HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL GOLFCOURSE TOWNHOMES UNIT 5 LEGALoz E =E uJ o- o (fl 6 U)ut UJtL b = Luc /u/sr/r r'€t \:sEcr-r) a.) z vtllz F a.t) z t9l lo s^zYZlt.< o*z^oz | ,in |lll xl> El= <rl Jzl ) ot €llo>lzzlA o z H F.] E CJ h r'lrl EI-l tntzl =l lDl4l-{l UJz 3 UJ"t- |- z ii,.Y !.i \\.l- I -f T'rtTTT i \.) il 3l zlgljl ,rl\i \ :\\ \,' \ \'. oF c..p z f;o \ :l\\: : ,{'lN.: (,)- q)() (!.. .g P- 0, o ! q)oo o) g : dl E =cl a) (5 3 .o Q) 3g!€9Uha F.9 R €' iEEe, F'= I F s SE.6'c-o> CT;E : E8:; >=:c 9 6 F. 3 6;.; EE-sl*.o o ciE o 3: €eePEide o(o 0-,sFas.oiE-olsfi:€. :(,)'eoi'i n c o{ ;F€Hi.H9, =(E1:: -< c f t .c;oo o or !.9.eEsE se:=:o(!;; T: F9;*;E9Eor - PEgg F.C.l.$ .+(n(n .n .if, 4 .n -t F e UJco2 .J 5(D Y {LlI z J FF UJ oz6 l J 9z Io uJ UJ UJ z IJJ E o 3g wEz 6 u.Jo F LIJ o-fz IJJ o F ulol (n uJ UJ lJ- F =uj -J F F z J l(o F uJJ UJ z = o- 9z UJ = Fl E{ FT NOrrvn]v^ Fl H =O*.2;*6bo =Fe8* iEcBL!Za\ or =>9. i r,r ztr^ tnoz>- <)zrJ- <v= o.:< FO.i.i z tr cc d f (9 uJ F D c J z E o Xxt<z tr UJF 3 z ttti I Lz:)z9o> <()o< >ii>ERr6o<z Fz 9= -IurO3iOI I Itlli"t,"to iol3 I |----r- i I cti< ujl(/) "'al:o* z z l-) (r (t) U) z 9rF zo F Jl U)z oct 3 t- lrJ zF J @ Fl(J Fa UJo LIJ UJzoF (I ll,.lt! z 9 = x i r_l x;-l I I : el HI z N F FT ahz Fl LUF adlo-z t-(I llJY lu @ oFFo. =3ul(L |.- *>L,' OsVAzVO tzI r-l El ETzP \J ;- to ='-< e >z Jo Fl O- l,! F Ttnr-t )..i6\.,, \., = =83dd= tr l!(L o UJ z oo F E.L ul!!-=dtr>a!Ou-oo \[!6O-;> )) lt u.tdloF o E o oT' c E F o() o E =Elrl o-zo F C) E.Fazoo -t !r, \Jzo Irtltll.lhul l.: I ;HI tRl 16 l ItqIFI l8 tz F"i Jt! Ff Hv,trl lrlFl ui =z \l z o FJH F() !q F<lEixl FIEI!{ Fl F- =E lu o = I o- Fo z Hts Hv)z Elr,IH = tr oz o UJ = a z 3l vl 'flF' tn N Io\\fo\ F J xtrl Fl Fl Fl 3ttl =Etr I\orn oz .; u.l TLo z 31 9lt-l c{ r\ I N @ I aI zH E FlA td HF /til Fl =E I c.) Az(' utE lt z 3oF F-iF I c\'o\ =g. tr oz uJ lr- ;;lI =tr z out J ltoz3oF uJJ l,tl|- t!z = !! EI C) <F ur<ZE,u.l F(rz O <oOF FS YF"iz-A OOzt- =<ZEf,F!zrr- oo dx(JF 3?+0. iz =g Ei\ = \.,, z ? <.t<JL lo lx-l|xln'i'( t( " I I\l 91ril NH\td '1 I I o EoE -go6g C\qog 'o oJ T :1o .D,o(,cqi E5!1o o3 otc.! IDltoo EDtrtt =3 @ E o =c:) do o CIo,6] .g c, j-oc6*6-9 BH€: EgEE ;E*E :EE! e"; EeSEie €Eig E:tg - ctJ: o --C?o o'-: Esii 3E E; i ;$i (r, u, llJtt E =E UJc FoF ;Go]ltozo o- EI|ll J c,llJz uJ |rl -oo o 96c Egoo1>E9|t<ogH6-t J lt UJ J z z ciul TE 23aF 0z qt lulg J ltoz Bo $l *lIItl{l \l $ oz J l.|- N IU{t U ii- z lo s mS r{ tf -A h T I {U J vad H 2 il{ \t { $] flfltzlt3l frPl oz ao =Jr ,\t ctr{\ o2 E.G UJr IIJ tr an @oazo olrlv UJo o F,C:' = ::rci uJIi i -l El u,F o ts =E lrJo,z 9FoDE azo C) E:G uJLlloEgE3€u39!k;9.EE E,a =uJEF8:;=;9E:'PtrE6iBsi UJooF /R| ,- _/9tE\ \./ r , t-,.V/JEE,= tto o-oo-l I!Foz zo9zeloo =z dP J Iz () |ll =D (roza 365gquJ dd dn E =E UJc o UJo- 75 roulh frontrg! ro.d u.ll, color.do El657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-.?\39 otflcc of communlty dcYcloPmcnt BUITDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If thi.s permi.t requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval , Engineelhs (.Pub,lic llofks) reyiew and approval , a Planning Department revi'ew qr Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three weells. All commercial (large or small) and all mu]ti-family permits will have tq follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects shou'ld take a'l esser amount of time. However, if fesidential or smal'l er projects impact the various above mentioned departments wi.th regard to necessary review, these projects may a'l so talte the three week period. Every attempt wil'l be made by this department to expedite this permit as sgon as possible. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeI' the frame" ttrE ftes,o.uePfoject Name /f - 7 - Corrnuni ty Development Department. 75 3oulh honlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&TECT: ofllco of communlty deueloPmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENE MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE fn summary, Ordinance No. 5 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor material, including trash dumpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicplace or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of VaiIPublic gtorks Department. Persons found wiolating this ordinancewiII be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said naterial.fn the event the person so notified does not comply with tbenotice within the 24 hour time specified, the public Works Department will remove said urateriat at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the rigtrt-a-way. To review ordinance No. 6 in fulI, please stop by the Town ofVaiI BuiLding Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for yourcooperation on this natter. (i.e. contractor, owner) l) Pos itionr/RelationshiSi ri ivionroe & IQweii//\\ Erutnecfs, rnc tl n 004€ E E€avcr C.cck Blvd.. Su.lrc !O7ll U At/orL Cdorjdo Bt6Z0Y Y (,on e{}7,68 THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED: "^'1 tllFf Joe No. / ropncg ""\hr.. G OWN:F wlATr.t:F rlr.?, o6t AM oat PM fiEsln{At srYElr\KE t$E FA[r$nG NS \.B]bt.[m FroLtrtLts -({8, \rntn] sF otflZ CJev,n gufictt. (na coPtEs To /l{t Ecz4 -) o\ / c)- (O SPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT tl .1 -'1 t D^rE / | -dU -7/ JoB NAME CALLER 4'-r- READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: () TUES WED FRI BUILDING: PLUMBING: EI FOOTINGS / STEEL O UNDERGROUND O FOUNDATION / STEEL iONOUCH / D.W V. ^ '4 -=-'-, f -- FRAMING ,44- to ,oro" / wArER RooF & sfeen tr cAS PTPTNG -D pr-vwooo r.rair-rNc tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL D(ppnoveo CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR tr\\\T PERMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES THUR FRI BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H, TUB HEETROCK E FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ts nppnoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,t/DArE .//' >y' q/ rNSPEcroR 5J /J/ DATE READY FOR LOCATION: ROJECT INSPECTION: /1/ JOB NAME O DISAPPROVED CALLER TUES INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL (ff) ,*v tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDX;PPRovED WED B tr tr o tr tr ilo ILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. D ROUGH i WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB SHEETROCK NAIt n D O FINAL C FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr D tr ROUGH . EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL CORRECTIONS: rl ome zy'e./ e) rNSpEcroR . Ti!.+ -' *tu[.u '| INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT DATE .// - ^-I:7r .:oe INSPECTION: NAME CALLER MON TUES { h t THUR /_'\ O A IL NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: ,4 BUILDING: O FOOTINGS i STEEL PL tr n tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr E ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING { tr tr ROUGH o D tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED-4.'-. r.D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDMeeeaoveo.-. //\ L 'coRREcloNS: INSPECTOR k?iiissop >2/2) NAME CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES ^1- INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPEBMIT NUMB ROFPR DATE READY FOR LOCATION: T JOB EC7Jq THUR BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tsqoucH i D.w v X:::"::^r:"*tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr ! POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr O FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING D tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o tr FINAL O FINAL Xppnoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ! INSPECTOR tINSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 6n /"I .a \ t.1J a), | (-. PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE 7 z--' JoB NAME t. t INSPECTION: CALLER TUES @ THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: MON /o r ) PM/ o:s'J Q /4 ,/a !.( r ,.,t'i /t APPROVED,..y'tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W,V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL i H. TUB fI SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL INSPECTOR N OF ;flo)WN REQUEST VAILPERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: T JOB NAME 441 INSP CTION:MON CALLER TUES WED THUR @ PM ,Xnppnoveo CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATEB O FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION N POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR O FINAL D FINAL INSPECTOR T 3r* u{sPEcrrours coMPtETED O Ihe ltene belou ueed to be conplete before glvlng a perul.t a flaal C of O. Pleaee check off ln tbe box provided. FINAI PLUAING DATE: DATE: T_lll rfil/v=f IMPROVEMENT SI'RVEY RESID. NAI.TE: DATE! FINAI. BUIU)ING EAST SIDE!WEST SIDE: TEI.{P0RARY C OF Or_]ll DATE: CERTII'ICATE OF OCCI'PANCY DATE: LA}IDSCAPINC DT'E FILE NAI{E: lli It li ): ;i ovl.Pi c-- ,.'t ivt 5lc):z. c5Lttrl.et : ': '; .' ,i : hs L\ b\ $e iNrt)$n $ 5s G$t\s I : G\S c2alusf 22il2 ,\ g€t eg LO tGt3,3 €g cgEY d-o3_(EossE5d otF ll E€-Fob |O =o {6c \>oAE; H E EE 3 (tI G' (s q) o ca! o at qto. (ll o-cct-o 'u c) (lt E o)l o q) F- (tt qt E a <D €G' E iDpo o o OJ o c(l' o c(l' o o -oo E' :3 a q) E o al. e; E q) Gt' q Pn-l II (! r-t tq, L_J rrl (J ct) .(J .= E rl)G o o -' J I EI (E El! CL e (! o ct CL C' ' lt. I U2 s c-IiA t at c o o o c.tlF , \ tr,F c a€ = 8trrJE- IEE \ igE*-"-c -,€t P rt r'lELJTJ *Dn .l:' .Dir:E .99cL c.CL (D o a\e-*$ 2- f,r Y. -A t>- 1t%i ?tI$ ul c3 s € a J E;EFEe€ EEI*EEe 8 EFt:E'E =3 g:FeglE i= Fu*E;e E E ggEE EFi g- EE5€E;: t 59F€ E;c* E o o EDtr E ET]tJE \ll E+n @ cfDtr =3E- =ctoe =oSEatctc) q)>E:_9oc. o o )€3 s{Jrh) Et! -tl,!,il il1'!irfi I i t ,rl IFPAT I INTtrq tyHff, 6&&t? t, 4'?vf , l$rs&dr( i .' j', t.:-,ir; ir i:tii'. )i:;/; WfTHNF ( ir:i t'ii:i, J.: l!,.1i i j j';'.::ti;:tl: :to SICEoens6:. .tr lsr. E-?Jlzj,ffi,iliic " c I9/+ .)- _s_,E rE E a, , rE rE Chrse DGcnrlonn hrsllel Inrtelhtlon Char fmar 4 ",,.,......39.12| (1ffi rnrn) o -........'.62' (15?0 mn) C.,-..,.,..E5r {2225 mmlD,.-.-.-..2S (? l0 nrn) Minrmun B """.",..1T (300 nrn) Chase Dlmensionsr ltrallel Tdrrr- | t$ (1120 nnrl {W''W#*,tW{iWffi^n, Chase Dlnrenslonu Corner WtY,HfrffiM;'1od tut ft$ahg t @tM Suggated dlnoldrns ann ffrl@ lot rtdr,wtttng the ah twtt of-hi, crott. Chase Dlmenqioner lhrallcl Instailerlon Cher frcrt 4........,,..19,Vtr' (lS0 mm) B -....,.-.,6X' (lt?o hn)C---*,.E9 (l2U nn) D--..,.-, e8' (?10 iln) l"frnhun Chu rldr F;::::::lljlltls*,' 9..-"*t2.t/8-Ol0mrirl I -*..-Z&t Zr (?t0 trrm) S;tqahd ft antng od dhunahm ft t oatftlrg A di lud, rtrled,E&wr. wy,w#ilkfril*#imw Hffitr turrdngCM(*-frnA, ,r/.,7 1 :4H -Dimenslons- T!/pVfi/I, l.- al'(ltIo*l--+l l.- l$lfl (ttOnf -+l Fnntoftr. Flrcplacc Dinrenslont llst lha| ttrg4]wat({'tlt to-(!nfm ,L, ,ia l'tt lltltht'|t cill ffl lrdc Jptt ttuoLy pqtn Fircplace Cleetances Ohsgrot llw clewrrr r. @tfi wfiL lrltn Hcatth Dlmenstonr A. B. c. t6'({l0rnd l8i (,f60mm)8'(2p0nn) 8. (?!0nm) 1{r' (1020 htn} 4O (1020 nim) Ui}lltuttuiolrd.Inlrilrt rn corthridarr t &t bt (t tnylr'nbl anr itr& ortt fiil w nu*, w t bt 0rffi lDd '|dfr lrl..00r wftr,'l$, A nREn-AcsctlAl^}lclg A Mmrclr l&l[. (rFon l. f, Too Trtrn !&Uf. (9e i i|.l C. SdrTrlnr$ l{'(6l0ns) r Ttr orntd rr4c rqr ul hr: b t (2lXl turl h ICA or hr.|. Vhrn rtdr trln rrrnl rrr dln l' CtO rnrn) 6a drriryl*r lrclq. Ar rLlr olrrtrr mlr bd m hr'dn {3' ( l0?tl tnr$l. Marun rln rtCr cbrrrr (Cl io[ th. ffit ernfr 0f rru finobcoo*uofifirrdrG). l.|rrrn tlu ol itn (B)-ndlrr-nnd chrts (Al Eon ir ilN - horrf, auic.. lLillo_dr 6nr drumr (o a:*n|r.*.)frtoil*fuqbof,cr ;r::;l'.'i G nRDPIACEMNIt{lJl,lS A Vidth n fro f, Viitdr * l&Mf tbcdr C DrDdrr $'ffiffir'*' nNfl,rl0DMNffilrMl f'*nil'n*t 'ii{itil8ffili itr'iriii !s (elonnl nfrWlil;Htril.fi$T#*1'.:'tl';in ilr n|rtdn rhor dlmrhrl rrqu&ql [r ur {f,Hm*v"ilx,ffiim'*.r"*flshia, dr d*adrr .r4Fnd t!|tal uul aDic6r9r1..t covil rlrl forbcr crrnhr g {ala lf,ltrrrtlerr n rrc'rdac Gxtc.r hd.'Elm Dh.l nry !. !.d. Tht fDcolltottlonf rnd ohrnnc..Includod In thlr troh'$ttl rtr lor gclon iiilnnlng any Inrbllrtlon, oonaull youl locd rulhorlzd Vrtmont Frge SHllrdt Ptuurhtt Ott1r/p Fr laco Flreplo.cc 6545?60 P.013S!3o Mnter\farm Fireplace System Specifications Modcl Clasrlc Black Wintcrlf(/arm Flrrolecc Sand Enamcl BrYi.'r,y;:T Fircpracc . WitrterVrtn Fjrcplacc Anriquc Brown Enirncl Vtrter!?arm Fircplacc Maxlmum log hngth: Mrrlmum Burn Timer: Av;nsc.Hpting Lrpacttyt Rrngc of llcat Outputr: Meximum Hert Qulpujr. Dimcnsions of Crbinct.: of Visiblc Frontr Weightr Fl'rc Slrc: E(licicncy Redngtr EPA Emisrions furingtr Clernnca of Crblnct fiora Wood Stud* Prodrrct Code Syrtcm .. ,..... l2l5 Syctcm ,,..... , 1216 Systrm.,..,,,, l?,l? Systrm ., . ,.. ,. lZlS 24' 9 Hre. 75G1,300 Sq.Ft t0,t00.30,000 BTU/hr, 50000 BTU/hr. ]9141V x 59h,H x ?El4'D {l'W x 3{lt"H 840 lbr 8' 76.t% 2.[ grams/hr. h' Rtf0 N0V 0 Bt99l ':i l colors Sand en'amel Mldnlght cnamcl Antlqtrc brown cnamcl ,t.flccessorles Other instollrtlon cnd dccotrtiw i'ffii's'l i'$ihl''*ft,*: Surround ltncln Clalglc bkksuuound penclo c:rl off thc odscsol .qh! grt in thc-u'all emund fiavlStOlc tltphcc. for e neatcr ap-pgry$fc. Thcy nlco rct off anjhighlight thc llrcplece for rn evtnmorc attractlrrc lml. CSplpgt Rnr Thc cabincr fanwul d w wlrm rlr ft,om thc in s.ulNtcd m?t l cablnct out fromthc two w.all rcgbtcrs ruppllcd. lncrrstct hreung pow?r rndclttutagion. ,Y:1I". butn tin.r rnd hr,rt ortputr rrt brrad onrDonrory torin8.udng {ull lordr * ...loiit f,o.a-"Jar.md roet rary In lndivldud usc d.p.nAor on'iioi'iiri"rtovc ir opcnttdr tyF rnd moirturr continr of ir.tr,'.ndllll t .,otf: Mr.rdmyl burn rirhcr rrG .ct r*J uii* iit,nrsnr optrstiog condiltonr rhrh rn mqxlmum h..lout -" fiifi 'ff.qHHfi !.f :'tj:hf.:lir,tl:*Jcrm.tc ronditlonr.in Ncw Eqlrnd. tt yor,i t olni'lioonren(h_rd co rrualon (c.t, unuruqlb *;.tt.r"r"ii'"ii L"ifiundc{rcund,..rc.) or if yeu ltyr ln r rnorc *vrre or moo Iillfr #"HFffi '[*lH]ffi H*il}li;tf I Bsed on EPA rmirlonr rtrndrrC todntr;, Br*d on lta of Orlon t rrlog *rndrrdr. llItf:* q{ hcbht of E feet to rllc* morr for thr chrrcrbova tha CgUn t. EnamelhLs f,,k,h tlrn) i*s-<lr0L.rl rdra.r eflb lr.r-f DolLhqt O.fe.l Vnnont Ca*tnp Vltnntpbm Finilacc $trrnr_lg ff Fro*' ."tl {.fII Project Application .* &/tq/q, Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone:/="L,oo'-uLs CA Vdsz Legal Description: Lot *"/_w Design Review Board ,//,"" b// 7/7p Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL afl Approval wl o1l3L/gZ AOr2?r92 'ii&fl8ff'CITAELES C. CALE RIPPY CON1 5 t'ff-"f"tl rrvired corsRADO ffitr0 CALE e / 119L JUN 11W2 lo:zl5 06:37 14"%t DnB IDELICAIION - lOwrr OF \ItrIIJ, I. DATE AI'I?LICATION RECETVED I DA'I'E OF DRB MEETING: *tai*lrltt arts lPPl,ldAtrotl rt&r. BO|! Bt ACCEDTID gtTsIL f,I.IJ REOUIRID TTTONHATIO}I IS gSsdIBEID t rtttitrtt qRQ,IECT TN.FORMATToN : TYPE OF REVIE9I; New Conttruction ($200.00) x Minor lllteraiion ($20'00) Actdltion ($50.00f Con€eptuaI Revicw (S0) I'., DESCRIPf I on: Cgtlatauct Yood, ,leeh .at cou|Ae rOwnnOmffiew paLio golttl ta be ,in{("atled B. ADDRE$3 r TEGAL DESCRIPTTDN !LOg ttLbtsflP h a+P. l, B uildi4L tL 6 meouE end bounclc ]egal on a t;Paf,ate rsl'reet and I, Phcrre .J. K. NA}4N OF OI,!NER$ TSIOHAfOR.E (S) : Mailing Adcires Loa AnIete.4, c ensur. ihe correct f,ec is Paid. FEE SEHEDULE: VA,LUAl'IONI 0 - $ 10,000 S 10,001. - $ 50r 000$so,00r-$ i5c,000 9150,001 - s 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,0005 Over $1, 000, 000 Condoniniurn Apptfoval if applicabl.e. DRE FEEr DltB fee3r a6 thown thov3, arc Lo be paid at lne tlme or sulrrnlttsl of DRF applrcation' L'ater.t who" applyj.ng for a building permit, p1<*aoe iclenl:i fy-t'he "iiui'at6 va]';ation ot irr'e propo.sal' The 1'0''un og vail w111 edJust the fee accordl.ng .to Llre table belou,, to FEE$ ?0.00 $ 50.00 $100,00 $400.00 $s00.00 DESICN NEVIEII BO.BRD APPBO TT. D(PIRES ONE YETR IF?EN TIHII IDPBOVAjT UIfiESS A FUXLDINO ?IRltIf Ig ISSTIED IND COlrsBRuCtrIoH tS STANIED. *rNO APPIJICTTION tfILL BE FROCESSED lfIfgOUT OwNtR' I SIGNATUBE I $fi66i?is ion sunr,r'tat-rilena-la - J - rf property is deacrlbed by deeeription, pleaEe Provideattach tq this applicatlon. ZC)NING: N!. LoT AREAI If requircdr applicant must provlde a currerli stamped ,survey showing !.cL area ' N1] G. NA1IE OF AEpLi extsr-. Chuch Maillng Addre.'is: 449 -Noat - i ii i',niet,, +.- .q.e V -e:nonc 310 -47 2-60t 1 - NA}TE OF MaiIlnE ITITPIJICANT 'Addre.qs : S REPREEENTATI\E; !! P ,0, Bor Eqq ECaqnlA 5''o"3'.otl \E-:14''b'l z E,PZ.E ro..54-Mv8 J!SI+ aia,*W 1&x.) PZCK PLA,N V4t'= ll O'l DATg:5HEEI H0- ,..: ,t:.. ILC-l|\J (^tTH ^Alr._LrALt -'ro 4ATct{ ext?TlNq )"*oP*r:2 ,Fr:\| | nr':r\ ')'- j' EV U'\l'"t'' t"' -.irTl+ 61=..^+ I I I IL--- -- - 6utL gl ! I {o.l}zav X.4f J-rH b n 4?ts-De I r_1 ffirlrue 1 , 91 Ol ^, (r- I -' --r L_ --rge(# a-EUFTV y'+u =,lj oll J5 85 tNtZ .&AA a,?\ 5HEaf Ho. N2 ?At€z 4'lE- 1L RIPPY CONTRACTORS, INC. "New Construction - Renodel Repair" P-O. 8ox 999 Edtnrds. Colorado Bl6i2Aga etO,lUW i :t,oO, June 19, 1992 Mr. Andrew Knudtsen Comnunity Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage RoadVail, CO 81657 BiIl Sargent VaiI Golfcourse Townhomes, Phase I, Unit B-5 -- Deck Insta]lation Date! Tol From: Re! Dear Mr. Knudtsen: The Board of Directors of the Vail Golfcourse Townhomes, phaae I,is granting pemission to the Owner of Unit 5, Mr. Charles Cale, toremove the large spruce tree behind the unit in order to accornmodate the installation of the deck. lr!r. CaIe will replacethat tree with (2) 10-12, spruce trees at locations that we willgelect after the deck is installed. The locations of the new treeswill be selected to ninimize the visual i:npact of the deck on Unit9. Pleaae call if I can be of further assistance. Sincerely, i,t / rrl/t a t/ I(/ t"" I BiII Sbrgent c . lilr. Charles CaleRippy Contractors Thank you. PO. Box l292.Yail. Colorado 81658 Crossroads Shopping Center / 143 E. Meadow Drive - Suite 39 lA Real Estate Sales 303-476-4300 / Property Management 303-476-1323 /FAX 70?-479-9574 llay 2L, L992 Rippy Contractors, Inc. P.O. Box 949 Edwards, Colorado 81532 Dear Sirs: The purpose of this letter is to grant authorization to the VaiIGolfcourse Townhome, Unit #5, Building B, 1710 Sunburat Drive toingtall a firedoor and deck off the living room. Approval has been received from the adJoining neighbors. Please call if I can be of further assistance. Sincerely, /1 tr/th lt l/ &vl BilI Sargent lfanaging AgentVail Golfcourse Townhomes Association, phase I BS/abt P.O. Box 1292, Vail, Colorado 81658 Crossroads Shopping Center/ 143 E. Meadow Drive - Suite 39lA Real Estate Sales 303-476-4300 / Properry Management 303-476-l?27 /FAX 303-479-9534 Prolect Application Owner. Address and Phone: L .-.ti, ,, ll / a x/r 37Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descriplion: Lot Filing , Zone - Commenls: Design Review Board Motion by: ,^, .J il/?z = D ISAPPR OVA L Seconded by: r-Appnovnr- -\ l*_._- --' Su mmary: ,^," ! 3 ,/?;l FILE COPY TUTN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Rooil Yail, Colorado 816J7 t 0t -479 -2t t I / 47 9 -2r t9 D ep artme nt of Commanity D ea clopm e nt June 2, 1992 Ms. Marta Cadmus, Manager Fallridge at Vail 1650 East Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 Dear Marta: Thank you for your comments regarding the design review process for the recently constructed decks at the Vail Golf Course Townhouses. You may recall from previous work with the Town, that the Community Development Department requires that adjacent properties be notified for Planning and Environmental Commission agenda items. However, for Design Review Board items, there is no otficial public notice given to adjacenl property owners. The reason there is a difference between the two boards is because the Planning and Environmental Commission tends to dealwith requests that depart from the zoning code. I hope that the moditications made to the exterior of these units will be viewed as positive additions by your association. ff you woufd like to discuss this issue any further, please call me al479-2138. Sincerely, /,)r'rt-\ p*_dfr__( enoy i<nuots$ \ Town Planner ,t ). ,[ J], , l!;iJ1d/ (]ffi F+ttillDGE 303/476-1163 at Vail 8OO/PIC-VAIL ETMAY 27lEp ,(L Uay L2, L992 Ms. Kristin PritzDirector. Conmunity Development 75 South Frontage Roadvail, co 8L657 Dear Kristin: Upon a brief out of town vacation, I was much amazed to return and find new decks constructed at the Vail Golfcourse Tohtnhomes for Units #s and #e. Further investigation into the matter revealed that a letter was issued by Crossroads Real Estate that all adjacent property owners were notified and approved theproject. As an adjacent property owner, Fallridge was never contacted and no approval was given. since two of these decks are cornpleted, there is not much that can be done to rectify the approvalprocessi however, please take note that Fallridge needs to be notified on any future reguests for deck additions that have an impact on Fallridge. Sincerely, Fallridge Condorniniun Association ylc/cw Marta Cadmus, Manager 1650 East Vail Valley Drive.Vail, Colorado 81652. Managed by Brandess-Cadmus Real Estate, Inc. Project Application Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architecl, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Com menls: Design Review Board ,^," 4ful1z- Motion by:?"+ t+ Seconded by: D ISAPPROVAL Su mmary: E statt Approval oz ts =E uJI cr')(n ul UJu- =E uJc 4/-Sz/7 L"& -LzLL,1ed> 6l cnN t4z F) Hz ts.A z tO\rc\ lo ol .r4tv I F_) ntrl it *z6,v 9Aazt< UJF lfrIFto FlaEl=qrt _) =t;Ol"dilz-17 !:99 15 a;t:E l3 EgEi'{r iEEiNgl EiEEg--I(!O'-.:- (J v,.tr;o./'tr xo ggiiSl;n iggiii rr] F {r .if e.lc{ e E = UJo. z - UJ z () F UJ) uJ z t! =) 2 lu = UJ uJ lJ-z tr tu gJ 6- LIJ uJ z 6 UJo :F ro_ uJ {6- qz i14 x u,o U> IIJull! E = uJo- J F (J =oJ ao J E 6 UJ ul (9z6 =Jo- = () uJ: NOrrvnlvA 4. z Fl f.l O.{ g F] H Hu)z Yco3zzv tr ^ 6zq 5 :9c I oE66 EZ:.Oooa<JzX l!<oq iH6 s-R Z rN(J (\l (\l =>c fur =co I Il& t:Itli{ t: t? lHIF 14 l=lo lelF{ l= z tr lJ +tr o o- oEo uJo- F (o UJE Kt3 z E zo k lu t UJz Fzlz <oo<>[zaE xt!6o<z Fz >=-iF |l.r OBtrOI X X X X F o F z J ID z =a( o uJo ?l:-| .l zl .. >l uj uJ UJz F (r llJ J zI = UJ J CE a alJzYIIF z tr 5oz \cr) LOtr)OO ti F.r aozHE llj E U)oo-zo Fo- uJY IIJ @ oFlr- 5i =-{EulN ,,rI]=z >F) *,25orVIH Uur 2E !m! z .rPze 60 =zJOl! lL "dg =riA;H 6nn ts u,l lt ut z lIJ'o F E a 1FUJ-h= =c,o- LlJ>oOlr9o - IJJxo-x>Er-J ll. qJo or co Ec -9o E! 'E J E E 8 'Aoar f=6>Fl=E =t-=€ E =E,lrlo-zIF()f E,Fazo() .F rFt/)&iJ\ z a/) F.r{ t,rl 4Lnlo Fl BHJH'Id*5 lHltzH,tp<lrnf-l l(,tz F-i vi--J s- F4c)frl F]Fi E ii =zooA - , 4 ) UJ =4 UJ = Hu) z <n F\ OrNr) I\o F-.i' o. F1H tr tr uJG J Eo zH H Fz H =tr I.ir(\l .i z UJ = l!oz39 |rlrn (\,) I\o crlol z ri UJ J IL z3o F =tr o1 =.1 utl 1t <t>l ttl Y z1 =9l. = tr z uJ J IIo z3oF =tr ol =.1ol uJl 5l <l>l u-ol zl 3i alF uJ llJ t- LUz3 F.() uJ ='t' & <FE(Jr.! <zEUJF )E<oOF;s ;F-, z.T z ao ==) Y i i5 =3EE e. irg+E Oz )<o<, 9?.16 go +J.ttct4 (u =.('!-! @.t-, (U o-E (J q- +) r./) sl C! sss 3fl x x x X sss (n TU uJu- E uJc ., .ti- , ,..: o UJFoz z oJl Co .o o =zo !.1z3o utf F oz EJ UJo =I ot! co o Fz (c ulziol t!loi Hi F<lz th JIc.) = v, F'o c.) r =a x rC, g osl-F lt =F<1. l{J : -,1 <cit ci 0t o @ s)(o .9 (6\ .\F o h at 3.c oc o. o o- oEo O o) g :J d) o =l T' C) o 3 .9 o il:l'::: ;.9i .tt t!t 6at ^oio:ogc:o 2'.e): -! af lo vt[ jor ao1N 1'n)-c)3)o--F =O5.c -o 5- orc =oib =O:io-(5 !o ?6 =?D(a =.9 io a-5 uE P(5 oa)H};- (5 o ',(g. att !t'c 1! o)oc(oc'6' o.c'3.oF. (o :3. Eo o (o o a (! o .(6 E o o l't iEo r0) ' Ct) 'tg ,;;,i ri'.i' ;.1: . . d:. :9 6:-'= €) E8 .9o (Ei Ft6g' cs'-oo.!59 =il3'i:c9- o,. f tr' O-OoG.q)E eo .9';(s= E.G *G-- E, ES E6(DD o attietd - cL, 60',5aogo)(6E::3o(5 f;6(EE >,9oopaoEr-o -o otio:,oo .9tt!,.: (t q, o al| I' o,p o o, .9 l! E o -; E .l' (! u, D att is Io. o (! o (5 al' o)g Eo ! 't"N .-) i\ i.l a .:, 'ii\ .)-\/ \\ F Eltaoz ! :< TJIJ oz Jc 9 F() llj t! z (D J Iz Iot! ul z tr UJ ltl o =I llJ 6u,o F6 o- a! z uJ () x F u,ol U' uJ UJ LL = &, L! Fo =oJ l6 9EFc)q, |rI (,z l c 9z o UJ NOUVn'lvA tgHFIet-,: Eq = ; ;3sl f ur E CtSl = o "19=l.'MylEIol;.1z z tr-Z)o 9 0<l Q s g6il 8 9 of, 166 E*lF! flHI5q ?xliF gF gaaS g E) i*tug rro z F- {\ .E o I ul F u, z9F z tr trJ 3trtz tttltltl Ezlz9q <oo<o/ =Hoo<z (o tr1; 2= 3trOI 9I F F frhz o o - I-l l I F (-) F JI 5l 2l 2l .. >l ttl uJ UJzot tu o-) z Eo 0z F dl tTil l,l,ll l*,tl] .. u.lFJ!< CDE<d. kt LrJ t"'. (5 0-z.< J tr- e.OCLr- (4 o.dtrl ulEuJcz.o(J \ fc, 'D 'r\ \l'\ u) <n- :-o(, (9 l-o :z r+- = =L Z J1)a'r JP- o c.,F rr- J(! TIJ UJy=. l- !-a UJ d) P tr*'Fqt) tr:;!-L-, 'b $>\' -O- \dO s{o!,'tgs lujah; \Jzox z o9zetoo =z33(L l! fKlD u.r Ed.><s g4 o->z*E\t Es g E.^ SFxd;v att!0-iHP-F E .=!|J;cdE:t uJ >F- -J FE= H =85i fr:o > oi+8 b9I\ utELx a Ese r €tr= iur=o.r^IFI Et - l- EElrl o-zoF CJf,EFazo(J J 2g: ;Hg :F c4g trl =v, 0z J tr l d .,l Fot Yq) S tlJ e ii =z.o gJ v v = lrJ z S v,* gt = Vl s oc N lro I\o $. S tro ct tr o J =6 Iv,gI I F' =a c.) L g =Etr ,l =l:l ol 2.1 ol uJl.rl J ILqz =oF \o \o N CN u u F c oz cil! J a ]Lo23oF = G oi 7q rq 5a r!.qzIo '-' 4 llF c ol 7l ol url 5l al>l tr'lqz3q H =E lr- E UJz =o F EIo E -rO<FcouJ<ZEL!FOZo() <o(JF F? au+d5(J E(Jc)zts;() =<ze f,Fd5o 6F 33 E6 E cqb::-!E Oz J<c)o9,33antr 'l PIan Savlar Bated on tbe 1991 Uniforn Codes NAlilE: KALE DECK DATE: 5-23-92 ADDRESS:1710 SUNBURST DR. CONTRACTOR: RIPPY CONTRACTOR VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: NONE OCCUPAIICY: R-l ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STAI{EK CORRICIIONS REOUIRED Bbc Ltong lieted belor rr. not intendcd to bc r conpl.te lietingof ell poarLble codc rcguircnentg in tbc adopted codca. It is a gruidc to celccted ecctions of the codes. Tbe folloring ir aot to be constnrcd to bc cn approval of aay violatlon of, aay of, tbc pro- vieiong of tbe adopted codes oa any ordinance of tbe Torn of Vail . 1. SMOKE DETECTORS RSQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AS PER SEC.121O 1991 UBC. Nn['3.3]!z66f Z :;gEE:E' '.;1;! f;g:!6 ,' i E:;EE ; , ,iEg€:q tr .i;iE;E E; ;:Ec:g; EEiiEiE- g .-l.= lJ r_l c{tG o-o €t Eo E:tc-------E \C'\c) t\\\\ r!\\> ^\'\\\ Irf. Ns u,F c = -: rl =-t 4x 4. u a, [$lh:aa i+- I .Jl a\"-) \bd tr t'l I-.F-\:bfr-L inF \91 R_\ I F-{-E6-Ecro I I : E (Eo =t ? $ '.)x\ rl I J b -, ll rl- -\ -l I_LL llt) .-_. u)I-r\ \ft -i :1c/ tt \T .-l IJ$ ci \-XVl,^J a-7 I .-' I-5 \5:e V!oAiD\ t2 ,vo gx r6 l-fl I II oo r d(l (, ! x -lI \ t- *utJ u] s. Nh (- ---l -z*'\.'.\\ 6.:. +, oe to-) 7 o9 tun e.,r,v'oe'-/ 7_ \y ci,2 @^?3t4 zl 9l i 5t-; $13 zl JI B-l *l2-l =l{.1 MI*l-o vli $ lJ' Bls g c-) FI Hw -. ( c.{tr :.|g Iv aa b,, ko d.Z': rl - d, i; a": HE3O,E;,<::CE-il- 6F:2'g1/-\ ix\r, { xi, 3€ito- 6ctu7.L' 1:r ii. ,{ . ",ti1i E l.l* .,is Ea. ES#rJ Ll t\! ,a-,1 43 -,U u {- -$ I I I I I+u) A. t$ t--q bL\) :1 a\t:.0 {Tvg oJ A rn fF - E{ )Jq q x N /a rtt]q ?PO$=)t- S* $)R h lot$*.1-j[ f .At$d*id[ ) I I i \s T\]8.L{sS *B oz E =G uJo-.'f at r,lJ UJlr- F =g, IJJ(L @ttntl tqtr/ -+ I I I/.t t4 H ah 2 LruF o .Sr I-it Ilr'l < F--.oP otrlooz& JF1 gJ E F2z- ozz o UJFoz oz6Jl { o =z6 Gulz3o u,lIFo2 H H .A O{ z Fl c .9 EgoE 0tq €! 8fi aaE6.9'64't o.t.!ltcaa !Fi F,8rorI.cO 5ENO -of;cc :EFO eb,Eoo P5 E€oo Eo6ED ar .S:E :d6Eoo EJ =gsg tr o.c6t' sr .93>.!E d:gE6g'=Ogt g8E EEHg8Ec-o =!E c96'- clc EsE E E-sFOO gE; g=E- sEE t,'Po.**e 861EP b s E-€ EFE_ag -+'C6 0'-5ag gEE 36>96a ifE Egg -()6 c(q c C' c.l ca E-Eu, =oJ f a0 - UJ C)z I J () EFc,qJ Ju, z . J z uJ = UJ uJIIz tr ujG() uJ e, =llJ uJcz9 uto F oq- uJ ) |llJo x ulo J F1t-lB (t ul uJll- ==G I.T.Jo- J FoF (,z a! IE Fo UJ UJ o =6 = d J 9z o UJI NOrl'v 'lVA IE = ti> E l, - a - ll3 ur ,t l*= 6 ru lz #eOC =2Z Z tL|-o o 03 5 B = Frer; filr!< F fi #irq avH (\t (,F E zI F J l! rc rri o-foe(, uJ tr-.L IJJ J z Eo g z F- g UIFJ =uJz trzlzo<riEUI<oo< <lt2trxrrXA<z a trz 9?:ido3E ul = o uJzY iF 2 tr J oz g) 3 UJ oo ; Jl<l FI zl zl ,, >| uJ IJJ UJzo ts = uJc) zo =o n lql: l;":ll>og I I -$o(o(o DD ts =OE lrJo-zIFofE*- zo() z '"9zz60>zlfde (J()za 3b =uJco uJ EN ulF !,oo1zo Fo- UJY UJo oF ts E LlJL.+bt>-lo- .lO -:tlotlrgl Hu,bkzo t Eulo-lr E9E5€8gP '95gE dEE FE: =o-i 8bE irE ;T6. u{ €= H F rR \/€ g J Iz o, UJ, =ln lalF1 tgtcl\<' !J $q t3 Ilotz. i\J -J 1I- F z H3 |l qJ =zo -) tll U) trl Fl uJ- z \o )< ut -l = ?+ th an FJ H fr,. H 6 =Etr aa IJJtroo = o- zH & ts tsz F AH.1. =tr IttN oz qi ul CE) ttoz3oF V I\l u u F : =.1(, u4 :l <l>l ltl ol zl 3lolFI =tr oz o UJ J rtqz!o utJ uJF =c dz oulE Ja tloz3ots =e. Iot z.l ol uJl 5l <l>l ttl Yzl 3lolFI lrl JulF' E, IJJz3o Fo lrJ ETo E, E -.r O<FG(Jr!<zt!U Fazo o J I Fo LlJ) UJ I) Y 2"? 333Fd6 C) Iz .F () UJ = E) I 2 ) Eo E iluri !tv Fl-o2 o <offn=l o(o(o .tu ts U)oo?zo Fo-,uJIYlur lc0IPTF F >.E tu[ ._ttL o\lO o'l>-lo-{O -tlorlrgl HuJ2= ) Iz F{FIct.i "l zJ II Jto F J B z F1B ir l,,r.J =z cto-) @oo\o X uJ = trl Fr uJ z :r at> Fl H H tro =g u- qJ J o- ()z H Ll Fz 'l>lAIAI El Eq trl I.if N o UJ : >l l!i ol zl 3l 9lFl ra c]^ I c.,l uiJt!|-=tr o (9 UJ 5 >l ttlq zl 3loFI =c =tr d uJl >1 t!ol zl3oH oz rri UJj <l>l l!q zl 3l F UJ ujF T(), uJ =!llJz3o F llj =I -rO<FG() IrJ <zEUJF(rZ JE<oOF;()i#;F-, z.^-I oIO z = J 6F 13p5 =g E g, irg+8,FFOz<()qf J oozE 9b =uJ(D tJJE! 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Bldq B, Flllnq 3 Box 688 310- Ornerg l{ane: Charlee G. CaIe Addreee:Paclf1c Pallgadee CA Ph. 47L-A756 Archltect: H/A Addrese:Ph. General Deecrlptlon: Inetall Eacape l{lndow ln Exletlnq BedEsqn t{ork Clage: [ ]-l{er tXl-Alteratlon [ ]-Addltlonal t l-Repalr t l-Other Number of Drelllng Unlte; 4 l{umber of Accomodatlon Unltez @ Nunber and Type of FlreplaceB: Gae ApplianceE Gae Loge ifood/Pellet 1 ll+t+lllilll*;l*l*+rill+*lrrrr***rr\/ILUATIOI{Srr}r}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}r}}}r}r}r}rf BuILDING , ?m,O OTHER: t€OS PLUI{BIHG:TOTAL: *++.;;*;+rltr***ttrrlrr+rrrr}f,QIITRACTOR INFORITATIO|,1*rrr*rrrlllr*rlllllll****General Contractor: Rl.ppy Contractore, Inc. Town of ValI Reg. No. 124-8Addreee: P.O. Box 999. EdvardE. CO 81632 Phone Hunber: 926-3655 ELECTRICAL: IIEGHANICAL: Electrlcel Contractor : Addreag: Torn of ValI Reg. No. Phone Nurnber: Town of VaJ-I Reg. l{o. Phone l{umber: Town of ValI Reg. No. Phone Number: Plumbl.ng Contractor: Addreea: l'lechanlcal Contractor : Addreee: lllllrrllrl;lll'lltt'll;llllllrr;FOR OFFICE USE r r l r r l l l l i l + l * l; * ) * l * l * l r r r + r BUILDII{G PERI{IT FEE: PLUI{BIiIG PERIIIT FEE: I,TECHATIICAL PER}IIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: /z€ - BUTLDTNc PLAN cHEcK FEE: PLUI.IBIT{G PLAI.I CHECK FEE: }IECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREAT IOT{ FEE : AN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERI{IT FEES: vALUArroN.l BUILIDN6: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAII UP DEPOSIT REFUI{D TO: RIPPY CONTRACTOFS P.o. BOX 999 EDUARDS, 81632 6)o rl n c. tu I (ns(- g, s- 6.'l e} S \ UI r! Ddo $r I rtrliDIPtoIA t: I II I LO :;i;i: 'r] 4 vtl u LJF--) z. E'JLJLLJ li rlJJ IA o I J LrJ Lrlt!-(Jz-- CJ t!,l4 L5 z (A >< 2t-4.@ o T- I I I \\;ooq u) ''f Ifl-----l--ll il '-----J o -Fl -r...i 6'c)* r rf gn<:-pg I:.= -ru-l\: Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: CALE WINDOW DATE: 5-4-94 ADDRESS: 1710 SLJNBURST #5 CONTRACTOR: ROPPY CONTR VAIL,COLORADO ARCHITECT:NONE OCCLJPANCY: R-1 ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-1HR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTTONS REQI"ITRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all pmsible code requirernents in the adopted codes. It is a guide io selected sections of the cndes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vait. 1. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQIIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND HALLWAYS AS PER SEC.121O OF TIIE 199I UBC. 2. FrELD TNSPECTTON rS REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 3. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER MAy BE REQUIRED TO APPROVE Ari[y STRUCTUAL CHANGES BEFORE A FRAMING INSPECTION IS APPROVED BY TOV.