HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 11 BLOCK 3 LOT 5 LEGALV*Wilafc tth l6f {, blt 3 Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FORM Depa rtment of Communiry Development 75 South Frontege Road, Vail, ColorEdo 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax; 97O.4m.2452 web:: www,va gw,comcaf.ni Jr'itrr oitELSi'\l!tr Project Name: Prciect Description: Pafticipants: Project Addrcss: 3O3O BOOTH CREEK DR Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: OWNER KAPLAN, GILDAL. 3O3O BOOTH CREEK DR VAIL co 81657 APPLICANT MICHAEL HAZARD AIA P.O. BOX 1068 VAIL co 81658 Liense: C000001,100 ARCHITECT MICHAEL HAZARD AIA 0412412007 Phone: 970-949-4958 04lZ4l2OO7 Phoner 970-949-4958 KAPLAN MNDOWS DRBNumber: DR8070166 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A MINOR ALTEATION FOR WINDOW REPI.ACEMENT a4l24J2W7 P.O. BOX 1068 VAIL co 816s8 License: @00001400 3O3O BOOTH CREEK DR VAIL Location: Loh 5 Block 4 SubdMsion: VAIL VILI-AGE FIIING 11 2101-023-0400-7 Motion By: Seond By: Vote: Conditions; BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvab 4412412007 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the approprlate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permlt for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to constructlon activities. @nd:201 DRB approval shall not become valld for 20 days followlng the date of approval. Cond:202 TOIr/N OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2138/4792139 F4)(970479-2452 Apil24,20O7 Michael Hazard. PO Box 1068 Vail, CO 81658 Fax (970)9494838 Re: DRB07-0166 Lot 5, Block 4, Vail Village Filing I I Department of Commmity Development Dear Michael, Thank you for your design review application for a minor exterior alteration at 3030 Booth Creek Drive. Your application has been staff approved. A Design Review Action Form has been attached for your records. If you have any questions or conc€rns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Planner, Town of Vail (970)479-2440 Rfriede@vailgov.com Best, Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Deparilnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97 0.479 -2128 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.railgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design revie$, must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested, An cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design rcview approval lapses unlo.. a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. rl'-r,, . t1,j ,lffi? .rll"'ii ^.,I se.. lrr i 'r*----i--.."*l Location ofthe Proposal: Lot: J Bbck:suaaiuirion (/*// Wlw //,rtz t/ Physical Address: Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address; Owner(s) Signature(s): E-maif Address: n4#l @ r/|rl . UEf Type of Review and F€e: tr Signs tr Conceptual Review E New Con*ructiontr Addition trl Minor Alteration (mulU-family/commercial) d Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans D Separation Request (Contact Eagle @. Assessor at 970-328-86,10 for parcel no.) Phone: Fu, 3 ot\ frr $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For consbuction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement Statement Nuniber: Ro?0000533 Amount,: $20,00 04/24/2oo7}8:04 All Palment Method: Check Init : ,fS NoE.ation3 51"57IMTCIIAEiJ HAZARD Permit No: DRBO?0155 q4)e: DRB-Minor A1t. SFR/DuP Parcel No: 2101-023-0400-7 Site Addrese: 3030 BOcfIH CREEK DR VAIL Location: 3030 BOO|rH CR.EEK DR Total Fee6: $20 - 00 This Paymen!: $2O.Oo Total ALIr Pmt6: $20.00Balance: $0 . 00 ACCOI]NT ITEM LIST: Accorrnt Code Description DR OOIOOOO3IT22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES Current Pmts 20 .00 MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General fnformation: This application is required for proposals involving minor ofterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they inrlolve the addition of patios, water feahtres, grading, or the addition of rebining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMEI{TS** Stampe4+epegrraphie€unrcry* N/fr ' €iteand€r€ding+la!*-, N/ A't- *ltr{' . Architectural Elevations* D Fcerior color and material samples and specifications. rrl Architectural Floor Plansx o Hghting+lanx and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures r// r o lfrfle+epe4rinelrdingrsehedules A & B to veriff ownership and easements" ,^t/rr , c/ photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable. D Writr.n approval from a ^,/do Site-specjnc Geoloqical Hazad pplicable* N/ / , o The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an osterisk (*). xxFor interior conversions with no exterior changes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and Joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project l{ame: Contractor Signature Date Signed F: \CdeV\FORMS\PERMITS\P|anning\drb-minor-alt-l 1 -23-2005.doc trl23l2oos Page 3 of 13 Topographic survey!r Wet sbmp and signature of a licensed surveyor. Date of survey. North arrow and graphic bar scale. Scale of 1"=10'or L"=20)r Legal description and phpical address. Lot size and buildable area (buildable area o<cludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40o/o, and floodplain). Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert- This informaUon must be clearly sbted on the sunrey. Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (,01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relaUonship to the established comer.r Shour right of way and property lines; including bearings, disbnces and curve information.r Indicate all easements identifred on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report. List any easement restrictions.. Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the street frontage of the property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot.. Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervalso Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade.. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.).r All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.). . Environmental Hazards (ie, rockfall, debris flwrt, avalanche, wedands, floodplain, soils). Watercourse setbacks, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to . the required stream or creak setback)o Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. E><act location of existing uUlity sources and proposed seruice lines from their source to the sfucture. Utilities to include:o Cable TV Sewer Gas. Telephone Water Electric. Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc.r Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250'in either direction from property. . Site and Grading Plan:. Scale of 1"=20'or larger. PropertY and setback lines. Exlsting and proposed easements. Existing and proposed grades o Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures induding decks, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line. r All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height.. Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevaUons at the propefi line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade. r A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that e><it the street in an uphill direction.. Locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources bo the structures.. Proposed surface drainage on and off-site.. Location of landscaped areas.r Location of limits of disturbance fencing F:\cdev\FoRMs\PERMlTs\Planninq\drb-minor-all11-2ii7:3/s$3! Paee 4 of 13 Buildinq Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS TVoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Endosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other k/h - N//+ - N//r - -J--'- je'- re ltl/tfZil €id-r'rat<Z?EzVr*+<a A/anw,r,t, C/*)ti,,ra /t -- |/ l'6 +a /t'l4iv/ 1:'4,/6. 7V tut,(#( €trFnJ4 t - tl/t -t.€- ---4 Notes: Please specifu the manufachrre/s name, the olor name and number and attach a color chip. h/€/$tb#e4 F:\cde\r\FORMS\PERMm\Pbnnlng\drb-mlnor-alt-l l -23-2005.doc rLl23|2OOS Page 6 of 13 a a a a o I I a a a a a a a Location ofall required parking spaces Snow storage areas. Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure. Retaining walls with proposd elevations at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4'and 6'feet In height. Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timlng, if applicable Landscape Plan: Scale of 1" = 20'or larger Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan. Locatlon of exlstlng trees, 4" diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new location), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the proposed improvements and grading. Indicate all existing ground cover and shrubs. Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, helght for conlfers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the odsting and proposed plant material including ground cover. Delineate critical root zones for existing.trees in close proximity to site grading and onstruction. Indicate the location of all proposed plantings. The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation. Existing and proposed contour lines. Retainlng walls shall be included with the top of wall and .the bottom oJ wall elevatig4s noted. LighUng Plan: Indicate type, location and numtrer of fixtures. Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. REPAINT PROPOSAI-S For all proposals to repaint o<isting buildings, the following supplemental information is required: Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s) Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffiits,.etc,) a a a a o a F:\adev\FoRMS\PERI'IITS\PIannirg\drb_minor_alt-1 1-23- 2005.doc LV23l2003 PagE 5 of 13 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT PCrMit #: BO5-0I77 Job Address: 3030 BOOTH CREEK DR VAIL Statrs . . . : ISSUED l,ocation.....: 3030 BOOTH CREEK DRIVE Applied . . : 0710712W5 Parcel No...: 2l0l023MW7 Issued . .. : 07/0812005 Project No '. /) -' Expires . ..: 0l/0412006rrJ ob -Odo3 outNER KAPL,AN, GrI-,DA IJ. O7/07/2OO5 3O3O BOOTI{ CREEK DR VAII, co 815s7 APPL.,rCArflI PACHECO ROOFTNG 07/O7/2005 Phone: (719) 485-3864 TzL E ]-6TH STREET IIEADVILLE co 80461 License|. 647 -S coNrRAcToR PACHECO ROOFTNG 07/07/2005 Phonez (7L9) 486-3864 7.2I E 15TH STREET I,EADVII,LE co 80461- License t 641-S Description: RE-ROOF RESIDENCE FROM SIIAKES TO TAMKO LAMIRITE SHfNGLES Occupancy: Type Construction: Valuation: $15,900.00 Add Sq Fr 0 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas lags: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 Building---> 1265.25 Resularant Plan Rcview- > Plan Check-- > SL72 .4L DRB Fee--------------------- > S0. 00 Tolal Calculated Fe€s-> 9440 . 65 90. 00 Addiiional Fc€s-------> $0. o0 $0.00 Total Permit Fe€-------- > $440.55 90.00 PaFnents--------- > $44 0.66 Investigation > Will Call----- > go. oo Recreation F€€--------> g3. oo Clean-up Deposit------*> TOTAL FEES------- > S440.66 BALANCE DUE------->s0. 00 Approvals: Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTI{ENT o7/o'l/2oo5 Js Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPART!{EMI 1.1:11;..9ji19...tHl.IS.-T.o.lTf See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and s6te that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT PErMit #: BO5-0I77 Job Address: 3030 BOOTH CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED [-ocation.....: 3030 BOOTH CREEK DRIVE Applied . . : Ul07l2N5 Parcel No...: 210102304007 Issued . .. : 0710912005 Project No : Expires . ..: 0110/.120[16 o$tNER KAPITAN, Grr,DA r.,. 07/07/2005 3O3O BOOTH CREEK DR VAII, co 81657 APPIJICAIilT PACHECO ROOFTNG 07/O'.t/2OO5 phone: (?19) 485-3864 L2T E 16TH STREET IJEJADVIIJIJE co 80461 I-,icense : 547 -S coNrRAcToR PACHECO ROOFING O7/O7/200s Phone: (719) 485-3A64 T2A E 16TH STREET ITEiADVIL'IrE co 80461 IJicense: 547-S Description: RE-ROOF RESIDENEE FROM SHAKES TO TAI.{KO I,AMIRITE SHINGLES Occupancy: Type Construction: Valuation: $15,900.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 Fireolace Information: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of wood Pellet: 0 Buil<fing--- > 6265 .2s Resnnrant Plan Review- > Plan Check--> gLi2.4L DRB Fee----*------ > $0. 00 Total Calculated Fees- > $440 - 65 g0 - oo Additionat Fees----->$0.00 Investigation- > Will Call---- > S0.00 RecreationF€e------> 93.00 Clean-upDeposit-------> TOTAL FEBS------------ > $0.00 Total Permit Fee----- > $440 .66 $0.00 Payments------------ > $440-66 94{0.55 BALANCEDUE-------->90.00 Approvals: Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMEM| o7/o7/2oo5 Js Action: AP ITeM: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT IICM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PI]BIJfC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby aclsnwledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with ttre information and plot plan, io comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, ard to build this strucfire according to tlrc towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structurc according to tlre toums zoning and zubdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicabte tbereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TBLEPHONE AT 4?9-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER PAGE 2{.****'l*>k******i.*d.*****:t *,f *:$****+********'f 't*************:**:t+*,*:t****+***tr ********,**t t r.!F+****t ***,t ,t******,t* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: B05-0177 as of 07-08-2005 Status: ISSUED **{.*,rd.****,t *+{.,**1.*,!.***'l********.:1.*******,t********{.*'k{.*****:f,:t**:***,t *!t t******,F***'t *d.*********************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BLILD PERMIT Applied: O7/07/2ffi5 Applicant: PACHECO ROOFING Issued: 0710812Cf5 (719) 486-38& To Expire: 0110412006 Job Address: 3030 BOOTH CREEK DR VAIL Location: 3030 BOOTH CREEK DRIVE Parcel No: 2lOl023O4M7 Description: RE-ROOF RESIDENCE FROM SHAKES TO TAMKO LAMIRITE SHINGLBS ***'k**********r'**,********{.*******{.****:************ conditions *:e*{.*:t *,r.*:****ir*,F{r,F*1.********'r*****r.********* Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODB COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQLnRED PER SECTION R313 OF THE 2OO3 IRC. PAGE 2 i(*********:t:*,t*************:t:t'*******:f ****rr*******xct't'F*,*******************x.,t<**,F*d.***********i(!F*******i.*{.+* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 805-0177 as of 07-08-2005 Status: ISSUED ******,F******.*i.********i.:*1.{.**{.t!********i.'***************f *,1******:t*:r*************'t *********+******{.*'F**** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: 07107Dn5 Applicant: PACHECO ROOFING Issued: O7l08l2m5 (719) 486.-38& To Expire: OllMl2O0F Job Address: 3030 BOOTH CREEK DR VAIL Location: 3030 BOOTH CREEK DRIVE Parcel No: 2l0l0n04[07 Description: RE-ROOF RESIDENCE FROM STIAKES TO TAMKO LAMIRITE SHINGLES ******r.*r.****************:3*******r.*r.***d.*:1.******** COnditiOnS *******!t******,F*!t*****:1.**,1.****************** Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLnRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SECTION R313 OF THE 2OO3 IRC. t APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTEb tF INCOMPLETE OR ft,los-b#s Proiect #:iI\ CruK Buildinq Permit #:7> !t MWNWUAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 requ I I I I I I I d Plu mechan CONTRACTOR INFORMATION GeFefal Contractor: , l4{c.l^o{D koaF;MA Toyvn of Vail Reg. No.:6q)s Contact and Phone #'s: ' lln3qo qq23 Email address: Contractor ffna '#?ul,,r COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials BUILDING: , 4ffid^ 2Om ELECTRICAL:$orHER: $ ufrIl /;gAa'- PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL:$ Parcel# Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit JobName: Fnft e€Job Address:I, Cr** TA,^n Lnvi&v $ Repair (l)- Demo ( ) Other ( )Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior QQ Both ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Noffvoe of Fireolaces Existino: Gas GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) Wood GasAooliances( ) GasLoss( ) Wood/Pellet( ) W ffiFOROFFICEUSEONLYffi Documene 4j?0520/2005 TOh'NM Project Name!Qee Project Address: { ThE Chaklist must b amplehd Morc a Building Pemrit appliation is arcpEd. All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval forrn- Condominium AssociaUon letter of approral attached if project is a MultFFamily complex Plan Check Fee required at submittal for projects valued over $100,000.00 (See attached Construction Fee Schedule for calculations) Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Work checktist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster,parkinq or material storaqe allowed on roadwavs and shouldes wiUrout written aooroval Asbestos test and resulb submitted if demolition is occuning Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(3 sets of plans for remodefadditions, 4 sets of plans for new SFR and Duplex, 5 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial Buildings) ll Department of Community Development <Ntant Qe9 o I t).4Vo o o o o o o o o Window and door schedule a Full structural plans, including design criteria (i.e.loads) s Sfuctural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) s Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection 'o Fire resisfive assemblies specifred and penetrations indicated a Smoke detectors shown on plans o Types and quantity offireplaces shown I have read and Applicantt Signature: Date of submittal: Documene Received By: 05not2005 BUILDING PER},IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Depaftment Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Depaftment review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take up to six (6) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departmenE with regard to necessary review, these projects may take up to six (6) week to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the explration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Print name Project Name: Date: ll Document2 Signature o$t20t2005 .f.iirt No 1,/ E arry dninage work,bging done that affecB fte Rightof-Way, easernenb, or public property?YES_ NO V Is a 'Revocable Rightof-Way Permit" required?YES No l,/ Is the Rightof-Way, SemenE or public property to be tsed for staging, parking or fencing?YES NO V If ansuer is NO, is q p7ldng, staging or fencing plan required by Publ'rc Works?YES- NO l/ If you arswered YES b any of these questors, a Yublic Way Permit" must be obtained. Y ublic Way Permifl applications may be obbined at the Publk Workb office or at Community Development (a sample is atlached). f you have any quesUons please call Leonard Sandorral in Public Wo*s at479-2198. READ AND ANSWERED ALL rHE ABovE QUESTIoNQ. |AChg ,O. /1 nl tl IDfrY0F WHEN A *PUBLT WAy pERMrr" trS REQUIRED PTEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOT.TOWTNG QUESmNS REGARD]NG THE NEED FOR A YUBLrc WAY PERMIT": o o Is this a new rcsiderrce?*rl/ Does demoliUon work belng performed require the.uge of the Right-of-Way, easemenB or public property? YEs_ No {/ ts any uUlity work needed? YES- NO l,/ Are there any improvemenb being done b the driveway ? YES NOV tr B o tr EI D Is a different access needed b tfrc site other than the e)Gting driveway? YES_ Dt'i0") Documentz F . ,at,a^,^na ,f^rdc /lJrlnarml Contracbor Signature /) JoborPrcpctnun*' KAP I Anl ZrS DaE Sisred: lr-Zg-u g Company Name 05/20/2005 APPLICATION F'OR TOWN OF VAIL PIJBLIC WAY PERMIT 20 . PRI#: PW#: Parcel #:,-m Bldg. Permit #: ! t. 1 Job Name Street Addr*s Mail Address State Completion Date Water Sewer Gas Electrlc Telephone Ofunknown call TOV Contractor License Number - REQUIRED Phone # (Perrnit Expiration Date) Landscrping Temp. Site Access Total SF $ Total LF Total Permit Fee $ BE ONTHEJOBSITE BEFORETHE JOB IS STARTED. zipCity Excavating Contractor Name Start Date Work is for (circle one) Other 4. 6. 5. Trench-width (min. 4') Bond Amount $Permit Fee $ ALL MATERIAI. EQUPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES Rubba out-riggers are roquired on excavating equipment wh€n working on be protected at all times, Asphalt surfaces underneath the buckd and lugs shall A signature below indicates a rcview of ihe area and utility locations and Once all utility company signatures are obtained , permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works to obtsin lhe necesrrry Town of Vail signatures. Please allow up to one week to process. Xcel Energy / Public Service Company (l-800-922-1987) Xcel Energy High Fressure ( I -800-922-1987) Quest (l-800-922- 1987) Comcast Cable (1-800-922- I987) Eagle River Water & Sanitation Distri ct (970476-7 480, ext. I 14) Holy Cross Electric Company (l-800-922-i Town of Vail Electricians (970479-2158) Town of Vail lnigation (970-479-2158) THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CI,OSI.JRES! A oonstruction orior to issuance of tlre oer:nit. contrnl plan must be sublnitted Bnd approved by the Public Works Departrnent 9. All o<cavation must be done by hand within 18" ofutilities -Biil t72). 10.Failure to Notify the Town will result in forfeiture ofbond money. Scheduled inspections that are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a re-inspection fea I l. I certi! that I have read all chapt€r of Title t - Publlc Ways and Property, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility Company agreements, sigrred by me, and will abide by the samq and that all utilities have been notifisd as required. Contra*or"s Signature of Agreement Print name clearly ATTACH PLAI\ OF WORK INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show steet with names, buildings, and lmation of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. Document2 Date of signatue White - Public Works Yellow - Contractor 05t20t2005 tl PUBLT U'ORKSANDTHE PUBLT WAYPERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out he atbched check list with tre Building Permit Aoplication. If yes was answered b any of the questions then a 'Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at eiher Community Development locaEd at 75 South Frcntage Road or Public Wod<s, locaed at 1309 Elkhom Drive. F Notjce sign-offs for uUlity companies. ALL utilities must field veriff (locab) respective utilities prior b signing application. Some utility companies require up b uE houls notice b schedule a locaE, F A consbuction tzffic controlfbging plan must be prcpared on a sepanb sheet of paper. An apprcved sib plan may abo be used. This plan will show locations of all laffic control devices (signs, cones, eb.) and 0re work zone, (area of construcUon, sbging, eb.). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need b be resubmitEd for considenUon for apprcval ftrcugh the winbr. Be aware that your rcsubmission for winbr may be denied depending on he location of consUucUon. Slatrh of work being performed must be submitEd indicating dimensions (length, widUr and deph of work). This may be dnwn on the traffc contol plan or a siE plan tor the ilb, Submit complebd application b fie Public Work's office for review. If rcquired, locaEs will be scheduled for the Town of Vail elecbiciars and inigation crew. The locaEs take place in the moming, but may rcquirc up b 48'hours b peform. The Public Work's Consbuction Inspecbr will review the application and approve or deny he permil You will be contacbd as b he shtus and any requiremenE that may be needed. Most permiE arc released wihin zE hours of being rcceived, but please allow up b one (1) week b process. As soon as he permit is approved, tre Building DeparBnent will be notified, allowing the "BuiHing Permit" b be released. Please do not confuse he Yublic Way Permit" wih a "Building Permif'. D NOTE: The abbve prlocess is for uork in a public way ONLY. Public Wby Permits are valid only until November 15ft. A new Public Way Permit is rcquired each year if uork is not complee. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an aubmatic renewal. b-l'r-0fthe above. DabSigned o5lm12005 TURIVOF DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORI(S! ll Please read and check offeach of the items below: The Town of Vail Building Depaftment has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. The Town of Vail Public WorK Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culvefts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at 479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Depaftment. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culveft installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Certificate of Occuoancy issuance. Agreed to by: Print Name Project Name: Date Signed: DocumgnE Signature 05nono05 tl wr.tlw MATERNT STORAGE AND CONSTRUCTPN PARKING Please read and checkofreach of the iErrc below. (Copies of compleE Ext are avaihbh upon request) CODE 5.2.10: DEPIOSIf,S ON PUBLT WAYS PROHBITED o Unlawful deposib: Subject b subsection C thercof, it is unlawful for any person b litEr, hack or depcit or cause b be litbred, backed or depos'rbd, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snoq ice, or any other debris or material upon any street sidewalk, alley or publlc place, or any portion thercof. o Notce; AbaEmenh The Direcbr of Public Works may notlff and require any percon who violates or causes anotrer b violab the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violaEs or ctruses anotrer to violab the sarne, bp remove such sand, gravel, rocK, mud, di( snow, lce or any other debris or rnaErial wihin twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by he Dlrecbr of Public Works, In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice wihin the period of time herein specified, the Direcbr of Public Work, or other authorized agent, may cause any srrh sand, gravel, rocks, mud, di( snoq ice, debris or any other material b be removed frcm any street or alley at the expense of the notiffed. o Summns and Penalty: As an albmaUve b the notice for rcmolal provided in subsection B abwe, any pe6on who violabs or causes another b violaE tre sarne, rnay be issued a summons b appeal beforc the Mun'rcipal Court of the Town for said viohtions, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as prcvided in Section 1-4-1 of thb code. o Notice and Penalty: It 's unlawi.rl for any person to fril or refuse b comply with the notice of the Dirccbr of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, aM any such peson shall, in addition b payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Dirccbr of Public Work, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Sectjon 1-4'1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-:iA-l AND 7-3A-3: PARKNG OBSTRUCTII{G TRAFFtr & T|POUNDMENT AUTHORZED o No person shall park any vehicle upon a sfreet or at any otrer place within this Mun'cipality in such a manner or under such conditions as b inbrfere wi$ the free movement of vehicular t"ffic or proper street or highway mainbnance. (Ord. 2(1968) 5 1) o Wherever any police officer finds a vehicle atEnded or unatbnded, standing upon any portion of a sbeet or upon any place within thls Munhipality in srch a manner as b constih.tE a violation of any section of this Article; or left unatbnded for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presunnd b be abandoned under the condiUons prescribed by Colorado Revised Sbtutes section 424-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehlcle b be removed or cause it b be removed and placed in sbrage in the nearest garclge or other place of safety designabd or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for bwing and sbrage of such vehkle shall be charged b the owner of the vehkle in addiUon b a En dollar ($10) impoundment cturge. (Ord. 2(1968) 5 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) I have read and will comply with the above code provisions: Position or Relationship to Project: Miigned: bqA'-O;05120t2005 ll VaiI 2004 Vail Village and Lionshead Village Gonstruction Hours Information Handout Problem Statement The Vail Village and Lionshead Village are invaluable assets to the community. Thousands of people come to Vail each year to sightsee, recreate, shop and to enjoy everything the Vail Valley has to offer. The community and merchanb rely upon our guest to generate revenue. Our summer/winter guests expect a pleasant experience whib in Vail. To insure that all of the proposed construction has as little negative impact on the community and on our guest as possible, the Town of Vail finds it imperative to create and implement the Vail Village and Lionshead Mllage Construction Hours Handout. It would be irresponsible for the Town of Vail, the Construction Contractors and the Merchants, to 4o(actively pprticipate to minimize the impact of construction in the Vail and Lionshead Village areas. New for 2004-2006 will be the Vail Village Streetscape lmprovement Project. Work to lnclude alt utitity related improvements, streetscape, drainage, snowmelt systems and landscaping. All Construction projects and/or remodels within the Vail Village Gore Area should contact Scott Bluhm Town of Vail Streetscape Coordinator at970477-3418 for further information. Givens The following givens are intended to provide the basic foundation by which construction will be completed in the Villages: . The public's health, safety and welfare shall be honored at all times. r Adequate pedestrian, loading/delivery, vehicle, and emergency vehicle access and circulation shall be maintained. o Roadways and pedestrian walkways shall be kept clean and free of dirt and debris. r All construction deliveries, equipment, tools and materials entering the Vail Village and Pedestrian areas must go through Check Point Charlie. All Lionshead construction activity must go to the Vail Police Department for a parking permit. Do not use delivery zones for construction parking, refer to approved staging plan or make other anangements for parking. . The hours of Outside Construction Activity shall be as follows: - April 15-June 18 &SeptemberT-November 19,7a.m. until 7 p.m., seven days aweek. June 18 thru September 10, work must end by 4:00 p.m. on Fridays. November 13 - April 15, 2005 work allowed within daylight hours only. - Deliveries shall be restricted to the hours of 7 a.m. to 1 1:30 a.m. on Gore Creek Drive and 7 a.m. to 8;30 a.m. on Bridge Street. - Special Construction delivery permits must be requested in advance, from Public Works in conjunction witt Code Enforcement at Checkpoint Charlie. - No construction activity shall occur on Saturday or Sunday between June 19 and September 5. - No outside construction activity shall occur on the following dates: 0512012005DocumenE Jun-ll-05 10:44an From-T0i{fl 0F VAlt CO[frlUNlTY 0EVEL0P|€i{T g'"C4i9Z.i'e .Jr.ar*r-rys€srEl|g.brq*a5 . I) epailmefi t uf C ammunig, !)ev elopwent 75 South Frontage Raad Ilail, Colnyadc 81651 $ /iJ-,x79-2I38 Ft'r,T q704?9"245"] wt.v,, +,. v a i ? g: o- s. t : a m T-01! F.002/001 F-55t ..,lune 27. 2C0s lfirs, Werner Kaple-n ,1$30 Sooth 'rlreei( iJri,,'€ Vail, CO 61ei57 iiax) 370.476.9201 Re; Re-roof protos4i, TjRBOSOZSB Lot 5, Block 4^/ilii \/iileEe i 1n FilinS near M!'s. Keol.j.r. Jhdlk you for submittrng €n a!'nendment io the re-rooi propogat st the ebove adctross. I hsve stqff eDoroved'the Tamko @ Lamarite slate compooits shingle in Dusti Giey a* the finat proposgd roofing mite.rial -iii;;:-- please noie lhat the aporovaj iorrn reflects the following ccnlition oi apprc,vat; "Prior to completion of the re-root, applicant shall ensure that all non-conforming ffoodtights ar6 removerj.n Thank you for your patience in pu,rsu'ing the design revtew process. Your attention to irnproving the quality ofyour re$id€nce and iherefore the Town of Vail ifl generel is much appraciated, please don't h;sitate to c;lllvith any Eeut gue$tiorl$ cf 96qcerns. Enjoy a wondenui $ummerl/ ! ,,". Eckel 970.419.2454 enrlcsure t ,-t)Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 telz 970.48.2L9 fax: 970.479.2452 web: wwwci,vail.co,us Prctect l{ame: KAPLAN RE-ROOF DRB Number: DR8050233 Project Descrlption: Re-roof residence in Tamko Lamarlte Slate in Dusk Gray Pafticipants: owNER r(APr-AN, GrLDA L. O6|0U2W5 3O3O BOOTH CREEK DR VAIL co 81657 APPUCAMT KAPI-AN, GI|-DA L. 06/0U2005 3O3O BOOTH CREEK DR VAIL co 81657 Prciect Addrcss: 3030 BOOTH CREEK DR VAIL .Location: 3O3O BOOTH CREEK DRIVE Legal Description: Lot: 5 Block 4 Subdlvlsion; VAIL VILIAGE FIUNG 11 Parcel Number: 2101-023-0400-7 Commentsr seecondition BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: APPROVED Second By:Vofte: DateofApproval:0612412005 Gondltons: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written @nsent of Town of Vail staff andior the appropriate revieur cornmittee(s). Cand: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Bullding personnel prior to construction activities, Cond:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued aM construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0007251 Prior to completion of the re-roof, applicant shall ensure that all non-conforming flmdlights are removed TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: B0s-0177 Job Address: 3030 BOOTH CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSLED [-ocation.....: 3030 BOOTH CREEK DRIVE Applied . . : 07lO7l2W5 Parcel No,..: 2t0102304W7 Issued. .. : 0710812W5 Project No : Plof. OUA Expires . ..: OllM/2}C6 owNER KAPI_,AN, crLDA L. 07 / 07 / 2005 3O3O BOOTII CREEK DR VAIIJ co 8L657 APPr-,rCAriilf PACHECO ROOFING 07/07/2005 phone: (7a91 486-3864 L2I E 16TI{ STREET I,EADVII-,I,E co 80461 I-,i-cense z 647 -S CoNTRACTOR PACHECO ROOFING O7/O7/2OO5 phone: (719) 485-3854 AzL E 15TH STREET I,EADVILI-,E co 80451_ License : 647 -S Description: RE-ROOF RESIDENCE FROM SHAKES TO TAI{KO IJAIi{IRTTE SHTNGI-'ES Occupancy: Type Construction: Valuation: $15,900.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 Fireplace Information: Reshicted: Y #of Gas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 #of Wood Pellet: 0 Building---> 9265 .25 Restuarant Plan Review- > Plan Check-- > 5172.41 DRB Fee--------->90-00 Total Calculared Fees- > $440-56 so . oo Additionsl Fees----- >$0.00 Investigation- > Will Call---- > So. 00 Recreation Fe€---------> g3 . o0 Cleamrp Deposit*----- > TOTAL FEES----------- > g0 . 00 Totrl Permit Fee:--- > $44 0 . 66 S0. 00 Paymentr----------- > $440. 56 3440.66 BALANCEDUE____>$0.00 Approvals: rICM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMEMT 01 /o7/20os JS Action: AP Item: 05400 PITANNING DEPARTMENT ftem: 05600 FIRE DEPARI'!{ENf Item: 05500 PITBI-,IC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to tttis permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and stat€ that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply PAGE 2*****+*'1.*4r*r.***{.**,*********rr*tt*******,t*:f ***)trrl.**********!t+4(***********,F*,i*rt*{.********:t'i't *{.**********+,t$k*!F CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 805-0177 as of 07-08-2005 Status: ISSUED:tt!*{r********:1.*****{.*{.********+:**,tc*'t ********,t,****{.***{.*****,t*{.****:t ,t**********:*************+****4(****:**** Permit Tlpe: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: O7t07t2W5 Applicant: PACI{ECO ROOFING Issued: 07/08/2m/5 (719) 486-38& To Expire: 01104/2W6 Job Address: 3030 BOOTH CREEK DR VAIL l,ocation: 3030 BOOTH CREEK DRIVE Parcel No: 2l0l02304ffi7 Description: RE-ROOF RESIDENCE FROM SHAKES TO TAMKO LAMIRITE SHINGLES **********************:|(*{.***:t*!t*,t{t!&**r.{.*****d.*'1.:f ** COffditiOnS:t,F*****{.******************:'!*******:1.'l*{.***{c** Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLIIRED TO CHECK FOR coDE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SECTION R3I3 OF THE 2OO3 IRC. witlt all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this sfiucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Internatiorul Building and Residential Codes and otber ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOIR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 47q2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER {r**'t'1.***'l*{'***'i+l*******'}**t**+***'}*+l'+'}'}**l***'i*{'*+******++{.{.*{r****+***********t***1r*+***** TOWNOFVAIL. COIORADO Statement*+'l*++************f**,!***ff****f,++*******t*****+***{.'}*********+f,{.*****++*******'t************ Anorrnt: $440.55 07 /Oe/2OO5O2:48 PMIniur DDGlilotation: Pacheco Statement Number: R050001029 Payment Metbod: Cash Roofing - caah Permits No: Parcel No: Site Addrees : Location: This Payment : 805 - 0177 2101-023 -0400-7 3O3O BOOTH CREEK DR VAIIJ 3O3O BOOTH CREEK DRIVE $440.66 TytrIe: ADD/AI,T SFR BUII,D PERMIT ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 wc 0 010 0 0031r_2 8 00 Description BUTIJDING PERMIT FEES PI,,AN CHECK FEES WILI, CAI,I, INSPECTION FEE TOEAI FEEE: Total ALL Pmts : Balance: $440.56 $440.55 90.00 Currenu Pmts 265.2s r72.4! 3 ,00 07-2S2(n5 lnspecflon Request Reportlng PagB 154:13pm Va[ co-cttrol - Requesbd hspFc't Osb: llondry, August 0l, 2005- hst€c"on Atstl Jt* "*t" .REEK DR vArL 3O3O BOOTH CREEK DRII/E ArP,D lnllormrdon Arfidty: ill$0177 TrD€: A-Bt LD SubTloe: ASFR Sbt|s: ISSUEDCotrslTy$: OccupoirEy: [Fe: l,EpAFa: JS Oim€r: XAPLAN. GILDA L.Applcant PACFECO ROOFIIIG Phone: {719).{8&38efCo-nu.clot: PACI.ECOROOFIiIG Ptrone: 4719)4{l&3864D.rcrFllon: RE-ROOF REglDEl'lCE FROi,t S}|AKES TO TAMI(O LAttllRllE SHIiTLES Requ.cted lnspeston(s) 90 BLDG+lnd PAC!€COR@Hrre too' lnsoacdon Hltton bm: 10 BlDGFootnos/Slael $bm: 2o ElDc'.Fdjnduodst elhm: 30 BLDO-Fnmlnobm: 50 BfDG{nsu}r6nlbm: 60 BLDGSh€etocft ihllfbm: 7l) BlDeilI3c. llem: 9) BtOe,FlrEl Item: 21 Pl.Al$lLC Foundauon PLnlbm: 22 PtAMLCSltePlanlbm: 533 ru$$'TEMP.CYOlbm: 53rl H.AN-F|h!ALOO *"*ffi,wfulbm: Roquesba: Commodr:ei*Ifi; cDAvrs f\l> --- TtneExp: 6fu-l REPT131 Run Id: 3464 V^*W/b?ofr',v /( /,f f,ton*fial Project Name: KAPLAN RE-ROOF DRB Number: DRB050233 Project Description: Re-roof residence in Tamko Lamarite Slate in Dusk Gray Participants: OWNER KAPLAN, GILDA L. O6IOU2OO5 - 3O3O BOOTH CREEK DR VAIL co 81657 AppucANT KAPI-AN, GrLDA L. 06/01/2005 3O3O BOOTH CREEK DR VAIL co 81657 Project Address: 3030 BOOTH CREEK DR VAIL Location: 3O3O BOOTH CREEK DRIVE Legal Description: Lot: 5 Block 4'Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 11 Parcel Number: 2101{23-0400-7 Comments: see condition BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: APPROVED Second By:Vote: DateofApprovalt 0612412005 Gonditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate revlew committee(s), Cond: 0 (P[-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0007251 Prior to completion of the re-roof, applicant shall ensure that all non-conforming floodlights are removed ffi ^#i::""",ilH1r3iff;"H:J;*tOnruffiffW "'?:i:ii[:iB:!,1?"i,Xi'bili"i3doo87657 web: www.vailoov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submitlal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Name(s) orowner(s): G tt D9 t lltbRpeB ,Kp>t nil Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Maifing Address: aa,atle a,c^ alz2f€- Phone: E-mail Address: d v)6ro,l o f.,V Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition - Minor Alteration Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per sguare foot of total sign area. No Fee $20 $20 No Fee $6so $300 $2s0 Construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. An addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. Revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. n ! LocationoftheProposal: Lot: F Block: V Subdivision: ulti-family/commercial) TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement Number: Pa)ment Method: KAPI,AN Statement Anount: $20.00 06/o]-/20O5O8:53 AIr{Init : iIS Notatl-on: 7437 /GTLDA R050000713 Check Permit No: DR8050233 l\rtr)e I DRB-Minor AIt, SFR,/DUP Parcel No: 2LOL-023 -0400 -7 Site Address: 3030 BOOTH CREEK DR VAIL Location: 3030 BOOTH CREEK DRM Total Fees: This Palment : $20.00 $20.00 90. oo $20.00 Total AIrIJ Pmts : BaLance: ++******+**+f+++++++++++++*********r*************+********************t*************'t******** ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code Description CurrenL Pmts DR 00100003LL2200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.oo TOI4'T'M I, (print name) JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER , a joint owner of propety located at (address/legal description) provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Comrnunity Development Depaftment for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. 5/ zt/a{ Page 2 of l3lL2lO2l04 MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS** tr Stamped Topographic Survey*a Site and Grading Plan*u Landscape Plan*o ArchitecturalElevations*y' Exterior color and material samples and specifications. r Architectural Floor Plansx o Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures D Title report, including Schedules A & B to veriff ownership and easements*o Photos ofthe exisUng site and adjacent.structures, where applicable.o Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicableo Site-specific Geological Hazard Repoft, if applicable*u The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submil three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). x*For interior conversions with no exterior changes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Name:fu-rw9, "rsada,{E e1r 6eofh &Al F- Contractor Signature V ftlt- Date Signed Page 3 of I3lLZllzlM Topographic survey!. Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyorr Date of surveyr North arrow and graphic bar scale. Scale of 1"=10' or I"=20'). Legal description and physical address. Lot size and build able area (build able area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40o/o, and floodplain)r Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert, This information must be clearly stated on the survey. ProperV boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings' and a basis of bearing must be shown, Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner.. Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curue information.. Indicate all easements idenUfied on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title repoft. List any easement restrictions.o Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the street frontage of the property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot.. Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervalsr Existing trees or groups of fees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade.. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.),. All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.).r Environmental Hazards (ie rock fall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils). Watercourse setbacks, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback). Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include: Sewer Gas. Telephone Water Electric. Size and type of drainage culvefts,.swales, etc.. Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250'in either direction from property. . Site and Grading Plan:. Scale of I"=20'or larger. Property and setback lines. Existing and proposed easements. Existing and proposed grades. Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line.. All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height.. Proposed.driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade.. A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uphill direction.. Locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures. Page 4 of L3lL2l02l04 Buildinq Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvoe of Material [7lst- 4"/4r Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other -t&u*a TPDDV<TgrilE- Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of I3lI2l02l04 @$os we tloq111g . Proposed surface drainage on and off-site.. Location of landscaped areas.. Location of limits of disturbance fencing. Location of all required parking spaces. Snow storage areas.. Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure.' : : Rebining walls with proposeC.elevations at.top.and.bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and ' elevdton drawings shall be prbvided on ttle .pEn\ on'separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4'and 6'feet in height.. Delineate areas to be phased and appropiiate timing, if applicable . Landscape Plan:. Scale of 1" = 20'or larger. Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan.. Location of existing trees, 4" diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new location), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the proposed improvements and grading.. Indicate all existing ground cover and shrubs.r Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground cover.. Delineate critical root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and construction.. Indicate the location of all proposed plantings.. The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation.. Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. . Lighting Planl. Indicate type, locaton and number of fiKures.. Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area. Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. . REPAINTPROPOSALS .,. For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: . Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s). Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, . stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffiits, etc.) Page 5 of L3lI2l02lo4 I I 997714 flt last, a slnlelifie roof lhal's as Itacticnl as il is beruliful. Lamarite shingles offer all the beauty of slate without the high-cost and performance issues. Made from innovative composite materials that are robust, fire resistant, and enduring, Lamarite Slate Composite Shingles offer you the best of both world6. The beauty of real slate in a product that is lighter in weight. Natural beauty. Unnatural performance. 'You can Greale lrour own unique color combination with Lamarite shingles. Consult your roofing contrac{or oTTAMKO represantatives for help wilh ordering. Lamarite Slate Composite Shingles provide a superior level of performance compared lo traditional slale. They are weight, more resistant to cracking under inclemenl weather, and less maintenance. Lamarite shingles otfer unmatched beauty, strength, and affordability in a product backed by a SO-year limited warranty from TAMKO.Prinl€d roproduction ol6hingle colors is e6 accurale a6 mod€rn prinling will pa nil, BocSute ol lhoir size, picturos cannot accurat€ly depict tha color, aod varialions. TAMK0 r€commends viering an aclusl rool inslallalion or several iull size shingles orior lo linql seleclion lor lhe lull imDacl ol color bl€ndino and oallerns- |||ilt]tilflilililililil||Itl 997711 June 16, 2005 Mrs. Werner Kaplan 3030 Booth Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 (fax) 970.476.9201 Re: Re-roof proposal, DRB050233 Dear Mrs. Kaplan, Thank you for attending yesterday's Design Review Board public hearing regarding the proposal to re-roof your residence using the Tamko @ Lamarite shake in Weathered Wood. However, the Design Review Board was unable to approve the application as proposed and instead tabled the application, to be heard again at the public hearing on Wednesday, July 6, 2005. The lack of approval of this particular material was based on the Design Review Board's sentiment that the proposed material lacks the definition and relief that is necessary to make a synthetic shingle appear most like a wood shingle. The following roofing materials are essentially "pre-approved" within the Town. Should any of these materials fit your needs, I would be more than happy to staff approve the application. 1. Roof surfacing materials shall be compatible with the site and sunounding buildings. The use of wood shakes and metal roofs is acceptable, however in no instance will metal roofs which reflect direct sunlight onto an adjacent property be permitted.. .Asphalt and fiberglass shlngles shall be permitted provided thal they weigh no /ess than three hundred (300) pounds per roofing square foot and are of a design and color *T*;ffi :"qffi#H-ffiffi ffi;i#**'1,*,,**",Ec.sar Don't hesitate to let me know if I can be of further help in your research. Please contact me before Friday, July 1s, regarding any changes in your proposal, This would ensure that your placement on the July 6tn agenda can be maintained. Again, thank you for your time and patience in what is not always a simple design review process. Best Reqards,.'- -t''./)///./ ' l'/ ElisabethKKel 970.479.2454 T'OIIINOT'IIAII Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com June 27,2005 Mrs. Werner Kaolan 3030 Booth Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 (fax) 970.476.9201 Re: Re-roof proposal, DR8050233 Lot 5, Block 4Alail Village 11'n Filing Dear Mrs. Kaplan, Thank you for submitting an amendment to the re-roof proposal at the above address. I have staff approved the Tamko @ Lamarite Slate composite shingle in Dusk Grey as the final proposed roofing material. Also, please note that the approval form reflects the following condition of approval: "Prior to completion of the re-roof, applicant shall ensure that all non-conforming floodlights are removed." Thank you for your patience in pursuing the design review process. Your attention to improving the quality of your residence and therefore the Town of Vail in general is much appreciated. Please don't hesitate to call with any remaining questions oltoncerns. Enjoy a wonderful summer! -c..',/ - t_,(Zz/A ElisaU5th Eckel 970.479.2454 enclosure {p ^"""to 'n'"^ From: To: Date: Subject: George Ruther Elisabeth Eckel 0612312005 5:45:20 PM Re: Tivoli roof The roof material approved is a mix of the Echostar faux slate in a colored blend. Green, red, grey 4Ol4Ol2O Thanks George Ruther, AICP Chief of Planning Town of Vail (970) 47$2145 office (970) 37G2675 cell (970) 479-2452tax gruther@vailgov.com >>> Efisabeth Eckel0612312005 4:46:18 PM >>> Hi George: I arn looking for some information on the roofing material that was apprcved at the new Tivoli Lodge. I was unsuccessful at finding the information I needed within the file. Do 1lou remember the product and/or would you be able to direct me to the applicable info? Thanks in advance! Elisabeth TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 802-0184 Job Address: 3030 BOOTH CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 3030 BOOTH CREEK DRIVE Applied. . : 06112/2002 Parcel No...: 2101023M007 lssued. .. : 06/28/2002 ProjectNo : Expires...: 12/25/2002 APPLTCAT|m Alpine Meadow Masonry rnc. 05/L2/20o2 Phonez 97o-926-L995 PO Box 197 wolcott, co 816 ss License: 706 -B oI{NER KAPLAN, Grr,DA r,. 06/L2/2OO2 Phoner 3O3O BOOTH CREEK DR VAIL CO 8155 7 License: CONTRACToR Alpine Meadow Masonry rnc. 06/t2/2002 Phonez 97o'926-1996 PO Box 197 Wolcott, Co 81555 Lricense: 706-B Description: New driveway, new painting, Iandscape lighting, new 2nd level deck. Occupancy: R3,Ul TypeConstruction: VN TypeVNon-Rated Valuation: $46,000.00 Add Sq Ft 0 Fireplace Information: Restristcd: Y # ofcas Appliances: 0 # ofGas togs: 0 # of Wood Pellel: 0 +++at*rt'tt++++,t,t tttt**lra*1.:llrt*t*lt Building---> 9482.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> $o.oo Total Calculated Fees-> 5?65.30 Plan Check-> S3oo.30 DRB Fe€-------> $0.00 Additional Fees-----> 50.00 Inyestigation-> $0. OO Recreation Fee-------> $0. O0 Total Permit Fee'---> $?65 ' 30 Will Call----> $3 . oo clear'up Deposit'-----> $0. oo Payments"----------'-'-> S765 ' 30 TOTAL FEES------> $?5s .30 BAI-ANCE DUE---> S0. 00 t *t *a'* a:**{ *'t* *'tl * Approvals:Iten: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT o6/2L/2oo2 cdavis Action: AP subjecb to field inspections Item: 05400 PL'ANNING DEPARTMENT o6/L2/2oo2 bgibson Action: AP ITeM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMEI\IIT ltem: 05500 PIIBITIC WORKS 06/24/2oo2 rg driveway other than contact Ehe Town of Action: AP If any changes to what approved, Public Works Departments. See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8iOO AM - 5 PM, Send Clean-up Deposit To; N/A OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER PAGE 2 ******{.***{t,t.**********:t.)***{''}****,t+************+**{.*#!t.*{tf**,lt*!t{.+**!**,|.:|.+*:**!t.*:lt+*:f*:|(*:|.tt.+'f*,|(** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 802-0184 as of 06-28-2002 Status: ISSUED * *,1* * '* * *:1. * 't:1. * * *{.,i *,t{**r.* * *** * *,1.* * *{.*********** **** * **,F + * * * 't *:l 'F f !* ** ** * + ** * * * * ** * * * ** ** * * * * * + * * * !* * '1. 't* * * * * * PermitType: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: 06112/2002 Applicanl Alpine Meadow Masonry Inc. Issued: 06/28D002 970-92G1996 To Expire: 12/25/2002 Job Address: 3030 BOOTH CREEK DR VAIL Location: 3030 BOOTH CREEK DRryE ParcefNo: 210102304007 Description: New driveway, new painting landscape lighting, new 2nd level deck. 't***,f ***+**!t******,1:*{.**********{r+****:t*+******:t*** COnditiOnS *:f :}*!i*{.*x.!*:r*****'t***d.**'1.'i**{.***'*,1.*!t'}'*!t**'ti.,** Cond: l2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: l6 (BLDC.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3I0.6.I OF THE I997 UBC. **:l't,$**:t r. **,t '**{.{.*** 't * ***'i * **,t+,t ,t:} {. 't {.*****'t'}*{i'fr}***++'r**+*,3:r+{.****'t.ti***,t,t,ft**{.'t'}*:t * ***r.'t,t* * *** TOWN OF VAIL. COLORADO Statement a*+****+***********{t*f+*{t* ***** ***{t{r:t*+*+************ * * * * * +* * * * ** {. * * **,1..1.,} * l. '1. '} * * * * ***{.,}*** *** Statement Number: R0000O2548 Arnount I $?55.30 06/28/2OO2I0:13 AM Payment Method: Check Init: LC . Notation: *10387/Afpine Meadow Masonry PermLt No: 802-0184 T14re: ADD/ALT SFR BUIIJD PERMIT Parce1 No: 2101023 04 0 07 Site Addrese: 3030 BooTH CREEK DR VAIL L,ocation: 3030 BOOTH CREEK DRI\IE Total Fees: $765.30 This Palment: $755-30 Total AIrIJ Pmts: $755.30 Balance: $0.00 * ** + * * *+** **+*tt f f *ft I * | ***t t+**** *+ * * * ** {t *,} ** +* * * ***********+* * * *+ ** * *+ * * ** * * ****,t ++ ++ l** * * ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code Description Cunrent Pmts BP OO1OOOO3111IOO BUILDING PERM]T FEES 462.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 300.30 ric 00100003112800 tJItL CALL INSPECTTON FEE 3.00 II ll -6D'biri"?r#r?e o",+v Building Permit #:gZo+zs-:r4g Gni MWNWVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 General Contractor: frlp,-" f\r^l*- l\o Contact and Phone #'s:CA,qk- +1t-4ss+ COMPTETE VALUATIONS FOR BUITDING PERMIT (TAbOr & MAtCTiAIS BUILDING: S t, oeo ELECTRICAL: $ /0, oa oTHER: $ 3O, oc>,e) PLUMBING: $ N/A MECHANICAL: 5 fuy'oe *rorAl:$ 46,eee) Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 97O-328-8640 or visit 2lol oz3o4 oo7 JobAddress: 3030 Booth Creek DriveJob Name: Kaplan Remodel Filing:ya11 vitfi Phone:476-299gOwners Name: Gilda Kaplan 'P.O. Box 1068; Vailnerfiichael Haza Detailed description of Mlnor alteration /Re-paving 2nd floor deck driveway/newstone veneer/ New paint/refurbished WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel(") Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this locationl Yes ( ) No (1 )Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( *) Both ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family (.. ) Two-family ( ) MulU-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 1 Pellet (^ ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( x) No ( ) **************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************** ot DT ler Fees: I Fees: Public Wav Permit Feei F:/everyoneforms/bldgperm f s"li-s RtcD Jl 4:'6zo(h TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNIry DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTACEROAD vAtL, co 81657 97r.79-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 3030 BOOTH CREEK DR VAIL Location.....: 3030 BOOTH CREEK ParcelNo...: 210102304007 ProjectNo : 'yqQl-o\\t Permit #: EO2-0120 3d-o(8\ Status...: ISSUED Appfied. . : 07/09/2002 Issued. . : 07/10/2002 Expires . .: 01/0612003 OWNER KAPI.,AN, GII-,DA I-,. 3O3O BOOTH CREEK DR VAIL CO 8L657 License: coNrRAcToR wHrTE RrVER ET.ECTRTC 07/09/2OO2 Phone: 97O-949-L4O3 P O BOX 1118 AVON CO 4L620 License: 145-E APPIJICANT WHITE RIVER EL,ECTRTC 07/O9/20O2 Phone: 970-949-1-403 P O BOX 1118 AVON CO 8L620 License: 145-E Desciption: INSTALL TYPE Ml CABLE BELOW BRICK PAVERS IN DRIVEWAY.INSTALL EXTERIOR LIGHTING Valuation: $6.000.00 FEE SUMMARY Total Calculated Fees-> 5111. 00 o7/09/2002 Phone: Electrical----> $108 . 00 DRB F€€----> InYestigation--> Will CalL----> $0. 00 $0.00 $3.00 Additional F'ees------>$0.00 Total Permit Fe€----> $111.00 Payments------------> $111 . 0o BALANCE DUE--.-->$0. 0oTOTAL FEES-> S1I1. OO Approvals:ItEm: 05000 EIJECTRICAJ-, DEPARTMENT o7/o9/2oo2 DF Action: AP :-::-r:r:r:::t-:L:1':"-:*Tl*.*...*..'*.*r.*..***,,.'rr.*.r.'r1'r.r.*:i'r,r*r$****:r***.++.:lrrt+,**'++r.t+r+'r'*'r.r*.''r'.t'*..'*'.rtrt CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IAIICE. **at*aaraa*'ra1r*a DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479. \,/(./&\'c,t..l-. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET 'i ** * ** * + ** + * ** * * * * * * * 'i 'N. * 't I f, * *+ l'f t * * * * *,i *{' '* * ** ** * * t +f +,t** '}* * * * '}****** * | f+ + * a** * * * *{.**** * * ** + + TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement '** * * * * | f * *'lr t * * ** * '1. * ** * * * *** * *+l 't*** * * * ** * * ** ** * * * * fl*** ** * * * *'i ** *t**,* *+ + * * ** * ** *{"}**+ + * * f** * SCatsement Nuhber: R000002701 Anpunt: $111.00 07/LO/200271 :25 AM Payment Method: check fnit: DDG Iilolauion: whlte River Elect. 13848 Permit Noi E02-0120 TIT)e: EIJECTRICAL, PERIVII? Parcel lilo: 210102304007 SLte Address: 3030 BOOTH CREEK DR \AIIr IJocation: 3030 BOqfH CREEK Total Fees: $111.00 This Payment: $111.00 Total AIrIJ Ptnts: $111.00 , BalaJrce: $0. OO *+tt* +** * ** f f, ** * * * ++ * **** * * * *+ *'l *+*'t + ++ + ****+ * 't +* ******tl ** +* * *,* ii.* * *+* + * ++ * * * *'t * *** * * * *+ * + * ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts EP OO1OOOO31114OO TEMPOMRY PO!\IER PERI'IITS !\|C OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FTE 108. 00 3.00 J t os o8 o4:4?p {[r , Inc S?O 949 6?4S F INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED p.1 Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: 97 0.479-2149 (lnspections) TVWNOF 75 S. FrontaseVail, ColoraEo -Conbct Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # COMPLETE SQ, FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNTOF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATIoN: $ 6rao.9 CONTRACTOR INFORUATION # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) Llo ro?,- 3o+o.9J Job Name: l4A?rda;.l R,66lSE-r"lCF JobAddress: b* Eot]ty'-\ e/.4lalr subdivlslon: tlriu V", Phone: rg16 _ 1r-oo Detailed description of work: lN*nU--rYeE iY\E- a.+r!€.- bc-|o,,.r PrT.J4. Fq- r,raLi trr pN.lrsto-.-1 . t^$ +.J.t- r+,le.r;ior- t-i WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel (rzf Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) WorkType: Interior ( ) Exterior (rzf Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family (.zf Dupiex ( ). Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: I No. of Accommodatbn Units in this building: Is this perrnit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) Ujltte. Grv q' qAia-vr\-Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: ) u. ,T+1 - t..k ,. *.**** *rr* r **{.*** ** **:ts * f,* r ++******* t* *** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**x + ** * * r *** *** ****F*'r+ ** r}*rir *+**+* ** l' :/everyone/formtelecperm TOWN OF VAIL DEPAR'I'MENT OF COMMUNIry DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M02-0132 Job Address: 3030 BOOTH CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 3030 BOOTH CRK Applied . . : 06/?412002 Parcel No...: 210102304007 Issued . . : 07/10/2002 ProjectNo , QW$q.4rIL{L{ Expires. .: 0l/06noo3 OI'INER KAPLAN, GIIJDA I.,,. 06/24/2002 PhONE: 3O3O BOOTH CREEK DR vArlr co 8L557 License: CoNTRACTOR HEARTH EXCHANGE, INC. 1THEI 06/24/2002 Phone: 970-827-9623 P.O BOX 670 MIITTURN, CO 8154 5 License : 1-'14-M Appr-,rcANT HEARTH EXCITANGE, INC. (EHE) 06/24/2002 Phone: 970-827-9623 P-O BOX 570 MII{:rURN, CO 8154 5 Iricense : 17 4-M Desciption: CONVERSTON OF A WOOD BURNINC FIREPLACE WITH A GAS LOG SET Valuation: $2,298.00 Fireplace lnformation: Restricted: Y Ir+:rrr***++t* FEE SUMMARY a++r.+,1***,*ra**arrr++**,****raat'ra:r:rtr*:*t't*at,|a'|a*t:r*t,t**'rriarl S50 . o0 Restuaranl Plan Review->So. oo Total Calculaled Fees->s78.00 # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 Mechanical-> Plan Check--> InY6tigation-> Will Call---> {^ nn TnTal FFFq,--.-------> s3 .00 # ofcas Logs: I g?8. oo Tolal Pemlit Fee--'--> PaYme nts-----'--_'> Sr5.00 DRB Fee---------> $0.00 Additional fqes---:--> (979.00) $0.00 s0.00 +++ +++t++a+'l++,1** a** * ** *,t{ a*t*****r*:}. BALANCE DUE---> S0. 00 tt:lt**t*rl a*:t *1*a*rt't*la*a:l'i't*:l,l** l*l|t*l|t*att +:i,i*t *aarl|| aa**a+tlllll|a*||a{ Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEMT 07/08/2002 GCD Action: AP IIEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMEMT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI,DG.): FIET_,O INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IAIiICE. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): INSTAI-,LATION MUST CONFORII! TO MANUFACTIIRES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CIIAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 UMC, CHAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 IMC' Cond: CONO005412 (BI.,DG.): GAS APPIJIANCES SHAI-,L BE VENTED ACCORDING TO C}IAPTER 8 AND SI{AI,I, TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE !997 UI4C, OR CHAPTER 8 OF TI{E 1997 IMC. DAMPER REQUIRED TO BE WEI.DED OPEN OR REMOVED. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that ail the information as required is corect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this shucture according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE B AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM E:00 AM - 5 PM. R FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF Building Pirmit #: will not be ical Room Room Air Duct Cut/Spec Sheets (:TOR INF'fIPMATINN Mechanical Contra6[-t./ --/a-*r'l f,"nb=-Town ofVail Reg. No.: /zq - tr Contact and enoi€ *-s:, -V*- 437-qzoa,/ a?z-?oDe Contractor Signaturq / -, --- t---t ItF4 ROUTEDTO: * DATE ROUTED: I EffffiElfr-n= vl- 'vl+ffin+-h ILUA-!FOR & Materials)M :HAtucAL: $ 2e7€, ea Ln+ntuE'5:O et 97O-328-AE40 nr wicit:3 lI.2/a/a?t- JobName: /r. . I>t i-t|-Lo.-|oo.ooo** 7op g*d (n--l D- Legal Description Lot: f Ierocn /Filinsr //O-r.-"^ 6//4 Le*l^fu**p^ ^-*a , VJffi WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Alterati Boiler Location: Interior ( ) fteri* ( ! - on 0O Repair ( ) Other ( ) Sther ( )No( )Does an EHU odst at this location: yes ( ) Typeof Bldgi Singte-famity( ) Dup,e)(( ) Nutti_fanrilyl ) Cor nmercial ( ) R€staurant ( ) OFer( ) ttto. - ll No. of Accommodation Units in this buitding: -Ngrypg of Egepla@s Existinq: Eas Applianc€s ( I gas Loos (, J Wood/pelEt f \ Wood Bumino r\.1 Norrype cf Firep:aces proposed: c ( ) wooo Burning (Nor ALLOWED) Is mE a clnrrersion firm a wood 'l'*'l'***'t!******trt'-:3:l1l'l:EgB oFEIcE usE oNLy*!r,ft**,rc**:ft,r*r(,f ****,rr.*!Fd3******r( Fi /evcryDn6/fonnr/mcdtpcrm uvD \ TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMTINIry DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vAtL, co 8t657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBINC PERMIT Permit #: P02-0077iol{G1 Job Address: 3030 BOOTH CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 3030 BOOTH CREEK DR Applied . . : 06/2712002 Parcel No...: 210102304007 lssued. . : 0711012002 ProjectNo t -Y1SO1 {: (q.1 Expires. .: 01106/2003 otitNER KApr,AN, GILDA L. 06/27/2002 Phone: 3O3O BOOTH CREEK DR VAIIJ CO 81657 License: CoNIRACTOR IIAyNES PIJITMBTNG & HEATTI{G r'LO6/27 /2OO2 Phone : (7L9) 486-3292 415 East 4th Street L,eadvi1le, CoLorado 80451 L,icense t 298-P APPL,ICAIIT HAYNES PIJUMBING & HEjaTING I,,I'06/27/2OO2 Ptrone: (719')486-3292 416 East 4th Street Leadville, Colorado 80451 License:298-P Desciption: PIPE NAT GAS TO EXTSTING WOOD BURNINC FIREPLACE Valuation: $400.00 Firenlace Information: Restricted: ??# ofGas Appliances: ??# ofGas Locs: ?? # of Wood Pallet: ?? +*+r,lt*:it:r:l:r*****,1**'rr,r*:|rlltlttr{i+t**t*ltt*******a*+,t+**rt*:ri,rr*tt*l+ FEE SUMMARY Plumbing-> 515.00 Restuarant Plan Review->$0 .00 Total Calculatod Fees--> 90. oo Additional Fees----> 521 .75 Total Permil Fee---> Pa''rnents---._.-'-> BALANCE DUE---> Plan Check-> Investigdion-> Will Can-----> i21 .7 5 $0.00 921- ?5 $21. r5 $0.00 S3.75 DRB Fe€*--....._> $o. oo TOTAL FEES-------> $3-00 ItsEM: O51OO BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT o5/27/2oo2 DF Action: AP IIeMs O55OO FIRE DEPARTME}flT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL,IAI{CE. *t*tt:|it****l+,t*,a DECLAP"ATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all tht information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE SIGNATURE OF OWNER O FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. R FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF * t {.1.,i,} +:1. * * {' 'f ***'1.'1.'}'}*'t ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *:i *'f *'f {i * ** * * + * * * * * * * * * + * * * * +t} * * * * * 'r * * '} * * * * *****{.***** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *'* * * * +* f *'** '|l'l fl' * *,i * *{r * * ** * * * ** * * * +* * * * ** * ** t* + * ** *+ + * + + ++ * * * ** * * * | +* * ** * *:F* {r '1. * *** * * ** {. + * *,N. '1. * Statetnent Nr.rniber: R000002698 Amolurt ! $27.75 07 /LO/2OO2O8:10 Nr! Pa)ment Method: Check Init: DDe Notation: Halmes Plunibing 1267 Permit No: P02-0077 I:T)e: PLIIMBTNG PERMIT Parcel No: 210102304007 SiEe AddresE: 3030 BOOIfH CRXEK DR VAII, Location: 3030 BOqrH CREEK DR Total Fees: 12I.75 Thia Payment: 527.75 Total ALL Pmts: i21.75 Balance: S0.00 * * +** * * {r 't(t* t * * *{(*'t'i+*'}{.*** **+*t * ** * **** * * t * + | + * i + * * * * * ** * * * * *******{t*)**t,1.**+'1.*l'**,*{.* ***'***** ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts PF 001000031i2300 PLAN CHECK FEES 3.75 PP OO1OOOO31112OO PLUMBING PERI'IIT FEES 15.00 t,IC OO1OOOO31128OO I,JILL CALL INSPECT]ON FEE 3.OO APPLICATI MPTETE OR UNSIGNED Project #: Building Permit #:s TuwNuFutnly 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Plumbing Permit #: 97 O- 479-2149 (Inspections) COMPLETE VALUA ON FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: 7 Assessorc Office at 97O-328-8640 or visit Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above (/rn,17,rro,'ro- d;r" e/a <1 WorkClass: New() Addition() Alterafion@{ Repair() ffier() Type of Bldg.: Single-family$ql Duplex ( ) Mu{ti-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No PLUMBING: $ qNO.OO *************r!**********'t*rr**r.*r'*******FOR OFFICE USE ONLY****r.*rr*******'t**tr*tr***************** F/everyone/forms/plmbperm I Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of community Development 75 South F ontage Road, Vaif Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Kaplan residene DRB Number: DR8020134 Project Description: New driveway, new painting, landscape lighting, new 2nd level deck Partieipants: OWNER KAPI-AN, GILDA L. 05/10/2002 Phone: 3O3O BOOTH CREEK DR VAIL CO 81657 Liense: APPUCANT MidraelHazard Assoc 0511012002 Phone: 9494958 376{066 POB 1068 Vail, CO Mha@vail.net 81658 Liense: Prcject Address: 3030 BOOTH CREEK DR VAIL Location: l€gnl Description: Lo$ 5 Block: 4 Subdivision: VAIL WLI-AGE RUNG 11 Parcel Number: 21010230,1007 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Flill Pierce Action: APPROVED Second By: CharlesAcevedo Conditions: @nd:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans rnay be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate raniew committee(s). @nd:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to @nstruction activities. Oond: CON0005319 That apprcval is contingent upon mmpliane with all Staff conditions. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: S2O.0O o Review w1*. I I0r{4v /^/, ParpefNo.:M Type of Revi€ll and Fec: D Signs 0 Concepfual Review D Ncw Constnrctiontr Addition D Minor Alteratbn (multi-famih/commercial) tt Minor Alteratton (single-family/duplex) n Changes to Approved Plans tl S€paration Request b. Era 747'rd For O{fice Use Onlf) H.fiq : --==P:aheck No' : Daiei Planner; No.: RECEIVEB tr{AY ! n trH12 ffi Application for Design Department of Community Ds/elopment 75 Souft Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 bef : 970.479.213!r fax:. 970.479.2452 web: urr r$/-Ci.vail-co.us Gercral Inbrmation: All protects r€<luiring design review must recerve approal prior to erbmiuing a building permit application. pleese refer to tfie flltmittat requirements for the partiarlar approval 01at i9 t€qu€sted. An application for Design Revia, cannot b€ acepted until all rcquired information is received by tfie Community Dsrelopment Deparbnent The praject may also need to be r6/iewed by the Town Council ard/or the Planning and Environmental C.ommigsbn- Design radar appro\ral laps€s unless a building F mlt ls lssued and aonstructior| odrrnencca wr-thin one year of t re approrcl. of tfie Locadon of the Proposal: Lot; J ebck: 7 Subdivision: Physic.f Artrhess: 3oA- fu* & te <'bwl*f Zoning3 Name(s) d orirner(s): - 6iba /*p/,5//r' uailing Address: oume(s) Signahre(s): ilameof Applicant: Mailing Addrcss:a&o Phone: E-mail Ad.lrcss: ,(d ul|: 376'oDt& t50 g15 $1.00 ger square fod of total si;n area. NO FEE $650 For constsuction ofa n€Mt building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addfion where square footage is added to any refidential or commerdal building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). S250 For minor dtanges to buildings and site impro/em€nts. stdl as. tercoftng, palnung, windo, additions, lardscaping, f€nes and rctaining walls, etc $2O Fof minor charEes to hJildings and s'tte imprc\rements, srch as, tBroollng, palttlng, windou additions, landscaping, Fnces and rebininE walls, etc. $20 For ret isions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Rs/iel , Board. No Fce (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parel no.) Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIAT.!' Tvoe of Material €tlJi?No -No ctll^/U . ExrfnuL - No afl^t4 " o(LA+louA',g^tE -fuLl srAc4 F,aNboA't AS4L&At CIKlAt'lwA'StaPPo er& /E!-{8""8"t{Fe*i+rb ffi l$Cip h/Hll ffi ffi 7D ez /LEP.,hN7'FO SAltE CdoZ. Color nfA. aulr Siding Other Wall Materials rascia 4r1rt. *tnl N/A. widows N/A wtndow'rrtm A/rt, ooors N/A , aoorrrim N/rt, Hand or Deck Raib Frueg N/A . Ffaohins bP/oL . Chimne6 /,1/fu ,{trV/teiln^l4 Please speciry the manufactu 'rels name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. /^ TG,sl\Enclosut€s N//t, ereennoulv:s N/A, Retaioing WdE N/A . E)derior Lighfr€ Other Not€s: Page 6 of L210U07102 Compact ond monufactured to withstond the forces of noture; lngrounds are appropriate for most uplighting opplicotions. These fixtures offer unmotched performonce in on eosily hidden housing of fibergloss reinforced polyester composite. The tempered gloss lens is wotenight and most lomping con be rototed 358 degrees for oiming flexibility. Finish is color impregnated bronze. ll5l6-H Bronze cr I 2 Vott . 50 waft maximum . MRl6 Lamp (2) W' N.PT rcnduh inlets on botton. lll l6G-H Bronze E lLl | 6-l{ Bronze et I 2 Volt * Cuard . 75 watt maxmum . MRl6 Lamp lllt6G-H Bronze * lll l6-H Bronze {i 12 Voh * Guard . 50 watt max. (PAR) . 75 watt max. (AR) 'PAR36/ARlllLamp lT2l6G-H Bronze * lIl t 6-ll Bronze o 120 volt + Cuard . 75 watt maximum . MRl6 Lamp . w/integral transformer |T2I5G-H Bronze + lT2t6.H Bronze| 120 Volt * Guard . 75 watt maximum .PAR36/ARlll Lamp . w/integral tra nsformer 6-y4" (t72nn) 't ** * * *** * **,1. * * ** *,t **+** ++ * + *+ + f * +* * * * ** * * * * **** * ** * * * ** * '1,! ** * ***** *:i** *,t,i * * * * ** {t * * ** l. rlt *1. * * ** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement It ** ** ** * * * +'t * *** * * * *+ * * *+*,f * + + * * ++ ** * ** ** * * ** * * * *+*{.{.** *,1. * ** {. *,t ** {. *. * ** * * * ** * * 't + + {. * **'1. 'lt **'1. + *l Statement Nunf,er: R000002339 Amount: $20.00 05/10/2oo2o3:54 PM Pa].menh Method: Check Init : 'fARNotsatsion 3 4586 Michael Hazard Permit No: DRB020134 T)4)e: DRB-Minor Alt, SFR/DUP Parcel No: 2LO7.O23O4OO7 Site Address; 3030 BOOTH CREEK DR VAIL Locat ion ; Total Feea: $20.00 This Payment: $20.00 Total AI,IJ Pmts: $20.00 Balance: S0. O0 * * * * *+ * * + ++***+'t !4. * *+ * * + +++* ++* + +1* * ****** + *+ {. i. * +t +********* * * * ** {. * * ** {.{.,1. ** {. * '}*** * ** r.:8** l.:1. ** {. ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniption Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI,I FEES 20.00 ?| .r TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2t38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit l: 897-O278 Job Address Location. . . Parcel No. . Project No. Status. . .applied.. Issued.,. Expires, . Phone: 9709455366 Phone: 97O9455366 tof l,Jood/Pa t tet : I S SUED 08/28/Lee7 oe /02/7se7 03 /07 /7ee8 3O3O BOOTH CREEK DR 3O3O BOOTH CREEK DRIVE 2t0r-02 3-04-0 0 7 APPLICANT ACE ROOFING COMPANYp o Box 276, GLENWOOD SPRTNGS CO 81601 CONTRACTOR ACE ROOF'ING COMPANYp o Box 276, GLENWOOD SPRTNGS CO 81601 OWNER KAPLAN GILDA L 3030 BOOTH CREEK DR, VArL CO 81657 T0V/Cornm. Dev. Cf ean-up Deposit_ Refu ndapprov6dDescription: REROOF NW & NE Occupancy: Type Construction: V Valuation:17 / 330 t i reotace lnformation: Restricted: ROOF SECTIONS R3 sinsle Family Residg{T6}Unt fype V Non-Rated Add Sq Ft: fof Gas AppI i ances: cJete fof cas Logs: *************t*******t*******************ti*************** tEE suflllARy **********************************t***********t****lti***** Bui Ldi ng-----)225.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi ew-->-00 Total catcutated Fees--->47 4 -25 Pf.an check---> 1L6-25 DRB Fee-------- Investigation> -0o Recreation Fee----------> .00 Total Permit Fee--------> 171-25 t i f.f. catL----> 3.00 c [ean-Up oepos i t--------> 100.00 Payments----------------> 474.25 TOTAL FEES_.-__ **************************1***i******************************i***i**t************************************************************* Item: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DEPI: BUILDING DiViSiON:OB/29/T997 CHARLIE ACIiON: APPR CHARLIE DAVISitqmi'.05400 ptAwllillc DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNTNG Division:OB/29/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR N,/Aittln!'.05000 FiRE DepAntMnNT '. Dept: FrRE Division:o_?/29/\227 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/AIthm:'.05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept: PUB WORK Divieion:oB/29/1997 CHARLTE AcLion: AppR N/A ******************************************************************************************************trt***tt**************Jr****** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that. nay apply to this permi-t. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedge th8t I have read this apptication, fitted out in futt the inforration required, coopleted an accurate ptot ptan, and state that aLl. the infofmation provided as requi red is correct. I agfee to conpty with the infornation and ptot Ptan. to comply rrith att Town ordinances and state tavs, and to buitd this structure according to the Tolrn's zon'ing and subdivision codes, design reviev approved, Unifonm EuiLding code and other ordinances of the Town appticabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR IN9PECTIONS SHALL BE ADE TUENTY-FOUR HOURS rN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Ar 179-43E 0R AT OUR OTFICE 'R0[ E:00 Al'l * rdt--'--*@' 4t' Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: ACE RoOFING ? Page 2 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CONDITIONS Permit E. B97-0278 as of O9/02/97 Status---: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUrLD PERMIT Applicant-- Job Address Location--- Parce1 No-- Description REROOF' NW & NE ROOF SECTIONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOn6 * * * * * t( * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. ALL WORK MUST COMPLY WITH 1991 UBC CHAP 32 ACE ROOFING COMPANY 97 09455366 3O3O BOOTH CREEK DR 3O3O BOOTH CREEK DRIVE 2toL-o23-04-007 Applied--. 08/28/Ie97 rssued--- t 09 /02/1,997To Expire 03/01,/7998 **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** 1,061 .50 09/02/97 1r,:01 €13465 Init: LRD Statemnt Number: REC-O322 Amount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: Permit No: Parcel No: site Address: Location: This Paynent Account Code 01 0000 41310 0l 0000 41332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 897 -027'7 Type : A-MF ADD/ALT MF BUILD PER 2101-082-30-010 303 E GORE CREEK DR 303 E GORE CREEK DR Total Fees: 1,061.50 Total- ALL Pmts: BaLance:**************************************************************** 1,061.50 1,061.50 .00 Amount 490.00 318 . s0 250.00 3.00 Descripbion BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE PERI-IIT # I APPLTCATION MUST BE FfLLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NoT BE AccEptED [***************************** pERltrr TNFoRMATJoN *********************** ******rl [ ]-Building [ ]-ptunbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-]rechanibal fh]-other R.- *of Job Name: Legal Description: Lot Owners Name: Architect:Address:Ph. General Description:turtL sa--' work class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alreration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair #.1-othel{.g-0aF_ Number of Dwelling Units:Nunber of Accorunodation Units: $tl"t and Type of Fireplacds: Gas appliances Gas Logs_ wobd/pellet_v 't* ******** ** * * ******************** VAIJUATfONS *********************************,rl Ptr. .fzL- q2A I Plunbing Contractor: Addr€ss: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUTIDTNG PERI'TiT FEE: PLUMBING PER}TT FEE: I{ECHANICAIJ PER}TIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nuruber: Reg. NO. Reg. N0. OFFfCE USE **************:r**************** BUTLDING PIAN CHECK FEE: PLTIMBING PI,AN CHECK fEE:MECIIAIIICAL PI.AN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERI.IIT FEES: FOR BUTI,DTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATTIRE: qx.EAl{ [F DEPOSIT REFUr{D T0:/ke- Roofin e,. x*<-, Bot a74u 6/unrt^,oil- €eZs tt6az- 75 soulh |ronlage rord u8ll, colo.ado 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 TO.: FROM: DATE: SUBTECT: Read and acknowledged by: olflce ol communlly developmenl AI,L CONTRAETORS CURREMILYL REGISTERED I{ITII THETOWN OF VAIL TO!{N OF VArL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMITNITY DE\IELOP!.1ENT IIARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUSIION PARKING & IIIATERIAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 5 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to ritter, track or deposia ;;-Jir]-"""i., sarrcr, debr'sor naterial , includl!9 trasf-r h-rrrpsters, portable toilets andworkruen vehictes. upon any street^, =ia;;.il;;ii:y or pubticplace or anv rorti-on trrei""il--iqre 5igtrt-of-way on alt Town ofvail streetl ina.Ig".d= is approiinately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance will be striaiit--enforced by the Town of vairPubric l{orks DeDartment: --p;;;ns found ,rii,r"[i"e this ordr.nancewilr be siven a 24 hour r"iii"i"""ti""-t"-;;;;;;==.id narerial.rn the event the person so notified.aoes-not--"oipry with thenorice within the 24 hour tirnt-=p:"iii";,"6"-il;r.ic worksDeparrnent wirl remove "iia-r,ut$i;i-;;-irrJ'Ed.'i"e of personnotified- The provisions-of-trrr. orar.nance shall not beapplicable to c-onstruction, -rii'i.r,.r,ge 9f repair projects ofany street or alley or any uCifiir.". in the right_a_way. To.review Ordinance.No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town of:::i.::ii3i"3"":f,if*:lt"::--"rtii" a copv' rira,,i< vou for vo..' ,, +yw4, =, -{,*pr, - /'*Wos J_t,ron/Rel atiollsh iF-Eo Pr-;feErfu (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 3oulh tronlage road v.il, colorrdo 81657 (3o3, 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 ottlce of communlty devctopmcnt . BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this pennit requi.res a Town of vai'r Fire Departnent Approvar,Ensineer"s (pub1 ii !:tl.) revi"n ana'ipp"ouui,'i piiii,iifiS'beparrnentreview or Heal th Departm6nt. review, -.ni'.-r.nid ;y-;il";ritaing liri[H;',1;.11,: .trt'.ted time ro"'a-tot"r ;;;i;. ;ry"iut!'as r6ng f]] cgtnngrgiar (iarge or smat) and ar'r mu't'ti-fani'rv permits wilrhave to folrow the above menti6ned maximum requirements. Residentia.land small projects should tarre a teiter amount of time. However, ifresidential or smailer.projects impiit the various above mentioneddepartmeilts with resard to-necessii;v-revii",-tn.ii i"ij".il' *va'lso take the three-weet peri:Ja.- Every attempt wrlll be made by this department to expedite thispermi't as soon as possible. - I, the unders.igned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe. r :*f zt Community Develooment Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY g, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'tS REOUIRED Please answer tho following questionnaire regarding the need for a 'Public Way permit": YES ls lhis a new residence? ls demofition work being performed thal requires the use of the right of way, easernents or public propefy? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the right of way, easemenls, or public property? 7) ls a'Revocable Right Of Way Permit' required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? !f19u_ answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained.'Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or atC.o-TTTity Development. lf you have any questions please ca[ Charlie Davis, the Town of Vaif Construction Inspec-tor, at.4Z9-2158. I have read and answered allthe above questions. /<a_.s1& NO I 1) 2) \ X X }' 3) 4) s) 6) A Job Name /.^l R.es 's Signature Date ffin-0218 T0Wl,l0F VAIL Depanmcnt of Communiry Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21i8 rnx c 7 0 - a 7 q*2#&jc-28, 2ooo AceRoofing Attn: Gloria P.O, Box 2?6 Gloowood Springe, Co. 81601 Dear Gloria Qur senior building inspector advised me to go alread and final these permits out and refrrnd your cleanup deposit without a nnA inspection, due to tle age of the permits, However. please be aware uut the permits wilt reftect that a final inspection was not dons should anyone question the fact. Ifat sometime in thc spring you would like to request 0ult final inspections be done on e4ch of lhese permits, plcaec call our inspection line at 9704?9-2135. Ifyou havc any questions, please call me al 970479-2325. Thank yorq 4(r*h.{ulolren Kathy Warren Permit R€iliew Coorrilimtor {P *"""""o 'o"* Department of Comnuntty Development 75 South Fronnge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970- 47 9-2 I 3 E/479-2 r 39 FAX 970-479-2452 December 1,2000 AceRoofing P.O. Box 276 'Glemrood Springe, Co. 81501 Attn: Ace Roofing; our records indicate that building permits #896-0234,896-0235, 896-0250, 897-A278, and 898-0214 issued to Ace RoJfing, do not show final inspections. There is a total of $800.00 in clean-up fees that csn beiefunded to you upon final inspections. Please call our inspection line at +ig-ZllS to schedule final inspection 8s soon as possible' All fees will be considered forfeited 30 days from the date of this notification if inspections have not been performe.d. lf you have any questions, please call me ar 479'2325' Thank yon, 4{@[r$DoEnrtq Kathy Warren Permit Rwiew Coordinator B?b-oAt4- Ro6a$nsr- W\ gr>eaeeee& 9D" gW. oz?ll- OaNTDA' 2%6 M^s\Ns Rrtlc* RD' ' W. o?Jlo' Jrleow 6fl'rDD's' lA qJ' lqpqgggf DP" 891' oZ18' (ror.l*- 3o9o Farlfi^ cw*v" w-oelA - ht1us - L6ua A€ceADs.' {P*nouo'*o 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 e70-479-213y479-213e FAX 970-479-2452 Departmeil ol Communiry Deve lopment Building Sofett & Inspection Sewices Division TO: g1rr", lVf lgg No. Of PagesFAX GctVER SHEET COMPANYNAME:@ __97O- g45i:le*14 _9?o- 944:5jteb_ Kathy Warrcn. llermit Review Coordinator Town of Vail Cornrnurrity Developnrent D€partment Buildirrg Satbty & Inspection Services Division 75 South F'rontagc Road Vail. Colorado 81657 Phone 970.479.2325. dir.ect line FAX 970.479.245?- E-mai|; krval'ren(Oci,vai l.co.us FAX NI,JMBER: PHONE NUMBBR: FROM: COMMENTS, NOTES: -qF -ID_ilJP LtilESf FNnin/FALL tl Aftpr.t\fllinorlrrvE l.,ttrt {p *r"orurrnro ^v ,ioz.oOE Hozoc!o AFI d Util Eta B U Fl EH q U 4l o ,,2}1D.(oFU FIH aa20 ctnUA 9^ ooo1EAu-d,r F1 at{ .rd !{oo =ro| oFE ITo\o dldD oo 11 F. 5H oFl 3AElot{: E HT{ EBEOHEE4 EE '{9roHE i2 E HFiHZulb 8e!td ao k tl 2o tr l4dEU zrl 6 Et{O (, a:lFI gclv, 406 U" H *It elt! 5 H o 2 E] HH o tla o ato En'E> !d : r+{&40 Ac,gP{OtEtrOAAH n Review Action Fh TOWN OF VAIL Category Number A- 'l --, .2 /,i Ioate y']..l>r\\ L2t(l(c t/ , ) I project t'tame: l/-ri Plril 1 - K€Et i l\t Building Name: Prolect Descriplion: Owner, Address and Phone: { ' /i': y'r Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Legal Descrtpti on:wt 5 Btock ?) sruaiui"ion \i ,'t{ V r i {r,4g \ \L zone District ProjecrstreetAaaress: 3O3O -{>c-=o*f ft C,,rer: C T)r Staff Actiori Motion by: Seconded by: ! Approval n Disapproval V stattnpprouat Conditions: / a, , ,r rt- I'JrrltAr'- Town Planner ,n"' 4' Z + - q t* DRB Fee ere-paio 4-r rl \-:ri ' t'r.vlr.d 8/17191 DESTGN RE\rIEI{ BOARD APPIJTCATION ' TOI{N OF COIJORADO DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: *******t** I. A. ********** PROiTECT INFORI'tITION : DESCRIPTION: B. E. TYPE OF REVfEW: / New Construction ($200 .oo', JLMinor Alterar,ion ($20.00)Addition (950.001 __SConcept_ua1 Review (g0) ,' ^- '\1a{^,Se o\ €4*€x-r.oc e.";,\o f ADDRESs t 5rr3a \3r:o.{h C;ua"R-'r.i.-r,..t,c- D. LEGAL DESCRIPTTON:BLock ''-3 Subdivisicn rf properLy is described bydescripuion, please provide Eo this application. a meets and bounqs on a separate sheet 1ega1 and aLtach ZONING: NA}48 OF Mailing APPI,IICA}TT:\,J e< or*r \{ aE' NAII{E OF APPIJICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE: Address: Mailing Address: U r1(L o stL\l Phone L.t)b -'i;.o d \.\. Phone A-&<-) H.NAIqE OF O}IINER(S): OWNER(S) SIGNATTTRE: Mailing Address:Phone 7V., . -t'tocl APPITICATIONS WIITIJ NOT BE PROCESSED WIWPUT OWNERTS SIG;NA? E Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above. are t,o be paid at thetj.me of submiLt.al of Lhe DRB application. Later, whenapplyinq for a building permit, please identify the accuratevaluation of Lhe proposal . The Town of Vail will adjusL thefee according t,o the table below, Lo ensure the correct feeispaid. , n-,N UTK .a I. ,f. FEE SCHEDUI.IE: VAIJUATTON $ 0 $ 10,000 s luruur - il 5u,uuu $ 50, 001 - $ 150, 000 $150, 001 - $ 500, 000 $500,001 - $1.000,000g Over . 91,000, 000 DESIGII REVIBW BOARD APPROVAII EXPIRES APPROVAI., IJNI,ESS A BUIIJDING PERI{IT ISIS STARTED. FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200. 00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YE,AR AFTER FINAII ISSUED AIID CONSTRUCTION O t a" I,TST OT I'fATERIAIS NAME OF PROJECT: IJEGAIJ DESCRIPTION: LOT_ BLOCK _ SUBDMSION STREET ADDRESS: The following informaLion is roquired for Eubmi[gar ro rhe pesign Review Board before a final approval can.be given: A. BUII,DING MATERIALS: TYPE oF MATERIAIJ col.,oR Roof Sidinq o[her illaIl MaEerials Fascia sof fi Ls Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim rland or Deck Rai1s Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouscs Fcqainrng WgIIF ExLerior LighUing Obher B. L,ANDSCApINC: Name of Designer:phone: frT IEs, F TOWN OFVAIL RECEtTT !iO. DETANT,IIEIIiT OT COTI}IUI|ITY I'E\EII'IMEIIiT ,\--.- 'DA 1b C]IECKS M DE ?AYAILE TO TOTVN OP VAIL ---.^ca9E|-TNo..'-*-.--,..,-....,'.,.-F'iM:l::.'-;.:,1.jr;.!.,!t-'::.,J,--lNo|:];.TAx...'...coEA'J.'.',f[; 0l 00004t540 ZONIN(; AND ADDRBSS MAPS $5.000l 000042415 U NITOI{M B UILDINGI-ODI:-s54.000l oo00 424 t 5 U NI I. ORM r'TUNiFINGToDII-!iJ9.000t 0000 424t5 UNIFORMMEEHAMEAIMDE-$37.000l 0000 42415 UNIFORM FIREEODE $J6.00r,l m00 42415 NAT s37.000l 0000 424 l5 OTIIERffi 0| ux)O 4t5.{{t lllul, PRINTS (MYLTISj $7.00 u I txruo 424 l2 Xl:ROX COPIIiS $0.250l 0000 42412 S I'UDIES 0l 0000 42412 ToVFEESCOMPUTEm s5.000l fi)00 4237t PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS 0l 00004t332 PLAN REVII]W RE.CHECK FEE S4O PER I]R,0t 0000 42332 OFF IIOURS INSPECTIONFEES 0l 0000 4!4r2 CO NTRA C TOTSTIEEFTSESFEES-| 0l 000041411 SICN APPLICATION FEE s20.00ul 0{.100 414t3 ADD]TIONAL SIGNAGEFET SI.OO PL,R SO.FT, = :il ii_l +t ril F! 0r 0000 42ryn_VTCARTPRoJECTM ul tx,g94lij I 4&E*AIDDESIGNREVIEM 0r 0d00+23?T_rNVEsTrcn noN FHt; (BUIIDIM; 31 0000 45 ilo-TOV PARKING FUND 0l oo00 22027 I'OV NL,WSPAPER DISPENSER FUNDr 0t 0000 2t I 12 r4&\lBtE@4.5m* 0l 0000 4t010 r;rxagt- 0l 0000 42371 BUILDINC INVTJSTICATION tl lil:R PECAPPLICATIONFEDtr I I0l oo00 4r3t0 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT s200.000r 00004t330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION fLESS NIAN ]OOSOTT s200.00 0 t 0000 41330 EXTERIOR N LTERATION IMORfiIINN IOOSQ}T s500.000l 0000 4l 330 SPECINLDEVI]LOM s r.500.00 E 4 0l 00004t330 SPECIAL D 5 t .000.000l 0000 41330 SPECIAL D s200.u00r 0000413i0 SUBDIVISION fl 0r ooo04l330 VARIN NCE s250.o0il0lTtoozlffo--l 5250.000l 0000 4t3_10 RE - ZONING $200.00 OTIIER OTIIER (z; l'/)c''sH | ,/- ) cK.tr r J M. oLt/ RECEIVED FROM Permit Numbers HOW PAID-Cash I I lrl I ltu v -i-rt".i--l r=F r=-i* i L iii=::e l, i ar,*i'u_=. i;=.h -:''....' -||fi_.L.r , i, lrd r:j ,.:. :: - department of community development TO AE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PEFMIT TYPE OF PERMIT CONSTRUCTION PERMIT LI PLUMBINGI rouruoerroH " 3030 BUorH CREEK t>. b NOTE _ COPY OF IN ON SEP DATE PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE PLANS IN SLOO V\30, leer --ELL1 - oto'tr N^ 005146 | El autrotnc El etrcrRtcnl n MECHANTCAL FILING VAIL VILLAGE I1TH ]OB NAME: KAPLAN REMODEL MAIL ADDRESS CITY VAIL PH. MATLADDRE'S Po Box 1068 crrY vArL PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR MINICK CONSTRUCTION .r24_B TOWN OFVAIL REG. NO. - 827-5924 119_E TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 827-5918 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. MECHANI CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTO @ TELE. 1, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH IR M DIVISION 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : RH'{ODEL - RAISE SKYT,TGHT ROOT' PERMIT NO. zIF l BUILDING 37,900 ELECTRICAL 1,100 PLUMEING MECHANICAL TOTAL 39,000 TYPE GROUP G. R,F,A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES V R-3 U 39 ,000 BUILOING PERMIT 343 nHg 3*a PLAN CHECK 172 ELECTRICAT 44 NEWO ALTERATIONi(X) ADDITIONAT I REPAIRO PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT, NO FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE THICKNESS R-VALLUE TYPE OF AT ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED. N INITIAL ST, CUT x BLASIING PARKING x OEMO x INSULATION; FLOOB EXT, WALLS BOOF DESIGN REVIEW BOARO 25 CTEAN.UP DEPOSIT 250 USE TAX TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 834 DAN STANEK LOILO/gI ,ILDING OFFICIAL OATT _ rrrl KAlq!_E4E!r _ _ rylrgl e_L _ _ _ INING AOMINISTRATOR DATE )NING & BUILOING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unilorm Building Code and other ordinances of the lpyn applicable thereto. MINICK CONST. P9 BoX 2119 vArL, co 81658 CLEAI{ UP TO: AND THE OWNER. l Date t. /n,rbl ftu) Phone Project Applicalion r00mProject Project Contact Name: Description: Person and /tu- " J/t ,4ssacra. er &6,'At JO &,. 6 Architect. Address and Phone:-9c "1an,he/ " ,l /76- Teoo Legal Description: Lot B lock \t ,u'nn t/a.y' l4//+.qzt //4 , ,on" Comments: Design Review Board ,i nDate//0 7/ Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Staf f Approval Mtcbael ' O" ,i ,-:j r: ::,,,,":,,:,:::" ' &;nazard ' Assoc/ares Arcbitectute Plannlng , f99l . 81658 303.949.4958 Farc 3O3.949.4438 8t29l9r To Whom It fvlay Concern, I submitted'the Kaplan Residence Alteration for your review on 812619I. Since that date the client has requested four additional windows. The attached sheet highlights the change. Please, include this additional sheet into your review packet. I thank you for your time. //t'.o,* --4 /--1-/ / / - '!=-- e M. Fehlner MICHAE. L HAZARD ASSOCIATES encl. 1iElz-11<t \a='zu r-a-)V lh [4ge+-1-r- 'p;64- | E?t=-+rcE A<.-T t=T.+:fi cx-l- izg*e- F2b-LYr>-bE_ FliilltilllllItl 2 SOUTH ELEVATION A4-2 €€AtE--#rr:er ZEa)(EL> l+eT-(o €t+'r'€3: Wa)4b b ?*q'o'dAL;Vt iH Nakl haa? - t)a?-' *e-1r ?f44r* tILo o =--L i1l,,i.,^l 4Aa-t/.1Ar+? I w.maW61'U l^lrNr2+l I b l-1?w' rtApav& 'Fflsnrte \-/t tJl2?W pA€Ae?C pttrrw @lt:,) 1+-o V i *-tt2:lrl AEz?1-lw>r-Lj- c ?rr*l+*t re-a@'P V"l,sr @4ad-I 2)LJ-e ti4t e 1t - prt ?q; b,4 W4+ 5 F-xl4i+.*est\YLtHTb lbi/6la,n ffi)#E*lbTtklc- -WtlJ.rccvn/- zgew M, itrewe aXlsftudvlluclc.J z F:lqto-* Q ?/@T'O Aqttra .-.1 hzYeF-iP) 1 Ha! 4e{l-'seoq (Z fifret'< a) ,' fl* Oolb?z?-f{E Uqt,<(z F.iei'-i frW?4, f vlqrr=tct'hryr" Vlennf+ei--'\, '.fia?.f 7*fiae / it'+ i# czAew) €alrfa rf+..!;;1.1;l h\)fr6.? o wtl'a r@7 -= - Y+' "' LJ6:1A? 1 I'Jt* wvl€ ?xt4rfrl.rz. ber* (t'nre 2e1o't) u*tZ ef >*ta{ lF--l ct Y*? fa *e - furute-t?a walwae dn-Leev4€ ?aoA &a lca F-*l Hatl 6Qr l'2 t TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT SALES ASIION FORM 0l 0000 41540 0l 0000 42415 01000042415 0l 0000 42415 0r 0000 42415 0r 000041548 0r 0000 42412 PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPBCTIONS0l 0000 42371 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES 01000041412 0l m0041330 0l 000041413 a T{fldFt tlF LJt1 r L_ Irliscel laneous Cash E1B*16-T1 11:4.?:38 Eprpipr * Bf6+itFccorrnt* 1;F,S]€,1 I.i}lF.LFIH F:E:;',[iEE I:I:II4 [.EI,I ffFP FEESg$Bunt tendei-*,J .: ?E.Bg I tem paid Rntrmt paid E1ffEB641];FSEET tE. EB f,h.:ng* rF t u rn*rJ :, Er, tafr l-HRFtl{ l/(fLJ l,rour c.lghi*r f,HRI5 ,, :-r O revised 6/tB/9L DRB APPLICA?ION - TOWN OF VAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING:September 18- t*****t*tt TRTS APPLTEATTON HILIJ NOI BE ACCEPIEDI'NTIL AI.r. REQITIRED IIIFORIiIITION IS SITBUITTED!r***!t**t** PROJECT INFORMATION: A- DESCRTPTToN: Extendino the height of existi-nq sun roomto align with existing roof 1j_ne and slope; reusing to match existing coLoRADO iF^,^ ,,,,.\it[.D i l.:3 26 ln n1iJJi I. hes D. Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Revlew ($0) ADDRESS: ?O?0 Roorh Creek prive Vait _ CO Rl657 LEGAL DESCRI9TIoN: LoT 5 Block 3 E. ZONING: B. TYPE OF REV]EW: Neur Construction ($200.00) x Minor Alterat,ion ($20.00) appJ.icant must provide a currentlot area. NA subdivision vai' yillage I1 oiling If property is described by a meets and bounds 1egaldescrj-ption, please provide on a separate sheet a;dattach to this application. LOT AREA: If required, stamped survey showing \J.NAME OF APPLICANT; Werner a Gilda KaplanMailing Address: Vai'l - Co Bl 658 phone% NAME oF APPLTCANT's REPRESENTATTVEi lr!-Lchae'l Hazard Assoc.Mailing Address! p-o- Rox 1068 Phone 949=4958 I. NAME OF OWNERS: TSIGNATURE (S) : \/ai'l . co fl166? Phone Condominium Approval if applicable. L1 6-q?in J. K.DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shohrn above, are to be paid atthe time of submittal of DRB application. Later, whenapplylng for a building pernit, please identify theaccurate vaLuation of the proposal. The Town of Vailwill adjust the fee according to the table below, toensure the correct fee is paid. z.tntg-FEE PtIp: $ JIL' FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION FEE $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 )TUU. UU WII$OUT OI{NER' S SIGNATURE slwlq tt/-{ 31fr s0c 1n nn'lY JVt W\,/r ,$ 50,001 $150,001(q.nn nn1v\rwvt vvr S Over - $ 10,000- s 50,000 .7 .rr/v, vvv - c q.nn nnn! -twwJ www- 91,000,000 $1,000r 000 Primarv,/ Seconda *NO APPLTCATTON WILI" Bg PROCESSED LIST OF MATERIALS NA]"IE OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: I,OT 5 BLOCX 3 SUBDMSION Vail Village 1t STREET ADDRESS. 3030 Booth Creek Drive DESCRTPTTON oF PROJECT: He.i ght extens.i on ro erristing srrn room The following information isReview Board before a final A. BUILDING I'IATERIALS : Pn;r€ Siding Other Wall Material Fasc ia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck RaiLs FI a shings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPING: - Al l maicrialc fn mal-nh reguired approval TVDtr NT for submittaL can be given: !,IATERIAL to the Design LU.LUIT existing materials Name of Designer:phone: PLANT EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Botanical Name Common Name Ouantity Size* *Indic caliper for deciduous trees. Mininum cafiper forIndicate height for conj.ferous F\-f''\.-v tl eg i t4C;' olW*scze. Ie C"\z^f\ NN'I AI)DT.T oY .= 1-l-l= c.o{T--+A@F. ?LANT I"IATERI| Borani.cal Narne PROPOSED SHRUBS Ouantitv Size* EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size 5 qallon.of propose GROUND CO cnn SEED TYPE OF ]RRIGATION TYPE OR EROSION METHOD c.IANDSCAPE FEATURES (reLaining walls, fences, swimming poo tc.) PLease specify. Indicate heights of retaining Itta6imun height of walls within the front setback is Maliqum height of walls elsehrhere on the propertis 5 feet. walls. 3 feet. NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE O. UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION -"-Vail Villaoe 11 filin ..roR NAMF. The Kaplan Residence Alterationv vLr rrla ru LOT --5- BLOCK 1 FILING ADDRESS 3030 Booth Cre<'k rtri ve \/: i | , r-n q 16(7 The locaLion and availability of utilities, uhether they _be -main\unk Lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by thfollowing utilities for the acconpanying site plan' U. S. west Commull\Qations 1-800-922-198? 458-6860 or 949-4530 PubIic Service ConPany 9 4 9-5? 81 Gary HalI Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michaef Laverty Heritase Cablevision T.v 94 9-5530 qi- 6rra Hi:tt Upper Eagle Val1 Water 6, Sanitati.on ct ri .t * 416-'7 480 Fred Has NO!his +h^ ri ht-of-way cut permit must be This form is to location. This preparing Your Authorized Siqnature Date NOT APPLICABLE o e I T verifications do not relieve the contra fit froms and to n any public Vail. A. A street rately. availabilitY and in conJunction with onsibility to obtain a street cut ref Vail, Department of Public ry, verify ice shouutiJ*fty plan cheduling installations. dt" pf"n, floor p1an, and eLevatiotrt agle VaJ.ley water & sanitation signafu hen* Please obtaining bring Up Fire flow nee qt be addressed. easenent in the To DATE: A/26/91 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 5 1}, R, R P/:olo", orrrRrc1; Block -l riring 3030 Booth Creek Drive Vail ,il , co 81657 11 ADDRESS: OWNER HI Werner t Gilda Kaolan CT Michael Hazard Associates 9HONE PHONE 476-4e\a Existinq Proposed ?d STRICT PROPOSED **LOT SIZE Height TotaT GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks + 425 =. + 425- Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coveraqe scaping Retai Par a l^ ror{ i tarage Drive: View Corridor Encroachment: Envi ronment al /Ha z ards : Allowed (30) (33) Ye 1) 2l 3) Fl.oo Per Prqvious conditions of aPPr Does thiS st invo How much of tAh|.lor!6 250 Addition is r;5*f,with this request?- **Note: Under Sfrftions 18.d 18.13.080 (B) of the MuniciPal Code, tots z9i6a Two FaniJy anq]finq5r,/Secondary thiglr.are less than 15,0b0 sqrrt. in area nay-ry{constftE ^ second dwelling 91t+t. The Cornmunifd/pevelopment Oegfid{nent nay granth-&ePtion to -thlsDevelopment Derestriftion provided -applicant ineets tfre criErriaipt forth YnggrSecrions 18.i2 .090lrfand i-8 .13.080 (B) of the MunicipafUrilorilcluding lnq the unit as a long-term rentaf unit for\u}l-pernanent, Iy reslsrctlng the unlt as a longf the Upper Eagle Valley. NOT APPLICABLE (30) (s0) all Heights 3' /6' (300) (600) (900) (1200)_ Permitted Slope -..]Qj- Actual Slope Date approved by Town Engineer: logic Hazards) Snow Avalanche s Flow (check property fi a 250 Addition? 250 Addition ls time ernpLoye 1n fn raspEcrron's coMprBrED O The ltens belorr need to be cooplete before gtvtng a per:uit a ftnal C of 0. Please check off la the box provl.ded. FINAL PLI'}EINGrl DATE! FINAI MECHANICAI. DATE:I IMPROVEIIENT SI'RVEY RESID. [{AI'IE: -N'fo FINAI BUILDING EAST SIDE: WEST SIDE: DATE: Z-?-?-Z TEMPOMRY C OF O I ! I DATE: CE'RTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FILE NAME:\x--t\ INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE .i '/', a READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON WED THUR FRI CALLER AM t 4.. PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr D tr tr tr tr n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. REUGH / WATERtr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NATLTNG GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr_ ( rrr'rnr-tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY o AIR O FINAL tr FINAL *'fnoveo ]ORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR the mJ mueller co., inc. 27 Novenber l-99L lt!r. Dave Minick UINTCK CONSTRUCTION CO}IPANY PO Box 2l-19Vai1, Colorado 8l-658 Subject: Kaplan Residence Rernodelb! 6, Block 3, Vaj_I Village l-l-th FilingVail, Colorado Dear Dave: At the reguest of the Town of vail this office has conducted avisual inspection of the above referenced project. The forJ-owingitems are to be noted: a) coNFoRIrfANcE wrrH PT.ANS-The structural menbers shor*n on plansby this office dated 27 septenber 199i. have been instalre-cl perplans. b) srRAP TrES-During construction it was found that the columngwhich support the new upper level beam are d.iscontinuous. Thisoffice specified the addition of strap ties Lo brace ttrediscontinuous,. colu.mns to the 2 ncld c-ontinuous TS Gx6x1/4crii-ririli'ls. This inspect-i-on verified that the strap ties wereinstalled per our previous discussions. rt shourd be unddrstood that this office was not present at thejob-site continuously during the construction process andconsequentially unabre to verify that every single tonstructionmethoct na9 compieted in accorcia.lice with codes, plans andspecifications. But, due to the number of site inspeitions nasable to verify correct placernent of menbers and associated detairsper plan. : If you office have any questions regarding this le please contact thisat the phone number shown belovr. Sincerely, cf vlf, archltectural ancl structural englneering o p.o. box 2747 veil,colorado 91659 476-2627 $,vrtifirutr sf (Drrufunru @nmn (Df liluil iluilitng Eepurtnrrnt THIS CERTIFTCATE ISSUED PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE UNIFOR'I BUILDING CODE CERTIFYINC THAT AT THE TIME OF ISSUANCE THIS STRUCTURE WAS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE VARIOUS ORD/NANCE9 OF THE TOWN REGULATING BUTI-DING CONSTRUCTION, AND OR USE. TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE. Name KAPLAN SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE (NEw) Usc Classification RESIDENTIAL Group R-3 Building Permit No.2970 Type Construction v Owner of Building WERNER KAPLAN Buitding666'..' 3030 BOoTIi CREEK DRIVE LOT 5, BLOCK 3. VAIL VILLAGE llTH NoVEMBER 22, 1988 Darc 1-hc huilding official may, in wriring, suspcnd or revokc a Ccrri- ficatc of Occupencv isrued undcr rhe provisions of rhis c<rdt u hcn- cvcr thc ccrrificatc is issucd in crror. o! on thc basir of incorrcct infornrarion supplicd, or when ir ir dercrnrincd rhar rhc huiLJing or srructutc or porrion rhercof is in violarion of eny ordinancc or regulatirrn of rhc Town of Vail or anl of rhc provisions of this L{roq. POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE 6) coNSrRUcnoN pERMtr fr=v_r _rrnffiy' [,,,.o, department of community dwelopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT [IXpLuMet].lc MXrouruoRrtoru MECHANICAL |;|\-.-_- \,...-\r ,.. TEGAL -pESC. LOT 5 BL|(___,L FtLtNG Vail Village llth loe neue' KApLAN OWNER lrlue Werner Kaol an "o"-*.*, !91 l,l Li onshgad Pl var I b-z{61 CITY PH. ARCHITECT ,,*0. X0RTER Architects I4at E Meaoow llT- MAIL ADDRESS crrY \/Ai I px6-5105 GENERAL CONTRACTOR F|RM CHENEY C0MpANY rowN oF vAlL REG. No. L26-B 949 - 519 5 l"-'r?'^ii3h FIRM I{HITE RIVER ELECTRIC rowN oF vArL REG. No. -l11-ETELE. O/| O- 1/tn? PLUMBING CONTRACTOR F|RM ALPINE MECHA[[CALWT:T TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO. ter e OAo -7llE? MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM HIGH COUNTRY SHEET MET/ TO\AIN OF VAIL REG. NO. 14N-M 949-0035 OTHER \CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. \r\ NOTE - COPY OF PEBMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE \\ir,...-*1'\.\ DATE A\".,vL't t&\ t8x t4n EUILDING ELECTRICAL pERMrr No. 0C2g 7U I.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH IRM OIVISION 722a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : PFS T NFNTT AI PFVNNFI g ANNTTTNN z. F f J EUILDING 208,OUU ' uu ELECTRICAL 17 .000.00 PLUMBING 10 ,000.00 MECHANICAL ln n00-00 TOTAL i 24s.000.00 TYPE GROUP G.R,F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES R-3 107n 245 ,000.00 EUILDING PERMIT 1, 147.00 I D-N ) "J.-(....-) PLAN CHECK 5/4. UU ELECTRICAL 272 -00 N€W ALTERATION O ADDITIONAL O{ )O REPAIR PLUMBING 100.00 OWELL|t'tC Ut'tttS I MECHANICAL 150.00 HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES 2 RESREAI9NFEE 1970x.5 296.00 INSULATION: TYPE THTCKNESS R-VALLUE FLooR leRff | 6' I R-19 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 100.00 CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 500 ,00 :xr.\,vA!Lsl bAll I I L K..rl USE TAX 1.22 5. 00 ROOF R-30 TYPE ELEC, OF SOLARHEAT GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES $4-354-00 GARY MURRAIN July 3, 1987 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL sr. cur | | I tulLDtNG OFF|C|AL oATE BETSY- ROS0LACK June 29 , 1987 ONING ADMINISTRATOR OATE BLASTING :ONING & BUILDING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled/oul completed an accurale plot plan, and state that a{ the informqlion agree to comply with the information and plot pla\, to comply wi1 laws, and to build this structure according to the'$own's zpninl review apprqed,.Uniform Bui\dfng Code and other'q(linancts ol EAN UP T0:\*)\1Xr\i \\rq":g\-, \\ \_\ ( CONSTRUCTION PERMIT departmont of community development*****PLEASE FILL OUR WHERE THE (X) MRKS ARE TO 8E F|LLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOF TO ISSUANCE OF PEFMIT TYPE OF PERMIT Ef sur-or,vc 0(r.r"r,"o(elecrnrclL KFouNDATtoNq MEcHANtcAL ! X X X X LEGAL IDESC. ror 5 BLtt_-3__ FILfNG Va;l V|tl oq e llTJoaNnMe: krp/l n OWNER crr" Vo,/pn.171.2281 ARCHITECT crrv Vcri/ pn.llL.5tn9 GENERAL CONTRACTOR rOwr'r Or veu- nee. r,rO. /2L? rcte. 1rl1- sl9t ],.rcr*,c0,- CONTRACTOR q.J A -/qAi PLUMEING CONTRACTOR rcte. *tq -7o5 7- MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR rELE. q./ ? - oo 49 OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. NOTE - COPY OF.PERMtT TO I orre a 5Tt+ne /?17 8E KEPT ON JOBSITE THE FOLLOWING IS1. Letter from FILING PERMIT:(IF APPLICABLE ,, NEEDE ondo 4zO D FOR X X X \ I r.rYPEoFcoNsrRucnor t n m typ 2.occuPANcycRoup e e e r gfr OtVtStON t Z Za@e GENglAt DESCRTPTTON OF WORK :r K.e i Jr^l-i-rl \.^-^-l r. Lerrer rrom condo assn. (IF AppLICABLE)2. 2 Sets pf conplete drawingslsxplanation z tr l EUILOING lot a@ ELECIRICAT t7 060 X PLUMEING lobo XffiMECHANICALlo aoo XH#ti"-tp:4.t 1 .l.fftTe z7:-. o* o ) IYel GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUAT|ON PERMIT FEES3s-2 Ea 2,7(,W BUILDINC PERMIT (/47,"' *'l-qb] r77d PLAN CHECX 'S ?'/." ELECIRICAL 772 c. <) NEW ( ) ALTERATTON ( b1' AODtrtoNALVa nepnrn t I PLUMBING /6O '" D*ELLTNG uN'Ts / lccourrooATtoN uNrs - MECHANICAL /<o," HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES 2-. THICKNESS TYPE OF AOOITIONAL PEFMITS NEEDEO: Y INSULATION:R.VALLUE FLOOR )? -,/ EXT. WALLS fl- r? . ?c) ELEC. ,4M- ST. CUT BLASTING PARKING 6{&7^,f"iFE, DESIGN REVIEW EOARO loo,od CTEAN.UP OEPOSIT 5a,'- USE TAX ,/,zz{ TOTALrERfiill FEES ,. tt za 9. e,m,i -$-i:?.-- ! IONING ADMINISTRI e<=4_2/zf4z_I oArFo \-. 6/Lr /P/_ J_/ lJ __TOR DATE G NOTES::ONING & BUILOIN I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled oucompleted an accurate plot plan, and state that all lhe inforrtfltion agree to comply with the intormation and plo\ptan, to con{ply\wl laws, and to build this structure according to\he fown'sli6rlrir\ review approved, Uniform Buitding Code and ot\\rOinar\cel26 X SIGNA1VRE OF OWI ANO TH8 OWNER. tintu Provil i ttr\ inf ormation required, led {s required is correct. I fowf ordinances and state surydivision codes, design owrl applicabl€ thereto. 9t(s,,Yl /the 1,t v.__-- lER OF OR FOR HIMS€LF ,Town o{ Vai I 75 5. Frontage Road Vai 1 n fiol orado S1657 Fl an analysis based on the 19€15 Uni {orrn Sr-ri l di ng trode Froject Id: I{AFL.AN RES. Addregsl L.-grE{*f, rVV-1 I 0cclrpancy; RT,I'll Type of Dongt: V-N Date: Jurly 3, L?87 Contractor: CHENEY f,O. Archi tect: I'IORTER Engineer: N0NE FI ang Exami ner: EARY I"IURRAIN NOTE: The codp iterng listed in thi* rept:rt are not intended to be a cornpletelisting of all possible code requrirL:"rnents in the l?SS UFC. It is a gr-ride to t;eL ected secti nn*; o{ the codes. TYFE OF C0NSTRUCTION:V-N sEPARAT I trNDIRECTII]N FNUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE FROTEtrTION NORTH Frup*rty line 11r1.{r Feet 13r:r.{:} FeetEAS']" Froperty 1 i rie 8. {t 6-6s1 S. t-t Feet S0UTH Froperty line L3.t:) Feat 1?.(r FeettdE$l- Froperty I i ne l tlt. {t Fee't- 1f-r " tl Feet FL. NAME OCC AftEA ALLOIdED A,iA NgC LSAD REO'D EXITS EXIT hIIDTI{ ? Dwel I i ng R;I 17116 Unl i mi ted 6 1 0" 1ITOTAL 17f,6 UnL irnited & ( &) 1 0, 1l ( {r. lt)1Farking Garage f"ll 864 30(Jr:, O.l9 4 t O.r)9I Dwel I i ng R.J 3(:)?6 Unl j. mi ted lC, 2 0. ?0TOTAL S€t?0 11167 (r"I? t4( L7, t 0.3F( O"I5) BUILDING TNTAL 56?6 38434 O" 1$ 3** NOTE: Indicateg that thi6 octrLrpancy is nt:t al I onred on thir; floor*Tabte 5-D# NOTE; Indi cates t-hat t-hi s occLtpancy i s an accessory area-Sec. 33(:)?. (a) exc. The aLlmwed l,l area is f,C!(-!(:t sq.ft. for a rnilied occLlpancy. -- Ss:'c. 11O:. REGILIIRED OIf,UFANCY $EFARATIONS Nl-R-a t hr l'lateri aI s approved 'f nr thr construrcti t:n are requti red nn thegarage ::iclel only and I :,/S inch solid core, self-closing door" --' Sec, 5O3, (d) e:r #3 AlL qlaring irr harardolrs locartiong (gee section 54u6. (cl) ) is reqr-tired tn be c:f =a{ety 91a:ing material , -- $ec, 54O&. EXTHftrriR *t- ,r*, ftArrNGs AND oFENrNt*orrrrro,u NORTF{ EAST SOUTH I^,EST OtrC BR6 NON-FRE OPNG ERC NON_BRG OFN6 SRG NEN-BRG OFNG FRG NON_BRG OF'NG WALL h,ALL FROT hIALL tarAL-L FRtrT h,ALL NALL FROT NAL-L ITJALL FROJI'11 t:lhr f-lhr Nane Cthr Ohr Nonte Ohr (:lhr None r:lhr {:}hr l-lone - R:i {:}hr t-th r- Nnne $hr (:rhr None *hr r"rhr. Nnne rfhr Ohr Nons The ex ter i or- wal 1 s rnay he of |IO|"IFUST I FLE rnater- i al . None -* trl o fire prrntectinn r-equirsrnents {or openings.Frst -- Openings are to tre proteci-ed with 3,/4 hr f ire aggenbl ies. 5t)7" o{ the area of the waIL max i mr-im. Sec 5O4. (b) NnF -- Openi ng:; arnl not permi tted i n thi s rqxl 1 .* ** Thege wallg may be reqlti red tc] have a parapet warl I Jt-r i ncheriabsve the roo{ing" The p;rrapet wal1 is reqr-rired to have the sane{ire rating as the waLl, Sere section 17fi9, {or cletai 1s and exceptions. OTHEF: BU I LD I NG HL_FI'IENTS Tab I e 17-AELEf"IENT' NATHRIAL FIRE FATING NOTES AND EXtrEFTIONSInteri or Eteari ng wal 1 ANY NfiNf Interior nonbrg wall ANY NflNE Strncturral Frame ANY NONEExterior $trnct Frame See footnote #1Shaft Enclcgnre ANY I hrFloor/Ceiling Assenrbly ANY NflNE Roo{ ,/ Ce i I i ng Asaernb 1 Y ANY N.NE$tairg ANY NONH FtrOTNOTES: 1 ) Mi ni mutm on exteri or si de al so based cln exteri or brg. waL l reqlri rements. Eaged t:n section 33(:)?. (h) The rat:fing on thi.s buriiding is not requri red tc: he fire retardant. EXIT NOTES: A stairway in a dwel l ing rnurst he at least 5# inches v.ride. *- Sec. f,306. (b) --- $ec. f,3t16, (c) errc,*1 The rnaximurm rise nf a stptr ig El incheg and the mini.nLrrn run ig I i ncheg. Frovi de a glrar-cI rai I where drop o{{ i s greater than 30 i nches. f"li ni rnr-rrr heiqht=16 inches, maxirnLrrn opening eiEe*6 inches. ** Sec. 1711, e:rc ? The mi ni mlrrn lreadroom is & f t.- 6 inches. *- Sec. 3f,*6. (p) The maxi mltm travpl tii stanre in this br-ri lding is 15(t {eet, --* Sec. f,:i(Jf,, ( d ) *DDITT'NAL REGUIFET"TENT* *t" oN occuFANCy For l'l I occupancy For RI $cclrpancy Provide a window or doar to the exterior from every room uged {or r sleeping. -- Sec. l3r)4. A window rnust provide a clear open area c:f 5.7 sq..ft.., a clear heightai 24 inches, and a clear width ef ?O incher(minirnlrrn). -- Sec. 1104. Al I habi tabl e Fooms reqr-Li re exteri or gl azed openi nEs equtal to 1t17. or more of the f lclor area. (min 1r] sq. f t. ) --" Sec. t?O5. (a) AlI habitable rotrrns require an openabl e exterior openings aqual ta 37.t:r more o{ the floor area. (min 5 sq.{t.) *- Sec. 13t15. ta) The minimlrm ceiling in a habitable space is 7 {eet 6 inches exceptkitchensn hallsn and bathg rnay have a ceiling height of 7 feet.Ser. -- 1307. (a) Fl oor-1st Occlrpanc y-Dwe*I t ing Exits are requrired to he separated by l/? o{, the diagonal of thig area. -- Sec. 3l$t13. (c) NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION DEMOLITION oor, lvlay 19, 1987 002886 department of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT n!u un! BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL LEGAL -pEsc. LOT 5 BLK_I FILING VAIL VILLAGE 11 Fit 'tn loe nnue, KApLAN OWNER uAIrAooREss66n W LiOnshead PL cfry Viii 1 pH 6-228L ARCHITECT ,,*u Morter Arct. MAIL ADDRESS ctw PH, GENERAL CONTRACTOR ,,*u THE CHENEY C0RPANY TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. rer-e.949-5195 *,r--*ll: FIRM TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO. PLUMBING FIRM APLINE MECH. L:ON I T(AU I UK MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOIA'N OF VAIL REG. NO OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO TELE. tlF prlrirry^ail 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I lVV 2. OCCUPAI{CY GROUP A B E H I R M OIVISION 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - PERMIT NO. zo F f, BUILOING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MMOLITION PRIOR TO REMONFI AT MECHANICAT 660 l,l, Lionshead Place DEMO 15.00 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERMIT \ \\"\Rhm$ + R5 PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL NEWO ALTERATION O ADDITIONAL () REPAIR(PLUMBING OWELLING UNITS - MECHANICAL HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIFEPLACES RECREATION FEE THICKNESS R.VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT Exr- wALLs I l USE TAX ROOF DEMOLITION i5.00 TYPE OF ELEC. SOLARHEAT GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ r s.00 GARY II4URRAIN May i8, 1987 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL sr cur I I I UILoiNG OFFICIA. - DAT-E )NING AOMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING ONING & BUILDING NOTES: hereby acknowledg€ that I have read this application, filled out in full the i on required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the i rovided ired is correct. I agree to comply with the inlormation and plot ces and state laws, and to build this structure according to the codes, design thereto.review approved, Uniform Building Code and other to compl OWNER OR OR FOR HIMSELF 7 (:: Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Project Application Addition Pnone IfiRTFR - l,lI{:HAFt HATARII r Owner, Address and Phone:GILDA & I.IERNER KAPLAN I'IORTERArchitect, Address and Phone: V VILL 'Ilth ZoneLegal Description: Lot Block Filing Comments: Design Review Board ('- '' ,il' , ,J lz- a I r '/ Date-fI*ti.' l12Motion by: Seconded by:!- Q- 6-^ DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL 4*o Summary: Town Planner E statt Approval to t tt ---.r \J lr u ti.Lrl LTILIfi LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION JoB NRt"tE Kaplan Residence Remodel & Addition BLOCK FTLTNG Vail Village 1lth ADDRESS 3030 Booth Creek Drive The location of utilities, whether they be nain trunk lines or proposedlines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the acconpanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date Mountain Bell 1- !44-tr157 l,.lestern Slope Gas Harry Moves 1-469-2528 Public Service Company Gary Ha11 Ho'ly Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cable T.V.ileff- Hyghqs i949-5530 Upper Eag le Val'ley Water and Sanitation Discri ct David Krenek (Please bring a site Plan when obtaining UEVI,ISD si gnatures ) /"t r.* 44("d' o/42"2",fi U*to( o.,trL zd"d ' ?t+47 fuq * For new cons 1_:2_!:r41ease fill ou attached sheet l/az/st NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit from the Town of Vail, Department of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easement in the Town of Vail. A building pernit is not a street cut pernit. A street cut permit nust be obtained separately. This form is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. t.ll. !30 1r''."o',|, /i :- ,.^G---,- MOUNTAIN BELL CABLE LOCATION AGREEMENT ,i -- z'-.;- / (?r ) 17" I LOG NO. 3886 (1471 ,l EXCHANGE LOCATORS NAME D^rE 4' ')4- -' g ;' COMMITMENTTIME z'DoJ TIMEDISPATCHED e?)C) TIMECOMPLETED -- ADDRESS LOCATING FOR: xrue or coMpANy E/?2 ,'c in- il"' i I ADDRESS PHONE NO. '.9.^ <- <-r(- D r- Location to be sketch€d or described in space below. Indicate paint or stakes and numberthereof.,4-\/rA \I I\ | \_.,/ INDICATE NORTH -- -{i.zrlC' \ 9.8.K. Q-r^'74 Ei - --/--/ t f-;. /,-_.-*. IIIPORTANT 18" ollhorside ol th€ stake, palnt mark or flag is conslderod a conect locailon. Dlg to your vertical dopth 18" olthor slde o, th6 stako, paint marh or flag and expose the cable by hand before crgssing tho cable or dtgging bosid€ it. Party Requestlng Locate Refuses To Sign tr I I I i -J I t"n, Requesting Locate Not Available I agree that the sketch or description above reflects the location of underground facilities as requested. SIGNATUBE n PERSON REOUESTING LOCATION /1 s 3?j1) -rr 6 lf , D o o'-';f b tl d 2_i. t2 (g jn .t- r-. ...h-lt / todh_ ; tF{ P?.OJ ECT: DATE SUBI4ITTED: COI"J4ENTS NEEDED BY: Io I NTER-DEPARIMENTAL REVI El.l DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING Reviewed by: Conments: Date BRIEF DESCRIPTION 0F THE pROp0SAL: J' / /L.{t^, J, o.n +o e*,r r*) n 1 G 7"/e v J PUBLIC I,IORKS .,? Reviewed av: (1* ,u Comnents: t' FIRE DEPARTMENT d/<_ POLICE DEPARTI4ENT Reviewed by: Comments: Reviewed by: Coments: RECPEAIi0N DEPARTI.|iNT Date Date TIl'l Orrrncnr Forrn 2312 pol icv No. AZ44116O6 Ftlr No. V10O92 Anount i63O,OOO.OO SO{EDULE A Addncer l. Pollcy Drtor l{$ch o2r 1987 AT BOOK 458 THROUGH FAGE 43r ' .', ....\:2. Nrme of Inrumdr IIERNER rr. KAPLAN rnd GILIIA L, KAPLAN r rr Jolnt Trnantr 3. Thr ertrtr or lntcrert ln thr lrnd dcacrtbed in thir $chcdulrrnd uhlch ir covenod by thtr pol icv irr A Far $lnrlo 4- Titlr to tho crtrtr or intrncrt csvered bv this pol icv et thcdrte hcceof tc vcsted lnl I{ERNER J. KAPLAN end GILDA L. KAPLAN , rr Jolnt Tenrntg $. Tho lrnd ncfcrcrd to tn thtr rollcv tr rlturtcd ln EAGLE county,Col orador rnd lr dorcrtbcd lr f ol I orrrcr Lot 5' Bl ock 3' VAIL VILLABE ELEVENTH FtLINs, AccoRDrNo ro rHE RECORffiD PLAT THEREOF, CCil,.tlTY OF EAGLE, $TATE OF CBLORADO. lEt: Paae I This Policv valid onlv if Schedute F ig attached. Trt'l orrrnen Forrn 2313 Filo No. vloo?z pot icy No. A2444606 SCHEBI.ILE B Thlr rollcv door not tnsurc.urlnrt lolr or drmrge bv rcrlon Ef thrfol loullnrl _ 1. Rtrhtt or clrlnt qf rrrtlcr ln torlorslon not rhorrln bv thspubl tc rlcordr. 2. Errenrntr, o" il.trrt*of ca".rlcntlr not shoorn bv thr publlc ncsordl. 3. Dlrcrcprncirlr confllctc ln boundrrv llnet' rhortrrc ln anerroncrorchmcnttr rnd rnv frctc orhlch r corntct survcv rndinrroction of thc prcnlr*e ruould dleclorc rnd uhich rro notrhoun bv the publ tc nccordr. 4. Anv llcn' or rirht to r licn, for renviscsr lrbor, or mrterialthccotoforr ori herrrftcr furnlrhrdr inposed bv leul end notrhoun bv thc publ ic rccordo. 5. I9E7 TAXES NOT YET DUE AND FAYABLE. 6. RIOHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIH OR LONE TO EXTRACT AND RE'.IOVE HI$ OftE THEREFROI'I SHOULD THE SAI"IE BE F0UND To PENETRATE oR INTERSECT THE FREHISES AS RES€RVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED Hay O6, l9OSr IN EOOK 48 AT PAOE 273. +*ENDORSEI'IENT IOO.29++ 169 COI,IPANY HEREBY INSURES ASAINST LOSS I"IHICH THE INSURED SHALL SUSTAIN BY REASON OF DA'.IAGE TO EXTSTINB II,IPROVEMENTS. INCLUDINO LA}INS' SHRUBBERY OR TREEST RESTJLTING FROT"I THE EXERCISE OF ANY RIGHT TO USE THE SURFACE OF SAID LAND FOR THE EXTRACTION OR DEVELOPT'IENT OF THE }IINERALS EXCEPTED FROII THE DESCRIPTION OF $AID LAND OR SHOI.IN A$ A RESERVATION IN SCI{EDT.{-E B. 7. RI&IT OF I.IAY FOR DITCHES ffi CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE IJ}IITED STATES AS RESERVED IN TNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED llry O6' l9O3' IN BOO< 4€ AT PAOE 273. 8. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS. I.IHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE C{T REVERTER CLAII$E' zuT OLTTING RESTRICTIONS' IF ANY' BASED ON RACE' COLOR' RELIGION' OR NATIONAL ORIOIN' AS OONTAINED lN INSTRUI'IENT RECORDED r.fulv 26r l?71, IN BOOK 221 AT PABE l4O ff.lD AS AI'IENIED tN INSTRUIIENT RECORDED Dlrv O3, L977, INBfiI< 2S4 AT PASE 865. Pare 2 TII'I Ourncr Fonn 2313 File No. VtOOtz SCN€T}IJ.E B Pol icv No. 424446O6 '. ffiAINACE AND UTILITY .EASEI.IENT TEN FEET IN }TIDTH ALoNG THE }IESTERLY LoT LTNEOF SUB"ECT PROF€RTY.AE 8l{OtlN ON THE RECffiIED PLAT OF VAIL VILLAGE' ELEVENTHFILINO. tO. ENCROACfl|{ENT OF IECK ONTO TRACT C AND UTILITY EASET.IENT AS SHOT,IN ON IT'IFROVET,IENT LOqATIqU\CERTIFICATE NO. t2O1 BY EAOLE VALLEY ENOINEERINE & SI,RVEYINO, INC. 11. ffiED OF TRU3T IBTED Jrnu*v ll' ltTg' FROfI l.l. ALLAN I.IACROSSIE AND CAROLVNB. }IAICROSSIE TO TT{E PUB.IC TRIJSTSE OF EAOLE COUNTY Fffi THE USE OF THE E IPIRE SAVTNGS' BUILDIiIG ff'lD LOAN ASSOCIATION TO SECURE THE S{Jl'l OF I8O'OOO.OO RECORIED rJrnurry 26' 1973' IN BOOK 227 Af PAGE 457 AND RERECORT}ED .N.JLY 3, 1974 IN EO{}K 235 AT PA6E 5O2. 12. DEED OF TRUST DATED Scrtcnbcr l5r 19A2, FROI'I l,l. ALLAN HACROSSIE TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGI.E COUNTY FOR THE USE OF CAROLYN B. f'IACROSSIE TO SECURE THE SUFI ffi 1727t443.OO RECORDED Fsbruuv 03r l?83, IN BOOK 353 AT PAGE 12. 13. I}EED OF TRUST FRS,I T.IERNER .J. KAPLAN AND 6ILDA L. KAPLAN TO THE PUBLTC TRUSTEE OF EAOLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF T{. ALLAN MACROSSIE TO SECURE THE SUI'IF iS4O,OOO.OO, FEOORIIED l'1rch O2r 1?€7r IN BOOK 4SS AT PABE 491. ITEMS 1 THROUOH 4 OF SCTEDULE B ARE HEREBY DELETED. Gtg 3Pere s Lo t- !*, , jf C/oo, zv4 {l"oy rF $i|c 3 \,U,,,J*/ 7tt oF y6I r r E'7,5* LTun fe*c.{P * 1.: se'l g3 l3 usa*l *f Sn Jru--s, { , 6 o o 4a"r.,t&?,f s*up t 3 C O,s", st rudf t ""'^ffi P' E3 7.s' @"r-q 1s e7 s yr6 Tsr APPLICATI0N DATE: March 23, 1987 DATE 0F DRB ;'IEETI NG: Apri I i , I9B7 DRB APPLICATION *****THJS APPLICATION I,IILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUEI{ITTED***** I. PRE.APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meet'lng wJth a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any addltional information is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator).It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment wjth the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applica-tion will stream'l ine the approval process for your project by decreasing the numberof conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a bui'lding permit is issued. ' A. PR0JECT DESCRIPTI0N: An addition___and remodelling to an existinq resjdence, converting a dupiex to sinqle family status. B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address h U o Legal Description Lot B'lock Zoni ng Dupl ex C. NAME OF APPLICANT:Werner & Gilda Kap'lan Filing Vail Village ilth 660 West Lionshead Place, #370 Vail, Colorado telephone 476-2281 APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE :Morter Archjtectsi Michael Hazard 143 E Meadow Drive, Suite 300 Vai I , Colorado tel ephone 476-5105 E. NAME OF OWNERS:Werner & Gilda Ka lan Address D. NAME OF Address F. Si gnature Address DRB FEE: The fee wi] I VALUATION Wterephone yZgU_^ permit is requested. / 324 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the appt'i cant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The review process for NEt'| BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings . of the Desjgn Review 8oard, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval. 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meet'i ng and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. be paid at the tjme a building FEE $ 0-$ 10,000 $10,001 -$ 50,000 $:50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $1oo.oo $2oo. oo $300.00 Kapl oo an Re LIST OF MATERIALS sidenceNAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P Vail Viliage 11th n ano remo nq to an exis nq res r dence. by the app'licant to the Design Rev;ew COLOR The fo1lowing information is required for submittal Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. EUILDING I'IATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL Roof Si di ng 0ther t,lall Materials Fasci a Soffi ts }li ndows l.Jindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses {oo! Ship Lap (existing) Sherwin Wiil.i,arns Ex Bnr 10-28 Redwood - 1x6 T&Glstucco (gxislinq) Sherwin Williams Ex Bm 10-25 Stucco (new) Sherwin l,l j I I iami fx-BmlO-2S Built up 1x6 and 1xI2 (new) olvmnic #9ll Gypsum Board Sherwin Wiiliams Ex Bm 10-28 Clad t,Jood I'lh i te 1x4 hlood (existing)Sherwin |rlilliams Ex Bm 10-28 Garaqe Sherwin Williams Ex Bm 10-27 . Sherwin Williams Ex Bm 10-27 Steel Sherwin Will'iams Ex Bm 10-27 Galvanjzed Sheet Metal (pajnted) Sherwjn Wjl'ljams Ex Bm 10-27 Stucco I blue label cedar B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: 0ther PLANT MTERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Screen 6" x 5" Steel Sherwin Williams Ex Bm 10-25 Botani'cal Name Common Name Pi nus Lati fol i a Pi cea Mai us sp. S;bG- Aucupari a Lodgepo le Pine CoI o rado Spruce Aspen Radiant Crab' Mountai n Ash Quani ty 9 6 3 Si ze* lnt - 1?l 7' - !2' 2"-3" caliper 2,, cal iper 8'-10' cl ump EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Some existing willows Iocation on site. to be removed and transpl anted tg_-dj-tferen.! *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. Indicate height for conifers. (over ) Punqens opul us Tremu I oi des t . PLANT I'IATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS riffiir.f,ldiifdl.j um CompactaaG;---- Woodsi i Hi ppehi ca Rlbes -- Botanical Name Hori zon tal i s Ame.l an ch i e r Aunifolia Vi burnum Iri-t obg!--_ Rubu s Chenaul ti TYPe AJUga Keptans, Common Name Red Twi g Dogwoodt@I6- Pot. J!_F_!F.Pr] nce ot ll'|a les Jun'iper DwTTT're-wn Grape Bellv,:++uloo o s Rose )n owmo un o Spi rea Alprne Currant.--)e rvl ce Berry "-:-l--Amer LranDerry H'i qhbush Biu-TAF- Rasberry Hancock Coral berry Lemon Thyme Si ze 24 11 #515 45 #5 1'7LT #7 4E Square Footage 1,500 sF Corhus Stouhipera Potentilla Fructosa . Delic'i osus Symphori carpos Potentilla Verna, Show In Summer s0D Hone SEED Native grass and wildf'l ower see to disturbed areas . Drip to a1 1 plant materja'l s.TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD EROSION CONTROL gp Straw. C. 0THER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retain'ing walls, fences, swimming poo'ls, etc.) please specify. DATE: Apnil 15, 1987 LEGAL DESCRIPTI0N: Lot ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Block 3 Filing Va'il Village 11rh ADDRESS: 0l,lNER Corunents: Phone 476-228l PhoneT7F5TIIf- ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Height Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/ Reta i ni ng ',,fal 1 Parki ng Credits: Garage A'l 'lowed (30)(33) 4,367 .5 4,367.5 N.A. 20' 15' 15' (30)(so) ,./ 20% qL tt' 4,200.25 (4,210 existing) 4,zoo.z5 gefi&.{ + ,+: d,q i, l', Proposed No change in max. height N.A.'b+tr"'or"'.-l 5U 16.9% - Hei ghts (3oo)(600) (eoo)(1200) (so) (1oo) (25)(s0) (2oo)(4oo)=ffi-tt7'\ 600 Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Envj ronmental /Hazards : 50 Slope Actual Aval anche F'lood Plain Sl ope l,letl ands Geo'l ogi c Hazards Werner & Gr lda Kaplan ARCH I TECT_-ltloFtertrfCRTf e c ac l 1a Zoning: Approved/Disapproved Date: StaffTifnalure o ALT - Ghareee -ALTA ONNER POLICY ALTA LEIIT,ER POLICYTax Certif. Errdnsnt S lOO.29 - - TOTAL - A COrl,tIT SCHEDULE A I,IENT Appl icetion Ng. VlOO92-4 Fon Infornrrtion Onlv l.li th your r.ami ttancc pl ersc t1,395, oo 940. OO 35. OO 3138.50 $l ,368,50 rcfcr to VlOO92-4. 1. 2. Effective Date:Februrrv lg' 1987 rt BtOO A.il. Policies to be issucd, end pnoposcd Insurcd: I'ALTA" Oulnerg"s pol icvFonnr B-197O (Amerrded lO-17-7Ol Proposed f nguned ! WERNER .1. KAPLAN and GILDA L, NAPLAN "ALTA" Loan Folicy ( l97O Revlslonl C63O' OOO. O0 G540, OO0.00 3. 4. Proposed Ineur.ed: W. ALLAN I1ACROSSIE Thc estate on irrterest in the lend dc$cr.ibed or refcrred to inthis Corrnritnrent end covered herein isr A Fee Simpl e Title to the cstetc or interert covered hcrein is at thecffcctlvc dete hereof verted lnl I{. ALLAN '.IACRO9SIE 5. Thr land rcferred to in thir Cornmitnrent ir dcrcrib$d i,sfollorors Lot 5r Bl ock 3' VAIL VILLAGE ELEVENTH FrLrNG, Acco8trlNc ro rHE PAGE 1 ALTA COHr.rr SCHEDULE A Tl.IENT Arrl icrtion No, V1OO92-4 RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, CC,UNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORABO. tfl 2.PAOE . ./i ALTA GOT.IHITT4ENT SCHEDULE B-1 (Requirenentr) Aprlicetian Nn, VlOO92-4 Thc f ol I or,rinr erc thc requlr€n€nti to bc coDFt ied uitfr! l. Pavmcnt to or for the iccount of tha nntntors or morteasors ofthe ful I conslderation fon thc estatc or interest to beingured. ?. Propen lnstrunent(r) crcatinr the "strtc or inteFest to beinsured nust b€ executed and dulv filcd for recordr to-rritr 3. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COHPANY THAT THE TERFIS, CCINSITIONS ANEI PROVISIONS OF THE TOI,IN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVS BEEN SATIgFIED. 4. I.,IARRANTY DEED FROI'I l.f. ALLAN f.IACROSSIE TO I.IEFNER J. KAPLAN *nd CiILDAL. KAPLAN CONVEYING SUBJECT PRSPERTY, 5. DEED OF TRUST FROl'l IfERNER J. KAPLAN end GILDA L, KAPLAN TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE CSUNTY FOR THE USE OF I.T. ALLAN FIACROS:SIE TO SECURE THE SU]',I oF 3540,OOO.OO. THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE RE&UIRE$ RETUFN ABDREgSES ON DOCUf.IENTS SENT FOR RECORDING!I PAGE 3 o A Thc polisv sr policies to tre issued uillfollouing unless the same ene disposed ofthe Gompenvr 1. standard Exceptione I thnoueh s pninted on the cover sheet. 6. Taxee end assessrnents not vet due on pevabr e arrd speciaressesrnents not vet certified to the TreasureF,s affice. Any unpald taxce or. assesamcrrts asi,inst said land. Llens for unpaid ueter and seu,er chalees, if any. RIGHT CIF FRgPRIETOR CIF A VEIN THEREFROI,I SHOULD THE SAf.'E BEAS RESERVED IT.T UNITED STATES PAGE 273. contai n excepti crrg tc. thcto the satisfactinn c,f OR LCITIE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE FOUNB TO PENETRATE OR INTEFSECT THE PREHISES PATENT RECOFEEII l"lav Q6r lp(r5, IN BOCIK 4G AT ALT C0l"lt'l ITI-,1 ENT SCHEDULE B-? ( Exccrt i ons )Apal ication Nr,. VlCrCrgZ- 7. a. 9. (t2-l G THE EXISTENCE OF THE HINERAL EXCEPTION AND./DR RE5ERVATION SHBL.JN A5 TTEH 9,SCHEBULE E-2' I'JILL NOT AFFECT OUR ABILITY TO ATTAtrH COL$RAITO ETTDORSEHENTNO. LOO.2" TO OUR OI.'NER,s POLICY }JHEN ISSUED. IO. RI6HT OF I.IAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTEF BY THE AUTHORITY OF THEuNrrED srATEs As FESERVED rN LlNrTErr srATEs pATENT REctlRrrEEr Hav c,6r tpos, INBOOK 4E AT PAGE 273. 1l' RESTFICTIVE COVENANTS' ITHICH OO NOT CI]NTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTERCLAU$E' BUT OI'IITTING RE$TRICTIONS' IF ANY, BASEB ON RACE, COLOR, RELIIiION,OR NATIONAL ORISIN' Ag CONTAINED IN INSTRU|,IENT REconnEn .-ruiv-io, t?zL, INBOOK "21 AT FAGE 14O AND AS Al"lENl,ED IN INSTRUT'IENT RECORITED l{ay OF, Lg77r INBOCII( 254 AT PAGE 865. DRAINAGE AN[t UTILITY EASET'IENT TEN FEET IN T"IINTH ALON6 THE I.IESTERLY LI]T LINEoF SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHCIt.|N ON THE RECSRTTED pLAT crF vAIL vILLAGE, ELEvENTHFILING. ENCROACHHENT gF DEtrK ONTO TRACT C AND UTILITY EASEHENT AB SHOI^JN ONIT"IPROVEI"IENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE NO. 1201 BY EAGLE VALLEY ENGINEERING &SURVEYI}IS, IND. 14. DEED oF TRU$T DATED Januarv 11, L979, FRcrt't t,l, ALLAN MAcRr:rssIE ANEI cARoLyNB. I.IACR0S9;IE TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE GCIUNTY FoR THE usE cIF THEEHPIRE SAVINGS' EUILDING AND LOAN A$SOCIATION TO SECURE THE SUH OFsBo'ooo,oo FEGORDEE .Janurny. z6t LgTgt IN EooK ??z AT F,AGE 4g7 ANDRERECORBED JULY 3, 1P74 IN BOOK 235 AT PA6E 5O?. 4PA6E ..',.} ALTA CO1'II.IITI"IENT SCHEDULE B.Z (Excertions) Application NE. VIOOPZ-4 15. DEED OF TRUST DATED $ertenrber t5, 19gl2t FROIi tt. ALLEN HACRO9SIE TO THEPUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EA6LE COUNTY FOR THE U$F OF CAROLYN T4ACROSSIE TO 9ECURETHE SUI'! OF $7?7,4+3.OO RECORDED February O3, 1t83, IN B0OK AFg AT pACrE lZ. NOTE: THE PURCHASER SHOULB CONSULT t"lITH THE HOLDER oF THE INnEBTEDNESsSECURED AS TO THE TERI'IS ANB CONDITIONS, IF ANY, FOR THE ASSUT'IPTION OF SAIDINDEBTEDNESS. ITEI'IS 1' 2 AND 3 OF THE STANDARD EXCEPTICIHS l.,lILL BE EELETED FROtl THEOI,INER'S TITLE POLICY EXCEPT AS TO ITET.I 13 SCHEDULE B-2 HEREIN. ITEI.I 4 I.IILL BE DELETEB FRO].I ONNER'S POLICY UPON RECEIPT OF A SATISFACTORYLIEN AFFIDAVIT. ITSII 5 T.IILL BE DELETET' IF THE C0HPANY REcoRDs THE ITEM$ REauIRED UNEER SCHEDULE B-1 HEREIN. ITEt'l 6 AND 7 tfILL BE AI'IENEED TO REFLSCT THE TAX 9TATUS AT THE TIt"tE OFPOLICY. ITET{ $E }JILL BE DELETED UFON RECEIPT OF SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT NO T.'ATERAND SET.'ER CHARGES ARE OI.IIN6. PAOE 5 /LO?' ft I I N Otoz tsl" E s tt;o9 ,' tt-ooo e^tL .:Ei cE :-__\r .fu s .-\r tl \ ot\ra $ s o) A.i -q, v, .tr(r- \,\ \, L,-i IOTICE: Accordlng to Colorrdo lar you mrst cocmnce ary legal actlon b.3ed upql rf|l/ defect In this surrcyrlthln threc yerrs ifter you flrst dlscover such defsct. In m cvcnt, nry any actlon b$cd upon rru dcfect Inthls rurvqy be cqnenccd mr. thrn tan yorrc frcn the dtte of crrtlf,lcrtlon slpm hareon. EASIS OF ELEVATTON: MANHOLE ee A RtM:8294.OO' TNiy€,RT (tN)=8285-97' TNVERT (OUT):82d':14' T.-Z i t--t- 1ra flr..r/, r, \\ -Foo co {U ! 18 E osN \- - --- ir--- ,r_iir 4 I hereby certlfy that this lrmroyemnt locatlon certlflcate was prepared for the mortgage lender and the tltle insurance conpany, that it ls not a land survey plat or lnprovennnt survey plat, and that it ls not to be relled upon for the establishmnt of fence, buildlng, or other futurc lnprovemntlines. I further certify that the lnprovements on the above descrlbed parcel on this date, except utill(y connections, are entlrely wlthin the boundarlesof the parcel , except as shfln, that there are no encrpachmnts upon the described pranises by iryroverents m any adJolning premlses, except ag indlcated, and that therc ls no apparcnt evldence or slgn of any easer€nt cFossing or bugenlng any part of sald parcel , except as noted. thls certlflcate does not cohstltute a tltle seapch by lnter-ttbr,mtaln Englneerlng to detenrlne ornershlp or eaiements of rccord. ----J I MH 864o /ssE o{t '' 4 Pphoxtua r. -.--_------=.- ---'-"-----...-.--_l'* "" c p4 uE L otu vE$ tt ERHAN6 $lo.LOT 5 ro6ll() ..- lo' .-- \F- f ..-- df)"- \ FLOOA TION CERTIFCATE P. q!or( 978artl|\|.oq.El.a.|.lc,(-t ar.a-ao7a Englnccrhfur. r4o \artt gTFEtT LAKAA'EE|q'CCI.CI.ATrEGrqttSln-(}E€ LOT 5, ELOCK 3, VA|L VTLLAGE ilTH FILING TUVN OF VAIL. CANTY OF EA6LE P L.,l /u ) FINAL INSPECTIOiI'S COMPLETED The belov item need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. I' FINAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL DATE : FINAL BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMPORARY C of 0 \to.\..1 N \r\\\i\ \Y- *\*.\=.oqo- \ \.o \\N)$q\ \1tl'u"\ \\"*\\\+ Nu' \ \o- =\"\ \N X ..'*r")x.* vts.rt\s\s\ \qs \tuuC- \-srsNBt\c- \s.r". BOYDSON CONSTRUCTION COMPAhIY, INC. SrEvE BoyD . Box 5O5 . VAtt- CoLoRADoet65T . 476-9344 fliuo& 27 , /ffiI l, or, /'taoratr ol fi;, Ai 7'rf Tona,^ ,f Sail Va:/^ , Lo lleco % f-otn^,7 116 't?/q t" 'rr1'>2o. iossi,o ftop"/, of .lo3tt fioot4 L,+" 0y,on h ts ,l/-,-t, 5 olt, /,,\/4 (tt,e hofr u\or/ irty /4 o/ Oub 'lu'Ll'-,7 f.-0r..',iT Cilortltt) fin caillatL-/, O[so'tT ts ou, AtJtr.sTax/ry lhot /ly.-,;y.orat 04,vttr4hg hnr< lyot'at'tpt Tlan gs, tntn> of daft , Nary arA.rt-t 65 rtneLT at co,qltacfou h aonn //.fo lh_ ,*or,( tt,rr&uato/Lafty A&w llat ooJ thn{ /A_,y rw)tt sa,,ls.nucalft "!//ly f or a Nery /.er.-",it F,urllr.o of l4;, ltL" A,!q ai<, t-6u.r7,ju1 rdf.+,"d 'l .:r, Cloau 4t7 d-Vr+if f to..^ /1-2 o LJ p.ct,.,^,7 o-t, otry o t[r-r y- I a[-s lh,T *,^,)it lt. ctyvt e7t ,atz. f r,v,* 7l* pvot( atat t /o710-/ / rit lo co*/ t-'/*,T,a { r'ou#r6, +1. O t lt S 7-'f ,'oO, d,1/e ta h-n , o1l-J f 1p 6,or-[,1gE"- In/ 0"t atr floytro"., Looot ^o,/* F - Ner:qr \r\eN-\\:s\+:*F pERMrr ro BE KEpr o* ro"r,rr$FTIIT\TFII IATIATI ETEEDIIIT _ \CoNSTRUCTION PERMIT o*= ]nr'.rlo 0c2718 hn departmgnt of community development TO BE FTLLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT un! M ffi! BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION LEGAL DESC. -Joe ttAME, MAcRossIE REMSDEL OWNER NAME " urtrroDngss 3030 Booth Creek ctw Vai I rr 6- ARCHITECT rtnu Trout Creek Arch MAIL ADDRESS-----velT-6-1176 CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FrRM SIBLEY & BoYDSoN L34-P TOWN OF VAIL FEO- NO. a2 7 -q7 77 lrr.r*,.o' CONTRACTOR F;RM NEW Ux DE l lcn ELtrr'l TOWN OE VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR F|RM SIBtEY lEUl,lglNC TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO. i34-P qELE.827-5737 MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO TELE. cENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : -REMODEL INTERIOR OF WEST INSTALL WINDOl,l a^ l. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION lll lll lvu: /l 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H le'M DIVISION r 2 2aLla SI DE PERMIT NO. - z tr f BUILOING 23 .500.00 ELECTRICAL 2 ,000.00 PLUMBING 25.000.00 NIECHANICAL TOTAL $28 ,0oo. oo TYPE GROUP G,F.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES V R-3 28,000.00 BUILDING PERMIT 2it En &'7t9,iT LAl\- c\ Ir-H +f\ ri(\l-. PLAN CHECK 135 .25 ELECTRICAL 45.00 NEW (ALTERATTON (X)l AOOTTIONAL ( ) REPAIR ( )PLUMBING 30.00 DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT, - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESTGN REVIEW BOARD 25.00 CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 250-00 / EXT.wALLS | | |UsE TAX 250.00 ,...:.;RooF I ll \\',' TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 1,007x75 _qaRY. -uuRBAIN_UILDING OFFICIAL BETSY ROSOLACK lrJ4lse _ __ DATEADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: . Y N INITIAL\ '\. n\ | | r^-sr cur \Q\\h\ \),"{LL\N -r-kr.)]NING ADMINISTRATOR DATE 1g ONING & BUILDING NOTES:ffiffil I hereby acknoiibdge that I have read this application, filled out in tull the information required, compleied an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agreb to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state la]ws, and to buitO this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design clean Up tO: ttU/"t tu't vu= ww\441 -Fn 575 ',/l/6t,L [o all.l+ iiT+lHlt-o"'.-lwNE' oR coNr'Acro* FoR H'MS nnn ba.tr departmont of community develolrment PLEASE FILL OUT I,'IIERE TIIE "X,, MARKS AREI! TYPE OF PER[4IT BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATTON LEGAL DESC. LOT BLK____-. GENERAL CONTRACTOR B NAME: ARCHITECT hok'l Lt'.oi '1rc4 !:i cl.91. PLUTBTNG 1t'nu t; ji-I'--. "" coNTRAcToRl rowN oFvArL FEG. No. / , y / ,r*li ,'^, 9C r4Itv TOWN OF VA|L REG. NO.t3q $zt ,;l I { OTHER CONTRACTO FIRM L TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO l, oere 0 'f it /r/7( IE FOLLOI.'ING IS Letter from 2 sets of drawings, of urork. BUll.otNc ADMINISTRATOR NEEDED FOR FILIIIG ',ERI.1ITCondo Assn. (if applicable) complete drawings (if no two conrplete explanations ? aaa,v v5-J0, TI I l) 2) zo F l J x x ZONING & AUILDING NOTES: I. TYPE OF CONSTNUCIION e. occupaHcy cnoub DtvtsloN aoeut@u cENqRAUDESCRTPTtoN oF4_t At [ ?/tql. ol t z.z6n. H.,Y,: ala I' GROUP G.B,F.A. VALUA ryqw( ) elrenArroH AootTroNAL ( I neprrnT-l THICKNESS R.VALLUE T ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y FLOOR st. cuT ? 50.") PERMIT FEES BUI!OING P€RMIT PI.AN CHECK E LECTR ICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL RECREAIION FEE OESIGN NEVIEW EOARD CLEAN.UP OEPOSII USE TAX TOTAL PERMIT FEES L-?k& :l"Jf']!1"ffE":wruen on HIMSELF \ D!x BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT lur dopErtmont of community development TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT LJ PLUMBING LJ FOUNDATIONifi demo NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE L0/16/86 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B E H I R M DIVISfON L22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : PERMIT NO. z9 F BUILDING ! ( { ,{ \ e \ 'cq ETECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G.F.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERMIT C,l \ $ \I\5s PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL NEWO ALTERATION AODITIONAL| REPAIRO PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - MECHANICAL HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW EOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSITEXT.wALLSI I t USE TAX ROOF demo 15.00 TYPE ELEC. OF SOLARHEAT GAS WOOD TOTAL PERMIT FEES 15.00 G-Mnrrairr - -IfJ/LEn6_ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIALsr.cur I I I UILDING OFFICIAL OATE )NING ADMINISTRATOR OATE BLASTING ONING & BUILDING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, lilled out in full the information required, compleled an accurate ploi plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivisiop codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinE;nces of the Toy4n applffible thereto. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND THE OWNER. LEGAL l>esc. LOT?BLK J p11sx6 Vai I JoB NAME: MAC-R0SSIE west side OWNER NAMdql len MacKossre 3030 Booth Greek MAIL ADDRESS crrv Vai I pH. 1593 ARCHITECT p,sir Tlput Creek MAIL ADDRESS t1,76CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM Sibley & Boydson T,owN oF vArL REG. No. 134P rELE. 927-5736 lrr.r*,.0,- CONTRACTOR FIRM TOI/VN !r rLAlt_ REG. NO PLUMBING FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. UONIKAUIOT( TELE. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. lltp.lnLr'/varl CONSTRUCTION PERMIT U PLUMBINGE SounoRrtonE oem NOTE DATE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE L,i/ io/iic . d'epartment of community dwelopment TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIOF TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT Dtr D BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH IRM DIVISION 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - PERMIT NO. .I' ' ' z F 3J BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING cciaO li tioil only MECHANICAL ryPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERMIT I ] '' 11.t PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL NEW ALTERATION ADDITIONAL () REPAIR(PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - MECHANICAL HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE R.VALLUETHICKNESS DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT Exr.wALLS | | |USE TAX ROOF ur.:tlliJ i5.0u TYPE OF HEAT wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES 15.00 ,nF^HtH,Sots - -Lu Ls/hb- o-or-.ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL sr. cu- I I I INING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING )NING & BUILDING NOTES:;^-** ll I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled oui in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provid€d as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND THE OWNER. Lo€- FtLtNG Vail iillaqc llrn JoB NAME: t,'AC-it0s5li wer I siiie crrY Ya il PH i593 ARCHITECT F1RM lruut Creek F1RM Siirley & ooytlson rown or vatt- nec. ruo. 134P 827-5736 GENERAL CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR MECHANI CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. department of community tlcveloiment PLEASE FILL OUI I,JIIERT THE 'X,, MARKS ART IIIE OF PERMii ! D D BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL fJ pluMarNc D rouruoerron R- P-tr*t B NAME: p.n.6 . | 713 ARcHrrEcT l,o* T*ouf AFffA_ MAIT ANDRESS GENERAL CONTRACTOR PLUMBTNG lrrRM CONTRACTOR MECHANICA OTHER CONTRACT pr/- ti7 TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO WN OF VAIL REG. NO. owN TEIE. FIRM TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. FILING il-zry t NOTE - COPY OF PEBMIT TO {narr 0#tf4!/ - -"'! ---,L U ,TIIE FOLLOI.IING IS NEEDED FOR FILiIIG liiNUIr'l) Letter from Condo nrrn. i;;';;pii.lil.t2) 2 sets of complete drawing, lii ,J' il. I. TYPE OF CONSTNUCTION 2, OCCUPANCY GROUP Dtvtslo lll l tvv ^BEHIRM 122a34 )fGENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK I Y TYPE , GROUP G.F,F,A, VATUATION drawinc or v/ork 0uI otNc ls , two conrplete expl anations z tr .J ELECTNICAI PLUMsING I,4ECIIANICAL IoTA L X PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERMIT "E", , ArrERliE"T-l DWELLING UNTTS _ ACCOMMOOT HEIGHT IN FI PTAN CHECK ELECTRICAL Al- ( ) REPAIRa \I|ofluNrTS _ PLUMsING MECHANICAL RECREAIION FEE OESIGN REVTFW OOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSII Nr.,. |.|ltETTLACES rYPE nrrcxr,rsss--EIII-r_ue TYPE OF AODITIONAL PEBMITS NEEDEO: tr'rsulartorui FLOOR EXT. WALLS Et€c. sr. cur BLASTING PANKING USE TAX :::---= TOTAL PERMIT FEES \tl t=:-_,.- t'_\./ ONING AOMINISTRAI ONING & BUILDING --- OR NOTES: t in f ull providr lh all T( g and s ' rhe Io,q (/2. // 4 IER OF ( ll:lgly_S"rnowtedse thar I have road rhis appcomptetect an accu.rate plot plan, anO staie'ifrii! :-9.1:" Jo compty with the iniormarion ;il;i;'; liil:.3i9 ro buitd this srruclure accordinq lo'lrevlew approved, Uniforrn Building Coae ,ij-oi s lication, filted ou ll the information lan, lo comply wihe Town's zon inlerftpnaqtls ol h_.(g<, o. IGNATURE OF OWI ND THE OWNEN. the inlqrmation requir ed, rd as required is correcl. I)wn ordinances and sla leubdiv/sion cocles, desionun aflpticable thereto. %t/ bNrnAcron FoR HTMsELF g p," POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE TOWN tlF BUILElINGi VA IL PEFIMIT ELECTRICAL DATE OF APPLICATION TOTAL FLOOR AREA NEW { I ALTEBATIONfI ADDITION( } REPAIR { ) USE OF BUILDING SO, FT. OF BL OFF ST. PARKINGHEIGHT IN FT. MAIL ADDRESS OFF ST. IOADING NO. OF LIVING UNITS WATERI I FORCEDAIRI } ELEC( }UNIT{ I r. TypE oFcoNsraucroN | , rr ,u @, ** z. occuPANcY GRouP A B c D e r c r@.r DtvtstoN 12 3 4 BUILDING PEBMIT SPECI FIED PLAN CHECK FEES FIRE SPRINKLERS COMB. STANDPIPE SMOKEPROOF ENCLOSURE AREA SEPARATION OCCUPANCY SEFARATION EASEMENTS TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO UNCOVEREO VABIANCE APPLICATION peRrurr # .+.R+c r HEREB' ACKNo*LEDGE t"nt , "ou. Rl )---READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE \-- I ABovE rs coRREcr AND AGREE To coMpLY ( : wrrH ALL rowN oRDTNANcEs 4ND sr^rr y'11-$-- LAws REGARDTNG BUILDING co#rnucrlox. : tF "- ? ijd STGNATURE OF OIVNER O& CONTRACTOR APPLICATION ACC€PTED PLAN CHECK APPROVAL PEBMI T lL/ I HERE]IY ACKNOWLEDGE'THAT I HAVE READ TIIIS APPLICAl'ION AND STATE THA'T THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH AI-L TOWN ORDTNANCES AND S'I'ATE LAWS REGARDING BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. TOWN OF I,AIL ElUILtrlING PEFIMIT EXITS REO, DATE OF APPLICATION 19 MAIL ADDRESS NEW { ) ALTERATION I ) ADDITION REPAIR { I USE OF BUILDING SO. FT. OF BLDG.H€IGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PARKING MAIL ADDBESS NO. OF STORIES OFF ST. LOADING NO. OF LIVING UNITS MAIL ADDR ESS SO. FT. COMMERCIAL WATER{ } FORCEDAIR I IELECI IUNIT{ I LOT BLK FI LING BUI LDING PERMIT1. TYP€ OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V I HR 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B C D E F G H I J DtvtstoN1234 PLAN CHECK FEESSPECIFIED FIRE SPRINKLERS WET STANDPIPE MECHANICAL DRY STANDPIPE CLEAN UP DEPOSIT SMOKEPROOF ENCLOSURE ENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK AREA SEPARATION OCCUPANCY SEPARATION TOTAL F LOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVEREO DATE SIGNATURE Of' OWNER OR CONl'I.ACTOR PLTJMEilNGI/MECHANTGAL PEFTM|T TOWN OF VAIL D^TE ?-: & ToBNAME /7CAC P/KS/€ owNER /ry'nC /".A|UE ADDRE'' iorurRacron PREUSS/D4 PZuTAR*Vf- puone#{'fr8 OF BUILDING: oF woRK: D ruew E(aoornon E nennooEr- E nepnrn RIPTION OF WORK: MECHANICAL: NUMBERNG: NUMBER ALUATION $VALUATION REMARKS: RMIT FEE APPROVED TOTAL FEES: $ fl orseernoveo DATE 7-8 -7.7 ff 5, B4-AL)fv trTa FLUMETTNG!/ MECHAI\ilGAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL i E nppnoveo TOTAL FEES: $ DATE PLUMBING: NUMBER MECHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATION $VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMIT FEE . PERMIT FEE I orserrnoveo pc,-it Ho. 000292 o 4t*n fT)&x4Xyftiu ,(._b. t,AIt WATER AND SAI{ITATIOil DISTRICT T.@b Neol a lnrn NTIL TAP FEES HA EN PAID IN FULL. Lrc. No., Ltc. No. x $300,00 = Amount WATER Al{D SEWER TAP PERMIT TAPPERMITWILL NOTBE NAME OF JOB TION AND L DESCRIPTION GENERAL PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR SIZE OF TAP: Water NUMBER OF UNITS Date Billed Date Peid Bldg. Dspt. - Whit.; - Water and Sanitation - cre.n; - Public Work! - Canary; - Contrsctor - Pink; - Accountino - Goldonrod Town of VaiI nI,F:CI.RICAL PIn}IIT Lt^ '1rca Narne.//.k(fr.qss.t*...l.Q.a.tr*d-...:.3..0..3.9....6*tl..k-,....Lf.:y.* a^t Date of Application--.. ------..--.--..)!-tr-,-.-{----------------.-------------ts-.-2./.....--..-... ttl . Electricalcontractor...-..-...-./.L!.t.,'l....Il.(.9-r..4l-!l..#.9 Unovuc,*t...r-d)il,)- {' g-".**-*, APPROVALS THIS FORilI 13 TO BE FOSTED Oil JOI SITE DURII{G CONATRUGTTOI{ 24 HOI'RS ADVAI\ICE NOITCE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee s....-................""".... i",r*"vlY Wlr 463 $.-..-. 56 Date Paid--..-.. Q.u"ui"ea sv rs. G. r. |lcaraat t!., DrrYEr !loasz Deslgn Review Fee Date Pa i d PROJ ECT LE GAL DE USE ZOI{E ZON ING CHECKL IST S UMMA RY ; ARCII ITECI ; PROPOSED USE(S) sErBncKS rp Front Front INGS: Requir Actua I T!'/EEN , S ides , Sides Rear Rea r Requ ired He , Actua I ight A I lowed Actua l owa b Required 0ffsets S ITE COVERAGE: LANDSCAP ING: PARKING AND Lor s,* z/Tfi( ; FRor.rrAGE D I STANCE BE HE I GHT: Av 37(0 tu.x.r.A.: ed - BU I LD Grade Ratio, Allowable sq. ++.!*jl2A-, Actuat sq. ,r.3'43{, C0[4lv1ERC IAL FL00R AREA: Percentaqe a I lowab I €_,Atl le sq. fi. Actual sq. .ft. BU I LD ING BULK C0NTROL: A I lowab le max imum length , Diagona I , Diagonal Arlowuore JD %, ^u owabte sq. rt.//JJi_, Acr"or //_ f Actual sq. ft.322{? i , USEABLE 0FEN SPACE: Reouired sq . ft. , Actua I > (.1 . | | . , Ground Leve -%, common Required _%, _ s9, f t., Actual % -sq. f f LOAD I NG: No . Req u i red , No. Actua I , Cove red Re- quired ZON ING APPRO VA L DES IGN REV IEW BOARD APPROVAL Cha i rma n, Design Review Bo.ard Da te UTILITIES APPROVAL ENV IRON14ENTAL IN4PACT APPROVAL , Actua I length Cove r strator Town Eng ineer Da.l'e Mayo r Da te Date S ubm i Date S ubm i Date Submi Exton s ion by Sect ior COMMENTS: f or Zon i f or Des i for Envi n g Re v i ew gn Review ronmeri ta I tted tted 1'te d of Dead I ine Dead I ine Date Da te lmpact Rev iew '1'o Dead I i ne as pe rrn i t1.ed item dal-e No. 8 (Series ofof 0rdinanc t973). ,// Deslgn Review Fee Date Pa i d PROJ ECT LE GAL DE USE ZOI{E ZON ING CHECKL IST S UMMA RY ; ARCII ITECI ; PROPOSED USE(S) sErBncKS rp Front Front INGS: Requir Actua I T!'/EEN , S ides , Sides Rear Rea r Requ ired He , Actua I ight A I lowed Actua l owa b Required 0ffsets S ITE COVERAGE: LANDSCAP ING: PARKING AND Lor s,* z/Tfi( ; FRor.rrAGE D I STANCE BE HE I GHT: Av 37(0 tu.x.r.A.: ed - BU I LD Grade Ratio, Allowable sq. ++.!*jl2A-, Actuat sq. ,r.3'43{, C0[4lv1ERC IAL FL00R AREA: Percentaqe a I lowab I €_,Atl le sq. fi. Actual sq. .ft. BU I LD ING BULK C0NTROL: A I lowab le max imum length , Diagona I , Diagonal Arlowuore JD %, ^u owabte sq. rt.//JJi_, Acr"or //_ f Actual sq. ft.322{? i , USEABLE 0FEN SPACE: Reouired sq . ft. , Actua I > (.1 . | | . , Ground Leve -%, common Required _%, _ s9, f t., Actual % -sq. f f LOAD I NG: No . Req u i red , No. Actua I , Cove red Re- quired ZON ING APPRO VA L DES IGN REV IEW BOARD APPROVAL Cha i rma n, Design Review Bo.ard Da te UTILITIES APPROVAL ENV IRON14ENTAL IN4PACT APPROVAL , Actua I length Cove r strator Town Eng ineer Da.l'e Mayo r Da te Date S ubm i Date S ubm i Date Submi Exton s ion by Sect ior COMMENTS: f or Zon i f or Des i for Envi n g Re v i ew gn Review ronmeri ta I tted tted 1'te d of Dead I ine Dead I ine Date Da te lmpact Rev iew '1'o Dead I i ne as pe rrn i t1.ed item dal-e No. 8 (Series ofof 0rdinanc t973). ,// ,-. UsrcH REvIEq BoARD DATD OF MEMBERS MDETING: PRESENT: ACTION V Ut+rt /tt/ a TAKIIN BY BOA MOTION: VOTE: FOR: DISAPPRO\I ABSTENTION: SECONDED UV, AGAINST: ,/ APPROVED: i/ fu o /l,ua,u /o /*,/a*Jlco-e, J an no/" / a-o- p-/n- // '1. 7 Ifril . f-tY 5 <@ - [-,Yri< Biafriotz --,Oy'!rl -rrl-r =tv:-i>zioc:i+ IFl P t:l lr: --. 'tL' t. =,o'=i-rl j...,-{ alttr] Fi>:t-i-t ai 6t rJt_ ::' i . -( , .i - i !|!!'.! i 'l ''.:'.; :r ::t'. tl " jt-'.i='. i.r!!'! !:t ? !: a a" -!: t-. :F z. {mf,la\6 F I f.'.'1,t,;ri:ll) i -tr.i; t;, r: t !.,,'i;!_ '. ,! a t. t i'/{ 'F'ri-i3.i.i t// i ? st';F'-:. i , ; l,/ri,r y ,i',.t- iK,,.. ti It.'.' irr:,i\ry\_,,'.'. l:',',t,,t;]ffi, rirl:6 \\\\\< \\\\\ '-\\\\\rtJ l:ll)E| \ \ \\ ldi1a lr bbfRiaic[3 rg J. rNEit=.'C* DATE TIME 7-a.F7 JOS NAME RECEIVED- AM PI/I CALLER HEEUE.ST TOWN OF VAIL I orxen MON COMMENTS: .D paRnnu LOCATION TUE READY FOR INSPECTION@@^ D orsnppRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: APPROVED n uporu rns E nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS rNst==r**HEBUETIT TOWN O DATE JOB NAM TIME RE IVED , AM PM CALLER D orxrn MON TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR "" 6) E n e rNsPEcr4 app RovED D otsappRovED f] UPOT'T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS a-'t'/'- f l' l7ro, rrror. RECEIVED----z-- AM PM CALLER FTEOUEqT VAIL DATE TIME tNEiPEprCru ,it lTowN o n orHrn MON COMMENTS: TUE flpnnrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM'PM E AppRovED ! orseppRovED 'n ne rNsPEcr ! upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE ,'- rNEiPEt**FTE(tUEqT VAILTOWN OF ,o* V'E'77 JoB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM E ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE f] pannau LocArloN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR APPROVED n uporv rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS I orsareRovED InerNsPEcr , October 17, 1972 Mr. Al lan HacRoarl I 750 Gay I ord Strrcet DGnv6r, Co lorado Dcar Mr. HacRogrl: Enclossd ls ln Involco fron thr yri I l{atcr ond SanltailonDlstrlct lor tap fcrr for your nrr duplex locatcd ln thrncv I lth Fl I lng rhlsh ll nor pfoposod for ennexotlon. The Uatrr and Slnltatlon Botrd of DlrcctoFe hrs votcd toprovldr rcter and sercr servlcc for your ra3llcncc lventhough fhe rnncxatlon hcr not yct oecurred. Thrso trp frea must bc potd bc{oro rrtor ond tarer llnoe canbr,eonnectcd, and al I connectlons thlr ydlr RuEt b. Badobtfore Novonbsr l!. Ag thc vnter mctar'rlre nsr not lndlcatedon your pltrrs, I rn aslunlng thrt you flll ranf c In wafermrtrr. lf thlt ls not corrcet, ploasr advlsr thls offlce. lf you havc furthor quoetlone, pltlge contlct uJtclophono numbcr. Yourr fruly, af tho abovt TOIIN D lanr 5. Tough | | I Bul I dl ng Orportnant dt 0F vAtL Uru. Zon" F.A.R. F.A.R. Setback Setback Parking A I lowed ,3i:/,aa Actual .3/3/,aa ,, Req u i rements: Front Provided: Requ i red ],r",,,t iiu LriilKr- | ST Does Use Conform? Allowable Square Actua I Square Footage /O , Sides _J_e-_, Rear Front /Q ,.Sides /o 4_,., / a/Z_, nf /' dve,.Aa,,Jg-'ilata ' Parking P rovi d{d F . A. R. AND PARK I NG CALCULAT I ONS /d Rear /"?a *)rotuaV- 2. It was agreed at the time llth Filing was proposeo ior annexationthat anything built prior to the time of annexation would conformto Vai I Building and Zoning Standards. setbacks must be a minimum of l0l on all sides; however the planswhich were app roved by Architectural contro I sh ow 9r on one s ideand l0t on the other s ide and the f ront. The amount shown doesnot inc lude the 4t roof overhang wh ich means that the house willbe only 5r and 6r respectively from the property line. The plans show'a proposed future addition which i f the area is ann€xed as the house is a I readyfeet of fhe allowable f loor area ratio, or .ll:a?. I nn may not be builtwithin 300 square 1.00 of ihe al lowao le Checke d' -!- W. ALLAN MacROSStE Real Estate Consultant P. O. BOX 639 vArL, cotoRADO I t657 l3o3) 176 - s137 l/rflk- ,/#fl ruluutc f] zonlue i n PUB woRKs ' iCTE: THIS gET OF APPROVED PLANS lS -:.'.I-IIRED TO BE ON THE JOB AT ALL TIMES .'.i:'!G CONSTRUCTION.J J \t \ Qoru cnfE/4 r,.l I 1 i t t I II i I I\ I I I I \ I I I I \l /h ". /'