HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 5 BLOCK 3 LOT P2 COVENANTS LEGALI L-L'Yo'" I | 12.., DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS IIST-.P..?', BLOCK 3 VAIL VILLAGE FIFTH TILING EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the underslgned, being the only o!,rner of the land descrtbed as Lot P-2, Block 3, Vall Vlllage Flfth Flllng, and a portton of vacated Hanson Ranch Road, descrtbed on Exhlblt A hereto, Eagle County, Colorado (herelnafter collectlvely referred to aE "Lot P-2"), and being desLrous of protectlng property value, and protecting the health, convenlence,welfare and uae of the future o$rners of Lot P-2, does hereby declare that lt deslres to establlsh certaln limitatlons upon the future use of Lot P-2 and to provide for the conmon maintenance of certain improvements and features located and to be located on Lot P-2, WHEREFORE, the underslgned does hereby declare and adopt the following protective covenants, each and all of which shall be applicable to and run with Lot P-2, Block 3, Vail Village Fifth Flling, Eagle County, Colorado and a portion of vacated Hanson Ranch Road, descrlbed on Exhibit A hereto, Eagle County, Colorado: 1. Deflnltlons. A. "Common Expenses" means and includes all sums arising from the maintenance of certain improvements located and to be located on Lot P-2, which shall be borne among those future owners of Parcels (as hereinafter defined) of Lot P-2 who may be responslble for such expenses under the terms of this Declaration of Protective Covenants. B. "Guest" means any agent, employee, tenantr guest, licensee or invitee of an Or.rner. C. "Owner" means each Person or Persons, as hereinafter defined, owning each Parcel (as hereinafter defined) of Lot P-2, Ln fee simple, along with the heirs, successors' assLgns and representatlves of sald person or persons. D. "Person" means any lndividual, corporation,partnershJ.p, conbination, association, trustee or any other legal entity. I ll|ilt ililr llllll lilr llillll ll llllllll lll lllll llll llll t23358 Oa/22/t997 tt:08e 1727 P395 1 of ? R 36.00 D O.OO Serr J Flrhr, Eegh, O0 E. r'Parcel" means any one of the Parcels into which Lot P-2 ls dlvlded under the resubdlvlsion plat recorded ln the recordsof the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder in Book _ at Page _. F. rrl,ot P-2'r means, coIlectively, that real property descrlbed as Lot P-2, Block 3, Vail vlllage fifth Filing, and aportion of vacated Hanson Ranch Road, described on Exhibit A hereto, Eagle County, Colorado, and any resubdlvision thereof. 2. Llmltatlon of Use of Lot P-2. Lot P-2, and each of the Parcels fn shall be used only for the following purposes: A. Parking of passenger vehicles having a weight of less than 10,000 pounds, together with lmprovements assoclated wlth such use, including, by way of example and not of llmitation, paved parklng lots and securlty gates. B. Landscaplng. C. Underground utll-1ty llnes. 3. Prohlbltl.on on Construction Above Ground Level . Excepting only landscaping, retaining walIs necessary for the support of parklng, and other devices associated with the use of Lot P-2 for parking purposes, no structure shall be placed on Lot P-2 above the ground level existing on the date of this Declaration of Protective Covenants. 4. Obllqatlons of Owners. Each owner shall maintaln and repair lts Parcel In a manner consistent with the maintenance and repair of other Parcels within Lot P-1, including, by lday of example and not of limitation, the maintenance and repair of paved parklng areas and necessary retaining walls, and the creatlon, malntenance, irrigatlon and perpetuation of landscaping. Each Oerner is requlred t.o cooperate with Owners of any adJacent Parcel in the creatlon and maintenance of landscaping and other features affecttng both parcels (such as retalnlng walls), and bear a portion of the cost of such activities as set forth herein, unless such Owners agree in writing to a different aflocation of responsibiltty. Owners shall be permitted but not required to cooperate in the lnstallation of irrigation systems. Any dlspute arlsing from the obllgatlons set forth in this Section shall be resolved ln the manner set forth hereLn related to DLspute Resolution. 5. Cornmon Expenses. Unless otherwise agreed in wrltlng among the participating Ovrners, the Common Expenses shall be made by egual divislon among the Owners of the Parcels adJacent to the l.!Jul.|ll,lll!H!!|,[!ll!tl!l!,tltl.l.utlllllllllllll a-;i-1n-gc.og a o'oo sre J Flrhr, Eelr' c0 CnmPWtp I u6^Act nd17,rPWr Rtftwro€o activitles for whlch the expense Lncurred. Each O\ilner havingresponslblllty to pay expenses toward a shared Common Expense as set forth herein shall be obligated to upay the portlon of the expense set forth hereln, or as otherwis| agreed In wrltlng wlth the other partlclpating Owners, to meet tl+ Common Expenses of such activlty, wlthln ten days of demand by ai Owner who has expended such Common Expense or proposes Lo incur iuch Conmon Expense. Anydiapute artsing from the obligations set forth in tnis Sectionshall be resolved ln the manner set forth hereln related to Dlspute Resolutlon. 6. Enforcement and Collection of Conmon Expenses. Any Ownerto whom an amount l-s due under this Declaration of Protectlve Covenants for Conmon Expenses may collect such amount through the Dlspute Resolution procedure set forth herein, and the enforcement of the results of such Dispute Resolution procedure. The prevailing party in any such proceedtng shall be entitled to lts attorneys' fees lncurred in assoclation with such collectlon and dlspute resolutlon effort. 7. T.ien for Nonpayment of Conmon Expense. All sume due but unpaLd fn I be a llen agaLnst the Parcel whose portlon of such expenses remalns unpaid for ten days after demand, and shall, when properly recorded, constltute a Iien on such Parcel prior to aII other liens and encumbrances' except only tax and special assessment Iiens on the unit in favor of a governmental authorlty. If any common Expense shall remaln unpald after thlrty days from demand for payment thereof, the Owner claiming such Cornmon Expense may irnpose a penalty on such defaulting Owner equal to 5t of such amount as Is due, togetherwlth interest at the rate of two percent per month. To evldence such llen, the Osrner clalming such Common Expense may prepare a written notice setting forth the amount of such unpald indebtedness, the name of the Owner claimlng the Common Expense, the name of the Owner owing such Common Expense, and thedescription of the Parcel subject to the lien created by thts Declaration of Protective Covenants. Such notice shall be slgned by the Ot{ner claimlng the Common Expense or the representative of that Owner and may be recorded in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. Such lien for Common Expenses shall attach from the date of the failure of payment of the Conmon Expenses. Subsequent to reductlon of the lien to an award through the Dispute Resolution procedure set forth herein, such llen may be enforced by foreclosure of the defaultlng Owner's Parcel by the Owner clalning the Common Expense ln llke manner as a mortgage on real property upon the recordlng of a notice or claim thereof. In any collection effort or foreclosure, the prevailing Owner is entitled to recover the costs and expenses LHull,lllullHlll lllH|lllflllLul lllll llll llr 3 s io f R 3t.oo o o,oo gere J Flrhor, Eute , c0 A of such efforts or proceedlngs, and costs and expenses for fllingthe notlce or claim of lien, and all reasonable attorneys' fees. The Ovrner claimlng the Conmon Expenses shall have the power to bld on the Parcel agalnst which the foreclosure was lnstltuted at anyforeclosure sale and to acquire and hold, Iease, mortgage and convey the same. 8. Owners' Obliqatlon for Pavment of Comnon Expenses. The amount of the Common Expenses which is the obligation of each Oetner under this Declaration shall be the individual debt of the Oernerthereof at the tlme the Common Expense is incurred. Subsequent toor ln assoclat,lon wlth the reductlon of the claim to Judgnentthrough the Dlspute Resolution procedure set forth herein, sult to receive a money Judgment for unpaid Common Expenses, and costs ofsult and attorneys' fees, shall be maintainabLe without forecloslngor walving the lien securing the same. No Ovtner may exemPt ltself from llab1llty for its responslbitity for the Common Expenses by waiver of the use or enjoyment of any of the Comnron Elemente or by abandonment of lts Unlt. 9. Liabllltv for Common Expenses Upon Transfer. The granteeof a narc h the grantor for aIl unpald assessments against the latter for any cotnmon Expenses due to another Or,rner in association with the Parcel belng conveyed up to the tlme of the grant or conveyance, wlthout preJudJ.ce to the grantee's right to recover from the grantor the amounts paid by the grantee therefore; provided, however, that, upon written request, any such prospective grantee shall beentltled t,o a statement from the adjoining Owners settlng forth the amount of any unpald Comnon Expenses, wlth respect to the subJectParcel, and any amounts which are projected and may be charged against the subject Parce1 within a time period specified by the proposed grantee, not to exceed six months. In the event no response ls received from any Owner withln twenty days afterreceipt of the request, the prospective grantee sha1I be permlttedto rely upon such fallure to respond as confirmatlon that no amountls owed by the prospective grantor from the Owner failing to respond. 10. Mainte . For purposes of carrying o f this Declaration of Protective covenants, each Owner shatl have an easement for malntenance and repair purposes withln flve feet of each property llne comrnon to two Parcels, provided that the actlvltles conducted under this easement grant shall not be injurious to or interferewith the actl-vitiea on any other Owner(s) on the adJacent parcel. Owner shall have an easernent for drainage to traverse any other11. Drainaqe Easementstne purpo@ I |llilt ilil llril lill lllllll ll llllllll lll lllll lll Each urface ill Ea33$ 6/42/l!9/97 ll:OEt 8727 P39l 4 cf ? R 38.00 O 0.AO Srrr J Flrher, Eegh, C0 Parcel In the manner such dralnage has historically passed, subJectto the provislons hereinafter established. In the event any Or{nerdeslres to reconfigure that Owner's Parcel (the "Relleved Parcel") in a manner which would affect such historlcal drainage patterns, that Owner may divert such drainage pattern using a route other than the historical pattern, provided (a) that such nodification in the drainage pattern ls evldenced by an easement establlshed and granted by the ovtner modlfylng the dralnage pattern, for the use and beneflt of the Parcel(s) whose dralnage ls being diverted (the "ServedParcel(s)"), the terms of which easement shall be subJect to the approval of the Owner(s) of the Served Parcel(s), whlch approval shall not be unreasonably wlthheld; (b) the cost of the construction of any structure necessary for Euch change ln routlng, whether on the Served Parcel(s) or the Relleved Parcel, shall be borne by the Ovrner of the Relleved ParceL; (c) that an appropriate guarantee of such payment may be reguired by the Owner(s) of the Served Parcel(s); and (d) that the activitles conducted under the modified easement grant shall not be injurious to or interfere with the actlvltles on any other O\dner(s) on any adjacent Parcel or Served Parcel . L2. Dlspute Resolutlon. In the event of any dlspute among the Owners arising from this Declaration of Protectlve Covenantst excepting only dlsputes relating to the use of any Parcel for purposes prohtbtted or not authorlzed under thls Declaration of Protectlve Covenants, any Owner desiring the resolution of such dispute shall apply for arbitration of such dispute under the Uniform Arbitration Act (or any successor statute) then ln effect in the State of Colorado. If avallable, the resolution shall occur through the Anerlcan Arbltration Associatlon, whose rules shall' ln the event of confllct, supersede the applicable Colorado statute. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any Owner injured by the acts or omissiong of another Ovrner may apply for and obtain preliminary egultable Judlclal rellef pendlng the resolutlon of any arbltrationproceeding. In the event of a dispute regardlng the use of any Parcel for purposes prohibited or not authorized under thls Declaratlon of Protectlve Covenants, the complaining Owner shall be entltled to apply dlrectly for Judicial rellef or may apply for arbltratlon, reserving the right to apply for and obtaln preliminary equitable Judlclal relief pending the resolution of any arbitration proceeding. ililr ililt llril lll lllllll ll llllllll lll lllll llll llll 323358 O3/AilPgl l1:08t 1727 P395 3 of ? R 3E.90 D 0.00 Serr J Flrhcr, Errh, C0 13. Mlscellaneous. A. All the provislons contalned in this Declaration of Protective Covenants shall continue or remain ln fulI force untllthls Declaratlon of Protectlve Covenants ls termlnated, revoked or,lrith respect only to any portion which may be amended, until this Declaratlon of Covenants is amended as herein provided. B. Thls Declaration of Protective Covenants may be amended, termlnated or revoked by the recording of a written lnstrument speclfylng the amendment or effectlve termlnatlon orrevocation, executed by the Owners, as shown by the recordg of the Offlce of the Clerk and Recorder of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, of Parcels representing an aggregate or,rnershlp lnterest of at least 75t of the Parcels, provlded, however, that no such amendment, termination or revocation shall be effective unless approved by the Town Council of the Tohrn of vall (the "TolvnCouncil"), except as provlded hereln. If a proposed amendment, termlnatlon or revocatLon Ls submltted to the Town of Val"l, and t,he Town Council takes no actlon on the proposal within thlrty days after submittal, the requirement for Town Council approval ghall be consldered to have been walved by the Town Councll. Such l^taiver may be establlshed by a recorded certlficate or affidavit of the Town Clerk of the Town of vall, or by an affidavit of the Owners of a majority of the Parcels. C. The provisions of this Declaration of Protectlve Covenants shall be ln additlon to all other provislons of law of the State of Colorado and the master Declaratlon of Protective Covenants recorded for VaiI Village Fifth filing. D. tfhenever used herein, unless the context shall otherwise provide, the singul"ar number shall include the plural ,the plural the slngular, and the use of any gender shall lnclude all genders. E. Each Owner shall register its malllng address wlth each other Oerner. AIl other notices and demands intended to be serve upon an Ovrner shall be delivered personally or sent either by regLstered or certified maiI, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed ln the name of the Owner at such reglstered mailing address. F. This Declaration of Protective Covenants shall be binding upon and shall lnure to the benefit of each Owner and the helrs, personal representatlves, successors and asslgns of each of them. G. The lnvalldlty and enforceabillty of any provlsion of LHUlr.U||Jllul!1,|llullllJflll,ul lllll llll llll 5 --;a-t n ec.og D o.oo serr J Flrhc, Eern, c0 { this Declaratlon of Protective Covenants, in whol.e or in part, shall not affect the val1dlty or enforceabllity of any otherprovision or any valid and enforceable part of a provlsion of thls DeclaratLon of Protective Covenants. H. The captlons and headlngs herein are for convenlence only and shall not be consldered in construing any provlelons of this Declaratlon of Protective Covenants. I. Fallure to enforce any provision of this Declaratl.on of Protectlve Covenants shall not operate as a waiver of any such provlsJ.on or of any other provision of this Declaratlon of Protectlve Covenants. J. Thls Declaration of Protective Covenants may be executed ln several counterparts, each of $thlch shall be deemed an origlnal for purposes of enforcement. IN I'ITNESS IfHEREOF, thls Declaration have been executed eftective the L1]/day of Covenantg , 1996. P-2 Assoclatlon A Colorado Non-Profl- Owner of Wt rporation 3, The_ foregoing instrumentday or E_tmtll -, 1996, by President of P-2 AssocLation. STATE OF @rrr19g couNTY oF a\3.-J My commission expires: Witness my hand and ol ValI Vllfge was acknowledged before me the 3ltt l-lARra^rt F.elfZ as q. Jo- at ,{flJllllt,0l -r .i i, Ol0t ii'1)';. : ll .r;- r'r' By: ss. tHlll|[lJllHlll !l!|llll!,uf rllLu| rrrrr rrrr [rl t-;a-i n ge.oo D o'oo sm J Flrhr, Eesr, c0 offlcial i; ),a l +.ta 1..'+d-'l 'l,tf,i4!.>j1 :' ';.!' '-'- :- TowlloFvAlL OFFICE OF TTE TO'ITII dlro( 75$rhoilnclm vAn*000ftA00 8165t {l Duttru, A JOH N W. DUNN ARTHUR A. ABPLANALP, JR. ALLEN C. CHRISTENSEN OIANE L. HER}'AN R. C. STEPHENSON SPECIAL COUNSEL: J ERFIY W. HANNAH TELEPHON E: (97O).17Gt-O3OO TELECOPIER: 1970) 476-4765 KAREN M. OUNN cgitriEo LaGAL Aggtstant L.Aw OFFrcEs BPLANALP & CnRrsrENSEN. P.C. THE VArL Brr.r x Burr-orNG Surte goo rog Sourx Fnor.rnee Roro Wesr VArL. CoLoRADo 6r6s7 21 May 1997 Mr. Dirk l4ason Town of VaiI Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road West Vail CO 81557 Re: Resubdivision of Lot P-2 Dear Dlrk! You will find under cover of this Ietter the covenants for Lot P-2 which have been approved by the Town and executed by !h'president of P-2 Rssociaiion, as weII as our check for recordation of those covenants. This material is being provided to you Ln the absence of George Ruther. It must be noted that the recording information relating to the plat, to be inserted at the top of page 2 of the covenants, cann6t be completed until the PIat is recorded. Typicallyt !h+shas been done at the Clerk and Recorder's Office when the plat is recorded. Please make arrangements for this to occur, or advise me if such arrangements are not possible. If you have any questions about this matter, please contact me at your convenience. Thank you for your attentlon to this matter. xcz P-2 Association