HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 12 BLOCK 2 LOT 12 PERMITS PART 2 LEGALIffi 3214 Katsos Randr Road, Vail, Cololado 81657 Phone: 9m-477-L276 Fax:9701n-t2t5 #;'l t: DATE: July 28,20O4 TO: Charlie Davis Greg Hall FROM: Grcg Sands FAX COVER SHEET No. pages hd. GoverSheet MESSAGE: Phase lll is underuay! Pbase see attached sclrcdule. lf you have any questions, please call me. If you did not leclive all the paga or trt€ pnueflxt wrffi flris ualtgnrsfun, plgrrrr all lnlgFh0alll FftTtzI|JA to lakNr|F louraml s|gr t2"M Qts3,26r *4,AIlf I, Zno Qtr2.zllolt QlI3,2005ADrlilrylJunJl| fti! lss OcllNwlD6 M I Flb I ilsr Apr I Ury I Jun Jul I AmIPrcor|fuadonFlE Df,tro BlndrfuSrorhg FercS,l'JaNmq $lulng Ersrlbtr Founddbn Ph[. Atr.gtC Chrdot Ch.r md GnD FllB.rndrt Foobr Emldlon Fodlo cJFWb!] Wdorpro*u Brdne B|rtlll Fsl|Eilr DrC|r O$rrdm E o.tEh Shodng TFns*r Fodsr clPWr|| 8E rDr.h(nor|hdgdn0 CMIJ Srehs E*filgliul nortlrn!) Nodn Boulrr Wrll B{nNatrw.l WrlrProoar|o Fsnnder Dnln tl|rlconcrata Fh.rr Gtmnerhn StdEstlct RodSaddrg ZEa nqtfiml r6&yr ilon?r1z0al 2W lt dtgrzioll 6d.F tfon0zl(t{l lodryr WGdU4n4l IOd.yr morlzroll 33 drlrr lion fl2l0l I2dry! lldll,:lrlH sdryr lvdt4of 4da| Wad0flt/O{ s(br! Tu68tl?lx $.re'| TE8Aar04 4d*r T|r.g/lJol 2 d|tr! Tuc olllltl 5d{r T[u$,oro't zitqt l,lonSr|ArDl t8fril. Uhdltsna 3S W.dtflgo4 4dF'/. iloD823i0f odry! FnCWfrlA 5d4r FdmrD4 ,ldryr RlgA,O{ 15dsur Fd9r10,Oa ld!r. 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A 25 a6 a 29 2T 7 I I 10 1l t3 a t6 17 t8 t9 14 15 30 t1 u .:B Pflt.l o o FF gE taCI E ..t c' E B $ slNl N-lEI Et t-ll :q rflEEt\l ft E fl c!l- s u*=Ha&l H d g I B =Eo I trytffFFiiE aE @l B-e Fg Eil SF @;.EItflI o! = $gg ?FF HF EI aE !_ggEtH;sl iEgE a E Et E R- o 3 C !t E t t"o GI sE?Ea s-.fl-!-3!!G EE Io c = t EcE5,E€5E HI el c I = h HEg Hf gl T €a!6 ca 5ct g z& E Ifi E g gE H EE S FFEEFF E!EE EEI gFFFH i$ f, E F* lI S g EE E E EE s itE E g EEFE !!iE EEE F EE F eE F 6$$5S$$$5$$$$Sg$5$9S$S$f $$$$$S$SEFn ut 6r t 9 P p,.r .o ro ro :r16 r ss '|' o .' e. I eo9 o P : 9P 9 g E=- F r .n EEE$ .F ! e o f t: E E $, i Efr$E sE E, FE * EefsEa* E, gFsFggFE, cl t lltqt oa ltt s B o!N!D ++B $c?orc It D a t I q EIr,!E DD D I P N F !a |a o = EF 9e IGI d o s : t Gi!!I!r$ .F S =m ..Ff,.o..9,. 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E gFF g EFFi ; E s FF$ E E fFi = sF Fsg rI EEEEEFEFE$$HFF$FF$$FEEEEEEEEEEFF s$$$€$$$$$$$$$$$gTs$$s$$$s$s$$3s.c aq ct o ro o ro.o rar E ct 6 Cl cl r a {t.o a a .o c! a{ b rt E It rt o c ro.FNIFF-FF-FF EF gE -+++$+$e+Bg?E E g$€ E$ E$gHg$EEe eEHHEEE$Es HFF E E E E E E E E E E E O g g F F E F E E E E F F F E s$gss$ $s$s$$$$ g$ss$$$sss$s$5l.ri! -o3 ag 3 o=g g i - 1.' r.r la-395 '6pgR o G{E.rE g s $l E * * i E FFEi $eg 5s F; F sF$i;*cE tQrncvsr: Ofifice GoPY Hougland & Associates 0625 Sunny Acres Road Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 Phone (970) 384 -t221 Fax (970) 384 - 1331 Email = firesafe@rof .net Plan analysis based on the 1997 Edit.ion of the Uniform Buildinq Code Date: ,June L4 , 2001 Project Name: Vail Mountain School Add.ress: 3160 Katsos Ranch Road, Vail Colorado Architect.: Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. Writer square, 1512 Lariner street Denver, Colorado 80202 Occupancy: A2, A2.1, A3, B, E1 & S1 Const,ruction: TlTle fI - thr Report By: Art HougLand NOTE: The code items listed in this report are not. int.ended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirement,s in the 1997 UBC. It is a guide to selected sections of Ehe code. Portions of the material contained in this proqram are reproduced from the Uniform Building Code published by the International Conference of R i l di n.' r'rif i..i.a1S. Notice: The review of plans and specificalions does not const.itute an acceptance of any responsibiliCy by Houg:Iand & Associales for errors, omissions or discrepancies. The responsibllit.y for these items and implementat.ion during constructj-on rests specifi.ca1Ly with Ebe architect. engineers. designers, builders and owner. corunents and not,at,ions are intended to be const.ructive and in support of the owners interest. NFPA 13 sprinkler systen lhroughout Ehe building: Sprinkler system used for a1lowable area increase -- sec. 505.3 SEPARATION DIRECTTON BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NoRTH Property line 21.0 Feet 21.0 Feet EAST PubI j.c way 55.0 Feet 36.0 Feet SOUTH Public way 1L0.0 FeeE 92.5 Feet WEST Public way 70.0 Feet 52.5 Feet A11owab1e area increased 90.% for open area on 3 sides. - - Ca.' <n< 1 ,,4. FL NAME MAX FLR AREA ALLOWED RATIO STATUS 3 Mechani.cal 3 Mechanical 3 Mechanical Room A343 Room 8343 Room C325 ok ok ok B B B ok ok ok 729 509 102500 0.01 102600 0.01 102500 0.01 TOTAL FOR FLOOR 2 Control Room A231 B 2062 r.02500 0.02 ok 2 L,earninq Supp. A212 2 Conference Room A214 2 Conference Room A213 2 Office A211 2 ArE studio A208 2 Art studio A2 02 2 office A205 2 Photo A206 2 comp. Art 4207 2 Class Room A22l- 2 Work Room A2 41 2 C1ass Room A250 2 Class Room A251 2 Class Room A252 2 Class Room A255 2 Class Room 82 02 2 Class Room 8200 2 Class Room 8203 2 Office 8211 2 Prep Room 82 01 2 office B2I2 2 Office 8213 2 Class Room 8235 2 Science Lab. 8234 2 Prep Room 8232 2 Science Lab. 2 Cl"ass Room 8230 2 Class Room 8226 2 Counseling Area 8223 2 Class Room 8250 2 Class Room 825L 2 Class Room 8252 z uJ"as s l<oom Bz 5 5 2 Conference Room C222 2 Office C227 2 Kitchen C223 2 Class Room C225 2 Mechanicat Room C240 2 Non-habitable Area B B E B E1 t|I B EI rl-L El- It EL ti l- E1 E)_ EL lll E1 E .Er I E B !I El_ EL I]l- EL lir B EL E1 EL EL B EI B !i -L B E ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok 732 450 80 80 ]-20 899 rt20 vo 100 225 588 104 s80 580 8L2 700 675 b{l6 t',/.l 12 130 104 L04 550 ooz r/o bbt 550 283 4JU 594 594 858 700 6tz L20 tz) f,ub 900 83 54 102600 102500 r"02600 102500 102500 11514 0 11514 0 102600 115L4 0 11514 0 r.1514 0 102 50 0 11514 0 l- tf,.l-41 u 11514 0 1 1 Ft ,,r n 115 L4 0 11514 0 11514 0 102600 11514 0 102600 102500 L15L40 11514 0 11514 0 11514 0 1l_514 0 115 r"4 0 102600 1r-5 L4 0 r-1514 0 r.1514 0 115t 40 102600 102500 L02600 11514 0 102500 102500 0,0 ok 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.01 ok 0.01 ok 0.0 ok U.U OK 0.0 ok U. U.L OJ< 0.0 ok U. UT OK 0.01 ok 0,01 ok 0.01 ok 0.01 ok 0.01 ok 0.01 ok 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.0L ok 0.0 ok U. UI. OK 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0. 0L ok 0.01 ok0.01 ok 0.01 ok 0.01 ok 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.0 ok0.01 ok 0.08 ok TOTAL FOR FLOOR 25890 108961 0.24 ok 1 Auditorium I Stage 1 Music Office A12 3 l- Pract.ice Area A112>A I Music Class Rm A111 I Tech Suppore ALoL 1 Comp. Lab. A10 2 1 Tech Office 1 Comp. Lab. A104 I Ind. Class Room AL24 1 work Room A141 I U-LASS KOOM Al.fU r ulass xoom Ar5t I Class Room A152 1 class Room A155 I Kitchen 1 commons 8111 1 I-,ibrary Area 8100> L Class Room 8155 r c_Las s Hoom IJl-)l L Class Room 8151 1 Class Roorn 8150 1 office 812 3 1 Office BL24 L Ind. Class Rm 8126 1 Office 8134 1 office 8133 I WOrK KOOM IJIJI 1 n€€il.'a R1 1q I rnr].rmary rJIId 1 Office 8114 l- Office 8115 1 Conference Room B13 I I UII.ICE lJI5 / 1 office 8l-36 1 office Bl-35 1 Gymnasium C100 1 Gymnasium Bleachers 1 cymnasium C101 1 Boys Locker Rm C150 1 cirls Locker Rm C150 1 Fitness Room C170 1 office C111 1 St. Store c137 I Kl- tcnen c_L J l- 1 Dining Room Cl-30 L Non-habiLable Areas 2552 75950 2046 76950 732 L02600 z)v rl-trr+u 550 115140 300 1r.5140 ]-260 LL5140]-28 102500 590 r.r-5140287 115140 96 102500 594 115140 594 115140 840 115140 57 2 r-r-5 L4 0 r32 102500 1950 76950 2844 102500 57 0 1L 51.4 0 858 115140 546 115140 572 115140 250 102500 r-20 102500 280 1L5140 L70 r.02600 140 102500 L87 r.02500 72:- 102500 154 102500 335 102500 75 102500288 102500 L75 102500 135 102600 155 102600 5760 75950 L022 76950 2232 76950 690 102500 590 r-02600 1055 r-02500 130 102600 104 102500 540 1025002378 75950 21388 102600 i EL EI EI E1 E'1 Erl B Erl E1 EL .trr B AJ -or EL .trr EL B B !j-L B B E B E IJ b B E B ^') 'l AJ AJ E B t5 B E B B ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok U. UJ OK 0.03 ok 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.01 ok U.U OK 0.01 ok 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.01 ok 0.01 ok 0.01 ok 0.01 ok 0.0 ok 0.03 ok 0.03 ok 0.01 ok U. UI OK 0.0 ok 0.0 ok U.U OK 0.0 ok U.U OK 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.0 ok U.U OK 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.07 ok 0.01 ok 0.03 ok 0.01 ok 0.01 ok 0.01 ok 0.0 ok U.U OK 0.01 ok 0.03 ok 0.21 ok TOTAL FOR FI,OOR R1 T,ecfrr-c/-ehearsal 81 Storage A022 81 Electrical Room A025 81 EIev. Mach. Room 81 Storage A012 8L Mechanical Room A0 31 ,IJI GTEEN ltOOM AU I I 57070 94311 0.61 ok !;.L s1- B B )I B Ei.l" ok ok ok ok ok ok ok J o.l- o Jf,U 75 lb r-050 r487 z6u 11514 0 102500 102600 102500 102600 r_02500 11tr1rn 0.01 ok 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.01 ok 0.01 ok 0.0 ok Bl Storagre Room A013 81 Office A014 81 ,-Iani tor A0 15 B1 ElectricaL Room A038 IJ I }JOI I ET KOOM AU J / 81 Dressing Room A035 BL Dressing Room A033 81 Equipmenl Room A032 Bl Non-habitable Areas B B B B E1 B B ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok 100 .L-L] 50 308 720 308 280 306 zLto 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.01" 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.02 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok L02600 1-02600 102600 102500 r.02500 r- 1514 0 L 15l-4 0 1,02500 102600 Rooms for kindergarLen, 1st and 2nd grade chil-dren are not permiteed on any floor other than the lst floor. -- Sec. 305.2.3 Note: They may be on the 2nd floor if the floor is located within 4 feet from adjacent ground level at the point. of exit and the ftoor has exits directly to the exterior at that. Level . -- Sec.'305.2.3 exc. 1 actual height of,this building is 40. feet. maximum height of the buildinq is 55. feet. -- Table 5-B The '1ne TOTAI., FOR FI,OOR BUILDING TOTAL-- Sec. 504 and Table 5-B 8457 104847 0.08 ok 85022 131-385 0.65 ok FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 5-A Non-Bearinq Opening Conslruction Parapet Wa11 Protection Material Required t hour None Non-Comb No t hour None Non-Cohb No t hour None Non - Conib No t hour None Non-comb No t hour None Non - Conb No t hour None Non-Comb No Non-Bearing Opening Construction Parapet WaII Prot.ecLion Material Required t hour None Non - Cornb No t hour None Non-CoIIl]3 No t hour None Non - Cohb No t hour None Non - Comb No t hour None Non - Comb No t hour None Non - Comb No EXTERTOR WALL NORTH For Bearingt Occupancy Wa11 B L hour A'3 t hour A2.1 t hour A2 t hour e1 I L^.'- EAST For Bearing Occupancy Wal1 B l- hour R1 t hnrr r A3 t hourA2.1 t hourA2 t hour J r _L nour SOUTH F'.rr Ro:ri nn Occupancy Wa11B t hourE1 t hourA3 t hourA2.t t hour A2 t hour iil I nOUr Non - Bearing wa 11 0 hour 0 hour 0 hour 0 hour 0 hour 0 hour Opening Construction Parapet Protection Material Required None Non-Comb No None Non - Cornb No None Non-Comb No None Non-Corb No None Non-Conlc No None Non-Comlc No o WE ST For Bearing Non-Bearing Opening Construction Parapet Occupancy wal] wall Protectj.on MaEerial Required B t hour 0 hour None Non - Comlc No E1 t hour 0 hour None Non-Comb No A3 L hour 0 hour None Non - comb No L2,I t hour 0 hour None Non - comb Nc L2 L hour 0 hour None Non - comb No 51 l- hour 0 hour None Non - comb Nc None -- No fire protection requirements for openings. 3/4 hour -- Openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire asse bLies. 50% of the area of the wall maximum. -- Table 5-A, Footnote 5 & Sec. 503.2.2 Maximum single window size is 84 sq.ft. with no dimension greater than l-2 feet. -- Sec. 713.8 Not Allowed -- Openings are not permitted in this wall. OTHER BUII-,DING ELEMENTS Table 6 -A ELEMENT MATERIAL RATING NOTES Interior Bearing wal1 Noncombustible t hr Incerior nonbrg wa11 Noncombustible t hr See Footnote #5 Structural Frame Noncombustible t hr Exterior Str. Frame Noncombustible t hr See footnote #1 Shaft Enclosure Noncofiibustible t hr Floor/ceilinqf Assehbly Nonconbustj-ble t hr Roof/Ceil-ing Assembly Noncombustible t hr see FootnoEe #8 stairs NonconbustibLe None NoTE: See section 71L for shaft. enclosure exceptions. FOOTNOTES: 1) Elements j.n an exterior wal1 located where openings are noE permitted or where protection of openinqs is required, sha11 be protected against external fire exposure as reguired for exterior bearing walls or the structural frame, whichever is greater. -- Table 6'A, footnote L 4) Fire-retardant treated wood may be used within interior non-bearing t hr. wall assemblies. -- Table 5-A, footnote 2 5) NonLoad-bearing wal1s within a tenanE space that are not part of a t hr. corridor may be of: a) Noncombustible (nonrated) materials b) Fire recardant. - treated wood c) one-hour construction (any maEerial) -- sec. 501.5.2.1 8) If Ehe encire roof structure is 25 feet or more above any floor, the fire rating may be allowed to be eliminated. See limitations and ralrl,i1.6m.n1-. -- Sec. 603.5 & 502.5 PENETRATIONS OF F'IRERESISTIVE ASSEMBI,IES WALLS ASSEMBLIES -- Sec. 709.6 'th rn'r crh DcnFfrFfions: 1) Penetralions shall be installed as tested in the rated asserlly' - - Sec. 709 .6.2 2) Penetrations shall be protected by an approved penetration firestop system and shall- have an F rating of not less than the required rating of the eral.1 penetrated. -- Sec. 709.5.3 Exceptsion: when penetrating items are stee1, ferrous or copper pipes or steel conduits and the wall is concrete or masonry. the annular space shall be permitbed to be grouL or morLar. The minimum thickness is the Ehickness required to maintain the fire rating. The maximum size of the penetrating items is equivalent, to a 6-inch diameter and the opening is a maximum of 144 square inches. -- Sec. '109.6.L Membrane penetrations : The requirements are the same as for through penetrations. - - Sec. ?09 .7 Exceptions: 1. Steel electrical outlet boxes ttrat do not exceed 15 square inches provided that the area of such openinqts does not exceed 100 square inches for any 100 square feet of wall area. Boxes on opposit.e sides of the assembl-y shall be separated by a horizontal distance of not less than 24 inches. 2, Sprinklers with metal esculcheon plates. Noncombust,ible penetrating items shaL1 not be connected to cornbusbible materials on both sides of the membrane unless it can be confirmed that the fire-resj.stive integrity of wa11 is maintained. -- Sec. 709.7 FLOOR/CEILING AND ROOF/CEII.,ING ASSEMBIJIES .. SEC. 710.2 Through penetrations : Through penetrations of fj-re-resistive horizontal assemblies shall be enclosed in fire-resistive shaft encLosures. -- Sec. 7L0.2.1 Exceptions: l-. When penetrating items are steel, ferrous or copper conduj.ts,pipes, tubes and venls lhrough a single concrete floor, the annular space shall be permitted to be grout or mortar. The minimum bhickness is the thickness required to maintain the fire raEing. The maximum size of the penetrating items is equivalent to a 6-inch diameter and the opening is a rnaximum of 144 square inches. 2. Electrical outlet boxes that have been teated for use in fire-assemblies. The system shall have an F rating and a T rat.ing of not less than one hour but not less than the required rating of the floor system. - - Sec. 7L0 .2 .3 Exception: Floor penetrations cont.ained and located within the cavity of a wa1l do not require a T rating. Membrane penetrations : The requirements are the same as for through penetrations. - - Sec. 710.3 Fr..anFi^r1a. 1. When penetrating items are steel, ferrous or copper conduits, electrical outlet boxes, pipes, tubes and vents Ehrough concrete or masonry and the annular space is prohected by an approved penetration firestop assembly or prot.ect.ed to prevene the free passaqe of flame and products of combustion. Such penetrations shall noL exceed an agg'regate area of 100 square inches in any 100 aquare feet of ceiling area in assemblj.es without peneErations. 2. Electrical ouelet boxes that have been tested for use rn fire-assemblies. 3. Sprinklers with metal eacutcheon pLates. Fire-resistive roofs may have unprotected openings. -- Sec. 710.4 SMOKE and FIRE DAMPERS -- Sec. 713.10 and 713.L1 Dampers shal1 be accessible for inspection and servicing: 1. Penetrations through area separatj.on walIs. Penetrations through occupancy separations. 2. Penetrations of the fire-resistive construction of horizontal exit wa1ls or corridors serving as a means of eqress. Exception: Openinqs for steel ducts peneErating the required fire-resistive construction of corridors are not required to have smoke dampers when such ducts are of not less than 0.019-inch thi-ckness (26 gage) and have no openings servj-ng the corridor. 3. Penetrations of shaft enclosures. Exceptions : 1. Duct penetrations by sEeel exhaust air subducts extending vertically upward at least 22 inches above the top of the opening in a vented 6haft where the airflow is upward '2. Penetrations of a fire-resistive floor forming the base of a shaft enclosure rnay be protect.ed by fire dampers list.ed for installation in the horizontal Position.3. smoke dampers are not required when shafl is exhaust onl-y, and is used for continuously operating fans. 4. Penetrations of uhe ceiling of fire-resistive floor-ceiling or roof -ceiling assemblies. Exception: Smoke dampers are not required. 5. Penetrations of an atrium encLosure element. Exception: Smoke dampers are not required. 6. Penetratlons of exterj.or wall-s where protection of openings is required. Exception: Smoke danpers are not required. 7. Penetrations of areas of refuge. Exception: VentiLation system desiqned to supply outside air durinqf an ernergency. 8. Smoke dampers are required in smoke barriers and elevator lobbies. OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONS .. TAbIE 3.8 B-81 thr offices less than 25? of major use do not require a separation. -- Sec. 302.! exc. 2.2 B-A3 Ohr B-A2.1 thr A kitchen is not required Eo be separat.ed from the dining area. -- Sec. 302.! exc, 2.4 B-A2 thr offices less than 25% of major use do not require a separation. -- Sec. 302.L exc. 2.2 JJ. U I UNT E1-A3 Ohr El-A2.1 ohr E1-A2 Ohr E1 -S1 thr A3 -A2.1 ohr A3 -A2 Ohr A3 - 51 OhrA2.L-Az Ohr A2 . 1- 51 thr At - 5r rnr HEATING EQUI PMEI{T SEPARATION: A t hr. occupancy separation is required around rooms containing a boiler or central heating unj.t greaEer than 400,000 BTU input. - - qo/. ?n? q ADDITIONAI, SEPARATIONS : A refrigeration machinery room shall be separated from the xemainder of the building as required for an H7 occupancy regardless of area. A horj.zont.al occupancy separat.ion may be limited to the actual floor area of the machinery room. Structural supporting elements shal1 be protected for the type of construction only. - - Sec. 2802 A l- hour separat.ion is required from an B occupancy. -- Tab1e 3-B FOR B OCCUPANCY: I-,aboralories and vocational shops containing hazardous materials are required to be separated from the rest of the building by not less than a l- hr occupancy separation. -- Sec. 304.2.2.t EXIT REQUIREMENTS: FI, NAME NI]MB MIN MTN PANIC HAI,LWAY/ DOOR NOTES OCC EXITS WIDTH HDWR CORRIDOR SWING 3 Mechanical Room A3 4 3AC2 3 Mechanical Room 83 4 3AC2 1 0.4 1 0.4 NO N/A NO N/A N/R N/R N/R3 MechanicaL Room C325AC2 1 0-4 No N/A TOTAI, 2 Control Room A2 31 2 Learninq Supp. A212 2 Conference Room A214 2 Conference Room A213 2 Office 4211 2 Art, Studio A208 2 Art studio A2 02 2 Office A205 2 Photo A206 2 comp. ArL A20? 2 Class Room A2 21 2 work Room A2 41 2 Class Room A250 2 Class Room A2 51 2 Class Room A252 2 Class Room A255 2 Cl-ass Room 82 02 2 Class Room 8200 2 Class Room 82 03 2 Office 8211 2 Prep Room 82 01 2 office B2I2 N/A N/R Hall-way N/R Hallway N/R HaL Lr,,/ay N/R HalLway N/R Hallr,ray N/R Hallsray N/R Corridor Out Hallway N/R Eallway N/R Hatlway N/R Hallway N/R Hallway N/R Hallway N/R Hallway N/R Hallway N/R Hallway N/R t{a1lvray N/R Hallway N/R Hal l.way N/R Hallway N/R Hallway N/R HaI l-way N/R 30 5 5 1 45 5b 1 l tL 29 1 29 29 n1 Jf, ?A 32 1^ 1 o 1 1 L 1 1 l_ 1 t_ 1 l- t- l- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1" t 1 1_ 8 u-o 6.0 1.0 'tn o.2 9.0 77.2 0.2 1-0 5.8 0.2 5.8 8-2 ?n 6.8 o.{t o.o 0.2 r-z n1 11 11- NO No NO NO NO No Yes NO No No No NO NO No NO No No No NO NO No No 11 f, l.6 L1 LL 2 2 ) 2 1 2 2 Office 8213 1 Class Room 8235 28 Science Lab. 8234 33 Hrep Koom .B.z J z J Science Lab. 33 class Room 8230 28 class Room 8225 L4 counsel j-ng Area B223 5 Class Room 8250 30 cLass Room 82 51 30 cl-ass Room 8252 43 Class Room 8255 35 Conference Room C222 45 offlce C22'1 1 Kitchen C223 ACl class Room C225 25 Mechanical Room C24 0AC3 Non-habiEable Area Ac No Hallway N/R No HalLway N/R No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R No Hal lway N,/R No Hallway N/R No Hal lway N./R No Eal l-way N/R No Hal lway N,/R No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R No Ha l- lway N/R No Hallway N/R No N/A N/R No Hal lway- N,/R 1 L l- 1 1 1 1 1 t t_ L L 1 1 L 1 l- 6.6 6.6 2.8 '1 0 5.0 o.u on 0.2n'') 5.0 u-b 0.0 t- 1- 11 11 TOTAI, 1- L 1 l- 1 1 l- t 1 1 1 1_ 1 l- l- 1 L 1 I 1 L l" 1 L L 1 1 1 1 1 L 1 1 1 l- 1 1 256. Z ?? n 37 .2 .)A 5.6?n LZ - O 0.2 AA 0.2 o,u 5.0 aA 6.8 u -z f,b. u o.o 8.6 Eq iA u-z 2.6 0.4 u.o i) 0.4 /o.o out 4 18 Out 4 18 N/R 11 N/R N/R N/R Out 5 18 N/R 77 N/R N/R N,/ R 11 N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R Out, 4 18 Out 18 N/n N/R n/n N/R N/R r-1 N/R 11 N/R N/R 11 N,/ R 11 N,/ R L1. N/R 11 N/R N/R 11 N/R l-t- N/R N/R 11 N/R 11 N/R 11 ouE 4 18 794 Auditorium 355 stage 185 Music Office A123 l- Practice Area ALL2>A 12 Music Class Rrn A111 28 Tech Support 4101 L5 comp. Lab. A102 63 Tech Office 1 comp. Lab. A'L04 30 Ind. class Room A124 L4 Work Room A141 L class Room AL50 30 class Room A151 30 Class Room AL52 42 class Room A155 34 Kitchen 1 Commons 8111 AC280 Library Area 8100> 57 class Room B15 5 34 cl-ass Room 8152 43 Class Room Bl-51- 27 class Room 8150 29 office 812 3 2 Office 8L24 l- INd. CI SS HJn,BIZb Iz} Of f i.ce 8134 2 Office 813 3 1 worK Room BIJ I z office Bl-1-9 1 z Office B1-l-4 3 Office 8115 1 Conference Room BL38 19 Office Bl-37 2 OIITCC IjIJb I office 8L35 2 ^.----:..- ^r^^ 384\rJlura- r urlr \-rvv L I 1 1 1 1 1 l" L 1 1 L a 2 1 L 1 1 L 1 1 1 l- 1 l_ 1 l_ 1 L I 1 1 9 Yes corridor out 12 t7 Yes Corridor Yes Corridor No Hallway No Hallway No Hallway No Hal lway Yes Corridor No Halh.ay No Ha I Lway No HaLLway No Hallway No Hallway No Hallway No Hal lway No Hal lway No Hallway Yes Corridor No Corridor No Hallway No Hallway No HaIlway No Hallway No HaIlway No Hallway No Hallway No HaLlway No Hallway No Hal lway No HaL lway No N/A No HaL l-uray No Hallway No Hallway No Hallway No Hallway No Hallway Yes Corrid.or 1 Dining Room C13 0 159 2 31.8 Yes Cofridor Out 4 L8 L Non-habitable Areas AC 0.0 No Hallwav N/R TOTAL 1988 4 397.6 Yes Corridor Out 12 I7 1 Gymnasium Bleachers 145 2 I Gymnasium c101 149 2 1 Boys Locker Rm c150 14 1 Girls Locker Rm C150 L4 1 Fitness Room C170 2L 1 Office C111 1 L St. Slore C137 1 L Kitchen C 131 3 81 L.,ecture/rehearsa I 4L 1- 81 Storage A022 ACl 1 81 Electrical Room A025AC 8L E1ev. Mach.Room AC 81 Storage A012 AC4 1 81 Mechanical Room A031AC5 1 Bl- Green Room A011 13 1 81 Storaqe Room A013 AC BL office A014 1 81 ,Janitor A015 AC 81 ELectrical Room A03 8AC1 Bl- Boiler Room A'037 AC2 81 Dressinq Room A035 15 Bl- Dressing Room A033 L4 81 Equipment Room A032 AC1 29.2 Yes Corridor Out 4 18 29.8 Yes Corridor Out 4 18 No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R NO N/A N/N No Hallway N/R 11 No Hallway N/R L1 No Hallway N/R r 2.8 I 2,6 7 0.2 t 0.2 t- u.o d,,2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.8 L.0 z.b 0.0 L V.Z 0.0 l_ 0.4 1 3.0 No Hallway N/n No Hallway N/R No N/A N/R No N,/A N/n No N/A N/R No Ha1.Lway N/n No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R No Halli"ray N/R 1L No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R L Z-6 L 0.2 81 Non-habitable Areas AC 0.0 No Hallway N/R 84 2 238.2 Yes Corridor Out 12 L7 NOTE: Areas with ,Ac' before the number of occupant.s area is being treat,ed as an accessory for occupant loads, - - Sec. 1003 .2 .2.2 -l-., ExcepE.ion Hallways shall be considered as intervening rooms for exit-access designpurposes. -- Sec. L004.3.3.1 Wal1s and ceilings of hallways are not required to be fire-resistive unless they are required to be fire-resistive based construcbion tlt)e,-- Sec. 1004.3.3.3 There is no restriction as to the amounE and tlt)e of openings unlessprotection of openings is required by some other code provision. -- Sec. 1004.3 - 3.4 El-evator l-obbies are not required. -- Sec. 1004.3.3.5 In areas where 2 exiEs are required, the minimum separation is L/2 of the maximum diagonal of the area or floor. -- Sec- L004.2.4 When 2 exits are required, exits must be arranged so t.hat it is possible to qo in either direction from any poinE in a corridor or hallway to a separat,e exit, except for dead ends not exceeding 20 feet in length.-- Sec. 1004.2.6 Exit signs are required from all areas where 2 or exits are required.-- Sec. 1003.2.8.2, Exception 2 No point to be more than 100 feet from an exit' sign. Main exEerior exit doors which obviously and clearly are identifiabLe as exits need not be signed when approved. -- Sec. 1003.2.8.2, Exception Door swing is based on Sec. 1003.3.1.5 except as noted. Occupant load factor is based on Table l-0-A. 10 Number of exits is based on Table l-0-A except as noted. Exit width is in inches and based on Sec. 1003.2.3 and Table 10-B Exit width is Lo be dj-vided approximately equally among exits. - - Sec. L003 .2.3 .2 Width shown for all areas is based on other egress components. Width shown for 1st floor is based on other egreas components. Width shown for other floors & basements is based on stairwavs.-- Table 10-B NOTE: When the occupant load on an upper floor is greater than thefloor(s) below, minimum exiting requirement.s are maintained.-- Sec. 1003.2.3.3 For the minimum widLh of doors, see Sec. 1003.3.1.3 For the minimum width of hallways, see Sec. 1004.3.3.2 For the minimum width of corridors, see Sec. l- For the mi.nimum width of stairwavs, see Sec. 1003.3.3-2 FOOTNOTES: 2) Basements and floors above Ehe 2nd floor are required to have 2exits. -- Sec. 1004.2.3.2 See Exceptions 4) Panic hardware is based on Sec. t007.2.5 See exception for main exit in A-3 occupanci.es and churches. 5) Panic hardware is required frorn rooms with an occupant load of 50 or more and from corridors. -- Sec. 1007.3.10 11) Corridors within an of f j.ce space with an occupant load of 100 or less are not required to be rated. -- Sec, 1004.3.4.3, Exception 5 12) Within office spaces corridors are not reguired to be rated if an automatic smoke-detection syst.em is instal led. wi thin the corrj.dors. -- Sec. 1004.3.4.3, Exception 6 17) The requirement. for this hal lway/ corridor to be a corridor is based on the hallway in a portion of this area being an intervening room.-- sec. 1004.2.2 & 1004.3-3.1 l-B) The requirernent for this hal lway/corrid.or Eo be a corridor is based on t.his area requiring more Ehan one exit. -- Sec. !OO4-2-2, Ex 2 NOTEr One exit may be through an adjoininq or intervening room, which in turn provides direce access E.o an exit or to a corridor.-- Sec. L004.2.2, Exception 4. FI.,USH AND SURFACE BOLTS : Manually operated edge- or surface-mounted fLush bolts and surface bolts or any other t)G)e of device Ehat may be used to close or rest,rain the door other than by operation of the locking device sha1l not be used. when automatic flush bolts are used, the door leaf having the automatic f l-ush bolt shall not have a door knob or surface-mounted hardware. The unlatching of any leaf shal-1 not require more than one operation. -- Sec. L003.3.1.8 LOCKS AND I.,ATCHE S : Regardless of the occupant load served, exit doors shall be openable from the inside without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort. -- Sec. 1003.3.1.8 Key-locking hardware may be used on t.he main exit when the main exit consists of a single door or pair of doors if there is a sign stating THfS DOOR MUST REMAIN UNI.,OCKED DURING BUSINESS HOURS. When unlocKed, door (s) must swing without operation of any latching device. -- exc. 1l STAIR NOTES : Public stairways: 1) The rise of steps shal1 not be less than 4 inches or greater than 7 inches. The minimum run is 11 inches. The maximum variation is 3,/8 inch in a flight of stairs. -- Sec. l- 2) The minimum width of a stairway is 35 inches, 44 inches if hhe occupant load is greater than 49. -- Sec. L003.3.3.2 AIso see exit table above co see if minimum widt.h is greater than 44 inches. 3) Provide a hand.rai I on both sides of stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing, May be on one side of st.airways less than 44 inches wid.e. -- Sec. 1003.3.3.5, Exception l- 4) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 j.nches. - - Sec. 509 .1- 5) The minimum heiqht is 42 inches. -- Sec. 509.2 5) Open guardrails sha11 have intermediat,e raiLs or ornamental pattern such that a sphere 4 inches in diameter cannoE pass throuqh.-- Sec. 509.3 The triang,ular opening formed at the riser. tread andguardrail may be 6 inches. -- 509-3. Exception 2 7) The minimum headroom is 6 ft. - 8 inches- Such clearance sha1l be measured. vertically from a plane para1le1 and tangent. to the stairway tread nosing to the soffit above at all points. -- Sec. 1003.3,3.4 8) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as required for t hr. fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 1003.3.3-9 Stairways are required to be in exit enclosures. -- Sec. 1005.3.3.L 1) The wal1s of the enclosure are required to be t hr fire assemlclies.-- Sec. 1005.3.3.2 2) The openings into the exit enclosure are required to be t hour assemblies. Note: Openings into encLosure are limited to those necessary for egress normally occupied spaces. Doors shal1 be maint.ained self-closing or sha11 be automatic closing by actuation of a smoke detector. - - Sec. 1005.3.3.5 3) A conneclion to the exterior is required with the same fireprotection as the exit enclosure. -- Sec. 1005.3.3.3 In Office buildings, 50 percent of the exit,s may discharge through a street-f1oor lobby when an automatic sprinkler system is provided on the entire street 1eve1 fLoor. -- Sec. 1-005.3.3-3, ExcepEion 2 4) The space under the stairs (enclosed or not) may noE be used for anypurpose. -- Sec. 1005.3.3.5 5) A barrier is required at grade level-. -- Sec. 1005.3.3.4 ETEVATOR REQUIREMENTS : 1)When the elevator vert,j-cal travel is 25.feet or more, each associated elevaEor lobby or entrance area and associat.ed machine rooms shall beprovided w j. t.h an approved listed smoke detector for elevator recall purposes onLy. -- Sec. 3003.2 2) Shafts (hoistways) housinq' elevators extending through more than two floor level-s sha1l be vent.ed to the outside. The area of the vent shall not be l-ess than 3 1/2 percent of the area of the elevatorshaft, provided a minimum of 3 square feel per elevator is provided.-- Sec. 3004. Vents sha1l be capable of manual operat j-on only. t2 RAMP REQUIREMENTS : 1) The minimum width is 44 inches. If a ramp serves an occupant load of 49 or less, it may be 35 inches wide. ff the ramp is serving a high occupant load, check exit table above for requj-red width.-- Sec. 1003 -4.2 2) If the ramp is part of the accessible route, the maxi-mum sLope is 1-:12. A1l other ramps may have a slope of 1:8 or less.-- Sec. f003.3.4.3 3) When the slope i.s greater than L:20, landings sha11 be provid.ed at the top, botEom and for each 5 feet of rise. Top landings and incermediate landings shaIl be at least 5 feet in the direction of travel . Landings at the bottom of ramps sha1l be at least 6 feet in the direction of travel. -- Sec. 1003.3.4.4 4) Handrails shall be per st.air requirements. -- Sec. 1003.3.4.5 5) The surface shalL be roughened or sha11 be of slip-resistant materials. -- Sec. 1003.3 .4 .8 LANDINGS AT DOORS : 1) A floor or landing shall be provided on each side of doors. When access for persons with disabiLities is required. the floor or landing sha1l not be more than 1/2 inch lower than the threshold. when access is not required, the maximum j-s 1 inch. -- sec. 1- 2) I-,andings sha1l have a width not less than the vridth of the stairway or width of the doorway, whichever is the greater. where a landing serves an occupant load of 50 or more, doors in any position sha11 not reduce the landing dimension to less than one half it required width. The minimum length in the direction of exit travel is 44 inches. - - Sec. l-003 .3 .1.7 TRAVEI-J DISTANCE: (distance to an exit) The maximum travel distance in this buildinq is 250 feet. -- Sec. LVV+,Z.).2.J The maximum travel distance within an E occupancy rooms is 75 feet, -- Sec. L007.3.3.1 The maximun travel distance in an E oceupancy is 225 feet.-- Sec. 1007.3.3.2 Trave] distance shall not be limited within an exi.t enclosure or exit passageway. -- Sec. L005.2,2 BUILDING ACCESSIBILITY : 1) This building including each tenant shall be provided with at least one entrance wtrich complies with the accessible route provj-sions of CABO/ANSI A117.1. At least 50 percent of all entrances sha1l be accessible. -- Sec. 1L03.2.3 2) when more that one exit is required from any accessibLe space, each accessible porLion of Ehe space shall be served by not less than t$ro accessible means of egress. -- Sec. 1104.1.1 NOTE: Exit stairways in buildings protected throughout by an approved automatic sprinkler system are NOT required to incorporate an area of ref uge. - - Sec. l-l-04 .1.2, Except.ion 2 ROOFING REQUIREMENTS : 1) The roofing on this building is required to be Class B or better. - - Table 1"5 -A 2) See section L504 and ICBO research reports for requirements. IJ AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEMS ; If there are 100 or more sprinklers, all valves controlling the water supply and water-f1ow switches shaII be electrically moni. t.ored. Valve monitoring and water-flow alarm and trouble signals shall be distinct.ly different and sha1l be automatical.Ly transmitted to an approved central station, remote station or proprietary moniEoring station. -- Sec. 904.3.1 STANDPIPE REQUIREMENTS : There is no requirement for a standpipe. -- Table 9-A FOOTNOTES: 2) A standpipe is not required in the basement. -- Table 9-A, footnote 1 VENTILATION; A11 areas cusEomarily occupied by humans shall. be provided wiEh nat.ural ventilation by means of openable exterior openings with an area of not l-ess than L/20 of the total floor area or shall be provided wit.h a mechanically operated ventilation sysLem. Such system sha1l be capabLe of supplyj.ng a minimum of 15 cubic feet per minute of outside air per occupane. -- Sec. L202.2.t WALI.,, AND CEILING FINISH: i.) wall and ceiling finish materials are required to comply with Sec. 804.1 and Table 8-8. 2) carpet.ing on the ceiling is reguired to have a class I fl-ame splead rating. -- sec. 804.2 3) Textile wall coverings shaLL have CLass I flame spread rating, and sha11 be protecEed by automatic sprinklers or meet t,he acceptance criEeria of U.B.C. Standard No. 8-2 -- Sec. 805 4) Toilet room floors sha11 have a smoolh, hard nonabsorbent surface that extends upward onto the walls at least 5 inches. -- qal.' en? 1 1 5) WaLls within 2 feee of the front and sides of urinals and water closets shall have a smooth, hard nonabsorbent surface. - - Se,c. 807 .1.2 INSULATION NOTES : 1) A11 insulation material including facings are required to have a flame-spread rating of 25 oy less and a maximum smoke density of 450.-- Sec. 707.3 2) Foam plast.ic insulat.ions are required to be protected. -- Sec. 2502 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For EL occupancy 1) All corridors serving an occupant load more than l-00 are required to be the required width plus 2 feet but not less than 5 feet. -- q6^ 1nn? ? R 2) A fenced in area without unlocked gales must have a dispersal area greater than 50 feet from the bui1ding. -- Sec. 1007.3.11 l4 For A2 occupancy STAGES: 1) The minimum type of construction for stages sha11 be as required for the building except that the finished floor, in all tl'T)es of construction, may be of wood. -- Sec. 405.3.1 2) If the stage height is 50 feet or more. it. shall be separated from the rest of the building by not less than a two-hour occupancy separation. If the height. is less t.han 50 feet, separation may be one-hour. -- Sec. 405.3.1 3) Dressinq rooms, r/irorkshops, storerooms, and other accessory spaces shaLl- be separated from each other and the other building areas by a one-hour occupancy separation. -- Sec. 405,3.2 4) Emergency ventilation shall be provided for all stage areas greater than L000 sq.ft. for having a height greater than 50 feet to provide a means of removing smoke and combustion gases directly to the outside, VenEilation sha1l be by one or a combination of the following. a) Smoke Control - A means shall be provided to maintain smoke level not less than 6 feet above the highest level of assembly seating or above the top of the prosceni-um opening. IE shall be connected to both normal and standby power. -- Sec. 405.3.3.1 b) Roof vents - Two or more vents sha1l be located near the center of and above the highest part of the stage. The net free vent area must be at least 5 percent of the sEage area, -- Sec. 405.3.3.2 5) The proscenium opening sha11 be protected by an approved fire curtain or an approved water curtain. The fire curtain shall be designed to close automatically and resist flame and smoke for 20 minutes. -- Sec.405.3.4 6) Gridirons, f1y galleries, and pinrails shal1 be constructed of maCerial-s consistent with the building tlpe of construction. '- Sec,405.3.5 Floor-B 1 occupancy-tecture/rehearsal Floor-B 1 Occupancy-Green Room A011 Floor-B 1 Occupancy-Dressing Room A035 Floor-B 1 occupancy-Dressing Room A033 Floor- Lst Occupancy - Practice Area AL12>A Floor-1st. occupancy-Music class Rm A111, Floor- 1st Occupancy-Tech Support A10L Floor-1st Occupancy-Comp, Lab. 410 2 when seaes are not. fixed, the capaciEy of this area is required t.o be posted at 53 occupanEs in a conspicuous place on an approved sig:n near the main exit. -- sec. 1001 .2.6 Floor- 1st Occupancy-Conp. Irab. Al-04 Floor-1st Occupancy-Ind. Class Room A124 Floor- lst Occupancy-Class Room A150 Floor- 1st occupancy-class Room A151 Floor- 1st Occupancy-class Room AL52 Floor - 1st occupancy-Class Room A155 Floor-1st occupancy-class Room Bl-55 Floor- 1st Occupancy-Class Room 8152 Floor- Lst occupancy-class Room 81-51- Floor- 1st Occupancy-C1ass Room 8150 Floor-1st Occupancy-Ind. class Rm 8125 FLoor-2nd occupancy-Art SEudio A208 Fl-oor - 2nd OccuDancv-Art Studio A202 l5 When seats are not fixed, the capacity of this area be posted ab 55 occupants in a conspicuous place on sign near t.he main exit. -' Sec. 1007 .2.6 Floor-2nd. occupancy-Photo A2 05 Floor-2nd occupancy-Comp. Art A207 Floor-2nd Occupancy-C1ass Room A2 21" Floor-2nd Occupancy-Class Room A250 Floor-2nd Occupancy-Class Room A2 51- Floor-2nd Occupancy-Class Room A2 52 Floor-2nd Occupancy-C1ass Room A255 Floor-2nd Occupancy-Class Room 82 02 Floor-2nd Occupancy-C1ass Room 8200 Floor-2nd occupancy-Class Room 8203 Floor-2nd Occupancy- Prep Room 8201 Floor-2nd occupancy-Class Room 8235 Floor - 2nd Occupancy- Science Lab. 8234 Floor-2nd Occupancy- Prep Room 8232 Floor-2nd Occupancy - Sci ence Lab. Floor-2nd Occupancy-Class Room E'230 Floor-2nd Occupancy-C1ass Room 8225 Floor-2nd occupancy-C1ass Room 8250 Floor-2nd Occupancy-c1ass Room 82 51 Floor-2nd Occupancy-C1ass Room 82 52 Floor-2nd Occupancy-C1ass Room 8255 Floor-2nd Occupancy- Class Room C226 i< r.arrrrirad an approved co Floor-1st Occupancy - Commons BL11 when seats are not fixed, the capacity of this area is required to be posted at 280 occupants in a conspicuous place on an approved sign near the main exit.. -- Sec. L007,2.6 Floor- lst Occupancy- Dining Room C130 when seats are not fixed, the capacj,ty of this area is requj-red to be posted at 159 occupants in a conspicuous place on an approved sign near the main exit. -- Sec. 1007.2.5 Floor- lst Occupancy - Gymnas ium C100 The capacity of the cym floor with the moveable partition cLosed is 384 persons with an additional 255 persons in the bleachers for a total of 650 occupants. The capacity of Glzmnas ium C101 floor is 149 occupants with the moveable partition closed. with the moveable partition opened the total occupant l-oad is 799 persons. Posbing of the Gymnasiums in both configurahions is required to comply with Sec. L007.2.6 Floor - 1st Occupancy - Audi torium when seats are not fixed, the capacity of this area is required to be posted at 355 occupants in a conspicuous place on an approved sig'n near the main exit,Sec. L007.2.6 l6 ACCESSIBLE FACILITIES: NOTE: Except as noted, section numbers list,ed below are from CABO/ANSr At-t-7 -1 - 1992 WATER FOUNTAINS AND WATER COOTERS: At least 50 percenL of drinking fountains, but not less than one,provided on every floor shall be accessibLe. -- UBC Sec. 1L05.4.1 Accessible units must comply with the followj.ng: 1) Spout is to be within 36 inches of the floor. -- Sec. 2) Spout arranged for parallel approach shall be located 3 inches maximum from the front edge. Spouts of cantilevered units with knee and toe clearances shal1 be located 15 inches minimum from the vertical support and 5 inches maximum from the front edge.-- Sec. 3) Spouts shall provide a flow of warer 4 inches heiqht minimum. - - Sec. 4.15 .2.3 4) Operable parts shall be located at or near the front edge of the unit and sha11 comply with 4,25.4 -- Sec. 4.15.3 5) A cantilevered unit is required bo extend 17 inches minimum from the vertical support. Clear knee space must. provide a clear area of 8 inches in depth at 27 inches high and 11 inches at 9 inches minimum above the floor. -- Sec. 4.15.4,L 6) Forward approach units shal1 comply with 4.2. Units in alcoves shall compLy with UniLs not having the necessary knee and boe clearance or clear space under them sha11 comply with 4.2.4 and have a clear floor space that allows a person in a wheelchair to make a Darallel- apcroach. -- Sec. 4.I5.4,2 TOILET FACILITIES: 1) A 60 inch diameter unobstructed turning space is requi-red in the toiIeE. room. -- Sec. 4.16.3, 4.2-3 & Fiq, 84.2.3 2) Wat.er closet shall be mounted adjacent to a sid.e waI1 or partiEion. The distance from the side wall or partition to the centerline of the water closet sha11 be 18 in. Sec. 4.17.1, 3) When the accessible wat.er closet is not in a stall: The clear fl-oor space shall be 48 in mj-nimum in front of lhe water closet and 42 in from the center line of the water closet on the side not ad'iacenE Lo Ehe r4raLl- - - - Sec. 4.t'7 .2 & Fig. 84.L7 .2 4) When the accessible wat,er closet is in a sEall: The stall shall be 60 in wide minimum and 56 in deep minimum for wall hung wat,er closets and 59 in deep minimum for floor mounted water closeEs, -- Sec. 4.1-8.3.1 If the door swings into the sta11, the required depEh shall be increased by 36 inches minimum. -- Sec. & Fiq.84.18.3-1 5) The bars are to be 33 to 35 inches above the floor and sha1l be provided on the rear wal-1 and on the side wa11 closesl to the water closet. -- Sec. & Figs. 84.L7.3, 84.I7.4 and a) Side grab bar is required to start within 12 inches of the back wall and extend to 54 inches from the back wall. (The minimum length of the bar is 42 in) -- Sec. 4-L7.4.I & Figs . 84.17.3 and b) The rear bar shal} be 24 in long mj.nimum, centered on the water closet. Where space permits, the bar sha11 be 36 in long minimum, with the additionaL length provided on the 17 transfer side. -- Sec. 4.L7.4.2 & Figs, 84.17.3,P4.77.4 and 84. L8,3,1 6) The top of the seat on the wat.er cLoseL is required to be 17 ho 1.9 inches above the fIoor. -- Sec. 4.L7.3 & Fig. B4-L7.3 7) Accessible urinals sha11 be of the stal1 tjpe or wa1l hung with the rim at 1,7 inches maximum above the floor. -- Sec. 4.19.2 8) A clear area of 30 X 48 inches minimum is reguired in fron! of the urinal. Privacy shields sha1l not extend beyond the front edge of lhe urinal rim, unless they are 30 inches apart minimum. -- sec. 4.19 -3 9) Accessible LavaLories shall be mounted with the rim 34 inches maximum above the floor and a clearance of 29 inches minimum from the floor to the bot,tom of the front edqe of the aDron.-- Sec- & Fig. 10) ft shall extend 17 inches minimum from the wal,L. The clear knee space shall- be 8 j.nches in depLh mj-nimum at 27 inches minimum above the floor and 11 inches in depth mj,nimum at 9 in minimum above the floor. The dip of the overflow shal1 be ignored when checking the cl-earances. -- Sec. & Fig. 11) A clear floor space of 30 X 48 inches minimum sha11 be providedj-n front of the lavatory and shall extend 19 inches max.Lmum under hhe Lavatory. -- Sec. 4.20-3.2 &. Eiq, 84,20-3.2 12) Water supply and drain pj.pes under lavatories sha11 be insulated or otherwise treated to protect against contact. - - Sec. 4.20 ,4 13) The bott,om of mirror is required to be within 38 inches of the floor. -- Sec. 4.:-6.6 & Fig. GI,AZING REQUIREMENTS AII glazinq in hazardous locaEions is required to be of safetyglazing material. -- Sec. 2406,3 &. 2406.4 Locaeions: 1) Glazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies. 2) clazing in fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies and panels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors. 3) Glazing in storm doors. 4) clazing in all unframed swinging doors. 5) Glazing j-n doors and. enclosures for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas. steam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of a buil-ding waI1 enclosing Ehese compartmenbs where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet,. 6) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed edge of the glazing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertj-cal edgre of the door in a closed posltion and where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above thewalking surface. 7) Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel . other than those locat.ions described in items 5 and 5 above, than meets all of the following conditions: A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet. B. Exposed bottom edge less Ehan l-g inches above the f l-oor, C. Exposed top edge greater than 36 inches above the floor. D. One or more walking surfaces within 35 inches horizontally of t-ha nl:no nf 1-ha a] rzina 8) clazing in railings regardless of heiqht above a walking surface.Included are structural baluster Danels and nonstructural in-fil1 18 t ..J. rr r ,' t panel s . 9) Glazing ln wa11s and fences uaed as the barrier for indoor and out,door swimning pools and spaE when the bottom edges is leEs than 60 incheg above the pool side and tbe glazing is within 5 feetof the pool or spa water's edge, 10) Glazing Ln walls encloeing s tairvray Landings or within 5 feet of then bottom and Eop of stairways where the bottom edge is less than 60 inches above tbe walking surface. r9 Lt/2L/2005 VON 11:00 FAI 3034441957 jlQ.ur r..oroor.,.t 1319 Sptucc Staeet Eouldqr, CO 80302 Ph:303.444.1951 Far' 303144. I 957 lVA, InmrpoEt"d 25 Old Towr Squ nre Suite 200 Fo.t Colllni, CO 8OS24 Ph: 970.225.9099 F.r 97O-2t5-6923 JVA. Incorpordted P.O, Box 1860 790S0 U5 Highway40 wlnrer PalhCO 80,482 Pht 970.722-7677 F.x-970.722,7679 EA oorlo03 Web sltel www,jvajva,com E.tn.lh Info@jvaiv..com o 0 RVocXA t(l- , /,..-DATE r\/^2.- r /.-' 5 _ JoB No. t{'{2' c- .- pno recr: V /.'\{ ..- JOTAL PAGES: 3 .in<tudtnq thb covsr jhq€i lil o_ : !+-Ta* 2 i Q, Q, , ( , r, I r F R o M: H c,\, .c.'- <'.( lv\c! [-1e,4 ,*v) lf you do not recclv. rtl pager or they are illegible, please contact the sender by phone. Thank you, &s.. t:Ji11-c--'t-i lL/2L/z0oi UoN l1: o0 FAX 3034441957 lNr61 ncorporateo 1319 Spruce 5ree1 Boulder, CO 80302 Ph:303-444.1951 tax: 3O3.444.1957 nrrr.r : L.€-ow.rypL. S*"',J"t.,--{ il:j JVA, Incofpor.tcd 4710 south College Ave. Fo( Collins, CO 8052s Ph; 970.?25.9099 Fay;, 9'lO,225 ,6923 {"i JVA, IncorporDted eO. Box 1860 Winte. Park, CO 80482 Pl\t 970.722.7677 Fdxt 970.?22.7679 E oo2,/oo3 Web site: www.ivaiva.ro.n F,-rnail: Info@ivalva.com ATTM5NART rg-..-.!i-**-.r.-.ef*.-Vr'i..t-.-P'*.-t.1,..-+......L'-rJ-.irLs- ... . i-gg.1-_o.,IIi!2e., a*Orra., VM$ -....,---L.."."... Ytl=:.1t:ii.. i.i Shop Drawings I.li Tracings fi Prlnts THE5E ARE TRANSMITTED: )+or your ute [] i-i Ar requ$ted I-.! Fgr revisw €nd somment Reviewed .nd cxccptions nqtcd t:ti i-l Rcsubmit Orhcr Copl€s to: tL/2L/2005 11 :00 FAX 303 4 4419 57uoN Eb oo3,/oo3 \ ,iii '.r-j": !..;\r \ il q @ I ASCHOOL SCALE: l"=20' {'I0P50|L FACI Of UAtl. SAIIEi O lH; l2v \ rno^r*,ro u^*r*. 8Yt t2" $N 6" Mtt'l FIGURE I Vail Mountain School As-Built Retaining Wall Section November 21,2005 a:E$'::&; ,' ...,.'-fr4 COIVSL.,L-!'ING ENGINEEF.S; November 11, 2005 I-eonard Sandoval Town of Vail Public Works 1309 Elkhom Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Reference: Retaining wall at the Vail Mountain School JVA Job #ll42c Dear konard: Shaw Construction has notified JVA that the Town of Vail has requested a letter from JVA regarding the height of a retaining wall at the Vail Mountain School. The boulder retaining wall is located at the northwest corner of the school building. To keep the grade above the wall at aZ:I ratio, the wall was constructed between to approximately 7'-0" at the highest point for about 5 feet and then tapers signihcantly in height to either side. Per the Town of Vail Development Standards, retaining walls higher than 6'-0" are required to be stamped by a Colorado State Professional Engineer. Based on the performance of existing boulder retaining walls at the Vail Mountain School and a visual inspection of the construction of this particular wall, JVA has no concerns in allowing the wall to remain at its current 7' height. Please call me with any questions. Sincerely, JVA,INCO By: $st% 4-eqq9e^,;*q{ffl.tFr JVA, Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, Co 80302 Ph:303.444.1951 Fax:303.M4.1957 foll Ftee A77.M4.1951 Web site: www,ivarva.Com E-mail: info@lvaiva.com Principals David M Houdeshell Robert B. Hunnes Thomas P Skinner Thomas 5. Soell Kevrn A. Tone Cindera L. Ward Structural Engineering Daniel E. cooke Mark C. Cormier Kathy A. Gilhooly Heidi M. Hall Derek D. Henderson Michael R. Hope Craig M. Kobe Michael J. l\y'cDonald David M. Mier Derek M. Pedersen Thomas M. Smith Sarah E. Watts charles B. Wilkerson civil Engineering Jon C. Drlggers Charles R. Hager Howard M. McHenry Carolyn A- Sullivan Melissa t Tolve Administration Andrew P Krizman BOULDER FORT COLLINS WINTER PARK ,a Tniiu= wiiir-tzts FaxisTl.t;i"iz1s FAX COSIER SI-IEET TO: ' -:'-!"i: : .F. I li\, ?r F{o. Fages incl. cover atr*lt r}L - ' & D""tt 8'f ooP' toe6VoF'QoE 'L;::u'",,1,7o"iu'r'"i**u'n6' ctr LL u/n'r / eo€sftotnf' ftln)Ls, ^,1"4fu n+{L-@ 6olu>ee Pgn dit6 t'':tLL L6ontZ rtS o,ao FiQu-*rED,JLee€ n n'd 4S-sorcT tt DATE: . Totl trdnej- fry"ut!,L FA)ft F i lr', r.l Ii 4ZZ -a r(, 6 i" .; 'l I I SUE\IEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I. BRENT BIGGS, A ITROFESSTONAL LAI.'D SURVEYOR iHE srAT€ oF coLoRADo, Do HEREBY cERnFY# UNDER TllE LArrtS 0r UII MAP Y/AS MAOE 8Y ME AND TJNDER HY SUPIRVISION. COBRECT IO IHE BEST OF MY KNOI'II-EDGL .I5 ACCURAIE AND DATE: \\r*tt;.-$orr-Y BOULDER WALL\. \ "t=;. \ armt\<{:-l t$zJ ) \' t" .t) i6 s/oEP4u( -*att,.a \ I STAIRS (TYPTCAL) s STORM INLET GRATE ELE\'. 8J35.4 NOTE: DAIE OF SUR\EY:lll6/os { rlF I SCALE 1" = 10'ffiffi EXHIEIT VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL AS-BUILT REIAININC WATLS BEnunrru CnruzE %, Consulti ng En tineers,lnc. rV - December 19,2005 Mr. Charlie Davis Vail Building Department 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: Vail Mountain School Project 7511.01 Dear Charlie: This letter is to inform you that, to our knowledge, and with the information we have been given, the HVAC systems at the school have been balanced il accordance with the design documents. Based on review ofthe balance report, all areas are within the specified tolerances for design airflow which satisfies code required ventilation rates for both outside air and exhaust. Please call ifyou have any questions. Sincerely, yler S Principal MTS:rxm !o l- ooz/ Cc: Marc Truedeau - Shaw Construction 't10 E. Beaver Creek Blvd., #202, Avon, CO 81620.MailOnly: PO. Box 9650, Avon, CO 81620. Phone: 970.949.6108 . Fax:970.949.6159 VAIL 14142 Denver W. Pk!vy., #195, Golden, CO 80401 . Phone:303.278.3820. Fax:303.278.3843 DENVER 251 Linden St., +20O, Fort Collins, CO80524. Pfione: 970.221 .5691 . Fax: 970.221.5697 FORTCOLLTNS 11448 Oeerlield Or., #Cl, Truckee, CA 96161 . Phone: 530.550.7334 . Fax 530.550.7336 LAKE TAHOE L:\Golden Projccts\?s I L00 Vail Mountain SchooMsl 1.0l\Gen Docsvsl l0l MLlE I S doc www.bgce.com TOWN OFVAIL Hougland & Associates Department of Commtmity Devel@kwtrood Springs, Colorado 8160L 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 wwwci.vail.co.us Phone (970) 384 -1-221 Fax (970) 384 - 1331 Email = firesafe@rof .net Plan anal"ysis based on the 1997 Edition of the Uniform Buildinq Code Date: ,June 14, 2003 Project Name: Vail Mountain School Address: 3150 Katsos Ranch Road, Vail- Colorado Architech: Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, p.C. Writer Square, 1512 l-,arimer Street Denver, Colorado 80202 Occupancy: A2, A2.1, A3, B, E1 & Sl-Constructiont Tl4)e II - ]-hr Report By: Art Hougland NOTE: The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a complete lisEing of all possible code requirements in the 1997 UBC. It is a guide to selected sections of lhe code. Port.j-ons of the material contained in this program are reproduced from the Uniform Building Code published by the International Conference of Building Officials. Notice: The review of plans and specifications does not constitute an acceptance of any responsibility by Hougland & Associat.es for errors, omissions or discrepancies. The responsibility for Ehese items and implementation during construction rests specifically with the architect., engineers, designers, builders and owner. Comments and notations are intended to be construct.ive and j-n support of the otrners interest. NFPA 13 sprinkler system throughout the building Sprinkler system used for al1owab1e area increase -- Sec. 505.3 SEPARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FTRE PROTECTION NORTH Property line 21.0 Feet 21.0 Feet EAST Public way 55.0 Feet 36.0 Feet SOUTH Public way 1L0.0 Eeet 92.5 Feet WEST Public way 70.0 Feet. 52.5 Feet A1lo\,/able area increased 90.% for oDen area on 3 sides. - - Sec. 505.1 {S*"n""*r ro NAME occ MAX FLR AREA ALLOWED RATIO STATUS Department of Gon''laald'4trfied€Iqowtt t3 +l e ok 724 102600 0.01 ok 75 South Frontfue l{ggrHanical Room 8343 B ok 729 102600 0.01 ok Vail. Colorado t r6_{pchanical Room C325 e ok 509 102600 0.01 ok g70t_47g_2l3grorAl FoR FIrooR 2062 102500 0.02 ok FILX 970-479-2#2 controt Room A231 B wruwcLvail.co.l$t Learning Supp. A212 B 2 Conference Room A214 B 2 Conference Room 4213 B 2 Office A211 B 2 ATE Studio A208 EL 2 Art Srudio A202 E1 2 Office A205 B 2 Photo A206 E1 2 Comp. Art A207 Et 2 Class Room A221 E1 2 Work Room A241 B 2 Class Room A250 El- 2 Class Room .A251 E1 2 Class Room A252 E1 2 Class Room A255 E1 2 Class Room 8202 E1 2 Class Room 8200 E1 2 Class Room 8203 El 2 Office 8277 B 2 Prep Room 8201 E1 2 Offlce 82L2 B 2 Office B2t3 B 2 Class Room 8235 E1 2 science Lab. 8234 E1 2 Prep Room 8232 E1 2 Science Lab. E]- 2 Class Room 8230 E1 2 Class Room 8226 EL 2 Counseling Area B223 B 2 Class Room 8250 El, 2 Class Room 8251- E1 2 Class Room 8252 E1 2 Class Room 8255 E1 2 Conference Room C222 B 2 Office C227 B 2 Kitchen C223 B 2 Class Room C226 E1 2 Mechanical Room C24O B 2 Non-habitable Area B ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok L32 450 80 80 ]-20 899 Tt20 95 100 225 588 L04 56U 580 6rz 700 b /f, 648 575 '72 130 104 104 s50 662 l-,/o t}t'z 550 283 490 594 594 |'btt 700 672 L20 r z:) 506 900 8354 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok 102500 0.0 r.02500 0.0 L02500 0.0 102600 0.0 102500 0.0 r-r.5r.40 0.0r, 115140 0.01 r-02600 0.0 115140 0.0 115140 0.0 1151-40 0,01 102500 0.0 r.15140 0.01 115140 0.01 115140 0.01- 115140 0.01 115140 0.01 t-t-5140 0.01 115140 0.0L 102500 0.0 115140 0.0 L02500 0.0 1-02600 0.0 115140 0.0 r.r.5r.40 0.01 115140 0.0 l_15L40 0.01 115140 0.0 115140 0.0 102500 0.0 1r-5140 0.01 115140 0.01 1L5140 0.0L 115140 0,01 102500 0.0r. r.02600 0.0 102500 0.0 1r.5140 0.0 102500 0.01 102600 0.08 TOTAL FOR FIJOOR 25890 108961 0.24 ok 2 R.ECYCLED PAPENs TOWN OFVAIL di torium ok 2552 76950 0.03 ok J. 5 tage D epartmen t of AottmtsllQt D?falopn$m3 75 South Frontdge Rdedttice Area Al-12>A vail, Colorado *;,63+7sic class Rm A111 g70_47g_213g L rech support A1-01 rex ci o-i ii-r&, illfl ' "l?l;.o' o' www.ci.vail.co.W Comp. Lab. A104 1 fnd. class Room 4124 1 Work Room A141 1 Class Room A15 0 1 Class Room A151 1 Class Room A152 L Class Room A155 L Ki tchen 1 Commons 8111 1 Library Area 8100> 1 Class Room Bl-55 1 Class Room 8152 1 class Room 8151 L Class Room 8150 1 office 8123 1 office 8124 L Ind. Class Rm 8125 1 office 8134 1 Office 813 3 1 work Room 813 1 I UIITCE B1I Y 1 rnfirmary 8118 1 Office B1l-4 1 Office 8115 1 Conference Room BL38 1 Office B13 7 1 office 8136 1 Office 8135 1 cymnasium Cl_00 1 Glrmnasium Bleachers 1 Gymnasium C101 L Boys Locker tun cL50 1 Girls Locker Rm C150 1 Fitness Room C170 1 Office C111 1 St. Store CL3? L Kitchen C131 1 Dining Room C13 0 1 Non-habitable Areas A2 ta -gr El- E1 Et B EL E1 B E1 El_ E1 Et- B B E1 -cf l.-r ElI B B B B B E B B B B B B B I\Z.L A3 A3 B B B B B B 5 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok 2046 |6950 r32 102600 250 115140 560 115L40 300 115140 1260 115140 128 102500 590 1r-5140 287 1l-514 0 96 102500 594 115140 594 11s140 840 115140 672 115140 L32 102500 1950 75950 2844 102600 570 L15140 858 115140 546 115140 572 11s140 250 r-02500 :-20 r-02600 280 115140 ].70 r-02500 L40 102600 187 L02500 I27 r_02600 154 102600 335 r-02600 75 102500 288 102500 I75 102600 135 102500 1s6 r-02600 5760 76950 IO22 76950 2232 76950 590 r-02600 690 102500 10s5 102500 130 102600 1-04 r.02500 540 102600 2378 75950 21388 102600 0.03 ok 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.01 ok 0.0 ok 0.01 ok 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.01 ok 0,01 ok 0.01 ok 0.01 ok0.0 ok 0.03 ok 0.03 ok 0.01 ok 0.01 ok 0.0 ok U.U OK 0.0 ok0.0 ok 0.0 ok0.0 ok 0.0 ok0.0 ok 0.0 ok0.0 ok0.0 ok 0.0 ok0.0 ok 0.0 ok0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.07 ok0.01 ok 0.03 ok 0.01 ok 0,01 ok U. UT OK U.U OK 0.0 ok 0,0l- ok 0.03 ok 0.2L ok TOTAL FOR FIJOOR B1 Lec ture /rehearsa I BL storage A022 81 Electrical Room A02 5 81 EIev. Mach. Room 81 Storage A0L2 81 Mechanical Room A03l- 81 Green Room A011 57070 94377 0.61 ok E1 sL B B S1 B E1 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok 816 J5U 75 56 105 0 r487 260 115140 0.01 ok 102600 0.0 ok 102600 0.0 ok 102600 0.0 ok 102600 0.01 ok 102500 0.01 ok 115140 0,0 ok EDCYCLED PAPERs TOWN OF age Room A013 fice A014 sL B ok ok 100 -L -1f, ok ok o r.02500 0.0 1-02600 0.0 TJI JAN1EOT AU15 D e p ar t m e n t oNo m?berivE fu sAl dpaw't t A0 3 I 75 South FronWe RAAder Room A037 Vail. ColoradFil6flessine Room A035 czo-tzc-z t saf,| :ffi i:i::,-;::_T31, FAX 970-479-&52 w"" _ iruul rable Areas 1U2600 0.0 0k 102600 0,0 ok 102600 0.01 ok 115140 0.0 ok 115140 0.0 ok 102600 0.0 ok 1-02600 0.02 ok B B df EI B B ok ok ok ok ok ok ok 50 308 720 308 280 306 zt to wv,wct.vatt.colrutTAl, FoR FIJooR 8457 704847 0.08 ok okBUILDING TOTAL -- Sec. 504 and Table 5-B 85022 r.31_3 85 0.5s Rooms for kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade chiLdren are not permitted on any floor other than the 1st floor, -- Sec. 305.2.3 Note: They may be on the 2nd floor if the floor is located within 4 feet from adjacent ground level at. the point of exit and the floor has exits direct,ly to the exterior at that 1eve1 . -- Sec- 305.2.3 exc. 1 The achual heiqht of this buildinq is 40 The maximum height of the buildinq is 55 feet. feet.'1alf-Le 5-lJ EXTERIOR WALL NORTH I'^r Rar ri n^ Occupancy Wa11B t hourE1 t hourA3 t hourAz.L t hour A2 t hour 5L t nour Non - Bearing wal1 L hour t hour t hour t hour L hour t hour Non - Bearing Wal l t hour I hour t hour t hour L hour t hour Non - Bearing wal1 0 hour 0 hour 0 hour 0 hour 0 hour 0 hour FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTTON Tabt_e 5-A EAST For Occupancy B l1r J|J AZ.L !\z SOUTH For Occupancy B EI S1 Bearing Wa11 t hour t hour t hour I hour t hour t hour Bear ing Wal-1 t hour i- hour t hour L hour t hour l- hour Openr-ngt Prot.ect i on None None None None None None Openi-ngl Protect ion None None None Nor1e None None Construction Material Non - Con f, Non-Comb Non-comb Non-Comb Non - conrb Non-Comb Construction Ma terl a I Non-Comb Non-Codc Non-Comb Non-Comb Non - Comb Non - Comb Required NO No No No No No Parapet No NO No No No NO Requi red NO No No No NO No Opening ConstrucEion Protection Material None Non-Comb None Non-corib None Non - Comb None Non-Cohb None Non - Conib None Non - Conlb 4 NECYCI.ED PAPER{3 T0WI,I0F iJear rng Non - lJearrng Department q@pw{wtity Deaebpment w atl 75 South Frontafu Road t hour 0 U 0 hour hour hour hour hour hour Vail, Cotorado 8Ft57 970-479-2r38 'ir., FAX 970-479-2454 www.ci.vail.co.uls:- t hour t hour L hour t hour L hour openr-ng Prot ecLion None None None None None None constructJ-on Ma ter ia I Non - Cornb Non-Comb Non-Comb Non-Comb Non-Comb Non-Comb Parapet Requi red No No No No No No None 3/4 hour Not Al l oqred No fire protection requirements for openings. Openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire 50t of the area of the wa11 maximum- - - Table Footnote 5 & Sec. 503.2.2 Maximum single window size is 84 sq.ft. with no dimensiongreater t.han 12 feet. -- Sec. 713.8 Openings are not permitted in this wall. assemblies. 5-A, OTHER BUILDING ELEMENTS Table 5-A ELEMENT MATERTAL RATING NOTES Ineerior Bearing r^ta]] Noncombustible t hr Int,erior nonbrg wa11 Noncombustible t hr See Footnote Structural Frame Noncombustible t hr Exterior Str. Frame Noncombustible t hr See footnote Shaft Enclosure Noncombustible t hr Fl-oor/Ceiling Assembly Noncombustible l- hr Roof ,/Ceiling Assembly Noncomlcustible t hr See FootnoEe Stairs Noncomlcustible None NOTEr See Section 711 for shaft encl-osure exceptions. FOOTNOTES: 1) Elements i.n an exteri-or wa11 located where openings are not' permitted or where protection of openj-ngs is required, shal1 be protected against external fire exposure as required for exterj.or bearing wa1ls or the structural frame, whj.chever is greater. -- Table 5-A. footnote 1 4) Fire-retardant treahed wood may be used within interior non-bearing t hr. wall assemblies. -- Table 5-A, footnote 2 5) Nonload-bearing walls within a tenanl space t.hat are not part of a t hr. corridor may be of: a) Noncombustible (nonrated) materials b) Fire retardant - treated wood c) One-hour construction (any material) -- Sec. 501,5.2.L 8) If the entire roof structure is 25 feet or more above any floor, the fire rating may be allowed to be eliminated. See l-imitations and requirements. - - Sec. 503 .5 & 602 . 5 PENETRATIONS OF FIRERESISTIVE ASSEMBIJIES WAI-,LS ASSEMBLIES - - Sec. 709 . 5 Through penetrations: 1) Penetrations shall be installed as tested j-n the rated assen lly. - - Sec. 709 ,5 ,2 2) Penetrations shall be protected by an approved penetration firestop system and sha1l have an F rating of not less than the required rating of the wall penetrat,ed. -- Sec. 709,6.3 Exception: when penetratinq items are steel, ferrous or copper pj-pes or steel conduits and the walI is concrete or #5 .t+ I #8 5 RECYCIED PAPERs masonry, the annul-ar space shall be permitted to begrout or mortar. The minimum thickness is the tnacKness requarecr t'o ma1nEaJ-n Ene IJ-re rat'].ng. 'l'ne Department of Community DeveloprWimum size of the penetrating items is equivalent 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 to a 6-inch diameter and the opening is a maximum of 144 square inches. -- Sec. 709.5.1 970-479-2 I 38 Merbrane penetrations : FAX 970-479-245$11a requiremenLs are the same as for throuqh penetrations. www.ci.vail.co.us -- sec. 709.7 Exceptions: L. SteeL electrical outlet boxes that do not exceed 16 squarej-nches provided that the area of such openings does not exceed L00 square inches for any 100 sguare feet of walL area. Boxes on opposite sides of the assembly shall be separated by a horizontal distance of not less than 24 inches . 2. Sprinklers with met.al escutcheon plates. Noncombustible penetrating items shal-1 not be connected to combustible materials on both sides of the membrane unless it can be confirmed that the fire-resistive integrity of wall is maintained. -- Sec. 709.7 FLOOR/CETLTNG AND ROOF/CEILING ASSEMBLIES -- Sec, 710.2 Through penetrations: Through penetrations of fire-resj-stive horizontal assemblies shall be enclosed in fire-resistive shaft enclosures. -- Sec. 770.2-L Exceptions: 1. When penetrating items are stee1, ferrous or copper conduj.ts,pipes, tubes and vents through a single concreEe f1oor. the iffi"}il'ili':J:il:":.'3'lili"ii, :;"::""::::, ?lu*ll'il i"."," the fire rating. The maximum size of the pJnetrating items is equivalent to a 6-inch diameter and the opening is a maxj-mum of 144 square inches. 2. Electrical outlet boxes thaC have been tested for use in fire-assemblies. The system shall have an F rating and a T rating of not less than one hour but not less than the reguired ratinq of the floor syshem.-- Sec.7f0.2.3 Exception: Floor penetrations contained and located within the cavity of a wal-1 do not require a T rating, Membrane penetralions: The requirements are the same as for bhrough penetraLions,-- Sec. 7l-0.3 Except.ions: 1. When penetrating items are steel, ferrous or copper conduits, electrical outlet boxes, pipes, tubes and vents through concrete or masonry and the annular space is protected by an approved penetration firestop assembly or DrofecFed fr) r)rFvFnf l-he F-tre nassade of flame and products of combustion. Such penetrations shaf l- not exceed an aggregate area of 100 square inches in any 100f66f ^F ^ar ling area in assemblies without;:;.;:.;;;; 2. Electrical outlet boxes that have been tested for use in 6 RECYCI.ED PAPERs TOWN OFVAIL fire - assemblies. 3. Sprinklers with metal escutcheon plates. Department of Community Dettelopment 75 SouthFrontffiREadnd FIRE DAMPERS -- Sec. 713.10 and 713.11 Vail. Colorado glfiTtpers sha11 be accessible for inspection and servicing:' 1 Denetrations through area separatj-on walls.970-479-2138 t' :Penelrations t.hrouqh occupancy separations.FAX 970-479-2452 2. Penetrations of the fire-resistive construction of horlzontal www.ci.voil.co.us exit walls or corridors serving as a means of egress. Exception: Openings for steet ducts penetrating the required fire-resistive consLruction of corridors are noE required to have smoke dampers when such ducts are of not less than 0.019-inch thickness (26 gage) and have no openings serving the corridor, Penetrations of shaft enclosures. Exceptions: 1. Duct penetrations by steel exhaust air subducts extending vertically upward at least 22 inches above the top of the opening in a vented shaft where Ehe airflow is upward. 2. Penetrations of a fire-resj,stive floor forming the base of a shaft enclosure may be protected by fire dampers listed for installation in the horizontalposition. 3. Smoke dampers are not required when shaft is exhaust only, and is used for continuously operating fans. Penetrations of the cej-1ing of fire-resistive floor-ceiling or roof -ceiling assemblies. Exception: Smoke dampers are not required. Penetrations of an atrium enclosure eLement. Exception: Smoke dampers are not required. Penetrations of exterior walls where protection of openings 4. 6. is required. Exception: Smoke dampers are not required. 7. Penetrations of areas of refuge. Exception: Vent.ilation system designed to supply outside air during an emerqf ency. Smoke dampers are required in smoke barriers and elevator lobbies. 3. f,. OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONS -. Table 3-B B-E1 thr Offices less than 25% of major separation. -- Sec. 3Q2.! exc. 2.2 B-A3 ohr B-A2.1 Lhr A kitchen is not required to dining area. -- Sec- 302.1 exc. 2.4 B-A2 thr Offices less than 25t of maior use oo noE requ1re a be separaled from the use do not require a separation. B-51 E1 -A? E1-A2,1 ET-A2 - Sec. 302.I exc. 2.2 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 1-hr 7 A-ECrcLED PAPERs MWNOF 0hr 0hr IIJ. JI UNT D e p ar t me n t oJWa tonAe*y D eSttop m e n t Lhr lnr75 South fronl&g{nflM Vail. ColoradftlEJT 970-479-2r 3E.IIEA']'INU IIQUIPMENT SEPARATION : FAX 970-479-2452 wwwci.vail.cp. tlt hr. occupancy separation is required around rooms containing a boiler or central heating unit greaLer than 400,000 BTU input. - - Sec. 302.5 ADDITIONAL SEPARATTONS : A refrigeration machinery room shal-l- be separated from the remainder of the building as required for an H7 occupancy regardless of area. A horizontal occuparlcy separation may be limited to the actual floor area of the machinery room. Structural supportj.ng el-ements shaLl beprotected for the t]rtr)e of consbruction only. -- Sec. 2802 A t hour separation is required from an B occupancy. -- Table 3-B FOR B OCCUPANCY: L,aboratories and. vocational shops containing hazardous materiaLs are required to be separated from the rest of the building by not less than a 1- hr occupancy separation. -- Sec. 3O4.2.2.1, EXIT REQUIREMENTS : FL NAME NUMB MIN MIN PANIC HALLWAY/ DOOR NOTES OCC EXITS WIDTH HDWR CORRIDOR SWTNG No No No L 1 L Room Room Room 3 J 3 Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical 4343AC2 83 4 3AC2 c325Ac2 0.4 0.4 0.4 N/A N,/a N/A N/R N/R N/R TOTAIJ 2 a .) 2 1 z 1.8 0.6 o,u 1n 1.0 0.2on 0.2 1.0 5.8 6.2 7.0 b.tt 6.4 6.8 0.2 1') 0.2 11 5 18 LL Control- Roon A2 31 Learning Supp. A212 Conference Room A2 L4 Conference Room A213 office A211 Art Studio A208 Art Studi.o A2 02 Office A205 Photo A206 Comp. Art A2 07 Class Room A2 21 Work Room A2 4l- Class Room A2 50 Class Room A251 Class Room A252 class Room A255 Class Room 82 02 Class Room 8200 C1ass Room 8203 Office 82l-L Prep Room 82 01 ulltce B2 12 30 5 5 l_ 45 56 1 11 ZJ 1 29 ZY 4! 35 a/1 32 ?/l 6 1 2 1 l_ t- l- l- l_ 1 L 1 L 1 t 1 L 1 L l- 1 t_ 1 L 11 11 NO No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No NO N/A N/R Hallway N/R HaIlway N/R Hallway N/R Hallway N/R Hallway N/R Hallway N/R Corridor Out Hallway N/R Hallway N/R Hallway N/R HaLlway N/R Hallway N/R Hal L\,tay N/R Hallway N/R Hallway N/R Hallway N/R Hallway N/n Hallway N/R HalLway N/R Hallway N/R Hal J.way N/R Hallvray N/R 8 RECYCLED PAPENI 11 TOWN OF B213 Room 8235 I 28 0.2 5.6 1 1 LLNo No Hallway N/n Hallway N/R z Jc.rence LaD - Ez54 D ep ar t me n t oft o mfucri lndcrr bptu n t www.ci.vail.co2ts class Room 82512 Class Room 82522 Cl-ass Room 8255 NO Hal.].way N/R No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R No HaI lvray N/R No Hallway N/R No HaLLway N/R No Hal1way N,/n No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R No Hal-lway N/R No Hallway N/R No N/A N/N Yes corridor out. 4 18 Yes corridor Out 4 18 No Hallway N,/R 11 No Hallway N/n No Hal lway N,/R No Hallway N/R Yes Corridor Out 5 Lg No Hal lway N,/R 11- No Hallway N/n No HaLlway N/R No Hallway N/n 1,1 No HaLLway N/R No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R Yes Corridor Out 4 78 No Corridor Out l-8 No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R No Hallway N,/R No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R 11 No Hallway N/R 11 No Hallway N/R No Ha ll-way N/R 11 No Hallway N/n 11 No HaIIway N/R 11 No Hallway N/n 11 No N/A N/R No Haltway N/n 11 No Hallway tl/n 11 No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/n 11 No sallway N/n l- l- No Hallway N/R 11 Yes Corridor Qut 4 l-8 J 75 South Fron?ase n6e8nce Lab' 33 vait, coloradlil6ffass Room B23o 28 slo:4!!:2r:!; ::i::"ff:T i?3: ",,, ln FAX 970-479-452 ctu"" Room B2s0 30 TOTAL t 1 1 1 l- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I l- 1 1 1 1 t- 1 1 1 1 l- l- 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1.8 5.6 )a 1.0 b.u 8.5 7.O 9.0 0.2 l.u 0.6 73.0 37.2 l.o 3.0 rz.o 0.2 6.0 z.o 0.2 b.u 6.0 8.4 6.8 0.2 55.0 11 A Ea 8.6 ).4 qR 0.4 0.2 2.8 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.4 v.z ?a 0.4 0.2 0.4 76.8 1 1 L 1 L 1 30 1 Aa 1 35 1 at-1 1 z) 1 794 3 11 11 2 Conference Room C222 45 1 2 office C227 l- 1 2 Kitchen C223 2 Class Room C22 5 2 Mechanical Room C240AC3 1 2 Non-habitable Area Ac 0.0 No Hallway N/R 238.2 Yes Corridor Out t2 L7 Auditorium 355 Staqe l_85 Music Office A123 L Practice Area A112>A 12 Music Class Rm A111 28 Tech Support Al-01 15 Comp. Lab. A102 63 Tech Office 1 Comp. Lab. AL04 30 Ind. Class Room A124 14 work Room AL 41 1 Class Room A15 0 30 class Room 4'151 30 Class Room A152 42 Class Room A155 34 Ki tchen l- Corunons 8111 AC280 Library Area 8100> 57 Class Room 8155 34 class Room 8152 43 Class Room 8151 27 class Room 815 0 29 Office 8123 2 Office 8124 1 Ind. Class Rm BL26 t4 Office 8134 2 Office B13 3 L Work Room 8131 2 Office 8119 1 Tnfi rmarw R1 1A 2 Office 81L 4 3 office 8115 1 Conference Room 813 8 L9 Office 813 7 2 Office 8136 L office 813 5 2 Gtzmnasium C1-00 384 9 REdCLED PAPERs TOWN OF o sium Bl-eachers sium Cl01 r+o 149 29 .8 Yes Corridor Out Yes Corridor Out _L6 r l5oys .LocKer Km uIf, u 14 Department orcotffitmlV fueldgpntu2tc]-60 14 2L 1 1 3 t5v 2.6 2.8 4.2 0.2 0.6 31.8 1 1 I 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 t t- L L 1 NO Harrway N/ !( No Hallway N/R No N/E N/R No Hal ]way N/R 11 No Hallway N/R 11 No Hallway N,/R Yes Corridor Out 4 L8 No Hallway N/R No N/A N/R No N/A N/R No N,/A N/R No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R 11 No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R 75 South Fronlase R6&#ess Room C170 vait. cotorad*{1 6Pft ice cLLL1 sl- store C137e7o-47e-2r38i lii"i." "rIFAX 970-479-1452 erni''o Room cl_30 wwy.cr:ydil.colr# No.-h-bit.ble Ar. TOTAL 1988 4 397.6 Yes Corridor Out t2 t7 81 l-,ec ture / rehearsa l- 4! Bl Storage A022 ACl 81 Elect.rical Room A0 2 5Ac 81 EIev. Mach.Room AC Bl- Storage A012 AC4 Bl- Mechanical Room A031AC5 81 Green Room A011 13 81 Storage Room A013 AC 81 Office A014 1 81 ,Janitor A0l-5 AC Bl" Electrical Room A0 3 8AC1 8L Boiler Room A037 AC2 81 Dressing Room 4035 15 81 Dressing Room A033 L4 81 Equipment Room A032 AC1 81 Non-habitable Areas AC 6.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.8 t.0 2.6 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 3.0 z.d 0.0 TOTAL 84 2 238,2 Yes Corridor Out L2 !7 area is being'NOTE: Areas with 'ACi before the number of occupants treated as an accessory for occupant Ioads. - - Sec. 1003 . 2 -2 .2 .L, Exception Hallways shall be considered as intervening rooms for exit-access desiqnpurposes. -- Sec. 1004.3.3.1 Wa11s and ceilings of hallways are not required to be fire-resistive unless they are required to be fire-resistive based construction tl4)e.-- Sec. 1004.3.3.3 There is no restriction as to the amount and tl'I)e of openings unlessproteclion of openings is required by some other code provision. -- Sec. L004.3.3.4 Elevator lobbies are not required. -- Sec. l- fn areas where 2 exits are required, the minimum separation is !/2 of the maximum diagonal of the area or floor. -- Sec. !004.2.4 When 2 exiLs are required, exits must be arrangied so that it is possible to go in either direction from any point in a corridor or hallway Lo a separate exit. except for dead ends not exceeding: 20 feet in length. - - Sec. 1004.2.6 Exit signs are requj-red from all areas where 2 or exits are required. - - Sec. 1003 .2 . 8 .2 , Exception 2 No point to be more than l-00 feet from an exit sign. Main exterior exit doors which obviously and clearly are identifiable as exit.s need not be signed when approved. -- Sec. 1003 -2-8.2, Exception Door slnring is based on Sec. 1003.3.L.5 except as noted. Occupant load factor is based on Table 10-A. 10 RECICLED PAPERs T0Wtl0F exits is based is in inches on Table 10-A except as noted, and based on Sec. 1003.2.3 and Table l-0-B r_s ro De or-vaclecr approxlmaE.ely equalty among exats. D e p ar t m e n t of { Motut $n D e gelb pfu e nt 75 Southprowi#&nAbflwn for all areas is based on other egress componenrs. Vail. Cotoral\\*B2hown for 1st floor is based on ogher egress components. CZO-IZC_ZtS}d-]";:"i:"ffi for other floors & basements is based on stairways. fulX 970-479&lPE when the occupant load on an upper f loor is greater than the www.ci.vail.co.us f loor (s) be1ow, minj-mum exitinq requirements are maintained. - - Sec. l-003 .2 . 3 .3 For the minimum width of doors, see For the minimum width of hallways, For the minimum width of corridors, For the minimum width of stairhrays, FOOTNOTES: 2) Basements and floors above the 2nd floor are required to have 2exits. -- Sec. ]- See Exceptions 4) Panic hardware is based on Sec. 7007,2,5 See exception for maj.n exi! in A-3 occupancies and churches.5) Panic hardware is required from rooms with an occupant load of 50 or more and from corridors. -- Sec. L007.3,10 11) Corridors within an office space with an occupant load. of 100 or less are not required to be rated. -- Sec. l-, Exception 5 12) within office spaces corridors are not required to be rated if an automatic smoke-detection system is installed wib.hin the corridors. -- Sec. 1004.3.4.3, Exception 6 17) The requirement for this hal lway/corridor to be a corridor is based on the hallway in a portion of this area being an intervening room.-- Sec. 1004.2.2 & L004.3.3.1 18) The requirement for this hal lway/corridor to be a corridor is based on t.his area requiring more than one exit. -- Sec. L004.2.2, Ex 2 NOTE: One exit may be through an adjoining or intervening room, which in turn provides direct access to an exit or to a corrid.or,-- Sec. L004.2.2, Exception 4. FLUSH AND SURFACE BOLTS : Manually operated edg'e- or surface-mounted flush bolts and surface bolts or any other type of device that may be used to close or restrain the door other than by operation of the locking device shal"l not be used. when automatic flush bolts are used, the door Ieaf having the automatic flush bolt shall not have a door knob or surface-mounted hardware. The unlatching of any leaf shal1 not require more than one operation.Sec. 1003.3.1.8 LOCKS AND LATCHES : Regardless of the occupant load served, exit doors shall- be openable from the inside without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort. -- Sec. 1003.3.1.8 Key-lockinq hardware may be used on the main exit when the main exit consists of a single door or pair of doors if t.here is a sign stating THIS DOOR MUST REMAIN UNLOCKED DURING BUSINESS HOURS. When unlocKed, door (s) must swing without operation of any latching device. -- exc. Sec. see Sec. 1004.3.3.2 see Sec. 1004 .3 .4 ,2 see Sec. 1003.3.3.2 1l RE:CYELED PAPEEs TOWI,I OF ruljtIL: !i td._L I wdys : Department dflCfihfifiiiqEhfelapowt snall not be less than 4 inches or greater than 7 75 SouthFrontaddRbnl. The minimum run is 11 inches. The maximum variatj-on is 3/8 Vail. Colorado.s-idy+ in a f lisht of stairs. - - sec. 1003 .3 - 3.3' )t rlra ni-imum width of a stairway is 36 inches, 44 inches if the07n-r'70-l I ?F-:"__'::_-:"-"_ .g^ccupant load is g'reater than 49. -- Sec, 1003.3.3.2 F,lX 970-479-24M,to see exit table above to see if minimum width is qreater than www.ci.vail.co. zs4 4 inches . 3) Provide a handrail on both sides of stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing. May be on one side of stairways less than 44 inches wide.-- Sec. 1003.3.3.6, Exception 1 4) Provide a guard raiL where drop off is greater than 30 inches. - - Sec. 509 . 1- 5) The minimum height is 42 inches. -- Sec. 509.2 5) Open guardrails shall have intermediate rails or ornamental pattern such that. a sphere 4 inches in diameter cannot pass through.-- Sec. 509.3 The triangular opening formed at the riser, tread andguardrail may be 5 inches. -- 509.3, Exception 27) The minimum headroom is 5 fL.- I inches. Such clearance sha1l be measured vertically from a plane paraltel and tangent to the stairwaytread nosing to the soffit above at. all points. -- Sec. 1003.3.3.48) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as required for t hr. fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 1003-3.3.9 Stalrvrays are required to be in exit enclosures. -- Sec. 1005.3.3.L 1) The walIs of the enclosure are recruired to be t hr fire asserblies.-- Sec. 1005.3.3.2 2) The opening's into the exit encl,osure are required to be t hour assemlcLies. Note: Openings into enclosure are limited to those necessary for egress normally occupied spaces. Doors shal1 be maintained self-closing or sha11 be automatic cl"osinq by actuation of a smoke detector. -- Sec. 1005.3.3.5 3) A connection to the exterior is required with the same fireprotection as the exit enclosure. -- Sec. 1005.3.3.3 In Office buildings, 50 percent of the exits may discharge through a street-floor lobby when an automatic sprinkler system is provided on Che entire street level floor. -- Sec. 1005.3.3.3, Exception 2 4) The space under the stairs (encl-osed or not) may not be used for anypurpose. -- Sec. 1005.3.3.6 5) A barrier is required at grade l-evel. -- Sec. 1005.3.3.4 ELEVATOR REQUIREMENTS : 1)when the el-evator vertical travel is 25 feet or more, each associated elevator lobby or entrance area and associated machine rooms shall- beprovided with an approved LisCed smoke detecbor for elevator reca11 purposes only. -- Sec. 3003.2 2)Shafts (hoistways) housing elevators extending through more than two floor levels sha11 be vented to the outside. The area of the vent shall not be less than 3 1,/2 percent of the area of the elevator shaft, provided a minimum of 3 square feet per elevator is provided. -- Sec. 3004. Vents shall be capable of manual operation only. RNYCLED PAPERI TOWI{ OFJWL IREMENTS : .r-, J..rle rll-Ln-Lrllum wroE,n J,s 44 ]-ncnes . It a ramp serves an occupant loact oI Department of C$frtngnibE&veloprrlrpd be 36 inches wide- If the ramp is serving a high 75 South FrontaffRtsBdn t load, check exit table above f or required width. Vail, Coloradp,aUSf?t ' Loo3 '4 '2 il:rrf,r:jll i^.',;i'^ii^:,i:.n:::n3'*il"nli!":":lli"'#';:,':: fi::T"^ slope is FAX 970-479-2452 sss. 1003.3.4.3 www.ci.vail.cb)z,S,lhen the slope is greater than 1:20, Iandings shall be provided at the lop, bottom and for each 5 feet of rise. Top landi.ngs and intermediate landings shall be at least 5 feet in the direction of travel. Landings at the bottom of ramps shafl be at least 6 feet in the direct.ion of travel . -- Sec. 1003.3.4.4 4) Handrails shall be per stair requirements. -- Sec. 1003.3.4.5 5) The surface shal-I be roughened or shall be of slip-resistantmateriats. -- Sec. 1003.3.4 _ 8 I,ANDTNGS AT DOORS: 1) a floor or landing shall be provided on each side of doors. When access for persons with disabilities is required. the floor or landing sha11 not be more than !/2 inch lower than the threshol-d. When accessis noE required, the maximum is 1 inch. -- Sec. 1003.3.1.6 2) L.,andings shall have a width not less than the width of the stairway or width of the doon^tay, whi-chever is the greater. Where a 1-andingr serves an occupant load of 50 or more, doors in any position sha11not reduce the landing dimension to less than one half iE required width. The minimum length in the direction of exit traveL is 44 inches.-- Sec. 1003.3.1.7 TRAVEIT DISTANCE: (distance to an exit) The maximum t.ravel distance in this building is 250 feet. -- Sec. 1004.2 -5.2 -3 The maximum travel distance -- <6^ 1nn? ? 2 1 The maximum travel distance-- Sec. L00?.3.3.2 Travel distance shall not be limited within an exit. enclosure or exit passageway. -- Sec. 1005.2.2 BUIIJDING ACCESSIBILITY : 1) This building including each tenant shall be provided with at Least one enLrance which complj-es with the accessible rouEe provisions of CABO/ANSI A1l-7.1. At least 50 percent of all entrances sha11 be accessible. -- Sec. 1103.2.3 2) When more that one exit is reguired from any accessible space. each accessible portion of the space shaI1 be served by not less than two accessible means of egress. -- Sec. 1l-04.1.1 NOTE: Exit stairways in building:s protected throughout by an approved automatic sprinkler system are NOT required to incorporate an area of refuge. -- Sec. 1104.1.2, Exception 2 ROOFING REQUIRE}4ENTS : 1) The roofing on this building is required to be Class B or better.-- Table 15 -A 2) See section 1504 and ICBO research reDorts for requirements. within an E occupancy rooms is 75 feet. in an E occupancy is 225 feet. 13 RETYCLED PAPENs TOWN OF SPRINKTJER SYSTEMS: -Lf cnere are IUU or more sprf n.l<-Lers, a.l..l. valves controlltng LrIe Department of&ra,natqtgilPeaddptafdr'flow switches shal1 be electrically monitored. 75 SouthFrollilQffR&Aritoring and water-f1ow alarm and trouble signals shaLl be Vait. Colora#FFdiJft ly different and sha11 be automatically bransmitted to an ^1'6lr ^entral station, remote station or proprietary monitorj-nge7o-47e-2r38;;;1;;: l_ r... e04.3.1 FAX 970-479-24s2 WWV. C i.V AiI. CET]{'.r]DPI PE REQUIREMENTS : There is no requirement for a standpipe. -- Table 9-A FOOTNOTES: 2) A standpipe is not required in the basement. -- Table 9-A, footnote 1 VENTILATION: AII areas customarily occupied by humans shal1 be provided with natural ventilation by means of openable exterior openings wiEh an area of notless than 1/20 of the total floor area or shalL be provided with a mechanically operated ventilatj.on system. Such system shal-l be capable of supplying a minimum of 15 cubic feet per minute of outside air per occupant. -- Sec. 1,202.2,I WALL AND CEII,ING FINISH: 1-) Wal1 and ceiling finish materials are required to compl-y with Sec. 804.1 and Table 8-B- 2) Carpeting on the ceiling is required to have a Class I flame spread rating. -- Sec. 804.2 3) Textile walL coverings sha11 have Class I flame spread rating. and sha11 be protected by automatic sprinklers or meet the acceptance criteria of U.B.C. Standard No, 8-2 -- Sec. 8054) Toilet room floors shal1 have a smooth, hard nonabsorbent surface that ext.ends upward ont.o the walls at least 5 inches. -- q6- Qn? 1 'l 5) Walls within 2 feet of the fron! and sides of urinals and wacer closets shall have a smootrh, hard nonabsorbent surface. - - Sec. 807 .1..2 INSUTATION NOTES: 1) A11 insulatj-on materiaL including facings are required to have a flame-spread rating of 25 or less and a maximum smoke density of 450. - - Sec. 707.3 2) Foam plastic i-nsulations are required to be protecLed. - - Sec. 2602 ADDITTONAL REQUIREMENTS : For E1 occupancy 1) AlI corridors serving an occupant load more to be the required width plus 2 feet but not -- qa/' lnn? ? c 2) A fenced j.n area without unlocked gates must area greater than 50 feet from the buitdinq. lhan 100 are required less than 6 feet. have a dispersal -- Sec. 1007.3.1-1 14 NECrcLED PAPERs > rA(Jll:r : Department $)C6hntffitltfrwlrynent construclion for stages shal1 be as required 75 South Fronta{€RohFe building except that the f j-nished floor. in all t)4)es of Vail, Coloradp.s-f&T:ruc:ion,. may. be.of _wood. -- sec. 405.3.1 i;:;]!:'}lill if.'l:":':?'.1:';li,il"iooiTi.'i"13'ii.i'""Hiln3:.":::i;*:"""- FrlX 970-479-249eparatron. If the height is less than 50 feet, separation may be www.ci.vail.co. trscne - hour . -- Sec.405,3.L 3) Dressing rooms, workshops, storerooms, and ot.her accessory spaces shaLl be separated from each other and the other buildinq areas by a one-hour occupancy separation. -- Sec. 405,3.2 4) Emergency ventilation sha11 be provided for all stage areas greater than 1000 sq.ft. for having a height greacer than 50 feet to provide a means of removing smoke and combustion gases directly to the outside. Ventilation shaLl be by one or a combinaEion of Ehe following. a) Smoke Control - A means sha1l be provided to maint.ain smoke 1evel not less than 5 feet above the highest leve1 of assembly seating or above t.he top of the proscenium opening. It shall be connect.ed to both normal and standby power. -- Sec. 405.3.3.L b) Roof Vents - Thro or more vents shaLl be located near the center of and above the highest part of the stage. The net free vent area must be at least 5 percent of the stage area. -- Sec. 405.3.3.2 5) The proscenium opening shall be protected by an approved fire curtain or an approved water curtain. The fire curtain shal1 be designed to close automatically and resist flame and smoke for 20 minutes. -- Sec.405-3.4 6) Gridirons, fly galJ.eries, and pinrails shaIl be constructed of materials consistent with the building tl4)e of const.ruction. -- Sec.405.3.5 Floor-B 1 Occupancy - Lecture/rehearsal Floor-B L Occupancy-Green Roorn A011 Floor-B 1 Occupancy-Dressing Room A035 Floor-B 1 Occupancy- Dressi-ng Room A033 Floor- 1st Occupancy- Practice Area A'112>A Floor-1st Occupancy-Music Class Rm ALLL FLoor-1st Occupancy- Tech Support A101 Floor-1st Occupancy-Comp. Lab. A1-02 When seats are not fixed, the capacity of this area is required to be posted at 63 occupants in a conspicuous place on an approved sign near the main exj.t. -- Sec- IOOT -2.6 Floor- 1st Occupancy-Comp. Lab. A104 Floor-l,st Occupancy-Ind. Class Room A124 Floor- 1st Occupancy-Class Room A150 Floor- l-st Occupancy-C1ass Room A151 Floor- 1st Occupancy-Class Room A152 Floor- lst Occupancy-Class Room A155 Floor- lst Occupancy-Class Room 8155 Floor- Lst Occupancy-C1ass Room 8152 Floor- lst Occupancy-C1ass Room Bl-51 Floor- Lst Occupancy-C1ass Room 8150 Ffoor-1st Occupancy-Ind. Class Rm Bl-26 Floor-2nd Occupancy-Art. Studio A2 08 Fl-oor - 2nd Occupancy-Art Studio A202 15 REGYCLED PA-PERs ts are not. fixed, the capacity of this area is required to TOWIrJ OFI4 ted at.56 occupants in a conspicuous p1ace on an approved Depaftment $Mn&ffiy Dedoptwnt ehoto A2 06 75 South frofr]NRBA$ occupancy-comp. Art A207 Vail. Colorafotepns?na occupancy-Class Room A221 o:q:::::'yliil; ;# 3:::3:il1.:i::: ff:il i3;I FAX 970-479468L -2.,d occupancy-crass Room A252 www.ci.vail.cg &r-2nd Occupancy-Class Room A255 Floor-2nd Occupancy-Ctass Room 8202 Floor-2nd Occupancy-Class Room 8200 FLoor-2nd Occupancy-Class Room 8203 Fl-oor - 2nd Occupancy- prep Room 8201 Floor-2nd Occupancy-Class Room 8235 Floor-2nd Occupancy- Science L,ab. 8234 Floor-2nd Occupancy- Prep Room 8232 Floor-2nd Occupancy-Science L,ab. Floor-2nd Occupancy-Class Room 8230 Fl-oor-2nd Occupancy-Class Room e226 Floor-2nd Occupancy-Class Roorn 8250 Floor-2nd Occupancy-Class Room 8251 Floor-2nd Occupancy-Class Room 8252 Floor-2nd Occupancy-Class Room 8255 F1oor- 2nd Occupancy-Class Room C226 Floor-1st Occupancy - Commons When seats are not fixed, be posted at 280 occupants sign near the main exil. - 811l_ the capacity of this area is required to in a conspicuous place on an approved - Sec. 1007 -2.5 Floor- Lst. Occupancy -Dining Room CL30 When seats are not fixed, the capacity of this area is required to be post.ed at. 159 occupanls in a conspicuous place on an approved sign near the main exit. -- Sec. IO07.2.6 Floor- 1st Occupancy - Gl.mnas ium C100 The capacity of the Gym floor with the moveable partition closed is 384 persons with an addit.ional 255 persons in lhe bLeachers for a total of 550 occupants. The capacj-ty of cymnasium C101 floor is 149 occupants with the moveable partition cLosed. With the moveable partition opened the total occupant. load is 799 persons. Posting of the Glmnasiums in both configurations is required to comply with Sec. L007.2.6 Floor- 1st Occupancy-Auditorium When seats are not fixed, the capacity of this area is required to be posLed ae 365 occupants in a conspicuous place on an approved sign near the main exit. -- Sec. IO07.2.6 I6 RECYCLED PAPERt3 I'I'TI,TTPTFq. TOWN OF ExcepL as noLed, section numbers listed below are from uAuu/A1\5r AII /.I - LyyZ Department of @afilatufi$a&C'dftlpnftD@ wArER CooLERS : 75 South Frontag^RoA?as t 50 percent. of drinking fountains. but not less than one, Vail. Colorado tt6lg2viaea on every floor shall be accessible. -- UBC Sec. 1105.4.1 o7n;_,17A-) t 4R Accessible units must, comp]y with the following: 1) Spout is to be within 35 inches of the floor. -- Sec. 4.75.2-1 FAX 970-479-245221 5n""7 arranged for pararret approach sha1l be located 3 inches wwwcLvail,co.us maximum from Lhe front edge. Spouts of cantilevered units with knee and toe clearances sha11 be located 15 inches minimum fronr the vertical support and 5 j.nches maximum from the front edge--- Sec. 4.1,5.2.2 3) Spouts shal1 provide a flow of water 4 lnches heiqht minimum. n) ;;"::;i"n;ll;3'lr.r1 be locared ar oilrear rhe rronr edse or rhe unit and sha11 comply with 4.25.4 -- Sec. 4.15.3 5) A cantilevered unit is required to exEend 17 inches minimum from the vertical support. CLear knee space must provide a clear area of 8 inches j.n depth at 27 inches high and 11 inches at 9 inches minimum above the floor. -- Sec. 4,L5.4.L 6) Forward approach units shall comply wihh 4.2. Units in alcoves shalI comply with 4.2-4.4. Units not having the necessary knee and toe clearance or clear space under them shall comply with 4.2.4 and have a clear floor space tha! al-1ows a person in a wheelchair to make a paralle1 approach. -- Sec. 4.I5.4.2 TOILET FACILITIES: A 60 inch diameter unobstructed turning space is required ir: the toilet room. -- Sec. 4.16.3, 4-2-3 & Fiq. F'4.2.3 water closet shal1 be mounted adjacent to a side wall orpartition. The distance from the side wall or partition to the centerline of the wat,er closet sha1l be 18 in. Sec. 4.1-7,L When the accessible water closet is not in a sta1l: The clear floor space sha11 be 48 in minimum in front of the water closet and 42 in from the center line of the water closet on the side not adjacent to the waIl,-- Sec- 4.]-7.2 & Fiq. B4.I7.2 When the aecessible r,"ater closet is in a stall: The sta11 shall be 60 in wide minimum and 56 in deep minimum for wall- hung water closets and 59 in deep minimum for floor mounted water cLosees. -- Sec. ff the door swings into the stall, the required depth shal1 be increased by 35 inches minimum, -- Sec. & Fiq. The bars are bo be 33 to 35 inches above the floor and shal1 be provided on the rear wall and on the side waIl closest to the water closet.. - - Sec. 4.24 .2,2 & Figs . 84 .L7 .3 , 84 .L7 .4 and 84 ,18,3 ,1 a) Side grab bar is required. to start within L2 inches of the back wall and extend to 54 inches from the back wall. (The minimum length of the bar is 42 Ln) -- Sec. 4.1-7.4.! & Figs. 84 .17.3 and 84. 18.3 .1 b) The rear bar shall be 24 in long minimum, centered on the vrater closet. where space permits. the bar sha1l be 35 in long minimum, with the additional length provided on the r_) 2) 3) 4) s) 17 RECYCLED PAPARs transfer side. -- Sec. 4.I7.4.2 & Figs. 84.!7.3, B4.L'/.4 and b, r.ne rop or rne seat on tne water cl.oset l_s requt-red to be 1/ Department of CommtMtllDeielopoedbove the f loor. -- sec. 4.f7 -3 & Fig. 84.L7.3 75 South Fronng{ hohsces s ible urinals shal"l be of the s!a1l !lt)e or wall hung with Vail. Colorado gtOSZth" rim at 17 inches maximum above the floor. -- Sec. 4.L9,2' Rl a .'lear area of 30 X 48 inches minimum i-s required in front9:2--41:jl:l^.---' or-.ne urinal. privacy shields shatl nor. extend beyond rheFllX 970-479-2452 front edge of the urinat rim, unless they are 30 inches apart www.ci.vail.co.us minimum. -- sec. 4.19.3 9) Accessible lavatories shall be mounted with the rim 34 inches maximum above t.he floor and a clearance of 29 inches minimum from the floor to the bottom of the front edqe of the aDron, - - Sec. & Fig. 10) It shall- extend 17 inches minimum from the walt. The clear knee space shal1 be 8 inches in depth minimum at 27 inches minimum above the ffoor and 1l- inches in depth minimum at 9 in minimum above the floor. The dip of the overflow shall be ignored when checking the clearances. -- Sec. 4,20.3.1 & Fig. 1i.) A clear floor space of 30 x 48 inches minimum sha11 be provided in front of the lavatory and shall extend 19 inches maximum under the lavatory. -- Sec. 4.20.3,2 & Fig. 84.20.3-2 L2) Water supply and drain pipes under lavatories sha1l be insulated or otherwise treated to Drotect' aoainst contach. - - Sec. 4.20.4 13) The bottom of mirror is required to be within 38 inches of the floor. -- Sec. 4,16.6 & Fiq. GIJAZ ING REQUIREMENTS All glazing in hazardous locat.ionsglazing material. -- Sec. 2406-3 &. IJocations: 1) Glazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies. 2) Glazing in fixed and s]-iding panels of sliding door assembties and panels in swingingr doors other than wardrobe doors. 3) Glazing in storm doors. 4) Glazing in all unframed swinging doors. 5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas, sleam rooms. bathtubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of a building wa11 enclosing these compartmenEs where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet. 5) Glazing in fixed or operable panets nearest exposed edge of the glazing either vertical edge of the door in bottom exposed edqe of the glazingr walking surface. 7) Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel , other than those locations described in items 5 and 6 above, than meets all of the following conditions: A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet. B. Exposed bottom edge less than 18 inches above the floor. C, Exposed top edge greater than 36 inches above the floor. D. One or more walkinq" surfaces within 36 j.nches horj.zontally of the plane of the glazinq - 8) Glazing in railings regardless of height above a walking surface. fncluded are structural bal-uster panels and nonstructural in-fi11 is required to be of safety 2406.4 adjacent to a door where the is within a 24 -inch arc of a closed position and where the is less than 60 inches above the 18 EECYCLED PAPERs s. TOWI{OFYHI ing in walls and fences used an the barrier for indoor and Department af ConfiAndtyDcrr,hflorerttE}r.e pool side and the glazing is within 5 feet 75 South Frontage Rta/.he pool or spa vtater's edge. VaiI. Coloradolfi 6f),azi-ne ln wallg enetosing stairway landings or within' rha'' bottom and top of stairways where the bot,tom edge9:!J1::21:!^ --^ il;; G0 inches above Lhe watkins surface. FtD( 970-479-2452 wwwci.vail.co.us . 5 feet of is less TOWI,I OFVATT Department of Community Deielopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vaifiWkct Name: Address: Occupancies: Construction Type: Hougland & Associates Tel (970) 384-1221 Fax (970) 384-1331 Email - fi resafe@rof.net Vail Mountain School 3160 Katsos Ranch Road Vail, Colorado Group E, Divisionl; Group A, Division 2.1 & Division 3; Group B Type II One-hour Fire-resistive. Building will be equipped with a complete automatic fire sprinkler system. Plan Review Comments and Corrections Exitine: l . Sheets AC2. 1 .0 & A2. 1 .0, A2.2.1 & A5.1 .0 - Lecture/rehearsal hall A020 has an occupant load of 57 persons. The exit from this room is into Hall A010 then to Stair 002 or Stair 006. Although identified as a "Half ' Sheet AC2.l .0 also identifies this Hall as having 1-hour rated construction. If constmcted as a Hallway per Section 1004.3.3, Hall A020 would be an intervening room per Section 1004.2.2 and exit travel to the Main Level "Hall Al 16" would be a second intervening room and not permitted by this same section. This exit syslem is to be constructed as a Corridor in compliance with Section 1004.3.4. The Lecture/rehearsal Hall A020 is a basement classroom use. (Occupant load 57- persons) Section 1007.3,9 requires that exit stairways from basements open directly to the exterior of the building without entering the first floor. I note that the second required exit from this room also enters the first floor at Corridor Al20 without providing an exit directly to the exterior. Please provide a design providing two exits from the Lecture/rehearsal Hall complying with Section 1007.3.9. Also, it is unclear ifthis area is intended to have fixed seating or not to have fixed seating. Please provide a plan indicatiag compliance with either Section 1004.3.2.2, Wridth in occupancies withoutfxed seating, or Section 1004.3.2.3, Occupancies withrtxed seats. 2. The configuration of the stairs from the basement will be required to comply with Section 1007.3.9 Basement rooms. T\is section requires that within E Occupancies exit stairways from basements shall open directly to the exterior of the building without entering the first floor. The plan indicates stair 002 as entering the first floor. This basement exit system is also required to comply with Section I104.1 for accessible means of egress, note that Areas of Refuge are not required since the {grnnuor "o TOWN OF Please identify all Corridors as having a one-hour fire- Department of tffi#flilh4frr11g|4rflflled to be of fire-resistive construction. 75 South Frontase Road Vait. Cobrfuo ffiefis AC2.1.0 & A2.2.1-Hall Al20 at Gallery Al00 has a door Al00 from the 97 0- 47 g-2 1 3g Gallery to the exterior. The Computer Lab Al 02 and Tech. Support Al 0l have a MX g70-47g-24grynbined, occupant load of 51 persons requiring access to 2 exits. Per 1997 UBC, www.ci.vail.co.ftctionl004.2.l requires that rooms with l0 or more occupants not exit through more' than one intervening room. The Gallery Al00 is one intervening room and Hall A120 is another. Door Al00 is required to be a compllng exit and identified as such. Without this door as an exit the east end of Hall 120 and the Gallery Al00 would create a Dead end approximately 25-feet in length per Section 1004.2.6. Please provide a corrected design. 4. Sheets A2.2.2, A810 & 482.0 -Fire-resistive ratingof glazing opening on to one- hour fire-resistive Corridors was not found on a window schedule or in the Project Manual. The fire rating of all glazed openings are to be verified to comply with Section 1004. If I have missed locating this information in the documents provided please indicate where it is to be found or provide information indicating compliance with this section. 5. SheetsAC2.l.0, A2.1.1,A2.2.1,A2.2.2,A2-2.4&A2.2s-TheCodesheetsindicate some rooms to be included within the one-hour fire-resistive construction of Corridors which do not appear to comply with Section 1004.3.4.4 Intervening rooms. Exception l, permitting foyers, lobbies or reception rooms constructed as required for corridors. Rooms not qualifying as foyers, lobbies or reception rooms include but may not be limited to the following: Data 4125, Work room 4141, AV storage Bl4l, DataBlZl, Electrical B122, Work room A24l & AV storage 8241. Please clarify by providing a plan indicating only areas meeting the definition of foyer, lobby or reception room within the fire-resistive rating ofthe corridors. I consider the Commons as meeting the definition of a reception room as long as constructed as required for corridors. 6. The Project Manual Door Schedule in Section 08710 indicates some doors without a fire rating opening into corridors or areas intended to be portions ofcorridors such as foyers, lobbies or reception rooms. Example; door Bl32 opens into Work Room B I 3 I which is not separated from the corridor by fire resistive construction or a door with a fire rating. This situation also occurs elsewhere in the building. Also, see the item above for rooms such as the work room being a portion of corridors. 7. Sheets AC2.l.0 & A2.2.3 -The plans include the installation of a folding panel partition between the Gymnasium and the Auxiliary Gymnasium. The exiting system with the folding panel partition opened appears to be adequate. However, The exiting system from the main gynnasium does not appear to work with the partition closed. The exiting from the Auxiliary gymnasium appears to comply if "Hall" Cl40 and Vestibule Cl42 arc constructed as required for Corridors per Section 1004.3.4.3. 1 NEGYCI.ED PAPERs Tuwtl0Fl4 10651 of the Project Manual addressing the operable panel partitions did not Department of ebllrwfrlfiyflg$Jblgyppasium with the partition closed that complies with Section 75'Sourh F;IWAM Exit Actess' Vail, Coloralo 81657 970-479-2 tg1 Sheets AC2.l .l & A2.2.4 - The number of occupants in the Art Studio 4,202 and Art FAX 970-479-2ffice entering the corridor at Gallery A20l is 62-persons, the number expected to www.ci.vail.co 4i6it into Gallery A20l is 3 I by the time you reach the corridor at Gallery A200 there are 86-persons accumulated. Persons exiting into the corridor from the Computer Art A206 room and the Art Studio .4208 at Gallery 4.200 are required to have the option of two exits per Section 1004.2.3.1. They do not have that option because Gallery A200 and Gallery A20l create a 44-foot dead end per Section 1004.2.6 Dead ends. Even if the situation described above were not a factor, Gallery A,200 and Gallery A20l create a dead end because the number of persons from other portions of the building using the exiting system at the intersection of Corridors A2l0 & A220 require 2 exits. 9. Sheets AC2.l.1 & A2.2.5 - Laboratories B.200,B.202,B.203,B.231,8233, &P.234 are required to have two separate exits or exit access doorways per Section 1007.3.8. Laboratories. Section 1004.2.2 Travel through intervening rooms, Exception 4, permits one of these exits to go througb an adjoining or intervening room, which in turnprovides direct access to anexit or a corridor.' It appears as ifthese laboratories have been designed in this way. However, it is necessary for you to provide clarification on how these exits through these adjoining rooms will be accomplished without accidental of intentional lockout occurring between adjoining rooms. 10, The path oftravel from these laboratories shall not pass tbrough other laboratories using hazardous materials per Section 1007 -3.4. If any of these laboratories utilize hazardous materials they could not be used as an exit path of travel from adjoining rooms as described in Item #9. Please provide verification from the building owner that hazardous materials will or will not be used in these laboratories. 11. Sheets AC2.1.0, AC2.1.1, A2.2.1, A2.2.4, 45.1.0 & A5.l.l - The Mechanical Mezzanines do not meet the definition of Mezzanine per Section 214 and are Mechanical rooms. Each of the mechanical rooms is over 500 sq. ft. These rooms appear to be used for Air Handling Units, however, If any piece of fuel flrred equipment exceed 400,0008tu per hour in any of these mechanical rooms two exits are required per Section 1007 .7.1, one exit may be by a fixed ladder. Please provide verification tlnt proposed design complies with this section. 12. I did not locate in the plan verification that desigrr permits the replacement of mechanical equipment without removal of permanent construction as required by 2000 IMC. Please indicate where this is shown on the plan or provide verification of compliance with the IMC. 3 AECYCI.ED PAPER{b TOWN C2.1.0, AC2.l.l, A2.2.1, A2.2.4, A3.2), A3.2.4 & A4.1.0-Regarding Department "f EgililneytbgtfigtrMl{ smoke protected assembly seating per Section 1004. 75 South rront&"Rq2Shanical plans indicate an exhaust fan (EF-17, 2l,800cfm) for smoke control Vail. Colorado j{r$lppting that the intention is to have a building with smoke protected assembly g7g-47g-Zt3g seating. This section requires that if the desigrr is for a building with smoke protected FAX 970-47g-24ggembly seating an approved life-safety evaluation is to be conducted and the design www.ci.vail.co.lpnform to Table 10-D. Please provide information indicating the method of smoke protection design and include the calculations indicating compliance with Section 10M. and Table l0-C or Tablel0-D. 14. Sheet A2.2.0 -The plan indicates Equipment room A032 opening into the enclosure for Stair 006. Section 1005.3.3.5 requires that openings into exit enclosures shall bs limited to those necessary for egress from normally occupied spaces into the enclosure and those necessary for egress from the enclosure. The equipment room is not considered a nomrally occupied area. Please provide a design without the equipment room door opening directly into stair 006 enclosure. 15.SheetsAC2.1.0, AC2.1.1,A2.2.1,M.2.4,A3.2.1,A3.2-4&A4.1.0-Relatedtothe commenVcorrection noted in item 13. The information provided lacks the detail required to verify a seating design complying with Section 1004.3.2.3, Occupancies withfrxed seals. Please provide calculations and a detailed and dimensioned plan indicating compliance with this Section. 16. Sheets A2.2.3 & A5.2.6-The telescoping seating in the Gymnasium Appears to be constructed as Smoke-protected Assembly Seating per Section 1008.7.2. Please provide information and calculations indicating a Smoke control system complying with Section 1008.7.3, Smoke Control. Also, please provide verification that the construction of the telescoping seating complies with the uniform load of 100-lbs psf specified in Table l6-A. 17. All rooms without fixed seating used for an assembly purpose are required to have the capacity ofthe room posted on an approved sigrr in a conspicuous place near the main exit or exit-access doorway. Section 1007.2.6. 18. Sheets A2.2.1, A2.2.2, A2.2.3, A2.2.4, A2-2.5 & A2.2.6-l was unable to locate the 2nd Grade Classroom. Please provide verification that lttand 2nd Grade classrooms are located in compliance with Section 305.2.3, Special provisions. Elevator: l. Sheet A5.1.0 - The elevator vertical travel is indicated to exceed 25-feet. Please provide verification that the elevator will comply with Section 3003.2, Smoke- detection Recall. A RECYCLDD PAPEEs De Dartment of Communitv Develonment 75 South frLntrTbXFM" Revie* Plan Legends on sheets AC2.L0 & AC2.l.I include a symbol for Vail. Colorado *W rated construction. However, only some of the exterior and interior walls are 970-479-2138 indicatedtobe l-hourrated. The l997UBC, Section603.l requiresthatTypell n$ 970-479-2aQ4e-hour buildings be of noncombustible and one-hour fire resistive construction www.ci.vail.co.;$rroughout. The exception to use fire-retardant-treated wood within the assembly requires that the fire-resistance be maintained. Partition Type Notes on Sheet A9. 1.0 indicate that some but not all partitions are to have a one-hour fire-resistive rating. Sheet A0.1.0 and the Project Manual indicate flre resistive design complying with UL assemblies P732 for the roof, D925 for floors andXTTl for columns. I will review these assemblies, however, construction details indicating compliance with these listed assemblies are to be included in the construction plans. Please provide a plan indicating noncombustible construction and one-hour fire-resistive construction tbroughout this building. 2. Sheet A0.1.0, under Fire Protection, Typically c., it is indicated that all exposed structure and deck more than 20 feet above the floor is not fireproofed. The 1997 UBC, Sections 602.5 & 603.5 state that other than structural frame. roofs and their members may be of unprotected noncombustible materials when every part of the roof framing, includine structural frame, is 25 feet or more above the floor. Please provide a plan indicating that the roof fire protection is designed in compliance with these sections. Accessibilitv: Sheets referenced: AC2.l0, AC 2.11, A2.1.0, A2.1.1, A2.2.0, M.2.7, A2.2.2, M.2.3, 42.2.4, A2.2.5, M.2.6 & A7.l.l0 l. Accessible Route: Sheet A2.2.1, door Al00 from Gallery A100 does not appear to have the required 12-inches on the latch/push side as required by ICC/ANSI Al17.1 Section 404.2.4 and Fig.404.2.4.1 (b). Please provide a plan indicating compliance with ANSI Al 17. I Section 404.2.4. Ramps: Sheet A2.2.2, the rise from Hall Al20 to Corridor Al40 and Hall Bl l0 to Corridor Bl40 is indicated to be 32-inches. ICC/ANSI A117.1 Section 405.6 indicates that the maximum rise for any ramp run shall be 3O-inches maximum. These ramps require an intermediate landing when the rise is in excess of 30-inches. Please provide a plan indicating compliance with ANSI Al17.1, Section 405.6. Drinking Fountains; Drinking Fountains are required to comply with ICC/ANSI Al l7.l Section 602 Drinking Fountains and Water Coolers. I have not located in the plans, elevations or 2. 5 RE6YALED PAPERs T0WN hFV/indicating compliance with this Section. Please provide a plan indicating Department pf Cgr4t-nugty Development 7 5' sout h p$n,fig1ftJ,fi6oms: Vait. Colorado Algipt rooms A034, 4036, A'143, M23,811.1,8132,B143,F,214, C122, Cl34 & g70-41g-213g C224, do not provide clearance for the accessible water closets per 1997 tlBC FAX g70-47g-24$g;ction 1105.2.2 and ICC/ANSI Al17.l-1998 Accessible and lJseable Buildings and www.ci.vail.co.ufacilities Section 604.3 Clearance. Plans as drawn indicate the lavatory within the clear space for the water closet. This is specifically not permitted under Section 604.3. As an example: Sheet A7.1.10, Detail 3 the elevation of rooms Al54 & Bl54- West indicates the correct clear space of 60-inches measured from tle side wall with no other fixture or obstruction. However, Detail 12 the elevation of room Cl22 - West indicates incorrect clear space by having the lavatory located within the 60- inch clear space. It is a common belief that all bathing and toilet facilities are not required to be accessible. This in not eorrect, the 1997 UBC, Section I105.2 requires that when bathing facilities are provided at least one of each type of fixture be accessible. The exception is a bathing facility for a single occupant and not for public or common use. Also, toilet facilities in occupancies other than dwelling units, guest rooms and congregate residences each toilet room must be accessible. Again the exception is for a single occupant and not for common or public use. Please provide a plan for each toilet room indicating compliance with ANSI AllT.1, Section 604.3. 5. Toilet rooms A034, 4036, A143, A223, Bl 17, 8132, 8143,, B2l 4, C122, Cl34 & C224 as drawn do not appear to provide wheelchair tuming space as required by 1997 UBC Section 1105.2.2 and ICC/ANSI Al17.1 Sections 304 and 603.2.1. Or, when the toilet rooms are reconfigured to provide clearance for the accessible water closet there may be conflicts in providing wheelchair-turning space. Please provide a plan for each toilet room indicating compliance with ANSI All7.1, Sections 304 and 603.2.1 6. Toilet Stalls: Toilet stalls Al42 & 8142 as drawn do not appear to comply with ICC/ANSI A117.1 Section 604.8.1.1 Size and Fig. 604.8.1.1 llheelchair Accessible Toilet Compartrnents. The compartments scale less than the required 60-inch minimum required along the wall at the back of the water closets. Sheet A7.l.l0 indicates interior elevations for other toilet stalls that do appear to comply. (C127 & Cl63) However, these elevations indicate the flush control opposite the transfer side of the WC, controls on all accessible water closets are to comply with ICC/ANSI Al l7.l Sections 308 Reach Ranges and309 Operable Parts. Please provide a plan for one stall in each toilet room indicating compliance with ANSI AllT.1, Section 604.8.1.1. o RECYCLED PAPERs Depmtment "f d$gh$S$lh}tf;nftions 608.2.1 Transfer-Type Shower Compartment,608.2.2 75 South r*ruftWdffiA Roll-Ii-Type Shower Cornpartment or 608.2.3 Alternate RollJn-Type Vail. Colorado i[7/,9y", Comparhnent Only one of the showers in the boy's area and one in the g70-47g-2138 girl's area are required to comply. Please provide a plan for one shower in each tulX g70-479-24gl,ower room indicating compliance with ANSI Al 17.1, Section 608.2. www.ci.vail.co.us8. Mirrors: The Projects Manual, Detail #IS14, Lavatory Section indicates the reflective mirror surface at an above the floor height of43-inches and perpendicular to the floor. ICC/ANSI Al l7.l Section 603.3 Minors, requires that mirrors be installed with the reflecting surface 40-inches maximum above the floor. Please provide a plan for mirrors in each toilet or shower room indicating compliance with ANSI A1l7.l, Section 603.3 9. Signs: In the Project Manual I was unable to locate any reference to the intemational symbol f accessibility or other signs referenced in the 1997 UBC, Section 1103.2.4 Srgzs. I was unable to locate a sheet indicating accessible entrances and signage as requiredbySections ll03-2.3,Accessibleentrances and ll03.2.4,Signs. Please indicate where these can be found or provide verification of compliance with these sections. Glass & Glazine: l. I was unable to locate a reference to Safety Glazing for areas subject to human impact as required by Section 2406 in a window schedule or in the Project Manual. Please provide a window schedule indicating compliance with this section. Fireplace: l. Sheet A2.2 .2 - I am unable to locate detailed plans indicating the construction of the fireplace. Please provide a compleie fireplace section from base to termination indicating construction complying with Section 3102, Chimneys, Fireplaces and Barbecues. Stage area construction: 1 Sheets M.2.1 and 45.2.0 - The sections on sheet A5.2.0 indicate that the stage floor is concrete. Sheet A2.2.1 indicates a wood floor and the Project manual, Section 09643 indicates a resilient tempered hardboard floor. Sheet A2.2.1 also indicates a detail lSl I as a stage flooring detail and I have been unable to locate this detail which may indicate construction of the stage floor in compliance with Section 405.3.L Please indicate where the detail is to be found or provide a plan indicating compliance with this section. 7 RECYCLED PAPER{I Department ,f &yilfrlfrriqrbZ1tfmmfp. However, information does not indicate ventilation and 75 South fro"d&*Eatpntrol syStems complying with Sections 405.3.3, Ventilation;405.3.3.1, Vail. Colorado fimtf" control and405.3.3.2, Roofvents. Please provide information including 970-479-21jg engineering calculations and operational data verifying a system complying with FAX 97 0 - 4 7 g -2 lbgse sections. www.ci.vail.co.us3 Sheets A2.1.2,A2.2.1,A4.1.0&A5.1.0-Theprosceniumopeningistobeprotected by an approved fire curtain per Section 405.3.4, Proscenium walls. lhave not located information or details regarding construction including this curtain. No information was found in the Project Manual, Section 10520 - Fire-protection specialties. Please provide a plan and other information including fire resistance listing, installation methods and operational data consistent with the listing and otherwise verifying compliance with Section 405.3.4. 4 Sheets A2.1.2, A2.2.1, A4.1.0, A5.1.0 & A7. l.l I - Gridirons, fly galleries and pinrails are to be constructed per Section 405-3.5, Gridirons, fly galleries and pinrails. 5 Sheets M.l .2, A2.2.1, ,A.4.l .0, A5.l .0 & A7 .l .l I - I did not locate information in the Project Manual that indicated materials compllng with Section 405.3.6, Flame- retardant requirements, for combustible scenery and similar materials. Please provide information indicating that these materials will comply with this section. I f these materials are to be provided by the building owler, the owner is required to provide verification of compliance with this section. Mechanical and Electrical plan review Comments and Corrections are a separate document and were fransmitted by email to Tim McKay of Klipp Colussy Jenks DrBois, Architects, P.C. on June 9, 2003. The Structural plan review is in process as of this date and this information will be sent to Tim McKay as soon as completed. Notice: The review ofplans and specifications does not constitute an acceptance ofany responsibility by Hougland & Associates for errors, omissions or discrepancies. The responsibility for these items and implementation during construction rests specifically with the architect, engineers, designers, builders and owner. Comments and notations are intended to be constructive and in support of the owners interest. Report By: Art Hougland June 13.2003 8 &NVCLSD PAPENs TOWN OFVAIL Hougland & Associates Department of Community Development Fax (970) 384-1331 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us Job Address: Owner: Email - fuesafe@rof.net Vail Mountain School Electrical Section 16000 Review for Compliance 3 160 Katsos Ranch Road Vail Mountain School Electrical Engineer: Beaudin Ganze Date of Review: June 6.2003 Review Document: 2002 National Electrical Code Plans Reviewed by: Associate Mark Kittle, CBO Mark Kittle, Consulting Main Service 480Y/227 YoIt 1600 Amps 65,000AIC 5-13 y,"C with (4) 400Kcmil CU conductorsl Main Distribution System 1200 amp feed-thu dGFI protection and Shunt trip for remote shut down. Grounding Electrode Main Water Line 3/0 CU Conductor Building Steel 3/0 CU Conductor Supplemental Concrete encased - 20 L.F. #4 CU Panelboards 480Y/277 Yolt I{BEI -225amp MLO 42ckt (Room 4025) HBE2 -400amp MLO 84ckt (Room 4038) Emergency HBE3 - lOOamp MLO 24ckt (Room 4038) HlCl *225anp MLO 42ckt (Room Bl22) HlWl - 150amp MLO 42ckt (Room Cl44) H2El -225amp MLO 42ckt (Room 4222) H2Wl-225amp MLO 42ckt (Room 8221) Panelboards 208Y/120Volts LBEI-400ampMCB l26ckt(RoomA.025) LlWl -225amp MCB 84ckt @oom Cl44) LlW2 -200amp MCB 42ckt (Room C135) LlCl * l5Oamp MCB 84ckt (Room Bl22) L2El - 225amp MCB 126ckt (Room A222) L2Wl -225amp MCB 84ckt (Room B22l) t "t"our" o* Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail,co.us Emergency Systems Generator Batteries Elevator Fire Alarrn Electrical System Division 16000 Comments: 20KW Natural Gas 480 Volt 3 Phase W 50 amp Automatic Transfer Switch Egress Lighting, Alarms 480 Vol! 100 amp with shunt trip through Machine Room heat detector Complete building fully supervised and monitored. TBEI _ II2.5KVA TBE2- II2.5KVA TICI -45KVATIWI _75KVA TIW2 J5KVA TZEL _75KVA T2W1 -75KVA to supply LBEI to supply LBE3 to supply LlCl to supply LlWl to supplyLlW2 to supply L2El to supply L2W1 4. 5. l. 2. 3. 6. .7 8. 9. Conductor terminations shall meet the requirements of Section I 10.14 of the NEC. Switchboards and panel boards shall conform to the Flash Hazard provisions of Section I 10.16 of the NEC. Service and equipment disconnecting means shall meet the requirements of Section 110.22 of the NEC. Electrical equipment rooms shall conform to Section 110.27(C). Branch circuit amperage ratings shall meet the requirements of Section 210.19 of the NEC. Branch circuits supplying power to equipment fastened in place shall conform to Section 210.23(A) (2) of the NEC. Convenience outlets installed for servicing HVAC equipment shall meet the requirements of Section 210-63 of the NEC. Provide a detailed diagram ofall feeder circuits as per Section 215.5 ofthe NEC. Ground Fault protection of equipment shall meet the requirements of Section 215.10 of the NEC. Provide name of approved agency to conduct GFI perfiormance test. ., NAC*CLED PAPEAs 1OWX OfWXxed multi-outlet assemblies shall conform to Section 220.3(8) (8) of the Department of Co lrlurti| ffiV5nffi;e|krtchen related equipment shall meet the requirements of 75 South Frontase Xo*flEction 220.20 of the NEC. Vail. Colorado UAi?.Main underground service lines shall conform to Section 230.8 of the NEC. 970t-479-213g 13. Underground circuit conductors shall meet the requirements of Section 240.21 FAX 970-479-2452 of the NEC. www.ci.vail.co.us 14. Overcurrent devices used as switches shall conforrn to Section 2483(D) of the NEC. 15. Provisions for the main grounding electrode conductor shall meet t}te requirements of Section 250.66 ofthe NEC. 16. Bonding of electrical systems over 250 volts to ground shall conform to Section 250.97 of theNEC. I 7. Bonding of the building structural steel shall meet the requirements of Section 250.104(C) of theNEC. 18. Bonding of the lightening protection system, if applicable, shall conform to Section 250.106 of the NEC. 19. Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors shall meet the requirements of Article 285 of the NEC. 20. All electrical wiring within a rated plenum space shall conform to Section 300.22 0f the NEC. 21. All circuit conductors for this project shall meet the requirements of Article 310 0f the NEc. 22. All outlet, device, pull and junction boxes shall conform to Article 314 of the NEC. 23. Lighting fixture outlet boxes shall meet the requirements of Section 314.27 of the NEC. 24. All switchboards and panelboards shall meet the requirements of Article 408 of theNEC. 25. Motors and related equipment shall conform to Article 430 of the NEC. 26. Air Conditioning, refrigeration and related equipment shall meet the requirements of Article 440 of the NEC. 27. AII stage and auditorium wiring shall conform to Article 520 of the NEC. 28. Stage area smoke control system shall meet the requirements of Section 520.49 of the NEC. 29. Elevator equipment and related wiring shall conform to Article 620 of the NEC. 30. All emergency systems and related wiring shall meet the requirements of Article 700 of the NEC. 3l . The building fire alarm system shall conform to Article 760 of the NEC. 32. The installation of Fiber-optic cables shall meet the requirements of Article 770 0f rhe NEC. 33. All communication systems within the building shall conform to Article 800 of the NEC. J N&ICIED PAPENn TOWN Department of conh""Wfi81tl8q|r#hgtection required in elevator machine room for elevator car 75 South Froitase RoaF9nts' Vail. Colorado SI6h Lignting for elevator related equipment to be on separate circuit from required g70-4.g-2138 GFlprotectedoutlets. HX 970-479-2452 3. All convenience outlets in elevator pit, hoist way, top of car and machine www.ci.vail.co.us 4. 5. 6. room to be GFI protected. Childproof convenience outlets not shown in Kindergarten room C 12 I . Convenience outlets in mechanical mezzanines to be GFI protected. Power for'tsylin" Rim System Snowmelt at roof to be a 30ma GFI protected circuit for equipment. 7 . Dry type transformers I 12 %KV A, and smaller shall be separated from combustible material by at least 12" 8. All convenience outlets in kitchen area to be GFI protected. 9. Dimming panel LBE3 feeder conductors from TBE2 not protected on secondary side. 10. GFI protection required for all electric resistance heating snowmelt. I L Emergency system stand-by generator circuits shall be isolated or installed in separate raceways. NE€YCLED PAPEE{b MWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us Job Address: Owner: Hougland & Associates Fax (970) 384-1331 Email - fnesafe@rof.net Vail Mountain School Mechanical Section 15000 Review for Compliance 3 160 Katsos Ranch Road Vail Mountain School Mechanical Engineer: Beaudin Ganze Date of Review: June 6, 2003 Review Document: 2000 Intemational Mechanical Code Plans Reviewed by: Associate Mark Kittle, CBO Mark Kittle, Consulting Main Gas Line Capacity Circulating Pumps Smoke System (stage) Air Handling Units: AH-1 AII-2 AH-3 AH-4 AH-5 AH-6 Boilers: Venting Combustion Air Kitchen Exhaust EF-I5' EF-16 Fire / Smoke Dampers Elevator Ventilation 4" 5900 MBH 1/2HP through 5HP ExhaustFanEF-17 2l,800cfm 1l,350cfm Mechanical Mezzanine 7 6,640cfm Mechanical Mezzanine I l0,900cfm Basement l8,200cfm Mechanical Mezzanine A l3.2Oftfrn Mechanical Mezanine B l4,300cfm Mechanical Mezzanine C (2) each Rated input each 2887 MBH Main Vent 20" round through roof Connectors 14" round to main vent 24" x 12" Combustion Air to Outside 24" x 12" Relief Air to Outside 2350cfm Type I Hood System l865cfm Type II Hood System As Required Gravity Vent Top of Shaft 24" x 18" Duct To exterior t r""to"or ro T0Wl,l System, Section 15000 (continued) o, p o, t ^, n Foft$lfi k#i ily D ev e t opm e n t 75 South Frontage \oa{ Vail, Colorado {rU!, Balncing and testing report from approved agency is required prior to 970_479_2l3g lnspectlon. FAX 970-479-24 j2 2. Inspection and testing shall conform to Section 107 of tho IMC www.ci.vail.co.us 3. Vibration isolation shall meet the requirements of Section 301.10 of the IMC. 4. Structural safety shall be maintained as per Section 302.1 of the IMC. 5. Membrane Penetrations shall conform to Section 302.2 of ttre IMC. 6. Guard protection shall conform to Section 304.9 of the IMC. 7. All HVAC equipment shall be marked as to area served as per Section 304. l0 of the IMC. 8. All condensate lines shall meet the requirements of Section 307 of the IMC 9. Mechanical ventilation equipment shall conform to Section 403 of the IMC. 10. All "stand alone" wiring installed within concealed plenum spaces shall meet the requirements of Section 602.2.1.1 of the IMC. I l. All concealed building spaces used for the movement of environmental air shall conform to Section 602 of the IMC. 12. Flexible type air connectors shall meet the requirements of Section 603.5 of the IMC. 13. Duct linings and insulation shall conform to Section 604 of the IMC. 14. Fire / Smoke dampers shall meet the requirements of Section 607 of the ICM. 15. Boilers and related equipment shall conform to Sections 1004 thru 1011 of the ICM. 16. All refrigeration systems and related equipment shall meet the requirements of Chapter 11 of the IMC. Conections: l. Grease duct above roof shall be l6-gauge minimum or lS-gauge stainless steel. 2. Provide details for Acid Dilution Basin and related components. 3. Return air provisions not shown for Green Room A011. 4. Exhaust duct and termination not shown for Kiln system. 5. Fire / Smoke dampers required from attic to 2no floor ceiling spaces at following locations: l) Gallery,4'200 2) Conidor82l0 3) Conidor 8220 6. Fire / Smoke damper not shown North Corridor 8240. 7. In-duct duct detectors not shown for equipment with air velocities over 2000cfm. 8. Fire / Smoke detection not shown in Mechanical Mezzanines. .| NDCICI,dD PAPENs TOWN OFVAIL drain lines and terminations not shown for computer equipment Department of ComJfutfuNfiS#lffiNnls not shown for the following locations: 75'South Frolr4s" Roal\DC-68' Auditorium Vail. Colorado S1657 2)DC-71 Dressing Rooms ,4^033, A035 g70-47g-2I 3S 3) DC-66 Corridor A030 FAX 970-479-2452 4)DC-67 Green Room A011, Storage Room A.013, Office A0l4 wwwci.vail.co.us 5)DC-72 Auditorium Stage Workroom Al4l, Hall 4120, Hall 4'140, Girls Al42 DiningRoom Foreign Langaage A22l Computer Art A207 Art Studio A.202 lndependent Classroom 8226 Counseling Offrce 8224, Counseling Conference 8223, JanitorB222 I lth Grade Classroom 8230 US Science LabB23I PrepB232, US Science LabB234 9'n Grade Classroom 8235 Prep 8201, MS Science Classroom 8202 Offrce 8212, Lab MS Science 8200 Offrce 8213, US Science Classroom 8203, Division Head 8244 Corridor 82 1 0, Corridor 8220 Corridor 8240 7th Grade Classroom 8250 10s Grade Classroom B251 4th Grade Classroom 8252 6the Grade Classroom 8255 Board Conference Room C222 6th Grade Classroom C226 I l. Control for DC-34 at Girls Lockers shown within storage closet. 12. Control for DC-18 at Corridor Bl40 shown in wrong location. 13. Provide submittal documents for "Bylin" Rim system snowmelt. 14. Control methods not provided for cooling side of building HVAC system. 15. Grease duct shall maintain lS" minimum clearance to combustible construction. 16. Provide details for grease duct enclosure. 17. Type I kitchen exhaust fan discharge to terminate a minimum of 40" above finished roof surface. 18. Provide specifications for Type I and Type II hood systems. 6) DC-70 7)DC-7 8) DC-32 9) DC-43 r0)DC-42 ll) DC-41 12) DC-61 13) DC-60 14) DC-sg 15) DC-58 l6) DC-53 l7) DC- s2 l8) DC-49 l9) DC-50 20) DC-sl 2l) DC-65 22)DC-73 23)DC-s4 24)DC-ss 2s)DC-s7 26)DC-s6 27)DC-63 28)DC-62 J RECYCLED PAPENs www,kcid.com June 26,2003 Mr. Leonard Sandoval Vail Public Works Department 1309 Elkhom Drive Vail. Colorado 81657 KLIPP COLUSSY JENKS DUBoIS ARCHITECTS, P,C. Wrller Squore, 1512 Lqrimer St.e ei Brldge Level, Denver, Colo.odo 80202 pt 303-893-1990 fox 3O3 893-2204 Reference: Vail Mountain School-Plan Review Dear Leonard; We have received your comments on the plan review for the Vail Mountain School Building and have formulated our responses below. We have repeated your comments in normal type face and then list our response in italic type for clarity. l. Public works is requesting that the trash enclosure be covered, provide detail.- We will provide a redesigned trash enclosure with a roof Revised design will be submitted for review. 2. Berm on east side ofKatsos Ranch Road has changed from approved review plan. Lower and push back berm to allow future construction of bike path without any retaining wall being required. - We will provide grading redesign to accomnodate the future bike path. Revised design will be submitted for review. Berm was rahed as a direct response to comments received from DRB and neighbors. This was reflected on the October 16. 2002 resubmittal set. 3. Fire Department staging area on Katsos Ranch Rd. has changed locations, by doing so the grade has also changed. Original grade of staging area was at 6.50/o, it's now shown at 8%. Regrade and revise profile (Sheet C3.0) to reflect staging area at 6.50/0. - While the proJile of Katsos Ranch Rd. centerline shown at 8ok on C3.0, the Fire Department staging area is located to the outside of the road's curvature, providing a flatter profile of the staging area. Spot elevations have been clariJied for the grading of the stag@ area and are shown on Figure l, which result in a 6o4 slope of the staging area. 4.Show on plans, location of new Town of Vail Street light location. - Please provide us with the in/brmation (or show us where to get it) and we will be glad to add to our drawings. 5. Drainage plan has changed for original approval. Provide letter stating that new changes coincide with the drainage report. ?RINC]PALS B&n R. Klipp. AlA.Akrn E. Colussy. AlA. Lqny D. Jenb, AlA, CSl. Cornelius Q. (Kln) DuBob, AA. John C. (Jock) Brokow, AA, CEFPI. Gregory D. Cromer, AlA. CEFPI ASSCCIATE llRlNClFAtS Som Miller, AlA. CEFPI . Keot Ton, AlA, Director ot Deslgn SFNIOR AISOCIATFS Gorev Dickinson . &rlce Botlenhfl:h, AtA. (--SI Vail Mountain School Plan Review Corusrents Changes to the original drainage plan submitted with the Drainage Report for Vail Mountain School, dated May 2002, were made to address Town of Yail b comments and receive approval. No resubmittal of the drainage report was required prior to approval. Per the Town's comments: Water quality was incorporated into discharge from all parking area drainage through the use ofa w ater qual ity s truc h)re. Storm sewers crossings beneath the building were minimized. Minor subbasin contributing arcas and Jlows were changed by these adjustrnents, but all major basin connections to the I-70 crossings remain relatively unchanged. All modiJications to the stortn sewer system coincide with the conclusion of the original approved drainage report. 6. Provide Bike Path bond for deposit. - This will be provided by Vail Mountain School directly. 7. Provide stamped drawings for boulder retaining walls from a license PE. - The boulder retaining wall details are shown on sheets Cl.3 of the stamped approval set Hopefully, we have addressed all of your concems in an adequate manner. All of the correction items will be addressed in a post bid addendum to be issued to Shaw Construction. If you have any concerns or questions please feel free to contact our ofhce at (303) 893-1990 or via e-mail at Tim@kcid.com. Sincerely, R. TimothyMcKay Project Architect Cc Charlie Davis, Town Of Vail Earl Weiskittel, VMS Greg Cromer, KCJD John McWilliams, WSI Kevin Tone, WA Dominic Mauriello, Braun P:V001-028.00 Vail Mtn School\Construction Administation\ Project Communications\Goveming Agencies\062503 publicworks response comment Itr.doc o KLIPP CoLUSSY JEN KS DUBoIS ARCHITECTS, P.C, D e p art rnoih ffiWMun i ty D ev e I o p me n t 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 rnr gz|W$'t4tsugland www. c i.$bpgb.N & Associates 0625 Sunny Acres Road Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 Wrlter Squor€, 1512 Lorime, Str€et Eridge l-evel. Denver, Colorodo 80202 p,h 3il3'i.i93-l990 tax 3O3-893-2204 Reference: Vail Mountain School - Plan Review Dear Art; We have received your comments on the plan review for the Vail Mountain School Building and have formulated our responses below. We have repeated your comments in normal type face and then list our response in italic type for clarity. It is our hope, that with these responses, in addition to our responses to the Town Of Vail Public Works and the Town Of Vail Fire Department, we can facilitate the issuance of our building permit. Since this project is being built under a Construction M anager/ General Contractor format, we will be issuing a formal "Post Bid Addendum" to Shaw Construction as soon as we have confirmation from Charlie Davis that we have taken care of all of his concems. This will allow Shaw to negotiate any of the cost implications with the individual subcontractors ard serve as formal instruction to them to include the changes in the project. The Town Of Vail will be copied on this addendum just as they have with all of the others. Comment l. Sheets AC2. 1.0 & M.l.O, A2.2.1 & A5. 1.0 - Lecture/rehearsal hall A020 has an occupant load of 57 persons. The exit from this room is into Hall A0l0 then to Stair 002 or Stair 006. Although identified as a "Hall" Sheet AC2.1.0 also identifies this Hall as having l-hour rated construction. If constructed as a Hallway per Section 1004.3.3, Hall ,4'020 would be an intervening room per Section 1004.2.2 and exit ffavel to the Main Level "Hall A1 16" would be a second intervening room and not permitted by this same section. This exit system is to be constructed as a Corridor in compliance with Section 1004.3.4. The Lecturehehearsal Hall ,4'020 is a basement classroom use. (Occupant load 57-persons) Section 1007.3.9 requires that exit stairways from basements open directly to the exterior of the building without entering the first floor. I note that the second required exit liom this room also enters the first floor at Conidor Al20 without providing an exit directly to the exterior. Please provide a design providing fwo exits from the Lecture/rehearsal Hall complying with Section 1007.3.9. Also, it is unclear if this area is intended to have fixed seating or not to have fixed seating. Please provide a plan indicating compliance with either Section 1004.3.2.2, Width in occupancies without fixed seating, or Section 1004.3.2.3, Occupancies with frxed seats. 9RINCIPALS Brion R. Klipp, AlA. Alon E Colusy, AlA. Larry D. Jenks, AtA, CSl. Cornelius R. (Kin) DuBots. AlA.John C. (Jocto Brokow, AtA, CEFpt. Gregory D. Cromer, AtA, CEFR ASSCCIATa ?R[\C|FAj-S Som Miller, AtA, CEFPI . Keot Ton, AtA, Director of Design SFNIOR AISOCIA'|ES Gorev Dicki^son . B(rce Boltenboch. AlA. CSI {g*"notor o" TOWI{ O for A010, A030, and Al l6 will be changed n As you noted, they are identified Department'ffiuffiiffief9eilylffionAC2.I.0as57persons. (Jsingtheclassroomuseoccupantloadfactorof 75 South Fr396glR6W, the actual occupant load is 43. (843 sf / 20 = 42.15 = 43 occupants). Per table t0-A, the Yail, Colord&tfl(yf,7 requires one adt. The room is loaded from the Main Level from a user standpoint, so I am not 970-479-2I tSre why you consider the room to be a "basement classroom use". Our interpretation of the code does F/lX g77-47@qy$e this room a "basement" use and only requires the exit to the Main Level. The only reason for www.ci.vail.!!6.figwer Level access is to facilitate handicap access from the elevator and movement of music furniture, instruments, etc. from the rehearsal hall into the Auditorium via the eleyator. This room does not have ftxed seating. It will seme as Choir / Ensemble practice area as well as provide a facility for Sroup presentations. Both functions will use loose 'furniture " seating as necessary. The width of each aisle is 44" which more than exceeds the minimum required width of j6" as stated in 1004.3.2.2. Comment 2. The configuration of the stairs from the basement will be required to comply with Section 1007.3.9 Basement rooms. This section requires that within E Occupancies exit stairways from basements shall open directly to the exterior of the building without entering the first floor. The plan indicates stair 002 as entering the first floor. This basement exit system is also required to comply with Section 1104.1 for accessible means of egress, note that Areas of Refuge axe not required since the building is sprinklered. Please identify all Conidors as having a one-hour fire-resistance rating. It does not appear that this building will have Hallways since Hallways are not required to be of fire-resistive construction. / - , Response 0 t bcus> cJ/ fter / r)t\4 ft{Exiting through the corridor system to Stair 002 and then through Corridor (Hall A I I 6) provides an f A ac c e ss dir ectly outside.cross-cornaor on the that does not enter the b3ilding,, At the west end of Corridor (Hall A030) Stair 006 exitsVireciy to7EE6:-ut li of the#., :.This particular issue was discussed in depth with Charlie Davis and Mike McGee in an early design/planning meeting. At the time, both of them felt that what we were doing met the intent of the Building Code. As you state, our plans are not clear with the room conventiotn of "Hallway" being used in several cases throughout the building. The contractor will be directed to rename the following rooms to "Corridor": A030, A010, Al 10, Al 16, A120, A140, 8110, A240, 8210, 8240. Room 8120 will be deleted since it is redundant with Room B I 40. Comment (cma ? 3. Sheets AC2.l.0 & A2.2.1-Hall A120 at Gallery A100 has a door Al00 from the Gallery to the exterior. The Computer Lab ,{102 and Tech. Support Al01 have a combined occupant load of5l persons requiring access to 2 exits. Per I 997 UBC, Section 1004.2. I requires that rooms with l0 or more occupants not exit through more than one intervening room. The Gallery A100 is one intervening room and Hall Al20 is another. Door Al00 is required to be a complying exit and identified as such. Without this door as an exit the east end of Hall 120 and the Gallery Al00 would create a Dead end approximately 25-feet in length per Section 1004.2.6. Please provide a corrected design. {g *n "rtor^ru Vail Mountain School Plan Review Comments for corridor construction. This partition runs from the floor to the deck above. The exterior wg!! construction is non-combustible construction, but because of the clearances to property lines, it is not r have wire glass. The exterior wall assembly consists of metal studs with type X drynvall on the interior and Type X gltpsum sheathing on the exterior with the wood siding or veneer stone applied over it. This assembly creates the non-combustible exterior wall construction. Specification Section 09260 sets the requirement for Type X drywall and 09253 sets the requirement for Type X gypsum sheathing. Specification Section 078 I I sets the requirements for the than 20 feet above the floor is not fireproofed. The 1997 UBC, Sections 602.5 & 603.5 state that other than structural frame. roofs and their members may be of unprotected noncombustible materials when every part of the roof framing, including structural frame, is 25 feet or more above the floor. Please provide a plan indicating that the rooffire protection is designed in compliance with these sections. Response For Clarification, Section 602 does not apply. This is a Type II building, not Type I. Section 603.1 at the bottom refers the designer thus "For requirements due to occupancy, see Chapter 3". When you look at Chapter 3, 303.2.2 - Special Provisions (for Group A Occupancies) it clearly states that "Ihe roof- framing system for the roof-ceiling assembly in one-story portions of buildings of Type II One- hour,...constnrction may be of unDrotected construction when such roof-framing system is open to the assembly area and does not contain concealed spaces". We feel that our design for this area complies with this section of the Code. Asses-sibdilir ^ trrDF 1f,& ) -ti. .{+rv?;itcT : -?Quur fuLT .&fl"rffir;5" o Sheets referenced: AC2.10, AC 2.11, A2.1.0, MJ.l, M.2.0, A2.2.1, A2.2.2,A2.2.3, A2.2.4, M.25, A2.2.6 & ,,\7.1.10 Comment l. Accessible Route: Sheet A2.2.1, door A100 from Gallery Al00 does not appear to have the required l2-inches on the latch/push side as required by ICC/ANSI A1 17.1 Section 404.2.4 andFi9.404.2.4.1 (b). Please provide a plan indicating compliance with ANSI Al l7.l Section 404.2.4. Response While this door appears to be in a 1 2 " deep exterior wall, it is an exit only door and has a panic bar hardware across the entire width of the door. This should make the 12" clearance to the side of the door redundant with the actual operation of the door. We believe this meets the intent of the Code. Comment 2. Ramps:wPffi*{ Departmentiott8b*n NryDeddpatttidor and was identified separately for interior elevation design clarity. 75 South FthfrgdWid an exit and is idmtified as such by emergency exit signage. Refer to Sheet E i.2I for exit Ya il, C olordi$ltsmbol. 970-479-2138 laa s7pgw84t2 www.ci.vail.co.us4. Sheets 42.2.2, A810 & 482.0 - Fire-resistive rating of glazing opening on to one-hour fire-resistive Corridors was not found on a window schedule or in the Project Manual. The fire rating of all glazed openings are to be verified to comply with Section 10M. If I have missed locating this information in the documents provided please indicate where it is to be found or provide information indicating compliance with this section. --\ Response tDbFlV'W This will be clarified with the General Contractor. It was our intent that Section 08/ l0 would cover required Jire-ratings for bonowed lights and sidelites as well as door frames. All door and window frames in one-hour Jire-rated corridor walls will have a rating of 20 minutes or greater and will have wire glazing. In one-hour occupancy separations (ie: Science Labs) all frames will have a 60 minute Jire rating. There are no windows in these par.tition Wes. Comment 5. Sheets AC2.1.0, A2.l.l, M.2.1, A2.2.2, A2.2.4 & A2.2.5 -The Code sheets indicate some rooms to be included within the one-hour fire-resistive construction of Corridors which do not appear to comply with Section 1004.3.4.4Intervening rooms. Exception l, pennitting foyers, lobbies or reception rooms constructed as required for corridors. Rooms not qualiSing as foyers, lobbies or reception rooms include but may not be limited to the following: Data 4,125, Work ioom 4.141, AV storage Bi41, DataBl,Zl, Electrical B 122, Work room 4'241 & AV storage B24l . Please clarifu by providing a plan indicating only areas meeting the definition of foyer, lobby or reception room within the fire-resistive rating ofthe corridors. I consider the Commons as meeting the definition of a reception room as long as constructed as required for corridors. | -/Response /ltrYdffr{l Code Sheet AC2.l.0 shows the incorrect location of the corridor wall (between Electric B 122 and AssistantHeadOJficeBl23)andiscorrectlyshownontheReflectedCeilingPlanSheetA3.2.3. The rating is between Data B 1 2 I and A.V. Storage 8141 . The only rooms included within the corridor rating are the AV Storage areas @141, 8241), Workrooms (A141, 8241) and Toilets (4142, 4242, 8142, 8242). All of these specific rooms were discussed with Mike McGee and Charlie Davis in our design/planning meeting. At the time, the Owner wished to have no doors to the toilet rooms listed above. During the Construction Document phase of the project, they elected to add doors to these toilets, but have non-rated patterned (frosted) glass exceeding the maximum fire lite size. Both Mike and Charlie were in agreement that the rooms listed could indeed be within the corridor rating. In foct, Mike felt strongly that the lYorkroom be included in the corridor for smoke/fire detection reasons which we have complied with. {g*r"nuoruo Vail Mountain School Plan Review Comments Response lI/e will comply to show landing at mid-height of ramps. Sheet 42.2.2, the rise from Hall Al20 to Corridor ,4,140 and Hall Bt l0 to Corridor Bl40 is indicated to be 32-inches. ICC/ANSI A1 l7.l Section 405.6 indicates that the maximum rise for any ramp run shall be 30-inches maximum. These ramps require an intermediate landing when the rise is in excess of 30- inches. Please provide a plan indicating compliance with ANSI Al 17. l, Section 405.6. C t(-' Comment 3. Drinking Fountains: Drinking Fountains are required to compty with ICC/ANSI A117.1 Section 602 Drinking Fountains and Water Coolers. I have not located in the plans, elevations or details indicating compliance with this Section. Please provide a plan indicating compliance with ANSI Al 17.1, Section 602. Response We will comply to show required clearances at Dinking Fountain. Comment 4. Toilet Rooms: Toilet rooms A034, A036, A143, A223,8117,8132,8143,8214, C122, Cl34 & C224, do not provide clearance for the accessible water slosets per 1997 UBC Section 1105.2.2 and ICC/ANSI Al 17.l-1998 Accessible and Useable Buildings and Facilities Section 604.3 Clearance. Plans as drawn indicate the lavatory within the clear space for the water closet. This is specifically not permitted under Section 604.3. Asanexample: SheetAT.l.l0,Detail 3theelevationofroomsAl54&B154-Westindicatesthe correct clear space of 60-inches measured from the side wall with no other fixture or obstruction. However, Detail l2 the elevation of room C 122 - West indicates incorrect clear space by having the lavatory located within the 60-inch clear space. It is a common belief that all bathing and toilet facilities are not required to be accessible. This in not corect, the 1997 IJBC, Section 1105.2 requires that when bathing facilities are provided at least one of each type of fixture be accessible. The exception is a bathing facility for a single occupant and not for public ot common use. Also, toilet facilities in occupancies other than dwelling units, guest rooms and congregate residences each toilet room must be accessible. Again the exception is for a single occupant and not for common or public use. Please provide a plan for each toilet room indicating compliance with ANSI Al 17.1, Section 604.3. ResDonse We will comply to show required clearances. All toilet rooms will be made accessible. Comment 5. Toiletrooms4034, A036, A143, A223,8117,8132"8143,B.214,C122,C134 &C224 as drawn do not appear to provide wheelchair turning space as required by 1997 UBC Section 1105.2.2 and ICC/ANSI Vail Mountain School Plan Review Comments Al 17.l Sections 304 and 603.2.1. Or, when the toilet rooms are reconfigured to provide clearance for the accessible water closet there may be conflicts in providing wheelchair-tuming space. Please provide a plan for each toilet room indicating compliance with ANSI Al 17.1, Sections 304 and 603.2.1 ResDonse The toilet rooms will be modified as required to provide the clearances Comment 6. Toilet Stalls: Toilet stalls Al42 & B 142 as drawn do not appear to comply with ICC/ANSI Al 17.1 Section 6M.8. L I Size and Fig. 604.8. l. I Wheelchair Accessible Toilet Compartments. The compartments scale less than the required 60-inch minimum required along the wall at the back of the water closets. Sheet 47.1.10 indicates interior elevations for other toilet stalls that do appear to comply. (C127 & Cl63) However, these elevations indicate the flush control opposite the transfer side of the WiC, controls on all accessible water closets are to comply with ICCiANSI Al17.l Sections 308 Reach Ranges Operable Parts. Please provide a plan for one stall in each toilet room indicating compli Att7,t, Section 604.8.1.1. Response The toilet stall dimensions will be modified to comply. Flush controls shown in elevation will be revised to prevent any misleading information being given to the plumbing contractor. Comment 7 . Shower Facilities: The Boys showers C15l and Girls showers Cl6l do not appear to comply with ICC/ANSI Al 17.1 Sections 608.2.1 Transfer-Type Shower Compartment, 608.2.2 Standard Roll-In-Type Shower Compartment or 608.2.3 Alternate Roll-In-Type Shower Compartment.f the showers in the boy's area and one in the girl's area are required to comply. Please pro one shower in each shower room indicating compliance with ANSI Al17.I, Section Response The shower stall layout will be modified to comply. Shower stall will be modified to revise the control wa,tocationandthe36"x4a"transferareaperFig.608.2.1. A/d1,?ff0dil ," f .,UdComment '-.rttl ,.tctdt./>. Lf)otr^2srffi-t'r- 8. Mirrors: ' trd-) \"- The Projects Manual, Detail #ISl4, Lavatory Section indicates the reflecti#mirror surface at an above the floor height of 43-inches and perpendicular to the floor. ICC/ANSI A117.1 Section 603.3 Mirrors, requires that mirrors be installed with the reflecting surface 4O-inches maximum above the floor. Please provide a plan for mirrors in each toilet or shower room indicating compliance with ANSI Al17.l, Section 603.3 Vail Mountain School Plan Review Conuncnts Response The bottom of the mirrors will be lowered to comply. Comment 9. Signs: oA.b9 In the Project Manual I was unable to locate any reference to the intemational symbol f accessibility or other signs referenced in the 1997 UBC, Section l113.2.4,Srgrs. I was unable to locate a sheet indicating accessible entrances and signage as required by Sections 1103.2.3, Accessible entrancss and 1103.2.4, .Slgzs. Please indicate where these can be found or provide verification of compliance with these sections. Response Signage is speciJied i2p$!g!!)ltl-9f the Specifications. As a pedormance specification, the bidder is directed to provide a-lfDA required signage. Their scope of workwill comply with your request. Door B I60A/8 I608 is provided with push button activated hardware. All other exterior doors comply with accessibility clearance requirements. \.comment r $€r"a Glass&Glazing: \ - / / \-./ 1. I was unable to locate a reference to Safefy Glazing for areas subject to human impact as required by Section M06 in a window schedule or in the Project Manual. Please provide a window schedule indicating compliance with this section. ResDonse The Glazing Specification 08800 will be clariJied to require the glazing subcontractor to supply submittals showing compliance with Section 2406. yeryypu with your request. comment ( )lL) Fireplace: \------ l. Sheet A2.2.2 - I am unable to locate detailed plans indicating the construction of the fireplace. Please provide a complete fireplace section from base to termination indicaling construction complying with Section 3102, Chimneys, Fireplaces and Barbecues. <-7- Response /llf- t( u -, Current fireplace details can be found in the Detail Bcsk auhe back of Volume II of the Speci/ications. We will comply with your request to add a complete vertical section. Vail Mountain School Plan Review Comments Comment Stage area construction: 1 Sheets A2.2.1 arrd 45.2.0 - The sections on sheet 45.2.0 indicate that the stage floor is concrete. Sheet A2.2.1 indicates a wood floor and the Project manual, Section 09643 indicates a resilient tempered hardboard floor. Sheet A2.2.1 also indicates a detail lS11 as a stage flooring detail and I have been unable to locate this detail which may indicate construction of the stage floor in compliance with Section 405.3.1. Please indicate where the detail is to be found or provide a plan indicating compliance with this section. Response rc flq.rFA{Z1. The stage structural floor is concrete on metal deck over steel beams. The wood floor is an inset finish floor built on top (and recessed into) the concrete floor. Details can be found in the back of Volume II of the SpeciJications. Also look at detail IS IQ. Comment 2 Sheets A2.1.2, A2.2.1, A4.1.0, ,A.5.1.0 & A5.2.0-These sheets indicate architectural louvers in the stage area. However, information does not indicate ventilation and smoke confrol systems complying with Sections405.3.3, Ventilation;405.3.3.l,Smokecontroland4O5.3.3.2,Roofvents. Pleaseprovide information including engineeri lgqq nd operational data verif ing a system complying with these sections. lrtutsc$ EG..rt Resoonse scL 26)1r o*t The louvers shown on the above-referenced sheets are for intake and exhaust for the mechanical equipment located in the lower level. On sheet M3.2.4, we show EF-17 which is the smoke exhaust fan forthestageareaasrequiredbysection405.3.3. ThisdatahadbeensentdirectlytoMikeMcGeeforhis review and will be copied to you in the hard copy of this letter. Comment 3 Sheets A2.1.2,A2.2.1,A4J.O&A5.1.0-Theprosceniumopeningistobeprotectedbyanapprovedfire curtain per Section 405.3.4, Proscenium walls. Ihave not located information or details regarding construction including this curtain. No information was found in the Froject Manual, Section 10520 - Fire-protection specialties. Please provide a plan and other information including fire resistance listing, installation methods and operational data consistent with the listing and otherwise veriffing compliance with Section 405.3.4. Vail Mountain School Plan Review Comments Ll-l Resoonse The specificationsfor the grand drapefire safety closure system can be located in D)!;!g!!@/Ql 4 Sheets A2.1.2, A2.2.1, A4.1.0, A5.1.0 & 47.1.1 1 - Gridirons, fly galleries and pinrails are to be constructed per Section 405.3.5, Gridirons, fly galleries and pinrails. Response D- There are no Gridirons, fly galleries or pinrails in this stage area. It is a "dead-hung" system. The structure holding up the curtains via the pipe battens is steel and can be found on the Stnrcnral Drawings. It is consistent with the construction type of the building. Comment 5 Sheets,A2.1.2,A2.2.1,A4.1.0,A5.1.0 &M.Ln-IdidnotlocateinformationintheProjectManualthat indicated materials complying with Section 405 .3.6, Flame-retardant requirements, for combustible scenery and similar materials. Please provide information indicating that these materials will comply with this section. I f these materials are to be provided by the building owner, the owner is required to provide verification of compliance with this section. Resoonse There is no "scenery" being provided by the basic construction of the building. f@_@t"trsL are being provided and their flame retardant characteistics are speciJied in Section I1060 of the Comment Mechanical and Electical plan review Comments and Corrections are a separate document and were transmitted by email to Tim McKay of Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois, Architects, P.C. on June 9, 2003. The Structural plan review is in process as of this date and this information will be sent to Tim McKay as soon as comoleted. Vail Mountain School Plan Review Cornments t Response See attached leuers from our Mechanical and Electrical engineers. To date, we have not received any comments from your Struchral plan review. Hopefrrlly, we have addressed all of your concems in an adequate manner. As I stated previously, all of the correction items will be addressed in the post bid addendum. If you have any concerns or questions please feel free to contact our office at (303) 893-1990 or via e-mail at Tim@kcjd.com. Sincerely, R. TimothyMcKay Proiect Architect Cc Charlie Davis, Town Of Vail Mike McGee, Town Of Vail Earl Weiskittel, VMS Greg Cromer, KCJD John McWilliams, WSI Jon Brooks, BG MattWaltace. BG Brian Thompson, RIA P:9001-028.00 Vail Mtn School\Construction Administration\ Project Communications\Goveming Agencics\052503 plan revierv corrunent ltr.doc June 17,2003 Mr. Tim McKay Klipp Colussy Jenks Dubois 1512 Larimer Street, Bridge Level Denver, CO 80110 Re: Vail Mountain School Project # 7511.01 Dear Tim, The following letter is in response to the project code review performed by Hougland & Associates on June 6,2003. Our Responses will be reference by the number of the corrective comments on the review documents. Our responses (shown in italics) are as follows: 1. Grease Ducts above roofshall be l6-guage minimum or l8-guage stainless steel. - The specificationwill be modiJied to reflect the l8-guage stainless steal instead ofthe 18- guage galvanized steel lilted. 2. Provide details for Acid Dilution Basin and related components.-Acid dilution basin should be an acid neutralization basin. The drawings will be changed to incotporate a acid neutralization basin sized at 30 gallons with 3" inlet and outlet and a 2" vent. 3. Return air provisions not shown for Green Room A011. - A ttpe "8" return air grille will be added to green room A0I1 .4. Exhaust duct and termination not shown for Kiln System. - Kiln ductwork, flue and exhaust fan provided by owner. 5. Fire i Smoke dampers required from attic to 2d floor at the follow"ing locations: 1) GalleryA200 2) Corridor82l0 3) Conidor 8220 Fire / Smoke dampers will be added where the ductwork passesfrom the attic to the second floor ceiling. 6. Fire / Smoke dampers not shown in North Corridor B 240.- Fire / Smoke dampers will be added where ductwork passes from the attic to the second floor ceiling. 7. In-duct smoke detectors not shown for equipment with air volumes over 2000 CFM. - SpeciJication to be altered to include requirement for duct detectors.8. Fire / Smoke detection not shown in Mechanical Mezzanines. - Reference Division 16000forJire / smoke detection. 9. Condensate drain lines and terminations not shown for computer equipment AC Unitq,_ Computer room equipment yet to be determined by owner. AC units can be detailed. 10. Duct coil controls not shown for the followine locations. 1) DC-68 2) DC-71 3) DC-66 4) DC-67 s) DC-72 6) DC-70 7) DC-7 8) DC-32 Auditorium - Sl own in ADD| I Dressing Rooms 4033, A035 - Shown Corridor A030- Shown in ADD0L Green Room A011, 4'013, A0l4 - Shown in ADD0I Auditorium - Siown in ADD} I Stage- Shown in ADD|I Workroom Al4l, .4120, A140, A142-Shown inADD0I Dinine Room - Shown in ADD0I Foreign Langaage A22l - Shown in ADD}I Computer Art A20l - Shown in ADD0| Art Studio A202 - Shown in ADD0| Independent Classroom 8226 - Shown in ADD0| Counseling Office B224, B.223, B.222 - Shown in ADD0 1 1 l' Grade Classroom B23O - Shown in ADD?L US Science Lab B,237 - Shown in ADD0I hepB232, US Science Lab B.234- Shown in ADD0I 9' Grade Classroom B23 5 - Shown in ADD|I Prep 8201, MS Science 8202-Shown in ADD0| Office 8212, Lab MS Science F200 - Shown in ADD}I Office B213, B203,8.224 - Shown in ADD|I Conidor 8210,8.220 - Shown in ADD0| Corridor 8240 - Shown in ADD0I 7e Grade Classroom B25O- Shown in ADD0| l0' Grade Classroom 825 | - Shown in ADD1I 4fr Grade Classroom 8252- Shown in ADD|| 6fr Grade Classroom F;255 - Shown in ADD|I Board Conference Room C22- Shown in ADD}I 6fr Grade Classroom C226- Shown in ADD0| I l. Conhol for DC-34 at Girls Lockers shown within storage closet. - Thermostat to be relocated to locker room. 12. Control for DC-I8 at Corridor Bl40 shown in wrong location, - Thermostat to be relocated to corridor. 13. Provide submittal documents for "Bylin" Rim system snowmelt. - R eference Division 16000. 14. Control Method not provided for cooing side of building IIVAC system.- Refer to Specification section 15950, 4.01.E.1, 2. 15. Grease duct shall maintain l8" minimum clearance to combustible construction. - Grease dtrct penetrates directlyfrom kitchen to roof,, Architect to detail roofpenetration from combustibles. 16. Provide details for grease duct enclosure. - Refer to Architectural 17. Type I kitchen hood exhaust fan discharge to tenninate a minimum of40" above finished roof surface. - Curb height and fan height to provide 40 " clear from roof to fan discharge. 18. Provide specification for Type I and Type II hood systems. -Refer to Kitchen Specifications. 9) DC43 10) DC42 1l) DC41 12) DC-61 l3) DC-60 14) DC-59 r5) DC-58 l6) DC-53 r7)DC-sz l8) DC49 19) DC-so 20) DC-51 2l) DC-65 22)DC-73 23)DC-54 24) DC-s5 2s)DC-57 26) DC-56 27)DC-63 28)DC-62 Our drawing and specification revisions for these coffections will be issued in Please feel free to call with any additional questions or comments. Best Regards, Matthew D. Wallace, P.E. Project Engineer addendurypl. .l qffra fu't-"'frfl\l?f5.3 June 23,2003 Mr. Tim McKay Klipp Colussy Jenks Dubois 1512 Larimsr Street. Bridee Level Denver, CO 801l0 Re: Vail Mountain Schoot Project # 7511.01 Dear Tim, The following letter is in response to the project code review performed by Hougland & Associates on June 6, 2003. Our Responses will be referenced by the number of the corrective comments on the review documents. Our responses (shown in italics) are as follows: l. Overcurrent protection required in elevator machine room for elevator car lights. Refer to Sheet E2.20- Elevatorfan and lights are to be protected by circuit breaker LIEI-42 located in Elevator Machine A024. 2. Lighting for elevator related equipment to be on separate circuit from required GFI protected outlets. General use elevator lighting (circuit HBEI-7) and elevator cab lights (LlEl-42) are not on the same circuit as elevator GFI outlet (LIEI-4). 3. All convenience outlets in elevator pit, hoist way, top of car and machine room to be GFI protected. All outlets in elevator pit, hoist way, top of car and machine room are GFI protected per the drawings (see sheet E2.20). 4. Childproof convenience outlets not shown in Kindergarten room Cl2l. Refer to Sheet E2.23, Kindergarten CI2l,JIag note#I for specification of c hil dpr o of re c ep tac I es. 5. Convenience outlets in mechanical mezzanines to be GFI protected. See addendum#4for the addition of GFI outle* in the mechanical mezzanines.. 6. Power for "Bylin" Rim System Snowmelt at roof to be a 30ma GFI protected circuit for equipment. Refer to Sheet E2.28, flag note #1 for 30ma circuit breaker requirement. Refer to Sheet E5.l 0, panel schedule HBE2 for 30ma circuit breaker requirernent. 7. Dry type transformers 112 yrKVA and smaller shall be separated from combustible material by at least 12". No transformers are located within 12" of combustible material. 8. All convenience outlets in kitchen area to be GFI protected. All convenience outlets are GFI protected per the drawings (Sheet E2.23, Kitchen C|31. Sheet E2.21, KitchenAl22). 9. Dimming panel LBE3 feeder conductors from TBE2 not protected on secondary side. See addendum #4 for the addition ofa 400A disconnect at panel LBE3.. 10. GFI protection required for all electric resistance heating snowmelt. Refer to Sheet E2.28, flag note #I for 30ma circuit breaker requirement. Refer to Sheet E5.10, panel schedule HBE2 for 30ma circuit breaker requirement. I l. Emergency system stand-by generator circuits shall be isolated or installed in separate raceways. See addendutn#4for the addition of NEC section 700.9@). Please feel free to call with any additional questions or comments. Best Regards, AmandaK. Martinez Engineer Vail Mountain School Plan Review Comments Comment 6. The Project Manual Door Schedule in Section 08710 indicates some doors without a fire rating opening into corridors or areas intended to be portions of corridors such as foyers, lobbies or reception rooms. Example; door 8132 opens into Work Room B13l which is not separated from the corridor by fire resistive consfruction or a door with a fire rating. This situation also occurs elsewhere in the building. Also, see the item above for rooms such as the work room being a portion of corridors. Response The Administrative area of the building is being treated as a suite of less than j@sf. As srch, Hall BI30 and lVorlcroom BI3l are not ratedcorridors. Hall Bl30 as definedby 1004.3.3.1 is an intervening room and provides access to rated corridors Br40 and Br r2 1 f*Im: _Tg J L$OLDcomment ' Nfi,*J|*fulPl 7. SheetsAC2.l.0 &A2.2.3*Theplansincludetheinstallationofafoldingpanelpartitionbetweenthe Gymnasium and the Auxiliary Gymnasium. The exiting system with the folding panel partition opened appears to be adequate. However, The exiting system from the main gymnasium does not appear to work with the partition closed. The exiting from the Auxiliary gymnasium appears to comply if "Half'C140 and Vestibule Cl42 arc constructed as required for Corridors per Section 1004.3.4.3. Section 10651 of the Project Manual addressing the operable panel partitions did not provide any information clarifing the exiting. Please provide a plan indicating an exit system for the gymnasium with the partition closed that complies with Section 1004 The Exit Access. Response Thefolding panel partition between Gyt C100 and Awiliary Gym CI01 is only intended to be only 49'- 8" long. As such, it provides a !1Q" wide minimum opening at both the north and south walls. This will be claiified with the-Contractf ; ---\, commenr i 0 YL) \.--::.=-- 8. SheetsAC2.l.l &A2.2A-ThenumberofoccupantsintheArtStudio4'202andArtOfhceenteringthe corridor at Gallery A20l is 62-persons, the number expected to exit into Gallery 4'201 is 31 by the time you reach the corridor at Gallery 4200 there are 86-persons accumulated. Persons exiting into the corridor from the Computer Art A206 room and the Art Studio 4'208 at Gallery 4,200 are required to have the option of two exits per Section 1004.2.3.1. They do not have that option because Gallery 4,200 and Gallery A201 create a 44-foot dead end per Section 1004.2.6 Dead ends. Even if the situation described above were not a factor, Gallery A200 and Gallery A20l create a dead end because the number ofpersons from other portions of the building using the exiting system at the intersection of Corridors A2lO & A22O require 2 exits. Response A door will be added to the south wall of An Sndio A208 providing the required exit directly to Stair 002 thereby eliminating the occupant load going into Gallery A200/A201. This reduction will reduce the load in the intervening room to 42 which then does not create a dead end,.parr'zdjr but rather an interttening room with an occupant load only requiring one exit. / nf- Jg? fto) NoeS Vail Mountain School Plan Review Cornments Comment 9. SheetsAC2.l.l &A2.2.5 -LaboratoriesB20O,B202,B203,B23I,B233,&8234arerequiredtohave two separate exits or exit access doorways per Section 1007.3.8. Laboratories. Section 1004.2.2 Travel through intervening rooms, Exception 4 permits one ofthese exits to go through an adjoining or intervening room, which in tum provides direct access to an exit or a corridor. It appears as if these laboratories have been designed in this way. However, it is necessary for you to provide clarification on how these exits through these adjoining rooms will be accomplished without accidental of intentional lockout occurring between adjoining rooms. RegDonse The door hardware on doors 82358, 82308, 82038, and 82028 is panic style (Hlt Group 34). Panjc .19, hardware cannot be locked in the direction of exit. Rooms 8202, 8203, 8230 and B23S irqlg - CLnA'Uj @ndassuchonlyrequireoneexiteachbutsincetheyarepartoftherequiredexitforioom 8200,8231, and 8234, and the combined occupant load would exceed Sffiqt also have panic hardware scheduled. Comment 10. The path of travel from these laboratories shall not pass through other laboratories using hazardous materials per Section 1007.3.4. If any of these laboratories utilize hazardous materials they could not be used as an exit path of havel from adjoining rooms as described in Item #9. Please provide verification from the building owner that hazardous materials will or will not be used in these laboratories. Response As stated above, Rooms 8202, 8203, 8230 and 8235 are not laboratories but rather "Classrooms". It has always been a programming direction glven by the Owner that any hazardous materials will be limited to the labs as labeled on thefloor plan. Q!ryinstruction will not include hazardow materials. Comment ll. Sheets AC2.1.0,AC2.1.1,A2.2.1,M.2.4,A5.1.0&4,5.1.1-TheMechanicalMezzaninesdonotmeet the definition of Mezzanine per Section 214 and are Mechanical rooms, Each of the mechanical rooms is over 500 sq. ft. These rooms appear to be used for Air Handling Units, however, If any piece of fuel fired equipment exceed 400,000Btu per how in any of these mechanical rooms two exits are required per Section 1007.7.1, one exit may be_!y4!xed ladder. Please provide verification that proposed desigr complies with this section. /-n lt- ) Response \Y The onlyfuel-fired piece of equipment is located in the Boiler Room A037. The Air Handling Units do not have any fuel fired capability and there is no other fuel fi.red equipment on these "mezzanines". The only room havingfuel Jired equipment is Room A0i7 and it has the required (2) exits. ")o o'. [k".) Vail Mormtain School Plan Review Comments Comment 12. I did not locate in the plan verification that design permits the replacement of mechanical equipment without removal of permanent construction as required by 2000 IMC. Please indicate where this is shown on the plan or provide verification of compliance with the IMC. Response "2002 IMC 306.1 Clearances for maintenance and replacement. Clearances around appliances to elements of permanent construction, including other installed equipment and appliances, shall bg--- sfficientii allow inspection, semice repair or replacement with iut removini iuch "t";"r;, { A ,L) pennanent construction or disabling the function of a fire-resistance-rated assembly. " V The carrent layout is cowistent with adequate clearance for maintaining the equipment. The air handling units will however need to be removed through the outside air louver. Standard replacement parts for air handlers such as motors, belts and coils can be removed down the ships ladder. Typicallj,' the acnal AHU casing is not ever removed from the permanent curb location Comment 13. Sheets AC2.1.0, AC2.1.1, A2.2.I, A2.2.4, A3.2.t, A3.2.4 & 44.1.0-Regarding aisles for the assembly area of the auditorium it is not clear if the design is for a building with or without smoke protected assembly seating per Section 1W4. The mechanical plans indicate an exhaust fan (EF-I7, 21,800cfrn) for smoke control indicating that the intention is to have a building with smoke protected assembly seating. This section requires that if the design is for a building with smoke protected assembly seating an approved life-safety evaluation is to be conducted and the design conform to Table l0-D. Please provide information indicating the method of smoke protection design and include the calculations indicating compliance with Section 1W4. Table l0{ or Tablel0-D. Response For an Auditorium with only 380 seats, the calculation for aisle width appears to be the same for either a smoke-controlled or non-smoke controlled auditorium @ (.300 x AB). The auditorium is@tfr- nroterted,-just the stage area as required by 405.3.3.1. Usinga riser height of 8", thevalueforA is L20. UsingthevalueofBasl.25,theformulawouldbe.300xl.20xl.00=.45"perseatserved.4 Taking the seatkg ry1[of doors AI3IA and BI32B as the area creating the aisle width I calculations,(aisles-terminate at these doors) we have 246 seats divided by 2 (2 aisles) = 123 seats x ' .45"/seat = 55.35 inches width for._is 56 inches as shown on A 2.2.l. Comment *a" 14. Sheet A2.2.0 - The plan indicates Equir!ileni65m ,\032 opening into the enclosure for Stair 006. Section 1005.3.3.5 requires that openings into exit enclosures shall be limited to those necessary for egress from normally occupied spaces into the enclosure and those necessary for egress from the enclosure. The equipment room is not considered a normally occupied area. Please provide a design without the equipment room door opening directly into stair 006 enclosure. _I-\- 't#h frel Vail Mountain School Plan Review Comments ResDonse The intent for the location of this door is to prevent a non-owner user access to their equipment 24/7 without allowing them access to the rest of the building. This equipment room is for the existing on-site cellular telephone antenna located on the building elevations. If there is a possibility to request a noted in item 13. The information provided lacks the detail required to verify a seating design complying with Section 10043.2.3, Occupancies with fixed seats. Please provide calculations and a detailed and dimensioned plan indicating compliance with this Section. Response The auditorium seats specified are 21" deep maximum (24 degree seat back angle) from edge ofback to seat in the upright position. Since we have 29 seats per row, the minimum 12" clearance shall be increasedby.j"perseatover14. Thatequatesto15x.3"=4%". 21"+ 12"+4%"=3'-lI/2". We have provided 3'-2" row to row. See dimensions on sheet A2.2.4 See response to item I3 above concerning ais Ie w idth. Comment 16. Sheets 42.2.3 &. A5.2.6-The telescoping seating in the Gymnasium Appears to be constructed as Smoke-protected Assembly Seating per Section 1008.7.2. Please provide information and calculations indicating a Smoke control system complying with Section 1008.7.3, Smoke ControL Also, please Response @'*nt< The gtmnasium seating is not designed as a smoke-protected assembly seating per Section 1008.72. This section does not apply to our project. The seating unform load requirement is requirement is placed on the bleacher supplier. They are instructed to comply with all local building codes having jurisdiction. Comment 17. All rooms without fixed seating used for an assembly purpose are required to have the capacity ofthe room postedbn an approved sign in a conspicuous place near the main exit or exit-access doorway. Section 1007.2.6. Response W comply as applicable. provide verification that the gornstn{ction ofthe telescoping seating complies with the uniform load of =l&lllgrf .pecineo in ra(*l!9 a lfi,r),'\ / lr^ @ Vail Mountain School Plan Review Corrunents Comment 18. Sheets A2.2.1, A2.2.2, A2.2.3, M.2.4, A2.2.5 & M2.6-l was unable to locate the 2d Grade Classroom. Please provide verification that I'r and 2no Grade classrooms are located in compliance with Section 305.2.3, Special provisions. Response The Second Grade Classroom is room numberAl52located onsheetA2.2.l. Both the First- and Second- Grade classrooms are located on the Main Level of the building. The closest exits to.these rooms is at elevation106'-0"(Stairs003,004)atthefrstlanding. Thefloor,glevationoftheseroomsis102'-8". The dffirence in elevation is 3'-4" which is less than the 4'-0" spectfied in Exception Ir-- - \/ AtL)Elevator: (? Comment l. Sheet 45.1.0 * The elevator vertical travel is indicated to exceed2l-feet. Please provide verification that the elevator will comply with Section 3003.2, Smoke-detectian Recall. Response / / )Qry One-hour Fire Resistive Construction: Sheets referenced: A0.1.0, AC2.1.0, AC2.l.l, A'9.1.0 Comment l. The Code Review Plan lrgends on sheets AC2.l .0 & ACZJ.1 include a symbol for I hour rated construction, However, only some of the exterior and interior walls are indicated to be l-hour rated. The 1997 LIBC, Section 603.1 requires that Type II One-hour buildings be ofnoncombustible and one-hour fire resistive construction throughout. The exceptidn to use fire-retardant-treated wood within the assembly requires that the fire-resistance be maintained. Partition Type Notes on Sheet A9.1.0 indicate that some but not all partitions are to have a one-hour fire-resistive rating. Sheet A0.1.0 and the Project Manual indicate fire resistive design complying with UL assemblies P732 for the roof ,D925 for floors nd X'17 | for columns. I will review these assemblies, however, construction details indicating- compliance with these listed assemblies are to be included in the construction plans. Please provide a plan indicating noncombustible construction and one-hour fire-resistive construction throughout this building. Response As we discussed on the telephone, the entire building conforms to the requirement of non-combwtible construction and one-hour fire resistive construction. When we referenced wall types as being "non- rated" we are indicating where one-hour corridor or occupancy separations are not required. As an example, the partition between Classrooms AI04 and Al24 does not need to carry an occupancy separation. ThereJbre, the partition does not extend to the underside of the Jloor deck above and is " non-rated ". The partition between these classrooms and the Coridor AI20 is a/ire raled separation o www.l.id.cdm June 25, 2003 Mr. Art Hougland Hougland & Associates 0625 Sunny Acres Road Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 KLIPP CoLUSSY ARCHITFC]S, P, C. JENKS DUBOIS wriler Sq!ore, l5l2 l-o.imar Streel Bridge Level, Denv6r, Colorodo 80202 ph 303.s93-199C to] 303-893-2204 Reference: Vail Mountain School - Plan Review Dear Art; We have received your comments on the plan review for the Vail Mountain School Building and have formulated our responses below. We have repeated your comments in normal type face and then list our response in italic type for clarity. It is our hope, that with these responses, in addition to our responses to the Town Of Vail Public Works and the Town Of Vail Fire Department we can facilitate the issuance of our building permit. Since this project is being built under a Construction Manager/ General Contractor format, we will be issuing a fonnal "Post Bid Addendum" to Shaw Construction as soon as we have confirmation from Charlie Davis that we have taken oare of all of his concems. This will allow Shaw to negotiate any of the cost implications with the individual subcontractors and serve as formal instruction to them to include the changes in the project. The Town Of Vail will be copied on this addendum just as they have with all of the others. Comment 1. SheetsAC2.1.0&A2.1.0, A2.2.1 &,A5.lr0-Lecture/rehearsalhallA020hasanoccupantloadof 57 persons. The exit from this room is into Hall 4.010 then to Stair 002 or Stair 006. Although identified as a "Hall" Sheet AC2.1.0 also identifies this Hall as having l-hour rated construction. If constructed as a Hallway per Section 1004.3.3, Hall A020 would be an intervening room per Section 7004.2.2 and exit travel to the Main Level "Hall A116" would be a second intervening room and not permitted by this same section. This exit system is to be constructed as a Corridor in compliance with Section 1004.3.4. The Lecture/rehearsal Hall 4020 is a basement classroom use. (Occupant load 57-persons) Section 1007.3.9 requires that exit stairways from basements open directly to the exterior of the building without entering the first floor. I note that the second required exit from this room also enters the first floor at Corridor A120 without providing an exit directly to the exterior. Please provide a design providing two exits from the Lecture/rehearsal Hall complying with Section 1007.3.9. Also, it is unclear if this area is intended to have fixed seating or not to have fixed seating. Please provide a plan indicating compliance witlr either Section 1004.3.2.2, Width in occupancies without fixed seating, or Section 1004.3.2.3, Occupancies with frxed seats. PRII'ICIPALS Brion R. Klipp AIA r Alon E. Colussl, AIA r. Lonl D. Jenl6, AlA, Csl r Cornelius R. {K;n) DuBois. AtA r John C. flocl.l Brokou,, AlA, CEFPI ,. Gregory D. Cromer, ALA, CEFPI ASSOCIAIE pRIIJCIPAL: 5om Miller, AlA. CEFPI ;- Keol Ton, AlA, Ditector of Design 5El llOF ASSOCIATFS Gorey DicLinson; Bruce Bollenboch, AlA, CSI ASSOCiA-|ES Joy lrelond, CSl; Dionne Gericke, ASID, Diraclor of lnlerio' Desiqn ; Poul Vy'ember ; Poul Kosiner, AIA; Chod Cor Vail Mountain School Pian Review Comments 2 of 15 Response RootnnamesforA0l0,A030,andAll6wiltbechangedto"Corridor". Asyounoled,theyareidentified as one-hour assemblies and are cottsttucted as such. The occupant load for Lecture/ rehearsal Hall A020 was incoffectly stated on AC2.1 .0 as 57 persons. Using the clas.sroom use occupant load factor of 20sf./person,theactualoccupantloadis43. (843sf/20=42.15-43occupants). Pertablel0-A,the room only requires one exi!. The roont is loaded fiom the Main Level from a user standpoint, so I am not sure why you consider the room lo be a "basement classroom use". Our interpretation of the code does not make this room a "basement " use and only requires the exit to the Main Level. The only reason for the Lower Level access is to facilitate handicap access frorn the elevator and movement of music furniture, instruments, etc. from the rehearsal hall into lhe Auditorium via the elevator. This room does not have fixed seating. It will seme as Choir / Ensentble practice area as well as prottide a facility for group presentations. Both functions will use loose "furniture" seating as necessary. The width of each aisle is 44" wlzich more than exceeds the minimwn required width of 36" as stated in 1004.3.2.2. Comment 2. The configuration of the stairs from the basement will be required to comply with Section i007.3.9 Basement rooms. This section requires that within E Occupancies exit stairways from basements shall open directly to the exterior of the building without entering the first floor. The plan indicates stair 002 as entering the first floor. This basement exit system is also required to comply with Section 1104.1 for accessible means of egress, note that Areas of Refuge are not required since the building is sprinklered. Please iderrtifu all Corridors as having a one-hour flre-resistance rating. It does not appear that this building will have Hallways since Hallways are not required to be of fire-resistive construction. Resoonse Exiting through the corridor system to Stair 002 and then through Cotidor (HaII A1 16) provides an access directly outside. The cross-corridor doors between Corridor Al 10 andCorridor (Hall A116) will close onfire alarm creating a continuous exit path to the outside that does not enter the Main Level of the buitding. At the west end of Corridor (Hall A030) Stair 006 exits directly to the outside of the building. This particular issuewas discussed in depth tvith Charlie Davis and Mike McGee in an early design/planning meeting. At the time, both of them felt that what we were doing met tlrc intent of the Builditrg Code. As you state, our plans are not clear with the room conventions of "Hallway" being used in several cases lhroughout the building. The contractor will be directed to rename thefollowing rooms to "Corridor": A030, A010, AI 10, Al 16, At20, A140, 8110, A240, 82l0' 8240. Room 8120 will be deleted since it is redundant with Room B I 40. Comment 3. Sheets AC2.1.0 &. M.2.1-Hall A120 at Gallery A100 has a door A100 from the Gallery to the exterior. The Computer Lab A102 and Tech. Support 4,101 have a combined occupant ioad of 51 persons requiring access to 2 exits. Per 1997 IJBC, Section'l 004.2.1 requires that rooms with I 0 or more occupants not exit ttrough more than one intervening room. The Gallery A100 is one intervening room and Hall A120 is another. Door A100 is required to be a complying exit and identified as such. Without Vail Mountain School Plan Review Comments J OT I) this door as an exit flre east end of Hall I 20 and the Gallery A100 would create a Dead end approximately 25-feet in length per Section 1004.2.6. Please provide a corrected design. ResDonse As stated above, the contractor will be instructed to re-label Hall A 120 to Corridor Al 20. Gallery 4100 is just an extension of the corridnr and was identified separately for interior elevation design clarity. DoorAl00isanexitandkidentiJiedassuchbyemergenqtexitsignage. RefertoSheetE3.2Iforexit light symbol. Comment 4, Sheets A2.2.2, A810 & 482.0 - Fire-resistive rating of glazing opening on to one-hour fre-resistive Corridors was not found on a window schedule or in the Project Manual. The fire rating of all glazed openings are to be verified to comply with Section 1004.3 . If I have missed locating this information in the documents provided please indicate where it is to be found or provide information indicating compliance with this section. Response This will be clarif ed with the General Contractor. It was our intent that Section 08 I I 0 would cover required fire-ratings for borrowed lights and sideliles as well as door frames. All door and window frames in one-hour fire-rated cotridor walls will have a rating of 20 minutes or greater and will have wire glazing. In one-hour occupanc! separations (ie: Scimce Labs) all frames will have a 60 minute fire rating. There are no windows in these partition types. Comment 5. Sheets AC2.1.0, M.l.l, A2.2.1, A2.2.2, A2.2.4 & 42.2.5 - The Code sheets indicate some rooms to be included within the one-hour fire-resistive construction of Corridors which do not appear to comply with Section 1004.3.4.4 Intewening rooms. Exception 1, permitting foyers, lobbies or reception rooms constructed as required for corridors. Rooms not qualiSing as foyers, lobbies or reception rooms include but may not be limited to the following: Data A125, Work room 4141, AV storage 8141, DataBl2l, ElectricalBl22,WorkroomA24l&AVstorage8241. Pleaseclarifubyprovidingaplanindicating only areas meetrng the defrnition of foyer, lobby or reception room within the fire-resistive rating of the corridors. I consider tlle Commons as meeting the delinition of a reception room as long as constructed as required for corridors. Response Code Sheet AC2.1.0 shows the incorrect location of the conidor wall (between Electric BI22 and Assistant Head Office 8123) and is correctly shown on the ReJlected Ceiling Plan Sheet 43.2.3. The rating is betwem Data BI21 andA.It. StorageBI4l. The only rooms included within the corridor rating arethe AV Storage areas (8141,8241), Workrootns (A141, B24l) andTrilets (4142,4242,8142, 8242). All of these specific rooms were discussed r+,ith Mike Mccee attd Charlie Davis in our desigtt/planning nteeting. At the titne, the Owner wished to have no doors to the toilet rooms lisled above. During tlxe Constraction Documeri phase of the projec4 they elected to add doors Io these toilets, but have non-rated patterned (fi"osted) gla-ss exceeding tlrc nwxitnum fire lile size, Both Mike and Charlie were in agreement o Vail Mountain School Plan Review Comments 4 of15 that the rooms listed could indeed be within the con'idor raling. Infact, Mikefelt strottgly thatthe Workroont be included in lhe corridor for smokelfire delection reasons which we have cotnplied with. Comment 6. The Project Manual Door Schedule in Section 08?10 indicates some doors without a fire rating opening into corridors or areas intended to be portions ofcorridors such as foyers, lobbies or reception rooms. Example; door 8132 opens into WorkRoom B131 which is not separated fiom the corridor by fire resistive construction or a door with a fire rating. This situation also occurs elsewhere in the building. Also, see the item above for rooms such as the work room being a portion of corridors. Response The Administrative area of the building is being treated as a suite of less than 3000 sf. As such, Hall 8130 and Worlvoom Bl3I are not rated corridors. Hall B 130 as defined by 1004.3.3.1 is an intervening room and provides access to rated corridors 8140 and Bl l2' Comment 7. Sheets AC2.1.0 & M)} -The plans includethe installation of a foldingpanel partitionbetween the Gymnasium and the Auxiliary Gymnasium. The exiting system with the folding panel partition opened appears to be adequate. However, The exiting system from the main gymnasium does not appear to work with the partition closed. The exiting from the Auxiliary gymnasium appears to comply if "Ilall" C140 and Vestibule C142 arc constructed as required for Corriclors per Section 1004.3.4.3. Section 1065 1 of the Project Manual aildressing the operable panel partitions did not provide any information clarifring the exiting. Please provide a plan indicating an exit system for the gymnasium with the partition closed that complies with Section 1004 The Exrt Access. ResDonse The folding panel partition between Gym C100 and Awiliary Gyrn C|01 is only intended to be only 49'- 8" long, ,l,i such, it provides a 6'-0" wide minimum opening at both the north and south walls. This will be clarifed with the Contractor. Comment 8. Sheets hC2.1.1 & M.2.4 -Tlte number of occupants in the Art Studio 4202 and Art Office entering the corridor at Gal1ery 4201 is 62-persons, the number expected to exit into Gallery A201 is 3 I by the time you reach the corridor at Gallery 4200 there are 86-persons accumulated. Persons exiting into the corridor liom the Computer Art A206 room and the Art Studio A208 at Gallery 4200 are required to have the option of two exits per Section 1004.2.3.1. They do not have that option because Gallery 4200 and Ga11eryA201 createa44-footdeadendperSection1004.2.6Deadends. Evenifthesituationdescribed above were not a factor, Gallery 4200 and Gallery A201 create a dead end because the number ofpersons from other portions of the building using the exiting system at the interscction of Corridors 1oI} & A220 require 2 exits. Response Vail Mountain School Plan Review Cornments 5of15 A door will be added to the south wall of Art Studio A208 providing the requtred exit directly to Stair 002 thereby eliminating the occupatil ktarl going into Gallery A200/A201. This reduction will reduce tlrc load in the intentening roon to 42 which then dou tlot create a clead end corridor but rather an intet'vening room with an occupant load only requiring one exit. Comment 9. Sheets AC2.1.1 & A2.2.5 - Laboratories 8200, 8202,8203, B231,F.233, & 8234 are required to have two separate exits or exit access doorways per Section 1007.3.8. Laboratories. Section 1004 '2.2 Travel through intervening roonxs, Exception 4, permits one ofthese exits to go tluough an adjoining or intervening room, which in turn provides direct access to an exit or a corridor. It appears as ifthese laboratories have been designed in this way. However, it is necessary for you to provide clarification on how these exits through these adj oining rooms will be accomplished without accidental of intentional lockout occurring betwean adj oining rooms. Response ThedoorhardwareondoorsB235B,8230B,B203B,andB202Bispanicstyle(HWGroup34). Panic hardware cannot be locked in the directiotr of exit. Rooms 8202, 8203, 8230 and 8235 are not laboralories and as such only require one exit each but since thqt are part of the required exit for room 8200, 8231, and 8234, and the combined occupant load would exceed 50, hey also have panic hardware schedttled. Comment 10. The path oftravel from these laboratories shall not pass through other laboratories using hazardous materials per Section 1007.3.4. If any of these laboratories utilize hazardous materials they could not be used as an exit path of tavel from adjoining roonr as described in Item #9. Please provide verification from the building owner that hazardous materials wiil or will not be used in these laboratories. Response As stated above, Rooms 8202, 8203,8230 and 8235 are not laboratories but rather "Classrooms". It has always been a progt"amming direction given by the Owner that any hazardous materials will be limited to the labs as labeled on the floor plan. Classroom instruction will not include hazardous malerials. Comment 11. SheetsAC2.l.0, AC2.1.1,A2.2.1,M.2.4A5.1.0&A5.1.1-TheMechanicalMezzaninesdonotmeet the definition of Mezzanine per Section 214 arld are Mechanical rooms. Each of the mechanical rooms is over 500 sq. ft. These rooms appear to be used for Air Handling Uniis, however, If any piece of fuel fired equipment exceed 400,000Btu per hour in any of these mechanical rooms two exits are required per Section 1007 .7 .1, one exit may be by a fixed ladder. Please provide verification that proposed desiga complies with this section. Response Vail Mountain School Plan Review Comments 6 of 15 The ontlt fuel-fred piece of equipment is located in tlrc Boiler Rootn A037. The Air llandling Units do not haye any fuel fit ett capabili4t and there is no other fuel Jired equipntent on thes e "ntezzattines " . T'he only room having fuel fired equipment is Room A037 and il lms lhe required (2) exits. Comment 12, I did not locate in the plan verification that design permits the replacement of me chanical equipment without removal of permanent construction as required by 2000 IMC. Please indicate where this is shown on the plan or provide verification of compliance with the IMC. Response "2002 MC 306.1 Clearances for ntaintenance and replacement. Clearances around appliances to elements of permanant constn)ction, including other installed equiprnent and appliances, shall be sufficient ii atlow inspection, service repair or replacement with out removing such elements of permanent construction or disabling the function of a frea'esistance-rated assembly." The current layout k consistent with adequate clearance for rnaintaining the equipment. The air handling unils will however need to be removed through the outside air louver. Standard replacement parts fir air handlers such as motors, belts and coils can be removed down the ships ladder. Typically, the aclual AHU casing is not ever removed from the permanent curb location. Comment 13. SheetsAC2.1.0, LC2.1.L,M.2],A2.2.4,A3.2.1,A3.2.4&A4.1.0-Regardingaislesforthe assembly area of the auditorium it is not clear if the design is for a building with or without smoke protected assemblyseatingperSection1004. Themechanicalplansindicateanexhaustfan(EF-l7, 21,800cim) for smoke control indicating that the intention is to have a building with smoke protected assembly seating. This section requires that if the design is for a building with smoke protected assembly seating an approved life-safety evaluation is to be conducted and the design conform to Table 10-D. Please provide information indicating the method of smoke protection design and include the calculations indicating compliarce with Section 1004. and Table 10-C or Tablel0-D- Response For an Auditorium with only 380 seats, the calculation for aisle width aPpears to be the same for either a smoke-controlled or non-smoke controlled auditoriutn @ (.300 x A,B). The auditorium is not srnoke protected-justthestageareaasrequiredby405.3.3.1. Usingafiserheightof8",thevalueforAis 1.20. TLsingthe'valueof Bas l.25,theformulawouldbe.300x 1.20x 1.00:.45"perseatserved. Taking theieating north of doors A131A andBl32B as the area creating the aisle width calculations,(aisles terminate at these doors) we have 246 seats divlded by 2 (2 aisles) : 123 seats x .45"/seat -- 55.35 inches width for each aisle. Width provided is 56 inclrcs as shown on 42.2.1. Comment Vail Mountain School Plan Review Comments / 01 ll 14. Sheet 42.2.0 - The plan indicates Equiprnent room A032 opening into the enclosure for Stair 006. Section 1005.3.3.5 requires that openings into exit enclosures shall be limited to those necessary for egless from normally occupied spaces into the enclosure and those necessary for egress from the enclosure. The equipment room is not considered a normally occupied area. Please provide a design without the equipment room door opening directly into stair 006 enclosure. Response The intent for the location of this door is to preyent a non-owner user access to tlzeir equipment 24/7 without allowing them access to the rest of the building. This equipment room is for the existing on-site cellular telephone anlenna located on the building elevations. If there is a possibility to requ.est a variancefrom lhis requirement, then we would like to pursue that. If not, the door will be moved into Corridor 4030. Comment 15. SheetsACz.1.0,AC2.1.1, A2.2.1,A2.2.4,A3.2.1,A3.2.4&A4.1.0-Relatedtothecomment/correction noted in item 13. The information provided lacla the detail required to verifu a seating design complying with Section 1004.3.2.3, Occupancies with fixed seats. Please provide calculations and a detailed and dimensioned plan indicating compliance with this Section. Response The auditoriatn seats specified are 21 " deep maximunt (24 degree seat back angle) from edge of back to seat in the upright position. Since we have 29 seats per row, Ihe minimum I 2 " clearance shall be increasedby.3"perseatover14. Thatequatesto15x.3"=4%". 21"+12"+4%"=3'-l %". We have provided 3'-2" row to row. See dimensions on sheet A2.2.4 See response to item l3 above concerning aisle width. Comment 16. Sheets A2.2.3 & 4'5.2.6 - The telescoping seating in the Glmnasium Appears to be constructed as Smoke-protected Assembly Seating per Section 1008.7.2. Please provide information and calculations indicating a Smoke control system complying with Section 1008.7.3, Smoke Control. Also, please provide verification that the construction of the telescoping seating complies with the uniform load of 100-1bs psf specified in Table 16-.4'. Response The gnnnasiwn seating is not designed as a smoke-protected assembly seating per Seclion 1008.7.2. T'his section does not apply to our project. The seating unifornt load requirement is requirement is placed on the bleacher supplier. Tlrcy are instructed to cornply with all local building codes having jurisdiction. Comment Vail Mountain School Plan Review Comments 6 0I 1) 17. All rooms without fixed seating used for an assembly purpose are required to have the capacity of the room posted on an approveal sign in a conspicuous place near the main exit or exit-access doorway. Section 1007.2.6. Response Wl contply as applicable. Comment 18. SheetsA2.2.1,M22,A2.2.3,A2.2.4,M.2.5&.t2.2.6-Iwasunabletolocatethe2ndGradeClassroom. Please provide verification that 1"'and 2nd Grade classrooms are located in compliance with Section 305.2.3, Special pr ovisions. Response Ihe Second Grade Classroom is room nurnber Al 52 located on sheet A2.2.1. Both the First- and Second- Grade classrooms are located on the Main Level of the building. The closest exits to these rootns is at elevationl06'-0"(Stairs00j,004)attheJirstlanding. Thefloorelevattonoftheseroortsisl02'-8". The diference in elevation is 3'-4 " which is less than the 4 '-0 " spectrted in Exception I . Elevator: Comment 1. SheetA'5.1.0-The elevator vertical travel is indicated to exceed 25-feet. Please provide verification that the elevator will comply with Section 3003.2, Smoke-detection Recall. Response Fire-fighter recall is required in the Specificatiotrs. One-hour Fire Resistive Construction: Sheets referenced: A0.1.0, AC2.1.0, AC2.1.1, A9.1.0 Comment 1. The Code Review Plan Legends on sheets AC2.1.0 &. ACZ.l.l include a s1mbol for t hour rated construction. However, only some of the exterior and interior walls are indicated to be l-hour rated. The 1997 IJD.C, Section 603.1 requires that Type II One4our buildings be of noncombustible and one-hour fire resistive construction throughout. The exception to use fire-retardant-treated wood within the assembly requires that the fire-resistance be maintained. Partition Tlpe Notes on Sheet A9.1.0 indicate that somebutnot all partitions are to have a one-hour fire-resistive rating. SheetA0.l.0 and the Project ManuzLl indicate hre resistive design complying with UL assemblies P732 for the rooi D925 for floors andX171 for columns. I will review these assemblies, however, construction details indicating compliance with these listed assemblies are to be included in the construction plans. Please provide a plan indicating noncombustible construction and one-hour fire-resistive construction throughout this buildine. Vail Mountain School Plan Review Comments 9 of15 Response As we discussed on the lelephone, Ihe entire building conforms to lhe requirernent of non-conxbustible cottstruclion and one-hour Jire resistfue construction. Wren we referenced wall types as being "non- rated" we are indicating where one-Jxour corridor or occupancy separations are not required. As an exatnple, the partition between Classrooms Al04 and A124 does not need Io carry atr occupancy separation. Tlwefore, the partition does not extentl to the underside of the floor deck above and is "non-raled". The partition between these classrooms and the Conidor Al20 is afire rated separation for corridor constructio,x. This partilion runs from thefloor to the deck above. The exterior wall construction is non-combustible construction, bttt because of the clearances to property lines, it is not file-rated. The exterior openings do not catry a label or have wire glass. The exterior wall assentbly consisls of nretal studs with type X drywall on the interior and Type X gtpswn sheathing on the exterior with the wood siding or veneer stone applied otter it. Ihis assembly creates the non-contbustible exterior wall construction. Specification Section 09260 sets the requirententfor Type X drywall and 09253 sets the requirement for Type X gtpsum sheathing. Specification Section 0781I sets the requirements for the application of the fre-proofing. The UL Design nutnbers are listed here as well for the subcontractor to provide compliancc for. Comment 2. Sheet A0.1.0, under Fire Protection, Typically c., it is indicated that all exposed structure and deck more than 20 feet above the floor is not fireproofed. The 1997 UBC, Sections 602.5 &.603.5 state that other than structural frame, roofs and their members may be of unprotected noncombustible materials when every part of the roof framing, includins structural frame, is 25 feet or more above the floor. Please provide a plan indicating that the roof fne protection is designed in compliance with these sections. Response For Clarifi.cation, Section 602 does not apply. This is a Type II building, not Type I. Section 603.1 at the hottom refers the designer thus "For requirements due to occupancy, see Chapter j ". Wen you look at Chapter 3, 303.2.2 - Special Provisions (for Group A Occupancies) il clearly states that "Ihe roof- framing system for the roof ceiling assembly in one-story portions of buildings of Tl,pe II One- hour,...construction may be of unorotected constraction when such roof-framing system is open to lhe assanbly area and does not contain concealed spaces". Vy'efeel thal ourdesignfor this area complies with this section of the Code. Accessibilitv: Sheetsreferenced: AC2.10, AC2.11,A2.1,0,A2.1.1,A2.2.0,A2.2.1,M.2.2,M.23,A2.2.4,A2.2.5,M.2.6 & 47.1.10 Comment 1. Accessible Route: Sheet 42.2.1, door A100 from Gallery ,4.100 does not appear to have the required 12-inches on the latch/pushsideasrequiredbyICC/ANSIA117.1 Section 404.2.4andFi9.404.2.4.1 (b). Pleaseprovidea plan indicating compliance with ANSI A1 17.1 Section 404.2.4. Vail Mountain School Plan Review Comments i0 of 15 Resgonse While this door appears to be ix-a 12" deep atterior wall, it is an exit only door and lms a panic bar hardware ao'oss the entire width Qf tlrc door. This should make the 12" clearance to the side ofthe door redundant with the actual operatidn of the door. We believe thin' meets lhe intent of tlrc Code. Cornment 2. Ramps: Sheet A2.2.2, the rise from Hall A120 to Corridor A140 and Hall 8110 to Corridor B140 is indicated to be 32-inches. ICC/ANSI A117.1 Section 405.6 indicates that the maximum rise for any ramp run shall be 30-inches maximum. These ramps require an intermediate landing when the rise is in excess of 30- inches. Please provide a plan indicating compliance with ANSIA.117.1, Section 405.6. Response We will comply to show landing at nid-height of ramps. Comment 3. Drinking Fountains: Drinking Fountains are required to comply with ICC/ANSI A117.1 Section 602 Drtnking Fountains and Waler Coolers.I have not located in the plans, elevations or details indicating compliance with this Section. Please provide a pian indicating compliance with ANSI A1 17.1, Section 602. Response We will comply to show required clearances at Drinking Fountain. Comment 4. Toilet Rooms: ToiletroomsA034,A036, A143,M23,8117,8132,8143,8214,C122,C73481C224, donotprovide clearance for the accessible water closets per 1997 IJBC Section 1105.2.2 and ICC/ANSI A1 17.1-1998 Accessible and Useable Buildings and Faciljlies Section 604.3 Clearance. Pians as drawn indicate the lavatory within the clear space for the water closet. This is specifically not permitted under Section 604.3. As an example: Sheet A7.1.10, Detail 3 the elevation of rooms A154 &.8154 - West indicates the correct clear space of 60-inches measured from the side wall with no other fixture or obshuction. However, Detail 12 the eievation of room C122 - West indicates incorrect clear space by having the lavatory located within the 60-inch clear space. It is a common belief that a1l bathing and toilet facilities are not requred to be accessible. This in not correct, the 1997 IIBC, Section I 1 05.2 requires that when bathing facilities are provided at least one of each type of fixture be accessible. The exception is a bathing faciiity for a single occupant and not for public or coTnmon use. Also, toilet faciiities in occupancies other than dwelling unils, guest rooms and congregate residences each toilet room must be accessible. Again the exception rs for a single occupant Vail Mountain School Plan Review Comments I1 OT If and not for common or public use. Please provide a plan for each toilet room indicating compliance with ANSI A117.1, Section 604.3. Response We will cotnply to show required clearances. All toilet rooms will be made accessible. Comment 5. Toiletrooms4034,A036, A143,M23,8117,8132,8143,8214,C122,CL34&C224 asdrawndonot appear to provide wheelchair tuming space as required by 1997 UBC Section 1105.2.2 and ICC/ANSI .A117.1 Sections 304 and 603.2.1. Or, when the toilet rooms are reconfigured to provide clearance for the accessible water closet there may be conflicts in providing wheelchair-tuming space. Please provide a plan for each toilet room indicating compliance with ANSI Al 17.1, Sections 304 and 603.2.1 ResDonse Tlrc toilet roonts will be modified as required to provide the clearances specified. Comment 6. Toilet Stalls: ToiletstallsA142&Bl42asdrawndonotappeartocomplywithICC/ANSIAI 17.1 Section604.8.1.1 Size ard Fig. 604.8.1.1 Wheelchair Accessible Toilet Compartments. The compartments scale less than the required 60-inch minimum required along the wall at the back of the water closets. Sheet A7.1.10 indicates interior elevations for other toilet stalls that do appear to comply. (C127 & C163) However, these elevations indicate the flush conhol opposite the transfer side of the WC, controls on all accessible waterclosetsaretocomplywithlCCiANSlAl 17.1 Sections30SReachRanges and309 Operable Parls. Please provide a plan for one stall in each toilet room indicafing compliance with ANSI A117.1, Section 604.8.1.1. ResDonse The toilet stall dimensions will be modifed to comply. Flush controls shown in elevation will be revised lo prevent any misleading information being given to the plutnbing contractor. Comment 7 . Shower Facilities: The Boys showers C151 and Girls showers C161 do not appear to comply with ICC/ANSI A117.1 Sections 608.2.1 Transfer-Type Slzower Conxpartnxent,608.2.2 Stantlard Roll-In-Type Shower Compartment or 608.2.3 Alternate Roll-In-Type Shower Compartntent. Only one of the showers in the boy's area and one in the girl's area are required to comply. Please provide a plan for one shower in each shou'er room indicating compliance with ANSI Al17.l, Section 608.2. Resoonse Vail Mountain School Plan Review Corumelts l2 of i5 The shower stall layoul will be modified to cornply. Shower stall will be modified to revise tlrc control wall location and the 36" x 48" transfer area per Fig. 608.2.1. Comment 8. Mirrors: The Projects Manual, Detail #IS14, Lavatory Section indicates the reflective mirror surface at an above the floor height of 43-inches and perpandicular to the floor. ICC/ANSI A117.1 Section 603.3 Mirrors, requires that mirrors be installed with the reflecting surface 4O-inches maximum above the floor. Please provide a plan for minors in each toilet or shower room indicating oompliance with ANSI A1 17. I, Section 603.3 Resoonse The bottom of the mirrors will be lowered to comply. Comment 9. Signs: In the Proj ect Manual I was unable to locate any reference to the international slmbol f accessibility or other sigrs referencecl in the 1997 UBC, Section 1103.2.4 Signs.I was unable to locate a sheet indicating accessible entances and sipage as required by Sections 1103.2.3, Accessible entrances and 1103.2.4, Srgzs. Please indicate where these can be found or provicle veriflcation of compliance with these sections. Resoonse Signage is specified in Division 10431 of the Specifi.cations. As a performance specifieation, the bidder is directed to provide all ADA required signage. Their scope of work will comply with your request. Door 8160,4/81608 is provided with push button activated harilware. All other exterior doors comply with accessibilily clearance requirements. Comment Glass & Glazins: 1. I was unable to locate a reference to Safety Glazing for areas subject to human impact as required by Section 2406 n a window schedule or in the Project Manual. Please provide a window schedule indicating compliance with this section. Response The Glazing Specification 08800 will be clarified to require the glazing subcontractor to supply submittals showing cornpliance wilh Section 2406. We will comply with your request. Comment Vail Mountain School Plan Review Coniments 13 of 15 Fireplace: 1. Sheet A2.2.2 - I am unable to locate detailed pians indicating the construction of the freplace. Please provide a complete fireplace section from base to termination indicating construction complying with Section 3702, Chimneys, Fireplaces and Barbecues. Response Currentfireplace details can befound in the Detail Book at the back of Volume II of the Specifrcations. We will comply with your request to add a complete vertical section. Comment Stage area constuction: I Sheets 42.2.1 and 4'5.2.0 - The sections on sheet A5.2.0 indicate that the stage floor is concrete. Sheet M.2.7 indicates a wood floor and the Project manual, Section 09643 indicates a resilient tempered hardboard floor. Sheet 42.2.1 also indicates a detail 1S11 as a stage flooring detail and I have been unable to locate this detail which may indicate construction of the stage floor in compliance with Section 405.3.1. Please indicate where the detail is to be found or provide aplan indicating compliance with this section. Response The stage structural floor is concrete on metal d.eck over steel beams. The wood floor is an inset fi,nish floor built on top (and recessed into) the concrete floor. Details canbefoundin the back of YolumeII of the SpeciJications. AIso look al detail IS 10. Comment 2 Sheets A2.1 .2, A2.2.1, A4.1 .0, ,A.5.1.0 & ,4'5.2.0 - These sheets indicate architectural louvers in the stage area. However, information does not indicate ventilafion and smoke control systems complying with Sections405.3.3,Ventilation;40s.3.3.1, Smokecontroland405.3.3.2,Rooftents. Pleaseprovide information including engineering calculations and operational data veriffing a system complying with these sections. Response Vail Mountain School Plan Re view Comments 14 of 15 Tlre louvers shown on the abot e-referenced sheels (ire for intake and exhaust for llte mechanical equipment locatecl in the lower level. On sheet M3.2.4,'we show EF-17 which is the smoke exhawt fan for tlze stage area as required by section 405-3.3. This data had been sent (lirectly to Mike McGee fir his review and will be copied to you in the hard copy of this lettel. Comment 3 Sheets M.I.2, A2.2.1,A4.1.0 & A5.1.0 - The proscenium opening is to be protected by an approved fire curtain per Section 405.3.4, Prosceniutn walls. lhave not located information or details regarding construction including this curtain. No information was found in the Projeot Manual, Section 10520 - Fire-proteotion specialties. Please provide a pian and other information including fire resistance listing, installation methods and operational data consistent with the listing and otherwise verifying compliance with Section 405.3.4. Response The specifications for the granil drapefire safety closure syslem can be located in Division I 1060 - 2.05. As a clarification to that wording, we are providing on-stage fi.re sprinkler system (not deluge) to wet tlxe grand drape as described.. Comment 4 Sheets A2.I.2, A2.2.1, A4.1.0, A5.1.0 & A7.1.11 - Gridirons, fly galieries and pinrails are to be constrcted per Section 405.3.5 , Gridirons, fly galleries and pinrails. ResDonse There are no Gridirons, Jly galleries or pinrails in this stage area. Il is a " dead-hung" system. The structure holding up the cutlains via the pipe battens is steel and can be found on the Structural Drawings. It is consislent with the construction type of the building. Comment 5 Sheets A2.1.2,A2.2.t,A4.1.0,A5.1.0 &A7.1.11-IdidnotlocateinformationintheProjectManualthat indicated materials complying with Section 405.3.6, Flanze-retardant requirentents, for combustible scenery and similar materials. Please provide information indicating that these materials will comply with this section. I f these materials are to be provided by the building owner, the owner is required to provide verification of compliance with this section. Vail Mountain School O Plan Review Comments 15 of 15 Response There is no "scenery" being provided by the basic construction of the building. The soft-goods (curtains) are being provided and their flame retardant characteristics are specifreil in Seclion I 1060 of the Specilications. Comment Mechanical and Electrical plan review Comments and Corrections are a separate document and were transmitted by email to Tim McKay of Klipp Colussy Jenla DuBois, Architects, P.C. on June 9, 2003. The Structural plan review is in process as of this date and this information will be sent to Tim McKay as soon as completed. Response See attached letters from our Mechanical and Electrical engineers. To date, we have not received any comments from your Stractural plan review. Hopefully, we have addressed all of yow concems in an adequate manner. As I stated previously, all of the correction items will be addressed in the post bid addendum. If you have any concerns or questions please feel free to contact our offrce at (303) 893-1990 or via e-mail at Tim@kcjd.com. Sincerely, R. Timothy McKay Project Architect Cc Charlie Davis, Town OfVail Mike McGee, Town Of Vaii Earl Weiskittel, VMS Greg Cromer, KCID John McWilliams, WSI Jon Brooks, BG Matt Wallace, BG Brian Thompson, RJA P:U001-028.00 Vail Mtn School\ConsFuction Administration\ Project Communicarions\Coveming Agencies\062503 plan review comment ltr.doc June 17,2003 Mr. [rmMcKay Klipp Colussy Jenks Dubois 1512 Larimer Stree! Bridge Level Denver, CO 80110 Re: Vail Mountain School Project # 7511.01 Dear Tim, The following lettcr is in response to the project code review performed by Hougland & Associatcs on June 6,2003. Our Responses will be reference by the number of the corrective comments on the review documents. Our responses (shown in italics) are as follows: 1. Grease Ducts above roof shall be 1 6-guage minimum or 18-guage stainless steel. - The specifcalion will be modified to reflect the I 1-guage stainless steal instead of the I 8- guage galvanized steel listed. 2. Provide details for Acid Dilution Basin and related components. - Acid dilution basin should be an acid neutralization basin. The drawings will be changed to incorporate a acid, neult'alization basin sized at 30 gallons with 3 " inlet and outlet and a 2 " vent. 3. Retum air provisions not shown for Green Room A011. - I type "8 " return air grille will be added to green room A011. 4. Exhaust duct and termination not shown for Kiln System. - Kiln ductwot'k, Jlue and exhaust fan provided by owner. 5. Fire / Smoke dampers required from attic to 2oo floor at the following locations: 1) Gallery .4200 2) Conidor 8210 3) Corridor 8220 Fire / Smoke dampers will be added where the ductwork passes from the attic to the secondfloor ceiling 6. Fire / Smoke dampers not shown in North Corridor B 240. - Fire / Smoke dampers will be added where ductwork passes from the attic to the second floor ceiling. 7. In-duct smoke detectors not shown for equipment with air volumes over 2000 CFM. - Specification to be altered to inelude requirernent for duct detectors. 8. Fire / Smoke detection not shown in Mechanical Mezzanines. - Reference Division 16000 fur fre / stnoke detection. 9. Condensate drain lines and terminations not shown for computer equipment AC Units. - Cornputer roorn equipnent yet to be detennined by owner. Once equipment is selected, AC units can be delailed. 10. Duct coil controls not shown for the following locations. l) DC-68 Auditorium- S/zown in ADD]I 2) DC-71 Dressing Rooms 4033, A035 - Shown in ADD0| 3) DC-66 Corridor ,4.030 - Shown in ADD0I 4) DC-61 Green Room A011, 4013, A014 - Shown in ADDlI 5) DC-72 Auditorium - Si own in ADD}I 6) DC-70 Stage - Shown in ADD1I 7) DC-7 Workoom 4141, 4120, A140, A142- Sltown in ADD0I 8) DC-32 Dining Room - Shovvn in ADD}I 9) DC43 Foreiga Language 1o27 - Shown in ADD1I 10) DC-42 Computer Art A2O7 - Shown in ADD1I 11) DC-41 Art Studio A202- Shown in ADD0| 12) DC-61 IndependentClassroom8226- ShowninADD0l 13) DC-60 Counseling Office 8224, 8223,8222 - Shown in ADD7| 14) DC-59 11"' Grade Ciassroom 823 0 - Shown in ADD?l 15) DC-58 US Science Lab 8231 - Shown in ADD}| 16) DC-53 Pr.epB232, US Science LabB234 - Shown in ADD1| 17) DC-52 9'Grade Classroom B235 - Shoym in ADD1| 18) DC-49 Prep 8201, MS Science 8202 - Shown in ADD}I 19) DC-50 Office 8212, Lab MS Science B.200 - Shown in ADD]I 20) DC-51 Office 8213, 8203,8224 - Shown in ADD0I 21) DC-65 Corridor 8210, 8220 - Shown in ADD1I 22) DC-73 Corridor 8240 - Shown in ADD]I 23) DC-54 7s Grade Classroom P.250 - Shown in ADDI| 24) DC-55 i0e Grade Classroom 825 | - Shown in ADD0I 25) DC-57 4m Grade Classroom B25 2 - Shown in ADD1I 26) DC-56 6b Grade Classroom B25 5 - Shown in ADD\L 27) DC-63 Board Conference Room C22 - Shown in ADD}I 28) DC-62 6h Grade Classroom C226 - Shown in ADD7I 1 1. Control for DC-34 at Girls Lockers shown within storage closet. - TTetmostat to be relocated to locker room. 12. Controi for DC-18 at Corridor 8140 shown in wrong location.- Thermostat to be relocated to corridor. 13. Provide submittal documents for "Bylin" Rim system snontnelt. - Re/erence Division I6000. 14. Conhol Method not provided for cooing side of building IIVAC system. - Refer to Specification section 15950, 4.01.E.1, 2. 15. Grease duct sha1l maintain 18" minimum clearance to combustible oonstruction. - Grease duct penetrates directly from kitchen to roof, Architect to delail roofpenelration from cornbustibles. 16. Provide details for grease duct enclosure. - Refer to Architectrral 17. Type I kitchen hood exhaust fan discharge to terminate a minimum of 40" above finished roof surface. - Curb height antl fan heigltt to prwide 40 " clear from roof to fan discharge. 18. Provide specification for Type I and Type tr hood systems. - Refer to Kitchen Specffications. Our drawing and specification revisions for these corrections will be issued in addendum ADD04. Please feel free to call with anv additional ouestions or comments. Best Regards, Matthew D. Wallace, P.E. Project Engineer June 23, 2003 Mr. TinMcKay Klipp Colussy Jenla Dubois 1512 Larimer Street, Bridge Level Denver, CO 80110 Re: Vail Mountain School Project # 751l.0l Dear Tim, The following letter is in response to the project code review perfonned by Hougland & Associates on June 6,2003. Our Responses will be referenced by the number of the corrective comments on the review documents. Our responses (shown in italics) are as follows: 1. Overcurrent protection required in elevator machine room for elevator car lights. Refer to Sheet E2.20 - Elevatorfan and lights are to beprotected by circuit breaker LIEI-42 located in Elevator Machine A024. 2. Lighting for elevator related equipment to be on separate circuit from required GFI protected ouflets. General use elevator lighting (circuit HBEI-7) and elevator cab lights (LlE1-42) are not on the same circuit as elevator GFI outlet (LlEl-4). 3. All convenience outlets in elevator pit, hoist way, top of car and machine room to be GFI protected. All outlets in elevator pit, hoist way, top of car and machine room are GFI protected per the drawings (see sheet E2.20). 4. Childproof convenience outlets not shown in Kindergarten room C 121 . Refer to Sheet 82.23, Kindergarlm C121, flag note #1 for specification of chil dpro of r e c ept acl e s. 5. Converjence outlets in mechanical mezzarines to be GFI protected. See addendum ll4 for the addition of GFI outlets in the mechanical mezzanines.. 6. Power for "Bylin" Rim System Snowmelt at roof to be a 30ma GFI protected circuit for equipment. Refer to Sheet E2.28, flag note #1 for 30ma circuit breaker requirement. Refer to Sheet 85.10, panel schedule HBE2 for 30ma circuit breaker requirentent. 7. Dry tpe transforrners ll2 %KV A and smaller shall be separated from combustible material by at least 12". No transformers are locatedwithin 12" of combustible material. 8. All convenience outlets in kitchen area to be GFI protected- All convenience outlets are GFI protected per the drawings (Sheet E2.23, Kitchen Cl 3 1. Sheet E2.2 1, Kitchen AI 22). 9. Dimming panel LBE3 feeder conductors from TBE2 not protected on secondary side. See addendum #4 for the addition of a 400A disconnect at panel LBE3.. 10. GFI protection required for all elechic resistance heating snowmelt, Refer to Sheet E2.28, flag note #1 for 30ma circuit breaker requirement. Refer to Sheet E5.10, panel schedule HBE2 for 30ma circait breaker requirement. 11. Emergency system stand-by generator circuits shall be isolated or installed in separate raceways. See addendum ll4for the addition of NEC section 700.9(8)- Please feel free to call with anv additional ouestions or comments. Best Regards, AmandaK. Martinez Engineer ww w. kcj d. qo m June 30.2003 .(,&? Mr. Art Hougland Hougland & Associates 0625 Sunny Acres Road Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 KLIPP CoLUSSY JENKS DUBoIS aRcH rrrcrs. P.c. Wrlrer Squar!, | 512 La.lm.r Strart 8rid9e Level, Denver, Colorado 80202 ph 303-E93-1990 fax 303-893-2204 Reference: Vail Mountain School - Plan Review Dear Art: We have received your comments on the plan review for the Vail Mormain School Building and have formulated our responses below. We have repeated your conrments in normal type face and then list our response in italic type for clarity. It is our hope, that with these responses, in addition to our responses to the Town Of Vail Public Works and the Town Of Vail Fire Deparfnent, we can facilitate the issuance of our building permit. Since this project is being built under a Construction Manager/ General Contractor format, we will be issuing a forrnal "Post Bid Addendum" to Shaw Constuction as soon as we have confirmation fiom Charlie Davis that we have taken care of all of his concems. This will allow Shaw to negotiate any of the cost implications v/ith the individual subcontractors and serve as forrnal instruction to them to include the changes in the project. The Town Of Vail will be copied on this addendum just as they have with all ofthe others. Comment 1. Sheets AC2.1.0 & A2. 1 .0 , A2.2.1 & 4'5.1.0 - Lecture/rehearsal hall A020 has an occupant load of 57 persons. The exit from this room is into Hall A0l0 then to Stair 002 or Stair 006. Although identified as a "Hallo' Sheet AC2, 1.0 also identifies this Hall as having l-hour rated construction. If constructed as a Hallway per Section 1004.3.3, Hall .4020 would be an intervening room per Section 1004.2.2 and exit travel to the Main Level "Hall Al16" would be a second intervening room and not permitted by this sasre section. This exit system is to be constructed as a Corridor in compliance with Section 1004.3.4. The Lecture/rehearsal Hall A.020 is a basement classroom use. (Occupant load 57-persons) Section 1007.3.9 requires that exit stairways from basements open directly to the exterior of the building without entering the first floor. I note that the second required exit from this room also enters the first floor at Corridor Al20 without providing an exit directly to the exterior. Please provide a design providing two exits from the Lecture/rehearsal Hall complying with Section 1007.3.9. Also, it is unclear if this area is intended to have fixed $eating or not to have fixed seating. Please provide a plan indicating compliance with either Section 1004.3.2.2, Width in occupancies without fixed seating, or Section 1004.3.2.3, Occupancies with fixed seats. Ir*,*.,0o* Brian R. Klipp, AlA. Alan E. Colussy, AlA. Larry D.Jenks, AlA, CSI . Cornelius R. (Kin) DuBois, AlA.John C. oacld Brokaw, AlA. CEfPl. Cregory D. Cromer, All CEFPI ASSOCIATF PR!NalPAl \ Sam Miller. AlA. CFFPI . Keat Tan. AlA. Dire.tor of Desion Room names for A010, A030, and AI I6 will be changed to "Conidor". As you noted, they are identiJied as one-hour assemblies and are constructed as such. The occupant load for Lecture/ rehearsal Hall A020 was incorrectly stated on AC2.1.0 as 57 persons. Using the classroom use occupant load factor of 20 sf / person, the actual occupant load is 43. (8a3 sf /20=42.15 = 43occapants). Per table 10-A, the room only requires one exit. The room is loadedfrom the Main Level from a wer standpoint, so I am not sure why you consider the room to be a "basement classroom use". Our interpretation of the code does not make this room a "basement" use and only requires the exit to the Main Level. The only reason for the Lower Level access rs to facilitate handicap access from the elevator and movement of music furniture, instruments, etc. from the rehearsal hall into the Auditorium via the elevator. Ihis room does not have Jixed seating. It will serve as Choir / Ensemble practice area as well as provide a facility for group presentations. Both functions will use loose 'furniture " seating as necessary. The width of each aisle is 44" which more than exceeds the minimum required width of 36" as stated in 1004.3.2.2. Comment regarding resDonse: Section 203 defines a basement as follows: "Basement is any floor level below the first story in a building except that a floor level in a building having only one floor level shall be classified a$ a basement unless such floor level qualifies as a fires story as defined herein.' Section 220 defines a first story as follows:(Story, First, is the lowest stora in a buildlng that qualifies as a story, as defined herein, except that a floor level in a building having only one floor level shall be cl,assified as a first story, provided such floor level ls not more than 4 feet (1219 mm) below grade, as defined herein, for more than 50 percent of the total perimeter, or not more than 8 feet (2438 mm) below grade, as defined herein at any point." Section 208 defines grade as follows: "Grade (adjacent Ground Elevation) is the lowest point of elevation of the finished surface ofthe ground, paving or sidewalk withln the area between the building and the property line or, when the property line is more than 5 feet (1524 mm) from the building, between the building and a line 5 feet from the building." Sheets .45.1.0, 45.1.1 and details on Sheet A5.2.9 appear to indicate the area to be consistent with the definition of a basement rather than a first story. The matter of exiting from this area is to be resolved to the satisfaction ofthe ChiefBuilding Official. (,t 51R t tL (o"Comment 2. The configuration of the stairs from the basement will be required to comply with Section 1007.3.9 Basernent rooms. This section requires that within E Occupancies exit stairways from basements shall open directly to the exterior of the building without entering the fir$ floor. The plan indicates stair 002 as entering the fnst floor. This basement exit system is also required to comply with Section 1104.1 for accessible means of egress, note that Areas ofRefuge are not required since the building is sprinklered. Please identifu all Corridors as having a one-hour fire-resistance rating. It does not appear that tlris building will have Hallways since Hallways are not required to be of fire-resistive construction. Response Exiting through the corridor system to Stair 002 and then through Corridor (Hall Al l6) provides an access directly outside. The cross-corridor doors between Corridor AI10 and Corridor (HaA AI 16) will close onJire alarm creating a continuous 6it path to the outside that does not enter the Main Level of the building. At the west end of Corridor (Ilall A030) Stair 006 exits directly to the outside of the building. This particular issue was discussed in depth with Charlie Davis and Mike McGee in an early desigtdplanning meeting. At the time, both of them felt that what we were doing met the intent of the Building Code. As you state, our plans are not clear with the room conventions of "Hallway" being used in several cases throughout the buililing. The contractor will be directed to rename the followingroomsto"Coridor": A030,A010,A110,A1 16,A120,A140,8110,A240,82i,0,8240. Roon B I 20 will be deleted since it is redundant with Room B I 40. Comment regarding response: My phone conversation with the Chief Building Olficlol indicates that he has agreed to the exiting as designed. Comment ou-. 3. SheetsAC2.l.0& A2.2.1-HallAl20atGalleryAl00hasadoorAl00fiomtheGallerytothe exterior. The Computer Lab A102 and Tech. Support Al0l have a combined occupant load of51 persons requiring access to 2 exits. Per 1997 uBC, SectionlO04.2.l requires that rooms with 10 or more occupants not exit though more than one intervening room. The Gallery 4100 is one intervening room and Hall Al20 is another. Door Al00 is required to be a complying exit and identified as such. Without this door as an exit the east end ofHall 120 and the Gallery Al00 would create a Dead end approximately 25-feet in length per Section 1004.2.6. Please provide a corrected design. ResDonse As stated above, the contractor will be instructed to re-label Hall AI20 to Corridor A120. Gallery A100 is iu.st on extension of the corridor and was identified separately for interior elevation design claity. Door AI00 is an exit and is identified as srch by emergency exit signage. Refer to Sheet E 3.21for exit light symbol. Comment regarding response: Resolved Comment 4. Sheets A2.2.2, A810 & A82.0 - Fire-resistive rating of glazing opening on to one-hour fire-resistive Corridors was not found on a window schedule or in the Project Manual. The fire rating of atl glazed openings are to be verified to comply with Section 1004. If I have missed locating this information in the documents provided please indicate where it is to be found or provide infonnation indicating compliance with this section. Response This will be clarified with the General Contractor. It was our intent that Section 08I I 0 would cover required fire-ratings for borrowed lights and sidelites as well as door frames. All door and window frames in one-hour Jire-rated corridor walls will have a rating of 20 minutes or greater and will have wire glazing. In one-hour occupancy separations (ie: Science Labs) all frames will have a 60 minute fre rating. There are no windows in these partifion types. Comment regarding resDonse: Resolved Comment 5. Sheets AC2.1.0, A2.1.1, A2.2.1, A2.2.2, A2.2.4 & A2.2.5 -The Code sheets indicate some rooms to be included within the one-hour fne-resistive consfuction of Corridors which do not appear to comply with Section 1004.3.4.4 lntervening rooms. Exception l, permitting foyers, lobbies or reception rooms constructed as required for coridors. Rooms not qualiffing as foyers, lobbies or reception rooms include but may not be limited to the following: Data 4125, Work room A141, AV storage Bl4l, Data B121, Electrical 8122, Work room r'o4l & AV storage B241. Please clariff by providing a plan indicating only areas meeting the definition of foyeq lobby or reception room within the fire-resistive rating of the corridors. I consider the Cornrrons as meeting the definition of a reception room as long as constructed as required for cofiidors. Response Code Sheet AC2.I .0 shows the incorrect location of the corridor wall (between Electric B 122 and Assistant Head Off;ce 8123) and is correctly shown on the ReJlected Ceiling Plan SheetA3.2.3. The rating is between Data Bl21 and A.Y. Storage 8141. The only rooms included within the corridor rating are the AV Storage areas (8141, 8241), lVorkrooms (A141,8241) and Toilets (A142, A242, 8142,8242). All of these speciJic rooms were discussed with Mike McGee and Charlie Davis in our design/planning meeting. At the time, the Owner wished to have no doors to the toilet rooms listed above. During the Construction Document phase of the project, thry elected to add doors to these toilets, but have non-rated patterned (frosted) glass exceeding the maximum fire lite size. Both Mike and Charlie were in agreement that the rooms listed could indeed be within the corridor rating. In fact, Mike felt strongly that the Workroom be included in the corridor for smoke/fire detection reasons which we have complied with. Comment reqarding resDonse: Resolved. Comment 6. The Project Manual Door Schedule in Section 08710 indicates soms doors.,eithout a fire rating opening into corridors or areas intended to be portions of corridors such as foyers, lobbies or reception rooms. Example; door B 132 opens into Work Room B 13 I which is not separated from the corridor by fire resistive construction or a door with a fire rating. This situation also occurs elsewhere in the building. Also, see the item above for rooms such as the work room being a portion of corridors. ResDonse The Administrative area of the building is being treated as a suite of less than 3000 sf. As such, Hall BI30 and Workroom B I 3l are not rated conidors. Hall Bl30 as defined by 1004.3.3.1 is an intervening room and provides access to rated corridors B I 40 and B I I 2 . Comment regardins resDonse: I agree that Hall 130 may be considered as a hallway or intervening room. Doors 8130 are rated doors activated to close by the detection and alarm system. Doors B13l are rated doors with panic hardware. Comment 7. Sheets AC2.l.0 & 42.2.3 -The plans include the installation of a folding panel partition between the Gymnasium and the Auxiliary Gymnasium. The exiting system with the folding panel partition opened appears to be adequate. However, The exiting system frorn the main gymnasium does not appear to work with the partition closed. The exiting from the Auxiliary gymnasium appears to comply if "Hall" Cl40 and Vestibule C142 are constructed as required for Corridors per Section 1004.3.4.3. Section 1065 I ofthe Project Manual addressing the operable panel partitions did not provide any information clariQing the exiting. Please provide a plan indicating an exit system for the gyrnnasium with the partition closed that complies with Section 1004 The Exit Access. Response Thefolding panel partition between Gyn C100 and Auriliary Gym C10l is only intended to be only 49'-8" long. As such, it provides a 6'-0" wide minimum opming at both the north and south walls. This will be clarilied with the Contractor. Comment regarding response: Clarilication is required for the Chief Building Offlcial that the exitlng system for these area$ will be functional and in compliance with the 1997 IJBC. Comment 8. Sheets AC2.l.l & 42.2.4 - The number of occupants in the Art Studio 4.202 and Art Office entering the corridor at Gallery A201 is 62-persons, the number expected to exit into Gallery A20l is 3l by the time you reach the corridor at Gallery A200 there are 86-penons accumulated. Persons exiting into the corridor from the Computer Art 4,206 room and the Art Studio A.208 at Gallery A200 are required to have the option oftwo exits per Section 1004.2.3.1. They do not have that option because Gallery A200 and Gallery A201 create a 44-foot dead end per Section 1004.2.6 Dead ends. Even if the situation described above were not a factor, Gallery A200 and Gallery A20l create a dead end because the number of persons from other portions ofthe building using the exiting system at the intersection of Corridors 4210 & 1J20 require 2 exits. Response A door will be added to the south wail ofArt Studio A208 providing the required exit directly to Stair 002 thereby eliminating the occupant loqd going into Gallery A200/A201. This reduction will reduce the load in the intervening room to 42 which then does not create a dead end corridor but rather an intervening room with an occupant load only requiring one exit. Com ment regarding resnonse: The Art Studio A202 and adjoinitrg office ,4205 and photo A.206 have a combined occupant load of 62 persons. 31 of which will be expected to exlt at the east door A202B and 31 will enter the corridor at door A2OZA. Art Studio A208 has an occupant load of 45 persons. The Architect will provide for a 2d exit serving 23 persons from this room on the south side at Stair 002. 22 persons are expected to exit into the corridor at Gallery A200. 11 persons are expected to exit Computer Art A207 into corridor at Gallery A200. The total persons from these rooms is 64 persons in the corridor. I do not agree that this does not create a dead end corridor and that this area is only an intervening room. This gintervening room" is not separated from Corridors A210 and 4220 and is part ofthe corridor system. Persons using Corridors 4210 and A,220 are subjected to a 44 foot dead end comprised of Gallery A200 and Gallery .4'201. .r- The Architect may want to consider as a method of correcting this condition the+ providing exit door(s) at the intersection of Corridors A210 & L220 ftom Galleries A200 & 4201. This would make Galleries A200 & A201 a hallway/intervening room that enters the corridor at the intersection. In my opinion this would comply with the code. Comment 9. SheetsAC2.l.l &A2.2.5-LaboratoriesB200,B202,B203,B23l,B233,&B.234arerequiredtohave two separate exits or exit access doorways per Section 1007.3.8 . Laboratories. Section 1004.2.2 Trovel through intemening rooms, Etception 4 permits one ofthese exits to go through an adjoining or intervening room, which in turn provides direct access to an exit or a corridor. It appears as if these laboratories have been designed in this way. Howeveq it is necessary for you to provide clarification on how these exits through these adjoining rooms will be accomplished without accidental of intentional lockout occurring between adjoining rooms. Response Ihe door hardware on doors 82358, 82308, 82038, and 82028 is panic style (HW Group 34). Panic hardware cannot be loclced in the direction of e$t. Rooms 8202, 8203, 8230 and 8235 are not laboratories and as such only require one exit each but since they are part of the required exit for room 8200,8231, and 8234, and the combined occupant load would exceed 50, hey also have panic hardware scheduled. Comment regarding response: Resolved Comment 10. The path oftravel from these laboratories shall not pass through other laboratories using hazardous materials per Section 1007.3.4. If any of these laboratories utilize hazardous materials they could not be used as an exit path of travel from adjoining rooms as described in Item #9. Please pmvide verifrcation from the buildins owner that hazardous materials will or will not be used in these laboratories . Response As stated above, Rooms 8202, 8203, 8230 and 8235 are not laboratories but rather "Classrooms". It has always been a programming direction given by the Owner that any hazardous materials will be limited to the labs as labeled on the floor plan. Classroom instruction will not include hazardous materials. Comment regarding resDonse: Resolved Comment 11. Sheets AC2.1.0, AC2.1.1, A2.2.1,42.2.4, A5.1.0 & A5.l.l -The Mechanical Mezzanines do not meet the definition of Mezzanine per Section2l4 and are Mechanical rooms. Each of the mechanical rooms is over 500 sq. ft. These rooms appear to be used for Air Handling Units, however, If any piece of fuel fued equipment exceed 400,0008tu per hour in any ofthese mechanical rooms two exits are required per Section 1007.7.1, one exit may be by a fixed ladder. Please provide verification rhat proposed design complies with this section. Response The only fuel-Jired piece oJ equipment is located in the Boiler Room A037. The Air Handling Units do not have any fuel Jireil capability and there is no other fuel fired equipnmt on these "mezzanines " . The only roorn having fuel fired equipnent is Room A037 and it has the required (2) exits. Comment regardlng response: Resolved Conrment 12. I did not locate in the plan verification that design permits the replacement of mechanical equipment without removal of permanent construction as requked by 2000IMC. Please indicate where this is shown on the plan or provide verification of compliance with the MC. Response "2002 IMC 306.1 Clearances for maintenance and replacement. Clearances around appliances to elenents of permanent construction, including other installed equiprnent and appliances, shall be sufiicient to allow inspection, semice repair or replacement with out removing such elements of permanent construction or disabling the function of a fre-resistance-rated assembly. " The current layout is consistent with adequate clearance for maintaining the equipment. The air handling units will however need to be removed through the outside air louver. Standard replacernent paris for air handlers such as motors, belts and coils can be removed down the ships ladder. Typically, the actual AHU casing is not ever removed from the permanent curb location. Comment regarding resuonse: Resolved Comment 13. Sheets AC2.1.0, AC2.1.1, A2.2.1, A2.2.4, A3.2.1, A3.2.4 & A4.1.0-Regarding aisles forthe assembly area of the auditorium it is not clear if the design is for a building with or without smoke protected assembly seating per Section 1004. The mechanical plans indicate an exhaust fan (EF-17, 2l,800cfm) for smoke control indicating that the intention is to have a building with smoke protected assembly seating. This section requires tbat if the design is for a building with smoke protected assembly seating an approved life-safety evaluation is to be conducted and the design conform to Table 10-D. Please provide information indicating the method of smoke protection design and include the calculations indicating compliance with Section 10O4. and Table l0-C or Tablel0-D. Response For an Auditorium with only 380 seats, the calculation for aisle width appears to be the samefor either a smoke-controlled or non-smoke controlled auditoium @ (.300 x AB). The auditoium is not smoke protected -just the stage area as required by 405.3.3.1. Using a riser height of 8", the value for A is 1.20. Using the value of B as 1.25, the formula would be .300 x 1.20 x 1.00 = .45" per seat semed. Taking the seating north of doors Al 3 I A and B I 3 28 as the area ereating the aisle width calculations,(aisles terminate at these doors) we have 246 seats divided by 2 (2 aisles) = 123 seats x .45 "/seat = 55.35 inches widthfor each aisle. Witlth proviiled is 56 inches as shown on A2.2.1. Comment regarding response: Resolved Comment 14. Sheet 42.2.0 - The plan indicates Equipment room ,4.032 opening into the enclosure for Stair 006. Section 1005.3.3.5 requires that opsnings into cxit enclosures shall be limited to those necessary for egress from normally occupied spaces into the enclosure and those necessary for egress from the enclosure. The equipment room is not considered a normally occupied area. Please provide a design without the equipment room door opening directly into stair 006 enclosure. Resoonse The intent for the location of this door is to prevmt a non-orwrcr user access to their equipment 24/7 without allowing them access to the rest of the building. This equipment room is for the existing on- site cellular telephone antenna located on the building elevations. If there is a possibility to request a variance from this requirement, then we would like to pursue that. If not, the door will be moved into Corridor A030. 0l( n Comment reeardins response: Lv' Since the access for this equipment room wlll be established early ln the foundation construction this issue ls required to be resolved and approved by the ChiefBuilding Oflicial. Comment 15. SheetsAC2.l.0,AC2.1.l,42.2.1,A2.2.4,A3.2.1,A3.2.4&A4.1.0-Relatedtothe commenVconection noted in item 13. The inforrration provided lacks the detail required to verify a seating design complying with Section 1004.3.2.3, Occupancies with rtxed seats. Please provide calculations and a detailed and dimensioned plan indicating compliance with this Section. Response The auditorium seats specified are 2I " deep maximum (24 degree seat back angle) from edge ofback to seat in the upright position. Since we have 29 seats per row, the minimum 12" clearance shall be increased by.3" per seat over 14. That equates to 15x.3" = 41/2". 2l" + 12" + 4I/2" = 3'-1 %". Il'e have provided 3'-2" row to row. See dimensions on sheet A2.2.4 See response to item l3 dbove conc erning ais le w i dt h. Comment regardin g response: Resolved Comment 16. Sheets A2.2.3 & ,{5.2.6 -The telescoping seating in the Gymnasium Appears to be constructed as Smoke-protected Assembly Seating per Section 1008J.2. Please provide infonnation and calculations indicating a Smoke control system complying with Section 1008.7.3, Smoke Control. Also, please provide verification that the construction ofthe telescoping seating complies with the uniforrn load of 100Jbs psfspecified in Table 16-A. Resoonse The gtmnasium seating is not designed as a smoke-protected assembly seating per Section 1008.7.2. This section does not apply to our project. The seating undorm load requirement is requirement is placed on the bleacher supplier. They are instracted to comply with all local building codes having jurisdiction. Comment regarding response: Resolved Comment 17. All rooms without fixed seating used for an assembly purpose are required to have the capacity of the room posted on an approved sip in a conspicuous place near the main exit or exit-access doorway. Section 1007.2.6. ResDonse Will comply as applicable. Comment 18. Sheets M.2.1, M.2.2, A2.2.3, r'-2.2.4, A2.2.5 & M.2.6-lwas unable to locate the 2od Grade Classroom. Please provide verification that ls and 2nd Grade classrooms ar€ located in compliance with Section 305.2.3, Special provisions. Response Ihe Second Grade Classroom is room number A152 located on sheet A2.2.1. Both the First- and Second-Grade classrooms are located on the Main Level of the building. Ihe closest exits to these rooms is at elevdtion 106'-0" (Stairs 003,004) at the first landing. Ihe floor elevation of these rooms is 102'-8". The difference in elevation is 3'-4" which is less than the 4'-0" specifed in Exception 1. Comment regarding resDonse: Resolved I Elevator: Comment l. SheetA5.1.0-The elevator vertical fiavel is indicated to exceed 25-feet. Please provide verification that the elevator will comply with Section 3O03.2, Smoke-detection Recall. Resoonse Fire-fighter recall is required in the SpeciJications. One-hour Fire Resistive Construction: Sheets referenced: A0.1.0, AC2.1.0, AC2.1.1, A9.1.0 Comment l. The Code Review Plan Legends on sheets AC2.l.0 & AC2.l.l include a symbol for I hour rated construction. However, only some of the exterior and interior walls are indicated to be l-hour rated. The 1997 UBC, Section 603.1 requires that Type II One-hour buildings be of noncombustible and one-hour fire resistive construction throughout. The exception to use fire-retardant-treated wood within the assembly requires that the fire-resistance be maintained. Partition Type Notes on Sheet A9.1.0 indicate that some but not all partitions are to have a one-hour fire-resistive rating. Sheet A0.1.0 and the Project Manual indicate fire resistive design complying with UL assemblies P732 for the roof, D925 for floors andX771 for columns. I will review these assemblies, however, construction details indicating compliance with these listed assemblies are to be included in the construction plans. Please provide a plan indicating noncombustible construction and one-hour fire-resistive construction throughout this building. Response As we discussed on the telephone, the entire building conforms to the rcquirement of non- combustible constraction and one-hour fire resistive constlaction. When we referenced wall Wes as being "non-rated " we are indicating where one-hour corridor or occupancy separations are not required. As an example, the partition between Classrooms Al04 and AI24 does not need to carry an occupancy separation. Therefore, the partition does not extend to the underside of the floor deck above and is " non-rated " . The partition between these classrooms and the Conidor Al 20 is a fire rated separation for corridor construction. This partition runs from the floor to the deck above. The exterior wall construction is non- combustible construction, but because of the clearances to property lines, it is notfire-rated. The exterior openings do not carry a label or have wire glass. The exterior wall assembly consists of metal studs with type X dryn+tall on the interior and Type X gtpsum sheathing on the exterior with the wood siding or yeneer stone applied over it. This assembly creates the non-combustible exterior wall construction. SpeciJication Section 09260 sets the requirementfor Type X drywall and 09253 sets the requirementfor Type X g)psum sheathing. SpeciJication Section 0781 I sets the requirements for the application of the fire- proofing. The UL Design numbers are listed here as well for the subcontractor to provide compliance for. Comment regarding resDonse: Phone conversation with Charlie Davis indicated that the requirements for fire re$istive construction are understood by Architect and Contractor. Comment 2. Sheet A0.1.0, under Fire Protection, Typically c., it is indicated that all exposed structure and deck more than 20 feet above the floor is not freproofed. The 1997 UBC, Sections 602.5 & 603.5 state that other than stnrchral frame, roofs and their memben may be of unprotected noncombustible materials when every part of the roof framing, including structural frame, is 25 feet or more above the floor. Please provide a plan indicating that the roof fire protection is designed in compliance with these sections. Resoonse For Clarifcation, Section 602 does not apply. This is a Type II building, not Type L Section 603.1 at the bottom refers the designer thus "For requirements due to occupdncy, see Chapter 3". When you look at Chapter 3, 303.2.2 - Special Provisions for Group A Occapancies) it clearly states that "The roof-framing system for the roof-ceiling assembly in one-story portions of buildings of Type II One- hour,,..construction may be ofunorotected construction when such roof-framing system is open to the assembly area and does not contain concealed spaces". We feel that our design for this area complies with this section of the Code. Comment regarding resDonse: Section 603..5 Roofs, (Under Type II Buildtngs) refers back to Section 602.5. The Architect makes a good poitrt in his reference to Section 303.2.2, however, this is a provision for one-story portions of buildings. In the Fire Protection block on Sheet A0.1.0 this is not made clear and it appears to apply to all portions of the building. Architect is to correct this notation to be approved by the Chief Building Olficial. Accessibility: Sheets referenced: AC2.10, AC 2.11, A2.1.0, A2.l.l, A2.2.0, A2.2.1, A2.2.2, A2.2.3, A2.2.4, A2.2.5, M.2.6 & 47.r.10 Comment l. Accessible Route: Sheet A2.2.1, door A100 from Gallery Al00 does not appear to have the required l2-inches on the latch,/push side as required by ICC/ANSI Al l7.l Section 404.2.4 andFig.404.2.4.l (b). Please provide a plan indicating compliance with ANSI Al 17.1 Section 4M.2.4. Response While this door appears to be in a 1 2 " deep qterior wall, it is an exit only door and has a panic bar hardware across the entire width ofthe door. This should make the 12" clearance to the side of the door redundant with the actual operation of the door. lV'e believe this meets the intent of the Code. Comment 2. Ramps: Sheet '4'2.2.2, the rise from Hall A120 to Corridor .4140 and Hall Bl l0 to Corridor Bl40 is indicated to be 32-inches. ICC/ANSI Al17.1 Section 405.6 indicates that the maximum rise for any ramp run shall be 30-inches maximum. These ramps require an intermediate landing when the rise is in excess of 30-inches. Please provide a plan indicating compliance with ANSI Al 17.1, Section 405.6. Resoonse We will comply to show landing at mid-height of ramps. Comment 3. Drinking Fountains: Drinking Fountahs are required to comply with ICC/ANSI A117.1 Section 602 Dn nking Fountains and Water Coolers. I have not locatcd in the plans, elevations or details indicating compliance with this Section. Please provide a plan indicating compliance with ANSI A117.1, Section 602. Response We will comply to show required clearances at Drinking Fountain. Comment 4. Toilet Rooms: Toilet rooms A034, ..4'036, 4143, A223,Bll7 ,8132,8143,B214, C122, Cl34 & C224, do not provide clearance for the accessible water closets per 1997 IJBC Section 1105.2.2 and ICC/ANSI All7.l-1998 Accessible and Useable Buildings and Facilities Section 604.3 Clearance. Plans as drawn indicate the lavatory within the clear space for the water closet. This is specifically not permitted under Section 604.3. As an example: Sheet A7.1.10, Detail 3 the elevation of rooms Al54 & 8154-West indicates the correct clear space of 60-inches measured from the side wall with no other fixture or obstruction. However. Detail 12 the elevation of room C 122 - West indicates incorrect clear space by having the lavatory located within the 60-inch clear space. It is a common beliefthat all bathing aDd toilet facilities are not required to be accessible. This in not corect, the 1997 UBC, Section 1105.2 requires that when bathing facilities are provided at least one of each type of fixture be accessible. The exception is a bathing facility for a single occupant and not for public or common use. Also, toilet facilities in occupancies other than dwelling units, guest rooms and congregate residences each toilet room must be accessible. Again the exception is for a single occupant and not for common or public use. Please provide a plan for each toilet room indicating compliance with ANSI Al17.1, Section 604.3. Resoonse ll/e will comply to show required clearances. All toilet rooms will be made accessible. Comment 5. ToiletroomsA034,A036, A143,A223,8117,B132,8143,B.214,C122,C134 &C224asdrawndo not appear to provide wheelchair tuming space as required by 1997 UBC Section 1105.2.2 and ICCIANSI Al l7.l Sections 304 and 603.2.1. Or, when the toilet rooms are reconfigured to provide clearance for the accessible water closet there may be conflicts in providing wheelchair-turning space. Please provide a plan for each toilet room indicating compliance with ANSI AIl7.l, Sections 304 and 603.2.r Response The toilet rooms will be modifed as required to provide the clearances specifed. Comment 6. Toilet Stalls: Toilet stallsAl42 &8142 as drawn do not appear to comply with ICC/ANSI Al17.l Section 604.8.1.1 ,Srze and Fig. 604.8.1.1 Wheelchair Accessible Toilet Compartments. The compartments scale less than the required 60-inch minimurn rcquircd along the wall at the back of the water closets. Sheet A7.l.l0 indicates interior elevations for other toilet stalls that do appear to comply. (C127 & Cl63) Howeveg these elevations indicate the flush control opposite the transfer side ofthe WC, controls on all accessible water closets are to comply with ICC/ANSI Al 17. 1 Sections 308 Reach Ranges and 309 Operable Parts. Please provide a plan for one stall in each toilet room indicating compliance with ANSI Al 17.1, Section 604.8.1.1. Response The toilet stall dimensions will be modified to comply. Flush controls shol^)n in elevation will be revised to prevent any misleading information being given to the plumbing contractor. Comment 7. Shower Facilities: The Boys showen Cl51 and Girls showers Cl6l do not appear to comply with ICC/ANSI Al l7.l Sections 608.2.1 Transfer-Type Shower Compartment,608.2.2 Standard Roll-In-Type Shower Compartment ot 608.2.3 Alternate Roll-In-Type Shower Compartment. Oriy one of the showers in the boy's area and one in the girl's area are required to comply. Please provide a plan for one shower in each shower room indicating compliance with ANSI A117.1, Section 608.2. Resoonse The shower stall layout will be modifed to comply. Shower stall will be modified to revise the control wall location and the 36" x 48" transfer area per Fig. 608.2.L Comment 8. Mirrors: The Projects Manual, Detail #ISl4, Lavatory Section indicates the reflective minor surface at an above the floor height of43-inches and perpendicular to the floor. ICC/ANSI A1 17.1 Section 603.3 Mirrors, requires that mirrors be installed with the reflecting surface 40-inches maximum above the floor. Please provide a plan for minors in each toilet or shower room indicating compliance with ANSI A117.1. Section 603.3 Resoonse The bottom of the mirrors will be lowered to comply. Comment 9. Signs: ln the Project Manual I was unable to locate any reference to the international symbol f accessibility or other signs referenced in *re 1997 UBC, Section I103.2.4 Srins. I was unable to locate a sheet indicating accessible entrances and signage as required by Sections 7103.2.3, Accessible entrances and 1103.2.4, Signs. Please indicate where tlese can be found or provide verification of compliance with these sections. Resoonse Sigaage is speciJied in Division 1043 I of the Specijications. As a performance specification, the bidder is directed to provide all ADA required signage. Their scope of work will comply with your request. Door B I 60A/8 I 608 is provided with push button activated hordwore. All other qterior doors comply with accessibility clearance requirements. Comment reearding response to accessibilitv notations: Resolved Comment Glass & Glazins: 1. I was unable to locate a reference to Safety Glazing for areas subject to human irnpact as required by Section 2406 in a window schedule or in the Project Manual. Please provide a window schedule indicating compliance with this section, ResDonse The Glazing Specifcation 08800 will be clarifed to require the glazing subcontractor to supply submittals showing compliance with Section 2406. We will comply with your request. Comment Fireolace: I . Sheet 42.2.2 - I am unable to locate detailed plans indicating the constnrction of the firdace. Please provide a complete fireplace section from base to terrnination indicating construction complying with Section 3102, Chimneys, Fireplaces and Barbecues. ResDonse Current Jireplace details can be found in the Detail Book at the back ol Yolume II of the Specifcations. We will comply with your request to add a complete verticql section. O Comment Stage area construction: I Sheets A2.2. 1 and 45.2.0 - The sections on sheet 4'5.2.0 indicate that the stage floor is concrete. Sheet A2.2.1 indicates a wood floor and the Project manual, Section 09643 indicates a resilient tempered hardboard floor. Sheet 42.2.1 also indicates a detail 15 I I as a stage flooring detail and I have been unable to locate this detail which may indicate construction of the stage floor in compliance with Section 405.3.1. Please indicate where the detail is to be found or provide a plan indicating compliance with this section. Resoonse The stage structural floor is concrele on metal deck over steel beams. The wood floor is an inset Jinish Jloor built on top (and recessed into) the concrete floor. Daails can be found in the back of Yolune II of the Specifrcations. Also look at detail IS I 0. Comment regarding resDonse: Resolved Comment 2 Sheets A2.1.2, A2.2.1,}^4.L0, A5.1.0 & A5.2.0 - These sheets indicate architectural louvers in the stage area. However, inforrnation does not indicate ventilation and smoke control systems complying with Sections 40 5 .3 .3, Yentilation; 405.3 .3 .1, Smoke control and. 405.3.3.2, Roofvears. Please provide infotmation including engineering calculations and operational data verifing a system complying with these sections. Response The louvers shown on the above-referenced sheets dre for intake and exhaust fol the mechanical equipment located in the lower level. On sheet M3.2.4, we show EF-l7 which is the smolce exhaust fan for the stage area as required by section 405.3.3. This data had been sent directly to Mike McGee for his review and will be copied to you in the hard copy of this letter. Comment regardins response :)<ro$Otl'r t{ Smoke exhaust comments by Architect are acceptable, Completion and testing of the smoke exhaust sy$tem should be tested by the installer and witnessed and approved by the Chlef Building Officlal and/or the Fire Marshal. Commcnt 3 Sheets A2.1 .2, A2.2.I, A4.1.0 & A5.1.0 - The proscenium opening is to be protected by an approved fre curtain per Section 405.3.4, Pro scenium wal/s. I have not located information or details regarding construction including this curtain. No information was found in the Project Manual, Section 10520 - Fire-protection specialties. Please provide a plan and other information including fire resistance listing, installation methods and operational data consistent with the listing and otherwise verifing compliance with Section 405.3.4. Response The specifications for the grand drape fire safety closule system can be located in Division 11060- 2.05. As a clariJication to that wording, we are providing on-stage fre sprtnkler system (not deluge) to wet the grand drape as described. Comment resarding resDonse: Resolved Comment 4 Sheets A2.1 .2, 42.2.1, A4.1.0, A'5.1.0 & A7.1.1 I - Gridirons, fly galleries and pinrails are to be constructed per Section 405.3.5, Gridirons, fly galleries and pinrails. Resoonse There are no Gridirons, fly galleries or pinrails in this stage area. It is a "dead-hung" system. The stntcture holding up the curtains via the pipe battens is steel and can be found on the Structural Drawings. It is consistent with the construction type of the building. Comment regarding resDonse.. Resolved Comment 5 Shects A2.1 .2, 42.2.1, }.4.1.0, A5.1.0 & A'.l .I.11- I did not locate information in the Project Mamal that indicated materials complying with Section 405 .3.6, Flame-retardant requiretnents, for combustible scenery and similar naterials. Please provide information indicating that these materials will cornply with this section. I f these materials are to be provided by the building owner, the owner is required to provide verification of compliance with this section. Response There is no "scenery" being provided by the basic construction of the building. The soft-goods (curtains) are being provided and their flame retardant characteristics are specirted in Section I 1060 of the SpeciJicatiow. Comment regarding response: Resolved Comment Mechanical and Electrical plan review Comments and Corrections are a separate document and were transmitted by email to Tim McKay of Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois, Architects, P.C. on June 9, 2003. The Sfructural plan review is in process as of this date and this information will be sent to Tim McKay as soon as completed. Response See attached letters from our Mechanical and Elecftical engineers. To date, we have not received any comments from your Structural plan review. Comment regarding resDonses: The mechanical and electrical plans examiner has bee provided with the responses from the mechanical and electrical designers and will review them presently. The reviewing sffuctural engineer has alnost completed the review of plans and calculations. He has commented very favorably on the work that has been done, He expects to send me a letter regarding this on Monday the 30th. Your professionalism and communication on thls project is greatly appreciated. Hopefully, we have addressed all of your concems in an adequate manner. As I stated previously, all of the correction items will be addressed in the post bid addendum. If you have any concems or questions please feel free to contact our olfice at (303) 893-1990 or via e-mail at Tim@kcid.com. Sincerely, R. TimothyMcKay Project Architect Cc Charlie Davis, Town Of Vail Mike McGee, Town Of Vail Earl Weiskittel, VMS Greg Cromer, KCJD John McWilliams, WSI Jon Brooks, BG Matt Wallace, BG Brian Thompson" RJA P:9001{28.00 Vail Mm School\Construction Adminisration\ Project Communications\coveming Agencies\062503 plan review comment ltr.doc www.kcid.com July 2, 2003 Mr. Mike Mcgee Vail Fire & Emergency Services 42 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 KLIPP CoLUSSY ARC H I]E CTS - P,C, JENKS DUBoIS Office GoPY Wrller Squore, l5l2 l-orlmer Strsel Brldge Level, D€nv€r, Colorodo 80202 pn 303-893-1990 fox 303-893-2204 Reference: Vail Mountain School-Plan Review Dear Mike; We have received your comments on the plan review for the Vail Mountain School Building and have offer our responses below. We have repeated your commsnts in normal type face and then list our response in italic type for clarity. c1.0 Staging areas for each phase are not indicated - This will be provided by Shaw Construction Clariff staging area for gymnasium - Ihls will be provided by Shaw Construction. Hydrant locations and fire department coru:ections are not clem or not shown- While this sheet is primarily a construction phasing plan and not a utility plan, the existing hydrant locations are shown using industry standard linegpes and symbols. See Sheet C2.0 and C2.2 for proposed utilities. For your iffirmation, the fire hydrant located nearest the cabin, is Iocated on the east side of Booth Falls Road across from Lot 18 just near the two existing trees. It is easier to see on Sheet C2.0, just north of and existing electrical tansformer and meter. The existing /ire hydrant in front of the existing school has been relocated into its new spot. See response to item C2.0 below. Note indicates we are not to scale drawings. No scale - no approval. - This note is speciJically intendedfor the Contractor. l{hile the drawings are drawn and plotted originally at a scale, the process ofreproducing documents will cause the drawings and paper to stretch. In most cases, contractors will be using a half-size set of plans for construction reference. lile obviously do not want them scaling a half size set. As it relates to any concern you might have from a Fire Protection standpoint, the drawings are scaleable. The plans do not indicate a Fire Protection Engineer of Record. - Thefirm of R.J.A. was the Fire Protection Engineer ofrecord. Addendum No. I, issued May 23, 2003 and delivered to the Town of Vail shows the addition of their name to the Project Team (addendum item AD01-A.52) and also included their specification sections. 40.1.0 PRINCiPAiS Bdon R. Klipp, AlA.Alon E. Colussy, AlA. Lony D. JenK, AlA, CSlo Cornelius R. (Kin) DuBob, AlA.John C. (Jock) Brokow, AlA. CEFP|oGregory D. Cromer, AlA. CEFPI ASSOC'ATa PRINCIPA.S Som Miller, AlA, CEFPI . Keot Ton, AtA, Direclor of Destgn SENIOR A\SOCIATFS Gorev Dbkinson . &lrce B.,llenboch. AlA. CSI Vail Mountain School Fire Departsnent Plan Review 2of5 c2.0 c3.0 c4.0 L1.3.0 L1.3.1. AC2.1.0 AC2.r.r 42.2.1 M.2.2 o Cornnents Fire hydrants and water lines are not cler - Fire hydrants and water lines are shown using standard linetypes and symbols per legend shown on Sheet C0.1 . Specifically, a fre hydrant is shown just north of the fire truck tum-in on Kastos Ranch Road and is detailed by j/C2.3, the fire entry station is noted at the southeast corner ofthe building, and there is afire hydrant located in the parking island near the east exit from the south parking lot. Show fire hydrants and fire department connections (FDC) - This sheet is onlyfor the actual construction of Katsos Ranch Road - not the water service or other utilities. Construction drawings of utilities and details appear on Sheet C2.0 through C2.4. Show nearest fire hydrant to cabit- See response to item C|.0 above. Again, fre hydrant locations are not shown on a Horizontal Control Plan. Utility information is shown on Sheets C2.0 thrmgh C2.4. Access to fire hydrant shall not be obstructed- Bushes surrounding the new fire lrydrant in the south parking lot island will be located as to not obstruct fire deparhnent access to the fire hydrant. Show fue hydrants and fire department connections (FDC)- Typically, Landscape drawings do not show utilities. Utility work is constructed by others and would only serve to confuse the landscape contractor. Fire hydrants are located on Katsos Ranch Road (and shown on the Civil Plans) within the ROW for the road. Landscaping materials are not allowed in the ROW, so there would be no access issues. If occupant load is greater than or equal to 500, the voice evacuation sy$tem is required -l Voice Evacuation system will be provided integral with the Fire Alarm System as required. Fire sprinkler system at stage to meet strict stage requirements required - Refer to attached comments from RJA our Fire Protection Engineer. Boiler flu in 1 HR chase is a concern, esp. in a Type II-FR bldg on a stage. -ls a clariJication, this building is a Type II - thr building not "FR". A 2-hour shaft wall chase could be installed in this location, but there does not appear to be any Code requirement for the increase. Please provide clariJication/ direction ofyour concerns. Mirrors shall not be placed so as to cause confusion ref exit locations - 77r e mirrors on the back wall of the Stage are normally covered by the cyclorama curtain when not being used. They are intended for dance instruction only. The cyclorama cultain is located within 6 feet of the mirrors . Masonry fireplace in lobby must be natural gas - no wood buming allowed - 1r r's a gas fireplace. It has a gas log but is made of masonrywith afirebrick lining. Refer to details "IM" found in the back of Volume II of the SpeciJications. Lack of separation between kitchen and dining room will have impact on fire sprinkler design if design remains as submitted required- Refer to attached comments from RJA our Fire Protection Engineer. 42.2.3 Vail Mountain School Fire Departrnent Plan Review 3 of 5 42.2.4 42.2.5 M.2.7 A3.2.3 A4.1.0 A.7.1.0 p.7.1.6 Ml.0 I[l2.21 o Comments Furnish specifications on forestage canopy - There are no " specifications " as such for the forestage canopy. Elevations can befound on sheet A7.1.11 (elevation 2) and details ICG 23 and ICG 24. The canopy isframed with steel and metal studs and is covered with drWall. 05500 Access ladder to where? Ladder must meet fire dept specifications. - Ifyou are re/brring to the note located just north of the Control Roorn A2i l, this ladder provides access to a catwalk level above the Auditorium seating area. This is not a normally occupied space. The canvalk provides access to performance lighting instruments. Access ladder is made from steel bar and round shapes. It will be /irmly anchored in place to the studs in the wall. 05200 Access ladder to where? Ladder must meet fire dept specifications. - The access ladder is located within the room Mechanical Access 8243 and provides access to the mechanical air handling units above this area. The air handling units do not have any fuel- fired equipmmt. The detail for the ladder is shown on S I 6 in the Detail Book bound at the back of Volume II of the Specifications. Access to control mezzanine is not clear. Impacts fire sprinkler design. - Refer to attached comments from RJA our Fire Protection Engineer. - See response to comment above also. Wood ceiling in dining room is a significant corcem. Wood slats must be fire retardant and fire sprinklers must be installed above and below ceiling. - Refer to attached comments from RJA our Fire Protection Engineer. The interior finish of the ceiling will comply with Chapter 8 of the Uniftrm Building Code, Table 8-8. In a type A-3 occupancy, the interiorfinish materials are allowed to have aflame-spread index of 76-200 (class III). We willfire-treat the cedar to meet that requirement. Roof access door must have minimum dimensions of 48 inches - Tfte door size is listed in the Door Schedule as 3'-0" wide x 4'-2" tall. Submit specifications on metal fire box. Gas log sets are limited to 30,000 BTU. If using gas insert, submit specifications. - The gas log is speciJied in Section 10800 - Miscellaneous Specialties. We will make sure that the gas log will bear a UL Label, and/or its installation will comply with UBC Chapter 31 . We will submit the product data for your review. Lintel above opening to fne box must be min. 12 inches above opening. -We will clarify in combination with a plan review comment received from Art Hougland. A full Jireplace section will be provided. Wood ceiling in dining room is a significant concem. Wood slats must be fire retardant and fire sprinklers must be installed above and below ceiling. - This is a repeat of a prior item. East enty and FDC not on snow melt systenr.R efer to attached comments from RJA our Fire Protection Engineer. The Owner will provide snow removal as required for access. Combination ftre and domestic water entry subject to hydraulic proof . - Refer to attached comments from RJA our Fire Protection Engineer. Vail Mountain School Fire Departrnent Plan Review 4 of 5 Natural gas meters must be protected from snow and ice accumulatioft- The Owner will provide snow removal as required. lvl2.24 Photo sink subject to EPA regulations for heavy metal processing- Since this is more a functional issue, we will instruct the Owner to comply as necessary. M3.20 Supply specifications and basis for design of stage exhaust-Relr to attached comments from RJA our Fire Protection Engineer. M3.23 See NFPA 96-The shop drawing submittals and product datafor the kitchen hood andfire suppression system will be submitted by the subcontractor as required for review. M3.24 No combustibles allowed in boiler flu shaft.- There are no combrntibles in the shaft. The shaft is constructed of Type 'X' drywall and is not combustible. M4. l0 Fire main must have 2 hour flush witnessed by approved anthoity- Refer to attached comments from RJA our Fire Protection Engineer. E2.20 Fire alarm and notification devices are not spaced per code, inadequate detail, insufficient data, and gross lack of required information - Refer to dttached comments from RJA our Fire Protection Engineer. Afier revian by RJA, we will submit the shop drawings and product data for your revian. E7.21 Inadequate number of tamper switches showt- Refer to attached comments from RJA our Fire Protection Engineer. After reiew by RJA, we will submit the shop drawings and product data for your review. OTIIER No fire protection details shown on kitchen hood or fire sprinkler system. - Z?es e details are a normally provided part ofthe submittal process for these items of equipment. They can be submitted for your review as required. Hopefully, we have addressed all of your concems in an adequate manner. All of the corection items will be addressed in a post bid addendum to be issued to Shaw Construction. Ifyou have any concems or questions please feel free to contact our office at (303) 893-1990 or via e-mail at Tim@kcjd.com. I Comments Vail Moutain School Fir€ Deparbnent Plan Review 5 of5 v Commenb Sincerely, R. Timothy McKay hoject Architect Cc Charlie Davis, Town Of Vail Earl weiskittel, VMS Greg Cromer, KCJD John McWilliams, WSI JoaBrooks, BG ldatt Wallace, BG Brian Thompson, RIA Keith Oxenreider, Shaw Co4stnrction P:\2fi)l -{}28,00 Vail Mrn SchoolEonductim Adninietratio\ Projet Conrnmicatlm*\Govoming furncics\ fraeview cotrrcnt ltrd@ nBln'ROLF JENSEN & ASSOCIATES. INC. FIRE PROTECTION ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS May 14, 2003 Mike McGee Deputy Chief/Fire Marshal Town of Vail Fire Department 42 W. Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Office GoPY VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL STAGE MECHANICAL SMOKECONTROL DESIGN Dear Mike; This letter is to document our telephone conversations regarding the design of the mechanical smoke control system on the referenced project to comply with the Uniform Building Code (UBC), 1997 Edition, Section 405.3.3. The Exhaust Method of smoke control design discussed in Section 905.5 of the 1997 Edition of UBC is the method of choice, however, one design parameter was discussed as acceptable to modify. Section 905.6 calls for a design fire not less than 5,000 Btu per second (5 MW) for the Exhaust Method calculation. We agreed that a 5 MW fire is excessive for a school stage that is not a legitimate stage and thus having a much smaller combustible loading. Per our conversation, a 1 MW fire is more representative of the design fire size for the smoke control design for the stage on this project. Other than the design fire size, the Exhaust Method design is to be used in its entirety. Activation of the smoke control system is to be automatically activated by automatic sprinkler activation of the stage automatic sprinkler system or by a manual switch at an approved location. The smoke control system will be operable by normal or standby power. The fan power wiring and ducts are 1o be located and properly protected to ensure a minimum 20 minutes of operation in the event of activation. Attached, please find calculations for the sizing of the fan for the smoke control system utilizing the Exhaust Method from UBC, 1997 Edition, Section 905.5. Mike, if the above does not properly represent our conversations or if you have questions, please do not hesitate to give me a call. Sincerely, .3,*.#'7e**- Brian Thompson, P.E. Fire Protection Engineering Consultant '1324 15TH STREEI DENVER CO 80202.1606 USA, +1 303 5737848. FAX +l 3O3 5737843 www,rjagroup.com A SUBSIDIARY OF THE RJA GROUP, INC. t8 ft- Z> Z. o AvJ o. oo'lZ O.ooelz o h) / ,'/t33(7r.)- = V.szf* Erx/, = I I \z\,) = ]goor) (o ^7s(V- = O'5 Q (o.t 9.e39 A = looo a= o. ozz o. ozL 27, Z+ (r-)" (u4o t/sz.+ \sf/'r (o.) (F"4 4 Le- -z taL nr= nP hr= / = t" Ur)-6" (zt) o. o75 16000- tlGHT FIXTURE; cenler on sink 1OBOO- IIOOD FMI'{ED MIRR0R: 20"x28' 06400- w"000 IRIM; 4 1O8OO- GRAB BAR 1OBOO _ TOITTT PAPER DISPENSER 1O8OO- GRAB BAR 06400- lll,O0D TRIM; 06400- ||J00D ----- BASEB0ARD; 6' 06400 - lliooD BASI3OARO: 6- ORTSSI|'|G ROO|/fr,.-lI nu.r., I DRESSIl.|C R00llmlql Rocil 4036 & 103{ - tst molr 1036 & A031 - NoRIH .V-+€|LEI. I,/ 1A036 Nt/ -\ t um- l{mrtl4- iL-t.-l T01&2/A7.1.10 FOR ]YPICAL INIERIOR EIIVATION FOR IO[fi ROO}'|S AOJ4 & AOJ6. FL00R Pl..All - l-0tim EvB- scu r/{=1'-o' DMI'YN BT KS CHtCI(t0 BY: I|',l VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vai1. Colorado Ktipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P' C' 1:12 Larimerir;eel Endqe L;vei Denver CoLorado EJ?02, l0l-891 1990 FaY: l0l'893 7204 ISSUI Arldendr m l Lr,irnitn ? 5,13{:,lt)3 AD04-1 ARCH. PR0J. N0.: 2001 ffi *r p.opatl or ltr lr*ia" punis*1 ir. us. d tii d@.rr,o.t b hiln d car h cnt*J ri bt tiis oqr.tDci ttr' lcp? c4,s, Jc'. D'&; kdi:ir Fc Pi\2m1-028,m loil Ih $hm\2 otorinqs\0l kchiteci rol\8rddir4 ond lltgoiiol.jon\m-i12 fr'drg Jon 25, 2S3 o @)', TECH 0mct@ GAIIIRY@ '(@)n -* --+ 1' /.t ct{ssR0ollE 19.^. m;l - IIIIN IAE. AREA A r+(@)ro l-J tr-0 FLOOR HAI{ sllr 1/8'=1'-0' DM\|N BYr (S CHECXID BY: ll'i DAT[: 0i/2sl0] SCAII: A5 Sfl0V/N ISSUI: r.l,rand,' r ", 11 ln\VAIL MOUI'ITAN SCHOOL Vail, Ct-rlr rrado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 Lariner 5lreei Bndge Lcvct DenvPr Colorado 8020?, l0l-89:-1990 Fal:301'893-2?04 REFERENCE: A? 2 1 + Atllendun, 2 ,l30ll':)DMI!NC NUMBIR: AD}4-2An4cndrrr, I I l{)f.li:1, ARC|I, PROJ. N0,: 2001-028.00 c.Diqhl1d]:1iidtgrrr,i!u.iriurraldgl',ic.J'",*.''*,i"sxFqe,1'db'.lf,q!dF!'nir*'ldE.db.&fn!i!hndcndctht]k'rtdorib/tfi{lc1o-(r#f P:\20)1-0?8,fr Yoit lllr Sc,hool\2 Dforif'gs\0] kchiletturol\Biddi0g,1nd [egoii(rtionvr-12 2.01'drg iri 25, 2c{3 IOSOO- GRAB BM 06400 - l|liooD BASEBOARft 6" 06400 - VJp0D TRIIJ; + IOBOO- GRAB BAR 10800- Iortft P 06400 - |l00D IBASIS0ARD; 6' FLOOR PHN- MAIN LEVit AREA T0rrIT' 8113 0.H. RMT A113 & B1{3 - NORIH ssli 1/1'.1 -0' R00u Al13 &8113 - $ST SC.AII: 1/1'=l -0 FLOOR H.AI{ - IIAIN t.E\E- ARIA A DRAWN BY: |(5 CHTCI(ED BY: Tl'1 VAIL MOUNTAN SCHOOL Vail. Colorado Ktipp CoLussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P' C' 1512 Lanrr'cr !tre--t eridqe Level Denver' aolorario 802c?,103'891--1'c90 Fa']'303'893'7a04 Addenrirrn l llZ lrll:n4l'ry, ) 1nd.:n,i'rm l AD04-3 ARCH. PR0l. N0.: 2001 ffi h lwtiJ d tM k,,t,,:- pcrrir*n tcr .o. i b.i ,nnEn r irfr4 !'id .r, k 't.''l,l 4 b! niili a4"i-r'ri 'in 4+ iE+ J.,' h-&; A'cn!.b ft F;\2ffi1-028.S Vcil Ll-n Sdrool\? 0rotln!5\01 kchiie{turol\8idding onJ lkqcijolion\nn -,A2 2 0l drq Jun 25,2ffi3 16000- LIGHI nxluRl center 0n sink 1O8OO_ $/OOD FRAMED : MIRR0R; 20"x28" 06400 - \'t000 BASEEOAR} 6' 06400- wp0D IRIM; ]O8OO- ORAB BAR 06400- wp00 lRl|l; 10800- cMB BIR lOBOO - TOILET DlSPENSER l CORF I bl FTOOR PUN- MAIN LEVEL AREA B: TortEt 8132 0.H. R00il Bt17 & Bt32 - SoulH sc{E l/{=l'-t' moil 8il7 & Bl32 - $St sc{E 1/f=r'-o' INflRlJARY lt _-/:i.) FL00R PI,AI - t{Al}{ tE\'E lfitA B sCA& 1/8'=r'-0' DMY/fi BY: 16 CHICI(ED BY: TM VAIL MOUNTAN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Ktipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C' l5t? t-arimer !treet Brjdge LeveL Denver Colorado 8!202' 301'891'1990 Fat :3A3-89171(\4 lddeniu.rr 1 i i'4denl,'tirt ) Ad,ierdrm I AD04-1 ffi rniz rtc Fqnrl d br lnnii!.t p.nistu in l* ol nis o..,rrei, ! hi 4 rt a:. h ci,Ed nr/ b' niiu. .!GsT Eii tiii Eil &*Bt itl': t'&t A'insi:, ft. P\2m1-028.m voil Hh sa.,o.tv ofolif,ls\(ll ,chiteclurll\Bijdnq onrl h4oijriic,n\vrr-lZ2.02.drg jur' 25 200J _-=----- FOYERm /4\ STAIR@ 15I}OO- DRINKING FOUNTAIN; mffi rufl - $ll tE!!- fiFr c ORAWN BY: (S CHTCKED BY: .iM VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail. Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois {ch]t-9st-s-1 , P'-: 1512 Lanmerlr;eet Brid8e LlveL Denver colorado 802m, 10:-893-1 990 F" | 3tJ3'893'aaM ISSUE; Arldendum 1 l!'4pnAvrr' ? lri'hndrrm l AD04-5 o' t" LUo*t p*ig,r, t* * I t* domdri b hnd 'rn c'l b alr/it o.t bt nniti oq!..ts{ tsi fJ+t CdEt Jtk l,&E lftiil&, R Pi\?mt-0?8.m v0il uli sdrd\2 Dror;ngs$l tuchit€iu0\fidiitrg ord l{t-oolioiion\ni-t2.2,03.drq Jun 25, 2003 16000- UGrIT FIXIURI: cenler on sink- 10800- $/000 FRAIII0 MlRR0ft 20\281 1O8OO_GM8 BAR 1OBOO - GM8 BAR IOBOO - TOILII PAPER DISPINSER 06400- IlmD 06400- $/000 I BASTBOARD; R00[ c12 - ttsT scrlE 1/r=r'-0'sur 1/{'=1-0' N/ ^.tl-l;{F+i FLOOR P{AI - TIAII{ IT!B- ARTA C SllI: ll8'=1'-0' DRAWN BY: l{5 CHtC(t0 BY: ili VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Color rdo Klipp CoLussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P' C' l:12 Lariraer itieet Bridge LevEl tienver CoiorEdo t0702,301 S93 199' ia:t:20i'E9Z 120/, Add"ft)\I\ ' I l1-,/t)1 LlAptqtfi' 2 '. Lr{.r,i, rr, 1, i,llti i(;1,AD04-6 ti0H. PR0J. N'J.: 2001 ffi Frpry d tn x.,ie. r"',d rr ,= .i rit no""t E rndd .,'t. 6 u .'t'/a xt v fi6 we*t '& rq+ cd-s, J'i, t'&; '\rdri!'h Pc p,\iOOf-orum vci llb xlod\2 !orin!s\0] kchii.ctur0l\\Adding ond Hego[6ijon\Yn -A.? 2 03 dr9 Jrn 25' 2[s3 16000- UGilT FIXTURE; center on sink IOBOO- lvOOD FRAMED MIRR0R; 20'x28" 09300- CERNIC Illir 2i2" lyp 1O8OO- GRAB MR OSOO- GRAB BAR 10800- mlfl PAPTR 10800 - Totfl PAPTR I DISPENSER 0s300- ctm|trc IrE R00il cr07 - ffiI $,ffi 1/1'=l'-0's$'tE 1/f=1'-0' FL00R Pl"All - llllll lE/tr AtrA c sOIr 1/8'=1'-o' DAIE: 0{,/25l03 DP"(\{N BY: (S Cl.tECl(ED BY: Tltl VAIL MOUNTAI}I SCHOOL Vail, Cololado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Af+ll?5|:.,. - P.-:' 1512 Laamei's.reei EridqE L;vet Denver Colofaoo 8!nA1' 301'E9j'1'i9A Fat 332 29t'7io4 ISSUE: Alder,dttm 1 A,)iet,ilttrr 7 LAicri n 1, i t()i,lil AD04--1 ir,RCH. !ROJ. N0.: 2tlt)l ffi ,"*-- t, ,,\n, a r''. ti;r*, p*i",* i' * a d',,,,'tr', E 'nie 'n n' t* .]EB, otil q atiio', .t!nal' rtr qt, c.i*Y '*,. u-&i /."tt'L. m p,',icor-me.m voil ulr $lcol\2 0rovirigs\n1 *:niieduroirrEiridir4 orl llego!otion\m'-'{ 2 c3drg Juri 25,2003 06400 - w000 0AS[B0ARD; 6" 06400 - tlp0D lR[J; 4 IOBOO- ORAB MR 06400- Ylp0D TRIM; OSOO- GRAB BAR OSOO-TOILTT PAPER DISPENSER FTOOR PLAN- UPPIR LIVEL }RIA B: T0[IT 8214 0.H. Rmr A22J & 8'211 - }{0RIH scll.e l/{'=l'-0' R00t A223 e B2l1 - ElSt FTOOR PI.III - UPPTR tBE- AREA A DMlYtr BY: I{S CHICKID BY: t|'l VAIL MOUNTAN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Kl'ipp Cotussy Jenks DuBois i.rchitects, P' C' :il? Larlme'ltreet End;: Lev:r oenvet coLorrdc 8rr?0?, l0l_89i_1990 Fa':10'!'8911zu ISSUI: Arl,irndr;m I l,l'l:'/i:t, ii4".nitn 't . i7!;.1',1, i.\1't,ir,t ', t.i\l l(t1 ADO4-B A,ICH, PRoJ. u0,: ?001-028.i1c ffi'Etrcvryq*ldurt..;i,e'rflri"in|d,,*dtEd{d.t'Er1ihA.ltiwt'a.Fnatiq#'€,qai'a|;t'K1al,;s1.}?r.t'-E.ilGii'b'm' P:\?m1-025-01 Yci fli TJra\? lrcrings\C] kdiie.iud\SoCing 00d 4cii0iim',.Ym-}J :t01 dr$ Jrt' 2i' 2lAi 16000- ucHi RnuR[ center on sink 06400 - YlpoD 06400- 'll00D+' 1OBOO- CRAB BAR IOBOO- GRAB BM I OBOO _ TOILEI 06400 - ll000 - BASEB0ARD; 6' 06400 - v/00D T 18" scAll 1/4'=1 -0'scAr l/1'=1-d FLOOfi PIXI - UPPffi IEVB- ARTA C ssll r/d=l'-d DP.A}ll'l BY: (S CHECKID BY: TIJ VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail. Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Archjtects, P' C' 1:12 La.ir,Er Srtcet EiCg.t-erel Denvei Color;do 8a7o7,3;i A9f'1t9tJ Fa!: l0l89i-7204 \44,t'l'm 1 54 I i4"''l.tttt' 1. t,ll1,, I AD04-9 AiCl1. PRil, ilO.: 2001-C1', la,,'?'I12;..jJ:I|Ed.cf-i;o-igwn--,lgsaif'diesu4'El.iEt'rxp6r,d',}:}.dii..l-Fali!'xi..6.dbEd,'.:ur'{.6'ri|Edv'nd,'|eb|frJ* P:\2ml-028.m !o; l,lln SrircrJ\? ofatinqs\0i k..lrlle.turclplicinq oid ll4oij0l0,1\tri-'rt'2.06 drg Jur' 25' 2OJ3 06400- Nl00D couNtR 06400- \|ltr0D IRIM; J" 06400- l{00D TRIM: 2x6 06400- P.I-AM BACKSPI,ASI|; 4' DAS||ED UNES INDICATT SUPPORT PANET IOlOO- TOILEI PARTMONS10800- I',|IRR0R; 5'-6\3'-J1 16000- u/AtL scoNct - P.llM APR0N; removoble 1O8OO- GRAB BAR 1O8OO - TOIIEI PAPER DISPENSER - CIRNIC TILE; 2x2, lyp 1'-8" OBOO- CRAB BAR OBOO-TO1LTJ PAPER DISPINSER 05400- Vl00D ------- BASEB0ARD; 6" IOSM_ GRAB BAR 5'-2112" llll Itaqr'\ lTi=sl r 2'-8' I sc,{E 1[=1'-0' 16000- UGHT FIXIURE center on sink 10800- I'100D FRNED MIRR0R;20i28' R00H A151& Bl51 - lltsi slAE l/{'=l -0' R00ll A151 & Blsl- N0RIH sC.AlE 1/1'=1'-0' DP.A\{N 8Y: KS CH[C|([D Bf: TM R:FERINCL A7.i 10VAIL h4OUNTAN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Cotussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P' C' 151? Lnrim3r;;€e! Endgz Level D€nver cororado 80202, 301-891 1990 ia' : 7D3'893'7401 t,4i"h4t)r' L)!)l.lt)1 Aqlzn tn' 2 ,' l:)l)lll' L.i4.,\dtfit 1. f, /t)a, iit-'AD04-10 a t r.;arc," rar;+r, tn o d iik r,$)ttPji L'nna d w, t castl ct! hl nit'r erdrEi- ft1r'lq atBj Bi: lri't knaex P: c,ifmt+Ia.m Yoil liin !dc-d\p Dnrings\ol kciittci!ru1\5dd:ry oM lirgoijdior',vrn-A7 ll0dt! J0n 25 2003 03100- CERNIC TIE 2'x2' R00fl c126 & C127 - tASf ScrlE 1l'=1'-0' 1O8OO- GRAB B\R 09J00- CEM}JIC IILE; 2'x2" tYP Roofil c126 &, C12l - H0RTH SC'AII: 1f'=1'-0' DAIL: 06l25la:' SCAII AS SHOIYN DRAWN BY: I(S CHECI(ED BYr ill RtffitNCE: A7. t.10VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail' Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P' C' 15'.1'.aiimet Srreet Bndge Lerel Denver loloraco 80202, 13l-893-1990 FAt | 1ai'?'9\-]tt1 !.ql.nl'fi' | "l'l-,,lll l.,r,j"r4rrn l, li)r, |(i:,AD04-11 A,liH. PR0J. N0.: 2001 ffi o. $qr r6r,/iE h,: gqstl a * kdia3. rdn;e;a,la & a u*d-"rot i r*ra "z csr t rncv'd 0q'Dt 'iirr tltuts" 'nJ, r'4+ }iq Jaic hl* }ltiiilth ft' P\2ml-0?S.0(r Voi tltr tholl\Z 0r0r-n9s\01 ,tchiie.iur0l\8iidir4 oai ile90ti0iion"'rn'-t7 1' l0 drq Jun 25 200J 06400- W00D TRIM; l"06400- W00D TRIM; 2x6 06400- P.[AM BACKSPI-/,rSH; 4'06400- W00D TRIM; 4'06400- lllo0D co|JNTtR 10800- IJIRROR: 5'-6iJ'-J" 16000- liJA[ sc0Nct - ]01OO- TOILII PIRTIIIONS _ P.I-,AI,I APRON; OASHID IINIS NDNA]I SUPPORT PAIIII remmble ponel IOBOO_ GRAB BAR 10800 - T0lttl DISPE|lSTR 09t00- ctRNlc Tltt; 2x2, lyp 10100- PARllTloll & RoD I6000- UGHI FIXIURE,10500- MEIAL L0CKERS; w/ slopinq metol locker tops 06400- W00D BINCH T0P; bullnose front edge 0S100- CIRAMIC Tllf; 2"x2",typ t:::: :: :: i:: R0ilt c127 - ElSt SCAE 1/a'=1-0' SSlf: 1/4'=1 -0' 0MWti BY: i{S C|1ECI(E0 8Y: IU DAIL: Url2:/0i SCALI AS S]-]OVII.] ISSUI: t;4dzrt4,w 1 i:l"t1,iV: l..4r,qr,i rr, 't ':, i \lt l')-. !:',,t"rt ,rr' '' i,l\i,li',1' VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail' Colorarlo KLipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P' C' 1517La.mcf!;Eet S|]de€ l€veL Denver CoLoradc 232L1.1ri'a91 1990 laT t loi'l9)'7aoa RiitR:llCL A7 1 10 DP"{Yiil'{G t'lut/BtR; ADO4 -12 AICH. PR0J. 110.: 200i-022.00 ffi,"n*t,nu*1dti;Adi...F!'ti:s'l'.rEdbtd.'rT'd'ahi\4',xt|fr'|'.9iz!r4c.4c|tn|5\crgw|li'.4{n:s'h':b&l|]'iie}:.r': P:\2ml-0?i.fJ voil uii 9:hc0l\? trrorinqsl0l kchii;ciurol\aiddinq od li:qoijolion\n-i7 1.lc drq Jrn 25, ?i03 z,F =.^^ icr= It!=l 'u-,Y I =:3 | 35 oE =?, I .lJ zc> = I = 455 I =5o€ =Rs- I z< z. I T tl q R t- =3Ir-8 E<r:E8E = t'i_ = I .€ z. E Etr I - E I = = I tlr'__--_---- !l- ! DP.AW|] BYI KS CHiCii[D BY: lll RIFERINSI Ai.] iOVAIL N,IOUNTAIN SCHOOL vail, Color:r l'r Ktipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architecis, P' C' t'>17 La:lmerlirzzt 1:iJ-.r .€v. t).n/er ao.orado zCZaT' rt] t9] 19')t izi-11i'e3)'?7u l.1t"rr.trr. 1 \ i71, tt'tl !,41e:4n'/ :,i'f:/i;', Lrtr.t'i rn 1' tllil DP"AWING IIUIIBiR: ADO4 _13 ARii1. rfi0J. ll(). zjri'i-(J28. [DfIg]t2f4JTi&-.'Ei;t.'r4JutEi.6'f,'t,mdrE9xi-wr.i'.$.1E+|oth,ci&.liFri:joi|o/&d|JEt'E6:.d1'tA'''Nie.'zarid']\niJrq!€r,El|iI P:\2ixll-028.trr Yoii lih glod\2 kcrinq!\0l A'chil€curo\EiJciiig crc l€-grtiriirivrr,-d.l.l0 drg Jui 25 2m1 DASHID UNTS INOICATE SUPPORT PNIL 10100 - i0lLtl 16000- UGHI FINURE 10800 10800 ATTTRNATING COLORS - GRiB BAR - TOIITT PAPTR DISPINSIR o93oo-cffilcolll-E; DI.S|IM UN$ INDICA1E SUPPORT PNEL 16000_ LIGHT RrIURE 10100- T0lll1 0st00- c[RA'llc TlLt; 2"x2",tYP R00il c163 - SotllH sc{L r/r=1'-o' SCIII: t/a'=1'-0' DX?. AF,l25lr:i SCAf: AS Sl0T/i10P,A\Yli BY: KS CHTCKED BY: Tli R':FIRINCL iJ 1 ilVAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Varl, C':lorrdo Klipp Cotussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P' C' t5l'r Lzrimer itieet Endgc ter:l Dcnver Caiorado a01Ll' in'i-29)-i99a Fa" 3Di 89z i7i)t' Lliq't'r' t tt -Ji t^''4.r'i'rr'? 1 |i',,+iv 1' l[l[;ADO4 -14 AR|H PR0J. l'i0.: 20rJ1-C28 ffi* ,qo1 a *, *i,e.. r#n ,u d hz t'.:,,,"l. . n-.r st u', i' eaEt* otit vt ''i,., aru El tdfll alq !.*: lu&i rd;isitr r" Pr\iTi-023.m Vdl [uj ]hool\z !rrring!\0l k.hlLt.i!'o\3:cdrr4 oni ]lagolloiior\w-A7 l'l0'dtq Jur ?5' lml 10100 - t0tltt PARTIIIoNS DASHTD LINIS INDICATT SUPPOR.I PNEL 06400- W000 TRIM; 4" ]O8OO_ GRAB BAR 1OBOO- TOILIT PAPIR OISPiNSIR DASHiO UNTS INDICATE SUPPORT PNEI 10100- mlltT 06400- W00D IRI|j; 4' IOBOO- CRAB EAR IOsOO_TOILTI PAPTR scaE rl'=1'-0' m g tp'^ rlrJ, lfl- u )-u tlt R00H A112 - EASI ScaI' 1/{=1'-0' DAT[; 06/25l03 SCAj.I: }S SHO!/I.] ORAWN BY: l{5 CHICKED BYI T|l R[FERil]Ct: A7 ],lNVAIL MOUNTAIN SCFIOOL Vail, Coloratio Klipp Cotussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P' C' .a11Laiim?t Sit-.t Eflit.t-.r"I D.nver {..,iorado \NZOT' 303 E9} i99A t-z/ : )0)'et'!'11tr1 til'er'4tn 1 't !'t1, lil.' Lai.1it1, ) ',;1tt)tt\ {ia!!!ttr, :- | liti, tirl'AD04 - 15 tR3H PR3J. l1C.: 2C01 ffiFqa|]rlit|t|J^LI?E|t;!it,)|v|ed|'k||Jxh'|,)'ihii*6;catrdv,l4x\|'d'i6'o{,a|d'ritr'|lif'c,1.q&:t,.bjek!|i'a1:'||' P:l2ffi1-0?t.ffi yoii r,1 3:lro!\J Droririgs\01 lr:h.reciuroll8itli.q oni [:9ol,dcJr\Yn-]J.1.l0drg Jun 25' 2003 16000- \IA[ sco],lcE 10800- MIRR0R: 5'-6'x3'-J' 06400 - w00D couNTm 06400- W00D TRItl; 3' I _l I-c! 06400-W000 TRltl;2x6 06400 - P.I-A}J APRON; R00il At12 & Bl12- S0tiH - PAPER TO\{B- DISPENSER/RECEPIACIf 06100- tl00D lRlM; 4' O93OO- CERNIC TILE: R00il A112 & 8112 - t6T sc{E 1/.{'=l'-0' DMylN BY: l(S C|1ECKTD BY: It',{ OAiE Oel25lol SCAI,I: AS SIICV/I; ISSUI LaApndttn 1 t,l')]. !t)\VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail' Colorado Klipp Cotussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 151? l-arjmer 5treet gd6g? Level Denv-'. Colorado 80202,303_8.61_1990 'a't 1'Et'293"17o4 RiFERENCi: A7.i.10 1,44:]iur1't :,l1tll()1,OP,AWING NUMEiR: AD04 -16L,irlanrh.l, i.l'ii . /(i1, AROH. PR0J. N0.: 20C1-028.01 (4'?8ili?$jItd.o,rall;diitl'lT.'1idg|',dlcg!'1't'u|EliEFIfzi]olb'knjn!d-h6ir.'Fdl'EijaoJral1iskitdgtf'|Ad|,t1'uih1'itisi€g5Ed!f'r.+co$: P\?lJl-023.0ir lcil tln y-iro0\2 Dn!ing5\01 A:hii::iurol\gddi.q ood lle"roiia',io ,rm-lJ.1.l0drq Jun 25, 200i 06400- l\'00D TRIM; 4" R00il Al12 & Bl12 - I{0RIH DISHED UI.IES INOICATE SUPPORT PNEL 10t00-ToltIT PffiTIn0NS 06400- W00D lRll'l; 4' ALTERNATINC c0L0Rs 1O8OO- CRAB BAR 10800-T0lLtt PtotR OISPiNStR - CERNIC IILE: 2\2"typ R00fl 8112 - wtsl S0AI 1/a'=1'-0' DRAI|N BY: K5 cittcKtD Bt IM RiFiRiNCE: l,T l irLVAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail' Colorarlo Klipp Cotussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P' C' 15i? Lanmer!r;eer BndqE Levet l.i?n!et aolor-do \LTAZ' -10'J'e93'199D far': )87'893-77c4 Alner'4.xr' 1 ll! h4*ll,n ') 'i\ - | tt.. lilll:'r'l f' , illlil ADO4 -T1 Af;Cil PRCI. N0.: 20Cl-028. c'-dgh1tJ]iIkd4riaiEd:rF?u|giidjant'*t**l'',-,;"hE4''r,o,b.,\.'ri.H,l'i5,dht&'arnai;iTit4|ft'EcIe.&x,1\d|.1E'dr*d.it'f'r..;td:L''4K P:\2S1-02€.& V0i1 Hir khoil\z Di0riigr\0] kchite.ilr0l\$diing ona legaii0tion\ltn-U.1 1c.drq Jrrn 25, 2003 tr HALL LANTERN CONTROL PANEL /SINGLE VERTICAL 1'-3" 1'-1"ROW BUTTONS. n _o =CD !2:E o t--T--l:t,rr l. rs:7 1'-3" 5' CALL BUTTONS _l = I I THERMOSTAT ELEVATOR CONTROLS FIRE HORN DEVICE DRINKING FOUNTAIN/ WATIR COOLER H35'l['^ d'J$Al''*0?3$u0.,o,, AN OBJECT PASSES THROUGH EITHER LINE A OR LINE B. ELEVATOR CORR'DOR 2'-0" l'-0"b b DEVICES -{ -. ,,,, | - {; ,,'- > J/ 4 --n t-r/+ -o _lLl -.-) z c _l _ra _l I - H.C. SHCWER ELECTRICAL KELiT I AULL ELECTRICAL SWITCH PAY PHONES PAY PHONES Fl b I I -o -l _l I FIRE FIRE GRAB BAR ALARM EXT]NGUISHER H.C, URINAL WATER CLOSII H.C, WATER CLOSET CABINFT r-n I I -o I;-)I I D" I -lt-c--; flU I DRINKING SOAP SANITARY FOUNJAIN DISPENSER I']APKIN DISPiNStR WASTE PAPER MIRROR RECEPTACLE/OWEL UNIT P.T- DISPENSER DISPEI.]SER NAPKIN TOILET DISPOSAL PAPER HAND SINK UNITS DRYER DISPENSER TYPICAL N{OUNTNG HEIGHTSDRAIlN BY: KS CHECKED BY: T[4 iIFERE|,{CL ii,1.]OVAIL MOUNTAIN SCI{OOL Vail, Coloracio Klipp Cotussy Jenks DuBojs Architects, P' C' 1ii-lLar,mer5L.E!: tind?E Lcv.'l !Enve. aoltindE 802C1,3C1 891 1991 tzr t tl,et 1204 lddrr.'irrn l j ttii."(,t.t",'t,l1rtI !iq.rt4,rr,'t i.iiti,litl'ADO4- 1B AICH. PRIJ Nl.; 2C11 cqrirf zrrl: -1,,. &{uf i 6 r, rlrnai d u.-i,r, na * oo. ,n:* vi lrt ai .,: tr biid- Fad::tt, ir ust d ta do:,]tt'i b irn a ui et' E ra6Ea P:\2ffii-023.frr Yoil l,ilr hho{L:J Dfrrir,!s'\01 r,r.hiie.turol\6'Jdinq oil il<0ij.[ci\'/rn -]J. i.10 'ir9 Jn 25,2011 v KLIPr C o r,ussr JENKs DuBolr Al cBlr f cr5, P.c M6b- Ar'ri<on l.rnu|. oI A4h'r-t W.irf, &!6r., l5l2 Lorlff.r 5rr-r Frdt.l.v.l, O.tvd, <aioodo ao2o2 rh 903.{193- l9to lor 3o3.aY3 2?0. rB6Ut J Utn ZC <E tvz;)> J F c E 06400- CUSIOIJ CASEtiORK 06400- l|,00D cAP 06200- l{000 TRIM: h4 05700 - 0Rl'lAMtNrAl MAIN LIVTI EL 102'-8' MAIN LEIEL EL 100'-0' RAI',|P @ COM|[,|ONS - LONGITUDINAL SECTION ,!*\*.- T,O. lvALL O i06'-2' 00400---- w00D IoP 0F v/A[s -@ 06400- }i000 NEylilI CORRIDOR@ UNE OF I YIAINSCOT BELOlvP0SI; re 514 O57OO _ ORNAIIINIAL RAIUNC 06100- rvp00 rRrlJ;06400 - Yl00D CAP SCALE: 1/4'=1'-0" e.t I-.,) 3-5 1it RAMP @ COl\ll'lONS - }'/AIN LEVEL 1f4"=1'-0" P:\2001-028.00 Voil l'1in School\2 Dmwings\0l Architecturol\Bidding ond Neqotioiion\vm-A6.1.01.drg iun 25,200i ADO4-r9 Town of Vail Building Safety and Inspection Services 75. South Frontage Rd. Vai1, Colorado 81657 (97 0) 419-21.38 P1a n analvsis based on the 1997 Uniform Building Code NFPA 13 sprinkler system throughout the buildj_ngSprinkler system used for a1lowable area increase -- Sec. 505.3 1) Revised drawings are required to be submitted prior to framing work occurring on this project, Revised drawings shall_ incorperate al1 correctj-ons,addedums, fire department correctj_ons and other revisions that are required. Submi-t two sets of revised drawings. 2) All conditions of approval listed on the permit by the planning andpublic works departments shall be addressed prior to occupancy approval. 3) Alarm and SprinkJ-er permits. fire department approval and rough inspectj-ons shal-l occur prior to a framing inspection request. 4) Corrections listed by the fire departmenL shal-I be addressed in an enn rorrorl mannar i/<aa al- f -rnlrad\. \rvv qeeqvrls\,.i/ . 5) Voice evacuation system is required in this building. Provide submitalthat is in compl-iance with NFPA 72 as a deffered submital 6) A combined domestic/fire suppresion line is proposed as a 4" line. There i-s athat due to the design of the building there may notr be enough ffow to supply both systems. This must be resofved at time of fire suppression syslem submitaL. 1) Fire Protection Engineer of record shal1 provide wrj-tten approval of finat acceptance of this project PRIOR to occupancy approval Otlfce Gopy Project Number: 803-0079 Date: July 3, 2003Project Name: VaiI Mountain School Address: 3160 Katsos Ranch Road Contractor: Shaw Construction Occupancy: B Architect: KlippColussyJenksDub Construction: II-1hr Enqineer: Report By: Charlie Davi-s Condi-tions of VaiI Mountain Schoo] Permi-t Rel-ease o o ce Gopy o ofti SHougland & Associate 0625 Sunny Acres Road Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81501 Phone (970) 384 -t22t Fax (970) 384-1331 Email = firesafe@rof .net Plan analysis based on the 1997 Edition of the Uniform Building Code Date: ,June 74 , 2003 Project Name: Vail Mountain School Add.re6s: 3L50 Katsos Ranch Road, VaiL Colorado Architect.: Klipp CoLussy Jenks DuBois Archigects, P.C. Writer Square, 15L2 Larimer Street Denver, Colorado 802 02 Occupancy: A2, A2.1, A3, B, E1 & 51 Conseruction: TIG)e II - 1hr Report By: Art Hougland NOTE: The code items listed in this report are noC intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the 1997 UBC. It is a guj.de to selected sections of the code. Portions of the naterial contained in this program are reproduced from the Uniform Building Code published by Lhe International Conference of Building Officials. Notice: The review of plans and specifications does not constitute an acceptance of any responsibilit,y by Hougland & Associates for errors, omissions or discrepancies. The responsibility for these j-tems and implementation during construction rests specifically with the architect, enqineers, designers, builders and owner. Connents and notatj-ons are intended to be constructive and in support of the owners inlerests. NFPA 13 sprinkler system throughout the building Sprinkler system used for allowable area increase -- Sec. 505.3 SEPARATION DTRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NORTH Property line 2l-.0 Feet 21.0 Feet EAST Publ-ic way 56.0 Feet 36.0 Feet SoUTH Public way 11"0.0 Feet 92.5 Feet WEST Public way ?0.0 Feet 52.5 Feet All,owab1e area increased 90.t for ooen area on 3 sides. - - Sec. 505. 1 FL MAX FLR AREA AI.,LOWED RATIO STATUS 3 Mechanical 3 Mechanical 3 Mechanical Room A343 Room 8343 Room C325 6 B B ok ok ok ok ok ok 729 609 102600 0.01 102500 0.01 102500 0.01 TOTAL FOR FLOOR 2 Control Room A23l- 2 L,earning Supp. A212 2 Conference Room A214 2 Conference Room A2 L3 2 office A211 2 Art Sludio A208 2 Art Studio A202 2 Office A205 2 Phot.o A2 0 5 2 Comp. Art A2 07 2 Class Room A2 21 2 Work Room A241 2 Class Room A250 2 Class Room A251 2 Class Room A252 2 Class Room A255 2 Class Room 8202 2 Class Room 8200 2 Class Room 8203 2 Of f ice B2l-1 2 Prep Room 82 01 2 Office B2I2 2 Office 8213 2 Class Room 8235 2 Science Lab, 8234 2 Prep Room 8232 2 Science Lab. 2 Class Room 8230 2 Class Room 8226 2 Counseling Area 8223 2 Class Room 8250 2 Class Room 8251 2 Class Room 8252 2 Class Room 8255 2 Conference Room C222 2 Office C227 2 Ki t.chen C2 2 3 2 Class Room C225 2 Mechani.cal Room C24 0 2 Non-habitable Area 2062 102600 0.02 B E B B B t;,L E1 B E1 n1 M B E;.1 EL E1 E1 .EJ.L .E;.1 EL B B B EL El- EL l!; r EL E1 -Et .!i r t1-L IlI B B B E1 B B ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok 732 r-02500 450 102600 80 102500 80 102600 r20 r.02500 899 115140 1120 r_15140 96 102600100 115140 225 115140 588 1L5140 104 102600 580 115140 580 115140 8L2 r-r.5140 700 1r.5140 675 115140 648 115140 6'15 11514 072 102500130 115140 1-04 102600104 102500 550 115140 552 115 r.4 0 L76 115140 652 115140 550 115140 283 115140 490 102500 s94 115140 594 115140 858 115140700 115140 612 ]-02600 r20 102500 L25 102500s06 115140 900 r-02500 8364 102600 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0,0 ok 0.01 ok 0.01 ok 0.0 ok0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.01 ok 0.0 ok 0.01 ok 0.01 ok 0-01 ok 0.01 ok 0.01 ok0,01 ok 0.01 ok 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.01 ok 0,0 ok 0.01 ok 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.01 ok 0. 01 ok 0.01 ok0.01 ok 0.01 ok 0-0 ok 0.0 ok 0,0 ok 0.01 ok 0.08 ok TOTAL FOR FLOOR 25890 108951 0.24 ok 1 Auditorium 1 Stage 1 Music Office A123 L Pract.ice Area A112>A 1 Musi.c Class P,In .A111 1 Tech Support A101 1 Comp. Lab. .A102 1 Tech Office 1 Comp. Lab. A104 1 Ind. Class Room A124 1 work Room A141 1 Cl-ass Room A15 0 1 Class Room A151 1 Class Room A152 l- class Room A155 1 Kitchen 1 Commons 8111 1 L,ibrary Area 810 0> L Class Room e155 1 Class Room 8152 1 Class Room 8151 L Class Room 8150 1 office 8123 1 Office 8124 1 Ind. Class Rm Bl-25 l- Office 8134 l. UTTlCE BIJJ L Work Room 813 L 1 Office 8119 1 Infirmary 8Ll-8 L Office B1l-4 1 Office 8115 L Conference Room 8138 1 Office B13 7 1 office BL36 l- Office 8135 1 Gymnasium C100 1 Gymnasi-um Bleachers 1 Gl.mnas ium C10l- 1 Boys I.,ocker Rm C15 0 1- GirLs Locker Rm C150 L Fitness Room C17 0 1 Office Cl-11 '1 Cf et- ^16 r11 1.7 1 Kitchen C131 1 Dining Room C13 0 1- Non-habitable Areas z33Z ,/bv3U 2046 76950 t32 102600 250 115140 550 115140 300 r-r_5140 L260 115140 r28 102600 590 1L5140 287 l_ t-5 L4 0 96 102600 59 4 1_1s14 0 594 115140 840 L15140 67 2 115 1-4 0 732 1,02600 1960 75950 2844 102500 57 0 11514 0 868 115L40 546 115140 512 115140 250 1"02500 L20 102600 280 1L5L40 L70 102600 140 102600 787 t-02500r2r 102600L54 102600 336 r-02500'75 r.02500 288 102500 L1s 102600 135 r-02500 156 102600 5760 769501022 75950 2232 76950 690 r-02500 690 102600 1056 r-02600 130 102600 104 l-02600 540 102500 2378 76950 2L388 102500 I\Z B Ef El- El- E1 11 E1 E1 B Et_ E1 -or E1 B A3 B El- .trr E.L El_ E B F1 B B B E l5 B B B B A3 A3 B B t1 B B B A3 B ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok 0.03 ok 0,03 ok 0,0 ok 0.0 ok0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.01 ok 0,0 ok 0.01 ok 0.0 ok 0.0 ok U. UI OK 0.01 ok 0.0L ok 0.01 ok U.U Oj( 0-03 ok 0.03 ok 0.01 ok0,01 ok 0.0 ok0.0 ok U.U OK 0.0 ok0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.0 ok U.U OK 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.07 ok 0.01 ok 0.03 ok 0.0L ok 0.01 ok 0,01 ok0.0 ok 0.0 ok 0.01 ok 0.03 okO.2I ok TOTAI., FOR FLOOR 81 Lecture/ rehearsal E1 81 Storage A022 51 81 Electrical Room A025 B 81 E1ev. Mach.Room B 81 Storage 401-2 51 81 Mechanical Room A031 B 81 Green Room A011 E1 s7070 816 350 75 1050 L48l 250 943'J.L 0.61 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok J 1r-5r-40 0.01 102600 0.0 102600 0.0 102500 0.0 L02500 0.0L 102500 0.01 115140 0.0 BL Storage Room A013 81 Office A014 81 ilani. tor A015 81 Electrical- Room A03 8 BL Boil-er Room A037 81 Dressing Room A035 81 Dressing Room A033 81 Eguipment Roorn A032 B1 Non-habitable Areas DI E B B E1 E1 15 B ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok 100 LLf, 308 308 280 305 2L7 6 102500 0.0 ok 1.02500 0.0 ok 102600 0.0 ok L02500 0.0 ok 102600 0.01 ok 1.15140 0.0 ok 115140 0.0 ok 102600 0.0 ok 102600 0.02 ok TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAL-- Sec. 504 and Table 5-B 8457 104 84 7 0. 08 ok ok85022 131-385 0.55 Rooms for kindergarten, 1st and 2nd qtrade children are not, permitted on any floor other than the 1st floor. -- Sec. 305-2.3 Note: They may be on the 2nd floor if the floor is located within 4 feet from adjacent ground level- at the point of exit and the floor has exits directly to the exterior at that 1evel . -- Sec. 305.2.3 exc. 1 The actual heiqht of this building is 40. feet. The maximum height of the building is 55. feet.Table 5-B EXTERIOR WALI, FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 5-A NORTH For Bearing Non-Bearing Occupancy Wal-1 WaI L B t hour t hour E1 L hour 1- hour A3 t hour t hour ^2.1 t hour t hour A2 t hour t hour 51 t hour t hour Opening Constructj-on Protection Material None Non-Comb None Non-Comb None Non-Corib None Non-Comb None Non-Comlc None Non-Corib EAST For Occupancy B E1 A3 t\z.L T\4 sL SOUTH For Occupancy A3 sL Bearing wa1l t hourt hour t hour L hour 1- hour t hour Bearing Wal l- l- hour t hour L hour t hour L hour I hour Non - Bear j.ng wal1 t hourt hour t hourt hour I hour t hour Non-Bearing Wal L 0 hour 0 hour 0 hour 0 hour 0 hour 0 hour Opening Protect ion None None None None None None Opening Protection None None None None None None Cons !ruct i on Materia 1 Non-Comb Non-Comlc Non - CoIIi) Non-Comb Non-Coftb Non-Comb Cons truct ion Materi a1 Non-Comb Non-Comb Non-Corib Non-Comb Non - Cornb Non-Co b Parapet Requi red NO NO No No No No Parapet Required No NO No No No No Parapet Requi red No No No NO No No o WEST For Bearing Non-Bearing Opening Construction Parapet Occupancy WalI Wal1 Protection Material Reguired B L hour 0 hour None Non-Comb No E1 t hour 0 hour None Non - Cofiib No A3 I hour 0 hour None Non - Comb No A2.1 I hour 0 hour None Non-Cofic No A2 t hour 0 hour None Non-Comb No Sl- t hour 0 hour None Non-Comb No None -- No fire protection requirements for openinqs. 3,/4 hour -- Openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assemblies. 50% of the area of the walf maximum. -- Table 5-A, Footnote 5 & sec. 503.2.2 Maximum sinqle window size is 84 sq.ft. with no dimension greater than 12 feet. -- Sec. 713.8 Not Allowed -- Openings are not permitted in this wa11. OTHER BUILDING ELEMENTS Tab1e 5-A EI.,EMENT MATERIATJ RATING NOTES Interior Bearing: wal- l- Nonconibustibl-e t hr Interior nonbrg wall Noncombustible t hr See Footnote #5 Structural Frame Noncorbustible t hr Exterior Str. Frame Noncombustible t hr See fooEnote #1 Shaft Enclosure Noncombustibte t hr Floor/Ceiling Assenibly NoncombustibLe L hr Roof/Ceiling AssenbLy Noncombustible t hr See Footnote #8Stairs Noncombushible None NOTE: See Section 711 for shaft enclosure exceDtions. FOOTNOTES: 1) Elements in an exterior wa1l located where openinqs are not permitted or where protection of openings is reguired, sha11 be protected against external fire exposure as required for exterior bearing wa11s or the structural frame, whichever is greater. -- Table 6-A, footnote 1 4) Fire-retardant treated wood may be used. within interior non-bearing t hr. wal-l- assembl-ies . - - Table 6 -A, f ootnote 2 5) Nonload-bearing wa1ls within a tenant space that are not part of a t hr. corridor may be of: a) Noncombust.ible (nonrated) materials b) Fire retard.ant - treated wood c) One-hour construct.ion (any material) -- Sec. 601.5.2.1 8) If the entire roof structure j.s 25 feet or more above any floor, the fire rating may be allowed to be eliminated. See limit.atj.ons and requirements. -- Sec_ 603.5 & 602.5 PENETRATIONS OF FIRERESISTIVE ASSEMBLIES WAI-,I,S ASSEMBLIES - - Sec. 709 . 6 Through penetrations: 1) Penetrations shalL be installed as tested in the rated assemblv. - - Sec. 709 ,6.2 2) Penetrations shall be protected by an approved penetration firestop system and shall have an F rating of not Less than the required rating of the wa1l penetrated. -- Sec. 709.5.3 Exception: when penetrating items are st.ee1, ferrous or copper pipes or steel conduits and the wall is concret.e or masonry, the annular space sha11 be permitted to begrout or morlar. The minimum thi.ckness is bhe thickness required to maintain the fire rat.ing. The maximum size of the penetrating items is equivalenE t.o a 5-inch diameter and the opening is a maximum of 144 square inches, - - Sec. 709.6.1 Meribrane penetrations : The requirements are the same as for through penetrations. - - Sec. 709 .7 Exceptions: L. Steel electrical outlet boxes that do not exceed 15 square inches provided that the area of such openings does not exceed 100 square inches for any 100 square feet of wa1l area. Boxes on opposite sides of the assembly sha11 be separated by a horizontal distance of not less than 24 inches. 2. SprinkLers with meEal escutcheon plat.es. Noncombustibl-e penetrating items shall not be connected to combustible materials on both sides of the mernbrane unless it can be confirmed that the fire-resistive integrity of wal1 is maintained. -- Sec. 709.7 FLOOR/CETLTNG AND ROOF/CEILING ASSEMBIJIES .- SEC. 710.2 Through penetrations : Through penetrations of fire-resistive horizontal assenibl-ies sha11 be enclosed in fire-resislive shaft enclosures, -- Sec. '11O-2.1 Exceptions: 1. When penetrating items are steel, ferrous or copper conduits,pipes, tubes and vents through a single concrete f1oor, the annular space sha1l be permitEed Eo be grout or mortar. The minj-mum thickness is the thickness requi.red to maintain the fire rating. The maximum size of the penetrating it.ems is equivalent to a 6-inch diameter and the opening is a maximum of 144 square inches. 2. Electrical outlet boxes that have been tested for use in f ire-assernlf,Iies, The system shaLl have an F rating and a T rating of not less than one hour but not less than the required rating of the f l-oor system. - - Sec. 7L0.2,3 Exception: Floor penetrations contained and located within the cavity of a waIl do not require a T rating. Meftbrane penetrations : The requirements are the same as for through penetrations. - - Sec. 710.3 Exceptions: 1. When penetrating items are steel , ferrous or copper conduits, electrical out'1et boxes, pipes, tubes and vents through concrete or masonry and the annular space is protected by an approved penetration firestop assembly or protected to prevent the free passage of flame and products of combustion. Such penetrations shall not exceed an aggregate area of 100 square inches in any 100 square feet of ceiling area in assemblies without penetrations. 2. Electrical out.let boxes that have been tested for use in fire-assemblies. 3. Sprinklers with metal escutcheon plates. Fi.re-resistive roofs may have unprotectsed openings. -- Sec. 7l-0.4 SMOKE and FfRE DAMPERS -- Sec. 713.10 and 713.11 Dampers sha11 be accessible for inspection and servicj-ng: 1. Penetrations through area separat.ion walIs, Penetrations through occupancy separations. 2, Penetrations of the fire-resistive construction of horizontal exit wa11s or corridors serving as a means of egrress. Exception: Openings for st.ee1 ducts penetratj-nq the required fire-resistive consLruction of corridors are not required to have smoke dampers when such ducts are of not less than 0.019-inch thickness (25 qaqe) and have no openings serving the corridor . 3. Penetrations of shaft enclosures. Except j-ons : l-. Duct penetrations by steel exhausL air subducts extending vertically upward at least 22 inches above the top of lhe opening in a vented shaft where the airflow is upward - 2. Penetrations of a fire-resistive floor forming the base of a shaft enclosure may be protected by fire dampers listed for installation in the horizontalposition. 3. Smoke dampers are not required when shaft is exhaust only, and is used for continuously operating fans. 4. Penetrations of the ceiling of fire-resistive floor-ceiling or roof -ceiling assemblies. Exception: Smoke dampers are not required.. 5. Penetrations of aD atrium enclosure element. Exception: Smoke dampers are not required. 6, Penetralions of exterior wal1s where protection of openings is required. Exception: Smoke dampers are not required. 7. Penetrations of areas of refuqre.E'v^a6r-i^h; ventilation system designed to supply outside air during an emergency. 8. Smoke dampers are required in smoke barriers and eLevaLor lobbies. OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONS -- Table 3-B B-E1 thr Offices less lhan 25% of major use do not require a separation, -- Sec. 302.7 exc. 2.2 B-A3 ohr B-A2.1 thr A kitchen is not required to be separated from t,he dininq area. -- Sec. 302.L exc. 2.4 B-A2 thr Offices less than 25% of major use do not require a separation. -- Sec. 302.L exc. 2.2 B - Sl- Ohr E1-A3 Ohr E1 -A2 . l- Ohr llL. T\Z UNI E1- 51 thr A3-A2.L Ohr A3 -A2 ohr A3 -S1 Ohr A2,L-A2 Ohr A2. 1- 51 thr 42 - SL l-hr HEATING EQUTPMENT SEPARATION: A I hr. occupancy separation is required around rooms containing a boiler or central heating unit qreater than 400,000 BTU input.-- Sec. 302.5 ADDITIONAL SEPARATIONS : A refriqeration machinery room sha1l be separated from the remainder of the building as required for an H7 occupancy reqardless of area. A horizontal, occupancy separation may be limited to the actua1 floor area of the machinery room. Structural supporting elements sha1l beprotected for the type of construction only. -- Sec. 2802 A t hour separation is required from an B occupancy. -- Table 3-B FOR B OCCUPANCY: I-,aboratories and vocational shops containing hazardous materials are required to be separated from the rest of the building by not. less than a I hr occupancy separation. -- Sec. 304.2.2.1 EXIT REQUIREMENTS : F], NAI{E NUMB MIN MTN PANIC HAI-,LWAY/ DOOR NOTES OCC EXITS WIDTH HDWR CORRIDOR SWING 3 Mechanical 3 Mechanical 3 Mechanical- A3 4 3AC2 8343AC2 c325Ac2 11 N/R N/R No No No No No NO No NO No Yes No No NO No NO No No No No No No No No No No Room Room Room 0.4 0.4 o.4 N/A N/A TOTAIJ J 2 a z 2 2 4 2 2 z 4 2 1A u.b 6.0 1.0 L.0 0.2on LL.' 0.2 t-. 0 4.4 5.8 5.6 6.2 t.v 6.8 b.zt 6.8 11 o.2 t-1 518 11 Control Room A2 31 Learning Supp. A212 Conference Room A214 Conference Room A2l-3 office A21- 1 Art Studio A208 Art Studio A2 02 Office A205 Photo A206 comp. Art A2 07 Class Room A221 work Room 4241 CLass Room A250 Cl.as s Room A2 51 Class Room .A252 Class Room A255 Class Room 8202 Class Room 82 00 Class Room 82 03 office 8211 Prep Room 8201 Office B2L2 o 5 30 5 f, 1 A< 56 1 5 11 zt 1 29 29 4L 35 34 32 34 1 b L t- I L 1 l_ 1 z 1 1t t 1 1 1 t l_ 1 1 L 1 8 Hallway N/R Hallway N/R Hallway N/R Hallway N/R Ha1lvray N/R Hallway N,/R Corridor Oul Hallway N/R Hallway N/n Hallway N/R HaJ_ J_Way N,/ K Hallway N/R Hallway N/R Hallway N/R Hall-way N/R Hallway N/R Hal l-way N/R Hallway N/R Hallway N/R Hallway N/R Hallway N/R Hallway N/R 11 1t 2 office 8213 1 2 class Room 8235 28 2 Science Lab. 8234 33 2 Prep Room 8232 9 2 Science Lab. 33 2 C1ass Room 8230 28 2 Class Room 8225 14 2 Counseling Area 8223 5 2 Class Room 8250 30 2 C1ass Room 8251 30 2 Class Room 8252 43 2 Class Room 8255 35 2 Conference Room C222 45 2 office C227 1 2 Kitchen C223 AC1 2 Class Room C226 25 2 Mechanical Room C24 0AC3 No Hallway N/n No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/n No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R No Halh,ray N/R No HaLl-way N/R No Hallway N/R No N/A N/R 2 Non-habitable Area AC 0.0 No Hallway N/R 7 0.2 l- ).o 1 6.5 1 1.8 J, O.O J- l.o L Z.d 1 1.0 1 6.0 1 5.0 l- 6.b t 7.0 1 9.0 L 0.2 7 0.2 l- f,.ur. 0.6 1t- 11 11 TOTAL 794 3 238.2 Ye6 Corridor Out t2 17 1 Audi-torium 365 l- Stage 185 1 Music Office A1-23 l- l" Practice Area A112>A 72 1 Music class Rm A1L]- 28 1 Tech Support 4101 15 1 Comp. L,ab. A102 63 1 Tech Office 1 1 Comp. Lab. A104 30 1 Ind. Class Room AL24 L4 1 work Room Al-4 L 1 1 Class Room A150 30 1 Class Room Al-51 30 1 Class Room Al-52 42 1 Class Room A155 34 L Kitchen 1 1 Commons 8111 AC280 L Library Area Bl-00> 57 l- Class Room 8155 34 l- Class Room BL52 43 1 Class Room B15l- 27 1- Class Room 8150 29 1 Office 812 3 2 1 Office 8124 1 1 Ind. Class Rm 8126 14 1 office B13 4 2 1 Office 8133 1 1 Work Room 8131 2 l- of f ice 8119 1 1 Tnfi rm.aTv R1 1R 2 L Office 8114 3 1 office 8115 1 l" Conference Room 8138 19 1 Office BL37 2 1 Office 8136 1 1 Office B13 5 2 1 Gymnasium C10 0 384 z z I L l- 1 2 L 1 L t L 1 1 L l_ 2 1 t l- 1 1 l- 1 L 1 1 1 1 1 l_ 1 1 1 1 9 73.0 J t.z o.2 5.6?n LZ.O 0.2 6.0 2.6 0.2 o.u 5.0 8.4 5.8 .f,o. u '1 1 A 6.8 8.6 q., 5.8 0.4 0,2 z.d 0,4 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.2 ?q 0.4 0.2 o.4 75.8 Yes Corridor Yes Corridor No Hallway No Hal-lway No Hallway No Haflway Yes Corridor No Hallway No Hallway No Hal-l-way No Hallway No Hal-Iway No Hallway No Hallway No Hallway No Hal-1way Yes Corridor No corridor No Hal-1way No Hallway No Hal lway No Hallway No HaLlway No Hallway No Hallway No Hallway No Hallway No Hallway No Hallway No N/A No Hallway No Hallway No Hallway No Hallway No Hallway No Hallway Yes Corridor Out 4 L8 Oul 4 18 N/R 11 N/R N/n N/R Out 5 L8 l\/ Jr. I J- N/R N/R N/R 11 N/R N/R N/R N/R N/n Out 4 18 Out 18 N/R N/R N/R N/R N/n 11 N/R 11 N/R N/R 11 N/R r-1 N/R 11 N/R L1 N/R N/R 11 N/R 11 N/R N/R 11 N/R L1 N/R r-1 Out 4 1-8 L Gymnasium Bl eachers l- Gl.mnas ium C101 29.2 Yes Corridor Out 4 18 29.8 Yes Corridor Out 4 1,8 No Hallway N,/R No Hallway N/R 4.2 No N./a N/R No Hall\\'ay N/R 11 No Hallway N/R 11 No Hallway N/R 31.8 Yes Corridor Out 418 l- Boys Locker Rm CL50 74 1 Girls Locker Rm CL50 L4 1 Fitness Room C170 2I 1 Office C11L L St. Store C13 7 1 Kitchen C131 L Dining Room C13 0 -.Lqb z L49 2 l- 1- I 1 11 J-L 159 2 L 1 1 l_ 1 2.8 0.2 u.o 1 Non-habitable Areas AC 0.0 No Hallway N/R TOTAL 1988 4 39'7.5 Yes corridor OUE L2 !7 BL Lecture/rehearsa 1 4I BL Storage A022 AC1 81 Electrical Roon A02 5AC 81 Elev. Mach.Room AC BL Storage A0l.2 AC4 81 Mechanical Room A0 31AC5 d.z 0.0 0.0 0.8 1.0 z -h 0.0 0.0 0.2 0-4 z -6 No Hallway N/R No N/A N/R No N/A No N/A N,/R N,/R Bl- Green Room A011 13 Bl- Storage Room A013 AC Bl- Office A0l-4 L 81 ,fani tor A015 AC 81 Electrical Room A0 3 8AC1 BL Boiler Room A037 AC2 81 Dressing Room A035 15 81 Dressing Room A033 14 81 Equipment Room .A032 Ac1 1 l_ t- L L 81 Non-habitable Areas AC 0.0 No Hallvray N/R TOTAL 8 12 77 NOTE: Areas with tAC' before the number of occupants area is being treated as an accegsory for occupant 1oads.-- Sec. 1003.2.2.2.t, Exception Hallways shal1 be considered as intervening rooms for exit-access designpurposes. -- Sec. 1004.3.3.1 Wafls and ceilings of hallways are not required to be fire-resistive unless they are required to be fire-resistive based construction type.-- Sec, 1004.3.3.3 There is no restriction as to the amount and tl4)e of openinqs unlessprotection of openings is required by some other code provision. -- Sec. 1004.3.3.4 Elevat,or lobbies are not required. -- Sec. 1004.3.3.5 In areas where 2 exies are required, the minimum separation ls 1-/2 of the maximum diagonal of the area or floor. -- Sec. 1004.2.4 When 2 exits are required, exits must be arrang'ed so that it is possible to go in eiEher direct.ion from any point in a corridor or hallway to a separate exit, except for dead ends noe exceeding 20 feet in length. - - Sec. ]-004.2.5 Exit signs are required from all areas where 2 or exits are required.-- Sec. 1003.2.8.2, Exception 2 No point to be more t.han 100 feet from an exit sign. Main exterior exit doors which obviously and clearly are identifiable as exits need not be signed when approved. -- Sec. l-, Exception Door swing is based on Sec. 1003-3.1.5 except as noted. occupant load factor is based on Table 10-A. No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/n No Hallway N/n No Hallway N/R No Hal lway N/ R 11, No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R No Hal-lway N/R No Hallway N/R No Hallway N/R 10 Number of exits is based on Table 10-A except as noted. Exit width is in inches and based on Sec. 1003.2.3 and Table 10-B Exit. width is to be divided approximately equally among exits. - - Sec. t0O3 .2.3.2 Width shown for all areas is based on oEher eqress components. Width shown for 1st floor is based on other egress components. Width shown for other floors & basements is based on stairways.-- Table L0 -B NOTE: $ihen the occupant Load on an upper floor is greater than the floor(s) beIow, minimum exit.ing requirements are maintained.-- Sec. 1- For the minimum width of doors, see Sec, 1003.3,1.3 For the minimum width of ha1lways, see Sec. 1004.3.3.2 For the minimum width of corridors. see Sec. 7004,3.4.2 For the minimum width of stairways. see Sec. L003.3.3.2 FOOTNOTES: 2) Basements and f l-oors above the 2nd fl,oor are required to have 2 exj-ts. -- Sec. L004,2.3.2 See Exceptions 4) Panic hardware is based on Sec. 1007,2.5 See exception for main exit in A-3 occupancies and churches. 5) Panic hardware is required from roomg with an occupant. load of 50 or more and from corridors. -- Sec. 100?.3.10 11) Corridors wit.hin an office space with an occupant load of 100 or less are not required to be rated. -- Sec. 1004.3.4.3, Exception 5 12) within office spaces corridors are not required to be rat,ed if an automatic smoke-detection systen' is installed within the corridors. -- Sec. 1004.3.4.3, Exception 5 17) The requirement for this hal lway/corridor to be a corridor i.s based on the hallway in a portion of this area being an intervening room.-- Sec. 1004.2.2 & 1004.3.3.1- 18) The requj.rement for this hallway/corridor to be a corridor is based on this area requiring more than one exit. -- Sec, ]-004.2.2, Ex 2 NOTE: One exit may be through an adjoining or intervenj.nq room, which in turn provides direct access to an exj-t or t'o a corridor.-- Sec, L004,2.2, Exception 4. FLUSH AND SURFACE BOLTS: Manually operated edge- or surface-mounted flush bolts and surface bolts or any other type of device that may be used to close or restrain the door other than by operation of the lockinq device shall not be used. When automatic flush bolts are used, the door Ieaf having the automatic flush bolt shal1 not have a door knob or surface-mounted hardware. The unlatchingr of any leaf sha11 not require more than one operation. -- Sec. 1003.3.1-.8 LOCKS AND I-TATCHES: Regardless of the occupant load served, exit doors shall be openable from the i-nside srithout the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort. -- Sec. 1003.3.1".8 Key-Iocking hardware may be used on the main exit when the main exit consists of a single d.oor or paj.r of doors if there is a sign statingl THIS DOOR MUST REMAIN UNI.,,OCKED DURING BUSINESS HOURS. When unlocKed, door(s) must swingr without operation of any latching device. -- exc. 1l STAIR NOTES : Public stairways: 1) The rise of steps sha11 not be less than 4 inches or greater than 7 inches. The minimum run is 11 inches. The maximum variation is 3/8 inch in a fliqht of stairs. -- Sec. 1003,3.3.3 2) The minimum width of a stairway is 36 inches, 44 inches if the occupant load is greater than 49, -- Sec. 1003.3.3.2 Also see exit table above to see if minimum width is greater than 44 inches. 3) Provide a handrail- on both sides of sEairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing. May be on one side of stairways less than 44 inches wide. - - Sec, 1003 .3 .3.6. Exception 1 4) Provide a guard rail where drop off is qreater than 30 inches, - - Sec. 509.1 5) The minimum height is 42 inches. -- Sec. 509.2 5) open guardrails sha11 have intermediate rails or ornamental pattern such that a sphere 4 inches in diameter cannot pass through. -- Sec. 509.3 The triangular openinqf formed at the riser, tread and guardrail may be 5 inches. -- 509.3, ExcepEion 2 7) The minimum headroom is 5 ft.- I inches, Such clearance sha1l be measured vertical-Iy from a plane parallel and tangent to the stairway tread nosing to the soffit above at all points. -- Sec. 1003.3.3.4 8) Enclosed usable space under Ehe sEairs is required to be protected as required for t hr. fire-resistive conslruction. -- Sec. 1003.3.3.9 Stair$rays are required to be in exit enclosures. -- Sec. l-005-3.3-1 1) The wal1s of the encLosure are required to be t hr fire assemblies. - - Sec. 1005 .3 . 3 .2 2) The openings into the exit enclosure are required to be t hour assembl-j-es. Nobe: openings into enclosure are limited to those necessary for egress normally occupied spaces. Doors sha11 be maintained self-closing or shal1 be automatic closing by actuati.on of a smoke detector. -- Sec. 1005.3.3.5 3) A connection to the exterior is required with the same fire protection as Ehe exit enclosure. -- Sec. 1005.3.3.3 In office buildings, 50 percent of the exits may discharge through a street-floor l obby when an automatic sprinkler system is provided on the entire street 1eve1 f1oor. -- sec. 1005.3.3.3, Exception 2 4) The space under the stairs (enclosed or not) may not be used for any purpose, -- Sec. 1005.3.3.6 5) A barrier is required at grade Leve1. -- Sec. L005.3.3.4 ETEVATOR REQUIREMENTS : 1)When the el-evator vertical travel is 25 feet or more, each associated. elevator lobby or entrance area and associated machine rooms sha1l be provided with an approved listed smoke detector for efevator recall purposes only. -- Sec. 3003.2 2)Shafts (hoistways) housing elevators extending through more than two floor levels shal1 be vented to the outside. The area of the vent sha11 not be less than 3 1-/2 percenE of the area of the elevator shaft, provided a minimum of 3 square feet per elevator is provided. -- Sec. 3004. Vents shal1 be capable of manual operation only. t2 RAMP REQUIREMENTS: 1) The minimum width is 44 inches. If a ramp serves an occupant load of 49 or 1ess, it may be 35 inches $ride. If the ramp is serving a high occupant load, check exit table above for required width.-- Sec. L003,4.2 2) If the ramp is part of Ehe accessible route, the maxi.mum slope is 1:12. Al-1 other ramps may have a slope of 1:8 or less.-- Sec. 1003.3.4.3 3) when the slope is greater than l,:20, landings shall be provided at the top, bottom and for each 5 feet of rise. Top landings and intermediate landingrs sha1l be at least 5 feet in the direction of traveL. L,andings at the bottom of ramps shal-l be at least 6 feet in the direction of travel . - - Sec. 1003.3 .4.4 4) Handrails sha11 be per stair requirements. -- Sec, 1003.3.4.5 5) The surface sha11 be roughened or sha1l be of slip-resistan! materials. - - sec. 1003 .3.4 . I IJANDINGS AT DOORS : L) A floor or landing' shalf be provided on each side of doors. When access for persons with disabilities is required. the floor or landing shall not be more LharL L/2 inch lower than the threshold- when access is not required, the maximum is 1 inch. -- Sec. l- 2) L,andings shal1 have a width noh less than the width of the stairway or widt.h of the doorway, whichever is the greater. Where a landinqf serves an occupant load of 50 or more, doors in any position shall not reduce t.he landing dimens.ion to less lhan one half it required width. The minimum length in the direction of exit travel- is 44 inches. - - Sec. 1003.3.1.7 TRAVEL DISTANCE: (dislance to an exit) The maximum travel distance in this building is 250 feet. -- Sec, 1004.2 .5.2_3 The maximum travel distance within an E occupancy rooms is 75 feet. - - Sec. l-007.3.3,1 The maximum travel distance in an E occupancv is 225 feeE.-- Sec. 1007.3.3.2 Travel distance shall not be limited within an exit encl-osure or exit passageway. -- Sec. 1005.2 -2 BUILDTNG ACCESSIBII.TITY : 1) This building including each tenant sha1I be provided with at least one entrance which complies with the aecessible rout.e provisions of CABO/ANSI A117.L. At Least 50 percent of all enLrances sha1l be accessible. -- Sec. 1103.2.3 2) when more tha! one exit. is required from any accessibl-e space, each accessible portion of the space shall be served by not less than two accessible means of egress. -- Sec. 1104.1.1 NOTE: Exit stairways in buildings protected throughout by an approved automatic spri.nkler system are NOT required eo incorporate an area of refuge. -- Sec. 1104.1.2, Exception 2 ROOFING REQUIREMENTS: 1) The roofing on this building is required to be Class B or better.-- Table L5 -A 2) See section 1504 and ICBO research reDores for requirements. l3 AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEMS : If there are l-00 or more sprinklers, aLl valves control-ling the water supply and water-f1ow switches shall be electricall-y monitored. Valve moni-toring and water-f1ow alarm and trouble signals shall be dist,inetly different. and shal-1 be automatically transmitted to an approved central station, remote station or proprietary monitoring station. -- Sec. 904.3.1. STANDPT PE REQUTREMENTS : There is no requirement for a standpipe. -- TabLe 9-A FOOTNOTES: 2) A standpipe is not required in the basement. -- Table 9-A, footnote l- VENTILATION: All areas custonarily occupied by humans sha11 be provided with natural ventilation by means of openable exterior openings with an area of not less than 1/2O of the totaL floor area or sha11 be provided with a mechanical-1y operated ventilation system, Such system sha11 be capable of supplying a minimum of 15 cubic feet per minute of outside air per occupant. -- Sec. 7202.2 -I WALI, AND CEILING FINISS: 1) WaLl and ceiling finish materials are required to comply with Sec. 804.1- and Table 8-8. 2) Carpeting on the ceiling is required to have a Class I flame spread rating. -- Sec. 804.2 3) Textile wall- coverings shall have Class I flame spread rating. and sha11 be protected by automatic sprinklers or meet the accept.ance criteria of U.B.C. Standard No. 8-2 -- Sec. 805 4) Toilet roorn floors shall have a smooth, hard nonabsorbent surface that extends upward onto the wal1s at teast 5 inches. - - Sec. 807 . L.1 5) Wal1s within 2 feet of the front and sides of urinals and r^'ater cLosets shall have a smooth, hard nonabsorbent surface.-- Sec. 8O7.1.2 rNSUI-,ATION NOTES: 1) A11 insulation mat.erial including facinqs are required to have a flame-spread rating of 25 or l-ess and a maximum smoke density of 450. - - Sec. 707.3 2) Foam plastic insulations are required to be protected. -- Sec. 2502 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For E1 occupancy 1) All corridors serving an occupant load more than l-00 are required to be the required width pJ.us 2 feet but not less than 6 feet. - - Sec. 1007.3 .5 2) A fenced in area without unlocked gates must have a dispersal area greater than 50 feet from the building. -- Sec. 1007.3.11 t4 For A2 occupancy STAGES: 1) The minimum type of construction for stages sha11 be as required for the buildinq except that the finished f1oor, in all t]4)es of construction, may be of wood. -- Sec. 405,3.L 2) If the stage height is 50 feet or more, it sha1l be separated from the rest of the buildingr by not less than a two-hour occupancy separation. If the height is less than 50 feet, separation may be one-hour. -- Sec, 405.3.1 3) Dressing rooms, workshops, storerooms, and other accessory spaces shall be separated from each other and the other building areas by a one-hour occupancy separatj.on. -- Sec. 4O5.3.2 4) Emergency ventilat.ion shall be provided for all stage areas greater than 1000 sq.ft. for having a height greater than 50 feet to provide a means of removing smoke and combustion gases directly to the outside. Ventj.Lation shal1 be by one or a combination of the following. a) Smoke Control" - A means sha11 be provided to maintain smoke level not less than 6 feet above the highest level of assembly seating or above the top of the proscenium opening. It shall- be connected. to both normal and standby power. -- Sec, 405,3.3.1 b) Roof Vents - fi^ro or more vents shall be located near the center of and above the highest part of the stage. The net free vent area must be at least 5 percent of the stage area. -- Sec. 405.3.3.2 5) The proscenium openinq shall be prouected by an approved fire curtain or an approved water curtai.n. The fire curtain shall be designed to cl-ose automaticall-y and resist fl-ame and smoke for 20 minutes,-- Sec.405.3.4 6) Gridirons, fly galleries, and pinrails sha1l be construcled of malerialF consistent with the building type of consEruction. - - Sec. 405.3 .5 Floor-B 1 Occupancy-I-.,ect.ure/rehearsal- Floor-B 1 Occupancy-Green Room A011 Floor-B 1 Occupancy-Dressing Room A035 Floor-B 1 Occupancy -Dress ing Room A033 Floor- lst. Occupancy- Practice Area A112>A Floor- 1st Occupancy-Music Class Rm 411"1 Floor-1st Occupancy-Tech Support A101 Floor-1st Occupancy-Comp. Lab. A102 When seat.s are noE fixed, the capacity of this area is required to be posted at 63 occupants in a conspicuous place on an approved si"gn near the main exit. -- Sec, L007.2.6 Floor-1st. Occupancy-Comp. Lab. A104 Floor-1st Occupancy-Ind. Class Room A124 Floor - 1st Occupancy-Class Room A150 Floor- 1st Occupancy-Class Room A15L Floor- 1st Occupancy-Class Room AL52 Floor-1st Occupancy-C1ass Room A155 Floor - 1st Occupancy-Class Room Bl-55 Floor - 1st Occupancy-Class Room 8152 !'loor- 1st Occupancy-C1ass Room BL51 Floor- 1st Occupancy-Class Room 8150 Floor-1st Occupancy-Ind. Class Rm 8126 Floor-2nd Occupancy-Art Studio A208 Floor-2nd Occupancy-Art Studio ,A2 02 15 When seat.s are not fixed, the capacity of this area is required to be posted at 55 occupants in a conspi.cuous place on an approved sign near Ehe nain exit. -- Sec. L007.2.6 Floor-2nd occupancy-Photo A206 Floor-2nd Occupancy-Comp. Art A2 07 Floor-2nd Occupancy-C1ass Room A221 Floor-2nd Occupancy-C1ass Room A250 Floor-2nd Occupancy-Class Room A2 51 Floor-2nd Occupancy-C1ass Room A252 Floor-2nd Occupancy-Class Room A255 Fl-oor-2nd Occupancy-Class Room 8202 Floor-2nd Occupancy-C1ass Room E}200 Fl"oor - 2nd Occupancy-C1ass Room 8203 Floor-znd Occupancy- Prep Room 8201 Floor-2nd Occupancy-Class Room 8235 Floor-2nd Occupancy- Science L,ab. 8234 Fl-oor-2nd Occupancy- Prep Room 8232 Floor-2nd Occupancy- Science Lab. Floor-2nd Occupancy-C1ass Room B230 Floor-2nd Occupancy-C1ass Room 8226 Floor-2nd Occupancy-C1ass Room 8250 Floor-2nd Occupancy-Class Room 825L Floor-2nd Occupancy-Class Room 8252 Floor-2nd Occupancy-C1ass Room 8255 Floor-2nd Occupancy-C1ass Room C225 Floor - l-st Occupancy - Commons when seats are not fixed, be posted at 280 occupants sign near the main exit. - Floor - 1st Occupancy - Di ning when seats are not. fixed, be posted at 159 occupants sign near the main exit. - 8111 the capacity of t.his area is required to in a conspicuous place on an approved- Sec. 1007 .2.6 Room c13 0 the capacity of this area is required to in a conspicuous pLace on an approved- Sec. !OO7 .2.6 F1oor- Lst Occupancy - Gymnasium C100 The capacity of the Gym floor with the moveable partition closed is 384 persons wj-th an additional 266 persons in the bleachers for a total of 650 occupants- The capacity of clrmnasium C101 floor is 149 occupants wiLh the moveable partition closed. With the moveable partition opened the total occupant load is 799 persons. Posting of the Gymnasiums in both confiqurations is required to comply with Sec. L007.2.6 Floor-1st Occupancy - Audi torium When seats are not fixed, the capacity of Chis area is required to be posted at 365 occupants in a conspicuous place on an approved sign near the main exit.Sec. 1007.2.6 16 ACCESSIB]-,8 FACILITTES : NOTE: Except as noted, section numbers listed below are from CABO/ANSr A117.1 - L992 WATER FOUNTAINS AND WATER COOI.,ERS: At least 50 percent of drinking fountains, but not less than one,provided on every floor sha1l be accessible. -- UBC Sec. '1105.4.1 Accessible units must comply with the following: 1) Spout is to be within 36 inches of the floor. -- Sec. 4.I5.2.i- 2) Spout arranged for paral1e1 approach shall be ]ocated 3 inches maximum from the fronE. edge. Spoutss of cantilevered units with knee and toe clearances shall be located 15 inches minimum from the vertical support and 5 inches maximum from the front edqe. - - sec. 4 -L5 .2 .2 3) Spouts shal1 provide a flow of water 4 inches height minimum. - - Sec. 4) Operable parEs shal1 be located at or near the front. edge of the unit and shall comply with 4.25,4 -- Sec. 4.15.3 5) A cantilevered unit is required to ext.end L7 inches minimum from the vertical support. Clear knee space must provide a clear area of 8 inches in depth at 27 inches high and LL inches at 9 inches rninimum above the f 1oor. - - Sec. 4.1-5.4.'J- 6) Forward approach units sha11 comply with 4.2, Units in alcoves shalL comply with Units not having the necessary knee and toe cl-earance or clear space under them sha11 comply with 4.2.4 and have a clear floor space that a11ows a person in a wheelchair to make a paralleI approach. -- Sec. 4.!5.4.2 TOILET FACILITIES: 1) A 60 inch diameter unobst.rucled turning space is required in the toilet room, -- Sec. 4,16,3, 4.2.3 & Fiq. 84.2.3 2) Water closet shall be mounted adjacent to a side wal-l- orpartition. The distance from the side wall or parEition to the centerline of the water closet shall be L8 in. Sec. 4.17.1 3) When the accessible water closet is not in a stall: The clear floor space shall- be 48 in minimum in front of the waLer closet and 42 in from the center line of the water closet on the side not. adjacent to the wall.-- Sec. 4,L7.2 & Fig. B4.L7.2 4) When the accessible water closet is in a sta1I: The sta11 sha11 be 50 in wide minimum and 55 in deep minimum for wa11 hung water closets and 59 in deep minimum for floor mounted water closets. -- Sec. If the door swings inCo the stal1, the required depth sha11 be increased by 36 inches minimum. -- Sec. 4.1-8.3.2 &. Fiq. 84. L8.3.1 5) The bars are to be 33 to 36 inches above the floor and shall be provided on the rear wal1 and on the side wall closest ho the water closet. -- Sec. & Figs.E4.f7.3,84.L7.4 and a) Side grrab bar is required to start wi-thin 12 inches of the back wall and extend to 54 inches from the back waL1. (The minimum length of the bar is 42 inl -- Sec. 4.I7.4.1 &. Figs. 84. L7.3 and 84. L8.3.1 b) The rear bar shall be 24 in long minimum, cenbered on the water cl-oset. Where space permits, the bar shall be 36 in long minimum, with the additional length provided on the 17 transfer side. -- Sec. 4.I7.4.2 & Fiqrs. B4.17.3, P4-I7.4 and 84 .18.3.l- 6) The top of the seat on the water cLoset is required to be 17 to L9 inches above the f1oor. -- Sec. 4,17.3 & Fig. 84.17.3 7) Accessibl-e urinals sha1l be of the stafl type or wall hung with the rim at 17 inches maximum above the floor. -- Sec. 4.19.2 8) A clear area of 30 X 48 inches minimum is requi.red in front of the urinal. Privacy shields sha11 not. extend beyond the front edge of the urinal rj-m, unless they are 30 inches apart minimum. -- Sec.4.19.3 9) Accessible lavatories sha1l be mounted with the rim 34 inches maxi.mum above the floor and a clearance of 29 inches minimum from the floor to the bottom of the front edge of the apron. - - Sec. 4 .2O.2.1 & Fig. 84 .20.3 .l- L0) It sha1l extend 17 inches minimum from the wa11. The clear knee space sha11 be 8 inches in depth minimum aL 27 inches minimum above the floor and l-L inches in depth minimum at 9 in minimum above the floor. The dip of the overfLow shall be ignored when checking the clearances. -- Sec. & Fig. 11) A clear floor space of 30 x 48 inches minimum shall be provided in front of the lavatory and sha11 extend l-9 inches maximum under the lavatory, -- Sec. & Fiq. P4.20.3-2 l-2) water supply and drain pipes under lavatories sha11 be insulated or otherwi-se treated to protect aqainst contact.-- Sec.4.20.4 13) The bottom of mirror is required to be within 38 inches of the floor. -- Sec. 4-16.6 & Fio. B'4.20-3.I GI.,AZING REQUIREMENTS A11 qlazing in hazardous locatsions is required to be of safetyglazing material. -- Sec. 2406.3 & 2406.4 Locat.ions: 1) Glazing in ingress and egress doors except jatousies. 2l GLazinq in fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assendclies and panels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors, Glazing in s t.orm doors. Glazing in all unframed swinging doors. Glazing in doors and. enclosures for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas. sEeam rooms. bathtubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of a building waLl enclosing these compartments where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet. Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent Eo a door where Ehe nearest exposed edge of the glazing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door in a closed position and where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 50 inches above the walking surface. 7) Glazins i.n an individual fixed or operable panel, other than those Locations described in items 5 and 6 above, than meets all of the following conditions: A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square f eet.. B. Exposed boetom edge less Ehan 18 inches above the floor. C. Exposed top edge greater than 36 inches above the f1oor, D. One or more walking surfaces within 35 inches horizontally of the pl-ane of the gl-azing, 8) Glazing in railings regardless of height above a walking surface. fncluded are structural baluster panels and nonsEructural in-filL 3) 4) 6) 18 panels. 9) Glazing Ln waI1s and fences uaed as the barrier for indoor and outdoor swJ.nuning pools and spas when the bottotn edges is Less than 50 inches above the pool side and the glazing is within 5 feecof the pool or spa \raterrs edge. 10) Glazing ln wa1ls enclos.lng stairvray landings or within 5 feet of Chen bottom and top of stairwayg where the bottorn edge is less than 60 inches above the ualking aurface. l9 From: To: Date: Subject: July 1,2003 Tim, 'Art' <fi resafe@rof. net> "Tim McKay" <tim@kcjd.com> 071011200310:49:41 AM Vail Mt. School Regarding our phone conversation yesterday about ltems #1 & #8 of the Vail Mountain School plan revlew: Item #1 , I agree that the use of the Lecture/Rehearsal Hall A020 can be considered a classroom use giving it an occupant load of less than 50 persons. One exit is required ftom the room at door A20C into Conidor A010. The distance from Door A20C is not to exceed 20 feet along the path of travel to the Exit Access of Stair 002 (1st exit) measured ftom the center of the doonivay to the center of the exit access at the stair. This distance cunently exceeds the 2O-foot dead end slightly and the door location will need to be adjusted to provide compliance. Access to Stair 006 (2nd exit) will be through Coridor 4030. Item #8, My interpretation remains that Gallery A200 & Gallery .4201 provide a dead end corridor exceeding 2O-feet. Providing automatic closing doors at a point not more than 2O-feet from the intersection of Corridors A210 & 4220 will permit the remaining portions of tie galleries to be considered a Hallway per Section 1004.3.3.1 . This also permits additional considerations for less restrictive openings along this hallway per Section 1004.3.3.4. lf you have any questions please contact me. Thanks. Art CC:"Charlie Davis" <cdavis@ci.vail.co.us> From: To: Date: Sublect: Tim, 'Art' <fi resab@rof.net> 'Tim McKay' <tim@kcjd.com> 07101n00311:14:38 AM Vail Mt School elestrical & mechanical The ElectricaUMechanical plans examiner has notified me that he has reviwred the response to his initialreview of the elecbical and mecianical plans. He indicated that all of the issues that hd identified have been completed. l'll send the Sbuctr.rral Review infunnation on to you as soon as I receive it, I expect it will be today. Thanks again, Art GC: 'Chadie Davis" <cdavis@ci.vail.co.us> ;t ti w w w. k cJ d. c o m July l,2003 Mr. William Carlson Depadment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 KLIPP C oLUs SY JENKS DUBoIS ARC H IIEClS, P.C. 2. A 5. Of$ice GopI Wrlter Squore, l5l2 Lortmer Strael Brldge tsvel, Donver, Coto.odo 00202 ph 303-E93-1990 /ox 303-993.2204 Reference: Vail Mountain School -Plan Reyiew Dear Bill; We- have received your plan review comment letter of June 9,2003, and while you have approved the plans with additions and/or modifrcations, we felt it necessary to clariff and respond io your comments. Listed below are the beginnings of your comments and our clarification in italics. I . The hot water generation unit must provide a minimum energy imput of 155,650 BTU's per hottt-.....We are supplying 140 degree water to the HtchenJixnres. This information cin befound on our Mechanical Plans. The wells of the three compartment sink.....,we witl conJirm with the owner that they are. Condensate drain lines from all refrigeration units and ice machine must have at atr gap. . . . . .The contractor is directed to do this on the Mechanical Plans. Provide a minimum of fiberglass-reinforced plastic (FRP), or stainless steel......Refer to detail 1,4,5 on sheet K2.I for wall paneling provided. Food shall not be prepared in a pot and pan sink If a sink is necessary for defrosting,. . . . . .The pot and pan sink is located adiacent to the dishwashing area. Separate 2-compartnent food preparation sinks are located on either side of the rangdoven. Quarry tile is an acceptable floor finish in the food service kjtchen. The grout for quarry tile must have and absorbency rate of 4Yo or Less. We will make sure the submined product complies with this requirement. 7fte junctures between walls and floors shall be coved and sealed. Cove tile is specifiett for this location. All light fixtures must be adequately enclosed or shielded to prote ct. ... -.There are no open tube/bulb light Jixtures located in these areas. All light fixtures have lenses. PRINCIPAi-S Bdon.R. Kllpp, AIA . Ak]n E. Cotrssy, AIA o Lory D, Jenks, AlA, CSI . Cornetir.6 R, (Ktn) D,ugob, AA. John C. (Jock) Brokow, AtA, CEFpt . Gr€gory D. Cromer, AA, CEFPI ASSOCIA1E PRINCIPALS Som M ter, AlA, CEFpt . Keoi Ton. AlA, Direcior of De$gn SENIOI? As.SOCIA.'ES corev Dickinson . B(rca Bo enf,och. AtA. ()SI Vail Mountain School Plan Review Comments 2 of2 9. All grease-producing equipment shall be vented through a properly designed ventilafion hood and grease collectionsystem.....ZlegreasehoodisspecifiedinSectionll400. Shopdrawingsfromthevendircan be submitted for your review as required to assure compliance. 10- Fire prevention, extinguishing equipment and lighting system shall be installed. . . . -Final installarion and coordination is the responsibility of the Kitchen Equipment Contractor and the General Contractor. Individual shop drawings will be produced for this equipment and can be submitted, for your review as required to assure compliance. l l. Provide a stainless steel on the rilall surface behind the cooking equipment.....R efer to notes on Sheet KI.2 showing requirements for SS wall panel installation. 12- Under counter surfaces must be finished and sealed to provide washable surfaces. They witt be. 13. Properly seal sinks and drain boards to their adjacent wall....Z&rs is a standard requirement of section 11400 in the Specifications. 14. All plumbing, electrical and other utility lines must be concealed in the walls, floor or ceiling. Water service lines. .. ...Standard anticipated level of construction quality fron ow General Contmctor will provide t hese features. 15. The dishwashers must be capable of a minimum temperature of 160 degrees F in tle final rinse cycle. The specified dishwashers have internal booster heaters capable ofproviding the required tempirature. 16. All equipment must be National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) listed or equivalent. Section I1400 outlines this requirement. Hopefully, we have addressed all of your concems in an adequate marmer. If you have any concems or questions please feel free to contact our office at (303) 893-1990 or via e-mail at Tim@kcjd.com. Sincerely, R. TimothyMcKay Project Architect Cc Charlie Davis, Town Of Vail Earl Weiskittel, VMS Greg Cromer, KCJD John McWilliams, WSI Micbael Linn, SDI P:\2001-028.00 Vail Mtn School\Construction Administration\ Project Communications\Coverning Agencies\070103 health d€pt ltr.doc www.kcJd.com July 2,2003 Mr. Art Hougland Hougland & Associates 0625 Sunny Acres Road Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 officg GoPtcoLUSsy rENKS DuBors A RC H IT ECT5. P.C. Reference: Vail Mountain School - PIan Revlew Dear Art; We have received your comments on the plan review for the Vail Mountain School Building and have formulated our responses below. We have repeated your comments in norrn4l type face and then list our response in italic q/pe for clarity. It is our hope, that with these responses, in addition to our responses to the Town Of Vail Public Works and the Town Of Vail Fire Department, we can facilitate the issuance of our building permit. Since this project is being built under a Constnrction Manager/ General Contractor format, we will be issuing a formal '?ost Bid Addendum" to Shaw Construction as soon as we have confirmation from Charlie Davis that we have taken care of all of his concems. This will allow Shaw to negotiate any of the cost implications with the individual subcotrfactors aud serve as formal instruction to them to include the qlanges ir the project. The Town of vail will be copied on this addendum just as they have with all of the others. Comment l. Sheets AC2. 1.0 & A2.1.0, A2.2. I & A5. 1.0 - Lecturdrehearsal hall 4'020 has an occupant load of 57 persons. The exit from this room is into Hall A'010 then to Stair 002 or Stair 006. Although identified as a "Hall" Sheet AC2.l.0 also identifies this Hall as having l-hour rated construction. If constructed as a Hallway per Section 1004.3.3, Hall 4,020 would be an intervening room per Section 1004.2.2 and exit havel to the Main Level "Hall A116" would be a second intervening room and not permitted by this same section. This exit system is to be constructed as a Corridor in compliance with Section 1004.3.4. The Lecture/rehearsal Hall ,{020 is a basement classroom use. (Occupant load 57-persons) Section 1007.3.9 requires that exit stairways from basements open directly to the exterior of the building without entering the first floor. I note that the second required exit from this room also enters the first floor at Corridor Al20 without providing an exit directly to the exterior. Please provide a design providing two exits from the Lecturelrehearsal Hall complying with Section 1007.3.9. Also, it is unclear if this area is intended to have fixed seating or not to have fixed seating. Please provide a plan indicating compliance with either Section 1004.3.2.2, Width in occupancies without fixed seating, or Section 1004.3.2.3, Occupancies with fixed seats. Ir*,*a,ro* Erian R. Klipp, AIA . Alan E. Colussy, AtA . Larry D. Jenks, AlA, Cst . Cornellus R, (Kin) DuBois, AtA .John C. {Jaclo Brokaw, AlA, CEFpt r 6re9ory D. Cromer, Ay CEFPI AqSOCIATF PRINCIPAI S Sam Miller. AtA. CFFpt . t(ear Tan. AtA. Dir.cror of Desiqn Writ.r Square, I S l2 Lartm.r Street Brld9. Level, Oenvcr, Colo.ado 80202 pl, 103-893-1990 fax 301-893-2204 RoomnamesforA0l0,A030,andAil6willbechangedto"Conidor". Asyounoted,they' are identiJied as one-hour assemblies and are constructed as such. The occupant load for Lecture/ rehearsal Hall A020 was incorrectly stated on AC2.l.0 as 57 persons. (Ising the classroom use occupant load factor of 20 sf. / person, the actual occupant load is 43. (543 sf / 20 = 42.15 = 43 occupants). Per table I0-A, the room only requires one exit. Ihe room is loadedfrom the Main ievel from a user standpoint, so I am notiure why you consider the room to be a "basement classroom use". Our interpretation of the code does not make this room a "basement" use and only requires the exit to the Main Level. The only reason for the Lower Level access is to facilitate handicap access from the elevator and movement of music furniture, iwtruments, etc. from the rehearsal hall into the Auditorium via the elevator. This room does not have fixed seating. It will serve as Choir / Ensemble practice area as well as provide a facility for group presentations. Both functions will use loose "fumiture" seating as necessary. The width of each aisle is 44" which more than exceeds the minimum required width of 36" as stated in 1004.3.2.2. Comment regarding resDonse: Section 203 defines a basement as foUows: *Basement is any floor level below the first story in a building, except that a floor level in a building having only one floor level shall be classlfied as a basement unless $uch floor level qualilies as a fires story as defined herein.,' Section 220 detines a first story as follows:(Story, First, is the lowest story in a building that qualifies as a story, as defined herein, except that a floor level in a building having only one floor level shall be classified as a frrst story, provided such floor level is not more than 4 feet (1219 mm) below grade, as defined herein, for more than 50 percent of the total perimeter, or not more than 8 feet (2438 mm) below grade, as defined herein at any point.' Section 208 defines grade as follows: "Grade (adjacent Ground Elevation) is the lowest point of elevation of the tinished surface ofthe ground, paving or sidewalk within the area between the building and the property line or, when the property line is more than 5 feet (1524 mm) from the building between the building and a line 5 feet from the building." Sheets 45.1.0, A5.1.1 and detalts on Sheet A5.2.9 appear to indicate the area to be consistent with the definition of a basement rather than a first storv. Comment 2. The configuration of the stairs Aom the basement will be required to comply with Section 1007.3.9 Basement rooms. This section requires that within E Occupancies exit stairways from basements shall open directly to the exterior of the building without entering the first floor. The plan indicates sair 002 as entering the first floor. This basement exit system is also required to comply with Section 1104.1 for accessible means of egress, note that Areas ofRefuge arc not requled since the building is sprinklered. Please identiff all Conidors as having a one-hour fue-resistance rating. It does not appear tlat this building will have Hallways since Hallways are not required to be of fire-resistive construction. Response Exiting through the corridor system to Sla,ir 002 and then through Conidor (Hall AI16) proides an access directly outside. The cross-corridor doors between Coridor A t I 0 and Corrid.or (Hall A I I 6) will close onfire alarm creating a continuous exit path to the outside that does not enter the Main Level of the building. At the west end of Corridor (Hall A030) Stair 006 eits d.irectly to the outside of the building. This particular issue was discussed in depth with Charlie Davis and Mifte McGee in an egrV delgn/planning meettng. At the time, both of then felt that what we were doing met the intent of the Building Code. As you state, our plans are not clear with the room conventions of "Aallway' being used in several cases throughout the building. The contractor will be directed to rename the followingroomsto"Coriilor": A030,A010,A110,A116,A120,A140,8110,A240,8210,8240. Room B 1 20 will be delaed since it is redundant with Room B I40. Comment regarding response: Section 1007.3.9 Basement rooms. "Exit stairways from a basement shall open directly to the exterior of the building without entering the first floor.', It is clear that when you enter Corridor Al16 from stair 002 you have entered the first floor. Section 1007.3.9 does not include exceptions permitting entry into a corridor at the first floor. Comment 3. sheets Ac2.l.0 & M.z.L-Hall Al20 at Gallery Al00 has a doorA100 from the Gallery to the exterior. The Computer Lab .{102 and Tech. Support Al0l have a combined occupant load of5l peNons requiring access to 2 exits. Per 1997 UBC, Sectiont004.2.l requires that rooms with 10 or more occupants not exit through more than one intervening room. The Gallery Al00 is one intervening room and Hall Al20 is another. Door .{100 is required to be a complying exit and identifred as such. Without this door as an exit the east end of llall I 20 and the Gallery A 1 00 would create a Dead end approximately 25-feet in length per Section 1004.2,6. please provide a corrected design. Response As stated above, the contractor will be instructed to re-label Halt Ai 20 to Conidor AI20. Gallery A100 is just an extension of the conidor and. was identi/ied separately for interior elevation design clarity. Door AI00 is an uit and is identified as such by emergency *it signage. Refer to Sheet E 3.21 for exit light symbol. Comment 4' Sheets 42.2.2, A8l0 & 482.0 - Fire-resistive rating of glazing opening on to one-hour fire-resistive Conidors was not found on a window schedule or in the Project Manual. The fire rating of all glazed openings are to be verifred to comply with Section 1004. If I have missed locating this information in the documents provided please indicate where it is to be found or provide information indicating compliance with this section. ResDonse This will be clariJied with the General Contractor, It was our intent that Section 081 I 0 would cover required Jire-ratings for borrowed lights and sidelites as well as door frames. All door and window ftames in one-hour fre-rated corridor walls will have a rating of 20 minutes or greater and will have wire glazing. In one-hour occapancy separations (ie: Science Labs) alt frames will have a 60 minute Jire rating. There ere no windows in these partition types. Comment 5. Sheets AC2.1.0, A2.1.1, A2.2.1, M.2.2, A2.2.4 & A2.2.5 -The Code sheets indicate some rooms to be included within the one-how fire-resistive construction of Corridors which do not appear to comply with Section l0O4.3.4.4Intervening rooms. Exception l, permittitrg foyers, lobbies or reception roomi constructed as required for corridors. Rooms not qualiffing as foyers, lobbies or reception rooms include but may not be limited to the following: Data A,125, Work room Ai41, AV storage 8141, Data 8121, Electrical 8122, work room M4l & Av storage 8241. Please clarifu by providing a plan indicating only areas meeting the definition of foyer, lobby or reception room within the fire-resistive rating of the corridon. I consider the Commons as meeting the definition of a reception room as long as coDstructed as requircd for corridors. Resoonse Code Sheet AC2.l.0 shows the incorrect location of the coridor wall fteween Electric BI22 and Assistant Head OJJice BI23) and is correctly shown on the Reflected Ceiling Plan Sheet A3.2.3. The rating is between Data BI2I and A.V. Storage 8141. The only rooms included within the corridor rating are the AY storage areas (8141, B24l), workrooms (Ai4l, B24l) and roilets (a142, a242, B 142, 8242). All of these specifc rooms were discussed with Mike McGee and Charlie Davis in our design/planning meeting. At the time, the Owner wished to have no doors to the toilet rooms listed above' Duing the Construction Document phase of the project, they elected to add doors to these toilets, but have non-rated patterned (fro*ed) glass exceeding the maximum Jire lite size. Both Mitre and Charlie were in agreement that the rooms listed could indeed be within the corridor rating. In fact, Mike feh strongly that the Workroom be included in the corridorfor smoke/fre detection re(Nons which we have complied with. Comment regarding response: check with charlie regarding the Inclusion of toilet rooms rryithin the corridor construction. Comment 6. The Project Manual Door Schedule in Section 08710 indicates some doors without a fire rating opening into corridors or areas intended to be portions of corridors such as foyers, lobbies or reception rooms. Example; door B 132 opens into Work Room B13l which is not separated from the corridor by fire resistive constnrction or a door with a fire rating. This sihration also occurs elsewhere in the building. Also, see the item above for rooms such as the work room being a portion of conidors. Resoonse The Administrative area of the building is being treated as a suite of less than 3000 sf. As such, Halt 8130 and workroom BI3l are not rated conidors. Hall B 130 as defned by 1004.3.3.1 is an intervening room and provides access to rated corrtdors B I 40 and B I I 2 . Comment regarding resoonse: r agree that Hall 130 may be considered as a hallway or intervening room. rt appears that doors B130 are doors activated to close by the detection and alarm system. Are doors B131 similarly equipped? Comment 7 . Sheets AC2. 1.0 & 42.2.3 - The plans include the installation of a folding panel partition benreen the Gymnasium and the Auxiliary Gymnasium. The exiting system with the folding panel partition opened appears to be adequate. However, The exiting system from the main gymnasium does not appear to work with the partition closed. The exiting from the Auxiliary gymnasium appeaN to comply if "Hall" C140 and Vestibule Cl42 are constructed as required for Conidors per Section l0M'3.4.3. Section 10651 of the Project Manual addressing the operable panel partitions did not provide any inforrnation clarifing the exiting. Please provide a plan indicating an exit system for the gymnasium with the partition closed that complies with Section 1004 The Exit Access. Response Thefolding panel partition between Gyn C100 and Awiliary Gyn C101 is only intended to be only 49'-8" long. As such, it provides a 6'-0" wide minimum opening at both the north and south walls. This will be clarilied with the Contractor. Comment 8. Sheets ACz .l.l & A2.2.4 -The nurnber of occupants in the Art Studio A,202 and Art Office entering the corridor at Gallery A20l is 62-persons, the number expected to exit into Gallery A20l is 3l by the time you reach the corridor at Gallery A200 there are 86-persons accumulated. Persons exiting into the corridor from the Computer Art 4206 room and the Art Studio 4,208 at Gallery A200 are required tolave the option of two exits per Section 1004.2.3.1. They do not have that option because Gallery A200 and Gallery .{201 create a 44-foot dead end per Section 1004.2.6 Dead ends. Even if the situation described above were not a factor, Gallery A200 and Gallery A,201 create a dead end because the number of persons from other portions of the building using the exiting system at the intemection of Corridors A210 & A220 require 2 exits. ResDonse A door will be added to the south wall of An Sndio A208 providing the required e*it directly to Stair 002 thereby eliminating the occupant load going into Gallery A200/A201. This reduction will reduce the load in the intentening room to 42 which then does not create a dead end corridor but rather an intervening room with an occupant load only requiring one ait. Comment regarding resDonse: The Art Studio A'202 and adjoining office A205 and photo A.206 have a combined occupant load of 62 persons. 31 of which will be expected to exit at the east door A202B and 31 will enter the corridor at door A202A. Art Studio A208 has an occupant load of 45 persons. The Architect will provide for a 2nd exit serving 23 persons from this room on the south side at Stair 002. 22 persons are expected to exit into the corridor at Gallery A200. 11 persons are expected to exit Computer Art A,207 into corridor at Galtery A200. The total persons from these rooms is 64 persons in the corridor. I do not agree that this does not create a dead end corridor and that this area is only an intervening room- This "intervening room" is not separated from Corridors A,210 and A220 and is part of the corridor system. Persons using Corridors A210 and A220 are subjected to a 44 foot dead end comprised of Gallery A,200 and Gallery A201. Charlie, the ArcNtect could avoid this condition by providing exit door(s) at the intersection of Corrldors A2l0 & A22O from Galleries A.200 & 4201. This would make Galleries 4200 & A201 a hatlway/intervening room that enters the corridor at the intersection. rn my opinion this would comply with the code. Do you want us to suggest this to the Architect? Comment 9. Sheets AC2.l.l & A2.2.5 - Laboratories F,200,B.202,F.203,8231, 8233, &.8234 are required to have two separate exits or exit access doorways per Section 1007.3.8. Z aboratories. Section 1004.2.2 Travel through tntervening rooms, Exception 4, permits one of these exits to go through an adjoining or intervening room, which in turn provides direct access to an exit or a conidor. It appears ai if tneie laboratories have been designed in this way. However, it is necessary for you to provide clarification on how these exits through these adjoining rooms will be accomplished without accidental of intentional lockout occurring befween adjoining roons. Response The door hardware on doors 82358, 82308, 82038, and 82028 is panic styte (HW Group 34). Panic hardware cannot be locked in the direction of exit. Rooms 8202, 8203, 8230 and 8235 are not laboratoies and as such only require one exit each but since they are part of the required ait for room 8200, B23l, and 8234, and the combined occupant load would exceed 50, hey also have panic hardware scheduled. Comment 10. The path of travel from these laboratories shall not pass throt,gh other labomtories using hazardous materials per Section 1007.3.4. If any of these laboratories utilize hazardous materials they could not be used as an exit path of travel from adjoining rooms as described in Item #9. Please prwide verification from the building owner that hazardous materials will or will not be used in these laboratories. Response As stated above, Rooms 8202, 8203, 8230 and 8235 are not laboratories but rather "classrooms". It has always been a programming direction given by the owner that any hazardous materials will be limited to the labs as labeled on the floor plan. Classroom instruction will not include hazardous materials. Comment 11. Sheets AC2.1.0, AC2.l.l, A2 .2.1, A2.2.4, A5.1.0 & A5.l.l - The Mechanical Mezzanines do not meet the definition of Mezzanine per Section 214 and are Mechadcal rooms. Each of the mechanical rooms is over 500 sq. ft. These rooms appear to be used for AA Handling Units, however, If any piece of fuel fired equipment exceed 400,000Btu per hour in any ofthese mechanical rooms two exits are required per Section 1007.7.1, one exit may be by a fixed ladder. Please provide verification that proposed design complies with this section. ResDonse The only fuel-fired piece of equipment is located in the Boiler Room A037. The Air Handting Units do not have any fuel fred capability and there is no other fuel fred equipment on these "mezzanines". The only room having fuel Jired equipment is Room A037 and it has the required (2) uits. Comment 12. I did not locate in the plan verification tbat design permits the replacement of mechanical equipment without removal of pennanent construction as required by 2000 IMC. Please indicate where this is shown on the plan or provide verification of compliance with the IMC. Response " 2002 IMC 306' I Clearances for maintenance and replacement. Clearances around appliances to elements ofpermanent construction, including other installed equipment and appliances, shatl be sfficient to allow inspection, sertice repair or replacement with out removing such elements of permanent construction or disabling the function of a fre-resistance-rated assembly. " The carrent layout is consistent with adequate clearance for maintaining the equipment. The air handling units will however need to be removed through the outside air louver. Standard replacement parts for air handlers such as motors, belts and coils can be removed down the ships ladder. Typically, the actual AHIJ casing is not ever removed from the permanent curb location. Comment 13. SheetsAC2.1.0,AC2.1 .1,M.2.1,M.2.4,A3.2.t,A3.2.4&A4.t.O-Regardingaislesforthe assembly area of the auditorium it is not clear if the design is for a building with or without smoke protected assembly seating per Section 1004. The mechanical plans indicate an exhaust fan (EF- 17, 2 I '800cfm) for smoke confol indicating that the intention is to have a building with smoke protected assembly seathg. This section requires that ifthe design is for a building with smoke protected assembly seating an approved life-safety evaluation is to be conducted and the design conform to Table lGD. Please provide information indicating rhe method of smoke protection design and include the calculations indicating compliance with Section 1004. and Table 10-C or Tablel0-D. Response For an Auditorium with only 380 seots, the calculation for aisle width appears to be the same for either a smoke-controlled or non-smoke controlled auditorium @ (.300 x AB). The auditorium is not smol<e protected -irnt the stage area as required by 405.3.3.1. (Jsing a riser height of8", the value forAis 1.20. Using the value of B as 1.25, theformula would be . j00 x 1.20 x 1.00 = .45 " per seat served. Taking the seating north of doors Al jlA and BI32B as the area creating the aisle width calculations,(aisles terminate at these doors) we have 246 sean divided by 2 (2 aisles) = 123 seats x .45"/seat = 55.35 inchx width for each aisle. Width provided is 56 inches as shown on A2.2.1. Comment 14. Sheet A2.2.0 - The pian indicates Equipment room 4,032 opening into the enclosure for Stair 006. Section 1005.3.3.5 requires that openings into exit enclosures shall be limited to those necessary for egress from normally occupied spaces into the enclosure and those necessary for egress from the enclosure. The equipment room is not considered a norrnally occupied area. Please provide a design rvithout the equipment room door opening directly into stair 006 enclosure. Resoonse The intent for the location of this door is to prevent a non-owner user access to their equipment 24/7 without allowing them access to the rest of the building. This equipment room is for the existing on- site cellular telephone antenna located on the building elevations. If there is a possibility to request a variance from this requirement, then we would lilee to pursue that. If not, the door will be movid into Coridor A030. Comment 15. SheetsAC2.1.0,AC2.l.l, A2.2.1,,A2.2.4,A3.2.1,A3.2.4&A4.1.0-Retatedtothe comment/correction noted ir item 13. The information provided lacks the detail required to veriry a seating design complyilg with Section 1004.3.2.3, Occupancies withfxed seats. Please provide calculations and a detailed and dimensioned plan indicating compliance with this Section Response The auditorium seats specilied are 2 I " deep maximum (24 degree seat back angle) from edge of back to seat in the upright position. Since we have 29 seats per row, the minimum I 2 " clearance shall be increased by.3" per seat wer 14. That equates to 15x.3"=4%". 21" + 12" + 4 r/2" = 3rl %',. lTe have provided 3'-2" row to row. See dimensions on sheet A2.2.4 See response to item l3 above conc ern in g ais le wid th. Comment 16. Sheets M.2.3 & A5.2.6 - The telescoping seating intle Gymnasium Appears to be constructed as Smoke-protected Assembly Seating per Section 1008.7 .2. Please provide information and calculations indicating a Smoke control system complying with Section 1008.7.3, Smoke Control. Also, please provide verification that the constnrction of the telescoping sea1ing complies with the uniform load of l00Jbs psf specified in Table l6-,4.. Resoonse The gtmnasium seat@ is not designed as a smoke-protected assembly seating per Section 1008.7.2. This section does not apply to our project. The seating uniform load requirement is requirement is placed on the bleacher supplier. Thqt are instructed to comply with all local building codes having jurisdiction. Comment 17. All rooms without fixed seating used for an assembly purpose are required to have the capacity of the room posted on an approved sign in a conspicuous place near the main exit or exit-access doorway. Section 1007.2.6. Resoonse Will comply as applicable. Comment 18. Sheets A2.2.1, A2.2.2, A2.2.3, A2.2.4, A2.2.5 & M.2.6 -lwas unable to locate the 2nd Grade Classroom. Please provide verification that l'r and 2nd Grade classrooms are located in compliance with Section 305.2.3, Special provisions. Response The Second Crade Classroom is room number AI52 located on sheet A2.2.1. Both the First- and Second-Grade classrooms are located on the Main Level of the building. The closest exits to these rooms is at elevation 106'-0" (Stairs 003,004) at the first landing. The Jloor elevation of these rooms is 102'-8". The difference in elevation is 3'-4' which is less than the 4'-0" spectJied in Exception 1. Elevator: Comment 1. SheetA5.I.0-The elevator vertical tavel is indicated to exceed 25-feet. Please provide verification that the elevator will comply with Section 3003.2, ^grn oke-detection Recall. Resoonse Fire-Jighter recall is required in the SpeciJications. One-hour Fire Resistive Construction: Sheets referenced: A0.1.0. AC2.1.0. AC2.l.l. A,9.1.0 Cosulrent l. Tbe Code Review Plan Legends on sheets AC2.1.0 & AC2.l.l include a symbol for I hour rated construction. However, only some ofthe exterior and interior walls are indicated to be l-hour rated. The 1997 LIBC, Section 603.1 requires that Type II One-hour buildings be of noncombustible and one-hour fire resistive construction throughout. The exception to use fire-retardant-treated wood within the assembly requires that the fire-resistanci be maintained. Partition Type Notes on Sheet A9.1.0 indicate that some but not all partitions are to have a one-hour fire-resistive rating. Sheet 40.1.0 and the hoject Manual indicate fire resistive design complying with UL assemblies P732 for the roo f,D925 for floors and.X|/ | for columns. I will review these assemblies, however, construction details indicating compliance with these listed assemblies are to be included in the construction plans. Please provide a plan indicating noncombustible construction and one-hour fire-resistive construction throughout this building. Resoonse As we discussed on the telephone, the entire building conforms to the requirement of non- combustible construction and one-hour Jire resistive construction. llhen we referenced wall Apes as being "non-rated" we are indicating where one-hour corridor or occupancy separations are not required. As an example, the partition between Classrooms AI04 and AI24 does not need to carry an occupancy separation. Therefore, the partition does not extend to the underside of thefloor deck above and is "non-rated". The partition between these classrooms and the Corridor At20 is afre rated separafion for corridor construction. This partition runs from the floor to the deck above. The erterior wall cowtruction is non- combustible constntction, but because of the clearances to property lines, it is not fire-rated. The exterior openings do not carry a label or have wire glass. The exterior wall assembly consists of metal studs with type x drywall on the interior and Type X gypsum sheathing on the exterior with the wood siding or veneer stone applied over it. This assembly creates the non-combustible acterior wall construction. specification section 09260 sets the requirementfor Type X drywall and 09253 sets the requirementfor Type X gtpswn sheathing. Specification Section 0781I sets the requirementsfor the application oftheJire- proofing. The UL Design numbers are listed here as well for the subcontractor to provide compliance for. Comment regarding response: charlie, take a look at the Architects comments on this, there seemg to be some confusion on the differences between *non-ratedo and one-hour corridor or occupancy separations. Do you believe that he is understanding that in a Type II, l-hr builrring all of the walV?'partitions between classroomstt construction is to be (rated" one-hour fire- resistive construction regardless of whether it is a corridor or an occupancy separation? Comment 2' Sheet A0. 1.0, under Fire Protection, Typically c., it is indicated that all exposed structure and deck more than 20 feet above the floor is not fireproofed. The 1997 UBC, Sections 602.5 & 603.5 state that other than structural frame, roofs and their memben may be of lnnrotected noncombustible materials when every part ofthe roof framing, includine structural frame, is 25 feet or more above the floor. Please provide a plan indicating that the roof fire protection is designed in compliance with these sections. Resnonse For Clarification, Section 602 does not apply. This is a Type II building, not Type I. Section 603.1 at the bottom refen the designer thus "For requirements due to occupanqt, see chapter 3 ". when you Iook at Chapter 3, 30j.2.2 - Special Provisions (or Group A Occupancies) it clearly states that "The roof-framing system for the roof-ceiling assembly in one-story portions of buildings of Type II One- hour,...construction may be of ury!2ggd-constructlon when such roof-framing system i open to the assembly area and does not contain concealed spdces". tfie feel that our design for this area eomplies with this section of the Code. Comment regardlnq resDonse: Section 603..5 Roofs, (Under Type II Buildings) refers back to Section 602.5. The Architect makes a good point in his reference to section 303.2.2, however, this is a provision for one-story portions ofbuildings. In the Fire Protectlon block on Sheet 40.1.0 this is not made clear. Charlie, what is your lnterpretation of this? Accessibility: Sheets referenced: AC2.10, AC 2.11, A2.1.0, lc-|.1, A2.2.0, M.2.1, A2.2.2, A2.2.3, A2.2.4, AZ.Z.S, 42.2.6 & A7.l.l0 Comment l. Accessible Route: SheetA2.2.l,doorAl00fromGalleryAl00doesnotappeartohavetherequired 12-inches on the latch/push side as required by ICC/ANSI Al 17.1 Section 404.2.4 and Fig.404.2.4.1 (b). Please provide a plan indicating compliance with ANSI A117.1 Section 404.2.4. ResDonse Ifihile this door appears to be in a 12" deep exterior wall, it is an exit only door and has a panic bar hardware across the entire width ofthe door. This should make the 12" clearance to the side of the door redundant with the actual operation of the door. We believe this meets the intent of the Code. Comment 2. Ramps: Sheet 42.2.2, the rise from Hall A120 to Corridor A140 and Hall Bl l0 to Corridor Bl40 is indicated to be 32-inches. ICC/ANSI Al l7.l Section 405.6 indicates that the maximum rise for any ramp run shall be 30-inches maximum. These ramps require an intennediate landing when the rise is in excess of 3O-inches. Please provide a plan indicating compliance with - ANSI A1 17.1, Section 405.6. ResDonse We will comply to show landing at mid-height oframps. Comment 3. Drinking Fountains: Drinking Fountains are required to comply with ICC/ANSI A117.1 Section 602 Dinhng Fountains and W'ater Coolers. I have not located in the plans, elevations or details indicating compliance with this Section. Please provide a plan indicating compliance with ANSI Al17.t, Seition OOz. Response We will comply to show required clearances at Drinking Fountain. Comment 4. Toilet Rooms: ToiletroomsA034,A036, At43,MZ3,B1|7,Bt32,Bt43,B2t4,CtzZ,Ct34&C224,donot provide clearance for the accessible water closets per 1997 UBC Section 1105.2.2 and ICC/ANSI Al77 -l'1998 Accessible and Useable Buildings and Facrtrres Section 604.3 Clearance. Plans as drawn indicate the lavatory within the clear space for the water closet. This is specifically not permitted under Section 604.3. As an example: Sheet A7.1.10, Detail 3 the elevation of rooms Al54 & Bl54-west indicates the correct clear space of 60-inches measured from the side wall with no other fixture or obstruction. However, Detail 12 the elevation of room Cl22 - West indicates incorrect clear space by having the lavatory located within tbe 60-inch clear space. It is a common belief that all bathing and toilet facilities are not required to be accessible. This in not correct, the 1997 UBC, Section 1105.2 requires that whin bathing facilities are provided at least one of each type of fixhne be accessible. The exception is a bathing facility for a single occupant and not for public or cornmon use. Also, toilet facilitiei in occupancies other than dwelling units, guest rooms and congregate residences each toilet room must be accessible. Again the exception is for a single occupant and not for common or public use. Please provide a ptan for each toilet room indicating compliance with ANSIAl17.l, Section 604.3. Resoonse We will comply to show required clearances. All toilet rooms will be made accessible. Comment 5. Toilet rooms A034, 4036, A143, A223,8117,8132,8143,8214, ct2z,cti4 & c224 as drawn do not appear to provide wheelchair tuming space as require d by 1997 UBC Section I105.2.2 and ICC/ANSI Al 17.l Sections 304 and 603.2.1. Or, when the toilet rooms are reconfigured to provide clearance for the accessible water closet there may be conJlicts in providing wheelchair-tuming space. Please provide a plan for each toilet room indicating compliance with ANSI Al17.1, Sections 304 and 603.2.1 Response The toilet rooms will be moiliJieil as required to provide the clearances specifed. Comment 6. Toilet Stalls: Toilet stalls Al42 & Bl42 as drawn do not appear to comply with ICC/ANSI Al 17.l Section 604.8.1.1 Size andFig.604.8.l.1 Wheelchair Accessible Toilet Compartments. The comparhents scale less than the required 60-inch minimum required along the wall at the back of the water closets. Sheet A7.1.10 indicates interior elevations for other toilet stalls that do appear to comply. (C127 & Cl63) However, these elevations indicate the flush control opposite the h.ansfer side of the WC, controls on all accessible water closets are to comply with ICC/ANSI Al17.1 Sections 308 Reach Ranges and,309 Operable Pans. Please provide a plan for one stall in each toilet room indicating compliance with ANSI Al 17.1, Section 604.8.1.1. Resoonse The toilet stall dimensions will be modifed to comply. Flush controls shown in elevation will be revised to prevent any misleading information being given to the plumbing contractor. Comrnent 7. Shower Facilities: The Boys showen Cl5l and Girls showers Cl6l do not appear to comply with ICCI/ANSI Al l7.l Sections 608.2.1 Transfer-Type Shower Compartment,608.2.2 Standard Roll-In-Type Shower Compartment or 608.2.3 Altemate Roll-In-Type Shower Compartment. Only one of the showers in the boy's area and one in the girl's area are required to comply. Please provide a plan for one shower in each shower room indicating compliance with ANSI Al 17.1, Section 608.2. Resoonse The shower stall layout will be tnodifeil to comply. Shower stall will be modified to revise the control wall location and the 36" x 48" transfer area per Fig, 608.2.1. Comment 8. Mirrors: The Projects Manual, Detail #IS14, Lavatory Section indicates the reflective mirror surface at an above the floor height of43-inches and perpendicular to the floor. ICC/ANSI Al 17.1 Section 603.3 Mtrrors, requtes that mirrors be installed with the reflecting surface 40-inches maximum above the floor. Please provide a plan for mirrors in each toilet or shower room indicating compliance with ANSI Al17.l, Section 603.3 Resoonse The bottom of the mirrors will be lowered to comply. Comment 9. Signs: In the Project Manual I was unable to locate any reference to the international symbol f accessibility or other signs referenced in the 199? IJBC, Section 1103.2.4 ^Srgiu,s. I was unable to locate a sheet indicating accessible entrances and signage as required by Sections 1103.2.3, Accessible entrances and 1103.2.4,.9rins. Please indicate where these can be found or provide verification of compliance with these sections. Response Signage is speci"fied in Division 10431 of the Specifications. As a performance specification, the bidder is directed to provide all ADA required signage. Iheir scope of work wifl comply with your request. Door B160A/81608 is provided with push button activated hardware. All other uteior doors comply with accessibility clearance requirernents. Comment Glass & Glazine: l. I was unable to locate a reference to Safety Glazing for areas subject to human impact as required by Section 2406 in a window schedule or in the Project Manual. Please provide a window schedule indicating compliance with this section. Resoonse The Glazing Specification 08800 will be claiJied to require the glazing subcontractor to supply submittals showing compliance with Section 2406. We will comply with your lequest. Comment Fireolace: l. Sheet A2.2.2 - I am unable to locate detailed plans indicating the construction ofthe fireplace. Please provide a complete fireplace section from base to termination indicating construction complying with Section 3102, Chimneys, Fireplaces and Barbecues. Response current freplace details can be found in the Detail Book at the back of volume II of the specifrcations. lle will comply with your request to add a complete vertical section. Comment Stage area constmction; I Sheets A2.2.1 and 45.2.0-The sections on sheet A5.2.0 indicate that the stage floor is concrete. Sheet A2.2.1 indicates a wood floor and the Project manual, Section 09643 indicates a resilient tempered hardboard floor. Sheet42.2.1also indicates a detail lSll as a stage flooring detail and I have been unable to locate this detail which may indicate construction of the stage floor in compliance with Section 405.3. I . Please indicate where the detail is to be found or provide a plan indicating compliance with this section. Response Ihe stage structural floor is concrete on metal deck over steel beams. The wood floor is an inset Jinish floor built on top (dnd recessed into) the concrete /Ioor. Details can be foind in the back of Yolume II of the Specifications. AIso look at detail IS 10. Corunent 2 Sheets A2.1 .2, A2.2.1, .44.l.0, A5.l.0 & A5.2.0 - These sheets indicate architectural louven in the stage area. However, information does not indicate ventilation and smoke control systems complying with Sections 405.3.3, Yentilation; 405.3.3.1, Smoke control ^nd 405.3.3.2, Roofvezrs. Please piovide information including engineering calculations and operatioual data verifoing a system complying with these sections. Response The louvers shown on the above-referenced sheets arefor intake and exhaust for the mechanical equipment located in the lower level On sheet M3.2.4, we show EF-17 which is the smoke exhaust fan for the stage area as required by section 405.3.i. This data had been sent directly to Mike McGee jor his review and will be copied to you in the hard copy of this lener. Comment 3 sheets M.1.2, A2.2.1, A4.1.0 & A5.1.0-The proscenium opening is to be protected by an approved fre curtain per S ection 405.3.4, Proscenium walls. I have not located information or details regarding construction including this cutain. No hformation was found in the Project Manual, Section 10520 -Fire-protection specialties. Please provide a plan and other information including fire resistance listing, installation methods and operational data consistent with the listing and otherwise veri$ing compliance with Section 405.3.4. Resoonse The specifications for the grand drape fre safety closure syEtem can be located in Division I 1060 -2.05. As a clarification to that wording, we are providing on-stage Jire sprinHer system (not deluge) to wet the grand drape as described. Comment 4 sheets A2.1 .2, A2.2.1, 44.1.0, A5.1.0 & A7.l.1l - Gridirons, fly galleries and pinrails are to be constructed per Section 405.3.5, Gidirons, fly galleries and pinrails. Response There are no Gidirons, fly galleies or pinrails in this stage area. It is a "dead-hung" system. The structure holding up the c rtains via the pipe batterc is steel and can be found on the Structural Drawings. It is consistmt with the cowtruction type of the building. Comment 5 Sheets A2.1.2, M.2.1, A4.1.0, A5.1.0 & A7.1.11 - I did not locate information in the Project Manual that indicated materials complying with Section 405 .3.6, Flame-retardant requirements, ior combustible scenery and similar materials. Please provide information indicating that these materials will comply with this section. I f these materials are to be provided by the building owner, the owner is required to provide verifrcation of compliance with this section. ResDonse There is no "scenery" being provided by the basic construction of the building. The soft-goods (cunains) are being provided and their flame retardont charucteristics are specified in Section I 1060 of the SpeciJications. Comment Mechanical and Electrical plan review Comments and Corrections arc a separate document and were transmitted by email to Tim McKay of Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois, Architects, P.C. on June 9, 2003. The Structual plan review is in process as of this date and this information will be sent to Tim McKay as soon as comDleted- Resoonse See attached letters from our Mechanical and Electical mgineers. To date, we have not received any comments from your Structural plan rwiew. Hopefulln we have addressed all of your concerns in an adequate rnanner. As I stated previously, all ofthe corection items will be addressed in the post bid addendum. If you have any cotrcerns or questions please feel free to contact our offrce at (303) 893-1990 or via e-mail at Tim@kcid.corn. Sincerely, R. Timothy McKay Project Architect Cc Charlie Davis, Town Of Vail Mike McGee, Town Of Vail Eari Weiskittel, VMS Greg Cromer, KCJD Jobn McWilliams, WSI Jon Brooks, BG Matt Wallace, BG Brian Thompson, RJA P:9001-028'00 Vail Mtn School\Construction Administration\ Project Cornrnunications\Governing Agencics\062503 plan review cornment ltr-doc www.r.id.com June 25,2003 Mr. Leonard Sandoval Vail Public Works Deparhnent 1309 Elkhom Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 KLTPP CoLUSSY ARCHTTEClS, P.C. JENKs DUBoIS o Reference: Vail Mountain School - Plan Review Dear Leonard; We have received your comments on the plan review for the Vail Mountain School Building and have formulated our responses below. We have repeated your comments in normal type face and then list our response in italic type for clarity. l. Public works is requesting that the hash enclosure be covered, provide detail.- We will provide a redesigned trash enclosurewith a roof. Raised design will be submittedfor review. 6 t< 2. Berm on east side ofKatsos Ranch Road has changed from approved review plan. Lower and push back berm to allow future construction of bike path without any retaining wall being required. - We will provide grading redesign to accommodate the future bike path. Revised design will be submitted for review. Berm was raised as a direct response to comments received from DRB and neighbors. This was reflected on the October 16. 2002 resubmiuat set. ptf A-l ts 3. Fire Departrnent staging area on Katsos Ranch Rd. has changed locations, by doing so the grade has also changed. Original grade of staging area was at 6.50lo, it's now shown at 8%. Regrade and revise profile (Sheet C3.0) to reflect staging areaat6.50/o.- While the profile of Katsos Ranch Rd. centerline shown at 8% on C3.0, the Fire Department staging area is located to the outside of the road's curvature, proyiding a flatter profle of the staging area. Spot elevations have been clariJied for the grading of the staging area and are shown on Figure I , which result in a 6ok slope ofthe staging area.Ol ^1tL 4.Show on plans, locafion of new Town of Vail Street light location. - Please provide us with the information (or show us where to get it) and we will be gtad to add to our drawings. Dl t l { 5. Drainage plan has changed for original approval. clrainage report. PRINCIPAIS Brion R. Klipp, AIA r. Alon E. Colussy, A1A ' Lorry D. Jenks, Al4 CSlzComelius R. (Kin) DuBois, AtA rJohn C. (.Jock) Brokow, AlA. CEFPI ; Gregory D. Cromer, AtA, CEFPI ASSOCIATE PRll.lClPALS som Miller, AlA, CEFPI ; Keot Ton, AlA, Director of Design SEI'IlOR ASSOCIAT€S Gorey Dickinson; Bruce Bollenboch, AlA, C5l ASSOCIATES .loy lrelond, CSI ;, Dionne Gericke, ASID, Director o{ lnterior Desion ; Poul Wember ;. Poul Kosiner, AIA ; Chod Cox Office CopI/ Wrilcr Squorc, l5l2 Lorim.r Slrosl Eridge Level, Denver, Colorodo 80202 pfi 303.893- I990 fox 303.893.2204 Provide letter stating that new changes coilrcide with the Ni:if D Changes to the original ilrainage plan subtnitted with the Drainage Report for Vail Mountain School, dated May 2002, were made to address Town of Vail's comments and receive approval. No resubmittal of the drainage report was required prior to approval. Per the Town's comments: W'ater quality was incorporated into discharge from all parking area drainage through the use ofa wat er qu al ity s tru cture. Storm sewers crossings beneath the building were minimized. Minor subbasin contributing areas and flows were changed by these adjustments, but all major basin connections to the I-70 crossings remain relatively unchanged. All modifications to the storm sewer system coincide with the conelusion of the original approved drainage repon. 6. Provide Bike Pathbond for deposit. - Thk will be provided by Vail Souptain School directly. 7. Provide starnped drawings t ao,t# ffi** *"uD, gHE t Jk{: ?"e boutder retaining wau detaits are shown on sheek C1.3 of thei{fWeeroro,#U€ 7 L / OE Hopefully, we have addressed all of your concems in an adequate manner. All of the correction items will be addressed in a post bid addendum to be issued to Shaw Construction. If you have any concems or questions please feel free to contact our office at (303) 893-1990 or via e-mail at Tim@kcjd.com.'w Project Architect Cc Charlie Davis, Town Of Vail Earl Weiskittel, VMS Greg Cromer, KCJD John McWilliams, WSI Kevin Tone, JVA Dominic Mauriello, Braun 'Vail Mountain School Plan Review Comments P:V001-028.00 vail Mtn School\Construction Administation\ Project Cornrnunications\Governing Agarcies\062503 publicworks response comment Itr.doc I \ '\--*" =rt@coL.l (Jl C,.l (J.l C^r Ctli,. doro n=1(ro@-F3 I I !."t H 3'e ,// ll lii! It t.fJl i i F,,'W_ )1,/ a"'llli ,'' l' /'/ tl " ,"I 6e, )t't5{.1:l t:l:, r:J \\,\,tr"\ \-_.< i\ \ ( I' ")\r ,ll [t\ t\I It\ \ i(& 8\r(i :rl l -\ -7- 20 oY 20 ..,\ /.<. 4vo :t!/N I.$, I I I 1 I I TA SCALE IN FEET Er,' \s.\ Vail Mountain School Spot Elevation Clarification at Fire Dept. Staging Area June 20, 2003 Figure I I Pnr0rc Assocrlrns ExcrNp"*rt. STRUCTURAL CONSULTANTS 7 I 5 grand avenue, post oflice boK 75 I glenwood springs, colorado 8 I 602 phone (970) 945-9695 fax (970) 9454921 e-mail: pae@sopris.net July 1,2003 Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Charlie Davis, Chief Building Official Vail Mountain School Structural Plan Review Dear Sir: As Art Hoaglund requested, personnel of Pattillo Associates Engineers have reviewed the structural plans and calculations for the Vail Mountain School project. The structural documents were prepared by JVA, Inc. of Boulder, Colorado, and dated May 9, 2003. They comprise a portion of the complete plan set submitted for Building Permit application by Klipp, Colussy, Jenks, and DuBois Architects of Denver. 'ffe reviewed the plans to establish compliance with applicable local building codes and the 1997 Uniform Building Code with regard to the structural engineering portions ofthe code (Chapters 16 through 23). We conclude that the structural calculations and construction drawings prepared by the engineer are in overall compliance with the provisions of the Uniform Building Code and with generally accepted engineering methods. Five volumes of structural calculations were provided for our review, and spot checks of individual members revealed no inconsistencies or errors. Floor live loads used for gravity design matched those required by the LIBC, and snow loads were taken as 100 pounds per square foot (psf) for roofslopes less than 4 n 12 pitch. For steeper roof pitches, 80 psf snow loads were used with provisions for drifting and sliding. Lateral design was based on 80 mph wind, Exposure B, and Zone I Earthquake. We noted a few exceptions on the construction drawings that were transmitted to Art on June 30, 2003. On sheet 52.23 pertaining to the permanent excavation shorhg wall lying to the north of the gymnasium, we noted that the contractor should "Provide stamped engineering plans to the Town of Vail for review and approval." Detail 2 on 33. I I shows ground anchors used to stabilize a high Qa feet) retaining wall along the north gynnasium wall. We noted "Provide Anchor/Bearing Plate detail for Hold-Down Anchor," "Proof-Test all Hold-Down o Vail Mountain School Plan Review July 1,2003 Page two anchors; provide test results to the Town ofVail," and "Provide corrosion protection for Hold-Down anchors. Submit information to the Town of Vail for review and approval." Our final comment was on sheet 53.19, where a conflict was depicted between a large mechanical duct and a roof truss web member. We noted "Revise truss design or duct system to accommodate interference." We found that the general quality of the structural engineering calculations and drawings was excellent. The design appearedthoughtfirl andthorough, and calculations appeared to be reviewed. The drawings were well dimensioned and detailed. Although there will undoubtedly be revisions to the structural plans during construction, the normal shop drawing review process will likely identify any problems or conflicts for clarification by the Engineer of Record prior to erection. Please be aware that our review was necessarily of cursory nature and was not intended as a comprehensive engineering check of all structural members or systems. If you have any questions regarding the nature of the engineering plans or process, please contact us; we will endeavor to provide helpful information. Best regards, /ttl//ltttt,ftt'i//r-'I t v rr, L/ tL/" - Lr_,1-.L/I Robert MPattillo, P.E. Principal Engineer RMP/mmg xc: C. Davis (via e-mail: cdavis@.ci.vail.co.us) A. Hoaglund (via e-mail: firesafe@.rof.net) Plrrrllo Assocr.rtss EucrwtERs, rNc. STRUCTURAL CONSULTANTS Jlly 2,2003 Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 attn: Charlie Davis, Chief Building Offrcial re: Vail Mountain School Structural Plan Review Dear Sir: As Art Hoaglund requested, personnel of Pattillo Associates Engineers have reviewed the structural plans and calculations for the Vail Mountain School project. The structural documents were prepared by JVA, lnc, of Boulder, Colorado, and dated May 9,2003. They comprise a portion of the complete plan set submitted for Building Permit application by Klipp, Colussy, Jenks, and DuBois Architects of Denver. We reviewed the plans to establish compliance with applicable local building codes and the 1997 Uniform Building Code with regard to the structural engineering portions of the code (Chapters I 6 through 23). We conclude that the structural calculations and construction drawings prepared by the engineer are in overall compliance with the provisions of the Uniform Building Code and with generally accepted engineering methods. Five volumes ofstnrctural calculations were provided for our review, and spot checks of individual members revealed no inconsistencies or errors. Floor live loads used for gravity design matched those required by the UBC, and snow loads were taken as 100 pounds per square foot (psf) for roofslopes less than 4 n 12 pitch. For steeper roofpitches, 80 psfsnow loads were used with provisions for drifting and sliding. Lateral design was based on 80 mph wind, Exposure B, and Zone I Earthquake. We noted a few exceptions on the construction drawings that were transmitted to Art on June 30, 2003. On sheet 52.23 pertaining to the permanent excavation shoring wall lying to the north of the gymnasium, we noted that the contractor should "Provide stamped engineering plans to the Town of Vail for review and approval." Detail 2 on S3.l I shows ground anchors used to stabilize ahighpa feet) retaining wall along the north gymnasium wall. We noted "Provide Anchor/Bearing Plate detail forHold-Down Anchor," "Proof-Test all Hold-Down ''',#&,,T;'*,?SX i,,;ij.:Y#lT*;i:"Aiffil3;jf ' Of fi G g C O py Office Gr J'. .o Vail Mountain School Plan Review July 1,2003 Page two anchors; provide test results to the Town of Vail," and'?rovide corrosion protection forHold-Down anchors. Submit information to the Town of Vail for review and approval." Our final comment was on sheet 33.19, where a conflict was depicted between a large mechanical duct and a roof truss web member. We noted "Revise truss design or duct system to accommodate interference." We found that the general quality of the structural engineering calculations and drawings was excellent. The desip appeared thoughtful and thorough, and calculations appeared to be reviewed. The drawings were well dimensioned and detailed. Although there will undoubtedly be revisions to the structural plans during construction, the normal shop drawing review process will likely identify any problems or conflicts for clarification by the Engineer of Record prior to erection. Please be aware that our review was necessarily ofcursory nature and was not intended as a comprehensive engineering check of all structural members or systems. Ifyou have any questions regarding the nature ofthe engineering plans or process, please contact us; we will endeavor to provide helpful information. Best regards, Robert M Pattillo, P.E. Principal Engineer RMP/mmg xc: C. Davis (via e-mail: cdavi@i.vail.co.us) A. Hoaglund (via e-mail: fuesafE@ofnet) Bquq$ RcquesH hso€ct Orbi Thursday, ilay 19,2005' tnrpec0on Aru.i EGslb A*lrccrr 3{C0 KATSOS RAilCH RD VAIL LoF 11 & t2, Blod( 2, Vdl ldll.ge l1,t'r ArP,DlBfgnnf{ql tleouerted Insp€etion(3| Sbtrjs: |88UEO Insp Arsa: EG Item i R.qu€dor:Cmrnrrilr: Aslgincd To: Acflon: Conrnaail: Cofiim.dl: Cornmeril; Commant Cornffront Cotfirpnt Coilrnar* Comm.r* Comaner* 120 ELEC-Roush RMERAELECiR|C R.Eucrted Tlrne:- Phofr: Eritered 8y: Tm€Exg: Comm Commc Comtrra rt:nt nt: mllc mrln bkh'lcrlool cottlng [ghb - crll|nf,E AREAB CLASSRCIOiI H.rdy g€nhn tp9e r 4- lrv6l kl$nr let/.l c - hsEnaFLc|rlr}scrllhgi only ttsm: 12O ELEC-Rouqft -ADDroysd" 07i25'09 Inspedor: EO -- Comltr'T KIODYGARDEil 01I15,O4 ll}ggecbr: eq Comrm]{: |rri a mrln bvot ^O1t2gt04 lrisfedDr; cg comrnantmlNM lnspgcior: €g Comrn nl: wllh naln bldg*afioc{o3t2lo4 lffip€€br: oC-Acflon: APFR APPROIED l;t t" * (-___- _-_'---T I b' _-,__l_*"1 ---xffiTdo*z:-7o-v CAI Actlon: APPR F'FPRC^/ED Aduon. APPRAI'PROVED Aclbn: APAPPROVED Acilon: APPRAPPROVED Adon: APFRAPFRO\GD A.don: APFRAPPROA/ED Acuon: APPR APPROVED .''A 1l-, '\rv ADgGt Artcrol'ltlEn i# , U \q L1 0e:30 Ail 9&t0123 DGOLOEN I( REPT131 f) F M- iP-lr l. \I ;,1 e)_ {\' r.''t-Cotro|rrd: Conmant: Commrnt: o{oryo| Corilnar*u/1o{F Conmanta,t'x2ffiCornrnt:a/ffv6 Corrnedl: {gt7l(}5 Comm.tt GrrzZtF Commdtt 0&!0dtn Cofln||}*xn: 13l, ELEC-Condr$t72tF Conrtt$tt^\- r lFrB/tt3) \ fornarxsN)ffi 10|3{rOO Comrtc|trm: 1.o ELEGffl*c, GMOfiXConmlt0g1zot CofimenUlm: ts clEcflt|tl O&{E(B Commcnt 0il13l0.{ Com||lr|*trtrato4Corrtr||t 07/tp(xCoffir||{: 08106104 Cofi.mnt i \_\ J c.nq, ndttur{n€Dc aggrfr|lo In D*bfi tPV AREA BCTASSROOII tnrpactori o**Idte.'l|sn - lnp.cer .g upp.f -c,. bG !rrP.gof:- ag bwEr hYEl C - AffrotI: APMAPPROT,EO ftdqt: APAPPROVED AE[oo: APPRAFFROI/ED IrilAn: APPRAPPRO/ED Ac[On: APPRAPPfiO{/ED Ac{off AFFRAPPROVED Acton' APPR AIiPRO{/ED .. 1, furi ArtPRAtoPRovED DryE I-- Acdoft: APPRAPPROVED Adoo: ATPRTFPROVEO Ac0on' APFRATmOI/EO AEilo|l: APPRAPPRq,ED Aclon: A.ilon: A.{on: APPRAFPROVED APPR]APFNOI/ED AI'PRAI3PROT/ED APPRAI'PRC}VED t,) Inrocdor: rqcoiuoft..+5*rtrrr{{trry 'th^ o Run Id: 3217 lffi* ""0qfi[EiF,[I3rd* @o Rcque8td lnsp.stl)fb: Tu.cd!y, Junc28, 2(F5 Incp.cton Arca: EG Slb Arld'lt.: 3lf0 KATSOS RAI{CH RD VAIL t.otf ll g t2, Blo.* 2, Vall \nl|.ge lztl AfilDlnlbrmatlon Aott|ly: EB{XXtr Dnc: &ELECCondTya: Occ|"ritlyOfTbf: VAL IIIC'tJNTAIN SC}FOLAD'[c!nT RIVERIAELECTRrcCoi*ncor: ro\,ERIA ELECTRrc Oorqhoon: ELECIRICAI At\D FIRE AIRM,SITE SERVTCE snolg: rucoil Strttc: lSlltEDlrl|p&m: EG Phon r 3:18*{111Ptpne:318.{ltl NEWIIiTSTALI.ATON R€ouesbd Inspccfron(rl ,4 /zc't't (' ., /r^ Item: R.outllof: Co0iln ntr:q,Ifil Comn.|*:Coilnffit Comnar*@nmart Comment Commsrt ComNn.|t CorffmdL Co{rr|EntCo|r!r[|t Commail Co|un nt ComnrilCdrm.nt Cotmrot u2t17t05Cofirilrtlbm: 12O ElEcfrouoho?ti,5t6 Commail fi/1ry{X Com|rr3nt olE304 Commatt 120 El-EC*ongh RMERA ELECTRrc/C|lrilr rcLnca hb KEirGilFffir TheErP: af€s a mln le{rl w'fis tn.ln blt ecclmlc.[!ng [Sl.*s - oElxtoS AREA B CTAI}SROC'II kkfilygcrlen .uDtat t- t vrl Iollcr lo|ll c - httwey-bstlkl.Scom)Fbm.bte ' c[ct on rh.rl tghl rt rcodrilty cailngs only ltfOChE ON S|TE Refl.sHTlmel b/)r/o,t*'/ ,€nbr.dry5lill-,09:00 At 97S989{123 TILUIAN K Inroccton Hlgbn, lbm: 110 ELEGTemg.Fowel828/(8 In|D.Sr:Commrnt udt a un*t rc.ga *App|oYrd* prc AFPRAPPROVED APPRA]PROVED APAPFROVED APPRAFFROVED AI'PR Td'PROI/ED APPRAFPROI/ED 10Et^F Ittrpccbr ag |mpedor: LP{, APPRCN'E AREAA IJPPER*lnorwd" hupeec EG " K]ODY GARDENhapedor: .0taat ! mrln h,al|nrpecbr: ag Acilon: A.tbn: Acflo{r: Acildr: A&n: Aciloo: t .n'h REPT131 Run Id: 3344 0s27-ffos Item: nfln: Inepec{lon Rcquqqf wazgu lD3locpt: aq Comnrent wab ma[r bldlFrchool O7l(P(x lmD.dofi .ormrnt corildoe -F07lE O.t lnlDacFr: rflConmrr|t coi*loea-Fbcscnant-llbery ogoeo.l ICoiln€n[ t lecfilse.]rl Ac0on: tfr l.lOT READY FOR ltlSPECTlOl.l Page 23 {XYIZ(X InrDacbr: .o-Commnt ccurtc [qhlr - _O.UGY[X ltlp.aiorl .g Comm.nt ce[nol 041(y06 IIED€alor LntComm* AREABCLAIISROCIiI @,l112106 Incprcbr .gcomm.nt Hdatyoman - (g(reYct l]r3radon .oCorment r.poer c- lewl _(FYt7/tF l1B@r:, .0 Comrnont lowei bwl c - ffll?,ll{F lnrDicbr: eo Comment haftuav-b$fr.6 0A0&06 ln|D6r .sCd|ilnant cclffnc oilv - Ui/1906 Insoftr: 1wCommant cotiElcb rneinr.p ' ctfi* on $r.l t$l |t rgad$ryOg17,6 lmpedor: atrfrt-Comrnflt i|CtONE OilSlTE 1C) ELEC-Conduilt *fpgq,.C* ry2ZIXl lnrs.cior: rg '' Corwrpnt bl6blrourhE wdeErowxl pw C$lIYm lmFror rECoilmnt pt.s a prc mdcrgnoundBSY(B Incpocbi: rn Coqr4tlntr udergrond pm. _10F1/0S lmp.alon -ql -e,ooilnaflE pr,E-lD 3h tarbfo|mcf €ctt.O ELEC-fdrc. "ApDroi,!d" @,f?fJlo4 lnroaclor: so -' Comm.nt mfr s.nlc.lfr lchool Acflon: Arilon: Acdon: AEilon: A.don: Acflon; Acdon: Acdon: Acdon: APPRAPPRC'VEO APPRAPFROVED APAI'PROVED AI'PRAPPROVED APPRAFPRo\'ED AFPRAFFRO{/ED APPRA'PRC}I'ED APFRAI'PROVED APAPPROT/ED (EIA'O4 Ir|8D€rlff: aq Corwn nt ordltlc llqhtr-eulb|umlq' ELEOFh.I - -Approld" ^(P05,tB Incp.cbr:, |9Co|rmnr tidaly o.fibn - 0(i,1304 lmriibc oo Commcrt ilndl ..mpl.-ho-udng H(b a.nd b8t2,av fi-Eelcft)i: .0Cornent a[ i:hrarmmc- Acflon: Acoon; 4..{on: ft{on: Arcdon: Afdon: A.don: Acton: A(tron: Acfon: 'Acdonl APPRAPPROVED APPRAPPROI/ED APFRAPPROVED APPRAPPROVED AI'PRAI3FROVED APPRATPROT/ED APPRAPPROVED APPFAPPROVED AFPRAPPROVED APPRAI'PROVED AI?PRAT'PROI/EO oREPTl31 Run Id: 3344 CLr*^(S"-ho, b-! &n-:tg,*.w o -/?'Lw LY*L p47Loa,'- C,+f4L/rrr 6 Requested Inspect Date: Frlday, July 29, 2005' insp,ec'tion Area: EL llte Address: 3160 KATSOS RANCH RD vAiL Lcts 11 & 12. Elcck 2, Vall Mllage l2th A/P/D Informatior,- A.ctivity: ECSoOge Tvpe: B-ELEC e r:b,Tvp:: NC Otet Status: ISSUED Const Type: _.Occ,r4pairty: U'se: Insp fuea: EG Owner:','AiL i.iOUi,lTA:tl SCHOOL Appllcant: RII/ERIA ELECTRIC Phone: 328-4111 Conlractor: RIVERLA ELEC'IR|C Phon€: 328-4111 Oescription: ELE.TPIC,'.L,1ND R!?E ALRM,SITE SERVICE I'IEW IT.JSTALI.,ATIOI., |;)Description: ELEtrPrct'L lNDRtr: ^t?ftt.U;'rtttnHy I?o E " P Reau:sr*d In;r+;tf c:ii-t S hn he, y. U ftem: 190 E!-EC-Final "-,-'l i o / l( Requested Tlme: 10:00 AM j":x*"_t,.ff, RMERA ELECTRIC / I * lf ( / Phon€: 47i.12i6 -or- 904-021)8 A*isr$,]i,: EGLATZLE rrme ExD: Ente'ed Bv: DG'IDEN K $i$iif:llE;ffiffii lrffidffi;'["*i::|:-"1*" - tAry f,p-',.o ,1.hn'b, 4.,7 Comment: ;orriJors-a-sbasement-iibary ,, F r f{rvf ' 1rr6,t' n-c*a,lrrLu . ', , :T:l-Hl?','H:"^"i_?::,F]," _ lti":,u -b,io :_tv,*"f,,FL,l,t,*rt fauv,^f,Yi: r#il'-Ti'*EW' t J !n:;i rl*r!:' N".--,!t'r,T?*, tr,*| - irx c*Le ptarf/L*rt-' - ava -)lvteqt -' Erl-^ lm"/ /r/. ,";Mi;fti"tk,.*,'ak" #;r*ry+tr9{ ero'{ #}dhGl V.L rcah otte fi xl-'* tor^ P-o& CL;/' Inspelfon Hi$tcrt' Ilem: 1 10 ELEC-Temp. Power - Approved - 0a:&'O3 lispucto;. eg Comm€nt unit a under gid pvc 10,2t,03 lrrspector: [g ' Comrntru: 02, 17 05 lrlsp€clur. LPV ComTTT€nt: APPROVE AREA A UPPER Item: 120 ELEC-Rorph " Aooroved " O7,25'O3 insp€ctor: EG '' Comrne : KIDDY GARDEN 01i15/O4 lnsp€clor: eq Comment: ar€b a maln level A1;?3!O4 Insp€ctor: eg Comftlent; O2'2O;O4 InsDector: ?: C,i innr€nt: walls maln blih-school 03 1:'M Insoector: ea- Comrnsnt. ceiling iights - 040904 lnspa-ctor: eg Comn,irlrL c,eilirros D2, lD05 'rrsp.itor: LPV Cornrmnt; AREA 6 CLASSRCioM OZ22itj5 lnsf€ctor: €grbmF!€nt: kilrty garden Action: APPR APPROVED Action: AFPR APPRC'JED Action: AP APPROVED Aclion: APPR APPROVED Aclirrn: APPR APPROVED Action: APPR APPROVED Actlon: APPRAPPROVED Action: APPR APPROVED Action: APPR APPROVED Acuoft: AP APPROViD AcTFn; APPR APPROVEO g. (; L.e bru- -f1>*C*,/n t1. - c-/wh g;/ REPT131 Run Id: 3462 lns aque4t Page 36 (xy0[t{F lrlcpccbr cgComm€nt uppsr -c- levsl(H17/06 lrisD.rlor: eg Comment bwer bvel c -- 0322/(}5 lnsD€dor: eoCommcrt: h.lhtray-brtrfus Ory(xYos InsD€dor: eo comrhor*: cr[nos orsr - 0ill9/06 lmpefror: 'lp'v Comment coriw.b malcup ' ch€cl on s|taat [ol* at ro€dtvay Odt 7105 lffipeclor: 3h6hn- Commsnl: l{tONE O}'lSlTE0g2g(5 lns9oclor: shahn Comment Schmc bbc abov3 ceillm[em: l n ELEC-Cordult -effioEd* 08172103 lrEDedor: .o -' Comm€nt ltdo Unousn6 und.rorornd DUE 0309'(}3 InsE @r: ed Comment olrise a onc riirderorornd GrcCYo3 lnspeaoi: eO Comment undaEford F\rElO31rO3 l'l3!.dor eo Commont pvc+o sto urftlormar 6ct tlem: 14O ELEC-Mbc. 'AlDrol€d 'WNU lrtsDocbr eo -' eom|mf|t m{r $rt bs t& sctFol 0&12l(X lrEDeclon eo comrn€nt out3& lhhts :audltorium ttom: 1g) ELEC-F|n l - FADorotsd" O&0fl03 Inspccbr: og'- Comnrcnt: ldtcy gor(bn(F13tX Inroardor: eo Commsrf: nndt +mot..troinlro bldo a and b c5l?2|o4- tnspecbi: eg Comment all i.bssroorm- 07/09(}4 lnsDsdor: eo Comment coriirlors'*,b5osom€nt-l$€ryoAne(X In6pector: eg Comrnant audorkrnr.comem.Lctrm.hail Acdon: APPRAPPROVED AGTbn: APPRAPPRO/ED Arfon: APPRAPFROVED A€I|O'T APAPPROVED Acflon: Acflon: Acilon: Acllon: Acdon: Acton: Acfion: Ac{on: Aclloo: Acilon: Acfon: Acflon: Acdon: NR }.IOTREADY FOR INSFECTIO}I APAPPROVED AFPRAPPROVED APPRAPFROVED APFR APPROVED /qPPnnPPnOVeD APPRAPPRO{/ED APPRAI'FROVED APPRAFFROVED APPRAFPROVED APPRAPPROI'ED APPRAPPRCIVED APPR APFROVED REPT131 Run Id: 3462 t"O; Proiect No. Sheet - Of Bv - Date - Chkd. - Date - e,5,iT o B& !*A r^ IF +,? 3- J E2+li i2{l? :u, ( | .- (o 14 7qtl* sL loIFl-x at7sl,-< .sl*h | <\.. l€ +| \"*R I,L" L*\ l^z$1lrl -gg lz+ a* rlr | , At (AA7 '\ 'hnHnV::'Vr lVVl', l vrrrrettzz6t0t *,r^-tn,, 3lrll H rii!qEizo fr Ex a 5 F etg € s E €! € Es.5 +€ t I q :s E 6u I F Et + e iEF HE: FEI I E! zo Hz EgI a TL' &i 6H4I F ap F Ivl6r Efis *EEat€tr Etr6l iBI IgaoUriIt attr na E { H Elr !1, Ho- E Fl-..E F.g EE TE 6g Eg HE a Ez OAEIF Eo EIto I a! Ei fBt! \r, ry 0q t :l F Et $ F $ E e H o E f 7, 't 616!'0|\l STrF?EGI- @ReporurL ._-- .-p;se-It-6_;5-{etll-_ _ *___rrAr|-,co;TeJtrlt_ha_ ____ Reques!€d lnsp€ct gsb: Edday, August 13, 2004 lnspec'tinn Are.: CD - Slte Addree.l 3?60 I(ATSOS RANCH RD VA|L Lots I I & | 2, Block 2, Vall llllage f 2th SIIAuICONSTF(UCTIONCOMPANY Phon€; 9rc-?42-9235 SFf,AW COiISTRUCT|C!i{ COiIPA IY Phone: 970"242-9236 E6rl3€d n.3to.r pbn iorvrn.Ibunbih Sctroolt&the: To Inspectlot ltefls are to takan care ln sDrfnd ol 2005. 1. Gradlng slo'pe on the noilr rllda of WS. RCE|nlno r"[ nr6y b€ requtrs. t{ot ar,prorred rs of today. 2. htared-$phalt repalr on l(rGos Ranch Rd. Crack seol rni tnstalH betur€ lnfa'rerd w done. ' I have 6ll0ilydd c|lcft sealto gto ul{il n xt Ermnrff. Tlldl lntsrcd asphalt pobhlrE wlll b€ rcqulred.. LSAI{DOVAL NoUce; ILC RCUTED TO P|,ANNING tiSO4 - CDAVIS i ioGe. Ft'rl 'ri,#-tieniure easrnents 6re lacurod md Bus Stos is in the cofi€{t hcaihn. - RFORRESI COMTN€NI FRELIUITqRY EAI.ANCE RSPORT SI,JBTdTTED AI{D hOT.,TED TO GREG DENCKLA. JSUT}IER Cornfitentr ILC routed io Chadb Devls ard Rrm FoneffL - JSUTI-|ERCornment ILC routed io Chadb Devls ard Rrm FoneffL - JSUTFTERCofilnrrnt: REVISED DFAW|IIGS RECTEVED AII{D ROT TED TO CMRUFJART.RUSS AiTD ruilJC WORKS rHEsE REVISED FLAl.lS REFLECT Cl.t HG€S Ar.lD REVlSlOf.lS TO RESPONO TO CORRECTffJNS STA1ED BY EACH DEPAFTIIET.TT. CDAV]S Co{nmont: Plrl, hos r€clot ed an trorrocebb Sbnclby L€frBr ot Crsdit lor tfie co{lstruc{on of furrm bil(b p€Ol. tn file at pyv undct zmg LOC/Bondr. Erdr6$ on $ry ,|, An6- LOC ln .rmunl of $22,960.00 Doil.l!. - CDAVIS Conrrn€nt: tubflc Woits ttas recJaned coorr ol $oniildor Dermit. - CDAVISCdnmont: ldrl€ndums rou€d to ehrrflc.'DLnttno. qrbtlc vortcs and tlre - CDAVISComnr€ : ldtchen pEnE rcubd fo Hll catkon - iFtORES COMMent ROI,TED NEW PLANS TO Rt,SS.F!,Y ,FIRE AT'D ART FOR REUEW/APPRCn/ALS . DFLORESCommenl: W€,clo nol have colnphte plaffi. PhnnFp neo(ts sns pbns, elevdlons as per DRB approrral, landscaD€ plan, rooflng plans ecl. Plans aie not comntele; App[cant rioofltd tor a seond ftnc on 91'5|03. w€ oo not nave comD|8re p|1ar13. PEnntr|o De€cg slls ohng. e|ew ons a5 Det DFIE aDDrol rooflng plans ecl. Plans aie nol comptele; App[cant rio0ftd tor a seond ftne otffffi. R rs Fonost - CDAVIS s ^ /r,^ , patns rotrleci to Building iArt) Planntng, P.W. and Fire - CDAVIS /5U lL/lUxcornrnenr frf*H[$ti""#r1ii,:'"s iAd) plsnntns, p.w. and Fire - cDAVls /e 1/l rasteqlnsEectonrg fiph fr\l/ l- +n At 1l /.\ffi o U K'fr6r' I eU*nk Ti,,kl CONSTRU!3TION IIEM COMmenIs: I-I'AI.IDRAITS IN COMMONS ON SOUTH RAIL ON EAST RAII THE EXTENSION 'S TO BE t2'WTH THE OUTSID€ OF THE S} DEG TURN RELIEVED AT 45 D€G. THE RAILS AT THE NTERilEDIATEqQLU!4T!S CAN RETTJRN WTHOIJT THE 1T EXTENSICN, AI$D HAVE T}iE 45 DEG RELEIF. ham Comrnenb. O'LJTSIDE ./ AI.CAULKAROUNDGRILLSATAUDITORIfi. .4 -^ -/,n r 2.GASPIPE REas6' CLR FRoMffioUNDoRcoATEDPPe. .-,'-//tl'' | 1,/.)*FlflqH frFNFt Al d nr'tP AT Fl r.T Etl58F .A\ \Il - - l.-#HH coRNER @ Lor,Jl/ER Ar FLAr RooF. lf\ ]EP^FEYrFrr !-$lsfg9rPr-- l-/,}.EP R€OS FIT{AL E{SPECTPN. I ',/ 1 A.AOA RAMP REOA }I,ANDRAIL BOTH SIDES. - ./' 3,WIRE GL/I$S DOESMT I{EET IMPACT REOUIREMT, 4.r,roRETfJRNAFt Arz?,)a14. .4 ^/^ t - ,/-d5.co PLUCIS READ Ofrl BOILER ROOfrr. .nlzut&9+'lY- 6.GAS REGULATOR \IENT NEED6 PI-IJG AT TEE ANDSCREEN AT 7.NEED TO HAVE PI-A}I$ IN BTNLD TO CHECX IDA REOS AT\ID ITEN COMTtlaNB: ADA ItbT MET FOR LAVATORIES Af\D WATER FOUNTAhIS. rs" / r',6 Inso€edon Hlctorv tl.m: 5OZ PIY-Rouolr Orsde. !cm: 5O3 Pw-Finalorfoorry grcdo ArPrD Information Aoolkart: O/tior: VAIL iIOUN"IAIN SC|-OCIL'pilcar* SHAS, CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Ac'bwty: B0$0O79 Tvp€: COMBUTLD S{b Tvpe. 82 Statrrs: ISSUEOffi Type: Occlpairy: 21 O3e: ll l*lFl |f|sp Ar€€: CDoifinrr: vAlL lytouruT ruN scr*ooL IJ-( ? ^o /1*y.,@ : 2199REPT131 3'/'/ /14"r"r. ap-o o Tffi2ZE0T-- --FaseT 8:12 am _---- ' vAtL. co jlatdxrhE_ Requesbd Inspect Date: ![ursday, September 02, 2004 lnspec{on Area: CD Slb Address: 3160 KATSOS RANCH RD VAIL Lots'l'l & 12, Block 2, Vall Vlllap l2th Acthdty: BOIOOTS Trpe: COMBUILD Sub Typ€: 82 Statu*: ISSUED Const Type: - . Occup€itcy: 21 Us€: 0 l-HR ln€p Are: CDownef: vAtL rr,louNTAtN sclroo{.' ADplhant: sr-iAwco|lsTRucTtoNcoMpAl,{y pho,rE: 97}242.9236llodce: To lnsp€cdon items rt to Irk6n cal€ rn sprho d ZOOS. 1. Gratling slope on the norffi skl€ of Vftls. R-trlntm ryril nrry be .equlred. l'tot aDprowd as of todarr. 2. Infared asphan rep6h on Katsoc Rsnch Rd. Cracr seal rmi lnstalbd b€tors lnfaied nas done. I hove albndd cmck ieol to gp unft n€xt sumrner, Then lnfarod d3pfElt patchfrE wln b€ rsqslr€d.- LSANDOVAL l'roUc€: ILC ROUTED TO Pt ANNING 1/5104 - CDAVTS tlcdlca: Pt / needs to €nsure easmcnb are secured ard Bus Stop ls tn the conect locatbn. - RFORREST COMMENT: FRELIMINAFY BALAT{CE REPORT SUBMITTED AT.ID ROI,TED TO GREG DEI'ICKI.A. JSUTHERComrl€nt ILC roubd to Charli€ Davls and Russ Forast. - JSUTHER COMmer[: REVISED ORAffI.IGS RECIEVED AT.ID ROTJTED TO CI{A'IUSART,RUSS A'{D PUBLIC WORKS THESE REVISED Fl-AmS REFLECT CHAI'IGES Al.lO REVISO{{S TO RESPCTND TO CORRECTIOAIS STATED BY EACH DEPARTIIENT - CDAVISComtnent PW' has recrsved rn Incvocrbb Sterdby L€dEr od er€dil for lh€ cm&uctbn ol tntJr€ biko !dr. In tib $ PIJY undd 2fiL3 LOC,Eorlds. E$,t6 on Juti I . 2(m. tOC tn amount ot 5?2,9€O.OO Dothrs. - CDAI/IS Comm€nr: Public Worfts h€s r€cleved dop'y of silonirEbr p.|mlt. - CDAVTS Con nofil: sdd€ndums rornorl to Charnc. phnnlno. DUHic rrcrl$ and fir. - CDAMS Cornmem: tdtch€n pbns routed to Blll carlson - dFLoRESConrm€ : ROUTED NEW FLANS TO RIJSS.PW .FTE AT{D ART FOR RE\NEWAPPROVALS - DFTOREScmlment We do nol haue complete ptans. Plannlnq n€€ds $ib Dlans. elerrsttons as per ORB Gpr|orr|t. brdscapa Dlan.roofing phns ect. Plins oie not comilelel Apdkenl riotilled lor o second trne onpl'd()3. - ,^ comnent: Hffirs.[l$;t?#,"i(A,ripr.n*ns,".-.";J;;; WPJW'A R€ouesrcdrnso€crionsr NWggUn (2€L'O'rlf€- Arlf Item: Requecror: C.omm€nB: Assbn€d To: Actbn: ll6m Cornrnetrb: Itam Comment3: Itsm Commsnts: 530 BLDG-Temo. CK) SHAW COFISTR'UCTFN COMPAI'IY AJP/D lnformation Item Comnrents: Item Commmt$: lbm Comm8nts: wilr caft 977-7271 CDAVIS TSTIEVEL"CmSSRooil IN EXISITING PORTPN CONSTFLCTION HANDRAILS IN THE OI-'TSIDE OF THE 90 COLU}'NS CAN RETURN OUTSIDE l.CAULK AROUND GRILLS ATI z.GASPIPE REOS 6I CLR FROM Att ,.sT NK ROOMS LOCATED NEXT PTIASE OF OR COATED PIPE. 3.FINISH CORNER & LOWER AT FL{T ROOF. rNsroE I.FP REOS FINAL INSPECTION, 2.ADA RAMP REOS MNDRAL BOTH sIDES, 3.WIRE GLASS OOESMT MEET IMPACT REOUIREMT, 4.NO RETURN AIR A123, AE14, s,CO PLUGS REOD ON BOT-ER FIOOM. 6.GAS REGULATOR T'ENT NEEDS PLIJG AT TEE AND SCREEN AT END, 7.NEED TO HAVE PI.ANS IN BUITD TO CHECK ADA REOS AND DOORS. ADA '{OT MET FOR LAVATORIES AND WATER FOIJNTAT{S. OK FOR TCO FOR TEACHERS. SOME |TEMS FROTI (FOl1-O4 HAVE NOT BEEN REINSPECTED: THEY ARE ITEMS OUTSIDE rfEMS1 ,?. INSDF ITEMS 3, 4(RM 214 DOESMT REO RETTJRN AI$. 5.6. SEE INSPECTbN FROU THAT DATE. THE AUDITORITJM AND LECruRE FiALL ARE EXCLUDED FROI.,I THE TCC. East haH of schrol appfov€d fo{ occuDincv excludlno Aduioflum. LectLr€ hall rls€ and run ol stairs apptov€d as conrlrulCed. Must remorie all tumiture fionr b€rrchss and sorn€ tyF od rssolutbn tor fell protscllon must bo mach priof b fuaniture botno raoat. ALL OTHER CORRECTIONS COITFLETED - otr.(Jrl|uvl ir, REPT131 Rr:n Id: 2298 09-C2-2004 hspection Request Reportlng Page2 8:12 am ' VAIL. CO:TOWil bF InSoecUoir Fuslorv fi€m: Item: ll€rn: 5(}2 Ptlr-Rouoh aracle 503 Pt/U-FlnaIdifuerYav orade lO BLDG-Foodmt/St€€f 07/15/03 Insp€ctor: GCg Aition: PIPARTIALINSPECTION Commrnls: KINDERGARTEN F@TltlG AS HILmD ON Do.S2.3{,07,1&00 lflsp€cb: cDAvls Actton: PIPARThL|NSPECTION Co.nrn€nb: F@TlhlG AT Tl€ SChroOL GRID E6.5 X S25 EXCTUOES FOOTI}.IG AT ELEVATOR S}IAFT A}TD 3 PADS C5,C6 , C7A 06/01/03 Insrtcbn cCD Acton: Pl PARTIAI" SEEPECTpN Coflrmqnts: RX FOR ffi()(EN SLAB OF .ruVN T PER EI.IG DETAIL. 0E/21l03 tnsp€ctor: GCD Actbri: PTPARTIAIf,*SPECT|Of{ Cofi|mgNl3: T.IC'RTI#RN A FOOTNG AFPRCA/ED. PROVFE YI'ATER STOF AS STICIryYN Oil PLANS. 09i12O3 lnipector: cd.vb Acton: PAPARTIALAPPRCIVATcommenE: fbotha at orld n9-+n5.9ra1&o15 $t/15,(}3 Inspeitor;- @D Arllon: PIPARTIALIiISPECTON Commonls: 2 F4.O PADS AM) 1 F€.O PAD. 09/16/O:i lnsp€clor: JRM A.don: PIPARTIALINSPECTIO{\I COMrn6nIs: PARTIAL AIPROVAL 5 INTERIOR PADS IN THE t\|/llv AREA. AREA I.{GHLCHTED ON PIINS O9I22JO3 Insp€ctor: JRM Aclion: Pl pARTIAL INSPECTilf,N Commsnts: APPROVED FOOTERS FADS SECTION E-1 3 N12-14 FOOTER IVALL E.:I6 THRU NIO.Nl2+ 1O,O303 lnsptrtor: cdsyb frtirn: Pl PARTIAL ltlSPECTlOt\ Commente: Phasc hne B ond lomp foot€rs 10/1OO3 lnspoclor: CDAVIS' Actron: PIPARTIALINSPECTIO|.Irbflnents: FcicThG PADS NoTED oN FTELD DRAWil.tcs 1O/t3iO3 In D.cbr €CD Afdo{r: FIPARThLI|{SP€CTION Cotnm€nts: AREA B tlORThl REilAilrfrf\G FOOTll.lG.1Or29tB tnsp€dor: GCo Ac0on: P| PART|AL tNSpECTrc)N Conrmonts: EAST SIDE RETAI.If,\,G WALL FOOTER AND CON-UIi,IN PAD- 1U31Og I'I3D*bf: GCD ACIbfl: PIPARTIALINSPECION Cdrr'l}€nIs: TSANSF€RI'ER VAI.,IT FTG.2 PADS IN AREA B. 11!24tO3 Inep€ctor: GCD Actlon: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTION Comments: STRIP FOOThT AND IN FOOTONG PAOS AS NOTED ON PI-AAIS. AND FIREPI.ACE FOOTI}'|G.0&'19/q hsp€ctor: @D Adlon: CR CORRECTION REOIJIRED ComnmnlB: COUFTT YARD FOOTING IST READY REOS T,OIJELE [iAT. PROI,IDE Et€ ATERT.IATE FOR I.ARC€ ROCKAfrIDPIPE IN FOOThS.06)2!04 lr|3D.clor: |Im A.lbn: Pl PARTIAL IIISPECTFw COMM€NIS: APFROVED-COURTYARO ST€EL iN FOOTERr)gix]O4 Inip€clor: C'CD Ac{on' PlPARIULll.lSPECTlCf.l COMME TB: FOOTII{GS FOR AREA B PHAgE 2 FROM LIf.IE Stz AT EXISTIT..IG BIJILD TO LIIG S3 AS HI-ITEDO}.I PLASTS; nem: 20 BlDcr-Fourffiorust€el n ADDUTTBd * O7l15/Og Inspeclor' GCD -' Acildl: Pl PARTIAL |iTSPECTION COMMENb: FObTt|'re POURED W/o INSPECTIIf,N. STEM WALL FOR ADDNTION AS HILTED ON P{.S2.9) O7t17iO3 InsD€c'tot: GCO Action: Pt PARTIAL INSPECTIOII Comments: KINDEFGARTEN WALI AS l.fOTED.0gM/03 Inspeclor: GCD Actton: Pt PARTIAL INSFECTPN Comments: FOUNDATIISN WALL GRID Llt{E S?2 ON ElO EAST SOUTH AND WEST TO S22 O{{ GRID LINE E2 AS NOTED O}I PLA}IS. O&/O&03 lnspactor: COAVIS Adbn: APAPPROVEO . CoBmcrits: RSST OF FOOTII/G OA14O3 lmgects: CDAl/lS Actim: APAPTPROVED Conun nis: FOUNOATION WALL GRID ESE1o X Sl9S22 OSyl€lOs |nro€clor: CDAVTS tc.ton: PAPARThLAPPROVAL oREPT131 Run Id: 2298 o lnrpec{lon Re{uest 8;12 am *_, CommeR|3: 0847i03 Insp€clor: cdavts Aclton: PA pARTIAL APPROVAL Comments: Ele'vator mlls and Shaar $all ai odd llne E100&89/03 Insp€r*Dr: COAt/lS - Action: PA PARTTAL APPROV TConrnrntr: GfilD EltrEl4 XS2&N|5 NORTH AREAS REVISIONS RECIEVED FOR TIE BACK CONNECT$N OF RETAINII.IG WALL AhID BUILDING SEE FILE. O9/O4'O3 in3p€clof: GCD Aclioar: PA PARTIAI APPROVAL Comrrrenls; NCJRTHERN A FDN WALTS AS NOTED ON PIIT.IS. 09,t5tOJ lnsD€clor: GCD Aclion; PIPARTIAI-INSPECT|ON CCfi|MENb; LOOKED AT WALLS FOR zufi.D B ]\|c)ffT}t 4I8'S AT EOTTOITI OF E AI.ID W WALLS, FULL INSPECTIo|{ 9T]LL REOD.fft/z.uos iffitirdoi:-ld.i,F Acilo{r: pA PARTIAL APFRC}VALComm€flti: touhdldon ll€€l fbr $vl EsuA rt $ftls norih ot E13 nor|h B wrlls 1o'o74f3 lnspaclor: cd€r,ts Ac$on: APARTIALII.|SPECTOiI Comments: wan detail 7sd3.11 & 6s3.11 B lln€ nofi slde10/m10il lnsp€clor: cdsvls Actfon: Pf PARTIAI_INSPECTION Cornments: Phes€ lln€ B SWstOrt4m inspeA,o-i: -C,iii Acdon: PIPARTIALINSPECT|ON COMM€NIS: RE:T OF BASEMENT WALL GRID S17 I}JALL GRID E12 TO E15 WEST OF N9 l0/2O'03 lnsp€clor: CDAVIS Arrhn: P|PART|ALINSPECTION Co{ ri6nts: PADS LOCATED AT GRD et 2-815 APPROVED 2 F-7 PADS,4 F-5 PADS, I F.{ PADlo/ff)O3 lnspoctor: CDAVIS Adon: PAPARTIALAPPROVA Comm€r s: 1 F4 PAD Al.lD 1 F5 PAD 1O31tO3 tmpoctor: cCD Actt'pn: pt PARTIAL INSpECTtOilCoffinfl s: FDN WALI eAST AI{D I COLut tt. 11/?eO3 lnspeslor: crbvls Acton. AP APPRO'i EDcomm€nts: 8. ivdt secdon at qrld E6r S1&ign6flt: 52O Pl-At\t-lLC Sfte Flan * AoomvsO -{XltO4'M lnspecl,or: RF Acdon: APAPPROVEDllem: 3) BLDG-Framino 07/28/03 -ln5pector: GCD Actton: Pt PARTIAL INSPECTION CdNMANIS: K-f WAIL AND ROOF FMMIT.IG. OI,TLOOI(ER FRAMTNG CF|AT.IGES TO GABEL WALL-02/0304 Ins9€dor; JRM Acdon: R PARTIAL tt'tSP€CTlON COTunenIs: APPROVED FMilING IN AREA.N LOryVER LEVEL COMPI-ETE. AND IIAIN TEVEL COMPLETEEll Z&{ llspectoa: GCO Actlrn: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTEhI Co|lf,rl€nb: CEILIIJG FOR TIJ}INEL GRID ElO TO E12 S23 TO Nl4 OORRD A22O. M€CI-IANICAL SIiAFT OARTGAI.LERY. Oe/19'04 inspecior: cCD Acton: PIPAffTIALINSP€CTION Com'n€nIg: AREA A FIRE STOPP!{G ALL ROOiiA TO N11.6 LINE. R€TrcX,E AAAISON€D f}|/vl, A}IO GROUT UNI'SED PE}.IETRATFilIS IN FTOOR. T.IEED TO hF'PECT WAGER CLOSET FLAI.GES AT{D FLOOR DRtff.IS. 03/0S/04 hsp€clor: cdavF Actbn: Pl P RTIAL INSPECTIO'II Commenls: above c€llhq ffrldnq and flra-stoodm aDDrorrsd tuea A 1st l*el corkbt 100.1'0.'116.120' 03.111rM Insgec{or: cCD Acdon: Pl P RTIILINSPECTbN Commonh; FTOOR PAI{ FIRESTOP AhlD LID FOR CH SE @ f.f13. 03;2304 lnsDoctor: GCD Adlon: NR FIOT READY FOR INSPECTION Commenls: TO MANY PENETRATIONS NOT STOPPED.032&04 hspedor: GCD Actkn: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTION CoINNEIIS. AREA A UPPER, LEVEL CQRRIDORS 210,220:40 ABOVE CEILING FIRE STOIPPN*3 AIVD SHAFT NEAR STAIRS PENETRATPN FIRE STOPPING 08/3r1ifr4 In$p€ctol: GCO Action: Pl PARThL tNSPEeTpN Comrn€nls: AIIEA I UPPER tEVEt FLOOR PENETRAT|OI|S. 04O9/(X lrl3poctor: GCD Actlon: Pl PARTTAL TNSPECTTON Comrn€nts: AFIEA B TOI,I,ER TEVEL FRESTOPFIf{G CORRIDo,R 14{) t}l/13r04 Inspeclof: cCD Ac{on: RPARTIALINSPECTffON CoMnEnG: PENETRATONS IN RES1ROOMAND SCENCE ROOi, AHD SFTAF.T PEI.IETRATIOSI. 0t4/21lo4 lnspecior: GCO Actlon: PTPARIAL INSPECTPN COMMENI3: PENETRATIONS CORRIMR B 243M!27tO4 hsDector: GCD Actlicn: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTION Comments: COMIT'ONS CORRIDOR ABO\iE CEILING PENETRATIONS. 0511?rC4 Inspector: GCD Actlon: CRCORRECTIONREOUIRED Commelts: ABOVE CElLltllG PEI.IETRATIONS REO FIRE STOPPTNG05't&04 Insp€ctor: GCD Aclbn' Pl PARTIiAL IN$PECTION CommenE: SCiENCE ROOM 200301:2020it FRAI'SIG COIIPLETE OryO4'&l irrspector: GCO Actiqu CRCORRECTIONREOUIREDComn€ntl FIRE STOP E|,|JCT PEIIETRATION O STAGE, LEAVE 9-GfT OPEN.lbm: 5O Et-Dc-lmulalin REPT131 Run Id: 2298 8:12 Inspection Reque^*t 04:&04 mtrrcto{: GCD COMTN€NIg1 VESTIzuLE ENTRY T60 05 10/04 Insp{tctof: GcD Com'nelrts: EXTERIOR WALI BACX STAG€Oii13O4 lffio€elor: eCD Comm€| s: SCIEI-.|C ROOM INSULATpN 02/Oe/(X lnsp€clor: GCD Actlon: Pt PARTIAL INSPECTFN ComTnenK: AREA A MAIN LEVEL INSULATION AND VAPOR MRRIER. REPLACE REGI.X.AR.PLf;6TIC WNH FIRE RETARDENT PT.ACTTC IN RETURN AR PI-ENUM.O2t17lU lnortrtor: GCD Actbn' PIPARTIALII€FECTION CommentE. LOWER TEVEL ROOl,f,9 0iX1.034,0.?5,036.02i2dSl InsEtff: GCD Action: Pt PARTIAL TNISPECTIO|\I comm.firs; UPPER LEVEL AREA A R@MS 207,221 2&251251 Al.tp 256.mlz7lo4 InEt ctof: C'CD A.fron: Pl FARTIAL lNgP€CTlO}l comm€nE: rNsutATtost At'Io vAPoR EARRTER lN pLEt{t rM ROOtrrS 266252251250.03O5/(X lmp.ctor: C'CD AcrDn Pt PARTIAL II{SP€CTIONCdfrrn nlt!: AREA A UPFER LE\GL 2O{,2O23ffi.211.21?,213,214. OB/11/O4 hrF€cls: OCD Ac{on: Pl PARTIALINSPECTIO}Icommcnb: AREAA MAN tE\rEt ROONIS 04/O6,M hsp€cbr: cCO Ac{on' Pl PARTTAL TNSPECTION Commcnts: AREA B UPPER tEvEL ROOiltS ?g) THRU 256 ANO ??1 ,722,241 244- OAtOglo4- lmp€clor: eCD Actlon' Pl PARTIAL INSPECT0.f Co,'nmenh: COMiI|OI.IS ROOF/CEILING INSULATIICN AND VAPOR BARRIER.M/13rM Inspector: GCD Adion' RPART!\LINSPECTION Ccmments: INSUL"ATION lN COMMCNSWALLS AI{D SCIEIICE ROOM _ O4115to4 IrE[gqS1_ QQp Acllon: Pl PARTIAL INSPECT|ON Commcntrs: LIffiARY EXTERIOR WALLS.&1i27;U insp€dor: GCD Actbn: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTTONCO Mcn!3; HEAD T,ASTER & INFIRIIARY I''JCULDNNG PhIASE LINE. 06/1&M lns il6m: e0 BlDC*Sheettock Nall * Approv€d t6/18uo4 lnsp€clor: GCD Actlon: Comm€rits: SCIENCE ROOMS 2c,0,2D1 2O2.mI nt? Qlr^-trsl, tl-ll t AF^'a' r t lclbn: Pl PARTIAL lN$PECTKltt Actbn: PI PARTIAL INSPECTiOiI Acllon:Fl PARTIAL lNSPECTlOf.l PI PARTIAL INSPECTK'N AcTIoN: PI PARTUqL NSPECTI ti AND KINDERGARTEN CLAS At$on: Pl PARTIAL iNSPECT] I ELEVATIONS TO LINE N-15.1 INSPECTION TEN CLASS ROOM ONLY'IAL iNSPECTHSN o LINE N-15.1 0&'01f03 lnsp€clor: JRM imments: APPROVED 1STComments: APFROVED 1ST GRADE CLASSRM AND I l,'l I03 Insg€ctor: GCD Aution:mmants: LINE S-22 SOI,fiH EAST & NORTH ELEVACommanls: LINE S.2?SOTfH EAST & NORTH ELEVATI(01,'150.{ Insg€ctor. CDAVIS A.Uon: Pl Commsnts: EXTERTCR GYP SHEATHTNC AT AREA A (e ( n: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION A&GRID I'IORTHWALI N15"frS.4 souTH wAt L s22-s17 AISO |.|AD ONSCUSSIOI'IS W|TH FRAMhIG COilTRTTOR CO.ICERIIIG CEILIFIG ASSEBLIES FOR T+IR RATEO CORRIDOR. EXTERICIR WALL COiISTRIJCTION AIID RATED ASSEMBLIES. Al,lD THE REOUREMENTS FoR DflAFT SrOPPhre N ATTES O1l21tod. lmp€clor: C'CD Actton' PIPARTIAI-INSPECTOIJ COMMENTE: EXTERIOR GYP ||\I LIhIE E1E BETWEEN N5.9 AAIE M}.4 AhD Oll LINE N!r-i{ BETWEEN EB At{D E14. TEMPORARY WALL FOR PIIASE OfilE lN coRRtDoR 8220.g2tO3!O4 Insp€clor: JRM Ac{on: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTION Comm€n&: EXTERDR GYP FROil,l f19.4 - N5.9 AREA IUW SECTIONS CrZ'13!M Inspector: 6CD Actbn' Pl PARTIALINSPECTIOhI Conrm€nls: AREAAttAlNLEllELROOMStolTHRUl$l, 1l1THRU115, 124,125,l4lTHRUI44,AI{D'l50 THRU 155 ANO MECH MEZZA}.X|.IE A343 02117;A1 hsp€dpr: cCD Acfion: Pl PAnTnLNSPECTIOhI Comrnenls. SI-IAFT LINER CORE BOARD FOR ruNNEL At{D MECH SFhFT. itZ'?F>tX lnig€ctor. GCD Aclion: Pl PARTIAL II{SPECTI}N comm€nts: LOITYER IEVEL AREA A CORRIOOR 3n, ROOMS 32,33, '.J4.35,35. UAnllU lnsp€ctor: @D Acton' Pl PARfl/I NSPEGnO'nt C,OMMENb: INfERIOR GYP ABOVE CEILh|G FOR NORTH WALL AT PROP]ERY Ltt€ FOR FIRE RESISTIVE CONSTRIJCTIO}I. 0306,^04 lnsp€clor: GCD Adon: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTION commenB: AREA A T,JPPER Lel/€L?2l ,?72.241 .2il,?51.?32,2ei ,?54,?56. O3/O8/O4 InsFsc'tor: CDA\,S Acllon: PIPARTIALIn|SPEC?XCN Commeflts: UPPER LEVEL AREA A 20821 1 . 212,213.21 4. LOvlrER LEVEL AREA A 010,012.013.014,015 03/08104 lnspeclof: cdavls Actbn: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTION Comments: &€ia A Art Gatlery 206, Dhrblon ]-l€ed 2t I and room 21 | 031 llt)4 lnslActor: cco Acilrn; Pt PARTIIAL INSPECTICN Comrnsnts: AREA A iriAiN LEvEL CORRIDORS PEI€TRATION INSPECT!3|.| 1m,110,120. SCUND WALL ruo{TofrruM 130. 091610.{ lnip€ctor: GCD Action: PIPARTIALIiISPECTISN REPT131 t a Run Id: 2298 l, 100,1 10,1 10.120,14t), LECTURE I{ALL A2O. Inspectim Requant -- ---Pas-e f LOWER LEVEL ROOMO1I AI.D '36:AAID o5r10rtx ComtDenls:' 05/1204 Comments: 06/1a/{t4 Commgr*s: 0s18/04 Comfironis: og2go4 Comm€oti: ()0ffl04 conm.n|ti: odt)g/tx. Connnents: 06€ltj04 comments:lem: 70 BLDG-Mlsc o5t25ta4 Comrcnts: 03?2i04 Commentg: 04'oa'(X ComnrenB, (AEU04 Cofl n€ntr:(Xro6rO{ Commenb: tx/081o4 Comrnents: OiU13(X commenB: 04/t5io4 Comments: 0.{,'i910.1 Comlnsnls: o4i21n4 Cornmentr. o4t?f)iu Conlnl€nts: 06/10/04 Comrnsnts:' O7l29t:iJ4 Csnnr€ntri; 90 BLD9Flnol lnspector: ARTIGCD UNDER STAGE PENETRATIOT{S. 6XJ0 BLDGTemp. C/O O&OB&i lnroO&OB&i lnrp€cror: COAVTScamnsrtr: lsT LEVEL CLASSF Pt PAt?TliAL INSPECTION PI PAFTIAL INSPECTISil{ PI PARTIAL INSPECTION A.Iiofir FA PARTIAL APPROI,AL Aeth{T" PA PARTU\L AFFROVAL Inspector: GCD Ac{on'PIpARTIALINSPECnON ABEA B MAIN LEVEL ROOfrtS 121,141,142,.143,144,150 Insp{alor: GCD Actbn: CR CORRECTI${ REOUIRED PROVIDE RATEO.ASSEMBI-V FOR CONTROI.J'COA}ST JOINT PER 97 UBC SEC 706. OR ELIilT.IATE DETAL,lnspeclo: GICD Ldon: Pl PARTIAL lNSPECTlOf.l AREA A UPPER LEVEL STAIR 3 LID AND CORRIDORS 2{n,21O22O2{p.lmpecbr: GCD Actho: Pl PARTUN- S{SPECTION TUNNEL CORREOR B Z1O.|nepoclor: C€D Actlon' PIPARTIIAL INSPECTbiI TLNNEI- CORRIDOR 82tO znd LAYER lH PROGRESS Ol( TCt FIRE TAPE UP TO SHAFT.hsp€ebr GCD Acflon' Pl PARTIAL ll.lSFECTlOtl AREABTJPFERLE\1EL721,X2412+2,24r'.,2fi 251,?52 253"?54256. ln=specior: GCD Acllon: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTION AREA B UPFER LEVEL SHAFT ENCLOSURE. Insp€clol: GCD AEIKfi PI PARTIAL INSPECTION COMMONS AREA | { 1 , CORRIDOR WALLS 110 TO P}IASE L0\tE. AREA B S}IAFT AND HORZ S}{AFT BETWEEN 2tt At.tD 255. ROOMS 201311212,213,214.?34335Itrsp€clor: GCD Actbn: Fl PAFTIAL lNSPECTltShtii'ffizsl-t^FT Al.lDwals STAR m4 LIBfiARY ROOilS Insp.clor: GCD Acib{r: Pl PARTl,rAl- INSP€CTXCh|coMlror{s coRRtDoRs I 10.1 12. HEAD|{ASTER I 12,1 13,1 14.116.117,1 lE. KNCHENA 122. |IPTE ENCLSED USABLE $PICE tn,lDER STAIRS lN ROOII A127 REOD TO 8E PRCTTECTED PER !'7 UBC SEC 1(n3.3.39. trcpec{or: GCO Actlofl: AREAB UPPER LEVEL CORRDOR 21O lnsD€ctor: GCD Acllon: BACK STAGE SOUTH WALL SCREIA'S.Insp€dof: GCD Acilon: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION SCIENCE ROOMS 200202203 GYP. EXCLUDING Sf.lKS.lnsgedor: GCD Aclion; Pl PARTIAL INSPECTION sciEr{cE Rooturs 200201 2a2 203lnspaclor: ffl Adion: CONDAPF,RCn/ECTCOFIDIT|CII.IS WALK THRO( Gtt WITH 6REG Oa.| llETFlOo oF lO€NTlFlhF LOCATIOI.IS WFIERE WORK ls IN PRoCESS AAID FIRE STOPFII.IG WILL NEED I'O 8E VERIFIEDr'}3p€cbr: @O Acthflr Pl PAfiTltL INSPECTION SCN-'THWALL AT STAGE K€EP CORI.IER OPEN FOR FIRE STOPPIfiIG.lnsps&.: @D Acdon: CR CORRECTIONREOT frED EASEIET.ITP€iETRATPiIS NOTCAI.T-I(ED. impechr: GCD Acllon: PIPAFTIALINSPECTION THEATER CA}IOPY-- Approv€d * Inspeclor: JRM Acton: AP APPROI/ED MEMBRANE PENETRATIONS AREA A ONIY LE\GLS T AiID 2. STEKER$ A|IP11SP '16 AREAS NEEDf|RE CATJLKS{G Inspscior: @DInspsclor: C€D BASEMENT PENETRATIO}TS lbrllhn: 'mmsttt: 1ST LEVEL CLASSROO|. AftlD zND LEVEL KhIDERGARTEN C|.ASSROOII BOTH ROOiIS LOCATED lN ExlslTltlc FORTION OF scl.Pot- Tl.lAT Wll-L BE RECOi*'TRI"ETED lN N€XT PtlAsE OF CONilSTRLrCil$l 0?/?9/04 trcFocjor: ART/GCD Acthn: FP NOTf,lEDO7/?9/O4 trr3F€ctof: ART/GCD Comments: MNDRAILS INCOmiONSHANDRAITS IN COMiONS ON SOUTH RAIL ON EAST RAT. THE EXTENS'ICN IS TO BE 1T WITH THE OUTSIDE OF THE g) DEc T|.,RH REUE\GD AT:ts DEG. Tl'E RAIIS AT TF€ INTERMEDIATE COLUM}E CAN RETURNI'I'IT}IOUT TFIE 12' EXTENSIOf{, AND HAVE THEils DEG RELEIF. REPT131 O&11i04 lnspeclor: GCD ACtiONl CR CORRECTION REQUIRED Rnn Id: 2298 oE/12/O4 Contmerts: w1?to4 Comments: 08.'?6104 Cornmon$: 1 ,CAULK AROL'IJD GRILLS A7 AUD{TORIUM. 2.GASPIPE REOS 6' CLR FROM GROITI\E OR CO.{TED PIPE. 3.FINISH CORNER @ LOLA.'ER AT FLAT ROOF, IIJSIDE ',.FP REOS FIML INSPECTION. 2-ADA FAtrlP REOS HANDRAIL BOTH SIDES. 3,WIRE GLASS Do€SMT MEET IMPACT REAUMEMT, 4.NO RETURN 'SR A123, A214. s.CO PLIJGS REOD OhI BOILER ROOi/||. TJ.GAS REGULATOR WNT NEEDS PLUG AT TEE AhID SCREEN AT END. 7.NEED TO HAVE PLAhIS IN BI.ILD TO CI.IECK AM REOS.Af{O DOORS.rnsp.ctor: c€D Ac00n: cR coRREcTloN REotxRED ADA iK'T MET FOf, LAVATORIES ANDWATER FOt}NTAhIS.InEp€ctor: 6CD Ac{on: PA PARTIAf, APPROVAT OK FOR TCO FOR TEACHERS. SOUE ITEMS FROM 08.01 1-O4 I.I,AVE I\IO7 BEEN REINSPECTED: THEY ARE TTEI,S Ot'YS'DE [EMS1.?. INSIDE ITEMS 3. 4(RU 214 DOES}.IT REo RE?URN AtFl. 5,5. SEE hlSPECTbt'l FROM THIt DATE. THE AUDfTLiRllit AND LECruRE HAL'- ARE EXELUDED FROM THE TCOInspectofi cCavts Acllon: PA PARTTAL APPROTAL Easl hdf ol school aDprov€d tor occuDancv excludinq Adutodum. Lectutg hall tlra and run ol stails aqproved as cons*nrtbd. Must renrorie stllumlture ffom benches and some typa cf rssohJtlon for fall proteclion must b€ mads Daiof to furnitu€ b€ino ussd. ALL OTHER CORRECNONS COMPLETED lbm: ll€m: 531 FtRb.- rEMP. C,O 532 Pvlr-l'EMP. C.rO " Aoorwed " tlSiOSO4 |nsp€clor: Is ' ' Acuon: DN DENTED Commcnl3: hlot R€aah/. 08/13/04 lrEpGctor: b Actbfi: AP APPFIOVED533 PLATFTEMP. e,O " AooroYutt -0E/13/M Insp€c.:tor: RF " Actlon: COID APPRdTED/CO$IDIT|)NScsmmsnts: Mtrst submft b€rm p€rmlt to cooT pnot to Augusr 3cffi 537 PLAN"qNAT E/O 538 F!RE-F$|AL C/O 539 PW.RNAL C.'C 54O BLDG-Flnal C'C 21 PLAiI-|LC Foundotion Plan - Approved - 01/19/04 Insp€ctor: RF Action; APAPPROVED tlern: [€m; lLm: llem: Itam: llom; REPT131 Run Id: 2294 n6r r:ity :*! lnsoccilon Hltiorv ?-df,t; 313?.;004 'n$mrJE:TB#let?r$rxs Pase 2 lhm:lhr:hn: 502 PYtl-Ronoh oruh s{Xt Pw-Ftr|.Tdrftssrv oradrt0 BtDCr-FoodngtYffi 07/1got InsDoclor: @DCoilm.|rb: KINDERGA,RTEN AS 07/18Y00 lrupedor: C Comrnofitr; FooTB{GAT EXCLUD€S ELEVA 0&o1/03 Csnmsnts: 0&/21l{X} ComnF{3: txvl2/0s Co{ilmont$: 091C03 Insp.clor: @D \\.. A RX FOft BRO(EN SI.AB OF TWIN T rbdtr Aailon: \ I ii j, oil PLAl.ts. Acilori: Pl PARTIAL Cdnrn€nts: 2 PAT}SAI.ID 1 Fs.OPAD. 09/1903 kilrDiclor: JRM Actlofl: PIPARTIAL Commenb: PARTIqL APPRO{,AL 5 INTERIOR PADS IN TI.E NW I lm03ciot: JRM Ac{o*r: Pl PARThL APPROVED FOOTERS PADS SECTION E.13 N12.14 FOOTER WALL E.18 THru M}N12+lnip€cior: c(bl,ts Acuon' Pl PARTUL lN{tP€cTK}N Ptmc llnc Band ramph'mrs hcp€c{or: COAVIS - lcton' Pl PARTIAL f.rSPECTlOl'l FtrtTNG PAD6 ]STEDON FIETO O,NEWI.IGS hr.Dctn: GCD Acda{r: Pl P RTI L INSPECTPN AREA B hFRTH REI'AIMT'IGI F€'OTIM}.Inso.clor: GcD Ac{on: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTr'N EAST SIDE RETAf,{IMI WALL FOOTER AT{D CON-I';IN PAD.ln$.rror: GCD Acfon: P| P RTIAL INSPECTIO}I TRANSFORMER VAT,LT FTG, 2 PADS IN AREA B. lncp.cto{: GCD A6ilon: Fl PARTIAL hLgPECT|ON STRF FOOTTT.{G A}TD hI FOOTOhIG PADS AS I.IOTEDON PI.ANS, A}ID FIREPt.ACE FOOT|NG.(H1&o4 lmpedor: eCD Arilon: CRCORRECTPI.IREOUIRED CoffitlslIts: COT.RT YARD FOOThT NOT READY REOS DOLELE MAT. PROVIDE EI.TG ALTERNATE FOR LARGE ROCK A}'ID PIPE IN FOOTIT{G.042$04 InsD..t6: Fm AE{on: Pl PARTIAI- hISPECTKIN Comm€nb: APFRO\rED'CO{JRTYARD STEEL lN FOOTER o8/3O/M h€pccbr: GCD Ac{on: Pl PART]AL INSPECTIO}f CoflrmentB: FOtlTlNeS FOR AREA I PIIASE 2 FFOm LhE S12 AT EXISTIMI zulLD TO LINE S3 AS HILITEDON PLAN{i.llan: 20 BlD$Founddon/Sl3sl 07/15/03 Ingsf: GCD " Acdon' PIPARTIAL$.TSPECTPN CommontB: F@lItlG POt REDWiO INSFECTION. STEII WALL FOR ADDNTIOI{ AS HI-|TED ON po.Sz.g} 07/t7l(B lffiDeclor: GCD Ac{hn: PIPARTIALIIIS]PECTON Commentt; KIIbERGARTEN WAIL AS l.lOTED. ogo.f/(xl lr}3pector: GCD Acdon: Pl P RTIAI INSPECTIO|.I CommenB: FOtJtlOATfff,tl WAtl GRID L0{E S22 Ofil E10 EAST SOUTH ANO WEST TO S?2 ON GR[) LINE EZ As l.lOTED ON Pl-All{i. 0€v0€l/o3 lneoector: CDAMS A.ilm' APATPROVED CO'NM'NE: RESTOFFOONNG 06/14/03 lnrpecbr: COAVIS Acuon' APAPPROI/EO Comnr rt3: FOUNDATION WALL GRID E$E1O X Sl9S220€v1&m hcpdor: CDAVIS A.ibn' PAPAFTU\IAItPROI'.AL ON Pl-AtlSi op,t22tsJ Commonb: 1(y@cKr Cdnm€fib: 101C}/03 Cofltmants: r(yl3v09 Comm€ntB: 1q?gfr} CommnE: 1ff3r/08 Commenb: 11t24W Coflrrnentr: ,r lr REEtT131 Run Id: 2298 Incpes{on Roquest Inspoclor: cdorrls lc{on: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL Elot tb| wdb crld Shetl ryall d odd lhc E10In3P.&f: CDAT/TS - AEflo{I: PA PAITTIAL AI'PROVAL GRID ElOEl4 XS2&N15 IIORTH AREAS REVISIC'IS RECIEVED FOR NE BACK CO}fi{ECTON OF RETAINhIG WALL AII) BTXLDIT.IS SEE FILEhspeclo.: GCD Acdon: PA PARTlilf FPROVAL I.IC'RTHERNA FDN WALLS AS }.IOTEDON PI.AT.IS, Inso€dor: GCD Acdon' pI PARTIAL lNSPECTlOf.l LOOfiED AT WALLS FOR BT'IID B i\|C'RTH 4 I83 AT EOTTOf,I OF E AND TY WALS. RJLL INSPECTION STN-L REOD.|ffi9!cb,r: cda,l3 Aclloo'PAPARThI-APPROt'AI toilhdaton da.l tor srvt &an2 at grHa nor$ of 813 rrorlh B ryE[E 1(Y078 lrup€dof: cdarrls frciloru PIPARTIALINSFECTIOi'I CofiyrefitD: nE[ d.tall 7|{8.11 & €c3.1 1 B lln noilh rkl. 1OO&O3 klBD€cto'r: cdarrls Alilon: Pl PARTIAL I|.|SPECTP|.JConrmenb: Phare ilne B SW5 1Oi,UO3 lrrp.@f: GCD Ac{on: PIPARTIALINSPECTIO}I CofimCoir: REST OF EASEMENT WALL GRID S17 WAIL GRID E12 TO E15 WESTOF M' 1(y2008 Ins0ccbr: CDAVTS A6ion: PIPARThLINSPECTPil Co{ttM€nb: PADS IOCATED AT GRD E12.Et5 AI'PROYED 2 F-7 PADS.4 F-5 PADG. I F.d PADItrgy03 Insp.ctor: COAVIS Acllon: PAPARTIALAFPRCTVAT Coflrf .nb: t F4 PAD Al.lD 1 F5 PtDl(y3l/oii hepsr: 6CD Acthn: PIPARTIALINSPECTIOhIComm.|rtr: FDN WALL EAST AAID 1 COLUMN. 1tl26/O3 lmp€c{or: cdlrrls Ac0on' AP APPROVEDcoflrmcnb: r ryrl r.cdon d flld EBx s1&19 3a0 PtAtl-lLC Sne Plsn - AlorovEd * O3O.U(X I|I3DECbI: RF Acilorr: APAPPRO\iED3) BLDGFramlno 07/2g0it -|nsDlcbr: cCD Adhnr Pl PARTIAL lttSPECTlOtl Commenb: K.{ WALL AI{D ROOF FRAilhfti. OUTLOOIGR FRAMff'I€ CFGI.IGES TO GABEL WALL, o2t03o4 l|tlg|eh{: JRM Fcllon: Fl PARTTAL lNSPECTXfl.l Commantg: APPROI/ED FRA,IfifII(} IN AREA.A' tOVt,ER LEVN COilFLETE. ANO I/IAIN LEVEL COIIPLETEWl?lM hipccior: GEDmm.rib: CElLll.lG FOR TU &ripccior: GED Aclbo: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTION CElLltlG FOR Tt t$rlEl GRD EIO TO E12 S23 TO N14 CORRID AzAn. MECMT{cr'l- SMFT AARToALLERY.lfi'rnrcior: @D .{flon' pt PARTIAL tNSpEcTF$l Comm.rib: CElLltlG glltlgtfl/. lfr*rcior: @D Acilon: Pl PARThL INSPECTEINmm.nb: AFEA A FIRE STOFFtiI(t ALL Roctlllg ?O N1,1.6 LINE. REt IOVE AA NDOf.tE DDWVAT{DCoflrmanb: Commrnt3: 08Esvrx3 Conilnfit8: (g04/m Comn|.nb: ogitdo3 CommrnB: wn{a Commsflb: It€m: Itain: ORC't'T UNT',SED PENETRATOT.F N FLOOR..I.IEED TO INSPEGTYYreER CLOSET FIAMIES AtrD FLOOR DFlAlllS.r jgg0ry(X hsD.d0f: c{fvt Acflon: /FtPARThLlttspEcTto0.t Comments: above celllm tnmho and firo-ltoodm oDolro\rEd&a A t* lSrd conEof 100.110,1'16.120'I . Oe|/{ l/O4 Insoeclor: cCD AcUoni 'Pl PtRThL lNSPECTlO,tl CommcnE: FL@R P/Al.l FRESTOP Al.lD LJD FORAf{ASE (0 Nl3. O3y23O4 lffiDocbr: GCD Ar{on: },lR l.lOT READY FOR IIISPECTION COMMENb: TOMANY PET{ETRATIS'IS iIOT STOPPED.Gg26/04 Ini9tcbr: GCD A.ion: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTIOSI CCfirM€NtS: AREA A UPPER LEVEL CORRIDORS 21O"N0.2.O ABO\G CEILII.TO FNE STOPPII\G AI$D S|.|AFT NEAR STAnS PENETRATIOfII FIRE STOPPIIIG Og3O/04 lnrpedor GCD A.{on' Pl PARTIAI- INSPECTIOII CommentT: AREA B UPPER LEVEL FLOOfi PENETRATPNS. 0.1/09/04 ksp€ctofi CCD Acdon: Pl PARThL F.ISPECTION Comlrcnt3: AREA B LOWER LEVEL RRESTOPPII{G CORR]DOR ItO0.U13M ln$€ctoc GCD Actbn: PlPARTtAllNSPECTul.l COMM3nB: PENETRATIONS IN RESTROOT, AND SCIET.TCE ROOM AI'ID STIAFT PE}ETRATT]$I. O/t/211O4 lniF€ato{: GCD Arlhn: PIPARTHLINSPECTIOhJ CommtrIE: PENETRATPiIS CORRDOR B 243U127lU k}3oector: GCD Acflon^ Pl PARTIAL lNSPECTlOl.t Commentr: @lfirONS CORRIDOR AEOVE CElthfG PEIGTRATION.IS.orytZM Inroecbr: GCD Actonr CRCORRECTIO}.IREOIXRED COMrroNb: ABOVE GEfl.ING PENETRATIO}IS REO FIRE STOFFII.IG(H18VO4 lnBpector: GCD A,c{on: PIPARTIALINSPECTIOII Cqnmenb; SCEIICE ROOM ru3O132O,20S FRATjNG COiIPLETE06/0404 kgp.cior: SCD Adoo: CR CORRECTIOiI REOUIRED Comrnsntr: FIRE STOP UJCT PEN€TRAT|O|{ @ STA€8, LEAVE SMFT OFEN.Itom: 30 BLDG-lnsulalbn REPT131 Ei'rf Run Id: 2298 . .." 1t CommentB: w06t0d Coflrm€nt8: Inspgqfronleqqest K-f WALL INSULATK'N. |n3p€dor: GCD Actlon: Pl PARTUL INSP€CTION AREA A MAIN LEVEL INSUT.ATTOT{ AIfi VAPO,'T BARRIER. REPI-ACE REGI'IiR PI.ASTE W]TH F]RE RETARD€NT PI.ACTN N RETURN AtR PI.ENUM.O2t17M lnsp€ctor: C€D Acton. Pt PARThL htSPECTtf,ilConrnenb: LOIYER tEVEt ROOtitS $33,004,frt5,tx18.gZnAoA hcieclor: GCD Actlon' R PARTnL NSPECTIOII Coffin nb: UPPER LEVEL AREA A ROOIIS 2O7 ?21,ffi261 2$ AnD 256.UllzTlU lnrp.ctor: clCD AcUon; Pl PARIIAL tNSPECTtOf.lCdnnr.nE: lNSt LATlO,l.l ASID VAFOR BARRIER lN P{-ENUM ROCntS 266,25:1t6135O.6/06/04 lnop.ctor: GCD Acilon: Pl PARTnL |NSPECTKTN Commentr: AREA A UPPER LEVEL 2O1,202206,21 1 A12 ?19 A1 4. Og11/04 ln$p6cbr: @D Actlon: PiPARTIALINSPECT|O}.I Commente: AREA B MAIN LEVEL ROOITS 1,t4.1 5O.1 51.1 52. I 56.O{O6/(X lnsp*lor: @'D Acfm: Pl PARThL TNSPECTIONCommedr: AREA B UPPER LEVEL ROOilS 260 TlfiU 256 Al.lD 221,;?'2241,24.0{09/04 lnspedor: @D Acilon: Pl PARThL TNSPECTPN Cornm.nts: Cflltlot{S RooFlCElUtlG [.t6trtATlof.t AtlD VAPCTR B,RRIER.(liyl3u lnspecior: GCD Arilon: F{PARTIALINSPECTIOII Cofimsntr: INSUIATKIN lN Cotli'lol.ls WALLS A|\ID SCIEI.JCE ROOiI0{1ryO4 In$peclor: CicD Acdon: Pl PARTAT INSPECTPN COfiMCNts: LIffiARY EXTEruC}R WALLS.0dt2?to4 Inspr&r: cCD Acdori. Fl PARTIAL tHSpECTKtNComm.nts: ]{EAD IIASTER & ll{F[ltlARY tr{CuLDffrtc PHASE LINE. 041281o4 lrtsp€dor: C'CD Arton: PIPARTIALINSPECTIONCommq*s: VESTIB|JLE ENTRY lH) 05/1ry04 rlsp€cbc GCD Actbfi: PIP RTIALINSPECTIONComm€nb: EXTERIOR WALL BACK STAGEOgt3O4 InsDoc{or: GCD Acdon: PIPARTIALINSPECT|OiI Cornmentr: SCIENC ROOm f.lSULATptJ 0ryt€y04 ltlspdor: OCD Acthn: PIPMTI LINSPECTION Comrnoflb: SCIEIICE ROOIIS ?i0p.z0l m2m3[dn: 60 BLDC'-Shoetoc* tgl "ApDroled * 0e|/0t/0g hsDechf: JRM - - Acton: Pl PARTIiAL liiSPECTlO,l.lCommnts: APPROVED lST GRADE CLASSRM At\D KhIDERGARTEN CLASS ROOfrl O$,ILY1tl1903 ln$Ecbr: mD Acttoo: PIPARTIALINSPECTbI.I Connmenls: tlNE 922 SOUTH EAST & IIORTH ELEVATlOf.lg TO LINE l'+15.1ollld(X IncD.cbr: CDAVIS A"tton' Pt PART|A|- INSPECflON Codntnents: EXTERIOR GYP St#ATHtt{G AT AREA A O cRlD l.roRTHwAtL N15-*9.4 SOI'THWALL S22-S{? ALSO FUD DISCI SSIO|{S WITH FRAMII'IG CONTR CTOR COtlCERltlG CEn-[.tc ASSEBLES FOR I.I,fr RATED CORRIMR. EXTERIOR WALL CONSTRTJCTION AI€ RATED ASSEMBIIES, AI@ THE REOUREMENTS FOR DMFT STOFPII.IG IN ATTICSO1l21fi/ Insp€dor: cCD Arflon: PIPARTIALINSPECTXf,N COrnmenb: EXTERIO,R GYP IN LINE E18 BETWEEN I{5.9 AND I.I9.4 AhDOSI LINE t{9.4 BETWEEN ESAIIDEI4. TEMPORARYI/I ALL FOR FtnSE ONE hl coRRtDoR 8220.(yz()3t)4 hsp€clor: JRtl Acdon: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTKINCofiimqrb: EXTERIOR GYP FROf,I t19.4 - t16.9 AREA l.l/W SECTIONSt?llSto4. Inspacior: GCD Actlon P,l PARTIAL INSP€CTlOil Cootrncnb: AREAAMAINLE\rEtROOMS101 THRU104,{11 THRU115, 1e4,125, 1{1 THRU1,14.AhtD 15O THRU 156 At-lD MECH llETTAiJNE A343tz17tu lrl$ectof: @D Ac{on: Fl PARTIAL INSPECTKI|.I Commanb: SI-{AFT L[\ER CORE BOARD FOR Tt NtlEL AtlD MECH Sl'lAFT. O,JZAIo,. hr9rcilof: GCD Ac0o{l' Pl PARTIAL INSPECTIOII Commenb: LOI,YER LEVEL AREAACORRTDOR 3P, RCtOt S 3a,33, 34,35,36.O2l27tU lrep.ctofi GCD tctlon: PIPARTIALhfS'PECTIOtI Coflrm€nr3: INTERIOR GYP ABOVE CEILI},IG FOR }IORTI{ WALL AT PROPERY IINE FOR RRE RESISTI\GcoNsmt cTtoN. 03/05/04 lnspsclor: OCD Ardon: Pl PARIAL f.lsPEeTni.lComm.nb: AREA A UPFER LEIE! n1,?22,241 2ffl.261 262"e63 254355. 0€y0A/O4 lnspocto,r: CDAVIS Actbo: F1PARTIALINSPECTbN COMNF|I|3: UPFER LEVEL AREA A U8,211,212213214, LOWER LEVEL AREAA 010,012,0r3,O14,015 O3/Gtl(X llEp€gtgr: cd.vli AcIIon: PI PARTTAL INSPECTIONComents: A{ia A Art Gelhry 2ffi, Dtrdstm l-tcad 2t I aod room 211(1311/04 l'|sD.chr: GCD A.don: PIPARTIAIgClUO4 lffiS.chr: GCD A.don: PIPARTIALINSPECIOiI Commonts: AREA A t/tAlN LE\GL CORRImRS PENETRATIOI.I INSPECTP|.I tm.t 1O.'12O. SOT ND WALL AUO{TORIUM 1g}. 0C|/1d04 Inrprclor: cCD REPT131 Aclh{r: PI PARTIAL INS}PECTKIN Rrm Id: 2298 .;i " w22t0l. Comm€nt3: f)d,tvzr04 Commcnts: w0Et0d Conrm'onb: 0406/04 Commenb: offn/04 Cofl$ncnb:(w13y(X Cootment3: o/YlStX Comnpnts: 04/1904 Commfftls: 0d,t21t04 Commarib: Page 5 100.110,110,120.140, LECruRE }{^LL(Po. 136, AND STAIR 2 OOMPI.ETE, LO/YER LEVEL ROOiI Ot I ATO INSP€Sf: GCD Acuon: PI PARTTAL INSPECT|ON AREA B MAIN LEVEL ROOTTS 121,141,142,18.144.150 16r,15a,r53,154.{56. IneDcCIof: GCD A.ilon: CR CORRECTION REOUIRED PROVIO€ RATED ASSEMBLY FOR COfTITROIJCOSIST JO|NT PER 97 UBC SEC 706. OR ELIMfi{ATE DETAIL.lmpecior: GCD Ac0on: Fl PARThL lNSPECTlOf.f AREA A UPPER LEVET STAR 3 LO AN[) CORRIDORS AX}31 O,AN,z&. lrl3pocfior: OCD Fcflon: Pl PARTIAI- INSpECTXCN Tl JI.llrEL CORRIDOR B 21 O. lrEpeclof: GCD Acdor: Pl FARTTAL lNSPECTlOl.l TTJNNEL CORRIDO,R U1O zTd I-AYER IN PROGRESS OK TO FRE TAPE UP TO STIAFT.Inspodor: GCD Adon: Fl PARTIAL INSFECTDII AREAE t ppER LE\|EL 2?1.?241 2&,24tr.2ff,ft1252253254255. Inspcciot: GCD ft{on: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTICN AREA B UPFER LEVEL S}|.AFT E|.ICLOSuRE.lffiD.dor: GCD Acilofi: Pt PARTIAL hlSPECTlOfri CCN'MOA}S AREA 1 t 1. CORRDOR WALS t 10 TO PTIASE UNE. AREA B S}IAFT AT{D FIORZ SFfAFT EETWEEN 264 AND 256. ROOT S 201"211212213,214334335lmpactor: GCD Acilon' Pl PARTUL INSPECTIOII I-K'RZ SMFT AI{D WALLS STAF fiX LIBRARY ROOT S 1m,10a.103.104. o4T?BIo4- ImDCchfi C€D AdThO: PIPART1ALINSPECTPN Commenb: COltilrcNS CORRImRS I 10,1 12. odloo4 ConmrnF: 06t12t0/, Commenb: 0c1a/04 Commenle:(818/04 Cornmenb: ory?Eio4 ComrnentB: 06/cyu Comn nb: od$v04 CommEnt8: og2ao4 Comnt nB: 70 BLDG.Mhc. 06f25tV4 Comrnents: FTEADilASTER I 12,1 t3,t 14.1 t6.1 17.1 18. KITCHENA 122. l.lOTE ET.ICLSED USABLE SPACE UhI)ER STARS lN ROOM A127 REOD TO BE PROTECTED frtHrYHo"l(xBs'3'9' Actur: ptpARrlAlhlspEclost I AREA B UPPER LEVEL CORRIDOR 21O lnsD€clor: GCD Acilon: Pl PARTIAI INSPECT|of.I BACK STA6E SO{JTH WALL SCREWS. ln3pector; C€D Acton' PIPARTI,AL lt'lSPECnOil sclEl.lcE Roofirs axr202.?03 GyP, ExcLr,Elt*t srNKs.In$ecbr: e40 Acthn: Pl PART1AL tNSPECTpr.l SClEl.tCE ROOIAi 2C[)2O 1 2or2 28lmo.clor: Art Acthn: CONDAFPROVEEyCOTS{IIONS WALK THROUGH WTH GREG ON METI.IOD OF IDENTFYhIG LOCATIO'f.IS lYt-GRE WORK lS lN PROCESS AtS FIRE STOPPI|,IG WILL NEED TO BE VERIFIEDlmpccbr: GCD Actloo: Pl PARTIAL hfSPECTlOhl SOuTtl WALL AT STAei€ KEEP COR}\ER OFEN FOR RRE STOFPIf{ci.lnip€clor: GCD Acflon: CRCORRECTpiIREOIIRED BASETTE?.IT PEI.IETRATOT.IS I.IOT CAULKED. lnep€clor: @D THEATER CAI'IOPY Actlon: Pl PARTIAL INSP€CTION * Aooroved * hp€ctor; Jf,ill Acuo{il |U'AFPROVED MEMBRANE PET.IETRATPTS AREAAONLY LE\IELS T AT.ID 2, STCKERS APFLE.O TO AREAS T.I€ED FIRE CAI'LKT\F 06/1(y04 ln$pector: etD Actbn: PiPARTIALINSP€CION COMTn.nE: BASEMENT PENETRATK}NS APPROVED. 07129104 lmp€cbtr: ART/GCD Actlon: PAPARTIALAPPRCIVALComm.fltr: lJlF€R STAGE PEMTRATnNS,90 B{-DGFlnatItrrn: llrm:630 BLDGTrmp. C/OlJ(+ | emp. Qi()Og0g0g Inapeclor: CDAVIS,mmrnb: tST LEVEL CLASSr Acffofi. PAPARTH,I- APPROVAL Comm.rd3: tST LEVEL 'ST LEVEL CI.ASSROOM AltID zND LEVEL KhEERGARTEN CLASSROOi,I BOTH ROOMS LOCATED IN EXtsMt.|(i PORTK'N OF SC}POL TI{AT WtL BE RECOI.ISTRTJCTED N I€XT PFIASE OF CONSTRT'CTION OTl2gl04 lnsD€cb{: ART/GCD Actlofl: }.IOI{OTIFIEDC,mmenb: F|ANDR^ILS IN COT,MOI,IS ON SOI,JTH RAL O}I FAST RAIL TI-E EXTENSION IS TO BE 1?. TVITH THE OI',TSDE OF THE C' DEG TURN RELIEVED AT 45 D€G, THE RAILS AT THE NTERIIEDIATE COLUMN$ CAI.I REruRN WTHOUT THE 12* EXTEI.ISIOilI, AND HAI/E IHE ,15 DEG RELEIF. 08/11/04 fi3p.clor: GCD Arilon: CRCORRECTIONREOUIRED REPT131 Run Id: 2298 tpf-l*r 1 IncpccflmReqqest FIML INSPECNON. 0,,t12t04 Comtttsnb: 0ry13/04 Commentr: (w2d04 Comtf|cnts: 2TMRAflP REQS TIAIWRAIL EOTH SIDES, 3.WIRE OTAS$ DOESNT T'EET hPACT REOI,IREI,IT. 4.IIO RETURN AIR A123, N214, 5,CO PLIJog R€@ ON BOITER ROO}I, E.GAS REGI''I-ATOR VENT I.EEDS PLIJG AT TEE ANO SCREEN AT END, 7.I\EED TO }IAT/E FLAT{S IN BI,ILD TO CI.ECK ADA REOS A}ID MORS.hip.clor: GCD Acdori: CR CORRECTIOT{ REAUREDAM NOT }IET FOR IIVATORIES A}ID WATER FOUNTAINS.lnsp.clor: GCD Ac0on: PAPAI{llit APPRCtt/At OKFOR TCO FOR TEACHERS. SOIIE tTEilS FRO}T O&OIIO4 }TAI/E NOT EEEN EEIIISPECTED; THEY ARE mHS Ot TSIDE mMSi "2. ll,lSDE |TEIF 3, rt{Rt 2r4 DOEsirT REO RETURN AIR). 5.6. SEE T{SPECTTN FROi' TI{AT DATE. T}€ AUDfibRIUhI AT.ID LECTURE FTAI.L ARE EXCLUDED FROi' TTG TCO.lnsp*tor: cd.r/b Ac{ofl' PA PARTIAL APFRCh/AEst hsll of .clF{t .pcFv.d b| occtpancv Gcjudlnf, Alubilrm, L.ctrfic hsll rb. .nd run of ria]rr lppto\nd I conoh&bd. Must rsmrir oll-nmfitre trom bancfns or|d Bom3 tyF of r€$fiilon tor6il Drdocton mtFil be trle& Dtlor b lwrilUr. b.lm u$d. ALI. OTT€R CORRECTIONS COilIPLETEDfrrrt: 531 FIRE-TEMP. Ci/Ollrm: 532 PW-TEI/P. C/O - Apprcved -(HGY(X Inspactof: E A.ihn: DND€NEDComfltcfltt: ilo{ R.rdv.0&1$04 nrpcaod b Acdofi: APAPFACNED]bn: tiilit PLAI+TEMP.CyO *ADDrord" q8r13L/(X lnsp.ctor RF AcJoo: CoNDAppRol/ECyCO,nF{nOntSCdrim€rtr: Mnbt sr.Ofltt b€nrl p€mfi to CDOT p|lof b Ajgt C 3ffitllem: 537 PIJqI+,RNAC/Onfir: 538 FIRE-RMLC/O Itdl|: tgn: lon: tx'g PW.FTNAL C/O 540 BLDG,FhTIC/O 21 P|-AI+ltC Found&0 Phn * Aporomd * O1/19O4 lncF*c RF Acdon: APAPPROVED I IREPTl31 I Rnn lil: 2298' a Re+ncfut lnsp€ct DaE: IquBday, August 18, fi05- lnroedon Area: EG Stb Addre$: 3l€0 KATSOS RANCH RO VAIL LoG 1l & 12, Blod( 2, yalf vlllsge l2ttl AJP,D lnfErnitton Acthdtv: E03ffi98 Cons!Typ<: Or.ricr: Amffcant Coirlractor: l)e$crlpoon: RcauesFd lnspecuon{sl FELEC Itetn: Requesior: Commenb: Asslmed To:- Actbn: Commcnl Commnt Cofimani: Conment Cor rrlts: Co fifiatil: lnsoeclion Hlstorv 190 ELEC-Flnal RIVIERA ELEC1RIC PM EGLAIZTE Tlna Exp: O1/l5/(X InsD€clof: eocomrmnt areb a mtr hvsl 01t23!MCorrrrnt @EAW Commsnt:8r204 CofiriE rt mdy gdrden final -€mpl.-f|ourlng bftlg a and b aI dassfoonrs corldom"o-btes€med{bsry audilorlr,fir-co,n€nr'Lcturei'lE U lffipoclor: eg lDsD3ciot:. €o v/ak maFt UqFrchoot Inso9ctor: 4ceeE &hb - Acdon' APPRAITPROVEO Ariion: APPflAPPROVED Actbn: APAPPROVED Actloru APPR APPROVED I,C[on: APPRAPPF?OVED Act|on: APPR AFPRO\IED .Agt|o't: AFfRAPPRO/ED rqdoo: AP?RAPPRCVED ?qsol-orq 'J$J.-S Slats: ISSUED lntp Araa: EG R€cuestEd Time: 09:30 AM' Phom: $4&08 {r- S!9O122 Enbted By: DGOLDEN K FGATERSIN .FRO\IIE€GFI ttr Rs$fi. t'lt L ltk rvof cDpL e lrhU elrclo{ REPTl31 Run Id: 3529 lhspectbn Requesf Comment 0ul(y06 Comllr.nt: Tc{On: AFAPPRO/ED AcTIon: APPRAPPROVED Acilon: APPRAPPRoVED Adon: flrPA IPPROVED Asdoa. APPR APPROI,ED Acllon: APPR APPROVED tc-tlon: APAPPROVED A{ilon: },lR I.'C'TREADY FOR lf\tsP€CnON AEIbn: APAPPRO/ED Acilon: APFRAFPROVED Acilon: APPRAPFROVED Aclion: APPRAPPROVED Actlon: APPRAPPROVED Acfron; APPRAPPRO /ED Acflon: APPRAPPRO\rED Actloff APPRAPPROVED AcUon: APPRAPPRO/ED A{i|oni APPRAPPROVED Aclbn: APPRAPPROVED Acson; AI'PR AIIPROVED @.P.216 Inse€ctor: eo Comme nt: ktrlfiv crden - 03O3OS lmoirdlor: eo comnrent uppal 'c- hwl O31 ZtlS lrispeclor: eg comffiir*: bwrl Lv.l c - 03/22105 lrtsp€cbr eq Comrngnt: nalh|av-Fsdali!.5 05106105 lnsec{or: eo coEulr€ : c€lftnos o{llv - 0S19OS lrnpcEbr: 'lpr Cofirnring coflDlda nHkr-up- choc* on sbs€l lbht rt roadmy817/05 InsDcctof, rh.hnComnont ilCtOfG Otl SITE 06/2805 lffip.ctor: shahn Commanl: Schncs hb6 abow calllno 130 ElEc€onduit " ApFovEda'(b22,03 Inso€sior: oo Coffincnt Udb tsirorn{nb undorgiround pvc t!9/0a'O3 trsitcror: eg Commont phas€ a plrc urdargrou&dOgt{YB lnspecoi: cg conrmanl: uncolgrond p\rc. tOAl/O3 Insoedor: eq Conror€nt: ovc-lo site Uafrsbrrn€r €ct l4O €L€C-tltbc. r*Appro€dli OZiaO|M lmDeclor; ro Comtnsnt new s€rylc€ td? sctpolffit.?,ty InsD€ctofi 9q Comnlent oufHOe nonfs lauOilorlum llem: 1S) ELEC-Final - *fuprowd" O€YO5O3 Insp€ctor: eg' ' eomment lodalv o€rdan - 05'13(X tn+Fdlor: eg Comment t?ral -enpl.-houCng bldg a ancl b c6'zz-0d. ir€t€clof : sg Comin€ntl allcbs*aooms o7,o&o4 ltlsf,ocDf : ag Comm€ : corfldoFa-Fbaament{bory OAOS04 InsDiclor €o Comment aulnorm+coirens.hcturss-hal O7,29t$5 tnsDecbr: StlAHll Actkrn: APCRAPPROVEBCORRECTIO|IREOD Co|txmnt INSPECTED RRST FLOOR SECTIONS E AND C EXCEPT KITCItrN. SIRIP FIXT1JR SUPPORTED BY CHAJN CAN}.IOT BE FTARDPIPED,PFC'V'DE DISCOMIEST SWrcHES FOR UNIT FEATERS tN EXTERIOR STORAGE AND TRACTOR STOftAGE. Eil BATTERIES I.IOT TNSTALLED, PROI/|DE CFI FOR DI.FLEX NEAR MECTIAT.ICIAL LADDER. ' INSPECTED zFD ROOR SECTIOiI B. PRCMDE GFI FOR CEILIT{G CORD REELS NEAR slMc l!*lSP o REPT131 Run Id: 3529 0&2e2005 lnrpecdon Request Reportlng Page 32 4:19 pm valt, co - cler ol - llgnday, Augus: 2-o, 2C05 ErJ 3160 KATSCS RANCH RD VAIL Lots 11 &'t2, Bloclt 2, Vall Vlllage f2ifi AJP/D lnformaliaii Activltv: Consi T'7$: Ovlrret: Appllcant Contractor: D€scriplbn: subTg: ilcoM Siatus: ISSIJED inspfuea: EG Raqueitol: Comments: Assioned To:- Acffon: Ccir'irt*nl:. Comrnent l-.,tlalaElll. Cornment Cofiun€nt comnari; Cornrent: 1!8 EL=C-Final [?I',4EF.A ELECTRIC., MaiK LatB PMI ivill cau477-1216 SHAHT; all cias6aooIlls iC{Ki! --t{e ri final'-6mpl.-rrousirrg Hcjg a and b ion;;;is-a*-i:asarnent-libai; au,liiviiuntcprnel'r.bclurnt }lell RE{}.JPECTEDCORRECT|oNS NOTED 7i2906. GYM T.IOT READY AS FLOON WAS BEII.IG flr{St€D. iI.ISP€CIED FIRST FLOOR SECTOT*g B ANO C EXCEPT KITCHEN. S1RIP FIXTI.IRES SI'PPORTED BY CHAIN CAFJNOT BE I-IARDPIFFD.PRoI/IDE DISOOI.,'€CT SWITCI'ES FOR TJIIIIT I-EATERS IN E;{TERIOR STOfiAGE AHD TRrcTOR STORAOE. EM BATTERIES I.IOT IHSTATLED, PROVIDE GFI FCF DIJPLEX l,lEAR MECHAT.|CIAL LADDER. I'.JSPECTED ?ND FLOOf, SECTIOI.I B- PROV'DE GFI FOR CEILII.IG CORD REELS NEAR SINK. !NSP {u\ /1:f/j!;( /oog,;,TlsxjL lnsoeefcn lllr:c;-- tlem: | 10 ELEC-Te,ri;,. Peurer - Appreved * DAta 33 Insgeclcr: eg Ccrnment unlt a undet Ofu pvc id21,t)3 lmpsc{or; €g Csmrn€nI. 02,17,6 Inspector: LPVtomnunt APPROVE AREAA UPPER hem: leo ELEC-Fomh . AsDrovsd r' trl ZUO1 lnsf,sctor: EG ' ' Cg'flnen! KIDDY GARDEN Action APPR APPRGVED Acliofi APFR APPROVED A,ction; APAPPRC'rED A€{on: APPR APPROVED Actlon: AFPR APPROT/ED Ac[on: APPFIAPPRC^/ED Actlfi' APPR APPROVED 01115to4 Comment: 01.23.04 C+tllment a22fr!94 +c.rn,1r€ht: lrEpoctor - €9 area a rmln rcw Insp€ctor: eg Phons: 32&411 1 ^fPhone: 32&41 f1 l$EH,v:Nii,iifir"ff "'qO | *L2 bI G " ,\l- RequesFd_Tine: qli0q_ilM._.- REPT131 lnsoectoi: 2x walts rnaln btilgschool Run Id: 3560 Inspecilon Requert Co||tment Orf/G/04 Inspe-aot eg Aclhn: APPR APPROVEDComrpnt ceillme O2,1O05 hspoalor: LPV Aclbn; APAPPFIOVED eomfirant: liem: _tyZi?z!&5 |rr3p6ctor:. og Acti+n: AppR APPROVED Coflment: kiddy gordan O303r(15 lrl3p€cbr: eq Actlon: APPR APFROVED Commont upper -c- level _UilI706 lriapo.cbr:. cg Acton; APPRAPPROT/ED ComrmnL lorvbr lorrol c - 0qy22i05 InsD.ctor; eo Action; APPFI APPRO/ED Cory €nt: halhfllav-Fga fr+S ^0S06'05 Inrpaelor: . eg Aclion: APPR APFTROVEDuomfn€nl aeflngs oflly 05l9lOS lnsp€aor: 'lw Ac{on APAPFROVED Commerf ; colipteb ]||Dte+p' chect on sirrct lom al rordurrw0d17/05 Inspector: shahn- - Actbn: iIR hET READY FOR IN6PECTEiI Commant NOONE ONS{TE 06'281(E lnspacror: shchn Actlon: 4p1ppp614gp Comm€nl: Eci€nc€ hbr tbove cellino t3O ELEC,Sordutt " Apffoveda' O&?2.'O3 lrEpeclor: €E " Action: APPR APPROVED Comm€rrl bldil tshouslDi und€roround ovc09i09:ffi rnsF€cror: €6 Adbn: APPR APPRO\,ED Commgnt: Dhas€ a Drrc tfuroround 0&3&0S Insp+cloi; ca - Actien; APPRAPPROVED Commsr{: underorond oic- 10,31,03 lnspeclor: Lg Action: APFRAPFROVED Commont: pvc-to 6ib baniiofin€r €rl 14O ELEC-Mlrc ADfiored ^ O22O!44 InsFeclo,: eq Actbn: APPR APPROVED Comment new seruhe foi schoot O& t 2iO4 Insr€ctor eq Actioo: APPR APPR'CyVED con rrort: outb5. fohrs -rrkabfttm fS ELEC-Final - " Approved'"(n/ffi/o3 lrlspetlor eg " Actlon: APPR APPFTOVED Cornnent: kkfiv ardcnC5j13H tnsr*ilor: ec Adion: APPRAPPROVEf,) Commenl: ttrxit -€rrpl.-ho=u6hg btdg a and b c6,22t04 Insgaclor: eg tt.tiofl' APPR APPROVEDcomm€nt all L1a$srooms 07iO&'O4 Inspeclor: eg Action: APPR APPROVEDCorn$€nt rrrildor+€-bbesome'lt-lfbory 08106/& Inopcdor: €g Ac{on: APPR APPROVEO Conurl€t{: audfrortrm-connns-bctrr$-hrl O7|29,!OS lnsoecior: SI{AHN Actlon: APCRAFmCf,/EEyCTORRECIIONFO7l29,.iVS Inspecior: SI{AHN Actlon: APCRAPPRCf,/EDfCTORRECIIONREOD Colnnlsnt INSP€CTED FIRST FLOOR SECllOt{S B AilD C EXCEPT KITCHEN. STRtp FIXruRES SUPPORTEOBY t,MTI.GAIERS I CAlitrlET I!.'STALLED. PRd/IDE OFI INSPECTED2ND ROOR S t|tEc GFI FOR CT SI/IiITCHES FOR BATTER'ES Frc'T REELS NEARsttfi. INSP 091805 Inspectcr: SI-|AHN Acilofu PAPART!{LAPPROVAL Comnnnt: RE-IIJPECTED CORREClIOTS I{OTED 7i29,6. GYM tbT READY AS FLOOR IrVAS BEltlG RNISHED. REPT131 o Run Id: 3560 oas+ZEF- 2t/tz0 pm _ Va[, CO.- Ctg 0i - Requested Inspeet Date. fJednesday, ,qugust 3t, i:05 lnspeCton Aiea: EG SIla Address; 3160 KATSCS RAl{Ci'i RD tA;L Lots tl S i?, Elock 2, Val! Vlllage 12t?t AIPJD Info:'matcn Actvltv: E0f-OC98 Twe: B-ELEC Ccr.st T;pe: 3ccugaic7:3w;ar: ';nli i;:UMI/Jti sCl'tCOL fupli:rnt RlVEPti ELECTRIC Coh'iractor: RIVERL{ ELECTRIC Desiipuon: EI-ECTRIC.AL.r.li$ FIRE ALRht .SITE $ERVIQE NEiV : l.lcoM status. lssuED: irnpd-ea: EG {VK, Fh.ue: 3?.9-41 l'l Phcn€; 3:S.11'l i II.ISTALLA'llCl'l Sllf/W RequeSted Tlme:- Phone: R€iues :-.C :r::;-ecfi i'-,i-- : l:ern: Requeslor: ;oinnienls: Ass.grieo 'lc': Acliron: ilorntr t€fiL Cornttrcr{. Comm€nt ComnErd: Co,f,nmr$ co|rrn€tll: ertllrnst'f 1!C EI-EC.Firal RMER,\ELECTRIC gffrff'*d c6ieh'r' ClmmenL Tme ExP:t|'ltr, g.aaren fual -€md.-houciru oldg a and b 6f cta$sroofns oorrdonFa-o-oas€rner*'libafy -Dei:'*Fk- {rrt /'f lf'7 ilorK: ufN F r<' A-Lu..,,.- / 't lnscectlc;; i li:tc;v ftem: 110 ELEC.T:rnr. P.^'.,r:r "Appfov€d - CA'iA13 li;pcctot: eg. Cci,n.,e;ri: ui:ii a undet gid pvcij,:,.J3 lnspoclo;: Et; ' C0i1iti,q*l: 0i' 17.Oi iflspeur..,r. LFU Lunrlt€trr. APPROUE AREA A UPPER Item: 120 ELEC-fru$gh " App{oYed " O7t?f:lli.ll lncp€cior: EG COM'rtfNU F;IEO'I GARDEN Dt "15/04 In3D€clar: er Commenl: are'a a :nln rer,,el -41t2244 Inllcstel' Egt^. lnF r r,l. A.ctioii: APFR APPROVED A;iisii; AF'Fit.r.i:'PtiOVEt Actft;n. AF AFFROVED Actkn: APPR APPFIOVED .,.gan: APPR APPFCVED Acti,on: APPR APPROI/ED /,/r> e8:3C A.i{ 904-0208 Entored By: DGOLDEN K a tlclmffi m-conrsrt]-l€clurE3-h6 tl RE-INPECTED CORRECTIO|.fS trlOTED 7e9O6. GYM iloT READY AS FLOOR WAS BEIIIE FIMSHED. INISF:ETED FISST FLOOR SECTION'$ 8 3F'D C EXCEPT KITEHEN. STFIP FIXruFES SL'PPORT€D P)/ 'I'{i!}IC'II.II!oTBE HARD.P'PEDPROVID€ DISCOFTNECTSvwrcHFS FOR I,hIITHEATERS II-T E:TTPIOR STORAGE A}.IC TRI.ETOR CTCRAGE. EM BATTEPIES I.}OT INSTA,LLED, PRO\.4DE GR FOP DIJP|_E: HE ,R l.ttclt,r.NctA!- LADD:P. ITJSP€CTED ?ND FLOOR SECTION B. PRO'.4DE GFI FCR CEI!-lt\G CORD REELS ttEAR SINK. !NSP EGRESS f,-tU$NAnOtJ INASSEMSLY OCCUIIAHCIES (GYM) _-C COMTLYTI4TH U8C i0O3.2.9.1 EXCEPTIOIJ #i REPT131 Run Id: 3571 @i12lw lnsp.do.i .g- Aclbo: APPRAPPROT€OComnrent cgilim lbhts ^0*09/or tnsge'crori eg Acrbn rqpp6 4pPRovED uotnfil€m: 93t$ng$ DZt rOr[E hsgeclor: LPV Actbn-' AP APPFTOVED comrn€nt: AREA BCLASSftOOilgzizztfi h|p.ciofi eg AEdon: APPR APPROVEL) Commert tddfi odnbn 0gy(H06 tnsriflor: eo Actbn: APPR APPRCIVED Commor*: updcr -c- nwl 0317to6 ttispGclor: .S Action: APPRAPFROVED Comrr|er : lolder larsl c - 03/?2.06 InsDecbr: eo Acuon: APPR APPROVED Comrnant: hafirnv-b-sbfr:.5 0905'OS Inspeclor: sg Acfion: APPRAPFTROVEDComment ceilinos onlv t>519O5 liaoeEbr: -lpv A[ll;n: APAFPROVED Crrrrr{flent coehdete rmke-up 'ch€ct on $toat hrlil al roarhray 06 17105 Inrpocpr: sb€fn- ' Acrbn: NR HOT READY FOR INSPEC1ION Comrne : N{, ONE Ofl SITE Comrngnt rnEln bl Conrment INSPECTED FTRST ROOR SECT1ONS SUPPORTED BY CliAltl CAtllET BE I UMT}EATERS II{ EXTERIOR STORAI INSTALLED, PRCN.NDE GN FOR DUPLI INSPECTED 2}ID FLOOR SECTION B, ESi1&',05. Comment; 0g:cic€ Commsnl: 042[lt05 lnspacior: shahn Acdon: APAPPRO/ED omnanl: S.leBcg hlo above cJrllingComment: S€lbnca bb6 abovs callinonsm: l3O ELEC-Con(tult "ADDfoysdk _08/2308 Inrp€clor: .sg '- Action: APPRAPPROVED Comnrsnr: bldb b.'houshd und€rorourd oryE 0A'0S,O3 ln*6ecbr: ed Actbr: APPR APPROVED Coament phiis,€ 6 Dfr uhderoround 09i3O/O3 Insoecbi: eo - Action: APPR APPROVED Comm€nt: utihrgrontl pfr- iB3li{xl InsD.cbr: €c Ac{on: APF,RAPPRCTVED Co$rn€r8: Duc-to sle ffimct ecrlb[r: 1€ El-Ec-Mtsc. "ADDrow<t- 02120rt4 lnspecbr: eo .' Action: APPR APPROVED Comment: n€w servlEs b;r iclloolD&i204 In6p€clor: sa Actbn: APPR APPROVED Comnr€nt: outsil€ ltol'ns -.arffidum item: {9O ELEC-Flnal - * Apnfl!{Ed .* oanryg3 |nsp€clor: eq Acti{tr: APPR APPRS/ED Commsri: ldddygar&n 05'1304 lnsrEf,or: eo Actbn: APPRAPPROVED Comms : tnil -empl.-txiir*lo bkb a and b Oe22'0.t Inspecloi: eg Acton' AItPR APPROIED C.4}mmsr*i a[ i:to*roomd OTIINU(X lmDrclor: .e Acljon: APPRAPPROVED Commsr* corirdors.a-FEernert-f, bary(HoO(x lrEFcctor: ao Actbn' APPRAPPFI€ /EDCorrnent aufiloriumcofireFhctures-lEfl 07f29,OS lnsD€clor: SHAHN Ac{on: AFCR APPFIoI/EC|/CORRECTIOil Re Dnrm€nt INSP€CTED FIRST ROOR SECT1ONS EAND C EXeEPT KITCHEN. STRIP RXIcEx SUPPORTED BY CliAlt l CAl.llET BE FnRDPIPED.PRCn/IDE DISCONhECT SvtIrTCHES FOR UMT}EATERS II{ EXTERIOR STORASF AND 1RAC INSTALLED. PR$.IIDE GR FOR DUPLEX '.IEAR UE( INSPECTED 2}IS FLOOR SECTION B. FROVIDE GFI . EMBA- INSTALLED. PR$.IItr GR FOR DUPLEX I.IEAR UECI-I,AT.ICIAL LADDER. INSPECTED 2}ID FLOOR SECTION B, F'ROVIDE GFI FOf, CEN.ING CORD REELS NEAR SINK. I}JSP Inspecl;^r: SHAHiI Ac{on: PA PARTiAL APPROTJAL RE-.|}JPECTED CORRECTTONS I'IOTED 7r?9,ftXi. GYH MCT READY AS FLOOR WAS BEING FIMSHED. Inspecton $rahn Acitotu l.lR F|OTREFOY FOR INSPECTTON EGRESg rLLUl4lNAnON rN ASSEMBLY OCCUPAITCTES (GYM) TO CO[ftY WrTH IJBC 10txl:.9.1 ExcEFTloN 12. REPT131 Run Id: 3571 o Inspection Reguect Flequested li::pe:t D;rte: irlday, SepEi::ber C2,2335 Insirecgon Areat 5G SiieAiJdress: 3tGC lldTSOS RAI{CH RO VAIL Lots t{ I 12, Block 2, Vall Village l2th r tttt r...-,*. rr-.- .{cil,'itl: Ef?-0C3€ TVpe: &ELEC 9ub?,re: }ICCM Status: ISSUEDCor,slType: .. Cr.c,upah'cy: Lbe: tnsp Area: EG L/{, r ri,l. r /..tlL DrJLriYlrlti Jvt'lJ!.-Apt'liiant: !?lVll?:i. ELEC*IC Fh.:rE: 3:941 f i Cohkactor: Rl'JERt\ ELECTF-IC Phone: 318-4'11 1 Descflptbn: ELECTRICAT AND RRE ALRM,SITE SEP.VICE I,ETJ INSTALIII]ONF'a- /hxa. VR€oue;te.:l !.:rc?: tic;ia: l ..lr_*i l,{1 J,t1*,t"l,S:'''"' S ltfrl/J o /, /^./o*":'T#fi:: $j1ffii. ..^.sgi:il;: =A^- -**u*r, Jfr/43 Enteied8v: DGoLDEN K Ct,rtrrl.'r'rt. Ei5itGTfi;* QomIIDf[: fslai -rernpl.-rnurrrp ti€ a arxi b uommSm: al| c]rssaoomsCorffrrtr corftdorg.€-bboEemer -liboryComrent FurtilDfturn-cont€rE-l€{tutes.hEtt conrmfiit: lfli-llPEcT€D rjoRREcnoNs itclTED 7129()5. 6yM itoT R€ADY As FL(x5r WAS BE|N(i FIMSHEO Comrnar : GYM EGRFSQ t lGHnt{A n,OT COI\| f{ECTEO PFR t,BC 1003.?.9 1.Comlllent I^'SPfE.!EO FIRST FLCICIR SECTIOITIS B AAD C EXCEPT KIrcHEN. STRIP FIXTURES SUPPONTED EY CHAIN EANFIOT BE HAFBPIPE D.PROVIDE DNSCONNEET S\,vfrcHES FOR UNfl T HEATERS IN EXTERIOR STORAGE AnD TRACTOR STORAGE. EM BATTERIES IIOT IiISTALLED. PRO\r!DE GFI FOR DTFLEX NEAR MECllAl.lCl,AL LADDER. INSFECTED 2IIO FLOOR SECTION B. PROV1DE GR FOF: CEILI'TG CORD REELS T.JTAN SD{K. INSP icmrner,t:JG-P€_S$ lLLUl,ill'tAnON lN ASSAMBLY OCCTFANCIES {GYhl) TC CCMFLY tJtilTH UBC 1003.2.9.1 l/EY.aEPTCti12. Acticri; APPR APPROVED Aaiioo: APPRAPPROVED Action: APAPPRCVED Acti)fi' APPR /FPROV€D AC.-foI: APPR APPROVED Aciion. APFR APPROVED LvIu,;,.- Ll-6 Tureas ,+ /" c/*K/ lnsrecdon H:sic.ni Ite;r: 'l i0 ELEC.Tt.-.-rp. Pcvrer *.{pprc.rEd "Ct:S ]: lr.;peat;i: eg Crxlu;.nL unlt a Urder gid pvclJ;:.33 lnsgector: -g- Csinmnnt Q2'i7.C, IntDectot; LPV\-rnirrcr,i: APpROVE AFIEA A liPpEfl ftem: 120 El€C-iir)uctr '* Amroved '*gliz,,O3 tftspecbr: EG ' ' C$MMiNT: KIDE Y CiARDEH 01/15iO4 tmgector: eQ Comm€nt areb a rmtn hnl 0112304 lncFactor: eg CimHer*: REp?131 Run Id: 3578 ' ri' 03'12,C+ ;nsp€ctor: e9 Commer,i: ceding l[hts - -O409lO4 lnspector; eg LOmmsnL caunoa o:r I r)05 lr}3oeEbf, LPv comrEnr iqREA B CI.ASSFoQiI@ftrt(R l't|laclofi Ga CoBm€nt kbilv oarden - 6mry05 lrcpafror: eq commont unou +- la,l'f 0cill?r06 lrtsDrfrr: eqcornmsfit torvir Pwt c-- Cornalgrit: cpf: eE magl bklg-schcol 0fl1c)51tx! In|Prfbr. o! Comment ldd0tgerdrn 06:13/O4 ln5ffdor: I Comment 06/2:,',04 Commant: 07/0*04 comnteflt: 0&rlg04CorfltEtt 07t29itF Commsnt: 0&rla'05 Comnteflt 08,?o'05 Conrffient 09,',stJo5 Comffier,t Actl'on: APPRAPPROVED Actlon; APPRAPPROVED Actkn: IP4PPR6YEP Ad{Ion: APPR APPROI/EO Aclin: APPRAPPfiOV€D Acilon: APPRAPPRO/ED AgIIon; " APPR -AI'PROVED ACtIOn: APPRAPPR€VED ACION: APAPPffOVED Acdon: NR tlOT READY FOR INSPECTION AcUon: APAPPRO/ED Actbn: APPRAPPROVED Actbn: APPR APPRCI\IED Aclfin: APPR APPROI/ED iiellon; APPRAPPROVED Acdon: APPR APFRWED Acllon: APPR APPROA/ED Aciion: APPfiI APPROVED Acllcn: Acllon: Aclion: AEflon: APPfiAPPROVEO APPR APPRCVED APPR APPROVED APPRAPPROVED H€m: 13O fi.m: 140 OA/tZiO4 hsoector: eo Comrnent' ou8lda lqhl8 lauCltortumtcm: 190 ELECfinal - " Apoved - Actlon: PA PAFTIAI APPROVAL IIOTED 7129/OO. GYM l.8OT READY AS FLOOR ylrAs BElhlG Actlon: lJR NOTREADY FOR TNSPECTICN noN.rN ASSEMELY OCCUPANCIES (GYM) TO COilPLY Vl'lTH UBC 82. ActIoN: NR T.TOT READY FOR INSPECT1ON |roT cor$tEcTED PER LrBC 10(B:.9.1. 83f,?'ffi lBDec'lor: ed Comrnenl: hailway-tsltEft-s 05'05i(F lnsgsctor: og Comrnent cellns onlv - Otlgos lreFc-ctor:'lpv Com rerlu cotietcn mo&e-up- c,hcci on rtcst llll* ar rordrfty 0(;17lf6 l0sosctor: CEhn- comm6nt: tilctofil€ oN slTE82*05 Insp€cl,or: shahn FOR CEILING CORD REELS NEAR {q03:.s. Rtrn Id: 3578REPTl31 Contractor: SFIAW CONSTRUCTIQN COiIPANY Intpection )GRIILS ATAUMORIUTJ. F CI-R FROId CROTJND CR COATED PIPE, I@ Lcp"A/ER ATFUTRC"OF. t SubTvD€: 82. Uce: ll 1-l'lR Slahts: ISSUED InspAr€: CD Phone: 970-242-9236 Phon€: 9?t1242-9236 I Rcquestrd Inspect Date: Friday, SepEmber 09,2005' AsilsncdTo: JMONDRAGON Inspecdon Tlpt: BLDG Insbec{mAiba: CD Sitc^ddress: 3t60 I(ATSOS RANCH RD VAIL t ots t { 8 12, Block 2, Vail vulagE { 261 A/P{F Informafion Col|Enont . Commor$: - rfur-rr.rr a\u-r tecelved p€rmft fot BO3,OO79 TvE€: COMBUILD - Qcupeiily: 21 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCi-iOOt shnw cor.lsalrcTloN CoMPANY Des.ibtlon: R€?ls€d iiEstlr phn for Vall lrlountah School Coadnent palns roirted tb EulldlnE iAilr Ptannhs, P.W. erxl Flr€ - CDAVIS Conrncat: lrlh do not h.s comd-b phm Pbdnlno neecls slc darl3, ets"lbn$ as 96r DRB aDoroval, bndscag€ p&an, roofUrg pbns eit Pilim are nci coripbte. Apflianr nofifrd ftr a seipnd din on 5 ldt}3. Russ Foitsrt - CDA'.43 Comment ROUTED NEW PI-AHS TO RUSS.FT/V,RRE ANO ART FOR REVIEWAPPROI/ALS - DFLORES Corflment ldchan Dlans routed to Bfr Carbon - DFLORES.Commsnt adclendums routed to Charlle. ptsnninq, Dsbffc ..votl$ md ftr€ - CDAVIS Commsnt PW nssds to ensug easnr s- are sedrrad rnd Bus Stop is In thg cortsc{ locallon. - GDEITICKLA Coffin nt PlDlh ifJorks has recievrd oo9y ot sbrnnvdct g€mil - COAVIS Comtt|.rit Pt , h6 racleved an lrrcvocafr6 Sbfdbr tot i ot Credl lor th€ con8trriclon of fuir|I€ bih. path. ln flle at PW unrbr 2ffXt LOC;Bords, Errliros ori JJlv t, AX}€]. LOC ln amount ot $22360no Dolbrs. - CDAVIS COrrrgrArI RTViS€D ORAYVIT\ICS REdEVED ANO ROTJTEO TO C}NRLIEJART,R{JSS Af\D PUSLIC YtO'tKS TllE SE REVISED Pt Al€ REFL€CT CfrAf,lGES Al.lO REVISIO|-IS To XESPOID.T9 CORRECTIOFfS. STATED BY E*CfiD€FARTHENT.CDAVIS csnmenl: rlc RoUTEDTo PLAift{tG 1/5/04-, coEtr**,^ comment ILC roula{t b- cfirh oE|l| anil RrFr ForrulL.r JSIFII€RCoil'tfiI PR€LIIIilMF' EALA'IICE REPORT SUEMT1ED AlO ROTJTED TO GREG OE}.ICIftA . JSUTT{ER Commefit To lnsoecdon ftems rr? to Ekon cat€ ln sorino o{ 2tXF. ! . Graiilffr shD€ on ttre nortlr il& ol VMS. Riitahrh|c urrtt rnay b€ reqdrsd. Not approved as ot today. 2. lnfrrefaspiatt rspalr on Kstsos R6nch Rd. CncI s€at s|a3 lnsbltbd before Intaied wEs done. I tpye_9!!-o.ry-d cnclr seal fo p un0l noxl rummer. Then ldared aghall pahibg lvill be tequhed. GDENCKTA. C"mment: recelved F€rmnfor lir€ supp.€sslon for llhh€n toods, touted to Flre - LCIMPBELL COMMafiT TVI'OEXITSAREREOUREDEROMfiEAREAUNERCONSTf,IJCIIONATALLNMES..GDEI'ICKLA Req,*sredrr*pecron{sr )y/rvfCO W 0f - o,cr- ai ttem: 53C ELDG-Temo. CIO /./ Rrquested Tlme: 02:00 PIf, Reqpstor: sHAwCOt'tSTRlJcllOftCf,,lPANY Pt$nc: 97t1.2,f2-9236-r\,r Assfgn€d ro: J$fr|:OftAGOf)i+ Thne Erp: Entotsd qr DGOLDEN K comrmnr TsfEwE[Cf2[EsRoo]r AND 2hDtWEfnRDERGARlEr,i cLAssE@l Eq]E!@r4s_!ocA Thne Erp: .r Al.lD 2ltD'El OF SCHOOL 1IIAT VSLL SE RECON9TRI,CTED [.r NEXT PIIASE OF Cornnent HANDFJqIS iN COMiTONS ON SOUT]I RAIL ON EAST RAI{- THE EXTENSION tS TO BE lr WITH THE OUTSIO€ OF '+IE S DEG ruRN REUF/ED AT 45 OEG. THg RAItg AT T}€ IN1ERMEDIATE COLUMN€ CAN RETIJRN VUITHOUTTHE tf EXIENSHCN, AND FNVE TI€ 45 DEG REIEIF. Comr €nt CUT9IDE I,} 'ridoii--tN ttlve rb? BEEN REti.rspEcrED: s.CO I 6.GAS 7$EED ADA ATEI@.moRs. RgF,r131 Run Id: 3597 1$1$Zn5 Incpecilon Rcquest Reportlng PaW244:s rrn vglt, co - ctry ol - Requested Inspect Dab: fuesday, Ocbber ff,2005- Inspeston ArE : EG S10. Addr6r: 3160 KATSOS RAIICH RD VAl. Lots ll & 12, Blck 2, Vlll \Alhg€ l2th AlPlf,l tnlbrmaton Acfrvlty: E()3{O$ l\ne: SELECConstTVP6: Occwoittv:Omier: VAIL MOUNTAIN SC}FOL Appllcant RIVERIA ELECTRIC Cohbaclof : RIVERI/A ELECIRIC Sub : I{COM Stats: ]SSUED: InspA|€.r EG Phone:3?$4111 Pfion€: 328.{111 D€scrlpdon: ELECTRICAL AND FIRE AIRM ,SfiE SEFnflCE NEW TNSTALLAIION Reouesled Inspecfr on(sl lbm: 190 ELEC+lnrl Rffruesior: ilark - ShawCorifDnts; At . tdtch€nAsslgtdTo: Sl'|AFe.l- Acllon: Requesbd Tlme: 08:30 At. Ptpnc: 477.1216 EnlrrcdBy: DGOLO€N K Tlme Exp: Comment Comnonl: Comnrert lfildv oardcn linal -e-mpl.-houelng bldg ! ond b ax cEsrSlooftts Com|mnt cofi||brs..-blcaernel*lbarvCo|fltint .udibriurDcomaolhct r.s'lEtC'dffi|€nl: RE-IIfPECTED CORRECIIoIIS ].IC]T€D 7f?9/$. OYM tlOT READY AS FLOOR ]VAS EEll.lO RNISTGD, GYM EGRESS LIGF{n}.IG tlOT CoNTGCTED F€R UBC 1(m2.9.1. INSFECTED NRSTFLOOR SECTIOIS BANDC EXCEFTKfTCI.EN. STRIPFIXTI.,RES SUFFOfITED BY C}IAIN CA}.IT{OT BE MRDPIPED.PROI/IDE TXSCOi.I'.IECT SWTCHES FOR UMT HEATERS IN EXTERIOR STORAGE ANDTRACTCTR STORAGE. EM BATTERIES tICtTINSTALLED. PROI/IDE GFI FOR Dt'PLEX NEAR MECHA}{C|AL T"EDDER. INSPECTED2iID FLOOR SECTIOI.I B. PRCMDE GFI FOR CEILI}.IG CORD REELS }.IEAR SINK. INSP EGRES! LLLIfint.|A11O'i{ lN ASSEMBLY OCCUPAIICIES (GYM) TO COIIIPLY lilrlTtl UBC lmg:.g.{ EXCEPIIONf2 rcO APPRO/ED FOR PTIASE 3. EXTERIOR PARKNre LOTS LIGT EXTERIOR FIXTI.'RES AT EXITS GYM EGRESS GENERATOR LTG GYM EGRESS IMTH RRE ALARiil r47y""t"/ l(,/nL ryy /o-/t- laar lnsoec|don Hlslorv lbm: 11O ELEC-T€mD. Po{rea - Aoorowd "g8/2&06 lnsp€c{o.: eg Comment unlt a under ond Dyc 1U21tO3 lnspeclor ig ' Conmant: ml17l06 Inspecfor: LPl/ Coflun ril: APPRC^'E AREAATFFEf, Commet*:Sflflr|cr[ ComnEnt Cofimen[: Adon: APPRAPPRO/ED Aclion: APPRAPPROVED Actlon: APAFPROVED o 4-14 pm Vail, C0- CtBr oi - Requested Inspect Date: Wednesday, Nov*mber 16, 2005- Inspeciion Area: EL Site Address: 3160 K.ATSOS R.AI.iCH RD VAIL Lots t't & 12, Blcck 2, Valt Village lZtfr AJ.F0 :n,'Jrrnatlon ActiviS': 5C3-FJ98 Cons! Typ6: NCOM Slalus: lnsp Area: ISSUED EG Phone: 328-4111 Conlraclc.;: RIJSRIAELECTRIC Phon€:32&4111 Descrlptlon: ELECIR|CAL AND RRE ALRM ,SITE SERVICE NEWINSTALLAIION Requested Insoection(s I Cwrret. 'vAlL li{CUNTA;ii SCHOCLAppllcant B!]{EE!A ELECIETCAppllcant RIi/ERIA ELECTPIS Conlta:!ci: Rl/ERIA ELECTRIC Type' B-ELEC O.cqlpairty: 190 ELEC-Final RIVIERA ELECTRIC 5l-!A,r-iN Time Erp: xtoov qald€n finaf-€lmpl.-hot6ing bldg a and b e[ clls6roorfis Item: Reque;ici: Asslgnoii To: Acton:gonrm€nl: CDrnm€nt Cotnm€nl: Commint: Comfir€r : Commont: Requested Time: C9:30 Ahf- Phone: 477-1216 -or- 401.2267 Entered By: DGOLDEN K corrldors.s-Fbasornern- i'€rv atdilorfu m-cornsns-lecturcsJra ll Rf -INPECTED CORRECIIONS IIIOTED 7/29/OS, GYM hIOT READY AS FLOOR WAS BFIiIG FINISHED. Com'N€ : GYM EGRESS LIGHTII{G I.IOT CON,NECTED PER UBC ,IOO3.?.9,1 .Comm€rrt Ii..TSPECTED FIRST FLOOFI SECTIONS E ANO C EXCEPT K'TCHEN. STRIP FIXTURES SUPPORTED BY CHAIN CANNOT BE HARDPIPED.PROVIDE D|SCONNECT SVUITCHES FOR I'NIT HEATERS IN EXTERIOR STORAGE AND TRACTOR STORAGE. EM AATTERIES I{OT INSTALLED. PROVIDE GFI FOR DUPLEX NEAR MECHANCIAL LADDER. INSPECTED ?ND FLOOR SECIION B. PROVDE GFI FOR CEILII'IG CORD REELS NEAR SINK. INSP Comment EGRESS ILLUMINAION lN ASSEMBLY OCCUPANCIES (GY[4 TO COMPLY WITH UBC 1003:.8,1 EXCEPIrON f?. COMment TCO APPROVED FOR PHASE 3. EXTERIOR PARKIT'IG LOTS LIGHTS WTNESSEB. EXTERIOR FIXTURES AT EXITS WTNESSED. GYM ECRESS GENERATOR LTG IA'ITNESSED. GYM EGRESS WTH RRE ALARM WTNESSED.Comment tnspect€d lhe ldtcfi€n, llghtng at rear of bulldlng €nd som€ extarlor lighung not Insp€cted. Insoectlrn Hlstory hem: 110 ELEf.-Temp. Pover " ADDr.,.,ed * :: :i.:'.) lnsr'cct'r; e*l Commcnt unil a ;nder qid pvs iO21,03 lns5ector: eg ' Coman€nt: 02j17;OS Inspector: LP\/ C,MM€NI: APPROVE AREA A UPFER \vW,i L,ltf\ fufrou( tfrt ,W Action: APPR APFROVED Aciion: APPR APPROVED Actlon: APAPPROVED REPT131 Run fd: 3897 11-i+2G05 Inspec{ion Request Reporting Page 30 4:14 prn Vail, CO- CtBr 0i - Requested !n:p€ct Date: fhursday, Novemlrer 17, ?005 !nspel'ion Area: EL Site Adclress: 3160 K.ATSOS RANCH RO VAIL Lots 1,| & '12, Slcck 2, Vall L'lllage 12th t fE!m ?hr^|.ha|l+a -Lrr,ar, ,r= *, --;?e: 9-Er-EC i::: Tir;. lJ:3r,rl Const Trpi. C;cupahty: rss: Or./n€r: VAIL I43UNTA|N SCHOOI- Applicant: PIVERIAELECI1IC Phona:32$411l Cor,tractsr: Rli1ERl..\ ELECTRIC Phon€: 3:8-4111 DescrlFltcn: ELEC'':EICAL AND FIRE ALRtrl ,SITE gEPVlcE IIEVJ INSTALIATIOI'I Requested lnsaecf, alf : i stati.i:: RNAL InspAiaa: EG :teiii: Recluestor: Assigrttl.Tr,: ar,-.a\,/i r. 199 ELEC-Flnal liark - Shaw EGI."AIZLE Requested Tlrnei 08:00 AM- Pficne: &1-?267 Entered By: DGOLDEN K Tinre Exp: v{rlrD sfli. l"u!y !F.r,,r.1,uofnanont hnar -€Il{01.-oouslt ig btog d dno Duof nent: all ctits6forJfiE Commenl. q)ranlofs.a-biEs€firfff-hbary Comm€rfl : .uditof unr-cofll€ns-Hr[es-irall COtltrMNI RE-INPECTED CORR€CT}OilS NOTEO 7/29'T}5- GYM I{OT READY AS FLOOR WAS BEII.IG FINISHEO. eomm"nt GYM EGiRESS LlGHTltfG tloT CONT,'ECTFD PER UBC 1003.2 9.1 . EAMTNENT 'NSPECTED FIRST FLOOR SECTIONS B AND E EXCEPT '(IrcHFN, STRIP FIXTURES SUPPORTED BY CHAINCANFIOTBE HAFTLHPfD.PROVIDE DISCONIIECT9WTCHES FOR IJN'THEATERS 'NEXTERIOR STOFAGE AhtO TRACTOR STOFIAGE, EM BATTERIES iIOT INSTALLED. PRCVTDE GFI FOR DUPLEX NEAR MECHAI.JCIAL LADDER, INSPECTED 2ND FL@R SECTION B. PROVIDE GFI FOR CElLll,tG CORD REELS NEAR SINK. INSP Comment EGRESS ILLUMINATIO|'I lN ASSEMBLY OCCUPAr'$|ES (GYM) TO COMPLY WITH UBC 1003.2.9.1gxcEPTol: f2. Cor:rmer.t: TCC APFROVED FOR PI{ASE 3. EX'TEPI1R PARKII{G LOTS I.I3hTS IT{TNESSED" EXTERI3R FIXT!-:=ES AT E:{ITS WTI..IESSED CYM EGRESS GEI'TEP.ATCE LTG UNTNESSED. CYL'I ECPESS UJITH FIR: ALAP?.I WITNESSED.C:n:::ent- EliTgClCR LleHnllc APPROVED. Comment lnspecl.eil the kftchen. lighgng at rear of bulldl;.J and e cme axlaricr llghrinJ nc't lnspaclei!. y'!,yer.J eD 4ro ,1"8,u^ t3 r-sr ^.1hht-S e P *ble tt /en) tn*n,ie F,rzu ?"ll 5lrtot s+-ftJ L1*t+.1 rr lnlo{ lnspatti)x H!siJi", Item: 110 ELSC-Temp. Povrer " ADproved " 0&28 03 lrr'..pector: eg .Comrnenl unit a undel ct d gvc l02l,03 Insp€ctor; €g C(lfiungnL 02,'17,e5 Inso€ctor: LPV Action; APPRAPPROVED Action: APPRAPPROVED Action: APAPPROVED REPTl31 Run Id: 3900 Building Safety I lnspection Seroices Dioision Communi$ D eaelopment D ep artment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorada USA 8L657 CERTIFIEATE OF OCCUPANCY This certificate is issued pursunnt to the requirements of the International Building Code as adopted by the Town of Vail certifying that, at the tirne of issuance, this structure was found to be substantially in compliance with the various ordinances of the town regulating building construction or use for the following: Name and description of nroiect: Vail Mountain School Address of project 3160 Katsos Ranch Road Owner name and address: Vail Mountain School. PO nq IBC Edition: 1997 UBC Occupancy Group(s):El.42.1 Typ"G) of Corutruction: II l-hr Permit Number(s): 803-0079 Occupant Load:Sprinkler System Y/N Type NFPA 13 NOTE: whener The building official may, in writing suspend or revoke a certificate of occupa.ncy issued under the provisions of this code or nortion thereof i ation of any ordinance or regulation of this code,f December 14,2005 Date5rles E. Davis, Chief Building Official