HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 12 BLOCK 1 LOT 2 LEGALTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2t38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT IttL $l< r b;l zP JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 897-0006 o V//lI NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED oN ann /arm a-ADD/A.LT SFR BUILD PERMIT Job AddressLocation... Parcel No..Project No. PINYON BUILDERS P O BOX 96, MTNTURN CO 81645 PINYON BUILDERS P O BOX 96, MTNTURN CO 81645 CARPENTER ROBERT S 21?O TECUMSEH PARK LANE, WEST LAFAYETTE 3226 KATSOS RANCH RD Status...: ISSUED3226 KATSOS RANCH RD EAsTAppIied..: 01./2r/19972101-023-01-033 rssued...: oL/ZL/t997PRJ97-0004 Expires..: 01/20/1997 Phone: Phone: Phone:IN 47906 30382'1s793 3038275793 377-463-2354 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: REPAIR WATER DAMAGE TO UNIT Occupancy: R3 Type Construction: V N Valuation:5,000 Fi reptace Informat i on: Restricted:fof tlood/PaLLet: **ff*ff***********ff******fi*******************tfr********* rEE SU t'tARy **tr****************************H**************ff******** Bui l'ding-----) 95.00 Restuarant Pl,an Revi ew--> .Oo Totat, cat,cutated Fees---> ?i9.75Ptan Check---> 61.75 ORB Fee--------Investigation> .00 Recreation Fee----------> .OO Total, permit Fee________> 259.7jt.,i(|'ca|'|'---->3.00c[ean-uPDcPosit---.---.>100.ooPayments--------------.-> TOTAL FEES-----****************t*******t*****Jr*********ff*ffff******tt**fi**ft**t***f,tff*ff*******i***********ff***************************ff*** g! /21 / 1227^cEABLiE.,AcEii;ii;-'EiiFn cHenrrE DAVIIter! i ' .05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT- ---De Ite$i .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT0l/2L/L997 CHARLIE ection: AFF DepL: BUILDING Division:VISDept: PLANNING Division:PLANNING DEPARHARLIE AcTion9! /2r / \ge-7^ cE4BliE_:$s!ierli^;i;Fn x/aJIqmi,,O56OO FIRE DEPARTMENTo,!L?+ / r"227"cH+*l,TP,.,AS9*"" : APPR N/A9t /2r / rss't cuAnr,re-- iiAiio;i;It'em:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept: FIRE Division: PUBLIC WORKSHARLIE Action: AppR N/A Dept: PUB WORK Division:or/2r/Ise1-cHARLiE Ac'C ******t t******ff*************************************t**********************ff**********r*******************ff******************** see Page 2 of this Docunent for any conditions that may apply to this pernit. DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknov ledge that r have read.this appl,ication, fil,Led out in fuLl. the jnformation required, compteted anplan, and state that atI the information pnovided as rcquired is corfect. I agree-to comp1y riith the iniormationto comply !,ith atL Torln ordinances-and state [aws, and to buil,d this structure according tothe Town's zon.ing andcodes, design review approved, uni forrn Buitding code and other ordinances of the Town aipt,icabl.e thereto. accurate plot and ptot p [an, subd i vi si on REouEsrs FoR INsPEcrroNs sHALL BE nADE T[,ENTy-FouR HouRs rN ADvANCE By TELEIHoNE Ar.629-tfb8 oR AT ouR oFFrcE FRor1 TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up Deposit Refund amount date fof Gas Logs: SingJ.e Family ResidencdppfOvgd Type V Non-Rated Add Sq Ft: #0f Gas Apptiances: Send Ctean-Up Depori t To: pI yO BUILDERS Page 2 * * * * * * !r ** * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * ****** * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * CONDITIONSPernit #: 897-0006 as of oL/21/97 Status---r rssuED* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *i * * * * * rr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PErMit TYPC: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT APPliCd__: OL/2I/I9}'IApplicant--: pINyON BUITJDERS Issued---t Ol'/2L'/tgg73038275793 To Expire 2 O7'/ZO'/;-997 Job Address: 3226 KATSOS RANCH RDLocation---: 3226 KATSOS RANCH RD EAST UNITParcel No--: 2101-023-01-033 Description: REPAIR WATER DAMAGE TO UNIT * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOng * *** !t* ************* **** ******* ].. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORYAS PER SEC.1210 OF THE ].991 UBC.3. THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR INTERIOR REMODEL ONLY ************************************************************** ** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt it' ,! t **************************************************************** statemnt Number: REC-0243 Amount: 259.75 Or/T/97 LL:29Palrment Method: CHECK Notation: #6L52 l;ritr CD **************************************************************** Pernit, No:Parcel No:site Addrese: IJocation: This Paynent Account Code0L 0000 4131001 0000 4L332 01 0000 2200201 0000 41336 997-0099 Type ! A-BurrJD ADD/AIJT 2101-023-01-033 3225 KATSOS RANCH RD 3226 KATSOS RANCH RD EAST UNITTotal Fees:259.75 Total ALL Pmts: Balance I Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOS]TS WILL CAIL INSPECTION FEE SFR BUILD PE 259.75 259.75 .00 Amount 9s.00 6L.75 100 .00 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S, FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2t38 Etect ri ca [---> DRB Fee Investigat ion> ui l. L Ca l.l.----> TOTAL FEES---> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Pernit # I E97-0007 Job Address: 3226 KATSOS RANCHLocati-on...: 3226 KATSOS RANCHParceI No.. : 2L01-023-01-033Project No. ; PRJ97-0004 APPLICANT SHAW ELECTRIC P O BOX L45t, AVON CO 8l_620 CONTRACTOR SHAW ELECTRIC P O BOX 745It AVON CO 81620 CARPENTER ROBERT S 2170 TECUMSEH PARK LANE, WEST LAFAYETTE RD Status. . RD EASTApplied. Issued.. Expires. Phone: 30392 53.00 .00 53.00 53.00 .00 I S SUED 0L/2L/Lee7 0L/2r/Lee7 o? /20/lee7 63358 Phone: 3039263358 Phone z 3I7-463-2354 rN 47906 OWNER Description: REPAIR WATER DAMAGED UNIT Valuation:1,000.00 *************tr*****************************t****ff******** FEE su titARy ************************f,************Jri******************* 50.00 .00 .00 3.00 53.00 Tota I Catcutated Fces---> Additionat Fees---------> TotaL Permit tee--------> Payments------- EALANCE DUE-.-- ****ff******ff******ff****i***t********ff*ff**********ffi*rht*ffr*********Jr**t*ff***ff*ff*************ft********ff********tr******* Dept: BUILDING Division: ERNST DepT: FIRE Division: ****"**ft*********ff******ff*************ff***ff************fi**********H**************************t***i***td****************ffff CONDITION OF APPROVAL I. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE, ****rr**ffi**ffi********t****ff****************ffiffi****t**rr*******ffffH**t******ff****ffi***************f,****ff*ff****ff***** DECLARATIONS I.hereby acknowtedge that t have read this apptication, fitl,ed out in ful,L the information required, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that al't the informati.on provided as required_is cofrect. I agree to compl,y riith the information and ptot il.an,to compty uith atl' Tolrn ordinances and state tavs, and io buil.d this st ructu re-ac cord i ng io'the Town,s zonin! and subdivisibncodes, design neview approved, uniform Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the Town afpticabl,e thereto. REouEsrs FoR INsPEcTloNs SHALL BE llAoE TT ENTY-FoUR HouRs tN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE At 479-?13g oR AT ouR oFFIcE FRott 8:00 Ar 5:00 ptl ITemi,06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT9I/2I/1!997 CHARLIE Action: AppR FORItEm:' 056OO FIRE DEPARTMENT I.INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII.ISELF AND OIINER **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt * ***************************************rr************************ St,atemnt Number: REC-0243 Aaount: 53.o0 OI/ZL/SZ ttzZ}Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #6L52 Ihitr CD Permit No: E97-0007 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMTTParcel No: 2101-023-01-033Site Address: 3226 KATSOS RANCH RDLocation: 3226 KATSOS RANCH RD EAST UNITTotal Fees: 53.00This Payment, 53.00 Total_ ALL pmts: 53.00Balance: .00* * * * * * * * Jr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ik * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * dr rk * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * Account Code Description AnountO]. OOOO 41313 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 5O.OOO]. OOOO 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO -{';* TOWN OI' VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-479-2138 Job Address. . .Location Parcel No.....Project Nunber DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST MECHANICAL BE POSTED ON PERMIT JOBSITE Permit ALL TIMES M97-0004 AT #z 3226 KATSOS RANCH 3226 KATSOS RANCH 2 101-0 2 3-01-0 3 3 PRJ9 7-0004 RD Status. . RD EAST UNITApplied. Issued.. Expires. I SSUED or /21/ LeeT APPLICANT VALLEY WIDE MECH. & P O BOX 5080, AVON CONTRACTOR VALLEY W]DE MECH. & P O BOX 5080, AVONOWNER CARPENTER ROBERT S 2170 TECUMSEH PARK Description: REPAIR WATER DAMAGE TO UN]T EI,ECTRICAL Ico 81620 ELECTR]CAL Ico 81620 LANE, WEST LAFAYETTE IN VaLuation: fOf Gas Logs: .00 Total Catcutated Fees---> 3039 49I7 47 3039 4917 47 317 -463-2354 500.00 #of Uood/Pal. tet: Phone: Phone: Phone: 47 906 Fi reptace Information: Rest ri cted:flOf Gas Appliances: **ffi*ir********************ff***************ff************* tEE SU IIARy *i*****t**t***ff***********ff*********ff********f********* Hechani cat---) PLan Check---> Invest i gation> tiitt Cal,t----> 20.00 5.00 .o0 5.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi eu--> DRB Fee-------- TOTAL FEES----- .00 28.00 28.00 .00 28.00 2E.00 AdditionaI Fees---------> TotaI Permit tee--------> Payments------- ******tr*****************i********ft***************************************************il*tilli-lli;;;;;;;;iiiiii************ill*** Ile{ri .951q0^ESII_,DING DEPARTMENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:gl/2t/19,97-CHARLTE Acriont Appn cHenlrE DAViS-II.em:. 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT _ -D..t: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. ETETJD rNSpEqT-rqNg ABE BEQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.2. \rsrALLATrON_!'lg_sr qoNF,'oRr? ro MANUFAei0npS-llr5inDctrtjr.'rs-:\tiD-'_ TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 -tMe:-- -- -3. EAS APPLIANCEq_SUALI, BE VENfED ACCOnDrwe To CHAPTER 9 AND. suAL!, TEBMrli4,EE 4,S SPECTFTED rN SEC.906 OF rtrn -19t1 uuC.-4. AqqESS TO HE4TINE EQUrpMEr,rt uusr-eol,rFl,i wrsH--sne .5ds-aHo703 0F THE 1991 UMC. * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * ** d.* * ** * * t * * * * * * * ** * r. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r. * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DECI-,,ARATIONS r heneby acknov[edge that I have read.this apptication, fil,ted out in ful,l, the information required, compLeted an accurate ptotptan. and state that atl the ihformation provided as required is correct. I agree to compl,y iith tire iniormation and ptot i:l.an,to compty t'tith al'l' Toun ordinances.and state taws, and to buitd this structure according io'the Town,s zoninq and subdivisibncodes, design revicw approved, Uniform Buil,ding Cdde and other ordinanccs of the ronn "ipii"iui" irr.."to, """ REAUESTS FoR INSPECTTONS SHALL BE iIADE TUIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCT BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROII B:OO At4 5:OO pH SIGNATURE OT OIINER OR COTTRACTOR FOR HI}ISELF AND O!'NER **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAfL, COLORADO Statemnt* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Statemnt, Number: REC-0244 Amount: 28.00 OI/2t/97 Ilt3O Payment Method: CHECK Notation: *6152 Init: CD Permit No: M9?-0004 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMITParceL No: 2L01-023-01-033Site Address: 3226 KATSOS RANCH RD I-,,ocation:. 3226 KATSOS R"ANCH RD EAST UNITTotal Fees: 28.00This Payrnent 28.00 Total ALL pmts: 28.00Balance: .00**************************************************************** Account Code Description AmountO]- OOOO 4L312 MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 2O.OO01 0000 4L332 PLAN CHECK FEES 5.OO01 OOOO 41336 WILI, CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO ioco"t*l nagle counc, o"".""o'flrrr". ',i'[,.3i,;]irtoi'-Tals-&"rT"Jd;t TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTIO PERMIT APPLICATTON FORM oArBz /^2117 ,l APPLICATIoN MUST BE FfLLED OUT CoI'IPLETELY OR IT !,tAY NoT BE ACcEPTED {****************************** pElt!,tr' TNF.RI{ATr'N *****************************,l-t l-Building [ ]-Prumbing tt'l-nlectricat {l-u""t.ni-cat t/l-ott"t}ts,n.a rob Nane3 &rf ,rlr. F/"o,l Job Addre,", gez, klr;.,V. L,egal Description: Lot Block_ Fili.g sunorvrsrou, owners Harne: Ba Address 3)a( /r"ilsos 2or.\Ph. Ph.Architect: ceneral Description, F/aocl ba ^o =Work Class:[ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair 1,(l-orher_Lawb _ : Number of trwelling Units:Number of Accommodation Unlts: o N PERI'IIT /I lpnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliancesf, DRJZ,-I- ooo{ q* * * * * * * * . " Em:U6?... * * * * *L * va'Lbarto's "t r ;as ADpJ-j-ances _ G4s Logs_ Wood/peJ.1et_W::-q.e-T!t*xx****************,1************* VALUATIONg'*********************************L EqAI_6@eBUILDING: $ - ELEcTRTcarj- }./lrto Dt ^'ntrFD. 3 Lr-t >q ozEr'EcrRrcALz l/lrro ' a'o orHER: i 50aa "azPLUMBTNG: $ Address: Address: Plunbing Address: :{echanical Contractor: Address: ************* *** **** ******* ***** FOR BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLT'MBING PERMIT FEE: MECSANTCATJ PERUIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE! OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: J. Ohrn of, valr Rec[. No. Phone Number: FZI-ttT- Ao, p To$rn of Vail Req. No. Phone Number: 4ac *z=8.- contractor: UalL t Town of VaiI Req. NO. Town of Vail Req. NO. Phone Number: 4Y1 -tziT- Town of VaLl Phone Number: Reg. NO. oFrrcE usE ******************************* BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUI.TBINC PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAIJ PI'AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION ,FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PERUTT FEES: BUTLDTNG: SIGNATI'RE: ZONING: SIGNATURE:.ionments: VALUATION a .; ottODd9q( j t<.,o|).ooq CI}l 3tl or o d o o d E E.Do 1.1dd (l E9. A : eg. aEo .Jt o E.-zi568 E< l. Aulzo c@0a a '|O!E '{ltt (!nt adgo >oor !a ao ).Ae. o.. goo ilra oFq Fcro .oett F !'.Fro 4F " Alr,a ET*a &Bli 4 EEPD F9qta rt P,FcttfPix,a4ql E HE69oogr-t4a llL F 4 T FI E E 2 i! c|ITI(Jtfl oEEE t"E. gA E $8 E| li Rt E li :. Elr 6 rnE q R az BA!l 'Fr n Fa T U|D 4aIF ll il rr.ca o AtltcEO tcr o TOWI,I OF VAIL Fron tbc dcs* 0f,,, Me*- e'r(et,n) L"t A\tovttecl GExr\= ffi| A5o 5,04b tftt+r>l-) %ffi,+ aa'eV- zde-xzffi;+ Ltttcn Votcrtos \1,+l"l,ab + Gwathm o ey and Associates Architects June 19, 1985 Rick Pylman Town Planner Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. l,'lest Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: 3226 Katsos Ranch Road Gwathmey Residence Exterior Modif ications Dear Rick: As a follow up to your meeting at our home with my wife Kitty Friday 14 June, we wish to seek staff approval for the two modifi- cations discussed: 1) West Elevation: Remove useless door and replace with windowto match adjacent window. Siding will be patched, trim, sash and casing will match existing. See sketch #1. 2) South Elevation: Extend balcony one bay north to cover existing window with same detailing. The reason for this isto intemupt view of Interstate. Note: adjacent duplex already has full width balcony. See sketch #2. Thank you for your consideration. Si ncerely, Ned Gwathmey and Associates, P.O. Box 1979 Breckenridge CO. 80424 a subsidiary ol Cal Colorado Investors 303453-2000 Ned Gwathmey Enc I osures oo Fqa figH ,.":17t :i-i" : .,, CI.L+ FJ g $ $ E Prolect Application ,lo'" G\tq\r5 Prolect Name: Proiecl Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone:3c'vr,.., - a.L c'!.;-z.P-- Legal Oescription: Lot Architecr, Address and phone: Ia,rhL- a &\ie ,,,,^n 1y'.,t V,th"- Qttt.t , zon" ?f Icomments: \Diunr- ' eri c,,rr"'EL..cJ }r- v '-l €l .rrl&-pn.-) - Design Review Board o"" drq\g'S DISAPPROVAL o( Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL Summary: t.\Ffva/ PERMIT NUtfiBER OF PROJECT CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL rNs o PE CALL MON TUES THUR FRI ,or, {*t/r,f JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION i STEEL D FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEFI" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED INSPECT ) /of 'OtHa t) ,, ( I z- T-'_-\ tuwn u 75 south fronlage toad vail, colorado E1657 (303) 476-7000 Kevin Kreuz DeGette, Arrnon & KreuzP.0. Box 1230 Eag'le, Colorado, 81631 Dear Kevin, I have enclosed a copy of your approval approval is made as per your subm'ittal . needed from this department would be the for this construction. Please do not hesitate to call re if you this job. Sincerely, Tom Braun Torvn Pl anner TB/ rme encl . ofllce ol communltY devcloPmenl March 26, ]985 for the Duetchman Addit'ion. The The only additiona'l approvals 'issuance of a buildjng perm'it have any questions concerriing Project Application I Owner, Address and Architect. Address and Phone: A ,atocr< ,/ , riting lu /2 Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: ('orr*ouot- ., _-. DISAPPHOVAL frr^uApproval 75 south lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 olflce of communlty developmenl March 4, .|985 Kevin Kreuz Degetti, Armor and Kreuz Architects P. 0. Box 2130 Eagle, Colorado, E1631 Dear Kevin, Let me first of ali apologize for the delay in getting back to you concerning this proposal for the Deutschman Residence. I'ihile the p1 ans were in my office in the first week of February, I had set them aside and did not come across them again until last week- I hope my delay has not inconvienced you and once again I apologize. There a number of issues that I have identified relative to the nraterials you have submitted. Foremcst anong these is the question of gross residential floor area. Our files indicate the site has sixty eight square feet of floor area remaining. The proposed kitchen addition is for an additional seventy seven square feet. In addition, it appears as though another fifty eight sguare feet of floor area is being added to the master bedroom. The net result would be a total of sixty seven square feet over the allowable GRFA on this site. lJhile this question of density may appear to be a problenr , I feel it can be resolved in a number of ways so as to not prevent thjs development as proposed. l^]e can discuss this in greater detail at a later date. The others issues relative to this proposai would be the completion of a Design Review Board Appl ication. Submittal requirements for proposals of this type generally consist of a survey of the lot, a site plan show- ing the proposed addition, elevations, and a complete rnaterial Iist- III. on page four of the Des'i gn fleview Board application packet outlines the submittal requirements for residential additions. After you have had a change to revjew this letter and the Design Review Board application form, please call rne at your convience to discuss in greater detail exactly what materials will need to be submitted for this propos a 1 5 i ncerel y, . \/I ' o.A^ Vi'tUI\\ Tom A. Braun Torvn Pl anner *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested todetermine if any additional informatjon is needed. No application will Ue acceptedunless.it is complete (must include all items requireO Oy the zoning administrator).It is.the applicant's responsibility to make an dppointrnent with th6 staff to findout about additional submittal requirements. Pleiie note that a COMPLETE applica-tion will streamljne the,approval process for your project by decreas'i ng thL'numberof conditions of approva'l that the DRB may sti-pulatb. -ALL c6nditions oi approval mustbe resolved before a building permjt is ilsued. APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF DRB MEETING: DRB APPLICATION A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:Remodel and 77 s re foot addition to the B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address 3226 Katsos Ranch Road Zoning Legal Description Lot Bl ock Filing Vail Village L2tl APPLICANT: Michael and Lvnn Deutschman 3226 Katsos Ranch Road Vail co 81657 telephone 476-6045 APPLICANTTS REPRESENTATIVE: DeGette Armon Kreuz Lrd. telephone 328-234A C. NAME OF Address D. NAME OF Address L230,81631 E. NAME OF OI,INERS: S i gnature Michael Deutschman Address 3226 Katsos Ranch Road Vail co 81657 telephone 476-6045 F.DRB FEE: The fee will be paid VALUATION at the time a building permit is requested. FEE $ $ 10, $-.50 ' $ 150, $5oo,$0v o - $ 1o,ooo 00i - $ 50,000 001 - $ 150,000 001 - $ .500,000 001 - $1,000,000er $1,000,000 $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $ 100 .00 $200.00 $300 .00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONi TO THE DRB: 1. In addjtion to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the siteto indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The review process for NEt{ BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetingsof the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approvai. 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be requjred to be repub'lished. o Deutschman LOT 2 BLOCK 26 Katsos Ranch R Vail. CO DESCRIPTION OF P : Remode and 77 seuare foot a The following information is required for submittal Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL Roof Si di ng Other t,lall Materials Fasci a Soffi ts l,Ji ndows l,lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Flashings , Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther unit of a duplex in East Vail LIST OF MATERIALS RemodelNAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: B: LANDSCAPINGI FILING Vail Village 12ch east cedar shake by the applicant to the Design Review COLOR natural 1x8 channel rustic cedar none gray stain to exr s E lnsblue match cedar staln to match existing lvwood wood stain stain ! f 9 o match existing match existing none none none none none none none none none Name of Designer: phone: none PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TRIES Botanical Name Common Name Quani ty Si ze* none EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. Indicate heiqht for conifers. FOLICY NO. AZ 2307 92 AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION OWNER'S POLICY$- FORM B - 1970 (Amended 10-17-70) ITLE NSURANCE OMPANY OF INNESOTA a Stock Comparry. oil Minneapolir. Minneotr SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, T}TE EXCEPTIONS CONTAINED IN SCHEDTJLE B AND THE PROVISIONS OF THE CONDTTIONS A}.ID STIPI.JLATIONS HEREOF, TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA, herein called the Company, insures, as of Date of Policy shovrn in Schedule A, against loss or damage, not exceeding the amount of insurance stated in Schedule A, and costs, attomeys' fees and expenses which the Company may become obligated to pay hereunder, sustained or incurred by the insured by reason of: L Title to the estate or interest described in Schedule A being vested otherwise than as stated therein; 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on such title; 3. Iack of a right of access to and from the land; or 4. Unmarketability of such title. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Title Insurance Company of Minnesota has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers as of the date shown in Sctredule A, the poliry to be valid when countersigred by an authorized officer or agent of the Company. ITLE NSURANCE OMPANY OF INNESOTA hesident rized Officer or Agent Secretary EXCLUSIONS FROM COYERAGE The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy: L Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited to building and zoning ordinances) restricting or regulating or prohibiting the occupancy, use or enjoyment of the land, or regulating the character, dimensions or location of any improvement now or hereafter erected on the land, or prohibiting a separation in ownership or a reduction in the dimensions or area of the land, or the effect of any violation of any such law, ordinance or governmental regulation. 2. Rights of eminent domain or governmental rights of police power unless notice of the exercise of such rights appears in the public records at Date of Policy. 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters (a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the insured claimant; (b) not known to the Company and not shown by the public records but known to the insured clairnant either at Date of Policy or at the date such claimant acquired an estate or interest insured by this policy and not disclosed in witing by the insured claimant to the Company prior to the date such insured claimant became an insured hereunder; (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the insured claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy; or (e) re$lting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained if the insured claimant had paid value for the estate or interest insured by this policy. T Authorized Officer or Agent -l L 6,TA Form l30 2/73 3OM\(!t/ Copy.ight 1969 Americ.n L6nd Title A$ociation -J CONDITIONS AND I Drfinilion of T.rnt The following tetms when used in this pollcy mean: (a) "insured": the insu.ed named in Schcdule A,3nd, lubiect to any rights or def€nses the Company ma) have had sgainst the named insured. those who succeed lo th€ interesl of such insuted by operalion of l8w as distin8uisbed from purchase including, but nol limited to, heirs, distributees, devisees, sutvivots, personal reprerentctives, next of kin, or co!porate ot fiduci&ty successors. (b) "insured claimant": an insured clsiming loss ot damage hereunder. (c) "knowledge": sctual knowledge, not construcliye knowledge or ttolice which may be impuled to an insuted by reason of any public records. (d)"tand"; the land descdbed, lpecifically ot by tefer€ncc in Schedule A, and improvements affixed lherelo which by law constitula real propertyi provided, howevet, the lcrm "lsnd" does not include any property beyond the lines of the area specificslly described or refetred to in Schedule A, nor any dght,litle, interesi' estale or easement in abutling stte€ts, roads, avenues, alleys' laneE, ways or watelways, but nothing herein shrll modify ot limit lhe extena to which a right of access lo Dnd from lhe tand ls insuted by this policy. (e) "mortgage"l mortgsgc, deed of trust, ttust deed, br olh€r security insltumenl. (Q "pubtic recotds": those records which by l8w impttt constructive notice of msttets telating to said land. STIPULATIONS 2. Continuaiion of l r6ur.nce rfter Convevrnce of Title The coverage of this policy shall continue in force as of Drte of Policy in favor of an insured so long as such insured tetains an estal€ or interest in the land, or holds an indebiedness secuted by a purchase moncy tnoltga8e given by ! purchaser from such iDsu.ed, or so loflg as such insured shall have Iiability by reason of covenanls of warranty made by such insuted in any t.ansfer or conveyance of such estale or intercst; provided, hourever, this policy shall not conlinue in force in favor of any purchaser from such insured of either said estale or interest or lhe indebt€dness secured by a purchase mooey mortgage Siven to such insuted. 3. Delsnre and Ptosscution of Aqtions - Notice of Claim ro be given by rn ln3utad Claitnant (a) The Compsny, al its own cosl and without undue delay' shall Drovide for ahe defense of an insuted in 8ll liiigation consisting of aclions or procecdings commenced againsl such insut€d, or a dcfense interposed against an insured in an action to enforce a contracl for € sale of the estale or interest in said land' to ihe exlenl thst such liliSation is founded upon an alleged defecl' liefl' Gncumbtance, or other mrtter insu.ed against by lhis policy (b) The insurcd shall notify ihe Company Promptly in wriling {i) in case any action ot proceeding is begun or defense is intetposed ii s€t forth in (a) rbove, (ii) in case knowledge shall come to an lnsured hereunder of any claim of title or interesl which is adverse io the tilte to the calalc or inlcresl, rs insured' and which might csusr loss or drmsge for which the Comgstry may be liable by vfiue of thls poticy, or (iii) if litle to the .slale or inleresl' as lnsured, tu releited rs unmarketable' tf such prompt -notice shall not bc give[ io the Company, then 83 lo such insured all liability lContinued ort inide Inck flaP1 (Continued on inidc fuck fup) i ll4 :-rurr'r g l- !, i- irr.fll *: i, l; f . i:,j"i tC; i-t;r!li .-ir..ii rr ii. f.iBi at ',.1i t.lt.r lJ. !'1, .r. l.i.l*;l' ';rr insi:'.-t: tllr-.iiirE|- i1. [,Er-.rr'!,i'iri"k.;i\ -1:1d L.r:'ifi 5. LtLLlt':.LFrl'iA]i .:. lhs ,.::r ilr p ::, r. rrrti,f.r:i rrr tire iarid {ie3cr'ri'ed. rrr iiris .:tiredutt '1rr rl uiirh ::. f irc'itnirf rr'i ci' f nis. iio ll{'i" 1.5, fi FEa 1.. I itic !i: 3ir* =5trrc :jr t- i il irl'r*:. t c:ri':r'*',i i:r ini's erti;i ar ini: 'jetl ii';f r':r-, r i-t ,'l.:-?-g:f l fi'- r'llLHirtu x. .laU r:,;iri'iiri\ ,rn'i LY.t\li 3. nHLii a'i:Hl'lAN :i. iirC i.:rrd r.i:.i*r.r'ad ti irr tiriS rei itr i5 litU'ltcd in cilL;l-c t-'JiJttt r, i,*l*radrr" and is C'rEri'ite.:i as f ol I rug.! Lr-ri l;rr, r irlx,-li-;CZ L,i.if 1-;.q, irr-.r-.rjxilIl.t'r I tr f rtE *tf.*n'ur.U rLrl i r nc.ni-'-ri , ;..;lrl.,l'f r -rii LrluLE, i irl I il i:F :-.trl-ijhiri,ur. : iri:; n'-l ii::: i' ,-l':r;i' !-lrli :. l-i!'jf :' A:1':'.i iii r I t':.t ;ti. .ilfrin:J frr l ii':l:'*rl t:rf tlli t,-: i i u:u i rr:r: l. ti j...:irrg. {rr. :: I.11:Tr: ::,i f.f r'f i j!. irr r.,:,9!3t,s i Ofi rr*k :rrc'urrt t'r' trr* r,.rbi iC Litnf'ri:.. ;, i..::::m*rr i:., ,:,i' il.1 rirls ';:r :.lasutngnit, r;:::t t itit'Jrn hi llls' l":'rnlic i":;*i''-r:' .1 . i-' f :.lf L :;rftl:1ri:, -:Lfiri1':f-:' ift t::{:ljf;::,f f ,' i i frc::', :rfir::f If.:|g lir Lfuf,r '-rt',:r'a:,aih?!|*n t:--. .: i"r:! ani :-a.i-', urhi:h * citi'r'g'':L ilr'vsi ailg 'ingrgcti*rr .,-1 r r- t-i.i-! ilr z'ljt).::.1 5, U,:: rjl i ,:i!i1 iir-qr-- af!d '!fr i r-il at t: frr::t '.'f: r:'Ufl t' r 'ifl'J l=:lb i f i .. .:J .. t.: '...' c ;'irrr' t i';':'r ' *i i'lilrlf i'.: : |:.;li-r, ii'r' i.!i \'lLtci) I ilErr:rl', j-:i fliafEr':Ii :i; :I (!-I:::ti:r'- ,:r i.:.'r l:art:r ruf rt l:.irc,i' ltrrF'13a{t i: i' iarl :rl '1 n':!X t- rtr:rr'"rt iri Ln*.. p',.i:' li': r- g:c,r,:s' I it:i ti-r,\bl:. |'h.-:l ri-. i i:ii-!i ;ii; Fi'rriiEt--e. i.-ltti:i i-lrr i-.il.ifirIi.r i'ritirir itf'rr-r :.;,ll-h'-r-,r';nuli, IF rllir' l-:i':lrj i r-:l- iid;i F:.:ri iifi*i'; :irt i.l'rl'iiii-:i r-.r-rl'i:SiriUi.irlu er fr'-rt :rt-rlitr-'Fi t r tiF lHb.- r-ii.i1-its-i.l ::,irlii.i, ll':, ni::,Ehvtt| Iii Lri''il iF.lr :'.[irrEi i:irlr:.1'ir' nE:]t-ritl-tL,u ;::;nulirt / ', i, 'tr:r.:t, -r i'i ir-r-rF. .-, J lr'i FrirjE ert-t. ttsil"llr-: il',,e. i..i,ri,iF-ii.-ixi-, ljirlr-.ii i:u i.ir-r'f i..;frlirrli ir Fr--lhFli ri.:i'E :.-rh ni-';ri"rLk i:.1.;:lr.-::1c., 111:; :-:.,i.lliiii:Hi :i.l r I r::. i rii-il"lii t i trErlr-i*lrEii ;il-ir:ij:j-i ir:, 1-';: t t'i ;1r-ri iJ-i;rti iiir_.,r :.[,, ;.:1.;lr i';.i. ltj'ltt.il,!:lr 1N iriSir{i..it.lEl'i] i]iEr-.irF:j.r[u :.f:t-I{i:t\l;cjr ,:.:" t'.-i;- li"i rir-,u r." ,:...1i r-rI Frit-.E 'll::i. :,, Li i.il-I-ir'tfr:i.el4ei.rt .:.r-r r-i:!.i ihi i,ilnlH r:\Llrril; ;HE:ir-rl-r'i riSrii i.u] i-1l'ii: i': ,ii-r:;r.jli r-'l.l rfiE htr-r-riirLn FLfil'r-rF VfrIL VILi-fi';f, iiiti-Fiii Fil-iiir.] ii. 1ERi,i5, r-.ir,..jl.:i i lari.ll:. '-:rrrl-.1 FF{ij!}Il.1:-:;l!; i,i: i ri'iEidi.'ELr Tr-rl'rirH';i-r-':'E i':Ht-l-rtFtll i-'t\j ir-.rF, IHe l.!irF(i-ri-iir lri-rrLu:x ftEi.i-:Rr-ic.0 ;.EF iEi'ig€ri 1i:,, iv,.jr.r if'J Edr-:i- ji''i ;it Firt-'E .iir':,. j:. i.ir_riE urN FrHr_,r_,Fii-rEir Fl-i:i '.:rF i.lirft1.r.-:EZ t:Lri'i-E)"; rji i:,JLL"-.:ri:: 'Firii j-ui\tiitit-i :-,n i rrrr-x '.-r'ii.;;-iJ!.E ri€i:r:-iu;li I,lt'r.:; UF ii"tE i,-r;.il'l i-rF ';AiL' llie f-i':ti f ;rht-rt-:: L.iitrill Eii l]y : HIi ;.-:tr-ri!)ir:.ll:if'l irRE t:EEl.lEIi iii PF- trljE Lt I . flu Fll.rHt i!ir'tl'i '.-,l..rE r ruu-Firl.iIur FiEr;ilr€i'lr-E .;,iiALL frE rjuu'-it^iEr.r *l.l filE Lrrl'lBll'li-il riiii;i:i uF Irig Tl,,rtj Fr-ri<*.i-L:.. irLLr-ri+i:!'Li. I'rRr-r!+ Nt;ILlEi'JiIr"\L ii-irL'|F: iixFr:t ir-'hFi:ri F'-lt't ri-ig l-Hrr-Frit.liLy HEliltrHt'i,-.E:-..HriLL cE filLr-,ili-r\lCIr r-rliIi.id ri-l€ r-lui'itrIl'jEtr rlnEil L'F I HE Iviu r'irhr-.i.-:!'. rll. I.rEEi-r r:rf "lRti-lT i:n1F-fr }Jl tnrtL:Ft 17, litir(r Frtt-rPl 'jt.r:.:;hf H ra, r'ktnut-iLZ 'lrlr l:.iiriF.i-b-i,re. lli rxr-rr-rt'-I i:-l ti'.'E ri-,Fu l.L ifiU-i iL.E '-rF r-riuLb' i rjl-ii'i i- l Fr-rR lne i"ir-'E r-,t- i4i:..-tt!,tJt.'irtvii.ii;: irlilr i,-uirli r+iSur.iniIL'l'i iIl:.tt,-i-ihE ri-if ::L:i"i t-iF ?;t,.,,t-.r.rr-r.r':,.t iiF-r-r-rtii:cr,! r-il- iL'iEN ;',1 , f i;r] jl l'l it-1';F. :i1i 3ll l'{ir--:ij lrari. 1:;,. I.lh-[-: irr t h.r.i:. i L'rl t i.Lr -,-r!..]i,:i l.--:, L:!:I l-iir-'f'l Jllll-lr;!L- i, i'e-r'.' t ::-.r-it'lr ilr ;iir'l l- ;r: e- .: t"Lrl iit iili i-,jrl'tr ;.: .i!. -::,? l.- I ijl'i :.. i-ii.U l:.t..ii,'ii iI1 ILr i fiF- l-L!i,Lii. ixr..';:. iFr LlF lrilt..L.i-'-..'-,!.ifli: i l-ri I r'ir: '-1:,i 1..'l' '.rr-r :.t-;1 i., l-iiit ,,-:r-'r: Z ::ril* r-irl'rnle.l'it l/ijir.r.,i:i.-l'; r lU :.F-r..i.-!frii riti- :'i.-:i'l r.ri: 3 -tJ , r.'i'-'ir, '-rir [=-.;F.:_rrL! ,_i:-il.ir 1j..,, L:':.1 -r; !:-1-ti. :;'l tii r;-!:.:j /:':,, of the Cofiprny shall ceas€ and ta-- . -- rn r.srrd to the mattel ol mattetr for which 5uch oromot ;ll'rf ';.;;quited; provided' how- ever, th|t failurc to notifv fiitt i,i'i'I i"rc prejudice the righls of any such insurcd und6l itrir ooti.""Jnt"s the compsny sh8ll bc prejudiced by such failure "tri thio'only to thc ettcnl of such prerudicc. (c) The ComPEny shall have rhe right at its own cosa lo institute aad \/ithout undu. delay prosecule any aclion or ptoceeding or to do an/ othet act which in itt opinion may b€ necessary or dcsirablc to establish the titte ro the eltatc or inlelest as insu.ed, and the Comprfly may take any appropriatc aclion under lhe terms of this Dolicy. whether or not it shall be liable th€rcunder' and shall not thcr;by concedc liability or waive any provision of thirpolrcy. . (d) whencver the Comoany shall have brourht any tction or rnterpos€d a defens€ as rcouired or Dermifi.d bv-rhc orovisions oflnls policy' the companv rn"" oursue anv s.t"h lltirriion to finaldelelminalion by a courr of comoetcnt jurisdictioo-and cxpressly reserves tne rrght, in its role discr€'tion, to appcrl from rny advcrs€ iudgmenl or order. (e) tn aU cases where rhis poticy Detmitt or rrquir€3 the Company to pros€cute or provide for the dcfense of ![ty action of proceeding, lhe insurcd hereunder shall securc to thc Company the right to so prosecute or provide defens€ in such action or proceeding, and all appeals therein, and permit the Company to us€, at its oplion. the narire of such insured for such purpose. Wh€never requested by the Company, such insu.ed shall give rhe Company all reasonable sid in any such action or proceeding, in effacling seltlement, securing evidence, obtaining witnesscs, or pro3€cuting or defending such action or proceeding, and the Company shall reimburse such insured for any expense so incured. 4, Notice of Los - Linitation ot Action In addition to thc notices requked under paragraph 3(b) of ihes" Conditiors and Siipulations, a statement in writing of any loss or damage for which ia i3 claimcd the Company i5 liable under this policy shall be furnish.d lo the Company wiihin 90 days aft€r such loss or damage shall have been detelmined and no tight of action shall accrue to an inturcd clelmanl until 30 day! afler such statement shall hrve bcen furnbhcd. Failure to furnish such statement af loss or damltc shall l€rminate any lisbility of the Company under this policy ai to tuch losa or drmrgr. 5. Optionr to Pry or Othorwit S.ttL Cl.h! The Company shall havc thc oplioo lo p.t o( olhcrwilc settlc for or in the nlme of an insured claimrnt rny c|||m inlurcd rgsintt or to terminate eU liabitity .nd ablitttio of thc Comptny hereunder by paying or tendcring ptyrnGnt ol lha amount ot insurance undcr this policy roSethea with rny c6tt' lttolncyt'fGGr and expens€s incurred up to thc tirnc of ruch plylFnl ot lcn&r ol payment, by ahe insured claimant and ruthoritcd by rha Conpany. 6. Drtcrmination and Pay'rtont ol Lol (a) The liability of the Company undcr lhir Policy thrll in no case exceed the leasi of: (i) the sctual loss of the insurGd c|rimanl; or (ii) rhe amount of irsulance itatcd in Sdladulc A: ol (b) The company will pay, in addition to !r|y -losa. ltturcd against'by this policy, ail cost! imposed ugoo sn inrutcd in litilrtion cirried on by rhe Compsny for such insusrd, rnd dl cotlt' attorneys' feei and expenses in liligariotr caried on by tuch lnsur'd with the written authorization of the ComPsny. (c) wher liabuity has b€en definiielv fix?d in accotdancc with the conditions of this policy, the loss ot dtmagg shtll be payable within 30 dsys theresfier. 7. Limitltion of LirbilitY No claim shall a.ise or be maintainabte uod'r this Poticy (a) if lhe Company, aftcr having received notice of rn allcged def€ct' lien or encumbiance insured againsl hereunder' by litigllion or otherwis., removes such def€ct, lien or encumbrancr ot esl8blishes the title, 8s insuted, within a reasonabl€ tima aftct rcceipl of such notice; (b) in lhe ;l/eot of litigation until therc has bcen I final determinaiion by a courl of competent iurisdiction' and dbposition of all aDDeals thirefrom, adverse to lhe litle. as insured, as ptovidcd in parairaph J hereof; or (c) for liability volunSarily assumed by an insured iniettling any clrim or suit without prio. wrilten cons€nt of the Company. 8. Reduction ol LisbilitY All prymcnts undet this policy, except paym€nts made for costs, attorneis' fees and exp.nses' shall reduce the amounl of the insurance pro tanto. No payment shall be made without producing this oolicv for endo.semenl of such paymena unlgss the policy be lost Lr dislroyed, in which case proof of 'such loss ol destruction shall be furnished to the satisfrction of the Company 9. Lisbillty Noncumul.iivo It is exp.essly understood that the amount of insurance under this oolicy ihall be reducer.l by any amount the Company may pay under ani policy insutinB either (a) a mortgage shown or referred to in Schedule B hereof which is a lien on the gstate or interest covered bv this policy, or (b) a mortgage hereafter executed by an insured r .trl"tt ij a cha.ge ot lien on the estate or interesl desctibed o' referred to in Sciedule A, and the amount so paid shau be d€emed a payment uldet this policy. The Company shall have the option.to ipptv t" the paymena of any such morlgages any- amount -th!toii"i*ise ."ouid L. plyable hereunder to the insured owner of the estale or interest coveted by ahis policy and the amount so paid shsll be deemed a payment under ihis policy to said insured owner' lO. ApFottionment tf the land deEctibed in Schedule A consi3ts of two or more oarcels which ate not used as s singl€ site, and a los-r is establ s}led ;ffecting one or mole of ssid parcels but nol all' the loss snall oe comoutid and settled on a pto rata basis as if the amount of iar"i-a" under this policy 1^'8s divided pto rata as lo the valu-e on Date of Policy of each seperate parcel to the whole' excluslve or any il;;;;";i; made subsiquent to Date of Policv' unless a liabilitv oi'vatue has otherwise been agreed upon as to each- such parcel by the Company and the insu.ed at the time of the tssuance ol tnrs piji"v uia int*. by an express slatemenl herein or by an endoBement attqched herelo. 11. Subrogaiion Upon Paymeni or Sottloment Whenever thc Company shall haw seltled a claim und€' this policy, alt right of subrogation shall vest in the Company unaffected 6V iny u"i of lhe insured claimant' The Company eh3ll be "uUrogit"a to snd be entitled to all riShts and remedies whiah such insurei claimant would have had sgainst any persoo or propcrly in tiip."i to iuch claim had this policv not been -iss-ued, lnd if requcated by the Compaoy, such iosur.d claimant shall tlansfet to thi Company all rights and .emedies against-any- pttsor or property nccessary irl ordet to perfect such right of subrogalion- and shall permit ihe Comp.ny to use the name of such insurcd claimlnt in iny trenraclion ;t litigation involving such rights or t.medics. lf the prymcnt doct nol covcr thc loit ol such insur€d claimant, lhe Compuy 3hrll b€ subrolatcd to such riShtt tnd.amcdics in the progortion whlch srid p.ymcn: bcar3 to thc rmount of said loss. lf lola thould rctull from rny scl ol such inlurcd claimant, such act 3hrll oot vold lhlr polict, but thc Comptoy, in thrt event' shall be r?qulrad to 9ry only thrt prta of eny losses insured againsl hcrcund!3 which drrll crcccd ihc rmount, if any, lost lo the Cornprny by nuon of thc implirm€nt of lhe right of subrogrtion. 12, [,bbalit? Limit d ro rftoficY Thir instrumcnl togcthet with all endors€menis and other inlttumrnB, if rny, .ltsched hcr€to by the Company is the entiie policy snd coolracl b€tween the insured and thc Company. Any claim of lo$ or damate, whelhar or nat bascd on netligencc, end whi€h a.ises out of the lialus af the title to the eslttc oa intcrest covercd hereby or any action ass€rting such claim, shall be rcstricled to the provisions and conditions and stipulations of this policy. 'No amendm€nt of or endorsem€nt to rhis policy csn be made crcepl by w'itlng endotsed heteon or aatached hereto signed by eilhca lhc President. a Vice P.esident, the Secretary, an AssGaanl Secretary, or validating officcr ot authorized siSnatory of the Company. 13. Notic... Where Sont All notices required to be Siven the Company and any slatement in writing required to be furnished the Compsny shall be sddressed to its Home Office, Minneapolis, Minn€sota 55401. Note: Thir policy ralid only if Schedules A and B are attached- 'm o a TITLE INSURANGE POLICY AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION OWNERS FOLICY FORM B - 1970 LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY P. O. Box 357 Vail, Colorado 81657 AC 303 476-2251 'a'a *. ITLE NSURANCE OMPANY OF Home Olfice: 4OO - Znd Ave. So.. Minneapolis, Minn. 554O1 INNESOTA . 612't371.1111 Z + ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING rro FTEPLY TO EAGLE ,i? \rAtL vtl,L/Vb tztl,4-ytt tfi DIUTSCT{IVIAN RESTDENCEvAlt., coLoRADo Lynn and Michael Deutschman wlsh Eo remodel their half of a duplex in East VaiI arrd are seeking a General Contractor" Ther:e a4e three general areas of remodeling: A. EnLry ancl Living RoomB. KitchenC. l4aster Bed:rsom Please submit Eo us a proposal indicating why the Deutschmans should use your firm racher Lhan another. Since construction cost is an important consideration, ptgase give some indica- Lion ds to how much your: s*:rvices wilL cost. For example, yoU mi ght wish to jirdicate hourl y raLes for variotrs per:sonnel, mark up on maLerials, irnd how long t.he remodeling mighE take. Since exact macerials are noL yeE known and sirice demolition may expose some unforeseen electrical or plumbing work, werealize that an exact.fixed bi.d amount is unreali.stic. But the Deutschmans are lookin F" f ot s(rnre est i.mate of Lotal cosE(perhaps in the form of a guarantedd maxlmum). Once a contractor is selected. the Der.ltschrnans wish Eo work with him and the architect. to finalize the scclpe o:f work" The following is an outli.ne of the work iterns in each of the thr-r *' ilreas: !g!-1'.v_..;rn.J_ !i )' i 1f, \.'t tI 1. Remove enEry closeL.:. Ne-w r,ra11 with arched clpenings 3. liew walls for coaL crloset- and wel l:'ar.4. WeL bar cabinel, sink, and wine rack abc;ve. 5. Coat closet door, shelf, and rod.6, Reverse swing of existlng ent-ry door.7, Replace two windows in Ewo-story space with orre Large(4'-8" x l3'-.0") combination wood arched window.8. Remove wood ;raneling from west living room wall and prepare sheetrock wa11 for painr finish.9. New tr:im and mantel around fireplace.10. New coffered wood ceiling in ltving room (similar Lo Pepi's),Il. Remove wood trim on wall-between slairs and prepare sheetrock for paint finiqh. L2. New st-air handr:li .L . flICHABO L. OeGETT€ AIA 280 oETROTT,qI DENVER, CO 60206 3O3.30S{2E0 NOE€NT A, ARMON AIA KEVIN E. KFIEUZ AIA BOX rr30 EAGLE, CO gr63i S3.32&2340 I I Deutschman Resldence\tai1, ColoradoPage2 ',.' il. New carpet tn trtvingldtntng area.14. New tile in entry.15. Interior palnt.16. Relocate electric outlets ancl switches. Lijsls! t. 2. 3. 5. A '7 8. 10.tl. 12. 13. L4. 15. L6. 11L j - l)R 19. ')o ')l ??-. Actd 77 sqyars feet ho hui tcting for: enl ar6ed kirchen. Remove exi st ing wal I s. New walls (drywa!1). Kilchen cabinets (middle rang,e cost), pantry, and br l'4a s Cer_:Bedroom l. Remove existing bath and closr.t. walls,2. New bedroom, bath, and closet walls,3. New master bath i.ncl.ucling toileE, 2-sink vanity,Infinity Spa, and riled shower.4. Nerw seconrlary bathroom including new sirrk and toi5. Mirrors for vanities.6. Tl !e arcund sDa.7. Carpel master bedroom and secondary bath.8. Closet sheLves and rods9. 60 square feet of new wood windows. tr.ar.oaf. TiIe countel-tops. Reuse_ existing sink, di.sposer, dishwasher, washer, and clryer.New Jennaire range, G.E. refrigerator, G.E. wall oven/microwave c ombina t i orr .Close off existing exlerior door and arld I new wood windows(2 arched). Acccirdian door: in front of washer and drver.Count.er and cabinet between washer arrcl dryer. New iuterior steps up to garage and han<Jriil.Vaulted cei I ing bet$reen dinin[ anrl ki Lc:hcrr. New quarry ti te floor: Dropped drywail ceilirr5; fcrr new plumbing in bathroom hbovc. Pa inL ing Ver:ify electrical service size.Wiri.ng, switches, outlets, and surface*urotrntecl incandescent 1i ght s New door to garage "New elecCric baseboard heat i.ng f c.rr: addit j.onaL space.Inst.a'hoL for kitchen si.nk. !,aise ceil.ing at Ianding into g,arage. Chan<lel i er in dinlrrr<. rg,e cost), pantry, and breakfasE Kohler leL - Ewo: New morgan gua: ?wo skyllghts -< (w.0-slory each). space. and Drotect and room. Ande rgrrrr secorldary bedroclm tr' <l lning i n 6r:adtr Za) = --r n R<z\ --_l \ / {>6z_l^9; >:--r cP< 1Z ?- -rx >; --.t c)o> c)2"-.t mnz>m --1 > I;m i €zm : z tl N c,5 =q, oo- l-t l- 3i#C)>'r r- -n =zI )J tTl 9--t !I l<I> lFl> IO :) l< ll-12 It<l-l<t>ttol I'lll =ll tltl l<P l! t9 IF z. ID E Irl IDl) r+.' l- a.' m a = .It- m I 3 ai I ! m z =m I c,oz(n -{nC c) =ozTlttn =-{ -tm lr.|]\)ll IF l@to 1)x (- m -l zo o 3 3 (D o o (D --t m 'Tl m = UEN uLtn =rq 2=7 = \., rJ, YFt- z=o@z2 z zr tc)LE lD-D,> P.o qa iilnE=F, j ob; z]n> thl. o oF: = lr;P...j<r BI;1'l(,,llstllltltltl -oO ZO A aJ,nl - -.1oz a n< zo4a-+:9=mr=trm ot4 i=x+z n(Dmm(1</l0()q8= ;=ozaor> r9 -az .-t AI J-i I 6Yl, il4 tl tl I I I I ot-r-l I I i2a.!33ii1 4a u;= d.c>-il j-t 7]a=; r" " J l -0 fTl 3 =z IL r-, +,Fr JOB NAME {{t!. THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED '1 'l 't .;" BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL u tr tr tr FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr cAS piprruc NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL IJ LJ FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING r] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ooz 2vco -{6z --: e trgg CLott.ol+ft=3lr; I193 ld8t:3t=3t-r c3 CLo sott =ot C, l- z=o@>= '= 9' z z f o zA-lm. nz|: >m!R OFt'-{># 9- c)tr;:o=--r c)o> O-p .2. --"{ cp< JZ9c) =m -t- z 2-{tc' -{ Za\ /\) 1' un <trq T \{ F:--tv4F2 =c)oYPr NTtr -nr '- -{zl'l* I FI Hr, l*Ftf ItEt l'rtl t- m . - Et>l.l> lr-1 lo lm l<t> Ft> IH 3 r m BrI Fl=t>ltol EEr"F IHEIts tEp tEhIEt14tF|-tftlI s J- U Ul{ 6t BFFb E EE|>FFF|>rn HFwt<I t!, IF IE klR l*ltltltl o --r H.ts !- Trl|73 { o {m It IE l".o-- I 'ofro(- mc)+ zo o) I\l(o z. t<t (^t CT{ U' m trz -lm t- € -.1m c. ? 6{ i -o _n mm (t t- € 0 mrm H u) .T m -l m =+(-o€x.n>= t-u, z(n l- -{ =z fiiq3lEeP=dEBini=s=2 ; (O(, ll | | i-tl"l-l lrFcz@-@>zo>mmoQ;42OQ FfiF ig=iJ@!.=-gI f;g Ae -e z-{tttttrI l*l'I P I zm€ X t--.{m z o _,j-l z t- mT t Ctl Ol ('|{ m o o ; t- I ^z ,tQ lo -gE f i4 - m+F toBe = X +i: g H'-:.2 a"o 6 6 t'f= 2 Hx t!F Q:z-g€ to F?- lod == IA--t -o m H t, uF + @ -{ -Iz m o) OJ ccs A 0o ts @ CD \l JT 3 H F Nt\) I F ?6 t- m ( ,i €z 2 zo 2 .J tf2>z ----c ^=) tlz' / Id JO'o 3\3\\f:\eI ,.-( >F \! I'lQ>(trFt a- bao o>3 F:: iro>Q>o-J-aX>6?z7-Z0>: -zit ^t Eiioo;.lFtil'r iF*oJl 11I 3''tr!.1 >cE<<ftt''# t_ 5$5t\ i.o{ zzo2 m(n {o-{r m ='Tl m m U, t-m z Im!o2 -.t om2 z m mt m mP ^z 'Tlmm m T 2 t- Tt- = = mt-m -t 6 t- 'o a- zoT m x |-- z m 3 -{ !m ='11 mm at, VALUATION Tm73 -{ zo m 2 r - mt-mo.-l 6 t- @ FIz I tr 3 @ A UIt\) Nt9 io Ctl {JI t\J F 8 8 ^5 t, \) \l\) 3 b\J 5lc t\) @ c,rl t\)o tnol O xtr!C= - -l nrt] eoE',ol-t :l=3lni I l-n ol:lt'..:.,t o l-5 l-':5 t "'1 ct eog .9 (D <trPm:-q 1z= =c)C)v=t- z= >= z z.r ooz(n+nc c){oz 1'mn ={ 9-P.2. r P<o=1z C)#>= -tc)o> o2"nz>rnc)! -r > I =m --l -n trz at tTl = I l<t> lFt>IO l<t> lFt> FrIl= Intrl<t>ll0 l|al|nI FI|l tl tlII c)B =t>*F t> mw l- I I*l-l I I C)B =F<F l> lo IHVt r I'l I I m - z o c) z _-'1 o--t c) Zr\ an o ozIoo03?HP+#Sn+ =;FgFzB 3til1F ==" 3 Ao --r f,t urmmC)uloo P6:I952@a -l> >Y Or! = a'l 4- = io =z.a)UrO-Oo'<'2I]oa. ^= c hztr--1^=x'nzz. € x -{ > )o>f,trF,€;c>(r_ <- :!!;=* > o>: =-r:;6;iit*:z f'1 o>!. O>O6ot-lx -YZz> t>.- zio:6us -i ; Fr:r mi -3t I Z r '. > c or.c(,o>-:: <-r i:ir. z l>o l0l: l<la t2 Ilol;r-I I I i I ol tl 2 l2to lol I I I I Olll-l I I VALUATION o -tm o(- mo-{ zo !m = =zo II I I I It I I I PROJECT # : P}IONE # olvNDR's uar,rn =Laa lae-gUrgt- . , ' IOT Z_ ,BLOC FILIN @ry.woe /-6.6t /A /. department of community development additional information or corrections the PIan Check which is now in the Building box 100 yait, colorido 81657 (303) 476-s613 The follorving are required to complete Department for revierv: 6p-- '€eoutura oe APPPptpe Or*e.L Lhave read and understand the atrove ,, u/ait-s , /',ra C ZC ,, (a) signcd;- J+ - YAIL }ltTa E sltttll4rlgl DtsrRlcr I ' -ryo/ e *,illtffiI^#sry O R$tDa{rtAL ttrT6n I SB'IER TAP FEE Ol-Cl:lsTlot prdSlCAL -, ,* OoO )d fw€ oF lg€ o.?lER 'STREET ADDRE55Lo'|. Z--------,.zLcrx.'FiLlilG BIl.ttrE ADO?ESS l. BAsEIENT JfiD FLOOR lsr noon tm nocr JRD FLMR glsEl=lff z- l5r FL@R ___._______-_z_- ZIO FL@R /- -_..._- Zx l.9l x .75 Ll 'i 1m ='- lZ -l .\ J.w 2x 2.$l := +x l,N = Zx .Sl j ,6= ,E= gaslH & mtt'ET. (OIE }TALF PAT}U (*gr,a, oR TtEl BASIN, TOILET, nurs (Ll'llxc Rooa"ls, ,;ffisE;'ffrtes,l'lx l.fr! = Srl.[)los, nicsrs DISI'IAS}GRS UT.SDR,IES Gen w,rstaJ ?t1 2. EfiRA 5II{1(s FTII BAIH . ICE I4Ac'IINES SATNAS rarrm coor-ms E I.TAIER FOII{TATIE sfilt8,ltli13 Po]15 JAClJz.I Ftrl. B4llS m{s rrrost DISSI'l,tSlfR i,crlmtEs CI'TSIDE I{AIER TT'TAI. K'TilTS g,'TSIDE }IATER . Glnr..l.lt oF ct€, ----------.....j= cTlt l1 3i Bnsa€t{rlsr rrcon ?o aooa )FD FL@R 7 L q, 5. 6. 7, 8. s,o2,o . 't'u 9. 10, x x x.E x 5,m rlffi APmnems I. 2.. 3, tt. t x l.m x'Lq) rtffi x'. .5) x l.fi! = L .\ s.zi 6O*:;:T/vw= ...i rou-o{lltcT}€csa?LETtc(oFcctsTRLgrtot|oF-ALLsIRtrrLR€s,T}|EDlslRlclSMLLi#oil,t"i riirsiirl-rfu'.eciic.i-riF'au- Fnd.rtsss io DErEf,,"llr{E n€ }tuBER oF Polrrrs 6H ,r**;$-nco:tuti:;-io-u: r*ren tjio sli'i:R TA" FEE' ;;:D l!\TE sotrliJt€' j\s ,"'eNieb]-niu*n,i-oisnrrcr'infti ili€ ,!rv r\Dr-usI;alTs liESESs'\lY. lN-n€ 9Rlcl;vL r p FEE pAlD. rxrs l;rsaccii-aisil[ A-SD Dtrruc|lilE nG Dulu)lls q'.?,tER's I{'\TER i.:to sorrn srRvtc€ ot tiliE' t|ru\eD OF nl nF-IO{ts IttsPECTOR ltJOE ,{1)7- ,4neguEz z 7A/ // JECr*on r^Lac2e-. ,i33 X zz = //Y1 :/ 3:g ). ?z- t //Y7 L 6rss zgx 6 ? z/. 77 ?7b 27 ^ toQ'/(J tr /a- /.hn- -/tA)(o@ g. 33 Y Z).9 /4-S v ?' I 33 x Z/ -i 7.s , ./o. t -zzl- I 0o - tz-r @lB -hl/.co Feoc-, 33x zz- = 7zb ? x /z z/ x / = 8/ ,(n X /or)=-//o 3s> 7L ?y /L =B^/ (74^ep6A z/ KZq Zl Y 7q q/so.< @r'o /q3, zza = 5z/ Zlx L/t = '/4-yezA /Zb@4u ? /a)z/& n@7@ Bze /@8 e z{= zs zoo 'T)eeot = /83O zzq zso , .F fu,4930O/,rys - 84sze aQocl | -? -- 3z&o--7e /a.g{,.'fuoe# /nrt Vun* /zz Q4c*ze /euez 2--= = 7O?,5 ? ?O?.{ = ?8,?{ €.oO I II zzo,Eo e €b/ ' Ba €b/.84 Z K)'9O 6z"g< az-{o 77"9O .4.( t1 t//e'at*fa'r | - P*n %e aJA fleep 74/ oa zt0,s0 Meet zTP^ -- @ / 4€n S*" z /aoa 3eq&= zz *- Project Application '-T-'r-://r] :, J..J z o^r" C,* /3- 7? Project Name: ''' ) ) Proiect Descriplion: / / Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: t-ot i , etocx / , rr,^n '/ V #/ ZfL Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motion by: Summary: Date DISAPPROVAL@ tK;tts (- Zoning Administrator Chief Building Off icial 2..t'iltf for t'ls 70:,iI l]lsrRICTS(, l?, lt }ffi3,*t f a'?,zo -7& Architect.Dar;geg4f 6*ef &U_ _ Lot Area -E+4hA- - -----Heisht Allor+crl 30' I,rlposed 2.3', I t Setbac|ls:Fron'u-Requircc2oi.-n,opbsua_---|b.---_-- Sides-Requircd l5' Prolicised ___]f_'_AOi , L,,Rcar -Requ'ired l5' Proposed ___ {Z ' _____-- llaterccu rse-requ i red o I SI'I GRFA: .' GRFA: Secorrdary Site Coverage: Propcied -441 Proposcd Pr'opcsed ectrral lor?o Landscaping: Requir "d bO fp___-- Parkins: 'Required 2/dJAtZ-{-=----_ Drive: Slope Permitted. -S?O-- . Slope Environmental /Haz.rrds : .Ava'lanche .' F'lood Pl ain Sl opc Coiiments: Alloned -I 4lthd Pt^itnari' A1 I or'red ilA Al'lowed -il{--Secondary Proposed AJ A _ Allr.rled ___299O Proposed )3?A_ D,..te:/ipprovcd/l)i sapproved ; I Zoning: LISI' 0F MA'llilllALS NAMII OT PNOJICT LECAI, DISCIIIP'I'ION t DESCRIPTION OIT PNOJNCT , l2-L6, FTLIN6LOT I BLQCK tz- Type o! Material Color Fascia. Sof fits 1[indows \{indow Trim Doors Door Trim Iland or Deck Rails 'Flues Flashj-ngs Chimneys Trasb Enclosu::es Greenhouses. '---'.---..'-.----Other - The followjng information to tbe Design Review Board A. ) BUILDING IUATBRIALS: Roof Siding Other Wal1 l{aterials is required for submi-ttal by the Applieant-u"i"tJ a final approval can be given' . B{zc@n) B.)PI,ANT I.'{ATERIALS(Vegetati-ve, Landscaping Materials and Ground Cover) Botani-cal Name Common l{ame including Trees, Shrubs, qu"n!i!X.Size flvcn t 'Qq:r *_fu; Vnftc:- 4ftJhdrnr mMu ?cr- I jflrt.f i \) *-r---'4 -J -r.. 4 -2la '-- -\'*'t 'y- --,.-t". -- h- <--. .,- _ '- _1.. f , i"- 'i ?:-:- : \,€ ^--) .t- ft.- L ^ft) ) ii ,i 1" ^. I rr.rstcnoN REeuEsr DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: T] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL )(AppRovED E DrsAppRovED tr RErNspEcrloN REQUTRED '.^ ^ ,a ,///J$DRRECTIoNS: f a **--t^ =-4 ca= ,, ---- 1, | , . 27 '-.-- oor, ?-/tr -22 rNSpEcroR I . ,,*. ,r- .