HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 11 TRACT B PARCEL 2 LEGALJUL-B?-?AAE 15147 FROI'I:ERGLE COUNTY RSSESSR 9743eSS679 TO297@419?45,?P. l/7 7/tr t{ ?77- o/sr 7ry ry)1 +l+/r ,, Wtu$1pll'1g#:rgg,lJunrrtt'p..clfw A, esrr crar' DEED tHIg DEE|D, Niade t'h5.e batueen r'!rE 'rArrr u(,!srvcr'rl-sr' *.--'i'.il-"ifgif"g under and by-wirtucil;., a corlroration durY org:a$azec of Ehe lawa of ef,E"sE"ti oe-coforiaol eiiacor'-ffid lFout oF vlrL' a nunreipal "o'1po"IE i"oltlrv^:lg++6I'' a..a-exi oting. rlrder and bv virrue of Etre r.iE-of irre'staEe "i-d"iJi*at, Graisac, wtrose legal addrers is ?s ""Iiir-FriiiEagi-iiaa-wJei, vail, colorado 816s?, *ErttrE68,That,t'iJ-d=-Eoilfoft*d--ri'cot'iil"ttt'lonofEhcEumofrnr Dor,r.els tstoSoil*dil-i""tlpE--a*ct sufficienoy of wtrich io hereby aaknorrledged.,'haa 1e1!$q1 rdi"iila' eo|f and CIUIT eIJArlrED' and bDr EheEe prei=rriE docg remlee,-ieieig:, seII a$d OUIT CIJAIM unto the grantee. itg aucceg"o*t -iod-"EqfS-n? forever ' atrl th'e rtghr, r,LEle, ioi,"ilI.l-;i;l; ara"HEraana ilrricrr bhe EEanEor bae in :ilii"Fi,nat,lm:ifu ;'i*5*ulf "*'E:;fi T"r &.1[ "TE'Eoioraa6, ieeErlbcd ae forlowe: Parcell'TractB,vailvillage,TselftbFiltng'accordi:rgtsotherecordcd pfat cnilcoE,-ci""ii""i eagle. Ssaie of, colorado' . Itl Eer(;cl 2. TraogB A, B, C and F, val'l lillagea-5levcDEh Pillag' ..)/F- accordtBs ti-iil! iicoi-aia-'prai'enaiJotl co[niy of, Ersle, sEaBe ot 7/l\ Colorado. i. r Perce]..3.TracteAendD,Vail/PogatoPrteb,aocordlngtsothe.''''recorded plat rheJe"dl 6""ii of Eagle, Seate of colorrdo. :' parcel {. Tlhe rcal propct'ty nFre partlcularly deEcrlbed, on Blgrllbj'e i-iiEicrrea- rtireco -.ia-tiae' a Part beseof, ' !ECEF?f srtsdtEqrr ac' .IEB nESESlefIoNlt sIT 'toatE oll EIEI!| E llcllclm Efr,sTio rr|D tNCORpOnerto iuruttt, ltp EEABT1dE tt!E{, gRrDsot ![EOga tA.rgEntt grl rontr-ffi-E=rgll-E-rmrcm EaErt rfiD lxconPotflruD TTREIIT aleo hnoun by st'reeE and uurnber aB: vacaat Land TO filVE lI[D t10 E9LD the same, toglether crith aIJ and ei'ngUlar.ehc ;fu;;;"-d;ei-"-niJ-i.ri riie" - Eheieunto belongtng, or ln a$lrt1ee Ehereunro apperuatflift;-;f,d-"if-Etre egEeter i{Sh9, eiele, intereru and clairn wtraeaoevei,"6t trt" gnngor, eichcr in ]-aw or-:qill1 ::-. CfrJ infy prio'.'r usl;De bcnef-ig of the gfanlee, ita succee'ore ancl aaelgms forever- u"H!,H.ffi "l'ffi frgk'*r"=*tllf 0,""iHliJ,"if 'T'I31"t3"" b.'f,o.+,2 JUL-BE-EEBS 2rt7 15:47 FROI'4:ERGLE COUNTY fiSSESSR 97A3eg,B,679 E6i1 Ttrl97@479E45e P.e,'7 to be her€rrntso af,fj.xrd, the day and year first' above 'rEE Vf,II' COnEOnrEIffi ClSIJOFADO EAGL,E iaEti"trmcats wes y_2 ' 1gg5' tiBle: )ra. aclcnowledgcd beforeby as l ) rhis zt1,of The .a orado corlrorEuion; cn '$l$s$J'[! llItf3tl0.il tHillll,$$ll Erolr GO +:..€s5lotqt' ffi;*r# JUL-Ee-eEEB 15:4? FROM:EAGLE COUNTY H5€E55R 9743e8S679 TB:97@479e4=e P.3"7 EISTIBIT 1I $$tr'r"r"$"nffi'ffi.Bl"$"lf$"lE'*''l'ffi Wit, t'rls vArrJ Legal DcecriPtion of, Parcel 4 (attached) '#l$#$.u'$l!uH'$$-'n' lnl JUL-AE-EAEB 15:47 FRO],l:EAGLE COUNTY ASSESSR 97E3EBB6?9 FREPEBTY DESCRIFTTo}{'#!Jnlrr#|l#.u,$|!.H$$guun't ffi r3t97@479?45?P .4/7 fis:li;HinlTils:i;' rll#i.,ru,S$t*f; | iii lii:irrili!"F,**:irlf;u :**.:li :ltl Filfffi $, tirfr fr 'clcrk anc R.Eorc+F, to'id-iirEit-ir'tcna Ecscrt brd !t foltorsl lr{tra iilliiH $, ffililiF";f; ,ffi3'.t3"S";#S:5'l' "S,il."#',-* ili|Hi:$ffi 'iffi il#,Hfifr ft #i#.i;;rcIC nrtlrrr tY toundct routtrer ly bor,hdoFy "r i",.Ei-f , -Voi trlroc*rtoa Srcond Fl llnC' liiHilll$ff *iitllit*er;le,;qi1ft 'eElf 'fiil-"iiihii"E, i"iii'inins 6.soe acn*, ffi" oi lest' NotGr lrcrlrgs boscC on rGtrtrd coll, Vsl Ln- l o'rshrod Srcond Frlrna. ntr. a.ii"iiiL;;;a'ieciorrd fro.r tlrG r"€er€d'r.rtulVi ti oni rfri ch srr'outd thr porcc r ' *.tr,--{y'fz--- xatoElolfl-|rB,lp x t{r!.ffr lFra{t I xtrrEffE-ras rur8r a, rfl!. / urBHUO. iEC$D rul|c ur ngEf' r to tlltao E - laut - rz0 - 4l - llSS tAlrti srEro z@ o 2Oo 19O 600-# JUL-Ae-eAAe 15147 FROI'I:ERGLE COUNTY HSSESSR 97e3e88679 HUilr[wJHLi|!$.u $t-ut$gru un EJICIIBIT B $ff B$Fi*E".=fl=*fi tl"$dff *iil*ffi ;F;taH'n";EiiAiii-;FRnMrEEE" sIIAr{t !'tEAIr rHAr r DEED'' -. REgl*r"stsg t-. (a) Subject to existing ueeg aB of the date horeof' retcers or record arrd. tho iE""IiiiL"is qe!. i;"th in r*lrlbtt c bereof ' thc EieiIJE-*-"iL reguu-Lciia io tshe-foLl"owing uses: 9?enrEEece'.provided, rronawerl-iiic ittu fou'o*ing uEeE +re-permitEed: public E€didgrian "*o...' f il*i.I-in'- ciaettiiftE, - Uencncrl crai lg, weUlands -boardwalks, brldges, landecapLng ef"meirut' retainirrgt-walle -andothcr lmprovemcnEl-i""tftcini titfr-irrcrr uie) ; uuilitics atld appurcena'lr.c""; otiLi*gt-f"+ appuruenanccs' tLa construclion' filcotrsBrucEron, crsaElon, inBtallaiion' enhancenenc' enlatgomcsrB arad m.i'cena,,ce ;t-;;-iands, st"."iE-and water cofxr6eet rucrcabion acEivlties; ialld ;idii! t"fitinl-io-eti area op.araclona and ;;di;il;ltivitle6, ip.d furthoi.provided tfEct I1!I reEpect to Fascel 3 ef che illiriE".-""*r*trr-""tion equi$rmcaq,and- ePpuf,t€nanccn (arrd tnrildfng" coi[if"l"s euch.equlrmont') ' includLng but DoE Iimittd to ancet nill--i"liEt"-"na dttrir ccrnrmunicitLon device€t arc aleo lrrmit'teil. (b) NoEwiBhsgesdj'ng the u-se reatrictione sGg forth i't Sectio|r 1. (at of ths." dil6r;-fi a-a euutec[-io itre R..senratione set f,orth I" iiitfUic-C Uefoil-Ete-r6*" of ialL mey furrber rcatsridt' ugee ctn the Fremieee. 2.SulrjecutoexJ'atingu6e.FasofthcdaE,ehereof,parkingof, ii"r"iili-r*ftf"fcii-i". i., c?Fsr va'.E) 1e atrlcElv ptohibl'bed on ttre Prenieee. 3.ThePremiEeg,andanyugeorrighceof,.ure.t.bereof,,.ehell.notf,i .".i*V"a,-'-giapied -or-tianeter=94 Eo anocber Perty wigtrput ttrc ;rcp;;"-GritEn -coneeni of f,be vail corporarion' 4. the Town of VeLl aball not' geek redr€Er-or elaims egalnst Ehc viff c6r-p.=iif6ri.' ard ih.-t"ii corrroraEio_r.r_wi1_r_^T: b" Iiable, for ;il-d;.";;-"i i.j"4i-ro perior,e, lina or irnprowemerts uiEhin or OutEide ot tbe premiae' caused Uy.-arteing lrour or reeulging t5on. [iit-*ir"is'of atriEoai of waEer,' fniiuafng gunnfng water.. geologic and soilg conarci6nE,-i"a oinir cosditsions-of natsure of the gremieeE. . Er. B3v:raaldt Ift'II€Townofvef'Ido€Fnoc.coKlE'tyulthatllhereecrictionBEet fouEb fa pare-i oi-Efrii ethttttc B; ind,- upon strittea llotilec Eil.-itr"-viff- Cerp"tiifon-of- a vtoielion of rllcrLction, and' sf-E{tr 3o daya crr" to#-5i-iiif-a"..-noi-Eori"et such wiolaEion, then the rO:.97W79e4Se P.5/7 JUL-Aa-aAEB 15:47 FROH:EAGLE C(tr-n'lTY ASSESSR 97ffie,s€79 T9291A479?45e P.6/7 oilnerFhlp of Uhe-Premises'. g:-"^P3=Eion tslrcreof ' !'i'ft auto8Htslcally rcvert tso lf,hc var-I eoqporagiot attc,If,Jt6wn of,-vail will lxecute ;H:,:?3:T"iEii:F#E5'4"i$,:;t1""":i'1'"'".t;i"-'3:?i:#:: el3equtse ot d€Iiver- an11 99c! q9lT:TE";i'cftitt-ccn daye afcer wrltcen demand tshcrefor, itre-taff corporatioa lhalI bo entlEled to rcknorrredge. o*"*,il it{-o'ife* "#-"fi-iir-it"t' aocu.nensa for and on behar! of rhe f;,*;f viii_ai aci"iicvlrq-tl9t for the Tow$ of vail. B.1t accepeaiEl'"i-t'ii" g"tg- ci"iii-ioJa' the Tonn of, vair t**:it *::'Hti=ig$1il'l$:;*i+tg:ll'i;rrfi "ffi s{iii " Th€ReFgrlc!:LoagatldRevera'.onEeEforthlnt,his-ElctrtbttBghrllbebrndrns on r,h3 ""!'i!!rlili.I-Iia -"".idE-oi iti"-vilI cozlpration and ehe Ton*tr of, Vail . r Llril ilil ilfillll llllllllllll llll ill lllll lil |||l?fral utilW lSrztl 31l a.F. Fr.ht 3 oi ? I *t.M.m X O.il trltr OD Ju--a/?-ea/@ 15:47 FR0{:EmLE COLh{TY ffiSESR 97affie679 TOt979479?4*P.7/7 #ElT'If"fi*" The Val'l. CorlroratLon, tor itself' Lce rucsessorr and agalE|rlre' berebE/ re6erflrGs #6;Eu;i'non-excrueir.e eaaerent.-s oD, oVGEr underr rcrosE, abolle "-o.itiiiin lit iti; pilmieie ior th.e ulGE set fortlr ln gect,:ion 1 (e)of ii;tLEit'!-absrre and (1i) Parcel 4 of the preniaes fer Ehe irlF"""-"E ivia"""-JJ _iioir."" and_egrese) bE7 pedecrriarre, UirfrEiifiil-"[i"J'", -eoownro6f f Es. sno*cat€, round cir€ ilainEeaance vetriolea, and ocher {nGang of travsree contlslent with rccreatt.ott aoBrvj.;I;l anil rnaintetta"E' on varr Mount'ain' and (z) parklns of such d;I;n";; *a7"J""uicies' Th€ Vatr corpontsio$' Errc rown or vair l;iT;;-d;tic-"iuiiv-991Pl*v-:halr noc be ISlpiii'inil ii-ilo'frt-firr-aa'nege- tso o;loee or anv iuorovencDua sxietlng on 9he pilii"ep-"auecd pv-oi-aiiEl-e frot- exErciea ot calc$tsnt right'a ;;;;;a or sct f6rch irr Ehis Exhlblc c' I ilIil illl ililllt I lilll lL]lt ililt [| ililt ilt ffil 7 .J 7 t $.Ct D C.f ll a,D Frrb G0