HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 9 LOT 6 LEGALo !*'/4 NOTE: TH]S PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMI? Permit #: M95_0126 D epart nent of Community Deve lopment Status. . Applied. Issued.. Expires. .: ISSUED.: 08/23/tees.: 0e/25/tees.: 02/2L/L9e6 81501 815 01 L .00 103.00 Valuation: fof Gas Logs: 3,210.00 #0f Hood/Pal,tet: Phone l 3032425OL4 Phone z 30324250L4 1'lcchani ca l---> Ptan check---> Invcstigation> l,l i l. L Ca l, l.---> Restuarant Plan Rcvi ev-> DRB Fee-------- TOTAL fEES---_ .00 Tota[ catcutatcd Fecs--->80.00 20. 00 .00 Additional, Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> Payments------- 103.00 103.00 103.00 BALANCE DUE----ffiffi***ffiffi,rf************,rffi't**ffirH(,r't#ffi.*#r'tsffi,**ffi****ft******* Ite-m: -O51OO BU]LDING DEPARTMENT08/23/1995 CHUCK Action: APPR DepI: BUILDING Division: TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Yail" Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Job Address...: 89{ RED SAI{DSTONE CR Locat,ion......: Parcel No..... : 2101-063-03-009Project Number: APPLICANT STONE SHEETMENTAL MECHANICAL 1111 SOUTH 9TH, GRAND JUNCTION CONTRACTOR STONE SHEETMENTAL MECHANICAL 1111 SOUTH 9TH, GRAND JUNCTIONOWNER HUTSON LINDA - CUMMINGS ROBERT 38 EAST ELM, CHICAGO IL 60611 Description: REPLACE FURNACE Fi reptace lnformation: Restr i ct.d:fof Gas App I iances: rffirffi*******ffffi**#ffiffi FEE SUl,lllARY *****ffi***Hffiffiffiffi*ff*'ffi** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. SEE ATTACHED CONDITIONS ****************************.**************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hercby acknoutedge that I have pead this apptication, fitl.ed out in fuLl, the informstion required, coBpteted an accurat. ptotptan, and state that a[[ the information provided as requi red is correct. I agfee to compty rJith the information and ptot pl,an,to comp [y uith att Toun ordinances and state [aws, and to buitd this structune according to the Tounrs zoning and subdivision codeg, design revier approved, unifonn BuiLding code and othcf ofdinances of the ToHn appticabte thefeto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE T ouR oFFtcE FROfi 8:00 A[ 5:00 P[ SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACIOR FOR HIIISELF AND OUNER tP ^*""*'uo ''! r v u **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt ****************************************************************. Statemnt Number: REC-0058 Anounts : Paynent Method: CK7339 Notation: *1':- : Permit No: M95-0126 ?lPe: B-MECH MECHANICAI, PERMIT: Parcel No: 2101-063-03-009Site Address: 894 RED SANDSTONE CR 103.00 08/25/95 14:11Init: MMC Total Fees: i This Paynent 103.00 Total AtL Pmts: Account Code DescriPtion 01 OOOO 4I3I2 MECHANICAT PERMIT FEES 01 OOOO 4L332 PIJAN CHECK FEES 01 OOOO 4L336 WILt CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO i - Balance: '00'i ** * * * ***** ** * ******* ****** * ** ** *** ***** * ****** ****** *** **** ***** 103.00 103.00 Amount 80.00 20.00 PERUII rNrORIATTON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I J-Building [ ]-plunbing t l-Electrical t(J-uecfranibat [ ]-other Job Name: Address: Address: P]n.q7-.<3?r Ph. Fl-qlSaA/ rob Addre==, 9?t/.12sn S^vosnarb Ctn-. Legal Description: Lot Block_ Fitlng susprvlsloN, Owners Name: Architect: jf*"t and Tylpe of Fireplaces: cas appliances ,f* * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * ** ** * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATTONS Gas Logs_ I{ood/pellet General Description: Work Class: [ ]-Nen [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional )Q-Repair t l-other Nurnber of Dwelling Units:Nunber of Accommodation Units: * ****** ********** * * * **** ********* BUTLDTNG: $ELECTRICAL: S OTIIER: $ TOTAL: I **** ** ********** * * * * ******* Address:Tortrn of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: Contractor:Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Reg. No. Reg. NO. l.Iechanical Contractor: Address: ******** ***** ******** * ********** FOR Electrical Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: BUILDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLT,'MBING PERMIT FEE: MECIIANICAL PERMIT FEE: EI,EqTRTCAL FE8: OTHER TYPE 08 FEE: DRB FEE: oFFrcE usE ** * ******* ************ **** * **** BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUI{BTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE3 }IECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERI,IIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATT]RE: CLBAI| TIP I'EPOSIT NEN'ND T1): .v(.-22-es ruE os:2s AnooNE r'lEcHAHrcAL sroNE MECHANICAL, lNc- p.O. Box 3066 Vait, CQ 8t658 Grouro Crock Cantcr fif-T,HFSU.6ipHt"'#i JOO SlEEl N0. CTLqIAYEDOV orEctco 3Y 274233 ilen own o j\sott Szr-57i4 p11 (i03) 827.4255 l-ic!r-rdarrr a o J FFICECOPY l'own of Id Plan Review Based on the 1992 uniform Codes NAI'IE : HUTSON MECH. DATE: I /23 /95 ADDRESS:894 RED S'alUOStONe RD. CON:TRACTOR:STONE MECH VAIIJ, COLORADO ARCHITECT:NONE OCCUPANCY:R3 ENGTNEER:NA TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:V PLAIiIS EXAIIINER:C. FEL,DMANN CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The iterns listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sect,ions of the codes. Ehe following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the pro' visions of the adopbed codes or any ordinance of t'he Town of vail. 1) CoMBUSTTON ArR rS REQUTRED PER SEC.607 OF THE l-991 I'MC. 2l ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.505 and 703 OF THE 1991 UMC.. 3) INSTAIJLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPEIIDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC. 4) GAS LINE TEST AI{D INSPECTTON IS REQUIRED BEFORE CONNECTION oF Alry EQUTPMENT PER SEC.L206 OF THE 199L UPC. 5) GAS APPI,IAI{CES SHA],I, BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 OF THE 1991 IJMC AI{D SHALIJ TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC. 906 OF THE 1991 uMC. 6) FIEI.,,D INSPECTTON TS REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE PER SEC.3Os OF THE 1991 UMC. 7) PERMIT, PIJAT{S AND CODE AI{AIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHAI{ICAIJ ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Project Application Projecl Name: Project Description: Conlact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descriptio nt tot V , glssy Com ments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISA PPR OVAL Su mmary: @ Town Planner Xa,",, Approval o AY13 LAND DESIGNS NY ELLISON & CO. May 13, 1991 Town of Vai'l Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Hest Vai I , Col orado 81657 ATTENTI0N: Shelly Me11ow RE: Huison/Cummings Residence Landscape Improvement Dear Shel ly, The success of the constructi on process for the l andscape 'improvements at the Hutson/Cunmings Residence is dependent upon access through the Red Sandstone Park. The front area of the site is restricted to equipment access due to steep grades and exisiing retaining walls, ihus leaving the only feasible access through the Red Sandstone Park. The route taken through the park would be between the adjaceni property west of the park and the volleyball court within the park. To protect the existing park lanciscape, lanciing pads or plywood would be placed over the I awn through the enti re access route. A rubber-ti re I oader/backhoe wou] d be the on ly vehi cl e accessi ng the project through the park. The loader/backhoe woulci be useo to bring masonry maieri als to the site ancl to install the proposed spruce trees. The time required for the temporary access to be maintained would be iwo sepanate days. 0ne or two of the proposed spruce trees 'indi cated on the plancing plan are on Town of Vajl property. ",,he intent is to maximize screening from both out of and into the property while also allowing space for future layering of shrubs between'the patio and spruce irees withjn the property. The owners and/or contractors will eagerly work with the Town of Vail to get through the po1 itical process accepting liabilities and compl eti ng permi ts as necessary wi th primary concern on protecting the existing elements of Red Sandstone Park. Your consideration and approval of this temporary access route will be appreciated. Please call shou'l d you have any questions or concerns. SJS:la/155 H,O. EOX 2677. VA|L, Cc'LOHADcl B,|CisB -t3c,3l g,49-17c,o, Sincerely, Land Desi - t.r yl OF MATERIAIJS i, ur -Y." r I ri t51 "; 'rn&"r"3it.dls to tire Deslgn COI€RA.:j FSvlew Board Fascia Sofflts Wlndows tlindow Trlnr Doors Door Trlm Hand.or Deck rilE '6F'derrnrar, Flues Flashlngs Chlnneys Trash Enclosures I.,ANDSCAPING: NAME PIA}IT I.IATERIAI,S: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO OuantLtv Size* lo-tzl 4o. Wfl.tb- -- &(' l, . ,^ fr-q' edcst',fhr/n b L-Z'' ofB. 7 ,A 1 *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees.Ml.nLnun call-per forhelght for conlferous Designer: Phone: trees.IndLcate PI,ANT UATERIAIIS S . PROPOS'ED'SHRI'BS ',.. );; *Indl.cate size5 qallon. GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION Ouantlty SLze* h EIDI W-21" b 4 v 1 il u4&lrt lo^ I Ir It ll lr *WUa^<r.LsL\( it+\t], -7 of .'t. '. ...t J TYPE OR I.{EP$oD OPr EROSION CONTROI-, ' Connon Name Square Footaqe I I ctzt =E IJJo- o o cn oo c{.+atu IJJ 1l. F t UJo- $$s$ o'l |-\ e.l o\ & M tiH B c HE -r!okoro..\ C\ Ol JFl<FJ trElto> OFIzFf ;co F F Fq, z =z (n2H H IH E z z in.1UJFFHOEZH,^rII 4z =l-{OAofl OEZ,J z2 ts z { E{t I It. E J Fl4 u'l l- lt-tz' E{Elrl <a F74 P{ & lrl l()1(JIzltsl IHIzlil = 'd 4, 4 ft rp t!J UJo =I ol! F Fz (,) ;u(u62 .:. B !'1il E "u 'rfr# Tn vo #rtoi ettg *lt Egll '6 @D g;oo a o 6 o) clot N! :t 3ot- o o) t oo((l o o .2 = -o o c(! ,/i '(E o (! o o vto() 6,c'; o c; t- (! E ; ct Eoo o 6 c! o oc ag .9 (E E ; -- = o Eoo o @o (5 ! EE'5E E8 c.2.9o EEF'3;E; tl)cL._ aDO(g€o'ot =Pg> cP'- o.Eco.9 E6oc FO CC3t E: o.o SE Eg -(! Eq,IDroEC O@ie-cg -o(!o B* E5}Eo(t' :ft(!€ >E-o 0)Po OEr-o -o e.lo\\oo\r-l rn\'(r)an c.l .ir o\ e Eul z J :< UJ z aocF uJ tr z ID = 9z I uJ = UJ uJ zo lu uJ to =uJ UJg. zo -tt, uJ6 F -a/) UJ z Iu al,o U' u.J t.l.Jl! F = uJ J F F z J co ) I F uJJul z =f d J = gJt Fl H ts NOtIVnIVA ts tsz .12Y< oo =zs-HO}l TE ida H9 Ja/<Lifi=zu) U8 =>E _rtv, =aocl zz9o 95:F9 0 atoZ:'-O a-)<)zr!<o* FOtoFO ;$i z tx) zH & 2 E { LL E. o uJ F @.c E IL UJE J z Eoo I tszlz EU<(Jo< =H6o<2 U' l--z. 9z -Fio3trOI X X X X F i z tr Jcl z Y G tt :tuo JI<ltrl zl z .. >l IJJ tu u,tzo tr E(L l! o- J z 9 = ull uJz iF z F -lloz Ir z tr t u,/F 3qJz z I o.O(o -JO UJ trooo1zo F(L uJY IIJo oF F inode l! -{ iRloloHI ,rl gu, AEzo rdz tsu) zz/.\(9= .t)zeo 60 ill>z& -'l X -tiY or*- 6 lxt I J..i5 2_YZ -t -": uJ6E> F llJ o- lr. :!!EYEAELfo.2E2B9EL Ed =>.=uJ:-E h=c, v.t tro*iii =>llI O r.r-E ooI Etnc xa!t x>! Ei F o-i!tr UJ c0 F --- E =E.lrlo-zoFofEFazoo I ql ol Hl ;l zl 3lolFI I I I .l =.1olutl 5l al>l 5l 5l sol uJFI F =.1olut 5l <l>l IUol zl 3lolFI r.iz 0 tr,t J tt z3 F tttltl IN| (.1 I c.lzttFlI Xp1l op4l Fq<t I3t o|trl€t Itatl U>l EI HAt dt< Et dfl= l"l ''l llfdl -rlHl -il Et I 4l sl ;l El<l Jl*l 3l Hl !l =l 3l FI PI c FlH F H H t Fl 14 lrl @(o l,lJE = = dt4 a =r-l .J) zHEF 2 .t) H ui =z o _l t{l-l frtlc'l = z J 9ezt- =<z,E )zu-o (v F Fz z T (J UJ = E ir rJz c o Fz -to o uJ Fo UJF G <FG(JuJ<zE IIJ F(rz \. r|{r'{ri{tlt L!< Lx q : * .;' -t a:' I { zElttFl F(/l6)F}.l tt'dvll t{6)c|FtddFb ioE.|uFl rd'fr*!!rohrO' cl lrl|{OtotE DEOant{q r-l Oc: rtl<t, c)trl l{ cr:E trt trl rd'dHotu utr{ N, t{HFZ 6)FZ r\o t{ \o€Fo D$!d l< EJozvtH eoHHoz --- Town of Vail Comrnunity Development 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 8L657 (303) 47e-2L38 Plan review based onthe L988 Uniform Building Proiect Number:. eaaless:$ftf, kr\ Occupancy: R3 e \ \ Name: Ifl;{r,o"/Aut*'lV Pe*'"d4 \54$Urs, ' ' Date: sentember 27, Le \\i{.\-'* "- ' contractoV^FtF,.ttfu"-contractolr'frck ttFs' Designer: (uI tU.qrt*l Code t,*"4 \t$ TIT)e of Const: V-N Engineer: UoulPlans ExAMiNET: IiIICHAEL WHITAKER Portions of the naterial contained in this program are reproduced from the Uniform nuilding Code ( 1988 edition) with permission of International Conference of Building officials SHEET IDENTIFICATTON CORRECTION REQUTRED 1 **** **** 2 **** LOWER & UPPER LVI.,S BOTH BDR UAINTAIN I,oWER LEVEL 6 IF NOT SPTRAL I,IAINTAIN Smoke detectors shall be located outside each sleeping area. A detector shall be located on each level and in the basement. Detectors shall be interconnected and sound an alarm audible in all sleeping areas of the dwelling unit. UBc 121-0. AII electrical work to be complete to the reguirements of the 1987 National Electrical Code. A bathroorn is required to have an openable window or a mechanical ventilation system. -- Sec. 1205. (c) This area requires an exterior opening for emergency escape or rescue with clear area/dimensions specified. -- Sec. L2O4. Domestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts shall be instatled as per UMC 1104 and 1-903. Flexible duct connectors may not exceed 6' in length and shall not be concealed within construction. Ducts sha1l terrninate outside the building and not exceed l-4' length. I{indinq stairways may be used if the required width of run is provided at a point not rnore than 12rr from the side of the stairway where the treads are the narrower, but in no case shall any width of run be Iess than 6n. UBC 3306 (d) . The renoving and replacing of lower & upper level walls nay effect layout of ceiling and/or floorjoists. Building inspector to verity bearing and span requirements as per UBc Chapter 25. 7 FIELD VERIFY Required corrections for:Project Id: Address: # SNNNT IDENTIFICATION Page # 2 CORRECTION REQUIRED 8 UPPR IJVL BAICONY The open side of all decks, porches, stairs, etc. which are rnore than 30rr above grade shall be protected with a guardrail. openings can not exceed6,n. Within R-l occ. and all R-3, height nin. is 36rr-outside R-l occ. height nin. is 42rr. UBC 1711. t - ':t-v--: Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: ./ Legal Description: Lot /il , Btocl Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL -Dapkx Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL Su mmary: 0 A^,,Approval Dnl IPPrICIAIOI DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB I{EEIING: *rr**tlllS APPLICAIION WILL NCXI BE ACCEI{IED ITNIIIIT AIJr INFORI'IATION IS SUEl,tIrylED****r I. PRE-APPIJCATION }GEtING3 A pre-appllcatlon D€otl.ng with a plannl'ng -;t9ff Donber is rtiongly-suggest3d to drietmlnc lf any addltional tnroriatton-Ic needed. No apoll-catLon wLll be accepted I I I I t i that a COIPI/ETE appllcatlon w111 itreanllne the appronal process for your pioJect by decreaslnE the-nunber of condltions oi appiovil that thc DRB uay stlpulate-. Al.L condltlone of abbroval nuat bc reeolvrd before a buildlngpetnlt le lgeued. appltcatlon wlll not br proceercd *lthout ownrr'l stgnaturr. t. DRqtECtl DESCRIPEION3 qo-atorv. sinFle familv re8idence addition. Existinc GRFA (1.478 Sf). Existins GRFA to be de'nolished (4Oq SF). New GRFA to be added (1-ll0 SF\- TOTTI. NFW GPr'{ (^ 17q sF) .rt the applcnt vith B.IOC.ATION OF PROPOgALS Addrert 894 Red Sandstone Clrcle I€gat Deecrlptl.on Iot -0- Block @in8. Subdivislon Zonlng 2-Farnily Residential (R) NAl,tE OF APPLICAITT! Linda Hutson and Robert CumninSs ullllng Addregs: 38 E. Elm Street. Chtcaso. I11lnois 60611 Phone 312-266-2r34 NAl,lE OF APPLICA}ITTS REPREEENTATIVE3 David M. Peel llalling Address: Vail, CO 81658 Phone 303-476-4506 NA}IE OF OIINERS SIONI!Un! (g) I llaillng Addrees:38 E.Street Chicaeo Illinois 60611 Phon.3L2-266-2L34 a. G. condonlnlur Approval lt applloable. c. D. a.x da ITAIdJAT.I9N I o- $ 10,001 - $ 50,001 - 9150,001 - 95OO,OO1 -I Over I 10,OO0$ 50,ooo$ 15o,ooo $ 5O0,OOo $l, ooo, ooo 91r oo0r o00 EEE I IO.OO s 25.00 s 50.00 sr00.00 s200. o0 f300.00 (ovEn) o ZONE CHSCK FOR srR, R, R P/g ZOlfE DrslrRlqts DATEs L,EGAIT DESCRIPIIONS Iot llock - Flllng Vail Village ilh ADDRESS! OT|NER ARCHITEET ZONE DTSTRT T PROPOSED USA LOT STZB Height TOTAI GRFA Prlnary GRFA Sscondary GRFA setbrclr: Front Sldcc Raar t{atrr courra slt€ Coverage Landrcaplng Fence/Retaining tfall Helghts Parlclng Crodltrr Carag. llrehanlcal Airlock Storag. Drive: Slope Petmltted Envlronnental/I|azard! : 1',, ? .tr1 ! i. :: ,-"f Alloved Bfgnggetl f; drle z{-,uJ,, -/'\ 6t€G'Qo{r')ufuIrL - r 2.804 sF l4'tb 2:t'7N'E 21110t:1, tN/A r^ ."',, 'htr14 N/A N/A -- izot &tL- I' 15f .jf|.gl4jf'dt' ,,: 15 | ,U' ,'lr- ',' (3o)(5o) % 2.243 sF EtsE- ^lL#l PHONB J12-25hE2JiL PHONE 3O3-476-45M (3oo) (600) (e00) (120o) ' (ro) (1oo) (25) (50) (2Oo) (4oo) slop. Actual N/A J@!1ne. Per existinc. N/^ t-r'f ^ t{/A .,;- N/A-.-.: 87 SF Avalanche zonlngr Flood P1aln 8lope Geologlc Hazards Approvrd,/Dlrapproned Date: nA,Vl/'tr, i2 q( aNcee4 vril,V tb W ^dnLL^ \ \y^4'trA NvbAE v,'Tf (o' ,\* wt"cY6tl ' Ntl,l8 OF PR(XIECIS LIST Of IATERIN.9 HIITSON-CTJMMINGS REMODEL AND ADDITION LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS !sT-g BrpcK - suEDIvrsIoN -Eil-YjlleE-&. Filing STREET ADDRESS!894 Red Sandstone Circle Exlsting, exterlor south stair touer and deck to be renoved. DESCRISIIOI O1r PRCIEG1: Tr.ro-story, single fanily residence addition' The follorlng lnfornatlon lr roqulr.d tor nrbntttal to tlrr Drsign R.vlcr Soard-bofor. t tlnal tppiovtl can b. glvrn: t. BITILDINC lltTERI]IS: Roof stdlng otlrtr rall ltat rirl3 Faecla SotfLte Wlndowc lflndow Trlu DoorB Door Trtn Hand or Dask Flu€B FIa3hlnEl chlnnoys PIAIIT IIATERIAISI DROPOAED !T'R8ES fCPE OF tIAtEnIAIJ COIPR Mln. 2x1O and 2x4.To natch ex18tin8,. Ext. olvwood. To match existinq. Pell"a wood uindows. To natch existing. Paint to natch adlacent material. caaeLlllls Itu8rrv gru.d, Cedar Shakes. Natural. To natch exlatin To match existin To natch existinq. To match existing. aallr lfragh Encloeureg Gr€otrbouasa Other B. IAT|DSCAPINGS NaDe o! Ilrrlgner: N/A ,Phonr: EefllferiLllnr N/A Vert. cedar siding. To natch existinL enclosure to remain. N/A EXISTING TREES TO BE RIOIOVED N/A *Indl,cate callpor for declduous tr.eB. rrrlnlpurl calte?! for aeciauous tree-s is,i-fnches. fndlcate helght for conlferous PIAIIE UATERIN.S: PROFOSED 8URUBS EsgrnteiL[rng -na- CADIeD-lIffe ouantitv Size* :a IXI8SING sIIRUBS fO BE RIT.TOVED l{/A i .rndicat€ tl,zc of proln'.d rhnrbc. @iE5 qallon. tType sslrr3-I9c!|ce CROUND CO\TERS 80D Re-sod disturbed areas around additinn as rcrlrrircd. SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION AYPE OR UETIIOD OF EROIIION CO!|TRO' ! 6. 6I111ER 11111DSSIpE FEAntREs (retalning g'alla, fenc€s, swi![ing Irool3, rtc.j ile""o rpocify. Indttatr hotghtr of retalning iaUc. t{axiupn helght-ol uallt ulthln th. front l.tbac13 1r 3 foct. ltaxfulu! hrlght of wallr ol'vhrrr on the prop.rty lc 6 fset. Existing timber retaining waLls. fence and oarkins area to remein rtt DArE: lO ' {-:99- , LEGAL DEscRrPTioN: r.ot t( Block - Filing ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P,/S ZONE DISTRICTS PHONE PHONE ADDRESS: OWNER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT - PRoPoSED vsE. b?lL. IOT SIZE Height Total GRFA Prinary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear water Course Site Coverage Landscaping Fence,/Retainj.ng Wal1 Heights Parking Allowed (30) (33) Credits: carage Mechanical Airlock Storage Drive: Pemitted Slope 8t Actual Slope Approved by Town Engineer:Date: Environnenta l,/Haz ards : Avalanche Flood Plain t Slope Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris Flow 1) 2l 3) LtAffi^ Existln<r Proposed Total 7Be tql^ ft:15 l41t-15 201 15 1 15r (30) (so))M 4-h tbD+,{ 3'/6' Reqrd (300) (600) (e00) (12oo) (50) (1oo) (25) (50) (200) (4oo) 4)Wetlands oo -ffit ) Project Applicalion Project Name: Project Description: Contacl Person and Phone , It Owner, Address and Phone: Archilect, Address and Phone: LOL Legal Description: Lot Block ,o^" WP(s:{. Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: P^f Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Summary: E statt Approval aO risPEcrroN's The Ltens belos aeed to be coaplete glving a pernit a final C of 0. Please check off 1o the box provlded. FINAL PLIffBING CO}IPLETED before DATE: I n FINAL I.{ECHANICAL IUPROVETTBRT ST]RVEY RESID. NA}18: DATE: FINAL BUILDING EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE! oam: / -Q'fj TE}IPORARY C OF O CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPAI{CY DAIE: tlli LAI{DSCAPING DUE DATE: FILE NN.IE:\\rq OCT 17 '% gF:.Tffil BOt'LE SGI}€ERII.G II'G. v Eoylc Enelnccrlngt Inc. 143 Eerl llaedou Drtvc, Suttr 390 Ual I, Col orudo 8f55? 3eiln6-2na FAX Jln Lovcll EEC|( r A'SoCIATES P.0. 8ox 4e30 Uctl, Colorado EfESg VAIL, C0. '11h.! I r' Octc: Octobor 17' l9g0 9ubloct : Rcsldlnttal RcFlodcl 89f Rod Sondstono Clrctc Ucll ' Colorado P.1./t Thtr tc to conflrtr that I havc nadc an lnspoctlon of thc ebovr notcd rciod.l and rrvtclrd thc rtluatton vhlrc thc rall rupporting ths north cnd of thr 3-2rt1 roof boon tr to br rcnovcd. Ths nco boan rill hcvc to lprn 12r-6'. Thc north snd of ths nrrl bccn ulll bsar on !n rxiltlng rlud uall uhtch fallr ovcr c concrote block foundatton r.!lt. Intorootlngly cnoughr thc old bcan ttoppod rhort ol thlc toundatlon srll rnd ra! rupportod by a rlngls tloor Jollt. I havc dctarnlnad that thr nou bccn rhould bc 2 - l.7S t t1.875 nicro-llns. Provldc a trlplc rtud undcr rlch cnd ol thlc ncabcr - Plsarr Blvr lrr e call lf you havc any qurrtlonr rcoardlng thlr nattcr' I I Ploarc Rrpty cc: Toln of Uall lxl l{o Rcply Rcgrd BulIdlng Dcpt. Tloothy fl. Prcr ldsnt BOYLE *.iiTri$;lS.rin- ''( Li 1406s :;h',^..u*^$. - .'1.;"r. ii .. DOUGIAS.K..$TINEVC-onsultantg, inb, SIRUGIURALfNOINEC*S {t8l 6, rrourt, gun€ trS .' D rv|i, coto..do 00a2 Trlr (soo) l0$iitr. 4,19!tventuro Glroup1529 Marknt Et!.ee-t,.Suita .?00rlenver, Colorado gAiAZ RE; Hutchlnpon Bes. DKS,/CI Job tfo. 9.103-lOB9 . Dear Hr. Nordlib: '__, -A? !h3 requgat' of Etrive Eorriid, t ' haveA'Ar th6 reouiBt. of gtrive goriid, t ' have .revia'wid*T]::l.u^l:"t. t-oated ,"'iii,--upper ftoor of. the.pr.*l13:l'.the dl,iri";--$;- a,i til'. trvtnrgil?l"?lly. oelted our'to b*-*,a-ii7+.'*;:ilF Alili' Bobruary 11, 1gg? thls'tlme. - - Pleaee facl ,free tofurthcr agslat,anoe rrith co$that thls offtac 'lf this nratter... . . Ittr:flp:f further. fci+"'d; [fi*tltil'o:ui'ail pi"i.i rE'l,lt ii"i T- ?r':. 9.I,'. Thls itnf o"rpitori iiasieen: raxea to .th6;olty $lncoroly, o/. ..:Oa'tr#^' : P*4"" K. Sttnes,' p.g. (preatdent) ':' Doustas s. Bttnes/Consurta;i;;-il.. \$$ PERMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT "^r. \ -\ -\b JoB NAME CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING ON / STEEL - PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: E HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR { APPROVED '" --tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED COBRECTIONS: oo-rr//-2-70 rNSpEcroR PER.MIT-NUMB PROJECT TOWN CALLER DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON ft{ES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING I tr GAS PIPING tr n D tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL tr INSUI]ATION ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. PO MECHANIGAL: O HEATING (noucH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL Appaoun4 /tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEOUIRED ,!} CORRECTIONS: ..:i DATE INSPECTOR CTION REOUEST TOWN mml OF VAIL I I oere lll "1 JoB NAME INSPECTION:MONREADY FOR LOCATION: 17, CALLER ,t Jq 'tfr WED IT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V.o FolxDATroN / srEEL p;6nurrruc tr ROUGH /WATER tr tr cl tr ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr O FINAL O FINAL MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDU]T tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ,tr eeenoveo { tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTI I DATEI INSPECTOR rrusilc'oN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND Soro* / D.w.v. porc" / wArERtr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING E] INSULATION O SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr FINAL D tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP.{ POWER MECHANICAL: ;;;.,t :.,.tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS E tr , CONDUIT o tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL tr APPROVED \SAPPROVED EINSPECTION REQUIBED c CORffECTIONS: INSPECTOR rNSiliroNTOWN OF REQUEST "vAlL . ' INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION:\ MBER BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL )/noucH / D.w.v. }Aoucn / wArER D GAS PIPING - D FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr tr D tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL ii,.FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: T] HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL O APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED ',oor. /t- tt/',c - rNSPEcroR ; IU4fu 0'1 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJEoT rNs REQUEST .VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION:,MON TU AM PM___---- BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W,V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FFIAMING _ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB EETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL:. O TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED //-/4"t4- rNSPEcroBDATE /+ -- - / -z--J ._. - %or I PEBMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: o Joe NAME L'',r,(so CALLER WED THURJ fa.( rrustcnoNTOWN OF t (r rt, ,*,< r,t I TU REQUESTvAlL . a J /-5 PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULAT.ION N POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL ,tr APPROVED , CORRECTIONS: E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR I rNslhtoNTOWN OFPERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: NAME \', Yo*\'.-r1\ r\oN \\ WED THUR i-, ^\\FRI \ t AM iPM\./ tr co Sorsneenoveo Xnerr'rspecroN REeur RED NUMBER OF PROJECT\r-\\-\,o" BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: EI UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D POOL / H. TUB FINAL MECHANICAL: tr TEMP, POWER O HEATING SUPPLY AIR o rrrunl ,/i ,,</- 2")INSPECTOR IN CTIONTOWN OF REQUESTvAlL a 0 CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: ! : , BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - O FRAMING tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER r-.r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING - tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELE trI trF tr( tr MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR [neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr -REINSPECTION REQUIRED oo* t 4 zz /qa rNSpEcroRl t ffisc PERMIT NUM rNs THUR FBI REOUESTVAIL ' o ONNOFI .-7 DATE .- CALLER BEADY FOR INSPEC LOCATION: MON PM n 19.9.1^&^siqfl...^ tr cAs PTPTNG" PLYWOOD NAILING INAL tr FINAL tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL - tr trtr BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEI- tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n 19.9.1^&^siqfl...^ tr cAs PTPTNG- PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TL tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr - tr tr- ELJ:INAL tr FINAL -ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: D TEMP. POWER tr HEATING -tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST H( tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr o- tr FINAL tr FINAL - CTRICAL: MECHANICAL: D TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: I orsnnenoveo tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ilAR-29-91 FRI 9:16 ASSffIATES FAX NOBECK AI'IDo EB"EGf;KrrJDtsgocrlTEt firo. 3039494335o Bob Cnminge 312-265-84!0 894 Red Bandrtone [arcb 19, 1991 P.02 FO: FAI( fS FROllt nEt DATET JLu Lovell l-II Dear Bob: we receLved flnal LnspeotLon fron the Tdtt of Vall thts ffeelc. llvo Iteug rEe at lgeue for ouf c€atlfLoate of oooupanoy. o we *e requested to r€roove tha flrapl-ace dalpar- Ttra code la specltlc that slth e ges log lnstallation, danpere uuet be uodlftod ao es not to all-ow fumes lnto tbe house. (No btg deal, I wlll have tJra flreplaca provlder to do thls aa part of his contract vith ue. o ltllc larga vLndoog on eLtber glde of tbe flreplace down low, brsaurt of tbelr rl-zs and proxinlty to the floor undsr current code vould regulre a safsty bar acrods ttrem at 34rr off finlshed floor. IIad theee vindoss been replaead undcr our contraet rre rould be regulrad to conply, but they were not. Eowevrr, ths Tonn of VaIl ls 8!ROileLY raquestlng ttrat we conply ln any sa;e. Pl€ase let ue know your thoughts. irh ot'JE&!r cainB.!cr1o*3eolotr4r8, YIN' gtlJE:tttO ,t{tt ardlr 34$t60t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT lrr5.-t- INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL onre / - /z -€9 JoB NAME /Jo,r< /e z,a.,q,+zi < . READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES wED qf;Ot FRI AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH i D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr FRAMING HOOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL tr FINAL ELE trl trF tr( tr- tr HEATINGTEMP. POWER ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ,AAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR +4oo7 l PROJECT READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: WN OF VAIL JOB NAME AM PERMIT NUMB rNStnoN REouEsr' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEEF PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED F$ f;r $$JI CPoI $ trI -\ ) oc '^t $ {I i ,I $$ ${l+ -sI \}D IIhrr r* \\t til {-r/ ) //I cJ.lI*{1 T zoFl+'7 rlt,*o g,+ I'o5 +\ rt I u_ z-I \ {_:I )_4 I -- .1,- I\r xl 5 E $I sI TT d IaI Fl-,:j. ''€flt*Rff Sandgtgii6 Circfe ':; i ': "' r't' ; r'''tj;ti;.'" rg ;ii,;,i[* d; 16il-ViiFA; Ftn] ritins \bil, Colorodo -f .t at-' ., Z-.fir l_ .l*i1T' JI -L I -lr ircle fifing, Vqil , Colorodo -$ sIf $ *i or tn.r|r -+\Il*-i:-- s o tn Fo o4 -ao!' ifiutson-Cummings Residence +$ $g '_ t' F '-.-- $+ ${o -'- $ sf $ +$Jlr $ : ;894 Red Sordstone Circle ,,,, itot 6, Vsil Vifloge gfh Filing, f- L Vsil, Colorgdo $ $ $ F r 3u\ $s 5 ,I'", O o -t----rlI u DATE: TO: FROM: RE: o SrrEEn" Svrrrr & FnlvtntoN, REAI- IjSTAI'E BROKTiI{S AND CONSUI-TANTS o INc. 230 rJr{Ilx]ti sTttuEl' 4 / L6 / go VArr-' c:ol-()*A.X) 116s7 oran Palmateer Larry Peterson MilIrs Home and Allowable Square Footage Lot 6, Vail Village 9th TBLE|I IONF: lJt)3) 47612421 .TEI-EFAX {303) 476-2651J f have attached a copy of the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations, which spell out the allowable cross residential Floor Area (GRFA), Section L8.12.090. Based on the regulations and the attached survey by Ken Richards, I arrive at these figures: Survey - Land Area Li,,2L4 sFK252 GRFA Factor 2,8O3.5 Total GRFA Allowable *Wrc(/'-rt\OAAz\4r NATTC,AJ o? P$H v\Aue L.?tu fo<, ln1- 4' ) AN tlPoAIfl tL-L $e U 1Rtr,-D . A11 additions nust be approved by and fall within the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations. Please let me know if you need rnore information. The Town of Vail Conmunity Development Department has reviewed the foregoing presentations, acknowledges the samef and is in agreement with the foregoing. y Development Dept. OFFICES lN \All- ANI ) ltEr\\ FR CRFEk 75 soulh frontage road Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 4792138 (3ql) 4792139 oflice of communlty development April 1-3, 1989 Mr. Larry PetersonSlifer Snith And Franpton 230 Bridge Streetvail, co 8t-657 FAX 303-476-2658 RE: Lot 5, VaiI Vill.age 9th; 894 Sandstone Circle Dear Mr Peterson, Following our conversation, I reviewed the records that the Comrnunity Development Office has on file concerning the residenceat 894 Sandstone Circle. According to our records the house wasbuilt j-n L97l- and is currently zoned Two Farnily Residential . Under the current zoning the following requirements apply to thisIot: SETBACKS: Front 2Or; Side and Rear l_5 1 HEIGHT! Flat roof 30rr Sloped Roof 33r DENSITYINot more than 25 sq. ft. of cross Residential FloorArea (GRFA) shall be allowed for each 1OO sq ft. for thefirst l-5,000 sg. ft. of site; Not more than 1-0 sg. ft of GRFA shall be allowed for each 1,00 sq. ft. of site area over 1-5,000 sq. ft. of site area; Not more than 5 sq. ft. of GRFAshall be allowed for each 100 sq. ft. of site area in excessof 30,OO0 sg. ft. of site area. SITE COVERAGE: Not more than 208 of the site rnay be coveredby buildings. I,ANDSCAPING AND SITE DEVEIOPMENT: 5O* of the site shall be landscaped*(fhis information may be found in Chapter 18.L2 of the Townof Vail Municipat Code.) We do not have any inforrnation on the existing GRFA, therefore I am unable release the GRFA remaining on the Lot. This would need to be determined upon before an application for additional sq. footage could be accepted by the Community Development office. Should the house not have any GRFA available, the oltners would be eligible to add a maximum of 250 sq. ft. under chapter 18.71 of the Town of VaiI Municipal Code. Sincerely, II^ll lA n llluu_n{r- o, Tolrn PlannerShelly oz ==E uJo-(o o r.o (n ul uJII ts =&. uJo- r du L\'YY b4tqth vJ vi l\lcol ol C\I'\l Iz, dd = Ex(Ea>< =x !tsIEa e. 6 r\ (oc!!u\- o z.ig FJ ?- >!<) 5E UJF e.o e.FIz =o =z.o d. Qlaq g3 4aHr!ullr-l =x L.lL,{ <ddqag'l tccl clHCI| -'.1 UIHJIA<Ilr-l LJof cdrl|Hdql -J]J<1-*l *l o uJ F z z = .D .g =z lrJ(5 Foa LJd oan -i- o c l+IJo- (E.Y' ||rJ E!EifilE Egru iiffi :EE€E :gEi#j iiiiElI cc s oo O o (\(\fr o. z X uJ z J qJ) IJJ z d) =f E J 9z LU = UJ u,lt!z tr tu lu 3ul uJ z 6 TIJo F6ocqJ z IJJ C) x F ujo (t> UJ UJl! = = IJ.Jo- J FoF z J J o F uJ tr z :) -l 2 IJJ = J ot- NOrl.Vn'tV ILlL l= E! xrJ *F z trFo.<aw H, e< IJ€4rF -IlYt t!N al z9I =>(r =ao ztr^ EG.tt Oz>-o(Jo2l!<oqu, :':gU FO J) a j a L J) C J ) z tr ) (! E. UJ F o oo r.o ) z F6o z F gJ F =l,lJz zOatr IJJ?oo< =HRtrUo<z !)F?,; Qz ":F do3dOI zl z F) oz (7) IE r\ O'l Fl F{(\t = .4,,!y ',/'.,a --/ti //) la.t6.v ul Eo IDoazo t-o-IuY uJ tD oF F luolro o-oo I ulFoz utF o t ccu, o- uJ z oI |- E JF h=1tduJ>c!OL9o to-x> uJ' =tr IJJ.@ F --- 6'1e 4,t; ts =E,lrl o-zo F()f E, 6zo C) z r^ = =<>z O- u- ifi 2?-1 aHg !!n 'i , I I I I ?lol uJlEl JI <l>l u-lol 3l rOl uJFI F =.1ol uJl 5lil>lttlol zl 3l 9lFI dlull .ElJl <l>l t!lol zl Bl 9IFI lllltl|llollzllolI utllEl| -.rl lsl tbllzl>l 3lGt oltrl Fl (oo I Ort\(\t-.L (I)€ o tro 6l el+)lt/rl IPltnl(ul =l,ol cololl\I-laU\ LU qo<l J = I J u.Jl >l<l4 I I I -l *lPI+)l.Fl ? rts oN I u; =z d)o--t EoFo tFzo C) 2 -r LJ,l = (lir +8,Oz -J o G,F C) UJ.) ooz,t =<z,E )zrr.o <F(rC)uJ<ZE trt zoo uJ I E, Eiltr 4 ...,.v..:x\t,c q+ tr* .'J. -a\-. --\N C\\\ " -\\ \* ..) ;{t'$- { I I I I \s.15 3 :yR'o,,*tF5(h ,Sr-sr- \ \q fti s _lL'-\ T d\{' s rl t\ r\ -s-- SL{'e qs _d_s. ililil1ilililil <-ns t3tN r\) \-\ q t\ l\l :1 1 'I i I'1 ii "\\ 'i \:'\r i, (\ \r i:*ij il-lr',-? rl'l\tJ $,3\ I I I I I'o-fA+--i+ - - ---*11 -ilMO I*t , h -t- \r,.)-)S &{.ts bq/€ mgn€€rrt0t rE. 143e rnffircl. r.ribn-t0 crEf6ochf;i$prg c€nrerrit cdolffi8i607 30y{}e2170 . Vul*tlrl4r ,.' '1'#45sl$fi ir+{ lL?tHcl I I t -0tq _1 !':),,':, , T-- II l- t-llv I _$$ - L- -:_tq)*- 14tt.ll-arpt L "20? F p?+lvL$cY. sqe$u frLd- .--.-l t4frI ou @ 4wTlorl h /+f y",.,,.,, PV>/cff FYttPEYoe vAiL , {d;urltpo 1o ,b ) 1)+T l4b7 o bo/e erpnreerngL rc 143 e rreodor ct sule rr-10 crGsroocb srpppr€ c€nter rorl, oolorodo 8 1657 n3/4762170 (F?vt?L (rr? oF 4r4r lq Xr'a (a Y ltrtl6s PYVF 4'.on a fvily 4. ?af'F *' rt<A ?ilU,-ii f'? r/ow., $ I puf fpdra%vtrt IW 4l^f48, (- *+e 2+na.o. -i Irrl I I i_..f sl---t II bn {.eeH S*::"t*irl , . r'rrt, *--z- Larto lTzqh.W o t^/*ra.) . 4- Ltt? vvv4t-(-/ e6'+Xlt / {.rh Hbtal+ pev1l e 1,,+0e9. ll{ 9 ? )9'o -AbLv o liP o-o. /' ll , n.,' ,,__- g"ir;tlaFplL ?i,atl tt pW{ t ILL r4e F1ts 7 6I+f-LV W 'ftrc A. ef Pr.L VTiL 4c o tr W -IYV|!-|r..zr-f,-rc.I-LV F?ttlFaF6lrlq *tf-Ol- .sHrLL pP 6i#e? ''1.v, w$?a? afiFit 7E ?e*4-7IP Tt cF .hLL cauc%tE 6l+t*L w l,llNlH u 14 f't = pa'HC%IE aXruV W tllNtfl u M. fl = pE#,.hLL €ot+tWl7 6Hr*L W fllNlH U f4 lo = &Et ,tpxfr*il6t au, @vIa tt*puu ?F l Plrofi *v la ?f ,&l-o?bpc. bqy'eoonsr€r rS. ' H3e rnxibvct |Lilarr-locrc3od !01oqbcbE,ld6 s3/41621)o pefl? ?r,r(l4qth *OV,l?-a.Utt^W ,,p ltou#, i qo 1ut'og. +ho.r11, ti I IPI l.u . A[,1 ywzeArt ?LaaYE 6 tlrtL #? ^F#FE fl 4+clotao )te 6r +ttrta 1a ' ,',. :i trlr:}:: ,1 AU (tJ+a t101 A;t f ,|l?!if':.'- .t:,'rrltt{lqFF rtft!-' att q PERMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER BUILDING:PLUIIBING: tr UNDERgROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER t E{:ooflNGS / SrEEL O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr rl FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILlNG tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB NAIL tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL - ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER IIECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR t]tr tr FIML tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED I] REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,/s oore 4/t/tr7 rNsPEcroR o INSPECTIONTOWN OF 't REOUEST. VAIL rPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES 'DL READY FOR LOCATION: ,'#,i* -) ,*'PM BUILDING: PJOOT|NGS / SrEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr n UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING E INSULATION tr SHEETROCK r'l POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER ITIECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL uy'Lo',,,n,=n .\, -- ,..1^ L tr DISAPPROVED T] REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: 1k ao JOB NAME -\\\$):2 ('-\- I INSPECTION REQUE€T' TOWN OF VAIL r . ----6ih' PM PERMIT NUM DATE INSPECTION: @ CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr o tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL r*- f,|\A'.,or.-..,e,,r ,,-A\\ -j-;^J al,'<lrryr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D tr SUPPLY AIR I] FINAL tr FINAL /''- E .-- rl tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED RRECTIONS: INSPECTO v INSPECTION RESUEST' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE . ,lt 1 lr't JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: MON CALLER TUES rHUR 6);t 1 "i BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ]r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr tr tr INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr trdrrru FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ISAPPFIOVFD !/4 ^.rnsPEcrroN REou I RED CORRECTIONS: ct =E =G uJa ft)o -a (n UJlljl! ==t UJo- ryvL -?s/6//L+c Rhu#>n I Ilr) ....co lHt.<or lo t-{rl F. I \-.t- o EIcr,+)l+r'Grl CJ IC)>Itr .9 ibu1 lo,2 to l-J g,/ k F FIz =6 =z inulFoz o z_ oI @ € o =2a) l!J UJo =tot! .EoFo trFzoo Eo .Eulz =od |! ltlo<u=EvPg<FAaY2(t< I:fI o t3' I? IY 5tr'v6' s\**Q, s\sct 'Q- lq sE 3$c\ s+i8s EvaE-.r- s\r $\ 'F rllA\ ;)ME\o\ €Nb\ b 6tttr(t IDttoo( ED.E\ E.gEtrr,r <E\ e 5a:r^ EsI cLl^.E>i; 9S j- {, c6*t.9 iEE: EEHE P UEEc-o> ET:E = ei;c9cEIo5o B 5 t.: E EE; EE;E E!seo- (! cL- SE; e .q; Eg5*EE E6:F EEEg -o,Yo6 o'-!E= O (')e'.c ,^ s;i; FffE tE$i (\l + -l I o?oOri c o E =E UJo- atz 6Ja @ -o UJ oz o- o c.Fo UJ ul oz co = o- Iz -()r|l = UJ llJl!z9 u,E u,c oe o(o a uJEz .2. at uJo tt X uJoo?z UJ o x F IIJol U' IJJ LU l.l- L =(r uJ o-J FoF zo -J ao IeFo UJ uJ (,z 6t Jo' J C)z -ollJ- NO[Vn'lVA -.- E --F =loN IcclZuoc6z q uzuc z E*E9U'Oz>.9()9rzt!<o*i5 J E : Ll+l I +J x OJ 9-(F I! aqo+, vt ao t-o q- o +J .<f, +J (F !- =I {J = zo F J l! tr d o- oco uto- F Or(o r-{ E o- UJt zo F6o z.o EulF =UJz I @ z zo F oo o() I =z z =Ju,3o oul IIL u,lg tl. z F =F tr IIJ JJ q U'qlzY9 F Iuo- F 2sF J lU'z I I -1 4 _lql -t<titFIill I -Jr I<t IFt Iztl I-lztA'@ ra Ed4 o-) z 65 < .r, l --l >1-l& /tt </1 toA z E .o -rt-ffi ol< ll5td tl"ll $'Fll 4 7u+ ad"tr 7;J aaolzll=lLGIl<lto-l tl I I 4vl I >lU.t Iol (n Id. o5rte{OO n! z ,rPze coo =zd8 (,Oz& 95-3ouJ Eil "Jq q ujF o LuF u,oo-zo Fo. UJY llt .n oFt tr u.ld t!o 4oo I UJFoz tr cEulo- b EUE<8aEeB9'n ir 'EE => E E;: =oE 8b9' I urE XO-E ET5i uJ @ oF rse\ztE .!: E =E lrJ o-zIF(J :)E,a zoo I dtrlol Fl r: z.l ('I ull.cl Jl sl :lolFI v>sfNI ctz dllt = l!oz3oF (J tt) rts oo (5 og tE \l \ (,z u- UI = (6 V' ii =z dlo-| ldtoll++lvltqIH 1"114q =q=+llolgEqatd H:4A 1Iirul FL-o2 O t2? =()=<azE -r6 o E, -rO<FcouJ<zEulFa6 o G & G ROOFING July 3, 1985 Tovrn of VaiL Building Department 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81567 Re: Sandy Mills Froject 894 Red Sandstone Circle Gentlemen, This is to acknowledge the above referenced reroofing project, that the roofing wiII be installed according to the manufacturers specifications and the Town of Vail Building e Fire Codes. The existing roof is a built-up tar and gravel roof. We will tear-off the existing roofing and install a 't-M 4cNG Type Specification Roof, which is a fiberglass base sheet with three plys of 15# fiberglass felts set into hot asphalt and gravel to match existing. There will be no alteration in the appearance of the building. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call our office at any time. Sincerely, G&GRoofing, Inc. ,/) .///' )Z/ U-/UU ^.eOL./w. RoL?/ 6reer, Presid.ent wRG,/m I 687 Ten Mile Drive P.Oo 817 Frisco,Colorado 80443 (303)668-5552 F.O. BOX 7 vArL, coLo. 81657 Mr. & llrs. Jack Mi'lls Vail Co'lorado 81657 Dear Sandy and Jack: The Architectural Controlsubmitted for a proposedthe Ninth Filing. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE June 11,1974 Committee has reviewed the plan fence surrounding your property in Accordiwalls o enclosivery s p Kehl an and wouthe houthe ent on the pl an wh ng to the Protective Covenants for that fil inr other barriers shall bepermitted for the pu ng or demarcating property bourrdaries". lJe hecific regarding several other homes in thatd Testwu'i de, with regard to fencing the entir 'l d like to suggest that perhaps the fence couse iust to the west of your porch rather than 'i re west line and the portion to the north of west side. l^le have redrawn our suggestion onich you sent to us. Please feel free to contact me should you have any questionsregarding the above. S i ncerel y, CONTROL COI4MITTEE c*,{//"r&{:ta,. ces, Gc*'e.<,-'*.J* f -.,t y'i""- 9, "No fen rpose of a ve beenarea, i . e.e propertyld join outl iningthe housethe s'i te PWS/ sa n cc: Design Review Board *-,,/:r" a/.>tr,- /? {.' "i' '' &a'r' '-'-- ' e . n- -,- l,:s,i,'J *.., r*t{- .:;3-/f "' / *'' VAIL AR {' .c\r J o Go.c valu-() z Jo I ,l " \l il\ zo F IJ4g o ulE uJ o()zt u,luz s oF2 !,1 E u,lo u,l F ul Go Jtt LItt FoJ FoF l,tl cc IEooJtt J F F ! .E=r= lrl olrG)o -?-oE'Ibd.-f.o ac 4 uJ G Lzo F 6o : zo F t UTFJ t,2 o J l t0tto ut f, ItF =t(,z f Ito c;z zo F IJ4a t!o ulF o $ id 3 { F 6 Er t!t>(':'.a :"N IUF =ozu9-o-o5 2IF()oaf-oF!EQOti>xo:2:< urlA(Jtti.i IEo3lto 2o FG G, C' aa uJo =l! YJo \0 FoJ rNs"=.to* TOWN OF HEEUEST vAlL '.. i ,t ,lt.. ,:,JDATE JOB NAME TIME REcErvEo /J .:i., AMi?t_fri , cALLER E orsen MON COMMENTS: FRITUE E pnnneu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION 'inrin."*',... )nu,p-fr-r fi[ neeRovED E orsappRovED ! nerNsPEcr fl upotrt rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ,. )DATE 3 iri.\,, INSPECTOR DATE rNsPE.Gt FIE(lUEST Tf ME REcEfvED r i.,'5'' Alt{rtl.,ca*ea A,W) [:td.. ,- - E ornen MON COMMENTS: ((ii;D f]pnnrau LOCATION HEADY FOR INSPECTION TUE THUR APP ROV E D LJ UPON THE CORRECTIONS I orsaeeRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: fl nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR a# /z+> ,r,rolRo brnmrr APPLTcATToN*['otttl,l oF Vft/t-Jurisdiction of t to complete numbered spaces only. f. t.. \,A \ n ,tl €D fll+tjOSArrs lutLL' Pes. '^"Q 16 €'uinr 'fti;o'vi}v+ z {i*c.<-MAI L AODiE'3 t6,'r".'d",t"(,lh,l '-r-s t- LICENIT NO.Oo,usl Vki u.- V7 L-fi> MAIL vl6tz-t-r o /v IL ADOiE!9 PHON'trcEr€E No. IL AODiES3 !ia cH U3E OF IUI LDlN C-nt, l(egi a: eN'Tt A|_- 8 CIasof work: WfrW f] AOOITION D ALTERATION f] REPAIR E] MOVE tr BEMOVE 9 Dsscribework, (O A.1ST tz-ncJ fuar^l *-A t 10 Change ol use from ll Vafuation olwork: $ 31 oo o ot PLAN cHEcK FEE 60 ,7 PERMTT FeE / 74 . 5v Occupancy fGroup .L SPECIAL CONDITIONS: No. ot 4storlds L- Fire Sprlnklers Requlrsd E\,es No. of I Owelllng Unlts oFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: .Z Aq NOTICE SEPARATE PEBMITS ARE REOUIBED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZEO IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDEDOR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTEB WORK IS COM. MENCED. SOI L REPORT OTHER (sp€clfy' WHEN PROPERLY VALIOATED IIN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUE PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK. i4o. cAsH PERMIT VALIDATIONrL0..,-..!!F4-./ Taz,+L Oaq-i rt:. "7-a.-7.1L^.aV/,-,." -.."!E t { INSPECTOR iEOROER FROM: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFtCIALS ' !O SO. LOs iOBIE3 ' PASAOENAT CALI'OiTtIA 9'IIOIForm 1OO.1 9-69 r INSPECTION RECORD I DATE , REMARKS INSPECTOR FOUIIDATIONS: SET BACK TRENCH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING INT. LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT. LATHING MASONRY FINAL USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW.UP, ETC. Permit is ,ffi lS t4e hilding Official ''",1*-:r' .'"u"*/ 'zt Jurisdiction of.U", / Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. t ,'l\,[<-l- t/ed )-*d ST>n€ Ct." [. . J s ."J s/= n5""d;'J: f:l' MAtL ADDiE3S ZI P PIIONE lTr tl > c0N tiac toi MAIL ADOhESS PHO',I E I.IC EN5 E NO. I Oi OESTCNEi MAIL AODi E33 PHONE l.ICEN'E NO. Ltc gr{sE No. tEtl 6 MAI L ADDRESS bIANCH UIE OF !UILDING tr AOOITION D ALTERATION tr REPAIR Type of Fuet: oit E Nat. Gas ![ UPC. E Air Cond. Units-H.P. Ea. Gas Fired A.C. Units-Tonnssg Ea Forced Air Systems-B.T.U. I 116tadoMEa. APPBOVED FOB ISSUAi,ICE 8Y Gravity Systems-B.T.U. M Ea. Floor Furnacei-B.T.U. M Wall Heat6rs-B.T.U. M NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR AEANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF I2O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED. I HEREBV CERTIFY THATAPPLICATION ANO KNOW 1ALL PROVISIONS OF LAW!TYPE OF WORK WILL BE IHEREIN OR NOT. THE GPRESUME TO GIVE AUTH(PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHECONSTRUCTION OR THE THISIFIED NOT, THE 'Tl NGTION. sro||Aruit ol coNtiac t/,, Unit Heaters-B.T.U. M Vontilation Fan WHEN PROPERIY VALIDATED IIN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION PERMIT VALIDATION cK. M.O.t, I(ol lo' CASH 1-41 . INSPECTOR IEOiDEi IiOM: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUTLOING OFFICIALS ' 50 30. LOs iO'LE3 'PA5ADENA! CALIFOINIA 9IIOtForm lOO.4 9.69 USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW-UP, ETC, Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. F,tls R"=,d.-..I) -hrr'S I oEscn. -^*rR, S -. J s# "'?"" *U:'i"';:-'/ lo'/MA! L AODiESS S rrn, CH I TECT OR OESIGNER MAIL ADDREgS / PHON E LICENSE NO.lal nCV. ,-/C-v-- EX G IN EEF MAIL AODRESS PH OtI E LICEN9E NO. USE OF BUILDIN G I 8 CIASOf WOrK: NINEW trAOOITION f] ALTERATION f} REPAIR Typ. of Fixtu:. or lt|m SPECIAL CONOITIONS:WATER CLOSET (TOILET' I S- o LAVATORY (WASH BASIN) /, S- KITCHEN SINK & OISP. LAUNORY TRAY CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATER I <..i NOTICE THIS PERI\4IT BECOMES NULL ANO VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS. OF IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTEB WORK IS COM. MENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. sICNATURE OI CON TRAC TOF Oh UR I NAL DRINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR.-SINK OR DRAIN GAs SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK & PIT WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PEAMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION PERMIT VALIDATION M.O. INSPECTOR REOFDER FROM: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILO'NG OFFICIALS ' 5O SO. LOS n\ Yd' n,1\'u" ROBLES a PASADENA. CALlFORl.ltAForm lOO.2 9-69 9ttol USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW.UP, ETC. r, @, bDtrg ftret dulY awora uPon oath' depoee@ing etatements are true and correct accorCing to my begt knowledge, informatlon and belief, to wit: l. That this statement is made tn conjunction with the filing of an application Ior a bulldiag permit to the Town of lVail and to comply with thc requiremente of Article VII, Sectlon 3, Ordinance Nurrber ? (Seriea of 1969) Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Vall. STATEOr.COLORADO )l ss. COI'NTY CE. EAGLE ) Z. The ae followe: (Deecription may be attached or cription. ) 4, The propoaed building' ag it corrrpllea to the Floor Area Rptio for DECLARAIION CF UAND' ALITICATION of tng aile fgr ropoeed building ta a rre map may ed to ghoct dea- 3. The propoaed building site contain " | | Zl q' Ll feet, and the propoeed building coatalna of area aa defined tn the aforesaid Z,oning Ordinance. 9guare equare feet relatea to the building aitc area, the zoning which aPPliee to the building slte' ae defined ln tbe af Z.oning Ordinance. The foregoing affidavlt and wae duly aubecrlbed 6worn to before me, a notary Tohr. D. ftllts , 3O+{^ 3a} of tq?f. and tble }ly Commision expiiEs Uay tq tgis I-IOTAEIY PUBLIC 1; 400!t o n H A?O L D R. CAR tect D t ll Y: i ttl0 lrt.ion ia. (A.tr.lr) V A I L Cra.afaaar cl Vrll lor tt5 l tl,l!:t Arf,!llCAN lNilltUIE Oi AICHITECtS DOMIL F. cREIttT ALA .". VAII OFFICB JltrfE 15, 1971 I{R- E' STRT'BIA BIIIIDING OTHTCI.,IL TOTN OT VAIIvllt, cqHt&aDo BEr t{Itrff! nEsIDBllCE, BIEIDM FEF{IT I1W DBIR EDr rx lccom urtE louR r.EgIER or JInE 811971, ItE{ll IIIMBERB 1-s SElfL B8urEil canB 0r $t FoLLofs. ItEl{ 1. ^ DBCLAnIIION 0F ILLOGIIIOf, SUALL Bg SIIBMfIT@.IrE{ 2. rs pER DII|0IFSTOI rIlF IAU On JIilE 15119?1, D{ERCEICI HIVUfSTII,f, BB PRC'rIDED IIV {t f,EISiI O}IE trIXTD I{INDOTI UNII ril NACS 8EDNOO.I. TTIEIE I{IIIDO{S WIIJ EAVE AtI rRTr OF C'YEN, FIVE SQIIINE EEEI. ITEM 3. firItDOt rDr SEII,L m CS|lreE) TO - 2r-9rl x 1t-4. fl,xsd & 2t-Or r 5 r-0r cagensDt. mm0|| ttr. 9f,4LL BE CgAltcED IrO - 2r-Or x 1t-4r flx.al & 2r-Or : 5 t-Oi casaeent vlth f;txed glas" above. ITEM 4. nIE CIIfiNET I!trERIOB SHrr.r. 39 LrrED YIIU 1 TIOUR FIRE NAIED AYPSIfi BOAfl)" ilf, Itarattl a'r rtt atl:lr0l IIEM 5. ITEl.t 5. rTBt 10. rTEM 11. BUIu)IIIC PAIER A.S IPIRO9E) BI IUE U.8-C. SEllL BE T{STAI.,LED ON EE ErIERIOR OT TEE WAI.t SEE{TIIING.ls8 ELIr n00r lnEA M THIS! nESIDEITCE Jii CATCTJLATED FOn I 100 lb. PER SQTITRE Fom TttAL IIAD.ITE{ ?. rrr. f0OD F8ll{INC IN COIIIACT UITU t'ttS0Nnf On CONCRETE SE tL BE ?NEAT@ l{IrE ||TryIA-PBD{EN. ITEI,{ 8. FrnE sTopP[NG snar,L BE IxsraLr.ED ts REQIIIRD.aT I' o.c,rtEu 9- Iil lccOH) Yrrlt sEgrroN !517 ?5 u.B.c. r urtg corr.4R TrcETr,rFIIIED TO THE CEIU}IHT AND MII.ED 10 fIIE U@D FRAI,{IM SHAI,L BE I'T!D. PANIIfION FRII,TINO ANOIND BATIINE AREAS SEAIL BE PRqTECTED I{ITE AFPnSYED I{ATERPRO0r PIPtsB CONFOII{INC TO SECrI0N 120?a U.B-C. ANCEON BOLTS SIAI.L BE IMBEDED IX CONCNSTS A MIIE}TIIH OF 7N. IHERE SEII.L BE A I{IHD,III}t OF I1JO ANCHON 8Or.TS PER PT.ATB WIrU O}IE BOLI I,OC TED UIIHIII 12't OF EACH EI{D OF EACH ET.ATE. ITEI{ 12. ^r.r- ItRA}tE I{AIJS OVER 14r rrCR SEAI,,L BE * 16no.c. On I! TEE qlliE qP A Ufi.L JIniT WEn 1l+t ?'1i, fru{ING 12tro.c. StrAI,L BE IISD. ,.a o-2- IlBl 13. lltr, SEIID rrr.r- ltrD II0oR JoIS? rnr]gre sHIIf, COXFOn{ mSETI6 2tl8f-8 UJ.C- ttEE[{ COmlINtrtrc pIpB Of MI KnD.IrXil T4. tBB rflB EETTEE lD8t SE[I; BE JlcISotr cS3B Itr IJHI Or lnDEr @B rm sEll.l BE ITGMED II TEB CEI|ITSPICE lttrt TOfiE runncE ltD ^qFrRE tEE Er"^er!![C CotBtlif,Ioil tln . m t{IttsB EE|SER SETEL BE EXrfE) IfrfH lI{ IyIC0{8IC crq SHtt(Irtrlvttr[t. m l&tnmoF nmEPloR.qHfi.f, 88 REqI'InED.I[E{ 15. COICnETB BISr nEInFOnoIto snrl.E cof,FoFt To mE u.B.c. tID. vlIE BUIU)ffC CoDE @m3ilBms.ft!{ 16. nmp strrrrg SE11L Bt. MnfDLE rffTg I UIIID4SU OF 5-1/Zr N TEE SE,[IEEN,. rIE't 17. COllOREtX tsmltgB flFliliSl SEII& BE 4r4r l,(mi fr l$l DIBECIIOX @ tnavxf,.rtB'l 18. l slrB nlrt sEAr.L Bt ilsrllf,ED otf rEE sElIffiEiE ltlrr. 1gIIiilJI SFTNT.. BE A 2 r 4 rIXEIJr SIITDE) lIO PNESEED SEt,lM rlnRIII XtrillllE) [nn Yo(x] sPlcEffi, 2 t 2 x 2t 3to.c. y/5. LLQscnml. :arg nalf, .qrl,r g8 rilIt?lllElt .lt a ItEI[iHt 0F tr IEovE IEE STAIR INEAIIS T8 UEASUND II TEE lrc88.rr& 19. mE fixEErca sEu.f, Bt r!(nar,E@ rr rcconD urIE oua DEcIFSrox.IrEr{ 20. .t srBurr[ oouBu}uw lln D@I IIi tR['nDE). TEB lBwE IIBNS SEILD BE curcED rlo{EDrrrElx lrD lE coanrcmnr utox IECETPI G A @TT @ TEEI TEllEN SE[.t COIISIDER IEIII IS r FOilAirulEoRuuf,tox 1! cEtlcE lpnf,.I EOIB TEIT TEIS ITNB:,SEIFSET,IE:NTPEID{EtrIIIISIIEE-8I'TIIDtrrc'r@r'& trut Iom nEsFots8.lHllr I0& grncEntsGt, CCT EITOil) CIITER HR. & UBS. t{ItLSt uncsEf, Eorl comn. . June 8, 197L Harold R. Carvtnr ArohitactP. O. Box 795Vall, Colorado Attcntlon: l{r. Don Grpeiet . SubJoot: Mllir Rcaidenoe, pennl.t #t2ts Gcntl,rmrn I I havc chcckcd thc plans for tha above-eubJeot Job in aocordancowlth the -pnovl,elons aot fonth Ln thc 1970 Unifoin Bullding Codert annand.d and adopted by the Town of VaiL and flnd the iollowlng i Uro zonc lc Hul'tl-fa-{Iy; Occupancy Group ic I; Typc of conguructLonie V3 foun- parkJ.ng apao-i ncquincd-. Thc'followfn-g'ltane shal.l bGcor"rroted by ncvJ.sad plans or addsndum pnion to Liguanoc of pcrrnl,tl I. Dcolenatlon of ALiooatlon chall be subnitted. 2, Bedloon windowc do not confonrn to cgction 1404 ',;r,i'b(')3. Tl.ndowr ln llvingroorn and barconleg abova do not havq thcrrqulncd oprnablr arra. ll . Chlnnry tpro. il a ghaft cnololurc and thrncfona shall bconc hour flnc rcglatlva conrtruction (scctLon 1706 (a)). . ,'1 -tl'.')|. lLrthcr rerlatlvr bannl,cr Le nequftrcd oven ttudE on rheetl.ng .1,,6)6, FIrt noof-arca_cheuld br oeloulrttd at 100 poundr por lqurtrefoot totaf foia I"-ioeorarr-ror slth ratlsn 2305 (c) and (f).. / \'),,., .'(t)57. lul f,oundrtLon platrr rnd/or rood oolunn! on ooncrGte onErrqrty ahall bc foundatl.on erdan, rrdwood, on pl€aruns tn.atadHgod. // | "4c(t(i )t. Fin'r-rtogpfns fe nrquined rn alr etud wallr !o thrt thc naxl,-u - nuo dlnrnal.on Lc not ovlr g r. 9; FbcPlaor obinnoy chrll be l,n acoordenco wl,th sretion 2ll? (fl E. .': ..t -t- 10. Bathroon walls ehall conform with aectlon 2517 (k). L Thsnc ehall be a minjmum of two anchon bolts per plate, with one bolt locatcd withln 12" of each end of eaoh plate. .. ,. ,1 ' 22. Maxinun hcight fon ?tt x 4rf etud walle shall be 14r. 13. Stud walle and floor Joieta aha11 be in accordance wlth eection ?518 (f) I whan oontaLning plp€ of any kind. 14. Waten hsaten cloeet ehall hava opcning fon combuetion ain and waterproof neceptor ehall have dnain oD ga8 eupply ltna. ahall have cutosratic ahutoff. 15. Concnetr block reinfoncing shall be Ln accordance with oactdmd 23 and the cnaloced data sheet. i,.i t 116 ShakEe ehall have a 'naxinum of 5 L/2't weather: exposur€. z,",oa-!!')L7. Entranoe landlnge at lowe!'lovel ehall be 4r in dir:ectlon of- tnavel,. :'rr(-i)18. Wall. nail requlned at aircular staln. 19. Fireplaee doee not confonm to section 370tt (g) and 3704 (rq).I euggeat you bning in bnochureg and we will wonk it out. 20. Slnce cornbuetion ain ie dorLved from cilnbqa!1o v6nta in thefoundltion, I suggcst a duct be provided for the speclfic PuoposG (eection 603 (a) l, Volume II Unlfonn Mechanical Code. Whcn the abovc Ltema havc been correeted by nevieed plano or: ad- dendum, I wLll be ready to iseue a bulLdl-ng pcnmit fon the aubJeotjob. Your:a very truly, TOWN OF VAIL Ed 'struble Bulldlng Official dw cci Hoyt Constnuction Conpany