HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 11 BLOCK 3 LOT 7 LEGALTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIITAGE ROADvArL, co 9L657 970-479-2L38 NOTE: TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up Depgsit Refund approved amount DEPARTIIEI.IT OF THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUII,D PERMIT 'tot -t, Btk:- y*orr(Z-:.fu \\ COMMUNITY DEVEL,OPMENI \ ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 800-0244 Address: Location. . . :arcel No..: rojecE No.: 3O7O BOCTTH CREEK DR 3O7O BOOtrE CREEK DR 2101-023 -04 - 005 PRiIo0 -0253 StaEus. . Applied. Issued. . E:<pires. ISSI'ED 09/L3/2ooo 09/Ls/20oo 03 /L4/2OOL A.R. BUILDERS P.O. BOX 510, GYPSIM,A.R. BUILDERS P.O. BOX 610, GYPSUM, HUZELI,A LISA, vArL co Phone: 970-524-7397 Description: IIiITBRIOR REMODEL, KITCIIEN, Occupancy: R3 TIT)e Constsructsion: V N Valuationz 223,35O PircDlac. InforuaEion. R€Etrictcd: co. 81637 co. 81637 STUDY,MST BEDRM Single Family Residen T)rpe V Non-Rated ,,U ^)t\ phone:,;,\ .^p t 970-524-7397 4 date APPLICAI,IT CON|RASTOR OWNER Add Sq FE: *of o.s Appllancc.:*of ctrs f,og€: L96 Buililing-----> Plan ch6ck- - - > Invc6tigatsion> will call----> 1,236.0O 803.{O .00 3 .00 Rcaluarant Phi Rcvicr- -> DRB Fa€-------- Rrcraabion Pcc------- ---> Clcan-I4r D.po6its- ------ -> Tot.L c.leul.tcd lccs---> Additionel Pee6---------> Total P6rnit Pcc--------> Pa!d.nt6------- 2,771.50 .00 200.00 29 .40 500 .00 2,77L.50 .00 2.77L.9O**";;;;;;;;;'ffift'ffiffi''-.-.:: ;:'nil:ffi':'i""""."':rr"' O9I13/2OOO JRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVBDitbm:'05400-FLamlrwe DEpARll,lEllT Dept: Pr.,AriINING Division: O9/L3/2OOO .fRM ACEiON: APPR APPR PER ALLISONrtama'.05500 FrRE DEPARII4EI{T Dept: FrRE Division: Q9 / L3 / ?QQQ-.I8[_ _ _ _-Aa-E_ron: APPR N,/Artbm:"05500 PUBLIC WORKS " Dept: PIIB WORK Division:09/L3/2000 iIRM Actsion: APPR N/A t''tt'ittttttttt'tttt,l**'t*t't.'i.riit'litlt't.''.l,.'j|''lttitti.'t'''|'r.rt.*'t''|t|tt|rt'.i't.r*t' See Page 2 of this Document. for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DEC[,ARA1TIONS I hcreby acknowladgc that I havc r.ad lhis appllcat.ion, filhd ouf ln full lhc lnfonlalion rcquircd, co[plctsd r|n .ccur.tc P].ot plan, and Etaco that a1f uhe lnforBalion provid.d a6 r.quir.d i6 corr€cC. I egrc. go eonply with ch. inf,ornatsion and plot plan, to codply iibh alL Tovn ordinanccE and dtatsc 1ar6, and lo bui.ld thi8 Etructsur! accordLng to th! Tor,n'6 zonLng and gubdir.islon cod€6, dcslga raviar approvad, IrniforE Buildinq cod€ and oth€! ordLnanc.€ of lhc Toen REeuEsrs FoR rNspEcrroNs sxArJr, BB MADE TwBNry-FouR HorrRs rN AD\IANcE By reLe pHonr rfrll,tl FROU g:0O A 5!00 Ptl gcnd Cl6an-(tr Dcpolig To: A.R. BUfLDBRS OF OI{NER OR AND OI{IIER Page 2******************************************************************************** COIIDITIONS Permit #: 800-0244 as of O,/L'/OO StsaEus---: ISSIIBD *:l****************************************************************************** PermiE T149e: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied--: 09/L3/2OO0 ApplicanE--: A.R. Burr.,DERS rssued---z o9/L5/2ooo970-524-7397 To E:<pire: O3/La/2OOL ilob Address: 3070 BOOflI CREEK DRLocat,ion---: 3070 BOOTII CREEK DR Parcel No-- : 2L0L-023-04-005 DescripEion: IIIIBRIOR REMODEL, KITCHEN, STt DY,MST BBDRM :l*********************:**************** COndiEiOnS **********:l******************* 1. FIBI,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPTIAI{CE. 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REOUIRED IN ALL BEDROOIqS AND BVERY STORY AS PER S8C.310.5.1 0F TrrE 1997 tBC. 3. NO PLAI{S SI'BMITTED FOR REVIEW CONTRAqTOR TO PROCEED AT OIIN R ISK, BLDGI MUST COMPIJY WrlTI CIIRRENT CODBS4. IF MASONARY FIRE PI.ACE IS INSTALLED,MUST CONFORM TO 1997 UBC SEerrON 3]-O2.7.2 :ll**ta*'ll**a**tlarla'l**l}**:rt*t***ftitttl*llit**llttt*tttttttt*t*i.l TOIIN OF VAIL, COIORADO gtatennt * *t * * * * ** * t * a a a tl* * *!, *rl * *il ** * a* * * * lil ** * l* al * t * rl * ll a rt*** *rl + ttt tt !r t t gtatemlt Nurnber: RBc-05?7 Anount: 2,75L.ao v9/LS/OO 09.43 PalmeDt ethod: LC Notation: #11O3/HITZELLA, L Init: LC Permlt No: Parcel No: 81te Address: Location: T'his Palment Tot,al Fees : z,'lSt.AO TotaL ALL PmtE: Balance : BO0-O244 q/pe: A-BIIIITD ADD/ALT AFR BUrLD PE 2101-023-04-005 3O?O B@TIT CRBEK DR 3O7O BOOT}I CRBEK DR *i***ilt*t**tlll*tt*!trl*t:l**atl*'lt*tlill***il*a****t****llt**liitl*a** Account code De6cription BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES DR OO1OOOO31122OO DBSIGN RSVIEW FEES PF 00100003112300 PrrAN CITECK rEES AD D2-DBPO8 CIJEANUP DEPOEITS R8 111OOOO31127OO RBCRBATION FEES wc 00100003112800 ltrLt cArL rNsPEgtIoN PEE 2,77L.50 2,111.80 .00 Amount 1, 216 . 00 200.00 803.40 500.00 29.40 3.00 Foiaop.oo(,o ts oo '1.oizOD!oo= ; n o o |n ul t{62 'lDf88"HAO-o q14(,a 'iA H cg E E g 'I E otloE EF.H .;8 rlE 00rAOToclE dl <t o!l r,| 5HIE{I- aHcEql t{ (\ o €. 6 6E 3. 6& t!(,t{c4l d (, o OFIz2DD E9F4 &Etr d HFtzz F9vld trHoz{D'oHI q| E trHHZqrb 89E{ Elr 6 ( EHIa xHc l. 2oHHA ec-otn ocE-Eo croF TAs f8U(J Ha B !tr 6 D trcoA!l E tsn& t{ I Ea {' oE ca-> E-l{c1(,adrocEOttsE OAAIr / ApplrcArroN *lno, BE AccEprED rr rn.o""..r=l,ir,puE%, -zs3Building Permit #: 97 O- 47 I -2149 (Inspections) ?JJIVT,IOFYI are required for electrical, ;,,9,34 ng, mechanical, etc.! RECDSEPOs2OOO 75 S. Frontase Rd.Vail, Colora-do 81657 Contad hsle Count for Parcel # Parcel # 2/OtO A3ocl OO_f ^oY&ze//q K.t)/rnce-Job Mdrest Bo.,r,.c.tcck b ",Legal Description tot: ) ll erock: 3 rtting: e //Subdivision: owners Nu tzk- lu-e//t od439i Eozlcreek tt., ?Arlhone: 4'"',- .qggo ft'#Ybx',w't\^,^,,t^n F/#llfll"tx.^e1 E^in..,s llaaareyc6-,Bo.y lg "> r,Jl Phone: ?rg->>A* rDetailed description of wdfk: | fi7z7ior f./n-,-..i t)t(rz.h.^ a\,fi>celacc s) hztr r?.-h{ WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel (Lnepair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) WorkType: Interior (lfrxterior (.+/eoth ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ({wolamily( ) lvlulti-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: /No. of Accommodation Units in this building: ltlra NofFype of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Apoliances (3 Gas Loqs rS) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( / ) Cas Loqs (3) Wood/Peliet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (t:f No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) lto 1r;- COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) BUILDING: $ 2oA, s-oo ELECTRIC,AL: $ 8S-OO 4 BING: g .Q , 3.ro + REFUND CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO: COITITRACTOR INFORM'rroN fYk'0 ""XH"Wlir6 ,-, Town of Vail Reg. No.: 48A -B Contact and Phone #'s: ,//r.-,(.^"r(n -9n'33&) ContractorSignature: // I ./:%AZt./ **:r**********r(**********rr*rr**rr****rr****FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*******?r***************************** Planner Sign-off: Public Way Permit Fee: F:/everyone/fonntbldgperm 24Jo-z eo fr F E {PI f+utt envtd*lu II| ^,n * =Sl/,[ | ''|' I 'lsD9,(z-t \r-=z {!ll-,- ttut76 #9 -t|- --+-. .e \aE ret. ..a9'?|ta'?,f, ?:P i .o .o It I tltl qn -tl J3! l{ {l sl -a 1'I JJN.L,... I-*-- tt a! $ NI \$\l 3 Hae, ?nrnr.f ,l't Ir::fi1I t\t . Il(^=orll.gsl lEer l'lFL' - C' 4 t^a s.5!s F'g r' EF att Ix\l t. 'ifl :y'.K ng*'rr*s5t 'r''[ f ,Er x & Y E{f 1. & fi Its S UI+ ft.r! -s .r.-esltr -r tr; ? d t$r+ $ al sf[liltos) F_-, .tr \a-I - $$ 't .L+i Fl Elr NIJ +d o 3o6|!a c -'fi=,i:-3 ;lrrl'.-.otu > F 4 .-\-.-) / - \.--J --, J $ d, k sc \r. J Z 9t 1g- 2o E2 $z s ,a) eq.,p| ,..1-a' ,, ''/ - zt '; ^.Qa+o "'"d ,'l ,r.9,6f" nL'o nx''o'. /4.?.i,;\ ii _;- J-i \ .- ''-+ ii (ri ! - -.1----':f\;\i.__., I kau€,Ne "#)' lsd lalg 1QoL,,2 dov 4*z(athaveS >o:T'= =.::,4'l r '2";- 6',. t($)ul $ &ll-l Lnl a - l3:fi- lf;=3F lr o3x l6n >gr- l;9i:l =' $a s \-l; ,lI ll.lq I I I at) 4:tq ! = I I NI E \ E rtt. -(Jl Wl -o e)2E $ _$ s' \t3- :s: \-.\ u il F -fF F h s-'a +3 $$,\$s(Ps( ts *.$ $! $t J-\9 J u!\ __ _vts13F P Ec I OA F J4t aa .saat {xhxh A (!|st $ ts $s,, 6 $2 5n rg 65 fi$sv .l $ $s l$ia ts l\:- \t 5 $$t! i$sl E ltldl t$ C PI? , O orNocn rn=ol o1 >dtsG).q': xr I<ocse, *P-L3-&B @.9 A.R.zuILIERS t 0'^/h% Cbris i,t8rotr Ppjecl,frnager < Arbcrrolrkedrbddd llythcr.3dc6rr551 Air T:rdryrHcdfr rnd$fttyTnlnlng C\WIlIDOWS\OcshoptOomphOd Jobtlo+GdiocB070 BooS Gc.t - Vril.dot$ratcd o IBID6AX) ll:(DPM gru 524'.735 P.@, MMK* Boulder Esvironme[td Managemen$ Inc, tl?TCrrpr Ulrld.' Sdb tt+lc.$rrr,C0l8Ut Piorc,Frr: (3Ol) U*ll?5 S€Ftsnber 7,2000 Mr. LierHrueltr 3070Bootb Cr!*Tnil Vailr Colqndo 80657 SIIBJECT: Asbcsoe Surwy qd Bult Analyses Rs$utts 3Ut0 Eootb Crcdq Vril, Colorrdo 4- Dear Ms- Huzella AE|GM it thc r?ort fstE asbcsbc nnvcyurd tdl srryliag of suspect acbto6r contrining nntaialr at 3CI0 BoO Cnch Vrll, Cohredo. If yor heva ury qucstiooa rrguding lhg contcErr of this rcport, plcasc do lot bcsitlt! to coilastuc. Siaccrely, JLl r r.j iriuo i:Ju..:,>t{.r.urLiLlu Asbcilorrlcdtlndortrtel Hyghrcrsrtcr5fKhrt Air TcrtiryrEcdtl rld Srtetyfrdtttrg H, o 9ib 5z4 l J!> i'.u-i Boulder Environmental Maragemeft, Inc. 2lil7 Croyu Blvd- SuiF lt5. Bonldcr, Cotonao ffOZ Ptmc/Frr (3{B}'la$l l7t ASBESTOS SI,'R\IEY AII{D BT'LK SAMPI-ING RIiPORT 3{170 Booth Crcch VrL Cslondo Introdrc{ilon: 4- otr Au$rt 3lr 20lxl, Boulder Envirunmenrrr Managpepot, Inc's building impoclor,chrir Mrrol, corductd an asbesoe-curuhiag meretiets s'rvey. Tlc pirpore of rhc nwoy was b idatifr asbesns cortaining muairls (ACM) ss drfinua tV U," Environrrentrl Protcctior Agency (EPA) o cstrblish trc asbcstos impaciof buildin! rcnovation SrryUog: Druiug thc sarlpling poccss, nspect AcM rvas rcpareled into thrcc EpA categorics. Ttcsc catqgories ae t&crnat ry$crn insdatiotr (rsD, swftcing ACTvl, aod miicillanesus Acnrl TsI inchdcs rll uutcrials uscd to prwrnt beat loss u gaiu uwarer codeusstion on mechgnical systcos. Exanrplcs ofrsl re pipe cwcrirys. boiler inrohrisl duct wrap'ad mud poclted fiting cfrffirt surhcirB AcM irutudcc all AcM tst is sprayeq latellc4 or othcrwi*rpplied to e ur'ftc.. Thae aplicatios uc no* conromly u*d iu ftcproofqg; dcoonuivc ard aoousrirnl applicatiooe Mircoilancqrs rnaeoats indludc all ACM not listed iu the ihcrnrl systcm insulntion or srrfaoiag catcgorics, such as linotcum, vinyl asbcetos flooring, and ceilins tila Boulder EnvironnesUt Manegcmart, lnc. follorvcd EprC,*Eolrun€odcd ormpljry $tideliDcs for idcrrtificstion of asbesros itr bulk rnariccs, A cet of rhree (3), iive (s), q ssven (4 suplcsrere colhsted for cacb nat disl tac dd edyed by polertad Lighr Microscqy (PIM). Erb sauplc sa was sysrcmatically analyzcd- upin detenniuarior thrt a sample in a sa cstained .scstos, srslysis of th renrdning ramptcc in tbc oct was discsrtinucd. Ifno acbcdoc was detcc'tcd druiog tlre analyles, thc srupet mrehl was dacrmined bbc negative foresbesbs contsrtt S,EP-L3-a@€ AB:35 R.zuILDERsA. o s?s 524 ?95 P.U Boulder Envirmrenbl Managerred, Inc. 2227 carron Ervd., $rrib- li;irHil;Fn* *u, Thc following msrerhls wcre .''sl'"od ilrd dct€cninod to bc nol aberrecouaining utilizing polarized ligtrt micmscopy (pllr{). Dlrcrslon: samplc asalyses rcsulb are rrepficd in peroartages of asbestos md uorasbcstoscoaporntr' Tbc EPA defincs aoy rmtcrial that contains gcar€r uurr onc perccut ( l%) Esbcstos' udli?ing PrJu, as bcing an:sbcsbs conuining ieterirt. urreriirs &st arc ideatilied cs hm detcecfl ue apccifiod rs nc oontaiaiag a$cstos- Conduslon: Ttc only rurpectcd $Dcrto!{trtrillng mtcrhl b mdcrrtood to bc Inpctod wrr to bc_torhrd jolnt conrporad/dryrrrtl ou tie wrlb ud cdlng nir nircrirt trr tcrEd to bc rol rrbcJnoFootrtftfu; Thc hbcatry rcport srryporting tte findiop abovc are qcbcd Appticablc sure, lbd.ral, and locd mviranrnentol regulations stiprlate ftat all'-&ieHC ssbcstos cutaining building rnarcriels,'oaritiUr Gr.i, il" *-UuA by hanrlpw*uc,, ld i rn&rirls thrt wpuld be rodcrcd tiUqu nd b€ drled prror toEro\atiod&dolitim acrivitics thn wordd impacr rbe uagirls. By law iaoivirtuats liceooctl lo pcrfocn asbcsbs abshmcrt in thc *rre of colomdo must perforu osbcsos ' abalcmqtl Plcase contact Bouldcr Ern'ironmental Managcllgttt' Inc. with argr qucrtiqr$ d sooqgrrl8 rcgardingthb nsport Sirrceroly, Clre /h"^ Clrls Maron (AHEM Buildirrg Inspector Ot65&145?) Arbcrtorrl*rdrldnrfihl Eyghcrsrfrty.rhrl AIr Tcrtt!8rHalttrd SrtayTrdrirry NON ASEESTOS{ONTAINITTG IUAITRIALS I,TATERIAL L@ATION SAITIPI.E II) vall bxnr€/joiot compound/drywall closct by garagq shclfin kilcbeA aomss fiion dd( iu kitohco s3t{M-olA 8-31-CTI@2A E-3l41vl-03A ceilhg tc,xtuft/ joint cotnpound/d4 rrall ssmer of kirchcn by gfllL o kirchcnW stovct bypool hble *.31-0{-048 E-31-C'M.058 &3t-cM-068 #P-L3-nn A8:36 R. HJILDERSA. o sn 524 ?3% P.6 xrrl8rumwll|rrritrrctlttcltiltiltLvBalsE|tr8 Golll rilrrlsE s#*g*r'|r?SAC{*l}.'lotcGaEl*rua:trlr-:rt-l]rc5 g'mtrcrt IAIICEIDI: DAttaanar.tt$IAIIIDws E rCBI .FSr{{Hr{ c1ElT I ('ll rmEtrllCilfl0ttr-Arugr* rAIT&glIaglJdrbtC.lt|rfifFrlFfriFi-t!-E*rtI|{F*Efl.rrn ClFrcifl)[3rnilbllllD.llre-*rDgrdilrcLr*&n| ."Bsgroll**EiHif gHrg.r.j*#Tb' nrrl - r nrf sni*#lr#H #l,vsrnifeoqp cutlafr crlf,ttlonct*IIOIGIll|illg ls|lt||f,m[l} xft&rEgnEtltflr!.|il ftf} rrefidfrffrt -":.I , " r; -r{r4I.l 'lr'rgnp;l|rAuf,r,i Gllttr l|rD frcg4r|f6 afiD l|f -[q{4 tn rErml!*|lr.,Et! EtX ilr,8rCA&.JIC co IE lil|{fiL tct trltrEn\ttur*El.GIIT lrrD 4--ruxDe m t'tl rd,fltl rl fEl|E rt| r;t{lIv,j Clf,rtt LiE&i]EE CFD ID3 r,I4rrr .s ffgll||Dllvlrfl.rGrr%ro rrt tfigu/DeE G@ iB l' 4tfl ltv tEttatDrt'./llrav,ctlt FID *E5,&s|,cE AD tts ffit|IEErrAHfllrl,lLtfl* l.!f*I < Al ? !!!-:! !-- r !F,_rqt rr| &_- lrFr L-rtt.rttrfr l-bEi--Ir-ntfi.t CIC-*irl}*r -ftrga'Ean !-) b.Ir-pEJ= lL rFr rbrff s?a 5?4 ?3% P.t& ASBBSTOS CERTIFICATION STATE OF COLORADO Colorado Departmeut of ltrbllrtrealth hes met Control acrtified lssnd: Erptr:10/19|2000 . t* r{e E t&eq rntL,orsg*r { ,'/fia ArrEAi gtw b * Wttm fan! fiohc ?dfl \ ".. '*,'r;.-.:.:'; <TOTC- P.A6 TOWN OF VATI, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-21_38 APPLIEANT CONTRAETOR OWNER E1€ctrlcal- - - > DRB FC6 Invcrt.iE tioa> will call----> Tgf,Ar, FABS- - - > DEPARTIIENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVETOPMEIiIT NOtrE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT ,Job Address: 3070 BOOTII CREEKIJocat.ion...: 3070 BooTH CREEKParcel No. .: 2LOt-023-04-005Project No- : PILfoo-0253 PREMIER ELECTRIC EO., INC.P. O. BOX 3839, AVON, CO 81620 PREMIER ELEqIR.IC CO., INC.P. O. BOX 3839, AVON, CO 81620 HUZELLA LISA, vArL co ,JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 800-0178 DR DR SEaEus. . App1ied. Issued. . Erqlires. ISST'ED 09 /20 /2000 09/20 /20OO 03/L9/200L Descript,ion: ELECIRIC FOR REMODEL tttt,ttir'rtrrr'rrrr.rrrrir..rrrttr*rtrrtrrir*i.*r*.rri!*rrrttt'rr pBB slrlolARy Phonez 970-949-937'7 Phone: 970-949-9377 Valuation:5, 000 . 00 .rr r rr., 'r ttr ttta r at taa ta i + rti tt i*tt,r 'rta ** t ttt ett'ri*t,i *rr rt r r* 90.00 .00 3.OO 93.00 93.OO .00 9!.OO Tola1 Calcul,at€d Fc6s--- > AdditsionaL Peos---------> Total Pel.ric Fcc--------> P{d€ntsa-'----- 93.00 BAI.A.NCE DI'B-.-- .OO t* t trtt 'rt*tt ri* 09/20/2OOO ,fNOtEN Action: NO|IE N/A DepE: BUILDING Division: Depts: FIRE Division: COI{DITION OF APPROVAIJ 1-. FIETD INSPEqTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPTJIANEE. DECI,ARJATIONS I hcrrby acknot lldge thrU I havc r"ad Chis application, f,llled ouC in futl tho infororlion rcquired, couplle.d an .ccurats. plot p1an, and gtaEc t'hats all tsh6 j.nforEatsion provLd6d ae requJ.red Ls corrcct. I agraa !o con[rly vilh th6 inforDsCLon and plot ttlstr, to couply ritlt all Town ordlnanc€E and etaic lawe, and co build thia atruccure according co lhc Town'a zon!,ng and subdivision codes, d.sign revicr epprovcd, Itnifo:o Building cod. .nd oLhcr orilinanc€r of lhe To*n applicablc Lherego. ITCM: OSOOO ELEqTRICAIJ DEPARIIIBTiIT09/20/2000 ,ll{OLEN Action: APPR APPROVEDIt,CM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTT4ENT RBQUESTS FOR MSPEcrIoNS SllAllL BE IIADB !{ErfTY-FOOR HOtR.s IN AD\rA.ltcE BY TEITEPHONA AT 479-2138 oR AT oIrR OFFTCB ARo$ 8:oo Al, 5:00 PH o tt**ta**ttlatt*{*i*i*tt***rrir+r*ti!}t}r*tl*r**r**t*tttt+irir}+**!r*+* TOWN OP VAUr, COI,oRADO gtarennt !lftl*flt*ttttlrl*t*!}t*af.*fl**f***t*!}litl*ltt**rtt*t*t*t**trl**tt*t*ta* statemnt lnr[ber: RBc-05?8 AnouDt: g3.oo o9/2oloo 09:51 PalmeDt lletjrod: 3140 ltotaEion: PREIIER EITBCIRIC Inlt: .lt{ Pen|it lfo: EOO-o1?g Type: B-ELEC ELEqm,IeAIl PERUIT Parcel No: 2101- 023 - 04 -005 gite AddreB6: 3O7O BOC|4FB CREEK DR IpcatioB: 30?0 BOC,IUI CREEK DR Tota1 Fees: 93.OO Tlxls Pa)ment 93 . OO Tocal ALL hts : .93 . OO Bala[ce: .oO Ithla tt ttt*rt,lt *!}t1ltaaaa*:l l*A *i **i ** * *t *l i*|}*af * a* *t *t**t *ltt t ** tt Account Code Deecriptlon enount EP 00100003111100 ELECInICAI| pERIitIT FEBS 90.00 wc 00100003112800 wItL CALL, It{gPEqrION FEE 3.O0 LL I'r-i"i. 2, { AppLrcATroN v! nor BE AccEpfED rF TNcoMnLFTF- oRasrGHE *oa8 Building Pennit #: Ele€trlcal Permit #: ONLYti* r * *****. x *:.:?:; it i' t * *i t A*iin + !'++ ti:tr' tt rvFEwn 75 S. FroDlrce Rd.vail Colorr-ilo Ef,65t r*uoN,s/L r//- 2s7/ sEP 182000 'r/ zrt) uohqd €^)lE ( 6co -ezso &fK1'( fl-stK/z/ t/*N K3 I 7 O- 47 g - 2L4(| ( Indp€ctfons) at ns robNsmel Huzau R.r.s iobAdcress: 30.70 &nn CBn,XT^ I s"u"eo", UnU 6or-f (), esl Engineefi Address:Phorre: 41L-ZEflO - Detallcd descrioton of rvork: FlltC, /!,:wtooez- QolLtL workcfass: tlew( ) Mdrtion( ) Rentdd(}(J Repairi 1 TenrpPower( i Other( ' - - . wi:4 Intenbr( ) Encriior( ) Bo$(r<)WorkType:Does a" Ei{U exist at this lo..aticfl: Y€6 ( ) ruo (f __* T'* d nOt- gttC,"tt*ilv D( Dr,rDrcx ( )' Muki'iamilv i ) Coonercial ( ) Recaurant ( ) ctl)€r ( ) |!++ I l.lo. of Ac.omnodation Units in this briidhg: t- is thls Dermit for a hot 0rb: Yes ( ), -tlq 0r0 - -ffi-r Soec eT,r.EFFxter slttem €xlst: Yes { ) No ( COMpIETE SQ. FEET FOR llEW EUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR Au- OTHERS (Labor & Materials) ELECTRICAL vqtU,cXON: S 5AMOUNT CF SQ F IN STRUCflJREI CO NTRACTOR IN FORIIATION d,+fn-E/ TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 osplTL,IEI'{T OF COMMLJNTT" orurr.rnoli, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E0l-0014 Job Address: 3070 BOOTH CREEK DRVAIL Stahrs . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 3070 BOOTHCREEK DRIVE Applied . . : 0l/23/2001 ParcelNo...: 210102304005 Issued. . : 0112312001 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 07/22/2001 O$INER LISA WIIEELER HUZEIJLA 0L/23/200L Phone: 476-2s9O 3O7O BOOTH CREEK DRIVE VAIL, CO 81657 I-,icense : CONTRACTOR WRAIIGI-'ER ELECTRIC, Il[C. 0L/23 l2OOL Phone: 303-933-3786 4550 SOUfiI KIPLING SUITE 12 LITTIJETON, CO r,ocAr, #524-9876/904-0L93 80L27 Licenge: 230-E APPLICAIE WRAIIGIJER EL,ECTRIC, Il[C. 0]-/23/2001 Phone: 303-933-3785 4550 SOIITH KIPLING SUITE 12 LITTIJETOIT, CO r,ocAr-, #524-9876/904-0193 8OL27 Licengei 230-E Desciption: INSTALL HOT TUB Valuation: $600.00 .|...i..'|.'|t||||..||''*.|||.....*|'.'.,l:!!|||t**||.|'.''|,.''|||'.....|.'l Elec.ticol-> g5O . Oo Tolal Calculated Fees-> 953 ' 00 DRB Fec-> go . oo Additional Feos-> 90 . 00 Lpestigrlion---> 90. 0o Total Permit Feo--> Ss3 . 00 Witl Cbll-> S3 , 0O Pryrn€ds-----> 953 . 00 TOTAL FEES_> Ss3 . Oo BALANCE DUE_> g0 .00 *laataaala'taa:ht*l*l*alaaattllaaaaaaa Approvals:IE6m: 05000 ELECIRICAL DEPARTI4EIIT 0L/23/20O]- KIVARREII Act,ion! APPR OVER THE COITNTER ttttttaat***ritlrlti||||rI||||||||| CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Condr 12 FIEIJD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE' ataaaaaa*l*,ta*aaaatiataairt*laaataaa DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in ftIl the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and stat,e laws, and to build this stnrcture according to the towns zoning and zubdivision codes, design rwiew approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOlr'RS IN ADVAI.ICE BY 'IDLEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OmCE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. o GNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Rcprinted on 0f-X-200f at 08:14:33 OllL3l2ffil Statem€t ***t t*** ***** * ** * t***i +'l'f *t +**** +'lr**** ****t t* 'r *'tl f,** *'f * t'l**t* *!**'lt * **'r'r* *'|'l'f * *f** ***'****'**'l** Statement Number: R00000o386 Amount: $53.00 OL/23/2}OLOS:13 AM Palment Method: Check fnit: KMW Notation: *830/WRANGL,ER ELECTR]C 0u23nlnr Permit No: Parcel No: Site AddreEs : Irocatiott: Thie Payment : 801-0014 210102304005 3O7O BOOTII CREEK DR \TAIIJ 3O7O BOOTTICREBK DRII/E $s3 .00 TEMPORARY POIJER PERMITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE TI4)e: EI,ECTRICAI, PERI'IIT Total FeeE: TOTA1 AI,'IJ PTNTE: Balance 3 $s3 .00 $s3 .00 $0.00 *t't*'tl*'}'t*{''|.,t*t't'}**|.'t't'|'*{''t|t***'t*'}**'}{.'*'**{.*'},}********'|i.|*'}'}{.{.'}***'t:*i.jt'}{t'|t'}'}**it'|****t}*{t******** ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri pti on Current ffis EP 00100003111400 t,|lc 00100003112800 50.00 3.00 sT0vilEvrnly llfi;H,l',ffi"Yi." Bulldlng Permtt Permit#: EtEgtRICAL VALUATION: $AMOUNTOF SQ FT IN STRTETURE: q Job Name: | ,l/. rzA l]zJze-t-*JobAddress: b7o 6*.il & LegalDescipthn Lot:Block:Flling:Subdivblon: Orners Name: I ldciress:Phone: Enganeer: I Mdrcss:Phone: Detared descrlpdon of,work: '4ool- aF r4r fl3 WorkClassr New() Addltlon(X Remodel( ) Repair( ) TempPower( ) O$er( ) WorkType Inetur( ) EGrior(X ) Both ( )Does an EHU sct at thb locatirn: Yes ( )No() Typeof Bldg.: Slrgh-famllyKl Duplex( ) MulU-famlly( ) Commercld( ) Rcstaurant( ) Odter( ) l{o. of Bbting Dwelling Unfts In thb buiHing:No. of Accornmodation Unlts in thb buildlng: Is this permlt for a hot h.rb: Yes (X) No ( ) DoesaFlrcAlamErist Yes( ) No( ) lDoesaFireSprinlder$rtemBGt: Yes( ) No( ) til* *.rt.rr....rr* *.. rrrr l*1... r..r.rrrFOR OFFICE USE OI{LYa.*rrtrrt.r.t...tti.t.t.t.r r.r...ttrt F:/s€rlrondbrms/dtcplrm AW ApptrcATroerl Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLEl* rn' TVWNOFVAN 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Permit will not be accepted without the following: Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include:a Mechanical Room Dimensionsn Combustion Air Duct Size and Locationn Flue, Vent and Gas Line Size and Locationn Heat Loss Calcs.c EquipmentCut/SpecSheets oo -o>i3 970-479-2149 (Inspections) RECDsEP2e2000 Aswsots OflTce at 97O-328-86/tO or visit wvvw.for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) Job Name: ,HU.Z4Zz.4 Job Address:3a7a rfuz,,t er//.? Dz_ Legal Description ll Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivisionl owners *"-tiro, /4urzz.)+ fl noaresp 70 /*p/hz.at< r" ll Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detaifed description of work: nDD lrez 7e r,2z e, 8u.,.^ WorkClass: New(rir Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Boiler Location: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Single-familyT}fDuplex ( ) Multi-famiv ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 7 No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Noffype of Fireplaces Existinq: ,/Gas Appliances (/ ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( 2) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? yes (4 No ( COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAT PERMIT (Labor & Materials) CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Mechanical Contractor: 5 'n r//1 Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: 7zD 724 rez F? /everyone/forms/mechperm '-Brg,ln-t-lY.-o.rls--2?-.01-- l{"grtrv..a"yHerl.Losl-UumC-l .- ,--- - *0-+-?F-?0@-. IndoorCalculated Heat Loss for Mstr Bath @ 68 F Oscrip,tim Unit!R-Vetuc HcatL,or tBtulhl ffi.L&r tBtn/hl Todrl Lsl tBlrrtl ExposedWalls i 170tr I 19 777 0 7n Windows I ?Off | 7 2738 0 n3a ExposcdCeilingArw I 169fl:3E 389 0 389 0.5 ACH t07l t07r Totrb 39{H 1{n0 4n4 lsig,c_t_.IgtrE Tolsl H€at Ldss : 84609 Btu,/h Total Bocfr &E&e l,oss: l3222Flwlh Otrtsidc Air Tcrnls.20 F :- "/?r<t3 i /32.' o/s.a /'-t/. = l3), o5-tz 67,2 ,,1 haat' = (bo)obo 67u ny"r (la4 pp,yL) ftDD t(oo^ onL+et<,_ 2qo >g<fT-_ _ 7dl). rr ZB/, fu^A. /, la,rn. I a DTct= NYSTROM.RAD Copyright(cr 1992 - 1999 Heatway Pagc 3 -ne 1(Linder-Floor)- Calculrated Heat Loss for Der/Guest Bdr. & Bath @ 68 F Indoor ncrsbtar I Udtr R-YrhG llrtLolr IBfu/bI Irm.LG IBh/tl TotrlLdr IBMI Expoacd Walts | 614 ft'z t9 2't07 0 2ffi7 w6dox,s 2 2503 0 2503 Doors i lzfii 2 K9 0 46 lnfiltrtim | 0.5 ACH 4E/1 4847 Totrb '',rD MI r0625 lpl_e_L(Up_degFloq$ Calculated Heat Loss for Bdr. 2&3. and Bath @ 68 F Ifc*riptbr Udlr n-VehG HcetLor tBbrtl ItrfiL Locr tBtual Totdl,cr [Brr/bl EryosodWalls 771tr l9 3538 0 3538 Win&rv3 69fF 2 26v)0 2699 Doqs 12 ftr 2 469 0 469 EAocdCeilitg Alca 7V2tr 38 l6l5 o 16l5 hfilFaion 0,5 ACH 506 5006 Totrh rtrzt 5tt0!i 13326 Indoor 7,one 6 (Undcr-Floor) Calcnlated Heat Loss for l\{sfi. Bdr. & Walk-in @,688 ncsb'tm Udtr R-Y.h.I&ra L,o!a IBt|'bI IdL Loc. tBrrttl TolrtLoll lBtu/Ll Exposcd Walls ?40 ff l9 3383 o 3383 rilmdows 43 rY 2 l6E2 0 l6E2 Dmrs 18ff a 704 0 704 Ecpos€d CcilirgArcs 554.6 fli 38 t276 0 t276 lnfitratio 0.5 ACH 39J3 3953 Totrb 7.0+t t952 (gn Indoor 7,one 7 (Under-Floor) Copyrigh(cl l94z - 1999 HcatwaY I t NYSTROM.RAD Page 2 " ' n"airot Wolks 99.0-! OHeatway Hcat l.,oss Report O 0&29-2$0 -__--_:-.;Pllo!*hluc: DEFAULT Projrr{Numbcr; ProjcptQtotc: Designod By: DAVE LUNDIN/HUGHES SUPPLY Ssdal Numb€r:3107 Elesignod Fc Notcs: CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL INFORIdATION USED TO DO TIIIS HEATITOSS. HUOHES SI]PPLY NOT UABLE FOR ANY ERRORS OR OMIS$OIq9. ?qry l-UqQgr{leqrl- -- Calcutated Heat Loss for Laundrv,Mud,Kit Breakfast @ 68 F Indqqq Dcrcription Utritr R-Vrluo IlrrtLog tBftt/hl in6t Loro tBrirhl Toorll.olr lBtu/bl Exposod Walls 389ff l9 1778 0 t778 Wirdows 13t ff 2 3tz4 (,5124 Doors 20 nn t 782 0 782 Infilhaim 0.5 ACH 42W 4279 Toub 76E4 427E 11962' Zone 2 (Under-Floor) Calculated Heat Loss forDiningRoom @ 68F Indoor Ilerrlptbr Urib R-Valoc E aal.at tB{t!hl IDfi, l.oss tBtu/hl TolalL,ocr tBrl/ldl Exposod Walls 161tr t9 736 0 736 Wrndows r00 n,2 39r I 0 3eir lnfiltrcion 0.5 ACH 2438 2438 Toirb 1&7 artT 7M nder-tr'loor IndoorCalculated Heat Loss for Rm.F 68F Daedft*ion Units R-Vdrc Ilcrt lror {Bfi/tl lnftt Loos IBtt/bl TetrlLolr tBtu/bl Exporod Walls 300 flf l9 t37l 0 t31l Wmdows 344iv 7 i3454 0 13454 Doort 56 nl 2 2r90 0 2t90 Infilt*ion 0.5 ACH 8626 8626 Toirb 17015 8525 It64lt I\TYSTROM.RAI)Copyright(cllgg2 - 1998 HeatwaY Page 1 TOWN OF VAIIJ 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTT4EI{T OF COMMT'NITY DEVEI,OPMENT NOTE: TIIIS PERllrT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSTTE AT AJ.L TMES PLI'MBING PERMIT Permits #: P00-0111 .fob Address: 3070 BOOTII CREEK DR Locat,ion. ..: 3070 Boqffi CREEK DR Parcel No. . : 2L0L-023-04-005 Project, No. : PRiIOo-0253 APPLICAI{T SMITH MECEAI{ICAL P.O. BOX LL25, EjIGLE, CO 81631 CONTRACTOR SMITH MBCIIA}.IICAI, P.O. BOX LL25, EAGIE, CO 81631OWNER HUZEL,LA LISA, vAIt co stsaEus...: IssttEDApplied..: 09/29/2000 Issued. .. z LO/02/2000 Ercpires. . : 03/31-/200L Phone: 970-328-L677 Phone: 970-328-L677 DescripEion: ADD BATH,MOVE BAR SINK,CHG SHWR Tovaluat.ion:R 4, 000 .00 r*rrriti.rlrittta *.a.t.ttr*tt.* FEB gIn[tARY rrt+....],rrri* Pluobing- - - --> Pl|n chsck- -- > Inv..clgacion> wllI crlL----> Rc6tuarant Plar Review-- > IOTAI, FEEg----- ToErl calculatsrd 8..r- -- > Addltsional FG.s---------> Tolal Pcr|!i! F6a--------> 50.00 15.00 3 ,00 . o0 7S .00 74.00 .00 ?8.00 . -.........iH11"?T; ; : ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; :- " "...-'., ;: : " -' ItsC.M: -O51OO BUILDING DEPARITI,IENT DEPts: BUILDING DiViSiON: O9/29/2OOO JNY ACE,iON: APPR APPROVEDiEbm;'65600-Fine DEPARTI,IEIIi -__-- Depts: FrRE Division:A9/29/2000 JRrtt AcEion: APPR N/A tii*,.t.trtrrt* 'r ta t 'tr ' i rtr'rr COIIDITION OF APPROVAIJ 1 . FIEI,D INSPE TIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CTIECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE. DECI,AR]ITIONS I hcrcby acknoulcdg. thaC I have read tshis applic.Cion, fillcd oue in full Chc infornalion rcquir6d, cc,tnltlcCcd an ttccuritsc PloC plen, and Etata Ehits .LL Lh! infontraEion provided a€ roquilcd i.6 corrccts. I agr66 to conltly irifh th. infolurlion and plot Pl.n, !o cohply irith all To*h ordillance6 and .tat6 1an6, and to build t'hi.6 stsrucEurc according tso tshc To$n'6 "oning.nd Eubdlvl.lon codc6, dcFlgn revL.$ approvcd, Uniforo Bulldlng Code and other ordlnanc.E of ChG Totn appliceble Chcrato. REeuEsrg roR rNspEcfroNs smrJrJ BE MADE TnEMry-Fot R HorrRs rN AD\nNcE By TBtJBpHoNB;aT 479-2#s oR AT ouR o8ltcE PRol,l 8r0o a.li 5100 Pil OF OWNER OR COITITACTOR FON HI!I9BI,P .IIID OI{NER, !a' -****i******i*rtri********r***t*t:rr***tl*itti*.t***rrara***:l*****rl TOI|N OF VArIJ. COITORADO gtatenmt t*tt****t***+at*********lilttt**********lil*l*******ttt*rl****l}**!l Statemnt Mrnrber: RBC-0584 Anrount:1S .OO rO/02/ O0 12:48 Payment liGthod: gK Notation: #1682/8l,tI1'II I|IBCH Inlt : LC Permit No: POO-OI1l Type: B- PLlrlB Parcel No: 2101- 023 - 04 - 005 Site Address: 3O70 BOOIII CPSBK DR IJOCAtION: 3O?O BOOTH CREBK DR PLUI'IBING PERUIT Tota1 Feee: ?8.00 Total ALL Hnte: Balance : * ** i * * * * t r! * * * * t t t t t * ** * t t *i * i t a i * * * t* * t I * I ** * !r * t * ** t rl I * t t* tt * * * i Account code Description PP 00100003111100 PLITUBING PERI,IIT FBBS PF OO1OOOO31123OO PI.AN CIBCK FEBS wc 00100003112800 t{rLL eeI,I., rNSPEqrroN FEE 78.OO 78 .00 .00 Amount 60. 00 15.00 3.00 Thi6 Pa)ment AppLrcATroN Oa "or BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLE O' u Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: 97 O-47 9-2149 (Inspections) TVWN0FVtn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 -oL RECDSEP2e2oo0 Assasorc Office at 970-328-864O or visit Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) JobAddress: ?OZO fr, 7d4o74 a tz1 Detailed description of work: /DD y'/a'rDz& f1,?/4) /7?at4 8/2 Jirrk , a/tt+,?t ,,a,u{r 7e'71/rr 1//,A1sZ Fty-tr' rt t ,) *)-,' Work Cfass: New ( ) Addition (f Alteration (4 Repair ( ) Other ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family (Lf Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No, of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ftpf No ( ) COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (LAbOT & MAIETiAIS) PLUMBING: $ laaoP CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Plumbing Contractor: fmitl ,r22.4.9>lE rz Town of Vail Reg. No.: )- 71? Contact and Phone #'s: ,/raD ?),a /L77 'g#vactor signature: .42_,/A---<- ********************rr******************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY,******rr*********?t***********ts*******'t F/everyone/forms/pl mbperm A---A\s/:J mnt6uffiY HOW DID WE RATE WTTH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Conmunity Darelopmert Deparhent Russdl Fonest Director, (970)4ie213s Check allthat applies. 1. Which 0eparfnen(s) did you contact? Building _ Environmenhl_ Housing_ Admin Planning _DRB _ PEC 2. Wasyourinilialconbctwifroursffiirrnedie_slow or , ,, no one available ? 3. lf you were required to walt, how long was it befure you were helped? 4. Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / trlo lf no, why nof__ 5. Was fiis your first lime b file a DRB app_ PEC app_ Bldg Permit_ ttl/A 6. Please rate $e performance of tre siaffperson who asisbd you: 54321Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) 7. Overdl efiectiveness of $e Front Service Counbr. 5 4 3 2 I 8. Whd is fie best time of day for you to use $e Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which r,vould dbw us to bethr serrre you nerttme? Thank you fur taking the lime b conplete this survey. We are commitFd b hpmving our selice. TOV{N OF VAIIJ 75 S. FRONfAGE ROAD vA,rL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 ilob Address...: L,ocaLion......: Parcel No.....:Project Number: DEPARTTTEMT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMEr{T PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECHANICAL PERMIT JOBSITE AT AI.I., TITI{BS Permit #: M00-0114 NOTB: 1TIIS 3O7O BOO:[I{ CREEK DR 3O7O BOO1TH CREEK DR 2101-023-04-005 PR.ro0-0253 Status...: ISSITEDApplied..: 09/29/2000 Issued. . .: LO/O2/2OOO E:qrires. . : 03/3L/2OOL APPLIEANT CONTRAETOR OWNER Description: ADD HEAT TO NEW ROOM SMITII MECIIAI{ICAI P. O. BOX LL25 , EjA,GIJE, SMITH MECIIANICAI P.O. BOX LL25, EAGLE, HUZELI,A LISA , vAIIr CO Phone z 970-328-1-677 Phonez 970-328-L677 €v 000 .00 Totrl C.lculeC€d F€6.---> 128.00 .00 12S .00 12S .00 .00 co 81631- ?, Pir6placc RcBt!ictcd:*of oa6 Applianc.s: 2 *of Gas Lo95 !*of wood/Pellct: FEE 9UTiIMARY 100 .00 25.00 .oo will call----> 3.oo TOTII, FEES----- M.ch.nical-- - > Pl|n chcck-- - > Inw.EgigaCion> Rcstuaran! Plan R6wi€ir- - > DRB Fee--------Additsion.l Pe6E---------> Totsal PcrEits Fcc---_----> PayEGnEE------- BA'.ANCE DUE- --. .00 .oo Item: 05100 09 /29 /2000Item: 05600 oe /2e /2ooo BUIIJDING DEPARII'IENT Dept: BUILDING Division:iIRM ACtsiON: APPR APPROVED-Ffps DEPARTI,IENT Depts: FrRE Division:.TRI'! Act,ion: APPR N/A CONDTTTON OF APPROVAL L.2. 3. 4. 5. 5. '7. 8. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRBD TO CHECK EOR qQDE-qOMPLIANq . cduBusiioN ArR-IS nsourREp PER sEc. 701 oF THE 1997 IJI'4C, oR SE TION 701 OF TIIE 1997 IMC.rlrsrar.leuoN MusT coNFoR![ To MANI'FAqTURES TNSTBUCTIQNS Al_{Dtd-crrAprEn-ro OF rHE i-992 IIMC, CHAPTER 10 oF THE 199? Ilttg.c.'s -aFFr,iarrICIs SIIAIL BE VETiITED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AI{DHAL,L BE VEI{TED ACCORDING TO CHAHTER I AriIDas sprerrlED rN sEc.806 0F THE 1997 ttMc, oR CHAPTER 8 OF T ACCESS TO HE.ATACCESS TO HEATTNG EoUrPMEriIr SEC.1017 OF THE 1997 I'MC AT.ID BOILERS SHAIL BE MOI'NTED ONI'NLESS I-,ISTED FOR MOT'NTING ON PERMIT, PIJANS ATiID CODE AIiIALYSIS ROOM PRIOR TO AIiI INSPEET DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAI, R IN MECHANIEAL ************:t************************************************tt**!t*************** *at****t*tlt*ttttttt*aarl*!r**l**t*t***tt!lltt***t*****at**tl*******a loltN OP VAIIJ, CTIPRADO gtaterurt *lt*t**trlrlt*rll*l*!tlr*ll*l*******t*t*tltttt**t*r*a**t*l***al*l**** gtatemnt lnmber: REc-068{ Anount: 128.OO LO/O2/OO L2:.49 Pa)drents l,lethod: CK Notatlon: *1682/SilITH UECH Inlt: LC Petmit No: U00- 0114 Tltpe : B-llECH Parcel No: 2101-O23 - 04- 005 gite Addresa: 30?O BOCIrH CREEK DR LocatLou: 3070 BOCIrH CREEK DR UECITAI{I CAI, PERUIT Ttrlg Pay!|eEt Total FeeB 3 128.00 Total AIJJ PmtB: Balance 3 tt*tt*tllt*t*tt*t*at***a***.1*lt*:l***tl**tltl*lt*tttt***t*t***tt*ttt Account code Deeerlption UP Oo1oOoo31111OO ITIECIIAIIICAIJPERUITFEES PF 00100003112300 Pr,AN CHACK FtsE8 wc 00100003112800 wrLL cArrl rNsPEqrroN FBE 128.00 128.00 .00 Amowrt 100 .00 25.O0 3.00 DECLARATIONS I b.r.hy rs'loorl.dSt thrt I br r.rd thlr .EDll,crtldr, fiU.d out ln futl th. lnfolutlo r.gut!.d, coqrl.t d lt|.cqEr!. ploc p1en, ud ltrtc thrts rll !lr. lnfolE tlqt t'lovld.d r. r.quinal l. cot"t ct. I .gr . tso ca.trly rtth clr. infot!.tslon lnd DloC Dlln.lo cmtrly rlth dl forn ordlnrnc.r |nd.trh IrIr, lnd ro bullil tlrlr rtructur. rccordt ng to !h. Eovn'. ronlng lnd rubdlvirlon cod.t, d.tign r.vi.r rt[rrovcd, ttnllor:! Bulldl,Dg @d. lnd oth.r ordis.roc.. of th! Torn rppllc.bl. ch!!rto. RIQUISTS tOR. If,aPlelION|A smllll Bl nDr r BfaT-lorn HOORa rn tDVrIlCr Er Plffir .l|? 47s-2r3,a OR lT OltR OI'IC! trfl 8:OO tr| SrOO Ptl slonl1Rl oF olf,lB? ot oolrlrAcTon loR BI[gEllt .l!trt cnnEB ,-tn Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Fontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web; www.ci.vail.co,us Project Name: DELPONTE EXTERIOR MODIFICATnONS DRB Number DRB040226 Project DescdpUon: REPAINI NEW STONE PATIO, RREPIT ADDMON, NEW WOOD TRIM Participants: OWNER DELPONTE, REG AND JUUE 0610412004 Phone: 949-6.14-7343 16 ROCKINGHAM DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH cA 92650 License: APPUCANT VICTOR MARK DONALDSON, ARCH.06/0412N4 Phone: 949-5200 PO BOX 5300 AVON co 81620 License: ProjectAddress: 3oToBOOTHCREEKDRVAIL Location: 3070 BooTE CREEK DRrvE Legal Descrlption: Lot: 7 Block: 3 Subdivislon: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 11 Parrel Numb€r: 21010230,O05 Comments: SEE CONDmONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: ROGERS Action: APPROVED Second By: PROPER Vote: 4-0-0 Dateof Apprcvah 07lO7l20M Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate revlew aommittee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0006544 Pbnner: cr-rrn sutAn The appllcant shall palnt the corner boards Aloondria to match the siding of $e residene. @nd: CON006545 The apdfcant shall uUllze Oasslc Buqundy patnt only fur wlndow sashes. o Beige DRB Fee Pald: $20.00 w/0r/04. ruE 0e:13 FAx e4e756fr4 TOI4N Geneid lnfonnallon: Alpndecils rcqutlttg dcln rcvlew murt rmh,c app|ovel pir to subnlltlng a hrildirg perntt rylceton. PIE€t*r b thc ah6d l€ql[cments ftr th! p!ilidlBr app|Dlel lh.t b rlqraH. Ar +Ccsffot lbr lhtn E|,lsw celml bs 4bd unll al egulod lnblrrdidr ls rcelvcd by ho Coilrrxmlty Dor,Bbetnord DGp€rtnenfi, ffipm|d mey d.o nssd b bo rovhlrd by thc Town Ooutd ad/r tha Pbndnglnd EnfionrEnd ffir Drolgn ruvJcw ryprovrl l.pler unlaar r bullrllng poftrlt 13 lsued and cooslrucllon conrmenccr wlthlndt! y.w of lhc rpprov.l, Locationof thePropoaat: br: $ Bbdc 3- srbdivtdon: ll +L^. FL.{A-!Z @oo2Fq-tF'-LPC Appllcatlon for Design a Rev ew ll3partn€nt of Cdrmmlv Dev€loprnsnt 75 Sou|h FronbF Road, \hll, Color€do 81657 6. n0A792l30 W, 970.475245,2 utrb: wtw.tdgovorn Ttrt.{ Pttyslcal Addnar: 4 Panrf No.: Zlolozbo+@3 Zonlng: Name(e) of Owner(e): Owncr(sl8lgnaturu(r): tlame of Appllcant: [pcof Rwlew and Fee:. 8ts|s. Cocepbul Radery . t{Err€tttlE{bn. Addilon . fuhorAlhratlon Oengns toApprcved Pbrc SepanlionReqEt f650 $n0 $150 ($r/ Phom; S!0 Fts $t,ltr pcr squ*ri foot of bbl d$ arca. NoFa ftr cotttfutrn ot e n w bu[dlng of ddno/..bdld, fur an addl[qr $rhetu ssrare footrgg is addsd b any cijenUd or wncrdal btiBhg (hdudes 29, addtons & hlefur oonpdonq), For nfnor chaqee to bufldhgs and slte ftrproaerrrG, ildr B, nrcodng, pailfu, whdow addltlom, hdscThg, lbrc rrd ntaining nols. eb. fur rttor clange to hlHhgs ard 3& tmrcvurtcnb, {dt a,rercfig, pailttrgt wHou, addlid|s, bnd8pfrrg, fEfc ad rstNhlngrEl$dG. $20 For oAlons to pbrrr alcady 4prond by Phnnhg Stgfr or the Dedgn R6dsrrB6rd. l{o Fee For Ofllco Uce Onlv: ffiL"H_r;&#(ro.. 790 Hrrg: (Conbct Eagle@.Amorat 970-32&8840 for parcel no.) teillngAddner: Pef,elo'Izlmlo1lm Bullding llatcrlrlr PROFiOIED TATER|A|'JS Typc ol trtorlel Color Rod Siling OtherWa$ lvlateriats Facia sffb Windils WndowTrim Dors DorTdm ltand or Deck Rails Ffr6 Fbhiry Climnep Tr*hEndcure G*eenhouEe Retaining Walls E{erior Lighting Other kEYA-FJD"JA @\.4€-*a-T? 4A69,c4 gJ"^vFq \v(-+qAuu- Bt?cr.\rt{ W' ba V*r r.-- BPc..wl-t 142-'L? V-VtTTrt*-.- Pfea-zr-r t+'@ l{ote: Pleee specfi lhe manufacluo/a name, the ob name and rumbor ard dtac$ a olor chip. PegE 6 of 12l@,l01lo4r Delponte Residence - Minor Exterior Alterations rune0r.0.+ 3070 Booth Creek Drive. Vail. CO Exterior Coior + Finish Schedule Victor Mark Donaldson Architects Example 01. Flagstone Flooring - Colorado Buff Mortar Set Supplier i Manufacturer - Vogelman West Example 02. Stone Veneer - Vogelman Brown "Dark" Supplier / Manu{acturer - Vogelman West Example 02a. Wood l'rim/Dctail Sequoia Redwood 081 24 Manuf'acturer - Beuiamitr Nloore Example 03. Window Frames - Classic Burgundy Exterior Ready mixed Supplier / Manufacturer - Benjamin Moore Example 04. Fascia / Trim Color - Whitall Brown HC-69 Supplier / Manufacturer - Benjamin Moore AlJ',:. cv'LL [jY'IHE TCi.JN OF V,AIL ; ES IGI J RE\/:E]fJ BO'\'dN Fl-iF. -+'a-O4 --<--_-- [ ,rNlriF,F-i CL- Example 05. Main House Color - Alexandria Beige HC-77 Supplier / Manufacturer - Benjamin Moore APPROVED BYTHE TOWN OF VAIL DESIGN REVIEW BOARD DATE:1-7- o4 PLANNER: FACIA HC-69 - Whitall Brown TRIM HC-69 - Whitall Brown MAIN BLDG HC-77 - Alexandria Beige 2ND BLDG HC-77 - Alexandria Beige l Facia HC€g - Whitall Brown Trim HC€9 - Whitall Brown main bldg HC-77 - Alexandria Beige 2nd bldg HC-77 - Alexandria Beige facia HC69 - Whitall Brown window - Classic Burgandy trim HC-69 - Whitall Brown main bldg HC-77 - Alexandria Beige 2nd bldg HC-77 - Alexandria Beige facia HC-69 - Whitall Brown trim HC-69 - Whitall Brown main bldg HC-77 - Alexandria Beige 2nd bldg HC-77 - Alexandria Beige FACIA HC-69 - Whitall Brown TRIM HC-69 - Whitall Brown MAIN BLDG HC-77 - Alexandria Beige 2ND BLDG HC-77 - Alexandria Beige Exemple 06. Deck Detail - Wood/Steel Guardrail Wood Newell Posts - 6x6 S4S stain color example 02a. Wood Top and Bottom rails - 4x6 S4S paint color example 05. Steel Balusters (to code) - 2x2x3/16 TS paint color example 04. ADDNA, /-|1 NV TL{F ri '-CARDDES D/tT:"l'*-o4-- PLANNER: oo UttW\Wt OF Lvt*"' (rP( "fr * ***t* * **** *'i:t'l* f :l{t*t*'tt**I't't f * ***** ++ a:t:tt t*t ** * r* * *r}* *a' 'l * *l ** * 'l * **'t:l** *'l *,1* ** * * l. * * 't:1. 't * 'l dr * * *l TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement * i****a*'* * +*{r** *'f 'l,lr'la!tl.*'l**t 't*f t *** ttt*** I't 't 't't* **'l*** ** **** *a 'l'l'l*!t'tlr* * **:l *'}*a't:t,i,} **'r**a**'t*l st,at.ement Number: R040005954 Anoune: S20.00 05/04/2OO4a0:54 AIrl Palment Method: Ctreck Init : iIS Notation: #330?/vICToR MARK DONA1DSON ARCH. Permit No: DR8040225 Type 3 DRB-Minor AIt, SFR,/DUP Parcel No: 210102304005 Site Address: 30?0 BooTIl CREEK DR vAIIr Locatsion: 3070 BOOTH CREEK ROAD Total Fees: S20.00 Thie Payment: $20.00 Total AJ.,tr, Pmte: $20.00 Balance: 50.00 ****rt***';***{rirr}*llfit,lr'}t {r't't,}**{r,t,}'}*,t't'lr'}**rr**t* * f **tl"l t'i* *t't*** ** * i. * **:l*'l * ** * * * +'t 'l '1,f ,}*:t'*:f ** 'l * l. * ACCOI,]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Cunrent Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Huzella Residence ProjectNumber: prj00-0253 Project Description: interior remodel, exterior addition Owner, Address, and Phone: Lisa Wheeler Huzella 3070 Booth Creek Dr. Vail, CO 81657 47G2590 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: A.R Builders PO Box 610 Gypsum, CO 81637 390-3366 Project Street Address: 3070 Boothcreek Dr. Legal Description: Lot 7, Block 3, Vail Village 1lth Parcel Number: 210102304005 Buildine Name: Huzella REsidence Comments: Non-conforming with regards to site coverage Adds 196 sq. ft of GRFA Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: September12,2000 Project Name: Huzella Residence Documentl Board/StaffAction Action:staff approved DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Srp-13-00 08:59ar Frlt-VlCT0R 9709105205 4* T-289 P.0r F-80{ 8 E EEAvER CREET BLYD surrE 207 B0r 5t00 Av0x, C0 816 20 970.949.5200 vrnd@voil.nCr Frr.949.5205 c I EA LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ro /+l4,Sdl) 4Z4q: ortrc ?-/3- & v ,r AroB xo.M- ^TrENnoN /4il*&.S6l.it , - ", JilZai*-N Ai): LtalVa+t LJ AITACHED r] PICKUPORDTjLIVI II .THE F'OLLOWINC ITEMS: tr PRINTS 4O PRODUCTINFORMATION f].'}IANGEORDER u .sPEcrFrcArroNr ,r,lfE-{fu*Mrjhr, E ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHBCKED BELOW: REVTEWED BY VMDA FURNIIiHAS CORRECTED COPIES WEARE SENDINC YOU VIA D DELTVEREDBY D SHOPDRAWINGS FORYOTIR USE REVISEAND SUBMIT PRINTS RETURNED AFTtsR LOAN TO US D I] AS REQUESTED O REIECTED O FORREVIEWANDI4 r.),{MENT cl D tr AU pruftc rqr;irrrE derip rryby m,r*F *edft ifbrr, fff, sedE gtfliltd F. e c. D. e B.tocATrorr oF PRoFosAb I|AIIJIE ri7:e is a@ed b any l;E mgu€rEiErstdl rrn:qhg,Eesand xrn(, ptsasr ilenfr :rll€ pruFtraluaffi. t::lln5 I ll' r, G{RALtmnnAt:ntr Tltb amElln b lb any trrier rqrnhg DEdsn Rcvir approt atrdcH[r birr#uEl trbrEe|lnrttgtbra h|*&E pcnnB lqufE tgls tr tle p0o&r ma tE E rqrrsEd rfE am[@t enrct be a,.p : d und a! tb qrlGdfdbrrdin b shlEt lte pqc noy e nat- Ur De rertsniD Ue Town 6uu. :. d/6 6p pg41tB uttdBtttturrnbl ffit DG-t! &drr lnrd apprunl crpirlr ot yrlr &r " r' lel rppruull dt -r bu-g FrrrAb bd rd -lriurffi lrdttd. nE agDl@r Gltld be a, rr: d und d tE rqu[Gdru*ry&ttc TowB 6um. 3. d/6tfte Plaml1l and :J:l- 6(lsnlb,:lrrl) '- clr'J-qffi,*'2-ruileJl! pnrsArADDRE$ 4F4aB€Itf@E|(ErlxF rr,At,,v.Q-_nre. *W(Clnad Esle Co. @r oflb ct 9?:i -:i 28€640 frr prd r) ilAilES ou,rE[qsr ntru{Er :::t.8-il InC^DDRES* r"t( t+i} .At/qell, C€ tt,iir;zonfiEflfld-fl'lA-92'rn CottstutEr da revhriHLrg. ldudes.ry dfrtton l|lEl€ $EG fr6rldldal acmnpcb[hi&r* Itt&rdes ntur dHEEs o hlUirys ad s aq? nrffig, Ft!!|tg, r{i,foil atulffi, t:|trri|hg uraE €G. NB ftrs arc to be fit *'urp ttne dsrbnlbl l,aEr, dgr aFpltiE fur a hldhgt|r amilpnfdin d $c troFa. Ttre 1hrrr d \tsI u,! afiSdE fu rs&tg I FIEASG AIEIITI|TS |Ppt-lclilOil, /lL gn|tTru R4unEtl ItrD TIG E 10 T]tE DprRTllHT F €OiltfifEW DEyE gFilrrs:*nml morrA(E uD, yflr. cq,omm &l€s:t, TY"EOFREYIEWA'ID EEB f,nrGlrardn-*zoo&ffin- lio Frsr-YlCmRSrp-I3-00 08:5eu mtxi,,,'#*',t* Tt **'<@'**4ironwv@g@,: F nor@*ne*a&ccnrv'1@ :':. dEffiTD A[ l€trant speffiqns for tfie nlwosEl AnAuCrng alois adC r lt' tiriirb o berd. E-ap ft **r rsmobuim apprad Gapprcaurc). < -F I$Eqg &e.prqosd ir ttr dcnly'n:diffi"tre Adrnintr ;:r: : br raydenTunrt'lat adrltuonal maEhb arc incesry fr UE t€ritl,,, r .fie afrrtietion. A{-. NBr} ir1rr* {i** Cadt; TD t'\4Rrtr* r;lr{61t}.\6 ' fl[r{v G{EnaLDtlffiilAno|{ W drarrges made b a siE or EGiDr aEradons of a r:r. dtsbg. AnyalEraGrn n u,ffii'l dftbml htrlng quarc fuap F adderl ur{t rqufie an',irffi6;[*rBpCEadqr sttsi{rrntR4utREt,talls : TfiilORA TERATIOTTSTO T'IE EIIERIG III OF EUII.^DITIGS AilD SETE IIIPROVEIIEil'I"! i Srp-I3-00 00:00ar FrorVlCT0R mtALDSSi srtl.oncrtlrHtar-$ Rd shg OtttrtlrDl tt@ Frcd. Sdis fgiidoilF tiltubrTrtn IiEs h6Tti[ Hand orDeckRaF nrF HrdtiUt ClrirlE E Tia$EncHnrs gsrhq|sls unrprc|b bbrl'EheE O$er < * PEEe ryeciry tnc ronufacumrs obr, nrmbcrand d a $ti[ da dlh fitttls. F A[ crEior lglthg mu* nrs tre Tilm-s tift|ung OdtElE I]ltE F6, i glr|e idfrE $e fint€r dfirulles and Ebns on a sepanE S+tg Fbn. t t,: d provibttehcb[cabovEgrde, lurllts ouslt, fm[rucatq'{dr a '::u 4ltfailFacnm ft*lrf 4amth 6( Gl.rn<vft|rrt4,qtr#. . A/tr , __- rrfr -- , brlz*,. ,-- :r&Dthgbggedr rrQechffiretyprrCr*dtcUting roolssroi t T-a6e E.0T,IIIIETAI; , ptrslthle,'@- 08:00rn F rorV ICI0R oToe{05?05 t T-?Es P.05/06 t-801 tnoFosEplr[EpqlEnxq -EobnEu{ems fi1@sgfleffirl/'+ lIEsAilD '.. t;tpmtl'r: &f, :_l ffi,* J rtrlbinrfi rlguirEtrts frr b|tkdry: OIHER UNDSCAPEETTIXES (rCumfts r€b frnceg,*i!'r|irg pobr eE) Ftss:;rr mEiry.Ildtebpand bon ehratbns d l#htEl r€tg ilariilm tplgfit d $ralb nitlrh sre- frm:' rc r Ect i 3 ft*. dedilnstres - Z idl eber cmlE'Eur mts - 5 lE h lEllrt; sfn b. Sg.ImE < E GROI'IID @I'B s !-E nnGrnD[| Tt"EtrR6DN @0n"oL ebflfrere b6 d tll..wb. . Srn;|3'00 0e:00an IIOIES: L RdE*rvipCottplty tt4}5tfi.(GilylblD Fron-vtcToRfrtn 9700105205 t T-26s P.o5n5 F-801 N/k ttrtr''Yl*'''otvtrFrcarloil I ThefumbDvE ryurfur|e&bff arr.l h|hr furwdrtndr andsirsrrd berdh coliunch ffii fepfU pfr rfnt fi ad JrtE rfig imbEthns. The kr ;r r bn and aaiabry d rtfltr!+ wlslpr rltcf be osi{!r!* frca or E tpd bre+ tns tE appor€d,.rr, I rerH by tlr lblbnrE ut[des lbrdn aiF|ryfng sE F|br. I II AdttatH Sbnetne .tseaUSrrycstCmundrrs IL&r1iB-ltE7 !c6F586oor9*4m | - I,<- lbt&@Eeeiclffi, t*€892 ficd ltisty;Jonn Boid] TCr 9{9dsn(Eotd$!trr) EdgbRn€rl,l,lF &,SililaiffiDbbit. 4b7480(F,dr€stse) t I * P{E?F brnE a te Flr fur hr, *a ehntins ntrcr oahnE Umr bgts ,,:t I er ltbEr &,$tbtbtt sEmanrts, FE frry Feds m,rtbe edrrsse4 I If dt rdny uaffin Snn ltas siJnabrcsfrurr eodt d&E uffiy ornpr rir1 and no @rlturts a|€ rEnb diEdty o uie ftca, ttrG Town wlt prennc $il urE1B aG tl:' pdrkms and tlrcdcrdoprmonpe{ ?.L '--i I 4- 2.!a u!fty erpny he otsns ulir tte fsred sEoldq dr rllw r;n' gstfic shat rC@y qr lhc trry |lrffiin fun Oatttrc F r @n utth 'd b [r I |€std TIt hr -L^..ll .A- !^dlult t'|rn be (hbu h ba ecE htlr b th Tdn d t,u|. fhE r,.;l t rEase &erp h nit l tfirt t b t||e rcrpodllly tf Ure Urq Gn|tF|y ad the +pbnttp |tsi,,rl denffi preUEmE 3.Tlrnve'iltstErO nc drc srmg d U€ ll*sdD[ty t' obra rr, r R|!E tilay FErntlfom|ltelhprtutd Itbds at theToul d Vd. lltu btailnsurli;.lg3lhitrg|jE&Ig ItsqEghanytrbk d e6glEc xlttrr ur2 TOwn d thr Al r t,! l tln p.,nltis+rr a 4* I ra zoNE CHECK Datc: Lcgal dcscription: Lot 7 Block Addrcss o'rncr +lUzfl4 - r--L:r r %Architcct Allorvcd Existin g =-!+(tD3-4td14 * nU a,.,' r tung Pbonc h-oposcd usc Bui.ldablc arca Proposcd Total Lot sizr l 0r3r uKhA Primary CRFA -- + (425) (6?j*) - --_--:-- Rcmaining 7W Srcondary CRFA + (125) (67j*) =_--- + 6'15 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? Horv much of thc allorvcd 250 Addition is uscd wirh tbis rcqucst? ?"nb (30x33) Front Dlccs Rcar 20' l5' 1i' Minimum nullJ. 3'16' (300) (600) (900) (1200) Pcrmittcd Slopc .._-% Ycs-..-- No Proposcd Slopc --.-_.__-% Chn't, ln wt fw Sit" co""og. {4 Hcight Sctbacks Landscaping Rctaining Wall Hciglts j< niurutl,l Wt(tt'il t40.ultt A fufiltil nm,ordrrrtrinq {t'^-r hrf ht # t ParinS Rquircd _ Encloscd Garagc Crcdit Drivcrvay Conrplics rvith TOV Ligbting Ordinancc Arc finishcd *cradcs lcss than 2:l (50%) Environm cntal,4lazards Ycs Nq I) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%) 2) Floodplain 3) Wctlands 4) Watcr Course Scrback (30) (50) 5) Geologic Hazards a) SnorvAvalanchc b) RocHall Prcvious condirions ofapproval (check propcrty filc! Is thc propcrly non-conforming? Dcscribc: {r'M 1n1 c) Dcbris Florv o{Io DESIGN REVIETY CIIECKLIST Projcct: - Q SURVEY Scalc ---.:- Bcnchmark a __ Legal dcscription tr FLOORPLANS Scalc GRFA _ 250 additionat GRFA - Crarvl\AtricSpacc EHU Q BUILDINGELEVATIONS Scalc Roofpitch O LA}IDSCAPEPLAN Existing trccs proposcd trces Lcgcnd MISCELLANEOUS Condo Approral Titlc rcport (A & B) Utility vcrifi cation form Photos of sitc Buil ding material samplcs C.O. Verification SurLShadc turglcs Urilitics (undcrground) Vicrv Corridors Varianccs Plat reshictions l- Buildablc fuea Eascmcnts 100 yr. flood plain Watcr Counc Sctback Environmen al Hazards Trees Utility Iocations EI SITE PLA].I Spot clcvations Scalc Building Hcigbt Encroachmcnts Sctback Sitc Covcrage Eavcs/Ovcrhangs (4) Dec[sitsalconics Gange conncction _ . Sitc Gradc\Slopc Rctaining Walls Fcnccs Tuming Radius Drivcrvay (access and grade) Snov Stongc Firc Access ;) August 31, 2000 A.R. Builders PO Box 610 Gypsum, CO 81637 Fax: 524-7395 RE: Huzella Residence, located at 3070 Boothcreek Dr. / Lol 7, Block 3, Vail Village 11rh Dear Andy, The Community Development Department has reviewed your application for the Huzella addition, located at 3070 Boolhcreek Dr. Unfortunately, I am unable to approve your appfication. The residence has maximized the site coverage (2Oo/" of lot area). Therefore, the proposed bedroom addilion would require a variance. Should you choose lo apply for a variance, please submit a Planning and Environrnental Commission application. lf you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 479-2369. Sincerelv.taaf- Allison Ochs Planner ll D epartment of C ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 MX 970-479-2452 utww.ci.vail.co.us t fnt\'f 4\ % {S on*r ro o".rftr thc pla.ri:ing stai;:r,.1r'.,-r i2.j APPLICATION FOR DESIGN RJVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This application i.s for any projccl rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rwicrv must rcccivc Design Rwicw approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. For specific infbrmation, see thc subrnittal rcquircmorts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd- Thc application cannot bc acceptcd until all the requircd inlbrnration is subnrincd. Thc projcct rnay aiso nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Torvn Council and./or thc Planning and Environntcntal Corrrnrission. Dcsign Rcvicrv Board approval crpircs one ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issued and construction is startcd. A. B. LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL:BLOCK:FiLiNC:...? F. c. D. E. PARCEL l:2 /O tOa3 a q OO.f (Conract Eaglc Co. Assessors Of6ce at g70-32E-8640 for parccl #) ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAIL]NC ADDRESS:\970 owNER(S) STGNATTJRE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: $50 Incltrdes any addition where square footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or commcrcial building. $20 Includcs minor changes to buildings and site improvcment& such as. rcroofing. painting. window additions. landscaping. fenccs and rctaining walls, etc. H. r."or o H'NE: 37 o - 3lLA E Ncwconstruction-$200 constructionofanewbuilding. 6lt'tlUf EI Addition - f mioo. Alteration - DRB fees are to be paid at thc timc of submittal. Latcr. whcn applying for a building pennit. please identiff the accurate valuation of thc project. Thc Town of Vail rvill adjust the tte according to thc projcct valuafion. PLEASE SUBMIT TI{IS APPLICATION., ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPART}IENT OF CO}TMUNITY DEVELOP}IENT.75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. vArL. coLoRADO 81657. TAWN qFVUu PHYSICAL ADDRESS: fot ADDITIONS {' g---- ,-tJ/rt tr @.... w... - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL GENERAL INFORMATION Applicants requesting the review of additions which require the utilization of an Additional Cross Residential Floor Area (CRFA) (250 ) request must also submit a Planning and Environmenai Commission (PEC) application. If the addition requires an Additional GRFA request, the applicant must receive PEC approval prior o Design Review Board approval. I. SUBMITTAI REQI.JIREMENTS One complete set of existins floorplans or "as-built" drawings with all specifications shown. A preliminary title repo4 including schedules A and B, to verify ownenhip and easemenB. Condominium Association approval, (if applicable). Photos of the existine stucture. Specifications of all materials and colors of the addition. Topoeraphic suwev, stamped by a licensed surveyor, at a scale of 1" = 20' or larger, on which the following information is provided: tr o o tr Ties to existing benchmarlq either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the srwey so that all measurcments are based on the same commencement point. Lot mea and ifapplicable, buildable area. Legal description and physical address. Scale with a graphic bar scale and north arrow. Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) ofa foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established comer. Topognphic conditions at two foot contour intervals unless the parcei consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5' contour intervals may be accepted. Existing trees or groups of trees hav'ing bilnks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a poilt one foot above grade. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural feahrres (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.). tr D a TUTN OFVITL orl Jbd/All existing improvements (including foundadon walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.). Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfall, etc.), centerline and edge ofstream or creei<, required creek or stream setback, 100-year tloodplain and slopes of40% or more' ifapplicable. Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc. ii& W^ Exact [ocation of existing utility sources and service lines from their source to the sbiuchre. Utilities to include: Cable TV Sewer Gas Telephone Water Electric .t / I ry^ Show all utility meter locations, including any pedesals on site or in the right-of-way' adjacent to the site. -l.tt W' 'r Indicate all easemenE identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report List any easement restrictions. ,i,'tr W! ^ Spot elevations at the edge of asphalg along the street frontage of the property at wenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot. Three (3) cooies of the followins: ry ft Site plan, at a scale of 1"=20' or larger, showing the following information: A Existingandproposedlayoutofbuildingsandohersructur€s. A Location of landscaped areas. A A[ new retaining walls with spot elevations for top and bottom of wall. A Locationofallrequiredparking. O Indicate roofridge elevations with existing and proposed grades shown underneath. wrt { Floor Plans, at a scale of 1/8" = I' or larger (l/4 preferred), clearly indicating the proposed addition. Building Elevations. at a scale of l/8"=1' or larger (1/4"=l' is preferred). .| If existing struchrre is proposed to be modified, show elevations of existing structure. O Building elevations must be shown, clearly indicating the new addition. If building ftces, existing or prop65sd, are at angles not represented well on the nonnal building elevations, show these faces as well. Show all rooftop mechanical systems, if applicable. El'- If the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicted, the Administrator may determine that additional materials are necessary for the review of the application. II. 1il. tv. fr PR E-APPLICATION CONFERENCE A prc-application confcrctrcc rvith Torvn of Vaii staff is rcquircd. No application can bc acccptcd unlcss tlrc nrtndatory prc-application nrccting has bccn conrplctcd. It is thc applicant'.s rc.spon.sibility to schcdulc this rnccting by calling 970-479-2128. TIME REOUIREMENTS Thc Dcsign Rcvicrv Board mccts on thc lst and 3rd Wcdncsdays of each month. A conrplctc application fornr and all acconrpanying rnatcrial lnust bc accepted by the Conrnrunity Dweloprnent Departnrent a nrinirnurn of thrcc and a half (3 l/2) wecks prior to thc date of thc DRB public hcaring. REVIEW CRITERIA Your proposal will bc rcvicwed for conrpliancc rvith thc Dcsign Guidclincs as sct forth in Scction 18.54 of the j. Muuicipal Codc. NOTE TO ALL APPLTCANTS: A. . Ifa propcrty is locatcd in a mappcd hazard arca (i.c. snow avalanchc, rocldall. floodplain, dcbris '. flow, rvctland, ctc). a haz-lrd shrdy nrust bc subnriffcd and thc owucr nrust sign an aftidavit rccognizing thc hazard rcport prior to thc issuancc ofa building pcrnrit. 'Applicants arc encouragcd to chcck rvith thc planning staff prior to subnrittal of a DRB application to dctcrminc thcrclationshipi of thc propcrty to nll rrrnppcd hazards, B. Basic Plan Shcct Fornrat. For all survcy.s, sitc plans, landscapc plans and othcr sitc improvcmcnts plans, all ofthc follorving nrust bc shorvn. I . Plan shcct sizc rnust bc 24" x 36". For largc projccts. largcr plan size may bc allowcd. 2. Scalc. Thc rnininrunr.scale is l "=20'. AII nlans must bc at thc samc scalc. 3. Graphic bar scalc. 4. North arrorv. 5. Titlc block. projcct namc, projcct addrcss and lcgal dcscription. (, - lndicafion of plan prcparcr. addrcss and phonc nuntbcr. 7 . Datc.s of original f lan prcparati'on and all rcvi.sion datcs. 8, Vicinity tnap or location map at a scalc of I "= 1,001)' or largcr. L Slrcct labcls and nunrbcis. l0 . A bordcr with a minimum lcft side rnargin of 1,5". I l. Narncs ofall adjaccnt roadways. 12. Plan legcnd. For new constnrction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate propcrfy lincs, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be removed must be tapcd, Thc applicant must ensurc that staking done during thc winter is not buricd b;r snorv. All sitc tapings and staking must bc completcd prior to thc day of thc DRB meeting, Applicants who fail to appear bcfore the Design Revicw Board on their schcduled mceting date and who have not asked in advancc that discussion on their item be postponed, will have thsir itcms rernoved fronr tbe DRB agcnda until such time as the itcm has becn rcpublished. ..' lf thc DRB approvcs thc application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval nrust be rqsolvcd prior to the issuance ofa building permit. C. D. E. $. ; Updated 6/97 OT ot STAFF APPROVAL The Administrator may rcvicw and approve Design Rcview applications. approve rvith certain modifications. deny the application, or nray rct'er the application to thc Design Rcview Board for dccision. All staff approvals are subjcct to final approval by the DRB. T}c following rypes of Dcsign Review applications may bc staff approvcd: A. Any application for an addition to an existing building that is consistent with thc architccnral dcsign. nratcrials and coiors ofthe building. and approval has been received by an authorizrd member ofa condominiurn association. if applicablc: B. Any application to nrodify an existing building that does not significantly changc the existing plancs ofthe building and is generally consistent with thc architcctural design. materials and colors ofthe' building. including. brrt not lirnited to exterior building finish materials (e.g. stonervork. siding roof .nraterials. paint or stain.), cxtcrior lighting. canopics or arvnings. fences. antcnnas. satcllite dishes. rvindorvs, slrylights, siding, rrrinor comnrercial facadc improvcrncnts. and other similar modifications; C. Any application t'or site inrprovements or rnodifications including. but not limited to. driveway modifications. sitc grading, site rvalls. removal or modifications to existing landscaping, installation of acccssory structurqs or rccreational facilities. ADDITIONAL REVIEW AND FEES A. lf this application requires a separate review by any local. statc or Federal agenry other tban thc Torvn of Vail. thc application fee shall bc incrcased by $200.00. Examplcs of such rcviov. may include. but are not limitcd to: Colorado Dcpartrncnt of Highwalr Access Permits. Army Corps of Enginccrs 404. etc. B. Thc applicant shall he responsible for paying any publishing fecs rvhich are in o(cess of5070 ofthe application fee. If. at thc applicant's request. any mattcr is postponed for hearing. causing the matter to be re-published. thcn thc entirc fce for such re-publication shall be paid by tbc applicant. C, Applications dccmcd by the Communily Devclopnrcnt Departmcnt to have design. land usc or other. issucs which may have a significant impact on the.conrmuiity may requiie review by consultants in addition to Torvn staff. Should a determination be made by the Town staff that an outside consultant isncedcd. the Cornrnunity Devclopmcnt Departmcnt may hire thc consultant. The Deparuncnt shall cstimate thc amount of moncy nccessary to pay thc consultant and this amount shall be forwardeC to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. Expenses incurred by the Town in ixcess of thc amount rbrw'arded by the application shall be paid to the Town by thc applicant within 30 days ofnotification by the Torvn. Any excess funds will bc renrncd to the applicant upon review cornplcritlr. Updated 6/97 VI. foj. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trinr ...Doors uoor lnm Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flti.slrings Chirnnclrs Trash Enclosurcs ' Grccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting*+ Other LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:i h E<, Vle ca 4t*;"5 oA t;gl n rv:tr -*t:nz3 '$-ruas + Please specify the manufacturer's color, number and attach a srnall color chip ** All cxtcrior lighting nrust meet the Town's Lightin, Or*n*." 18.54.0J0(J). If exterio-r ligbting is proposed, plcase indicate thc nuurbcr offixtures and locations on a scparatc tighting ptan. Identif cach fiiiruc fypc and provide the hcight above grade. lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut shcct ofthe lighting fixhres. ,.f f ' Updated 6/97 /LO rt ( Eu- ;5ot PROPOSED LANDS,CAPING Conrnron Namc Ouantit.v Sizer .PROPOSEDTREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTINC TREES TO BE REMOVED: GROUND COVER SOD QEEI\ IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL Fotanical Nanrc +Mininrum rcquircmcnts for landscaping: Trrpc ./- - dcciduous trecs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcightshrubs - 5 gallons Sqglrc Footaae OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATUR-ES tretaining waiis. fenccs, swimming pools, etc.) please specifi. indicate top and bottom clevations of rctaining walls. Maximunr height of walls within the front sctbaclq is ? fes1. Maxirnum heieht of rvalls elscrvhcrc on the propcrty is 6 fect. ,/ 4t'.f- Updated 6D7 t.fo T iTII,ITY LOCATION VERI FTCATION This fornt is to vcrifu scrvicc availabiliry and location for new construction and should bc uscd in conjunction rvith prcparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. Thc location and availabiliry of utilities, whethcr thcy be main tnrnk linqs or proposcd lincs, must bc approvcd and vcrificd by thc following utititics for thc acconrpanyiug sitc plan. Authorizcd S ignaturc Date U.S. Wcst Communications t-800-922-t 987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Scrvice Company 949-578 r Gary Hall Hbly Cross Elcctric Assoc. 949-s892 Tcd Husky/.lolur Boyd T.C.r. 949-5530 Fioyd Salaz:rr Eaglc Rivcr Watcr. & .Sanitation District * 476-7480 t'rco Hastcc * Plc:rsc bring a sitc plan. floor plan, and clcvations whcn signahrrcs. Firc florv nccds rnust bc addrcsscd. NOTES: obtaining Uppcr Eaglc Vallcy Watcr & Sanitation l.lfthc utility vcrification fornr has signaturcs fronr each of the utility companies, and no colnlncnts arc tnadc dircctly on thc fbnu. thc Torvn rvill prcsurlc that therc arc no problcnrs and thc dcvclopmcnt can procccd. Ifa utility contpany has conccms with thc proposcd construction. the utility reprcscntativc shall note directly on thc utility vcrification fonn that there is a problcm which nceris to bc rcsolved. Thc isr-uc shouin ihen bc dctailcd in an attached tcttcr to thc Town of Vaii. How,e'" r;, ,)::rse kccn in mind that it is thc rcsponsibility of thc utiiiry company and the appiicant to resolvc : -l ^- -: i:., , !.-.lrr vJr e.::-. Thesc vcrifrcations do not rclicvc thc contraitor of thc responsibility to obtain a hrblic Way Pcnnit fronr the Dcpartment of Public Works at thc Town of Vail. Utilit-v locations must be obtaincd beforc diesine in any public right-of-rvay or cascmcnt within ttirc Town of Vait. A '' Updated 6,/9? 1 3, Torn of Uailr*r CUET0IfR RECEIPT r*r 0eTE: 0/30/99 9l RECEIPT: flt37?E DEsIRIPTIITI OTY flNfiT lp N DESIG}I EUIEU FE 1 te8.00 IIIR CKN.R. ruILDERS ITT{DER I}ETAILct( 1371 |e0.fr Df,IE: E/30/10 TIllEr l1:E{:35 l(lTnt 0€o( |a0.rnflilT IEilDttrD |e9.gt Nilt|( YU' FM YilN PRYItrHTI RECEIPT_Tovm of Vail DATE RECEIVED FROM ttg 51455 ckChesh'C€HOIV PAID_ l| ll It:' N I lct [' l'--1 f\'[|. r a Town of Vail nt of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 *.., rfl"rt {4-ut%/W Address: Receipt No. Project:Dae .3 1)31fr) Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL Account No.Item No.Code #Cost Each Total 001 0000 314 1110 Zoning and Address Maps $5.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Building Code - 1997 - Volume 1&2 90 $50.9s 001 0000 314 1112 Unrform Buildinq Code - '1997 - Volume 3 $60.6s 001 0000 314 1112 International Plumbing Code - 1 997 $36,00 001 0000 314 1112 International Mechanical Code - 1998 (-6 $35.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Mechanical Code -1996 s35.60 001 0000 314 1't12 Uniform Fire Code LE'$36.00 001 0000 3141112 National Electrical Code an $42.60 001 0000 314 1112 Abatement of Dangerous Bldq.'s 1997 $9.95 001 0000 314 1112 Model Energy Code - 1995 $10.00 001 0000 3141112 Analysis of Revbions to 1997 Uniform Codes 912.75 001 0000 314 1't12 Other Code Books CB 001 0000 3141211 Blue Prints/Mylar Copy Fees BF $7.00 001 0000 3141111 Xerox Copies XC $0.25 001 0000 314 1111 Lionshead Master Plan ($1.80/$1.60)MS $40.00 001 0000 314 1111 Studies. Master Plans. etc.MS 001 0000 315 3000 Penaltry FeesiRe-lnspeclio ns PN 001 0000 311 2300 Plan Revie\d R+check Fee ($40/oer hour)PF 001 0000 315 2000 Off Hours Inspection Fees OH 001 0000 312 3000 Contractors License Fees 001 0000 3124000 Sign Application Fee SP $20 00 001 0000 312 4000 Additional Sign Application Fee SP 001 0000 311 2200 Design Review Board Fee (Pre-paid)DR 20,1 001 0000 315 3000 Building Investigation Fee PN 001 0000 2403300 Developer lmprovement Agreement Deposit O2-DEPI 0 001 0000 312 1000 Restaurant License fee fiOV)RL 001 0000 230 2000 Spec. Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.DeptRev.SA -001 0000 201 1000 Taxable @ ,0.5% {State) - Tax payable TP '001 0000 310 1100 Taxable @ 4.07o (Town) - Retail Sales Tax T7 Other/Misc. -MS 001 0000 311 2500 PEC APPLICATION FEES 001 0000 311 2500 Additional GRFA - "250"PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2s00 Conditional Use Permit PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Eltenor Aheration - Less than 100 sa. ft.PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Afteratron - More than 100 so. ft.PV $500.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development District - NEW PV $1,500.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development District - Maior Amend PV $1,000.00 001 0000 3112500 Special Development District - Minor Amend PV $200.00 001 0000 31 1 2500 Subdivision Fees PV 001 0000 311 2500 Variance PV $250.00 001 0000 3112500 Zoning Code Amendments PV $250.00 Re-Zoning PV $200.00 001 0000 319 3100 Greenstar Program Other -MS TOTAL:4 "o^^o3ofu-Ky#ap*,k \,e, - /ott/z Cash _ Money Order #Check #Received by: FrEveryon€y'Foms/sal€sact.e)(e ftO 06i/06/2000 tl Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name:DRB Number: DRB0l00l6 Proiect Descriotion: Temporary relocation of hot tub Pafticipants: oIINER HUZELL,A, L,ISA r{HEELER OL/L9/2OOL Phone: 1OOO QUIMTA ANTIGUA IJN EIJ PASO TX 199L2 Iricense: APPLICANT A.R. BUTLDBRS O!/I9/2001- Phone: 970-524-'1397 P.O. BOX 510 GYPSI'M, CO. 8]-637 License:488-B Project Address: 3070 BooTH CREEK DRVAIL Location: 3 LegalDescription: Lot:7 Block: f Subdivision: VAILVILLAGEFILING 1l Parcel Number: 210102304005 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Cond: 8 Action: APPLIED Date of Approval: No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail stalf and/orthe Design Review Board. Planner: JudyRodriguez DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 x9E aHgI€ arr>eg Eo ..t 6ltl o GI a, Fo ItolJ 5 .'lc oE.o hrr Eu;'or, "sl: f;Erbtt 6 *:,>oil rgtr I f;.; Ef fltrpu >c o 9.9rJ l{rJ71)OOltl ...E , > gtE I 2z,se -c|l |oo J -lt t 9o UJFt! L)zo() IJ €z EPo2u, ',,'= ;- trJ -l f-I)1.--..-l -t\- I-.--| I-'Ft. l---..-t-\I I I l |!o tJJ ko .9, ;E}EQrJ -tA F- H4 oo oF-co 1.. .y7E fa ulK<3ozq9 -j-o9ll, ulrj I8'?= lrl Fo-lrl =xFO(nE tJFoz lr, J () v,..,--9"1 **R3$-;|.rr)|.)Ui6cioo <oC)olr.l Eu €e' 8cr-eEl ILLUI =dt -9 tu UJ{'c\l "d(.o ([ 7 Ott o,ol st sNonu^TroNn$Iii,' t.l I ,') '... llrng uSAlN lHlt lt"il,:, -, xHOnA lASN ., JO VJLJV }v...-'\r*' +. I 'I '.4"" ,,, .'i;. I ,,1 t' I l*'iti **,tt ttl*t***t***f ***'l**l rl TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO St8rcrn€Ot+*'i+**tll**'i**'ffl+*****'t***l'f*ftti+*+'lt't**'t*t+!t********'*****ftr.*'ttt*******+'i*+++**t++,r**'l*t** Statenent Nurrber: ROoOOOO3?? Arnormt: g20.00 OL/L}/ZOOLO3:22 pll Pa)ment Method: Check Init: JAR Notation: 4438 Permit No: Pareel No: Site Addrees: IJocation: Thl-s Palrment: DR8010016 T!'pe: DRB - [inor Alteration 210102304005 3O7O BOO1TI EREEK DR \rArIJ Total Fees: Tot.al AIJIJ ttnta: $20.00 $20.00920. o0 Balance: $0.00*f 'r*+i't'tl**til****t+**+'t**f **'*t*'i********:t*'trt*{r+****++'t****f +*'}*f +t*'t******'itttt'i**'}****'i,t't'tt ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code oescripti on Current ffis DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEI,J FEES 20.00 oz E =E uJo-N U'tlj UJtt E =G, uJ tN $s I I Ictolae.l.{\: clP -<l6 I I I I I I l- IE t(',zlo r5 uJ FIz = ('zz utulFo2 z J € =zo ur.r F 2 :\F o o()o 6 sq) .c E 6 ooo o) =dl E =f o o (! =-g o o^o.Y!o sE .)ooE ad6.9'64'to €(g €5ro6pF FC ot*qo saNOpF 3?Fq eb!5oo PE Egoo3oGQD o.S =!t-'=9dig.tO Ef =!t.6gq9'o-!oE(! o-g .!E o) aho o{)E o "4': -o op (g E5C'=c)Ur g8E =.e R.Yo 6Eoc:: .= (! b F,5c-o ET: :€Fg >=c96 EE5 EEA =!E:€8 Eoet!: c.Y- (E o-o cL sEs(/,-o. Efie E6:EE EOo: EE E 6 5.E.c; c) -*E gEE '6>.96a x*; ,B'6 s9Eq) eEg -oG N oo o6l tr =e UJo-ozo -Jo xo IIJ oz .J F tlJ IJJ z6 =l (L UJ uJltzI F IIJE uJ o(o 3g ulEzI u,r o- uJ z uJ (J F uJ .Jt (n IJ.J IIJl! E = uJo- J FoF z ) 9 F UJ tr z =J Iz () urE NOrlVnlVA t7tsIFIFl.t:IJIt .: F Eeii6? 5F EU Xz6=3:) 2 uJ C' =>E --.D =lDN zz ho- 4 ;fe90rto7>.6:(!<oquJ t:q-v-5 jNi zl{ Al (J ut z Fl H r:l z (J z tr J { CE o (L l u,io- F oo c! o- IJJE J z Eo szo F- Elu BqJz Fzlz <oo< =FRdbo<z a =z Oz d63trOI uJ E aautz i* z F 5oz 3 F uJ --l I ! 6 o = -rl<ttrl:l zl .. >i ul IJJ IJJzo = ulc J zI E o z tr CD II lclolqt!td l;:llog & z + cv)(o -$O IJJ E U) tDo?zo Fc IIJY IIJdl oF F Eul o- l! -c):,o-@ x-.- gql 2= z .n9zz 2zlfJOlL lJ- =fi? - ;'i o-! -i t!6il> =E ul x ruoz f, L F GI JFlu-!,= dE =o-O|!9o\uJxo-x>fiFJ ul @ F co Ectoo Btt .E f E Eotl ,io =\ +. la! oIDE h=E =8:.o:! E =E. lrJ o-zoF(J E,Fozo(J EUtr Jrlr!rl 1 el ol IJJI rEl <lilI fl ozH =p Ff HN =d cal IEt IHl vtl(/) | | |>l r-l(/,l F-l o<l 'lr4t IHt I*l el al Elqt J sl Bllzl =l ;lEl olrLt Fl IIJI 1l al>l r!Iol zl =lPI zl sil uJl 1l <l>l |tq zl 3lolH loal- I lF-lCl col'l ..!liElF-lilsl6l dg'l Hol(4 F-l >{ ol1-ll'l c)e gd 1H#,,1 <Edi;44<) &trlFl F4zH A at) zE x HU' tsz ui =z (I] -) Frl Fllol Fll(.5l<l '.J IFllr{lrl H oz -tlL d I "l I 5 z, T() lrJ = Eir L' Z. EEOz. t- =#'-a O o FOlu E <F(lc) IJJ <zEUJF(nZo() !!n o lt o z =Fo o. i-E ! * r='J , ?E a=ziiii; ;€f ; i i = z i;=- ? i i : : !:ta:ia, EE gI I: 2 i "- = .= .= i;i::';2i?i2 = A.! .-a t = a;i;!:. ?: i e-Ei i:::;:: E ! i =i !i;?: ts trl Fl FJH rll-l f,,) }4 Fr FA r\ FT trl ts v tr,l ts F. crl E &F U) >rz H z z z H v) t .a E '= 9 U F n'l dz i c- .= = (7) I Fl Hz 14 Hv) U D z H .J) r4& E t F{ U) z E z /1 LurB Y\-<>xo,.,u >zzE<< att rl<v;Ai- 2aQr?d S*l-*s2q.-!? ^lrJv- o< ,." F=ZZuxs.l \ -'l its= <%ca or zkr F- ;'-q"rQsei*-<-f..<)io;;Itsz>h=<-p p=H3 :_'r l- - ^-' F- L.r\ ',, ' L! il*c> -J. c4 \Jatri'lz*,.; vHFQsxr<d rLrro(X->oyffi<uU=XH -FXl-a<C<qJFi..l sF irtts-tf.?(Fl:t+rkt a+ C. FI EN f--arf-a!t 0.-I? -F -arfi EF lr. !rI\/ F*lrt -E|e aF\ -aLI Fata *FlFf-ll{frr\EY rF. 11 A.rFl Ef-f .f-rr-l flJ*rtk6. € oz E =e UJo- F. N o NN oo @ o Nrn (n uJ UJlt E =G, uJG b{if, ee*eE +v,CA @ CA ofrl HA UJ HF{E u)H z F-) o\ Ch H€ 6. F{ NHH&A 1=zl() Ir1 u- -rt|! (ti0d l(, Fr,zulo IJ uJ F o e,oF et-in ==o (9zz z fiAA o &tll 3'zFOOHz?oP =-d,qH =rA)zoo .a \J O11 =Fl2< Fl &AA tI]A ,$ .sq \r\ \2\\ l\rs IJ ItILtltlII IT 1 N. it" ,\)'\ 16, i$ Ft. A z IrI tJ $r N'v\t \'\ A oootr6 .Ett 5oE o Ec6 ottooo .g =Jo E o =cl !to s CIcl6 '.9 E 8gEE diOii -c 8fi 5.E.l|o-;CLE€.crC;elpF FP .g; 5ENO -oIcc att;q EF-.8oo 8FfioElfc)03o6cD o.E:tt ii ffo 6E(,O'== El'iE59 sR ttoc6t: sg.0E tr .9aot, !6oDoo c -9 s).:.a .ct =o Eco d:gE6C'=Od} g8E EEg €sE E!Ec96'- cLt E E'E ECEboOiEo.9; e EE is.;3 SEr €Ei EiE EiE eo'Cd o'-€ac gEi P Ilo ;EEI c\O6EEtocD -o6 EE PH<F \ s \ N N .if, |n F .dl o\@ !n @\t\o tl oi o F @ @ CN + Etc uJa('z6j @ I C)llJ C)z Jo. J Ic, Fot! u, oz 6 = 9z uJt X ulu,ll.z9F UJcoutE oE oo =uJtItlczI ltlo tratlo uJo o. =2 llJJo x F ruof v, UJllJlt E =e IIJGJ FoF az6 -Jl @ IcFoutJur 0z to- =Jo- cz -oIt,I ,ts IOtrvntY tll>l : i " lH =rXlal= io N lFll " l-rl 'E cal 14c t= I Eldz z v- zlltto oo I e a =E;lF fi i sglg HiEEIE zIF fJ q o A og UJo. oc{ (Y) E, o- uJE z E zo F G IIJ x P(x;} UJz I atEz z tr 5 ==oI 1 Fz zfJ UJ =o olBl i"'r I at,ulo ul -troozI, I e{lcnl E =F 9.|rl l Jl<ltrl =l zl .. >lo uJo uJlltzotr: .Eulo- J zI troo (h I& ch &l €(v) & l-{ |<l I rI1Iq)l dli-i Itr'lo.^loztool3 5 <t o,'alioH UJJul rn tr]X C\ ()() h c, Jll. oJ 3 F uJ ttooc h U" t1 +r'it< l=totahtultzlllo t:lo-t> I' l2lo IFt<IJ lotz @ @\f (f) (n I& t- | .l Fltlt 2H .J)z A a()7n ;E H13 oip H EEi aHg ul Eo @oazo Fo-utY ulo oF E =sgd,qt!l l- F-t o-JOol"alrl Hu,26 tr =Eluo.ltoE9E3€8TED9'Er =>E d=E FE E FEI hut E Fisiu/ao' P rmw't E =e, lrJ o-zIFo3 OE n,zoo Ftrtr s\\\ C\ I. rh\{ ).. Iftq3 /1t14 ,arled4 hIaq/, 4 /, 4.4a / 4 "A L), / oz C,urG J ltoz =oF oz ctUE J t!oz-oF +l IE FT F1 FfH FlH H u) I'J& E Ha z 'li=z coo-t @ Ic.lt\ o. o Hz E zo Fl 6 =llPt .l tst rI]l(/rl > | >..1 < |ztltol>l 04 |c)l(fi Iztl<l \o Izl €t It(\ |.l- | "laEI H?t q =Jg3 l-- @o\ c.l I.{.\4s & FT Fl Hl HI*l 4l '--r I\tl Fll d H 3 H trl t C)H 14 NF\N I c'r\o\o Irn c\I o.l CJ2 cilllE J ltoz =oF z Hts &Hu)z (9zHHz Fl Ic lt t-E irg o2 oQ Hmm FILT lmn 75 routh lrq|trge rcrd YCl, colorld,o 81657 (3Ur).79?|38 (3Gr) 479'2139 olflce of communlty developmenl February 27, 1991 David and Nancy Nystrom 1235 3rd Avenue Ipngmont, CO 80501 Re: thal Certifleat€ ot occuPaDcy for Lot 7, Bloclc 3 vail vitlage 11th Flltng Dear David and Nancy: I an writing this letter to rnake sure you are antare of requiremenls which must 5e met before your project on the above lot will be able to receive a final CertificatJ of Occupancy. These conditions are listed below: 1. A test sarnple of the proposed cape cod transparent stain nust be presentla to the Design Review Board for final approval before the residence is painted. The test sample may be painted on a small portion of the residence for DRB approval . 2. Because of the inpacts on the willow area along Gore-Creek, staff feels lt is- appropriate to require that an additional eight wiltows be planled along the bank. If you disagree with this requirement,- you nay ask tnat the Design Review Board to review ttris starf requirenent. staff is concerned about the willons as the construction removed a slgnificant nunber of willows. 3. The landscaping along the north gide of the garage should conply with- the revised landscape plan, which used larger materials. COPY, Davld and Nancy Nyrtrorn February 27, l99L Page 2 If you have any further guestLons about these requirements, please feel free to Contact ne at 479-2138. I am sure you wiII be very happy to fl.nish up your proJect. The house looks greatt Slncerelv,r) I 0.i dnrtr\'ffrfKrlstan Prltz Coumunity Development DLrector /abcc: Dan Stanek / " ('| I 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPIIENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE oltlce of communlty development rn sumrnary, -ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, track. or deposit any soiJ., ,o.f<, sand, debrisor naterial, including trash iturnpster!, porlabr" ioiret! ;;a---workrnen vehicles. upon any streetl siaewaix, ;ii;y or publicp1?9" or any porrion rheieof. rne iishi-;i-;;t-;n alt rown ofVail streets and,Igags is approxirnateiy 5 ft. 3ff pavemenr.This ordinance wir-r- be striil:-y enforcld by the rown of valrPublic works Der:artment. pers6ns found "iir:.iiing this ordi'urr".Yirl. be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said rnateriar.rn the event the person so noti.fied does noi -ornpry with th;---notice within the 24 hour tirne-specifiea, it"-p"iric worksDepartrnent wirr remove said, mateiiur it tir.--""p."se of personnotified- The provisions of this ord,inance ;h;ii not beapprrcable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the rittt-"_r"y. To review ordinance No- 6 rn fu1r, prease stop by the Town ofY?il Building Departrnent to obtain a copy. riranr you for yourcooperation on this roatter. and acknow ,..;34,-'o::{l ,1 ilv.{to'r Qcsi,t+,tc-e P-ro4Sg--=ar3r* *. Gt as tt-t $3s_.-- o F I arn ern*1y*;i s; '1,lre I'788 l.Jni{mrrn f{f,sInEf{rr rFif:Ft,' nH, T (Ji: Town o+ V:ii. 1 ;-S $. Frclntnqcil Ri.:iid V;ti I , f,r:l orado {lltr57 (3{rf,) 47i}-7{-t{-t* Pri:r j nc l- I rJ r i{Y5TFnf.l rjrridi-e$c.: f,r)7{:1 Ec:ltlTH a:..-F' |'+ -.....-r. " I1-i !.1 tr.r.._, , I l.L l-1,;:r r* r.i{ Ljar:st; l..t-[ii b astecl $n Elr-ri 1di nq Cilds Ii*rte: $siptnnrhrer .i9, 1989 []cn l:.rsci:,.:r : |.-AiiTii{E |]i]l''15T, Ai-r:hiteci::'lUNCIr f;lf:.].CH, t"lAffEE Er-,q:.ne*r-; Fli.ll\lE .JUE "]ilF:RI!]F .l a:-r ri lii:r .:in r n t':r ; ilOTE:Tiii: ci:rjr: ;i {: errrr! i.:i:;l:eid in i:hi- r'{?Ecli-t *1i-e fi(]f- ,r. r-,t*,?ni:ied listir;rJ o{ ,,.r1 1 ;:ns--i bl e code' requti.r-e,merrt:-, irri:he lTgiU UFlC. !;el. €?c t '.+ci ::+.:tr'. ori::i o{: t: h '-.r '-:,:1,-ir:. l-1IRE_CTIDH r.rt.llJh,D--* NCIRTH f :'urb .[ i. c u,ry r: ft 5 -l F't c, ;:i e'r l.: r J. j. ri e S0LJ f H Fru;:a+r- i r, .,. .i r1i=, l.J[:s-r i::.1-,: p c,,r- f ,.,, :irr,: Ai-e,a i 11r::t-sla:5*:ri i:.1 ,::;i)7, :lHF rlitAl-I Of'l rlREri r:"rLlFlEAGE lJ. r.,r i:rc.: c-: t i, 15 " i-) lr: "'r't i',J . ; i i;r.:,+r i-_ .],lJ. i-: F:et f i:r i::;:l r:il {Lr-(ia ,}n ':.. ': r,F :.iFif'T!::i:T i t-.il..: i:iJ, t,r Fr,:ei-, .l li. i-i ir:t* L 15" 1-! F(:.rr"]t ::ii-: " {-i ,ir:!r:r't L ; i. ci r,:r--. . FL lr:-il lLr 0[C i'lFtx ;j L i-( fit{ilF? i-i..-L[][.'li:D i:l]l l: li Sl-i]l-U:i i Dwr.+l L i n r:r T0'rAL rjnR Fl_{:rt}fi: .[ F:',ar- i,: i ng fis|rrg* :l- nr^iel. 1 i ncl TOTi\L F{:ltl t-l_o0R FUiLDING ATAL L:] [': o[..: ,-r L, n[': cJ i-i t]I.; q.'r.\.^-Lt 6,*g Loco*-\,tl"l1 F{iI MI c:f:: trll dl l:: J.489 LJr' I i.489 Un1 {r 15 ilrr I 3387 Unl ::ig(:i;i un I 4391 Unl i rn i t:liJ i ini {:ed i mi tsd i rni ted i mi teii i mi ted t\\ e& g.6\rc*e i-ev'. \o.4..,^ .= - h.5{ d"'o"..,* , L= ?--=por,tsi\ole Q" Sc.rb th'.\^S- 6 -rc$s.Ertr$.s-!c ffi i:r.,\(l;:" +; ? Dode ;-,:-=v i, i:r trJ il:i-: i*ro jiect I c! " : !.1Y5:iTFiilil F.E= I 'EFjf:Elii:jd r r:s:; ; ;1t-)7i:, ::ifjOTl-{ ni::iEEl':. 1ll;: I Vi: E;.:TERItrt.: [,JFlLi- '-1l-iE R*Tilififj i-iND fiFrEN.ilit:i r,FtOTFuTIr_]].,1 l',ib I r:: 1.7-A li i;ii.:.r. t+ 5 -A F.iUR-f i-r [,AS:- li'-]UTl{ t4E5T iiL-fl I:JRB f'lf:f{-'AF:$ ilFf{r"i ilRfi l\inN-*!1ffi fii'-,Nti Bnii i{OFi.-FRi:i {itri.lff Liflti l{Ot{*L{RG nFNffi l'.JALl* te,l6i-1- F fiinT riJAL!- lriAl"..L. PRi:ll $lA\L.l- trtd.il.L l;]!.:C]T bJALL td/.\1'-1.- F F(OT' l;l:.1; t,.lirr- i-ihr' l! rr €-' i:;hr {.}ilr- l'li::ner il)hr- i-)!-ir l'.I*ril.* i:rhf" t-thr- l{on*: !"1:1. i:::l"r r i:lhr' l"lcr:r: i::!hr l..tl-lr Nlftnw (:lhr i..!i-r r- l'lnne {-}lrr i:ihr Nnrre 'I'frrl r*r:te':r':itrr' w.r.l. L* rnay br* r:f Cfif4Ht.J{iTILiL.Li ina{:r:rri...lrI. fi{irfi,:;::{:}.l. " hhne+ --" lriri {: ir'$ pi'rtE:c [:i nrr r,*ciL.ri r Eriti6]r"] [ !,j .For npeiri:irrql*" l-:'t'r.t i: --- i,l;:r i;i-t i riqis i:!".: !:r: b*: prr::tei:teid i^rith .l/4. hr' i ir{in {:rFi::{.irni-.! I it'rr=", l:: {::i l': r:i i: Lli* ,:rr ei.r cii: i.:.:l-i |* r,Jc-l I I fiaii i nrurm, sec " ?ti-i.3. (h ) i;: i.ab1s:i 5..fi l'l.,.rir:i- iiii.irn ::i.i. nr:t1e: ;+i-nd*pr r+i:e ::.l; iil4 *r1 .ft ',,1i. t-h ni:: d:j,m*n:,-;it:ri qr-r;,r. 1::,lr 'ih:rrr 1? {.aet, ---- $elc. 4.::i;t)&. tfr) ftlllF --- i..i;: e-:n:i nt* .1i.- er riot perini f-t*d i n t:1i.:l N..rI L'isr --- -i irE:g* l+;r1 l. = n:ay he requri r€'d to hs{ver "r p*rarpiet i.rn.i. .i ;:{:i :i i-, i: fi ri?i iit-r *'.'i.:' f.h* ;'-i::*f i riq. ih+ parsperi: wal I i x, r-':lqr-ti recl tc-. !-i +,','LJ thtJ .;-3i-,te -iire :'" i.} :ing 3= i-i:E !r;a11" Seal =ecIion 171-]9,, {u iJet.rj. 1': *nd ilr}i {::srr' f- i ,jn r: " il: ri-iEF: I-1LJ I Lil L Nfi ELEI'|ENT{:: 't-ab I '.€ i 7-;} E. L- L:;1h.1'.1 | Intc'lli. nr .itr+..rr" i ng r.t*L.i lrli-r.r-i r':- ;r, rrrl-rl-ir r..:+ll 5t r-urc i: i..rr a.l. Fl- aine t'1ATIr{i. AL fin r' frny Any i::(PrT I fd$ t-r hr Ohr (.:! ht,' O trr- -r fi|- O i-r r- i-) hr' Ncln e I {L,' I E: il il':le -i: ,:c t :-t r:t i'.: it 1 .:Jtj.,ijr- i-.!__ri..,t Li iiJr- r_:, 1.i.? F:r tsr-i nr- 5 i: t- lrrt i:i-.*rngl /irr v Sii.i{ h i:incI u:+ltr-*Any i:1 oor,/Cerri 1 !. nq r+*e {-.nhl y Any ilor:tr;'fir+ j. i. i. r'i i.; i-rs,::i*riiri I y Aii.7 Stai. ri:Any NflTEr S*el Sec. 17tlt&, (er) ft:r Slra{t Enclor:urre ellce;:ti r:n-+. F00Thr0T H5: 1i l"li ni ni m t:n elxtsrri ar gide l:rLFo If aF,ed on elx Lprri r hi'r:j ,, r..,ra 1 1 r-i:qi.rl.r-e'meirts. 9) Itt arear; *ti th vr*hic:1e.lg or' $i rF'1rtfiHili1 i:fre fls(]r s;urr'f .rcr-' gl-r;.ll l he ol: noncombtts;ti bl sr, nonabsorLre?nt materi a1 E. -.- $pc, 7t]:. {b} tr 9tl?" (b) oc{:tJF'n Nt]\' $EF'AftAt" I Ciit$ Ef,-f'l1 lhr f'l'.:.t ei- i..-rl e approvecl {or- thr cDnEtrLtcti c:n i:ir Fr requri red on t}re garfige i::ide mril y *rrd I ::;i'i3 inch r:n.[ i cl r:ore!, |iei f --cl cr"j i n c.; r]iir.lr'. -- se-,c "5{}3. id) ':sx ';f:j riDD I T I ONAI. i:.EF'AF:AI. IOi{s F{:JR FIf, OCf,I.IPr.INCYI FOFI I'4I. OCCUFAITICY; [r."ii-.le ,il' :i r.trie r" e v:i iti+ {r:rr Frl:jtrct Id" ; NYSTRI]I4 liESiSENCE ItdtJrc*1::i.5 ! :::;():I{:r Bnn rf i t::f:lEf:l:: DFi I vH Iii x i T FrEi'!u l. REi'tH.trtT$ ciI:1. i.JAPIH OC|]UPTT{T NUIIFI}:I EX i T f]AhII I RATTD DO[]F{ NOTES; l-{-}AD REiltjIiiED t\IIDTH [{t.] HnHFi ililftRiDilFi $h,Il'.Jf.i I Driel l. i ng :i :1. il " L No FI': N.r'fjt"inTrr,L :j :,. { l. ) ;t. J. { i:1. :i } l'.lr: l'.Jn Fl,/it I I:r-,-;,.i *,.. i:...- --,...,,rj ,-,.r, qle :l I t,I i',ln hln F.l./R 1 3r**:1 .i i nq n 1 {)": l.Jci l'.h: l!j./Fi; l"ill-Ai.- 11 :l ( :i t:1" I ( il,,;:i) i\.lif l"lrr N/l( Tn xrn;r$ whr*r'e 3 i+xi'L,r; ars re'quri red, thr;* mininilrrrr separ-;r-titrn :i. g; 1r'2 of the rrr.ali:i ilrl-rm rii agnna.l af tlrE? fire{:l {:.}r {:lr:or-. --- Sec. 3}t-t3. (r:) Doc,r gpi rrrg is bar'ec! trn S*c" if,(-:4. tb) *xcept as; notE:cl . l.J r:: r: i-ii:r ai;n j: i.nr,r-i ::.9 Lr*r;e'rJ r:in Tahl.e .lli-4" :riltrriber r:l s:x i +:g i * bagrsd orr -f i:ibI e li.l-A Fxcy:nt iiFi, ri c.ji: eri " :f:t i L r.v i dth i si h*;:*:rd $n i.:itll{:: , ;::i:il" itt ) , l-hs: rri..rrni:i s r- ri, il ( ) ..irtl inclurcls scruDanL ioarlinq '{:rnm { l nc,l-:: .titr c:\,'el l-hi.s.Flcor" *_ Sec, ::.:, .jrl. , (h) r,-nnThln rtri.: . STAIR }.IOTEI.J: il st,sirp,la!, irr ;,i cJnerl. I irrr; ini.rnt he at i. e;ist -alf: i nchr+:i uri. *" --- S*;: " lll]t-tc'. ib)'Tlie in,"rr: i llr-rm risel *f a t;tr:rp ig S !nchssi ;tnd t-hll rn:r.ri:iinlim run :iu I i. ficht*g. ---- Sec" :1;!{i6, ic) e:.:c,'l*1. F'r"civi ris x h.:,rncir-s.i I {rn nrl, :3i aJ{t "i sta{i rr,r;ry lii4 Lci li,$ i t:r.:h;lr:i .*i:;t';,:i t,lie nm*i rtq i {: thi:re i.'s nore.' .l:hair 4 ri:";errs" -- $ec. lllltld:. ( j ) Frr:vic|e*c;r..lar.di-.;ri],l'..th'+rr+arr:'pn.f{j.grJr'r:.'i,lclt.i:.l"t":ir;,:]tJ.i.l'rr..]r.::.'l',,i'!ini;nt.tlleit.l|lt* J{:r irichr:g* tn:*r i. rnlrn upr:lni r-r{l lii:{ E-i ,*: Cr irrche=. --- i:i r'.-" u: . i. i:i. i,, i;rir c: il Tlre: nii i-ri rnLtn ha'adrot:m i.g 6 f t.-- 13 i.nchss:. -- ilec, ll. f-:{:. (ir) En 1oslr..ld i-ig.;lrtrle.l 1:!par:Gi uridelLhe r;l:ai r": i s rrnqLri i-ed i.'- ': [;-' 1:r-c:tLc*'- {:ud *ts r-r:qni i'ed 'f or lhr f i. t-e-r*gi s;ti ve con:;tructi on. -- {iec. f,;C!6. (n) ROOFINE REOUIREI"IENTS: I) The !-oo{ing on this br-ri Ldin6 ig not reqiti rerj t- r: be -iire retarclant. -- Tahl.er f,?-A At.J'IOt'lprTIC SF'R I Ni'iLER liYSil-fl'15: STAr{nF :t PE REtilJ I liFl'lHltlT$: l,ilALL AND C|:ILING FINI$H: 1) lral I and reiling {ini.:;h mat-r..irials lir c+ r a,.c1t.t:i rsicj i:c: ci:rn1:r1y r^ri i:fr ;ft:r c , il:(:l!i. . { a ) $nd "l-,gl:l1 r: rl.? -[t . ?) Carpeti ng ori waI i. = "rnd cei l:r ng .rre reqni r-ed to h,-,ve "r []1;i:lsi I f 1*r"nt: t;prnad rat:.n9" -- llec. 4i1tl4. {h) :.::',il :-a:i:l ji. ilt;dn r''*rr i trw ir:rr"r i:'rr:.iErrL id, : i'.iYSTF{ili.| Flti:iInf[]Cf i:iddre:l*: :5i-J i{:! ;JtfOTl-i ilFi[il:i:. ff:{.i'.ri:: I il{itiL*T I'ftt t'.it.j'r=iii : 1.}i\].I.i'l-i:lit''i].'ri:'l'c;nilii:r1:',.:r'-.j.;i.i'j.nr':J.t.ttlij- :ipr.iilat::;.'',.l'-i:.ri..i;i::-i|j3i:i"',il+';;.li'.-lric|;.rin.l,tiiitli'ttitii;iili:jj,::ijli.'-.-'..;:i..,.'.:.l:.]i']} i.': :: i:,; :!. n ;:r ,::ilri i::,::i:l i. }:lal y:FaC!.: ,:in C : f-r i.' 'i:;,tli ri r.l .i-:,; :i. ri i-Liii i:.i.;t r..li'i..';t ',; :i'11. I i-rr cm:i. i. i rii;, -'-- !i:lr. t 7i.:li , ii; i +:,:.li::. i[].i :) Fc,*m ;:,L i:{-='i:i'-; -i.:-r.t-r.i.ltic;rs €i.'il :'-Eqlti i-",rd Lc i-ie 1;r i:i:.txa:1...:i:! . -- iii,:i:. i.7'l. l;j. i-rL-A ;: l. f.i E !::r ii Lll.J I I i i..: l'!i : :'.! f 5 I :.) #;L.i i.;.i..:r:: i rrrl j.:-r it;i:r.rl cir:lr,i l.i:r.:1. j. r:in:; iit i-t.:,'-:lLri i. r'rd -'l i: l: r."- i-;; i.r;ir-i: i?'t..i !1..:lr:inr3 m*i:,::r:i.::1., --" liies" ii4tl5. 1*1 I r:rDD i -i I OhlFrL- f tEilLl I FiEi.lHf'lTlli I !:,-r- l::, _::: r.rF i-1r | '_- t'' A1i triitiirg:m:;, t'i.rL,er- *1i:i;'=i: i:::onrp;rr t nrr.lri t *. " l.;:lrris:j; i., t- i:ri:riril :: trr:i :l;I rr'ri. 1.tt- .:1t-il;:r':3 :;h*.1, I tt (,r ilr"i::v:i. rl$i:i wi. {:h n,ltr-ri"*J. vi::rr l::. 1t::rt:i. t:r; i::" .., ,;i..:r::i-iFi|i.,tii.[ v*:nt-i 1;.i: j. cn Eys.L€]fi per ir,,8F U.F.[:. cii- ;?,, :iEic. i.i:-]l: i.: i " i:i rti:pl lice cila=r:ls i+i-Ei r'EqLt.'- i't:d i:,: .-litvF cr 6i t- i Inr-in'r . -lir.- .i:l:-r'. r'.:l:i iii:r 'l: r: tr:p l{ tt:r,n j. nat- j. c;n c;p. F:i rr,' .i. acel { 1t..ie pi. pe i il; :" *.:t1r-ri. r"*ij tt: :-, $i: .:.r{: t' er:is: j. b.t e: -i r:ii i l. iir.i;"r i. r-r il lf Ll i' l:: ci 1:r e '::n ,, Iiscr:r'eri:iva: {i.r'tl1:ri-rce cl-iirnirny carp; 'i.c: l::.1 r-crig;-ti-r.rct:.;d i:i: n{--:r'r -'i-:urnl:ur:r'1..1L) I !i i ,ri:ert.;i:1. s Only one st:i id -f utel burrrr j.rrg f irelpl$ce psr clhrel I irrq r.ri-i i L j r::; a1 iol+pdper To',r,n o+ Vai. I mlrn j.cipal ccde ch. 33. trr-d:in.rn,:e nn. ::4, $l cpt*tJ gL ar j. ng and ::tryJ. i. qhts 'tc: be constri.rcted i:i-n cl .i rri:-.t.r-r I 1, ecl ,:er 11?EB ".J. I:r. t. i t,,.t I " -_:'.t . AlI {utel butrring equipment shal1 be assnre-,d ar siLt{f icj errt :i;urppL y r.r{ cornb Ei:i on ai f- Fier 1.98R U,, I'1"t'. ch,, /:. A1 I apPi i ances ancl ma'chani c;i1 €lqui prnpnt shal 1 i:;e i rrst.n.L 1,=d pr-r i is mant.t+.tctLtr€s; Li1iting pEr 19gB ti. f'1. C,, ch. 5, sr:c, 5(14. All appl ianr:eE; n(n cj .rrFchani c;r1 eqt.ri prri€:rit shxl:i- he nrcr:r,.:!i::i. Li l. r...1 i:rr" irrspecti. cln, '3ervice, r-epair ancJ repJ. ac{:nl{:1n{:- r'li t|.-roLrt r-ili"riovi nqJ pelrrnarrant rcir*'trnc Li *n. Fmr' L?[]B t.J. t'1" i.; , c'i-.,, 5,r ::,(.-ri:: " i;i:!5, Al. I heat:i ng and g$Bl i nq eilLli F.ner!t L cic.nte:d ::. rr a r.t;r';lqe ,irr!l r"lii i ch qatrelrntes il glnt.t, t:tpinfl [,: crr" +larn€? !:rh r:r 1 I l.:r e inlii:rrl1ncl urri i:: li L:i:r"- ::i.[r:r'1.r,, br-trnt:rs and 'i:ni Li:hes a.t laargt L8" ;.ihl:rvt: {.[c],:r. P*'r- i. ci$tl t-l.l,l.tl. r.:h. 5. :irir{: , SilS " filI i.roi ler rnoms srh;ti I b:r er:iuri ppell witfi ":r .{; Iour rir-.:rin, par .i g'i38 t...,.P|"n, ch. 1,11., snrc. ?11?. AII frterl qa:i pipinfl sh;rl l l:er :i. nsit,,r.!..i. t'.lr;:i l:r t+r :L rlljli.J [-i.1,1 "il" i.:h. :i:. l: : tr ''. ,it 5 i-incier :'-trvi. {*w J: t]r- i i:'rci-ir:cL. id,, :: f'!YSTfiO:.| f:;i:S:i:DEi..iUE AtJ,jt't' :;$ r iiilTi) iliil-) i-l{ i;RFEi: nFi.t {.i i: ril .1, ilci:i. F'ti-.t!'fl r:,: ll fr ",rL,r'::'i:: il[.],:tr.rii *lr,:r.[ i i:e+r'ali irai i:l et i:n lftu i::r-it r i d& r'f f.hel L: t..i j. I ci i-i i -::ld gir.:r11 i.:.:,l r:qlri. !:l:te* Nj. i:ir s h'.rck dra'f 'r dsmfri= y- " nl. :!. pr,; i,ri: ). i? t1,rlt.=r sii.ri:p.i. ./ .' j. iisri.i. ":;hal .1. b*r p,rr:te:tell:j i.Ji'r:h ,rpprnv+rJ h.:i{::i':,;:.i.t:;+rir,lrr:i.t:':i.:::;i;:.t:l:]i.'l.]v+:l.l.1.l:i':r.01l:!{]':t'.l|1llti{:ti{:]I1.ieil:'t*.i.lrt.lplr'i bni l sirg i: i'" i. '',' ;,r'i: r:: fi r.:ir-;lE rj .il.r:::r cii-si ns iii:ry ircr'i i:irl *i:rrngrted t: a i:lir= br;ti lcli rig i..lfiriiti:u ;,irid .-..e1:i: 1ii.les Lirii. u!:g ;ji"rci arl ts []r-ct'. eci ific(ilcLiJr iE irt::;Lsi i.ed" [,ioi:Lj br.ri-ni ng sit- ci\".'e] rnirr,;'h n:eEi l: Stsrt* r:f Crl. *r-;rclc'r f-{-irclr.ri r*:rilrr}rri.:ri, j. n acid:i.tir:ri ts r:;Lalrd::t-C r: i.:iJ E: r- iltgLt i r- 6trnEt.n LE " Frevi,Jr ;:' to,r:i. ridfiFl i:ir- rit:ur i:i:: 'i.:lie;t *rx Ltlr-i *i' irr:rn *:vi+ v i'licirTl l..r* i:ri:i { i::rr- s 1 t:i.lp i rr r; , ---- il'ir, l1i:i)4,. r':r wi n,:lnv.t niusl ;:ri':tvi Cr: *-r r:1i?er {rpt:'n ai-sitii i:11' 5, ;1 i:q " ::i.- , + ci r.ir" itcri.i+;r'L n+ 14 irt*fie:l ,, *lfid * i: l. c...eirr widlh ,:i: ?iJ i ncf'rBli {nrj. ni inuriii i ,, --- 51.:t::. i.:;it:r4. {:il. t heLlit;,rh.ll.ti: r"fic:ft!; i'r:lqLr:i. r'* +*iri:ilri r:r- gl.;if,**cl ,F€?ni. ngl; r,:.ti1t.r*.1. Ll: L ilili i:r fl'rirlf" Ei irrri: thr,l i 1;::r:ir ni'r!;i, irnin i t-t |:e.f t.1 .-.- liiec. l.Jt-!:li. (ei: :1.|. I it;ihi L,:tii1r :-ciiiiris r-*qrri r= €:rI opie.r;rL:l s e::terr j- or operii riilr ,:*c1i.,;i f. i: r: IiiL ftr' ,-ni:rr r.:+ ${: t::il|l f 1r:i.rr- iirl'-ii?;t, (nrir-n 3 *ifi,.f: b,,) ---- sr,ri:. :L::ii:;. ifil Tl-rT:,i rli:i. ni rllr.uii t:+i i.:i. nq iti $ iri:Lri t.abLi+ t;[t ri\,":t !] i.$ lr -i: s:r:t in :!. , I {.. I i f....i :':; ,ji:. i::(il .:} i: l.:itcheln.s, h:til€, ;ind bath.;i may have a csiling height o{ 7 $net, --sec. __. 1::r:)7, ta) Frnvi de a ::rnoksr rJetector- i. n erI 1 areas; havi riql acc€rs!; to l1t*;+p:L ii 1-1 rncfns. "--- Sec. i:ii-i. iai 4" Frovi ds a smof:e clet':ctar trn al I { l oors that i !: coirnetrted i:s i*n al arm riltdi-bLe in .:r L i. r:;1er*rpiile a1f-r*as. -- 'Sr':c, 1?1*. {a} 4. For l'1 I oc tr Lr['J c1n c y ra hwn 75 south tronlage roed vail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2'138 (303) 479-2139 August 7, 1989 office ol communily developmenl Mr. Jin Reich Junge, Reich, Magee AfA 4l-4L Arapahoe AvenueBoulder. Colorado 90303 Re: Nystrom residence, Lot 7, Block 3, vair village Eleventh Filing Dear Jim, on August 2, the Design Review Board gave final approval to the Nystronresidence with the following conditions: 1. The floodplain nodification must be conpleted per pEC approval on July 24, 1989. 2. The natural drainage pattern will be maintained on the westside of the property. 3. The Board reconmended that cape cod be transparent and tharyou do a test sarnple for DRB review before the entire houseis painted. 4. The landscaping along the north elevation of the garageshould be increased in height. A revised plan should besubrnitted to staff for approval. In addition' I wanted to sumrnarize the conditions of approval from thePlanning Comrnission approval on July 24, Lgggr l-. The owner shall be responsible for notifying FEMA of themodification to the floodplain. 2- The owner shalr be responsibre for obtaining a letter ofapproval fron the Arny corps of Engineers for the floodplainnodification. 3. Willows, other vegetation, and natural Gore Creek arnoringshall not be disturbed south of the property J-ine per theHydro-Triad letter date July L4, 1989. Willows on the Iotshall not be disturbed by fill per the PEc approvedfloodplain nodification site plan. 4. The height for the proposed residence using existing gradeshall be calculated fron elevation 8,296 feet. 5. The owner shall not object to a possible future strearnwalkalong Gore creek which would allow for public access alongthe strean tract. This statement shall be written and signedby the owners and recorded by the Town of Vail at the Eagle County Recorders office. The applicant shall be required tocover the cost for the recording. This letter should besubnitted with your building perrnit appllcation. Also' please subnit tbe two letters for the floodplain modification assoon.as possible. These issues must be finalized before a buildingpermit will be released for the project. rf you have any further guestions, please feel free to call- rne at 479-2L38. Sincerely,I nl t /' t v'-L NtIE(n-Il^ilr Kristan PritzSenior Planner KP:1r cc: Dave and Nancy Nystron t !;i r3 Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Prolect Appllcatlon lr 301 r,) u \\.-u Commenls: Owner, Address and Phone: Review BoardDesign DISAPPROVAL Srrr"ry, { tifl; t,ri';<.* ttin'!t\\' ;1ir;trt \ staff t \a NI fuunl" DATE: LECT.CL AODRESS: OI.INER ARCHITECT ZONE DIS PROPOSEO USE LOT SIZE Hei gh t TOTAI GRFA Primary GRFA SecondarY GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear llater Course ZONE CHECK FOR sFR, R, R P/s zoNE DISTRICTS Phone ,d$x*ffi,0,A l 'l oued /?n\l??l 3fl,8 20' tt lEl /,rn\/(n\ ffif" !'{t''i.^,P'drK,4,,", 4ffi '*07'*wluJ+ WWf't lJ,rfor t.)n,1 qg\.(ny7"nL- 'tn:)i.l^' -oL- $,, okWM* rL Wlotv+ace- n O <<*#-#\ffi4{il-o ffiffiffi* I5- dri^{ ffiuq Site coverage .lOx tf@3' LandscaPi ng Fence/Retaining'rlall Heights Park ing Credi ts: Garage Mechani ca I Ai ri ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: SloPe Permitted Envi ronmental /Hazards : ict\l^ (3oo)(600) (eoo)(l2oo) (so)(loo) (2s)(so) (2oo)(4oo) Koln Sl ope Actual# Aval anche Fl ood P'lai n Slope rl n lletlands 1U.. t\ . lt t\ Geologic Hazards N. l\ ' Coranents: Approvedl sapproved 3l tf ,.l 6ttti u , \r\ flu,r ?eDt'\ )'., (rur $l , t tuWt Ot',rrif- tb,s (m spxe rfi up INTEP..DEPARTI-IENTAL REVI El.l DATE SUEI4ITTED: COI."I4ENTS NEEDEO BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: t-- DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING Date D,u,i) J,kLr l,r. €e-sL^*w[ h"At ot<-- Shr;ll bL 'n-'*-''u) FIRE DEPARTI4ENT POLICE DEPARTNENT Reviewed by: Conments: Revier'red by: Connents: Rev i e'red .by: Co;;ents: Date Date 'ri'i. REC;:EATiOI{ DEPARTI,IiNT Date PUBLIC }IORKS Revier*ed by: Connents: I % REC 5. AA I , I 445?7I 8-549 tr-131 JOHNNETTE PHILLIFS g3/LI/9t 11 :56 ERGLE COUNTY CLERK, PGlT]F1 COLT]RADO DOC a. oo .. ToUN OF UAILn\ .r.,4n PLRNNTNG RNo ENVrRoNI'ENTAL coNorrroN oF RPPRoVAL FoR FLooo u ' pLArN tporFrcATroN SRANTEB oN JULv 44, t9B9 Ag or.nenr ef lot 7, Blook 3, UaiI Vlllasc 1ltjt filing, uE ehall not obiect to a troerible futlre gtream r.nlk along Giore Cneek ufiich r,.puld allou fon pr.rbllc access along tlte streann traoL tc the gout}r of our lot. This statsnent. does not pnevent tl're otnens of loL 7 €nom partieipaLlne in tjre degiEn pnooe€s for e posslble futlre publj.c access along Gione Cneek. This agneenent ehall nun urith tjte land. ffi-lrr, - r/, l-1-r? A r,o1"1l-o y1su, y^+h h 6viopn&' L ,rYf '#rW.. . ls A** f^t ,.;^;"rrei,- i+?? u A/il,t&"- 6AfiMD Oate d B. Nystrom ^ rJ.J..r.Y , Jv t v ur.rr.r 9lr \-l- sErt vl- rvs. . , IApplicants: Dave and ttancy Nystrom r. ^,fulagrl I Village Eleventh filing, 3O7O Booth Creek Drive. , KJ ay: Jy|fffi;J Arternative 2. *(0[rdlt'- reA-EoaFGin modification alternatives were 4l,lidentified for this property in ttre Hydro-friad I report dated January 4, L989. Alternative 2 hrasselected by the architect. fhis, a'lternatiys consists of fill placement and ture edge of the L00 efl la cco to the Flood Boundary and Floodway DATE: July 24, 1989 r. REeuESr 4[n&-d.W ffiThe applicants are requesting to nodify th'e ftoodplain on Lot z inn-.,Jf)the following way: \VW,Y{. Maps prepared by the Federal Ernergency Management Agency (FEMA), the limits of fil-I placement andstructure construction are outside the l-00 year floodway. The rninirnum finished floor elevation is identified as elevation 8298.0 feet. This is 1.9 feet higherthan the 100 year water surface shown in the FEI'IAreport, (Section BI) assuming encroachnent withinthe LOO year floodplain fringe area. The plan lras prepared and is stamped by Jin Reich.Existing contours are based on site survey and- napping perforned by Eagle valley Engineering andSurveying Inc. IT. REVIEW CRITERIA Section 18.59.040 E of the Hazard Regulations specifies thecriteria for modification to the floodplain: E. The Zoning Adninistrator nay reguire anyapplic-ant or person desiring to rnodify thefloodplain by fill, constructio n, channelization, nqe area-. maxirnurn depth Based on the pro osed site plan, thof firr placement within the grading, or other sirnilar changes, to subnit forreview an environmental irnpact statement in accordance with 18.56 to establish t the woely effe III. ST'MMARY OF HYDRO-TRTAD FI'ODPININ MODIFTCATION REPORT Hydro-triad has completed one report and three letters dated June22, JuLy 5, and JuIy 14, concerning the floodplain nodification. The first report dated January L989 states: Our analyses indicate that none of the projectarea is located within the floodway andapproximately 6,090 square feet (4Ot) is locatedwithin the floodplain fringe. Construction orfilling within the floodway is not allo!"ed by theFederal Emergency Management Agency. Constructionwithin the floodplain fringe area can be accommodated, provided the upstream water surfaceelevation is not increased by more than 0.7 foot.iad report, January L9B9) We have further evaluated the proposed floodplainurodifications and the effects on the l-OO yearfloodplain upstrearn of the Nystron Property. Ouradditional analyses consisted of performing computer nodeling using the Arrny Corps of Engineers HEC-z, Water Surface Profile computer program.This is the same progran used for the FEMA study.Cross section data frorn the 1975 Hydro-Triad, Ltd.Gore Creek report and the L982 FEMA Flood InsuranceStudy reports were used. AIso, site specific datafrom the proposed site plan for the NystronrProperty were used. The analyses were done forcross sections BH, BI , and Bt as shown on the FEMAmaps. These cross sections correspond to sections49.6.Lt 49.7, and 49.7.1 of the 1925 Hydro-Triad,Ltd. report. Finished floor and patio elevationsfor the three resj-dences upstream of the NystromProperty were obtained fron fietd survey by EagleValley Engineering and Surveying Inc. This surveywas performed on June 30, 1999. We also prepared across section of the site showing the existingconditions, the proposed fill placement, and ihefloodplain fringe encroachrnent linits allowed byFEIitA. Analyses and conclusions based on these dataare discussed belolr. The lain rnodifications witl notncreasethe quantitv of ord for the 100 year event.The peak flow used for the IOO year acent ncrease g Hydro-Triad Ie!!conclucles: q, event at this location is L807 cfs. This isconsistent with both the FE}IA study and the L975 Hydro-Triad, Ltd. study. Based on e HEC-2 analvses, the mean fLowIoces at Sections BI and Rf ar increasedasa1t of the floodpfain rnodifications. The increase is 0.3 and 0.5 feet Der secondrespectively for the 100 year event. Tlrisincrease do.= .ot "iqritil.tttv "tt. Comparison of the 1OO year flood elevationsfor the conditions before and after fillplacement was made using the FEMA floodplain encroachment criteria. This criteria allowsfor a maximum 1 foot rise upstream. Assumingthe worst case condition (fill placement within the entire floodplain fringe area onLots 7 , 8, 9 and 1-0 and along the opposite bank of Gore Creek) the maxinum hrater surfaceelevation increase is L.1 feet at Section BH,0.7 feet at Section BI , 0.6 feet at SectionBJ, and 0.8 feet at Section BK. Theseelevation increases and the correspondingwater surface elevations were compared to thefinished floor and patio elevations of thethree upstream residences. This conparison is shown in Tab1e L. The finished floor andpatio elevations are higher than the l-00 yearfloodplain rdater surface elevations. The cross section shown on the attached sheetillustrates the relationship of the floodplainfringe, floodway and floodplain encroachment. The dark area represents the amount offloodplain encroachrnent proposed on theNystron Property. The cross hatched arearepresents the full floodplain encroachmentarea analyzed by FEI,IA. The proposed encroachment area is significantly less thanthe FEMA area. Based on this, we anticipatethe upstrean water surface elevation increases will be significantly less than theworst case condition. sed o these data anal lacenent w the fI Ia osed for the stron rtv, rt 1l notacent DroDertadverseaffect ," l'J .r*.t.; .;p ,; ,., es however fill Iacement and constructionwithLots 8 9, and L0 have been allowed towithn the 100 ear floodwav, therebe adverse cts tream. Theseld not IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff reconmends approval of the floodplain rnodification.the Hydro-fries found the studies rneet the Floodpla t would prefer to see the res ence pushed closer to s the front However r a setback to avoid building in theprecedent has been established a 1lage Eroval is cont enE upon o The owner shall be responsiblenodification to the floodplain. The owner shall be responsibleapproval from the Arny Corps ofnodification. 100 year floodplain.in that a sor tne 1. Sta ff co met: for notifying FEMA of the for obtaining a letter ofEngineers for the floodptain apPG A\\ 2. ) ( 3.) rz-\ \4.) r2\v, \9./ Wi]lows, other vegetation, and natural Gore Creek armoring(rip-rap) shall not be disturbed south of the property llneper the Hydro-Triad letter dated July 14, 1989. Willows onthe lot shall not be disturbed by fill per the approvedfloodplain nodification site plan. The planter on the south side of the dining patio shall beremoved to ninimize removal of willows. The dining patioshall also be pulled back (towards the north) e feet, todecrease inpacts on creek vegetation. proposed residence using existing grade shal]from elevation 8,296 feet. o) Height for thebe calculated The owners shall stream walk along access along the Creek which would,fi,s r\n\ernu'$.' a possible futureallow for public not r Gore creek. aga*n€+ ....*::;ifli.. ifl., .r. oo z T\-1,--f \. ::-' -)' -.-^?€---a':?L;EFtr <(.-<- | 7Q;4t-'.'/,/'ffi i:fli,U \ I i!'t a! $I q+ [$i, t .(llll'i --.'r'0 lr i -Yftt l€L Item No. 5 A request for an exterior alteration and a conditional use permit in order to enclose a deck in CCff at theChart House Restaurant. ffiRestaurant Tabled to August 14, 1989 PEC meeting. The notion ttas rnade by Peggy Osterfoss and seconded by Chuck Crist. Vote: 5-0, all in favor. Item No. 6 est for an exterior alteration at the Lionshead Center a bu condominium.Applicant: Iker Belanstequiqoitia Betsy Rosolack gave the staff presentation. She explained that theapplicant wished to add 348 square feet of gross residential floorarea to their condominiun unit. The 348 square feet addition wouldinclude an expansion to the master bedroorn by partially enclosing adeck and rernodeling the interior. Betsy covered the zoningconsiderations, p6inting out that there are 3,170 sguare feet of GRFAleft to be developed. She stated that the staff was supportive of theproposed redeveloprnent and believed it net the zoning and Urban Design Considerations for Conmercial Core ff. Torn Briner represented the applicant. He explained the circunstances concerning the proposal . A rnotion for approval was rnade by Peggy Osterfoss. The motion was seconded by Chuck Crist. Vote: 5-0, all in favor. Iten No. 7 A request to anend Special Developnent District No. 19, Garden of the Gods.Applicant: Mrs. A. G. Hill Iten to be tabled to August 14 PEC neeting. Peggy Osterfoss made the first rootion. The motion was seconded by Chuck Crist. Vote: 5-O, all Iten No. 8 in favor. est to nodif the flo L e Eleventh Fcant: Dav dandN The staff presentation was given by Kristan Pritz. She referred to adiagran attached to the staff nemo to explain the proposal. Sheexplained that the proposal net all the criteria for a floodplainmodification. The staff recommendat,ion was for approval contingent upon conditions listed in the staff memo. fications to an exist Lot 7. Block 3. V Creek Drive. The applicant was represented by Jin Reich. He stated that Kristan was ,-thorough in her review and fair in her anarysis. Jim stated concern ( about condition #6 in the staff memo which stated, tThe owners shalr \ not remonstrate against a possible future stream walk along Gore Creekwhich would arlow for public access along the creek., The applicantslrtere uncornfortable about this condition and felt it would force them togive up their rights to conment on a future streamwalk proposal .Furthermore, ttre applicants did not agree with condition #4 of thestaff memo which required the renoval of the planter on the south sideof the dining patio. Peggy Osterfoss understood and appreciated most of the staffrecommendations for this project, as listed in the staff nemo, but didnot support the idea of reguiring the applicants to remove the planter and purl back the patio. Peggy felt the appJ-icants should be alrowedto build the patio as presented. Sid Schultz agreed with all of the staff recommendations except for thecondition effecting the patio and planter. Arso, he felt the conditionconcerning the streamwalk was an unfair, premature condition sincethere was nothing solid proposed at this tine. Peter Patten cornmentea on the streamwalk condition and explained thecondition was put in to avoid the item being called up by Town Council.He inforrned the PEc members of a previous case (pitto) that had beencalled up by Council because the streamwalk condition had not beenincluded in the approval. A discussion continued centering around the strearnwalk condition andthe concern that the c.ondition woul-d impose on the applicant,s rights. The representative for the applicant remarked that while he was tryingto reserve the applicantrs rights, he did not wish to slow the process. Finalty, a rnotion for approval was nade by pam Hopkins and seconded byChuck Crj-st, per the staff reconmendations including the following changes: 1. Remove condition #4 of the staff meno reg.arding the patiosite and planter removal. 2" Condition #6 of the staff merno shall be changed to:rrThe owners sha1l not object to a possible future. streamwalk along Gore Creek which would allow for public access along the creek. This agreement does not preventthe owner frorn participating in any future design process. rl Vote: 5-0, all in favor. Meeting adjourned. ( Project Application o^. lD. 6 '4D Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lol Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by:'t i .11 Seconded by: ./hPPROVAL DISAPPROVAL iI N Summary: K epprovar BETSYfS PROJECTS 9/2O/9O ALL FILES ARE ON BETSYIS TABLE. VELASoUEZ landscaping/letter of credit expires 9/30 8O2 Potato Patch Drive I{orking with San Yantzer sam says the landscapingthe 27th, we should cash of Nelson/Zeeb 949-1913 tone 1118 will be done this week. If not done by the letter of credit. TIVOLI letter of credit e:<pires october I Contact is Jay Peterson. He will bring this in on l.fonday with agreement copied from Mike Mrs sample agreement. Amount: 2 lights € $1500 3,0001 light e $2,o0o 2,ooo Stonework bid by TaraMasonry 6.000 L1, 000 If we ask L258 of 11,000 = 13,750 I suggested a due date of October 30, l-991-. NYSTROIT{ Uo[ TUB EoUIPtIENf ENCI,OSURE No drawings as yet. They rnay suggest a reconfiguration of thepatio in order to make room for this enclosure. PERKINS wfNDowS The addition of windows in the basement would nake the basement livable. This could be staff approved as soonas we can deternine whether or not the lot can accommodate additj-onal GRFA. Waiting for better floor plans so the GRFA can be calculated. I hope this can wait until I get back. CHARLIES'S GONDOI,A SKI SHOP AND KEN FRTEDMANIS SHOP File is in sign files. Ken may come in with an application for a sign variance. This is the request to have a separate sign for Ken, but staff deterrnined that a wall would be needed between Ken, rs store and Charliets in order for Ken to have a separate sign. HOLIDAY HOUSE FLUE CHASE Andy: Tabled to i.O/3 DRB F.3 \ T \"/tvc' \,-" / ./ g\ ott l (o\/5'AEljJbre- F I PAltrlTi^;L trI-EN \TE. -' t/An.-tt-o N'l qTEg?-M . r-.E Sl.PEFlc tr e/24 /io 1 / r {. J.r/ J... 1 r'i I ]ii'l J6' (t ' . '1 iriil su srp 0 ? 1990 DRE IPPIJICATIOII APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB UEETTNG: DATE *****THIS APPIJICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED I'NTII ALL INFORI.TATION IS SUBI,IITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATTON UEETING: A pre-application neetLng with a planning Etaff menber is strongly suggested to deter:mine if any additionalinfomatlon is needed. No applLcatLon wiII be accepted the zoning adrninistratorl . ft ls the applicantrs responsibiftty to make an appointment wlth the staff to find out about additional subrnittal requirements. Please notethat a CoMPLETE application vill strearnllne the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB nay stipulate. ALL conditions of approval nust be resolved before a building permit ls issued. Application vill not be processed without Owner's Signature. A. B. c. IPCATTON Address NAI-IE OF APPLICAI{ Mailing Address: l' ', /^ ,e r7 phone E. DRB FEE: The fee will be paid at the time a buildinqpernit is pal.d for. SAIJTAE:I9tr rEE $ 10.00 $ 25.00s 50.00 :il0u. UU $200. O0 9300. O0 b\'q_-\ I IOrOOO I 50,000 $ 15O,OOO I 500,000 $1, OOO, OOO sl, OOO, OOO ock- /) , ll&i dt- 4a-( D. NAI.IE OF APPLICANIIS REPRESENTATIVE: Mailing Address: Phone NAI.TE OF O!{NEF SIGNATURT(A) t Phone F. G. Condoniniun Approval if applicable. $ o-I 10,001 - $ 5O,OO1 - 9150,001 - $500, 001 .- $ Over Mdfing Address: e$\\\\$. II. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBI.IISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In additlon to neeting eubnlttal requirenents, theappllcant uust stake the sLte to Lndicate property llnee and bullding corners. Trees that will be renoved muet also be narked. Thle work must be conpleted before the DRB visits the slte. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS will nornally' Lnvolve two separate neetl.ngs of the Deslgn Review Board, so the applicant should plan on at leaEt two neetings for a flnal approval. c. Applicants who fal.l to appear before the Deslgn Revl.ew Board at their scheduled neeting and vho have not askedfor a postponenent wlll be regulred to be republiehed. D. At the discretion of the zonLng adml.nlstrator, thefollowlng ltens nay not have to be presented to the Design Review Board. They, however, have to be presented to tlre Planning Department for approval: a. Windows, slqrlightE and sl.nllar exterior changesthat do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Bultdlng addltions that are not viewed fron anyother lot or public space, which have had letterssubnltted fron adJoining property owners approvingthe addition; and,/or approval fron the agent for,or manager of a condoninium associatl.on. E. You may be requlred to conduct Natural llazard Studies on your property (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, debrisflow, wetlands, etc). You should check with a Town Planner before proceedlng. L@F ro ruAfcA €rwtvtA olo srtfi{C 'tD tYY:f.lILil zrfgnwQ f Fta,' -1;(Sroa ,stL-'\ 75 roulh hontlg€ rord u!ll, colorrdo 81657 (303) 479'2|38 (303) 479.439 october 1, 1990 ofllce ot communlty dcuelopwrl fitt cDpr ltr. and ltrs. Dave Nystrom 1236 3rd Avenue Ipngmont, CO 80501 Dear Dave and Nancy: Ttre Communlty Developnent Departnent has approved the new plan dated Septenber 30, 1990 concerning anendments to the secondIevel floor plan. Accordl-ng to may calculations, the allowed GRFA for the-project le 3752.8 sg. ft. The revised GRFA, given the new floor plan, is 3644 sq. ft. This gives you a renaining GRFA of 108.8 sq. ft. Your storage has been recalculated as 358 sq. ft. If you have any further questions, please feel free to call me at 479-2L34. Sincerely, i) I n.ll/rl.L" U,h-tltl, ttrt\ I lt rl Kristan Pritz Connunity Developnent Director xPlpP cc: Jin Reich .7 75 south hor age road Ydl. colorado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (3qD 4792139 January 15, 1990 office of community develoPment Mr, David and Mrs. Nancy NYStrom 1236 3rd Avenue Longmont, CO 80501- RE: Approvals for construction in the floodplain on Lot 7, Block 3, vail village, 1J-th Filing Dear David and NancY: I wanted to rnake sure you received copies of.the FEMA approval-and Arny-otp= of Engineet= tppiottal for your new residence on Lot 7' Block 3' Vail Village, t-l-th fiij-nq. Please note that the FEI'1A review reguires that you address the thr6e itens identified in the letter frorn Mr' Jay Uelsoir of Hydro-Trj-ad dated November 2'7, L989. He state that: t-. construction shall be linited to the floodplain fringe area and shall not extend into the floodway' 2. The finished floor elevation of the proposed structure nust be 8298 feet per Jay Nelson's requirenents' 3. Once the construction is conpleted, a site survey needs to be perforrned to certify tlre location and elevation of the structures to ensure that they are the same as indicated on the approved site plan' th!r. r|| sttl**r|l. EeaW eqi:ipurentthrough these willows. Thank you again for your to access buiJ.ding cooperationfeel free on this project,If you havefurther questions, please to contact me at 479-2L38. l\thUarli Ll-+{/ 4 AmuoQ' elf.d Sincerely, r,r, I n' I {nflU,rr{rRKristan PritzSenior Planner copy toi: aj John Liou-I'EMAJirn Reich-Junge Dr. !1r.Reich }tagge Architects b"q i-""t'5 rl+v - 2t11 J,*ilJ'-'' ("'4 4'\ 4'rryt-,, 'f -^ut etLj,/ntr>v'? ' T*" ]l'. i"'y' HYDNO.TRIAD,LTD 13.10 Wadsworth Boulevard, Suite 100 Lakewood, Colorado 80215 Telephone 303/238-6022 FAX 303 /238-6382 January 4, 1990 Ms. Kristan Pritz Senior Pl anner Town of Vai l 75 South Frontage Road Vai i, Co'lorado 81657 Subject: Floodplain Identification for Nystrom Residence, Lot 7, Block 3, Vail Village 11th Filing Dear Kristan: Pursuant to our te'lephone conversation on January 3, 1990, please note a typographic error in the November 27, 1989 'letter s'i gned by myself and Dr. John Liou. The last sentence on the first page references the finished floor elevation as 8198 feet. This is not correct. The correct e'levation is 8298 feet. This elevation corresponds to those shown on the site plan and cross sect i ons . Sincerel y, LTD. RJN: jJm xc: Dr. John Liou, FEMA Ms. Nancy Nystrom Mr. Jim Re'ich 720 't T0: Ms. Nancy Nystrom HYDRO-TRIAD, tTD. MTE: Decgllgr ll'-1999 ATTENTION: Arracxeo Unoen Sepanare Corren from John Liou of the Federal Energency Management 1236 3rd Ave. Longmont, Co]orado 80501 l,le ene sENDrilG You: Tsese ene TRansnrneo as CxecrEo Below FoR Appnwn- As Reouesreo Fon Youn Use Fon Revtew mo Cmnenr Vi I laqe 11th Nancv - Enclosed is an oriqinal siqned Ietter from FEM for fi I es. I have kept one copy for my files and sent a copy to Jim Reich. Dr. Liou forwarded a signed copy to Kristen Pritz at the Town of Vail. w,/Encl osures 1310 WADSWORTH BLVD.LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80215 PHONE 303-2388022 HYDRO-IRIAD, tTD. November 27, 1989 ii,liO-Tiil'^'D LTi; DECos RECEIVED Ms. Kristan Pritz Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Co'lorado 81657 Subject: Floodplain Identification for Nystrom Residence, Lot 7, B'lock 3, VaiI ViIlage llth Filing Dear Kristan: l{ith regard to your request for a letter from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, I spoke with 0r. John L'iou of FEMA on September 28' 1989. Dr. Ljou indicated that projects such as th'is are not normaliy reviewed by FEMA and are the responsibi'l ity of the individual coflrnunities. He indicated however that he would review this particular project. The criteria for FEMA review and approval requires satisfaction of three i tems : 1. Construction sha'l 'l be limited to the floodplain fringe area and shall not extend into the f'loodway. 2. The finished f'loor elevation of the proposed structure must be at or aoove the base f'lood (1O0-year event) elevation. 3. Once the construction is completed, a site survey needs to be performed to certify the 'location and elevatjon of the structures are the same as the approved site p1an. Enclosed with this letter is a s'ite p'lan drawing we had sent to you previousiy. Cross section information, FEMA f'loodplain boundaries, and base flood data have been added to the draw'ing. Al'l of this information had been provided as part of prior reports and letters. The FEMA f'loodp'lain map indicates that the lot itself is located only within the floodp'lain fringe area and not within the fioodway. Al'l construction and proposed structures are located within the lot and are therefore outs'ide the fl oodway. The cross section of the property at Section BI shows the relationship of the finished f'loor e'levation to the base f'lood elevation. The'lowest finished floor e'levation is 8198 feet and the base f'lood elevat'ion is 8295.4 feet 1310 WADSWORTH BLVD.LAKEWOOD, COLOFADO 80215 PHONE 303-238€022 Ms. Kristan Pritz November 27, 1989 Page 2 (difference of 2.6 feet). The elevations shown on the slte plan are based on ihe Torn of VaiI benchmarks which according to the ToHn and the surveyors is based on Un'ited States Geological Survey datum. The architect has indicated a crawl space for equipment (furnace, ventilation etc.) is included in the deslgn. This area 11il'l be non-habitab'le. There is no basement proposed for the structure. l,lr. Jim Reich, the architect for the owner indicated that an improvement survey wi'l I be completed after the structure has been constructed and the site work completed. It is the responsibility of the Town of Vail that this information be inc'luded in the file and that the location and elevation of the Structurescorrespondtotheapprovedsiteplan.Mr.Reichindicatedhewou.|d be happy to work with You on this' I have provided a signature block at the bottom of this ietter for Dr. Llou to sign. Thiee coptes of this letter and the site drawing have been prepared; one copy for yourself, one copy for Dr. Liou, and one copy for the property olrner. If you need additional infornation or have any guest'ions, please contact us. Si ncerel y, /, o^t" / z/ 4,/ tqApproved By: RJN: jjm Encl.xc: Dr. Mr. Ms. 720 John L'iou - FEMA Jim Reich - Junge Reich Magee AIA Nancy Nystrom 1son, rgency Management , Region VIII \idt-1HYDRO-TBIAD. LTD. November 27. 1989 Ms. Kristan Pritz Senior P lanner Town of Vai l 75 South Frontage Road Vai'l , Colorado 81657 Subject: Floodp'la'in Identification for Nystrom Residence' Lot 7, Block 3, VaiI Vil'lage 11th Filing Dear Kristan: With regard to your request for a letter from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, I spoke with Dr. John Liou of FEMA on September 28' 1989. Dr. Liou indicated that projects such as this are not norma'l Iy reviewecj by FEMA and are the responsibility of the individuaj communities. He indicated however that he would review this particular proiect. i tems: The criteria for FEMA review and approva'l requires satisfaction of three 1. Construction shat I be l imited to the floodplain fringe area and shal'l not extend into the floodway. 2. The finished floor elevat ion of the proposed structure must be at or above the base flood (100-year event) elevation. 3. Once the construction is completed, a site survey needs to be performed to certify the locat'ion and elevation of the structures are the same as the approved site plan. Enclosed with this letter is a site plan drawing we had sent to you previousiy. Cross section information, FEMA floodplain boundaries, and base f'lood data have been added to the drawing. AlI of this information had been provided as part of prior reports and letters, The FEMA floodplain map indicates that the lot itself is located only within the f'loodplain fringe area and not within the floodway. A1l construction and proposed structures are located within the lot and are therefore outside the f 'loodway. The cross section of the property at Section BI shows the relationship of the finished f 'loor elevation to the base f lood elevation. The lowest finished floor e'levation is S7.98 feet and the base f'lood elevation js 8295.4 feet 1310 WADSWORTH BLVD.LAKEWOOD. COLORADO 80215 PHONE 303-238-6022 Ms. Kristan Pritz November 27,, 1989 Page 2 (difference of 2.6 feet). The e'levations shown on the site plan are based on the Town of Vai'l benchmarks which according to the Town and the surveyors is based on Un1ted States Geological Survey datum. The architect has indicated a crawl space for equipment (furnace, vent'i 'lation etc.) is included in the design. This area wi'l I be non-habitable. There is no basement proposed for the st ru ctu re . Mr. Jim Reich, the architect for the owner jndicated that an improvement survey will be comp'leted after the structure has been constructed and the site work completed. It is the responsibility of the Town of VaiI that this .i nformation be included in the file and that the location and elevation of the structures correspond to the approved site plan. Mr. Reich indicated he would be happy to work with you on this. I have provideda signature block at the bottom of this letter for Dr. Liou to sign. Three copies of this 'letter and the site drawing have been prepared; one copy for yourself, one copy for Dr. Liou, and one copy for the property owne r. If you need add'itional information or have any questions, p'lease contact Si ncere ly, YDRO-TRIAD, LTD. Approved By: RJN: jjm Encl.xc: Dr. Mr. MS. 720 John Liou - FEMA Jjm Reich - Junge Reich Magee AIA Nancy Nystrom Dr. t-u<l Emergency Management , Region VIII Nelson, P. E. Manager o Y RS hfi,r DEPARTMENT OF THE ARM SACRAMENTO OISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEE 650 CAPITOL MALL SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 954 1 4.4794 REPLY TO ATTENTION OF September 26, 1989 Regulatory Secti-on David and Nancy Nystrom 1236 Third Avenue Longmont, Colorado 80501 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Nystrom: I am responding to your Letter dated September 20 ' 1989. Your correspondence concerns Lot #7, Block 3, Vaif Vil-l-age Eleventh Filing, adjacent to Gore Creeh on Booth Creek Drive in the Town of VaiI, Eagle County, Colorado. We inspected the lot in question on September 13' 1989. Based upon this inspeetion, we have determined that the footprint of the proposed residence will not adversely impact wetlands subject to the Corps of Engineers' jurisdiction. Accordingly' a Department of the Army permit is not required. This determina- tion is contingent upon implementation of the plans which were inspected in the f ie.l-d. Should your plans change, p.lease contact us to arrange another inspection. We suggest that you maintain the wiflows between the proposed residence and Gore Creek as a buffer and for stream bank stabilization. Heavy equipment should not be permitted to access the building site through these wiIIows. Should you or your contractor(s) have questi-ons, please contact Gary Davis of this office et telephone 243-1199. Si cerel ll* L, McNure. , Regulatory Unit 4 ori zon Drive . Roorn 2 I 1 iand Junction. Col-orado 81506-8719 a BUILDING PERMIT GRFA CHECK NYSTROM RESIDENCE WT 7, BIOCK 3, VAIL VILI,AGE llTH oeroBER 9, 1989 lst Floor Plan 2nd Floor Plan 2902 s.f . -615 s.f. -26 s.f. -30 s.f. -16 s.f. Gross Garage Storage Void Fireplace 22L5 1489 s.f. -L92 s.t. -Lo s.f. -62 s.f. Gross Storage FireplaceStair GRFAAttic Storage overcredit L273 Allowed GRFATotal GRFA Ren. GRFA 264.8 This project tookfor credits.advantage of 400 s.f.of storage, 615 garage L225 s.t.+ 48 s.f. 3752.8 -3488 O b+k' liu +ir\Ifl offlce ol conrmunity deuelopment lnwn July L0, 75 louth trontlge roed Y.ll, colortdo 81657 (30:') 4792138 (3q!) {7$2139 1989 Mr. R. Jay Nelson, P. E.Hydro-Triad, Linited 1310 Wadsworth Blvd. Lakeuood, CO 802L5 Re;Nystrom Residence, ftoodpLain modification, Lot 7 Block 3, VailVillage 1lth filing Dear Jay: The Nystrom floodplain nodification reguest was tabled to the PECmeeting on July 24|-trt l-999. The reason for the tabling is that thePlanning Staff and Town Engineer would like to see the specific wordingin our flood plain ordinance included in your letter. We wouldappreciate receiving your vritten comments by JuIy Lsth, 1989. L. Address the FEIIA and the Town of VaiI floodplain lines. 2. Include a statement about naintaining the willows on thesouth side of the Nystron property. As you stated on thephone, it is inportant that the willows remain along thecreek bank. 3. Wilt the increase in waterflow upstream affect any basernentareas in the existing houses? 4. The Hydro-Triad report must specifically address thenitigation proposed by the Nystrons. The engineer needs tostate whether or not the floodplain urodification willadversley affect adjacent properties or increase the quantityor velocity of flood waters. The report should deternine Sincerely, $t'J"$F Senior Planner cc: Peter PattenJin Reich whether there are any negative inpacts due to the fill onsurrounding properties and if there are impacts, how theyshould be nitigated. lhank you for.your assistance on this project. If you have anyfurther questions, please feel free to call ne at qZg-ZtSe PROJECT: DATE SUEMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPO L r c HEAR r NGJu&-]_'I+L. UU ry 6PF6 rear'"\Lf INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVI El.' DATE OFt- hr,* 3aw- D autL ls- ho/'/". ;{ +/* Ula)eJ cby.. 1-4. s+,*J l' N ; ltEr= o.--,-5 - FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date POLICE DEPARTI'|ENT Reviewed by: Comments:' Date Reviewed by: Comments: UBLI C tlo Reviewed by RECREATION DEPARTMENT Date ot It,t i!; i I rr r tJl iv -'- f i ,lll"v l.." t r",{7t ei' _ ==€* l -T?GF T, I4t"-F IHYDBO-TBIAD, tTD. July 5, 1989 Ms, Kristan Pritz Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Subject: Nystrom Resident Floodplain Modification Lot 7, Vai'l Vi'l1age 1lth Filing Dear Ms. Pritz: At the request of Mr. Gregg Ha1 l, Town Engineer, additional infor' mation has been obtained regarding potential 100'-year floodplain impacts upsteam of the Nystrom Property. This issue was discussed in our June 27, 1989 |etter to you. In that letter rte had raised the question of what the finished floor elevations are for the structures along Gore Creek upstream of the Property. During our conversations and subsequent conversations with Gregg Ha1 I it was suggested that these existing structures may have been built prior to the Gore Creek 100'{year flooip'l ain del ineation or floodp1 ain ordinance. A1 though the fi'l 1 p'l acement on the Nystrom Property is within the 100-year floodplain fringe, as allowed by the Town and the Federal Emergency Mangement Agency (FEMA), there rny still be some potential impact u pstream. Mr. Jim Reich, the architect for the Nystrom Property, contracted with Eagle Va1 ley Engineering and Surveying Inc.. to Gtermine field e'l evations of the houses and patios upstream of the Nystrom Property. Three houses currently exist and are located on Lots 8,9, and 10, Vait Village llth Filing. Comparison of finished f'loor and patio e1e* vations wiltr ttre Gore Creek 100'-year fl oodplain elevations are shown in Table 1 (attached). According to the surveyors, the structure e'l e. vations are based on the Town of Yail datum which represents United States Geologica'l Survey datum. The floodplain eJevations were taken fron the FEMA Flood Insurance Study. F1 ood profiles and floodp1 ain boundaries fron this study have been rmdified to show the 'l ocation of these 'l ots relative to the floodpl ain elevations. These drawings and calculations are attached. 1310 WADSWORTH BLVD.LAKEWOOD. COLORADO 8021 5 PHONE 303-238-6022 Ms. Kirstan Pritz July 5, 1989 Page 2 Based on the elevations shown in Table 1, the finished floor e1e- vations for Lots 8, 9 and 10 are above the lQQ.year flood e'l evations, assuming encroachnent within the floodplain (see Table 2 of the FEMA report). The patio elevations for Lots 8, 9 and 10 are also above the 100ryear f1 oodplain. Based on the availab'le data and our ana'lysis, placement of fill within the floodplain fringe area of the Nystronr Property will increase the l00ryear floodp1 ain elevation upstream of the Property. Proposed fill placement and structure construction for the Nystrom Property will not fncrease the 100-year floodplain elevation higher ttrah th-e finished floor elevations of the three upsteam houses. The finished floor elevations are greater than l foot above the 100'year f'l oodplain elevation assuming ful I encroachment of the lQQ*year fl oodplain fringe. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact us. Si ncerely, RJN:jjm Enc'l . xc: Mr. Jim Reich 720 O.TRIAD. LTD. IASLE 1 IIYSIROII PROPERTY FLOOOPLAITI IIOOIFICATIOil LOI 7 '/AIL I/IILAGE ItIH FILII{6 I(}II{ OF |||AIL COIPANISOII OF FLOOOPLAII ELEVATIOIIS AIIO EIISIIII8 STRUCIUfiE EU',AIIIIIS L(lT APPR(ITIITATE IOO-YEAR ELE'JAIIOI{ IOO-YEAR ELEI,ATIOI{ FIIIISHEI} FL{I(}R ETE'/ITI{IH PATItl ELEVAIIOII I{UIIBER STATIIIII TITHIIUT FLOIII}TAY (tI IIIH FLt}tlITAY II} ELEVATIOI{ I}IFFEREI{CS {2I TLEVAIIOII IIIFFEREI{CE {3} BI (41 {{,5t0 8,295,4 {t. 8,296.1 ft. 7 41,510 8,295.4 {t. 8,296.1 {t. 8,298.3 ft. 2,2 lt, 8r?98.0 {t. 1.9 {t. I {f,650 8,2?7.3 {t. 8,297,9 lt. 8,103.4 {t. 5.5 {t. 8,?99.6 {t. 1.7 {t. 9 44,780 8,298.9 {t, 81299.6 ft 8,303.1 ft, 1.5 {t. 81303.9 {t. {'3 {t 8J (fl 4{1840 8,299.7 tt. 8,300.3 {t.l0 44,900 8,300,t ft. 8,300.8 {t. 81102.0 {t, 1,2 {t. 8'102,0 ft. 1.2 ft' {l} Elevations fror Trble 2 o{ FtllA Repsrt. Iithout Floodray re{ers to no floodplain ercroach.ent. lith Floodray re{ers to encroachmnt rithin the {loodglain {ringe rrea. (21 fli{ference in elevatisn betreen the {inished floor elevation and the 100-year {loodplrin lith Floodray. (31 0i{ference in elevrtion betreen the prti0 elevation and the 100-year elevation lith Floodray.(fl Cross sections shorn on the Ftlll llood boundrry laps and flood pro{ile drarings. CALCTILATIOIIS: Slope o{ rlter sur{ace elevation lithout Floodray = 8219,7 - 8?95.{/ 4{S10-41510 = 0.0130 it/{t Settion 8i to 8J Slope o{ rater surface elevatisr tith Floodray = 8300,3 - 8296. l/ 14840-44510 = 0,013 ft/{t Section BI to 8J l{ater surface elevrtion at Lot I lithout Floodrrv. {4{650-{4510}r0.0t3 + 8295'4 {t = 8297.1 ft. later surface eievation at Lot 8 tith Floodray = ({{650-l{510)r0.013 + 8296.1 ft = 8297'9 ft. llater sur{ace alevation at Lot 9lithout Flsodray = {{4780-{4510}r0.0ll + 8295.4 {t = 8298.9 {t. hter surface elevetion at Lot 9lith Floodray' (4{780-{{510}10.013 + 8296.1 {t'8?99.6 {t. Slope o{ rater surface elevation lithout Floodray = 8304.1 - 82ii.1l 45445-41840 = 0.007 {t1{t Section BJ to BK Slope o{ rater surface elevatin lith Floodray = 8304.9 - 8300,3/ 45{45-4{810 = 0,008 {t/{t Section BJ to 8K later surface elevation at Lot l0 lithout Floodray = {{4900-41910}r0.007 + 9299.7 {t. BJ00.l ft. flater surface elevatioo at Lot l0 lith Floodrrv = (4{900-44840}10.008 + 8300.3 {t'8300.8 {t. ryYDRO-TRtAD, LTD. IOO YEAR FLOOOPLAIN BOUNDARY 5 :$ V/-4 o & YEAR FLOOD CONTAINED IN CUL N I MAP SOURCET Flood'Boondory ond Floodray tttop Torn of Voilr Colorqdo. Fedorol EnrcrEency fr6no gcor.nt Aganct o too' 200' 3@' Appror. Scqt. l"=3OO' tA )nl Ir'+ $: 4+"to+ tb'" f = 441s*t1ot= p=44gap + @z M,@_ 441@@ o,oB{+lt+(er +- as) (FJ {" BF)= (ooo*l - bq11) /caa' = o, o o1 4H*\- Wrlf Pf-J*rn @t,+. ?J ) =bWa - OZqul\ lnd = o, o t"il l+LOT 7 ELOCK 3 UAIL VILLAEE ELEVENTH FILING TOWN OF VA|L, EACLE COUNTY, COLORADO FLOODPLAIN ANALYSIS IOO YEAR FLOOOPLAIN= (aw.q- atus)faoi :f rJ -|.o aK) b.ooa*fu luay 2, 1983. rn'{.J l.h'.s ,IANIJARY,lggg FIGURE I LEGENO 5OO. YEAR FLOOD IOO - YEAR FLOOD 50. YEAR FLOOD 10. YEAR FLOOD STBEAM BED cRoss sEcTroN LOCATION ! erro FItlut5zo F S esoo ur ut 43.50043,000 tt,trl l-et4g- el€tG' lr YItl UJ (J UJE o ozul FzHoilC'(,:< J.: < -(J = 'u). ILJ6o9A =EoseOur l- =ut uJ IJJt! 39P ( HYDBO-TBIAD, [TD. June 22, 1989 Ms. Kristan Pritz Sen'ior Pl anner Town of Vail 75 South Frontaqe Road Vai1, Colorado -81657 Subject: Nystrom Resident Floodplain Modification Dear Ms. Pritz: I have recently had discussions with Mr. Jim Reich regarding the grading and floodplain modifications for the Nystron residence. He indicated 1ou had some questions and asked that we respond to them. Provided below are responses to Items l and 2 of your letter to Jim dated June 15, 1989. 1. Three f'l oodpl ain modi fication alternatives v€re identifiedfor thi s property in our neport dated January 4, 1989. Alernative 2 was selected by the architect. This alternative consists of fill p'l acement and structure construction withina portion of the floodplain fringe area. Based on the pro- posed site p1 an, the maximum depth of fill placsnent withinthe floodplain fringe area, will be approximatley 3.5 feet along the north edge of the 100-year fl oodplain. There will be no fill p1 acement within the floodplain fringe outside the south property line. According to the Flood Boundary and F'l oodway Maps prepared by the Federal Emegency Management Agency (FEMA), the I imits of fil 1 pl acanent and structure construction are outside the 100-year fl oodray. The minimum finished floor elevation is identified as eleva- tion 8298.0 feet. Thjs is 1.9 feet higher than the 100-year water surface shown in the FEltlA report (Section BI) assuming encroachment within the 100-year floodplain fringe area. Enclosed with this'letter is a site plan with existing and proposed contours. The area to be fi'l led is shaded in red. 1310 WADSWORTH BLVD.LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80215 PHONE 303-238-6022 Ms. June Page Kristan Pritz ?2, Lggg 2 The plan was prepared and is stamped by Jim Rejch. Existing contours are based on site survey and mapping performed by Eag'le Valley Eng'ineering and Surveying Inc. 2. Based on the Flood Boundary and Floodway lvlap prepared by FEI'IA, port'ions of the property are located within the 100-year floodplain fringe but not within the floodway. The proposed sjte and grading p1 an indicates that fill material and portions of the structure wi'l I be p1 aced within the floodp'l ain fringe area. This will increase the water surface elevations upstream of the property during flood events. The quantity of flow will not change. Based on data presented in Table 2 of the FEMA report, the water surface el evat i ons wi I I increase for a di stance of approximately 2,4L5 feet upstrean of the property. The ele- vation increase wjll be approximately 0.7 feet at the Nystrom Property and a maximum of 0.8 feet approximately 935 feet upstrean of the Property. I have enclosed copies of the FEMA Table 2 and the FEMA Flood Boundary and Floodway Map showing the affected reach of Gore Creek. y'fnpacts to adjacent properties ngJ.o-ccur along the reach of Gore Creek upstream of the NysTrom Property. Evaluation of impacts to properties wjthin this reach muld require a sur- vey of structures and si te improvements for 2,415 feet upstreil of the Nystrom Property. The elevation of the structures and inprovements rrnuld need to be compared with the water surface e'l evations shown in FEMA Table 2 under the column titled "t.l'ith Floodway". The elevations jn this column represent the maximum 100-year water surface elevations a'l lowed by FEMA with encroachment within the floodplain. t,|e do not have these elevations and as a result the potentia'lfor adverse impacts cannot be ful ly addressed. yZAeternination of the need for mitigation measures depends on' the location of upstrean structures and improvements relativeto the FEMA floodplain boundaries. Also, what is the currentpolicy of the Town regarding encroaclment wjthin the floodplain fringe area? Minimum FEMA standards allow for a maximum 1.0 foot rise resu'l ting frqn encroachment (development) withjn the floodplain fringe area. Fill place- ment on the Nystrom Property results in a maximum water sur- face rise of 0.8 feet in the affected reach. t+ls. Kristan Pritz June 22, 1989 Page 3 l{e further cal I ne Flow ve] ocities within the affected reach upstrean of theproperty range from 4.7 feet per second to 11.2 feet per second. l.Jith the fill olacement these ve'l ocities should not increase significantly. The velocities for the affected reach are less than other non-affected reaches of Gore Creek upstrean and downstrean of the property. However, some ero- s i on shoul d be anti c i pated wi thi n Gore Creek dur i ng the 100-year event. hope these comments ansvler lour questions. If pu have any questions or would like to discuss our cqnrEnts, p1 ease at lour convenience. 5i ncerely, LTD. R. Jay Sen i or Junge Reich Magee AIA ce Engi neer Nelson l.Iater RJN:jjm Encl. xc: Mr. Jim Reich, 7?0 118 Vl @?E GWK o r) o t! f! t! rD tr @ td t0 @ rE @ tD @c)u,DN<x€<cHCnid|oldoz tt@tDtDt!Btr.i{C]F{ o notttttrrtdtrtt0(DJ:Otrttrluor o n o () aa a oFl z T E. zo ort(, ur ur gr ur gr (, ur rJt ul ut a a 's' 'E' 'E'(, (, r, {, N N F |J F P c) \O \0 @ @ { ( ur s ts \o r! (n (, E o \) co ur (o o (P(,|EtsN5('l{(,t\,\gO-.1 €o CO (,lour ur <) o o ur o o ur ut o o o ur o A5A5Ao\o\(JrDF ro|ts|tso(,NHA5tsulogroo AAAA.$.bS(,U)NNF Hrotr\oa{@o.ts{{Poooooo H .l zo Gl (^,6 (, rJ| d\ ur u \o (, { ut c\ (, o\ { t\., ulo o @ (, o ur 5 o ur o o (, ui a t9 o H5NAA{I9APUTOAO PP tsNH|E@ts{Ulogto@utul fre El t- €)l t\)ts P P IJ ts N IJ ts ts N' t\' P N ITI P\o{{ co 5 co'.o ( (, d\ c) o o a (,| {a o ro w 5 F io (, { (, o.r r.u \o o co F H(r(ru)H P(,COCOA 19t\)NI'|,Nt, ul 5lr tt) ooo55c)H ;9 "J;i l, X 4FE; =H"2 -(Jl lg O @ ttr) (D |J| \O CO ict \t O \O { It O 5 A \O -J rJ O (, @ ltl @ { \O Or gl ts Or Ftsd\a(,\l' Nct\,1 €t(, { \.1 @( Ul \O N{NOFTO gEHr 3EE= -)d ,< o @ co @ o co @ @ co 6 co 6 co @ co co AA5rS|ts|ts(, l, (, (, {, l, |, (,l,(,(,OrU)Nt\'OrOrO@\.1 g\tJ| Ul A(,N){ (, (, g\ ts @ t, N O rtl) (, cD |F (t (, \O gr U, Nt CO 'r ts @ 6\ Or { \t P (/) \g (D |\) co600co (, 1., q, N N)N)HO\()rOours\0ur |FOts{F @o@cooo N'NN'NNNro@@@{oPro|,ts{ro ul(,@tse{ l,Ft €t,Fl CnoJcr,FCnF4 Gll, rl,F FO tlt t F: z o@@o@@@@@@@@@cocoo 5|E A AA A(,(, (, l, (/) (, (, (, (, (,(.i t, l, N N O \O lO O \t O't Ul (, A U N{( uJ( |. co cr, N @ \0 rJr co a ut (, \o gl l, N CO A H @ ( Or \t { P (, \O \O N co@@@o tr(rujNNNFO\oloo(Jra\0(, sots{a @@00@coco N1\)19NI.J.\)\OCo@O\.lO\P\OOJP{\O ur(,@Po{ Fs7\H I €Y19 !-q <F, 6CD(D@@@@tO@@CO@60@@ EAAF5 'r{, (a) l, l..l (, (, (, (, l, l,(, (, |, N N O \0 iD @ { (^ (,r t, s r, t\,{or |, ('.| P @ !r, N @ 10 ur @ 5 ur |E rc| ur (, N co a P co o\ (n { { H {r, \o ut ur @@@@@ t,t,(,(,Ni\)tsOOrOoutaoo\ 5(r,r0(,P @@@@6@ NNI\,NNNt.oco@o{(iPlot ts{\0 ur(,@Po{ zOT5Es FI FI€ic ooooooooo<)oooooo oooooooooooooodt(,o(ro( { oooooo oooooo Hz It @tn N?furcA ?EAC.A rt oorr D o rn F o o €P.(t 15!,tq o ts. rI 'Tl m0m, -m1fi\J'^E omztrBo 6Fl|T< =Er tvt- '-ro;io3 mz-{ omzo oo! mo:tmmx etetE' - et ",FiK-1sl-. lt, i:f,.l+c- t' Ff n r.>e5 0! _-0 LG s R s:. t* I I \l$IF \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ tn Dtn oo c,ooz{ 2z m E' 2oc ntd ----e- =9 Tat5u5i4- 1.l rg6) p+irp P -s B ( \ I \ Fa LUE. fi,' t!J FZ*o t"Fr-<Tz / ^: oz l.! i" roi tr,l JJ oz =lr- E $l tdo JJ J s ./, i's / ,r* :ds "/ I -il-;/ i @s \ o 75 oulh fronlage oad Ydl, color.do 81657 (3G,) 47F2138 (3ql) 4792139 1989 ofllce ot communlty dovelopment June 15, Mr. Jin ReichJunge, Reich, Magee Architects 4141 ArapahoeBoulder, Colorado 80303 Re: Nystrom residence floodplain modification Dear Jin, r have reviewed your proposal for the floodplain nodification on theNystrom property. Please subnLt the followJ.ng information tocomplete the sulruittal: l-. A starnped survey lndicating the exlsting and proposedtopos. Please shade in the area where the fill will belocated. 2. The Hydro-Triad report nust specifically address thenitigation proposed by the Nystroms. The engineer needs tostate whether or not the floodplain nodification willadversely effect adjacent properties or increase thequantity or velocity of floodwaters. The report shoulddetermine whether there are any negative impacts due to thefill on surrounding properties. Please subnit this addltlonal infonration by .tune 23, 1989. If you have any guestions, please feel free to call me at 479-2L39. Sincerely,l) \ o.l+rfntn Yrilt Kristan Pritz Senior Planner -;d' -.e. ,. :t- _i s(,)- June 12, 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 4792138 (303) 47s-2139 1989 Mr. James Reich 4L41 Arapahoe AvenueBoulder, Colorado 80303 Re: Nystrom residence, Lot. 7, olfice of communily developmenl Block 3, VaiI Village Eleventh Filing Dear Jirn, on June 7, l-989, the Design Reviehr Board reviewed conceptually yourproposar for the Nystrom residence. rn general , the Board telt-thacthe proposal was very well designed. Th;ir only suggestions werethat the sod on the east side of the house be extended to theneighbor's retaining wall. The idea is to blend the proposedrandscaping with the existing landscaping on either side-of the Loc.They.also emphasized that height would be measured from the existingor finished grade to any portion of the roof. Due to the fact that,you wish to fill on the lot, please take this into consideration wnencalculating height. Also, deck areas are only allowed to encroachhalf way into any required setback. The deck on the south side ofthe property wi}l need to be pu11ed back so that it does not encroachmore than seven and one half feet into the rear setback. rf {gg have any further guestions, please feer free to give me a callat 479-2L38. Sincerely,.' r l\ rU:-l U-'l^ nnlT0n ul\-t Kristan PritzSenior Planner KP: Ir APPLI.ATI'N-'rlorop ttnm''rlon'r^torr) I. This procedure is required for any project requesting a variance.will not be accepted until all in?oi"maiion is'submitted. A. NAr4E 0F eppucnwj9puz2!E_3614 UAG€tr AtA ADDRESS a' 'o Appl ication PEC MEETING o.Q Lf r-/rr D^TE 2//d/PI The application J ,./' eno-fpgL cr t-/oa4t- FRot. Juil@ ffiltt mil.€E.4tA PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OEPARTMENT l^llLL ACCEPT F. A list of the names of owners of a'll plgpglly adjacent t9 tlre subject property INCLUDTNG pRopERTy gqHIN0 AND AcRoss lrRLers", ;il-ih;i,,airins-ild;;r;;;:-THE APPLICANT }lILL 8E RESPONSIAiE FON iORNiCi rqNiriiid'NOONESSES. II. A PRE-APPLICATION..CONFERENCE WITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDT0 )DETERMINE IF ANY' RootrtotlAl ilrFonllniuir,r- il niEblol-lio nppllcRTroN r,lrLL BEACCEPTED uNLEss IT-IS_C0MPLFIq tmusr mifurjE nu-iiiu! REQUTRED By THE zoNrNGI9ILN$IR4I9E).--II-l! rHE nppliCnHri nEiFon'sisriiiV-ro NnrE en-npioininenrr.lrrH THE srAFF T0 FrNo ouT naoui-Aoorirofinl-SueMiiini nequrnEMENrs. pLEAsE NorE rHAT A coMpLFrF ;;;;';;;;;";;,,"";;,;;:';;.;";;, nhn^Fyoun pnorEcr ai'oteffi,fli:hliili'i,'lbh,;115fi!';X'olFfiofli'?Ili i[8'Fil*[?[,'AND ENvIRONMENTAL-coMllI!910N t"tni-tirpulnrE. Air iollorrrons oF AppRovAL MUsr BEcompLrED wrTH BEFoRE n sul-olNc pEmrii-fi-issffi.--"-' ITI. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN SIIi!I4E!I OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REqUESTED AND THEREGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO AODRESS: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to'other existing or potentialuses and structures in the'vicinity. rvr.r v' Pvr'slrr'rcl 2. The- degree to-which relief from the strict or litera't interpretation andenforcement of a specified resulation ls n.iersiw'to ictrieie-i|rpiii[iiituand uniformi!v pt treatment ailons sites in-irrl-vitiniti o'. to iiiiin';h;'"objecti,res of this tiile without-grant or speiiii-p"iuit.gu. none jo,"fullw B. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE ^DDREss 4/4/ A&*p.4Hod AV6. pnone,os,*4l.zeo7 c.NAME oF owNER((type or print) Si on ADDRESS 236 n/. 3.'2?2.@6 PH0NEg..!Sb:.1+nl) D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS LEGAL DEscRrprroN Lor 7 BLocK_j1_FrLrN ltt',* E. FEE $]00 THE FEE MUST BE YOUR PROPOSAL. \ OVER B. -,o Vari ance G. Any additiona'l material necessary for the review of the application as determined by the zoning adminlstrator., For interior modifications, an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning admjnistrator. 3. The effect of the variance on llght and air, dlstribution of-populatlon' tiinsportation, traffic facllltiis, utl'litles, and public safety' A topographic and/or improvement survey at a scale of at least !'] - ?0' stamped bv a'Coloi'ado 'licensed iurveyor lncludlng locations of all-exlsting lmprove- mLnts, including grades and elevations. Qther elements which must be shown i"6-piriing ana-toaOing iieas, ingress and egress, landscpPed areas and utllity and drainage features. A site plan at a scale of at least 1" " 20r showing existing and proposed buildings. A1 pre'liminary buitding elevations and_floor plans_sufficient to indicate [tre bimensions-, general-appearance, scale and use of al] bui'l dings and spaces existing and proposed on the site. A preliminary title report to verify ownership and easements If the proposal is located in a multi-family development which has a homeowners' association, then written approval from the association in support of-the projebt must be receJved by a duly authorized agent for said association. ,l/ c. D. E. F. \ u '\' IV.Time Requirments The Planning and Environmenta'l Conunission meets of each mon[h. A complete application form and (as described above) must be submitted-a minimum PEC puUtic hearing. No incomplete applications administrator) will be accepted by the planning nated submittal date. on the 2nd and 4th Mondaysall accompanying materia'l of 4 weeks prior to the date of (as determined bY the zoning staff before or after the desig- tht JUNG€ R€rcH MRG€€ nrnlcHrr€cTuR€ & eLRNNTNo efiessroNnL coRpoRRTtoN , ., . SubJect Property: L9!_7, Blgc! 3, Vail llth Fillng3070 Booth Creek Drlve AdJacent Property 0wners: Tract C - Yail Associates To ilorthP.0. Box 7Vall, C0 81659 Tract A - Yall Assoclates To SouthP.0. Box 7Yail, C0 81658 Lot 6 - 3050 Booth Creek Drlve2 0wners:l. Ray lfallace % l{ebb Cool ey Co.P.0. Box 800907 Dal I as, Texas 75380 2. rlose Antonlo Crater 428 lilexico, l,lexico 01900 Lot I - 3090 Booth Creek Drlve Tom Ll ston S Jefferson Bank Bullding 124 S.ll. Adams Street - Sulte 370 Peorf a, I L 6l 602 4'I4I RBRPRHO€ RV€NU€ BOULD€R, COLORRDO 80303 3O3 444.2987 t I I I I I I I I t T t I I I I t I t FLOODPLAIN ANALYSIS LoT 7, 8L0CK 3 VAIL VILLAGE ELEVENTH FILING VAIL, COLORAOO JANUARY 1989 Preoared For: Mr. Dan Souders Mr. Dave Nystron P.0. Box 9100 Boulder, Colorado 80301 Prepared By: HYDBO-TBIAD, LTD. tl|o unDJllloilll, Surc 100t tcurooD, (otoinDo aolll I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I t t HYDBO-TBIAD, LTD. January 4, 1988 Mr. Dan Souders Mr. Dave Nystron P.0. Box 9100 Boulder, Colorado 80301 Subject: Floodplain and Floodway Analysis - Lot 7' Vail ' Colorado Dear Sirs: Enclosed is our report evaluating the flgodqlail^ i1!::tt relative to the Lot 7 Site. Our analyses and .evaiuationi are bls:d on the FEMA 100-vear ftoodplain 'aitineitiJn and tneiort Creek Floodplain Information n"poit prepared by Hydro-Triad' Ltd' 0ur analyses indicate that none of the project. a-r9.a.is located w'i thin the floodway and approximately 6,.0g0 square' fe-et- (40%).,'i s located within the floodplain fring'e.-" fonitiuction o."iitiing wirnin the. floodway is not atrowed by the reoiiir ffi;;;;i -r'il*g*iii oi:l:y (TI^{,' construction wi thin the f I oodpl ain;.i;g; '#.i...n bL accomoiated, .prov-id.ed the upstrean water surface elevalion i-i not increasea- w more ihan.0.7-foot' A map l"piitirs il,Jrioooiiiii rrirg"-arei is included within the report. constructjon activities with.in the floodplain fringe. area are needed to remove that area i;;-';;. Ioooptain. --itris could-.be acccmplished by constructing buitd.i;;; ,o itrut -ir,i tirit floor elevation. is I' foot above the base flood e'levaiion-, flijlni"in. tringe-i.ea or c-onstructing a levee' The levee would ue- roclteo wjinin the iloodplain fringe area. These construction activiiies must meet criteri a imposed by FEMA' }le appreciate the opportunity to be of service to 1ou' If you have any questions or need addit\onal informat'ion please contact us' Si ncerel Y, HYDRO-TRIA0, LTD. .."--)l I ,/\_=-//(,-" (. fa-- ,dohn E. Law Water Resource Engineer RJN:jjm ccz 720 Encl. (Report) 1310 WADSWORTH BLVD.LAKEWOOD. COLORADO 80215 PHONE 303-238.6022 t I I I I t I I I I I I T I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS I I NTRODUCTION . P age -1- -J- -6- -6- II. SITE CHARACTERISTICS. III. SITE IMPROVEMENTS. IV. CONCLUSIONS. V.REFERENCE S . T ITI t I I I I I I II I t I I t t I I I.I NTRODUCTION In November 1988, Mr. Dan Souders requested Hydro-Triad, Ltd. to perform a floodplain analysis and evaluation for property near Vail, Colorado. The site is Lot 7, Elock 3 of the Vail Village 1lth Fil'ing. The property lies between Gore Creek and Booth Creek Drive and is located approximately 500 feet upstrean of the confluence of Gore Creek and Booth Creek. The information, analyses and evaluations presented within this report are based on site topographic mapping prepared by Eagle Valley Engineering and Surveying, Inc. and floodplain reports previously prepared by Hydro-Tri ad, Ltd. and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). II. SITE CHARACTERISTICS The Lot 7 site is located adjacent to Gore Creek and encqnpasses approximately 15,070 square feet. The north bank of Gore Creek repre- sents the south site boundary and Booth Creek Drive represents the north site boundary. The frontage a1 ong Gore Creek is approximately 160 feet. A map showing site location f'l oodplain and floodway and boundaries is shown on Fiqure 1. The floodplain and fl oodway boundaries shown on Figure 1, have been transferred to a topographic map of Lot 7 prepared by Eagle t I t I t I t I I T I I t I I I I I I I I HYDRO-TRIAO, LTD. - YEAR FLOOD CONTAINED IN CULVERT IOO YEAR FLOOOPLAIN BOUNDARY N I llAP SOURCE: Flood Eoundory ond Flooduoy Mop Toua ot Voil, Colorodo. Faderol Emerg€ncy Monogam.nt Agency Moy 2, 19€13. o too' 200' 300'Et+_--i Appror. Scoh l"=3OO' LOT 7 ELOCK 3 UAIL VILLAGE ELEVENTH FILING TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO FLOOOPLAIN ANALYSIS IOO YEAR FLOODPLAIN ,JANUARY, lggg FIGURE I t I t I t I I t I T I I I I t t I I I Val ley Engineering and Surveyi ng, Inc. Th is map is identified as Figure 2. As jndicated on Figure 2, only a portion of the s'ite js located within the Gore Creek 100-year floodplain. Approx'imately 6,090 square feet (40%) are located within the floodplain fringe iden- tified by FEMA. None of the property is located within the floodway. The floodway is defined by FEMA as: "...the channel of a river or other watercourse and the adjacent land areas that must be reserved in order to discharge the base flood without cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation more than a designated height." In this case the base flood represents the 1.00-year flood event and the designated he'ight is 0.7-foot at the central portion of the property (Section BI, Figure 1). W'ith respect to the Lot 7 site' the floodway represents that area adjacent to Gore Creek which must be allowed to remain open to convey the 100-year peak d'i scharge. The ftoodplain fringe area is that area between the floodway boun- dary and the 100'year floodptain boundary. FEMA has designated this area as available for development. By rsnoving this area from the floodplain, the water surface elevation (or base flood elevation) within the floodway is increased by not more than l-foot and in the -2- I I t I I I I I I I T I I I I I I case of Lot 7, 0.7-foot. An il lustrative schematic showing the flood- way, f1 oodway fringe and floodplain concepts are shown on Figure 3. A summary of floodplain characteristics of the site are shown in Table ]- TAELE 1 FLOODPLAI N CHARACTERISTICS LOT 7 SITE 100-Year Event Peak Discharge. .1,810 Cubic Feet Per Second Area Within Floodway. ....0.0 square foot Area Within Floodplain Fri4gp. .6,090 square feet Flow Prooerties Section BI(rl Floodwhy Width. ..40 Feet Mean Velocity. ...9.3 ftls Base Flood Water Surface Elevations withoutFloodway. ......8,295.4 Feet l.li th Fl oodway. . . .8,296.1 Feet Max'imum Permissible Increase. ......0.7 Foot (1)see Figure 1 for location of cross section BI. As part of the topographic mapping, Eagle Valley Engineering and Surveying, Inc. has also located the boundary of the 100-year floodplain. This line, shov',n on Figure 2, is more consistent with the present site topography than the boundary designated by FEMA. I I -3- T I I I T I I I I I I t I I T I I I I DRO-TRIAD, LTD. . IOO-YEAR FLOOD PLAIN FLOOOWAY FLOOOWAY -FLOOOWAYFRINGE Surcho rge x nroodlment STREAM FRINGE Flood elevqtion when conf inecl within f loodwoy Enroochment BA Areo of f lood ploin thatl 3rg-#TF- ''Flood elevo.tion !,efoy could be used for ctevelopment -qFlFll|_ enroochment on flood by roising ground Ploin ' Line AB is the elevotion before enroochment ' Line CD is the elevotion ofter enroochment x Surchorge represents the rise in water surfoce or energy grode line elevotion LOT 7 ELOCK 3 VAIL VILLAqE ELEVENTH FILING TOJryN OF VAIL, EAGLE CouNTY, COLORADO FLOODPLAIN ANALYSIS Source: Federot Emer-oencv Mnst- Agencv FLOODWAY SCHEMATIC ii:Sririitr!!i**l:ii:;i*..,.rffi FIGUREJANUARY, 1989 t t I I I I I I I I t I It T t I t I I III. SITE IMPROVEMENTS Eased on the f'l oodway fringe area, al I for development use. However, to acconplish be removed from the 100-year f1 oodplain. avail able. A. Alternative 1 of the site is available this, a1 I structures must Three al ternatives are constructing structures on the site so e at least 1 foot above the base flood The water surface elevation across the shown on Table 2. Alternative 1 consists of that the floor elevations ar elevation with the floodway. property with the floodway is TABLE 2 BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS(1) NCNOSS IOT Z I.IITH THE FLOODWAY West Boundaryof Property Center of Property (Section BI) East Boundary of Property 8294.7 feet 8296.1 feet 8296.9 feet (1)Al I elevations National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1919. Confirmation of the datum used in the development of Figure 2 has not been done as part of this study. 41 I piers, columns and supports vrtrich may be exposed to 100-year flows should be adequately protected from failure caused by scouring or erosion. -4- t I t I I I I I I I I t t I t t t I t B.Alternative 2 This alternative consists of placing fiI I material within the floodplain fringe area of Lot 7. The fill shouid be placed to eleva- tion that is l foot above the increased base flood elevations. This will provide l foot of freeboard above the 100-year water surface pro- fi le. Near the property boundary along Gore Creek, the depth of fill w'i ll be 2 to 3 feet. Prior to fill placsnent, clearing and stripping the entire floodplain fringe area to be developed will be required. Placement and compact'ion of fil'l material must be done in ccmpliance with Town of Vajl regulations. AIso, erosion protection along the face of the fill will be required within high flow velocity areas. Riprap will probably be the most cost effective method of protection. C. Alternative 3 For this alternative, the floodplain fringe area to be developed would be protected by a Ievee. The levee would be located along the property boundary north of Gore Creek. Design and construction cri- teria are identified bv FEMA and include the followinq: o Minimum freeboard is 3 feet above the increased base flood elevations (Table 2). o Minimum side slooes are 3 horizontal to 1 vertical . -5- t t I T I I I I t t I I I I I I I t I o Top width of the levee is a minimum of 10 feet. o Seepage control must be provided. o Fill material conoacted to 951 of Standard Proctor test. o Erosion protection required along the outside face (al ong Gore Creek). o Vegetation along the inside face. o An additional 1-foot of freeboard is required on e'ither side of structures and bridqes located within the levee. o Clearing, stripp'ing and foundation preparation required prior to placement of compacted fjll material. It may be possible to relax some of these criteria through discussjons between the Tovfi and FEMA. However, for purposes of our analyses, we have tried to present all of the criteri a which may need to be met. Near the property boundary along Gore Creek, the height of the levee would range between 4 and 5 feet. Fjll material will be needed, as well as granular drain material for seepage control and riprap for eros'ion protect'ion. -6- T I I I I t I t t I I I I I I I I t t IV CONCLUS IONS The entire Lot 7 site may be developed, Site improvements will be required to remove and/or protect this area from the Gore Creek 100'year floodplain. Three alternatives are available. They consist of constructing and elevat'i ng structures within the floodplain so that the first floor is one foot above the 100-year f1 oodway water surface elevation, fil'l ing the area outside the floodway to a minimum depth of l foot above the 100-year floodway water surface e1 evation, or constructing a levee along the property boundary adjacent to Gore Creek. The selection of the approprjate alternative or ccrnbination of alternatives is outside the scope of the report. Final selection will depend on both econdnic and aesthet'ic considerations. Upstrean floodplain impacts do not appear to be a major constra'i nt. V. REFERENCES References used in preparation of this report included the followinq: Floodpla'in1. Colorado Water Conservation Board, Infornation Repgf, Hydro-Triad, Ltd., Gore Creek June 1975. 2. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Flood Insurance Study' Town of Vail Colorado, Eagle County, l{ovember 2, 1982. -7- O APPLICATION DATE:ml1Lt ZZ . /949 DATE OF DRB MEETING: IJUN€ 1 /q6') DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETII{G: A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determ1hb if any additional jnformation is needed. No appl'ication will be accepted unless it is complete (must include al'l items required by the zoning administrator). It is the applicint's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applica- tion wil'l streamline the approval process for your proiect by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may st'ipulate. ALL cond'itions of approvai must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address 3o7o Legal Zoni ng Descri pt'i on Lot 7 Block 3 Filing /.u_(<) ats7rerc7 D. r telephone bg,l7z.b8 REPRESENTATIUEI VUNaE A€|CH MA6EE AlAW telephoneSog.&.:2997 telephone3oS '7 7? .aogt be paid at the time a building permit is requested. FEE $ o-$ 10,000 $10,001 -$ 50,000 $.50,001 - $ 150,ooo $150,001 - $ .5oo,ooo $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS l. In addition to meet'ing submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should also be mark-ed. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The review process for NEl,l BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval. 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. F. $ 10.00 $ zs.oo $ s0.00 $1oo.oo $200.00 $300 . oo TO THE DRB: /ttu- C. NAME 0F APPLICANT: -Dt\VtO N'fsf 'eT'^ -Addres s NAME OF Addres s NAME OF Ol,lNE Si gnature Address DRB FEE: The fee wi I I VALUATION 'O LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF The following information is required for submittal Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL Roof Si di ng 0ther t'JaIl Materials Fasci a Soffi ts !li ndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPING: Name of //ww by the applicant to the Design Review COLOR ,* bw atq Fry I,ALL 6LA?J/X-, ' tDffiO '- (2/ <1 b@p crz'? .//h-.wD I k:re/cl*o bft€'| tp@D 1s7ffi1 4eE1 Slzrt &Laze- B.Desi gner: phone: Botanical Name Common Name Quani ty Si ze* Act+6D TO LLILLnaS /N )@--& f*T/os- for conifers. (over ) PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. Indicate height t.--. frt - PLANT I'IATERIALS: Botanical Name Common Name Quanitv _ Size'. (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS Tvpe Square Footaqe s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. 0THER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) please specify. I -.,J a PLAIIT LIST COMIION NAMEEI- TREES SHRUBS 2 2 1 I 3 KEY BOTANIC NAME AI'IELANC H I ER CA}.IADENS I S POPULUS TREiIULOIDES SORBUS AUCOPARIA PINUS ARISTATA PICEA PUNGENS COTONTASTER APICULATA CORNUS SERICEA COLORADENSE JUNIPERUS H. ELUE CHIP LIGUSTRUM V. LODENSE PHYSOCARPUS O. DART'S GOLD POTEI'ITILLA F. KATHERINE DYKES RIBES ALPINA RosA lrooDsl SYRI}'IGA MEYERI SYI.?HORICARPOS OREOPHI LUS SERVICEBERRY ASPEN EUROPEAN MI ASH BRISTLECOiIE PINE BLUE SPRUCE CRANBERRY COTONEASTER C0L0RAD0 D0Gtl00D BLUE CHIP JUNIPER LODENSE PRIVET DART'S GOLDEN NINEEARK KATHERINE DYKES POTENTILLA ALPINE CURRANT NATIVE ROSE DWARF KOREAN LILAC MOUNTAIN SNOI{BERRY 5 GAL 5 GAL 5 GAL 5 GAL 5 GAL 5 GAL 5 GAL 5 GAL 5 GAL 5 GAL (lL c^. AC PT SA PA PP CA cs JB LL PDG PKD RA Rtl SM s0 SIZE rt-6J BB14/H"2' BB6' BB 6, BB Cl ump BB Cl ump 14 5 l8 7 6 9 5 I 3 5 PERENNIALS & GR0uNpcovERS l6l_aL- WfN ?Prlarpl AC AQUILEGIA CoERULEAAN ASI'ER NOVI-BELGIIAS AVENA SEMPERVIRENSAU ARCTOSTAPHYLUS UVA.URSICDI'I CHRYSANTHEMUM MISS MUFFETDC DELOSPERMA COOPERI GAG GAILLARDIA ARISTAT GOBLINHH HEMER0CALiS HYPERIOt'lMR MAHONIA REPENSPN PAPAVER I'IUDICAULEPS PHLOX SUBULATATP THYMUS PSEUDOLANUGINOSUSVR VEROi,IICA REPENS t0 3 I 50 3 7 4 3 50 12 15 25 30 I GALiI GAL{ enl g: GAL{ cAL f, cAL t' cALr GAL [-cAL 5-enl rGALf enl $-enl ROCKY MT COLUMBINE D}IARF ASTER BLUE AVENA GRASS KINNIKINNICK DI{ARF SHASTA DAISY PURPLE ICEPLANT DI.IARF BLANKET FLO}IER DAYLI LY CREEPING OREGONGRAPE ICELAND POPPY PINK CREEPING PHLOX I{OOLY THYME CREEPING VERONICA W JUNG€ R€rcH MRG€€ o,ioar,r€cru'€ 6 'LRNNTN6 {resstoN'L coRpoRRTtoN llay 22, .| 989 Town of Vail Pl anni ng DepartmentVail, Colorado ATTN: Kri sti n Pri tz RE: NYSTROM RESI DENCE 3O7O BOOTH CREEK (PROPOSED) DRM (L0T 7, BL0CK 3, VAIL llTH FILING) ilith this letter we are submitting for Design Review Boardapproval of a proposed new residence at the abovelocation. 0ur tentative schedul e is to begin constructionby ear'l y Jqly, however, we woul d I ike to begin some requi red fi I I work sooner. rrai n de. ates is ng the The site is adjacent to Gore Creek and the natural teis low relatlve to the existing houses on either si 4g9ltfonal ly, an engineered Floodplain Analysis indicfil'l within the flood plain as a requirement fordeveloping the site. Because suitable nearby fillgoi ng to be avai I al be soon, we are hereby requestipermission to initiate this work before issuance of bui I di ng permi t. 0ur -specific request is to add approximately two (Zl feetof fi'l I to the si te, bri ngi ng i t up to abbut el evati on8,298. This will require a6out 900 yards of fill,tentatively from the proposed Vail Mountain School site.Fill will be placed in compliance with Town of Vailregulations and leveled. If the building permit is notissued by August l5th, the site will be- r'eseeded withnative grasses. Thanks in advance for your consideration of our request. Si ncerel y , Jrr^^4 h,{t:- James A. Reich, AIA JAR/el a cc: Dave & Nancy Nystrom 4141 RRRPRHO€ RV€NU€ BOULD€R.coLoRRDO 80303 303 444-2987 trl UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION suBDrvrsroN UAtt t//LLActr tfl FIL:NG JOB rnT NAME NTsfRorTT REilDF.NcE 7 BLocK 3 FTLTNG /lH nosuss 3o7o booTH CA€EA *.tve: The locatlon of utilities, wheEher they be main trunk lines must be approved and verlfled by the followtng utilities for site DIan. Authorlzed Slgnature l'rol\ \\"-,t/* NOTE: These verifications do noE relleve the conEractor of hls responslblllcy to obtaln a street cut permlt from the Town of Vall, Departnent of Public Works and to obtain utility locatlons before dlgging in any publlc rlght- of-way or easenent in the Town of Vall. A building permlt 1s not a street cut permit. A street cut permit must be obtained separately. Thls forrn ls to verlfy service availability and location. Thls should be used ln conjunction with preparlng your utllity plan and schedullng lnstallatlons. *(Please bring a sJ.te plan when obtalnlng Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitatlon signatures) or proposed llnes, the accornpanylng Mountain Bell 468-6500 Western Slope Gas Co. 1 800 922-1987 Harry Moyes Pub1lc ServLce Cornpany 949-57 8L Gary HaIl lloly Cross Electlrc Assoc. 949-5892 Ted ltusky/Michael Laverty Ilerltage Cablevlslon T.V. 949-5530 -gar:r-+egasen- Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation Distrlct 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee Da te t-74 --..7..- (- ?-rq e-? - €1 ers Policy American Land litle Assocralion Form B- 1970 (Amended 1G]7-70) PolicvNumber AZ 757037 MINNESOTAt,tT !\ SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVEBAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS CONTAINED IN SCHEDULE B AND THE PBOVISIONS OF THE CONDITIONS AND STIPUIATIONS HEREOE TITLE INSUBANCE C0MPANY 0F N/INNESoTA, herein called lhe Companv rnsures, as of Date of Fblicy shown in Schedule A, against loss or damage. not exceeding the amount of insurance stated in Schedule A, and costs, attorneys' lees and expenses whtch the Company may become obligated to pay hereunder, sustained or incuned by the rnsured by reason of: 1. lltle to the estate 0r interest described in Schedule A being vested otheruvise than as stated therein; 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on such title; 3. Lack of a right of access to and from the land; or 4. Unmarketability of such title. lN WITNESS WHEBE0I the said ltle Insurance Company of Minnesota has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by is duly authorized ofiicers as of the date shown in Schedule A, the policy to be valid when countersigned by an authorized officer or agent oi the Company. TITTE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA A Stock Company 400 Semnd henue SMh. Mim@f,lis, Minneso/€ 55ql -Et.t-*:E#* Tll,il torm #130 8'86 25M rnierposed aqainst an tiiuie.-.l tn atr l'-r or to entotce a cortract for a sale Tf H'Ordner s Frtrm 23L2 ic1nlinued on ir$nle batk flap) Amr-runt -lr.rlv 13, 1?FE at g:{tL] A"l'1. NANCY t:. NYFTR']F| ' a.s J,rint Terrants and LINnA li, St:tUFERti, Bi r-loint Tenants in the I arr,J descr.ihed irr {:his $chedrll e by this pc, I icy is: File N,-r. V12107 SIHETIULE A N,r. AZ7=7Ct37 1S275 , C,{:,Cr, CtC} A,ldr'ess I a Palicr. Date: NamE nf Insur'r3d! IIAVIE F. NYSTRfil"l arrd ETANNY L. SfiUnERS and :1. The estats 'tr i rrtlarest and ulhich is csver.<,"d A Fee :iinrpl e 4, Title t',r thrl esta{:e c,r irrter.est cc,ver.ed hr" this Fr-, I i':r. at thedate herc.'r.F is vested inl nAVIfi F. NY:fTRfiM and NANI-:Y C. NY'.]TR'11,1 , ag .-toirrt Tenants arrd ITANNY L. !|OUnERE and LINttA 1.1. E;CrUnEF::i , ;rs Jnint Tenants 5. The land r'e1:enred ta in t'his pr-, I icr. is sit-r.ratEd in EAT]LE Cr:rurrt'rr ll:a l,:r'adc,' and is descril-,ed as f 'rl I r,us: LI]T 7, BLtlC}{ 3" VAIL VILLAEE, ELEVENTH FILINIJ, AEEIRTIIIIF TIl THE REEORNEN FLAT THEREfiF, COLINTY oF EAISLE, STATE OF T:L'LNRAI]fl, Fase This Pol icy val id ,:nl'y if .Schedrlle B is attarhc"d. ?,,r-*.,.k,Jo=, E; -7 Ttn Aurte? For-m 73L-4 :iI:FIETIIJLE Tfris pc, I ict dtes rr,rt insur'e as{airrs.t I {,5s r:' r' ,lanr"qge bi r'gasr.,n nf the f nl I rur i rrs: 1.. Rislrts ,:r' clainrs of parties irr F,:,5$essi'1rr nnt g:fltun b"r the puhl ic r'ec,:,rds. t. Easementsr Er. trlaims ,:f easenrents, nc't sih['urrr br th*l pr:h] i.c r'{:! c {r T'd s . :3. ftiscr'epan,:ies' canf I irts i. rr br:ruirrlarr' i irresr shr-'rtase in ar'ea' Lrnf rc'acflntents, and arrl' f acts uh ich a corr'ect srtr'vel and inspc.cti*n ot the pr.enrises u,nU l,-l d j.scl c,se arrd utfr j.,:h ar'e rr,rt sh':,ulrr by thrs put, I i c r'c,c*r'dg. 4. Arrl I ir:n, *r r'ight to a I ien' f or' ser'vi,:ss' I aL'r-'r'' ':' r' rtat€'r'ia1 ther'et,:l:,rrg c,r' frer'eaf ter f ur'rrished, inrp'tsud hr' I au ar l rr t:'t shrruln br the pr.tbl ic rec,:r'ds. l?€IF TAXH:! NNT YET NUE ANN F'AYABLE. LIENE FI:IR I-INFAIN WAIER ANTI SEI"IER THARIJH,:: ' IF ANY. RI!:i}lT I:tF PRI:|F'RIETNR TIF A VEIN I:IR LBNE TI:I EXTRAI::T ANTI REf'1O'/E HI.;i CIRT: THEREFR0I"I sI.t|]IJLn TFIE €;AI4E BE FI:II-INN Tfi FENETRATE I:IR INTER:;ETT THE F'FIEI4I::iE5 Ag RESERVETI IN LINITEN STATE::| FATENT REC:CIRNEF MAY (.}6' 117OTJ, IN BOIII':4!:I AT FAGE ?73. E. RIGHT NF NAY f:I:IR TIITCHES r]R I:ANALS I::8N::TRUI]TEN EY TI-IE AUTFII:IFIITY t:IF ]-HE UNITEII 5TATE5 A,,i RE:JERVETI IN UNITET STATES PATENT REI::fiRTIEN HA"r ()4'" 1'.:./05' IN BOI]III 49 AT F'ABE :7:{. .?. RESTRII]TIVE I:I VEI'JANT-i, 141-11g'.' I.II:I NRT I--:I:INTAIN A FI]FFE]TI.IRE NR FT:VER'I-ER I::LALI::E" EiLIT t:IMITTINIJ RE:;TRI[:TII:IN,,i, IF AI,IY, EA';ED I:IN RAT:E, I:I:ILI:IR, RELIGIflN' l:rR NATIL1NAL t:rRItiIN, A:i r::r:tNTAIf..lED IN It.t:::TFl_rMEl.JT FEr::r:rErrEfr ,Jrt1"i t/t, L?7 1., IN EtgC'!.: ll1 AT FALIE 14(J ANn AF AMEt'ltrEIr IN It'.l5TRUl'1Et,lT REt::l:rRtrEIr MaT t-t5, L?77, ItJ BBLTH :54 AT FA'3E 1365. I.C,. NRAINAI:iE ANN UTILITY EA:SEMENT TEN FEET IN I.ITTITH ALI:II'.II:j THE I,IE5T LI]T. L.INE t:IF- 5UB,.IEI::T FRNPERTY AS::iH|JHN TIN THE REI::I:IRTIELI F,LAT t:IF I/AIL VILLAIiE' EI.EVENITH FILINI:i. 11 . nEEn rlF DANNY L. FI]R THF REt::t:lRttEtl v1=1Cr7 TRUET nATEtr Jr:l'r tlrTr 1'7::it:r, FRFI-4 I]AVItt B. NY::,TRul'l' NAN|-:Y L-' NY::;l'Rt:rl-1' E:I:IUTIERS ANTI LINNA FI. SI:IUNERS TO T}.IE PUELII:: TRI.I::;TEE ':IF EAt:iLH I:I:ILINI'Y u5E ilF hIILLIAM t"l. FnESIHENSTEIN Tr:r gEr]l-lRE 'rHH :::Ut'l r:rF S?':rl, OOrl . Orl Fage 3 Jult l!' lpFg, IN Ftlnl'i 4S7 AT FAIiF* 145. ' I L ntttta@fi ot Lt.lb,hty - I,lo irtrxrtrl trjnt ot (r cndorsctlierll to ttlts po[LJ cillt be . No claim shall arise or be mainlainable under this policy {a) if the made except by writing ;ndorsed hereon or attached hereto signed by Company, after having received notice of an alleged defect. lien or either the President, a Vice President, the Secretary, an Assistant Secre- encumbrance insured against hereundel by litigation or otherwise, tary or validating officer or authorized signatory of the Company. removes such defect, lien 0r encumbrance or establishes the title, as insured, within a reasonable time after receipt of such notice; (b) in the 13. Noties, Where Sent event of litigation until there has been a final determrnation by a court 0f All notices required t0 be given the Company and any statement in writing competent lurisdiction, and disposition of all appeals therefrom, adverse to required to be fumished the Company shall be addressed to its Home the title, as insured. as provided in paragraph 3 hereof; or {c} for liability Office, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401. voluntarily assumed byan insured in settling any claim or suit wrthout prior written consent of the CompanV. Note: lhis Nlicy valid only if Schedules A and B are attached.L Eeduaion of Liabilitv All payments under this policy, except payments made for costs, anorneys' fees and exoenses, shall reduce the amount of the insurance pro tanto. No payment shall be made without producing this policy for endorsement of such payment unless the policy be lost or destroyed, in which case proof of such loss or destruction shall be furnished t0 the satisfaction of the Comoanv 9. LiabilityNancumulative. It is expressly understood that the amount of insurance under this policy shall be reduced by any amount the Company may pay under any policy insuring either (ala mortgage shown or refened to in Schedule B hereof which is a lien on the estate or interest covered by this policy, or (b) a mortgage hereafter executed by an insured which is a charge or lien on the estate 0r interest described or refened to in Schedule A, and the amount so paid shall be deemed a payment under this policy. The Company shall have the option to apply to the payment of any such mortgages any amount that otherwise would be pavable hereunder to the insured owner of the eslate or rnterest covered by this policy and the amount s0 paid shall be deemed a oavment under this oolicv to said insured owner 10. Aooorlionnent lf the land described in Schedule A consists 0f two or more parcels which are not used as a single site, and a loss is established affecting one or more of saLd parcels but not all, the loss shall be computed and settteo 0n a pro rata bases as if the amount of insurance under this policy was divided pro rata as to the value on Date of Policy 0f each separate parcel to the whole, exclusive of any improvernents made subsequent to Date of Policy, unless a liability or value has otherwise been aoreed uoon as ro each such parcel by the Company and the insured at t[e time oJ the rssuance of this policy and shown bv an exoress statement herein or by an endorsement attached hereto. 1l Siibrooatton [trnn Pavment or Senlement Wlienever lhc Ccrcanv:-:t,l :3'.e:,jn ej e c'aim urCer this CoJicV, atl I qht 0t sLb:otti ai i'3: ,asl i'-l i--::r-, t':r'tc:ej n,i anv ecl 0f tl.e ,nsure0 c:: riarl l'l C:r-.arv s^,:, :a :--:ictn:eat:-r ;t't te ellilJed 10 ;i;l ngnls er0 remed Es',.in ct s!Ln ri sur:! c;,tnanl ,..0utC have t'ao ngarnst any Ferson cr grcoen\i rf resceci:0 sucn clalm nad lr s osirc/ rct been issued, and if recuesteC bv tne Cornoanv such insured claimant shall lransfer 1o the Company ail rights and remed,es against any person or property necessary in order to perfect such right of subrogation and shall permit the Company t0 use the name of such insured claimant in any transaction 0r litigalion involving such rights or remedies. lf the payment does not cover the loss of such insured claimant, the Company shall be subrogated to such rights and remedies in the proportion which said pay- ment bears t0 the amount 0f said loss. lf loss should result from any act 0f such insured claimant, such act shall not void this policy, but the Company, in that event, shall be required to pay only that part of any losses insured against hereunder which shall exceed the amount, if any, lost t0 the Company by reason of the impairment of the right of subrogation. 12. Liability Limted to this Policy. This instrument together wilh all endorsements and other instruments, if any, attached hereto by the Company is the entire policy and contract between the insured and the Company. Any claim of loss or damaqe, whether or not based on negligence, and which arises out of the statui of the title to the estare or interest covered hereby or any action asserting such claim, shall be restricted t0 the provisions and conditions and stipulations of this poliry. HYDBO-TRIAD, tTD. July 14, 1989 Ms. Kristan Pritz Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Subject: Nystrom Resident F'l oodplain Modification Lot 7, Block 3, Vail Village 1lth Filing Dear Ms. Pritz: I have reviewed your'letter dated July 10, 1989 and discussed it with Mr. Jim Reich. Our responses to the four ccrnnents are provided below. Additiona'l information can be found in our f'l oodp'l ain report for this property dated January 4, 1989, and two subsequent letters dated June 22, 1989 and Ju'ly 5, 1989. 1. The two f1 oodp'l ain'lines shown on Figure 2 of our January report are labeled as "L00*Year F'l ood Plain Boundary by FEMA" and "100 Year Floodp'l ain (Interpolated from TOV Flood P'l ain Map)." The FEl'lA boundary represents the l00qyear floodp1 ain as shown on the Flood Boundary and Floodway Map as prepared by FEMA. The interpo'l ated boun' dary line represents an approximate floodp'l ain boundary interpo'lated by the surveyors. Their interpolation is based on the FEMA floodp1 ain eievations and the actual site topography. Not surprisingly, the'lines do not coincide. This is a problem common to FEMA mapping and one that has previously occurred a1 ong Gore Creek. I am sure it wi1 I continue to o'ccur on iuture f'l oodp1 ain analyses. There are several reasons for this. a. The FEMA maps are at such a small sca'le that at times itis difficult to exactly match Iot lines, streets and other landmarks. A'l so, the FEMA maps do not show con" tour lines which prevents detennination of the site topography. b. The topography and site developnent maps prepared for the lots are much nnre detailed than the rnps prepared 1310 WADSWORTH BLVD.LAKEWOOD. COLORADO 80215 PHONE 303-238-6022 Ms. Kristan Pritz July 14, 1989 Page 2 by FEMA. This allows for a more accurate floodp1 ain delineation within each individua'l lot. c. In some cases, the site and surrounding fl oodplain area topography may have been changed after the FEMA analysis A1so, natural river erosion and sedimentation processes are continual'ly a1 tering the lateral and vertical loca- tion of Gore Creek. I spoke with Dr. John Liou of the Regional 0ffice of FEMA about this situation. He also indicated that the difference in floodp'l ain lines may be due to an error by FEMA, lack of detai'l ed information, or topographic changes subsequent to the study. He further indicated if the difference is signficant, a meeting between the Town and FEMA may be needed to discuss possible map revisions. I explained that the boundaries were not significantly different within this 'lot, and they would not change the detennination that part of the fil'l and structure construction was within the lQQryear f1 oodplain fringe. In light ofthis, he suggested that the boundary shown on the FEMA map be used even though it may not be correct for the existing topography. Based on this, I have added the FEMA boundary to the site pl an and shaded the additiona'l construction area within this floodplain fringe. The map is attached to this letter. 2. Based on discussions with Jim Reich and review of the site plan, it is our understanding that the willows, vegetation and natural Gore Creek armoring (rip rap) wjll not be disturbed south of the pro. perty Iine. I have discussed the need to rnaintain this condition with Jim Reich and he is in ful 1 agreement. 3. At this time we do not anticipate the three houses upstream have basements. This assumption is based on the hi9! groundwater adjacent to Gore Creek and the limitations of al'l owable floor area imposed by the bui'lding department. Jim Reich wi'l I however have d p€fu son from his office field inspect the houses to confirm this. He shou'ld have this information late Friday, July 14th. I will let you know as soon as I can. 4. We have further evaluated the proposed fl oodplain nndifica' tions and the effects on the lO0cyear floodplain upstream of the Nystrom Property. Our additional analyses consisted of performing computer modeling using the Army Corps of Engineers HEC.2, Water Ms. Kristan Pritz July 14, 1989 Page 3 Surface Profile computer program. This is the same program used for the FEMA study. Cross section data from the 1975 Hydro'Triad, Ltd. Gore Creek report and the 1982 FEMA Flood Insurance Study report were used. Also, site specific data from the proposed site plan for the Nystron Property were used. The analyses t{ere done for cross sections BH, BI and BJ as shown on the FEMA maps. These cross sections correspond to Sections 49.6.1 , 49.7, and 49.7,L of the 1975 Hydro.Triad, Ltd. report. Finished floor and patio elevations for the three residences upstream of the Nystrom Property were obtained from field survey by Eagle Va1 ley Engineering and Surveyfng Inc. This sur' vey was performed on June 30, 1989. We also prepared a cross sectionof the site showing the ex'isting conditions, the proposed fi'l I place.. ment, and the floodplain fringe encroachment limits allowed by FEMA. Ana'lyses and conclusions based on these data are discussed below. a. The proposed floodplain nndifications wil'l not increase the quantity of fl ow for the 100':year event. The peak f'l ow used for the 100qyear event at this location is 1807 cfs. This is consistent with both the FEMA study and the 1975 Hydro"Triad, Ltd. study. b. Based on the HEC*2 analyses, the rBan flow velocities at Sections BI and BJ are increased as a resu] t of the floodplain rpdifications. The increase is 0.3 and 0-5 feet per second respectively for the lQQclear event. This increase does not signficantly change the erosive characteristics of the flow. When compared with the flow velocities before fill placement on the Nystrom Property, we do not feel there wi'l I be an adverse impact resulting from the proposed fill placement. c. Comparison of the 100.:year flood elevations for the con.. ditions before and after filI p'l acement was nnde using the FEMA f'l oodp'l ain encroachment criteria. This criteria allows for a maximum I foot rise upstream. Assuming the worst case condition (fi'l I pl acement within the entire f1 oodplain fringe area on Lots 7,8,9 and 10 and along the opposite bank of Gore Creek) the n'nximum water sur" face e'levation increase is 0.0 feet at Section BH, 0.7 feet at Section BI, 0.6 feet at Section BJ, and 0.8 feet at Section BK. These elevation increases and the corresponding water surface elevations were compared to Ms. Kristan Pritz July 14, 1989 Page 4 Please let ne know if you any questions. RJN: jjn EncI . xc: Mr. Jim Reich 720 the finished floor and patio elevations of the three upstream residences. This ccnparison is shown in Tab'le 1. The finished floor and patio e'levations are higher than the 1OOsyear floodplain water surface e'levations. The cross section shown on the attached sheet illustra' tes the relationship of the floodplain fringe' floodvray and floodplain encroachment. The dark area represents the amount of floodplain encroachment proposed on the Nystrom Property. The cross hatched area represents the fulI floodp'lain encroachment area analyzed by FEMA- The proposed encroachment area is significantly less than the FEMA area. Based on thi s, lve antici pate the upstream water surface elevation increases wil I be significantly less than the worst case condition. Based on these data and analyses, fill placement within the floodplain fringe, as proposed for the Nystrom Property, will not adversly affect the adjacent proper* tiei. If however, fill placement and construction within Lots 8,9 and 10 have been al|owed to encroach wi thin the l00qyear fl oodway, there may be adverse impacts upstream. These impacts nould not be a direct consequence of fil l p'l acement on the Nystrom Property. need any additiona'l information or have 5i ncerely, HYDRO.TRI sonl P.E.Robert Senior Jay Ne l.|a ter esource Engi neer f.o TAELE I : HvsrRon pRopERTy FLooopLAII{ ltolxFlcATltltl LOT i IJAIL |JILLAEE llTII FILII{6 T(ITII (}F VAIL CI}IIPARISllII OF FLOO|}PLAIII ELEVRTItlIIS AIIO EIISilIIE STRUCTUE &E'AIIONS LOI APPROITIIATE IOO-YEAR ETEVRITOII IOO.YEAR ELIUAIIOII FIIIISHED NOOR EI.Tt,IItOil PATIO ELEVAIIOII I{UIIBER STATIOII I'ITHOUT FLOOIIAI (II IITH FLOOIIIAY (1) ELEI/ATIOII DIFFEROIE {2I R"EVAIIOII DIFFEREIICE (]I 8l t{t 44,110 8,295.t ft, I,Z96.t {t. 7 {4,510 8,295.{ ft. 8,?96.t ft. 8,298.3 lt. 2.2 ft. 81298.0 ft. 1.9 ft. I {41650 8,297.3 ft. 8,297.9 ft. 81303.{ ft. 5.5 ft. 8,299.4 ft. 1.7 ft. 9 {4,780 8,398.9 {t. 8,299.6 ft 9,303.1 It. 1.5 {t. 8,303.9 {t. 4.J tt BJ ({ f4,8{0 0,299.t ft. 8,300.3 ft. l0 4{1900 Br300.t {t. 81300.9 {t. 8,302.0 {t. l'2 It. 81302.0 {t. 1.2 ft, (11 Elevrtions fror lrble 2 o{ FEIIA Report. tithout Floodray re{ers to no {loodglain encroachrent. [ith Floodray refers to encroachrent rithin the {loodplain {ringe rrea. (21 llif{erence in elevation betrern the {inished {loor elevation rnd the 100-year floodlhin litlt Floodray. (31 Dilference in elevation betreen the prtio elevation and the 100-yerr elevation litl FlmdHy. ({) [ross ssctiore ihom 0r the FEll[ flood boundary ftps end llood pro{ile drarings. CALCULAll0llSr Slope o{ rater gur{rce elevation lithout Floodray .82i1.7 - 8295.{/ {48{0-1f5t0.0.0130 {t/ft Sction ll to 8J Stope o{ reter surface elevatim lith Floodrry = 8500.3 - 8296.1/ 1{8{0-{1510 = 0.013 ft/ft Section 8l to 8J [ater sur{ace etevation rt Lot I lithout Floodny = l{{650-{til0}r0.0t] + g?95.4 {t = S2??,1 ft. later sur{rce elevation et Lot I lith Floodrav = ({{650-{{510110.013 + 8296.1 ft = 8297.9 ft. Tater surface elevation rt Lot I lithout Floodrrv' t{4780-{1510)r0.013 + 8295.f ft ' 8?9€.9 {t. lrter sur{ece elevation at Lot I lith Floodray = (4{780-{{510110.013 + 8216.1 ft.029?.6 {t. Slope o{ rater sur{ace elevation lithout Floodray . 8J0{.1 - glii,Tl {5115-{18{0'0.007 ft/lt Section 8J to 8K glope o{ rater sur{ace elevatior tith Floodrry = 830{.9 - 8300.3/ 45{{5-{{810 . 0.008 ft/It Settion 8J to 8K later surface elevrtion rt Lot l0 lithout Floodray = {{4900-118f01r0.007 + 92n.7 {t = 8100.t ft. later sur{ace elevrtion at Lot t0 lith Floodray = (4{900-{{8{0110.008 + 8300.1 {t = 8300.8 {t. 1/,' l^^ Dorc. t/tH4 suoiect: A.FIF9| 4 @frPTl ,A.g\ HYOiO.l lOrl0. -th n HYDRO-TRlAD, LTD. CALCULATION SHEET Job No.: Checked:-Dote:-street No. I ot I ulco vt Itt (, 75 south lrontage rord Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 4792138 (30s) 4792139 June 15, 1989 ottice of community development Mr. Jin Reich Junge, Reich, Magee Architects 4141 ArapahoeBoulder, Colorado 80303 Re: Nystrom residence floodptain nodification Dear Jim, I have reviewed your proposal for the floodplain rnodification on theNystrom property. Please subroit the following information tocomplete the subnittal: 1. A stanped survey indicating the existing and proposedtopos. Please shade in the area where the fill. witl be Iocated. 2. The Hydro-Triad report must specifically address thenitigation proposed by the Nystrons. The engineer needs tostate whether or not the floodplain raodification willadversely effect adjacent properties or increase thequantity or velocity of floodwaters. The report shoulddetermine whether there are any negative inpacts due to thefill on surrounding properties. Please subnit this additional infornation by June 23, 1989. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 479-2L38. Sincerely, ri \ n.l ltubnYde Kristan Pritz Senior Planner \ \ /t=o O PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT :^.: ;, ; / ?; ,oB NAME Nv.=I CATLER TUES INSPECTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI AM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING O INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: B E tr tr tr TEMP. POWEB tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor, >/t * t'- rNSPEcroR "(" nnffi*op l_r -AL INSPECTION'S COUPLEIBD -The ltene belos aeed to be couplete before glvlng a pernlt a final C of 0. Please check off 1n the box provlded. FINAI PLI'}EING DATE: I'INAT MECHANICAIn DATE: []IMPROVEMEM SIIRVEY R.ESID. NAUE: DATE: TE}TPORARY C OF O CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY a- Iili I.ANDSCA?ING DI'E DATE: FILE NAilE: \rK ( ^r tou{-! (qr ftn'cltu \fl!/l\* y{ ',,,, r1i :r, :; \', i--