HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 5 GENERAL LEGALPRorffiT3il"l3ufifi**, or EAGIE COUNTY, COLORADO VIIIEREAS, Vail Associates, Inc., a Colorailo corporationis the owner of the following described Land (hereinafter refer- redl to as Subject Lancl) : TRACT E, VAII, VILLAGE, FIFTH FILING AND ADJACENT IOT D-l IiIIEREAS, Vail Associates, Inc., hereinafter sometimes referred to as Owner, has placed certain restrictions on the use of the Tracls, Blocks and Lots of the Vail VilLage, Fifth Filing for the benefit of the Owner and its respective grantees, suc- cessors and assigns, saj-d restrictions being filed of recoril in the Eagle Countyr Colorado, record.s at book number 187 and at page number 353. WHEREAS, Owner desires to place certain additionaL restrictions on the use of the Subject Land for the benefit of the owner and its respective grantees, successors and assigns,in oriler to further establish and maintain the character andvalue of real- estate in the vicinity of the Town of Vail. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, Vail Associates, Inc., for itself and its grantees, successors and assigns, does hereby impose, establish, publish, acknowledge, declare and agree with, to and for the benefit of all- persons who may hereafter purchase or lease and from time to time so own or hold the Subject Lanit in VaiI Village, Fifth Filing, that it owns and hol-ds all of the Subject Land in VaiL Village, Fifth Filing, subject to the following restrictions, covenants, and conditions 'all of which shalf be deemed to run with the land and to inure to the benefit of and be bind.ing upon the Owner, its respective grant,ees, successors anil assigns : 1) LAI{D USE 1.1. No use of the Subject Land sha1l conflict with or viol-ate any provision of the "Protective Covenants of Vail Village, Fifth Filing, Eagle County, Colorado" as recorded in Book 187 at page 353 of the records of the CLerk anal Recorder of Eagle County' Colorado; I.2. The Subject Land shall be useil , held anil main- tained in good order and condition by the Town of Vail (subject to existing or recorded easements and rights of way) for use at all times as a vacant and undisturbed open area in its naturaL condition or land- scaped, with trees, shrubs and grass and no structure, building, or improvement of any kind or character,whether temporary or permanent, may be erected ormaintained thereon; except as herein provided i 1.3. Improvements necessary, desirabl_e or convenientfor the provision and maintenance of utility services may be consLructed and maintained through or under theSubject Land; provided that said improvements shaLlnot cause permanent disruption or alterat,ion to thesurface of the Subject L,and. 1.4. That portion of the Subject Land described asfollows: A parcel of land lying in Tract E, Vail Vil1age, Fifth FiJ_ing, Town of Vail, Eagle Colorado, Colorado, described as: Beginning at the Northwest Corner of said Tract E, whichCorner is the Northwest Corner of the Southeast euarter of theNorthwest Quarter of Section 8 Township 5 South, Range 80 West ofthe 6th Principal Meridian, thence S 012r03u E 154.35 feeL alongthe Westerly line of said Tract E; thence N 79 45 I E 84.62 feeL more or less to the Northwest Corner of Lot I, Block L, VaiL Vil-Iage, Fifth Filing, which Corner is al-so on the Southerly line ofsaid Tract E; thence continuing N 79 45' E 175.00 feet along saidSoutherly line which is also the Northerly line of said Lot 1 andLot 2; thence N 35 15' W 96.00 feet; thence N 0 34'01u E 89.41_ feet;thence S 59 45r W 15.00 feet more or Less to the Southeast Cornerof Lot C, Block 2, Vail VilJ-age, Fifth Filing which Corner is alsoon the Northerly line of saj-d Tract E; thence continuing along saidNortherly line of said Tract E which is also the southerly line ofLots C, B, and A, Block 2, Vail Vi11age, Fifth Fi1ing on the folLow-ing two courses: (1) S 59 45' W l_02.50 feet, and (21 S 89 44' W 100.00 feet to the point of beginning, containing 32r81-4.23 squarefeet or 0.7533 acres more or Less, reserving from the above parcelthe West 50 feet thereof for an access Right-of-Way to adjoiningparcels of land; may be used as a chil-dren's playground upon which maybe erected and maintained limited amounts of playground equipment; provided such equipment is not motor or engine powered or accompanied by music; 1.5. One east-west, paved pedestrian walkway and afoot bridge across Mill Creek may be construcLed throughTract E, north of Block 1, Vail Village, Fifth Filing, and south of Block 2, Vail Village, Fifth Filing, and one north-south, paved pedestrian walkway may be con-structed through Lot D-l, to a point, of intersection withthe pavecl walkway through Traqt E. L.6. That portion of the SubjecL Land described asfollows: -2- A parcel of land lying in Tract E, Vail Village, Fifth Filing, Town of Vai1, Eagle County, Colorado, described as: Beginning at the Northrvest Corner of said Tract E, which Corner is the Northwest Corner of the Southeast QuarLer of the Northvrest Quarter of Section 8, Township 5 South, Rang'e 80 West ofthe 5th Principal ltterid.ian, thence S 0l-2t03" E 154.35 feet alongthe Westerly line of said Tract E; thence N 79 45 I E 84.62 feet more or less to the Nort,hwest Corner of Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Vil- lage Fifth Filing, which Corner j.s also on the Southerly l-ine ofsaid Tract E; thence continuing N 79 45' E 175.00 feet a1-ong said Southerly Line which is also the Northerly line of said Lot 1 andLot 2; thence N 35 15 I W 96.00 feet; thence N 0 34r01u E 98.41feet; thence S 59 45r W L5.00 feet more or less to the SoutheastCorner of Lot C, BJ-ock 2, Vail Village, Fifth riling which Corneris also on the Northerly line of said Tract E; thence continuing along said Northerly line of said Tract E which is also the South-erly line of Lots C, B, and A, Block 2, Vail Vi11age, Fifth Filing on the following trvo courses: (1) S 59 45'W l-02.50 feetr and(2) S 89 44r W l-00.00 feet t,o the point of beginning, containing 32r9J.4.23 square feet or 0.7533 acres more or less, reserving from the above parcel the West 50 feet thereof for an access Right-of- Way to adjoining parcels of land; and A parcel of land 1yin9 in Tract E, Vail Village, Fifth Filing, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, described as: Commencing at the Northwest Corner of said Tract E, which Corner is the Northwest, Corner of Lhe Southeast Quarter ofthe Northwest Quarter of Section B, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th Principal- Meriilian, thence S 0 12r03" E 154.35feet along the Westerly line of said Tract E; thence N 79 45' E 50.78 feet to the true point of beginning; thence S 0l-2' 03u E 267.72 feet paraLlel with and 50 feet from said Westerly line ofTract Ei thence S 62 28t E 224.20 feet more or less paralfel with and 50 feet from the SouLherly line of said Tract E to a point on the WesterJ-y line of Lot 13, Block 1, Vail Village, Fifth Filing; thence along the Westerly line of said Lot 13, of Mi1l Creek Circle and of Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Vi11age, Fifth Filing, which is also the Easterly line of said Tract E on the following five courses: (1) N 26 00r W 12.90 feet; (2) N 18 0l-r30" E 54.82 feet to the Northwest Corner of said Lot 13 and a point on the arc ofa l-466.50 foot radius curve; (3) Northwesterly LI9.72 feet alongthe arc of said curve to the right whose central angle is 4 38t18" and whose long chord bears N 65 13'09u W 118.69 feet to a point of compound curve; (4) Northerly 145.02 feet along the arc of an 85 foot radius curve to the right whose central angle is 97 45' and whose long chord bears N 14 0I'30" W 128.06 feet to the Southwest Corner of said Lot 1i and (5) N 15 35'W 145.00 feet io the Northwest Corner of saicl Lot 1; thence S 79 45' W 33.84 feet more or less to the true point of beginning, containing 25t823.77 square feet, or 0.5928 acres, more or lessi -3- ' may be used as a picnic area, but no permanent struc-tures, tables, benches, or toilet facifities shall beerected or.maintained thereon. L.7. Provide that the writ.ten consent of each Ownerof property contiguous to Tract E is obtained andexisting landscaping is not disturbed, the followingdescribed portion of the Subject Land, and that por-tion onlyr ftay be used as a road and for vehicu]_irparking: A parcel of land lying in Tract E, Vail Vi1lage. Fifth Filing, Townof VaiI, Eagle County, CoJ.orado, described as: Commencing at, the Northwest Corner of said Tract E, whichCorner is the Northwest Corner of the Southeast euarter of theNorthwest Quarter of Section 8, Township 5 South, Range 80 Westof the 6th Principal Meridian, thence S 0 12103" E l-54.35 feet alongthe Westerly line of said Tract E to the true point of beginning;thence S 0 12103" E 289.06 feet along said Westerly l_ine to theSouthwest Corner of said Tract E; thence S 62 28, E 322.05 feet moreor l-ess along the Southerly line of said Tract E to the SouthwestCorner of L.,ot 13, Block 1, Vail Vil1age, Fifth Filing; thence N26 00 | W 84.l-2 feet al-ong the Westerly line of said Lot 13, which isaLso the Easterly line of said Tract E; thence N 62 2Br W 224.20feet paraLlel with and 50 feet from said Southerly line of Tract E; thence N 0 12'03" W 267.72 feet parallel with and 50 feet from saidWesterly line of TracL E; Lhence S 79 45r W 50.78 feet Lo the truepoint of beginning, containing 27,5'1 4.41 square feet or 0.6330acres more or less. L.8. No part of the SubjecL Land shall be used forpicnicking (except as hereinabove specificalty allowed), camping or overnight stays by any person or persons. Nor shal"l there be permitted within or upon the Subject Land any informa1 or organized public or privategathering or any other act by any person or persons, except as hereinabove specifically aIlowed, which inthe judgment of the Ovrner and the appropriate officialsof the Town of Vai1, may deface, alter, destroy or damage the natural condition, vegetation or aesthetic vaLue of the Subject Land or litter its surface; 1.9. No vehicular traffic or parking of any kind ornature other than mentioned in 1.7 above shall bepermitted upon, across or through the Subject Land. 2) AMENDMENT The conditions, restricLions, st.ipulations, agreements and covenants contained herein shaLl not be waived, abandoned, terminated or amended except, by written con-sent of both Vail Associates, Inc. and the Town of VaiIto be filed of record i-n the office of the Clerk and Recorder of EagJ-e County, Colorado. -4- Execured tnr,a(s+* ", STATE OF COLORADO COUNSY OF t Attest:Vail Associales, Inc. Colorado corporation ) ,a By cced ) ss. ) The foregoing insLrurnent was acknowLedged before 2 r. A" day of Peterson as President and l-,arry E. Wright as Assistant Secretary VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC. WITNESS my hand and official seal . My Commission expires': me this Richard L. of -5- l ' E*srf E";s"[ n I[ 3 ? ? f HE q E FIqE AFI r:g,i,tiisg r I * s ; 6 :..jfr 6 i " .'s; 5 rEita{;4;i i: i q;i : ; iii;: ;iig;IEgtr iF3 tt F * ; q,E'Fi ; gl* i ail:i;i f [: :; =r ;ir; 3 -n ri elgr *THqe ;;'! f 13'i g ;; EIu"f; r:4;s gE'stgI g gB'g - il ii o,.n ri oS P''t oJ o !' t,' 6 s rEE s g l,.q€ 3El'fi € ;,i rd#'H :! a B - 8, -, i, a , oir:: HEF:: g ii3" r tf;eBxE[ ] [us g iFHFs +.*F *3 E * ;* {d 3r;:*iea x iE;a H :i:r I rl $3d:: - g gH'I g * o - Y"* "' o or"P ", tr o'o P E e I B' B's. I eo*[5$U: BF[;1 15 n...Xi.9g",8r!.^il< G e,e " ;sB " ;,$i a'sg.i s ibii g a ii- gflg: [.;"3E: *ri;t; r sa+' E'' o " ;;i : i - i ;Fagil* ifl i:* iil[li.a-rei.r' t?R'U-"slc H.",' ,"Eg :,?" '"{: ,5 IN I IE l9l t'.,1 tx lp lY rl l-too fi rrl sp fO A, 1,,.drrr-ns PoOrflqo5P.OrtI l-ir l< rtFnO:' F- l'hOHotllg a' 3 Fh6HF.roogrog.', o(rFhB!,ort.tOOf € o il l-h95'oo5oHH,fto 6XgA'"ooo f*q,oooeu8trsEHH' OP'rahJrt t'rBoo!,f. 'o.9oooq, tl o l"loooaoiNQFI5Fa lliltlult1'ffi1t1111r ' .g'!.t':F;'[tril iitlilrn*[r[a:;i[a; Ef.'s Yrs.s- *3t" i.i* [i.ief, a E€iq* eifl;:ii:;i.q1;gldtat:ia;:a n;iI H[;E;;qg.r:i ; : ;S[ *-eil;;ra[Lr*;;*i*;! ;[ift5eaiflr.-.; iii?ssH[;se;ifl;l?[l ? lai* " *; ir!;* [* ;*r€ E' " Rfl d 6 Fr< rll/)oc€tJ5<rj'o# lg. ;'Fn;. l;, as *o l"* IEf.x lrE [ .l-'E[ l;'g H ls' e n p.o t.'o u ! ifi...ESgA lio" g E 3 t."q.:{- - | t. ;':6,Rgl3.g 3 l:at' I l-ho rt l/e"X= l9' 2'E;i;i t- i .!5* *6 l"rtbs:i; l,; I-_3td lH' ;8[ [d EuP. I,9,; I iil* l' !r o AI rtt IN A' H.P H.HP A'tqo ;rl I'f rJ F.H rO ao1" o t-lr t' n v ta 6 € .t u?) (+ nr P !, u. ct zrJ lJ.. N Hp.@. tlJN5 5HOE 5 \t P.0, O =-Oi' O Oto(a O F(OoOO,OlEArl 5. H 5.;o r-f . oO(Q UtO ortQ :r'Eo.urtn. d. t-5 o oothooqtP. @cf o o.H 0, ilP. -c-. r-f N - q' FnFh!, Ploo.i !t{'FvlP.o oHr<d' 0, O:t rr {N. (],O lr, P. OP. : ?: 5 d. : O) rl OE < POO.Ao$ 5.trZP z ooolJ.Hr . o:i O {. oO f}|b n !J€ rtO r Nt_rOtsOoOtttl!JOO(/rrn \O rr -HrOooSt't ooH -:f 0, o o.rooo,Hzgo\ooo \o t\r o irr- P. rr- r<. rr.t or (J) l-lE :Nc' 3 o Plt . :HOt urH o5 trt ts P (, g .r ct Ei < P. . <o,p,. O }J. oO O U'. !' Ot OO P.5P:J5Urt, - PcniO O,\O Or (C o O il 0, Fh P. .tr lJ -O ONtOqrhOH. ftuPHlo o oo hrl o r'l 'O:t'P@PO.tr0 OO.f ONO. -rq p,.... Oct rr:t'Otne 5 FJ5oO,. O.fFhgrN. Pl-rrtFO,5 P.O O P. :f tO o 0, rr t'j O E l-t Or :, O O Fh A, O r,' Orrrio5Onr5OH5OOFno,:'o o, o o o rr5 o.-t5rt<cr oP-off 5..o1 or-O O-. l, FnlJ r. (O O rr :/t P nz d Fi ctrtrr.ro tt a. fr n:to c, <:/ o.:t I o r-l @:t'0, o hr F, IO B ID TQ P.|n UT(D P.5P= Q.O 05 OrOr< o o Ao oo I PO ls o.<1,oor/l P. lJo P0,il. rlP. rittoooo9,9 fhf!trr€u|< rt qJho oO Hr rrPrJE td dl!o H<..oo, tsv,.t<o, P.rtFots OQr-h o POo<t't o O.t Futl|.QNO O tidO 'rn O'oOttP.-r t ir o 5 |n =r o, 5 5 5 r-n o ii o5 rr-o oo oSooor P. (ooftol. 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Oo _ . @o.roo€PrrlH H(Q]4tD 0, o ourd'HP.d U| 5 H o 0, oi,|,jrJ.P. A ;' p. o,:t.i o p. r-t '.. rlA rr OriJ l-r| : { 5 H.- 5 Oru.l} rro t4 Pr O o OrO5 X e o. sl' 5 m.(q ts t'i O rt. d_. r{ Cr tn..rt.f? IN I al";.6;-t-l P.o5 rdr o,n13rfoP.€o5FHOofh H l'lt ld Po (t) |-f It'Jtixri lEOO.ilHtsr.rOlt'oiHAIEritt/. rDJ o orO o !t flo t:o{ o<l-ft I<5 B.D, Y p'E r<." <H' t-o P-na 11 E3Y !Q |J.n tJ Og oo= (2 *':o.oq< U}oo o,9 g *'n'3.t rn OE Hr - 5 B ftr|:? .r !, 5 |x 5r) N*Elf "r" ;. :" P. td l-PH.e5' d ;ieo r-l AIao o oltOFdPv5l!,rrg,B<O.rIoooFh!rhotn . t'lO'H\A <0,Po oo P. rr v!<d'F.oq, Htrftso/o!,tQ A'ooh- E a, 8 F.:.H FlrO rtoH:TFNq, o'!l6|o P-o P.OduOrO OBT FIooF:O'oorfD€H5'JrrOP.o 9'o Fto FP<oot"t P.PHK. oIooo H o o o{t! Nnr o rtn dHro ddli!t ZCtF}|ttoPgcJPlrO :l 0rO O P.r< Fj o. O Fl 5 O 5 O O O 5 O O H Ft ^,(QO:J<loiJOr.FSociEn'U)O.O}".Or.C O Ota Or rlO O- H:trrOd'5r.5 <O <S H 5th 0t r-f tn O O, O O !t O o )'J 5 EJ P.o rl. o Fn 0, Hr o P'or Ioo:'ZP. Orf P o.ndHFt torico. G\oooo@oooP. ?n. tl 5 .b '. 3 5 Pj H 5 O t, c,< o az N rt rriQ . .tt.ltsra FnP..f0rOO oO Al-l:t' Pl-l )'r<.. O,(rr r-t o o o ur l, o trr rtO.tO, CO.?hP !, H Hrr Otd:r'OOrJ -:tO p p.ri Hr-.:frrOO5 o H i o 0, o o, o 0, P. 5 o P.frd5 (,ot-t5 Fn o=too:JPiJrSH 5rQ =O (O.f Z"rt'Q J O \OrrO!JO Fl .rrt lJ O -.tO nr. (n P o. oOO:fBdO Fn trrrX!r. Ft 9rrO = ZttO!, P. H. lJ D, O <:l O e, t/l O HP.€it@ Or@< Fnp.{ O, rh< ct l-t O I O(Q:/ 5 ;d 5 o P. P' r-t o (o oP.tZ. HO OlQ old N5 c,itZi |-t(D O @ P. P. tr, .l' O @\C O o, O:tl-toJ!| o0roP. o HcrrrtsHOerrf OdP rtJA!, |-tO.lrHrt< !/ r|| Ptl P.f (,J q.t .t Or<P.€ o !, o -0r< - l-l o o <CO':t O O 5 fhHoJ O c)o, rrH 0., rtoC)(c m rtO t, P.H l-hO OJ HP.:tOo .l .+ =aP- :P.'1]<Po 11 t^,rO, O dOr ori O :lt{. t 5o\ l-toH5 oo ocJo<zo -- l.l }J oro o' o < 0, 5lrP.o ttParK O:t O 5 Hr 0, O I O olO HFIt, o, ro 5 5 l't tsr 5 P." o: r-. pid rr0rPOJ(,o, lt(O !,:ttsnr Cp.O(rn.. ttOr OH|JP ro{ut 5 P. O' O Or O' O OrO rrO O O0, O I P. rt . PO P5:t o o:' O |.iO,:tO.OO tr O.. (o O r-t F. Fn O' O P. UF5 H P. \O O Or5O :to ro<ulN tlO.h O I o I I(Dr. o!,l-n tlo}!oo,<F.oo|.lcroo ooo HO<|-no-.N ct YPOF nlhoo rJot at POrrtorao rnyboo rl