HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 4 LOT 3 TEXAS TOWNHOUSE LEGALI D Project Namc: Woodhull Project Description: Extend cxisting dccks Owner, Address and Phone: Jack and Barbara Woodhull Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Jim Buckner, Slifer Designs, PO Box 5540, Avon, CO 81620 Project Street Addless:483 Gore Creek Drive #3 Lcgal Description: Lot 9, Block 1A, Vail Village 4th Filing Parcel Numbcr: Commcnts: , esign Review Action Form TOWI\ OF VAIL Building Name: Texas Townhomes Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Plannel: Lauren Waterton Date: October 29,1997 F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVA L\971 I DRBAPPR.FRM Board / Staff Action Action: Staffapproved DRB Fee Pre-Paid: ' sEP.:3.1992 z:ssPfl and/or thc Dcsign Rcvicw Board. A, TYPE OF AFPLICATION:tr Additional CRFA (250) tr Bcd and Brcaldast tr Conditional Usc Permit tr Major or E Minor Subdivisiontr Rezoning O ,,. Sigrr Variance-+ tr Variancc D Zoning Codc Amcndment B.DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: ZONING: of ,, ",,,,I'i'nffi',.* Ji?", qrs.zr:a tr tr c. D. fren DESIGN= APPLICATION F'OR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMTSSION APPROVAL TOWN OFVAN ffi z7+JHwttslw CENERAL INFORMATION ii.t..-t .',t This application is for uIy projcct rcquirin!5 apito.*t Uv thc Planning and Environmental Commission. For specific information, sce thc submittal rcquiromcnts for,-thp.particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application can not bc acccptcd until all rcquircd information is submitted. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc revicwed by thc Town Council tr Arncndmcnt to an Approved Dcvclopmr:nt Plan tr Employec Housing Unit (Iypc: tr Major or tr Minor CCI Extcrior Altcration (VailVillagc) tr Major or tr Minor CCII Extcrior Altcration (Lionshead) Spccial Devcloprnent Disrict Major or [J Minsr Amcn&nent to an SDD ZV LOCATION OO O*OrOrO ^DDwss.lbb @FE GW W#?-uu,ro^GNAME: reat61aruFF4{W NAME OF OWNER(S):l^woltttw ADDRESS: H. For Officc Usc Only: recpad:{?4b- cwt lWvz ny: 41,'[.r- t-t'*iqa+ Application Oate: I O'?-t'- 17 PEC Mecting Datc: ow{4w " \v''' v dK r owNER(s) srcNA G.NAME OF REPRESENTAIT FEE. SEE THE SLJ-BMITTAI REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE. SUBMIT THTS A}PLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQTIIREMENTS AND THE F'EE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF'COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT, ?5 SOUTH F'RONTAGE ROAD, [,INC ADDRBSS: VAIL, COLORADO 81657. Rcvirrd 6/96 ocT. z. 1997 1:A6PN R DESIGNS a N0,643 P.3/3 lctrPBK 4t + A$tlNa P4F ttl", ^ltrE r€\FIRgT FLO(7R Pl-At{ a--, INSTALL NT,A F'TLLA AINPOJ^b:- PREP AALL FOR NEI^{ PAINT. PA'NT SIDII'I6, AND TRIM, BENJAMIN MOORE, HAMILTON aLUe, 3b. PREP '4ALL FOR NEI'I PAIN'. PAINT STTC', AN9 IRIM, 3A2tqa. MP :{-Fqf- Wsctt F,4lrtl(z le wr.nl 1OUTH ELEVATION - o NORTH ELEVATION oo Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Woodhull Project Description: Repace Windows, interior remodel Owner, Address and Phone: Jack and Barbara Woodhull Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Jim Buckner, Slifer Designs, PO Box 5540, Avon, CO 81620 Project Sbeet Address: 483 Gore Creek Drive #3 Legal Description: Lot 9, Block 1A, Vail Village 4th Filing Parcel Number: Commeirts: BuildingName: TexasTownhomes Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Board / Staff Action Action: Staff Approved Deck expansions not approved at this time. All exterior materials to match exlsting. Town Planner: Lauren Waterton Date: September26,1997 F :\EVERYONADRB\APPROVAL\I DRBAPPR.FRM DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 09/16/97 e:03 FAx 312 2|t748 FotT SEASoNS H0TEL^ Boo2 Qrrcstion.st Caf fH nfanning Sraff a t 47g-2lZg TO|#N OFVAIL APPI.ICATION FOR DESIGN RBVIEW APPROVAL UEST: o0l (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Officc at g704,tl-g640 for parcel #) PHONE: Constnrction ofa ncw building. lncludcs ary addition whcrc squarc footagc i.s addcd to any rcsidcntiar oroomnrcrcial buikling. lnclrrd_cs rninor changcs to buildings and sitc inrprovcnrcnts. such as, ,rcrooting. painring. windorv additions. tandscapirrs. f;;;"*-;;J;,ii"i"gwalls, clc, LINGADDRES.S: OwNER(s) STGNATURE(g): _ NAME OF APPLICANI': MAILINC.{DDRESS: 'i' TYPE,OF REVTEW AND FEE: . ..[] Ncw Construction - $200 EI Addition - $S0 #n*tttoon*@ o BUILDING MATERIALS: LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL:coloR:* Atw\w l(ool Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Soffits Windows Windorv Trinr Doors Door Triltt l'land or Dcck Rttils Flucs Flashings Chinrncys 'I'rash Enclosurcs Grccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lighting** Othcr Nk (,nurnr)u/* -@W-l,0w brlusw brtus (a#a) (^xfr| w vctfr mq I,ttfrV lrrfr? huYlsA gTNI@| + Plcasc spccify thc manufacturcr's color, number and attach a smallcolor chip ++All cxteriorlightingnrustmcctthcTown'sLightingOrdrnanccl8.54.050(J). Ifcxtcriorlightingisproposed, plcase indicatc thc nuinbcr offixturcs and locations on a scparatc lighting plan. ldentify cach fixturc type and providc it'. tt.igtrt abovc gradc, lunrcns output, lunrinous arca. an<i attach a cut shcct ofthc lighting fixturcs' .l fUo lVtt UIGF Undatcd 6/97 se-trfftrtw v 11ttc0 6sr*il$ o amM lnfien-tr dNTT- BtrIOK 1Kllt'l 10il2 ewuw Ei fev , u,,,,, ",-bl00r:thutl1-!_1&Lnarr* Aky^il_+g9 Gow Cra v Dr. il yrit ,,^r,,_ q,lT-_,-17 A CC(, tr;\-r' :\ O. -IrTTnnn"nzaTr l.l I ?iitiifti6-zT..il (r l 0()()0 4l sdf | (()00 42.1-0i-filiiO-.i:r -rti-Ixr?idZTi'Ir- -l'l-ax[to 4l:tlT-bl-riiii jdl?. .ii.r. ' 0'i- fi itdii-,i i .1-i :t - iiiirorr(rllli.i'--() i ai(tii'(i,i-i ;ii:t - i il-ii i ri rii-4 :t :i;i rIiir'(iiiiirfi'll:l*-iii-ri(lii0-,iTil-f .ii'r-iiiiid;ir il ti-(,t (ii)i)(i:i;ti):ii '.iii-aiimrtiiit' (ll 0t){)0.1 t0t0 0t o(,00 42.t71 -'--TITCIT'}LICA-r.r-oNlio _ii.Lqrj,.r::ii'#i[-i+ln-'-#-lei*3ft s- ill++15[.,ti'i*,11ffi ',,.ffi iT+uquru =(ii,i,i*'f ,illlx';,i1ll;lirrii:ir ljiii i i r p_,r,:l 1i i, r nrn ii itr :r r -- -t:{r-. or, }i jl iV'r_{4- icr-t;ir<i i r :e,i'l ;tir.rXiiiliv..=* L:tiii ildiit_qis r il,.iriir",ijjv'iirx 1,ry 11 1 :,s.1 1 1 ; 4'i. l1i N [ :!1._11 !1-rljiilii r_ . * 1(,\, l,n tUaat{(i lri,i.tii-"' .1.!1111'r i.lyryli r;n r it ; it i r r Si ;il [r Si iia t..Lri.l i) - . 'i';{l$i ii i;l;'?;t 4 ; 1; 2 "1 g;i, ;;:irI'-j---:j--j :-'-'-- ;;r#iifrJ;iiffi o'i'i-ii;if ---- -- -----"--':--- .__'1ni n t)l)t I toNn l. clU:n c-r)Nr->-l'lTONn-r--TETTI TgIdH CIF IJF| I L Hiscel laneous Cash ft?-tg-9i tF:I6:48 Receipr * ZIBBISFlc{:q,unt# Ut:#!,t82 5LIFER [!ESIEH:; It4f,r1rgg pEg Bnrsun t tendF re,J ) ZEl, BB I?em paid Fnounr. paid BtElBBE4lSIlqBEl ?8. BB r-h;rnge rB t urned i Ll , LjEl -I-HFhIt< l/OL' Your csshier RE|ITHH CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE JULY 18. L994 DATE -6819 lullftiltlz department of community dorelopment TO 8E FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT El eurLorr.rc ! pluuerNe ! elecrRrcll ! FoUNDATToN E MEcHANTcAL ! T.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I tVV 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A8 EH IR M DIVISION t22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - r.cmnwc merf qh:lrpe :nrl itrc|..a11 PERMITNO.- zo F EUItDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING new. reoair flat roof.iIECHANICAL to ta1 4 ,000 . 00 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES LEGAL rdESC. Lor 3 etx_-__--,=__/ s vlrrR I R\--BUILOING PERI'IT 85.00 e <5i>\qs Ys FILING vArL vrLLAGx 4,f ri f -r t:li IOWNHO StsS PLAN CHECK JJ.UU Yoa NRMe:WOOTEN ROOF REP ELECTRICAL OWNER NEW( ) ALTERATTON ( ) ADDTT|ONA|_ ( ) REPATR( )PLUMBING MAIL ADDRESS DWELLING UNITS MECHANICAL ctrY DENVER PH.270-0506 HEIGHT IN FT. - NO.FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE ARCHITECT FIRM INSULATION: TYPE THIGKNESS R-VALLUE OESIGN REVIEW EOARD ulfl lDnRFsq FLOOR CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT I00.00 CITY PH. Exr wALLs| | I USE TAX GENERAL CONTRACTOR FTR ADAM'S ROOFTNG Will Call 3.00 TYPE OF ELEC. ttEAt soto" GAS wooo rowN oF vAtL REG. NO. 455-S TOTAL PERMIT FEES tre nn rcrs 113o3-429-7352 Dan Stanek July 18, 9 -ij,ILECTRICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM ADDITIONAL PEFMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL sr. cur | | | itornc-orrrq,ll- dlE - TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO INING ADMINISTfIAIOR I,'AI E BLASTING .TNING * RI III NING NrlTFS. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TNWN 'IF VAII NFG N'I MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plol plan, and siate that all the intormation provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordj "ffi):;:;w; AND THE OWNER. T0:- TOIUN OF VAIL REG. NO OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO TELE. LD.c23 J UL-.i.D-If=<{ L.1. <+1 a- TKUI'I DNTU LUI'I I {+J JEJJ 'TJI CF+}?lJrr,J.f f ld,.rrj4,___, t:_.-!e t I PERr'r1T i '.:,' 1 I i #-a&'(foilI{ oF vArL CONSTRUCfION FER}dTI APPTJICATIO_N fORII DATEi . APPilCASIOT{ SUST A8 FII,T"EO OI'T COT{PLEIEI'rY OR IT I''AY NOT BE AECB?TTU iii?Ltt'*rt****t' ' .rr.*. t6! tth****''*****r"*li(f * ** * * * * * * * ** t ** ** * * * ** * * * * * * r Paailrr rNfonF"AEroNA"[.J-BuiIdlnE t ]-plufiblnS [ ]-Flectrlcrl I l-ilechanlcal [ ]-other 6ot+Job Narner WoOfClU .--, Job Addlcas: Elock- FIlinEI€gat DeectlPtiqhi lot o,*rnere Narne: "fte td-p*lca-, Aitdrccsr - . . ..^ y'n tii":'' sn"429f98t Archltectl AddreEs t Fh. CeDeral DercrlPtlont ?e,f ,trAitional I J*BeFalr I I eL@ss Nuxrbrr of Accolttllsdatlon Unltp: Horlc Cl.a63! [ J-$etf I J-Altefailon I 3- Nunber 6f llsrellLng unlts | & lil.rrnbEr and tsype of slt€pla.cres! cas Appliances- Gaa lroge- t{oodr/Eeltet- Y******"****!**t**.t************t*** vAulABr'Ng *******ttt*************t**t****** tlur-rnn ; rA-&-- Fr,LirTrcAlr !---- orHERr I eLItl.tBINcs I ..- l{ECIIAltIClf,: l-- - ;ffiil; @PLUI{BINGg | .- - Y** *.* * * **** * t * ** **** * *** *t*f!cncrat cont-ractort r#t-lf,"n"rrf Cont-ractort town of ValL ReE. NO:- ila;;;;t----f*la ut shone Nuuberr %3-fr-2.7?.1-?. EJ.tcts.teal Csntr*r:trrt, -- Addressr Phone l'luBiber! Ptu$blng contractor: liddrceol Hechanictl Contrectort - - A'ddfees: Tewn of Vail neg. tlo. Ph6n€ t{urtberr Tar,rn nf ?atl Phone Numberr ReE. NO.-*._- **********t*****+********3**.!*tt FOR OFTICE ugig ******************************* $,rr.DrNG Fp5urr FEE3 qn-,Oe surLDrNG ?i,all cHRqI IEgt 55r&.*- piuuaixc pgaffrr ren; : * P1UMB1Iq-y+T-SIryI-IE9:- UeCXaXfCAf. PERHIS llrnt .]- ltECllANYeAL pT.Alil CHECK FEEI --*' RECREATfoN FEE: -,{r- ELECTBICAL FEE!orxpi flvpE dp 'Eeatulttert@- cl,Elrf*ur P-EqoEII: '{ ?,=a?."- TgtAIJ P.ERI,ttrt f1.FS: 2/4L-e-*DRB FEE!iffi i;iiitii*,,T,E,T,-' siGrAirfrx., ConnEntE; o rftL'r | itr]ru |V!Jt't | {+J ,-}arJ 9J1 ts .}JJ IU tJtAJq {414=tZ f ,4u r tf |onilr '|ont|gs ?oad srlb colol|do lt05t l!0s) 479-2138 ar 479-2139 ffiTlid offlor oi communlty tlawlopmill BUILDINO PERI,IIT I$5UAI'ICE TII.{E Ff,AiIE If thts perm{t requl.res a To,rrr of Uail Fire Departrnent Approval,Englneert {.Plb!li Horke} revieH Bnd approval, a Plannini Deparbnent reviEw or Herlth Department Fevlaur, and a revlew by the Building Departnent, the estinsted time for a total r^evf.ru rnay trke as long as three seel{l, Ali cormerc{al (large 0r smell} and oi] multl-family permlts wil'l have to follow the above menttoned maxjmrrm rnqul:.€rrents. Resirlent{al anC small proJfcts shou'ld t*ke r lesser ainount of t1me. Houever, lf nestdenti'al 6r Eita'l ler prnjeetr lmprct the var{ous abnve mentioned departrnents with regard to necesslry review, these pr0Je6ts ilayalso tthe thc thl.te week perfod. gvery rttonpt w{ll be mdg by this departrnent to expedite thtspenni! aE $Oon as possible, Ir the undertlgned, understdnd the p1rn check procedur? and tirflefratte. .sh*ak* /U,paf a* Pfo.i8ct l{afi}e T-7,f - Ff Comnrurtl ty Davalopment DeprrHflent. rur- r,J r JJr.t lrt.rti, lnwn !!o: FROM' DATE: $Lr&TEcTr Tr1I.JI-I JNTLI LIJII I HJ JE,J €IJI ts'{JJ tJl3Jq(a41oc r,va tg routh ltoolr0a rord Yrll, Golorldt ElE5? (00$l 479*rr.3E or {79-?139 ottiE| Of qbrnmunllt/ dcrelopntnl AIJ, COI{TFTCTORS C!'REENTT.9T. EEGI.$SERED WTTH EI{E To?rlt oF vtrl. T0t'lll 0P VAIIJ PUBLIC'l+ORl(S,/COtUffNITC DgVELoFltS'NT l.IARCtf 16, 19s8 CONSFRU TTON PARI(X}I6 & HITSRXAL SIO!.aGE Town offor yorrr (i,e. centfacter,F# fn iuhrerry, ordlnancts No. 6 stateE tha+- it is unlawf,ul f,or anypcrson to lLtter, treclr or dcpocig any soil , rodir, 6rndr debr-ieor ilaterial. lneludinE trash durupsterl, por*able ioilets andworkaen vihlclsl upotr eny street, sidewallc, *ltey or pubtlcpllca or any portion theieof. |fhe riqht*of-HBv on afi Town ofVaLl. Etreets end roade Lr r5rproxJ,uately g ft. of! paronrnt.thiE ordttlanca wlrl be etriEtry enforcie by the tro;rn of vai,lp|!}ig ?rorhs bepartnont,, Perp6nc found vl.ilatlng thl-r ord!.nancctrlll- be glvert a 24 hout wrlbten notice to reuovc-rald na[erlal,fn thc cvent the Srereon so noLif:Lcd doee not cornply trlth tii; - notice within tha- a{ bour tlnc speclfled, the puLfic tcoi}te---Dep4rttrcrrt !,rl1l re$ove Bsid :$rgeriat at ihe cxlrenm of Fargannotlfled. the provlelona ef thiE ordinance sfriff not h-erppllcrble to conatructlon, rrslntenanee or repalr projecbe cfany street or allelr or any utl,lltiec in tha rlght-a-way, Eo-revl,clr Ordinance $o. 6 ln t,fll, Flease sttrF hy thrV*iI BultdlnE Departrent to obtoin i oopy, tirnnil yougoopcratlon on this matter. TT]TFil- P. E9 Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: WOOTEN REROOF DATE: 7-18-94 ADDRESS:483E.GORECREEK CONTRACTOR:ADAMSROOFING VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: NONE OCCUPANCY:R-I ENGINEER:NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-IHR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTTONS REQUTRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of atl possible code requirements in the adopted cudes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Tovm of Vail. 1. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUTRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND HALLWAYS AS PER SEC I21O OF TTIE 1991 ITBC. 2. FrELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQLTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Town oi Vail o OFFlCIffi fi*pY CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138PERMIT D^TE / READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: NAME MONz. BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr tr tr tr tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETFOCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr (rrruar- ( ';FINAL ELECTRfCAL: lt MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING r] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS T] CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR E tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED t CORRECTIONS: /^\ ,. / i lNSPEcroR ('/&, *o"'- rb. - t'*D' INSPECTION REQUES;T TOWN OF VA|L :, 479-2138 i t I ff' '.'.i''.llt/l --l' / / PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT / i --,-I I .. '/ t./ "t DATE i ,! / / f /. \J JOB NAME INSPECTION:READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM iF APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION BEOUIRED i, I / .. ,/ (.y'DATE ( 1/'f i CALLER BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBINGi tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V,tr FOUNDATION / STEEL B FRAMING ROUGH / WATER n HOOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL t REPT 131 A'r:/ Ifr/94 T0I^JN 0F UAIL, COLoRADO FoR INSFECTIBN WORK SIiEETS FoRr ellA/96 F'R6E AREAI EG 1E IIB: I}O REAUESTS E97-0e89 ?/IA/99 Type: B-ELEC 4S3 GORE NREEK DR 4S3 GORE CK DR (TEXAS TH *3) e I fi 1-BEe*35-raal REI,.IIRE TO trI]DE JACH hIOODHULL THAIN JOHN A & CARMEN M ELEETRICIAN Activity: Addr ess: Locat i on : Far.ce 1 : De scr i pt i on : Appl icant : 0wn.er: Cont raet or ; StatuE; ISSUED Constrl ASFR Bec: use: Fhone : 31Et-37J-0t3fltl Fhone: FIhone : 97tZt-685-881 I InEpect i on Reqr-rest Reqr-restor: RICH- Roq Timel OS:Ot?t I t er,g requested to @19€t ELEf,-Final Infor"nation.... H. C. CT]MF.ANY Conment s: be Inspected".. Fhone: 471-3888 Tine Exp Inspect i on Hi st or.y. . . . .It em I QrAl 1O IILEC-Temp. Fower'Itenr: SfileA ELEC-Rough LL/2.L,/97 Inspeetorl EGItem: EOl3O ELEC-Conduit Itemr AAL4B ELEC-Mise. Itemr AAl9A ELEC-Final Itenr rAEtee4 FIRE-ALARM ROUEHItem: 4Et538 FIRE-FINAL C/0 Action: AtrFR APFRUVED TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIITAGB ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2t38 ElocClictl- - - > DRB P€e Inv€rtigrgion> will call----> TOTAI. !BEg..- > DEPARTMEIIT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMEIIT Valuation: Iot.l cslcul.lGd F.66---> Mdltstonrl !cct---------> Tgtrl P.ltllil FG.-'------> P.lE.ng. - - - - - - - - BA&INCE DltE---- NdIE: TI{IS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 897-0289EI-,E TRICAL PER!4IT iIOb .A,ddTEEE: 483 GORE CREEK DR STAIUE . . . : ISST'ED Locatsion...: 483 GORE CK DR (TE)(AS TH Applied-.: 11l03/t99? Parcel No..: 2101-082-35-001 l6sued- --: Ll/07/199'l ProjecE, No. : PR^T97-0L95 ErqlJ-res. . : o5/06/L998 APPLICAIiIT iIACI{ WOODHITLL Phone: 310-373-0220 OI{NBR 82MA SOMONTE, PAT,OS VERDE S.C. THAIN iIOHN A & CAR}IEN M 350 E PT RGIASE ST, RE Nlr 10580 COIITRACTOR ELEqTRICIAI{ 426 E. 11TII STREET, RrFrJE, co 81650 Description: REWIRE TO CODE Phone: 970-625-28LL 8, 500 .00 'rrr'rrrrarrrrrt rrt*l,ar*t***t't**alttt*ttr*t*tat FEE slno$RY flltttt*rtt|tr*ri .tttttrtriir"t 152. 00 3.00 159 .00 165.00 .00 165.00 155 .00 .00 t rr il tt t * t rJ t * tt * ttt tt *.4 t tt* IEem: O6OOO ELBSIRICAI, DEPARnffiNT D-e!ts: BUILDING Division: IL/03/L997 iIRl4 ActiQni APPR APPROVBD ilRl',fr-Ebfi;'65600-Ffns DnpAFffiiil'i' Dbbc: rrns Division: t|, iat ra a a tttttt t at irl+t t*t * tt+ t tti r rrr itrr. rtrrtJrrrrrtrtt*f tttttttttl*t* t *rtti!tr*l tt ati trt* a** t* at ll 'atttitrt l!l itt t'r r|t' ttt"trt 't ' t t COIIDITION OF APPROVAI, 1. FIRE DBPARITI{EIIT APPROVAJ. IS REQUIRED BEFORE A}III WORK CAI{ BE STARTED.2. Fihab-ftispecrroNs ARE EEQUTRED ro cHEqK-EQ-B-coDE coMPl{raryg-..-5: SMoKE DErgdofr.5-'I'ne -REffiIieD IN-Ar.,t sEDnocus At{D EVERY sroRY- As PBR S8C.1210 0F THE-1991 tBC. * rrrrrrr|J t r l rrrratl 'r a i I !t t!t ttt ttt t t * *t t t t *t** a t al t t* ta tt r!t a'tttAtll t ttt* a a *ra t a rl*attr **J*t t'tttt t,'' tt t 'rt i rr *rr OAFICE FROI, g3oo Alr 5100 Eld DECI,ARATIONS t hareby rcknorlcdEa lhtt I hBv. r.c.d tshl! applicrglon, f,lIlld oub in full tshc lnfollrlLosr rcquircd, conplrccd tn accu!'g' plo! plan, rnd .tr!c ghct rLl. tho infomrtslon lrrovLdrd ra rrquLr.d l! co!r.cg. t 19r.6 uo eouttly rlch !h' inforo'gion and pIots Plul' to c$trr1y vleh rll Eorrl ordinrnc.. rnd .cttc 1.s., |'rd ;o bulfd thir .tluccur. r€cgrdi.ng to gh. Tom'' zonlng "rd tubdl'visLoEt cod.., dr'lgtt rcvlcu tpprovcd, tttt{fon Butlattng co& rttd ogh.r ordinrne" of bhr Torn rpPlLcrbl' !h'rc!o' REQTTEST?g rOR tNgPEerIOllB BtlALIr BE !A.DB TrBt{'TI-FOt R OIng tr tDvlt{cE Bv TELSPHOIII Al OF Ot{NEB CO$TRACTOR FOR HIIiSALF .SND OIINEN, o F.rtrlr f,o! lt?-olt9 tl'I). I E-EEC l&lel!'lcl! PlRxIl ' Pr:rc.l Xc! 1101-012-38-001 glu. td!r6r. t att OOtl CREEK DR !.cElon. {tt OCI Ct( Ia (E!aA5 m il3} lfhla 9.lrr.ot Tnr or vrtlj, €IFnrDo ttrts@rts SEat6rt lh,!br8: C-0351 lFrntE: Prya.nE llrt[cd ! cf tfohElon r 3059 165.00 U,/07lt7 11roa rnlcr tlatl lccaunt Ood! DarcripElon ED OOlOOOO3lllad0 rtrlemXcllr PEmrT FBlrt t|C 00100003112i00 rrrill crri ltt3PEerror tBt Iotrl L.!: 168.00 lo!.1 lllr PuEr! 165.00 1g5.OO Erlr!p.: . oo ll!6unc 162.00 3.00 TO[',N OF VAII-, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8l_657 970-479-2L38 E Lectr i ca [---> DRB Fee Investigrtion> tJi l. L Ca L l.---> TOTAL FEES---> Status. . . TH Applied.. Issued, . . Expires. . APPROVEI)Lt/B/ree'r/03/ree't 05 /02 /t99 t. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THTS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 897-0289 Job Address: 483 GORE CREEK DRLocation...: 483 GORE CK DR (TEXAS Parcel No. .: 2101-082-35-001Project No.: PRJ97-0195 APPLICANT JACH WOODHULL OWNER 821- VrA SOMONTE, PALOS VERDE S.C. THAIN JOHN A & CARMEN M 350 E PURCHASE ST. RYE NY 10580 CONTRACTOR ELECTRIClAN 426 E. 11TH STREET, RIFLE, CO 81650 Descripti-on: REWIRE TO CODE Phonez 970-625-28LL Valuation:8,500.00 *ffi***t**t*t**ffi****ffi*rttr**********tt****l*i**hffi**t FEE SUf ARy ***t*t*t******t*****f*ffi****ffi***tr*H*******rr**t TotaI catculated Fees---> Additionat Fees---------> Totat Peroit FeF-------> Paynents------ BALANCE DUE---- Phone: 310-373-0220 165.00 .00 165 .00 .00 165 . 00 162. m .00 .m 5.m 155 . 00 *tffit***ffi***********************H**ffi*ffi*ffift***ffi*****t**!**H***1ffi*ffiffi**ffi***ff*f,t********ff**** Ite-m: ,O5OOO ELECTRICAIJ DEPARTI{ENT DepT: BUILDING Division:tL/o3/L997 Jwr ectionl eppn-eppnovED JRIZ'ItEm:. 05600 FIRE DEPARTI,IENT DepT: FIRE Division: ***ffi*l*ffi*t*****ffi********ffffiffif*f,ffi*lr|t*,t*ffi*fiffi*tt*ftffif,tn*iffi**t******t***t*rtt*******!t*t***rffi*tr***ttstrtJrt*** CONDITION OF APPROVAI-, 1. q'IBE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANYSTARTED.?. ErE=tD TNSPECTTONS ARE REOUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE3. gUOI(E DETECTOR9 ARE REQUr-RED rN er,r,--eBDno6iis-AlrDAS PER SEC.1210 OF THE-1991 UBC WORK CAN BE COMPLIANCE. EVERY STORY ***ffii***}**ffi******rrffi*i*!tt***tr'rfttr|||t*ffirtff*****ffr*ff***ffi**fitrffi*ffi*fttlrtrrt**ttffiffit**fff**ffi**ff**rr****** DECLARATIONS r.hereby -acknowtedge that r hlvc read_this apptication, fiLl.ed out in futt the infonmation required/ compLeted an accurate ptotptan' and state that atl the informati.on Protided as required. i.s correct. I agree to conpLy vith tire infornration and pt,ot ptan,to comPl'y trith all Tot n ordinenccs _and statc [aws, and io buiLd this structure according io'the Tovnis ionin! and subdivisioncodes' design reviev approved, Uniforn BuiLding code and other ordinances of the town afpticabl,c thereto. REAUESTS foR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE T[|ENTY-FO[ R HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-?13A OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM E:00 A 5:00 pt1 SIGNATURE OF OI,INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR I.III.ISELF AND OI,||I,IER ,*contact Eagl.e Couut, or..""o.Of ,".'I ar 970-328-8640 for P_atce-l #. TOWN OF iPARcEL tt: 2lOLOg)3SOot pERMrr VAIL CONSTRUCTION APPLTCATION FORM DArE; /0-1/-67 81 7 -rs, v., P;;ifr-r/-... PR-rrl -otei; f APPLICATIoN MUST BE TfLLED OUT CoMPLETELY OR IT UAY NoT BE AccEpTED Ilrt**************************** PERMIT TNFORMATION *****************************rl t l-Building [ ]-plunbing [$-Electrical [ ]-Hechanibar [ ]-other Legal Descriptionz LoE 4 Btock_.,fuL Firing owneirs Name: Fro{t tajoolhdl Address: BUILDING PERMIT FEE:Th PLUMBING PERMIT FTE:IX Architect: ([r+Cf l)cg]qn:; Address: pn. 47b_! ZoO ceneral Descripti"", feu,r< &ilfr{nA h (C/( work class: [ ]-New t$(-art...tion [ ]-Additional- 1 l-Repair [ ]-other_ Number of DweLllng units. I Number of Accomrnodation Units:vr fi\rr-ultu|ltJtrd LJ.()f ,y^O"t and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ cas Loqs / Wood/pellet_Vl* * * * * * * * * * * * * * !t * * * * 't' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS **** ********* ******.1****** * *** * **t :y,t*3Tf; +-__ I11gTllcrr,z l_?- scr.--_ oi.ngR: $- Phone Number: _S*:_qW= Electrical Contracto.r :Town of VaiI _ phone Nrrrnber: I g ::3}tTq..,=Es(naa .., -,','-u='-,"' rown 'r vair heq. No. ?_gteAddress: tqZL Phone Numbe.r : \d'firyfit;- Mechanical- Contractor:Address: T:yll "I vail Res. No.--_...._phorre Nurnber: *********************cE usE ******************************* LDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: ING PIAN CHECK FEE:CHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE:MECHANTCAL PERMIT ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE:I, Dt$lsffi l$I"il" ;33 i,, TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDINI;: SIGNATURE; ZONING: SIGNATURE: Yafi Y1"l(a"7-(UBDIVISION! LT Th ! tt;a€oaok t/uot Ph.3/A-a)3- ar2a VALUATION 75 roulh lronl.ge road vtll, color.do 81657 (303) 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 otllca of communlty davclopmerrt BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TIME FMI,IE If this peryit "uqrll::^i Towl of Vail Fire Department Approval,Engineer''s (pubr i. IgIl-.) revr-en una'ipprovai ,'u pi.nnin!-b.pu"tr"ntrev i ew or Hea'l th Departmint. ieview, -rni' u- rini"; Li-iil"trii ai ng SSri[H!11;"fl,1 u"t'uted time tor'a-totar i.ui"*-il"j"iuil'u, r6ns Al'l commercial (rarge or smail ) and a'il mu'r ti-famity permits wiilhave to follow the ibove mention"J-mirirrr requirements. Residentiarand small projects shou'l d take a iesie" amount of time. However, ifresidenti'al or smailer.projects impiii the various above mentioneddepartments with reqard' to-necessiiy-ieview, these projects mayalso take the three-w""t peiioa.--iJ M Every.attempt will be made by thispermt.t as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe. department to expedite thjs Communi ty Devel ooment Department. (li 75 soulh lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 4?9-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposii ;;t-r;irl"rJ"r, sand, debris;:,ffi*'i:ii"i::t.:9Ts_lrasl humpsters, porlable toirets ;;e--- pre:" ". ;;-;;i.I5l'.fi!l"lll""l;"=ii;ilil5;_*]i"I"":rl*:*i-",Vait streets and-.r?"g" ii "pp-""ir"l"iv-s-it.-iri pavernent.This ordinance wirr be "t.illiy'-enforced by the Town of VaiIPublic works DeDartnent. --p""=lns founa violating this ordinancevi1' be given a 24 hour r.ii;;;";orice t"-""iJi"'said nateriar.rn the event the person so notified.does not conply with thenotice within the 24 hour tine-specified,. the puLtic worksDepartment wirl remove "iiJ-rit"ii"i-ii-it """"pli"e of personnotified. The provisions "f-tfri= ordinance sn-aff not beapplicable to clnstruction, ,.i'i".r"nge or repair projects ofany street or a1ley or any utilitres in the right_a_way. To review Ordinance No. e in full, p).ease stop by the Town of:::i.::ii3i"3"";f;i*n:*":i"";i;i" a copv. r;.ni vou ror your oltlce ol communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED I.IITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC I{oRKS/COMMUNITY DEVIELOPMENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE osition/Relation$Ip f Efr; L0'31- n7 (i.e. contractor, olrner) TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED Job Name: Dale: Please answer the following questionnaire regarding lhe need lor a "Public Way permit': ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed lhat requires the use ol the right of way, easements or public prope(y? ls any utilily work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls diflerent access needed lo site other than exisling driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the right ol way, easemenls, or public property? ls a'Revocable Right CI Way Permit" required?. A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or lencing? B. lt no to 8A, is a parking, staging or {encing plan required by Community I have read and answered allthe YES NO r-1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7l 8) Development? lf You answered yes to any of th€se questions,.a'Public Way Permit" must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or at C-olmu1ity Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town ol Vail Construction lnspec{or, at 479-2158. Job Name o- 3/ CONCEPT MECHANICAL, INC. PLUMBING . HEATING . SYSTEM DESIGN FeG" o wooorllttt- 2C:i . P.O. BOX 1165 AVON, COLORADO 81620 PHONE: (970) 949-0200 FAX: (970) 949-0300 November 20,1997 TO: Mr. Charlie Davis; Town of Vail Building Department FROM; Tim Rosen e;1"-RE: Woodhull Renovation 483 Gore Creek Drive; Texas Townhomes #3 Vail, Colorado Boiler Plant Sizing As part of our plumbing remodel on this projecl, the owner has elected to replace his approx. 20-year-old boiler with a new boiler plant. We are also installing new baseboard heat throughout the townhouse. The heat loss for the project is 38,310 Btuh. This boiler will also be heating domestic hot water through a 60-gallon storage tank. Thug the sea lwel input of the boiler is approximately 196,000 Btuh input based on\2o/o efficiency. The boiler selected is to be a Teledyne Laars JVI series rated at225,000 Btuh sea level input. I have included a cut sheet on the boiler. Type "8" flue and combustion air will meet manufacturer's recommendations and UMC. Please call if you have any questions. The K.C. Company is the general contractor on this project. cc: Rich Caples; The K.C. Company (via fax) departmont of community dwelopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT GONSTRUCTTON PERMTT PLUMBING FOUNDATION utr D fiT! BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL 48 DR LEGAL brsc. 191 IfirT /13 BLK__\ rrrdc rExtx rSTx ' JOB NAME: ------ WOOTEN KITCHEN REMODEL OWNER NAME RrKE WOOTEN MA|LADDRESS 483 coRE CREEK DI qITY VAIL PH, ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR F|RM RIPPY CoNTMCT0RS rQwlt oF vAtL REG. No. 124-8 l,-..r*,.o,-FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.\,\.I\tf(At/tut( PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VA|L REG. NO OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO TELE. l\U l tr - L,VrI r.r rEnMl I ltJ EE AErl Ul\ JtrE Ol l E DATE rN 0N JULY 28, L992 AJ- j-.rvtuir_u 005602 I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I iI III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH IR M OfVfSION 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK I REMOVE AND REPLACE AITCHEN PERMIT NO, z tr ) EUILDING 8,000 ELECTRICAL PtUMSING CABINETS MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES V IHR R-1 0 8 ,000 BUILDING PERMII I25 -lSq,6-d sS & PLAN CHECK 81 ELECTRICAL NEWI ALTERATIONXX) ADDITIONAL () REPAIR()PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS .. - HEIGHT IN FT - NO.FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE INSULATION:THICKNESS R.VALLUE ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL ST, CUT v BLASTING X PARKING X DEMO X FLOOF EXT WALLS NONE - BOOF TYPE ELEC. I GAsgF ;;-_l *"." DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 100 USE TAX TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 306 DAN STANEK JI]LY 29, 1992 ILDING OFFICIAL OATE NO PLANNER NING ADMINISTRATOR OATE )NING & ;MOEE BUILDING NOTES: DETECTORS REQUIRED IN A],L BEDROOM A IER SECTION 12.10 199TTFE. CLEAN UP 81632 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correcl. I agree to comply with the intormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design PO Box 899 EDWARDE. CO SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOF FOR HIMSELF AND THE OWNER. QONSTRUCTTON PERMTT PLUMEING FOUNOATION NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO DATE qrtr0,,l;r28199? BE KEPT ON JOBSITE !!nu BUILDING ELECTRICAL NO.faog l. IYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I t rVV z. occuPANcY GRoUP ls r H y'n GENERAI DESCBIPTION OF WORK : GROUP G.R.F.A. V AOOTTTONAL ( ) REPATR( , ACCOMMOO r|ON UN|TS _ NO. FIREPLACES AOOITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: INITIAL TOTAL PERMIT FEES NGADMINISTRATOR OAIE & BUfLDING 11g1ggi 4.---o p:o. /z-rz-< E;, <. I here.by acknowledge that I have read lhis application, lilled out in full the intormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required ls coirect. i agree to comply with the information and plot plan, lo comply with alt Town ordinances and state laws, and lo bulld lhis slructure according to tho Town's zoning and subtlivision codes, design revlew approved, Unilorm Building Code and other ordinances FOR HIMSELF .lm department of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT ME LEGAL Desc. LoT# BLRJ-93-t,,-'M -ToBNAME' U6o7?J OWNER cw l/fi( ,r. ). A ( / ARCHITECT FIRU MAILAODRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR ,r u P,,aov coil,,t,-ft,', rowHorveunec.xo. /27 a IELE. q21 3(f/ *-',"-lHll FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REg. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIR[I TOWN OF VAILBEG. NO. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO, TELE. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. - TELE. 75 soulh frontage rosd vail. color.do 8t657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2139 otflce of communlty development If this permit requ'ires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval,Engingel'Ls (.Pgblic tlorks) reyiew and approval,' a planning' OeparirnentreviEw or Health Deparfunent review, and'a review by the 6uilbingDepartment, the estirnated time for a total review rnay take as 16ngas thl'ee weeks. A]l commercial (large or smal'l) and al'l mu]ti-family permits willhave to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and . smal I pro jects shou] d talte a 'l esser amount of time. However, i f resi.denti.al or sma'l ler projects impact the various above mentioned departments wi.th regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite thlspermi.t as s.gon as possible. BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI.IE undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeI' the frame. ,,Joffi^t K, fr-|",J Project Name Communi ty Devel opment Department. 75 soulh tronlage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: olflce of communlly development AI.Jt CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLIC WORKS/COI'O{UNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sunmary'.ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to ritter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor rnaterial, including trash dunpster-, portable ioilets andworkrnen vehicles upon any street, sidewark, atley or public Pl1g" or any portion theieof. The right-oi-way -on arr Town ofVail streets and-roads is approximately S ft. 6ff pavenent.This ordinance wirr be striliry enforcLd. by the Town of Vairlypli-c works Departrnent. pers6ns found viStating this ordirun""tfLlr be given a 24 hour written notice to renove said materiar.fn the event the person so notified does not comply with th-notice within the 24 hour tine specified, the pulric worksDepartment wirl remove said mateiiat at the expense of personnotified- The provisions of this ord.inance srrirr not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair proJects ofany street or alley or any utiLities in the rLght-a-way. To review ordinance No. 6 ln furl, prease stop by the Town ofvail Building Departnent to obtain a copy. fnank you for yourcooperation on this matter. Read and ac owledged Position/nela@(i.e.contractor, owner) \l'.l [11),1r jil'rl rl ,l IL r,-l ., \t' I -,y Tgtf{. slLL.|D ?.1 LOLK A)( Loc< ooflz A-,rg vLi7 ,Fwe,6,tf, I corri€tioq of errors in s4id plans, *FqCiliotiohs and oths'pJdata." 6(o ,t ru0ATE. t : '" I KL \'Jc Dfi f N3 ( aon{ cKt{.w. Dh.r, *zlrLy.L: r c0 f'r1rL €NT Ktt(H r N I ^LV ' !L"=,1' Ry. e ltolq z_ :4o'n y-A.u. 1 -+--.-rl I. .2, /. \\ 1 rrVt,,iihi l' ,l)e irni.., Ic'? '/4 ,- sp1 ;cl1rr :F1o:-:,. , I JJ#TI iffi: .i"v,t*ffiI;.Jilli',i' ;,' ;,1:1, :; : iJil: I ll g , , rt i atFroval of, any vioratron 0f any,ot the !r,iy, ,o{: "f tnis coOe .u,14+ at 0t any othsr ordinanc0 0f tne iurisdjjaiicn. f if* :.ssuance of - a p€!.mit Das€d upon plans, specificati0Fs anddldr data shaff '- not prev8nt the building otiicial from thereatt6rfrcquiring rhFN) Ry. co lrolt z_ ( Ds ) R6LL- C){.r T5 $ $t =iS,f:.-j It ! I I I-l3 i'll I I I I II L] [| NoKfH I sourH f-LiVA{iot'-i \r \ ii J INSPECTION 1' -)-+* REQUEST PERMIT NUMBEH OF PROJECT LJA I C aTOWN OF VAIL JO8 NAME READY FOR LOCATION: l*i:':''9).. CALLER TUES WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL \F!APPROVED CORRECTIONS: E DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED rNs#toN REeuEsr R OF,PROJECTPERMIT NUM OWN OF VAIL ' oor, €JOB NAME L"I i a READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:! l- -'*1 L 5 /^ MON \J t) \_x AM i PM. T-1"- L*GtL *- 3 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION -tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL - ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH EI EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ftfiFsxop DATE f.-t"INSPECTOR BUILOING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND N ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING N INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPRoVED 2 lt tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR nffisnop t INSPE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL NAME .'r^ ,..-{- .l r.--.'ir,. l--il tI i 479-2138'i \ I ('i[\ ..}/- ' ,k:,,CALLER Ll""rt., READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUESlll's r-IL, FRI PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor= :)lif/,-14 roe BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOO NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr ITEMP. POWER tr EXHAUST-r|OO|t -- tr CONDUIT tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED PECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR TION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL tAM PM*7'7 - s ,fr''n' "-' , ' -' "e' *' \ t DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: i NAME MON TUES WED THUR FRI PERMIT NUMBEF OF PROJECT'f/ 'ou 479-2138 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGHOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL OVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ( ,rj ^--- o PLUMBTNG/MECHANTCAL TOWN OF VAIL PEFIMIT DATE ' roB NAME fuJnn r- * -J 6uaa 7;, a.yun/ t--rE -.-., OWNER ADDRESS coNraAcroR 4t*-gT pnonebZT 55b2 OF BUILDING: oF woRK: EI nrew D aoorloru El-neuooel E nepern PLUMBING: NUMBER ?N €MECHANICAL: NUMBEF vALUArfoN S 7r>Zl*vALUAiloN $ /f)ln/) a--e REMARKS:REMARKS: | ./ "\\, ., n r( Q'(ft \\N? lY t --.<. PERMIT FEE \ /o -\PERM.T FEE \ ' :lu \\-l i\ \-/ O rz59 rorALFEEs: $ {./- &Es nb T0tvl{ 0F BUILtrlING' l'A IL PEFTMIT JOB NAME DATE OF APPLfCATION -./ t-t t .tt,j t9 CLASS OF WORK MAIL AOORESS NEWII ALTERATION (.4'ADDITION ( I REPAIR( I USE OF BUILDING OFF ST. PARKING NO, OF LIVING UNITS SO. FT. COMMERCIAL WATER (/) FORCED AIR ELEC UNIT LOT .] BLK FI LING COVERING INT. WALLS 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON l t N G'. I HR 2. OccuPANCY GROUP A B C D E F c@t J DtvtstoN 12 3 4 BUILDING PERMIT SPECIFIED FIRE SPRI NKLERS WET STANDPIPE DRY STANDPIPE RAL DESCRIPTION OF I,\'OR K OCCUPANCY SEPARATION PLAN NUMBER UNCOVERED TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE tJS,) i ,,, l>'lil*tf) ( I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDCE THAT T HAVE READ THTS APPLICATION AND STATE ?HAT THE ABOVE tS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY WTTTI ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND Sl'A1'E i nWil4|:Z ACTOR Pelmit No, ,: ".-----:l 000283 fr*hJ*tn ?.'&xrg+ - - - -&lt $-!gp64la'* ITATIllN DISTRICT FEES HAVE BEEN P uN FULL. -- UAII WATER A]{D SAl{ WATER AIIO SEWER TAP PERMIT TAP PERMITWI NAME OF JOB OCATION AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR EXCAVATING CONTRA,CTOR SIZE OF TAP: Yllater Ltc. No. Ltc. No. Lrc. No. NuMBER oF uNtrs .55 '11-Daresined O/FFAP€{ Datepaid \4//*'* 6 L4fr-- F,tt""* Dar"aat Moter Size Bldg. Dspt. - Whlt.; - W6ter ond Sanltation - Gr€sn;- Publlc Workr - Can.ry; - Contractor - Pink; - Accoudtlno - Gold.nrod Town of Yail FI,nCTBICAL PERII{IT Ng Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee ===:/ n,.s =1 ,4? eppri"*,t. ?-k&e=t 4L U-fu *ffi A,PPROVALS $..Za.L-V Date Paid.--..-. na N^ " /,L/..eet:T:..H2 &.:........................... ... . 423 Erectricar cont uctor, - 6-..il. R2 E- -2T.... Date of Application-..---.--.. "*/"4r= E POSTED O1{ JOB STTE DURING COilSTRUCTIOIII 24 IIOTJRS ADVANCE N(yNCE REQT,JIREI' FOR INSPECTIONS THIS FORM tsr r. F. x!rrt:r ac., !aravrr rr!aaz 'tai /z TOWN OF F|EEUEST VAIL I otren n pennnu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR FRIMON COMMENTS: .2't':..:.\, TUE AM PM .Va,pe Rov E D D orsappRovED E nerNsPEcr n upou rHE FoLLowlNG coRRECTIoNS: COBRECTIONS \\ o DATELJOBNAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER TNSFEETI F|EEUESiT tfowtu o F I orxen f]pennnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURTUE PMFRMON GOMMENTS: E orsappRovED E uporu THE FoLLowrNG GoRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS EleppRovED fJ nerNSPEcr ..i 'nrspscroR * 7! -i DATE RECEIV€D- AM E orxen MON COMMENTS: E pnnnnl.LOCATION TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR /'FRI i AM PM E orseppRovED FOLLOWI NG COR R ECTIONS; APPROVED LJ UPON THE D nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR l DATE tNsPEerlofll-) DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ffiff=d)FIEGIUESiT ,TOWN OF VAIL I orHen ! pnnrtnt- LocATloN READY FOR INSPECTION MON COMMENTS: TUE WED THUR FBI AM PM E eppRovED D orsappRovED E nerNsPEcr E upoN THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS \ DATE INSPECTOR I Ih[STPCETI E oruEn MON GOMMENTS: Dpnnnel LOCATION TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI .:. AM; PM EJnppBovED ElorseppRovED E uportr rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcroNs: CORRECTIONS E ner NsPEcr INSPECTOR DATE a DIISIGN REVIT1Y BOARD DATE OF MEIIBERS I{EETING: PBESENT: VUrnuy ACTION TAKEN BY BOA I{OTION: , VOTE: SECONDED BY: AGAINST:FOR: / APPROVED i i - DISAPPROVED: --- t SUIiIIIARY: uo:, i 11 rr l(ovitr,rt I trt-r Dats Pa I d 'ROJ ECT iEGAL DE SCR I PT JSE ZONE lOT SIZE iETBACKS: Requlred - Actua I BETI,IE EN Average )ES IGN ZON ING CIIICKL IST S UMMA RY ; ARC I TECT PROPOSED USE(S) ; FRO|'ITAGE Front Front INGS: r )l r Jl des des BUILD Gra de Raf Rea r Rea r ) 1 STANC E {E I GHT: ;.R.F.A. ,.OMMERC I Required --, Actua I Height Al e sq. f+. lowed Actua I _, AL Actua I sq. ft, IUILDING BULK CONTROL: Allowable riaxi io, Allowabl FLOOR AREA: Percentage a I lowab le_, , A.ctua I sq. Atl owa b le sq. ft. ,,/4il*Lt mum length Di agona I D iagona I Actua I sq. ft. JSEABLE 0PEl'l SPACE: Req u i red Groun d Leve I lequired 0ffsets i ITE COVERAGE: -AN DSCA P ]ARK II.'IG lui red lON ING APPROVAL ,TILIT REV IEW BOARD APPROVAL IES APPROVAL , Actua I length Allowable %, Al I owab le Sq .++ qn ft., Actua I , Actua | 7b 4. - -P t fr --sq. f t - , Covered Re- S, Common ING: Required --AND L0ADlllG: No. Requi %, _ red ft., Acfua I No. Actua I sq. No.; Covered Act ua I Zoning Administrator Da *o Cha i rman, Design Rev iew Board Da te Town Eng ineer Da te :NV IRONI4ENTAL f MPACT APPROVAL Mayor Date )ate Submitted )ate Submitted )ate Submitte d :xtension of f or Zon i f or Des i for Envi ng Review gn Rev iew ronmenta I Dead I ine Dead line Da te Date lmpac't Rev iew to Dead I ine item , date (Serles of as permitted )y Sect I ENTS of 0 dlnance No J4 (x /3 lxJ *(-( /t> o -- s(3 ( J-, // & a rug*l14L zs/ "24x lD ffi( J44 to /3f4 /othlh(( [.ft{( s3/.1s J{ n .Aon,, J sol ,7( ffi J4b 7f Jq0rc t3( lt? 3t.f Jz. Z( a rNstFEcrl FTECIUEST VAI LTOWN O DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PTI JOB NAME , -, CAI.LER I orxen MON COMMENTS: Epnnnnl.LOCATION TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED ,,.', THUR t, ,l!lFR] I i AM\PM EappRovED I orsereRovED E uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: COHRECTIONS E nerNsPEcr i-jo "rA^. I/'l'1 ll I..' VnTt, llr'.TJiIi i:iD iinilLT.rrl'I0l: i)Il'iT:iICT', P, 0. lloi: 6 3.1 --l: .vnit" coLcilii:c I BL65'/ /-/5tsz1 rro /) II\P /o . ..r;.. /tkBletrC of !jrr:inc::s Or. llC,:'r.:^0.,;ircr'^i""''''4h2.fu.unt'?' .. lli:s. J_s'c..2nd I'oiLe'.-, Ur^ir':a)., Iieside::ti-al Co;;:,r::'c i-a I S)rot.'cr ol Trrb. o'l 1..'ashbci.'I X 0.7'5 =x.I"0x 1.5 tr=0; \Il=,l II Ice l'iachir,es iita'Len Cool-e:::s' ilrd arrC r:a'Lcr foun'cains x 0.25 = . fr {-L.t' L]I ila:; Ls1: 2nci 3r'tilltlr Ilas .1ct 2nd 'x 0.25 -' Llas 1s't 2uri 3r.dqth Sauna:', lSas l"st 2rcl Roons ( Lirrin el r.ccns ,Bc:dr.cclrs, Of f ices, Slro:rs r Stu6ios ). . .x g.oo '=''i3' D -, lt r\n - ^ -LoUU -/, () x 2.S0 : >3 1.00 :: - rr ;t tl n& 6cJl, - I'ul1 Bai:h Bnslor: 2nci Srrl t+th Das 1st 2nd 3r'd 4th llas. ]-st 2ncl 3rcltttlr !J.., ,t I:;t: ? tril iil..1 ti'L )t , Xitchens .licsiclcnt.ial x 2.50 =-l Dj-s:h:.'as)rcr. X I.00 : *--:*"- Xi tclreii s Co;r"'rc:.ciaL Di:llu.:;r:llrc r. Sc;rti:r1; t tg \ t. '\t,rrrrrrrl:,y l1r: r;.i.dt:u t:i.irI l)('1. lr,.tlilt(.: I. ?g 0. $0 l _-.**_..*, o J'-1 , J.1;1: "t 2:rtl t,irunrh'Y Corurclcial It(:' ;'laShcr (llr:ri:rum o1' o:rc) (lut si<.!e SP:'.in)llcrs Iirc. tlosc Cal;inets Service Q.: >l 2.00 : .x 0.33 = J-.,, x30.00 : .l -- F /rn -x J-uu - a.. | ... ., . . b - l. 7.3r"dltth :.2 . rt [4. t5. t6 Bn.slst 2:r<i 3r-iiIttir S'ca'ci.on ' Swin:rj.ng Poo)- l.lasIs'i'2tl 3r-dIrth Conve:rtion Centc:r Per: Person :s 0.L0 = T0?/rL PO:ii{TS 6,5 ' .-Jua4zA72-- char'ge'. t .Io1l-o'..'ins-tire ccni>letiol.-:f^?::1.:.:::":i:T.,"{..i}:,.,{':t'.1;l;-#.."i3 i3;;;l;:;i3r_';;,i;ii..ilil-in.^ciiti-:.-"i-iia r r perro',':\ i ?\!*.",;^i"-;;;..;i,;; ni *fl p-.,-e:ei-ies to deter-r:ij-pe the :runi:c1 bt Pc;/'cs tc tre. ass::::suc a.c"oilitii t" the uatLr' ?"9 Sc'irc:: lt:l l:3f:9-i::::.... 3},":.*li-,";o-;;;;,;:.ai i"a 'uhr: Di:;-.'rici: s,,rel-l :n:!tc, an5'-ac!ju's-t:rc::ts ;;;;;;;;r; iu il.,.'-"r,iiiiai- iap fec Dai<1. Tiris insllci:]11.,::"11 ;i;o cletlrn:nc tlie buiid.ing oi..'rre;:ts L'ate1' anci sei'tel' scrvf,ce' -J ' Boa-r''d of Directors -" ' laiL l'later and Sanitation 'cs tc Distri.ct si-rjcntia physj .l ,i TYPE OF OCCUPANCY EXITS R EO. MECHANICAL €LECTRICAL DATE OF APPLICATION 19 CLASS OF WORK MAIL ADDRESS NEW(} ALT€RATION ( I AODITION { ) REPAIR { ) USE OF BUI LDING COVER€D SO. FT. OF BLDG.HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PARKING MAI L ADDRESS NO. OF STOFIES OFF ST. LOADING MAIL ADORESS SO. FT. COMMERCIAL WATER I I FORCED AIR ( IELEC ( IUNIT(} LOT BLK FILING COVERING 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V I HR 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B C D E F G H I J DtvtstoN 1234 BUI LDING PERMIT SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FEES FIB E SPRINKLERS WET STANDPIPE MECHANICAL 3. USE ZONE ORY STANDPIPE COMB. STANDPIPE CLEAN UP DEPOSIT SMOK€PROOF ENCLOSURE ENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WOR K AREA SEPARATION OCCUPANCY SEPARATION TOWN OF EIIJILtrlING vAtt ]'EFIMIT TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR ABEA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVERED DATE APPLICATION ACCEPTED PLAN CHECK APPROVAL /e?/ PERMIT # ,/r I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDCE TIIAT I IIAVE READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE TS CORRECT AND -AGREE TO COVPLY WITH ALL 'I'OWN ORDINANCES AND STATE I,AWS REG RDING BT]ILDING CONSTR UCTION. SIGNATURE OF OWNI]R OR (ION'1'RACTOR I n\rsrPEefru TOWN OF FIEBUEEiT VAIL /. DATE TIME ,,'t1 ' .:t "' ?JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ( 'l- l-'" ll pnnuu LOCATIONf]ornen MON COMMENTS: READY FOR INSPECTION WED I'THUR'AM PM El-*sp Rov E D D orsnppRovED E nerNSPEcr E upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECnoNS: CORRECTIONS DATE ". i . F? i:l .:.-nr-_-- r;';;!,'r1i*ii,.lli.-i?l ir i' TEL Nt]:36ff.-2\r'r'rFrR-2s-'94 13:14 rD:t )ENUER 1 fit6,@ PAl, HO STAPLES xoFra raEcoaJodl q. |.tmll^xta t. N3t!^xol|gr|llo C, !|,|ou^r.tl' Yt Ct3a t, "a.ur{ltaw|lu x t ta{ltrtlErrgr r. aa attxt o. rraraat llaftt Jr.rat(l^rrt L toa!.tol|l xrcHAEL A. tt rrra porll 4 llrtrNtoN aOOt x. rcteiSor.vrr 4 io|. xgcitlr|cnalo a. xrtt5o|. IRELAND, !/llriaNct t rtnictlrfitlla|{ J. ltortr^if .r Ulhlrrga.ll L g^xSl raltr r* ln(ltlrallalgc^ L g.COO|| xarEri t|9l{c3r|c|{ 3! tos}a Att|| o. tt,tgt|. l.[€|rglt n. r.ttrl3tJoll|,r q. ,ltt3luraltl,Y A ttrt{ciooSa r. r..ufttal|| or ccuttt! wilaua L. ,avol trEcrA! Coiftdt! frolrcN L lt3va3f, ffdYi'loF D. .rorrlrloil €lAlt||cf !. |ifla|{9 ttaenocl lcrJAr.,N a, SlatlcYo.l .'|a.d9el SrepLeron, PnYoR e Plgcoe, ^TtOFNgvg at LAW gurTe Esoo taTE atoAowAY DEr{vEh. cot 0RAD0 rozot TELEPHONE.JO.t G3!.E7OO fAcStMt|.e !0t cts-ro5e PLEAEE FEFLY YO POCT OTFICE 3OX PC,ET OftteE 6OX r.r6 oENVEn, COLonADo goeol TEI/FpOPIJWEMORANpUM P. C. NAME: OROANIZATTON:ININALS/TIME TELEcoPIERNUMBER; C/7d . ,/,FaT VERIFICATIONNUMBER: q7T..bZ€Z- .-. FROM: DATE: REI Wc uc ransmining fron: Hitachi HIFAX 46. AUTOMATIC FAX NUMBER: (30t) 6?:3-ZWz r7.. t4lottda,tor, .ottulul h thb lect(at nty,ey b. wnfulcntbl ,alotuth laendcd o& I* u, ofrh. t dhunl ot tn tt 'I'ned abovt.Il.h. nd.rql.tdr,,t rr'es. E rA th, wdEc ..ritbnry-luat wpiotu vastmpoatif rc i*ii t n niifiri ii4;uri,-i*iri:htnbyrol'lfutlttntaryitttt.nla,atlor,.ckotbubr-nrr,iitotty'rtdrjoa.aord;abriratco--idil;i;l; Vwatunalarttdthbgomnuakatbt Q ttmr, pteau hncdbnb autt! u bt tdtthim, eA nn i n i*tii-iiiii iii'a W drow lyltfi$ rb ilr. U.S.Posul &nbt. flu*lou '-r'-r---r"'-'t"E! JP !o-,{ rytnuer of pagar (locludiry thh cover sheet) being rrmsmittcd is -, pleaso tetEhone (303) 623'2700 if you experience rny difficulti* witlr this uansmlsion and rsk f;Eelrcan A|br.lgit. l,,u /N L/6d eF ANY 4sS oc.iAna^) frPPtzaVA t- i 1'tFtR-29-'94 13:15 IDIIE |}h&JER 1 TEL t'{O:JgB6i IRELAND, STApLEroN 'pnyon E pAscoE, p. C. AIIOBNEYE Ar lAW _U|TE aaOO , t57s gROAOWAY FOgy OtFtCE gOX rato DENVER. COLORAOO SOAOI March 29, Lgg{l MTSHAEL A, SI. TH ot|.EcT rc'r 6te-16+a at6a PW. TCLCFHOivC SOt OeS.aTOO TELECOFtER tOT 623-:0gf Toun of VaiIAttn: Mit(e l{olltcaDeparteent of Connunlty Development75.South Frontage RoadVaiI, CO 8t65g Re: John and Carmen Thaln Dear Mr. Mollical r re'res.nt John and carnen Thain hrho are purohasrngTownhouse unlt I in tha-Tii*iii"rotmhouees. Ehey.are prannrng tonake certaln changEe and ".noviiions to that unlt. r havereviewed the docurnents whicii-uiie"t triri--to [iioi properry an.rwlrich may have an effeat J"--t["I" pranntO .rr.ig"" ,narenovat,l_ons. onrv'one of the docunente whiah r reviewed retates tothe Texaa Towirhousee. rnat rrocueent r.s the rgreenent lor theFornatl.on of tlre c€xas rowntrousJ' agsoslaironl'-ii.t rgreenent igdated April 13, 1?g1l ana wiJ preparea-r"ig-irtii, the rexagroh'nhouse' vrere construatea,- i[ei;-r; ;;;aliJ-iarr agreeraent inexistence for the texig rownrroiJ"". Eacb townhouse unrt ownerouns in fee both the rot upon wttictr tfie-toiliiiiiJl i" construatecland the townhouse improvemints tocatea upon drral-rot. (certarnQhrners have condornrnl.unrzed their f,exaE frownriouse u"ita)-i"i-iiirt8 is not onc of, thoee unlts.) The AqrEenent for the Fornatron of the T€xas TownhougcAssoclation was prgg?red to.tiiovrae i viiii"i.-lo"'rhe perfornanoeof, certain matntiTance Eervriei ina io'iiquire-ilrtain reatpropertv for parkr,nE.purposes. That Agre;n4t iJ"" not requirethat the Tharirs ouliii iii. iiir"""rE fron the Texa6 rownhouseAssociation for the renovitiii-oi Texas townhouse unrt g. TheAgreement nakee no provlaion ior.anv -it"iiilJ["ilr review orapproval. There-13^1o. cornroon liop.iti-""r"J-;;-G, Aeeociationor property which haE.been deciared a'rlnited-lofiro' erenent orEeneral comnon element. .rrarr alr a!. ttrat a,Orio 4:"*,* ,a 13:16 lD: t IRE|'ANO. ITAILEION, FIrYO'T { FA6COE. AG. Tovrn of ValIl{arch 29, L994 Prge ? s16A PB r encloge a sopy of the agrsenent.for your reoordE, ',f.you hrv€ any quertl.onr, pieaeo do n6t hegttri! t6-contaot u3, sLncgrely, uAs/pgp enelosure I lHtrl{Strd rt..aa,oO t{AR-29-'94 133 16 rer- m,sfl*z F't6@ P@4 t. ,l',r'"'(,'" ' . '>F. .-^' 'D/'€1ll-- rqAs TonIHouE-E Assocr^TroN r 984*fr6, uy snd soonB thc underctgned' A, Ttre underglEnrd arc all of the Ormetr tn fre rlople of lomhouse unltc located ln shc Texac TsmhOUrGtr alEurted on reel ProPcfty locatcd ln sh€ Tovn of vallr Esgle County, cotorado, etrtch ProPerty !a oorc fully dcecr.lbed on Exhlblt A attgchcd htreSo (heretnrfter "lcxtt tpvnhougec"). B, Ilre oenert deslre lo provldr for certrln lf-nd for rhe rcqutettlon of, ccrtiln rctl Ptop€rty located Edjacsnt t0- Ehe Texrs tovnhouses tg be uttd fOr luloooblle Psrktng fOr rhe Qsners (the " Cosuon Resl Propergy"). C. I$ eonjunctlon of lndlvldual ounershtrp bEen a tradltlon of thc t Bul {, }+<) ?'.c7,1 I7 #r-40J- *iFffill'ri tiru 3|J 2 oz Pl'l'B'l TuIs AGREEHEITf fu exrcuted cltcettvc rhlg 13th day of -,AEr.iL-.-' thcrel'lth, the oencrr, $hl,Ie dcdtceted to th+ rplrlc lnd lndcgcndcnce rorpectlnt thclr oun untEe nhtch hsa Tcxsr Tounhouseg rlncc thrlr lnceptlon, II ro|' DENLER 1 li % I r''F \.(L aat locL|* - AcRSEI€NT- , \ - FoR\tsF0ru$troN orJllE TI{EREFORE, lhc 0Htctg rgEeG !t folloeit ' l, -D-eflr!t_4qnq. . A. .Arclclee of Incorporcbton" ueanl the argicles of lncorporr- slon of Eh€ AlsoclrElon' B. "Assoctatlon' Eesno Ehc T€xat To$nhouso.Aesoclatlon' a ColOrodo corporoElon, no6 foE ptoflt, lti a$gceasote Uld aaalgnar the setrberg of rhtch thall bc al,I the 0uaera of the TexsE ?omhoui€!r C. 'Bogrd of Hbnogere- o! 'Bortrd" EdanE lhe Soverntng body of rhe Ar roc la c lon D. "Bylaus' ueonr the bylrus of tha Atgocht{on. E. 'Courpon Exprnree' nelnl and lncludea tII StDl arresscd sgatnst rhe Ouners by lhe A3soclstt6n for otpCnsc! tughotttcd by thls AStecgcng s8 follourr (l) expensec of adolnlstrstlonr (?) certatn oalngenancs end repalr /-1- r'lFR-zg-i94 13,12 to,]** ,ra- no,sQ;r fi164 PAs I expenses rg herclnaftcr deftnedi cnd (3) r)CP€n.er lncurred ln rcgulrlnE, Ealntalnlnt and lnaurlnS. Ghe CoElon Rcat Pioprrty' 8. "0u068., EcanS 8ny |86ngr e'uployee, tenanu, guo8!, Ileengee or lnvlree of 8tl ovner. c.' 'Hanaglog Agentr" 6aanr tho Parronr tf any, aployad by che Boatd to pertonr she funcglona provlded lor horatfl' H. "ormeE" Eegnr the P€lron or Perlon!, eB helelnBfter dBflned I or'nlng a tomhougE tn the Texas tounhourc!, o! a gondoolnlu locrcBd theretn, ln fee sloplc, along vlth the helrr, rucceEoors, lgtlgfit and replesentttlvEE of reld potsgn or Pelsona I. "Pcr!on" Deent eny {ndlvldual , colPorstlon, partnerehlp, con- blnatlon, ttSoclstlonr tru8tee or hny other legrl oniltY.' r--lf. "Rcal ?ropelty" relnt Ehas r€al ptop€rty descrlbed od Exhlblll /.-*-ir -.,\' "' 5tncrt "vr"' Lt { e, aisached h€r€co. \'*'-' K. "Unlt' or "?orfihouse'untt:. neene the fce al'ople lntereEt and tirle ln rnd !o one o! uore of tlir t6 tolimure urtltt localed utrhln rhe\JTcxis Tovrrhousesr tncluitlng fce rtop-fl-ounerrhtp of the reol propcrt| lhere- undc r. i.. Z, certstg.Rtgllts rnd obllBrEto,B,s gf che AttoctsEloll. A, ttrc Arroc{etlon Ie hereby lPPotnted sttornel firner3r snd each of theu, to csrry ouE thc llalted purporee Bo 8r so pernlc the Ageoelatlon lo frrtftll atl of lte dutlee hcreunder, 3.The Alaocletlon. Dutler. -n, ehrough thc Board or a Managlng ln fnct for trhe of thls Agreeden; rnd obllgarlons B, The Assoe{atlon ehall br grantad all poucrr necessdry ro natn- taln 8nd repalr th( Comoq\Roal Property, r$d perforo &ll thc dutlee requlred of lt, A. AgenB, ber of Otlnet B. @hlp. The Owner of s Unlt rhall sutonat,lcally she Aaloctsrloo. Sald reobcrrhlp tr appurtenaDt to the Unlt ensltted to the omerehtp o! the neoberrhlp for thst Unit and be a oen- of sgid ahal1 MAR-2e-,94 13r1s rorleNuen r *1gl- X6,38-r.f?HL6A P@6 ttr rutooa.tcslly pers 'i'eh fce ttnpla Etllc Eo the Unlt. lf the fer clnpls tlttc eo Eha untt le hcld b)'oorc Ehrn one PtEtont crch crccnrnr of a Untt :hellbernouberoftheAsroclattootct(ccPtth8ttschUnltohallhaveone vot! as dasctlbed ln parrgrrph 3D bclos' C. Bo-srlt9{*lFrrr-tsft' Ilrc effatrr of thi Alroclrtlon rhall be ornagcduyE9h1choty|byrerolur,lon'de1c8srG|nyPor!lon of lrs auehorlty to a l,tenager or lhnaglng Agsnt for the Assoslatlon. ThBrG shEll no! be lees thon three nor sorc than glx Dcnbers of the Board of Hlnegerr and thc getor o! r! ltstt onG-ghlrd of guch Eoard ehglt €*plte annu- aIIy. D. yqlrnlgf,.qqlllq. Esch Unlr ehell b€ ent{tled Eo one voce ln gaid AssoclaBlon rrhlch rhall bC CtEl by thc Orfi€sr or 1$ proPoEtlon of Bhe omerehtp of r Untc lf tore th8n ono Petson Ouns sald Unlt. A voce $8y b€ crrE ln perEorl or by prory. $uch proxy u8y be granted by en Owner ln fsvor of only lnothir Oulet, a oenbef Of thc Eoald of l'fAnagcrr or. by ratd Qnnelrg a!eoaney or nlnrt.Egnt a3ent. A Proxy ghrll br fUtly executed ln vrltlng, ghell be rrltnccred, rhall ba valld ortly for Ehc Frttculrr ocetlng dtelgnrced 'rhsreln a11d burg br ltlad stEh the Secrettrtf of the Arroetgtlon before tha appolntcd tloc of ihe 8ectln8. The lorrd of |'lanager: uay declde that votlng of the 0nncrr rhall bc by oatl ulth rccpeet to atly t0dltrf or tO any psr- itC,rlar elecrlon of oeobetg of lhc lorrd of Harragcrr or rdth r€sp€qt lo adopCton of any propoced r46ildd6nE Eo tht0 AgrGGoinE ol the ArtlCles of Incorporarlon or Bylrt s Ot the AAaocdrtlon, provlded thst 30 dayr prlor rrrltten toElce of such dcclllon hea been dellvered to all ognere' E. Eylaer .and $J"Etc,ler. lhe prlrposee and povlrs of tha Arsocla- tlon and rhe rtghte and obtlgatlona vtth Tcgpest Eo O1|ns;s 8al forth wtthln rhtr Agr€cErnt rhall be lornaltzad by provltlono of thi Arttclet and Bylavr of the Assoc[atlon, however, aush Altlcles end Bylrwa rhsll tn no eveng bB lnconslsEcnc qlrh ?h. ptovl!tont qf shls Agfc6D8trtr F. Meestngg.. th6 annurl Ecctlngs of lhe'acgoclatlon ahall be held rdrhtn 120 dayr lollowlng Ehe end of erah cal€Rdr! y€8r' At each annual Dr6llngr nenbrrt of ghe lorrd of l{anagrra ehrll br sl€ctctl by ballot of the Ouners ln accordance slth the requlreucnts of grragraph 3D hereof. The Olrncrs uay also frrngsct euch othcr burlness of the Aeaoclatlon 88 EEy Froperly coae before theo. thc loard of }bnagero uay call a upecial Eeetlng frL6A PA? of Ehe Orrnerg upon thelr orfir Eotlon or upon pregentatloo to trherl of a pctl- tton stgned by c uaJortty of rhc Ouners. No bullneor rhall b6 tranrtcled Eg a epeclal oeculng €r.cept ar stated ln the nottce, rurleoe by conaant of l00Z of Ehe ownerehlp (ntcrescr elther ln Drreon ou by proxy. Nollc.se of annual and spaclal DeeESng.r rhall be glven by the Bosrd of lbnagera addreggtd to Bhe regloteEed addrsgaeg of che 0trneEs rt lcrgt 30 daya prlor to cha detc set for such ueetlng. Any ruch noElce chsll strte the dace, tloe and plsce of rhe treetlngr and lf rhe oc.ttng ls l rpeclrl ueellng, the purgoaea ihereof. tlslver of rroclce, elthor ln perlon or by proxy, and elgned elcher before, at or afser Eny rlectlng, ohall be a vgltd subrtttute for renrlce -rc ,ntrlrrgrtt.-l.,tr Il lurrt;lrgnE .lrE: A. to provlde'furpgpl!tt$ rhe urlkuaya, parklng areag end /'.-.---'..-**o-\ Conoon Real)Propcrty.\__**.-._r', B. To provtdld#**l#qrirl. tpoo a central locatton chosen by rhe Agsoclatlon' C.To prov t.lAR-zs-:s4 13:18 'oQo=*ER 1 -.rer- Ho.:gl* D. a tranner a6 Eo z, Asgoclrblon func lLona . 'F. the tlnltat{one TO lnoure p*rt8y and equal trcauueni of all Ownele. To f$tli lf nec€sssryrl Itrnt' tg carry out I Property (rubject to c, degcrlbed !n To asscss Lhe otflrers for the co;ts of all funcelong o! the erlng bhe resonable requtreuents of Ehe Aeeoclatlon. H, To furnlrh to each Orrner, rt l€*.st 30 daya prlos to each an- nual ueetlng of the Agsocletlonr 8 copy of the propoeed cnnuel budger for rhe ncxt ensulng flacal per{od. 5' Pro gglgl$. Tha Aeeoclarlon nry pay tot, aequlre and hold Cooon Rcr ,l lu t!!! tlu r ! tryry. ,Ufi J orrner ohalr be deeoed , ,( L*co"ton Real Propcrty itru'' i Upon dt*aolutlon of Co ourt an undlvlde eash any auch sB tenante ln coooon. bhe Aesoclarlon, lf ever, 13:1s rDl DE[.$'ER I -816A P@8 6, ,Asgqr,so,e.r,r.Elo-f -C-ggpqn,-Erpenrre. AII O$lrers ghall bc oblt6eted to pay thc r66elaEentr loporcd by thc Board of UEnagers of the AEsociatlon to oeet Ehe Couon Expengei. Tlrc arfcfrnenlr ahell be oade pro rals accordlng to the llrclng of erch Otnrcrr s pelccnssge lnterect Er contrlncd on Exhlblt Br agtgched heteto. Asscceucnir for the Cooon Expanrcr shall be due quartcrly, ln ldvanee. on the flrtt dsy of t,hc nonth beglnntng eEch gucrt€?. The Hanag- tng Agent q ard of l'hn6&er3 rhrll prepere end dellvcr or nell to each owfler an steEcoBn! shostrg the v.rlour cstl6EBed or actual expenses for as3€sgocnts rre utde. Contr{butlonr shall br prorated tf the owncrrhlp of the lrnlt co@cnesl on e dey oBhcr then the flret day of a quarterly perlod. The s6re86Eentr uads for Coooorr Expcnree ghell be baged upon the crrh requlrsBentr decucd to be the tggregsEe rs the Boerd of Henagera ehall frou Eluc to tluc psy to pEov{d6, for rhe pc}'o€nt o( rlt oted cxpcnreo groulng out of or sonnscled wtrh tha aiff)ttng out o! {rr tlont u$der Bhls Agreeuent, to vtEt expcrrloi of t{snsgsEant, Lnfurance preolror appllceblr to t F1-j$-HL:L (lf .4v)' EaErh collectlotrs, snow redoeSl , purcheec of t Rcrl Prop:rty and capltal, e*pendltureB ei g !rE- func- appllcabte ." ,nfr$rn""rffrry (c.r., reeurfactng) nor exeeedlng 981000 pef yeat. Furtherr'thc Hrnaglng Agent or Board usf esrcbtlsh, out of suclr assestoengs, a sodgs! contingcncy and regetrtre fund for che repatr, re-z---\ placetterr! and ualntentnce of those portlooc of ttti Conno|\Resl property thsr\_'/ oqlt bc replaced or reprlrcd perlodlcally. Any Orrrrer oey lnepec! Ehe Aeroct- atlonrl rEqordg of reeclpta and ercpendlturee r! convonlcnt veekday or ueekend buslnesg houro, rnd upon l0 dayar $ottce to the Borrd of Hanagers or Hanaglng Agentp lf, any, and any Onnet Esy, upon rcguest, be furntshed a ttafetuent o! hlc sccount, gertlng forth the saount of eny unpatd sssagrnonls or oth6r charges due and oulng frou auch Ourer. At the end of, any calander yesr, the Board of Hanegers ot thg ttanrglng Ag€nt shall credlt or refund !o esch Owner Ehe proporttonstG ehtre of lunda then hal.d by thc Araoclrtton not derned ro be neceesrry to oeet the Counon Expenecs for the follorlng year, 7. ,Enfo.r-c-earnt by A.ae,o--cgtlort. The Arsoclatton uay ruepend any Ownerst vollng rlghte tn t,hc Arooctatlon durl.ng any perlod or perlode during tJhtch the 0sner fetls to Deet the 0urerrr flnanclal obllgatlona under.thlc AgreeDeot. ttellrzdd'ennuel Llen for [S!1g ., ,.,, ,, mqR-zs-ie4 1s3.?g rp;*NvER 1 reu Ho:=a]lJ H16A P09 f10r Eo All runr rlsrrted bY the Asroclatlon but urpstd tor thc rhsrl Unlr ehrll, ntren PEoPGtty rceorded, o! Counon ExPrnre? chargreblc to rny all other ltons cnd cncrsbrancco, exeept onlyt (a) tax rnd opectal srsess- oen! llcna on tha un{r ln fgvor of roy govcrnEental ruthorlty end (b) dr grlue unp*td qn r llrat EorEgage of rccord, lneludtng atl unpald obllgEtory sung a8 nay be provldcd by cueh eacunbrancc ' t!anyssse!$lsnErhallreurlnunPa{drfterS0daysfronthedue dssc rhereof, thc Board o! lbnsgcrr or l{anrglng Agcnt nay lupoae a Penslty euch defaulg{n8 osncr aqurl ts 5I o! each fuch aqsegsruent, uhlch Pcnrlcy shall be edded co eash gucceedlng ultrroent' To evldence ruch llen, thc Eogrd of l{srrStrs or Managlng Agenf shall pveperc a vtltten notlcr settlnS forth the pount of auch urpatd rn- debredneca, thG nabe of Che or*ter o! the Untt and a dercrlptlon of the Unlt' Such nottce rhsll bc rtgned by Ona of the Eoard of Htnagcrr or lhe t{gnrglnS AgenE. snd oey be recordcd ln th: Offlcc of thc Clgrk end RecotdCr of thc Coun?y of Eagle, Strtc O! ColorgdO. Such llen for COUon Expelteoe rhall arcech froo rhe date Of ehc frllurc of Psydant of the f,fssssrogtl!' Sueh lien oay be enforccd by forecloeurt o! th6 dgfEultlng Oonerrs Untt by ehe Aggocle- cton to ltkr uannr! tt I EortSlSo on rc.l PropesEy uPon thg recordtng of a notlc€ or clrtrt thcrcof. I$ any ruch forecloE$rer lht O$lrtr tft1l be requlrcd to pay the cost, and eXpenses of guCh procecdtrtglr ttd costs rnd expenSCs for fl!{ng rhc nollcc or clalu of l(en snd sll reaoonrble lttorneygt fect' The Hanaglng Agent ot Eorrd o! t{4ntgcrs Ahe1l, on behalf of tho Asaoc{cUlon, heve trhe pouer to btd on thr Unlt at forsclosure 36le 131d to lcqulre sdd hOId r 1esse, trorEgage rnd convey thc tars. 9. orrs€rrt Obllgrltott fol.gqyTtqt of Atgglsfilltg. Tha tnount of Coonon Expensee rsttts3d agalnat Gtch Utltt ghall ba the tndlvldu3tr debt ih6 Or'nes EhAreof at th€ Ett!. lhc rrlessocnt ll uada. SulE Eo reoalvr r ooncy Judg;renl lor unprld Coonon EtPctrrar, end coetr of gult rnd Etgorn.yrl feer, ehall be oslntrlnable nlthsut toreclorlng or rrlvlnS thc llen rccurlng rhe ssge. No orraer Ety sxeopt hlurclf froo tlrblllly for hls contrlbuClon Eolrard rhe Coroson Expenscr by ttlvsr Of ChG ule or enjoyoent o! rny of Che Couron Elerrents or by lbrndontlot ol hle ot hdr Untt' 8. che of. MFR-2s-:e4 13:21 rral**ER 1 -.TEL NO,SaS$EL6A PLo, 10. Ltablllly" for couBpl Expear-e_.upon T,rrnsfer. Thc 8r8nte€ of r unlt ghall be Jolntly end revcretly llabk ulEh th6 SrBntot for rll unpatd astciB- Eentr sgrlnSg ghe larter for lrr ProPoEttotrsl rhsrc o! the conoon ExPenset uP Co the ltnc of thc grrttt Ot eoBvoyrncc, rtlthouE pfeJudtce CO the Srtnleerc rlghs Eo recovar froo thr SrrnEor ch6 lrlouott petd by the SEsnt€o thereforc; provlded, houavlr, lhet upon pryrlsnu of r reseonrblc fcer and upon nrlEt€n request, any euch protpecEtve grrDt?c eholl bc entltlcd Eo I3!!E.tlent fron che Managlng dgent or Board of HsnaSert lettt[g forrh the anounB of lh€ un- pald asseerBents, lf any, wlth respecl to the rubJect UrrlC, Che Enoun! of the currenE oonthly ssssrnrenc, thf dete that euch 8eeelgobnE bccooer due and'any credlts for advsnce psyaeflts or for prepald {tstle. 1}.*Forpurposerofcarryln8outcny6nda11oflheprov1- elona o! lhte Agreeutnt, lhe Dytaua and Artlcloc, 12.Itlon of Coonon Reel E The Aseoclatlon thrll be euporrered Eo ncgotlatc for rnd purcharr Paoperty locaced rd- Jacens to trhe unltr, tlore fully dcgcrlbed attaehed hetero and lncotporaEed hereln by thto refcrcnce. No purc fontrect exccused bY the Asooclaelon fot guch purposc rhrll provtde for r prtce ln Ex:er.: of $5,000 unlegg t00l of sll 0filers rhall congent thcteEo. Addltl6nalty, once raid property 1r putchascd and ouncd by Uhe AosoclatlOnr or I corPorrtlgn 6cElng on behalf ef the Assoclrtlon, the Aseoclatlon oEy take ttGps !o loprove rald real propsrEy s8 are rcssodrbly nesessar)r ro faclllcate the locrtlon of ootoE vehlcle parklng thereot lnd ury tske StePe necessaly !o Eetfltsln sald properry, all tn I tranner benefitlng aach of th6 Omers bn a fstr End eqult- able iaeIs. 13. Hleccllaneogs . A. AII Ehe Frovlslonr contslned tn thle AgEssEenf shalt conElnue or reoaln tn fuI! force unttl thle Agrieugnt ls torolnstedr revokod Or aoendcd as heretnafrer provlded. B. . Thlr Agtetnent B0y bc aocndrd, terulnated ou revoked by thc recordlng of e r.rltten tnEtrur€nt speclfylng tho aoenddent or e!t€ctlve ter- rll$Btloir or revocctl,o[, exocuied by the Owncrr, rs 6honi by the rscoldd of che offtce of Clerk snd Recordcr of the County of Eag1e' StEge of Colorado, MAR-29-'94 13:22 ID:lIDFN|€R 1 - rEL No,ss3||] {$.g,P11 .a| of Unlts Eeptcrentlng Btt aggregala omerrhlp tntcreru of !t leret 75f. C, The provlalonr of thlr A"greenerrt ghsll bc ln rddltlon to ell orhar provlslono o! Ias of the State of Colorado rnd tha nrsr€! Declefsttort of Prorecttve Cqvenrntl recorded fot VelI Vtllese Flrst Flllng. D. llhenever uscd hereln, unless the context chsll oEherulse prg- vlder the slngulst nudbcr ahall {nclude lhe plural, the plural Ehe stngular' and che use of any gcnder rhell lncludo all gendert. E, Eaeh Ormcr_ rhall regfurer hfu oatllng sddrets wlth thc Arsocl- !!lon. Excepr for nonthly gtrteoent gnd oth€r routlne noElceer vhlch ehell be personally dellvered or strit by regular oal,lr, all other'nollcee or denand lntended to be Eetved upon s$ Otrner thstl be dellvered pcrronally or 6ctrt elrher by r€gtstered or cerBtfled uall, potEage prcpald, addrerred tn rhc naoe of the oun€r at sueh rtgl,stered salIlng rddtcre. All notlcer, derandr oE ocher notlces lntended to b€ sentcd upon the loard of I'tanagcre of the Assoclatlon or thc Araoclatlon ahall ba rent by ctEt{ft€d oal'l , porEag€ pre- 650 south Cherry str€et, *1000p6Id, Bo Denver, Coloradq-80222 , untll ouch addresr ls changed by notice of sddrere duly recorded wlth the of,flce of ghe Secretary of Srate of Coloredo. F, fhlr ^g,recrlent rhall be blndlng upon and ehtll lrrurc to the beneflr of che Aaooclrtlonr eEch 0wter and the helrr, poreona\ tcpresenre- rlvee r' luccegcorr and arrlgnr of each of lheu, c, fhe lnvgltdlty rnd cnlorcrrbtltcy of sily provl€lon of thte Agreenen!, ln r*role or ln Fattr shgll not, effect the valldltl 6l enforce- ablllty of any oth6r provlelon o! ony velld and enforceable part of a pro- vlslon of thts Ag!.cEent ' H. ftre crptlons and hardlngl heretn are for eonvcnlence only and shall not be constdered {n conrtrulng any provlrlon of thig Agt.esent. L Fallure go enfolce any provlaloq of thts AgreenenE ehall not operalc sE e ealver of any guch provfulon or of eny other provlslon ol Bhls Agleetreflt. J. Itle lgreenent EBy be ocecuEsd 1n sevcral counscrpaftD, etch. of r,rhlch shall be deeped an origlnal for purposee of e*forcerlent. MAR-29-'94 13122 tot} DEFTUER t . rN ttrrllEss llllgREoFr rhlr 8nd datc llrrt abqve w:lBtcn. vail International Inc. Vall International Ina. TEL Agreenent hro becn oxcculed effect{v?;ljdo ,r?.,{, l ,i Barbara Marvin PauI D. Rike D. Barbara M. claser J. Lubeck Balstad 6 & gue Greta F/qt*Etltu' B. Lubeck C, BaIs r(6) 0 P-[. rltffii l{ootten &$. Wootten Rike D. wootten 6.Barbara S. Wootten Delores B. Coghill H. Thonas Coghilt { Charles Thomas ParkerJune C. Parker Walter A, ForbcS Caren S. Forber Peyton F. Perry Randall Bell Milhoan Eusan Brown Milhoan Helcn H. ChatflEld er( r) o Iffiier(r rEL No:3a3li H16A P13 I Arltonft Ptns )) aor ) lnttrnrt{onnl. Ine. - -- ------Tounhouse AarocllElon' WIIIIESS try hsnd end offlclal gerl . lly coronloslon cxplr€E z Nl @mmlttlotr Expiros 8'&88 r 1983, by .Eob?r-t 0,, Ufcrrfrn for, t/r{.I _rc 0w0fE(.) 6t UnlE lA of Trxtt . - 1 i..' ''iit:,:. . ;....,,.1r.r" " "..i.r .r..'.. : .*s',...rr,tari,.' i," htnsl,ro i ]',i.i'. j".,,,,."..-'1. .:'1,.', .1; ;,.1iL. l.r.'.'..f;.: i !t;li" STATE OF COUNTY OF st ! i.rJ:rnr ) )P{-r ) lnstrudent HEs , 1983, ecknowledgcd before se thls l?*__- day of by as oPner(s) of Unlt IB of T€xas , i:t,i.Ti$..i,s uy hand and of f lclal real i"r;)l':""';";'il-Clrrron rxplrc* Mr &lr,mll,;ttonErpirer 3'6'61 ;t ,. f.i .. i; ;, i thc foregolng oF fuua-pal*.-Z- i :.:, | | (SEAL) S,TATE COIINTT Addrrre ) ) ga: ) TIITNBSS ny hand snd offlclrl real . !{y eouolsalon explres t Add reaC _ tk;nhrhq4linr rrrurE?6. ll7' G0 8o Cifin sult| 1000 rr!RR-29-:'94 13:23 ID3 IoDEtwER 1 . STATE OF COUIITY OF the forsgolng l,nrtrunent !ra, rcknonledged beforr or thie.J3lh . dey of Aprll, 1984 oF U.6-i4a{a Thc foregotng ln3Erunent yrr rcknouledged before-3-nd ,198# UvBo.iAq+..r_ = , __.J _--,.. ri Omer(s Towrlhougll At toclr Glon D'd^^-- l{otary Publlc FIAR-29-I 94 13:24 rEL N0:3st6a fr154 P14 STATE OF couNlY 0F 88 ! ) ) ) waThe foregolng lnotr\tdent war ac t ^--? - - --, 198f, uY I|ITNESS oy hand and offlclal eral. Hy conulaalon cxplrcs: ecknouledBed bcfore Ee thl' s3: '"o"rigr,/ -2&f fuA*. . ; r;J SfAL) i.',:r. STATE OF COT'NTY OF )) rri ) e-g*^ea .! .. , CSEAL )" 1,y Ity Corsn-fi rir.b 20, tS7rubrtfillD.Dfr,OH ) ) ) foregolng lnf trrrnen t urr 4-._ - , t98fl tfITNEs,S oy hand and off{clal sesl . Hy cooolrclon explree ! l,iy C,;;i,:l::l;: :rpirl0ciobor 27, lg84 The forcgolng lnrtruncnt ua aehnonl , 198 iby I{IT}{ESS ay hend snd offl,clal gcrl. Hy cooalsolon exptrel t My Commissi::'rexpif$ 0clobef ?7, 198{ Notg Addrere be fore thts Addrc cs rEL No:3at52 H16E P15 The foreSolng lnetrr'oent rlat-'- AiM-, 1e8fl' couurY or 0ENvtR' " 't" '']. '' .'' ' ...':.." " "..:: n. i .,'rri.i,1;' i -:. .{-:-}'^ ! . '.. ,r);.r,;', r.\.. .J .itcsbdl)".. " lr.r a'"r t' \'l srArE oF c6lo(A0o couNTY or *,.uvtR, ( SEAL) TheJoEeSolnS ltlsErus€ng ea! - {aoe , l98r*, JAMES W. TR]MBLE1-7o-Br srArE oF CaIOR4VO by I{ITNESS uy hlnd and offlclgl raal' My coldiolBElon explre s ! My C0mii".r,,n,i .u.pirm JUne eO. lg84 ) ) ) tr ! acknou )) rr: ) WITIIESS rny hand and offlclal rrgl' Hy corutreton c*plree I My Commisslon Explros Juno ?0, 1g8{ I{ITNE$S uy hend and offlclal recl . Hy cootlsslon cxPirer t 88i ) l'lB edqed befgre t?-loccs tt, _ Ee rlrr.1 ]/dsv or &^L:LL ai-ogner(a) o ct rcknowlpdged . before n; by ji.6ffifad_lrFffi fote r)o r4AR-z?-,s4 r3:zs ,o,f pENIJER 1 -fff- f',f0,=ala aar Jf|'*fatt s166 P16 STATE OF COUNTY OP The CopJ. fdlfFttc9 ) ) ) D8The forogolng lnatruolit rrtlr rc w/!)T -, 198fl' by l{tTNEss ny hand gnd offlclll gecl . Hy eooalsrlon explrGs , "htlt t t8 | acknoutredged befo by Seel . AddrrsB " "' "' r, c-"'*li1{l"jlll$fr1Y-' ftersf0-E014- ,@4r*", * STATE OF COTINTY OT the ) ) eet ) ac by p-{outedl rJLn, fore 8ry OF OF SEC.?, A'b^adu I{ITNESS uY hand and offtclrl lty eouolerlon exPlre8 ! rr0il4f+dtrtdlrrtPr6fElEliit'dq 1"gl foregotgg 1I1gtrLE€nr lta3 "r-lat4:l-r 198fl' Notsty Publlc ilil.6 totz t6R-2e-'e4 13:36 rq,lf.pggJFBJ. -..--*.*E- No,sasc}.- - $1el p61 _ \-J EXIIIBIT Ato Agreencnt for the FormetLonof the Texas Townhouse Asaociatlon dated Aprll 13, 198{ LOTS ON8, THREE, FOUR, FM, SEVEN AtlD EIGHT, VAIIJ VIITITAGE FOURTH-I'ILING, accordlng tg th€ recorded plat thereof. Countyof, EaEle, State of Colorado. The Tor+nhouta on IJor srx, vArL vrLr,AcE EouR'DH rrr,rNc, accordingto the recorded prat thercof. county of Bagle, statg of iolorado. The TownhouBe on Lo'l[ Two, vArrr vrLrrAGE FouRTH Frr,rNc, accordlngto the recorded plat thercof. County. ot,Eagrla, State of dolorado. '4J SIHIBIT Bto Agr€€dlent fot theof the Texac fownhouse dtabed Aprit 13, PERCENTAEE OF OVII{ER$HIP IN foEtnation ArroolatLon 1984 COIIMON ELEIT|ENIS Percenlags Interert 1A.18 ?A ZB 3A 3B 4A 4B 5A,'58 6A 6B 7A ?B 8A 8B Unit I 16 Units 5.25t 6.?5 6.25 5.25 6. ?5 6,25 6,25 5.25 6. ?5 5 ,25 6,25' 6,23 6.2s 6.2s 6. ?5 6..25 100t l..jAR-Zer,e4 13:31 rD: ropElsfrRJ - -- EXHXBIT Cto Agrgement for the Formationof the Texag Tor+nhouee Assoclatl.ondated Aprll 13, t9B4 Common Rea] Propertv Parcels of land situate in the county of Eagle, State ofColorado consisting of, : . . (e). tla!_port,Lon of the Gore creek Drive public rJ-ght-of-waylocated in vai] virrage Fourth Fillng whlch is irnnediateiy appurtinantto the real property descrlbedl in sxhtUtt A to the within'AglbemJnt; . ltl -that portlon of lract F*2, Val"l Vittage Fifth pilJ.ngidentified by reference to the shaded area showi on the attacfredRider to Exhibit c. . .l.l .that portion of the Chalet Road right-of-way which isrmmedratery appurtenant to the parcele deserlbeit in (Ll and (c)above, J. r,1ffR-Ze:'e4 13132 rq:rOFNJEB -1 - ,-.. ,,.*TEL N0:sA36 Ht61, PA4 , * . .RIDER to Exhibir c latteched H esi."renr for the Formatttrdof the Texas Townhouee Assoclationdared Aprll 13, t984 ri,c Fi tu ;E-9o'tN..ir|-'-E lI,, ri c6 Hb UJI z UJ t4UI tuJ(,E<SJ uZJgs rl I'l IIIlt I I I J soq"b 3 arJ) qo Yw 1.,eu fi r'-dt-Gtl I,lE 9Cl -tl?tt riv ve g t- l5t t, ..ti{E! L4 F l.!.:?:: i"\il:'g I: r,! '-t,t 't 'i ::.iii-l -:.:.1 ':rBtti--:i .,-: I.-.ti- r-i -iiSrl'-- le J??t ? E3l t.: I i'3 '3' j'r. !.-'..t. .',':j,,,...i, fa,,o0,loro0 H 'i I I luqo(9 , -// --''-;ii2 I L-_ _ _* 6v0u t3lvt{l lt: 0.:G I I aI r: f.3Itr l/, /- ./ /''/atl 'Eh RR &-l 1,"lFh i{"nF;m ,( b.c i,hI I tJ, 8S-OLFLOni;a: /. .56 9l €I -1m __rt mnz ^z r- d;omo -l z{mn(t ;-{rfl {o '\\\l s^$ \\i'l WN i..'sltist li$iif\ifis(ili: ili<i\\F\ Nln: ,( o L l t B.\