HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 4 TEXAS TOWNHOMES GENERAL LEGAL-1'lr- ?'--=(I s..s-q \ \\" \\ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT A. !i ( INSPECTION REQUEST, TOWN OF VAIL /-:b o* @ DATE HEADY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING I!-tr EXHAUST HOODS E CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR ROVED RECTIONS: tr DISAPPROV O REINSPECTION REQUIRED .lrtr{ INSPECT -/ /"Y" -T:,- {1 CHARI!S H. COVPE RTHII/A ITE PENDLETON 8 SABIAN. P. C. A|TORNEYS AND COUNSELORJ AT LAII( 5EVENTEENTH AND GRANT BUILDINC SUITE IOOO 3O3 EAST SEVENTEENTH AVENUE DEN!t R. COLOR-ADO 80203 6k TELEPHONE: (303) 839-1204 TELECOPIER: {3O3) 831-o786 T'0/X:9lO-931-O4O7 November 28, 1984 Mr. Joe Macy Vail Associates P. O. Box 7 Vail, CO 81658 Re: Texas Townhouse Association - Tract F-2 Dear Joe: Confirming our lengthy telephone conversation this morning, I enclose a suivey dated June 20, 1984 prepared by Eagle Valley Engineering & Surveying, Inc. under its job no. ?99 with which to giie you a pretty good idea of the situation we discussed' As I indicated to you, the Town is prepared to vacate that portion of Gore Creek Drive which is appurtenant to the Texas iownhouSes. Prior to doing so, however, they would \,tant assurances that (a) the area would be utilized for parking purposes only, (b) that appropriate easements l,itere in place and (c) that the property wii ii't the ownership of the Texas Townhouse Association, i C6fo.iao non-profit corporition which has been formed expressly for this purpose, In order to manage this, it-would be necessary for VaiI lssociates to deed the norihernmost slice of Tract F-2 to this Association. As you will note from the surveyr, I have. identified this small par-cel which clearly identifies that it is primarily part of the Texas Townhouse parking lot at present logether-witn a smal1 approximately 3 foot strip above the Pavement edle which would enable Lhe Associltion to have sPace for snow removal and so forth. pending a resolution of your negotiations with the Town concerning i.ne tennis court iisues along Chalet Road, I would greatly aipreciate your having Vail Associates consider an irnmeailte- Lon.reyance of this small portion of Tract F-2 so as to accommodate -the Asso"iation in ils objectives. As to whether or not this would necessitate the formatlon of a minor subdivision, I wilL take up that subject with Larry Eskwith. Page 2 November 28, t984 As I indicated to you, my clients feel that this entire Process has taken entirely too long, especially in view of the fact that their advice and consent with respect to the Golden Peak Redevelopment was given so long ago. I donrt believe we need go into the entire subject of representations that were made during this process, however, sufiice it to- say that I think everyone should cooPerate to get this parking matter resolved for the Association as quickly as possible. Accordingly, I would appreciate your reviewing the survey as soon as possiUte and letting me know if the senario presented above appears iatisfactory. If such is the case, I will inmediately instruct tLL surveyor to prepare a legal. description for the parcel to be conveyed. I appreciate your willingness to help and additionally for whatever assistance you can obtain from Bob Parker - CHC:do Enclosure cc: Peyton F. Perry Peter Patten Larry Eskwith Very truly yourst Charles H. Cowperthwaite PENDLETON 8 SABIAN, P. C. hs ^ot-t Tda'9 /€ otd VO ={iElE tg ->? ;3 -Y'o ulz3o rLo r!E F zIo [gl" *+hl; = o or lull!- x+, Ic (UFo 9=lEz z tL O|loooEl . 3; =gElH F g f;IE I F EEIE Jl<li-l z_l zl .. >lo uJo llJlltzaF E UJ z E o -a .,'.-l f oz E =tIuI I i } 1!F ooo-z Fo-lrlY lucl oF F E UJ o-bl>xlb5l9qlr-l H$J2E zo9 =eoo =z O- lJ- EEia;3 = uJ o. ll- f. LIJEO2ZE<ctf60 B9rrL Ed => =ut-E E=l, dtr: >o E oo9 iurc xo-t x>t q- o-iti ttt @ oF -D - ts =E lrJ o-zoF(JfEFozo(J ntrtr =J lt an.p g = a^(u U'5 o(J !(u (u+Fo I I "l=.1olurl 5l ?l>l :lolFI = =Etr -l $ll*l olzl ol 5|>I |rIol zl 3lolFI rdo LP(J (U lrl Pg:- tr 5l ol =.1ot uJltrl JI <l>l l!lol zl FI I c;l =.1 IJJI 5l q 6l Fl i: E(Joz, t- =f1Z!r- o IJJLr E -.r O<F uJ<zE o EF() uJ E z T (J UJ = E,i = \rztrtrD E d(\| lr,z.Do?N.. '-E i^i q -ahq Bb tt zlr, lrJ .1, l!J(9a<>J =>ZJ3-2> r..O0,ZOoO0N t\ ib! t>'--C".t>?a lr.3a- t ?= t.-g ! GC aazt lca.'-a -. :.. '. .Ctr.,?,EE .. -. a ='!fr' --. : .j ,-.[: '. -.c.--L ::- l: a-a .. ':- ,...::- .? -:. ,'c ge r GVOE I3'IVHf, or ra t?) --'idE_-__.__._ =];*-\-*.:.- '- .. .l <t ,4g/B- ,N '^|l'6,Jt z ? II -;i-' ,-"- -//r' /l:,h ,Y, 't t'S'oLrFOa G€ J /-2 fld,Fe?e E€Jo,"'i Ea?J} Y qJ Ir,q Io a I ciz tr =G 5; \r <> aN o IJJ uJl! = Et!o. (r' lt,1,5 7, nt!, 'tf '/ t"'(l tgJ - l+l! z J IJJ o e,o|- F == zza) o uJF z oz 6! .d =z t! Itlo =I lr F Fz o o llJz3orc u- uldz-'? EvfulFI<F4oYZ.t< i;s gc Efg:ri E$Efg FEip! iiEc; iE:s€tg.iEe€' $E;ei :$;:t igEigco'-!--c= c) U) q sg;ri E siEE sfiE;F iE$;E c .,) ,:l) L') ts = IJJ z J 6 Y() UJ z o- J I FouJJ uJ z 6 :E Jo 2 c) uJE ulqJ l!z tr lu o uJ 3 UJ u,le.z 6ql F .Doo- uJo o- z ujJ x F uto tt uJ IIJlf, L =E uJ o- J FoF z6! to 9 F uJJ |lJ zo = z !. qJ = NO[Vn]VA .<U*,pr6 6€F^08'3A =pooA<z >- oa,8 I ^rh,hf ?FR E:E #dN(, N tP F,' F F., H zo F J ll. uJ F c)Oc{ E- o- UJ e. z Eo z tr uJ 3 uJz tltltltlg) Ezlz9!? <oo< =s>ar xrL6o<z v,Lz. 9z 'i F- ru- 63tr ull = .r u,lzY =F z F Jl U)z f 3 !ut IL (f o 3 o o zl Fl F!) <lfl' zl .. >lo uJ uJ uJzoF 2 UJ(L az E z 6 s I d co :': tuFo- @o-z )'o. G'ulY uJdl o F = EutI ILo (L oo I uiFoz rf cr) 6 IJJF o z .r9z.eoo =zf= (L tJ- =f::ii() dd= t E uJ IL i, ulto2zE<ctf6 attteB9!a .=t :a =>.EIF5 E=., dtrE >o-r Eb9 itrE XO-t x>(B=Fo.io-jrrE UJooF t I !tr! 6 e s I z J lJ- q .{J : I I <l- (h IrFrF;r'h it- I It.lo ICJua^ll r- EI '.Jol >dc<l (!J J.>><tr =o !O Ior =.1ol uJl 5l <l>lttlol zl 3lolFI rl ol Hl Jl alilol zl;lolFI I II .Iol =.1ol uJl 1l <l>l aLlol >t _Jot Lu I I Il"I' I I Ilr\ulEIol sJ E() >l tJ-lol zl fl F zo Eir (JZ E <F(tsC)uJ<z.EUJFt.1 Z J oaF ul J uJ E(,o -l =#]F4ZrLo <()qH F =Elrlo-zIFo E,Fazo(J I I L trtr! t!Jul U' =I N .Eo tulz =o t!o ul cElF zo at z 5s E9tno1>!.? o\)zl!<og --6t()FO..iGi zl .. >l llJ uJ llJz u)t uJ z E F o Fo z F(t, z(,9zeoo =z dP :f;* ;Hg =: .E uJo- t!ouloz )oL I cro- JFul :-h=dtr>o-O|!9oiuJio-x>ut' J t! uJdtoF Eo Eg o o EE .E 5 E Eoo i\o lar- ol>trf=E -El:o:! l- 'e) u/ -co >z o,-)ntrn at jvtr 4X A Hol CII = 5 1UI =4 cil z.l (5l uIl 5l 3l 3 ,d $l '.1ot =.1olutl 1l :lol zl 3l9lFI I dl =lol Hl JI al>l Il|ol =lolH 4ltt =tr I J fl,=tr <FcouJ<ZE, uJ F(42o C) 9F E3f,Fd6 c) oEt;gx+EFt-o2 oo !ntr E'.re.+.-\sG\\:FS r.r*S\3=-!'=Lxs tS R+ Sq Ar's\\s\s dF *-)ou- =h*\*g -=ij$.:*:s*=. '+- \:tlbF\ -3^r a R \€E\ Ee- tsg$-e\ ?ssc o o r4 tpsNc "itg b xi\ *\ NR *R sRB $>.5e G*>- €-\N=\* WA \.rs:s= *,}l;t=, _sr.< F\Rq sR\. q$q\ ,*sq* :xSe. rssrr_ gls o t\p o g C ,"#"toN REeuEsr DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROU*O -. tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n 199.1-&-s-H.qFB...- tr cAS prprNc- PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trn tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED DATE INSPECTOR I I oz E =E uJo-c( .J) IJJ uJll- E = UJ al- / weblwld) -t.€€Ql +,, I I I I I ItlJIF do CA rl -l 9 I I I I t_,, J(J orE H5 +.l(9uaz u,l o F F z 6 oz ollJt-oz oz :f, t0 .5 z_ CEutz =o o< \: [t b< lr-J UJo = rl. oFo z o go G ,()ao. F\ o Et\ () (,) (Ur\ .= \l olv E oEoo o) E E..ot 'E !- pl3 >-o= cto.adrF =z.:< .9 aDq) E g; @ o '.4 .aE o o ct) .scoN -o ; F o o = G o oJ o .2 E f.o (5 g; '(5 o?.:(u'=O('' sbE 3:fr EsEFrc c-o I;ga .='; >= c96 35;_F > EE.'>oo --i: o Eip .E= E o-6 0. sEE oe O-E*e E6:e: EOG: EfE eqC(60- 5 a-g E'€;-Eit =5>o 6= *6F616hte9E o eEg -o(! rn N \o <n E =Gu,(! <5zo -J dl :< C) UJ C)z J 9 UJJ UJ z fJ(L C)z ollJ tullJt!z tr uJ o UJ 3I uJezo6 uJo F t! l z J tuo (n UJui t-L F =E uJ ) -oF z l 9 F uJJ uJ z co = J Iz Io uJ = NOllVfilrlV l(u t+,ti tnrrpol(!.! l+.1N lrr)c.t lE x.6+{ ;3z z !-r4 tr ^ A zo0 ====rlFVUire66 AqZ : (.)-roo9'xQ z :0,t!<3i 3so H [o-xza' -i uJ c.li (v (*r'. >E -- t. lot) IE lu?r'fr IXl' l$ lsI' lolo lf; l"It{ lrdld ICJ l"|q z tr) q q l UJ(L if t! Lr,lc z E z =k uJ 3qJz I1liltl =zlz <(Jo< >(rPrr-6o<z =z >.-iF to3trOI -tl a L!|tt[: u,ll- (! UJz C) IF z F)laz ooo3o I __l l I I F q 5 )l<ltrl zl z ulo uJ uJzo tr l! o- J z E o z Fa c} I I+ Il I I ,lil <lt!l l--] "l:l IJJ Iol O cr) (! UJ E(noo-z Fo. UJV uJdl F tr rY(r)ul olo-o\ ttlo-l>-lolOoloElt-l F (r uJ o IIJ z aL F CC uJ -h= d r.!>(L 9o\uJx(Lx>fiF J ; uJ F o E oo ott =E Eot) o ts =E.lrlo-z9Fofe,Fazo C) H$r:^F\Jzo z o=ze =z al LL ,o I tO +Jixia'tz\=r9zd-;6 =tSlpdd=* \ zl oltuttrl JI <l>l trlol zl d I .lol =.1ol uJl 5l <l>l rr-Iol il cOl rJrFI F ',lrl\Tl(\l "l=.1ol "'l il :lolFI 60 'F{rlt 4 = l! =.1ol uJl 1l al>l ttlol FI I o CJ lro a F{ rop{ F() {,IJ o.r'l C\ o UJ oo = oo b F U)($ X ruH ui =z -) IJ$ o[(! rl r-l FI 'F{$ E, F zoo z T() uJ = th =o2 F C) Fz ) o Fo UJ) lIJ ooz* =tr4Zr.r- oo e <F(r()uJ<zt (1 Zo(J <c)on:o ENT ul E U'd!o? z Fo UJY uJ co oF tr FE tLlo-l>=lo-lO q,lo5ll''lgurbEzo t u.l o-t! +, l!69E<cLfoy2E2B9vEc cdt!-FJ|-E H=q "i EeEuJ: >o--Ou-E 9oE iHr x>6i:ir-o.-9=artr u, d) F -t!!t ts =E lrJ o-zo F(J &,Fazo() z(,9z& coo =zf,:)JO(L LL .O nnnS IJ J d.E E*?$arF; ;HS arD v oz b =E, UJI ll,llIF doo\ rlrnI 5 I I I t-., ,rdoa,E HbrJ(,?hz :fiE:e X :E.Ei!' { =gelil$; E!EiN o:El 15o?i o.Y' tr!:s3€s lg E 8 F ,; E l: EgEgaIg EEEgE :9E3d * "rE; Eei E f;; EE: E EiEEE gEiEgE -L€€ zl .. >lo lrJ UJt!z thF t! ) z E =>E zIF^ z>-ooQZtr- <oq x'(J-oFO .;Gi lEltrJl.li li'H l.ll'l;. Hli.n l(d la)o lrj IN IO IO: [5]'" lc':< .lEc{ l(tl 93 t'z [lr | 'oo loa6 zb0 lo = 3Flft" o-+r lc E0? lo(Jr'r I(/)X IH5" l{l?0, lo, sB l"zE frt WIF I II I.il z) olrul 5l =l alr |ltllltlI c;ltlllol| -uJlt*llil la tltttltltll"lt1llolI urlldltJlt<ll>lI |rlloltzl!3tqotEFI tl _l q trt .l''{ | Ol||l zl st!l lbl dfl I Il" l" I JfldCIct{1ats =()tr olrJldlolctl6lcolql Ei!l rlo) NI Hcol a,t> ull ttYlod r-{ddc] a<l J<F =(J OJ E Bo Fr @o X 0, u; =z -t +,.s ru d E irg -!EFFoz Fo tFzoc) E(9ozt- =s)zo-O c) <oc)F =a)FS s2F-z6o o Fzo .() J UJz tU(, F uJ F. ToE J<c).,Lg3 oz ts =Eulo- I l_ .Ft<ro I I I I l*.oIFt< l6z r=to lolz ItllIF (7lo o\ tl -l ! I I I t__, Jdootr *b !t:9 : 15ori l!.:' tuJ1g€$s lgIsEaF l; €t ei* lEF J c ; o lf: E qE.g:e lE iEigN iEeiffi FE;ei r*ig; 9;(!6E;EFE€ GsegH3 e( E;E:E:3Esd(!o-i- ,, :;'e; Eaf iiEiEE !Eg;E +€€ rl<l FI zl zl .. >l UJ lLl ll,lzoF u, o-) z Eoo t:lEl. li lE'= [Ell> c tr lii = ; ; Hlbi u.r .t lB l" = (D <v l€ lrn 6t-{ I dg3I' z z u-tt | ^ooolr')tr - A zoolal H ; = FEE-v, 6 ACq loe, Erlrt!< F i E813- 5 frHlg-i N q;16 O CD t-(o r! I i j uJ trooo?zo F uJv UJdl oFt ir c7)al c'\o-9u-|o-l>:lo.lO q,loslt 'il tr t! UJoz oat F Cr JFtlJ -li> (L LIJ>o-Ol!oo \luxo-:>IJF llj J I UJ o c Q' Ect -9o ott .:g 5 B Eo|) o ts =E,ul o-zo Fo g,F(nzo(J gu,bkzo z o9 2.4.dro =zt3(IL E r-r r_r r-r(!LJLJrlp 4J .i3*:J Y ;.i-uZU #5S I I I ?l El JI <t>l rLlol 5l sol utFI F. Itl tlt9 t,ltolI r.rjlI aEllrll<ltil d3 tltltllttlI .;llllt(9lI ujllcltJlt<ll>l t5ltzl =l 3l HPI zl ol :l u-lq zl 3lolFI ll | "ll ^"1 rl 'il tl5l cildl lul Hl 3| I tr.lloltzl Fl pl IqJl ]J ItrlolEI 3l ql d.Ft I>l !?*l €NI }T@l q, It89U'Ymrldctoto{ci><=E() o a.) o B H o.! Xots u; =z -) El rrlol 0rl bqql11l :l'6 oz =tr t-E irg+EFFoz ot-o Fz () z _t_ Lu = oz ; JE<o()F F? \2 o J UJz LU Fo UJ ETUJz = <cio9.16nD! clslE I s S Clgl# : : .rlf; - - !l !>l co ===tLo ootr - 6zi e =Eo0EZt-(,8s Alr< ,.,=aE(,F.iq a<N(, zl ,. >lo UJ UJgJzo E =cc uJ J zo F 6o oz to =J n ozoJ to E ts = H l!oEUE3€frE9Ire '9Ed =>E dEF FE.; :4- O1rE oo9 iruE XO-E EF €= UJoo &o\ Lr"l =,.ialglr f;il -l EI 3 u,F o uJ ts U' @o.? zo Fr uJY to o F E =IEll,4l!o Ioo I UJFoz ts =E,trjo-zoF C)f,EFazo C) t z 9F oz olt sg $E jf, iqI r-l| -.{ l!o=Jlt o o) "cc Fo E{ od X c) Er ii =z loo olr-+lrnCl^oloEl'-lol(n(nl: dl a --r I o>l oIE.{ | l.{c!l O@l >fr,Flo€?J*gE A F $ilg lrqlql gJ j el 5l fluI Eu,z =o Fo IJJ o E:o<FE(t r.rJ <ZEr!F art z-o1. JE 6P =()i<tiEi:i F u,oo gE 3Ed6o 3E =3g6 Eosb =+Eo2 o() icr sg 7/:<:(,,l 6t3o T NUMBER OF PROJECT ,"-l t)I t-'JOB NAME INSPECTION: MON IUES WED THUR FRI CTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAIL -i *t t,n(7t tt-4t- t'l71'yV \ CALLER ,''r,ut'll-t Ct,l' i,i.r,'ti:,r2, (s6€ {tJe ; PErNs PERMI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: AM ,Pil t I I ?> {," t,,nt ( t u it i),a ,,( D FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H, TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL/\/n< It$fr/4 n tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER .. MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL rd RppRoveo CORRECTIONS: I tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED '' .')DATE /INSPECTOR oO ffi.at"l-dt ctr-l-r- (t e*-e-L *wa.* U brrt LWDn6i'a-.= _{.r :r.i,:i{rfi:: oO ) i & .F rF- ftl*,9 Vat .{rro'*,tnl 7n 78 -/): Lc q3 ci. -1,5n qc sg- dr \ uno-t1i?n4 3 Y $,\\J qJ pt ( \ 3 QS a4 rMff; -l*!ti)iu"^ 'Jl't sidt-erlltac ctt -ot'. . t r .tmu# /bul- ftttt\trttr . &tp/<1d-- /'=2D' DESIGN REVII]W BOARD DATE OT MEETING MEMBERS PRESEI.IT: SECONDED AGAINST SUBJECT: t)r, ACTION TAKEN MOTION: VOTE:FOR: APPROVED: ll$r 1' .1'.' =-1#.t .: I 'l: ' DESIGN REVIEW BOARD DATE OF ; MEMBERS SUBJECT: ACTION TAKEN MEETING BY BOARD: MOTION: VOTE:FOR: 4l SECONDED BY AGAINST APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: ffi t( ,j I APPROVED: SUMMARY: DISAPPROVED:aa-J/a4,,/nAf7 t1\- ffi aargh DATE OF MEETLNG Q..-.,.. i.Zrf.z,<-(-.,. MEMBERS PRESEI{T:€' .* ,e ,?.o4"qL-r r2,,.-. SUBJECT ACTION TAKEN APPROVED: DESIGN REVIEW BOABD o t t')'/MoTroN: ((',, ln , SECONDED By .4/;,,larz VOTE: FOR:AGAINST ,12/-t4:' DISAPPBOVED: SUMMARYI ci.> ts al tr 2 ot + ==Gl!4 oulE !,1 z |lr 2 oFz uJ Eulq ul o F gJ G Eoo tt ul G FoJ J FoF UJ G EooJlt J FoF t a: =fi -= lrl olr€O -=, I -=oEl!-- r.-f o e tr Er :rszva/ o( E8 EI\,''rr1pr l Lllrc EE; E8? fiEn 222<azelEFpo<oonz5E'ijE9?6'9o{ Fo<o>,ssEfi <. ' ; t E H &l2vE A F..AttIto (9z o o iIAlttlo E Aulc 2o F oo GulFJ =ulz 6I , c,,r' ul- 2 Eo zo F u J tt urF o \ oU' uJ oo J-- Gt =-ta (>\ * N \J ur =oz,.o-u zo Ftlga=.oFEQtt =>xo:2bfH3tt ;Gl zcoItto 2o F EE ull|lo _4. oo ST(lP fl masorunv fl wanm ArR FURNAcE E pluMetNc E elecrnrc wrRING Building Inspectors;Ec, fu/ 4,6F, 0RI TOWN OF VAIL. COLORADO OFFICE OF BUILDING OFFICIAL NOT I C E THIS BUILDING Has Been Inspected, and -! cerueRnl coNsrRucrroN ! corucnrre IS N(|T ACCEPTEI) NorE: ft)c,t, Js--fu f6/atum'ea_2/\) i(r c pX{frir'L-A, ,?--fuJfto&<rcyu E cas FrrnNG AND vENTTNG E *o BUTLDING pERMrr Ilo Not Remove This Notice ! ,2 \- \-, \- E E IF-l b=z-,Oe -l9< lll 3,I a -t t-nt- m n- m m n mz-{ D ;zo lTl r,<>F>3!!rtl{;o> ',- <O F>'=- > o>: :A:;tr:isi<^-z oo>"' Q>o ii>5F-2zzzUz-!:;>-2i".ou6us E*TEE 2 '')1a> );7{z;:> )l !'r5;- !.1 > =F: iE; z ,l c d7 o z 'l o Fl -t m z rn |n of€:;r 2 r- z nt- m Ni o< CFI>;z^ <Ya6 : z 9> o .,z-= NN ('O 5r VALUATION lNspEcaoN REcoRD O phone 476-2310 O",, F.RM rs ro BE posrED oN JoB i (For Department Use Only) 24 hour! ldvance notice requtr.d tor In.pocttonr slTE AND ACcEssIBLE To INSPECTOR I on REO. INSP. SPECIAL INSPECTOR APPBOVAL DATE COMMENTS / LOCATION SIGNATURE Iz 6J f @ SETBACK FOOTING t/ FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING STEEL STEEL STEEL FOUNDATION WALL FOUNDATION YYALL FOUNDATION WALL FOUNDATION WALL FBAME t/ FOOFING FOOM VENTILATION FIREPLACES WALL COVERING (INTI ) 4t 74<\ FINAL '/q-/2 t'A Iz F ItlI APPLIANCE SYSTEM / FINAL 02 6-fJ'A TYATER SUPPLY & OIST. DRAIN & WASTE VENTING STANDPIPES AUTO. SPRINKLER SYSTEM FINAL 9 GFoul J ||l SENVICE ENTRANCE ROUGH ROUGH ROUGH FINAL CORRECTION OBDER LEFT SIOP OROER ISSUED:RELEASEO: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ISSUED L.REMARKS: NOTE: rxrs caRD ts ro BE BETURNED To rHE BLoG. oEpr. AFTEF ALL REoUtFED tNspEcrtoNs HAVE BEEN MADE TO AUTHOFIZE ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. -let - -, etr?l =l- E sl- g z o ! m! 3 I { i{ b tA {.- Dt tt e S $ {o-{ r.ltroo! D, |ll D io{ F-o Dt m D l!t-oot ttn D, DIo n DoIll3nz-{vt I D2om czoo m m F EI o€ aD ;!l f, f,I{tr GI E' }: d z z q 'lntrl 'tF: E :-l .t |l! o'tloo2o tcoIo = = \J ;, nrIoc! Dzo o,oc! 9>Soo6ozo rm N1l srO 5E It |n eD!I2x-mtu, z9 1l tr szoc2{o, zn : 7 tn, -t o 1 C'I{ o =tm! , lll|- |no c2 i Ittl 6 -{ =1t-{ !- z o-mo ^.ll mmv, nn vt :'l-oDIz G' olltt v,:r ! t azo >E t{ @ Ful{ !i z Itl il 3 tr ( E Iz C' z z tivt z q, >Figl o INSPECTION TOWN OF FIEBUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! ornen MON COMMENTS: FRITUE ! pnnrrnu. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR AM PM E appRovED florsnppRovED f] uporrr rHE FoLrowrNG coRRECnoNS: CORRECTIONS fl nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR o N* )(, t4 ra D*. L* :L:T Ltn Y.h/* t*ell'T;yj t-v+4X.--r--'- _T-. 0 ,tU**fr"pJ -Je-^? "*n1 ffiT ': %wT-n" /"Jry/)lv% /p"0U"7*#! 1/. fr. ,, n,4. LING.clLIVEFI.Cl'EII'VYEFt ELECTFIIC, INC. THOMAS A. O OWYER, Ch€irrnan of lhe Eoa.d Chief Exccurlve Offk.f /u.'Novernber 22, I976 Mr. Kent R. Rose, P. E., Director Departrnent of Public Works Box 100 VaiI, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Rose: I have just had a rnost inforrnative convergation with Diana Toughill in your office regarding the leasing of right-of-way in front of the Texas Townhouses. I own, or control, three of the 16 condominiums in this building - these being upper and lower 8 and upper 7, and arn extrernely interested in supporting this approach. I appreciate you taking the initiative to inforrn all the owners and, as mentioned to Diana, Iwill be happy to assiet in whatever way is nece ssary in getting thern all togethe r. By copy of this letter to Clay Freernan and Randy Schachtili (tenant - lower 7), I arn notifying them of rny intent. I have asked Diana to forward me a list of townhouse ownera and will ask Clay and Randy to keep me informed on future developrnents. Trusting you and yours will have a pleasant holiday season, I will continue to think rrsnowrr. c"' _ls' yours very truly, ^_/h /.._=) n(%'/M ( //"'z--*'-tt=- /\---l- Thornas A. OrDwver C) l/.- THIS LEASE, made by and between the TOWN OF LEASE n this rJL' day of VAIL (hereinafter use said pro- :h/o-- , of,-n''/'< r'tz'tu referred to asJL^ o o.t,.tt.s of l*r-o "Tostn"), a Qolorado Home-Rule Municipality, and. \{&Itr+R*t1bS t>,oL-.r, -tr:i q- 9.^ o-[klc 6..r- C*ctl< T:-- l^-,^535 ON and V*J+4RIJ&S4IIAIET (hereinafter referred to as ,'*E€#r,), of vail , col0rado; WIT}IESSETH: WHEREAS, the Town owns certain property known as Gore Creek Drive lying easterly from Gore Creek Road; WHEREAS, said property is adjacent to the real pro- ' h c..r>r L.'-; -tperty owned by the As.e,ee,ia+isns and is located southerly thereof; 'l-o .^, .r (*.-r* WHEREAS, the Asseej^a*j=ens desire to perty for. autlrmobile parking purposes; and WHEREAS, the Town Council is of the opinion that the |.u.,- L-..,use of its property by the Ae.s€€i,a+isls would be in the public interest upon certain conditions; NOI{' THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, covenants, and agreements herein contained, the parties agree as follows: T)...-, L.^.tr(1) The Town hereby leases to the .i\eseei€+jsns, for t.he purposes herein stated ancl the conditions imposed, the real property described on Exhibit 'A' attached hereto (which by this reference becomes a part hereof) shown on Exhibit "A" as the shaded area, and which hereafter is referred to as the "premises". The term of this Lease shall commence on the date of this Lease agreement and terminate on April 30 | L977 . Tb...r rr \c_rc !(2') The Ls€crqi?tii€ns, on their behalf and their successors or assigns, hereby agree to pay a rental fee of 91.00, and further: (a) To improve and use said leased. premises for parking purposes onJ.y in accordance with the plans submitted to and approved by the Design Ql+.^s., %.^r*r j LIjAStr ' Page 2 Revicw B-oard and Public Vlorks Department of the Townt (b) To maintain said premises, including snow removal and supervision of the parking of autonobiles on the premises; (c) To post any reguired signs or warnings to advise the public that the premises are for restricted parking 9nlyi (d) To use said parking for automobiles only, and any automobile parked thereon must bear valid license plates and be in operable condition; (e) To maintain the premises in a neat and clean condition and not to allow trash, junked or disabled vehicles or other unsightly conditions to exist thereoni (f) To construct at their expense al'l funprove- ments, landscaping or structures necessary to enforce the terms of this Lease. (3) The parties agree specifically that this Lease is subject to the right of ingress and egress to the A11 Sea- sons condominium property and further that Gore creek Drive may be blockad.ed. to all vehicular traffic at the easterly end of the premises. (4) This Lease may be terminated by either party by giving to the other party written notice of termination no later than I0 days prior to the date of termination. h''l at'- a'QJ- r' - (5) Failure on the part of e*€hcrrcr-.tctt8+f the II .r),:t ^.t t-r1.{at A€f€c.j-a*,$#€. to abide by the terms of this Lease shalt consti- tute a default and shall automatically terminate this Lease and the tenancy hereby created. Upon the election of tf P?- -L.-L---,A-t rrR +t> t t-r ,-'Jr'iqt Ti;*r written notice of said default shall be sent to the Ab€€ei-a{ri€nsf the mailing of the in the notice. If provided, this and they shall have 10 days from the date of notice to cure the said default as specified JA-L* is -of 'r4'<Athe A€€osittii€ar€ fail !e curc sai'q clefault as LUASE Page 3 Lease ehall be considered null and void, and it shall be con- clusively presumed that possession has been returned to the Tovm, and the Town shall have the right and priviJ-ege to go upon the leased property without intereference from the (6) This Lease may be renewed following the term hereof and in accordance with all the provisions hereof. l7't rf the Lease hereunder is terminated by the ?.-r*lL.l-.1l"s€€e'i€*i€ns !h paragraph (4), or bY default as provided par aph or\he term hereof is not extended, the As€e'e"iaf,ions agr them, at their expen rovements constructed bYto Said r at dnatt occur within 30 daYs of termination, an|/it the At€osiafioy's faiL to remove said improvements,Town may do so (!dt sfratf not be reguired to), and the Asee'e:iarl*ons agree to the cost thereof. (8) The Aeaciatsieis agree to assume and to hold the Town harmless from any and all actions, claims, damages or causes of actions from their use or occupation of the leased premises. (9) The provisions of this Lease shall be binding upon the parties hereto and upon their respective successors or assigns. EXECUTED on the day and year first above written. LESSOR TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO "Jffi*,)-' forffi-Ti3rT LESSEES ST a-f rt- 6.-- C"-k CffiON i...--\'-.^t l, lo Y firr+ |*p6.To'^'-F trlRrrr?^f P.^,{y S.t, - .&{:ti By: *!ilfr{r: $--.^r11 I "'"'l' ,, . 'ecginrrirrrl aL ;r lrrli11[ an,,rr,,,,,,Q,.,,,-. E1'111-r.p I in,r oI c,,r,, Crccklurl ancl Corc Crrrlk l)r.ivr: as pluLLcd on lltr: Subdivi:iorr VAIL Vll.lA(,1., f ll lll Ill. ltl0, in !t'ction B, Trrvrr,lrip li ',rrrrt.[, Range tlO l/est of the 6th Principal Mcridian, Ear;le Corrnty, Ccrlorado; tlrcncc cast{-,rly alonq the center.l inc of (iore Creck Dirve a d ir;tance of 34.01 tcet to Lhe IRtJL lr0llll- 0lj t.,1.{;ii{l,l til(i; tltctrcc sout,hcl';t,crly along i;a id ccntcr line on a curvc to thr: right h.rvirrg a rarl iu:; rrf 1Zil .13feet, an interfor angle of 42038'00" a distancc of 95.34 fee-t; lhence continuing southeasterl.l along said center Iine a distance of 250.00 feet to in poinl in-thb center of the forty,-foot - right-of-way of Gore Creek Drive; which courses describe the centerline of a forty foot wjdeparcel containing 138l3.60 square feet of 0.3.|71 acres, more or less. fi,rt* &/v ,/ uti,g,Q. b:gL:f v- 32'qL fl-cr.M g VALL vil+A&L .:FrU F1UUCT -tPnq' A VA|l- VlLu.qaflrfi flLtilfr rfF'o u I -'> .- dl Y,+d. 1;e^ A"P.t- 'J"os'+t" 1'O. c|O' A.1 "o' .Alr'i L. P-=L,tsr)\').r $ 1;'45 t-4' tbt.qq' th. x7' a" '- !C oo' R = dlo.Oo L- B-1.,?O' oO" 2+'oo'oo'610.@' 51.10' A,. ?-.-- L. (f 6"3€)1t'ji' R ,lo'b,\1 L-- tot'.{l' ffike#r-Y \.\-\ -----.--* /o;\ '/> a box lfi) vail. colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 TO THE OI,INERS OF TEXAS T}IIHOUSES: The Condominium Association for Vai'l Tra'ils East and the Town of Vail close Gore Creek Drive between Gore Road and lease the road right-of-way to them for use buildings, 0n November 9, the Town Council agreed to office of the town managar November 15, '1 976 West have requested that Creek Road and Chalet as parking for the two lease the street right- of-way on an experimental basis through Aprjl 30, 1977. l,le feel a similar lease could be approved for the right-of-way from Chalet Road east to the end of Gore Creek Dirve for lease to the owners of the Texas Townhouses. By closing this portion of Gore Creek Drive, a long-standing parking problem could be resolved, as the lease arrangement would allow owners to control the use of their private parking through ticketing by the Va'i] Po'lice. Snow plowing would become the responsibility of the owners. The Town of Vail suggests that the owners of the Texas Townhouse units get together and pursue the proposed lease for parking. If the scheme works during the lease period th'is winter, the Town will consider a permanent vacation of Gore Creek Drive as indicated on the enclosed map. If you have any questions, p'lease contact either Diana Toughil'l or myself. Sincerely, DEPARTMENT OF KRR/J K enc'losure Di rector Beginning at a point common [he c"nt"" line of Gore Creek ila una Gore Creek Drive as-ptatt6d on tfie Subdivision VAIL VILLAGE, FIFTH FILING! in Section 8' Township 5 South, Ranbe 80 West of the 6th Principal Meridjan, Eagle County, Colorado; thence easterly_a1ong the center'line of Gore Creek Djive a distance of gq.Ot feet to the TRUE P0INT 0F BEGINNINGi itrence southeasterly along said center line on a curve to the right having a radius of 128.13 feet, an interior airgle oi 4203&'00" a distance of 95.34 feet; thence continu'ing southeasterly aiong iiia center liie a distanci of 250.00 feet to in point in the center of the forty-foot righl-of-way of Gore Creek Drive; which courses describb the center]ine of a forty foot wide paicel containing 13813.60 squire feet of 0.3.|71 acres' more or 'less. TFAcf A VAll- VltJACre rft-rT nuNfr / a A' '1'o3'4r' P'" lb. oo' L'' a,1o' VAIL fl-*V vt44tGrg \ FlFTtl HUU6 {w L' P-=L, t#14' Ird.qq' L5.av' 7\zE"@" L. I 4tJ". !C oo' qo.oo ?-1.1c' L, n- oo:0o: L -- qo"@' 'S:, r:gufv"z,qL € :Ag* a,3;€)7'ft P-.los.16. L'teb.4l' .ffiKi#r-Y W fi L' 51'1o' '/) TO TiM. TOWN COUNCTT, OF Attn: Diana Toughill The representatives of propose that the Town nent (under Section 5 uee of East Gore Creek for parking purposes. TOWN OF VAI]-,I the Texas To*nhot "gs would like to of VaiilFenew the 19?6-?? Iease agree- of said lease agreement), covering the Drive, adjacent to the Texas Townhousesr The effective date would be upon acceptance by the Town of Vail; and to continue until April 30, I9?8, November 21, t97Q 664,,,,,,Randfchachtili Schachtlli ) LI'ASE THIS L,EASE, marle this day of Decemberr , I97 6 , by and betr.reen thc TOF.'}{ ,)F. VAIL (her:ei_nafter referrcd to as "Town"), a Coloya,1o llonlc-Rule I'lunicipality, and the owners of TEXAS TOI^II.iHOUSES t;r vly7a GORE CREEK TOI^II.IHOUSES (hercinafl-er referred to as "Toivnhouses " ) r of Vail, Colorado; WITNI]SSU1,'II: WHEREAS, the Town owns certain property known as Gore Creek Dr:ive lying easterly from Gore Creek Road; WHERBAS, said property is adjacent l-o the real pro- perty owned by the Torvnhouses and is located southerly thereof; I.IHEREAS, t.he Townhouses desire to use said property for autonobife park,ing purposcs; ITHEREAS, each and every owner of the various Texas Townhouses ha.re appointed and author:ized Randy and/or Jane Schachtili to act as their agent in this matter, and copies of those author:izations have been subinitted to the Torvn; and I{HI;REAS, the Town Council is of the opinion that the use of its property by the Townhouses would be in the public j-nterest upon certain condiLi.ons; NOW, THEREFORE, in consj.deration of the premises, covenants, and agr:eements herej-n contained, the parties agrce as f oI lorqs : (1) The TorJn hereby leases to the Torvnhouses, for the purposes herein statccl and the conditions inrposecl , the rcal propert.y described on Ilxhibit ttA'r atLached hereto (r,.hich by this reference l-lecomes a part hereof ) shor.rn on Exhibit 'tArl as the shacled area, ancl rvhich hereaf t.cr is ref cr:red to as the "premises". The term of this Lease shall comcnce on the date of this Lease agreement and .ternrinate on April 30, L977. (2) The Torr'nl'ro,.lses, on their behalf and their successors or assigns, hereby agree Lo pay a rent-al fee of $1.00, and furthcr,'.. ' inasn Page 2 (a) To improve and use. said leased premises for parking purposes only in accordance with the plans submitted to and approved by the Design Review Board and Public Works Department of the. Towni (b) To maintain said prernises, including snow removal and supervision of the parking of automobil"es on the premises; (c) To post any required signs or warnings to advise the public that.the premisep are for restricted parking only; (d) To use said parking for automobiles onJ-y, and any automobile parked thereon must bear valid license plates and be in operable condition i (e) To maintain the premises in a neat and . clean condition and not to allow. Lrash, junked or disabled vehicles or other unsightly conditions to exist'thereon; (f) To construct at their expense all improve- ments, landscaping or slructures necessary to enforce the terms of Lhis Lease, (3) The parties agree specifically that this Lease is subject to the right of ingress and egress to the A11 Sea- sons Condominium property and further that Gore Creek Drive may be.blockaded {:o all vehicular traffic at the easterly end of the premises. (4) This Lease may be terminated by either party by giving to the other party written notice of termination no later than 10 days prior to the date of termination. (5) Failure on the part of the Townhouses or any owner thereof or the Torvnhousesr agents to abide by th'e terms of this Leasc shall constitute a default and shall automatically termittate tlris Leasc atrd Lhe Lettancy hercby created. Upon the LrJASE Page 3 election of the'rown, written notice of said clefault shall be sent to the Townhouses, and they sharr have 10 rlays from Lhe date of the mailing of the noti.ce to cure said default as specified in the notice. rf the Tovrnhouses fail to cure said <lefaurt as provided, this Lcase shall be considered null and void, and it shall be conclusivellr presumed that possession has been returned to Lhe Town, and the Torvn shall have the right and privilege to 90 upon the leased pr:operty without interference from the Townhouses. (6) This Lease may be renerr'ed following the term hereof and in accordance w.ith atl the provisions hereof. (7) If the I-,ease hereunder is terminat,ed by the Townhouses in accorclance with paragraph (4) , ot by clefault as provided in paragraph (5), or the term hereof is not extended, the Townhouses agree to r:emove any improvements constructed by them, at their expeirse. said removal sharl occur wiLhin 30 days of tcrmination, dnd if the Tovrnhouses f:ril to remove said improvelnents, the Tow. may do so (but shall not be required to) , and t-.he Torvnhouses agree to pay the cost thereof, (8) The Townhouses agree to assume and to hold the Town harmless from any and all.actions, claims, damages or causes of actions from their use or occupation of the leased premises. ,i . (9) The provisions of thi-s Lease shall be bindinq upon the parLies hercto and rrpon their rcspective successors or a ssign s. EXECUTED on the day LIlSSOR TOI,JN O!' VAIr,, COLORADO and year fir:st above written. Lri.ss i-;E TEXAS TOI.iNIIOUSnS ,/ '/'t /!,/Dy: !L.-r -...,-i," nan.lv-,sElracliEiTT-anE/or - Jane Schachtili, AgcnLs -Qtt,t/.,.L 1t,/y',,,,0 'rorvn 1dr e rR_- 7/ / I - -- T- LEASE THIS LIASE, made this 23rd day of December, L977, by and between the TOWN OF VAIL (hereinafter referred to as "Town"), a Col- orado Home-Rule Municipatity, and the owners of TEXAS TOWNIIOUSES or a/k/a GORE CREEK TOWNIIOUSES (hereinafter referred to as "Townhouses"), of Vail, Coloradoi WITNESSETII: WHERDAS, the Town owns certain property known as Gore Creek Drive lying easterllz from Gore Creek Road; WIIERBAS, said Propert]t is adjacent to the real proDerty ovned by the Townhouses and is located southerly thereof; houses to act zat.i.ons of its property by the Townhouses would be in upon iertain conditions; opinion, that the use the public interest NOI'I , THEREFORE' in consideration of the premises, coven- ants, an{ actreements herein contained, the "rarties agree as follows: (1) The Town hereby feases to the .i'o.r'rnhouses, for the pur- poses herein. stated and the conditi.ons imposed., the real nroperty described on Exhibit rrArr attacl'red hereto (which by this reference !re- comes a part hereof) shown on Exhibit rtAtr as the shaded area' and which hereafter is referred to as the "prerilises". Tlte term of this Lease shall conmence on the date of this Lease agreement and terminate on epril 30, 1978. (2) The Townhouses, on their behalf and their successors or assigns, hcreby agree to pay a rental fee of $1.00, an<i further: (a) To improve and use said leased premises for parking Purposes only in accorr.lance with the plans submitted to and approved by the Design Review Board and Public !{orks Department of the Towni !{IIEREAS, each and every oh/ner of the various Texas Tohtn- have appointed and authorized Randy and,/or Jane Schachtili as their agent in this matter' ancl copies of thor:e authori- have been subnritted to the Torvni and WI{EREAS, the Town Council is of the I,EASE Page 2 (b) To maintain saj.d premiscs, includinq snow removal. and supervision of the Parking of automobiles on the premises; (c) To post any required signs or warnings to advise the public that the premises are for restricted parking o41y; (ct) To use said parking for autornobiles only, and any automobile parked thereon must bear valid license plates and be in operable condition; (e) To maintain the premises in a neat and clean condition and not to allow trash, junked or disabled vehicLes or other unsightly conditions to exist thereon; (f) To construct at their expense all improve- ments, landscaping or structures necessary to enforce the terms of this Lease. (3) The parties agree specifically that this Lease is sub- ject to the right of ingress and egress to the AIl Seasons Condomin- ium property and further that Gore Creek Drive rnay be blocladed to all vehicular traffic at the east-erly end of the premises. (4) This Lease nay be terminated by ei-ther party by cliv- inq to the other party written notice of termination no later than 10 days prior to the date of termination. (5) Failure on the part of the Townhouses or any owner thereof or the Townhousesr agents to abide by the terms of this Lease shall constitute a default and shall automatically terminate this Lease and the tenancy hereby created. Upon the election of the Town, written notice of said default shall be sent to the Townhouses, and they shall have 10 days from the date of the mailing of the notice to cure said default as specified in the notice, If the Townhouses fail to cure said default as provided, this Lease shall'be considered null and void, and it shall be conclusively presurned that possession has been returned to the Tolvn, and the Torvn shall have the right and privilege to go upon the leased propertY without interference from the Townhouses tlH LEASE (6) This L,ease may be renewed following the and in accordance with all the provisions hereof. term (?) If the Lease hereunder is terminated by the Townhouses in accordance with paragraph (4) , or by default as provided in para- graph (5), or the term hereof is not extended, the Townhouses agree to remove any improvemcnts constructed by them, at their expense. Said removal shall occur githin 30 days of termination, and if the Townhouses fail to remove said inprovemenls, the Tovrn may do so (but shall not be required to), and the Townhouses agree to pay the cost thereof. (8) The Townhouses agree to assume and to hold the Town harmless from any and all actions, claims, damages or causes Of ac- tions from their use or occuPation of the leased premises. (9) The provisions of this Lease shall be binding upon the parties hereto and upon their respective successors or assigns. EXECUTED on the day and year first above written. tEssoR TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO TESSEE TEXAS TOV{NHOUSES By:_i Schachtili ' I l f . I I :and/or ,t) ,? /3 P/"CL.'L-o,1!rlr,'}od o 0.o. r' , C. In conJunc rlon of lndlvldual ouner shl p becn a tradltlon of the 1n to thts Atreenen! for closcl Assoclatlon. D. L. che O'.rne r s by follous: (l) 7.9 t'ci't ' AcREEMENTt- FoR\IE_FoR}TATION OF THE ?'n 7 4 s 7 *.-4QJu ?^r.--*-l JfjuJ5Ii:.?['lFl'1I \ov 30 Z oz Pl{'B{ TIIIS ACREEMEMr lo executed effecclve thls 13th day of JDLiL-' r984D9€8, by and aoong rhe underslgned. A. Ttre understgned are all of the Ormere ln fee olople of tovnhouee untcs Iocated ln che Texas Tounhouses, sl.tuated on real property located ln che Toun of Vall, Eagle Councy, Colorado, titlch property la oore fully descrlbcd on Exhtblr A attached hereEo (heretnafcer 'Texas Tounhouees"). B. Tte o*ners deslre to provlde for cerraln@ ,orur"u\"nd for che acqulsltlon of certaln ,""t p"-opurty located sdJacenr to ---'--=) Ehe Texas Tovnhouses co be used for autoooblle parklng for the Otiners (rhe 'Comnon ReaI Property"). therer.rlth, the Ovners, r.*r11e dedtcsted to the splrlc and independence reepecElng thelr orm unlcs ehlch hss Texas Tounhougeg gtnce thelr lncepElon, t'lsh to enter Ehc exprees and llolced purpose of oanaglng certatn / -l s Jor the Asaoclatlon rrlth lrhtch to benefl: al.I \ ounorS on a unlforo end outual baslg. THEREFoRE, Bhe ounerg t. Deflnltlons. agree sE follous: A. 'Arglcle6 of IncorporaElon" Eeans the arlliles of lncorpora- tlon of the Assoclatlon. B. 'Assocta!lon' ueans the Texas Tomhouse .Aeaoclatlon, a Colorado corporatlon, noc for proflt, lte euccessora and aaslgns, Ehe oeobers of vhtch shall be aII the Ovners of the Texas Tounhouo€8. C. -Board of Hanogero- or -Board" oeana ghe governlng body of che TFJAS TOINMOUSE ASSOCIATION "Bylaus- oeans the byl a'.rs of the Assoclablon. -Conroon Expensee- oeana and lncludee aII suroe assessed agalns! the Assoclatlon for expenses auchorlzed by chls Agreenent as expenscs of adolnlstrs!lon, (?) cerraln oalncenance and repalr -1- /. 1 I autoEattcslly pase rdsh fee elople tltle to the Untt. If the fee slople tllle Co the UniC te held by oore Chsn on€ Peraon, each co-Cenant of a Untl shall be o ro.eober of ghe AssoclaEl.on, excePt thac each unlt th8ll have one vo!e a8 descrtbed ln paragraph 3D belorr. C. Board of Hanagers. Ttrc affalrs of the Asaociatlon ehall be oanaged by a Board of Managerr r.rhlch oay, by reaolutlon, delegaEe any Portlon of trs aurhorlty to a Manager or Hanaglng Agent for the Assoclatlon. There shall nor be leee than three nor Eore chan stx nenbers of the Board of Hanagers and the teroa of ac leasE one-thlrd of such Board eha1l expire annu- alIy. D. Votlng of Ovners. Each Unlc shall be encltled Eo one vote ln sald Assoclatlon tthlch shall be csst by Ehe Owner, or ln proporBlon of Ehe omershlp of a Unlt lf roore lhan one person owns eald Unlt. A voce nay be casE ln person or by proxy. Such proxy Day be granted by an ovner ln favor of only snother Oungl , a oenber of the Board of Managerd or by eald Ounerrg srtorney or EanageEen! 88ent. A proxy shall be ful1y executed 1n urll1n8t shall be rrlcnessed, ehall be valld only for the psrtlcular oeetlng deslgnated chereln and trus! be flled slch che Secre!8ry of the Aseoclatlon before the appolnted Eltre of che ueeclng. Ttre Board of Managere uay declde thst vollng of the Ourners shall be by oall ulth reepecc to any Eatter or to any Par- clcular electlon of oeobers of the loard of Uanagere or rrlth respect to adoptton of any proposed anendoent to th18 Agreenent or the Artlclea of IncorporaElon or Eylaus of the Assoclatlon, provlded that 30 days prior rritEen notlce of such decteton has beerr dellvered to all Ortners. E. Bylar.rs .and Arrlcleg. The purpooes and pouere of the Assocla- Elon and rhe rlghrs and obllgatlone ulth respect to Orlnera set forth elthln chls Agreeoent shall be foroallzed by provlslons of the Artlclee and Bylaws of che Assoclatton, however, euch Artlcleg and Bylawe ehall ln no event be lnconslstenl vlth the provlalons of Ehis Agreenent. F. Heet1n8s. l.tre annual Deetlngs of the A66oclatlon shall be held wlthtn 120 days follovlng the end of each calendar year. At €ach annual treet1ng, oenbers of the Board of Hanagera ehall be elected by ballot of the Ouners ln accordance rdth the requtreoente of paragralh 3D hereof. The ouners uay also Eran8act such other buslnesa of the Aeeoclaclon a8 bay properly coae before then. The Board of Managere tray c811 a speclal Eeetlng -3- / expenses 8s herelnafter deflned; and (3) expenses tncurred ln acgulrlng, roalnt,alnlng and lngurlng. the Coonon Real Piopercy. P. -Gueat' 6eang any agent, eoployee, Eenant r gues!, llcensee or lnvltee of an Omer. C.' 'Managing Agent- oeane the P€rsonr 1f anyr eoployed by rhe Board !o perforro the funcElons provlded for hereln. tt. 'Osner' oeans the peroon or persons, ae herelnafter deflned, ownlng a Eormhouse ln the Texaa Tor.mhouses, or a condoolnlr.o located Chereln, ln fee alople, along rrl Eh the helrs, succesaors, asalgno and represenlaElves of sald pergon or per6ons. * binaElon, I. 'Pergon" oeang aseoclatlon, trug tee J. "Real Propercy' any lndlvldual , corporatlon, or 8ny other legal entlty. partnershlp, con- z/-- \\i. :'Eac Eeans thaE real propercy descrlbed ""(;h\--,' ln facE for lhe *\--- of chle Agreeoent /I and obllgactons \c1tle ln and !o one or oore of the 15 toirnhouae \rt Texas Tounhouses, lncludlng fee sfillf ocnershlp under. hed hereto. K. "UnlE" or "Tormhouae 'Un1!," oeans Ehe fee elople lnteres! and unlts locsted slthln the of the real property Ehere- Certaln Rl A. The AssoclaElon ls hereby appolnted aCtorney cheo, @ carry ouc the lloLted purposesOerrers, and each of so aB ro perolt the hereund er. taln and Ageoclatlon to fulf111 all of 1ts durles B. The Agsoclatlon shall be granted all p.ouere necesssry repatr the. CoronoryJrReal Properry, and perform all the ducles co 1!61n- requlred be a oen- of sald ohal1 I ( \ / .- -.' of lt. 3. The Assoclaclon. A. Dutlee. fhe AssoclaElon, Ehrough the Board or a ManagJ.ng AgenE, shall perforo functlons and hold or Banage properEy as provlded in rhls Agreenent so ag to further the collectlve lnterest of all of the Or.rners ln the proJecr. rr shalI have the auEhorlcy neceosary or deslrable to achleve such purpoees. B. Meobershlp. The Owner of e Unl.E ehall autonaclcally ber of Ehe Assoclatlon. sald neoberahlp ls appurcenang to the unlE 0uner encltled co che ormershtp of the nenbershlp for thst unlt and o \ .../ of the Ouners uPon thelr or.tn ootlon or upon presenEscton to chen of a petl- clon slgned by a oaJority of the Ouners. No buslnesa shall be cransacled al a epeclal Eeeclng except ag etaled ln the notlce, unleas by consent of l00Z of the ounerehlp lnrerests elther ln perscn or by proxy. Noclces of annual and speelal oeet,lnga shall be glven by rhe Board of Managere addreeaed to Ehe regleEcred addresgea of the Owners at least 30 daye prlor Bo the date 8et for such oeecing. Any such notlce shall gcate the date, cloe and place of Ehe Eeettng, and 1f the Deetlng ls a apeclal oeerlng, the purposes Ehereof. Walver of noclce, elcher ln pereon or by proxy, and slgned elcher before, a! or afler any r0ee!1n9, shall be a valld eubstlEuce for sewice 4. Assoclarlon functtons. lte Asgoclaclont s funcElonE are: A. To provlde snow reuoval fron the wal.kuays, psrklng areas and Corooon Real)P 6eps1 gt. 8. To provlde trash renovsl. froo a cencral locatlon chosen by che a Banner as to lnsure parlty and equal EreaCEenE of a1l orrners. Z. To eoploy, lf neceagary, a Managlng Agent to carry ou! Assoclatton func ElonE ' F. To negotlace and purch"r" th6;oi)',n."r the llolcaclons descrlbed 1n paragraph 15 hereof). Property (subJect lo 5. Property of the 4ssoclatlon. The AssoclaBlon nay p6y for, acqulre - and hold .n"(a"-=I"")tt"o-.f . SubJecc Eo the rules and regularlons of lhe Aseoclatlhleach Or.rner and each Ormerrs faa1ly and guest.s nay use such ( Couoon Real Property. Upon dlssolutlon of the Assoclaclon, lf ever, each : ) --. -=-=--..-. .,:l/q { Ovner shall be deeued to oen an undlvldeftne-elxteenth}lnteresr ln any such '.. ,f t Lorron Real properry as lenanrs rn coE'on\=-l . l.' I'tlj'+"' G. To asgegs t,he Ormerg for che coete of all functlons of the Assoclatlon, provlded thaE such co6ts are \ept to an.abs-oIu_!e lllnl,pr.lg_constd- erlng the resonable regulreoents of Lhe Aesocla!1on. H. To furnlsh to each ovner, au leasu 30 days prlor to each an- nual neetlng of the Assoclatlon, a copy of the proposed annual budget for the nexE ensulng flscal pertod. -4- IN I{ITNESS l.lltERE0F, thie and date flrst abqve r.rrlcten. Vail International Inc. Vai] International Inc. Barbara M. Glaser Marvin J. LubeckPauI D. Balstad & Rike D. Wootten & Barbara S. Wootten Rike D. Wootten 6 Barbara S, Wootten Delores B. Coghill H. Thomas Coghill Charles Thomas Parker June C. Parker walter A. Porbes Caren S. Forbes' Peyton F. Perry RandaII Bell Milhoan Susan Brohrn Milhoan John L. Donovan Helen H. Chatfield O I Dwyer-Waternlan Company OrDwyer-Waterman Company Ag reeroen! has been executed fi, nlc IB Owner(e) of Unlt 2AF/*-)Z.tL' & Sue B. Lubeck Greta C. Batstagner(s) of Unlc t I Un &67 -9- of Unlrs repreoentlng an aggregace orlner6hlp lnreres! of at least 752. C. lhe provlslons of thls Agreemenc shall be ln addltlon to sll other provislons of lau of the Stace of Colorado and the rtsster DeclaraElon of Protectlve Covenancs recorded for ValI Vl1lage Flrac F11lng. D. llhenever used hereln, unless Ehe contexE shall ocherr.rlse pro-' vlde, lhe slngular nunber ahall lnclude che plural, the plural Ehe slngular, and ghe use of any gender shall tnclude all genders. E. Each Orrrer sha1l reglster h1s nalllng address r.'lch the As6ocl- 8tlon. Except for nonthly staEeoen! and other routlne nollces, whlch shall be personally dellvered or senE by regular nallr.all oCher noElces or denand lntended to be served upon an 0rmer shall be dellvered personally or sen! elEher by reglsEered or certl.fled uall , poscage prepald, addresged tn the nane of che Owner at such reglstered oalllng address. all notlcec, denands or oEher noc{ces lntended fo be serived upon the Board of Hanagers of che Assoclarlon or the Aasoclaclon ehaU be Benc by certlfled oal1 , postage pre- 650 South Cherry Street, #1000pald, !o Denver, Colorado 80222 , untll such address 1s changed by notlce of address duly recorded rdch che offlce of rhe Secretary 'of Scate of Colorado. F. Thls Agreement shsll be blndlng upon and sha1l lnure to the beneflt of che Assoclallon, each Ormer and the helrs, personal representa- !lves, iuccessors and asslgns of eich of theo. G. The lnvalldlty and enforceablllcy of any provlslon of t,hls Agreenent, 1n utrole or tn part, shall noE affecc the valldlcy o" "rrfor".- ab111Ey of any ocher provlslon or any val1d and enforceable parc of a pro- vlslon of rhls Agreeoent. H. The capLlons and headlngs hereln are for convenlence only 8nd shall noc be consldered tn coneErulng any provlslon of thls AgreeoenB. I. Fallure !o enforce any provlslon of thls Agreement shafl not operaLe as a valver of any such provlslon or of any ogher provlslon of lhlg Agreetrent. J. ltrls AgreenenE nay be execuEed ln several counEerparts, each of whlch shall be deeoed an orlglnel for purposes of enforcenent. -8- 10. Llablllty for Coooon Expense Upon Transfer. The grantee of s Unlc shall be Jolntly and aeveral,ly llable ulth uhe grantor for all unpald a6sess- oents agalnsg che latter for lts proportlonal share of che Coruoon Expenees up to lhe clne of che gr8nt or conveysnce, t'lthouE preJudlce to the Srant€ers rlght to recover froo the grantor the aoounts pald by Ehe Srantee uherefore; provlded, hor.rever, Eha! upon paFoenc of a reasonable fee, and upon trrltten reques!, any such prospecElve granEee shall be entltled to a staceEent fron rhe Managing Agent or Board of Hanagers BeEElng fort,h the 'amount of Ehe un- pald assesstrencs, lf any, ullh respec! Uo fhe subJecE Unlt, the srount of the current monthly as6esEoent, the date that such assessBent becones due and any credlts for advance paFoenrs or for prepald lteros. 11. Eaeeoents. For purpoEes of carrylng ouc any slons of Ehle Agreeoen!, the Bylaus and Artlclee, the such easeoents across che Cotrmon ReaI Property as tray deslrable, provlded they are beneflcial to all Ouners. and all. of Ehe provl- Assoclatlon Day Sran c be deemed necessary or L2. Acqulsltlon of Couroon ReaI Pro The Assoclatlon shall be eupouered co negotlace for and purchase r al Property loeated ad- Jacent to the Unlts, uore fully deecrlbed o atcached hereEo and lncorporated hereln by thie reference. No pnrrC contract execuced by the Assoclatlon for such purpose shall provlde for 8 prtce in excess of 951000 unless 10OZ of all Oeners shall consenE therero. Addltlonally, once sald properEy ts purchased and ovned by che Assoclatlon, or a corporaclon sctlng on behalf of rhe Assoclation, the Assoclatlon oay lake sceps to ftoprove sald real property a6 are reaaonably necessary to faclllcace the locaclon of uocor vehlcle parktng thereon and nay lake sEeps necessary co malntaln sald properEy, all tn a Eanner benefltlng each of the Ot.rnels on a falr and equlr- able basls. Mlscellaneous. A. A1l the provlslons conEalned ln chls AgreenenE shall contlnue or renaln 1n full force untll thls AgreeoenE ls ternLnated, revoked or anended as heretnafrer provlded. B. Thls Agreeruen! Day be aoended, termlnated or revoked'by che recordlng of a srlften tnetrr:oenu epeclfylng the asendDenc or effectlve ter- nlnatlon or revocatlon, executed by rhe Orrners, ae shown by che records of the offlce of clerk and Recorder of the county of Eagle, state of colorado, Exhtbit o 6.Asseostren! for Co.-on ExDenses. '.J' All Ormers shall be obllgared to psy Ehe aaseasoents loposed by the loard of Hanagere of che As6octsclon co EeeE lhe cotr"ron Expenses. The agocs8r0enls shall be oade pro rata accordlng Eo lhe llsclng of esch Ounerts percentage lnrerest as contalned on Exhlblt B, sttsched hereto. AssessuenEs for the Coroon Expensee ehall be due qusrterly, ln advance, on che flrst day of the rlonth beglnnlng each quarter. The Manag- lng Agent g!=qard of Managere shall prepare and dellver or oall to each staceoen! shonlng the varloug estloaced or actual for asEessoents are oade. Contrlbutlone shall be proraced lf the ounershlp of the unlt co@dences on a day other than the flrsc day of a quarterly perlod. The acsessoents nade for coooon Expenses shall be based upon lhe cash requlreoenta deeoed to be the aggregste as the Board of Managers shall froo Bltre co droe pay to provlde. for the pa)raenL of all estlo- ated expenses groulng ouc of or connected t'luh che carrylng out of lls func- Elong under thle AgreenenB, to r.lt! expenses of ManagenenE r Lnaurance prenluna appllcable to th Real Prcpercy (ff any), trash collecElons, snow reooval , purchase of t . r-l-'-'',..- Owler an exPenses Real Property and capltal expendilures appllcable to thq Coooori\r Real property (e.g., resurfaclng) nor exceedlng s8,000 per year. Further, the Hanaglng Agent or Board nay escablish, out of auclr assess'oenlg, a oodesE contlngency and reserve fund for the repalr, re- praceoenE and ualnrenance of rhose porclons of ,t{-;;hRear properry rhac'-"----/ oust be replaced or repaired perlodlcally. Any Ouner oay inspect the Aesocl- allonrg recordg of recelpts and expendllurea aE convenlen! weekday or treekend buslnese hours ' and upon l0 dayer noclce to the Board of Hanagers or Hanaglng Agent, lf any, and any ooner nay, upon !eque6t, be furnlshed a stalenent of hls aecounE, setctng forth rhe atrount of any unpald assessroents or other charges due and or.rlng from such owner. At the end of any calendar year, the Board of Managers or the Managlng Agent shall credl! or refund Eo each ouner the proporclonate share of funds chen held by che Asaoclatlon nor rleened .to be necessary to oeec Ehe coronon Expenses for the forroutng year. t The Assoclaclon 6ay euspend any Ormersr vogl.ng rlghts ln the AeeoclaBlon durlng any perlod or perlods durtng shlch the Ovner fails to Eeet the ounerrs flnanclal obllgaclons under.thls AgreeEent. llenlzdd bnnual -5- g. Llen for Nonpayoent of Couoon Expense. A1I suns assessed by the Assoclaclon but unpald for the ehare of Coomon Expeneee chargeable to 8ny UnlC shall, rrtlen properly recorded r constlt,ute a lten on guch Unlt Prlor lo all other llens and encuubrances, €xcePt only: (a) Cax and apeclal asaess- oent llene on the Unlt ln favor of any Sovernoen!8l suchority and (b) 811 euns unpald on a firs! Dorcgage of record, lncludlng all unpald obllgatory suDs as oay be provlded by such encumbrance. If any asoesanent shall reoaln unpald afcer 60 days from lhe due date Ehereof, the Board of Managere or Managing Agenc roay lnpose a penalcy on such defaulCtng Or.rner equal Eo 5l of each such assessnent, whlch penqlty sha1l be added co each succeedlng aseessoenL. To evldence such llen, the Board of Managers or Msnaging Agent shall prepare a vrllcen notlce seEtlng forth che snounc of such unpald ln- deblednesa, the naoe of the Oqrer of the Unlt and a descrlpclon of the Untt. Such notlce ehatl be slgned by one of Ehe Board of l,tan8gers or Ehe l'tanagtng Agenc.and nay be recorded ln the offlce of the Clerk and Racorder of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. Such llen for Counon Expenses shall atcach froo che dale of che fallure of payoen! of Ehe asaesstrent. Such llen oay be enforced by foreclosure of che defaulrlng Ounerr 6 UnlE by che Assocla- Iton ln llke oanner as a Eortgage on real properEy upon che recordlng of a noElcc or clalo thereof. In any such forecloeure, rhe Ourer rlltl be requlred fo pay lhe co6ts and expensee of euch proceedlngs, and coaEs and expenses for flllng lhe notlce or clalo of llen 8nd all reasonable sttorneyst fedc. The Hanaglng ASent or Board of Mansgers sha1l, on behalf of the Aseoclatlon, have the pouer to btd on Ehe Unlu at foreclosure sale and to acqulre and hold, 1ease, EortgaSe and convey the sane. 9. Orrrersr 0bllgaClon for Pa)'oenC of Assesenents. The amount of the Coonon Expenses assessed agalnst each Unlt shall be the lndlvldual debt of. the Owner thereof at the tlne the alrEeasroent lg oade. Sult Eo recelve g ooney Judgoent for unpald Coomon Expenaes, and coste of eutl and attorneyel fees, sha1l be toalntalneble rrlthouB forecloslng or rralvlng the lien aecurlng lhe saDe. No Otlrrer oay exeBpt hloself frm llablllty for hls conlrlbutlon Eosard che CoEoon Expenses by ualver of the Coooon Eleoenls or by abandonnent of hle or or enJoyrenc of any of the Un1t. use her -6- o STATE OF coullTY oF AriEonn ) )PlFrc ) 6!r: Address ?323 N. Panrenc gcod T'Cson. .t 7. 98: acknowledged before ne thls l3ir. day of by lcherl fi. |,q." ;1a1'rn r'^r rt-{ I as osner(s) of Unll lD of Texas The foregolng lnatturoent uag acknouledged before tne chls l3th day of AprJ 1, 198/r ,1983,by .e.ot ert O. l{ccerfan for r.t:.!.I as Ot'rrer(e) of Unlt lA of Texas WITNESS Ey hsnd 8nd offlclal seal . lly conolsslon explres t lll hmmisslon Erpires 3'6.88 . .,..t ,."t,,i;,:",,.,,,-,.. .r'..'-1.."'' ""'.1.'.',':. 1 l-,'.ii,ta7't ..',.1:i , :' ,'i (fEA{.):tjl .,, ' i;.);i:;...,...,.::f l'r..,; ,,- r.l\,. r lil':i!..:::tii. " STATE OF coulr"IY 0F .'.r I = anP Pi -,r ) ) ) .r.^rJ.l . ! on /. The foregolng lnsErunen! !,'a s , lgg3, hand and offlclal seal . explres , Ml Qommisslon Etpites 3'6'aE ? 113 N. Ppvritq- D^.r A,e: tn !-a STATE OF COI'NTY OF &fuc.a. fiat-pal-**<- ) ) ) 35: The foregolng lnstruroen! uas acknolrledged before pg -ch1s :? day ofVvt r, , , L9841 byo - aibwner(e) o-f-Unl@ WITNESS uy hand and offlclal seal . My cooolselon explres- Ad d f e s e lt Cdnnbsion croies Jtnulry 26. lggt' 650 So Ghcrry Suilr 1000 - I0. l!llornet{onel. Ine Tounhouee Agsoc la t 1o n. In rerne ri an:l . fne. ( SEAL) txitaa. w 6va4 STATE 0F )) ss: couNTY 0F ) Tounhouee As soc la E 1on. WITIIESS oy hand and offlclal aeal . Hy cooolsslon explres: (b4'=--z") ) ) The foregolng lns!ruoent lra 9 acknor{ , 198f, by WITNESS oy hand and offlclal seal , My cooolsslon expiree: li'y Ci:"n.::::: :xi;f.3 0cicber 27,lg}4 ,:, ( SEAL) ....,. STATE OF COT'NTY OF The foregolng tnecruoenc ua8 acknouledged before Ee rhl9, 1,!1 ,aay -ot, reef, uy tr4= +,:-a-Fr=d"fio@,1'-t,t"se Omer(e) of-Unlt 28 of Texas- \9L4 Notary Address PubIlc edg ed be f_ore me chls J 14 a"y ot ss 3 C.4- 4-4 )) as: ) NoEB{L,/PubIlc ., -\ { ,4Addree-s tBr{ J'14-f,: 61=*u4 ' The foregolng lnstruDent uas ac knonl ged before ne Eh1 by , WITNESS oy hand and offlclal seal . My coonlsslon explres: My Commissi:: irpircs 0etober 27, lg84 Texa s Not6z! Pub Address /. +rt; o srArE oF C6<o RA$o conury oF $euvtR ore golng lnetruoent ua€ acknouledqed beforre g" Ehll 19 " day of aa Ormer(a) of Untc 4A of Texas Townhouae Ag eocls !1on. I|ITNESS oy hand and offlclal seal . Hy couoleslon explres: My Coniil'r,.,ri .v,pires June A0. lg&{ ) ) es: ) a STA::]E OF COUNTY OF. The CO<oRA0o ErvveR, )) eo: ) Townhouse Assocla!1on. WITNESS ny hand and offlclal aeal . My counlaslon explree : My Commisslon Expires June 20, tgg4 '.,.. STATE OF COT'NTY OF lfITl{ESS uy hand and offlcial seal . Hy comlselon explres: ue thl s a day of as Ouner(a) of UnYc 48 of Texas ,U6L.e, i'e'.,\*, - 7 .E).,/.? 3 ?'7a'72 JAMES W. TRIMBLE1-3o-8r , I98f, by ) ) ss: ),L Tounhouee Aaeoc 1at1on. ( SEAL) -12- . r, . _ STATE OF Contn/. ) ) ss: JT4a;a'</ cot NTY ot fa/'f F/Eeg ) The foregolnS lnstrunent eaa Eckponled 4u/!J7 , 198/, by u-lC-A- a s Orrnef Tognhouse As eocla tlon. o l.\ia_",-t__ ALka ,- -Noraif Publlc t iii ""'" "' - ---- nT'ltfill"l:*':l*lst Dravcr. C0 80222 STATE OF cottNrY oF Cc Lqt'lo ) ) )e*r* The foregolng tnstruroent Ltas trlnr,.-? , f 98% ' llL Tor.inhouse As soclatlon. WITNESS oy hand and offlclal seal . My couolsslon explres: A4uada ) ) ) 53: acknsvl *@4'y or ,198{,by WITNESS oy hand and offlclal eeal . Yy couolsslon explres: fhCurotlirrrPtrr'E.tZGl]t- 650 Sa cn"rr Sutr l@ --ionrcr'O SrzZ : ir 1l:' fore oe lh e) of Unl Notsry Publlc Addres s J d/t' -(r'4<,'/^ Tat@d c7 3S: acknouledged befope ^me thls 6 tl day of by ?cqlo',, 4. /lzrr-u ae O*ner (a) of Un{t 6A of Texas tr,.^*-- Nocary Publlc Address o Ot EXIIIBIT Ato Agreement for the Formationof the Texas Townhouse Associationdated April 13, l9B4 LOTS ONE, THREE, FOUR, FIVE, SEVEN AND EIGHT, VAIL VILIJ\GE FOURTH-FIIJING, according to the recorded plat thereof. Countyof Eagle, State of Colorado. The Townhouse on l,OT SIX, VAII, VILLAGE FOURTH fILfNG, accordlngto the recorded prat thereof. county of Eagre, state of iolorado. The townhouse on Lor +wo, vArr/ VTLLAGE FouRTH Frr,rNG, accordingto the recorded prat thereof. county of Eagle, state of colorado. - O RrDER to Exhibir c Otattached U Agreement, for the Formatiisnof the Texas Townhouse Associationdated April 13, 1994 ,E dN u,2.Do!G|.. l_ U, lr, i tt Hb tl,t z t tttJl ttJJ(ta-q>J J5tZJ 5g .rs 9cl ,A.00,2 oro0l,l t-'-'--l I tr...t> ?9 t:g. t GL:?C ICa.aa .t-'.. -. :.. '.2a .. : : :.i:? | -'.:': .i-3'.": - -:'t .-.[.1 '. -.4 --i-.... =-a .': l2- o,: ri r, -'iiE--.-!r_._IP,of.o 'lt4 ooi a/ ,, ,u, ,rb - EFB, 9[3 :;B.s;; i: 6rOU r3'lvH3 r rrfr.i 6d cf --],,-rt\__:- _.- .,.oelilft I | .--io',- ,r--' .t' -/' ,'-r/ ,t ./Jtrol tJt 8F.OLFFot a€J ,I, ttlOJ .o a : !oe b 3 {U co Y la, l{,eo { -'rttI 8s ':RAJ .56 g9 a *ar..}o -i?::*:.i"lj3'ln! r.'trLof the Texas Townhouse Associationdated Apri1 13, 1994 E dN tr,z o?N,. l- t, Liq16q tsb t, 6 z tr., lr,tn lrtJ(,a<>J E; ZJ:s ^r..oo,zo.oo N t-'- ---\ I.'c 9cl o,; ri ",.oo.e c.ors- I --: -- tr: 1> -,9 lr.3a t'.grtt!..-.c31,3 L ICa.za i - zi ,t :l al E ,. !i ; :.1:i I i,: -,; .z-c'.4. .: .-.[-: i,.,3 ::,- t: =':a 'j'. . ... :1j - I'u,o tr 14 o1t,6108 r3'1VH3 |'.u .t 'r"''k --_.r_-, _r-_ ._*J_ l.:l:..>J ,r7 II ?'8O] -o a z | ---i-'.-.--.-.>.-- -// /" ," tt' '>," 'Jr 8F,OLFFoa 4a J a,"i:p\ "f" / P Ed.F ,L - c€E,.r 9[9 -"ar;t i : EsoO i;l ti :-)' ;il Oq EXHIBIT Cto Agreement for the Forrnatj.onof the Texas Townhouse Associ.ation dated April 13, 1984 Common Real Property Parcels of land situate in the County of EagJ-e, State of Colorado consisting of: (a) that portion of the Gore Creek'Drive public right-of-waylocated in Vail Vj.llage Fourth Filing which is inmediately appurtenantto the real property described in Exhibit A to the within Agreementi (b) that portion of Tract F-2, Vail Village Fifth Filingidentified by reference to the shaded area shown on the attached Rider to Exhibit c. . (c) that portion of the Chalet Road right-of-way which is immediately appurtenant to the parcels described in (b) and (c) above. EXHIBIT Bto Agreement for theof the Texas Toh'nhouse dated Aprl.I 13, PERCENTAGE OT OINERSHIP | 0-,, Formation AsEociation 1984 COMI'ION ELE!{ENTS Percentaqe l+terest 6.25C 6.25 5 .25 6.25. 6.25 6.2s 6,25 6.2s 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6..2s IN 1A 1B 2A 2B 3A 3B 4A 4B 5A 5B 6A 6B'7A 7B 8A 8B Unlt * 16 Units 100r I ORDINANCE NO. 31 Series of 1966'- I AN ORDINANCE VACATING ALL RIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST OF I THE TOWN OF VAIL IN AND TO THE ROADWAY IVIORE PARTICULARLY SET FORTH AND DESCRIBED IN THE QUIT CLAIM DEED ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT A AND MADE A PART HEREOF; AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. I{HEREAS, a portion of Gore Creek Drive, a public roadway within the has not been utilized by the general pub'lic for many years; and $IHEREAS, said portion of Gore Creek Drive has been utj'lized by the Texas Townhouses for parking and appurtenant 'l andscaping, walkways and Town of Vai I owners of the trash receptacles during said period of time; and IIHEREAS, the owners of the Texas Townhouses at their own and maintained said roadway for many years; and WHEREAS, because of said reasons the Town be:l'ieves that jt would benefit the public safety and welfare to vacate said roadway and take the necessary steps to allow title to the roadway to transfer to the owners of the TexasiTownhouses for I parking and appropriate landscaping and walkway purposes only under the terms and conditions as set forth herejn; and WHEREAS, 43-2-303 C.R.S., as amended, provides that a municipality may vacate I a1 I right, title or interest in a roadway by the adoption of an ordinance vacating any roadway or part thereof withjn the corporate ljmits of the To*n; and I{HEREAS, 43'2-3OZ C.R.S. provides that in the event that the entire width of a roadway is vacated, title to the vacated portion of the roadway sha'l 1 vest in the owners of the abutting land, each abutting owner taking to the center of the roadway; and WHEREAS, the abutting landowners of the pertinent ane the owners of the Texas Townhouses on one side and other; and l,lHEREAS, said owners have entered into a Townhouse Association agreement giving the Texas Townhouse Association the right to hold title to said vacated portion of the roadway as their attorney in fact. NOt,,, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOl.lN COUNCIL OF THE TOl,lN OF VAIL, C0L0RAD0, as fo]lows: Section 1. The portions of Gore Creek Drive designated as Parcel A, Parcel B, Parcel C and Parce'l D on Exhibit A attached hereto are hereby vacated and shall be conveyed by expense have repaired portion of Gore Creek Drive the Town of Vail on the quit c'lajm deed to the Texas Townhouse Association subject to theifol 'l owing condi tions: l. The Texas Townhouse Assoc'iation shall be obligated to maintain the surface of the vacated roadway and to keep it in good repair including, but not lim'i ted to, asphalt paving, repair of gutters and roadbed and snow removal as shall be necessary to keep said roadway in good condjtion and repair "nd ".."rsible to authorized pedestrians and vehicles at all reasonable times. No property described herein shalI be used or occupied.at any.time for any purpose other than pedestrian,. bicycle and limited motor vehicle ingress and egress to Grantee's townhouses for the-sole purpose of parking, together with approprjate landscaping, signage, walkways and placement of trash containers. 2. No property described herein shall be used or considered in determining the gross residential f'loor anea or density that the Grantee would be entitled to under Town of Vail laws and regulations. 3. An easement twenty (20) feet in width whose center line approximates that of those portions of. Gore Creek Drive are shown in Exhibit A is hereby reserved unto the Grantor for emergency vehicle and fire access. The Grantee hereby agrees to pay for, instalI and maintain appropriate signs provided by the Town of Vail Fire Department designat'ing the easement as an emergency vehicle and fire lane. I4. Subject to the Texas Townhouse Associat'ion's use of such'property for the purposes described ipr';paragraph 1 above, the Grantor hereby reserves a non-exclusive easemeiit-across the within.described-ahd'Eranted property for the purposes of public pedestrian and bicycle ingress and egress and for the installatjon, maintenance, 'repair, and use of uti'l ity lines by utility companies, public or quasi-pub1 ic authori ti es. 5. At the westerly entrance of the property herein descri bed, the Grantee shall prov'ide and maintain a sign to advise the pub'l ic that, subject to said Association's right to use the property for the purpose of motor vehicl e access and parking, that portion of said property used for vehicular parking and access purposes is open to the public for pedestrian and bicycle ingress and egress. This sign shall be approved by the Town of Vail Design Review Board. 6. The Town Manager is hereby directed to execute a quit clajm deed containing the exceptions set forth above and further providing that should the Grantee violate any of the restrictions, conditions, covenants or reservations of the quit claim deed, in any way, the property sha'l I revert to the Town of Vail, subject to said -2- Association's right to receive notice of any such violation and bb afforded an opportunity to cure same within a reasonable time. Section 2. .If any part, section, subsect:ion; sentence,rclause'r1 o'r( phrase of this 0rdinance is for any reason held to be inva'l id, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portjons of this Ordinance; and the Town iounci'l hereby declares it would have passed'this, 0rdinance,.and,,each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared jnvalid. Section 3. I The Town Council hereby finds, determines and dec'l ares that this Ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. Section 4. : The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the Vail Municipal Code as provided'icr-th:is'0rdinance'shall,no,tr,affect-any right whibh has accrued, any duty 'imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceedings as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. ' INTR0DUCED., READ AND APPROVED Ot'l ,FIRST READING ..1115 2nd -.. orda6of ri oriti: December , 1986, and a public hearing shall be he] d on this 0rdinance on the 2nd day of December ,1986 at 7:30 p.m.'jn the council chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. 0rdered published in ful] this 2nd day of Decemher , 1986. Paul R. Johnston, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela A. Erandmeyer, Town Clerk INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND OROERED PUBLISHED , 1986. Paul R. Johnston, Majror this _ day of -3- ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk -4- Exhibit QUIT CLAIM day of 1986, between the I municipal corporation, as Grantor, and the TEXAS TOI'INH0USE non-profit corporation acting as the attorney in fact for Townhouses more particularly described in' Exhibit A, as in determining the entitled to under A t)EEO _ _ Tl!-L DEED, TOl,lN 0F VAIL' ASS0CIATION, a the owners of Grantee. made this a Colorado Col orado the Texas WITNESSETH, the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of one do]lar ($1.00) to the Grantor paid by the Grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, has remised, released., sold, conveyed and quit claimed and by these presents does remise, release, sell, convey and quit claim to the Grantee, its successors and assigns forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and denand which the Grantor has in and to the described real property described in the attached Exhibit B. Subiect to the following conditions, covenants, restrictions and reservations agreed to by the Grantee: i1. .The Texas Townhouse Association shall be obligated to maintain the surface of the vacated roadway and to keep it in good repair including, but not limited to, asphalt paving,. repair of gutters and roadbed and snow removal as shall be necessary to keep said roadway in good condition and repair and accessible to authorized pedestrians and vehicles at all reasonable times. No property described herein shall be used or occupied at any time for any purpose other than for limited motor vehjc1e ingress and egress to Grantee's townhouses for the sole purpose of parking, non-exclusive pedestrian and bicycle access and the location of appropriate landscaping, signage, walkways and placement of trash containers. 2. No property described herein shall be used or considered gross res'idential floor area or density that the Grantee would be Town of Vail laws and regulations. 3. An easement twenty (20) feet in width whose center line approximates that of those portions of Gore Creek Drjve are shown in Exhibit B is hereby reserved unto the Grantor for emergency vehicle and fire access. The Grantee hereby agrees to pay for, install and maintain appropriate signs provided by the Town of Vail Fire Department designating the easement as an emergency vehicle and fire lane. 4. Subject to Grantee's rights to use said real property for the purposes described in paragraph 1 above, the Grantor hereby reserves a non-exc'l usive easement across that portion of the within described and granted property used for vehicular I I parking and access for the purposes of public pedestrian and bicyc'l e ingress and egress. Grantor further reserves a non-exclusive easement for the installation, maintenance, repair, and use of uti'tity 'lines by utility 'lines byruti'lity companies, public or quasi-publ ic authorities. 5. At the westerly entrance of the property herein described, the Grantee shall provide and maintain a sign to advise the public that, subject to Grantee's right to use the property for the purpose of vehicu'lar parking and access, that Y':iirri;.': r i.rri -. ; portion of said property used for such purposes is open to the publ ic for pedestrian and blcycle ingress and egress. This sign shal'l be approved by the Town of Vail 'l Design Review Board. (.r,.-. !. I i ... -;,i _ 6. Shou'l d the Grantee vio1 ate any material restriction, condition, covenant or reservation :l_lLi.^-lti: :l"iT.d".:.0,..:l: .ryopertv shalI revert to the Grantor, subject to Grantee's right to receive iotice of gny such vjolation and be afforded an opportunity to cure same within a reasonable'time.' )uo.'r e3 , !i 7. Except as otherwise set forth herein, the condit'ions, covenants, etc., herein set forth shall run with the'land and shalI bind the Grantee, its successors and assigns; and all parties claiming by, through, or under it shall be taken to ,:.-.'.:. ,-i.: : :'' -:- ho1 d, agree, and covenant with the Grantor of said property, with its successors and iS: i6.i. Pai'-.!'i:.. l::.;':: ( iU:.i::.- a:,-. '''-a!. :. iilrl a:;i(.. i (.,,. ::. ..:,r , . i,i;:3i . assigns, and with each of them to conform to and observe said restrictions as to the use of the property. Upon a breach of any one of the condjtjons, covenants, restrictions, or reservations herein set forth, or the continuancb of such breach, the.above described property shall revert to the Grantor, subject to Grantee's rights as described in paragraph 6 above. 8. Each of the conditions, covenants, etc., set forth above.sha'l 1 continue and be binding upon the Grantee, upon its successors and assigns, and upon each of them and all parties and a] I persons cl aim'i ng under them for a period of twenty (20) years from the date of this conveyance. 9, Invalidation of any of these conditions, covenants, etc., or any part thereof by judgments or court order shall in no wise affect any of the other provisions, which shall remain in fu'l 'l force and effect. T0 HAVE AND T0 HOLD the same, together with alI and singular the appurtenances and prjvi'l eges thereunto belonging or in anywise thereunto appertaining, and all the estate, right, tjtle, interest, and claim whatsoever of the Grantor, either'jn law or equity, unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. o o -z' IN I,'ITNESS I.JHEREOF, thE year flrst above wrltten. ;i:' :.i6rlru'tiF vnir; a cSii"lio Grantee has hereunto set its hand andiseal the daY and t, I munlclpal corporatlon .. j.' lni. w,1..:4r ' \. . . :. .- I'r l'.i ATTEST: rnJ:: i, By: P-ul Ra Johnston, Mayor STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ) ) ) ss. The forego'lng lnstrument was acknow]edged before of -, 1986 by Paul Johnston as MaYor Town-TTerF oT-the Town of Vail, a Co'lorado municipal I seal . me this day and by P5fr6TE-srandmeyer as conporati on. i I,.::.., .1,r. ',i - - I llitness my hand and official l'ly c6mmission expires : Ta l.f ll,i ltll ri r-.. -. rnr se:: i tc.a:' , Notary Publ ic -3- a.-- a ,-,,.. ..41 Av l b BEST i$lL",,*7a o , *_H:"l?#-cr r-. -Er{'.:..r::.r r.-. ..:. . A,part of Gor. crrck-Drlve, Vall Vlllrge lourth Flltog accordlng to tbc lrp thcta-of rGcordcd b thc ofttcc of th! Eatl. County, . @loredo, Clcst ioa nccoraor, Jii-' c1t$-a $!9Lr-o.trrsuolcine G( , -' . :i..:o43 r,ii." ':.' 'r' \:'.'F'--- :..-1.'- .' ;; E':( f i,..--. i.-".- .. .-!:rioarng r! r Polat o! th. Dorthcrly rt3ht-of-y.t linc oi rr!! corG Crc.L Drlvr,' -: trtd Pobc lllo bc!'ug thc aouthuaetaily iorncr of lpt l, eeirt Vall Vlllage rorrtillllnti thrlcc tha-tollovlng tvo courae! .lont thc oorrhcrly rt.gut-oC-ue| rinc iiGorc CrccL Drly.;. (l) 8.13 iect along Ghe erc-ot r c-lrnrc to the rlBht. hlvlnr r 4. .,,-.,^.,^,.1t!g-u! !! t0.0o f.cr,, . ccDrral ruslc of 07.0s,29:,1:i;ETE6;;a-fiffi;ilT56:3Fi- cr) )uI YEYE\r ' :: r- D:'J:r-.i'>-;xli. ' l5"ll !,72 t+ccitfli'ili'ii;6b'$B,t6i'l;crt.!i&lc'li.daprrcrod retd abrtbetly.rtsht-."...,.+.r.- -107o08'4i".7.,--,.i L9f{.t, s34.t8,00't 2o.oo fccG.rlong: rtic Uerderly'irni oC jira _valt vtUasi ?oJrrh ' -'_'aS platted)- Flllng to !b. c.nlarlr.tG of reld Goic cr.el Drlv:; thenc. tbc follortng tio "ou."c.' . .lon8 rald celtcrllne: (t) s55'22'00"E 4.55 fccc; (2, L1.22 fc:t along tbc erc ot. curvc. to-tbc lcft, hrvtot r redtrir of 90.0O fcit, i ccatral rngle oi 0r.0E'29", I''| ''-! :':F ' 'ad-e chord'ibrt.bcrr3 s5s'56'tttE u.zrlreci;a.ifiiie'i i.piisrog'liia-a.il.iidi;i.:j:,",,".-r.oll27'29r3t"E 20.00 fccc to thc polDt of begtoning. contrl;1n8 2i1 aquara fe:t, Jra:of lcra. -,-. -.. ". | . Exhibit B : '-" .' .-i :.,.;.:,': ; ..-,. . .l.r:...1' '.,.. .. i,. .-.. : . ,.i.1 !;. j,.t..,^; ii:--i ' , ::;S.::1.1,*-+;ii;-i''ii.* iliii'3"fiS:.ii:Ii".ii,iiiiil'":::,H:,'*::- . ,... i.... - . .1.1 :.; "ii,i:,,..1;.'11,i,:i4,,,;.:,,,:-"r; .;- ;1,,._:,1i,:;;rit;*;,:-..r,;ir:;,: ..i, ' letluDtng'rt rhe routh.".t.rti:eo-i" oi Lr 9, ".ra yerl.vltlegc lourtb F!lt!8;. . cbcuce soo'o2'oo'E zo;35 rcci'aioig-ir,.-.Ii"riy 1ba of raid viir-viii.g" Fourtbllt'llt to th. ccoterltor-ot reii dt..'i.J.i-irr"Gi thcocc tb. folloyhs no coor.crrlorr 8.u ccateruai_: tr) uze;j2;oi*-iillsi-ii.i:-lii-ie.ii i]lilifrr .r,. .r. .;.ot r c!rv. to thc rrsbt, i;;r-; iiai""-"i'io.oo i.it, r c.otiJ-roiil,or 16.51. ..t' 3l""rd r cbord 'l'i-u"... ii6'ie;*"i-zi.3i t..t; rbencr, dcplrrin8 .rrt ccatcr-.,'; troc u2t'29'3r"! 20.00 ro.i lo-t[" ilrt]iii'rrgrr.-or-vry rtac ot .rld cosc .,€aL .;Drlvc; j[sqgs .h. ::tlll:! + ;;;;;i;;8 slrd lorlbcrl, ,rsrrt+r_rf iri.i:.;:.- ' :' (r) 20'60 fccr rloog th! .rc o! r cure. ro tta tef t, hwrng'a .iai*roi- zo:oo fccrr r.;.1..-r c'atrrl ""8lc or 16'51'31". "oo r crori-tii;;;;;; ati-;,*;i-iilsi'ro..i rz> .....i.g:.r::T-'. 1" * jT. 1i .1i.-il;.;i-;;i;d;;-;;iii"i'r iri-tiiaic rcct.., ; ;i _ - " -.:".'. .i'. '-.' : ..:":ji {i:..j..:,:. xl ...'.:-...'''!: .- i:,..*r..;-,..-, . .::r, .. -; , . . , .. :..^ _, . :.. t: _. ,.r :t:-_--.:J-.-;a_:_: :ii:rii:r.1 F;;ti;ij6',"'riiii"i$"ii;il]:i:::::.;:.i;':,1;lLllf i.::"*'"ll."H;.,i:::i 3::Y:j ^ thencc.deprrtras srtd rtshr-oa_"iy-ir"" nlo.38,oo,E 7o-oo rc.r.A ',r- --^ltoe lll0'38rOO"E 20.OO feea ro th. cco_:::i*: :j #0.ff::,fj"i::.:i;:.::;::i.,jilanil:i.ril,;o.i:li liil,lLil""::::.,., , . .ffflt* ll ll:-'T*'tt un" or -i"il-ii"ir-iiriirlt;;;;.t'rr.E s.ucerry une ot !rld-Vaft Vt[aS,r?iiirirh. Ft11nB; iU"ni. iOO.Oil .1,,':j. .:.li;: :ft::.t;::.:*:.":lo,::t"rv ri--ti-1i""'"1i.''", bcsloalns, coocrlorut2L25 rqurrc feer. rcir oi-t.r.. 3ARC8L D r\ p.r3 of Gore Creek Drlvc.of recordcd 1o thc offtca ofcrl.bed .s folLorrs: Vtll Ylllage Fourth ptll!8 rccordlot to thc Dap thcre-the Eagte Couaty, ColoraJo, Glerk i.a n"""rl"l,-j""] BeStllnLn8 rt r Pottrt ou tha soutberly ltoe of sstd vrll vttt"r, Fourth pllta8,t!ld Poht bclnB a polnl of totcrrecilos or tl. "ouci.iry rlgic-of{r!, rtn2 oft ttll Gorc crcer-ortv" iia -ir,]^"""."r1t rtgh-c-of-r8y ltn. of chaler RoEd. vrl!, .-vtrlagc ltfth Pllt!8 accordlat Go thc Eap thcreor i.ecori"a tn the offlce of tbcEr8le county, colorado. clerk snd a."o.a".i -ii|n".'iil'iorrorrog tlro couraea rlonr.!1d,lourhertrr rlght_of_oay unc:. (t) Ntt;iz;d;t-9; lia.r".., (2) 46.08 fee. ltonr_-' -'thc-'!:c ot a curl to tt " irgm.. r,r;g_ ". iraii":"i'ii6. oo fce!, ! cenrral rasl!of 24.00'00., rod a cbord ctJt i.-!I"^ uizazi;odrl ii.ialie.r; rheoco, departtag. lrtd.routberl, rtgbr_of_ray ltn:- 1134.38,00if -iO. Od-i".a.," thc ccntertbe.ol rrld,: corc,csecL Drlve; tbeoce tire fo[ovrni-t; ;;;;; li]ig -ru ceDcerrruc, (r) 3r.70' fccsialon3 th. rrc or. "o*" !r-*"-i.i;.;;;i;;-"-;;iius or eo.oo reer; r ccor--;;;.--.J-,I:----:;r'.-l:.sd-aaslc-or iq;60.66.1 iii'i "rora cbat iaarr s;?;2t;;6;,8 3r.42 rect3 (2) s?91 :..,22'@'E 96'58 fect; theocc, dcaart!.rr. ""ra c*r.rir.ol iio-re'oo,'n 20.oo fccr ro...l .'.- lhc ooro: :r.1rrtoor"s, coo.r.l8t ,il: ;c";;-;;;;;. ",, r.rr. . . i,:. .... .. ......r:.1'-. :'-.. .. :, -:.2-:.,., .. ..... .r. .... c..-.- z. LrJI fl- 1g oo EEA , :,8. '.s'z ! r'- j otsoo\ |.ciivr o .{o t a,I'r lt t.t.,:E ao trJJOsj 55ZJ =s t.. oo.2o.@ 3, ,,OO,ZOoOO N,!c's€ | ,et oa !,,OO.?OoOOS a9l ,b ot(v,I (\, I l! t-(J E.F F/*i i /9" I /l *f'vl Hffi I s/i -/ i i'l lE i /iii:"|,8r//fas/ l' F 'l ,--' oo Or Fo G t-- NI A\.' OqZOo0O I I .l . OVOU .:"..: ,... ''.,1 -----'52' / to -^6-,- t--5Fd . o-o+(9 <,!u, =Nt' E q :TNI ;aJ F X-@;iq b!trt-lo. 'ur" Itr#/ ;l I J" o^g x LrJ J UJ C)E (! 2 a 7 .X-oe tf, t'og"N '"\ / J uJoE o- ( ,/t I:or1m /r" -^r"oolDE ,// _3o ft |J)z I I rt @ J dt -(\l@o Fo oooF c v CDc d(\l t!z O'"N..rt>:u, r6 (JF t!,F =J L Fz lrJ t! @ trJI JJ 5 J ' 8 3 o '/':j llllHl E s-i {Flg; JH I rrl 'i $t\ JNs\E I $-t ! 6 i o' ra o-co at -. t38 i.lat! ": I fi,,OO,ZOoOO N i:alna.Dr ooirvl It q ':.i !'^ Oo. IF 'E:, s.t ! 3 ' iE *: c<l Jr, I a U { {\i ,lr.. 00. U OcOO N ovou l ,--'52/,---- -/'// --io-o s/ rlh .,'.,o0_e-i;AE io o J oooF G "oi 'ooolso € ,1/Et l-()- fldF bo ?BE;$,D =Nl'G€J /r /z t. t, \. It I z UJ Ldo trjJ(,a<.>j 5tZJ =s I-$ \fil ---al I c0o .r go -.1 oz, a!oo'aro o 96a ae 06r I eFcr or l..r\ Ul oo.G.o a alr,tEt 0rlFa a C\I I l! F c F. I .. OO. ZOcOO S !,,OO.?OoOOS i ,. OO,?0oOO ll ovou 13- _--i?- --------'-,2'//-./ i\,.oo,zoooo N ar 3,,o?,zoooos I I Fo EF @ Ju()q a -:7 I I I, I P' -'r 6t I t'- I.tx t r$t atr t;t I /,.o dl -N@ooFotl q F ll E .]o -o$/P.' a, o J IU(Jc q< Fo- fld. ico-rlbbo9ccii9 =Nv G€J tddozE (L rotf,c tr, o _o'NN &, ro ata 't"" ,-\rrs ar, / (/ )( tf,f'r* -','t"ooBe.o,s\ Qa. w / tlJ /t/H/.< II ntFo tl J t \l coo oN UJz-)o?(\r,. rr>; lrJ frJ i-) ut, rr l! a\) lrJ|. c! z =L Fz Ld tl, U' trlJ9z<SJ-J 55ZJ d=-: st2. .> I I I II$t !t,6 t -l < a. ooso ..ta I':8 i.l?lr "I I 3..00.?ooq) r-- - - -^\ r.1 ,,00,2 0c 00 N t\ ,/ L f( L t- oo O/(\,, I ,a 1.8lsco J rhj ?a t!o-o s'/;, rlh a,,ooE-il ta)F @ J ol .s\l @oo o oo F E F()- EdF bo E ^88oto =N!' G€J 'o -o c|.) u'lz ?o;oN Yoe^Y6/oLn(.t./ /I I .t ORDINANCE Seri es N0. 31 of 1986 AN ORDINANCE VACATING ALL RIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST OF THE TO}'N OF VAIL IN AND TO THE ROADI.JAY MORE PARTICULARLY SET FORTH AND DESCRIBED IN THE QUIT CLAIM DEED ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT A AND MADE A PART HEREOF; ANO SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO./t ls' I{HEREAS, a portion of Gone Creek Drive, a public roadway within the Town of Vail has not been utiljzed by the genera'l public for many years; and I{HEREAS, said portion of Gore Creek Drive has been utilized by the owners of the Texas Townhouses for parking during said period of time; and I{HEREAS, the owners of the.Texas Townhouses at their own expense have repaired and maintained sajd roadway for many years; and WHEREAS, because of sajd reasons the Town beljeves that jt wou'ld benefit the public safety and welfare to vacate said roadway and take the necessary steps to allow title to the roadway to transfer to the owners of the Texas Townhouses for parking purposes only under the terms and conditions as set forth herein; and I{HEREAS, 43-2-303 C.R.S., as amended, provides that a munic'ipality may vacate all right, title or jnterest in a roadway by the adoption of an ordinance vacat'ing any roadway or part thereof within the corporate limits of the Town; and WHEREAS, 43'2-30? C.R.S. provides that in the event that the entire width of a roadway is vacated, title to the vacated portion of the roadway shall vest in the owners of the abutting land, each abutting owner taking to the center of the roadway; and WHEREAS, the abutting 'landowners of the pertinent portion of Gore Creek Drive are the owners of the Texas Townhouses on one side and the Town of Vail on the other; and IJHEREAS, said owners have entered into a Townhouse Associatjon agreement giving the Texas Townhouse Association the right to hold title to said vacated portion of the roadway as thejr nominee. NOI{, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TO}JN OF VAIL, C0L0RAD0, as follows: Section 1. The portions of Parcel D on Exhibit quit claim deed to conditions: Gore Creek Drive designated as Parcel A, Parcel B, Parcel C and A attached hereto are hereby vacated and sha'l 1 be conveyed by the Texas Townhouse Associatjon subject to the following 1. The Texas Townhouse Association shal'l be obligated to maintain the surface of the vacated roadway and to keep'i t in good repair including, but not limited to' asphalt paving, repair of gutters and roadbed and snow removal as shall be necessary to keep said roadway'in good condition and repair and accessjble to authorized pedestrians and vehicles at all reasonable times. No property described herein shall be used or occupied at any tine for any purpose other than pedestrian, bicyc'l e and limited motor vehicle ingress and egress to Grantee's townhouses for the sole purpose of parking. 2. No property described herein sha1 'l be used or considered in determining the gross residential f'loor area or density that the Grantee would be entitled to under Town of Vai'l laws and regulations. 3. An easement twenty (20) feet in width whose center'l ine approximates that of those portions of Gore Creek Drjve are shown in Exhibit A is hereby reserved unto the Grantor for emergency vehicle and fire access. The Grantee hereby agrees to install and maintain appropriate signs provided by the Town of Vail Fire Department designating the easement as an emergency vehic'l e and fire lane. 4. The Grantor hereby reserves a non-exclusive easement across the within described and granted property for the purposes of public pedestrian and bicycle ingress and egress and for the installation, maintenance, repair, and use of utiljty lines by utility companies, public or quasi-public authoritjes. 5. At the westerly entrance of the property herein described, the Grantee shall provide and maintain a sign to advise the public that said area is open to the public for pedestrian and bicycle ingress and egress. This sign shali be approved by the Town of Vail Design Review Board. 6. The Town Manager is hereby directed to execute a quit claim deed containing the exceptions set forth above and further providing that should the Grantee violate any of the restrjctions, conditjons, covenants or reservatjons of the quit claim deed, the property shall revert to the Town. Section 2. If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decjsion shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this Ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, c'l ause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsectjons, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. -2- Section 3. The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this Ordjnance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. Section 4. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the Vail l'lunicipal Code as provided in this Ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceedings as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING THIS day of ,1986, and a public hearing shall be held on this 0rdinance on the _ day of , 1986 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chanbers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. Ordered published in full this day of 1986. Paul R. Johnston, Mayor ATTEST: Pame'l a A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this _ day of ,1986. Paul R. Johnston, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town CIerk -3- QUIT CLAIM DEED THIS DEED, made this day of 1986, between the TOI{N 0F VAIL, a Colorado municipal corporation, as Grantor, and the TEXAS TOWNH0USE ASSOCIATI0N, a Colorado non-profit corporation acting as the nominee of the owners of the Texas Townhouses, as Grantee. I{ITNESSETH, the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar ($1.00) to the Grantor paid by the Grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, has remised, released, so1d, conveyed and quit claimed and by these presents does remise, release, sell, convey and quit claim to the Grantee, its successors and assigns forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which the Grantor has in and to the described real property described in the attached Exhibit A. Subject to the following conditions, covenants, restrictions and reservations agreed to by the Grantee: 1. The Texas Townhouse Association shal'l be ob'l igated to maintain the surface of the vacated roadway and to keep it in good repair including, but not'l imited to, asphalt paving, repair of gutters and roadbed and snow removal as sha'l I be necessary to keep said roadway in good condition and repair and accessible to authorized pedestrians and vehicles at a'l 'l reasonable times. No property described herein shal'l be used or occupied at any time for any purpose other than pedestrian, bicyc1 e and'l imited motor vehicle ingress and egress to Grantee's townhouses for the sole purpose of park'i ng. 2. No property described herejn shall be used or cons'idered in determining the gross resident'ial floor area or density that the Grantee would be entitled to under Town of Vail laws and regulations. 3. An easement twenty (20) feet in width whose center line approximates that of those portions of Gore Creek Drive are shown jn Exh'ibit A is hereby reserved unto the Grantor for emergency vehicle and fire access. The Grantee hereby agrees to insta'l 'l and maintain appropri ate signs provided by the Town of Vai'l Fire Department designating the easement as an emergency vehic'l e and fire lane. 4. The Grantor hereby reserves a non-exclusive easement across the wjthin described and granted property for the purposes of public pedestrian and bicycle ingress and egress and for the installation, maintenance, repair, and use of utility lines by utility companies, public or quasi-pub] ic authorities. 5. At the westerly entrance of the property herein described, the Grantee shall provide and maintain a sign to advise the pub'l ic that said area is open to the public for pedestrian and bicycle ingress and egress. This sign shall be approved by the Town of Vail Design Review Board. 6. The Town Manager is hereby directed to execute a quit clajm deed containing the exceptions set forth above and further prov'iding that should the Grantee violate any of the restrictions, conditions, covenants or reservations of the quit claim deed, the property shall revert to the Town. 7. Except as otherwise set forth herein, the conditions, covenants, etc., herein set forth shal'l run with the land and shall bind the Grantee, its successors and assigns; and all parties claiming by, through, or under it sha'll be taken to hold, agree, and covenant with the Gnantor of said property, with its successors and assigns, and with each of them to conform to and observe said restrictions as to the use of the property. Upon a breach of any one of the conditions, covenants, restrictions, or reservations herein set forth, or the contjnuance of such breach, the above described property shall revert to the Grantor. 8. Each of the conditjons, covenants, etc., set forth above shall continue and be binding upon the Grantee, upon its successors and assigns, and upon each of them and all parties and a'l 1 persons claiming under them for a period of twenty (20) years from the date of this conveyance. 9. Inva1 idation of any of these conditions, covenants, etc., or any part thereof by judgments or court order shall in no wise affect any of the other provisions, which shall remain in fu1 I force and effect. T0 HAVE AND T0 H0LD the same, together with all and singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or in anywise thereunto appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest, and claim whatsoever of the Grantor, either in law or equity, unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. IN IIITNESS I,JHERE0F, the Grantee has hereunto set its hand and seal the day and year first above written. TOI.JN 0F VAIL, a Co'lorado municipal corporation TEXAS TOWNHOUSE ASSOCIATION, A non-profit corporation 8y:8y: Rondall V. Phillips, Town Manager ATTEST: Pamela A. Erandmeyer, Town C'l erk -2- tAtcEL A A,p.rt of Cor. Cr.!k Drty., V.lL Vlllrgc lourtb Flllo! .ccordin8 to tbe rrp th.r.-of tecordGd 18 tha otfl.cc of thc Ertlc County, Colorrdo, Cl.rt aad Lccoritcir d:r- .Icrr,bld u folloerr . !c81o8t-nt .t . poht oo thc northerly rlght-of{.t lta. o! .r1d Cor. Crerl. Drlvr, *; lrld polat .1,.o bctug th! ,outhyertrrly cornar of lpt t, nld yell Vlllage foorttl1l1ati th.6c! thc follortng tvo couraer .lo1t tb. Borthcrlt rtgbt-of-vay llnc o!Core CreGL, Drlv.;. (l) 8.73 fect elong the .rc of . cun'G to thc rlghr, htvlng . I{1"! 9! 70.00 fccc, . c!trtrel raglc of Ot.0E'?9'. .nd I chord rhlr bcErs NtE.t6rUilIf 8.72 fG.t; (2) x55'22'O0r\l 4.56 fcct; th.nc., dcplrtl'og r.td Dortherlt rtghr-.of{y, S3l'38r00\f 20.@ fcct elong rh. ye.r.rl, ltn of .ald VrU. Vllht- ?o;rthItllag to tb. cent.rllu. of reld Gore Craek Drlvi; thenc. tbc followlng tro courtcr.loa8 srr.d celtarllac I (l) S55.22'00.8 4.56 fact; (2) 1f.22 fcat along the .rc ott curva to thc lcft, hrvfut r rtdtur of Xt.0O fcct, r ccatrrl |[glc ofed I chord tbrt berrs S58'56t15"8 11.21 faet; thenc. departlog aatd ccotGrltD",N2r'29'31t't 20.00 fc.t to th! polor of begtunin3, corrri;tng, 2it rquerc fect, roroof lcrr. EXHIBIT A l.r::! :f corc cr!.r-Drlvr,J.ll *rr:;;":*,rr;.:;;jii ;;1i;. ; .n.,1.'lor recorded 1n tbc offlc. of tba legl' Couty, Colorado, dgrf eld tcordei, dct_crlbcd r. follosrr .. .j::.. thlacG sqr'02'00"8 20.35 f..! r100r thc e-iciiy ir"" ;a-riidl;u-iriilgl-ii:iiLuurB to th. c.oteruoc ot 'ld dre creek Drtvr; tb.oc. tb. tolrovtnr in coor..,:Iry-:y 1m13rrfi-r (r) u7e'2?'oo"rr-ioo.ga i".i;-iii-ic.ti i;;;i;r';i.-;- ,' :1,,t ::": :: 9t-.tllb.t, barlo3 r rrdlur of 90.d) fcrt, I ccotr.l udr-ot l6'5t! j l1-' r!6_r chord rbar bcrrr il0.56rl6'\, 26.3t fc.t; tbcnc., dcaerttul ..ld crocrr_Lltc f,21'29'rlit 20.00 faet to ttrc ooroirli rr8hr-oti.t ir".'or iiir-c"i.-a..i : !Tl":i *."". tb. follot lug Gyo cqtrr.r aloag aita oortberty ,fgnt-6i.*"r-id---(r) 20.69 f..! rlort thc ric o( r "urr. to ri.-left, hertog'r iiJiu.-"i-rol6-i..;; rr_c.atrrl_rat1. ot 16.5113l', arrl r cborrt tbet bcrri StO.56rl4NE 20.52,;ri-(2t- .E7e'22r00'E L9?.!2 fcrt to t[c aorrt-oi-ilGbi;-;;trrun3 {rll riu"ii-ili]. ,,; PTNCEL C A prrt of cor. Cr!.L Drlvr. -Vrl.l Vllllt. lourth FtltnS rccordttg to tb. lap thcrc-of recorded ln rhe offtc! oe the eatie-L;;;;;'c;i;il,., clerh rl.t tecorder, dcr_crlbed !s follour: .*!f:IC..l. !!e routheeltcrlJ, coruer of s.!it Vr!.!. Vlllate lourrb Ftttn8, thenc.N79'22r00'9 ro8.l7 fcer rrong rh-c "oo*t"riy-irgiiiii.y rrn. of sar. core creelDELve; rhencc d€psrtt.t satd rlghr_of_u.y iri.-nio: !g; oo"E 20.oo feet to rhc cen_terllne of sald core creek Drtve; ruence' sii;iz;06.i-roq. to faet elong sald c!n_terllne to the 'aererrv rlne of iard_ va'-iiriie"-rlutth F,,,oS: tbence soo.ozr00"8 20.35 feet alouR ;rtd c.!rcrl, lto ."-i[u-p"iii or ue3Loarng, courrhr.nt2125 cquerc fect, D;. or l.rr. PATCEL D A p.rt of Gore Creek DrIv.. -Val.l Vlllag€ Foutth flllng rccordlDg to thr lap therc-of recordcd in thc offlce ir rh. e.gi""io"iii, "ciiir"i", clGrk and Recorder, dec-cElbed .8 follors I BsSLonlnB si a polor so the southerly lioe of rrld ylil VtlleS,e Fourth Ftlinglrsld poht belag a polnt of lnterrecilon of - ifr"-rouii.rr, rlght_of_t ty ltne ofatld cor€ Creet. Drlve aod thc elaterly rfght_of_siy iinc ot Ctratet Road, vrr.lvllLge Ptfth rlllnB eccordlng to tt e' asp-iber"oi-ieciraea 1n thc olflc€ of tb.Eagle County, Colorado. Clerk rnd Bocorder; tlr.ni"-ti" follorrlag tro couracr elongilld-l*:F ry rlsht-of-?8y une! (l) xzt.i2;d;;i-d-ia f"..; (2) 40.08 feer e1on3.the rrc bf ! curve to rhe rtght-, brvt ng e tadtur of iiO.Oo fi"i,-. "uotr.l .a!i--'ol 24'00100", .!d a cbord that bc.n u6f.Zi;Oo V ti.ii.f""t; chenc€, dapaatL!.tr.ld,toutberlt rttht-of-rray tlnc- ll}{.3g'00',f iO.Od-i".t to thc ceoterllag of crldcotc,crecl Drlve i thetce thc fotlovln3 tr. .."ii.. riJog aerc cearerllD.r (f) lr.iOf..t'rlont th. lrc of I cur,ee to th. lcft, blytn! a rrdlu! of 90.O0 feet, r cclg_ ;*,#gt:..:"21:99:0o.:, ead r chord tbrt Lrrr sir;zi;oo"r !7.t2 teatT (2) sre. . ...-" r, E tc.)o lecC; thcoo., d.p$trot arld c.Dtcrllra SlO.St.OOxB ZO.@'Crct tq . "th. potor ol br3laarog, coot.blsl zicf ,q_r.-ii.l]Lrr or r,.rr. ! GRANT OF EASEMENT The T0WN 0F VAIL, a Colorado municipal corporation ("the Town"), hereby grants, sells and conveys to the TEXAS T0WNHOUSE ASS0CIATI0N, a Colorado non-profit corporation ("the Grantee"), its successors and assigns, an easement over real property descrjbed in Exhibjt A attached hereto and by reference incorporated herein, together with the rjght of ingress and egress to and from said parking area for the purpose of exercising the rjghts herein granted. 8y accepting this parking easement as it is granted hereby, Grantee agrees as fol'l ows: 1. The parking easement shall be used exc'l usively for vehicular parking by the Grantee and for no other purpose whatsoever. 2- The Town hereby reserves a perpetual non-exclusive pedestrjan and bicycle easement for the benefit of the general public over and across the parking area granted herein subject to Grantee's parked vehicles. 3. The Grantee shall be obligated to maintain the surface of the parking easement area including, but not ljmjted to, asphalt paving, repair of gutters and roadbed and snow removal as shall be reasonably necessary to keep such area in good condition and reoair at all reasonable times. 4. Grantee shall obtain and maintain jn full force and effect appropriate public liability'i nsurance coverage in amounts approved by the Town covering personal and/or property damage claims on the parking easement area. 5. By its acceptance of the aforesaid easement, Grantee, its successors and assigns, does hereby indemnify and hold the Town harmiess from and against a'l 1 claims, demands, actions, suits at 1aw, and all costs related thereto, including reasonable attorneys fees, ari sing by reason of the Grantee's occupancy of and operations within the easement area hereby granted. 6. Notwithstanding anything else set forth in this easement, the Town shall have the right to terminate this easement should it wish to use the real property descri bed here'i n for any pub'l ic or quasi-public purpose upon the giving of written notice to the Grantee of such termjnation no less than ninety (90) days prior to the date of termination. Unless and until the Town so termjnates this easement, this easement sha'l I be perpetual and shalI run with the Iand. t\ IN IIITNESS }JHEREOF, the Town has set its hand and seal this - day of , 1986. TOUN 0F VAIL, a Colorado municipal corporation Pau'l R. Johnston, Mayor ATTEST: STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGTE The foregoing lnstrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of _, 1986 by Paul Johnston as Mayor and by Pamela Brandmeyer as Town Clerk of the Town of Va{I, a Colorado municipal corporation. llitness my hand and official seal. My comisslon expires: 8y: )) ss. ) -2- o ASSOCTATEXAS TO\ilNHOUSE' HOMBO\^rNER'S Vall. Colorado c,/o 65() s. Cherry St., Sulte tooo Denver, Colorado aO222 TION 321-lofi) Mr. Dave Schnegelbereter All--Seasons Condominiurn 434 Gore Creek Dr.Vail, Colorado gl_657 Dear Dave: Pursuant to your conversatl,onenclosed a map depicting (in blue)put a No Parking sign. As you cangrass, just off the street, as youthe tennis courts, Because of the way the snow is plowed fron aII theparking areas creating a dead end at this point, hre feel thissign is needed. If you consent to the location of this sign on yourproperty, please sign the copy of this letter ind reLurn tome at your earliest convenience. October 25, L987 with Pete, please findthe spot we would like to see it would be in the round the corner toward ff you have any questions, do not hesitate to caII me. PB/vw encs. Approved Dave Schnegelberger, Manager -tctaG,.. '-E iri q a68b lr,t lL at ll,J,02<>j 5tZJ 13 $ t ,t.::l 'tt!:l ^r,.oo,eo.oox i;Til.,.*..o..I'tt FiIr vr lAce AI lr F (ts F $t It FI GF l!o Fc o- 1.6 :V'-'I iT 3^ L__ ___ ovoa 13.f i/ I ./ ./ -_r?---'---lj;-/ ./' "";Ji.iffj,,r_qqiiiE b-'3'I* FOo G€: 7 $s o .o z t-|J- Ed.F t)o 3FEo-o Q co-r '-..c-.! 1', toc b l' 1.,,, o Y q(, -a t"*^io*r*Hous' HoMEowN"*= *?"^TroN Vall, Colorado c/o 65() S. Cherry St. sulte lqx) Denver, Colorado nzzz (Eo3) 32 l-looo November 6, 1987 !la. Christine pritz Town of Vail 75 S. frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81652 Re: Texas Townhouses Dear Chrlstine: Per our conversatlon, please find enclosed a copy of thesigned document fron All-selsonrs management, consenling to aNo Parking eign to be instalted on their property by th6TexaE TownhouBe Homeowners Association. . _Baring any unforeseen circunstances, the signs should bein place eometine next week, and this natter wlli beconpleted. If you have any questLons, do not heEitate to call me. PB/w encg. MINUTES VAIL To}'lN CoUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 2, 1986 7:30 p.m. A regular meet'i ng of the Vail Town 7:30 p.m. in the CounciI Chambers. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS NOT PRESENT: TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: apply previous Town of Vai.] I t'' l-t: -" I .( o'' " Council was held on Tuesday, December 2, 1986' at Paul Johnston, Mayor Kent Rose, Mayor Pro Tem Eric Affeldt Gail lrlahrlich-Lowenthal Gordon Pierce John Slevin Hermann Staufer Ron Phil'l ips, Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town AttorneY Pam Brandmeyer, Town Clerk to reannexed Iand O The first order of business was 0rdinance No. 33, Series of 1986, second reading, requesting to amend the Municipal Code (Arterial Business District) to add convenience food stores as a conditional use, and to restrict that use to 8'000 square feet or 33 percent of the gross building area, whichever nay be more restrictive. Mayor Johnston read the title in full. Tom Braun gave bri ef background informatjon, stated there were no changes made at first reading and that staff recommended approval . There was no discussion by Counci'l or the public. Eric Affe1 dt made a motion to approve the ordinance, and Gordon Pierce seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimous'ly 6-0. The next item was 0tdii-anqe_ Nc.i2, Series of 1986, first reading, concerning amendment of the zoning map fql-a-.!-tE_!g-di-strict. The full title was read by Mayor Johnston. He stated the Council had taken the ordinance under advisement for twenty days, and they would like to request more time to review the material . Jay Peterson agreed to two weeks from this date at the next Evening Meeting. Gordon Pierce made a motion to_ilgb]3uthe issue until the next Evening Meeting, and Gai'l hlahrljch-Lowenthal seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 6-0. The third item was 0rdinance No. 31, Series of 1986, first reading, regarding the Texas Townhome street vacation, conveyance and easement. Mayor Johnston read the*tit'le TR-TtrlT.--Ee-irv FSIwith elplained the ordinance and quit claim deed. He also explained the grant of easement for a portion of Tract F-2 would have to be approved by separate motion. There was no discussion by Council or the pub'l ic. Gail . Wlnrtich-Lowenthal made a motion to approve the ord'i nance and quit c'l aim deed. Kent Rose seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 6-0. There was a'l so no discussion by Council or the public on the grant of easement. Kent Rose made a motion to approve it, and John Slevin seconded. A vote was taken and the mot'ion passed unanimously 6-0. The next item for discussion was 0rdinance Series of 1986 tre ing, to e title was read in ful'l by Mayor Johnston.r'r sf,an Pr explained that staff was proposing the exact same zoning as was previously to the deannexed areas in bueltion. There was no discussion by the public or Council. Gordon P'i erce made a motion to approve the ordinance, which Kent Rose seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimousiY 6-0. The fifth item on the agenda was Ordinance No. 35, Series of 1986, first reading, amending the Municipal Code Section "Property without a Zone Designat'ion".. Mayor Johnston read the full title of the ordinance. Kristan Pritz asked that the item be tabled until the next Evening Meeting. Kent Rose made a motion to table the ord'inance, and John Slevin seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 6-0. The next item on the agenda was 0rdinance No. 36, Seri es of 1986, first reading' a supplemental appropriaiion to the Town budget. Mayor Johnston read the title in fu'l 'l . Steve Barwick explained the reasoning for the appropriation. Ken hlilson had questions on why did the appropriation come out of the real estate transfer tax "',,* Proiecl Name: TEXAS TOWNHOUSES t' :r I .' -' -) Project Appllcation 9 -l_8 -8 7Date ProiectDescriprion' 483 GORX CREEK DRIVE,VATL COLORADO Contact Person and Phone p PEYTON F. PERRY 650 Soul:h Cherrv Street Suite L000 T)onver Colorado 80222 PEYTON F. PERRY 650 Sour:h Cherry Street Suite 1000 Owner, Addr€ss and Phone: Denver Colorado 80202 TEL 303-32 1- 1000 DNA Architect, Address and Phone: O L Legal Descrip{iorft Lot ON FILE Block Filing Zon€ - Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAT DISAPPROVAL 0l 't"'rtfi { st"tt Approval ""*Jo**Hous' HoMEowN"*= ^"!"^TroNvall, colorado c/o 650 S. Cherry St., Suite lfi)o Denver, Colorado etDzz2 (3()3) 32l.l(xx) Septenber 18th, L9A7 Ms. KriEtan pritz 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 k'zrcr+n(Dear lts+.'*l-.tttr, Please find encloEed the following documents, a proJectapplication, a sign applicatJ.on, i survey and a Lfreir. rn the comnentg sectlon of the signed application form is adescrlption of the two signs requisted. The two signs aredesignated by capital A ana e wilicfr we have shown on theattached reduced survey by location, Thank.you very nuch_ for your assistance, and should have anyquestions please call. Enc. Area Code - \t iicringe ,IJl- lOoO M OF Oporetor 3 T''TT?IiIII TTBut{ 'lrJrltlilLr 'llnll-l F U{JUAIL gt'54Pt1 tfi.8Er t8. flE REI.EIFT Bi' FirF,tl r:r5 Ut_:T t:iBt llul.ltr*,.i EEI-:EIPT * 4r3T3 TE:{*! T'll.lf.lHrJUtE A_qSL-lt-. I AT I rtH F. il. Frlli 1 i 14ll$iIL, iu. :-rl65i trESriF: i FT I r.Jt.t , IT I fi.I iiFFL I I:HTI [I.I rrlBl:ltttr4I41l TIJTAL r_:fi5H riHErjt: # 1141 IMPORTANT MESSAGE DATE 1pjt3 - nw 9:So Eil wHr\E YOU WERE OUT TELEPHON ED CALLED TO SEE YOU WANTS TO SEE YOU ,i -,il oa<>- 5tz) =s _d $ t z -fo? '-Eiiqi63b lrlF 8 $J ll- F o F ,'l ,,O 0,? O o OO u ,..oo.ro.-.,\'$) i$\r\0n vt|n DU C\l t! F (r F o o t 8I t, J"I E e!; e.'': I ' iE c i.,-"t ol<i*l@ -l"tl rl cl TI\\lrll tg* - ;tr b,,oo.!o.@ N ovou 131 I ,thh 0^'o t o i/,(' ,<t -----;r-' ,a- '- u-' ;;'J,:]kB k;, ,\%&*?ge ?YW;: : * nppaa!2. 'bl o006 9 -'', oi FFOe (l<lJ ",,ooTiiiE :.(. V' '/r?E/3. /%l'- o- i; ,4 ri \^ 1'.;:p;- .s ,/ Cee Paid Appl ication Nunber Date 9-18-87 SIGN APPL ICATION c,kYlqhq Name of Project TEXAS TOWNHOUSES Name of Person Subrnitting Pel.'ton F. perry Phone 303-321-I000 Location of Project 483 .,Gore Creek Drive Vail Coforado Description of.Project 15 Unit townhouse project brown wood posts The following informatjon is required for submittal by the applicantto the Oesign_Review Board before a final approval cair be given. Sign submittal fee is $20.00. A. Sign Material _!2" x 1g" metal signs, qreen backqround with white lettering I1/2" Lo 2I/4" aLtaehed to brownwood- posts B. Descript'ion of Sign C. Size of Sjgn Siqns are 12" x l8', metal attached to nosts 6t above ground Length of_.Erq:Laae (Ft. )DNA Comments pedestrians and bicyles only. D. E.Private Porperty. Public access Sign B.Private Property. Unauthorized vehicles will be towed at owner's expense. MAT ALs SUBi.IITTED WITH APPLICATION 1. Site Plan Yes2. Drar,rings sh6ifiE-Aact'location YES3. Photoglaphs shorlving proposed locEfion$_4. Actual sign No 5. Colored scale dratving lvo6. PhotograPh of sign llo Approved for DRB Submittal 0isaooroved for DRB Submittal Sisffi Admi n istFatol