HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUNBURST FILING 3 LOT 1 BUILDING PERMIT 1980-1998-1 LEGALS.-1"^*/ F\ 3 t-t t R*l$*"^& t'[to -' l11g ->t/' Design ReYiew Board -nhbula"AACTIOI{ FOt},| Oepartment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road. Vail. Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.213S fax: 97O.479.2452 ureb: wrvw,vai lgw.com &mmqt ofl*.,fr? oEl,EloPrntr ProJect ilame: OI.SON ADDmON Protect Descrlpdon: LOWER LEVEL ROOM ADDMON TO THE NORTH WITH DECK ABOVE AND AMIN LEVEL; GAMGE ADDMON TO THE EAST Partlclpants: owNER COKOMODO INVESTMENTS rp 0612il2006 4 BERTHE CIR COLOMDO SPRINGS co 80906 APPUCANT SHEPHERD RESOURCES 0612il2m6 ProjectAddress: 1785 SUNBURST DRVAIL l-ocation: 1785 SUNBURST DR legal Description: lot: Block SuMlvlsion: VAIL GOLF COURSE TOWNHOM Parcel Humben 2101-091-0000-1 Comments: DRBNumber: DR8060259 BOARD/STAFF ACTIOII Action: STAFFAPR Date of Apprcvalt 0711912006 Condr 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Tourn of Vail Buildlng personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. @nd:202 Apprwal of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year fiollowing the date of final approval, unless a building permit ls lssued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Bill Gibson DRB Fee Pald: $30O.OO MoUon Ey: Second Ey: Vote: CondiUons: Planner: Additions-Residential or Commercial Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 97 0.479.2128 f ax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projecb requiring design review must receive approval prior to submifting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requiremenb for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is rcceived by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be revievved by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commlssion. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and consEuction commences within one year of the approval. =DlgT Location of the Proposal: Lot: I alock: I Subdivision: PhysicalAddress: l-fOS =v-lrJe-;eg:r- Oet./=. Parcef l{o.: zlDl oq lD ann | (contact Eagle co. Assessor at 970-328-86,10 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s)ofowner(s): Z...rgfr<, * (et<-nxl oU<.^o-l Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Phone: q10 nAq -%Z E-mail Address: \b irlil J<P.t,,e l{TEfi.<orf ax nlo. nR . =tZl $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For consuuction of a neur building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addibon where square footage ls added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 addiuons & interlor conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-rcofing, painting, window additiont landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For ra/isions to plans already approved by Planning staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Y' Ho N s Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs ! @nceptual Review {l_ New Construction A Addition tr Minor Alteration (muttFfamily/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (singlefamily/duplex) tr Chang€s to Apprwed Plans tr Separauon Reque$ Description of the Request: LaW=P. l-g/gu e^aar,l L.>>trral ra Mailing Address: ADDMONS . RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Infurmation: This application is required for all proposals involving the addition of GRFA (gross residential floor area). This indudes proposals for 250 additions and interior @nversions. See Title 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for specific regulations, I. SUBMITTALREOUIREMENTS** All pages of Application is complete Checklist is ompleted and s@ned Stamped Topographic Survery* Site and Grading Plan* Landscape Plan* Architectural Elevations* (1 set of Redlined elevationsl+PP.E^a.rguY \FfF4fE. Exterior color and material samples and specifications. r4uraul Eng'r Ardritectural Floor Plans* (1 set of Redlined flmr plans) Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures Title repoG including Scfiedules A & B b veriff ownership and msemenb* Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable. Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint ourner, if applicabletl, Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable* El The Adminisbator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional dant drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a prcject will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Pleose satm /hree (3) captb o//he malenals noled ufth u asleris* (*). **For interior conversions with no octerior dranges, the submitbl requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a tide repoo and written approval ftom a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have rcad and understand the abone llsted submittal rcquirements: Project llame: Contracbr trof,zFggq ltr rbn|n F: \de\r\FORI'lS\PenT*ts\PlannirE\DR8\drb_addition_1 1-23-2005.ft c Pag€ 3 of 14 ru?3n005 ADDMOilS - RESIDENTIAL OR, COMMERCIAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Topographic suwey: E Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyorg Date of survey E Nor$ anow and graphic bar scalef, *ile of 1"=10'or 1"=20) E Legal descripuon and phpical addressZ Lot size and build able area (build able area exdudes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 409o, and floodplain) F Ties to odsung bendrmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be dearly stated on the survey6 Proptl boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show o(isting pins or monuments found and their relationship to the esbblished corner.6 Show right of way and property lines; induding bearings, distances and curve informaUon, .A Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the propefty as indicated in the tide repoft. List any easement restrictions,E Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt along the sbeet frontage of the property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot. E Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals ,d Existing bees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade. E Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent sbeams, etc.). E All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.). .6 Environmental Hazards (ie. Rock fall, debris flow, avalandre, wetlands, floodplain, soils) E Waterourse setback, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback) E Show all utility meter lo@tions, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of o<isting uUlity sources and proposed service lines from their source to the sUucture. Utilities to include:E CableTV Sewer Gas Z Telephone water Elecfic 6 Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc. E Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. S:te and Gradlng Plan: E Scale of 1"=20'or largerg Property and setback lines E Existing and proposed easements 'r Exisung and proposed grades zf Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures induding decks, patios, fences and walls, Indicate the foundatlon with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line. ,z All proposed roof ridge lines with proposd ridge elwations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height. fl Proposed drivevrrays, induding percent slope and spot elevaUons at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centedine of the driveway to accurately reflect grade. F: \da{FORltlS\Pemits\Planning\DR8\drb_addition_1 l-23-2m5.doc Page 4 of 14 fll23n00s Z A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the sbeet in an uphill direction.E Locations of all utiliues including o(isting sources and proposd service lines from sources to the structures,Z Proposed surfae drainage on and off-site.vl Location of landscaped areas. E Location of limiE of dis-furbance fencingZ Locauon of all required parking spacesZ Snow storage areas.Z Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure.g Retaining walls with proposed elerrations at top and bottom of walls, A detailed goss-section and eloration drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet, Sbmped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4'and 6'feet in height.rf Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable E Landscape Ptan:a Scale of 1" = 20'or larger E landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan. E Location of e>(isting Fees, 4' diameter or larger. Indicate bees to remain, to be relocated (induding new location), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shorn (as bubble) if the stand is not being affected by the proposed improvements and grading.g Indicate all o<isting ground mver and shrubs.z Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground @ver.A Delineate critical root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and construction.n Indicate the location of all proposed plantings. z The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation. Ef Existing and proposed contour lines. Rebining walls shall be induded with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevaUons noted. Architectural Floor Plans:d Sc:,le of U8" = 1' or larger; 1/4" is prefened E Floor plans of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale. E Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walls of the building. E Label floor plans to indicate the proposed floor area use (i.e. bedrmm, kitchen, etc.).E One set of floor plans must be "red-lined' indicaUng how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. See Title 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for regulations, Jzr Provide dimensions of all roof eaves and overhangs, E Architectural Elevations:B Scale of 1/8" = 1'or larger; 1/4" is preferred Z All elevations of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. The elevation drawings must show both existing and finished grades. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale. E If building faces are proposd at angles not represented well on the normal building elevations, show these faces also. E Elevations shall show proposed finished elevation of floors and roofs on all levels.E All oderior materials and colors shall be specified on the elevations. E The following shall be shown graphically and fully dimensioned: fascia, trim, railings, chimney caps, meter locations, and window details. E Show all proposed eyterior lighting fixtures on the building.g Illustrate all decks, porches and balaonies. F IndiGte the roof and building drainage system (i.e. gutters and downspouts).g Indicate all rooftop mechanical systems and all other roof structures, if applicable. n Illustrate proposed building height elevaton on roof lines and ridges. These elevations should coordinate with the finished floor elevations and the datum used for the survey, F:\odev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb_addition_11-23-2005.doc Page 5 of 14 lv?3.n00/s .d Exterior color and material samples shall be submitted to staff and preented at the Design Review Board meeting. f Lighting Plan:B Indicate type, location and number of fixtures, E Indude height above grade, lumens output, luminous areatr Attadr a cut sheet for each proposed fixturc. E IMPROVEMENT LOCATIOT' CERTIFICATE fitc) Z Once a building permit has been issued, and aon*ruction is undenivan and before the Building Department will schedule a framing inspection, two copies of an Improvement Location Certificate survey (ILC) stamd W a registercd professional engineer must be submitted. The following information must be provided on the ILC:g Basis of bearing and tie to section corner.7 All property pins found or set F Building location(s) with Ues to property @mers (ie. distances and angles)Z BuiHing dimensions, induding decks and balconies, to the nearest tenth of a footZ Building and garage floor elevations and all roof ridge and eave line elevationsZ All drainage and utility servie line as-buihs, shoadng type of material, size and e)(act locaUon6 All easements F:\€der\rcRMswnnlB\Ranning\DRB\drb-addiuon_11-23-2005.doc Page 5 of 14 lll73l2005 Bulldino Materlals PROPOSED MATERIAU' Tvoe of lrlaterial Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fasda Soffits Windorvs Windour Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimne)rs Trash Endosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: t- frMNrz+{ Er(t€r Please specify the manufacture/s name, the olor name and number and attach a color drip. IF \PFLIZI.BI.E F:\dev\FoRMswnn'ts\Plarning\DRB\drb_addltion_11-23-2005.doc Page 7 of 14 ru?3.n0f5 PROPOSED I.AilDSCAPING<* Botanical Name Common Name Ouantiw Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS DOSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpo Souare Footage GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please speciry other landscape features (i,e, retaining walls, fences, swimmlng pools, etc.) F:\dev\FoRt'ls\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb-addiuon_11-23-2005.doc Page I of 14 tv23l200s NOTES TO ALL APPTICAI{TS Pre-application Meetino A preapplication meeting with Town of Vail staff is encoumged. The purpose of a pre-application meeting is to identify any critical issues pertaining to the applicanfs proposal and to determine the appropriate dwelopment review process for an application. In many cases, the pre-application meeung helps to o<pedite the development review process as critical issues are identified and dealt with in the preliminary stages. A pre' application meeting may be scheduled by contacting Joe Suther at970.479.2128 or jsuther@vailgov.com. Time Reouirements The Design Review Board meeb on the lst and 3rd Wednesdays of each month, A complete application form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Department prior to application deadlines. A schedule of DRB meetings and associated application deadlines may be found on the World Wide Web at www.vailgov.com, For a new residential dareloffnent, the application deadline is typically 3.5 week prior to a Design Revia/v Board hearlng. Review Criterla The proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in Iifle 12, (Zoning Regulations) and Tide 14 (Development Standards) oftheTown ofVail Municipal Code. Reouirements for orooerlles located ln hazard areas If a propefi is located in or adjacent to a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rock fall, debris flow, floodplain, wetland, poor soils, etc.), the Community Development Department may require a site-specific geological investigation. If a site.specific aeological investigation determines that the subject prcperty is located in a geologically sensitive area, the property owne(s) must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are strongly encouraged to consult with Community Development sbff prior to submitting a DRB application to determine the relationship of the properfy to all mapped hazards. Reouired Plan Sheet Format For all surueys, site plans, landrape plans and other site improvement plans, all of the following must be shown. 1. Plan sheet size must be 24"x 36". For large projects, larger plan size may be allowed. 2. Scale. The minimum scale is 1"=20', All plans must be at the same scale. 3. Graphic bar scale. 4, North anow, 5. Title block, project name, project address and legal description. 6. Indication of plan preparer, address and phone number. 7. Dates of original plan preparation and all revision dates. 8. Vicinity map or location map at a scale of 1n=1,000'or larger, 9. Sheet labels and numbers. 10. A border with a minimum left side margin of 1.5". 11, Names of all adjacent roadways. 12. Plan legend. F: \cdaAFORl4S\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb-addition-1 l-23-2005.doc Page 10 of 14 ru?3n00s Deslon Review Boald Meetino Reouirements For new construction and addifions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate properry lines, proposed buildings and building comers. All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. The applicant or their representative shall be present at the Design Review Board Hearing. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advane that disdrssion on their item be pos$oned, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. If the DRB approves the application with @nditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to the issuance of a building permit. Staff Approval The Administrator (a member of the planning staff) may raniew and appK,ve Design Review applications, approve with certain modifications, deny the application, or refer the application to the Design Review Board fur a decision. All staff approvals are revieured by the Design Revlew Board and any staff decision is subject to final approval by the DRB. Additional Review and Fees If this applicauon requires a separate review bV any local, sbte or fueral agency other than the Town of Vail, the applicaUon fee shall be increased by $2@.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colondo Department of Highway Access Permib, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees in excess of 509o of the application fee. If, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re.published, then the entire fee for such re.publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applicauons deemed by the Community Development Deparbnent to have design, land use or other issues, whidr may have a significant impact on the community, may require review by extemal consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determinaton be made by Town staff that an extemal consultant is needed, the Community Development Department may hire the consultant. The Department shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay the consultant and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application, The applicant shall pay expenses incuned by the Tourn in excess of the amount forwarded by the application to the Town within 30 days of notification by the Town. Any excess funds will be returned to the applicant upon review aompletion. F: \cdev\FoRftlS\Pernlts\Planning\DRB\drb_addidon-r 1-23-2005.doc Page 11 of 14 ru23l200s Survey/Site Plan Review Checklist Department of Community DevElopment 75 Sorjth FlortagE Road, Vail, Colordo 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 fax:. 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgtov.com *This checklist must be suhmltfud ptlor b Public Wot'ks rcview of a prcpwd develoFnent Owners/Project Name: Project Address: Applicant:Phone Number: Submittalo Stamped survey of propery o Civiyste plans Survev Reoulrements: o Landscape plan o Tide Report (Section B) o o o o o a o EI Surveyo/s wet stamp and signature o Date of survey North anow o Proper scale (1"=10'or l"=20) o Legal desoiption 0 Basis of bearings / Benchmark Spot Elevations o Labeled right of way and property lines; cl induding bearings, distances and curye o information, Lot Size Build able Area (o<cludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 4096, and floodplain) Environmental Hazards (ie, Rock fall, debris flow, avalandre, wedands, floodplain, soils) water@urse setbacks (if applicable) Trees Labeled easements (i,e, drainage, utility, pedesbian, etc...) Topography Utility locations Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. EI o Sit€ Plan Reouirements: L Access (check all) Driveway type and finished surface are shown on the site plan, o Unheated o Heated (portion in ROW in a separate zone) Snow storage areas are shown on the site plan within property boundaries (30% of driveway area if unheated; 10% of driveway area if heated) All driveway grades, dimensions, radii are deady noted on the site plan and @nform to Development Standards, p. 11. Steepest Section Driveway Grade (not the aveftrge gnde):- Parking spaces and tuming radii are noted on site dan and onform to Development Standards, pp.12&14 Construction Site (chect all) Locaton of all utilities and meter pits are shorvn on the site plan. Limits of disturbance construction fencing is shown on the site plan, I am aware that approved Staging and Crnstruction Traffic Control Plans, as per the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control De\rices, will be necessary prior to construction. I am aware that a Revocable Right of Way Permit will be required prior to @nstruction. n. EI o o F: \cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb_addltion_1 1 -23-2005.doc Page 12 of 14 rr12312005 III. Drainage (dreck all that apply)o The required Valley Pan is shown on the site plan as per Development Standards, p. 12.o (Note: Valley pan must not be heated)o 4 Foot C.oncrete Pan a I Foot Concrete Pano Positive and adequate drainage is maintained at all Umes within the proposed site,o Culverts have been provided and are labeled and dimensioned on the site plan, a A Hydraulic report has been provided. (As requested by Town Engineer) ry. Erosion Control (Check all that apply)o DishJrbance area is greater than one half acre.o A separate Erosion Control Plan has been profussionally engineered and PE stamped.o Less than one half acre has been disturbed, and proper erosion @nbol devices are shown on the site plan. V. Floodplain (check all that apply)o The project lies within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain.o 100 year Floodplain is shown on the site plan, o A Floodplain study has been proVded. (Requircd if floodplain is within construction limits or as requested by Town Engineer)o The project does not lie within or adjacent to a 1fi) year Floodplain VL Geological/Environmental Hazards (check all that apply)o The project lies within a GeologidEnvironmental Hazard area. (See Development Standards, p. 20)o A Hazard Report has been provided o The project does not lie within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area, VII. Grading (check all that apply)tr Existing and proposed grades/contours are provided on the site plan. o All disturbed areas have been retumed to a 2:1 grade. o All disturbed areas not retumed to 2:1 grade have been Professionally Engineered with slope protection and/or stable soils. PE stamped details are provided within plans. o Only existing contouG are shown on the site plan, there is no proposed grading, VUL Parking (check all)o All residential and commercial parking spaces conform to the Dorelopment Standards, pp, 12&15. D(. Retaining Walls (check all that apply)o All retaining walls conform to the sbndards in the Development Standards, p. 19.o All retaining walls and combination walls over 4 feet have been Professionally Engineered and a PE stamped detail has been provided within the plans.o All retaining walls are shown on the site plan, with labeled top and bottom of wall elevauons and type of wall construction.o llo retaining walls are required for this project. X. Slght Distance (check all that apply)q Proper sight distance has been attained and shown on site plan as per Development Standards, p.12. o Proper sight distance has not been attained. Explanation why: Additional C-omments Please provide any additional @mments that pertain to Public Works Ret/iew, F: \cdev\FoRMs\Pernits\Planning\DRB\drb-addition-l r-23-2005.doc Page 13 of 14 Lrl23l2ffi5 7 +alf*lalaal'****tatall*at+*tif*tf*f*ta**'tlf*ata**fa+ai*a*f**atllaa**+*t*aa*ft*itaa*f*t*aat**t TOWNOFVAII4 COTORADO Stat m€ot***aaaffr**ft+llall**l+Aaaaa+aaaaa**ttaalal*f'laa***ttl+**aa*a*f+{'ra***lf+**al*+++*aall't*+++f gtateneng tl\mber: R060000881 Arnount: $300.00 06/27/200608:02 A!{ Palment Method: Cbeck Init: iISNotation: 11676/SIIEPHERD RESOT'RCBS Permit I[o: DRBO60259 Tlpe: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 2101-091-0000-1' Site AddreeE: 1785 SI'IIBIIRST DR VAIL L'ocatlon ! 1?85 SIrl[BI]RfXf DR Total Feeg: $300.00Tbia Paynent: $300.00 Total AIL, Pnrte: $300.00BaLance: $0.00 ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Deacrlption DR OO1OOOO3LL22OO DESIGil{ RTVIIEW EEES Current Ptlrt8 300.00 S urrurYAPPRovAt&vERrFrcArroN TWiltrvilV This form serves to verify that the proposed imFovemenE will not lmpact any o(i*lng or proposed uulity seruices, and also to verify service a\railability and locauon for neur consfwtion and should be used in @njundon with preparing your uulity plan and scheduling installations. A site plan, including gradlng dan, floor plan, and elerrations, $all be sbmitted to the follot,ying u0lities for apprwal and verification. Authorized Sionatrrc Comment8 93lE QWESI . t dzo.srs.zr8e (er) Yolzu t'lNL t{E€sAlzE s7o3ea.o2s7(iaxi :r12P.TEb-rt{OrtreOrl e7o.687.0722(@I). l/q l:rS. \ttContact: Steve Waters ' $vaters@qwest.com EXCEL HIG}I PRE;ST'RE GAS 313:i33:illi[Eli r<EzErvE s,corr/rilt s, 6ntue, R6-d6;.u 1/11 HOLYCROSIS EI."ECTRIC ?7_9.?4]_.YEl\eD. \totE rlArL t/tEgs\l,E 970.945.,t081 (fax) -r l,-contact: Jeffvrmm t111 a',ZO^A ivroom@holycross.com EXCEL EI{ERGY 970.262.,t038 (fax) lrl T.reS - p2l C-ontacb: Kit Bogart 970.262.,1024 lGtherine Bogert EAGLE RIVERWATER& SAI{ITAIOII DISTRICT 313:i13:1l$[Hi] Et1.*v= bRl\wr]tr,s Contact: Fred ilaslee I/11 fhasleeoenvsd.oro COMCASTOABLE s70.468.266soft. r1O0 (rer) REzE|\rE bq1^1;19=s70.468.2672(fau..) 1AlContact: Brad Dorcas bradely dorcas@ca ble.comcast.com lglElr L If th€ utillty approval & verincation form has signatures from eadr of the utility companiet and no comrnents are made diretly on the form, the Totryn will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. If a utility @mpany has concerns rvith the proposed construction, B|e uulity r€presentative shall note directly on the utility verlficafion form that there is a problem which needs b be resoMed. The lsgle shouH then be detailed in an attached letter to the Tovrn of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utillty company and ttle applkant to r€solve kJenufied problems. 3. These verlfrations do not reliwe the conhacbr of the responsibllity b obbin a Publh Way Permit from the Departnent of tublic Works at the Tom of Vail, Utilitv locadons must be ohined beforc digoino In arry public right-of-way or easement withln the Town of Vall. The De\reloper is required and agr€es to submit any rc\rised dGwings to the uUliues for re-apprwal & re-verificafion if the sbmitted plans are altered In any way after the authorlzed signature daE (unless otherwise sp€cifically nded within the @mment area of this form). Develope/s Signahrre Date F:\0dev\FORl*lswmits\Planning\DRB\drb_addlton_U-23-Z005.doc Page 9 of 14 !V2312005 TEKA rLruMrNArroN Exterior wall mounted downlisht luminairc for PAR 30 lamps T21 BEACON WALL MOLINT Includes Modcls: BWM-2r46, BWM-21 I 8, IIWM-2166 Page I of I t-s::'el FmFl mhs-r"ffl. *Photometric info requircs a program capable of rcading IES file format. TEKA rLLUrrnNArtoN 86 GtBsoN RoAD f3 TEm n-eron CHrroRn n 93465 px (8O5) 434.3511 rrut (8O$ 43+3512 I N Fo@TEKA-I LLU M 1 NATION.COM http ://www.teka-illumi nation.com/t2 I . html 711712006 TEKA ILLUMINATION 8YB' It."f-J Dascriplion Exterior woll mounted downlight luminoire for PAR 3O lomp i oleriols ond Cooslruclion A. Cosl bronze cop B. Heovy pure copper shode C. Stoinles sbel or copper on stoinless steel ring bolfels D. Solid bross spocen E. Cost oluminum woll plote wifi pure copper ccver F. Haovy pr-rre copper slem - %' O.D. Aiounting Recessed 4' octogonol wiring box Producl Number L'omp Rings Finish Option BWvl2l46 / Noturol 75W PAR 30 Copper Bror,rrn Potinq T- 2%' T-21 Beocon Woll Mount BWvl2l | 8 / Noturol Z5W PAR 30 St. Stl.Broran Potino BWl*2 166 / Nickel' Z5W PAR 30 Sr. Srl.None 'Nickel Phte Optionr oroibbb ol odditionol co3l A. Add suffix BP for brown pqtino Not U.[. o# CUL liscd, soitoble for uret locotions. TEKA ILLUMINATION, INC 86 Gibson Rood, #3 Templetrn, Colibrnio 93465 18051 434-351 I 6r/{ Fox 18051 434-35 I 2 www.leko-illuminotion.com O Cogyrigttt IEKA da \ ' '*.d .t t a,,:Lr J Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com July 12, 2006 Shepherd Resources PO Box 1624 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Olson - 1785 Sunburst Drive/Unolatted Dear Adam and Jeff. The Town of Vail Stafl has reviewed the design review application for the proposed Olson Residence addition located at 1785 Sunburst Drive. The following is a summary of the comments from that review: 1. The utility approval and verification form must be completed and re-submitted. 2. Proposed site coverage and landscape area calculations must be submitted. 3. An exterior lighting plan and cut-sheets of any new tixtures must be submitted. Please be aware that no more than one exterior lighting fixture is allowed for each 1 ,000 sq. ft. of lot size. 4. The topographic survey must be revised to include lhe lot size. 5. The legal description noted on the plan set cover sheet must be revised (this site is an unplafted parcel). 6. Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) calculations must be submitted. Additionally, one'red- lined" set of floor plans must be submitted showing how the GRFA was calculated. 7. The exterior materials and colors must be labeled on the elevation drawings. 8. The site plan must be revised as follows:. All required parking spaces must be shown.. All required snow storage areas must be identified and the size labeled in square footage.. The limits-of-disturbance fence must be shown.. The rool plan and all proposed ridge/eave elevations must be labeled.. lf the landscape plan is incorporated into the site plan, a landscape planting legend must be provided (number, species, size, etc.). All proposed grades lines must be shown.. The site drainage must be identified. Please submit revised plans addressing the above listed items to the Town of Vail Department ol Community Development by Noon on Monday, July 17, 2006. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, 4424-: h --1z^ Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail {ta9 l*""'"tt't""" ZONE CHECK Phonc Proposcd usc Proposcrt Total I't/31+%=ddb Rcmaining @q Sitc Covcragc Hcight Sctbacks Landscaping Rctainin g \vall Hciglrts Parking Caragc Crcdit Drivcrvay Front Sidcs .Rcar 3',t 6' I ( .l I i I 2'76/ (30x33) += 20, ..15' t5, b\ lb tf, 36 Minirhum ;w i?37 Rcquircd / a I Conrplics with TOV Ligbting Oririinancc Arc finishcd gndcs lcss rban 2:t i50%) Environmcn tallllazards Pro.ious condirions ofapproval (dhccl: propcrty filc); i ls lhc propcrfy nbn-conforming? fqcribc:,t;'I', ii I 't, ii t I Goo) @ (eoo) (r2oo) Ycs-l!! No Ycs_l_ No l) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%) 2) Floodplain 3) Wctlands 4) Watcr Course Saback (30) (5 5) Gcologic Hazards a) Snorv Avalanchc b) RocHall & qt"9/ Bo_ z _Encloscd t6L Pcrmiitcd Slopc P %Proposcd Slopc utr(*, o7" c) Dcbris Florv TOhIN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiIIAGE ROADI,/ArL, CO 81_657 970 -479-2L38 APPLICAI{T CONTRACTOR OWNER ilob Address: tocation. . . : Parcel No..: Project. No.l MASTER SEALERSP. O. BOX 4473, VArL, MASTER SEALERSP. O. BOX 4473, VArL, KAPI,A}T ALYNE WRT'BEL & Issued. . E>cpires. . : ISSITED .:Q08/2A/L998 .: 08/3L/L998 . : 02/27 /L999 Phone: 970-476-3975 Phone: 970-476-3975 Descript.ion: REROOF WITH 4OYR SHINGLE (SAME) Occupancy: RL Multi-Family Type Construction: V ]--HR Type V l-HourI\pe Occupancy: *of wood/Pal1et: 740 .00 481 , OO .00 3.OO .00 100.00 .00 250.OO 1, E?4 .00 .o0 1,574.00 1 , 574 .00 Ro6tuerane PLan Rcvicv- - > DRB Fee--------- Racraalion Fec---------- > cl..n-r4r D.po.Lt- - - - - - -- > Total cal.cuLated Fees---> Addicional Fecs---------> Total Pcrmi.t Fee--------> Paymencd------- DECI,ARAT IONS I heleby acknowledge bhat I havc read thiE application, fil}ed ouc in full the information required, completed an plan, and 6late Chat all the infornation provid.d as rcgr,rircd is corr6c!. I ag!.€ Co comply wieh the informati to conPly iith r11 Town ordinrncca and atsrlc 1ewE, and tso build !hi! structu!€ according !o tshc Tgwn,s zoning codcr, acrign rawicw approvcd, Uni.form Building cod6 and oth.r ordinancc6 of chc Torn .pplicrblc !h.rcto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAIJII BE MADE Ti{EMTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TEIJEPHONE AJ 419-2 :OO AIrt 5:oo PM 6a#ao'seZA. o/friffi,r!'^{' DEPARTI,IENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMEM| NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/AIT MF BUILD PERMIT PeTmiT #: 898-0233 .r, i. c) 1550 stNBItRsT DR 'Y(' sEaEus.. 1650 SUNBITRST (golf coursApplied. 2L01-091-04-043 co 81_6s8 co 81558 ABBEY t -.f r-945 NE 2o1sr srREET, NoRrH MrAMr BEACrcAI/gOffiffn. Dev. Clean-up De approved amount date valuat.ion: 100 , 000 Add sq Ft : Fileplac. Informagion: RegtsrictGd: Y #Of, Ga6 Alrplianccs: *Of cas Logs: FEE SUMMARY Building-----> PIan chcck- - - > Inve6tigrgiod> vli1J. cal.l----> . " '' " " " ;;';; ;;; ;;;'ffi ';; ;; " " " "' i : r rr ; r 3 "' ;#';;;;;;;;' ;;;; " "' " " O8/20/L998 JRM Act,ion: APPR APPROVED .JRI"fIt.qm:'.05400 PLANNING DEPARTIiIENT Dept: PLANNING Divisj-on:08/2O/L998 JRI,q Action: APPR N/AIt,em: .05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT '. Dept: FIRE Division:08/20/L998 JwI Action: APPR N/AIt,em: .05500 PITBLIC WORKS ' DepE: PIJB WORK Division:08/20/L998 JRvt Acrion: APPR N/A See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions EhaE may apply t.o Lhis permit.. Refund gend Clean-Up Drpoalt Io3 llAllllR. llBl'LlRA OF OWNER FOR HIMSELF AND OI{NER TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Valuation: $196.000.00 Fireplace Infomation: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 Building--> $1,53r.35 RestuarantPlanReview-> plan Check-> 5995.39 DRB Fee-._-------> DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.INITY DEVELOPMENT Lo\ t ,S.--*t.-*d sl:\ G-\C <. ..r-..'-''-l'^*--f- l\ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ( g-Tn-4r\o-7\ ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 803-0047 Job Address.: 1620 SUNBURST DR VAIL Status.....: ISSUED Location......: 1598 - 1645 Golf Terrace Applied...: 0411112003 Parcel No....: 210109104027 Issued ...: 0412812003 Project No...: Expires...: 1012512003 ovitNER MCDoNAI_,D, itAMES iI., iIR O4/I1-/2OO3 phone: 1281 MERIWEJATHER DR BOGART GiA 30622 L,i.cense : CoNIRACTOR PRIMA ASSOCIATES REjAr,Ty, LT5,O4/I!/2003 phone: 970-476-4300 P.O. BOX 1292 vAIIr, CO 81658 License: 239-8 APPLICAIiIT PRIMA ASSOCIATES REALTY, LTDO4/LL/2003 PhONE: 970-476-4300 P.O. BOX 1292 vArL, co 81658 I-,icense z 239-9 Desciption: Common Element - Stone veneer, garage light fixtures, and new bronze entry numbers Occupancy: Rl Multi-Family Type Construction: V l-HR Type V l-Hour Type Occupancy: ?? Add Sq Ft: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet 0 FEE SUMMARY Investigation-> will csll-> SO. O0 Re.restion Fee---> S3 . 00 Clean-uP DeProsit--> S0. 00 Total Calculat€d Fees-> 52,529 .'73 $o . oo Additional Fees--->$0.00 S0.00 Total Permit Fee--> 52,529.13 S0 . 00 Paymcnts--> S2 ,529 .13 TOTAL FEES-_> 92 , 529 . 1 3 BALANCE DUE->$0. 00 I t,t +* +t+a+tttt+!t Approvals:Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT O4/17/2OO3 CDAVIS Action: AP Item: 05400 PITAI,INING DEPARl'l'lEl.IT o4/24/2oo3 Matt Gen-nett Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARII'IENT Item: 05500 PITBIJIC WORKS PAGE 2 't*'**'i***!i*+**'}i't***'t'f***'t't**'|:f**'|'|:t**'f:|.'},}**,}******'t*{t't*t****+!t***:|t:i:t:*|t*'}:|!**** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 803-0047 as of 04-28-2003 Status: ISSUED ,}:t,},*'t'*'*'t'f'''t't'},}'}****!t***+*,|*'tt****!t**,|***'|t1.******'}*'t**'l{.!t***!t*tt******!i:|l'|':***** PermitType: ADD/ALTMFBUILDPERMIT Applied: 04/1112003 Applicant: PRIMA ASSOCIATES REALTY, LTD. Issued: 04/2812003 9704764300 To Expire: l0/25D003 Job Address: 1620 SUNBURST DR VAIL Location: 1598 - 1645 GolfTerrace ParcelNo: 210109104027 Description: Common Element - Stone veneer, garage light fixfures, and new bronze entry numbers Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: l4 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITHAN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: l6 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3IO.9.I OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQI.NRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. .,i,.,.,'*j'.*."||||ltt|''lt+||||'.|ill'|||||.|.|.|.||||.|..*|..||.|*t.|...||||||||.l|||***l}..||.,l|.+'||t't'||'||'||||,i|t.''|...|...|''.|.*|*.|| See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQI,JESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOT-IR HOIjRS IN ADVANCE BY 479-2 I 49 OR AT OLlR OFFICE FROM E:00 AM - 4 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF lf****aafll+at+*++t+tta++ltl+++*+*+ffflaf++al*lttaa*aa********a*****'.ta*ltaa*faa***faaataa*** TOWNOFVAIL, COI,ORADO Srat€m@tf****ltta**l*t*'i**+*attltfff*+***+atatfal+*+tl't*aa*l*a**+**+ft*+*lla*lfl*r*t*lr**a*a*flt***** Stat@nt Number: R030003850 Arnount: 12,529.73 04/28/2oO3O1 :54 pM Palm€nt llethod: Check Init: DIXI ' Dlotation: VaiI GtCflI Aaaoc. 4574 Permit No: 803-0047 Type! ADD/ALT MF BI'TIJD PBR!{fT Parcel lto: 2LOLO9L04O27 Site Addreae: 1620 SttNBItRST DR \IAIL Location: 159S - 15,415 Clolf Terrace Total FeeE: 52,529.73 Ttrie Palznrent : 92 ,529 .73 Total ALL PTTtB : $2 ,529 .73 Balarce: $0.00 ACCQI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pnts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PER}{IT FIES 1,531.35 PF 001000031i2300 PLAI| cHEcK FEES 995.38 }lC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO M MVNOPUAILIY 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 ll APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INGOMPLETE OR U Project #:-O6O Buildi TO OF BUILDING PE Separate Permits are required for e plumbing, mechanical, etc.l IT APPLIC CONTRACTOR INFORMATION oq 06b CO.-IVTP#TC VALUATIONS FOR BUILDTNG PERMIT il-ecrnrc^l, $ 6Om sd)OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL:$iornr, $ tg6, D(ge For Parcel # Contact Eaqle CountyAssessors Office atJ70'328-8640 or visft Job Address:ql- rr"{S 4=o\€ Tenroar. Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: ll Fil'"gt **o'on'k'k$Tt{HFt ?Y1" tLXlF"d .'.rrso-fu r nh<'..rp A Addt"tl:P.tr F^. taqN . Ua,l Phone:t76- 4zno7@ru/n TdAress':Phone: t"rfi"* aUA lry:..Phone: v WorkClass: New() Addition( ) RemodelD( Rbpair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( f E),t"ti"|. ( Both ( )Oo"= "n EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) ruo)Q Type of Btdg.: Single-family ( ) Twofamily fi MuttitamitV ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 3 L,No. of Accommodation Un',in lhit iuuo'ng, AIA Noffvpe of Ftreplace No/Tvoe of Fireotaces prooosed: Gas Appliaqce! !lO) Cas uogs (6) W@q (NOT ALLoWED) Yes( ) NoX *|**r****s***1r************.***rFo R O F FIC E US E ON L ****{,PX-1*pd0A--.-- v€fi@Type of Gonstruction:.-:f ^4- \VAiIUAtE\CdEV\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC 07 n6t2002 March 19,2003 Community Development Department, Town of VaiI 75 South Fmntage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Dear Sirs, The purpose of this letter is to convey authorization from The Vail Golf Course Towr*romes Phase III association to: l) Apply Idaho Black Granite stone veneer to building to match existing retaining walls; 2) Install two Melissa light fixtures (model #247063) at sides of garages to match existing balcony fi xtures; 3) New bronze entry numbers to be set in masonry. Please call ifyou have any questions. Sincerely, Bill Sargent Crossroads Realty, Ltd. Managing Agent Vail Golf Cowse Townhomes Phase III ,r-t) Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnent of Community Devdopment 75 Souh Fiontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479,2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us Project Name: Stone veneer, Golf CourseTenaces DRB Number: DR8030067 Project DescripHon: Common Element - Stone veneer, garage light fixtures, and new bronze entry numbers Participants: OWNER MCDONALD, JAMES J., JR 03/19/2003 Phone: 1281 MERIWEATHER DR BOGART GA 30622 Liaense: APPUCANT Prima Associates Dba Crossro03/Igll0}3 Phone: 476-4300 1550 Vail Valley Drive C-3 Vail, CO 81657 License: Project Address: 1520 SUNBURST DR VAIL Location: 1598 - 1645 Golf Terrace Legal Description: Lot: Block: Subdivision: VAIL GOLFCOURSE TOWNHOME Parcel Number: 210109104027 Comments: See conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By:Vote: Date ofApproval: 04/04/2003 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005773 Entry: 0410512003 By: Matt Gen Action: AP Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $25O.OO Action: STAFFAPR 97./2ilm2L 89:43 97947849AL FPS PAGE g2 COI.IDITION AT BELLY BAND NFERE I{O}G5 DIFFER IN ELEVATION s7/2612921 09:43 976476c96I Pr\l6a 57l)tl& FFTNEfl.ST ?l RE\EAL gAl@9TosC C P FPS PA6E S4 @ DETAIL AT fOP OF 9TONE %I{.;E l-lf2' = l'-O' ,/b'31L.n-^ft FRII,E PAI}II gTEE- FLATE LIHTEL- I/b. RADIIJgED gTL. PL. )rELpE9 ro5tb" n -ATlt\tlr tO EX|9T. g|Rl€rE DooR LIHTE.. V.I.F. PRII.€ PAIXT 3rD'gr1..6lr36El FL. .24'OL,, PRI}v|E PAIXT rT@D TRIH no{lfr.rp.*o€xtt46 A9 REd'iRED DETAIL AT l.lEY\ aARAGE LIN'IEL@%ALE, l-l/2" = l'-O' -,flEEr-* ,i,fr;. Vail Golf Course Townhomes Phase III lighting plan Each unit owns 5810 square feet ofland per Eagle Counry Assessor. There are 34 units, therefore the total Land is 197,540 square feet. There are currently two lights on each unit: l) One 25watt(300 lumens) porch light; 2) One 65watt(930 lumens) entry flood; 3) Eight lamp posts with two 25watt(300 lumens) bulbs each; 4) Six units have rear decks with one 25watt(300 lumens) porch light. The total current lumens for the project are 44,220. The total current Fixture count is 82. The association proposes to add two Melissa #245063 fixtures per unit to 30 units and 4 fixtures on the P building. (units 5 I -54) This will add an additional 64 fixtures to the complex. The total number of fixtures will increase to 146. The association will install 25watt candle bulbs in each of these fixtures with an output of 300 lumens each. This will add 19,200 lumens to the project, bringing the total lumens to 63.420. 87./26l2gZL g9:43 978,47E,49f,L FPS PAGE g2 K lny o:l': cl i j;) Community Devolopment DePartment ruFlmsersr+rilllid* HoMEs DIFFER rN ELEVAIoN ^41to.tc, vdHltt olPcrnlt rhc issrd QJ\b'* ipfrnt tpcciioti*r and computrtio- Vf INITL+LS:^r*Q- )L/-Q3 oFFrf;?-'d-dpv Alt26l2g2l 63:43 97A476496I PA'Cfi97!@ FTY NEGLET ?' FPSi PA6g a4 RryE^I gAl{DE'TOrG C*P DEfAIL AT TOP OF STONE 9Ci\LE, l-lf2* = l'-O' $lb'51L.Ft-^18 PRI}.{E PAU' 9TEEL FLAG LIXIEL-tn'R Dtvtu gTL. Pt^ f^clLDED rOw A-- ATtArJt Io Exrgr. gtlf,,ff, MR, LITITEL . VJ.T- PRll'G PAIH? 9/D'grL.6lr55ET FL..n'oc., PRttE PA}{T frooD fFrHrc'llft,to.eoaKftla A9 RE(I',IREP DETAIL AT }€I4 GA,RAGE LINTEL %ALE, t_t/2. = t,-O. TO\^AI OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMTINITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOR9ITE AT ALL TIMES owNER MCDOIiIAT.D, ,IAMES iI., irR 05/02/2003 phone: 1281 MERI$IEATHER DR BOGART GA 30622 License: COIITRACToR EAGITE VA]-,LEY EITECTRIC 05/02/2003 Phone z 97O-827-5772 P O BOX 1116 vArL, eo 81558 License: 156-E APPr,rCAlflI EAGTE VAT,ITEY ELECTRTC 05/02/2003 Ptrone: 970-827-5772 P O BOX 1115 VAIL, CO 81558 License: 156-E Desciption: Common Element - Stone veneer, garage light fixtures, and new bronze entry numbers Valuation: $9,000.00 FEESUMMARY ELECTRICAL PERMIT Vbrl qriACnrt - Tt+ C{"w"wv.* fob Address: 1520 SUNBURST DR VAIL Location.....: 7598 - 7645 Golf Terrace ParcelNo...: 2701091.M027 ProjectNo : f(LT{:f - ODt o Elech.ical-> 5162.00 DRB Fee-> Investigation-> will call-> TOTALFEES-> S16s. oo Permit #: E03-0038 Status...: I$SUED Applied..: 05/02/2003 Issued. .: 05/05/2003 Expires. .: 71./07/2003 $0 .00 s0.00 s3.00 Total Calculated Fees--> 5155 . 00 Additional Fees->$0. 00 Total Permit Fee-> 3165 . 00 Paymmts--> 9155.00 BALANCE DUE->$0. 00 Approvals:I€ern: 06000 ELECIRICAI, DEPARTIT{EI{f o5/o2/2oo3 DF Action: AP ITCM: O55OO FIRE DEPARII{E}IT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI.,DG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAIICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatioo filled out in fuIl the information required, completed an acctrate plot plan, and state that all the information as requfued is correct. I agree to comply with the inforrration and plot pla4 to corply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to b'uild ttris struchrre according to the towns zoning and suHivisioncodes, designreview approved, Uniforrr BuildingC-ode and other ordinances of the Townappticable thereto. REQT'ESNIFC'R INSPECTIONSIIALLBEMADETWENTY-FOI,JRHOURSIN ADVANCE BYTELEPHONE AT ATOUROffiCEFROMS:(X)AM-4 Plvt OFO}VAIER FORHIMSELF ANDO}VI{ET +lt*aalll*ff**aa'iii+atarftffftat'tla++*ft+llfafat*aatf+ft+ra*afaaaaa*l++aa+rariaataa*+ttltaff TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Star@cnt ft*ltt+*t+ltllalllf*tftta**lt***lat**fa+*a*t*a*lla****ll+taltttlf,t*iltftl'illala*l'at+af++*lal Statement llumber: R030003909 Anourt: $155.00 OSIOS/2OO3L1 :49 AIrl Patnnent l{cthod: Check Init: LC NotatLon: *L7O32/E,ag]'.e VaIIey elect Peirrdt No: EO3-0038 Tlr[re3 EIACIRICIIT PERI(IT. Parcel no: 210109104027 Site Addrese: 1620 SI'IIBURST DR \IAIIT Iocat.ion: 1598 - 1545 GoIf Terrace Tota1 Fees: $155. O0 Tlrie Payment: $165.00 Total AI|IJ hta: $155.00Balance: $0. o0 ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descrjption Currenf, ftnts EP OO1OOOO31114OO TEMPOMRY POI.IER PEMITS !{C OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 162.00 3. 00 cArroN-"t"t0f{"'b::;"""l ;$r$n 3 - o o P I I auilains peimit *: eo3-ooa7 J Electrical Permit #: _ 97 O-47 I -2149 (Inspections) TVWN0FVATLIy 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vaif, Colora-do 81657 Contact Eaqle Count rtmflr*|llnrcnr p 'I()< #,"u,,:i - I or rrEE/*r,M," ,ffitoFror Parcet s Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided-bon$ Vail Golf Job Address: 1598 lhrouqh 1645 colf Terrace Legal Description ll t-ot: ll etock: ll ritins:Subdivision: Owners Name:Crossrcradq Fa.a l frr Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: To add two Light Fixtr:res with photo control to each or :o *f :fter Stone wennpr - WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel (1 ) Repair( ) Temppower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior (* ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Mutti-family (1) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Yesf ) No(x) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $ g,OOO.OO CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Electrical Contractor: Eagle Valley Electrit, Inc Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: gs1 904-5g44 Sam Bishop 827-5772 *rr * ***J.*** **:l*** *** ***:l****** * ***** **** FOR OFFICE USE ON LY** ******** **** * **** * ****** ******* * * *-J F :/everyone/forms/elecperm -t ---- 0318-2004 lnspecton Request Reportlng Page 1 8:19 am - VAIL- CO -TOWI{ OF - Requestrd Inspect O!te: ILuFdry, tarch 18, 2004' lnrpeddonArer: CD Slb Address: 1620 SUNBURST DR VAIL { 598 - t 645 Golt Terr.ce APrDlnlbnnstbn A.fhrily: Conrt TYta:fuiar: H)}{x)47 Type: }llF SubTFe: A}FOccqr.'ncy: (6e: V 1.HRrcDoMLD,JArcSJ..JR PRlitA ASSOCIATES REALW, LTD. Plpnc: 9?047e4itrO PLAl.lS ROUTED TO CI-|A,RLIE AND MATT OENNETT - cDAvls Strt$: fircp Alu:ISSTUED CD TY, LTD. Tlma Exp: Requesbd Tlme: 01100 Plf- Phone: 9O4{X!62 Entsred By: DGOLDEN K lnrpectl,on Hi3torv Item: 226 FIRE DEPT. NOTIFICATIOII Item: 10 BLDcr-Foodnos/Sl€el Itom:20BLDC'-Foun6uon/*SHItsn: g) BLDCr-Framlnalbm: 50 BLDC-hsum6nhm: 60 BLDG-She€tock trall neor: 70 BLDeMbc. Item: S) BLDC'-Flnal A€m: 21 PLAI*ILC Fouda0on Phnllern: 22 PLAI+ILC Slt€ Phn UAlM ftf@tt-- I : 90 BLDG+lnd ************************:t:t****************************************************** CONDITIOTTISPermit #: 898-0233 as of 08/3L/98 Sratus: ISSIIED **!t***************************************:r************************************* Permir Tlpe: ADD/AI.I MF BUIL,D PERMTT Applied: 08/20/L998Applicant: IiIASTBR SBAL,ERS Issued: O8/3L/L998970-476-3975 To $cpire: 02/27/L999 ilob Address: LocaEion: 1550 SI'NBURST (golf course th BLDG Q)' Parcel No: 2101-091-04-043 Description: R.EROOF WITII 4OYR SHINGI,E (SAII!E) Condit,ions:1. FIETD INSPBETIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALIJ PENETRATIONS IN WAIJIJS,CEU.'TNGS,AND FI'OORS TO BE SE,AI,ED WITH AIiI APPROVED FIRE I'IATERIAL. i 3. SMOKE DETEETORS ARE REQUIRED IN AI,I, BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY : AS PER SEC.121O OF fiIE 1-991 IJBC.4. FrRE DEPART!{BNf APPROVAL rS REQUIRED BEFORE A}ry WORK CAN BE STARTED. o TO0iI Or VAIL, COI,OR DO ttrattttarrrrrr 8g.t.Ent f tttta!rtr rtrar ra tr r Strlc[nt Nuub.r: REc-ola2 &ount ! 1,s74.00 03/31/98 lt:33 Pryi!.nt l|.ghod. CK NoErtiont 1365 InIt! m P.nit No: 893-0233 typc I A-[P IDD,/ALT ]lF AUILD PER Prrq.l lfo: 2101- 091-0{-0{3 6itc lddrr.. I L6S0 gUNBInAf DR Loc.bion: 1,650 SItlfBIrnAT (golf cout.e Eh BLItc Q) lhie Pryu.nl, 1,974.O0 1,5?4. OO .oo Anount 7{O.OO 100.00 {81.00 250.00 3.00 ToEtl Ferr t 1.574.OO Togrl LL! 9aC!: Brlsrcr: Account, coda Da!cription BP 001.00003111100 BurLDtltG PIRI|IT FEBS DR 00100003112200 DESr@{ REVIBIf FEE3 pp ooloooo3112300 Prrtll cHBcr lEEs AI' D2.DBPOg CI,EANI'P DBPOAITS rfc 00100003112900 rt&L caLL tNaP8ctroN ra8 o 6l IH33d9 I l.ozoild8 eqt .( oo l'JEf;8FE E8tgE'0 p H .|EI E H cI 1l H o C; ol o o 0 (l x(JE o la c| E!|ql D oo F o t H o EIe IeU UH d .l .' o .. olcEIdc| 4RlE l{HO E8IIA o0 ot!OAo EE f;I E EE E3q|a EI EE iaH.oAIe HHHZ!.D 89Erl E E Ad E Et 6ta EIE-aET Eil E" EAs alr E EH 6 F'EIEE E EE H qlo EA ct o rr= e -lt oE!taratoE6"EO 'EE€ .t [ ]-Buir"dine r J_pluhbins | )_E].ecEr.:jrr,,,t ,]"*:::::L. ulotn"rln-.,(rob Nanez t?-o.< a-oey'.,a,rytr/{:i;##:. !Z_zrr\-+ - a<.,- ,r-. -.2:Lesal Descriprion: Lot- Brock- ,itinn . 3;irur{r;( 1:'--/-)Eo owners Name: Pzatt diazy' .--nztz/ "Ae{{"r;{t"'-DF*O D , T Architect:Address:AU General Description:4,,t' ',r-a..'--i ?a VWEf- l{ork Class:- [ j .' --(., -New [ ]-A3-teratlon [ ]-Additional [ ]_Repair y{_ot6er4€ -4cot Number of Dwelling Units:Nunber of Accommodation Units: ************rt**it******** **** ** *** OTHER: 1 ./aa z/1- c-. a <..TOTAL:S------.----_-.- tr* ****rr**** ***** ** *** * * *** * El-ectrical Contractor :Address:Reg. NO. Plunbing Contractor: Addre.ss:Reg. NO. Mechanical Contractor.: Address:Reg. NO. x rf * ** **** **** ***:t** ** Jr*rrrt* * *****FOR OPFfCE USE ***rtr*********************_****rBUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: I. HECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELEC"RTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF T'EE: VALUATION BUILDTNG: STGNATUR-E: ZONING: SIGNATUR.E: Town of Vail Reg. NO.f?Z-rgPhone Nurnber: , - jV>j- ' Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: Town of'vail Phone Nunber: BUILDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE:PLUMBTNG PIAN CHECK !EE:I'IECTANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE:RXCREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMTT FEES: zb z, ,-/42,f/-:.oz Zor-2771 e t3 o2 ?.?>j/-p-a cz> fzar? 75 soulh lronlage road vall, colorado 01657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ead and acknowledged by: irG / .-e/z/' o Itlc e ol communlty developm en I ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOI.IN OF VAIL ToIIN oF VAIL puBLIC t{oRKs/col,Il.'ruNlTy DE\rELOpl.rENT IIARCH l-5 , 19 8 B CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIATJ STORAGE In surnnary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unl-awful for anvperson to 'irter, track or a"p"sia.;;;-=lirl-rlt', ,und, ctebrisor naterial, including trash humpsters, portable toilets andworkrnen vehictes upon any streerl =ia;;uii; ";ii"y or publicplace or anv norti6n tneieoil--The right-oi-ili-"n arr Town ofVail streets and.roaa='il-Jiiro*i,"ut.iv-u-itl-lrf pavement.rhis ordinance wirr be ;a-i;ii;'enforced by the Town of Vair. PubIic l.Jorks Departrnent. --p"r"lns found .ri,"f "[irrg this ordinancevrilr be siven a 24 hour writl.n'_n"ii""-t"*;;;;;:, said mareriat.rn the event the person so notified.ao..-nlI"'I"ipr.v r+ith thenotice within the 24 hour time specified, the public lrorksDeparrnent vri1l remove said mateii"i-u!-ii,J'^I*i!"=e of personnotified' The provision=-"r'[r-rir ordrnance sharl not beapplicable to ctnstruction, *ui.t"...ce or repair projects ofany street or a1ley or any uririries i; t;"^;ili._u_ruy. To review ordinance Nb-- e in fuLl, p3-ease stop by the Tovrn of:::i.::ii:i"3"";f,i:'il:it":i'"u!"in a copv. ri,.,",i, v;; ;;;"y;;, R Y 'ill'trI - --=--1t - /o n- -osrtl_onlRelationship to Date 2 contractor, oi{ner) 75 3oulh lronlage road vall, colorado 81652(303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TII,tE FRANE of tlca of communlty devolopmerrt If' this permi.t requjres a Toy,n of Vai'r Fire Department Approvar,Engineep''s (.pub1ii ,uorks) review'ana'ipprovui,'i'ii'iLiiiii'oepartnentrev i ew or Hear th Departm6nt. ieview, -unb' u r"ui.i Lv-tiil"tri r di n9 liri[ll;',1;"1!: "'.t', ted time ror'a-totat i"ui"n-iluj"iuii u, r6ne A'l'l commercia'r '('1u.g:-9f sma'r'r) and ail mu]ti-famiry permits wirlhave to follow ine ibove muniion"J-ri*rr* requirements. Residentia.land smarl projects shourd tir" J-ieiier.amound of-iiil:' However, ifresidential or snrarler projects irpaci the various above rnentioneddepartmcnts r'r'i.th regard' to- neces saiv'iev i u*,-th;;; ;;;j;.'ir ruyalso take the three weet< peiioa. Every attempt vrilr be made by this dcparr.nrent to expedite this .pet'rni.'t.aS s.qon as possi bl e. - -l I' the undersigned, understand the pian checL procedure and timeframe., V, /?4; Z 6-z z y' 4 azan/.'a.,-)-'pa22)'/J,,-P'6FEI nn)tr f t ' f? "Community Deve'lopment Departmept. - .\,1 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY WORKS PERMIT'' DEPARTMENT IS REOUIRED Job Name: Please answer lhe following questionnaire ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being perlormed that requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public property? ls any'utility work needed? ls lhe driveway being repaved? ls different access needed lo site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right Ol Way permit' required? ? z- n-.'-t -r ///- t- ,/ regarding lhe need lor a YES rl. { z' 'Public Way Permit': NO -//7 / / / -/ ,/ ,/ 1) 2) e\ 4) 5) 6) 7) B) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used ior staging, . parking or fencing? B. lf no to BA, is a parking, staging or lencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes lo any of these questions, a'Public Way permit" rr.f be oblained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's otrice or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Conslruction lnspector, at 479-215g. I have read and answered allthe above questions. ?e-./1. f f - 4a ,z 222/ ./7,/1-..€//' /-aZ,t'/n *ar)/ Job Name Contractof alure Dale REPT131 Run ld:202 '11-10-2C[n 7:57 am Inepection Request Work Sheet Sierra Computer Systems Page 19 R!q. h6pic-t hr: A:slgmdTo: hspoctlon Type: hspcc-tlon Arsa: Sfre Addrc$: A/P/D motrnatbn Ac.thiiV: 89&0233 Tttpc: A-MF CorFt TID€: Ocupancy: Parcet: 2101-@1-040+3 App[cail: MASTER SEALERS Owner: KAPLAN AIYNE WRUBET & ABBEY L J Co'Irador: MASTER SEATERS Doscription: REROOF WTH 40YR SHINGLE (SAME) Reor.nsted hspcctbnlst [em: 9ll BLDG-Fhal Req.rSor: MASTER SEATERS Assign d To: CDAVIS Acton: Item Comments: Tlrnc E)p: Fdday, l{ovember t0, 2fi10 cDAV|S BLDG CD I8flI SUTIBURST DR VAIL 1650 SUIIBURST (!plt cdrse th aLIIG o) Stb Type: AMF Use: V 1-HR Phone: 97047S3975 Phone: 970 475 3975 Ctor'G' lC(:l ltrn insp Aea: CD Re.F|ested Tlme: 08:00 AM Dh^^a O7rLr7A-'lO7R -ar- trla|.lAtrl Errtered By. Jl,lOLEl'l K hsp.ctlon Hlsilo Itcrn: 510 divsu/ay gradc final It€m: 10 BLDGFootlnsElSeel Itdn: 20 BLDGFouffhtiofvstcel Itcm: 520 PLAN-ILC Slte Plan Item: 30 ELDGFramlng Item: 40 (Re+ired) Itern: 50 BLDG lnsuhtion Itcm: 60 BL Dcsll.etroc* Nail Itsm: 8{l (Reqrired) Item: 70 BLDGMisc. Item: 90 BLDGFinal Itcm: 530 BLDC-Tonp. CIO Itcm: 531 FIRE-TEMP. CrO Itcm: 532 RV-TEMP. C,o Itcm: 533 PLAN-TEMP. C,0 Itcm: 537 Pllt+FlNAt C/O Itqn: 538 FIRFFINAL c/o Itcm: 539 PW-FIi.|ALCTO llem: 310 BLDGFIndC/O (Optional) (Optiorpl) (optronal) (Roquirod) (Optional) (Sionsl) (qional) (OptionaD (Reqirsd) (Op0onal) (Optional) (Odional) (oiloml) (Optronal) (Won l) (Wonal) (ReqirBd) (*wd "t, lP'sPrcrr:r) Sno, dNl Pty a. rt ?lrttt'Rnn ld: 202(il 11-10-2000 7.57 arii ArP/DHormilon Ac{ivi}y: Cci-rst Tr4,e: Paroll: Apdcart: Ownef Contractor: Desclipliur: t Inspection Request Work Sheet Sierra Computer Systems R.q. kripoc.t Ddr: F Hay, Noysrrfisr 10, zli(F A33lgned To: CDAvls lnspectlon Typs: BLDG hspec-tlon Area: ' CD 3Io Ad&oss: 1650 SUNBUR9T DR vAlL 165{i SUilBURST (gor cours. th BLDG A) Page 19 I I oorLnt,la TYPo: A-t'lF Occu;'sr1gy: 2101-091-04Ct+3 MASTER SEALERS KAPI AN AI.YNF WRI'BFI 8 ABRFY I -J ItA CTCE, CEAI Cc'C REROOF WITH 4OYR SHII.IGLE (SAME) Sub Tlpe: Al,4F Use: V 1-HR Phonc: insp ArEe: tqei tL l) Reou€stgd hso€ctbr{sl 9704763975 97C 476 3975 iequestad Tlme r 08'0O Al$ , Dh^^a 97n-t7A.1o7fr ^. irt'"lJAsl Etrteted By. ii.lOlEli K llern: Rlqucstor: '1sllgfiitu I u. Ac{on: Sl BLDG-Flnal ltacTEp ctrat trec CDAVIS Trrnc Exp: Item Commcnts: i lnsoEction Hfustolv lroh Aln i;r.&Er, troAo ti^al rtc r. tu DLU|\,-r(J(.lut tglrlDtttl [ern: 20 tsLu(iFounrlrtrorvbrgel Item: 520 PLAN-ILC Site Plan Item' 30 Bl l-)C-Freming Item: 40 (ReqJlred) lletn. 50 BlBC-lttsulatiott Item: 60 BL Desh€ctrocl( Nail Itcm: 80 (Required) Item: 70 BLD(i'Misc. Itcm: 90 BLDGFinal Itern: 530 BLDGTGmp. CIO Item: 531 FIRE-TEMP. C& Itcmi 532 PW-TEMP. CrO !tem: 533 PLAN-TEMP. C/O Itern: 537 FrLAf{-flNAL CrlO Itlfn: 536 FIRE-FINAL Cr€t llcm: 539 PIrV-FINAL CrO ItGm: 5il0 BLDC-FInal CrO (Option6l) l\Jp$U||EU (optronau (Required) {Optionslt (Odirylal) (optional) (Of'tionel) (Reqired) (Optionall (Optional) (@lonal) (Odional) (Optional) (Op0oml) (qional) (Reqlrcdl ./ A -iii T 'tt'AL(A/,t, lris?roro^l r-\ zr"r toor)rup OIv - TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArt, co" 81557 97 0 -479 -2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVEIJOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT ON .fOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 898-0152 ,Job Address: Locati-on. . . : Parce1 No..:Project No.: VAIL GOLFCOURSE 2101-09L-04-049 (l'(L\ srarus.. TOhlNHOMESApplied. Issued.. Expires. APPROVED 06 /LL/LegB 06 /tt/!e9B!2/08/1998 APPI.,ICANT COITTRACTOR OWNER MASTER SEALERS P. O. BOX 4473 MASTER SEATERS P. O. BOX 4473 ACADIA NV ,. VAIIJ, , VAIIJ, Br_658 8165I co co Phone: 970-476-3975 Phone:. 970-475-3975 Description: REROOF SAME FOR SAME CLASS A SHINGI,E Occupancy: R3 Single Family Tlrye Construetion: Valuation: 55,600 Add Sq Ft: Pireplace InfornaEion: Restrictsed:*of cas Appl.iances: Rest.uaranE Plan Revierr- - > DRB Eee-------- Recreation Fee----------> Clean-Up Depo6il- -------> $of cas Logs: FEE SUI'IMARY BuiLding-----> PIan Check- - - > Invest igacion > will call----> Tot.al calculaLed'Fee6---> Additional Fees---- - -- - -> Total Pemit Fee--------> PaymenLs------- BAIANCS DUE---_ 575.00 3?3,75 .oo 3,OO , o0 100.00 . oo 250 . OO 1,301.75 Item: .051-00- BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Dj-vision:O6/LI/L998 JRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED JRM-Item: .05400 PLANNING DEP.ARTTqENI Dept: PLANNING Division:06/L] /L998 JRM Acrion: APPR N,/AIleqr: ,99q90 FIRE DEPARTMENT '. Depr: FrRE Divislon:05/11,/1998 JRM Action: APPR N/A 6EiTizl338ooHll"ot" *85[i",', AppR N/A Dept: PUB woRK Division: See Page 2 of t.his Document for any conditions that. may apply Eo this permiL. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknotledgc that I have read this appllcation, fiIled ouE in fult the infor:nation requited, conplet.ed an accurate ploE p1an, and 6tat€ Lhai. a1l thc infornaEion provided as reguired is co$act. I Egrac tso collply with lhe infonnation and plots plan, tso comply eith all Totrn ordinancca and alate larr6, and to bui,ld lhir 6tluctule according to the Tor.n,6 zonlng and eubdiviaion codee, deeign review approved, Uniform Eullding Code and obher oldinances of th€ Torrrn rppllcabtc Chereho. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHII,L BE HADE TWEMTY-FOI,R HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2139 oR AT oT'R oFFIcE FRoM 8:oo AIt' 5:oo PI'I SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRAETOR FOR HIMSEI,F AND OWNER ? srrAPrRo REALTY rNc, p o Box s640, AvoT€vrcgrrsm. Dev. Clean-up Deposit Refund approved Reside466lount date *Of wood/Pa1let: 1,301.?s .00 r,3ol.?5 .oo 1, 3 Ol. . ?S send clean-up Depooit To: MASTaR sEAtERs atttttaaaataatattttttttatttrttttittOtrtlttrt lOff Ol vltt , coIoRLDO gtaBooB lft!b.8. RIC-O{I8 lDuna t PatDcnB lLEhod: cK llot tlont a19g gErgaurrg 1,30t . ?5 06125l9E L0.o7 lnlg: xAn P.tirlE No! 898-0162 TlE.: A-BItMt I'D,/ALT slR BITM PE P.rc.l tfo: 3lo1-091-0{-0{t LocrtioB I VtfL OOITICOUngE lOllNIlOllEg gl--94 Tolrl t.a. t 1.3O1.7S Ttrl. P4rr.nc 1,301'75 Tog.t Alr& Poc.: 1'301.?5 Brl.ncc3 .oo rra ttJtttti airJt t aaata ttt'rl. Oattta tttt ttttt'rtll attttitaJ0!l t ttit ttt*t lccoung coalr lrracrlpelqr EP OO10OO03ll1lo0 EUII'DIIIO PlR|lIr tll6 DR OO1oOoO3l12200 DlAlqf RwlEW lElg PF OO10000311ZlOo Plrll clllca lBEa lD oo100o0eaol100 clllllltP DBPogrll, ic OO1oOOO31128o0 |fnL Cr!! $lgPBeIlCA tEE laounE 575.00 100.00 t73.75 290.00 3.OO I Page 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 898-0152 as of O6/LL/98 SEatsus---: AppROVED ************!r******************************************************************* Permit Qpe: ADD/ALT SFR BUIL,D PERMIT Applied--. O6/LL/L998Applicant.--: MASTER SEALERS Issued---: O6/LL/L998970-476-3975 To Expire: L2/08/L998 ilob Address:Location---: vAIL GOLFCOURSE TOWNHOMES 51--S4Parcel No-- : 2101-091-04-049 Description: REROOF SAME FOR SAI4E CI,ASS A SHINGI.E * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COndit.iOng * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ******** ].. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIA}TCE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN A]-,L BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEe.1210 0F THE 199L I]BC. Soncacc Eaglo Councy Asscssors 0fflce Iate Received JUN 10 19gB PER.\rrr r_____ac 970-328-8640 for Parcel 0. TO!.{N oF VAIL coNsTRUcTroN\R'EL 'z% PERMIT APPLTCATIoN FoRM!( 9L/a/az/a/? a.?? -a{e_omn;p^zr .zzlf( I APPLICATION MI'ST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT I,{AY NOT BE ACCEPTED r************************ I * * * * * PERMIT TNFORMATTON * * * * r! * * * * * * * * * * * * * *y,*y:)r.,?lz-/t l-Building [ ]-Ptunbing I j-E]-ectrical, t l-Mechani'cal f K-oXnerc-*z-f il- f/r.elt JZ2.t 4i a.-- -rtt y'--L- ^.- - -'_-t-t* t'f f/- f /tzeit ib-27 € e.--r..t 'a--L /./rGA /2!fob Name: ? -tdf.ezzA*€ Job Acldressz ,&UL ' L-.'a 6aazZ/ e ee'eJ'.'/ /ec- 'vfulC'a214Legal DescrLption: Lot_ Block__ Filing : SUnolvrStOlr: c-,^,;,z-; .r._.1.7Lega.|- Lrs>\,r .|.y \-rL,rr. rr(J r- Irt q)Cirt,_........_ f lLLng :. StUBDlVlSlON I C-/v)fi Ji._ Jar/Can:<za' FZz-l4eztud )$rners Nane: @ Address: ph.__ \rchitect: _ Address: ph. ieneral DescriPtion:-Zae..{ lumber of Dwelling Units: )IUILDING: $ ?LUMBING: f fi."1,{Z- /,az V. a-.p C c,e -r./P.zzl/azef-ect 4 'lpmber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances, r * 'k 't rt * * * * rr * * * * * * * * * * * *'* * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATfONS EI,ECTRICAL: $ HECFIANICAT,' $-_...__ leneral Contractot: -z-->* r./rtt . rzr.az{zzr -{+€tddre!ss:'4 f,l ilectrical Contractor: iddress: )lumbing Contractor: rddress: lechanical Contractor: \ddress: )THER TYPE OF FEE: l/\ti)RB FEE: IUV: ;-l r lJ . i-ev4gsJ.rr\r 5 !rr.!l.t i;'f ijlPLtfiAING PIANirlitl,ier,utarNc prAN cHEcK Fii:..Iii:I,:JMECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE:CHECK FEE: . i"'-..;' CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT :u[rlrorAl, PERMTT FEES: t l-Additional [ ]-Repalr t4o*"tZd*.4 Nunber of Accornrnodation Units: Gas Logs_ Wood/Pellet ***** ****:t **** * ** * ** *** * * * * * *** * * **:t*** ***** *** ** ** *rt * * * ** * * Town of vail Reg. No.fz7-B Phone Number: .!az{-z, {_ Town of vaiJ- Reg. No. Phone Nur'rber: Town of VaiI Phone Number: Town of Vail Phgne Nunber: Reg. No. Reg. No. )B-OFFICE USE * * * tr :r * * )t * * * * * * * tr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -t-:;lS, laurr,orNc pr,AN GHECK FEE:UILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: BUTLDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: - Tq6 - ot Sl- 0 VALUATION ,'onments: , CLEAN ITP DEPOSIT REFIIM TO:-.+2 .2 I /./.t .4 e.. d aq /?a /a G a+ f,Z.azz/4/-??->7Fz4r4r oi', 75 south lronlage road vall, colorado 81652 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479_2t39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Read and acknowledged To.review ordinance No. 6 inVail BuiLding Department tocooperation on this matter. Fgfl, please stop by the Town ofobtain a copy. rnani y"" i"i--yoi, olllce ol communlty developmeqg ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOl.rN OF VAIL TOWN oF VAIL puBLIc woRKS/coMMUNITy DEyELopltENT MARCH L6, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for anyperson to l_i*er, track or deposit.;;t-";iri-rl"i, sand, debrisor naterial, t""t:glln-trash bumpsters, portable toilets andworkmen vehicres.upon any streetl "iaewaiil-;ii;y or pubticprace or any norribn th;;";;:--;ir" ;i;ht:;i_;;y=ron arr rov,n orVail streetl ind,I:"g. i= .pproximately s ft. Lff pavement.This ordinance w1r| be. =t.illiv"enforced by the Town of vairPubLic works Deoartrnent. perslns found "ii,ruting this ordinancewirr be siven a 24 hour writien--n"ii""-ti*;;;;;:'".id rnareriar.rn the event the person so notified.ao.=-nll"'I"iprv with thenotice within the-24 nour.time-Ipecified, tne puttic worksDepartment wirr- rehove said rnare;i;i-;a-{h;";";;;re or personnotified' The provi=ioni-or-"[ni= orornance sharr not beapplicable to cbnstruction, rnui.t"nunce or repair projects ofany street or aLley or any utilit:.es in the right_a_way. 'Jlr'lrl F (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 roulh Irontrge road vrll, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 of tlcs ol communlty devolopmerrt BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TII,IE FMNE If thrls permit requires a Tovrn of vail Fire Department Approvar,Engineep''s. (.Publii t'lopks) reyiew anJ ipprova'r,'a ptannini'bepartnentreview or Heal th Deoartm6nt.ieview, rnl'u-i"uid fi-iil;";rirainsDepartment, the estimated time tJr'a-totar review may take as longas three weeks. A]l commercial ('1arge or sma'll) and a'll multi-family permits willhave to follow dne ibove runti6nuJ-ri*irrr requirements. Residentialand.sma'l 1 projects shou'r d take a resser amount of time. However, ifresidentia'l or smal l er .projects impact the vJrious -;'b;;. miniloneddepartmcnts with reqard' to-necessai-y review,-th;;; ;;;j;.ii ruyalso take the three-weet< peiioJ. Every.attempt vrill be Tgge by this <tepartnrent to ex'pedite thjspermi.'t.aS s.gon as possible. - - -- v'rrvYr v! I I' th" undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe.. k fo--t/ zZ ,"/d!-/Oa Communi ty Develogrment Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT' DEPARTMENT IS REOUIRED Job Name:.4-<.-;z e'c--za Dale: --fn*- a F.? Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a "public Way permit.: ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public propeqty? ls any'utility work needed? ls lhe driveway being repaved? fs diflerent access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the right of way, easements, or public properly? ls a "Revocable Flight OlWay permit" required? A. ls the right of way, easements or F.a--t/z YES 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) public property to be used for staging, . parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a 'Public Way permit" rrO be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or at Cgqqulity Development. lf you have any questions ptease call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construclion Inspeclor, at 479-2158. I have read and answered alllhe above questions.-;?'z or's Signature DaleJob Name I REPT131 119/94/98 187=46 TOtfN OF URIL, COLORADO RE0UESTS FOR INSPECTION lloRK SHEETS FtlR: 9/ +r9B PAGE AREA: trD 3 Act i v ity: Address: Locat i on: Farce I : Deseriptionr Appl ieant: Owner: Contractor: 898-015e VAIL EOLFCftIRSE elOl-O9l-04-949 RERpoF sAl|E FtiR IIASTER SEALERS ACADIA NU T{ASTER SEALERS SAIIE CLA61S A Occ: EHINGLE lJge: 970-476-3975 970-476-3975 91 4/98 Type: A-BUILD Status: ISSUED Constrr Fl€iFR 5t-r{Phone: Phone: Fhone: Inspection Request Inforrat i on. . . . . Requestor: r ichae I Reg Tirer QFaQ$ Corrents:Iters requested to be Inspected... 0O54O BLDG-Final C/tt Phone: BP7-555O Action Corrent s Tire Exp Inspection History.....Iter: g05lg driveway grade final Iter : golOYA BLDG-Foot ings/Steel Iter : o,g$?E BLDG-Foundat ion/St eel Iter: OB5,?g PLAN-ILC Site trlan Iter : OOO3O BLDE-Fraring Iter: O9,B40 * * Not On File * * Iter: OOg50 BLD6-Insulation Iterr A9,o,6g ELDG-Sheetrock Nail Iter: OOOAO * * Not On File * * Iter : OOOTO BLD6-ltlisc. Iter: OOOqg BLDG-Final Iter: OO53O BLDG-Terp. ClO Iter: OO54S BLDE-Final C/O #r^-- oo o IH3Broe, o H6 lttop,oOlJ A 'I!l a oro o .; oo o o JE ROFg AlDE8dJE,0 !A E EII Eo B tlI : E 'a E& 'rtto gl|HHllc|10EAEa ooIlLOTneE o C' o n| oo o o ct u(,.g o AH!lD aaD o at cl o f, HaA riHa!Eg(J EHao ,t E| o o o oFl BE&op: g:d E FFE2tt9 E9o(p a trH 23roE:qto p c| lr t{H2g!pooAIE{ H 2 tlIA xH g +{!adt(,illl|2A oET6 B"H !|El H $8 eHiE 6 !! AA =, F' 5 Eq B lil HHo|o EI ? ? )eora :cETgaaEl0ao-EOHE&EAA.i TOTIN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 910-479-2138 Investi96tion> Tl l,l, cat l.----> TOTAL TEES---> v' DEPARTI,TENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALI, TIMES P O BOX 1116, MTNTURN CO 81645 GOLFCOURSE TOWNHOUSE ASSOC c/o LEONARD BUssE, 1720 SUNBURST DR, Description: WIRING FoR ADDRESS SIGN AND LIGHT POSTSValuation:2, 100. o0 *************lrt*****i*t***tf,tfrrtrhttr**rfflrff*****t*t***t FEE SUil ARY ***t**tttttttf******t****tt*t**t*********i***ttfft*t***ff* Totat cal,cul,rtd Fc.E--> 57.6 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Addresg: 1610 SUNBURST DR I'ocation. .. : 1635 GOLF TERRACE Parcel No.. : 2101-091-04-000 Proiect No.: APPLICANT EAGLE VALI,EY EIJECTRIC P O BOX 1116, MTNTURN CO 81645 CONTF"ACTOR EAGI.E VALLEY EIJECTRIC OWNER El,cctricrt---> 54.q) DRB FGc -> .(x)Additioml, Fees----> Tota I PePrit Fce---->Palmnts-__----a BALA CE DUE--------> Permit #: E9?-0230 Statue...: ISSUED Applied..: 09/23/t997 riiued.. .: 09/23/Lee7 Expiree. .: 03/22/L998 Phonel 970-827-5772 Phone z 97O-827-5772 .(n 57.m 57.m .m Phone: 970-476-O3'1 9 vArL co 815s7 .00 3.m 57.00 Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Divieion: CONDITION OF APPROVAL ItEM: O6OOO ELECTRICAI DEPARTMENT09/23/L997 CHARLIE Action: APPRIt'em:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT65lTi/1tt1-cttAnt rs--Action: APPR N/A 1. FrELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REOUTRED TO CHEqK-F9B-CqDS CO!PI{IANCE. 2 . iri[-woF.-K-i,tSm - edlapL,Y-w itfi - DtiB- c0 r DEL rNE s AND coND rr roNs * *rfi***i ** DECLARATIONS I hcrcby acknoutadgc thrt I hlvc ncrd thi3 app[ication, llLl,cd out in futl, thc lnforFtion. rcquifcd, corpLatad-rn accurrte Ptot pten, airo statc tdt ru, th. inforratidt pFovidcd as riqui rcd i 3 corr.ct. I rgrcr to. coQty t lth thc inforEtion .nd .Pl'ot _ pl'an, io cipty r,lth .1,1, Tq.n ordlnr|rccs urd ctite Lavr, md do buitd thir 3tructurc accordirg to th. To$lrs zoning end subdivi3ion codea,'dtaign rcviar approvrd, thifo But tding codc and othcr ordin ncrs of the To,n lppticrbt. therrto. REqrEsrs FoR tilspEcrro s sH LL BE ilADE rtEt{w-Fc[rR ]touRs rN ADVANCE By rEtEpHot{E Al 479-2'l3E oR AT ouR oFFICE FRoNI 6:00 Ail 5:m Pil ********************************i******************************* TOWN OF VAIL' COLORADO Statemnt * * * * * * * * * * * * t* * * ** * * ** * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * !r * * * * * * * * * *** * * ** * * * * * *!t statennt Nunber: REC-0330 Nnount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: *13?50 s7.00 09/23/97 1o:16Init: CD 897-0230 Tlrpe: B-ELEC EL,ECTRICAT PERMIT 2101-091-04-000 1610 SUNBURST DR 1635 GOLF TERRACE Total Feee: 57.00 Total AtL PmtE: BaLance: **************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No:Site AddreEs: Location: Thia Payment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Deecription ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES }TILL CALL INSPECTION FEE s? .00 s7 .00 .00 Amount 54.00 3.00 I o*.oT h*.ri n,rJ,wl.o4l - o*"'o\o*o,. uoi" coNsrRucrro"O PERMTT APPI,ICATION FORI'I PERI.IIT 'I VAqle aylVsr*so* lf\o.r?/6.0bqo,. ., r,.,D, Afpl__ , APPIJICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COI.|PLETELY OR IT I,!AY NOT BE ACCEPTED X* ********************* * ****** pg1q41T INFORTTATJON ************************** i**r![ ]-Building [ ]-Plurobing . t-xl-Etectrical I l-]techanLcar I l-other, Job Nane: Vail GoIf C-ourse Townhomes Job Address: 1635 GoIf Terrace " , Legal Description: rot-[ zkocx.-b ,rrrnn Vail Golf CourseOwners Name: Townhonre Condo Assoc. Address:Ph. Architect:Address:Ph. General Description: work class: [ ]-New [ ]-Atteration txl-Adctittonal [ ]-Repaj.r [ ]-other Nnrnt'er of Dwelling UnJ-ts: _Nunber of Accolunodation Units: ^ Nurnber and Tlpe of Flreplaces: cas Appliances_ Gas Logs_ wood/pellet_v^]*******!r************************* vAwATroNs ***** ********** ********* ********* BUILDfNGT ELECTRTCAL: $ 2,100.00 OTHER: $ PLIIMBTNG: $ _ llEcHANrcAr,: ST ToTAL: If *************************** coNTR,AetoR INFORI{ATTON ******* * ** *** ** ** * *********t Eeneral Contractor: Tohrn of Vail Reg. NO._Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUILDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLTIMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANTCAI-I PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FE8: DRB FEE: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. FOR OFFICE USE *** **************** * * ***** ** *** BUILDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLT'},!BING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANTCAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMTT FEES: BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATTIRE: Town of Vail Phone Nuruber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Reg. No. 156E 827-5772 CLSA}T I'P DEPOSIT NEFI'III) IO:AtS@Vatl^l €tffia \ TOWN OFVAIL NOTE; THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE MECHANICAL PERMIT PeTmit AT ALL TIMES M95-0097 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Job Address...:Location......: ParceL No.....:Project Number: Department of Conmunity Development 1510 SUNBURST DR 2101-091-04-000 EAGER BEAVER MECHANICAL 3549 GYPSUM CREEK ROAD, EAGER BEAVER MECHANICAL 3549 GYPSUM CREEK ROAD, GOTFCOURSE TH ASSOC Status...: ISSUED App1ied. . z 06/22/79s5 rssued.. . : O6/22/1995Expires..: L2/19/L995 GYPSUM, GYPSUM, co co APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Descript,ion: GAS LINE TO 1610,1620,1,630 81637 81637 Valuation: fof Gas Logs: Phone ; 303-524-7 33'1 Phone : 303-524-7 33? 4,500. 00 tof l,ood/P8 l. Let: SUNBURST #0f Gas Apptiances:Fireptace Information: Rlstricted: **ffi*'|***'ffi*tr*lr***'*t****ffrffi**ffi***t****t FEE SUttllARY **************i#ffiffiffffffiffi***t*****ffi*ffi l'lechani ca [--->1@.00 PLan Check---) 25.00 Restuerant Plan Revie!r--> DRB FeF-------.OO TOTAL FEES----- 5.00 .00 Tota[ Catcutated Fees---) .00 128.00 AdditionaI Fees---------> Total Pernit Fee--------> Payments------- 12E . 00 .00 128. 00 126.00 Invrstigation> l,i l. L CaL L----> Dept: BUILDING Divisj-on: Dept: PLANNING Division: Item: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT06/22/1995 DAN Action: APPRItbn:'.05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT06/22/1995 DA\I Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. F]ELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hefeby acknolrtcdge that I havc rrad this apptication, fi(l,ed out in ful,l, the information requined, conp Leted an accuratc ptotp[an, and statc that etl thc infornation provided as required. i.s correct. I agree to conpty riith tirc iniornation and ptot il.an,to.comPl'y vith atl Tovn ordinanccs and state [ars, and to buiLd this structure according tothe Tovn,s zoning and subdivisibncodes, d.gign r:vieu approvcd, unitorn Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Town appticabl,e thercto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS tt{ ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 2138 0R AT otR oFFtcE FRot'l 8:00 A 5:(x) Ph SIGNATURE OF OIJNER OR COI{TRACTOR FOR HII.,ISELF AND OI.INER $ r"n*ruo TOWN OF VArL, COTJORADO Statemnt *********'t****************************************************** Statemnt Nunber: REC-0040 Anount:128.00 06/26/95 09:14Init: MMCPayment Method: CK Notation: ck IL22 Balance: .00 *!til***********!t**********************************************tt** Permit No: Parcel No:Site AddreEs: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4t3L2 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 lr95-0097 2101-091-04-000 1610 SI'NBURST DR Total Fees:128.00 Total ALL Pmts: Description MECITAIIICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Tlpe: B-MECH MECHAI{ICAL PERMIT 128.00 128.00 Amount 100.00 2s.00 3.00 NOTE: THIS PERI,TIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AI,L TIMES MECIIANICAL PERMIT PErNit #: M95-0097 .Iob Address...: 1610 SIINBURST DR Status...: APPROVED Location : Applied..: o6/22/L995 Parcel No.....: 2101-091-04-000 lseued...: O6/22/L995 Project Number: Expires..: L2/19/L995 APPLICANT EAGER BEAVER I'IECHANICAL PhONE: 303_524_7337 3549 GYPSI'M CREEK ROAD, GYPSI'M, CO 81537 CONTRACTOR EAGER BEAVER I4ECHANICAI, PhONC: 303-524_?337 3549 GYPSTM CREEK ROAD, GYPSUM, CO 81637 O!{NER GOI,FCOURSE TH ASSOC Description: cAs r_,rNE To 1610 ,t620,1630 SI'NBURST Fircptrc. InforDtion: Rcstricted: fof G.s Apptirncca: FEE SU]IIIARY Valuationt 41500.00 Hcchanicct-> 1m.m Restuapant PLan Rcvi a.--> .m Tota L CatcuLetcd Fcca-> 128.m Pt.n chcck-> 25.00 DRB Fcc*---.m Additimlt Fcca--- > .m. Invcstigrtion> .m TOTAL FEES---- tti l, t crtl,--> 3.0O Payncnts------ BAU$|CE DUE--- I!e$! ,g51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DCPI: BUILDING DiViEiON:06/22/1995 DAIi Action: APPR I!f?nr1"05400 FLANNTNG DEPARTI@NI_ _,_ Dept: PLANNTNG Division:O6/22/L995 DA\t Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIEIJD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE' ******************************************************************************** DECIJARATIONS I hereby acknovl,cdge that t havc rerd this.ppticatim, f i l,l,ed out in ful,l, thc infornation requi red, corpLeted an lccurate Ptot pl,an, and stltc thrt al,t thc inforDtion providcd as required is corrlct. I lgrce to co$l,y vith the infoFration and.ptot.pten, io corpty rrith ett Torrn ordin nccs rnd stat. tavs, and to build thig gtructure according to the Tounrs zming and subdivision codes, dcsign ranian approv:d, Uniforr Eui tding Code and othcr ordinrncca of the Td,n applicable thcrcto. REqrEsTs FoR r spEcTtors sH LL BE r DE lltEl{Ty-Fot R HorrRs rN ADvAficE Ey TELEPHoTE Ar 4T)-21I''3 oR AT dJR oFFrcE FRotl 6:00 Ai 5:m Pll fof Grs Logs:#Of tfood/P.t Lct: SIGMTURE OF O$iER OR COIITRACTOR FOR HI]ISELF AI{D OINER f )A,c.cEL /l: D r*/i-Jl -?f t APPIJICATIoN UUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT I.|AY NOT BE AcCEPTED r****************************** PERI{IT INrOR}IATION ******* ************** rl **** ***trt-t l-Building t l-pturoblng [ ]-Electrtcat pfi-uechanibal [ ]-other Job Address: /Zl/r. //.ir't "l-tL?r\ -t-_./ .+f)r, Owners Narne ! Architect: Job Nane! Lega1 Description: Lot /Block_ Filing ,*dgy.,?i xlll-EiffiI*"$lli,, o Address: Address: PERI.TIT /I ceneral Description: Work Class: [ ]-New PLTIMBTNG: T }lEcHANrcAL, @ovl* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * coNTRAgIOR rNFOR!,IATIOI7 teneral Contractor: [ ]-Alteration ]<J-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Acconnodation Units:I Gas Logs !{oodlPellet ** ********* ** * * ************ ****** OTHER: $ TOTAL: f INFOR!{ATION * ** ** * * * ** * * * * * * ** * * * * * *** * Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO.l?q-rn Phone Nurnber: a^ -,<p4-; e3 r oFFICE USE ***** ** ************* *********** BUILDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLWBING PLAN CHECK FEE3 }TECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLTAN-UP DEPOSIT: BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNAN'RE: Nunber of Dwelling Units: q g)ryU"r and Tlpe of Fireplaces: cas Rppliances ,f* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATTONS BUfLDING: $ELSCTnICAL: $ Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Address: jls- ******************************** FOR BUILDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLIIMBING PERI'IIT FEE: MECITANICAL PERUTT FEE: ELECTRTCAI. FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FE8: DRB FEE: CI.EAN I'P I'EPOSIT NEN'I|D ll0: VALUATION TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED Please answer the following queslionnaire regarding the need for a 'Public Way Permit': YES 1) ls this a new residence? 2, ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of lhe right of way, eas€ments or public propefry? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent a@ess needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way Permit" required? A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used lor staging, pafting or fencing? B. ll no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit' mu$ be obtained. 'Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please caltCharlie Davis, the Town ol VailConstruction lnspector, at 479-218. I have read and answered allthe questions. NO / Y x Y Y 3) 4) s) 6) 7l 8)X Y Job Name s Signature PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: 1) Fill out our check list provided with a buildino oermit aoolication. lf yes was answered to any of the above questions then a "Public Way" is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 S. Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 VailValley Drive. 2l Notice sign otfs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. 3) A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations' of all traffic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc..). This plan will expire on oct. 1Sth. and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. 4) Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. 5) Submit completed application to the Public Works's office for review. lf required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and Inigation crew. The locates take place in the morning but, may require up to 48 hours to perform. 6) The Public Work's Construction lnspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any that may needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one week to process. 7') As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to Community Development allowing the "Building Permif'to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" to do work on a project itself. NOTE: * The above process ls for work in a public way only.* Public Way Permits are valid only until November l5th.* A new Public Way Permit is requlred each year if work is not complete. c<!Fvay 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 38 / 47e-2 I 3e FAX 303-479-2452 Depanment of Comrnuniry Development IXFORIiAIIO TAEDED IfHEIt APPLYTTG FOR A IIECTTNTTCAI, PBRIIIT 1. 2. HEAT LOSS CALCUI,ATIONS. TO SCAIJE FLOOR PI'AI{ OF MECITANICAL ROOI.I WITH EQUIPMENT DR,AWN IN TO SCALE, WITH PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS AND BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN I4ECITANICAL ROOM. sHow srzE AND LOCATTON OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS, FLUES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHER ETEVATOR EOUIPMENT WILL ALSO BE INSTALLED IN MECHANTCAI ROOM. BO PROVIDE TIIIS ITIFONUIIIOIf WII.L DEI.AY IOUR PERIIIT. 3. 4. FAII,I'RE TOWNOFVAIL 75 lol|th fronl,rge toad Yall, cdoredo 81657 (3Ct) 4792138 (303) 47$2139 ollie of communlty development NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS/OIINER BUTIDERS Effective June 20, I99t, the Town of Vail Building Department hasdeveloped the following procedures to ensure that new constructionsites have adequately established proper draj-nage from buildingsites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. The Towrr of VaiI Public Works Department will be required toinspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads orstreets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts ataccess points from the road or street on to the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any request for inspectionby the Town of Vail Bui-Iding Department for footings or temporaryelectrj-cal or any other inspection. Please caLl 4'79-2160 torequest an i-nspection from the Pub1ic Works Department. Aflow aminimun of 24 hour noti-ce. Also, the Town of Va1l Publ-ic Works Department wil-I be approvingall fina-L drainage and culvert installation with resulting roadpacching as necessary. Such approval- must be obiained nrior fn Fj.nal Certificate of Occupancy issuance. lnwn TO: FROM: DATE: SU&'ECT: 75 3oulh fronlage rord vall, colorldo 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 offlce ol communlty devclopmcnl ALL CONTRACTORS CURREMTLYL REGISTERED WIIH THETOV'II OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMIII'NITY DEVELOPMENT IiraRcH 16, 1988 CONSTRUETTON PARKING & !,TATERTAIJ STORAGE rn sunnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to litter, track.or deposit.any soif,-roci,, sand, debrisor naterial , including trastr iunpsteri, portalt" toit"ts andworknen vehicres. upon-any streetl siaewaiil -;ii;y or publicpI?:. or any portion theieof. The right_"i_;t-;n aII Town ofVail streets and.:gag= is approxinateiy 5 ft. ifi'pavernent.This ordinance virr be str_illiy-enrorcla uv-it"-i"wn of Vai_rPubric works DeDartnent. persins found vtirattnt this ordinancevilr- be given a 24 hour written ""Ii""-ti-;;;"'=aid naterial.rn the event the person so notified.does not ""rpiv with thenotice within the 24 hour.tir"-rp".i;i;d,"i;.;ffiiic worksDepartment wirl renove said mateii"r-ii-[n" -"r.i!ire of personnotified- The provisions or tti= ordinance shall not beapplicabte to cinstruction, ,.irri"rr"rrce or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in ttre-iigili_"_r"y. lo.review Ordinance No. 6 in full,vail Buildlng Department to obtaincooperation on this natter. please stop by the Town ofa copy. Thank you for your Read and acknowledged -t ----' (--'E4t2 a-'/.2 2 -Zao,2Losrtron/ReLationshipr (i.e. contractor, olrner) t, hwn 75 touth trontegc rord Y!ll, colo?.do 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 offlcc ol communlty dcyclopmc||l BUILDING PERIIiIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAIIE If this p"rlit requi.res a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval,Engineer''s (pub,'ric works) reyiew and approvai,'i piiiiiini'b.pu"t "ntreview or Health Departmint review, ani'a_review ly the duiioingDepartment, the estinated time for a totar ;.ui;;;ui i"[E'is r6ngas three weeks. A]l conrnercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits willhave to follow the above mentioned maximum requiremlnli. Residential1!!,:rull projects_shourd take a resser amount of time. However, ifresidential or smaller.projects impact the various arove mentioneodepartments with reoard' to-necessary review, il,"i" i"oj".ii"ruyalso take the three-weet< peii:oJ. Every.attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispermit as soon as possible. I, the frame., undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time r Corrnuni ty Deve'lopment Department. t shE* -t*if $$Tf:ii ti556 ({ irTIii Irto{\l!oi T$ ST i l1\IN{ i ,x l('tl.lot;l.l IE t;4. t'-t -1. t lj' q o Jr'l't s ri. sV| T$+\i \{ s,) rfi ^\'\J\l-: * \' $r -9 q,l -'"--./\s) R'tir\ €$\\ll."FN So€Ii'ffitils( r'' \-1-'ii{t'\ i:.\.-S <{ .- I ri' -O =- '1h $6d'a\ \1{ * U 14 Tr,4E Fv+">s ; Js$ * >. { E.(\+\h$-r :ii$r Fiili Sc! i!' u' t'!! f,i i'!'t' i! f ;! =\:rt;_.n cqg i-.',,;14,;i{:, ll,otl, -' - - ^ I trl ftll 'ggt t- '*-i 1 \ l, ,l:\l::l-, -\':-.L\ 'i ilr:l rl 'x _>, s. s.t; \-\ ll 1; 1lj :,1 .4 'to:tJd ss is .<-1 i N t {A 1IlC) -lJ-lJ-o Ec F J q B t i.t E{IE tTt'.t>t;lI =H i*trs I I H.= [\i,uL* \ ${ Ri$t\ *HHi \ i'\\\\\*\,r $t .., ot *t .J\ ,{ \ tttl$ t l: l;lt tl f\ r;\ uo * *\:t'[ \x ;: \ : u'. '\ ;::i$in; dlt $:t'1" -N l. \$2 'l) i{* ; $F $ri 10oLoerL? 3r\: t$i- t ; "- 2 L";* r E iss$E riqt lnr.rl3 *:i \{'r{il rl I)l :l I ,l I 2. tr =cIuo-co a.n uJ uJ t! F =Eul(L ,'ffiyfu rno\ I I !,/. z F z l! 6 )s tr o z ) f t!F o F Iz = zzo o IJJ z ozo = .6 ozz tulz3 uJ F u-JIuo =i oc (! -:.-o9,ooDc) FaEx€i E8g6eG.s 6.9p'6 E'6:= ISE; p ;.; _ Er-ti Fc Es;>5 Eo-N o EiRoo;-F o ":€ o#pa9: EE€ E H3I o.S €:EobF5rtd lgr- E:Iof; -E O-otr6 -(6r $;i to =YHb -U) *6;: .:FJ .08ES'- v,q,GEt =i;>c9 6.E !6otr $o cCo':,y E= o(o*6 E9-(6E6oo oct 6ccg -o.(!0 o.gobE:E3o(! t6r!O >.9tl q)9a OEr-o -o \if o\ \o l/ Cr) -:r F =E UJ z ) (D - oz Jo- EFoqJJ uJ z = J z uJ = UJItt!z tr u,l () uJ ;g UJ z -vt UJ llJ o- z IIJJ x ulo F F is U' uJ UJtl- E =ulo- J FoF z J o J 9EF g.l)gJ zo =J z o uJ NOrlVn'lVA rqFlti H \' Ez Fi ts U)zH x o =ZZrLo oo F-anZI5 >9F 9 OE ooEZt-Ooba(JzXlr<oqal F'-ElLXUI-Xz r (\t (, =>G -rotitp.q =(DN n'( ( { bs \ (, t \ $ N {q St\\r z tr r{ r+ tr o- uJ(L F E LllJG z Eoo Fi5z tr E uJ J 3 UJz tttltl Fzfz <Oo< >trztxRtrUo<z Fz. Oz do3trOI IlHlI m tl_lI tgllJll<lt5t:lt3t;l lu J zY iF F 2o F J oz JI<l -l zl z .. >l u.l uJluz aF UJ(L) z Eoo I I (o @ f- ul tro c0o-zo Fo- uJY UJ dt oFt.o>R(r: lrJ o. ll '-ro- (LEosozrsIFJ Hurbkzo z zn !lz2oo =z CL tJ- J zd AF JJ(Dt! F uJ o- TLo uJ z loLoF E -JF!:= dU>o-Olr9o5 ttlxo-x>Er-JJ IL UJ oF --- E =E, lrJo-zoFc)f E,Fazo(J !T J(-J<hOFI frnO(rl Lu\O EFI rF4 IXJ EA H HI tsrltdAEIolC' 5lI l-{ z J d) .d u1 1r\ anE zBts tn Ff FlH ui =z -) FtsFl a ^/.g) an llJ =z c{ Or X tl) e,o cl\t I t\ -o- @Ln\o @ Flt-l ts e. tr U' uJ o : = ! - tr z d uJtr = l!oz3oF oz uJ cc J ltoz3o d oz o uJ J ? t! z3oF Fll<l Yt-lz frlE F 14 FfFl rI1 Ff r:l =Etr ciz uJ J tr- z39 E Ic\ f.- F\(n (f) F\ I-tN IJ1 xX>( u u F =tr oz o UJ J t!oz3 F lll Jql F :l! E UJz = F uJ E E -.r O<F(r()uJ<ZE o EF uJ) uJ Y, i( , oozt-;C) =#fF)zr!o JlV*6YF7() =EY,z =g v r.b = rJ2 <Oo?.qx-a- D! I il I 1 2, L =t UJo- (!) ul UJu- E =G uJG tt ri l1 !n ""-)'rl,.illI -tllt r \}' I LUF o ) l!l!o z J uJF o F e Iz z 2o llJ F z z J (o € z z E UJz3 UJ'r oz o q) o -g€r.o\ E.OF !o;F(.t\'o\\ o\oc\FI\ P'vo rr. 3l6- E 6 o o == d] E = f j ru o o. CL(u =.9 1s: iE8E; = e n€*tger.! (5 aFrc^ "E 8:.6c-o> ET:E:gP 6 ;==PcPdF -*=o)35t: EEiRE!EoF O O-c ET;E Eiseo-(! c!--o=-ocPo-o!E-ors*:€E;:F :E€ H EsFS - ct.Y o .c= o (, E€EfgglE o G= x lf;;;9Eo -eEg* .l o. rO c) c.\ .s E = LIJ z =l C) Y UJ oz J C) E qJ .J z6 Jo- = olu = u/qJ z tr uJ ollJE @ 3 UJ llJ z 6 uJo F uJ IL z uJJ x F llJ u) (n UJ uJu- F =x uJo-) F F z (J uJ tr oz @ = J 9z () 4t = NOrM]VA & r-t ts ) .it \o :B -1 H d :< 32zu-o ootr ^ 6zI5 =9F9 OE .tocz>oo ir !4.ezXLL<9q t -uJ ;1 G.lLXll.l-Xz HNO (\l (\l Ij l/-: l- I I l;t: t\r l.. l>!l\J l=:'t1 lt" I'rlr l* l',,t:t.\ l"l'] t- ls ti zo F l uJ lr o- zo tr Fi zotr UJF B LIJz Ezlz F o o() I F zl z = Eo aul UJ tr 2 l F zFT trI utl-) (E L!zY iF z F Jloz Fotr ) 3t uJ o 3 Fl F Jl<! 2 zl .. >l uJo uJutzaF cc l! o- J z Eoo Ii 1,.lollt9td |;,i>o-nl I d I r- UJto @ -zo F(L LuY IJJ dt oF Ern>?c( :i uJc >)"O- rr4oXo7:l<| --) F lltIL o uloz oo F arI (L JFuJ-h=aE(L LIJ:o-Ol!9o5ul6C:>IJ F- UJJJtr rlJ d) oF co E o 6t 6tE 'Et E Eo.J o co E €o. ot! t.lEl> l---- ts =E. lrJo-zoF C)f E.Fozo() guJbkzo z z_e (DO =z aL lJ- (.9c)zE NF =fc]uJ !tr I\i\\l\ { o1 J(J<F. z6 X{n(Jfi Ir.J'o =F.n+ D<t i4, PJ :rl :l;l..41 =l,)l e z:t! J ID F J vt H C) ka -1 i.i z --) Xt< ?Irlat ct) r1) c& |lJ =z c.J :\l i,{ tuEo = ..' I |\ t' i o- -.tt-l Eo g. t! J = F t tr oz uJ(r .J ? ltoz3 g oz ci uJ .E J l! z3 F g. tr oz ciut CE J t!o z3 F Fi LrFI,a rrl F !,J E z ci IJJE lt z3oF E I(n T\ r'l |-\ CNfa i... I.:t ...1 rlFIT u II F =Etr z ol! a l! z3oF l!JulF E IJ.Jz =o o I.IJF T OE <F(l(JuJ<zE (nZ <oOF F?Ila LU!Eo c) (Jozt- =#)zo.O ax :IF =2:af d=>U cv L-Eirg*to2 J<c)'o ?.lrr uJl- !n el/0/- {,i1tr;x 3klr- PER}!TT PERr'rrr ! @//tQDATE: Job Name: l,l L,egal Description: Iot Ohrners Name: Architect: General Description: :HVW1ck e,Wa;__5tc-f:,.>;=t"'T's t4-1 tu2-e-r- TOTAL:_ ************************!t** Town of Vail Reg. No.Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Nunlrer: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. CIO re, BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNAIIIRE: ^ , APPLrcArroN MUsr BE rrLr.,ED out "o"*t"Ji J$uJ rlffi ";"cEprED$***************************** pERr{rr rNFoRl.rAffU.{[m{rEUlEflL*************:rrl[ ]-Building [ ]-Plunbtng t l-Er p{-Mechanical [ ]-Other work Class: [ ]-New [v]-atteration [ ]_Additiona_1 [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Dwelling Units:Nrridber of Aegonmodation Units: i2*"t and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances ,f* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * *.1 * * * * * VAI;UATTONS Gas Logs_ Woodr/pellet:_ * **** * ******* ** * * ********** ** *tt** BUTLDING: S ELECTRTCAL: I OTHER: S linrMBrNG'L-_: MEcifi;iiaj.;i@. I * * * * * * *' * * * * b} * * * * * * * * * * * * * * sr CONTRAClIOR INFORI{ATIONt Eeneral eontraetors Address: Electrical Contractor ;Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Tovn of Vail Phone Nunber: ********************************FOR OFFTCE usE ******************************* ffi::3::"ljitractor: 4' "" tU " UJ BUTLDING PERMTT F8E: PLT'!{BING PER}IIT FEEs I'IECHANICAL PERMIT EEE:. WELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF fnnrr,r.+yFF DRB FEE: dress: BUTLDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE:PLI'UBING PI,AI{ CHECK FEESI.IECIIANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CI..EAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL P8R!,IIT FEES: Address: TO FROII: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL COiITRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY g, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBUC WAY PERMTT'tS REOUIRED Job Name: Date: Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need lor a .public Way permif: YES NO &o re *O )--A )-?-O 'fu'A 14 rc I have read and answered allthe Gontlactor's It_v91a19yer?d yes to ary of these questions, a "pubtic way permit' must be obtained.'Public way- Permif appiicaions miy be obtained a tnJ'puoric worKs office or dc.o.TT,tttrtv Devgroemgr_rt ^!yoq tr.1e3rv euestions prease cafl charrie Davis, the Townof Vail Gonstruction Inspectoi, at 4Z9-A1SS.' 1) z',) ls this a new residence? ) ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public froperty? ls any utility uoft needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecting the dght of way, easements, or public prop€rty? ls a'Revocable Riglrt Of Way permil' reguired? A. ls the right ol uaay, €asements or public propeny to be used br staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging 9r fery*ng ptan rcquired by Communifr Development? 3) 4) s) 6) 7',) 8) o Job Name questions. PUBUC WAY PEFMTT PROCESS How it retates to Building permit: 1) z',) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7',) lf yes was answered tg 3ny of the above questions then a 'pubric way permit. isrequired' you can pick 1n 1n "pfrc"tion at e'her community Devetopment,located at 75 s' Froniage nbao oiFrluiic works, ro""t"o "iJ-ioJVailValey Drive. Notice sign offs for .,tirity. companies. Ail utirities must fierd verify (rocate)raspedive uririties prior to iigninj apptication. so,n. utiiity-*rnpanies require upto a 48 hour notice ro schedute i d&t+ A construction tratfic_contrcrpran must oe e-rlaPg or a separate sheet orpaper.This pran wiil show rocationi or aritiainc-&ntrt devices (signs, "ones, etc.) andthe work zone, (area of construction, J"ging, ,t .1 skach of work beino performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (rength,width & deprh of *iril. nir ;;fi;fi;n on the traffic donrrorpran or a s*eplan for the job. submit compreted apprication to the pubtic.work,s otfice for review. ff required,rocates wiil be schedured torthe rown Jt Gil ereariians #c'liigLion crew. Thetocates are take place in the mominj, ft-;"y require up to 4g hours rc perform. The Pubtic worft's consruaion Inspector wiilleviey the apprication anct approveordisapprove ths permil you wirtte-co-ni"a"o ". o tr," slitrs "no any changesthat may be needed- Most permits "r. rr""r"o wtthin cs r,ori, oJLing received,but please allow up lo one week to process. As soon as permit is processed, a "opy wiil be laxed to community Deveropmenta'owins rhe 'Buirdino e.9pir_td u" -iLiJlloi. pr.ir.iJ';;l;;iJr" rhe "pubricway Permit'with a'-Buikring permit;iiiliL* on a project sire irserf. Note: 'The above prooess ls for work In a rfght-of_way only. 'Publlc Way permlt= ". 'A new publlc Way permlt ls requlred each year. 75 aouth trontlgc ro.d urll, color.alo 8t65;7 (303) 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 oftlcc ot oommunlty drudopmoil BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TIIITE FRAITIE If thi.s permi.t requires a Town of vair Fire Departnent Approval ,Engineer''s (Publi" t*:l "ivi", .nJ'ipprovat, a p.tanning. Departmentrevi ew or Hear th Deoartmint. review, -uni'.- "Iui.; ;i-;;;;";rit oi n9 33rtilH!.h"lll .r.i*tea itme'ior'.-tt r ".ui"*-irv"Lil'as rons All conrnerciar ('rarqe or smalr ) and al'r murti-family perm.its wilrhave to foilow the Sbove ffiii6ril;iir'n reqrirements. Resident.ia]and small projects shourd tatt"-J-ieiie""amouni of timc. However, ifresidential or smaltgr.projeiit-ii'piii' the various above mentioneddepartnents with reoa-rd' tr'r"J"riliii-i"ui"n, these projects maya'l so take the three-week period. Every attempt will be made by this departnent to expedite thispermit as soon as possible. - E^PE\" r'E Ll I' the frame. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time Date XoFR ;8,- ?{ Sneet was tutned-li'i6'TfrE Development Department. 75 routh t.onlrgr rotd Y| , cotor.do 81657 (3031 479-2L.38 ot 419-2L39 TO: EROM: DATE: SURTEEI: oftlcc ol conmunlly dcvclopmcnt ALL CONTRAEIORS CURRENTIYL REGISTERED IfITII TITETO}IN OF VArL TO9|N OF VArL PUBLIC WORKS/COI|MI'NITY DEVEIOpMENT l,lARCIt 15, 1988 CONSTRUCIION PARKING & I.IATERIAL STORAGE rn su'nary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to rirter, track or atposii ;t:;irl-r"ti, sand., debrisor naterial, inct.udiy_!1.:lr-ilip=t.=s, portable toitets andworkmen vehictes. upon-any streei, ri;;"ik;;ii;y or pubric€:ii"":I":t5 H;.rin trrlieo;:--;h" rishr_of_way 6n arl rown of rr,r: ;;ei;;;;' ;iii:ff $d:8il":l?*:L'";.;:'l"m;:f+ii,-^Publi.c works oenartntntl--p"illns touna .rii,riting this ordinancewitl be siven a-ze hour-r=i;il;';"Ii; t;-;;;;:'="id nareriar.rn the event the person so notified.does not cornply with thenotice within the 24 frour tine ip?"ifi"d, the pultic WorksDeparrnent wilr r"rnor!-=iiJ-iitlli"i -ii-inJ';*p:;"" or personnotified. The orovisions-ot-Iiil orainance strirt not beapplicable to c-onstruetion, -r"iil"rr.nce or repair projects ofanv street or a'ev or -nf'ut'ir-i;i;;"i; ;;"^;iiii-"-r.v. To review ordinance No. 6 in fuLl, please stop by the Town of:::i.::il3i"g,Tf,ifn:*.::"oit-li" a copv. rirani you ror your -acknowtedged ositionTnEfEEffinf! o (i.e. contractor, owner) luwn 75 lou0r hontrgc rord udl colo?.do 8f657 €qt) 47TZt38 €qr) 4792199 office of communlty dc$logment NoTrcE To coMTRAcToRs/oIINER BUIIDERS Effective June 20, 199r., the Town of vair Building Department hasdeveloped the forrowing procedures to ensure that new constructionsit.es h-ave adeguarery-elt.abtished_proper ariinige rron tuirdinjsites along and adjacent to Town of vail roads or- streets. rbe Torn of vail pubric works Department rirr be required toinspect and agprove drainage adjaclnt to Town ot v"ir roads orstreets and the iastalration of tlnporary or permanent curverts ataccess points f,rom tbe road or street on to tle construction site.Such approval must.be obtained prior to any request for inspectionby the Town of vaiL Ruilding oepartment for fobtings or E.emporaryelectricar or any. other inspettion. prease -""ir 47g-zi6o t6request an inspection from the public works Department.. Arl0w aminimum of 24 hour notice. A1so, the Tohrn of vail public works Department wirl be approvingall finaL drainage and culvert instaliation with resutting roa6pacching as necessa_ry^. such approval must be obtained prlor toFj.nal Certificate of Occupancy iis,r"r,ce. TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail,'Colorado 8.1657 303-479-21 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 D e p a r nn e nt of C om n u n i o* D e ve I o pn e nt rxFoRlltrlrotr TEEDED mlEf, APPLirf,c FoR A uEctNrcar. PERttrt 1. 2. HEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS. TO SCALE FLOOR PI,AN OF MECTIA}TICAT ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DRAWN IN TO SCALE, WITH PHYSTCAL DIMENSIONS AND BruRATINCS OF AI.,L EQUIPMENT IN MECTIANICAL ROOM. sBol{ sIzE AND LOCATION OF CO}'BUSTION AIR DUCTS, FLttES,VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LTNES. NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT WILL ALSO BE INSTAI,IJED INI,IECHANICAL ROOM, 3. 4. FATLI'RE ao PRovrDE ll|Is rttFoRutrro[ wu.L DELAI rouR pER]trr. Oi^lV)/zL ftn,2 a ?t/3 sFx t\l\lbl+-IFIF \- \t-. vFrst'FrK- I0wil 0t Vail Comrnunrry 0eveloomsnt Plan Burfl Fir:.i:hir f)yL r. Flrs i-r:t i:r 1' :"i ) v.? C Town of Vaif F'FIfril EOPY iri:i;i 11, 'i (,1'r1':,',, .l Sriiir. :il_r i() .:"; ii ;'i r;. fii: ;::lt?iti:c or g;:nii;:l cl i1 p:r: i11;: r'7 7"::: .-.::i ii i i:, -.: iit! i!--r't;i:i:.-r:r"-: sha:i n0i itit c0lrri.u.:iJ !i l,,t a lii.'r,;t i.;. ., ln'it.:':; "'..t iji, any vir:leti0n of aiiy ol tne f,i0vi::10ii:j Di ?1.: t:.-,.-i6 ci ni irry oiit[ir ordinanco 0f the iurisdicati0n. Tite isstianct 0l a p0ir,1ii based upon plans, specilications and othci data Lharl ncl prsvent thc building olficial from theroafter requiring tho ;orroGtion ot €rrors in said plans, spe0itications and 6thc Jata.' ' ',,/'rArE. 1-/l -z:t Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes , NAME: VAIL GOLFCOURSE #49&55 DATE: 1-10-95 ADDRESS: 1635 GOLF TERRACE CONTRACTOR: EAGLE VALLEY M VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: NONE II OCCLIPA$CY: R-l ENGINEER: NONElr TYPE OFICONSTRUCTION: V-IHR PLANS EXAMF{ER: DAN STANEK I CoRRECTTONS REQTITRED The items listed below are not intended io be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the cudes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. l. CoMBUSTION ArR IS REQUTRED pER SEC. 607 OF Tr{E 1991 UMC. 2. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANIJFACTI.JRES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDX CHAPTER 2I OF TIIE 1991 UMC. 3. GAS LINE TEST AND INSPECTTON IS REQUIRED BEFORE CONNECTION oF Al.Iy EQUTPMENT pER SEC. 1206 OF Tr{E 1991 UMC. 4. IIEATING EQIIIPMENT MUST BE PROTECTED FROM VEHICLE DAMAGE PER sEc. 508 0F THE 1991 L'MC. 5. CAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDINC TO CHAPTER 9 OF TIIE 1991 UMC AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC. 906 OF THE 1991 UMC. 6. BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION I]NLESS LISTED FOR MOIJNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. 7. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED FOR CODE COMPLTANCE PER SEC. 305 OF THE 1991 UMC. 8. WHEN NEW ELECTRICAL LINES ARE REQUIRED WORK MUST BE DONE BY A LICENSED FI,ECTRICIAN. Tcru'i i":f *rii \ **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt **********************************:t***************************** statemnt Number: REc-0002 Anounrz 228.00 iL/LL/95 10:12 Permit No: M95-0010 T!pe: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT Location: 1635 GOLF TERRACE UNIT 49, ZINN RESIDENCE Pafnent Method: Notatioh: TT ENTERED Init:**************************************************************** Account Code Description Paid 01 OOOO 41311 PLI'MB]NG PERMIT FEES 18O.OO 01 0000 4L332 PLAN CHECK FEES 45.00 01 OOOO 41336 WII-,L CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO Total (This Payment): 228.00 Total Fee6: 228.00Total A11 Paymente: 228.00Balance: ,00 a **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COT,OR,,ADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0002 Amount: 328.00 OL/LL/95 10:16 Permit No: M95-0011 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMITLocation: 1635 GOLF TERRACE #55, DICKSON RESIDENCE Palment Method: Notation: TT ENTERED Init:**************************************************************** Account Code 01 0000 41.311 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 4L336 Description PLUMBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILI, CALL INSPECTION FEE Total (This Payment): Paid 180.00 4s.00 100.00 3 .00 328.00 Total Feea: Total All Payments: Bal.ance: 328.00 328.00 .00 .'.-.--11--7/t/F tt_zI3 _ t APPLTCATION MUST BE FTLLED OUT CoMpTETELy qR IT l.rAy NoT BE ACCEPTED S***************************** pERlrrr rNFoRr,tATr6f '*'*!!****c#iEBI*************rl [ ]-Building [ ]-plunbing [ ]-Electrical D4-MechanLcat l-other TOTIN OF VATIJ CONSTRUCTION DATE: ob Address: Block riling surorvrsrou: Job Name:4er_fizLegal Description:FOLot ItrU." and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances lt* ** * * ** * * * * * * * **** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS BUILDTNG: '^ RLnlrBrNG: T- I***************************fEenerat contractor: Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plurnbing Contractor: Address: l{echanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** FOR BUTLDING PERMIT FEEs PLI'I'IBING PERMIT FEE: MECTIANICAI.I PERUIT FEE: EI.ECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OT FEE: DRB FEE: Address: 4n* , l^ /' ' pn.fu--a% Gas logs- !{oodr/Pe11"a& !{EcHANrcAtrlW * * * ********** ** * ***************** nt.,nCtnlCal: S OTIIER: I TOTAL: I CoNTRACTOR TNFORMATJON ** **************** ** ******* Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of VaLl Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. oFFrcE usE ****** ** ************* ********** BUTLDTNG PI-,AN CHECK FEE: PLII'IBING PLAN CHECK FEE: I.IECHANfCAL PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CI.,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PERUIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATT'RE: ohrners Nane: Architect:Address: General Description: t' Work Class: [ ]-New b4-atteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Dwelling Units:Number of Acconmodation Units: CLBAI| T'P OTPOSIT REEI'I{D TO: TO: FROM: DATE: RE: 1) ls this a new residence? 2, ls demolilion work being performed that requires the use ol the right of way, easements or public property? 3) ts any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls ditferent acress needed to site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done atfeaing lhe right of way, easements, or public property? 7l ls a.Revocable Right CI Way Permit" required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1gg4 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED Job Name: Daie: Please answer lhe following questionnaire regarding the need for a "Public Way Permit': YES NO .-7V .D -no rtA '77.4 4 Lltn -n 'Zp ry Development? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a 'Public Way Permil' must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's ofiice or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, lhe Town of Vail Construction Inspeclor, a|.479-218. I have read and answered allthe above questions. a PUBUC WAY PERMIT PROCESS(I How it relates to Building permit: 1)glmit a llcation. z',) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7',) lf yes was answared to 3il^o11h" above.quesrions then a "pubric way permil" isrequired. You can pick up an apprication a either community Deveropment,located at 75 S. Frontage Rbad or ii,Ofi" Wo*s, tocated at lg0g \iaitVailey Drive. Nolice sign otfs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate)respective utilities prior tg signinj application. sor" ,tii,ty-irr-p"nies require upto a 48 hour notice to schedute i tddare). A construction tratfic cofirol plan must_be prepared or a separate sheet of paper.This plan will show rocations of ail traffic &ntrordevices (signs, @nes, etc.) andthe work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.) slglcl01w9s u-"itg performed must be submitted indicaring dimensions (rengrh,width & depth of work). This may ba oriwn on ths ramc bntrotpran or a siteplan for the job. P:9ri, co-mpleted a:nprication to the pubric work,s ofiice for review. rf required,rocates wiil be scheduted forthe Town of vail eleariJilft ftr-:ilion crew. Thelocates are take prace in the moming, urt r"y require up to 4g hours to perform. The Public work's construction Inspector wirt review the apprication and approveordisapprove rhe permil you wiil ue contaaea as to the ai;d;-;;; any changesthat may be needed. Most permits arE releiieo within 4g nouiJor oeing received,but please allow up to one week to procels. As soon as pe_rmit is procassed, ? copy wiil be faxed to community Deveropment 3lowl'g the 'Building P.9ryit'to uE ritear"J. pt"""" do not confuse the "pubticway Permit'with a "-Buirding permit.io oo wo* on a Jrojeci sie irser. Note: 'The above process ls lor work In a rfght_of_way only. *Pubflc way permrt's ars vafld onrv unilt November 15th. 'A new Public Way permlt ls requlred each year. TOITN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-21 38 / 479-21 39 FAX 303-479-2452 1. 2, Department of Community Development r[TORilAIIOf, IfEEDED TIIIET APPLTIf,G' FOR A I,IECHAIIICAI. PERIIIT 3. 4. HEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS. TO SCALE FLOOR PLAN OF MECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPI.{ENT DRAWN IN TO SCALE, WITH PHySICAL DIMENSIONS AND BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROOM. sHow sIzE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS, FLUES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT WILL ALSO BE INSTALLED IN MECHANICAL ROOM. FAILI'RE AO PROVIDE IIIIS ITFORIIATIOtr WII,IJ DEI'AI IOUR PERITII . hun 75 routh lrcntlgc rc.d Yrl, colondo El65t (30s) 47$2138 (36) 479213S ofiae ot communny developmeil NorrcE To coNTRAcroRs/orfNER BUTLDERS Effective June 20, I99!, the Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new constructionsites have adequately established proper drainage from buildingsites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. Tbe Town of, Vail Public Works Departuent will be required toinspect and atrlprove drainage adjacent to Tonn of Vail roads orstreets and tbe installation of tenporary or permanent culverts atacc€ss points from tbe road or street on to the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any request for inspectionby the Town of Vail Buj-Lding Department for footings or temporaryelectricaf or any other inspectj-on. pLease call 479-2L60 torequest an inspection from th-e publ-ic Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. A1so, the Town of Vail public Works Department will be approvingall final drainage and culvert installation with resulting roadpacching as necessary. Such approvaL rnust be obtained prior toFj.nal Certificate of Occupancy issuance. 75 roulh tronlage rord Y.ll, coloredo 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: fROM: DATE: SU&TECT: Read and acknowledged by: olflcc ol communlly dev.lopmant ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RPGNILYL REGISTERED WITH IHETOI{N OF VAIL TOIIN OF VArL PUBLIC WORIG/COMMITNITY DEVEIOPIIENT IIARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUqTION PARKING & MATERIAL STOR,AGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to ritter, track or deposit any ""ir,-r""i, sand, debrisor rnaterial , including trash hurnpsters, portable toilets andworkrnen vehicles.upon any streetl siaewairl-;Ii;y or publicp]?ge or any porri6n theieof. rrre rigrrt_"i_;;t-;n arl Town ofVail streets and_roads is approiinately 5 ft. off pavenent,.This ordinance wilt be. "t.iilrv--enforced by the Town of vairPubri.c 'torks DeDartnent. pers3ns found "iirrarr"g this ordinancewilL- be given a 24 hour writien--notice to renove-said nateriar.In the event the person so notified.does not cornpfy with thenotice within the 24 rrour tine-=p""tFiil,"il";il;ric r{orksDepartment srilr remove said urateiiui-"i-[n"'I"pli=e of personnotified. The provisions or-[rris ordinance shall not beapplicable to cinstruction, riiri"r.tce or repai.r projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in ite-rigii_"_r"y. To review Ordinance No. 6 in fu]l, please stop by the Town ofVail BuiLding Department to obtiin a copy. rlani< you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. ition/Rel.tTonstrip (i.e. contractor, owner) lnwn 75 routh trontrgc rold rtll, colondo El6S7 lso3l 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 olflce of comtnunlty d.yolopmrnt BUILDING PERl'tIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAf'tE If this penlit. ryeuilep g Towl of Vai'l Fire Department Approvat,Engineer''s. (.pub1tc wgllsJ review .nd apb"ouai,'i iii.iini'bip."t "ntreview or Health Deoartmiint review, ani'a-review by the euilhinj --- Department, the estimated time tor'"-totat review may take as rongas three weeks. f]] cgtnngrgial ('large or smail) and ail mu'rti-famiry permits wiilhave to follow the above menti6ned maximum requiremlnli. iesiaentialand.smal'l projects shourd take a reiser arnound of time. However, ifresidential or smailer projects impaii the various arove ment.ioneodepartments with regard to-necessii:y revten, *,"i" p"oj".ii'*valso take the three-week period. Every.attempt wl'll be made by this department to expedite thispermit as sgon as possible. - I, the frame, underSigned, understand the plan check procedure and time Communi ty Development Department. Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: VAIL GC. MECL n355O ADDRESS: 1635 SUNBIJRST VAIL, COLORADO OCCLJPANCY: R-l TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-IHR DATE: l1-10-94 CONTRACTOR: EAGLE VALLEY ARCHITECT: NONE BNGINEER: NONE PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK 2. 3. 4. 5. l. 7. FIELD INSPECTIONS OF THE 1991 UMC. CORRECTIONS REQIIIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vait. CoMBUSTION ArR IS REQUTRED pER SEC. 607 OF THE 1991 LJMC. INSTAIIATION MUST CONFORM TO MANIJFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDD( CHAPIER 2I OF THE 1991 UMC. GAS LINE TEST AND INSPECTION IS REQUIRED BEFORE CONNECTION oF ANY EQUTPMENT pER SEC. 1206 OF TrrE 1991 UMC. I{EATING EQUIPMENT MUST BE PROTECTED FROM VEHICLE DAMAGE PER SEC. 508 OF TTIE 1991IJMC. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 OF TIIE 1991 UMC AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC. 906 OF TIIE 1991 IJMC. BOILERS SHALL BE MOI.]NTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCflON I]NLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. 8.WHEN NEW EI.ECTRICAL LINES LICENSED FI FC"TRICIAN. 305 BYA 7/- /a4'/ FFx \ }) c\.s EF Town uf Vatl Corilrnuntty DevsloDment \-t \vbt-ts. F-ttFtre n tl cpprove{l Cerrcd lutld o tr HealthPhn tr tr the lsslenco 0r grantinQ 0f a ?srr;i "' -.r''i::' l ',+ 'r1' 1r";'3 il*t;liriiicils 5hili nol bu cofisiru$a i'J #il - ' . . i.t in 3i-1lr;ival 0f , any viciation 0f afiy 0t th€ pit..'r,, - ,.i i,l ,;ii. cu5€ or 0f any othar ordinancc ol the iurisdicati0n. Ii,e isiijaitCe.0f a permit ba$d upon plans, specifications and other data siatf not prcwnt thc building oflicial from thereatter requiring tho ;fir.stion of srrors in said plans, specitications and othor Cata." OATE: Valldlty ot Psrmlt 8oo. 303 (c) 19 U.B G. i::! r-.--' /--t',,, if i i, t, ,; F"F\ I ) flFi:if;;: i'',tpY\tlr. I,i'"tt'- i-' "'i/A&///-z-/ ._-t , r i jjli.I Town 0f Vilil fq t-'/ " G o, p{t4 !-' r, ' iVi . - -_.'|.?t i.''l & s (6 lltl ll Str.> l\,' I \ Page L ***********************************El;;;;***********************************;** Dahl , Inc. 3366 South Glen Ave. GLenwood Springs, CO 81-501- 3 03 -945-2 3 3 L 11- 01- t-9 9 4 GOLF COURSE Heatloss is based on a Design Tenp. Difference of 85 The BTU,S per foot of radiation is 620 MASTER BED CEILING HEIGHT IS 8.00 FEET, VOLUME rS t_632.00 CUBIC FEET3 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING2 EXPOSED WALLS, not including openings,TOTALING >>> l-92.00 SeUARE FEET ROOM SrZE IS 17.00 IONG by l_2.00 WIDE, TOTALING >> 204.00 SQUARE FEET WINDOW TyPE IS: U-Value = .551, Double pane, Clear class WALL TYPE IS: U-VaIue = .06, Frame fnsulat,ed CEILfNG TYPE IS: U-Value = .033, Unconditioned Attic Space Above FLOOR TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, Floor over any Conditioned Space HEATLOSS 979 L,872 57L o I,967 5,390 The Total BTUH for the outside wa11s are The Total BTUH for the Exposed Openings are The total BTUH for the ceilings The total BTtrH for the floors The BlUll infiltration for the openings is THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM TS The total feet of radiation required for this room MASTER BATH CEILING HETGHT IS 8.00 rEET, voLUME IS 432.OO CUBIC FEET0 ExPosED oPENTNGS,TOTALTNG 1 EXPOSED WALLS, not including openings,TOTALfNG >>> 4B.OO SQUARE FEET RooM SIZE IS 6.00 I€NG by 9.00 WIDE, ToTALTNG >> 54.00 SeUARE FEET WINDOW TYPE IS: U-VaLue = O, No openings in this room WALL TYPE IS: U-Value = .06, Frame fnsulated CEILING TYPE fS: U-Value = .033, Unconditioned Attic Space Above FIPOR TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, Floor over any Conditioned Space The Total BTUH for the outside walls are The Total BTUH for the Exposed Openings are The total BTUH for the ceilings The total BTUH for the floors The BTUH infiltration for tbe openings is THE TOTAL BTUH FOR T}TTS ROOM IS The total feet of radiation required for this room HEATLOSS 245 0 15t 0 0 399..'.,,. ; ;";i rl8ilna ,/'{, liolfli l\-r'" n fi m\ I ! ?a-'..j:: '.- .' :------ - ---- -'r- !- - -i- - - - - - - - - Page 2 BATH CETLING HEIGHT IS 8.OO TEET,VOLUME TS0 ExPosED oPENINGS,TOTALING 0 EXPOSED WALLS, not including openings,TOTALING >>> ROOM SrZE IS 5.00 IONG by 9.00 wrDE, TOTALTNG >> WINDOW TyPE IS: U-Value = 0, No openings in this room WALL TYPE IS: U-VaIue : .06, Frame fnsulated CEILING IYPE IS: U-Value = .033, Unconditioned Attic Space Above FIOOR TYPE fS: U-Value = 0, Floor over any Conditioned Space HEATLOSS 360. OO CUBIC FEET O. OO SQUARE FEET O. OO SQUARE FEET 45.00 SQUARE FEET The The The The The THE ?he 0 0 126 o 0 t26 o.2 Total BTUH for the outside wal1s areTotal BTUH for the Exposed Openings aretotal BTUH for ttre ceitingstotal BTUH for the floors BTUH infiltration for the openings is TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM TStotal feet of radiation reguired for this room BED A CEILING HEIGHT IS 8.OO FEETI VOLUME IS ]-].44.00 CUBIC FEET2 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING 2 ExPosED wALLs, not incruding openings,TorAlrNc >>> 152.00 seuARE FEET ROOM STZE IS 13.00 LONG by 11.00 WIDE, ToTALING >> 143.00 SQUARE FEET WINDOW TYPE IS: U-Value = .551, Double pane, Clear G1ass WALL TYPE IS: U-VaIue = .06, Frame fnsuLated CEILING TYPE IS: U-VaIue = .O33, Unconditioned Attic Space Above FIOOR ?yPE IS: U-VaIu€ = O, Floor over any Conditioned Space HEATLOSS 775 !,8-72 400 0 I ,967 5, OL5 a1 The Total BTUH for the outside walls are Tbe Total- BTUII for the Exposed Openings are ?be total BTUH for the ceilings The total BTUH for the floors The BTUH infiltration for the openings is THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THTS ROOM IS The total feet of radiation required for this room BED B CEILING HEIGHT IS 8.00 FEET, voLUME IS 101-2.00 CUBIC FEET3 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALTNG2 EXPOSED WALLS, not including openings,TOTALfNG >>> 152.00 SeUARE FEET ROOM SrZE IS 11.00 LONG by 11.50 WIDE, TOTALING >> L26.50 SQUARE FEET WINDOW TYPE IS: U-Val.ue = .551, Doub1e pane, Clear G1ass WALL TYPE IS: U-Value = .06, Frane Insul.aLed CEILING TYPE fS: U-VaIue = .033, Unconditioned Attic Space Affiffe-1 nf lf,rll FLOOR TYPE fS: U-VaIue = 0, Floor over any Conditioned,,sp.ace ...,.i.!HEATf,qSS, :: ,r lrr VThe Total BTUH for the outside walLs are 7Wn i r's/L- uJq'r'l I The Total BTUH for the Exposed Openings are 1,310 The total BTUH for the ceilings 354 The total BTUH for the floors 0 The THE The Page 3 BtuE infiltration for the openiiffi TOTAIJ BTI'H FOR THIS ROOI{ TStotal feet of radiation required for this 1,377 3 t8t7room 6.2 LIVINGROOM cErLrNG HEIGHT rS 8.OO FEET, VOLUME rS 2352.OO CUBIC FEET6 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALTNG 2 EXPOSED WALLS, not including openings,ToTALING >>> 183.20 SQUARE FEET ROOI{ SrZE rS 24.50 rONG by l-2.00 WrDE, TOTALTNG >> 294.00 SQUARE FEET WINDOW TYPE fS: U-VaIue = .551, Double Pane, Clear Glass WALL TYPE IS: U-Value = .06, Frame Insulated CEILING TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, Unconditioned Attic Space Above FIOOR TYPE IS: U-Value = .071, Floor over Exposed Space HEATLOSS 934 5,O92 0 L,7 64 5,351 13,142 2l .2 The Total BTUH for the outside walls are The Total BTUH for the Exposed Openings are The total BTUH for the ceilings The total BTUH for the floors The BTUH infiltration for the openings is THE TOTAL BTUH ,FOR THIS ROOM TS The total feet of radiation reguired for this room POWDER CEILTNG HEIGHT IS 8.00 FEET, VOLUME rS 24O.OO CUBrC FEET 1 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALTNGI EXPOSED WALLS, not including openingsrTOTALING >>> 36.00 SQUARE FEET ROOM SIZE rS 5.00 LONG by 6.00 WrDE, TOTALTNG >> 30.00 SQUARE FEET WINDOI{ TyPE Is: U-va1ue = .551r Double Pane, Clear Glass WALL TYPE IS: U-Value = .o6, Frame fnsulated CEfLING TYPE IS: U-Value = Or Conditioned space above FLOOR TYPE IS; U-Value = .071r FLoor over Exposed Space HEATLOSS 184 187 0 L80 ]-97 748 Te+:i if \hii The Total BTIIH for tbe outside walls are The Total BTUH for the Exposed Openings are The total BTUH for the ceilings The total BTUH for the floors The BTUH infiltration for the openings is TIiE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS The total feet of radiation recruired for this room O EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING 1 EXPOSED WALLS, not including openings,TOTALING >>> ROOM SrZE rS 6.00 LONG by 7.00 WrDE, TOTALTNG >> wINDOw TYPE IS: U-value = o, No openings in this room I,AUNDRY CEILING HEIGHT IS 8.OO FEET,VOLUME IS 336. OO CUBIC FEET O.OO SQUARE FEET 48.00 SQUARE FEET 42.O0 SQUARE FEET Page 4 WALL TyPE IS: U-VaIue = .06, Frane Insulated CEILING TYPE fS: U-Value = 0r Conditioned space above FI€OR TYPE IS: U-Value = .071, Floor over Exposed Space The Total BTUH for the outside walls are The Total BTUH for the Exposed Openings are The total BfuH for the ceilings The total BTUH for the floors The BTUH infiltration for the openings is THE TOTAL BTT'II FOR THIS ROOM TS The total feet of radiation required for this HEATLOSS 245 o o 252 tJ 497room o.8 KlTCHEN CEILING HEIGHT IS 8.OO FEET, VOLUME IS 1568.00 CUBIC FEET2 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING2 EXPOSED WALLS, not including openings,TOTALING >>> 2O1.OO SQUARE FEET ROOM SIZE IS 14.00 LONG by 14.00 WIDE, ToTALING >> 196.00 SQUARE FEET WINDOW TYPE IS: U-VaLue = .551, Double Pane, Clear Glass WALL TYPE IS: U-Value = .06, Frane fnsuLated CEILING TYPE fS: U-Value = 0, Conditioned space above FIPOR TYPE fS: U-Value = .071, Floor over Exposed Space HEATLOSS The Total BTUH for the outside walls are L,O25 The Total BTttH for the Exposed Openings are I,076 The total BTUH for the ceil.ings 0 The total BTUH for the floors L,L76 The BTUH infiltration for the openings is 1,131 THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS 4,409 The total feet of radiation required for this room 7.1 DTNING CEILING HEIGHT rS 8.00 FEET, VOLItME IS LL44.00 CUBIC FEET1 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING2 EXPOSED WALLS, not including openings,TOTALING >>> I72.OO SQUARE FEET RoOM SfZE IS 13.OO I.,oNG by l-1.00 wrDE, ToTALING >> 143.00 SQUARE FEET WINDOI9 TYPE IS: U-Value = .551-, Double Pane, Clear Glass WALL TYPE IS: U-VaIue = .06, Frane Insulated CEILING TYPE fS: U-Value = 0, Conditioned space above FLOOR TYPE IS: U-VaIue = .071, Floor over Exposed space HEATLOSS 6r I a'l< -; r,l: ''-. P" 1- i .' -, ,,*"B5&"fr-|! t.'r .i984 3 ,655 The Total BTUH for the outside walls are The Total BTUH for the Exposed Openings are The total BTUH for the ceilings The total BTUH for the floors The BTUH infiltration for the openings is THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS The total feet of radiation recruired for this room f fllnt I Page 5 FOYER CEILING HETGHT IS 8.OO FEET, voLUME IS 476.00 CUBrC FEET 1 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING 2 EXPOSED WALI*S, not including openings,TOTALINc >>> 103.00 SQUARE FEET ROOI'! SIZE IS 7.OO rcNG by 8.50 WIDE, TOTALING >> 59.50 SQUARE FEET WfNDOW TYPE IS: U-Value = .551, Double Pane, Clear Glass WALL TYPE IS: U-Value = .06, Frame fnsulated CEILING TYPE IS3 U-Value = 0, Conditioned space above FI,OR TYPE fS: U-Value = .2L8, Floor over Exposed Space HEATLOSS The Total BTIIH for the outside valls are 525 The Total BTUH for the Exposed Openings are 983 The total BTUH for the ceilings o The total BTUH for the floors L,tol :-'The BTUH infiltration for the openings is t-,033 THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS 3,642 The total feet of radiation required for this roorn 5.9 GARAGE CEILING HETGHI IS 8.00 FEET, VOLUME rS 3192.00 CUBIC FEET1 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING 2 EXPOSED WALLS, not including openings,TOTALING >>> 32O.OO SQUARE FEET ROOM SIZE IS 19.00 LONG by 21..00 WIDE, ToTALING >> 399.00 SQUARE FEET wfNDow TYPE fS: U-val-ue : 0, No openings in this room WALL TYPE IS: U-Val-ue = .06, Frane Insulated CEILING TyPE fS: U-Value = 0, Conditioned space above FI,OOR TYPE IS: U-Value = .218r Floor over Exposed Space HEATLOSS The Total BTUH for the outside walls are L,632 The Total BTUH for the Exposed Openings are 5,432 The total BTUII for the ceilings O The total BTUH for the floors 7,382 The BntH infiltration for the openings is 5,509 THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM rS L9,954 The total feet of radiation required for this room 32.2 TOTALS******************************************************************************** VOLUME IS EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING EXPOSED WALLSrabove grade not including openings 1607.20 SQUARE TOTAL SQUARE FEET, of walls below qrade *a80. SQVARE FIOOR AND CEIIJING SIZE IS 1736.00 SQUARE FEET FEET FEET FEET FEET IThe Total BTUH for the walls above grade are The Total BTUH for the walls below grade are The lotal BTUH for the Exposed openings are The total BTUH for the ceilings I{'EA{LOgSs;l{Y !:,',,. 1,- i-,,=,.,o t8 t7 6L 1, 603 ,t Page 6 fhe total Bf,UII f,or the floorsfhe BilUA lnfl.ltration for the windows is End of report L2,7t2 19 r 517 TOTAL BTUH, THIS BUII,DING 50,7899!re total feet of, radiation required 9B.ol*****t******t**i***l************************************ * ****** *********** * * * * * c ii:; r. I ra.; r { l lrl rNJfPcroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER,OF PROJECT DATE ', ^I,' A/'/rt.r.- ,t !fr ( | r.L.v44JOB NAME Il t.|479-2138frtd t.'tG Ir A '-'tt lJ \--- READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATTON: ,,-"J-.---1 THUR -)FRI ^'(r)MON /r' iL CALL rUES" /.d ( 4 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FBAMING r-r FtooF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING ./RSAS PIPING ll€ ( 6'- tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB fltt i 1t tr FINAL E o FINAL tr HEATING B ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB O FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED -l . / /,..\.*I /,1\salg ///)/7J tNSpECToR /f rNsttoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL i 3lT JOB ROJEC ) 479-2138 NAME CALLER wED rAdn FRI / .r' ".y' .( .t .. //.ni(- r-l 'O /4 lX /.tt I '"/ \1r PERMIT NU DATE / READY FOR LOGATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING |r ROOF & SHEEF' PLYWOOD NAILING r^s PTPTNG O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr_ NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: T] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT b suppuv Rtn nfl-'a oB FINAL D FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR to oR ..o_r_ _ --_--rbt I { \ ; 3-*n ts,z-el-- --_J ( (D PERMIT NU CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL t t /.479-2138L./ i-t.'L/J4 p CALLER 44ut t* READY FOR INSP TION: LOCATION: WE-D.. r''-''t' ,-\THUR \EBLI / AM \ 4 o --'Q ':-=t' T] REINSPECTION REOUIREDPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEF tr FOUNDATION / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H, TUB I] SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR ,rt|. >,-^!-=--- oz ts =e UJo- o F\ c! an IIJ uJt! tr =t uJ u'tll $ ru'r,r,;#, .i I Fv 2 rlrl ll 1lrl t!r'/ |:=rl"lI'rll1lr I 1l 'll-, I t()l iblt(,t=l ,-r I IJ ( n i z uJFoz z Jj E .a o =2 o E 0) ot .o(g .9 ; F o o o O)oc a! .sB6 () c(! oooo I dl E o =l do o. CI(t '.9 o -i- o c o - (r' .Y'ie:gE8E; F.e n€ EgE; E 6P:Ec-o> :iEi€ >=:c96i -*-q,3 5;.; E E-Fl :€ 8E .gqeP E.; e"e $E; eoiE-o :*:€ 9;66 EEE! - o,:: o co'-:r; o o sr=f EB=-E P llo5t6E9 eg:Ee5g: - o (6: lr) CN A \Trn cn F = =E IJJ z 5 .D Y UJ z Jo- J F uJJ UJ z6 E 9z o uJ uJ uJl!z tr UJ llJe .0 =ttl; uJ z 6 UJo F a^ o- UJ z t! x IJJo F-] F-l Ft Fl HF o uJu,l! ==Elu J |-oF z o c,F IJJ UJ z to =f = IJJ. NOtrvnlvA F F {v F F <) Y = z tr; atqJ Eulz uJ =>9, -Etttfur.S =lDN zz io- Axf=F9 0 .noz>.oa)QZ l!<og +UFO d.i Lo FK la l: t o u, F L! J z Eo F zotr ulFJ =LIJz Lzlz tr o F zl z !J-o a IJJ ) ut E z I F z FI EI ullJ !)(h uJzY iF UJo. F z F Jloz I+ II _-lql -l<l:l f;t Jl<t FI el z .i tl UJ UJutzo = ul o- J z E o z Fa)q) I M H E =lrj o-t!oE'2 =E 5 e;€ a ;6B I =<E A -,=; 9 o.-ts = E t-trrE i tt "" E FEI j}: EEI :E EE Btl =s=€* j lr: ul @ o =trtrXI O Jd) FoJ ABH "lvlA:1 g Ft q HHI<l (Jz U- E] FlH |.\ c.l H u; =z JHFl rll 1 Hct4ulVlg IE 4 (\ Or e.l X (n !,1g. oo a cr).$ I F--f, -o- @!n co F-]t{ F tr at! Eo = tr JI ?l>l ttlol zl FI t zi ut ) a Ir 23 F = tr ciz .,i uJ = Itoz3 F ? Hz =F FlFl rdFlct 14 = tr ?o\ 5 oi llJI b z3 01H F.(r ct l,. I.tnV u lr F e l! o2 out I tt z3oF ul ulF. tJJz = I F UJ I E -rO<F(tsOuJ<zE (rzoo )E<oc)F H# ut,2 iloI t 2? =O=<ZE d6o *5 =F =3s= =u otr- i) =JIY o2<cia9?5E cr) f- \'olo\ &tll E z IIJ ko UJFoooazo Fo-ulY uJo oF ts =tut o- lJ-o o-oo I ulFoz E =E, lrJ a-zo F()fE 6zoo ,-'"'/9 /,u/?'-y //s-Qg. e, ,-//l, 2ll,rd of N'tY d'l "f{q N flos *\\n I t , q J I -l -l I I I I I I oz t =g, UJo a) (n UJ IJ.Ju- E = IIJ o- f.,' ,l!f a,'.''t' i l!F o l!t! oz J IJJF f- Iz o z. o lrJF z zo J o .6 zza) -i- o c lr+ I;tYC H ,:tcEE IE EerAi |g :EiEi iE !E;lg ln; i*iiE''lEi$E;si ftggi IEEEg:-'t3d .c=oos 8,f;; i E * e:q3 EiF; i EEiEg a'') a.) f- !! ts = UJ z dJ l E) x TJJIoz J IJJJ tll z l o- = () = r! uJltz tr uJE uJ o d); t IJJ z 6 UJo F o UJ6 o. ?z t!.Jo x uJ(t) .. 1 a uJ UJu- = = uJ(! J F F z dJ f I F uJJ UJ z =) 9\zr< o uJE NOtrvn'lv^ Y =:Z u-'-oo./r-2. = o\ UJ 5.[!zat!; 6t (\l >E -I =rD z Fo- to ao =>QZr!<o* o.Y>x ;ni .t{ JI f,Ifl rl sl dl ,l ql I zo F fJ ..: ri f UJo- F g o- uJ G J z E z tr t/JF } z llltl Lzfz <Oo< =E>(l xrLbo<z I I itl o tr1tOz do3trOI lll +1 |1 f-] t_l_iI leltJlt<liFl3tl:l;i uJf, z 9I o- z F Jlaz -T-- I I 1 (! lrJl(/J 3-!>O-ur o 3 l t at trl zl zl .. >lol! u, uJzot Eulc z E o 2 F ) co I F J{&<J zs$o C),"c uJ,.{ Fl :?l :1q{ !a H t'tr al o =u- )dl F Ir.l.': .aw a\ .J FI ui =z -1 t-. -x (t rc '-a 14 IIJ z .\ 3 llJE o J a = :J I!? a--il j o- ..: a(,)E uJg. oo I !()E z ci IJJ J a t!oz3I tr oz ttl llJ J ltoz3 F t tr o LlJ J- t!oz 3o I<\r\ z .; uJ = ILoz3 t\ |t. I.{ u E F =tr oz UJt t!o z3oF uJ) llJF' uJz = F uJL E E <F(r() r,! <ZE (42oO JE<oC)F =()FS ;F =zurO 2? =<ZEfF'.6 ixotr7<)<t iz =g o:+o =Ft-Oz J<c)<l ?.:o l.- UJF U)clo-zo F ulY IJJo oF >6(r- uJ l! 'io.z> .::: I i1:HeoEzo z.^=zroo =z a! u- J OO =U-) -J(nuJ t (r llJ(L L! ruJE9e5oy)62e9vcE E. E =l =t!:-E|:=8 :frE =FE 66 9 \tnE XO-t x>t q-o=lrtr uJ F E-E ts =E,lrlo-zIF(Jf E,Fazo C) !n tr! PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT * JOB NAME CALLER / ,1)/l 4 /t//r5a- ft'lltt/rn.s ,u Orf * INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL !f|', t.*l 479-2138 DATE READY FOR LOCATION: l4o" @ wED ,THUR FRIINSPECTI3/'/AU--- BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING:/l'Zz/,r tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEftr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATEF tr GAS ..rr'*U{in ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING cl PooL / H. ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr CONDUIT tr T] FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED INSPECTION REQUIRED oo* l r i z)- \ f i rNspEcroR (l {'? ,i.*. rn-,.S, ' INSPECTION:MON \'. llr- INSPECTION REQUEST Ir 't 8iTOWN OF VAIL 479-2138- .i ,' -., /''/| CALLER TUES FRI (AMREADY FOR LOCATION: ' ,; .,t1 .( THUR BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O HOUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEEB- PLYWOOD NAILING p*Gns PIPING . tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK D POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING T] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR /'a{ ir ' ..1 tr FINAL tr FINAL /^t'69'ur /RRecrtorus, O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR *iINSPECTION REQUEST r.TowN oF vAtL ' : /4 479'2198 ..- ' ,' /', '.'f ,, .,"4 o -r iI '/t]'() ,\ \j ' \. i!l-.^.'- 1,., .,( " f., (:(',,'\ WED THUR r FRI ,\':---- t N'/i It PERMIT NUMEER 9F PRyrcr oo* ll' f li, l,:i ,z JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES ,AM.) PM (- CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEu tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n_ D SUPPLY AIR n T] FINAL .b€rr.rnr- f/RppRoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED .'\ //-.{ DATE ,'..) INSPECTOR lllJIF lo I.+ T -1: Iq\ I I t, H HH td z lt] o o.tr ott6 C) o. o. G F E o o{,oc6 .5 o qt 3, o Ec6 oooo o, .gI 3 @ E o =cl Eo o clo. ag] .E c) trd) an(,o a, @Itoo .9 .9.:E -o :!o Ec(t o .E oN !, ;oF o.c o CDc E o()o6 E (, f o .2E I ! o o 6 g;] a! --- o E6g'=ol'r gEE EEE EEEc-oe:; =gPE >= cPG'- o.t 3.E t E E-P500 st; .E! E o.(5 cL sEE .tvO.E*e E6i e e.E E s_6 EFE - o.; -eC(l 0'-5ae $€Esgl96a i* E ,b5 e9Eor eEg -o6 (tt UJ Luu- E =GllJ o- J FoF F4g.l H Irl H tEI B z q ztrf ts ''lFl H zH zH z FTtn HX E Jco B ozIFo- EI uJo J E uJz llJo =>E -l.')fur.t =aDN zzooF^U'g5 =E9 c)oo1>E9rr<og ^ o-t i(\i REt o-tu z9 F zo F uJ J zl .. >l UJ lll uJ2o ts ul J z Eoo (, ull(El PI ?l :l>l tl-lol f, I I I 'lolutl GI ilil 3l* Ff LlJ =z -+ I\o F.$ i @ro FlH ts C.lo\ e\| r.-.1 X v,tt IJJ ) = N I \o l-l t*l l.l!4 ZI€al5 "'lCl Jlqal.J >l 3!lflPl F1 il ttlol fl Ehuri+tFE t -rO<FG()r.! <zeurFQ6 o F C) uJL -r- C)t oz E =clljo- =E =""{tr J o() =-E 53 F rrr trn ts IEulo. oEU9ZEs€aB9rrk EE/> =ut:-E Ff: >o-E 8b9 \trE XO-E ;Taul €; tu @oF z-_olJ :-zec)o =z cL u- trn ul Eodlo-zo Fo- UJY UJlo oF F =xcE or o- bel t>i|bglolrlg u,:^FlJzo ts =E, lrJ o-zoFc)fE 6zoo Architect: Address: Address: Address: O"o*0,, oF vArL coltsrRucrlg| PERI,IIT APPLICATIOI'I FOR}I Ptt. l{ork Class: [ ]-New I J-AlteraLion [ ]-Additiona]1x;-nepalr [ ]-otheq Nutnber of Dwelling UnJ.ts:Nurnber of Accornmodatlon UnLts: N.unber and .rype of Fireplaces: Gas Appriances- Gas Logs- wood/Perlet- q/ r.rc. * * * * * * * * * * * * Jr * * * * * * * * * * * * * rt * * * * * ,l* * * * * * * * * * * * rt * * ,r tr * * * * tt it * * * tt ?t * '! * * Jt * VALUATIOI'IS * * * * * * tt * * * * * * * * * * * ' v , ^.t^z En^ ^^ r-.r Et.rrrrDTrrtrT.. 3 OTHER: + - iut"ottn, f 106,s00.00 Mg'tllllll l.-.---;;ffiiffi; - uecnerrrcar" $--- rorAl: t zo t aac' $/ ^r? .n . + * * * * * * * * * * * rt * * * * * * * * * * * El * * * * * * * * * * * 't rt * * * * * * * * * * * * *'t col{TnAcroR TNFoRMA'r'roN ****rt*******' Ftieneral conrracLor! c & c Roofinsr-Tlc. T:11^",{..Yll:.*?gd-*?l t'o-"U;;;;i ;Jii'-i"."iir 3;:i1""$J;:1,"'#d-+itAddress: o.o. Box Electrical Cotrtractor: T:yl^":..Yai1.Reg' No' Phone I'lumber: 'I'own of Vail Reg. No.Plurnbing contractor: hr.^..^ rrr*nrr^r-.Phone Number: Mechanical Contractor:Tortn of vail Reg. NO. Plrone Nunber: * * * * * rt * * * * * * * * * * * tt * * * * t( * rt rt * * * rt * * IrOR Of'f f CE USE * * * * * ** 1 11*1:l te * t' tr tt tt'* t' #* * * *** DUILDTI{G PINN CIIECI( FEE:BUILDING PERMIT TEE: PLUMT}ING PERMII' FEE: MECITANICAL, PER$I'I' FEE : ITLECTRICAL TEE: OI'ITER I'YPE OF T'EE: DIIB FEE: PLUMBIT'IG PIAT{ CIIECK T'EE: T'IECIIANICAL PIAI'I CTIDCK TB8: ITECREATION T'BE: CLEAI.I.UP DBPOSIT: TOTAI, PERMIT TEES: 3r"-crTf;4Ee( VALUATION BUTLDING: STGI'IA'IURE: zoNIl.tc: SIGNATURE: h/=tnwrr il DA'IEt 5/I8/94 APPLTCATIoNMUSTIJEFILLEDoUTCoI'IPLETEI-,YoRITMAI[ToTBEACCEPIED f3]-Builcling [ ]-Plunbing [ ]-Electrlcal [ ]-Mechanicat I l-otlrer Job l.latrre: Vail (blfcourt Torvnhcrnes Phasgo'Ll Address: Legal DescriPtiott: Lot Block Filing 3 r,_.:1 colf.cDurseOwners Nalne: '*i- - TII Cordo, Aclclress: Plg' Bo)'1292, vaII, CD 81657 Ph. 47.6:j100 Address: Getreral DescriPtion:Renpve existinq roofinrr, Insta[ Bituthene and nery fire retardent t' CLEAN UP I,I'POSIT NEN,TID TO: N & G Bor< 817' E?isco, OO 80443 oz b =t UJI oo rn U' IJJ uJu- F =E u.JL -->'';v b ?.a/Hst/b//-1 ocl. I I I I I IIJJIF lo I EI Nl I 6l Er .5;< r-.{r(J qrt trtri ll''to .t(.,&'z .1C UJF oF eFI == =z attulF z z 6J @ .5('z z ttJulo =7 eolt EoF |-2oo Go (E uJz;od EUJ6Z;=cEvI llJFI<F AoYZo< lr +Ja(!Nlr (r) {J \o (-) hO t!oriEfrA$ F rrl t, o\ ^o\50\ :X d:0r- () j-oc 6 * 6.e, aEE:E EEHEE EciEE EEEEE €;E€€SEisi f I ='gE iEEsg.E O'- .= -5E9'aE e*Ef€ EgiiE r^o\C!\()|t\rn c.l F =u,o- z.o x uJ C)z J F UJ tr z @ = E J z ()u, E ulul z F IJJ o u.lc o.o;qJ uJ z 6 uJ F o uJoq- z lu () x F ulo CT'lt UJl! ts =G UJo- J FoF (9z ! o () F u,)qJ z = =Eo uJt NOlrvndv^ ( r+ + 0 + .tl I I \rl I 3Zu-oo6z =9a gJ J e uJzlu \=>l lE!/- <r -I(n =uJ z Fo- E9'o atz>.oaJozr!< v= iotoFO 'ini z9F J { o- oe UJ F G c uJ z E x zo F UJ =IJJz ll1 !)trzlz9. e.koo< =Pxl!Uo<z F 2.. 9z fio36 tlr,| | Jt IJt I<t I?t I..l Itt T-----T-----'tt, I Iat, | |IIJ I IzllYt Iot I 'lltl---r--url Iatt I>t IFl Itltl.,tlzl-1-9l I q <t I aJI cc I : zl : | *ct oo ] at,lJl<l FI zl zl :J >l uJ uJulz ai) = E IJJ J z E o 2 FoIH cf)N96 3Lo z ul Eo @o1zo F(L IJJY lt @ oF F cc UJ(L ltlO r.l -cfl>{6I9trl HeroEzo z (5= =e;COO lr == : a|l 6 ifi 2?= = i'i''t (J B;H E (E ulc l!o: ^rJrE2E<o-f€aB9!,L 5gtr :JF =ul:-E !EE =*E 569 \urE XO-E Eio. *t €= uJ d!oF a- ) -I - ts =E 1rlo.zoF C)f E,*- zo() ntn <l>l :l FI I Iol n >l 6l f oz qi ulG J ltoziI I q bl flE z F{u) FJ a H tr{ (n z F) ui z (D c I u F ,ll(II El # :t cp1 \ct$rl Iol q (ddlsEt It)6t fl>{dHqnqei4E ro Lr] (r) I a{ l"l frl f,:l 3Hl *31 $il z (Il = E E irg Fr-o2 o() & -rO<FEC) TJJ <z.E IJ.J Fazo -lo t- tI,J nfln oz E-E UJo. €a K l,an UJ UJtt ts =oaluo- tlrl ,nl I ((t I ^'H Ixii'); Il1rll T-l(\); I _\)H I^-E IV5 l lsi EII =l= ot a Els u, o (r-o-(l- .g \/ltt-I s az lrJ ah =E t8\(,cg\€r\ ol t-\ov E}c6 o1too CDc !t =o E €;tf ..1 uFl I B.laHlo. -l6 a.l}EIol E3l I I H v)IHe F{ z ffFl(, ci EoE c CD0oE d,otto(, coo.:.Eo:'ll E.coog co -|'tr3oF oE o CDc Eooo6 I ot o -9E s tt o Eco 6]6 d:9 E 6.E =oogEE EEg €sE :€e EEE g*; $E; gE =' EEE -eCc o'-s;o gEi o.!=Cpz;6F ;E!I cLOEEE50cD -o6 rlo v o { !.f1 "tr i \/ a\ I \ \ \1\ I I f\ \a rXU F-g ulc(,zo .0 tou, (,z JA ()cF(,ul UJ ozo: JA Iz o UJ. Itl!.,EzIF r|JE() ta,E F atoq. i uJJ C) x F ul cnD ollJ UJlr b-t lrJcJ Fo ('zoJ =o J o GF(,ut uJ I =o,- o. itI ?-(, qJv l-n'!rFirfrr N ti F$lto5r A< Frsnq #ct --., a>)'.9,J- tr la 3tr E =@,.{-.Qt 2ZooFo- 4;ae vr(J E3u. <(oqHF-5 .i6i =o F =J r+ IE Afo (J uJo- F G E J z Fo Izo tl,F ] UJ2 tltltlllo tsz 2Pg<oo< =o.5r' Yl!Eo<2 o E?i9= EOIE lJ JJ d vto uJzxo F u,o, F z F J z I I _l I I I + I -iolil<l3l FIill o ooi Fto at Jl<l :l zl .. >lou,o uJujzotr =IEul zI troo =o 5lo (V ) v1 Ft--rGu,Al!oEH =F ; :EE s CooI E ==' I dtrEEnn - '1 - . --E H=I9 d6t iE = Bl ct()a E bl =E o l J Iz O LIJ E.: I I J @ ! 5 oJ il('l tl YI q u S at = tsv) b E J, r{ t9 ) ii = =loI { 1 J I d H t-l'lRITJ bi 1 ?'ct {E tE xf.* so *E()=Etr oUIgJ Eoo E -A F(, IV\I !\ \a r^1 I \ N uiJIJ F o2 (' uJ .E goz3o . .Elt - lt z 0 UJG J oz =oF :ctt ctz ctc, IE J ltoz =oF ul ulF' IEE iH E$ :- uJooF :iJ53ouJ tsr Etllz =o F C)u, E-(J e, G:o<FE()uJ<zEIIJ F(,6 o IEFo uJ UJ z, ?)(I -.I (,z .o =t 4 E) :)( Y zt) Iz () UJ = ?)(I z)) EoE?+EFt-o2 o C) tc, sg ]o ..lL) u,t:(t,6oazo o- UJY ull0 o =Fl?le Itr) tr F-lolrfrl 6 t--loFl r filr;rGIF$J2E F 16 - | ll,J = l:E IJlrl l- o-zIFof E, 6zoo ,,,G t.'- /gr-\ \-4 /t-\z/j= ?5 touth tronlrge ro.d Y|ll, colo.ldo E1657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2[39 offlcr of oommunlty drvclopmrnl If this peryit. fgquj.reg e Town of Vait Fire Department Approvat, Engineel''s..(.Pgb] ic t./opks) reyiew and approval,' a planning' Departnentreview or Health Department_review, ani'a review by the 6uilhing Department, the estinated time for a total review iny take as 16ngas three weel(s. All conrnercial (Iarge or small) and all multi-family permits will have tq follow the above mentioned maximum requirembnts. Residentialand.small projects shou'ld taRe a 'lesser amount of time. However, ifresidential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt will be nnde by this department to expedite thispermi't as s.qon as possible. BUILDING PERflIT IS5UANCE TIME FRAME undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeI' the frame. Pfoject Name Date tllork Sheet was turned into the Cormuni ty Development Department. \{ 75 roulh lronlage road uell. colorrdo 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SURTECT: ottlce ot connunlty devclopmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURREICTLYL REGISTERED WITH TITE TOWN OT VAIL TOWN OF' VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVEIOPI|ENT l,tARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn summary' -ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to Litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor materiar, including trash dunpster-s, pori:able ioileti andworknen vehicles upon any streetl sidewaik, alley or publicpl?ge or any portion thereof. rhe right-oi-way 6n ali Town ofvarl streets and.roads is approximately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance will be striltry enforcld by the Toi.rn of vailPy!}i-c works Department. pers6ns found vi6tatinq this ordinan"ewlrr.be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material .rn the event the person so notified does not conpry with thtnotice within the 24 hour tine specified, the pultic WorksDepartrnent will remove said mateiial at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordj.nance sfriff not blapplicable to construction, uraintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the r-ight-a-way. To_review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town of laif Au|]dlng Departroent to obtain i copy. tlanlc you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. Read and acknowledged by: (i.e. contractor, owner) Date Plan Revicr Baged ontbc 1992 Uniforn Coder NAI'IE:JONES FIREPLACE STONE DATE:2/L6/93 ADDRESS:1710 SIINBURST DR. CONTRACTOR:RIPPYVAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT:NONEOCCUPATiICY:R1 ENGINEER:NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:V PLAI{S EXAMINER:C. FELDMANN coRRECrroNs RrourRrD Ih. itin. liated belor are not intended to be r conplete lietingof ell poeelbl'c codc rcquircncntc ia tbe adoptcd coder. It la e Eutde to aelectcd sectiong of tbc codeg. Tbe folloring lg not tobc cosstrued to be u allproval of any violatioa of any of thc pro-vicionc ol tbc adopted codes or any ordinance of tbe Tora of Vril . ].) FIREPLACE CAIINOT BE REMOVED OR ALTERED BEYOND THE FACING ORIT MUST COMPLY WITH TOV ORDINA}TCE ON FIREPLACES. 2', RouGH AND FrNrsH rNspEcrroNs ARE REQuTRED FoR coD; coupr-,rAl{cE. 3) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SEC.]-210 OF THE 1991 UBC. Plan Revier Based ontbe 1992 Onifonn Codec NAME:rTONES FIREPLACE STONE DATE:2/L6/93 ADDRESS:1710 SITNBURST DR. CONTRACTOR:RIPPYVAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT:NONE OCCUPAI.ICY: R1 ENGINEER:NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:V PLANS EXAI"IINER:C. FELDMAIIIN CORRECIIONS REQUIRED lbc itcnc ligtcd bel'or tre not intcadcd to be r coq)Ietc lirtlngof eIl lnrrtblc codc rcguircnents in the edoptcd codcc. It fu eguide to selected sectioag of tbe codes. t'be folloring lc not to be construcd to bc aa approval of any vi.olation of any of tbc pro- vigiong of tbe adopted codes or any ordinance of tbe Tora of VeiL. 1) FIREPLACE CANNOT BE REMOVED OR ALTERED BEYOND THE FACING ORIT MUST COMPLY WITH TOV ORDINANCE ON FIREPLACES. 2'' ROUGH AND FTNISH INSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED FOR CODE COMPLIA}..TCE. 3) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUTRED pER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC. -s-q7 ?INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMITNUMBER OF PBOJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR FRI AM L BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr D tr tr tr o n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER{rnnrr,rrr'rc r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL [/nppnoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REOUEST IiI-ru' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT VTOWN OF\.i.*t lii I t;,ILA JOB NAME l'iDATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER ' TUES iWED PMAM .r i'/l[llrt)i THUR FRI-/.1,1. BUILDING: O FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W,V, tr ROUGH / WATER > i STEEL ON / STEEL ,_ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL,bi filti;'rt-'- iii, tL/\Oi"7t-, tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEUP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr D o EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR o tr FINAL FINAL Wfeaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ^vI APPLICATION FOR TOWN OFVAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 1.Job Name Legal Description Streel Address 2.Excavating Contractor Name TOV Conlraclor's License Number 3.Start Date 4. Work is tor (ckcte one)Water Completion Date Sewer Gas Electric Temporary Site Access Telephone cAw (Permit Expiration Date) Other Landscaping 5. Trench-width (min. 4') Length Depth Bond Amount $Permit Fee $Total Permit Fee S ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt, Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket shall be orotected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works office to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow one week to process. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation (476-7480) -- i i---.', t 2 -/7-vl Public Service Company (1 -800-922-1 987) PSCO-Natural Gas Group (468-2528) Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) U.S. West (1-800-922-1987) ',' .. , . /*. - /, / /./ o, 7. 8. L TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (949-5530) :.- - Town ol Vail: lrrigation (479-2161)Electricians (47 9-21 7 1) Public Works (47 9-21 58) THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURESI A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance ol the permit. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" ot utilities - (Senate Btll 172). Permittee must contact Public Works Department at 479-2158 24 hours prior to commencing bacKill operations. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. I certify that I have read all chapters of Title 12 - Streets and Sidewalks, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. Contractor's Signature of Agreement Oate of Signature ATTACH PLAN OFWORK, INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. THIS IS NOT PUBLIC WAY PERMITI White - Public Works Ysllow - Finance Pink - Communilv Develooment Gold - Contractor 10, 11. 12. oz ts =G, IJJo- I..l allJ lr. = uJ(L < b /tfz//7€,q'leo//"-l) (\ o\Ot f\ & v z F z (\ UJ ci F- z H -sZ<vIt oZo<z J uJF o | ,ttluJIFxl: *l ztrloot Jzt ) =lc0otoU<l.n zl =zl7 l! ulo ='r (roII F(J Fzoo uJz3vrr Eul6z;:rvful <FZ r.t 9.2(t, < N crl r.o .oHor()EO\OOr "(JaxoroEA€<fuBHoAo4tu14 oH Fr!l z frl o) o) qt -o(o .9 o- 6 c 'oF q) o v,o(, (! = o o E (u o)Eoo I d) E :); G 3 .9 0) o?i (l'.Y' aq{$9UE; F.9 R€ EE E:I UP.ec-o> g,! s; =EF;; 't= - 9cY'-G -*io'35;= E E-sB:€3t€ssF$!tecL o cL-o=-o(5xo-oiE-ors*e€ 96 (! 6 :EEg E6Eg - o..y o -eCaoo'-.=c= o (,) E,tirggl= 9 (sE5 i* E: e6eE9Eo -cEg: 5 c!N f\FN 4 E Lu z I UJ z aF tuJ llJ z6 lJ(L ) 2 I llJ uJ UJl!z tr t].l uJ o 3g IJJ z 6 UJ F6 IJJo o-fi ll,) x F uJ <Al (n uJ!! l.L E = uJ o- J F F z o ) =FogJ J uJ z =J 2 () uJt NOTMlVA E z F trl \l F ts U)z !(r =IL zI Eo ul u,lztlt >0a -Io = (D <\r zz9oiogXr =3 o .nOlrQzlr<v= o-Y-Y jni FHF trt Fl B zHB z tr LL (r l E u.lo- F rn ao-L!E z E o Raz Ee. UJ .J BlrJz I l itl trzlz <Qo< > iii>E R!Ldo<z L1;Oz do3trOI X X X X Fl F = (D z YG lt !J Jl<l trl z1 z UJo uJluzot t UJ(L zo bo utl C! utz o IF z tr Jlaz I c) O- cr) OOHH z rlA IJJ tso c0o-zot utY l!o O e.rFo\ ;d =F\ =- !-l tJ- F4r.\A ILAO:-oE guJ 2E Fv) z (n N F- LI z r^= z_E(Do =zf:)JO(L IL - "}4.LIF<l tr llJ o- lI-o UJoz oo EIL JFllJ -h=-i.rdrJ>o-O|r9o \ IJJXCx>EF =tr ru c0 F tro Ectoo et ,= 3 E E 8 o go E to.! F =E.lrl o-zoF(J D E,F U)zo()J..i6|i., \J = =83dd= .$ Fu)& aD CA z J lJ- cl GI Fo J M 14 U) i,iE z - ITJ z (-) H & .a z F.l ul =z tsIA6 7 rJ) Nr.. t! o -) o\r\ CN I\o F\'i F-lH :=tr uJ J F6 z F Hz tr H =tr I\? : q g oll : <l>l l|- ZIil 9lFI lnln I\oNor lll ulF =e, tr z ri ul J t!oz3 F =cu. oz ou]E IIo z3 t- = tr z IJJ J a lr-oz3I =(r oz ti Itr z3o g,l JulF r.uz = F C)[!F <F(r()uJ<zELUF(rzoo 5P F#XF'izf 2? s3fFd3 ix :IFz<)-<:tl Y,z>3 Eoth P+E t-Oz (J J<ofi3:o Err r t I Permit Fee t50 .00 OF YEAR Bill to: Paid:Receipt #:}iONE INSPECTION REMARKS: (Public Works)(Publlc Works) SKETCH PLAN OF WORK ATTACHED '. lrJ.Ol- J'eF. co +tE<.Od(J c LtJ ){ .O C-JFo-o(5 0- xz.< o) J lJ- Ur i--. r--. (71 |!.--' C d.=oc:rt /)Eordlrl @a op :rJ -O cJ -rJ C-zog(JhV'O'{Eooi5 LIF;= rF o =!-(no drpJP qJ J{J./1O(ufr- J C! tlJ as sss x x x x as scs an r.lj uJtl ==G LU a)- .\j sFr \ outFoz z J l .5 zzo \Jtuo = lt o Fo Fz o o UJz3odr!ul6z;: :) llj <Fz^ YZo< SE HP E3 $Et; FE * (! .g.lc a 0) o. lC 6 0'!oo CD !:o E o =c:) E c) o o-o.(5 '.9 (D 3g\rtD;o;i -c o9()O a6697A5oE6_oc:](,o lcFCOl!E o,-co'E ')octN() -oFE.g?tt;6 q, C) oo o!cc6;oEE)oo 3ooo o.s:o-=3d 6c(to D:l '-E5g o9 c(!t; g, .cJ>6E d:9E6s'=oo sIE E: $ F.g 5trfc 96Pc*o E$: = pt-;>= c96'- o..c 33t_= >,rJ (t=!,E: boo i?og eg*: c.l=(!o(gofrEl(,,-o_E*: P6t! EEE o qt= EE E eeC,6 0--c; o - B-c St5-ei3 '6>,9,!a iTE Bts96.or P5g -()ct t\ \ \i :-r I'J I -a .-.'\' \ '1 I J.{'(r c{\ c t-. t-- E Eu, z 6: ao to I z 9 F UJ z l (L z o = u.l zI UJ () uJ t! B t UJ z(J ul F t! i J X F It U'l U) luLtl LL E uJ o.. J FoF oz o! co a Fow gJ z e z = FF C\I NO|lVn'lVA UJl- o tgt<1lclt=F{H:_ E clg'2! c {> \ I q tr4 Ltl = l !3i 9.,!5 6 bltr ^ -v, z<;pEid2 ? 3Co o !4 l{o z X 4.1lL< F i #ri5 EH I I I I Ft LCl"-!I' LL i'ql< laIE Lc z tr l! E. o o- uJ x z E x z F- F It Bt!z tttltltlo tszlzO|'Eu,5? >fi>E x4do<z o ts<F 9= do3tr tl [t n I] lsl ullJ (E glzY iF o- tr Jlaz -= ;t Irtt|lI lo lsl9 Ir-r-tltlI lclol{l516l''' IIH*El>og I IIl ,-]l:F .tl<l !l zl .. >l t! u,u,zo F =(r ul .L J zI tro z @ n I I "lzl:al(lI<lo-l F Ed LrJ (5 = J lL dOLL o LllotJ llJz, r-9lr-(r.'.. lll -- -Ae.: b:d I c--: | | $qrg PuJbkz6 d><s g,) o. Yb Es q Eo3e=go-eH IEFir .=ur;cdE =LlJ;tr--J FE=H =9dsi c;35 Hi+8 b9I \ u.tELt- x o. EsQ L .BS= JruE(DIp *F* zo F C)f E,Fazoo 'n."'- 1}f ''i, a/, (5z. = Ll, tro coo-: z F(L ulY utdl oF F =E lrJ o- z.,9 coo =2.f>JO aL rJ- J us? #$E DEN . , I J{du t$l=l5 1; E= llJv,vt x) lJ.J a EI u, =z ") t E IEI: o1 R v,vttu o J = u E it F E t* EI tr ; z R st ..r[ rl. fo- s = (l 1! v1 c<o = ! F5 I E FT E F R c tr qt c,z ';uj J a t!oz Bo F- s\6s G R UJ -)ull- H tr ol 7q ujlc! aiqz39 T =tr I l l l .lo4r'i uJ.r <t r!iqz3I ulJlllF E tr dz (9 It ac J tt,qz 3lI =etr I I I I I .lol =.1olutl :l <l>l ttl'q 21tloi F uiJ!lF E UJz3 Fou,F_r E --r O<FE()r.! <zEUJFAZ JE<oOFF? S?F-zEo(J g 2?;o =#>F!z,I-o (J 6F r3 g6 EoH5 =*t FOzoo J<ot\ U'Eil! Date: Uarch L2, L992 Tos Town of VaiI ComunitY Develolment ?5 South Frontage Road west vail, co 81657 Froms BilI Sargent Res vail GolfcourEe Towrrhones, Phase I' Building A. Dear Slrss The VaiI Golfcourse Townhones, Phase !' hl" approved -thei".t"ir"tion of iii"-ao"ts and decks- P9r lippy contractors' rnc' G;iA; for units !,2'3 and 4 in Building A' AdJacent proPerty owners have been notified and granted approval' Please call if you have any questions' *m4"' BilI Sargent Managing Agent vail-Golfcourge Townhhomes, Phase II Units Lr2r3 and 4t \s.- SN\Nd Dater TO: March L2, 1992 Town of Vail EonmunftY Develolment ;;T;;iJFrontas6 Road neat Vail, CO 81657 From: Bi-II Sargent Phase !' Unl-ts Lr2'3 and 4' RE:Vail Gotfcourae Townhonest Building A. Dear Sirs: llhe vail Golfcourse - Townhones' Phase I' has approved the instarration or ;;; doors-a1a. a9c#'i!i gbm contriitore, rnc' designs ror unitg-'l,z'i-"na a in Building A' Adjacent Property ownera have been notified and granted approval' Please caII if you have any guestione' SincerelY' /) .tt\ t/tlJ/tl BiIl Sargent Uanaging Agent VaiI Golfcoulse Townhhomes' Phaae II i I i t 'I liisi"-. Architect, Address and Phone: o2,.'x- h t>r<z't-_- Legal DescriPtion: Lot Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: Date D ISAPPROVAL Seconded bY: Summary; f;ADEL,V x' 4.r3 -l\t lXlZ- c@AR TC|s{' I I-r_tJ I I t Oa(F> !-J-EvA1laN 'r rr V+u = lJ orl r-* - -l boAeo - 5TAru 1s | |n^r4f(.H eXtsrlr.ra | ,6olt pr s g 6'tOt ru(i-l-' -lcL- ---.1 W0Pa60 D(Ltt--tllTl+ aaLtD -wocKtr+L E|['(fr+ 5!#1l4 v t{AY DZCK FRA},IIN4 PLAN Vl'= lr-?s l4tt =l[Ot, bt-otl 14''b'\ fOP AF,,DVE rA tse_Ld E.FEE FItrr€;R- alzt<Dv(M&x.) vqtt=f o'l l4t-c'l -l Plan Revier Bared onthe 1992 Unlform Codes NAME: BOYCE/BUSSE DATE: 4-L7-92 ADDRESSz L720 STNBURST DR. CONTRACTOR: RIPPY CONTR. VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: NONE OCCUPAIICY: R-l ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON: V PLANS EXAMINER: DAI\I STANEK coRRECrroNs REOUTRED Tbe itens ligted belor are not intended to be a coopJ.ete listingof all possible code requiremeats in tbe adopted codcr. It ia a gruide to geleetcd cccti.ong of tbe codes. Tbe folloring is not to be congtmed to be aa approval of any violation of tay of tb€ pro-visione of tbe rdoptcd codes or any ordinance of the To*n of Vail . 1. SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRED TN ALL BEDROOMS AND HALLS AS PER sEc1210 1991 UBC. PERMI DATE .'- -t,') .--) )7(-) T NUMBER OF PROJECT '/' ,-;a l; JoB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST CALLER TUES TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: MON THUR ,FRI ,-l---.--- BUILDING: EI fOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr D tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL t-l O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr o SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL .tr FINAL /,OVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ffis',"" PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST OWN OF oo* L /21/qz-JoB NAME CALLER '/ t t-1, READY FOR INSPECTION:MON iues -j*eo THUR LOCATION:'t' .-'( ,,.- :-x-/ (' VAIL rtF ./AM fi PMI O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ,!orsnenRovED REINSPECTION REOUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB B SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL - -- t- PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor.t\-,N.--\S- JoB NAME a SPE READY FOR |NSpECTION: MON . TUES \WED THUR @ ,. ' _ O" eQ LocAroN: \s\\ ar'..t.'**."i>\ \t . 'K'.':.\-r:t\ IN CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O iFOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL LECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER E HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr FINAL E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED t DATE INSPECTOR 5t rct INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAMEDATE READY FOR LOCATION: A.M en{ -/, - ./\ < ^ I :,-) BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,.- ROOF & SHEEF " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION T] SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB o MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL Kppnoveo COBBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor, )-27'Q2 rNspEcroR oz ts =tujo- .s .ir Ei}'l an !U UJ ==Eu,.L -.zwrg /o/t/o/ es€rL h vt.d EEEtst+<c/lrX FlI' OJ €E;atq'a i I I I IH Fl.<o\lo c{l 9l I I I I UJF | ,ir, I llJlhxl>trlo EIEqrl J 3laoldilz =t6 uJz3 Iwl\:$ e 5 .$ |llo ='r otL t\- do $ c lrcD t;o ^ t(;6 l: $g li88 l;Eg li(/) o- l. ENE€s\3:\ iN t; r.gg)\ g.\E -l-= it. Sdqb * (,)c :;Jg ;E;lf ; s- sll EEgII -'- q) '=(D(/l*iag8E €tH!-fg6P;c-o e:5 =: s€3'l =c96'- o.c d.E ; E E-s 6'- o'.:q- E:F o.rU o-SE; o? o-Ego-(ECE;(6 EE b qr o* iFE -tC r-E .rO! -E,F soi;I E> -Y;ts3;3 ,3'6 B9Eor PEg q o\6 F\!nN + ! uJ z J tD x L) uJ z o- EFo uJ z o- 2 (J tu = lrlqJIIz tr llj () u, o (0 3llJturEz 6llJo F Xu,o o-fz IJJ 6 x F uJo (t UJ uJu- E = uJ(L F z J f co e uJ gJ zo 9z T 'lrJt NOtrvnlv^ t; I lFrI.IX;lE8l?(\l : lcl)"F EP Z u-. 'i e6a = FCO Eco() E& =-*(JF =>t = ,., z tr^ F9ao22-(J (Jozt! <( o-Yi5 .iGi trl (JzH .A & z Irtz tr1 H HH (J frf .A l-l trl A .J) frlE .J> z tr l LL (E.; l uJo- F \? .f, X D{F( a UJd ) z Eo z tr IJJ F - UJz ll tliI Lzlz < (.)o< =ft>r! 9!!6o<z aaz 9zir do3trOI X X X X Fl ; z F cl zY TC o ul JI :-| zl zl ,. >lo ut u,t UJz at llJ o-) z Eo uJl E ag, z (J IF c F z F J oz l-lr)O(f Oi ts F{*l zl zlHl I I I IJJ o E ZJ.r9 S =< *oo P- 2zof = (\l Jo F O- lJ- r-l ..i8 =s7:icr^ dd= = IJJ o. o uJ z U)o o =o" UJF.uJ (L o uJ J II ul @oF go Ectoo ott .E t E C' a, o co E {'cLo! f=l- --- E =Elrl o-zIFo3EFozoo !DnF G uJ t!o r.uc F (Jz <()onsj; Jcl FoJ ts{Ie AEt v2frtro(, F{t.II H .t) (J f!.tl (9 dH ulI a 6lo\6l X F A uJt! o a CO I\o i F{ Fo tr UJ e,oo ) = - F zHh a 4 (5 =tr oz o uJ -J lroz3oF v) 1 Nti Nrn ra)rn I@\o\o = tr o (, IJJi >l ILolz 3i :elFI =tr ci ol u.lI u- z3oF e. .iz (, uJ!c ltoz =lI = tr uJ : a1 >1 t!o z) 3iol F] uJ lrjF uJ =z '-) uJz = F UJF ? E E --.r O<FEO t,r.J <zEUJF6Zo() IEFo uJJ uJ t. EgP =EfF)z|ro J 2 7 ul ; I J o O' zFntr t. I Nll\r \H ulIFo2 lt d .A:i E 5 o EFz 8co alljz3.o d:9 g EEETc EE gEE EiE'$ iEE$ *"; Ee g !IEEg TE€EEgF!- c X 5';-'l =O-- -:8i'iB EEE;E;g;E s EEgIE \r \J! .. >louloutu,2otr: Gul J 2 9 F ao ulibF 3J 3 F ut zIF loz ot!Jo ozv 4 o =F so G o. u,l 7.zo Eoo h lar lH FlvEH e8 Oru &" ofl trut+r{rgo uts60. .-a q\/a H; \r-r rv Eu 8e =En.O ZZo98s ?E8oVr(Jz>89r!<ogP6E8i .,i 3l3lrlrol F- .l<trlcl '-l.rl d Po c! N F{ Xo m o (u : u a %,JIz ll, =z.oq ill.l :l il.r{ d (, =Jll. ts 9 oz ao =fJr G_rO<FE(Jr!<ze, 36 \\\rl oz F -GutA d)o) \{O t-OO FI 01r\.\oc!i\lo' (u .1 ._lzS ra )l . =*<>coo^ =<RliE: 3H? ;HE E2Eltlo.tto uloz fo Eo?trI >( 9i'iiE=dE:cOsoohurxo-Y>rJF Jtt ulooF Q Eco E .ect E E 8 o Co E Eo! ts Et,.il tu zIl-of,E 6zoo Fo eF oo G urIFo otr! Etn ,:::. 1.,:., :"- /-'', , />/// PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oarc ,/o/(o -?/ JoB NAME * INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL CALLER TUES WEDREADY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: Ia (reenoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED D RETNSPECTION REOUTRED_., , BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEU tr FRAMING OOF & SHEEF LYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: B TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL INSPECTOR t//'N#hoNTOWN OF l' REOUEST \ VAIL.PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE t-ta -fg READY FOR LOCATION: wED @ FRIINSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES /4.,ZA PLUMBING: r\ n o tr D D tr o FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND .". FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERFRAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL lAnPPnoveo CORRECTIONS: C] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED or;:e / /!- /9 rNSPEcroR -.,<TAT INSPECTIONIS The ltens below ueed to be conplete glvlng a pernit a flnal C of 0. Please check off ln the box provl.ded. FII{AL PLI'MBING COMPLETED before ! DATEs n n FINAI, MECIIANICAL DATE: IMPROVWENT SURVEY RESID. NAilE3 DATE: FINAL ELECTRICAI tl u tr DATE: FINAL- BUILDING EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: DAIE3 /-t3-?3 u TE}IPORARY C OF O DATE! tr CERTIFICATE OF OCCINANCY DATE:tl I.ANDSCAIING DT'E DATE: FrLE NAffE: t/A- 5-/t 1 oz E =e, uJo- 4allxlx N c\I c{ N (n uJ UJu- E =t UJ lrrbl-6 \sOgegs(. t{5-l3lt/;o\o\ }z z HU' z Oiq F F-l z U))H *z6v =Fozl< UJ o: F FIz = zz Hrt)z H FI H Flz rJ>d q -tz CJ Fri "1 t -.il<l oluF z z ) .D .a ozz F.l =3 FHF r! |lro = olr U \ Nid P \) )a to { d ct q) o -9o(U *ro. l(!l SK trdc\ o\3\() E>E\:\.: /--4.PL/ oo (U o (}5 o){.=\oe l) f,C\tCo-l F d- s i{. --sl f e.. o- ''qar i\z5S c) :e3€E8F; EEEE F BE.6c-o> e:58 = €i;c96F.l of ort5t: E EF: :-€8igceF !iee cL 6 0--sE; s oiEor =fie€E;ii :EEH EsES -o.Yo--c.Joo'-:!; o o .rr (D r.= 3E==:glE c-=-:6F9 i€ ;:9lE-or -cEg: - o (!:: !n N c{.$.$.s c!@ @ rn C!lrlN Itlrn {> F =E |ll o- z J Co Y UJ z J J aForllJ UJ z (o = o-- z IIJ = u uJ zoF uJ UJ 3tu uJ z uJ F l uJo z UJ o x F llJo u) uJ LrJ TLt =E UJo- FoF z qt ) aF uJJ UJ z ==o- J 9z u, = ts ts NOIM'rVA I I I h: t.-'|c),sFa Grp aln .(\t YEr-. Z !L. ro6q, z.a =eooffi o %14,€ ffi<t- =>E z tr^ io;:EU,Oz>.89u-<o* i-o> (,)FOj<.i z tr l !! UJ OrN ui& J z E XX)<z tr IIJ F BuJz F-l29. e.<()o{ >(!9E6o<z trz, 9z -uJOI uJl E zY i F. F- z F U)z t ] trl u ct o = o lrl<l zl zl .. >lo UJo UJ uJzo = lr.l J zIF 6o I H _1 -l I Iolzl?l <lol z tr (D I v I IIO -./alc!\_- llo grLf)qO i|aO 7 z v7H! uJF U)dlo-zo FoluY UI c0 oF For =3CE UJCF- lt .-\JT AZo-tZI r-{gu, 23 ld =frOF r..ze t =z'f f F- o--P 3 fxlT-lT-'llxlrrL_J ."i3 zE= -i'\+ -! -'i u,6il= ==crut Lo uloz ahLo l- Eo- JFllJ -h=.,i (rdrJ>dO|!90 \ llJxd:>tFJ tl- UJ @ F co EeIo oTI .E 5 E Eot) o E =E, lrJo-zo F(JfEFazo(J l.lic lH IIHI(Dt/li3to Y'oh a(, FfH (, =tr J ct) rn.if HHz Fl a-* g rl o(J rli =z CDI tq H Fl Ff E H TIJ z @ o ts( u7 uJ = 6 F |l z 14 Fo z|-{ A & ts U) H =tr Irl .if F\ UJ oo) N F\\t l'- I\oor F- d B F1Fl z 14 = a 14 l-{ NH Ff tr I(\ : =l utl 1l <l>l ltl zl}I 9l (\I c\I I 00 c.l(n ul t!F zH4 r'1t{zH z r.'l t{& EEtr I 6 z (' ulE a tto 23 F o @(n I -+ F ui IJJF z FlA a zH t u) U) Fl& r:1 Ar =tr I(n F\ ciz d uJE J t!oz3 F ralN <\|\o I cr)rn .af = G z .; uJE t!oz3 F = t!- .iz ,; uJE J t!oz =o F utJul F E. uJz =o F uJE <FEC) IJJ <zF(rzo JE 5P E3 ;F5 tgP =ffFd6() <x :ZF F3 Eg l-E_O -g+Eo2 J<O9?. fo l*llxifl 'i,+ !4 ..- $+tl EEi; iE€E gEig EE€E EEEgag |, s :E=5 giiF tt Etclo to a E og oE t c toto go Co oEIo 6 E EG e o 6E 6E o IDtto 'oca a)g o eoE ot!u,ll. E-culo, { o !Go tto-I o- E 8 Et!2uro taa =tttttur l!or\< <!J 2I-U'3:90 o ()z q-t()t atj zo It ahzo(J o g sSl, J c \( .J $ qJ C.1 {-vsl ij- - 3!(- s {!I-J AI llit z I no ff\ cta drlE J stto E ctz 0ltl G, 3 oz-o *b =+Go2 o(J \J \ Nf\ o =E.c UJA =I oz:olt (,z 6 = rGb =l qt u',lalo ila*l =Flr.6 N E =G Hlro EgESgut9-E' E!9.EE l>--||rE! EH -FEIi8si UJoo IG(' uJ ,u,l LIJ t I ut.E o @o 2o r UJI uJE o L. o) =PtE t- Hc>tr c-lO:-l o.loFl?HrlguJaEzo ts =g, lrj o-zo -rFo :)E 6zoo ,/G t -L,lnb \trlt-,:E 75 roulh frontrg. road v.ll. color.do 8161i7 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2\39 otflc. of communlly drvclopmclrt BUILDING PERIiIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If !t''tr peryjt requires a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval, Engineer"s (Pyblic l,lorks) reyiew and approval , a planning'Departnent revfew or Health Department review, and a review by the Builiing Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as longas three weeks. A'll conrnercia'l (large or smal't) and a'll mu1ti-family permits wil'l have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and smal1 projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, iffesidential or smaller projects impact the various above mentjoned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three. week period. Every attempt wrlll be made by this departrnent to expedite this permrlt as seon as possible. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time Date Work Sheet was turned into the Comrnuni ty Devel opment Department. I' the frame, luwn n llal t5 3oulh tronllgc road u.ll. colorrdo 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: EROM: DATE: SURTECT: offlco of communlty drvclopmcnt ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITII TtlE TO!{N OF VAIL TO!{N OF VAIL PUBLIC t{ORKS/COMMttNrTy DSVErpP!!ENT MARCE 16, 1988 CONSTRUEIION PARKING & IiIATERIAL STORAGE In sunmaryr -Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to lltter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor naterial , including trash dumpsters, portable toileti and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicplace or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavernent.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of VailPublic works Departrnent. Persons found viotating this ordinancewill be glven a 24 hour written notice to remove said naterial .fn the event the person so notified does not cornply with thenotice within the 24 hour tine specified, the pubfj.c WorksDepartment will remove said material at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance stritt not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair proJects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 ln full, please stop by the Town ofVail Buildlng Departroent to obtal-n a copy. Thank you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. (i.e. contractor, owner) acknowl 8- 't.9t Date (f Holrl L- 14,g, )JV- E2ul \_(:-\ p il?u E= P fi i i ;g-n. *E g*Eiig{iffFgi J.^t rlfi Nt\ n z ,-3 _ Fg 6Esnjn E si1 E nxI[ 9.T:,( F {UJAI U'c{ 3 IJ (r(t o : o @ o o ? ooqr Ft LI s td 4 txN ?ll taN gl of ah El*:-* filro e<(o @ E (D Y 0 HI ci(D g(, E.ttl 6 5:) 2 (,z GE:,lr- o ?tn +xG' I ifi*ifitug wNoG ]ooz F IAolrj E,o qlrj6 H rc\(\{ IN o(D o o € u't LEg 8 dnfl,11 ,r gS[,'J:r 3H1rrT6/-sri/-tng'ot OjZfl'd ![tlr'oli gerII ]6'9 O <.,,\ 1,1 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME ,-Tf CALLER TUES i I BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: {ur.rorncnouND' tr FOUNDATION / STEE_tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER.- PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING C INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr \O FINAL \ I D FINAL ELECTRICAL:'MECHANICAL: r-1 tr tr D TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr D E EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR o FTNAL D FINAL (neenoveo co\RECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED onre *- 3O-?/ rNsPEcroR\,) PERMIT NUMBER OF .,*, :, INSPECTION ,fiE - TOWN OF VAI, DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION:oN ruES d6) rHuntli'y' J't- - i/.(-7- ( .lrn-, FRI AM PM >./ A-nppnovEo . CORRECTIONS: .a'i'- (.D DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. PO MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR *,t INSPECTION PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL t JO8 NAME CALLEB TUES PMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: -,/1; 1 L-r',, MON ( l,a(1 $E'enoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND bffioucn / D.w.v. O BOUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRlCAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR ' -Is* -1' !_tr INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: PECTION:AloN r'\fuE\\l -n\\ ''.. PERMIT NUMBER onre\\ BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED 1( nerruseecrroN REouTREDV' /) v1 f toatt L1 - .,1O'7/ rNSPEcroR 5Dac d' PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: ROJECT INSPECTION: JOB NAME OF 3 INSPECTION REQUEST T,OWN OF VAIL ,-.o AM tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED .<z# ffqeenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED CALLER BUILPING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V,O FOUNDATION / STEEL RAMING tr ROUGH / WATEF/_ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr cAS PlPtttQzi NSULATION SHEETROCK FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL oor, 1- Z'l '?( rNSPEcroR soeo INSP CTION TOWN OF J REQUEST I VAILPERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT Q;t -qt INSPECTION: 55- ')(. i,')e CALL ),uEs THUR JOB NAME ONREADY FOR LOCATION: Slneenoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BU trl nl trl -l'l trl v tr ILDING:PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUNDFOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: oteup. PowER tr HEATING tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR PERMIT NU fore * OF PROJECTMBER0tDATEJOB NAME REQUEST CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON I P ^--'.-1rrrnATf rrNr. l'- -> -f w@ )_--,THUR FRI 'AM ' PM Crt n-n =fV'n,;-! u -!'/j' BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL f(uMarNG: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D tr tr tr tr D D UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING D E ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr o tr ROUGH D o o EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR )flrrrunl tr FINAL APPROVED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,t\ - ?/2 /'z'ome /u -'. 'Y/ rNSPEcroR 5Dzn: PROJECT QIII JOB NAME roN REQUEST VAIL -1 : I PERMIT -T17 DATE / CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:Soul TEES WED'-/ TEUR FBI PM / z-- -\LOCATION: I I -"/.'-J,1"c4 r -./_1AA ,z -.., -L/ U a J t7atr -(:/ ( la ,,^_, BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr D D tr tr UMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D,W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr D tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr KrrNar-tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING o D tr ROUGH ! tr n EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR N FINAI tr FINAL -ffiROvED N DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED -'J CORRECTIONS: niffis"o" INSPECTOR ry lfsPBsrrorrs o$rPr.srED o Tbe lteos bclov nccil to bc cmplcte bcforc glvlag a pcrntt a ftrel C of O. Plcaae chect, off fu tbo bor provldcd. ,t) l NI{AL PLUfBII|C FII{AL }IECEAI|ICAL DATE:tl II.IPROVE}IEM SURVE"T RESID. XAUE: DATE! TEUPORARY C OF O Nt Mrf- i--lL- [-,li CERTIFICATE OF OCCT'PAI{CY DATE: IINDSCAPINC DT'E t:ti DATE: FILE MIIE: {. I I I I I I oz E =G UJL \o U' UJ UJ lJ- tr =E IIJIL \$ $N N-\S c c 6! z FfNH U)zEtr] l!u J tru- az gJ F F eFIz =o zz ollJ z = = ao € ?z IJJz 3 UJ |- z (! Jul =t ot! BEEO aE €!8: aa!o.Y €-fi-oca€ EP:e'-+ O)-.=eEu,oo)N9 .(,Ecc Ep'FO eb,Eoo PF E€ooo al C' CDo.c 4'=3dE-aa,b o:) =E' ^c)q9 o- c(!t' dq)t;.6E o;i (t' '=oo*!uXOc;o(Ee.oa€; E E:F b F'5c-o e:5:sFd'5 =c96'- o. -c EsE_E>!a o=sE=+oo;?o €eeF! c.:- (E o-(! c)- d=-oE oov o- lfi;(!-'- EE EOo; EEE eeCrEO- n!4)+ EE:-9=' =6>o o= .Y=E3;8 Bte9E-qr eEg*oc (\ { UJ z J to Y UJ () z o-- J E F |.lJJ LIJ z ID =l 2 (J |l' = |rJtua!z tr uJE IJ oE ao Bg llJ E.z 6 uJo F o- uJo z ul x uJ IJ' tn UJ uJl,! tr =E UJo- Fo F z - @ 9 6 UJJgJ z.6 =) .J 2 - qJt NOtwn]v^ :< 3Z t!- 6z5o cO uJ J UJz uJ N (\l =>E z = qro (J (JOZt!< c- !? FO AN zH an r'l< Fq z HH Fl rJ)zH v)ts B rI1 H& z E J UJ F \o t (L ur z Eoo Fiaz tr e. uJF 3 uJz bzlzOar- IJJ<oo< =PPE6o<z Fz ,. 9z d<r3trOI uJ:) .J q\ zY i F- z F oz I z z ---+ .J 3 F lrl llr_lll" llsle l[T-ll l.ilql: -]" bll H*kolL -o9 -Jl<l;.I el zl .. >lo IJJ IJJ llJzo tr E uJ ) zI = oz tr!) J(l I I cr) @(o .-? O at)z Fftr{ z l! tsa c0o-zo F(L ulY IJJ cn I I I I I unn z '^o =z(Do =z aL rJ- .-i5 zFz" a d'E !Elrl oF tr3oH$r!loJi18dt7 HP2E tr uJ(L uloz f ah 9. FE 9 cr JFllJ :h='iGduJ>aLOl!9o\ l.lJtaLx>UF =l! ruo F co Ect -9o oE 'Et E E 8 Ao C|D>Et=E =t:o:! It E =Elrlo-z9F(J :) E,Fazo() ?l HI JI <lilol zl fl ,l El JI al>l tLlol F| llllql HZI rqHlg!l FIHIct(Jlqoltutlfrt(/]lFI<lctlcllJE ')di8,,t <ad4a rri =z d) '_1 U) t!cc I Hl JI<l>l l!l 9l fl l'll"l I -l-l 6l 'l EliltzldaEFI !+o b2 J EF LUJ t 2P s3fFdto () z T C) uJ = -rO<FCOuJ<zE U,J F(tZo() J ulJ . , , .J .:.,,- ' rNsfttoN REeuEst \ PERMIT NUMBER oF PRoJECT 1 F. TOWN OF VAIL oor, \S-= UbJoB NAME \s\ QN'\tl:.sr='v-l.'l CALLER ?,u o,READY FOR LOCATION: PECTION:THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr o tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATEBtr FRAMING D tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: o tr t-l ROUGH tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR nJil;tr FINAL APPROVED ' .tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,/| ntis'oP oz t =eulo- rlq 'ltrlFIx €'r U' IJJ IJJu- L =uJo \N\\*\s O'l o1 E]x H E lrl l-{E lyJ<l6 q t! (92 : UJF F z zz U'lu F z z =l @ 6 =z (']\'\' (9coz H tsr f'- Oo_ic)Oao&XO F4(adH C)Atr{ H z '.-1 o o q) I.o eclo ioF EI o IE €l o o E (! o c =l dl E = f (1) o (u ; .9 0) o x (! .Y' '=ola;i*toiE8Ea F.e*€ 'EEH9 5 B,E:3c-o> EHSE!P - r = g:; c9cE -*=o)3Ea= E E-sl g;;F nlsecL (E 0-- RE;9oiE-orsf;:€ :o"O ;E:3E6i: -eC?60-.:.c= o (/, og--=9rE5!Eatp5(J>=o(!=x r{ E: efisE I' CI(D -P5g: o\l'.c{o\(rI 4l F =g. UJo- z o f Y uJI z) o- J o e. o[lJ uJ z6 lJ o- Iz (, uJ ulllJl!z tr uJ (J llJ to 3IIJ uJ z 6 UJo (L u.l lz IIJ x F lllof, .J) UJ UJ lr.-t =E UJ o- F z J = (-) (J !J UJ z6 = d J = olu = NOtJ.VntVA U E; 7F u F A u. : Y 3 IL zotrg Eo gJ luz uJ -r(n =foGr zz :-' =XrrP o ao =><)ZrL< u,r ?c :.{ HAi =>E lo lFi il8 ll.o ;l lrl ilxrl !qltArl lt FrIC)rl{rIH rl AIkl ,teit- ll.oilita IIP tl IrI1tlZrl{ tF{,t;- ilHIH aJ)H Hz z tr cr = IJJd (D (D CD g'r EI t'< x E I E J z EooI z tr E =z 1ltlilll LztrzOaE: r! o< > ;ii>d €., o$z_::I r.:tltl' I ti; 9.< do3 r.rrOI z F J l U)z v- r/ ; B f- o 3 rl<IFl 2_l zl .. >lo UJo uJ IJJzo =t uJ(L) z Eo = ID IJJo z I (ft J Ax 726- L)t') ult U) coo-zo Fo UJY UJ @ o F E (E !Jou- o\Lolo*l o-.cle.l '-, CJ I r <l N F\ t_J ..iE =83- i\ f- d;= z =) ! tr (r urL uJoz f ; F 9 JIlrj -h= (LuJ>(LOl!9o -! L!6(L:>lr t- lrJ =tr gJ d! co Ecl -9o B EcI E Eo() o ts =E. lrJo-zo F(J D E, 6zo(J ! g u.lbkzo zH EIl-l t:{ zN >r l-l z =l! d) F ) lh 1E L lHI rrfIu)l& t; t:I t-{I r-{t<t> I | ,l,jl>t<lzl(D FH tsl CA&Doi(J F. FfoI l1 tu z c*lo\ GI X A (t IL c = I\c) i L F] H F =tr !, t! oo Io- =O zHE 4 E tr <n I.sN ^z ti uJ u- z 3 Nrnrnrn I \o I I oz o UJc( J Itoz3o =tr o u,G J a t!Iz 3oF =tr z ti uJ J u-o z3 F E E_ oz rri ul J l!oz3 F uJ utF tUz = F UJtr f <FGO IJ.J <zEr!F(nZo c) JE<o(JF E3 ;.1F-zl8 E, 2P;() =#d6() ix ::F7Q4<.;E Y,z =g EirIi&. Oz <oo9.u1 H Ftr! |rJltth:/ o Ga Ec6 tt o {)E o EE(! 0)too Olc !t =: @ E o =cf E.o, ,o CLro.;6,] ;.9i>!E nd6E;o 60e6 eQo.= cNo 5a-oc "'oa 9F5f eq ESNTpItr( EiF(ai,to(-tgl Eio( E(ol o.!!i 3'i|,'l ol 5: 9':'5'!Oio )D rC.ao,-, tl,ri 5tet -tEE =.'5.! ->io.r Q.rC"o!o(--rca!o{ o, l eiiis!o: 'Ei o'l,c lo it. i';t> =trl8 3eior:E)Ol,d 6.EooiE 8E:I9C.=q3CIrFoi 3c-td.(EF'i=Od OI t'i'j:, E?EIo(iElI;Ji5rl- | i.E 1 r'E: !6r.rEi 16',tt I'c.'rcl tC:.E. cl. r O':at9' +g:D';E)(t 3s 1E E*,gE -(, tt, EE'=Eq:gE c.9 EIF': EEcr o!5I =iJ'::i Ero.:siot =r clo':gi =:olo,16jo. Eio:6E'Io =.16s' oc'ttotoc!t)o .o EoE ciz F =E H ltIF oz ._-Tl ri'a) F ts"1*) : z EEdro ieO. l! DtrN =lbl *fi iI EH= El 3br =l -r-:UlFl @ur> BtrC ts2eu,o- btltcoE:EA8p!ir EE9-JFH6C:tJ.9 EEEq€d uJ @oF luF o E =G lrJo-z 9F(J3G )-a zoo I I t, t3 I I I I I, IEE la2 ra le i() tlu-o an UJ|rIll. ts =eu,o. oF ,. >|ou,o UJ UJzoF =Glu o, J 2 9 troo UJ9bF v, J t F ul z trIfoz E al, ot u,lo (,z Yc o. o =F Jo 6l tal l:l IE' l-- il: ilt I>c =u,=O 3eoile 5b.e s gae9 0E ttoc5! El!<':og IH6 *E'{ Z:; U o U(! otl \o E' $ilql H11 io. E C) ?l$lc\:lH elJ sl3EI_d^il r'.t>lo rr.t Ftol- El r (9 d u o H u'c..1 rH oo c UJz =o F() UJ ts-() a, eJO<Fcou.t <ZEulF art z-o O JE<o(JF EEtll,2J8 E,29 s3,Fd6() 3p 73 E6 Ie!u,IlFo ><)<x)<)<x oz t =e. UJo- 14 rn\o at) IJJ UJIL E =Eulo- \Nsrx\ S\ # I U),il ol-,rz,< .-,!9 ql5 t(9tzro I I I Sl 3 dl <l I UJF c,oF eF.2 =to =z ogl Foz o =oJl .D .a 0 =z Gu,z =o uJIFoz ; u J t l5Iu,€lfg ./s E "tl; s{E eVEbq=o{O E# NI; Er\)s ffi: g$d. gru $ sl+ ! f;l+E 6l+ EEg9 €; sE EB€E :E*E ,1 o50 !EiF gtiE SE; e oiE-ole€p€ EEEE - cL,Y () -- c f6 0'-:E; O U' gEi; sfi:;9Ear - TE$E e.l @.$.ir OJ rn(\ c")r\c'\ ts =Eulo-(' =o .o -() UJToz L 9EF()ulJu, zot J oz C) IJJ = UT UJt!z9F UJE C) uJE oE o ao 3llJ |lJczo ulo F6I u,lo o' i lt C) x F UIu,l at uJ UJtt ts =elljG J FoF ozo -Jfo Ic,F() u,lJ uJ (,z 6--Ja. Iz E(, uJt Fl E-{eH NOtrvnlY Frf .! (\.i LT d F \c u,FF2 I -Go =ozo Fo- Eotlt UJo e, UIz uJo >a iqrE =aOfl zz99F^V'5"*9 0.to4>E9rr<o*H6-8 ;ni 1.. z \o rn\o 2o E = l!(r o ul rn\o G uJ J z F 2o F uJF 'luz II tltlo =z 7yv, koo< =Fxt!6o<z v,F2, 2= E(5}EOI qJ 3 a t!zYo I IJJG F z oz I lrlz T I JJ i F u,l = JI<l FI zl =,1 >iz -5+: F U' y) =l! o- z Eoo X a o ul z FoI @ 2 Yc [[ I'l= lt;:>ogIIFI I E] Et J () z ?oIu =tr oz Jtr J @ Fo J & ts F]tnF hFl FlH uj =z coo-l @.v \T & E U' an uJe t ) UJ =z @(\ I\o to. Flts o cEl IA E v) =g u,.Aulcoo J t Io- F6 vH tr{ € F{FixAEEHX!!*!E!G <t) I-s N ciz dIuE J ttoz =oF c.l|rl ral I \o lu l!F tc lr cjz d uJE J tl-oz =oF = =II :E oz oItt G J lro z;oF Gr! oz o TJE ltoz3oF ui JulF, G,ulz =o Fo uJtr-()e & -rO<FcouJ<zEutFo6 A J c) GF C) IJJ IJJ t ? J( =7)) 9F gE d6 C) dE =3EA (EoEhg o2 J<oa l?.3H C) z oPzQoo =zlf dP ooza 3b =uJJJcou l! Eo @o1zo Fo-lljY lrlo oF E =tr3d3bli3lo.loglt<l HuIbkzo tr =Gulo- b EgE<ql€8rE '95[E idEF FEE dtE oot \urE XO-E HFg; H oF rse.*E ts =E. UJo-zoF()f OE 6zoo tr! !n U' UJ UJlr E =GlrJc lrt 1t = Go td;E iatl5)o '6ict isiots ;Pio,G o6ro('c6su rE o !IEqt ottoo ot .ss3 @ Eo Ef d0t o CL qt 'g o rc i.9l i-3 !tEg igr isfir! iEE.6o€f9' .O!tF Fe -94.58 ,N O.:E BE !3 =5'6 O .ortrco E€oo3oo Clto,E =D Er;E tto =Es3 Eg 9gc\oo.c6t' s€ -sE 6sq,c, EE(J6 -Qna8s,C.= ruJC rE;orBC BEbF E= 3€6!?!ccliEooEo;e =i;s. Eg-o9orEc66 l!C F€..! NE-o -c io u!. !€: i'r:JX' ! lo. : o.ii o';9io:g)olJ G'. 'or|! !oE oe o G E o c ;G .o rE o .E o!tg, (E c(! o, o. CI 61 i l!.5i(t(,(o' caE 0)qr. E. o(J !to Jerc, co nl E o c oE ==c to Eg co' o:.9,ao..ct oi 5.rt:t!o! |tt oi o!o)i1Jlo:EiOl5rO'(''l >j-o(ori 9l U'lu Lu E =q,c o YcItto =o a ilo{at vu,.(J I>c --|r'3ur I =oar =299ho.9 =a i E989rl<o5 EgiGl .. >l CI lrJolrjulzot- =utc 2 9 tsoo E llJE J zItr z w J !ll, a N> E o S.J J >:s ts63-=q rd = d)o-t r*44-. u D u)I 2) Lu u 0 ) i.q !4 i$ ! ,r., ?E zcf HEJ =z ?, =FYtrno o EgE<ql€s-&P;E =a=>E Jt-E H=-9 dEt :o.E 8b E 5r F SF !E |r,ooF =$E ItET -llrrl,, tsEGtrlo.zo l-o =G 6zoo antr o ,$ ?5 south fronlage road vail. colorado 81557 (s03) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 otllcs ol communlty developmenl TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED ISITII TIIETOWN OF VAIL TOr{N OF VArL PUBLTC WORKS/CO}$IUNITy DEVELOP!.IENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn suuunary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for anyperson to litter, traclc or deposit any-roir]-.o-"i., sand, debrisor material , lncl3llf9 trash iunpsters, portable toilets and.workrnen vehicres upon any streetl siaewaix] -;ri;y or publicprace or anv norri6n theieof. --rl" rish[:;i-;;;-1" ar]_ rown ofVail streeti ind.I?a.ds i= ippro"imately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance will be. str_i;irt -enforced by the Town of vailPubric works Department. pers6ns found ,ih"ling this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written--noi:.."-to-;;;;;r=said material.rn the event the person so notitiea-aoes-";;-;;;ply wirh thenoti.ce within rhe 24 hour rinre-=p""iiiJ,"#.-;illti" *ork"Departrnent wirl renove saia nrite'ri"i-"i-inI"!"pli"e of, personnotiried. rhe provisions or-[hi;-;iaii""ll ;h5ii not beapplicabre to c-onstruction,-r.iit"rr"nce or repair projects ofanv street or arlev or any utiriries G ah"-;iiii-"-""v. To-review ordinance.No. 6 in fulr, please stop by the Town of:::*"::ii3i"g"o;fl?:'*:lt.:a "uiii" a copv' rir"ni vou ror vour (i.e. contractor, owner) { EDH)U)C,Y, DRAII{AGE & mOSION O$1t0L REPORT VAIL @I.F@IIRSE rcWNMUES EIPAflI'ION SHAPINO MNSIRUCTIOil MUPAIIT hepared by: BBUCE M. TRzuI, P.E. P.O. mx 260 avoll, m 81620(ni gn-snz JoB !p. 8103 U I}IDU I. Introiluction . II. Ifdrology ' fII. Conclusions & Reconnendations IV. bosioa Control I. II$IBODI'CMON Tbe proposed project conslsts of the constnrctlon of ZJ,, to$nhones on a 5.3 acre po:"L of land located near the Vail Gol-fcourse adjacerrt to the Pallrlctge 0ondorniniuns and prevlous Va{L Golfcourse Tornrhone. proJeets. Tuo of the rrnils proposed vi1l be located north of $.rnhrrst Drlve a.dJacent to the golfcourse parking 1ot. Storn nater nrnoff fron these "nits uiIL not eigniflcantl.y rnrFact drainage patterrrs or systeois in the vlcinity. The other 22 unitg defiaitely inpact the Fall-rittge storn sewer system. ' There presently exists sone drainage problens near the oorner of Suaburst Drive directly opposlte the golfcourse clubbouse. An 18 inch CilP culvert discharges at the pavenent grade leve1 and flous l1 ong a surface s$a1e to an jrrlet constrnrcted over an existing 24 lnch RcP stom seuer line.. this slra.Le has been disturbed a Dullbe! of tines by util-1ty constnrctlon in the area and does not appear sufficlent to prevent ponding. This ponding has severely ,nderrlned the road. The addition of.increased nrnoff fron the proposed proJect riIL conpound the problen unless the drainage patterrr is inproved. ' A portiou of the proposed project'bas been designed.to drain totre existlng storo gewer system located ulthin the Fallridge proJect. That portion of the storn sever systen affected. need.s to be evaluated for lts existing capaclty antl abllity to handl-e the e:pected increase ln flous. ' This reporb lnvestigates and reconnends solutlons to fless trnrrediate problens as lhey pertaln to the proposed ileveloprent. Idditlonal anaIys5.s uq; be needed to qffer solutlons to other drainage problens along Sunburst Drive not related o to the propgsed developuent. o II. ffDROLOGT A. Geaeral ThE sol1 conserrration service nethod for deternlning nrnoff florls ms utillzed ln the analysls of the proJect.. ThLs nethod has been esta.bllshed an{ ls cuaent}r being used iu the Beaver creek $rbdivtsion . aad the Tonn of Avon. The procedure is outlined aad e:<plalned i.n thocedures for Deteruinlng Peak Elolrs in'ocrorad.on anil rrechrrical Release lb. 55rr both prepared by the sorl conservation senrice;. . 0f prlne lnportance i-n uttlizlng this nethorl ie the. derivation of snollrleirt and preclpitation rates for the drai.nage basin in question. A floodplain report for Gore 6!eek t{as prepared by llydro-?riad, ttd. of T'skeseed, colorado in 1975. Ttre proposed proJect is located tn basin s-5 as rurobered ia this report. Ihe report does not provide any dlrect satershed lnfomati.on for thls uasin (s5) birt does provide appropriate dgta for other baslns [riUrtary to Gore fteekr.such as Bighorn Creek and Pitkia freek. Thts data has been reproduced a.nd lncluded vith - this report in TabLe 1. In addition, the snomelt rateE for Beaver Creek ' are also tatrulatecl. these latter saovnelt rates are the bi.ghest rates and, as a conservat5.ve approach have been us6d tn the dralnage calculations. Tlre Gore Cpeek Elootlplain Report also provltles-precipltetion rates \ for the 10 year and 10o year 2i hour storm events. rbese are 0.9 inches aad 1'9 lnches respectively. trhe Gorespcindiag deta for:Beabec'6?eek iE l;6'.lachbe 'aytd 2.1 t:rch'es respbetive"ly; lbs latter flgures bave been - utlltzed in cal-culatrng nrnoff depths for this analysis. .i o B. Sbeqific lhs 10 year storn event nas selected as appropr{.ate for tbe deslgn of onsite seuer systens ancl road iulverts. ?he 100 year storn event uas calculated to analyze the effectlvenesE of the eldstlng system. The nraoff ilepth's for these design storns are detemiaed fron Gnre Nrrnber charts raaging fmn 55 to 98.. These charts are'siFdar to the selectlon of a rrrnoff coefflclent vhen using the rati.onal uethod of hydrological aaalysis. Ttie exlsting stot:to sever systen ls shour on Sheet-I of the acconparqring tlrardags. Basins trlbutary to each lnlet or crltlcal drainage stnrcture have beea delineated. A weighted CN value has been calculated for each besla to deteruiae the depth of runoff for the design stor:qs. . lhe basic CN values used ln detemlning the ueighted CN are as follows: T.peqvious Areas: CN = 98 Sbd Areas: cN = 66 Natr:ral Forest Areas: CN = 61 These figures wele Eelected fron Table 2-2 in Technlcal Release 55. A sanple calculatlon of flor.rs is included. wlth this repor.t. . tbe results of the calculations are shom in Table 2. The dralnage . areaE for Baslns Il and r were derived fron a usGS nap of the alea. The acDBages shoun are conselative and roay be reftned at guch tlne.as larger scalg a€r+a1 topographic !0aps are 4va{'rs!ls. A fteld reviev of. the site . tdll sbos tbat the discerrrable creek i.n the erea drains to the sest of the propo?ed. project. '{ o lte onsite flows are slgniflcarrt enough to rlarrant fuetq'l]Eliqa of culverts under roaduay lntersections. These eulverts are shown on Sheet 2 of the plans arrd are sufflcient in si.ze and slope to carry the I0O yeirr storn event. Proper . arlnlsa4lce and renoval of lce are critical procedures to insure proper drainage. The nrnoff fron Basln H vould slgnificantly lnpact the onsite 4rainage lf +]loned tp enter the project. It is reconnended that ttris runoff be diverted to the northeast arouncl the project. lbis can be accouplisbed by incorporating a bydraullc channel into an inproved jogging path. A typlcal section for this coublnation path,/swale is shour on Sheet 2r frltical Eections for other.swaLes are algo ghoun. The nrnoff froo.Basins I asrd J ni1l eventuar'ty enter the e:dsting storn seuer ' systes. I sne] 1 tinber retalning wall rrill be requi.red for the f1lJ. slope to . the pmposed road. A concrete channel can be inco.rporated into the constnrction nork 1n this area at the toe of the rmll to carrry the nrnoff along the edge of the pavenent to the drop inlet. A typical section for this channel is shown on Sheet 2. More reflned constnrctlon detsils vILl- be neceasary at flnal d.esign stage. ftre flnal reconnendation is for a solutlon to the dralnage probleros at the corner of Sunhrrst Drive. A concrete charurel is reconnended here also. Tbe . sectlon ls sholrn on Sheet 1 of the plans. Tliis channel 3hould be constnrcted adJacent to the exlsting pavenent and'act eseentially as a rbadEltte gutter. A plped systeo does not appear practical due to gracle, utlllty and ctrrve problens. ?hls recornended solutlon probahly !ril1 not prevent f\rrther deterioration of tbe mad. I'he s{rbbase appears'to be gaturaled an<l stea.dily breating up the paveoent. A pavenent overlay nay prolong use of the road, aad prevent, further IrI. coxclusloNs & RE@MI"TENDArIONS rv. rPosroN @Innol., 0f naJor concsm nos is the transport of sedinent during construction aad pollution of naJor water channels. Ihls can at least be ultlgated sorneuhat b1r utillzing prevelrtative techniques. Straw bale sedinent barrlers ale a cost effective nethod for.protecting culveits. A dleteir for this protec.tlve neasure ls provided on Sheet 2 of the plansr Tbese barriers should. be installed at the upstrea'n etrd of each new culvert tastell6d on the sj.te. In additlon, tuo inaets are designated on Street l that sbould be protected by sedirnent barrlers. Another effectlve ueasure for preventing secl3.nent transport ls the use of'a clean gravel bed at the entrance of tbe constmction road to the slte. This rdlL zubstantis'l]y reduce the quantity of soiL carried fron the site by constnrction vehiililea. lbe proposed conbi.nati.on jogging pattr,/swale s\ould be constnrctecl as early as posoible. This will aid. treuendously in preventlng nass soi]- erosion on a deauded site. All finished cut or f111 sLopes shoul-d be sodded or seeded and covered with erosion control fabric is soon as posslble. Once conpleted and landscapecl, the project shoulil not be subJect to najor erosion problenrs. 'Ttu propo""ct grades, swales and cut and ftII slopes reflect proper engineering praetices. the recororcendations detqiled hereiu should. be. e,losely ad,hered to and an;r cbanges during construction be approved by the final deslgn engineer. SAI{PLE GALGJLATION: BASIN c .Tote.l lrea: 1.69 acreg Inpwlouo Area: 1.11 acres latura.l lree: .58. acres Uelghted cr : GrlL_= Fr.ou Cl[ = 84. L0 yz. nllroff (p = 1.5 fu.) lOO 1rrr runoff (r = 2.4 1n.) 'CalctrlatE r€'[a.]fe]'l GrS l0 yr.: 100 yr.: Calsulate snomelt CTS l0 yr.: 100 yrr: ,L Total Ralnforl plus snromelt Cf'S .49 b. 1.04 h. 1.@ aeres x 1.o8'CFs/Acre/Inch* x .48 Inch = ,.88 G's 1.69 acres x 1.08 mS/Acre/facl x 1.04 Inch = 1.90 CFS 1.69 acres x'.06 CFS/Acre = .10 CFS 1.59 acres x .08 CFS/Acre = .14 CFS = 81.3 o l0 yr.: 10O yr.: .98 Ctr'S 2.04 GS thls f,tgure derlved fnon Flgure 8Ar tProcedrres for Detecntnin8 Peak Elovs Ln Oo].orado.n Giyen an iattial tlrae of concqrtiatlon of 10 nlnutes, the pe"k dtscharge of a storn of 6 bour duratLon iE 690 cFS p* Eqrare nile per inch *IABIE 1 $FruELT ilnpm (cs's/acng) 2F. 10 yr. 25 yc. 50 yr. 100 yr. Blgborn ftesk .o25 .o52 .058 .085 .103 Pltkin freek .on .Ol+2 .o5o .060 .067 lllddte &eelc .019 .Ol+2 .051 .063 .078 Bootb Creek .O35 .o53 .062 ?OTL .082 Bl-ai:k Gore*""1 , .Og' ' .o45 .o52 .060 .068 Beaver freek . .040 .048 .060 .O'12 .080 . .i- -* Dsived. fron Gore 6eek Eloodplaln Infornation prepared by Wtlro-Triad, tld. and Master Dralaage Planl Beaver fteek Recreation Area p'repared by G{nger}r Assoc5.ates, fnc. o r.1>{l rn rn O O, \t \t rn Ol (\ C'1.{ v\ \O c> (f\ r+ --{ .+ (r\ \OO1 ........ 9l '{ mrnrn .l.f{l \O C-! tO '-l \t @ tA O\ lJ\ OlHl Fl R r{ O u\ O O. @ (\ (\l laaaaaaaaoaOl Fl r-{ | ri c. IH Cr^l F q: cr. c\ ol tf.\ O or. -t C\log;ltqA':qA"1 ':'E\ 3 Esl Ft fHJfE'ldFRBg8fi85RO =Hl . . . . . . . . . .-{ 0< .-{ 3l 661 RdF€SSS€FRsl C l^ ^ F{ d\ rrr 5el "j ": q q q q q 8. q +€ t{l (f\ togol r{ 3l Egl { q q q e q I , q s €'l 8lt-Jsx$snEs88N(rlaaaaaaaaaatq ,{ -s.+)I€l 5l fil o to tsr h (t !tr F{ }? Fl .{J ,i F{qto EF.rl O EE @+ -{(\l\O@o(\rnrnaaaaol -t -t. e- \+ \Ooolf\ rl il - * - gl =** s4 o;l FI o O. Y] .ql e'l Al -+ rr\ ol (f| r*r-l (\lolo\o;or.-o\N ataaaaaaaaa -l Fl -{ oz F =e, ITJo. -{n o IJJ uJ t.l- E =d UJo- \\trrs I I 6l@r@o\t @ Fl. O\l-r drp . lEn HIA'Hlrl Aurl Fltv) I t5 (f)l FlHro&ta 6"iazt6, pllE6o;oH-lgH t6 uJ F == zz ,itt l! F z zo J o .6 o =z lt -tuJ U' =Eolt Lri,u1t4 fIa , d!)'//:vt'7/ . 'r/^It4 V,+ t'4d 6t rHt I c, q) c .9ooo thq, !to() Itc6 o)c.E oN !t,c 'oF o o cDc Eooo(t E () 6 .2s ! .o o (E a; 3 G !t: g oti qt '=O(,) gEE E!H .g gps-o =gE c96'- o.c EsE EEE'FOO:; o fi€:.=- (! cL(E cLsEsf*; E6:EE E E ol-E EEF F-C6 0'-5EC g:E ;6>.o (!= if;E9Eoe5g -()G N\o @ .if 4 F- Iu z J -C)tuIc)z o- J EF(.)gJ J uJ z ao = d = C)ul u,l uJt!z tr UJ o uJ e @ 3qJ ut zI qJ EI.nlolo. ltr, Iol!lr Eluol) tt uJ UJlt ==E uJ0 J FoF C'z -Jlo () E () UJJ uJ ('z ao E3 c C)z lu- -t j j NOIwn'rvA Lrt r^rr H YEe =^Ftr ei5v u.Hq^{ <CJ ut\4,F =>E --aa = llJ d.j = all Gl zz tr^695 =eoU'O1>9C).-, zlr<olHd>oFO -iai n 4 Dn zI F J s(L c. d uJ F ao-ttlE J z E 2 tr IIJ 3 UJ2 "ttIItlI 2fzeS? E? =$RtrUo<z E2,. Oz }EOI llt JJ o at) |lJzY 9rF ul F zo F J oz lo itootB .lEol{3tduJlu) H^k>og X et l<: cr uJ zo 66 <q, _,r I<l -l-l .>l X X *!€z z bz z Ytt o. -< 2"z b: ) UJo I oz tra J @ o tr v) J 3 F UJ l!oo cf):r} (f)q)o l!Fot0oazo Fo-lllY t! t0 oF tr =-c6!4. o\t;l >Nlo-lRdlv FrltHl HFJ \,,zo !!! z oPz4loo =zll dP "dE ==3=C)i =Hg6rn F:Gqlq tt uloz loo oF 9Eo- Jl-ut-h= JEo-u:o.O|!ooEtrxo-:>llF lt UJc'oF F t6 { = lr sE l* "'ilfJ lE o.zo:-+.hcEEd,€F€oz'EOEoE ,-\. : (#Ei -E$ \o F\oo\ I(r) rn.it -lrlII I I el $lGI il>l t!lol el zHH a od I 2l ct IIJIcl Jl sl bl zl aFI oz ci IIJt J lt z3oF oz ciul G J a t!o z 3 F rn t4 = zB H ttlv)gilF{ OF.{()F{ tlt.AFlOH F1v?H<<rc>Ar ui =z cl 2"? s3 =Ft'6o t-E?+EFt-o2r$ t -rO<FG(JuJ<zG,UJF<56 () J 9EF C)uJ -) z C) LU U o. + UJ)() o = z rl, u,tl, zo F C'lL, o Fo J tl, = z an UJ UJII F = R, \ ,':il!ttiY 1 r/11 e hIstr:= RIE U' UJl!tt' =E l,LJo- J vt-l I E;€6 I B;E:H !eEgi* [gg:;FJ j';-ot- I c 9 o h P, | ;3€ s;I oE>8 3oc O-N Cl =Ftr,^C= 6 d: g.-r: o;.: .5 o:i 6 $3s'e p' o(o o- =- fs "^3! tg :E$oEI(9ifEgS-: :5= - cL: () : .c; c.r (,, c cE;:5 E ia:g E;E:F €'": q S e F 9,s.3-6;'-sE ozotr ;(J o UJzgJ 5EqS; EP69o89.3f sgFc) -j.$ EI .. >lo UJ uru,z v, =ulq J zo Foo u,(! lrio tu J zYI F tu, l- Eoo - qJ :i =l3l o =:a z o 3 F J F fr clct J E uJ E z -r J<c)as,UJ luJO oz) ol uJl !El -rl oz (, lrJ 5I :l :l3l 9l ll,J u,F oz olul 5i el EIzl =l !aotI, Fo, z c) oF C) EFzoo z = :Fg3 DE.;Jz () o F O UJ J UJ cJO<Ftrc) IJ,J <ZEIIJ Ft,t zo C) ()lt =C' UJ ox DDD zo9 =<lI)o =z d8 t E lrl o-zo l- C)f, Fazo() r,r-r Es><r(gJ sDc =bEE g E^< €'= ai rr, O:=F-F'E :-t' E=E8=5:aE:-tucr-F F*33<J- ".,i E -lt-.oIo atF** J z o UJ =D J(ro =Elj <-r E = r,U o UJ(]. F -ett 'rat't tl'.*I < , ,rD - n lnwn u llal 75 south fronlage road Yail, colorado 81557 (303) 476-7000 departm6nt of pu blic works/transportatlon TO: FROM: DATE: RE: rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it Ls unlawful for any person tolitter, track or deposit any soi1, rock, sand, debrls or materiil, includingtrash durnpsters, portable tollets and workmen vehicles upon any srreec,sidewalk, al1ey or pubric place or any portion thereof. The ri.ght-of-wayon all Town of vail streets and roads is aplroxinacely 5 ft. off pavement,This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail public worksDepartment. Persons found violating thls ordinance will be given 24-hourwricten noEice to remove said material. rn the event the person so notifieddoes not comply with the norice within the 24-hour t. i:ne specifled, EhePublic l^Iorks Department r.ri11 remove said materiar at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sharl not be applicable toconstructlonr maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or anyutilities in the right-of-way. 'ro review Ordinance No. 6 ln full, please stop by the Tovm of vail Building DepartmenE to obtaln a copy. Thank you for your cooperation in this matEer. sli VAIL1989 MEMORANDIJM ALL CONTMCTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITH THE TOIIN OT VAIL TOI,IN OF VAIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT MARCH 16, 1988 ORDINANCE NO. 6 cknowled g --l€Shapiro Realty, Inc. Septenrler 23, 1988 Town of Vail Building Department 75 Vail Road vair, co 81657 Re: Building permit for roof repair fforlc'aL' Vail e'olfcourse Tounhomes Association, Phases I and III . Gentlemen: please be advised that as managing agent for the above Condominium Association, Shapiro Realty, Tnc. is empowered to solicit and advance pa)anent for a Building permit for the above-ref erencred work as roanaging aqent for these Condominiurn Associations . Ttre actual owner of the property for respective Condominium Associations, nanes. which the work is being perfonred is the and the permits should be issued in their Should you recJrrire any additional information, feel free to contact Ken Shapiro. Sincerely, \N,IL C'OLICOIJRSE TOI'INHOMES ASSOCIMION PHASES I AI{D lII BY: Shapiro Realty, Inc., ltlanaging Agent -'-,/ , tt-h" \_ /..-rr, ,O /'\ " ,l Ken-shapiro President XeS:@ Suite C-3, Fallridge Condominiums P O. Drawer'1,148 Vail, Colorado 81657 Teleohone: (303) 4761980 \ Shapiro Construction Company September 13th, 1982 Steve Patterson Chief Building Official Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 8L657 RE: VAIL GOLFCOURSE TOWNHOMES - CALCULATIONS LETTER OF TMNSMITTAL Dear Steve: As per your request, find attached Nicol and Giltner Consulting Engineersf calculations and information as listed below. PHASES I and II Calculations. (1) Verrical loads; Masonry walk; (4) General notes; and, (5) Miscellaneous. PHASE III. Miscellaneous calculations not occurring in EXPANSION PHASE. Miscellaneous framing not occurring in Phases Lateral load calcuLati-ons. We would appreicate your fimnediate attention in thls matter. truly , O CONSTRUCTION CO.W'7/fitt rfy N. LyBarge Project Manager Enc losures HAND DELIVERED xc: Abe and Ken Shapiro da1 Suite C-3, F6ll Ridge Condominiums P, O. Box 1547, Vait, Colorado 81657 T€lephone: (303) 4761980 PACKAGE /I ONE:tzl-lianGe; <-sl PACKAGE // TWO: previous Phases. PACKAGE /I TIIREE:-.;------------:--=:=-r Enrougn lII. PACKAGE // FOUR: Yours SIIAP i-t--- 'ty\:) {rt -r." 7. l.i... .i il :T.TICOT AND GITTNER u JX? ox.sEPf 26/7& ofl(o. rY _oAn CONSULTING ENGINEERS Pr{om($3} o+201 tostro. / L Y,fu**4,?rorct I IA,t/ "o : l,/b )'ktL i -:-_- - i I uii -l - '_- ! NICOI AND GltTN.EloNsutTtNG ENcstEERs w JY|-ou.SPT 22/'7F o*. ,rr(1-..=^^,trffiProtr(s3lo+20r t t',ofro.]f-DArr- rcrqrt =rc- b: I,1, l -t ,. -1. I - -.1 -t -, il -- l'ltf1}"#X}tI,Tl::''f:,):'l'l',,,=_ ?,, ,,..,,*fftall/'V4 PHoNE (303) 49+2204 GH(D'IY-DAIE Pflofr(x VA/L ChlFC^AlesE /OYXNHay NICOI AND glLfNER C0NSULTINGENGINEERS - -T'*'*^;-#-:;:,%;i; T:,:t-:*o i,sq/'tk (h7a),. - ),s1 i . {,.- I I - f/,zx:tS n'.t ()qn\ /r\-l , I zxh ]tt{E_fot$rtTrf c stc t{Hs It0fislt+zDl c-D l|.. , 'FICT NICOL AND GIITNE [oNsutTrNc ENGINEERS st rl,{t oerzsW,tJT9 --.r". :-4^:..=^; Prsr{t{$3} 0+201 -l,*..r*- 6 orF*/lllilf*.'". tilcHrD. w -D Tl-..-- LL l "ji,t iilriiI ',*-. ItdF 085 | I l,n Ii*i b'-l ,,6,9q i--i,{l !}ltf1}.",^tg}it:J::I lNG ENGINEERS o Plroilr (:p3) 19+2204 t^rrr*. [.q. or Ff4illilf CHIO. IY - OATE . NICO[ AND GILTNER coNsutTtNGENGtt{ERs trror(rnto+zol ;ilL-;;xiZazal-r*. 4,4, , ,-==,=,= = , l, s*:riloJ-erp4tl/llfofrc.ry-o^r, ' - rc*<t ul/l=-!&lf00t)##-tllt&lEvW n*'*-$- L..l t I tlllli'. wl im-t L9'. 7i,/1'=?,sf -,I;t,l r?'il/ it?fr ?f/ao! NICOL AND GlLTNEhoNstfITlNcENGlllEERs O ,,*.,* g *J'** u +Jl? oxtl' - ?, ) -tq*.ttd,rr-- NICOL AND GILTNE |}oNsuLTrNG ENGTNERs .rJX, o rrftl ?'7* - toDlb. J4-cnp.ry_Dlr" ' rcrctil/L_&lECl Pr{(xfi(slo+20{ tt*tto I oF- PtEu[- t1 t . -.f .---] lti : - __-i_*'-' iLl ',...i - --.!*" -1iri :'-i -i- -l trl,ili,'-1ilt- i -----:----llrl ltl-""-r- --. r-' i -l-.-.rtt!i -.+ . -i--,. . , .tti ' E{08{Sl{020r thuGCr nrJlz_ q _ '$l$A*orrfl tnUstl'n!r***'o oflo. tY _Bltt cH@. w _DAtl NICOL AND GIITNER cot{sutTltlc.ttlcrlEERs '..ttt oar.Ec.gr'-o ?.o*. !4 -=-.-,r, Pr{mlst 0}220. sHEErxo.Z Ot- Anderseri- r ttaoowrrll.'ALES BEPRESENrA rtu, fl) 1 Oz ROY A. eilill.l .I380 CHESTER STREET AURORA, COLORADO SOOIO 303.366'0382 lonl n rx K s ln I \ b 0 ALL s0 ts DE7llts frg lN 4 - 01 s4,cEPT tl)TED, LATsRat BRAUT| 4oF wAtL pRoWnEA By coN C sLAg t l&t4q t'p\3/+'- lt4'qq'.-8 rxnnRsnN', pERlrtA.sHr Et.D " wtNDows & c|"n)rNG DooRs FoR colrtrtERctAL & lNSTlruTloNAL usE Anderseri- r tr{x'Il t r SALES REPRESENTATIVE ROY A. eil,Vl{ @21-o5 VI|L bLFCoAK9 raaufuus; wl&e ELEY4TIoaY oF E)oEEt 7P.AOE 1 nelO ,'^tlf A,E, sPACtHl nAf els (:o . I38O CHESTER STREET AURORA, COLORADO 8OOlO 303.366-0382 78 -a tg '-L tl'rfrf ob {t'l \! $ N $ $ ir I\ 0rl \t s \l- po'-o' z?'- a #+ povttt Q 4'-o Qa grorrED AELL ) TYPIcAL B2l//t v/ "- co//r 5, B/'/ RE//|F, EQUA L Qp frf RF//,/f As illsEcrlo/l s0+ -ot /4'= lt'6t'\ \t\f E \ n\ l( K \ $\$. u u Esa\ IVIND()WS & GLIDING DoORS FOR C()TI|\IERCIAI, & INSTITUTIONAL USE SALES BEPRESENTATIVE RoY A. eil^rl.l ffi{b 1380 C]JESTER STREET AUHOHA, COLORADO SOOIO 303.366 0382 ,un SFA )trcrlhl,l 504 -&lat %'= tt4' n 1'-8't.t ri *a s sNtn * I to 75/8' 75/-a' AxDERSEN'" PERI\tA'sH r Er.D'ITTNDOIVS & GLIDING DOORS FOR COI\IIIER(:IAL & INSTITUTIONAL USE ArttCeng,tl SALES REPRESENTATIVE ROY A. UlwH .Z a. -a -/,Y \4-/)hv\_/ | L_/\l_ # /(r 1380 CI{EST€R STREET AURORA, COLORADO SOOIO 303 366 0382 r- BAL/rlcE or./ Rt/af { otrlu s As /t/ stlrt,/t s04-04 'ictP.#gflts e 4'o $b \ts \ /"'tnIP %'=/Lo' tt.tucRsul.l.',,PERI\tA.s1|DL|).,.llt|ND(,wst(|t,tu'!9]O0 F /t,I3BO CHESTER STREET AURORA, COLORADO 8OO1O 303.366.0382 !y#^:,;lii''if-,n vl $c{3 s \9 *t$t #4 oortt tt't 9Ro(tTED cEtL @ +'-o egur L 1 rnn rrq oe/Alle, s{E *crto| so4 '06 $b ;'= t'-o' ANDERSENN) PERIItA.sHrEI.!I.'IvINt,ows & GLTDING DOORS FOR COTtTtERCIAT. & INSTITUTIONAL USE Anderserf- r l: ao€I^,rt. |ndt.lrlct 't3.1ffi'tlili"' Ao48 I38O CHESTER STREET AURORA, COLORADO 8OOlO 303.366.0382 &. tr D qU-uH BEvR, P05r 6l nltil Ba.or YAt -s lt Rtit K,rt0u f 'Nclffi PosT W 2''L5l3tt'*xo''z 4 ZVuh filrrt, .aalf..FA !, . 446,'d',YI-/- il-'riii ir/ t'tzttfx s' "-ttet-f , rf4 eth E2Lf.' 6xb-,/L4 xY//4 ,/W.f. tN uppEp llill er 4rt sLAn )ryn + EV,B|T, =Au ^ //o" h ,$,t)) j'-6)- ANDERSEN,'j pERIttA-sHtEt.n' tttlnows & cLrr)tNc DooRs FoR col\ll\tERclAl- & INSTITUTIoNAL USE -.v1 I38O CHESTER STREET AURORA, COLORADO 8OOlO #/b trdr.arS loc 303.366.0382 P0;; r #'#frT'n,rt,un* oiurt PtYs @2tO l4rr/' xb fr, bxb - rut'lx t/14 y ur'r' ,y/r////l a" of rol oF su6 t(,L /La q o ; z'4' J r *q E,y,B0T, I I ANDERSEN. PER TA.SHIEL sALEs REPRE'ECT NE eC4 - /O ROY A. BROWN I38O CHESTER STREET AURORA, COLORADO SOOIO 303-366.0382 lLa ctn ror I sueS - Altcl|ult sru0 w! t'? ,a ii ,i' sEcr/oll sol-o? ./ v s t, il( = /!oo( -r- ANnsnsEN', pERI\tA.sHrELD' wrNDorvs & cLrDlNG DooRS FoR colrltERclAL & INSTITUTIoNAL UsE t!. tt II }/ ; i ! sALEs REPRESENTATTvE ?M -/ / ROY A. BROC I38O CHESTE R STREET AURORA. COLORADO SOOIO 303.366.0382 rRnftDE srUD FRtt//,16 ts' /-' ' '\vuz> I,V oit pLAt/ I pr/cA2K r0 cD/tcni trl cecrroi sotl -o9tt/ secr/oi sotl -o? ; r//.4 rt/1.4 t/,W.F. I nci.tlnK 34'=/t_Ott +/b s40/r// AS ANDERsEN*' pERIttA.sHtEt.t)' lvtND<)ws & ct,tDtNG DooRs FoR cotrttrtERcrAL & tNsrtrurloNAL usE b4-/s', u/b ;,oB VLIL 6d-.F/d)FA WuiltbuP< SALES REPRESENTATIVE ROY A. efWru 1380 CHESTER STREET AURORA. COLORADO SOOIO 303,366-O382 t\4 t/ "^,. ll/?/1 8 ,10 ,&l stfoo& ArAtltii9/r -cotlr fo r( a @v/,1 sTep, TYPICAL I EXI EI( DE I).tt illlifll= nlHrt,- FDoflllt, €LE V,AV/at/ n1l u- lLrs a./+ -a 'r ANt)Ettsl:N' nErr[rA.s]il]:t,tt" l\tNlx)tvs & Gt,il)lNG D()()trs ]'ott cottitERctAl, & lNsTlTU'floNAL usE Nlcot Atto cnrnreorsutltnc ENGINEERS w JI? nrr3 Ef Lr 79 ,rcrr"'. otp.]v-DAfl i{o*lsto},201 I3lEI L0- ' Ot- _l + tto Scptenber 23, 1977 lleyerhaeuser ConPanY Tacomar l{ashlngton 98401 Dear Jlnr: Tom Fllnt hasr told rne of your need for comparatlve I'nformatlon between A;;;i";";-4.;6 z io.,"tt1"oodecl panels. 1n naking the attached comparison' sone assumptj.ons werc rnade. 0ne, that the five-ply 518" and 3l4t' Group 1 panels werc manuf:,"i,rr.a vrith Uio faces, r"'hich is,,of -course, perrnitted by the standard antl ls the basis for our tpu,t to"otn*enda tl'ons for 518" and 3/(rr Group 1 Under-Iaymerit. Tlrc stlf f ncss f actors arxl strcngth f ac tors shol'7lr in the table were caLctrlate'd "..o'arogtotheusualAPAprocecluresgivcnintheattachedPlytloo<lDeslgrrip".ltf"Iai.". The values ior calculating the stiffness and 6crength factors were those givcn in Table 3 on p33e 17' -Tirc-factors for.l""diig-:::::::d' c net ace veneer lonrsc, Lr.tportarrL, and l-s as lotcd tn the attachcd table. since for rnos t aPPllcations "u"ir in slnglc: fl-oor the bcnding strength and oLif f ness arc nlo:rt lmPor font ' 'a -- thr.t is, wlt !'r -iicrbss ___r\, t If yott nccd fur Ehcr luforrnatlon givc nre c call . DllB:ram Bncl. Bo\ 2271 . Tacomr. l,^,/nshinolon 98:01 ' 206 ?72'?233 rLX 3? 71 'r: '1119ASl.cet'P.O. '.-Toonr Ho. 3/f Y 23, 19"17 HA}|UFACTURE FoR JOIST SPACING lllDEX or z4 nuo trss 2.1 !r:^.."1-. Panels shall conform vrith all appl icabJe requl rernents of . Product Stan<lard PS l-7q UiIDERLAYI'iEIiT grade in additlon to' those noted In this Speclficatlon' The face shall be touch-sanded and the back unsanded or touch-s anded ' and back veneer ihl"knttt, requl rements are $lven In 2.2 Jotst Spaclng tndex' Ml'nlmum face groupr and mlnlmum panel thickness bY Jolst sPaclng Index' T^lll-E | - Face -- of 2\ 'species Table I and Bbck Veneer Requl renents for Jolst Spaclng lndex and Les s o I I :lj 2-1 Veneer Gracte. Face vencer gra'Jcs shall be C-Plu99ed or better' The 'veneer lmmediatcly odjacent to the facc shall be C-grade or better wlth no knotholes over lrracross the graln; except that' veneer lmnrediately adjacent to the face ply may be D-9rade provlded open defects do not exceed 2'l/2" across thc araln and panel face veneer ls Group I or Group 2 spectes of l/6 Inch minlmum thlckness before sanding or Group 3 or Oroup lt sPecles of 3116 Inch mlnlmum thlckncss Hinlmum Face and Back Veneer fhlckness Defore Sandtng for SPecles GIoulloml nal'Panel 'Ih i ckness Jol:t Spacl n9 I ndex I /10 I /10 r/ro t/10 19132 5/B 23132 3/tl I /lo Y- Pancl Tlrlcknear (Nomtnal) o COHPARISOTIS EETI{EEN SPECIES GROUP TOUCH-SANDED PANELS }|,AVINC 1 AND 2 FACE VENEER,S No. of Plles Facc Venccr Specles Face Veneer llttc!!!eg_(rnj-L Nontnal Net Before After Dendtng . Stlffness Factor(Er) ., Bendlng Strcngth Fa c tor ( f t<s1ln.Sandln ii1rr,z * ro3 lb-ln 5lB 5/$ 1/10 116 0.070 0. l 167 254 297. 601 67.9 -, HUY A. nHTJWN 1380 CHESTE ilEET AUBORA, COLORAOO SOOIO 303.366-0382 t+ lu mo'l.sFInl ^-t+'f e,6,5 fypqL RHUF sAF sFcTpt/ 304'03 cR,uf I RFrMoRcr EACI| iwrcn-cFaa wffflltl gtt or aM 4. FULL ltEt?tlr /t;/'/ t t... |YP\CAL EOND frH AS lil sEcTt1A/ s04 -o3 w/ ltncn ro ^ccoHfuoAt tt qn| uT s'tltt/. I f!' wl6Y lr Mtt-suAtttF 6Pouf t'/a'= lt-o t' ANt)t:Rsl;N " Pl:lltuA-slltEr.tt" wrNtx)ws & c|.tDtNc DooRs t'on c()f,titERctAl, & tNsrtrurtoNAL usE ",aOiOND GIITNER . .o*rr..il. ENGTNEERS.ilI P.O. 8or 1702 louldot. Colorodo (303) 19+220t cAsT- IN- PLACE REINF'Q8CED CoNCRETE t;. Irr c-;ncreEeEsn- is-Tased on the ]s,lil9ilg^cg9p GEI.IERAL NOTES FOR VAIL GOLFCOURSE TOWNHOMES DESIGN LIVE LOADSTa. nooFs.. -b. Floors................ .40PSF c. lfind Load and Earthquake Load in aecordance wlth the Unlform Bulldlng Code, 1976 Edltion. FOUNDATION DESIGNI a. Deslgn of lndivldual and continuous footings-is based on a rnaxinum allowable bearing pressure of 3000 lbs. per square foot (dead load plus ful1 live rqq9.) ) -bfa"".i on the structural fiil compacted to 957. standard Proctor density below frost depth. b. Refer to sol1s report no' 17'103 and letter dated October 26, 1978 by Chen and Associates' Inc. c. Vertfy soll condltlons and types durlng excavatlon. A11 concrete desl8n is based on tne "burrornS_ugqe iequiienents for Felnforced concrete" (Acr 318-71). b. A11 stn:ctural concrete shal1 have rnlnimum 28-day c. d. compressive strength of 3000 psi. All^detalllngr fa6rication, ahd placenent of retnfor- cing steef sEiff be in aceordance with the Yanual gf Standard Practice for Detailtng Reinforced Concrete Stnrctures (eCf 315-74). GTilETcIi-B steel- shall conform to ASTM Spectfieation A615-74 and shall be Grade 60, except ties or fleld- bent barsr which shall be Grade 40. At spllces, 1ap bars 36 dlarneters. At corners, nake horizontal bars contlnuous or provide corner bars. E:<eept as noted on the drawings, minimum concrete Drot;ction for reinforcenent sha1l be in accordancei'ittr Rcr 318-7r. Provide continuous shear keys at all cold joints. Welded wlre fabric sha1l conform to ASTM Speclficatlon A- 185 . e. f. s.h. b. c. STRUCTUML IIASONRYt 8. Hol1ow load-bearing unlts eonforntng to wal1g.d. A11 grout used in masonry walls and be course Brout as defined by U.B.C. placed by vibrattnj or puddllng. f'm . 1350 psl. lloitar shali be $pe PL or S. Suggested .proportlonsby volume are 1 p-art portland cementt ll2 part limet 4'-ll2 parts damp- loosb sand. Masonry cernent shall not be useil . Admlxtures shall not be added for any reason unless approved by the Archltect._ Bond beair unl-ts sirall be produced from standard vertlcally voided unlts wlth pre-cut knock-out cross atv concrete masonry shall be llghtwelght AST}I C90-70' Grade N. Mlnlnun bloek cores shall Sectlon 2403(s), .***$&ffi&i 2.strLlctural gen'1 noceg !' 1b Structural Masonry (d contlnued)r If llfts exeeed 6 feet In helght, clean-out holes shall be provlded. Mininurn cube strength-f'n-i 2000 psi. €r Exc'ept as noted on the drawlngs, all^6o1tsr anchorst and enbedded ltenrs shall be grouted ln plaee. f. Provlde fu1l shoved mortar ln all head and bed jolnts. t. A11 nasonry shall be latd up'in- runnlng bond wlth exposed Jolnts flush or-weathef,h. Us-e continuous horLzontal wall relnforcing ln all masonry walls. Relnforclng shalt be welded type wlth 9 gage sldewlres and 9 gage trussed cross wlres. t. Maxlmrm vertlcal spaclng of Joint reinforclng shal1 be 16". STRUCTURAL STEELI--ffiEmcturar steel rolled shapes, includtng plates and angles shall be ASTM A36. b. Att bottsr includinS anchor bolts' shall conform to ASTM Speclfleatton 4307. Bolc slze shall be noted on the drawlngs. cr Expansion bolts cal1ed for on the drawings shall be "WEJ-IT"r "Red Head'r or approved wedge type' with the followlng ninimrrn enbedment-st 3f 4" dla. bolts - 3', 5/8" dtal bolrs - 2", l/2' dLa. bolts ' I\:. STRUCTURAL WOOD FMMING I-fficept wtreie noted below, all 2" lumber sha11 be of species and grade as noted on structural drawings.- b. Interior load-bearing studs shal1 be Standard grade and better Douglas Flr-Larch or Hern-Fir. Interlor studs over 10'-0; in length shall be Douglas Fir-Larch lt2 or better. Finger jointed studsr if used' shall be of equlvalent grade and species required of non-finger- -Jointed studs, and shal1 not be used at exterior wal"ls' D<terior studs shall be Douglas Fir-Larch or Hern-Fir, #2 or better. A11 other studs rnay be Standard grade Whlte Woods or better. iop ana botton plates shall be Douglas Fir-Larch #2 and better. Provlde solld blocking at suPports for wood joists at locatlons noted on the drawlngs. Mlninum naillng shall be provided as specifled in "Nailing Schedule" on structural d-rawlt:g:. . A11 plyiood floor sheathing shall be 3/4" thick, Group I '4 oly,- T'and G' lnterlor underLayment with exterlor glue. Afi 'piywood watrl and roof sheathlng shall-ve l/2" thlck, stanaard interior plywood with exterlor glue and with APA Identlflcation Index 32/16, Roof and floor Joists are to be plant fabrlcated I serles wlth structural wood flanges and structural plywood webs 'and carry ICBO approval for the composite section. Joists shalL be destgned to support the llve and dead loads applled. Provide Jolsts with the depth and spacing noted oh-the drawings. At the Engineer's request' data shal1 be provlded substantlatlng structural properties of each rn-enber slze proposed foi use. Joist supplier shalL provide alL requlred Joisc blocking panels 'x-bridlingr and web stiffeners. c. d. €. f. $. 3.atrarctural gen', ;j:* ry#"ffi,#.,r""*+:ffii qualtty controt shall be tn conforman6e wlth AITC Product Standard PS 56-73' "stnrctural Glued Larnlnated Timber". b. l,trnber shaLl be of such stress grade to provide glued lamtnated menbers wlth alLowable stress values of 2400 psl ln bendlng for dry condltlons of servlce. e. A11 nLmbers sha11 5e Archltectural Appearance Grade. d. Adheslves sha1l meet the requlrementg for wet condttlons of service. €. Do not provlde camber unless indicated on the drawings. BACKFILLING I ffiot backflll agalnEtunttl supporttng slabs and securely anchored. basenent and/or retatnlng walle and floor franlng are ln Place GROUTT---E A11 grout at base of beams or coLumns bearing on^concrete or nasonry ehall be non-shrlnkr "Enbeco", "Flve-Star" or equal. O TABLE NO. 25-P - NAILING SCIJUDULE l6d at l6d at See detalls' top plates, laps and interseetions Continuous headerr two pieces or more l6d at ceiling jolsts to plate, toe nail along Contlnuous header to stud r toe nallCeillng joists ' laps over partitions, face nallCeillng joists to para11el rafters, face nallRafter to plate, toe nail Wider than l" x 8" sheathing to each bearing, face nailBuilt-up corner studs DRYWALL (Gypsum, Wallboard) Wa1l Sheathing (to framlng) r3/8" - l/2" 5/,8 " PLYITTOOD r 5 Subfloorr foof and wa11 sheathingI/2" and less Combi nat ion Subf loor-und erlayrnent3/4" and less PANEL SIDING (to framing) l/2" or less 5/8" FIBERBOARD SHEAfi{ING T7r/?" 25/32" l6d at I+ tu NAILINGI .IO 2-8d 16" o.c. 3- 16d 24.. o.C.2-t6d 16" o.c.ea. piece each edce 2-16d - 3-l6d 3- l6d 3-16d 2-16d 3-8d24" o.c. CONNECTION Joist to si11 or girder, See Detall Bridging to joist, toe nail each end Sole plate to joist or blocking, face nail Bottom & Top plate to stud ' end nail Built-up & doubled studs, face nail I ttt sfel-tVQ WA|. 7-?.-8,- 5d 6d Cooler nailsCooler nails (to framing) r (to framing) r 8-d 8-d g -db 8-d No. I I ga.a 6 -drNo. t6 ea3No. l l [a.6 8 -drNo. 16 eal 1) 2) 3) 4> s) Conmon or box nalls rnay be used except where othemise stated. Common or deforned shank. N/A Cornrnon Deformed shank N/A Nails spaced at 6 inches on center at edges, 12 inches at lnterrnedlate supports (10 inches at intermediate supportsfor floors), except 6 inches at all supports where spans are48 inches or more. For nailing of plywood diaphragms and shear walls edge nails spaced at 3". Nails for rval1 sheathing may be common, box or easing. 6) Corrosion resistant siding and casing nai1s.7) Fasteners spaced 3 inches-on center Et exterior t-'dges and 6 inches on eenter at intermediate supports. Schedul alL t) Galvanized roofins nails with 7/16-inch diameter head and' lL-lnch length fo; llz,lrrch sheathing and I 3/4 tnch for 2513z-lnch sheathlng.9) Gaivanlzed ttaple witn 7/16-lnch eror,tn and I 1/8-ineh- eheathlhg and it-tncn length fot 25/32-lnch sheathing. f0) Cenent cotted 8d and l6d nails preferable. o !IH*"el#'IHIT ;fff(sto+zx frtf fr- / or- PGII--otp.!Y_utt $EALt El$qsutTrr{c E}rcrNBRs CHXD. IY -DAT! I Proffi(il31$+ru sxe:r no- 2 0f --Vatt i-,^ t . {,-. Lti::.: .'7.'i,.11rl.-,.tt|: ?ttUrf,.- 'i - l. i{i ".-r - ri I $5*1}t€9tr9.lsuutncu*onrns O ^ ,1t F A ta, | ,/, l\ D- a.lrt/trrtr- r/.Ff ?HOflI(CB] f+U01 ,r-r, *. 6 0f - PTCTIM. :. ,.,)..'l \-/.lJ Itatr.k;'utr-=..* El -Vat 1' ,ENl N co|t,tr,tt'lL coL Tltflt), trp4ficEilr sr|p9 c'''. !y -oA*- ?rcfte' Vlll 00L F c nueg E 70l////l0tN il-- --r - t-:, tl rt HrcOL ffD GilLTltfoiruttilrG srcrmts Ir r-i s;1 t-ZZ-7? nly. t6 o slt+al *srrr--:Z-dl Ein.F-nn 'rrcr VA/L 66LFeouR5E TAw tltnMEs rnm--- NICOL AND GltTNEDoNsutTrNG ENGINIERS Oav ,f D oe13 t- Z3' 74 JOI N.. /6 Ptoflt(Iilolaa srcn l{o-4 OF- clfxD.Bv-olrE- ercrq ),/4,'i,+Jir!c,14<4 Tbvi,tln'A,+l,-s pnEum- I i'-t - -:' ll I '- i i 2x8.,8 &?PrD tr,#o@=QrrzI\tU SONRYMA \'{ALL REINFORCEhIENT INSTALLATION Placemenl: The. out-to-oul spacing of side rods is ap- proximalely 2 inches less lhan the nonrinal thickness of the wall or wythe. Minirnum recommended mortar coveris I inch for exterior face of walls, and I inch on the interior face. L.adur Type is placed on the nrasonry and centered by eye before mortar is placed. Butt welding prevents the cross rods from projecting beyond side rods thus assuring uniform mortar cover for all parts of the rein{orcement. lt also alleviates "hump" at the weld points thus permitting use of Ladur Type in thinner mortar joints. So/ces.' coitfctlh. rid. ro.tr.?t l.Dara f PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Ladur Type is a prefabricated-reinforcenrent especially desiqned for embedment in the horizontal mortar joints of miasonry. lt is manufactured in 10 ft. lengths from wire conforming to ASTM A82 for cold drawn sleel wire lor concrete reinforcement and Federal Specifica- tion QQ-W-4Olf for hard tempered wire. Ladur Type consists of two or more parallel, longiludinal rods weld connecled to perpendicular cross rods spaced 15' o.c. thus forming a ladder design. Out io out spacing of de- formed side rods is approximately two inches less than the nominal thickness of the wall or wythe in which the reinlorcement is placed. BASIC USES For crach control in masonry walls. For assuring predictable, horizontal flexural and axial, tensile wall strength. For bonding and reinforcing composite walls. For bonding and reinlorcing cavity walls. For anchoring and reinforcing masonry veneers. For reinlorcing slack bond masonry. As horizontal temperature sleel in reinforced masonry. CODE APPROVALS Ladder designs such as l-aiur Type have. not been oranled the -larqe number of code approvals for wall Sondino that aoolv to Dur-O-wal truss. Bef ore specilying ^ or acc;otino lldder designs such as Ladur Type' local llcoda reouirEments should be checked. '\'v tn addition to some stale and local code approvals Ladur Tvoe has been granted Material Approval from lnternati6hal Conference ol Building Ofiicials (ICBO) . (Unilorm Building Code) Report No. 2292' and Southern Building Code Congress (SBCC) (Southern Standard Building Code) Report: 7295. 72 MATERIAL SPECIFICATION FOR LADUR TYPE. Masonry wall reinforcement shall be Ladur Type (Trl- rod) (Double) as manufactured by Dur-O-waL or ap- proved material with equal mortar bond, cross rod spac- ing and applicable Building Code Approval. Material shall be manufactured from No.9 gage wire conforming to ASTM A82 with cross rods butt welded to side rods. Oplions: (1) No, 8 side rods and No. 9 cross rods. (21 3116" side rods and No. 9 gage cross rods. (3) Class of zinc coaling (galvaniring). (4) Stainless Steel available on request. OESIGT{ TYPE WEIGXTcLlsstFtcaltoNs ANO WIRE SIZES WALL WIDTHS wtnt Ftt|lsx sintlt Wrthc . Compotil! caCrvilt coMPostrE GTYIIY srNGrE wll)Clrrl Sidc Rod3 Crolt nodr Ovr.all.lTrll utidth Ovc''llW.llwidth B.ctup Wrll Widrtr r-T1 -tr r-r-n @ ko 13' l,l otl6- g. tot2, t3, l/8 ort6- 3, a, 5.8o.l(r / Brila saalG ro<lr rnd II Brilc ctoss .odltqr/, Ht5',U+li#"i'.':o''o' cros3 fod3 tor both Compo3ita and Crvittf. Stlinlasr StcelAvrilrblc oo Raquest. No- 9 No. 9 Madium No. t No. 9 LAOUI TYPE Ertrr Hc.vy 3/ r6-No. 9 LAOUR TYPE TRIiOO Standa td No. 9 No. 9 I, tot2, 13,l4 ot t6- 3, 4,6, Eot B.itc side rods and Galvani:ed caoss rods tor both Compositc and Cavity. Stainlcss St!rl Available on Requc5t. M!dium No. 8 No. 9 Ertr', Hcavy 3/ l6-No. 9 LADUR TYPT OOU 8LE Sl.ndad No. 9 No. 9 t0, 12,l4 orl5- 3, 4,6, 8o.lo' Iritc side rods lndGalvrnired cross aods. Sta;nlcss Stecl Ava ilable on Reouast. Mcdium No. 8 No. 9 Ert,r Hcav,3/ r6'No. 9 PREFABRICATEO CORNERS AND TEES I 1 PREFABRICATED CORNERS AND TEES_A for continuous reinforcement around corners abutling walls and partitions is available in all sary to designate corners as inside or outside complete line of prefabricated corner sections and prefabricated lee sections for anchoring design types, sizes and finishes. lt is neces- when using design types Trirod or Double. COMPOSITE WALLS CAVITY WALLS SINGLE WYTHE WALLS l1'. ficd W.ll L.du. TyPe T.i.od 16' c. to c. l'----ro--- 1 rr"od Out!,d. Co.n.r tO- Ctvity W.ll No. lO L.du. Typc with drig Wrll No- 6 L.dur TyOC!6'c. to c. SALES REPRESENIATIVE ROY A. BNWN I3BO CIIIST E R SI RE ET AURORA. COLORADO SOOIO 303 366.0382 -J)4-() t ,,ITJ arl A,D,A/-O co// T Soll) cL,vr #5 AS s/,/ w/ z s40ltil,r/fl li\ \^4{ f, $ s I I 0 _lo ':#,4r;:fli;' Q /U/ ttt /'t/Stf 'ITS AT r/slDE FlcE Or MLL| # s v*r, //,1 El<ourFD ' cEtL @z!0, cE/tS sl/ftL& qr1Tra) tr/ 2 L/ffi C\rtl1, , TYP, c 'futqtnar f t rrcs e.+!o -t l' IzH- ANDERSEN '' ptR;rtn.sHt et,D': wtxu<ltts r. cLtDtNc n('Tr1frl 0F ytt/L lvEEDi tc BE BRAyED //'/ ot/r ut /t/0 wlys:'ffi{i'!t#ffoo rtlPu wtFE Atia0P 'f^:':l{irtLr '%-',.= t t0,l, tL'tx/b" FrE AT LocA tt\lEo oN PlAll t, cotlflNuntg 7!A PPf chltPAcTEO EAcKf tt t rnPEREo -ro ??lA Alo rr:0fl f/CE oF t4A9'Y. I Ig,7-{zTnr{' \ t+ oovrts pa*ul @ 4'-o -. "t- 6't ??Let tLu ,t ,D? 1 stDgs r| Lcan #5 rt a IICIAL & INSTITUTIONA L USE \Ll:5 11L I 11t-Jgl\ l/\l lV _lryJryr__ I38O CHESI ER STREET : URORA, COI-ORADO 80010 303 366 0382 ? \+ XI = 0 \g I-\s \ 4af 1,e!sO4-O looLo' ll Q I'() #4 ooY"t@ +'-o NGMtnE0 crll,prho nAt elER 1ETORE ruICIHl B)/'/D E/4 Ag tN sE-cTl1il S0y-Oi Equ4L g/0E 'LAl))Rtl notlr?- o'r4L' ill /|Agt)/ JTs , TfP. STD' TYPE @ /b{ c oltT'a s r-lB , I / e'et 7'zEt(l H,r. utl --?5:-E u IyptcAt r79 tS t,^t stCf/O/V 504-0/ 34-a^ / L.t q 7q -l (J, eNuEltsEN'' pER\rA.sHlEt.t)' tuNt)orTs & cl- )t..c D()oRs Folt corluErrctAt, & TNST|TUT|ONAL usE \\> o o o i5,li3 o *.'r('ti.,'': :0 P6 P d,.= ra= >jr:i -o c 5EH.; cc)='Esbdg 6* o d ar sF * E A-.Ei9gEP. qrd -,ln;.E d >4 b toE ;E: E E; 38, EEb;E. Do: qr: A€Ei:e *Et:€ e t .€.S.E f*€fi i;:;t ;siF:";sEg .E H b€'q E E;!. o(D-€ ?,e3E €g;6 '6 d.9s ;5€ E EiTi 5 EEr,rd.J ^-A; s Ft-q Eg ;iEO'- O6.. E g E:Ei r$; $i i iE lii >r I5i3;t i F€jfiij; F"E"EgE: * s g F.5 .E -t.E -3 +€ iiE i".F ;€ si€ F s {E;E {s$ia Eii;i3E:E Eo=>' EiEEg IE gfr Hgs.s; F:tE E* E;E $;:€ fsEEE ;;€€."#I.= ic,P.Eg:E:i rff! ,iEiEB :E;3E T i g;i F=e;:E E*f*€ ii# e Fei 3 E€-E€8fi E€ E E ac\.{ F- C\ @ c- iifg;l€*g3'il;lgijii i; $Eistt;€$Er EE-tE ;E? tEisEijrEEEj; :t;ee C€iF* 3 e;E iE'E:Eg E;! t; g:: Ef€3+E;; Fi Es$-; iEi: g:m ! i€t li;E€r€rt Pr;-tE F s;' ;a;; r; Ig;?:E€*+E E!€ ;;*t;it;*; FIi 3ti{tig;r is:Ea:5 5: d E iti Ht+ g9tEj €:i ;;j Ex Fil B:iEtE s E rsE= s€E igi;€ E ge;EEe Ea!€is€is€i; :c{iRcicd;; l-t-r-tJ a cq) Q) E t a!,i ) uti :(! j(!q' r(|J 33t; is f.t ,GLot q, a,tro att F;qt o c) E 'c, at at) ct 3 a, >r g( E is )q, :6 iqt isz U!trr6 C' Q' 6lg 9l ao, F E o EE ci -, ><h I i4),.l ':.: 0 I toca o,c) ba, oo)o' cl E E. E.- :'O 9biq) ,r< is tu o'.c c T'(l, G'T'ol) E'O, -t' a a d.I =t., a )-::6 t9 iq)r(.l ,o o t-- ,ru o.E.ql (o F- c{cnicloi 8=Olsl l)crE sd ;6 .E E.g -Og3;5 '.9=:8€3E s r'3 4: i FE E =9o TECg lt' F E*'o ! l.-€: i' B"SF, o Eo Eg lrl bco|!6 E og Et iil€ ; : ;ii f iii i,fffgsf, iigflieff€i i fgg 3;ii i= iif$fg;r ;sggi6 ffigifli iff it iffii ffig o t! = 6 oat = 'o) ..E 'g o g .: v H5 HT iHs Hbo-C.siH tr E.9tF,E"EA EA E3;:f -qEio l. 3 34 9i I9368F?l.:r =6Fg.t3=sI;I: s€ i€ €; Ft * ggF E I i n-s21i-.froFoC:=2E-j;5'r;-d.:- -9 -a o -,2r4 5 g€3 h 6 r. cr.5.:i o:;saleEi? c& l' t7 -E;ao19Q.-.teir€€.E;:b IEETii;; !ffii1 # H E::;+ dE :qE € * ;.E9ie X=...i .P-gs 6r: 6 =Oq ! -o, Y!- .lts :Esf{ 58"? sFE. i$-* ;3 3i{ E;E sEi s: i:IE6 EEi JEE g-" iialts ga€ iFg ; E *iiiHi iig 3Ei is iEt*Eg 3 '-s I i as 5 az lEr++i gtH ifig E EE €?:;;s il:;;8: c1*tA:+5iE *E3,€ Ei'ZZ € EE t€EErE: i ae;. EEE -r EE ::E;s;E i 3ei H:;= "Ev $t:;;:; $E;i E€is Efr:i iFBEEBa iaei i5€3 idr- F- S F CE tr F- -c.; t.. 6 (r) rr I* 8:E EiE?; ;;E;E: lE6 !t..cqr o9.riis i:E :gEi; *.qE"qq FE"- ;:bsbo :xbq €F Ssrg 2EEEE :€EBrEq .:-Ee uiEB.g :E;Ee [:t i;: iEiir :Hi; l/H; ?!:s :t;;€ I;tTl-! g49ts .96:93" E€:3 I e= ; E;; E!?AE sg€;i I:i F€frE iiEtF#Ei I:t sii: EEE Etr€Eii€ lEE gi;ei?tEi€lse€ra i 'l ;€q 5ti;.!i?= alfar :o;E;U: : a -'W ---- a\F\v r:\o6 2! 4.1 r-1 q, ll5> Crli-,E 'rrEz; : AA-.-{( E>YE eSidE '4 lO lrl ir X4>A 6Ff&() =ozu .-tel ..t\,, ft,v (l) F.z @ E E x E -ro ..: -; <5 .o vO c^t cc OJce< 3R trd eEslis -E :E iiiii €Es3 IE ieli3 33*i, E;;i;*;1 Ei; E3 F+lill*t eiiEi , ;+;i;:€i ;it FsjjiES;lciqleqiE iE=#A;l1;5:€EI:i e .,-,C:i .- ? ;: :i n*..i ;i F =:9i$lo E il\ i*i{t$" t r.E=*e ;rii:$F il!!€ \i:, friEE :=llf' niti€ E 'E ,,n.E;5!H F" #lll€:;iiIE z:'€p €Ea;E sI; if- E;Eg E HEf; .t k: s r;i: {Ag E [:-E*rit g8 3 |*Eiit A= tE; I;EEfrit E IIi. 3ff; ie<l-::t- it qlg€ €; bc9= 'o ca- aig 3"8r Eg .g c.; . b! ll), o.=r =H3I r-dEi tf 3: q)';- " =AQi 3i*; c 3.E i*r{ E : $ sE-Er o b.I I-= !..=<."q)o.9.1 t I i3€ rE!71 o er '- D Oq) o- l: -.E i )-o^ a 2 o q) aotcJ (|(,) f>5c-tt .= o C- F" -g'=?90b >E o: L.?.r: : c, ieTEg; Fo:i tD 'L'. - ,. 'JOX:x j i FYg6:'^ I 3:€(J .= o)'=e5E6E€ 9 E.lSgEl lb€ EE g ls;i€€ IE Etr E ElE€;Eblx-too E?i iilo F?i 5la.=Ead. [iEEE: E E A E€ l.s l5E E 18 Etr E E . -rt - - i'Yf ,rll'f,': ' NICOL AHD GILTNE lDonsutrrl{c Er{Gll{ERs , rY JXf *t R'Il Lsrnn- taw. =lL- oilo.t-D lt o n|(ttl(ffi]f+20a ,*rr*- / * | Pram.- ^., aturNc-npw@al O sunr & MoNRoE & cRAY encinrens, 'Ohunn^r elrrcuro coistf,Tttc tltS!ffn3 rNtlltlJ lullu{c m Vetu G oLF coLr R t'€ -Towhl|-fo Ltr€s vAtL ,eoLo. v: at33( 4SO' TErf. LD. DE!F!' ,}AC|." /uo' <ottDlTlo{ c Ffo? € +.!'?rcAL ,oNs(t1oN EL DbL. 5t'r8r' M cAll'rt .45ox 3' l3 So' Re 1,1fx^ t666t/t'- gaa- f.4 y r C.at' = 4,4 e|'t /z ' ?24 3 t' Rl r.r lp L16g tlc. 1=O /z , 22€ o VR. I qig /z ' ?18 I u9E, l6SO F4R t',-t- Abovg c:or'lbr-.'art€. lI' 456 Roat zz5 ulr tA L. I I'Tn a 2..t, . 3(4a It t;-T-- Rr_ #/b qao+q (nt so,itl 4"s-S -J rrc) 4-?4'^?t le.. Tt.tt FLooR trolsf 1Lx3 FLAN6ES f 69 F I lgaoF LoAolNc= 40 PtF LL t 2S?9F DL Q 24'o'c'' 136?LF ,frSO F f.lAr+o^r, ,q1g'e Yer.orttz 49ro' lAaT F'?eua,e.r' ?3tbti Vrurrrrt ts0f 4,orrolTlar{ t, l'1; (9ox tz's>/g's ?Sjq t?< zQ4-A'r rqRi--Jl- 4 <OND\TIONI 5L \ H e a: tgoY._'|3 25 ' 4 I4 liox ?a-S-'i 5S.S R z- o 2?S a}* [!., 5 - ?-5: 3Q1:624' USE tBooF FoR- 2 s?A\t trolc'r I0 n[ lrl?n:::-!'i nlrnD f4-t'' -'..-'r-,'-d fr*o i rlO I to rrA LL i rrr-- (3o,,- TF----t, r?.$-- l llo R.aF /| \rrAL! rz.S l-c.2S APR lFIlDnvTl': r ',r. I ltrf ; L:J ;'.... i.. : FI o : I f$o?rf,. .A I IF' ,lL I ' -DN{' E ta,r.r}.f I LoAl ft{'o f'{ Qu-owr FFF .troltr r' '?o ?tF LL 4ltl r* Wffi,il. ?x I FlAGlart 1('50 F + fo ?3F CL GL 2*"1.C. r V4re,orr,l r f4t?r trt# H F1. R.}r f sax 1l"/2, z4z 4-* lr. s' *33ztr Vc: ll+o Ve= (294 - tl.E' lsoxt.?3 - l'g++ APR ! .t $n JOt rb. olr(D. tY' ' s413 FINAI PH0trE (in3) trllStt t PrE.Ja. y' li-i . l' -T---i-- -l_- | -lr i-1iit -r --l--r _]-_i ,."" Er1' ju& o + 14' €LR tfi-at 6,a 1t1!-O" vAtL @Fc4)URs€, ralNf*3iu€s ?HA6E E. lr APKTL ElC @ 4'-o tc. to3'--l '' (1ze P.r") &&?^#," 2'4 6ODD ffiN"4 to" 6LocK t,45@/ o'c' t@_#, VErqT q$ 0c :$-_l !r.,$+rr V) L\.t t0rlA2o g I o a ;cg-c\ (A) |yc-r-?i- nt 'i97t- . it7;,la ;tDj -5 S,tov,trt tN 3ol -o t . ,lD0/E wt-/!^ coilsfR('c7/0il - 5/lAl/ EE " seEc/All r' ";tfsrEb rEDl a cco&Ddf ro Buty/y4 DEP;A7/48/y7 RE? U/RE//E//rS ', Lt55 poutzr- ioo'-o" oc '6t lc vAv 6a-P@uRg wlDiltbug ee'4eaW, II APRIL P 17q QL& tAela'o'4. (ftps, ruTo (roa-tD H5g lf) f $ tt) LoN4 LEG -- 4l i tker uor) (EG, G" 508-02 Exapr As 49 aaPutv t oo -o) ttoTED t DETh|L5 IPE ,N &4-D3 o "5 cutr|t €flaPUp G^,4r. C5, i'lili"'''1'T,m ?Hol: (303) ||1lst7CONSUTTING B{GINERS rY -DAn --L-MLyftz- tottu. oltD, !Y - DATI tHEEt No.-Of Pmum- _ * ltl:-{ &M^#'"' ' 7la q$ s$ \$sfr v) IU ua $I I a a .e;g^M 6oDD & r *s@€'b,"-tffi, VERT VAIL @ F.cc)Lree, TaL[JF0,ug ?HA6E Ntr . lr APRrL gc 4 4 wweL @ 4'-o o.., 50s-ot rA) ExC€?f 4b SbWN IN l/orED , WTA:LS a?e to4 -Dt. 4t VAA- 6a-Pa>uffire,&E'l il ,.qrttu gb rDeilJl€fi6 Qoa-el-\ uf g lr) t $ \o tZt^e(& 44,e4b" o'c. (k'po ,,ro Lo^r4 LFq =(*l it/4.er *o) (EQ ' 6'l 508-02 Exepr As 49 141ou'w 09-o) ^lofED , DET$ILS ADE ,N @4-o3 'ii-t{:: orc.t:D rt XG PF.ICT curflr €+r? ep G^,6r. Cs. SH:ll Xc.- OF- Pmltm.- PHoilt (303) ||3.167i sHEET No. / oF 9- C}IXD. lIY - DATE eaoxa 4arrtorr*t E,Nnarc ,PH ,trE cuwr 1*AP F-- (.e*ar,_€e_,-_ ___ fia:.1iru, i :, (.6 1 2" *l+*,z 7, zd.r BF j-Le_ I , lli t 1lsGTaL l. i' .....,] llL,": i,n..t^' Var -/.e'7 (La ':i ifW,4.o'?t,4o .,,i. , fi-u i , . ,7o-.i * - J! t,-l I i I I t. ! !pt'./' ', I t . -...'. ---'' j / | t1 +. lloTa': t2Go "l' Ltlc l2)Do"t 1-i r l,r.l,t *Et?l>-Tawi Lo a?'- i .: : -' I / : , - I fti+.,t! +p y(,/k PREI, FINAT liillll-'i f"_* -iri l-ii l-iiifii-ri ,l,i i I i I i 1 I i I !* -lj -l---lli-r-irl,- -i jir- { i i t- I L e rC' a.t,(Enz) :o ok- Iri I I I L' iijt- --. +--!illlrl-:iiilrli pr, n"ffi : ,ob6' -fr, = l,zsz t i= .6z0 {^= 7.rt7 <5? s ' 4a lTni ", - t', , v{l _ /xa.|a- {"- lril-- *+;z,,r"r-s =t9'Va:<zail olD. !Y -DArr ?fioic(s){$ll7tt $trrib. 2- or .9 tlElrm-- al.^t i'l -'.llti arcilgs . t.ai ?rort (I3) 143.1677 c*zrr"'. ? or g ?tEum . Co -- aler. sHErNo. 4 or 9 PIETIM. b'' ',\a _l ( 4'l )' -: PT(,iii,Ei*\ ii -i-i t;*th +41 i 4 ,bt , o/4--T l to't rolt.. l5 5 - ,Ollo.?!\tflEf lto^ -- of --' PIEUm.- 3fcErxo- 7 oE I . ?,mrE(to{}l3n I.l ti ll qdl 'j:, p: : COI{SUITIIIG EIIG ]NEERS PHotir (303) {13,t6rt sHEEr No.-- 6 or 9 PREIIM.-- o o hy"f ': ,,j_'i;i ').G ND. I l' :t;'ei RA\ 8* CHF. II' - DATE PTO.,ECT o -t-i ii ro. 9 or -q' tlEtf NrcO[ AND CIlTtUl cofisutTrfc Brcfims .4tll-/)/' t|ott(t0${}t6tt 3|Gtrb-a_ ttn__ fY - DAII €m.B-!l?r ,Ol ||.. rDIGI coffitrrilGilGmS ,dXo. ?lolcl CUCI|I - trqE liEFf,ryTlErlPI.|1sTlt-rFll '|otE (303) ft3.t6tt 3}c:r xo. / of- ttg,rf a* , l,/ $trrb- t c- tl0l|r- P|x,{- t-/ oo.lI-ollt v tA 4 0 At ,t/6r t I ?0 7 tl 4t L /n E 'r.?:('t L'I "LIrtq!?l A lA/ () !ff; a,' :rg$rq (303) l13.r6tt cr:Etio I of- ?ltutl Ft t{At . i arrn n** o?- ?llttn EI{AT sHcEr ib,5 or- PIELIM.- ' 6 + 3, Ohiv- ?.,,{.5- fu4' .., ' L>ll.z,ht 'ok . 6;W .+ 5,25- = .29;.o ".,' $t*a[o ot,ttl,ffi:'..*'rreT CllE,tY -D Tt- Frol€l .4r lV floft(ro3)r.]r6rt73l|llX..-Ot- ?rttr[-- 3HEnNo. / of PNCIIM =:/pst < 35psi '/otuJ/e l *+* ll -------' 1_'' -._ 4{/8. 4/ t /.\ ..,fi' / se;.: :!a La c, d ,r)n), i= 4,il ;v1:- l'1 -----. l.----,i,- . , - j.- t . , -/ ( {Aaq'?.//ej 3) tr,Wr 4ftl t l,t. I l- 1----1-' f- '',.1 ]r ,".tf' . rf , r'r' I SdEET A ?-Q -s2- rf OOR PLAN - DUILDING 'A UNIT 3 TYTE tr UNTT ToTnL u5EA8/ F,.F}/Cfl/ AF ORYN .ALL FORl=t& n ll T oto 3@ LEVEL TYP/CAL , ,; r.r ,|,)/tI tAf I I -\-/, Y I ' , .,* .,. rrr# , .,ii*I&il*. - UU TY UNIT 4 TYTL II UUIT ?- q-8L ?-?- 8z )*u t<,6 )(rc ,ClA :AGE WR.<v wR. towa, FIASHIU6 NATU(A.L C}p1AR 5HAKEs 57<uce o3, ?tVe ]yi,rr{ oLylnTV' 6?lM.l- TRAI.I9PARE^i.JT' VeVoC 612 ,ApACneu OLYMTV frNL ^Q}UG NffH OLYTIFIC T26 oLYVlnC D7?3 AGAfusT 5t?tUG - rAIUT Ib liNfcn A)}{AC *n6 MAt\l5T sTlJ@ - gEyq, A& tlAlcttttl6 UtotclTEs wl waLL FhR p^qtf oF 3I ttygt ,xALL9-.-. EXruSURE st/9tu1 - _.-:: '3 .. --.---t--. - ',Di6oR,z _-: - t .-."-. -!-54.-t€--.-. .-,. 1q.- - *i+Jl-+- 'fi'ft:" 'r' '' .lCo .r.r.r.. !!.J I ,1 I:.. 1 .,-Fi!. sttEET I E 7-?- 8z rl4 cot-o*a DUILDING,A 1-? -tz \Dz L.-lJ--*\ --J 00 Izo tr rdJ uJ rd'iC];ds n ^Y o o IY ct{o. w _DAtt JOI tao. PNOJECI IING ENGINEERS Piro e {3ul) e+220a 3HEET No. 2 Or- PIEIIM ri I ,i I i:i iilr lir!iiiilrii;iil j irij,il I'It il,l SHET / -->-_ il;Nl)l llll lrll"--1- il1l __L_.ri i:iilll-lr1i ' i i I -1 RFvsr,t4l/08 rC ,0yeEry/elyli'c i c0//nt/u4rl1// 0F --! i . I 'taifnhatrafiyxe=G3ktFI l/'*c, i i I .--l .-i I...... _i i t nrJ-iifu+fia=G-3x7,8"4?,zE L -i-- Ir1 I ; I i , i ,-J : i n S) optfoT owl/uu/t!/ or- By i *vspr6rM ' t/ Ji.-,-; 1--f i i ,r- 'Ir,li: ,or rb. PTOJEC' Aix { rhaiii--1-.-." f* ',85 yc b* Y,, sxr:r tro.7 oF- L 'r la i !-127/ k-trt u/<-' - oz F =Eulo- \ooOl (n @ r.o(oro <fGI ro @ osl EE = cL (J (n UJ llJu- tr =E UJ(L '>nL /g-b-/JLbq / #ZrD I I I I I F Ii: r(J l5 =l6 tl,F F FI ==o z \(tI( (+ ar nI+ + r+ ( ! u tl (u +) tn x(l, o = t u t) tl 5 J J , a ){{) at= Fl!€ ;9 =>=lF ?ii!: rl= !i!liN-li;iN |<) o-!-(O rJ)(\I o(\l (f, o (Y) Fl r-l c c ro(\I oo)F Fl co oo oo sfh(v) t<) E- uJo- z =f fD !otllIoz c EFour tr z to = d z ut = r1l UJl!z tr UJ out e, o6 3g u,Ez 6qJo F6 IL uJ c z UJ () a\ o fle B IJJ o- J FoF z E) 9 C) uJ uJ z aot d () z uJ = uNO[VntVA tl IJ lPl 't.cIHl-l?I tt>lsl Itot>l'-lHI rnl.. =l v,;83oxl .o]3rlJl.cu- lcLo ll 6Jls Ejl=F .t-;ol+3";l- J I(Lf-lb 9'El*u>l* N(\ zz tr^6q5 F90'u, o7>.<)zrL<oA ILY <N g =t\ V' I Io vl E -o o+, EEru 6oI!o cct z tr f F o f F E UJ z tr z tr tlJ 3uJz ||tlttlrtl?zgi -n 5 F6-EEt'rP93EiEE gnEEEg l:l | | | |rst | | | I ,aU7Ztdq,==, i E 3 E is=gEgo(J(Jrz(J z tr -) (nz uJ E 01 F{ F uJI x o)ur 3 J IJJ IJJ i i .a uJ E B uJF z s c){u o- v, uJzY i (oOoOlsf r{ Ie. o- PP ao co -1=<lilo did uJ ! r{ I J $ =oz .n9z260 =zJOO- t'|- .,dq =83-! -: t!6d= Etr! co EooE g'tt .E tr-c-:=F(r6P 6 lJ- 5pE>EFoo.o! EI -e oz F() uJ-t E.L I ^laarlf! 6l F<l I I UJ o ts =E UJo.zoF C)f, E, 6zo(JI 't a e tJ .4 6 a z a/ ic =I <nl uJl ot ON<l EI Itl tllilI at\tultEltol El 3 tl.llol I;l Ivlt I6t Iol I!l Ii-l st,!-l fl-ct cl 1A Ft 3 ttto- o(J (ts o(J (6 ui =z o-) E,N uJ bE z c) uJ = oF Fzo() 9P E?>E d3 (J aE uJz |J.l C' d a t, ; :: -: .. '-.<-=.:. : ^ J Y .:-- r. a.1 f.'<.-: :<2 /: 'nl,'.7-.:_ <: ;i: 1r: ;<,r .i:1r:: <a:-:lrcI< I I l t." ia) I I I I '], F!) =o \, 2 I I I I I Iu lo I I I I I (n uJ u-.t i Et! o- 't \j\ )6 uJ Ltl lJ- = LU J F a:]rf o co 3 i; (, tt) o F .f, o, o o-)i () :to 1--- uaFo oz E = E = o- z o 5 @ c) I(J F. z, =o C!F z @ :l o NO .VO'tVA (,(,zz kgal,JJ >aOo- 2a.h?,.{\l:.= 1<lo:FlFX r!<QZcroz) uaI tJ1 z!\ 2 " u *tfo & 4 d n ',<tiggi-,,*3sb3 I r-.1 Frl o o lJlo |ll OI(llII I I I t: 2l:)z 9 a) l-):: --li __ I-llall*rl;il ^lt -rlJtl<tl EII *tl -- il;ltotlFll<ltrtlPI'jl"l-llxlt.-l l:'1l': I o- F vl C) z E 7 a z F f(nz ) z G .rl {J € (d tr c) IH I H a c)o(g Io.u .r{ d F{:$aY_<r-r =(oN zzoo Xr;oo <J' Oz.-O c_) |l.< .,, f ;^j Fll Nol N c)lJI; t-.{ | b(<t 'd>l t+ ;,^xt';z 2ZY< _qFEtr](-, o <aGT ii,z;B zI F -- o o = i< O Jci:30 JFY .i tr =IY LU o- z Fotrj UJF o Jz z coo>z JO J)<.- * r,> =42 6i> q,c o, o Jr- 2>C.?9il-o- otr. E; o ! fFl* t E E. LU(Lzo tr(J :).8, FazoO IFL-]I J o a I uJtdlot :l al:I lrtlttlltlr{i Iq'.)l I Et Iol Iotl'l Iot .,J lil !.,(! | tll -'l oltql<l>l ricrl alilt >i I ,1rl(li 3 1 tro 3 .U o (! 'llot toQl lcollNcl I r-rot tl..{l | \o+Jl col r.-ol .{-l -fJl :fl r!l Fll o-+JI Iol !lct olot Fl()I (0I I trlol alt1l -l P.i LJi 'rldl c.l cdsl E>(n I L-t ul 'r'l:l I<l .qa IUz3o I I I FII 6t<lHIHI<lI z: a E z3 FT z at fEi < FlOE <rd>E I ;Ez4;'&4 LLIr. tI: o(') -r (x YFz9 I:'U= =3 uoozt- 3'r/d: JZo-O O <o(J r- l'' n) ,-- F t! (, <) (v <F ll, <( UF ttZ (\ <(J ;ul:o 2 / Etrltll \ nhk ,0a,.\, I\ ,'v-\il' '\-. / ) c\ t,/\\v'/,' /'0 In z F lu I,lI, ,l| 'x I r<< ,tr16 lcr;zrx l> lo tz lt^ro tz 2 = - -'^ _<?"! < ,, - .a. a :^i J.\;'i, a?z;: --!5-; ;< ai!..a: a> -q<a:' !;rla? NOrlVn'tVA do =ZZ'Looo |: d 62 X r =YtrVLriraoGz>-(Joov) LL<oq ia :-:i6 IFofi iN(J t11z J LL YJ F J LU z o--) z Eoo = I o- t-o E Eoo I i Q =(r L! Eoo a ]J:]J: a 0aoo r d f(J L!eoo ac(- e LUz E F LUF I (! c <F LIJ <ZE t"!l r-rtZ O <o -< =zurO t za =s)zo-O O <^ ::F2<)ag O= =3 Eot- g (rz o(- <Oa\a Lt.l LU -JO 1 z F() LIJ (! uJ o _)z z za >z CLL ."=5vv= =ee coil> o E o o E= cw g>- f! o =I rJL z ? :.)f v. nzc :.) t-rLlt_l 6 aa'f Etl l PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ./ . JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER INSPECTION: /MON TUES THUR FRI AMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUTTIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR oz ts =E uJo- c€1 rc gl R] olo(0 (o(\l d =fN@ (oro -oEJ o o o-oIU c (n r,lJ uJ lJ- E =EluL ?fUL^ l/3 -bt-/lzltqthn uJF o F == z o ,F Jc|tE qJE c+ uotr GI|!o E oE o U Goa l! z z tl ldt(lIC't9loltl tfl ;i;E= \l: Ii; ;il lli IiiiN oro ot\sfrto (t r.o t\ rO t-{ (Yt ol oo oN LC)r{ otO Noor.O oo oo(ft oo ooIJ) GIF (c ct or:N(\l I UJ z x(J u, z J J aF t!J UJ z fD = Iz uJ = uJ IIJILz tr UJ UJE G odl =uJ UJc.z 6 uJo F otoGu,o z uJ o t).|rlt E =g. IJJ o- 5F z J o 9 () IJJ IJJ Iz = d Iz o uJ = NOrJ.Vn'lVA Jc c 1q 3oIalt4 3.,1 qI({- o(5 .E ; 3(L z ulo uJz UJ z 6 o 2 tr- CY ar't o7>.6:!_<oc l6 .ini (\ r+ c (\(\ U E lr c U ( c ll. I I I I l* D rJ)ll l,+lrlutl.u l'I'7q 1+r+.F1C 'l= z tr lJ !L A f UJo- F E ILt! J z Eo z tr |.lJF :l B UJz J||lZzzi -fi E FcseIqe gnEEEg lsl | | | |rhl J I rJ e- c- oia i E i *i;=es:ooo-zQ z F J az ul o o @ or') E uJ- rh o >< uJ uJ ci o3 t gJ uJ F z uJ k = uJ z (Jluq- u, gJzY9 (o (o (\l uJ F +J.tJ.! .|J +J rUco .tJ+, ao cct ) e)*<tr-!a=oilP uJ q\r tr(? @ (:. Eqtrr oz Fo IIJ-)oto- I -rl .rlr-ll -il '.{lI uJ F o ts =E. lrJ o-zIFofEFazo(J z. z oP =ecoo =z>=JOo- tr ZE? ;Hg tr =E uJo ILo UJa! F co Eeoo o! .E 5 E Eo(, AO e|D>F =E-9Iti.=€ \L t F rltltlllIloltrltElloltoll<laiEt <lr,-l =l I I arrlalr!lclol <l -4al EI tltltlll-ll"tttlIAtu{tdtqlot<>l J> sl gE ll,l I:t I+tl IEt Iol I"l Iot Itt I'Fl I Et flfit H d3 ut6s 3 <lE (5z J lJ- ox(U I - F otnt- =o(-) (F Fo(5 (t ui =z -t g. kr =+gFL-oz F() EFz (.) E(Jozt- =#4Zrto G, -iO<FE(JuJ<zFIIJ F(rzo <o(JF FS iYF-,2ilo 6 iI5 5.I oz E =E UJ.L V|- N o, @\o \oc! r-l c- @ \o v-l -l h( p r-.1 o P p d .rl tn UJ UJ l! tr =E uJ(L Ni N$ H$ la\l=st9}' i33irI:;T;-:3"!llril I;Erlsl:Es i=:E:9 <iJ<UQ2:iisi!Ii::lo> -'|;;E?c<'l rs'v) \ \ \ h\$ N \ 0 $ t tV) s, s 0 \ b q \$ N R \ a 9 \ 0 cV o \ s \ h rv\ \ N\o ==ct!c z = to s Y oz (L () t tlJ UJ =D = () z () = { qJ It z tr ui uJ o o TD =g TIJEz(96 o ocu, c z qJ v,ll,lljlL E =t!!o- J FoF z =f, @ 9 Fo IU tr 0z dl =J J 2 UJ: NOrtvn'rv^ gE(o,iio:zl E" Eor o\ =.E.'zl t{ .q ,-{' =ge* -r(niur.S =.'O zzoo F^Ox>e.9 0 QOz>-o(,()z L!<o* *U -i6i ,lrUN it;.ts;l.i 1EplE{l JIITI ,l ' tl8 ig $l x.lf'1 I I-+ a o)ad A I aP l'"t I tc! z tr J F o tt7 o- !!o- F o @ l'n r{Ir\ N &a TL uJ z Eoo z tr l,tl F f B uJz Jd l*l *l I?zzA E 5 F6-iEqP93EiEE EBfiE39<Ere.roz) r.H I tc Ij'FoE- 2 ^=z7 iEsi ir=EEsooo-za) z 9F J anz ul o @(r F ul1- v, X d UJ LIJ o3 o- F o 2 tu 3 lr,l z s uJ an UJzY iF \o \c C\tr{\oc.\ c.-\n I tu F PP(d Frl + (t PPd cq 2qgb il9 UJ t{ ii I i ts(J uJ o lllllttltltl l-l| (/,1lultc{ t<l =iJal alEI EI uJc a 0) d(n = tr I I l I I I I I I I CIctsJal =l do o(s {JP cd c) (l)a * =J lJ- x t4 I F o)a tu() H -'lo r-{ rrl UJ =z --l C! I\oc\-+r @ O.O o .l- a tro o >1 (dsa UJ =z I I I I Il-l' I_t_-t - I u\|rl qo J>AEE() od da =g odh =+E FOz --r O<FE()uJ<zE IJJ Ft,l z oF tFzo(J J 9EFotuJtu E.troz. t- Ef =rZu- o oF F.z z _r u.i Fo UJ E.t. o oz F() -loEo- UJ F o Jz.oz o9 =ecoo =z:):) dP Enn J.-i5!r\J= =82 A;E c{'tr CLoo ott .g a_FF=C,'.o ii:(J; orl-otr "'o, :' E>:F oo)T' F lb = liE l-ul r- o-zot-()fEFazoo /(i>'I., r=| ,'tta:€\ '. //t- \ .,/ tc:r-\J:-./e --t 88txl re_s.3_l__P_9_9cr+p_$_9r A portion of ehe NL of .he NEtr of Sectiorr 9, Township 5 South,Range B0 West of the Gth p.!,1 ., Town of VaiI, Corrrrty of Eagle,'state of c.olorado, more particurarly described as i"rior.i.--' COMMENCfIiG ar the Southeast corner of the Nk of the N\ ofsaid Secti.on 9;tlrence N 89 o 23 '4l"w 937 .7I f eet along t-he most southerry limitsof vArL vALLtry 1'HrRD FrLrNG, as recorcrctl in Book 259 ai eage 6of the rccords of the crcrk and Recorcler of Eagre county, colotO The POINT oF BEGINNI}IG;tjrence continuing N89o23'Ar"w 808.28 ieet arong the southerryof tlre herein described parcel; ' thence due North 159.73 feet;tlrence due East 68.?I feet;thence N61"52'59"8 164.?9 feet;thence N01 o 5 2 ' 59 "E 88 . 67 feet;t}lence SBB.O7,0I"E 396.39 feet;thence'N32"51'18"E 93.92 feet along a radLar }ine to a point ona curve;a curve i :thence 68.98 feet along the arc of a 108.87 foot radius curve to, the,.;rleft whose central- angle is 35orB,02,,and vrhose long chord b"urJ,,:'=;lis75"I?,43"8,61 .83 fetti i,:jtJ'rence due south arong a non-radial-'tine 143.4g feet, said rine,l;: r ,;.,,,also being a r'res:!tly boundary of saicr vArL vTLLAGE TITTRD FrLrNi:;: , :,.ii, thence NBBo2l'2e "E 70.00 feet along rtre ]iniirr "i-"uili-vLri-iLil;ii :'''lTHrRD FILING; - -".".,1 , ,,; thencc's02oo2'30"D 24r.e0 feet alonq a wes-Lerly limit of said ltt,VAIL Vrrl,r,L\' 'r.'lnli,D rrLrN(; Lo a 1>oirr r. r.in Lfrc n,"uL soulr,"iiv-ii,iitf ,of saicl vArL vALLEy rHIp.D FrLri.rG, sarcr lreing berng ilre porN? oF IEIE ^T}'lxl: ':/-DIJ!rIltt\I_;b :i:: I Shapiro Construction ComPanY Noveober 24th, 1981 Peter Jamar r P laaner Tonn of Vall Butlding DePartment Box 100 Vall, Colorado 81658 RE: VAIL GOLFCOURSE TOI'INHSIES' EXPAI{SION Your Bul.ldlng Petmlt #00852 Dear Mr. Jamar: During our meetlng on November 23rd, 1981 betneen Larry LyBarger ' yourself and I, you .ip."""ed concern regardlng the possiblllty of future oltners of the Townhones Lo "on rett the spaces behind the garages into ll'ving areas' please be advlsed that the deslgn of the Tormhomes is such as to exactly dlscourage euch additlonal constructlon. The draw'ings clearly sholt that the spaces wtll be backfllled to a height of 4t-2",leaving crawl spaces for utillty conoectlons only. Each space ls eurrounded (on all four sides) by 8" block: walls with a slngle 30,, x 30" servlce hatch located 4t-8" above gtound. (Refer to drawLngs A03-A15- A21-SO1-S02-S03-S04-S05-S06-M04) i,! 'r'.n 'ra?.ri lfnr.rerrcr - af ter assurlng vou thgn and nort thatlJe fu1ly support your concern. llowever, after assurlng yot Shaplro Construction Co. wlll strlctly adhere to the drawlngs, we understand that yoo, .oo".-s havd been allayed and you have strlcken your stipulation of total backflll and zero access . lle thank you for your atlentlon to thls natter ' VerY trulY Yours ' da1xc: Larry N. LYBarger Ken ShaPlro Suitc C-3, F.ll Ridg€ Condominiums P. O. 8or 1547, vcil, Colotddo 81657 fckphone: (303) 17&1980 SHAPIRO CONSTRUCTToN CO. ,. ,/r"u /i) ,, t !,. r ls (. [i- Enlln Bachrach ProJect Architect OB ,yfrrtt ctN-^ft*-)5rl,- -= llrL-I}\!\ uJc! ooq lr:il 1r)t\(') ao tt^J r\(?)(o Ol(v) 6 ITJ uJu- tr =E EIo- \9- Qre- q/ q\ t --c. ho€ ISZG I Iv \- $ I I i .Q N-N N:)E I I l_ l5 I I I ,o IEE l6z. t=to le_,zlo oulFoz oz 6J @ .a o =zo aculz3o uJ Foz t!JllJu, = 5*\f$:soVtr 8S/' Fq'\,.c\' il P.\ \ot4 -E '-'.' o G' @Eo C) ut = F €cl E {D o o.o.6 '.9 o EEgg =.e *€ Eg E: .E 8E:6 E$;HFE!pc9oF.l o€ or 35=5 E EE' :-€85 8'c eP EleecL (E cL-sE; e €EigE6:i EEEE -o,Jo6 o'- i.c;o(/l $: E:)u>.= P Ilo5 *fi:;9E o - PSgg - ct 6 .:v ;Cn $vl,a ],pt : o rJ) |<) <hO roN t\ =f o?o@(\l oq oosf ot\ @rf) (\.1 o oo o oOrft oO lr,<! Fl t.l)or sfor F llJo- z oJ f @ x() uJ-c)z o- 9 F C) uJ ut oz = o- J 2 () u.l = uJ uJ zI uJa() uJE E .D 3Itt uJc.z 6uto tr c UJoc z t4r () x F ul <t,f (n tu uJ,t\1\ =t uJo JftoF 2 o .D J eFo uJ ul (,z to E o- J Iz I() UJ = NOlrvn'rvA HI :l-l ulF ,o oF E,EE \; "tl;f, iglllFi =il= Ejre *;rN(, o IOt I<if o.|J .g! Crt(O+ +, !o r+-o PL ao z tr u- ct aa c ut .o(t o.o. =3(Uc 4e!o- sft\ |\ =f oo N f') E cuje z9Fo zo ttlFJ x =u,lz JIlF =2 ' ?F =;fis8ee9<cooftltrl tHt | | | s3,?3 < rH2 3=d::E iEHE3H5ooolz zIF Jf, anz uJf, ?E Or IE Id .I IE F uJI q> L G'o-o OJ U' att o uJ o o = urzxI (o +,+t r.o rr.)slo!FO(oot\ (\l ro o(7) rr,<ir c4ratl c,a 14 (o € +) ! I = UJc F F +).{J add) F .,p +J .o F Ja5 b did uJ >> 0z) t!- I l Jo F J (Uai at' CL j 0, anL =o TJ(F o(5 .6 ui =z d)o - an l!Eo 2 o. Fo =ttr o uJ o ==() o(.) Pv, oC) oL e avs at', =cu- oz ct IJJ .E J a t!o 23oF =c IL o2 oul .E J l!oz BoF = tr oz (9 uJ IE J t!oz =oF c ciz du, ! ltoz3o G oz ciul I Ito z,3oF ui UJF E uJz =o F()t!F IoE E -rO<FG()uJ<zEr!F(42o() JT<oOFF?bg\2l3 2? =f d. zo dE =3n, =g on!: =*E Fo2oo qi z o9 =ecoo =zJOa! u- :fi? ;Hg Ettr! tr =fr o-ttoEE9ZE<ol8.8B9!a 'E-s5:F :JF =ut-E FEx =oi 8E9 itrtE Xa-E ;-aqo-i!i UJoo lrJ o-zo F(J :) G,Fazo C) 5 tlEXrr oz tr =(r UJ(L N \ vl $ n rf) \ \ rv) \ (N rY a r.Ll UJ IL tr ul(L rl- it U' i cco(L (r o o (r Fzo (r o glz3od !L arl6Z ,;, =aollr| <F7.^oz U'< -"i - o c Y(i.j:;..'; E " aig EsE;E F.IT R €: .iE g 3*q.=(o.-({lt-:tc:o :Ex33'-(,)-=(! :t3;: "EtEE'- Q_t: _v E s5 E'ii'*:5 3g E 3:3 ;€ iEsEe;F6SifsbA. ii: €o-*i-ov(uPo*D:;Fsf:EEE€x(,'"ooii 'o E 1?Oifi!Eg, FEEgI :3€ gd e9:.3€:'F !; c ct I lrrJ;6>.=po riJ : ; c)€ - =.- > *; E: -sl.foco ij fi.6 '- r.rl c o 4.9i b;,- i - o (gl g q GlN 0 b N ; \t) \\ G Uo "{ \ \ \i. R N f")t t \ \ \ \ 0 d I 0 \ b' ^( 0o q s $ s.r { .F E Aoz a4l cc xo uJI z. aF UJJ UJ z co = o- oz :ro $ UJ LUlr-z tr ul ()t!G oc =u, IU zI F6 .Llll A.f z lu C) x t-- u!a aul t: E E. U-J J FoF (J oJ f,(D 9 uJ ul (,z = J =x() UJ2 NOIIVO'IVA ,lol = 3l; e 9 osl! = H ffru x> =t6- 6 53 F ^ o ?'ilq 5 > etF P O ETa o ctr5d 8=<)zXprr+s:=; i E.ig H8..;o.ioH IOl I\' o {J $ .+ ]J 'r{ 4) l{-r +J *{(d z tr F o o-lo tl, F ci CFI(!0r F.l F.d 0J lrztu .irr\ F-.it'F\ CO da LU X 4z Eoo 2 tr 0(tu t9 B z sl Jsl IJ.1sl IZz = Z*; = F AsI.e3HH53ee9<coofttt-tl*l a{.1 H*ltq-Ft | | 5r'-. ?,.z=t?2 'a=d, =<E'iEg;3H5 o(,of:z z tr u)z llJ J ? o\ r-{ I o'\ I @c') &, F TJ.J o r:l o Jtu (d o o = IE o z o F. ]J Fl\tC{f\cnoo\ co F\ N \o +J C'r).$ t. I €J o ?1' ! 'F{ {u o- F o F {J(! ts (d H J EJ:<r!Xlo Jt-= LIJ N\ Iq c\,1,t-. \r{ r) tD! ..\^\{$.*\'lc Ir-jFi Al too-) zo F f.r La.lY ui oF tr tu(L 6l>f;|* "il6fl,olril Hurbezo H ah Fqz (h 4 J tJ- Jc) I I I IF J rJ) E zB H ct) hH FfH r'1FJ(nr<<id>Ar ii z. m - o +J l-trro o o 1.1 tDl v)l ul >ta l@@l N-$l ,-{$l I-l F l1l 'f,EI ; kl -*al I.lol al IqlJfl r-t Btoc{<ll>q=E(J xz3a U) 1 H 1>l(rl c.l ,luf d <l2 o- I I I nlrrll E|: v:l tr<l 5l HI ;Ilzlg3lEclu-l Fl uJ ul (t, \-1 'i E tr c; (9 llJl 51 <l>lLlol zl 3lolFI 2E .iz UJ J a t! 23 IF d g oz. d llJ J a a q 2l4ol G oz oru :ltl>l bl z1*l 9lFI ul UJF l.uz3 F LU !:t() <F IJJ <ZE, Lr.t Fttzc,o <o(JFr?i, u.YFG gP ;();# :]FJZ <;9X:ro.i<r( P,22r< oEl: t-Oz <O9n1{ z .rPza cooEzt:lJO(Lu <,fi 2EZ ;Hg EEtr t trt!o- U-ofulqoyzE<CLf,60t-2BPEi ,=. ictJ: FJI- = lrl :-- E !f : ou- =(Jar@F,,,cx(LE fT L': Js# UI fDoF F- lb5l:ffi l;ul r- n zo Fo3EF(f,zo C)/so/ ,.AE\ !il* \r / / I C=t\J'E: !i;c:t a at t EEtr (J J o' E z F <l'@Or o(')l I+,rtn,5l cDl =i<l I I t\trt(o @ oE.o!o o(J .U o(, fttL!(u F .F oC' €ot\rr''{ l o +)():tL+,tn o,,cit I IolL1 e .61 ar', ; I I .: = 3 oO!r{ (Yt .t &.I I I l .U +,c(u-o UI(ue, (-) cLi olci E' f; cct ,, oltt .U o- vl(u Eo q.-oF (Uo!-5o(J (F, o(5. ru /\\]v : ..1v\:\-- -a :J:-- {==--:::" :_y\ =,'.2.....-/ --: 't-2 .^-:s::. ^ :\z"v -1i*--. I =szi--cj" 'r: -_ v i--t_-- \- ^':-*-i3= <.4 la _- i/' .\ Crl Zi]:-i-:- :i: i: -]-<\i-<.-:-<!i J;<l- ,;: -zl=i<-v:{:-i2-..:l =-lr.v--:\,.\^t...:I=O>: ail.::--{; Ji < a\ <- -.-Z---<:<t+i-.-- -. = a\\- :- /.\ v ='rx:l.- z \. _"Ii=;u+5=r-f-X- =<<-rjis<I-u>\ Aa -rf-ff. H.6. FI lff i- a |+ tst I-\Fl/LIts+r EIL|1-rL--r f h)Li .EeF. r+{lH El Sv F.a.Hf) r{ -2Ptl ^.5 [€)tj- ^fP+lt{A.g Shapiro Construction Company August 29th, 1984 Town of Vail Building Departrnent 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81557 RE: VAIL GOLFCOURSE TOWNIIOMES 1578 Golf Terrace - BUILDING P - JOB /I35 Gentlenen: Slnce we have now received our "finalrr Certificate referenced butlding we herein request our clean-up of Occupancy on the above deposit ln the amount of $500.00 be refunded. Said deposit nas made on our Permi.t llLLT 2 by our check llI127 6 dated October l9th, 1982. Your prompt attention is appreciated. Yours truly, SHAPIRO CONSTRUCTION CO.€%z- Controller xc: Larry Suite C-3, Ftll Ridge Condominiums P. O. gox 1547, Yoil, Color.do 81657 Telephon€: (303) 4761980 7h.," t 5^__::TREP0RT 0r resrs or I.D. No.: Q_2017 CONI,IiETE tvlASON o RYU Method of Curing: Sanrpl e Da te: Novenrber 23. lgBl SUf'II'IARY OF TEST RESULTS: Average of 3 Units Tested inaccordance wiin nin'r c-145-25 o.tt;tr, ASTM c-145 conrpressive strength, pSi, gross area: ; Specificatiols- cornpressive strengthi bsi, i"i-i""ii" 3240 1800 nrininrum Absorption, lb. per cubic ft.: ir-" ",'l\ ,^ o, n;;'[:,llfru:;,:";i,ii:;i,jl li.".iu.ar , il,[12 33 il:i]fiiil illl#il [i;;;*li"ili;ir:;, in ' '):it^,e1 tos n'iii''* Equivalenl-r,l.u,-ir. perrft.: 4 .23luo :Nominal, Gross Area, rn-:Net Arei ,- Il.-' I 19. 14 variation in oirBnsions, in.. 78'50 75 minimum shri nkase ' niru-C-i2;;' D;;;: , N/A :_\, Not t.rt"l/B 'i nin'tn' CO|'IPRESS I VE STRENGTH -78 ,7.r-, ,-.- -s. e v ^ra ';; ' ,,,',.: ,ry,SoRPTloN Producer: ut t.Specimen Recei ved Load_&. wt., lbs. tbs. Compressi ve Strength, psiGross Net Area Area NITS cu. ft. Net Recei ved l4oisturt_. Con ten t , ol Specimen Recei ved Absorpti onNo. l,lt., lbs. p.i I 2 Average: PI|YS I CAL IIEASUREI'IENTS Spcc i men 4 5 6 Ave ro ge : CONCLUS IONS : Testcd By: 303,000 2540 312,000 2620 290,000 2430 2530 Dinnnsions, lleiqht 38.50 38. 5s 38.ls 38. 40 3250 3350 3t l0 3?40 38. 15 38. 15 38.45 38.25 13. 55l3.ll 13.61 r3.42 13.13 13.7?. 14.77 i3. B7 4 5 6 Average: uidrh L{sl!_ t5-19/ 32 t5-t9/32 ts-tg/32. Vol unn, Gros s Unit, w[. Dcf 91.21 92.22 9I. l3 91.52 ln. 7-t9/32 7-2r/327-19132 7-t9/327-t9132 7-r9/32 0.5247 0. 5204 0. 5204 0 . 5218 0.4103 0. 4058 9. 4 l28 0.4096 Srr[rplo confornrs to ASTl.l C- 145, Grade N, Type I Greg llessel CO|VII'IERCI AL TISTING LABORATORI II I sv-fuaa (. ,",4;",.-Q ff Iiiililiiliiiff ilil :iii,fi iiiiiiiiiii .EE gf.E:: i$t$ H:f gtgiliii b \ Itl o'! -s\t!rJt APi:\: 6ri-or\o<alE *.38: (-r -v:l :FS 9.r a :!S ii,! :;9 v l- J!i s,t \ i 6 '=s c€! i!=i' :B:i: _ :iiiEt:iE€uiliiigliiiEFi;: ;i: igi i ';{EF;E::i#t tg;EEE.EEFg; :i€ E lEigi;;f €it!il;i€;ir i: iii gi: i i ar E s; c i! E E F i€ g;5Et; iEE t:t i;i i;; iiE 3;;iEEIii+ES HEEE gE EESl;E :;E::;i iiiIiEil ;; F ;g;:: :A; i;if Fr E E b?tS.o l Iiiliiiiiiiii is iiiiiiiiiiiig 'iP otcoar|,|a-9ra.l;g, oE.:orrE i$g Ei-;i H ti EEIE€ E$tFlEi:iEiliiiiilg ii:-iIEiiEEiEEgiiiii tt-',*l I b oz :!na4|.? .E3 EE nlE.!- o-2 4lE t = d *r- zE '1e tr: ,icl E = .: \'q \oqq(\t ({ a{ N ro .l a.l N€ A(\t|'|(n l't !.-i$ qq qc\!t .t ..r vr ul !,:FF CANF srar,!\or0 Co C I o o ge ri i'E* e;6 so -: ->00r.$. e'iE EgEf,EE 'I.,I- 5-E ,5- q o a, c!+ !, o lr i it ai m dldtau-!a!6o o o: iu oEilSrB$< < <; < <s s sb I t o o o,= o o(Jo(Jo!,o sv -ryD J oh0 (E xF(0 AJ lii.liliiiloillil-ilI I I i .$. II I |t i!fi' Iln'-, ill$ifr;$i Llj ttu"lffs--rilililliilllltrr I l.q I I iFrl-rlc)ooloiolcololsl\tl.s.nlaol..,li\oi\ol\o -*i ---t={-T---i--;T-----T i I c) (n I i d il:ls* l**ll;'tl *El #*ig?iT5 | | 'ou!\, l.sa l-^-l.ld3l ::l'-tf t, ool. BT' H .lJ r{oo olJHFto\t () !.o€F.r{ OEb rnXO $l T{ otAE>\oFad otl & -{ && JFlE c7) Fl Fl Fl 0( Fl (\l c{Fl Fl bo .r{ .Fl A (d t-{ql 't-lq.{ l'-\IB IIElo IE FIoo l,o o dq-l B 'iqJ o +J U) Gq,60Eql @! F{ t}.{ v o.|l{ ht{(! aJOO 1..i]o (., o!oo gFlr{O F.{ AJol., ul tn Flq.l B Fl ou v) ,i orb0Eo@HF.{ tl.,i ..t (v) Iri .lo \.i (n Ir-l o c, IJ a (H F o c)Ua (!C) b0Eo@tl F..l q-t :-if IFt (, q) (! Otr..O '--e€Eto.rlO63 Ig()u,.rl O-q q,HC + Iri I F{ =.if (n IFl r{ t{OENXO .r{zu27 ooll \O@ Fl ocotl ('l \O @ I ({ ct cotl df \O .:l+o;l -N \o o@ll N\O :^ -@ T_l-- to o F{\o (v).c For{r,6oo Ff Holo0|uqr> l{.'lt!LC,o .tJ HEr{OuO ll, 00rto1.. EoouOu)& r-{ F{o ta Gt,vtI c,EhO l.lr'| r,r{ Cl!l rsl (u qttr lit{(t'X() rrl hlrl'!a, .oEOrll'T oz t\l \o @o\ F{ t\(\,l >| t..{ Fd.\ tdctH U) f'1 =o ZFJB=DOp{QH: f'l FTC'(J@za&HDAPdOFtOoHofqPAFl eaoNc)r A H $At \a) \) 6t o oo J.h(! aog -l Lor o€ OFI!o.caHJ'(, Jd.rlqtto€ -.v 'r{ .Fl Ic-ON ox lr= ol Q (r'I o o HIkqt Bttktlt .ir ro q -1 it -.$ O\OrrBtlo+{ lrO'\ OoFo od oo>EO$oorl' lJ -oTEr1 clFF) -@ t\ I\o =-l .$ol\o c.lrrllA .<r rt(\-a :>lHJC n .-S rl ,Q| !n @ (-) @ 2F1 Y .1 F. 1.. Fl F.t,{ o (d I o d If <r+{ } \o trl } .if Eaol x oA>' o.o h(d &AC,l N a ''.l FA Fl CO 14 r{ F.{ €FI F{rila I' F{ @ tl |lo t{ +Jo (J r\ ?-l\t Fl -l'FlIJ oo IA q) 0,u .n q-] F Floo +)o (0(Uo0F IE@l{Fl q{ do otr >'lroIJoot{ li o!A"{.icirA u) o G'lr >'lr rroO l.rHOo o9oo AFlE '-{r{O I I I I tlu 6 o(lt o E(! o I I I I IJ.atn?{oEO)F{c! .c (n r{ .if I F{ 3.n c) I Fl @ cl I r-.1 : @ F.l ri(! T{OENXO .r{2t,8 o@tl (o \o o_otl CiF \o@tl e.l \O ct F\tl \o \o Ir\l I\-z --o -t.- tl tfl \c) .lf J \' e.l .$.if r{.u c,o|-l oou&, rl hDtr {J Ft rE< c, oo(!0z& OU'EEl.r t, .rJ € qt AFI /\ Fct tct dE(f)CJ€FqFl F{ XN.$Fl F.{ O, 1'1 rn ouoo r-{() ut .Jo6oFI CJ z qr c-.1 F{ .if F{ u) tslt v3oF{ tst Ffrr1Pc/,o oa(J()= (, E'o20Or{o. AA H ),-{ N<F I 'EIA cf) ru d0d Jdlrqt do .-. -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I II I I I I II I I I I I I I I II,, o) oFq, oo o a I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (ca) + 3 0.,@@\-\ ro r{ qJ tl .o>tr c)t{! EB o .od oqt o EI6o -v 'lJoFIBoo o€OFIlrO&Ft, lloJd 'r{d}{ CJO dclt{ Flq-r (, F€,0,trh.r1 0)EAaa-{ c,< F.. o oI6 ttt6 oal(! o ta EEt|q, +\o'\ o OCrr Btto@Fl l.\O'\ o\oEo t{ o) +r(u Fl € Fl .tt (n(n s +.t .o€E.rl dtF) Ea ttt ho evtA>t r.a (lJr'\ trI .''l.fA =@ F. Jalti.rt O -o r\ Jal(t\oo {u€ xdHE t .r'{h & F71 x6,$FJe.l I!o 0J Fl>FlU .r{fro /: ltuo tl! to o(J JI o ot{ hl{ (E!oOt{1.. Oo OBoo OF{E-l.r{ Ou)E l.lott{r{ r-.{o! q, EI a,ook A tt Iv t{ t{! G+,oa t,oot{ '/-.'V l il' -,'/ ) J1do c) H l.r(!u4)Ot{liO U OEooO'+E-{.F{ O@E otl 3oFi F.to J1d lr F{ rd tr o, {J TJ AFIA'. t FNo"{ol e. \'q'$.rl r{q) r() 0) o('O 'rlF\ Ei +roruNEtr30o|{llF o o('.S r{\o E{ rJ tUONE63OOt.|id trl I Jdoul.r{ Ult[,F{ CI @ (n I @ (') Id ieFl F{ @ fi IFl co I =.n F] IFl I I I I r< CIEr trir{oENXO ,tl2u2U O|.-ll $\o Or\ll (n \o @ o@ll .$ \O o@ll 1'l \(t ocoll Ff \O o@tl 6l \O +-oll (\t \o Jfl(\\o x .ir(\ o x o\o (\A|\o (!.$(\F{t\ a .Fl +,(to Ff an +Jooor.l o!oo o thIoo gt +too FI C) hta '(t (! '-ltrlo.+r.ru"lo "-r Fl FlHaOl0o;i NHt'1trl (J }J v\:r'\lrl ?r c{X|r|&l r.,u lr(,I vt o f:l H dl't2lF{€r\ F{ co 0N N NN mN v,FIr=o zBoHtsI tsl iluto* r:1 C)ArOc) = cr)F.Fl()doza(tHo "rI-HH6I<D IDEtr Jt{aE(, M ooEOod kFlra.{ g) E€taJtrl{.Fl oEOaaFl 0,<H i I t ooAoctolr Fl 'r(5E€50,trlr.,1 (u !: .\.5Fi-l o<H trs B 'EH(! I I I I +\o \\o(ntl @F{€r'-\\OB o Bocl{Ooc)o(n (') (7)(.' i tailo:lot('):l P..)€E.rl qt3 |')>| @ r\ I.it @ F- ,!alo\tO o llF:llrl\+:l xoH:g Il.r OlU Fl>€O 'F{ €FI Pt{.r{ :-] uo Jd pr Ff ItrOOr{>!ll, .'i&o .J !a |.,o c.) \:f, 'r{\OH +JOONaaBOOtr Fd FO I Ji o 0, H ht{oIJ CJ trOo OBoo OFIEFr.r{ O(,t.q I J o qJ 1.1 htr(! !, 0, tro C,l o!oo AFIE-{.r{ Ov)E CJ Ho E r-l r-l E sl I otr >'k(! 1JOOlrl.r Oo o3oo AFIE-1r{Oo,c F{ (t.tr 'Fl\Ots .J OJONeaBOO tr,E F'II t.xouiFIO.doE{l I I I I @ (') I F{ =.n c.l Ir.l (r) I -it (n t ?..| s I I I rdtrEi.r.l lUENXO.llZ.rtB rr X \o \c, c) l-\tl \O \O o@ll d) \o .+@tt 6t\o C\@tt c.l \O co x (\ F\ ('t Fl .rt Fl 6l .rl|ro o Isl .o ts r, t{c, qt EcA ln r-{& 6l FIN€c('t (v)rn rn c.| (7) .sro o H <il-+ztN ln(\\oN F\(\co(\o\N 0)l{ tl Udt+{ r!.c tt,loot, HO11oo +r c.r{E.{(do>,{or{ tr5A qt !..o'0OE.oo soo+J.rr ctrqlt{E .t9l+i O U +,l{.oOlr|+|EC)'O..{C)ot.l-{c)poo.oq(/]otrroJ't.co+J +Je.r{0roq.c!|rJJ-'$HOo$O !l ''{ ?t2 , 0l oqrEF{'O.c0oHi-iFOO(r=J(dA r{rJrntt].c($Ut-OOiOP\oO.r{\., 'u tr rdt, .r'l C)d !l h Fl?al.!) il61 ilvlE.!f,oooc)E " H HO.B3thEO€tCFl-d,;HHoT N,cEdAZ='..rE:{FoOo> ltddi{.l{l-lrtiot -\.o+JIJCtr!-: 0, ."{H>.1 -'lEri Fl Fl .r'l CdtdtaJ!(Ot{Ff,.ct 9c,ooooal( .'{ .r{ .r.l .'{ o?ulrlr!o'Fr E, J ' A q' -. 60 rr r+{ q{ luY'lt'l o o o o-lrPd.r+Jrroi5 9.1!trk|.|k40(,c,o€w O .r{ .F{ .r{ C, 'tr .o'Fl F4 F{ >ro.oo.tu!€AATJ19r{aA,;€oo'b.trt{Hkrrn6000aFlrJooot! d ) F{N(fl$1/t vt&lto z3oHr{ Flq9uto& I'1 oao(J: (n FJCJEozo(rHo . .JJFr l-{ N' <p I>oa \rl''r r't ':u'*oa Irili Johns-Manville Sales Corporation Denver District Otfice Greenwood Plaza, North Building P. O. Box 57 71 Denver. Colorado 80217 (303) 7 73.2400 f e|ext 45.105145-4404 $epternber 24, L9Bl Mr. E:nrln Bachrach Shaptro Constructlon Cornpany P.O. Box 1448 Vall, Co. 81558 Dear !lr. Bachrach: Re: Cl-ass A Roof Requirenents - Johns-l{anvi1le This letter is to confirn our phone conversation of Septenrber 21, 1981, in reference to the above subJect. Johns-l4anvi1le requi.rernents for a Class A roof using our Class A shlnglei are as follows: 1. Deck - Must be well seasoned lumber sheathing nomlnal 1tt X 6'r laid close and securely nailed or exlerior plywood sheathing nlninun 3/8" thi-ck, adequately blocked, supported and securel-y nailed to neet American Ply',.rood Association speeifications. 2. Standard Slopes - For sloJ'es 4t' or greater per foot install clrlo edge at esves. Apply #15 Asphalt Felt over entire deck parallel to aeves with 2" toplap end 4'r sldelap. A11 side laps are to be staggered 5 feet apart instatl drip edge over underlayrnent at reke. l. Fasteners - New construction you can use nails or staples. If you use nalls each shingle should have at least 4 per shlngle per 1n- stnrctlons on the br"rndles of shingles. Use hot galvanlzed eteel or alu.minum, sharo polnted conventlal barbed shenk roof- ing nails - 11 or 12 gauge with at least 3/8" dla. head. The natl should penetrate the deck at least 3/lltt. The nails should be at least 1-l/4" long for new work. Staples - 15 gauge nlnimun, I5/L6n nlnimun crown width end sufficlent length to penetrate 3/4't into the deck. Staples are to be zlnc coeted. All staples should be carefully placed in the proper places. See instruetion on the shlngle rtrapper for locetlons. 4. CLass A - In order to rake a eo.enlele Classlroof all valleys nusc ei.ther be r,'cven or elose<l valleys. 'fhere mrst be no open valleys on the roof. have enclosed our Shingle Gulde :ipeclflcatlon, for your Informatlon. o I have elso cncloged a D[rections for Appllcation sheet to confirrn sone ofthe thlngs whlch r heve referred to. These sene lnstructlons ere found onthe back of every bundle of Johns-Manvllle shlngles. r hope thls enstrered your questlons. lf you need ne please feer free to callat an5r tine. 9Lncerely, /--\ ^ - './' ''' '(-)fu-rn'r.<' ,/ ,/t/"'r'/ )t''- // J e-enne L. Morrie Sales Reprecentatlve Resldentlal Products Marketlng Dlv. cc: flle Shapiro Construction Company xc: Dave Krenek Harry //35/UtiLrtres Erwin sul[mit Mechanlcal dal- Suitc C-3, F.ll Ridgs Condomlnlum July 27th, 1983 Steve Patterson Chlef Buildlng Officlal Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: VAIL GOLFCOURSE TOWNIIOMES - BUILDING P - JOB /135 Dear Steve: Thls le to advise you that Mr. Dave Krenek of the Upper Eagle Val-ley Sanitation Dlstrlct approved the nethod of discharglng the garage underslab floor drain system (3 dral-ns) into dayJ-tght via peripheral drain and rre are proceeding per his dLrections. If any further lnformation or discussion is required, please contact me at your earliest. Yours truly, SHAPIRO CONSTRUCTION CO. r\ t0 4d/ --% trl//\ {y/ , -y' , ,/ rt,,'Zv6/dTv L4try N. LyBarger ProJ ect Manager P. o.8ox 1547,Ya11, Colorcdo 81657 Telephone: (303),{7&1980 Shapiro Construction Company Enclosures da1 Suit€ C-3, Fall Ridg€ Condominiums P. O, Box 1547, v.U Colorldo 81657 Telephon€: (303) 4761980 Septenber 15th, 1982 Steve Patterson Chief Bulldlng 0fficial Town of Vall 75 South Frontage Road I'les t Vail, CoJ.orado 8t657 RE: VAIL GoLFCOURSE TOI,INIIoMES - BUILDING "P" (4 units) Dear Mr. Patterson: Attached you will- fLnd two full sets Building "P". Please note that the contal.ned within thls set and a full support said structural drawings are As you may recall, BuJ-1ding Permj-t {11469 was issued to and paid for by us on April 9th, 1981. This permit lncluded the "P" Building. However, sLnce- that origlnal permit was lssued the I'P'r Building was redesJ,gned and reapproved by the Design Review Board and is now belng resubnitted to you for your approval, Please revlew this submittal at your pernit for this revlsed "P" Buildlng prlor paynent under Pernit /1469. As usua1, we will purchase the phased prior to actual connection of same. Should you have any questions, please Thank you for your cooperation. Yours tru1y, SHAPIRO CONSTRUCTION CO. of drawings and specLficiations covering engineered structural drawings are set of engineering calculations to included as we11. earliest and issue to us a new building ref lectl-ng the approprlate credit for construction water and sewer taps just be in touch with me as soon as possible. daAA".---=-..Larry N. LyBarger ProJect Manager t\ ?l{oilr (t03) {st5D SrGrXo-ds{-.r -! !t_ ncrGr - -r'------ tl ?G'm. .li . NICOT AND GIt rv _.P.i].--oerr cHo. tY _ DATt PTELIM- FINAT T//II El" F. U:<)^'e : :z(2? .:i,r(',\qIJ ;Lr-i Z, Y /0O n$7-' {-. - ,j : -+-_' l' ' /ag 1', I l-a\,r.fn ->vtYt--L. l _i_..; ">it.i) (- 5 tPA /. llt----'lsr l 2o " Dt/f 54//,/E I i) u e,., ,3 '/z+'ccr J BI! 9L , s .< 7,1-4 I i.t 't)^1 - | ')G, +l.Bq faE a, "': t,': :,,J :.,..r' (, *- I -i ." k^-,DE )' 7 :-" ,.- t .' : , tn, '. , 34ilE .c r1r, ,". 'l tPA^'E 75.-t'.-1 t{"> zs O+/( ll I,.,1 ;ia..t-'{t tl'(ttr- 5toActp G--'-L) 1'- o e..c . /1. ra" 7. c . Q z: i o.<-. . ii[< l:arl-/-v I -(.iA. '5le* Jlt)l ,,/- = t1'.'1 i4 ' .'t-'-:1.', r',' = 2t :' -, .r '.t' 11v ./t 81/ r: -- 5,.'i OIV'talW ..' ' I .-= !r < ,1' { 7a /0.5 ,,, lL - i:. w. /,2.i L o-+6-i'i'<;+'1' ,it'_t-i 1.1 ez)tL€ ry'ltt,-- i r' -_,1 l+rl 'fr r.Ll - ) ' tCOl, Arc Ofn] cmffilGtrctas F -DA'! C.'-NAt' 'tnc(il3)tf3.1677.Flsrrr- 15 c- ?ltttt- nt.. ntcr lj, II I ntm{|$tctt 'r.'tr-Ib, L a_nri------ ' Ftn _ Ilp+gJSTncTFs OI lFr. n l-r3- 81- 1a11. l?.8 l- rtt-rt frrcr Uerr f.r.'rF&'urrse- Rl-13. P gf,r _ l I i lI l' - '44.G€ ) ,.t lttQ ra ai/ !_.' ,=t B{:., j - --: I I 'li. .+ 1.8 ^t D,? 1u=l^1' ru&zfeVef:''r.o c F l,n/' *'"'F4.++: 43 . 4- : l-b7'-r { 1 ."-l-- ; -l ?"o1 ,\ -t * ZJ .'/,.; .t= '= , 0,6 f6F4--+:+J 'r iliil i .r r il I ; , , r i j-ll--,t-:] 'rr,E, ; ; : ";-j--i r-.1r)='J7t,s,74-:t, , I I i I i i j i*(* i i iii i i i l-l i ; I i 1*lJ-i l-'l i , , i j i r , , i i :-i-i -',*l i.r * ie/,t*] =o -a ,,ll-l-il I, l,' -:tlry'!'\'t.'r.'(/t(,s,?3)'LL!h!z,,t}lI t*ffi=T--l-l t' i , i.,/o,6k t f I 'I ' , r+: ; zssQtt\' t,' t-t$f r,i ' 3-r {t-} -ill; il-lr: ir.is' lni: ;-ii].l-it; , i-:,:.se a I i I i : i 1]lofY,;i o{ , '.E+r.'.oNy t3t1- Str"'pF =tt"\oJ. -r-r 4 , 2.=./?.)' ru; 1z (.tq).='Ez*q ";-L-| r i Mu*r.- tH.8jk:f-!*-l-,-r-! i I i , I 8"uni7'*lt"t i!'i i-1-1__.1i ; ' , 's I,tQ 11.!, 'ir,r- :Z !A-X'LZl-Ob-Ailiii-,'i i i if-i i^r , I lli-t-l-fl " fr,[ r l,ri /t l*fl,'{ww *o*F, I -: -! =: +o-| &). 1-, o r(,7i. z-t )'' t * s -r lg i iI r I i+-*; , f _l_:__r_i t'fl |:trifl _r'"; ;., iillffitl_lLfi-&u^ff;ffi ,i,j llo l.( r'_ t t: ; i ul t,Etz I I lii ster tl"4rtr 1r , i I cils,tniGirGilERs I ?t*(3)l{}t6n e;fb :?A a- tral FN grl,. lz a !i€-.t ')faP€lv, w t ;.2F( :ut et-sE l. ).. l its.t^ I A I 1r0- I COilflNTNGF{GilMS r,OlL. 'FICT i f)d:.'a l lL "- - l" -.t"( , r , q:l' ',t fr.' lrv.1 :.rv t .U\e- l, I ' L",,j*4,;i,clil:',l+-i I lqd,a+ v4,illii;;i =lr C0NSULIING ENGINEIRS ll Pn0lrt(103)113'r677 1ssxs. tZ6 !z "*rrr*. fA oF-t;;}n,uL7ffi pr*rf,- flat /( fi a,l-'., i" " lvct- T{ICOL AND GIt rv fiFL oerr C'IP. IY - DATI l- *1-- I tl " *i* -'i - ")'tr"nc e- ./ lv,l!,V,,. " I' !'.' . t/r)' 4 -- {k'- :l'i.t?" , 7,1 /'t,t .. ,'' I Lt/'/fllt' l' " " fy' Ir." ''lt' ' t"'a 7, 1,' ). het -,,P/-/ \, - t-t" -(ct:f L t€K :t\ -t /) <'7 i): r )l ,,. Ij..:! "', lt.t sf fra'++.ltr{e : l,t y 11,5i. c,t i -[4\r\t' 1 I ,) i t, ) /( .t,, ' /r-/ I.t, h' < .T 'a /,t L, i ,,1 ''' /NP!'5 o', t- 1 14.. -a'/ /, b44/ . _=. f'pJ21,.x[t b,tt t' h e qll e:f r , L tt z, ,i 1-+ v/6,{ U)/P iv- r-5' fur / ^c' ")' I'1. '^r\ D€)z 1 Ao"'l' P', a,'rt rs ='f y 1,wt?*, J:,i'i .C /p -fqrr1 ' t.46 kLF ese z.<') = 23..€ P: ^-',.1,, 1= 1?,7,,2 ;t-z3z rA-1 :l,tsE- '5---t.g8. rrtl tr rr tu.5t' ''o', o'o"uD ,,{, *'- tt.<'(,t)'*'r lltt',r, r, r l# (,' ,q':-r' t ,f | ^*t\. i' - 1 ;\ tIL n.l Yt' ,,." // 5z::'1, ,ra., pesl, l'elttn l,rp 59-x), = ,,f;nL n,i't .klT* .?r':" =| , -' t+zo*t.i) r'es(z'\//l*t2..:, T7 t -<- ,,? i ,-' "J ilB',,r7 A ii-' -l"rq 'i p", ;l]-FdJ I l',t- 4lllil 1l -r- 1 i 4.64 tr' l.-r.- l i -i __t1.. ,pt*t..,lJ f.,#tr'" i<t I . T _- 1.''^ / a2..- / , -2r.>tt K/f - llF]r',-rt'Y'- t: '.'la/a 1' Ir.. ( !r r | , i.t4PUt f- - ill,li':" t-- -- l- '-?--rlll I'i-f--i-irl --- !.--.-' -l--li -- i-- ;----r-* ,it. ' rEr. lFqtlilt lw*.ir I I?fim$$ltn r- ( r--ffirF ffifrtm!r ,f.E n -.f_rr l..-, ,a trcr ,6t) ,*1,$t ,tp ,/tG* V rl ?t*(frttfrlsrtI'l''Iffifintent nb. .ii , titTr't, t:t-r: =t l-i' i l-,llz4 lr.*r.ii\"i* I "{P',r" iil-i iri|l -'l - -l -' -i -i-ti ti r1?, Y -l-ll -- i--_ - i- --*| -- .,. :I I ll -f' GMr'TtrMt ,-i.. lZt .ntcr nfi(tDs$t6r, f,-rD- 7t\ Q- fti:x 'm,rpor t 2,ft --'G'-NE Ciltf*ffmS - - 'rrt'ri:::--n*. vnt,42-= bEF&4Pnr.V c- aagr rZ8 J rrrrn_ { i ..- -lt-5 lFor I cmlrre;effis ;l -- r|l:r4lrt3.l3D jfr)- e i-- rlli'l nr''. /z,g rbfcr lt , 4t., r,Z *r* t"4 lD e'p ! ]t6'{:-;.. t_ i*_f_:llii a{t'/ ti,t :- I -F7 rHeielc iAid1"4lr*'J! t A]5 c|rT}I c0f6t,tTr|6tr5 -. r*(r}|.}'|,, rr,b. t-?d - Eb- -, e-p|',gl lttt- tapr lnt,-<e r40? Lo5.t_oArr Ci. NICOL AND GIt CONSU TT ING TT{G II{EERS rv t4FL oer: C'IXD. IY - DATE torNo. tZ 3 -PIOJCCT o t'.:" Bl.h J" PHoilt (303) 113.1677t/\ , 3HEEI t{o.-lv tT OF- PrEttm. FINAI, {, $.-f - ,. \LAru -' LL- ll + 6.s(.zt,o) t z o.t ( t-s.S' \ + u.{Br I t.r7(t.,, ,.22.:.i',. t z. j6(+.7S'Xfc.gS ) 1 .it, , rollt-- LqA[ : I|.] 5.4 +6.8 l t q.B * 3 i:.'1 1 to,( , _+ r,67f t..: )',fq GS ) * 3t ( t.t. t ) : 7.2;!/ tt..>< ) t t..,4y .^ i'_o '/i --- e t,-,) .-1 -.J'f ..j .--l LJut n I : I, .- - tt) f\ -^P, - U(-/"5 i ,)o.l(tr,,7S)-r ? o.J@,', ri,6Ql ) lS.Z(r:-S ) r t 4(tUn' ', , ,.1 71,r 5\(*'r. r!')+ ,fik.5:Ot.zt). + t r;7(7.et')(zc.L/,. -) | 2.:g(+.it(17.17'.1 I tr,-. 1'1v.t, -r '- \ .L) ,,L", tt tr''" / \ | \(. '.:€' t,: ic r: J ,r: ttr:- _l ,,. _ ,r. .1 ','.1P5". i I .1 NICOL AND GILT CONSULTING ENGINEERS rv P FL een--2:l-Q: c'|l(D. tY _ DAT! l;r ' '1-- -. I PHot{t (303) 143.1677 36ss1 6. lO B oF- PREI.IM. FINAI X t'tz\(vf 1 ,t /.E3 " ,Lf f/)"rtc'; s : X "/ /1={ l.=rt'.3r't 6" irirrDtT)at) ,rf,alaL /J1vt7'' ' stJ/ | t' J t-' -7-c :l 3 3f y ii .2 t- -.-.73 7a .0 L ^,r,rlr=in l" ll .l. L 1l Ii-il,lr iiirl,l' - 'Y8&.6t1/' 2"k75&.1ru. ZLK i : .+ - . (4s tlr '.fl ' i I I i' n <- - i' 1 r ' i'-<- .. rLk*A.DEr/-. = tls "S " 'r#, : (tt t*)i : .384 .x zt,ocn x 6D73,!* ' i--L| , i .384 .x zt,oto X 6O7j )-:'i ;r ; ,t 'z 4?rt7.t't'tI : 'tvJtJ' t''I',6JO/'/Yl' t : r I 1 t- I - :, 1 - ,lIt,1 .tlti jr.'I I 'l i'l ,O! tto. - lZ 3 ,aora., --Lr,- ,a.,-t aloZTll cUEt{T Offaf cffirnencms o l fifir (l!) t13.r6r? Ilt-tr rcr,-!=lkE-L_ tqir^ 'rto.tcr '*I - --l I ffirFurilr omiltereils '|frottflster?',r(Fc nrm.:_nrr ..aD. , ,--; a n:rr- ,t 3'_'ttfcf l/ ,, f-n 'an,.-s.E{. - ,.n-_ I 'i I ! I.r. , EIir I i .- '57. A ,,,3Q' 'l,-i - i -, ,li, i';lFctf't Lcli$rTrill- : t-'-1 --;i,',- -l ,.i - "1". -.ii,i; ..ire u I )'-3 6,,i : i*+.: I- 1.- 1- --t- :illi-t- -i - tl -a --l_- l- ' mfSOtTfi ccltrmrsnr o r-3Ef-s v ze -3 Z g1l. l?.t ia.t-n o.nl xi -i .l in(ll)lrlratt |'-t D. 'z* a-?trt_________ A\) 30. o oe) I ! Jl,_- :-- t2G '.-- 4r I -t, .rl{t''l -22 -{ i"i - +- I I I'I I I I ,i.s{**.odnir,,I u's.rl('.i.rrl-) 'I '. -- '61'5 :rl- -t_ *,f tFHFlLYS I5 0F C0t{T I ttUIU5 BEFt15*** OEFL 5TRUCTURE DRTRIlEIIEERS FIXED SUPPORTs PINNEO 5UF'F,ORT56? IlEIlBER DE5IGIiATIONS,LEIIGTHS,ffNO HOIlENTS OFMEMBER LCFT] IfINt4]1 11.S88 612. BSia2 4.588 612.896 E IK:;I] l'i8ag. ErB[t INERTIC JOINT 'OINT1 3 RE5TRRINTS TYPE RESTRBINT 0, U *{.**LoRD I t{G TL P T NNED P I NNED CONDITION NO. 1 ,# V TCONCENTRRTED{. 2 2 2 2.779 29.476 -9. 859 3.24A 16 . 69A a. 759 1.798 JOINT OISPLRCENEIJTS BNO sUPPORT REFICTIONS J O I I'IT UERT. D IsPL. ROTNT I ON c I r{l (RRD I nfi:;lg. 9BBE+gg -4.927E-43 -2.216E-S 1 3. 223E-638.B0BE+68 5.4BSE-93 HEflBER END sHENR5 gND 11O}1ENT5 NENBER LEFT U(KIP5] LEFT HCFT-K] UERT. RERC. HL-lrlEfiT FjfrtC. LKIF:il r:FT-i:i -2l. 476 tl . Etrr:l E1 . BgA Ll . EEli._:tr -48.748 fi.8ErEt I RIGHT U LKIPS] RIGHT n (FT-Hj -9. 858 . 1BB, 682 -48.739 -8. BEJ t SHEFR (KIP5] UERT 29.476 . 25. 543 21 . 699 17. 67F .13 .7 4? 9.8S9 5.875 '1 .942 -1.891 -5. 9?-5 -9. 858 -q --rqa 1 t 4 2 a. Ba0 148. 682 RESULTS CT TENTH POINTs TlEI1BER XL (FT]HONENT (FT-K] a. 888 38. 488 56.682 7S.366 95. ?71 1S8. 819 1 17.588 121 . A39 121.811 1 17. 426 198, 682 1Be. 6A2 144. 517 33. 74A 93. 417 86. 642 75. 938 61 . 636 46. 892 31 . 7A+ 1b. 873 -8. Bg 1 1 'I 4 ,l 'I 4 1 I I 1 2 2 I z z S. BSB 1, 1S8 2.216 3.324 4 .432 5. 544 5. 648 7. 755 e. 864 s .972 1 1 .884 8. S8B a.4Bg s. 8es 1.299 1 .6A9 2.AgA 2.4Q9 2. 8S9 3. 28S 3. 68S 4.EEA - 18. 9€,7 -15,?15 - 1b. 383 - 17. 491 :. : 15E-E I :. H.5.l'E-B l 1. g;f,E-f, 1 I.EiEE-B1 1 . 4rrgE-A 1 f . i.iEE-E I J.r'_rJ1E-k] J 7. 6i 1E-82 5. t55E-g? {-. SttaE-E? B. BEISE+89 .DIsPL, IIF{] B. EESE+BB E . .iSgE-82 1 . 2E,?E-B 1 r . irFTE-A l 2. IEEE-81 2. s9EE-0 1 ? .887E-A 1':. Ll l5E-Bl:, i -13E-41:. 5;iE-g1 : . t 1EE-A.l -3-5. 1 3 _l -36.311i -37. 4 15 -38. 523 -39. 531 -.i8. 73S fflCOt AND GltT[R colsutTtNc ENGINEERS rv P F L oa13 )- te' 8'? ror xo. Plroltt (3t)3) 113. I 677 3HEET I'I PtEtlt/t. x". lZr< 9n olrD. tv _D tt_ ?loJtct I '_Et I l. r( -- -i I '7 L(ftf.l l) d rt L-'<;r/.'A1 r'- i--' : lll it',.. i l--; 1.5-:7 ' . 'ir,l: i- i- r:\, /. : t) \'-1e.?5 4 i I z-u-Li:-T- :-- l -t ! 1t / .tt,/ ::' l' ll II ?,|tfi(s)|{er6'llsol'cor{$f,TncHems l'FI- 1p t-ss. l?8 ,tt.rct llill-6gi,-f L-ott i' -i :. I -l i I I I Bfrrrr orJ -11o'> -'j --'r " ' I i':,i-i ) i- I I Ir I i- i I.i- I t, r.- I I rL-lTtli{. : I' tl t<Ifl I ) fl , BE+tvr orrJ To'> | , --ti. li1r,1,{" i i ': i- iiii--i i'f-l_i i 1 ;'i--:-i:lliirit:-*i I ,-T--iritlirlr -'i i.-i-t-1 I ; : i i i_-1-1 i--l--r i- i t-1 t i : i i 1-lliriil-ilriii, l-i-J--l -f-l -i-r i i i-i r*i- li 3;g/k iliriiii1i;i1 rx[TBfrnilems jr. nrSt tt i;(3){3t3n rlrttt. !t t-- L NICOT AND GILT]3 ry P.tL DAr2 2-L-871 o o. w -DAl5 -_ CONSULTING TNGINEERS PHot{t (303) 1{3.1677 3ruEr No. l< OF- ?rEut ._ FINAI rollo. -=.=- l-LE ------..--.-..--_- eeoncr Vttr bot-( Q tt',F llHnl) cLtENt _-i*i'- *:-dtit:--+-i ,'.^ i\1,/ l .f- . 11.,.#s " t,,, I , (.b r,-!-- -..-.. 9rr '1 ' .rltr i - -1\,i - .rrt. r, l) ql ., "rt-.-|Jo'gl i " ,,' -!:J'dtl l;;"i lr^ i'.i'" i,!,, ,'.,, I ii:, , , . r.:^ fru/i.to"ll t:-. /r:q.s Dt IfJl I R1.,68.aj , l- ,'l lz | .(,t / t';=,(i'lC/ 111 , cct( 7./'/ f r.r.:i. .l' 6)c - _'i '' .€+ F!5t t't.- t^7t -' i"t$r"'; IY - DAII J@ c.sHEEr No. /6 ep PRtUM._ Ft tit^l tl q"l ,I ll ?fir(n)slt3rt t-,rG-- . ' c- ,F-z' Sart^, br'.}r t1 i _l I Intpr----n llHlli." Jllltl',TT".'',*:1yf cllp. lv -0 tt PHott (303) t13.r617 src:r no. t I of --Tssygt l/+ tt Ac'ti 6r,UP (t? eaeun. FINAT i ; i i 1r;rlq+",'lb"'u"o 'u' 'l;''1'')l "u[i'""ue'i'!1,i.,.1. I i r.:prulL..rr)'/\ur-rsri< I i I I i 4J l.l't"'.": ; ii''lI i L u,.i' i-6'i..t,(l ) r+rLr-Q'il,.ir'' i[tl J:*i"7 il+"]r il i v'< - ,r^'r11" 1 t. L-ltr[F(p't'I)(.7s : t:t ,ijz-.ks-11 Ili l[,] i i i j l"i'*i ] i I Ib l ,r-r- , il l l, lll,- t_+_g=.._- +H , i .lil:l . '. tJ.4 r( , i l .l '-r- T"--i r i 1.rb:I I I ir:r3qrt\-:rtrI,llr'21t?t!f: I ; , T.:rAr .L [l I ' l*r',' ,--,iH1':""i,.' 1.t,.ll DLI Irl Flll P! | { (\, r , -t .1'Rr- ; r i r- x t* r\o'-it 1'rrt-i':r'1..i-'l re"?'-l-'..',i /"" j..- lir i f :]1- - -; !1[!:i..' tn,p'n ,:] ,z " |t' (u r..,ucre!-.,, r,-'Ll I l I :.H--i-i----l .Fi ,. i'llr f-l-*-* l-'-11:--_:_ r7,S' --'__=> Ah = 4lo.' -t( - ' '.8lr r+'A fl1.,' I Fii;.-f )(t,',', -.(t,a ,2.,J = lzs.e'F+ f<r 4-.tvt Tci-. | "-:' . .ru),ksrI rv:Cll \l .diEz)c. :ilE* *- I cKtit ll }ftx ;,v*- l'<5(ez z).:rz i< s '7(,/c ...'., L+5o) | ' to" ft,3 l r! ,l ; ..,r.i t/ =9 1(7 , r'rL, 19 (', rtr i 21.t",.a..!- 1T. o C- .s-s + $5S1*t,gllt'Uf R','J::1' * llU'I orp. lY _ DAT: .l pID1:Pof' 1-,;lr'^'(- a_!_t<t-t- =. 3.0 4sr., Pflor{t (303) ||3.16i7 rot IHEEI lb. | \ crf _ ,-,,,,,)( | 3':t':"' '.' \- :'1;1141 (' pro.Ecr ---L?I|-. ft ct cf' ( r'r,r . n-PtCttm. cLtcl{T l1l .lu L( r, I la 7_ .U/ I -t : 1 _.s C{ : r- tl,i.i fo tc' i' t r r. r r-.- \r,:') ) _ "q k.\t/ "r$ r i | ' o1p,1"ri./ ,,)pt t: g = tt\:s)=3. I i y'r't-l ('.s-r\(s) --(z t<fzfxtwts \:zrtr 5t , L- e7 l -]= . -1 i f I I I i : . ' <Il'tt ' l"-..,c/ *c iirttrr Y^" /L tf99Ji^JqFen'rtTK.tltlct|C.,/v=lz8e-4,i/^1l,/,:.. -; i-p,.-!-- | . t7.3 k ^ -,, ^- > - o .,r! r>n A - s,-, -'. i- ;J )r-r\'R'.r.-.\------:- /4::, -.= 6/ Fl ''' - I o 6 PAD 1.. ' s -'.: '- i--*!','i -t-' a){tv') lgoc,z?:.", , I I ; 1 i i _ 1"1 i ,,.{#/d^\4L,flF... = -toszi.(tilhLxt3?<\--,++, | 1- A5€ 3, -/<6 L.-vtt6 /7'L D //.^./ .'L t:-21 'Zua I i i 1 i i i i i i i | , i I i I utrtFs)en Pr0tt (3c3) ||lt6t, ctffirTtSHilt ! riff,(3)||1t|r, -t]Iir}.-44-c-tz Q -,lt. rtcf afful cffirTffitrns I.lr. ?|t([)s$l|n fnttb- 27 a- tfn--------r-- Ent ITD. 2. Jy(. r-, r[ I G rur l.tPfu a1,;,. tZA t rlrrtr.ral jp_ ;;t-rft !7 rrfir - ?rt-__ FUTU ilff,ltpffit ,rF : rfr(r,rlrr3r, s' 5r L3S q!.r-oArt ;u.r..9 +",1t.sgt .l bi Tlofir (s3) 113.t67t .rsr*.30 G- t:fl._ IL ltEtlLlglXPTJ'::Trit'{' I ,,...,* 'r"0:303){3'l677CHID. IY - DATI ?rEUli. FI NAI. i- I I -r- .-? *-\r ,b'io r'-t.e z'+-P ? 7 q,9) 36D o ,,t, tl5.O rsrs l s(,1 q75 q7.z 4l) q7s so6 1u.z 931 8/3 8CL Qo( tg3 c;t-nil rt(3)ffilart.latE'l D, r - t;_r:n___--____:_ offtffit 1, I rt'..'l :- t*tmr|ll|n '-rr>. !3 r--n*. El ttarf o|;? _ llill-- --l l f -i- I I I .tp ktF( rF6r.-9 -iiij_i-i- iti:l -r { -*! o J0t3 lzd SUILT UP COL. AS ER &,r'AL NOTES rlFt]l sAV€a \{ a\lrl ,1 (frn e\ a-,a'xg"x l'-? ST EusE 9-t1"6 aOLTS nrr'*&|,*-.nn 6L. 2-'1'x4"x r'c" sr Qusr e- tf'l BOLTS i,i,&;,; arcN l&r,,." x s'!' sr. rL_{ (rYP. e \ \. I\t 4'=lt-o SK- I I ,l rl Ill,ti I 'T f n-frrl FILL *B sHcEU/ 2rtzsv/ qrrn YEPTtclt, EUT rrlPu u/ e: ,zr0 mirs (s ee stDE oF ttt,,oGt ryER) : i' I' I I t I I I t I ?smrsaf tulfrz sEcrrcil K o ,tJ'- ptocFfir v:l NctW Jo'sr' / ro txD P ItJ zx 8 cotl7 fr. trcaonett w/ Utrb" ExP troLTs e/t-0 6T tv[ Jols'fs . Itl oETltL A rYprcAL tsot0 an siacu u1 ROOF FRA'IITfi, FfuA v*r nAs'Y REtttF, see sFcil0tl I -Il)Erltu l- ax v'qp et' o*rr- ]ttilg ?xt8 co/,/f E,llcttoeeO il.U0.6" EXP trlLTs etLO 6T Jy N JAlSrS ANCIMP JO,'T' to 2x8 E ls tYnCAL tsonl an srbPP ry/ *ooi' rneiirE, .t / ffuA vERr'nAs'y REn/F, ste srCr/\t/ g -g ut oprAt A "f,4 L ss€ toASE LlilfEl 0/'t Etr/y,L //0T€9 sC/l&UtE coilT 2ttztrAstf r/ Q, 2'-o ,' TfoQER BOLTED rO 3+t F | 6/, eXP ust hi{tfrwi,'yfr[: e'i asinron wr|H. /t EtEyAT2tr sufrca'r / t PRA ruilf s AT st}l ilgELEti qROV4DE coft,r, DottD Bn Faenp w/ werqlttf ttoY*o 'rX{:,Y;.;&iaui , REtltF Nto Bn z- @tlr 11 , SFTI1N tvt ! corsu.TilG ,Cli.. / mtcr Er gut:6 sttt '-Tl'"1-ffi1"nl l*l-11-i f'f ii I ?tilt(il)tflt0rt *-l cct_Itt _a) l" . 1.- rr.,ri -Z i ; \"q.*)t, :e :l :r.r i ,, 3;: rl rrott,lwr _: I . i fti i i i :i';i;;----'-- 'fa1: ,u! l. I ; !-I ' ; : I i ,, )Flte*g ,a' li'u i,i-;:: '"--l'-'l--; I I ( . -' .ANnrir=\]E-(i- -,ltfl| : (,-- cn n"..r;*uc;-*' l':tr ufc's.r poLe | 4r./ "1, . (c,v,_ rr.rLru{nqfrruC,)' t^A6. fxrdrrt _,rtXCi ' { ctv'- ENbl : I L|prr k= I /".p/hl '," ll ^^^^n tauwJ f -:tl'N:L._ l- r ri)l i I I I i ii llml AnD Of,$[ crrrsf,rn€rrgrn$ Or-r-d-tst -rO - .n-. ,1f n*7 o'- nfi(tr)s$l0rt Cit-.r _SI1 n*d RurrtNb p I ?rn-- gu',itr 5/.1 F/2o /oN5rr.L,/cT/0\/ ar,|t RvtsllluQ , llrLrrf ANU (']LINER coHsutTlltcEIot]tERs PHoile 603) {{3.l6ttrY FeH p412 t/.zo/tlz - ,orNo. ,lt CNIO. lY -D tr- - lrA,r.- ,.,.,^r!,ollo. !v -DA1 I pRtrJE€r B, (,{ r L t t 3rarr no' -tr' *=-( (rtf;nN(, ? ---.-- T Frtuit, . awx RFVlSl0Ne I'a xt, ,i PHoilE (303) t13.1617rf,3]8fl rb. a/ gF _ NICOI. AND iJIT+I T'J:TflgI'I orv f*t pa67 PtEutl.Plo,lctCHTD. IY -DATI rrur RF\,IISI0VS Ii -.1. , l rf l i a \Qv l1Avt. y'o A /t</) IrY rr-r: ctlol ''(.1.u irl to...:-..... -.i'l t It:ll Iril'i"'-i ;l| .-.: . -..:- -.-:,il, i ' r' ; irll r..-.; - .,,- | i i, r .,i, _.-..,i,l i,,,1i .i-i j'r 01.]15 r.rz , : -i" , |, lo"l'*l 01,,''lrillllirli-l iitrtti-1-1-l 1'1 i-t L-f | -f -;it{iij*l.En1?_l i- .,i... .l'-T; l,'' i,, V', ,.'i' l-=:- ^|2.') i i ir(-Fiir,,Es$Dt.llG I .| -1-'=\ l Irr -r,r\ {.;r: l<.c', : i -.".\J i j ll 4= 2, (,'"1i '' i i'uA' I ., i I I ' 'i."-",iiiiriilllil,l i : - .. -;.ii*i,,,iiit;I i,--r- i-- jI i I i '," .,l l-l i , -r|-'i Lv 1-__i., -l t,O. r l"- ,iit,i--ill i'' I ! -"! _: l,-iiilI l-i I , ' SAEX; i -:;-;-:' ' .a.at,'I | ..' --r V r,: \i rcu-: i---.-.:-..1|.-..\; ' t<,6 ljl i : ---:- f i ' i i :-r i ,,, r- l\ .-",iti, I I .;, 'l-.1 r lrlr | .. 1 1 -,:.ii ' I -r il I..: ; t,j' iH+( ia.p" (- :tl ; . -l 'i f---ltlilr i * j-* Ittiiiti' --1-"--t tli..i a l PH0lrE (303) 1r3.1677f SHEEI 1{o. D OF- Nl,99L AND GltTlS coNsur.TrNc ENclNttRs tvu{ag:--D^rr--- -- torno. /28 -o,ro. r{ -orrE-- ttotzq EL0I -f---- =€,9d@'a p2KsQ iitri I ., 1 ' ,l' l r r - I .: l ' ;'- l|Pcr h" r'1\,X '', w )-=--l-, "J]j;^tI-T*-', l;-O.ji-i i-: ,i .i Illilitiiii:i l-t*/ Bi,,ai, fictqxlotz{lllr 'liir i ', iPo*l pt -r =t- lS'6,i I i b,4,t/A ftu- tUl '; l, ' ', 3!2, xi i "\xt\,', t".4sT ir l-r-lFl rli.:,,-'-,Jl .I : G) i . llxo ,' ;,,i I I ll i-. -r tll i,V i; I ,"- [l ,''t@{1L L{:Jr_-::_-rt--,-ffi il--i-T-l-'1-- -,-=-t i - ilii:i )jj4 r' ,'ffii Wffiilipl,l,s4,iii++-l-t'fffr'lIt-Llll: i i : WWf{!?'r=',i[I iTl-l ' i:-l . I;.'.. i;-, I tt/^"e f 1<4 -; tr--i--.-j . I i ,lib,Vm"'he ,l tl ui @,tt,t r 1* I . iJ 7 I."...f,c- a NOY r 8 1982 SIIRflIC tfoveober 15, 1982 Mr. Endn Bachrach Drawer L448Vall, Co. 81658 Dear Slr: Pleaee be advieed that STAIR-PAK all oak spiral stairways Section 3306F. milPANY 7r diameter U.B.C. code, yours, our 5t, 6t, conforn to and the Very truly STAIR-PAK Suckno AS:nbl ROUIE 22 e P.O, BOX 334 .UNION, NEW JERSEY 0708&0334 r (201) 688-8m0 JI*"u dt** coilPAI{V Swci alty Vtlood P tod u cts Norrsnber t2' 1982 Strapir"o constnrstion ccrPan], Bo< 1448 vair co. 81658 ,10V 1 a 1982 Dear !4r. Bacttrach ltris letter is to confjm the ansrnrcrs to Your questiors oE LL/12/82. ltre baLuster is 11" square at tlre base. the lqrer tread nreets the back of ttre baluster u"a ure upper tread neets tlre frort. At tltat poht the onerhang is 1L". ttre flared treads cunre outward to a maxim.un of 2\" at ttre lenter. Ttre bacl< of the tred ctrnzes jrnnrd 1" at ttp center, so the net overtnng is 1L,' Ttre overlrang at the center pole is 1/2". Erclosed is a broctlrre that rnight assist You rrrcre. If You have any further queStions a1d the brochure doesnft ansl^,er thern, please feel free to contact IIE. Silcerely Joe Brennan Atra CcrpanY Atr. Company . 1871 S. Acoma St. ' Denver, CO 80223 '3031744'2396 tt a AND GITTNER CONSULTING ENGINEERS 80306 . (303) 143-',t677. Boulde., Colorodo 5 >7 November 30, 1982 l4r. Erwin Bachrach Shapiro Construction Company P. 0. Box 1448 Vail, Colorado 81658 Re: Building P, Vail Golf Course Town tlomes Dear Mr. Bachrach: In accordance with your request, we have rev:ieured the foundation and structural framing details, dated August 28, 1982, for this project, specifically for the purpose of investigating and responding to the fo1 lowing items: 1. Conformance of drawings with 1982 Uniform Building Code. We understand that the Vail Building Departrnnt has recently adopted the 1982 ed'ition of the Uniform Building Code. Com-paring that code with the 1979 edition,whichwe used in the design of this building, we found that the differences instructural requ'i rements required no redesign. The most significant changes we found involved wind load design pres- sures which appear to be slightly loler in the new code, and new wood bean and co'l umn design requirements which we usedprior to code acceptance. Therefore, to the best of our knowledge and belief, the struc-tural design represented by the above noted drawings conforms or exceeds requirements of the 1982 editlon of the Uniform Building Code. 2. Code requirerent of bond beams occurring at 4'-0 in masonry wal I s. In designing the masonry walls of the elevator shaft, we djd not intend to comply with section 24I7(j)3 of the 1982 Code involving "Reinfofced I'lasonry Design". Rather, we are in full compliance with section 2416(a) which requires adherence toall requirements of section 2417 in the use of reinforcing, except that minjmum areas of reinforcing and the 4'-0 maximum spacing does not apply. Therefore, we believe that the bond beams as located in section 3/A16 and as detailed in section M/S-7 conrply with the 1982 Uniform Building Code, and the Structural steel lintels shown supersede the need for bond beams djrectly over each opening. ]V Page 2 November 30, 1982 3. C'larification: reinforcing of masonry. In addition to bond beam reinforcing previously noted, masonry walls shall be reinforced as indicated in section B/S2. 4. Clarification: continuous grouting of masonry cells reinforced- as in section B/S2. Item "e" of the Structura'l Masonry section of the General Notes- on sheet S-1 requires that "all bolts, anchors and embedded items shall be grouted in place, except as noted". The contractorshall fully grout in accordance with item "d" of the same note section, all reinforcing as well as other embedded items. If you have questions about our review or about the contents of this letter, please ca11. Very truly yours, NICOL AND GILTNER Consulting Engineers Zd"xAh* 6n x. Giltner irsts rtt; - 12996 6 *brn^r ru"'-*, Steve Patterson Tolm of Vall Re: VGCTH/Building P Eeich 7th, 1983 P age 2 4) Cl-ass A Roof : Reference: Underwriter I s Laboratories R932 (tt), page 393. The roof on Bulldlng "P" ls a cl-ass A, as we are conpl-ying nlth roof materials manufacturer rs install-ation instructions given in Johns-Manvllleletter of Septenber 24th, L98L. 5) Horlzontal bond beams: c. The horizontal bond bearns spacing in the nasonry walls are in accordance O^ with code requlrernents as shown on 416-3 and clarifled in letter byNicol and GiJ-tner, Consulting Enginners. We have added detall A16-6, showing a typical- horizontal bond bearn wj, th reinforcenents. Vertically grouted ce11s: ,rrt,l{e have modified detai-l S-2-8 to show vertically grouted cells at 4t-0"v,' centers. .2-Ilour fire ratLng for masonry wall: r! unC reference Table 17-A.U Th" elevator shaft enclosure masonry wa1l complies wlth a 2-hour flre resl.stiverating as shown in nanufacturetars llterature, enclosed. r\- venting of elevator shaft: \) We have added a 36" x 12" gravLty louvered vent shown on 416-3 and A08-X. g. Emergency telephone ln elevator. St6/t' We shall provlde, prior to occupancy, a telephone in the el-evator cab. ll 6) Circular srairs:. According to the manufacturerrs l-etter, the "Stairpak:r units are ln accordance with the 1982 UBC Section F4: 9366 F (\L,7) stud helghts: I ! A11 wa11 studs are complying vith Code: Studs i-n 2 x 4 non-bearlng wa1ls will not exceed L4t-0". Studs in 2 x 6 non-bearlng wal_ls will not exceed 20t-0t'. Studs ln 2 x 6 Load-bearing wall-s will not exceed 10t-0tt. We have corrected A08 accordingly. Structural- framing: The franing drawings for this building do comply nith the L982 Uniforn Bulldlng Code as attested to ln Nicol and Giltner, ConsuLting Engineers, letter of November 30th, 1982. Steve Patterson Town of Vail Re: VGCTH/Building P March 7th, 1983 . Page 3 il/,. el Heating ln chas eway above garage: It is our opinion that no heating is required ln chaseway s j.nce itis located between a heated garage and heated dwelling units. (9) Sprinkler:' IIBC reference Section 3802b. Review of applicable codes indicates a requirement for an automatic sprinkler system ln the basement garage, Drawlng M05 shows such a fire proteetion system. 10) Building "P" classifications: This subJect &tas not dlscussed during our meeting on October 19th, 1982, nor was it covered 1n our letter of same date, However, examinatlon of classificationrules show that the construction permit lists and erroneous classification of Group R, Division 3 and Group M, Dj-vision 1. The permlt should read: Group R, Divislon 1, and Group B, Division l, Mixed Occupancy, Type V Cons truction. UBC reference Table 5-A and Table 5-8. Footnote 1. As a consequence of this classification change, the horizontal separation between the garage and the first dwel1i-ng 1eve1 must be 2-hour fire resistl-ve, not l-hour aspreviously designed. Therefore, we have revised our drawings of the garage ceiling - and first lever floor in accordance with UBC chapter 43, Table 43-c, rtem 10. Should any of the above not meet with your approval , please indlcate your objecclons as soon as posslble by letter. Very truly yours, ENCLOSURES (by ltem): . 1) Abeyta Engineeri.ng letrer dated November 12th, 1982.2) Drawing A20. 3) Door schedule. 4) Johns-Manville letter dated September 24th, 1981.5) Drawlngs 416, S-2 and A08. Nicol and Giltner, Consulting EngLneers, letter dated November 30th, 1982. Claylite Concrete Products, Comrnercial Testing Laboratories report dated December 4th, 1981. Kenneth E. Sha Vic e-Pres ident Steve Patterson Tonn of Vall Re: vGCTn/Bulldtnc fs.6qh Tttty;:1q83_, j- Page 4 6) 7' STAIR-PAK Products Co. Drarlng A08. Nicol and Novenber 30th, 1982. letrer dated Novenber 15th, 1982.Glltoer, ConeultLag Engloeere, letter dated 8) None. 9) DrewLng M05.10) DranLngs A05, A12, A13, AL4, A15, A15, S-1, S-2, S-3 and S-4. dal xc: Enrin Bachrach Larry LyBarger #35/Torrn of Vatl Shapiro Construction Company Ilarch 7th. :1983 Steve Patterson Chlef Building Official Torm of Vail 75 South Frontage Road !{est Val-l, Colorado 81657 RE: VAIL GOLFCOURSE TOI^INIIOMES - BUILDING CONSTRUCTION PERMIT IIOOLLT 2 Dear Mr. Patterson: In accordance with our letter to you dated October 19th, 1982, we have made on our drawings and ln our speciflcations ln order to comply with the 1982 Uniform Building Code in a manner as follows: 1 -{, 1) Mechanical ventllatlon for garage area:- UBC reference Sectlon 705. We shal1 comply wlth code as described ln enclosed "Abeyta Engineeringrr dated Novernber 12th, 1982, approved by you. f\-'2) Party wall:0r We have added detal1 A20-11 depicting typlcal party wall construction. 3) Fire ratings on doors: UBC reference Sectlon I2O2b . We are designating door Nors. 4,5.8, 19 as one-hour fire resisti.ve. Suite C-3, Fall Ridge Condominiums P. O. Box 1547, V6il, Colorcdo 81657 Telephone: (303) 4761980 change-s let ter T'he items numbers in this letter correspond with those in our 0ctober 19th, 1982letter. Shapiro Construction Company October 19th, 1982 Mr. Steve Patterson Chief Bullding Official Town of Vall 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, CoI-orado 81657 RE: VAIL GOLFCOURSE TOWNHOMES - BUILDING "P" Bulldtng Permit lt00L]-72 (a resubmittal of pernit /1469) Dear Steve: Enclosed please fi-nd our check number LL276, in the amount of $4,994.95 for Building Pernit ltO0IL72 (a resubmittal of permit li1469). Please nake thls Letter part of the ftle sg ygu-have a record that we hereby acknowledge the following iteus whichlt#t{"*e changes on our plans and speclficailons in order to comply with the 1982 Building Code. 1) Mechanical ventil-ation for the garage area. 2) Party wa1l details showlng necessary fire stop lntegral to the party wall as vell as vertical fire stop at each floor of the party wa1l. 3) Proper fLre ratings on corridor doors r 41 5r S and 19. 4) Verification of roof assembly being Class A versus roof covering being Class A. 5) Horizontal bond beams at correct spacing on all masonry walls. Proper detail of rebar required in bond beams. Verification of two-hour flre rating of masonry for elevator shaft enclosure. Adequate ventlng of elevator shaft. Provlde emergency telephone service withln the elevator cab. -cont lnued- Suit€ C-3, Fall Rldgc Condominlums P. O. Box 1517, v.ll, Colorrdo 81657 Tel€phonc: (303) .,07e1980 "// 4{ o #ooLr72 Verify clrcular stairs not flaring over one-inch (1rr) along nose and not flaring at all at the exterior circumference. Revlew stud heights for compllance with the 1982 Code Table 25-R-3. Review general faarning for compllance rsLth revised 1982 Code. Review thermo requirementg for chaseway above garage drop ceiling. Reviev sprinkler requirements with Fire Department for thls buil,dtng (sprlnkler contact me at your earliest opportunity. Yours truly, SHAPIRO CONSTRUCTION CO. ffi{ 6) 7) 8) 9) Steve Patterson Re: Bull-ding P/Pernlt october 19th, 1982 Page 2 is not . required by 1982 Code). Should you have any questlons, please Enclos ures dal xc: Larry N. LyBarger Erwin Bachrach Abe Shapiro I enneth E. Shapiro Vice-P res ident Shapiro Construction Company Sult" C-3, F.f R|dgE Coftbfilnluni P. O. Bo,( 15.f2 \611, Colaldo 81657 TdcplEnc: (:lo3),+761 980 CHANGE IN IIPII BUILDING October 4th, L982 OLD PR,MIT: DELETE OLD ''P'I: ADD NETd ''P.': NEW TOTAI, GRI'A (H-J.K-L-M-N & P): oLD GRFA (I{-J-K-L-14-N & P): INCREASE DUE TO NEI{ ''P'': GRFA I: GRFA II: GRFA III w/NE!{ "P": PROJECT TOTAL: ALLOIIED, PER TOWN OF VAIL: 55,944 7,992) 47 ,952 I,674 56,626 ( 52,944) 682 square 29,970 2L,978 56,626 108,574 108.606 foot i) octob er Shaplro Construction Company 1lth, 1982 SEeve Patterson Chlef Bulldlng Officlal Town of Vall 75 South Frontage Road WesE Vallr' Colorado 81557 ,,li RE! lVAIL GOLFCOURSE TOWNHOMES, BUII.DTNG .'P'' ,Reappllcacion for llulldlng Permlt dat.ed Ocrobcr 4Llr, 1.982 Electrlcal , Plumbl-ng and Mechanical Dear Steve: I apologize for the omisslon of valuations for the :rbcrvc crades on our applicatlon. Below please find all of the perEinenc inf ormatiorr u.:,:d fo iirl:ive aE the correcE added valuations upon reapplicatiou. Fire Protectors/ Plumbing/Mechanlcal Prlor valuation under Permit #469: GRFA under Pernit i1469: Valuatlon per foot of GRFA: GRFA for prlor Building "P" plan: Prlor $ valuation for Building "P": $ Valuatlon for new Building "P" pJ.an" Addltlonal $ valuation for reapplicaEion of Bulldlng "P": Should you have any questlons concerning and dlscuss same wlEh Larry LyBarger or xc: L. LyBarger Erwtn Bachrach dal Suite C-3, tlll Ridsc condominiums P. O. 8ox 15.f7, Yaif Colorodo 81657 feleohonc: (303) 47&1280 Els.!-r!-r.r! $ 140,985 55,944 $ 2.52 7,992 $ 20, L4o $ 43,5ii $ 23,375 the abovc tl;tt;t , myself. Yours crrr L-v , Vlce-Prt.rs idc,rr t $ 174,720 55,944 $ 3.12 7,992' $ 24,935 I54,572 $ 39 ,637 please do noc hesltate to ';i,fi l ,iri,l i :1: . j ::iii :r :'li r' . ' 4;i I il, ,. iJ: ! :;. .'':' t.t:; I i, Should you have any questions concerning the above diltil , and dlscuss same wlth l.arry I-yllargcrr or nryself . Prlor valuation under Perrnic i/469: GRFA under Permlr /1469: Valuation per foot of GRF'A: GRFA for prior Building "P" plan: Prlel g valuation for BuiLding 'tPr': $ Val,uation for new Building "P" pJ,an" Additlonal $ valuation for reapplicaEion of Bulldlng "P": xc: L. LyBarger Erwln Bachrach dal Suitc C-3, f.ll Ridsc Condominiums P, O.8ox 15{7, Vail, Colorodo 81657 Tclephon.: (303) 47&1980 Elec tr i cn I $ 140,98s 55,944 $ 2.52 7 ,992 $ 20, Lz+(J $ 43,5r5 $ 23, t75 Yours trrrly. slhP tRo coNSl'Ruci nc tll l':. Slr;r P i ro Vice- Prc's i,lt'rr t $ 39,637 pl.ease do noL hesltate to cal.l L'r-<) Shaplro Constructlon Company October llth, 1982 Steve Patterson Chtef Building Official Town of ValI 75 South Frontage Road West Vall, Colorado 8L657 '' RE: VAIL GOLFCOURSE T0WNH0MES, BUII-DING "PI Reappllcation for Building Permlt dated Octobcr 4rli, .1.982 Electrlcal, Plumbing arrd Mechan ical Dear Steve: I apologlze for the onission of valualions for the irbovc trades on our applicatlon. Below please f ind a11 of Lhe pertincnt inf ormatiorr rr,;t'tl t () ;rrr-1ve at the correct added val,uations upon reappllcation. Flre Protectors/ Plg$blng/Mechanlgal $ 174,720 i 55,944 $ 3.!2 "7,992". $ 24,935 $ 64,572 o tta 'TP/-Try6 /> at< oo P0 rt4/a .-t . F-- flePu(4Fl%lfe &flr/ u4, rfL Qu<efc bA(4 { s# Project Application - 'l-q- ezIl2ta , a proiecr Name: Vd rt 6ocF cocrRsg %c/d A[orLr ES Proiect Description: Contact Person and +elQfrct{4z e- / LEo Owner, Address and Phone:Slfirtino Architect. Addr€ss and Phone: Lesaf Descripti on' ,o, /'trJ b 'P' t o.r Filing Comments:bNLtE D LQo6"/ S4/,A ELtvA'Ttot{ , Design Review Board Date Molion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: 7( "r"uApproval Shapiro Construction Company xc: Abe Shapiro Ken Shapiro /i 34lArchitec ture dal Suite C-3, Flll Ridge Condominlums P. O. Box 1547, vail, Color6do 81657 Telephone: (303) 4761980 March 31st, 1982 Steve Patterson Chief Building Official Town of Vail Box 100 Vail, Colorado 8f658 RE: VAIL GOLFCOURSE TOWNIIOMES - BUILDING .'P'' Dear Steve: Confirning todayrs telephone conversatlon, the Towrr of Vail Ordinances and the National Building Code require the following fire protectlon and alarms for Buildlng "P", a four (4) untt (three bedrooms/three baths) building: a) An approved standard sprinkler system in below-grade garage. b) A secondary alarm system, such as a rate of rise sensing ln the garage, soundlng an alarm in the 1lving units. Or, a heat sensing device in lieu of rate of rise. 0r, smoke detectors (although acceptable, are not reconunended). c) Standard srnoke detectors in the four (4) residential units. We wiLl comply with the above requl-renents and show same on our worklng drawings . Yours truly, YrRo ffiNsr;ucrr|!, co. , // 4"#"y4z/--4 Project Architect '/ L Nrct AND GrrrNER .o*l,-r'*" ENGTNEERS Box 1702 Eoulder. Colorodo 80306 cht1e Ete ! z (3O3) 443.t677 l.-ilt November 10, 1983 Mr. Envin Bachrach Shapiro Construction Co. P. 0. Drawer 1448Vail, Colorado 81.658 //,_-->Re: VaiI Go1f Course Townhomes{BuiIding P /,:__=_...._-- Dear Erui n : This letter_is to provide you with our conclusions regarding some concernsthat you relayed to Jon Gi'ltner on November 3, 1983. The first two concerns relate to window and docr headers at exterior framedwalls. The 3-2x6 bui'l t-up window headers in the north wall of unit 54'sliving room are adequate since the roof joists are continuous from a longspan to the south of the 8-3/4"x24" 91u-1am beams. Upon further analys.i i we realize that there is actual"Jy. a sma'l I amount of uplift at the noithend of the Joists. As a precaution a sIMPs0N ST9 strab shall be instal'ledat each trirmer for each 3-2x6 header. where doub'le trirnmers are requiredfor windon on door headers due to span and loading, they are called ior onthe plans with one exception. At the 5!-.'19" 91u-lam wind6il-header in thesouth wall of bedroom l for unit 52, the doubie trinrners were not cal'l edout. However, you have assured us that they have been insta'l led. The last two concerns relate to exterior wa'l I sheathing as lateral loadbracing. The north wall of unit 54's living room doesi't need exteriorplywood sheathing since the roof and floor diaphragms adequately transferlateral load to other adequately sheathed exterior-walls on the-bu.i 1d.i ng,snorth s'i de. Apparentiy, !-r" plywood sheathing was not insta] led on the westsecond level wall (as called for on sheet s-5 of the structural drawings)before siding was installed. To make up for thjs lack of lateral load-resistance the lateral load capacity of the interior wal'l s shall be in-creased. 2x6 framed walls running northisouth shall be sheathed with 5,/B',gyp-board and nailed at 4" on center with 6d cooler nails along a1 1 paneledges. At the interior of the west wall structural grade (rea) rHrnNo-pt-vby Simplex Industries, Inc. shall be insta1 'led under-5/9,, dyp-board andnailed at 3" on center with 6d cooler nails along all panei edges. Tominjmize extra blocking we suggest that 4'x8' shiets 6e used ind installedwith the 8' dimension vertical . The capacity of unblocked 5/g', gyp-board !t (; Page ? November 10, 1983 Vail Golfcourse Tomhonns, Bulldlng p sheathing is adequate at the loft level with 6d nailing at 7" on centerat panel edges. Ifyou have any questions regardlng this matter, please give us a call.- Yery truly yours, NICOL AIID GILTNER Consulting Engineers il^l4 P,J,'"!- Daniel J. Packard Reviewed I\_. *Sliopr ro Co n'tr." uo&o. Dated:November 9th ,1993 Provide one additlonal layer of 5/8" gyp board to upper portion of 5lBRl West wa1l, where lt adJolns 53 DI for a total of 2 layers on Unj.t 51 side and I layer on Unit 53 slde. Where the 2 Layers of gyp board are installed, location of seams must alternate. F111 interior of 6" walL with gN" therrna]- acoustical batt insulatLon. Provide one addltional layer of 5/8" gyp board to 53 East waII, where lt adjolns aEtlc over Unit 51 for a total of 2 layers - one on eLther side of ttre 53 wall. Fill interlor of 6" wall wlch 6" thermal insulation. Provide one addl-tj.onal layer of 5/8" gyp board to upper portion of 52BR1 and 52BR3 West walls, where they adjoin che 54KI and 54LV respectively,for a total of 2 layers on Unit 52 slde and one layer on Unit 54 slde. Where Lhe 2 layers of gyp board are instal-led, locatlon of seams must alternate.FiIl interior of 6" wall wlth 6L" thermal-acous tical baEt insulation. Provide one addlt ional adjoins attic over Unit 54 wa11. Fill interior The above additions are layer of 5/8" gyp board to 54 l.les t wall , where it 52, for a total of 2 layers, one on elther side of theof 5" wall with 6" thermaL insulation. made to lncrease fire recardation and sound suppression. ar.^-Jtr t'u e(,:--t- I *.e"*e-i^ c \ :: In additlon Lo the above the encire 54 l^lest wall must be strengthened, to be acconpllshed as f ollows: (S*ere ecr.Ccorcr\1) Add horizontal blocklng at 8t-0rr (need flre blocklng anyway),2) Add thernoply sheets (a' x 8i[].nstalled lrith rhe 8r dlmensionvertically - at flrst tack on 6nly,3) Install 5/8" gypsum board over the thermoply and nall off wit[ 6d nails on 3" centers oN Fc€ gLad<r^rg'Aab STVDD.I u Q (* sroata ut;",/-- I ta,.f.Jt;c' Fei<s Ldf€tz oF aeli1zC) La rry t 2) .)..JrrF- l.:4'*6 Sunset Developrnent l Black Gold Insulation t Colorado Drywall I Eal6xeeri. t VAIL GOLFCOURSE TOW,IHOMES BUILDINGP-JOBiI35 GENERAL CI{ANGE ORD ' $!:-D-cn-lpt Joo ! *o --:Abb rT toD oF Sscp,: 6f P5urq boaz_D a -rx :-\t\5UL&frotJ A1 s _ lirsr+ LeVau. a rAY Ep-of_- i&t--Ar@S.Ir(&t "9s.sep_l'l9*Ar_:-_ = t4\a .l uti2 : t.-:r l\t4li. .i f:ef ling ' 16'-o I,i' -'" ' '-- '--''-- " - - '- 1'',l{rl-lr-.o i \2@W-lG-o It - - "-f--- I I i I tt,i lftl I t: a-tl+.rl c (;ARA(;1.. f c u E C c G. F o t?:o 21- o _ {"e zio : rc. 9 Thcrmal lncul lr.l _i1'.i +T ll tl :r_____Lr _-- $r;nro.l Pl--Joa! 16 ' -::- :1rlAN6F_:b_A_Uf_[_l rZ_. -_ --_ lo-o 'le?'-o ' lG'-o s 2'- o . lc''o o o Shapiro Construction Company March 20th, 1984 Gary Murraln Buildlng Inspector Town of Vall 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: VAIL GOLFCOURSE TOWNHOMES - BUILDING P - JOB /I35 Units 53 and 54 Dear Gary: Enclosed you will find two (2) copies of our spiral- stair letter (Stalr-Pak Products Cornpany) dated Noverober 15th, the stairways conform to the U.B.C. Code, Sectlon 3306.F. If any additional lnformation is required, please contact earliest. supplier I s 1982 stating me at the Yours truly, SHAPIRO CONSTRUCTION CO. dzdA"--"La{ry N. LyBargeyr VLce-Pres ident/Cons truc tion Enclosures xc: Larry Erwin Doug ll3s/TOV Lee/StalrPak Abe/Ken dal Suit€ C-3, Frll Ridg€ Condominiutts P. O. Box 1547, Yail, Colorado 81657 Telephone; (303) 47e1980 I J1..^.f,G O --l NOv r 8 rssz slqnffK" November 15, 1982 Mr. Erwln Bachrach Drawer 1448 Vail, Co. 81658 Dear Slr: Please be advlsed that STAIR-PAK all oak splral stairnays Sectlon 3306F. @irfA].lY 7t dleneter U.8.C. code, our 5l, 6r, conform to and the AS:nbl Very truly youra, Suckno P.O. BOX 334 r UNION, NEW JERSEY 07083{334 o (201) 68S{m0ROUIE 22 r Jl..".. rG O NOV r B 1982 SlNRflK" November 15, L982 Mr. Etrrln Bachrach Drawer 1448Vail, Co. 81658 Dear Slr: Please be advlsed that STAIR-PAK all oak splral stalrirayg Section 3306F. @ilrP,qNY 7r dlameter U.B.C. code, our 5r, 6r, conforu to and the Very truly youra , Suckno AS:urbl RO|..[E 22 r P.O. BOX 334 .UNION. NEW JERSEY 0708$0334 r (201) 68S-S00 {o S[qRfiK" ffiIMANY I'tr. Kenneth E. Shapiro Shapiro Construction Co. Suite C-3, Fall Rldge Condominiuns P.O. Box 1547Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Shapiro: As per our conversation this date, enclosed please find tr*o alternates that will solve Mr. Ginsburgrs problen. Please advise. Sincerely yours, STAIR-PAK PRODUCTS CO. .q,s/ab Enc1. A. Suckno, President t i, \ -tcr:-6s\:: ((*\) RC{.jIE 22 r P.O. BOX 334 r UNION. NEW JERSEY 0708}0334 o (201) 688{m0 ,*( U n;1,!' { I I I i E DrI BAtco uy LEFT HAND sPEclAL rNSrFUCrlol{S: ATTERNATE # 1 1. Back of platform reduced 30 2. Platforn even with finished 3. Headroon at riser #4 is 6t4" 4. Each riser is 7 3/4". PRINTEO IN USA degrees. f1oor. lfu qv(: ,au,, ."',^,^."^kok""k:' o Shapiro Construction Company May 21st, 1984 Mr. Steve Patterson Chief Building 0fficial Town of Vai-1 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: VAIL GOLFCOURSE TOWNHOMES - BUILDING VAIL GOLFCOURSE TOWNHOMES - BUILDING Suit€ C-3, Fall Rldge Condominiums P. o.8ox 'l.547, vail, Colorado 81657 Telephone: (303) 4761980 P-JOB R-JOB It35 - L578 GoIf Terrace ll41 - 1738 Golf Lane Dear S teve: Due to the unusually late arrival of spring and the south facing locatlon of our project we have not been able to start a majority of our exterlor highway work such as exterior concrete, final gradlng, landscaping, sprinkler system, or asphalt work. Therefore, we request a time extension of forty-five (45) days on Bulldings P and R Flnal Certificates of Occupancy to enable us to complete the required work Ln an orderly and ti.mely manner. Please acknowledge approval- below by signing and returning a copy to us of this letter. Yours truly, SHAPIRO CONSTRUCTION CO. Jeff ll35/4r aov dal Vlce-President / Cons truc t Lon Pat terso Shapiro Construction Company tlay 22nd,, L984 Mr. Steve Patterson Chief Bullding Of f icial Town of Val1 75 South Frontage Road Va11-, Colorado 8L657 RE: VAIL GOLFCOURSE TOWNHOMES Splral Stair - BUILDING P/UNIT 53/GINSBURG Dear Steve: In reference to our meeting this norning regarding the revised stair deslgn submitted by Stalr-Pak for your approval, we understand this unlt shalL be approved for use based on the foll-owing stipulatlons: r_) 2) We advj-se the Ginsburgs, in a 7t3f4" riser height and a in a headroom of only 6t-4tt by code. wrltlng, that the proposed stalr, with reduced platforn size, will stLLl result which is less than the 6r-6rr reouired The new stalr be supplled with a hand rail having a groove for proper hand gripping as required by code. 3) We put a letter on file with the Town of Vail Bullding Department (part of this letter) stati-ng shoul-d Shapiro Constructlon Company or Shapiro Realty be lnvolved in the subsequent resale of your unit, we will attempt to advlse the purchaser that the proposed stair,whLch w111 then be the existing stalr, did not meet code at the t ime of installatibn with respect to head roon. Ginsburgs put a letter on fll-e with the Town of Vall that in the event they should sel1 their unit, they will advlse the purchaser that the proposed substitute stair, which w111 then be the existlng staLr, dld not meet code at the tine of installation with respect to head room. 4) Sulte C-3, Frll Ridg€ Condominiums P. O. Box 15/17, v6ll, colorado 81657 Telephone: (303),f7&1 98O **** S teve Petterson RE: P-53 l'lay 22rd, L984 Page 1\ro Wlth reference to condltLoo number 3, above, we hereby agree that lf Shapiro Constructlon Coopany, or Shaplro Realty, {e lnvolved ln the subsequent resale of thLe unit Lt wt1l dtltgently atteupt to advlee the new purchaser that the proposed subetltute atalr, whlch w111 then be the exlstlng stalr, did not neet code at the tLne of Lnstallatlon wl.th reapect to head room. Furthermore, upon receipt of thls letter and a eLnllar letter fro,n llr. aad l{re. Gtneburg, the Torro of Vatl sha11 approve the renieed stalr deelgn by writtenletter prLor to our orderLag the subatltute atair. Yours trdy, SHAPIRO xc: Dtlu.Ginsburg Closlng FLle Lee Jeff - LarrY da1 lottn 75 routh trontage road Yell, coloredo 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlcc ot communltt Ceuctopment June 11,1984 Mr. Morris Ginsburg 5801 Happy Canyon Drive Englewood, Colorado, 80111 RE: Vail Golfcourse Townhome Unit 53, Building P Vai I, Colorado Dear ltlr. Ginsburg, The variance for the department. l.le have al so Thank'you for ''' Si ncerely, cc: Shapiro Construction GM/rme spiral staircase has been approved by this notified Shapiio Construction of the approva'|. your cooperation in this matter. &'Building II'nspector ,*#"rroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE i ''.', INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRI PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr tr cl tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL FINAL ELEGTRIGAL:MECHANICAT: tr tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr u FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED steYe Patterson Shapiro Construction Company ItF C-3, Fdt EcgG ConOomlnlumor. O. Drrurcr 1#,W Coloratlo g165g ./1r 5%^'*2-"^'U 'ALs T, ?l- e{.o( WM -a'7.:.- -) -"'-'" . -. -/'