HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 10 LOT 6 - 2 LEGAL.rlf/vl PROOF STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE OF PUBLICAfiON il t, fkt-€+ #r.'.,tg do soremnly swear thar r am tn" &()U5!!€E- of THE VAIL TRAIL; that the same is a weekly newspaper printed, in whole or in part and published in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, and has a general circulation therein; that said nervspaper has been published continuously and uninterruptedly in said County of Eagle for a period of more than fifty-two consecutive weeks next prior to the fint publication of the annexed legal notiee or advertisement; that said newspaper has been admitted to the United States mails as second-class matter under the provisions of the Act of trlarch 3, 1879, or any amendments thereof, and that said newspaper is a weekly newspaper duly qualified for publishing legal notices and advertisenents within the meaning of the laws of the State of Colorado. That the annexed legal notice or advertisement was published in the regrlar and . entire issue of every numb€r of said weekly newspaper for the period of consecutive insedions; and that the first pubication of said notice was in the issue of said newspaper aatea A{,k:$ST ( a.D. 19-?5. and that the last publieation of said notice was in the issue of said newspaper dated Au'<itsT t A.D. te-?E In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this day of Acre2ds,T A.D.1ef5- Subscribed and ss'orn to before me, a notary pu ty of Eagle, srare of cotorado, th;;s 4dL day of Fuh$Ec t;siEee NOT'CE OF PUELIC HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE thal th€ ,bw.!ers of Lots 4, 5,6. 7, and 8i vail Village Tenth Filing hrve applrecl fot a setback variance In accotd witn Section 3.5O9 of Ordinancc No- I, Seriet oi 1973, in order to construct residences withoul extensave cuts and tillS and further to leisen avalanche danger to said sttuclurel. A puDlac heari g will be held in accordance with Section 2l.5OO ot Ordinance No- 3, Serie5 of 1973 on August 21, 1975 at 3 P.m' betore the Vail Planning Commicsion whose . deciSiort will be transmitted to the Town Councjl for tinal deci5ion- Sajd hearing will be held In the Vail MuniciFal Buildin9. TOWN OF VAIL . DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITV OEVELOPMENT Oiana S. Touqhall Zoning Adm inittrator Published In The Vail Trail cn Angust !., 1975. .D. ts-E 1+-LalAt(-z Notrry Publlc My Commission.expires NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLEASETAKEN0TlcEthattheownersofLots4'5'6'7'and8;Vai1 Village Tenth Filing have applied for a setback variance in accord wirth Section 3.502 of 0rdinance No' 8' Series of 1973' 'in order to construct residences without extensive cuts and fills and further to lessen avalanche danger to said structures' A public hearing will be held in accordance with Section 2'l'500 'of Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1973 on August 21' 1975 at 3:00 PM beforetheVailPlanningCornmissionwhosedecisionwjtlbetransm.itted to the Town Council for final decision' Said hearing will be held'in the Vail MuniciPal Building' TOl.|N VAIL NT OFDEP COMMUNI IANA S. TOUG}IILL ZONING ADMINISTRATOR Publ 'i shed i n the Vai I Trai'l August l' 1975 o APPLtCATI0N r0R vAtttANcE And/tlr CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Ordinance No. B (Sories ot l97i) ItApplication oa+e ?/3.7/7t e Hearing Date Final Decision date for Town Council I (we ) (App I icant) (State) ub I i ca t ion earing Fee 0a te do he reby req ues f permission to Comm is s ion to req uest the follow ( tf Vu r iance f rom Art i( ) Zoning Chanoe f rom( ) Parking Variance '(C ity ) appear be fo re the Vail cle Pl ann ing , Sec tion &4 TO ( ) Con d it iona I Use Permif to allow tn Zone For the following described property: Lot/tra +cf 5,6,1,8 , B lock I r^Fi I i.ns Numbe, \,f.l) l,/,riLt1'+j:: , /O,ft Frtlrtt4tt (Address ) I t t.7 y',./t'.. > pnone:'ii-.. - What do you f ee I is the basis vf.,,/ t ., i /",/, t r.,1 / "1 for hardsh ip in th is -./n t, .4411 , ;-'77r;..t .).".... !\tu\\l. "'fr:a/ ignature of App licant l. l Zontng Acl:nlnistrator Tonn of VaiIr Colorado To rhon it lDay eoncernt .thls statenent declares that the has ttre pernlssion of the onner ,5! to nake appllcatiou and. act as age '!"-'J"iiG-;;;-;-;""i"""" ln zonins 9"1i":l:::I"X:,?1-I::1';;i;;;;;:ir.i'-*i"tu"""t pertalns oi11' "'o. zonlng g":i"?l::: iSiii'"3'i:fi ;-;;;;:ijil:'il;;:ii;n" "*i'"i1-";!llr'; tr jf 1our)feet. mln. in var';;;;;;-;;;-;;;;Iteri 20 (t*ent1') feet n.in' Onners S!6na'u'*te t Johr.t 4.- l;1" ? ,n," A Par', of sec. Y li-L aee , 1O'.-h Fi1- !n5 tg.155lneor'5'"h P.!:. l,oi-tTe ovner rn /.T\ coNSTRUcnorN PERtu4 !T't-\'../ .-mulindiiV [,n,,o, Cepartment of conrmunity development TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDII.IG EL ECTR ICAL NI ECHAN ICAL r: q,,,t'fll uso u + B<tf/ T ho Mat u(roeness I Pell.ui"* lQn/ c'r, l-; l/' to n,C/f '?'* w r - 5,1;E 3-/6-8/PROJECT NO...-- L & ! I I I i -_ f 16,1 ? Itrn f,rl l--1 PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY LEGAL OV/NER ARCHITECT GENERAL CONTRACI'OR .tJ^t?lh PL UI'1giNG CONTRACTOR I"lECHAN IC CONTRACTOR OTHER PERMIT NO.j:::::::t::1'J".'^"i::ffi GENERAL D z = l BU IL O LIiG 4 ELECiRICAL I q .0oo PLUfvtBING I P,oDo MECHAN ICAt l 7,na o,trfb tD -/uD, .I-YPE. GROUP SO, FT. VALUATION PEAMIT FfES / -tl p_3 SJ III d66 M BJILDiNG PERM IT "/-J,/o,so T u-/Jeaa 4po PLAN ChECK 1-s-{, J-t ELE CiRICAL /]/, ootlPt_UtvrBitiG / ?a. uo .'a.v ft/t i'.iERAT.Cl' . ) ,\.lllTtO l{L{ ) R:PAlil( )[rrlECflAl CA.A. oo ----1N---I ovy'r-r-rruc unrts -- AccovfloDATioN uNlTs-trl G.R.F.A. -BEOROOIUS -I I coMMERctALsysr -_ REsrAURrxt sEaTtltc -l I HETcHT rN FT. - BATlrru B/sHowER -i !l irC FIREPLACE9 -NO. TO|IETS -l ,l covERED pARi{tNG - uNcove Rro enRrrtlc -l It 7 ?L, /S D€SIGN REVIE$/ BOAR9 /oo.oo CLEAN.UP D;POSIi ; o o. O O IOTAL PERIVIT FEES -J-.9e= ::,p"ffiINSULATION FLOOR EXT. WAL!S ROOF TYPE I II]ICKNESS R.VALUE {ON ING NOT€S:Einl ///?'Bori 6"// /D"3a i.iEAT I tll-H1:ltri ,\CK!i,l\Al,f,tr(;tl ltl,\T I ll.\\'E B!t DTrtis i' P t , t ( A T l ( j .\" .4NtJ 5T A',i t 'llll f Tllt ?1'B{lvl: ti ( rrl(kr.(:'l Ai"l, ,\(;lrr:i: 'i t, ( orlrl,Y \r'lTlt l,t, To*s r)l(l)t:i,11('t:i .1\l) \T.\'l; t,Aw5 Rl.cixDliic tst'Il,Dl.\G c()iis': ial cllltj\. ,* icos )(l SOLAR: IWOOD: VAIL \YATER E TAN DiST.TAP FEE ' e9galar Na'\Tiq. fi rr(\l:i ttit , It'.ti. tl LOT- A BL ra,h r'l 'tu - -'.\ | |FILINC lU - 'tt I tqq 'Udt U I 11AI!3A-A_8E5!--- l[AlL /rDORESS _ I.tAit ADDRESS C ITY PHCONTRACTCR N \\r \n Q \ ,..-.\ aM\^n\\l\c,*,^tO \ \ .-.'c\ \,.-, \\- Y ft\t r t\^- \J^'\- t\r ,....\\-5 d '\ t"V, -\ \c'l \ \ r\V\+.\^ \^' r \-- --\_ i\.\ A v-\cr\ , , ^\\,,F\\\r\: c-{ -\.ir\-sG \-n \Y \.^t't"' \- \^ \(i \s \-'-\r) -\ I r\ J __._ .V +- A \ \( \$\\-\s\R \t., \ \,y l--t.t\ ItrO\r-L t, P'l --$. '/t i,\ x o .rl h \*-\ o Lot 1 Loi- 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 7 Lot 8 Katz Variance - Adjacent property Owners - 6/j_2 /89 Marilynn Thona 925 Fiarhray Drivevai1, co 8l_657 Celia Teuscher Torres, Gabriel Torres andGuillerrno TeuscherP.O. Box 3236vait, co 8L657 Robert Leeds ? J.L.Dt.T. Corp. 800 Borne Ave.Minneapolis, MN 55427 Edith A. Press ? Raftery crainger 281-l- Wilshire, #7gOSanta l,tonica, CA 90403 Maria Elena zarke GonzaLezP.O. Box 5330 Avon, CO 81620 l,tary Lou Vitalters (Unit B)38 Polo CIub Circle Denver, CO 80209 Vern and colden Anderson (Unit A) L825 West 12th St.Hastings, NE 68901 Morris and Miriam Futernick (Unit 7A)2 Grove Isle Drive, Apt. LEOgMiani, FL 331_33 Paul and Nancy Rondeau (Unit zB) 930 Fairway DriveVail, CO 81657 Johann and Ann Marie MuellerP.O. Box L83Vail, CO 81658 Rppt tcation te PEC MEETING DATE APPLICATION FOR A VARTANCE I' This procedure ls,requtl:9 rgt 1ny proJect requestlng a variance. The appllcatiowi'n not be accepted'unul aii il?offiii;; ii"iuiii[ieo. A. NME 0F AppLICANT e"in""/St..in A rJune 12, -19,89 July 10, 1989 ADDRESS Dr 57 p1.191i1 g 3 03 -47 6- 3 038 B. NAME 0F AppLICANT'S REpRESENTATM Thomas A. Briner ADORESS Vail, C0 81657 p11ppp03-476-s0sB c. NAME 0F 0l.lNERI:l (type or prtnt for llichael Katz) Miami, FL 33133 PHON p05-856-6444 D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS 9so Fair wav Dr..' Vait, C0,,g,1g57 LEGAL DEscRIPTIoN LoT-j-BLocryljjjgerrLrNG 1oth czt"e.FEE $]00 pATDJJlgrQlL CK #lgg3-__ FROM B"in"r/St"uin n THE FEI MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT l,lILL ACCEPTYOUR PROPOSAL. /'F. A list of the names of owners gljll plgpglty adjacent to ll,q subject property, /' INCLUDING^P$IP.qEII BEHTND AND-nc1O9s irnEeii", i"o their mailins addresses.'/ THE APPLICANT l,tiii BE"R'Espiiiisrere FoR coRREci MATLING ADDREssEs. II. A PRE.APPLICAT-Iqry,..9qliq&EryCE WITH.{..PL4I!NING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDr0 )DETERMINE I-lAlI'nooiiitjrrlu"iHro-nr.reiiijii-ii ilitblD.' no npplrcATroN r.rrLL BE i3fiifil!?-X}rf;ls rr ti ioNiflie'tmypj. lriiruDE iiLL-iiims_pouileo'si"r;ii-ioHrNe 'iiTH iHi"iiixFl'*'1,,13 lui liSb+,l|Iii;sfiii'!;lnliiii"lgimn:,tn,yiliiniNe,nr PLEASE NOTE THAT O '0"', ,,, ;;;;, fi ililg-ifu f il*iffiH{iilfi -' :ifi isliii :flfilfi i iliri'l[ iiffi ,iis;ili,. Iift , III. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOI,JING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE.VARIANCE REQUESTEO AND THEREGULATiON INVOLVED. rHC STRTEMTHT UUti NiiO-AOONESS, 1. The rerationship of the requested variance to'other existing or potentiaruses and structures ln the'viiinity. 2' The degree to which relJef from the strict or'llteral interpretation andenforcement of a specifteo.reluri[io;-i;';e;;ssary.to achieve-iJmpatibilit.and uniformitv or treatment. ru;;-;itui-i''i-iie.victnity or to attatn theobJectives of this tttte wittrouli-griii'oi"sieciat privi.rese. \ ADDRESS 2665 South Bayshore Dr,, penthouse II OVER .,o Vari ance -r- 3. The effect of the varlance on light and aJr, dlstribution of population, transportation, traffic faclllties, utllities, and public safety. A topographic and/or lmprovement surveJ at a scale of at least l" - 20r stamper by a Colorado llcensed surveyor Includlng'locatigns of all exlstlng lmprove-'ments, lncludlng grades and e'levatlons. 0ther elements which must-be ihown are parking and loading areas, lngress and egress, landscpped areas andut'lllty and dralnage features. A site plan at a sca'le of at least l'r o 20r showlng existing and proposed buildings. D. All prellmlnary bullding elevatlons and floor plans sufficient to Indicate the dimensio-ns, ggng[6] appearance, scale and use of all buildings and spacesexisting and proposed on the slte. E. A preliminary title report to verify ownership and easements F. If the proposal is located ln a multl-family development whlch has a homeowner assoclatlon, then written approval from the assoclatlon ln support of the proJebt must be recelved by.a duly authorized agent for sald association. G. Any additlonal material necessary for the revlew of the application as determlned by the zoning admlnistrator.. * For interlor modlficatlolsr l[ lmprovement survey and slte plan may be waived by the zoning adnlnlstrator. : IV. Time Requl rments The Plannlng and Envlronmental Corunlsslon meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A complete applicatlon form and all accompanylng material (as described above) must be submltted a minimum of 4 weeks prior to the date of 1 PEC public hearlng. No incomplete applicatlons (as determined by the zonlng, administrator) wlll be accepted by the plannlng staff before or after the desig- nated submittal date. B. c. ,f. 75 south lronlage road Yail. colorado 81657 (303) 47e2138 (303) 4792139 .fuly 3, 1989 Tom Bri-ner & Jim StrainBriner Strain Architects L43 East Meadow DriveVail, Colorado 91657 Re: The l(atz residence, Lot 5, Vail Village Tcrrth office ol communily development f asked Dear Tom and Jim, This retter is to clarify our conversation of this morning.you to submit the following by Wednesday, ;ruly 7: 1. Details of the retaining walls. 2. Elevations of the house and garages. 3. rndicate the house and the garages on a Lrr = l_0 feet site planwith contour lines 4. schedule B of the prelininary titre report which shows easements. we are. also very concerned about the hazards. The hazards on thisproperty are: L. Debris avalanche2. Possible avalanche3. Medium severity rockfall The hazards do not need to be addressed before the planning comnission,but before receiving a building perrnit. you need to show us what "r nitigating measures you will provide as described in Arthur MearrsIetter of February 7' L988. The mitigation measures wiII be reviewed!Y our engineer. This work must be cornpleted before a building pernitis released. The staff recomnends that you address the hazardi is soonas possible to avoid last minute design Lhanges. Thanks for your help. Sincerely, Betsy Rosolack Planning Technician BR:1r , AVALANCHE LOADING ANALYSIS - KATZ DUPLBX LOT 5, lOth Frt,.t.NG, VArL, COLORADO Pr epared f or- I''1r. Tom Briner B:: iner-Strai n Archit ects Preparec by Arthur I . lul e .rrs, P. E. , Inc. Gu nn ison, Col o::ado JuIy, l9B9 loatls and r. artrr z:c {- c'i l^'rr Qnr:r-ifin;lllr; STUDY OBJECT]VES AND LIMITATIONS ava l anche hazardfnl-.i - .,*., 1.,-i., ^r'.r'llls anarysr-s or 3jlproposed Katz duplex was Strain Architects, Vail . st-udy a re : Mr. Tom Briner of +h,: nhir:n{-i rrac 6 i.r/) r arlr -a l_ + lr 6 on the proposed I release as a dry or wet snow on steep slopes roughly 400 feet aL the Br iner-of thi s b. To calculate the avalanche loads duplex structurc; and c. To discuss the avalanche' risk assumcd by building at this Iocation- The results presenLed in this report supercede those of my previous (June, l9B9 ) report- Revisions to avalanche loads were necessary because tlre building design was changed from that uscd i n rl-,a nrarr.i nrrc ^ -- l,,^.i ^Itl LLg g!gVJLJuc c1 IlClLybIb.E)!t-+horn-,n rr5 + hr. ;nalrrqi.l ic ci-^rrivtu r rrur jrlr ,)rLr:i speei fic. therefore the avalanche loading criteria oerived for the Katz Duolex cannot be transferred to other locations. AVALANCHE CONDITIONS The proposed Katz Duplex will be located on VaiI's 1Oth filing, vihich i s _Silujlt ed dira.f 't y htrt.)w ste.ep northeast-facing slopes that accumu Iate and maintailr a deep snowi6iEE'-6n -certaih years . As a result Lfre slgpe can also produce snow and debris ^,,-r ^-^l. ^^ rn;- Fqnrtn f nrrr.lt (.r r.\ f hc hi l I sl oOe haS been CUtgy_q r q rl \..r Ltj 5 . rlr(- c1 .rt,Lrr rrv! tirrough in man!' Locations b; prcvious avaianches. A smaII avalanche, in fact, occur_red:n 1984 or 1985 and stopped on the uinper part of Lot 6 and l, ".!tn@et_-sf the proposed duplex. Avalanches \4'1i I probably occur every few years-TiFTA. a-ftT-ouql) rnor;t wil I lre smal I. Because tnese small avalanches wili nc to broacl grrilics on the slope, they will not Duri-ng the unusual or "desi-gr:" avalanches with estimated return nr-r i.-,rl c nf cn-to-100 years, (a 1?-to-2? cons t ant annual orobabilit-v ) , Iar<:e volunres of drv or wet snow (possiblv i^;ith entrained dcbris ) , wil I run cotnpl ar-al' c T'rr 6 and wrl I stop:, -,+:t{.eu .-,<== ,j -,-.- .---- J:-" "-l - t ----- ---r.r-r-r-vd ni thr:r nr)rf ,1 ,'nCl Of tfie }Ot.ffif ffi ysis even though it cxceeds the size of any previously observed he:re, The_design avalanche will Iravc the followinq characteristics: a. To compute the design-avalanche proposed duple:< location; a. The avalanche wiIslab 3-to-5 feet thick ;r frnrro {_ l.rar d rrrr'l orr. b. Addi tional / reach the d duplex ent rai ned i-r rr f he avalanr:he ars it descends l c. A naximum velocity of approxiniately 30 rnph on upper s lopes wil l decreas;c to 15 nrph at the dr,rplex; d Tlre pxncrqp(l rlrrnl oy .rrrrf ar-ns wiIl receive impact f r <..r rn snow, with possible entrained debris Avalanches s;imiJar to those described above occur cverv few Vears nr, l- hi:r qf rrrrrr clnnac :rirnrra \7;r i l They are most common below theprominent Iimestone clrff band that crops out 400 feet above thcvallev floor on the :;outh sidc.Iror exalple, many wet s l idcsoccurred during a rapi'j spring thaw in I984. Many of the l9B4avalanches contain trees, soiI, and rcck and were verydestructive. fnspection of aerial photographs dated I939, I950, ).962, I974, and l9B4 indicate such avalanches have been a resul-ar occurrencc at least during this century. AVAI"ANCIIE I,OADS ON THE DUPLEX ire liave choscn to rritigate the hazard by I ) buildi.ng abor,'c thq avalanche f ior.r, and 2 )clirect protection - Mos;t of the south unit--l-i.----.-wi l. l not recerve avalanche impac t. because the lower floor will be 8 feet above grade- Th j.s B-foot clearance is required becauserlrrri nrr deqi on-rvalanche conditions the avalanche flow will be 4 f eaf dopn end ui I I Fr,: f I nwi nrr nn ;r d-f nnl- rl aorr cnnr.rna,-kverv r.rvYY!/qv,\. .Phr- di rpr-J--r.-n",-ction me,_hod itrvol vr-.r rlr-._ionino nrlrtein hrrild.in.,rv4rrYwalls for avalanch€ l-oads so that thc building vriII not suffer structural c1 anraEc wlrcn jt r-c:ccivcs inrp.act from the desigr; avtrlar,che. As shown on F'l gr-rrcs I and ?., 6 wa.1 surfaces, ("a" +lit'^rr-)-\ rrf rr \ --''l ;rl I r,f tho /:vrr.\-^.1 -i l l -r^ '.,.i I I rrrn,:i r;o inrrrrr,.I-LIrJ-\ruyrr L I CtllLl ur - LrrL L.,.! g\-/.r(: Lr l_r_L I I cr! l) w_L _L I r. l-uc:-rv s -.r'lJcruL-The nragrrituoe, o L:-cction, and orher dc.tails of the inrpact arc sirown on Figur:e 3 and Table l". In addition to normal and shearloads (Pn and P., i on vertical s'.-r:f accs, the bridgc conrecting the upper and Iower uriits w-LlI rcceive up) i ft o1= 200 Ibs/ftz. It :s i rnn/-\r+ iil+ + /^\ n^+,, +]--+ r-L^ ;F.n:^r h^.i 4h+ i F ^^h^ya1r lllPL/J- LqrlL L\J rl\/LE LrrcrL Lll(:- .1 rl lrcr\- L rrL'l9,lL> aLUr l_ tl 9tr:rlEicll /greater than tlre B-foot hel-girt of t5e snowpack + flow depLh- Thi s is true becar.ise avalanche debris ivr 11 climb vertical ly when Iarge, flat, riqid surfaces are encountered. 'llhc mit:-gatio;r oi.'ltic,r.:s chor;r:rr wil I cnsure t'hat thc p]:otcction structuf e wi I1 rtOt divert aver.lanches toward afl-i ;rr-on1- nronertv Deil.ection will noL be a proL;l ern becar.)sc the av;il-anche inpact velocity is cnly l5 nrph, tht:refc-.:rc avalanchc debris will be ql- r.lnnad hrr tha I.-li l/lihd --^ ..ri'l I Fa r-nmrrro<c^,Q rarjn^+ |} ^- LvI-'I"/s\J LJI Lrl'= !ul llr-rr19 (Lrrl"l rJe \-\,rrrlr! e 'r.>liL.{ aYcr-!rr;)L Lllcexposed uphi I I waIls. Wherever an B-foot clearance is ma j-ntained, avalanchc inpact wil. 1 be avoided. The loads shculd b:e treated in design as impact loads. The loads on each exposed wali surface will increase from zero l-o the t dir he nd .': ct T:.rr-:r" c.) +1"6 n,',1lcx il; wi"thin ranqe of avalanclres, Strucr.-r:al* Y_S- nr i t i qa t io n p r:rlc e d u rc s- rnu s [- )re t us e<.] fo ;n ;u r-e--s a f e'.--buTTdi n q' oc cffiFiGn; v;Iain chE--concl i L i on s cl e s cr i. be d a bove l maxj.muru spec if i ed i n fable l. in 0.2-to-0.5 seconds, As noted above, tirc avalanche flow that impact.s the wal1 may contain aspen trees and other soil and vegetativc debris, therefore point loads may be concentrated at Iimited areas on exposed wall surfaces. This means that some avalanche damage rr-v occlr even though. the s,iurj-ace-rjrre des-Lqncd for,-Avalanche l-oads.- The objective in-this building deElgn is to ensure that major structural failure does not occur and. occupants of the building are not endangered. These objecti ves wilI be obtained if the Ioading crlteria specified here are used in design. AVALANCHE HAZARD iEEffibuildrng Iocation only one ti.1q1et1erv 20 yFFrs or=----o)lger, on tlle average . 'l'ne steeper s roL)es aDove cne Dualo].ng, however, ! r_I]- pro.duee-sme**e+-aual-a nc he-s more frequently, a f act . . .---......-- " - 'r- = , F-=---tTa[-fs not-imprortant in bui1cl ing design' but th-at shou]d be ccnsidered when : sing Lhe surrourrding Lerrain during winter and sprl,ng. Construction within avaLancire terraj n ivill a1w;rys increase the overall hazard and this is no exception. There exists scme smalI probabrlity that the persons one wishes to protect with a specially-designed structure will be cutsi-de when the avalanche occurs- Because the probability of a person being buried by an avalanche outsj.Ce but near the buildrng is smallr Town of VaiI ord j nance permr-ts building in areas of i nf requent avalanche activity. Ilowever, the hazarcl can be furthcr rec.lttced throttgh se]f education about the avaIanche Drocess, b. olf,-tai on abou t IocaI avafanche condi t ions responcrng properly to official avalanche warnings all those who intend to The Katz duplex is locate .]1ho cf onc l a - r-'l qhnrr l d l'ra t;rken Ltrr- Lst/r \q u/ bui ld in avalanche areas. rare ava lanches that ntrol by I t1 -IJ l"1e t tl VY\-PQ4iJ D}J ctnr'ri n,ror ni,nq informat lr {:. t l1' { .{[,.-) i.l il Uq$fr'*f . Surfacer: cxposed to aval_anche Plan view of p:roposecl Ka.l,z resiclence. loads, It 1,.SCALjI I 1" = 10 ' 'w "-..-J- I '. - -.,1 I I I ;i{ i }i i\ llF.U[ r , -, rj,*__ U]ill'r i, - i ild -il liil.ii -= _ii:ilFq.,'_ lig5------: l\ ii 11 \- lll llllr:. - r ii '.l il.l * -i lnii{-\ _ _ -_rii iJ-'"-'' - -= -i -- -' i\ $ iti ,. -.--.-<l ilb---- i i'** 5-t-n 11 li il- -l_-l- il. il \ f, q -i- \ :pnE6 /n t-;]s 2:7f'o P//r; :/i ,+'5 /n )'/e i i P ia-.,1 o C,th / /-xJ. I o?/6 FIGURE 2. Surfaces exposed to avalanche loads. South elevation vier+. Ad.Citlonal surfaces exposed to avalanche load.s in Figure 1. SCALE; 1',.= g, -***---{' U!!1lU*-1. L)l::ec l,ions and dis br-.i-bu t ions of nornral lcad (?n) an<1 vertical sircar (P.r) on wir"ll surfaces idcntificrl in tr'ig,;Lrres 1 aiid 2. Assume P,, = 0.5 Pn a l, all poin'Ls. Load magni budes and irlpac'i, hei.gh t,s, il, arc given in Table I. Grad e TA3LIJ ], .i'la6ni Lude s r.r f' rnaxir;iuirr P,- and ll -1-- I I t--i i I .''J.'\Li,i'lo:< . P a -rou LDs/1'c 410 160 l+10 26c 260 l2.r f L rJ. I 1L L2.t fr {.) I -F.rL), t L v 10.2 f t 10.2 f r 8.0 fr IOncr,/ D d e f p (Pillars) /+10 r lJ ' ' , il1^c ?.|^oi v^ r'ni.fol' fl PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that the planning and Environrnental Cornmission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.0G0 of the nunicipal code of the Town of VaiI on July 10- 1989 at 3:OO pM in the Town of Vail -a--Municipal Building. Consideration of: L. An request for an exterior alteration on the Gore Creek Plaza Building at 1_93 core Creek Drive. Applicants Rodney and Beth Slifer 2. A request for a floodplain rnodification on Lot 7, Block 3, Vail Village Eleventh Filing. Applicant: David and Nancy Nystrom 3. A request for a density variance and parking variance for the Enzian Lodge at 7O5 West Lionshead Circle, Lot 1, Block 2, VaiI Lionshead Third Filing. Applicant: Enzian Lodge 4. A request for a setback variance for Lot 6, Vail Village Tenth Filing. Applicant: Michael Katz 5. A request for a major exterior alteration at the Red L,ion Inn in CCI . 3O4 Bridge Street. Applicant: T.E.A., fnc. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection, in the zoning administrator's office during office hours. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Published in the vail Trail on W ,r,1989. fwtu,\o @vls rta 2ut--/{4t,\t PP.OJECT: DATE SUEI4ITTED: CCI",i'4ENTS IIEEDED BY : rIRE DEPARTI4ENT d /=^ n upkL OATE OF PUBLIC HEARING I h d ERIEF DESCRIPTION OF ur"-a/ /ur#2Coranents: I | . =Di;'" */' 1- st*P N"l POLICE DEPARTT4ENT Reviewed by: Comments: Revier,red by: Connerrts: Revie"red by: Cw;ents: Date 0ate 't:.-i. RECF:iATiOI,I DEPARTI.TENT Date Irn"4 \.. /)<--z/1-/z'^'-e" " C.^^,L*l '-€cL'Le'tW B - Z Syp* &t a-vo la-u k NJeJd, / a,nru, ),:^q h l*(k" r r Lt:7"<l DATE SUiI.IITTEO: COI."I4ENTS HEEDEO BY: ERIEF DE5CRIPTION OF THE tn A ^-'o-r( d-.'--4 - l- 4- PP.OJECT: th"f A"i INTER-OEPARTI'IENTAL REVI EI,I j4!_-L-r f,4-1, oeporf +7",{:. a^oly <is fo, M{c-t. ol..r- S)nr-f,"* ,J;J^,{ FIRE DEPP.RTI,/IENT Reviewed by: Corments: Date POLICE DEPARTI.IENT Revlevred by: Connerrts: Revie'aed by: Co;;ents: Date DATE OF PUELIc HEARING T/ .- PUSLIC HORKSffi *"_%4 '1,'n 'd:.'t, .ij; Date | ^.:.i{ O$/ners Forrn 2312 ,-?-/4 t,u"t !io- AZe43_762 A:norlnt $4OO r 00O. O0 o F it,.' lr^ !r1 .>r'r.) qaTjitnrrr !r r.a\Address Policy Date: May l-5/ 1989 ot B:0C A.),1 . Name of fnsured: M:ICHAEL L. KA'I'Z and VALERIE ]!\lt'Z , as Joint Tenanrs 'rhe estate or irrt.erest in the ra'cr cies:cribecr in this scheduleand which is covered by thrs policy is: A Fee Sirnple Tttle to the estate or i-nterest. covered, by.Liti:; polrcy aL thedate hereof is vestecl in: MICIIAEL L- KATZ and V.\t,ERrE I(\TZ , a:-r Jc.1-nt Tenant.s ?he land referred t,c in t'is poricy is situatecl i'EAGLE count_y,colorado, and is desc:ibed ai foIlo",,rs: Lor 6, turArr, vrLLAGil/ TEi'irl{ Fr:rNG, ACCORDTNG T,c THII F.ECORDEDPU\T TilERnoF, COUN'iy OF EAGLE, ST;\TE OF COLCru\DO- ffi '{o$S Page I' rhis pci i-cy val-.irr o'iy if .scirccrLrrr: B is ai-tached. O Policy No, Aze4r7.62 rs policy does not insure against loss 1. Lo\,ring ! Rights or claj"ns of parties in possession not shownpublic records. Easements, or clainis of easenents,records. Discrepancies, confiicts in boundary J_ines, sirortageencroachments, and any facts which a correct survet,i.nspection of the pre:nj-ses woulcl disclose "na wirili @r Form 2313 Ot. No. V1,3413 SCHEDULE B Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, l.;;Htlreretof ore or hereafter furni-she . . ..': -:.:;ry shown by the p,rrri" records.- ----rq' Tf:rT.".XUt (-,"\::"\-.'1989 TAXES }IOT YET DUE AND P.\YABLE. or damage by reason of the by the not shown by the publ,ic Ln area, and are not r m;rf r:ri '-rl nd not shown by the public recorls. BOOK 48 AT PAGE 511. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DOBUT OM]TTING RESTRICTIONS / IFNATIONAL ORIGIN/ AS CONTATNED BOOK 228 AT PAGE 604. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALSUNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNTTED LrENS FOR UNPAID I{ATER AND SEWER CIi-\RGES, rF A}.ty. RIGHT OF FROPRIETOR OF A VEI}T OR LODE TO EXTR\CT AND REMOVE HIS ORETHEREFROM SI.IOULD THE SA],IE BE FOUND TO PENETR,ATE OR TNTERSECT TTIE PREMISESAS RESERVED rN uNrrED STATES PATENT REcoRDnD t<ay zo, 190s, rN BooK 4g ATPAGE 511. CONSTR,UCTED BY TiiE AUTHORTTY OF THESTA'IES pATENT RECOIlDED May 20, 1.905, IN NOT CONTAIN A }-ORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE,ANy/ BASED Oi.t RACE, coloR/ RELIGION/ oRIN INSTRUMENT RECORDED April 11, Ls73, fN POWER TRANSFORMER AS SHOWI{ ON IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTTFICATE DATED MARCH2r' 1989 PREPARED By MAcKowN suRVEyrNG & ENGTNEERTNG, rNc. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRTCTIONS AS SHowN oR RESERVED oN THERECORDED PLAT OF VAIL VILLAGE, TENTH FTLING. r Septenber 9, 198L rrrf.t it i ,' ,..n Mr. Steve Fatterson Building Departnent ,. - t , ,n "i '. '' ' Tsvm of Vail Box 100 Vail , Colorado jtI Dear ![r. Pattersonr REr Building Pernit Lot 5, Vail Vlllage 10th Filing We request that the Town of Vall refund to ue aII paid by us in regard to the above building pernit. We no longer intsnd to eonstruct a building on Lot possible fees 6 and no longer need the building pemit. The lot was gold. by us to another individual on July 31, 1981, Ioure vcry tnrly,&"m./.fu-a TAFON s. Tt{oqASnln \ \N. 'P\^^fttrz-' M. , THOIIAS Fl tcd for racord tha dry of Rccaptlon No. '"IHI S DEED , ldc thlr day of b.tHecnuIGrAEt C. BIXNKRANT, JR. of thc Cornty of Colofsdo, of tha flrst prrt, srd A.0. 19._-, May 10, 1989 Ard SUSAI'I D. BIXNKRNTI ard Stste of orct drose tesat sddress ig 2665 SfiIIH BAY $nRE IRIVE, pENIlg]SE #2, of the Cohty of lrd Stote of Colorado, oftllrllEssEll{, That thc s€ld psrty of the first part, for and in consideration of oo@l{Jl cRct\lE, tL 331_33 the secord part: the sun of assigns forever, not ln -tgtlajrr jn c<nnpn hrt i; Joint tgratrgy, att *e rot ior{injkscr i bed tot or parcel of t 8id,tying and being in 1t1s rt***Jr**Conty of EAEI.fi ord State of Colorrdo, to r{it: HrSctff'$iffi#o"ffiTlin'lc, Ac€oRDn'le ltl rrIE REOORDED PIAI tHERmF, Gllfl3 atao knoxr ar Btrret nur$cr Lfrl 6, \ATL VILLACE, TE\m{ EILING, \IATL, O :::::T::::n":.*-:f^:i":i:"i_:* !:l{!l:fl,! and spFrrt€nances trereto b€roryins, or rn anyrise app,ertarnins,*:.:::a"jn,:tl;,fli3":i-iTi+t.;t']#fiff.:';;H'.iffi[':J";::l?,Iif,!l]i?; ll'l,t'#l'l.ilfi:,:lli?:,,?tl*::.i::-:i1t:g*i."J..i*iiF":1;1:$.'ffiiil1il ii"itl iiili'olfi,':?l;:: il"iil';."S?[,:f fi':fi,,:ieht, trtte abovc_bargairGd preniees, Hith thc heredi taflEnts "ld ,pprrt"*n""". ::",$::lt::"i:,1-:*:ld^fTi:":_:!:: b::q"ild 6rd des*ibed..Hith the sppurrenBr,Eea, unto the said parties of:5 X#.H:::":n",f":":::j*.";:::::':::::t: lg lt.:;il p!"ii "i-ir,i ii{;-p"fi;'ii'.'iJiii;li,''i;;;"il:: H::ffi.:::5 3"l:1i,":lli":,*: !?I11?,:.9.i!!:_*:9"1.,"f.?gree to Lrd irih il;;;i;-6;ii:"';;;;;;ili'il,';i"ilT;i;::*"::**:: :1":^:: ,*_:iT-:l-:l; :f;:,i,,s "d J;ri;;t ;; ;i,;;';;";;;.ll'r,"'il',iir-i"illaTifi"?*,lll,idil l?llir1,l,i"jj-:"* i-,::1.,T:.j::!l-.".b::rl!:_ana rndefeesibi" ;;;;;"-;;-;;;,ii."".".'i"'til;'il ;:.'5#i::.'# ffi;.""il:1,;_:"::S::: ?f-,:I;l:l:h?:i:y_lt ;;;i; b;6;i"; "".. ;;-;;;;y;;;;;;l;;;;il'",'i ili""lyli;.,l$,ll'"li*:j*j:T^:"."_li::-:T,:1":: r.?, arr iormei arr-otrlr ;;*i;; ;;;;;i^iliiilll,'ir,l'"l-i"il.';:Hil;ii':il FUUR I.(IIJDRED IricUsAlID AblD NC oo/t_oors-- -.--_ DorLARs. ani other sood and valuabte consideratlon to the said pEfty.of the flrst part ln hand p6id by the said p8rties of the8lcond Part, thc receipt rhercof ie hereby cmfessed aird _aikno*l,edged, h9l granted, bel.galne;|, sota anl'conveyed. ard bythese Presents do€s grant, bargain, sett. corwey and confirn unto ihe-said farties'of the second part. their heirs ard q$:-urbl6nce_s.of rftatever klrd or nature soever,D(CEPT GENERAL Tru<rS ruVO-ISSESSI{H.IS FOL Tf_IE-YEAR ]-989 AI,ID SUBSEqJENI*n#gqJo ++FEtdH,rs, nnsrns,etror,rs;-RbsrRi'trroffi,' e5vfo6iliiE AND RrcHngpgsvrs, iusrns,etrixs;-RigrRi'trrons,' ediftm6s"66g6;6=ECI$IENCE, IF AI'IY. :l:tn:":*'*-g:"l$.f:Tl::: il,t!:-fl:t 6rd peaceable posscssion of.seid partrie or th. secord part, the eurvtvor of ll"T; li:l: :i:iT:,:T-,I..n:::: :I_:::,!i1_.1-i,1ir, ,;ti;;;-;;i;"'i lir-"J [i,.y;;il';";;i],5"iiiri'iir"lili;iln:i^::,:l"lij!::Pl: f in1 psrt thereor,-the satd_party or the iirst p".t *h"li ii'i liii rimirf iil,j"rrilifi'le;;il'l'ii.slngutar ntnber shetl incLr.de thc plurat, the plurat'the singular, ard ihe use of any g.rror Bhrtt bc uppt i.urtl'll"lit'i"gcndera. Itl gllllEss ullEREoF. thc srld prrty of thc ftrgt psrt hls hercunto 3ct hte hsd crd gcct thc day ard ycar f igt abovcrfl ttcn- Slgncd,In thc Prcscncc of The foregolrg irRtrunant yls ocknorrtcdgcd beforc nc thle day of I'lay 10, 1989 MICTAEL C. BTRNKRANI, JR. ANd SUSAN D. BIRNKRANT lly cffiniseldr expl res ,1g .rJi tnees my hend and offrcrat saal. I'EARS, AND OF WAY, IN I > 33. I (sEAt) }IICMEL L. I(ATZ ard \IAI.RTE lo$z BRIDGET M. MUNiZ IIOTARY PUBLIq $TATE Or ILLIIIOIS MY CoilMlsst0f{ ExPtRts tzilslet Forn 921A C0fPUIER UARRAITy DEEO-To Joint TenontsEs*on f 13413V Tt tiet 13413 -ot*tHf-€flsn|e€- Conty of 6ok State of Illirpis I East unit to be three levels APPLICATION DAT UAIE Ur UKr, 'YlELlIltb: t L: DRB APPLiCATION *****THiS APPLICATION l.lILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I . PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested todetermine if any addit.ionai information is needed. No appiication will be accepted unless it is complete (must ilglygu al'l items required by the zoning administralor).It is the appljcant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to fjnd'out about additional submjttal requiremgnts. Please note that a COMPLETE applica-tion will streaml'i ne the-approval procesq for your project by decreasing thi numDerof conditions of approval that. the DRB mhy stipulate. ALL conditions of approval mustbe'resolved before a bui$ing pe-itnit is jssued. rg:'y' - / A. PR0JECT DESCRIPTiON: Du for llichael Katz. totaling 2,443 GRFA and west unjt to be four levels tptaling 2,832 GRFA. Wood frame B. L0CATION 0F PR0P0SAL: ''.,) "' *. ii Address 950 Fairwav Drive. Vail, Colorado '{ truction on extensiv oncrete foundation desf ned mi ti te avalanche hazard. Legal Description Lot 6 Block _Eif_!illsgg_Fi f ing 10th Zon'ing Two family residential C. NAME 0F APPLICANT: l4ichael Katz Address 2665 S. Bayshore Dr., Penthouse II,l4iami, FL 33133 telephone 305-856-6444 D. NAME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Briner/Strain Architects \, ,l j Address 143 E. Meadow Dr.,Suite N-40, Vail, C0. 81657 te l eohone 303-476-3038 E. NAME OF OI,JN 14i chae I S i gnature Address 2665 South Bayshore brJ Penthouse II, Miami, FL 3313.3telephone3O5-856-6444 F. DRB FtE: The fee will VALUAT I ON be paid at the time a building permit is requested. FEE $ 0-$ 10,000 $ $ 10,001 * $ 50,000 $ $ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $ $150,001 -$ 500,000 $ $500,001 - $1,000,000 g $ Over $1,000,000 $ IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMiSSIONS TO 10.00 2s.00 50.00 100.00 200.00 300.00 THE DRB: 1. In addition to meetjng submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the siteto indicate property lines and bujlding corners. Trees that will be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits thesite. 2. The review process for NEI"I BUILDINGS will normal 1y involve two separate meet'i ngsof the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. 'l LIST OF MATERIALS '/nnur.oF PRoJECT:i/ NAME. 0F PiiOJ t C I : Katz Dupl ex. LEGAL DESCRIPTION:'STREtT AODRESS: 95SIRLLI AUURL55: 950 F+irwa.v Drive. vail. colorado DESCRIPTIoN 0F PRoJ-E JevetsDuolex for l4ichael Katz. East unit to be three level totaling 2.443 GRFA and wesf uffi totaling 2.832 GRFA The following information 'is required for submittal by the applfcant to,the Design ReviewBoard before a final approval can be fiven: ,{- _ ^ . nqu'[\ygwA. BUILDI NG I,IATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL L CbiON Roof S'i di ng Other l,lall Materials ar shi nql es hhi te ne,flush face,random tight joint "Rainbow" mix Natural rd sidi Fascia Soffi ts l,Ji ndows l^,lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashings Ch'imneys Trash Encl osures Greenhouses 0ther B. LAN0SCAPING: Name of Redwood S4S l{atura I MDO Board lllhi te Wood un'i ts - lt i,-Aefuooa-S+}" {atu+a+ \r"l l$r- Stained natural Wood Stained natural Redwood S4S Natural East Unit: Redwood Natura West ljnit: Pipe rai'l s & cables 'r slate"qray & naturai tletal lil]ateii gray ."Slate" qray in meta] l4etal & cut stone to match lower walls "Rainbow" mix for stont Incorporated jn bu'ildinq Skyljght anodized metal frame White Wood posts & deck supports: qlue clams , Stajned natural Bridge exposed truss .ioints "Slate" gray Designer: Briner/Strajn Architectsphone: 303-476-3038 PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name Common Name Ouani tv Si ze* PROPOSED TREES 18aj-^l- Itt- /1/\-U-'V/tr t Popul us Tremul ojdes "Aspen" Popul us rrernul oides "Aspen" Populus Tremloides "Aspen" t4 1a Pi nus Fl ex'i I 'i s rrLodclepol e" EXISTING TREES TO BE REI"IOVED Aspen wjthin build.ing footprint for coni fers , (over) *lndicate caliper for deciduciou: trees.Indicate hejght LISI OF MATERIALS r ,rrlt'tL vt f t\vvLv | . LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET AODRESS: - -NAME 0F PR0JECT: Katz Residence DESCRIPTION OF P The following information is_required for submittal by the applicant to the Design ReviewBoard before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MTERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL coLOR Roof Sl di ng 0ther tlall Materials ) ) B- LANDSCAPING: Name of Designeri Dennis Anderson Associates, rnc. Phone: Fasci a Soffi ts }lindows t.Jindow Trim Doors Door Trlm Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Flashings . Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther PLANT MTERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Hl_cea pungens ql-auca Populus tremuloidesyrunus vlrg]-nlana 'Shubert' Common Namec;forA6-gl"e J.p."." Quaking Aspen -lr--Canada Red Quanity Size*T:6r, 2-81- l-10'-E- -1-F toTransplanted 3" Caliper 6 2" Caliper 1I TO----..---.HOpu-rus tremuloides \S4/t EXISTING TREES BE REMOVED gEa-ffi-ATpen *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. Indicate height for conifers. (over) 6-10" cal. " PLANT MTERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REIIIOVED GROUND COVERS Botanical Name Juniperus sabina tamariscifol ia Viburnum lentaqo Cornus stolinefera Type Perennials Corunon Name Tam Juniper ._Nanny oerry Fed'EfiErda Dogwood Size 5 Gallon 4t-5' 5 GalLon Square Footage 80 sF s0D Lawn 1200 SEED Natlve grasses and wildflowers 6000 TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c.OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (reta'ining l-.5'to 2.5r planter wall wal'ls, fences, swirrning pools, etc.) Please specify. (stone faced to match architecture ) Col-ored concrete driveway w j-th 3 ' x3 ' qridl_ ines . . PLANT I"IATERIALS: . /^r.r.'f\-. \Lvrr v, q!l0 Rq EXISTiNG SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS It Botanical Name Poten.ti I I a None Common Name "PotentiIIa" Oueni trr Si ze 5 ga1 size Type Juni per 6" to 12" high Square Footage 150 SOD SEED 7,000 ' TYPE OF I RRI GATI ON TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL Temporary drip irriqation q5 required 7 ,000 Erosion control mat as required until natural qrasses 4.000 are establ ished (retainingOTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES walls, fences, sw'imming pools, etc.) please specify B'-0" east unit above driveway; small stone terracelsto l1 to '-0" (Michael's terra'ce); concrete driveways; cut retaini wal'l east side. I JOB NAME Katz Residence L0T_____6___BL0cK TILING l0th A-DDRESS 950 Fqjrway Drive, Vajl, C0 UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION 5UBDLvISToN VaiI ViIlage The location of ut j-lities, whether they be main rnust be approved and verified by che following site pIan. trunk lines ut.ilities for MounEaln Bell 468-6500 Western Slope Gas Cc. 1800 922-i987 H:rrw Mnwc c Public Servlce C omp any 949-5781 Gary HaIl Holy Cross EIecElrc Assoc, 94 9-5 B9 2 Ted Husky/Michael Laverry Herltage Cablevislon T. V. 94 9-s s 30 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley triater & Sanitatlon Dis tric c 47 6-7 480 Fred Has 1ee NoTE: These verificacions do not relleve lhe concractor of Eo obtaln a sEreer cuc permlt from the Town of Vall,,l{orks and ro obgain utiliuy locacions before digging or proposed lines, the acconrpanylng Da te {-/6 -F7 5+t-57 {--/6-8 r 9-td - f7 g-/L -9e Ei&_fl hls r e spons lb ili ry Department of Public in any publlc righr* ermiE is not a streeE.of-way or easemenc in rhe Tor,rn of Vai1, A buildin cuc pernit.. A scree! cut permit mus! be obEained separaEely. Thls f orrn ls to verify service avallability and location. This should be used ln conJunctlon lrlth preparlng your utillty plan and scheduling insEallallons. *(PJ.ease brlng a slte plan vhen obtalnlng Upper Eagle Va11ey Warer& Sanlcation signatures ) Au Eho r iz ZONT CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DiSTRICTS DATE: 5/22/e9 LEGAL DEScITffiON: Lot 6 Bl ock Vai I Vi I I aqe Fi I i nq 10th AODRESS: 950 Fairwav DrJve. -VaJT. Colorali6AUUKL)5: y5U ra'trway Urlve, Val I, UOtorado CWNERARCHITECT Phone30-3-::4%E38- ZONE DIST PROPOSED UsE LOT SIZE 0.702 ac --:9eSAf sq.ft. u/,v ^\ lsf i" 306"11 -tt,'to"t 't<,n.)' 1-l'*' I Al I owed (30)@ 42759^>1 .+16F- s=3+l€I-* 20' tc 15' i1n\1qn\ 2O% max 60% min Proposed 33t0" -M- z q|a' 1 -383*- .-tffi?"-\ 4r _0" * 15 t -0" 150 r -0" NA tr% 60% 2r_0r _ gr_0rl E-G-inilI") Iei ght Iotal GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rea r 'ilater Course .ii te Coverage '-andscap'i ng-ence/Retai ni ng 'lrla11 Jarki ng Credi ts : Garage ( 300)I\00)(eoo)J@ (50)@ Qs)Wl (2oo)@ NA Hei gh ts Mechani ca I Airlock S torage Solar HeaL Dri ve: Slope Permitted Envi ronmental /Hazards : Comments: 8% .>!J n ?-o o Siope Actual 3% to 8% Aval anche Moderate ** Fl ood Pl a'in NA Slope NA Wetl ands NA Geologic Hazards Moderqte 1!! 00 -0 Zoni ng: Approved/D'i sapproved 0ate: Staf f 5'ignature * See attached Planning Commiss'ion Meeting l4inutes of August I'** See attached report from Arthur l4ears dated February 7, 1988. report due from Arthur Mears June 2, 1989, 1975. Further building spec i fi c .l 9$0 FElrt{aY Drivo t,H6A[ T}E$CRIPTION Lo! o, vall Vll]gge, T6nth Fltlng, To$n of vall, County of Eogle, stole rtf col0r dil, acaordlng to the plat, recorded In Book 2AB at P6ge 60{ of [he Eaglu Coutrly !'o()orcl$, I:IPROVEMUNT LOCATION OEFTIFICATE t hecetry certl(V that chl$ lmprovernent Iocatlon canlltlcEte wu8 proparod l'ot'ltltchtrcl C, Blrnkrani, Jn, and Susan D, Elrnkrant, that lt ls not s land survey plnt or'lnrprov*nrenl gurveg plat, and that lt lB not to bo roltcd upo|l for the eetabllshtnent of fenco, bul]dlnfl, or othsr futuro lmpbovenent llnes, t lunther certlfy that the lnprovstDent6 on tha {rbove descrlbed parcel on thls tlate, .larcb el, 1989, excopt uttllty oonnoctlons, ofe €ntlreiy wlthln lh€ boundsrlos ol'the paIc$1, except aa shoon, that ther€ are no encrooehment0 upon the desoribed promiscs by lnpnovenrontE on any adjolnlng Drsn1sas, except as lndlcated, arrd tlrat thgt'(, lr!'$ uo ttDparFttt evldence of sny Basement crosslng ol burdenlng any pert of sald pancel, r:xrr('p[ ils trqteil . Notei lhls u0rt,lflcate ls baeed on a plevlous Itnprovomont survey daterl , Allrtl 2|}' llllJ8 utld Je the result of vlsual lnspeetton of the slte on March 21, 1989' Notci Ther0 wqs so flnBl tltle pollcy avollable fo! thls certlflcate so lltertt may be easenents, or tlghts-of-nay of rEcord other than what Js shown on thls ccl't,Jflcate. A conrjtncnt for tttle lnsqtance propnfed by Land Tttle Guarantee Conpany, datcd March ?0. 1989, w&s basls for tbls certiflcate. Notlcel Aocotdlng tO Colorado law, you nuat colnnenco any legal actlon baoed '.lpon any defect ln thlg certlflcate wlthln three y€ars after yOu flrst discover sttch clefect, ln rrc., event, tlsy ony actlon bosod upon any dofect ln thls certlflCate bo commencsd nrore thiln [cn years tron the date of certlfloatlon shown heroon. ffrd*l 9-//?8 7 II\/JH i\{ncKorvrrSrirveylng&Iirrginclrhrg.Irrc, I p"ge 2 of 2" ".. ,,.: * li*J.*b***--:+:-::;*'!r-*:-:ffi I DATE ;a 73ra. frur,^-, IlacKo$tl, P,8., P,L.s, 1?500 8S/01r P-82. f FAIRWAY L0? 7 Founo eln I cop no, 45Sl FosnC prrt 6 cop no. ll4li sot pln a cop {1o l?566 A R I c o o t n'W (ft \q \8. I r.)IO- ?lolql +q 6f II I il il \ I r}l I NO NI ".1 | :.1 ' s 60' r0T 6 Q.?O?,:c IMPROVE MENTS Jo,5S I 4et" 41 A , gg' oo'E 4.oo' N E7c e5 te4.o0 TRAOT lo*nt o;ou*' *d ^Tj,l.S*t= lgc 2g'eg" 3 40.l4' *148.6l' : 20.19' ; 40. ;NBBO l3'4d'E LOT Ti scA f': 5o' March 2Ir 1989 89/0rr WxT,W I \.\I $ *',rt$ 'FYHN kk$5 {!r Q.-ilNN' J ! -4r N $$m) i u'--. rrl Ll_-l;N $ 'ri f,s o:r tdF;hI\ '"!h$I 7 i\-7 .1 ,$+ul $''"S;G* s 2 r\xlL \\I N 9sll-n :lll (t_t .o\ +lx sr $ N Nn NJ \i .F :{l\l J )IJ-/ - ..{q 2_ -; d. i.r- \$ -" +J\\ ilf \4 el E I 94\2. A ai r:$\r)>-\g-\ \ll -JA. _\I N-$ --|. \t I$ ts-usb+fK -$, >-Ti ,l F= RF}'zl il--7tlz-tl atl i-.-ll '4ll>tl rutl __J tl urli --r-'ll \) o llr " 'll -* t- -cL.P 'c \)x t .to t! o4N_-l_ { rJ \sl Validity of Permit Sec. gog (c) 19 U.B,C. orEranting-of a pormit 0r aooroval irs shall not be con0trl|..l ic 113 a Q- ra - ?q) L,V/^s€ i,l,r',v{) ..'-: " ::./ :"' ;i,'-tir r, l-i , .r, /i g4#;J,.$er ptans and for, or an this code nce ot a Cata shall uiring th€ 3nC elhcr V4"=l\-c>rt b^Ll€5vrae -r-l IiH fnr_ i*" NrNDail !*1Fflw ffi E ++l Pel\,a \lq L, Colo,e4c q 6-/-?b A-Z oYG s ltl-',--s- - -lTf , '-^L \n I =#.K ., =r* ;- : - -*--J-L. r r E E;1--il$ $s3l I J i.yJ€I i R €.FFiI X il&S:q_l_)_*'_-d.__ T,,,' +F ;r,i,,;,'",r,ilr (/-\ rmD t \-tlt- Ecf)\l il IT}Jl.\ T\L $Z i-N F pAIEslVws a?3lDvlc? 7a 'Itl $ Tlvl"t,ralb eq^ulg'r)q H?l-V?r' ApD LJtljoavIVWtqeZ Dawe\/aL,Cqlzq '.w R w R h,l) -Ji.' dri \5z \l sI ox clA(\, g IU D tilJ -. sxs J e t { \$6 - u N {-f xN,s. t-t [.2 3*iE\(l$I Llun.- $,t qt.{t\ XtA t=S aF6T trLtyxtlol ArrrA{ E-* V4r=1'O' a/qWTtQN , i' F['f1]sel I$$l lls(l tl Fqrr;ni A-3 o?G rll vJ t lt$oat+ - V,{TZU X+1 *a(^teryWv 4+t uto) ?l.u e Pt+lJ - par:ifr*.L --Tt-l t PP ?l@ Kty*tt=l-/t haLLEsfg;?os PEglDaNca a@ (airttel rop lJtNoat^l ^/ ke-MLa ,t DervE VrrtL, CoLo<+o6 =llqil irll 4tl L'rli +llr:il" o ll=orll$ F Y U s X .J Is -\! ?4\z o o$ v_I IL\ -oB -':* &c+s2:*F +FKlv !- + _-$>il irFF2l P= NJsA* -tIJt=l9 /:\\ 1 tr\F ?u$0 Tut-^ ?lltz $r-l.J $ (-"{ ><sl,,4sr c. l$n 4.t[ J t! \I I1 Ail J :$ =x ..t-*2- -; d -a- u-7 +r \l t!7 $ s$$$ k$45 Tf6$Jr-zu RUqot x$:\ iJlN\$irtl+;{}PiiilU\*"$hf ;6$; 5$\iGr[ l' - --1 lot i*" "'*:yY*17' aw ffiq4s4a paw \lqt L,, cole erc o 11 /'\l ll# |3(rL{ lH I T-J T: F ITT:' { | - tt \l+ . :ll \ _ | {_ _ T*Ll_ - =.** =-: -i-+\-: lsN __'i __::3 I _---_-_,_l,t $rel i i H si.F: 'l* PlKs=s: _t_* h-ljr .rr{ ZX t-^ iJ xH A-Z ovbV4"=1,1-4:,tr h^Ll65WFre rmDi N bJ tt f<{.tu I -. sX | -$lsl-R-$,lNi lJFl'$r I I I I I I I ffiliill'l,liltIt''lt= -g*I atar vbvFnail-wnvI V+l=l'-b' u/ ez;,PN| _ PaEqY:a_"E-l9?_ N \5-z T \s \l N. s aYN6 .Itt A Tlvl1,,4b eqq\Lq )q H2I\4d Apo iltrf oala/wr<zz ^lgslw?ry'rqL tCo2eac,ct a t -\ HF ?$ nl-j.< E$ (az A-3 oFG7a {4t.? +Jept dvJa ur[i $ u 3 LrJ lL(\ a.l l- THIRD LEVEL FLOOR. rpgnp{-t/4t--1.-1)tl hp? lflahl. vAl6nsl4l t'r'-".*""-'1"-"-lii '1 -_ _ --1"_"- -,.': __-*^ _r_"1 ',' ' I i iiil ++ ELEVAII'N _PAEIrAL ADp MA\D4 vat4 , NORTH ELEVATION 6-l'1b Ab o"/ab\llvsrEw q walDzlLv 99' Fl euprY Dz' r'lcl L, elou+xe oo .\ \ \\ WfiaA .WEST ELEVATW PA t///t= 1Ld'' FvarTlnv i=, ADD MAIDS ?@1.4 1ry V4rl.Wf 'DR., VAI L,a,LaK*Wfi,ry,,utnuor 12 N - PA'trf lAd "*LlFzfewz /retoa'lcp t- I I I I I J I +- dt6atN Pv4A or)-7" vL ), FVnotP- --dtqtilhl.!tf 'J 7,17 ,.4,1rl cur€4 l.)@(+ Y#r\d __l I - ---t IVT\L9AW 4/4"--tW" WIV{P ^151lJbt.tAtLLu?To fr'-z^ 3-l oFZ I "*ZLzlr4--*rJclbf.1o a<I€Ttrq €fu"tVAua4++tb li.lttj, ?A'6'|LJD lrltN' ild "K"$ifll ryxl-pWpw I I dt'4(oetoF) -.-1T-____rl I I ff/fluuWVi- rL --f-_-_-_ I I ! I i I>/ -Ti - L+'r'+"rErnt I | ftQuAu p#*!i Effi',filsl I oaLLg;Tawe utr?a - €x tsltt tcl )- nI n .U E tl- !- -$l --p ,- wtaa aF !a-J r- _,LEee_t\k, Ar1U,E a(TENtlaNsWI/*J d.t111t.L4 try'o\/ev,-+l*t ta I I I I iiP'rlti lr I ft(MAr I I 1aD Va yAL€(t ,l II__J '\- iAq4 ( \l Lteae".,TtT'r,eil,*, li ="=''ol i I fr- w-rafuq 2)vatz i iL_-if-- - l: 1-- -T-- ---r r--- r_i_l__| | T::--i-: A ul Nt) -0t ( T ul .tz{ I!r ln aa N r $L pl E & l- \J SeeDvtJa 1Q f,r"e;.*t DelVE VLrL , colnrx;o \"-"$c Ua-.,.( 0t(g-ro iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PermiE #: M99-0147 .? TOWN OF VAIIJ 75 S. FROI{TAEB ROAI) vAIrJ, co 9L557 970-479-2L38 itob Address...:Location......: ParceL No.....: Projects Number: DEPART},TBNT OF CoI,IMT'NTTY DEVELOPMEI{T PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECHANICAT PBRMIT NOTE: TIIIS 950 FAIRWAY DR 950 Fairway Dr 2101-081-16 -007 Status... i TSSUED Applied. .: L0/2A/L999Issued...z L0/22/L999 E:<pires. . : 04/L9/2000 APPLIEAITf VAIIJ VAJ'IJEY PI'I'MBING & HEATING P O BOX 2048, AVON CO 91620 COISTRACTOR VATI.I VAIJIJEY PLT'MBING & HEATING P O BOX 2048, AVON CO 81620OWNER BRYOIW IM/ESII4ENT HOIJDTNGS LTD GRUPO MEXICANO CARRETERA MEX, TOLUCA, Phone; 970-949-'777L Phone: 970-949-'177L Description: Mechanical to spoE replace failed enErErn Valuati.on: tlrrplac. lnforuatLont RgEgrictscd! y *of Oa6 AlD1lanccg !*Of, Oas Loge ! ti rtttttrrrtri!, r..rr$t r.t rrr+rftirri.rt*l|. * r*r 'r lri rr *rr ti r. FBE Al,lf|Agy llcclranl cal - -- > Plan check- - - > Inr|c!tLgaeLon> wlll call----> CONDITION OF APPROVAL 4000, MBxrco DF 0500 50, 000 . 00 *Of $ood/Pr11.L t 1,000.00 Rtatuarqne Plan Ravl.e- -> ?50.00 DRB F..-------- .o0 ToTAL TBBE----- 3.O0 .00 Totrl Crlculatrd FeoF- - - > .00 Addiblonal Ec!!---------> 1,253.00 lotrl Pcr|trlc Fso--------> PatDant6- - -- - -- 1, 253 .00 .00 1 ,253 .00 1,2S3.00 BArr!0c8 DttE- - --rt'tt'itrt*ttltttt*r*ll*ril*tl*tl*rl*t*ta**.ri*il.rt*1*atritlitttt*t*ttltfttlt'rtlatl*r*t*tlt*a1*i**t*t*t f+ rt rt t t tttrtl aa * t *****ttl*lt*t*f **{* IEqm: .05100 BUILDING DEPARIIIE!|T Dept.: BUIIIDING Division:LO/2L/L999 KATI{y AcEion: APPR ^Approved per l$fIEEM: -05600 FIRB DEPARTI{ENT -DEPT: FIRE DiViSiON:lO/2L/L999 KATIIY AcEion: APPR N/A 1.2. 3. 4, 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. FIETID INSPEETIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPI,IAI{CE.gE4BgqTrgN,AIR IS_REQqIR.ED_PER SEC. 701 OF TrrE 1e97 UMC, ORSBqfION 701 OF TITE 1997 IMC.INSTALLATfON !,!UST CONFORII! TO I{AMIFACTRES INSTRUCTIONS Al{DTO CIIAPTER 10 OF THE L997 IMC, CIIAPTER 10 OF TTIE 1997 IMC. GAS APPT.IANCES SHAI.,L BE VEI.ITED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 ANDqIlA!! TEBI|JIIATE AS SPECIEIED rN SEC.805 OF THE 1997 rrMC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF TTTE 1997 IMC.ACCESS TO HEATING EOT'IPMEMT MUST COMPI.,Y }ilITH CIIAETfER 3 AIiID qHAPTER 8 OF TTTE 1997 IMC.ACCESS TO HEATING EOI'IPMET{T MUST COMPI.,Y }ilITH CIIAETTER 3 ANDSEC.1O17 OF TI{E 1997 tlMC AITD CHAPTER 3 OF TI{E 1997 IMC.BOIIJERS SITAIJIJ BE MOI'IMED ON FIJOOR^S OF NONCOMBUSTIBIJE CONST. IINT-.ESS I,ISTED FOR MOI'IITING ON CII)I,IBUSTIBIJE FIJOORING.PERMIT,PI,AI{S AND EODE AI{ALYSIS MIUST BE POSTBD IN MECIIA}IICAIJ ROOTI{ PRIOR TO AI{ INSPEC"TION REOITEST.DRAINAGE OF MECI{AIIIEAL ROOMS CO{TAINI}IG IIEATING OR IIOT-WATERST'PPLY BOTLERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WITII A FLOOR DRATN PER SEC.L022 0F TIIE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 1004.5 0F THB 1-997 tMC.TIIIS PERMIT IS FOR SPOT RBPAIR A}ID REPI,ACEMENT OF FAILED EU8Ary trI,TII.W-IRSBO. TIIERE WITJIJ BE NO IIEAT IJOSS, BTU'S ORBOII.ER CHANGBS. *****f*************************************!t************************r*********** DECLARATIONS r h'r't'y rcknorl'dt' hhlt r hry. tard thit appllcatron, ftllcd ouc ln full thc infolartio|l lcqulr.d, catrlcc.d ||| rccurar.a plotpl'n' .nd Ec'c' th't '11 Eha lnfotEreton prorrtara aa r.qutrcd 1. corrrct. t rgr.c !o couPly rtrh !h. lnfomacl,on and !rlo! t1an,co conPly rlth all roltr ordlntno.3 rd.trE. ltca, ind co tulld chlr llrucEurr accordlng;o thi Born, B roning rnd rubdlvlsloncodo', dqsl'gn rcvlfi a;rprovrd, Dhifor|tr EulldtnE @de |nd othar ordinanc.. ot !h6 Torn agpltcabl. chorcto. nEQuEsce FoR rf,gpBcrrorts elrAtt Br IDE rl{BtllY-rouR HouRa r!| aDtalrcE tt rrt.lFHoltB AT {?9-213g oR AT otB ollrc8 rRou 6!00 At, sroo ptl srq{trunE oF of{r*R oR ce*'*eroR Fon Hrr.s!r.! o,rD '{NER J ', .a *oG-'l t arl attltalt't!tartt iitirrrrt t'}ar*!, ta*a|l t attrt.trtrtr., i t|t t r,ra*r,?tr*tt tm|l ot \raIIJ, eOtJoR,tDo 9grtcongttattttl t*t*taatttttita,ltarraat,ltttl}Atial*rr')attaai!a*r*iiartratrt Scatr[nt. Nuobcr r nBC-OSSo lirounE t 1,253.00 r0/22199 L6tOL Pat'D.nc l|.choar CR xotrrlon! 191E2rrVrID Vrrr.a rnirr ,rf Dcruits tfo r U99-OLa7 ft pa t B_Mtt ltlct{AlrcAJ. pfRt|rr 9ucal f,ot elot -Oal- 1d-Oo7 Itlc. ldd!.ra r 950 Fl.IRnI D!' Ircrtlon: 9Eo lrlrrry Dr lt|t. P{E nr lotal lc.t ! l' 253,OO tog.l AtrIJ pur. r Btltnce ! t taa t!tfrrtrrtttra rra trtf:i,,.r !ltrrt,rrr,,at tri*trrr* t*f**.?r., rrrr *r*., lccounc Cgda DcacrlpElon llP 00100003111!00 r|rcrunlclt ?Eum" FEAS PF 00100003112300 F ,AI.t|Icr plaB llc 00l0000i1t2ooo tM, CltlD lrlapEcnrou FEE t,253.OO 1, 25t . O0 ,00 -lDounE 1.000. o0 250,00 3,00 N0 Prs & rowN oF vArL S*ar*ucroN pERMrr ort oroN F.RM INX'ORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTEI) Contact the Eaale Countv Assessors Office at 970-32E-8640 for Parcel # Parcet H 2 tO!: gt!:lia4of_ Building ( ) Legal Description: Plumbing ( ) Lot Block Permit # Job Address: Electrical ( )Mechanical (X) Filing_ Subdivision t- OwnersNune'- brtpe-' bA I lzs*tro 3 Address: IArchtrca: /l llN Address:Phone# Description of Job: Work Class: New ( )Alteration ( )Additional ( )Repair1}!Other ( ) Address: Phone # Addrcss: Phone #Town of Vail Regstration No. Plumbine Contractor: Town of Vail Rcgistration No. @Qsalrasor: Address: Phone # Address: rown of Vail ResistralionNo I t A? - nnone *- Q 44 -'71 1 I FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE; CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: Date Receive' Number of Dwelling Units: _ | / Number of Accommodqtion Units:_ Numberand Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliance "-- W4- Gas Logs- Wood/Pellet VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ - OTFIER: $MECHANICAL{--mAed--- roTAL $W CONTRACTOR INFORMAT]ON Electrical Contractor: BUILDING: $ PLUMBING $ General Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. ocT 2 0 1999 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT department of @mmunity darelopment TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT E4! g!BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATIONr MEcHtBbct'lt*H" ." LEGAL DESC. LOT B LK FtLtNG Y4I!__YILLAGE_I0TH JOB NAME: BALLESTERO5 DECK OWNER IIIUEJORGE BALLESTEROS - MAILADDRESS SAME clrY vArL 81557 PH.476-707L ARCHITECT rrnu LAND DESIGN MAILAODRESS BOX 1259 clrY AvoN 81620 PH. 949-171 GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM ALPINE MEADOW IfASONRY,J. rELE. ii-gzzz ,4rU\q' ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO PLUMBING CONTRACTOR e;qilriffi ,oo" r, u^,r r=a^t.3',3l[*- rELE. w,++tc0Q-l'loLz MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OE VAIL REG. IYQ. TELE. NOTE DATE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE ocToBER 24, 1994 :5ir*aa- 7067 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2, OCCUPANCY G ROUP ABE H IR M DIVISION 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK . DECK ADDITION PERMIT NO. zo F l) BUILDING ELECTRICAT PLUMBING 1000.00 MECHANICAL 5000 - o0 TYPE GROUP G.F,F.A- VALUATION PERMIT FEES R3 BUILOING PERMIT 9s.00 I t334 .",d \\\t PLAN CHECK 62 -OO ELECTRICAL NEW( ) ALTERATTON ( ) ADDTTTONAQUOI REPATR( )PLUMBING 15.00/Pc 4.OO lt DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMI\4ODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO.FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 20.00 PP CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 100.00 EXT. WALLS USE TAX ROOF WILL CALL 6 .00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES 282 .00 DAN STANEK IO-2I-94 3):1Tffff utLDtNG OFF|C|AL DATE AM KNUDTSEN IO-2L-94 I oNtNc AoMrNrsrRAToR oere - -! ".o'-*Y|6r)$' l-4- |:ONING & BUILDING NOTES:ffi"""a^te l AND THE OWNER. CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurale plot plan, and state that allthe information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and slate review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordjy'ances of the Town icable thereto. CLEAN UP DEPOS]T TO.:@* Yo 1(aJelecn Kob thg,,,-' SIGNATURE OF OWNER ,0,bv v4;b 'lro2.ooiEq{ 6 IFr I ts E B E F d d Fq t oli o (9 a) >AEt .\HC A E .'loaJ>r lqr{o aglo !rAF o@ !atR x ota ql o c8 f E E{ lroa oo IE A c{ F,'2 l{o HF Atazo 4Foo atizz FtoHE FTtr HE.zz EOE{t p bHA2l4p F' I FI HZvlDooAAE4 E FI a '" F!zo t zoHH 94C-o 'at4 EEPo (,EH EAq doD I(J(JU tJ EH 3 Fi x tac Az E ts l{ o o T ({ q6E>a!a : r.rcd o aol|Fro t4C O F'i"-- aro* oF vArL co'srRucrrp PERMTT APPLI9LTION FORM aEI 2o1_., DrE:iLy'/?/q1 PERI'lIT APPLIC}TTPN ItfUST BE FTLI,ED OUT COMPI,ETELY OR TT }!AY NOT BE ACCEPTEDIli, I t.',**********tYl.-qUu"*rl.t[J"s+ pERl,trr r]raoRMATroN ***************************** Job Nane:,fob Address: Legal Oescription: Lot3p__Block --:- riling_ /ol4- lu Owners Namez. iJa tItu.t and Type of FLreplaces: cas Appliances /f * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * vALUATToNs BUILDTNG: $ELECTRTCAL: S MECHANTCAL: I ***** Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Address: M0-s*rt Address: 0.o. * * ********* * * ** ********* ** cas Logs_ Wood/pellet ********************************* OTHER: TOTAL: fNFORI.!ATf ON *** ******************i* **** Town of VaiI Rec. NO.Phone Number: 1=,c-/ rAtKbAr' 137- pn_LZU -7e.Jl75D Architectz lAl.D t&L._zu - . Adaress: l2O. tztv tZ<1 4,rOn. ,,,,.@ ./Jq General Description: work class: [ ]-New [ ]-Atteration D<t-Adclitionar [ ]-Repair r l-other Nunber of Dwelling Units: I Number of Accommodation Units: 6 Town of Vail. Req. No. /p+. FPhone Nunber: -q - u .,1^T Tovn of Vail. Phone Nurnber: oFFrcE usE ** * ***** ** ******** ************* BUTLDING PI.AN CHACK FEE: Pil'I,TBING PIAN CHECK FEE: ITIECHANTCAI" PIAN cHEcK FEE: lown of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Nurnber: BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUT'IBING PERMTT FEE: I.IECHANICAIJ PERMTT FEE : EI,ECTRICAI, FEE: OIHER TYPE OF TEE: DRB FEE: _1# ," RECREATION FEE: ^r tQ#-lUtZlaF CLEjAN-UP DEPOSTT:W \t /o TorAr, pERl.trrFEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE! ZoNfNGs STGNAIURE: <J ION: NO /5- CLEATI UP DEPOSIT REIItf,I' TO: J- Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes : . NAME: BALLESTEROS DECK DATE: LU2L-94 ADDRESS: 950 FAIRWAY CRT CONTRACTOR: VAIL, TCOLORADO ARCTIITECT: I-AND DESIGN ENGINEER: NONEOCCUPANCY; R-3 TvpE OF CONSTRUCTION: V PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK ' coRREcrIoNs REeUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections ofthe codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1. STAIRS TO MEET SEC.33O6 OF TI{E 1991 UBC FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. FrELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CImCK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. 3. HANDRAILS TO MEET SEC.33O6 OF TTIE 1991UBC. 4. CUARDRAILS TO MEET S8C.1712 OF TIIE 1991 TJBC. 5. ALL FOOTINGS TO BE A MINIMUM OF 48" BELOW GRADE. "irr:l:: *f \'/ail ,/o,t_"]l'..: ' ', '. ,"tn.$Vi ji"f ''--;',.- 1-''..i: I /4 - z/qF' . ,.:' 'N roN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL 479-21 DATE CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON,T.TUES WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB - T] FINAL tr FINAL LOCATION:i /i' L\tLt,i tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,^r, tt/t z/ ?r/ ,NSPEcroR REVISED AVAI.ANCHE ZONANON AND AVAI.ANC H E- LOADI NG ANALYSIS LOT 6, 1oth FtLtNG, VA|L Prepared For Mr. Gary Bossow Prepared By Arthur l. Mears, P.E., Inc. Gunnison, Colorado May, 1992 frc'BMAY13€92 'iI ?.,{: crtl Ztild tr L1 Ihl/r|[.!-1.1 -E.1 TllE J Fr rqq l,r5-11-1'1'il 1!:51FI'l 147646E8 P.A2 1 OBJECTIVES AND LIMITATIONS This analysis of avatanche haeard zones and design-loading analysis was requested by Mr, Gary Bossow and has the following objectives: a. Determination of the Red Zone/Blue Zone boundary on Lot 6, 1Oth Filing, and b, Calculation of the avalanchs loads and loading heights on exposed walls at the proposed building location. The study also has the following limitations which must be understood by all those using the results: a, The analysis is srte eryciftc, therefore it mey not be applied to other bulldlng loceilons; b. Avalanchs load$ and flow paramoter$ provided ln Flgures 1, 2, and 3, a,ssume a flat, rigid $urface oriented normal to the flow direction; other orientations may require adjustments to the loads; and c. Other geologic or soil-mechanics constraints are beyond the scope of this studv. 2 RED/BLUE ZONE AVAIANCHE BOUNDARY In accordancs witl'r Town of Vail hazard regulations (Section 18,69,020, paragraph$ "A" a1d uB," avalanche hazard zones are defined in terms of pressure and frequency criteria. a. FREOUENCY .-- Observations of avalanche activity and tlmbor cover suggests that avalanche frsquency bslow the 8,330-foot contour interval is less than oncs psr z5-ysar perlod, approxlmately. b. PRESSURE -- Detailed avalanche-dynamlcs calculatlons (particularly that summarized in Figure 1), indicate the average preesure durlng an hpact wlll be well below ths 600 lbs/ft, levet orr a flat surface at the 8,330-foot level. Criteria "a" and "b" indicate the avalanche Blue zone begins at the 8,330-foot level, therefore, according to Town of Vail regulations, building may proceed with appropriate mitigation. Mitigation design criteria for both snow avalanches and debrls avalanches are provided in Section 3 of this report. L - Fftl-rl.1 F{RT l'1EFrRsa a A5_L?-t592 12:56FI"1 FRON RRT MEFRS FLOW THICKNESS Lot 6, l Crth Filing, 8,330 feet Iime Since AvElancha Sbrt ($ec) FIGUHE 1. Avalanche flow-thickness distribution through time at uphill building wall, IMPACT PRE$SURE Lot 6, tClth Filing, 8,330 feet Time $incs Avalancha Staft (S€s) FIGUHE 2, Avalanche impact-pressure through tim6 at uphlll bulldlng wall. TO t4?64AA6 ' ) TL fltr-x F B .slL e & E @ REIL so- E 24,2 26.2 fr.z 27.2 28.e eg.g 90.9 S1,3 ge.3 03.3 200 ?4.2 26.2. N.2 27.2 48.2 2e.3 30.3 31.3 S2.S SS,S A5_L7-139" E1:O2FI'1 FROI'I ART NEARS VELOCITY Lot 6, l Ctth Filing, 8,330 feet 25-2 28.2 n,2 ?'8.2 29.3 80.3 91.3 Sa3 Tlme Sinca Avalanche Stert (S€c) FIGURE 3. Avalanche velooiV distribution throuEh tima at uphill building wall. TO 14?64S85 P.E1 40 s5 30 25 20 15 10 ttoat ; E s ENGINEERINC GEOLOGICAL REPORT Lot 6, lOth Filing Vail (950 Fainvay Ct,, Vail, Colorado toR , STEVEN P, BUCCINO LAND DESIGN BY EILL$ON & COMPANY 100 W. Beaver Geek Blvd. Suite 220 Avon, CO 91620 BY DALEM. COCHRAN 6677 W. Colfax #6677 DcnverCO 80214-1896 4 ocrober 1994 SENT BY:T}IE COPY CENTER . Dale M, Cocfuan Engineerirr g G eolo gist 3038493288;# 2/ 3 4 October 1994 ENGINEERING GEOLOGICAL REPORT [.ot 6, lOth Filing, Vail (950 Fairway Ct, Vail, Colorado) I have reviewed the rcport A REVISED AVALANCHE ZONATION AND AVALANCHE-LOAD ANALYSIS, Lot 6, 10th Filing, Vlil, prepnred by Arthur l. Mears, P.8., Inc., Gunnison Colorado, May 1992, ond Mcars' reports of May and June 1992 for rockfall, and debris flow hazards for that ptoperty. My rrview of thess rcports was made in rplation to the proposcd atldition of a l0 ft x 27 ft slab-on-grade er,tension to an existing dcsk at the rear of the residence, In addition to the extension of the deck, a set of str.lue steps rising approximatcly 3 feet, i* planned ts provide acccss to a garden path of stepping stones around the rear of the house. On Page 2, last paragraph, Mears states: "...[his observations of the $lope and calculations] indicates the Blue Zone begins at thc 833Gfool levcl [und'l thcreforc according to Town of Vail Regulations, building may proceed with appropriate mitigation...." Thc cxtcnsion uf the deck docs rot appear to change any of the conditions spccified in Mcars' analyuiu, and though hc stated thc analysis wa$ "sitp specific", tho proposed deck is within the blue zone, ilq is the existing dcck. Enlarging thc dcck ncither increases nsr decreases thc frequency, or prc$sur€ of any potential avalanche. The proposed stone seps will bc crosscd diagonally by the Red Zone8lue Zone Bourulary determincd by Moars' Analysis as thc 8300-foot contour interval, The placement of stone stcps across the buundary of thc two zones will not make any change to increase or decrcase the frequency or pTc$sure ofany potcntial avalanche. On 23 Septcmbcr 1994 an inspection of the slope from thc rear of the house up to the crest of that ridgc rcvcalcd that nu avalanches havc occurued in rcccnt years, and there are no changes in thc physical or geological condition.s on thc ,tlope sirrce Mears' analysis report in 1992. There was also no evidence of debris flows, deb,ris avalanche, mck fall or othcr geological hazard present that would endanger persons or property, K INKOS. " $de M. Cochldn: EnEiincering Geologist - 4 October 1994 Although thc Town of Vail's r-rfficial Rock Fall Map indicatcs the zubject property is within a moderute rusk fall hazard zone, the slope above the propcrty is not a sourtrc area for rock fdl and no hazard exists on thc slopcs below. My observutions of the slope above the property aEee with thosc stated in Mears'rcports of rockfall and dcbris flow hazard investigations in May and June 1992; that for this propsriy these hazards do not cxist. REFERENCES: Mcars. Arthqr 1,,1976, Guidelines and Methods for Detailcd Snow Avalanche hazard investigations iu Colorado, Colo. Oeol. Survey Bull . 38, I28 p. -----,1979, Colorado Snow-Avalanche Area Studies und Cuidelines for Avalanche-Hazard Planning, Colorado, C Colo.. Geol. Survey Special Publication 7. Q,/fuJ* Dale M. Cochran / Engineering Ceologist 6677 W. Culfax # 337 DenverCO 80214-1896 303-234.r49r TOWT{ OFVAIL Deparfinent of Comtnunity Dev e lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 November 9, 1998 Ms. Candace Ditzler Venable Law Firm l20l New York Avenue NW Washington, DC 20005-3 197 Re: Your request.far informalion Dear Candace: Following is a summary of the information you requested on properties in the Town of Vail. Copies ofthe Town's records have been included for reference Lot 18. Vail Valley 3'd FilinF - 2008 E. Sunburst Drive Design Review Board Approval - granted on l/1619l Construction Permit - Issued on 4ll7/91 Certificate of dccupancy - Issued on 11/20/92 Lot 6, Vail Village lOthFiling - 950 Fairway Drive Design Review Board Approval- granted on5/O6192 Construction Permit - Issued on 6104192 Certificate of OccupancY - 8ll4l94 If I can be of further assistance in this matter, please contact me at (970) 479'2128' Sincerely, 4-*_ Brent Wilson Planning Liaison Ofticer {S*nnuor o* 2r TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 Q-47 9-2r38 Invest igation> lliLL CatL----) DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 896-027 I Status...: TSSUEDappIied..: 1o/2e/L996Issued...: 70/29/L996Expires..: O4/27/t997 Phone: 30392 63675 Phone: 3O39263675 ELECTRICAL Job Address Locati-on. . . Parcel No..Project No. APPLICANT DOUBLE Q ELECTRIC OWNER 950 FAIRWAY DR 2 101-0 81- 16- 0 0 7 PRJ96-0162 P O BOX 975, EDWARDS CO 8t632 CONTRACTOR DOUBLE O ELECTRIC P O BOX 975, EDWARDS CO 81632 BRYONY INVESTMENT HOLDINGS LTD GRUPO MEXICANO CARRETERA MEX/ TOLUCA, DescrJ.PIion: ELECTRICAL REMODEL Electricat---> 50.00 DRB Fee 4000, MEXTCO DF 0500 Val-uation: 1/ 000 . 00 FEE StJ14tlARY ******************************************************r*** .00 3 .00 TOTAL FEES---> 55.00 TotaI Catculated fees---> Additiona I Fees---------> Totat Permit Fee--------> Payments 53.00 53 .00 53.00 .00EALANCE DUE---- ******************************************************************t**t************************************************************ Ite.m: .O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT70/29/I996 CHARLIE Action: APPRII'e-m:'.O56OO FIRE DEPARTMENT10/29/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Divis j-on: Dept: FIRE Division: ************************t************tr**************************************************************************************rf**** CONDITION OF APPROVAL *****t**J(***i************t***ff******ff*********i********************************************************#*******ff************* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, fitted out in fuLl, the in{ormat'ion required, conpteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atI the information provided as required.is correct. I agree to comply iith the information and pt.ot pLan,to compty with aLL Tovn ordinances and state taws, and to buitd this structure according to'the Town,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review apProved, Uniform Euitding code and other ofdjnances oi the Town aipLicabLe thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TI'ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY T€LEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OF ICE FROI'I S IGNATURE HII'ISELF AIID OI,INER TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0223 Amount: Payment Method: CK Notation: *4977 s3.00 to/29/96 LL.42Init: DS 896-0271 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT 210 1-0 81- 16-0 0 7 950 FAIRWAY DR Total Fees:53.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t t !k * * Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 4l-336 Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 53.00 53.00 .00 Amount 50.00 3,00 PERr'rrr ll9le,ozt', , APPLfCATIoN !4UST BE FILLED OUT COUPLETELY OR IT MAY NoT BE AccEpTED X***************************** PERMIT INFORMAIfON r*!r*****************!r** ******Il [ ]-Building [ ]-plunbing l>i.=Electricar [ ]-]rechanibat [ ]-other Job Name;Job Address: Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filing 6 B.tlo t@r,coOwners Nane: Architect: SUBD IVIS ION:. nt-k 4 tttttrAddress: Address:Ph. General Description: Work Cl-ass: [ ]-Nehr t l-Alteration [yJ-Addltlonal I J-Repair [ ]-other ELECTntcal: I Nunber of Acconmodation Units: ********************************* OTHER: $ UECHANTCAL: I CON]rRAqIOR TNTORUATTON TOTAL: I *************************** Town of Vail Reg. NO._Phone Number: i+S-qr: --- Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Number: iS<*zc::F- llnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances ^* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * vALUArroNs cas Logs_ Wood/pellet Nurnber of Dwell.ing Units t I BUILDTNG: $ .J ELectrical Contractor: Address: Plumbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** FOR BUIIJDING PERMIT FEE: PI,WBING PERMIT FEE: MECEN{TCAI.I PERMTT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vair Reg. No./fQ€Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. oFFrcE usE ** ****** * ****** * ** ************* BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLTJI{BTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: I'TECTTANICAIJ PI,AN cHEcK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI.,EAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PEM{IT FEES: BUTI,DTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: STGNAtrI'RE: CLEAN IIP DEPOSIT REFIIIID TO: Nontriurtt,o-rn TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8t657 97 0-47 9-2t38 Investigation> tli l. L Ca l, L----> *ft*****tr******lr**ffi***********trr**fl.***rr**Li*ffi*ff* FEE SUllt'IARY *ff***trt*****r****ff***ff*ffi**#**rH*f*ffir******** Bui Ldingr----)640.00 Restuarant PLan Revi ew-->1,4?6.85 .00 1,426.85 PLan Check---> 416.00 Paynents-------3.00 17.85 250.m rr*,r********,r'r,r**ffi*ffi-*-***-Hlll-ffli;;;;;;;;-***ktr-li**-*lllffl-.lll;;;;i*-.-.*k1ffiff-* !tqm: .051_00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:09/t6/1996 CHARLTE Action: epFn CHARLTE oaVisrte,m:"05400 ptANNINc DEpARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Division:09/t6/L996 CHeRr,rn action: apFn pER LAURENItQm:'.05600 qIRq DEPARTI.4ENT Dept: FIRE Division:09/1.6/!996 CHARLTE Acaion: RppR ll./aIteqi'.q55Q0-PuBLIc WORKS Depr: pUB woRK Division:09/16/1996 CHARLTIE Action: AppR N/A **ffi**Jr'tltl|***********ft**t*trt*ffi*ffinHrrfttHr*****ff***f,i***ffi***i*#*ff**ffi***ff******ff****i*ffi**ffi****ff*tt**i See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknovtedge that I havr read.this application, fitted out in ful,l, the inforration requi red, corpl,eted an accurate ptot P[an/ and state that atl' the inforration provided as required_ is correct. I agree to conpty r.iith tire information and p1ot il,an,to conpLy lrith atL ToHn ordinances lnd state [avs, and to buil.d this structure according iothe Town's zoning and subdivisibncodes, design reviev approvcd, uniform BuiLding code and other ordinances of the Town afpticabl,e theneto. REOUESTS FoR Il{SPEcTIo}lS SHALL BE I4ADE TIIEI{TY-FoUR HoURs IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FRot4 8:00 A 5:OO pt4 APPROVED oe /16/ree6oe/L6/ree6 03 /L5 / reeT 0.Q-- DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUSg BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT AIJIJ TIMES Permit #. 896-0277 Status. . .Applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . 950 FAIRWAY DR 950 FAIRWAY DR 210 L-0 81-16-00 7 PRJg 6-0162 Job Address Location. . . Parce1 No,.Project No. APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: ADDTION AND REMODEI., RESIDENCE Occupancy: R3 Type Construction: V N Valuation:80, 000 Fi reDtace Information: Rest ri ctcd: JIM GUIDA CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 760, VArL CO 81658 JIM GUIDA CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 760, VAIL CO 81658 BRYONY INVESTMENT HOLDINGS LTD GRUPO MEXICANO CARRETERA MEX, TOLUCA, Phone: Phone: 4000, MExIco 9 7 0-84s-9100 9 ? 0-84 5-910 0 DF 0500 Single Fanily Residence Type V Non-Rated Add Sq Ft: 119 #0f Gas Appliances: 2 #of Gas Logs: 2 #Of Uood/Pa l, Let: Totat CaLcuLated Fees---> Addi t ional, Fccs---------> Tota[ PePmit Fee-------->Recreation Fee----------> C Lean-Up 0eposi t--------> AND OI'NERSend Cl,ean-Up Deposit To: JII'l GUIDA CoNSTRUCTIoN SIGNATURE OF OI.INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII4SELF Page 2******************************************************************************** CONDITTONS Permit *. 896-0277 as of 09/1-6/96 Status---: APPROVED******************************************************************************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMITepplicant--: JIM GUIDA CONSTRUCTION 9 7 0-845-910 0 Job Address: 950 FAIRWAY DR L.,ocation---: 950 FAIRWAY DR Parcel- No--: 2101-081-16-007 epplied--t oe/16/1996Issued---: 09/16/1-996 To Expire; 03/I5/L997 Descripti-on: ADDTION AND REMODEL RESIDENCE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOns * * * * * * * rt * * * * * * * * d. * * * * * * * * * * * * * ].. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.1210 0F THE 1991 UBC. 3. NO PLITMBTNG,MECHANTCAL, OR ELECTRTCAL WORK ALTOWED UNTrL PERMITS ARE AQUTRED 4. BATHROOM MUST COMPLY WITH ]-991 UBC FOR LIGHT AND VENTII,ATIONsEc 12055. IF A WINDOW IS TO BE LOCATED ABOVE TUB AREA THEN GLAZING MUST COMpLy WITH 1991 UBC SEC 5406 (D) PER.I.IIT / , APPLTCATION I.{UST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAy NOT BE ACCEPTED 'l**********it * !t ********** * ****** PERMTT TNFORMATTON *****************************/l.,tf,-nt ifaitrg t l-Plurnbing [ ]-E1ectrical [ ]-Mechanibal t Job Name:Job Address: Legal Descriptionz, LotlQ_Filing Orirners Name:Ph. Architectr@ p}..1>1 ceneral Descriptionz ,4& D | >rna*-L >FE!;€rc.1F work class: [ ]-New [ ]-AlteratLon txj-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Address: Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plumbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ********************************FOR BUTLDING PERMIT I'EE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANTCAI., PER}IIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of VaiL Phone Nurnber: Town of VaiI Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Reg. NO. oFFrcE usE ** ***** * **** ** * * ***** ********* * BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK F8E: BUTLDTNG: .,iu, [0f\'ii*, 0['j ff,pTSTGNATURE: - ZONING: SIGNATURE: VALUATTON CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFI'I{D Jtn- 4o,b* Lr,-'s7 ,Ea. ;S'oa 7G,o t t/*r r- TO: FROM: DATE: HE: MEMORANDUM oo ALL CONTRACTOHS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED Job Name: Date: Please answer ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public prope(y? ts any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent a@ess needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfeAing lhe right ol way, easements, or public property? ls a 'Revocable Right Of Way Permil" required? A. ls the righl ol way, easements or NO /<1) 2) K 3) 4',) s) 6) X K K 7) 8) public property to be used for staging, @; fentins? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or lencing plan required by Community Development? lf you_ answered yes to any of these questions, a 'public Way permit" must be obtained.?ublic Way_ Permit" applications may be obtained at the public Work's otfice or atCg.ininulity Development. lf you have any questions please cail Charlie Davis, the Townof Vail Construction Inspector, al479-2159. D( I have read and answered 4f$q3@e e Job Name r's Signature rI Mr. Ray Story 3230 Katsos Ranch Road Vsil, CO 81657 The following was noted: 1- The framing for the additional small dormer near the east side of residense was observed- No exceptions rvere forurd to the framing in place. The nricrolam connection using TA straps and clips to the wall is aoceptable. 2. The small room and dormer framing on the west side of the residence was observed, No occeptions were found to the framing in plaoe. The 4% microJam headers over the closet areas are acoeptable. The 2 x 4 floor framing in the bath area is acceptable. Principal Copies; Guida Coustruction Cornpatry (Greg) Torvn of Vail f , uJc.l a1 Date: 24 October, 1996 Projecl 540 Fairway Drive Permit No : 896-0277 Momoe & FTewell Erlgincers, Inc. I.TELD REPORT Project #3278 Location: Vail, Colorado Temp:' atN.A, V3il, Cirlor.rdr Dcnwr, Colcrado !i^Y / 4o11 O4S-4054 TOTRL P.AI F r-1 .: To: /"^fl r\rr:r -r'7de - | :r: ,lr t!::rll:.irj og P.E. .OWN OF VAIL i 5 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArLr co 81657 \; "l O-47 9-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE Permi-tPLUMBING PERMIT AT ALL TIMES P9 6-0I67 Job Address Location. . .Parcel No..Project No. 950 FAIRWAY DR 950 FAIRWAY DR 2101-081-16-007 PRJ96-0162 Status. . . Applied..Issued... Expires. . I SSUED 1o/04/Lee6 r0 /04 / ree 6 04/02/Lee7 OWNER BRYONY INVESTMENT HOLDINGS LTD GRUPO MEXICANO CARRETERA MEX, TOLUCA, 4000, CONTRACTOR .f & C PLUMBING & HEATING P O BOX 81, NEW CASTLE CO 81647APPLICANT .] & C PLUMBING & HEATING P.O.BOX 81, NEW CASTLE CO MEXICO DF O5OO Phone: 30'39842635 Descrlption: NEW PLUMBING FIXTURES IN BATHROOM Valuatj-on:3 / 000 .00 :'. )tJr**i(*****irtr:t**************************t*****i************ FEE SUfiHARy **********t*********************r************************* P Lumb i ng----->1+5 .00 Restuarant PLan Revi er.r-->.00 59 .25 TotaL Catcu Lated tees---> Addi tionaL Fees---------> Totat Permi t Fee--------> 59 -25 .00 59 .25 Pf.an Check---> 11 .25 t,iLL Catl,----> 3.00 Payment s------- r **************************************i***********************************************illlllLlli;;;;;;;iiiiiii************i??*** Itemi .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:10/04/1996 CHARLIE ection: AppR CHARLTE DAViS t**t*****************ff********ti***Jr******************'H************************************************************************* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIEIJD INSPECTIONS ARE REQ'D TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE t**t*******t**********************************ff***i*******tr*******t*******************************tttt*****ffi*ff**t*********** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have nead.this appLication, fitted out in fuLl, the information required, conpteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that al.l' the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compty iittr tire iniormation and pLot pt.an,to compty !r'ith al'l' Town ordinances_and state [aws, and to bui(d this structure according to'the Town's zoning and subdivisibncodes, design review aPProved, Uniform BuiLding code and other ordinances of the Town appLicabl.e thereto. lnvestigation>.00 REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE ITADE T}IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY l*Contact. Eagl-e County)I ai 970-328-8640 for''d PiaRcEL ii: ,- ,f::ittrT;i ", vArL coNsr"u"rT PERUTT APPITCATTON FORM PERI'IIT # Bq6-Oz22 t APPLICATfON MUST BE FfLLED OUT COI{PIJTEIJY OR IT I.|AY NoT BE ASCEpTEDUrt******* * * * ************** *** ** PERUIT TNFORUAIION *******************:l* ********fll [ ]-Building M-nrurnuing [ ]-Electricat I J-t{echanibal [ ]-other Osrners Name: Architect: Ph. Ph. Job Name: fu Job Addre"". *a2 Err.r-r- ._u_ t/0."_ L,egal Description: Lot Block_ Filing sunorvrsron, - Address: Address: nPtl"r and Type of Fireplaces! Gas appllances /f* *'t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * vAtuAIroNs cas Logs_ Woodr/pellet General Description: Work Class: I J-Ne]r [ ]-Alteration [ ]-AdditLonal I j-Repair [ ]-other Nurrber of Dwelling UnLts:Nunber of Acconrnodation Units: ********************************* BUILDING: $ELECTRICAIJ: $OTHER: $ BLUMBTNG: W Contractor: Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUILDING PERMIT FEE:PI['}'BING PERMIT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMTT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATT'RE: Town of vail Reg. No. Phone Number: Igqrn o-! vait Res. "o€-Phone Nunber : q2/z3g:-1zt Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Number: FOR Toun of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Nuruber: oFFrcE usE ** ******* ********************** BUTLDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: PLUUBING PIAII CHECK FEE: MECHANICAIJ PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI.AAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PER}TIT FEES: CIJAII I'P DTFOSIT IEFTilD rO: I REpT131 TOHN 0F UAIL, COLSRADO liil18/9fJ O6:S1 REGUESTS FOR INSFECTION I^'ORR SHEETS FORt1',2/lA/96 Stat r-rs: LSSUED Oec: NEI^I F.LUMBING FIXTURES IN SATHROOM J&CPLUTiIBING&HEATINE F'hone: BEYONY INUESTI{ENT HOLDINGS LTD Fhone: J {. E FLUFIBING E HEftTINS Fhone: 3839€4€635 F,AGE 4 AREA: CD Aetivity: Address: L- ocat i on: Fjarce I : Description: Appl icant r Ewn er: Cont ract or : tr96-rA 1&7 1el 18/96 Ty pe : B-F,LMB 95EI FAIRI^IAY DR 95O FAIRHRY DR fi101-Urgt-16-0qr7 Constrl ASFR Use: In:pection Request Information"... Requestor': JIM/J&C P&H Req Time: O8;Otl Connents: Itens r"equested to be Inspeeted... AAE9A trLME-Final Fhone:984-&635 ffct i on Inspection. ,Item Iit*r t Histor.y..... E0el0 FLlrlB-Und erground AAeeA FLMB-Rough/D. W. V. 7A/eA/q6 Inspector: CF I9em* Afree5 FtRE-$FRINKLER RUUGH It em r ftOa30., FLMB-Rough,/Wat er I6/eA/96 Inspector: CF I t ern : '@8940 trLl{B-Gas tri ping Item: @AeeA F|LMB-Pool/Hot TubIten : AEE6O PLltlB-Migc. Item :. BOE9O trLMB-Final Item: A653A FIRE-FINAL C/u Fct i on: AtrPR Action: AFPR sF.SI, AIR TEST \ 6IA P$I NIR TEST Co nnent s REF.T1J1 TOWN OF UAIL, COLORADO LE/19/96 €16:51 REAUESTS FOR INStrECTION WORK SHEETS FT]RI LP,/T9/96 F,AGiE AREA: CD Act ivity: 896-6877 L2/ 19/96 Type: A-BUILD Statr.rg: ISSUED Constl : ASFR Address: 95O FAIRWAY DR Locat i on : 958 FRI R[^,AY DR Farcel: EtOl-O81-16*807 Oec: lJse: V N Descr.iption: ADDTION AND REMUDEL RESIDENCE Applicant: JIM GUIDA CtrNSTRUCTItrN Ownenr BRYONY INVESTF1ENT HOLDINES LTD Contractor: JIM 6UIDA CONSTRUCTION Inspect i on Request Informat ion. . . . . Requestorr JIM 6UIDA CtrNST/trRAIE Req Tind: O8:OO ConnentE: Itens requested to be Inspected. . . Act ion Ti me Exp AAOSO BLDG-Final F'hone: Fhone: Fhone: 970-S45-9 I Ara 97er-845-9 1@@ trhone: 645-9 IOO Comnents Inspeet i on Hi st ory. . . . . Item: A@O3O ELDG-Fraring LA/e?/i6 Inspector: CF Action: AFFR' Notesr NEED ENG LETTER APtrROVINC HANBER RT l@/3Q/96 Inspectorr DS Action: APtrR I.t ern : AOSSA BLDG-Ingulat i on, LL/ALl96 lnspeetor: DS Action: FH Itemr 00060 BLD6-Sheetrock Nail 10/3A/96 Inip€ctor! DE Action: FA LI/AL/96 Inepector: trD Action: APFR Iten: 0g096 ELD6-Final Le/tA/96 Inrpector: DS Action: AtrtrR AF,PROUED DCIRMER,/I'IICRT] LAFI I^'EST DORMER ONLY I^IEsT SIDE EAST SIDE ONLY APPROVED AtrPROUED 7"- REFT 131 te/tg/s6 rz16:51 REGUESTS FUR Frar.ce I : ElOl_tZrgl_16_Aetz Descript ion: ELECTRIEAL RFM0DEL Applieant: DOUBLE G ELECTRIC Ourner : FEYONY _INUESTMENT HOLDIT'IGS LTD F'hone: Contraetor: 'DBUBLE G ELECTRIC F'hone: 3039363675 Inspect i on Flequest lnfor"mation.,... Reque*torr RICK/DOUBLE G ELECTRIC Req Time; tZBrtDO Comnentsl Occ: Use: Fhone: JtZt39E63673 INSF,EtrTION hIORK SHEETS FOR:18/14/96 AREH: EG Aetivity: E96-Ofl71 Le/lg/96 Type: B*ELEC Statt-rs: IS$UED Constr': ASFR Addr e s s : 95"9-.FA"lSlJ€Y;:ilR l-oeat i on: TO[^'N OF VAIL! C0LORflDB F'A6E 17 trhone: 986*3675 Items Feqr-rested to be Inspected... Action Conments ,--r7 Tine Exp @01e4 ELEC-FinaI 4/4r&//' Inspection Histot'y... ..'' Item r EEl lO ELEC-Temp. Fower Itenr OOIeO,ELEC-Rough: 1013O/96 Inspector: EG Action: AF'trR APFRtrVED Item r 0O13O ELEC-trondt"rit ,,+:. r It em I 0O14@ ELEC-Mi sc. Itenr 8019O ELEtr-FinaI Itemr o,0ice4 FIRE-ALARFI ROUGHItem: OrassB FIRE-FINAL C/0 /r^ry.95,f4? r.vlt.d Ail17/9rl DESTGN REVTET{ BOARD ApprJrcAEroN - TOr{r{ oF vAltr, COfftTf{O* lggn DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: A. DESCRIPTION: APPI.TICANT: Address: APPIJICANT'S ENTATTVE: Address: 9/. 1 NAI'1E OF OWNER lS) z Jargz [(. Mailing Address: APPr'rcATroNs wrrrr' Nor BE PRocEssED wrrilow owNER's sreNATt]/RE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at theLime of subnittal of the DRB appl-icaLion. Later, whenapplying for a building permiL, please identify the accuratevaluaLion of the proposal . The Town of vail will adjusL thefee according t,o the Lable below, to ensure the correct feeis paid. r .if-If" I. B. D. TYPE OF REVIEW: / --New consEruct,ion (g200,00) X-Minor Att,eraLion ($20.00)Addition (950.00) Conceprual Review (g0) /',- .J \ ADDRESS z 15o 4+nu-sa1 Dr. tlAtL , &t, (lA,t2 !Egt! DESCRIPTIoI, ,Pgg (n , Blocksubdivision VArL VtULn-4F /o If property is described by a meeLs and bounds Iega1description, please provide on a separaLe sheet ana aLtachbo Lhis application. E. .r. r'^r IZONTNG,: I )t rg l.F:l d,llNAME OF Mailing H. I. J. NAI'{E OF Mailing . VALUATION $ o $ L0,000 $ ruruur - s 5uruuu $ 50, 001 - $ 150, 000 $150,001 - $ 500,000',' 9500, 001 - 91, 000, 000 $ Over $1,000,000 DESIGN RE\TIEI| BOARD APPROVAIJ E:KPIRES APPROVAJ-I I'NIJESS A BUII.DING PERMIT ISIS STARTED. FEE $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00. 00 ONE YE,AR AFTER TINAI, ISSUED AIID CONSTRUCTION *****rrt** FEE SCHEDULE: a Family ZONE CHECR . FOR Residence, Duplex, Pr ZONE DTS:nRICTS /Secondary d, u /o*A I imary I ISingle DArE: /'- l"t- % IJEGAI' . DESCRIPTION: Af,}DRESS: OWNER, LOT SIZE 3o s)2- t z BUfIJDABLE L,OT AREA ExisLinq Proposed Total , * ?o.- (./ v?gs R05 Bfock Subdivision Height TOI,Al ,GRFA Primary GRFA .Secondary GRFA SeLbacks Allowed (30) @:> 0 zY.?</7/ +425= +425= Fronb Sides Rear IleighLs Light ing Ordinance (30) (s0) 3, 062? 20' L5' 15' 3. /6. Z.( r.teqxd. 7 :. .-Eq.* (3oo) (600) @trzo o) ./d3c), rV"! Z-." , st.t"<. <)p-r'rmi I LCt Slope b % Proposed SIOpe Yes No NO2z! (501)YES View Corridor Encroachment,: Flood Plain Ar PercenL Slope l. , looot -/-392-ologic rlazardsa) snov, Avalanche_ ,b-l/?u.-<a l.,lqtGeologic tlazards b) Rockfull@Wc) Debris Flow 'wetlands Z1/i No. fu , requesL? 1) 2l 3) 4l Yes Does Lhis request, invuive a 25A irdriiLiorr? .','-rc llor,r much of I Lhe allowed 250 Addition is used with ehis Previous conditions of approval (check properLy file)': 10 IJIS'! OF MATBRIAIJS NA},!E OF PRO.IECT:E ilc LEGAL DESCRfPTION: LOT BIJOCK _STIBDIVISION STREET ADDRESS: o The following informat,ion is Review Board before a final required for submittaL to the Design approval can be given: A.BUIIJDIIIG IITATBRIAI.TS : Roof Siding Other wall MaLerials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash EncLosureE Greenhouges Retaining WaLls Exterior Lighting Other II|YPE OF I{ATERIAIJ cor.,oR l-J, A. fJ.rt t\)+ (6Tlr-lt utu tJn Designer: Phone: B.LAIiIDSCAPING: Name of o,ft . PIJAI\IT Ueffnft: PROPOSED TREES AI{D SHR{'BS ".r..,Q.r"Botanical Name ouantitv Size* *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caLiger f or deciduous trees is 2 inches. Ind.icat,e height, f orconiferous trees. Minimum height for coniferoustrees is 5 feet.**Indicate size of proposed shrubs.5 oallon.Minimum size of shrubs is tvoe Scruare Footage GROT]ND COVERS SEED TYPE OF TRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROI, C. LIAI{DSCAPE LTIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the nurnber of fixtures and locations on a separatef.iqhtinq p1an. Identify each fixture from the lighting pLanin the space below and provide the height above grade, tlpe of1ight.proposed, lumen output, luminous area and a cut sheet, ofthe light fixture. (Section 18.54.050 .I) soD D.OTIIER LAIIDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimmingpools' etc.) Please specify. rndicate heights of retainingwalls. Maximum heiqht of walls within the front setback is3' . Maximum height of wa1ls elsewhere on the property is 6' .