HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 12 BLOCK 1 LOT 4 LEGALa ,r-ffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Dwdopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97Q.4n.2L39 falx: 97O.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Prcject Name: Lubin Addition DRB l{umber: DRB010062 Project Description: Garage addition Participants: OWNER LUBIN, KENNETH A. 03/28/2001 Phone: 3236 KATSOS MNCH RD VAIL CO 816s7-4635 License: APPUCANT ERIC HILL 031281200L Phone: 303-499-4252 835 Inca Parkway. Boulder, CO 80303 License: ProjectAddress: 3236 KATSOS MNCH RD VAIL Locauon: Legal Descdption: Lot 4 Block 1 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 12 Parcel Number: 210102301011 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date ofApproval: 03/28/2001 Condltions: Cond: I (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the Design Review Board. Cond: CON0004607 Need P.E. stamped wall for walls over 4ft Cond: CON0004608 Revise limits of disturbance to include addiUonal landscaping and additional driveway area, Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: S5O.OO I APPLICATION FOR REVOCABI.,E MAII|I|I,IN A STRUCTT'RE O![ A*TIIIS trORlI CAAINOT BE REDI'CED(Please tl4re or print) PERMIT TO ERECT OR PUBIJIC RTGHT'OR-VTAY Fence Wa11 LandscapingOther Dauc"-:aVDATE lZ-t?-OO I ,$ect- OWNER OF PROPERTY NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE SERVED:\)at tzs separaE.e s eet) .(rf necessary, attach description o-'n Corner IoE Inside lot X DESCRIPTION OF STRIJCTURE OR ITEM(s)I_NTO RIGHT-OF-WAy: Attach plans showing encroachment,property 1ine, sidewalks, curbs, intakes, hydrant.s, meters,manholes. dhy other affected appurt.enance in t,he projecE area (boscale or dimensioned) and section(s) as well as elevations (ifapplicable) . Does structure present,ly exisE? Proposed dat,e for commencement of consEructionrn consideration of the issuance of a revocable permit tor ttrest,ructure above indicat.ed, applicanb. agrees as follows: 3. 4. 1' That Ehe structure herein authorized on a revocable permitbasis is rest.ricted exclusively to the land above delcribed. 2. That the permiE is limited specifically to the Eype ofstructure described in Ehis application. That the applicant shal1 notify the FroJect planner and TownEngineer, or their duly authorized agent, twenty-four hoursin advance of the time for commencement of construction, inorder LhaE proper inspect.ion may be made by the Town. The applicant agrees Lo indemnify and hold harmless the Townof Vail, ius officers, employees and agenEs from the againstall liability, claims and demands on account of injury, tossor damage, including withouE lirnitation claims arising frombodily injury, personal injury, sickness, disease, deaEh,property loss or damage, or any other loss of any kind what,soever, which arise out of or are in any mannerconnected with applicant,s activit.ies pursuant to thispermit, if such injury, 1oss, or damage is caused in wholeor in part by, or is claimed Eo be caused in whole or inparL by, the act, omission, error, professional error,mistake, negligence or other fault of bhe applicanb, hiscontracb,or or subcontractor or any officer, employee orrepresentative of the appiicarrt,, his contr:acLor cr hissubconhractor. The applicanL agrees to investigate, handlerespond to, and to provide defense for and defend against,any such liability, claims, or demands at, the sole expenseof the applicant. The applicant also agrees to bear allexpenses relating thereto, including court costs andattorney's fees, whether or not any such liability, claims,or demands alleged are groundless, false, or fraudulent. Applicanb, agrees to procure and mainLain, at ibs own cost, apolicy or policies of insurance sufficient Lo ensure aqainsbal1 liability claims, demands and other obligations assumedby the applicant pursuant to this Paragraptr 4. I q 6. 8. Applicants further agree to release the Town of Vail, itsofficers, agents and employees from any and all liability,claims, demands, or actions or causes of actions whatsoeverarising out of any damage, loss or injury to the applicantor to the applicarlt,s property caused by the town oi Vail,its officers, agents and employees while engaged inmaintenance or snow removal acLivibies or any-ot,heractivities whatsoever on Tolrrn of vail properly, streets,sidewalks, or rights-of-way. That, the permiE may be revoked.'whenever it is determinedthat t.he encroachmenE, obstruction, or other strucEureconstituEes a nuisance, destroys or impairs the use of theright-of-way by the public, constitutes a traffic hazard, ort.he property upon which t.he encroachmenE, obstruction, orstrucbure exists is required for use by the public; or iLmay be revoked at any time for any reason deemed sufficientby Ehe Town of Vail. That Lhe applicant. will remove, at his expense, theencroachment, obstruction, or strucLure within ten d.aysafter receiving notice of any revocat,ion of said permit. ThaE the applicant agrees to maintain any landscapingassociated with the encroachnent on the right-ot-way. That in the evenb said removal of the encroachment,obstruction, or sbructure is not accomplished wiEhin Lendays, t.he Town is hereby aut.horized to remove same and havethe right t,o make an assessrnent. against the property andcollect. Lhe costs or removal in the same manner as generaltaxes are collected. That the applicant has read and understands all of the termsand condit,ions seL forth in this application. # t-aoFee for Revocable Right-of-way permit is g€€+ for the firstpage and $5.00 for every paqe thereafter. }tak6 chechspayable to Eagle eounty ClErk and Recorder. Special conditions: Date (If joint ovrnership, bob.h signatures) APPROVED: Deparbment. of Public Works PWl FORMS /14r SC/RECOVROW, DOC REVISED 7 /27 /99 9. t_0 . 11. PARADIGM DESIGN TETTER OF TR,ANSMITTAT Date: To: 3-14-ot -fO{ &rr., ^*,.r\ AttAl\ir"n-15 9t. Fnr,.-+1& \lar\., Co f^Un Deo. b.g*- Kcf Projech Lor-brn AArt,*ton Please find enclosed the following:dated copies of 3-t+-ot Z*, 3-l+o\ I 3u{<pt"n, bt11 C^nt btt e0e.:. t-, | .rerne",,,41-1 N t 4l\.soa t Comments: jt c.ztded hrt"t+ca1orrX, cg5.<&A +lae re(a-.,*fir^r'-t( a,,.ol SpX*gr.-a oA 4* ,^-sF s,.tl (c"tto,.r "J-->z->- odaH ar*\ t + i.i.t-^." [."r- {- ura+ p-ft (.0^{- .^r} a.:f srd,a t {.t,t.- hoar:a. IC y'{ [rc,,.,e- a-'tu1 grC.-i gtc.x- a-tt k^a . "tL\a^t^9 Copy to: ,r,fn-A0"(Erich Hill, Architect ARCHITECTURE SCULPTURE INTERIORS 835 INCA PARKWAY BOULDER, COLORADO 80303 3034994252 corn ruily Development Ptan noutifror. Routed To:Tom Kassmel or Leonard Sandoval. Public Works Retum To;Allison Ochs Date Routed:5/31/00 Retum By:ASAP Project Name: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description: Lubin Addition and Remodel 3236 Katsos Ranch Rd. Lot 4, Block l, Vail Village 12th Addition of a garage, living space, and deck - this one originally came in ages ago (like last August or something) and just came in again. So it's really a new application Approved _x_Denied (cite detailed reasons)Approved with conditions Readjust limit ofdisturbance fence on east side to property line ifdisturbing grade to properfy line. Show on site plan limit of disturbance fence on west side. Northwest comers of lot, show elevations 26-32 and where they go. Must have 2:1 grade or if required show complete boulder retaining wall and height. Revocable Right of way Permit is required for driveway on Utility Easement at building permit stage. Date received: Reviewed by: Leonard Sandoval Date reviewed: 12-27 -00 Frh-?6-01 0{:32pn Fru--\r rrwltErs !,orm 402 "l-; pJ*,;" F-?sB {\. ! Fago I This policy vatid only lf schedule B ie attached. Order t|o. V2291e Anount g4aorOOO.Oo SCHEDUI"E A Addrese l. Policy Date: Uay oS, 1994.at g:OO p.Ir{. 2. Nane of fngured: I(8N}IETH A. L{,BTN '' 'l;uT;lff i: :$$ffUif* iili"i"i::rbed in this sohedure A Fee Sinple 4. Tltle to the estate or interes, -' .- date hereof, is vesteo iir--*-* covered by thle policy at the KENNETf, A. LUBTN s. The land refer::l T in.rhts potl:y is situated in EAGLEcouhEy, colorado, ano is-iIs5ii..o as forlows: LQ1E 4, BIOCK III1 $,m-fiad6JTfJlfi3:,,flfTy-:Ilrrer AccoRDxrc rocouN?Y oF EAcLE, srATE o1. "o*i{6orn BooK 2zs AT plcu-eg,- Feb-25-01 01:32pn Frqr oRT'Or'lter Forn 402 "1" No. vzzele SCHEDULE B T-914 P.03/0r F-736 Yolicy No. sv2l5zzo4 l. Rights or clains ef parties in poseession not sho'r by thepublic recorda. . 2. Easene_nts, or clains of, ease[ents, not shosn by the publicrecordg. 3' Discrepancies, conflicts in bo!+arary r!.nes, Ehortage in area,encroachuent;,..and any.facts vhieh i corr"ct surwei andinspection of the preiises troqrd oi=ciose--na-wnrcf, are notsholun by the public records. 4. trny J.ien, or right to a lien, f,or services, Iabor, ortrateriar theretofore or hereafter furnisheit, -iupoiea uy ra,and not showrr by the public records. 5- 1994 TAXES NO{T YET DUE OR PAYABLE AIID ASSE$SUENTS NOIT VET CERTIFTED TO TTIEIREASURERS OFFICE. 6. r,rENs FOR UNPAID TdATER AlfD SEwm CE;\RGES, rF A$y. ?. RIGltr or mY FoR DITcxlEs oR cANALs cousTRucfu'By TnE AIrTrroRITy oF THEUNXTED STATES As RESERVED IN UNTTED STATEE PITENI REGORDED uarcn rs, Ls27,IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE I5O. 8. RESTRTCTIVE COVENANTS, VIHICH DO N(}T CONTATN A rORT'ETTIIRE OR REYERTER,CLAUSE, AS coNTAfNED fN fNSIRUUENT RECORDED AuguEt L6, L9?2. fr.l iOOX 225 11TPAGE 88 A}ID As AI'{ENDED rN INsmITMENf RECOROH) Septenbir zs,'tgiz, IN BCroK225 AT PAGE 475. e' TEnUS, CoNDITXONS AND PRovfSIONS oF PLAf RECORDED Augurt L6, tgTZ fN BoOK225 A1r PAGE 89. 10. TWENTY FOOT TIITLTBY FASEI,IENT TRAVEBSING SUBJECT PROPERITY AS SHO9IU ON 1XIIERECoRDED PI,AT OF VArL VrIJ.AGE, I'ILTNG 12. 11' ENCROACHI'ENII OF DRTVEIilAY oNTO UTILfIY EASEI{EN1I AS SHOmf ON THPROVEITIENBrocATroN CERTTFICATE PREPARED DECEIIBER zz, Lss3 By INTER-UouNTArNENGINEERING JOB NO, 939OOS, llhis-pollcy doee not in'urs againet lo6E or $haE by reason orthe follor.ring: Page 2 <l\ . Fab-25-01 0{:32m Fror . OR! i}*31er Foru 402 ."? No. v2zere SCIIEDULE B P.01107 F-786 sv2t5220{ o T-s{l P Pollcy tto. 12. DEED OF TRUS!'- lFfl*'gt*il *Hqfii:hi:#"#tutrhfffi3frir, ffi'#ffi ffiff** 4-- {L- Psrity r{mhr SV 2i5?20+ {,-' - slJSJtcT r0 ThE t)(crusr()l{$ rR0M cot,fnAoE THE ExchT0Ns FR0M C0ftnAff c0ilTAtNE0 tN scHt0utl E AtJ0 THf cl|x0tTtotis Ario sTtrutArt0lts, 01.0 FtPuBtlC [AT|0ML IITU lliSUnAilct c0MPAllY. I Minneson co4offiior, hurin railod rhr Comprny, instru, es ol IlaF 0f Pdicy shwn ir Schod'de A tgnirnr los 0r dafiige. 00r ficredmn rhr Amour ol hsunnce altrd in Srheduh A. susbjnsd 0, incurd 0y tfio irEued by nuon o[L Ii s t0 thr 6qa or inurssr tosrdled in Schs{tuh A bdn0 verud othor Oan as snd rhdn; 2,. fuy defior i0 ot li00 0r lncudhnngr 0n rtu rdq 3. Uornertqrbiliry of ths ti ai 4, tict 0f a /ight of accrss n and fron tlp lrn[ nr Compafiy will rho pny dre c0rts, atl0moys' le$ and srlrnses ircurpd in dofrnse of rhr d*. ar insured. bur only ro rhs unfl lme;ded in tIcgondkiom ond Siprdations. ll{ WlIilgiS WHtRE0f. rlc $il old nspublic l{ationot Tirlr Inrurance [omplnl has causd ir coryomtr namr and sesl t0 !c hsto{flo alfued !1 ir duly auhotiod offpon 0f rho dst€ $0m i0 Scfieduh A. fu poiicy ro br vrrid uior cor4crrignsd 0t an r!fiotpd olficn oi agenr 0t ils Comtrnr, BCI,USII]iS FR(IM COVEflAGE Ihr tollowing rrutlus an rlpotsll errtudsd fnm $l cownge of rhis polhy atd $e Con0qn! will not Ft los 0r damiqe, corrs. rttofllsys' faer 0r arpmsos which tdss by nuon of,.|.|alAr|8u'.0(ina[ce0rgo,snmsma|rrgdalon|iddhgbuInmlimiredubd|dh0!ndrd0g|aw&0din0nce5,0togdad0t|rlDguicthg,ngulainq.pldrihirior reladng m 1il the occuFtncy. uss, 0r oq0vnont lf dre land; lril rhr rhancrr. drne[rioIs 0rlocaion ol rll rnpovrmd[ n0w0r hen6ft0ferrctud on rtr iand; liil I reprrudon in DMqshjp 0r a chmgr in ts dim:nsrons r srea 0l lhg lond 0r aDy pond 0f \rilth lts hnd is 0ross r F|f|, 0r lirl0nvimnmenBl pmcruL or dro Eff rcr 0t ttly viohmn of fiosr lars ordimnres & lwrmmonulregublons. rurpr ro O0 orpnr tht I no cs 0f $e Eltoftsmoll rlrnof ola nothEola 0efscr, hel ff entu|rlor0ncl oslltino fmm a ddadon 0r alleoed rriolrrion aflrring dro land har baen recorded in rho public ncords ar D0E 0l P0licy. lbl fuy gowmmenlal p0ltce FoflEr nor suludEd [y lal aDor€, ercep1 so,nr e r0r filt a noE:t of rlre ere[6! nrn0f 0r, noms of a defccr. li*[ 0r encqmln0c8 rssulilng foms violrtion oralfod viohion olfining thE hnd Mt ba$ .Ellihd.in $F publir Ecods ar llru nf Poticy.2. frghts of afinmr domain unloss norhe of rhs rreost thErol his boql Ecurdsd in rhr plllic recodr at Dore of Polcy, brrt 001 lrcludtng hom roenge ary okhg tvltfuh hrs occurcd ptiot r0 [ht0 0f PDlicy uiidl muld bE binding on fir dgnu ot a pmirrr for ralur {irifllt klowlEdg0,3. 0afscrs. lisnt encumbonc|s, adwG0 chims, 0r fliq firnall lal croarod, g,ffEod. srsumsd or agnod ro by rhe lmrrrd clununr {bl nq lmwn u Iho Comp y, tlol EFrdrd in or pdlic tscod3 rt 0ats of Pdicy. bur knovn m e insund clilmom ![d nor drsd0sd in wrfiing ro $s Co0rpan! by r insuted daimant plior to th drto rhr insued clainlnt boceme an insued unds, $is lofcy;lcl asuttinq in m l0$ q ftmBge r0 ilr inrtdrd drimanL ldl ilhdrhg or cmard tubquenr ro 0as ol Pofiry; or lfl nsuhng h loss 0, darmge which wotdd nor haua lmn cutdnsd if e i;tsupd cllirnrnr had paid vdut for rhs rsrau or intensr rn3t|cd lry rlts policy.4. lny cltifli. {'iich rnses oul of the tnnscdon rrslng in rhe hrsqrEd ds ssEn 0r Intergst insund by rhis eoliq. 0y ru!30n 0f rhe openoon 0t leder,rl 0atrktuFcy, snc itJohsr..J, 0r sitriir crrd;tors' ddrts hrn, dsr u btsurl urrrlil fi6 rnnsicton crcaing re rsan or inunsl insrrcd by rhs ldh 0gnS dssmgd a lrautdrfl lor,oyanm or fnuode0r tnnsler. 0tl0 ilu lrall!0ci00 cflsting tlp asau ot intqss ingldd by dtis pofrcl bettrg darnod a pefmn a rsnsl ErmF *irs the prefenntrt tnnslor nsrrhs frm rs hibn, lel |o dmlly roconl rho iniruoqnl ol mnrfsrr or [bf of such mcodation ro imprn noter ro a pu$lrrrsr for ualoe or I iudgsmrnr or lisn cldhor. Fcb-28-01 01:31$ Fron' lsswd orough fre 0llice o[, LA,ND TITIT GUANANTE COMPAIIVlot to. Fnontege nd. W.$, gu s:n3 P, O. Eox 357 Vail, CO tI558 (3O3) {76.&t5l -,,.'.. ,. {:) tulbttad Sig.flel O|l tir t& - |rlt 0.tfl ,ret El?€t i,ili*# *- k;;;;^;;,rnr!poricvrrr.er t T-s& P'0t/07 F73t 0r! 'EPUEUe mTl0t|^l, ilIlE ltsuf,/rrEE 80ilPtXy a Swt turyat 100 tcml A't/[ l't/r',. U,tai,.l& Wcstt W(tl i -!?t:..c:ol\r- t ,j ;/\;,. ftPt' 'n,,4*- 81 Art, <tr'EaV k.,,t ,:,'i;1t',Xl,,l*o|,lil,,.rull,H,o,o*uon fr pennisshn n ucun ioasonably nsces$ry rnlomnpn from $rrd paniilFr0q,,nd in fiij prfilgatpi snrll teminare ary lbhlrv of rie Corpary und0r tr lolicy r ro rhai ctalm. 6. 0pwns u Pay or |thuwhe Su e Cl ns; lerninuin o! tttitrry, In rasr ol a daim undcr rhir policy. rhr Company shd have Ue lollowioq addrtiord oproil,Ir, &_Palur Tcnd€r Par4renr ul rhe Amounr ol Insuronce, r0 pay 0r lond8r paynenr 0l rh8 amounl 0l Insqftms under tht3 p0ftct. r00qlrr hrilh any r0$r, ! 0m0yc fees and apsnser inmrrcd by ure inrrrred chimaor. whbh wsre 8u00dpd iy rie Company, up to rhe rirni ol paymenl or Bnds 0l psyrnsm .nd wiich the Conpany rs 0btg0led r0 pay. Upon me enrcise Dy me Company ol dris opnon, alt lithli(v and obligrdofls r0 rhe irxund u[del Ois polcy, orhar ihrn n m*l rho ptvrmm cqufod. sn.ll ulninlo, indrrding lny lbitiry or oblguion r0 deten4' pr0secdr, 0r c0nunuo anl liiglt0n. and rh4ohcy shall ba sumrrdsrd ro rhe cofipany lot co|lrlllsliol, lll Tq,l-at or 0tprv:! IsIIle Yvlt faors 0rher Tiao rne tnsurEo 0r $rn rne InsuEd Ulamanl. il-i,-fo'Tillr olffiiie sitfi ofier lanies lor or in rh8 name ol an insund ctaumnr any claim inrcd 0$insr under fiil poticy, lugErhsr wrn any c0fl3, 6rr0mels' frrs qnd losrs$ rnc!fired by de tnsurEd dainenr u,iich rv0r0 auhoited by rho Company up ro rh8 lms of payornr anO whirh lhe Coflpany E 00kg!t0d t0 gay;0r l;il t0 0dI 0r 0thenrvrs€ sEt p wi$ ths insured cb|fiF0t rhr l0ss 0r damage pr0uded for undw firs polr"y, r0qB$€r wtrh any ctlts, 0nomeyr' ters a0d etpe$ss ilculred h lhe nsurd clsimanr ahrh rvels au$odEd br the Copp6ny up rc dr! rnn ol laymenr rnd which rlre Company is o0ftgareo m pay. tlp00 ON rrercre bt ils Compaty ol er nr of rm opthrs lroviddd l0r in plt4Bphr lbltil 0r l;rl, the Co0rpsoy's obtigsuons ro ge nsund under lhrr polcy la fts claimrd lors ot dlmags, 0rher !0 dp pymrnu eqrrrred ro br ntdo, shelt ufirrrrto. inctuding any lnDihy 91 0bligati0n n dcfcnd. pmsecrrp, of conrtnur ary tru0am|r 7, 0ewniaation. fnenr ol lianiliY ant! twnswane. Thii pol$t rs E conract 0l indefinitl agarnsr aflual monrtlry loss or &ma$ su$aned 0, incmtd ry e hsund clairrnnr rlro lEs sutfend loss 0l drmage Dy reoson ol manen insund againsr by rhd poirty and onh ro rhr ernnt hslrin dsscnbed.tll The ltahliry ol the Contpny under rhis poticy shall not orcoed rne loasr of. liJ rhe Ar0odnr 0f lmrnnce sapd in.Srhrduh A 0(,liil $B difteruncs berfl,een rhe uatue of thr inrund ejun s rntsnsr as insumd lnd rhe tatrrc ol the insund esnE ol i sra$ soicct t0 rhe dsfect lim 0r Ercmbrancl in:und agahsr !J rlris policy, lhl In the elent rho Afiount 0t Insurancs sBred in Schsdllr A !r rhs [}alA of Pohy h let:r than 80 prcenr 0l ths w/lrs ol rhe rnsund erur orntmsr rhe full cmsids?ion psid for rhs hrj, wilchswr is lesc. q if subsequent u fic 0are of Palicl an imFoyrment is sncrd on m hfld ,^4tich rcrffses the whs of rhc iniugd r:uu or incarr by et lsasr 20 pacom 0rr, s Aflor{lt of lnErarur sEted In &heddr A. thsn lhis loticy it ruli0cr l0 , $r lolhwrng, lil lrhere ro $[s0qurnt improfimnr lnr ba![ mds, as o rry lsnial J0!s. drc Comprry {rrll only pay lhE toss ,r0 nn i0 E gopono0 rlnr rh€ am0unt of rnrunnce rt 0fl8 0l fbt,cy blrE r0 lhs onl rotue ol rtre Inlur8d ErJflm 0l inttle3l Al oar Of Policyr Ol . . l[] f,nrre s rubsrqusnl lmpru|.mgnl has bee0 mrds, ai to lnl parual losr, rhe Company $h!ll 0nly lay the tois p1g /aB ir rh€ gnponion thJl I20 perccnr of rho Anoum of Insunnce suud rn Schedule A bsats r0 dtl sum o[ &e Afrounr of Insumnce snto{t in SclEd{h A End fie anounr &prmed for fio lnnmecmsnt, . The provrtruns, ol $6 pirrgEph siiltr nor apply r0 c0s$. ammrys. lrcs ;nfl fipxnses for r,rhich rllB Comprny n tiau0 utlde' rits pol,cy. r;d lhdl onh rpply r0 thr p0n;0n of any los !$rch r red!, in rha aggngru, l0 p.Eanr 0t rhs Ah0inr 0f tnsll00cr grsnd in schooula A" iurrnrd in acor&ncs,,r'r' t o ;lH, ,J'#fJ,,.ri-t|l,,l,il - 8. A$anotnsot lf fte lErd dmcriUed rn Schodds A conists 0t HO 0r mofe pirce8 t'i,htch in_ not us00 ai . stngle $e, lnd a los r l:rDlished olfeiring one or morc ol rhr I eF hrl flor atl. fig bsi r[a[ Ie comrurs{ s d renls'd on a pro nra basis lc tt rho amounr of hsrrftrcc unrhr drrc policy ms rited pru nE es r0 rho ualur 0n [hB of poticy of rach srp8Ere parcdt r0 riB f,,Iols. ercft.rsiw ol lnf npnvonrnE mada subs0quent ro 0arg'of poltry, ![Fs, I lability or value hr ofiotu,isc leen aEerd upon Es r0 each pan;l ht ths Compaly and rhp insue! rl thr ime Ol ilre issuancq of rhs gotiry md ,h*n Dy !n !4russ st|lrmsnt 0t by lo mdoraltrrt lulchd r0 tlrs polrcy, 9. timutian of ltabitiry.lrl lf fie C0mF[y esablirhrs rhs lrrE, 0( f0m0ves the allelld det0cl [0n 0| rncumorinrg gr [rres rhe hck of r ngnt of accsss ro 0r lFm rho land, 0I cures Ure rhlm lf unml*rnbiliry 0t |ifl& tll rs insoGrt. jn a oasomur dilgenr nnnns by any ne$od, nclrdng liriqarion rnd rto cunplerron of any 0ppsals rheclryI, ir slnll halt fully ped0tned us obligawflJ uri J0specr r0 fiaI mdug anlFlisll{0(0r liablo for ony hss or darnlge crusd nereby. (bl _ ln fie cuenr 0l ary fitprion, ndudhg hroadon h rc tompany or wrrh te fsmpany's cofirnt. lhe Coopmy shall traug oo tratrliry lor hn or tlunlgo unil nere has bson a t'nrl drEmffdo{ by I coln ol conrpetent tunrdrcrfil ud ditp0silr0n 0l lll rplsals rherf|ltn, a0remr l0 Oe ntb ntute0. . ..lcl. The Compent rhll nor Ur ljtHe lor los or dsolge t0 any in$fto l0r hnrlry uol ntlnly assumod by lne nsund In sBlltilg afly clam 0r surr rdrhosr rne prror wdnen co0srnt ol rhs Cornplar. 10. fradu on 0l lttsutitrw; flethnion u luninoaon ol tiuilitt. All pryrnmrs ildrr ftis policy. ercepr palt lnrs nEdr fof c6ti. auomep' foes and 04E|8rs. shd odrte c tfiromr of dn inslnncc pto unn. ll. liablity llouunularin. h is e+cJtk undermd tat fto 0[r0d0r 0f msunn un0ef thit p0ticy rhtll be redrltd !y uy amounr ile hmFry may pay undef Ent pogcy rrlrudn! a moqagr r0 dfch ercepron is t*m in Scnpdr,te 0 or ro rrlrrch fr nruEd hrs rgnrd. assuned, 0r lrhn sdiect, 0r whctt is hsnrfts srecund bf an insut d rnd w}nch 6 a ch€t q lisfl m rhe e$Eu 0t ntersir dssctibsd or relclrdd rc in Shedule A, snd fie amo0nr $o !$0 rhlt bs ftsmed a plnrm un&r rhN polt! lI rh! in$fetl 0wner, 12. Paynm ol las. lal No paymalr siai bs made $fihoqr emdlcrq rtrn policy for md0arnefl of dro paymen mltsr fia policy hr bepn bt 0r dosroFd. in whph nsr proclrllcr or dssrrucdon sfnll lre lurlishsd r0 $e ssrishcrpn 0f $e Company. - (Df ffim liahlity 00d llE sr8nr 0f losi or domago ha ben rlefrnrcly lfisd iD alrodrnr! uili dlc$ Cqtdiuws .nd Swulrdofr, tlrc los or oamage ihdl b0 paFbh fthin 30 drys OsDafler. 13. Sabngatin Upn Paynut w Seubwat. le, TIe [omg![t's ffiohr of S{br0[adm. wtrmsrer dt-TdfiFni:im-hffim-rnd pdd a ctarm under nrl 09lct. all rigxr ot su!rclatm rftrll wn in fie Colrlp{nt umflscr0d ry any ac{ of p rnsuod ctrirum. Tho f4n,unf shatr b! submgrrd t0 r||d b! enldsd l0 all n0bE lnd aEnrdie! *hrch tlc insursd cbiminr oulrl havr had agcinrt tnt psrson ol proporry in r$pefl m tbc do'm had fts pd[cy nor been issu.d. lf rEqugsred 0y rhe Conpny. rhe nsutod clarnanr $dl mnsler r0 ne C0mgany ttt dohE end temp{bt rgtnsr any tsnm 0r polony nec$stry in ordr, r0 perfscr rhis nghl 0f submgstiot. Tle inrurud chmant dtgll Dsnnir rhB Company lo rur. c0tlpr0l||rft of ssde in fia mmr 0f fir in$|ed ibmlnl and r0 rts! de n!fle of rhs in$fr{ cldnant srry rn$|c of or lidgarion in$Mng n|so liglu 0f nm0fi8s. lf I paymenr 0n accornr 0t ! cliim doe3 not fully covrr rln hss ol rha tsorrd cldm L rh0 gompo0y tilll br s|sogar0d r0 fis5r rigirs nd nmrdhr (Cumrd or ,rtt tfid/l 4-. Fsb-?8-01 01:33p1 Fron-T-gu .P.nln F-738a Itnott'.d hon ,ntao tofr! rn the pr4onion *hich ilrr Compaay's tiy Enl hoats r0 ne wholr arrrounr of rir hss, lf loss shor,ld rcsulr from nny acr of rhe hs,tEd clsirnnr, a! irarod rbous. Init 8l dtdt mI uod rhis polhv. but drr Company. m dnr ann! shall !a D{utr[d I0 Fr ody ilEl 00n 0l any loissg insund agallsl h rhb eoticywhicl 5ha! EneEd tho rmurnt i[ rnl, l0sr r0 rhr fomprny bl ,rsson 0l rn" Inpflmufit DV tho in$Ed rbinpnr ol ftc Cotnpanyt ,to[l of tubmoaliun. tgl "Eg_trqptr{' -!p!ql$t!.r.irt.id oit'p'{t . Ins r0mF0ys flgnr 0t su&0gtlon agar0$ norl sund oDlqm shrll llrsr a d slEl Include, *ilhour limrElion. fir dghs ol rhc inrrrrud m indemnirios. !!q6nt5s. oust p0licirr ol insrrmme u b0nds. nqw;mr din0 any EfllB 0r condi0ons ronBinrd in thoss instnrnenE rith prod& fol subrogaton dghrs by teasofi of rNs polhy. 14. Arharg n. Unusr pm[iliud Dy apticabte law. drher rhr [ompanv or rtre inrmd may demond r0iuarim puj{elt r0 I li e In$nncr Arbirnr0[ Rulos ol tfte Alcdcrn Mrmlon Asrociarion. AlrtnUs manars mlf inCludr. bur an nm limiud u, any cgflu0vsrsy or claim bewasn thl Compbny and thr imlcd Ensng our of or nhing E fti policl. any se|t,iro 0f tt C0mFnt h connefiion $lfli rn issusnco ol rhr bcach of a puicy pro{don oioricr obligadon. All arbirrabte filltcrs wisn B &tounr 0l lnsunnce h $t.000.000 or lcrs snall 0e $birolod s1 9e oprifi 0t si l0. nr Company or r insund. Al atbiulble ma ers whgn rho Amounr of Inllnnca h in rrcgls of 9t.000,000 3hll h adrttrrcd onlt rlE0 a0rud t0 by boil rtro Cangony r|d rlp insuno. Atbrtntion puEoant lo this p0hy ird uDdrr fis Rutes in efleq on $e fiE fi6 demafld tor rrlrmdon is rr{de or, ar rir o4on ol &e insurd, the fluhr in ofleet qr llsu d PoEy shrll br bhoir.tg upon I periss Tne aurard mry imtule auo#!*fns qoly if rhe kws ol 0esnr in which Oo land is l0csred Drflilitr cowl t0 atmrd omrnop' hes |o a parr ing lafly. Jtdgmsnr u00n e rf,lfal rcndrnd by rhc Abimrc4rl flrey De ?018!d ilr ani ccrn turing iurriigion rhrnof, Ilu hw ol ile silus 0l fte hnd dull apgli to an arbunrirn undsr r lido lnsunnct Attiuarion fuh6. A copv of tp ilulrs nry bo obrainsd fmm dE Csnpany qpn nqossr. 15. liatitiy liniod a rtit Poticfr Poticy Entin tnnxr. . (al Tii! p0lby r0$tlE u att cidoMmurr. if my. arrachrd iwrr by rhr Conuny is nr riE p0licy and cmrFrl lfmnrn inr i|lsuad id rhs Lbtnpuv. l0 hu0rsting any poriim of rnir policl, rl$s poficy $nlt Do coffivlrd rs ! wtole. lbl &l chim of frisr or drrmgo. h,[!thcr r 00r 0a3cd ff nrdis ca atd drkh anles 0o 0f rs snttr 0f $B rfite B ft! ssran or inlcair-cor,oroo hsn[] 0r bJ any rcdon s$rrrng such rlaim. drall be nstltrrd ro Uis policy.lcl ilo alrt$dmrnr 0t ot ttdersomenl o this policy caa & mdd ercryr 0y o wnirng endor$8d lunon 0f trFchd hraro srgnrd ht enhrr rhc ftrsidrnr, a V1ce. Pnipm, fn Sacrcury. an lrsisunr Srcroary. or uldling olfint ot ilrhorbd sigmlory of rho Compny, 16- Suenbilirl. In ths 0v$r any pmliion of fie 0olcy is lrslrl ioualld or um,|lona rbh un&r apdicnble hw, rhr policl slralt br diomld nor r0 inqqh $0r porision ard all otlrpr prorisions thlll nflEan in ll! loro rnd offacl ll. l{atins. Whcn Sant All [0tsg E$ind r0 b9 gaum fir tompty rnd ant snrenrflt in wnurg nqhFru lqJrrmslred rhr Comganl shall irrctrdc rln number 0f rNs polrcy Nnd sMf h ddnssad to its Hornr ofipe 400 S0rud Aw0!e Souu. Minnopdr, tlinmou 5frd0l. 16l21 371-l1tl. 4-.. o;.o t*,.a I t r.,r. ,, I Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us November 30, 2000 Eric Hill Paradigm Design PC 835 Inca Parkway Boulder, CO 80303 RE: Lubin addition and remodel at 3236 Katsos Ranch Rd./ Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Village 12th Dear Eric: The Community Development Department originally received the application for the Lubin addition in November of 1999, then again in June of 2000. Our records show lhat a letter with comments and issues was sent on June 22,2000. This letter required that additional information was required prior to proceeding to the Design Review Board. No further information has been received by the Community Development Department. Therefore, I am withdrawing your application. Please submit a new Design Review Board application when you are ready io proceed with the addition. lf you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to c€ntact me at 970-479-2369. Planner ll Town ol Vail {p'"*o"n'o ti{@,syoo; Depaft nent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us June 22,2000 Eric Hill Paradigm Design PC 835 lnca Parkway Boulder, CO 80303 RE: Lubin addition and remodel at 3236 Katsos Ranch Rd./ Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Village 12th Dear Eric: The Cornmunity Development Department has reviewed the plans for the Lubin addilion and remodel located at 3236 Katsos Ranch Rd. I Lot 4, Block .l , Vail Village 1 2'h. The following commenls and revisions must be addressed prior to final approval: 1. Please provide a litle report, including Schedules A and B. 2. All disturbed grading musf be returned to a 2:1 grade. Please adjust and revise the grading at the north side of the lot. 3. Please show the top and botlom elevations of the proposed retaining walls on the site plan. lf a retaining wall is over 4 ft. in height, a stamped approved drawing from a licensed P.E. is required. 4. Enclosed parking is required to by g' by 18', while unenclosed parking is required to be 9' by 19'. Please delineate all required parking on the site plan. Three parking spaces are required. 5. A revocable right-of-way permit is required for lhe driveway over the utility easement. One has been enclosed for this purpose. 6. Please delineate a limits of disturbance and erosion control on the site plan. This will need to be shown in the field with a construction fence. 7. Please indicate if any improvements are proposed for the driveway. 8. Please include a landscape and exterior lighting plan. One light fixlure is allowed per 1000 sq. ft. of lot area. tpono-, """ oo oo 9. Please submit a sile plan which shows proposed roof and eave elevations so staff can determine building height. 10. The Lubin Residence is located within a High Severity Rockfall Zone. Please submit a study as required by Section 12_21 ol the Town Code. A Geologic Hazard Acknowledgment Form has been included for your use. 11. A review of your lile indicates that the slopes on this lot exceed 30%. This limits your site coverage to 15% and driveway coverage to 10%. (Neither of ihese are an issue) The Community Development Department has reviewed the Lubin Residence with respect to the survey and the Two-Family Residential Zone District in which it is located. The review provides the following: Lot Size: 26,524 sq. ft. Zoning: Two-Family Residential Zone District Hazards: High Severity RockJall, Slopes in excess of 30% Standard Allowed ProoosedGRFA 5752.4 sq. ft. 3354.5 sq. ft. Site Coverage 3979 sq. ft. 2491 sq. ft.Parking 3 required please delineate on plans I will schedule the Lubin Addition for Design Review Board once all of the above information has been provided. lf you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at 970-479-2369. Wd/- Allison Ochs Planner ll Town of Vail Oa MWN OFVAIL Depanmen of Community Develapment 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970'479-2452 November 11, 1999 Eric Hill Paradigm Design PC 835 Inca Parkway Boulder, CO 80303 RE: Lubin addition and remodel at 3236 Katsos Ranch Rd.i Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Village 12'n Dear Eric: The Cornmunity Development Department has reviewed the plans for the Lubin addition and remodel located at 3236 Katsos Ranch Rd. / Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Village 12'n. The following comments and revisions must be addressed prior to final approval: Please provide a title report, including Schedules A and B. Alf disturbed grading must be returned Io a2:1 grade. Please adjust and revise the grading at the north side of the lot. 3. Please show the top and bottom elevations of the proposed retaining walls on the site plan. ff a retaining wall is over 4 ft. in height, a stamped approved drawing from a licensed P.E. is required. Enclosed parking is required to by 9'by 18', while unenclosed parking is required to be 9' by 19'. Please delineate all required parking on the site plan. Three parking spaces are reouired. A revocable righfo{-way permit is required for the driveway over the utility easement. One has been enclosed for this purpose. Please delineate a limits of disturbance on the site plan. This will need to be shown in the field with a construction fence. Please indicate if any improvemenls are proposed for the driveway. Please include a landscape and exterior lighting plan. One light fixture is allowed per 1000 sq. ft. of lot area. c 2. @ @ o @ {g*,^,o Oj 9. Please submit proposed building elevations. Once these elevations are submitted, staff will decide if the project needs to go the Design Review Board. 10. Please submit a site plan which shows proposed roof and eave elevations so staff can determine building height. The Lubin Residence is located within a High Severity Rockfall Zone. Please submit a study as required by Section 12-21 of the Town Code. A Geologic Hazard Acknowledgment Form has been included for your use. (tZ) A review of your file indicates that the slopes on this lot exceed 30%. This limits yourv site coverage to 15% and driveway coverage to 10%. (Neither oi these are an issue) hii+ tePd The Community Development Department has reviewed the Lubin Residence with respect to the survey and the Two-Family ResidentialZone District in which it is located. The review provides the f ollowing: Lot Size: 26,524 sq. ft. Zoning: Two-Family Residential Zone District Hazards: High Severity Rockfall, Slopes in excess of 30% Standard Allowed Proposed GRFA 5752.4 sq. ft. 3354.5 sq. ft. Site Goverage 3979 sq. ft. 2491 sq. it.Parking 3 required please delineate on plans The Lubin Addition can, most likely, be approved at the stafl level once all of the above information is submitted. lf you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at 97 0 -479-2369. Sincerely, lLt - ,t1 / llluht ulL Itlison Ochs Planner ll Town of Vail L :'- 15-1'-13: B4 I lF_Frl 1ig5trEE-l F. Ef 75 South Fronttge Raad Vail, Colot'ulo 81657 lAJ -479-2 t t 8/ FAX t0 t -479-2 r 66 cc: Tom Moorhead D e p a r t u c n t oJ' P r b I fu ll' o r b /T r t n t p,'r. t a t i o tl September 24, 1993 Ms. Janine Rimel 3236 Katsos Flanch Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Rockfall Mitigation resulting frorn Booth Falls Rockfall Mitigation District Dear Ms. Rimel: Your property, Lot 4 Block 1 Vail Village 1Zrn Fiiing. located at 3236 Katsos Ranch Road is not in the high seventy rockfall. On February jlq 1992 the Vail Town Council removed tho property from the geologically sensitive area. Enctosed for your records is a copy oi the Counctl minutes. lf you should have any further queslions, please contacl me at 479-2160. H; il^ Acti ng- Director Public Works/Transporlation GH\dsr Enclosure -r|- tf. E f,ilt;'. fnir']N,i:'.+ r: :-.lf : a'1, r[? copy TOWN OFVAIL Departnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Cohrado 81657 970479-2138 n$ 970-479-24s2 November 11,1999 Eric Hill Paradigm Design PC 835 Inca Parkway Boulder, CO 80303 RE: Lubin addition and remodel at 3236 Katsos Ranch Rd./ Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Village 12'" Dear Eric: The Community Development Department has reviewed the plans for the Lubin addition and remodel located at 3236 Katsos Ranch Rd. / Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Village 12th. The following comments and revisions must be addressed prior to final approval: "l . Please provide a title report, including Schedules A and B. 2. All disturbed grading must be returned to a 2:1 grade. Please adjust and revise the grading at the north side oI the lot. 3. Please show the top and bottom elevations of the proposed retaining walls on the site plan. lf a retaining wall is over 4 ft. in height, a stamped approved drawing from a licensed P.E. is required. 4. Enclosed parking is required to by I' by 18', while unenclosed parking is required to be I'by 19'. Please delineate all required parking on the site plan. Three parking spaces are required. 5. A revocable right-of-way permit is required for the driveway over the utility easement. One has been enclosed for this purpose. 6. Please delineate a limits of disturbance on the site olan. This will need to be shown in the iield with a construction fence. Please indicate if any improvements are proposed for the driveway. Please include a landscape and exterior lighting plan. One light fixture is allowed per 1000 sq. ft. of lot area. 1 8. {gr"n"uo"u* 9. Please submit proposed building elevations. Once these elevations are submitted, statf will decide if the proiect needs to go the Design Review Board. 10. Please submit a site plan which shows proposed roof and eave elevations so staff can determine building height. 11. The Lubin Residence is located within a High Severity Rockfall Zone. Please submit a study as required by Section 12 -21 oI the town Cod'e. R Geologic Hazad Acknowledgment Form has been included for your use. 12. A review of your file indicates that the slopes on this lot exceed 30%. This limits your site coverage to 15% and driveway coverage to 1 0%. (Neither of these are an issue) The Community Development Department has reviewed the Lubin Residence with respect to the survey and the Two-Family ResidentialZone District in which it is located. The review provides the following: Lot Size: 26,524 sq. ft. Zoning: Two-Family Residential Zone District Hazards: High Severily Rockfall, Slopes in excess of 30% Standard Allowed Prooosed GRFA 5752.4 sq. ft. 3354.5 sq. ft. Site Coverage 3979 sq. ft. 2491 sq. ft. Parking 3 required please delineate on plans The Lubin Addition can, most likely, be approved at the staff level once all of the above information is submitted. lf you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at 97 0-479-2369. Sincerelv,r|'t -'' ,1 / llillhL utL nitison Ocns Planner ll Town ol Vail VA5 65 or-o.o.i,r, CHAPTER 21 HAZARD REGULATIONS SECTION: 12-21-1 Purpose 12-21-2: Definitions 12-21-3. Master Hazard Plans 12-21-4: Approval Of Master Plans 12-21-5: Town Manager Accumulate Information 12-21-6: Supplemental Studies By Applicant 12-21-7: Report To Town Council 12-21 -8 : Interpretation 12-21-9: Disclaimer Of Liability 1 2-21 -10 : Development Restricted 12-21-11: Flood Hazard Zones And Flood Hazard Studies 12-21 -12: Improvements On Nonconforming Structures 12-21-13: Duties Of Administrator 12-21-14: Restrictions In Specific Zones On Excessive Slopes 12-21-15. Restrictions In Geologically Sensitive Areas 12-21-16: Right Of Appeal 12-21 -17 : Requirement Of Bond l2-21-l: PURPOSE: The purpose ofthis Chapter is to help protect the inhabitants ofthe Town from dangers relating to development offlood plains, avalanche paths, steep slopes and geologically sensitive areas; to regulate the use of land areas which may be subject to flooding and avalanche or which may be geologically sensitive; and further to regulate development on steep slopes; to protect the economic and property values ofthe Town, to protect the aesthetic and recreational values and natural resources of the Town, which are sometimes associated with flood plains, avalanche areas and areas of geological sensitivity and slopes; to minimize damage to public facilities and utilities and minimize the need for relief in cleanup operations; to give notice to the public of certain areas within the Town where flood plains, avalanche areas and areas of geoiogic sensitivity exist; and to promote the general public health, safety and welt'are. (Ord. 5(1985) $ 1: Ord. t2(1978) $ 4) 12-21-22 DEFINITIONS: For the purposes of this Chapter. the words ccntained in this Section are dcfined as tbllows. BLL|E IIAZARD AVALANCII AREA: An area impacted by a snow producing a total static and dynamic pressure less than six hundred (600) pounds per square foot on a flat surface normal to the flow and/or a return iatervai in excess oftwenty five (25) years. FLOOD IIAZARD ZONE: That area covered by the base flood. The base flood area is any numbered 4 AO, AIl or area of 1OO-year shallow flooding indicated on the Flood Insurance Rate Map, associated work maps, and Flood Insurance Study. The flood hazard zone is also any area indicated as "flood plain" as defined by the Gore Creek Flood Plain Information Report, 0?-03A. '?^VA565 1975, as designated in Section 12-21-ll ofthis Chapter. FLOOD INSURANCE STIIDY; The official report provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency that includes flood profiles and water surface eievation of the base flood. GEOLOGICALLY SENSITI\E AREA: An areawithin tle Town of Vail which may be subject to rock falls, mud flows, debris flows, debris avalanches, and unstable soil, slopes or rocks. RED HAZARD AVALANCIIE AREA: Any area impacted by a snow avalanche producing a total static and dynamic pressure in excess of six hundred (600) pounds per square foot on a flat surface normal to the flow and/or a return interval of less than twenty five (25) years. SLOPE: "Slope" is as defined in Section 12-2-2 of this Title. STIBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT: Any repair, reconstruction, or improvement of a structure, the cost of which equals or exceeds fifty percent (50%) of the market value of the structure. Market value shall be determined by a qualified assessor designated by the Adrninistrator. The market vaiue of a structure is determined either: A. Before the improvement or repair is started, or B. If the structure has been damaged and is being restored, before the damage occurred. For the purposes of this definition "substantial improvement" is considered to occur when the first alteration of any wall, ceiling, floor, or other structural part of the building corlmences, whether or not that alteration affects the external dimensions of the structure. The term does not, however, include any project for improvement of a structure to comply with existing State or local healtlr, sanitary, or safety code specifications which are solely necessary to assure safe living conditions. ZONE OF INFLUENCE: Any area in a potential avalanche hazard zone where detailed information is not currently available but which may be impacted by said Inzzrd. These zones of influence shali be designated on the appropriate maps of the Administrator of the Town. (Ord. 5(1985) $ 2: Ord. l6(1e83) g 1: Ord. 12(1978) $ 4) 12-21-32 MASTER HAZARD PLANS: The Town Manager shall formulate and develop master hazard plans for the Town. Said hazard plans shall be based on engineering studies and shall indicate the location ofknown flood plains, avalanche and geological hazard zones ofinfluence, known red and blue avalanche and geological hazard areas, and forty percent (40%) slope areas. In addition, the plans may show any other intbrmation or data deemed to be desirable by the Town Manager. Maximum citizen participation during the formulation of the master hazard plans as weil as other phases of the information implementation ofthe hazard studies and regulations. shall be encouraged. The purpose ofthe master hazard pians is to identity and alieviatc present and tuture problcms created by the construction of improvements in the hazard areas within the Town by means of presenting in an orderly fashion the general data and information which are essential to the understanding ofthe relationship between the hazards and improvements Iocated within said areas. The master haeard plans may be altered from time to time to conform with new information or existing conditions. (ord. 12(1e78) $ a) 12-21-42 APPROVAL OF MASTER PLANS: vAs6s or-0.o.$,., The master hazard plans shall not be considered to be official hazard master plans of the Town until and unless the Town Council adopts the same, by motion. No substantial modification of the master hazard plan shall be made unless it is first approved by the Town Council in a similar manner. As soon as the master hazard pians are adopted, or portions thereofare adopted, a copy of it shall be placed on file in the office of the Town Clerh where it may be inspected by any interested party during normal business hours. (Ord. 12(1978) $ 4) l2-2r-5: TOWN MANAGER ACCUMULATE INFORMATION: The Town Manager, with the advice and approval of the Planning and Environmental Commission, shall continuq to study and accumulate information as to hazard areas. When additional information is available, it shall be reviewed by the Planning and Environmental Commission and added to the master hazard plans. (Ord. 12(1978) $ 4) 12-2142 SUPPLEMENTAL STUDIES BY APPLICANT: If an application is made to build in.an identified avalanche hazard zone of influence or modification to the flood plain, the Administrator may require the applicant to conduct supplemental studies as specified in this Chapter, The information submitted by the applicant following compietion of said studies shall be viewed by the Town staffand the Planning and Environmental Commission and may be added to the master hazard plans. (Ord. 12(1978) $ 4) 12-21-72 REPORT TO TOWN COUNCIL: The Town Manager shall report to the Town Council not less than once each year on any additions tlrat have been made to the master hazard plan. (Ord. 12(1978) $ 4) 12-21-8 : INTERPRETATION : The provisions of this Chapter shall be deemed to be minimum requirernents. Nothing herein shall impair the obligations of or interfere with private agreements in excess of the minimum requirements. Where this Chapter imposes a restriction different {rom that imposed by other applicable provisions of law, contract, or deed, the more restrictrve provision shall control. (Ord. 5(1e85) $ 3) l2-21-9z DISCLAMER OF LIABILITY: This Chapter is based on scientific and engineering considerations which are continually being developed. Compliance with the provisions herein cannot insure freedom from risk to lif'e, safety or property, This Section shall not create liabiliry on the part of the Town or any officer or employee thereof tbr any damage that may result tiom reliance on this Chapter, or any administrative decision lawfully made hereunder. The designation of certain areas as hazard areas or geologically sensitive areas pursuiurt to maps incorporated into this Section does not imply in any way that areas not so designated are free from all risk to lifg safety or properly. (Ord. 5(re85) $ 4) 12-21-10 : DEVELOPMENT RESTRICTED: A. No structure shall be built in anv flood hazudzone or red avalanche hazard area. No structure c7-03A. '?rn,VASbJ shall be built on a slope of forty percen g0%) or greater except in Single-Farnily Residential, Two-Family Residential, or Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential Zone Districts. The term "structure" as used in this Section does not include recreational structures that are intended for seasonal use, not including residential use. B. Stnrctures may be built in blue avalanche hazaid areas provided that proper mitigating measures have been taken. C. The Administrator may require any applicant or person desiring to build in an avalanche hazard zone of influence to submit a definitive study of the hazard area in which the applicant proposos to build if the Town's master hazard plan does not contain sufficient inforrnation to determine if the proposed location is in a red hazard or blue hazard area. The requirement for additional information and study shall be done in accord with Chapter 12 of this Title. D. The Administrator may require any applicant or person desiring to build in an identified blue avalanche hazard zone to submit additional information or reports as to whether or not improvements are required to mitigate against the possible hazwd.If mitigation is required, said information and report should specify tie improvements proposed therefor. The required information and reports shall be done in accordance with Chapter l2 of this Title. E. The Administrator may require any applicant or person desiring to modifu the flood plain by fill, construction, channelization, grading, or other similar changes, to submit for review an environmental impact statement in accordance with Chapter 12 of this Title, to establish that the work will not adversely affect adjacent properties, or increase the quantity or velocity of floodwaters. (Ord. 16(1983) $ l:Ord. 12(1978) $ 4) L2.2L.I1., FLOOD HAZARD ZONES AND FLOOD IIAZARD STT]DIES: There are two (2) sets offlood hazard maps and studies designated and adopted for the Town. They are: All areas designated as flood hazard zones in the Flood Insurance Rate Maps, as well as the Flood Insurance Study, dated November 2, 1982. are hereby designated and adopted for the are4s encompassed by the Town as ofDecember 1, 1980. The Gore Creek Floodplain Information, i975 study, and accompanying maps are hereby adopted and designated for an area described in the West Vail annexation plat, dated December 18, 1980. (Ord. l6(1983) $ 1) l2-21-r2 : INIPROVtrVIENTS ON NONCONFORMING STRUCTURES : .,\. Protection Of Structures: Structures ,,vhich are substantially improved must be anchored to prevent flotation, cr.rllapse, or lateral movement during a base flood event; substantially improved structures must also elevate the lowest floor elevation, including basement, to at least one foot (1') above the base flood elevation. B. Application; Contents: Applications for the substantial improvement for structures shall include the following: l. Engineered drawings and specifications sufrcient to illustrate that the proposed stnrcture will be anchored to prevent flotation, collapse or lateral movement during a base flood event. Such drawings shall bearthe stamp ofaregistered, professional engineer. A. B. or-o.o.t ,.,tVA565 2. Floor plans and elevations illustrating that the lowest floor elevations including basement, of the structure shall be elevated to at least one foot (l') above the base flood elevation. 3. Before a temporary certificate of occupancy is issued for a substantially improved structure, an improvement location certificate shall be obtained illustrating structure location in relation to property boundaries, building dimensions, all utility service lines as built, easementq lowest floor elevation, and roof ridge elevation. The improvement location certificate shall bear the stamp ofa registered, professional surveyor. (Ord. 16(1983) $ 1) l2-2t-r3 : DUTIES OF ADMINISTRATOR: The duties of the Administrator shall be to: A. Review all building permif applications to enzure that the requirements of this Chapter have been satisfied B. Review improvement location certificates for substantially improved structures to ensure that the lowest floor elevation has been elevated to one foot (1') above the base flood elevation. C. Submit an annual report to the Federal Emergency Management Agency conceming flood hazard zone management and development activity. (Ord. 16(1983) $ l) L2-21-I4:RESTRICTIONS IN SPECIFIC ZONES ON EXCESSIVT', SLOPES: The following additional special restrictions or requirements shall apply to development on any lot in a Hillside Residential, Single-Family Residential, Two-Family Residential or Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District where the average slope of the site beneath the existing or proposed structure and parking area is in excess of thirty percent (30%): A. A soil and foundation investigation, prepared by and bearing the seal ofa registered professional engineer shall be required. B, Foundations must be designated and bear the seal ofa registered professional engineer. C, A topographic survey prepared by a registered suryeyor, with contour intervals of not rnore than two feet (2'), shall be required. D. Structures must be designed by a licensed architect. E. Site coverage as it pertains to this Chapter, as permitted by Sections 12-6A-9,12-68-9 and l2-6C-9 of this Title, is amended as flollows: l. Not more than tifteen percent (15%) of the site area may be covered by buildings; and 2. Not more than ten percent (10%) of the totai site area may be covered by driveways and surface parking. F. A site grading and drainage plan shall be required. G. A detailed plan of retaining walls or cuts and fills in excess of five feet (5') shall be required. H. A detailed revegetation plan must be submittec. I. The Administrator may require an environmental impact report as provided in Section 12-12-2 07-o3A.rP*, of this Title. J. A minimum of one covered parking space shall be provided for each dwelling unit. K. Setbacks, as they apply to this Chapter, as required by Sections 12-6A-6,12-68-6,l2-6C-6 and l2-6D-6 ofthis Title are amended as follows: there shall be no required front setback for garages, except as may be required by the Design Review Board. Garages located in the front setbaclg as provided for in this Sectio4 shall be limited to one story in height (not to exceed l0 feet) with the addition ofa pitched or flat roofand subject to review and approval by the Design Review Board. L. Retaining walls up to six feet (6') in height may be permitted in the setback by the Design Review Board when associated with a permitted gilage as referenced in subsection K of this Section. (Ord.2(199s) $ 1:Ord. 13(1994) $ l) 12-21-15: RESTRICTIONS IN GEOLOGICALLY SENSITIVE AREAS: A. Maps Adopted: The following maps are hereby adopted as the Official Maps of the Town, identi$ing areas of geologic sensitivity: l. The Debris Flow and Debris Avalanche Hazard Analysis Map prepared by Arthur I. Mears, P.E., Inc., and dated November 1984. 2. The Rockfall Map prepared by Schmueser and Associates, Inc., and dated November 29, 1984. 3. All areas within the boundaries of the Geologic Hazards Map, Figure 3, prepared by Lincoln DeVore Engineers, Geologists and dated August 16, 1982. B. Investigation: l. In any area located within the boundaries of the Lincoln DeVore Map, or in any area identified as a debris flow or debris avalanche area by the Mears Map, or in any area identified as a rock fall area by the Schmueser Map, no initial application for a building permit, grading , permit or major or minor subdivision shall be approved untii a site-specific geologic investigation is complete. For the purpose of this Section, a site-specific geologic investigation shall be deemed a detailed geologic investigation which is applicable to each respective site. All reports and studies required by this Section shall be prepared by a "professional geologist", as defined by Colorado Revised Statutes section 34-1-01, as amended, or a "registered professional engineer", as defined by Colorado Revised Statutes section 12-25-1.02, us amended, under the direction of and at the expense of the owner/applicant and submitted to the Department ol Community Development. 2. The extent cfthe site-specific ecologic investigation required shall be determined by the geologist or engineer who is responsible for the invesrigation; however, the investigation shall be of sufficient thoroughness and accuracy to allow such expert to certifr to the following: a. For all structures other than single-family, duplex and primary/secondary dwellings, and "accessory uses" thereto as defined in Section 12-6C-4 ofthis Code: (l) Whether the geologic conditions are such that the site can or cannot be developed for the specific structue or use proposed without corrective engineering or engineered construction, or other mitigation or alterations. or-oro.l ,r, (2) Whether corrective engineering or engineered construction, or otler mitigation or alterations can or cannot be accomplished to reduce the danger to the public health, safety or to property due to problems related to geologic sensitivity to a reasonable level, and not increase the hazard to other properties or structures, or to public buildings, rights of way, roads, streets, easements, utilities or facilities or other propenies of construction. b. For single-family, duplex and primary/secondary dwellings, and "accessory uses" thereto as defined in Section l2-6C4 of this Title, the site-specific geologic investigation shall certify to the following: (1) Whether the site can be developed for the specific structure or use proposed without corrective engineering or engineered construction or other mitigation or altirations, or (2) That the site is a geologically sensitive area but development will not increase t}re hazard to other properfy or structures, or to pubiic buildings, rights of way, roads, streets, easements, utilities or facilities or other properties ofany kind. C. Development Plan Or Building Permit: Foliowing the completion of the site-specific geologicai investigation and its review by the Department of Community Development. a development plan may be approved or a building permit may be issued as follows: l. For all structures other than single-family, duplex and primary/secondary dwellings, and "accessory uses" thereto as defined in Section l2-6C-4 ofthis Title. a. Ifthe conclusion ofthe engineer or geologist performing the investigation is that the site can be developed for the specific structure or activity proposed without corrective engineering or engineered construction or other mitigation or alterations, the subdivision plan or building permit or gradtng permit may be approved without conditions relating to the mitigation of the areas of geologic sensitivity. b. If the finding of the engineer or geologist performing the geologic investigation is that the site is a geologically sensitive area" but that corrective engineering or engineered construction or other mitigation or alterations can be accomplished to reduce the danger to the public health and safety or to properry to a reasonable level, and such mitigation does not increase the hazard to other property or structures, or to public buildings, roads, streets, rights of way, easements, utilities or facilities, approval ofthe development plan and/or the issuance ofthe building or grading permit shall be conditional and contingent upon approval ofplans for corrective engineering and engineered construction or other litigation or alterations as set lbrth in this Title. c. If the conclusion of the geoloqist or ensineer performing the site-specific geologic investigation is that the site cannoi be developed for the structure or use proposed because the danger posed by the geologically sensitive area camot be reduced or mitigated to a reasonable level, the subdivision plan or building permit or grading permit shall be denied. 2. For single-family, duplex, and primary/secondary dwellings, and "accessory usesf' thereto as defined in Section l2-6C-4 of this Title: a. Ifthe conclusion ofthe engineer or the geologist perfonning the investigation is that the site can be developed for the specific structure or use proposed without corrective engineering or engineered construction or other mitigation or alterations, or that the site is 07-03A. r#r,VA565 a geologically sensitive area, but will not increase the hazard to other properfy or structures or to public buildings, roads, streets, rights of way, easements, utilities or facilities, a grading permit or building permit may be issued. b. If the finding of the engineer or geologist performing the site specific geologic investigation is that the site is a geologically sensitive area, but that corrective engineering or engineered construction or other mitigation or alterations can be accomplished so that there is no increased hazard to other property or structures, or to public buildings, roads, streets, rights of way, easements, utilities or facilitieg the issuance of a building or grading permit shall be conditional and contingent upon approval ofplans for corrective engineering or engineered construction or other mitigation or alterations as set forth in this Section. c. If the conclusion of the geologist or engineer performing the site-specific geologic investigation is that the site cannot be developed for the structure proposed because the danger posed by the geologically sensitive area cannot be reduced or mitigated so that the hazard ro other properties or structures will not increase from the.present level or tie hazard to public buildings, roads, streets, rights of way., easements, utilities and facilities will not increase from the present level, then the building permit or grading permit shall be denied. D. Construction Requirements: The following requirements shall pertain to the construction of any building or structure to be built in an identified or designated area of geologic sensitivity and which requires corrective engineering or engineered construction or other mitigation or alterations to reduce the danger to public health and safety or to property due to such problems as set forth in subsections C I b or C2b above. l. The certified site specific reports and plans required by this subsection shall be prepared by each engineer and geologist as applicable to their area of expertise and specialty and shall certiSr that: a. Adequate base data as may be pertinent has been provided. b. Said base data is utilized in the design an<l planning ofthe proposed project or structure. c. Design and construction procedures derived from said base data are executed. d. Design and construction wiil reduce danger to the public health, safety or property due to geologic sensitivity to a reasonable level. 2. No certificate of occupancy, temporary or permanent, shall be issued until the following have been aoproved bv the Department of Communitv Development or its authorized representativ es: a. Inspection end cenification by the Town Buiiding Official and the engineer or geologist who prepared the pians and specifications that the work was properiy perfbrmed in accordance with the plans and specifications. b. If the engineer, geologist, or Building Official of the Town finds that the work is not being done in accordance with the approved plans and specifications, the discrepancy shall be reported immediateiy in writing to the contractor and to the Department of Community Development. Recommendations for corrective measures, if necessary, shall also be VA5b5 or-o.o.l ,r, submitted. c. All geologic reports prepared under this Section shall be signed by and prepared by or under the responsible direction of "professional geologists" as defined by Colorado Revised Statutes section 34-1-201, as amended. Such professional geologist shall be experienced and competent in the geologic specialty required to meet the objectives of this Chapter. Such professional geologist shall be responsible for certification of all geologic maps and reports prepared by him/her under his/her responsible direction as specified in this Section. All engineering reports required by this Section shall be done by a "registered professional engineer" as defined by Colorado Revised Statutes section 12-25-102, as amended. E. Existing Uses Continued; Exceptions: Existing use of land, structur€s or premises which are not in conformity with the provisions of this regulation may be continued, except for the following: 1. No building permit will be issued for the exterior expansion, alteration or addition to existing structures in geologically sensitive areas except for windows, skylights and other simiiar minor alterations unless the requirements of subsections B through D of this Section are complied with. 2. Structures existing on the effective date hereof which are damaged or destroyed may be reconstructed without compliance to this Section as long as said structure complies with other applicable ordinances and is constructed to substantially the same dimensions as existed prior to damage or destruction, unless given approval by the Town to alter the design. F. Notice Requirements. In order to provide reasonable notice to the public ofthe problems related to geologically sensitive areas, the following notice regulations and requirements are hereby adopted for all real property and structures located in geologically sensitive areas: I . AII subdivision plats recorded after the effective date hereof shall identify and designate each lot and bloch or portions thereof, located within any geologically sensitive area, together with applicable zub-zone designations, by a stamp or writing in a manner providing reasonable notice to interested parties. 2. All plans submitted after the effective date hereof with the building permit application for property within said areas shall be stamped by the applicant "Geologically Sensitive Area" together with the applicable zone designation. 3. Prior to the issuance of any building permit for construction within the geologically sensitive areas, the owner shall submit a written, signed and notarized affidavit certifying acknowledgement of receiving personal notice of the fact that said building or structure is in an area of geologic sensitivity and notice of the srudies conducted to date with re-qard thereto 4. All owners, lessors or agents who rent, lease or sublet any structure or premises within an area of geologic sensitivitv shall provide the tenant, lessee or subtenant with written notice that said property is located within said area prior to any lease being entered into or occupancy, whichever occurs first, ifsaid rental lease or sublease will extend into the period of April 1 through July 1 of any year. 5. Each and every real estate agent, sales person and broker, and each and every private party who offers for sale or shows a parcel of real estate and/or structure for sa.le within said ilrea of geologic sensitivity, shall provide the prospective purchaser, with written notice that said real 07-03A. rr,tro,VA5 O5 property and/or structure is located within said area of geologic sensitivity. Furthermore, written notice shail be made in all instances prior to the execution of any sales documents and shall state that this Section and the studies and maps referred to in this Section are avaiiable for public inspection at the office of the Department of Community Development and that said maps, studies and this Section should be reviewed prior to any party entering into any agreement or contract with regard thereto. G. Disputes; Procedure: In any case where a person wishes to dispute the desigrration of any property as a geoiogically sensitive areaby one ofthe maps and studies adopted by this Section, the following procedures shall be followed: L A written application shall be filed with the Department of Community Dwelopment requesting such a hearing and providing a supporting site-specific geologic investigation. 2. A hearing shall be set on a date a minimum of thirty (30) days after the application has been filed to allow for a staffrsview. 3. At the hearing before the Town Council, the applicant shall be given a reasonable opportunity to present his/her case and submit technical and geologic evidence to support his/her claim. If the site-specific geologic investigation establishes by clear and convincing evidence that the properfy should not be designated as a geologically sensitive are4 the Town Council shall direct the Department of Community Development to amend the map appropriately. H. Additions To Maps: In any case where a person wishes to have one ofthe official maps adopted by this Title amended to notate more detailed site-specific information is available, the following procedure shall be followed: 1. A written application shall be filed with the Department of Community Development requesting such a hearing and providing a supporting site-specific geologic investigation. 2. A hearing shall be set on a date not less than thirty (30) days after the application has been fiied nor more than sixty (60) days to allow for a staffreview 3. Ifthe applicant establishes at the hearing by clear and convincing evidence that the information contained in the site-specific geologic investigation is reiiable, the Town Council shall direct the Department of Community Development to keep a copy of said site-specific investigation on file in the Department of Community Development and available to the general public and shall further direct the Department of Community Development to notate the appropriate official map adopted by this Chapter so that it indicates that said site-specific investigation is on file with the Department of Community I)evelopment. (Ord. 20(1985) $ l: Ord. s(1985) $ 5) t2-21-16: RIGHT OF APPEAL: Nothing in thts Chapter shall be deemed to deny any interested person his/her rights to appeal the decision of the Administrator in accordance with Section 12-3-3 of this Title. Also, nothing in this Chapter shall be deemed to deny any interested person his/her rights to seek a variance from the requirements of this Chapteq except in the case where a proposed structure or fill will raise the base flood elevation or increase the quantity or velocities offlood waters during a 100-year flood. Variances shall be govemed by the provisions of Chapter 17 of this Title. (Ord. l6(1983) g 1) ' vA565 or-oro.t ,ril t l2-21-l7z REQ{.JIREMENT OF BOIttD: Ary applicutt rmder this Chapter may be required to post bon4 a letter of credit, or other guaxantee to ensure that the improrrements, reports, or other requirernents ofthis Chapten are' completed and complied rvith. (Ord. 12(1983) $ l) t ZONE CHECK Architect Landscaping Retaining Wall Heights Parking How muchof the allowejpry\Titionis Site Coverage W nerght hud fui. Setbacks Phone - Phone';;;;@ Buildablearea v d 9dilt Total GRFA =J1fl.4_1,fl1.5 Prilnary GRFA _ + (425) (675+) =:_ Secondary GRFA _+ (425) (6ZS*; - * 675 = 425 credit plus 250 addition ' Does this request involve a 250 Addition? ll0 Allowed Existine Proposed Total 4rn+ tvu 4/,4+.1 Remaining m1 used with this request? $14 (30x33) Front Sides Rear 20' l5' l5' = lm l4af ---:-- Minimum 3', t6', nequired-L - g 4 Enclosed Garage Credit Driveway Complies with TOV Lighting Ordinance Are finished grades less than 2:1 (.50%) En ironmental/Hazards ooo@rooo)(r2oo) Permitted Slope _% Proposed Slope _% Yes_- No Yes_ No I) Percent Slope (< >30%)_ 2) Floodplain 3) Wetlands. 4) Water Course Setback (30) (50) 5) Geologic Hazards a) SnowA b) Rockfall Previous conditions ofapproval (check property file):_ nut": lllP/A\r-,eur Vnillil\oql 7{I,lAtldress %Vlo Vdw,AMA ed J ls the prcperty non-conforming? Dcscribe: c) Debris Flow o o Project: DESIGN REVIEW CIIECKLIST Q SURVEY N FLOORPLANS Scale Scale Benchmark Legal description GRFA Lot size 250 additional GRFA Buildable Area -:- crawl\Attic space EHU Easemen$ fI BUILDING ELEVATIoNS Topography Scale 100 yr. flood plain Color\N4aterials Water Course Setback Roof Pitch Envircnmenhl Hazards tr LANDSCAPEPLAN Trees Existing trees Utility locations spot elevations :- Proposed trees fr 'ITE'LAN Legend MISCELI.ANEOUS Scale Condo Approval Building Height Title repot (A & B) Encroachments Utility verifi cation fonu Setbacks Photos ofsite Site Coverage Eaves/Overhangs (4,) . Building material samples _ C.O. Verification DeckVBalconies Garage connection sun\shade Angles Utilities (underground) Site Grade\Slope Reaining Walls Fences Parkng/Garage Turning Radius Driveway (access and grade) Snow Storage Fire Access View Corridon Variancas Plat restrictions Or*r*b* rhc ptiii,ling sta, i r. + t';r-- i t.i APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW N\TROVA]., CENERAL INFORMATION Th i-s application i.s fbr any prc_ic::: rcquiring Dasign Rcvicrv approval- Any projcct must rcccivc De;ign Rcview apprc'/al rrior to subtnitting for a buiiding pcrmit. For see the submittal rcquircmcnts for thc particuiar ,;nproval that is rcqucsted. Tirc application cri untii a.ll the requircd intbrmarion is subrlincd. Thc;rcicct mav also nccd to bc rcvic-vcri bv thc T ancVor thc Ptannins and Environnrqrfal Contrnission. Design Ilcvicrv Board approval cxpircs onc tcar approval unicss a building pernrit is issued anri :cnstruction is startcd. DESCRIPTION OF T;iE REQUEST: T ""+ lru C: \tar[ r.)r[[at tfB- C. D. E. LOCATION OF PRCpI-]SAL: LOT: * PFIYSICAL ADDRESS; PARCEL #: ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC Al r-TRISS: owNER(S) STGNAT' NAME OF APPLICANT: lviAILiNC p. Addition - Officc at 970-328-8640 forparce! #) PHONE: b++19-+fr7- includes any adciition where square footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or F. G. H. rYPE OF REVIEV.\n\#i D Ncw Constr"ciion -\iid \nstruction of a new buiiding. l2- i-q 9 C.atraeppt--1 tg..rra.o' \ssssnrxcial building. E Minor Alteratiirn\ r20 Includcs nrinor changcs'to builcings and site irnprovcments, such as. rcroofine. painling. window addidons. landscaping. fenccs and rctaining fr\ walls, etc. \ DRB tceqare to be)>qrcr iir ihe dmc of submittal. Latcl whcn applying for a buikling pennit, pleasc identiry-,._ \ , '\.thc acc'.ua\aluatior: )':hc projcct. The Torvn of Vaii will acijusi thc t'ce according io rhe project valuation. i,LE.\SE SUBN{I'I .\iPI-ICATION. ALL SUBIIIITT.\L REOUIRE}IENTS AND THE TEE TO THE D CPA.R. i})il' ij',' -Olil\i{Li'rlTY DEVCLOPII[\'i.75 SOUTH FRONT.\G[ ROAD. \,'ArL. coLoR..LDO 81657. \ TOW OFVAIL ilnr,vi{hl.ra,rott Co tmmunitv Development Plan Routing Form Routed To:Tom Kassmel or Leonard Sandoval. Public Works Return To:Allison Ochs Date Routed:5/3U00 Return By:ASAP ProjectName: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description: Lubin Addition and Remodel 3236 Katsos Ranch Rd. Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Village l2th Addition of a garage, living space, and deck-this one originally came in ages ago (like last August or something) and just came in again. So it's really a new applicafion Approved -x-Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Need Title Report Any disturbed grading must retum to a2:l grade. Adjust and revise site plan (North side of lot). Show on site plaq top and bottom elevations of proposed boulders retaining walls. If wall is over 4' and stamped approved drawing from a license PE. Is required. Parking space for new garage is 9'xl9'long. Adjust on site plan and revise. Revocable Right of way Permit is required for driveway on Utility Easement. Show on site plan, limit of disturbance fence and erosion control . Are there any improvements to driveway? What. Reviewed bv; Leonard Sandoval Date reviewed: I l-11-99 t utingCommunify Development Plan Ro Form Approved _x_Denied (cite detailed reasons)Approved with conditions Routed To:Tom Kassmel or Leonard Sandoval. Public Works Retum To:Allison Ochs Date Routed:5l3ll00 Retum By:ASAP Project Name: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description: Lubin Addition and Remodel 3236 Katsos Ranch Rd. Lot 4, Block l, Vail Village l2th Addition of a garage, living space, and deck - this one orginally came in ages ago (like last August or something) and just came in again. So it's really a new application Need Title Report Any disturbed grading must retum to a2:l grade. Adjust and revise site plan (North side of lot). Show on site plan, top and bottom elwations of proposedboulders retaining walls. If wall is over 4' and stamped approved drawing from a license PE. Is required. Parking space for new garage is 9'x19'1ong. Adjust on site plan and revise. Revocable Right of way Permit is required for driveway on Utility Easement, at building permit stage. Show on site plan" limit of disturbance fence and erosion control . Are there any improvements to driveway? What. Show elevations contours lines above boulder retainins wall on North West side of lot. Date received: 6-7-00 ffi qu.rto,Jr,,,''. .*:, :1;[Tr':"::,1 -' t, APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is fbr any projcci rcquiring Desigrr Rcviclv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign revicrv must rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval prior to submitting fbr a building pcrmit. For specific information. sce the subrnittal rcquircnrcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcri. Thc appiication c:nnot bc acceptcd until all the requirc<I infbrntation is subrlittcd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvic*vcC bv thc Torvn Coturcil ancVor thc Planning and Ettvirontnental Colrtrnission. Design Rcvicrv Board :rpproval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unless a building perrnit is issued and construction is startcd. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: T .'+ lrur, B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: + BLOCK FILTNG: \tatI Utt[atu -[f D. E. F. PKYSICAL ADDRESS:s-7 PARCEL#: Jtc it.-i3c 1c o. Assessors Offlcc at 970-328-8640 fbr parccl NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS:L PHONE: q-io- +-l(,^- I 3?5 owNER(S) STGNATURE(S)I NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINC AIDRESS: PHoNE: b+-+rr-**^ H. TYPE OF REVIEW AND DltB i'ces are to td"tt thc iinte oi'submittrl. Latcr. whcrr epplying f,or a truilding pennit, plcasc identiiy tirc accuratc !air.4di on of jcct. The Towr ofVaii will adjust the t'cc according to the project valuation. E New Construction\$200 \Constfucdon of a new building.p Addition - \tt hrsqa$ any addition where square footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or t2-t-otd, C-a'vcPFqt \ S€r,r*t.. .o*ilkui Uuit,ling. D tr{inor Alteratio4} S?0'il1;;rd"ri*r.t'o"o.s to buikijnes snd site imnrovcmenrs. such as.D tr{inor Alteratioil -t..!?0 )ncludci{nrincr changcs to buikiings end site improvcments, such as. \ }. .,- rcro.ofinr, painting window additions. landscrping. fenccs and retaining l\ - walls, etc.,l \. i'l-E..\sll sutsNIIT',rr-{r$\ppt-tc.\TI0N, {t-L SUBtItl'T.{L REQUTRE,\rE\TS AND THE FEE To',I'HE DUP.\R'fi{r,,\ r' (\ coui\rr_'NrTy Dlivril-op\rEYr. 75 soLn H f u.oNT-{cE Ro-{D. \.. -*---_-/ v'\IL, cot,oRADo s1657. ,6tu' D6 TOWN OFYAIT ZONINC: NOTE: THIS PERMIT MI.TST BE POSTED ffiCEffigAUF.E.RUIP ON JOBSITE Permit ALL TIMES M95-0 02 2 AT +.It. 75 South Frontage Road Vait,ColorpdoS165T .Tob Address: 3236 KATSoS RANCH 303-479-2138/ 479-2139 Location ''' : FAX303-479-2452 Parcel No..: 2101-023-01-011 APPLICANT KEN LUB]N OWNER HALLENBECK JEANNINE 3236 KATOS RANCH ROAD, VArL CO 8L657 CONTRACTOR FRISCO FIREPLACE & STOVE SHOP P O BOX 1330, FRrsco co 80443 Description: GAS INSERT Fireolace lnfornEtion: Restricted:fof Gas Apptiances: Deparnnent of Communiry Deve lopment RD Status...: ISSUED AppIied. . : 02/.L5/.r9 lssued. .. : 02/L6/19 Expires. . : o8/L5/1'9 Phone: 3036683760 #0f Gas Logs:#of Uood/Pa I tet: *tff *****'ffi*#.ffi ffrt*t*ffi t*ffi ffi*.ffi :t.ffi***Jr**Lk******t*******i****ffii****ff*******tt******ff ****l FEE SUi|!IARY ttechanicat---) 100.00 Restuarant Ptan Reviev--) PLan Check---> 25.00 DRB Fee------ .00 .00 '12E.00 TotaI calcutated Fees---> AdditionaL Fees--------> Total Pernit tee----> Paynents---* BALANCE DUE---- 1ZB.(x) .00 126. OO 12E.00 -00 Investigat ion> tli t t Cal,l,----> .OO TOTAL FEES----- 3.00 Item:.05100 02 lrs /t995o2'/Ls'/L995It'em:'0540002/L5/ree5 BUILDING DEPARTMENTDAN ACTiON: APPRDAN ACIiON: APPR PLANNING DEPARTMENTTRYNIS ACLiON: APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAL CoMBUSTTON ArR rS REQUTRED PER--S-E-C 607 OF TIi-E-19-91 UBC' iilb'"rniiAil oii - iiu 5 i t6KFoRfr - rO _ lielrolectuRE s I N srRucr I oN s Ai'iD-r0-AppeNorx 21 oF rHE 19e1-Wq cAS LrNE rESr AND' rN'spi'iEr0[- iq-iiEAIJlnEp-BqEgRF^qqN-NiiErioii-oF-Ir'rv- nOuiilMElrT-FEB-qEq. - 1206 oF- EHE- 1ee1' uMc ' iiilfiFeil"r6- sif- ReMoifi b"Ffi.ou- Ei r5r r lrc-F r Rrpr,lce Ar RoUGH IN INSPECTION.itniii-ifiSFidriolls ARE REQUTRED FOR coDE CoMPLIANCE PER See. :os oF THE 1991 uMc! --- ----fifiEu fteiv ilneffiie[i-t,ii,t'eS ABE -REourRED woRK MUSr BE otimn eY A LTcENSED ELEcrRrcrAN. Dept: BUILDING Dj-vision: Dept: PLANNING Division: 1. 1.2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. 6. 5. DECLARATIONS t hereby acknoutedge that I have read this appl.ication, fil'(ed out in futL the information required' comPteted an accurate PLot plan, and state that att the information pro;ided ". 1"qui.iO i" correct. f .Sli!-to compty ''iith the inforrntion and ptot PLan/ to comp1y with al,L rown onoinii""" ino stbte [aws, and do buil,d this structune €cconding to-the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design revien approved, u^it".. iuil,ding code and othcr ordinances of the Town appticabte thereto' REauEsrs FoR lNspEcrroNs sHALL BE uAoE Tr.,ENTy-ForJR HouRs tN ADVANCE By TELEPHoNE Al 479-?.rg oB,.'ir ouR oFFIcE FRo+l 8:0o Atl 5:00 Pl'l srGNAruRE oF .*NER oR co*rRAcro' FoR HrlrsELF AN' o*NER 11 6 / - ; s^ o **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt*****************************************.***********************' Statemnt Number: REC-0006 Amount: Payment Method:Notation: TT 128.00 02/15/95 12234fnit: TT 1"195-0022 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMTT zLOI-023-01-0 L l 3236 KATSOS RANCH RDTotal Feea: 128.00128.00 Total ALL PmtE ! 128.00Balance: .00***************************************tr************************ Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: This Payment Account Code**WAIVED FEES** Description WAIVED FEES Anount 128.00 i .. If,gBIE trrRffi m;f,''il*?, ;#"'*#M**'+#- W , iH{r"tr"?'= _;,,\1 ;'qgH"ii,Ii#i:til,3$"F3tfl:: f,u , *Yilt ' FtU 14 tYr,r \ - ?n,. t. ,,, yr ' APPLICATIRF, FSSTf.,IBE FII,LED OUT COMPLETELY OR 'IilKTN* BE ACCEPTED t(**;*'l;**.rlY.l'****Ji*i******* pERr{rr rNFoRMArron **.**JJi!l!huAtpl********* [ ]-Bul.Idtng [ ]-P1unbing [ ]-Etectrical []Q-Mechanl.cal I J-other Job Narne: /.r, 1 ,Job Address: Owners Nane: Architect: , General Description:(!rc (iz, // -lforl< Class: [ ]-New [[-Alteration Nunber of Drelllng UnJ.ts: Address: .3 Address: [ ]-Additional Nunber a' J-Repair I J-other Accornrnodatl-on Units : t of Electrical Contractor: Address: .:'************rtra*****l*t***** Town of vail Reg. NO._ Pbone Number: Town of VaiI Reg. Phone Number: Town of vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: I{oodr/Pellet_ *********** * ** ******* Req" NO. Plunblng Contractor: 2iS(z>i-'1 " -8O * ****t********* ********** ***** ** BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLI'MBING PERI.IIT FEE: I.IECIIANTCAIJ PERMIT FEE : ELE TRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEEs FOR OFFICE USE *********'.**************,******* BUTLDING PLAN CHECK F8E: PLUMBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE3 I{ECHANICAL PIAN CIIECK FEE8 RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERI,TIT FEES3 BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: STGNAA'RE! ^ ryFnber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appll"ttc""_f Gas Logsv l[* *'t * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * ** **** * * * VALUATIONS * * * ** * !r * * * * * rrecrntcal: $orgsn: II'TECHANICAI,I@ TOTAI,: I Address: BUILDING:. PLT'MBTNG: $ l********** ****** * * ** ** *** **t Eeneral Contractor:CONTRACTOR TNFORMATION Connentss CLEII IlP I'POSIT IEFIIND TO: VALUATION v llrt Dramatlc Fireplaces ThatAreAlso Powerful 38,000 BTUH Gas Heaters Mendota Inserts ConvertAny Fireplace ToClean, ConvenientCras. Built by acompanywith over90years experience in gas engineering Producelessthan 1 %of tt|ehannfu | Darticulate emissions olwood burning {ireplaces Equiped with Dual-Bumersforeasy, f lexible control of heatoutputand flamepattern Compact and easyto install Available withthermostatcontrols Saf ety tested to AGAANSI standards Mendota Built-in Fireplaces Add Charm And WarmthToAny Room. Insertsfitflush inio masonrv andzercclearance fireplaces. Jheyuse exsistingcfiimney with liner. Nowyou can easilytum any fireplace into a beautiful, clean, energy-efficienl heatsource. Dual-BurnerHearthGlo-The Log FireOf The90's Mendota Dual-Bumer HearlhGloCombustiorF-f orthelirsttime---createsa logfirewith chaned logsandglowing coalsthat is /denticalto a wood fire. And, Mendota's exdusive Dual-Burnersystem provides lloxible hi/lo controlof heatoutput and tlame pattern. Mendotaengineers, using sophisticated compuler imaging, have captured lhe f lame pattsrn andcolorof awoodfire at its peakbeauty. Tolhisperfec{fire, Mendotaengineels add realistic chared logs and abed oJ mds made ot high-temp ceramic f iber thatglows an.l smolderswhen hit with flameswilh the exacllookof burningwood logs. gttft Mto30.Hr 35,0@ - Lo 25,@ r!oc36-Hi 34.000 - Lo 2a, O 4'Typ€B@s$!dr: S.lttyCor|trb: S.eVT..L.d: roAGA,/ANSlSrd€. MlG30.t7slbs. MIG 36-200lb6. MZO.l00lbs. Mendota Fireplaces are compactand easyto install. Theycan be placeddirectly againstmostwalls. There is no need for expensivechimneys. Nowyou can easily add aromantic fireplacetoanyroom. I Gas Built-in Fireplaces lud6llElC30 I Mod.ltiEC3E I Zioclcs,aica I ZroclsrEg I cd'd I atliEr Hl r' I s wl 347/16' | 407n6' Dt tgm' I m3/84 Accessodes Mendoia lft6rl6 and tulh.ln Fir€pldscofnewnh brcslarni) loqqcod bd drdattuoconrEcto., Options Elaci(orb(ats ton€gdlls,bEss arch€dlronl. d6.ald bim til, bbrer,di€cl p(nr€rtl'i, twosiz€a ol 6uf rounds p6rrno<,iel. Specifications Johnson Gas Appliance Company rCedar Rapids, lowa 52405 ffi l\,lendota Hearth Division: [r.#'l '1890 Woodale Drive r St. Paul, Minnesota 55125 r612'731'5367 Hffi M€ndoh reserves thE rlshtrochange products. sp€cllicarom and price wlthout notice Printod in U.S A !oo oc DFI { 1l mIcI TIa 3 og mr T D o F T lr) o o oz 1l I ocIII 0zo i'---- aaaaaaa aaaoaaaaaaaa sie'iAs'iFsrsd;t r qi b i'* t i r:; i i sHI s:"d.5[: t5*nH iSL *oBxL3 3fi'1E-8-[n ESEX;'E.Flx-t8si [*, 1$qI EFSifi{ $ {r*$ tiflsae.,t i [)r E E-FH Ii '- ii ii [ ilE F3 3 pS "' s LE i '6 : *-' + 6 5H.;lS g 5Pq a aHi\=-t o-="O^|on(tF J a',\ (\J at v a1rh-ri.d6 F6! *i+ F+ *;e rpin i:-(.,Xi*(r|)ii H! Y'' (ni. i'i FT n< ' F ii* 5I _ oU Ii 9FIsI ;5o-S ='n n En!.x^qg.tg)='9) Eu'-'_'.x .iv 5. re. l\Jf T !/!t 6 -- E-Itr j' !, (< '"EE -XE.s3_3 33 - Y H'1 XF o :' 95o o,, o-< Jc{ fi tt Ulo '' 5'1> r* i5.6 .Dtr goc -*tDn oFt!.g A) o Ao- A Fl$l<i x f; FE-gETT lEq5 r$ i;-3,fr 5 t "ili F3 s IF H[E;i'38g; iFP-9 i'! <t 5fE f Ed tl o- Ffif$tF$ ?B'FF[ sr ilE. FE [i [?, Fs [g8; 80 38 E fl}IEu- .l,| 6' rn (, A,t P '.lFCL I Ee6g;EE€*3x;>e i.is;_t!t 5[c.=*Ff r*!d:+i 3F; * 1* *E>: a(, -d6T5r6- F*frF tsfiE*j, = :! !' lt O_ i, tr,_.)il* dAx ;BEia :ie-I g-i ts FE:i iA = s.F ;3; o D, sra rFl iii$ gil EF$S;.F1.5 HE+;"i'.-=g Fg*h' 3E HF '... OZIOE 3t3iEiltrr- ! r.5!H "'t' Otoo F5 9X*9 rlfi= olii t- =axo-t '>E Plan Review Based on the l99L Uniform Codes I DATE:2-15-95NAME; LUBIN GAS FIREPLACE ADDRESS: 3136KATSOS RANCH RD CONTRACTOR: fRISCo FIRE ARCHITECT: NCINEVAIL, COLOIADO OCCUPANCI: R-3 ENGINEER: NONE PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEKTYPE OF COI,ISTRUCTION: V L\/rYtrr'!,..,,''.,r1 CORRECTIONSREQURED . I The items li*ed below are not intended to be a cnmplete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions ofthe adopted codes or any ordinance ofthe Town ofVail. 1. COMBUSTTON ArR rS REQUTRED pER SEC. 607 OF TrrE 1991 UMC. 2. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDD( CIIAPTER 21 OF TTIE 1991 I,]MC. 3. GAS LrNE TEST AND INSPECTTON IS REQUTRED BEFORE CONNECTTON oF ANY EQUTPMENT pER SEC. 1206 OF TIIE 1991 UMC. 4. DAMPER TO BE REMOVED FROM EXISTING FIREPLACE AT ROUGHIN I INSPECTION. 5. FIELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLTANCE pER SEC. 305 OF TTIE 199I UMC. 8. WHEN NEW EmCTRICAL LINES ARE REQUIRED WORK MUST BE DONE By A LICENSED ELECTRICIAN. (_ rF_ oozupenMrr'ruffi 'N# . 1-?4 -q1DATE '_J z-A- t..-Luan ,("n,'1*0,...- CTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED LOCATION: , BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND" tr FOUNDATION / STEEL T] ROUGH / D.W.V. tr tr tr tr u c] O ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED I] REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ffii;lil, o6;4? RE*rEsrffo*'?H#E I3nl';'R?'3#P?;" R= ?, B,e6 PAGE AREA: DS Aetivity: AddF.si s Locat ion r Pareel r Deeeriqp i on: AppLibant: 'O*nerr Contractor: 1'195-EOea 2./ g196 Type: B-I'IECH 3836 KATSOS RANCH RD : e101-Ge3-Ot-O1t GAS INSERT KEN LUBIN HALLENBECK JEAITIhIIIG FRISCO FIREtrLACE I STOUE SHOP Eitatus: I!}SUED Constrr tl6f,R Oee: Ure: Phona r Fhone c Fhone r 36iI6G63766 tnspeetion Request Inforration..... Rcquestorr LORI-FRIStrU FIREFLACE Req Tire: @108 Coerentsr Itere requested to be fnrpeeted,.. Ogslt0 llEtrH-Final Phoner 668-376O Tire Er Inepect lon Iter: Iter: History..... e0340 }IECH-Hisc. $31e3193 Inspectorr DS OO39O iIECH-FinaI Aetionr APtrF APPROUED / Ff!-t PfiNVUUI $ TOWNOFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 3 03 -479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 Deparnnent of Community Developnrcnt January 6, 1994 Mr. Kenneth A. Lubin 390 Downing Denver. CO 80218 RE: 3236 Katsos Ranch Road, Lot4, Block 1, VailViliage 12th Filing Dear Ken: Thank you for sending me the photocopy of your improvement location certificate for the above lot. ln your letter, you identified the following concerns in respect to setbacks: 1. The northeast corner of the building is 9 feet from the property line; 2. The northeast corner of the deck is very close to the property line. You are correct that our current zoning code requires a 15 foot side setback and 15 rear setback. The front setback is 20 feet. Our department views the building and deck encroachments into the required setbacks as nonconforming improvements. lf you were to try to expand the deck or expand the northeast corner of the building, a setback variance would be required. In order to get approval for a setback variance, you must subrnit a variance request to the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) who would then decide if it is appropriate to approve the request given the variance criteria. ff you have any further questions about this property, please feel free to give me a call at 479- 2138. I am sure you will enjoy living in Vail on a permanent basis. lt is a great community! Sincerely, 1{''rknflr'h Kristan Pritz Community Development Director xc: Shelly Mello 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 I / 479-2 I 39 FAX 30s-479-2452 Department of Comnuniry Developtnent January 6, 1994 Mr. Kenneth A. Lubin 390 Downing Denver, CO 80218 RE: 3236 Katsos Ranch Road, Lot 4, Block 1, VailVillage 12th Filing Dear Ken: As per your request, I am writing to notify you that the residence, on the above lot received a tinat ceitificate of occupancy on December 26, 1979. In reviewing the file, I found information that a minimum 10 foot setback on the east property line was required, however, because the property received a final certificate ol occupancy subsequent to this, I will assume that the deviation which resulted in a I foot setback for the building and a 1 foot ! setback for the deck were approved. Assuming that lhere has been no construction completed on the project without receipt of DRB and or building department approval subsequent to the date of the final certificate of occupancy, this project is in compliance with the Town's zoning code. Should you have any questions, please contact me at 479-2138. xc:Kristan PriE y Mello Town Planner ' ' " "' '':";;:: f," " ';::":^" ' . ''i)"-u-i;';i"':' ' @t RR i\t q, i:sE .isil ilH ilH $t$t f;8$3 IE$I 9ATON n F-s..J \ $ rt--R g'RA \ I ilr,"+ ;so \ {frr- t ilffirEt i/ l$i.dtJ i ts /&rffiI I ^j-*/sictff,.].:,ffi*.+-* ,' li I IF:tilltit:fuil -'J rr' r-S;ii'i.ry ili $r/myr. ,,1$ $$.l*Ql'\i , l$$$rlx!l sriHit a ii-i/ | ti li*/li iiv f;bi l( ti|/i itE \t/i ltN A-----t-*Jl* / t rt\ *4 E h N tt lrl @ /, $r '\ EE."8 I .3. ts? B$ ._*'. l{ E fi kt $E J8 ESr{t rl s ri Ei f;i ffETCffir I t i E t € * $ -t vrA tAt( uuuEBR 3!!:f ?"9-?152 January 3, 199{ Mr. Eristen Pritz Connrrn I ty navel opment 75 Sorrf.h rrootage RoatlVrll, e0 8l 657 Re! 32!6 RatsoF Ranah Road Deer Kr I rhrn l Ae we dlecucrad lsst w+ek, I bave encloged a photocony of an Irprovereat Location Certifieate rlated Decenbcr 22, 1993 for the above referenccd PtoPerty. My concernB are as f,ollosgr L) the northetlt eornet of the tttrlldinq is only nlne teet f rotn the boundrry linc; and 3.) the northeaEt corn€r of, the bounderY I Ine. It i6 ny snderdtand inE that there is a actback lcquitsm€nt. Fron yous point no$-codfoEning aetbacko a Pf,obleth? t f€Epon6e r Vcr J Lr ul Y you! tt t7JJ.at /,rL Kenneth A. t ubin 6ncloBed deek i,r very alole to the f i fteen foot nin inrrm of view, at+ thp crict-lnE loot forwerd to Yottr Egl gsvom€enlA Strot r S{ilte 16m i Denwr, Cdomdo ffigg lffi|) 2s5o60c z,o = --r an Zr-{cT< -1 ZOon -m >; --r c)o> 2" nz>mOF-{>orn z. T BtrHts t-r.p Foo P.Flouoo =m I z z -J --t -{ (Dt- :! =zEt>F rntJp, HftrEtrtsHt. (, N) tr, or x 0,ctooo l 3 rd ooH k1 € 9,rtrlo R F Els rnl,t r I c o- !- F lFl>l0lo l' I I I Il<t> r-t> l0 llnllo t" I I I I l<P blo t9 m Y I I I I n B H-P.5 Ioo Fl 0t l'tl p ctHp DtE et- et rt]n CLott.Dl-r lt<:t!6lrrr tlo .1.l-n o t:ot'# Il;3t=3l-.rc 3 og o 3o <trq t=2oY"'>r't- c)r z=OE>= oozozr ooza{frco{oztm7 =-{ o -lm I I I l\ol\.lat\ l3 Tao(- m -l zo I II't ? "nt I "It ; z m € m =6---l ! mm €oo TNfmo _t- m -.1 m l4e;g t- zact- --{ oz ()zrooofi;qtiE;Eig e =" 3 -d o-{lltrll |||c.z@;o(D>giiiEsfiEF Tg3dqrg.=-gI Eq Ea -a 2rtrlr 2m = m P;z )+ _f z \ ma --t tn c,v c 'n--l rc =z N@= \ur\ - -'gG ot\)-9o-rfia=ut-!;P -*oalnXZa)u;c)-oo<zaour. Io 62;< c x 2A---ro6 onzz €ovx tp Ft 1.. P TJ rDn r- Frt 1-|.p P I I -{ tn -"1- Izm t-Cm -€>:.>3@!.a;?t?- <c !>'I_ > a>: =21:r:z t! o >'' i>c :r>:<-YZ-Z-- =zJ>=z> .^ z +c'7eitrrlii2 n'-. {z - -> d"ca-i:z-:;;:;; z z z It zz o =z -t -{ m N \9 A €oo -t i *g =Rm CI' \ t-m ? tn o i mq 6tz m m€ mo m --l z-n mm =mc)I z -. =z mrm --l,o -0r z a)-moI @s l- 2o !tn t l,m = ='71 mma VALUATION mn3 =z .m z |- !l-c gz m m ..t o t- c I 2o 5 0, 5 p, 7 p, F oo o o\\t {(Jl tso oo F\o N ul (,^) @ |J|o tProject Appllcation Proiect Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: 4- Legal Description: Lot / ,etock ,/ , riting lz tz TrL ?7aaa. A- Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Summary: Chief Building Official ooza{n o{oz Trnv =+ --E - A r-.\1 r) eo E 3oI o I 3 3ct CLIo olt 3ot EEts <m@ l-r 'I rn = l-i9i5= lnitn= EiF" la'- lglintrE 3P z=0@2= z zr Hf,uiAC)>'t-lfi\.f n I =mo-t =m '.r' z z-t --t n o z. u)imnz>moni> c)tfriol c) 2=-lcf=c)= d6 Tf r-Y:- -lzl'L I I FIFIFJ (D HF tltl Bt> t; l<t> Fp lm Y I I I 1F<F <Frr lo.r. lll..r Sr)Itd)Io lx IlHo lo\E lc)F. lr*tlll.nIql I 0t ts' EooH =E =EBTfi[,# E E l-, F. r I I o -lm Ilut F !Fo(- mI zo z I I N)5 z,to |\J Fat m ; z --tm l"loloI'tF. lo IG li.. lF.to t;ls ts t- € m F z. 6i -{ -n m T (.1 lr)D (r, t- € tTlt-mo Im -l lIPH;g G z U) t- =z c)zxo6)o90trob€*#q =iE9 P = 8 tsfr # n r F SE ^.i 9 N=zui.sDc)--{r| | | I l'tl*l-'l l PF'| | | | Fr =3 E N FB8:i -sB8f EE F E=:'i=-Bi 6g t = -= 2-{ llllt(tl*l-f" I l"l zm{ t--{mn{ =z l 2 t- m { m a T <,9n t- 4-z utg t.) !-F.+ O -r5fi a *BF HBoo 2 Arne ?9 lr! rr X ile= H r<=.3 -; <1 'n Z Z F.=ctiFlx 00= 1< = m 0tFl 0t FIo E 3 F I t.^) El ts --{ m H :A NIF H --t :E-xzm (./) N)o\ oo { Fr N) $-{ ,.tl H t, $.o { trf,) o.o c) N) rtr i rcm :ifr+o>- <tr>-i:Fa;io>3 E!EHz|no>Q>oo".lxEtz4?o>=>-z; =6oP335i; >"oliSclr oci>-i:lr \ =ir<,.,*. - (hR r. tt t\- \\'rV\.{\ \I J' \\I t> \o)z >\E-1. F:\s\.7 \t r' *t:j c : 2 zz z -lm(n 2 c3 a 7 c n I iN il N i"h t$ -{o -.1 t- m 3 -l-Tl mm at, m z om!oU'+ m 9. znmsm{ o frm m --t z-n mm 3m I zo t- -or- @z mt-mo u a- !l- zo! oI . z !m { !m = =-Tt mmU' VALUATION 'om4 =-l zo m - 2o a- I- 3 @z mt-mo fr a- f-0z \) 5 t\ D D D l\ L(.r) H -H{ t\o]Jcl! N N) lvo tl irlo o .^)Dlo D{ t^){fr : N) sll FF \) t^)!6\ r o I nno.rncr * Bb-S?Q ] OWNER'S NAME PHoNE * </7,- S?27 department of community development additional information or corrections the Plan Check which ls now in the Building 6 Ctt,c pr A eror-n -Tr> 13s, e"t @ lnwn box 100 vail, colorado 81657 1303) 476-5613 The following are required to complete Department for review: )l+ I '_)o e_. ftu l/rtrg,g SINGLE FA,VILY RESIDEN?IAL AND RESIDENTIAL ZONING CHECKLIST Legal Descripti Ovner:Architect: Zone Distrtct':Proposed u""r ffiIot Area :2!ftuiorr.'H""""d Area:.t Ab ftc.Equals Buildadle Area: Eeight: -bei3r 10. Setbacks: Required - Front z}t , Sides LOr +Z?Sinearze, -!2./f Actual _ Iront ey , Sides Distance Between Buildings: Required ..=- Actual G.R.F.A. Allowed: Buildable Area site coverase: Allowed - Lot a"."LL,fLl4 t{* = #:V?7ekLandscaping: t rl.HL_,r"o.r*"r"-_;# *__% = --W:- Parking, *A#r*{ t ,, 'ffif "" Drive: Slopepermitted /Z% Stope actuat €Ft1Parking and Drives Must Be paved Environmental/Hazard: Avalanche Ge Flood plain _ dte@'tu? "" Comments: AP"/ 14 Distance lrom Creek €#* Trees Removed O A, - ri2 i I I I I I I I Zoning Approval;Zoninsffi Date.- "th4., l..nee4 Lor ..l 3ze6 fr"r'r <PEs) f3cv l VV. EF Knr&s Pan'r/+ Qaao ,) zz*= \at Q. z{ = I'7 b& .lt'ttup -'g - 3 lox tV = 5-6., A xab sox I = 22 v lb : )cl v 3.S = l%SxB = lsb fu,2-2-3 7?mP '7 gt? n@4ert/h'( It9,ma/oo _ s4y' LB?) zuO s€Z eq 1o v)') = SteC)Z"nc- ?,{ir< 3G - Z\O-,, zet-\rf e 4O = 77@ rs.Sxg s tz4 l4s NA- 6 x ),S lz7 t4 SXtl z,l?{@ TSoO s-- C{- .4; tbb .<5 269 @g = /.7s 32. OO saz S /3./d : L/35/.z{ :>. /Z-DO tT@/& Ya*+&o - ,' @*P-{^\ozY ?* /)- /M/)Wr%frr* I A-. k#tr(,U SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL AND BESIDENTIAL ZONING CHECKLIST t{^Legal Descriptiqn: ,/ ^/ Orner : ffln fil bePa 6 Architect: Zone Distrlct:Froposed Use: Lot Area:?.|f}4uitus .tJa tc Hazard Area: Equals Buildable Area: IHeight: -btrral Setbaeks: Required - f'ront t Distance tr'rom Creek Trees Bemoved W AA o&thi *,i lstrec + h,/'+rge.e+tz , Sides LOt +Z7f,RearZO' +7,7 Actual - Front *, , sides fi , Rear dPE^ Dlstance Between Buildings: Required Actual '{oY^o"tuar2G.R.F.A. Allowed: Buildable Area x % =a Site Coverase: A11owed, - Lot ^"."e1*/* tL* -&# Landscaping: Required - Lot Area x . 7o - eraG' p"rr.r,,g, "aAnV " ::i---' - Drive: Slope Permitted /Z?6 Slope Actuat (N Parking and Drives Must Be Paved EnvironmentaLfHazard: Avalanche a& Flood Plain - Ae, Comments: 3o'/" .Zoning Approval; Date / // /a^ zte f,z/ /'s+F+_-* //r{ry 24" to /o O so.2-r ^/6rfx /lf tffx I/l( 7/34 37/6" z{ ? r /f.d r3-i I /{Y* zl /a x PJ.{ ^€r." k ,/^-*- u2.rx z{ 7{.< /{.{ 3zf/.f -/7.- Bzszltn W o-t AZt,,-J4-4eft1 g'@ /6/ / ,-/ r33fr7 /24/6(,5? 2az,fo/6t 32-r /0tr,2f L,zf .ra.ffs\ ?-o -\7 th?\LI /o €tag c 2 > ftcn*p+ ffirry Lf,/ 2, fa @ z3,c- to.{ /E // €|,f,o > 2s?8 .Zd 2_o.4{:15 -o o Project Applicatlon 6-s-7f : t,al t^, A lt' k 0 Proiect Name: [Yl ,* | | ' V1 I\ Q5 ' -\9*t-'<* : Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL Date: Zoning Administrator Dale: Chiel Building Ofticial Project Application Project Name: Project D6scription: Owner Address and ", ,' + Phone: | 1,' Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , , Block Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Dale Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Su mmary: Zoning Administrator Chief Building Off icial Project Appllcation I Tl'l-t r Project Name: Project Description:'7'i 0t/) Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phon6: Legal Description: Lot ebcr 1- , ritins \l V />0h Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Date -/ /i:'15lfP Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL Summary: Chief Building Off icial I .l PERiltr No. ii .L ii 'l ilTOWN OF VAIL STREET CUT PERMIT lmn 1. 2. 3. (JobNan6or Location of Work) Work is for: (circreon€l (Ercavating Contractor's Name, Addr€sand License No.) WATER SEWER GAS ELECTRIC TELEPHONE TV CABLE (Cont.aclor's Signalurc) Permit Fee Billto: Paid:Receipt#: INSPECTION REMARKS SKETCH PLAN OF WORK ATTACHED PEFI"IIT I\0.lor5APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL STREET CUT PERMIT 1e7s lnrn scraP ontnacton --t-^CfLE te rPatcirllng will be completed y,ionk is ror (circr_e). @ @ ,@ @. @ @Tnench width lensth treoth - u q, 6. 7. 9. 11. 12. 7",*t sOO Lineal feet oF- sEil-Eutting at p"" foot. Snua-e feef nf nF.Vement r-l-T) O'n qnrr:1.o ts -*Equipment supplied by coilTiactor (clTEIeT backhoe'l i ohl ad tr: nnr' nada< nr\rah6h+ ^rrf +6a. r.r.+6r nrrrnnP urr yPermit fee ( $5.00 ) foot compactor Tota 1 '1 0. A11 mater^iaf and equipment must be on the job site before started. Anvthinc in the street risht-of-wav mus I have c'omnaetionw v v vrrlrfnnt- fha 'lFqf Fiphteer inehes will be road baSe. Sisnatune below indicates review and utilitv focation. Cost the jo5-fs lifts of one Vail Water and Sanitation District (476-5613 ext 230) Bighorn Water Distnict (949-5274) Gore Val1ey Water Distr"ict (949-5 Uooer Eap'1e Vallev Sanifation Di strict Wrdt:3<.rOPublic Ser"vice Companv (S49-578I) fqLrq-q?7]1i("&468,2528) l,.rato'tc *Vail- Cable TV (476-5 37-Vait Fine Pnotection Dis-ext 63 tt-t77€ 13. Rubber out-riggers on equipment are a must when working on oi1. No other objects can be useci in place of rubber. '1 4 - T cer.ti frr th:t I have r-ead a1l recuinements of Ondinance llo. 6 ( Series 1979) as amended and wilf abide by same, and that all utilities and the Vail Pofice and Fire l)epartrnents have been notified as nequired. cial Cond i tions {.'39 Jr &-' ere w1 enoto street c it .) t nr. F I ,l,ta?'rl.r o llaf\t RY or aPprova DASH LINES FOR L-- Approv fnspec ShOW Str^eetS With nameq - hrri'l riinoot uLr r r\_rrr.5!) r and l-ocation of cut USE CUT ,\"+ n BIA I vv tXJ X"h- ne,,*j fU,3136 NOT a streel cul permlt! tion Rema:rks WHITE - Public Works PINK - Contractor YELLOW - Finance lhe P.inlery./varl '"-,IrffisH;'stRtsr o.'I Pt ll o€cK jPtffstcA|- - RESID€fiTIAL TIATER 8 SB'J€F TAP FEE OIIJUI.ATTOI It J€ OF tg€ oil€R Si.REEf ADDRE5S LOI gILltrE AOSIESS 1. 2, B,rsEt€lrTlsr rrcon ?m n-oor JfiD FI-OOR MSE}ENT lsr nmr'4o FLmR JRD FLOOR -----t--?- BAsrN & Tolt.Er(cra narr Bnn) x xocRA slill€ FUT SAIH . (stgr,tn oR Ttt;l, BASIN, TOTLFT) R6,.S (LII/ING RM[ts, 8SRoOiS, OF;ICES, STIDIOS, 1.50 .75 3.m ?. oo x1.S =1.oo q.I l' I: 'l KITCI€NS DlstrAsFcRs sAu,rAs rrlrn oo-gs E I.{AIER FOII{TAIIS st{[f4lNG Po]lJ JAO'Z,I CI,'ISIDE }NTER Oltxl.r.st oF eE) FITI EATIS m8s x 2.Sl := 2-50 x l.fi] = --[4' t 6. 7, 8. g. 10. l. ?. 3, 'q. 5. ursrDRIEs x .91 ' Gen uscrJ - 5(J ' w' ?( =ICE !'IACIINES ^, .u X.6= N,E= IEAEEAtr'. x3.O - xLm rtil'x' .50 x l.fi! = x 5.fi1 =x5,m =x I.uJ = KITC!€l{ DISFUASI€R LATNMIES CIITSTDE I{AIER rUTAL POIIfiS IIAIE 3r SlsS€NT lsr ruoct g-{llD FLOoA FTOOR O1oo ....: FOU-S{IilG T}E Co?LETlci.l oF CoflsTRLCTlGlt 0F ALL SlRtrruqEs' T}€ DISIRICT SM',tl ;{hfii}l"; piilsiiil-iris''ecirc.'r oF nt-l rna'tts:s io DETEFjTINE Tl5 iluBE'c-oF, Polt:rs ft:tffilif;[ii'#l##,1#ff #if frr:iF*ih?i-.#$F*;il DOA*D 0F DtRCCTtTnS rJe-,6t.)tee, Laun66q lsoo *'rh' aPP ltqnce, - +5oO Gen. lrqhlrhc,, - lj3g.U.Jrtf,cd oppltarrcos- Som ) rsoo -ltlos aoco 13()e) 5oo \$oo }.oc 5oo I f\ul\irrs Ca+,+Lo ,c 3,^o.._4ts) )bc1er Cook top 9rJeJn5 fn igre ,*)o.Dq'b.r-rS, : G'o.sc.eg bcos--T.c. \' G.brlg o. rnston* \otFurnocg I DrOOO ll,tn\5 crntts r-ntfs 'l{ lbuse, trrg.$ts ll I It k r{ .\t,. t!_ fi' It u 39,oaR u.so{ks \O,OSO rs{*s@ 3\o:B r^:o-\{t @ ICD?o = {$?o E O l,to l5 9D"ob tco..}tS arngs rNstTroN REeuEsr THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLE TUES fra ffi: pu BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER O INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: O HEATING o tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIB O FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION HEQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rNStTroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL I^t, ") t ' JoB NAME 't ,/ltl/4t.o K(-rt'{t / n "-.' ,---^ , ,1 ,CALLER "'r" ) k<'r'"l2zt'' DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON ruES wED ;Tnunl FRI ----{-@'",/.4. .-', - .-/,- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING INSULATION -tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB TEMP. POWER tr tr tr tr HEATING EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O FINAL B APi'BOVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR DATE {'i- ,/ ' , i l.:',; I INSftTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JoB NAME fl,,'t-tr.1Q,.-n., i.-l , ,<L r l .',n,- q READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES THUR FRIWED .:t"'_. lAM " PM BUILDING: Ef-OOTINGS / STEEL .t,. .- PLUMBING:, 1=.,.. {-.._ tr UNDERGROUND _ tr ROUGH/D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER - tr GAS PIPING _ tr POOL / H. TUB TI - tr FINAL MECHANICAL: - O HEATING - D EXHAUST HOODS T] SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr E tr tr rl tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr tr tr ROUGH CONDUIT tr FINAL tr U .dnppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED Jt INSPECTOR ./".1 DATE I rr.rsflcnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME -----. CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOGATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL T] FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB tr E FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHAN!CAL: t] HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL Tl APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSftTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME --CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL ON / STEEL tr INSULATION - tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB -n r-r tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: O TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -n r-l tr FINAL tr FINAL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr APPROVED COBBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED rh.prhtrry/va'r II DATE INSPECTOR DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: INSTTION ,REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED t,' -) -) C DISAPPROVED o JOB NAME CALLER TUES WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- - 'Fd"ou*onouND N ROUGH / D.W.V. FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL EL tr tr tr tr ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR T] FINAL CORRECTIONS; INSPECTOR INSftTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: NAME 2?) '.t - /) ),.t ', ./, !.CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI ---|- ', |) Lt&L u:zii BUILDING:PLUMBING: TINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL O INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR N FINAL tr -APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rNs*TroN REouEST tl TOWN OF VAIL rDATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: :i ,; ;t. l'a> ,.' ) l" BUILDINGT tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION fr sHeernocx ln tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n I] FINAL., "tr FINAL OVED GORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR rrustcnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL '-2- z''- , JOB NAME ''2 / /'"/ ' :DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON AM .PM,,THUR.--j BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUITIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL 653affi6 tr ROUGH/WATER tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB D- tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr n CONDUIT tr SUFPLY AIR D tr FINAL T] FINAL E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR DATE t iu, /+t TOWN OF VAIL '. l.t t: rrJOB NAME trt'Q'r rr- CALLER TUES I I I ttt L t. t t \ 'r 'r,t-t Ll.. i'- t,\ -_ PMWED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION O GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB s-ffinr-tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MEGHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR _tr tr FINAL tr FINAL EI.APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED BEINSPECTION REQUIRED - ,r,,..,,:'. O rrtsftTroN REouEST TOWN OF VAIL --zr/^/,r;- ."'€-,,,;,. uDATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES wED giw-.) FRI nM-.Ffr" BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL A FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION - tr SHEETROCK NAIL n EI-fTNAL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tJ INSULA I IUN - tr SHEETROCK NAIL n EI-fTNAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER E ROUGH O CONDUIT n D GAS PIPING tr POOL / H.TUB tr FINAL MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL E-*?FfovED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR rNsftTroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE ,\--, , ' JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: CALLEB MON TUES WED PMAM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr POOL / H, TUB tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING B ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR E} FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR