HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 11 BLOCK 1 LOT 1 LEGALCONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION Demolition NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE gffg Aueust. 8. 1989 00401 0 dlprrtment of community dewloprnont TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PEAMIT TYPEOF PERMIT nng ntrn BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PERMIT NO. I.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I ll tlt lvo 2. OCCUPA CY GROUP A B E H r@M OlVlSlOl{ l2 2aQl GE ERAL DESCRIPTION OFWORK : Demo. exlstJng house R x| 5 ATTERATION AODITIONAL O REPAIR DWELLING UNITS - ACC'MMOOATION UNITS - HEIGHTINFT. - NO. FIREPLACES ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R.VALLUE INITIAL TOTAL PERMIT FEES -llor:is - - -8L9L89-oFFtctAL DATE I hereby acknoryledge that I have read this application, tilled out in full the intormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subativision cod€s, design r€view approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. SIGNAruRE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOB FOR HIMSELF AND THE OWNER. FILING JOB NAME:on and Sa1lv Rose MA;L ADDRE5S 1558 Vail Valley prnu Shaef f er Construction TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACT $,wtifirutr uf (Drrupunrg @nurn (Df liluil ffuililing lBrPurtnBnl THls CERTIFICATE IssUED PURSUANT To THEREQUIREMENTS oF THE UNIFoRM BUTI,DING CODE CERTIFY|NGTHATATTHETIMEOFlssUANcErrttssrnucruREwAsINCoMPL|ANCEw|THTHE VARIOUSoRDINANCESoFTHETOWNREGULATINGBUILDINGcoNsTRUcTToN'ANDoRUSE'To .I'HE BEST OF OUR KNOWI-EDCE. Name RESIDENTIAI Group R-3 Use Classif ication Building, Permit No.4042 Type Construction Owner of Building BYRON AI.ID Y Building Address JULY 30, 1990 -I hc building offitial nray, in sriring' suspcnd or rcvokc.a Certi' ficate uI Occupanc-v issued under the provitions ol lhtscodc t'l ncn_ """i ift. ..r,iti.r." is issued in error' ot on the basis o[ inc<rrrect i"i","t",it" ..nnfi"a. ot whcn it is dcrcrmined that thc huilding or :;;";;;;';; p,,,ri,,n rhc,.,'l ir in violati'n 'l onv orrlinancc or ;.-"1;;l;;';ii;; i"wn of Vail or anv of thr: provisions ol this VILLAGE 11TII POST tN A CONSPTCUOUS PLAcE E CONSTRUCTION PERMIT 'hnTnF d.partrr.nt of community dottolopmont TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOF TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPEoFPERMTT ARqS- ,. El eutou.tc "g titltfio \El elecrRtcnl Etr rounoarto" Vg MEcHANtcAL nv68o'BoorH cRK. DR. NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBS]TE DATE AUc. 9, 1989 PI,ANS IN '"0"S3004042 r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I ll lll lv v 2, OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H I R M OlVlSlOt{ 122a34 GEiIERAL OESCRIPTION OFWORK ; - NEW SINGLE FAI.{ILY WITH CARETAKERS PERMIT NO. z9F 3J BUILDIT{G s00gooo ELECTRICAL 2I ,2OO PLUTIBING 18 ,000 uEcHAf{tc^t l6 ,500I'NIT. TOTAL 555,7oo TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VATUATIOI{PERMIT FEES v R-3 555 ,700.00 BUILOING PERIIIT 2,208 ct# 1f#/ ctr twr al t/d/ /aaf PLAN CHECK I,104 rtIfftt ELECTRICAL 243 AI-TERATION ( } ADDITIONAL REPAIR PLUMEIt{G 180 DwELLTNG uNrrs 1 lccornroDATroN uNrrs - iIECHANICAL 248 HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE. 15 X :308 = 796 INSULATIOI N: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE OESIGN REVIEW EOARO 200 FLOOF CLEAN.UP DEFOSIT 750 EXT, WALLS l9 USE TAX ROOF 30 TYPE OF ELEC. SOLAR HEAT GAS TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 5,729.00 wooD JOE NORRTS AIIE. 30. 1989 AOOITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: YN INITIAL sr. cur I lxl lr-no-rndoFncTru-- -oAtr - MIKE MOLLICA AUG, 24. 1989 INING ADMINISTRATOR DATE )NING & BUILDING NOTES: DEMO I hereby acknowlodg€ that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, compleied an accurate plot plan, and stat€ that alt the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inlormation and plot plan, to comply with allTown ordinances and state liws, and to'Ouirc this structure according to the Town's zdning and subbivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Tow UP TO: SMrrrr< 6nsr ANO THE OWNER. llogttluE' RosE REsTDENcE NEtt OWNER ilAME BYRON & SALLY RQ$E- mmmoness 1558 VAIL VA.ALEY ctrY vAIt ex. 6-3879 ARCHITECT FrRil PrPEB ABqrurEer$ PO BoX 5560 cfrY AVoN, C0 PH.949-7074 GENERAL CONTRACTOR FrRu SHAEEIEB !q!$l8geIt - TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, 129-?- tns 827-5578 )e,-ecrn,cal CONTRACTOR FrRu EAGLE vAI,I,El ,ELECIBI_C TowN oFvArL REG. No. 156-E 827-5772 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR F|RM VAIL VALLEY P & H rowN oF vArL REG. No. ll8-P rELE. 949-777L MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TClWlI OF VAIL FEG. NO. OTH€R .^NTRACT FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. L Project Id: ROSE RESIDENCE Address: 2880 BOOTII CREEK DRIVE Occupancy: R3,l[1 Type of Const: V-N Town of Vail 25 S. Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657(303) 476-7OOO Pl.an analysis based onthe 1988 Uniforn Building Code Date: Septenber 5, 1989Contractor: GEORGE SHAEI'I'ER CONSArchltect: PIPPER ARCHITECTSEngineer: CHARLES L. ZECHER Plans Examiner: JOE NORRIS NoTE:The code itens listed in this report are not intended to be a completelisting of alt possibte code requirements in the 1988 UBC. It is a g:uide toselected sections of the code. SEPARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NORTH Public way 56.0 Feet 36.0 FeetEAST Public way 60.0 Feet 4O.O Feet SOUTH Public way 85.O Feet 65.0 FeetWEST Property line 18.O Feet 18.0 FeetArea increased 9O.OO* for open area on 3 sides. FL NA}!E OCC IIIAX FI,R AREA ALI.oWED RATIO STAIUS 2 Dwelling TOTAL FOR FIOOR1 Dwelling TOTAL FOR FIOORB Dwelling TOTAI., FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAL L Parking Garage l.{L ok 775 Unlinited ok R3 ok 2059 Unlinited ok 2059 Unlinited okR3 ok 2265 UnLinited ok 3O4L Unlinited okR3 ok 208 Unlinited ok 2o8 Unlinited ok 5l-OO Unliruited ok Code review for:Project Id.: ROSE RESIDENCE Address: 2880 BOOTH CREEK DRfVE EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTBCTIONTable L7-A & Table 5-A NORTH EAST SOUTH WESTOCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON.BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON.BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT WALL I{ALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL VIALL PROTR3 Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr 0trr NoneUl- Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None The exterior walls may be of COMBUSTIBLE material . Sec.22oL. None -- No fire protection requireuents for openings.Prot -- Openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assembties.508 of the area of the wall naximum. Sec.22O3.(b) & Tabte S-A Maximum single window size l-s 84 sg.ft with no dimensiongreater than l-2 feet. -- Sec. 4306. (h)NoP -- Openings are not pernitted in this wa1l.* -- These walls may be reguired to have a parapet wall 30 inches above the roofing. The parapet watl is reguired to have the samefire rating as the waII. See section 1709. for detail-s and exceptions. OTHER BUILDING ELEI{ENTS Table ].7-AELEMENT }IATERIAL RATING NOTESInterior Bearing wall Any 0 hrInterior nonbrg wall Any O hrStructural Frame Any 0 hrExterior Struct Frame Any 0 hr See footnote #tShaft Enclosure Any t- hrFloor/Ceiling Assenbly Any 0 hr See Footnote #9Roof/Ceiling Assenbly Any 0 hrStairs Any None NOTE: See Sec. l-706. (a) for Shaft Enclosure exceptions. FOOTNOTES:L) Mininun on exterior side also based on exterior brg. waII reguirementE.9) In areas with vehicles or airplanes, the floor surface shall be ofnonconbustible, nonabsorbent materials. -- Sec. ?02. (b) & 9O2. (b) OCCt'PANCY SEPARATIONSR3-I.{L Lhr Materials approved for l-hr construction are reguired on thegarage side only and 1 3/8 inch solid core, self-closing door. -- Sec. 503. (d) ex #3 ADDITIONAL SEPARJATIONS FOR R3 OCCI'PN.ICY: FOR M], OCCUPANCY: a Page # 2 Code review for:Project Id.: ROSE RESIDENCE Address: 2880 BOOrII CREEK DRM EXIT REQUIREMENTS:FL NAI'tE OCCUPANT NLtl.tBER EXrT PANIC RATED DOOR NOTES L,,OAD REQUTRED WIDTH [ft. ] HDWR CORRTDOR SWrNG a Page # 3 2 Dwelling 7 L 0.1 No No N/RToTAL 7 1( L) 0.1( 0.1) No No N/RL Dwelling 8 1 O.2 No No N,/RL Parking Garage 4 L 0.1 No No N/RTOTAIJ 11 2( 2' 0.2 ( 0.3) No No N/RB Dwelling 1 1 O.O No No N/RToTAL 1 1( 1) 0.0( 0.3) No No N/R Door swing is based on Sec. 3304. (b) except as noted. Occupant load is based on Table 33-A. Nunber of exits is based on Table 33-A except as noted.Exit width is based on Sec. 3303. (b). The nurnbers in ( ) are include occupant loading from floors above thisfloor. -- Sec. 3303. (b) FOOTNOTES: STAIR NOTES: A stairway ln a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306. (b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the mininum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (c) exc.#1.Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing ifthere is rnore than 4 risers. -- Sec. 3305. (j) Provide a guard rail where drop off Ls greater than 30 inches. Minirnum height = 36 inches, maxinum opening size = 6 inches. -- Sec. L7L1-. exc 2 The ninimum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (p) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as reguiredfor 1hr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (n) ROOFING REQUIREUENTS: 1-) The roofi.ng on this building is not required to be fire retardant. -- Table 32-A AUTOI4ATIC SPRINKI.,ER SYSTEMS : STANDPIPE REQUIREUENTS: WALL AND CEII.,ING FINISH:l-) Wall and ceiling finish materials are required to conply withSec. 4204. (a) and Table 42-8.2) Carpeting on walls and ceiling are required to have a Class fflame spread rating. -- sec. 4204. (b) Pa #4Code review for:Project Id.: ROSE RESIDENCE Address: 2880 BOOTII CREEK DRM TNSUI,ATION NOTES;L) All insulation material including facings are required to havespread rating of 25 or less and a maximum smoke density of 450it is in a concealed space and the facing is in contact with aceiling. -- Sec. 1713.(c) exc.#22) Foan plastic insulations are required to be protected. -- sec. GI,AZING REQUIRE}IENTS :1) AII glazing in hazardous locations is reguired to be of safetyglazing material . -- Sec. 5406. (d) o 9e ADDITIONAL REQUIREIiENTS :For R3 occupancy Provide a window or door to the exterior fron every room used forsleeping. -- Sec. L2O4. A window must provide a clear open area of 5.7 sg.ft., a clear heightof 24 inches, and a clear width of 2Q inches(ninirnun). -- Sec. L2O4. AIl habitable roorns require exterior glazed openings equal to 10* or more of the floor area. (nin 1-0 sq.ft.) -- Sec. 1205.(a) All habitable rooms require an operable exterior openings equal to 5*or more of the floor area. (nin 5 sq.ft.) -- Sec. 1-2O5. (a) The minimum ceiling in a habitable space is 7 feet 6 inches exceptkitchens, halls, and baths may have a ceiling height of 7 feet. --Sec. -- L2o7. (a) Provide a smoke detector in all areas having access to sleeping rooms. -- Sec. 1210.(a)4. Provide a srnoke detector in basement that is connected to an alarmaudible in all sleeping areas. -- Sec. L210.(a)4. Provide a smoke detector on all floors that is connected to an alarmaudible in all sleeping areas. -- Sec. L2t-0.(a)4. For Ml occupancy a flarne- unlesswall or L7L2. Project Application Project Name:Kase Ae s,/bxce /1,6,Y1 Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Archirect, Address and phone: -'\ lArye ?;f e 141 ' 7074 Date Seconded by: I t/- I tt-il ,l.'{LBlock I , Filing i/A'i t/t i/lue II - , zone commenrs: ,l ffio Aar{L Ce.oK \F.., Design Review Board Motion by: Legal Description: Lot APPFOVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: ) ry-- - "1"^1 /, *J ?'2/'Y1 / /, ^4r'L/i Hr{e-: Town Planner ii./ b"qDale. Ir b [ | (","u Approval ','TER-'''ARTTENTAL REvrrw G" q r4> PPOJECT: DATE SUSI{ITTED: C0I.',,'/'ENTS IIEEDED By : BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DATT OF PUBLIC HEARING PRoPoSAL: >-^aZ.: ,f e..--z* la"< so "-{k ?^ eri Revlewed by: Conments: Date Revlewed by: Col:tlnerrts: RECiEATiOI{ DEPARTI,IENT i 'q'r. .;t:; Revieued.by: Co;aents: / PUBLTC u0RK!2 .lt ccnr,ents: . #ate ilfKlfiT ,'b1r' nleL + pw,t: k- eh;.Jolr-,- > t I Qrsa\r-+ry-- Co,r,tt FIRE DEPP.RTI,iENT Date for neighbors in relation to the Katz residence, and studies done in 1975 versus 'l ater specific information. Mary Lou lrlalters, an adjacent property owner, felt Mr. Katz shoujd try to make the neighborhood consistent and not build in front of his neighbor. Helga Mesenbau, a potential buyer of Mary Lou Walters' residence, gave a bit of background information regarding a t977 study. Dr- Mesenbau stated he had looked at the proposed drawings, noted the items of importance to him, and that he would be in agreement with the other neighbors. There was some discussion by Mr. Katz as to changes a1 ready made to appease the neighbors' concerns, and.why he felt the PEC decision should be upheld. Al1 parties agreed to postpone this item for a few minutes to see if the property owners could work out the problems by themselves and find common ground. The fourth order of business vvas an appeal of the Planning and Environmental Commission decision to approve an exterior alteration, height variance, and density variance for the Enzian Lodge, at 705 West Lionshead Circle, Lot 1, Block 2, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing. Kri stan Pritz gave background information regarding the two variance requests made by the Enzian. She reviewed the criteria used in look'ing at the variances, and explained why staff recommended approval of both variances, with two conditions: 1. An employee housing unit shal I be provided within the buildjng. The employee housing unit shall have a minimum square footage of 400 square feet. The owner sha'l 1 be responsible for submitting an employee housing agreement to the Community Development Department before a building permit will be released for the portion of the remodel . The employee dwell'i ng unit shall be restricted per Section 18.13.080 B. 10 a-d. This written agreement shall be submitted to the Community Development Department and Town Attorney and approved by the staff before a build'ing permit is issued for the project. 2- The three new accommodation units will have gas fireplaces per Town of Vai 'l ordi nances governi ng f irep'l aces. Kristan noted the Plann'i ng Commission had removed the employee housing requirement. Jay Peterson, representing Alma Equities Corporat'i on, the applicant, explained why the empioyee unit was not acceptable, and briefly discussed parking- There was some djscussion regarding Commercjal Core II zoning, and Council's need to look at changing the zoning. Council directed staff to bring the zon'i ng problem back to Council in the near future for changes. There was then some discuss'i on regarding parking needed for the restaurant and hotel, and landscaping. Mike Cacioppo questioned the lowering of square footage of the meeting rooms, and was djsturbed by the plans to take away some of the parking. Kristan reviewed the employee hous'ing condjtion, and stated the PEC did not agree it was a fair request; that was why they pu11ed the condition. Merv Lapin made a motion to uphold the PEC decision based on staff recommendation, with the following conditions: the uses wjll be residential only; employee housing would be provided in the building; a charge of $5,000 per parking space would be appi'i ed for each space taken away; plus the two condit'ions recommended by staff (shown above). After some discussion, Merv included the size of the employee unit would be no less than the size of one hotel room. Eri c Affeldt seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0. Tom Steinberg requested staff to review the zoning and bri ng the issue back to Council. The fifth agenda item was an appeal of the Design Review Board decision granting final approval of the Rose residence (2880 Booth Creek Drive). Mayor Rose stated the reason this item was brought before Counci'l was because of the 2-0-2 vote by the DRB; this was just for review. M'i ke Mollica reviewed the plans of the residence and noted the removal of two trees, while saving three. Duane Piper, project architect, then reviewed the landscape plans. A motion to approve the Rose residence as presented was made by Merv Lapin and seconded by M'i ke Cacioppo' A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0. At this time, Council returned to item three regarding the Katz resjdence setback variance. Many Lou Walters commented they had been unable to come to a compromise. After much discussion by Mr. Katz and his neighbors, Tom Briner reviewed the plans for the home and what the requested changes would involve. Mr. Katz nenarked the house did not request any variances other than the four foot setback all the other property owners in the neighborhood had. He stated he did not expect any problems, and did not understand the complaints of the appeal . He said he needed to go to the Design Review Board tomorrow so he could start construction September 1.5. After some discussion regarding the PEC guidelines, Merv Lapin made a motion to uphold the PEC decision based on the findings of the PEC that 1) th'i s was not a -2- MINUTES VAIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 1, 1989 7:30 P.M. A regular meeting of the Vail Town Council was.held on Tuesday, August 1' 1989' at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building. MEMBERS PRESENT: Kent Rose, Mayor John S] evin, Mayor Pro Tem Eric Affeldt Mi chae'l Caci oppo Merv Lapin Gai I tllahrl ich-Lowenthal fom Steinberg MEMBERS ABSENT: None TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: Ron Phillips, Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney Pam Brandmeyer, Town Clerk The first order of business was a ten year employment anniversary award to Glenn Moore, a Fire Technician at the Fire Department. Ron Phillips gave background information on Glenn, and presented him with a Town of Vail belt buckle. Dick Duran, Fire Chief, said a few words regarding the hard work Glenn has done over the years and how much he appreciated him. The next item was a consent agenda for the fo11ow'i ng items: A. Approval of the minutes of the July 11 and 18, 1989 meetings. B. 0rdinance No. 15, Series of 1989, second reading, an ordinance allowing employee units in Lionsridge Filing #4, C. 0rdinance No. 18, Series of 1989, second reading, concerning cable tel evi si on commun i cat'i ons. D. 0rdinance No. 19, Series of 1989, second read'i ng, granting a five year cable television franchise to Heritage Cablevision. E. 0rdjnance No.20, Series of 1989, second reading, concerning the issuance of 'l ocal improvement bonds for the Booth Creek Local Improvement District, and reflecting the intenest rates presented and accepted, purchase price of the bonds, and purchaser name inserted in the ordinance. Mayor Rose read the full titles of a'l I the ordinances- Larry Eskwith noted one change on page 6 of the franchise agreement. Eric Affe'l dt commented on one paragraph of the July 18 minutes. Merv Lapin made a mot'ion to approve all items in the consent agenda, which was seconded by John Slevin. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0. The third subject was an appeal of a Planning and Envinonmental Commission decision to appnove a setback variance on Lot 6, Vai'l Vi11age 10th Filing (950 Fairway Drive). Betsy Rosolack gave background information regarding the variance request, noting the PEC vote was 5-1-1, with Diana Donovan oppos'i ng, and Jim Viele abstaining. She then expla'i ned why staff recommended approval and uphold'ing the PEC dec'i sion. Eugene McGu'i re, who filed the appeal , explained he would prefer to hold this item over for two weeks until he could talk to Mr. Katz and the neighbors. Tom Briner remarked he would not be avajlable on August 15, and a1so, they wanted construction to proceed; Mr. Katz was plann'i ng to go to the Design Review Board tomorrow. Mr. McGuire reviewed the series of events leading up to this point. He stated he was asking that the variance be denied (overturn the PEC decision), or have Council send the item back to the PEC for review again, and gave reasons why he fe'l t the varjance was unnecessary. Vern Anderson, an adjacent property owner, reasoned the front of the new house should be in line with the front of the other houses; it was not consistent with the architecture appearance of other properties on the b'l ock. There was some discussion regarding variances rtF C'FIortoIoo G' oaloFo o!gg o C' ooulItxo! aoag oo G' oat 3o _4. O -0r a {\.- C)c-cgo August 23, 1989 Mike Molica Dept. of Community Town.:;of :iVai1 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vai1, C0 Re: Rose Residence GRtr'A Review Basement Main LeveL Upper Level Gross Area DeveLopnent 1.l. Dear Mike: Pursuant to our discussions in your office, Itm subnitting revisionsto attain conformance rrrith the Townts GRFA ordinance. Specifically note that the basement has been reduced in size from 364 s.f. to 208 s.f. Thirs change presents the following area sumnary: 208 s.f. 2,264 e.f . 2,386 s.f. 4,858 s.f. Stair credit [96] Mechanical chaee credit I12l Bonus credits t-3821 Net Area 4,368 s.f. Actual GRFA Please to the accept this GRFA overage or greater lhan actual . auumary end 2 copies of floor plan prints a6 renedyof the previous submittat i oHog JLo Ea(l Eoa Sincerely; o Background Rationale: This ordinance authorizes theffiprovement bonds in the amount of $335,000 to finance the Booth Creek Local Improvement Di stri ct. Staff Recom@Uon: Approve 0rdinance No. 20, Series @ading. 3. Appeal of PEC decision to approve a setback variance on Lot 6, Vail Village 10th Filing (950 Fairway Drive) Acti on : Approve,/deny Ordinance second reading. : Uphold or overturn the PEC Backdround Rationale: This appeal was made by an adjacent propeti'py owner. The applicant, Michael Katz, requested a front Setback variance of 16 feet (4 feet from the front property line) to construct a residence. The lots on either side of Lot 6 neceived identical setback variances in 1975 due to geological hazards in the area. The PEC vote was 5-1-1, with Diana Donovan voting against and Jim Viele abstai n ing. Staff Recommendation:Uphold the PEC decision. 4- Appeal of the PEC decision to approve an exterior alteration, height variance, and density vari ance for the Enzian Lodge, at 705 West Lionshead Circle, Lot 1, Block 2, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing (Applicant: Alma Equities, a New York corporation) Action Re uested of Counci1: Approve/deny the Enz'i an 7:50 Betsy Rosolack 8: L5 Kristan Pri tz 8:35 Mike Mollica 8: 50 9:05 requests condition and include/do not include the origina1 staff of approval requiring the employee hous'i ng unit. Background Rationale: Both requests were approved unanimously by the PEC. The condit'i on of approval for the height and density vari ances called for the Enzian to provide one 400 square foot restri cted employee housing unit per Section 18.13.0808 10a-d. The PEC removed this condition in their motion to approve the request. The PEC also directed the applicant to work with the Va'i 1 Spa on ajoint landscape plan for the north sides of their properti es. Slqff Segeu[eldati0n: Approve the Enzian requests and ffi staff condition of approval requiring the employee housing unjt. 5. Appeal of the Design Review Board decision granting final approval of the Rose Residence {2880 Booth Creek Drive) uested of Council, /ffiilyoverturn the action of\-_-=- lJrk: ?-O Background Rationale: The Rose residence is jocated on Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Vjllage 11th Filing (2880 Booth Creek Drive). The proposal consists of the demolition of the existing primary,/secondary building and the construction of a new primary/secondary building with 4,166 square feet of GRFA. This project js utilizing the 250 0rdinance for bothunits. The DRB granted final approval on July 19, 1989, by a vote of ?-0-?. Staff Recommendation: CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Reouested of Counci l Series of 1989, on 6. Adjournment -2- Uphold the action of the DRB. VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1989 7:30 p.m. EXPANDED AGENDA 1. Ten Year Employment Anniversary Award to G'l enn Moore of Minutes of July 11 and 18, 1989 Meetings 7:30 7:35 Peter Patten Larry Eskwith Larry Eskwith 2, Consent Agenda A. Approval B. 0rdinance ord inance #4 No. 15, Series of a1 I owi ng emp'l oyee of Counci'l 1989, second reading, an uni ts i n Li onsri dge F'i I i ng : Approve/deny 0rdinance second reading. Background Rationale: This is a housekeeping ordinance ffi No. 26, series of 1987, to allow employee units in Lionsridge Fi'l ing #4. Ordinance No- 13, Series of 1981 , specifica'l 1y permitted employee units on each 1ot, but Ordinance No. 26, Series of 1987, upon reannexation of t'lest Vail, imposed s'ingle famjly zoning without reference to employee units. Employee units were inadvertently left out of wording in Ordinance No. 26. Staff Recommendation: Approve 0rdinance No. 15, Series of 1989, on second reading. C. Ondinance No. 18, Series of 1989, second reading, concenning cable TV communications Action Requested of Council: Approve/deny 0rdinance @second reading. Background Rationa'l e: After a 'l engthy period of negoaiat'ian;nilreview by the Town Council, this ordjnance is now ready to be brought before the Council for final approval or denial . Correctjons from first reading have been made. Staff Recormendatjon: Approve Ordinance No. 18, Seriesffieadins. 0. 0rdinance No. 19, Series of 1989, second reading, granting a five year cable television franchise to Heri tage Cabl ev'i si on Action Requested of Council: Approve,/deny Ordinance No:lg; Series of 1989, on second reading. Background Rationa'l e: After review of the franchise ffi Counc'i 'l , the Town Attorney was directed to draft an ordinance granting a fjve year franchise to Heritage Cablevis'ion. Slaff Recon[endatio!.: Approve Ordinance No. 19, Series ffiading. E. 0rdinance No. 20, Seri es of 1989, second reading, concerning the issuance of 'l ocal improvement bonds for the Booth Creek Loca'l Improvement Distri ct Acti on Requested No. 15,Seri es of Larry Eskwith Project Application Date j. / 7'y7 Project Name: Proiect Description: --rt Owner. Address and Phone: .i1y F.N K di e contact person and "non" \, o n/" P,/" o ?4q'704-1 Legal Description: Lot Block Com menls: Architect, Address and Phone: \r.rrqNe PlleR riring l/n,i fi'1i,Ue /l t' ,2... Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: Dare J' l?'y1 DISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Planner r; ':) qo.Date: E statt Approval oo t I I{TER- DEPARTI'IENTAL REVI EI.I P?.OJECT: OATE SUEI4ITTED: ? . s. r1 COI",|4ENTS NEEDE0 By: AsAr ERIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: Conir,ents: DATE 0F PUBLiC.HEARING 'Zf!trj -:ry .lflVto-rStal flV Date POLICE DEPARTI4ENT 't:'i. ..: k*), tu,n-pa,'.t-)'L plan . bfl ,t /i' FIRE DEPP.RTI4ENT I-*Ag*ont avlprun) Reviewed by: Cornnents: Revier,red by: Connents: Reviewed by: Cw;ents: Date Da te ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE OIsTRICTS Block / Fl1ine UPI U;t/L A0ORESS: 2370 BaalL Cte.( -be-. -, - ntJNFR f{.' -.- ?rec HnOne0NNER Bieo.r R"se HnoneeiiCHtrecrfu -Phone ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE I nf qTTF Hei gh t Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear l,later Course Site coveran" Qof) LandscaPi ng Fence/Retaining'rlal I Heights Parki ng Credi ts: Garage Mechani ca I Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: SloPe Permitted Envi ronmenta I /Hazards : Al I or'red @)(33) 3V?O rso*@ 2i22*1fil. Le171 , 1519 "[]E-,d: t,]?71 20' 15' 15' ( 30) (50 ) b21t (3oo)(600) (eoo)(1200) (50)(loo) / rE \ / rn \ (2oo)(4oo) Prooosed 32',-3 a=rr^ 40L2,5 _ ao9.1 N/a 3zzs.t/ OK T'max. oK ,r- ,/ 6070 n;rt.T 5 ae'";*J 2o:-------<----_-;--(600\ ( lr/4 \ - \\ €r)(9a) 1as\ ("r,1 Slope Actual l7o G') Aval anche Flood Plain S'lope rlK l.letl ands Geologic Hazards OK Comments: Zoning: Approved/DisaPProved Oate: APPLICATION FOR ADDITIONAL GRFA FOR PROPERTIES iN EXCESS OF ALLOI,IABLE GRFA Date of Appl icatio Date of DRB Meetin PRE-APPL ICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with a member of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to discuss the provisions under which additional GRFA can be addedto a site. It should be understood that this ordinance does not assure each property an-additional 250-square feet of GRFA. Rather, the ordinance allows for gp tb 250 square feet if certain conditions are met. Applications for additions under this section wi'll not be accepted unless theyare.complete. This includes all information required on this iorm as well as- Design Review Board submittal requirements. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address non"-41b.:9h1h Legat Desription: Lot--L-Block-_--_|__Fit ins 0dA- UUJA4,0' lfl! zone District C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Address D. NAME OF Address NAr'rE 0F 0IJNER(S): e $ UUA- APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE: E. **Signature(s) Address F. Fil ing Fee of $100.00 is required at time of submittal The following information, in addition to DRB submittal requirements, shal'l be required with this submittal: l.' Verification that the unit has received a fina1 certificate of occupancy. 2. Names and mailing addresses of'radjacent property owners and of owners of units on the same lot. This information is available from the Eagle County Assessor's office. 3. Condominium association approval (if applicable). 4. Exi sti ng f'loor p'lan of structure. non"41b:jLT, G. Your proposal will be reviewed for compliance with Vail's Comprehensive Plan. NOTTCE IS HEREBY Town of Vail will hold 3:OO PU in the Town of PUBLIC NOTICE GIVEN that the Design Review Board of the a public hearing on Vail Municlpal Building. I Consideration of: A request for an additional 250 square feet of gross residenti.al floor area in order to constrrrct a prinary/secondary residence on: The applications and information about available in the zoning administrator,s office hours for public Lnspection. the proposals are office during regular TOWN OF VAIL COU}TUNIEY DEVEIPP}IENT DEPARtrI,TENT Published in the Vail rrall on July 14, 1989. SLt\f r.x{ qrl"l1 ' --b dJ Pq fu dn\uE ".--- RM( LW TI]||.IF{ {fF LJFI I I Itiscel laneous Cash s7-a6-89 11r4'l:?1 l! Eeceipt, S 827415 t?ccount * Lll{ S i;iF",? Fi PEE/I]F:f,HITEf, T5 '\IIFPLI [ffIIIJI.I FEE Fftouni tend,rred i lBg,BE Iten paid ErlEESB41336B6g tJh.:nge re't u rrred :: Amsfit paid 186. BE B. BF THJA}'.I}{ 1/{fLI DtrFMRTMtrNT @trtr@MMUNITV DEVtrt@PMENT XXXXXXX sALEs AcroN FoRM XXXXXXX TOTAL AMOUNT 01 0000 41330 COM. DEV. APPLICATION FEES ZONINO AND ADDRESS MAPS 01 0000 41540 01 0000 42+1s 1988 UNIFORII BUILDING CODE 1 0000 42415 1988 UNTFORM PLUIT,IBING CODE 1 0000 42+15 1988 UNTFORII MECHANICAL CODE 01 0000 4241s 1988 UNIFORM FIRE CODE 't 0000 42+15 1987 NAI]ONAL ErtrcTRtcAL CODE I 0000 42+15 OTHER CODE BOOKS 1 0000 41548 E PRINTS (Mn ARs) 01 0000 42+12 XEROX COPIES ./ SruOIES 1 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTION r 0000 +1322 OFF HOURS TNSPECTION FE= CoNTRACTORS UcElrsEs FEES 0t 0000 41330 0l 0000 41413 SIGN APPLICATION /-l 2" -a.it Project Applicatlon 5,3/,71 Protect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Blocr I , nring Vn;l l/;tlve ll t , 7on" R.' lylo x Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: p"gu Et€*-&lb.-. 6. q, tr1 DISAPPROVAL a l/7n Town b.7 11Date: E statt Approval i--e APPLICATION FCR ADDITIONAL GRFA FOR PROPERTIES IN EXCESS OF ALLOWABLE GRFA Date of Appl ication :711'e9 _ Date of DRB Meeting S/17l89 PRE-APPL ICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with a member of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to d'iscuss the provisions under which additiona'l GRFA can be addedto a site. It should be understood that this ordinance does not assure each property an additional 250 square feet of GRFA. Rather, the ordinance allo!,s for gg tb 250 square feet if certain conditions are met. Applicatr'ons for additions under this section wi'll not be accepted unless theyare.complete. This includes all jnformation required on this iorm as welI as-Design Review Board submittal requirements. A. PR0JECT DESCRIPTION: gln*le falqi.lv residence B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address 2880 Booth Creek Drive c. Lega'l Descri ption: Lot Bl ock FiI ing Zone District Duplex NAME OF APPLICANT: Address 1558-A D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Address NAr'rE 0F OWNER(S):on Rose and Sall Rose Signature(s ) Addres s Vail Va11e Dr. Vail F. Fil ing Fee uired at time of submittal The follow'ing information, in add.ition to DRB required with this submittal: l. Verification that the un.it has received 2. Names and mailing addresses of adjacentunits on the same 'lot. This information Assesso:'s office. hqns 476 3873 hone 949 7074 hone__-96_3873__ submittal requirements, shall be a fina'l certificate of occupancy. property owners and of owners ofis available from the Eagle County E. ** 3. Condominium assoc'iation approval (jf app1icable). 4. Existing fl oor plan of structure. Your proposal wilI be reviewed for compliance with Vi11a f $100.00 is G.Vai l 's Comprehensive Pl an. , ..t1 . ,RosE RESTDENCE I 2880 Boorh Creek Vai1, C0 Dr ive : APPLICATION FOR ADD]TIONAL GRFA ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS Lot 2, Block 1 Axel and Janie Wilhelursen 2960 Manns Ranck Rd.Vail, C0 81657 Lot 3, Block 1 RusseLl Pitto 250 Executive Park #3300 San Francisco, CA 94134 Kent and Rayma Rose 2905 Booth Creek Drive vei1, c0 81657 Lot 1, Block 2RGMInvestments,Ltd. Continental Investments Service 2420 Lrco Tower, 707 17rh. St. Denver, CO 8O2O2 Lot 16, Tract E resub. Robert and Sue OrConne1l 402 Pontiac State Building Pontiac, MI 48058 Lot 16, Tract E resub. John Byrne 5956 Sherry Lane #1810Dallas, TX 7520I Lot 17, Tract E resub. Mark and Marta Cadmus 281 Bridge St.Vail, CO 81657 Lot 17, Tract E resub. Frank and Joyce hliner 4305 S. Franklin St. Englewood, C0 80110 o BYRON ROSE 1558A Vail Valley Drive Vai l, Colorado AL657 Hay le, 1989 r"ir, Mir-:fia*l Mollca' Planner Department of Communlty Development Vai I , Coiorado Dear !1r tloI i ca, Our architect' Duane Piper' asked me to write you explalnlng the situation concerning our pendi n€t or'Y'nership.of the piopu.ty at Lot 1, Blocr 1" 11th fi I ing in Vai i ' I entered into a contract to purchase the above property in October, 1988 vtith Cherry Creek National Bank' wfio had foreclosed on the property. In late November" the Bank discovened that tnl lawyers had properly foreclosed on oniy naif of the duplex. Consequently, another foreciosure process was commenced in December, 1988' The fore-closure sale was heicl on Marcn 29, 1989 and cherry creek National Bank was the high bidder. We are now in the rniddle of the various redemPt ron-Ptriods which wiil expire at the end of June. when we witl purchase the ProPerty under the terms of our contract with the bank. In addition, v/e recently purchsed the Quit Claim Deed on the property. We are also owners of the last two (in terms of priority) Notes and DeeOs of Trugt on the ProPerty' Hence' we will be the owners of the property when the redemptron periods expire at the end of June' t hope this is helpful in uxplaining the situation. It you have any question' please call me at 476-3873. Thank you' SincereiY, %'t^ 4a*<---- MINNESOTA TIT|F l\ 5440 Ward Road Arvada, CO 80002 420-O241 3300 So. Parker Rd., Suite '105 Aurora, CO 8001 4 75t-4336 I 810 30th Streef Boulder, CO 80301 444,4101 200 North Ridge P. O. Box 2280 Breckenridge, CO 80424 4s3-22s5 512 Wilcox Castle Rock, CO 801 04 688-6363 2l 2 North Wahsatch Colorado Springs, CO 80903 634-4821 Gommitment To Insure lssued through the 0ffrce of: P. O. Box 5440 Denver, CO 8O2l 7 32t-t880 8E2l E. Hampden Suiie 100 Denver, CO 80231 750-4223 8333 Greenwood Boulevard Denver, CO 80221 427.9353 l20l Moin Avenue Durango, CO 8l 301 247-5860 7700 E. Arapahoe Rd. Su ite I 50 Englewood, CO 801 'l 2 770-9596 3600 So. Yosemite Denver, CO 80237 694-2A37 LAND TITLE GIARANTEE COIVFANY t08 South Frontage Road W. P.O. Box 357 Vail, CO 8l 658 476-2251 3030 S. College Avenue Suite 201 Fori Collins, CO 80525 182-901s 710 Kipling Street Lakewood, CO 80215 232.3r I I 3609 So. Wadsworth Suite I l5 lakewood, CO 80235 9I8-85 50 '| '1990 Grant Sireei Suite 220 Norlhglenn, CO 80233 452.0149 19590 Easl Main Slreei Parker, CO 801 34 841,4900 108 South Fronlage Road W. P.Q. Box 357 Vail, CO 81658 476-2251 LAI{D TITLE GUARANTEE COt\4PANY 289? ure! w t_.t- tuoleu0ts pazuoqlnv vrosrNNrw J0 ANVdnoc lSNVUnSNtil!l 'fuoleu6rs pozuoq e Jaqlo ro rarUJo burleprlen e Aq pauotslalunoc uaqM ptle^ aq ol'V alnpaqcs ur uMoqs alep aql uo sra3|go pazuoqlne A;np s1r Aq paxrge olunoJaq aq ol leas pue aueu alerodroc s]r posneg seLl elosouutW ]o Aueduo3 acuernsul elu lolulHM SSINIIM Nl 'lu ourlrullroJ srql Aq pol ano c uoar a q1 a6 e 6u oLu r o lsaralur ro ole$a aql a nleA roJ procar Jo saJtnboe patnsut pasodord aql alep aql ol roud tnq looJaq elep €Arlcaga aLll oi ]uonbosqns ourqcege lo sprocoJ crlqnd aq1 ur ourreaddp lsiU'pateaio 'Aue ]t 'slalteu lsqlo l0 sultelc aslanpe'socuelquncua'suatl 'slcala6 'g 'sprorar orlqnd aqt Iq unnoqs 1ou pue Msl Aq pasodurl 'paqsrurnJ rauearaq r0 arololalaql leueleu Jo Joqel 'salr^jas l0l'uar; e o11qbu ro 'uar; Auy '9 'spr0cal ctlqnd aql Aq uMotls lou aie qctqM pup asolsstp p;nonn sasruerd aqt Jo uo[cadsut pue laruns lJa]Jo3 e qctqM sltel Aue pue'sluauqoeorcuo 'eg-re ur ebeyoqs'sautl Alepunoq ut slJtlluoJ 'sercuedarcsr6 'g 'splocai crlqnd eql Aq uMoqs lou 'sluauasea ]o sultelJ lo 'sluaulasel 'Z 'sprocar crlqnd aql Aq uMoqs lou uotssassod ur seryed lo sutelJ lo slqbrg '1 rx.,r suorsnrrxr pue suorlelndrls pue suo,],puoo ,ur r, lJ,illl]3lt%itilifl$i;lt-iJJltlt'"tt srqr'0r parralor a^oqe a'ero^ol SNO d]CN OUVCNV1S lueur]rururo3 snll Jo suorsrlord aql o] ]cahns ate pue u0 paseq aqlsnu ]uau4ttttuo3 s1q1 ,tq paianor uoaraql a6e01.rou aq1 1o sn1els aq] Jo lsatelut to alelsa aql ol 3lu eql lo snlas aql l0 tno oursue lueduo3 aq]]sure6e 6uuq r{eul to aneq,{eu palnsul pasodotd aql }eql uorloe 1oslqbu to suorpe to uoqce Auy p 'ur eq parlrpour Alssaldxa se ]dacx€ luaLu]lt-ulxo3 stq1lo led e apeu pue acuaralar Aq paterodioJur ,{qaraq are q3rq/v\ parnsul pasodotd aq1 1o tone} ul lol paUtujritoc setgtlod .to Acllod ,to Lulol aq 1o aoeta 03 trlo4 suolsnlcxa aql pue suortelndrls pue suorlrpuo3 aqo pue suorsrirord nuunsur aq1 ol pafqns sr iylrqer; qrns pue rol pa]ttluloc satctlod lo fullod sqt lol V alnpeqcs ut palels lunoure aq1 paecxe ,^}|llqer1 qcns lleqs ]ua^a ou ul luau]ruruJm stql ,tq pataroc uoaaql abeoyout to patelur to aleNa aql apals l0 allnbrp 0] (c)l0 'B alnpaqos ut umoqs suotldecxa aleurulrla o] (q)ro loaraq sluauerrnbar eql qlr^ llduloc ol {e) $re1 poo6 ur burleyapun ul u0a]aq aruetlat ut pallntut ssol ;enlre roy ,41u0 pue r0l pauru.IxoJ sarrrlod ro i{orlod 1o r!.ro} or]} ut patnsul }o uot}tulJop aq}japun papnlcut satued qcns pueparnsul pasodord pauleu aqt ot l;uo aq lleqs luaui]tLlulo3 srq] tapun,{ueduo3 aq1 1o ,,lgr1rqer1 g 'suorp1nd45 pue suotltpuoJ asaq 1o g qdetOered q luenslnd paltncul ,{;snotnaldr{1t;tqet;uol}^uedu]o3aq}a^a|l€.lloU||eqs1uaulpuau,]eq3nslnq,{16utplocoe1uau1ttlll'JoJS|ql}oBa1npaqr5puauet\errruodos111eAueduq aq}1aueul0q]0]0u|e|cas]0^pe,e3ue]qun3ug,ual|'l3aFpqcns^Ue;oe6pa1,uou1;enpesettnbceastraqor1ueduqaqt1tlo,Iueduo3aq1o1a6pa1l'irou qrns asollslp lleqs palnsul pesodold aq1 11 .o0p€p10u)i qcns ssolosrp os ol psrnsul pasodord eq1 1o arn|e+ iq pacrpnfald sr ifueduo3 eq luaua aq] q uoataq aruellal 1o pe ,4ue uo4 burt;nsat aoeuep to ssol Aue ro1frltqer; ur04 pa^arlar aq 1leqs ,{ueduro3 aq} '6ur}uM ur AuedLu4 ar{ o1 aopaltroul qcns asolJstp o] llej lleqs pue Joalaq B alnpaqJs ul uMoqs asoql ueql raqlo luaulru.ruroJ srql riq paranor uoaraql aDeououj Jo Nalalur rO aleiSa eq outlte#e tanpul taqlo lO uJrelJ asralpe 'acuelqunlua 'uatl ']ra]ap liue l0 abpalmoul ;enlre satrnbre to seq palnsul pasodord aq1 11 .7 'luaunrlsur funcas raqlo ro 'paop ]sru] Jsnl] lo paap apnlcut lleqs 'utoJaq pesn uaqrvr ',,aOeOpoul,, t-ulal aql ! SNOI.LilNdIIS CNV SNOIIIONOS 1ue0ur03 aql J0 ]lnel aql lou sr sar3rl00 r0 r{crlod qons anss! o] arnpe] aql leq] paprmtd 'unmo 6tr1 la sqlqm'ansst lleqs loJ pauululoo sarcrlod to mrl0d aql uaqM r0 l0araq atep aArlcaga aql JsUe sqU0u xts aleutuxal pue aseao lleqs lapunalaq suorle6rlqo puP ^]!lnell llB pue muetnsut alltt l0 ssrcrlod t0 licllod Wns Jo acupnssr eq1 ol fueurullerd st U0ulllu.truoO sltll 'luaurasropua luanbasqns iq lo ]uaulltulruo3 stql ]o osuensst aq] ]o aur[ aq] le Jaqlro ^upduo3 aql Aq pataq V alnpaqos ul po]tasut uaaq aleq to1 paptuluroc satctqod ro ,lrrlod aW l0 lunouP aql pue palnsul pasodud oql l0 Atluapt aqt uaqrvr r{;uo a^rFage gq lleqs }u€ur}rrxrxoC srql loelaq suorlelndrts pue suortrpuoS aqt o] pue B pue v salnpaqss p suorsnord aql ol polqns lle :loleraql saoreqc pue suntulald aql ro luau^ed uodn 'v alnpoqcs ut ol patalal ro paqucsap puel aq1 ur Aqataq parercc lsatalur r0 atelss aql Jo ae0eOlloul Lo taumo se 'V alnpaqos ut pauleu palnsul pasodord aq 1o to,rel ut .V alnpaqos ur psrlrluapr se 'aouelnsut alltl l0 sotctlod Jo lllod s1r anssr o1 slruuo: ,tqaaq ,u0tleleprsum alqenleA elol ' ueduloC aql paller utaiaq 'uoqerodror eloseuurl,\ e,il6slNNlt J0 INVdf\63IJNVU1SNI llll1 nau 016 [-]uau][xuroJ vllv 4{,W#,'*W\A V'r,,. enueAv pu@es 0u ernsq ol$toutlluiluo3 VIOS]NNIW ALTafcoulrrrMENT SCHEDULE A Application No. V12755-5 For Information Only - Charges - ALTA Oh'ner Policy gZ11.O0 Alta Lender Policy g5O.OO $10. ooTaxcertit:-*otol-- g7z1.oo With your renittance please refer to V12755-5. 1. Effectlve Date: Uay 18, 1989 at g:OO A.t!. 2. Policies to be issued, and proposed Insured: ItAL,TArr Ownersrs policy $22s,ooo.OoFoln B-197O (Anended t0-12-20) Proposed InEured: BVRON ROSE rrALTAil Loan Policy (1970 Revision) Proposed fnsured: CHERRY CPEEK NATIONAL BANK s200, ooo. oo 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to inthis Connitnent and covered herein is: A Fee Sinple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered hereln is at theeffective date hereof vested in; CHERRY CREEK NATTONAL BANK, AS TO PARCEL A AND SARAH K. ROSE AS TO PARCEL B 5. The land referred to in this Commitnent is described asfo]lows: ts#t|IL€*r IoT l_, BIOCK 1, VArL VILLAGE, ELEVENTH FILING, PAGE 1 ALTfcoMr.{rrt4ENT SCHEDUIA A Application No. V1,2?55-5 ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PL,AT TBEREOF, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COIORADO, DESCRIBED AS FOLIOWS: PARCEL A: BEGINNING AT A POIN? WHENCE TH8 NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID I-,OT 1 BEARS NORTH 21 DEGREES 42 MINUTES 40 SECONDS WEST 55.11 FEET DISTANT, THENCE SOUTH 32 DEGREES 20 MTNUTES 28 SECONDS EAST32.20 FEET' THENCE SOUTH 57 DEGREES 39 MrNU:r8S 32 SECONDS WEST 4O.OO FEET' THENCE NORTH 32 DEGREES 20 !llINUTES 28 SECONDS WEST32.30 FEET' THENCE NORTH 57 DEGREES 39 I.TINUTES 32 SECONDS EAST 4O.OO FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL B: BAGINNTNG AT A POINT WHENCE THE NORTHV'EST CORNER OF SAID IOT 1 BEARS NORTII 2I. DEGREES 42 MTNUTES 40 SECONDS IfEST 55.11 FEET DISTANT, IHENCE SOUTH 32 DEGREES 20 rI{INUTES 29 SECoNDS EAST32.20 FEET' THENCE NORTH 57 DEGREES 39 I{INUTES 32 SECONDS EAST32.30 FEET' TIIENCE NORTII 32 DEGREES 20 MINUTES 28 SECONDS T{EST40.30 FE8T, THENCE SOUTH 57 DEGREES 39 MINUTES 32 SECONDS WEST32.20 FEET' TITENCE SOUTH 32 DEGREES 20 MrNuTEs 28 sEcoNDs EAST 8.OO FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. EACH TOGETHER WITH AN UNDIVIDED ONE-HALF TNTEREST TN AND TO ALIJ OA IOI 1, BIOCK 1, VAIL VTLIAGE ELEVENTH FILING EXCEPT PARCEL A AND PARCEL B ABOVE. PAGE A L T Ao" o M M r T U E N T SCHEDUI-,E B-]- (Requirements)Application No.vL27s5-5 The following are the requirements to be compJ.ied with: L- Paynent to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors ofthe full consideration for the estate or interest to beinsured. 2. Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to beinsured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: 3. PUBLTC TRUSTEES DEED TSSUED TO CHERRY CREEK NAIIONAL BANK PURSUANI TOCERTIFICATE OF PURCHASE RECoRDED March 29, 1989, rN BOOK so3 AT pAcE 97. CERTIFICATE OF SATISFACUON ISSUED BY THE CLERK OF T'NITED STATES DISTRICTCOURT OF JuDGI'ISNT IN FAvoR OF REPUBTIC PARK ASSoCIATES AGAINST I{ILLIA}IH. wAltr,, JR. ET AL IN THE AMoUNT oF $962,999.85 pLUs couRT cosTs ENTERED oNoctober 20, 1986, TRANSCRTPT oF I{HrcH wAs RECoRDED December 10, 19g6, rNBOOK 453 AT PAGE 8o4, CIVIL ACTION No. 85-A-815, UNITED STATES DISTRICTCOI'RT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF DENVER, COI.oRADO. CERTTFTCATE OF SATTSFACTION ISSUED BY THE CI.,ERK OF UNITED STATES DISTRICTCOURT OF JUDGI'IENT IN I'AVOR OF BANK OF OKL,AHOMA, OKIAHOITTA CfTy, N.A. AGAINSTIrlllAll H. WALL, JR. ET AL rN THE AlroUNT oF $5,ooo,ooo.oo pLUs couRT cosrs TITERE! ON JuIy 07, L987, TR.ANSCRIPT OF WHIcH WAS RECORDED Neveniber 30,L987 ' IN BooK 474 AT PAGE 8?6, crvrl AcTIoN No. 8?-J-92, IjNITED sBATEsDISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR TH8 COUNTY OF DENVER, COIORADO. RETTEASE oF DEED oF TRUsr DATED Novenber 20, ],g}7, FROM wrLLrN,I H. WALL,JR. To THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE oF EAGLE colrlfrY FoR THi usE oF JoHN Trl,torry ilynxrTO SECI'RE THE St'}t OF $75,OOO.OO RECORDED Decenber 11, Lg87, rN BOOK 475 ATPAGE 507. SAID DEED OF TRUST YIAS ASSIGNED TO BYRON ROSE IN ASSIGNI.IENT RECORDED UayL9, 1989, IN BOOK 506 AT PAGE 684. 4. 5, 6. 06, FOR THE 7.REI.,EASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED }Tay THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COT'NTI oTDoRISIO & RAPSON, P.C. TO SECURE1988, IN BOOK 483 AT PAGE 765. 1988, FROM WILTJTAU H. WALL, JR, TO THE USE OF ROBINSON, WATERS, SttU OF $75,000.00 RECORDED llay LE, SAID DEED OF TRUST wAS ASSIGNED To BYRON ROSE IN ASSIGNMENT RECORDED MayL9, 1989, IN BOOK 506 AT PAGE 685. PAGE ALTafcoMMTTMENT SCHEDULE B-1 (Reguirenents) epplication No. V12755,5 (ITEMS 3 THROUGH 7 AFFECT PARCEI_, B) 8. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO TIIE COMPANY THAT THE TERI'{S, CONDfTIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VATL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 9. WARRANTY DEED FROM CHERRY CREEK NATIONAL BANK TO BYRON ROSE CONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. 1,0. DEED OF TRUST FRO}! BYRON ROSE TO THE PUBLTC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THEUSE OF CHERRY CREEK NATIONAL BANK TO SECURE TIIE ST,'I,I OF $2OO,OOO.OO. THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETURN ADDRESSES ON DOCI'T.IENTS SENT FOR RECORDING! ! PAGE 4 ALrol"oMMrrMENr a SCHEDUI.,,E B-2 (Exceptlons) Apptication No. V12755-5 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to thefolLowing unlesa the sane are disposed of to the satilfaction ofthe Company: 1. Standard Exceptions 1 through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 5. Taxes and assessrnents not yet due or payable and specialassessments not yet certified to the Treasurerrs office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessrnents against said land. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR IJODE TO EXTR.ACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROil SHOUL,D THE sAltE BE FOUND To PENETRATE oR TNTERSECT THE PREMISESAS RESERVED fN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED May 06, l-9O5, fN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 273. IO. RIGHT OF WAY I'OR DITCHES OR CANAI,S CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE IINITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED May 06, 1905, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 273. 11. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS, YIHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTERCIAUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTRICTTONS, IF ANy, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN fNSTRttl{ENf RECORDED iluly 26, 1971, fN BOOK 221 AT PAGE 14O AND AS AI'fENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED Uay 05, 1977, rN BOOK 254 AT PAGE 865. 12. DRAINAGE A}TD UTILITY EASEIIENT 10 FEET IN WIDTH AIONG THE SOUTH AND WEST IOTLIfES OF SUA]ECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PI,AT OF VAIL VILI,AGE, ELEVENTH FILING. 13. TERMS' CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF PARTY WALL Al{D COI.{UON AREA AGREEMENT RECORDED January 06, 1981 IN BOOK 31S AT PAGE 934. 14. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF AGREEITENT RECORDED May 2O, 1980 IN BOOK303 AT PAGE 86. ITEI.fS 1, 2 AND 3 OF THE STANDARD EXCEPTIONS ARE HEREBY DELETED FROT'I THE OI{NERTS TITLE PoLfCy WHEN ISSUED. ITEM 4 WILL BE DELETED UPON RECEIPT OF A SATISTACTORY LIEN AFFIDAVIT. TTEM 5 WILL EE DELETED IF THE COilPA}{Y RECORDSTHE ITEI'IS REQUTRED UNDER SCHEDULE B.1 HERE-IN. ITEMS 5 A}ID 7 WILL BE N,TENDED TO RETI.ECT THE IAX STATUS AT THE TI}TE OF POIJICY. ITEM #8 WII,I,, BE DELETBD UPON RECEIPT Or SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE TIIAT NO WATER AND SEWER CHARGES ARE O}IING. PAGE 5 I , ,-,)I .'' 1.,| {r n***THIS APPLICATIoN APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF DRB DRB APPLICATION / NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS MEETIIiG: l,lILL I. PRE-APPLICATION MEEIING: ..'' l': " A ore-appllcation meeting wlth'; planning'staff member'ls strongly suggested to e"i;*i;i'ii-ini-uaaitional lnforiration is needed.. No appllcation will_!e.19ceg!e{ uni"ri ii is iofrptete (must include all ltems required.by the-zoning administrator). ii ii-ttr" ippiicint's iesponsibility to make an appointnent.with the staff to find out iUout ahaitionat submitta'l requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE gPPlica- :: iion wiif streamtine the approval process for your proigg! by decreasing the number ji-lonaitions-of approval that the'DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of apprcval must be resolved before-i Uuitatng permit is lssued. " A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 2r8o Address Legal Description Lot Zoning C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Address MME OF Address NAME OF Si gnature B. LOCATION OF PROPOS Address F. DRB FEE: VALUATION 3. People who fai'l meeting and who republ i shed. APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE : B'lock Filing D. E The fee wi'l'l be paid at FEE $ 10.00 $ 2s.00 $ 5o.oo$1oo.oo !.$200.00 $3oo.o0 the time $ o-$ 1o'ooo $1o,oo1 -$ 5o,ooo $:.50,001 - $ 150'ooo $150,001 - $ .500,000 $5oo,oo1 - $1,ooo,ooo$ Over $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO.THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requiremdnts, the_applicant must stake the site shoutd also be inirila. ihis wort must be completed before the DRB visits the . si te. Z. The review pro""r, for'NElt BUILDINGS wi'll normally invo'lve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at'least two meet'i ngs for their.approval . to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled have'irot asked for a postponement will be required to be terephone.$Wbl, tel ephone terephone /76-3P73 building permit is requested. OI,INERS: The fo1 lowing items no longer have to be. presented iii"v,-nor"uei, have to be presented to the Zoning . -t--. .r.-t.r -ff!r . !' 'l:.-ii[. -,ii {r ""","''t-tito the Design Review Board. : Administrator for apProval; '4. 5. a. Windows, skylights and simi'lar exterior changes that do not alter the existing pline-of the building; and b. Building additions that are not viewed !|o! ?ny other ]ot or public space' ili;h '#";-n"o r"ite"i-suLtniltea from adiojning propertv owner! approving lhe addition; unO/o" ipp"ouui from the agent for, or manager of a condomjnium associ ati on . You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies check with a Town Planner before pmceeding- ....' on your property. You shouid LIST OF MATERIALS IttF'.'5'![RiFfla* ' il6 SllEFI'i?3ft'31" "tto The following Board before A. EUILDING Roof information is required for submittal a final approval can be fiven: MTERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL by the aPPIicant to the Oesign Review COLOR Fasci a Soffi ts l,|indows hlindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Fl ues Fl ash'ings Chimneys Si di ng 0ther l,la'l 'l Materi a'l s Rails PLANT MTERIALS: PROPOSED TREES tAJt'tTe tr.l$rta Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Des i gner: Phone: Botanical Name Cormon Name Ouani ty Si ze* EXrSrING_TREES ro PrF)gBE REMOVED *lndicate caliper Indicate helght for cohifers. ' (over) for deciducious trees. j ptffit I,IATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS Botanical Name Corrnon Name Quani tv ...: EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS t Type Souare Footaqe s0D SEED c. TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL 0THER'LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. lr DATE: LEGAL ADDRESS: OI.INER ARCHITECT ZONE DI PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE z??o ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS (30)@ ATt"t thti,6 13+ Hei ght TotAI GRFA Primary GRFA SecondarY GRFA Setbacks: Front Si des Rear Water Course S'ite Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Retaining','lal I He'ights Parki ng Credi ts: Garage Mechani cal Ai ri ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: SloPe Permitted Envi ronmental /Hazards : Pioposed l"rllv r_ /tt tbl Vr _o3*? ---T-- Qn €a 2e o60 o Filins [IU. lld!", - Al'lowed 20' 15' 15' (30)(so) ( 3oo ) (600 ) (soo)(1200) (so) (too) (25)(so) (2oo)(4oo) Slope Actua, l?" Avalanche tJ0ht,€ Flood Plain Sl ope lletl ands Geol og i c Hazards Comrnents: Zoning: Approved/DisaPPioved Date: )tatt 5lgnature t ., r UTI1ITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION LOT I BLocK-l-FrLrNG tU. I l@ JOB NA}IE ADDRESS 28td The location of must be aPProved slte plan. uti1ltles, whether they be ualn trunk llnes and verified by the following utilities for or proposed lines n the accompanying Authorized Slqnature Dat e Mountain Be11 468-6500 Western SloPe Gas Co. t 800 922-1987 llarry Moyes Public Service ComPanY 949 -57 8L Gary lla11 Holy Cross Electirc Assoc. 949-5892 Ted ttusky/Michael LaverEY Ileritage Cablevision T.V. 94 9-5 5 30 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Va11ey Water & Sanitation Distrlct 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee tdg- pggrOgire i W Ufrur-f \gl DVfr l.JGz_r__ NOTE: these verifj.cations do not relieve Ehe cootraclor of his responstbility to obcain a street cuc permlt frou Ehe Town of Vall, Department of Public i'lorks and co obtain utllicy locacions before digglng in any public righc- of-way or easement 1n che Tosn of Vai1. A buildi.ng pernit is not a streeE cut permit. A street cut PermiC must be obtained seParately. This foru ls co verify servtce avallabillty and locatlon. This should be used in conjunctlon wlth pieparing your utilLty plan and scheduling lnstallatlons. a *(Please bring a slce plan when obtalning Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitatlon slgnatures) I PUBLTC NOTTCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that the Design Review Board of the Town of Vail wilt hold a public hearing on May 31, 1989 at 2:oo PM in the Town of VaiI Municipal Building. Consideration of: A request for an additional 250 square feet of grosE residential floor area in order to construct additions on: A. A residence on Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Valley First Addition.Applicant: Phil Hoversten B. Units 25 and 26, Vail Village Plaza Condominl-ums.Applicant: Alexander Rojas D. E. A residenceFiIlng. Applicant: A residence Applicant: on Iot 3, Block 2, Vail Village Eleventh l.lr. and urs. Alex Sarratt II on Lot 4, Potato PatchJavier Velasquez The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator,s office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL CO!,IMUNITY DEVEIOPMENT DEPARTIIENT Published in the Vail Trail on May 12, 1989. *"-f d*+ h oP) pyry*\ 6w ne-6 s!;[& y t i -rouht tfF LrFrr_ l,liscel l.an€ous Cssh B5- r E-89 R*c*ipt. * A?4927 tlc'::ouni fl EK FI PEF]/gRCHi TECTs Flm,fun,t tende red Iter peid B1 BgflE41 f,JEII3BE *l-r,ange re l.u rned :i # J.7?€, \HFPLIl::ftl I||I.I FEES') lBs. r.ll3 Hnoun i Faid I ES. 0S E. EIff THSlh.rl< \r'(f|-r Io DtrFHRTMtrNT @tr EEInIffiUNITV DTVELEFffiENT XXXXXXX sALEs AcroN FoRM XXXXXXX 01 0000 41330 COM. DEV. APPLICA1ION FEES 1 0000 41540 zoNtNG AND ADDRESS MAPS 1988 UNIFORII BUILDING CODE01 0000 42415 01 0000 42+15 1988 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE 1 0000 42415 1988 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE 01 0000 42415 1988 UNIFORM FIRE CODE 1 0000 4241s 1987 NA]IONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 1 0000 42415 OfiER CODE BOOKS 1 0000 4.t548 LUE PRINTS (M'il-ARs) 01 0000 42412 xERox coptEs ,/ sruotes 't 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTION 1 0000 41322 OFF HOURS TNSPECIION FEE CONIRACTORS UCENSES FEES 1 0000 41330 0t 0000 41413 .SIGN APPLICATION 1}* rnsPEcuoN's coMPLETSD The ltens belor need to be eouplete before gtvtng a penlt a flnal C of O. Please check off in tbe box provlded. FINAL PLI'M3ING DATE! l tl FINAL }IECHANICAL DATE: IilPROVEMENT SURVEY RESID. NAI.IE: DATE: SAST SIDE:}TEST SIDE:FINAL BUILDINC tr n DATE: TEMPORARY C OF O Itr I A-/ CERTIFICATE OF OCCT'PAI{CY I I LAI{DSCAPING DITE DATE: FILE NA}18: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUETT TOWN OF VAIL DATE INSPECTION: l JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WEDREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: q FoorrNGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING c]ROUGj-I / WATER - ROOF & SHEEF " PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr n GAS PIPING T] INSULATION POOL i H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: C] HEATING tr tr n ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL OVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR nffisroe PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE TOWN OF VAIL 0'ta 'a&r READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTIO tArEn "lfflo JOB NAME CALLER ,ffi*P BUlLDING:PLUMBING: tr ilu D tr tr q o FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD tthtt-tttC tr GAS PIPING INSULATION -tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH .tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL -tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPFROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED tNs t PE _qr!oN_ neoue\r TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAMEDATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED I THUR FRI AM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUiilBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL - T] FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED -,,'O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR Iffisr,op T NUMBER OF PROJECT tNs t PE 9_T|.ON_ REOUE'qr TOWN OF VAILPERMI DATE - JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES THUR FRIMON AM PM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI O FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGBOUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATER tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION T] POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr D O FINAL C] FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL .d APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED t: .f DATE INSPECTOR ; INSPECTION REOUEbT TOWN OF VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR E FINAL O FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE PERM DATE v\ra4. - v-\v-\{.,., INSPECTION REOUESTrr NUMBER/oF pRoJEcr iowtL oF vAlL a 1\.t It ttar v-{ e-r' ^'@a WED /THUR ) FRI r t ,z> \- -'-'v'l \---- CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NA|LING O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL LJ- tr FINAL. ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr D FINAL N FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ,*#"toN TOWN OF REQUESTVAIL 't IJoB NAME __ Es,,ru 1lLrrtr',Er.ll.€DATE READY FOR LOCATION: f.t^""*tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRdD CORRECTIONS: t"-t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEE_tr ROUGH / D.W.V. (nouc" / wArER /_\_.- O FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL D tr trtr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL:MEGHANICAL: TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr o tr D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR rrNnl tr tr FINAL UAIE INSPECTOR i..ir11 |'\1 ' REQUESTVAIL \ i ,*ril"toNTOWN OF DATE READY FOR LOCATION: N: Il JOB NAME CALLER MO TUESINSPECTLO /1, PERMIT NUM ER OF PROJECT THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER -vrooF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING B INSULATION D POOI / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr E] FINAL D FINAL tr DISAPPROVED '. tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR mFs'*rp .t " . ,,1,-19 \ r,*'..'I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT il INSPE CTIONTOWN OF REQUESTVAIL \ t DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER MON TUESi\ s\ THUR FRI BU!LDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL; E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT B SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPBOVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR 4o1,L I PERMIT NUMB ,OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION: TOWN OF VAIL htDJOB NAME MON WED THUR 4,-+ CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETBOCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: tr HEATING Z/- Cra* -'-{- ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL O DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED t 1r-Q-oarc /- dlb'f a tNSPEcroR *iftsgo" REQUESTVAIL I t CALLER a READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION:-------@ PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATIQ{ / STEEL O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING -Kcns PIPING 5b /J7- tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB f] SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT B SUPPLY AIR tr O FINAL tr FINAL tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDtr DISAPPROVED{neenoveo CORRECTIONS:y'-- ?n-. INSPECTOR '0Y 1-- 'z-/ s- f f u ,ou ,*#"roN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL \ 't. NAME DJ "C--/DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION:MON t'trl WED THUR FRIL a.-n-^-- PM PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEE- PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W,V. O ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB rr_ n O FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - r't O FINAL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O INSULATION C"QNDUIT tr FINAL {sneernocK NAIL W FINAL tr tr ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER tr tr tr FOUGH flneenoveo fI DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIO INSPECTOR PERMIT NUM DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR TNSPECTTOi\|;:..TUES -INSPE \.THUB FRI CTION REQUESTiowu oF vArL \ t -LJ\ WED.AM LOCATION:.\ ER OF PBOJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER "-PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING NSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED RRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED EI REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR + 404? ; PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oot, e f tq f qo JoB NAME /^ n I r-, , /'l -.\-r,/,,.1 (At.l,., o - (lt F 1n. h^'rOALLER 'rr\/ ruES wgp.z I'HUR FRt _ AM P_14 .i, -IrNsPEcrloN REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL .r READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMB!NG: D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - BOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL n o tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr n ROUGH B n n EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR #.r,*o.-D FINAL ,flneenoveo .---. CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED niffisr,o" DATE f* /r'- Z'INSPECTOR rnsilctoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL r.PERMIT NUMBER OF DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: -t.', -. / :,.,-1,AM -{O PM BUILDING: PLUMBING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND --- tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING E ROUGH / WATER Rnntr ,Q, qll trtrFlrr "-' D GAS PIPING" PLYWOOD NAILING N INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL D f1 /t- / "t'- ,. /'l / {rrnrnr lfNl , u/O o FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - n r-l tr FINAL tr FINAL p neenoveo CORRECTIONS: CI DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED THUR ,, FRI 11-i 0 ,)-\DArE I I l- /(-) INSPECTOR .tll It '' i ,' l' ,*ril"toN I REOUESTVAIL rr i , ."+, Lla4> PERMIT NUM DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUEStaLUI FRI r NUMqER O[ PROJECT . TOWN OF VAIL .ri slts Ie) JoB NAME \cK Arsi ctc ^a n Skv'e - ..!cW,rf{<r fov'j}- INSPECTION: tr APPROVED tr DISAPFROVED REQUIBED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. -tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ,i ROOF & SHEE" PLYWOOD NA tr INSULATION ILING tr GAS PIPING D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL FINAL erEctnrclu ' . .$\ tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR REINSPECTION CQRREOIIONS: 5-t1-7c INSPECTOR niFsrr"p Tt PECTION REQUEETTowtl oF vAlL j", *ri INS L_; _,",- - AM CALLER TUES WED . (11 PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT ,a/' r I ^ .-.'--DArE / dF\ JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ' , r" "*"rF BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL /'\ AFINAL \'. Lr. trFrNAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER D HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR D FINAL )qeenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR niiisrr,rP T0wr{ 0F vAtL EIIJILDII\IG PEFIMIT TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AB€A FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVERED ELECTRICAL OATE OF APPLICATION //. '/-2, 19 NEw() ALTEBATION Oi\ADDITION ( I REPAIR { ) USE OF BUI LDING HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PARKING MAIL ADDRESS NO. OF STOH| €S OFF ST. LOADI NG NO. OF LIVING UNITS SO. FT. COMMEBCIAL R ELEC ( IUNIT() LOT / BTK ./ FI LING COVERING INT, WALLS 'r. TYPE OF CONSTBUCTTON I r Ir rV Q 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B C D E F G Df vfsf oN 12 3 4 BUILDING PERMIT SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FEES FIRE SPRINKLERS DRY STANDPIPE ELECTRICAL COMB. STANDPIPE CLEAN UP DEPOSIT RAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK AREA SEPARATION OCCUPANCY SEPARATION SPECIAL INSPECTOR p':('Tg BEAD THrs AppLrcATroN AND srArE rHAT THE il C ' - \" ABovE Is coRREcr AND AGREE To coMPLY l<"^1 '>J/') IwlTH ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE LAWS RECARDINC BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRAC TOR t DATE OT MEMBERS MEETING: PRESENT: DESIGN REVIEW BOARD December 8,1977 Bill Ruoff Lou Parker Ron Todd Abe Shapiro Walters/lfal1 Duplex-I{indow Alterations SUBJECT: Lot ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: , BLOCK lrorroN: -3t4Aflpo SECoNDED BY: VOTE: FOR:AGAINST: ABSTENTION: APPROVED: DISAPPBOVED: , FILING V'V'11th SUIIIIIIARY: I .l !, $ E ttF.rrP.2 ",9t > O!,n<rtr.t l*r6(Dvtrj'ooi: FhJo P:vo o t^!, ao oorral ]i1 Po tsi' i!L < H}..o rr = lJ o G rpP.or]Pg:rll o J=oatt ir J6:J o nt i^r F.t,rt i.r- 6 ito.. fi, n on n r1 63 i.q c'a i i,-i'; iJ o aj O rr oFn(|l A'r.Zp(r rnO |-T:zt ta d'-r.,.6qt -P. l-.i) rr:ll ..]tp.. aJ Bsoo O P.OOFnQ VQ7ajoA, q(caAH(i<!! c dd< O- - : o 6, F o co :t - P I o (J ie o o o l,.c :: ;4 1.. tc!L1 i f ajB:nrr P rti'r9rf crO I P a an r.rsJt d X+-n... V6 -rrb p.!J,4 ad;:.: jt, F:'bi oic H.; o,:si; o Ooi .oo :ir,.oDiE o-;C6ftrpr'ii O !oo.i = (rO c)t POfo .iYdur. oooq oop FlE €-ij.-ttr.yc,*a o- n?rlr:-J- o F.FJ.t.r..rd \5 FnO r-- ooo ?h:orrryr'1 -nOxC<(qHrf I h.rr.in i1 - . t.:c j -lvJ= - P.:Jt- -C'=:l ijdHr L'l r+ 471taitiri o r':=o Fl ==.J - dooi\ r..\t =..f"|Jo a I o(r '+'i_ - -o i-.4 .i).-? <crr.iEc,> t = '\r-.r\i Po.r 5 cFn.tcPOCFn-O >.r - lJ r;oir i: !- ),ti a...t o<to :r)o :o Fn:f ro :5 \ca i_:no lcin !t orjf. 3i .; ; |,.o - trra rroo oo rioc-.o a o = t-Yl-e? !r_C|,,O<|- : j tn:-. r-t:1 too ijrr 7iP..j I F.F.r('rr o=O:)!t od6 F-. D F-pi.ar:3 ; .l!- r,-il c < trri!: :. l/1 O ,J+5 -. c.:' r, fi'J Ft iiO=1p<=- ic .l -o- d oo -n "!:'t :t.t.J -ooYf .o Ffr di 'i eci;r--p. i i:r:-.- i-. Q a '\5.:.,Lr ,ra1 N.'-(r H P, arc\ O ots' F' =.J=') t). iP.h Oa= ;!F -.-{^st ooul''O5Oo:toc r,O.+h gl irP I{ott\adF! €.r;- ;-.95it :j:' o. o o i -; !:, a o t . .u : O 'rr o i ; ? Y : It' r.t o:: o:rc.ro i.r i-. d- -i:F : rJ{;.!o -o 03 rn'\J cr ori q? l:t-. rr- o o.i o !. .i -j O F.L J.J..\ro -o^::t !t o.r = i'1.ryFJFr:i ": Lr ':ll< !pal t.1- (t FJ5 r5{i'::t i= - c ',- Noil'rar o :icH<P i ]rl-r !!.. 1,. l'1 P. D- Hr r,JC::oO Ll O Cr.r! .-: Pr - i' :! '! P. Hr !i .!'P'r'l a 7') :--li qri'!| tstJp-:i c :jc,-trc1 o - jc,o?:., rr- o clo (,6rlJ al aj5 = l'r a (act l:r f.oc,otls->c,op5 7a i-i. .-r:n o:: 3 o o:.3oa,llocil ! -' (al-' il-t<a- o>a -'i.-!n:r o -'i GrLrFi.t rJ^!q Hrr .o. oo /:i '1'rr.r r: i" cn Ci !'ar i)t3:, Fl.ra,.: < ilo.+ a) li-. o -.ePP ;'.0<' '' cl'J P' '):" aF'O j ,- =aar t-. ,-)a:,- a) 32,r: OC rt' Y: -'p.1, i-- - 5an it :9riLJ-Ji, 01) .-, a.+(, Ci1 :ts:t: nL: ,tf: ,a5 O=.- v.- t: a a\.7Ju- t:D€'-\Jr, lj ur ::i -.-, -c,!ro5,. -- ti -lr F.l:. c a.aG7 :o(.-. 11 n i io) ir.\5o:) -r,r.1 (JC '-oa -c. t='r'r:i ,: - li.-:O O atl, try.t lJ tr:t rl- O Fl 5 .. 5 PN -Ftd .l i, cC ctr (J- C ;! l< Oii - i-.:, r- _.j:'?. O;.'.,Etr t P-L'clo \ ^,:! \,:': cor!t-' uOi -o 1)! Cl= qc.c.e7 4- \ -t i-. 'rr .'. -:r C J c>D'i :'.ni\'., i: oP.r: a.' :.. - '.'id'=H .,O tfl.! :a32\\'iEv=i9 r:'L'!.31 --,"i.-,,,=3- =33?n=.--3?';.-lr,?o ,-: 5,j I|it (A -- =rt .t O', P-c -rha.'i 'ti = :1'::-Ff i?!P! I :1 , i:(qth.O:iO:iDO !:'tOarrj -r :O (:.u1-. P-O t F.F:\)O -J3+:,il :,o :t-l - 'r . al-:tit-orr !a +ji!.ir . i-.-c|\J 0\6 i) Lr otc '>\.rv 1': -'"1 . =, 1 1P ::)rl. !r j e p:i..ir fJ. Fi rcti-. c..i!acr= :Fn!- oco i711 E, i1 a .l:r i) >J9t4 a.iio- f| cP..?Oi() 'o .r\t:' 3Lr I i('r ar-;4.,tC)!o "O l:rr Fd .r 5 = c>Jj i-. ("r Pi' :! \r o ts . :J = :i q 6 (f . c a -o r} ? l:OrtlJr.Er aO- ItO d O F,t 5 \t u1 i. - = oa?- u< -ozo;Dl, I 1,1 ir' O l.)1r= O>. -tt = )3 .t)P, e1cF\O -N c-)li F !1r+-: a tl l''roooa !(15 -5o:t!1 -rr 2':oo?(, cro : c: ta-l . o ? r+ ql;j g I- rr ci :rhdi .f, i:o.t.r coo:tD E.niJ.)rC :i:\\c o <C 1! - ii :t;-='t o :)j eo a-.) dc,r''-o 11 .9.. o oer+ : t r., ooo(rroc|JS:1 I P-Ha =r.ry o !! -. .occ5 Ert 5:9.O.1'6:J:].Ol-a C.: p. :, iuO .,F5:: LJ'<t oO-J -' o"na, Oa HriPr c] OO r.. - :l ii-'ij; C e i.-;J e(r r o N).r c --..1 o6 oO l-q._- ;, C on1f:c:cr:)+|lc i.c P-c o 3\\r5 o\r ; F.ro :J.t -._, (^= i; ^- \O t-:= j rlot i,t : .jOO: : G s !t l. .: c: ^ l} r) I - ' =cf .)r+r:l- ;' -arr inl!.dd .. cr5+tri 3 0. t6!$ ; !'.\io-5 -'aqarc ovr (r p:oQo -:.i -).i :-t.-:\roo -. v-r.-c{: : ._'? P== P, oo35r-i:cJ< <lr < e. ') ccrooec\ r ;::- Q :-> =-'1i (, r-lHr) o ii: ' aJa F.) e-r, o r: - *.Lr :) o.r o I Q- '-ro P9Jo 5 P. a\ jnP.> l' .t i J:i r-t- Fn 5 Fr F-HoP (, c = o t 3c- Jar € ln !'!tI rli o9() -iJ O d p. t-Z g vt1!J'd !, e O laV Dottlr[1!J O <r5 o-, o.:nEO lo J .t : .+ o,'3 .l. p: !l ,a F. 999E39n 9: ri-ox;- :3.dfi^9qiol '- .r r- B p.o I ,7 r:5dn4 .tb i5 Hc_.r;-< ri -.iri n.q:f 6 3' ! ? "r. t -";"Bt'asg !; i-,*,Tl'!;. i"i;:'ert cJ.t ir"..a i e '& I 63 ' 8'"€9SEa" '-,!r, RfSoB'g 1,183"f i. OllO ,-' 9, 6 -ih ..s tt o A r.. " ir-' 9 o95'oo6'3 $:, 'r.rirc "E".Ii jt5':'3 * E ' f "g il- 8ls€:3H:- .",:- E63E:9 l€C.+=: F'-"rz i I .g - 5r- 8- ,8o3io.- t3' 9.;;9."6 n''-;Egi: :.,'FrP. c r< ot , 315 ii.F.Fr " 6i',.{ tr '- l'- orJ -F r. i,i F.r. z16, r},:-o+!!or-:> o *r>t ::t.?,9; e,l 5g"i. .Ee c . o' rn. 'd. , co. Flri t. p:;.o <i: 6-la onirriioZ ac.:iil=t:t .;vn '> |-1"! ,F o =,F .l.tp. rJ.f o o ilririii C, uloo i rn. p. .d. ; c.".- dr.n ro.t e, N.'o t:tit .-ctl tt.3'o-;' "53€'3'lli nc:. o jn |..!a _:J; rd !J t.J .r F.F elo ! o ocr, ja,rjici r-iA tr6'r,oij q!F:"_t:._ Fl3,i ' f:5ri F sJ ii? 3c * f,r:9t;E,?;;E"l:''.!* g"ig;s i',F-l-i;n, h:r c :lr4 s.o ..I ; .i'e .re, i tVOjo cj9 6r;Zi-." i"i},cj J.,," _D()p. +H ,( -q Hc ,''rr'-.=r,.t7 t-.o.j- ";o :r -o -5 €i'3.3i31" 3,o ?4;9"6 I'tIb'i ;OJti p aa. i,... d; *d d: a ri. t;:;i3€[,:.l; 7s ;Es;Eo s-r".Fe F,.+ :. c Lri n .t- ti n 1 To.r,: r{-rlt i3 .r i-< I rii =oor.,: (_-:r:t tj (oo,- , ii s.-r ?t F aS Eii 13S-':J;gr 3' oFo'€l l"ir.-,: z| ts , '!,) o aY 5p. n,!. a);:d Ol- j.t ;oFr iJ rn. ..t r: C.- ,jp S.!._ c, ^i? ?\ ?-^ 9 (lf o! 6t--e=.i z u-, i -i r+ci h <ioi !- >| 5'3 i. r :iS 'J.' :lq * $:l :o !*9.":,'d'go *.o 9-'*!'!i ^=.? !.';" t-p.H c .ip q-.i , i{ c 1,.H o o r..F! u- .i. i' itr.:"73 6'' "o.4 " 7,. nYO"r r1 co i1'< .r ai o E ccirir-coi','.4, r N . j n-- ;c, 9 d'q e.(!.f p- ri **'3"&" t3: o'j.i 9d.. p n9. C'd c ! ij6 t o rEoii.-:r|.. 5r- aj?6-= .ia ric -:13. t i'i !.d r B ''' " 6?g:;.n[4. {,. e6nini ;'fl:{": EI:r s g: :i g * :t $ i*gnlErr i'* ;i:fii; IF;lil ;F.',. .;r Xi1 i i F3 i, haJuroleoFrp i "911 3?.9 [tEc-! I' 6E,l 3 eE:3r. g a of i'5'E-f.'dggg €S 'r;'riri ,gSi;:c!.:." ?.|' q-i o 5 oo I P. b o;ri.i.. €i6to * 1;t -!:. . p i-! c,r =:t r.,o3o ,r9 3.>'|i'g- .I.-d. f;: S E';"'"; ! qu 3 ,.!: s? " f ?E:,"a'$3 €; .";;';39' s;;-"1 Et(n.+ q r,< 7 o ! o?r! a,-a ar oo €o i,'F'v.=z1:r ? e ! r B E3 d ;"33--;g' t'1. s.EpEiig 5;,;s,1;;E li - 3 i' 9" { 85fi"gfs 3' 9F35'Ro 'dc. esi'". i; '* E s3, 3 'I5'P.8E' .'9 o?-f'T 93 88!,p .! J ir. Oi-di .J bb, Fio (! p, -A 3ri! i r-. nr io6oii''l tl n (r.tr<Fr ,, g f ?.-gdf. . '-.n, , 3gta 1.5 Ij!!9S!---9-f -,tlrc con''rj'ti:c'c t s faj]rt):c! to ^ct' In the evcnt the conxiu.tlec ,-ntts to--.- rii;piov't-t!: (ii;iii;i;iuv' Pl 'rns and -iou"irilitio"" sul-.r.rittcil l:o it $j t:irl rr sixty <li:j'r; oi sui'tti-ss jorr ant'l ;;":;i i-;;-;;1"i"-- tt,o -c"n " rtuclioii lr''e becrL coiir'ror)cecl prjjor: to hlrc i" pi"ti"" thireof, approvarl slrall. not' bc rcgui::ccl iurrl {-ho l:t''1alcd Io*,irrrnnto shall be rlcter:rrrineci to lrave bccn fully cofiu)l-ied lrith. 2. I,A}i]D USD The laD('ls in Val). villagc, Elcv'''nth ltiljDg. sha1l be uscil for the follolring Purposes! 2. I The n\1t'1))cxe(1 Lot$ in Blocl':s 1 ' 2 and 3 $hall bo use<r only for Priv.ltc rcsiCellcesi, cach to-contain noL mol:c tll'rn i""'".iiii'.i. living u:rits as r"eli as a'n off str-ect par']iil)g arca' ' 2.2 TracL !Ar hcrej-lraftcr cal'l-ed tho subjccL I'and shall bc ,ri"a ott,l rnaini:i.lned at a1t ti)ircs ''s a vacant and riDdist- ;;;;a 6"; ii:n" i.t ito ,toluir,i -con,litiott aircl r1o tji:]:ucLul:e' l)l1j' lcling 'ii- i."t'bi'fn,""t of etry ki.nc. oi: chi'):acter' lrhclrhcr tellpor:al:y or: ;;.;,,;;;t; iliy t " oi:it.t.a or t'raint:aincd th(ir:oorr i rlo v(:h j'cul lr: i;;tii;';; poir,ing-or ;'n)' l: j.n<l or: nattli'c ahal l- bc pcrii'itrcd r)1)on' i.i"ii-o" tirrough-tlrc sr,bjlcl r'antr' |lo part ('f the su!''' jcct' I an('l Ehall be usetl- for c.rKi)i tlg or: over:njgbi stays.by any Pc[soI) or ;i:;;r;: 'iloi st,..r r tircr6 t c pct:initlc<I, rrj i:hin or uPon the sub jeci: i"",f r-'tnv inforrlal or org;.i.,izttl PL11):l ic or- pl:ivabo. qathcr'i n9 nor anv othcr act by any pcrson or Pe)jgons' rrhiclr in Lhe jlrcig'rtcrr!- l?'ri ."6t,rli, nt'-"y' .iirit"o. altcl:; (lcsLroy or- 'lamago thc n'tlural conclition of the vegctatt"n-"i ittn acstiretjc valuc of cho nalural tnviroirnrcntal qualil:y of thc Subjecl J'a[dt Ngll.'ITilST;.:lt)I:lGthcforcgoinq'thcfoJl.oirJnqDl:cl:P'l:tON to the above uscs anc. restr:ictioli sh;l1 bc pclrnittc(] nith rcsFect to the Sul.' j ect Land: 1. Inlpl.ovctnallts necc$rji'liy t dcl;ireblc ol:-collvellJ-on1: i"t lfli - ptoui I ion--intt ntltj-ni<tnalrcn of utj'lit-y s:er:vic'ls r,lay be constructcd and l..li'il]iaillcd tlirotl!'tlr or ul1(lcr tl; Subjccl Lrn<i; plovi<1ccl tl)li 5"1id imirrovcrrcnts 6haIl riot aoat.o F.t-uta,tt' di!irul-lj-on o): al ter:atj-c'!) to {-he surfacc of tlle subjcct J'an(!' 2.3 Tractc li' c and f, lloxeinafi;el:.calle(1 thc *;Dbjcci: r,anclr, shlii fr" us"A ancl naintaincr'l at aJ-1 t-j'nlos a3 a va':ar1l alld unCistuxlrcd oPen altcil iu ii-s rtatrr:riil corrcliti()11 and lrc alllLlctllr'c' iliidi;i;, or irprovcr':nt of .inv liind :r' char?c:!:-i f ilci'lrc): ;;;;;t";i or Pcrnranent, na1' bc crccte<l or: naintained th(!]:coII; io '"nnititl"t iraffic ot: p"i-tting of 'rtt)r liitrtl or nature shall ):c permittc(l upon. acr:oss ox tht(';tjh t))e strl)j'rct" t'ari(1s ' No pa1:1: ii-?rr"'"i"rtii.l' La;ds sha1l l'c ui':'cl fo:: cai'r1''ing ot' overnjclht !itays by any pelso:r oi: p3rsons. ilor slla:l I th':r:e be pcn'litl-cC ' !ri'tl)in or ui.,.t i't,t s!'\ j'ct i'::lttls, arf info::tri':l ot: crgilni;ir:<'l l)1llr1ic or pii.v;tl fini:l::i.ii:.j li:)l: a,!!i o-ii,cl' 'rci- l:1' e r' 1' . 1" 'r :"r; l'::. ct I::r!ricl')' io;,"opt it herciiraftcr c)iPresli:l)' pc'rirJtte<1), r';ir ich in tlro Juclgncnt of tlre (l'fn!r ' rloy alof tt"(:('!', alter.. destroy, or (lanaqc the iitL.tf conaition of tl,e icgetation or the a-'sthetic value of thc natural cnvi ror)r,lenl:al qllirlity of Lha srt)igci: Lan(ls: to theto the NOTilIflJIi-iilli.ll)1.1.-G thc f or:(:9oiIig, thc fo1l.oiri119 )]);Cl?TIOi:S above urcs and l:ctiLriction:; st)i1.1 ')c [)c):rittc(l !'iL]r respec! Sul) jcc L Lanc'15 : 1. Imp):ovcrnents l)cccssaryr cl.csirable or convenicnt for tirc Lrrovision and n.-,intenancc of utility services nay t,c construclc(i andl naihuaineci through ar tln.ler thc sul)jcct Landsi provi(lccl that Eaid irdpr-ovenents slrall noL ca!l$e pe!'tnanont disxtllltiot] or alteration to the surfacc af tlrc SubjecL Lands; and 2, Thc ridiug of borses' pories, Co:'!l:eys and tiules through the al)ovc descrir)oil lands is axprcssly periritted as vcl] as any otl:o): equ'ostriall rclate(] usage \.irich trill trot unrearjonalJl.y affect ghe natural conditjon of thc vegeLalion or the aeslhctj-c valuc of the sri-'ject Lands. 2.4 Tracts D e.n(l 11 or aDy Portioll or Portj.ons therof, 6hal.1 bc use<l for such pu!.posc:l its the orrncl:6ha11 (iesignatet but in no evclrj: shall suclr dcsiglr.licd use he inconsistcnt nith thcsc covclrn)lts, Tlle Oilncr re6crvcs thc r:igh'i to tilalie adciitlonal" re€trict- ions ancl limitatj.ons upo]l usc not incoiiU)atihle nith tlio forcaoilrg nol. lcss r:cstrictj.ve t-hail a:r:1 applicable regulatioDs of any govcrNient.rl agcnct. Ar)y o(l(l.itionat t:estrictions nay be incl-uded Ln lDstrnr,r:r'lts of convcye.r''cc or Leasc atrd by supplci':ant to th(lse proi:cctivc c()vc[rilt:j to bc filctl in thc officc of tllc Cler:li and nccolider of It.lg lc CoulrLy , Colol'.rdo . 3. nASlll.ilrl. S AliD R:tGIIlf'S-C! -llAv 3.1 liiiscnl.nts and rights-of-uay for 1i9htj.ng, heating, eloctl:icity, 9as, tel.ellioDc, $.ltcr airal se"terage fi'cilitics, bri(tal p.rths, and any other liil)d of public or quasl-Pt'b1ic uLilj.Ly scrvice ar:e l:cue[vcd as sllo":ir on thc P]at-of vail- \rillagc, Ul.evonljir l'i -1. j.ng, l.:o fcrrccr. uall , he.'191, b;LIrier dr oLhcr inlpr:ovcnent sh;11 bc crcc'ccc1 qr l.laiiltrLillcd oll. ilcro5I or trithin thc arc.rs rcscrv::d for c:iscr,cL:'us .1n.1 xi.gllL6-of-r!'ily r nor 1n such c!-ose pro)rirility thcrcLo ari to ilfpait: thc :iccccs to or u6c thcrcof' An eascnent for po(lesLriall tlsc s:r.lIl c:rist- ancl iri hcreby r-cservccl on, ovcr arrtl across thosc portions of thc pl-eL of Vail Vill.age) Elcventh Filing, resei:ved hc]:ein fo:i uLility service :,rrcl facilities. 3,2 Ilascrietrts for drarinaEc frrrl,oscs are rcserveal as sho',"I in thc plat of vail vill.1gc ' l'ilcv(rnLh tiiling. 3. 3 Eir.sa,r!:.ni:5 f Or: <ir:Ci:'t:.ie p11tat)O5i:rj l-'aaa:-'\':d ilr tl.c5o co'i.rl:r;:'L.r i1r r('l oil il-,c Yli.i Vj.11i:f c. 1]l','.-c:.;il f i1-llrt, IIa,i a:1.ri1 bc pcrpci-ual. ' 4, SIGI:IS. iio sigrls. billboar:ds' postcr: boarCs or advertising Gtrtrcture of any liind shall be erected or maintaincd on any lot or strlrclurc fox nny purpcsje vhatsoever, excr:lpt o -3- such signs as havc bceti aPFrovecl L,y th(t Cornlli-ttcc aE rcasona]rIy jrecessary Io:: tlre idcttLificatiott of rarllclcnccsi attd plaicc,s ol business. 5. t{AtIIi{ AND SDI'lLCll. llclch sl l l'cLur-c c1'' s:i 9nc<1 f orj o':cIr- pancy or qse by hnnratr boings sh.l) I coDlla:cL vj tlh tlle i,atcr aD(-l ietoo-tog" facilitics of thc Vaj,l ltatcr errd Sanitatj-on DjsLrict' tlo privale riell s11a11 be usecl as a sourcc of \natcr for llunan coniunption or irrigation in Vail village, ElevenLh Filing. nor shlll any facility other than Lhose prov.i(ied by Lhe vail Itater ans sa;itation bistric! be used for thc disposal of se\'- age. Mechanical garblitc cli6posal facil.ities sha1l be providcd in each kitchen or fooil prcparing arca. 6 . TRASii IND GARIIA(|II. 5.1 DisDosal of T.rash alld C 'rbagc. No trash, astrcs or other ref use i6f iJ!-- ttrrbrn- or-?nn.'ca ol ,rny I and wiLhin vail Vil1a9e. Elevcnth Filing. 1'he burning of rcfuse out of (loors 6ha11 not be per-rnittecl in vail Villagc' rileventh Filing. No incinerator oi other device for lhe bul:ning of refuse incloors' shall be constructed, ittstallecl or used by any person cxcept as approved by the conurittee' Dach P.ropsrty oit.rer sha:l 1 pro- vide- suitable reccptacLes fo): the collecLjon of refuse' Such receptacles shalt be screoned front public view anrl proLccl-ed fron disturbance. 6,2 Definitiorl. As uscal in thiti sectioD 6, "tra5h, garbage or rulb j-'sir f,GETTfincl.udc \r.rstc, rejectedf vzrruclcss or ivorlhicss tnatter, materia:l.s and clcllris, usel.ess' unused, Lrnnantcd' or disca!:dcd arl-icles fl:onl dn oidlj.n.Lxy household, l/astc frorl the preparatiolr, cooking, ancl consuilrlrtion of food, nia):l.et rcfusc' r.'asLe from the hancllinq, sbor:rgc, preparatiotl or 5ale of produce, tree branches, tr,'igli, grass. shrub clip;'ings. wecds, lcaves. aDd other general I'ara and gal:dcD rr'as Le naterialsi but shall not include food or foocl products to bc prepared over or.r{:door or open firos nor fiood or otiler natcrials usetl for fuel in fire- places, 7 . LMSTOCK. No anim;rls , lj.vestock, horses or poultry of any kinil shall- be kcpL, rai-setl or- brtld in Vai.I villaqe' Eleve-nth riling, exccpt in areas ciesigllated for such purPoses by the Conunittee, and except that .logq' cats and other housohofd anirnals nay be kept only as Pctg. B. TREES. No t'-ecs shall I be cut, trimned or renoved in Vail village. E.levetrLh !'j-lillq, except lritll prior lrritt()n approval of thc CorrNittee and aII such r,'orli shall bc perforrncd Ly persons approved or designalcd by the colilndttcc. 9, SET BACX REQUIREtlEii.t'S. There shal1 be no gcncr':'l re- qulrenent for the location of irrprovemcnts ltith relalion to iroperty lines, buL thc location of e.'.ch inprovcrnerrt rnusi: bc irppiou'=-e in ad,ranc: by t'tle coln.dttec. In deLemining th3 Proi)e r locarliorr for cach inprovcrflilt, tlrc CoItliti-ce sllall cons-idex the I ocatiol-r of c>iistittg aDd f\rLurc itnirl:ovcl.ents o1l adj.rccni p):opelity, thc-. r'r:j shcs of adj.lcent propcrly o'r!er's r and such other tn.Jl)e tarl, or acstltcL.io ccrilsiclcr'.:Li ons as it nir)' dcefir appr:of r:i ate. 10, L^NDSCT\t'TI'JG ?'ND G/fRDJtllII!G. All grou.d sul:f ace areas not usecl as lrnprovcntent siLe6 l)r'rt distur:bed by colrstruction shalI be rcturned pxonptly to Llreir nal:ural conditioll and re- plantcil in nativc A:'as.es, unlcss suclr arcirs are to be utilized ior gar<lers, larvns l ancl extcrior liv'ing areas. IJvery inproved building siLc vithin thc subdivi-sioll shafl be landscaped accorclj.ng to a plal1 aPProved by thc Colr,r-nittec. The lalldscape plan shzri.l be submjtted to the CoN'nittee at the time of the iubmission of corl s Lr:r.rcLi or1 plans and apPl:ova1 by the corinithee of eithct plan nay l)e clel)ied uDtil both tlre plalrs for bui lding consi,ruction and landscapinq sha11 have becll aFproved' Dase- ncnl-s adjaccnt to a loL but ouLside {:he bo\rlldarj'es thereof may be approf>riately lanclscailed. subjcct to the provisions of these covenanti, by the or'rner ot the lot. but in the eveDt such land- scaping is ditjturbecl by usc of, Lhe easement' the cost and ex- penle of resLoring sucir landscaping shall be solel} that of the o\encr of the lot. 11, Anll^ Rt:lQurnEl.trii'lrs . No strucl'ur:e desigDed f or hunan use or habitation siralt bc constl:uctcd urtless thc aggrcAate floor area, excfusive of opel) porchos, basements, caxports an'l garages. shalf be in eliccss of 900 5q!'..1re fcct. The cornnittee ihall doeernrine fron the desigtr of the irr,provernent v'hether an area ltlrich is partjally belair grade shall qualify as arc'ls to be inclucled \rjthin the r,rinimurn per:mj'ssible area. 12, TIU\DE NI'.:1ES. No riorli ' natrc, synbol. or cor,binaLian thereof shall be used to i(iellLify for colrinercial purposes a housef sLrucl-ure, busjness oL- se.rvicc in Vail village. tlevench Filing, unlc:;s the sarne shall have bcen firsL approved in uriting by the corn'nittce. 13. TniIPoRARY sf itUCiiURDS. No ternporary strucLurc, exca- vatiol), basciicnLr trailer or tcnt shall be perrnit{:cd in Vail Vil1agc, LllovenLh lriling, exccPt as nay bc necessary during constiuction and autiro).ized by the coir,rnit tlee, and except Lernpo- rary protect.ion for. athletic facj'1ii:ies. I4. CONTINUIfY OF COI'ISTIiUC1'ION . All structurcs conrnenced in VaiI vi1.tage, Eleventh riting, shaIl be prosecutcd dilj'genily to cot0pl.etj.on ancl shall be conirleted r'rithin 12 nonths of corrmence- ment, except !,'i th \tritten consent of tlre CommitLee. f5. NUISANCE, No noxious or offensive activiLy shall be car:xied on nor shal1 anything be done or pertnitted vhich shall constitute a public nuisance in Vail viltaqe' Eleventh Filing. -5- l6 . DFI'I;CT ./iND IlUllAl'.tofl Ot' Covltlli.'|l1t'5 . Tirc co!)di.liiolts, restricLiolrsr stipL1l.1tj.ol)s, a9l:(rcllrlllLIj au.l, covcnnllis c()t,ll.)iIr.'d het:ein ohall be fo.r thc bclcfit <r'l a]lcl ]-re biuding trport oecll loL' blocli ancl tracl in Vail Vj-l.l.aqc, nleventh Fi-ling, and cach olrllc:r: of properLy tilcr(:iIl. his sr.tccr:sso:r-1, rcpr:csr':ll.;iLivcs atrcj asl: j.r,ils and slrall cotrtinua ir-r fr.tlL forc(r a[ci e-[f:c(ii] ltlrtj.1 eTa.t-ru^l-y 1' 19!9, at llhich tinle th3y shal-l t,e a-trlonlf. ti ca l.I y extcndecl fol: f-ivc suc" ces5jve tcrtns of len years each. I7. lu.inND::EilT. Thc conditiorts, rcstricLioDs. stipulaLjonn' agree ents alllil ccvenants contained hcrcill shall. rlot bc \taivcd' abandancd, termiratcd, or anel'ided except by r'rxi.t.tcl) conscnt of lhe o\.rners of 66s of the privately -o\ined fancl included vithj-n thc bouDdaries of Vaif VillacJe, EfeveDl:h Fil.ing. as the s.rne nay be then sho\rD by the pLat on filc in the oflice of the clcr--k and Recorder of Eagle Countl" coforado anil fjling saj.d ancDdment with the clerk and Recorder of Eagle couDtyr coforado aftcr obtai-rljng approval of the Eagle corlnty Plar)nlng comjxissian if land is !,ithin Eagle couDby juriscliction and filiilg saiil amcndn'.jnt \tith tllrl clerk of'the Tor'rn ai vail if lancl i.s t:i{-hin the To\,"n of vail jurisdiction. l8 . Ei.rFoRcEi.iEllT. lB.1 Proccdfre fori Dn:orcencnt. If any pcrsorl sh.al1 violate or threal;i- to ni;i;-te ar+.-o-r tlle pr:ovisions of this in- strunent, vail Associales, Inc. or iLs srrcccssors or aFs'igl)s' or any o\rner of real properl-y ilr Vaif Villagc:, Itl.cvcrnth Filing' his agenls -or er.lployees, mey, but. rritlrouL oblig.ri;j.on to do so' enforce the pxovisioDs of Lhj.s intitr:unlcD,' byl 18. l.l en'ier j ng upon thc pljoPcrr-uy \thci:e thc violatioD ot: LllreaLencd violatio exi-shs andi rertov- ing, rene.lyincj arld .rl)ating thc violatiolli such sel-f- hclp sh.lll only bc c:icrcisod irfLe! having gi.vcD fif- teen (15) clays prior rrritfen llotice to tl)e or'ller oJi o\';ners of the pr:opel:ty ttpotl rviriclr t-lle fiolation ex- ists ;rn,l prorided the o\tncr: shall. havc failecl r'rith j n suclt Linc to take such actjon 4s may be ncccsS.1l:y to corforn Lo Lhe covelrantsi or 18.1.2 instlLutilrq suclr F:r.occedjngs at 1ar'r o). in equity as nlny be appropiiate to enfoltce tlie pro- visloDs of this j.nstrurxcnt, inclucling a clcnliurd for injunctive rclicf to prcvc:DL oi: I:em3dy t]le thrrlatcnctl or exisi:ing vlolati-ol1 of these covenants and for clarnages. 18,2 Noti c'.r and Scl:vicc oi Pr:oce€s. Iach olrn.r of reat properLy in vi- t iiriiii,'TrcliiirtrF-iTiirg, her:cuy apt)oints the Toiin clerli of the Tolrn of Vaj.l as his "rgc.itl; to receive a]ly notice provided for here.i.n anal to accept service of process in any court proceedinq brought to enforcc thc provisions of this instrument. Any notice required undcr this Section tB shal.1 be r{ritter ancl shal1 specify the viofat-ion or tlrl:eaLcnccl viola'iion objccttl(i to, t-l: irro!tr]:tj!' subjecl to the \tiola';iou a.'d sirall cltr- nand conpliance \.ji !h iircac coven.ttlts vithin fifteen (15) da)'s afL(:r Lll.r gi.ving ol' such noLice. ff af{:cr rcasonal):lc cf fonl: tlre pcrsorl givjng tlrc no{-ic(r slla.l:l- lre un.rbl.o lo dlsl ivcr thc iou'r' p"t"o,]i1.l.y fo the pel:so:l to \"'hoin j t i s di-rected and shall L..r uni,trt.. !o oi',1-.rin a reLLr.rr r:ecej.l)i shor'ri-ng 'ileIivery of no'iice to the pcnsorl Lo r'ihotl it is <lire c'c<:<1, thelr tlle rcqui r'crd tlotico shall be clecrtcd sufficicnlly givclt if po3ted ui)on tl:e Prcpcrty clescr:ibed in rc noli.cc and liailed to the Iast knor"ll adclress of Llre pcrsor to fihorn the notice j's ditoci:ed and if also nailed or tlcLir,-crcd to the cl.erl. aDd Pecorder of Eagle Count)'or the Tor':n clcrl., of thc ToHn of V.ril as agcnL of the pxoler:ty oirner alepen(li ng on irheLe Juris(lictioll is co.irtrollecl. Person'-r1 scr- viqa of pr.r".ss upon any persott oi';ni ng land in this subdivision macle in iccor:<litncl nii:h the prececl.ing sentence nay be obtained, buL oDly for the enforccncnl of thcsc covenants, by service of process upotl t-he Tonn clerli of tllc Toiin of vail as agent for ihc saicl 6v'ner, if afi:er xeasonable di-ligence sucll defcndant canirot bc f,ound sithin thc State of colorado and pe-rsonal ser- vicc canttot be oLheri'ii5e obtaiDed unclcr the colorado Rules of ci.\/i.I Procedut:e. 18.3 No Liahili.tv for llanerj.$ ' vail Associates, lnc'' or any otllcr: per.lorr -trcFcnvlu tlrdr'i zitt-to rcnove or rcni(lr' violatjonE or threaLenect viofations of tlle provis-ions of Lhis instrurnent in accor<lance tii. th p..r.lgrePh IB'1.1, shall not be liable to any lori,nn i"t so cloing- c>rccpL- for any ir.jury or clan':gc rcstllLing frorn intcntionally lirongful acls' A)y Person acqurrrnq any intorest.i.n real prol:,erLy in Vail Vi11age, Uleventh Filing. iiicr tlre recot,'<1i-ng 6r ttrj-s instrtlr,ent il't the recol:ils of thc Counhy clerk and Recorder- of Uaglc counly, col"orado, sha1l be clecrnei to havc r:aivccl any ancl all rightrs to or clailns for damagcs or injury resulting froll cffol:ts to correc! or to pre- venL any viollrtion or thrcatoned violation of thcse covellants in accoi'(larcc rvitlr par:ar.1::trPh 18.1.1 alr'r\'c rt'itlt resPect to tlle redl propcr ty so acquir-ed. 18.4 qefLS41,9l1 ol-,C,g-' Ls--.1i-{-tj.Pllf19s . , VaiI Associatcs, Inc. , or any-oClicri-pors6rl ' orJcrsir-:l.s pr:ocecding i n accor-dancc vrith paragr.iph 18.1:1, sha11 have a clajn against thc o"tner or or'rncrl of"th-e propertl' vith respect to lrhich the violation or thr:cirtcDcd violation of t)ic"',e covcnalrLs has occurred in an anrounL cc1u.r1 t--o thc arcl-uatL costs artld expcnses r inc]uding reas- onitrt.o ,ritotn.'ys' fces, incurr:cd in collncctiotl \'ri l-h Prcvctrtingt renovinq or reilcclying sllch violation ol: tllrc^i:encd violatiol)' Such clailn shall not exccccl the ancunt of Tlro Thous'nd Dollars ($2,OOO.oo) for any onc violation or thrcatcl:ed viofation of tlie pr:ovisi.ons of thj.s il'rs l:run3n L and sllal1 be enforceable llrr:oirgh any appropr:iate cou!-t action. vail Associetcs, rnc' or any other person or persons bringing a proceedir'g under par.r(ri.lph 18,1.2 to cnforce any provisions of, tlris instruneng i}rori ul entitled Lo judgnctlt for lirc actual costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, lncur!-ed.by such pcrson in the piosecution of such proceeding in a'ldition !o any otlrer relief granted by thc court- --t --8- 18.5 \'eiver. Ilo assc'nL ol,^ acqlri.(:sc(rll.tc r exprctlsic(] o'r: rimpl. j-ed, to i,if-violaUj,on ot tlrcat.rucrcl viol itl-ic'i of irry of the provisions oi Liris i)lstrlrlrr:rlt sb.rll. bg dcer ed ol' t.llien to be a traiver of titry $ucceccl.i:t11 or oLl.-er: vio'lalion or Lhr(:.'L- encd violation of th..r:rc pj:otcci:ivt covcli.rnl.s. 19. DI;FINITIO}I OT PNOPURTY OI{I]IIR As uFed in thj.s il)strunl3nt, the phrases "rcal pl:op- erty ovner" or I'ollner of rcal proportyr' shirll nrcan any na!u!:al perlon, partnership, corapol:ation I associalion or oLhcr busincss entity or relationship r.lhich shall ovn an estaLc as a co-tclant or othen,rise in fee simple or fot a te.rr.l of noL less than forty- nine (49) l,ear:s in an)' portio:1 of the lanale iDc:Luclcd within the boundaries of VaiL VilLage, Ileventh Filing. Such phrases shall no! j.nclude tithin their m:aning lhe holder: or oitner of any lien or secureil interest in lands or irnproverneDLs thexeon i!,iLhin the subativision. nor any pergon claining art eas:enent or right-of- way for utility, transportation or other purpose through. over or across any such laDils. fnvaLidation of any one of the provi- by judgnent or court oraler or decree any of the other provlsions rr'hich €haL.L effect. ;rt [:,r [' :\' | 'ttI tll \uI'\x li .,.' 20. SEVERABILITY. sions of this instrumeni shall i,n no wise affec{: renain in full force anal this 20th day of July, 1971.. , r.l ./.4 ST co CoLORitDO )EAGI,E ) ss. Tire foregoing insLrun€nt t!'as ackno\tledged before me this 20th day of JuIy' 1971, by RrctiARD n. PETERSoN as PRESTDENT and JOIIN D. IIILLS as ASSISTANT SECRETARY of VAIL ASSOCIATIIS, rNC., a Colorado Corporation. .....1"..:..-. .qitness ny hanal and officiaf seal. .a,"..".:'.'. 1...' '...liy cornrnission expircs: Aprll 21. 1974..': ..J...''/ i.,,i .:-:.:.^:' .'..""'..,j-.:'..'"'".:.' lt, ,i., t l/ ,l :, ''. .....' . --:'---.- ' . N6Eilari--Fn:iriic ----- -''' VAII, ASSOCIATES, INC., A :""z:;ilp, -9- o-*.o TS Ku^tr,&s COVENAN H TILING, EAGLE COUNTY, W}IEREAS, Vail Associates, Inc., a CoJ-orad,o Corporationis the owner of tire following-described Lands: ' Part of the Southvrest Ouarter of Section 2 and the Southeast Quarter of Section 3, Tor,vnship 5 South, Range B0 I'"est of the 6th Principal l'leriC,ian, county of Bagle, St.ate of Col.orado, lying South of Interstate l{igh\.lay I1o.' 70 Right-of*I,/ay described as: Beginning at a poir:t on the tlest line of said Section 2, from whence the South- vrest, corner tl'rereof bears S 0001t 30" E 1001.98 feet; thence lq 89o58 ' 30" n 260.00 feet; thence I! 74o 00 t 00" E 22A.00 feet; thence S 89o30r00" E 27Q.00 feet; thence N 33030r00" 8 220.00 feet; thence N 14056'18" E 62.67feet to a point on said IntersLate Hightray l.lo. 70 Right- of-Way line; thence a'long said Right-of-I,Iay line on the foJ.lowing four courses: (1) N 87o33t05" vl 880.00 feet to a point on said lrlest line of Sect.ion 2, also the Fast line of Secti.on 3; (2) N 87"30I49" W 685.82 feet; (3) N BBol9'41" W 150.00 feetr and (4) S 65o10'31" W 283.65fect; thence S 0"04t57" E 27.22 feet; thence S 30046r13u W L94.73 feet; thence S 50"35'14" w 52.77 feeb; thenceS 62o07t44" T' q64.72 feet; thence S 80032'00rt E 225.00feet; thence N 45028'00" B 280.00 feetr thence N 64o28' 00" E 180.00 feet; 'l--hencr. N 89o58' 30" E 1.50.00 feet tothe point, of beginning, containing I7.9939 acres, more or les s. I{HEREAS, Vail Associates, Inc. r hereinafter sometimes referred to as Owrler, desires to place eertain restrictions on the use of the Tracts, Blocks and tots shorqn on the }lap of Vail Village, E1-eventh Filing, for: the benefit of the owner, and. its respective grantees, successors and assigns, in order to est.abl-istr and ma,intain the eharacter and val-ue of real estate in tl-re vicinity of the Town of Vail. NOVI TIlElll;I'ORE, in considerat.ion of the premises, Vail Asso<:i.ates, Inc., for itself anC. its grantees, successors and assigns, tloes hereby inpose, establish, prrblish, aekno'.vleclge, declar:e ancl agree with, to and for the benefit of all persons who nay acquire an interest in any of the Tracts, Blocks and Lots in Vail Village, Eleventli Filing, that it ovrns and hol-cls aLl of the lands in Vail- Village, Eleventh Fiting, snbject to the follow- ing restrictions, covenants, and conclitions, alJ- of which shall be Ceened to run with the lancl and. to inLlre to the benefit of and be binding upon the or"ner, its respect,ive grantees, successors and assigns: 1. PI,ANI{ING AND ARCHTTI]CTURAL COI;TROL CO},II,TITTNE r.1. c-ommittee. The planning anrl Architectural- controlcornmittee, hereitET-tEFT6ferred to as the committee, sharr consistof five nrembers r+ho shall be cles-ignated by the Or;,ner, itssuccessors or assigns, to revierv, stuCy, ancl approve or rejectp_roposecl improvements vlithin the area il.escribeh- in the lrlap ofVail Vil1age, Eleventh Filing, of v.rhich these rcstrictivecovenants are rnade a part The neml:ers of the Committee shall serve for one year,at which time they sharl be re-appointecl or their successorsshal-l be appointecl by the owner. rf no successor is appoint.edby the orvnsr on the anniversary of a memberrs term. tre-lnattbe deemed to have been re-appointecl l>y the orvner. A nerq membershall be appointed by the owner on the death or resignation ofa mcr. ter. I.2 Rules. The Committee shall make such rules and byl.arus and adop-f-Effih procedures as it may cleem appropriate togovern it,s proceedings. - 1. 3 - lpproval_o-f, P1an. No bui1din9, landscaping, parkingor vehicula-r drlver,iill-f6frE6l-Tal-l or other improvement stratt treconstructed, ereeted, repaired, restored. reconstructed, altered, ad.decl. to or maintained on any lot until. building plans ancl siteplans and specifications shor.ring the co1or, location, materials,Iandseaping, and such other inforrnat,ion relating t.o such improve*ment as the Cornmittee may reasonably require shall have beensubmitted to ancl approved by the commit[ee in writing. 1.4 Cl1glgrrlg. fn passing upon such plans ancl specifi-c-at.ions, the ConrfritteE-s-hall consicler: 1.4.L. The suitability of the improvement andrnateriars of which it is to be constructed to thL site upon whichit is to be located; I.4.2. The nature of acljacent and neighboringimprovcrncnts; I.4,3. The qual.ity of the materials to beutiLized in any p::oposecl improvement; I.4.4 The effect of any proposed improvementon the outlook of any adjacent or neighboring propertyl 1.4.5. Any giovernmental zoning reguirementsapplical:Ie to the site anc1 improvements thereon; and L.4.6. T)re rul-es and regulations of the Committee. It shall be an objective of thecornrnittee to make certain that no improveinent wilr l--'e so similaror so dissimilar to others in the vicinity that values, monetaryor aestheLic, wij-I be impaired. -2- L.5 Effect of the Committeets Failure to Act. Inthe evcrrt the coffiiIEce-f;ns to affiFc pJ.ans an<lspecifications submitted to it wj-thin sixty days of sur,mission andno suit to enjoin tl:e construction has been eommencecl prior to thecompretion thereof, approval shall not be required and the relatedcoverlant,s shall Jre determinecl to have been ful_lv comrrlied with. 2. LAND t]ST The lands in Vail. Vi11a9e, Eleventh Filing, shall beused for the following purposes: 2.I The nunibered Lots in Blocks l, 2 and 3 shatl beused onJ-y for private resid.ences, each to contain not more thant$to separate l-iving units as rn'elI as an off street, parking area. 2.2 Tract tAr hereinafter called the Subject Lantlshall be used ancl maintained at all times as a vacant and undist-urbed open area in its natural condition and no structure, building,or inprovement of any kincl or charact.er, whether temporary orpermanent, ftay be erected or maintained t]rereon,. no vehicul-artraffic or parki-ng of any kind or nature sha1l be permitted upon,across or through the Subject. Land. No part of the Subject tandsha1l be used for camping or overnight stays by any person orpersons. Nor shall thcre be permit.ted, within or upon the Subject.Land, any infonnal or organizecl public or private gathering nor'any other act by any person or persons, which in the judgment of the Ovrner, may cleface, al-ter, d,estroy or damage the naturalcondition of the vegetation or the aesthetic value of the natural-environmental guality of the Subject Land; NOTWfTIISTANDING the foregoing, the fol-J-ovring EXCEPTIONto the above uses ancl restrictions shall be permitted with respectto the Subject Land.: 1.. Improvenents necessary, desj-rabl-e or convenj-entfor the provision and. rnaintenance of ut.ility services may be corlstructed and maintained through or underthe Subject Land,; provided that said improvementsshall nol- cause peniranent disruption or alterationLo the surface of the Subject L,arrd. 2.3 Tracts B, C and F, hereinafter called the Subject Lancls, shall ffiinecl at all times as a vacant andundisturtred open area in its natural conclition and no structure,brrilcling, or improvemenL of any kind or character, rvhether temporary or permaneut, may be erected or rnaintained thereon; no vehicular traffic or parkj-ng of any kind or nature shall- bepen-ni{:ted uponr across or through the Subject Lands. No partof the Subject Lands sl-rall be used for camping or overnight staysby any person or persons. Nor shall there be permittec'l , within or upon the Subjeet Landsr dny infonnal or organized public orprivate gathering nor any other act by any persorl or persons(except as herej-nafter expressl.y permitted), vrhich in thejudgment of the Ownerr nay deface, al.ter, destroy or damaqe the natural- condit.ion of the vegetation or the aesthetic value of -3- the natural environrnental- quaj-ity of the Subject Lanclsl NOTI/IITTISTAI.IDING the foregoing, the foLl"ovring EXCEPTIONSto the above uses and restrictions shall be permitted with respectto the Sub jecL l",ands: 1. Improveinent.s r:ecessary, desirable or convenientfor nce of uti1ity services may be constructecl and maintainecl through or underthe Subject Land.s; provicled that said improvemelltsshall- not cause permanenL disruption or al_tel:ationto the surface of the Subject Lancls; anrl 2. The riding of horses, ponies, donkeys and mulesthrough the above described lands is expressly perrnit.tedas well as any other equestrian related usage whichwill not unreasonabl.y affect the natural condition ofthe vegetation or the aesthetic value of the Suljeet Lancls. 2.4 Tracts D and E or any portion or portionstherof, shall be used for such purposes as the or,;ner shall designate,but in no event shal-l such d-esignat.ed use be inconsistent withthese covenants. The Orvner reserves the right to make additional restrict-ions and limitations upon use not ineompatible vrith the foregoingnor less restricLive than any applicable regulations of anygovernmentaL agency. Any add.itional restrictions rnay be includedin instruments of conveyanee or lease and by supplenient tothese protective covenat'rts to be filecl in the offi-ce of theClerk and Recorder of Eagl_e County, CoLorado. 3. EASE}4ENTS A}.]D RIGHTS-OF.I{AY 3.1 Easements and right.s-of-r^ray for lighting, heating,electrieity, gas, telephone, water and serverage facilities ,bridal paths, and any other ilind of publj"c or quasi-puhlictrtility se::vice are reserved as sho'*n on the pl.at of-Vail village,Eleventh Filing. No fence, rr'all, hedger .barrier or dtherimprovenent shall- be erected or ma-intained. on, across or r,/ithinthe areas reserved. for easements arrd rights-of-rvay, nor in such cLose proxirnity thereto as to impai:: the access to or use Lhereof,An easement for pecest::ian use sirall exist and is hereby reservedon, over and across those portions of the plat of Vail Village,Eleventh Filing, reserved herein for utility service ancl facilities. 3.2 Easements for drainage pllrposes are reserved asshorvn in the plat of vail Vi]lag.e, Eleventh Filing. 3.3 Eirsgnsllgs for drainage pu_rposes reserved in thesecovenan'cs and on the Vail Village, Ileventh Fil-ing, plat. shal1be pe r:pctual. . 4. SIGliS. No signs , billboards , poster l:oarcls oraclvertisj-ng structure of any ]<incl shal1 te erected or maintaineclon any lot or structure for any purpose whatsoever, except such signs as have been approved by necessary for the identification of business. 5. WATiJR AND SEWAGE. Each strucLure designed for occu-. pancy or use by human beings shall connect with the water and sewerage facilj-ties of t.he Vail trliater and Sanj-tation District. No prirrate weLl shal-} be us;ed as a source of water for human consumpLion or ir::i.gation in Vail Vil1age, Eleventh Filing' nor shall any facility other than those provided by the VaiI water ans SaniLation DistricL be used for the disposal of sevr- age. Mechanical garbage disposal- facilities sha1l be provided in each kitcl'ren or food preparing area. 6. TRASH AND GARBAGE. 6.1 DrlpgqCl-oI-Trash glgllggb,ags. No trash, ashes or other refuse may-Ee-EFrown or dumped on any land within Vail Village, Elevenlh I'iling. The burning of refuse out of doors shall not be permitted in Vail Village, Eleventh Filing. No incj.nerator or other device for the burning of refuse indoors shal-l be constructed, installed or used by any person except as approved by the Committee. Each property ovrner sha11 pro- vide suj-t.able receptacles for the collection of refuse. Such receptacles sha1l be screened from public view and protected from disturbance. 6.2 Definition. As used in this Section 6, "trash, garbage or rubl:iGhFEEETT-include waste, rejected, valueless or worthless matter, materials and debris, useless, unused, unwanted, or discarded articles from an ordinary household, waste from the preparat,ion, cooking, and consumpLion of food, market refuse, waste from the hand.ling, storage, PreParation or sale of produce' tree branches ' twigs ' girass, shrub clippings, weeds, leaves, and other general yard and garden waste material-s; but shall not include foocl or food products to be prepared over outdoor or open fires nor wood or other maLerials used for fuel in fire- places 7. LIVESTOCK. No animals, livestock, horses or poultry of any kind shall be kept, raised or bred in Vail ViJ-Iage, Eleventtr Filing, excepi: in areas desigiraLed for such purPcses by the CommiLtee, and except that dogs, cats and other household animals may be kept, onlY as Pets. B. TREES. No trees shal1 be cutr'trimmed or removed in vail vil1age, Eleventh Filing, except with prior written approval of the cornmiLtee and all such work sha1l be performed by pelsons approved or desigtrated by the Committee. g . SET BACK REQUIREI'IENTS. There shaI1 be no general re- quirement for the location of improvemenLs rvith relation to properl-y lines, but the locat.ion of each improvement must be approved in advancc by thc committce. In dctermining the proper othe Cornmlttee as rcasonably residences and places of -5- location for each improvemenl, the committee shalr considerthe locati.on of existing and future improvements on adjacentpropel:ty, the wishes of adjacent. property orrners, and suchoLher ncnetary or aesthetic considerations as it mav cleerrrappropriate. 10. IANDSCAPTNG AND GARDENING. A11 ground surface areasnot used as improvement sit.es but disturbed by constructionshall be returnerd pr:omptly to Lheir natural condition and. re-planted in native grasses, unless such areas are Lo be utilizedfor gardens, 1.awns, and exterior living areas. Eve::y improvedbuilding siLe lvithin the subdivisj_on shafl be l-andscaped-according to a plan approvecl by the Conunittee. The landscapeplan sha1l be submitted to the Committee at the time of thesubnission of construction plans ancl approval by Lhe committeeof either.plan may be denied until both Lhe plans for builclingconstruction and landscaping shall have been approved. Ease-ments adjacent to a lot but outside the bound.aries thereof maybe appropriat.ely landscaped, subjec,c to the provisions of theiecovenanLs, by the owner of the lot, but in the event such land-scaping is disturbed by use of the easement, the cost and ex-pense of restoring such landscaping sha1l be solely that ofthe ov,rner of the Iot. 11. AREA REQUIREMENTS. No structure designed. for humanuse or habitation shatl be constructed unless the aggregatefloor area, exclusive of open porches, basements. carports andgarages. shal1 be in excess of 900 square feet. The Committeeshall detcrmine fr:om the design of the improvement whether anarea which is partially below grade shall qualify as areas tobe included within the mininrum permissiblc area. f 2. TRADE NA-[{ES. No work, name, symbol , or combinationthereof shall be used to identify for commercial purposes ahouse, structr-rre, business or service in Vail Vi11age, EleventhFili-ng, unless the same shalL have been first approved in rvritincby the Committee. 13. TEIIPORARY STRUCTURES. No temporary structure, exca-vation, basement, trailer or tent sha11 be permitted in VailVi1lage, Elcvcnth Filing, cxcept as may l:e necessary dr.rringconstruction and authorizecl by the committee, and except tempo-rary proLection for a.thletic facilities. 14. CONTTNUITY OF CONSTRUCTION. All structures commencedin Vail Vil1age, Eleventh Filing, sha11 be prosecuted diligentlyto completion and shall be completed within 12 months of commence*ment, excepL with rvritten consent of the Committee. 15. NUISANCE. No noxious or offensive activity shall_ becarried. or1 nor sha1l anything be done or permitted which shal1constitute a public nuisance in.Vail Vi11age, IilevenLh Filing. -6- 16" EFFECT Ai\t DUIATJoN ol. covENANTs. O conditions,restr:ic{:ions, stipulatj-ons, agireements and covenants containedherein shal-l be for the benefit of and be binding upon each lot,block and tract in Vail Vi11age, Eleventh FiJ_ing, and each ownerof property therein, his successors r representatives and assignsand shall continr.re j.n fu}l force and ef fect untif January r, L9g9 ,at vririch time they sha11 be autornatically extended for five suc-cessive terms of ten years each. I7. AMENDT'4ENT. The conditions, restrictions, stipulaLions, agreements and covenants contained herer"n shal1 not be waived, abandoned, terminated, or amended except by written consent ofthe owners of 66? of the privately-owned land included within thebouudarj.es of Vail Vi11age, Eleventh Filing, as the same may bethen shovrn by the plat on f-ile in the office of the Clerk andRecorder of Eagle County, Colorado and fil_ing said amendmenL withthe CLerli and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado after obtainingapproval of the Eagle CounLy Planning Cominissj-on j-f land is withinEagle County jurisdiction and filing said. amendment with the Clerkof the To\"rn of Vail if land is v,zithin the Town of Vail jurisdiction. IB. ENFORCE}TENT. 18.1 Proc-edure for Enf.orcement. If any person shallviolate or threaten to violate any of the provisions of this in-strument, Vail Associates, Inc. or its successors or assigns.or any oviner of real property in Vail Village, Eleventh Filing,his agents or employeesr may, but without obligation to do so,enforce the provisions of this instrument by: ,,ior"ti3.,';i il::i:l3u"l?:':H"l'::?::: :l:':";:;-ing, remedying ancl abating the violation; such self-help shall only be exercised after having given fif-teen (15) days prior rvritten notice to the owner or orvners of the property upon which the fiol-ation ex-' isLs and provided the o\,,/ner shall have faifed vrithinsuch time to take such action as may be necessary to confor:m to the covenants; or 18.1.2 insl-iLuting such proceedings at 1aw orin equity as may be appropriate to enforce the pro-visions of this instrunrenl, including a demaud for. injunctive relicf to prevent or remedy the threatenedor existing violation of thcse covenants and for damages. 18.2 Notice and Service of Process. Each owner ofrcal property in Vail Vi1lage, Elevcnth Filing, hercby appointsthe Toivn Clerk of tlle Town of Vail as his agent to receive anynotice provided for herein and to accept servicc of process inany court proceeding brought to enforce the provisions of thisinstrument. Any notice required under this Section 1B shall bewritten and shaI1 specify the violation or threatened violationobjected to, i:he property subjcct to the violation and shal,l de- manC compliance rvith these covet'rants within fifteen (15) days -7- -vu after the giving of such notlce. If after reasonable effort the person giving the notice shall be unable to deliver Lhe same personally to the per:son to vrhom it is d-irected and shall- be unabl-e to obtain a reLurn receipt showing delivery of notice to the person to whom it is directed, then the required notice sha11 be deemed sufficj-ently given if posted upon the property described in the noti.ce and mailed to the las1: l<nor'rn address of the person to v,ihom the notice is directed and if also mailed or delivered to the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County or: the Town Clerk of the Tov/n of Vail as agent- of the property owner depending on where jurisdj-ction is controlled. Personal ser- rri r.o nf nr.na,a<< rrpon any person owning land in this subdivision made in accordance with the preceding sentence may be obtained, but only for the enforcemenb of Lhese covenants, by service of process upon the Torvn Clerk of Lhe Town of Vail as agent for the saj"d orvner, if after reasonable diligence such defendant cannot. be found vrithin t,he State of Colorado and personal ser- vice cannot- be otherwise obtained under the Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure. 18.3 No Liability for Damages. VaiL Associatesr Inc.' or any other p o remove or remedy violaLions or threatened violaLions of the provisions of this instrument in accordance with paragraph 18.1.1, sha11 not be liable to any person for so doing except for any injury or damage resulting from intentionally wrongful acts. Any person acquiring any interest in real property in Vail Village, ElevenLh Filing. after the reco:rding of this instrument in the records of the County Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado, shall be deemed to have waived any and aI1 righl:s to or claims for damages or injury resulting from efforts to correct or to pre- venL any violatj-on or threatened violat-ioir of these covenanLs in accordance with paragraph 18.].1 above with respect to the real property so acquired. 18.4 collection of Costs and Expenses. Vai.l- Associates, Inc., or an ing in accordance with paragraph i.8.f.1, shall have a claim against the owner or owners of the property wi.th respect to which the vj-olation or threatened violation of these covenants has occurred in an amolrnt equal to the actual costs and expenses, including reas- onable attorneys' fee.s, incurred in connectj-on with preventing, remnrri ]r.r nr remtr,d"i -^ ^"^L -'l ^1 -r-.ion or threatened violation.r \-,lrr\J vrrrY \J! ! \-rrre \-r.J Irr9 D Ll\-rl vl-rJIcr L Such claim shalf not exceed the amount of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for any one vj-olation or threatened violation of the provisions of this instrument and shall be enforceable through any appropriate courL action. Vail Associates, Inc. or any other person or persons bringing a proceeding under paragraph 18.1.2 to enforce any provisions of this instrurnent sha11 be entitled to judgrnent for the actual costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred by such person in tire prosecr.rtion of such proceeding in addition to any other reli-ef crranted bv the court. -B- rl 18.5 Waiver. No assent or acquiescense, expressed orimplied, to Iny iiiolation or th::eatened violation -f any ofthe provisions of this instrument shalf be d.eemed or Lakento be a vlaiver of any succeeding or other violat:Lon or threat-ened viol-ation of the se protec{:irre covenants. 19 DI]F'INITION OF PROPERTY OI.INER As used in this instrument, the phrases "real prop-erty owner" or "ov/ner of rcal properLy" shall mean any naturalperson, partnership, corporation, associaLion or other businessentity or relationship which shall own an estate as a co-tenantor otherwise in fee simple or for a term of not less than forty-nine (49) years in any portion of the lands included within the boundaries of Vail Vi1lage, Eleventh Filing. Such phrases shaflnot include within their meaning the holder or o\,/ner of any l-j-enor secured interest, in lands or improvemenls thereon vrithin thesubdj"vision, nor any persolr claiming an easement or right-of- way for utility, transportation o:: o{:her purpose through, overor across any such lands. 20. SEVERABILITY. Invalidation of any one of the provi-sions of this instrument by judgment or court orcler or decreeshall in no wise affect any of the other provisions which shall remain in ful-l force and effect. EXECUTED this 20th day of July, I97L. ST co COLORADO trAGLE )) ss. The foregoing instrument. vras acknor.:ledged before roe this20th day of July, L97I, by RICHARD L. PETERSOI.T as PRESIDENT and JOHN D. MILI-,S as ASSISTANT SECRETARY of VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC.,a Colorado Corporation. ." -.'''i".:..'..-,,'.yl{itness my hand and official seal. 'r,",, fir?,'i-C'-.,- VAIL ASSOCTATES, INC., Colorado fiorporation rson, Notary -9-