HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 4 LOT 4 TEXAS TOWNHOUSE PART 1 LEGALDesign Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Cornmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 f ax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co.us DRBNumber: DRB020114Proiect Name: Woodhull Residence Project Description: Paftlcipants: PrciectAddrese: legal Description: Parcel llumber: Commentss Replacement of deck and balcony rails, stairway addiUon Location: Lot: 4 Block Snbdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 4 210108235006 OvvNER WOODHULLJR&BARBAM A 0412412002 Phone: % LOGICON INC 3701 SISPARK DR TORMNCE CA 90505 License: APPUCANT Bauer HorE Improvement 0412412002 Phone: 390-2309 PO Box 2894 vdl, co 81658 Llcense: ,I83 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Planner: BOARD/STAFF ACTIOil Action: STAFFAPR Date of Apprcvalz O4l24l2OO2 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not consUtute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $25O.O0 a4/L9/24A2 l3:47 o Application for Design Revi€w ' DeFrtnent ot Cofimunlv DGvtloprnent 75 Souh Frontage Road, Vrll, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fan 970.479.2452 web: wwlv,cl.vail.co. us General f nitrrnpUon: ,A[ Fgjects r€qulring deslgn ravlGr!' nru$ rcccive appbvrl pri!. to submitflng a building pcr.nil appllcadon. Phait ' rclbr b tfie subnrlttd r€qubem€tts lbr the natrplar apgoval thrt li rrqucCed. AD appli'abon for OEslgn Rsde,t, cannot b affi9tad unUI all required Infoflnauon lg rcreived by the community Dwrhgment Departmert, Thc Dradec fiay also n€ed to be nvl€iled by Urc Town Coundl and/or the Pt.nning Nnd Environmenbl Conmhsion. u4less a building pcrmit is iczuGd and conitt:ucugAcoflrrnerlcec wfthin f1r0'r", 2 faiAo to 3 n-*.t-!a Srt'/-^{- t+t tt-'rl---- Location of tfic Froposal: Physical Addresc: $ r"r"., ft a!?t,og4Eog6 (aontad EaEte co. Assessor ar e70-328{640 br parc€t no.) Zonlng: t{rm.(r) of Oiurncr(r) I Mafling lifrerr;: 3 Ownrr(s) Slgnaturc(s) : Name of Appticarrt Meillng lddn63i: sfreao PAGE 02163 Ilcsign ruvirw rpprElril lrF ei olless s b onc vcarof the.pproyrt, / fU* tnh-Bhck:- Subdivlslon : ?2660 E-mall Address: l}pe of Rcview nnd Feel tr 5lgn9 Cl Concephnl Rcviecv O l{ar fors&uctbnD Addithn tr Mlnol Alteratlon (m ulf, -fimlly/comnrerint) D Minor AlFabon ($ngiefEmiV/duptex) tr Ctong* to Approvrd pbns $20 No Fee f50 gbi i1.0o 0€i squar€ M 0f tqtal sr'gn arca, No Fce i6t0 Fq construdon of ! new bulldlng or derno/rcbulld. $300 For rn addfthn r{hers square footaoe ls added to any rcsidasel or ,^. conrmerclrl bulldlng (ircludes 250 addrtrorts & Hcrler conversions), | $250 ; For minod dnnoes to builllng3 End !it! lrilprovemenE, sudr e$,\..---l rarcofinO, oainttng, wndofl addltions, bndscrgng, funces and Gtainhg rilalls, etc.i20 For minor durE€s to buildings and site improrcmenB, qdr as, rtrcollng, painting, whdo$/ rddltiofiB, landscaping, fcnces and r€taining uralb, ctc. For revF|mi 1p plans alread apprunrcd Des,gn Revlew Board. by Phnni,ng staff o/ tlrc @D+'PP*ouv P tr S€Olrltlon Rcqircrt 412 a6e4 !ytdgt:Z zo-oz-JdV loeg6ezzolo /p ^h. lJrrlgp:r{g lueg .,ooIt ,9to /og 2f 3 oo; 'fg il otoKLlA0o6 +3 xiotogzgg}of ,t -bA.rz rtE / 7f 'S-rnrc \-E L,44 e/0 /cgz7s o o; B 6r0 lps274oo6 '+ 3 ,ito togasg oof Page: 1 t FRoM : Dt.. L, t't. E.tdards $lucccly, /"- ot L$Il{.FIwfiA UJ"- FlfihE FO. : 516 E9 624?npn. n A@ 62!sFI4 Pl April 19,2001 To: l'ttcTotlofVril nDd1 Tla Toil Torrn lburc Eoud dDirectsfr, Ssbjcc( I}c* rcphcculcti c ustr,lA & tE, Thc Ttrrr Towt tloro Agociuion haeby rpngru rod tmnnu& thrl lhc Toun cf Vril ggsvc ttn pmpeed dcch npbmc d udo +A & 48 whiolr will: l) rsrrnlly |rrgws tha rppcnacr oftta torr l{ourr, 2) brftryth doctr of4A.&4B upre odg rndli rAd nr!ru on thr brelc doc*r to ooncc rnit 4A E'1.B !d 4A io 3- hdd.at 41y a5eg lvtdg t:z zo-oz-udv '.atgaezL6v6 lmut :Ig +uas VERIFICATION REPORT t TII€ : SUZA|^EB2 t3.23 DATE,TII€ FAX NO. /l.|AT€ DI.JRATIT]hI PAtr(S) RESIt_T l'fiDE B4l20 1.3:29 19497239679 OE:.EE:4L E3 OK STANDARD ECI'I to - t77 h9 -, \\\ 1{' q $$ lt(]\ t, I Bq. *$ tr $\ * \ r0-t? I I I ! tc\ IL iIl\ ,:s fr{l {u'xCI Qh Rfis "'' H f,l--fi* \r- $ F+** fr$+r rr$t."' H\\t:-i's \ Y q( i\ L'\ t'.,l.l 'r..I a&'tF Ta{*s ToNkvaHEg UAnre # g*4 ftrueAsrbe ,bec6 sr*tp_ fi<b$ r77CIN €e+LE t '/*'/* /'*O,t €a*r:*ltfrlLS ,+tfi f!:,J,Rl/Ls to hAW 7"riffi'e '817i rp $' r}'- ,.1\ \ N \ I SS +s\ J{b 6xb --zc0L" ovrtg+-B udtJrT#4-,+ 6^s ltgw& &vc.L, EXBTZilG /tfurffitt;;71tubrt rtr. t t.t r t \&/q\<.f-- TE)(AS TOWNHOMES # 4 A & 4 B DECI{g/ BALCONMS REPLACENIENT MATERIALS: Decking and guardrails - rodwood Stair shingers and supports _ Dor:glas fir Guardrails same as existing, to cure,rt pode COLORS : All wood left natural, clear sealer agrlied ho - t77 q d \ \t**' fl $s { I *l--.-, F \D fr Hs #. Sxi J fisJq'At: J 'ilxut"' 'q$ * \ xq R v) ,\, AJ {tl{uFr: fr$ $. l^lC3 0ltr0NVJ.Sxl ea EE:gA:BA 5r95€ZtEt6I 9S1LB AZIVB 3ffI.'l I-I|.EEH(s):FVd M]IIv|fE SraVN/'ttl XVIf{rl'3rtrg Dg:,Lg 4gBElAZltE : ={II IUI]d3U M]IIVCIJIIEIt /r' Te{*s Toul/tfoqre Ulv,rre # G c-.4 frrtreZsr,b6 AF_<re sr*t4, rt*$ rT?ON g*LE , t/*"* /'*0,t &a,+g,.br/+tLS nu) yllnqh/Ls ro ft*7U{ fr.frs'rtPs, $tn Tocn:PB&"' {\ r*\ $ fn N 1\ I q + $. t q ilkr#+g udjrf #4* 6*s /"{6rE& &Uc[, TE)(AS rowNHolrdEs # 4 A & 4 B DEeKg/BALcoNIEs REPLACEMENT MATERIALS; Deckingand guardrails - redwood Stair sfingers and zupports _ Douglas fir Guardrails same a$ existing to curreril code COLORS : All wood left natural, clear sealen applied tO -,77 srtJ #etr f{.l r{ i J""eK\} qr FO $$ * I Bq, *$ f4t\ s \\Fs\t $$ trq \ \s I e vU ry t0*(v\F 1*--K + VlS $ \i r.i\i\-i\i i \F $F+** fr$+r t$u {. "' * I(A I;lr ---, R H $ $\i Y.\'.:q vl )t F {.1 o TEtr*s 7?Ntlffohre UAnre # g*4 frtoeAsliE ArcKS- sr*tE_ r],b#rT7ON g*LE t '/r-r* /, -Ou €u**:",t5PttLS hlJX f!:tb4f/Ls to ft*raf Q.lts'v41r, .tsLfr Tp$b7F',\ t$ \ I a0 n S.I '9 ilturtA+g utlrfi-e.E-& c*s H€qEL &fteL, ryB77,kG fttttT *4..,9t4.9 E+/SnA{G \DeGe- 6xG C0/' Er,snp.6 ,^nf #S r,+tzO TE)(AS TOWNHOMES # 4 A & 4 B DECK9/FALCONIES REPLACEilENT MAISRIALS: Decking arrd guardrails - redwood Stair strirrgers and supports _ Dor.lgtas fir Guardrails same as existing to qrrrot @de COLORS : All wood left mhral, clear sealen applied (-:dZ clrrt: tl I tE/:-' ( rRC/4 lcc:i:-c<< i'!]t t-P- Vn ' " ) r'I .>A'rt? l,///_ ^) 72i,{r' /,,?(./;t>ai GORE l,()?((.( "n>r) t'+ /1 I--'LaV;i-( '' " ! .., us .Let'/t'T/(y'a a, CAt,<\ ?' I /on TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Forbes File Andy Knudtsen May 15, 1991 Setback Variance for Texas Townhouses. Units 4 and 58 On May 14, 1991, I discussed the status of the Forbes remodelwith Eric Johnson, the project architect. He and I agreed that the project would be withdrawn, and the Town would not continue tabling and publishing the item. It the applicant submib similar plans, and reactivates the project in 1991 , the Town will not charge a second application fee. ,t.-t., 2, )/,\ttr tltI It I AeD f s;o';7-i1 . 7fuJ nrr ,3 fl* 3"** 1;tL ,t(h'1, 70' {r^+ '7- D {(K 7D b rul qt' Gfrro [,,0 (,* 4 tt @ 9,!, cuu^f (q\(t"U ,;1,\ 3/tht o FtfSaS f*ou Tdr"*L,^" o l+tu^ * o1 sf qlo r c 6prA @ S,k cdw:rzr?'- (f*l o.t', t.w(-e- iu) ea7,-<s;ou,) () >.d lu, L 'l'a-rr *'.,'e ku'lod ') Ql z 27 1r February 27, 1991 Mr. Andrew Knudtsen, Planner #1 Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road WestVaj-I, CO 81657 Re: Texas Townhouse Remodel Forbes Residence - Units 48 and 58 Dear Andy: In response to your letter dated February 7, 1991 , we would like to address and clarify the following items: 1. Condominium Association - the letter from Art Abplanalp dated 2/13/91 should outtine the boundaries and responsibilities ofthe units involved. Should you requlre more, please make references. GRFA Calculations: As the floor plans and buildi-ng sections show, the amount of reduced GRFA areas equals the increased GRFA areas. The following assumption on our part J-nvolvesusing the existing mechanical area of 4A and 48 ( general commonarea) as existlng GRFA. The mechanical- room will be relocatedin the crawl space (less than 5'height) of 4A, therefore, not adding any GRFA. Materials Li-st: The exterior materials and col-ors are to match existing. Cedar shake roof, cedar shingle walIs, painted wood windows and doors and stained cedar fascia. A color board willfollow for the DRB meeting. Building Height: The existing ridge elevation (8207.36 per survey ) will remaj-n the same in the same location. The approximate height appears to be 28 feet above the main fevel f1oor. The zone district, me+ium density.multi'fanily, aIlowsfor .3& feet for sloping roof s ( 18. 1 8.080 ) . ,,. 1,,:' 1-. :,A A 2. 0r Mr. Andy l(nudtsen 5. EncLosed please find boundaries. We hope this answers anyproject. Please notify Sincerely, AR,{OID/GWATHMEY/PRATT ARCHTTECTS, P. c. -2-February 27, 1991 the survey indicating flood plain guestlons delaying the approval of thisus of any further clarj-fications. dward M.Gwathrney, EMG/ad '(l PETER COSG RIFF JOHN W. OU NN ARTH UR A. ABPLANALE JR. TIMOTHY H. BERRY ALLEN C. CH RISTENsEN LAWRENCE P. HARILAU B LAw O FFrc ES CoscRtrr, DuttN & ABPLANALP A PARINgRSHIP INCLUOING A PROFESSIONAL COFIPORATION VAtL NATToNAL BaNK B u TLDtNG SurrE 3OO IO8 SOUTH FRoNTAGE ROAD WEST VArL,CoLoRAoo 81657 TELEPHoN E: (3O3) 476-755? TsLecopr en' /3o3) 476-4765 13 February 1991 IN LEAOVILLE: CosGRrFfi, DUNN & BERFY P O. EoX rl LEADVTLLE, COLORADO eOa6l (7r9) 4AC- tA65 Town of Vail Plannlng Oepartment Conmunity Development Attention: Andy Knudtsen 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Remodeling of Texas Townhouse Units 48 and 58, also known as Murfree Condominium Unit 48 and Forbes,/Parker . Condominium Unit 58 Dear Mr. Knudtsen: This office represents Walter Forbes, who presently has before the Town of Vail a proposal for the remodellng of Units 48 and 58, within a project commonly known as Texas Townhouses. I have reviewed your letter of the 4th of February, in which you made several requestE to Ned Gwathmey, the Architect who has been responsible for developing this project. Mr. Grvathmey has asked that I respond to your question regarding the organizational structure of the Texas Townhouses project and the two condomlnlums owned by Mr. and Mrs. Forbes. The Texas Townhouse complex is comprised of Lots 1 through 8, Vatl Village Fourth Filing. The owners of those eight townhouses are members of an organizatj-on known as Texas Townhouse Association. That association is responslble for, and the Declaration for Texas Townhouses affects on1y, certain cornmon real property, including part of Gore Creek Drive and Chalet Road, south of Texas Townhouses, and a parcel of open space on the south side of Gore Creek Drive. The Texas Townhouses Association has control over neither the land outside of the living units and nor the common wal1s between the unltE. Each townhouse with which we are concerned has been separatety organlzed as a condominium structurer each with only two units. There ls no cornmon condominlum or townhouse reglme' or condominium or townhouse association which covers t'he entire Texas Townhouse project, other than that very limited assoclation described above. The condominiums created on what are commonly referred to as THE PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION Ig DUNN & ABPLANALP. P.C. IN VAIL. Lots 4 and 5, Texas Townhouses, are very different. Unlts 4A and 48 comprise what has been identified as Murfree condomlnium. that condominium, comprised of two units, is governed by a condominium declaration recorded in Book 232 aX Page 200 of the Eagle County real estate records. These two condominium unLts ar6 incluAea in what is known as Murfree Condomlnlum Association, a corporation organized and operating under the _Iaws of the State of Co-lorado. You have reguested the identity of the president of the condominium association. According to the Secretary of State's office, the Presldent of the Assoclation ls Mary Semner. More lmportant than the identity of the President, however, seema to be the identity and consent of the owners of the unit of Murphree condorninlums not being remodeled. According to the lnformation available, those owners are Mr. and Mrs. William B. Semmer, and they have apparently provlded Mr. Forbes with a letter indicating their ge.-ne-par apprQ:ta- of the project in questlon. The f;ct that Mrs. Semmer is apparently presldent of dhe association should satisfy your concern ln that regard. with reference to the two-unit condominiun proJect comprising Townhouse 5 of the Texas Townhouses, these units comprise a condominium proJect whlch is identified as the ForLes/Parker Condonimiums. That condominium is governed by a condominium declaration recorded in Book 385 at Page 494 of the Eagle County real estate records. These two condominlum unlts are not included in any condominium asaociation. Instead, the condominium affairs are conducted by the owners' as managlers' The owners of Unit 5A are managers in odd-numbered years, and the owners of Unit 58 are managers in even*numbered years. You have requested the ldentity of the president of the condoml.nium association, but there is none. Mr. and Mrs. Jurgen Hintz are the owners of Unit 5A, and are, therefore, the managers for the year 199L. Llke the owners of Murfree condominium Unit 4A, Mr. ttintz has apparently provided Mr. Forbes with a letter indicating their general approval of the proJect in questlon. I hope that the foregoing information is adeguate for your purposes, if you requlre any further information, or if you have any queetions regarding this matter, you may, of course contact me. AAAJT: Jxc: Mr. Walter Forbes Mr. Ned Gwathmey o o ILF E COPY 75 south frontage rcad vril, colorado 8161i7 (3m) 47$2138 (3Gr) 47$'2139 February '1 . L991 olfce ol communlty developmenl !tr. Ned GwathrneyArnold, Glrathmey, Pratt 1000 S. Frontage Road W.vail, co 8L657 Re: Texas llownbouse Renodel Forbes Resl-dence, tots aB and 58 Dear Ned: Thanks for the explanation of the propcsed Forbes remodelyesterday during the DRB site visits. You will have to fill mein on the DRB discussion of the conceptual review, but it appeared that there were very few concerns out on the site. There are, however, some technical issues which must be resolved before the project can go back to DRB for final approval . First,please provide a description of the condouriniun associationsinvolved, who the presidents are who have the capacity to approvethe proposal , and approvals from those individualsi"l. secondly,the Town needs GRFA calculations of the existing floor plans andthe proposed floor plans. I am sure that you are aware thatthere cannot be an increase of GRFA. Third, we need a coroplete rnaterials list. Fourth, we need a building height analysis showing what the existing height is, what the proposed height is, and a conparison of those to the height allowed in the zone district. Lastly, ve need a survey of the lot, with an indication of the L00 year flood plain. As I an sure you recall, this is all very sinilar to what you provided (in conjunction with what the Town had on record) forthe Bridgewater remodel in the rowhouses. If you would like to a-I !,tr. Ned Gwathney Febnrary 7, L99L Page 2 go back to DRB for final- approrral on february 2Ot please have allthis infornration to re no later than Februal? 13, 1991. CaLl neif you have any questions, and pleaee let me know If you want tostay on the February 20 DRB agenda. ##F-'o+^,Town Planner /ab B^^Dt"{. Fx,- -{I3- l,rwt- 8.flJRGEN HINTZ P. Q, 8ox 5Et Chciq61i, Otrio,t520tFPrHr sA f ,< ft\{tanO+l,r^r# tgnY\41-.r- v lbt[lber l!i, 1990 lb. w. A, rser 707 Surw SittBet Stanfonl, ffilsrt 06904 Dear Fatter: Ige are ddf$lt€rl $rat.ycrrrve t |en the RidderE, plaoe arnplan to ftx the rpetaiis. Vte're mnfortahle wltlr tfre chargee 1rq1 ErE prqoslrg. fErelp.bad that rmarenLly tJE ibfie.E tur; t" 90: pi6a""-iJuB lmcrt tgd ard tflErt E elrcrrld uafe artargggrts to fit lnwi{:tr lurr mrlc. I fFar tlre early sr "r,*ifrla ;u-sHf bD'" il"ffi ; ir?1.*,. Yol- slrnere{, { "J1trt2 BlHrl(blc I ,t' Ru^ Q,\ fllth that tonovatlon nottpacl, thl inyof llvlng Iny arGio nowtt cerDc that yourdrriEnttrd df"plan generally o WEf.f I D. t$f||8t llfo ErEiti|oog u,fir lrt|rmntoD* l.,trolr aartl dercrlptlon. Drotrbrr l?, 1990 llr. lliltlr A. Fgrbfr CUC Intrrnatlonrl ?0? 5u[srr 8tr$t P, O. botr 100{0 Stltlrtord, CI 06901-f0{9 Daar walterr r tr lorry that lt Dll talcn ro long to nrpond to vour lcttci of Novrnbrt lrt ragardlnE your rcru-odrllng plrns ln ValI. t{arv and I truly rpprrolrtr tha splrlt of your letttr lir rantlng ur-to lccl confortabls ulth your tlnal pltn. Durlng thr DDtt tuo ylarrr Yt T-crt-prrsenttd clth rcDratcf (and oftrn unraaronrDri)irquctr tron tha'Rlddrrrr vho rought to rnlrrgr- thatr unlt to tocolnodetr t{rrlr larlly and trntal Euort.. tt t'hr outattr nr gwc thr Rlddrrrr firnrlaaton to pursur a-plan-thet dld not lnorcme trre nufrr ot Lrdtoour 6r rguaro footaga ln tlrctrunlt. our rlaronlng uu rlrply to lcorp trllttc to t hlnlrnuu cnd to pnriwp thr {'let nature of !!.ttil Townhouooar fdUrat r:nd, re-havr shotrd not to lnoreaer Ura rllt ol out ryrr unlt. brokground E -:/A4/91,13:51 CUC,91 62rQ4 INTERNRTIONRL t l r a{INC. STANFORD lfiD. @?B3 r e.3 [. PEA? and, ln thr lfrrrry Pagr 2 ' ttlth rrgrrd to rona of thf rprolllc ltlnr lnyour lrttaF, eur thouEhtt lr| .r follcurr (11 The h.rtlhs pliht lr crrtalnly old nnd ulllrv.ntually n.rd to be $plaord. lfb prrfer not tolncur thr rxDenrr ol rrphclng our unltr rt thrpratrnt tlnr tc thry contlnur-to tunatlon u.ll. Ourcontrtotor hlr lnrpeatrd thc oqulpiloht and dorr notfill thet any hr:rrde rxlrt. (2) l{r donrt fully undcrrtand tho dotacr Drolect lnthc rrrr and uould rpprrclatr norr lntormatloi aeyou pfePrr. your plrn. In olorlng, tfeltar, t{rry rnd f are drllghtrdthat you have purchar.d tho tnlt uprtalrs. ourmnrltlvlgy to thr roopr of your rinovatlon refhctrour_axpQtrlano3r otrr thc paet twc yeErf tnd nct adrrlrc to rtand ln thr way of youfplanr. plrare bcrrrurod that wr ulll be v-ry r-aronillc ln worklngrlth you lnd carrn ar lrour irnovatlon Dltnl rrrdulgnld. .qr hope to rsr you thlr ulntqrncantlnrr.ulrh you rnd your frally rchrlrtrnaa I But rrgitdr,t\^tt. totT,tJ t , lfllllan l. Sennrr HBBtrftb i? ^:.-&Vte t l, ,/r/ ,rz*t & //", ? offioe of conrmunity deudopme'nt lown 75 soulh lronlage rcad vail, colorado 81657 (303) {7$2138 (3(B) 4792130 January 30, 1991 Vall Trall- Attn: Allen Best Please add the following Review Board Agenda. If let me know. Thank you Texas To$nhomes - Conbine 483 Gore Creek Drive/Lot ApplLcant: lTal-ter Forber Janeil. Turnbull- TOV Co"''nunity DeveLopment 479-2149 Ltem to the February 6th, 1991 Desiga there are any probJ.ems with thLs pl-ease Units 48 & 58 lnto one dwel-llng. 4' Vall VllJ.age 4th Ft1lng. nf'"^ R,r*Jb*( irl / WE ARE SENDING YOU E Attached E under seoarate cover via LETTE#F TRANSMITTAL ome l.l4,9l lrcar.ro. TO: I'b J\W FAI^uTPSL FAJt)Ud ,oilril^ruflg1 FCUblpnAoJI RE: MFst\ PUMDfJA/ TUlStbu.lpW,tS - the following items: E Plans E Samples E Soecifications tr tr Shop Drawings ! Copy of lefter E Prints E Change order coPtEs DAlE l'lo.DESCRIPTION 3 nA)> 4 $fgffiq.$ -, PllTro:-- HN*'A,CATDI\ THESE ARE TRANSMITTED E For approval D For your use I As requested as checked below: tr I tr tr Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections E Resubmit - copies for approval tr Submit - copies for distrubution E Return - corrected prints ! For review and comment N FOR BIDS DUE 19-- D PRTNTSRETURNEDAFTERLOANTOUS REMARKS il enclosu@s arc nol as noled, kinctly noury us al once. ,jl DRB APPITICArI DATE APPLTCATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB UEETING: *****THIS APPLICATION I{ILL NOT BE ACCEHTED T'NTIIJ ALL INFORI.IATIONIS SUBI.IITTED***** r. PRE-APPLICATION }TEETING: A pre-application neeting with a planning staff ma'nber isstrongly suggested to deteriline if any additionalInfotmation is needed. tro application nill be acceoted Fi" - -n? | the zoning Adrninistratorl . It is the applicantrsresponsibilitv to nake an appointment n-ilh the stresponsibility to nake an appointment n-itn the staff to findout about addLtional subrnittal recnrirenents. Please noteonal submittal requirements. Flease notethat a COMPLETE applieation will itreantine the approvalprocess for your project by decreasing the-ril&ber ofconditions of approval that the DRB uiy stlpulate. AIJJcondltions_of approval must be resolved before a buildingpetnit is isEued. epplication will not be processedwithout Owner.s Signature. A. PRO''ECT DESCRIPSION: Address 1E {5 1U}"|J'\X/$S4"15 6 Legal Description l.oi- + subdivision VV 4fr' zo C. NAI.IE OF APPIJTCN{T: Mailing Address: s|."4'nrcpo 4 0blDl phone w3 $.-n3l E. D.NAI'IE OF APPLICANTTS F.:EPRESENTAUVE: - Mailing Address: \FatL/ 0D srcr|AruRE(8, ! F. G. B. IOCATTON OF PROPOSAI.I: Btock NC\E, Mailing Address:A6DLE: , " il]""ffiesttt DRB FEn: The,fee will be paid at the tine a bui]dinqeSff",*oemit is paid for. IEE I 10.00 $ zs.oo s s0.00 9100.00 9200.00 9300. o0 VALUATTON $ o-9 lo,ooo s10,001 -$ 5oroo0 $50roo1 -$ 15o,ooo $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - 91,000,000.-$ over 91, 000, 000 II. T!{PORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to meeting subnittal requirements, theapplicant nust stake the site to indicate propertyllnes and building corners. Trees that rrill be renovedmust also be uarked. This work must be completedbefore the DRB visits the site. Nul AffirarorD, B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS will norrnallyinvolve tuo separate meetings of the Design ReviewBoard, so the applicant should plan on at ]east twoneetings for a finat approval . - C. Applicants who fait to appear before the Design ReviewBoard at their scheduled meeting and vho have not askedfor a postponement nill be required to be republished. D. At the discretion of the zoning adminl.strator, lhefollowing items may not have to be presented to theDesign Review Board. They, houever, have to bepresented to the Planning Departnent for approval: a. Windows, skylights and sinLlar exterior changesthat do not alter the existinE plane of thebuilding; and b. auilding additions that are not viewed from anyother lot or public space, which have had letterssubrnitted frora adjoining property owners approvingthe addition; andr/or approval fron tlre agent for,or manager of a condominium association. E. You nay be reguired to conduct Natural Hazard Studleson your property (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, debrisflow, wetlands, etc). You should check vith a TownPlanner before proceeding. I. UATERTAL TO BE SUBI.TITTED NEW CONSTRUCTION A. Three copies of a topoqraohic mao and site plan at ascale of ltr = 20r or larger, of ttre site containing thefollowing: 1. Licensed suweyorrs stamp. 2. Contour intenrals of not more than 2r unless theparcel consists of 5 acres or nore, in which case,5r contour intenrals nay be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees'having trunkswith dianeters of 4[ or nore one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant naturalfeatures (large boulders, intermittent streams,etc. ) . 5. Avalanche areas, centerline of stream or creek,creek or stream setback, loo-year flood pJ.ain andslopes of 4ot or nore, if applicable. 6. Ties to existing benchnark, either USGS landnarkor sewer invert. 7. Locations of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site, showing size and tlpe of, culverts, swales,etc. b. Exaet locations of alt util.ltles to incLudeexisting sources and proposed sernrice linesfrou sources to the structure. Utilities toinclude: Cable 1fV Telephone Sewer Water GasElectric c. Property lines showing distances and bearings and a basis of bearlng d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevations e. All easenents (Title report must alEo includeexisting easeuent locations) 8. Existing and finished grades. 9. AII existing and proposed iuprovements includingstructures, landscaped areas, service areas, storage areaE, walks, drivevays, off-etreetparking, loading areas, retaining walls (with Epot elevations of top and bottom of valls), and othersite inprovements. ':.0. Elevations of too of roof ridaes (with existinq-nd;ioposed grades shown underneath) to determine heigbt of building. A11 ridge lines should be lndicated on the site plan. Elevations for roof ridges shall also be indicated on the site plan with corresponding finiehed and exiating grade elevations. No portion of the roof sba1l exceed 33 feet. }; NOTE: B.tffEscape Plan (ln = 2or or larger) - a copies required li short the location of 4rr dianeter or larger trees,other shrubs and native plants that are on thesite and the location and design of proposed Iandscape areas sith the varietiee and sizes ofplant materials indicated. 2. Couplete the attached landscape materials llst. 3. Designate all trees to be saved and all those to be removed. As much of the above infomation as possible should beindicated on tbe site plan, so that the i.nter-relatlonof the various components is c1ear. The landscape plan Ehould be separate. The existing topographic andvegetational characteristics may be shown on a separatenap. The applicant must stake the site to show lotlines and buildingr corners. Trees that will be lostdurino construction nust be tagcred. The work nust be comnleted before the DRB site visit. c.Sionature from each utilitv companv verifylng locatLonof senrice and availability (see attached). D. Prelininarv title report to accompany all submittals,to insure property ownership and eIL-gEe&e;1E onproperty. E. Architectural Plans (L/4" = 1r or larger) 3 copies reguired. 1. Must include scaled floor plans and all elevations as they will appear on conpletion. Elevations must show both existing and finished grades. 2. One set of floor plans must be rrred-linedrr to show how the GRFA was calculated. 3. subnit one set ofplans, elevationE menos to Planning redueed (8 L/zn x 11rr) floor and site plan for inclusion in Connission and Town CounciL. 4. Exterior surfacing naterials and colors shall be epeclfied and subnitted for review on thenaterials IiEt (attached). Color chips, siding samples etc., should be presented at the Design Review Board neeting. F. Zone check tist (attached) nust be conpleted if project is zoned Single-Fauily, Prinary/Secondary or Duplex. G. fhe Zoning Adrninistrator and/or DRB nay reguire the submission <iif additional plans' drawings,specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deened necessary to deternine whether a project will conply with Design Guidelines. II. MINOR ALTERATTONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDTNGS. Photgs or sketches that ctearly indicate vhat is proposed and the location (eite plan) of tbe proposal may be. subruitted in lieu of the Dore formal requirements given above, as long as they provide all inportant speciflcations for the propoial including colors and naterials to be used. ,a : rIT. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR CO}IIITERCIAL .. A. Origlna-l floor plans with all specificatione shown. lbl TU$r nttS-B. Three sets of proposed floor plans (!/4r, = 1r orlarger) for additions. E}l/-tDvrrc.Three copies of a site plan showing existing andproposed constructlon. Indicate roof ridge elevationswlth exiEting and proposed gr3des shown uiderneath. ND AFITtD\-ra\-,Co$.bTFlrt4thJ - ArJ rgFiRl-cAl---Elevations of proposed addition.El&|/Ip-Photos of existing structure.' El-.tlrs\3D^ D. E. F. Specifications for all naterials and color samples onuaterials list (attached) .Tb r."t1ja1 tf,Hrltp-At the request bf the Zonlng Adninistrator you nay also bereguj-red to subnit: c. A statement from each utLlity verifying locatLon ofsenrice and availability. see attached utilitylocation verification fom. E. A site improvement surnrey, stanped by registeredprofessional sunreyor. f. A prelininary tJ-tle report, verifying ownership ofproperty and lists of easenents. IV. FTNAT SITE PIAN After a building pernit hae been issued, and when ttreproJect is underray, the following will be required beforeany buildlng receives a franing inspection from the BuildingD,epartment: l\lo copies of a certified improvenent surrrey . showing: A. Buildlng locations with ties to Froperty corners, i.e.distances and angles. v. B. Building dimensions to the nearest tenth of a foot. c. A11 utility sewice lines, as-builts, showing size oflines, tlpe of material used, and exact locations. D. Drainage as-builts. E. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. F. All property pins are to be either found or set andstated on map. c. All easenents. H. Building floor elevations and all roof ridge elevationswith existing and proposed grades shown underneath. CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REVIEW 1. .subnittal re<ruirenents: The owner or authorized agentof any project requiring design approval as prescribed by thls chapter nay subuit plans for conceptual review by the Design Revies Board to ttre Department of Connunity Development. The purpose of a conceptualrevies shall be to give the applicant a basic understanding with respect to the design concept and the compatibility of a proposal with the Design Guidelines contained sithin this chapter. This Procedure is recornnended uainly for those applicationsof a higher iupact than eingle-fanily and two-fanily reeidences although projects of that nature shall notbe excluded from the opportunity tg requert aconceptual design r€view. The following infornation shall be subnitted for a conceptual review: a. A conceptual site and landscape plan at a minimumscale of one inch eguals twenty feeti b. Conceptual elevations and exterior materialE and adescription of the character of the proposed. Etructure or structuresi c. sufficient information to show that the proposal complies with the developuent standards of the zone district in which the project is to belocated (i.e. cRfA, site coverage calculations, number of parking spaces, etc.); d. Conpleted application formi e. Planning and Environmental Connission and or Toltn Council approval if required. 2. Procedure: Upon receipt of an application for conceptual design review, the Departnent of Comnunity Development shall review the Eubnitted materials forgeneral conplLance with the appropriate requirements ofthe zoning code. If the proposal ls in basic conpliance witlr the zoning code requirements, theproject shall be fomarded to the DRB for conceptualreview. If the application is not generall.y in coupllance with zoning code requirenents, theapplication and subnittal nateri.als shall be returnedto the applicant wl.th a written explanation of the Depa*nent of conmunity Developnentrs findings. ahe DRB shall review the application and supportingmaterial that has been submitted for a conceptual review in order to deternlne nhether or not the projectgenerally couplies with the design guidelines. No voteof the DRB rriLl be regulred unless reguested by theapplicant. The property owner or his representativeshall be present at the DRB hearing. f'.: .---*;-',--. LIST OF IiIATERTAI,S NA!{E OF PROJECT: IJEGATJ DESCRIPTION: IiT_ BIpCK _ SUBDMSION STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PRGTECT: The.following information is reguired for eubmittal to the DesignRevlew Board before a final approval can be given: A. BUILDING MATERIAI.S: TYPE OF IiTATERIAL COIOR Roof Siding Other Wall llaterials Fascia Soffits t{indows Window Trin Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FIues Slashings . Chinneys Trash Enclosures GreenhouseE Other B. LANDSCAPINGT Name of Designer: Phone: EXISTING TREES TO BE R8!,IOVED PIAIIT I.IATERIALS: Botanical Name Conmon Name Ouantitv Size* PROPOSED TREES *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Mininuur caliPer for deciduous trees is 2 inches. fndicate height for coniferoustrees. Minimum heiqht for conl.ferous trees is 6 feet. I PI.ANT UATERIAI.S: PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SI{RUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size5 crallon. Botanical Name ionnon Name ouantitv Size* of proposed shrubs. Tvpe Square Footage GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATI'RES (retaining walls, fences, swi''l'1ng pools, etc.) please specify. fnditate heights of retaining waIls. Maxinum height-or wllls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property iE 6 feet. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: METIORANDUIII I Forbes File Andy Knudtsen May 15, 1991 Setback Variance for Texas Tornhouses, Unib 4 and 58 On May 14, 1991, I discussed the status of the Forbes remodelwith Eric Johnson, the project architect. He and I agreed that the poject would be witMrawn, and the Town would not continue tabling and publishing the ltem. lf the applicant submits similar plans, and reactivates lhe project in 1991, thg Totvn will not charge a second application fee. TO: FROM: DATE; SUBJECT: Zoning: Lot Size: HDMF 4,647.9 sq. ft. O I , r^ Li/...V4\r , W'' ", , Pn*' i.u, \''' I':.;lY-^*'AMEMORANDUM i Planning and Environmental Commission Y ' : t. h,l '"' . r\'L 'vsr, , -Y' '!'x , ,..- CommunityDevelopmentDepartment 't, , ; l-.,*',,, 't'*I't l - ' ., \\ 4/- ,.n''Ap.il 22, r99l ., 1 , ,,'ii . r i 1 .r!) A request for a setback variance, Forbes Residence, Texas Townhoirses 4B and a' ,.yi. 58, Lot 4B./58, Vail Village Fourth Filing/483 Gore Creek Drive i .*trd" i Applicanr Walter Forbes f " h,"'*\ I. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE Walter Forbes, the applicant, currently owns Unit 58 in the Texas Townhouses. He would like to expand his dwelling unit by combining it with Unit 48. In addition to combining the units, tlre applicant would like to remodel the interior, make minor alterations to the south elevation, and add a large dormer to the north elevation. The 250 Ordinance is not used for the proposed remodel. The GRFA of the remodeled dwelling unit is 6.1 sq. ft. less than the existing GRFA of 4,469.8 sq. ft. 1 ..,,., . _ i : The variance rEquest is needed to allow for the large dormer to be built.t Any exterior ' ' . expansion, Iocated in a side yard setback, can only be allowed through the setback variance procedurg. The Texas Townhouses, similar to the Vail Row Houses, are constructed as anaehOd units with common walls. Since their construction, they have been platted as individual lots with property lines located where the common walls are. As this is a High Density Multi-Family zone district, the side yard setback is 20 feet. As each townhouse lot is approximately 25 feet wide, the side yard setbacks overlap, requiring that any exterior alteration be reviewed through the setback variance procedure. II. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS GRFA: Site Coverage: Height: Setbacks: Front: Sides: Rear: Allowed 6OVo or 2,788.7 sq. ft. 55Vo or 2,556.3 sq. ft. 48', Existing Proposed a,a69.8 qd 2,L483 vfl 29' i 4,463.7 2,148.3 29', qq sf. 20' 20' 20' 24', 0 24', 24', 0 24', ru. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Depaftment recommends approval of the requested variance based on the following facton: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. There are a wide variety of treatrnents on each of the Texas Townhouses, and the changes proposed by the applicant arc compatible with surrounding units. Because there is no expansion of the site coverage, there is no encroachment into the floodplain or the 50. fpOt Gore Creek stream setback. As a result, the only impact the proposal ca#ll!*ve on the stream walk and the properties across Gore Creek is because of increased mass. Staff believes that the additional mass will not be perceived as a negative impact on surrounding properties. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. The Texas Townhouses have lot configurations which make it impossible to modify the units without variances. In fact, the existing units already encroach significantly into the required side yard setbacks. These encroachme4lls are due to the fact that the lots are very ruurow. Staff believes there are e16il r:l6inqay ", ' ,. circumstances due to the original lot layout for the Texas Townhouses, and that approval of the variance request would not be a grant of special privilege. Another Texas Townhouse has been allowed to expand in this manner. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. The staff finds the requested variance will have no significant effect upon any of the above considerations. The Plannine and Envfuonmental Commission shall make the followins findings before granting a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the request, as we believe it meets the criteria and the findings for a variance, It is not a grant of special privilege because other variance applications have been approved for similar requests in this zone district. The proposal is not potentially injurious to the public health, safety or welfare. Lastly, staff finds that the location of the lot lines is an extraordinary circumstance that is not typically found in the HDMF zone district and that oth€r property owners in the same development have received variances from the ' . strict interpretation of the zoning code for similar types of requests. 1 , "t , l': -t,.ij. ,. ! r; _,:, B. 2. 3. I .tI' 66-_;- _--.--'_... gtTj-r_ _ _ IOO YEAR FLOOO PL4IN INIERPOLATED FROM F E PR EPAR€ O FOR T.O.V. OA 5()'8EEK SETAAO( DECK UNI ' 6 CE ]IO!I CE: lcc.ordin ln thi6 [ry tny fra tb€ t{OlE, ELEV. BASE, SwR. M lN v, : A163.l RIM : 818O.5 DATE OF SURVEY SCALE l" = lO' I,IOTE: COMBI ED AREA O rio istered under i.f y that this I lttr-?a, of nv :.,:,'.: ![ ,^'.". i 'o'.- :- bsse-i*: -'tg^'= ;ttstl:-.-Yr - r.c aPRU / @"E t!?t.9 E-'r- oEcK uNtl 4 D€CK Uitt T 5 -", L N uNrl .5 FOURTH F I LING UlrllT 4 VAIL VILLAGE I rnsr noon oec* F-1-r! UGHT POLE A\6f 25.od tt4.-, q t--" ..,- od'E TIMS€N WALL - "10r;+ $ $ J$ bJ z {.tr et F{Itafl 7t-a.ilt!;i[,rt(.i 4;TA ? - A€ ndLi F,ttat +vXa L -a401=a-qqqza ul *I g_ --+ '.'- !i---*tlrT1-sr>\l r_:-._i\, Ii, l-- * - _-"i' I +- d I r*d U i{s rls $ilt", $itilj r![ {} T 1t!F L { 9t ;+,f-sr Iiv I Iq{{lrrl I !$l -t .-..LFl I 'Jill j ts+A w4GP @7/l,{.tl{F.l.tb 1 Fc n**1 e'r't'tf t*q F]g"a z*z 4 l**e +tvttsW -fb nA-rcH gl,v,T I l-Ia #t-4J'( 'Tb FEF^|F] veA* (e\,::3 FlaF:TF4 el-a'tAllo'J I 1 1 Ptpg (eNt.zaF)@) -1, a>ee I ne.* ?*+1?e1lo!Jc -M.vatep te\+-a-. 6,rtOtt1 6rro1lr.1-) i..rJ. 't4ltlllot]'2a +'tr.\saHep1iffi,o I, \ln ".rI ,. t-lv* Ll;\/w e) I i'PJlvottJ(a AWTloi | (ueo>'ao el,4\ l-_ _' I I A $b I \$t$ tl $$ tri $F$+ ^r-r. sSS r\ir' I 7,o H T- F $t-l i -i I: g $ litldi ri I I !i!l i; I'frirutI xi t IiFi!IiI t tI rl ilf I ri-r rl EI tit o IiIEI{ORANDUM To: Planning and Environmental Commission (-\'t# ft'-, iffff [,M, ^,, t^/.4ty.: w. y,F |JrrirE!{oRANpuM { [ln'rn$ tr+'r'w#4t n/D\ f- I '. /.t/ l|wT*i: Texas Townhouses 48 and 58, Lot 4B/5Bt Vail Vill"g" t7^, _,AFourth Filing/483 core creek Drive AVnf 1t trApplicant: walter Forbes / {,1 ' . l')f}/\(tF 'l-,,rtI\u' t' .,*v-,...-.......... (,--t llV ^ii:llil::i:::::i':;:::iiiiiriiiiiiii:,::::i:i,Liliiiiiiiiiii:::iii#:::i::i:;:i:iJfUU',;" LArl -.o.;l up'.' Vf'r. pEscRrprroN oF pRoposEp usE l/{^MrXU'," 9';l tP ' FROU: Cornnunity Development Department '4-l IUU,. t,{ A:DATE: Aprir B, leel --- r( ill'n^n/'I u lll(/v SUB.TECT: A request for a setback variance, Forbes Residence / ,)A6'.Tla1ri c tF^t rrrl.r z.rr r cr a c! , E -6'l FEf T ^+ , a -/ EEI tt- .i 't rti 't 't ^-^ I/ A Walter Forbes, the applicant,Unit 58 in the Texas alterations to the south elevation, and add _a larqe dormer t.o the , Inorth el-evation . 7fu "lfD 1ra^a^"p ri ntJ'@ k4/--b +*- infrw"d P'uarlp! - 1k "(v,rnp(/ r' WTbe variance reguest is needed to a1low for the large dormer to /ffi abe built. Any exterior expansion, Iocated in a side yard ?-i.!:.n^setback, can only be allowed through the setback variance Y)'(Y_'/',tt:1'procedure. The Texas Townhouses, sirnilar to the VaiI Row Houses,are constructed as attached units with common walls. Since their fj#r?.construction, they have been platted as individual lots rrith f('lioproperty lines located where the connon walls are. As this is a ':;,'n-J^High Density Multi-Farnily zone district, the side yard setback is f'rAW20 feet. As each townhouse lot is approxirnately 25 feet wide,the side yard setbacks overlap, requiring that any exterioralteration be reviewed through the setback variance procedure. IT. ZONTNG CONSIDERATIONS Zoning:Lot Size: GRFA:Site Coverage: Height: Setbacks: Front: Sides: Rear: HDMF .r4t647.9,q.T1' U Allowed 60? or 2,788.7 sg. 55? or 2,556.3 sq. 48l 20, 20' 20, Existing ft. 4,44s.era.f|-ft. 36r,nr. 3 ,n1,fl- 24t 0 24' <-\.',2,Ta8. f4.tt-29t u 24. 0 24t Proposed IrI. CRITERTA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findingrs, Section t-8.62.000 ofthe VaiI Municipal Code, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the reguested variancebased on the folJ.oving factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship of the requested variauce toother existing or potential uses and structures inthe vlcinity. There are a wide variety of treatments on each of theTexas Townhouses, and the changes proposed by theapplicant are compatible with surrounding units. Because there is no expansion of the site coverafle.there is no encroachment into the floodplain or the 50foot Gore Creek stream setback. As a result, the onlyirnpact the proposal could have on thg,qi,Eeam walk andthe properties across Gore creek is'i$ff-Tflcreased mass.Staff believes that the additional mass witl not beperceived as a neg'ative irnpact on surroundingproperties. ffi. 2. The degree to which relief fron the striet andliteral interpretation and enforcem€nt of aspecified regulation is necessary to actrieveconpatlbility andl uniformity of treatment amongsites in the vicinity or to attain the objectivesof tbls tltle wlthout grant of special privllege. The Texas Townhouses have lot configurations which nakeit irnpossible to modify the units without variances.In fact, the existing units already encroachsignificantly into the reguired side yard setbacks. These encroachments are due to the fact that the lotsare very narrow. Staff believes there are h+ ,extraordinary circumstances due to the original'-iayouErtrdP the Texas Tor,,mhouses, and that approval of the i variance re.quest would not be a grant of special \/lrq 1 privilege.rtae'ther Texas Townhouser'@(fffi^aO'. har;++serri-erc:lybeen allowed to expand in this manner.$i/DC h^) I 3. Th€ effect of tbe r€quested variance on ligbt andI air, dlstrlbution of population, transportatlon and traffic facllltLes, public facllitl_es andutilities, and public safety. The staff finds the reguested variance will have nosignificant effect upon any of the aboveconsiderations. The Planninq and Environmental Comrnission shall makethe followinq findinqs before qranting a variance: l-. That the granting of the variance wilt notconstitute a grant of special privitegeinconsistent with the linitations on otherproperties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance wilt not bedetrimental to the public health, safety orwelfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more ofthe following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcernent of the specified regulation wouldresult in practical difficulty or unnecessaryphysical hardship inconsistent with theobjectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not applygenerally to other properties in the same zone. The strict interpretation or enforcernent ofthe specj-fied regulation would deprive theapplicant of privileges enjoyed by the ownersof other properties in the same district. V. STAFF RECOI4MENDATION Staff recommends approval of the request, as we bel_ieve it meetsthe criteria and the findings for a variance. ft is not a grantof special privilege because other variance applications have been approved for sinilar reguests in this zone district. Theproposal is not potentially injurious to the public health,safety or welfare. Lastly, staff finds that the location of thelot Iines is an extraordinary circurnstance that is not typicallyfound in the HDMF zone district and that other property owners inthe same development have received variances from the strictinterpretation of the zoning code for similar types of reguests, B. c. 2- arA f bv F l"o- a 44'41 Cor*nJ'^ "/Sitl {^,"u tusr a^N{ 4 $.tt dk ,,,-"^-; / ''A* $ *,1- sLrn!-) L" n"*) df, fL tl*t .d.,14- wl* ,l 7*"114! l" .n11,,..,v^-att\: o llunn *{ ^ y,oll+n o Gce /, LC€ S*-*-- + T+ /r"i .ku/ firA^ arl -*t " I /-sT'14 6rt rL o *oL fttu4 ra.vwt h *rJ a4 6fFA o att ilrnA W {t-" it hlL ^ 6u5,* Lca ' Lrfrlj, * t*ff^+ ar*I;rahrr1 PUBIJC NOTICE NOTICE IS EEREBY GwEtf that the Plannlng and Envlronnental Counl.ssion of the Torn of vail will hold a public hearlng tn accordance wlth Section 18.66.060 of the aunicLpal eode of the Town of Vall on AprLl 8, 1991 at 2:00 p.u. ln the Town of Vail ltunicipal Bullding. Consl.deration of: 1. I request for a varlanee fron pavlng drl.veray, ilosey ResLdence, Ipt 3, Block 7, Vall Village Flrst Ftllng/ 9z Rockledge Road.Appll.cant: Clint ilosey X2.I request for a setback variance, Forbes Resldence, Texas Torfiihouses {B and 58, Ipt 48/58, vail Village Fourth Ftltng/ 483 Gore Creek Drl.ve.Appllcant: t{alter Sorbes A reguest for a eetback varlance at the chriBtl.anl.a lodge, L.ot D, Block 2, Vall Vl11age First Ftling/ 355 llanson Ranch Road.Applicant: PauI & Sally Johnston 4. A request for a setback varLance, Pltto Residence, Lot 3, Block 1, vall Village Eleventh Fillngr/ 2920 Booth Creek Drive.Applicant: J. Russell Pitto 5. A reguest to repeal Town of Vail Dtunlcipal Code Chapter, 18.7t - Addltional Gross ResLdential Floor Area, conmonly referred to as the n25o ordinance.rlApplicant: Town of VaLl 3. 6. 7. Appeal of staff decisLon that Christlania Iodge rCdevelopnent proposal considered by the DRB on Uarch 6, 1991 1B -ln violation of the zoning code, 355 llansen Ranch Road/ I6t D, Block 2, Vall Vlllage 1st FitingApplicant: Bl11 Uorton of Jack Morton Associates, Inc. A reguest to auend Tonn of Vall Uunlcipal Code Sect.lon 18.5t.160 - off Street ParkinE and loading Exenptl'ons, Sectlon 18.24.180 - Co:nmercl'al core I Parklng and Ioading, Section 18.26.150 - Connercl.al Core XI Parklng and Loadingt and Sectlon 18.22.L4o - hrbllc Accoumodatlon Parklng and loadlnE.Appllcant: Town of Vail A request to anend Town of VaLI l{uniclpql Code-Sectl'ons 16.0{.330, 16.20.160, and 16.20.22O - Wlndow slgms- Applicant: Town of Vail Town of Vail llt la't 8. o 9. tr sorkseselon to conslder a condltional use permit and a denslty varl.anee to allow the constructlon of addlitlons toexlstlng etrmctures and the construction of enployee housJ.ng on the Days Inn slte, 2211 N. Frontage Road/ I,ot 1, Block A, Val-l DaE Schone Thlrd Fill.ng, a resubdivlsion of ValI Das Schone Flrst FiltnE.Appll.cant: Peter ilacobs of Days Inn All ltens tabletl from ttre Dlarch 25, 1991 PEC ueeting agenda. The app[catlons and LnfomatLon about the proposals are avallab1e for public lnspectlon Ln the Corornunity Developnent Departnent office. Toun of vall CornunLty Developnent DepartnentRrblished ln the val.l Trail on llarch 22, L99L. JU V-*//-/ F* C fu{.4 fatt/t^ | - \nb*Lq zJ z1- fu"4 d"// d/t* nt^-^^ r/x is /.ib C, PUBI,IC I|OTICE NOTICE fS EEREBY GII/EN ttrat the Planning and Environnental ConnieEion of tlre Town of Vail wilL hold a public hearing in accordance wLth Sectlon 18.66.060 of the uunlclpal code of the Town of Val.I on Aprll 8, 1991 at 2:oO p.rn. Ln the Town of Val'I UunicJ.pal Bulldlng. Consideratlon of: 1. A request for a variance fron pavinE driveray, qosey Residence, I,ot 3, Block ?, VaLI Village FirEt ELLing/ 97 Rockledge Road.Applicant: ClLnt Josey A request for a set-back varLance, Forbes Residencer Te1a9 Townhouses 48 and 58, Ipt 48/58, Vail VLllage Fourth Filing/ 483 core Creek DrLve.Appllcant: Walter Forbes A reguest for a setback varlance at the Chrletlania Lodge, I,ot D, Btocl< 2, Vail Village First Filing/ 355 Hanson Ranch Road.Applicant: PauI & SallY Johnston A request for a setback variance, Pitto Block 1, VaiI Viltage Eleventh Fifing/ Drive.Appllcant: J. Russell Pitto A reguest to repeal Town of Vail l{unlcipal code chapter- 18.?i - Addltlonal Gross Residential Floor Area' conmonly referred to as the rr25o ordinance.rl Applicants Town of Vail Appeal of staff decisl.on that Christiania Lodge ,,redevelopment proposal considered by the DRB on Uarch 6' 1991 is -ln violat-ion of the zoning code, 356 Hansen Ranch Road,/ Lot D, Block 2, Vail Village 1st Filing Applicant: BilI Morton of Jack Morton Associates' Inc. A request to amend Town of ValMunlcl'pal Code Section 18.5t.160 - off street Parklng and Loadlng Exenptlons, Section La.24. 180 - Cornmercial Core I ParkJ-ng and Loading, Section L8.26.L50 - Connercial Core ff Parking and Ioadlng, and Section 18.22.140 - Public Acconuodation Parklng and Ioading.Applicant:Town of Vail X2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Residence, L'ot 3, 2920 Booth Creek 8. A request to anend Town of VaiI trlunicip9l _Code SectLons 16,04.330, 15.2O.L6O' and 16.2O-22O - I{indow Siqms' Applicants Town of Vail ,4t^t' t'uoio a--o 9. A worksesslon to consider a conditional use permit and adensity variance to allow the constructlon of additions toexisting structures and the construction of enployee housing on the DayB fnn sLte, 2211 N. Frontage Road/ I,ot l, Block A,Vail Das Schone Third Fillng, a resubdivLsl.on of Val.I Das Schone Flrst Fillng.Applicant: Peter Jacobs of Days Inn All Ltens tabled fron the Uarch 25, 1991 PEC meeting agenda. llhe applieatl.ons and lnfornation about the proposals areavailable for public inspection in the Connunity Developnent Departnent office. Town of Vail Connunity Developnent Departnent Publlshed in the VaiI Trai} on March 22, L99L. F-- Rike Dltzler Wooten 20 Ueadow lJane Englewood, CO 80110 Denver, CO AOZZ2 I{lllian B. Senmer Alex UacCormick The wren 1360 Kenilwood Lane 160 East 72nd. Street SOO S. Frontage Rd. E.Rivemoods, IIJ 6OOt-5 New York, Ny lOOAL Vail , CO 8]-652 B. Jurgen Hintz Vail AssocLates Manor VailP.O. Box 599 P.O. Box 7 595 East vail valtey Dr,cincinnati, oH aszoL vall, co Bt65g vail , co BL6s7 (D;t"r:"I#""y sr., #1000 ]o* of vair f iLI tiu*[,]d o luwn 75 louth frontage rosd Yrt, colorillo 8t657 (303) {7e2138 (3010 {7$2139 ofllce ot communfty dev€lopment March 22, L99L l,[r. Ned cltathmeyArnold, Gwathmey, Pratt 1OOO S. Frontage Road W.Vail, CO 81657 Re: Forb€s ReEl.dencer Iexas TornhouseS, Irota lB t 58 Dear Ned: I received a title report for the Forbes Residence on ltarch 22, 1991. This is one of the three things you and f dlscussed March 19, 1991. By April 1, 1991, I will need the other two iterns: a complete suwey of the site and as-built floor plans showing the existing GRFA. f will need to write the Planning and Environrnental Coromission memo at the beginning of the first week in April- for the April I' 1991 PEc meeting. It is crlticat that I get this inforaatlon byApril 1 so that I can prepare the Planning and Environmental Comrnission memo. we nay have to table the iten if the Town does not have it by ttren. Thank you for your help on this proJect. Town Planner /ab 1 l99l March 11, 1991 Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commlssion 75 South Frontage Road tlest Vai1, Co 81 657 Re: Forbes Residence Texas Townhouses Lot 48 and 58 483 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81 557 The variance application requests reconsideration of Town of Vail Section 18.18.060 regarding minlmum sideyard setbacks. The Texas Townhouses (Va1I Village Fourth Filing) are zoned MDMF and as such the setbacks are 20 feet on all sides of the property. The Texas Townhouses were originally subdivided in a way which created non-conforming side setbacks. The units and lots are only 25 feet wide, with each units I side walls being right on the side property lines, leaving zero setback. ft is for this reason that a side setback variance 1s always requlred for any rnodifications to the Texas Townhouses. The request for side setback encroachments is to accommodate a dormer roof on the north elevation, to infill existlng balconies with skylights on the south elevation and to reconflgure the bedroon area on the upper level. The roof helght and GRFA is proposed to remain the same. The existing setbagks are currently zero feet on both sides. The proposed alternations wiLl create a sllghtly larger area of encroachment into the setbacks, as indicated on the attached floor plans. The encroachments will lrnpact a proposed upper level deck on the unit directly east of this property. Itowever, this is an inherent problem r.tith zero setback developments such as the Townhouses. Because the existing building footprint will not be expanded, the varj.ance wifl have no significant effect upon other existing or potential uses and structures 1n the lmmediate area. Town of Vait PLanning and Envircinmental Commission Re: Forbes Residence - Texas Townhouses Lots 48 and 58 Page 2 The Texas Townhouses have lot configurations which make it almost lmpossible to modify the units without reguiring variances. fn fact, the existing units already encroach significantly into the reguired sideyard setbacks. These encroachments are due to the f,act that the Lots are very narrow. We believe that there are extraordinary circumstances due to the original lot layouts of the Texas Townhouses and that approval of the variance reguests would not be a grant of special privilege. Other Texas Townhouses have received similar..setback variances for remodels. The effect of the variance on light and airr distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities, utillties and public safety is negligible to the adjacent properties. Respectfully submitted, OLD/GWATHMEY/PRATT ARCHITECTS, P. C. Edward M. Gwathmey, EMG/ad Enclosures AIA a./i;.tP t' Appl ication 0ate I.This procedure ls requlred wil'l not be accepted until for all A. NAIqE OF APPLICANT t€4 b,lanJ . ADDRESS PEc MEETTNG DATE + | O l.ll APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE any project requesting a variance. The applicatlon lnformatlon is submitted. PHONE B. NAME OF APPLICANTIS REPRESENTATIV ADDREss la@ 6. fran*rn6 Ford ttjr<il -_ir-vr;r blbSl PH0NE t'l6.ll!L? c. NAME 0F o}lNER(s) (type or p"tnr) wul+4,/ FoFE€,a <t*,{ord CN\ ahqer proNEjfrfas.' O. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL Aooness fD? C9rc of{el.- PrrV{, LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT pLocK_ TFILTNG 4b/5b E. FEE $1OO PAID gK #_!Earl FRoM h,ao,?, THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT l,lILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. ADgREss clo C.U.C Ttq; 'la-l Sunnw,er F. A'list of the names of owners of all property adJacent to the subject property INCLUOING PROPERTY BEHIND AND AcROss STREETS, and their mailing adaresies. THE APPLICANT I,IILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECf MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE }IITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO )DETERMINE IF ANY'ADDITIONAL INFORMTION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION I^'ILL 8E ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS CoMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUTRED By THE ZoNING ADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THE APPLiCANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO MNTE NH APPOINiMENT I.|ITH THE STAFF TO FINO OUT ABOUT AOOITIONAL SUSMITTAL REQUIRIJ'IENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION I'IILL STREAI'ILINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT av-oecTmTNFrHE NUr'IBER oF coNoITIoNs oF AppRovAL THAT THE pLANNING'AND ENVIRONMENTAL coMMt!sIoN MAy srlpuLATE. AtL coNDITIoNs 0F AppRovA[-MUsr BECOMPLIED XITH BEFORE A EUILDING PER}4IT IS ISSUED'. III. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: rt 4. l_InlTI5I. STATEM€NT 0F THE PREcrsE NATURE OF THs VARTANCE REqUESTE0 AND THE\ A/ REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADORESS: l. The relationship of the requested variance to'other existing or potentialuses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to-which relief from the strlct or literal interpretation andenforcement of a specifled.regulatlon ls-necessary-to achieve iompatibllityand uniformilv g{ treatment afrong sites in the viiinity-or-to iitain tn"obJecti,res of thrs iltle without-grant of special prlvilege. -- OVER Vari ance -2- 3. The effect of the variance o1 light and air, distribution of-population'r" ii:i"ipiriition, iraific facillti6s, utillties, and public safetv. A topographlc and/or lmprovement survey at a scale of at least lo - 20' stamped Uu-i'i6foiido licensed iurveyor Including_locations of all.existing.lmprove- iinir,-iniiuOing-giioes-ind elevatlons. -Other elements which must be shown. i"!-ii.ii.S-inA-toaaing areas, lngress and e!rqs1'.,lapdscERed areas and utiriiy ani dralnage fiatures. ir^ aF.f,t ?FltcltLt^ -\-c. A slte plan at a scale of at.legs! l" lt 20r showing existing and proposed Uui'idinEs. in 9CD "Rfltcb'n t*- All preliminary building elevatlons and_floor plans-sufficient to indicate ;il [i;;;;ioni", g"ne"al-appearance,. scale a1d usg,g! 1J.l buildings and spaces existing and proposed on the site. i6 DW "rc'ta)T'sr'^' wD. t2-\ .. - -.. ^.^_L!_ -- r _.- lY\ PFq \ trO A preliminary tttle report to verify ownership and easements'i#fieltal... TUrO" Y If the proposal is located in a nulti-family development-which has a homeownersI NL" iisdiiaiioh, then written approval from the associatlon in.support of theAL' p"oj.ii-mrli U!-""ie.iueo Uy'i auty authorized agent for sald association. C. Any additiona'l material necessary for the review of the application as determined by the zoning administrator.. * For interior modifications' an lmprovement survey and slte pl an may be waived by the zoning administrator. 3. The e trans t. [. -ur]h""] {U* lWlV. Time Requirnlents The Plannjng and Environmental Commission meetS on-the Znd and 4th Mondays of each month. n .iri'iiiiti"ipptiiJiion form and all accompanying mater-ial. iir-a"i."iueo auovej"'fiuii-u.'iubmitted.a mlnimum of 4 weeks prior to the date of tl^ iEC puUiic hearing.' i,ii-inlJmpiele applications (as-determined by-the zoning liilifiiii"ito"i niir ul-uiij.piii-ui thl plannins itaff betore or after the desis- nated submittal date. -o DtrFFHTMtrNT EF ,E@MMUNITV DtrVtrL@FMENT XXXXXXX sALEs AcTroN FoRM | 0000 41330 CO.V. DR/. AFPUCAION FEES ZONING AI.ID ADDRESS UAPS 1988 UNTFORIT EUII.DINO CODE 1 0000 42413 1988 UNtFoRu PLUlrBlNo coDE I 0000 42.i15 I98E UNIFORII UECI{ANICAL CODE I 0000 42415 1988 UNIFORI/ RRE CODA I 0000 42415 I9B7 NATIONAL EI:CTRICAL CODE 10000 12115 OffiR CODE BOOKS 1 0000 41548 PR|NTS (MnARs) 01,0000 42412 coPtEs / sruoEs ws f RE-|NSPECTION oFF HouRs I'rspacaox r!= UCENSES fEES 0t 0000 41413 .s:or pprrc^Ttolr -Frfltrt-J {fF !+* I f- i'-1i:.re 1 i =-:=r-'Lts f"==h t..-1..--' = -r:1 itE,ii i.,;r: :'; :li: ;'i'-:'i .i.r i":": :ii:lii,,: .i: ':1l:i'i! !.i:'1i1 . i:.iti::::i ii: i. :,r'r "-1:rr : r:':-' 1 1;=il i''= I 'j i:: :'.l:,:tltj:: ' ':.:; i::::,r -.r::t-, :: : ,: '.' ;iin'.: -.. ..' ,,--"1:-' i i .. ' :l: "' -i': iil'-:-'*rii;:i;: ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS Walter FORBES Residence Lot 4sl5g Texas Townhouses 483 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Co 81657 Lot 3 Rike Ditzler Wooten 20 ltleadow tane Englewood' Co 801 10 Lot 4A William B. Semmer 1360 Kenilwood Lane , Riverwoods, IL 50015 Lot 5A B. Jurgen Hintz P.O. Box 599 Cincinnati, OH 45201 Lot 6A Pete PerrY 650 South CherrY Street, #1000 Denver' Ca 80222 Lot 68 Alex MacCormick 160 East 72nd Street New York, NY 10021 Tract Pl AII Seasons Condominium Association 435 Gore Creek Drive vall, CO 81657 Tract P2 Vail Associates Tract A Town of Vail The Wren 500 South Frontage Road East Vail, CO 81657 Manor Vail 595 East Vail ValIeY Drive Vail, co 81657 I nEssBD[V[sfiOil ] tltit i.." .!'i. o'. t.ntr'.. |F '..,.,r' ||r.. ^1 I AI i;6rzdo-d*- i r-ra IOFT FtiCIOR 5EG( J.t-tF I ,r /r . \'rrii Iillafe /lth f'riin( o gt aolltlEi tf !a . Nl ti. S€: t' )t a ''t: l6li i,.t3 ;, 2 -: l l : a' LOT +BEST COPY qHNEF'S CERTIFiCATE 'xr{o, ^_! .r\ a, '-f* [r15r'... arc i rno.^s :cc:l_, ,*:r, OF rL. tr.' Aar. hoqr . t{! a:€, r, . - r coN[tl.;r:+ ra: 3O! !.r+!'. o.flat t :.{ r'€ gy '{J !!.{if^-i rri\. r4rt t, t{i.i'.r, _ r!.r|tro€r actqoorlr,: ! r^r -irr'.tsr.ri !.i".-e-., ?i,3:.!l 0. :o, oAr .a, ,-rE 'st ,-l ao./Frs r-^.rr: - 3 :. .{'. HtrftON . OF r': ; .p st a .i. , 11.liis qt3:€r:.: --"l's!t t@nnilnffiunas OE FLOOR, AVA}LABLE NOTARY 51.'r a- CEFT I F ICATE TOI{N OF VAIL ZONING AOIIINISTRATOR APPFOVAL ti:s rrr^r o!!' :! {L.9' .ffia,t: i. '-{ .5* o !.!- :t!rr6 roililsrFr.o! D..EL ,,:, /: '^ !^. " !1a{-, - .,; ,,ns.'{i--? ;qUtuuD rc* c.'r, 'o* g "(: c( ttar '. gcJ> . r-- r: r '-P Frra! ,!!G 'r'....::. , -':'!i: \ : ,r,.r ;.. i! CERTItrICATE .:A.cr SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICAT€ : .:j-:: : !.. - -, /2 FIRST FL@OR , t|r^at€'-E . ;lcl€Rl( .AND ,IECOROEFI'S CERT:F ICArE . -.7.t.i; tHIs ?-r! ..: .: : .ot rr Jai1!- t:..-. -./L - .X.-,,^aI ta ^!c:s xr .!:-c:. :..". t?I--. ek1 /t / a.(|t !...-'t*- |".,//., Ir .::\,f 55 l.lEio. l. r.uva ar March 6, 1991 Mr. Andrew Knudtsen, Planner #1 Town of Vail Community Development75 South Frontage Road WestVail, CO 81657 Re: Forbes Remodel - Texas Townhouse Lots 48 and 58 Zoning - Reguirement for Sideyard Setback Variance Dear Andy: Enclosed find "Vai1 Village 4th Filingl which shows the nine condominium tracts within the 4th Filing. The entire tract is shown on the Town of Vail Zoning map as MDMF and as such would seemto reguire setbacks frorn the perimeter of the whole tract. As Forbes is exactly in the middle, it would seem that the setbackrequirement would not apply. The Forbes are anxious to build this season, but the time and costnecessary to file a sideyard setback variance seem to preclude thatpossibility; further, it seems unnecessary in thls instance. If you don't agree, please 1et me know and we will proceed with thevariance. Sincerely, OLD/GWATHMEY/PRATT ARCHITECTS, P. C. ard M.Gwathmey, EMG/ad Enclosure: Agreement for the Formatlon of Association copy to: Walter and Caren ForbesArt Abplanalp the Texas Townhouse Amerlcan Lrnd Tltl€ A$ociation Commitment - f,* tOrtt STE\VAR.T TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY STEWART TITLE GUARANTY CO A Texas valuable consideration, hereby comm Schedule A, in favor of the pro or interest covered hereby in premiums and charges therefor; and Stipulations hereof. This Commitment shall be of the policy or policies comm either at the time of the issuance This Commitment is preliminary liability and obligations hereunder or when the policy or policies co failure to issue such policy or pol ici valid or binding until countersigned IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Com become valid when countersigned by with its By-Laws This Commitment is ST its COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY -2ba/r"- ht***, Chairman of the Boaro Countersigned by: herein called the Company, for of title insurance, as identified in owner or mortgagee of the estate hedule A, upon payment of the A and B and to the Conditions proposed Insured and the amount edule A hereof by the Company, uent endorsement. or policies of title insurance and all nths after the effective date hereof ever first occurs, provided that the pany. This Commitment shall not be itment to be signed and sealed, to of the Company, all in accordance in Schedule A as "Effective Date." W .5an.!i4,ltl ( Q!tlt 0t l seria, No. C.l 601.2 3 6 1 5 4 t}nluo.) {o {n,m.rs 1. 2. CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS The term mortgage, when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument. lf the proposed In$red has or acquires actual knowledge of any defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgtsge thereon coverEd by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereof, and shall fail to disclose zuch knowledge to th€ Company in writing, the Company shall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by failure to so disclose such knowled$. lf the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company, or if the Company otherwise acquires actual knowledge of any such defect, lien, encumbrance, adverce claim or other matter, the Company at its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitment accordingly, but qrch amendment shall not reliwe the Company from liability prwiously incurred purcuant to paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations. Liability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed lnsured and zuch pafties included under the definition of Insred in the form of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in reliance hereon in undertaking in good faith (a) to comply with the requirements hereof, or (b) to eliminato exceptions shown in Schedule B, or (c) to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by thisCommitment. In no arent shall sJch liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies committed for and zuch liability is zubject to the insuring prwisions and the Conditions and Stipulations and the exclusions from coverage of the form of policy or policies committed for in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and are made a part of this Commitment exc€pt as expressly modif ied herein. Any claim of loss or damage, whether or not based on negligence, and which arises out of the status of the title to the estate or interest or the lien of the insured mortgage covered hereby or any action asserting such claim, shall be restricted to the provisions and Conditions and Stipulations of this Commitment. STE\VAR.T TITLE G}UAR'ANTY COlf,PANY All notices required to be given the Company and any statement in writing required to be furnished the Company shall be addressed to it at P.O. Box 2029, Houston, Texas 77252, and identify this commitment by its printed COMMITMENT SERIAL NUM- BER which appears on the bottom of the front of the first pageof thiscommitment. 3. 4. Page 5 at ^H: \/t{zr 2F 3t!.r44ir:t1 ).t F [, ZmOuto-Ju!@OrP6P. I-lmTO @@G'oo)@ -nn omcn lQ =62ZatF'<ol(f Z C22z "=" = oo =<z+ mDDr:o r-tn< a 1t m { l{o'o =l-3;o;criIm Z{ c) m ^rt SCHEDULE A AMOUNT OF INSURANCE 5 600,000.00 s FOR QTESTIONS 3. 4. PREMfUMT OWNERS: TAX CERT. 1 tI STEWART TITLE OF EAGL,E COUNTY, INC. P.O. BOX 2000vArL, co. 81658(303) 949-1011 iailil') *+s+EVP ;."".'":'"" "^"'"r'J';ffirro at B:oo A.M. 2. POLICY OR POLICIES TO BE TSSUED: A. ALTA OWNER'S POLTCY PROPOSED INSORED: hIALTER A.FORBES B. ALTA LOAN POLICY PROPOSED TNSURED: C. ALTA LOAN POLICY PROPOSED INSURED THE ESTATE OR TNTEREST IN THE LAND DESCRIBED OR REFERRED TO IN THIS COM}IITMENT AND COVERED IIEREIN IS FEE SIMPLE AND TITLE TITERETO IS AT TIIE EFFECTTVE DATE HEREOF VESTED IN: P. ANTHONY RIDDER AND CONSTANCE M. RIDDER THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS COMMITMENT IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: UNIT 48 MURFREE CONDOMTNTUMS ACCORDING to the Condominiurn Map thereof recorded in Book 232 aX Page 201 as Reception No. 128083, and the Amended Condominirxn Map for Murfree Condorniniurns recorded in Book 376 at Page 869 as Re-eption No. 2?3L52 and as defined and described in the Condominium Declaration for Murfree Condominiun recordefl in Book 232 a Page 200 as Reception No. 128082. COUNTY OF EAGL,E STATE OF COLORADO TBIF COMMITMENT I{AS PREPARED ON JULY 30, 1990. PLEASE CAI,L SANDY CAPEIJIJ (303' 949-1011' STE\^|AR,TTI:fLIGUAIANtt COXtrxt o SCHEDULEB.SECTIONI oRDER NUMBER: 90005270 REQUIRE}'ENTS 5. Payment of any and all Condominium assessments and exPenses as required by the Condominium Declaration of Murfree Condominium Association and Certificate from Murfree Condominium "6Trust from P. Anthony Ridder an{z€SrYatance idder for the UJ[@Juse of 0CNB National Banking Organization to secure crl ,-r I 9100,000.00, dated January 20. 1988 recorded April 8, 1988 in OJItlgook 481 at Page 855 as Reception No. 378064. 7. Deed from P. Anthony Ridder and Constance M. Ridder, vesting fee simple title in t{alter A. Forbes. NOTE; NOTATfON OF TEE L,EGAL ADDRESS OF TTTE GRANTEE MUST APPEAR ON THE DEED AS PER 1975 Ai.|ENDI'1ENT TO STATUTE ON RECORDING oF DEEDS CRS 38-35-109(2r. i NOTE: For an additional charge, Stewart Title of Eagle County will provide any copies of exceptionE as shown on Schddule B - Section 2. THE FOI,LOWING ARE THE REQUIREMENTS TO BE COMPLIED WITH: rTEM (A} PAYMENT TO OR FOR TTIE ACCOUNT OF THE GRANTORS OR MORTGAGORS OF TITE FULI., CONSIDERAIION FOR THE ESTATE OR INTEREST TO BE INSURED. ITEM (B) PROPER INSTRUMENT (S) CREATING THE ESTATE OR INTEREST TO BE INSURED MUST BE EXECUTED AND DULY FILED FOR RECORD' TO WIT: 1. Execution of affidavit as to Deb|{ and Liens and its return to Stewart Title Guaranty Cornpany. u1 b*++-\)2. Evidence satisfactory to Stewart fitle Guaranty Company of payment of all outstanding taxes oand assessments as certified by The Eagle County Treasurer. Fd 3. Execution of Certificate - Entity Transferor/Individual Transferor and its return to the office. * \=*!\t 4. Evi.dence satisfactory to Stewart Title Guaidnty ComPany that -, 4<4the real estate transfer tax assessed by the Town of Vail has pCl been paid or that the transaction is exempt from aaid tax' PEa d^ STE\fARTTITLE GUAIANAI COI'TNI to SCHEDULEB.SECTION2 EXCEPTIONS ORDER NUMBER: 90006270 Itgs pol,rcy oR poLIcIEs To BE IssuED wILL coNTAIN ExcEPTIoNS To THE FOLLOWING UNLESS THE SA}TE ARE DISPOSED OP TO THE SATISFACTION OF TBE COMPANY: / t. RrcHTs oR cLArMs oF pARTrEs rN possEssroN Nor snosfN By rHE PUBLIC RECORDS. EASE!4ENTS, OR CLAIMS OF EASEMENTS, NOT SHOI{N BY ?IIE PUBLIC RECORDS. DISCREPANCIES' CONFLICTS IN BOUNDARY IJINES' SHORTAGE IN AREA, ENCROACHMENTS, AND ANY E'ACTS WHICH A CORRECT SURVEY AND INSPECTION OF TgE PREMISES WOULD DISCLOSE AND WHICH ANE NOT SHOWN BT TBE PUBLIC RECORDS. ANY IJIEN, OR RIGHT TO A LIENI FOR SERVICEST LABOR OR MATERIAL EERETOFORE OR HEREAFTER FURNISHED, IMPOSED BY TJAN AND NOT STIOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. DEFECTS, IJIENS, ENCUMBRANCES' ADVERSE CLAIMS OR OTHER MATTERS, IN ANY, CREATED, FIRST APPEARTNG IN TTIE PUBLIC RECORDS OR ATTACHING SUBSEQUEN? TO THE EFFECTTVE DATE HEREOF BUT PRIOR TO TEE DATE PROPOSED INSURED ACQUIRES OF RECORD FOR VAL'T]E THE ESTATE OR INTEREST OR MORTGAGE TBEREON COVERED BY TEIS COMMITMENT.5. UNPATENTED MINING CLAIMST RESERVATIONS OR EXCEPTIONS IN PATENTS OR AN ACT AUTHORIZTNG TEE ISSUANCE THEREOF' WATER RIGHTS CI,AIMS OR TITLE TO !{ATER. , NOTE: "MECHANICIS LIEN" AND/OR "GAP' PROTEC?ION (EXCEPTTOJ{S 4 AND 5 ABOVE) MAY BE AVAILABLE WITIT AN OUINERIS POLICY OF TTTLE INSURANCE ON RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY T'PON COMPLIANCE 9{ITH STEWART TITLE GTIARANTY REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE CALL FOR FT'RTHER INFORI.IATION AS TO TBOSE SPECTFIC REQUTREMENT (S) NECESSARI TO OBTAIN TEIS COVERAGE. taxes assessmente E 8. The effect of inclusions in any general or sPecific water conservancy, fire protection, soil conservation or other dlstrict or inclusion in any water service or etreet improvement alea. g. Protective Covenante, which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause aa aet forth in instrurnent recorded August 10' 1962 in Book 174 at Page 179. 10. Terms, conditions, restrictions and stipulations as contained in Partywall Agreement recorded January 6, 1954 in Book 1?8 at Page 465 as Reception No. 98579. Continued on next PageSTE\ryARTTITLEGgAlAt'ltl Goltrrt CONTINUATION SHEET SCHEDULEB-SECTION2 EXCEPTIONS ORDER NUI'BER! 90006270 : ' 11. Terms, conditions, restrictions and stipulations as contained in Partywall Agreement recorded January 6 ' L964 in Book 178 at Page 459 as Reception No. 98581 . 12. Easements, restrictions and rights of way as shown on the plat of vail village, Forth Filing recorded as Reception No. 97943. 13. Terms, conditions' restrictions and stipulations as contained in Condominium Declaration for Murfree Condominiurns recorded November 26, L973 in Book 232 ai Page 200 as Reception No. 128082. 14. Easements, restrictions and rights-of-ways as shown on the Condominium Map for Murfree Condominiums recorded November 26, 1973 in Book 232 at Page 201 as Reception No. 128083 and Amended Condominiurn Map recorded January 18, 1983 i-n Book 375 at Page 869 as Reception No. 273182. 15, Terms conditions, restrictions and stipulations as contained in Agreement recorded in Book 183 at Page 157- 16. Terms, conditions restrictione and stipulationE ag contained in Agreement for the Formatj.on of the fexas Townhouee Association recorded November 30, 1984 in Book 401 at Page 209 as Receptio4 No. 297497. L7. Terms, conditions and obligations as contained in Agreement recorded October 6, L987 in Book 47L at Page 314 ae Reception No. 367532. STE\^rAR.TTITLEGgalaNtl cort^xl \l+.tq!|{lt lcuEleilT FOr( ?HE FOR!|ATi0N T F Tllr TrxAS loldNHousE AsscctATlor;\, iI v .,2 "z PF'll{ llll3 ACREEXEIf! ls oxccuted cffccc,lvc thts :Lh day of _,1511 r98{lfll. by rnd rconl chc undcrelgncd. A. ltrc undctrlsncd trr all of th€ Olrn€rl l,n fec eloplc of rosnloure unl!.r lo-etcd ln th' Tcxsr Torarhoulcc, lltuatc,l on real propcrty locsted I lha Torrn of Vell, EaSri County, Golorrdo, vtlch prop€rry ta oorc .ully d..e?lbcd on Exhlbti A !ttachcd hercto (herclnnfter 'Tcxea Tovnhouaer"). 0.. nre Ot',rers daalra to provtdr for certaln :rmnou !rlnt"nancc rnd rcrvlcca rnd for thc rcqulsltlon of ceitarr real prr)r'rt.' loca cd adJaccr,c to Bht, Trrrs Tovnhouaes co be used for rutoqoblle FrrLlnS for thc Osncr! (the - Coaoon RcaI Property-). C. ln cor'unctlon thcreslth, t||c rreners, ghtlc dedtcnted to thc sptitt of lndlvtdurl otrnershlp aud lndrpcndence rerpect !nig ihct: .'tfil unl!o thlch haa beon- e trrdltlon of the Tcxss Tomhouceg rlnc' tlrclr rncePtlon' vlah to mtcr tnto thlr Lgr(:4oent for the cxpreso ond llolted nu!Pooe of nanaglng ccrletr. clorcly dcftned f rrncttons for the AsBoclntlor. vlth trlrlch to Lr:n.l:lt aIl orrlGrr on I un I f oru !'td aut r.el bss i $ , lltEREFOnE, thc Onnerg atre. as fullous: l. DeflnlttonB. A. "Artlclne of lncorPorrtlon" oeang tlr( artlclcs of lncorporr- tlon of !h. Assoclatron' !. 'Arroclatlon' lcana tha Tcxra Tosn,'o.tgc Ataoclatlonr I Colorrdo corporrtlon, not for proflt, ltl tucccteorr lnd mrlgnrr tha Frrb.ra of rhtch .hrll bc.lI thr Osnerr of lhr t!t.. Tovrrhousc". C. 'Boerd of ltnagcrr' or '!o.rd- Dr.n. th. Sov.tnlnl bod t of Lh. Aaroclat lon. D. '!ylrur' .crne thc byhu of thc iLi$oclrllon. 'Comn lrpcnrr' tmnr rnd ln:t uder llr rtn. llrcrrrd rE.lnat thr A[ocl.rttor lor .rDa[.a. ruthorlt.d by thlr Aar..ttnt rr lrp.!a.. oa .dllll.ttr3lonr (?) ccrtrtn !ttn!.n.fc. ln'l rc9rlr Iit ?97d97 4," I ,,,rr.)O1 16rr,Nli ;rr'l|It r:. ! l.i h...tn.tt.r drllnrd1 rnd (l) rod ln ,ur ln j thr Co,cron Rcrl €xpcnrcr lncurrad lrr tcqul rlnE ' Propcrty. crnploycc, t.nan!, Suct! ' llcantaa ot tl. 'Gnor- laanr tha Fraon or pcrrons, er hrrctnefter dcflncd, outtaS a tor,uhouaa Ln th. Trrra Tovnhouecr, or r condollnlrn locrBad charalni lo La rhgh, rlon8 vlth tha hatra, aucc,tiror!, !.rlgna rnd rcprcllntattv.t . of aatd palaon or p!rron.. : ,. ', I. -Pcrron' DG.na rnJr lndlvlduel , corporetlon, prrtn.rrhlp, coa- 'bturtloo, araoclrclon, trurtac or 6ny othcr iegal anltEy. J. 'Rcel Propcrty' oconr thrt rcdl proparty d.rcrlb.d on Exhlblt A, rtctchcd hlrcto. .-.. lotr{ to cltl. - Lt|a rPfu:. 2. "Ourrt' laana lny rtrnE, of .n omrr. C. 'Xrnr31n6 A8an3' !Jln. th€ pe:son. tf eny, coploy.d by thc pGrfon lha funcgtonr providcd for hcrctn. K. 'Unlt' or -Tounhourc Unlt" meane lhc rcc rhplc lnter..t r$d tn and lo onc or uorr of thr 16 tovnhougr: unttl locrtcd rrtthln tha tornhoumr, tncluding fcc sloplc ourerrlrtp 'of lho rcel proptrty thcrc- C.rhln Rl8ht. .:rd obllgattor.s ot thc ABsoclrtlon. j" A. Thc Aeooclatlon ls hcreby rpt")tnted sttorney tn fact rr)r ch. ()lraart, rnd cec\ of thao, to Larry out tlrc Itrxlted pufPo.cr of thla A8r.a!an! ao ra to D.nli rhc Ar.oclrtlon to fulflll all of tt! dull.a rnd obltgerlonr ;l;;,, " hrcodrr. ,i lt."' !. Thr Arsocietlon rhall bc grented all porcrr n.c.urat co rrlFiiiar,l' :l t:r:i;;,rr, E|lo lld rapalr th. Coroorr R.rl Prop.rty, and pcrfom r.l I th. du!t.. rrqulrrd b,..t!?.,..;1 .,ii{{r; ef,rt.;. ,.:ir..l ,.,*,r . rf ..i. irrl.i 'i , t t.. ' th Arroctetlnn . f, i;..'i :,i1,',,1'i' 'Uil 4i, .,..'ll.' ,. G-.-r^- .Ar lrr .. '.if ^d >lra.roh rlr- l^.|rl ^? r Xrn..li.ij1,iir,; ll1 . A. !s3t... tt Arr .r, lltlon, Ehrouth th. lorrd or . lLnrglnl '.F:iijJ ,$r .,:rl':'i' ' o*lrc, .halt Fslor. tumtlolr std hold or rlrnrS( Plogir cy er fv r tdd tn t}.)r'.i, . ;llll l|rnr*t.o.. to turth.r th. collccttv. -..' 'l ot.ll ct !h.o}|.lr ,,'.: li:h'tcojact. It thrlt hta th. nrchorlty o.c.r..rt o! d..ls.bh to |q|,oh tl|sro.... .'f ".. t. tnDrtrhtt. lta On l o? . Unlr .h|U oCcrClcill', b. r I'.. f, LraL3lm. |.td nbrr.MD l. .99$r:.o.!t |o th. Urrt o! rrtl '.'ll' i.'il;ll , , '.. ... . li" , ;, '.1l:lf na n?fut,ot aL.nb.r|htt tbl th|3 tbtt,.ff'4?i:t.::"'*r*"ttp tbr tu3 !t!. .. it '. ii [,.,"iij,,.,rit;l-i: .fun], .,1 .;:;, i..:;,*,ilil:]'*,1f-m$#*ill{ti , j,i,,'il;:-;ii j**ru;i,:;lti.u"ril,'r;1i,ffi1#ffisjs.H,ii ftttr4,f/IF,EI{r/,rJj6xa ."t' l:;,:r:i:,i,1$i:flt$\''' ili,f ,'' i. ;|1;; : r' ,,,;1:;rrrr4prll,F.r.. vlth fil rlrple tltlr co thr unlt' .ti''. -.-.'il:i;.'_.tli tltte:'telrhr Untr tr hrld by nore thrn ont P.rron' inch ti., , : rll ,: . ',.-;'(.::.i'f : ' 'Orrff '|.i r.nb* of thr Auocl.tlonr .rclPt thrt 'r'acll .tr','' ,1:' ttr3r' rjllmotfbrd ln P.rrlraph lD bclov' lf th. tn. rtnPl' co-trnrnt o! | Unlt Untc tlrall havc onc ' Gr lolrd ct llrnrlrrr ' lltc rtfrlr' of th' Atioclrtlon rhlll br tallEaa:btrtcrrdolXenrjrtruhtchrryrbymrolutton'dclr3etc'nyPorclon cttt..oGlcslt'toIl|.n.t.ror|{rne3ln3At.nt(ort|rrArrocletlon.ltrrr r|rrltrrctbrterr3h.6thrr.nor|ot.!h.!r.txllnborrofthelorrdot ll|orlc'. rnlt thr t.nr of .t l.rrB on.-tht rd of ruclr lorrd rhlll rtptrc 'nnu- rtly. D. Votinl of Ourtr ' hch Unlt !h'll b' Gntttkd to on' vot' trr aald tfaocl.tton vhlch rull bl G"t bt th' Otn'r I or ln troportlon of th' ounalahl9 of a Untt tf mr. !h'n on' Fsron orn' "ld Unlt ' A voto n'y b' car! ln Prtaon or by prory. Such prory ley br Srrntrd by 'n orm'r ln trvor o! onlT acolhar oer.rr a arnbrr of 3hr loerd of !'lrnrScrr or by .rtd oYn'rr' attoslLt ol ..n.l.t.nt a3.nt' A Psort rhell br fully orccutrd ln vr(ttntr tbrll b nttnrtmd, thrll be vrltd only for lhc Frllculrr !"tlnl d'rtf,mt'd !h.t.lnrndrrrlbrflledvlc'hth.s!c?.!|ryofh.^.|oclr!lonbrlorrthl rppolnfrd Elr. of lhr !"llnl' Tht Bo'rd o( l"enrgcrr ury doeldc thit votlne of tha Oflrarl rhrll br 5y oatl rlth rclpcct to rrny nrttor or to 'nt Prr- ttcular al.ctlon o[ fl"mb.rr of thc lolrd of Hrnagcre or vlth rc'P'ct to rloprloo of .nt progolrd '!'ndrrnt to thl' AEr'tlont or tht Acclcl'r ol taorporiffon or !tl.e. o! Ghr Arroctrtlon' provldrd thrt 30 dryr prlor Cfltf|r tottc. ol ruch dclrlon hrl blrn drllvrrld to ell Oraltl ' ":rl l- lrlrrr tad Artlelo. llrr prrporrr and pourrl of th' lt'cct'' ': t16 11 tbr rllht. .nd obttfrtltn. flrh r.r'rcr to o'n'r' 'rt torth ulthlo .h.11 t for.rllrrd by provblon' of th' &ttol" rnd lylr$ l.lon, horrret r auch Attlclaf end lfrur l'rll in lF 'rt'tt L tlGh :h. ,coolrlolt ol Shtr'lilryrrnr' |t tt L...hrr- .. -t rt rll I Fl.l n$rf ii. All Ovnr:rr rhall hc obl tt6trd to rt E[..l|l.almta lrDorad by thr loard of Hrntgcrr ot th. Arroc t, r lon ro . i: ) r !ntliil\F.ri r " ..' ii,jf iF|!, ttr Qrron Erprntrr. fho rrrrrrnrnrr rhall bo oa<tr pro rrr, accord tnl j,l' '!o tho ltattn! o! rrch Orrntrr r p.rcantagG IntrroRt ir6 cDntrtnerl on Erhthtt 8, ilri "', .:'r'',' atlaGhfd hfrto. Alr.aaloncr for thr coruon lxpcnrcc ehrll b. du. quart€rl y, r,, tn aaYara ! on lha tlrrt dry of thr nonth brtrrnnl.rg cech qu.rr"r. lhr ranag- 'tnE laa[t or lorrd of Hanagcrr rhrll prrperc and rlellver or nrn to rnch ' 6arrr rn I trrr!, trd rnnuir rt.lcncnt rhovlng thc varlour €rtlortcd or actual arpanaaa tor rhlch lhc eelcrtocnBr err oodc. Contrtbutlonc rhall bc proretcd tt thr oharahlp of th! unlc corncncca on r day otlrar th.n chc ltrrt dry of a quartrrlt Frlod. Tha errernrnt. Drd. for connon Erpcnrr rhcl l br bercd nDon lha ctrh rcqulrclcnte dcctcd !o be thc rgtregrr. ei lha !o.rd of flanrlrtr rhrll frol tftrc to tlu. p.y to provldr for rhe Fyr.nr o! rll crtlo- r!.d arp.naar Srovtnt out of or connrctcd etth tl.c c.rrylng out of ltr func- ttona uiaar lhtl Agrrclcnt, to u{,!! atpana.. of lLn.groanG. lnaurrnc. ' pre|lrrr a?pllcrbr. to thc coEon R..l propcrt)r (tf rny). tr.rh coll.cBlon., roor rwrl, prrchrrc of th. coruon f,eel proparty r4d c.ptt.l pendlturrr rppltctble to t,h. Cocron Rcrl Prop.rry (c.8., rcourfrctng) not erceedln3 , ttr000 pa' trrr. Furtharr thc l,hnlgln* Atont or Bo.rd ory crcebllrh, out of ac€h afaaltlntl, a Eodatt contlnBcncy irn'l rerjerve f und for tha rep.rl r', rr- Plrc6an3 and lalntrn.ncc of thosc portlons ,,t rlre Comnon Rcrl Proptrit th.t rurt b. rtgleccd or repatrcd pcrlodtcelly. Any oun.r rn.t tn.p.ct th. A?aocl- Ittotl't racorda of rrcclpla .nd .rpandlturcs at convcnlcnt vrckdry or nrhr|rd Durtarrr hourr, rnd upon l0 deyrr nottcc !o th. Bo.rd of t{rnrjrrr or ltroejtag .AlnC, tf rny. rnd eny Oi,nar dry, upon rcquart, bc lurnllhrd r tttt.rcnt ot torc tho rat !gg$g!gg. tto Aucclrtlol r.y ru.D.ii rt durfig .ot Frtca ot Fitoar durlr5 ttnrnctrl Olljttlorr rlaor Chlr i"|ilibtlltt lor Comn !rp.o.a upon Trrnrfcr,Ttrr lrtrntta Df . ttnl I !,'rolntlt lld ..r.rrlly ltrbtr ulth th. gr.nror (or rll unp. ld rt"rt- .ltlmt thl lrttrr fot !!r plopostlon.l rhlrr o( th. Crrooon ErPrn..r up ifre of tha trrnt ot contat.ncr, vlthorrt preJudtcc to th. 8rtnt"'" lli:: to tilcortlr lrol thc Brrn3or Bh. reountr ptd by tlrc Srsnt.r chcrafo;c; , hortYlr. thrt upon pttnanc of. rttton.blc fcr, end rrpon vrlttan r Alt a$ch ProrP.ctlva lrrnta. rhell bc lntltl.d to || tt.tco.nt from . r-..1'r.':'Ilqlq Alant or lorrd of ll|n.lara ..t!tnt torth th. rnoun! of tll. un- ;4-ipld ;frfrrnanta, it eny, elth r.aP.ct to thc .ubj.ct Unl t ' thc trount of tht "",i 1;' ,..#i,rtrfnt tonthly ia..i!r .nt, Eh. d.ta !h.t ruch rrr.r.r.nt brco:rcr dr* rnd rny rnd ell of thr provl- A|roG:rtlo!| r.y lnot or drcrd n.ca.a.ry or : 'lt. Acau, tltlon of Coro! l.r1 ltoprrtt. Th. Ar.ocl.Stoo rhrll br [i**1.t|pa*t !o nfotl.t. fc. rtd gurchmc th. Cnon l.r1 Prop.stt loc.t.d .d- -:- .,'i-.,-' -^ - -. r-^-^.^ --rill.5crat !o th. Unltr, Dorr fully drrcrtbrd on lrhlbtt C.tC.ch.d hrrrlo end :'ti. ,"i ui. fnoorporr:rd hrrln by thlr rrfrrcncr. llo Purchr.r contrrct .r.cutad by th. r',r l iil'i . ,:{iiifli*faafoo for ruch purporrt rhell provldc for I prlc. ln Gxccse.f 95,000 inlfrr 1001 of rll Osnrrr rhrll conrcrrt ttr"rpto. Addltton.lltt ooc. t ld '.5rtl' ; ,:,ptiprfgl ll purchercd end rmld by thc Arloclellonr or . corPorrBton acllnd ibhau of thr Arroclrtlon, thr Arroclatlon ory trk. .B.Pa to lt9lota ratd t .a .r. rceronrbly n.c....ry to ficllltrr. th. locrtlon of .otot tarLlo3 Char.on rnd lry llkr rcrpr n c....ry r.o .rlntrln r.td , rll tn. r.nn.r brnrtltlnj och ol th. Ornara on. tatt ..rd .qrlt- Fotll.lr ooBt.ln.d Alrn.rS to tr thlr ljrrceoB drrll .orrttnrr tarrtn.td. t|lcLa oa f.,lttt;al3 lrt L r.d.ar t.trlt trl cr rrnhl ft rh' 111'Li-i .. - - -,. - l-^t,.-li;,,.- ^..---.- b- crd|| rr.lm o5||t.r || rh'n u rh rl.oodr tt 1.,.r: l :r lJ- 'fl,ilt- sFtl ol b1h. fur.r..ot oltotrlo, . : !, i-ir,i : d+,ilj#Hl',,,o, ' i;,"1,.;;, :ffi;,i: :'..',: i:H$.fi;,ii'l;,1.*d," $\ :,i^i*',,,, rigolng lnatruocnt vtr acknovle,Jgel h+fore 6o '\11 liotory l\Jbllc .. Addrerr .. r$7- - t'*, , ,.u 1 ,.-'! ::i- 'i!- '':-l-.'r'.et tr lt' :,forcgotca tdttru$ent Lraa -cknos edgcd h iore ne thli .., f ii. ti t '11r oav "fl-I - .{, . -'L- a e:ti4--j::: (^ .-lCOrrnlr(i) of Unlt JA of Tcxat tat lon . i i.,r,l lurrgolng lnBt:uocnt vr. i; , I9Ef. acknovl*{11cd l:e f ort' lae I . STAT!; COTNTY , '.'., l. .l ll I ).c.'tl 1,. t { fhc {orl;0lng Ir,str,tftr.nt .rr I ----tf!!"------,''r'tl,I. t.rvll:lout" Assrt,. l.{ t I irri 'ti t T:itS S r." l.rlrt rrr.l \lY .'()nnl ssl,rrr rr1'11 , .,I (sur.) STATI OF t- L, ( !. l, 11 . )(-, cour:rY )F /'f1"vt rl I lhe__./o reXo t rr i lniiruni.nt var .rck:l,,vl,,,rl,i.,d 5cf,rr,. :,, .. - .i4r4L _ . 1987, ," - il ._- t hr ,so_' ._-.^ n ::.------'--- -- l" lrJnt r( 9i rrl ln?: rovnnouic Airoc lrt lon. IJITIfESS f,!' h.rnd rn.t ot f tr lll <r'al, . lly coaotrrtnn "rplrc:r. ltly C. , . ; , ; _-;:r, .1 lu.j,t sT^tn 'l' ccutiTY or Thc lorrrolnt !nrtr i.undut Jlr '. L ;l,t _-, I I'lt. i -g-_.! Tomhourc Ario( Irtlon. VITltlSSS ty hrnd rnd off lr'ral r.r,.rl Yy cocolrrtun Grplrr,.B : -.1'-' ",-----: --.-!{( t.t y Puh: | { rldr'fcrr ' 1 -, ,-: Y. L!1 , - I ,/. { -" . ..':r,.- -,l-l TF'' '.', JAIiES W. IHuEI\/ l.' tr lTAtt or c,,""t .c{'|n.tr ot / 4 ) ) ) HITIIESS n) hond .rn'l .)f f lc 1,rl scrl ,,'[irr., Hy cooolsxlon cxplrep; 'y'J'i'l '....',..... -:l 'a €ir 'la t 0 l,l()tary Add ress STATE (lt' ( '., ... . ,, r, ) ) se r corrNTY f r' ).'-r Th, fo.'egotng lnst rrtraunt yag acknouladged bef <.,re ne thta ,; ' dnv of, , .. . * ., f 98y, by ;:_,._ ajj', ,,., - 1-1-..-rr- a8 o*-nt:r(\) of tJntt 6A o, Tcxac Totrnhor.ge Aasoc I at Irrn. l{IT: qSS nv li.rnd .rnd of f lc{nl seal. Hy conualrrl orr r.x1;l rcl: (SEAL) $TATX OF coinnY 0F ' , L.'l lngt runcnL cer lcknovl , 19s7, by. )d ll VlTlilES S oy hand and of f .clnl scal tlt co@lrrton arpl r. r ! s G&-a,y ot '8ffi59'" forcgolgg Notery Publ tc Addrrrr rtAll il Ctll,"^ln cq,tnt or Aty.A*,- )) ra: ) I|IIIGSS ry hr.nd rqd of f tc tel aaal . ""!;Hffi#s'" s6ffii}ifii'- ' Add rcss lnstrulent un e. acknowlcdgcd bcforc_, lgslf by -.//-, t, - "H - Tor[houaa Araoc lit lo n. UIIIISSS ny hand ano offtclal real . . Ut corl.alon explrea t j.....,..1 ,t. .. 'f (ary'+r,,.c.ts ) rg: ) ) sr: ) crplu: rtl,qflSt' -'''' A JqA tag lnrtrrnent ut nnGEt ry hend rnd of f tc tel rrcl . acknoulertgcd before oc thlr .!)-t drr of- - DI /il'.r.r r,,u - aE ovn€r(s) or unE 8if,ffi l|' cirl..lon . Noter y Publ lc Addrrre Thr forcgotng ,'i: i::r 1*tdo ) ) rr t ) ry h.nd rnd offlctrl rcrl . ln.Brra.nt na .clnoyl.dtrd brforr r. thlr tU dry cl -f tgtlr by 'lr;.'r^t". O'i-\,r, IrtFfItJ. IrJ */{t to.-. rr Onor(r) of Unlc At of T.nr ffi,, r5t.,.,i",rill :li l|t ccla.lon *ptrcr :r'5i!'fr'lfi'#'e' L -/,l{Jl a. r*<- ! ,. | {'O1. t'.- Notery Publ lc ;t1 EX'IIBIT Ato A.;rctnrtnt f,rr tho Format tonol thr fcxlt Toynhoulc Atroclat. lrrndrtld Aprll lt, l90r tl|ntEr.pouR, Flv8, SEVEN AND !: tcltT, VAIL VILLAGStccording to the recorded pl.at theroof. Countyof Colorado. l,OT SIX, VAIL VILI,AGE FOURTH TILING, accordlngthereol. Count,y of Eaqle, Statc o! iolorado. ttro Tovnhouse on Lor rwo, vArL vrLLAcE rouRTH FrLrNG, accordtngt3 ll" socord€d plat thereof. County of Eagte, Statc of Colorado. EXHIBIT 8to Agrccnant for thc Forrnatlonof tha Tcr(rr Tornhoutr Ateoclatlorrdltod Aprll t3, l3B1 PINCINTAGE OF, OWNERSHIP IN COITMON tiI,F:MT:N'rS F!cr-!.!sge___l-n t s Le_c ! i'r 28 ,6A ,68 ?A ?B 8A 8B 16 UnItr 6.25C 6 .7.5 6 .2"t 6.25 6.25 6.25 6. ?5 6.25 6.25 6 ,23 6,25 6 .Zct 6 .25 6.25 6.25 6.2't 100 r -ea{ l.{. 1,..' 'a al la.. tl lr. alt? {a -4, aL.- }.1 -!l .t' i.. ra{}.. + !.!F. ..la at l |.a{' E_ -- },a..a i.l a r .F rr. ts4r -.t }l 't....? i * .'- '.al Frla -. r.l lr' r Fa. tls . ..f s srr.- lr.t .'r ...ar? .ar.' -.' ".r.l rrr ta.l * .--.. rr- r.. r f .ir,..., ' -l t.rr.... |3Dt tnr ^:l^urs I, lr3 |plr_t llv:rs :". I I I II t I lnwn FILT COPY ofllce of community derrelopment75 roulh frontrge road Ydl. colorado 8161i7 (3€) 47e-2138 (3Gil 47e2139 August 30, 1991 Mr. Ned Gwathmey Arnold, Gwathmey, Pratt 1000 S. Frontage Fload West Vail, CO 81557 Re: Blgelow Varlance Appllcatlon, Lot 4, Vall Vlllage Fourth Flllng Texas Townhouse 48 Dear Ned: As it has been some tlme since we discussed he Bigelow varian@ application, I thought lt would be helpful to put some comments from the Town in writing. Until you have an approval from the condominium association, I will put the information you have submitted to date in the permanent file for the Texas Townhouses. Atter you have collected the required outstanding information, including the condominium association approval, the variance application fee, and a completed variance application form, please submit it to our department. I can provide you with any of the information you have already submitted if you would like. When the proposal is reactivated, we must ask that the full rsview time (approximately one month) be provided, and that the application follow the submittal date deadlines as shown in the attached sheet. Thank you for your cooperation on this proieci. lf you have any questions, or would like to modify the plans you have submitted, please call me at 479-2138. SincVetv, /L,./_ // /Alrd? F-a//.drc*-Rn'Syxnug/sen' '"'7 Town Planner ( lab enc. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMEI{T OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT SALESACTIONFORM DA'E: +/rlq t I : i:r: !i!ii ,l.ii i::ii ::li:: :ii.i: irii i{ ,i!til i:li::: :n:r::i::i 0100m41330 coM. DEv.APPLTcATToNFEEs D K.b ryD7 67-t*- 01000041540 ZONINGAND ADDRESS MAPS $5.00 01 0000 424rs I'NIFORM BTJILDING CODE $s0.00 0r 0000424rs I]NIFORM PLI.'MBING CODE $36.00 0l m00 4241s I,NIFORM MECHAMCAL CODE $32.00 0l 0000 42415 I'NIFORM FIRE CODE $36.m 0t 0000 42415 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE $30.00 0l 0000 42415 OTHERCODEBOOKS 0l 0000 41548 BLI,JEPRINTS (MYLARS)$7.00 010000424t2 )GROX COPIES /STIJDIES $0.25 0l m0042371 PENALTY FEES / RE.INSPECTIONS orcnn]042322 OFF HOTJRS INSPECTION FEES 01000041412 CONTRACTORS UCENSES FEES 01000041330 OTHERFEES 0r 0000 41413 SIGNAPPLICATION FEE $20.00 0r 0000 eoMfliffiTn Po*lr,r"--71 oo e ^sti.ircd 6llEltL !z Rm'0 JUt 1 81991 coroSJLDo DATE OF DRB IEETING; *l,rr*ttf ttrals at3lrcrrloN rtr& no8 lE accsEfE.Dsurrl. rriL *EggIr,rD rrrFoRtBlllon rt suBrfitrrEDtrtr*r*rtt WI A. DE$CH,IFTION: w.(-qJ It{1t- AaprTt a ,\ E-Z( ,' tlr 1YPE OF RBVIEI{: Ncr Construction Ad61r10n ($50.00) C. ADDRESS: D. LEGAI DESgRIPTION: TJOI Subdivltion ($200.00)' .Minor Alterarlon ($20.00) - Conceptual Rcvlew ($0). 6;re*la Frtvc. dnr: i t t a t- :'..l'*+Block "{a eeet$ and bounda lrgalgn a o€parate Eha€t and If property is deecribed hydeacriprlonl please provide attach lo this appllcation. ,. tl a I Iot arre. ., a * o, condomrnium Approval {! apFrtcabr-e, 1l?" 51?-' 3Bctl K. DRB FEEs DRB fees, ac rhown abover are to be peid at,the tlme of subnit?al of DRB.applicacion. -alter, shenqpplytnE for a uuilding.perrnltl-please iclent,ify tirerccurare valuation of the proposal. Tlre Torn or vailrrlll adjusr rhe fee lcsordlnaro rhe trnfe-Ulfor, t.a-ensure the correcB fee ls pala. 'NO ePPL:ClTIOtr l$IiL EE PnOgISgSD TrrISOUr OrUER'S SIeNLtrgRt rF.F cnHEfttl? tr .E!----!Eldjl-eaa--Y d! r VAI.UATION --I o-$ loroooir$ 19r00X - $ s0;000I !0,001 - $ L50;000 l1lg,gg1 - $ 500;000 $900, 001 - s1, 000;000I Over $1,0001 000 FEE $ 20. 00 +ri*#d- $200.00 s{ 00.00 9500 .00 It hr*rr3; aorrrNor lf{P F't f?- , - I,0T AREA! If regulred' st,amped survcy showinE rBlrllcsnt musr, provlde a cuffen! NE}48 OF OIf!IERS:Ttnr rsr6ffrtruRE (81 : {E4.PAID: S NAIIE OF APP].TCA}IT: Nal4E Of APPITCANTI9 REERES eod T rrBgA I g,{O 'P 3}f3 -crti H,+{ ?o LIST OF I,TATERIAI.S NAI.IE OA p39g'gcT3 L,l€lgt{}\.' F IJGAL DESCRISIION: 16T ':T: BIOCK STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PRGTECT: Ehe following inforuation 1g Revi.ew Board before a finat A. BUILDING I'{ATERIAI.S: Roof Siding Other tlall Uaterials Fascia soffits Windons l{indos Trirn Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashings . Chlnneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other I.A}TDSCAPING: Name of, requlred f,or subrittal toapproval can be given: TYPE OF !.IATERIAI" the Design COIPR B. PIAIIT I,IATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name gADSCl-Nene ggq!lil.}: Si3.*, EXISTING TREES lco BE RAMOVED *Indicate caliper deciduous trees is for deciduous trees.2 inches. Indicate Minimum calioer for height for coniferous trees. HE(D" E. Thaysr Blgslow Jr. Pre€ldent Det.e ? 41-/9L. ., -- FAX COVER SSEET f 3 (including cover)No. of pages TO:Eric .lohnson/Ned, GwathmeY FAx +: 303-476-1612 FRoMI Thayer BiEalow FAr( No. 212-512-70X9 i tttlven BlGELgw JB' 1112 PARK AVENUE' Afi'.194 , 7/'7 n'?/* 1716 DOtLAts r30tloo0lesr:It0-lSlgElrr' Home Box Ottice. Inc. 1100 Avenue of the Amerlca$, New Yotk, NY 10036 (212) fie€sss 'C a!{3 -OEI H,k tAl d U TT 2jtB3 g l SCO : tO I lf L t ar \J I l'l -aeHV,, @g-lvt, ltt'-- | 'a@ H.l-4s2t;251s I rl I waAFf aw*I eeoa l(c,''':-') I I *-.', : i li avtwt? aZ.' (a e'F 6o ,aFas \ ri ^itl IVtnILJl/\ \.-_ T-L-:: ) II v x o - ,. #\il-bFNtl<lrt, F lurAFE, >eea { ceu z* -.- ___rffifi:FF:Eyr;F 7rI x : I i i I F ,-\T[td" arTof&, ,t--, Fxtfrtrw--t t-\r"nTfi.l:'" I 1 i j !I LT oo { TL sL s .D7 t- AA FlCz (e) ?WF FLOOR PLAN .+''| :': #4V-1?xe+ ToAil Ha Ac.9 VAIL- 4 e. _ :l . Ib, 11 >ofr >?v ev . v+u $ et {. U-;0 P, l e FaKIY \^/a{rts gkePtJt-. 'u?ffi.I.g'(E- f,14*-l ' 4!=Lt. Olr - ' -- ' ',%5{1|rg. 7rW'qt our{lf 4 b --€a#9-- +HlI{eL?'FaaF + 4rt?FJa]leat?_ Fhaa6/17-14-4 raUlT??_ 1 ?aAA+ftUI NORTH o ELEVATION V+ut lr-a ll tls LI t$o\ ,r F $$ _$ t_tr a.st st )t t\f, T $ s _l el {h(rz t =O s\qtrz{o *f rt gIng) r E LI D {. $- [\I rl_oI} { 0[II 't FIr$J $ 5v ril$[$I $l.t Fut\uts -tr:x{r' N Ha u+a + 4 el vAt YOU WERE OUT TETEPHONED URGENT PTEASE CATL ,WAXTS TO SEE YOU WILL CAtt AGAIN I CAME TO SEE YOU NETURNED YOUR CAIL WHILE YOU WERE It - *';ttnU L6,- *,fl ff*7'*, prf^ft O PUBTIC NOTICE NOIICE IS I{EREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Conrnission of the Town of VaiI will- hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.56.050 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on Augrust 26, 1991 at 3:00 p.n. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1-. A reguest for a wall height variance for the Chester Residence, Lot 19, Block 1, Vail Village lst Fi.Iing/39s Mill Creek Circle.Applicant: E.B. Chester 2. A request for a side setback variance for the Bigelow Residence, Texas Townhouses, 43 Gore Creek Drive, Unit. 4B/Loiu 4, Vail Village Fourth Filing.Applicant: Thayer Bigelow 3. A reguest for an exterior alteration of Crazy Shirts, Unit2, Bridge Street Condos, Bridge Street Building, 250 BridgeStreet/Lot D, Block 58, Vail Vil-lage First Filing.Applicant: The Mainland Co., Inc. 4 - A request for an exterior alteration for the May Palace , 223 East Gore Creek Drive/A part of Block 58, Vail Village First .E 1rrnq.appli6ant: Henry woo 5. A request. for a wa1l height variance for Lot L, Block 1,' Intermountaj.n Subdivision/2684 Larkspur Court., Applicant: Robin E. Hernreich,/Atwell Developnent 6. Any items tabled from the August 12, 1991 PEC meeting agenda. lhe applications and j.nformation about the proposals are available for public review in the Comrnunity Development Department office. Town of Vail Community Development Department Published in the VaiI Trail on August 9, 1.991. la Ay \ALr.d (4-tt/)4 Rike Ditzler Woolen 20 Meadow Lane Englewood, CO 80110 William B. Sommer '1360 Kenilwood Lano Riverwoods, lL 00015 B. Jurgen Hintz P.O. Box 599 Cincinnali, OH 45201 Alex Macoormi:k 160 East 72nd Strsel New Yod<, NY 10021 Dlana tbnovan 1014 Homedake Clrcb Vail, CO 81657 Helen Chatfleb &O Sodh Franklin Denver, GO Va[ Associates P.O. Box 7 Vail, CO 81658 The Wren 500 Sodh Frontage Road East Vail, CO 81657 Manor Vail 595 East Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 Pete Perry All Seasons Condo Assoclation 650 South Cherry Slreet, #1000 435 Goro Creek Ddve Denver, GO 80222 Vait, CO 81657 ?o €er1w, ,as-lrv | ?-e 4Hf tw*| ?aarl l'"= I I'l-" ..(; _____+l {.IL bl $ s a Fg xrtt | *orr t-l;s.sqv7+-19 {,.rc,'? t 1 I (ca>< Ao .-oF1 avlvw (a\ Io, r-l -il tl ,,ll V AI ffo ,l ffi-fq I :::: t- W eoA.U <ltZFIQ,I/T-E >eFa + Qt?-+ ? ---- .= ----"fEr'ffi:: lrtl 'i lill {i ,i ii i.l 'i: nlTla- t'rToY4, t--l il l I PY1qn1pPt P' l;l -_-_-_T =.<-Wof ?gj^dA i I i I I l j ]I)(fi-[,- I I t -lI I f g.a. T1 FLOOR P!AN.,+',| lFYA-t Trl,.trl Ao r)+b *4 O u*lv 4i a' >oFI L?v gV . '/+il ffs$ Jut' 1 /-1 ,t* .Tuly 1 7, 199'l Town of Vail ; Planning and Environmental Commission 75 South Frontage Road WestVail, CO 81657 Re: Bigelow Residence Texas Townhouses Lot 48 483 Gore Creek DriveVail, CO 81657 The variance application requests reconsideration of Town ofVail Section 18.18.060 regarding mini.mum sideyard setbacks. The Texas Townhouses (Vail Village Fourth Filing) are zoned MDMF andas such the setbacks are 20 feet on all sides of the property. The Texas Townhouses were orlglnally subdivided in a rray whlchcreated non-conforning side setbacks. The units and lots areonly 25 feet wide, wit.h each units' side walls being right onthe slde property lines, leaving zero setback. It is for thtsreason that a side setback variance is always reguired for anymodifications to the Texas Townhouses. The request for side setback encroachments is to accommodate adormer roof and deck on the north elevation, and to reconfigurethe sitting room on the upper level . The roof height and GRFAis proposed to remain the same. The existing setbacks are currently zero feet on both sides. The proposed aLternations will create a slightly targer area ofencroachment into the setbacks, as indicated on the attachedfloor plans. The encroachments will impact a lower level deckon the unit directly below Lhis property. Ho\^/ever, this is aninherent problem with zero setback developments such as the Townhouses, and permission has been granted by thls neighbor. Because the existing building footprint will not be expanded,the variance wi.Ll have no significant effect upon other existingor potential uses and structures 1n the immediate area. -.i/,' v'zlA-d u l" Town of Vail Planning and Environmental CommissionRe: Bigelow Residence - Texas Townhouses Lot 48 Page 2 The Texas Townhouses have 1ot configurations whlch make it almostimpossible to nodify the units without requiring variances. fnfact, the existing units already encroach significantly into thereguired sideyard setbacks. These encroachments are due to thefact that the lots are very narrow. We believe that there areextraordinary circumstances due to the originaL lot layouts of theTexas Townhouses and that approval of the variance reguests wouldnot be a grant of specj.al privilege. Other Texas Townhouses havereceived similar setback variances for remodels. The effect of the variance on l1ght and air, dist,ribution ofpopulation, transportation, traffic facilities, utilities andpublic safety is negligible to the adjacent properties. Respectfully submitted, OI,D/GWATHMEY./PRATT ARCHITECTS, P. C. \ ard M. Gwathmey ATA EMG/ad EncLosures o ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS Bigelow ResidenceLot 48 Texas Townhouses 483 Gore Creek DriveVaiI, CO 81657 Lot 3 Rike Ditzler litooten 20 Meadow tane Englewood, CO 8:0110 Lot 44 WIIIiam B. Semmer 1360 Kenllwood Lane Rlverwoods, fL 60015 Lot 5A B. Jurgen llintz P.O. Box 599Clncinnati: OH 45201 Lot 6A Pete Perry 650 South Cherry Street, #1000Denver, CO 80222 L,ot 68 Alex MacCornick 'l 60 East 72nd Street New York, Ny 10021 Lot 7A Diana Donovan 1014 Honestake CircleVaiI, CO 81657 Lot 7B Helen Chatfield 540 South Franklin Denver, CO Traet P1 A11 Seasons Condominium Assoclation 435 Gore Creek DrtveVail, CO 81657 Tract P2 Vail Associates Tract, A Town of Vail The Wren 500 South Frontage Road EastVaiI, CO 81657 Manor VaiI 595 East Vail Valley DriveValI, CO 81657 $;t .1. u x's It tFKrf hA/; g T ;'o $ $ l, r, N t\t rn f[ $$*n 't ; s$\Ti!c {, i$ ts 7 0 o zoT,{rI rnl- m\<tr{ l 6zz F 7-,(,'i :^, :! i . ' |'' : '.' s t{ ,jL Ir I G n ss Tr tt(\ alILs r$s Iv L tfino\/ /' ry// I nd',1 $ s" s $a, 5yt nl ,t€'t +h(rz tzO$o.F ZJO$fI.U Bmd) J ,l $ttt + F $ {r cit- $_l l-Ir a. $r s t $.1 fr) I s 0 _l el T E trs {. $- $I'iL & ! F[lf ^\) g :rN ST $1 -,r FUn\ulL ia' Revised 5/L/92 Date Received by the Conmun:-ty Development Department : IPPIITCf,TIOtr 'ORCONDOUTI{IUU./TqWEOUSE PI.AT RItr/IIiIf(Chapter L1.22 Vail Municipal Code) (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE) -.- ,1A. APpr,rcallr-- --1L4, ilooJ l" ll MAILING ADDRESS s, B.APPLICAT'IT' S REPRESENTATIVE iii,i:S:r' ! 19ggr HONE;fS*s.J.s.lJtsg 'aeY rLrNG:fu:_. CHECK * abffi ,VvXiv (l'!t' '' ADDREss )7^ (S<rOqr sr , t pnoNESJ@-c-?J_ c.PROPERTY qflIER' S SI IIAILING ADDRESS D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAI: E. F. APPLICATION FEE $1OO.OO MATERIALS TO BE SUBMTTTED: L. Two mylar copies and one paper copy of the subdivisionplat sha1l be submitted to the Department of CommunityDevelopment. The plat shall include a site nap withthe following requirernents : a. The final plat shall be drawn by a registeredsurveyor in India ink, or other substantialsolution, on a reproducibLe medium (preferably mylar) with dimension of twenty-four by thirty-six i.nches and shall be at a scale of one hundred feetto one inch or larger with margins of one and one-half to two inches on the ]eft and one-half inch on all other sides. b. Accurate dimensions to the nearest one-hundredthof a foot for all lines, angles and curves used todescribe boundaries, streets, setbacks, alleys, easements, structures, areas to be reserved or dedicated for public or common uses and otherimportant features. Alt curves shall be circulararcs and shalL be defined by the radius, centralangle, arc scored distances and bearing. All dimensions, both Linear and anguJ-ar, are to be determined by an accurate control survey in thefield which must balance and close within a limitof one in ten thousand. c. North arrow and graphic scale. d. A systematic identification of all existing and proposed buildings, units, lots, blocks, and namesfor al.l streets. e. An identification of the streets, alleys, parks, and other pubJ.ic areas or facilities as shown on the pfat, and a dedication thereof to the public use. An identification of the easements as shown on the pLat and a grant thereof to the public use. Areas reserved for future public acquisition shall also be shown on the plat. f. A writt.en survey description of the area including thetotal acreage to the nearest appropriate significantfigure. The acreage of each lot or parcel shall be shown in this manner as wel]. srREEr moress qSz q'", Ca.eo DR,/ /*, i/A) LOT:{ BLOCK:_SUBDrvrSror\t PNolf/4Qz,(DATE) g. A description of all survey rnonuments, both found andset, which mark the boundaries of the subdivision, an.da description of all monuments used in conduct:r_r? th: t.lsurvey. Monunent perimeter per Colorado statutes. Two - perimeter monuments shall be established as majorcontrol monuments, the materials which shaLl be determined by the town engineer. h. A statement by the land surveyor explaining how bearing base was- determined. i. A certificate by the registered Land surveyor asoutlined in Chapter 17.32 of this title as to theaccuracy of the survey and plat, and that the survey was perforrned by hin in accordance with ColoradoRevised Statutes 1973, Title 38, Article 51. j. A certificate by an attorney adnitted to practice inthe State of Coforado, or corporate title insurer, thatthe owner(s) of record dedicating to the public thepublic right-of-nay, areas or facilities as shown thereon are the owners thereof in fee simple, free andclear of all liens and encuribrances except as noted. k. The proper form for filing of the plat wittr the Eagle County clerk and recorder. 1. Certificate of dedication and ownership. Should thecertificate of dedlcation and ownership provide for adedication of land or improvements to the public, allbeneficiaries of deeds of trust and mortgage holders onsaid real property will be required to sign thecertificate of dedication and ownership in addition tothe fee simple or.rner thereof . m. AIl current. taxes must be paid prior to the Town,sapproval of plat. This includes taxes which have beenbilled but are not yet due. The certificate of taxespaid rnust be signed on the plat or a statement from the Eagle County Assessors Office must be provided with thesubmittal information stating that gLL taxes have beenpaid. n, Signature of owner. 2. The condominium or townhouse plat shall also include floorplans, elevations and cross-sections as necessary toaccurately determine individual air spaces and/or other ownerships and if the project. was built substantially the same as the approved plans. 3. A copy of the condominiun documents for staff review toassure that there are maintenance provisions incfuded forall commonly owned areas. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEW CRITERIA Upon receiving two copies of a conplete submittal along withpayment of the appropriate fee, the zoning adninistrator shallroute one copy of the site nap to the town enginecr fcr bisreview. The zoning administrator shall then conduct this reviewconcurrently. The town engineer shall revj-ew the ,subnittal andreturn comments and notifications to the zoning adrninistrator whoshall t.ransmit the approval, disapproval or approval withmodifications of the plat within fourteen days to the applicant.The zoning adninistrator shall sign the plat if approved orreguire modj.ficati-ons on the plat for approval or deny approvaldue to inconsist.encies wit,h the originally approved plan orfai.lure to make other required modifications of the pIat. FILING AND RECORDING The zoning adninistrator shall be the final signature regui.red onthe plat so that the Department of Community Development will beresponsible for prompt.ly recording the approved pJ.at with theEagle County Clerk and Recorder. Fees for recording shall bepaid by the applicanL. The Conmunity Devel.opnent Department willretain one mylar copy of the plat for their records and wilLrecord the remaining mylar copy. Revised 5/L/92 IJ If this application regr:ires a separate review by any }ocal, State orFederal 199ncy_ 9!her than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall beincreased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are riotelirnited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access pelmits. Army Corps ofEngineers 404, etc The applicant shaLl,be responsible for paying any publishlng fees whlchare in excess of 50* of the application fee. ai, aE the applicant,srequest, any matter is post,poned for hearlng. causing the rnatter to bere-publisheC, then, the entire fee for such te-publication shal1 be paidby the applicant Applications deemed by the Community Development Departnent to havesi.gnificant design, land use or other issues which may have a significantimpact on the conrnunity may reguire review by consultants othe! than townstaff. Should a deternination be made by the town staff that an outsideconsultant is needed to revj.ew any appllcation, the Community Developnent may hj.re an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amoun! of moneynecessary to pay hi-m or he. and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he fiLes his application with the Cor:ununit.y Development Depart.ment. Upon conrpletion of the review of theapplication by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by theapplicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to theccnsultan: shal.l be returned to the applicant, Expenses incu:red by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid tothe Town by the applicant sithin 30 days of notification by the Town. c ++ JSJ'Joo * t'{ 44 o.+ I I l!t l$ttt{ -G .lilJtt. - rlrq, lr (al 'l.|!t ttlL-.r .E-., .trrtt|tr .3-''||rg7. E d td- r- il, brfar.f. .u -lD- aI ItEEtIIt --, .r. --..-.tr, --E - rllllEl. r.Etrt tsrr- - -(O tEat-hIlrE.mbFrt.oC e! ;gtf - olJr uil fts t irlrtra ot .tr {E: rt a Fabt8$- !91t. - - lt, rylf- nll -r. n .ll oC t rdd -r!|aEa.- a.lrr-rrt-d --l|Glt dcr.lb tlL h.l6cl-. 0l 'bo Ets. nr rd bclnb r (ll lll tI frfrfff - .t:frc - l-rf - .i-a Dt rb bsl ot t[tEwt os Ltrqf|r c. llt f--a ct ddrts.tL. d Dqr!!..rlrEE. sl||s oa tqllrr ol E iErim o!-ta t (31 ts n Ad.sd c.q.n b1t &clt cr. (tl 'fr.l.cto ol lblt mr'or 'LcLllo'roa lb &r 6 ndt farFctrtta. r Cotos.&Dotgsotlt cstFr.tlc. lla sttttnt. of nErrpG.cro.d ltFft .C -t-.Llt |trsr b -lrLtsrtl- ot tltro-frf- tDt6, .- b fr ol i&n ttdl b.lrol tb {ara ot Cb c.l ndrr rlt oC tll. ofifdc 98oFo!. (rt !t'or "trr nI al tDf&. tb -it!..sl!g.cftt ol b LI lc3lI I[s .ll ol ll. lttt G!tr.tL tlocs rd aLrrda iltr rd rTr od!.s drr '{!.' or{Laa-tlc pfu .l)lctff r FrE ol o. .ll ot d|r {!ltsvr-rlta. Gt 'DlLlry'D.L r battatE t{rroi.rDt : ':qrtrlng. P.rt ot l:h. DcqFrttl. -2- . iltlrul .-D -- tbt-d-. 5r.,-qftiiE i#,eil*aE# t. t.* -.ll bor_rrr rrt- r -*'r t lo.FF*EiTfi*F,9eqrr FEDt tb oEA.a rl. f :ti.ffi:=:qf!^l$4.r. rd lFeE .s.bdil.:-p::tn 3s:Frr {i.Bf,.f.imtbrtt or llrffi*rHHRaffilt-.Eor,oilt8 i--;;lgpg":tT ;.--1frpffi; fi ffiff*r...*3.,i:: :f,fgt :t lli{{1il;tr H E tr f:i.!t llal atabat u nli--- ..{"t "x r-!- rB"tr o t'D. iorr.l * --.ltr:y-:9:1=!: ot-:!!F:t 'Tl fig;:'.:E?i:,:*':.!*:t-s."iE F H..rc o'I f IIlf!.:_.:- e rler-Fr. onriE-iilili...cll.l'.3"l5x_ :1;1taFDb-i"lr: ;.F;.JA:ffiEuaLt rt r"or mrr,-i-frmt. rffi o rt#rGr-l'*drta; .-.i{3:Ik*:f fn:**l' &il:i-gffil?F-:ti&;;x-;. los or:?9::'rJi'riir u" E*5#'"ruffi*ry, :Effii':L"J::1":L ^. ^- E ffi#fsffii$; Fj-ffi s;;;1**""" #d! b. - ELr' b lt '! cDa ' lt.fIght, to b' Fff1i'16.;;-rJrr-oi orn"t"3 :f ;];ffi.3 foH3ts .:E ;'j"lli :F.igE":lAll:'""ffi^{n:.dq:*:ffii'gi':;lEaDfa bclr al It F EEt '!' - - tl c-n aleEEEaG-!?.rr-or qirc-'o:-:!-5-"!;}.si o, lhilrd co-!Elt'SI'i'fiilG..ilil.'t"-irJlr6inr or rrrrt'd co-! E;t os to riotri rnlc o' Eoit' ' Er ro b iDt ator o: lll_qTl::.::t:S:*::l:r.- o3?8ffi ,;fri;, i:11i*r'::"1'i:"ip:?83;S-.ry-SrEEEi 4F:*=FF-1:-* :,'nli,::"i=i3i""'o( .[ ot cr 985.r -i.;FG"ILca or th. L.oclationrgfn r:ltlln @15.a !1 -- -,. -. -r-,r.n-?ir oroela!.d, hdefii"!.t:pff6.;;;r-iriir tL oro.* I provliloil, horever, '--i tt .d aao t. .--LIiiJor ttr rsllg:1o:-:r-i'Yi'tLt l! rd ilt 4t 1rtt t 1! .lEr oDs- .. -ai--jtir-Li.p"irr5r" tor atr of 9Fl-F t*'3::.= or tb. ttrre.d r+.o*"tt irrarr ueffii-F -5J.tr;-;t *.1-:'1a6 a-F. !.Epr'Ert'' ;"fr;r;;:-tb.C ot ru€h tqrrov.Bnt!L a-rtEt|llt b..- Irt s !. tl, i!r+. .lli. ,li'"gHf;3ii"-b d b d! tD "-;;-6;l l"F lf:-TStuPeortins ealr3' lbrt8{rl.(tcD.t""i-i*it-iftiitatoPra't'r-'-<fl'Pt\rrdl'y =#H*FEiHi=*fl iiE Sii""Fil r Td irffiffi ft :i:"J.r-fr '*si, iii:l#l :*:i:u - -.u DG D. de i'iril"y-".r11t1.. runntns through lr dt -r.r rtlr -"' 6;-*:-iTl:rf*":3.:.:1il: :1"ffi iffiiilft *:ll* rPliif r$::,"1'", ",;t .ial oa b.tt a qu.lrq' r?.fltHril #r:trfli:#E: ., iii" "" ffi+:T*t pilffIlil:i,,,.", iEfi:'&;ddii-'oa rrpt tn r'prlr bv th€ * f#'t$ s'"il'"xii!'S':"'1ll.i?':i; *" t BY-Lawt.-;l-€5T;- llttri-r.tGi.'r ot rncor,trra ion and ;.R]*l-l:":":":.l3';'.;';lni.lf .',,'Fir-c. tr.t to r' th' s^rE t' 'Y -t- -t-..-r'-** rtt rrD ln9 9t er' ) the Dd ttr ct- b tl-. t ll:r - to -ttt .bff bgt€d. !o8.tr rtl- b tttrrrr - (b .- loa a-For tsrcttr rrllrt c b||, rLrr.l-L ft| t- nrfUfItGt or h.!a ot Et cbsr t! tD. r- ot t{t r.lccLcltoa D.lllt ot tb orur orr La r lrloDat caL. !t a! aiFtrr+tdu|8. l?.tla€l.r.tlG if. Ed b t t?fddh.!.to Dr Efl orL.. F: blr{ Fnt (loCt) ol ct*Dr. (b..d o. .lgtrl.b $rrtlt, f! tb pE -t -.rrslbtr o Fc. los ..d Gitl .b.lt ct b bl&t cC .rytt6ru Ertlqraa 08 Ea ol trr|t ccrrfry c .lt cClTuy or rll oldalllrr |nltr uant.Dnafy ooaet r- a{aa.to .u.b r|'oortto o! rfut b.' trtrnt (a, -lt tt|cEtld,br.ir. tL Fsct t ol & di rL.a ffta!-l lr tbtrnt m al,-!cr rl?rstr.Dt to aaol Gtt, r .{|caaa.db 61. D.cl.8.ttoa, d^lt D.Ir r Da.Tnt cte8retc ad aD.U Dt D. .ltas.d rltlEt f:fa oaGt ol .ll ot fb o*'rlalrr ult orrrt r. .{'c.arad b. ihlt t.orlrt Drantto thta fol|ratto!. Il. ttratDlt to8 ffi tsc!.a3. li..arDcr no. qD! sr@r E Drt- rlEt crrD rrqrfrratr rrttltr{ !t tb f.D.tlq l|n!t or loat'6ot Dl!.6tora ot th Laoctrtl'oa fra ttr lo tb rr t).!l.bLLu rll o! tb codclttn qrtt orDr, f$fdf4 D.cbnrt,to provtar tot ch. 9.t'Dt ot dl .rtlrt a .rDo.- gtqrrry o|tt of or coaaaacatt tlttr :b letatur'ce rld otlrrtloa o!th. 9o.r.l c-B al-!ta. Srtd ]r rt tFt||at ' oDq otbs tblEa. tL toUotfqf .rDoraa ol r[.gr-[t, taDa rd ryechl .aaaa.-ata, uatll rcfnrrtdy .ataar.d; llratr]rrilcr llth art Ddad co!f,aagf, raa vrddlr rlal rltolour dachLt larunac rtch .D&rrotr .tt d.d l..rril l. tL .Dunt ot tDa rrlD tatthocot sth rt .lt of tb o!&- rLnl.tn unitr, cuu.ltt' .d P$ltc ll$Ufqt ud otba lD|lrt Dc. prrlr], l.ldtctPlrrg .Dd c.!a of grfouralrt lE rcvrl I c6-s utltlaa rntt hmttaat tQ'trt '!d r'rcvrtioL t g[rf|.!l. colla€tloat, ngrr, vrtrr o[atlar, lagd- rrll loooNrlc- iag tirr .{r.D... iaa ilrur'rttu lactrrrcd bt tF xra.{rq e4iat or lo.iit ot Dlr.€tort tDd.r ot by rtr.ol ot thl. bc- lirrtloat tba Palrnt ot lltt atallclc r-'ltrlng fla ' Pa'vt'ourprrlod I thr crieiloa ol r uroarbla coatlngaDct or oti.t-rorrvr or tutttlur tuad u sll rr otiar corta rEd aryalaaa r.l.tl!g Go tL grnrrl utrD alaDatr. tha 6l!sl'on or tattur.-ot tL !;.d to tlr Gla tlaarrnt for .ny Dath ahrtl mt ba dad I J.trtt, Ddltlortlon or. tala.ta of th' orDr' tron tb.lr obllgrtion to P.Y. lr. tDruntr€a. Tha frlaf lng lgaBt or ao'td of Dlr'ctorl rtrrtt obtrtnTfilEfntrt'n rt ru-ttr. lD.ur.nc. ol th. :yF 'Dditrl Dtoytd.d balalnaDoYr, .nit grotacttDt lor ruclr otbar r1':r, oi i 'rlrffrr or itlttlrllri na:Gr, .a rt or rhrl r h'r'lft'r "urta.rtfy ba Jovtrad rltfr nrgrit Go oth.r .Pnt-nt or co$do- rrnlt! butal tat., f!'rtrt ., rqu-l1nnt rtrd Fr'on'l rroP'rt]'. -iiiirrr in onitirrctroa, oirlia iad ure, l-lurd by r'tPont trtr lnrur.trc. oo$nr'ar ruthortr. to do burln !. ln- dta Strt' .' f color.do. Thl b.rtc tlr. .nd artandad coulraga lnaur'nc' on c.ondonlnlur unttl rnd thr qgnrnt a@n alarnta lnaunnc' .hal.l b. c.rrltd tn blalla; Dollcy torr n ring tL lrtocllti' iq th. tnrur.d, uhlolr Fllst'- or pittctor 3h'll.ld'ntily cha ..intar.rt of rech condoitntui unli ownrr and rlrtch rhlll grovi(' for a ltrndard, non-conlrtbutory Ertgrgac ckuaa ln lavpr of Gach firat rFrtgrgaa, and ahrll furthcr provldo tjr't lc ctnnot lr€ cancallad -5- t6 *,ffi 1 'r-Etf. lfi #si.H:ffi dtH,hr'#:f :l i' " FSHE llHiH: ii $i;::'""- rII 3uDS -ltes8egto rny l.[-drt ll'nt i trvor ol (b, lll .u rH.gS?## .rfr- l'' E D. r,acorta b tbr,pEslr ot L{tL. aC. i.ffin r.s.br. ..".+t-{?4ffi"n A.ftilEi;fl; H Hry!ffi :#**[:]*.H;iHSffi :ril'::'ffi1;.1'U'#t';;Ti: Iit" *ir.r.. .a-- tic aDqtc ot tDr_oca !+aDaaa .trtrt ai|.lrt a6€DdorlDll! rntt rh.ll .i"_4 . {t bt ot tb. aD8 riasut.t_.lt_ qr th. .r...-!t t. r.d.. surt to noJiIrrt.tos qrrc coG-rryra !i.' b. rratrrJ;tg.lkcrotllt or hlvlDg tt ll.! t.curfq t.;. ---. ll' aaOa.DG.t bfdf!, . llo o. . odlolltra cltry Fy .l1r ueald c!.rp.!a_ p3y.bl..fii rrlge.t Go .uctuntt, rDat rDoD rdr D*trnt incl -el;Tlt;;i -oirr b.r . lt a:? ;i3;:r::9..T-riorn. erro oiEitili ;;i ;_it 1i;_ .- EHS$: rtr;*"i$.ffi: i: t=m;*"s* *;1..u. . ert*.n rtr^rrai,..rittin9 r"ita-G li"iii "r GD. rry.tdcflron .rFnn, lt rav- rftl rrigecl to tl"El-j..t uEIt, rh..D.,n! ot r!..curr.nr 5a.ory ;fi;.;; it ii,L.. .ucr r...r_iHIIFlLiF:drJiiit$ s"rffisflLtr.;il*#*::i=gr sbdl b._ 6aclortv.. qF! tb erlocrrir& h !.roa otii:.Es;"* il'#Tffi {B:: slT;;T,':*-:A*:r :11- :"?"19. coDn .ryr!3rr vrur -rrrprci-tiil-loif ..t ult r drrii::'.f #'S*':.ff3.ffi:!:;*1l5"&iu-t.t to u. t1:313 :iF. ii:l;:"s:i,"Y:,iH"n **:lli[." :?:t;:l'L. ir.:.:I_ b:.hli:--p.Frtlon t rhrn'oi tn ."c;;*p. i..r rD to i ^;:il : :;{i,r t:T:":ff "?FT, o::"T:..r:.*;. f ? $.;;thc sr.at . ur.r.fon Dlovrd.d _t*il;; 6.;'L; p.!. \ rr or Ircaronr.btr fcr not ro riloera qriii'iiirJ;; ;t.'rF, . lcrcn {ii;'}:;rfiI"".!? :b !ot."9 dt, tb cot or tt. o8;rE -igrry urcu- =..g-A.$ _!Gl-$t rcr rrrrrcot tril; ti, any cnartiFE?t"ffi:.,;:,.?lffi ffi giylx5 ii1'S._Er!!1l, Tc. tl. ur6crrtro. ri rco! -iE;; of h.!.brGdr:.rgt q ffi:,"- aELs_ff , ;ffi:s,ti:l. *if *r"l.: ::;;;"rt#ffi ;;. *ffi :ffi mi;"'#.*isF#Hru*H'rll1rtf-, lt-a ttor Cc.-.rp.ara., roi otfri oblfgrtio-'o!.d Dt ttr bohrrtron, tha fartriieiG -r-'ii"o.por"tronslti{f r,,:Lffi?:.#*H-lr*; gHH*"::?-!LTF!!!! rqrhi, .u "i rtr-iGi;,-La" lnd ,.nrcr€3tb:f f Sr-r;aer uor;.;ii ftil"li'iJitiiil'# lliEg5.;t!P_::1l111o.--F.ltct.r'rn iiiclua-il precaa up:JHil*:ildii:; F .f!: ru rreri bi'. s.o.Iil;Lil-iid'iirjl$'r: n=.:9,:: D h...;-;;-ti.itf ilI.liiii,,.g =_!.q!p T*to rDrtc. ti.r.ot rogcttr.r silh ar.o!_q+ ott r .Dd !tr t tr tlrro5r. sucrr lolice.l-D.-d- gtia Go .li-roci oraor. rt-aciivJiiiOt DffrOa.. tll, or lccr th.n rll - 6r +ra ---- Bartl|t:ta. lll, or lcsr ttr.r.Il, of the ra_t!89s* tb ao..!a of DirrcEorr. or n r-rr.b hrof_ Dl,rrctorr 1 or r parton nrurd Art!. lD tDa cvaDt rny ovnerar.nta ah.ll rlsh to sclL lraiarar or laar\.. g1r4t-99. ror"te-;;-r;i;' .l"aiiil"'JHi.r d €d! tt'ooa .. act fortb in trrc oiieijEl'^lF! rtto ot .Gb .l.ctloD to purchalet b ..lltI-aaUlq or laulng oyn"r. rnd a $Echinc3 la lE<wlabd to tlra rallln€ or lca.tnd oC Crovlod - to tlha ralllng or lc.3lnglElod lrdt.t ly foi lortng rha - !. Do. fld. o!Lr- lnd copy ihere;or.|Ilrta pao-yld.d .tr 1I not rpply tor tar! of laaa tDrn Urrre huna'ed 'Ca abaU rrtcaEt Go a.ll or Fbt oqrlata co4t trncc ulrn rhea-tltlrllLd, rtsh .rrlc or i.a!€ rharl -ll caL! lE t rle rr Intcreet !.C-rcttt o( ray rnc . .'aG, lnrli beflala a! .8. .Dpllc.b-. :o thr ied3.a alla alpttc.b:. :o thr iedsingtl tt o. rlght firrt rcfusitaltllT- Ol|a, nott- nstanrling arraald Lntarar: .a lrovidGd her--,n. I riri.-l- tt ! I- !nt ry :t rt rl it xl;Li::riS3$iil}.#sitili:$fi *_". . lt t tlBs. "q, g:^n?!!..r- b, tr. rorrat ot Dl!.ct r. rorr!cI.. ci. sl$t ct I**J:E,:.H:'.;ffi$EtSHFTtr u-* .,..,.o,F-I'*: :l'i'.*ffi *#TSHgSH.d Cl.yCoD a. !rns. s:::j;:_:-&l:,"q:ni: !tH,f HE :,':; f1,...Dart 9a., .r.t .rrrlcor_or r cognraia-ilr;:;r9.., irr.o.t arlqor cp.ElrlDg ht. _r!G.r.rt-.i.u rior_p"i.fi; ;t* h.tr.un. cfff's.fidt :nH.,:?*.it tril*"*il ffi*ffii#;.l'l* ,HS.H".'.or prrrgrq& .aa, Dut .l.r a i r ru -ol. ionc, t;;.:.3.ffi 'd.$.S"t:S1;"Hf *BffiEo rr prorr.ion ot tlrt r -Dcl.r.itoi-fi-dr;-rt1r-. .rort tD.trr qr purcb.r.r oa ruci_tor.€roiuri-ril. -i E r._ d.r .dq..6 gtYtln la lhu ot io!.ctorsr., fr tb -foiCii ot tL tlrrtFii:F.::':'"li.fifitiFfr!:"i* Sft*"F.-ih'-'$:::$":: ff:s;*.'g :ff lF.g;H.i;'-$55"r- p'o'r.roolTrtf,ll$ifi"Ti?t'a' ra' '1'o 'q't ttu th. . (., lia tratrataa by .?.ratlon o, l.r o! .Jotnt - r.n.nt'. rnt r..t' to- ;- iuriirii-lii"tCatrnt (r I r - (b) - It|. tr.nrtar ot I &c..red. a lrtaraarro r d.et... o! d.vt.... uv iiii-"i lri f,iL.t lar und.r lat..ttry lcri; (c) - ltr. tarart s of .tL or .!y ttalt of aparta.r.r tnt r.r! r. r r.3ut r ot iritoiriir.drath. or oth.trt.., t" tt--r._Iil;Eiil;i :=:yrtn on th. Frtrnr?nrp Urrraoi l"d/"-;-l?:r!?T "r Frroa. bcorlag p.rtrrr r e ti.rrrie r::-:::-:I p:T ot r p.rcsr'r or p.rtn r..rnEaraatl DaEaan oDa or Era pritnf:t rnd.Zorto Frrotrr baaorlag lr.rtlaro, . (d) Tta tr.nrtor ot . eottrorrtlon.rrnranat to dra pat rona lotrriy orf|lDg thartocl_ ol. thd corlnnttoa rt tic'roult'of ioratolutlon. A trrtutar to tha raaulrlngantlty lollorlDg . cortFrrta rrqrr or c5..rorlo.tlon, provldad. lrcrwr, thtt rt loaittrrty parcant ol tha a toct of tha raaultinq.'|?tty tr oyn.d by tha rtockhotdtrt -;i-;h.. cgrpo!.tlon lorrrly oY|tlng tha c€ndoitnttrl lf ch! ornar of I aondool,nlur unlt can aat..)lirh to ttlct.tlrf.ctlon ot th. [.n.9in9 Ag.nt ". Bo;;d Ji.'oii"c,o., tn.t " - l0 - .'taF.aa trutas L Et a a.L oa L.aa, or . tubl..rtagca atr-tlT. trb d . can[L8 a[.ll Dt b. aubra€t ro th.PrwlaLd ol ratafr.Dl tl. la. u||oo raft-r! or .D ir) liCh rIF€t E . IrsroD.aaa I{- oraar. rt-r ?rsq8aga la, tD.t gr'olas. Dtl'c.r| tln bt t| t.Ulry o8 L..lq ar8 alatCLC tb rr-lrL t o[. aL FC at3t qt aEEL- tfal'8 q). to to Frd.- oa lrra, (Dl l|'tt tItf,\:! to . al-il l! ll.u olbr*loosr to r ltnt DGGF{f, ot ttrdra r$ I {rd tr .[d itr.t FrtgrgL..a lta Fln. Flsa|ralt to prn4rrgL 25,tt!L(5urht3tglrubl1.oot tosGlcr rd [a. Dt -Or.ct to t!.t8!?falfl ot grrqrq|b 111 lcl lltl ruFoc Go .d' @cqrl.tadE|Dt EIA 1r Dc l8 !|BC a rata orL-, t!.t ab ts.!.t s rlU Dt b. .6- traC to tlr DFvt.t-. ot Fs.4r.ph 2a. E. a8Clllc.ta .Ll't b. *luo-r. .yld.E- ol tlb btr 6i!of!.4 rbtt!. '.. tltia G., qf @&rbl8 slC b.rau i.r rbrll b.t -txt E b t .!d @nl''rioar h.rcf rtrdlqt |!rt- ol e d-d tRC tD. Dtctrrrnr oraLlt alt ot alDolDEEt ol th. rttorr-y-iD-l.ctl. lll ol tt au8. lrsaEo.bly oDrcltut .Ddffidtr broolrttoa. . 6lor.do rFD-proft t t:tt!t8 trra .Dlt Lrt\l .Ctorbtf La tleir n r, Fl.c.a ot aaattlt rltl th DtioFrty qron !,tE.a la bara.ttar provtaad. A! Attornay- . l! tE lrsaalllct. .hrU b.rr lul I rndttlbt ra IEra to ria, .nut rDd a!.-t|Dt ra IEta to ria, .nut rDd a!.-ca adr o&r tratFrDt ncr..rr! ortL lFsa L8.r' a i|rrltad rlth r.rp.ctolt {D8. Ltalr e|td r.-:a aa na lD tD ..rcc-.dlng .ub-d t*aonota to ! c-q&dltionb CD. aLri|, Ylth ..ch unlt rndierlaf thr rrD v.rtlcalIta paoc rdr of rny In- Co tlr lrrJctarrion for thrgt =ltlScgEaS'.a ii'l€a6 'Jl. errrnrtI rlScef llrlt rtgagcEE .gr!c3b grovl|loar .-rr t lorth hcreln- ;i . $, rrGn ot .,li".I3I BIE;;:r th. b.r.nc. or th. .....,_njrir.il'rl"lH: :f ff ..31,ffi.L., .',(l) tor Frlrt. :rtr'"il#.T:Ht#;.'T":"TJ"..'' * :to'JtL?.Itffirnrar,.r! rny, drrrr "* .iiil"i !E!1,'L-.ff"til j- :r i ;". ,,, " ., '"lillsr,::tlr$h1*ii***1,,Tiffi i*' - 12 _ ffiffir:ffii'.HliffH:'*. :ffi*fifiS*aare ry Fa l'*r":ron;a;G-t"-;.t-:.r. -5;ET* jf-'51,ff-" -F5.--si_!:lfl-€iffiffi1;g1;.i;1*irob coalda |r'rlt. In ot ri. t .ctr't o, lE lilr r- qg?t l't'atlttd#sHffiEsfr:lE "-.,*ffirHd:f;ffq:ffi*:?ffiF,&EffiffiS.ffit'ffi:Htftffi'ofij'ffi#*.rffi:{fft'*,." Ef"i!i'.#"fi E iit'r;'i"6t' tt tb o-4. "t "'!s:.3lff":t:ffHd"illT;"'Et, .&lt r Pl.! lo8 r F*ffi f;ffi* ii-'rrti"t Drce'{t'or'-ti'n rrr;i.E"-.r.".i"".ffiffi H^llS r*' l'x ft ffitH#f,'bt:Hll'.d .b.ll b it[ alar D{ :H.r'n:"51 -t%Hff:t*$:**t_ :to Gtota tL tag.tl ol Ht"qiffi gffi-f i;*i'* :':sr- ;i f,*m-%llH:'-l; pcoirora ra- perrsrren -2i' rl rfl1cL8 t!.t to. J;;;;ti|oa ' rr^rttorncv-ln-f'ct '#'t,," tDr.o"gh it) ot tlt. D't'{nDh ' (af) O!a3t ot thr" qr'8t't' or-Dr'^9!-: Q unrta .tt otall ' q)o[ tL u"rfi;;tp;Yrl.or^cona' . of arl rtt.ot a unt rrsqrrIilii-tef": ttt :!1-: '! 'rar connon .tont of urr plogrrtfiro irUe5frtl-enA th't-r ! 3ata' .hoollt b. r.tt nat 9. tiLilitt"tta ' rn ruch^lnr ancc ' Lher-' t!. .rtaat ttrrtst tnlii- m-gtytll' by rlr of th! ownerb - t3 - ot .d inr.l m alGta .a cDo Ggra. r psotld.d,blrns ' tLt.otf aEf Dt.ltaat.q ta ad ldl ot r.-aon.trcttd! rtf tlr Gltt.E ECl.r F tb faraLtlooth.t .toi rtrtt -.:ll D. Fohd bt tb L-cLtlDr toati. l.t8 rrt t nla tLtrl. lt ad ar |ral ti.Laocbttor sar atsr- c b td,r rstac itD tlrrul, tlra.!ot .d. .Ltl D. co-tl rftfb Cllrtl ilrt|r tlrrc-.tt r:. lt b pa*fx atla olaDla to atrl. fr d.ta riG.ltDGr Fatt Dtlttaa tba otLr t!.t b o! lt tt ttlDt brgrr r:l,tl tla otbr .Lll Da tlr .r-trg a.t ' ttarilcn all Faloda ot tt- nClJorl iac.l! atdl br r.'rt.d.rlChln ctr o {ra loUalt tb .n.E|fry 6.ca, a.c! Fsctr||rll nbru. u r6l|lrttc fr ratCfry, .ra rDdff lrlb Dtloot arNt duclo to tL oCb Frqt, .q' .oai {[,Grf..r.b.ll b. . a-lrot .d qu.fttLa to i.L .t|Erl..l| oto!ad,!lc rad r.dlrr tlofiaqt l! !l L i.onaqt, Olost&.Il .ttD.a prsql trtla co rL rnof nhcroa, ltr .tDcrltcaLa.t a rf,rll, rrt.hb tlrr dryr .tt a .htelt t tb otLa Draqr, .Folut ud r!.ocl.t rltl btr rF& alrlLsltq||.lflbd rg9Erlrr. lt tb s q?rr! r8r d.a!to.t .l btt.L p.8tta., or aal.ot d tnr. rlt fcrta l& U araot otb iLt.rlt ot ola D.rt!r, .8. [!.DL ro tttr:-. tl.t d.ffqt|rotDt .Dtlas atrtl.slt q'l.flltaal aDD8allc to ba erllt-a.tor bato ct-, lt t'hfr ou r|tr- oc .S Fsao. tCCf,.t .t u.Dl. to r9!- qpo aoci .ttlt8rto8, tl- brttar ab.ll Da -ttlad F8.u.ot to tL tql- ot tb b8lo.Dlabltr.tlor &roal.tloa. iti. aLcl.lotr ol tb rpa|l..r. ..to t5r hlr rtt t r.l[, or lD tb crr of tlrlr .lr.qrrerat. tLD ru-h drotrloa ol lD. .tDl !8atos .b.ll b. lt!.lull btdll4. lt ol)oo.d l-a ol ad .|||Erl..sr 08.r'bttartor or boti andl Da bo&u {urUt bt tL faroctrtls.nd tba oI! s. ltr reb ai.ll b. oD.ctad rtthb llltE al.ya tboraaftar, aDa tia baoctatloo, aa rttoslat-ltr-troC,rbfl dt.bur.. .n,.h ptoqa. .r la ?royldad h r$DrrrlrrFhr(bl (rl tlrougl (tl ot tll. Fs.{s.$. (al fii.r. ot :ltr- q|l.at aa ot tD. rllcta.l 6ltt rt.9r.. t?h.t tla garnl ccD alrltr ol tDa PaoFrqt raaobaot.i. rld th.t tla ..D abcld b. .ol.l. auci .|Er!trr!t. h!94 thc |'r-rl ror att)rov.l of atttY rlLotaal fltatErtg.gt . ln trEh ln.t no, tba LFchtl'oE rLll torthtth ncord r Dtto. rattl.g forth arEh l.cta, rld q|o! tD. r.cot{llg of .uch Dtlc. by th. Laocl.rloara PlatldaDt,tb. .rtlr. .ltact d Pr-t.a..hdl b. .olil bV ti. ItDcl.tlon.ra .ttorrly-t!-fact tos au of tta rtflcted dtata. llaa .ttd ct..r ol U- grovl.lona ci'ntrlnll la 6!t Dact.!.tloa,tb iaP rfil tla ry-bl.. lb r.lar Pro€aalb lh.ll D. .PDor- tlot|.d- Dadaa! auctt orDatr orr tia br.lr of a.cf orrra Frcaotagf, Ltrtaraat ta tha g|.Etal oma alcnta. aDd auch ap?ortlonad Proaadr rball b. P.lal lnto r.P.r.ta rccount.riirrrntlng- ..ch cotlal{itl'r ilttt. Erch .uch .cc'ruat .hrll b. ln- tla !.nr'of tla ttaoohtlo!. .r|d atralt b. tutth.r lal.ntlfted W thr adtr o? tha [Dt!.!d tha n r of 6. or|xr. lror dch rrprretr aoco[trt, lha Aaaoclatton, ra attornay-ln-frct,rhell ur. .nd atlaburaa t& total aDlDt of luch rcoounta, rl.-hout coDtrlhrtloD lror oar accoutrt to anotlrar. lor tha a.D pusDoaaa rrtd ln tha a.D ordat .a l'a p$ovldad in aub-p.rrgnphr (bl (f l through lil of thlr Farg. rPh 28. Parronti iaeFrir ioi Co=an Lr!e, F"l.iY ra ti-' f lnt conviyrrrT-dflfr}-EilFlnTtr unfE; -D.clrr.n' rhalr cracuta rnd dellnr e blll ot r.I. tc th. M.octrtl - i trrnt- f.rrlnq .ll l t.ra ot parronrl ProPrrty locrtad on t. rntl;a pr.Dlrca rod furnlrhrd uy orctirrnt, ,hlcli proParty \ lntcndad - la - !.t' -r ca g ad rtotDt ol tL sldalDllr uttlt otn ra.d occ?.ot . tb rroslr-tlol .t ll holil tltl. to tuch proFrty loc b ir rl otot|nc ot tb oo&hl[ !!lt dr-r. rndo-?rta. Io cr oaU b.i altz oc!.s llt 8.3t or r1gtltftrto .!d .ll ..d stl|t .!d ht r..t rb.lt rD.oluErytadrata q|.6 tb mr'r taalilrtto ot orDrrblp ol h'.6blr! trrtt. -iL.o&lslrr orrrr nrt .!a tdflDL .Dd btalglbl. 9.rro.ral DCoScct ad tqr alqnaa of b rD btr a.la or otD.tri..,.d tL b-tloi,.f l!bs..t lD .o' .trd 98o?.rqt .hdf b.GUd t S o {d,rlr crn b tb a.- pro'$)rtloD. .rr5tr lrgotfi tlcartata ta tlr grDsaf co.l-Dtrd aLll Dt Da t!a!ata8.DL @atlt tltt r t8.!.Lr ot Iodlt|l 6lt. A t8.rLr ot r o&blrr rlt .[.lttsl!a!.r to U tta!-Lrs drsa!''p ol tb t8.a.t ror'.btl€l.f bbtEt I' r||d t .t ot Fr.6.l Fof.aty tttb-a|t a{r ttlgu bluto. laat orrr E |taa d tlrl .Dd Fcaarf gcoDarqt u .c@tt|.D tlth ltr tpslE- lor ddcl lt lr Letalia, rdtio[t lbifrrfry or @ro.oD|'tt qFa t!. lrrfuls&i!r ot b otlas orDaa. 8.1. of c!. €adclritr urdtdat tia tccrolorrt af.ff tbrllt ratltb tL Purcb...r tot Doatto{.f bbst.t I! tb. sad .d Fraoorl DtoP.rty.tn'clrt.d vl?.l tb loa.olo..d ooa-lDlrr rDic. !O. rarl|'lr ol btlar. tr.b {rr .!.ll r.gltt rrrr r$Iii?ffiI1Ef,-Er LocirGlor, . t.E ttG torEtlft at bta ua ctb8 soutln Dtlo., dl otb.!rtl'd 08 (hada tltd to ba xrrad qroD !n orDar rbrllL aot Dft altbs laglttatad or arrtlfhd rll, Doatr$ Prs-t r,al. -rrt a.i b tia n of tDa dra rt aEoh r.gllt r.d -ltlt dlaaa. lll Dtto,d-alda oa ot!.r Etlo.L& co Da -8ra fE tta l.nretae lq|.!t oa t!. Eo.ral ct DitEEra ot li. r..oobttoa ai.ll ba ..ttt by ordtnrrt oa ctltLal rll, tFat{a rcrrul, tD nEfr.. coDdalnltrf..oct ctc, D. o. lor t?a, Y.ll,6lor.di; ?l6t?. &t tl,t.t Dstg !t-, QoD r.qD.t. .b.l'l b. .B-gttlal b roGlc trl ala L.ocLtlotr oE LD.tlDg lt Dt utral r CL a- cr,!c[t ldrr .t ltr Drcg]gpt. * r crrb rrlrllf c|lt of or talatlq to tblr Dacl.trtro!, or cha bra.ch ticli' aalt b. rttl.d blt .6lttrtlo. ln rccodrDc. rlth I sol- of tb -sloar lttltrltlon Aaaocl.tlon. .d tudg-nt qF.r tL .I|so ru&r.d bt t!! r+fE!tor(.) Dy b t3. ta8loa cl f&rl8lr Orrrhl'p. 'lta raDlr.c.gr..-. ffitaElo1 trE E11a i.p dalt (o6tte rotll tila Dacla8rtlo! l. s.toLil Punu.nt to Fs{Eli l? ot tlL bala8attco or rDtll tttd!.tad gurauanr to actatttsrDit (ot .d (.t ot FsrgrrPh l? ot thlr D.clurtlon. tt. ttlll* (al lt atttt of tL Provlaloar ol urt. rcl r.tlonor |!tf Fsqaq5, aaata[oa, olaEaa, Din.. o'rctl, ortla q|lltoai,lo! tDalst la rU' oirotnt no.r \. ln'rlt- a!rc.d, rEb llt ltlllty .D.ll oot rlt.ot thG v tdity of tha rrbdas ol thlr Drohr.tJso' rnd tl't rpt. .:.ertionof rtry ash troslrroa r Darrgngh, Ltrtanro, cl . \ \., ptrt.ar or sor6 ln rny o6rr olrouatrnc.. .hrl. ot b6rtfaot-d ttr.rsbt, b .rt 6ost ber{nq lutiri[otloa tlt.r.ot. - 13 - o -g!- tt Fwf.tc.E .tb b.t.s.Gta.t ll f.l"o'ffii$trffi'rll otbs Dcorfrfd ol ll. _- (91 b!q.8 ca bo|I. rfr tL 6trEG 6.lt:Tl!I.trx- D6lrff. Q rl{!t.8 t|rtar ...ll lrof!.b tl9-u!!r I tD. Dllr.l U .lqoLs, .d ri. ur ot rar;r&r.bU fDrd- .rf Fbr. -.f,':ffi.Efll"I!'!! !u orr '=c'd tlr',.q ct $_, rrt. qF^q4.-- Ir!rr.l l|fllSll Ir^tt c oot4lF ttrr.Coot|qz ol lrtla ) ,a, lb t4rslptlg tnrtnDrt r.a a€tEl.dea.t brlon r||L. F dry o! l|& . 1973, D? ClrtrtoG t.-?D.c!, L. E.lltltr, u-r. |t|mc A. ;Jr'5s-. fltbtr rt h.!n .!d Iil c-l.aloa aq)hfar r -16- tm SIfiE Of @toUtirtt t --uat cotNnt. r ldr crr lt *i le- r Ei L46c'.i r. r.y of,o tuJl vfunZJ' /(e.&-ta r 6dy rwdrJ /€;e** tt ,.1r1r O ,Ata7 /itc Qo 1t 31ao(ft1 . Srrren" Snarm & Fnavrrory INc. REAL ESNATE BROKEIIS AND CONSULTANTS Z3O BRIDGE STREET vAtL. cotoRADo 81657 January 21 , 7992 TELEPIIOT{E (wr 176212r TELEFAX (303) 47&265E TO: Mary Woolard (John G. Brandt, Principal) 4251 Kipling Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 431-60704g'-766. Page One of Eight FROM: George Lamb RE; J.R.Yfoodhull - Texas Townhome #4B Attached is a seven page fax which I received this morning from lTalter Forbesr VaiL;.attorney; Arthur Abplanalp . Mr. Abplanalp is very familar with the propertyr'r the documents associated with it and the historical baskground. Rod Slifer and I recommend that you discuss any guestions you have directly with Mr. Abplanalp. "'If you need any additional documentation at' thls time, please do nor hesitaLe to contact either Rod or me. I CC Rod Sllfer Art Abplanalp OFFICES IN VAIL AND BEAVER CREEK UEN I uY;xer0I lelec0pier | ,l r: ' i t.t Il: I -ii ;. ?021 ; 1-20-$t,:i': Ii0sPill ;C0S0HIFDUNNAtsPLANALPi I ti LAw OFF|cEa CoscRIFE DUNN & AEFTANALp A FARTNEFgT{lF lr{CLUottt0 A fttotal ORAL COiPOiAl|or{ VA|L Narlet{Al Brrn K BurLo$rs Sutre 30O IO8 SOUTIT FRONTAGE ROAO WEIT vAtL, CoLoFAoo ale57 TELEFHON Er (303) 4t6-759e Tettco pr rnr l3o3l 47e-47e8 4?0?05u;# 1 It{ LsADvlLLt: CoEGFlFfi DUNN & BERRY Fr o. lol( tl LfAOVtLtET E0LOFAOo s6aat ('ID' +TF-IEAE FETEF COgGRIFF JOHN W DUHN AFTHUR A AIFLANALA JF. iIMOIHY H. EERRY ALLEN C. CHRISIENgEN IAWFENCE R HAFILAU E tOr FROM: IELECOPIER BRN{SMITEAIT GEORGE I,AI,IB MTIruR ABPI.ANAIJP TO TEIIECOPIER NO. t rRO!I fELECOPTER ITO.I (303) r76-3658 (303 ) {75-4765 DATE: 20 January 1992 Fl Excludlng thla cover Bhee!7 T pageE'ar€ belng transrlttgd. PlEaae carl (303){76-7852 ln the event of dlfflculty ltlth thts tranemlgBlon. Georget Only Mr, Da\flE ilnd !lr. getilnBr would lnterPret th€ documents aa EEG Mr, Davlr and Mr. u"*t.,.., nhcrc lc astually nore background lnvolved ln thls than the 1986 deed themselveg.- Ehere lt€ alio a 1986 lstter whlch preceedad the deedE and a 198? I€ttsr whlch followed th€ deed6. Bsth rr€l€ recordEd earllor and f,ollow thlr tranamlttll.. Both lEttarl clearly <to 4ltrutt the use of thc atttc space to storags' -Notonfy d6es tfi-e-Aeed not ltnlt'ghr ule to storag€' hut Ehe deed doci not sv€n attempt to recla6Elfy th9 spacg-rs lLnlted oomnon ar!a. Rather tt l5-deedcd ln leB to tho ptevloua owllG!. I wlll be avallebh on 1l1ueFday.".lo dl.BcusF thls wlth you furthar' Art r Rsterenset Forbeg ?Hq FiQPTTIIONAL COFFORATION I! DUNI{ * AEFLAHAIF' F.C. IN VAIL. r,nd fB-, ilur1hrcc Condomlnlums Grurt Orfvr I'r | ' b.r i.l , lt.," lu unitr {t 183 Grrf 4000 South Eellrtrr tnglewood, Colorrdo g0ll0 July 21, 1986 !t!!!lur !_. rnd lhry lf. San:r 1360 trnllnod Lrni Rfvrmootllr llllnofr 5001s oltr llr. I llrl. $nilnGrr _ VOu rrt phnnfng to purchric Untt iA on or1980. .I rn thr orier of Unii is,-'i[ir-iiiir lonirlirntchtd. lpforc Scptcmber Sl 3he rgrccotEntg rc hrvr l' Cclncncfng on thG drtr.of-thlr rgr?sncnt rnd conilnulng untfl youhrvr roErptrt.i_!l!.F"iirfirii-oi-0nrt_q, :i ;iiilTil; roe, Jour rscnrr rndrrchltcctr telronrbl.t icirri'lo-unii-+s'ii.-uri'irliilc or rfthtt€.turrl.Intrtor dgtgn rtud, a;a--lgiid;ing.- iiirr-iiclii'ii sulJcct to thc wf ih:r,r :r.*#ll*-!:f.!.ltn!:-::!t;1J;.id;,tiili"ti-iiil.ii rcnune unruB. rr,, ,l llof-t'!!rt tmrnt ii'iccuiitiri'U;i-"' '"'" rY tr'rE er rEnrrng urrE rur 'll :t0 Unf t {8, I mrr ta uir ;'v'tl.i:lirill'iilll..l'-l'iT :l:I-{ol^^"llrJ! !99?llii .,,r.cr$. fn. ro "r nv b*t;rlfSlr!'lll8rihtlffi l|ilJlrliitn uili; i, 2, Folrorrng thr cror'rnc lf.Joq. purchlrc of unrt,{Ar we rgruc to ,.,. iffil! lli"ll'lTl'ltl"i"jli:ili$,i:i"1[i;ldi.ii;isirtis^p-prey,d,.thrr rntnrrtre EIr! Lensonlnluill DrElrrltlon for Hurphrcr-Condonlnlumr to iriitii'i[ri-lffunltr rfll rt rIl ilmriiiiriiirr"riiqurtr prca_tls Md crrprilng In trufffci#;"jf.:1; llft3;l: lli_litl199,ii-i,iirr'ii-iiirii',i1fu, drnrns roonr, ,g f0Ofiit r ,,ii.' ' l':ri ,:, brdruomrr drc rrriiiiii il;i;ffii;l'i6rill" i l er unrf,rA:'yelolhhf'[13! lf.'3,lil; IltllHlfl"'li,.n:ll:,elJg*,tyrhg* ',,iiirlfrirl"ttJfiiirxil'ln3."l"lil.]';Hlll'.1'!.tTllia.co'niiirriifi']d; :rlrrgrrphr (rl rnd (b) bitoir:-- '-""-. j (rl Thr L.C..E. Storrgr (Unttr l4..rl{ fF) fl the ftrst ftoor lrntry rhrlt be chrnsrd-to.f.clE, iiJriic-tunfr fA.on,ty). r : :!:,**j'1.,1!l tlli!'ol'iliii'ilolllt ll lffi llll,llsil ilrliloF,,,*- 'i r ' fng prrrgrrptr, rt rrsns lrl En! rollot{' i,a -t:.: :1, (c) ^Tlrr-c.c.E, rt*b'ip.l:-11 glndsnrnrum-rJnrt 48 rlrt becone ii.,, r L.C,E. for thr $eluitvi-uir 6i=c6ni6miiffi"fii; {i''rxccpr fon-the:r .. i,tprcr occuplcd by ttrr hot'witin-h€.tcr lnc irre-b'ditei wrrrcrr shtll rrrnrtn ,: : 1..,!*;!, fll4l.lll-{::.,, t;_$-;y:nt ir,i [oi-,,iicr rrcaqer rnd bor I er.ii:, *lii;1, -;iiil!i;.ll itli',il!.'lfili,'l!,lHl l'l:8. i:'l:i ii! bo I I e r' ;fi:#I..t* :l li'j:it;"iililiiirifi.ilii'iffi; ;;:.;; IiLI'io*, H,tenlncr|guchrrp|urnb|ig,iiiitiiiii'':#ffiffii;;il':H;iTo,.iiu"- ,-^..1 i,:.',' !'. r."e; r't x le leco g eg 'gt tztB @GHIlr t G00D5PED ; UUbtrl( t I UUI\I\IABPLAIIALP- P.5 -fl co!t8EN? oF .{-fhqd4\:Y{ \, r{d{!Ers ot -_._-iilr:i#"t6llD0{lNrw AS8ocr'trr0s.,i' hrsru.iltt te footlcn 7-ll-10 cf thr colclrdo Hoaptoltt cortrorrrlan Acrr thr rndrrrtSnrd rrubrtl of tdlRSBlE gollDourNttst alloclAslof, (Ehr |tArloclrltcltr) r hrrcby s613rnt go' v6tr jn frvot ct md rdopt "hr tollortn3 ruclutloir nESOLltlD, EhrE thr lyl$.r of thl Arroclrtfon rrr tEili .-di"iir-tt--ih.' ilditton--ol r qsll flb' iiilHii{ffiHlnifi*itlrl ;u!'tuifrntll.-;i-;[i-tt$t#I;-io ilrd m tcllorr I ' *orrrrlrr ctu rt r11 tlilQ ptcytdr rdr{urtr-P191*"r Ee..IEt t E rdr-irEfr i" -conaoiiqtp p rf ' ;t, trrlllcIiiri-ifi;ilIdiTtic[ar - rnc brctuo'llr ) - ln - orihr. il;hililr;tiic--Irviii-to--tdJrcrot coa4onlntuq rltttl. rl IttlB C0n6EHE Ot iln{lEn8 lt rxtcusrd rflretlvr rr ol thlr I l* dry ot 494", r 1qt7;bl 4Br DEI!l 6T'Aef0X leleC0plef 'lVZl i 1-lV'VZ 'r C'U0Flll r{rUo,UflJr!Ul\l\AsFLAIIALr-l 't, I i. H' ffiOlll8 COGHILIT 1600i EROIDIIAI DH{ftERr COI.ORIDO 80202 October l, 198? t. tnthony Rlddor endconrtanoct|. nlddeEt80l llctt 17 Et.r tuntet lllandItlrnl Erlah, Florldr 33l|0 Darr lls. md lln. Rlddorl ttF/SaE iou havr thli'day acqutrod Unlt lE of the tturfrcc Condmlnfpnr lrm no Purruaht to a contract detrd f,ug-urt 11r iiiiZ-. Ctr. Drolrity tt-norc tpeclflaally dercrlbed ae follortt Un,tt 18 lturtree Condmlnlunllaaordlng to thr Condonlnlun xap thrcrsl recordrd in Book 232 at Paga 201 aE Rsceptlonlfo, f28083 rnd th. lnended Condonl'nlu! lllp lor |tutfrrr Condontnlunl sgcordcd ln Booh 376tt PrEe 969 ar nscaptlon llo. 273182 and ag dcltndd rnd deccflb'ed In the Condorlntun Drclarttlon tor llurlree Condontnlunt rccordedtn looh 332 at Eege 100 tr Rsa€ptlon llo. 128082 '. tolff ot vtrll 't. .+ ftutff.. condoulnlunr contlltr of two lndlvldual rrondonfnfun-unt3l (tn uDD€t a|rd t lortr] locatrd at {83 Gorr Criek Drtvrr Vattr Colora-Cb, By l.ttfr agraeacnt -('^lflrts4ent.'ldrtsd irulv 2lr 1986' | 6opy of shlch la attachod hrrrtor- tlre unCeitignia egrrrd -rtth ,ihr orner of Unlt ll of llurtrse Conaonif,funr lthr lortr Enttl ,to, tnong oth.r thlngrr (ff lhfatrporltlon ot'o.Ettln ttntt6d- codon cllnantr rdtrcent to lllt analtttt thr dlrporttlon of s.Ettln genaral coEuon el€ncntr adladrn[ to lEr lrll tt lrt forth tn the lgrernent: .qhEpr5vltlont ol liaragraph 2 of thr tgreenant hava been contpllad iiiti-Uf-an"rratr3f,a -i aha EyIJre of t-hc arEoclatton, e. copy^5rf rhtch-1r fttrahGd hereto-r;'lf,,ather lhnn an.tnendnent to thr Dcclaratlon. rl Iou htvc aEsmd tiat iha acqul:ltlon ol Unlt {B Ia' rub.lect to thr provirl,onr ol th6 lgEscllont. the Srnnerr rililfleC ttieff opilon undar paragiaph 3' but thc lnendrd Condonlntun Xap foa -lturttoe Condo-rnlntuns hal not been f urther;il;a-a---r thli btna to rrllret thg aterclls of the optlon. Thr. 8fiutlr! have not npvrC the hot wtttf hreter and bollca at thll tl.ln6. ' Thi lEnrnrnt oont€Eplat6d that Lfr at some future' tlnr, the B€6u;nri nove the hots wltcr hcatcr and boller out of the 4l01000r ttlg,) th lr 367532 tlrl ILrrl, ^ t-drJ.{.,- n^*.31t*.. f!INhiITL PHILLIPS !, r':LE ClY. l(t00i0tli Ocr 6 Elrlll'81 H-It a etrrrl er'Aer0x rerec0pre|tut't i l-20-9Zqi+F,:0opfil iO0s(jtlll-DUNNAtspLANALp+ trt t rl a 4',lU2058;# 3 grCEut6d In countrrPrrtr bEz th3 Slncaretyl t{r. end l|sf. lnthony llddar@tob|r l, l9g? Drgr I IrEhrnlarl f,oo[ o|r thf tEtt tlool 'thr cntlr€ attlc rPace rhall brcur tl| !rcr!. for thr rrcluslvo ure ol U$lt {8.' Brceulr th. Porrtbtllty |rlqtl thag thr Eemerr (shg arr contlnutnq to contl-da8 th. poirrtbllfty) sr oghgr - rubilgucnt ortltr Ol Unlt-il nlry DYlr L'lre hot ratar heatar and bollar out ot [iil-llcclai-iaif ioq1-, Urr ennCsd Co$donln.lun t{ap haa nog brcn turthrr anndcd Drndlng ruch e drchlon. tn ordrr to Dalterv. thr rtghtl ot thr lto8tl€l- unq?f thr dlulv 21, 1966 fcr.mnt tt har beeR agls€d thtt (rl l! !l++b€ tfld of a.cord lr rn rttlch!€$t to thlr tgrrEont a$(l tultht ornart Of ltnl,tr ft and lB rnd thelt tuccetiorr In ln$raltt itiifl lr munC by th. July 211 1986 figre€ncnt and thlr tglrmfnt datrd octobcr 11 1987. |lt ErDrr hrvr tracuted thlr agrc.nsnt to I'nrurc th|! thrp fr nb Uirrnarrrtandlng 1n r6rP.ct-ot the.July etr 1986 Aqr.atcnt end to reflcsc thelr Egrr€E.n!, ln__t6tPrct ot Gdfucntatlon rnd lnt.r?tiltatlon ol ths iluly 2lr 1985 lgg;s.nt a!-rat lorth hrsrln. fl thr torrgotag rlfl|ctr Your undrrrtandlng and lntent, plrer lndlcrtr-!ry 1our llgnaturr belos. :TrFInit It \.,. ,{,ff-'*'nett; lhmae Cogh TPPROVID tf,D rdC[F[lDt TPP8OVED ltlD ICCIPIEDr t'Iary H. E€llncr ttllllrrn 8, rnd llrrY H. $umr July 2t' 1986 Prgr Tro [:l.i:ih.. .,l.iiirtffs:ot*#iffi ,.'.'.red to rc thr rttlc rPrer o rur*:,#ri'-i:if lffi'm*'''uil$it$JtHiltllillii:1f; :.:offir rtFrr to coop.r.il'riir,Iit-iliiintlii-linitnritioq requ!renrntt tncludtnE iriiiiing riiiifi ii-iciiiirii in' rcieli $rouih condont nlurn unl t ilB. f. Ht rgn tl rhrrr thr cortr Involvrd-ln rrcndlng ttrc-!91!l1tnfurn. Dcelyrgonr rnd Condmlnlm itrp, g.cfi-iridi-sfiiit pry thclr-onr rttomty faai. Plrrtr Indlcrtr your rcccptrncr lnd rgrurmnt by rlgnlng ind rrturnlng thr cmlorcd coPY of thlr lrtter. SlnccrrlY Youttl {.{U-*"-W ft. ttromrs Coghlll - HTC/J9 Enclorurr AECEPTED Att0 AGREEDT -I!l!L-gJj-6sl"ex. .' 'g+ tE 'g7- tt i t' leleC0pref 'lU'11 ) 1''lU-VZ i b;UUHttt rtrUbtrtlltUUt!tlAUt'/LAt\lALf-, lar8t coolilJ. t 'SFFEED 4'l 0Z0C0rlt 5r.A l|rr lDl Is!..f,rtho[t lldArr ffE:T' r, rtrt tfohrnlcrl loOr cn gtlo &Ott tloor 'thr entltf -r-ttlc rDlcc rhall Eilinil-r;-t;E;r, ?;{iht$aruirvi ur. et unlt rB.r Elclur. th. t)orrtblllty !l{fq? thrt t-lr! 83!!'8' (t'h9 rrr GongltiuftW-lo eourtd.s tnr polrrftff{tyt- 9r -!th!s - rubmquant Eiiri-iT-ifrIf'fr-ri"rou'.--ttta- lds- tr-iti hiitrr -rnd bollca out ot fiI--trr-Jhdfiif "ifr', Et- r;hd;i con-deurnlutE ltrlr hlt not brrg iiirurii ruran i.n&sg luoh r drclrlon' t$ old.r to Da.r.F rl thr rlghtr of tho- ?ls,tf:1-ulti?f il.,triHi'L'li.':l.'lfi ;"Lli.'Hf.Tin"?"ltH$"{t'',fi iiiifir- Eilili*- et - -frrir- ir-inA- lr -rnd -ttrllr ruccti:-or; . tn lntr'r t #li ilr$*1tP;i}#fr-tf' tlar rg'mrns and tdrtr rso.smt !h. fnrrrl htvt tr|out.d ttttr agtr.nrn-t to lilrut' tbl! lhril tr ao srffiiirlliiri{ tn-irrileC-ot- t}r .,lulv al,. .lr!iii-rl-.tt o[- faA -i o - i I f f c o f t tr r t r tg r r-r9r n t- I a - : r r-9 r c t o I Iin-f-dfo-titrJf -uri-f;nrDErntron -ct tlir July ?11 19t6 lgndlrt rr- llt tofth htnln. trt thr tongolng rrtlrct. ?oul undegftandlng ead ntiir trrdrcrh ly lous llgnrtu$ Dolor' ttrtr rgrmnt lr? b. trrout.d ln oountlrtnrE! hl' thr lntrntl DrSBl|r. tD?novtD rilD lsctF{lml rtPnovlD .lID rEClI4llDr 'lrtho'- uLfll Ul'nEl 9x lE I c {'-u lr-J-c | -_luL I t l-a9-pL r Urglt-lt r!,rvevt\J't vUnr r|rer L/1tt^br -' .. .o' SF gi '97 l:lIE C0CflLL I ttrtJPlFE'EIr ' llltfntt 'F.rtl.;, Slncorllyt'$'/l*"*t ll, tfhor.er Cogh Itsr iltd ilil. f,lthent llddrr 3!!:i-'rr rrt? lCIshrnlarl lol O$ the tpft lloot rst.r antllr rttia rPrcl rhrll figcnr lli &rGr!, tcr thr rrclurlvr urt of tlnlt {B.f, - lroruta thr DolflDtlt?v lrlrtr lhrt lhr t.nilttr (rlo.$r €g$tlnutng to somgtlre tht Dofrtbtltryl or othlr lubrrqll.nE Or|lrat of $llt-|l lry D' . thr hot, nt.t h[3rr end DoIIf|3 crt, ot $iii-t113111ilerf |co'" -ap-rrn ndfd SonCertntur 11rP hrr aot bt.n ttllthrr uradrd prndlng rsc$ r dcclrlcn. , , ta ordrr gc DElfE a Glrr llght! o! tlrr Drttlm un{!F 3hr itult ll' I'NE mflinmt 3t her brin rgrr.d thrt {tl t9 4l}br llljl ct- c.cor{ fu rn rttrehn nt tE thlr agpelrnt rffr (1r)thf Culrr| Ot tilltr af ulC'lr rtd thrtf .u6otrlolr.ln Ingr$llt rbrll- !; loun! !f 1l1r ,tult tt, l98l fgpprnt raC thlr rprutrt drt.d Oetobrr lr-l9l?. Eh. !ffilr tlrY. fr.alrtd Sht r rgrtuanB to- tntlsr -tb!!tlr.rr lr no Ulrurdrrttl$CtBg ln truttct -ol thr-itElY tlr ltlilsaaa[fBt rnd to rctlrog ?htls lgt.rtrfat rn ltlDfct ot ufurrorntrtlqr rne lagrDsrtrtfon ol t'hl lluly 211 lt3[ rgrrnlrt tr lat lorth hasrlt. +lsz.uJ0 r# + SENT BY:Xerox Te I ecopief ?021 ; 3.20.92 ;'4:21P[l iCOSORIFDUNNABPLANALP+ Law OFFrCeS CoSCRIFE DUNN & ABPLANALP a FAF1NErl9. .I.LUDlNo r' rlgTElalO\Al CORtOlAllOil 4?02058i# 2 REC'D SEP 2 1992 ln Ltlqvll|-rl ColcF rFfi Duxtr 6 B:nnv R o, lox rt r,?ApvrLLSr coLoRAE6 aOrSl , tr 40?. tttt FETER CJSGRIFF JQH N W DUII N ARIHU R A, AEPLANALP. JR, TIMO' hY Ii, BERRY ALLEr.r C, CtrRtsrENS Er{ LAWE ENCE R HAFTLAU I ; - jl.':-?-793:. Ms. Shelly Mello Departnent of ContilunlUy DevaLopment Town of ValI 75 South Frontage Road WeEtvall CO 8155? HIND DELIVERED RE ! !{utf ree Condomlnlune Plat Arn€ndrtont Dear Shel}y: Dlane tl€rilan, of our Offlcg, has advleed me that you have requested so$ethlng ln wrltlnE related to thE ProEosod amendment ol thE condomlnlum nap of Murfree CondonlntunE' ln order that you may diBcuBB the aame wttn tne memberg of the Bullding DePartnent and adv.i.. c us of the manner tn whlch tha condomlnlum nap tnay be anended to ognizs several changaa to the CondOminlum whlch havo boen atten'ptad by the ownert durlng th6 Past sevsf,al yearE and now requlre lncorpofatlon lnto an amended plat. Tho Murfree Condomtnturn it ono of the "Tet(a! Townhou6c!1'l Iocated norgh of llanor V411. It ts comprlaed of a atngle townhouce r.rhlch was condonlnlunlzed In the early 19?0'e lnto two condomlntufiis. The upper condonlnlum ls Unlt 48 and the lowEr condsmlnlum lE Unit 4A. Our cllents are Mt. and MrB' $later ForbeF' They acgulred Murfree Condomlnlun Unlt 4B aPFroxlmately one year ago. Duftng the mld-1980's ghe then o$ners of thE two condonlnluml agreed arnong themeelvee (and racorded lettet ggtreementE) that the w6at one-nalf of th€ mechanlsal roon locatad on tho upp€r floor ot untt 48 (the thlrd floor of th€ butlding) would become a llntted eonnon sleneng for the lole uEe ol Unlt 48, and that certaln apace under the Etalrs on the llret floor would b€corne a llnlted common elemgnt to be uped colely by the own€tr of Untt 4A ae Etorage EPace' That agreernent al8o provlded that en amended plat woulCt be FtePare4l End reborded at somgtlms ln thE future, although t'het PIat was de-ryed because of uncertalnty regardtng the Etatus of thE balince of the mechanlcal roorn. In 198?, the ovrnerB exchanged deede by whlch the we8uarn half o! the nechqnlcEl room was deedEd t,o the owners of UnIt {B and the under-stalr atoraEe space was deeded to th6 owners of Unlt 44. None of theee parttee w€re Mr. and Mrg. Forbeg' li!r. qnd MrE. THE IRoFE9FIOHAI dOFPOR^TIaX 15 OUNII T AFFLANALA F.6. IN VAIL. (:ETdoPeTel ET^) TBITIS geqJod .ralT"rq 's.xx polJ pue ',:I{'rw icx ':rf' 'dTeue.Tdqv 'V Jnqlrv dTUNV"IdEV I NNNG -,++! ?{ '"":::.1;":j;":. ucTluelrE :no.* ro; ,..,:,,, {u*,4,i 'TTsp rnoJl rt? Fr\isuodB€tr eq oi ?duaaar lTTJ,r I puE ruEurrFH euETc q8no:r{a 9u lp€1uo;r,{eu nOr{ ,1uaAs fiUn uI .nort r{lTlt lellElll eTrIX ssncsTp 01 eTglriTPJ';} €q pTnor sq iprfX paXEcTpuT ssti it{ pue /6u11eap e:E en qcTq}i qlT$- purir,;b:1cuq eqX qlTr,r :ETTTSIEI et':efifg pog te:eng -eq osTE .d.erg noA rV 'Hasr't lxeu uf,nle: l uaria aeuogde: ri cnctt pue 6u1'rou xallglll H?q1i fi.!ri{-of Jiq" tq rq6rfr BA xpl{t ,xepro ur TTgA lio unoil e-tlx ]o eoATlcluasa:dE'r "iiirolr,l&e'ieqro t{tr$ raruoc ol eTqE €q tqETuI nol' ler{t edoq:no apfi'tT pue 'laen ETtll uttol Io lno uE I '6JBmE e:E noA enalleq I 8V .p"r1itrbr e,rri Ee:nieu61e asoqa1 .rBpuar 9q? pus sJg-u,4e ea5;radeer eql oi einrd eq1 Io artl,tui er{+ 6uTteTn"ris ox :o1rd TT?A lo uAlo'l st{x go ecuiraJerd-eri+ uiesl eX lco$ rno ET XT pue 'TT:dV Io li1gl eql uo el lTUn IO eTEs aI{? uo asoTe 01 poTnpa'{sg oJF sXuel IE rno ,EBAT€Euer{1 EaTuO eq? Io lrpd Ee s€orB egeu-l fa uo;lsJod,rocu1 o? +cedier qaTA epaBp et{1 ro Burel €t{? lca}}e "r1 6uTtr:r uT p9^6TrI9E sq ox aeod:nd ou e1 S:eql uel{1 'EfuEuIeTs uour$cp PeITIIITTgi paTlltuepT sq erlda ,aIIl let{l rerTnba'r urao& sq?- Ir 'ep€ep €r{1 Io ?ua?uT ",{i Surp.te6e: antsT eq1 areed o? r{ETtr rtsu e$ I slTull eairieeEer etrl jo rred erE peTlTpou sq 01 BEEIP sq? rsqlaqfi TTBA Io u.rto,L er{1 01 r911Blu lou ssop 11 II 'gTqeldsccB puTI ITT"I u$oitr' eql ieqn 6urnicge.r uoluldo I'uao,! €ql eAFq o-1 snue-E sa{Eu ?T ?el{l Tesr a&r-rapg€p tgEI Bqa t{1Tn .rlcuetgTeuop:o;: Eulqend ol .roT,rd 'E?u€uIaTO uoNuroe p€lTlnTI eq pFTITpou aq or e?:ed o.tq 3qx leq1 ralsrd vl +Tun Io ErBufio sql lnq 'spoap 496I aq? q??A ?uel8Tsuoo FT uoTlEcllTpotu Feroaora e=rii .ElTun unTuTuopuoc itti Io sX:ed oluT ecpds e_Ec:ola eqt pup uroor TEcTueqcaur Eqt qloq -uT e6ue-qc eUr -6u119TgH1Y:?ptii OurrcTdep 'ictdl p6pueurc_e1q1rrod e ro r{doc-9 {uat nor epTAortr uEc uErJr;reII euETq'pub 'x91d TeutEt:o etfl 3o Adoc eTE3E TrEue E q11r nofi piprnoia eaert t '-ar ?run ulnT'rTluopuoi Jo uoil-JelnFtp rT6qx oi',rorra -ecu1d uT :ebueris 8,085T er{l EuTlgetler lBTd aql BAtt{ 01 qgTar d:e,tnq elTlcedeord 3q1 pus rlTun ETeq? TIaB 01 I{ETA J'rou eeqro'l e #:s9g3sr,t rdlVNVldEVNNn0lIU0S0t: HdZZ:? | e6-9Z-$ I LZ0l, J0ld0calal x0r0X:/'E tNlS fltl, Il.' SENT BY:Xerox Te I ecopior 'l I rErEi cogchtFF JOHN W OLINN AR?HUI A" AIPL^NALN Jh, T'Uo7l.lY H. IEFFY A{.LE]iI C, CHFIsTEI{TEN I.AWRIhieE I HARILAUE r? 0?T*1"*'S6t'l€ ; 4 : ? 1 Pil'i'60S0RI FDUNNASPLA$IALPF & . ' LAw OFFrcrs CoScRIFE DUNN & AEPLANALF A iAQt|llR3XtF tr.lcLtJb||t€ l ftgttt oitAr ooBpoF Trox VArL NArroNrL Brnx tsuritrrr,,rg Surrr loo lOg S6urH FRoNTAGE RgArr WE5T v^rL, qeroRADo Blg37 TELcFHON E, (3O3t 47E-733a TrLEcOptEFr (3OB) 47€ -4t6S , *.[t0l"65Ulil" 1_ _". , , IIi LIACVILLEI CorcRrF|; DuxN e EEhRv H O, BOI 1l LEADvTLL3T CgLOnAOO aOatr (tlal .ta6'ltaa .l I l. a L t 1 I i, TELICOPIER TRANSMITTAL ![10: !{r. Rod gllfer SLIFER, SHITtl t FRAI,IPION IROMr ARTHUR IBPLAIIAI,P trO TELECOPIER lfo. r rROM EELECOPIER NO. ! ( 303) 476-26881845-7635 (3031 {76-{76s DAfE:26 March 1992 Enclucllng thlE covar thsct, Fleaee call (303){76-7553 t.n tranBnlsBlon. paEer aaa belnE granrmltted, ovent ol dlfflculty rflth thls 2 the R€ference: n 7i Tr{I fioFEtttoHAL caRfoRAtro}t rC DUNH I AEtLAitALFt F.C, tH vAtL, STATE BF CtrLORADB OFFICE T]F CERTIFICATE COUNTY trF EAELE THE TREASURER OF TAXES DUE ORDER NO: VENDOR NO: ISSUED TO: PARCEL NO: OOO934O ASSESSED TO: FORBES, WALTER A, & CAREN7 CUC INTERNATIONAL 707 sUt'fl'{ER ST STANFORD, CT O690I AI'IOUNTS REFLECTED ARE ViqLID TINLY UNTIL 09/30/92 LAND TITLE Box 357vAIL, C0 gt65g $t$$ste 1 TAX LIEN SALE AI'IOiJNT 15 SUEJECT TO CHANCE DIJE TO ENDORSEI'IENT 6F THE CURRENT TAX BV CEfIT OF PURCHASE HOLDER. AFTER SEFT 1, PERSONAL PROP. & F{O8ILE HOFIE AHOLIFIT IS SUBJECT Til CHANEE. AFTER OCT. 1 REAL PFUF. TAX AHOUNT I5 SUBJECT Ttr 0HAFiSE. PLEASET CONTACT THE TREASURERS BFF]CE FBR CORRECT AI'IOL'NT PRIOR TO REt"lITTINO. SPECiAL TA]{II,IO DISTRICTS AND THE BOUf-IDRIES AF 5UCH DISTRICTS r4AY BE ON FILE I"IITH THE EOARD OF COUI.{TY CSI.,IFIISgIONEE$, THE CBI'NTY CLERK, OR THE COUNTY ASSEESOR FEE FAR ISSUING THIS CERTIFICATE S1O. OO CiJRRENT TAX 3,90S. A? TAX DUE INTEREST ADVERTIFING PENALTIES HISC. STATUS PAID 0. oo o. 00 o. oo o. oo o. oo PROPERTY lgsdFIPTItrN TEXiAS TI-INHS UNIT 4 UNI]T B MURPHREE CANDtr. \dt, TOTAL TAX DUE O. OO TAX LIENS OR DELINOUENT TAX TOTAL AHOUNT TO REDEEI'I o. oo SPECIAL ASSESSI"IENTS DUE TOTAL sPEC. A$SHTS DUg o. 00 IOTAL DUE THI9 CERTIFICATE o. oo under a separate .Lar coltected on €g$!rsmentE of du* up on thetaxes I !!F\'+ ed ct t' 13,O €./ 56 isri, ni e m + n 5 N o 5gr l! s€totd €ttta o,venentgfer ta rovernen entire I I outs m' uhichIon €F€ this O3 include land or imprpr'opertg taxeE, tran Epec ial sr local trnp#icallg nentioned. bg certi#g that thc r'?a1 prpFertg and ard-' in mg office froe4uired for redenpti et rng hand and seal SHERRY EFANDT]N 8Y This certificate does not sc h edu 1e nurrtber, personal behal f of other entities, mob i le irones, uniEss soec i L the undereigrred. do her tb 6ve described parc ele a9taxes ag -"ho,an bg the reco redBerned ui th the arnount r urheFeof , I I have ftereunto g TREASURTR, €AGLE CBUNTY I I I I or 6npaidtil{ b. lhAitn SCHEDULE FJUII:; STATE PAFgEL EA+i-b: C'JUl'1TY cMc RE 5fi./ SCHOtrL TtrHN BF .TIAIL I.!INTURN CET"iA VAII.- HETRO RE COLO RVR i.rAT VA:L NATER./5 v. v. nATeR i:, UPPER E. V, C EC EfiER/HfiSi Ntr SPEI]AL $c}o9340 Efr - ti.ii-oea*33-oo6 Y i0. 0.lg 3. rs7 e8. 306 A Irit E. Oe1 1.35J o. 394 L. t7S I ;J34 o.704 1. 319 *7 t7. $ts5. F3, OgO. 9435. $1. E96. 539, 594 $95. $50. $93. 33:' 3.t 77, w643{ t3 .-' e3 76 BE FEA TIiiN S,r PAEi,i. \1 .iq E55i'iHlttT FOFI i. ??Z I'IFIY 1B '93 Of,DER NOr ltAROUEt VEIIIDER Ntr: EOOOS IEEUED TO: EA0LE COUhtTy TITLE SUITE lOO 993 gOUTH FRoNTACE VAIL CO 81657 TAI DUE If{TEiEEt o, oo o, oo ROAD h'EST os/31/93 -- rY -Mft;ShE'# /l'le1/o COUI{TY OF EAOLe ATREABURER TERRANCEI CA ?O$O$ AI{OUNTS REFLE€TED ARE VALID ONLY UNTTL TSXAE TIINHE ILO6I4 - LOT I UNIT B }IIJftPHREE GOI{DO 'AI LIEN 8AI-E AIIOUNT Ig EUAJECT TO HAI{CS DUE TO EHDOFEEilENT OF THE IURRENT TAX BY CERT OF FUFCHAEE IOLDER. AFTEF 8EPT T, FERStrHAL FfrOF.r ttlOElLE l.l0t{g A|IOUNT IS 8UDJECT TgI[{TNOE. AFTER ECT. 1 FEAL PREP. TAx rI'IOUNT IS 9U9I'ECT TE cHANoE. PLgAsE AilTACT THE TNEAgURERS OFFTCE FAR OiRECT AiIOUNT FNIOR IO FE}IITTTNC. SPECIAL TATINO DISTRICTE ANP THE EOUNDRIEE OF 9UCI{ DIETRICTE f.IAY 8EoN FILE l,,ITl{ THE EOARD OF CEUNTY COI{I{ISFIONEFET TI{E CDUNTV CLERR, ER THE COUNTV ABEESEOR FEE FOR ICEUINO THIS CERTIFICATE 3IO. OO L?I LA T ITLE-COFIPRNY_OF-EAGLE-COUMY ETATE OF CqLORADE EFFICE OF THE CSf,TTFTCATE OF TAXE5 DUE ln'tl r '1 PARCEL HO: OOO934O A88E88ED TO: htOgDHULL, rl: R. I EAREARA A.COllPAftlY X L00IC0N Il,lC. 3?01 EKVPARK DR o. o0 o.@ ADVERT!S.!N0 0. OO FEIIIALTIEE l{IEC. T6TAL TAX DUH 0. oo TAX LIENA OR DELTNOUENT TAX TOTAL AIIOUI{T TB REDE€}T EFSCIAL ABBEEFI,IENTE DUE TOIAL 6PEC, A88I'IT8 DUE o. 00 TOTAL DUE TI{IS CERTIFICATE o. oo o,00 hlr srrtiflsrtr docr not inciuds lrnd or lilprdvrorfitr lrrtsrrd undrn r grprnrtrtat!r, trantfrr trr or mirc, ttr collrttrd snor lscrl improvrmrnt d{rtrirt rfrirNmfntr of nrnt I onrd, cltrdulr numbrl, prlronrl prcprrtuchrlf uf other rntltlrr, iprE l.l - 6bilr hoilrll, unlrrr rprclfic.ll{ r thr .undrr5lgilrd, do hrrbg Eertif{ thrt thr rnt{nr tnouilt of trtee dur uFon thrbovr drrcrllrd pircrlr of rmt proimtg end rl l outrtrnding rrlrf lor unpiiderlt rr rfouln bg thr rrcordr tn nrg'officr frora uhtsh the rtnc nrg rtitt brrdrrmrd rrtlth thr rmcunt nrqu{,rrd iot nrdrmptlon ere.$ notrd hrriln. In uitnrrtiotrof, I hrVr harrunto rr{ rng hrnd rnd rgt tTREASUNERI EAOLE COUNTV EHIERRY ERAIITDOITI BY 1993 C|{EDULE NUIIBER - o0o93rto fATE PARCEL NUIISER - A10t-088-s$-oOA AOLE COUNTY Ftc h'-uo.r EcHooLs d{N OF VAIL INTUTN CEI{ETERY AIL FARK * RHCiEATIdN DISTRIC OLO RVR I{ATER AIL IfATER/SAH : V. I{ATER CONS PPEH E. V. CONSc EMER/HOf,/8VC O $FECIAL Ag8E8tsI.IgNT FOR 19'g 10. 036g. qq| 38.306 a.3to o, oe6l.3to o.394l. t7? 1,344 o. 70it 1.374 fttJ,7b .egt. tt l8r 030, 77 a4t3.3Atl.86 t?6.98 r2E. 13 f64, t7 f90. a3 t90, e6tto. 16 '! i rjt BEST ( -i:','\:' COPY AVAILABLE -t, ft*\"( INTER _ DEPARII.IENTAL REVIEI'/ pRe,EcT. C0HDOMINIUM l,tAq FOR MURFREE COHDOMh||UMS DAIE SUBMITIED: COMMENTS NEEIEI] ETr BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL CONDOMhIIUM PLAT EUBUC_rcEES M|KE BRAKEilevreweu D_r1 - Dot€. APRTL 20, l99Z Conrrrrents: 1. CORRECT THE CERIIFITA]E OF NEHCATIDI|I FOR hIORTGAGE HOLDER.2. ACCORDING TO SECI]ON I7,22.CIJ0 CIF THE $.JBDIVISON REGULATIONS: PROPERTY CORNERS ARE TO BE FOUNO OR SET AhD SI-I3$iN ON PLAI. ALSO THE CONTROLLING CORNERS USED NEED TO BE SHOITH.J. A C$iPLETE BOIJHDARY SHOULO BE SHO'/IN.4" BA.SIS OF BEARIHG NEEDS TO EE SHOWN.H}EHTIFF AO..TATENT PROJ-EE]IES TO }IHOffFfiID SQUTH OF--T.8TI+.6. THE DTSTANCE TtE Trt THE SE CORNER 0F IHE NE1/4,NilTrJ[=HOULD BE 17+.E7 PER FLAT AND HOT 17+.84' AS SHO!!N, 1 J*^itu .-<.2 |,{l /t lr4d lr.lrtr lt t' ,'(' tl ^in-l ^a''*^-^- 4M', ,'o' r I - t -[d'"(0dtt'' .,*l dt'| 4'*" " + ryon ['l*f *' , e^'o( t*Yt Vulv,ldy \: IN]ffi - DEPARruENTAL REVIEW PROJECT /Kf/ZF, DA]E $.,BlrllT-lED coMMENTS I{EEDED su .4+? BRIEF OESCRIPNON DF THE PRI]PDSAI.: -//.,/'/'->1Cizz,' y'4rna'u'>r-D at+^aQ' //?1nf- PUBLIC ITfORKS Reviewed by Cornrnen ts: t) C rJ. Pt"l Nt"J> T- /'r-u.l- n,/ ru7*..,z-," -,$ 4 ,:*. aF //+"(-- J,.rBD,.//sd,6-t/ dfJhc 14ffi\ t1. /2 ,6 /() rl,/- | ." -)5/ t,ytT€Ei^n- l^fr 4*nle> .4/+o zte'C D 7 ,Q'e- J lfar',rnl ' 4\ l"ror--to ar*.4-*^"1 ,L f TEtrrhl EF rJFI I l- l'li sce I laneous Cash t::1!-FI-.9t l.t:45: l1 F.:r,:eiFt * 1tlf,1lJ? il.':i'r-rnt # L:i.: # ?6€,S F:I-ITTI.]T'1' E. SLIFEFI''5UETIIUI5iEH TH FLFT EE1J iil,J flirinunt t*n,J*r*d :: iBL1. FB Item paid t]1 [tfit:1fi4 i :f,ritBF-1tl t::h.trrgii ret UrnFd f t:i. BH THFII..II< VBLI \.',:Lrr':.:st'ri er .TEh{}.l1FEF; Rrsrnt paid 188. Bff Date Received lthe conrnunity Devel opment DeFttrnent : -_ffff_AEij_Ol{lgt APPIJICATION trOR coNDol,rrNrulr/TowlrEougE PLIT RBVIET r-liJ 1rt; i i' .l l:tlh; , .., r I i . e,'3 ii:-' J tu . i :r rr.: [.' ir i '. .t . .., (PLEASE'PRTNT A. APPLICANT c/o Arthur Abplanalp 108 South Frontaqe Roadprri:nod vor,ufrLfNc. TADDRESS Vail CO pHONE 476-7552 - t,,J' ' .t ir,t3 -ltn Arthur Abplanalp STREET ADDRESS483 Gore Creek Drive; Vail Co 81557 Murfrbe Condominiums. Part of IOT--4 -BIOCK:SUBDMSION vail vilrate 4ttfILfNG ^APPLICATION FAE $1OO.OO MATNRIALS TO BE SI'BMITTED: CHECK # (DATE) i .t :. ,"'i ar, Er {. i r:, , il ii,, ! lF. BEST COPY PAID 1. Two rnylar copies and one Paper copy of the subdLvl-slonplat shalf be sd'pnitted to the Department of conngnity-Developnent. Thb plat shall include a site nap wlth the following requirements: a. The final plat shall be drawn by a registered surveyor ln India ink, or other substantialsolution, on a reproducible medium (preferably' mylar) with dinension of twenty-four by thirty-six inches and shall. be at a scale of one hundred feet . to one inch or larger with margl'ns of one and one- half to two inches on the left and one-half inch on all other sides. Accurate dl-nensions to the nearest one-hundredth of a foot for all lines, angles and curves used to describe boundarLes, streets, setbacks, alleys, easements, structures, areas to be reserved or dedicated for public or conmon uses and other inportant features. AII curves shall be circular arls and shall be defined by the radius, central angle, arc scored distances and bearing. A1l dimensions, both }inear and angularr are to be deterrrined by an accurate control survey in the. field which rnust balance and cl"oae within a lirnit of one in ten thousand. North arrow and graphic scale. A systernatic identification of.aII existing and proposed buildings, unlts, Iots, blocks, and names for all streets. An identification of the streets, alleys, parks, and other publia atreaE or f,aoilities ae shown on the ptat, ind a dedication thereof to the public use. An identification of the easements as shown on thq plat and a grant thereof to the public !rse.Areas rlserved for-future public acgulsition shall aloo bs ahown on thc Plat. b. {." *-"...dt|!t AVAILABLE c. d. bS-Stt3 e. 9t. 1., A wrltten survey descriptlon of the area lncludinE the :?;31 " Ti:" "::":l : #':: :i i:e?"i::: "i'3.rli i';:' ehown Ln thls manner as IteII. A descriptlon of all survey..monuments, both found' eet, whilh nark the boundarles of the subdivisiont'a description of aII rnonuments used in conductlnq Eurivey'. Monument perfineter per colotado statut€s. perimLter rnonuments shall be established as maJorLontrol nonuments, the materlals whleh shall be determLned by the town engineer. and and the' Two h. i. A statgment by. the land surveyor, ba-se was deterrnined. The proper forrn for filing of county clerk and recorder. explalning hor.l bearing the p"l,at i'ttth the Eagle j. A. certlfleate by the registered land Eurrreyor as outlined' ln chaptcr' L7.32 of thi'E t{tl9 ae !o the----_-..aceuracy of the-Euryey and plat, an{.that the sunfe:aceuracy of the Euryey and prat, an{.that tne sunfey rras. performed: by hini in accordance vith colorado- Revised Statutes L973r Title 38, Article 51. clear of alt llens and encumbrances except as noted' A certificate by an attorney aclnitt€d to practi-ce in . the state bf colorado, or corporate..tLtle insurer, thatIthe owner(s) of record dedicatlng to the publlc the'public rlEht-of-ltay, areas or facilities as shown :' .,thereon aie the owners thereof in fee sirnple, free and 'k. I. 2. The condominiurn or townhor{le plat sha}t also include floor plans, elevations-and crosHrsectlons as neceis4ry t9 accurately deterrnine lndiviHuaf air spaces'and/or other ewnerships and .if the project was built.substantiatrly the same as the approved plans. " all commonly owned areas; c. AppRovAL PROCESS, REVTEW CRITERIA 3. A copy o.f the condominl"um documbnts for staf f. revlew to assure that there are maintenance provislons lncluded for upon receiving two copies of a complete subrnittal al.ong wlth .. ,uPgll I'g(jelvrll9 l,wl, g()PJ-cli (,J. d . rilJ[lfJrE l,l= s'Ll!,llll. b ua.! clrl,rry rt.r r,rr pllmept of th9 ap_pfror,qii,3!g,;Fge,r,,,ttf ?,tn+r,rg:adtr{nistf,gtg.Ir.:he}l :.,,;'..:ti ioirte.onelcopy.qi:f-':ttli d-Lte''map,to ttre'itowfr, enEirr'ter for.his.' : '.',;irevies. The zonlng administratgr shall'then conduct this reviewconcurrently. The town engJ.neer shall''review the eubmittal and . return conments and notifLcations to the zoniltg adnlnlstrator whoshatl transnLt the approval , disapproval or aFproval with rnodifications of the plat within fourteen days to the applicant. The zoning adninistrator shall sign the plat if approved or require nodiflcations on the plat for approval or deny approval due to lnconsLstencies nlth the originally approved plan orfailure to make other requi-red nodifications of the plat. FTLTNG AND RECORDI,NG i ., t t. 't'The zonLng adnlnlstrator shalL be the final s{gnature requlred :oh:the plat so that the Departnent of Community Developnent wlll be . responsLble for pronptLy recordlng the approved pJ-at with.the I'l Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. Fees for recording shall bepaia by the-applicant. The Cornrnunity Developmefit Depaftnent will .retaln one nylar copy of the plat for their records and willrecord the remaLning rnylar copy. H. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT SALES ACTION FORM Qt4,*ry ,nn4,71 c/7* 0l 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS s5.00 01 0000 42415 UMFORM BUII'ING CODE s50.00 01 0000 42415 UMFORM PLUMBING CODE $35.00 01 0000 42415 IJNIFORM MECHANICA-I, CODE s32.00 0l 0000 42415 UNIFORMFIRECODE s35.00 01 0000 42415 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE . $30.00 0l 0000 42415 OTHER CODEBOOKS 0l 0000 41548 BLUEPRINTS (MYLARS)s7.00 0l 0000 42412 XEROX COPIES / STUDIES s0.25 0l 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES / RE.INSPECIIONS 01 0000 41332 PLAN REVIEW RE.CHECK FEE I$40 PER HR.] 01000042322 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES 01 0000 41412 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES 0l 0000 41330 OTHER FEES 0r 0m041413 SIGN APPLICATION FEE $20.00 0t 0000 41413 ADDMONAL SIGNAGE FEE I$I.OO PER SQ.FT.I 01 0000 42440 vTC ART PROJECT DONATION 01 0000 41331 PRE PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE 0l 0000 0l 0000 41330 ADDITIONAL GRFA "250"| $2oo.ool 01 0000 41330 CONDMONAL USEPERIVTIT i200.00 01 0000 41330 EffERIOR ALTERATION ILESS THAN IOO SO.FT.I 1200.00 0l 0000 41330 DffERIOR ALTERATION TIUORE THAN IOO SO.FT.I $500.00 0l 0000 41330 SPECIALDEVELOPMENTDISTRICT INEW]$r J00.00 0l 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TMAJOR AMEND]sl,000.00 0l 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMINOR AMENDI $200.00 0l 0000 41330 S[JBDIVISION - y'.,,-- j,.; - l-r' k/,t* "&uil ,J too=tffi 0l 0000.{1330 'VARIANCE i250.00 0l 0000 41330 ZON]NC CODE AMENDMENTS 250.00 0l 0000 41330 RE. ZONING 200.00 0l 0000 ,,F"I:mMffi.I.Ii] TEkJhl {fF UFII- l,liscel laneous Cash Et4-1Et-S2 14:37:66 EetreiF,? * S95?35 Ft':cu-runt + l:F: * 189? f, OIGF:IFF ! tlllt'lft E" FIEFLFIIFLP\SLIBFI U I I I0fl-C itl.ltrfi"TH FL!-rT EEUIEI,J f;firtrurrt t*nd*rEd )' 188' 6g Iterrr paid Anou-l? Paid BTEfiSF4l:f,fI$FB 1BB. SB rl:h;nq* re t u rnsd ] E. EE -rHF|hl|< l/OlJ 'i,:ur rashier STEFHF}{IE PETER COSGRI FF JOH N W. DUNN ARTH UR A. ABPLANALE JR. TIMOTHY H. BERRY ALLEN C. C H RISTENSEN LAWRENCE P. HARTLAU B LAw OFFtcEs CoscRrrE DuruN & ABpLANALP A PARTNERSHIP INCLUbING A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION VArL NarroNAL BANK ButLDt NG SUITE 3OO IOB SourH FRoNTAGE RoAD WEsr VarL, CoLoRADo 8t657 TELEPHoN E: (3O 3t 476-755? TELEcoPf ER: (3O3) 476-4765 26 March 1992 tfDi/,ip 2 0 rgg; lN LE^ovtLLE: CosG R rFE, DUNN & BERRY P, O. BOX tl LEAOVTLLE, COLOFTADO 6O4Cl (7t9) 4e6- t865 Ms. Shelly Mello Department of Connrunity DeveLopment foYrn of ValI 75 South FrontaEe rRoad WestValI co 81657 HAND DEIJIVERED Re: Murfree Condominlums Plat Amendment Dear SheIIy: Dlane Herman, of our Office, has advised me that you have requested somethinE in writing related to the proposed amendnent of the condomlnium map of Murfree Condominlums, Ln order that you may dlscuss the same with the members of the Bulldtng Department and advlse us of the manner ln which the condomlnlum map may be amendedto recognize several changes to the condominlum which have been attempted by the obrners during the past several years and nott require incorporation lnto an amended plat. The Murfree Condominium is one of the 'rTexas Townhousegr" located north of Manor Vall. It lE comprlsed of a single townhoueewhlch vras condominiumlzed ln the early 1970's Into two condomi"niums. The upper condomlnlum i6 Unit 48 and the lower condominium is Unit 4A. Our clienta are Mr. and Mrs. tlater Forbes. They acquired Murfree condominium Unit 48 approxlmately one year ago. Durlng the nld-1980's the then owners of the two condomlniuue agreed among themselves (and recorded letter agreements) that the west one-ha1f of the mechanical room located on the upper floor ofUnit 48 (the third floor of the bulJ.ding) would become a linlted conmon element for t,he gole use of Unit 48, and that certaln space under the stairs on the flrst floor would become a limited conmon element to be used solely by the owner of Unit 4A as storage space. That agreement al.so provlded that an amended plat would be prepared and recorded at sonetime ln the future, al.though that plat was delayed because of uncertalnty regarding the status of the balanceof the mechanical roon. In 198?, the owners exchanged deeds by whlch the western halfof the mechanical room was deeded to the ovrners of Unit 48 and theunder-stair storage space was deeded to the owners of Unlt 4A. None of these parties were !{r. and Mrs. Forbes. Mr. and Mrs. coRPoRATtON rS DUNN 6 ASPLANALB p.C. rN VA|L- Forbes now wish to sell their Unit, and the prospectlve buyers wlshto have the plat reflectlng the 1980's changes in pJ.ace prior totheir acquisitlon of condomlnium Unit 48. I have provided you wLtha small scale copy of the orlglnal plat, and Diane Herman canprovlde you with a copy of a possible amended plat, deptctlng and contemplating the change in both the mechanlcal room and the Etorage space lnto parts of the condominium unl.ts. That proposed modification is consistent wlth the 1987 deeds, but the owners of Unit 4A prefer that the two parts to be modlfled be Ilmlted conmon elements. Prior to pushing for consistency wlth the 1987 deeds, we feel that it makes sense to have the Town's opinlon regardlng what the Town wtll flnd acceptable. If it does not matter to the Town ofVaiI whether the areas to be modLfied are part of the respectlve UnitE, r{e may wlEh to press the issue regarding the intent of the deeds. If the Town requlres that the space be ldentlfled aa llrnited common elementE, then there ls no purpose to be achl.eved ln trying to effect the terms of the deedg wtth respect to lncorporatlon of these areas as Part of the Unlts themselves. Our cllenta are scheduled to close on the sale of Unlt 4B on the 15th of Aprll, and it is our goal to learn the preference of the Town of VaiI prlor to clrculatlng the mylars of the plats to the respective ovrners and the lender whose signatureE are required. AE I belleve you are ardare, I am out of town this week, and it was our hope that you mtght be able to confer with other approprlate representatives of the Town of ValI ln order that we nlght be able to keep thig matter moving and have a response when I return next week. As you may also be aware, Rod SLlfer is fanillar t{lth the background with whlch we are deallng, and he has indicated that he would be avallable to dlscuss thls matter with you. In any event, you may contact me through Diane Heman, and I will attempt to be responsive to your caII. Thank you for your attentlon to this matter. Very truly yours, COSGRIFF, DTJNN & ABPI.ANALP iitr*rr&o--"^-ft4fr,* /t7^4 Arthur A. Abpl-analp, Jr. xc: Mr. Mr. and Rod Mrs. Walter ForbesSlifer (via telecopier) LrwOrsrcrs C oscrurB D ur.rx & AgpIAI*{ALP Ver,, Coroneuo 81657 f6: X1a *t-e[4 }llattt \ I kv+Lvv h hol,a-r.'alrs --t\ S-r, ^P sF\ llxl . L-I'ar^-a- lI(uu-<^,.,*-..(o -i AnrlilDlD GoilDonf,rHtum mAt tot m[JnFREE CO9{DOnn0D0[[Jn Sn rrturDrvllroH I IIIt r I i rr.r ,"... ;ierFfl f,'-;irr-.- I .t{ to?l F-ool trll 1"t tr.;' ! r*.g l/. t/ 2 & ilcolND tlool.alal' - .. r t anf-!.-fFl. *lYt''L_ C- t:- ,lJr t !a t'r-.. ilr3t Ir| 'fltrj!*-J' 6Lg l? 4 c(ilrIt ua t r'1. taetrta a ^^-/+'sho /;;-u 'L c € (- G F 7 316 - 86q Ialllrtr aottt. : 1C.3 - L..'rl 3.-.. f ra-arr ..a t.- I -laa 3-..a a lo-a.l ll.. -lLa.r.. aa..a .. ItCaa l: Met alt ,NucrtLm*i =;-4.*u!fiLtt I ----f -t'|'a'--. ----r a-af.a'-l!l' I F -t-rlt. -FF.--l ltr C'll I a a I -{l cfi{il!i? $\ BE KEPr oN JoBsrrE \\\'-\.,\t>. CONSTRUCTION PERMIT department of community dwelopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT XJ( PLUMBING n, rounoeloN L__l; NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO L0/6/87 DATE ffi D BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL 483 Go LEGALJrt.iLl@ roB NAME: SEMMER/TEXAS ToWNHoUSE 4A OWNER NAMFlrli l Iirm \ommor" MATLADDRES' !60 |!glntllwood lr clTYb.i ,,^ h ,,,^^,.t. .i tH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH, GENERAL CONTRACTOR rowN oF vAtL REG. No. 118-B Qrr..*,.o,- CONTRACTOR rrnu EAGLE VALLEY ELEC. rowN oF vAlL FEG. No. i56gE rq c Q21-E179 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR F|RM SIULEY PLUr'i3!{ I34CP TOWN OF VAIL REG. I,IO. rcte 827-5736 MECHANICAL CONTRACIOR FIRM T!!ryN OE]YA] L REG. NO, OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL LEG.NO TELE. theprinle.y/va I r. rypE or- coNsrRucroN ','6i'u u lh..-\ ' 'lK.- 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH I(E,M DrvrsroN G]r r" , o fff tfi 6$tt1*'FAf'T"f 'yfi"o"*Tif ##m- PERMIT NO. zIF BUILDING 15.000.00 ELECTRICAL 4,000.00 PLUMBING 6 ,000 . 00 MECHANICAL TOTAL $25 ,000.00 TYPE GROUP G,R.F.A. VALUATION PERM IT FEESIII lh R-1 25 ,000.00 BUILDING PERMIT 252.00 -V2S,,V /$rqrRJ r"),-//. tzf '40 '94 PLAN CHECK 126.00 ELECTRICAL 64. 00 NEW() ALTERATION (XX AODITIONAL REPAIR PLUMBING 60.00 DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT, - NO,FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT 100.00 EXT- WALLS ROOF USE TAX 250.00 TYPE ELEC. OF SOLARHEAT WOOD TOTAL PERMIT FEES d Rq2 nn GARY MURRAIN 4I-\ 10/16/86 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: ,, "- Itl.o l*/ {fc[d8Bilhil DATE )NING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTNG I t ONING & BUILDING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read lhis application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and stale that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree lo comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state faws, and to build this structure according to the Town's;nning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unilorm Building Code and other ord thereto. CLEAN the T TOR FOR [^J on departrnont of community develoirmcnt-.--- PLEASE FILL OUT I,'IIERE THE UX,' MARKS ARE!!. TypE oF penMn-- pfautorlrc .M pr-ur',lerNc =..--,--'trs 1J TLUMbtNUpg ELEcTRtcAL fJ rounonrtoru LJ MEcHANtcAL ! NOTE --COPY OF PERMIT TO I onre iE FOLLOI.IING IS Letter from 2 sets of drawings, of work. ou .OtNc TI I t) 2) -NEEDED FOR FILIII4 ''EPI4IICondo Assn. - (if appl jcable) complete drawings (if notwo conrplete explanations zo : J at,.oo o" ao \( ( T l.TYPFoFcoNsTnucTtoN | @r, trrL z. occuparucv cRoui, aoeH t@u DlvrsroN @. z" s t G.R.F.A. VAL lONINC AOMINISTRATON ZONING & BUtLOtNG NOTES: PERMIT FEES BUILOING PERMIT DESIGN NEVIEW OOARD CI.EAN.UP OEPOSII TOTAL PE MIT FEES !or___ BLK__ FILING NEW,'ALTER@ . DWELLINGUNITS - ACCOMMOOATIOITUNITS HEIGHTTNFT. - NO, FINEPLACES INSULATION: TYPE OF ADDITIONAL PERMTTS NEEDED: OEMO FLOOR GENERAL CONTRACTOR *l** PLUMBING CONIRACIO CONIRACTOR OTHER CONTRACT -J;+ O. en. TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. .97 TELE.: FIRM rOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO. ;l"Jf J! T*R : "? wru e n oEEriii;diG? i:}(. . BEST i$l,t*t* I t't Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Conlact Person and Owner. Address and Phone: Architecl. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board copY AVAILABLE Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAT DISAPPHOVAL ri' Summary: /l rl -. , I ' ir' v l Town plan ner .t!oare: ri,i iil,, E Statt Aooroval,i '- Prolecl Application I i Projecl Name; Proiect Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Commenis: Design Revlew Board Motion by: Date Seconded by: APPROVAL Summary: Town Planner { tt"n Approval TExAs t#,*"orE HoMEowN"*," J^rro* vail. Colorado c,/o 650 S. Cherry St., Sulte lfiX) Denver. Colorado g0z2z (3()3) 32r-lffX) October 10, L985 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado g169z Attn: Building Department Dear Sirs: n,onoSll'"i:ff:: l.ii'h!:"i*:.Drive, VaiI, CoLc drawn by rntratec on ?ft-f/t6 - Lave been reviewed andapproved. Any subsequent changes to the prans will requireanother approval . _ The work in-question tl Ueing done byBauer Palnting and Eome Repair. - - If you have any guestions regarding the above, d.o nothesitate to contact ne. PFP/pb PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT t INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL l, ,iDATE II ! READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME IMON) CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ,1-t^, tq^, ,-> , ftl h,l+ q-fRAMTNG tr tr tr tr tr tr ROUGH / WATER I ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOI / H. TUB NAIL FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: T] HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr n tr FINAL - A tr FINAL 'ilcenoveo tr DtsAppRovED ,fflaewseEcloN REeutRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR- --j ,- - :' 1..INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMEER OF PROJECT DATE ,' INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR FRI AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND .€FbuGH/D.w.v. "D.ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL N FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING C INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr N FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS U CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL D APPROVED CORRECTIONS; FAPPROVED ("-,httruspecrroN BEeur RED !! ' \ , t i2\I]ATE JJ.I ] -I \1'] INSPECTOR TNSPAT.N REeuESrPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE '' ." : .. : ,: JoB NAME READY FOB LOCATION: INSPECTION: CATLER TUESMON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBlNG: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB o_ tr_ B FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - !_ tr FINAL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAILING tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER E ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr tr FINAL \F APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION HEOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL I DATE I READY FOR INSPECTION:MON JOe Nn^ae--:Eaig'. - \ .,r. ^lr, ruES wED (I1r1_ FRI AM €g LOCATION: PEBMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT l/CALLER .: '=d r^.-eK--.. $ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL r&noucH / D.w.v. tr FRAMING Pfoucu / wArER ,.. i,/ n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H, TUB NAIL tr tr tr tr O FINAL FINAL ELE trl trF trC tr CTRICAL:MEGHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr .n r,fl.rnr-tr FINAL -r At )PROVED RECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 'n-.J ( co CTIONS /roerc llf;"f!4, rNSpEcroR I t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL .t DATE LOCATION: READY FOR INSPECTION: i'. \: - 't..'.. JoB NAME CALLER MON ruEs 'w{f)THUR FRI Al\/(.- PM PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL E FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB V sHEETRocK NAIL (-d tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANlGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIREDtti CORRECTIONS: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL-T- L---I D l'rv'',iL I .a READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: I NAME MON CALLER TUES -t\wED./ THUR FRI PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oeft I L. ltt | /I ne BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL E FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING tr ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL EI-APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED/a!': 'tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,or, .,/z - ..' -.i- "l (^ INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES WED LOCATION: nv r(1r',r BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr qrFrr.rnr-tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr d /prrunr-tr FINAL i.---1- 1E IAPPROVED"' :,t I,.t I, CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORDATE NOTE;oct COPY OF6 1987 PEBMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE $CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION DATE lurn dopartment of community development TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCEOF PEFMIT TYPE OF PERMIT ffin BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL &n D B NAME:RIDDER Unit #-yd \\ nnu BAUER HOME IMPROVEMT ,or* o, uo,a aan. "o. 118-BGENERAL CONTRACTOR EAGLE VALLEY ELECT. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.ECTRICAL WN OF VAIL REG. NO. 949-777t PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.MECHANI TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, TELE. OTHER CONTRACTO 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I ll lll lv v 2, OCCUPANCY GROUP AB E H IRM orvlsroN cENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - BATHROOM ADDITION, EXISTING BATHROOM REIVODEL, SLIDING DOORS. INSTALLATION PERMIT NO. zo F J BUILDING 12 nnn nn ELECTRICAL 2 ,000.00 PLUMBING 2 nnn nn i,ECHANICAL IUIAI S IU,UUU.UU TYPE GROUP G.R,F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES V thr R-1 18 ,000 . 00 BUILDING PERMIT IUY . UU Rs E. qooa ED+ * U PLAN CHECK 9q.00 ELECTRICAL 44.00 NEW () ALTERATION (X )OX ADDITIONAL REPAIR ()PLUMEING 30.00 DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS -HEIGHT IN FT. - NO.FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R.VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW EOARD "oo" I ll, ,t CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT IUU. UO EXr.wALLs | | ll I /l - USE TAX i50.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES s 608-.ee flf-H$FB8tttr* - - - - ocbAipr 1e8# -- $frR#'[S'^.R- - - {Ro-orr- ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIALl[.,1 NING & BUILDING NOTES: *** lvl0Ta ll trYTCTTNC I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, lilled out in full the inlormation required, compleied an accurate plot plan, and slate that all the information provided as re-quired is coffect. I agreb to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town'g,Zdning and subdivision codes, thereto. CONSTRUCTION departmgnt of oommunity development *****PLEASE FILL OUR WHERE THE (X) IIIARKS ARE TO 8E FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PBIOR TO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT EUILDING ELECTRICAL 't -e 4- L- t 17 X LEGAL DESC. LOT BLIL-- FILING Vf tfuej-Iz:.- loB NAME :E€rers-4lmFe # o owNER HluE Tony Ridder MAILADDRESs 1801 W , 27 St, crrvMiami Beach pn. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL AODRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR rrnuBauer Home Impfotrmt. rowru or vatr- neo. ruo. 1181! IELE. 949-Lt24l+ ELECTRICAL JNrnncron nnuEa.c.le VaILev Electri TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. E-7 56 rELE. 8?7-5772 PLUMBING ,r""Vail Valley Plumbing TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.UUI\IKAUIUK ^lt ^ dnn aTELE >*Y-II(L MECHANICAL FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.UUIIIKAUIUK OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. I ELE. F+1- H E pLuMerNc ! nouruoRrtoN \\b X X X X X X PERMIT NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ^^..E Lo-€-87 i tur t oN J.BSITE JO E? E) on DATE r w- e-u /THE FOLLOI,r|ING IS NEEDED FOR FILING PERMIT:l. Letter from condo assn. (IF APPLICABLE2. 2 Sets pf complete drawings/explanatior.rYPEoFcoNsrRucroN tnm MO /Ha 2. occuPANcy cRoup n e e x t@u Dtvtstor{ &, za e c cEr{EqAL.Df scgrptorlloFJ,voR[ . Bat hro omI Aqq1T10n, -E;x]. stlnA .tsathroom zot- lJ EUILOING Lg,@OO.OO X ELECTRICAL a,@oo.oo x PLUMBING 3,doo.oo X MECHANICAL X TOTAL l-9,o00 .00 X TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES 7 t,ttt-k--l l8,oog. ">EUILOING PERMIT /t?. * PLAN CHECK 7 5-oo ELECTRICAL 4q"oo NEW( ) ALTERATTON (5d AOOTTTONAL( ) REpAtR(PLUMBING b,.a DWELLING UNITS HEIGHT IN FT. ACCOMMODATION UNITS - NO. FTREPLACT MECHANICAL _@ RECREATION FEE --+ INSULATION: TYPE iHIcKDdss +VALLIJE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD e- CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT lod,'s USE TAX /k). " Y N INITIAL ADDITIONA{ PERMITS NEEDED: roTAL-P44MrT FEES 4 608, ING & EUILDING NOTE^S: - /a,4kz- 6-Aft , OATE PARKING XX zoning thereto. I heleby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in tull the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that alt the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the T ivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other Proiect Appllcatlon ProiectDescription: l=t{'^ - \1-t=- 4,, 'r )v>;' ; T?> l^-> ' n=tr^tc.r'.-)1 Contact Person and Phone Project Name: Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot . Zone - --?- 1- *f . r \comments: -_ltn4S -{cr,-.-',r rt-[o. rS'a-' +Y-15 Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL [ .ou Approvat Project Applicatio" {}.t' i Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: , Zone - Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Su mmary: [ ","u Approval Toun of Vail Building Oept, 75 South Frontage Road lJest Uail, Colorado 8165? Att r 6ary Murrain Boyle Engineering, Inc. 143 East l'leAdor^r Orive, Suite N-10UaiI, Colorado 81657 3@3/476-?170 Dat e' SubJ This iE to confirm that i have nevleuled the headsr required to support L2" ofbrick veneer ovEr the neur 5' opcnlng in thE abov€ noted unit. I have found that a lintel angle 3 !/?" r 3 L/?" , l/4' r.lill support this venrer for the 5" Epan.Thi6 Iintel should bear 4'at each end. The hcadcr requined in the framed r,lall should be a double Zrl2 with single ?*4 tnilrlrers at each end. Please give me a calI if you have any quest ione regardinp thts mattpr 0ctober 12, 1987 ' fRcnodel tl cc: Timothy M. Bo Pres i deni Please Reply [x] No Reply Req'd ,r r::,1.j.^\rN*"INSPECTION : REQUEST VAIL ..\\i: .' nvr PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT \\', \.\ -, t", DATE N- (l- JOB TOW.$I OF \ \:.. NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: ..\-! BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUITIBING: tr UNDERGROUND O FOUNDATION / STEEL -\3oucH/D.w.v. tr FRAMING >.ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING \.!"-tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr E E ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n trr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED )RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE ", t-' '-=- \i,,\r*INSPECTION REQUEST t' PERMIT NUMBER OF DATE PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FRI'PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: T] TEMP. POWER D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE , JOB NAME INSPECTIONTOWN OF REOUESf VAIL ir iI READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI CALLER TUES a ".,_---.-+-#--A T\,l / DT\, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D tr tr tr tr E FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POO L/H.TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. PO tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL tr FINAL tr. APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPHOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR READY FOB LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES THUR 7"fRl -1 BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB EETROCK NAIL :'-.,i- ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr FINAL EIAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED B REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE l JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: \N* INSPECTION: , MON 'r TUES WED tr DISAPPROVED INSPECTION TOWN OF tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,'. REQUEST 'i. AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR .,ffeenoveo - - CORRECTIONS: DATE =- ,' INSPECTOR(.. I -# --'- e z.€- fr 6 .t tr lt/- \, IL-t 1 t t \./h JAg?e INSPECTION REQUEST VAIL a PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF "o.,. u/at/ /// JoB NAME bc) INSPECTION: @ ffnnenove, /U/ CORRECTIONS: - tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr u tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK C POOL / H. TUB EL tr tr n tr ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: ROUGH O HEATING tr EXHAUST tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT depertment of community development TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION MECH ANICAL LEGAL -ESC. LOT BLK FILING TE)il\s rowNr{oMEs -JOB NAME: SEMMER/WOODHULL ttEAT OWNER r,raue SEMMER/W00DHULL MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH, GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. llr.r*'.o,. CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO PLUMBING FIRM UUN I T{AL; IUX MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR Ftnu WAqNSR pLUMgINa rowN oF VA;L REc. No. 198-P rFf F 625-4208 OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO TELE. LJ BUILOINGI rlrcrntcnl IxlF urcHnrurcn Dn NOTE _ COPY OF SEPTEMBER PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE I, L994 6936PERMIT NO. DATE r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON |[ rVV 2- OCCUPANCY GROUP AB EH IR II DfVfSfON 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK ; REPLACE OLD HEAT FURNACES WITH NEW I'NITS EUILDING GROUP G.H.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES t\ .d ALTERATION ( T ADDITIONAL ( OWELLING UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. ACCOMMODATION UNITS - NO, FIREPLACES INSULATION: ADOITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: INITIAL 120.00/Pc 30.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES CHUCK FELDMANN 9-8-94 Nc oFFtctAL DATE I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and stale that all th€ information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inlormation and plot plan, to comp)rt with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Towrtlzon review approved, Uniform Building Code and other T g*grSplicable the reto. { ' ..?E lur CONSTRUCTION PERMIT dopartment of community dovelopment TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCE OFPERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT n aurlorr.rc D plulremrc NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE stsPT&{BEit iJ, 1994 DATE 6?., .; rr I I r.r c T EXAS__I0I{NE0:1E!__ B NAME: SEI1,YER/WOODHULL ttEAT GENERAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING FIRM'r{ARNER PI.IIMRTII(: rown orvat Rre. ruo. 198-P 625-4208 TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO. TELE, OTHER CONTRACT r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP t I l tv v ABEHIRM L22a34DrvrsroN GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK REPLACE OLD EEAT FUR.NACES I{I?H PERMIT NO. -- - l- z tr a BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBII{G NEH UNITS MECHANICAL 5000 .00 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERMIT 4r334 n rlv (j \---; =--t\ s'- PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL NEW() ALTERATION ( 4 ADDITIONAL ( ) REPAIR PLUMEING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO.FIFEPLACES MECHANICAL 120.00/PC 30.00 RECREATION FEE R-VALLUE OESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN UP OEPOSIT t. EXr. wALLs | |USE TAX \ WILL CALL 3. 00 TYPE OF ELEC- SOLAR HEAT GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES '53 .00 cHucK FELDlralrN 9-8-94 ADDITIONAL PEFMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL sr. cur I | | TUILDING OFFICIAL DATE ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING ]ONING & BUILDING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge ihat I have read this application, lilled out in tull the inlormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and staie that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Torvn ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zonlng and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordihanc:,y,W Tgurq'awlicable thereto. ,'';4. .:-"6ft-LU) / TOICN OF VArL eONSIRUCTION"*i[*||"Sffi fgrye4 PERMIT , APPLfCATION I{UST BE FILI;ED ouT COI.|PLETELY oR IT !{AY NOT BE AccEpTED x********************* * *** **** PER!{IT rNrOR}tATIOll **i************* !r* * ** * *******f!./t. J-BIr|L\LAEHW\),WOfi% j*fr""trLcar ,(-r""n"nrcat I J -orher Job Name: Lega} Description:Ipt Architect: General Description: Block AtL Address: Address: Address: Filing Ph. Ph. aa( Address: Plumbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contrastior :Address: "-/ ******************************** FORBUILDING PERMTT FEE: PLU{BING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEE: EI.ECTRTCAI.I FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE3 DRB FEE: \ac\- z;dF\lorr5}q rvork class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Actditional [ ]-Repair p{-otn"r_frefal@E Number of DwelLing Unlts:Nunber of Acconnodation Units: l)mber and Tlpe of Fireplaces: eas appliances /f* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** * * * * * ** * * * * * * vALUATToNs BUILDING: $EI,ECTRTCAL: S ^ PLIIMBING: T::Gv/I **** * * * ** * * * * rl******** **!r**lEeneral contractor: Z*zeZ Gas Logs_ I{oodlPellet * **** * * * * **** * * * * * * * ************ * OTIIER: IltEcHANrcAu$@ TOTAL: T INFORITATION * * * * * * :r * *'l * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Toh'n of Vail Reg. No. //&^gPhone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. No./?&+ Town of Vall Reg. NO. Phone Number: oFFrcE usE ******** ******* ** **** ********** BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLI'UBING PIAN CHECK FEE: MECHANTCAI PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI,EN{-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAI, PERI'fIT FEES: Phone Number: 629 +zOT 3n- _ BUUJDTNG: STGNATTTRE: ZONING3 STGNATTIRE: Electrical Contractorz r;ffAddressr - CLEAil I'P DEPOSIT BENIf,I'()*- *'. r. ,1r zsff'(a lhrt_ co F/f,cp 75 routh trontegc ror.l I|ll, color..lo 0i165? (3o3) 479-2L38 or 479-2t39 offlcc of oorrnunlty doyalopm.|il BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI{E If this perylt requiTes a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval,Ensi neer''s..( pubr ic !l*t t revi ew ana ipprovai,'a ii iriii n6'blpu"un"ntreview or.Health Department review, anl'"_review by the BuirdingDepartnent' the estirnated time tor'a totat ;;il,,;,ai"i"iE'as tongas three weeks. A]l conmercial frarqe or smail ) and al'r nulti-fami'ly pennits wiilhave to follow ine ioove renti6n"J maximum requirements. Residentia.land.small projects shourd take a resser amound or iine. However, itresidenti'al or smailer.projects inpiii the virious-auoue mlntioneadepartments with reqard' to-necessai"y revrew,-il,.i" p"iji.ii' *valso take the three-weef perioa.- Every attempt wr'lr be made by this department to expedite th.ispermi't as soon as possible. - - -- -'rr'!r -b e' l:-Il. unders'igned, understand the plan check procedure and timet rame . -%-2* aoil' lrerz- PrOJeCt Name t {/rs, Sheef, way' tu Conrnuni ty Devel opment Department. 75 roulh front gc rold u!il, coloredo 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 ottlcc of communlty deualopmcnt TO: FROM: DATE: suB.TEel: ALt CONTRAqIORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISIERED I{ITH TITETOI{N OF VAIL TO!{N OF VAIL PI'BLIC WORKS/COIIII.II'NITY DEVEIOPMENT l,tARCIr 16, 1988 CONSTRUqrION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn sunnary, ordinance No- 6 states that it is unlawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit ""i-r"ilr-"i"i, sand, debrisor naterial , incru-ding trash iunpsteri, poriauie- toirets andworknen vehicles. upon any street, sidewalk, a1ley or publicp]?g" or any portion ttreieoi. --t|" right-of-way on alr Town ofVail streets and.:g"-ds is alproii.nately 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinance wirr be.;i"_i;ily'-enforced by the Town of vailPubric ltorrcs Department. perslns found vi;ratin; this ord,inancewill be siven a 24 hour writien-n"Ii""-t"^iiiJi!t="id naterial.rn the event the person so notified-a""=-not-Ioiprv with thenotice within the 24 hour.tir"-=p""i;i;,"ii"-iiliric.worksDepartnent wilr- remove said nateli.t at irr" ""i"ise of personnotified- rhe provisions or-trris-oiaii.ilil ;f,fii not beapplicable to c-onstruction, -r"ir,i"r,.rrce or repair projects ofany street or alrey or any utirities il 6"-;ilii_"_*.y. to review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by tfre Town ofVail Building Department to ouiain a copy. rlani you for yourcooperation on this natter. (i.e. contractor, owner) lmn 75 .d|tr trot|iago load udl colo..do 81657 (3tB) 4?$2|38 (3031 4rlasg offtce ol communlly dcvdopment NOTTCE TO CONTRACTORS/OTNNER BUTIDERS Effective June 20, 1991, the Town of Vail Buirding Department hasdeveloped the following procedures to ensure that new constructionsi-tes h_ave adequately established proper drainage from builainjsites al-ong and adjacent to Town of vail roads of streets. lbe TorD of vail pubu.c rforks Department rirl be required toinspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of vail roads orstreets and tbe installation of teuporary or peruaaent culverts ataccess points from the road or streit on to tbe construction site.such approval must -be o.btaineri prior to any request for inspectionby the Town of vail Building oepartment ror tobtings or temporaryelectricaL or any other inspection. please calt 479-2:-60 t'orequest an inspection from the publi.c works Department. Alrow arninimum of 24 hour notice. Also, ,the Town of VaiL public works Department will be approvingall final drainage and culvert installation wit,h resulting roadpacching as neceisa_ry. such 'approval must be obtainea prloi-ioFj.nal Certi.ficate of Occupancy issuance. TOWNOFVAIL '75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 1. 2. FAII.T'RE De partment of Comntuniry Deve lopment T|IFORUAIIOII IEEDED IIflEIt NPPITITTC FOR T UBctll$ICNL PERUTI 3. 4. HEAI LOSS CALCULATIONS. TO SCAT.E FLOOR prJA![ OF MECHANICAL ROOM WrrH EQUIp]tENt DRA$IN IN TO SCALE. WITH PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS AND BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQUIPUENT IN MECEANICAI, ROO}T. sHow sIzE AND LOCATTON OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS, FLUES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT WTLL ALSO BE INSTAILED IN MECHANICAL ROOM. TO PROITIDE IITIS If,FONUTEIOf, ITILI.I DELAI IOUR PERilII. t MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBUC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED \ TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Job Name: Date: Please answelr questionnaire regarding the need for a'public Way permit': YES 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performed that requires the use ol the right of way, easements or public prope{ty? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls different access needed to sit€ other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done affecting the right of way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a "Revocabte Right Of Way permit" required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easernents or public property to be used for staging, paking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Developmenl? !t19u_ algwered yes to any of these questions, a "Pubtic Way Permit' must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development. lf you have-any questions please callCharlie Davis, the Townof VailConstruction Inspector, at 4Zg-2159 I have read and answered atlthe above S&he?.aksoo$WtL NO { d r< { { X \ K 9I'r ' l\ lo\ Job Name signature PUBUC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building permit: 1)Fill out the our check list provided with a buildino oermit application. lf yes was answered_to any of the above questions then a -public way permit" isrequired. You can pick up an application at either CJrrrnity oeveropmenl,located at 75 s. Fronrrage Road or Firotic works, t"c*J;il$9 dal vailey Drive. Notice sign otfs for utitity. companies. Ail utitities must field verify (tocate) 1es09!iye utirities priorto signing apprication. some utiiity companies;eqtii;;to a 48 hour notice to schedule i toiae). A construction tratfic plror pran must__be pregale! on a separate sheet of paper.This plan will show rocdions of a[ tratfic doniroloevices tsidr,--n.., etc.) andths work zone, (area of construction, staging, elc.) slgj.lol,r'or bging performed musr be submitted indicating dimensions (tength,width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic &nrol pran or a siteplan for the job. submit completed application to the pubtic work,s otfice for reuie*,. lf required,locates wittbe scheduled forrhe Town of vait EteariJ;;;ft ;;;"rion crew. Thelocates are take place in the morning, but may require up to 4g hours to perform. The Public work's consrruction Inspector wirr review the apprication ancr approveordisapprove the permit you wiil be contacted as to the sin;;;ft any changesthat may be needed. Most permits arE rereased within 4g nouiJJGing received,but please allow up to one week to process. A-s soon as permit b plo.*:.rg, 3 copl wiil be faxed to community Deveropmentallowing the_'Buibing permit'to be rileased. please do not confuse the "publicway Permit'with a "Buirding permit" to do work on a prlea iite itser. Note: *The above process ts for work in a rlght-of-way only. 'Pubric way permrt's are ya[d onrv untir November 15th. *A new Publlc Way permit ls required each year. 2) 3) 4) s) 6) 7) f+-r'r/--1 T I I t I I * \. \ .. " . ga*frgiotc . ,<!,A tS /)SE /,u<y'. /-{a t/ea /}/( uE r!4az' 4 /a/// a-t 3 7$ aaa Frf lt'vf U4E ,a-i-+f ,y' .raht, at ff,; sg /r--e/# eta Z - S-'y 2 ?'' pqcft Alutr ..{f 1r't',//;2- /,f ,U, apF t_a_. -/hE 7-/ea7t, Ttrui ni !'ail i:'' "- --ri - 5'y27 i. ;"i: rj#PY(9 ?-?qq oo tall6rr> j ffirnmd f/ SESNON I - INSTAIJ.ATION INSTBUCNONS I rxSpn0f, gtrIpMENT crnlutty for ray rignr otdlrrgc. All cqulprncnt ir crntutlv rr."uiiltot"ri- i^spcctrd end Dulcd, Our rGrporulbilitv eruca umn detiv- Gry of Bolhr to tlc crrricr li, c*d coiafioh. iii ct-r-iurfor drrnrrr or clrortrgc in rrtfincar rnuif UifGi ffic,dtrtrb/ rlriBrt tlrl crnlcr by thc ooarltncc. No clrtmr _for vrrirnccr or rhar.trfrr -vill b. .ii"*.a iJ iiii..Urrrufrcttrrcr, -unhro prcrcnted rvlthin cirW (tiO) drvrrltrr lrccipS of filuipmcnt. 2 .nonnn INgfAu,ltTloN murt ooolorn to thr n-qllrrncntf ol tht ruthordty hrvtnr jur{ritic$.m.lrrG t|rtDftno! ol tuch rrguirtmcnt, !o: USA - 'tfrtlonrt Fual Gs Cod., I'NSI ZA!g.t-lg8g"obtdnrDlc fron ttre Arnerlcrn Gar Arrocir. tlo!,.1616 Wihon Btvrf.. Arlinrhn ino.ttyrl,vLEE;O9 llrr.a rnqulrort by thr rrrthe;igy hnvinS Jurtedlc on, tJr! inrtrlhilOU 1ault cotfot' toAsuE/ANsr No, CSD-I. CA!'IADA-,'Inrtelletion Coder (or Naturat ond Lp G+IlTrIt 4pptirncer rnd nquir,-rnt, C.A,NZCcA-Bl1g.l or .2-l[t6 obtainrbte finn tbc Cenadien Gu Agocirtlorr" 66 Sctrdrlc &oid, Dom ltriltr, Onterio. Ornrde t[SB 2Rg. ilOfE: Bollrr for Crnrdiu lnrtellation rn rrot rvrit.rblt ritlr rtegt .l.,ppGti l_-t_l*", Grr Bolhrr rne DE$IGN CEITIFIED FOR I_NSlr+!!4rpN ON COMBUSUTm Fmo nixc. no NOfr tNsTAr& TEESE rOuohs 6x cl,nFnrtr.ic. I _IOCASD BOILEn in (ncnt ot irrruurtloo podttonbtfore rcmovint CrNtc. Iacttc ou r levct floor iu ctocc tq _chimncy er muible. For buernant lortrllrtioor. pro-vidc r concrrclc btc if floor ir not perfccf,ly tcvoi'oi ifweter nry bc enounttnd on floor rfound glilcr. thc boilu rhdl bG inrtellcd ilcb thrt thc 8rr iglitlonryrl€m compgo€ntr rrc Dfotcct d lrom wrtar (dr|pping,rprrylrrl, rrln clc.) durlng bollcr oDGrrtion rrd t hrGc(circulrtor cphccncnt, contmt rrcp6cement, cti.)E a,EMovE GEAT[._ r. Fr$ovr rlt crltc firtrnrrr. b. Lift outrtdr contdncr and removc with rll otXcrinrftle pntcctlve lprcrr! crrd brrcini. c. Rrnow Boilcr lron rlid dtcr dotechlng ril lold- dovn boltr ur.d nuir. ($ne Flfurr a). d. Slide Boiler tq hecr of skid rnd crr.cfllly rrnftta oratc ckld on to r Vr, thiok pircc ot iud thcn on to thc floor. Do not burnp Eollcr Jrrrgainat floor. o. Do not drpp loilcr et rny tlme. I e. ltoVrt: ROII,ER TO PnRMAIfENT pOgmION b. INSTAIJ, REI,ruT VAIJVE AND EXPANSITANK OIJNNUOTION. 1. Aasenrblc ftellcf Vdve *nd Strect Elbovr witJr Ter l. NOTE: - RELIEF VALVEIIUST BE IN VEn CAL POSITION. 3. Inrtell completed atrcmbly on l{, nippte projecl out the top of boiler locetcd at left lront corner -lllualreUul prtvionr pqr, Flg, 1, Rrliel vdvc diachargc pipin5 nurt, bc pilrd nfloor clo* to floor drrin t0 ellninrte potentiat lGverc buErs. Do not pipc tn iny rtler whire fraw could occur, Do not inrtall any shutofl pruvili in rdicl vrlvr plping. I i { I I 6 I t fi ftI $Itr at II( J fi It f' To aollEr IIIE *rld !ct tl !O^ta l0rl |'i' totgr ll' "{_to?a fl' ld.to Dt ta' 1r9l !!f I|t. !t tri l{uto .I lc. tB Fot (|(t ntoatlrl *rrt.ttt|| ^IttSt 0a too to. itItaixl C O|fllraldqg at lrl rEli, TO CalxrUSTrlLE s.nt:AOEg' xOrE. a -rlilgw llFrl E|lat lcf rtrgw0Hrftooo t xcEgl|tit. !4e vrlw Town of Vait t}FilCf; OCPVPlan Revier Based ontbe 1992 Uniforo Codes I **E:sEMMER/wooDHrLL DATE: B/3!/g4 ADDRESS:483 GORE CREEK DR. CONTRACTOR:BAURER HOME IMP.' VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT:NONEOCCUPANCY:R]- ENGINEER:NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:V PLANS EXAMfNER:C. FELDMANN CORRECTIONS REQUIRED Tbe itens U-sted below ar€ not intended to be a complete tistingof all possible code requirements in tbe adopted codes. It is aguide to sel€cted eectioas of, tb,€ codes. Tbe following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of aay of tbe pro-visions of th€ adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of, vail . 1) COMBUSTTON ArR rS REQUTRED pER SEC.607 OF THE 1991 UMC. 2) ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY hIITH SEC.5O5 and 703 OF THE ].991. UMC. 3) INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO I,IA}IUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CIIAPTER 2L OE THE 1991 UMC. 4) GAS LINE TEST AND INSPECTION IS REQUIRED BEFORE CONNECTION OF ANY EQUIPMENT PER SEC.L2O6 OF THE ]-99]. UPC. 5) GAS APPI,IANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 OF THE 1991 UMC AND SHALL TERMTNATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC. 906 OF THE 1991 UMC. 6) DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAI ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER - SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER sEc.2LL9 0F THE 1_991 UMC. 7I BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNT]NG ON COMBUSTTBLE FLOORING. 8) NfAKE UP WATER FOR BOILER SYSTEMS ARE REQUIRED TO BE INSTALLED BY A LICENSED PLUMBER AND MUST HAVE A BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE INSTALLED IN COMPTIANCE WITH SEC. 1.003 OF THE ].99]. UPC. - ii , I a i 9} FIELD INSPECTION IS REOUIRED TOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE PER SEC.3Os OF THE 1991 UMC. 10) WHEN NEW ELECTRICAT LINES ARE REOUIRED 9IORK MUST BE DONE BY A LICENSED ELECTRICIAN. 11) PERMTT, PLANS AI.ID CODE AI{ALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO A![ INSPECTION REOUEST. , /\^ ,/ i.,tj'/ t G PERMTT r)f.vMrBER OF PBOJECT'l / , < /nl*-DATE / // / / JOBNAME CALLER,- READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: MON ,;/UES , --,rt i tr APPROVED connedTrorus, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: C] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL N FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER g+tEATtNG tr FOUGH fueer-v nrn tr FINAL PECTION REQUIRED / .// V. t'DATE ,y'' /G .' cr TNSPECTORJ TION REQUEST ...1TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138PERMIT NUMBEF OF PFOJECT DATE I- READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAM lhtt'rt D THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL 1'"-"lT'- ' 'Plan- lal/ | tr UNDERGROUTTO / " tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB E FINAL tr FINAL ,{"=o''*o tr EXHAUST HOODS I]. CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,i I oor.- 4-/1-?1 rNspEcroR CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE DATE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE rN 0N sEP 18il, 1991 DRAWIIC ATTACEEX) 005087 department of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOF TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT trutr gutr BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL LEGAL DESC. lOB NAME: TUCKER p; s1p6 TEXAS TOI|NHO}|ES MA;LADDRE55303 GORE CR DR g11y VAIL pH.6- ARCHITECT GENERAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 169-8 sltl,I,IvAll-wooD LECTRICAL FIRM GORE RANGE ELECTRIC rowN oF vAtL REG. NO. 136-E 949-7 6s6 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHANICA CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER s CONTRACT FIRM ALL VALLEY COSNT. 133- E S TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. rELE. 949-8L64 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY G ROUP ABEH IRM DIVfSION I22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK ' CHANGE BASEMENT SPACE TNTO STORAGE PERMIT NO. z tr 3 BUILOING 5, 500 ELECTRICAL 500 PLUMEING MECHANICAL TOTAL r0,000 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES R-1 0 10,000 BUILDING PERMIT 81 $s Rts PLAN CHECK 4L ELECTRICAT 44 NEW( ) ALTERATTOT.IXXX ADOTTTONAL( ) REpAtR( )PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS -- ACCOMMOOATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT - NO.FIREPLACES MECHANICAT RECREATION FEE INSULATION. ]YPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE '."* ;-- T- - I OESIGN REVIEW EOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT r00 USE TAX TYPE ELEC OF HEAT SOLAF TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 266 WOOD DAN STANEK SEP 19, 1991 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL ST. CUT 1 l" I ,ILDING OFFICIAL DATE NO PLANNER INING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING )NING & BUILDING IO ADDITIONAL NOTES: SPACE TO BE ADDED. FIELD PARKING :NSPECTIONS REOUIRED. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree lo comply with the information and plot plan, lo comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other oldin SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF ANO THE OWNER. CLBAN IIP TO: SIILLIVAN-WOOD CONST. tr90 StP i ijlggi CONSTRUCTTON PERMIT (lcrr;rr l nt4nl ol cornrrrrrrrily rlnvcloptrrqrrI,**r*l,LLASr t:il-L 0urt r,ilrmE l|tE (ij i.innr.,s nfirrTO 8E FI!LEO OU'CO,,PL€IE!YPNTOB IO ISSUANCE OFPERMIT NOTE -oPY OF FERMTT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSTTE f, onr turt,@ ^ o a r,4fl, Da.rr olv€tLtN6 Uf,ltIs _ AccottrrubDatroN utrts_ frrtct I I r aT. - fto.r'l[rL^cfsi;;a;i; i;;i;:-:-tttsuln r rorr:--l riE--liicii,css--- n:fr rtue r.IYPE OF CONSrnucnoil 2. occuPAflCY CnouP TYPE OF PEIII'4rr E ourLr;lruc X r'.',crr,'cnt- LJ MECilAtJtcAL OWNEfi rJ L] t-l PL Ur.r0''lc FOUNDAIION X -- ce ilEnAL coNlnACIOn fLoon Exr. !t^ttS nooF tt €c. <--- sotAn lYpE OF trIAr AOOI IIONAL PENMIIS NEEOEO: {F?'^T:ii ..-i..-_- Y 6 rr r [d n o-ir r rGi n iio n-oAl€ P[ u jilBlilc c0NrnACIOn ---+ .: fif ECllANtCAt coilInACrOl CONTRACTON :=:-=.- OTHEN gotJ: IIIE fOLLOI,!II'6 IS itEEDED FOR FILIiIG PERI.II T:l. [e t ter from conr, n c^|a ^t ^^ , Jo assn. (lF AppLICABLI2... . i sgts pl gonrrteto ararui,is;l.rrij,ir'ii: PLU'JBI'IG ^rIct|n lcnt LEG^L ItOr DEsc. I FrLrNc B I'IAME: \--- I l,l^lLaonnF ss wr{ oF VAtt nEG. NO rEL cc)(: G.n.F.A. PENI.'Ir FEES frCw(tr;E-=eilfr- r,rEcl tAr. cAt nIcnEArort rE€ l)t srcrr nIvtcw uo^no CLIAtl UP DEpOSt l USE TNX :.:===-=::::'::==-- JOLAL PEnr,iilr FEES ZONING A SUILOING NO T1-rr Hrs '** sNE WrlA-?.do Wdtwrh{ffi*eW*ts &la ----, 1g,l 6-tule re 4 - VtwQ x\ w'\fuw LEVEL FRAMING rZtWeA,, /<?)ltv Wlt-| Ly aWr:,2 ?i : |: : :,,,ffi (i ;,1* *,,, ti*ffiui1r-ffi#dffitfrffi-?---. b<W,;AA ra)$?g{],Al j;i jj;;; ii'i'.,lJ'*{:"[',t1ffi:ilif il,,,,:i:{,:l F,ro D o)o, rts' N -.----- #4a'vsmv.eodA#t\W WFUa rJ .g dg L .go =E E- ogfl HE R'3 bo-qttNgx9oo9|) s,F o E e E $+ U) LU oIz 3oF oo (fo oo =j<2 10 WyY/ tv"t-.s,.tatltL STRUCTURAL SPECIFICATIONS loutdrtlon ll.atgn Dtreal upon aa6u!6d lrxlrur .otla bearlng clprcity ol eooo pr! to be v6rltled by arolla cngln.r rt tlr€ of excuvatr.on. aubdt copyof raFort t GoEln€.r.ltl concr.t lurt attaln dnlrrrn co[Dr6as1!r6 rtrlngtbo! 3OOO trl rft r 28 alaJ'r. Deal$r ba3€al uDon EI'IIDIXC @DA ABQPIRII|ENIIS TOR REII{FORCAD CONCn TA(ACr318), t98e.R.lnlolclng rt.l Lr crlde aO tor lt lnd 15 barr,Itetnlorca4nt Dlaoe!.nt rhall confoll rltb UAN|IAL OF aTlIDlnD .PnleEICB, 1990 ac prepar.d. by CBAI.l1l lllbcr.ball D. Doug-;1. fz or b€tt r, !'lLroLrmts.il lr[b.r .hU be ller-li! f A or battsr.tlv. loaaL uro'd tor a!63lgm- -Roof-8o 1161 3nos. -lloor-ao trl E.8lalentlal. -Drct-loo DCt.-rLnd-25 ptt. -krtlquata-Zon I lrBC.AU co tfuctlon rult coDPly nlth tho 19gg ttnllorrButliung CoaL !r !i!o9t€al by tbe losn ot VaIl BuualtngD€partBnt anat tb€ rcen€ral ConAltlonr ot tbgContlact lor Con tructlon' (AIA Doc|lont A2Ol).AU beara, Jolata ar l laltera arc to beaf upon ua113or D€rE OR be hutg rlth sII{PsoN Strong4le ltarErrror. rpprotnrd Gqutl!. AlI connectlon halahrar€ aglanufrctur.il by sIllPSOlf Stong-Tia or appro't €al .qu!lr.l],l 3tructural Drb.r3 tle 3horn.ln tholr_ llnal IFaltlon, alurlng comtructlon lt iay ba n6calary torbor. Dortlons ol tb€ 3tLucture uhllr oth3r Dortlonsara bolr€ con8truct€al. contact tba stnrctulal , r) 2) 3) b4*g1"{,(" aqg? WEI*U?ANW1a,lt)AArfTWlM'-l @ tMa+ral2MiW4lFW.l 7AAA, Wd,& b<lq*en4/ r) 5) 6) 7' 8) bktAteMrb mp, englnser for conaultatlon aa requlr.d.9) @ntractor 13 raeponBlbt. lor .l,l non-aD€clllclt conn€cttona, contlet 3tructural GngfulGcr ior al€tall!ar rcqulr3d.'fO1 eeneral Contractor Lr restpDslbl. tor Fanr, Dtdoae,tGohnlquc, f€rqnoDoa3 anat procedursr asioclat al ylth tblr Droject. Iotlly enElneer ot rll conlllct. ororlarlonr botrr6n vfloua .I€r€nts ol tbe mrtlngalrlylngt and th. rrlrtlng Gondltlon belor3 corenc!,ng ultb tb.t t,ortlon ol tb€ proJact.U) t trt rlalr .xpor.d tp Gxterlor rnd/or rolrtura coDalltlonE abaU ba tr€at3d lor th€a€ condlttonr ( la,cbsdc.l trcatr.nt, 3tdnlng, palntlng,' etc.) !BlGqulr.al bI coata. h<gt{an@L@1lViWAffil;l6t WauAv@?f w+tua+ nwft&. WgrFt(e - fabqa44 J MAll, -t-Iril- lJorv-& NAI UIDU/- I,l/ WAv;flal @ P14's4, W), /# @,*tat+t1g ,'vA&-V> Weg44%4 Wqt*(z wpr14l4r@firvpgalb-b(@. td twtllrHrAUWie' A/bAa4'&PA ar | | -€tt' I w 4 mta, wvA*+ ww a/ vur aa,AeW.-Waz 4- frgFre ffi, 41t14- W / W'a o 4tztQsa W 5cs+REQUEST- VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT -l-- t,^,, to//( f q t JoB NAME _:1'U)t-L CALLER WN OF READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR7c3 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER OUNDATION / S tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & gHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING - tr INSULATION ., tr GAS PIPING tr FINAL ''U FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR O FINAL D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR t r*. -, '*lf INSPECTION PERMI DATE OJECT L JOB NAME I CALLER REQUESTT:' TOYVN OF VAI READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION i STEEL N FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR E FINAL - tr FINAL p/xeeaoveo.-,- / CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT N READY FOR LOCATION: t€I ;, INSPECTION REQUEST1 TOWN OF VAIL |NSpECION: MON TUES sB) THUR FRr -- AM @fu3 Qr" C"cre-Arz +zr./ *o*, -Dc,(eE CALLER / BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D RoucH r olw.v. N ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING 'lt tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr 0 FINAL ELECTRICAL: N TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR l- INAI. INSPECTION'S COUPLETEI)v The ltens below need to be cornplete before glvlng a pemit a flnal C of O. Please check off ln the box provided. FINAL PLIMBTNG a DATE: FINAL MECHANICAL-l t DATE:I IMPROVEMENT SIIRVEY RESID. NAI'TE! DATE: l-', - L _l'FINAL ELECTRICAI l_*l DATE: FINAI BUILDING EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: TEMPORARY C OF O DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DATE: I i LANDSCAPING DUE DATE: FII.E NAME: ?_'-- 2,-*/.-z?! of f ice of the town manager plans must be submitted with the applica- building permit. - Mclaughlln and Peterson Bighorn Construction tnwn o llat box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476.5613 December 22, 1975 Mr- John Mulllns2 Adams Street Apartment 1603 Denver, Colorado 80206 Re: Texas Town House #4 i Dear Mr. LIullins The Town Council approved your gross residential floor areavariance for 326 sq. ft. on December 16, 1975. The drawings which were resubmitted indicate a door leading to other atticspace. This door must be ellminated; if access is necessaryfor utiliti-es, a small access panel may be included, but the space may not be used for any purpose. The Design REview Board must sti11 approve the exterior :window change before a building permit can be issued. If you have. any questions, please give me a ca11. Sincerely, NT OF COMMUN TY DEVELOPMENT a Di-ana Zoning P. S. S. Toughill Administrator MOre complete tion for the Jay Peterson Paul Clark - cca { APPLICATION THE licant FOR BUILDINC PERMIT TOWN OF VAIL fill in this eection onl tr Q' E Bo (,, k orttr Eot) Type of occuPancy T"t"l floo; area ( eq ft).---- No of stori""--Ht'n No. of roome-l{o' baths- No. of water closets No, of Families tn b0 a . r-1 Lot Block Subdivision (Circle correct classiflcation) ESTIMATED COST o F co NsrRuc rloNjzgt q:L (Materials & Laborf l. Type of consttuction I.II. m.I V@ . Cccupancy group A. B.C. D.E.F.G@.I. J. N# Signed Building addregs Date of Application Name Address Gity ll o u S ?or-17{tel. No, Address cirY Asfutl &LTel. No. Address citv 11343.r, blc TeI. No. t2,f - (All parte of building) Approval by planning and architectural control committee permit. Date Signature to obtain building BUILDING INSPECTICN Receipt of PI^n" J:/t/-7q:-*-,--- -Twroval of \r^n"-it2-82-(2 sets reouired)- Date 8-t{-7O -^o Date Arnount of Perrnit F.e__$_5.!3__ Paid: Caeh $!F""t Amount of clean "p Fry Paid: caeh $ Gtreck $- Date permit iesued ,-/T Tap fee paid-Amount- Final inspection C e rtificaie of o.ffilGfm"rnpilJn"e:Gonstructioa clean-up JIAV ?c 4woT EHT naibcs Ei/t ni:lfil t ilrict A Dt!IQJ.lrtfl 'fa13,-t :{TAMIT:,.-:t - -. 14O1'rcv fl T'-., I Oi.'a., )i et: irstsM)( rorJr, J !r_<.F**+--.*-+.-+...--.__-.-€ ----.--==-_'---:: rt i..V" V rd-l 1Lr . I -**-: :-a: .'-:.:-------r:*:::::-._--:, :.=-.:_-:-:::_::'.::i::= : nit>IrtC ai.'ido qi sslJi.rr":rc: .ln rlri;:r [r..rr-,i:ri*liif:rs bn* r.r rrlsnBi? .A qnotl$ ';,,iirhifq Vd fe yoterl ,1 ' 'lir'11"O c*sCl -.- ;. :..eirsfT Jo lev.,,,t.i{i' -: '- .---^----1: ,.r. s.lsfi .irl;nilai:nas r& qcar'.;:. r.rrr ]c srJr:i?il.,,ri) -' i. '- q ..- r --. ': : -. 1... .,--ep ririrbs prribliu{l lo g$cfi c a o..r'r%.feT-^;', -_.- |r'{i5 i Eurr-rtNc PERMIT Vai1, Colorado rate /fgpt* 4 teZA Pc rmit .b,y gr^ni.d /rlkn 4-r/ra tf,'-n lfis stotY -:' ddr"ss ,/ C x tj / oLra h oott t . ln accordancc r,r'ith the C omrnittee, sr.rbjcct tr.> Protective C ovr:nants, provisions set forth bY ttre Vail thr: r'ules ancl regulations as set ancl in cornpliance with the 1964 .1. rchitectural Control folth in the Vail Viliaee Uniforrn Buiiding Code. 'I'ype o{ Constrrrctio " T G'ouP t/ Contraclo:: :'pproved Vail B uiidins Inspect INSPIICTICN RECORD (Ft,r Detra rtmental use OnIY) (n INSPECTION -,PPROV,'\ L COMMENTS DATE & SIGN/TURE l'OUND;\TIONS b0 .o F.] ROUcI{o l.'-r FIN.^ L bo v E o ROTIGH FINI L ROUGH bo -l )'r;r a FIN,^ L IiI|IFIETIC'n| FTI|I1,IIT -JOB NAME ,AM'PM CALLER TOWN E ornen , MON ,I COMMENTS: TUE E pnnrral.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR E'areRovED ! orsneenovED E nerNsPEcr E UPOT'T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS .j.-tNsPEcToS '...''...':.'.'''''tl.-''.,.'..'''''.. .'?t PROOF OF PUBLICAIION STATE OF COLORADO ), ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) tUe1.9$t,lStt€€- of THE VAIL TRAIL; that the eame is a weekty newspaper printed, in whole or in part and published in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, and has a general circulation therein; that said newspaper has been published continuously and unintemrptedly in said County of Eagle for a period of more than flfty-two consecutive weekg ne:rt prior to the fint publicrtion of the annexed legal notice or advertisement; thet said nervEprper hrs been admitted to the United States maits as second+lass matter under the ptovisions of the Act of Mareh 3, 18?9, or any amendments thereof, and that sdd newspaper is a weekly newspaper duly qualilled for publishing legal notices and advertisements within the meaning of the laws of the State of Colorado. That the annered legal notice or rdvertisem€nt was published in the rrgular end entire issue ol every number of said reekty newspaper for the period of I consecutive insertions; and that the fint pubicotion of seid notice was in the issue ol said newspaper aatea 6O7oFE€ t t l.D. 19-lS- and that the last publicetion of said notics was ln the issue of said newspaper $ffie.3r tD.le.lS 3rt ,, A^ hora do soremnly swear thar r am ln witness whereof I have hereunto set my hend A.D.lff_ .1e_Li O q N \ N $o ir-D i : >t t (' t e o NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Bighorn Construction, representing Mr. John Mullins, has applied for a variance from the provisions of Section 6.505 of the zoning ordinance,Ordinance No. I (Series of 1973) in order to al'low additional interior space in condomini0m unit located on lot 4, Vai'l Village 4th F'iling (Texas Townhouses). App'ljcation has been made in accord with Section 19.200 of the Zoning Ordinance. A Pub'lic Hearing wil'l be held in accordance with Section 21.500 of 0rdinance No.8 (Series of 1973) on November 13, .|975 at 3:00 p.m- before the Vai'l P'lanning Commission whose decision wi'11 be transmitted to the Town Council for fina1 decision. Said hearing will be he'ld ln the Vall Municipal Building. TOWN OF VAIL DEP NT OF COMMUNITY DEVTLOPMENT Diana S. Toughill Zoning Administrator Pub'lished in the Vail Trail 0ctober 3'1, '1975 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING N0TICE IS HEREBY GMN THAT Bighorn Construction, representing Mr. John Mullins, has app'l ied for a variance from the provisions of Section 6.505 of the zoning ordinance, 0rdinance No. I (Series of 1973) in order to al'low additional interior space in condominirim unit'located on lot 4, Vail Vil'lage 4th F'iling (Texas Townhouses). App'lication has been made in accord with Section 19.200 of the Zoning 0rd'inance. A Pub]ic Hearing will be held in accordance with Section 21.500 of Ordinance No. B (Series of 1973) on November .|3, .|975 at 3:00 p.m. before the Vail Planning Commission whose decision wil'l be transmitted to the Town Council for final decision. Said hearing wil] be he'ld in the Vail Munjcjpal Building. TOWN OF VAIL OF COMMUN TY DEVELOPMENT a ana S. Toughill Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail 0ctober 3,|, 1975 DEP o APP L ICAI ION FOR VAR IANCE. And/0r COND I T I ONAL USE PERM IT Ordinance No. B (Series of 1973) ._>\In I F-l For fhe fol lowing described Fi I ing Number Clearly state (State) do hereby request permission to Commiss ion fo request the fol low , -S Vo;- pirone {L-S.trS (C ity ) appear before the Vail Planning ing: at---cleZSo>, Sect i on to Variance from Arti Zoning Change fromParking VarianceConditional Use Permit to allow Zone. property: Lot/tract 4', B lock 7 r,\ purpose and intent of th is app cat i on 'l-o ADs V (Address) Whai do you feel is the bas is {, for hardsh ip in th is case? Fftor/, i,*\d.- gnatu icant o PLUMEilNGi/ MEeHANtCAL TOWN OF VAIL PEFTMIT I DATE ,oB NAME Dg Ht', , -=^) /Zo, on,r, . , ,/Torn^E , '^ l-171,, +g,- OWNER ADDRESS coNTRAcToR fra.cpr*t.tj /V.*.rtzrrrz4- PHoNE q49 fZgg- OF BUILDING: ,ss oF woRK: fl new E aoorrroru I nenaooel n nepnrn PTION OF WORK: PLUMBING: NUMBER.MECHANICAL: NUMBER .tt VALUATION S VI .AOA, P_VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: PEBMIT FEE /Z .'"PERMIT FEE ilru ,*, 4^; . z ,o, rrr" T0wN 0t llAtt ETUILEIINGI PEFIMIT a UNCOVEREO PERMIT IF 3 -1- E THAT I HAVE 76a)KC READ TI{IS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITII ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE LAWS REGARDING BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. EXITS REO. DATE OF APPLICATf ON HE. F> '/,=i 19 CLASS OF WORK NEw o ALTERATIoll'X aoorrrorui{'neparn ( } USE OF BUILDING HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PARKING MAIL ADDRESS NO. OF STOR IES NO. OF LIVING UNITS SO. FT. COMMERCIAL R( I ELEC( IU IT{ ) LO'I .+ SLK FILING tnt.we..s l/? 'l 1. TYPE oF coNSTRucnoN I r ,, @ , 6j* 2. occuPANcY GRouP A B c D e r e@t ,t DlvlstoNl234 BUILDING PENMIT SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FEES FIRE SPRINKLERS DRY STANOPIPE COMB. STANDPIPE RAL DESCNIPTION OF WORK OCCUPANCY SEPAFATION fu,,l,Jq /f. TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE rl il ail 'i!l rl o office of the town manager July 27, 1976 Sincerely' DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Mr. John Mu]lins Genera'l Del ivery Vail, Colorado 8.|657 Sir: 0n February 23, 1976 a Bui'lding Permjt was issued by this office for modifications to a dwelling unit owneC by yoi't in the building corrnonly known as the "Texas Townhouses". The contractor on the project is Bighorn Constructjon Company, P.0. Box 397, Vajl, Colorado. At this time the project remains incomplete and has showed little or no pro- gress in the recent past. The Town of Vail is most interested in your intention regarding completion of this project and ultimately consideres complet'ion of your responsibility. lJe are awaiting your prompt resPonse. box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 wFP/j k '--;-p l,lilliam F. Pierce Building 0fficial \ COMMUNITY psrmi t\to., 000226 VAII WATER AI{D SAI{ITATIIII{ DISTRICI WATER A]{D SEWER TAP PERMIT hn tltaiillT Ce*t.Da.ttezY - t/t+r",v "= TAppERMrrwrLL)for BE tssuED uNflL T4p FEES tyeeynflN FULL. NAME OF tOB\JOl4l\l lV I r 't -t -t ^ lA Kt=-. - PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR SIZE OF TAP: Water LOCATION AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION uc.no. kBl.- 6 Ltc. No. uc. No. Moter Size Date Billed Bldg. Dopt. -Whlt6; - Wgter 6nd Sanitation - Gr€ed; - Public Workr -Candrv; - Contractor - Plnk; - Accountlng - Goldenrod Town of Yail ELECTRICAL PERMIT na xarne.T-€t**r.-"7.uaa,{lus-.es-.{"!.rA....(?-raao.*..p.....(n*rr) Erectrical contractor--.-- -flal .- €Lt.czp-+.-#--{',-,--. APPROVALS ,. mr^fll/fu; TIIIS FORM 13 TO BE POSTED ON .,OB SITE DURING COI{STRUCTIOI{ 24 HOI.'RS ADVANCE NOTI(E REQT,JIRED FOR INSPECTIONS N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee 234 $.-..-..---..-...-...".... .. $...J.. -*:-0..,.-6-a -..-... $..... -..4.8.,.q) ...... $...-...1v Pla! Chccler Total Fee Date Paid.--........ Received By t..... dt:Q- rHr t. r. rr0r0rrr ao,. olxvrl,rra92 ^odlc:;s .gf4 de,_!.&wW,WW*L:O:r: lli:hr o,' SugLrrcss ol' il(,"3 llnslst"----:---- 2nd -llll--____ Hatcn Coolc:,i arC tJatsF forntains a, O,25 =4th b'znc. a*.!% 4th ---- rce ltrrchi::ca x 0.Zi s. . / t: c.25 ,i *-:zff llae :r rjt x 2.90 =ta I.00 s ?nd Basi-l! arrd T.1!f r,tOnc-iidlf 5.rtlr (Shcte: cr. ?ub,Srrsin, Toilet ) Xitcheno licsidcntial ni s tr!:a 6h c r ?nd 7--_- hrll Bath3rd ll-- ( shcr..e: clrth Da€lst 1 t A't e 'n;-*..-.--;ili / ffoons ( Livins.:'ocas, _ ucd!.sc:ils , Of f iccs,_..Jis, S.ji:dios ). ./ x !.ao . /.a. ?nd 3rdllth Bns. J.st 2nd 3Pdqth Bri sIit '2rtd iNlrith K!tchans Confie:.qla IDi:i)rr';rshe rSaatinE; rl t x 2.50:y- 1.00 :1 11 2.50 . ---: . I I l, ll ll.:l I I t.ru||dr.y llc sidcrti.ll Pcn lra:;lrcr ta 0.50 .i ' 'aa 5l: l:rtl 3:Yl r: 2.00 x 1.00 x 1.00 : .x30,00 : x !.oo = ,ltth t,;rIt Dn$ l s't 3r-j ll th ()t j..ic lhtc:.(::.:riri--n ol one ) ' 0u'- jiidc SP:'.':nlilc:'3 Fin: llosc Caltinet 3 Scrwice St+'cion . Spirs:ring Pocl Converrt;:ot Ce:ttc:r PeD i'crson ?o?.rJ. roiilrs 10:00 Polits : l.0o tr:lr:t .x 0.lf i = __)_.",_ l:a3 ].s t' 21,4 Stt i 4rh 'j. t! 0.I0 = .t<,tlo"':"s l.hc coiiiti.ctiorr of ccnstl'uctio:1 of ''ll '1. :resiticn'; iaYa::C iiiiii..-iiir lit t":i',,:,,tt, tirc Diei:;rl:.c'r sira:!.I pe:!'fo])r e ph)'s:ic: ! :n- i"*,',ii.'. of ill pic:ri.ics to deicr::iine tlrc iliilter of pelnts "'e iri .i,sr;..rscc ;'.ccoidi:rg to the l'lercr trild 9i'.i,cn'I':lp lec' aild.l'ii')ri asri.:sscC ala.o:"d!-:rg to the l'lercr tri:d 9i'.lrcn 'I':lp fec' ail<l i'li' IJi,'iii,ii..;, is ancrdt',.11 .-r:c '.li!, Dr'.r;iricrt sh: ''- -r- ;5:!rg .)1y acius:;r'';rt5 it"..uul=f in the origi:ra!. tag fac prid. filis insiectio;r sbeLl- "iio,:otlaot" tlte biil-d.illt', or't:r'e::'s tlatcli and scuel scrvic<+ charge, lt^-...1 ^l: l'ri e-^+^s(: lail l!€iter and Sanitation Dist:tict ..-. . . .1." .l t, 1 jL\: 1, \q\ ,":;' t;$ *t--\P;--, :']r ',.T,_ _ . --rNsiPEcrl]\l TOWN OF FIEOIJEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER D oruen E panrrau LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRIMON COMMENTS: TUE AM PM I appRovED E orseppRovED E nerNsPEcr E upoN THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR o rfrIa- . tr-,' 'ri',.' tr,'l l.j!r''. ii.,1'' I i i\, I ' Y.' I r, "":'l t:: t :, ,. l'.-i '' t.' ': I I\l.lrlvllSUltS , qT I l) Tr;rvn . APPIIOVUD: DISAPPIIOV]JD: SU},l},IAItY: ll DATE or r,rurirrivc ZZJAo-l l)rilisur,rr , ?o*-?gg. r/',Kr wFF QeAl\/\E-e_ ,or-r= ili '; ncr.ioN TAKDN By BoARD; IIOTION , A t-/ntkMltMue SLCONDlJI)IJY ^AGA INST t;: .l i..:,. .u rirfiirit _----_-- ril,r;r,rcnivi' .l : t .,.! .t b r-l rJ \r ( Jlt rtlj., , |.\l uu/\l( DATB OF itI'IiTI ; IrlUMlllRS PtiliS.l:j .SUI]JTCT ACTION TAKEN MOTIOI{: VOTE: APPROVIiD: SLCONDITI) AGA INST l-4 /lBW Iiott: DISAPPIIOVIjD: SUI,IMAIIY: ) CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION Re roof NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE ,4 July 25, .|983 DATE a los.4 Z/-f/gr( '- ; n:r--BEE!{rL No.uUt,it.i deportment ol community development TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO TSSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT n! E n Dtr EUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL t. TYPE OFCONSTRUCTTON |[u rVV 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH IR M DIVISfON 122a34 GildF44bSFcRrPnoN oF woRX : na4Tac',iyrvlo - z tr J BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHAI{ICAL Reroof 5 rZZU,Q0 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES V R-3 5,220.BUITDING PERMIT 56 .50 \ a sk $$ool flu PtAN CHECK 24. t5 ELECTRICAL NEW( ) ALTERATION (, ) ADDTTTONAL ( ) REPATR( )PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIFEPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE OESIGN REVIEW EOARD CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT 100.00 Exr wALLs| | |USE TAX ROOF TYPE ELEC. oF a** GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES 184.75 -eu*-!@@--7-E:E--- BU|LO|NG OFF|C|AL DATEADOITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL ST. CUT ING ADMINISTRATOR DATE flNGa FUTLOtTG NOTES; PARKING rusf De c |ass "A I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, lilled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that allthe information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to y with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to thelTy'vyfr's zoni bdivision codes, design d;";;:';;" fr uflf,it)":n g code and 1'!,,9t:^'4br,,., applicable thereto. SIGNA OF AND OWNER. CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF LEGAL DESC. NAME: 483 Gore Creek Drive umr John Donovan MAIL ADORESS GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM Muel ler Construction rowru or vatl nee. Ho. l50A TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. |n.prhlery/vail NOTE _ COPY OF ,lul r,' l -,, PEBMIT TO I 'l':.-r BE KEPT / - l,' ON JOBSITE. l1CONSTRUCTION PERMIT n pLuMerNc I5ouruo4rroNE :e roor DATE ..; ,J lsrn department of community development TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT nntr BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL JoBNAME: 4ili 0ot-"q Creek ]rine NAME d|)J'in Llon0van MAIL ADDRESS crw Va iI pH. 35.l I GENERAL iluel I er Constructi or.' OF VAIL BEG. NO. ELECTRICAL TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHANI CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. I- TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY G ROUP 1B EiH I R M DIVISION t2?a34 @EF^|.JEscRrProN oF woRK : z tr .J BUILOING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G.R,F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES V il i t-. ',,)rl BUILOING PERMIT aa f. .t r\ t 1.lr I l\'J\n] !v PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL NEW( ) ALTERAnONI ) AODTTTONAL( ) REpAtR( )PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARO FLOOR CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT I r-ll . u:J EXT. WALLS USE TAX ROOF TYPE OF HEAT GAS wooo TOTAL PERMIT FEES I ti,l! ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL ST. CUT ,rLDrNGoFFrCtAa - - - -oATE INING AOMINISTRATOR DATE )lquff Bur{'fuqsorRs'BLASTING ,o"^,"n I[ DEMO I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that allthe information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure ac_cording to the', Tpwn's zoning and pubdivision codes, design!\., !rre.r | lryvrt o z.\rt||ttg ctttt Fuur.ttvtJt(Jtt uvuv>, uii! review approved, Uniform Building Code and other'.ord inance$ of the Tpwn applicable thereto.I rl { ,r .' AND THE OWNER. CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF the prlnlory/vail Kil coNsrRucrfory PERMIT t*${r ) ' tmnllldlllz I r rveeo, dopartment of community development TO AE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PFIOF TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT D eurLotruc I pluMerNc E elecrnrcll n FoUNDATToNf MEcHANrcAL,. D NOTE DATE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO July 15. 3l BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 001t++2 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I ll lll lVWrTt\ 2.occuPANcYGRouP eaenr@'r DrvrsroN r z z{aq GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : Qa -rnn fi r.r er PERMITNO.- zo J EUILOING ELECTRICAL PLUMEING MECHANICAL Re -roo f $ 5?2o. TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEEYEp-<5A >O BUILOING PERMIT -<6.-sa PIAN CHECX )Q.2f ELECTRICAL NEW ( ) ALTERATION XJ) ADDITIONAL I REPAIR (PTUMBING OWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - MECHANICAL HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R.VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARO "oo^ | l/n I CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT ./oo'o oExr.wALLsi /{.ft - |USE TAX TOTAL PERMIT FEES f 4, 7.r AOOITIONAL PERMITS NEEOEO: Y N INITIAL sr. cur I i,,l z? ,, ,ItOING OFFICIAL BLASTING \t | //// --.a'-/TJr'sr .6e /,r,Ass V DEMO ^.tt I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the intormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state thal all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inlormalion and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to th6 Tqlvn'g\zoning and review approved, Uniform Building Code and other orQ(n{rftes of thg 'l codes, design thereto. SIGNATUFE : OWNER ER,ANO THE FOR HIMSELF JOB NAME: rurup John Donovan 61ry Vail pH!+763\I1 CITY PH, GENERAL CONTRACTOR j I,{uelIer C onstructio LECTRICAL PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHANI CONTRACTOR OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. I ELE. Reroofing, Texas townhouse 483 Gore creek drive Existing Roof cedar shingles New Roof, build up, with 2by4 sleepers, 2inch rigid insulation, 3/3 inch plywood l0 lbs. roofinf felt, fire retardant shakes. New ?/5 eedar fascial boards. Cx\.;T\srte Roc g Town of Vail Community Develoomsnt d 30 !.en T"lI J/a ?'., wooD f'tNSu.i\r\ctJ- Ttg,e Retqq-!t\vt Snnr,<es-,t plan -lroved \b Irdn Build Fire 'tr u V Sec. nn PD ( alidity of Permit 303 (c) 1982 U.B.C. , Projecl Application :o Date Project Name: ., Project Description: ry Contact Person and Phone CGlltL.\-- Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: I r': V.,4] \ IaerAlltr:Jq y', *J J- Frlng /// tJ-7c./ Legal Descriplion: Lol z , Block Comments: , Zone - Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: ,.k4 4.7 *- r' r own Franner ,^r", '€'4-?3 Tp vo . Tr7r, ,A Anm e Vsrrn Approval