HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 12 BLOCK 2 LOT 12 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL 1997 - 2000 LEGALtl 1997 r 2000 II 2000 v DEPARTI{ENT OF 'o Lofrz Ak,4 |yu, I lL TOV{N OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81-657 970-479-2L38 NOIE: THrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT COMM BU]IJD PERMT ,Job Address: 3160 KATSOS RANCII Locat,ion. . .: 3L60 KATSOS RANCH Parcel No.. : 2101-023-01-018Project No. : PRiIoo-01-33 COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMEI{]T *of cas Logs: 'JOBSTTE AT ALL TfMES Permit, #: 800-0127 STAEUS...: ISSI]EDApplied-.: O6/08/2OOOIssued...: 06/L2/2000 E:<pires . . z L2/ O9 /2A00 Phone: 970-949-1800 Phone: 970-949-1800 *of wood/P.llct: ON RD RD APPLICAI{T BECK & ASSOCIATES, INL P O BOX 4030, VAIL CO 81658 COIITRACTOR BECK & ASSOCIATtsS, INC P O BOX 4030, VAIL CO 81658OWNER VAIL MOI'I|ITATN SCHOOL BOX 602, VAIL CO 81658 Description: REGR.,,ADE BI'RM Occupancy: T\pe Construction: '$rpe Occupancy: ValuaEion:60, 000 Pircplac. InfordaEion: RogtsricLedr *Of cag Aplrliancss: **'r*.tttttt**rttrr..l**.ttartrt+rrirt***r**.ltr.r*trr*rt.**..ir FEE SITxMARY C!ea''l-'"; i,, r;.; ;-"rosit i\efu nd approv{)ri v- am*iJrit Tdate tnl F ll i Add Sq Ft.: Building-----> Plan check- -- > Invcatigation> will call----> ta **r *rrra * * **tt.r** * r *rra* 540.00 ResCuarant. Plan Revi€w-- > 351.oo DRB !.e-------- .00 3.OO Recreation Pcc-- - -- ---- - > clean-Up Depo6lt--------> .00 Tolal calculated EeeB- - - > 1o0.00 AdditionalFc.r---------> .o0 Total PcrrniC Fee--------> 250.00 Palments---- - -- L,244.OO .oo L,244.OO 1, 244 . oo .-...,.-.:ftl.llli;;;.;;;;;;;;..i......,.i1?li;11..,,...ffiliH;;;;;;;:;;;;;1,...-.......;11... rTEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARII{ENT DEDT: BUIIJDING DiViSiON:06/08/2000 KATIIY Action: NOTE ROIITED TO GARY06'/09-/2000 GGOODELIJ Action: APPRIt.bM:'O54OO PIJANNING DEPARI1'IEIiE DEPt,: PI'ANNING DiViSiON:06/09/2000 KATHY ACTiON: APPR DRB APPROVED*06/08'/2000 KATITY Act.ion: CAlilC05/08/2000 KATIIY Action: APPR DRB APPROVED BY BREI{T I!erni'.05600 FI4r DEPenrrUEnr Dept: FIRE Division:05/08/2000 KATI{Y AcE,ion: APPR N/AItbm:' 05500 PIIBI-,IC WORKS Depts: PUB WORK Division:06/08/2000 KATI{Y AcLion: NOTE STAI4PED PI,AITTO LBONARD06./09./2000 G'@ODELL ACTiON: APPR OK PER I-,EONARD - GRG * a *t t* *t t t* * t i *rrr * * ! rt * * r * t J* a tt**rt * r *rtr*r * * *.}'l *t tt* * + ir * * * *tt ** See Page 2 of this Document, for any conditions that may apply tso tshis permit. DECLARATIONS I heleby acknouledge uhat I hav. read thiE appticatl.on, filled out in full ehe infonation required, conpleced atr accutate plot plan, and 6t'ate tha! all the inforEaeion provlded aE -equiEed is correc!. I agree !o cobply witsh the infornagion and plot Plan, to coEply with all Tolrn oldinancsE and atsate 1aw6, end to build thi6 structure according go uhe Torn'E zoning and eubdiviglon cod.s. design re\riew approwed, UniforE auilding code and olhcr ordinances of the toim applicable thereto. REeIrEgrs poR rNspEerro!{ll sHArJtr BE !rADE TrfEr[Ty-FoIrR HorrRs rN ADvB]tcB By rEr,BpHoNE Ar 479-213g on er oui oFrrcE FRon a:oo tr$ 5.oo ptr 7 g€nd Clean-Up Depoait To: BECK & AASOC.SI(trRII'RB OF OTINER OR CO}TTRAeIOR FOR HIIISEIJP AND OIINBR *****:l************************************************************************** CONDITTONS Pet1rniit #: 800-0127 as of O6/LS/00 Status: ISSITED*******************it************************************************************ Permit T14ge: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD pERtTT Applicant: BECK & ASSOCIATES, INC 970 -949-1800 .fob Address: LOCAt,iON: 3160 KATSOS RANCII RDParcel No: 2101-023-01-01_8 Applied: 06/Oe/2oO0Issued: 06/L2/2000 To E:<pire = L2/09/2OOO Descriptsion: REGRADE BT'RM Conditions:1. NO PARKING OR STAGTNG OF MATERIALS ON PI'BLIC RIGIIT OF WAY wrTlrouT A PUELIC WORKS PERMIT.2. AIL WORK IS TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WTfiI THE APPROVED, ENGINEER- STAIT{PBD PI-,A}TS AND TIIE APPLIEABTE PROVISIONS OF APPENDIX CHAPTER 33, 1997 I'BC & OTIIER ORDINAI{CES & REGI]I,ATIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, 3. AJ.,L WORK IN, ADiIACEIiM TO OR C':ruERWISE IMPAETING TO}IN OF VAIL PI]BLIC RIGIITS-OF-VilAY IS TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITII ITIE APPROVED PI'BIJIC WAY PERMIT FOR fiIIS PROiIE T. PI'EASE cooRDINATE WrTII IJEONARD SAI-IDOVA,r., CONSTRUqTTON TNSPESfOR, AT 479-2L98 - v t*************************tt*it***t*ftt***tt***t*****tt*t*tt**tt TOVfN OF VAIL,, C9IOR ADO Reprinted ! 06115/00 10:33 gtaternnt *t***:l****i**t*+t******t*t**t**i*t*tt**ttrl********t*rlr***at****t gfatemnt Nurnber: REe-0642 Aruount: 1,144.00 O5/1S/Oo 10:31 Payment Method: 1251 tilotation: BECK & ASSOCIATE Init.: itltB Permit No: BO0-o12? Tl4le: A- co tit ADD/ALT @nr BUILD p Parcel No: ?101-- O23 - 01- 018 Site Addreee: 316O XATSO8 RTANCE RD Irocation: 3150 KA?SOS RAIICH RD Total Fees t 1 , 144 , 00 Total AIrIr lrrnts : Bal-ance: Arnount 540.00 351.00 250.00 3.00 Th16 Payment t ** * tt il** ** * ** * irl * t * * I * ** *t i ** *t i *ir li * ** ** ** t 'l:l *!t * 'l il *il *il * rl:r *!t * +* Aceount Code De6eription BP 0010000311L100 BvrLDrlrc PER IT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES AD Dz-DEPO8 CLEAI{IUP DBPOSITS wc 001000031-12800 $ILr. cAr.,rJ lNspEqrroN FEE t ,244 . OO 1, 244 . 00 .00 PaEPenED N/$101, 16 !59:2a PR,OGF"A UR'15Uforlt of vatl DBPOSIT R.lrI'trD NEPORT -T'PDMT CUST-ID CUgITf,'AN, NN|E TTPE CIITRS! DED(}gtT DEPOSIT-ADi' TDi]I'STrt lrT A!tER-R'FU!TD C9DI DEgCEIPIIOA TX-DATE AII-DATE Al|OgI*T E!@UUT AI{OI'IT AT{OUNT PA€I 1 1900 800-0127 Bacf & Aarocialea D2 DEPO8 DEFOBIT TOTIIT IOR CI'STOuER TY"a: D2 6/LS/00 Lalt'J0]- 250,00 250.00 2s0.00-.00 2s0.00 250.00 2s0. o0- .00 sl'AF rOlA.L: ?s0.00 250.00 as0-o0- DIPOIIIT Co[tl|T: 1 G/r, BAf,cH cnErt@: BATCH-0282{ 2oor/10 gsERrD-r|xoTrrcA Ap rrStJD corrlrr-1.00 arlouNT-250, 00 t , ,/, 17 AppucATIoIeLL ilor BE AccEprED rF rilcoMpl'lo Project #: q-M 75 S. Frontege Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Q?eOr 97 O - 479 - 2149 (Impections) Building Permit #: Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! Asrylrc Ofre at97O-328-8&10 orvisit Parccd # Job Name: Var I Mcurrhlwrg-hoOl , p_fft rob Address: (,i?1., offiift*^ Filing:\rLitV rll enone: [1b - rt 4-l Phanei nZ.G ".1 Address:12 9o* ct-l AWAynSEngineer:t\f o ftq- Q vt La wPa-n WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other(}0 Does an EHU odst at this location: Yes ( ) NoWork Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ()4 Both ( ) Restaurant ( ) CIther ( )Type of 8ldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-famity ( ) Mul6-family ( ) Commercial of Existing Dwelling Unb in thb building: Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exlsu Yes ( ) NoDoes a Fire Alarm Exisil Yes ( ) No ( ) COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUITDIT{G PERII'IIT (tAbOT & MAICTiAIS iz:2.-et-aaU BUILDING: $ETECTRICAL: S ('/ OTHER: $ GQ, OCI O PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: $ REzuND CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO: @T{TRACTOR IT{FOR}IATION Contaat and Phone #'s:hltfupr*^'14q l(-)o JUN 0 8 2000 TOV-COM.DEV.F:/everyone/forms/bldgp€rm TO: ATTN: FROM: PO Box 4030, Phone (970) 949-1800 Town of Vail Kathy Tanya Vattano LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Vail CO 81658 Fax (970) 9494335 DATE: June 8, 2000 RE: Vail Mountain School Reerade VIA: Hand delivered WE ARE SENDING YOU the followine iterns: [ ] Shop drawings [ ] Samples [ ] Change order COPTES DATtr I X ] Plans [X ] Application for Permit [ ] Bidding Guidelines RECEIVED JUN 0 8 2000 TOV.COM.DEV. [ ] Prints [ ] Specifications [ ] Photographs NESCRIPTTON 1 Application for permit 3 Stamped and signed plans THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For approval [ ] For your use [ ] As requested [ ] For review & comment tl REMARKS: 904 0823 Tanya ] Approved as submitted ] Approved as noted ] Retumed for corrections I For Bids Due I really appreciate you taking the time to get this to us ASAP. Please call with any questions: q \=l= /e& r_) t W COPY TO:SIGNED: M : \WPFII,ES\DOCS\VMS\COMT'NICA\OTI{ER\TOWN. 5 O8 oo Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Road, Vail, CO 81557 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Gwathmey Pratt Schulfz, Attn: Scott Lindall, 1000 South Frontage Road Wesl Vail, CO 81657 Project Street Address: 3160 Katsos Rench Road Legal Description: Parcel Number: Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village l2th Filing Building Name: Comments: Prrject#: PRJ0e013l *,K*PLEASE CONSULT THE T.O.V. BUILDING DEPARTMENT REGARDING POTENTIAL ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ISSUE S _ 47 9.2325 " JT * * Board / Staff Action Motion by: Bill Pierce Action: Approved with Conditions Seconded by: Clark Brittain Vote: 3-0 Conditions: 1) The applicant must return with a detailed plan for the screening of the mechanical equipment prior to the issuance of a TCO. 2) Town Engineer approval is required. Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 5/17100 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: 5200.00 TQWNOFVAIL O DEPARTMENT oF coMMuN,florur"orr"r, 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALTCOMMBUILDPERMT Permit #: 80l-0169 Job Address: 3160 KATSOS MNCH RD VAIL Sratus . . . : ISSUED Location.......: 3160 KATSOS RANCH RD Applied. . : 06114/2001 ParcelNo....: 210102301018 Issued...: 0?ll8l200l Project No . : PRI00-0133 Expires . . .: 0lll4l20}2 ovrNER VAIIJ MOITNTAII{ SCHOOL O6lt4/20O! phone: BOX 602 VAII, CO I l_658 Lricense: COIITRACTOR BECK & ASSOCIAIES, I$C 06/t4/2001 Ptrone: 970-949-1800 P.O. BOX 4030 VAIIJ, CO 816s8 License: 1L7-A APPIJICAM BECK & ASSOCIAIES, INC 06/t4/200L Ptrone: 970-949-1800 P.O. BOX 4030 vArIJ, co 816 58 Lieense: 117-A Desciption: INSTALL MECHANICAL SCREEN @ ROOF/INSTALL TEMP CLASSROOM Occupancy: El El TypeConstruction: VN TypeVNon-Rated Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $16.000.00 AddSqFt: 0 # of Gas l-og: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0:ttt:|tttttrla't.ra:a.rta*a*irt.*.'rrr.,*it*tt,t+*++:ta,titttrlr******ala*....aa FEE suMMARyBuilding:--> 92os . oo Reshrarant Plan Review-> Plan chesk_> s133 .2s DRB Fee__*> S0.00 Total Calculaied Fees-> 9391.25 950. oo Additional Foes-->s0.00 Fireplacc lnfomratior: Reshictod: Investigafion-> will call-> # ofCras Appliances: 0 $0.00 Re{reation Fee-> $3.00 Clean-upDeporit-> 90, 00 Total Psmit Fer-> S391 .25 $0.00 PaFffr s--> 93 91 ,25 90.00TOTALFEES-> S3e1.2s BAI"ANCE DUrE-> Approvals:ftim: 05100 BUIL,DING DEPARTMEIII 07/16/200]- dsll Acr.ion: AP Item: 05400 PLAIINING DEPARTMEIflT 06/L4/200L jar Action: AP O6/27/2OOL BREMI Action: COND SEE CONDITTONS Iten: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEMT Item: 05500 PIJBLIC WORKS o PAGE2*****:l **'l*'l*** *+*:t*** ** * *****l **!t!t* ***!** * * ** tl* *{.*i '* * ****** **:t** {r**!t+* *:*'*** +**:t* t**** *:f * * ** *** * * {.* * * rt* +{r * CONDITIONS OFAPPROVAL Permit #: 80l-0169 as of 07-18-2001 Status: ISSUED***tl:tl t *'+* * **tll.***f 't'*** ***** {rt*** *** * * *** I * * ***** * ** *,t* ** *:*tt} tr** * * {' ***!t* {.**** +* * ** * **'t'}:t ** * t**{t **{.'} * * *'tf Pennit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applied: 06tt4t2001 Applicanr: BECK A ASSOCIATES, INC Issued: o7llsl200l970-949-1800 ToExpire: 0t1t412002 Job Address: 3160 KATSOS RANCH RD VAIL location: 3160 KATSOS RANCH RD ParcelNo: 210102301018 Description: INSTALL MECH,AMCAL SCREEN @ ROOF/N{STALL TEMP CLASSROOM Conditions: Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQI.NRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CONfi)04831 The siding on the modularunitmust be paintedto malch the stucco on the main school structure. The trim around the windolrrs, doors and fascia of the modular unit must be painted to march the trim on the main school shucture. Sde page'2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plaq and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infonnation and plot plan, to comply with all Toum ordinances and state laws, and to build this strucfure according to the towns zoning and subdivision code.s, design rwiew approvd Unifonn Building Code and otho ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQTIESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OL'R OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. Scrd Clen-up Depocft To: N/A CONTRA ORHMSELFANDOWNE |:APPTICATION ;,.L NOT BE ACCEPTED "'N'O"'='E* ot33 Project #: Building Permit #: 970-479-2149 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, Coloraao 81G57 separate Perm irs "'" "o'f361'"3'"u i"uu'fl,.,*I lssessorc Qffice at 9Z0-328-864O or visit Parcet # Ll9llEj_o -01 t**'*'v.Nt tucupmtq k&q-Job Address:- .. ,3lt& K/+&oS ZarLil Zi Lq.rD"t.'iptg ll bt, a ll_qlgq Z ll ririns: I L ll suuaiuirion, owners Nameperer< 4gu tg 1 Addressr,fu K*fi('s p+,rLt pi)Phone: /1r7f,-3 $jO ArchitecVDesig n"r, (j pg o6aressi&)u 9.@u+'+e p.b vhtl 't:' Avr' rl4? trn9tneer. P/wlJ? o€ t N ru:vn o*T'arr 697 zurw Phone: q4qt76 s Detailecl description of work: - W sqer*,O Far/Tt>+il T€MHp-4zv LL,+seznrl workclass: New() Additionld Remodetfi)- *rin/t i*t) other() Work Type: Interior ( ) exteriorf, Sottr 1 ;Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) trto }{ Typeof Bldg.: single-family( ) Two-famity( ) Mutti-famity( ) commerciat ( ) Restaurant( ) otherffi \f lltrl No. of Existing Dwelling Units in tnis OuitOinq'--E- (_x No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq:4 Noffvpe of Fireplaces g iances (Q) cas t-oqs (& wood/peilet 1$ wooo Buminq& ) Noft-ype of FiFplaces p cas npptiances (& Gas Logs (.Q woodipeilet (b iluood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes-Vf No_fl Does )Fire Sprinkler Syitem Exist: Yes (A(l No ( ) COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) BUTLDTNG: S l0 Oc a ELECTRTCAL: S 6OOO OTHER: $ 1lYgrryq,$ 'l tooo MECHANICAL: S fJ A ,fQrAL: , 14, AOd t REFUND cLEANUn DEposrr -ro3ga<€ 49Soc, -Bo:t lo l/*t l-2 CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION General Contractorrbec* t A9<,oor*res Town of Vail Reg. No.:il?-A Contact and Phone #'s: O 141- / 0 O OBRsce t,)opp r0rr-'e'qoiii z ***-!***********************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***rr******************?,** F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm RECD JUN ].3 2OO1 * *****+ * ** BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Depaftment Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Departrnent review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long.as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all mulU-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this depaftment to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by:L{ ,Jca" Print name Signature F: everyone/formtbldperm3 Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 IOI{'N Depa rtment of Com munity Development Project Name: Project Address: r' This Checklt'st must be completed before a Buildina Permit apolication is accepted. e/Rtt pugus of application is complete { nus DRB approval obtaineiJ (if required) Provide a copy of approval form FA o- Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex y'Complete site plan submitted { Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) 3 Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster.oarkinq or materiat storaoe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aooroval 1fi o asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurringqz Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) l/as- Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) PA Y window and door schedule {fU structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) a/ Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) lA v Soils Repoft must be submitted prior to footing inspection VA q Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated r Smoke detectors shown on olans Pfl ^ Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Appficant's t nn"rur", Date of submittal: F:/everyoneforms/bldperm2 Received By: JUL.iU.zUbI E:1HPI'I SLUK HND HSSOCOCIA1 LS NO.9A9 P.L ^Fat- 0tb1r FAX o PO Box 4030,Vail CO 81558 Phone (970) 94s-1800 Fax(97O) 94s4l3s ro:-Fo.V. t-o/\.ba/. *w,fr4rt4 6u4qr Ezx#: lfJQ L+S L nats 1/rolo1 subjece \r/6 lL frT gcl|aat-*:'Ef*ffiIagcr: 3 -,iechdingthis shecc COTVilIENTS at: ffi b+8 Uht' ry, TtuMo CdJts t swu/ EeLfouu s Eaortt Purz &/?SStfl:6eal: )a47 = Grc ft + )o E-r t 3l =*o x$*rr,*aS#m rykgsatct"/,l&unrc+l 6z- &fcf uh'ttt<'rntrr'6< 0c(, Lq,44 ..67 !"6ezio76W- ltr+D-qV+F=6L TOTff?- &-c- c-atr{ : 6Y fi*r B*iO P* Grars E'on = tocnwg ort Peafi N 22' tuL- I,t,c1r*t6 Z 6o' ppap S 37' PFo P d 7 ' Br,rgtteG, /1sS 3 .5 I TVPr d-t-t qt * u.,esr w4zt llt,rsr BE >44 *nh 6%trtt*t&s P<-a'qnA ) (fa'o %=,7 /W trl flssan By (lntvz-t DrscqNtnNe/l(A 6- >F:^^?) S o htvl O:,*^** ts"dcr -ry YGIPPEA trlarrrtrur4 dF U"*,,rt ^e,l;-ls, hra W,r(i- / IJft S.r /&ra,as< iI-Li\ ri rU HJJLr\-ULlr I I L5-{!'cn]'lecl ;ttru *ro rgaz; v Jun-16-01 9!54; rrv' r rs F-:;t3 I f\flM. .L WLte D,$vt" FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL If you have any gusstions'or prcblems regerding thie fax, pleaae call our Administratlve Assistant at (!170) 476-1|47, TO: Gary Goodell Peter Abuisi Bruce Noning FRCI{f,: Scott Lindall Toatn of Vail Fax 479-2452 Vail Mountain School Fax 47&3860 Bock & Associates Fax: 94$4335 RE: DATE:6/18/01 NUIIIBEROF PAGES IINCLUDING GOVER): 2 MESSAGE: Per our conversation 4nUA1. I bm providing a letter from our structural engineer, Hannes Spaeh, stiating the snovir will be removed from the modular unit's 75 lbs / ft roof when the depth is over 2'-0". The snow removal schedule is required to comply with the 100 lbs / ft roof requirement for b roof with a 3:12 or less pitch. Gwathfipy Pratt Sohulta Archliocts, p.c, 1000S, Frontagb Roadlflsst . Vail, CO 81857 (970)i076-1r47 r Fax; (970){76-f512 . Detq: (e701476-23t3 Vail Mountain Scffool* New Modular Unit Telephone: sent By: G$/athmey Pra{t schuttz A6/1,1/258L 69:25 SggASAa June 7, 2001 Vvr,v rnrly Yours, tt r U*la[ttg'ttoof Therefore, the snol on the roof of 2.'-0 i*xcecded rvithin 48 fours' 1 ^]shonsorc,ortrn#o,nru*u"{t G* - ..tl 76 1;612 lffi J A ArchitecT;970 4 '.2, v : : 1,612; t,r]NROE l,un-1s-01 IIEI^,ELL O Page 212 PAGE 62/92 elso; i i I I v'ril, C{'ler*du Dnnver. Calorado Dtl:on, CQlorado .aact ltatlLuxttor.,t Oi oi oJn*i^, I| .- . has revierved the specifications ofthe that wiil be installed at Vail Mountain i.. i, o$ign.a b sup'Port a snow ioad of up to ?5 p snow tJpO-is exceeded if more dran two feet of wet -"". .,1r,'r';Tr:;'i;T i.,rr,r,r,,j: I inEast per square snow fe'noved OE - pAXig?-0i g49-40i4 ' er$ril: avan@Alo':roe- .4, Sent By: Gwathmey Pratt Schult hitecT;s70 476 161 2;z Anco Jul-5-01 18:23;Page 1 FACSIDI I LE TRANSMITTAL I,f .Vq,, have any questions ,or proOte all ourAdministrative Assistant at {970) 476-1147. ro: #ttn"uie' u*u,a _ _ COMPANY: T,O.V FROM:'r,aff ,L4r\m*il" Vfni : fr,t6tltlt+l* rJNtT DATE: NUiIBER OF pAcES (|NCLUD|NG COVER):2_ cr.,: .,PeTq{L t\currot {?(4 - 3?'-'bo ._ ._. ffirA $oPft+t:a _.....- , FAX: +1q -LrtEz Gwathmey Pratt SchulE Architects, p.c. 1000 S- Frontage Road West r Vail, CO 81657 Telephone: (970)476-1147 r Fex: {970)476-1612 r Data: (970}476-2383 Page 212>- c!- 5rB pEr"*,",l S- EE "b\:IT ll o,zz-v'tj-^-a-&G..^(f,?i<ih" z-\"*.l ut \\i ir"' r.i \\ [rt li 2l {t ! Tgf KILz P $ ft 8L P - o: Sent By: cwathney Pratt Schultz ArchltecT;97O 47A 1il2i Jun-20-01 15:53;,;-'-- -oE E BI t tr Ft\ o:t- (F* .l I I l n t- H$[iz EE EI 8 Page I ofl I've been dealing for about the last week with Scott Lindahl (sp?) of Gwathmey Pratt on the temporary trailer at Vail Mtn School. Our position has been that they must provide handicapped access to this temporary classroom trailer. More recently, Scott contacted me and said that unforeseen circumstances regarding the exact location and surrounding grade for the trailer have increased the height above grade and greatly increased the corresponding cost of the access ramp, to about $10,000. He's pleading for mercy. I told him that, il Peter- the school director, provides me with a letter as follows, I will consider NOT requiring the handicapped ramp: 1) lf the classroom trailer is still lhere after 2 years {l believe lheir DRB/PEC and construction schedule is 1 1/a years (?), they must make lhe trailer acceptable 2) lt is their current practice to adjust theil classroom schedules and locations to accommodate non-ambulalory students and instructors by holding classes with non-ambulatory students and/or instructors in classrooms lhat are currenlly accessible. My decision would also be tempered by the facts that: 1) Appendix Ch. 1 1 , regarding accessibility for existing struclures, is pretty "wimpy" in terms of its requirements. I realize that the trailer is technically a "new" structure, but I do feel that some consideration should be given to the fact that the trailer is a temporary structure being used lo facilitate construction on an existing structure. 2) Our ultimate goals are to achieve building codes compliance and, where existing buildings are involved, especially when they are nonconforming, make those buildings safer, more or completely code contorming, and generally better for the communily. The overall addition and remodel project will include an elevator connecting all levels and making the lacility completely accessible to the disabled. 3) Spending an additional $10,000 on the ramp now for a temporary facility which will be completely removed in lhe future will simply require that much more fund raising on the part of the school to raise the remainder of the funds for the ultimate remodel/addition project. That's all for now. l'll let you know when I receive the letter. Gary Goodell Chief Building Official Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd Vail, CO 81657 970.479.2321 FAX970.479.2452 ggo-o-del@eiLcail.co.us t"- o sd fi le://C:\Windows\TEMP\GW ) 00002.HTM 08/10/2001 TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 815s7 970479-2138 ta DEPARTMENT OF COMMUMTY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E01-0153 Job Address: 3150 KATSOS RANCH RD VAIL Status. . . : ISSLIED Location.....: MODULARCLASSROOM Applied..: 07/20/2001. ParcelNo...: 210102301018 Issued. .: O7/24/200't ProjectNo : PR\ C\-O\j3 Expires. .: 01,'/n;/2o02 owNER VAIt MOI'NTAIN SCHOOTJ O7/20/2OO]- phone: PO BOX 602 VAII, CO 81558 License: cor-lTRAcToR WHITE RMR Er_,ECTRIC O7/20/200L phone: 97O-949-!403 P O BOX 1118 AVON CO 8162 0 License: 145-E APPITICANI WHITE RMR EITBCTRIC O7/20/2OOL Phonel. 97O-949-t4O3 P O BOX 1118 AVON CO 8162 0 IJicenge: 145-E Desciption: INSTALL ELECTRIC SERVICE TO MODULAR CLASSROOM Valuation: $3"500.00 FEESUMMARY Elech.ical-> DRB Fee-> IJrvestigation-> will cau-> $72. 00 s0.00 s0. 0o 93.00 Total Calculated Fees-> S75. oo Additio,nal Fees-->$0.00 Total permit F€€_> 975. o0 Paymmhr--> $75 .00 TOTALFEES-> S?5.00 BATANCE DUE->so.oo Approvals:I€dm: 05000 ELECTRICAIJ DEPARTMEbTT O7/23/2OOL CDAVIS Action: AP MoRE INFOM,AY BE REQUIRED. CONTACT ERNST G, Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARII{ENI CONDITIONSOF APPROVALCond: 12 .:::::i*::::."_i::::':'*:.::*T:*yi-Y:.T.:*::jT--::-*:::*:::-:--:-":::::..".:- DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, fitled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design *-rr3"*r*rO Uniform Building Code ttrcreto. I and other ordinances of the Town applicable OR ATOUR OFFICBFROM &M AM - 5 FORHIIVX9ELFANDOWNEI REQUEilS fOR INiUECTIOTTI SIIALL E MADE TI4iB\ITY-FOIIR IIOURS IN ADVANCE By fiLEPIIONEm[ SIGNATTJREOFOWNEROR **+*{t'}*+***+**t+*'}++*****++*+**++t+*{'*r*+t+***+t*:}**+t{.***++*******t*+'}*****ft*'******++***'}* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement*+***{'**++*'1.'}**'}++*t***+f***'l**+***t*'t*++t*'}**+*t********++****'}**********t+:t+**if***++***** Staeenent lilumber: R000001120 Amor.mt: g?5.00 O7/24/2OOL'1:06 pM Palment. Method: Check fnit: LC NolaE,ion: #L2976 /whj-Ee River Electric Permib No: 801-0153 Ty;le: EITECTRTCAJT PERMIT Parcel No: 2101023 01018 SitC AddrCES: 3150 KATSOS RNiICH RD VAIIJ Location: MODII,AR CLASSR@!! Total FeeB: S75.00 Thie Payment: $?5.00 Total ALt PmtE: $75.00 Balance: $0.00**f*++*+****l+***!t**++***f**!tf***'|***++'|.****+++******i**++*********+{.+*'}**r*+++**+t(r}*+++***t ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescniDtion Cunrent Pmts EP OO1OOOO31114OO TEMPOMRY POhIER PER}.IITS !\lC OO1OOOO31128OO I^IILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 72.00 3. 00 ' 0?/LS/ot 10:40 FAI 0?0 040 0740 SSIIE RIVER EI.EC Projest #: Building Perrnit #: Electrical Permit *: 97 o 17 I -2L49 (InsPcctions) u002 ApPucATrnrvrLL Nor BE ACcEPTED rF rl{col'{PL+R u Proiect # pq)P"' ?5 S Frontaec Rd. VaiI, Colorado a1657 Farcul il (Raquired if no bldg- Pcrmit # ls ptoyiOec! a!ge! Job Attdrees: 3160 Katsos Ranch RoadJob Name: Vail Mountain Sclrool Attdress:3160 Ka6os Rancfi RedOwne/s NarneVail Mountain School lnsbll Electric SeMce to Modular Glassmom Work Class: New E aOJirion g Remodel tr Repair tr Temp P-oler EI Other tr D""" "" EF U exist at lhis location? Yes tr No EworkTvoe: Interior E Exterior tr Both B tr Drd". - rrlutti-ramrly o commercial El Restaurant tr fDther E No. of Accomodation Unik in tltis ls lhis permit for a hot tub? Yes D No E Does a Fire System exist Yes E No. E Does a Fire Alarm exist Yes E No O Co,nlrct Ofrceat GOMPLETE SQ- FEET FOR NEW BUILDS ANd VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (LAbOT & MAICTiAIS) ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $ 3'500.00AMOUNT OF SO. FEET IN STRUCTURE: ConiiA and Phone #'s: Rick Geddes 970-94 1403 WHITE RTVER ELECTRIC, INC. FOROFFICE USE ONT RECEIVED JUL ? 0 2001 TOV.COM.DEV. u7/LS/dL l0:!t0 F'AI S 87 49 Wf,ITE RIVER [0 our Overhead servioes are not allou/ed in the Tswn of Vail. Underground services have to be in condr-tit (FVC) from the transformer to the elec-lric meter, main dismnnect switcfi and to the first electrical dishibution cirqrit breaker panel. tr The main disconneci switch shall be located next to the meter on the exterior wall accessihle. of the slructure easilY Atl underground conduit are required to be inspected before nack-filling the trench. tn muft-dmily dwelling unils, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shalt pass fiom one unlt to another. Common walls and spases are accepled. NM Cable (Romex) is not allovved in commercial building or strucfitre exceeding three (3) stofles. No{se of dluminum wire smaller than size #8 will be permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OFVAIL ELECTRICAL PERIIIIT GUIDELINES O All installations of extenor hot tubs or spa's require a DRB apprwal ftom planning. This application will not be accepted without a mpy of the DRB appmval form attached (tf applicable)- o lf this permit-is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 3(I abwe grade, you must also obtain a building permil O lf this permit is for Instattation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any oristing deck or elerlated platfbrm, a structuial engineer must review U,re existing condition and veris that it will support the ,added concentrated load. pteasJprovide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. tr lf this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowner association, a leiler of permission from the associaliorl is required. o lf this permit is for a commercial spaoe, two (2) sets of sEmped drawings are rcquired' I have read and underctand the above. July {8. 2001 Date Signed 70 040 o ELEC o tr o o o o o lf you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, please Jdna"t the Towri of Vail Eb&rical Inspector at 970479-2147. The inspector can b-e reached on Tuesday, Thursday anO iriday momings between the hours of 8am and 9am' You may also leave a voice mail ind the Inspector will call you back. TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2t38 o?o*r"r"T oF coMMUN,* o*rrotu, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBINGPERMIT Permit #: P0l-0073 Job Ad&ess: 3160 KATSOS RANCH RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 3160 KATSOS MNCH RD Applied. . : O7l20l2OOl Parcel No. ..: 2 l0 10230 l0 I 8 Issued . . : 07 l24l20Dl ProjectNo : Q(;\ OO - Ot 33 Expires. .: 0ll2ot2oo2 APPLICIIIT CONCEPT MECIIAIIICA,IJ, INC 07 /20/2O0L Phone: 97O-949-O2O0 P.O. BOX 1165 AVOIT, CO 8152 0 License:189-P OWNER VAIL MOIIMIAIII SCHOOL OT/20/20OL Ptrone: BOX 502 VAII, CO 81558 Lri.cenge: COMTRACTOR CONCEPT MECHAIIICA!, INC 01 /20/2001 Phone: 970-949-0200 P.O. BOX Ll_65 AVON, CO 8152 0 Lricense I L89-P Desciption: DEMO ROCTFALL BERM, CLASSROOM ADDTN, ADA ELEVATOR Valuation: $900.00 Fir@laoe Informrrion: Redricted: ??# of Ga.s Appliances: ??**l*'l*at'l**t+llt*ll*tla'lla+aa****:l'|att*|.r*,1***t:!ta.*t*******l*....ra* FEE SUMMARYPlumbing--> 515.00 R€stuarart Plan Review-> Plan Ch€ck-> g3 ,75 DRB Fee-_-.......-> Invostigation-> Will Csll-->93.00 # ofGas lngs: ?? # of Wood Pallet: ?? 9o ,0o Total Calculated Fees-> S21 .75 so. oo Additional Fees-------->$0.00 BALANCE DUE-->$0,00 $0 . 00 TOTAL FBES- - ' 921 . 75 Total Permit Fee-> 921 . 75 Payments--> 92J. .75 IIEM: O51OO BUII.DING DEPARTMENT 07/23/200L CDAVIS Action: AP Item: 05600 FrRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BIDG.): FIEL,D IIISPECTIONS ARE REQUIRSD TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAITCE. DECLARATTONS I hereby aclcnowledge that I have read this application, filled out in frrll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is corrert. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this sfiucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigr review approvod, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQIJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOIJR HOLIRS IN ADV FROM 8;00 AM - 5 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE Jul 2O Ol .APt- 13-oo l r 12: 2Ap Concept f'lechaniaal Inc p.2 , 23 FFotr.Tou-eot,,-o,"'' ?AGE l/tto,9?o4 APPUCAIIO{II WTLL NOT EE ACCEPTEO t TTKOI'IPTETE OR rhoiect #:3, N"n|?z-"t ruWUtrf,|E 75S.ffil.Rd. vail,cobne 81657 970 949 0300 ta -rcZl:ele * rr'*I/an I fltt^t' 9cJaoa workcle: me"ril-t Addili9! L-l lrtsatlon( )ReDair( ) 0UEr( ) frree of UOC., SrroFffi*v ( )DtDt€{ ) ltE fadilv ( ) Conntsci'l ncton ttt l Otre ( ) m-.f-otttrd-8",t unlu h tlrc buiHi4: 4, ffi'5ffinn-apr, rwooa COilTRACTOR ITIFO R}IATIOI' 1m-R"set, 1$^ae@'T"t"obot,Ia itgfirr.r..fi*.r*.rtrr..ater***rii}.r.rf{R oFflGE lJsE o?l|.Y..rrrrr."r'll't't'ltt{ "r"' t'*l'lt* ept llechen i e! I Inc 9?O S49 tl300 P.3Jul 2O Ot 12:Zap d Conco CONCEPT MECHANICAL' INC. "n-r.r|qrc' tremfO ' sY6TEn DESIGN- - P.O a* flos At,on, Cokrado 81620 Phone: (grot 9{g{2oo Frr: (9m) 9/t9'030o Post-it" Fax Note 7671 late ll lf"el.t 1to f)R rcf-,-^ /ll/l4cLti OCo.Dtrpt-.",. .4,O Phone #Phone' u7q- jt v >'^'n7q?- ql30 Fax * I' @ID Informaion Adivitv: Conqt Tn6: P.rcel: Own€l: Cmtradof: SMIS: |SSUEDhcpAr6: CD Comlr€rit CommentCor d$: Commcnl: Comment: *,gH,T3: CDAVIS Item: 540 BLDG+inrl CIO Rgq{r€!ic,r: BECX_& ASSOCIATES, l}lc Reque3tcd Tlmc: 08:00 All' Phono: 9?tl'9491EO0 Enlor€d ry: DFLOf,ES K Requesbd Tim€: 08:00 At' Plrorio: 970-94918tX) Entor€dBf DFLORES K AJ t/tt Page 7que$t Repordqg L- TOmlllF__ _ EO1-O169 210102301018 vA$. ilorJNTAtN SC|-€OL BECK&ASSOCIqTES, ll'lc Plpn€:970'9.1+1€KnBECKAA$SOCIATES.h|C Phon€: 97G949-1800hISTAL }/ECHANEAL SCREEN & ROOF/INSTALL TE}F CLASSROOITI . SEE FILE IN REGARDTO ACCESSELTTY REOUNEMENTS REVEW A'{D APPRON'ED BY C.BO.. CDAVIS PIAN RzuEW AGAIN DISCOI'ITT.IUED.IIORE INFO REOURED -SNoI'YLOAD IS LESS THAN T0(r PROVIDE IIORE DOCUIIIEN. -ACCESSIB|LTTY TO CLAS$ROOMS htOT SHOtlrN "WEST WALL OF zuItDfi.IG CLOSER TFTAN 3"5' TO ASSUMED PROPERTY TINE.TABLE $A REOUIRES A 2 HR WALL WITH NO OPEMFIGS TO BE CONSTRT.CTED CONTRACTOR NOTIFIED AA[) ITORE RERVISIo$IS ARE FOR'THCOM$IG - LCAITPBELL REST OF SUBMTITAL ltlFO REC'D At'tD R()UTED 6i/2g0t - eDAvlS rircRE hIFO ON TETP CLA.SSROOilI REOI,RED PRIJR TO A}.IY PI-A}I REVIEW OCCURRIO,}IG. cof.lTRAc.ToR NoT|FIED 6rAyO1 €ITE PLAN+ocAnoilor.l PRoPeRw.FLOOR PTANS -ACCESS -\,ENTILATIOI.J ETC.... - CDAVIS Ol('d bv Judy - eDAVtS ROUTED TO CHARLE AND BRENT FOR APPROVAL FI,A\,E NOVIT ROT'IED TO JR TO COi'PLETE REVIEW WHEN AI-L REUSONS ARE SUBTilTTED . LCAITPtsETL Frldrv. Seobmb€r 21. 200fcD' 3t6O i(ATSOS RANCH RD VAL 3160 I(ATSOS RANCH RD Sub Type: ACOlvt t.Fs: VN Re€uested Insp€cdon(3l Item: 534 PLAN-FINALCJO RequcCor: BECK & ASSOCI'ATES. ltlc Asstgn€d To: CDAVIS Actbn: _ T||rtc Exp: Reguested Insp€ct Drte: Inspeduon ArG!: Slte Addre$s: Tvps: ACotiM occupsifty: REPT131 Run Id: 957 REPT131 zun Id: 95? 1.1,|"1 T:' t ' 'f: I'fr i '} * REpTL31 A,F,Qtqffinffbn Inroecton lllsbru . ..f Rcs|C3hd li$pectDrh:- A*ilgnedTor lffiDd€flon Teil:lnrbec{gtrii.; SlbAddrc3|: sfl#y'"-s,tt?s'1001 Pt.TBdgtto t(ATgos f,AtgHFvALttto KATsoS RAt*}r RD ,.. , ..i ,. -| aorgdrrD +rAemtrd !r: CSVB A.ilorr: ITESTFOR ISHffi,.'TE8'iiRAP JCS'iis 6V-nlif- 0t{oilonrO,hffiffi) r\ ts$t Eo cd f(:> R€qu€cbd Tlmer 0t:00 Afrl' Plmm: 9il1.S49.0a00 EnhrgdBs TIF|.ORES K n /'-Y,ftx-lro / rP tw / s A /\a lt2{lf(("nDn'!: ztobm: ?tOftrm: 23O 'bfir: 2.lt' ,hm: lbrn; nmri a6O PLlFFtoilHotTub 26O PtHFttoc.?ql R.li&Flnd sr5rffi: rcor| Ptpm: 970*f9{100Ptrru 9FS8'*I-{F00 AMELE\'ATOf,-r-cttF6Er-t do Sbhr:lrwArs: tUJn Id: 474 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department April24,2000 A reguest for a conditional use permit to allow for an expansion of the existing facilities including eight Type lll employee housing units at Vail Mountain School, located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/Part of Lol12, Block 2, VailVillage 12ft Filing. Applicant Vail Mountain School, represented by Gwathmey Pratt Schultz ArchitectsPlanner: Brent Wilson BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to allow for a phased master plan for long-term development at the Vail Mountain School campus. This conditional use permit would also include an approval for the construction of eight Type lll employee housing units. On March 13th of this year, the PEC conceptually reviewed this proposal and requested that the applicant address the following concerns prior to final review of this proposal: Employee Housing Units - The PEC stated the school should be required to provide employee housing at the same rate (30%) as other private developments in the Town. Based on an increase in capacity from ?z14 to 300 students, the school would be required to provide a total of two employee housing units (based on the standard of 1 staff member/10 students * 56 add'l students*307o). Vail Mountain School is proposing eight Type lll employee housing units. However, due to mobilization costs and economies of scale, the applicant would like to construct all of the proposed EHU's in conjunction with "Phase ll" improvements. Traffic Circulation - lt has been observed by members of the PEC and the Vail Town Council that a re-occuring problem during peak traffic flow at the school involves the "stacking" of cars along the frontage road in anticipation of left and right turn movements into Katsos Ranch Road. The result is a congested access to the school and impacts to traffic flow along Katsos Ranch Road and North Frontage Road East. In an effort to address this concern, the applicant has provided a relocated access and revised parking and loading configuration for significant additional drop-off capabilities (10 cars at one time) within the property boundaries. A transportation engineering consultant has reviewed the proposal and forwarded a traffic study to town staff for review. Landscaping - The PEC stated the existing and proposed parking areas should be upgraded to meet the Town's landscape requirements for parking lots. The applicant has provided a revised landscape plan based on this input. \\VAIL\DATA\EVERYONEIPEC\MEMOS\OO\VM52. DOC I Buffering between the school and housing units - The PEC requested a buffer to separate the institutional uses from residential uses on the property. The applicant has revised the site plan to reflect a separation of these uses. History of the Propertv The following is a brief synopsis of Vail Mountain School development over the last 20 years: 1979 - original 2-story building constructed 1984 - north classrooms and rockfall berm constructed (berm is no longer necessary) 1989 - gymnasium and stage addition constructed 1992- additional story added to existing building 1995 - library expansion 1999 - temporary classroom structure added On June gth, t ggg, the Vail Town Council discussed the PEC's decision to approve a conditional use permit (CUP) to allow for the addition of a temporary classroom structure at Vail Mountain School. The council agreed the CUP could be extended for an additional year if the applicant presented a master plan to the council within the next year. The Vail Town Council reviewed the plan at their March 7ft meeting and expressed unanimous support for the plan. The applicant is requesting final review of this request from the PEC today. The plan involves significant improvements constructed in two separate phases. Phase I (June 2000-Julv 2001 ) imorovements include:. Demolition of the rockfall mitigation berm. Removal of the existing temporary classroom structure. Construction of an eight-classroom wing to the north of the existing building. An elevator connection to all floors. Reconfiguration of the existing ac@ss and parking area to allow for the addition of a "drop off' lane and additional parking. Phase ll (lonq-term) improvements include:. Addition of a 300-seat auditorium ' Faculty housing. Additional classrooms south of the gymnasium. Additional parking II- ROLES OF REVIEWING BOARDS Order of Review: Generally, applications will be reviewed first by the PEC for acceptability of use and then by the DRB for compliance of proposed buildings and site planning. Planninq and Environmental Commission: Action: The PEC is responsible for final approval/denial of CUP. \VAIL\DATA\EVERYONE\PEG\MEMOS\OOVMS2.DOC ) I The PEC is responsible for evaluating a proposal for: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. 2. Effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. 3. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and mnvenience, traffic flow and control, ac@ss, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking areas. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surounding uses. 5. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed use. 6. The environmental impact report concerning the proposed use, if an environmental impact report is required by Chapter 12 of this Title. Conformance with development standards of zone district - Lotarea - Setbacks - Building Height Density GRFA Site coverage Landscape area Parking and loading Mitigation of development impacts Desiqn Review Board: The DRB has no review authority on a CUP, but must review any accompanying DRB application. The DRB is responsible for evaluating the DRB proposal for: Architectural compatibility with other structures, the land and sunoundings Fitting buildings into landscape Configuration of building and grading of a site which respects the topography Removal/Preservation of trees and native vegetation Adequate provision for snow storage on-site \\VAIL\DATA\EVERYONE\PEC\MEMOS\OOVMS2.DOC'I 1il. Acceptability of building materials and colors Acceptability of roof elements, eaves, overhangs, and other building forms Provision of landscape and drainage Provision of fencing, walls, and accessory structures Circulation and access to a site including parking, and site distances Location and design of satellite dishes Provision of outdoor lighting The design of parks Staff: The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. Staff provides a staff memo containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. Town Council: Actions of DRB or PEC maybe appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whether or not the PEC or DRB erred with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overturn the board's decision. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval of the applicant's request for a conditional use permit to allow for an expansion of the existing facilities at Vail Mountain School, located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/Part of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12rh Filing, based on the following findings: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the General Use zone district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. lf the Planning and Environmental Commission chooses to approve this request, staff recommends the following conditions be placed on the approval: 1. The applicant shall provide the Town of Vail with an easement for the existing public bus stop at the southwest corner of the property. wAIL\DATA\EVERYONE\PEC\MEMOS\OOVMS2.DOC 4 2. 3. 4. 5. The applicant shall provide the Town of Vail with drainage easements in accordance with the proposed grading and drainage plans. These easements will be recorded prior to the issuance of a grading permit for any proposed grading activities on the property. Prior to the issuance of any permits for the "Phase ll" improvements on the property, the applicant shall conduct a revised traffic study for staff review to ensure appropriate mitigation measures (if applicable) are addressed in a manner that is proportional to proposed "build-out'traffic impacts from the project. lt is acknowledged that the threshold for identifying traffic impacts from this proposal will also include existing conditions and "Phase l" improvements. All housing units on the property shall be required to be deed-restricted as Type lll employee housing units. These units must be constructed in conjunction with approved "Phase ll" improvements. Required Type lll deed-restrictions will be recorded prior to the issuance of any permits for Phase ll improvements. The employee housing units will contain full kitchen facilities, as defined in Chapter 12,Yat Town Code. The bicycle path will run with a straight alignment from ihe parking area to Katsos Ranch Road ("punched through" the berm while avoiding vegetation). An easement will be provided to the Town of Vail for the bike path. ZONING AND THE APPROVAL PROCESS Vail Mountain School is located in the General Use Zone District. Pursuant to the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations, the purpose of the General Use Zone District is to: provide sites for public and quasi-public uses which, because of their special characteristics, cannot be appropriately regulated by the development strandards prescribed for other zoning districts, and for which development standards especially prescribed for each particular development proposal or project are necessary to achieve the purposes prescribed in Section 12-1-2 of this Title and to provide for the public welfare. The General Use District is intended to ensure that public buildings and grounds and certain types of quasi-public uses permitted in the District are appropriately located and designed to meet the needs of residents and visitors to Vail, to harmonize with surrounding uses, and, in the case of buildings and other structures, to ensure adequate light, air, open spae€s, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of uses. (Ord. 21(1ee4) S 10). Sections 12-gC-2 & 3 outline the permitted and conditional uses allowed in the General Use Zone District. Public and private schools and educalional institutions are a conditional use in the General Use Zone District subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit. lv. \VAIL\DATA\EVERYONE\PEC\MEMOS\OOVMS2.DOC 5 Zoninq Analvsis Zoning:General Use*All development standards in the GU zone district are prescribed by the PEC Lot Size: Density: Setbacks: FronUKatsos: Side/Frontage Rd: Side: Rear: Height: Parking: Site Coverage: GRFA: Total Floor Area: nla 6.122 acres or 266,674 square feet Existinq Phase I Phase ll nla 79', 76' 358', 23', 27' 1(X spaces 29,081 sf (10.9%) nla 31,188 sf (+10,700 sf) SEHU's=4d.u.'s 24', 76' 358' 20' 36' 116 spaces 37,469 sf (1a.17o) 4,800 square feet 48,688 sf (+17,500 sf) 90' 76', 358' 23', 27' 85 spaces 22,027 sf (8.260lo) nla 20,488 sf V. REQUIRED CRITERIA AND FINDINGS . CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT A. CONSIDERATION OF FACTORS: 1. Relationship and imoact of the use on the development objectives of the Town. The Vail Land Use Plan applies a "Public/Semi-Public" land use designation on this property. This category includes uses such as schools, post office, water and sewer service and storage facilities, cemeteries, municipal facilities, and other institutions which are located throughout the community to serve the needs of residents. Staff believes this proposal is in compliance with all applicable objectives of the Vail Land Use Plan. Staff believes the proposal furthers the following specific goals: 1.1 Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance between residential, commercial and recreational uses to serve both the visitor and the permanent resident. \VAIL\DATA\EVERYONE\PEC\MEMOS\OOWMSz.DOC 1.3 The quality of development should be maintained and upgraded whenever possible. 1.12 Vail should accommodate most of the additional growth in existing developed areas (infill areas). 5.1 Additional residential growth should continue to occur primarily in existing, platted areas and as appropriate in new areas where high hazards do not exist. 5.3 Affordable employee housing should be made available through private efforts, assisted by limited incentives, provided by the Town of Vail with appropriate restrictions. 5.4 Residential growth should keep pace with the marketplace demands for a full range of housing types. 5.5 The existing employee housing base should be preserved and upgraded. Additional employee housing needs should be accommodated at varied sites throughout the community. 6.1 Services should keep pace with increased growth. 2. The effect of the use on light and air. distribution of population. transoortation facilities. utilities. schools. parks and recreation facilities. and other oublic facilities needs. Staff believes this proposal will impact the following facilities: Transportation - please refer to item 3 below. Schools - Planned improvements for the school would increase capacity to approximately 300 students and provide affordable housing for teachers and staff Staff believes the proposal would have a significant positive impact on educational opportunities in the Vail Valley. Parks and Recreation - Staff believes the proposed auditorium facility could be a great amenity to Vail residents if managed via a public/private partnership. The applicant has expressed a desire to provide opportunities for public events at the auditorium when school-related functions are not planned. 3. Effect upon traffic with oarticular reference to congestion. automotive and pedestrian safetv and convenience. traffic flow and control. access maneuverability. and removal of snow from the street and parkinq areas. Traffic - The applicant's traffic engineering consultant performed traffic studies at Vail Mountain School on two occasions. Based on both the consultant's findings and traffic projections from the town engineer, construction of Phase ll improvements (specifically, the auditorium) could trigger the need for dedicated turning lanes. \VAIL\DATA\EVERYONE\PEC\MEMOS\OOVMS2.DOC .7 4. The Town Engineer's projections of need are based on the following data: ITE industry standards, traffic counts for the 15th busiest skier day along the frontage road, the CDOT access code, and an assumed 300 student enrollment at build- out. Staff believes the proposed re-routed access is sufficient to meet the needs of users for existing and proposed "Phase I'improvements. However, due to potential fluctuations in student enrollment and traffic pattems, a revised parking study will be necessary to determine the extent of traffic impacts and mitigation (if necessary) to ensure a practical implementation of future plans once "Phase l" improvements have been constructed. Parking - the Vail Town Code (supplemented by ITE parking standards for educational facilities) would require a minimum parking space count of 104 spaces (total at build out). However, staff believes a higher number of students at Vail Mountain School commute by car than at an average high school and that the minimum 104 spaces should be increased slightly. The applicant is proposing a total of 116 spaces (an increase of 11.5o/'). Staff believes this is a preferable, but not excessive, amount of parking. Effect upon the character of the area in which the orooosed use is to be located. including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to sunounding uses. Staff believes the proposed scale and bulk of the additions are consistent with the existing facility. Additionally, staff does not believe the additions will negatively impact adjacent uphill structures. The proposed roof ridge height for the auditorium facility is 1' 8" higher than the existing building ridgelines and less visually impactive than the existing rocHall mitigation berm and chain-link fence. FINDINGS The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinqs before qrantinq a conditional use oermit: 1 . That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. B. \\VAIL\DATA\EVERYONE\PEC\MEMOS\OOVMS2.DOC @@fltr8 e I 3ia a I g I ! 3! i I ,iI H2NVlJ 9ABI\r)l A?EpqD? NtYJr*1or4 -ttYA l \,,\'));'i us :i Ilt irl r j i j I : :1,' , ': /t;...t, ,,',I tl :/ i,../ H'Nvl €O€IY) O?ISW?3 NIYJI*1O[^| 1YA il[ @ilfltr85i.latl e l$ ffi iq ;i ;l a d iI F ig : +F" v.' lt i ''. ',:| ''l,.?;) .:-_ J.-/(,tu' -.: :. rltll:lilil$ t-;E .// a.r ,li i,:,: ;: t i")t *ailYugoilV'dl6PqDe NlVll.ltlOt^l .llYA ilI @flntr e iE t i I t :!;; {F, II;!=ttlttl*$lllllliii rltliititilr i :i. l! t; ::r! i. 'i*l:r . : :: |.:i.: @fltr8 lui rl 1l'o $ I r 5 'X I : --l ) !ltt_!t: -l-r,i,\i\ ,',.. a I H'NYIU SO6!Y) O9rPA*E MYIT$OH 1IYA @fltr8 lui rl El,oE lmi il$ ff iti! ff ilil lmi 5t EI tlto r n Afi2N\fd €o€rv) a9EP*)g NIVINNOH 1|YA l+rNYlJ €ofl\Dl 0{'16PffiE NlVlNflOlll .llYA fiilfi @fltr8 Jui fl,o$ Jui il,oI + th ++iliE llill|iF iF TF+++ Jni ll,o i_- _i i I D HAN\/U €osAi)l @16por+"g NlvtNnoy{ .|tYA @fltr8 l|Io$ u $u$ I !tl I T ffi @n E E q&ffififir"s ! Il.!.n5,!!r* - ? -EE-f'..' / HICH|AY No. ?O (I{OFTH FRONTAGE ROAO)gITE PI.AN F-@ TOPOGRAPI{IC SURVEY VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL PART OF T2. BLOCK 2 VAIL VILLAGE, TUELFIH FTLING TO|N OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY COLORAOO ffi @E E E | ,^n", "1 No. ?o H IGHIAY (NORTH FROi]TAOE RO O) @==|ry ;1$ -^.fi"lrsfi "'."'"'' - 1" " TOPOGRAPH IC SURVEY VAIL IIIOUNTAIN SCHOOL PART OF 12' BLOCK 2 VAIL VILLAGE, TTELFTH F IL ING TOTN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY C(LORADO ffi @EEE .' gB.tt?t sgr"*Ffi,!fruatl 5llr*fidrF.xsIIE- PART OF LOf 12 dIGHIAY (iIORTH FRONTAOE ROAO ) R.0.r gITE FIAN a$g II{TERS'IIE xo. ?o @n _:=_ a ut4 44 T(POCRAPH TC SURYEY VAIL iloU]{TAIN SCHOoL PART OF 12. BLOCK 2 VAIL VTLLAGE, TTELFTH FTLING TOIN OF VAIL. EAGLE COUT{TY C(L(nAOO TOWN OFI|AIL o o Oecopr Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 May24,2000 Scott Lindall. Architect Gwathmey Pratt Schultz 1000 S. Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Re: Vail Mountain School - 3160 Katsos Ranch Road / Part of Lot 12, Block2, Vail Village 12'h Filing. Dear Scott: The Town of Vail Public Works Deparhnent is requesting the following plan revisions on the above-referenced project prior to building/grading permit submittal. . Please show an 8' wide concrete pan with a 4" invert at the edge of asphalt at the new entrance on the site plan. ' Please show a "limits of disturbance" fence and provide details on methods used to control erosion on the site plan. ' Please provide a completed drainage study for the new proposed areas. Please revise the study to reflect the approved landscape plan and the relocated bike path. It would be better if the proposed entrance culvert could flow into the catch basin at the new parking lot. We suggest removing the bike path culvert and installing a catch basin north of the bike path to catch the remaining water. The culvert from new parking lot will need tobe24". ' Please provide details on the signage for the one-way access at Booth Falls Road for the new proposed parking area. . The landscape plan shows trees too close to the ditch. New trees must be moved back at least 10' from the edge of asphalt to maintain the flow line. . Please show the top and bottom elevations ofthe bottom ofculvert and the top of asphalt on all culverts. As proposed, the bike path culvert is 18"; if you decide to maintain the bike path culvert on the site plan, it must be the same as the proposed entrance culvert (24"). . Please provide existing roadway spot elevations on the grading plan- {g rtnnto" ru, o . The site plan does not show the existing street light. Ifthe street light needs to be moved it will be the responsibility of the general contractor. The Town of Vail Electrical Departrnent must be contacted for a new location. If you would like to discuss this issue in further detail, please do not hesitate to contact me at (970) 479-2140. To discuss the specifics of any of the above-listed items, please contact Leonard Sandoval at (970) 479-2198. Good luck with this project. Sincerely, \ E^--.-t'-t--- Brent Wilson Planner II to Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Proiect Name: Vail Mountain School Project Description: Phase I Development Plan Owner, Address and Phone: Vail Mountain School. Attn: Peter Abuisi. Headmaster. 3160 Katsos Ranch Road, VaiI, CO 81657 ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: Gwathmey Pratt Schultz, Attn: Scott Lindall, 1000 South Frontage Road West, Vail, CO 81657 Project Street Address: 3160 Katsos Ranch Road Legal Description: Lot l2,BlockZ,Vail Village 12ft Filing Parcel Number: Buildins Name: Comments: Project#: PRJ00-0133 **'(PLEASE CONSULT THE T.O.V. BUILDING DEPARTMENT REGARDING POTENTIAL ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ISSIJES _ 47 9.2325" * * * Board / StaffAction Motion by: Bilt Pierce Seconded by: Clark Brittain Action: Approved with Conditions Vote:3-0 Conditions: 1) The applicant must return with a detailed plan for the screening of the mechanical equipment prior to the issuance of a TCO. 2) Town Engineer approval is required. Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 5ll7l00 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $200.00 o t'n *r;.*dffT, Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Col.orado 81657 970-479-2r 38 FAX 970-479-2452 April25, 2000 Scott Lindall, Architect Gwathmey Pratt Schultz 1000 S. Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Re: Vail Mountain School - 3160 Katsos Ranch Road / Part oJ'Lot I2, Block 2, Vail Village I2'h Filing. Dear Scott: At its April 24th meeting, the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission approved Vail Mountain School's request for a conditional use permit to allow for an expansion of the existing campus facilities including eight Type III employcc housing units. This approval carries the following conditions: l. The applicnnt shall provide the Town of Vail witb an easement for the existing public bus stop at the southwest corner of the property. 2. The applicant shall provide the Town of Vail with drainage easements in accordance with the proposed grading and drainage plans. These easements will be recorded prior to the issuance ofa grading permit for any proposed grading activities on the property. 3. Prior to the issuance of any permits for the "Phase II" improvements on the property, the appliceurt shall conduct a revised traffrc study for staffreview to ensure appropriate mitigation measures (if applicable) are addrcssed in a marurer that is proportional to proposed "build-out" traffic impacts from the project. It is acknowledged that the threshold for identifying traffic impacts from this proposal will also include existing conditions and "Phase I" improvements, {7'"""'"o'*" o 4. At least one Type III employee housing unit must be constructed within 5 years of the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy (TCO) for "Phase I" improvements. The other seven units (for a total of eight) must be constructed prior to the issuance of a TCO for "Phase II" improvements. Required Type III deed-restrictions will be recorded with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder's Office in accordance with the above-listed schedule. The employee housing units will contain full kitchen facilities, as defined in Chapter 12,Ya1l Town Code. 5. The bicycle path will run with a straight alignment from the parking area to Katsos Ranch Road ("punched through" the berm while avoiding vegetation). An easement will be provided to the Town of Vail for the bike path. 6. If future student enrollment exceeds 330 students, the applicant will bc required to appear before the Planning and Environmental Commission again for a revised conditional use permit. This project is scheduled for conceptual review by the Town of Vail Design Review Board on Wednesday, May 3'd. If you would like to discuss this issue in further detail, please do not hcsitate to contact me at (970) 479-2140. Good luck with this project. Sincerely, &r,-,-+---""- Brent Wilson Planner II cc: Peter Abuisi, Vaii Mountain School o t .'\ y' r- :'',u) tsft, r? Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 May 8,2000 Scott Lindall. Architect Gwathmey Pratt Schultz 1000 S. Frontage Road West Vail. CO 81657 Re:Vail Mountain School - 3160 Katsos Ranch Road / Part of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Viltage l2th Fihng. Dear Scott: At its May 3d meeting, the Town of Vail Design Review Board conceptually reviewed the above-ref'erenced design review application. Following is a synopsis of the board's comments from this meeting: ' There is no need to replicate the existing architecture of the school with the addition. The proposal appears too institutional or blank as drafted. The addition should read as newer and nicer. The mechanical equipment needs to be entirely screened from view and rcconfigured to a better iocation if possible. The roofs need articulation to break up the long expanse ofridges. The linear bulk and mass of the buildings should be articulated through the use of dormers or other forms of relief. The proposed staircase (and windows) works well. Please consider increasing the size of this and/or replicating it elsewhere on thc site. All three sides ofthe new Phase I additions should receive adequate architectural treatment. This includes the north elevation. {p *""nr"o rno* ; This project is scheduled for final review by the Town of Vail Desigrr Review Board on Wednesday, May l7th.. If you would like to discuss this issue in further detail, please do not hesitate to contact me at (970) 479-2140. Good luck with this project. Sincerely, D;)b"--aU-.---c Brent Wilson Planner II \,rii , r '-"*a,t"dO CaI thc Planning Sraffat 479-2133 APPLICATION FOR PLAITNING AI{D ETWIROI{MENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL (n|"o-dr\V GENERAL INFORMATION This application is fc any proirt rcqufunrg apeoovat by 0re Plurning and Enviroomcrtal Commissioa For slccific infbrnatiqr. scc ihc nrbmiflal rcquirEmaE fc thc puti;uh apurd th* ic rcqucsbd- Tho application can not bc acccptcd until atl rc+ftcd infonatiqr is submitbd. Tbc pojccr nay dso nccd b bG rwisrrGd by ec Tocm Coucil and/or thc Dcsigr Rcvicw Bosd A TYPEOFAPPLICATTOITL - tr Additi0.lcRFA(250)tr BcdandBrcalfast ! CurOrioatUscPamittr Majorc El Minorlhrbdivisiontl RiinoingO SigrVriancetr Varisncetr ZoningCodcAncndmcnt (Uoostcad) DESCRTPTTON OF THE BEQTJEST; OFmwf tr AmcodrnErban-ApvcdOcrdopmcotifotr ru$oyccHouingunit(fypq )tr M.ajcrE MhorCCI ExtcricAlFaeion (Vril Viflesc)D Majcc tI IrfimrCEII ErrcdorAltaarim Spaid DadopmcatDfutict Itlalr c tr Mba Arrsrdmort to an SDD tr tr c.LocATIoN oFPRoFosAL: Lor-lj-srogr 2 -psnl6 TWEL FTtt ZONING: to- owNER(S)SrcNA ItJ-,- t?€:T1* Cor'rt NAMEOF D. E, F. c. NAME oF ounrER($: VAIL MCDNT!+$.I qzc.*coL MAILINGADDRESS:I.T?'O I!ryTsAg T&+\+JC*I T.,AO VAIL . L,O FEE . SEE THE SI'BII,IITTAL REQUIREMENTTT FOR TTIE APPROPRJATE FEE STIBMIT TIIIS A}PLICATION, ALL SIJBMITTAL RDQUIREI}IE{TS AT{I} IEE TEE TO TED DEFARTMEITT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMEDTT, 75 SOUTE TRONTAG'E ROAI" .van. cnrrlnAfr.r l|6+t Nrur,TE: VAIL IVI For Oficc Urc Oulv: r*?un: zQo wt6-sp L sv: w ApplicationDe pEc Lrcditrsrh, AlillW Sent By: GWATHMEY PRATT CONFERENCE Date: Place: Pfesetu: The purpoee of this Planning and md Tom Weber. The Parking The foregoing interprctatiotr of ofters copy Peter Abuisi Scott Somes Brent Wilson t. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1612;Page 1 03- Towri Brent ail * Council Chambers Planner - Town of Vail GPSA GPSA School- PEC Conccpural Mceting r{ras io prcsent Phase I and the Mastcr Ptatr of the Vail Mountain School to the Cori'imission Tho Board Meinbers inciudcd Galsn Aaslan4 Chas Bcmhardt was prcsmtcd f,nd the board addressed tbc following concems: ahon needs funher snrdy. a "buffer" bet*een thc School and the Faculty Housing. Dircct access fiom tbc Ssott Ned The raffic Thers should llousing to Road should bc rwiewed. The Faculty rcqui{erncnts will be calculated at 30o/" of rhe employees generated widr the ncw addition.of the Faculty H:ousing Units will be revicwed Landscaping be added to the parking lot per the Town of Vail Guideliner. will be reviewed by Brent Wilson and forwarded to Vail Mountain School. 'fle project support from the boatd and ths Final Review session wilh the PEC will be MsrcL 27. our undenanding of matters disctrssed and decisions reached.If the dol't hesitato to lct us know. WE ARE SENDING YOU E AttAChEd fl Shop drawings ! Copy of letter LE]TT o tStot=u u @F TRANSMITTAL ome llzl \ ocl | rcer.ro. qq2a ro: $BETUT uJll-,tAN T>('N oF vF(ll- RE vAtL /vtodffttlN aL*oot- Samples n Specif icationsn Prints/sepias E Change order rl E: via tfh$')o the folowins irems: Plans Originals tr tr tr n coPrEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION I L€TreR ?,gurFNsO Ta o3F- ofroe bra- p16- ?ec-. MEgTNq DrrrFD <lzl lq THESE ABE TRANSMITTED For approval For your use As requested as checked below: tr tr tr Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned Jor corrections tr tr ! ! tr ! n D tr For your records Revise and resubmit For review and comment PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS ll enclosurcs are not as noted, kindly notily us at once. -4 t- April 26,2000 Mr. Greg Hall, PE Town of Vail Department of Public Works 1309 Elkhom Drive Vail, CO 81657 RE: Vail Mountain School (VMS) Dear Greg: The following information is provided as a review of the existing and proposed conditions at the Vail Mountain School. The school is located adjacent to the N. Frontage Road (posted speed limit to 45 mph) in East Vail and is bordered by residential lots; seven (7) lots on Katsos Road to the north and easg and ten (10) lots along Booth Falls Court to the north. Single family and duplex homes are located on Katsos Ranch Road and single, duplex and multi-family units are on Booth Falls Road. It appears as though some of tiese are vacation and rental units. Per the 1998 State Highway Access Code, this section of the N. Frontage Road is category F-R (Frontage Road). The school is accessed via a one-way entrance from Katsos Ranch Road $osted speed limit is 15 mph). This entrance is located approximately 65 feet from the intersection of Katsos Ranch Road and the N. Frontage Road. Vehicles exit the school onto Booth Falls Road (posted speed limit is 45 mph) and then onto the N. Frontage Road. The school has been operating since about 1979, prior to adoption of the Access Code, and is a "grandfathered" use; thus no access permits were required. VMS has an enrollment of 244 shrdenis from kindergarten through grade 12, with a staff of 36. It is proposed to increase euolhnent to 300 students and staffto 46 within the next 5 years or so. The current development plans for the school include the addition of eight (8) classrooms and to reconfigure the site parking/drive aisle. The entrance will be moved approximately I l0 feet further up Katsos Road to increase the on-site length of the student drop offlane. This will also provide stacking on Kasos Road and should eliminate any queues on the N. Frontage Road. In addition, the long-range development plan (+5 years into the future) includes the possible construction ofa 300-seat auditorium and faculty housing. Two on-site surveys were conducted to observe vehicle movements along the N. Frontage Road. The first was on Monday, April 10, 2000 between 2:00pm and 6:00pm to identi! conditions during school dismissal (peak hour of generator) and at peak PM volume of highway. Hrgh school students are dismissed at the school at approxirnately 2:45pm and grades K through I at 3:00pm. Vehicles began to enter the school at approximately 2:40pm. Cars proceed to the southwest edge of the school and park parallel to the curbline in single file waiting for students. The approximate queue length from this point to the entrance is 330 feet. Once the passengers are in the car, vehicles pull into the adjacent drive aisle and exit the site. It was observed that the majority of vehicles anived between 2:55pm and 3:05pm. Tables, trip rates, etc. per this study have not been adjusted for passenger car equivalents (PCE), ie. I bus : 3 PCE s. Edwards Business Center. P0. Box 97. Edwards,Colorado 8.1632 . (970)926-3373. Fax (970) 926-3390 The second on-site survey was performed on Tuesday. April l l, 2000 between 7:00am and l0:00am. Classes begin at 8:l5am, and students were being dropped off starting at approximately 7:45am. There are two main entrances to the school; one near the southwestem (SW) corner where vehicles begin to queue during the aftemoon pick-up, and one ofthe southeastem (SE) side near the property entrance. In general, it appeared that most vehicles stopped at the first (SE) entrance to drop-off students in the moming. The vehicles stopped parallel with the drive aisle and would proceed out the exit once the children had reached the adjacent sidewalk or entered the school. It appears that the following observations are the main causes of congestion which result in vehicles stacking back towards the VMS entrance drive and Katsos Ranch Road: o Entering vehicles are blocked by, and unable to proceed to an available parking stall, due to parking movement congestion and pedestrian. hafiic concentrated at the school entrance.o Conflicting backing movements from cars exiting stalls near the school entrance. These parking spots are located too close to the entrance from Katsos Ranch Road.o Uncontrolled and ambiguous pick-up and drop-off area (or intent). Some people park parallel to the curb, others pull behind them (also parallel) until the parallel queue blocks the diagonal parking areas where people are either trying to exit or enter the parking stall.o Too many traffic & pedestrian movements occurring in one location at the same time. Parallel & diagonal parking, cars entering and exiting, cars trying to get past the congestion to furd a place to park, pedestrians crossing the drive/parking aisle; all occur at the highest point of naflic congestion. (See anached On-site Movement Skerch)r Vehicles stopping at the frst school entrance instead ofproceeding tothe second (soutfiwesD enfiance. Many of these 'problems'could be resolved or reduced by separating the movements, improved striping and signage, providing additional on-site stacking area, relocating the school entrance farther back on Katsos Ranch Road, and requiring vehicles to proceed to the southwest entrance before stopping. Frontage Road AcceVDecel Lane Requirements: A vehicle traffic count/study as well as the lnstitute of Transportation Engineer's "Trip Generation" publication (6' Edition) has been used to analyze Average Vehicle Trip Ends (AVTE) vs. students and for single-family residences on Katsos Ranch Road. During the 'AM peak hour of generator", the "average rate" for "trip generation per student" is 0.92, with a directional distribution of60% entering and 40Vo exiting. Using these factors, the existing enrollment of 244 students results in an AVTE of 134.7 = 244 x 0.92 x 0.6. The average rate of trip generation per dwelling unit during the AM Peak Hour for single family detached housing is 0.75 with 25o/o enteing ^nd7so/o exiting. Thus the AVTE for the seven residences on Katsos Ranch Road is 1.3 : 7 x 0.75 x 0.25. TheAVTE is thus 136:134.7 + 1.3 duringthe AM peak hour. The actual count is noted on the A.M. trip diagram. If the student enrollments increases to 300, the AVTE for the school will be 165.6 : 33O x 0.92 x 0.6. Overall increase in the AVTE from existing conditions to possible future conditions (ifthe school reached enrollment of300 shtdents) is 22.8Yo = (166.9/136). However, the projected enrollment of 300 students may not be obtained as families continue to move down valley and as options for carpooling or other private schools increase, such as the Vail Bible School, Charter School, etc. As noted above, trip rates have not been adjusted for passenger car equivalents. It appeared that approximately four buses per hour used.the Booth Falls intersection (at 3 PCE's / bus: 12 PCE's). l. Grandfathered 207o Increase Rule:o It appears that ifthe school is increased to 300 students (from 244 currently), the increase in AVTE turning movements on the Frontage, Katsos Ranch and Booth Falls Roads could result na22.8Vo increase (more than 20%o). Howeveq this assumes that the school is in fact able to effoll 300 students and does not yet consider PCE s (for buses, trucks, etc.), carpooling, etc. The 20oZ rule may or may not apply (it is close.) Further study is required. The addition of the auditorium, depending on its use (public, etc.) will likely increase the ADT and DHV of turning movements by more than 207o. 2. 1998 State llighway Access Code, Auxiliary Lane Requirements for Fronage Roads (Subsection 3.13): o A left tum deceleration lane and taper is required for any access with a projected peak hour left ingress turning volume greater than l0 vph (posted speed limit greater than 40 mph). The current peak hour left ingress tuming volume (onto Katsos Ranch Road) is 38 and is projected to be 47, once the school effolknent reaches the proposed 300 students (excluding the auditorium). Based upon this information, a left tum deceleration lane and taper is required on the N. Frontage Road at Katsos Ranch Road. Vehicles making a left tum from N. Frontage Road onto Booth Falls Road do not enter the school (it is a one-way exit), thus a deceleration lane should not be required for this analysis. . A right tum deceleration lane with taper is required for any access with a projected peak hour right ingress tuming volume greater than 25 vph. The current peak hour right ingress tuming volume (onto Katsos Ranch Road) is 86 and is projected to be 106, once the school enrollment reaches the proposed 300 students. Based upon this infomration, a right tum deceleration lane and taper is required on the N. Frontage Road at Katsos Ranch Road. Vehicles making a right tum from N. Frontage Road onto Booth Falls Road do not enter the school (it is a one-way exit). Current peak hour ingress right turning volume on Booth Falls Road is 6 vph, thus a deceleration lane is not required. o A right turn acceleration lane with taper is required for any access with a projected peak hour right tuming volume greater than 50 vph when the posted speed on the highway is gneater than 40 mph and the highway has only one lane for through traffic in the direction of the right tum. The cunent peak hour right tuming volume from Katsos Ranch Road is 5 vph and is not expected to increase from school vehicles (or to reach 50 vph), thus a right tum acceleration lane at Katsos Ranch Road is not required. The current peak hour right turning volume from Booth Falls Road is 65 and is projected to be 72. It was not determined how much of the existing turning volume is generated from the residential area vs. the school. r A left tum acceleration lane with transitionlaper may be required if it wot ld be a benefit to the safety and operation of the roadway or as determined by subsection 3.5 (outlined below). A left turn acceleration lane is generally not required where: the posted speed is less than 45 mph, or the intersection is signalized, or the acceleration lane would interfere with the left tum ingress movements to any other access. The current peak hour left tuming volumes from Katsos Ranch Road and Booth Falfs Road are 4 md 37 , respectively. It appears that the left tum acceleration lanes should not be required at either intersection. 3. 1998 State Highway Access Code, Auxiliary Tum Lanes (Subsection 3.5): The left tum deceleration lane may be dropped ifthe opposing traftic is predicted to be below | 00 DHV.r Current travel lane volume: 137 for Katsos Ranch Road 56 for Booth Falls Road. Proposed travel lane volume: | 57 for Katsos Ranch Road - lane required 56 for Booth Falls Road - lane not required The right tum deceteration lane may be dropped ifthe volume in the travel lane is predicted to be below I50 DHV. r Current travel lane volume: * 137 for Katsos Ranch Road 56 for Booth Falls Road o Proposed travel lane volume: + 157 for Katsos Ranch Road - lane required 56 for Booth Falls Road - lane not required The right tum acceleration lane may be dropped if the adjacent traveled lane is predicted to be below I2O DHV.. Current travdl lane volume: 5l for Katsos Ranch Road 53 for Booth Falls Road. Proposed travel lane volume: 5l for Katsos Ranch Road - lane not required 53 for Booth Falls Road - lane not required The left tum acceleration lane may be dropped if the volume in the inside lane in the direction oftravel is predicted to be below 120 DHV.. Current ffavel lane volume: l4l for Katsos Ranch Road 122 for Booth Falls Roado Proposed travel lane volume: 154 for Katsos Ranch Road - lane required 13 I for Booth Falls Road - lane required SUMMARY TABLE *r Iflanes are not required by Section 3.13; then Section 3.5 is not applicable. CONCLUSION: On site observations identified the major cause of vehicle back ups were due to congested, conflicting and excessive vehicle and pedestrian movements occurring in one location, inadequate on site stacking length and the close proximity of the school entrance on Katsos Ranch Road to the N. Frontage Road. Vehicle movements through the N. Frontage Road/Katsos Ranch Road intersection would be greatly improved by relocating the school entrance further up Katsos Ranch Road, increasing the on site stacking length and improving site circulation via striping and signage. Katsos Allorvable Current/ Projected (Actual) Lane Required per 3. l3 Allowable Travel./ Opposing Actual Travel/ Opposing Lane Required Per 3.5 Required by Both 3.13 & 3.5 Left Decel Right Decel Left Accel Right Accel Booth Falls Left Decel Right Decel Left Accel Right Accel 10 25 ? 50 l0 25 ? 50 38t47 86/106 4t5 f l8 6/7 37/41 65/72 Y Y 2 N Y N ? Y 100 150 120 120 100 150 r20 r20 137 /157 137t1s7 l4ut54 51/51 56156 s6/s6 122/t3l 53/53 Y Y Yrr, N N N Y** N Y Y 2 N N N ? N O Based upon the existing and projQded peak hour left and right ingress turning volumes, both left ard rig!1 tum deceleration lanes will be reguired oa the N. Frontage Road at the Katsos Ranch Road intersection. These lanes will be required when the auditriium and/or employee housini are constrrcted (as discussed with Greg Hall during a meeting held on April 2I, 2000.) Dac€leration lanes are not requir d a Booth Falls Road in either direction. A rigbt trrn acceleration lane is Dot requfud at either Katsos Ranch Road or Booth Falls Road. Left Orm acoelerition lanes,may; or may not be required.based upon safety and bthe;r factors as identified in subsection 3.13 ofthe State Highway Access Code. .-. -^.---:rt-Greg, please feel ftee to contact rne with questions or comments. Sincerely, Frederick E. Tobias, PE FET/mm Cc Glenn Palmer - AEI Scott Lindall I Note: Traffic counts were taken on April l0 & I l, 2000. Trip tres have nd b€€n adjusted for PCEs. Growth rates other than for the school hrye not'been included in vehicle movements. - e =da 2 -9$ '23.7 l, ^ do=o' -l -f' ^tu'--Q -.,- a.(,i,it t-.zr ;o 9dz, f1 4 t il..: tt il I \0M u c F Jo.\vL! z 77i4 ij"it-r 4, ri7ti ( * LS 4z1i itt{ 'li/' \it---- \=ll t s 9 oI Table 1 Vail Mountain School Actual Trip Rate - April 10 (pM) & Aprit 11 (AM), 2000 N. Frontage Road, Katsos Ranch Road & Booth Falls Road 'lu rn ing lt[ovenen Ls for Tr!ffic Counr N, Fronrrgc Rond ---D ITF- AM AM AM AM AM AM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM Turning Movement 7 7:30 00-7 B:00 30-B: 8:30 00-6 9:00 30- 9:30 00-9:30- 10:00 00- 2:30 2 2n 3:00 2 3:00- 3:30 30- 4:00 3 UU. 4:30 4:30- 5:00 5 5:30 00-5:30- 6:00 1 22 oz /5 ZJ 5Z IY 16 43 39 27 21 20 20 18 z 14 34 5?1 U 24 21 5 5 17 21 1 0 5 ,to 19 7 4 4 4 tl 0 U 2 1 z 1 2 1 1 2 4 .l 12 zl 1 tz 25 q A 6 J 16 33 12 5 A 14 51 11 27 to b -,B 16 45 15 zl zo 45 qo 5J 37 JO 25 I z a 4 4 7 11 2 4 I z 2 U 0 1 I 0 1 I 0 1 0 z 10 0 a 1 z 'l 0 4 0 2 0 1 tl 0 1 n U 4 1 Table2 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL APRIL 2OOO PEAK HOUR HIGHWAY PEAK HOUR GENERATOR Turning Movement AM AM AM AM AM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM 7-8 8-9 9-10 7'.30 8:30 B:JU 9:30 Z-J 3-4 4-5 5-6 2:JU 3:30 e.JU- 4:30 4:3 0- 5:30 (1) Westbound B4 98 51 137 55 qo 66 41 38 82 48 40 (7) Eastbound 24 61 71 94 70 ol 104 68 73 TOTAL 108 163 87 198 90 130 160 111 99 186 tt6 113 Turning Movement AM AM AM AM AM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM 7-B 0-9 9-10 30 B:30 8:30 o.?n 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 2:30 3:30 3:30- 4:30 4'.30- 5:30 (2) Right Turn ln 4B 54 4 db 1 24 26 45 I 8 (3) Left Turn ln z4 24 1 4 24 zo tt I 38 11 8 (4) To Residential 0 z J 0 ?J 7 J 3 5 TOTAL (into VMS)72 76 2 't24 4 45 49 12 I 80 16 11 A.M. Peak Horir April 2000 N. Frontage Road €ocq& TA GIh ooo Vail Mountain School t I Katsos Ranch Road A.M. Peak Hour Projected with 300 students (Increase on Booth Falls Road assumes 90% school vehicles) N. Frontase Road o .A Vail Mountain School IrN I I Katsos Ranch Road P.M. Peak Hour April 2000 N. Frontage Road Eo(q v) Vail Mountain School I ) Katsos Ranch Road P.M. Peak Hour Projected with 300 students (lncrease on Booth Falls Road assumes 90% school vehicles) N. Frontage Road o6l an d oo FA Vail Mountain School t I Katsos Ranch Road o o Private School (K-12) (521) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: Students On a: Weekday, Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Tratfic, One Hour Between 7 and 9 a.m. Number of Studies: 3 Average Number of Students: 413 Directional Distribution: 60% entering, 40% exiting Trip Generation per Student Averaoe Rate Bange of Rates o.B8 - 0.93 Standard Deviation U.VO Data Plot and Equation Caulion - Use Caretully - Small Sample Size 300 X Aclual Data Polnts Fitted Curve Equation: Not glven ul 'ql-g ,9.c-o, 400 c.) o tl F 500 -----'AverageBate R2-"" 400 X = Number ol Students Trip Generalion, 6th Edition 826 Institute of TtansPortation Engineets 'o Single-Family Detached Housing (210) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: Dwelling Units On a: Weekday, Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic, One Hour Between 7 and 9 a.m. Number of Studies: 271 Avg. Number of Dwelling Units: 2Oz Directional Distribution: 25% entering, 75% exiting Trip Generation per Dwelling Unit Averaoe Rate 0.33 - 2.27 o.9o Data Plot and Equation 3.000 E 2.oootlj .E F .9.9 q) q)gl c0 (], X = Number of Dwelling Units X Aclual Oata polnts Fitted Curvs ------ Averago Fats Fltted Curve Equation: T = 0.700(X) + 9.477 R2=0.89 . ,.' ,/" X x. Xx x i"X Trip G e n e ralion, 6th Edition Instituta of Transporlation Engine0rs264 o o CNcago Title Insurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule A Our OrderNo. VC26187E Cust. Ref.: Property Address: Effectlve Dater kb.)3,Aoo0 1. t AW+6e at 5:00 P.M. Policy to be Issued, and Proposed Insured: 3.The estate or interest in the lantl described or referred to in this Commitment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effective date hereof vested in: VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL, A COLORADO NON-PROFIT CORPORATION The land rderrcd to in this Conmitment is described as follows: SEE ATIACHED PAGE(S) FOR L.EGAL DESCRIPTION 4. 'ALTA" Owner's Policy 10-17-9 Proposed Insured: oo OurOrderNo. VC261878 [EGA[ DESCRIPIIOiI ALL OF LOT 12, BLOCK 2, VAIL VILLAGE TWELFTH FILING, A SUBDIVISION RECORDED AUGUST 16,1972IN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 90 OF THE RECORDS OF THE CLERK AND RECORDER OF EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO, EXCEPT THE FOLLOMNG DESCRIBED PARCEL: BBCINNING AT A POINT WHICH IS THE MOST NORTHERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 12. AND THE SOUTHWESTERLY CORNER OF LOT 10, BLOCK 2, OF SAID VAIL VILLAGE TWELFTH FILING, AND SA]D POINT ALSO BEING ON THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF BOOTH FALLS ROAD, ADEDICATED STREET, AND SAID POINT ALSO BEINC THE TRIJB POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE ALONG SA]D RIGHT OF WAY LINE THE FOLLOWING TWO COURSES: (I) S. 25 DECREES 24 MINUTES 54 SECONDS W. A DISTANCB OF 175.96 FEET TO A POINT OF CTJRVATIJRE: (2) 85.00 FEET ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGIIT HAVTNG A RADruS OF 326.17 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 14 DEGREBS 55 MINUTES 52 SECONDS , AND A CHORD BEARING S. 32 DEGREES 52 MINUTES 50 sEcoNDs w. A DISTANCE oF 84.76 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID RIGI{T OF WAY LINE S. 79 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 3I SECONDS E. A DISTANCB OF 363.24 FEET TO A POINT ON TIIE SOUTFIWESTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF LOT 5. BLOCK 2. OF SAID VAIL VILI/,GE TWELFTH FILING; TIIENCE ALONG THE SOUTHWESTERLY BOLJNDARY LINE OF LOTS 5, 6,7 , 8, 9, AND 10, BLOCK 2, OF SAID VAIL VILLAGE TWELFTH FILING THE FOIIOWING FwE COURSES: (1) N. 27 DEGREES l? MINUTES 30 SECONDS w. ADISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET; (2) N. 27 DEGREES 17 MINUTES 3l SECONDS W. A DISTANCE oF 109.55 FEET; (3) N. 14 DEGREES 26 MINUTES 39 SECONDS W. A DISTANCE OF 68.15 FEET; (4) N. 43 DEGREES 34 MINUTES 03 SECONDS w. A DISTANCE OF 39.56 FFET; (5) N. 64 DEGREES 05 MINUTES 23 SECONDS W. A DISTANCE OF 131.87 FEET TO TI{E TRIJE POINT OF BEGINMNG, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. NOTE: TIIE FINAL POLICY DOES NOT IN ANY WAY GUARANTEE OR INSTJRE T}IE DIMENSIONS OF TIIE ABOVE DESCRIBED LAND, THE LEGAL DESCRJPTION IS DERTVED FROM THE CHAIN OF TITLE AND ONLY AN ACCURATE SURVEY CAN DETERMINE TIIE DIMENSIONS. oo ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptiors) Our Order No. VC261878 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: l. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shorage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a corect survey and inspection of the premises woulil disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter funished, imposed by law and trot showl by the public records. 5. Defects, liens encumbrances, adve$e claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in ttre public rccords or attachitrg subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Coumiment. 6. Taxes or special assessments which are not showrr as existing liens by the public records. 7. Liens for unpaid n atef, and sewer charges, if any. 8. In addition, the owner's policy will be subject to the mortgage, if any, noted in Section I of Schedule B hereof. 9. A LEASEHOLD INTEREST AS CREATED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED XXX RECEPTION NO. )oc(. IO. RIGTTT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD TIIE SAME BE FOIJND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN IJNTTED STATES PATENT RECORDED MAY 06, 1905, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE2,3, II. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANAIJ CONSTRUCTED BY TIIE AUTHORITY OF THE IJNITED STATES AS RBSERVED IN UMTBD STATES PAIENT RECORDED MAY 05, 1905, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 273. 12. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS, WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTINGRESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTA]NED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST 16,1872, IN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 88 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 25. I92. IN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 475. 13. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF COI\WEYANCE OF UTILITY EASEMENT RECORDED MAY U, 1973 IN BOOIK229 AT PAGE 274. tI ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 @rceptioru) Our OrderNo. YC261878 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptiore to the following unless the same are disposed of to the salisfaction of Ore Company: 14. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL VILLAGE TWELFTH FILING. 15. 20 FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT AIONG T}IE NORTHEASTERLY LOT LINE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY, TWO SEPARATE 20 FOOT UTIIITY EASEMENTS TRAVERSING PORTIONS OF SUBJBCT PROPERTY, AND 30 FOOT UTIUTY EASEMENT ALONG TTIE SOUTHERLY LOT LINB OF SUBJECT PROPERTY, ALL AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT RECOR-DED AUGUST 16. 1972 IN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 88. 16. TERMS, CONDITTONS AND PROVISIONS OF CONDnONS CONTATNED rN QUrT-CLATM DEED RECORDED OCTOBER 14. 1980 IN BOOK 311 AT PAGE 24. 17. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF AGREEMENT RECORDED MARCH 03. 1988 IN BOOK 479 AT PAGE 837. 18. A DEED OF TRUST DATED NOVEMBER 18,l9q2 FROM VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL, A COLORADO NON-PROFIT CORPORATION TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COIJNTY FOR THE USE OF VAIL NATIONAL BANK TO SECIJRE TIIE SUM OF $23O,OOO.OO, AND ANY OTHER AMOUI.ITS PAYABLE UNDER THE TERMS THEREOF, RECORDED DECEMBER 03, I99, IN BOOK 595 AT PAGB 739. oo LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOST]RE STATEMENT Required by C.R.S. l0-ll-122 A) The subject real property may be located in a special hxing district. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained from the County Treasurer' s authorized agent. C) The information regarding special disnicts and the boundaries of such districts may be obtained from the Board of County Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Effective September l, Dn, CRS 30-10-406 requires that all documents received for recording or filing in the clerk and recorder's office shall contain a top margin of at least one inch and a left, right and bottom margin of at lease one half of an inch. The clerk and recorder may refuse to record or file any docurnent that does not conform, except that, the requirement for the top margin shall not apply to documents using forms on which space is provided for recording or filing information at the top margin of {he document. Note: Colorado Division of Insurance Regulations 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article VII requires that "Every title endty shall be responsible for all natters which appear of record prior to the time of recording whenever the title enrity conducts the closing and is responsible for recording or filing of legal documents resulting from the transaction which was closed'. Provided that Trnd Title Guarantee Company conducts the closing of ihe insured transaction and is responsible for recording the legal documents from the transaction, exception number 5 will not appear on the Owner's Title Policy and the Lenders Policy when issued. Note: Affirmative mechanic's lien protection for the Owner may be available(typically by deletion of Exception no. 4 of Sche&ile B, Section 2 of the Commitment from the Owner's Policy to be issued) upon compliance with the following conditioos: A. The land described in Schettule A of this comdifrent dust be a sidge family residence which includes a condominium or townhouse unit. B. No labor or materials have been fumished by mechanics or material-men for purposes of construction on the land described in Schedule A of this Conmimenr within the past 6 months. C. The Cmpany must receive an appropriate ffi(fuyi1 indemnifirhg the Coryrany against un-filed mechanic's and material-men's liens. D. The Company must receive pa;m.ent of the appropriate premium. E, If there has been construction, imprwements or major repairs undertakEn oo the property to be purchased within six months prior to the Date of the Commitment, the requirements to obtain coverage for unrecorded liens will include: disclosure of certain construction information; finnneia[ lilfqrmation as to the seller, the builler and or the contractor; payment of the appropriate premium fully executed Indemnity Ageements satisfactory to the company, and, ary additional requirements as may be necessary after an examination of the aforesaid information by the Company. No coverage will be given under any circumsta.nces for labor or material for which dre insured has contracted for or agreed to pay. Nothing herein contained will be deemed to obligate the company to provide any of the coverages referred to herein unless the above cotrditions are frrlly satisfied. SeNt By: GWATHMEY PRATT SCHUL CONFERENCE Date: Place: Present: The puposc of this lVilson. The following The requiral cornpkted Alpine 3. The entry point eomplcted. 1'he foregoing consti$les interorstation of others Cnpy Peter Abuisi Scon Somcs Brent Wilson Glenn Palmer +. ITEGT;70476 1612;Marloo 1 :39Pil; Pags 'l 03-r7 Town Btent Greg Glenn Scott tk rnorning and raquiroments for The dmp off lane study. LandscapLrg will Ned VailM School- Traffic and Site Circulafinn Meeting was to identifi haffic and site circulation concerns liom Crcg llall and Brent discussed at the mecting: witl be aprpmximatcly 104 stalls. The rcquired parking is based on the will perform a traffic count and videotapc the Karsos Rond intersection during perk hours. The trafIic couut will help &termine the design ail - Community Devclo'pmort Town of Voil Planrrr Public Works Dfuector Alpine lhgineering GPSA CPSA Katsos Road entry furn the bontage rood to tbe school eltry. Road to the School parlcing lot will be studied allcr thc tmflic count is th€ parkiug lof reconfiguring may rrced to be increased bas€d on thc ttlffic added to the proposed parking lot udcrstanding of matters discussed and decisions reached' If the don't hesitate lo let us know- TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Vail Town Council Community Developinent Department March 7, 2000 A request for a wo*session to discuss the long range master plan for Vail Mountain School, located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/Part of Lol 12, Block 2, VailVillage tlh Filing. Applicant: Vail Mountain School, represented by Gwathmey Pratt Schultz ArchitectsPlanner: Brent Wilson BACKGROUND AND DESGRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The following is a brief synopsis of Vail Mountain School development over the last 20 years: 1979 - original 2-story building constructed 1984 - north classrooms and rockfall berm constructed (berm is no longer necessary) 1989 - gymnasium and stage addition constructed 1992 - additional story added to existing building 1995 - library expansion 1999 - temporary classroom structure added On June 8tn, 1999, the Vail Town Council held a worksession to discuss the PEC's decision to approve a conditional use permit (CUP) to allow for the addition of a temporary classroom structure at Vail Mountain School. The council agreed the CUP could be extended for an additional year if the applicant presented a master plan to the council within the next year. The applicant has requested a worksession today to present this proposed master plan to the Town Council. The master plan is still in the conceptual development stages and the applicant will be proceeding with future PEC and DRB reviews of the plan. The plan involves significant improvements constructed in two separate phases. Phase I improvements include the removal of the existing temporary classroom structure, construction of an eight-classroom wing to the north of the existing building, an elevator connection to all floors, and a reconfiguration of lhe existing parking area to allow for the addition of a "drop off' lane and 40 additional parking spaces. Phase ll improvements involve the addition of a 300-seat auditorium, faculty housing, additional classrooms south of the gymnasium and additional parking. PeterAbuisi (Vail Mountain School Headmaster) and Scott Lindall (Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Architects) will present an overview of planned improvements and long-range goals for the school. ilt. STAFF RECOMMENDATION This is a worksession intended to demonstrate to the Town Council that the applicant is complying with the conditions imposed on the approval of the temporary classroom structure. The applicant will be appearing before the PEC on March 27rh and staff will provide a recommendation at that time. ZONING AND THE APPROVAL PROCESS Vail Mountain School is located in the General Use Zone District. Pursuant to the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations, the purpose of the General Use Zone District is to: "provide sites for public and quasi-public uses which, because of their special characteristics, cannot be appropriately regulated by the development standards prescribed for other zoning districts, and for which developmeni standards especially prescribed for each particular development proposal or project are necessary to achieve the purposes prescribed in Section 12-1-2 of this Title and to provide for the public welfare. The General Use District is intended to ensure that public buildings and grounds and certain types of quasi-public uses permitted in the District are appropriately located and designed to meet the needs of residents and visitors to Vail, to harmonize with sunounding uses, and, in the case of buildings and other structures, to ensure adequate light, air, open spaces, and other amenities appropriate to the permitled types of uses. (Ord. 21(1ee4.) S 10)." 1. Sections 12-9e,2 & 3 oufline the permifted and conditional uses allowed in the General Use Zone District. Public and private schools and educational institutions are an allowed conditional use in the General Use Zone District subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit. The Planning and Environmental Commission will evaluate the conditional use permit request at their March 27th meeting. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinqs before qrantinq a conditional use oermit: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of the Zoning Regulations and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of the Zoning Regulations. THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town ofVail will.hold a public nqq'iry in accordance viitn Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on March 27,2000, at 2:00 p.M. in the Town of Vail Municioal Buildino. In consideration of: A joint worksession with the Design Fleview Board to discuss the proposed development plan/master plan and a conditional use permit for a park and recrdation facility for in approximaiely 12 acre unplatted parcel of land zoned General Use and Resid-ential Cluster, commonly referred to as the lower bench of Donovan Park, located south of the South Frontage Fload and east and north of Matterhorn Circle. Applicant: Town of Vail / Vail Recreation DistrictPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for site regrading, a building addition and long range planning, located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/Lot 12, Block 2, vait Viilage 12'n Filing. Applicant: vail Mountain school, represented by Gwathmey, pratt, schultz ArchitectsPlanner; Brent Wilson A request for a conditional use permit, to relocate 1300' of. low-lying bike path, informa.lly known as the Katsos Property, located at Tract A, Vail Village 12' Filing. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the establishment of a major arcade at the Vail Transportation Center, located at241 E. Meadow Drivel/ail Transportation Center. Applicant: H.J. Hyde, Jr.Planner: Brent Wilson A request for final review of a proposed major amendment to Special Development District #4 (Cascade Village), located at 1000 S. Frontage Road West (Glen Lyon Office Building/Lot 54, Block K, Glen Lyon SuMivision. 4pplicant: Dundee Realty, represented by Segerberg Mayhew ArchitectsPlanner: George Ruther A request for a variance lrom sections 12-5D-9, 12-6D-8 and 1 2-6D-6, Town code, to allow for a garage and residential addition, located at 2955 Bellflower Drive/Lot 6, Block 6,Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Alan & Francine PetersPlanner: Allison Ochs The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during legular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town df Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language inlerpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 4 2356, Tefephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. I Community Development Department Published March 10, 2000 in the Vait Trail, (st'- ',t Aurog'CO S0129 l rsettxr*€€GF.,'EG*D l,- ll',1,,r,lI fl, r,l,lrl,',lrltlrll, 'l" l , l l r , r f , 1 , , 1 , 1 , , r,l,ll ,,rQ4t7J rite,xe/th David 16140 [ Radcliffe Place o r[B 1 4 2000 CONFERENCE MEMORANDUM 02-02-N Town of Vail Commrmity Development Office Date: Place: Present:Dominic Mauriello Peter Abuisi Scott Somes Senior Planner Headmaster Building Committee Scott Lindall GPSA Ned Gwathmey GPSA Re: Vail Mountain School Planning The purpose of this Pre-Application Conference was to introduce the Town of Vail Community Development staff with the Master Planning efforts underway for the Vail Mountain School. Headmaster Peter Abuisi began the meeting by explaining the history and philosophy of Vail Mountain School. VMS focuses on high quality education of students. The current enrollment is 244 students and the school needs additional classroom space now. These needs.are spaces to teach the latest science and technology subjects. The continuing goal of VMS is to provide quality education for their cunent students and an increased enrollment from 244 to 300 students. In response to the Town of Vail Community Developrnent request of May 24,1999, VMS has prepared a Master Plan to remove the temporary modular classroom and address long-term needs. Ned Gwathmey presented the proposed Master Plan to Dominic. Existing School The existing school is a three-story building with a basement. The original 2-story building was constructed in 1979. ln 1984, the north classroom additian and rock deflection berm were constructed. The west gymnasium and stage addition was built in 1989. In 1992, a third story was added to the original 1979 building adding additional classroom and offices. In 1995, a library expansion was built to the east of the 1979 building. The existing site has a bike path, Town of Vail bus stop, playground, athletic freld and 107 parking stalls. Phase One In Phase One, VMS would propose to: Remove the existing temporary classrooms southwest of the existing school. Add an eighrclassroom wing north of the existing building. Add an elevator connecting all existing floors. Remove the rockfall deflection berm. 5. Regrade the site. 6. Reconfigure the site parking to add a drop off lane and 40 parking spaces. I . Remove the existing bike path. 8. Relocate the existing bus stop. l. z. J. 4. o The constuction gchedule for rhis phas€ would start the spring of 2000 with the rernoval oftbe berm and regradiug of ihe site. The tuilding and remaining site constructiotr would start the spring of 2001 and be conpleted the fall of 2001. Long Range Plaminq For the long range plaming, the proposal would be to: 1. Add an Auditorium of 300 seats. 2. Add Faculty Housing.3. Have Additional Classrooms sorth of the gyrmasiurn. 4. Increase parking area. VMS witl submit an aprplication to the PEC and request a Work Session. In preparation for this lVork Session; VMS will: l. Present the Master Plan to Greg Hall, Town of Vail etrgircer.2. hepare a landscape plao 3. Prepare photo ovedays to show 6e massing ofthe proposed additions The foregoing constitutss orrr urderstanding ofnatters discucsed and decisions reached. Iftk intcrpretation of others varies don't h€sitate to l€t us know. Sincerely, GWATHMEY PRATT SCHULTZ ARCHITECTS, p.c. Edward M. GwathmeS Jr., AIA EMG/ew Enc. copy Dominic Mauriello Peter Abuisi Scott Somes CONFERENCE MEMORANDUM 2-'t4-2000 PublicWorks Offices Greg Hall, Director of Public Works - Town of Vail Glenn Palmer, Alpine Engineering Date: Place: Present: Scott Lindall, GPSA Ned Gwathmey Re: Vail Mountain School - Long Range Plan TOV Community Development Staff had suggested that VMS Planners meet with Greg Hall and get his input prior to having a work session with PEC, DRB and Council. Ned walked through the plans to date and Greg had the following specific comments: 1. The existing rockfall berm was discussed and Greg felt that it could be removed as the mitigating ditch above protected the children, but he wanted time to look into the reports. 2. The exis[ing bus stop must remain as is, because it picks up and drops off for both directions. This is Greg's call. 3. The bike path/pedestrian walk must remain in some form as they have just upgraded the path from the west with new paving. Greg will research the history of the bike path. 4. The large amount of export material was discussed and Greg suggested contacting paul D;julio (CDOH 970-328€385) to see if this material can be used in the berm being constructed on the south side of l-70. S. The proposed increase of40 parking spaces was discussed and might not be necessary as the existing parking may be adequate for the Long Range Plan. 6. The proposed- reorganization of the dropoff and pickup area was discussed and Greg suggested that the area should be videotaped at peak times to understand the bottlenecks.7. A grading permit is attainable but the process of approving the Master Plan must be underway.8. lf the areri of disturbance is more that half of an acre, an erosion control plan is necessary. The foregoing epnstitutes our understranding of matters discussed and decisions reached; if the interpretation of other varies, please do not hesitate to call' EMG Copies George Ruther, Dominic Mauriello Scott Somes, Peter Abuisi O"o"*T:'#Utggbpmenrf e checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL 1 0000 314 1110 001 0000 3141112 Uniform Buildino Code - 1 997 - Volume 1&2 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Buildinq Code - 1997 - Volume 3 0000314 1112 1 0000 314 1112 lnt€rnational Mechanical Code - 1998 001 0000 314 1112 Unitorm Mechanical Code -1997 1 0000 314 1112 1 0000 314 1 1 12 001 0000 31411't2 Abatement of Danoerous Bldo.'s 1997 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 1112 of Revisions to 1997 Uniform Codes 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 3141211 001 0000 314 1 111 001 0000 314 1111 1 0000 314 1111 001 0000 315 3000 1 0000 31 1 2300 1 0000 31s 2000 1 0000 312 3000 001 0000 312 4000 1 0000 312 4000 1 0000 311 2200 1 0000 312 1000 001 0000 230 2000 Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co. '001 0000 201 1000 "001 0000 310 1100 Taxable @ 4.0% ffownl - Retail Sales Tax 100003112500 1 0000 31 1 2500 100003112500 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Alteration - Less than 100 sq. ft. 001 000031 12s00 Exterior Alteration - More than 100 sq. ft. 1 0000 311 2500 001 0000 31 1 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000311 2s00 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 001 0000 319 3100 F/Eve4/one/Fonis/Sdesact.exe lwn of Vrilr** cUST0lfR RECtIpT *r* D0TE: P/16/@ Bl RECEIFT: 9683758 DESCfttpTIl|ll oTY Nrfir TP Iltpecunntnxce rn I €m.ffi $u cl( GMTHiEY/M[N VRIL llTlt, sfi{Ifl- TEIIDER DETEIL0( 1098 D0IE: Ul6l8i TII€r T0rtr 0f0( $finfiT rElil]tREl] €$.m l?:89:57 |e90.9s te86.ffi IMil Y{TI FM YUN FilYIEIIT! DATE -, 1oa ij ,..1 ,' t +'t:r'g 508*8 RECETVED FROId ADDRESS PermitNumbers- HOl[' PAID-Cash-Check -y':'[ BY VAIL MOI,JNTAIN SCHOOL TRAFFIC STUDY - Draft March 27. 2000 Onsite observations were rnade Thursday, March 23,2000 from 2:30pm to 3:30pm, and on Friday, March 24,2000 from 7:45am to 8:30am. Vehicle movements within the site were videotaped, while turning movements from the North Frontage Road were counted. Vehicles enter the site by making either a right or left turn from the North Frontage Road onto Katsos Ranch Road and then an immediate left onto the school parking lot. SITE OBSERVATIONS: Thursday, March 23' 2000 (2:30pm - 3:30pm) Vehicles arriving to pick-up students at the end of the school day enter the site and proceed to the rvesternedgeoftheschoolbuildingwheretheybegintoqueueupsinglefile. Vehiclespark adjacent to the school (parallel to the curbline) and pull out into the "drive aisle" as soon as children are in the car. School staffis present in the parking lot to assist in the smooth flow of vehicles. The majority of vehicles arrived between 2:55pm and 3:05pm. High school students are dismissed at2:45pm and grades K through 8 at 3:00pm. At the peak time of vehicle arrlvals, no back up was noted in the eastbound (left tum) on the N. Frontage Road. One westbound vehicle on theN. Frontage Road was stopped approximately 5 - l0 seconds before turning right onto Katsos Ranch Road due to a small back up caused by a number of vehicles arriving at the school at the same time. Very little through traffic was noted on both the Frontage Road and Katsos Ranch Road during the time vehicles were entering the school. A total of 58 vehicles were noted entering the site from 2:40pm to 3:20pm: 29 making a right turn and 29 making a left tum from the North Frontage Road. VEIIICLE TURNING MOVEMENTS: 2:40pm- 2:50pm Right turn from N. Frontage Rd. (rvestbound) 5 Left turn from N. Frontage Rd. (eastbound) TOTAL 2:50pm- 3:00pm ll 3:l0pm- Total 3:2Opm 29 50 29 [o 58 3:00pm- 3:.lOpm l0 l5 25 ll 22 March 2000 Vail Mountain School SITE OBSERVATIONS: Friday, March 24,2000 (7:40am - 8:30am) Classes begin at 8: I 5am, and students were being dropped off starting at approximately 7:45am. There are two main entrances to the school; one near the southwestem (SW) comer where vehicles begin to queue during the aftemoon pick-up, and one on the southeastem (SE) side near the property entrance. In general, it appeared that most vehicles stopped at the first (SE) entrance to dropoffstudents in the morning. The vehicles stopped parallel with the drive aisle and would proceed to the exit once the children had reached the adjacent sidewalk or entered the school. During the peak period of vehicle arrival, vehicles stacked up through the entrance and onto Katsos Ranch Road. Vehicles queued onto the westbound lane of the N. Frontage Road twice, (2 vehicles maximum), but this was for a brief moment and no through-traffic on the N. Frontage Road was affected. The majority of the vehicles turned right from the N. Frontage Road (rvestbound) in the morning. It was also observed that a few parents parked at a 45" angle at the SE entrance to dropoffstudents and to briefly enter the school. Although there is no striping for parking, the pull off area can accommodate a vehicle parked at an angle. This also tended to cause a back up at the entrance when the parked vehicle backed out ofthe space and into the drive aisle as other vehicles were arriving at the school. It appeared as though the short back up onto the N. Frdntage Road might have been avoided if vehicles proceeded to the SW entrahce to drop off students. VEI{ICLE TURNING MOVEMENTS : See attached page. March 2000 Vail Mountain School 7:50am- 7:55am Right tum from N. Frontage Rd. (westbound) kftturn from N. Frontage Rd. ,61 to rorAL s lo 21 27 14 s (f) >ii--{(90 ,l\._-./ Based upon these observations, it appears as though no improvements (i.e, turning lanes) should be required on th€ N. Frontage Road. (qo') s'uot t, n tILl/Ll 7:5Sam- 8:00am 8:00am- 8:05am 8:05am- 8:lOam 8:lOam- 8ll5am 8:l5am- 8:20am TOTAL 2l l0 l0l9l6 8 L+q ;*. @ ( uq I .{$ May-r2-t 16:23;Page 1 FACSIMILE TMNSMITTAL any questions or problems Egarding thii fax, pleaso ca[ our r Assistant at (970) 476-1142. I sent By: GS,ATHMEY PRATT SCHULTz Jtttct;t0476 1612; ,l I lf you have rtt,.,FF"qlT urf rracNJ , .. LlvuoALL l RF. >laoDATE: l'l MTMBER OF PAGES {|NCLUDING COVER}:L IIE$SAGE: t I I t I FAX: Gwathmey Pratt Schultr Architects, p.c. , 1000 s. Ffontage Road llllest r vail, co 81657 Telephone: {970)478.1147 . Fax: (970}476-t612 ' Data: (970}4?6-23Ss I II I Page 212 PEge 2/2il,',Tr'liJ-',T:;'?:' ,, ,,i UTIL lrY LOa;{TrgN. vERt FfCAfl Ofl Thir fomr is io vcpifo scrvicc availabiliry and location lorwith prcpanns vour utirirv nr,.-" an,i *1i,rii;ffiffiH:ti:J;:H::*xt"*,:'$,x"xx;l;*m;: ;:fl,ffilfflil:I * n'"n"-ed rincs. ';;;;;;;"d und vcrincd uy *," roiL,*ins ur'irics ror rhc U.S. lVcst Comnrun ir:;rion.s r -800-922-t e8? 468-6860 or 949-4if0 Frrblic Servicc Complny t19-5 7tt l Cary Hall .Holy Cross Ejcctric A,rsoq.949-s$qz r Tcd f.lrrst/J ohn tloyri T.C-r. 949_5 5-r 0 Floyd Srla:-ar I fEagtq l{ivcr Watcr f & Sdnitntion Disrriur "I 476-t4$o I f:rcd Hrrslcc Datg U/pJo u-.-'*. .-... / ./i / /././nr; !, -t) * - -----._€.___*_-<J. W;rcr & Sanitation I { I I t.ll thc utility vcnficatr{rn frxur has signaturcs fmnt cach of tlc rrtility companics. and rro:J:'l'JJ':ffi[x"nt;:;||]r* thc lbr*t' 'r'" i"'""lir pec'um*har rhcrcarc roFrobicn$3rd li n ritiliry colnF:ilty has cl-nccms rvith thc proposcd corr:otc directrv on trrc rrririiv.vcr'ir:arion ;;;il;i"f:Hll]rhiil'I"ffffi:,:ffiJff,,- ;;!.n:il'*'il:,'i:: i"c ric*i!r:ti ;n * ott,or.J i.''i.. r" 'i,, r',r", "ivu'.'rn-,.,.1.,.1,,;:-.,,," : j -.:;iii,,r u 1,, "l,l _;: . . rcspulmrbility of tirc utilrty company and thc app(icant io rcsolvr: l3 Tharc vr:nticatious d0 nor rclicvc thD cnnractor'f rhc responsibiriry to obtain a ftrhrrc wayFcnrrir rronr rhc Dcpanment of l?rrblic W"rf" _i "r,i"rfitot vrlt. lJ-tili-g.rocatrolF muff or:eblarqcd bsihrs dit*ine ip any pullic ris\' "t;;.;;;nrcnt within thc Town of vait. Ao r,IrrrrJq ccrlrtira !qj_a hrurslUaxjctut.ar{*i,{_h"lhl4lefuelraely. Date: 2-15-2000Re: Vail Mountain School - PEC Submittal Names and mailing addresses of all property owners adjacent to tfre subject property, including properties behind and across streets. Concord MA01742 1 1. Cobb, James T Jr. & Ruth M. 1319 S Downing Street Denver CO 80210 12. Bennett, John B C/O Gore Creek Properties PO BOX 1666 VailCO 81657 13. Bingham, Brent A & Barbara G 3'130 Booth Falls Court VailCO 81657 14. Shiffren, JeffreY S 3130 Booth Falls Court VailCO 81657 15. Fite, Kenneth David 16140 E Radclifie Place Aurora CO 80129 16. Garton, Timosty PO BOX 789 VailCO 81658 17. Feeney, David J & Barbara A 3145 A Booth Falls Court Vail CO 8'16574629 18. Scott, Alan M - Walker Kathleen M JT 936 Detroit Stre€t Denver CO 80206 19. NEVIS ENT LP 1345 Trapp Lane Winnetka lL 60093 1. Tiampo-Oskarsson, Mary Jo 1219 6rn Street Boulder CO 80302 2. Navas, Jorge & Sybill 3255 lGtsos Ranch Rd VailCO 81657 3. Cadmus, Mark & Marta 281 Bridge Street VailCO 81657 4. Danson, Alan S. & Silvia 3005 Booth Falls Rd #A VailCO 80657 5. Eggers, Bill T & Ann 3005 Booth Falls Rd VailCO 81657 6. Marsh, Patricia E 3011 A Booth Falls Rd vail co 81657 7. Kuhlke, K Lee & Amy 1501 EStanfordAve Englewood CO 80110 8. Schabacker, Berbara Britain Jones Karen J. 32 Charlou Circle Englewood CO 80111 9. Gaulkins FamilY PTNSHP 1600 BroadwaY 1400 Denver CO 80202 10. Wurb, John S 11 CedarWay j- .. t 1S. NH/IS ENT LP 1345 Trapp Lane Wnne{ka lL 6C[)93 20. Mclaughlin, Brandy L PO BOX 112 VailCO 81658 21. Parliament, Francine R & Marvin 3241 lGtsos Ranch Rd VailCO 81657 22. Piper, Duane & Carolyn PO BOX 5560 VailCO 81620 23. John Galt Mountaineering % Norman Laskin PO BOX 222 Gamelhn Bay CA 96140-0222 24. Burdick, John A PO BOX 2267 Boulder C0 80306 25. Gaziogiu, Halide K. 3120 Booth Falls Court VailCO 81657 =-. Tiampo-Oskarsson, Mary-Jo 1219 6th Street Boulder CO 80302 Navas, Jorge & Sybill R 3255 Katsos Ranch Road VailCO 81657 Cadmus, Mark & Marta 281 Bridge Street VailCO 81657 Danson, Alan S. & Silvia 3005 Booth Falls Rd # A VailCO 80657 Eggers, BillT&Ann 3005 Booth Falls Road VailCO 81657 Marsh, Patricia E iorf n Booth Falls Road VailCO 81657 Kuhlke, K Lee & Amy I 1501 E Stanford Ave Englewood CO 80'110 Schabacker, Barbara Britain Jones Karen J 32 Charlou Circle Englewood CO 80111 Caulkins FamilY PTNSHP 1600 BroadwaY1400 Denver CO 80202 Wurts, John Sll CedarWav Concord MAO1T42 Cobb, James T Jr. & Ruth M' 1319 S Downing Street Denver CO 80210 Benneft, John B C/O Gore Creek ProPerties PO BOX 1666 VailGO 81657 WO ru 3rifJeHfiTi,s3fll"*" VailCO 81657 Shiffrin, Jeffrey S 3130 Booth Falls Court VailCO 81657 Fite, Kenneth David 16140 E Radctiffe ptace Aurora CO 80i29 Garton, Timothy PO BOX 789 VailCO 81658 Feeney, Daniel J. & Barbara A 3145 A Booth Falls Court VailCO 816574629 Scott,AlanM-Walker Kathleen M JT 936 Detroit Street Denver CO 80206 NEVIS ENT LP 1345 Trapp Lane Winnetka lL 60093 Mclaughfin, Brandv L PO BOX 112 VailCO 81658 Parliament, Francine R. & Marvin 3241 Katsos Ranch Road VailCO 81657 Piper Duane & CarolYn PO BOX 5560 Avon CO 81620 E5o 54o or .g!PGs6lr tQr€Y -rOc!.l o^d! di I .Yov sgF John Galt Mountaineering 7o Norman J Laskin PO BOX 222 Camelian Bay CA 96140-0221 Burdick, John A POBOX2267 Boulder CO A0306 ?.,r=" MAy AFFEcr ror* r*or=t PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will-hold a public.nqqtiqg in accordance witn Section 12-3-6 of the Municipat Code of the Town of vailon March27,2000, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of VaitMunicipalBiritoing. In consideration of: A joint worksession with the Design Review Board to discuss the proposed development plan/master plan and a conditional use permit for a park and recreation facility for an approximately 12 acre unplatted parcel of land zoned General Use and Hesid'ential Cluster, commonly referred to as the lower bench of Donovan Park, located south of the South Frontage Road and east and north of Matterhom Circle. Applicant: Town of Vail/ Vail Becreation DistrictPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for site regrading, a building addition and long range planning, located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 1 2* Filing. Applicant: vail Mountain school, represented by Gwathmey, Pratt, schulE ArchitectsPlanner: Brent Wilson A request for a conditional use permit, to relocate 1300' of.low-lying bike path, informally known as the Katsos Property, located at Tract A, Vail Village 12" Filing. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the establishment ol a major arcade at the Vail Transportation Center, located at 241 E. Meadow DriveA/ail Transportation Center. Applicant: H.J. Hyde, Jr.Planner: Brent Wilson A request for final review of a proposed major amendment to Special Development District #4 (Gascade Village), located at 1000 S. Frontage Road West (Glen Lyon Office Building)ilot 54, Block K, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Dundee Realty, represented by Segerberg Mayhew ArchitectsPlanner: George Ruther A request for a variance from Sections 12-6D-9, 1 2-6D-8 and 12-6D-6, Town Code, to allow for a garage and residential addition, located at 2955 Bellflower Drive/Lot 6, Block 6,Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Alan & Francine PetersPlanner: Allison Ochs The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project plannefs office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please eall 4 2356, Tefephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. I Community Development Department Published March 10, 2000 in the VailTrail, n(v' t Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Vail Mountain School Project Description: Split-rail fence Owner, Address and Phone: Vail Mountain School, Attn: Peter Abuisi, Headmaster,3160 Katsos Ranch Road, Vail, CO 81657 Architect/ContqctrAddress and Phone: Gwathmey Pratt.SchulE, Attn: Scott Lindall, 1000 South Frontage Road Wesl Vail, CO 81657 Project Street Address: 3160 Katsos Ranch Road Legal Description: Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12'h Filing Parcel Number: Comments: BuildingName: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Date: August 4,2000 Board / StaffAction Action: Staff Approved with Condition Conditions: L) In accordance with Title 14, Vail Town Code, either 3 small (2" caliper) aspens or 3 small shrubs will be placed along the fence prior to TCO for Phase I improvementsf Town Planner: Brent Wilson F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\97\ | DRBAPPR.FRM DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $200.00 (previous submittal) Sent 8y: cWAIHMEY PHATT sChluLTZ nfecr;20476 1612;Aug - 3-o Page 1 4_. FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL , bisms regarding this frrx, please Gell our Administrative Asslatent at 197 Ol 47 6'1 I {l - 6,a-rt t4^,filffr-FROT; RE: DATE: NUi|BER OF PAGES (lHCLLrOlNG COVER): F€P'T|6'5 i ?- Tnr6 Toporrttc:,.oP€d"f1,6F'4ErsFYn|FP6fidv}tt-d3'r.T'f6b€Fdl/l' vfna ftfis 46ld6s FoF- ApPflo/ttL FAX: ft*np *s rffiltt€t$f0 F.f l}hr r{Aq ffr"Ps ' Gwathmey Pratt $chultr Architects' p'c' 1000 S' Frontage Road West r Vait' CO 81657 Telephone: (97O)478'1147 i Fax: (970)475-l0f2 o Data: (970)476-2383 4qal$gpTnrdr'tf, .ft&ltuct Do*r^l -iltF 4(.tPfl' TltF fifFr€ €* Page 212Aus-3-0U01;i7O476 1612iSe: GWATHMEY PFATT scHULTz A8oecTJE rFi; F uifr 3,.'ii ;r i$f Bd','{:'ir ii iot5rliui if $'$h t;,,/ ;- 1$$r,(I I lttI i rjf; ' ;i: ';f lV.':ii$[}-- l4 /iflj:,,3;, O ;;l i:,iii' l!xl .:iip _i:,Ii;ii.; !i,i!??,ii':,' i ;t'"':7r'1;,;i;, 'rt,,F ' li ti:tli " ":,; i ,;# ,,"',,,'1"y,iill* ,,i,,,#i':,jl{',ffi ?'-' 'r' t';{}if 1 - 44f iii',i'" [ \\Y\-* . ---')..- .'.'{. 1i /. nt By(.)o is.llulot ff0f-r tsitlt* LafIrl {J $7 r$u- It,II L._r t-'1t-I1t.-l L*j !' ) l.' .:-. __ -.. - -T- I i I I I I I t ! x oe 1999 e, TOWT,I OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 Memorandum To: Vail Town Council From: Town of Vail Design Review Board Date: June 15, 1999 Re: Vail Mountain School - Appeal of a Planning & Environmental Commission Decision On Tuesday, June E, 1999, the Vail Town Council held a wotksession to discuss the decision of the Planning & Environmcntal Commission to approvc a conditional use permit to allow for the Vail Mountain School to install a temporary classroom al the school site. Thc Commission voted unanimously to approve the conditional use. for a two-ycar period expiring in July of 2001 . The conditional approval was discussed at length during the June 8u worksession. At the June 8'n worksession several Council members expressed an interest in possibly amending the Commissr on's approval limiting the conditional to onc year. The Council felt the permit could be extended to a second year, as requested by the applicant, if the applicant presented a master plan for the school to the Town within the next year. {g,*o,,o 40' ffi NORTH /o'^.)l*,'d/.:'"1,J {r,tstrr.3 A/i s-= , r/\l///\r\ \/ I t0' 20' LESETD A8P4It|' O Lt 8?trcE ld - ttltt e L}t_ I I a EXgrrF o I I I /Lp (o.J) E HYDRANT-* -=PART CF LOT 12.--- _-.- 6.122 ACRES- --..- --- ADDRESS: 3160 KATSOS RANCH ffi --- \ a L_ --\ N87'l e'nq,",^, \ Vail Mountain School Revised Conditions of Approval Vail Town Council 6/15199 l. 2. That the conditional use permit for the temporary structure expire on July 1,2000; unless an extension to July 1, 2001 is granted by the Planning & Environnrental Commissim. That the temporary strucfire be removed from the site m or before July 1,2000; rmless an exrension is granted by tbe planning & Environmental Commission The Commission may extend the approval subject to lhe applicant submitting a long-term plan for improvernents to the Town for rwiew and approval. The extension rnaybe granted for one additional year and sball expire on luly I , 2001 . That the applicant submit a wrinen statement to the Town of Vail agreeing gE! to reappear before the plenning & Environmentai Commission witb a request for an extension to the conditional use permit for the temporary structue, prior to installing the structure. That the applicant implement the exterior materials improvements recommended by the Town of Vail Design Review Board prior to occupying the structrrre. 3. 4. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Applicant: Planner: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department May 24, 1999 A request for a final review of a conditional use permit to allow for the Vail Mountain School to construct a temporary classroom on the site of the school for a two-year period, located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/Part of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12tn Filing. Vail Mountain School, represented by Pam Hopkins George Ruther I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The Vail Mountain School, represented by Pam Hopkins of Snowdon & Hopkins Architects, is requesting final review of a request for a conditional use permit to allow for a modular classroom to placed on the school site. The modular classroom is inlended to accommodate an increase in the demand for students to attend the school. The temporary classroom is expected to meet the immediate demand and would be installed for the 1999-2000 and 2000-2001 academic school years. The modular classroom is approximately 20' x 60' in size and can accommodate 16 to 18 students. The applicant is proposing to locate the temporary building on the south side of the school partially under an existing canopy. This location was selected by the applicant for convenience and function. Since the May 10'n worksession meeting with the Planning & Environmental Commission the applicant has made revisions to the proposal. The revisions include moving the temporary classroom to the west of the original location to the south end ol the gymnasium and increased the size of the structure from 20' x a0' (800 sq.ft.) to 20' x 60' (1,200 sq.ft.). A reduced copy of the proposed plans and a letter describing the request have been attached for reference. II. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval of the Vail Mountain School's request for a conditional use permit to allow for the installation of a temporary modular classroom. Staff's recommendation of approval is based upon the review of the criteria outlined in Section lV of this memorandum. fu***blralqq o f.L lmend the following conditions be made part ol the approval: 4"\ I the conditional use permit for the temporary structure expire on *4aydl, 2. J. Should Planning & Environmental choose to approve the applicant's request, staff would 1. (ool, udle=a *.r exr€lt6lad ls lerrrrlreo \ *4"r, t That the temporary structure be removed from the property on or before lvfafg{, 200{ uuEer trr Grcrrldou tl lnrtrlto \ +he ?L*rrrtrrt i 6.*rteo,ryalt That the applicant submir a written statement to the Town of Vail agreeing nOI to Cq:$'hloll reappear before the Planning & Environmental Commission with a request for an exlension to the conditional use permit for the temporary structure, prior to installing the structure. 4.That the applicant implement the exterior materials improvements recommended TlrrE C44/.' by the Town ol Vail Design Review Board prior to occupying the slructure. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following fi@g; betore granting a conditional use permit: -erbi€"t to 1.That the proposed localion of the temporarV gtass19g1!]l-, ,,. +Waccordance with the purposes of the Zoning Regulations and the ':: .; purpose General usd zone district in which the;ii""i'. r#iidi "'" 1*altofttt 2.That the proposed location of the temporary classroom and the -f To"at condition's uhder which it would Oe op'eratei or maintained would Ui/,.h * not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. lOt1, lff rilht erte'o. fl^G t|qp3al Crtt W i*t7ecr.t#/t: {1e X-+sd il*{ b€ 6*wa .b 4d1 t, 7,@1 . =t- 3. That the proposed temporary classroom will comply with each of the applicable provisions of the Zoning Regulations. III. BACKGROUND According to the Official Town of VailZoning Map, the Vail Mountain School, is located in the General Use Zone District. Pursuant 1o the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations, the purpose of the General Use Zone District is to, "provide sites for public and quasi-public uses which, because of their special characteristics, cannot be appropriately regulated by the development standards prescribed for other zoning districts, and for which development standards especially prescribed for each particular development proposal or project are necessary to achieve the purposes prescribed in Section 12-1-2 ot this Title and to provide for the public welfare. The General Use District is intended to ensure that public buildings and grounds and certain types of quasi-public uses permitted in the District are appropriately located and designed to meet the needs of residents and visitors to Vail, to harmonize with surrounding uses, and, in the case of buildings and other structures, to ensure adequate light, air, open spaces, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of uses. (Ord. 21(1e94) $ 10)." 1. Sections 12-9C-2 & 3 outline the permitted and conditional uses allowed in the General Use Zone District. The temporary modular classroom is an allowed conditional use in the General Use Zone District subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit. On Wednesday, May lgth the applicant appeared before the Town ot Vail Design Review Board for a conceptual review of the exterior finishes of the modular structure. The Board has requested that the.metal-sided building be painted to match the stucco color of the school, that the windows and doors be trimmed with 2x6 wood material and painted to match lhe trim color of the school, and that additional trim be added to improve the appearance ol the structure. IV. CONDITIONAL USE PERMITCONSIDERATION CRITERIA AND FINDINGS In accordance with Chapter 16 of the Municipal Code, an application for a conditional use permit within General Use District, the following development factors shall be applicable: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the' Town. The Town of Vail Municipal Code allows for temporary structures subject to the issuance ol a conditional use permit. The Code requires the issuance of a conditional use permit for temporary structures, in part, to insure that adequate steps are taken to insure that the structure complies with the development objectives of the Town. The intent ot allowing temporary structures is to accommodate those situations when a permanent structure is not appropriate or circumstances, such as duration of use, warrants a lemporary structure. In the case of the Vail Mountain School, staff believes a temporary structure is warranted for a limited period of time to accommodate the immediate needs of the school, as well as afford the School Board the opportunity to finalize plans for a permanent structure. Staff believes the two-year request is appropriate. However, a request for an extension to the two-year timeframe should not be permitted. 2. Effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utililies, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. The requested conditional use permit will have positive effects on the immediate needs of the school to meet growing demands. The temporary classroom will allow the school to provide educational opportunities for up to 18 additional students. The structure will also provide the Board with addilional time to pursue expansion opportunities to meet the school's long-term needs. lt should be noted that the temporary classroom should not be considered as a long-term solution to the school's demand for space. 3. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, aulomotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking areas, The applicant has revised the location of the temporary classroom on the school site. Staff believes the new location is a more appropriate location ihan the original. The new location reduces congestion of pedestrians at the front of the school near the parking lot and alleviates the safety concerns ol having the classroom immediately adjacent to the parking lot and vehicle traffic. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. The applicant is proposing to improve the exterior of the temporary classroom to minimize the negative impacts of the structure on the character 0f the area. The proposed location will also insure that the impacts of the structure are reduced. Overall, statf believes that due to the exterior improvements proposed, the location of the structure on the school site, and the temporary nature of lhe building, the temporary classroom will have minimal, if any negative impacts on the character of the area. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinqs before orantinq a conditional use permit: 1. That the proposed location oI the use is in accordance with the purposes of the Zoning Regulations and the purposes ol the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location ol the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of the Zoning Regulations. o PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION May24,1999 Minutes MEMBEHSPRESENT: MEMBERSABSENT: STAFFPRESENT: John Schofield Galen Aasland Brian Doyon Chas Bemhardt Doug Cahill Public lbarlno Diane Golden Tom Weber Russ Fonest Dominic Mauriello George Ruther Allison Ochs Brent Wilson Judy Rodriguez %o* 2:00 p.m. John SChofield called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. 1. A request for a final review to discuss a conditional use permit to allow for lhe Vail Mountain School to construct a temporary classroom on the site of the school for a ten- mo3th period, located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/Part of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village t2" Filing. Applicant: VailMountain School, represented by Pam HopkinsPlanner: George Ruther George Ruther gave an overview of the statf memo. John Schofield asked if the applicant had anything to add. The applicant had nothing to add. Brian Doyon had no comments. Galen Aasland said he wanted to offer enough opportunity to remove the classroom after the school year ends in two years. Pam Hopkins said the S-yr plan should be adopted in July and she would like the temporary classroom to remain until 2 years from July 1s. Doug Cahill asked about the hitches being up against the building. Chas Bernhardt had no comments. John Schofield asked if the utilities would be underground and if the access would be paved. Pam Hopkins said the access would be sandstone and electricity would be the only utility. George Ruther asked il the PEC would like the hitch removed. John Schofield said, yes and suggested something other than metal siding. Pam Hopkins said trailers don't come with wood siding. Phnnhg and Envitonmental Commission Minuts May 24, 1999 Brian Doyon stated originally we were talking one classroom and now we have two. Pam Hopkins said since they were so late, they just had a larger trailer available and the second classroom would be a computer lab without additional students. John Schofield asked lor any public comments. Duane Piper, a neighbor, asked if this was for larger enrollment. Pam Hopkins said this would be for a peak enrollment before the 5 yr. plan was established. Galen Aasland made a motion in accordance wifr the stafl memo, amending Condition 1&2 to have the date read July 1, 2001. Doug Cahillseconded the motion. John Schofield amended the motion to have utilities be underground and that access to the facility be paved and the hitches be covered or removed. The motion passed by a vote of 5-0. 2. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a Tne ll employee housing unit to be located at 1538 Spdng Hill Lane/Lot '14, Block 3, VailValley First Filing. Applicant: WileyFamilyPartnershipPlanner: Allison Ochs Allison Ochs gave an overview of the staff memo. John Schofield asked if the applicant had anything to add. Kurt Segerberg, representing the applicant, said the EHU was below 500 sq. ft. in order not to have provide two parking spaces. Allison Ochs said she just received the plans this moming. John Schofield asked for any public input. There was no public input. Doug Cahill asked if the walkway to the unit would be heated, as this was a safety concem. Kurt Segerberg said, no. Chas Bemhadt asked for a letter trom the adjoining homeowners approving the additional unit and he wanted the new modifications to be applicable. Brian Doyon asked for reassurance that this would be an EHU and not an addition to the house. He asked if the wall between the two units could be concrete. Kurt Segerberg said that that would not be a problem. Galen Aasland disclosed for the record that he had looked at the lot some years ago, but saw no conflict and he saw no reason to change the plans. Planning and Environmental Commbsion Mlnut* May24, 1999 'a I John Schofield said because we have had a problem witfr EHU's over the year staying as EHU's, this would be making sure they stay EHU'S. Galen Aasland made a motion for approval in accordance with the staff memo and the additional condition that the wall between the units be concrete. Brian Doyon seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 5-0. 3. A request for a minor subdivision to Parcel F, Briar Patch to allorrv for a change in the platted building envelope "C" location, and required employee housing unit designation, located at 1386 Buffher Greek Road. Applicant: Web AtwellPlanner: Brent Wilson Brent Wilson gave an overyiew of the stafl memo, John Schofield asked if the applicant had anything to add. The applicant had nothing to add. Galen Aasland asked if the adjacent property owners had been notified. Duane Piper said, yes. Brian Doyon had no comments. Doug Cahill had no commenls. Chas Bemhardt had no comments. Brian Doyon made a motion for approval, in accordance with the stafl memo. Chas Bernhardt seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 5-0. 4. A request for a variance from Section 12-6C-6, to allow for ihe construction of a garage within a front setback and Section 12-1 0-8, to allow for the construction of an undersized garage, located at 5125 Black Bear Lane / Lot 1 '1, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision. Applicant Montgomery(Mike)MathiasPlanner: Allison Ochs Allison Ochs gave an overview of the staff memo. John Schofield asked if the applicant had anything to add. Mike Mathias said he had a non standard lot and so he had to have a variance. John Schofield asked for any public comments. There were no public comments- Planning and Environmental Commission' Minutes May 24, 1999 Doug Cahill said you don't just want a Band-Aid, but something appropriate for your needs. Dominic Mauriello said a smaller garage used as a storage unit would displace parking. Chas Bernhardt asked if he asked the Town to lease or purchase the cul-de-sac. Mike Mathias said, no Dominic Mauriello said the documentation received from the applicant was incomplete and therefore could not be advised on alternatives. Chas Bemhardt aclvised that it would be beneficial to look into an altemative in orderto have a fully functional situation. Brian Doyon said the applicant needed a professional architect to solve the problem. He advised the applicant to get someone on board to design this as a much better product for the Town. He said he couldn't vote without seeing the plan and he was not in favor of a smaller garage, but a bigger garage. He said cars needed to be parked in garages and this was a storage bin. Galen Aasland said this needed to be consistent with the Town's goals and guidelines and the small size ol the parking space makes fiis a special privilege. He said there were options to trade property, as well as the side option. John Scholield urged the applicant to explore alternatives, such as leasing or purchasing land from the Town. He said there were architectural solutions and the applicant needed an actual survey. He stated the small size of the garage made this a special privilege. He asked if the applicant wanted to table this to explore altematives, as the configuration of the lot was a hardship that warranted a variance- Chas Bernhardt made a motion to table this item. Doug Cahill seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 5-0. 5. A reguest for a final review of a proposed locker room expansion and loading dock addition to the Dobson lce Arena, located at 321 E. Lionshead CircleiLot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 2nd Filing. Applicant: VailRecreationDistrictPlanner: George Ruther George Ruther gave an overview of the staff memo and stated that the DRB and the Town Council have already seen the model. John Schofield asked the applicant to walk the PEC through the model, since it was the first time they had seen it. Otis Odel explained the addition. He said the upper level space would accommodate hockey- related activities and the applicant had settled on this design with the DRB, since it would not affect the purity of design of Dobson. He said they were looking at the alignment of Meadow Drive with Greg Hall. Planning and Envilonmontal Commission Minutes May24, 1999 John Schofield asked for any public input. There was no public input. Brian Doyon asked George who would be policing the loading area. Jim Heber said he would police it, once the gates are closed. Otis Odelexplained the gates would be closed when loading and deliverywas over. Brian Doyon asked about an alternative on the north side for loading and delivery. He sald he was concemed with the removal of the landscaping. Otis Odel explained that approaching from the east, trucks could not make that radius and approaching lrom the west was in direct conflict with the Lionshead Master Plan. Galen Aasland said he shared Brian's concerns with tree removal on the southeast side, as it was a pedestrian etrea. He said he always saw an l8-wheeler in the pedestrian area. Jim Heber said the only time the TV trucks pa* overnight was tor the Christmas Show. Doug Cahill asked how a truck would back into the loading dock. George Ruther said they would come in from the West and head out east. He explained that if the trucks would come in on the north side, they would come in at the top of the bleachers and they needed to come in at ice level. He said the drain would empty into the sewer line. Chas Bemhardt said he thought it was well thought out and he liked it. George Ruther said this approval would become the development slandards for this site. He explained that there was no property line between Dobson and the Library and that the east bike path had its own right-of-way. John Schofield asked if they had explored the possibility of trucks not backing into the bustop area, where pedestrians get off. He then asked tor any public input. Jim Lamont asked if parking in the front would not be allowed. Jim Heber gave the example of the ski swap being loaded through the new facility. otis odel said a '10'wall would be at the bottom of the dock John Schofield said he was hard pressed to recommend approval when this needed to be more pinned down. Brian Doyon said we are a long way off from recommending approval. George Ruther said Greg Hall said not to go to the expense ol having civil plans, because Greg would have the final review. John Schofield stated that that was the PEC's role. Dominic Mauriello said roads were generally built without the PEC. Doug Cahill said a lot of green space was being removed. Planning and E nviro n mental Commbsion Minut6 May24, 1999 George Ruther said ultimately Greg Hall would have to approve the grade of the road and the DRB would approve the landscaping. Chas Bernhardt had no comments. Brian Doyon said the road alignment needed to work with the pedestrians and the landscaping. John Schofield said what the PEC has seen was a very good start, however it needed a more definitive plan to address the pedestrians and bike path, etc. Galen Aasland agreed with John and Brian in seeing a more definitive plan and he suggested tabling this item. Brian Doyon made a motion to table this item. Doug Gahill seconded the motion^ The motion passed by a vote of 5-0. 6. A request for a linal review of a proposal to amend the Torn's "Public Accommodation Zone District," Chapter 7 and amendments to Chapter 15, Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA), Town of Vail Municipal Gode. Applicant: Planner: Johannes Faessler, represented by Braun Associates, Inc. George Ruther George Ruther gave an overview of the staff memo. John Schofield asked if the applicant had anything to add. Tom Braun summarized how this met the goals of the Vail Village Master Plan. John Schofield asked for any public comments. Rob Levine, from the Antlers, said this was our economic future for the Town and we needed the flexibility to develop in Town. Jim Lamont, East Village Homeowner's Association, said since he had been working the streets since last year, the opinion was that it deserved more thought. He said there was a willingness to entertain greater density, but not more commercial. He said the Tivoli, christiania, Galatyn and the Ramshom don't want it. He said that if trucks were out of the neighborhood, then a 0' setback made sense. He said the East Village would encourage site coverage increases, as well as density. He said the Bavaria House, Holiday House and the Vail Village Inn sites all needed redeveloping. He said conditional uses made sense in the commercial cores, but why would you have offices replace hotel rooms and why make a neighborhood be something they don't want to be. He suggested reversing the process by putting the DRB process before the PEC, as you would find the adiacent property owners would then come in and participate in the process. He said that loading and delivery cancel a good nights sleep in the Village. He suggested space was needed basements to provide a warehouse for storage and have small vans pick up from the warehouse. Streetscape improvements should be paid for by a hotel tax paid for by the hotels to give back to the government and finally, to change the setbacks, y,ou would need to have permission of adjacent property owners to keep peace and harmony. Planning and Environmsntal Commissbn Minutes May24, 1999 Galen Aasland said with regard to the 10o/" limitation, he said this proposal allowed it to exceed this. Jim Lamont said the issue for the character of fte neighborhood is how it looks outside, as an adjunctive use or intemal to the building and a conditional use would change this. He said if a neighborhood didn't want the options, they should be allowed this choice. He said it would be flne for specific sites such as the Holiday Inn, the Wl and the Bavaria House. George Ruther summarized that this proposal doesn't support horizontal zoning. He said that commercial existed today as a permitted use and that this regulation would only allow a property to exceed with a conditional use permit. He said that SDD's were a problem, as the "sky's the limit," as well as it being an arduous procedure. He said that since adjacent property owners don't know what could happen in an SDD, this was an attempt to resolve this. He said there was still the ability to continue to require mitigalion for employee housing. He said that nobody wanted zoning by neighbors and the intent of this amendment was to clarify what was allowed. He then went on to state that these changes had been made by public comments. John Schofield said, for the record, that public comments were closed, and he asked for the Commissioner's comments. Doug Cahillsaid this modification wouldn't quite work for a few of the smaller neighborhoods. Jim Lamont said zoning law was dictated by similar conditions, with some changing through the SDD process and that "one size doesn't fit all." Doug Cahill said he was having trouble not being involved in past discussions. John Schofield said the intent was to allow maximum flexibility, but have standards set. George Ruther said the intent was to get some of the flexibility that the SDD process has allowed in the past, providing some latitude, and not be a blank sheet of paper, so the adjacent property owners were not surprised. Chas Bernhard asked if this would eliminate future SDD's. Brian Doyon said people want the acceptable sizes and quality for revitalization, without forcing them to go through the sDD process. George Ruther said an important consideration was that properties wanted deviations from the setbacks and site coverage. He stated the goal is was to form a revlew for adjacent property owners with what the expectations were and not use the SDD process. Chas Bemhardt said this would slow down the SDD applications in the future. George Ruther said that that was the intent and the text changes would be in the already current PA Zone Distict. Chas Bemhardt asked Jim why a lodge wouldn't want this. Jim Lamont said the character of the neighborhood would be atfected, horizontal zoning would not be controlled and an unregulated amount of commercial could happen. Planning and Envircnmental Commissbn Minutes May 24, 1999 George Ruther said it was not fair to saythere was no limitation on commercial, as it existed today. Brian Doyon said he was ok with the GRFA, but he would like the landscaping kept at 30"/". He said he had a realproblem with the DRB reviewing allprojects. He said they needed to work with the design at hand and the PEC would work on the planning issues. He felt that the . Lionshead Master Plan guidelines did not apply, so to remove the "recently required in Lionshead' statement. Galen Aasland agreed with Brian and said that the setbacks were finally right. He said he was not sure about the GRFA and that parking was severely lacking. He said he wanted to see what the parking plan was for me to vote for this. John Schofield said that even with Jim's and Galen's concerns, this was ready to move fonnard. Russ Forrest said ideally in a perfect world, as in Lionshead, we would have the parking, rezoning and employee generation all coming together. He said that if a developer wanted to redevelop, he would have to come in as an SDD, if this doesn't pass today. John Schofield said he was comfortable with the '150% and to keep landscaping at 30%, and the lodge delinition goes to the heart ol lhe issue. He said regarding the review process, that he agreed with Brian to keep the DRB limited to design. He said he had no problem in making the 3 findings. He said he was distressed, on page 8, with the sentence "as determined by the Administratof and would like to see the definition of off-site impact. He said to pin down what 'large scale' redevelopments were. He said with those changes, he was comfortable going ahead Tom Braun said at one of the first worksessions, parking was discussed to not be included. He said he was curious about the loading and delivery problem, which would be a Council policy decision and shouldn't hold up this ordinance. Galen Aasland said he would vote against this because the parking was not resolved, even though these unresolved issues may or may not be needed by Council. John Schofield said he was sensing a lack of direction from the Board. Russ Forrest said that a lot ol this discussion was centered around implementation. Galen Aasland said he would vote lor denial because of what was missing. John Schofieldmade a motion for approval in accordance with the staff memo and the findings with the following revisions to the text amendments for final recommendation to Town Council,1. That the DRB role be clarified to streamline the process.2. Clarify and deline what requirements are considered off-site impacts.3. Remove "as determined by the Administrato/' (12-7A-12).4. That the Council review the parking issue or determine if the parkjng study needs to be completed.5. That the right-otway is considered for setbacks.6. That the building height is determined by the applicant and the PEc. The molion failed for lack of a second. Planning and Environmental Commbsion Minutc May24, 1999 Galen Aasland suggested that there was general agreement in the text amendments, but he would like to table this and get input from Council. Doug Cahill made a motion to table this. Johannes Faessler asked to define what needed to be done. Galen Aasland seconded the motion. Russ said 997" of the discussion was regarding implementation. John Schofield amended the motion to table this as a worksession on June 14h and then have the final recommendation to Council be decided at the last meeting in June. Brian Doyon said that parking had nothing to do with this application, since all the properties are responsible for their own parking . The motion passed by a vote of 4-1 , with Brian Doyon voting against. Galen Aasland said he wanted the text changes from our notes and some strategies for parking and loading incorporated into a motion. Doug Cahilljust wants to find out the parameters of the current zoning district. Chas Bemhadt had no comment. John Schofield said he would like to see parking, EHU's and the text changes from the motion that failed, addressed at the next meeting. 7. A request for a variance from Section 12-GD-6, to allow for a building encroachment into a rear setback, located at2657 Arosa Drive / Lot I, Block D, Vail Ridge. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs TABLED UNTIL JUNE 28, 1999 Galen Aasland made a motion to table item #7 until June 28. 1999. Chas Bernhardt seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 5-0. L A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-9 (Site Coverage) ol the Town of Vail Municipal Code, to allow for site coverage in excess ol 20/" and a variance from Section 12-6D-6 (Front Setbacks) ot the Town of Vail Municipal Code, to allow for an encroachment into the front setback on a Primary/Secondary Residential zoned lot, located at 362 Mill Creek Circle i Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Walter Forbes, represented by Gwathmey-Pratt ArchitectsPlanner: Allison Ochs Phnning and Envircnm€ntal Commission Mhutes May 24, 1999 WTTHDBAWN 9. A request for a modification to a platted building envelope, located at 1047 Riva Glen/ Lot 6, Spraddle Creek Estates. Applicant: Franco D'Agostino, represented by Robert MachPlanner: Allison Ochs WTHDRAWN 10. Information Update r Education Series Dominic Mauriello said he planned to have a series for new members with Tom Moorhead regarding the roles and responsibilities of the PEC for the new members. 11. Approval of May 10, 1999 minutes. Chas Bernhardt had changes and made a motion to approve the amended minutes. Doug Cahillseconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 5-0. Brian Doyon made a motion to adjoum. Doug Cahillseconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m. Plannhg and Envircnmental Commbsion Mhut6 May 24, 1999 10 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Applicant: Planner: O eMI ME]IIORANDUM 6-D Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Dspartment May 24, 1999 A request for a final review of a conditional use permit to allow for the Vail Mountain School to construct a temporary classroom on the site of the schoolfor a two-year period, located at 3160 Katsos Ranch RoacUPart of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12'h Filing. Vail Mountain School, represented by Pam Hopkins George Ruther I. DESCRIPTIONOFTHEREQUEST The Vail Mountain School, represented by Pam Hopkins of Snowdon & Hopkins Architects, is requesting final review of a request for a conditional use permit to allow for a modularclassroom to Dlaced on the schoolsite. The modular classroom is intended to accommodate an increase in the demand for students to attend the school. The temporary classroom is expected to meet the immediate demand and would be installed for the 1999-2000 and 2000-2001 academic school years. The modular classroom is approximately 20' x 60' in size and can accommodate 16 to 18 students. The applicant is proposing to locate the temporary building on the south side of the school partially under an existing canopy. This location was selected by the applicant for convenience and function. Since the May 10th worksession meeting with the Planning & EnvironmentalCommission the applicant has made revisions to the proposal. The revisions include moving the temporary classroom to the west of the original location to the south end of the gymnasium and increased the size of he structure from 20'x 40' (800 sq.ft.) to 20' x 60' (1,200 sq.ft.). A reduced copy of the proposed plans and a letter describing the request have been attached for referonce. II. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Departmont recommends approval of the Vail Mountain School's request for a conditional use permit to allow for the installation of a temporary modular classroom. Staff's recommendation of approval is based upon the review of the criteria outlined in Section lV of this memorandum. Should the Planning & Environmental choose to approve the applicant's request, staff would recommend the lollowing conditions be made part of the approval:4"\ t5< 1. That the conditional use permit for the temporary structure expire on Nlay€f , 2001./.'ttv ]rr2. That the temporary structure be removed from the property on or before ldrg *, 2001. 3. That the applicant submit a written statement to the Town of Vail agreeing not to reappear before the Planning & Environmental Commission wilh a request for an extension to he conditional use permit for the temporary structure, prior to installing he structure. 4. That the applicant implement the exterior materials improvements recommended by the Town of Vail Design Review Board prior to occupying the structure. ft ',#ilJiHffi",,"ffi *"itffi,"mffi #R,f-1o**#nff ffi f.Rdly'o' granting a conditional use permit: 1. That the proposed location of the temporary classroom is in accordance with the purposes of the Zoning Regulations and the purpose General Use zone district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location oI the temporary classroom and the conditions underwhich it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimentalto the public healh, safety, orwelfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed temporary classroom will comply with each of the applicable provisions of the Zoning Regulations. III. BACKGROUND According to the OfficialTown of VailZoning Map, the Vail Mountain School, is located in the General Use Zone District. Pursuant to the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations, the purpose of the General Use Zone District is to, "provide sites for public ard quasi-public uses which, because of their special characteristics, cannol be appropriately regulated by the development standards prescribed for other zoning districts, and for which development stiandads especially prescribed for each particular development proposal or project are necessary to achieve the purposes prescribed in Section 12-1-2 ot this Title and to provide for fte public welfare. The General Use District is intendod to snsurs that public buildings and grounds and certain types of quasi-public uses permitted in the District are appropriately located and designed to meet the needs of residents and visitors to Vail, to harmonize with sunouming uses, and, in the case of buildings and other structuros, to ensure adequate light, air, open spacss, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of uses. (Ord. 21(1994) S 10)." 1, Sections 12-9C-2 & 3 outline the permitted and conditional uses allowed in the General Use Zone District. The temporary modular classroom is an allowed conditional use in the General Use Zone District subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit. On Wednesday, May 19'h the applicant appeared before the Town of Vail Design Review Board for a conceptual review of the exterior finishes of the modular structure. The Board has requested that the metal-sided building be painted to match the stucco color of the school, that the windows and doors be trimmed with 2xG wood materialand painted to match the trim color of the school, and that additionaltrim be added to improve the appearance of the structure. IV. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CONSIDERATION CRITERIA AND FINDINGS In accordance with Chapter 16 of the Municipal Code, an application for a conditional uss permit within General Use District, the,following development factors shall be applicable: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development oblectlves of the Town. The Town of Vail Municipal Gode allows for temporary structures subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit. The Gode requires the issuance of a conditional use permit for temporary structtres, in part, to insure that adequate steps are taken to insure that the struclure complies with the development objectives of the Town. The intent of allowing temporary structures is to accommodate those situations when a permanent structure is not appropriate or circumstances, such as duration of use, warrants a temporary structure. In the case of the Vail Mountain School, staff believes a temporary structure is warranted for a limited period of time to accommodate the immediate needs ol the school, as well as alford the School Board the opportunity to finalize plans for a pennanent structure. Staff believes the two-year request is appropriate. However, a request lor an extension to the two-year timeframe should not be permitted. 2, Effect of the use on light and alr, distribution of population, trcnsportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. The reguested conditional use permit will have positive effects on the immediate needs of the school to meet growing demands. The temporary classroom will allow the school to provide educational opportunities for up to 18 additional students. The structure will also provide the Board with additional time to pursue expansion opporlunities to meet the school's long{erm needs. lt should be noted that the temporary classroom should not be considered as a long-term solution to the school's demand for space. 3. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, trafflc flow and control, aooess, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking argas. The applicant has revised the location of the temporary classroom on the school site. Staff believes the new location is a more appropriate location than the original. The new location reduces congestion of pedestrians at the front of the school near th€ parking lot and alleviates the safety concerns of having the classroom immediately adjacent to the parking lot and vehicle traffic. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relatlon to surroundlng uses. The applicant is proposing to improve the exterior of the temporary classroom to minimize the negative impacts of the structure on the character ol the area. The proposed location will also insure that the impacts of the structure are reduced. Overall, staff believes that due to the exterior improvements proposed, the location of the structure on the schoolsite, and the temporary nature of the building, the temporary classroom will have minimal, if any negative impacts on the character of the area. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the lollowino lindinos before orantino a conditional use permit: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in acc,ordance with the purposes 0f the Zoning Regulations and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of the Zoning Regulations. hhh0IW fr/br, / h hlo/0 4// I+o- on /,1/, /furnl^ J /drm" ffi 44/ furnrha^ru4, C4 /4r i lnre. -brqu fltutas 7ma h{a+' fun4afr Pd UfrrJ, /o fr/ast funrrl 6 f,mp-?sLa'raan tz t( atu 4f, fuuldcrr, h fu"rL fraPPt+4b I 'rl I , /L baah [/l/ -bh* fr fuu'dob ?o ffi 4ltzt ftflldn', h ffiflQ Uerl hrp q.o ax 7 f,0.ffi lla,l , lo 05h frlbab Uorl /h frlh5"D o:o -l'i;oEttt)Ep-9-o('o -jR9 9o a oc .!<ooro!rico(Ur5teP od 6d6 gJRS /h//, /h+/u# lil+,lt{htu4 lA//h/ 4ad Afrrrail 4f, funuaT, la hoz& flll lrnnfu hhu'444/t h{4o1 furLdL R/ hhtn ()o a oc .t< CLoro!rEco(6:. - lP.rE .58!t o6 = ,EE !- F:o-RE 44 48 t/n/ r lo b/051 co o oc l< CLo E'c !to o. o2o fu//, k///4frh frh lk t40 /)rranra tuda/rlb ?L , /.n A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for a Type ll employee housing unit, located at 1538 Spring Hill Laneilot 14, Block 3, Vail Valtey First Fiting. Applicant: WileyFamilyPartnershipPlanner: Allison Ochs A request lor a minor subdivision to Parcel F, Briar Patch, to allow for a change in the platted building envelope location, located at 1386 Buffher Creek Roacl/ Parcel F, Briar Patch. Applicant: Web AtwellPlanner: Brent Wibon A request for a final review of a proposed locker room expansion to the Dobson lce Arena, located al 321 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 2m Filing. Applicant: VailRecreationDistrictPlanner: George Ruther A request for a variance lrom Section 12-6D-6, to allow for a building encroachmenl into a rear setback, located at 2657 Arosa Drive / Lot I, Block D, Vail Ridge. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for a final review of a proposal to amend the Town's "Public Accommodation" Zone District, Chapter 7 and amendments to Chapter 15, Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA), Town of Vail Municipal Code. Applicant: Johannes Faessler, represented by Braun Associates, Inc.Planner: George Fluther A request for a flnal review to discuss a conditional use permit to allow for the Vail Mountain School to construct a temporary classroom on the site of the school for a ten-month period, located at 31 60 Katsos Ranih RoacVPart of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 1 2h Filing. Applicant: Vail Mountain School, represented by Pam HopkinsPlanner: George Buther The applications and information about the proposals are available for public regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. 2356, Telephone for the Heailng lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published May 7, 1999 in the Vail Trail. inspection during Community Please ryr##f' t THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Council of the Town of Vailwill hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on Jdne 15, 1999,- at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of; 1 {n appeal ot the Planning and Environmental Commission's approval of a conditional use permit --Ellowing the Vail Mountain School to install a temporary modular classroom on the school iite, |pcated at 3160 Kalsos Ranch Roacl/part of Lot 12, Blobk 2, Vail Village t2th Filing. ' { Appellant: Vail Town CouncilPlanner: George Ruther The application, appeal form and information about the proposal is available for public inspeclion during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notitication. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published May 28, 1999 in the Vail Trait. :r-|Y-|!,V!j I2:sbPM ST\IOWDON AND Tail t{ountai frool FRq.4 o nSc Town of Vail Design Review Board 75 South Frontage Road Vail CO 81658 Dear Design Review Board llfsmben: . Thank v9y- for co-nsidcri-ng- our rcqucst to place a modurar ctassroom on campus foracadcmic ycars 1999-2000 and zo@2o01. itaving tfiis temporary spae will allow us 19 ;if; &;pfogram to a ncw gradc of students aDd to s!rcate a eqe suirilble c6mbuEr lab. "^--_ - ^I--"Pp-..*SF that tb rnodrlar unit wcnld bc removcd aftcr two years (twenry-four months). We would p deasea to co_ nirnit to that timc limitation- Wc arc troriorabli peopie and would not ennr into this agreemeil with false inrentions. Ple&se conttct me if yorr htve quastion.s or wish to view the site. Thank you for your considcration of :hi-s requcst FOPKINS 97ag767491 o r- El May 19,199D PMrC'/ty Peter M. Abuisi H€adnssFr 3160 KATsos RANGH FOAD'vAlL, coLoRADo Br€57 r (970) 476-38s0 r FAX (970) 426-s860 5-1+-1999 l2:55PM FR0\4 Sr{l'r,DON AND HOPKINS g7AA767Ls1 Snowdon and Hopkins r fuchltects 201 6ore Creek Drive vail, Coloraclo 81657 970 47ts.2201 F|)( 476.7491 IWPa" PY l+oot)tA?av*nww, ll a rl. i f\"#,ilk ll =a -e' E --- F I I I t€; ..:- _1.-sll\l _ll -l 'I c'o Iv, a o ,r) li to< '-# 4's EHar6rf Q,*E.t h -3,", a l\otr UKrrriD (o - - d!.-- c o r.t ,l] *o, \ ji 'r./€, + !j- eI oo \ -' -'s --:-. \'-----_ / :r. -,r'/ - -- -- {oE. l.- -----.- I - *"t". -*.)>- -l- - - -- '- -,sE,q., t'', i O'--r---f -:--r\_ ,oo -VAl t, MaUNfAIN 441er1, l'I . !i ..lc/ fe)- . ,\,/,t_. '/. =s b-lv-lvvv lz:bbPM FRLM Sh0WDON AND Snowdon and Hopkin, lar.6itects JOB VAI M'UNfAIN ACilMV HOPKINS 97A4767491 P,3 201 Gors Creek Drive \,bll, Colorado E1657 970 478-&01 rrx 476.7491 IB F$ EI I I € fr 7FaW3? ,.PEF,ttJ"_ - .Ilenvor-*H vlootlu!*r- A If, *lil-E * rB rd Tl I $l EIq}'gl "l I Irl FI Etct' 3l"I I I , Snowdon and HopkinslercfriteAs 201 Gore Creek Ddve \hil, Colorado 8l€5"/ b-19-1999 l2:55PM FR&r ShlouD0! At{D H@KINS 97sE767491 JO8 970 if76-2201 F.N( 478-7491 ot(rore v\l hxb%fla>w-tr/'wwb*+ Tavtl Q YkT++ ?xwT1ila bLltvotw 0.Y14 7a4ePbww4txaw,-*P? aT"b4 . avw*Trotl Ptr'HFl ffiotr t-X? W. {nvt -I\r ?A?P aF+V.J* ?04rvo w,(vF m I[="lJi - Wi{ ?t ?YN,O* (WfT,FEYtal ?n *1t-pl -. Approved lvlay24, 1999 U ING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION {PFfi,C J.,'I I ., ., ... ,r?.,r ?qo May 10, 1999Minures ,*r, flf t c0PrMEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBEHSABSENT: STAFF PRESE a PLANN John Schofield Galen Aasland Diane Golden Brian Doyon Tom Weber Chas Bemhardt Doug Cahill Public lbarino 2dl0 p.m. John Schofield called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. 1. A request for a final review of an amendment to Special Development District No. 4 (Cascade Village), revising the Glen Lyon Office Building site (Area D), located at 1000 S. Frontage Road West/Lot 54, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Glen Lyon Office Building Partnership, represented by Kurt SegerbergPlanner: Dominic Mauriello Dominic Mauriello gave al overview of the staff memo. John Schofield asked if the applicant had anything to add. Kurt Segerberg, the architect for the applicant from Hesort Design Collaborative, explained that they had flipped the project around since the last time the PEC saw this in August and January. He said the entry to the building was now further to the east. He said the present building would function the same, with possibly some exterior corridors. He explained the architecture on the building would now blend better into the site. John Schofield asked what the maximum height would be. Kurt Segerberg said the height was about 60' to the top eave portion, or 72' trom the lowest grade on the south side. He said that the existing road elevation between the garage and the building was ramped down to try to get enough dimension to fit in two levels of parking. He said they were trying to identify the entry with perhaps, a porte cochere. He stated the building on the creekside would be the tallest, but also the least visible. Dominic Mauriello said the DFIB recommended different colors and bay windows to break up lhe building. Kurt Segerberg explained that a pedestrian would have to go up a flight of stairs to get to the suites and he didn't know if there would be an internal corridor to the existing building. Brian Doyon said it would need a pretty large ramp for ADA access. Chas Bernhardt asked where the snow storage would be, as he was concemed with car oil and debris going into the creek Phnning and Envitonmontal Commissbn Minut€s May 10, 1999 Dominic Mauriello George Ruther Judy Rodriguez o Kurt Segerberg explained the snow storage. jpnroved May24,1999 Doug Cahill asked about the distance between the street and the front of the buiEing. r l{rrt$cOefterbtry 25' not including the bike path and 15' of tandscaping. Doug Cahill said the 15' berm of landscaping doesn't allow much to offset the height of the building. Dominic Mauriello said that this was a narrow frontage and it was suggested at previous reviews with the PEC that additional lanGcaping be provided. Doug Cahill suggested landscaping as a buffer on the second floor. John Schofield asked for any public comments. There were no public comments. Tom Weber said the east entrance to the site would be better lor visitors. Kurt Segerberg said he was trying to max parking to reflect the square footage. Brian Doyon disclosed for the record that he worked in the Glen Lyon Building and had given information to Henry Pratt, but saw no conflict, He asked about loading and delivery, since there was no room at the entry and there needed to be a solution for delivery. He stated his biggest concern was erosion caused by the building shedding water off the roofs onto a steep slope. He said there could be no retaining wall because it was in the stream setback He felt the design was too wide, putting too much pressure on the stream corridor. He asked about decel lanes for circulation. Kurt Segerberg said there were designated areas where a Fedex or delivery truck could come in, but that it would be a tight situation. Dominic Mauriello said the recommendation from the traffic study was to line up the entry access with the one across the street. He then said the 15' landscape or bike path would go away if decel lanes were added. Tom Weber stated with 7 stories on the backside, it became too tall on the creek side and suggested stepping the building down. Kurt Segerberg thought a dormer would help break up the mass. Brian Doyon said since allthe tall evergreens would be lost along the stream conidor, scaling down would help. He said he was concerned with only one indoor/outdoor access for the EHU. He suggested pufting the EHU at the other end, where there was a view. He said he felt traffic going through the building would impact the offices and vise versa. He also felt the EHU should have access directly to the street to haul bikes, skis,etc. Galen Aasland said the parking slructure would work and that two EHU'S were fair. He supported having otfices in Town. He said the applicant needed to scale the elements to a pedestrian level, since it was not just a car entry, but was in a 25-mph zone anQ just off the bike path. He suggested adding a porte-cochere to the entry. He said there needed to be a significant commitment lor trees on this plan and a significant gutter system on the south side. Dominic Mauriello said there was a drainage system for the entire site and roof drains could be tied in. Planning and Envircnmental Commissbn Minut€s May 10, 1999 o Doug Cahill was concerned save some of the trees and welcoming entry. Approved May24, 1999 with the height, size and bulk on the property. He too would like to cut back on the erosion. He said he would like more of a setback Chas Bernhardt liked the proiect. He said basically, he had the same concerns about the trees and the water shed. He stated that on page 5 f3 in the memo, the EHU proposalwas only 10% of what the Town Council has required of other projects. He again mentioned the snow storage area draining into the creek and if the area was heated, it could drain into the main drainage area. Diane Golden asked if the EHU'S had designated parking. Kurt Segerberg said, yes. Diane Golden asked about the EHU requirement in the overall SDD #4. Dominic Mauriello said that each area had been looked at independently, but that the number of EHU's in Cascade Village had increased over the years (i.e., Westhaven Condos). Diane Golden said the lack of EHU's was a legitimate concern. John Schofield said the PEC's direction for EHU's was 2 or more and the applicant was in compliance with an SDD. He said that the height was a DRB issue, but felt il reasonable in the recommendation to Council that a condition be added to tweak the height of the entry. He then said he assumed the 6 conditions in the statf memo were acceptable to the applicant , with the additional conditions of erosion control and to tie the roof snowshed into the drainage s)rstem. He also added that the EHU have street access or there be a storage space for tenants and he was hearing substantial landscaping be emphasized. He stated for the record, that this project would not conflict with the Frontage Road alignment. Dominic Mauriello said that was correct, according to Greg Hall, the Town's Engineer. John Schofield stated that this project complied with the required parking. Tom Weber suggested designating 4-5 parking spaces for snow storage wlth a separate drain. Galen Aasland made a motion for approval, in accordance with the staff memo, with the adc,itional conditions: 1. Lower the eve line of the roof over the center building form. 2. Move either the employee housing units to improve the indoorloutdoor access 0r improve the access to these units to make them easier to access by occupants. 3. Add a significant gutter system lo the roof which ties into the drainage system for the site. 4. Provide a commitment to provide significant trees prior to being reviewed by the Town Council.5. Provide a pedestrian scale element at the front entry (i.e., porte cochere). 6. Make improvements to breakup the overall fagade of the south elevation, such as massing and cantilevoring; not just paint. 7. In the drainage plans, provide adequate drainage for snow melt from surface parking area to prevent draining directly into creek Brian Doyon seconded the motion. Phnnhg and Envi.onmental Commbsion Minutes May 10, 1999 o pproved May24, 1999 The motion passed by a vote of 6-1, with Chas Bemhardt opposed, as he was not satisfied with the number of EHU's required. 2. A request for a worksession to discuss a conditional use permit to allow for the Vail Mountain School to construct a temporary classroom on the site ol the school for a ten- mo.nth period, located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/Part of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Viltage t2th Filino. *O,,."nir Vail Mountain School, represented by Pam HopkinsPlanner: George Ruther George Ruther gave an overview of the staff memo. Pam Hopkins e:q]lained a S-year plan and said the applicant wanted to stay at the East Vail Campus. She said that this year there was a problem with the 3r0 grade class. She asked for a 2-year extension for the add on instead of the following summer. She said the modular structure would nol be seen from the Frontage Road or lrom adjoining houses. She said that after 1 year, the need may go away. John Schofield disclosed lor the record, that his wife was a Vail Mountain School Board Member, but that he saw no conflict. He also stated for the record, that there was no public present to comment. Doug Cahill said the maximum would be 2 years and asked if it would interlere with the main entry. Pam Hopkins explained thal this location was the least used area, least conspicuous and most advantageous, as it would be close to the columns by the door and work well with the circulation of the school. Doug Cahill asked about the snow loads coming off the roof, Chas Bernhardt asked about any neighborhood input. Pam Hopkins said there had been no input. She stated that this was not beneficial for the school to keep this structure here. She said that she couldn't imagine that this bond was a Town procedure. Diane Golden said the structure seemed so obtrusive to the school. Pam Hopkins said the structure was away from all activity and it would be painted and shrouded in wood. Tom Weber said he was in favor of it as long as there was no loss of sidewalk, but he would have preferred it behind the building. Brian Doyon said he didn't see the school wanting to keep it, so he was not in favor of a bond. He said he would like to see the addition design within 6 months. Pam Hopkins said this was a non-profit organization; the same as Ski Club Vail and il the PEC put a 6-month deadline, you might not get anything. Brian Doyon said he was seeing more and more Band-Aids and this would be easier than raising a bond. Planning and Environmental Commlssbn Minutes May 10, 1999 o Approved May 24, 1999 Galen Aasland said he thought the PEC shoukl be generous and flexible with this since it was for kids- He said the PEC hasnt required a bond of anybody else; it was not codified and felt a bond was mean-spirited. John Schofield said that 2 years was a practical time frame and a bond was not a practicat solution. George Ruther summarized that the Board was favorable to a temporary structure for only 2 years. Brian Doyon brought up the VailAssociates "Band-Aid" and that neighbors were complaining that it was unsafe. John Schofield said to bring the plans back in the nelrt few months to get through the approval process. Tom Weber said the need will not go away and he couldn't see that they will build in 2 years. Pam Hopkins said this is more fluctuating than the public school and it works to have a whole family at one school, but want it to be absorbed into the whole school. John Schofield asked lor a straw pollwith a specific expiration removal date of az-year period. Doug, Chas, and Diane (with plans in)said yes. George Ruther said this was for clear direction with the straw poll to approve the concept and before the final review to give the PEC Commission reassurance to not have the structure be there over 2 years. Tom Weber said he was in lavor of 3 years with a plan on the boards or timelines. Brian Doyon said he had no problem with 2 years with assurance. Tom Weber asked for the Mountain School to come back saying this was a2-year structure- Galen Aasland said, yes. John Schofield said, yes. George Ruther said he would put the 2-year requirement in a memo. Doug Cahill said he would like it utilized as a classroom in the memo and not for storage. 3. A request for a variance from Section 12-6C-6, to allow for the construction of a garage within a front setback and Section 12-1 0-8. to allow for the construction of an undersized garage, located at 5125 Black Bear Lane / Lot 11, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Montogomery(Mike)MathiasPlanner: Allison Ochs TABLED U].ITIL MAY 24, 1999 Planning and Environmental Commi66ion Mhutes May 10, 1999 jnorovea [tlaY24, 1999 4. A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-9 (Site Coverage) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, to allow for site coverage in excess ot 2O/" and a variance from Section 12-6D-6 (Front Setbacl€) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, to allow for an encroachment into the front setback on a Primary/$econdary Residential zoned lot, located at 362 Mill Creek Circle / Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Walter Forbes, represented by Gwathmey-Pratt ArchitectsPlanner: Allison Ochs TABLED UNTIL MAY 24, 1999 5. A request for a final review of a proposed locker room expansion to the Dobson lce Arena, located at 321 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 2nd Filing. Applicant: VailRecreationDistrictPlanner: George Ruther TABLED UNTIL MAY 24, 1999 6. A request for a variance from Section 124D-6, to allow for a building encroachment into a rear setback, located a12657 Arosa Drive / Lot I, Block D, Vail Ridge. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs TABLED UNTIL IIAY 24, 1999 7. A request lor a modification to a platted building envelope, located at 1047 Riva Glen/ Lot 6, Spraddle Creek Estates. Applicant: Franco D'Agostino, represented by Robert MachPlanner: Allison Ochs TABLED UNTIL MAY 24, 1999 Brian Doyon made a motion to table items #3+7 until May 24, 1999. Diane Golden seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 7-0. L A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-6 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, to allow for an encroachment into the required side setbacks, localed at 3003 Bellflower Drive / Lot I, Block 6, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Mr. Guillermo HuertaPlanner: George Ruther WM{DRAWN 9. Information Update Phnning and Envircnmental Commbsion Minutes May 10, 1999 O ApprovedMay24,1999 George Ruther gave an overview of the DRB Marriott worksessions and he said that the DRB was 1-2 meetings away from the final vote. Brian Doyon asked if the Maniott would be coming back to the PEC, since there were so many changes. George Ruther said there was a good chance the PEC woutd see it. John schofield gave an update on the EHU seminar and said a partnership was the one overriding theme and so it was useful from that standpoint. Doug Cahillsaid allthe mountain towns were in the same boat. 10. Approval of April26, 1999 minures. Chas Bemhardt had changes. Diane Golden made a motion for approval of the minutes as amended. Brian Doyon seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 7-0. Chas Bernhardt made a motion to adjourn. Tom Weber seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 7-0. The meeting adjoumed at 4 p.m. Planning and Environmental Commbsbn Minutc May 10, 1999 b esign Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Vail Mountain School Temporary Structure hoject Description: A request for a change to a previous condition of approval Owner, Address and Phone: Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Pam Hopkins, Snowden & Hopkins Architects, 201 Gore Creek Drive. Vail. Colorado 81657 476-2201 .d: Project Street Address: 3160 North Frontage Road East , . . nffi " , ti l" Legal Description: Part of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail VfeV 12ft Filing Parcel Number: Comments: Project#: I D BuildingName: Vail Mountain School Board / Staff Action Motion by: Woldrich Seconded by: Pierce Vote:5-0 Conditions: Action: Approved That the wood trim around the windows and doors be painted a lighter accent color. Town Planner: George Ruther \)ail Alountain Sr3*l April12, 1999 Mr. Georse Ruther Senior Plinner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail CO 81657 Dear Mr. Ruther: After the last addition to Vail Mountain School and the rezoning of our property, we were asked by the Town to refrain from requesting, in piecemeal fashion, changes to the campus. Instead, a long-range plan was requested. Toward that end, we have hired a consultant to guide the efforts of three dozen Vail Mountain School representatives in a long-range planning process which will occur this weekend, April 16-18. A primary topic will be the growing demand for the school. I anticipate the suggestion that one possible way to address the immediate situation will be to place a modular classroom on carnpus for ten months, August I through May 31 of the next academic year. We are experiencing a significant increase of inquiries about our school, perhaps because of a new influx of people to the valley as of next fall, iurd the Eagle County Charter Academy's decision to drop its high school program at ttre end of this academic year. In response to these matters and the reconfiguration of what we offer our current population, we are considering ways to add classroom space on this campus. Our request of you is for the opportunity to accommodate the demand for Vail Mountain School in 1999-2000 while using that academic year to make preparations to blend the new students into the school pemranently. That effort is one part of the long-range plan we hope to submit to you and it is the rationale fbr this specific request-. Knowing that the process of appioval takes time, I am writing to you now to secure a date on the calendar to make the step possible in a timely manner. It fs my assumption that the school's long-range planning session next weekend will confirm the wish to do so. Enclosed please find a check in the amount of $250.00 for the cost of this phase of that process. Thank you for considering this request. I am available to answer questions, as is Pam Hopkins, our liaison with the Town of Vail. Peter M. Abuisi Headmaster PMA/ty encl. 3160 KATSOS RANCH ROAD r VAIL, COLORADO 81657 o (303) 476-3850 -VAlu MaUN tN &t00L P.25-19-1999 l2:55PM FR0\,1 SNOWOCII AtiD H@KINS 97@7a7a91 Snowdon and Hopldns . Archltects ?01 Gore Creek Drive 'lrail. Cobrado 81557 970 476.An1 rex 476.7491 zD =til'#& /,"' it Y* 7.-'--'"'' ,f>>-// Ei .-t I _ _l__-si _r! -l q r: !i:: o'tl d .-r Io'I C)vt ttl,' ,/'l'l I ..1__ I ). 1,, ;,1. l,/' I I I I .'la3i I I.t 'l4 ,l-g--'-.r-r- ,t' f;l:flr, F,.!l , Iig xps{ Ns rt at aE ct o $ Ilr' r/t;t/l+--tl ffi/ i!,, i#*M"" 0 g,o-(, I I tt .\r- :_ -i -\ 1-. ..j /#, ./ -- -- {oY!F i..*"t* *r.,<->- -i .- - -ltqg..l. \r. i O -*-r---l E-l9-1999 l2:55PM $nowdon and Hopkins 201 Gors Creek Drive \/d|l, Colorado 6165:t FRO'4 SNIOWDON AND HOPKINS 57A4767491 . tit""t, 970 478-n01 rrlt 476.7'lgl *" ,vA!t QuNfAtN &C,HnV EI{EET NO.... BY lwpor*r{ vlovurAFavm?ar40 s !-R Eg .E E! NI Eg fE.I3 ,iifr Atr.-A r-E"-___ F I $l| 3lI 8;r sil"llr ft d Irl ElE,o' 3l"l I re irn| Snowdon and Hopkin" ' fonitects '"' Vt tb}lru 5-19-1999 l2,55PM FR0\4 SNOltD0{ AI\D HOPKINS 97A47F7491 S}IEET BY 970 476-?,:01 FN( 470-7491 201 Gore Creek Drivo Vail. Colorado 81657 axvre wl &xbre Fle)lk - ary+ WQw* ?^tr-+I 1A YXIA ?Y\WT1ila bwtvotv qYW 7b Wlo W , brctr*ltxaru.-ffi\? " tr-Y\0 W' {nil -I1r iffiitir -.+l W:{ blrbY4,CI* (w Ah?-Y Flts?.FJ* *1t-pl APR-09-S9 12. OEI FROM t TOV-CO!t-DEV-o Qucsions? Crtftanoin8 Staff at 479t I 38 DEPT,ID'9?O4?92.152 PAGE I/3 A. TY?EOFIPPLICATION:. O addftioral0RfA0J0) tl Bc{andBrcalA*tr ConditionetUse.PcrraittrI Majcq trMintirSubdivisioatr ncipning 9 Sign Variaacc E., Variancc'tl ZmingCodcArffadmcr[ APPLICATION FOR PII\NNING AITID ENVIRONMENTAL COMIVTISSTON APFROVAL tr SpccialDwdognratDisfidB Mejorr tr MioorAgndrtcnstoan SDD DESCRIMON OF TTIE REQTJEST: c. D. E. ZONING: rats apprrsugE ts torany proJcct rlquutug amro\rdl by lbc plaaiog rad Etvirmmcnnal Comraission- Fw sp*ific inltrrmatioc. scr tbc s$mital rcquircrocat for tbe partiorlar agpor'd 6at is rrqrrcA Tbc appticarioc dfta Uo acccptsd uDtil dl rcquind inforaation is submitcd. Tbc pojec may dso nccd to be rn'icr+,gd by rb f66n$gg1bf!andorthcDcsignRcvierBoad > < t rilltzzt NAMEOFOVNER(S): II,IAILING ov{tYERG) SIGNATURE(9; NAME OFREPRESENTA IvIAILING ADDRESS: )gwlfrL : F. G. FEE - SEE IHE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTSI FOR THEAPPROPRI.ATE FEE SIIBMTT TEIS APPLTCATION' ALL SU8[aTTAL nDaulREiteryrS A-hrD Tm, FEE To lgDDEPARTMENT OF COMIYTUIIIIYDEYILOPITIEI{T, ?5 SOUTE TRONTAGT ROAD, .VAIL,CoLoRADO tt6s?. o MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department May 10,1999 A request for a worksession to discuss a conditional use permit to allow for the Vail Mountain School to construct a temporary classroom on the site of the school for a ten-month period, located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/Part of Lot 12, Block 2, VailVillage 12th Filing. Vail Mountain School, represented by Pam Hopkins George Ruther o TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Applicant: Planner: I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The Vail Mountain School, represented by Pam Hopkins of Snowdon & Hopkins Architects, is requesting a worksession to discuss a request for a conditional use permit to allow for a modular classroom to placed on the school site. The modular classroom is intended to accommodate an increase in the demand for students to attend the school. The temporary classroom is intended to meet the immediate demand and would be installed for the 1999-2000 academic school year (August 1-May 31 ). The modular classroom is approximately 20' x 40' in size and can accommodate 1 6 to 18 students. The applicant is proposing to locate the temporary building on the south side of the school partially under an existing canopy. This location was selected by the applicant for convenience and functio n nqqlgp. znppt A reduced copy of the proposed plant/and a letter OeVrining the request have been attached lor reference. I!. BACKGROUND According to the OtficialTown ot VailZoning Map, the Vail Mountain School, is located in the General Use Zone District. Pursuant to the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations, the purpose of the General Use Zone District is to, "provide sites for public and quasi-public uses which, because ol their special characteristics, cannot be appropriately regulated by the development standards prescribed for other zoning districts, and for which development standards especially prescribed for each particular development proposal or project are necessary to achieve the purposes prescribed in Section 12-1-2 ol this Title and to provide for the public welfare. The General Use District is intended to ensure that public buildings and grounds and certain types of quasi-public uses permitted in the District are appropriately located and designed to meet the needs of residents and visitors to Vail, to harmonize with surrounding uses, and, in the case of buildings and other structures, to ensure adequate light, air, open spaces, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of uses. (Ord. 21(1ee4)S 10)." 1. Sections 12-9C-2 & 3 outline the permitted and conditional uses allowed in the General Use Zone District. The temporary modular classroom is an allowed conditional use in the General Use Zone District subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit. ilr. DrscussroN tssuEs The Community Development Department has completed a preliminary review of the proposed temporary modular classroom. Upon completion ol our review, staff has identified an issue we believe the applicant, stafl and the Planning and Environmental Commission should address prior to final review. Temporary Structures The Planning & Environmental Commission has approved temporary structures for a variety of uses in the past, subject to a conditional use permit. In more cases than not, the applicant requesting the conditional use permit lor the temporary structure reappears before the Commission requesting an extension to the permit to allow the continued use of the structure. In the past, the Commission has expressed their concern that with the request for extensions, the structure begins to become more permanent than temporary. To avoid unintended consequences in the future, staff would recommend that lhe applicant and Commission discuss the duration of the modular structure and arrive at an agreed upon date of removal of the structure. The Commission should also discuss their thoughts on a request in the future for an extension of the conditional use permit. Historically, temporary slructures have been allowed to deviate slightly from the Town's adopted Design Guidelines. The deviations have been permitted due to the temporary nature of the structures. In this case, staff would recommend that the applicant be required to improve the modular structure so that it blends in with lhe existing buildings on the school site. lmprovements to the structure may include painting, landscaping, detailing, skirting, etc. lf approved, the exterior design of the structure will require Design Review Board approval. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION As this is a worksession to discuss the proposed installation of a temporary modular classroom at the vail Mountain school, staff will not be providing a formal recommendation at this time. However, at the time of linal review by the Planning and Environmental Commission, statf will provide its recommendation. I oo PI.ANNING AND ENVIRONMEIIITAL COililIssIoN PUBUC MEETING SbXCOUU Monday, May 10, 1999 FINAL AGENDA FtLt coPy MEMBERS ABSENT Dominic Mauriello George Ruther Judy Rodriguez 1:15 p.m. 1 . Vail Mountain School - 3160 Katsos Ranch Road2. GLOB-1000 S. Fronrage Rd. West GeorgeDriver: Kq NorE: lf th€ PEc hearing ercends until 6:00 p.m., the board will break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. 4ubllc Hearlno - Town Gouncit Chambers 2:00 p.m. 1. A request lor a final review of an amendment to Special Development District No. 4 (Cascade Village), revising the Glen Lyon Otfice Building site (Area D), tocated at 1000 S. Frontage Road WesULot 54, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Glen Lyon Office Building Partnership, represented by Kurt SegerbergPlanner: Dominic Mauriello APPROVED WITH 13 CONDITIONS: 1. The owner/applicant shall ensure that the utilities to this site are all placed underground for the entire length of the site prior to the issuance of 'a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for the development. Proiect orientation / ,VqpEc LUNCH - communiw Devetopment Department 1:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT John Schofield Galen Aasland Diane Golden Brian Doyon Tom Weber Chas Bernhardt Doug Cahill Site Vislts : a. I 3. 4. The owner/applicant shall be required to provide roadway improvements in accordance with the approved plans. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall obtain approval by the Town of detailed civil engineering drawings for all proposed irnprovements including drainage improvements. The owner/applicant shalldeed restrict two Type ilt, Emptoyee Housing Units in accordance with the Zoning Regulations prior to obtaining a lemporary or final certificate of occupancy on the poecl The owner/applicant shall record an easement for the existing bike path on the west end of the property prior to obtaining a temporary or final certificate of occupancy on the project. 5. The building plans, rooftop mechanical plans, landscape plan, tree protection' plans, and dumpster enclosure details shall be reviewed and apprwed by the DRB. 6. The owner/applicant shall mitigate the trees being removed by the development. The DRB shall determine the ratio of mitigation. A substantial vegetative buffer shall be established along the north elevation of the building. 7. Lower the eve line of the roof over the center building form. 8. Move either the employee housing units to improve the indoor/outdoor access or improve the access to these units to make them easier to access by occupants. 9. Add a significant gutter system to the roof which ties into the drainage system lor the site. 10. Provide a commitment to provide signilicant trees prior to being reviewed by the Town Council. 11. Provide a pedestrian scale element at the front entry (i.e., porte cochere). 12. Make improvements to breakup the overall fagade of the south elevation. 13. In the drainage plans, provide adequate drainage for snow melt from surface parking area to prevent draining directly into creek. A request for a worksession to discuss a conditional use permit to allow for the Vail Mountain School to construct a temporary classroom on the site of the school lor a ten- moith period, located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/part ot Lot 12, Btock 2, Vail village 12'Filino. 4pp,,."nir Vail Mountain Schoot, represented by pam HopkinsPlanner: George Ruther WOBKSESSION-NO VOTE A request for a variance fro-m section 12-6c-6, to allow for the construction of a garage within a lront setback and Section 12-10-8, to allow for the construction of an undersEed garage, located at 5125 Black Bear Lane / Lot 11, Btock 2, Gore creek sumivision. Applicant: Montogomery(Mike)MathiasPlanner: Allison Ochs TABLED UNTIL MAY 24,1999 ^z 3. t, .l ,f _t 4' A request for a variance from section 12-6D-9lSte coverage) of the Town of vail Municipal Code, to allow for site coverage in excess of 20y" and a variance from Section 12-6D-6 (Front setbacks) of the Town of vait Municipat code, to ailow for an encroachment into the front setback on a Primary/Secondary Hesidential zoned lot, located at 362 Milt Creek Circte i Lot g, Btock 1, Vait Viilage First Fiting. Applicant: Walter Forbes, represented by Gwathmey-pran ArchitectsPlanner: Allison Ochs TABLED UNTTL MAY 24, 1999 5.Areguestforafina|reviewofaproposedlockerroomexpansiontotheDobsonlce Arena, located at 321 E. LionsheadCircle/Lot'1, Block 1,'VailLionshead 2nd Filing. Applicant: VailRecreationDistrictPlanner: George Huther . TABLEDUNTILMAY24,1999 6. A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-6, to allow for a building encroachment into a rear setback, located at 2657 Arosa Drive / Lot B, Btock D, Vait Ridge. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs TABLED UNTIL MAY 24, 1999 7. I r.eOuest for a modification to a platted building envelope, located at 1047 Riva Gleni Lot 6, Spraddle Creek Estates. Applicant: Franco D'Agostino, represented by Robert MachPlanner: Allison Ochs TABLED UNTIL MAY 24, 1999 I' A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-6 oJ the Town of Vail Municipal Code, to allow tor an encroachment into the required side setbacks, located at 30d3 Bellflower Drive / Lot 9, Block 6, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Mr. Guillermo HuertaPlanner George Ruther WlTHDRAWN 9. Information Update 10. Approval of Aprit 26, 1999 minutes. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during legular office hours in the project planner's oftice located at the Town bt vail Cdmmunity Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Siln language interprgtation available upon r€qu€st with 24 hour notilbation. Please call 479-2356, Tdephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Dandopment Department TOICN OF VAIIJ 75 S. FROMTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPIJICAIiIT CONTRA TOR OV{NER Elect!ical - - -> DRB Fce Investigation> wilL ea11----> TC'TAI, FEES- - - > P O BOX 1118, AVON CO WHITE RIVER EI,E TRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO VAIL MOI'I{TAIN SCHOOL BOX 602, VAIL CO 81558 81520 8L620 ToCal Calculated F6eB-- - > Addihional 8cc6---------> Total PerEit Pee---_--__> Pay|nene6------- BAIA{CE DUB- -- - 75-O0 .00 75 .00 75,00 . oo /o/ /4, 6/(2,O v, tl'h/e /ffi sEatsus...: IssItEDApplied..: o8/L8/L999Issued...: Ogl23/L999 Br<trrires .. t o2/L9/2ooo Phone: 970-949-L403 Phone: 970-949-L403 DescripUion: ELECTRICAI FOR MODTLAR BLDG Valuation:3, 500, 00 rtar*rrtrir*rrtrr**r**r***it**rr*r**i****t*t**r*ir!r**iri**ir FEE St llMARy rr**ir**ir***tr**r****i*****r*'.ttr*r**rtrttt{* 72.OO .oo 3 .00 7S.OO |ttt**.t*****at*tt.r***a**t****r****t****a******ri****.ri**rr**.r**tt****rtr**r* r*, * t t * att * t * *r r.*t * * t tt t IEEM: OSOOO ELE TRICAL DEPARII'TENT DCPT: BUII,DING DiVJ.SiON:O8/I8/L999 .JRIi! AcLion: APPR APPRO\IED .JRM- I!b.mi'.05600 FIRE DEPARITT{BNr Depts: FrRB Division:O8/L8/L999 JRM Action: APPR N/A r t rt tt a * J tr*t t a t 1a t* ta * * tt!r t *r*t*ar* I t* *r *t a l*att** r* i **ttrtt t* rt r rrtr * * * t* CONDTTION OF APPROVAI 1. FIBIJD INSPEETIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPI.,IANCE. f r ir* * * r * r, * * * a * * t', r* * * * * r * t * r i rr * * ir * * * * r * ** t t.l r * rrrr* * * * t * ra ttt **. * a * * I * r I r * * tr* * *r * * * * t * a t t t * t * * * t*r.}* l| * t lt tra t + rll,* a tt t **atta t tr t DECI,AN,ATIONS I hereby acknovlc€e thaC I h.vc rcad tshi. application, filled out in full tshe inf,ornrtion required, co'ttrPl.tcd an accurlts. plot p1rn, rnd sLata tsh.t, all t'hc inforEation providcd as rcquircd ls corrcc!. t agre6 Lo couply ritsh the infort tion .nd plot Plan, io corqrly elth all Town ordinatlccg 8nd Btale 1asE, tnd to buitd ghi€ structure accordlnE Co tshe Towlr'g zoning and EubdLvj..Lon cgdc€. dcsign rcwicv approved, tlrifobr Building Code and oCher ordinances of tha lotn aPplicabl. Ch.reta. REQUEBTS FOR IN!'PECIIONS SHAI,L BE INDE 1!{EITTf-FOUR flOURg IN ADVANCE BI TEI,EPHONE AA 4?9-2139 OR A? OI'R OPFICB 8:00 Alt 5:00 Pl| a DEPARII4BT.TT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMETiIT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSTTB AT AI,L TIMES EITECTRICAL PERI'IIT fl::.tiH:::ffi Parcel No-. : 2101-023-01--018 Project, No. : pttJg9-0095 SI€IIATI'RE OF OIOIER OR AND OHNBR i1 --s -.*ii!r't+rfatrttttiitirt.ata|l*itt*rtrri***irr'tt*trtt**ittar.arrt*.alit!ta m I Ol Vll!, OOLOnIDO €lrr.qrE **rtaall*'li,lit+Attr**ltittrttataaa*ttattlt*at*a]lttart*''attta'|ta*tt Strt4rE Uuubcr! RIC-0552 lEourie !76.00 Osl23l9' Ls.23 PrF.nE llctlrd: Cf, trot Cion: 186t1/ffiftE RIt'! tElE! LC P.rrig lfo ! Et9-01{3 TtTr6: E-!ll!e ELECIB,TCAL PERXII P.rc.cl llo3 2t O1-023-O1-O1S r3icc tddr.rr r 3150 xitlgog urctt BL Locrtlon B 3160 KtTgOg nlIfCH RD Togrl Faa6 r 11116 Pq,r|nE 75 . OO llotrl lliL I'!c. r Ballnce ! ?5.00 75.O0 .oo loourlt 72.OO 3.OO .r ai.r r*ttt t t * t*tt., r*t rt*'l* t tl rt trr * *rr*r., ** * rt!, *rr* *taa *tttr*tr*r,rr Ac@ulrc @d.DGrcrlDElon aP oot 00003111400 ELBqlT.rcrI, pBl|tt FEEII $c 00100003111800 nIL! crLL nlspletlcr FBE ti*Cr-riect Eagle Councy-rat-v vE-.l{ at tij.r-32t-8640 for E ran u. d: ?-lDlO'u 08/oS/09 17:09 FAtr, 970 040 6740 Asseato loffice Parcel TXITE RI1ER EI,EC @oor PERUIT fIOWTI oF vArL, cot{sBugrrol| PESIlr! AFPIJCATIOII FONUnere: 6/919g1l r APPIJCATION ttUST BE FILLED OIII CoI{PI,ETELY oR IT ltAY NOT BE ACCEPITED I******r******'lr********r***il+* pBREIf INFORI{ATfO *r ***i****11*r**r****** ****i**tt t. I-Buildils t l-Pruubing l{-Electricar [ ]-uecbant-cal I t-ot]rer -{__ Acldress; 3116 V&+&STta"..,r. R"[ Legal Descriptiolr.z rnt-!]l nLoe:x_?riring y'y' l? surorvrsrou, ottrrg;rs Name: V*r"l,- nn*^ - Sc.,lrcrf L talctreE3! Slba la*5:,r Ta^<.'e.. IOe. p5. 41t - S** Architect: ta lJaPla,-lg Adduess: ?Pl 6t+f-r.!r-px. *?9 -z*rrl Gencral Descriptiont /L*t*+t+ €-tcdw.l-.gi+rt,c,--Jo r*"d^-S:--r c/t65sr1r3/!4,-. & work Claes: [ !-Ner/ [ ]-Alteratlqn pf-'eddltl-bnal [ ]-Repair [ ]-Otber N'traber of hreltjng Unite:NuDbcr of, AccoDilodatlon UnJ.tsl ^ |lpniber and rlpe of Firepracas: cas ApprLances_ cas r,ogs_ I{ood/pellet_ Ir**t* **tt******t *****!rt *****:l** +** VATUATfONS ***************-***** ***** ******!:rliutr,nrrc: E1EqmrcAL.tlrEco:Oo STEER: S Pt,uilarNc: | _ t@cmlrrcarJt l.T TorAr,s - r/I*r*rr*tt*rt*.****r****+*tr* eoN[rRAeloR rlvForuATroN * *.**************r*t***r***tEeneral contractor, -fu-.-t+-d Ass'<- Torr'' of vail Reg. No. ll?AAd.lressi A'). 40 fhone ururlei:-frg;_3.142:1ggg t^ lltlbli"s contractor e19 - O\YJ ro*r, of vait Job lfaEe! Va.U fngf-r,fa"n- Sa{!n U 1,o6 Electrical contractor 3 nl hr*c-f,, t w* A,cllv',L.f.aAddressr 6r ltrb. ffi b. Tornn of Vail Res. No. l4EL Phone Nunber: ?no- qiEiffi= AddresE: llechanical Contractorr Addfes8r *****tt*****tf t*!r*rr ttfirrtt rittt FoR BIITLDING PERMTT FEE: PLIII.{BINC PERUfT FEE: }fEEIIANICAL PERIiII! FEE: ElECTRTCAIJ TEE: OTEER TSPE OF FEE: DRB FEE! Reg. No.--*- Phone Nuruberr Eown of, VaLI Reg, No. Phone Nunber: OFSIQE USE ** * ******tttttt *.****** *** **r* * BUILDTNG PI-TN| CEECK FEE: PU'UJBING PIAN CHECK gEE: HEAIANICAI, FIAN CHECK PEE; RECREATIOH FEE3 CI.E,NT.UP DEPOSIT! IIOTAIJ PER!trT FEES: E{I"TLDING: SIGNAfIIIIE: AONING: SIGNASIJRE!onnentsi 08/05/95 17:00 FAI 870 040 0749 lrun trEITE RIVEIT FI-EC @ooe otttcr ot comrtunltt ctowlopmcul 75 rguth lrcnt'gG |orat utll, cDlo.ado 41657 l30sl 479-ZLX8 or 4t9-2t39 If thr.s pemrt requires_a Town of vair Fire Department Appruvar ,Ensineertr (pubrii lJorksl review ana-ipi,roiai.'a'iiil'i:',i6'b-ilrhenrreview or Health Deoartrnent "u"i"w, aii'a re"rer by the Buir{ing Siri[H;1l;"the estinatea tirnt'6r'o-to-tir review mav hke as rons f]]-rpgtsi'at (rarge or smar!) ana arr rnu'rti-fanirv pemJts wtlnaye to folrow the above.mentiintJ *;i*r requirenents. Residenraland small projects should Fie-;-ie;;r'i'punt.of time. However, if 'esidential or smalrer,projects irnpJii' il,L various above mentioneddepartnents with reoard' to-""cesi"[-"."ir", tnese proJects mayalso take the three neek period. Every.attempt will b"_Tl$! by this department to expedite thisperni.t as seon as posslor e. b^rEU ' eE L'r rr' - l_9" undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timetrilme _ BUILDING PERI{IT ISSIJAI{CE TII.IE FRAFTE .ScAc'lrt- Communl ty Devel onnent Departnrent. 0E/09/SS 17!0S FAI S70 048 874S luwn rEI15 RIVER ELEC Eoor o ?5 roulh fronl.gr r!.C Yril. coforado 8165? (301) 479'21.38 or 479-2139 olflcr ol cofimunlty devGt ofrfiant BO: fROM: D}TE: SUTIiTECT: Read and achnovledged by: A^'*J.42 ILL CONIR,,ACTTONS CURREIIrI.YL EEGISTERSD WrgH TTTErOWN OF VArL lowN oF VAIL PUBIJC tvoRKtt,/cot{lrrrNlty DEVELOPUENT ueRqr 16, 1988 CONS1EUCTION PARKIIIG I UATERIAL STORAGE rh suhnar:r, ordinance No- 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to'ritter. traek or deposit "ny "oir,-rJ"il"="nil , debrisor naterial. incruding rragh iunpsterl, $*Ji;'ioilets andworkmen vehicres u_pon any srreetl siaeiaii, -.tl;y-;; publicg1?:" or any por-i-on _thei.eof . - iie right-of_way ou atl Town ofvail streeEs and 5g.-d, is approiLuately 5 ft. off pavement.rhis ordinance wil] re. ;iriHii-;ror"la-ri-ir,I-i.ii or vairPubric works Deoar+-nent. persins iou'a-''lr"rlng"ai, orilinancerrilr-be given a 2{ hoqr wri.ciin-ioiice to Fenove said nateriar.fn the event the person so notifiea aoes-nit-"r"ipii'"fth tbenorice wthrn the 24 iroui-tiuJ-ii!.itl*i,'H";ffiiic worrsDepartnent wirl remove saicr uat*iar-.r in"-Exi!il!-"r personnotrfied. The provisions of Uris-erainanse shill not beappli-cable to elnstruction,-r"ii"*no"ge or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utiLities in the right-a_way. I?..I"yigy_ordinance No. 6 in full,v.rr EurJ.cl:.ng Departldent to obtaincooperation on this narter. please stop by the Tew"n ofa copy. lhank you for your (1.e. contractor, owher)osition4erffiEi! REF.TI3l Il/17/1999 O7:56 I1 toulttt oF vAIL, coLoRADo RECIUESTS - INSF.ECTN I,.JORK SHEETS t FOR: 1 1/ L7 / tSSi PA6E AREf,: Activity: AddnesE: Locat i on : Faree I : Descr.iption: Appl icant l Own er. i Eontr act ot' : 899-'ZrP15 tL/17 ll9 Type: A-E0ltlltl 316A KATSOS RflNCH RD 31614 HATStrS RANCH RD e 10 I -rAe3-Ur I -rzr I I NDD MODULAR TYF.E CLASSRBDM STAIRS BECK & ASS0CIATES, tNC VAIL F1OUNTRIN strHOT]L BECK & ASSOCIATES.' INC Status: I55UED Constr: ACOM Oce: Use: TO ELDG Frhone : 97fr-948-lBOIZ F,hone: F,hone : 97€t-949-lBfiEr Inspect i on Req lre st Reqrrestort Bill Req Time: O8:tZtO Items requrested to A0rag0 BLDE-Final Infor.mation..... Rnd ers on Comment s: Uai I lvlor-rntain be Inspected... Action trhone: 949-18€ttZ School stairslor-rtside Co mm ent E Time Exp Inspection History.....It en r tzrr}5l6 dr.i veway grade f inalItem: A0OltA BLDG-Footings/SteeI Item : raAAgS FLDG-Foundation/SteelItem: E05era F,LFN-ILC Site Filan Iten r filZllZtSO BLDB-FramingItem: rzrtzlB4g * * Not On File * * It em : etotasut BLD6*InsLrlat i onIt em : taqur6ta BLDG-Sheetrock Nai 1Iten: qrOOAtA * * Nst On File * * Item : reilZto7n BLDG-ltlisc. Item : tzr0gtgrzt BLDG*FinalItenr tlESSra FLDG-Temp. C/OItem: 80531 FIRE-TEFIP. C/O Itemr AUl33g F!,,-TEHF. Cl0Item: AtaSJJ F,LAN*TEIYIF,. C/0Item: rZtB537 F,LAN-FINffL ClOIten! rZrA538 FIRE-FINAL CIO I t em I titur539 pt^l-F INAL C/E Item I tZrCrS4Ut BLDE*Final C/B aa 1998 -- -. $Io Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 TOWN OFVAIL TO; FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM Vail Mountain School Property File / Brent Wifson, Planning Liaison Officer!{ October 20. 1998 VMS Site Coverage and Floor Area Standards In 1989, Vail Mountain School received PEC approval of a conditional use permit for school operations on a portion of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village l2th Filing. This approval included conditions which restricted school operations to a specific portion of Lot l2 and limited school floor area to 100,000 square feet. The lot was zoned Agricultural/Open Space. ln 1994, Vail Mountain School received a variance which allowed for 8.260/o site coverage (the AglOpen Space zoning allowed 5%). Shortly thereafteq the lot was rezoned to "General Use." In 1998, Liberty Wirestar/Sprint PCS obtained a conditional use permit for the placement of a telecommunications antenna and related equipment at the school. As part of this approval, the Town required screening of the related equipment. On October tO'h, tSgt, Liberty Wirestar/Sprint PCS requested design review approval for a roof enclosure to protect the screened equipment from snow and rain. However, this request., if approved, would add an additional 231 feet ofsite coverage. Under the "General Use" regulations, development standards are prescribed by the Planning and Environmental Commission. However,, the applicant was granted staffapproval for the roof addition based on the following findings: The request did not constitute a substantial deviation from the approved development plan. There was no addition of floor area (as defined in the orisinal limitation on school operations). {,pu*"-'o'o r The previous limitation on site coverage was rendered obsolete by the rezoning to GU. r This screening was a condition of approval from the Town. lo Design Review Action Form Project Name: Liberty Wirestar Project Description: Roof to cover telecommunications equipment Owner, Address and Phone: Vail Mountain School P0 Box 3149, Vail 949-5380 ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: Jill Jelinek Cleveland, Liberty Wirestar 130 lTth Street, Suite 830 Denver, CO 80202 (303) 534-699f Project Street Address: 3160 Katsos Ranch Road Legal Description: Lot 12,, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Parcel Number: 2l0l-023-01-0lB Building Name: Vail Mountain School Comments: PEC Conditional Use Permit granted 7ll3l98 TOWN OF VAIL Motion by: nla Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 10/21/98 Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApproved DRB Fee Pre-Paid: S20.00 LIBERTY VIRESTAR FACSIMILE TN,ANSMITTAL SHEET DominicMarrndb co[PANY: TowrrofVal clevehd 'JJC- DATE L0/1u98 F,IJI MIMBE8.I 97M7e-24s2 TOTALNO. OF PACbS D{CU'DII{G @l'ER J rHqNEt|I.D{lE& e7MT94738 'ENDRI BE?ERE$ICE NUI''ER' sstP #414 TOI'R REFERTI{CE NI''MBf,TS Sprint IS's VailMnmein Sful Euncrrsr ElFoRnrvrrv E plpnsp comru,rr El ruresr nrplv El pu,tsE nncrcrr NOTES/COMMENTS: Endose4 pl"es* fi"d a dnwirg for d:e proposed roof enclosr.ne ow srim Pcs's BTs on itr" "onh parr of rheVel funr:r. 3thool propenlr. Cbr apprornl ''ifithc Twn of Vdl-inrltdd a six foot ;Eder fenc to hquse our BTS equipcrcm. THs p,oposed desbn is to strield tre equipmrff ftrom srnr by oeaing a roof o'ertlrc cqgiparec I would lifoe tq secure tle uecesaryapprovals withttre Town of val for this reqesc Thadt yur agna for your assistane with thil re4lcst'. l can !e readred 8. 3Q3-51+6n1 - 7,> ,\<t 6 "?1r- 6,o 7to lTfn STRFFT, surrE 8t0 DENVEI, CO 80202 (r or) 5r1-69tt t/t 'd 9610 0N uvtslu ltt AlutS lt llV9l:6 8661 '9l ll0 IIEH3 EHliIaF aE: q a.t Ict 3 ari EEiEE }EEE -io dF8::fi: H-3 r egiI oF Ea: ;3I -tt -p c?au7 ian::2. :j -{Ftn>.H ,\tulBlto o- FI -E-E n ac , EJ- _rC'- g g atiq I! ulT { :l{llhs =EqE- FHcr= E6 F FEF AEEE nqg E= F"E nn rrl =-l 0N96/0't'tvg?:6 866l '91'lcoUVIS]UIIII( t/1, 'd 0cl,l6. l99B 9:40Ail LIBIRIY IIIIRESTARo t7 rY gl td6ls' lItY Jt€rcdt olll0&trtt $ J&rO tltrl N0.0796 P . 3/3 UlJNTd TTYf nf0:}na.-@rus wl HlNtr or. (BJrrvd EVf, o}girm H5 YId lnusrc :XlS mv nm $('E l€ {rrfils rvr grl|99 r{frY|l or tlfrd $l|ruf,v oltvDdo Ggldc,d T||t il{XU{TN $llsrEl IilUd HFUIu; (r{DC6 |EttATE$ Brrav .f0rur 3rrlsotlloun$ Hsr .o-J dls*r$d .{n tEGn !not@ l! $ilano3(Etlffd silrslfr sdo (z) sxnst'|v 0w YrHfts (ES0dSd !a TOwr[ oF VArL75 S. FRO!{TAGE ROADvArrJ, co 91557970-479-2L38 OWNER CONTRACTOR APPLICANT APPLIEAIiIIT t NOTB: TIIrS PERMIT MUST BE POSIED ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERIIT .fob Address: 3160 KATSOS R'/ANCH RDLocation...: 3150 KATSoS RANCII RD Pareel- No.. : 2L0L-023-01-018 ProJecU No. : PRJ98-0L95 DBPARTTTIBI{T OF COTOqI'NITf DE\iEI-,OPME!{T Lut lZ lU tz $tv-L iIOBSITE AT AIJL TfMES Permi.t #z 998-O226 ON DescrJ-ptsJ.on: ADDING CETLITIJAR TOV{ER Occupancy: E1 E1TIT)e ConstrucEion: III l-HRType T14)e Occupancy: VAIL MOT'IITAIN SCHOOL BOX 602, VAIIJ CO 8l_658 NEW C.e., INC 1100 E. 64TH AVENUE, DENVER CO 80229 NEW C.C. SPE TRUM CONST sEaEus...: IssttED App1ied..: 08/L3/L998 Igsued...: 08/20/L998 E:q)irea. . : 02/L5/L999 Phone: 303 -227 -LLOO {of Hood/Pall.l r Valuation: Flrcplaca Infoaaqt,iont Rc6i:rlcted: rrr 1-rroutm0Unt date Add Sq Fe: l+of C.! ApplLenc.o;l+of qar LogE: Eutld{ng-----> PLan Ch.ck- - - > InveeCigatLon> Wtll. Crl1----> 740 . O0 481.O0 .00 3.00 100, 000 Rorturrant Plan R6vi.u-- > DRB Fo€-------- Racr.ailon Fae--- -- -----> Cl€qn-Up DeDo.it--------> Tocal calculabed Feea- - - > Adallcloml F..r-- - ---- -- > ?oEaI Perolt !ac--------> 1,57,t . O0 .00 1,574.00 I99mt .05100 BUILDING DEPARTT{EIIT Dept: BUILDING Dlvision:8g/.L3/.L998 JRM Action: NOtrE PLANS TO GARYo8l2o/L998 GGOODELT Act,ion: APPR IGEDS CLASS B ROOFI!e.m;.O54OO PI,ANNINqDEFARTI'IENT DepT: PI.ANNING Division: 9q/,L3/.L998 JRM ACEION: N TE PI.ANS TO PTJANNINGQ8/L7/L998 CBARTON AcEion: AppR aDpr bv cbartonItsem: 05600 FIRE DEPARII,TEI{T _- . Dept: FIRE Divieion:Item: .05500 pItBLrc wdRKS Debr: pItB woRK Division:0B/L3/L998 JRM Actlon: NOTE PLANS TO TERRf t*tlt*ttli*a*+ ttti tttttt*.ttt+* atlatttt*tiittt*l.trtt*ttrtaa+ttt****.ritt tt**ttl*t*tti**t*rrtttt.rJttilriai*lJaitt{*faAlattatt'tttltt*?tttt See PaEe 2 of this Documenu for any condiEions thaE may apply to LhiE permit. DBELARTTTIONS I her6by qcknoxl.dg. lhrts I hava r.ail EhlE appllcrbion, fillcd ouc In fuI1 eha lnfoniglon raquircd, coEttl.lEd an rccurat. plot. plan, rnd 6EaL. that all lha lnfornet'Lon p-ovid.d ir raqulrod i.| corE6ct. t aglaG co conply rtth ch. infonnauLon and pIoC phnl !o coroFly rich all ?orn ordlnancaE and atrte lats, and to bulld Ehl,r .truclur. rcoordLng to che Totrn,6 zoning and luHivlsl,on codes, dlElgn rrvl.r approv€d, tnlfortr Butldlng Cod. and oeher oldLnancc. of tsh. torn apFllcablc th.rcLo. BE ITADE TllllrrY-FoUR HoURtt If ADVAIICB BI tBt EPIOXE AT a79-2133 OR AI OUn OBFICE FRO gr00 Al| 5:00 Pft , TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up Deposit Hefund approved .o0 10 0 .00 .00 250 .00 ii*r+rrt*tl**tt*tt*rt**ttttirr.r*rr*r{*i***rtr*.rrrar*r{ritlr FBB suutltAi,y rrrrtrri.r****r.**rtrat**a*rrtr*i{*t*r**f,+riari*t*+rlrrrrr REQUBgtg W a. gend Clean-gp D€pesit To: HBDRICK AllD *tr****************************************************************************** o ASSOC *******************it******************************************+:l*+************:t* PermiE, #: 898-0226 PermiE Tlpe: ADD/.AI T COMM BUrLD PERMTAppllcant: vAltr MOIINTAIN SCHOOL Job Address: LOCAtsiON: 3160 KATSOS RANCH RDParcel No: 21_01-023-01-018 Descript,ion: ADDING CELLUI.AR TOWER Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTI,IEIiIT APPROVAI IS FAQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAITI BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE EOMPLIANCE. 3. SHAKE ROOF ON NEW CI'POLA MUST BE CLASS "8" ASSEMBLY. SHAKES MUST BE FIRB-RETARDAIiIT-TREATED IN FACTORY. SAVB I,ABELS FROM BT'NDLES AS PROOF TTIAT SHAKES ARE TRE,ATED IN ACCORDATiIEE WITH I,BC STAI\TDARDS, IJABETS MUST BE AVAII-,ABTE FOR INSPECTOR.4. ALL WORK IS TO BE IN ACCORDAIiICE WITII APPROVED, ENGINEBR- STAI\iIPED PI.ANS. CONDITIONS as of 08/20/98 Status: ISSUED Applied: 08/L3/L998 Issued: 08 / 20 /1998 To Erqrire ? 02/16/1999 v SIGIATI'R8 OF O{NBR OR **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAII, COLORADO Statemnt******************************************************!r********* statemnE Nu[berr REc-0438 Arnount:1,093 .00 08/2O/98 15:10Palment Method: CK Notation: 0031767 Init: JRM This Payment, **************************************************************** AccounE Code Description BP OO1OOO031.111OO BUITJDING PERTIIT FEES DR OO1OOO03].12200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES AD D2-DEPO8 CIJEANUP DEPOS]TSwc 001.00003112800 wrLL cArL rNspEerroN FEE PermiE No: 898-022G T14ge: A-COMMParcel No: 2101_-023-01-018site Address: 3160 KATSOS RANCH RD LOCAtriON: 3150 IGTSOS RANCIT RD ADD/AI.,T COMM BUILD P 1, 574 . 00 1,574 .OO .00 Arnorrnt, 740.00 100.00 250.00 3 .00 TotaL Fees: 1, 093 . 00 ToEal ALL, PrnEs : Balance: IYZF=>==>=:t a Fl.l :FH$ si:-\lE i;s_ta =;$xl'" -ieNIE F:-a{1.r a:;E==E.3 -*=:;3s3,aEE Fs;sfiE ii*i abt {\aa{u .;1lrL+v11: E3 <-- ( --< -Y cd, '$I-i_- \-\,J ilgiiiliiiiiiiii:il' H.;lrF: Sgig!i:r FEIE itEs EiEE :E;; EiE: c lE! f;p*5 "sE; i:EE IEE; I' E:E !:i ?d3 llggt= *g; iris :xp3 =ii E :EEg :cIi #;E sEi; aEiF a F' e* sg sf, "!Eelb:Er Est i3: ],1,l,l, I le l5 IEt: E l,], + N] --.\v --< -v $,u .-:- I >\*l I <1' 2 s€,_j r*f ; ? I E;.l a; 5l E; EI E ? 2 a E 3 L 3 I o uia UJJul CT =Fa UJ =a = -F = a () IL Fz E,(La lr {ll).rtl IEli t "9: IE l3 6q et ta 5t. ;;E EEI 2ta isEta* FEE ti qa 'E lE3r -E qe Eg ;E IE FF 1a Fc H; E} F9 60 !! .F rt*i .:5 Q/ c\-\i- E ila l I l I ootr>XF-t= =aF t't-1oxo =o-J I , EN:; E*a2 ca -rr- l,g $s t iF oood-I# ffir\0f,[o FS 38 a Eg:r -:er tt-a nt E =asi E I > raI3 Est g Ei{ 5 :iI *, 5F 2E{ iTePE iaj !E:=t 5I lsciiEH I ui:1' 3e"E tEuEi# :3Rdie 5.pEE^ - 5JV E nHE99EE<Ha6 ia 5=6.-xIr-.F-BEEE E?ET E EEE: E gFES g ;?EE 3;-.5s :?5lgl a:!EEda " ETEq EEE,.F P i::H -Z l3g+ I n::a F Ee#3 Etga;3e cE pB ii E: 6 dE !:Eee ieE P1 E lli st Eg E eE:r::E,;iiE;g; E;:SE9E Et5Eeiiii;; 1,., ,,,,,,,, # 9u H =tE) a .eEEF: F; .fr s! H$*g3- -E i- 0 ^:E5e ;EFq;EEzi:r:3:sE=*i!'Ei.=, Es ::iF<!:B;*;3?-8ii :i>.. -HHEU i+ i5 I i.- IE-aa;'gi , : E ift ;ieEC E;a:gigig**iiaeirP:: te.:?:E: g3s:Ea=:: s"l*Ef r:r3 \o; Ogq J a- d ;_;ji;;s;Fui*o ;;;'rie:i, r,,u":J;;i oF vArL "o""r*u"rrJiXpARcEL ts2'LI o | 0oa-so tbt g -iiium ApptrcarreN FoRMF 1 /DtOr)../ -ott rla'FEr o -1 ^4a tote Received?"uolig'oi rs$ PEP'.'\irr /'----, 7:::":;;:"H:l:, :":::'.1:: :: "?ooTl:"- - : 2rOtQAd -o/3 DArE: ? -l -q{ Architect: J ---4&'J_\.-rr.rv4t 'r\rDr ,'n .!'r.Lr.FD our colrpr,ETELy OR rrrggsfFa_rEcrFEio'- [***************************** pERMrr TNF.RMATT.N * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,r * * * ,f * , [ ]-Buildt:l ..t,j-p.l-unb,ing [ ]-Elecrrical [ ]_l{echanibat [ ]_otherrob Name:("'t /vlo@]-p.sFo-I,{por aaar"==, weia= ?J-Legal Description: Lot-- Blocx FiIing owners Name: VAlfior^nkn 9rli"l_Address, .Po bov TJf ct ""(a/")_?qugAddress: Fq: t 5 . flJJ le{irlr( R,;Lph.Eq.il_6!!:CIvi s L-ll u l^.- 1-,-.,,,)/,-General Description:5Ort" !'-I{ork class:- [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair t l_otherNunber of Dsrelling' Units:Nu:nber of Acconmodati.on Units: tr*:t and Type of Fireplaces! Gas App'iances_ Gas Logs_ wood/pe'Iet_ t't't't't***************************** vALUATToNs ********************************* BUTLDING: $iiffiiii;; SgSTII:+ll orHER: $\ .}!vrlDrr\.'; + I'IECHANTCAL: $-v---_..-_--ffi * tt rt * * * * * * * Jr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,t coNr tenerar cont.."il; ; - :' ^J.i ;X : "?\:ltcrox rNFoRMArro: roTAL: +_--T@r-dOT- Contra^ctor: 5? Lob tr- cToR INFORMATToN *** **************** **ff;;::i, """]TEE*r:'?nrf,1i?,#t\v* t'"i,, -' f3wn ot ""rt *"Jl-iil@&1,11SHElectricar contractor: E^{\r '^rool dottl Phone Nurnber: Address: Town of Vail Reg. NO:Phone Number: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Phone Number: Mechanical Contractor.: Address: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER ?YPE OF FEE: DPR FFF. Tovn of Vail Req, NO.Phone Nurnber: . FOR OFFfCE USE ****************************,r** BUILDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: 3lqIPrNG Pr,AN cHEcK FEE:!{EcHANTcAL pr,AN cnnck rrn:RECREATION FTE: CI.,EAN-UP DEPOSTT: TO?AL PERMTT FEES: BUTLDING: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: valuarlott TOIiIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArr, co 8L657 970 -479-2L38 Electrical-- - > DRB Fcc Invastigation> WlLI Cal,l----> TOTII. PEE6-- -> ELECTRICAI-, PERMIT ,fob Address: 3L60 KATSOS RANCH RDLocat,ion...: 3L60 KATSOS RANCII RD Parcel No. . : 2101-023-01-018 Project. No. : PRJg8-0L95 co 80229 co 80229 .'OBSITE AT ALL TTMES Permi-t, #: 898-0200 St,ATUS...: ISSI]ED Applied..: 08/27/L998Issued...: 08/27/L998 Ercpires. . : 02/23/L999 Pbone: 303 -227 -LLO.O Phone: 303 -227-LIOO DEPARTI{ENT OF COMMUNITY DE\rELOPMEIiTT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON APP'JICANT NEW C.C-, INC. 11OO E. 54TII AVENUE, DENVER, CONTRACTOR NEW C.C., INC. 11OO E. 6411I AI/ENUE, DEI{VER,OWNER VAIL MOUMTAIN SCHOOL BOX 602, VAII CO 81658 Description: ELECTRICAL FOR NEW CELLULAR SITE Valuation:18, 000 . 00 **+r*rrr**r* FEE 6u,tuARY 32{ .00 ,00 ,00 3.00 32?.00 327.00 .00 ?27,OO 32?.OO .00 Total Calculatsed Fee6- - - > Additional Pce6---------> ToCaL Plr[it Fee--------> Pa)E€nt6------- - BAIANCE DUE---- tir **r * tt*** r**J rLEM: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTT,IBTiIT DEPT: BUILDING DiVJ.SiON:O8/27/L998 JFJfi/I AcI,ion: APPR APPROVED .JRI',rItem:'.05500 FIRE DEPARIIUEI{I Dept: FIRE Division:08/27/L998 JRI4 Act,ion: APPR N/A ti*r****t *t**'r****tJrta****t*tt*r*!ltrrtJ***ttttttt**ltl ***rr*i*rllJtrtitt*****t*t*tt**|rt***+*r tt**a **tt*t1** * **A | *r r CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FrELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTAT{CE. | .r'rt irr*vt{rilrt *irrr r *r r r r r ti* r * t r * r * * r r rr * r * DECIJARATIONS I hcreby .cknovl.dg. th.t I havr read tstri. application, fillsd outs in fulI bhe informrgion required, completed au acculate plob plrn, rDd rtatc Ehat, all gh6 inforuat,ion providad aa rcquired i6 corlects. I rEree to coEply rich th. infonacion and plots plan, to coirFly wicb r1l Tofln ordinanca6 aJ|d Etsrta l,ans, and to build lhlr atructur€ according to chr Towtr's zoning and 6ubdivisj,o!! codca, dcoign revicr ep;rrowed, unl,foro Auilding code and oLhe! ordinancc. o! tshc Torrn applicable thcr.to. REQIIESTS FOR INSPEC TONS AHAII, BE UADE II{EIiTTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADI'AIICB BY TEI,EPIIONE AT {?9. OF OVINER OR CONTRACNOR FOR FRoM 8:00 AM 5:00 PM o trrrtttrrirlritrrtttattta,rtrarl.ta*iatrrrrlrrtttata'rttr,ttrt,tatrtiitltta lgl$l O! Vltt, CODORTDO Strsoqr l,*rit!arrtrrrtttrttiJatl'tfaattaalr!l'rrtatti*tAtr?rttt!t!ittittAaattlttat Strt.rtarE tfurbfrf REC-O+{2 tDunt r ?al,OO OalZT/ga hG.OL Prl|! dc LEhod r Cf, fot.tlot|r! 003?49€ tnie! D PrlrlC So! E9l-O200 ?t7trr.. B-BLEC ELICIRICII. FERtt!f Prrs.l tro! 2101-Oe3 -01-01e ' slgc lddrcrr: 3160 KATg<lg RNICH Rtt IJoqrllont !l5O lCATllOg Rfl{CIl RD lgg.l l!-G! r 3rt. 0o lhl. Prl'[ nt 32?,OO Torrl t.LL EEbs | 727,oo BtlGrc.! .OO I r t r rr *ir rr +r r i r r I l}t.t!t.t * rtt.r *rtrt llt * at t * ar ***i Accour!ts gbd€ ltsacrl,pcLon .tDount lP 00100003111400 ET,BCTRICA'T PERXII .FEES 32{.OO rfc o01o0oot11eaoo rrt! cEL lfgpEcnlot trE 3.OO Archit"ecL: /J. Address: .3 Address: Plls26,3{& General- Descripti on /l/eo./ P"J ELectrical Contracto Address:Tovrn of Vail Req. No.tzA;#JWr-inir6'?{'oz-*'. Plurdcing Contractor:Addresi; Mechanical Contraccor.:Addresd: PLUMBING PERMTT PEE:MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE:ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: Town of VaiI Reg. NO.Pnone Nuhlber: _---:- Torvn of Vail Req. No.Phone Nurnber: . FOR OFFICE USE ******************rr************ BUII,DING pLA-l.I CHECK FEE: :!!Y!rNG Pr,AN cHEcK fEE:I{ECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE:RXCREATIoN FEE! CI,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: DRB FEE: BUILDTNG; SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: VALUATION o frSprint. August 14,1998 Mr. Louis Otto New CC, Inc. 1100 E. 64e Avenue Denver, CO. 80229 Subiect Notice of Aqrard Site Number: DN13XC414 Site Name: Vail Mountain School Dear Mr. Ono: sa€ nru!.ldpitlrt Rk* ftStsn qrirrG 4till3 Li :trr : i\.|r li.il*'iC[ F{:ryiTi. -r' !-iidu lirra. jl:Ii ,. .iti:'i:iJU F.pr $ill "'i-S I'i5il 'hqt' laL,ttlY(rIW-X, a*S\_/, / | LITnl- ^ Y^,lf u't)-' L/nr'-qldqr 0l The decision has been made to asrard your company the above referenced project based on your Constructioa Cost Proposal of August 6, 1998. Let me emphasize that time is of the essence. We would appreciate it if you could provide us with a copy of your Contractors License, Certificate of lnsurance, Payment Bond, Perforrrance Bond and ConsfucHon Schedule as soon as possible. There are two building permits for this job. Permit 1 is for the kenching oI the telco/power from the pedastal to the site. You will need to do your underground locates prior to pulling this permit. Contact l,arry Pardee at the Vail Pennit counter (xrcc-xxx-xxr<) to get the dsrails on how to get this pernrit pulled asap. The trenching needs to be completed before school starts on September 1. Coordinate your fenching activities with Please sign all copies of the enclosed Construction Agreement and send them directly to my attention. I will rehrm a countersigned copy for your file. Sincerely, Sprint PCS - IVest Region bt \{s){t JU\g \e-1Y+. +i $GLI,-Y+,q5(F,S -)\ >1 STs.:<Jt o C{ 'Fl.ool o c; HPR'ootJ A E L,F o tt c| EPoD B F.4o E 5 &U !i t.l d rI I:t o ts',i640HutrtHAq|zgdB htJ -o -o ol o E tt EIaIi0D(J c e r? I E{ AI{ E6tsoE=Ei( &EH d I{ trzzglD E994 a EEi9 o p HFIHZADooA.T!l '<A F o e Et{ A !l!t- H 6 H H -(J.tloZE oq !a:lEo orF. lloA '4OB EU At{ Ha9U p E{ a F'4o O.Ex EE!l oa e. vlo FIA t- \oHlreNla>\.lH ca5dA=)!4ro&atl AUEEO>&81 ly;;i L"e se : , e REeuEsr=1ffi#*Xlibi**3h:[?3or"" ,Q, , o,, , eee PAEE AREA: GG e Activity: Address: Locat ion l Farce I ; Descn i pt ion : Appl icant r Owner l Eontract or: B9A-Oee6 3/lfillg Typer Status: Flltlfl- Occ: Fhone: Phone r Phoner 3O3*?37-llSO Constr; ACOll User III l-HF R-Ctn&l 3166 KATSCIs RAICH.RD 3T6O KATST}S RRT{C}I RD er61-oa3-01-ora ADDINE CELLTJLf,R TOT.IER NEH C.C- Uff IL T4SUS{TNIH SCHTIOL NEht c. c. I INc Locks, HoIds, and NoticeE.... ACTI \] ITY Notice: Slot *5O hlotieer trK TO FIt'lAL FLAT RECEMD trER LEONARD Inspect ion Request Requestor; RtrE Req Tire: OlrS6 Iters requested to OSAgg BLDGtineI Inforration.,... Correntsr l.lILL CAI-L be Inspected.,. Action Corre 3&3-96e-3P+7 E PAD Tire Exp Inspect ion History. . . ..Iter : Of|$?6 ELDG-Foundat ion./Stcel AB/eBli$ Inspector: CD S6S30 BLDG-Fraring E$A6O BLD6-Shrrtroek Nail 6S476 BLDG-ltlisc. @SgG BLDG-FinaI W/967i99 Inspector: EE Actionr I t er ! Iter: Iter; Iter: 11 Jor.|t.r oF uBrL, crlLoRADo |l/1999 OB:34 RECU€SrSV INSFECTN NORK SHEETS FORrE/ 7ltS9i ivity!89g-See6 3/ 7/tA Type: A-Ctll'lftl Address: Locat i on : PaFcel3 De ser i. pt i on : AppI ieant r Ewner: Cont ract or : 3160 KATSOS RSICH RD 316g RATSTIS RRIGH RD e101-683-01-0rg ADDING CELLULAR TTIT{ER NEt' C, C, URIL f'IOUNTAIN SCHT]OL NEt"l 8.C., rNC PA6E ffREff: GG Status: ISSUED Occ: Constrr ffC0ltl Usrr fII l-HR Phone r Fhone: Fhsner 3$3-337-llOO Locksn Holdct and Not iees. . - . AC'I'I V I TY Notice: Slot *50 Noticer trK TO FINAL FLAT RECEMD pER LEONARD Inspect ion Request Inforrat ion..,.. Requestor: RBB THUFIPSON Req l'ine: 08:$S Corrents: UILL Iters requested *o be Inspected.. - {tOS90 Bt-DG-Final Ftronri 3S3-9gU-3e47 CALL/DO ELECTRICAL AT SAI{E TI}IE: ! I Aet ion Eorrcn Tire Exp 4W*. Inspect i onItir:. Itea: - Itpr: It er : Iter: History. -... Wio€f! BLD6-Foundat i on /5t ee I $A/?E/99 Inspectorr CD OO0SS BLDG-Fraring S&g6S ELD6-Sheetrock Nail 9ro;[176 BLDG-ilisc. 0OO9S BLDE-Final ,/ -l-qq ^(lr)tL tD 0LM Actisn: AtrtrR CONCRETE trRD p /,rf'WSL DEPS/r* ,i J .t. ".REPTl;r JO*r (rF UArLf Cq-ORADO a$3/$7t 1999 08:34 REOUESTS- Ti&spECTN rillRD( SH€ETS FORTEI 7lt99g PA6E AREA: EG Acti,vity: Address: Locat i on r Farcel: Deseri pt i on: ffppl icant l Owner: Contraetorl E9A-OaOO 31 7/19 Typer B-ELEC 3169 KATSiOS RAI.ICH RD 3160 HATSTIS RANtrH RI} 8101-ge3-O1-O1A ELECTRIDfl- FOR TTE}.I CELLTX-AR SITE NEIJ C, C. I INC. UAIL T4T]UHTRIN StrHTilL NEI.J C. C. r INC. Statusl ISSTED tronttr: NCBFI Ocer Use: Phoner 3O3-2?7-11O$ Fhoner Fhoner 3$3-ee7-ll0g Inspeetion Requeet Inforration.. !.. Requestorr RUB TFtrX{trS{tN Req Tirer O8:OO Eorrents: l.fILL Iters requested to be Inepected. -.SSl9g ELEC-Final Fhone: 3O3-9Ae-3e47 CRLL!tttl ion Eor €n Tire Exp Incpectian History.....Iter: gGllS ELEtr-Terp. PowerIter: OEfeS ELEC-RoughIteil OS13S ELEtr-ConduitIter: Sgt40 ELEtr-ltlise' . s,B/?A198 Incpector: EG- L$/6A|SB Inspeetorl EEIter: OAI9S EI-EC-Final' -. iterr SGPE4 FIRE-aLAR}| RtlLJEtl Iterr'-SO53S FIRE-FIhlftL C/O '. Aetionl AtrPR Qqf,lsns PPf, partial only RPPRT]VED ol Design Review Action Form TOWNOFVAIL Project Name: Liberty Wirestar h'oject Description:Telecommunications Facilities Owner. Address and Phone: Vail Mountain School PO Box 3149, Vail 949-5380 Architcct/Contact, Address and Phone: Jill Jelinek. Liberrv Wiresrar 730 lTth Srreet, Siite 830 Denver, CO 80202 (303) 534-6991 Pl'ojed Street Addrcss: 3160 Katsos Ranch Road Legal Description:Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village l2th Parcel Number: 2l0l-023-01-0lB Building Name: Vail Mountain School Comments: PEC Conditional Use Permit granted Tllslgt Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApprovedMotion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions:StaffApproval based on 7/l/98 meeting vote Town Planner: Christie Barton Date: TltSlgB DRB Fec Pre-Paid: $20.00 gu.stionrtll thc l'lar:ning Staif ai 47t-:l jri APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL ?t,S lx'bt+L CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsigr rcview nrust rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. For spccific information, sce thc submittal rcquircntcnts for thc particular approval that is requestcd. Thc application cannot bc acccptcd until all thc requircd inlbrnration is submittcd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Planning and Environntcntal Conrnrission. Design Rcvicrv Board approval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issucd and construction is startcd. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST:SPRINT PCS AND US WEST WIRELESS REQUEST TO LOCATE TWO (2) TELE NG (4 ANTENNAS BEHIND A C ). B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: 1 2 BLOCK: 2 ['tt-tfl$; VAIL VILLAGE 1 2th PHYSICALADDRESS: 3160 KATSOS RANCH ROAD, VAIL MT. SCHOoL PARCEL #: 210102301018 (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Officc at 970-328-8640 for parccl #) ZONINC: GU - GENERAL USE NAMEOFOWNERTS): VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL I MAILINCADDRESS: ?.O. BQX 3149 NAMEOFAPPLICANT: Jrr,L .1,Er.TNRK, r.rBERTy wrREsTAR, rNc. MAILINC ADDRESS: 730 17th sT. , sTE. 830 C. D. E. F. G. DENVER, CO 80202 PHONE: H. TYPEOFREVIEWANDFEE: E Ncw Construction - $200 Corrstruction of a ncw buildinq. D Addition -$50 Includcs any addition whcrc square footagc is addcd to any rcsidcrttial or comrncrcial buitding. ftl\{inor Altcration - $20 Includcs nrinor changes to buildings and sitc improvcmcnts. such as, rcroofing, painting. window additions, landscaping, fenccs and rctaining walls, ctc. DRB fecs arc to bc paid at the timc of subnrittal. Latcr. whcn applying for a building pcrmit. pleasc idcntiff thc accuratc valuation ofthc projcct. Thc Town ofVail will adjust thc fcc according to thc project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THTS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. vAIL, COLORADO 81657. ( 303) 534-6991 TOWNOFVAN vAlL, CO 81658 owNER(S) STGNATURE(S): LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS Roof ,^,,^^_ *. CEDAR SHINGLES I LUI,LTLA ' -"--_---'NATURAL FIBERGLASS & WOOD TAN TO MATCH BLDG (wr3H STUCCO TEXTURE) 8-FOOT CEDAR FENCE NATURAL + Pleasc spccify the rnanufacturer's color, number and attach a stnall color chip +*All cxtcriorlightingnrustnrecttheTown'sLightingOrdinancel8.54.050(J). Ifexteriorlightingisproposed, plcase indicate thc nunrbcr of fixhrrcs and locations on a separatc lighting plan. Identify each fixture type and provide the height abovc grade, luntens output, luminous area. and attach a cut shect ofthe lighting fixhres. o o Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Soifits Windows Window Trinr Doors Door Trinr llaud or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chimncys. Trash Enclosurcs Grecnhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other ( FENCE ) Updarcd 6/97 PROPOSED LANDSCAPINC Botanical Nanrc Conrmon Namc Ouantity Sizc. PROPOSED TREES -- AND SHRUBS: N/A EXISTING TREES TO I]E REMOVED: N/a *Mininrunr rcquircmcnts for landscaping:dcciduous trccs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrous hccs - 6 fcct in hcight shnrbs - 5 gallons Squarc FootagcTypc CROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL orHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fenccs, swirnming pools, etc.) ptease speciry. Indicate top andbottom clevations of rctaining walls.-Maximunr height of walls witt in t-trc rrorrt sJuacr. is 3 feet. Maximum height ofwalls elscwhcrc on the propcrty is 6 fect. Updated 6/97 'rr June l5; 1998 Christie Barton' Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 o W i r e 5.,1 a r.i n r o r p o |a t e d' conjunction with US West Wireloss is proposing to locate two (2) telecommunication facilities at Vail Mountain' School. Enclosed, please find the following.documents: orrc (l) Copy of Design Review application' One (l) Copy of I l"xl7" zoning drawings One (l) Copy of Color photo simulations : : One (1) Copy of black and white ihoto simulations cc: Richard Sartini, Sprint PCS Diana Feathers, US West Wireless RECEIPT- The Town of Vail t,on 54?z ,*7{ RECETVED FROM AI)DRESS 48589 Pcrmit l{umbers HOII, PND-Cash -qr""f l(? Police Rgceipt Numben HIGHWAY I-7O $+i.-:e+*=+tr=-:rW i1-.:1i--.1i.il I , GPS CONTROL POINT & T8M ELEV.=8J68.a7' ,, i\ ,€tr-t.?! .:*tEt a/ Ft b, I I I ''-.. ri*i i=t! .t P;01 1irii.ll[-l' s,,' !-f*.0 r.,"*r*o -/ ""1i I i ucnt rm turo't rr '' zti i giELU".f ri rftl i =ti;ii,,, ^t'I i.i .s./'| .:t ,_lll,.ir t,i '9i f _ _.sq!os!_s!tL -_' i.i', t-- tt' I_----_-_-_-{ | t L ];!,q.dr-Jr,rt: - .l | -l{ ,/ / l.'..t t t .I iLiiTotsiE*i'--?:% N I I ^r""0., | "S;r4 SITE PtAt'l N I I + I ABBREVIATIONS & SYMBOLS Hto*,r* d Assoc,nrrs, ,,c Cotswnuc Euetrrtnrc St*tct 5951 Soulh Middlelield Rood, Suite 101 Littleton, Colorodo 80123-2871 Tel: (JOJ) 798-9445 Fox: (JOJ) /98-9462 GENERAL NOTES l. ADA COMPLIANCET PCS FACILITY lS NOT STAFFEo AND NOT NORMALLY OCCUPPIED. AC ASPHALTIC CONCRETE GNDADJ. ADJUSTABLE GPSAFF ABOVE FINISHED FLOORAFG ABOVE FINISHED GRADE INI.ALUM. ALUMINUM MAX.AMSL AEOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL MECH. APPROX. APPROXIMATE MFR.AI.VG AMERICAN WIRE GAUGE MIN. 8CW EARE COPPER WIRE N.I.S. BLKC. BLOCKING O.C. CAB. CABINET OPP. CLC. CEILING PLcoNc. coNcRErE s.F.coNr' coNllNuous sHTcu coPPER srl' DWc- DRAWTNC TNND E EXIS]ING TO REMAIN T.O.C- GROUND GEOSTATIONARY POSITIONING SYSTEM INIERIOR MAXIMUM MECHANICAL MANUFACTURER MINIMUM NOT TO SCALE ON CENTER OPPOSITE PLATT SQUARE IOOI SHEET SUSPENDED TINNEO TOP OF CONCREIE - TYPICAL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOIED WEAlHERPROOF WELDED wlRE FABRIC WITH AND AT IIGAL DESCRPTIO}I SITE NAMEr VAIL MoUNTAIN SCH00t LEGAL DESCRIPTIONi PARCET NUMBER 21 O]OO2JOIO18 ltlzo g 4 o z iPROJECT SUIII'ARY . BASE TRANSMTSSToN STATToN (BTS) EoUTPMENI ON A CONCREIE FOUNDATION. 2 ANTENNA ARRAYS WllH 2 /|$ITENM EACH, 1 TOIAL ANTENNAS, . NEW POWER AI{D IETEPHONE SERVICE. . 2 - GPS ANTENNAS MoUNTE0 0N R00F. PROJECT NTOMTAI|oN SITE AoDRESS: J160 KATSOS RANCH RoADv tL, coLoRADo 61657 ZoNINC CLASSIFICATIoN: GU AREA 0F CoNSTRUCTToN (S0 Fr): 363 OCCUPANcY cLASSIFICAIION: B(UNMANNED TELECOMMUNTCATTON rACrLlrY) DIRECTORY VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL P.O. BOX :I49 vAtL, cotoRADo 81658 MR. FRED OTIO (970) e,rs-53E0 APPLICANT: SPRINI SPECTRUM L.P. 468J CHABOT DRIVE, SUITE 1OO PLEASANTON. CA. 94588 (5r0) 468-7E34 U.S. WESI \'VIRELESS, LLC. 4301 E. COLFAX AVE., ROOM J14 DENVER, COLORAOO EO22O (30J) JS8-850o JOHN SIEVENSON LIEERTY WIRESTAR, INC. 730 ITth STREET, SUIIE 8JO DENVER, CO EO2O2 (JoJ) 534-6991 J LL JELINEK HEDRICK & ASSOCIATES. LLC 5S5t S. MrDDtEFrEto R0 0, SU|TE 101 LITTLETON. COLOMDO 80123 (303) 798-9445 KEN HAWKINS $sprur SPETT SPEflRil t'. PCS }STAIIATIOT{ PROECT VA1L MOUNIAIN SCHOOL JI6O KAISOS RANCH ROAD vArL, C0L0RAD0 81657 SPRINT S|TE #414 GOUND MOUNTED BTS & ROOF MOUNTID ANTENNAS TITLE SHTET & SITE PLAN Z-1 COVER SHEET, SITE PLAN Z-2 ENLARGEO PLANS Z-3 ELEVATIONS PROPOSID CUPOTA IVI]H,t r'<7/ stcroR 2-----755-PROPOSEO ANIENMS SCREENEO BEHINO SIEALTH PANELS (TYP.) CTDAR SHAKE ROOFINC IO MATCH EX1SNNG 1'r4" CEDAR TRIM PAINI TO MA'ICH EXISTING OARK BROIVN IRIM STEALTH LOWIR PANEL COLOR TO MATCH EXISTING IAN SIUCCO TOP OF RIDCE VENT rOP OF ROOF RIOGE -$ / ENI.ARGED CUPOLA PI.AN 0.'l'!-.........._-............rscr[:lla'= t'-o- t.. --. \\ CUPOIA EI.EVATION t07'?, sc''lIlt/z' = t'-o' PROPOSED J,-0"\ \ o*--., __....-__ .,s \-l \\_,**,,0 PAINI TO EXISTING MATCH rAN SIUCCO CYM ROOF IINE ROOF PTAX LINE AI'ID VENT LINE CUPOTA EI-.F/ANON 02' 5951 South Middlefield Rood, Suite 101 Littleton, Colorodo 80123-2877 Iel: (303) 798-9aa5 Fox: (J03) 798-9462 . E o a az at (l L'^oz -;"Dprzff SPRilT SPECIRTT LP. Pc T$TAUTNON PROECT VAII MOUNIAIN SCHOOL J16O KAISOS RANCH ROAD vAlL, CoLoRADO 81657 SPRtNT SrTE #4t4 GOUND MOUNTED BTS & ROOF MOUNTED ANTENNAS ENLARGED PLAN & DETAILS AI{D AI'IITNIIAS CTDAR STIAKT ROOFINC r.;" cEoAR TRfi. PA[!T ro MAICH EXISIING DARK SROVJN TRIM COAX CONCEAIED Iti CONDUII UNDER ROOF IOP OF RIDGE VENI -u -__-"ffi PROPOSEDI I -...elriiNl LSII lTH | oWER <.pFFN. n pANEL COLOR T0 BEHTNd-iiAii; vAIcH ExrslrNc IAN- pANtL (ryP.) SIUCCO llll' r\r' I ttI tl \..-*.---r EXISTING RTIAINING WALL f+ExrsrrNc 5HED 4r,rr,ro rrroortGYlr /, PROPOSED CUPOI-A PROPOSEO EOUIPVINI PROPoSE0 6'-0' HICH CTOAR FTNCT NORII{WEST EIEVATION PRoP0SED 6'-0" ENCTOSE CoAX AI0NG SIDE EXISIINC PII-AsTER Hn*u * Assocurts, ttc Conswnue tuewtntn S rnvct 5951 South Middlelield Rood, Suite 101 Littleton, Colorodo 80123-2877 Iel: (303) 798-9445 Fox (J0J) 798-9462 SPilTT SPECNW LP. PCS }STATJIIO{ PROECT VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL 3160 KAISOS RANCH ROAD vAiL. coL0RA00 81657 SPR|NT S|TE #414 GOUND MOUNTED BTS & ROOF MOUNTED ANTENNAS ELEVATIONS PCS Instullation Proiect Vuil Mountain School Site Wew B PCS Installation Proieo Vail Mountain School Site |:ic*',4$Sprinr TOWI{ OFVAIL Department of Community D*eloptnent 75 South Frottuge Road Vall, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 MX 97G479-2452 July 17,1998 Jill Jilinek Liberty Wirestar 730 lTth Strcet, Suite 830 Denver. CO 80202 Re: Telecommunications Facilities Vail Mountain School, 3160 Katsos Ranch Road. Vail. C0 Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village l2th Dear Jill: At a mceting on July 13. l99li. thc Planning and Envilonmcntal Commission approvcd your- application for a Conditional Use Permit to atlow for the construction of the installation of telecommunications facilities at thc abovc refcrcnced location. Thcrc wele no conditions of approval. lfyou have any qucstions, plcasc call me at (970) 479-2454. $tV trulV yout'ri. r' U/ti;7o6, Christic Barton Planner II {So*ruo I Updatcd 7/14 9am PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Monday, July 13, 1998 FINAL AGENDA Proiect orientation / LUNCH - community Development Degartment 1i:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT Greg Moffet John Schofield Galen Aasland Diane Golden Ann Bishop (left at 4:30 p.m.) Brian Doyon Tom Weber MEMBERS ABSENT Site Visits : 1. La Tour - 122 East Meadow Drive2. Antleis - 680 West Lionshead Place3. Scolnick - 2935 Basingdale Blvd.4. Liberty Wirestar - 3160 Katsos Ranch Road (Vail Mountain School)5. Craythorne - 2701 Davos Trail6. Mt. Bell - 160 Mountain Bell Road7. Rockledge Rezoning - Rockledge Road8. Gorsuch - 263 Gore Creek Drive9. Byr.ne - 493 Beaver Dam Road10. Ptarmigan Rezoning - Ptarmigan Road11. Meyer - 813 Potato Patch Drive12. Timber Falls - 4469 Timber Falls Court 12:00 p.m. George the PEC hearing extends until 6:00 p.m., the board will break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Public Hearing - Town Gouncil Ghambers 2:00 p.m. 1. A request for a front setback variance to allow for lhe construction of an inclined elevator, located at2701 Davos Trail/Lot 15, Block B, Vail Ridge Subdivision. Applicant: Sonia & Brian Craythome, represented by Galen AaslandPlanner: Christie Barton MOTION:John Schofield SECOND:Tom Weber VOTE:6-0-1 (Galen Aasland recused) APPROVED WITH 1 GoNDITION: ffiS(rl mrll'orunlY Driver: @ NOTE: lf ilLt c0f? Updated 7/14 9am 1. A revocable Right - of - Way Permit will be obtained before a building permit is issued and changes be made to the staff memo to incorporate the 0 setback and ihe relocation of the tree from in front of the structure. 2. A request for a variance to allow for GRFA in the front setback located at 2935 Basingdale Blvd./ Lot 19, Block 6, Vail Intermountain Subdivision. Applicant: Jay & Sheryl Scolnik, represented by Railton-McEvoy ArchitectsPlanner: Christie Barton MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Diane Golden VOTE: 7-0 APPROVED 3. A request for an additional 250 square feet of GRFA for a primary/secondary residence - located at 493 Beaver Dam Road/ Lot 1, Block 2, Vail Village 6th. nppticant: Ron Byrne, represented by William ReslockPlanner: George Ruther MOTIONk Ann Bishop SECOND: Galen Aasland VOTE: 7-0 APPROVED 4. A request for a minor exterior alteralion in CC1 at the Clock Tower Building, located at 263 Gore Creek Drive/ Lots C, D, E & F, Block 5, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Gorsuch Ltd., represented by Resort Design CollaborativePlanner: George Ruther MOTION: Ann Bishop SECOND:John Schofield VOTE:7-0 APPROVED WITH 3 GONDITIONS: 1. That the applicant submit detailed civil engineering drawings indicating how the gutters and downspouls will be tied into lhe Town of Vail stormwater system. The drawings shall be submitted for review and approval of lhe Town Engineer prior to the issuence of a building permit. 2. That the applicant submit an application and receive a revocable right-of-way permit to allow for work to be completed in the Town of Vail right-of-way prior to lhe issuance of a building permit. 3. That the applicant pay $2,677.65 into the Town of Vail parking fund prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. 5. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for the installation of a telecommunicaiion facility at the Vail Mountain School, located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/ Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 121h. Applicant: Liberiy Wirestar, represenled by Jill JilenickPlanner: Christie Barton MOTION: Tom Weber SECOND: Brian Doyon VOTE: 7-0 APPROVED 6. UpdatedT/14 9am A request for a major exterior alteration in CC2 and a conditional use permit, to allow for an outdoor dining deck, located at the Village center Building (La Tour), 122 Easl Meadow Drive/ Block 5E, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: Fred Hibbard, represented by Snowdon & Hopkins ArchitectsPlanner George Ruther MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Galen Aasland VOTE: 7-0 APPROVED WITH 7 CONDITIONS: 1. That the unpainted soffits on the existing building be painted priorto the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for ihe addition. 2. That the applicant provide spot elevations, as deemed necessary by the Public Works Department, for the proposed addition, prior to application for Building Permit. The purpose of the spot elevations is to determine the effects of the proposed addition on the surface drainage of the plaza area. 3. That the applicant install a snowmelt system under the entire area of the plaza. Portions ofthe plaza have been left unheated pending the proposed improvements to the Village Center Building. 4. Thal the applicant replace lhe non-matching pavers along the curbline in front of Cleone's and Karat's with the matching pavers that will be removed io accommodate the footprint of the new restaurant addilion. 5. Thal the applicant submit detailed drawings of the new landscape planter for the review and approval by the Town of Vail. The new landscape planter shall be construcied pursuant to the direction outlined in the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan. 6. That the applicant pay $48,896.17 into the Town of Vail parking fund. The pay-in- lieu fee is intended to mitigate the increased parking requirement resulting from the construction of lhe new addition. The parking fee shall be paid in full prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. 7. That permanent ski storage be established. A request for a side setback variance, to allow for lhe construction of an additional garage, located at 813 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant: Liz & Luc Meyer, represented by William Pierce Planner:Dominic Mauriello MOTION: John Schofield SECOND:Ann Bishop recused) APPROVED VOTE: 6-0-1 (Tom Weber 7. Updated 7/14 9am 8. A request for an amendment to a previously approved plan for the Timber Falls Development, located at 4469 Timber Falls CourVunplatted. Applicant RAD Five L.L.C., represented by Greg AmsdenPlanner: Dominic Mauriello MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND: John Schofield VOTE: 6-0 TABLED UNTIL AUGUST 10, 1998 9. A request for a worksession of a major exterior alteralion in CC2 and the establishment of a Special Development District for the Antlers at Vail, located at 680 W. Lionshead Pl./ Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 4th Filing. Applicant: Antlers Condominium Association, represenled by Robert LeMnePlanner: Dominic Mauriello woRK_sE-sstoN 10. A request for a condilional use permit to allow for additional antennae on the Mountain Bell tower, located at 160 Mountain Bell Road/ Unplatted Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Brian Doyon VOTE:7-0 APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS; 1. That the applicant paint the additional antennae and the appurtenant equipment an earth-tone color (grey/brown), to reduce any visual impaci associated with the installation of the antennae. 2. That The Learning Tree and ABC School be notified of this approval. i1. A request for a rezoning from previously unzoned property owned by the United States Foresl Service and transferred to the Town of Vail pursuant to the Land Ownership Adjustment Agreemenl to Primary / Secondary Residential District for property locaied at. Rockledge Road/portions of United States Forest Service Lot 3, totaling 1.78 acres based upon the proposed Final Plat (not yet recorded) of Rockledge Forest Subdivision prepared by Dennis Shelhorn as Job No. 0332-002 dated February 25, 1998. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Dominic Mauriello MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Galen Aasland VOTE: 7-0 APPROVED 12. A request for a rezoning from previously unzoned property owned by the United States Forest Service and transferred to the Town of Vail pursuant to the Land Ownership Adjustment Agreement to Primary / Secondary Residential District and Natural Area Preservation District for property located at Ptarmigan Road /Govemment Lot 2 (1 .66 acres) and Lot3 (4.252 acres) created by a survey done in 1995 under the authority of the Bureau of Land Management Cadastral Survey. I Updated 7/14 9am Applicant: Town of VailPlannen Dominic Mauriello MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Galen Aasland VOTE: 7-0 APPROVED 13. A request for a minor subdivision of Lot G-1 to create a new lot, located al 14'lO Buffehr Creek Road, Lot G-1, Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing 2. Applicanl: Leroy Schmidl, represented by Eric JohnsonPlanner: Dominic Mauriello WITHDRAWN 14. A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for a bed and breakfast operation, located _at 1779 Sierra Trail/Loi 18, Vail Village West Filing #1 . Applicant:' MalinJohnsdotier/RobertZeltmanPlanner: Christie Barton TABLED UNTILAUGUST 24, .I998 15. Information Update 16. Approval of June 22, 1998 minutes. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspeclion during regular office hours in the project planne/s office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Depariment, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published July 10, 1S98 in the Vail Trail. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department July 13, 1998 A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for wireless communication antennas with equipment area, located at the Vail Mountain School, 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 1 2th Filing. Applicant: US West Wireless & Sprint Spectrum, represented by Jill Jelinek of Liberty WirestarPlanner: Christie Barton I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The applicant proposes to install four panel antennas mounted behind a cupola on top of the Vail Mountain School building. The accessory equipment will be located behind the building (northeast side) in a fenced area and will not be visible from the frontage road. The equipment will be installed inside a cedar fence to screen it from adjoining properties. Cellular services and antennas are considered a public utility or service requiring a conditional use permit in this zone district. The proposal includes the installation of 4 panel antennas and a 11' x 33'equipment area located on the northeast side of the existing building. See proposed plans and photos attached. The Design Review Board has reviewed the plans on a conceptual basis and have suggested the changes that are shown on the present plans. II. ZONING ANALYSIS The subject property is zoned General Use (GU) District. According to Chapter 9C of the Zoning Code, "Public Utility Installalions" can be permitted in the GU zone district as a conditional use. Development standards are determined by the PEC. The accessory equipment will be installed behind a fence and will require no additional site coverage. III. CONDITIONAL USE CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Title 12 Chapter 16, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. Relataonship and impact of the use on development obiectives of the Town. Staff believes that the proposed use is compatible with the existing school use, and is generally consistent with the purpose of this zone district . The antennas will be located inside a cupola to blend in with the existing building. Staff believes that it is advantageous to accommodate telecommunications facilities in various locations on existing buildings, rather than having large unsightly lowers throughout the town. 2. The effect ol the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. Staff believes there will be no impact on the above-referenced issues but will create a benefit in the form of providing additional telecommunication services. 3. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. Staff believes there will be no impact on the above-referenced issues as the facility will be visited once per month for maintenance purposes. Utilizing an existing structure further reduces impact as the access road is already maintained for the primary use of the facility. 4. Effect upon the charactgr of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. Staff believes the proposed cupola and equipment area have been designed in a way to minimize any detrimental effects. The proposed antennas should have little or no effect on surrounding properties and uses and provides the potential for co-location of telecommunication facilities on the same slructure. B. Findinos The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting a conditional use oermit: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes ol the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions ot the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. IV. STAFF RECOMITIENDATION Staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit based on the criteria discussed above, subject to the following findings: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes ol the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purpose of the General Use zone district. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use will comply with each of the applicable provisions ol the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. FlEVE RYON E\PEC\t![EMOS\98\LIBERTY.71 3 PCS Instollstion Project VaiI Mountain School Site Wew A PCS Installution Proiect Vuil Mountuin School Site Wew B /5-Sprinf UaaCPS CONIROL PONT uVl''"Jh'artr tiL---+% 't I ,^;s ,i/ t?' !8t I r\ b, I HIGHWAY I-70 j I I I I ey;fl .+ ^r@,- L-,r,."'- t... c{o.t rR',r. FANI rouror axEnlt unx Fofrl I ll -T---T- ffill' 1.n,.," .**" SCRE$I(o tltiat Cotd t0 EIHTNO srtrlir U lcr tx6rm I|x P^^tL (rYP ) slLlcco A r$rfrc 9ra0 -Tffi- ==-- l--,,,,,,...* NORIHWEST ETA'ATION colnr,tty Devetopment ptan Routrt ro.rn Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Mike McGee, Fire Works Return To:Christie Barton Date Routed:6n6/98 Return By:6/24/98 Proiect Name:Liberty Wirestar - telecommunications antennaes Project Address:Vail Mountain School, 3160 Katsos Ranch Road Project kgal:Lot12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Project Description:FYI - add a cupola on top ofbuilding (to screen antennacs), and install an equipment shelter at north end of building. Aonroved Denied (cite detailed reasons)--:t-Approved with conditions :nt shelter actually a building, orjust a Icreening fence? lfthe shelter is a building, please have the icant provide a proposed grading plan. {<"tC.e-* The proposcd underground elcctric and telephone wires appear fo closs outside of thc dedicated utility easement- Please show that these wires stay in the eascment by drawing the proposed site plan on the topographic survey that shows the eascments or provide documentation of the new casement. T Partch reccived 6116191l reviewed/retumed 716198 o \\ l// Jure 15, 1998 Christie Barton Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 LIBERTY WireStari n c o r p o r a t e dn RE: CUP Application for Sprint PCS's Vail Mountain School Site at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS Dear Christie: Thank you for providing your initial comments to the application we are subditting today. Sprint PCS, in conjunction with US West Wireless is proposing 1o locate two (2) telecommunication facilities at Vail Mountain School. Enclosed, please find the following documents: One (l) Copy of CUP application One (l) Copy of preliminary title report Four (4) Copies of full size set of zoning drawings One (l) Copy of II"x17" zoning drawings One (l ) Copy of Color photo simulations One ( I ) Copy of black and white photo simulations One (l) Check in the amount of$200.00 One (l) Copy of stamped addressed envelopes ofadjacent propeny owners (via hand delivery separate from this packet) One (l) Copy of Justification for CUP application One (l) Copy of Suwey (to be sent via another fed ex packet) Please do not hesitate to contact me at (303) 534-6991 should you have any questions. Sincerely, Jill Jelin€k Manager, Land Use Planning cc: Richard Sartini, Sprint PCS Diana Feathers, US WeSt Wireless 'fHE EourrAoLE ButLDlNc 730 17TH STREET SUITE 830 DENVER, COLORADO 80202 303/534-6991 fa45346992 www.libertywire.com Questif Call the Planning Stalf at 479-2138 APPLICATION FOR PLAI\NING AI\D ENVIROI{MENTAL CoMMISSIONAPPROVAL . tr I TlfTd'otro GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring approval by the Planning and Environmental Commission' For specific infornration, see the zubmittal requirements for the particulu approval that is requested. The 4plication can not be acce,pted until all required inforrnation is submifed. The project rnay also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Desigrr Rwicw Boud A. TYPE OF APPLICATION: tr Additional GRFA (250) tr Bed and Brealdast tr Conditional Use Permit tr Major or U Minor Subdivision tr Rezoning tr Sign Variance tr Variance E Zoning CodeAmendment TOWNOTVAIL tr Amendment to an Approved Development Plan tr Employeo Hursing Unit (IyPe: tr Major or E Minor CCI Exterior Alte'tatioo (Vail Village) tr Major or tr Minor CCII ExteriorAlteration (Lionshead) tr SpecialDwelopmqrtDistrict tr Major'or E MinorAmendmentto an SDD c. D. DESCNPTIONOFTHEREQUESI. SPRINT PCS AND US WEST WIRETESS REQUEST TO I,OCATE TWO ( 2 ) TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITTES ON AN EXISTTNG BUTLDING (4 ANTENNAS BEHIND A,CUPOLA AND EQUIPMENT FENCED BEHTND THE BUTLDING) LOCAION OFPROPOSAL: LOT---L2-BLOCK-2-FILING VAIL VILLAGE 1 2th ADDRESS: 3160 KATSOS RANCH ROAD BUILDINGNAME: VAIL MT. SCHOOL ZONING: GU - GENERAL USE NAMEOFOWNER(S): varr, uortrrrnarn sesoor. MAILINGADDRESS: P.o. Box 3149 ov/r{ER(s) STGNATURE(S):UA,,ao rJ)^J {vloo/ G.NAMEOFREPRESENTATIVE: JILL JELINEK. T,IBERTY WIRESTAR INC. FEE - SEE THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRI,A TE UO_A*I+ STJBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL STJBMITTAI., REQT]IREMENTS AND THE F'EE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY DEYELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vArL.coLoRADO 81657. For Office Use Only: FeePaid: L 0o cr*: I {?f By: Bd Application D^t", h - 6 4q PEC MeetingDate, 711ng F. H. MAILINGADDRESS: 730 17th sT., STE. 830 DENVER. co 80202 PHONE: (303) 534-6991 Rcvisd 6195 \ll\lt\\l/,/\/\/ LIBERTY WireStario ( o r p o r a t e dn JUSTIFICATION FOR CUP APPLICATTON l. Relationship and impact ofthe use on development objectives ofthe Town. The proposed use is consistent with use on the existing use on the property as we are using stealth materials and collocating on an existing structure to conceal wireless antennas. 2. Effect of the use on light, air, population, transportation, utilities, schoots, park and recreation, and other public facilities and needs. Our proposed installation will not affect these uses, in fact will be of benefrt to the community with additional wireless services. We are utilizing power and telephone, which is already located at the site. 3. Effect upon traffic, pedestrian safety, traffic, access and removal of snow. Our sites are visited approximately once a month for maintenance purposes, thereby, creating little to no vehicular impact. In addition, by locating on an existing structure, we are able to utilize ar existing acceEs road that is already maintained for the primary use ofthe facility. 4, Effect upon the character ofthe area, including the scale and bulk ofthe proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. The proposed use is compatible with the existing use on the property and provides for collocation of communications on the same structure. THE E0Lrrr.{Bt,E Buu-DtNG 730 17TH STREET SUITE 830 DENVER, COiORADO 80202 303/s346991 1a45344992 www.libertywire.com MAY-2€FS|E t2.5Sl a.t FROM:LAND TI TLE GUARANTEE t D . l9?Cl s34 our order No. r v261878 SPRIIIT SPEqiRi'M L.P. \rAIL MOUNTA.IN SCEOOI, A COLORADO NON.PROFIT CORPORATION Property Address: 4784o ff you lravegontact o!.e For Closing May 25, 1998 Buyer/Borrower: Seller/owner: any inquiriesof the nunbers Assistance: PAGE or require furEher assistance, please Iiseed below: Phone: Fax,: TIIANK YOO FOR YOUR For Tiele AssisEance: iIIIrIr WEITIJS 108 S. FROITTAGE RD W. vArr,, co 81_558Phone; 97O 476-225L Phone:Fax: 970 476-4534 ORDER! ?c*{. T'-(G kf:t Vlru l"rbu S-L""i *+s MAY-2e-9A ?l 12 ' 59 FROM.LAND TTTLE GUARANTEE SCHEDT'LE A **co rrrr,E rNsuRANcE "o"noOAtTA COMMITMENT rD.lg?o4?64534 Our Order + V26L878 For Information Only PAGE 3/9 - Charges - Altsa Oqner Poticy Tax Report --TOTAI,-- $5s0 .00 $20.00 $570.00 *** T[rrS rs Nor A]I r]rvorcE, BTr:r A]I ESTIMATE oF FEES. wHEN REFERRINGTO TTIIS ORDER, PIJEASB REFERENSE OUR ORDER NO. V251878 MAKE GECKS PAYABI,E TO IJAND TTTTE G:IIARAN|EE EOMPAIIY *** 8f fectsirre Date:April 15, 1998 at 5:oO p-M. 2. Policy Eo be issued, and proposed. Insured: rrAIJTArr Ow:ter's policy LO-LT-gz s100, 000 .00 3- 4_ Proposed Insured: SPRI}cT SPECTRUM L.P. Tlre estace or inEerest in ehe land described or referred, co inthis CorruniBmenE. and cowered herein is: A LEASEHOLD ITq|EREST AS CREATED IN INSTRIIMENT RECORDED JeA( RECEPTTONNO. XXX. tit'Ie to the estate or inEeresE covered herein is ac Ehe effective daEehereof wested in: VAII MOUNTAIN SCIoOL, }. COTORADO }ION-PR.OFIT CORPORATION 5. ?he land referred to in chis corffnitment is d.escribed as forlows: AtL OF I,OT 12, BIOEK 2, VATIJ VTIJ"AGE t'{EtEffi FILING, A SI,BDIVISION RBCICRDSDAUGUST 15. 1972 IN BOOK 2?5 AT PAGE 90 OF TIIE RECORDS OF THE CisRK ANDRBCORDER oF EAGLB ceur,rry, cotoRADo, EncEpr rrrE ForrowrNg DEscRi;6 iJi,cer= BEGTNNTNG E,T A POIMT WIITCH TS TIIE MOST NORTHERI,Y CORNER OF SAID LOT ].2, AI,IDfHE SO{If,IIWESTERLY CORNER OF LOT 10, BLOCK 2, OF SAfD vAfI/ VfLLAGE TwELt|ml'rtrNc, Al{D sArD Porlqt Atso BErNc dlr rne naimni.,v RrcHT oF erAy rJrNE oFBOOTI{ FAIJJS ROAD, A DEDICATED STRBEI, AND SArD porr\rr AI,SO BEING THE TRITE PAGE 1 MAY-26-98 13,@A FROM.LAND TITLE GUARANTEE ID.19?64?64534 ' '. t* TrrLB TNSTJRAN.E coMeAF PAGE 4/9 AtTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Our Order. # v261878 Pofln oF BEGIIINING; TIIENCB Ar,oNG sArD RiGHT oF r,iAy trNE Ii{E porrLowrt{G T!{o COIIRSES:(1) S- 25 DEGREES 24 MrNU:IES 54 SBCONDS W. A DTSTAIICB OF 175.95 S'EBt ?O nPOIMT OF CURVATURE;(2) 85.00 F"EET AIONG A CT'RVE TO TIIE RTGIIT HAVING A RADIUS OF 126.]-7 FEET, A CENTR.AL AI{GI.E OF L4 DEGRBES 55 tt{INtItES 52 SECONDS , A}itD A CEORD BEARINGS. 32 DEGREES 52 MrNurES 50 sEcoNDs w- A DTSTANCE oF s4-z6 FEET; TEENCETEAVING SAID RIGET OF WAY I.INE S. ?9 DEGREES 5]. MINUTES 31 SECONDS E- ADISTAI{CE OF 353.24 FEET TO A. POINT ON TI{E SOIXTII9TESIERI,Y BOUNDARY I,INE OFLOT 5. BLOCK 2, OF SAID VAIL VILT,AGE TwELgtH FILING; tHEtlCE AISNG TEESOtITlilv'EsreRLY BoI'!{DARY LIIIE OF IJoTs 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A}ID 10, BLOCK 2, oF SAfDvArL VTITLAGE TwBtEri{ FrtINe tHE BcLr,owr}IG FrvB coitRsEs; (t) N- 27 DEcREEs17 MINUTBS 30 SECOI{DS w- A DTSTANCE OF s0-00 FEET; (2) N- 2? DBGREES 17MINUIES 3]- SECO}TDS W. A DISTA}ICE OF 109.55 FEEI,. i:I N. 14 DEGREES 25MTNIITES 39 SECONDS W. A DISTA}ICE OF 68.15 FEET,. (4) N. 43 DEGREES 34MINIJ:rES 03 SECONDS w- A DISTANCE OF 39.58 FFET; (5) N- G4 DEGRBES OsMINUTBS 23 SECO}TDS W- A DISTANCE OF 131.87 FEET TO TITE TRITE POrrW OFBEGINNING, COUIITY OF EAGLE, STATF OF COI,ORADO. NOTE: TIIE FINAL Potrcr DoEs NoT rN ANr wAy cvARANtEE oR rNsuRE TIIEDTMENSTONS OF TIIE ABO\/E DESCRIBED I,AIID, TIIB TEGAIJ DESGIPTTON TS DERT\TEDFROI'{ THE CIIA'IN OF TITIJB AI{D ONLY elr ACCIIRATE SllR\rEY CAw DETERMINB THEDIMANSIONS. PAGB MAY-26-94 l3=O@ FROM:LAND TITLE GUARANTEE 1D.197b4764534 PAGE S./g . AtTA COMUTTMENT SCHEDULB B-SEC?IONl (Requiremencs) Order if v261878 The followingi are Ehe requiremencs go be cortplied wich: rCern (a) PaymenE Eo or for ihe account of the grantors or mortsgagors of the full consideracion for E,he escace or ineerese to be insured- Item (b) Proper inscrumenE(s) creating che esEate or interesE Eo be insured musU be exeeuced and duly filed for recorcl, to- wit: Icen (c) Pa')rmelrtr of aU caxes, ctrarges ar assessnents levied a;rd assessed against Ehe subJect, preruises which are due ancl payable- Icem (d) Additional requirements, if any disclosed below: I. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO TTIE COMPA}IY ?HAT fiIE TERMS. COI{DITTONS AND PROVISIONS OF TITE TOWN OF VAII, TRANSFER TAX HA\TE BEEN SATISFIED. 2 A COPY OF CERTIFICATE OF TIMITED PARTNERSIIIP FOR SPRI}CT SPECTRIX,I L.P., A LIMITED PARTIiTARSHIP STA}4PM . "FIIJEDII WITII TITE DATE OF FTLING BY TIIE SECRETARY OF STATE OF COLORADO, MUST BE FURNISAED TO,TIIE C1C}IPA}TY. 3- TEASE FROM VAIL MOUNTATN SCHOOI,, A COI,ORADO NON-PROFIT CORPORATION ?O SPRING SPECTRUI"I L.P. CONVEYfNG SUBJEC? PROPERTY TO BE RECORDED IN EAGLB COUNTY NOTE: SAID DOCIIMENT lttJST BE EXECIIfED BY TIIE PRESTDENT, VICE-PRESIDEIE OR SECRETARY OF TI{E CORPORATION. TF A}T 3,SSIS"A}IT VTCE-PRESTDEITT OR A.SSISTA}CT SECRETARY EXBCIITES SATD DOCTIqENI, A CORPORATE RESOLU:TION MUST BE PROVIDED TO IJAND TITLE CIVING SAID ASSISTAI{T AIIIIIORTZATION. SENATE BILL 98-045 STATBS TI{JT? EFFEC'IIVE \TUNE 1, 1998 TIIE FEE FOR REQiIESTS FOR RELEASES OF DEEDS OF TRUST WIITIJ BE s15 .00 . ===NOTE: EFFECTIVE 'IAr:{UARY 1, 1993, CORPORATIONS THA? DO NOT MAII{*fAI}I A PERMANENT PLACE OF BUSINBSS IN COLORADO, A}(D NONRESIDENT IITDIVIDUAIS, ESTATES AI{D TRIISTS WILL BE SI'BJECT TO A COIJORADO WTTIIHOIDING TAJC SROM TlM SALES OF COLORADO REAL ESTATE IN EXCESS OF S1OO,OOO.OO. THE WITIIHOLDING TAX WIIJIJ BE THE SMAtIER OF TWO PERCENT OF TIIE SALES PRTEE OR THS PAGE 3 MAY-26-94 13=Ot FROM.LAND TITLE GUARANTEE ID.rFt7@4?E4s34 PAGE 6/9 AI,TA COMMITM-SNT SCHEDULE B-SECTION]. (Requirenenca) Our order # v26L878 NET PROCEEDS FROM THE SATES OF TITE REAL ESTATE. TI{E TAI( WII.L BB WITHEEIJD BY THE TIST'E INSI]RANCE COMPA}TY OR ITS AGEMT AIID SI'BMITTED AO THE DEPARI!4EIIT OF RE\IENUE, I{IIIERE IT WII,I BB CREDTTED TO THE SETLER'S TNCOME TA]C ACCOT'MI AS A}I ESETMATED TAX PAITME}IT. TIIE SB'.I,BR EAI'I CTAIM CREDIT FOR TIIE. ESTIMATED PAYMEIM AGAINS? TEE INCOME TAX IJIABIIJITY 9IIIEN IIE OR SIIE FII,BS A COI/ORADO REfTIRN FOR TEE YE,AR OF TI{E SAJ,E, PAGE 4 MAY-?6--s|a 13:@2 FROM.LAND TITLE GUARANTEE rD,19?@tl?64534 PAGE ?/9 O** TrrLE rNsnRANcE co*+ A,tTA COMMITMENT SCHEDIJIE B-SECTION2 (Exceptions) Otrr Order * V261878 Ttre policy or policies to be issued will concain exceptions to the tollowing macEers unless ehe same are disposed of go chesatisfaction of the Company: 1. Rigrhts or claims of pareies .in possession noE sltown by chepublic records 2- EasernenLs, or claims of easements, noE shown by tbe public records 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroaslaments, arrd any facts which a correct sur:rey inspectionof the premises would disclose and which are not shown by ehepublic records. +- Any lien, or right Eo a lien, for services, labor or materialIreregofore or hereafLer furnished, imposed by law and not shownby tshe public records. 5. Defects, liens, eacuurbrarrces, adwerse claims or other mattrers,if any, creaced, first appearing in the pubtic records orattaching subsequent to the effeccive date hereof but prior co Ehe date the proposed insured acquires of record for walue the estraEe or inLeresE (}r moregage Chereon covered by ttris Cormritment. 6. Taxes or special assessmencs whiqh are not shown as exist.ingliens by the public records. 7. Liens for unpaid sracer and sewer charges, if any. 8- In addiEian, Ehe ow!1ss's policy will be subjecE, to EhemorE,gage, if any, noced under item one of Sece.ion I of ScheduleB hereof- 9. RIGITT OF PROPRIETOR OF A \TETN OR LoDE TO EXTRAC? AND REMO\TE HIS ORE THEREFROT{ SF{OULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT TIIE PREMISESAS RISERVED IN UNIT$ STATES PAIENI RECORDED May 05, 1905, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 273. 10, RIGTTT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANATS CONSTRUCTED BY TI{E AIXTRORITS OF THE UN-ITED STATES AS RESERVED fN UNITED STATES PAfENT RECORDED May 06, 1905, fN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 273- vl|gtg 5 MAY-2€-9A 13. @2 FROM . LAND TITLE GUARANTEE ID.1g?O4?64534 C*o rrrr.,E rNsuR*I.cE .o*1" AtTA COMMITMENT SCHEDIII,E B-SECTION2 PAGE A/9 (E*xceptions) r_L- RESTRrgfrvs covEnrAlirs, liEIcH Do No? CIJAUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTRTCTTONS, OR I,IATTONAT ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 88 AND A,S AIITENDEDT972, TN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 475- Our Order # v251878 COIfTA.II{ .A. FORFAITURB OR REVERTBRrF A.I\TT, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, INSTRUMENT RECORDED August l_6, 19?2, rNIN fNS?RL1MENT RBCORDED Septernber 25, 12. TERMS, CONDITTONS AIVD PROVISIONS OF COIIVEYAIICE OF UTTLITY EASBTTIENT RECORDEDMay 24, 1,973 IN BOOK 229 AT PAGE 274. 13. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRIC-?IONS Ag SHOWN OR RESERVED ON TTIERECORDED PI,AT OF VAIL VILTAGB T!{ELFTII FILING- 14. 20 FOOT UTILTTY EASEME}I? AIONG TIIE NORTEEASTERTY I,oT TINE OF SIIA.TECTPROPSRTy, T!'tO SEP.ARATE 20 FOOT UTTITIII EASEMENTS TRAVERSING PORTIONS OFSUB'IECT'PROPERTS' AND 30 FOOT uTILITY EASEI{ENr AIONG THE SOUTI{ERLY IrOT LfNEOF SUBJECT PROPERTY, AL,L AS sHOwN ON TIrE PLAT RECORDED AUCUST lc, 1972 INBOOK 225 AT PAGE 88. 15- TERMS, eolrDrTroNs AND PROVTSTONS oF coNDrrroNs coNtArNED rN QUrr-cLArM DBEDRECORDED Occober 14, 1980 rN BooK 311 AT PAGE 24 -J' TERMS. CONDTTIONS AND PROVISIONS OF'AGREEtvlEln RECORDED March 03, L9g8 INBOOK 479 Ar pAeE 83?- L7- A DEED oF lRUs" DATED Noveiliber tB, 1992 FRoM \nrl, MoIlMfArN scl{ool, ACOIJORADO NON-PROFTT CORPOR.ATTON TO TIIE PUBLIC TRuSTEE oF EAGL:E coUNTY FoRTHE USE oF vAft IaTror'IAL BANK TO SECURE Tffi SuM oF g23o,ooo.o0, el{D At{yOTIISR AIqoUNls PAYABLE UNDER Trs TERMS tiEREoF; RECoRDED December 03, rggz,IN BOOK 595 AT PAGE 739. PAGE MAY- 26--9€t 13.43 FROM.LAND TrTLE GUARANTEE rD:19?04"64534 PAGE 9/9t -.\ LAND rOr,r cuARANTEElcoMpANy DISCLOSURE STATEMEI\IT Reguired by Senat,e BiII 91-14 A) The subjecr real property may be locaBed in a speeiar eaxingdisErict. B) A certificare of raxes Due tisting each Ea:ring juriediceionmay be obtained frem the CounEy Tieasurer or Eir6 CouneyTreasurer,s authorized ageot. c) t?re informaEion regarding special d.ist.rices and Ehe boundariesof such disericgs may be obLained from tb.e Board, of counEycomrn-issioners, the county crerk and Recorder, or the countyAssessor_ Required by Senace Bil] 92-143 A) A certificate of raxes Due risring each ta:cing jurisdicrionshall be obrained from uhe cor:nty Treasurer oi ltre couaty- - Treasurer,s auEhorized agent. THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on July 13, 1998, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideralion of: A request for an amendment to a previously approved plan for the Timber Falls Development, localed at 4469 Timber Falls CourUunplatted. Applicant: RAD Five L.L.C., represented by Greg AmsdenPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a work session / conceptual review for a major exterior alteralion and an SDD for lhe Antlers at Vail, located at 680 W. Lionshead Pl./ Lot 3, Block 1, Lionshead 4th. Applicant: Antlers Condo Association, represented by Robert LeVinePlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a major exterior alteralion in CCI and a conditional use permit, located at the Village Center Building, 122 East Meadow Drive/ Block 5E, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: Owner, represented by Snowdon & Hopkins ArchiteclsPlanner: George Ruther A request for a variance to allow for GRFA in the front setback located at 2935 Basingdale Blvd./ Lot 19, Block 6, Intermountain. Applicant: Jay & Sheryl Scolnik, represented by Railton-McEvoy ArchitectsPlanner: Christie Barton A request for a conditional use permit to install a telecommunication facility at the Vail Mountain School, located al 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/ Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th. Applicant: Liberty WirestarPlanner: Christie Barton A request for a front selback variance io allow for the conslruclion of an inclined elevator, focated al2701 Davos Trail/Lot 15, Block B, Vail Ridge Subdivision. Applicant: CraythornePlanner: Christie Barton A requesl for a conditional use permil to allow for an additional antenna on the Mountain Bell iower, located at 160 Mountain Bell Road/ Unplatted Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther A request for a rezoning from previously unzoned property owned by the Unite States Forest Service and transfered to the Town of Vail pursuant to the Land Ownership Adjustment Agreemenl to National Area Preservalion District and Primary / Secondary Residential District for property located al Rockledge Road/portions of United Slates Forest Service Lot 3, totaling 1,78 acres based upon the proposed Final Plat (not yet recorded) of Rockledge Forest Subdivision prepared by Dennis Shelhorn as Job No. 0332-002 dated February 25, 1998. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Dominic Mauriello ts lwnorvry.V ,t\fu r-\I l- S ta t. a t e d' ' ,E BUILDING r SutrE 535 nA00 80202 o JoHN ft. OoRDtck P.o BoY 2z(s-7 Bor:u Da< , LO sa3o/ WH FrtLs l-Iom7oc^taes flSSAI 4o f.tS4rrt Rtrzp.g BoY 3sb ) VAt t-, Lo V t G58 kePPqrt Dr4':V tD FIG, o,lGILlo E. eAgcLl 774,'.*'piBsr.A, @ 80t4 r\rl': itarrrted.' E BUTLD|NG | sU|lE 635 RAD0 80202 .I\ I I Star o r a t e d' L[ BTIILDING :l sutlE 615 )RADO 80202 LE BUILDINC :l . tulTf 635 )iADo 80202 Sta r o r.r I e d ' tLE BUILDINC tI: SUITE 615 )nAD0 80201 At-*t, n. 5co7T t ffiTrllr.=^)n. uAt-kEB 1:t DerK orT a'T- Drlur/ee, Lo to>n? .Mews E jrLl , 17119 -TAA?P t ) , l,/J lAt rugf kA , I L RoOr..rrF W, Et'tt't f lY NNE 12;4aroN lVLl5 LftKs DQ lpVeu*,r.-rD , (O ?e'538 Joabe n t 5\B/LL R, N&V,15 3zES k4r5oS RhNC*l r"otD V*tt , co tf e s1 r-t .|J_1\l I Wire5tar in(orpo'rrlgd. IE EOUITABLE BUILDINC l0 | 7rh StREtI SUtTt 635 El,lvE8, CO T0RADO S0202 o l'HE.EourrABLE BUtLDTNG 730 lTth sTREtr tUtTE 535 Dt ltvER, co[onA00 80202 F(nrsctNE R. + fhAevl^]A- Vz\t k*tsas RnPut VAt u, co g I bs1 PnaL I A m9\.tT, BN 5TE IM LE V Att- ocs,v P.o. Bor 1 VAru Co ElbSg R*y r *hnsunu.?:t'!- n {'sGl W HkmP@x: rw-ca " zor lA K€upoD, b Vo>?:l -Gzll nrcuAut- DAvr >fcit"frHY Rvltt Jon^r DfturP r RuTH koH u P,O. BN ?p.ztl VAr L- , Co zt(056 fHE EoUITABLE BUILDING i30 17th SIREET SUrTE 635 D tVER, C0TORADO 80202 -ea.s-s.a\ I ,. lV.i r e 5 t a r: in ( o r p o r r t.c d' THE EaurrABLE BulLprr.rc 730 17rh SIREET SUTTE 635 0ErirvE R, cotoRAD0 80202 / rY ar ' t € d' ' ffi DUft$E T diflll,LYq nqgR P.o. BoY 5a"o'Avou, co tl(Pzo }UILDINc rutTE 535 . )o 80101 ffi/ rY ar t e d' IJ I LDINC JITE 635 c E0202 Jouru GALT rnovhfrhNE€1\N6 tro - clo NoLrnftN J ' t-ftSkta P.o BoY >zL aailuftN E/Y, c* lt'tt1o-ozLz *-.1TOI{N.OF VATI. r FTNANCn DFTPT ?5 S FRONTAGFI RT) VATI, 002360 FRONTAGF: RT, I co 8165? Dec llate Rec'd: scrreduf ol?o9z STATIIS: A Psrcel No: 2101 O34 Ol OOI TAC: 1 03 ili I I I'evy: 43 . 49CVATI, Yr Bui It: NOV No.: Sihl ing: ' Ex $'ltrl ing: LEGAL:0210 VATI, VTI,LAGF: FTT,TNG 13BLK: - l,0T: TRACT B BK-0363 Pc-0342 0?-13-78 F:XEMPT-POT,TTTCAI, SD-LAN ACT: 13620 ASTI: 3950 AC! 3.890 SF: 0 TOTAT, VALItn $1316?0 $3,950 ASSF:SSED 06/30/96 r,ST CHANGE A4/2O/98 srErMT,F:, MTcHAFrr, DAVTD, lhr"ao RrrH, - JOHN DAVTD & RIJTH KOI{I, PO BOX 2024 VATT, OO322O KATSOS RANCH RT) NOV No.:Si bl i ng: I,EGAT,: O2O9 VATI, VT].T,AGE F,TI,TNG 1 2BT,K: i T,OT: 1 BK:0478 PG:0412 Troc DATE:o't/29/88 Doc rypn: wTt SAT,ES pRTcE: $1zfi.000BK:0234 PG:0072 DOC DATE:O3/15/7a DOC TypE: SALES PRTCE:BK-0240 Pc-0498 $12,400 STNCI,E FAI'| . RES. -I,AND ACT: i 00000 ASD: 9?40 AC: 0. 000 SF: 0srNGLFl FAM.RES-TMPROVEM Acr: 2438b0 ASD: z37so AC: 0.000 sF: 2661 TOTAL VAT,ITE $343 ,850 S33 ,490ASSESSED 06/30/96 l,sT cHANcE 04/20/98 scheduf ooszs? srrrus: n' '/' Parcel No: 2lOl 023 01 014 CO 81658 TAC: 103 Mi I I l,evy: 43.490VATL YT Brri]t: 74 Ex Sihling: Dec Date Rec'd: i*ii*t, RAY E. o oon*t,o uf 856? W HAMPDEN AVN APT 2O2 schea,rl oloo44 srATlts: A Parcel No: 2lOl 023 O1 012 CO 8022?-621 1 TAC: I 03 t'li I I I'evy: 43.490 VATL YT Brri 'l t : 77 I,AKEWOOT) OO3?30 KATSOS RANCH RT) NOV No.: sitling: P004812 Ex Sitrling: T,EGAI,:0209 VATT, VTI,T,AGF: FTI,TNG 12 BLK: 1 l,OT: 3 Dec Date Rec'd: BK-0253 PG-0904 BK-o238 Pc-0482 01-21-75 STNGI,F: FAM.RnS.-LAND ACT: 10OOOO ASlr: 9?40 AC: 0.000 SF: 0 STNGT,E F'AM.RF]S-T}'{PROVEM ACT: 2456OO ASD: 23920 AC: O.OOO SF: 2883 TOTAL VAI,IIE $345,600 $33 ,660 ASSRSSED 06/30/96 LST CHANGE A4/2O/98 VATI, CORP PO BOX ? VATI, KATSOS RANCH RI) NOV No.:Si hl i ng: scireriuf ooSo?3 srATIIs: A' \''/' Parcel No: 2101 023 0l 015 CO 81 658 TAC: 103 Mi I I Levy: 43 . 490 VATL YT Brri]t: Hx Sibling: Dec Date Rec'd: LEGAI,:0209 VATr, VTT,I,AGE FTLTNG 12BT,K: - LOT: - TRACT C ZONED DI}PT,F]X R1<-O226 Pc-0089 BK-0238 Pc-0530 BK-0625 Pc-0653 BSD |1-22-93 VACANT COM I,OTS ACT: 4480 ASD: 1300 AC: '1 .280 SF: 0 PRE SCHRD: 000?035 TOTAL VALITF: $4,480 $r,300 ASSESSED 06/30/9e, LST Cr{ANcF, 04/20/98 eaRt,tlur:ur, FRANcTNE n. fnnvrN A. 3241 KATSOS RANCH RD schear,t| olF949 srATUs: A Parcel No: 2101 023 0'l 032 CO 81657 TAC: 103 Mill Levy: 43.490VATI, Yr Brrilt: 80 Ex Si hl i ng: Dec Date Rec'd : VATT, OO324I KATSOS R,ANCH RI) NOV No.:Si trl i ng: T,EGAL:0209 VATI, VTT,LAGFI FTI,TNG 12BLK: 1 T,OT: 6 I'NTT B BK:0352 PG:O910 DoC DATE:O1 /28/83 DOC TYPF: : SALES pRTCn: $?,F00 BK:0439 PG:O463 I)OC DATF:O4/O't/86 DOC TypF: : SAT,ES pR.TcF: I S127,OOOBK:0704 PG:0484 T)OC DATE:O9/02/96 DOC TyPn: WD sAl,ES pRTcE; fi250,000 BK-04?1 Pc-O031 QCD 09-30-8? STNGLE FAM.RES.-T,AND ACT: 50000 ASD: 48?O AC: 0.000 SF: 0 STNGT,E FAM.RES-TMPROVtr|M ACT: 196780 ASD: 19170 AOI 0.000 SF: 1776 PRE SCHnt): 00'l O27 4 TOTAL VAT,ITE $246, 780 $24 , O4O ASSESSED 06/30/96 r,ST cHANcF, O4/2O/98 .IOHN GAT,T MOI]NTATNE'*'".I,,N % NOR,MAN .T. I,ASKTN PO BOX 222 CARNEI,TAN BAY 003245 KATSOS RANCH RI) NOV No. r Sitrling: T,EGAT,:0209 VATl, VTI,I,AGE F'TI,TNG 12BT,K: 1 LOT: I PARCET, A BK:0498 PG:0212 DOC DATI| :01 /06/89 DOC TYPEr wD sAT,FlS PRTCE: $200,000 BK-0245 PG-0783 WD 03-25-?6 BK-0592 PG-O770 WD l0-19-92 STNGT,E FAM.RFIS.-LAND ACT: 50000 ASD: 4870 Ac: 0,000 SF: 0 STNGLfi FAM.RRS-TMPROVEM AcT: 310300 Asn: 30220 Ao: 0.000 sF: 2443 PRE SCHED: 0009809 TOTAL VAI,I]E $360, 300 $35,090 ASSF|SSRD 06/30/96 r,ST CHANGF, O4/20/98 sctrerjrrf, 00692g srATlIS: A' '\'/ Parcel No: 2101 023 01 04l CA 961 4O-O222 TAC: I OS Mi I I T,evy: 43 . 490 VAT|, Yr Brrilt: 81 Ex Sitr1 ing: Dec Date Rectd: pipr:R', DttANE &. cARor,yN PO BOX 5560 AVON 003245 KATSOS RANCH RT) NOV No. : Si trl i ng: scte,arrtl 006928 srATrrs: AParcel No: 2101 0?3 01 A42 OO 81620 TAC: 103 Mj I I t,evy: 48.490VATI' Yr Brri l t: 8l Ex Si hl i ng: Der: Date Rec t d: I,EGAI,:0209 VATI, VTT,I,AGTI F'TIITNG I2BT,K: I LOT: 8 PARCEI, B-1, B-2 BK:05'1 8 PG:0232 rroc DATE:11114/89 Doc rypE: wn sAlns pnTcr: z gz00,oo0 BK-0426 PG-014 08-14-85 RK-O472 Pe-o588 10-21-87 BK-0426 Pe-015 08-14-85 STNGI,E FAM.RES.-I,AND ACT: 50000 ASI): 4B?O AC: 0.000 SF: 0srNGLr: FAM.RES-TMPR0VEM ACT: 2918?o AsD: 28480 AC: 0.000 sF: 22st.PRE SCHED: 0009809 TOTAT. VAl,ItE $341 ,870 g33,3OO ASSFTSSnn 06/30/96 T,ST CI{.ANGE O4/2O/98 NAVAS, JoRcE A. &. SYBrr,rl. 3255 KATSOS RANCH RD VATI, 003255 KATSOS RANCT{ Rn NOV No.: Sihl ing: l,EGAl,:0209 VATI, VTl,l,AGn FTT,TNG l2BLK: 1 LOT: 9 RESI'R OF' T,OT 7 BK-0251 PG-0405 STNGI.F: FAM.RES.-I,AND ACT: 2OOOOO ASD: 19480 AC: O.OOO SF: O STNGI,E FAM.RES-TMPROVR}'I ACT: 267130 ASD: 26020 AC: O.OOO SF: 2880 TOTAL VALITT: $467, 't 30 $45, 500 ASSESSETT 06/30/96 r,ST CHANGE O4/2O/98 co 81657 VATI, Flx Si bl i ng: ./ schectuf ot4o6l srATIls: A' Parcel No: 2101 023 01 OOz TAC: 1 03 Mi l l Levy: 43.490 Yr Brrilt: 80 Dee Date Rec t d: t/ qllf*i, RoDNTE w. - ERTofr,"**" scrrerirrrl o1zsaz srArus: A1'545 T,AKE DR parcel No: Z.tOl 0ZS Ol O3OT,OVET,ANI) co 80538 TAC: 103 M j I 1 T,evy: 43 .4g0003255 KATSOS RANCH RD VATL yT Brrilt: 76 NOV No.: Sihling: Ex Sjtrling: Dec Date Rec'd: LEcAi,:0209 VATL VTI,T,AGF] FTT,TNG 1ZBLK: I LOT: lO IINTT B BK:0289 PG:08?6 Doc DATFzaT/12/79 Doc rypF: : wD sAt,ns pRTcn: $180,000BK:0565 PG:0403 DOC DATE:1O/22/91 Doc TYPE: WD SAT,RS PRTCE: $162,000 STNGLE F,AM.RES.-I,AND AcT: 100000 ASD: 9240 Ac: 0.000 Str: 0 STNGLE FAM.RES-TMPRoVRM Acr: 199070 ASrl: 19390 AC: 0.000 sF: 2160PRE SCHED: 0010424 TOTAL VAt,ttE $299, O70 $29, 1 30 ASSESSED 06/30/96 r,sT cr{ANcF, 04/2O/98 NEVTS ENT I.P 1345 TRAPP I,N WTNNETKA OO3150 BOOTH FA,I,T,S CT NOV No. : Si trl i ng: o LEGAL:0209 vATT, VTT,T,AGFI FTi,TNc tzBT,K: 2 LOTi 4 PARCEI. B BK:0728 PG:0770 Doc DATFT :o6/oa/97 Doc rypE: wrr sAl,ES pRTcE: $6't0.000RK-o714 Pc-o992 MAP 12-31-96 BK-o714 PG-0993 DEC 12-31-96 BK-0746 PG-0440 QCD 09-10-9? STNGLE FAM.RF:S.-T,AND ACT: 80000 ASD: ZZ9O AC: 0.000 SF: ,IZSB STNGLE FAM.RF:S-TMPR.OVF:M ACT: 38??20 ASI): 3T?60 AC: 0.000 SF: zSSsPRE scHI:D: 008995 TOTAI, VAT,IIR *467 ,72O $45,550AssEssED a6/30/96 T,ST CHANGF, 04/2O/98 scheduf o4Fr ra srATIrs: A' '^'/ Parcel No: 2101 O23 Ol 048TL 60093 TAC: 103 MiI'l Levli 43.490VATL YT Bui I t: 96 Fix Sitrl ing: Dec T)ate F.ectd: ,,r scolr','ALAN M. - wAr,KF:R, ]*r,*tn, M. -JT scrrearrtl o45tr3 sTATIIS: A986 DT:TROTT ST parcel No: 21 01 0Ag 01 O47DFINVF:R CO 80A06 TAC: 103 Mi 1 I Levy: 43.490003150 BOOTII FAl,l,S CT VATI, yr Brri I t : 96 NOV No. : Si bl i ng: Ftx Si trl i ng: Itec Date Rec'd : l,T:GAl,:0209 VATL VTT,I,AGF: FTT,TNG l2Bl,K: 2 l,OT2 4 PARCNT, A BK:O?I5 PG:0959 TK)C DATE:12/31/96 DOC TYPE: WD SAI,F:S PRTCE: $64?.OOOBK-o?14 PG-O992 MAP 12-31-96 BK-o714 PG-0993 DnC 12-31-96 STNGLF f,'AM.RES.-LAND ,ACT: 120000 ASrr: 11690 AC: 0.000 SF: 9g?8srNcl,n FAM.RES-TMPROVEM Acr: 4481l0 ASD: 436i0 AC: o.0oo sF: z7g2 PRE scHED: 008995 TOTAI, VALITF: $56grllO S55r340 ASSFISSED O6/30/96 T,ST CHANGF, 04/20/98 GARTON DHV PO BOX 789 VATT, 003r40 BOOTH FAt,l,S CT co 81658 VATI, s"rredrrf ooe?29 srATIrsr o. V Parcel No: 2101 023 Ol 036TAC: 1 03 Mi I I T,evy: 43 .490Yr BrriIt: 79 Dee Date Rec t d:NOV No.: Sih1 ing: p023?41 Fix Sihl ing: I,EGAT,:O2Q9 VATT, VTI,T,AGE F'TI,TNG I2BT,K: 2 T,OT: 5 IINTT B BK:0581 PG:0817 Doc DATF: :o6/os/92 Doc rypn:Al,E sALES pRTcE: $2s?,s00BK:0657 PG:0544 Doc DATE:12/16/94 Doc rypH: wD sAT,ES pRTcE: $2?b.000BK-0305 PG-0497 BK-0691 PG-0733 WD 12-16_94 STNGl,n FAM.RRS.-T,AND ACT: 10OO0O ASD: 9?40 AC: 0.000 SF: 0 STNGT,F: FAM.RES-TMPROvEM Aor: 18bb80 ASD: 18080 AC: 0.000 sF: 1Bl3PRE SCHED: 0008434 TOTAI, VAT,LE $285,580 $27 ,820ASSESSF]T, OF,/30/96 r,sT CHANGF, 04/20/98 FiTF,'KFNNETH rrAvrn 16140 Ft RATIC!,TFf,.E pT, AIIRORA 003140 BOOTH F.AI,LS CT co 80129. VATI, Ex Si bl i ng: sche<tull Parcel No: TAC !Yr Bui It: 79 Dee Date Rectd: 0.000 sF:o.000 sF: 008728 STA.TIIS: A 2101 023 0l 035103 Mi I I Levgr 43.490 $257,500 n 1691 NOV No.:Si tr'l i ng: LEGAI,:0209 VATI, VTLI'AGE FTLTNC l2Bl,K: 2 T,OT: 5 T'NTT A BK:0581 pG:0817 DOC DATFT:06/05lg2 toc TypE:ALE SAI,E.S pRTCE: BK-0305 PG-049? BK-0691 Pc-o?34 r{D ol -22-95 9740 AC: 1fi560 AC: $26, 300 STNGT,E I'AM.RFIS.-LAND ACT: 100000 ASD:STNcr,I: FAlf.RES-TMPROVEM ACT: t?006O ASD: PRFI SCHF|D: 0008434 TOTAL VALITE $270, 060 ASSnSSnD 06/30/9A T,ST CHANGF. 04/2O/98 BOOTI{ FAT,I,S I{OMROWNER" OC"}l SI'SAN FRTTZ PO BOX 356 VATT, BOOTH F'AI,T,S RI) NOV No.:Si bl'i ng: T,EGAI,:0209 VATr, vTLLAcR FTl,TNc I2Bl,K: 2 f,OTz 12 PT OF' BK-0271 PG-09 tI BK-0285 Pc-08't 9 l{OA I,AND AOT: 0 ASII: 10 AC: O.OO0 SF: 0HoA TMPROVEMENTS Acr: 0 ASD: l0 Ao: o.oo0 sF: 1162PR.E SCHnf,: 0007035 TOTAT, VAr,rrE s0 $20 ASSFSSED 06/30/96 r,sr CHANGE 04/2O/98 schearrf ooaog4 srATiis , ;' 'n Parcel No: 21 01 023 01 Ol? CO 81658 TAC: i 03 Mi I I Levy: 4i.490VATL YT Bui]t: 65Ex Si bl i ng: Dec [)ate Rec t d: nllnfitck, JoHN A. Pn'BOX 2267 BOI'I,DNR OO3OIO BOOTH F'AT,T.S RT) NOV No.: Sihling: BK-0294 Pc-0554 BK-0225 Pc-0669 VACANT RES T,OTS TOTAI, ASSESSED O6/30/96 SchedrrII Pareel No: 0.000 sF: I LFlGAl,:0209 VATL VTLLAGF: FTt,INc tz RT,K:2 l,OT: 11 BK:0345 PG:0050 OOC DATF|: OZ/10/gZ DOC TypFl:8r(-0620 Pc-0346 QCD 08-03-93 ACT: 2OO0O0 ASD: VALIIF: $200, OO0 t,sT cHANcn o4/2O/99 co 80306 VATI, YT Flx Slhl ing: I 1-79 11 -16-12 TAC: Built: 58000 AC: $58,000 Y OO7475 STATIIS: A 2101 023 01 019103 Mi I I t,evy: 43.490 Dee Dat,e Rec'd : SAT,ES PRTCE:s?5,000 VATL MotlNrArN scHooi, O scherrrrf 00so?l srATIis: A--'.'.' iioil] ;:;."" RAN.H Rn cqAflr,.F. ;:Hdr{'i' lfJnrprflf flJ'iel' ar.+go NOV No. : Si trl i ng: Ex Si trl i ng: Dec Date Rec'd : LEGAT,:0209 VATI, VTI,LAGR I'TT,TNc l2BT,K: 2 LOT: 12 PT OF BK:03'l 1 PG:0024 noc DATE: 07/oglgo Doc rypE: sAl,ES pRTcE: $100,o00 ExnMPT/scHooL - I'AND Aor: 200000 ASD: 58000 AC: 6.110 sF.: 0ExFIMPT,/scllool, - TMPS Acr: t2900Fo ASD: B?4t l0 Ac: 0.000 sF: zzg71PRE SCHED: 0007035 TOTAL VAT,ITE $1,490,050 s432,110 ASSESSHD 06/30/96 r,sT cHANcF. 04/20/98 oo Design Review Action Form TOWI{ OFVAIL Project Name: Vail Mountain School Project Description: Window replacement and air conditioner installation Owner, Address and Phone: Vail Mountain School Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Bill Anderson, Beck & Assoc., P.O. Box 4030' Vail' Colorado Project Street Address: 3160 North X'rontage r r ", ., -t ?V,ll**' Legal Description: Part of Lot 12, Block 2, VaiHil#y/2id Filing Parcel Number: Building Name: Vail Mountain School Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Action: Approvcd approved per building permit plans approved 5l2El9E Town Planner: George Ruther Date: 5128198 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVALPT\1 DRBAPPR.FRM '(Qucstions? | ttrc Plarinin-s Stafl'ai 4?v'-3128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct requiring Dcsign Rcviov approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign review must rcccivc Design Revicw approval prior to submitting for a building pcmrit. For specific information, sce the submittal rcquircnrcnts for thc particular approval that is requcsted. Thc application cannot bc accepted until all the required infornration is submittcd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by the Town Council and/or thc Planning and Environntctttal Contrnission. Dcsign Rcvierv Board approval expires one ycar after final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issued and construction is startcd. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: TOWNOFVAIL B. c. D. E. LOCATIONOFPROPOSAT.: IOTK,CT-EfBLOCK: Z FILTNG: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #:(Contact Eagle Co. Asscssors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) zONrNc: 6EuEn*l 1l3€ NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE: F G. OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OFAPPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: H. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E New Construction - $200 Construction of a new building. PHONE: tr Addition - SUinorHtcration - $50 Includcs any addition whcre square footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or comncrcial bUilding. $20 Includcs ninor changes to buildings and site improvcments, such as, rcroofing. painting, window additions. landscaping. fenccs and retaining walls, etc. DRB fces are to be paid at the time of submittal. Latcr. when appllng for a building pennit. please identiff thcaccuratevaluationofthcproject. TheTownofVail will adjustthefceaccordingtothcprojectvaluation. PLEASE SUBMTT THIS APPLICATTON, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. /to'--- UAY-20-9€l 12, 26 FROM. TOV-COM-DEV-DEPT.lD r979|4792452 o PAGE 2,/ 12 BUILDING MATERIAT q: LtsT-qF-P.ROEOSEEMATFRTAT.S TWEOFMATERIAL:cQtQ&* Roof Siding othcrWall Mucrials Farcia Softits Windows Window Trirn Doors Door Triru Hand or Dcck Rails Fltrc,s Flashirtgs Chimncy! Trash Enclosurcs Grccnhouscs Rctainirg Walts Extcrior Lightingr* Othcr t Pleasc specfy thc msnufacturei's color, numb€r and amch a small cdor chip ++ All extcrior lighting must nrcet thc Town's Ughting Ordinancc t E-54.050(J)- If cxterior ligbtiqg is prcfrose4 plcase indicate the nsmbcr offixhucs and locatioos on a scparatc lightiRg pla& Idertifr cach fixarc type and provide the hcigfrt above grade, lumms outpuL luminous arca and utach a cut shect of the lighting fixtrrres. -- ' lWd* &,Ipnrf* Yb+faL Frtx-)nl-- PA Updacd 6/97 i\N\7sFIJt\FRsz,f1jld'{$6,ttstII,{Bs L -:+.:- Js+r$P-{'q'$$$s-d \ss.[t+1 ' t\\t Ii : uI$i Kr\$\rJa,\ \,J- Ri z\ S'i Ks, Et $$\ \- a ...t t !t\rv' 6Arr!Ltvt ' rsa\ o 09898 I90t/,O ilvoe:lt ub-bc-ddvc3/ii Purdusen Eruheen -For: B Relersrce n ConstnrclionSubml[ed To: + EEh. SEER Capacitles: Cooling ..................24,0 MBH Outdoor Design Tcmp "F DB/WB CoolirE 95as 10.q 10.8 Indoor Unlt Poillr Swply--. ...'...........11ry160 Max Fuse S|rf ................,..............,.........,..1 5 Amps l{n. AmpedtY l Amps Max. Fuse sirc PIQIFK Refrlgerant Plping: Max. Ht. Diff€rcnc...-.....164 R. Cas (OD) Standard FcaturGs: . Six year compnssor rvananty e One lrear pans war6nty r Auto m$art lo,xouring a povr€r ouiag€ . Attvarrced Mi{togroces6or controls ' Slim'line ouldoor unil . Relfigeranl charge lor up to 100 feet ot piping . Zone control . Ouiet operalion - both, indcor and cutdoor units . OrVOll timer . Scil Diagnostlcs . Condenger fgn control dol^rn to 0f F. ' ' Bcqdno lotr arnbi.nt Ydld beme- l-lIYl.+lr 9.1,,4'l i1 1r3.3/8'u Il---E5-t7g--..-> P;2IFK PU2'EK At1-?-oo l- .,t1|.f eH FMa e0 :wd d:n 18 -lt 99BSeT9SZl !s:6T t66ttaztn o MO DEL RBL BLOWER CABINET o DETrcRPTION Th6 Roanor Modol RBL is a packaged air handling unlt' comieting ol a blowerlliher cabinet and twin c€ntritugal blowors. This unit has b€€n engineered tor use with Reznor duct fumacos when deeign clnslderations do not p€rmit lhs use ol a Reznor packaged Cyslam. Th€ cabinet is w€athorized with an integral curb cap baie for outdoor installation, but may also be installed indoors, The blowor cabinet has a standard horizontal discharg€ alr oDsnlng, A bottom discharge alr opening is available wilh he addltion of an optional downtum Plenum. The blower cabinet has a strandard hoiizontal inlot buts ls engineered to allow for th6 standa.d horizontal andilor an optional bottom air inl6t with various optlonal damp€r conirol systoms. To obtain the d€sir€d CFM, a geleclion ol motor and ddve combinations are available. STANDARD FEATURES . Twin cenlrifugal blow€rs. 1 Hq open driP'Proof motor . Permanently lubricated ball bearings (1'7'l, HP) . Pillow btock bearings (10-20 HP) . Adiustabl€ belt drive . 115-volt suPPlY voltage . z4-volt, 40 VA control transformer . Weatherized, aluminizod steel construction (Single wall uninsulatgd). Left side controls (facing airstrsam) . Horizontal discharge and inlet air op€nings . Curb caP ba86 Optlonal horgepow€r/voltage motor8 are available ln opgn d.itr proof, totally ehclosed, €norgy eftcient and two spo€d. The filter rack will accommodato olther 1' or 2' tiltors. Cabinels are availablo equipped with optional 1' ot 2' disposable' p€rmanent or pldated filt€rs. Pressure drops lor each type ol filter ar€ listed on Page 73. To m€el a vari€ty ol installatton requirements, the Model RBL blower cabinet is'available with the addition ol downturn pl€num and/or an outside air inl€l hood or evaporativs cooling module. The downtum plenum cabin€t ls a factory'installod option; th€ outside air hodd and evaporative cooling module ar€ shipped s€oaratelv lor field Installation. An optional 16'tull roof curb is avlilable ior cabinotB both with or without a downtum pl€num. STA}IOARD NODEL <of -.---.---.--r --r2 | -31 F rELo .!? CONTROL c0 NEcl |otir-i I -^l..4 J rolt 'ej l'- 0Pl ror{AL r lELo ,a./$ L I IIE VOLTAGE CONNECT ION F€rUiN A lR aq,! OFENING soit rNSr0E taolEr Rtrnor dclonad optlonrl oul' rlda alr hood or ayrgor{ivc cogllng modqb lt raquitld lo an.ut complde uarthcr ral$anca, OPllonll tqtf out- rkt! dr hood (llluttrrtsd) h thlppad aa,9lraLly lor liold rtrmbly r^d inalrl' htlon. Thr gpllonrl avrpotdiva coollng modqla la tlctory !$.mblcd bul l. ahlDDad aag.t l.ly tgt liald-.ra.mbl.ct ducl aonnaolion and Inalrll|llon. For dlrntntlona ol ogllgnd rv.Porrtlva cool- rio moduL, ..a PrOr 63. WITH OPTIO AL DOT{TITUBN PLENUM CABITIET r.ll- co.l|.Icr roN l- I .l$ _l J'ii ,'; -L- ':,. --1.- ,"j J '!? rrj ''o,a 0|ar .r.r.,ir UDt ytEWS l--,i-----1 sIlrl't' )lo|irfitrl Odaida||ltlt &iib le[ t att iJ na&rn hLt (Eoib||tl l0ll r,ltll Shtudl'rt'lFrr50 lziirOlI. a tbr.!| A, Ofatittt ll% t att Fnort vlltS ?ry.t2 DITENSIOXAL DATA o'|T|ol|AlTVAPoRAT|VEcoolfiGlogulEFontoDlL8ER|E8ng!r|diPr:rrlowEnc^nx;ftB^(Coolhu norluh b lrclory fdd) lloh: Dlm€miom lnd woights lor evaporsllw gooling rnodulc lor Lodd RgA rr' the lame r3 BG8/RPB I 50' r.# -l l_-l-] 1- I 1 "t2 I l_ t5, lm. 125 $0, 17!26.4F 2ro, t00 $o tloo Ship Woight (lnclud€! woight ol hoator crllt addition) AS3 wlth 6" CEldsk.158 108 182 212 221 239 AS4 vvlth t2" CELd€kt r 6lt 171 189 n1 N 215 AS5 wlth 8" GLASdckt 162 173 18E no N 24 AS8 wlth 12" GLAS{t8k.172 185 ?o2,87 62 269 Net Weighl with r.t m.dia md a Full Rararuoir AS3 with 6" CELdrr.173 197 218 21E 271 82 AStl wilh 12" CELdsk.184 212 zi7 270 295 318 A35 wlth 61 GLAS&kc 181 ab 2g)2e,285 30E A36 wlrh 12" GLASd€k.201 230 1 296 3{t5 350 75. 10, 125 2Epftt 1s{, and 175 31%r ffir(tZE 30rt4r- 250-il 17r1lr, 350 53{rr a0 58r*L LIFT 'IDE YIEU iEAn vlEw .oTtlollal s FOt [llu: codJro loou|I Fqi IOO€L SERIEB iOlL nPtL rtd 88CBL. TT.I BLOWEi CAIINET IODEL REL (lnCldl coou|e tnodJlr' !- ]|d tan'Ilofi ducl' 't CoolhE|r|odt bffirY'rt.rbLd' laa ttd t$dtlon alEl nqukr n E aa"||lul' CorDLL lt|.hr{oor rn lndurlrd lor rquH fr.ld lfiLllllonJ IOTE: ErTorrlt|. coot|t3 nodd. tot lnrroot fod.l 38C!L nt't b' |nou 'd on a Catio|tli lh. coolhe moiluL Gr|rnol ba rlP'nd'd' -I l I I ..t6 I I i tr.!-, -l' ADJIJSTA6LE l5'natlnull e'llillrult 'ii -.Q-t I 2eii I+ TDWSTA!IE al -lllG llAxlr4url !{-ll!6 nl|lliuh ffi shlD w€ight (Shippsd s€Psralely) AS3 with 6" CELd€kc 313 AS{wtth 12" CELdckc 335 A55 wirh €" GLASd€k'sil2 AS8 iirh 12" GlAsdsko 374 Not WBighl with u.l m€dia tnd t Full Ro$rvoir AS3 wlth 6" CELd.k.379 AS4 with 1Z' CELdsl.431 A55 with e' GLASdrk.lm AS8 wtttr t2" GtlSaefo 514 l-.1t-l ,,il !r0€ ulEU .;lnArcmof, ougl oPEUI{cilrsrvEr P.f. Cg Norrs i ,) Pl,r*l,,'.1': [., e .a.. "\ €,t.,h,Lt \ e... r) C!*r's b1 3r.n3 ?:-6" "I avF'-,_- -:HAt{+ -r-Sl9 Ovcc Sr'r4 ?P'o _-Ar . \)Y-\ \ O, --- O{g??-,.ryff( -- -'-/t, \\ \' l\U t,-t la\ \\\ \\-a/ );\\\ -..tJ ore,#wvru" F^:t:,iNR*/'I ?*'/,1N f\ \ \ \ g.,rr.V ..,*rte H \ *-f^.-; i".A\ \ ?qtcl \ -n7 \ 5"11e tIPt. r I 69 .\ .., ,^ \ nuA df ..)ii t,N "\tg + Norcsf t'" \ g{rrx-rur,*u 11 6.c. . z\ E.or psF-r,,/\ ry 6.C. r) 9"or rcp^-,-r \ G,C. 4 C.f er-+c+tiro ry gwrt. \a Ft i ?oor pha+or.,a (\ 6...) ' lotr 6t , f ' r,.i.r ( r?Lij 3,1j) sN -l $ $ xL\Y s j ,ti 5y6) K' 4A|4FEf,.)(tzz|t\ !t-f.l,btl o $ 0J: P. 02FAl( !{0. 3039490318onAY-18-98 l{oN 11r38 BECK & ASSOCIfiTESAJJQr"l-rll-r fl.E-FF F$$ $$$$FF T' -1 I I I I I I I I I J _lsr a,it R.- r$ -t T\ IJi $$$tq g $ $ F $$t tr }F i*l3 if as: 3i $,$ $ $ f$ $.f; rt rf $i $l${ i* R r) $ sfiil3 FF E8r;r r$ iHIr $r $i HFj N $il $jO1 ii HII' &i $:$$ $$ $$$ $i$ g$$ qi TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRO}TTAGE ROAD VAIIJ, CO 81557 970 -479-2L38 Job Address:Location...: Parcel No..:Project No.: APPLICANT BECK & ASSOCIATES, INC P O BOX 4030, VAIL CO CoNTR,ACTOR BECK & ASSOCTATES, INC P O BOX 4030, VAIL COOWNER VAIL MOI]I{TAIN SCHOOL BOX 502, VArL CO 8l-658 Description: ADDING A/C TO 3RD LEVEL Occupancy: E1 Tlrlge Const.ructionr V 1-HR Type Occupancy: DEPARTMENT Or COM,IUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOtrE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT AIJI-, TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUII_,D PERMT perurit #: Bg8-0132 3160 KATSOS RANCH 3150 KATSOS RANCH 2L0t-023 -01-018 PRJgB-0083 SI,AEUS..,: APPROVEDApplied..: 05/26/L998Issued...: 06/04/t998 E:qpires . . . L2/oL/t998 Phone: 970-949-1800 Phone: 97Q -949-l-800 ep #of Hood/Pallet ! RD RD 81_658 81658 Et- Type V 1-Hour TOV/C Clean-up approved amount date Valuation: Fileplace InforEaeion: Regtsriceed: B7,300 *Of Gas Appliances: ReEtuaran! Plan Revi6w- - > DRB Pee-------- R€creabi,on Fee----------> C16an-Up D€posiC--------> Add Sq Ft: *of Ga6 Lo96: FEE SUI4MARY Building-----> Plrn Chcck- - - > InvG6tigation> will call----> . oo 100.00 . oo 250.00 L,475 . OO 1, 475 .0O ' 00 1, 4?5,0O 680.00 442.OO .00 3.OO ToLaI calculaLed Fees- - - > Additional Fee6---- -----> Total Permit Fee----- ---> PaymenEs------- BALANCE DUts-- - -1,45S.OO DEPE: BUIIJDING DiViSiON: PI,ANS TO GARY APPROVED, CONDITIONS' Depts: PI-,ANNING Di-vision: PI,ANS TO PLANNER Dept: FIRE DiDepts: PIJB WORK Di Item:051_00 0s /26 /L998 06'/ 04/L998rtem:.05400 05 /26 /L9980s'/2s'/L998Item:05600rtem: 05500 BUILDING DEPARTMEI TJRM AcI.ion: NOTE GGOODELT AcLion: APPR PI,ANNING DEPARTT{ENT 'JRM AcTion: NOTEGEORGE Acuion: APPRFIRE DEPARTT4ENIPI'BLIC WORKS vision:vision: itlit*i* See Page 2 of Lhis Document, for any conditions thaE may apply to this permit,. DECIJARATIONS I hereby acknorledge that' I have read thiE applicaEion, fill€d out ln full Eh6 infornatsion required, conpleeed an accuratse plol pl,an, and 6t'at6 hhats all the information provided ae required is co!!ec!. r agree tso conply lrith che information and plot plan, to couply viEh alL Town ordinancea and stsacc LarB, and Eo build thla struccure according to tshe Torn'E zoning and 6ubdivi6ion codc!, dc!19t| rcvLcr approv€d, Uniforn Building codc and otber ordinancca of lhc To!'n altplicable thcr.Eo. REQVESTS fOR INSPECTIONS SHAIJIJ BE MA.Da aWEFry-FOUR HOttRS IN ADIrANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OttR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM 5:00 PM ) Dev srnd CI.rn-Up Dcpori! Io: aECK AllD AASOC SIGNAfl,N,E OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER o a r *r, t trt I tt I t tttt 'l tt tlat t 'l t ta t rt t r t i * !rttt* *t * " tl * t * t '{ trr * rrr+r TOWN OF VIIr, cot ORIDO Sergqnnc a*t*irt*rrrtaritrrt.rittttltittt * * * 'r* *tt +a t t ' t t * I *r glaslnnC Nulbar ! REC-0{11 Anoune: P.)m.nr DLtshod: cK Nolrtion! 17042 1.,455.00 06105/98 17 r05 lniet lllw 9.!|!lg Noi Btg'o132 TyPr r }-@uu lDo,/AlT @llll IUILD P Parcol lfo i 2101-023-01-018 gic. tddr... t 3160 KATaOg RAllcll RD LocaElon! 3160 KrTsos RlllCH RD Total F.es r 1' 475. O0 tt|i. Pald.ns 1,a55.O0 ToEat AIIL Pnt6: 1r175'O0 Balance: '00 AccounC Coda Dc6cripEion BP OO10oOo31111oO BUrrJDlll€ PBRI'lll FBBS DR OO1oOOO31122oO DESIe{ REl',lEW REES PB Oo100oo31l230o PLAN CIIECX( FSES aD 0o1oooo24031oO CIJEAltuP DEPOSITS wc ooloooo3ll2too lfrt r, cal,l, TNSPECTTON FEE l{Eount 580, O0 80. 00 t{2 . o0 250. 00 3,00 TOVIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGB ROADvArt, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPLICAI{T CONTRACTOR OT{NER I!w.6ti9aLion> WlIl c.11----> TOXAI, FEES-- - > ilob Address: 3l-50 KATSOS RANCH RDLocation...: 3150 KATSOS RANCH RD Parcel No. . : ztOL-023-01--0L8Project No. : PRiI98-0083 SEatsus...: APPROVED Applied..: os/25/L99eIssued...: 05/04/199e E:qrires . ., L2/OL/L999 Phone: 970949L403 Phone: 970949L403 Valuation:5, 200 . 00 DEPARTTTTENI OF- COMMT,NTTY DEVEIJOPME}i(I NOTE:TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITB AT ALt TIMES BLECTRIEAL PERMIT Permit #: 898-0114 WHITE RIVER ELE TRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO WIIITE RIVER EIJECTRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO VAIL MOT'IiITAIN SCIIOOL BOX 602, VArL CO 81658 8L620 8L620 **t.ttlrttttrttt tttttt*'rtt**ttt*t'rt***{****** FEE glrul|Any ElectsricaL--->104.o0 Deecription: ADDING A/C TO 3RD FLOOR DRE Pc6 .00 3.OO 111.O0 Total ealculatcd Fcsa- - - > Additional Fees---------> Togal PerEit Fce--------> Payoent's------- BAIN.}ICB DEE--_- 111 .00 .oo 111 .00 .00 111.00 ***lltrt*i*irrtr **+**t t t * * * * 1 * * * * * + :r * * * * * * !r * t A * * * * l.r*'l****l ** * * * * t * * * * * * !r * * * a ******1* ITCM: O6OOO ELEETRIEAL DEPARII'TENT DCPts: BUILDING DiViSiON:06/04/L998 GGOODELL ^A,ction: A,PPR SEE COIIDTTTONS B9S-0132iEbm:'O56OO FIRE DEPARII'{ENT DepE: FIRE Division: **t*t*|}l}}***t*a**!|t*tr'lttlrt** *tl,*a**tl*rt COI{DITION OF APPROVAL 1. AI.,L EI.,ECTRICAI, WORK TO BB IN CONFORMAIICE WITII 1996 NATIONAI, EI.,E TRICAI-, CODE AS ADOPTED BY TOWN OF VAII,. EI.,ECTRICAI, INSpECTIONS AVAILABLE ON TUESDAYS, TTIITRSDAYS & FRIDAYS ONLY. ttt*+ta**tt**t****rt*r,r'|*ati*, ttt*ttta*tttrtt.ralfJ****JaJ**ta* l,tJt*tttrtttttt DECI.,ARATIONS I h.r.by rcknoslrdgc that I havr rcad lhlB applicauion, fillcd out in f,ull thc inforuation rcguiricd, c@pleled an accuratc ploc pl|rl, lnd !trt. tshrt all ch. Lnf,orraBlon provlded as requl,r€d t.s corr.cc. I agree Bo codlrly vlth Ehr infordation rnd plot p1|tr, to coEp1y vlth all Town ordlnanceE and 6t'at'a lar6, atrd Lo bulld tshl.s structure accordlng go Bhe Torn' 5 sooing and su.bdivLsLon cod.., dslign r.vL.s approvGd, IrrLfoto Building code a!!d other orainanc.g of the Tosn applictbl. thcrceo. nEQUESTS FoR INaPECTIoNS SHAIIJ BB l,ltDB TWEIITI-AOUR HOITRII IN ADTnNCB By TELEPHONB AT 479-2138 OR Al oIrR oFFIcE FRol.l sroo Alt s:oo PU SIGNATURE Or oHNER OR eOltrRleroR PoR HIMSEIJF A.l{D OVINER - rFttatataatrr.rti''.rttttlr.ala}atttatl.ttlrrttttttttttt*a*tt rta ?attatFa t., fOiG{ OF Vtttl, COIJORIDO gt.rg.rrll ti atl tati.| tir *ttt lati!rritt|ri t !rt'trlttrl'l itltli'l ltlttlt tt*atrt liA a, *aatra grrlrunt !|uDblr ! tEc.o,lll ,rountr U1'00 05/05/9a 1t306 Dryr.nts X.thod: ct( No!.Blgn. 1toa2 InLt r L l| D. l! to! !t8-olla tlE !. B-EI,EC ltr.Eel*Icll, Pffil 9rt!c.l no! 2101-o23 -01-ola 8lE ldd!.tr I 31Go XA1l6o3 nlf,cll nD locrltoBt 3160 FXIAO3 RIXclI nD ToE l F...r 111.00 Thi. Prlll|!.ng 111.00 tog.l t&L P!e. | 111'00 Brlanc. | .00 t+ atatt itf t tttit \}ttt r t | * *ttt ta tt t'r'a tttrr't latat, t'tttt tttitt tlt"l.tf lccount, Cod. D.3crl'Ptlon lEounl rp ootoooO3lll{O0 EllelRrcrlr PERI|IT FEG' 109'00 rc oo1o0oo31118oo [$ir. cN,! rNsPEcrroll FlE 3.00 TOWN OF VAII., 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L65? 970-479-2L38 Pir.plrcc Infomtsion: R..cricC.d: DBpARrrr{EIiIT oF " coMMuNrry DEVEr.,opMENr NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT A,Lt TIMES MECHANICAIJ PERITIIT Permit, #: M98-0080 ilob Address...: 3150 KATSOS RANCH RDLocat,ion......: 3150 KATSOS RANCH RD Parcel No..... : 2101-023-01-018Project Number: PRiI98-0083 APPLICA]iIT STONE MECHANICAL, INC. 1111 SOUTH 9TH, GRAND COIiITRACTOR STONE MECHANICAI., INC. 1111 SOIITH 9TH, GRANDOWNER VAIL MOI'NTAIN SCHOOL BOX 602, VArL CO 81658 Descript.ion: ADDING A/C 3RD FIJOOR Status...: APPROVEDApplied..: 0s/26/L995Issued...: 06/04/L995 Expires . .. L2/0t/L995 Phone: 81501 Phone: 8r_50r_ .JI'NCTION .JIJNCTION co co 970-242-s0L4 970-242-50L4 *of Ga6 Applianc.6: Valuation: *of (las Loga: 35, 000 - 00 *of wood/Pallct: ttrt'a*!.arrr" FEE srndARY ucchani.cal---> PIrn check-- -> Inw.€t.igation> will eall----> **rl**f***9*********t*t*l**i **lt t***rit*ttt*'}tttttttt**t*tttf***rt*rlt**lt**********ttl********tt***ttt*****tJ*tt**tt***r*********tt** 700. oo 175 . O0 .oo .00 .00 g7s,00 876. OO . oo a7g . oo .00 878 .00 Rc6tsuarant PLar! R.vieY-- > DRB Fe€-------- TOTAL FBBA--... Total calcul.tcd FccB- -- > Additsional F.c6---------> Total P€rmib F€6--------> Payin€nt6- - - -- - - B.AIIANCE DUE-- - - IIEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARII4ENT DEPE: BUIIiDING DiViSiON:06/04/L998 GGOODELL Action: APPR SEE CONDITIONS 898-0132It.bM:.O56OO FIRE DEPARTII'IBNT DEPts: FIRE DiViSiON: CONDITION OF APPROVAT-, FIELD INSPEETIONS ARE COMBUSTION .A,IR IS RBO PER SEC. FOR CODE COMPLIAT{CE.OF TIIE 1991 UME. TO INSTAL,LATIONTO APPENDIX TO INSTRU TIONS AIiID21 OF TIIB 1 GAS APPLIAI{CES SHALT BE VEI{TED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND SHALL TERMIT.IATE AS SPECIFIED IN SBC.9O5 OF TIIE 1991 T'MC. ACCESS TO HE.ATING EOUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITII SEC.5Os ]\ND703 0F THE 1991 UMC:BOII,ERS SHALL BE MOT'TiITED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNIJESS LfSTED FOR MOI'I$TING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FLOORING. PERMIT, PI,ANS ATiD CODE A}IALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECITANICAI-, ROOM PRIOR TO AIiI INSPECTION REOT'EST. DRAINAGE OF MECTIAIiIICAI, ROOMS CONTAINING HE,ATING OR IIOtr-WATERDRAINAGE OF MECIIATiIICAI, ROOMS CONTAINING HE,ATING OR IIOtr-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHAIIIJ BE EOUIPPED WITII A FTOOR DRAIN PBR SEC.SUPPLY BOILERS SHAI.'L BE EQUIPPED WITII A FTOOR DRAIN 21_r_9 0F THE 1991 UMC. SEE CO}IDITIONS ON BUILDING PERMIT 898-0132 R3GARDING SE,ALING PENBTRATIONS, PROVIDING AI{Y NECESSARY FIRE DAMPERS,ETE., IN TITIS EXISTIT.IG TYPE V 1-HR FIPA-RBSISTIVE BUILDING. ******************************************************!t************************* l_-2.3- 4- 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. DFCLARA:TIONS -t.I h"rcty .clsrovledgc chr! I hrv. rc.d bhia .pplication, flllod qrt in full the inforrrtion lllqulrcd, coqrl.t.d |.r accutaec plob Plaa, and 6tatc that all Chq infoloation providcd.s rcqul,rcd LE corr.ct. I agroe to coply rith !h9 infon tiorr Elrd plot pl.n, to coEltLy rith all Torn ordinuc.s and statse larg, |nd to build chir strucLura aecordl.ng co thc Torn,6 aoning and subdiviEion eodee, &aign ravirv rpprovcd, Ihifor|! Building codc and other ordinancgg of bhe Tan atrpliceble th.r.to. RlQItlltTS FOR MIIPECTIOtrS gm!I, BE I{ADB fiANTY-FoUR lloIrRA It{ Alwtt[Cl EY TELEPIIONE tr 479-2138 OR AE OlrR OTFICE tRon s.oo.Au 5ro0 P SISMTURE OF OIINER OR CPlilRt'EIloR EOR IIIMSE',? AND OI{IIBR I t |, ttt |l q t * | tt taat * tl a t a r* ttt ,, t t | | t t t a l, t * * *r t * * *trt 1*aa a a ta a t t i ti TOlt{ OF VIIIJ, COLoRADO Scrt.osc tt t t t tt t t tttt a t * atrrt r a * *ata a t tt t t t t ttt t t l} | * 'lt* 'la 'l ** rttt *tttt *tt 8grtslonl }fu[b€r: REc-o{I2 l,lount r 9.yE nts ll.chod r ctr NotrBlga3 17042 878.00 06/05,/98 17 !09 lnis: llLtf P.nlE IIo: [98-0Oe0 TYpt. B-MECB llECIIlltICA! PBRI|IT P.rc.l llo ! t 1.01- Oe3 - 01- 01S 81,t. ldat..a ! 3160 KtrTsOg RAlrcH RD Locrclon ! 3160 KATSOS RN{cl{ RD tocal P.a6: Thb gayllcne 879.00 ToEaI AII]J PnLs ! Ballncs: rr t t t t rr a ar t a e t r a J* *rr f * rtt J t t DstcripeionAccounE Cod! 37A.OO 876. 00 .00 Atnounts 700.00 175,00 3,00 ltp 0010000311r.300 lrEcHlltrcl& PERllll tlEa pF 00100003112300 pltll CHECI( FIEE rfc 00100003112s00 ttrlr, cAlrlr ItlgPEerIoN FBB TOIIN OF VAIL 75 S. FROMTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81557 970-479-2L38 DEPARI!{ENT AE COMMT'NITY DEVBIJOPMEIiIT NOTE:TTIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: P98-0054 VAII, MOIJNTAIN SCHOOL BOX 602, VA,rr_, CO S1658 Description: ADDING A/C TO 3RD FLOOR t**rtrttr*rr*i*r rr!|**ttt**r.**r.rrrrrrrrrrr'r**t FBa guumRY Status...: APPROVEDApplied..: 0s/26/199eIssued...: 06/04/L998 E:<pj-res . . z L2/OL/L998 Phone: 9709490200 Phone z 9709490200 1,200.00 APPIICAIqf CONTRACTOR OWNER Job Address: Locati-on. . . : Parcel No..;Project No.: CONCEPT MECIIAI{ICAI.,, , AVON, CO 81-520 CONCEPT MECHANTEA,L, , AVON, CO 81620 PLI'MBING PERMIT 3160 KATSOS R,,A}[CII 3160 KATSOS RANCH 2101-023 -0r_-018 PRiI98 - 0083 INC INC RD RD Valuatsion: PLuEbing- --- -> Plan Chcck---> Invaatigation> will call-- - -> Regtuaralrt' 9lan Revie?- - > TOIAI, PBES-.-.- Total calculaEed Fee6---> Additional Fc6s---------> Total Pcr[it Fcc- -- --- --> 30.oo 7.50 .o0 3.O0 .00 40.50 40 .50 .oo {0 .50 BAIANCB DUA.. - - * * * t * * * * * tr*r * ra * * * ri * t * * r* rr * * t Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTI,IENf06/04/L998 GGOODELL Action: APPR SEEIt,EM: O55OO FIRE DEPART!'IEIII DepE : BUIL,DING Divi-sion: CONDITIONS 898-0132Dept: FIRB Division: ttt*tattt*t*!r*tttr|r*Jftr****a+ t * t t * t *t+ *l a1* 'l * * 1* tt *t 't* ***** *ralt tt t t *t* t t CONDITION OF APPROVAIJ 1. AI,L PLI'MBING WORK TO BE AS PER 1994 I'NIFORM PLI'MBING CODEAS ADOPTED BY TOWN OF VAIL. SEB COIIDITIONS ON BUII,DING PERMIT 898-0132 REGARDING PENETRATIONS OF FIRE-RESISTIVE ASSEMBLIES IN TIIIS TYPE V 1-HR FIRE-RSSISTIVE BUILDING. *rtt*tt+*rJ*tt****tt*tat**r**** irr**l*t*t**l}r****r**************ta*tft+*t***9r**||t*tttttj*t'rt*tr*iar DECLARATIONS t harcbrlr eclsroylcdgo chac I hava read this applicatsiolr, filled out ln full thc inforEation rqquirad, eodplctscd rn tccurate ploc plan, atld statsc ghat all tshe inforuation providcd r! tequir€d 16 corlccts. I agree to cdttly ritsh the inforuatsion and ploL plan, to co'rtrply wtth.11 Torn ordinanccs anal 6taLe lat'6, ard to build thig Etnrclurc rccording to ths Tot|n'. zoning rnd lubdivigion cod.6, deBigm revicw approved, Unifodr Building Cgdc and othcr ordinances of lh.! ?ottn applicable ch.ret.o. REQITESTS FoR INSPECTIONS SHAITL BE tilADA ?WEMrY-FOI'R HOUR9 lN .BDVLT{CE By TEIJEPHoNE AT {79-2138 oR AT oItR oFFIcE FROM 8.00 Al.l s:oo PM SI(tr{ATURE OF OTWgR OR C9I+ETe!OR FOR HIIISBIJF AND OIINER aitittrrttaraaattrattara aaii..r t?lttt ]''ttt+'rt lJ{r.. A(fin Ot VlItJ, CO'ORIITO Suits *rt at.atiatttttat+ttarttt*a',!rt+ttto',tt+t*tttt**attttttttttt*l*rt'tt'tt gErtaulE, NlEbrt I R!C-0412 AllounB: Pr}l.trc tl.thod: ctr troE tl'on. 1toa2 10,EO O6l0sl98 L7 tO7 Itrl.B: $ tl P.ndE l|o. 998-oo5a tl|t'. ! B-PLrg DlltllBtllc DERlirT Pucrl No: 2101-023 -oI-018 8lr. lldscrg: 3160 t(Nlaoa RNICH ED tJocrCion: 3160 KATSO6 RANCII RD aotal F... | 40.50 nrla grFrlc {O.SO ?og.l aL! I,[c! ! 40.50 B.lmc.3 .00 tttaat'r'atttaatt itrtatttttatatta')tattt*"f rittttll't"ttt3i"t'rt Lcor&c coda D..oElpeiosr P9 00100003111200 PLSuBTNG PaArrT taE6 Dt oo1oooo31l23o0 PLIN CIIBCK FEaS nC OO1OOOO311Z8O0 WILL CAltr INSPBCTIOiI lEE l,rcung 30.00 7.50 3.00 "zzo ieneral Description: l \'********************************* VALUATIONS **************:t**rt**************,* }UILDING: $ .>I,UMBING: $}IECHANfCAL: $:t#W i *** ********:t*** ** t )eneral qgntractori dlf ];l * * ;couTnec;l9R INFoRltAaroN * **.& * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ; * D ii#""f"Xi:1,*qh-i's !+ lC.Povn of Vail Reo.;r/Phone Number: {4, rddreiss: ilectri iddress: )Iunbing qontrac rddress:Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Iectranical Corrddress: l,lJ g.clor: '. ************* *** ** ****** **** *** IUILDING PERMIT FEE;,II,MBING PERMTT FEE: IEC!{ANICAL PER}fIT FEE: r'IJECtRfCAt FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )R,B FEE: Town of VaiI Req. No.lzlPbgne Nunber: _242-6n FOR oFFIcE usE ********* ******** *+***** ****** x BUILDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: PLIJUBTNG PIAN CHECK FEE:}TECIT}NICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CI,EAN_UP DEPOSIA: TOTAL PERI{IT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNETURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: CLEA}I IP DE9OSIT BEFITND TO: MAY-29-9EI 12.2? FROH,TOV-COM-DEV-DEPT. 75 south tront.ge ,crd vail. colocedo glGS? (3031 479-2138 ot 479_2139 PAGE 7/ I2 Offlce ol cammunlly dclretoprncnt rpf704"s24s2 TO: EROM: DATEs SU&TECT: Lrhr"3$rffi:3oRs cuRRENs,yL REGTSfERED wrrH r!{E SorBr oF VAIL puBLIC woRxs/col,wuNlrc DEVETFPuENT MARCH 16, t_98a CONS"RUqITON PARKTNG E }{ATERIAL STORLGE ii'iiil$"i':I:i:Ti"""ilo;-'u::::?: It-it rr- is unrawrur ror any :5.ffi *'+:*l"i::i"ai"g-'tlls;=fi;;='.:il. =!lli"Ii!*i"iiltl *5;i = ;;ii Hii;ii" 1r;;;*i:*i**r _, iu= d*tt;lt3 {ili:iiii", ;iti;1"p"""q:tLH jft ii:,1r;r.:rry*iip-iiiii#*i,,,"rn_ Ehe event the person so notified.ao.i,nli..I"Iprv with thenoei-ce within the 2d r'""i-tiiJ^ipeciri.J;,';;";;Lric worrsDepartrnent virr reruove =-iaritlii"r _Jt-inJ"Jr.i]ir=e of DersonliSifl:i;" *""3="visions-it-iii=_o"ainance srr-arr nor beany stree. ;; ;iH;=::.:;l,"iiilt;:3,ff li""ffill i*l;Ip o, h*"::ii:i"E:"iffi:.ililt"::""f E*; r,::;;. "Tfl ":il ;* ?:r",:f, Read and acknnrr.t aAraj r---_ (i.e. "ort=.".or, owner) Date MAY-2O-98 12.27 FROM:Tov-cOM-DEv-DEpT. v 75 soulh |roctlge ,orCYlllr Colo'tdo 8:l65?(3o3) 479-2t39 or 479-2139 Ipfo47s24s2 PAGE E/ 12 offlce of community darctopmerrt EUILDiNC PERI.?iT ISSIIAI{CE Ttt,IE FRAI,IE If thts permit reouires a Tolrn of vail_Fire Deparunent Approval , ..Ensi neel is (eual ii-foilri ilri"i'.ii' jpp"ou.l,. a pl anni n!.Departmenrrcvre'r or Health o:t:tt i"l.;Ji";;;a.a rlni.i lv-ii,i,fru,itcing 3!riilll.E"*;"*the estinated tfme iii'"-ibt"r review iray tare as lons All cornmercial'.large or smalr) and all nrulti-family permits wi'have to fotor+ dtre ibve-;;;ii;;e;ximum requirenents. Residentiarand smat proiects sttorfa iaiel-i"'Jllt.umount_of time. However, ifresidential or srnal ler.project.-iil;A' the various above mentioneddepa rtrnenrs wi th res.a.1{-i;";;;, ;;'li'i."i ",r, these pro jec ts mayatso take the three week period 5Hi.:ilT.3j""jlto3:rTtfe.br this departnrent to expedite rhis . i;.,l!l undersisned' understand the plan check phcedure and time 0affioFR'Corununi ty 0evelopment hebt was-ned into EhE LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL PO Box 4090, Vail CO 91658 Phone (970) 949-1800 Fax (970) 949-43gs ro,-Jbc.rp OF WlL DArE: g: ZO -f I ArrN: (,t{,1<tre b4v$w,l)*rL r'4ountd scAw/_-: rnouQ4ue8 ,lOeea6* WE ARE SENDING YOU rhe following items: rr.n' 7./,t.ttX bge,u4 [ ] Plans [ ] Copy of letter [ ] Bidding Guidelines [ ] Shop drawings [ ] Samples [ ] Change order COPIES DATE 3 n/Y-(91b [Ptints [ ] Specifications [ ] Photographs DESCRIPTION flo,n'rViu g4wt ,wBz&NPL P*qr,\ A/ct,o]rto,.t [ ] Approved as submined [ ] Approved as noted [ ] Returned for corrections [ ] For Bids Due H6c4*prat AL.re&nyS THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For approval [ ] For your use [ ] As requested [ ] For review & comment t t{op_ T'.tt>rp* b&m)rr REMARKS: twn F I \|{P51\DOC$\IA pr,ATE\TR$rgr,trT. BiA COPY TO:SIGNED: Eui- l rJ, I |UwN Ur VHILr l-!l'ala5,i98 A7254 REOUET FOR INStrECTION l^lBnt(. == === == == = = = ===:==== =-:=E==E===E======-EE3tActivity: BIB*et13E B/e5l98 Type: A-COMI! Address: 3f6O KATSOS RANCH RDL;;;1;;;; ;iea riHrsos RANcH RE '* :*Itrar"cel r 81O1-tZt€3*Ul1-OlB tJ Descr'!-ption: ftDDING A/C TB sRD LEUEL u.tV ftpp-lieant: BECK & ASSOCIATES, INC rf6l'- Ownerr VAIL I{UUNTAIN SCHOUL u'/ Contr.actor: BECK & ASSOCIATES. INC i ES/98 rlt\' HH|.)E .t + AREA: CD Status: IS$UED Constr: ACOFI Oec: 1--rLanq l\r 6tA4 Use: U 1*HR Fhone:97O-949-lBOtl Fhone: F,hone : gT{r-g4g*lgBEr Inspeet i on Reqr-test I nformat ion..... Request or* r bruce History..... Utft5f B dri veway qr.ade f inal OAAIrA BLDG-Foot ings,/5t eel OlZlBet} BLD6-Foundat i on,/St ee 1 EraSeqt FLAN-ILC Site trlan AAAS|Z| FLDG-Framinq trhone: 9tl4-l€97 Comments F.D. Act i on: AtrtrR AFTPROVED JRIII Tine Exp 40544 BLD6*Fina) trl Inspect ion Item: ItemlIten: Iten l Itemr Q6/Vq /9A Inspector: JRMItem: Etlzlgt4lA * * Not 0n File x * Iten r AtOOgA BLDB-Insulat ionItem: AAA6IA BLDG-Sheetroek NailItem: AOOSO + * Not On File * * I t e.m : qtUtrZlTO BLDG-M i sc.Item: BOO9O BLDG-Final Itemr rAerSSrA BLDG*Temp. C/0Itesr: et6531 FIRE-TEltlF,. E/g I t em : 4053S F,W-TEMF,. ClAIten: 00533 F,LAN*TEMF,. C/trItem: 44537 FLAN-FINAL C/gItem: SIO53S FIRE-FINAL tr/OIt en r 014539 FW-FINAL C/flItem: AO34A BLD6-Final E/tr {rrr il -.it. r,#!.- .-,& r\E-F I lrJl I LJ$,N [Jr VH I L t L-|.LLJ I(HI,U F HU'C. I tf AREfl: EDFORr 8/EEl94 8/e5/98 Type: B-MECH Statuc: ISSUED Constr: ACOFIActivity: ltl9B-OOA0 Address: 316{t KATSOS RANCH RDLocation: -316O HflTStrS RANCH RD F,ar cel r tiOf -Urag-qr1-ErlB Deser i pt i on r ADDING A,/tr 3RD FLtlORApplicant: STONE MEtrHffNICAL, INtr. Owner: UAIL MOUNTAIN StrHOOL Contractor: STONE MECHANICALT INC. Oeer Use ! trhone t 970-24|e-5(t14 F,hone ! F,hone r 97O-E4E-5014 Inrpect i on Request Infot mat i on. . Requestor": bruee ArztSggr MEtrH-Flnal Fhone:904-1897 Req Time: 0&;OO,ConnehtE:,,r+i,lrl ee..!l I Items nequested to be Inspected... Action Eonnents Time Exp Inspection It em: Item: Item:Iten: It em: Item:Iten: It en:It en: Histor.y..... oraeetta MEtrH-Rouqh AACSS FIRE-SF.RINKLER RtrUGH AGe4rA trLMB-Gas F,iping rACl3lA FIH{iH-Heat ing ftlztSe[l MECH-Exhar.rst Hoods E033ra MECH-SrrppIy Air RB34O MECH-MiEe. Ora3ga HECH-FinaI IAA538 FIRE-FINRL C/Q REPT131 De seri pt i on r Appl icant rx 0wner: Contract or; uF vAILr' C r Or'EEl98 PAGE 15 flREfi: CD =E=ErE!=E=E= g=Grr!!!tt&aGltEBE=e IASUED Constr: ACO}IActivityr F9B-0064 A/P3/98 Type.. B-PLMB AddreElr 316O KATSOS RRNCH RD ', -..i*Locat i on r .$Sf 0.. KSTSQS ^ff[*C]+::FD ..Farcel : ?1O1-683-Cr1-Ol8 9telur I VAIL FIT]UNTAIN SCHOT]L CONCEF.T IYIEtrHANICALI INC 0ecr Usel Phonbr 97Oi49O8OO trhone I trhoner 97O949O8OO Inspect i on Request Information.... Requestor: bruce Req Tine: FBrQ9.Connents: willItens requestE,d to be Inspected.., Phoner 9O4-1e97 cal l Action tronrents Tire Exp 00e90 Inspection History..,. . Iten l @A?LA trLFlB-underground Itenr OAEEQ trLMB-Rough/D.W. V. Item r OqtCeg FIRE-SFTRINKLER RUUGH tten l AA€BA trLMB-Rough/l.later^ Iten: o'oe4(t trLMB-Gae triping Itear OAASO trLMB-trool/Hot Tuh Iten : @Oe6A trLHB-t'lisc. Iten: O0e9@ PLMB-Final Iten: OO538 FIRE-FINAL C/u ea 1997 \ 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 t 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community D eve lopment Ar.rgust 4.1997 Bany Pcrnrut, Esq. Bcrcnbaunr,Wcinshicnk & tlason. P.C. 26th Floor, Rcpublic Plaza 370 Scvcntecnth Strcct [)cnvcr, CO 80202-5626 RII: Vail Mountain School Bcrm/Clrain l-ink Fcncc Your Clicnt: Brandcss Cadmus Rcal Estatc, Inc. and Mark Cadmus Dcar Mr. Pcrmut: ln rcsponsc to your lcttcr of July 2l, I havc consultcd with both l'own Planncr Laurcn Watcrton ancl Scnior Envirgnrncntal Policy Planncr Russ Forrcst rcgarding thc continuing nccd to maintain tlrc lcncc in iis cutrcnt form. It appcars to us that thcrc is no Town rcgulation nor fi.lnctional valuc rclating to rockfall r'itigarion that rcquircs thq continuation of thc fcncc. 'l-hc Vail Mountain School nray havc somc othci'rcason (c.g,' clrildrcn's safbty) for maintaining thc fcncc. Thc final dccision on rcmoval is' nf cour$c. up to th; Mountain School as thc owncr of thc fcttcc. That ncgotiation is betwccn you and thc owncr. Plcasc contact mc dircctly if you havc any additional qucstion in this rcgard' My dircct phonc numbcr is (970) 479-2140. Vcry tnrly yours, C^^6 *un c. Connelly Dircctor c,c. Pctcr Abussi, VI{S Russ Forrcst {g*"n"uoru* Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST P.O. BOX 2 slLT, coloRADO 81652 Phon6 / Fax (970) 876-5400 (24 HOUAS) Jurne ll, tgqT rJ ohn Fluel I I er9l{t Fairway Drive Vai I C0 81657 REr Vai I Mt " Eichool [jence nn Berm Dear Plr. l"luel I er I At your request, I vteited the site o{ the rock{all protectinn t erm behind tha Vai I 1"1t. schoot wi th you. The question wa*whether the two {ences at the top of the berm are neceesary {orrock{all protecti6n, or for any other geologic reason. Becaurge of the berrn/trench complex on the hillmide and newconstrurcti on between the sctroot and the noc!,: srource, there is nnchance of rockc; overtopping the berm to reach the school . Thereis no ugeful purpose {or the fences for any geologic reason.Thust the fence tran be removed withourt increasing geologic:haeards to the schooi.. Feople can tre restrained f rorn crossing the berm thr.or-rgh otherJneanEr such as barrierg at each end of the berm. If there arerany other questt orrs pleaee contact me. Si ncerel y, 'p/k Nicholas Larnpiris Eoneulting 6eologlst