HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 12 BLOCK 1 LOT 6 LEGALoft&i*.&tw DElEr"fFt ERt Va*Wttoq'€r n- /afblAb tDe*ign Reulew Board ACTI$]{ FSRM Department of Cammun-ty D€velopment 75 South FrontaEe Road. Vail. Cqlorado 81S57 t€l: 970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web: www-vaitgoucom Prcject Name: PARLIAMENT CHANGE Project Description: DRBNumber: DRB060131 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PI.ANS ADDING STAIRS FORM DOSTING DECK TO DECK OVER GAMGE Participantsr OWNER PARLIAMENT, FMNCINE R, & MAOs/OV2OO5 3241 KATSOS MNCH RD VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT PARLIAMENT, FMNCINE R. & MAO5/OV2OO6 3241 KATSOS RANCH RD VAIL co 81657 Project Address: 3241 KATSOS RANCH RD VAIL 3241 KATSOS RANCH ROAD Location: Legal Descripuon: lot: 6 Blodc 1 Subdlvision: VAIL VILI-AGE FIUNG 12 Parcel Number: 2101-023-0103-2 Comments: see conditions Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditlons: BOARD/STAFF ACIION Action: SIAFFAPR Date of Approval: 05/03/2006 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction actlvities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OOPlanner: Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Departnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 tel: 970.479.2128 fax: 97Q.479.2452 web: www.vailgw.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the pafticular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by fre Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval tapses unless a building permit is issued and @nstrudion commences within on€ year of the approval. Description of the Request: Locition of the Proposal: Physical Address: Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address:3a (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no.) Phone: $50 Plus $1,00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as' re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc, $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements. such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc, $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board' E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Concepfual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-fam ily/d u plex) }{ ch.no* to AoDroved PlansJ- \ (, -\ m JOINT PROPERTY OWT{ER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name 54J5oint r of property located description) provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated whidr have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Deparfinent for the proposed improvements I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Planning\drb_minor_alt_l 1-23-2005.d0c LU23lZ00s to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed imprwements include: Page Z of 13 MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SU BMITTAL REQUI REM ENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alteraUons and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of rebining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS*TC o Stamped Topographic Survey*o Site and Grading Plan*tr Landscape Plan*o Architectural Elevations*u Exterior color and material samples and specifications.a Architectural Floor Plans*o Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixturesD Tl'tle report, including Schedules A & B to veriff ownership and easements*o Photos of the oristing site and adjacent structures, where applicable. o Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable o Site-specific Geological Hazard Repoft, if applicable*o The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). **For interior conversions with no exterior chanqes, the submittal requiremenE include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title repo( and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Name: Contractor Signaturq Date Signed F:\cdw\FORMS\PERMm\Planning\drb_minor_alt_1 1-23-2005.doc LLl23l200s Page 3 of 13 **'l"l'**+*{.******tf***rr*****f+*r.{'**t't*++****'t{.**+++******+**++**********++***t******+ff**+***** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Shtement***'i'i**l+*+'t***'t+++{r*'t******+***t***+t+*******++f+****:r*****f*************f't******+i+!tt****,* Statenent Numbei: R060000492 Arnorrnt: 920.00 OS/OL/200601 :38 pM PaymenL Met,hod: Cash fnit: r.TS Notation: $/UnnVfU PARLIAI|IEIi1T Permit !Io: DR8050131 Tl4)e: DRB - Chg to Appr plan6 Parcel No: 210L-023 -0103 -2Site Address: 3241 KATSOS RAIiICH RD VAILLocation: 3241 KATSOS RjAI{CH ROAD ThiB Palzment: 920.00 Total Fees: $20.00 Total- AIJIr Pmts: $20.00Balance: S0.00***f'l:*******************+*****:|***f*****:*'t**{r*+**t*******+*f*+**t'*+****+++++*******+**+++*** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriptLon Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN RE\':TEW FEES 20.00 Q Deeign Rsview Board ACTTtrl{ F$N,FI Department of Commufi ity Develcpment 75 South Frontage Roadn Vail. Colorada 81f57 te!: 970.4]9.11311 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.Yailgov.com Project Name! PARLIAMENT CHANGE Project Description: co 81657 ProiectAddrcss: 3241 KATSOS RANCH RD VAIL 3241 KATSOS RANCH ROAD DRBNumber: DRB05053o Location: FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS-CHANGE IN ROOF DESIGN OVER STAIRWELL / SLOPED INSTEAD OF FLAT Pardcipants: owNER PARLIAMEITT, FMNCINE R. & MA10/022005 3241KATSOS MNCH RD VAIL co 816s7 APPUCANT PARLIAMENT, FMNCINE R. & MA1O/OZ2OO5 3241 KATSOS MNCH RD VAIL Legal Descrlption: loft 6 Block: 1 Subdivlsion: VAIL VilLAGE FIUNG 12 Parcel Number: 2101-023-0103-2 Comments: see conditions Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditionst BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 10/19/2005 @nd:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). @nd:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Condl 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is'commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Maft Gennett DRB Fee Paid:$20.o0 ,--ffi |u inor Exterior AlteraticG Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2128 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit applicaton. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Re/iew cannot be accepted until all reguired information is received by the Community Development DepartTent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the apprcval, Location of the Proposal: Physical Address:'47, Parcel No.: C /O f A a ? O I AdhEagte co. Assessor at e70-328-8640 for parcet no.) l{ame(s) of Owner(s): Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: E-rilail Addrcss: 7,g', o Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceofual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition fl Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) lEl Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction ofa new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions), $250 For minor dranges to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor dranges to buildings and site improvements, such asr re-roofing, painting, window addiUons, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Boaro, No Fee checkNo.: qOL{ ,-o{-fuotvr'l' Po.-t,.^.^*RDG'O'3H,?T*58'," {\t ot? o ,,-ffi JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name) description) provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submltted to the Town of Vail Community Department for the proposed improvemenb I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance ryith the Town's applicable codes and regulations. at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: Page 2 of 13/06/05/05 Buildino Materials PROFOSED MATERHIS Tvoe of Matedal Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Wndows WindowTrim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Please speciff the manufacture/s nEme, the color name and number and attach a color chip, DArE:- lD/13 Page 6 of t3l06l06l0s . Proposed surhce drainage on and off-site.r Location of landscaped areas,. Location of limits of disturbance fencing. Location of all required parking spaces. Snow storage areas.. Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure.r Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be prwided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4'and 6' feet in height. ' Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable . Landscape Plan:r Scale of 1" = 20'or larger. . Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan.. Location of existing trees, 4" diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated' (including new location), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the proposed improvements and grading.o Indicate all existing ground cover and shrubs.r Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers. gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground cover.o Delineate critical root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and construction.r Indicate the location of all proposed plantings.. The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation.. Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted: r Lighting Plan:. Indicate type, location and number of fuCures.r Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous areao Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. o REPAINT PROPOSAIS e For all proposals to repaint o<isting buildings, the following supplemental information is required: . Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s)r Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffiits. etc,) Page 5 of t3106106105 e *{t***+*+*tl******************'}'t*'**********'t*++***tti**+*****'}******{.'}*****{'***********'}*,t*:}t** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statemenr******'l*'t*******'t'S***********+**********+*********:t**++**+*at*************t**+*+*+********** Statement Number: R050001653 Arnount ! $20.00 lO/07/2OOSL1 :43 AM Palment Method: Check Init: ..tS Notation; 4025/MARVIN PARLIAIqEMI Permit No: DR8050535 Tl4)e: DRB * Chg to Appr PLanaParcel No: 2101- 023 - 0103 -2Site Address: 3241 I(ATSOS RANCH RD \IAIL Lrocati.on: 3241 KATSOS RANCH ROAD Tota1 Feea: $20.00This Pa)ment: $20.00 TotaL AIJL, pmts: 920.00Balance: $0.00****************'t*******+*+*'*******+*************d.{.*+l.t*+++*fl+++++****+*******************'} ACCOLJNT ITEM LIST: Accouuts Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 Degf qn Reficv fu,t J Ac{'at frrl'\ ProjectName: PARUAMENTCHANGE DRBNumber: DR8050195 Project Dbscription: EPANSION OF GAMGES, RE-FINISH LOWER EXTERIOR Participants: OWNER PARLIAMENT, FMNCINE R. & MAO5/13/2005 32411(AT50S MNCH RD VAIL co 816s7 APPLICANT PARLIAMENI FMNCINE R. & MAO5/13/2005 3241 KATSOS MNCH RD VAIL co 81657 Project Address: 3241 KATSOS RANCH RD VAIL Location: 3241 MTSOS RANCH RD Legal Description: Lot: 6 Block 1 Subdivision: VAIL VILIAGE FIUNG 12 Parcel Number: 2101-023-0103-2 Comments: see conditions w13,ffi'- BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion Byr Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date ofApproval: 05/25/2005 Conditions: Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to @nstruction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0007133 That the south east corner of the garage, which is presently encroaching into the front setback (pre-existing / nonconforming) not move further into front setback. web: www.vailgov.com j General Information: - i )ermit application. pfuuse -- raf6r f^ lh6 -',hni*-l Il',.: refer to the submittal requirements for.the particular appiovat rhat.is requested. o" .prin*iu."#il:iil {J[";cannot be accepted until all required information is reieived uv the commrnity o"uELprunt Department, Theproject may also need to be reviewed by the Town council and/or the planning andtnvironmental commission.Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issueu ana conJruaion commen@s withinone year of the approval. Description of the Requestr Location of the proposat:Lot: L Block: Physicaf laaress: 3& Parcel No': "Jo I o 23o t o 3 ?- (contact Eagle co. Assessor at g70-32g-g640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address:uF*s E-mail Address: ,^*t Phone: FaX: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review E New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration ( multi-family/commercial) fl Minor Alteration llrinsle-fam i tylduptex) p cn.ng"t to Approved plans ,'tr Separation Request $50 Plus 91.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 Construction of a new building or demo/rebuild.$300 An addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions).$250 Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window .additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, sucn as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls. etc.$20 Revisions to plans already approved by planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee rl 0 -r.ottl IOI4II\IM I, (print nur"f JOINT PROPERWOWT{ER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER a joint owner of property located at (address/legal descriptionl 3t provide this letter as written approval of the plans aatea f- 3 - O I-which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: o{ I fufther understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. rlclot (Date) Page 2 of L3lL2l02/04 Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia soffiF Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other C- e?a pla ll* ^)lA ,J ln ^/Rt/x INlt< ^tl8" (L:.r [..? *.o}- 9L..o Q-orty Notes: {flease specifo the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of r3lL2l02l04 {il ll Jlllll. ir ifrr____j. io' iF-:liii iLJii i .i-::i$ I fliv '_-.i. i._al\$ | it iprrrl$-l--+l---, ! ffi,;ffig#l----=r'i$iliiiirffF= i #iiiiilr#Fj i ) IE { ll--rtm E IE Cn r. r-- rn ;l '- :>. '.2 -..il .n . -!> ]>5, iF;- * ,-\ oo I ll6Et tttirI|lPatv I i li iE I L-----i------ U)nilH:n@9, ;g= -'ltO - .: r:'l <-- lll ."-ts: EI CD i\)o. I nli * $ PARLIAMENT REMODEL II 3241 KAfffi R/Al€l{ P/^48 VAJL, (NLORAW IF,F () rrr A( lt \')ii<:iz ..,1 _::.!ilrl _-a:' (t) ,*j )>-rl -.: :. .. ]tt- **'************itit****{.**'r**************'t*d.'}*************f f +i****'&'t**********,},}*'},*'*,f 't*,t'}*'i,f *** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statementa**********,3*************+************t{'****++*it+++++++****************,}*,},},},},}'}******+**i*+ Statement Nr:mber: R050000581 Amount: Payment Method3 Check PARIIAIUETiIT $20.00 05/L3/2OOs01 :31 PMInit: iISNotation: 3900/MARVIN Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: IJocatsion: This Payment: DRBo 5 019 5 2101-023-0103-2 3241 KATSOS RANCH RD VAIL 3241 KATSOS RANCH RD Descrlption Total Fees: Total AIrIJ Pmta : Balance: Type: DRB-Chg to Appr P1an6 $20.00 ++*********++****'t**d'{'******{.*{'*{'*,1.{.*****{.***{.*******'**'f********'|'**'i****,t**{.**,t *********!*:t't+ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code eurrent Prnt.B DR 00100003LL2200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 $20.00 920.00 $0.00 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, C.olorado 81657 te[ 970.479.2L39 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us ProjectName: PARUAMENTWATERFEATURE DRBNumber: DR8040257 Project Description: WATER FEATURE INSTALLMENT Participants: OWNER PARLIAMENT, FRANCINE R, & MA05/14/2004 Phone: 3241KATSOS RANCH RD VAIL co 816s7 License: APPUCANT KREMMUNG WATERGARDENS 06/1412004 Phone: LANCE UGON PO BOX 1592 KREMMLING co 80459 License: ProjectAddressz 324I KATSOS RANCH RD VAIL Location: 3241 KATSOS MNCH ROAD, UNIT B l€gal Desdiption! Lot: 6 Block 1 Subdivision: VAIL VIIMGE FIUNG 12 Parcel l{umber: 210102301032 Comments: see conditions BOARD/S'TAFF ACTION Motion By: Actlon: STAFFAPR Second By:Voter DateofApprovah AT|A!2A04 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligentty pursued toward completion. @td: CON0006537 that no tr€€s are to be rcrnoved fiom tfie subject property per apprwed plan and rretar construcdon aaess and staglng phn infurmationbe submitted prior to buiHing permit issuance Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: i2O,O0 lf,plication for Desisn *S"* Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorddo 81557 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please refer to.the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. an apptication ior Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Deveiopment Departrnlnt. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design rcview approval lapses unless a buitding permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, Description of the Request: .- parcel lto.t 'Ll o t oL =o I O =- (contact Eagle co, Assessor at 970-328-8040 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of owner(s): {, n'.o ^ Q n - ,,' "-u . f Mailing Address: - Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review D New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alterauon (mu lti-fa mi lylcommercial ) [!' Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) E Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot oftotal sign area. No Fee For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, paintlng, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee I0I44\IM RECEIVEB "lU;tl I Ir ?{jfil / .-t a4-..A4( d--",-- $6s0 $300 $2s0 /-s20)\_:_7 Page 1 of L3llUITlOS a JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print nam joint owner of propefi located at (address/legal description) which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulation5. u/+ /*t (Date) Page 2 of t3lLtlL7l03 I i PROPOSED TANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS E}CSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED t - -/(.',l dn i p<.r.,rJ LP l\^r\ ...r*; S Quantitv Size {FS #3 +-s 5Pron'rt c.*trlq. -o Aru,-. Qlv.n fhllct-ct-f -tl -DpoF o li.'J N.r..-L al.u__ r*lL r-r.lt 5e rc-- ptWo*-!lo',t 'f!SJrt"u-..--.-v-----v- Minimum Requiremenb for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Souare FootaqeTvoe GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL other landscape features (i.e. Page 7 of r3lLIlL7l03 walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Parliament Residence 3241 Katsos Ranch Road Vail, Colorado o Poposed Water Featup Area {lq!r \ An rF:G,-'at?'L.''It-_ t- ^ -!!rt iE<-, D-- / ,J / ':\6t,i14..2^a4 1' 2e F /{.1{ BnD 3ae Hiqh H tlic icnc) lturnpti Watts Operatirrg cost shut-ofF feet Discharge GPH Cord length Check Valve Aqu.scape SOOO Watts Operating cost Shut-off feet Discharge GPI'I Cord 1s691h Check Valve DUSTDLRG Aquaecape 4sOO Watts aQuascapE oEst axs PUIIPS 205 $14.67lmonth 15 2'. i650 1sft 115V VALV 015 APSTDLRG 288 $21.02/month 18 2" 3090 1sft 115V VALV 015 APSTDLRG,VALV OO2 APSTDLRG, VALV 152 E.| {, rt s,/ O O:l Pagc I of3 630 http:l/l ?.37.20, I 23/CSSitetPr.)Cucriprrrup!r/prunps,htm 6ll4j2fft4 uE/ t.t/euurt jrdE t, tt ?1 oov ueof v I ,' rt I Ilto 40,1r'ra 'O,89,1 t53.1r,rn ,9,1 *+*+*****!*1.*I'tlt't{r*******:tr(******"tr'**'*'}****'t***{r*l$t**{rCr*'t'}******'t:t{r**{rt'****'t**'t *{.t t,}******:{.:t *!r TOWNOF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ********+*1.****,*****rt**:|.'1.******'F*{r{.'}*,tr***:*:t**{.*:}*****rt *****'i!t**{rr.***tr*t!'t*i(t ****i(:t ri****,}**i.** Statement Nuniber: R040005025 Anount: 920.00 06/L4/2AO4O3:38 PM Palrment Method: CaEh Init: iIS' Notation: CASH/KREMMIJING NhTER GARDENS Permit No: DR8040257 Type ! DRB-Minor AIt, SFR/DUP Parcel No: 2101023 01032 Site AddreEs: 3241 XATSOS RANCH RD VAIL, IJocation: 3241 KATSOS RAIiICH ROAD, ITNIT B TotaL FeeE: $20.00 This Palment: $20.00 Total AIIJ PmtE: $20.00 Balances $0.00 *:r***{.*'i|d.lt'|***:*:*'}*'i'i*|*'[lt'i**:t*'**:*'r'r'i|*{.'lt'***l.:t*:*:}**{.*****{.l.*******{'{i'}.}'t**x.,tl.*i(,|.ll,}*'.,.:*lf*{l:}* ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI,i FEES 20. 00 Project Name: Project Description: - PARLIAMENT REMODEL EfiERIOR REMODEL Participants: OWNER PARLIAMENT, FMNCINE R. & MA06/14/2004 Phone: 3241 KATSOS RANCH RD VAIL co 81657 Licensei APPUCANIT SHEPHERD RESOURCES SEVINAY YESE PO BOX 1624 AVON co 81620 License: ProjectAddress: 3241 KATSOS RANCH RD VAIL 3241 KATSOS MNCH ROAD, WEST UNIT 06/1412004 Phone: LocaUon: tqBl Description: LoU 5 Block: I $rbdMeion: VAIL VIIIAGE trUNG 12 Parcel Number: 210102301032 Comments: see conditions Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnent of Community Devdopment 75 Sorrth Frontage Road, Vail, C-olorado 81657 tel: 970.4A.2139 fax: 970,479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DRBM0255 BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ Motion By: Rogers Second By: Mathias Vote: 4-0-0 Conditions: Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: Q7l2Ll2O04 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. C,ond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. ;!4. 1) The applicant shall replace the garage doors with new ones and palnt them to match the color of the window trim concurendy with the proposed ocerior work. 2) The applicant shall make all of the window trim thematically conslstent throughout the structlre prior to a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (ICO) inspection. 3) The applicant shall either keep the roof over the stair enclosure at its present pitch or make it entirely flat before requesting a TCO inspection. 4) The applicant shall remove the star that appears to be a holiday decoration by the time work is completed and prior to a TCO inspection. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: l2O.O0 "t , ;. t ,*ffi Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.179.2L39 taxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co,us General Information: All p@ects requiring design review must receive apprwal prior to submihing a building permlt applicaUon. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the pafticular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted unUl all required information is received by the Community Development Department, The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design rcview appronal lapses unl.€s a butlding permlt ls issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: ?EaAA.rtMr<3 Locatlon of the Prcposal: Lot:Bbck: I Subdivision :VAtu Vttr'Aff tru^ff- lz Physical Address: Parcel No.: 2lOlOLADloVZ (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Tuo+A',ttt5 knlf,FrmA{- Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s) Mailing Address: c, E-mail Address:P4r/t4n Type of Review and Fee: n Signs Conceptual Revioar New Construction Addition Minor Alteration (multFfa mily/commercial) Minor Alteration (single family/du plex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request n tr tr s tr D $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of tobl sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addltion where square footage is added to any residential or' commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor clranges to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvementsf such as, reroofing, painting, windour additions, landscaplng, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Reviev Board. No Fee Name of Applicant: For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: Check No.:By:- DRBApplication Date: Planner: No.: Poect No.: I ,. I JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER a joint owner of property located at (address/legal T0l,liN I, (print name description) provide this letter as written approval of the plans darcd 6 / tq l04t which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Departrnent for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: &ALfr, PlRAFet rofr-L., i€\$/effiIFLn\b r.,rrNuf,rr{2 ^ND DoDL *1. il+rlullr\ oT- tAgM> r t,tA.IJ uro6D Lt{TE @l€l.l TUF ttFltTo lff$r2 Jtt€'YIpYJN€^) u\$D q@a 'EEAriGr\r 6.4p4t,t, P-t)tF 4$D e4- I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. 4(: u (Date) / Page 2 of 12/02107102 'r .r i IOI44VM JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description) provide this letter as written approvat of the plans oatea 6 1tH [o cf which have been submitted to the Town of Vail community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above, I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compriance with the Townt appricabre codes and regurations. G/to/Z,aq (Date) Page 2 of 12102/07loT JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER a joint owner of property located at (address/legal provide this letter as written approval of the plans aatA e /t4lO1 which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: Ngto ,s tsq> fw TOWN description) qiNb' tE{- I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Townb applicable codes and regulations. L/,- f zo" \ (Date) el c+, tguxgtY ?-e>6r 6p 64Pr{€c-a+twzz *tlD .btlvN:po_ff, Page 2 of 12102107102 Moffet Residence DRB04-0246 Bill Final review of changes to approved plans 1655 Aspen Ridge Roadilot 5, Block 4, Lions Ridge Filing 3 Applicant: Greg & Chris Moffet, represented by K.H. Webb Architects Goetz Residence DRB04-0263 Clare Final review of a minor alteration 1853 Lions Ridge Loop/Lot3, Block 3, Lions Ridge Filing 1 Applicant: Ray Goetz O'Meara Residence DRB04-0259 Elisabeth Final review of a residential addition 2801 Basingdale Blvd., Unit 3/Lot 3, Block 8, Vail Intermountain Applicant: Mike O'Meara Starbucks DRB04-0281 Clare Final review of a minor alteration 242 East Meadow Drive, Unit C-10'l/Tract B, Block 5, Vail Village Filing 1 Applicant: Starbucks Coffee The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for informalion. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356,Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. &U .ft\ac il q.^rra,'x (P ' gr*@ dreffi**r Owo-,frd, Ut/yl!,v %WLt:tr),,*mM"*Lnffi, reJ* l"uW qu/x M , /,nr,,,**tlrnotrl il*lrl L-trh-r\ S;V,,rl^rA e*rW-lri- ffiftnhe {il'l'h l"J*A, Wl ll#^'ll^#*v 5,^,1 ,/*,r^ t)fr 3-c Franc i e Panl iement STEWARTTfTLE OF VAIL P.O. BOX 2000 vArL, co 81658 (970)9264230 NAME: LINOA G WILLIAMS Phone: 926 0230 E-marl lwilliarn3@stewan.com Jun 14 04 L 1:lOa -s7I o-476-3077 p.1 FRANCIE Fa:( 478fiTT Sent 6/14,/2004 ar 10:5221 AM 7 page(s) (including co,/er) Subjece Fib Number: 02030852A comments: Please deliver to: FRANCIE THIS IS THE 2ND COMMITMENT FOR 3241 NEED ANYTHING FURTHER, LINOA. KATSOS RCH ROAD. LET ME KNCIVV IF YOU pawered by LightningFA)( Jun 1/+ 04 11:loa Fnanc i e Parl iement 1-9? o o-4.76-30?7 p-2 Amcrican Land Titlc A6iociatbr CoDmiuncnl - Mrrdifi.d 3i ?g COII{MITMENT FOR TTTLE TNSURANCE TSSUED By STEWART TITLEGUARANTY COMPANY STE WART TITLE CI'ARANTY COMPANY srEwART TIrLE CUA-RANTY coMpANy, A Teras corpor*iou, hsein called. the company, for valuable consideration, hereby ccutrDits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance! as ideotified i! Schedule A, in favor of lhe proposed lusured named in Sched-ule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estateor itrlsest covered bereby in the lad dcscribcd or referrcd to in Sctredule ,l upori paymenr of the premiums and charges thcrefor; all subject to the provisions of Schedules A aud B and ro the Conditionsud Stipulations hereof, This Commitnent shall beeffeaiw only wten lhe idcntity of the rroposed tnsured aod lheamount of &e poliry or policies co""oittod for bave bccn ioscrtcd in Scbedule A hereof by ihe Conpary, either at the time of dre issuance of tbis Commitoent q by subsequent e.ndorseme$t. This Cornmitmeqt is prelimiua-y to tle issuance of srch poticy or policies of title insurauce a1d. all liability and obligaticns hereuudcr shaU ceasc and. tsminate six mmths after the effective dare hereof 9r.. when the policy or polioies con"''ined for shall issue, uihic&wer fnst occurs, provided tlnt the failure to issue slch policy or policies is not the fault of the Compauy Signod unda seal for the Compauy, bur &is Con'"nituent shall not be valid or binding until it bears an authorized Countersignahra IN WITNESS WHEREOF' Stswart Title Cruranty Compaay has caused its corporats name md. seal to be bereunto affixed by its duly aulhorized officers on the lere shoum in Schedulc A CtEi.rdarr of thc STEWART I'ITLE OF \.A[- INC. D.O. Bor 200{ Vail, CDlorrda El65t (970.) 926-0130 Jun 14 04 l1:loa FFancie PaFl i al||ent SCIIEDTJLE A Order Number: oz o3o a5?A f . Eftctive dale: U^y 27. 200{ rr ?:{5 A-!t. 2. Policy or Policies to be issu€d: (a) A.L.T.A. Owner's (sr.nd.!dt Proposed Insured: o-476-30?? Amounl of lnsurance $ rso STATEMENTOF CHARGES The* charges are due and payablc before a Policy can be irsued. 1-S7t p.3 (b) A.L.T.A. Loan Proposed In"sured: (c) Leasehold Proposed losured: (S ecbdardl J. 4. The estate or interest ia the land described or referred to il this CornmitmeDt and covered herein is !e a e!.lEtJ. e Title lo the lee alurDle estate or interest in said land is d the effeciive date hereof vested in: trIAVIII A, PIBIITD|E$T TIID RNIITCIFE R. PANTII$IITT The land referred to in this Cornnrihrent is described as follows: SEA ATTACTIAD IIESII. DISCRIPTIO PurporEed t.ddresa: 5. Jun I+ Or+ 11:1Oa Fnanc i e PeF I i ament r -s?o-4?6-307'7 SCHEDTJLE A Order Number: Ozo3 0952A LEGAL DESCRIPTION Itnlt B co!.olstlng' of prrcel B, LoE 5, Dloch l, VAIL VTLLAOE Frr.rNO 12, AccordLnq to tle To*ahouaa DeclaraLion recorded sepEerDbe! 6, r9?9 ln Eook 290at PrgfE 609 aa necepliorr ro. 1B7ooB, end accordtng to tbe lecorded prrc oE valLvlllage, l2 Fi1llrg, nore putlcularly ileacrJ.b€d ar tollowe r Parce! E: r' part ot Lot 6, Block 1, Vd.I Vlllaga t2rh Ftli.ng, esubdlvldlorr recorded ln the oEfLce of tbc Eag.l, e couEt],, corol8do, clerk andRecorder, Eaid rrsrt of rJot 6 being nore parcJ.cularry deacrtbed aa forrorea:BegdnDlng at a t'olttt *henee the nortbeaEterly corler of said Lot. 6bears l[ 59013r00r a 109.05 teets; EbencE N 21015146. E ?-60 f€€t, Chahce S 5Bo43t14r E 32-80 Eccr; th.ence S 21016t46r x 22.00 feer; tb.ence S 68.{3t1{. E 6.15 feet.; thence S 21o16146. fi 14.30 f.eEt th,ence N 69€43r1,41 i W 6.5O feet; tb,enc€ S 21016.{5d n !,2.50 feer; tbenc€ N 58"43.1{r' l| 19.10 teeE; Chence It 21!15..16n W 12.60 feeE; tbsoc€ N 580{3.14n rf 19.10 f€eEt tb.ence S ?1016t46. w 22.90 feer; tb€nce N 58o{!r1tr w 13.{0 !eer, tb,€nc e N 2to15r46r E 10.10 feett th,€nc e N 5804!.14" w 8,!O f€er,, tb,ence N 21015.46. E 1g-90 !cet, t!,ence S 68043r14. E 15.65 feogj t!,€nce N 21o15t46r B 24.80 fecr, lb€nc e N 68043r1{. w 8.50 f€€rt tbencs !I 21o10r{Or E 10,40 f,e€E, To Tbe Dolat O! AeglDnlr€|. oore or leea al[D IrCLUDMG a one-halt undl.vLded lneeEeats ln parce]. c,rtblcb Ls do€crlbed ae follora: Sart of fot 5, Block l, vaj_I vllJ,age 12th F!.Ilag, e€ubdlvisi,on recorded lE rle office o! Ebe Eagl e couocy, cololado crerk andrlecolder. Eaid palcel c Le rll of lrld r.ot 6 FlcD tbe ExcEprrott of parcel A,rbtcb is degcrib€d aa loIlowe ssd, parc€:. E, nblch bag been d€scrllled above,parcel A: A parE of, LoC 6, Bloak l, val,l vl,ltage 12 Flll't Et, norepartlculall.y deocri.bed as lo].lowa : Beglrrnj.ng ats a point vbence tbc nortbeasEerly colner of sald Lo r. 5 beara !r 59"13100" E 109-06 teet, t.b.€Dce N 680it3rl,{r w 3t-55 feeE; rD,€nce s 21.16 146r 9l 22.00 !ect, tb€nc. N 68!43run W 6.1,5 !eet, tbence S 2t016,46' w 14-3O feeC, Coatj'rrued oa Dext' pa.Ee P. rt Jun li+ 04 1l:loa cie PaFl iament CoD,tiDuation of Scb,edule f - legnl Desc=il}!,l,on order NulibaE: 02 030852A rD,eace r 66043.1{i ll 4.15 feets; tb,cnce g 21016r{6n W 12,20 leeE.t rbcncc I 58"43 rlrlr tf 4.15 !cet; tbence S 21"16.{5r tf 21.{0 f€€t, tbencc g 68043 r1{lr E 13.30 fee t.,, tb,€nce N 2l'15r{6r E 10,00 feer.; rbcDce s 680{3.1{r a 8.10 faet; tleDcG x 21el6r{5r E 23.50 leett tbence S 68o{3r1{r E O.50 feet; thcnce N 21al6r{6r E 1.10 f€ett tbence S 58043'14n E B-{5 !eet; tbenco N 2Io15r{5r E 1?.10 f.et; eh€nce g 68o{3r14n E 8.00 !eet, tbcnce lI 2I!16r{5n A ?-?0 fecl'; Ehestc c ff 59.113 rl4r n 0.55 fe.t; ttetlc B !r 21015145. E 10.40 f..!, To .rhe poLat of COIINTT OF EAGEE STATE OF CSIONTDO Fano 1 -970 -476 -30't? EeElnalDg. P.5 Jun 1/+ 04 l1: 1la Fnancie perl iement I :'t r- 1-9?O-.+76 -3tJ77a SCEEDTJLE B Section I Order Number: o2o3oa52a REQUIREMENTS The following are the requirements to be complied wiih: Item (a) Payment to or for tbe account oflh€ grantors ot mortgagom of the full consideration for the estate orinter€$t to be insured. Ilem (b) Proper instrureot(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and dlly filed forrecord to wit: lloNE, Tars coltrrrxEtr rs PREFIRaD Fon. ruFonxarroHtr,. punDosEs o!f,Ly, SEE SCBDSLE E.SECTION 2 p.6 Jun l4 04 11:1la 1-9?O-.+76-30'77 p.7 SCHEDT]LE B Section 2 EXCEPTIONS exceptions to the following unless the sarne are disposed of to the c i e Per- I i ament Order Number: o2o3oB5zA The policy or policies to be issued will contain satisfaction of the Company: rano l. zughfs or claims of parties in possession, not shown by the pubtic records. 2. Easemeots, or claims of easementg Dot shown by the public records. 3' Discrepancies, conllicts in boundary lines, shontage in area, eucroachrnents, and any hcts which a correctsurvey and inspection of the premises would disclose aod which are not shown by the public records. 4. Aoy lien,. or right lo a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafler furnished, imposed by lawand not shown by the public reords. 5' Defects, liens, encumbratrces, adverse claims or olher matters, if any, created, first appearing in the publicrecords or ataching subseguent to thc eftclhrc date hereof, but prior to O. art. tn propo;ed imlea acquiresofrecord for valuc the estate or ioterest or mortgege thereon covered by this comrnitment. 6' unpatented miling claimq reservations or exceptiotrs iD patents, or an act authoriziag the issuance thereof;water rights, claims or title to water. 7- lJry and al1 unpaid ta.-es and raaerc[etrta end uoredecned, tax ealeg. 8' Tbe eftecE of :Lncluaioa,s r.n aay gaaeral or gpecifrc uaecr conaerrlncy, tireprotecclob, eolr sonaervalloa or otber dlaErict or r.lcrusl0', ln any rrleraervlce or ltree! lq)roveueD,t rre!, 9- neaervatlous or ercepllons cotrEr.lned 1n u.s- patanEE, or ln acBa autborizingche issur'nce cbereot, of record, reaervlrrgr 1l Rlgbta ol tbo proprletor ot rveln or lode eo eacrect aad rergve big ore eb,ersfrosn aao ey irEuts of way fordltche' cnd cr.nals couatlucted under tb€ aucbo.riry of, tbe onr,ted stsacos. I'o' Ter&a, coldltdonr, reservattoru, reaErlcrloas a,ad obllgations a€ contaiBed {ntbe Drotect{v€ covena'la of vrlr vr,rhge, l\rerttb Erlr.ag recorded Auguar 18,1972 rn Eook 225 at page Bg -8 Beceptl.. uo. 12085{ aBd, .rqrendlent recordedgepterber 2s, L97? la Bootr 225 rt, pag6 4?5 a6 n€c€pctorr lro, l212SO. l'1- Ersen€ntE, resErl,cEl,ong a8d rLghts-o!-rrya ag gbora or, the p].|it o! valr vL:,lagetrrert ch Frllng, recolded rugur c L6, r97z Ln Dook 2a5 ar page 89 aa neceprr.onrlo. t20855- 12. TelEa, condj,Clong. reae!.yrtioDr, re8trlcEloaa and obllgatLor,a as coD,taLned. !!,r'be 'ro}ra,bouE€ Decra:,at10D, for &o! 5, Brock 1, vaJ.r vltiage Fillng 12, recorded,g€Dtebber 6, 1979 tn aooh 290 at page 609 rs RecepE,lon No. 18?008. 13, it Deed ot Trust alaCed atune fg. 2003, executed by FraDcine R. parli rrlletrc andtrarvl'n A. parr'ia'eat, to the Eublr,c Trualee of gagre counry, !,o secure ariDdebtedaeBs o! 9390,ooo-oo, rn t evor o! weEbr,ngton rutuar Bank, FA lecord.edirurre ?4, 2003 ao ReceptLon No, g3?97E. oj -r7-r Efr" Buildino Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other 6" atf utl utst .stotrtg bcoftn \Utrt9 ao1|gmr*gnrr@ ttr{'tll g&rrN& Autttilfi CJ4O r^llNDhur4 @ PROPOSED MATERIAIS Tvpe of Material Color gur^rhlc /nFfiL.trpF Plc-crjb nsuun ?blrE t-l*rctf ocrntg utmg Ufgurt +{c[+( aQ5fl[r, ?b95F--?Ar\r|t@o-f {:r+xd+ e(.Frlt\tG. 4rE Til€. aq,rr?Lg a,Hwz, ttERvtl u111111p15, ffi RE d+rT]a-,EoLl (-or uZ f4tIZD Notes: Please specify the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of r2ll2l07l02 '(l TRANSMITTAL I Jrr*r^o REsouRcEs rNc / ArA 17347 US HWY 6.5UlTE l02 POST OFFTCE 80X 1524 AVON COLORADO 8I620 T970 949 1302 F970 949 StZl www. s Rr ARc H I TEcT.CO tr4 to Turqr,l oF tjltu {bfihrrNlTY 6let-p?t-1€$( 6FFICE FILE CATEGORY:tl PROIECT NO pRol Ecr NAME: ?{RLr,At-€Nff Z@ttENCg ArrN:tL4'rr GclsJerT TRANSI'4ITTAL VIA: "*, &ll4 l2ryc+ $ oeenouer-y REvlEw & coMf,lENT E TNFORMATTON ll il -{eaJ-:f .C*:Af ?4e!&lEl\t[- 0761o/PET Buyline 3008 ffi. tttq/?ll Batten U', 18' or 19,, O.C. 1-14. high 24 gauge steel .032 aluminum 1-1t2' l_ 24 gauge steel .032 aluminum il@ical Oltice Center ij Hril Fol€y Fossj I Assoclates -Contactor: FAMA Construction,,PHl:i,3,2HifHie,* Ag€d Copper & Atmond SI,IAP-CLAD, Snap-on Standing Seam, Flush panes \\ \\. \\ ,\. '. \ \1 \E -::-j:--f-- >v,r,'' iS\:.=\i 'II l-fft-r U 7r' .- | -,--- l'l-',....- .tr) >.. ,1 t rtI Oo Or *****{.'1,1.******+*'}**!****+* +**tl' *:}'*****!*!t'}***** **1.**r.*f,* {.!t***+!t!t't****** *+***i.t l. r.'*****'f+l'**:t't+'t TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement {i*'t'}**r*'lr*'t*'t,}r'****t****+++*+tt:t******!t't**{.'t ****{.{.t(***'t*,*,t****!*****:}*{r*!i'*'***'t't *r'}***,lrrf *ir*+**** Statement Number: R040006022 Aflrount: $20.00 06/t4/2OO4O3:14 PM Pa)ment Method: Cash Init: r.TS Notation: CASH/SHEPHEF.D RESOI'RCES Permit No: DRB040255 Type: DR3-Minor Alt, SFR/DUP ParceL No: 2IO1O23O1O32 Site Address: 3241 KATSOS RAIICH RD VAIIr Irocabion: 3241 KATSOS RAIICH ROAD, WEST ITNIT Total Fees: $20. o0 This Payment: $20-OO Total- ALIr PmtB: $2O.OO BalaJrce; $0. oo l.'l****'f'*i+**+*+'t'l**+*:*'trt*{.*{r'**rl*'l'r.*{.{r'},1rr*r.!**,l'lIir**+***'l,l't**r.'t *rr * ** * * ** ***,F* ***'r* * * l.** *d.*{r* *{. ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Cunrent Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI,/ FEES 20.00 .l Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of C-ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www,ci.yail.co. us Project Name: Parliament rockwall DRB ilumber: DR8030320 Project Description: approval of rock wall east of driveway Participants: OWNER PARLIAMENT, FMNCINE R. & MA08/11/2003 Phone: 3241 KATSOS RANCH RD VAIL CO 81657 License: APPUCANT PARUAMENT, FRANCINE R. &MA08/11/2003 Phone: 3241 KATSOS RANCH RD VAIL CO 81657 License: ProjectAddress: 3241 IGTSOS MNCH RD VAIL Location: Legal Description: Loft 6 Block l Subdlvislon: VAILMLI-AGE RUNG 12 Parcel Number: 210102301032 Comments: Wall to comply with code by 1Lltil03 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: WTTHDRWN Second By:Vote: Date of Approval: Conditions: C,ond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activiUes. Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO I0l4/I'm General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town C-ouncil and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Deslgn reyiew approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Desc_ription of the Request:L Location of the Propos alt tot: ;(0fr Bbck: / Subdivision:'r //c 4e Physical Addressr ,*wj,5 {Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Application for Design Review ,',, ,."k; ."L. '' tl'/ ,/ r'r' Department of Community Development , /it? 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 -\ . / / tel: 970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 i I .:/'t ni7" web: www.ci.vail.co.us ' ,.r\ ,/, , lr., / // -03. Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs n Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Afteration Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc, For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. tr tr paulti-family/commercial) E/ Minor Alteration $20 (single-family/duplex) TFK For Office-Use Onlv: Fee Paid: 20 ,ltD ' check No.: Date: Planner: $20 No Fee t t * * * '** *'* * * * I * a!* t***+ +,| + +* ***** ***** | !t*'*** * * +* ** * +'|* t ** + + +++ +*+*+ +++*+ + +++ + *t +** * 't' '|** ** * * * * * * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement * * 't'* l. * * **'t * 'lt *'t + * * + * * * * ** * * ** ** ** * * ** * {' * * * * rr{r*'t' +* * t**lr* ++++ + ++ + + * + * * * * + + * ** + + + {' + + + * * * * 'f 't{.* *** gtat,enene Number: R030004452 Afirount: $20.00 Og/1L/ZOO3O3:48 pM Palrment Method: Check Init: DDG Notations Parliament 3398 Permit No3 DREO3O320 Type: DRB-Minor AIt, SFR/DUP Parcel No: 2LOLO23OLO32 Site Address: 3241 KATSOS RA}ICH RD VAfL IJocation 3 Total Fees: $20. OO This Palment: $20.00 Total ALL Pmts: $20.00 Balance: $0.00 *dr*'+* l',it t l*'tt* {.{.*'} * *,i * * * * * *'} * * ***+ +++tf tf 'f {r{r* * **'}'} *'} *{r't'a* +**+ * ** * ** * * * ** * * * ** * * '} * ** d.*** ** + ** ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Cur"rent Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DISIGN REVIEI,J FEES 20.00 I, (print name description) been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. provide this letter as written approval of the plans aatea A/ C3 which have JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITIEN APPROVAL LETTER .- #n{o* n", of prope rty located to be completed at the noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements includer #( +/zs(Signature) (Date) Page 2 of I2l02lO7l02 Parcel Detail Elect d offici5lst County seruices v visitors v Communitlrv Page I of3 I i{.nt I q*s.LH.,gffiL|J:ll:r r,o**lI sita indexll .oun.r.onr"..rll sEARcH Eagle Gounty Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information Assessor/freasurer Property S€arch I Assessor Subset Query I Assessor Sales Search Basic Buildlng Characteristics I Tax Information Sales Detall I Value Detail I Residential/Commercial Improvement Detall I Land Detail Tax Area Account Number Parcel Number Mill Levy I 4s3s3-lsc103R015949210102301032 PARLIAMENT, FRANCINE R. & MARVIN A. 41 KATSOS MNCH RD Owner Name and Address Legal Description l.ocation Prop€rty Tax valuation xnformation :VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 12 BLK:1 :5 DESC: UNIT B BK-0471 PG-0031 Physical Address:3241 KATSOS RANCH RD VAIL Subdivision:VAIL VILTAGE FIUNG 12 Acres:0 http:/iwww.eagle-county.com/Goodtums/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber=210102301... 08/l l/2003 Parcel Detail Page 2 of3 Sale Date:9121L996 Sale Price:250,000 Basic Building Characteristics Number of Residential Buildings: Number of Comm/Ind Bulldlnqs:0 Tax Information Residential Bulldlnq Occurrance 1 Characterlstics HEATED AREA:1,776 MAIN FT fI'tD ADEA t,776 BALCONY: AB5IRACT_CODE: _Asr_YE4R_BLr: AIRCOND: _ARCH_S'ryLE' BATHS:: BEDROOMS: SINGLE FAM.RES-IMPROVEMTS: 1980 NONE 2 STORY UP-TRIPLEX VERAGE ILDING-TYPE' CONST OUAL: EFF_YEAR_BLTt 1980 EXTERIOR WALL:WD SiD AVG FIXTURES:11 FLOOR:SHT VINYL FLOOR:CARPET INV FRAME:WOOD FMME HEATING FUEL:ELECTRIC HEATING WPE:ELE.B/B INTERIOLWALL:DRYWALL LOCATION ADJ:LOC,ADJ. NEIGHBORHOOD:BOOTH FALLS NO PROBLEM ROOF COVER:CEDAR SHAK ROOF_STRUCTURE:GABLE,/HIP ROOMS: STORIES:STORIES 2,0 UNITS:-f USE_CODE:RESIDENTIAL WALL FIN:N/A SUPER NBHD:EAST VAIL / BOOTH FALLS http:/iwww.eagle-county.com/Goodtums/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber-210102301... 08i I l/2003 Parcel Detail t Page 3 of3 Tax Year Transaction Amount 1997 Tax Amount $1,045.50 L997 Tax Payment: Flrst Half ($s22.75t 1997 Tax Payment: Second Half ($s22.75) 1998 Tax Amount $1,139.14 1998 Tax Payment: First Half ($s5e.s7) 1998 Tax Payment: Second Half | ($s6e.s7) 1999 Tax Amount | $1,3,oJ6 1999 Tax Pavment: First Half ($670.18) 1999 Tax Payment: Second Half ($670.18) t ,ooo Tax Amount $1,382.04 2000 Tax Payment: First Half ($691.02) I ,ooo Tax Payment: Second Half ($691.02) t-rool--_l Tax Amount $1,370.66 l- ,oo1 Tax Payment: First Half ($68s.33)l t-roo1---l I Tax Payment: Second Half tE-68s33t 2002 Tax Amount - $1/41rrl 2002 Tax Payment: Whole ($t441rt 2002 Interest Charqe $L4.441 2042 Interest Payment ($14.44)l Top of Page Assessor Database S€arch Options I Tr€asurer Database Search options Contact us by phonel (970)328-8640, in Colorado (800)225-6136 By mail: Eagle County Assessor, 500 Broadway, PO BOX 449, Eagle, CO 81631 Or by e-mail: markc@eagle-county.com The Eagle County Assessor and Treasurer's Ofnces make every effort to collect and maintaln accurate data. However, G Software and the Eagle County Assessor and Treasurer's Offices are unable to warrant any of the information herein cot Copyright @ 2001 Good Turns Software. All Rights Reserved, Database & Web Design by Good Turns software. http://www.eagle-county.com/Goodtums/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber=210102301... 08/1112003 tr'p o.,< 4 * r{ 3 p r/ h:6 id,",fA J / Z n. r< Frze*-' -Jo / ,{u//r{G e ,^Ri3 e"r<./Jq-v- a.z &1*- -/-a +fr er-ae ,/s AfF*8- ry *{l i*''{b.{ {qh E r.j# n*s..l FrF tFrfr: *,*{? t *tJ &' - '* -G!*, .. *81 ffT::ii-J*- 't*l ra"j - ,.'-'.!." f"i , t. t ['fi[ ;o,ii,,. 15:29 974926961 LKP ENqINEERINCJC Engineering, Inc. C'UUC}EOTECTNICAL Septernber 4, 2003 Mr. ManinParliement 3241 Katsos RanchRoad Vail, CO 81657 Dear lvfarvin: - - lft fou request in Septamber 3, 2003, we visited tbs oorshuction site at 3241 lfuuos Ranch Road, vail, Eagle lounty, colorado, The puposo of our site visit was to inspect thebouldc retaining uall at the southeast corqer of lire east unit. -_ The followitE suidetincs wers used druing our inspestion of the constnrcted boulderwall:' o A trdnimuq of one foot of nndistubed soil or compacted, stuctur:al fill at the base of the boulder walls.' The boulder wall to be constnrctcd with boulders of 2 feet diamerer 0r g€at€r. The lrgerlould€rs to be ueed at the basc ofthe boulder wall' Thc tock will haw ss much flat sufface ares as possible b increa.$c.the fiiction beh,veeo the boulde$. A minimum of 6 inches of horizontal offset for each vertical foot of the boutd€r wall face ' Deperdiqg on the soil conditiurs, a &ain at ths back ofthe unll niCht also, bc needed. A compacted backfin, oonsisthg of suitablc etustural mateniat. The constnrcted bouldu retaining wall was about 5 feet hish. The suceessivo layers of bouldets ware offset a minimum of six inchcs pcr vertical foot. Tlre wall was constgcted with large, fairly rectangular boulders. The large boulders wer€ in the first rom. The construction of thc boulder wall is in general compliance with the abovc guidolines, and is satisfastory. If pu have any please do not hositate to call. Sincerely, Luiza Pefrovsk4 P President Blisabah Eckel, Town of vailDepartnent of communityDweloprnent at w 47g-24s2. C:\WP I 0-LKP\03 | 3?BW.wpd PAGE g2/42 RE: Bouldcr Well Inrpcction 3241 Kdsos RanchRoad Vail, Bagle County, Colorado ProjectNo.03137 iYq:;A P.O. Box 283?, Edwwds, CO 81632, (9?0) 926-90t8 Tel, (920) 926-9089 Far August 14, 2003 Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Parliament 3241 lGtsos Ranch Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: retaining wall Dear Mr. and Mrs. Parliament. rut cuPr I have received your application for design review of the boulder wall that has been constructed on the south side of your residence. Two issues exist that render the wall non+onforming with the Town of Vail's cunent regulations: height and placement. According to the Development Standards Handbook, which exists as a guideline for improvements such as retaining walls, "Fenceg hedges, walls and landscaping screens shall not exceed three feet (3') in height within any required front setback area, and shall not exceed slx teet (6') in height in any other poftion of the site..." (Title 14, p.33). In addition to exceeding the height limit, the wall exists outside of the property line and in the Town of Vail right-of-way. Due to the unique nature of the improvement, there are several options that currently exist for your consideration: 1) A stamped survey of the wall and its location may be submitted by a licensed engineer, a height variance applied for ftom the Planning and Environmental Commission, and a revocable right-of- way permit paid for and issued in order that the wall may remain in its current location; 2) The wall may be deconstructed such that it is no longer higher than three feet and a revocable right-of-way permit may be paid for and issued in order that the wall may remain at an approvable height and in its current location; 3,) The wall may be removed and rebuilt at a height of three feet or less wrfh,n the proper| line;4) The wall may be entirely deconstructed. lwill plan on hearing from you as soon as you have chosen which of these options to pursue. lt is my wish that this somewhat complex process remain as clear and simple as possible. Therefore, please do not hesitate to contact me regarding any questions or concerns you might have, and I will do my best to answer your questions. Best regards, B----4z{,t-''C-" Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 o ff{.t cupY September 10,2003 Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Parliament 3241 Katsos Ranch Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: retaining wall Dear Mr. and Mrs. Parliament. Thank you for submitting a certified letter from Luiza Petrovska signifying the existence of the boulder wall that has been constructed on the south side of your residence. As I mentioned in my previous letter however, the Town of Vail will require a drafted suruey of the wall, stamped by a licensed engineer. After receiving the drafted survey from an engineer, the following steps must occur in order for the wall to remain in its current location; 1) a revocable rightof-way permit applied for, paid for, and issued by the Public Works Department to address the placement of the wall in the Town's right-of-\i€y, and 2) deconstruction of the wall such that it is no longer higher than three feet (3'), thereby addressing the height limitation stated in the zoning code ('Fences, hedges, walls and landscaping screens shall not exceed three feet [3'] in height within any required front setback area fTown of Vail Development Standads Handbook, Title 14:10:H:5]). Originally, I had suggested that you apply for a height variance from the Planning and Environmential Commission. However, this process is relatively timeonsuming and expensive. Additionally, a variance is only granted if the applicant can prove that a "hardship" exists that necessrfates the hardship: "A practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship may result from the size, shape, or dimensions of a site or the location of existing sfrucfures thereon; from topographic or physical conditions on the site or in the immediate vicinity. Cost or inconvenience to the applicant of strict or literal compliance with a regulation shall not be reason for granting a vaiance." (Title 12-17-1: A, Town of Vail Zoning Regulations) I will contact Ms. Petrovska to inform her of the Town's need of a survey in addition to the letter that she has already kindly submifted. I have enclosed a copy of the revocable right-of-way permit that will need to be completed. Please do not hesitate to contact me regarding any queslions or concerns you might have, and I will do my best to answer your questions. Best regards, Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 enclosure cc: Luiza Petrovska, LKP Engineering: (970)926-9089, fax fttt coPr September 12,2003 Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Parliament 3241 lGtsos Ranch Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: retaining wall Dear Mr. and Mrs. Parliament, I have spoken with Leonard Sandoval at the Public Works Department who verified that if the retaining wall can be deconstructed to a height of three feet or less, no survey will be needed by the Department. At that point, only a revocable right-of-way permit would be needed in order for the wall to remain in its current location. I have already faxed and mailed you a copy of the aforementioned form. Let me know if you have any remaining questions or concems, and I will do my best to address those issues. Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 Depotment of Commwity Development 75 South Fruntage Road l/ail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2I38 FAX 970-479-2452 wwwci.vail.co.us October 17, 2003 Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Parliament 3241 lGtsos Ranch Road Vail, CO 61657 Re: retaining wall Dear Mr. and Mrs. Parliament Thank you br submitting a check b cover the cost of the Torrn of Vail rightof+vay permil Per our last conversation, I was under the impression fiat thE wall would be brought down b threc fuet'iairly soon'. However, in an efbrt to maintain good communication and an appropiate timeline, I will r€quest that the wall be brought to the height of three feet or less by one month from bday, November 17, 2003. Please do nqt hesiEte b contac{ me regarding any rcrnaining qucstions or @ncems you might have tegarding this final step. Leonard Sandoval, Torrn of Vail Public Works Dspartnsnt David Rhoades. Town of Vail Code EnforcementOficer Eckel {g*n'o.o.ruo 1 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT 75 S. FROIiTTAGE ROADVAIL, eO 9L657 970-479-2L38 OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT trt rr BIL I /a.r u [\ \L(' ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permits #: B98-0138 NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/AIT SFR BUILD PERMIT Job Address: 3241- KATSoS RAr.IcH Location. . .: 324L KATsos RANCII Parcel No.. : 2l-01-023-01-031Project No. : PR.f98-0101 StaLus. . ^Applied.Issued. . Erq)ires. Phone: 303949017-r Phone z 3039490L77 *of wood/Pt1let: RD RD ISSUED 06 / oL/:J.998 06/oL/L998 Lt/28/L998 APPLICA}IT RUSTY WOOD CONSTRUCTION, INC. P O BOX LL4'7, VAIIJ CO 81658 coNrRAeToR RUSTY WOOD CONSTRUcTTON, rNC. P O BOX Lt4'7, VArL CO 81558 OI{NER MCI,AUGIII.,IN BRANDY L Po Box 112, VArL Co 81658 DescripE,ion; TOV/Comm' Dev' ENcLosE sIlNRooM To MATCH o:rHER SIDE oF DUPLEX Clean-Up DegOpit FiefUnd occupancy: R3 single Family Residlpflroved *C'h+A*-Ilpe ConsLrucEion: v N Type v Non-Rated afnount t^,ry valuat,ion: 7, 500 Add Sq FE : '78 datg U Fireplace Infonnation: Rc6Ericged: Y *of Ga6 Applirncc.: FBE SUI'I,IARI R€stuarant Plrn Raview - - > DRB PeB-- -- - -- - Recreation Fc6-------- -> CIean-Up DepoBiL- -- -- - --> *of GaE LogE: Euildinq-----> Plan eheck- - - > InveEtiqaE Ion> V{i I1 call----> 'trog.I calculaEed Fee6__-> Additional Feee-- -- - - - -- > Tot.al Pcrmit FBe---_ ----> Paymencs_-_----- 125 ,00 at.25 ' 00 3.O0 , o0 20.00 1t,?0 too .00 3ilo.95 , o0 J{C.95 340 - 95 TCTTAIJ rBES----- 340.95 BALAIICE DUE..-- .OO BUILDING DEPARTI{ENTCIARIJIE AcLion: NOTECHARLIE ACI,iON: APPR PLANNING DEPARTIT,IENTCHARIJIB AcIion: NOtrBCHARI.,IE AcTioN: APPRFIRE DEPARTI,TETiITCIIARLIE ACEION; APPRCHARLIE ACTiON: APPR PI,BLIC WORKSCHARIJIE AcEiON: APPR Itt***i*t*t*t*t rttit*lt*'t**ri*t*ttr***lr*r*'rit See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions thaE lttay apply Eo Lhis permit DECI,AR,ATIONS I heleby acknorledge lhats I have read this appllcrtion, fillcd out in full lhe inforratlon required, complobed an accuraLe plot ptan, and 6taee Lha! all the infofinaelon provided ae required is coErecL. I agrce tso coutply ttith €he infonnation and pLoE Plan' to coorply vith all Toqn ordinanceE end etaE6 latds, and Lo builal t.hl6 Beructure according to the'rodn'€ zoning and eubdlvision codeB, d€Eign revicw rplrrovcd. Uniform tsuj,lding cod€ and other ordinanceE of che 'rorn eppllcabl'e LhereEo' IEem: 0510006/oL/L99806/oL/L998ILem: 05400 06 / 01,/L99506/oL/L998Item: 0560006/oL/t99806'/or/l.998IE,em:0550006/0L/L998 DCNL: BUILDING DiViSiON: PLANS TO CHARLIE CHARLIE DePt: PLANNING Division: PI,ANS TO BRENT PER BRENT- .-- ------- DePt,: FIRE Divisj-on: N/AN/A DePt: PttB WORK Division: N/A REQUESTS FOR IIiISPE(TIONS 9IIALL BE UADE TI{BNTY-FOUR HOT'RS IN ADVANCE AY send clean-UD DcDoBlt To:Rusrr vfooD *"1 srcNArxJRE o, lo* co'r*actoR FoR ltrusEt F AND o!'t!tER Applied-- z o6/oL/L998rssued---: 06/oL/L998 To Elcpire. tL/28/L998 Page 2 ****************************t!r************************************************** Permiu #: 898-0138 CONDITIONS as of 06/02/95 StaEus---: ISSUED********************:r*********:r***************************************+*:r******* PermiE T14pe: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMITApplicant--: RUSTY VilOOD CONSTRUCfION, INC. 3039490L77 ilob Address: 3241 KATSOS RAr.rCH RDtocat.ion---: 3241 KATSOS RAIICH RDParcel No--: 2101-023-01-031 Descriptlon: ENCLOSE SUNROOM TO MATCII OTIIER SIDE OF DUPLEX * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COndiLiOnS * * * * * * * :r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !t * * * * 1. FIEI,D INSPE TIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI.IANCE. 2. SMOKB DETESfORS ARE REQUTR3D rN ALL BEDROOMS At{D EVERY STORY /U/-,"L 199L UBC. o ****************tl*************t**************t****************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO st'aEemnE ************!r*****************t**************ti********t******** sgatemnt Nurnber: REc-0409 Amount: 320'95 o6/b2/98 13:32 Payment Method: CIIECK Nouation: S512? Inits: BW Perfiult No: 898-0138 Tlpe: A-BuIf,D ADD/Ar,T SFR BttrLD PE Parcel No: 2101-023-01-031slre Addrees: 324L KATSOS RAI{CH RD I-.OCAEiON: 3241 KATSOS RANCH RD T,lrls Patnnent Total Feee: 320. 95 Tota1 ALrL Pstts: Balance: ***t**********************lt*****************************t******* Account code Descri.ption BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUII,DING PBNMIT FEES PF 00100003112300 PLAN CIIBCK FEES A.D 001000024031-00 cLEANttP DBPOSTTS RF 111OOOO31127OO RECRE,ATION FEBS WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL EAI,I, INSPEETION FEE 340 .9s 340 .9s .00 Amouttf 125.00 81. 25 100.00 11. ?0 3 .00 [ ]'Building [ ]-plurnbing [ ]--Electrical I l-uechanibat t ]-Qther robNarne: # , i i 'robAddressz ?z-{/ ,&rt)r'/r*,"x _,-4/o/o23-o /:a3Lrar:.ng . SUBDMSION:Legal Description: Lot Block Owners Name Architect: ddress: work class: r r-New 9.(-o*"E gg*i l"-Im.iKf? ?9FSS, , ,_"."* Number of Dwelling unitsi - i 'Nurnber of Acconnodation units: ^ Ilttr"r and Type of lrireplaces: cas Applianc€d ; .cas Lbgs_ wood/perret_v 1.,.'rr***!r * **** **** * ********** **** ***** VafUaffohg * * *iv*************** **************_l -Jdurr,otlc: t,frao ceneral DescriptLon: Electrical Contractor: Address: Pluurbihg Address: Mechanical Address: INFORUATION * ********** **************1r* Town of Vail Reg. NoJbf-BPhone Number: fu12J rtr' T-own of Vail Reg. No. ll€ct-€;Pbone Nunber: Town of Vail Reg. Phone Nunber: ****** Contractor: Contractor:Town of vail Reg. No. Phone Number: ** * ***** ** * * * ******** ***********FOR OFprcE usE ** ******** *********************BUILDING PERMTT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: I,TECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUTLDTNG PIAN cHEcK FEE3 BUILDING! STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: CI.EAX I'P I'EPOSIT BEtrI'IfI' TO: TOWN OF \TArI-,75 S. FROI{TAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 DBPARII,IEIIT OF COMIT{T'NIW DEVELOPMEIIT NOIE: THIS PERII{IT MUST BB POSTED ON ELBqfRIESI. PERMIT iIOb AddrCSS: 3241 KATSOS RAII(II RD IJocat,ion. , .: 324L Katsos Ranch RdParcel No. . : 2L0L-023-01-031Project No. : PRiI98-0101 APPLICAI{T STONE CRSEK ELE TRICP O BOX 519, VArL CO 81558 CONTRAqTOR STONE CREEK ELECTRICP O BOX 519, VAIL CO 81658OWNER MCI,AI'GHLIN BRAIIDY T, PO BOX 112, VAIL CO 81558 .JOBSITE AT ALL TTMBS PermiE #; 899-0L74 status...: ISSIJBDApplied-.: 09/2s/L999Issued...: 09/28/L999 E:<pires . . t O3/26/2A00 Phonez 970-926-200L Phone: 970-926-200L 600.00 FEB SIDtr|}RJ,lrtrtrrrr,r.rtrralr*rr,rri**rrt*rtrrft.rrrtrrrrr*lr*rtrrrtrr.!* DescripE,ion: Blect.ric to relocaLe ouLfets,swit.cheE,avaluat,ion: rr * f t J ttttra * t |l +t tt t t, r.t,l t't i ttr llGctsrLcrl---> DRB F.. Inv6rLiga!ion> tfill call----> rotAIJ FBES- - - > foeel Celculated Fecr- -- > Addition.l l..s---------> ToErl Pcreit F.e--------> Payrcntsa - --- -- -- SAI,AIIC8 DUE--.. 50.00 'oo .o0 3.OO 53.00 s3.00 53 .00 53.O0 .00 *tt*'tleratr',*t*tl}+tr rtt*ti*ta*r*tt***ttttrtJtr*tt*'rlttrr**rr****t *rrr**r* * atr *+|rtra*rr.rrrrr* IEe.pi.gqQQo ELECTRTCAL DEPARTIT{ENI Dept: BurrJDrNc Division:9e/28/\999 KATI{Y AcLion: APPR APPROVED PER-KItI!e$i.Q56q0 FrRE DEIAR$*{ENI --- -- -E-ebc, rrns Division:o9/28/L999 KATIIY Acrioni AppR N/A I tt t *f * rl+ iA* |r I t i * a l* t. * 'r CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. LI-E-LD INqPEqI9NS ARE REQUIRED TO C}IECK FOR CODE COMPIJIA}ICE.2. TIIEBE ARE orrrER pBRMrTs oN-THrs-FRdtEef mer-ueve-fitt-FEEN-FMAIJED. rr rr'r r* i tlr rt tr I + 'a **t tttti r rr r r ta**ta*atttJattrtr**l.lattrtitr.rrtr.r*t*rtti+tltitr'rtrat*t*tttta*lr+*a*a t*t a**t** r DECI,ARMIONS I h.rcby rclooul'cdgo lhrc I hawG r!.d thi. appll,cation, fiLlcd ou; in fulL Lhc tnf,orDrEion rcgulrrd, cooploted .n .ccurai. pLotplan, and E!|t6 thaL all th6 infornagl.on pEovid6d ea requtred le corrcr.. r agr.c to cotrply rith Ehe lnf,o laElon and plog FIan,to co4tly vlth at1 toun ordlttanc.B lnd 6tatc lrr8, .nd co bulld thio €tEuclut. .ccordi4g to th6 folt!'e zonJ.ng end Eubdivisloncodca. dcaign tcvL.r rpprovcd, rrn{forE Bulldlng codc .nd ochcr ordl,nenceB of thc Tor.n rfrpllc.bl6 tsherrtg. REQUESTS FOR tl[SpEctrorg gHAr,L BE UADE rrdEllly_ForrR Houns tN ADvAilcE By ilrtrt*ttrrtttitrttratt,trttrttrrrtrrrtltttltttllrltilrrrartlrttrt+ !o0if ot vltt, ootonrm ssrctarsaatatf!ltattai!rataotatrtt!atrtrrarl,r|rtltatlaaaeiaarrt*traiarralr'rrr.* StrlGlt, f,ltrb.r r R!C-OS6? l|FunE r P.lLane taEhod r CR Iotallon, t2B3 D.t It tro! t9t-01?a T!|I'.! E-BtrC EL8emfcrrj pEEt|IT Prtc.l nor rlol-Ot3-ol- Otl glBc lddt.rr r 32at rrrAo{t Attrcn nD LqaEtenr 3l{t ltrEaoa irnch Rd Ea,oo otl29lt9 09 t41 XnlCt itRtl Thl. Pryr.nr tteti*attta+ttltt*ta*tt+i!rtf trt*tattitl,rittt?rtr*iaiairar*rraaral l€count Ood.DarartpGlon !D O01o00otll1{oo Er.lclttlcr& p&Ilrutrr rlc 00l000olltrs0o tfttl cN& drEtcrlc|| ?tc Iogrl tar't E3.00 ?otrl J, 9rr,3r EllrDoa. sl,00 st.oo .o0 lerr[b 50. o0 1.00 rowN oF vArtfNSrRUcroN 'ERM,, ortAiloN r;ff- o\ot Contact the Eagle County Assessors Offrce at 976328-8640 tor Parcel#Parcel# ZloI .OZ3'ol . o5 Date: q l"-l- aq ,.,,onu Bq q -OJ 3 O Building ( ) Legal Descrigion: Plumbing ( ) Lot Block Elecuical tr sEP 2 ffiff*' ,r"bAdd,.*,3e+\ K^\.os R*;-t. kl- Mechanical ( )Otlter ( ) Filing Subdivision Gas Logs WoodlPellet VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: g EOO E MECHAMCAL $ CONTRACTOR ]NFORMATION Address: DescriptionofJob,A. IoaA. c,r{\.-ts *(-i\.L.. , J J 3 t..-s...J {'x(.,...t Work Class: New ( )Alteration ffi Additional ( )Repair ( )Other ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: I tlrp ownersNarne:Br^",JI il{.a|,.,$\.\neot r.,31V\ k^{,os R^*.f Rl . pr,on.* Architect: Number of Accommodation Units: Number and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances BUILDING: $ PLIJMBING $ General Contractor: Town of Vail Reeistration No loB -g Plumbins Contractor: Town of Vail Registrarion No. Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Rceislratlon No OTHER: $ TOTAL S Town of Vair Regisradon No _____Eqq.eH4 Etecricat Contractor,S+- * C...-f, F'#r. ' Phone # *z*zt"g Addrcss: Address: Phone # pn*"* ?Zb - Zoo/ &* 421. /f?2 Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: 'icll,i.l or varr, 75 S. FRONfAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARII{ENT OF NOTE: TIIIS PERI4IT MUST BE POSTED ON PIJ'MBING PERMIT Job Address: 3241 KATSOS RAlilCH RD Location. . . : 3241 I(A?SOS RNiICH RD Parcel No.. : 2101-023-01-031 ProjecL No. : PRiI98-0101 COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMEN:T .'OBSITE AT Permit, #: AIJIJ TIMES P98 - 0115 APPLICAIIT COLORADO WEST PLWBING & HEATING P.O. BOX l-, WOLCOTT, CO 81555 CONTRACTOR COLORADO WEST PLIII{BING & HEATING P.O. BOX 1, WOLCOTT, CO 81655 SEatrus...: ISSITED Applied..: 08/3L/L998fssued...: o8/3L/a998 E>rpires. . : 02/27 /L999 Phone:3039264353 Phone: 3039264353 OhINER DescripEion: PLUMBING FOR REMODEL/ADDITION FEE AII,IMARY-ffi BP-ANDY L -PO BOX 112, VArL CO 8r.658 Restua-ant. Plan Rcview--> TOXAI. FEES- -... t-,500.00 Total Calculated Feea__ _> 40.50 Addicional PeeB-- --- --- -> ,00 Valuation: Plu!.blng- -- --> Plan check- - - > Invcs!lgaeion> will call----> 30. oo 7 .50 . o0 3 .00 .o0 40.50 TotaL Penit Fee--__ ----> Payoente------- 40 .50 40 .50 BAIANCE DI'E..-- .OO * r* r* * * * t t t t* J t t tt t *t*t * * * * rt * Itsem: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTI{ENT Dept: BUILDING Division: O8/3t/1998 .]RM ACEiON: APPR APPROVED 'JR}'fiEbm;'05600-FTns DEPARTMENI Dept: FrRE Division: o8l31l1998 JRM Act,ion: APPR N/A t r t * r * !r * * * * * * * * *t*irt**t*********t**r*******+i * t * t r, * * t t t * f i !t t t * * | * I * i t CONDITION OF APPROVAI ir*i*rrr.rtrr**tttaaat****ttrl* *tti******trrtt DECI.,ARATIONS I hereby ackno$I.dgs lhEC I havc read thi6 appliceeign, fillcd out in full tshe infofinatsion required, complets€al an accura!. ltLol plan, rnd sErgc thBt all the information provialed ae reguired i6 corrcc!. t agree to cooPty $ith tshc infordation and Plot plan, !o conply t ifh all Tolrn ordinanceB and 6tat6 lax6, and to bulLal lhis 3lructsure aecording to tshe To!rn'6 zoning and subdivLBion codes, d.alEn rcvicr epproved, UnifoEB Building codc and olher ordinalrceB of the Town applicable th€r€Eo. REQUESTS POR INSPECTTONS SHAI.I, BE MADE TI{EMY-FOUR HOI]RS IN AD\IANCE BY TEI,EPHONBJT SIGNAAIJRE OF OtfNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELP lO00{ O! VAI!, OOIJORAIO girtadrE gtrE.lr|c ltuubcr I REc-0,t43 lrcunEl Prtm.nr lil.|Chod 3 CK Nohtlotr ! 5315 40,50 Os,/31/9r l{ !4o InLE! itn P.rillc No3 P9g-o116 TtEr: B-P!||B Pl,O BIflc PERr,lIt Puc.l lfo3 2101-023 -o1-O31 8ib. Addr... ! 32a1 XAasOg RrNcH RII IJoc.cionr 3241 EAT60g Rtlfcll RD Tggrl F... ! Ehi. P.l4n€nc 40.50 Toqrl M. Ptrc.: Balanc. t tt*trrtrttat*tttt!ttttar{t*rrrtttt+ttttit}*taattttl**irtt*tittf t!rt {o.50 {0,50 lEOUnl 30.00 7 .AO 3.00 Accgutll Coda DeEcrlpEion PP 00100003111200 P&MBING PERr,trT FBBg FF '010000r11?!oo PLArf CflECK FEBS ,,'.,; Jeioo003l1280o I'ILL CAL! rtrg9EellON FEE l\I TOWh OF VAII 75 S, FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 FEE Sl'lillARY JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E98-0205 RD SEatus...: ISSIJED RD App1ied..: 08/3L/L998 Issued...: 0g/3!/L998 E>rpires. . : 02/27 /L999 Phone z 970-926-3675 Phone z 970-926-3675 Valuation:400.00 Total CalculaEad PeeB---> 53.O0 Addicional Fe€s---------> .0o Total Pctrtrie Fetr--------> 53.OO Pa!a[entB----_-- 53-oo BAIANCE DUE--_- .OO DEPARII,IEMT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ETECTRICAIJ PERMIT .fob Address: 3241 KATSOS RANCH Locatsion..-z 324L KATSOS RANCII Parcel No. . : 2L0t-023-01-031 Projects No. : PRrf98-0101 APPIJICAIVT DOI]BLE Q ELECTRIC P o Box 242, EDWARDS CO 81645 CONTRACTOR DOT]BLE Q ELECTRIC P O BOX 242, EDWARDS CO 81545 OWNER MCI,AUGHLIN BRANDY I-, PO BOX 112, VAIL CO 81558 Description: ET,ECTRTCAL FOR REMODEL El.cElica1---> 50.00 DRB F€e Inv.Btsigation> .00 .00 3.OOwill caLl----> TOIATJ FEES---> s3.oo Itsem: O6OOO ELE TRICAL DEPARTIiTEI{T DEPE: BUILDING DiViSiON: O8/3L/L998 ''RM ACTJ-ON: APPR APPROVED iIRIVTiEa6;'056d0-Ffnr DEPARTMEITi ---- - DepE: FrRE Diwision: AdllL/1998 .fRM Action: APPR N/A t* t *irt*t*lJ ****i*+r** ** r t t*!r** * i t **1* ** I * **t * *r CONDITION OF APPROVAL !J*t**a r*lr**tl***tltrart*,1r*t**t*t**t********* DECI,ARATIONS I hcleby rcknowledge that I have read this applicatsion, ft116d out ln tull the inforrnaEion lequiled, cornpleted an accurat. PfoE plan, and sCabc that all Lhe information provid€d aa raquircd ia cor!ec!. I agr€e Lo coltply ltith the infonnaEion and PloC ltlan, to conply with rll Tolrn ordinanceg and Etate lar6, and bo build this 6!!uctur. according Eo the Town'B zoning and eubdivieion code6, dcalgn review approwed, Uniform Buildi.ng cod6 and obh.r ordinancar of thc Tolrn applicable LtleEeto- REQUESTS FOR INSPEC:TIONS SHAI,I, BB MA.DB TWEITTY.FOI'R IIOURS tN AD\IANCE BY TEIJEPHONE AT 479-213e OR AT OttR OFFICE FRot4 g:00 Al4 5:oo PM 5IGNTTURE OF OI{MR OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER lolNN oP vArL, cltouoo Strtaunts 3t.E.un! Nuob.r ! Rle-oltJ ldounC 3 gi.oo o3/3t/t8 14;,[1, Prt ornE lr.Ehod: CK NotaElgns 53{5 lnlts! itR Pclrllt No! E9e-020S l:rp.! E-ELEe EtACI?IcAr, PERtltT P.rccl lfo: 2101-023 -01-031 slta Addr.eE: 32{1 KATgolt RA!rcH RD Locrelon! 32a1 XATgOS Rlllcll RD Total ll.rr3 53,00 Tl|l. Pryrrnc 5t.0o Tots.l ALL ht.s 53,00 B.lrnca 3 .oo Accounts Cod! DcacriPglon AngunC EP o01000ot11140o EITBCTRICAIJ PERXIT FABA 50'00 l{C OO1O0O031I380O tfII& CiLEIr lrgPBelION PBB 3.oo €rv\,o n*ta oull' Oronuo t5riSld U<=D!t j P -.1 @ |l Nut z v P,.rl c\t9 ,ld !o H E ^a I6S 6Ult Fl EI ItF Eldz!otOTad B z E .,8x ?, tr tlql thtxtYXz trri 'l !0 Edl F?E' EE t ({ !ro5tc!dzzFI FI P rl/th6f,dclzzrlo tto(o tr ETEFoo@ct H too o n o 'H o FF ott ocl'qr 1|ol: td rl td uocv a4.,ltf ' l.tEBo€otqrl2-€ o r. @,''ft ott !a }: B' E do Fi It o Enl.lU (l }: n ti o o o l, E =^ao '.1 toto EOd' b rt Design Review Action Form ProjcctNamc: Mclaughlin Sun Room Project Desoiption: Enclose deck to form new sun room (matching existing) Owner, Address and Phone: Brandy Mclaughlin,324l Katsos Ranch Ri1,4764724 Architect/Contact. Address and Phone:Rusty Wood Const., PO Box 1147, Vail81658 Projcct Street Address: 3241 Katsos Ranch Rd l,egal Description: Lot 6' Block I' Vail Village l2th ParcelNumber: 2101-023-01-031 Comments: To match existing sun room Building Namc: TOWNOFVAIL Motion by: Seconded by: Votc: Conditions: To match existing sun room Town Planner: Brent Wilson' PLO Date: June 1,1998 F IFVL]RYON RDRB\A PPROVAL9S\MCLAT JCH L.6O I Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApproval DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 ZONE CIIECK I t AoDate: (("{ ( | -\ o Legal description: Lot C Block / Filing Address 9L<+l E4r9rt D,a^rlbt. t>9 Owner Architect rotrrclr.FA fu* 6yo Primaryo*4 zttf +(2s)gts*1- "f(o secondarycRre 2 l(f+ (425) (67s+)=-t* * 675 = 425 credit plus 250 addition Allowed = foSo Existing )L1o Proposed RemainingTobl lctr LL 1T Esr= t+"tL l,Ltt 'tB = l)t, 6t) ?o = f)LJ Bt) (30x33) Front Sides Rear 20' 15' l5' 4-2) * te 7j Minirnum 3' l6' t/Reeuired--t- 7 z*Enclosed (300) (600) (e00) (1200) Permitted Slope _% Proposed Slope _% Yes_ No Yes- No- l) Percent Slope (< >30%)_ 2) Floodplain 3) Wetlands 4) Water Coune Setback (30) (50)_ ,tJ ortZO 9fa 5) Geologic Hazards a) SnowAvalanchq b) Rockfall c) Debds Flow Previous conditions of approval (check property filc): c t-\v0,4+wtJ Zonedtsttct L Cz*p:v,.a\ lL€T proposeduse Drrlr-€-rr totsue (al , ?aU Q Buildablearea Does this request involve a 250 Addition? N O How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this requesg Site Coverage Height Setback Landscaping Reaining Wall Heighs Parking Garage Credit Driveway Complies with TOV Lighting Ordinance Are finished grades less than 2:l (50%) EnvimnmentaL4lazards Is the property non-conforming? Describe:y'0 t DESIGN REVIEW CTIECKLIST Project: A SURVEY Scale Bcnchmark Legal description Lot Size Buildable Area Easemcn6 100 yr. flood plain Water Course Sctback Environmcnal Hazards Trccs Utilitv locations Spot elcvations tr SITEPLAN Scalc Building Height Encroachmenb Setbacks Sitc Coverage EavcVOverbangs (4') DeckslBalconies Garagc connection Site Gradc\Slope Rehining Walls Fences Parking/Garage Turning Radius Driveway (access and gnde) Snow Storage Fire Access tr FLOORPLANS Scale GRFA 250 additional GRFA Cnwl\Attic Space EHU D BLIILDINGELEVATIONS Scale ColorMaterials RoofPitch O LANDSCAPEPLAN Existing trees Proposed Eccs Legend MISCELLANEOUS Condo Approval Titie reoort (A & B) Ufl ity verification fonn Photos ofsite Buil.ting material samples C.O. Verification Sun\Shade Angles Utilities (undergrouad) ViewConidon Variances Plat resfrictions Memo to Housing Planner if an EHU is proposed **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COTORADO SUaEemnt,**************************************************************** StaE.emrE. Number: REC-0409 Amount : Payment. Method: CHECK Notation: #511_9 20.00 06/OL/98 L3242IniE.: CD Permit No: Parcel No: Sit.e Address: Location: This Payment Account Code DR 001_000031L2200 898-0138 Tlpe: A-BUIIJD ADD/ALT SFR BUITD pE 2toL-023- 01-031 3241 KATSOS RANCH RD 3241 KATSOS RANCH RD 20.00 **************************************************************** Tota1 Fees:Total ALL Prnts: Balance: 329.25 20.00 309 .25 Amount 20. 00 Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES *.Li3ffi ; ;,*,'': stari' ar 47e-z r 28 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicw approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign review must rcccivc Design Rwiew approval prior to zubmitting for a building pcrnit. For specific information, see the subrnittal requircmcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucsted. Thc application cannot be acceptcd until atl the required information,is submittcd. The project may also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Town Council and/rcr thc Planning and Enviroturtental Commission. Dcsign Rcview Board approval expires one year after final approval unlcss a building pdrmit is issued andtonstruction is startcd. OF THE REQ / B. c. D. E. F. c. PARCEL ? z I o I tr t 3 o t ro 3 , (Contact Eagh Co. d.tsessors office at 9?0-32E-E640 for parcel #) ZONING: NAMEOFOWNER(S): MAILING H. TYPE OF REVIEWAND FEE: tr Ncw Construction - $200 tr Addition - $50 MUinor Attcration - S20 owNER (S) STGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: . MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE: Construction of a new building. Includcs any addition whcre square footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or commcrcial bdilding. Includcs minor changes to buildings and site improvemenB. such as, . rcroofing. painting. window additions. landscaping, fenccs and retaining walls, etc, DRB fces are to be paid at the time of submital. Latct. when applying for a building pennit. please identiff thc accuratc valuation ofthe project. Thc Town ofVail will adjust the fce according to thc project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENI OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vArL, coLoRADO 81657. LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: LOT: /- B {o,;y \o , s7f I " oe-u*{.4rJ i f t^ dz "sE[ ^Jced .-1 o p 1j,.-..: trc! SY.*ds do,'.j e) )r4 5ir..i I ctc,t*4''- s I offar"- pb), t boVatn St[a:rluefe- /s ,Lb ?&.i-l7 ?. l $ e*urr?.:- /L q i--d sir.,t ' V[7--'.9r. ?Le er{.2(o,,r-Er. / t*-€ 4f s ,'7 {{t c s C:,r.e,+ Y/, D Pe ru c.vfIT Lf t b dlrL4' e_Yisf,;? 4Y/ pos AY ( sf '' i's do"-6/e: =::- 4*u:irft.t' ^1. . . f t (r&">'? ,,?./+e€ z.oc/5(€fr5)-'.-*7.1 '.-t r LL-..1.e o i ^,1;.,-;:fr r'."-.s.€ aL eYtt?_"7 /r-a-LL j € " *u ("- t' o 2rn-ccf'C f.;,* tlL ;L€r) O; da u:) )f 4 st',*cIs /,'u-6/eS'/'-alisI h'=L -t i. T G uorz) eft-er,'a,. jif '*-s CJt * pi ez-rr d* ..c.-+i- *o :c,c "/ra:L(e-F{.-e. .y C e-f cr.g / (-e- C 11.:.,,LL vr.,..'i t(. 'F. dr ) f '{-/*q J. ,.cr. i/'lt r Cov e,re d. &c. ,rt,--&h.d .5 Crueae{. o uer^ 0 d u c'r,..; A.t - | \l-.'t. .;ui .L \. I \-{ .i? . r-i --* | 7t F.. ,LXI*,^ jr, -r a d,-U( :srJ-L c c ur-\ c.'t ( 2', "' i,,i"..? tt; E ,{ f , ,7' if c '{* * !'- '^ €'/i'5 'fJli'i\ilH ", lJ-;11 T:3".:t''..J,u;,i,t._t . &e' , ,--p 9 *,r:-f d- ri d tc pt- &. *iil- e'u>'r. L( 6 e S€^-( e.;) 5 Y."..t- : € ,{_ rr: itL R. -urit( 6e Ca-u,.tAc&_ o-LL ur cr- F7:bse- ,r-1 \ Lt {s e , LL s ". ( ".--:-g: i,:_o-l- 1 ,3.' (i . cr_',)RLI- {i66n7/c,si ^Y i,---:i,i.:]. . io ..-9 {u c}r,: s ;,,. i ,vfc-5 ^,-;.,: {_f Ci..; ! , ' I / ( i i' (g"- ?(nsr' r'v,*f ."-/ i..--Ti ,j.**. y' T/"^.., , 7L* Sl.-rr d# ,yL- &g*ti,1-o j. €u.-4-. (.,se,e.- S'l :!,! ^!7 lii:;"t l* ;-r'+'*".It*" el; {. .-'* ,{.*;ospt-J -fo 6e \--r'r*'-':: 'i'."J-",-_rtjc'a"-"'*2 :fLe rr€ur.r fr+",*+{_ aifL {x( \,li:i;** -4. '; ,'?i-' k!',1" .n?:1-f ,-,, { g-i,.*u." ,_ e-o,se-^ct ,o,.'bL 3/q. t( p(1 n_toad. le,. er_,. c( yoqoisYfFl"ur'to 6*' .Cerf 7rg-i-s6f . --r!.*2-- .- j'r.tc=.lg - lL!- lS * qq.^ wued- { y-rsy^((,d)\- /.s,t o f t- (r-s e€t,^l'-,-T? tp.*i{ '^ ;o;^L tc_*po.,r, LLfa,, o.+D \(.]-J r!.ia r.( ,-')t-rLe- r,.-'t-e,"ioct^ coa_(L trTC]-6-e f p,*_o.o{& 1.,. , . *o al.*--ruulcr fq *--&-- rr,:: L. srr,. arL'r/ , '-& "l t r,-7rsu,'f l-n.iso '1$€'" -. - *t4 EXHIBIT A Parcel C part of Lot 6, Block l, vail village 12th Filing, a subdivision recorded in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, said Parcel C is all of said Lot 6 with the exception of Parcels A and B described below. Parce'l A 9 A part of Lot 6, Block 1, Vail Village 12th Filing, a subdivision. recorded in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, C'l erk and Recorder, said part of Lot 6 being more particularly described as fo1lows: Beginning at a point whence the northeasterly corner of said Lot 6 bears N 59o-13'-00"E i09.06 feet; thence N 21016'46"E 7.60 feet; thence S 68043'14"E 32.80 feet; thence S 21016'46"W 22.00 feet; thence S 680 43'14"E 6.15 feet; thence S 21016'46"l,1 14.30 feet; thence N 68043'14"l|l 6.50 feet; thence S 21016'46"W 12.60 feet; thence N 68043'14,'W 19.10feet; thence S 21016'46"W 22.90 feet; thence N 68043'14"W 13.40 feet; thence N 21016'46xE 10.10 feet; thence N 68043'l4utl 8.10'feet; thence N 21o16'46'E 18.90 feet; thence S 68043'14"E 16.65 feet; thence N 2$o 16'46"E 24.80 feet; thence N 68043'14'1W B.S0 feet; thdhce;'N elq16,46f! E 10.40 feet, to the point of beginningj contalning 1937 square feet, more or less. Parcel B A A part of Lot 6, Block 1, Vail Village 12th Filing, a subdivision recorded in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, said part of Lot 6 being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point whence the northeasterly corner of sajd Lot 6 bears N 59013'00" E 1.09.06 feet; thence N 68043'14" t{ 31.55 feet; thence S 21016'46" }J 22.00 feet; thence N 68043'14" }.| 6.15 feet; thence S ZLo 16'46" l,l 14.30 feet; thence N 68043'14" 1,,4.15 feet; thence S 21016'46" W 12.20 feet; thence S 68043'14" E 4.15 feet; thence S 21016'46" W 21.40feet; thence S 68043'14" E 13.30 feet; thence N ZLo16'46" E 10.00 feet; thence s 68043'14" E 8.10 feet; thence N 21016'46" E 23.60 feet; thence S 68043'14" E 0.50 feet; thence N 21016'46" E 1.10 feet; thence S 68043' 14" E 8.45 feet; thence N 21016'46" E 17.10 feet; thence S 68043'14" E 8.00 feet; thence N 21016'46" E 7-70 feet; thence N 68043'14,, lil 0.65feet; thence N 2Lo16'46u E 10.40 feet, to the point of beginning, con-taining 1784 square feet, more or less. o/rr ilun:r 3\ I?f, q::_.i'.1%\ l^e. a u.": lohdo PE & LS Ll41 ffiH',# fton <r^J,{oF f- 4", e -.nuu . Real Estate Brokers Residential . Commercial. Investrnent 3241 Katsos Ranch Road.Vail, CO 81657 . Brls:97O-47 6-7 667 . Fax: 970-476-3077. e-mail:parlia@vail.net Project Name: Building Name: Category Number illign Review Action Flh TOWN OF VAIL Project Description: Orner, Address and Phone: Architecv0ontact, Address and Phone: Legaf Descripti on: t-ot 6 gock / Subdivision Projec{ Street Address: Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: D Approval ! Disapproval fiiStaftepproval Conditions: Town Planner o"rr, A/d/f ? DRB Fee Pre-paid jNeoe /.Datc: / /=dcz [.ceracsu{o1'.t1t-_ $r_Brock /_ F}t*e ..Q";& Olkr,o /;a- ZONE CHECK Phonc ?2{- ??g€ Phone - Address 32 Owncr Architcct -fr"??a tr/2 (30x33) Front Sides Rear ,n' 15' ll 2o E-4LwLB "8 3',t 6' Parking Garage Credit Driveway //u4 Complies with TOV Lighting Ordinancc Arcfinished grades lcss than 2:l (50%) ":a Environmental/Hazards ,7 Enclosed 388 Prsvious conditions ofapproval (checkproperty file): >z zonedistrct -fr- .E-4 .2s hoposcduse -b,^roy',.. Lot sizc Buildable Allowed Existing Proposed Total 3z?o * 2t =3s(8Total GRFA /zu + g5o =-54o- PrimaryGRFA 7rt4 +$25)(675*)=__..,2:fuQ_ /1/5 * 28 = l?L\ S/? SocondaryGRFe 2"t6 + @25)(675\= ?-l/Q //yS *= /65 875 + 675 = 425 credit plus 250 addition Does this request involve a 250 Addition? 4-b How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request? Sitc Coverage at4 Hcight a.rA Sctbacks Landscaping zUA Minimum RetainingWall Heights a;4 Rquired, / {-' (300) (600) (e00) (1200) Permitted Slope % Yes No-- Proposed Slope Yes- No 1) Percent Slope (< >307o) N4 2) Floodplain luA 3) Wetlands rud 4) Water Course Sctback (30) (50)pA 5) Geologic Hazards a) SnowAvalanchc /1) o b) Rockfall .,'tro c) Dcbris Flow Remaining Is the proporty non-conforming? Describe: ,.\9o a DESIGN REYIEW CIIECKLIST Project: Q SURVEY tr FLooRpLANs Scalc Scale Benchmark GRFA Legal description 250 additional GRFA Crawl\Attic Spacc EHU O BUTLD TG ELEVATIoNS Topography Scale ColorVvlaterials Roof Pitch O T-ANDSCAPEPLA}I Existing hces Proposed trees Legend MISCELLANEOUS Scale BuildingHeight Encroachments Setbacks Site Coverage EaveVOverhangs (4') Decks/Balconies Lot Sizc Buildable Area Easements 100 yr. flood plain Water Course Sctback Environmental Flazards Trees Utility locations Spot elevations fI SITEPLAN Garage connection Site Gradc\Slope RetainingWalls Fenccs Parking/Garage TumingRadius Driveway (access and grade) Snow Storage Fire Access Condo Approval Title report (A & B) Utilify verifi cation form Photos ofsite Building material samples C.O. Verification Sun\Shade Anglcs Utilities (underground) View Corridors Variutces Plat restrictions oo . /o P leq)3ar/ r?J,A*--,/&,uEo 1yt1 5{*cts d c,rAlej fllJ*za,;{r?t {1".rr \o , s7r/e " os-*dtrJ 5t+& a&^rJtedto Katzuse \ /" = f (a'r =,. r= rd:u*o&lt'b-efe fs rLb qLp 6et|ul€€ru q,*-il ;'-.J +p[o,*es. 7Le Jrd .'p ( a-'tc g g ,t e a-lq v{, e'etn# loc-g L D fe,u ir-? {a f owt4oe; e-vtrfr;Y Ar( tfnttdo,-6le:' 6y i x.4-rr,*f S Fr ,.^-..9 4eYtStn'Jl-r'*se ,( qYq posTs -to ("- ,f o w-a.:/e L Y'i".^- mu Ar4 sfn&s &e,*,6/.5 e.rtetio,^ 'Allg-d U)la4- de ":5 A r 4 ,1u-ds Aon6/eS itterioor un]b tl I I'I rl ll It ,t I I rl ll I I I It I I ll ri lr li I' sid *f C.r, (-, rQ:rL o L 'l ( 7=.u)i Lr do. p 7L" 't{-" ,P6 uYcc ".i-il*--* -tl:1 **'.? ':Y:i#,&eoLru\ fLe S6Ufe-lv * o F e.c e ya FlLa g-t|--!-hdi '+ trl.[o<,rs ^y:'c(! Ao a"-ql"{c.e a-caor&iZ lo *votr,* So, &a/ e {5 J f e o 1f,r'1$frdrus . Z-L. q-zrfcrior u:*tL ff*ct9 r*rr't(- &e Coueted H,'tJ,t;..?t';7, ,{ t. ,r *'hr!n" @r/r s t-' '-.v o u c '' 74"''r"*fTriOr ***.-, rP,-c d,-r i L( A-e Attuerc6-',rr'u}L >tne* rocQ- {,';,'zLe,*, Fri",e-&- + no .-{'*a61, cr-*- lpqyt-L :4brse ur \ U( A <e r L.. s n( ;tu 4:*'R Li: $:fi.'7 /o-rs I n pS. \{ ow wd' ttS ,rl r.*4 q,.ri I o ,.-9 l* efLa e w i ,w 2'LD'r L( 6 e UeaJ e 4 c'-5 ^+-,) LAa!4f $ r;i...i 4""-.t - ;,Tf -,V ;,i'ritt;;tri i,.-e,,+( (o,J, ;. 9' Ql,^y e* trr,L( 5e. A*+tlhe[L 7 /*e- {/o_., n a # ?L- dLu .4- .*" 4* evlc /ose,& t,o'\L( ('z $1u,*-9 l.zt '*p-Fo tl-e e1c{'.af fLe--r'.,-i7le&. 91",i o# ?'Lz- fpsr+ a-\oi*^s :fLe Ae'*) poo4^-. To 5e (-Jt+ a-:, *'oLIo..-cSg.' ( : f:r-st*"f^- tr( i?},'.d%:'.-j,^,, {ot'*uo,'u "-"";dA ,o.'\fL % t( p(V e<:oc&., le,ro,*,e& to aoisYfll"i" a" 6e' 'e .*r pvfe"& . Tkote- ,,ri"^-a[p-, -iLL. A. fi^ w'e& V u\rY^Llec!-atL t u p -o f 7 f'3 ct'11'5f,'?E tl)d-(-L o. sO w*Cl-?C-s f;tL*,'*J", fof *n *?&"4'. r s*o,,e& i^ o t &e r *o i^^.r ate Fe o-'--&- o,- & "Q. s a,-1>p ot t yf,r-dS ;f &leeetiaoY. t E.vlt.d. e/a1 /9t DESIGN RSVIEW BOARD APPIJICATION - TOWN OF VAIIJ, COIJORADO DATE RECEIVED: L/SO h7 DATE OF DRB MEETING: , ' 4 o .v,,ft **l******* ********** TYPE OF REVIEW: New Const,rucr,ion (9200.00)r/ Minor AlterationAddition ($50qN-. f B ADDRESS: 34ft t .oll"-.lt eoncepEual Review tlr*ttf B ($20.00) ($0) t\LEGAI, DESCRI Subdivision ff property description,to this appl . IJO t is d,escribed byplease provide icat,ion. a meets and bounds on a separat,e sheet legal and attach ck '.-'l/-, 1o G6 E. F.NAIT{E OF L NAI'{E OF lrailinqf Phone H. APPIJICAMT' S REPRESEIflTATWE : Address: NAME OF OWNER(S): APPIJICATIONS WIIir NOl' BE PROCESSED WIWOTE OWNER'S SIGffIIAIflOKE I. Condoninium Approval if applicable. J. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at thetime of submittal of the DRB applicaEion. Llter, whenapplying for a building pennit, please identify the accuratevaluation of the proposal . The Town of vaiL will adjust thefee according to the table beLow, to ensure the correct feeis paid. FEE SCHEDIII,E: VALUATION$ o $ 1o,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 9150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - 91,000,000$ Over 91,000,000 DESIGI{ RSVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ E:KPIRBS APPROVAL I'NI,ESS A BUILDI}TG PENMIT ISIS STARTED. FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100 .00 $200.00 $400. 00 $s00 .00 olIE YEAR AFEER FINAIJ ISSUED A}ID CONSBRUCTION ZONTNG: APPI.TICA]IIIT: Phone PhOne ?-.. -' </f? 6 OIINER(S) SIGNATARE: "P);:? "ut""i:'- Y7 III. A pre-appLication meeting with a member of the planningstaff is. encouraged to deE,ermine if any additioiralapplication information is needed. It is the applicant'sresponsibility to make an appointment with the itaff todetermine if there are additional submittar requiremenrs.Please note that a coMprJETE application will sfrearnline therewiew process for your project. A.In addition t,o meeting submittal requirements, theapplicant must stake and tape Lhe pioject site toindicate property lines, building finEs and buildinqcorners. All trees to be removed must be taped. Allsite tapings. and scaking must be completed piior Eo theDRB site visit- The applicant must ensure lhat stakingd.one during Ehe winter is not buried by snow. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normal_Iy requirest$ro separate meetings of the Design Review goard: aconceptual review and a final review. Applicants who faiL to appear before the Desigm ReviewBoard on their scheduled meetinq date and who have notasked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agrenda until such time as the j.t.em has beenrepublished. The following it,ems may, at the discretion of thezoninq administrator, be approved by the Corununity .r-. Development Department staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore bhe DRB may not be required): r- a. Windows, skylights and similar ext,erior chanqeswhich do not. alter the existing plane of thebuildingr; and b. euilding additions not visible from any other lotor public space. At the time such a proposal issubmitted, applicants musL include letteis fromadjacent property owners and/or from the agent foror manager of any adjacent condominium associationstating the association approves of the addition. rf a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfatl, flood plain, debris f1ow,wetland, etc.), a hazard study must be submitted andthe owner must sign an affid.avit recognizing the bazardreport prior to the issuance of a building permit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town planner trfio_r to DRB application to determine the relationshipof the property to a1I napped hazard.s. For all residential construction: a. Clearly ind.icate on the fLoor plans the insid.eface of the exterior structural walls of thebuilding; and b. Indicate with a dashed line on Lhe site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuildinq wa1,Is or support,ing columns. If DRB approves the applicaLion with conditions ormodificat,ions, all conditions of approval must beaddressed prior to the application ior a buildingn ar"rr i + B. tl G. LIST OF MATERIAI,S L/' NA}'E OF PRO.]ECT: IJEGAL DESCRIPTTON: STREET ADDRESS: The following information is Review Board before a final. Vfazd€-_ BI,OCK /; requj.red for submittal to the Design approval can be given: LOT "t'*q A.BUII.,DING IIATERIAIJS : Roof Siding Olher wall Materials Fascia Soffi ts Wind.ows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck RaiLs Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Wa11s Exterior Lighting Other IIYPB OF MATERI.AIJ Ut.il., COLOR At ,l ,Ir /I/V XJ. h Designer: Phone: B. LAIiIDSCAPING: Name of PTANI MATERIJa Botanical Name Cn*rn.,rr 1" PROPOSED TREES AND SHRI'BS Ouantitv. Size* *fndicate caliper coniferous Erees.trees is 5 feet.**fnd.icate size of proposed,5 galIon. for deciduous t,rees. Minimum calipers is 2 inches. IndicaLe height for Minimurn height for coniferous shrubs. T\/tle Ssuare Footage GROI'I{D COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CON:TROIJ c.LAIiIDSCAPE LTGHTTNG: rf exterior lighting is proposed, pleaseshow the number of fixtures and foiations on- a ieparatelightinq p1an. Idenrify eaeh fixLure from rhe ti;hring plan ig the space below and provide the height above giade,-type oflight'proposed, lumen output, luninous area and a cut srreet otthe light f ixrure. (Sect,ion 19.54 .050 ,J) OTHER IJANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining waILs, fences, swimmingpoo1s, etc.) Please specify. tndiiate heigrhts of'retaininiwaI1s. Maxirnum height of walls within the front setback i;3' . Maximum height of waLls elsewhere on the proterty is 6, D. .. Jn}t n 'w 64t3*n FBJfl'E|.tTFttDctl'tpsfy - SCHEDITLEA Order Number: 960731lo t. Effectivedatc: tugnrrt og, 2996 .t 7.45 ^.u, 2. Poliq or Policies to bc issued: (a) A.L.T.A. Owner's (srrrdrsct, Proposed Insured: .FxrlIcIUE I. prnErlIEut aad ra|rrvllt t. .PrIlI:t.f,EilT (b) A.LT.A. Load f.cr.!drrd, Prqosed lwutd: -_-, Amount of lwuranceI zso,ooo.oo t (c) lzarchold Proposed Insared: 3- The estate or lncrst in ghe laild descibd or rdencd to in thk Conninun ad covered hercin is fee rioplc 4. ntk n ilu tto d.lrPtre atou or interest in saidlard E a ttu ficaive &te h*cSvwtdin: JOtr r. Cnly 5, Ilp land referrcd to in this Conminnent is descrihd as follows: sEE II'/ICIIED LEGiAL '.ASCNIPIrON Alrportcd Mdt:eaa: SFAIEMeff OFCIURGES Tlucdwga an dw aad peyile befon a3217 'aTgOS.Rrea rott mUcyutcima.v rrr. co 81557 tErfr.E oEa-. 3862.00ttr cBr_. 70,00 lo-FWANN.AI{TTI}EH' TElSWD,L|rd.tir 2nd dry of r.gt$.r iKrlf tf. €lll otu. rrid Cou*y of ltr tlto odmof OOInIDO Irllctlt l. plttltEl8 rn ruvrr l. PlrrrrlEt whoro lcgrl rddrrc it 32at rlil8ot tlrcE Ylrr., Go tlcs? of rhc ril Colldy of llol!ed Stcof GdfilDO $TfltGSS, tL ltc genrot, la rad ia coorlr:uioa of rtc an of ralnaDl. eourld.frtiol , ftt5 .brwo ,Et'd&,: t!.r dltlrra ala ottr.r g|ood rrd DO|J.AI!. fu r6Gbt ud rulfsitrcy of trtict i Dltt *&norurSer, hu ttldd. banbd, Elddcdvg.d, rld bt lt*prcdr &E F.t, brrtll!, rdl, coavc,r ud mftm, llb tb pelocl. Ori: trio rad r.rignr fcwe, mt ia rarlct ln conrrr but h jo rcr|ictr, dl rlrctd pFpsty, oidr wih irytwclo, if uy, rlrnrc, lyinj ud bcia3 ir tto ..id Cou*t of lFrr.l sGt tTf,rctE 4cll. DEtCnlElId rad $oo cf Colorrdo dcariDGd d fouorr, ilo[6004ti9 B-,104 Sara J. Fisher P-4E4 09/05/f 99,i U 1:53P f,to I oi' Eagle County Clerk & Recorder REC DOC16.00 25.00 ..\ $ drt lrour b]r rr"8 rnd rumbcr c: 3llf liltlOl ffrg l(tlD YtlEr OO 8145? TOGETIGn rrhh dl .d ftgd|r rlr. L1tdtE[aa rd Tpratrdrccr ttdl*o bdoltb* or b .npir .lP.trrilict. rd ttc tstnb ud mrrrionr, rtnrbdar rnd rrnpndar, rtu, inoc rad pmfrrr rhcraf. rad d 6c *, rigl*. tiUc, ldrtcrt, clriu eld dGurd $'tI- ocva olrtrr;rrator. o&hcc h lrr ot squp, of, in rod o tlc rbovc br6rilcd praire, nilt lhc lrrottMaB rd rponrurcr. TO HAVE ltrrID T{t IOLII rDo rrld prtois rtorn brpinoC rd dcIrilrd, *ft ti. +916rrco.. rdlo 6E !rre, i'|| f.ifl rd errigar foracr. Ard t]b. ltrlbr, frr hirdf, hir hcirr. rad pcoort rpnanir, &c ooYllr4 fErq bar;riq |ld atrro3 b od tl6 rha For.c. hir hcirr |trd .|!it|lr, rhrr d thr tilr3 of ttc carcrling rd dctivcq of tln prtrcntr, hc it cdl rizod of tb ptc|!i*r fDarl 5aovcyed. h1; tpd, egc, pcr&c. rbrotuic od ioddcortr{ocrb6 ol hlrrribcc, i!h, i! flcfttelc, erd irl tmd rifi. ftrll pcrs d lrrvftt .[6ciay b !td. b|tSri!, dl rtrd c!fir? ta rrnc in nrr|lg rd foco s rbarirt, td tlrt tta re lc fttp .rd ctc.. tc.l foc.!.!do16crlnnE1brrgriar,dcr,t:..rertllor.rnmnb,actdnmrdldrUiurofrficvcrkiadrtturc-at'dQl lltora rrtt. lct' forth ia lrltbtt I rttacb.d b.E.to rld rrdc r pert barrcf. Tt lrulor rtdl rrDd uril WAnnANT Al{D FOREVXn DEFEI{D rfc rDoro.brrfrinad pc lrcr in ttc quict rnd prolDlr porritr of tho gna*c. hir trin od rrdgg, rgdnrt dl utd.ycrtpqron or pcrou k;frlly dridnt 6a *bk 41ry Psi &.rof, Tbc dqrb ) )g' ) I $ Stlc oF Gd0tlm c'-ryor €l P"a Thcforqoinsindrualot*rrl$oslcd6crttcforenctbi, JO* d^!"f ' A4f'44- . ?O , uscr rhrtl trcludc rla plunl. thc pllnl rfr rbfsl&, rld oc urc of rly gtld.s ftrlt bG rFlh$lt b dl |pndcrr' tr{ WIINES$ UEnFI}fr thc ar;gor irr crocuad tir dcd on the drre *a htt -ovn V'rtuuytrrdudo rn Nc ft!.l| thdlf.Jffhcr*.b- tc ?ra WAllAtflla lEr qolr Trnl kr. lrt' r ,.,.r! frrrr,lrr(l . 9,'ilJll6 . ffi!i,,# unlE B col,rtttlng ot trrdcl l. Loa 6. bloek 7, VA'L !'ILLA(E NT!,I E 72, tccodtng to Brlc forarrcur! tlc€Irr't'lo" geeordcd gGptdDc! 6' tt79 ln E(/oE 2go.! !.9? tO9 r! n.ceFtio}n No' rE'00" aad tcaordlng to Gi! rtdord.d Pll! of vaIL vlll get 72 Flllng1 morc prrtlculirly d,alatlbeil tt follo|,t: t.r6al l: I D.it ot l.ot 6. glocl 7 ' vall Ylll'.gc 12Ch rtlltt' e auDdi.etrjoo tccozdcd ln thc offlcr of ttc Brglc CclttG:f' C€losado, Clr-h aed lccord.r. tr{d patD oc ''aE 6 bclag eori perclcul-Ely dcrcrlDed .e lollov6' EaEfl',ri',g !t . ttoltt ltt'nce tt! nortl!'r!€Elf G'a!l'r el trld t'oc br.rt ,V 5g'73'OO' E IO9.OC ta.ti t lcncr fr 2r.L6.16. 8 r.60 feett trtarrca 6 6r'lt'tt' E tz-to laeE: grr€rrGc s Z7'16'tq' I 22.00 t'Ge, cD!'|cc s a 6' l5 f€'c, ch€ncc S 2r'f6'l5r ] ll'ro ltcEi lhsrc6 fv 68'13'tl' f 6.50 t..a, trrcDcc s 27'16'16'' 1 '2.60 tectt tlrcoce ltf Jt'a3'ta' ta 19'10 t2cnt aD€rlcr s ,l t2.5O tacii lrtJrca lt 5t'al'ta' ll 19.70 feaEl thcn€G g 27.16'16r w 22.90 t.'tt !h.rtc! !f 6a'at'tlt Lt.1o cQ62, trr€ne! tf 2l'16'l,l' E 10.70 Ee.tr lhcnc. ft E9'at'tlt N t'10 IQcCt th:acc Jf 2!'16'16' A lg-tt lccet ArtaEcG g 6e'13'la' E 75.65 aeett ghrEcr lf 2t'r6'l6r E la't| fQEc, thc.qce If 6S'1t''lr 18.50 fact, tb€sco tf 7l'70'l1' E lA-10 te.E. to tf,c Potnt ol aogtlF,lag' norc or let' tttD IICLODTIYE e one'hrlf u'dlvldcd laDclett rhlch lr descclbcd -t follo,.r: la grEcal c. EttE ol &ot 6. D.loct t, v.tl vlllzgt llzh Flll,.g, t luDdtv,ltioa rccarded ln Crc offId. Of Eha .l|g,Ia Cottrrtr' coloE.do Clarh .lr,d i.€ord?r, trld irrg:l c lt lll oC E tlt l,ft 6 rttb tllr arctPtrolr oE etrcel t, rtttsrr Ia ilctcrtbcd rt tollott .nd irrcc.l tr ttrld|| lrrr bccn drrcrlled ebove, Prrt;cl ll I ltrri oc t'ot f, aloct l. vell vrlrtga 12 Ntllag,' ,p.tc SrrrtIcuhtly dc.tcrlDcd rr fol lora: lcg.l!al'|g r! . tol'|t vhcaca Ehc lorthea,!'rly eonrcr of tttd IAc 6 b.r,Et E l09.Oi Ece|r th€l:cr lt 5?'lt'lat n 7l'55 tca9, thcnea s 2l't6'16' al 22,00 t..E, trrracc lt 6e'{3'71' l, 6.It 2..2, cjr.ncF s al l1-to tacei tbcncr lt 68'1J'La' ll a.75 Ee.E, Chc|rc! S 2I'16'{6' }t 12.70 taac: t,zencr 3 68'lt'rl' f 1.tE tcctt th.naa g 21.15.16n fl 2L.1O lccgi cJicrce 8 58'a1'71' I 13.t0 flcDt chcac€ If zr'16'a6' r 10.90 !crc; rtercc 9 6a'$'ra' E t'10 tcact tbcncc !' 2L.76,16. E 2J.60 E..tt arfclc! 6 6a'li'tl' t 0.i0 ra.tt lrhr.rc! lI 2l'16'|6' E l.to ts€tt tlrcncc 5 lt''lttllr B g.l5 tcctt the,r"r tt 2L'76'16' E l7.lQ tectt cfrcrc! s 6e'lt'71' a e-00 tQeBt gh.ncr lI 77'7a't6' a 7-7O taGC, thrdc€ tt 6e'a3'Ia' n 0.65 tQ't.. tlc'cc !f 21.t3,a6. E ro.tg trlac, Ta rhc lolat of Ecgt!,dtBg. coulf,]? OP B d&l sT fa oI. @LOe Do ,ioLf 4tig B-704 P-484 09/05/1996 .Jl:5:tP PC Z or' 3 $ Gr - EXfiIBTT T Attached to Grantor(s), and nade a partto FRN{CIr|E R. I I of warranty Deed frou JoIIN w. GnAY PARLIAI{ENT AllD tsf,RvlN t. PARITIN'IEMI =;- Grantee ( E, Tax€s for the year 1995, not yet a lien due Ie. Reservations or exceptions contalned in U,S. Patents, or in Acts authorizing the lssuance thereof, of record, reserving 1) Rights of the proprietor of a vcin or lodc to extrast and remove his ote therefron and 2) rights of way for ditches and eanals constructed under the authorlty of th€ Unlted States. lBerne, conditiong, reaeryations, resttlctlone anal obligations as contained in the Protectlve Covenantc of vail Village,[velfth rlling recorded AuguEt L6, L972 in Book 225 at Page 88 as Receptlon No. 120854 and luendnent reeorded S€pt€rb€r 25' 1972 in BooI 225 at Page 475 aE Receptlon tfo. 121250. Easetrenta, regtrictions and rights-of-rays as shoffir on the Platof vail village rrrelfth Flllng, fecorded Augiuft t.6, L972 Ln Book 225 at Page 89 as Reception No. 120855. Terns, condltions, resenratione, raetrictions and obligations as contained in the |rowrthouge Declaration for Ipt 6, Block 1,Vail Village Filing 12, recordcd Septenber 6, t979 in Boolc 290at Page 609 aE Seception }{o. 187008. oF3 aanil payab 600469 D-?04 P-484 09/05/1996 0r:53P PG 3 t- - .lll CONSTRUCTION' {ef 6, E(t' /. uu /ts departmont of community development TYPE OF PERMIT nTn En BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY ARCHITECT GENERAL CONTRACTOR .t'^i?ah PLUMBING CONTRACTOR AME: qlin Watts Res. mnrrlooness 3241 llatzos Fanch clrY en.47F4lL6 MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. MAIL ADDRESS MAIL ADDRESS MAIL ADDRESS MAIL ADDRESS MECHANIC CONTRACTO OTHER CONTRACTO PERMIT LL-LT79DATE PROJECT NO.142PERMITNO. 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IRM DfVfSfON 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK :ftrterlor deck onlv TYPE GROUP SO.FT, VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILOING PERMIT NEW ALTERATION ADDITIONAL(Y) REPAIR RECREATION FEEDWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMOOATION UN G.R.F.A. -BEDROOMS COMMERCIAL SYST - RESTAURANT SEATING HEIGHT IN FT. -BATHTUB/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES -NO. TOILETS COVERED PARKING - UNCOVERED PARKING DESIGN REVIEW BOARD TOTAL PERMIT FEES NING ADMINISTRATOR NING NOTES: INSULATION THICKNESS LA lIB RECA R DING,3UILDING C(II.ISTRI'CTI I HEREAY ACKNOWLEDGE TIIAT I HAVE READ THIS AFPLICATION AND STATE THAT TITE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPI,Y WITH ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATEVAIL WATER & SAN. DIST. TAP FEE : SPECIAL NOTES: CONSTRUCTION PERMIT lrtment of community dwelopment TYPE OF PERMIT nT! Mtrn BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY LEGAL DESC. LOr ta FILING AME'l4#,ttrt c lffien Hme C Itdt tlt 7ttfptfil1a7,--r MAIL ADDRESS l- 4 cr vV fr,t.i.- PH. ARCHITECT orrhtrdadsor &tku -r^' *"*.tt t l U,l-, 1,Tul cnv V"bL pa.llZ' GENERAL CONTRACTOR ,,** l/t^ u f^r, * ( 7o ^ "1. MAILADDRESs /oq4 mq?L-.zrq .il'#?6i FIRM MAIt ADDRESS PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADORESS CITY PH. oorc g/4 hA pRoJEcr no/26tlfl- N9 011 r, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION III III IV@ 2.occuPANcYGRouP reeHt4Pt,t D|VISION r 2 Za@+ cENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WOR,K : - iltLn ld. furtr( futa PERMIT NO. z F f BUILDING /4 ?, {o/Z5o ELECTRICAL 5, 30/ PLUMBING *3*7, ooo MECHANICAL 4 6.x'." .a, @ TYPE GROUP SQ. FT. VALUATION PERMIT FEES V M-&hr 9<z 3t, orys BUILDING PERMIT 4 4d&v H-bct l1x5 ',1,f,41&PLAN CHECK ?t7q' v R-s 35'3d tJ3Hl|ELECTRICAL 4z.e PLUMBING s2@ NEWO ALTERATION ADDITIONAL REPAIR MECHANICAL /s'" DWELTNG uNrrs P, nccoruruoDATroN uNl G.R.F.A.BEDROOMS COMMERCIAT SYST - RESTAURANT SEATING HETcHT rN FT, 35- errHruB/sHowER NO FIREPLACES NO. TOILETS COVERED PARKING - UNCOVERED PARKING RECREATION FEE 4ul,7o DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 5D,m CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT aoo,oo TOTAL PERMIT FEES /,472../nh INSULATION FLOOR EXT, WALLS ROOF TYPE THICKN ESS R.VALU E INU AUMINIb I KA I UK 1.'A I E ING NOTES: HEAT .:NVfn r-7rF .|uNr'r{ r)R r:o N TR,1cT()R #;[#I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT READ THTS APPLICATTON AND STATE TI ABOVE lS coRREcT IIBD-AC REE Tcl i'k,#^x:f;iliy.'ffdf3 ELEC: I GAS: SOLAR: IWOOD: VAIL WATER & SAN. DIST, TAP FEE : SPECIAL NOTES: Permit No.t., 1053 VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT WATER AND SEWER TAP PERMIT TAP PERMIT WILL NOT BE ISSUED TAP FEES HAVE BEEN PAID IN FULL. NAME OF JOB LOCATION AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION GENERAL CONTRACTOR PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR c. No. EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR Z /Lrc. No. Meter SizeSIZE OF TAP:Water NUMBER OF UNTTS ,2 .,< (x$600.00;=16oung Dato Paid Finance Direcior Dat€ Bill€d Bldg. D€pt. - Whito; - water and Senitation - Gr6€n; - Publlc Wolkr - Ceneryi - Contraclor - Pink; - Accounting - Goldonrod RESIDETTAL WATER, & SE].IER Mf4E OF tg4E O''ltlER YNL IqTER & s$llaTlo{ DtsiIRIcr o vNJ hTIAilu *t ,,or,.* -! ** c€cK -# m qLcL[-ATlcFl SIREET ADTESS --;;;;[,j]f (.z ou,us BI|,II}E ADMESS 1. 2, 3i q. FASB€in IST FLOOR bo rloot JRD Ft.ffi BAST}ENTlsr nma ao FL@R JRD FL@R EASEI,'ENT I,sT FLOM bo n-ma JRD FIIOR BAsrH & TolLEr, K[tE }IAtj BATH, E(IRA SINI(S FITI- BAIH (ssrrER oR nsf BASIN, TOII-ET' Z-x L,fi = ,*,8" lx tm = 7 /L 5. 6. 7, 8. 9. 10. t2,fi LM .50 x,E= x5.0 =rlffi: x3.0 = xl.m = Ilil == x' .50'= z I I '4 -{++- x' .E N,E ZX l.fr) = APARI}€}.ITS 1. 2, 5, 4. 5.-z 3.f n'#* ' I ffitr'/ I 'CIAnD gr ntnffi''^TloN DtsTRtcr l *rL r^rER nm+s (Ltvtne Ro(t4S, .'-.CI = _/ D , KITCI€NS DlSti,'lAS€CS tA.slDRlEs . hEn vt*srci) TCE MAOIINES SAfiAS WATER COOI-ERS & }AIER rcWTAI}S st{lltll$ Pm$ JAcrtzzl OTJTSIDE WATER htunul or oleJ RI..L BAITS mms KITCTEN DIS}ITASTER I.AI,NDRIES :nstlE WATER IVTAL POINTS 2-X zx zx ='- [ !a DATE OT IIEMBERS ACTION . np"itQ,'tszbMBETING: PRBSENT:IBILT RUOFF .UllD I LrN t{,lj V l. I1 lt rJullltu '/ fg 7l (z Stotudt CD',:- Lt)n t t+ CoA r' a'"'6;re r'4 Tfiioyza €f,/ Se'tzz >t Dt a/ t']' /LOU PARKER il/tn,rtrzBeot, Q .r:, 'TPrtt ( Qrtt rAr,_/BILL BISHOP /RON TODD / aes sgeprno SUBJECT. Mclaughlin Residence (Landscape _ Color, Materia'ls) , BLocK I', Fr1,rNcy'ail \lil]391_]l! TAKEN MOT.ICIi VOTE: BY BOABD: SECONDED BY: AGAINST: ABSTENTION: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: SUMI'IARY]. - VYft6,J'bY YtuC SINGLE FAMfLY RESIDENTIAL A}ID RESIDEIVTIAL ZONING CHECI(LIST Legal Ouner: Descrlption: Zone Dlstrict: Iot Area:11,(Oa I Required Area Actual L---' x %=4)3oaetuarlo78 $=(----- +-'" Area Area ul (.t IActual Be Paved Avalancbe Slope Flood Piain Zoning Approval; Distance From Trees Bemoved o trator Creek \ Comments: 91".k Proirosed o""' g-(lzY Minus Eazard Area: Equals-tBuildabte Area: flr6o>' Sides 1or +5 ,Rear res a1 /f ,Bear 7C, Distance Betweer Buildings : G.R.F.A. Allowed: Buildable Sitb Coverage: Allowed - Lot Landseaping: Required - Lot Parking:Required Eelgbt: Actual ?S Setbacks: Required - Front 20 I Drive: slope Permitted gtA slope Actuil I i/o Parking and Drtves Must Environme nt aI I Eazar d : &-u Tou Ll (l-zo l-\/r[-- tU 1( 4 L- e_,/e I;ttv 19 x ta ?- i't.fx n =A6 i I = Yx lcxr?-- a?;r. C, Iae{r,., n I zr-.zl ? 5f- so:,tffi UUS lae{r:.n n I z,-a-l 7 5r- so:i #lff --q- UU,'l' ' 3[.9Xlo..F: 3]o-7u ',t 2X G : YaI ' t \' - -- i L I' l' lrl To-11-.l lS31 t'-l'' Xl I 'i if - -lr' '-' t, '' l i- - - -- - :T -_ ll' I,U/d ^/,/ '"]4on '"#a!!, (,*1,'; 7 S I NGLE FAM ILY RES I DENT I AL AND RE S I DENT I AL-ZOX-I NG CHECKL I ST owner, fWLau"L.t;^ Aisnitect,' Dowrdsat^a vr", g'rylzxZone District: ,t Proilosed Lot Area rflfiBMinus Hazatd Area: rs(K ( I Equals Buildable Area: Eeight: Setbacks: Actual A1 Required - front Actual - Front Distance Betweeu Bulldings: Requlred G.R.F.A. All.owed: Buil-dable Area Sltb Coverage: Allowed - Lot Area tandscaping: Required - Lot Area Parking:Reguired q Actual q Drive: Slope Permitted I "/o slope o"rurt--6 t/o- Parking and Drives Must Be Paved EnvironmentallHazard:. Avalanche Flood Plain slope Yt t Distance'From Creek nA Comments: Zoning Approval; 20,LO, +q,<Rearll' + 4,9 l8,eO .Rear 2Ore l^- , Actual HV *,Actuar !,36"L ---T-(---$= (---- as , Si.des , Sides x %- Vo= Trees Removed fe> i,:1;^, & 4,-.f.",tc d* (:*il;,' 19x I Ocl eli rY-Sz lYo 2gg?s I lO.5 x ir.g: 3iq.7s:. 1\,'/ ' - 7-sQ=s '_r'( Ys -%1"1 A(bsabl q 1"Y+ *3-+a6 t 3'{ I FREDERICI( S, OTTO JAY X. PETERSON JOHN M. BLISH Orro, PnrrRsow & Blrsn .ATTORNEYS AT LAW POSI OFFTCE BOX 3t49 vaIL, coLoEADO A1667 March 2, 1978 VAI L FROFESSIONAL BU ILOING (3031 476-OOge WARNER PROFESSTONAL BUI LDING t303 949-s3€o Mayor Town of Vai-lP. O. Box 100Vai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Mayor: By this letter I wish to appeal the Review Board approving the duplex toBlock 1, Vail Village, 12th filing. JKP:sk cc: Diana Toughill decision of be l-ocated the Design on L,ot 6, Peter DATE I{EETING: O MarOF DESIGN REVIEW BOABD eh 2, 1978 UEMBERS PRESEM : -=A*rrr.r-ffEOEF tOU PARKE> BILL BISHO>J RON TODD\ ABE SHAPIRS{ SUBJEGT:Mclaughlln Residence Final LOlI , BLOCK_I_,FILING Vail Village 1-2th AGAINST: ABSTENTTON: AqrroN rAKEN "1,"onry,ca,ctBtua1 MorroN 2naPro " SECoNDED BY: TOd& - APPBOVED: DISAPPROVED: SUMMARY:Ccbr 'il+-J)'' 'iI j' it(L ../!.r '_^ E-- tl'\ /.' r.' \ rs '\i; I \i- ta-i, I i--" | ,/ :-t'2-; | .\-g ! \_-.- Tn |irrtrr.q Frtron. ol tht. rrrn .t,prr!.4 Dt t ta Qrlrmdo llrrl Frtrt Co|n|trt..l'n tEC ta-ntt)For uco in ralc ol VACANT LAND ONLY RECEI PT AN D O.PTI ON CONTRACT (VACANTI-AND) ,lsJJ- nECEIVED t Rgrvr Cher'l as H- McT,arrgh'l i n , S- _Dnrrgl es MnT.:rrgrh'l in and nOmS. Purchascr (ar joint teDsDtr), the eum of $ lnwcl Thdrtsand Fn.i n6/1 OO .16'l 'l rrs (f ,n00. q,0 lu the fomr of cash b be beld by .r. K paf ererrn , at+ hdcN, iu hls escrow or trrurtee account, as eamest money and part payment for the followiug descrlbeil real egtate gituate itr ![r County of Eagle , Colorado, to wit: t 6, Block 1, Vail Village 12th Filing. witb all eaoements anal rights of way appurtenaat t}eleto, which property purcbase! egrees to buy upon the following termr gnd conilitions for the purchase prlce of g-22-+J)0lI^J)0-------- payable ss foltowc $IOOO-!O-- bereby receipted for, S 20.000- 00 gash or certified funds on closing Price to include:' all trees upon the aforesaid lot 1. An abstraet of title to said property. certifieil to date, or a curteat commitment for title insurance policy in an araourrt equal to tbe Durchase price, at sellct'e optiou anil erpelse, ghell be furnished the purchaser on or before June l. l9?7 .19- If setler elecb to furnish said title insurance co''n"'itmeatn seller will ileliver the title insuraqce policy to purcbaser efter closing ard pay the premium thereoa. A Title ghall be merchaltable in the sall€r. Subject to payment or tender Es above provialeil autl couptiance with tLe other terms and coadifions hereuniler by purthager, tbe geller shell etecute anil deliver a gooil and sufficieut -SeI}eJ!a-1"- wanautl/ dee<t to seiil purcbaser o. June 1O , fs ZZ- or, b5r mufual agreeuent, at au earlier date, conveying eaiil properbr free aad clear of all tc,:el, e:cept tbe general tares for $'lJ- payable Jaauary 1. 19_l_8- and ercept utilities easements of record \ freE gnil cleer of all lieos ior gpecial improvements aort iDstalled. whether assessed or Dob and free anil clear of all Uens and encumbrsnces excett: ilties easements of record aud ercept esseuents for: and mbJect to building and zoning regulatioas atil the following reshictivo covenaltr: restrictive covenants of Vail Village 12th filing and the buildingd zoning restriction'of the Town of Vail and the County of Eagle. & General taxea for l9+?...- (bascd on IlgJJ- leW and !:S_Z1- aaseasmcnt), prepaiit rcnts, interest on ea- cunbranccs. tf ann ehall be apportioaeil to ilate of delivery ol deod. rI No. SC-26-?-71 Brcclpl ud ODtlor Cortrect (Vrcrat l,.lll-Btrrtford Putllrllag Co- l&ll,al Stdrt St ..L D.!vGr. Colorrio-Hl 4. 5. Ft the office of Jay x. ptterqor Tho hoor and placo of clocing ahall be:tX8tlSgfi&D<Df Jung 10 , 19 7 7 . Poss€sgion of prcurlses sball be delivered to purcbaser 6 date of clOsing eubjoct to tho lollowbg leases or tsnancies:None 6. Iu ths ovent the premisea are subitantially damagpd by fire,flood or other casualtjr bctween the date of thig lgrecEeBt aad the data of Dossessioa or the date orl delivegr of deed, rlichever shall be earlier. this agreemeat aay,at the optiou of the purcbaser herein. be declared noll asd void and aoy deposit herein made shgfl bo irnrnqfig,tebl rehrrned to purchaser'. 7. Tlme is of the essence hereo!, and it any payaent or any oth.er coaditiou hereof lr not Eaile, tenalererl, orperformed by purchaser as hereitr provided, then thir contract shall be null aail void and of uo effect, and bothparties hereto teleased from all obligatioas hereunder, and all payueats made hereon chsll bc retaiaed on behall of the seller, as liquidated danages. 8, In the eveat tbe seller fails to approve this instnrneut in writing within Leroof. or if tioe ig not merchantable and rritten notico d defects b giveu to the seller or ageat within tho timeterei:r provided lor delivery of deed aud aball uot be reudered mercboatabls vithin 60 days after cuch rrittEn troticc, thea this contract, at purchaserta option. shall be void aad o! ao effect anil each part5r hereto cbau be released &ouaII obligations hereurder and the pa]roents made hereunder slrall be returued fortbwith to purchaser upoa retara of the abstraet, if ann to seller; provided, howeyer, that in lieu of correcting auch defects, seller may, within said 60&ya, obtain e commitment for Orvne/s Tide brsuranco Policy in the amouut ol the purcbase price showing the ti6e to be free &9u such delects and seller sball pay full preraium for guch Title 6surauce policy. 9. Additioaal hovisions: ^The SelLers warrant that the premises are at leastuuildable' under existing couniy -"nd Tor.rrt"!,ri"tio.rr. approval hereof by the seller, this agreepeat becoue a contract between teller'and purchsser aad ofaid narties. By: seller appro,ves the above contract thi. ilay of , 1g- and ag""es to p'ay a commlssiou of -y'o of the gtors sates prieo for services in this kausactior4 aud agrees that, iu tho went ot lorteihrrc ol paymeats mede by purchaser, tuch pa5rments shall bo divided between the eellerrs broker ald the reller, oue half thereof to eairl broker, but not to exceed the commission, and the 6al,ance to the cellea hrehaserts Address 10. Seller'r Addreac t t PEINS CTION TOWN OF REQUE VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES LOCATION: APPROVED tr DISAPPFOVED THUR tr REINSPECTION REQUIFED COBRECTIONS: BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D,W,V. tr ROUGH i WATER EI FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB tr FINALNAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING HOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL '\ .J t t' i/, tt- t t I r' [" I [,-6L0Lff-w?- AL/ CONSTRUCTION SPECI FICATIONS for A Duplex Residence to be constructed on Lot 6, Block'1, Vail Village,. 12th Filing Toum of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado ARCHITECT STRUCTURAL ENGINEER Boyle, Gude & Yannias 1232 Hwy. 74, Evergreen, Colorado 80439 SOIL AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION Chen and Associates, Inc. Consulting Engineers Village Plaza, Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 Donaldson + Butler, Architects Vail Run Resort, Suite 7, North Frontage Road Orawer l,l, (303) 476-'1.|28, Vail, Colorado 8.l657 I c7 e Direct a'|1 correspondence to the Archi tect SPECIFICATIONS INDE a X DIVISION I 0l100 01300 01400 01500 01700 DIVISION 2 02200 02600 - General Requirements A'l ternates Submittals and Substitutions Laboratory Testing Services Temporary Facilities Project Closeout and Final Clean-up - Site l,{ork Earthwork Paving and Surfacing DIVISION 3 - Concrete 03200 Concrete Reinforcinq 03300 Cast-in-PIace Concrdte DIVISION 4 - Masonry 04200 Unit l4asonry DIVISI0N 5 - Metals 05100 StructuraJ Steel 05500 lulisce]'laneous Hetal DIVISION 6 06100 06170 06400 DIVISION 7 07100 072A0 07300 07350 07500 07600 07800 07900 - t',lood and Plastics Carpentry Pre-Fabricated Structural Wood Archi tectural t,loodwork - Thermal and Moisture Protection Waterproofi ng Insul ation Wood Shingles (Shakes) Asphalt Shingles (Not used)Built-up Roofing F'lashing and Sheet ['|etal Roof Accessories - Skylights Caul ki ng q :n I SPECIFICATIONS INDEX OMSION 8 - Ooors and ttindows 08200 hlqod Doorg gq9g0 Special Doors - Garage Doors 08600 Hood l,tindows and Sliding Doors 08700 Ffnish Hardware 08800 Glass and Glazing DIVISI0N 9 -. Finishes : 09100 Stucco 09250 Gypsum Drywall 09300 Ceramic Tile g9qqq Resilient Floorins 09680 Carpeting 09900 Painting DMSION 10 - Specla'lties !0300 Prefabricated Flrrplaces 10800 Bath and Toilet Accessories DMSION lI - Equipment 11900 Residential Kitchen Equipment DMSI0I{ l2 - Furnistrlngs (t{ot used) DMSI0N 13 - Special Construction (Not ilsed) DMSI0N 14 - Conveying Systems (ltot used) DMSION l5 - l,techanical 15400 Plumbing ' '15600 Heating DMSION l6 - Electrical 16000 Electrical o q. UIVI5IUN i Genera'l Regui rementst 0'1.|00 Al ternates 0.|300 Submittals and Substitutions 1'1.:* The fol'lowing a'lternates shall be shown in the appropriate place on the bid form as an amount of increase over the base bid: Alternate No. l: CMU foundatjon walls may be used in lieu ofcast-in-place (below 'l iving areas only) at residence foundation.Alternate No. 2l I X B, #2 Spruce, T & G may be substituted forpine exterior siding. 2. 1. Strqp Dlawings - Shop drawings will be required only where spe-cifically asked for in the various sections of these specifica-tions. When required, submit in the quantity required to be returned plus two copies to be retained by the Architect. 2. luLsJi!g!ions - Nherever possible throughout the Contract DocnmenE, minimum acceptince quality oi workmansh.i p and materials *has been defined either by manufacturer,s nanie and catalogue ig number or by reference to recognized industry standards. -llhere the phrase "or equal" occurs jn the Contract Documents, anysubstitution must still be approved in advance by the Architect. The Architect will consider substitutions onlv when such prooosals are accompanied by full and complete technjcai data and airy otherinformation required by the Architect for evaluation. The decision of the Architect shall be final. 3. Aygi'lability - Verify prior to bidding that al1 specif.ied itemswil'l be available in tirne for instal lation durinq orderly andtimely progress of the work. In the event a soeiitjed i-tem or items will not be available, notify the Architect prior to recciptof bids. Costs of delays because of non-availability rof spec.i fied ilgr,ns, when such delays could have been avoided by the contractors,wil'l be back-charged as necessary and shall not bi borne by the owner. General Requirements_-,-. o 01400 01500 01700 l' General - From time to time during progress of the work, rne ownermay require that testing be perfoimba to determine that materiarsprovided for the work m6et the speCiiie; ;q;i;;;nirl" iu.ntesting sha'll be .19ry UV an independent testing laboratoryselected by the owner. 2' Paymelt.-.The owner.wiil pay for ail initiar testing services;when initial tests. indicate-non-comptiance with tne"coniractDocuments, the cosrs of such iniiiul ta;a; tnj uii*rr[ruorun,retesting occasioned-!{ tng non_compl.iance wi' be ;;;;;ieo bvthe owner from the coniract sum. -- '' t. ly:lgljli+ - Inspections and tests required by codes and or_d'r nances or by a p'lan approval authori tiy, ana iralu-[v u"iusur rvconstituted authority, ihail be ite-r"ri,onsiuifiiv oi Jno srratibe paid for by the C6ntraitor.- - * ' lliltil"r - Plgyjge ail utilities necessary for the constructr-onoperations- utilitv rines.shalr oe-ieirranged to foilow th. pro-gress of the work ai required. utitities strat include gas (ifavailable, and/or required), wate", ;i;;tri;ii,'una":ouriJtu_phone.. The contractor shaii u"rund"-iJr arr utilities to bemetered, and shail oay ail costs ,itir-i.c.ptance of ttre uuitoingby the owner. Furnish and maintain_for the duration of the job a1l requiredtemporarv toilet buirdings,witn iinilary toirets for use of a'workmen. The facirity sfrart.ue r<epi-.i6un and_dry-in-u-rJnrtu"y q :llflli?l.lcceptable io the nrciriilct-iia urr r.girjy .onrtitrt"a rc Laboratory services (use only if AIA Document A-20i is not used) 3. Clean-up - Materia1 scraps and pieces shalI not be allovred to ff.i::l:::-_?1 !1.-rlte.br-within ir,. [rijlir;. :,;;'il]ii.ilr,r,ur r 3;"?:'HTrll3fg-:t,:-:.ntraT roliii;;".;; ;;;pJr.a"Ji"on"j.i"iJ,lll :i :::"1{,1? 1,] t:g_ tllm *re-coni i.,i.ii r''', i i.. ""oil, Yi""il,;, l il'jlDdsts Dy nauling from the cordisposal will not be a'llowed. t. 2. '.M-Thedateof.,SubstantiaiComp1etjon.,ofrne srructure is the date when the construction is suiriiienttycompleted, in accordance wfth tne-piins and specifications, asmodified by any change_ordeis,-;; [r,it-t["-o*;;; ;;;";;;rpy unocompletery use the ouitaing 16r-*,e iunctions for which it wasintended. Further, it_is Ihe-ouil-*rr.n the buirdinq,s astheticerrects are rulrv in.place, wri[-i.uiiorir:n;;;;;;';; ii.*ir",cleaned, and witir utiiitiei ;n; ,;;;;;.s operationat. TheArchitect will be the sore-juJs"-io"'ii,u tiru of ,,substant.iar Completion" and will issue i cirtificate to that effect. 1-r :n Facilities DIVISION :I General Requi 2. 3. 4. Inlerigf - All hardware and other unpainted metals shail be creanedano p0r'rshed and all equipment and paint or decorated work shallbe cleaned and touched up; if.necessary, and ail temporary rabe'l s, lggt: lF,paper coverinsi rernoved tnroir!troui ir," urlTiinst. Sur_taces that are waxed shall be polished.- plumbing fixturis shall bewashed. lllglie!,- The.exterior.of the buildings, the grounds, approaches,equ?pnEnt, ryaJFs,.stre€ts,.etc. shall be cleaned simi'lar'to thelnterlors of the buildings and left in good order at the time ofIilll l.q.ptance wlth_paint surfa."r Ct6an and unbroken, hardware :.r:ll_lLd_p9l!ltl*dl aI1 required repair work completed ind publicpnoperry cteanqd of all dirt and debris. Clean all glass surfaces and mirrors ofstains,.etc., without scratching or injuring work bright, clean and polished. c]?E - Glass Cleaning:putty, paint nnteriali, the glass and'leave the END OF OIVISION DIVISION 2 Si te Work2-1 02200 Earthwork as top soil in the finishing grading. Extrerne care is to beexercised in the preservation of existing conditions and neigh-boring_property. This jncludes all treei, ponds and oihernatural elements. 2. Excavation - The excavations for foundations shall be large enoughTo permi-t forming both sides. -sotioms of all foot.ings must belevel and cleared of loose materials. Leave all botioms open forinspection. No footings shair be poured unti'l inipeciJo anoapproved by the Architect. All footings to bear a minirnum ofrz" rnto bearing strats. All materials loosened or disturbed bythe excavation process to be removed from beneath foundation arLasprror to pouring concrete. Dewater as necessary with drainagetile or pumping. l. Clearinq - A1 I areas under building and to a point 10,0,,beyondsame, wa1ks, and driveways to be slripped to i point below iheJ.',,rE, wa | ^>, dntr sr tvevrays ro De sf,rt pped tO a po.l nt be low theorganic s'i1ty clay topsoi'|. stock piib all sucir earth for use .?. fill and Backfi'H - I". A. Backfill materials at up-s1ope foundation and retained wallsshall be granular material wjth stones no larger ihan 6,'in diameter. salvaged granular materiar from the foundationexcavations may be used for this purpose, if processed toremove the stones larger that 6',.' Granular backfiil behind foundation wails shail be rightlycompacted to between 65% and 75% of relative dry oensity iorcohesionless free draining soirs. 0ver compaction wilr beavoi ded . . Backfill in utility trenches and locations other than behind %foundation or retaining wal1s may consist of common fiilmaterial compacted to 92% of standard proctor density andwithin 2% of optimum moisture content as per ASTM 0._69g. B. Do not proceed with_backfilling until walls are adequatelyshored or braced. prepare grolnd surface to rece.ive fi1'r"byremoving vegetation, debris, frozen material or other un_satisfactory material . Scarify as requ.i red so that fillmateria'l wi'l I bond with existing surface. place fill materialsin layers not more than B', in l6ose depth, compacting eachlayer to 85% maxjmum density. Do not place materjals onsurfaces that are muddy, frozen, or thirt contain,ice,or frost. 4. Grading - The coritrggtor shall provide arl rough grades and finishgrades as shown. All ditches and ruts are to be eradicated. The l1op" away.from.the buirdings sha11 be not less than r io r0. Fir,as requjred to bring the area up to finish grade, nray be common fillplaced as specified above. Rembve all exceis maier.ii'ts from the s.ite. ulvl)lut"l I Si te Work2-2 5. Rock Excavation - All excavation required in connection withcons-mctlon under this contract is'presumed to be common excava-tion, i:e. earth and other materials that can be removed withordinary power driven mach.i nery available in the Vail area. Ifrock is encountered withing the limits of the excavation, as calledlor on the p1 ans and in the spec'ifications, the contractor sha|irnmediate'ly stop.wor( and not'ify the Architect and the 0wner, anoshall not proceed further until agreement is reached and measure- ments made for the purpose of establishing the vo] ume of rocrrequired to be excaVatbd and the cost of iuch excavation. Rockis defined as any stone, concrete, boulder, or cementjtiousmaterial. greater than one cubic yard in voiume that cannot beremoved_by.power equipment without the use of continuous drillingand explosives. 6- Footing Drain - At port'ion of building perimeter shown on the 9IlUnSs, insta'll polyvinyl chloride (pVC) drain tjle pitching sanrel"/'10 ft. to outfall. Drain tile to be manufactured by AdvancedDrainage Systems (or approved equal), mesh covereO, 4'i'or 5,' di ameter. Joints to be butted^together with 15# fe]t wired over the top joint.surround same with 3/4i gravel bed 4" thick and cover wiih rninimum2'0" gravel , 3/4"D. The last l0'0" of length at the outfall shall be cast iron with theend of same set in concrete spi'l lway'l B,,wide,36', 1ong,4,,thick. 7. DispoSal - Remove excess excavated material , trash, debris andwaste material from the site. l. 9fgeglqt!on - Coordinatq.llre preparation of the subgrade inc'ludingall necessary cutting, filling, compacting to insure a 92% standaidProctor density of the subgrade. where fill .is_required to bring the grade to its proper elevat.i on,furnrsh.and place crushed rock base 6" thick consisting of roadbase materials compacted to..95% standard proctor densiiy. At a time,.approximately 24 hours prior to the 'laying of asphalt'concrete,.the contractor.sha'l 1 apply to the entire aiea to be paved MC-l 'liquid asphalt priming mateiiai at a rate of not less rnan0.3-ga'llons per square yard. This pr.ime coat shall be applieduniform'ly and only when the Base course surface is dry or sliqhtlv damp. 2; S-Pqll_!9lgfelg - The Contractor sha11 place a hot taid, ptantnixed, asphait concrete mat, two inches compacted thickness,Asphalt concrete_mixture shall be prepared with the foilowingspecjfied materials: q' q A..Mineral Aggregater shal'l consist of. crushed rock composed of hard 1.1in Site llork2 '',3 I !111gUte.{ragments., having.incorporated in it, .limestone dust,g iron oxide, or other biniing materiai in suitr p"oporiiorr"illutth€ whole wil] be a homogen6ous mixiure. It shaii u,i w.ir gradedfrom coarse to fine. B' Asphalt Cement sha'l 1 conform to the requirements of the ColoradoDepartment of Highwavs speciriiai'tton igzt unJ ionii.i"or-"penetration grau6 es--.t o0: - - ' ENO OF DIVISION E E 1n :n 03200 Concrete Reinforcing I. Products - Reinforcing bars shall be new billet steel A-s.T.M.A-6T[grade 40, minifrum yeild strength of 40,000 pSI. Heldedwire fabric shall be in accordance with A.S.T:M. A lg5. 2. Execution - Al'l reinforcing bars shall be detailed, bolstered and :rppo"TEd_in accordance wiin ACI 315. All reinforcing bars shal1 . be securely anchored to the forms and spaced as follois: ' A. For concrete not exposed directly to the ground or weather,3/4" ln slabs and walls, j 1/2" in columni and beams. B. For concrete exposed to the ground or weather, 2" in vralls andcolumns, 3', above the bottom of footings Provide corner bars to match all horizontal reinforcing in cast-in place walls. Provide not less than 2 #5 around all-sides of allopenings in concrete walls, and extend 2'0" past edges of openings.Provide ]ap sp] jces as fol lows: #S = 20,, , '#4 = 16r. 03300 Cast-In-Place Concrete DIVISION 3 Concrete3-t Products.-30u0-*P 3.'Execution END OF D IV IS ION l. Generql - concrqte has been designed and shall be constructed inaccordance with "The American concrete Institute Building code"ACI_3lB-71 , and nspecifications for Structural Concrete iorBuildings" ACI 301 -72, Delete Section 1-3 ', Inspections,' of ACi3.l8-71; comply with al'l applicable provisions eicept as other'isenoted. --Concrete sha,'l I have a minimum compression strength ofSI in 28 days.q A. B. Finishes - Interior slabs sha'll have an integral monolithicfinish- All concrete walls exposed to view shall receivea "skim coat" cement finish- Interl0r slabs exposed to view including garage shall recejvetwo coat surfact hardener consisting of-Mistei Builders saniseal.!90, ol e9!al approved in.advance Uy tire Architect, appl.ied atthe rate of 3#/100 s. f. (both coats). Apply accord.ihg to manufacturers directions. I 1to DIVISION 4 Masonry4-'l 04200 Unit Masonry (if alternate #l is used) l. Products A. All concrete l'Hol I ow Load B. Not Used masonry.units shall conform with A.S.T.M. C 90-70 Bearing Concrete Masonry Units", grade N, Type I- 3000C. Mortar for masonry unjts shall conform with C 270-7, PSI in 28 days, Portland Cement, lime and aggregate. D. tlire reinforcement shall conform to A.S.T.M. A 82, shall be Iadder or truss type using #9 wire, or as sholn on structural drawings. Reinforcing bars shall be as specified in Section 03200. E. Grout shal'l be of fluid consistencv and m.i xed in the ratio by volume of one part cement, thr-ee parts sand, (and two parts pea gravel where grout space ig greater than 3"'l east dimension) 2. Execution Masonry shall be laid p1 umb and true to ljnes. l.lhere cutting of masonry units is necessary, the cuts shall be made r^rith a motor driven saw. lihere block work is to be exposed in finished areas,it sha'll be laid in a perfect plane and with all projectjons and unevenness struck off and all voids filled. Exposed b1ock with broken edges or corners larger than !" will be rejected. Block mortar joints which are exposed and have become "thumbprint" hard shall be tooled with a round rod or Yother approved jointen, compressing and sealing the surface of ttiejoint. Al'l block to be laid in stretcher bond. All stone to be laid in random ashlar pattern according to sampie approval by Architect. Mortar that has stiffened on the mortar board through evaporatign may be retempered to restore its workability by thorough re- mixing and by the addition of water as required. Mortar which has stiffened on the mortan board by hydration (setting) shall not be reused and shall be di.scarded- No coloring agent will be required. Duri'ng erection, all walls shal 1 be kept dry by coyering at the end of each day or shutdown period w'i th a canvas, waterproof Paper, q'visqueen", or planks. Partially completed walls not being worked on shall be sim'ilarly protected at all times. No masonry shall be'l aid when the temperature of the outside airis below 40o F and is dec'l ining, unless means approved by the Ancht'tect are provided to protect the completed work from freezing. Protection sha'l I consist of heatinq the masonry materials to at'least 70o F, but not^more than 1600 F, and maintajning an air tempe-rature above 40" F on both sides of the masonry for a period ofat lehst 48 hours.. A. a n F DIVISION Masonry4-2 F. (Low Lift) (High Lift) grouting procedures shall be used as described in Chapter.24 of the Uniform Bui'lding Code, '1976 Edition. Do not grout until masonry has cured-at least 24 hours, 3. C] eg!-ug.- Clean all surfaces of masonry as required for proper application of the specified finishes. Proper'ly remove from the jobsite all mortar dorppings, broken units, and de-bris leaving a1 1 areas neat and orderly END OF DIVISION UIVISION 5 l4eta I ss-'t 05100 Structural Steel l. General A. Furnjsh and erect_in place alI structural steel , columns,lintels, beams, .plateir;angles, ctrinnets, anchors-b.il;: timberconnections, and a'il werdiis una uoriing'r;;;;";; i[""iiuningr.Dq:jgn, fabrication,-and er6ction shail conform to the ratestedition of "The Ameiican tnititute-oi steet conri"r.tion"(A.I.s.c.) Specifications inj iil; ;; standard practice,,. B' Before fabricating any.work' submit shop drawings in accorcancewith Section 01300 ts-tte nr.hii..i io" approval. Products A' Structural steer shapes and plates sharr conform with A.s.T.M. A 36: B. Bolts shall be A 307; C. Pipe Columns shall be A.S.T.M. A 53, type E or S; D. l.le'l di ng shal I perforrned w.ith E 60 XX el ectrodes . E' Provide a shop coat of zinc chromatic primer on a'l I structural steel 3' *+g:+ -, Structurar steer shail be set true to the erevation andattgnment shown on the drawings. Bases, nearing-piaiei'ino ends ofbeams which require,grouting.ihat-[e neio at tfie'propJr 1eve1 bymeans of stee'r wedgei. Griid werds irootfi ,,ia"iirli,"lia rieta apptya coat of zinc chromatic primer over grind ipotr. q' r* l, Snlg] - Furnisl gnq instat't alt steet pipe railings and any ornerniscellane'us meta'r fabrications rr,o*n oi,, ine Jru*iigrl"-Beforefabrication, submit shop drawingr-in'i..o.dance with Section 01300to the Architect for apbroval. " 2. lrqduct:_ - All steel tubing and pjpe shail beano conform to A.S.T.M. A 50.l; piate shall beA 30/. Shop prine with z.inc .fllomut". 3. Execution - Fabricate items to dimensions shown on the drawings, withsmobr6-Tends ina weiiei-ili";; ground smooth. Insofar,as poss.ible,shop pre-fabricate ail ilems .ofipial. uni-r"iav'iJr initaration.coordinate anchorage ana instaiiStiomiin ;il;. iraoes as necessarv. END OF DIVISION 05500 l"|iscellaheouS |'letal 1'.t 1x new, free from rust. A 36; bolts shalt be tt DIVISION 6 Ho3O,und Plastics I 06.l00 Carpentry l. General - Desion and construction of all wood framing shall bein-aEid'rdance iittr the,'Nati:onui ouiign spec.if.icat.ion for stressGrade Lumber and its rasteningi,i-inl ir.,. i'r'runrui-or-Houle Framing,,by the Nationat Forest producis nirociuiionl"ir.r iai nl"nli r i ng,firestopping, anchorage, rraming'inj-uru..,ng. 2. Products A. Wood Joists: Douglas-fir/larctr #2 and better, Fb_.l250 pSI,single member us6, s4s ,'s-d;t [rni.r, otherwise noted). B. Wood Studs: Douslas PSI, single mem6er C. Wood Posts: Douglas firllarch #.l.Iuntess otherwise noted) Wood Floorinq: to be permaGrain tHtE[i,rJ dlF'.* ICTIF ih ls [HiHv O. f]W994 Sheathing and Deck: 3/4" T & G, C_D grade 48/12 identj_fication # (see irawingJ ro. ga"ug" .oof a.ir'o"ii.ii'tiirr.E. Exterior Sidins: I X d-T a'e'ii"Fin" F, Extertor Trim.and Exterior Decking: #Z pine G. Interior Trim: I X 3 pine, S4S grade or better, Fb=800 (unless otherwise noted) Fb=l2000 PSI, S4S, S ory acryl i c/wood f1 oori ng as manufac_ ddD[yiE,ifi!rof Atlanti c Richfield Company, red oak Fir/Larch stud use, S4S, S dry H. I. .1. Bolts: A.S.T.M. A 307. K. Rough Hardware: Simpson or Teco (or approved equai).qF 3, Exec0tion A. Provide sufficient skilted workmen and supervisors who shalr bepresent at ail -tiTg: during execution-oi-i;i; "0rr,,"..0 who shailbe.thoroughly familiar witfi ine-ivpe of construction invorvedand the materiars and techniques -iiecirieo. rr-ir,''. 'u.."ptance orrejection of this work, no uiiowunl. wiil be made for lack ofskil I on the part of wort<men. -' - '- B' Provide temporary construction and sherters as required by theprosress of the work. Construct scatrotaing-;, ;J;;;;;d by thevarious trades fon access to uni iontinuation-of-iile'wort; ancmaintain a1'l temporary construction in iii" ionoiti;; ;".standards of the' 0ccu-pat'ionit -Sireiy and Hear th Admi ni stration. C. Use hot-dipped galvanized nails at all exterior locat.ions. i-a" urvl)lut,t t) Wood and P'lastics6-2 tr 06.|70 Prefabricated Structural l,lood 06400 Architectural lloodwork A. Kitchen Cabinets: as approved by 0wner o Drill hiles for bo]ts l/.|6 inch larger in diameter than the borts lgjl9-,y:.ai for lag screws and wood-screws, pre_bore hotei-thes.rme orameter as the root of the thread, then enlarge hole to shank !]qmetel for length of shank. Screw, do not drive, al1 1ag screwsand wood screws. Install all doors, windows, and finish hardware specified in Divis.i onB true, plumb, and in s4ooth operating condition. Install all .i temsin strict accordance with.al.r iertr'nent codes. rugrtii.,tons,-approvedshop drawings and manufactureri recomrendations id; i;r; i;fe unoerhard use. Install al'l miscellaneous items, such as handraiis, in stricraccordance with the drawings. io-ordinate with otirer traoei toprovide biocking or back.in! where required in a timefy-minner. Sandpaper all finished wood surfaces thoroughly as requirecl toproduce a unj formly smooth surface, ai*iys ianaing in'itre-Jirectionof, the.grain; no c-oarse grained sandpaper mark, hammer mark. orother imperfection win 5e acceptea 6n-;ini;;;; ;;;d-;r#;;;r. D. I. General - A11 glue-'taminated wood beams shalla current liscensee of the American Institute 2. Prgduct: -_Glue-laminated wood beams shall beano as roilows: Industrial grade, and of thethe drawings. v 3. Execution - Erect.ail.g1ue-'r aminated wood beams in strict u..oroun.J*wTT!*ari--pertinent coais-ana-lusriiiior.. . Do not unwrap individuarmembers until proper conditions-ot use ex.lsr_ manufactured by Timber Construction. i.ndividually wrapped st zes as snown on shall be constructed as Archi tectural Woodwork Plastic laminate instal la-Institute Custom Grade be of l. Ggneral - Architectural woodwork and van.i ties'snown on the drawings and in accordance wjthInstitute- Economy Grade Standards;tton.shaI I qonform to Architectura.l WoodworkStandards. 2. Products 1+:n DIVISION 6 l,lood and P'lastics6-3 END OF a B, Vanities: Same as kitchen cabinets. C. Drawer Slides: KV 1100, 50 lb. capacity (or approved equal). D. Pivot Hinges: Stanley 331 or 332 (or approved equal). E. Pulls: Stanley 4483 (or approved equal). F. Magnetic Catches: Stan'ley 46 (or: approved equai). G. Counter Tops: Plastic laminate as approved by Owner. 3. Executio! - Take all necessary measures in the fie'l d to ensure properdirpnffi{ts for cabinets and c'ounter tops. Instal'l a'l 'l cabinets andggyltgr,tops square, plumb,, 1evel, and f.irmly anchored for longl'rfe under hard use. In the event of damage, immediately make-all .repairs.and-replacements necessary to ttre ipfrovat oi tn! Architectat no additional cost to the owner. DIVISION E DIVISION 7 Thermal and Moisture 7 -'l 07100 |,laterproofing l. fto_4ucts - All below-grade wal l waterproof ing shal'l be cold-process enruTiTon: Flintkote ispha'lt primer 7i0-01, Emulsion Coating' 700-03 (and,yellow jacket glass fabric if hydrostatic pressure exiits), or equal approved in advance by the Architect. 2. Execution A. Provide waterproofing at a1l foundation walls below grade (and where earth berming occurs aga'inst the building). Indicatefina'l grade line on outside face of bui'lding piior to application waterprogfi ng. B. Install waterproofing in strict accordance with the manufacturers reconrnendations, covering all surfaces where waterproofing wjll be required to prevent penetration of moisture througrh the buiidingshell. Install required %" insulation board as protective covering over the waterproofing to prevent damage during backfi'l i operationi. 07200 Insulation l. Gehetal - AI 1 building and roof insu'l ation and design I'R" valuesET-lEiious 'locations-shal I be as fol lows r ft..tton fdlh"ib"'l"tli'ilr"tltrFtt"t* tp,1s,",il"Bvl3 TllfiEHri.t6?gg8rilEFfill ?n,$tBt?a.. Ceilings over heated spaces: R-30 rnjnimum. products shall be batt insulation. Floofs over unheated space: R-30 minimum. products shall be batt insulation. Exterior lr|alJs of unheated space: No insulation. Ceilings over unheated spacesi No insulation. Sound control insulation shall be installed as shown Products shall be: Celotex L",, ,'Soundstop,, panels andfiberglass batts as bhown on the drawinqs '-e I on the drawings. 3].2" thi ck unfaced DIVISION / In:T.t and Moistuurotection 07300 WoodShakes_. ,; I. General - All materia'l and installation shall conform with the re_conurreid'ations of the Red cedJr Shingte anJ-i;il;;iit Shake Bureau. 2. Products -|: wood shakes shall be "certi-sp1it Red cedar No- I Handsplit andResawn, 24 inches long with l\ inch exposure- Exgcution - Instal1 .:shakes - oyergatvanized nails at each shingle. DoubleProvide ridge shinsles. See irawingi-io. appl icable): ' 3. 07350 Asphatt Shingtes NOT USED I" ProdUct: - Asphalt Shingles shail 30 pound felt with rwo shi ngl es at edges . coid roof details (if be the fo'l lowing type and color: 07500 Built.up Roofinq l . Products - Al l_-._'*.-roofing sha11 No. 3000 for a be approved in 1+ ir' 2. Execution - Instail-sh'ingles over 30 rb. fert underrayment. useonlllaTvanized nai'ls uni *irh"tr. Install shingie sections inaccordance with manufacturers recommendations. - refer to garage roof details for description of products. materials and methods of installation for built-upconform strictly with Johns-Manville Specification' Sgravel surface three-ply roof. Equal'materiiir-ru, ;; advance by the Architbct. A. Prior to all work of this Sectionn carefuily inspect the instailedwork of all trades and verify thai ail such"wor["ii-.orpr.te to thepoint where this instar'ratio"n ray piope"iv .JirJr...""i[. "oordeck shall be smooth and uniform, tirm, aiy, and free oi loor.substances. conmencenent of worri inoiiui"t'ai.ipil..""ot surface. B. Install all membrane roofing in strict accordance wr'th the originaldesign, the manufacturenrs dunrect recommendations, and allpertinent codes and regulat.ions. I C. Take special care.to.prevent splashing bitumens onto adjacentsurfaces and inmediatbly removl ail tiaces of such sptaiheoand/or spilled matenial. DIVISION 7 Thermal and Moi stureltection7-3 07600 07800 I. General - Skylights (or approved equal ) 2. D. Upon completion of this portion of the work, and as a condition of its acceptance, deliver the Owner a written guarantee signed by the jnstaller guaranteeing that the jnstalled membrane roofing will rema'in intact and free from leaks for a peri od of two years. Genefal - Flashing shall comply with all pertinent codes and re-gulations. Profiles and Procedures shall follow recommendationsof the "Architectura'l Sheet Metal Hanual" of the Sheet Metal ano Aircondition'ing Contractors National Association, Inc. Products A. Metal shal'l be hot-dipped galvanized iron, 24 gauge. Rivitsshall be soft iron with rust-resistive coating, nails shal'l be galvanized, and screws and washers shall be cadm'i um plated. 3. Eltecgtjon - Form all sheet metal accurately to the dimensjons a;d-Iapes requtred, finishing all molded ind broken surfaces' with true, sharp, and straight line and angles, and, where inter- cepting other member, coping to an accurate fit and solderingsecurely. Unless otherwise specifically permitted by the Architect, turn al1 exposed edges back %". Fit and'i nstall to al'l ow adequate expansion and contraction in the finjshed work. shall be: as manufactured of the size and location by "Wasco Products, Inc." as shown on the drawinqs. 07900 Caul king 'l . General - All caulkinq pFTm-FTes s, non - sa ggii g surfaces as c'lose'ly as materials shall be single components, type, gun grade, color to natch adjacent possible uti'l izing standard colorsi 2. Pioducts - Products shal'l be either: A, Elastometric Butyl Based Caulk Speci f i cati on TT:5:T0IC57]-TVpe to conform with Interim FederalI, such as DAP Butyl-F1 ex. h Fl ashi n Sheet Metal DIVISION 7 Thermal and7-4 END OF moisturfotection 3. '.ffi*%;Hl;r'$,l"'3:"[:',iiii]Il.3j]?l., . Series 1300. Hl#Ft*,;.ilBi3'hif;.l::l,lfil"?i;*,i::: offi 5i;n,:1, ill'*,,ngun nozzle. of proper size to fit j6int ueing'ie"ateJ, i.iino .u".to-produce bead.s oi proper with ani-dei*,1 if,r"oi;;;iy;;il;"a'll surplus material. DIVISION E 1n :''f, DIVISION 8 Doors and l,fi ndows8-1 08200 l,lood Doors l. General - l,lood door construction shal1 comp'ly with llan-uf-acturers Associ ati on I ndus trv Standa rd I -7 3 . doors shal'l carry the NWMA one-yeir guarantee. 2. Products B. Solid core doors sha'll be 1 3/4" thick, stave or two ply (or more) face construction, face to be: paint grade. A. Wood Doorsshall be manufactured by U. S. Plywood, l^leyerhaeuser, or equal approved in advance by the Architect. National l'.loodwork and al I wood bl ock core , MDO Plywood, C. Hollow core doors sha] 'l be I 3,/8" thick, manufacturer's standard hollow core, three ply face construction, face to be: p13in sliced red oak, stain grade. 08300 Special Doors - Garage Doors 1. Gene[a] - Garage tloors shall be: 6se6 panel type,8, l,rjde and 7, high,4panel,4 section, construction shall consist of highest quality 1 3/8"thick lumber stiles and rails, with first grade exterior weatherproof hardboard panels, k" thick. Include all necessary springs, tracks and hardware for a complete installation. A1 1 exposed surfaces of doors areto receive the same paint of stain fjnjshes as the exterjor siding The complete door installation shall carry a one-year guarantee for deteriorati on or mal function. 08600 Wood llindows and Sliding Doors_ General - Sizes, types, and operation of windows are shown on the drawings. tlood windows and sl'iding doors shall be: as manufactured by "Pe1la Products of Colorado, Inc.". 08700 Finish Hardware l. General hardware will be bid at a later date. Br. w oF--q]- - Finish is established for the furnishinq of hardware An al I owance fi ni sh contract. h for the base bid and shall be included in the DIVISION 8 Doors andB-2 l,li ndows The difference between actual cost of finish hardware and allowancewill be adjusted, either as an addition to or a deduction from the amount of the Genenal Contract. Adjustment will be made atthe time the hardware bid is accepted or at the time of substantial compl eti on 2. Products - Finish hardware to include, but not limited to all: ?esTeners, hinges, 'locks, and latches, door closers, door stops and holders, kickplates, door mutes, thresholds and other miscellaneous required hardware, all with necessary fasteners, Manufacturers and styles wil'l be approved by the Owner. Finish of al'l hardware shall match the finish of the locksets. Specia1 care shal'l be taken to coordinate all the various manu- factured_!tgms furnished on this work, to ensure an acceptable uniform finish. 3. Execution - Furnish templates to fabricator of doors and frames asTequlFeA for preparation to receive hardware. Return to theproject one month after 0wner's occupancy, and adjust all hardlare asrequired for proper operation and functibn. 08800 Gl ass and G'lazi ng 'l . General - A1 I glass shal'l bear the label of its manufacturer andShETf-conform -in a1'l respects with the pertinent-requirenrents ofFederal Specification DD-G-4Slc and shali be relatively distortion-free with all distortion shown in the horizontal direciion. 2. Glazing Schedule: Al1 Sliding Doors - 5/8" tempered insulating glass, grey. All Wood Windows - 5/8" insulating 91ass. l'lirrors - 1/4" plate glass with ground edges. END OF DIVISION 1-rr 1r:r o ry'r* DIVISION 9 Fi ni shes9-t 09100 Stucco fioT USED 'l . Genera'l - Design is products of National must be approved in 2. Products based on the products of U. S. Gypsum. Equal Gypsum will be-accepted. 0ther manufacturers advance by the Architect. A, Moisture barrier of l5 lbs. asphalt saturated felt (buildjng paper) B. Expanded metal lath: ll" mesh, self furring, galvanized, 3.4 1bs.per square yard. Joints: USG control joint No. .I00. Cemetitious materia'l s: all cement for plaster (stucco) shall be Portland Cement conforming with ASTlt4 C-206. Sand shal'l consist of clean, fine, granular material composed of natural sand prepared from stone, blast furnace slag or otherinert 'loam, si1t, soluable salts and veqetable matter. F. Water shall be potable. G.. Color and texture shal1 be selected by the Architect afterconsultation with stucco contractor. 3. Execution A. Perform a'l 'l mi xing, p'l asteri ng , and curi ng i n stri ct accordance w'ith manufacturer+s recommendations and referenced standards. B. All flashing, hangers, trim, supports, and accessories shall beEin place prior to the app'l ication of any stucco. surfaces to be stuccoed shal'l be inspected by the contractor and any unsatis- factpry conditions reported and corrected before applicltion ofstucco. Stucco shall not be app'l ied to any surfaces containingfrost. Do 4ot apply stucco when prevailing outdoor temperatureis below 40o Fi if ireezing is exj:ected, d6 not apply bbyondthe period required for proper hyiration. C. Apply building paper over all framed or furred elements of con-struction tO receive plaster, with the long dimensi0n horizontal ,lapping upper courses over'lower courses a-minimum of two inches, and 'lapping vertjcal joints six inches. r D. Apply meta'l lath with iong dimension across supports, ends lapped one inch, and staggered in adjacent courses, lapping upper courses over Iower courses.' Break lath behind all control joints, 1r,. :-:r f U. E. DIVISION Finishes9-2 c F. 09250 u. Apply scratch coat with sufficient material and force to form gooclkeys, ernbedd'i ng and fi1'l ing a1'l spaces of mesh; score horizontilly. App'ly brown coat to scratch coat, bring materjal out to grounds,straighten to true surface, float, compact, and leave rouqh to ensure adequate bond of finish coat. Apply finish coat oi color andtexture as approved by Architect. Altow a min.imurn of 48 hours between coats, keeping plaster moist in this jnterval . Finish thickness of plaster shall be a minimum of 5/g,,; surfacesshall be true to within ll8" in five feet, and sha]] be free of toolmarks and other blemishes. wipe clean all metal control jointsafter application of finish coat. Protect all building components (i.e., wood windows, metaj flash-ings, door frames) from damage, and clean al1 adjacent surfaces fora'll traces of splashed plaster. Geheral - AlI gypsum drywall p!"oducts shall be the product of onemanufacturer. Designs based on products by U. S. Gyisum; othermanufacturel! may be accepted with written approvai'of itre Architectprior to delivery of matenials to the job sitb. 2. Products A. Gypsum l,lal I board: Panel s shal I be !', thi ck , tapered edges , vri thlengths as long as practical to minimize joints. panels atparty walls and at walls and ceilings separating garage fromdwelling areas shal'l be 5/8,,thick, type X, tapirid ejges, withlengths as long as.practica'l to miniml)e jointi B. Bathroom Drywall: Sheetrock l.l/R Gypsum panels. c. Fasteners and Joint system: as per manufacturers recommendations. 3. Execution A. Verify_that work of other trades is complete to the point wheredrvygll may be installed in accordance ilittr ttre original design,pertinent codes and regulations, and manufacturerrg recomirenditionsas approved by the Arch.itect. B, Proceed with mechanlcs ski'l'led in this trade. When cutting byscoring and breaking, work fron the face side. All cut-outs- foroipes, fixtures, switches, etc., shall be nrade by sawing or suchother method as will not fracture the core or teir the iovering, and with such accuracy that plates, escutcheons or trim will c6verthe edges - I'scere and knock-out,' wiil not be permitted. 'l:r DIVISION Fi ni shes9-3 c. l'lhere ceilings are indicated on drawings, instail ceiling priorto installing the walls. D. The drawings do not purport to show all 'l ocations of metal trimrequired; however, contractor is specificaily referred to interiortreatment of window openings as per industrystandards. E. control heating and ventilating ,dur.ing finishing operations to. insure maintainance of 550 F. iinimum-temperature. Use threecoats of finishing compound, sanding light'ly between each coat. F. Texture will be: spray app.lied, light orange peel finish. Samples shall be prepared and approval of gwner receivedbefore proceeding with applicatibn. ""'"' G. Remove accumulations of scraps and debrjs daiiy, and leavepremises neat and order'ly upbn completion. 09300 Ceramic Tile l. General - Al 1_tire work, both installation methods and materiarsTanGFds sha'il confsrm'to-ine ,'r976 Handbook of ceramic TireInstallat'ion" of the T'ire council of Americi, in.., and ANSI l37l.l. 2. Products A. ceram'ic f'r rior ti I es _shar I be : ,,Ameri can 0r ean cerami c Mosa i c,, ,4" X 4,' modular; _co.lor to ne sei'ecteO lv Owner. - - '- B. ceramic base shar'r be construcfed-of miiluiiciuierrs standardtrim pieces for thin-set cove base, to match floor tile incolor and size. C. Quarry Tite shall be : Not Used D. 0rganic Adhesive: ANSI A-136..|, type I, E" Mortar: Port'l and Cement, ANSI A-l0g.l, 2, and 3. F. Grout: Sand-Portland Cement. 3. ExecutJon 'fg A" B. For wal I ti'les , use TCA method F'l41-76 Clean tile per^ TCAtions. Apply heavy covering to prevent :'+.* TCA method W223-76. For floor tiJes useof F142-76 as applicable recornmendatfons and manufacturer' s .i nstruc-Kraft paper or other heavy protective surface damaqe. ii DIVISiON 9 Fi ni shes9-4 I 09650 Res i I i ent Fl,oori ng 'l . Products A. Vinyl Asbestos Not Used Floor Tiles shall be the fo1'lowi ng: B. Vinyl Sheet Flooring shall be the following: as manufactureo by Armstrong or GAF and of style and color as approved by Owner. C. Resi'l ient Base shal'l be 2112" topset cove either rubber or vinyl; and shall be the product of one manufacturer. Manufac- turer shall be er'ther Kentile or Burke, co] or as sel ected by the 0wner ' from. manufacturers standard co]ors. Provide premo'lded inside and outside corners for al'l corners. Job mitering of corner will not be permitted. 2. Execution - Install all resilient floorinq and base in strict EFordance wi th manufactu rers recornmendati ons . I ns ta I I a ti on of flooring shall imply acceptance of the substrate. C'l ean floors and base after insta'l Iation, and apply protective coatings in accor- dance with flooring manufacturers instruct'ions. Remove all excess adhesive from adjacent sunfaces. l. Genera'l - An allowance of $20.00 /yard is established for pro- vision and insta'l 'lation of carpet and pad shown on the drawings for the base bid. The difference between actua'l cost of carpeting and al'lowance will be adjusted, either as an addition or deduction from the amount of the General Contract. 09900 Painting l. General 09680 Ciirpeti ng q. q. , A. The work under this section includes and services, necessary to providing varnishes, coatings or other re'lated ca'lled for in the Specifjcattons or al I materia'l sr, labor equipnrent, and app'lyi ng a1'l pai nts, material s speci fi cai 1y on the Drawings. I".* 1.n DIVISION Finishes9-5 ? a. Pittsburgh paints b. Martin Seymour 3. Execution 1+- or specially approved by the coatings used on th'i s project e.0lynrpic Stainsf. Cuprinol Sbains Products - Unless otherwise specifiedArchitect in writing, the paints andare to be these manufacturers: c. Devoe d. Komac A. All materials must be delivered to the building in originalcans wjth seals unbroken and the label attachei. Ail varnishesmust be used just as.they come from rhe manufacturer wit-hori unvreduction or a'l teration.- B. All work must be perfect'ly dry before applying finishing materials.All metal work mult.be:rci.up"i ina cteui',ba"ani att Jirt and greaseshall be removed. Al'l the i^roodwork shalr be imootnea and sand-papered and a'l I knots or sappy plqges filled with a pure grainalcohol shelrac. No paintiirS'oi^ tinisn.ingi-riiiii 6.'oon" in weton freezing weather. c. f]1 exposed nait ho1es shail be cqrqfll'ry puttied after priming,then sanded smooth. putty or wood fire"r inrti rit.n ioror offinish where c'lear coat ii specified. 0. filqt coat of paint or coating must have visuar evidence of soridhiding and uniform appearancel There shall be no visableevidence of runs., sals, or other evidence ot-poor ippiication.All coats shall.be tioroughry dry befoie-uppriing sl[iee.rng coats.Make edse of'paint or coalin! aajoining-oi[;.';;i.;;ii, o,^ cororssharp and clean-with no overiapping. Each coat of crear finishshall be.slightiy sanded and wiied*free of dust before apprvrng qnext coat. 4. Schedule of 'Painting A' Exterior woodwork -.sidi!g, exterior wood decking and soffits toreceive 'l coat lgyp"inor s6rid coror stain & wooo"preservative, ,. f;5fji,'ffrfu,:$niii,tqfij,.fttfiil'ilsiiit ssiJl;4il't'i'['iorpr"re;;sl]cr:"' I coat G. I. primer reco.mmended by finish coat manufacturer2 coats exterior alkyd (match ctoieiy to si:72, above). C" Exterior Ferrous l'leta'l s - II coat primer recommended b.y manufacturer1 coat flat alkyd D. Exterior Concrete - No paintino j DIVISION 9Finishes O9-6 E' I nri:i 8;r!fi .U, ?Sillo- r,.,l?13T,.i' .ili!l;:o n?,".?:i! ! rI COaE Ot primerI coat finish ?. Gypsum l,lallboard in Bath Rooms, Kitchen, LaundryI coat primer sealer F. painted Casework -I coat primer 2 coats finish, semi-gloss alkyd enamel G. Interior Trim and at Ooors _ I coat staiiI coat sealer 2 coats du'r r varnish, l'ight'ry sand between each coat. H. Interior Metal , Ferrous - ), i3: L TI iilnl'!.ili j; i ",,I. Exposed Laminated Beamslightly sandI coat stain (to match .interior trim)'l coat sealer i]. llindow Sash &,Sliding Doors Inside & Out -: silfi€ as exterior railings, etc. : Exceptiglg: lllill"ii,.if cabinets enctosed by doors require z coats END OF DIVISION ry.q. DIVISION 1O Special tiest0-l 10300 '10800 OF DTV ,o - Sizes shown on drawings fireplaces shall be pre-J B.] Soap dish and grab bar at all tubs C.l,Toilet paper holder at all toilets D.] Toilrel bars - 2 each at ful I bath and l E.] Sil,ver mirror medicine cabinet at ful'l at powder room baths only lyq. rlEND : lun 'jl* be pre-bui'lt metal fireplaces Haiesti c ents and-m-ee F U:B-. C . U.1.. standards. Ali flues shall be'class "A" with stainlessl inner sectlon, aluminjzed galvan'ized second section, and vanlzed outer section. All units shall be set according toturers installation instructions. Furnish and install the following bath accessories a s ga E! approved by Owner: A.l Gtass tub stall enclosure DIVISION II Equi prnnt. ll -'l ? ' 1.l900 Residential Kitchen Equipmdnt 1. GenFral.- Furnish and insta'l'l the following k'itchen appliances asrBgluractqfgd_py fltraQir QrE.._, Uqslinghous-e or approved equal by Owner.w.tohEn{wets and srytes approved by dwner. B. Ovens C. Cooktops ' D" Dishwashers . E. Refrigerators . F. i Disposers . 6. Trash Compactors - END OF DIVISIOII a fy. E. i DIVISION 15 l4echani cal t5 - I 15400 Plumbins l. General A. Provide all materials, Iabon and incidentals to instal'l acomplete plumb'i ng system serving al'l fixtures, outlets, drainsand water heaters as indicated on the drawingi and/or herejn speci fi ed. All work shall be executed and inspected in accordance with theuniform Plumbing code, pubric utilities, tiuiu-ina-ioiar coaesand regulations applicable to the trades affected. B' This subcontractor shall consurt with local utility companiesand agencies ahd shail extend domestic nuater, gas ind sinitarysewelservices to the bui l di ng as requ.i red. 's6rv.i ce shal l beinstalled in strict accordanc6 with rules ana reguiations of theselocai companies and agencies. Incrude in base uiJ iir fees forpermits and connections re1ated to this work. c. Visit the premises so as to ascertain the existinq cond.i tionsDerore bidding. No extras wfil be ailowed due to-lack ofknowledge of these conditions. D. Guarantee al'l materi.als, workmansh.ip, the successful operationof all equipment and apparatus instbiled ror i-period-of oneyear from the date of final acceptance of the entjre work.|:glil !f ryntg9e any part bf thb apparatus which shons anyoetect during that time. 2. Products A, Interior Soil, Waste and Vent piping, Et. {lqyg grade - galvanized steel pipe with galvanized malleablefittings or.service weight_cast'ii^on soil"pipe unO fi ttings,bell.and spigot^type wiih lead joints, OWV'cbpper-pipe andfittings with 50-50 soldered joints oi pn hub'[ist'iron. 2. Below grade.- service ryg:Si't cast.iron soil pipe and fittings,bell and splgot type with-lead joints -.- - . B. Exterion Soil and waste piping: Standard weight vitrifieclclsy pipe and fitti.ng with'hoi poured bitumasiic joints unressotherwise indicated 6n the drawings, I,lechanicui iys.ui joints are acceptable. t C. l.later Piping: l. {!guq grade -_typg "M" cgpper with wrought copper sweatfitting and S0% ttn - 50%'jead sotder j6ints." -fr 1n DiVISION I5 Mechan i ca'l 15 - 2 O 2. Below grade - (24" and, smalier) - type "K" copper with wrought copper sweat fittjngs and 95% tin, 5% antimony. D. Gas Piping: l. Above grade - standard weight black iron with mal'leable .iron fi tti ngs . 2. Below grade - standard weight black jron with all Buried gas lines shal'l be tamed and wrapped with Min'ing and Manufacturing Co. "Scotchwrap", lapped Domestic Water Heater: Gas-fired F. Plumbing Fixtures - See drawinqs E. joints rvelded. l'1i nnesota 't rl q c. 3. Execut'ion A. The architectural drawings indicate the general design and anrangement of the building and the locaiion of required plumbing fixtures. Adapt construction work to actual field conditions as necessary. Entire system must fit wjthin the space provided as shown on the architectural drawings. Any furring or pipes 0r mechanical items shall be coordinateowith the prine Contractor so as to be included in the bid and subsequent contract. The same shal'l apply to chases or actual room space requirements on access for mechanical eeujpnent or i tems . B. A] 1 work shall be installed in a workmanlike manner to the best accepted standards of the tnade. If, during inspection by the Owner's representative, work is found to be unacceptable inquafity of installation or defective in manufacture, the sameshall be removed and reinsta:l led in a satisfactory manner at the'expense of the Contractor. 1* 1n DiVISION I5 Mechan i cal t5 - 3 C. Do al1 required excavation for laying of water lines, soil and waste 'l ines, drainage and other piping underground. P'i pinq or conduit wi'll rest on bottom of trenches. Backfill in layers with the earth well compacted. Backfiiling sirall be carefully done so as not to disturb piping. D. Soi I l,Jaste and Vent System: I4ake soi'l and waste connections to al 1 drains and fixtures. The plumbing contractor shall run 4" soi I from the foot of each gt."oup of fixtures contain jng water closets. A1 1 fixtures sha'l 'l be connected full size to lines. Soi'l and waste pip'ing sha11 be graded to discharge by gravity (to existing sewer). Full size brass cleanout plugs shall be installed at the: 'base of stack and where pipes change direction and otherwjse required for proper cleaning of entjre drainage systern. C'leanouts in concealed lines shall extend through the wall or floor and sha'l I have f1 ush type chrome plated access panels or covers. Each fixture shall have a separate vent, sized accordjng to the Iocal plumbing code and shall be connected to,soil stacks above highest fixture. Stacks and independent vents shall extend 6" above r00fs. Each vent and stack through roof shall be properly flashed and counterflashed. E. Domestic Waten System: Provide domestic water line entering building of sufficient size and capacity to satisfy the flow demand and water pressure required at each fixture. Provide and instal'l shock absorbers at all quick cl os'ing valves, battery of plumbing fixtures, and where necessary to eliminate water hammer. Provide domestr'c hot water system with capacity sufficient to satisfy hot water demands. The system shall have adequate heating capacity to satisfy the domestic hot water demand. The design of the domestic water'heating system sha'l I be determined by this sub- contractor. Submit detai'l s of design to the 0wner for approval . Provide domestic hot water lines of sufficient size Yg to satisfy the flow demand and water pressure requjred at each fixture. F. Provide the following miscellaneous plumb'ing: 1. Gas service (if nequired for this project) to all equipnrent requiring gasi other items requiring gas are to be.i ndicated by ohlne r. 'I'n DIVISION I5 Mechani cal t5 - 4 a I 2. Freeze proof si1'l cocks and hose bibbs located as shown on the architectural drawings. 3. Floor drains in each mechanica'l equipment room (and water heater a'l so ) . 4. Chrome plated hot and co1 d water supply fittr-ngs and drainfor washing machine if indicated on the architectural rawi ngs. ' G. Testingr A11 piping systems shall be tested at 150 percent oftheir maximum design working pressure. Leaks shall be correctedby remaking. joints. Contro'l s, relief valves, and equ.i pment notable to withstand test pressure shall be removed from lystemduring test. .|5600 Heati ng I . Genera'l A, Provide aIl materja'ls, 1abor, and incidentals to install a completeheating system as described below. All work shal'l be executed and in5pgqled in accordance wjth the Uniform Mechanical Code, public utilities, state and local codes and regu'l ations applicable to the trades affected.Include in base bid all'iees for permits and connections relatedto this work. B. Visit the premise, ,o'u, to ascertain the existinq conditionsbefore bidding. No extras will be allowed due to-lack of knowledge of these conditions. C. The nechanica'l subcoirtractor shal'l assume fu11 responsibility q{ for the complete mechanical system design, installat'i on, placing into_operation and one year guarantee of proper operation. Heshall coordinate all of his work with other trades as aoolicableto provide a complete, finished, quiet operating system'with all components concealed in finished areas. There are no technica'l drawings describing mechanjcal systems. Performance specifications and architectuial drawjngs are providedto indicate the general scope of work requ'i red. The nrechanjcal subcontractor shall be responsible for the design of the systetns as well as the execution of the work accordinq to acceoteo standards of engineering and workmanship. The architectural drawings indicate the general design and arrangemerit of the bujld-ing, the location of required fixtures and other miscellaneous items of mechanical equipment. Adapt construct'ion work to actualfield conditions as necessary, Entr're system must fit within the space provided as shown on the architectural drawjnqs. 't-n DIVISION 'I5 Mechani cal t5 - 5 o Any fuming of pipes or mechanical items shall be coordinatedwith the prime Contractor so as to be included in the bid ano subsequent contract. The same sha'l 1 apply to chases or actual r00m space requirements or access for mechanical equipment or i tems. 2. Products A, All wonk shall be installed i'n a workmanlike manner to the best accepted standards of the trade. Sheet metal work shall be in accordance with S|"IACNA recommendations. All ductwork shall beconcealed. If during inspection by the Owner's representative, i".+ The mechanical contractor shal'l be responsible for obtainingall-necessary engineering servicgs required to meet the UniiormBuilding Code requirements. Incl ude al:l costs for balancing, testing and adjustment of the complete mechanical system in the contract price. D. Design Conditions: 0utside: -300F trnsi de: 75oF Inside Garage: 50oFToilet Rooms: Ventilation per code or as jndicated jn construction documents. E. Description of Heating system: A murti-zoned, thermostaticarly conti"o'l 1ed,,wall mounted baseboard units, with hot wiier supptieoby a.central gas-fired boiler (sepaiite system for each oweii.ing-unit).Heating system to be approved in idvance -by Architeci and sha|be the products of the A. 0. smith corporalion or lleil-Mclain company, Inc. A.99: lired Eqrjipmenl - All gas fired equipnrent to be approved byAtiA.l-or burning natural gas. Each heating unit so labeleo.Heating unit shall be equipped at factory-w.i th proper sizeorifices to develope maximum heat output at job s.i te altitudewhen supplied with gas having heat content eialuated at jobsite conditions. B. PipilS shall be.type "M" copper with wrought copper fittings and50-50 soldered jojnts C. Electric unit heaters (if any). D. Flue shal'l be metalbestos or approved equal completb with allnecessary connectionsr Foof flashing ring and weather cap. DIVISION I5 Mechani cal tJ - o o work is found to be unacceptable in quality of insta"l lation ordefective in manufacture, the same sha'l I b-e removed and reinstalledin a satisfactory manner at the expense of the Contractor. B. Coordinate with electrical and other subcontractors to insure thatthe bid for the tota'r work represents complete systems, par-ticularly coordinate with electrical for power rbquirements andfurnish'ing of accessories such as motor siarters,'interrock - wiring, and controls. C. Al'l requi.red temperature controls shall be furnished, jnstalled, wired and connected hereunder, to provlde a complete-automaticcontrol system. A'l 'l control valves shail be'rocated.i n themechanical equipment room. D. Provide combustion air louvers, one high and one low, .i n eachdoor into the mechanicar equr'pment rooi per code requirenrentsto prov'ide combustion air and'ventilatioh for mechanicar equipment room, or provide UBC approved duct to exterior. E. Provide manual air vents at a'il-high points in p.i ping' circuit and drain cocks at ail'row"points in prbiig iircuit. F. Provide galvanized stee] dryer vent duct from each dryer asper U.B,C. requirements and manufacturers instructions. G- Provide 0wner with necessary operating and routine ma.i ntenanceinstructions, both verbal aird iryrittenl as required for continuousoperat'ion of the comp'lete mechanical systems. these instructionsshall be typewritten and bound in loose 'reaf binder. provide complete detai'led instructions with all catalogue data, diagiamsand data_covering operation, lubrication, geneiar maintenanie,repair of heating: provide temperature ioitrol diaqram with ssequence of operation for all systems W H. upon completion of this Division of work remove al1 surplusmaterials and rubbish. clean al1 spots resulting from this workfrom hardwale, f]oors., glass, wa11s, etc. Do ari required patchingup and repair all work of other trades damaged by this Djvjsion of-the work' and'leave the premises in a cleanl ordirly condition. I. contractor will. provide the Architect with ',As Built Drawings"for underground or concealed conditons as perfornred in thisDivision of work. END OF DIVISION :-lr:n DIVISION I6 El ectri cal 16 - I .l6000 Electrical General o : I A. l^lork shal'l be done in accordance with the provisions of the latestedition of the National Electrical Code and local ordinances;should.drawings and/or specifications conflict with these ruies,the ordinances shall govern subject to written notification ofthe,Architect by the Contractor and written approval by the Arch i tect . E. Type of system shall be 120/240 volt, single phase, 3-wire,60 cycle, A.C. system. c. Norkmanship shal'l be neat, and have good mechanical appearance and conform to the best pract.ices of the electrical ti^iOe. D. The contractor shall refer to other parts of these specifications ,covering the work of other trades which must be carried onin conjunction with the electrical work so that the constructionoperations can proceed without harm to the 0wner from inter-ference, de]ay or absence of coordjnation. This contractor shallbe responsible for the size and accurate locations of all openingsrequired for hr's work and shall furnish the General contractoradequate information covering his requirements as the job progresses. E. A1 1 electrical equipment shall be tested in the presence of the, Owner and be il lgp.working and operating conditions at thetjme of the fina'l building acceptance. F. A certificate of inspection showing approval of installaLion bythe local electrical inspector srrait bb furnished the Ownerat,the completion of the'entire work. This contractor shJll furqlshand pay for all local and state permits. 2.' Products and Execution n. !1ll,switched shatt be sierra 50il-I switched with ivory teggle or e0ua I . B. Interior and exterion duplex convenience outlets shall be Sierraplex,l5 amp End side wtred or'equal and mounted horizontally. c. Method of wiring unless specified otherlise shall be u.L. labelednon-metalltc sheathed cable run concealed within furnished rvalls and cei. lings; conductors shall be enclosed in elecbric metal I ictubing where exposed to mechanical injury or run in masonry orcencrete; code size galvanized ouilet boxes shall be used at eachoutlet, flash with finished surfaces and proper'ly equipped rvith accessories such as supports, extensions,'plister ri:ngs, etc_ i+i DIVISION 16 E'l ectri cal:t6-2 t D. connection of recessed incandescent fixtures shall be made throughflexible conduit to a separate box with type A- e. wire-in accordance with l,lEC Section 4.l79. E. 'Eranch circuits conductors shall be not smaller than #'lZA|,{G. F. Outdoor !v!"t$ shall be type Tlr wire run in rig'id conduit withwatertight fittlngs. G. Telephone outlets shal'l consist of a standard box flush mountedwith te]ephone type coverplate; Te]ephone co. shall run concealedto.interconnect outlets then concealed to point of buildingsuitable for connection to underground 1inb. H. Location of electrical fixture,s are shown on the dravrings. Lightfixtures shall be approved bt Ownei. - I. fhis contractor.sha]l identify each circuit breaker at the mainclrcuit.breaker panel as to its function. Identificaiion snal'lDe tegibte and in ink. 1. ,, 1 END OF DIVISION ry'€ 1x :n