside ol the appliance to enhance its visual etlect on the room. Installation instructions for each decorative frame trim are included with the frame trim kit. Contact your authorized distributor for details of the trim kits and ordering intormation for the tirm kits applicable to lhis model appliance. Top/ Louvre* - Screws Bonom touvre assemblies Fig. 58 IOOO2428 41 Send in th o is Warra Cash Rebate - WIN $a nty Card and Enter to WIN a $200 cash rebate! As our way of thanking you for purchasing an Insta-FlamerM Gas Fireplace, we'll enter your name in a drawing to win a $200 cash rebate. Winners will be selected periodically in a random drawing. Good Luck!! Oflicial Rules: Only original warranty cards will be accepled. Facsimile or reproduction of the card are nol acceptable. Canadian residents are to mail the card toThe CFM Majestic Producls Company Inc., 475 Admi.al Boulevard, Mississauga, Ontario L5T 2N1 and U.S. residents are to mail card to The Majestic Products Company, | 000 Easl Market Street, Huntington, Indiana 46750. Only one entry per purchase. WINNERS will be selected e\,/ery three months in a random drawing conducled in-house. Prize is limited lo a $20O cash rebate payable in cheque format by The CFM Majestic Producls Company Inc. in Canada OR The Majestic Products Company in U.S. lll lllilril ilrililr il rililttil ililililililililililililililililililt| 02731 39899-L5T2N1 -BROI THE CFl{ IIAJESTIC PRODUCTS CO. 475 ADl'IIRAL BLVD ',IISSISSAUGA ON LsT 979 ill - NO POSTAGE NECESSARY IF I{AILED INTHE UNITED STATES --- - BUSINESS REPLY MAIL FIRST CLASS IIAIL PERIIIT IIO. 5 HUNTINGTON. IN POSTAGE WIIL BE PAID BY ADDRESSEE The Majestic Products Company 1000 E. Market Street Huntington, lndiana 467 50-257 I - -- - MAIL>POSTE Dtnldiannr dor podar Poslago pail Po|t poye il mahd h Camda si !ct6 su Cr|uda Eutimrt F.ply Raponr. d'dtritaa 0273L39899 0L ITEM # ililillil!![lluillilillllr DVRT36 FN ITEM # NVN?i6 PN WARRANTY REGISTRATION/ ENREGISTREMENT DE LA GARANTIE Name & AddresyNom et Adresse: ilrIlrilililillililil1ililr]til ilt|ilililtil||uttililil||]tilililililililtiltl 1ART 8tlARl 0210609? EFIN ?ND UFIIT MUN l|N SERIAL # ilr r illillul lru]ll|[uuruilil il I ill REAF TOP VENT MVC iIG PLEASE TEAR ALONG PERFORATION SERIAL # Date lnslalled/Date d'installation:Tel6phone/T616phone: Deale/s Name & Addres€y'Nom et Adresse du Marchand: lnstalbfs Name & Address/Nom et Adresse de l'installateur: NOTE: neturn tis card within 10 days of installalion lor rogislration ol war.anty. Pour que l€ garantie soil valid€ wus devez rotourner la carl€ d€ garantie dans l6s .l x t(nrs suivanl la date d'installation. ITEM # ili |illilr[[lilillilllllillllil NVFTSG BN SERIAL # ilr | il lrilrul!ffiill[ililillulllil lll I lr NFAP TNF VFiIT MUN l|G WARRANTY REGISTRAIION Name & Address: O I Ho'rsehold lncome/Re enu lamilial:'l s25-50,000 I s5G75,@0 J $75-100,OOO tr S1m,000+ p lValue ol Home^/aleurd€ la haisoni T I Number h housohord/Noftbr1t eerein€ :tsa. Tn' o1T**,. _ ; I In which roo.n was I Installed?/Dan quollo prdca l€ loyor a-l-il 616 'nstall6? : I Pleas€ ral€ ths operalion & app€arance ol ),out ,nste-Flanc Ft.€$e. O I Veuitlez rnaiquer ,rorre degr6 d; satishcr|on po \u b tolot lnste-Fl.rn (appar€nc€ ol tonctionnem€nrr. N I Foo/Pruvro AYct g.^loFn Af 1 2 3 L lWrry did you cfroosolhis producl?/Pourquoi avez vor.rs choisr c€ produtl? Suppliefs Name & Address: lnslalleis Name & Address: ln which room was it installed? rate the operation & appearance of your Itrsta-Flarre Fieplace. Average Ercellenl 34567 NOTE: Return this card within 10 days of installalion tor registration of warranty. TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 ortrrr* oF coMMUNrt or*rot"*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHAMCAL PERMIT Perrdt #: M02-0035 Job Address: 1806 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: Applied..: 03/73/2002 Parcel No...: 21.031.2307003 Issued. . : 04/23/2002 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 10/20/2M2 coMfRAcToR R & H MECIIANTCAT rrl-,c o3/t3/2oo2 Phone: 303-543-9894 1047 CHERRYVAI,E ROAD BOULDER, CO 80303 I-,icense : l- 84 -M APPLICAI{:r R & H MECIIANICAI-, LLC 03 /L3 /2OO2 Phone: 303-543-9894 1047 CHERRYVAI-,E ROAD BOI'LDER, CO 803 03 License: 184 -M OI\INER IRON HAWK PROPERTIES O3/L3/2OO2 PhONC: 2t2t 4TH ST BOULDER CO 80302 License: Desciption: RADIANT FLOOR AND SNOWMELT SYSTEMS Valuation: S3.400.00 Fireolace Information: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: ARY ******** Mechanical--> Plan Check--> lnvestigation-> WilI Call--> $80 . oo Restuarant Plan Review-> S2o. oo DRB Fee-----------> g0 . 00 Total Calculated F€es--> $103 . 00 $0.00 AdditionalFees-------> $3.00 BALANCE DUE---> Iten: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEMT O3/L4/2OO2 CDAVIS ACIiON: AP SUB.fECT TO FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEI{r T CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Condr 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 7O1 OF TI{E 1997 IIMC, OR SECTION 70r_ oF THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BI-,DG.): INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTTTRES INSTRUCTIONS AIID TO CIIAPTER L0 oF THE 1997 UMC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 25 so. oo ToTAL FEES--------> $103.00 Total Pemrit Fee---> $103.00 Paymmts--> $103.00 $0.00 $0.00 (Br,DG. ) : TERMINATE Cond: 29 (BLDG. ) : THE 1997 Cond: 31 GAS APPI,IANCES SHALII VENTED ACCORDING TO CTTAPTSI AND AS SPECTFTED rN SEC.806 OF THE 1997 I]MC, OR CHAPTER I OF ACCESS TO HEATTNG EQUIPMEIiI:T MUST COMPIJY WITH CHAPTER 3 A}ID T]MC AIiID CIIAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. SHAI-,L THE 1997 IMC. sBc.1017 0F (BL,DG. ) : BOIL,ERS SIALL BE MOIINIED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. IrNI-,ESS I,ISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond: 32 ANAI,YSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICA], ROOM PRIOR(BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE TO AN ]NSPECTION REOT'EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : DRjAINAGE OF MECITANICAI-, BOII-,ERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH sEcTroN 1004.6 0F THE L997 rMC. ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY A FLOOR DR,AIN PER SEC, LO22 OF THE ].997 I'I4C, OR DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicafion, filled out in fu1l the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as requfued is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plary to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY PM. SIGNA OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 NTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF - 02q 75 S. Frontagc Rd. Vall,C.obndo 81657 Permit wiil not be acce@ wiulout the followin$ rmit#: Rcr\ -^-ia Room tAirD Cut/Spec ShGGt3 NTRACTOR II{FORMATION & Materials) wLttrMJr ctL Town ofVail Reg. No.: ,D yOUNC th tf Fcoorz A+tO SrlOqt*tELf SfSrerrtS WorkClass: Ne$r(l Addirion( ) Alrerdtion( ) Repatr( ) Odrer( ) Exterior( ) Other( )Does an EHU o<ist at this location: yes ( ) wo t I Typeof Bldg: Sinde-famllyD( Duplor( ) MulFfamity( ) commerctalt I noarrr-ilTffiil No. of Edsdng Dwelllng Unlts in thb br,lldins No. of Accornmodation Units in thb building: Noffype of Fireplaces proposed;) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) rr**rti.* rl.lt,3r***,t**ir*rt*,i*,r** F:/cvcrtonc/fonnr/ mcchpann LY* * |r * t t * * *,r * * * rt *,t tl tt t * * * !f !i *,* tl rt,* I '.1 of. 6"', chall not beTl)rni'OIR\PAtlJE'LJlilTlt,llr UA DT B a!,v'!-!' f Ermits P r':'r'': rrr :.3 codc or oilt;; c:;lr Tttcissn:r::'frFLOffi$r'L ' I.$$f'++r shlll roi lr3 val' :t'i'l;'-i:ii,i{"ffifu 4$l @/Ttg crmrs ln : oPrctio:r; lly ofitr CEILING 1a3 -td#5'J'"/o g, IN WALLS lrsuo t?,auL @b ?0 )ze WINDOWS Ho"F 26 ,g;J nl n 9)r INFILTRATION a 37a@ A x .75 Z,wqt4o /T, ADDRESS:EFFICIENCY: -/d J l9wn of Vail65) f-**'Ifii- 0FFtffFebpy b{ ;;t 7 Buirr:r$diictirE ff$fl$rrcet T}ffN oF VAILIy rFP issuanoa ,..i"",*.or,u"qf ry-{.^'jlp^:f,:$#ih*i.."tfiffi !,R2.8F.357 ADORESS: PI{ONE: JOB NAME: ADDRESSI PERMIT #: A t tztt nlftfUOe, '-? - ot6[,TOTAL BTUS INPUT NEEDEO: GARAGE: SNOW MELT: TOl AL BTUs: -Ea{ /q6Effizfr ?ts I3%/,N5*.1 7-44---tt/f3zf 2to w@ Equipmoil Spec. lglIa 39Vd Orul -lv3IWH33t l H A 8AZ8|99AZL 19:6r ZSSZ / Ll IZA \ o [%\6 B, ?qr %*1i e\^ Fzg U T -\.1r-{ t2lsr(/-€l TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTACEROAD vAtL, co 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Job Address: l126 HORNSILVER CR VAIL Location.....: l125HomsilverCircle ParcelNo...: 210109203002 ProjectNo , ?OSO1- OLole owNER IRON IIAWK PROPERTTES, r,LC 04/L7/2002 Phone1. 3Q3-447-O094 2L2L 4TH STREET BOITIJDER, CO 80302 License; CONrRACTOR Classic Plumbing & Heating 04/L7/2002 Phone: 970-524-9493 P.O. Box 550 G)T)sun, CO 8153 7 IJicense: 286-P APPIJICAIIT Classic P1r:rnbing & Heating 04/17/2Oo2 Phone: 97O-524-9493 P.O. Box 550 G)G)sum, CO 8153 7 License: 286-P Desciption: NEW CONSTRUCTION FOR WASTE/WATER AND GAS Valuation: $50.000.00 osp,ilrraeNT oF coMMUNrrY DEVELoPMil # of Cas Appliances: ?? Plumbing-> $?50.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check--> S18? . 50 DRB Fee----------> SO . OO Additional Fees-----t SO. OO Investigation-> $o.oo TOTAL FEES--------> $940.50 Total Permit Fe€-.----> $940.50 Will Call--->$3 .00 BALANCE DUE----->s0. 0o Item: 05100 BUII-,DIIIG DEPARTMENT o4/L7/2oo2 DF Action: AP ICem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL,IANCE. +a+ +a +{ * tr *:tt,t:tt,t DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan' to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. Permit #: P02-0028 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 04117/2002 Issued. . : 04/1812002 Expires . .: l0ll5l200z # ofGas Logs: 22 # of Wood Psllet: ?? FEE SUMMARY *t*'}*+a'|r**'t:i:tl'|*'|r'l**:l*r:i:tl*|}+*a+'|:|rr't**'l*trt'lt*ar*aa*a*:l'*']:i s0 . oo Total Calculated Fees--> 5940 .50 Payments-------------> 5940.50 FireDlac€ Information: Restricted: ?? o TWENTY.FOURREQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE ,' 'i, HOURS IN ADVAM SIGNATURE OF O AT 479:21-]8 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET t++********+*+++********+****************** **********f*****{.**++***+***t}******************l.* TOWNOF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ** **********tt * **+** ** * * * ************ * * **++'!i* *++*+**+{. * ***:} * * ** ***** * * ***+t * * * * * * + * f * * ** ** * Statement Nuniber: R000002155 AmounE: $940.50 04/Le/2002LL:50 AIvl Pa)ment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: #countser check - Classic Plunbing &Heating Permit No: P02-0028 Type: PLT MBING PERMIT Parce1 No: 2LOLO92O30O2 Site Address: 1125 HORNSILVER CR VAIL I-,ocaeion: 112 5 Hornsilver Circle Total Fees: $940.50 Thi6 Palment: $940.50 Total Ar,L Pmta: $940.50 Balance: $0.00 ** **** +*+** ****1.**+* ***,i{.***,lot***{.{.,}**+* * * ** * *** *+:}:1.'f *'lr{.1.***'l.t tl.**{.*****{.'i ** * * * + * * * * * * * * * '1. {. * * ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 187.50 PP OO1OOOO31112OO PLUI.{BING PERMIT FEES 75O.OO l/',C OO1OOOO3112BOO WILL CALL INSPECTION FTE 3.OO .4r. it #: 970-479-(Inspections) NVTIOPVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 COMPLETE VATUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (tabor & Materials) Plumbing Contractor: lq.<<tc- P*t* Contact and Phone #'s: ce// 'fuq-e7_f zq-rq7t Town of Vail Reo. No.:2sa-'P PLUMBING: $- eeo. cao Assessors Office at 97O-328-864O or visit Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) lobAddress: I / Z{r'4q lvJob Name: lJo''rtst / rtf Detailed description of work: WorkClass: New'pq'Addition( ) AlteratiE'n( ) Repair( ) other( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-familyldf Duplex( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial ( ) Resburant( ) Other( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***************************l********* Other Fees:Date Received: DRB Fees:'AcceDbd Bv: Planner Sion-off: F/e/eryone/formVplmbperm RtcD APR 15 2002 a,t rft (970) 47s.2r 3s Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparfnent(s) did you conhct? Building _ Environmenbl_ Housing_ ddmin Planning DRB _ PEC Was your inilial contact witr our shfi immediate no one available ? slow 3. lf you were required b wa( how long was it before you were helped?_ 4.Was your project revialed on a limely basis? Ys / No lf no, why noi? 5. Was this yourfirstlime b file a DRB app- PEC app- Bldg Permit_ NUA Please rate tte perbrmance of the sbfi person who assisted you:54321Nare: (knodedgq responsiveness, avaf, ability) Overall efiectiveness of fie Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 What is he best lime of day br you b use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any commenE you have which urould allow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the lime to complete this survey. We are commited b improving our seMce. '7 a fv o4-17-2A43 Inspestion Request R+Forting .vatl. c.o. Towt{ oF Fdqb+sted |nJlr,lct r)dt€; Tht|rsoay, Apn' 17, 20t13 InsD€ction Ater: CD $it* Aduress: 1126 itGRHgit.lER CR Vr'ri.. t I i5 tloRt{sl|-vrR Jlfli:Lf TyFF SBLlrl.t)Lkcuptncy T .2,{3.ern-- ,r^ ajP/p_bfbg43lp! Acllvitv: Cenr*-lypi: Co{rbacln'{: A&ollcant:- OPn€r. BO1-0312,, 101 K.C r $uij fyln: ils",:R Pncne: 97CL916.0566 Strlus: lg.$UED Inrp A.ia: CD Comnl€nt: Commed: commefi: Commont: ilcmment: Oommef . lavs b€6n mqds rnd approvcd lrl,r TOV Publtc Wortts tiepartment.' l-p!!DOV4was relansed odl/ !o'*Uhg lano*ape k|ip+cl})ft lroin piEniring. HO|D Placad b€ck ont f€l&ts€Cl orll/ aO Q€l rn€ re6{,lu€d. - LcAlt FEI LLDarmn I PY{ sfrlt tor dmh iege r€F'5lri. Con{li,t(rr to vldoo tspe rtpahs ln culv€rt ohd $frnl[ b TOV. . DFLORES ILC ROUIED TO B{.1 6 . CDAVI$ ROUTED REVTSEO DRAI'},'IilIGS 'IO Bd"L AND CHARL]E FIJR REVIEWAPPROVALS Es[re!Bqif'{Its@isl Itenr:. 70 BLOG.{ttsG' R€quesled Tlnre: R.f,rristoc: -K.c: COFEIfiiS- f Ptone: Cofifunenf$: wllt ca[,&6843}rdrc ts a ftrep*rcs e Asdgno'd To: CijAt"4$-- ) - €lt€iBd 8y:- Af,ticn: Tm€ ExD: lbm comft€'1ts: L'irrm. liffiEffffi- ^t-n t,V' R€quested Ttnre: IS;DC AIH' Phon€: &0€&{etl €lt€iBd 8y: QF&l[DEii L,/L ffiiffi.t" nawmalonarytheptrce endeldnrney(hoksrnito tntr orttect"we$tiMr{utremnb fuch" nl record b reqr$€d to suHnit tyto revls€d drawlngs cr.rnFlc'i6 wlth $fl.rturab.bulldlng rarthne and rlok€rt1 SttCCS tO OUt OfrlCc tor re.,.l€W at}d GpIfoYAi. Thlr rnaaonary lhebox and haanh muit bc'cbmdrtcfy ruppofiGd lD lha srth v'dtl mnt€rlol*. Itefir Ccmrfl€nts: CCURT. B'ISPECTIO{\I LOO(ED AT STRUC STIEL SUFP')RTS FOR FFOPOSED MASOFIPdIY T+ UBC ANt] ISOKERN INSTALLATIOI{ RE$UIREh'iENTS. RREBOX COMTRACTOR REAUNED TI1 REMO\IE AIt COMzuST1BLE MATERIqLS FROI' HEARTHAI.,ID MATAN A I4INIMUM OF 1'CLFARANCE FRAM ALL -ARE,AS CLOSE CONSTRUCTrcNfb Comments: l.r\Tl,ttNSPECTiOl.i. T}€ THE @lrrzuSTIBLE Itm:Rrqudo: Commar B: Arslonod fo:* Actlon: llsrn Co$m€nB: 540 BLDG-Flnal Crg K.C, COT/|P'NY wilt call 39Cl-6843 mtsc r$ . lfiepiece CfiAV{S _ T]m€ ErF. IVIETTJTEIFFA F.AY f 1.I:)"ALL lN F4REPLACE Af,lft MECHANIC'TL FERMITS GLA55 RENF IN IITAIN FIREPLACE. I.T!'ER 3I3'VAR|A}JCE FRCM STONE TO F|FST STEP 3.VACUUM BNEAKEP REOD OI,J HA}.i[i HELO IJPPER LEIT 4,NEED ACCESS TC ATTI4 TO C I{E()K FOR TEAP .END S.UFPER BEDfiOOM LAND|iTG AT D'Oofi FEOD TC 6.OLER f SPACE BETWEEN STONE At.lE.POST 6/ 7.CAl,rLK COf'IDUII BY GAS METER i 8.PRO\IIDE ACCECS TO EHU. . i .jtt Request€d Tlrne 03'00 A!1.. : pt:-lir l$'6€f.t.. \i r* Enisred 8!r: $GOLDEN X ,tr Ccrnincnt REVISED DRATATINGS RECE!|ED AtlD ROIJTED TO CTIARLIE/q'i ROI.ITII.IS $Sq;ONTNUED T}RB APPROVAL REOUIREO PRIqR I fi$tH-o*trql€,ct h6.r rE4o1 ttrain .dg fJsues wllttiB u"*"*or, lq cr)fraclad io fixtd wtll b& 6ccet id tfilr lf,ork hrs to ba correct€d. 'tD Blbt_ - cDAvts ro (gLTu.lG sEr unlll lhb REPT131 lnEpcctlon-HlBlEll 0+17-?003 inepectfon Reqtr -7:42efr'._. _ __.---. .___-uAlL*CO-::Tt lhm: 10 ELBG-FoodnqgSl l 1?,04/01- lftcpector: JRU '' t"xbn Pl PAEI T INSPECTION COTNMTNID: APPROVED Ai,I. EICFTYT PADS A$ID '{'ORTI.{,4"EST SECTION THAT REOUIRES REGRADIT'IG T}IEN WILL CALL 'N WHEN READY FOR POUR l2t?Ol01 lnsp€clo,r: JRtul Acfon: AP AI'PROVED COMTTNITIS: ru.[ FO.,IIVOITION AFPROVEO EXCEPT FOR A SMAIL RETAIN WALL LOPf,TEO |t\. TFE I{ORTH WEST CORNER, WHICH WILL BE AI,OED AS SOON AS tsACX FILIhIG |s DotG, TOLD CONTRACTOR THAT A FOLNDAT|GN ILC IS REO'D Vt'fTH IN 3 WEEKS O1l24lt2 lnrseclcr: JRM Actlon: AP APPROVED COTNMONE: APPRO\IED TW CORNER FOONNG.ihm: ?O BLDG-FoundrllorVSte€l __.* Apprwed - Aclion: AP APPFSVEDOllzs|Uz tneoec{or: JRM iflrments: FOLrhlDATkCfit Cc#iff'6 l;Hfiffird0EomprErr { sEE #ffiirflil[,8]iFiiinruel Lc REouheb Oll?V@ Inipactor: JFIM Acdoo: AP APPRCVEDot/zsr'{J? |nipacflf: .JF|M AcEoo: AF ArJt"r{( CON!m9Ni6: APFROI/ED FI/W CORNER IAST REMAINII,IG WALL. lhm: soe Pw-Rcluqh qrade liem: 503 FryV-Ftnsldrf,re$ay qr|{b " Asprcrrecr 1ztcs0z lnef*fior: ts ' rqEflon: AP APPROVED commqntc: apirwed. b'Jt no bo spprovDl wlll bo givsn untlt drahEge video $ubml[id to TOV on lw.m, No Flrul CO orr bulldlng unlcss ronu€(tor hon# rtght of uo1' 5196. CofimsnE; Coni. hrfecdon ownaf b a|ddhg o txnv m$onrry tlmflare ond chlmn€y(l€ofiatn) to o|lr pfqrrcr. wenl osf reouhemonbe€FlHfuF Ardtr. ol record s r€quitBd to subm! tra r€vl$€d f.|vtngs ca{np€t€ wth stnlttlmb,ht[dr|g .cedioils and isokerri goees lo our o{ilcr fu'r rgvl€tc and oppfolral. -'ll{trfrnaromry llBbor'and hoarh must b€ :ompktoly supFoded to th€ .ralh wlth ttonco|Io|filDb. 'lnahrhfiB. O/#0sfl12 lnsD.cb{: cd€lrls Ac{on: tlo l-lOTlflEO Commentt:'€OIJRT. INSPECTI)N L@I(EE A7 STRUC STEEL ST,PPORTS FOR PROPOSED MASO{.,IARY F]FEBOX A'\D .eEirtPLlANCE TO UBC AND [SO|(ERN lNSTAtLATlffl RFOUIREMENTS. C€ISTRACTOR REOUIRED TO REMOVT ALL SOMBIJ$11BLf MATERhL$ FROM U}AER TI.IE illem: sao PLAN-ILC gtls Ptrn * Aroro'lred " I _ _qqlaim hsp€ctor: lgQ8dri Actton APAPPFoVED 'lrl1 lLrn. 30 BLDG-Fmrnlnq - Alptoved * .{\ OdoSO2 -lnroecror- JFIM ' Acton AP APPROVEO I \'. | ' .-, - Cofllmantszlfi)PR0t/ED \'!ffH CORRECTION TO S'ISP€CT STAIR FRAIlll.lG AS TilE'(oNE'S hl'Plrtf,-$AUV AFd TEI'POfiARY, ALSO .ADDRE$S THE F:HU EDOE ENTERIM) '!ITO f,+G-tnyv and ret PoRARY, Atso ADDRESS rHE F:HL, FooF ENTERIMI tlfro f,+lEBc-Ertcnr. h l"*50 BlDGlns{rldon " ADp,rov€d- '!, r' OO19OA lnsp€cb.: GRG Ac0,on' AP APPRCIED rt |I! Comments: lleln kn&l room stf€.t sldo d,ilh ciltedrul celling still n€€do polv & poufiLr r6o'[1'.x1. ilrfi na€(8 b b. nnhlt€d tln proorea!). 60BtDc-Shr€trocr(t\hll *[pprohd" i . i r Olll8/02 lnepoclor: jtm i' ',- Acibn: AP APPROVEO i /"i ' ( , f* corrtm€nt$: ,ALi-SHEeTFOCKAPPFOVED ' ',, ,06'"fr02 tncbf,ckf' 6RG i^ Actlon' PA PA TIAL APPF6\/AL " . 'r'vr . tr r tst rre- - 06'?fr'O2 bcpacot' 6RG ,^ , Actlon' PA PAflflAL APPF6\/AL " . Cfirmrntr: Alf exc€tn EErlgc. \ . r -ToBLDGMisc. -Fooro\r€d* " i I n ^ EiollP l.lgp!*'.._ 414 Actlcn: litor{oTlFrED U THE I.IEAFTH AAf} MATAIN A MTNIMUM OF 1' CLEARA}.ICE FRAi' ALL AREAS CTOSE TO .:OMBU5TIFLE CONSTRIJGTION O?i3[Y(}Z lnspec{Dr: GCLr Cofirn€nte: LATH INSPECTION frdr|: 30 BLOG.Rnol[em: 53O BLOC'-TgnF. CrOlbm: 532 RIV-TEMP.'qO Ac0on: AFAFPRO'1,'ED ^ Atprov€d " C,ommontr: Qtuin€gn 1?l19l(yi lirrp€ctor: ls " Aclion. CTJNDAPPRoVEDCONDITICNS mmontr: Dniinaqo video strbmM io TOv 6rxl raDalrs sptxw€d. Bonldd' rock witl address me ftar musl be 5 A forn €d0o rapalrs a;l;xfired. t b€ 5 a tiorn €df€ c{ Gphan. and pilr st dlrl b b6 runo,|d ilem: 433 PtAll-TEMP.gO [em: 537 FLAI|-FINAL Af{-TEMP. (yO " A9Dro\red " l t rggg2 tns!9clor: rs mnr€n8: lntilecbd foi Uruitr.aDlno onh Ac0onr COND APpfiOVEDCO^XDlTfOtrS Comnr€nE: lffibecM for bmhtaplng onty _so. q|Et figy could can tn ft.'r CO h whter. Landscapktg E comildr,oecM for bmi$aDlno onh 3n thct the iairq agreernent tDm*nouhbot to itrsi. oREPTl31 Run Id: 930 oo * i t 11-.;4"249i lri-$Fe:tlrrn f,lcquest'{ epoiring _:lj!di". Cfi ..f0u{td {:.il Page 46 ir iT ,lm .). , : rt[;, .t.i li i-, ' i) 'E ,' f Acilvrrv: C:ursl Typir SPTrer: (:orr.trrclsr' Ar-'slirant: Dssirlpti':n: ISSUED JRM AIPIr h farirr Jrtl]or1 F€r.iuTsSrd | | r$ fe.ii lJaie j Inspe{;tc* Srea: Sitr' Arrsrr.ss: P0€-i1C?8 ryFe. 8-FLMB rRr-..,r.{ Fav\rr, ."""r itiiJifff i, Chsli( FlumDlnr & l{e6tJna clasElc PhrrrDrna & He'ei{hi! NE,}'* tct':sTRgcTloN t"5R \"iAi;TeiMTAIER TiJJD,3r.5 l rt+Jdat l.l(lu*vhber.jg. IDO! J}?Fi 'tI 2d Fi9i.til5llirER ;q VAIL i t 25 Hcrncllver Clrcie ;uB TJ?c AbFR r-$a Stt'ur: lnsli Area' Fno|1e- $l?-i4i-Jlg4 Phcn+t 37Sf,i4'-r411l. Phc're: 9;G5:1,!"?4t3 ,,,.,1,.: ' ,' V ptc^,,Dv -1A(clrs fD W\>TEA Bnfl-l Zau'tfl ' SNrr oFF G' ?ts-"bal 2c{rt4 -T-,S FrnuPtr 4/ tSs )Nb , Ltr,J r - a " /--\05q2ft,/N>rtlLr ..1_r^t llglussqdit$Jres F-qut:il Iternr ?gil Fi-fiig.Flrlci E:equ*sted iime. 0E:00,qf{ f{oeu€atot: Ctsri.i'i Humbing & Fl&rrirtL irhane: l}04'6573,q"*tctfli$: f1]:ynttl- ..-v1- , Er,'.arnd6y: t-cAtuIPBELL , -,,--,-ffimfr"'' l'ci'.'d\ov\-/ Item: 31ft Pl.M$.Und-ergrrunr _ "*,Apprc'rdC* \l \\'. <\' \\r -- tr, \' | )>-' Ing#gn-EEtcr ' \Y-- I Item: 31 0 PI.MB Unde:rlr.-unr '- .qporc /CC * 04,??Cl irs;,ccl.;,r' JRM I Ac.ik,i'. AF APFF::.i '/IDcorri$Hr,E: 5* Afi TEST iJtri:€FGR[llNi |!rEC.+lA]Jfi::Al. Rix?i'rtgo, llD pLMB-RruqfrlL.!'V../. " i\(,ofovh't "' ij5,03t0: lnrD€clof : Ai'r I Ar,ti'- rr {s iPPtlC';IC' Co{nf'.pnls. ,-IFFROVEIi ir+r I tt b$+ IItffi: 23O pllrlttRt)uohiv'r'ti{.'r ' Ar'rx $r'€H " Ot'iQir irf h$p6ctor; Ari I .qclion iiP APPF-'IV€G Cornnr€r'rs. APtrRCVED AiR TLST Al SSrrirm: t.O Pl-lttB.G.rs plDrna '' Apr'rowd t' ti61O:{'X? irrsinctt:l: Att I itr.Ur.,n' r1P APPAC'fiLr Con:ri'!*ntl. APbFOVED $pfi PlFli.lG r,k TE$T f s*r3ljMlt'l+Itrfh: :.ttfi plHfr-F,)ol/!-to! T'rti I nom: !'rj(J t LME f{ii+i ,i, , I nem: ?sc PLMFF*ial . :tt' ' r\rz D" .n.-V Ytlt>"ttt-tv ,,/rf r'.?. t-lttt tlun Id: 541