HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 12 GENERAL LEGALAGREEMENT € Eo Lo6\c4,1 FoR tf{srfirFEf,+$€ilsERvl CES ROCKFALL HAZARD MITIGATION STRUCTURE. BOOTH CREEK AREA VAIL, COLORADO W . THIS AGREEMENT, made th.is Arl. day of (.clzcrtnrl , 1988, by andbetweentheTownofVai1,co1orl6,_Fereinaft@naruiinoias Itlry:ti:,_9554 Highwav 82, carbondale, colorado 91623, hereinafter called the "GEOLOGIST"; l.lITNESSETH: WHEREAS, it has been determined that a "high risk" rockfall hazard exists inthe Booth Creek Area and in particular it poses a hazard to the properties in Vailvillage, Twelfth Fi'l ing, Subdivision. (Reierence,,preliminary Evalilation ofRockfall Hazard jn the Eooth creek Area,i prepared by the colo-rado GeoiogicalSurvey, dated 1983); and --- hTHEREAS' the 0WNER is desirous of causing a structure to be constructed whichwill reduce the rockfall hazard from a',high hazard category"; and WHEREAS' the GEOLOGIST represents that he is professionally qualified andIicensed to perform consulting geology work for said structure;-and |t|HEREAS' the 0WNER desires to employ the GEOLOGIST to perform the contemplatedconsuiting geologist services for the proposed project. N0l,l' THEREFORE, in consideration of these premises and of the mutual covenanf,sherein set forth for the proposed project the 0WNER and GEOLOGIST agree asfol I ows: ARTICLE I. That the OWNER hereby employs the GE0L0GIST tohereinafter set forth; and GE0LOGIST hereby acceptswith the terms and conditions hereof. ARTICLE II. The GEOLOGIST agrees to furnish and perform therequired for the proposed project as follows: - All necessary consultation with Booth creek home owners, owners, agents,employees, project engineer and project construction personnel, review 6t tinatdes'ign, provide periodic on-site inspection of project as necessary. GEoL0GIsrwjll certjfy that, if the project is constructed in accordance witir the design andplans and specifications prepared by the ENGINEER, Banner Associates, "na tfii ine perform the services such empioyment in accordance varj ous professional servi ces completed Trench-Berm complex.is properly maintained, that tne area protected canbe removed from a "High Hazard Area" and a ,,Moderat;'Har;;d Ar€a,, classificatjon asshown on the Hazard Map prepared by GE0L0GIST, daied is8a,-ana that the chances ofproperty damage due to rock falI will be reduced to a normal level . ARTICLE III. - The-O}'INER agrees to pay the GEOLOGIST, as compensation for such professionalengineering services, eighty dollars ($g0)'per hour not to exceed a total cost tothe OWNER of four thousand dollars ($4,000)-for all work performed on-i[" proj".t. The OWNER wil'l be.invoiced monthly fof ll I work performed duri ng the preced.i ng Tglll:- Accounts will be due and payabie within thirty (30) days artir reciipi or1nvotce. ARTICLE IV. It js further mutua'l 1y agreed by the part.ies hereto: A' The GEOLOGIST shal 1 complete the services in accordance wjth a schedulemutualiy agreed to by both parties. 8. This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon fifteen (15) daysprior wr.i tten notice to the other party in the event of a-substantjal failur" oithe other party to fulfill its obligation under thjs Agreement through no fauli ofthe terminating party. C. - Iltit Agreement may be terminated by the OWNER for its convenience uponfifteen (15) days prior written notice to the GEOLoGIsr. In the event oftermjnation as provided foli n thjs Artjcle, the GEOL0GISr shall be paid ascompensation in full for the portion of the'work satisfactorily perfbrmed prior tothe termination date. D. upon receipt of the termination action pursuant to paragraphs B and cabove, the GEOLOGIST shall promptly discontinue ail services itreitei (unless thenotice directs otherwise), and deliver or othenwise make available to itre OWtrtfRcopies. of all ^data, drawings, specifications, reports, estimates, surrnaries, andsuch other informatjon and materials as may have'been-accumulated by the CfOf-OeiSfin performing this Agreernent, whether compieted or in process- E. Upon term'i nation pursuant to paragraph B above, the OWNER may take overthe work and prosecute the same to compieti6n by agreement with anothe-r pirty ot9lh"ryj:gr Any work.taken over by the 0WNER foi.c6mpletion will be comptetei itthe OWNER's risk, and the OWNER will ho'ld harmless tire GE0LoGIST form "it .tuimtand damages arising out of improper use of the GE0L0GIST's work. F. The GEOLOGIST agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the 6WNER andits officers, agents and ernployees from ind againsi all suits, actions ot cijims orany character brought because of injury or damage rece.ived or sustained by any -2- person' persons or property ari sing out of or resulting from any asserted negligentact, error or omjssion of the GE0LOGIST or its agents 6r employies. ARTICLE V. . snqyl{ Iitigation occur between the parties relating to the terms, covenantsand conditions hereof, Iitj gation expenses, collection f6es, witness t6e., cJuricosts.and attorneys fees incurred by the prevailing party shall be paid by the non-prevailing party. ARTICLE VI. Neither the OWNER nor the GEOLOGIST may delegate, assign, sublet, or transferhis duties or interest jn this Agreement wilhout ihe writtei consent of the otherparty. ARTICLE VII. Thjs Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the OWNER and the GEOLOGIST and supersedes ai1 prior wrjtten oi oral understandings. This Agreement may only-be amended, supplemented, modified, or cancelled by a duiy execut6dwri tten instrument. IN I,,ITNESS tlHEREOF. the date indicated at the OWNER: Town of Vail, Coioraqo Ti tl e: the parties have made and executed this Agreement as of beginning of thjs Agreement. GEOLOG I ST: Nicholas Lampiris Oar"rrG ntr", Co*ss h.-1 6, o /p rJi*| Attes t: ritt", Q-gcrk *; -3- -/'Yt/')/4,ff! ?, tttl PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEBEBY GMN that VaiL Assoclates, Inc. has applied for Resubdivislon of Lot 2, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing into two residential- Lots. Application has been made ln aecordance wLth Chapter 17.16 of the Municlpal Code. NO{IICS IS I'UBTHER GIVEN that Vail Assoeiates, Inc. has requested rezoning of the two resulting lots from l-ow Density Multiple-Family to Two Fathlly Residential. (duplex) zone district. Appl-ication for -*the rezoning has been made in accord with Sectipn 18.66.060 of the Munlc_ipal Code for the Town of Vail. ' A Public Hearing will- be hel-d .pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.66.06O and Sectlon l-?.16.O80 of the Municipal Code on February 7, L979.before the Town Councll for the Town of'Vail. Said_lSraring will be held in the VaiL Munlcipal Buildlng at 7:3O P.M. TOWN OF VAIL DEPAST}fEI$T OF COMMUNITY DEVEIJOPMENT Publ-ished ln the Va1l Trail January 6, 1978. S. Toughill AdminlstratOr MnnrlN & MEHAFFY ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW JAM ES G. MARTIN JOHN R. M E HAFFY LAWRENCE C. RIDER OONALO J. HUMPHREY JOEL C. MAGUIRE JEFFREY L. SKOVRON MATTHEW S. HU M PHREY OF COU N SEL RICHAFI O A. THARP ril! i1 .'ty- i ; i1l i I i"l I tl ffil.luru - 1 pgo 1655 WALNUT STREET su rTE 300 P. O. AOX t260 BOULDER, CO LORADO EO306 TELE FHoNE (3o3) 442-3375 TELEcopraR (3o3) 4{4-e39a May 30, 1990 Larry Eskwith, Attorney Tcl.rn cf \tail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Eskwith: At the deposition of Kent Rose on April 1.L, 1990, you agreedto have ernployees of the Town of VaiI look at subdivision,building, and any other files to see if there was other correspondence, infornation, or reports relating to the Booth Creek and Booth Falls areas. As I mentioned at the deposition, I wasparticularty interested in documents that were submitted by any developer in the early L97Ots prior to the approval of the p1at. This discussion occurred at pages La - 22 of the transcript. On page 43 of the transcript, you agreed to check the files of the Department of Corumunity Development as well. I would appreciate itif you could let ne know if you have done this investigation. At Mr. Rosers deposition, he produced a rnap consisting ofthree sheets (see discussion on pages 1.8 - 25). Thls map was part of a study entitled Geologic-Rapid lrtass-Wasting Process, CurrentConditions, a Component of the Comprehensive Plan Prepared by Royston, Hanamoto, Beck and Abey, landscape architects, and also,Briscoe, Maphis, lturray, Lamont, Inc.. Management Consultants. I would appreciate it if you could send ne a copy of that docurnent. Please bill rne for the costs. As you know, one of the central issues in our clientrs caseagainst Vail Associates is whether Vail Associates had notice ofthe potential rock fall danger at the tine it elected to proceed with the development in about L972. A l{arch l-L, l-97O letter fromc. B. Beardsley to Clay Simon of Vail Associates clearly expressesthis danger and urges that a careful study be performed before anydevelopment. That letter references rrKatsos Ranch prelininaryplat, vail v_lflage 12tX- ffffi-d\rr Mr. Beardsley states in thatIetter thE'E he is sending a cornplete duplicate set of drawings anda copy of the letter for Clay Simon I'to deliver to Blake Lynch sothe Town can begin their prelininary review.rr When searching the !t Uay 30, 1990 Page 2 records wl.th rcapoct to Boottr Creek and Eooth Falle, pleaee c€c lf any of the drawings relatlnE to thc trKatroc Raneh prellninary plat,Vail Vlllage 12th filinEi are ln tba f,lles. Thank you for your help ln tnlr ratter. Jctl: tJ ic: ataclrle TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM Katsos Ranch Road and. Booth Falls Court Property O!,tners Jack Acuff March 30, 1988 ROCK FALL MITIGATTON Events that have 1. ENGTNEERTNG ...A contract has been signed between Banner Engineering and the Town of Vail for mitigation survey, design, soils testing' con- struction estimates and documents' and construction supervision. and initial soils testing have been completed: length is 1200 lineal feet; cover 26 properties, inclu{i4q thg Vail Mountain School; consistency is good for compaction step J-s to core drill to determine happen within the next 3-4 weeks. bedrock depth, etc. 2.SPECIAI. DISTRICT FORMATION . . . Survey - Ditch - will - Soils - Nextwill ...Will d.o a Local Improvement District; ...Will take 70-90 days .to form; ...will start the formation once the core drilling is done and cost estimates are completed by Engineers. cosr ...Based on the Engineering surveyr the Contractor must move ap- proximateiy 160.000 cu. yds. of dirt. ...The cost equates to about $111000 - 13,000 per Property o\^tner' after counting the funding from the Town and County (see below) 'but nothing from the State. ...These cost estimates are rough, and wiII change with final design. 4. FUNDING ...Good news: The County gave us $20r000 for construction. ...This funding plus the $20,000 from the Town of Vail, as well as previous amounts from the Town' has saved each Property owner about $2,000. tffilAPR -1Ha-*UW ffiv l,pI transpired since my Memo dated L/I1/882 A}ID CO}ISTRUCTION Rockfall Mitigation Memorandum Page Two March 30, 1988 ...Application has been made by the Town to the State for their participation: - our chances are slim for State funding; - The applicable agency has $8 Million of requests, and $2 Million to spend; - The Eagle County Commissioners rated our project *2 of 4 projects in the County; however, the County-appointed "Prioritization Committee'l comprised of City mayors, etc., rated our project +4. The reason given is the perception by everyone outside Vail that we do not need any financial heIp. - tde still plan to follow through vrith our appli-cation at the State Ievel on April 26th. - Vail Associates has been approached for some type of support - Still waitinq to hear. TIMETABLE ...Depends on Engineering estimates so District can be formed; ...Earliest date for construction start will be July, 1988; ...Construction - about 2 months. THANKS TO - ...County Commj-ssioners for their funding; ...Ron Phillips, Stan Berryman and their Town of Vail staffs for a lot of participation; ...Pam and Ray Story, Jeannine Hallenbeck and to the County to secure funding; Bert Sanders for going ...Nick Lamparis, consulting Geologist, for attending all the and helping with many aspects. WE NEED YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT meetings ...P1-ease write the state and express the importance cf +*heir fund- ing, stressing the following: - The project is too big for the Property owners to bear entirely; - This is a better soluaion for everyone than litigation; - The Town and County support our project; - This is a ]ife-threatening issue. .please send a fetter as soon as possible to Mr. Jack Kirtland' State of Colorado, Department of Local Affairs, 1313 Sherman Street, Denver, Colorado 80203 (Our State contact). . t,:" 'a Rockfall Mitigation Memorandun Page Three March 30, 1988 Cal-l- me if you have Questions: (303) 949-1641 - Business(303) 476-L442 - Home. JVca cc, ldon Phillips - Town of Vail Stan Berrytnan - Town of VaiI Bud Gates, Eagle County Comnissioner - ChairmanNick Lamparis, Geologist Ken Brotsky, Banner Engineering ... BOOTHCREEK lzth FILING PROPOSED REZONING AND MINOR SUBDIVISION SCHEDULE: l. Submit flve minor subdivision plats to zoning administrator for use by Plannlng Commission. Submit four subdivision plafs to be sent to utillty , companles. Plats need not be submltted for adjolning property ot',ners as there aee only two adJoinlng property owners (Dlana Toughill and V. A.). ?. Planning Commission prellmlnary revlew - November 14, 1974 at 5:00 p.m. 3. Public notice for Planning Gommission hearlng - November 15, 1974 (Vail Trail) 4. Public Hearlng before Planning Commission - December 6, lg74 at 5:00 p.m. 5, Publlc noflce for Town Council hearing - December 6, 1914 (Vall Trail) 6. Public Hearlng before Town Council - January 9, tglS 7, First readlng of ordinance to amend zoning ordlnance - January f, len. 8. Second readlng or ordinance to amend zoning ordinance - January 21 , 1975 g. Publication of ordinance - January 23, lg75 10. Amended zoning and subdlvlsion plat final January 29, 1975 OBDINANCE NO. 2 .' Series of 1975 AN ORDINANCE REZONING LOTS 8, 9, 10, and 11, BLOCK 1, VAIL VILLAGE T\YELFTII FTLING, AND AIIENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP WHEREAS, on the Official Zoning ltap of the Town of Vai1, Colorado, Lot 7, Block 1, Va11 Village Twelfth Filing, compfising approxi-mately 2.5 acres, is currently zoned as a Low Density Multiple Family District (LDMF) t IIHEBEAS, said Lot ? has been resubdivided into four lots, described as Lots 8,9, 10, and 11, Block 1, Vail Village ftself th Filing; WHEREAS, Vail Associates, Inc., the sole owner of said Lots 8, 9, 10, and 11, f11ed a petltion for rezoning with the Zoning Administrator on the 6th day of November, 1974' requesting that said lots be rezoned as a Two Family Residen- tial District (R); and $IIERBAS, the Town Council considers that it is in the public interest to down-zone said lots so as to reduce therein the allowable development density; NOW, THERBFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TdTYN COUNCTL oF THE TOIfN OF VArL, COLORADO, AS FOLLO',ITS: Section 1. Title. This ordinance sha1l be known as the "Ordlnance Rezoning Lots 8, 9, 10, and 11, Bloek 1, Vail Village Twelfth Fi1ing". Section 2. Amendment Procedures fultitted; Planning Commission Report. The amendment procedures prescribed in Section 21' 500 of the Zoning Or'dinance, Ordi.nance No. 8, Series of 1973' of the Town of Vail, Colorado, as amended, have been fulfilled, with the report of the Planning commission reconmending the enactment of this ordinance. Deputy Town Clerk Ord. 2, L975 Page 2 Section 3. Rezoning. Pursuant to Sectlon 21-.506 of the Zoning Ordinance, Lots 8,9, 10, and 11, Block 1, Vail Village Twelfth Filing, formerJ.y described as Lot 7, Block 1, Vail Village Tweffth Filing, are hereby rezoned from Low Density Multiple I'amily District (LDMF) to Two Family Besidential District (R)' Section 4. Change in Official Zoning Map. As provided in Section 1.2O3 of the Zoning Ordinanee, the Zoning Administrator is hereby directed to promptly have the Official Zoning [!ap physically modified to indicate the rezoning specified in Section 3 hereof. Section 5. Effective Date. This ordinance shal1 take effect five days after pub- Lication following the final passage hereof. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISIIED ONCE IN FULL, this 7th day of January, L975, and a public hearing on this ordinance shall be beld at the regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Vai1, Colo- rado, on the 21st day of January, 1.975, at 7:30 P.[t., in the Municipal Building of the Town. Mayor ATTEST: Ord. 2,1975 INTBODUCED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED 1.975. ON. SECOND BEAD.ING, IN FULL, tbis 2lst ATTEST: Town Clerk 1 MEMORANDUM T0r FR0Mr DIANA TOUGHILL REr REZONING OF LOT 7, BLOCK I, VAIL VILLAGE laTH FILING REQUEST FOR ORDINANCE BY JANUARY 7, 19?5 cOUNcIL MEETING I rueeo AN oRDTNANcE To ndzorue rHE ABovE pRopERTy Fr(oM THE EXISTING LOW DENSITY MULTTPLE FAMILY TO RESIDENTIAL. TNE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS BEING SUBDIVIDED INTO FOUR LOTS, ALL OF WHICH ARE CONFORMING UNDER THE ZONING ORDINANCE. ATTACfiED ARE ALL OF THE PROPER LEGAL NOTICES. Tne pRoposED REzoNrN6 AND REsuBDtvIsIoN HAs srAFF AppRovAL AsIT REDUCES DENSITY FROM 30 UNTTS MAXIMUM TO 8 UNITS MAXIMUM. THERE HAVE BEEN No coMPLAINTS FRoM NEIGHtsI]RtNG PRoPERTY BwNERs OR UTILITY COMPANIES. APPRoVAL T{AS GIVEN BY THE PuaNnINo coMMIssloN. DECEMBER 5, Ig74TnE nesueDIVIDED PRoPERTY WILL BE DESCRIBED AS LoTs 8, 9, 10AND 11, BLOCK 1, VAIL VILLAGE TWELFTH FILING St-rout-o BE pLAcED oN wrlRK sEsstoN AND couNcrL AGENDAs FoRJnNunRy z. Tnnurs JrM LAMoNT frt< ; APPL ICAT ION FOR VAR IANCE And/0r COND I T IONAL USE PERM I T 0rd inance No. 8 ( Ser ies of 1973) App I lca t ion Date '/JL/. 0 I lZ/Pub I i ca'l ion ng Fee Da te ,/t7./ H€a sing,o.at,e ,@. J-, /774 a-t--Dc+.i-s-i-en dde for Town Counci I Hea r F (we) 7one. For the following described properfy: Lot/trurt__1__, Bloc* / Fi ling Number stateC lea-r ly purpose and infent of th is app at enone y'7/ S-/al ) Variance from Article , Secfiorr {l zon ins change f ron LD-E|F-- to K., ;,l raTK tng varrance ) Conditional Use Permit to allow tn (State) do hereby reque.st permission to appear before the Vail Planning Comm iss ion fo req u€ist the fo I low i ng : lication /rt- What do you fee I is the bas is for hardsh ip in th is case? S ignature ]tOT I CE OF PUtsL I C IIEAR I NG llorrcE rs HEREBy GrvEir thaf vai r Associates,. rlg:.hur applied for a resubdivision ., i;i'zl'si;'k i' vgi i 'v;i;;;; it+l li rino' rcvrn or vai r' Gounty of Eegte, coilraci"-put'uunt to'p'tiitil lv of the r6t''n bt vail sub- divisior.t Resula-f ioii: -i# resulti"s r.-trbditision snall be knonn as Lots ;;';;;;,;;; ll, Biock t' vail viliase l21h Firins' NOTICE lS ALSO GIYEN -ihat Vail.Associates' l!9: lls requested that the resubdivision ii"r;i'i', aio"r l, v;i"i;;i;;; iztn rilins be rezoned f roq the cxisting io"-6.nri+y f.luttipt,elfu*iiV'i6 n"tidential in accordance with secj,ion zr.:ob ot-iri. z6"in9 ord;r";;;;'o.iinin"n No. B (series of l9?3)' Tottn of Vai l, Colorado' Subject parcel of tand consists of approximo*:]Y'2'5 acres and is . loc.ated in the u.ul-fnlnn'is-eootn Cr""i. bensity would be reduced from a rnaximum o+ :o unTti"io u-tu*i*um of B units' A Public Hearing wilt be held on December 5' lg7'4 beforc the Tot+n of Vall t'lanning iJ*tii'ion at 3:00 P;'l;lh; Tovrn 'of Vail i'lunicipal Bui tdin9. Suio pri'i"ic-n.iiing wi f f 6e"'n"iJ in-uttotOance wi'1r SecJ-ion it.roc ol tne Zoning ordinance' ToldN 0F vAlL DEPARTT':ENT OF a s trl Di r cc: t4ichael E' All UtilitY CA,/rY\ and Diana S. Compan i es LOP}iENT '. -l t--,f i NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARiN6 N0TICE IS HEREBY GIVTN that Vai'l Associates, Inc. has app'lied for a resubdivision of Lot 7, Block '1, Va'i'l Village 1zth F'i'ling, Tor'rn of Vail 'County of Eag1e, Colorado, pursuant to Article IV of the Tovtn of Vail Subdivision Regulations. The resu'lting resubdivision shal'l be known as Lots B, 9, 10, and ll, B]ock I, Vail Village 12th Fi'ling. N0TICE IS ALS0 GIVEN that Vail Associates, Inc. has requested that the resubdivjsion of Lot 7, B'lock I, Vail Vi'l'lage 'l2th Filing be rezoned from the existing Lovr Dt,, nsity I'iu1tip1e Fami'ly to Residentja'l in accordance with Section 2.l.500 of the zoning ordinance,Ord'inance No. 8 (Series of ]973), Tovrn of Vail, Co]orado Subiect parcel of 'land consists of approximately 2.5 acres and is'located in the area known as Booth Creek. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 21 .500 of the zoning ordinance, the P'lanning Commission has he'ld a public hearing on Decernber 5, 1974 and has fon^rarded their findings to the Torm Council who will ho'ld a second public hearing on January 7,1975 at 7:30 p.m. in the Municipal Buiiding. T0llN 0F VAiL EIiT OF COMMUNiTY DEVELOPMTNTDEPAR Diana S. Toughi 1'l Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail on Friday, December '13, '1974 .$ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING N0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Vail Associates, Inc. has applieC for a resubdivision of Lot 7, Block '1, Vai'l V'illage 12th Fi'ling, Town of Vail, County of Eag1e, Co'lorado, pursuant to Artjc]e IV of the Town of Vail Subdivision Regu'lations. The resulting resubdivision shal'l be known as Lots B, 9, 10, and 1'1, Block 1, Vail Village 12th F'iling. NOTICE IS ALSO GMN that Vai'l Associates, Inc. has requested that the resubdivision of Lot 7, Block'1, Vail Village lzth Fi'l'ing be rezoned from the existing Low Density Multiple Family to Residentia'l in accordance with Section 2'1.500 of the zoning ordinance,0rdinance No. B (Series of ]973), Town of Vail, Colorado Subject parcel of Iand consists of approx'imate'ly 2.5 acres and is located in. the area known as Booth Creek. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 21 .500 of the zoning ordinance, the P1anning Commission has he'ld a public hearing on December 5,'1974 and has forwarded their findings to the Town Council who will hold a secondpublic hearing on January 7,1975 at 7:30 p.m. in the Municipa] Building. TOWN OF VAIL DEP NT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Di ana Zoning ';5@ S. Toushill / Admi ni strator Pub'lished in the Vaj'l Trail on Friday, December .|3,'1974 I t" ,, I ! I i I I .l MEMORANDUM T0: atIM LAt't0NT FROM: DIANA TOUGHILL RE: REZONING 0F Lot_7, Block I, Vail Village l2th Filfng REQUEST FOR ORDINANCE BY JANUAry I, 19iS COUNCIL UTETTUE I need an ordinance to rezone the above.property from the existlngLow Density Multiple Famiiy to Residentihl.' The subject property is.arso. being resubdivided into 4 rots, ail ofwhich are conforming under the zoiing ordtnance. '-- Attached.are-copies of the legal notices which contain all of thepertinent i nformation. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING IIOTICEISHEREBYGIVEi'lthatVailAssociates'l19:'hutappliedfor a resubdivision ot r-li'?;';i;'k i'.uil'^i;il;; it+l lll'l:'' t"'n or Vair' county of Easte,.cotiraoo' pursuant -" i:ii;i?'l:^"ir:fi ;:'1.:l"u::'t:lt'-;ili;i"; n"ii ruiiont' rhe resu ltins res B, 9, 10, and tt, stock'i' vtit vittuge l2th Filing' NoTICE lS ALSO GIVEN that Vail.,Assoclates' l19: l??'requested that the resubdivision "i"LIi'?'' eio"rt r'.vuir-village l2th Filing be rezoneo from the existing Lon-6"n'itv r',,urtipr."-iu*iiv i6 n"tioential 13"u.;::t3?"?3t"' with Secl ion zt'5oo lf"i'i"'ii"ing oroinance' ordinance No' Town of Vail, Colorado' Subject parcel of land consists of approximately '2'5 acres and is rocated in the u."u'nnlrn'al-eootn ti.9i. -6!^ritv *ouid be reduced from a maximum of 30 unitl'to u maximum of 8 units' A Public Hearing will be held on December 5' 191'4"before the Town or vall Plannins "hti!'i"' ui-1i99 p';'T;1;;'roivn 'ot Vai I Municipal Bui Iding. suio e,o'i..i.c"H"".i"s wi || be h"i; in_accordance with Section zi.sOo ot tn. Zoning Ordinance' TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF F. L LOPMENT eTa\ and Diana S. Toughi ll Compan i es r cc: Michael E' All UtilitY 1' *---f NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING N0TI.E IS HEREB' GIVEN that vai'r Associates, Inc. has appried fori:liiiflilillii,'l" 'i;,i=it illir, subdivision Reou'rations-_ -the ililiti;g' resubdivision shar r be known asLots 8, e, 10, and rr,-etoik-r:-i;ii'ijiriig.-iiir,-iiii.ii.' , N0TICE IS ALSO GIVEN that Vail Associglgs, Inc. has requested thatthe resubdivision of Lot i,-iiii.r.-'i, viir vir.rage r2th Fil1ng oe rezonedfrom the existinq Low-oensity l,rritipr.-ramily to Residentia.l in accordancewith Section 2r.500 0r irrt;6ri;;-;ftin.n..,Ordinance No. 8 (series of'1973), Town of Vail, Colorado '" subject parcer. of 'rand consists of approximatery 2.5 acres and islocated in the area known ;; il;h-c;.;k. Pursuant to the provisions of section 21.500 of the zoning ordinance,the P'lanning.corrnissioir rras rreia a'puuiic rrearing on December 5, 1974 andhas forwarded their findings io-tne-iown-council who wil.t hold a secondpublic hearins on January 7, iszs"it'ii5o p.il. in"ir,""Nrnicipat suirding. TOWN OF VAIL DEP NT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Diana S. Touqhi'lt Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail on Friday, December 13, 1974