HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 13 BLOCK 2 LOT 1 LEGAL"i Project Name: Lawson/Gold asphalt re-roof Pbject DescripUon: Re-roof Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97O.479.2452. web:www.ci.vail.co.us DRBNumber: DR8020276 Participants: OWNER LAWSON, THOMAS WARD 08/2112002 Phone: 2825 BALD MOUNTAIN RD E 1/2 VAIL CO 81657 License: APPUCANT LqWSON, THOMAS WARD 0812112002 Phone:477-1023 2825 BALD MOUNTATN RD E 1/2 VAIL CO Atomemt@hotmail 81557 License: @NTMCTORPLATHCONSTRUCTION 08/2112002 Phone: P.O. DMWER 5920 AVON, CO 81620 License: 148-8 Project Addrcss: 2825 BALD MOUNTAIN RD VAIL Location: both sides/Lawson/Gold L€gal Description: Lot: I Block 2 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 13 Parcel Number: 210103401017 Gomments: See@nditions BOARD/STAFF ACTIOT{ Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Voter Date of Approvall. 08128120Q2 Conditionsl Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate revie\rv committee(s). Entry: 08/28/2002 By: Warren Action: COND Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Entry: 08/28/2002 By: Warren Action: COND Cond: CON0005522 . That the "t** replace the cedar shakes with the rut* asphalt shingte on both halves of the duplex concurrenfly. Entryt 0812812002 By: Wanen Action: COND planner: lJn^n ^ We RB Fee paid: tzo.oo ,r*ffi Location ofthe Proposah Lot: Physicat Address: 2-82 f, Parcel No.: Name(s) of Owner(s)i Maiting Address: Z iL Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailins Address: t E-mail Addressl Type of Review and Fee:tr Signs E Conceptual Review tr New ConstructionD Addition tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request wso Plus 91,00 p€r square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new buildlng or demo/rebuild, For an addiuon where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (indudes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to bulldings and siG improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions. landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Revlew Board. No Fee Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970,179.2139 fay.': 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projecG requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application, Please refer to the submittal requirements for the paticular approval tlrat is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be acc€pted until all required information is received by the Community Development Depaftment, The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town C.ouncil and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design rcview approyal lapses unless a building pennit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Application for Design Review $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 \ enck, Bn\[n^^ A -5a 1€1u L srbrtiuirion, l(Conoo Ealle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) lingt3s )'\{ff 77. io23 IJJ,,it P,d'^: bu-or'- tr tr For Office Uggpnly; Fee Paid: .-t,' Application Date: Planner: No.: DescripUon of the Request: JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAT LETTER T0lt^r I, (print name)a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description) provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements includei I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliancBltitfr;ne Tpwn's applicable codes and regulations. ( (fn.Lawso-) Page 2 of 12/02107102 s Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Lighting Plan:o Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.o Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous areao Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. II. REPAINT PROPOSALS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: s Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s) tr Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) The following is an example: Page 5 of L2l02lO7/02 Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIAI.S Tvoe of Miterial Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soflr!ts Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of t2/O2l07lOZ ****:.*|f *f ***t**{.***rt *{. *** * *++++*t * *+ **+ t**!ai *** * r. + ** * *t r 9'*'1.*+i. r. r, * +* + *** a+ +t++* +f'tf*** | *4.* ** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement *+t***artt**{.****** **'l* ****** ************+*t***'}**'f**{.******** ***********{r*+***+***'f *++{'****'} Statement Nuniber: R000002918 Amoung: 520.00 08/2L/2oo2o2:49 PM Payment Method: eash Inits ,tAR Notation: Permib Nor DRBO2O275 T14)e r DRB-Minor Alt, SFR/DUp Parcel No: 2101034 01017glte Address: 2825 BA&D MoIINTATN RD vArL' Location: boEh sides/Lahteon,/Go1d Total Fee€: $20.00 ThLs Pa)rment,: $20.00 ToEaI ALr-, Pmts: $20.00 Balance: $0.00 ** *+**t ft ++ a ftt*'**++ *f+ **** * ****t * *l' ***{':t * * * | t!t*r* **** | ** * ** **+t} * * **l * f,** ** * lt* +**}a l+*+ + f* ** * ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniptron Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI,I FEIS 20.00 Rsft LPT ll &-F, Lt 3?tf d oaft' rqa f yo fr7{f tlf Njft : t/ats J?71'l rtl'coru 6f z f furornt,Ac Co&ffiq'( Dtuf 6\ coNsrRucnoN p ,*Hfrfl department of oommunity development TYPE OF PERMIT trtrn Etrn BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY LEGAL DESC, OWNER ARCHITECT GENERAL CONTRACTOR 129-X efrnrcnr- CONTRACTOR PLUMBING CONTRACTOR MECHANIC CONTRACTOR OTHER CONTRACTO FtLtNG W 13th NAME Dave Irish MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. rtnM Mtn. I-andscE)e Group ruarrlooness Box 22% VaiI. @ pn0838 MAIL ADDRESS MAIL ADORESS MAIL ADDRESS C ITY PH. ERMIT sslE 8/7/7e pROJECT x9.379-79 379PERMITNO. 1 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I ll lll rV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AB E H IR M DIVISION 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : Add loft flor PERMIT FEESTYPE GROUP SO.FT, VALUATION BUILDING PERM IT PLUMBING ALTERATION ADDITIONAL (jt) REPAIR () DWETLING UNITS G.R.F.A. - ACCOMMODATION UN COMMERCIAL SYST - RESTAURANT SEATING HEIGHT IN FT. -BATHTUB/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES -NO. TOILETS COVERED PARKING - UNCOVERED PARKING TOTAL PERMIT FEES ING ADMINISTRATOR ING NOTES: INSULATION FLOOR EXT, WALLS ROOF LAWS RE6ARDING BUILDING CONSTRUCTIoN- ! 451'o,fr r HEREBY A.KN.*LEDGE ,r^lr, ^r^r!'o$)READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE AEOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATEVAIL WATER & SAN, DIST. TAP FEE : $drrl xt"tr l,t tlli y ultll vt lerrt/- a Iepanment of community development TYPE OF PERMIT._-/ui 9,lJtLDlilG U PLUMBTNG ffElecrRrcRt- [ rouNonloN oNLYn l,,iEcHANrcAL D I, TYPg OF CONSTRUCTION 2. OCCU?ANCY GROUP DlvtsloN GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : I lil tvv EHIRM 122a34 LOT NAI.,tE: ,nt I trL, l BTK L FILING \ /u t3J1- NERAL RACTOR /29- JI,lBING .RACTOR HANICA IRACTOR THER rR TYPE GROUP SO. FT. VALUATION R EPAIR (NEV/() ALTEFATIONil AODITIONAL OWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMOOATION UNITS- G.R.F.A. -BEOROOMS COMMERCIAL SYST - RESTAURANT SEATING IGHT IN FT, -BATHTUS/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES -NO. TOILETS COVEREO PARKING - UNCOVEREO PARKING INSULATION R.VALUE vAlL WATER & sAN, DrST. TAP FEE : SPECIAL NOTES: - !.I A'I A!]DRFSS r.tArl ADDFESS , FrR!,r - , I,I AIL ACOR E SS OR LrAtL A00RESS PERINIT NO.F(: BUILOING ELECTRICAL PLUI..lBING MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES EUILOING P€R[IIT /a,b PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL lB, ce PLUt,l EING MECHANICAL REC;lEATION FEE DESIGN REVIEW BOARO CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT TOTAL PERI.4IT FEES 4&,*o IUILDING OFFICIAL 0NING A0tTIINISTRATOR OATE 9AIE ONING NOTES: I IIEREEY AC'(!VO\{LEDCE THA' I H^VE R EA O THIS A PPLTC ?IOI ^NO STATE TII^T THE ADOVE ls COAr(eC? A'riO A6REa TO COlltLY wrTlt ALL TOWN ORITtHAt{CtS ^ND sT^t€ LAWS RECARDTXO IUILD|NC CONSTi Ugllalli. { t{ ^Tt|H ]' ]' tltr'\f l{ lur |rrITlr la'?||rl . t^ ' t l\ ^try / -u- +"*r'2" Y /*" ^ L' 24 /y" *-3/, rt .r//O 2 xlO Y allo /. x to \, -4,/?-{-r'/4 2 x lO ?,NI' I i:r,, l*,. c,,;* )t ttit 'II 4,4;te- /.to-r, t /Z ' /.o*7. ka'r,'. - kt z. ztt ett-.u) 27'/0 c-,ai<r,t/i *. t.i l, /?,7? Best copy Available ,. l2 Ot-{/zat,l/ + ?o=*=R &. "o=*==teBeS Bald Mtn. rd Vail, CCJ. A 1657 Lynn Stuart Buchanan const. Division Per our conversation, I would agree to let you build up the soil berm which sjts on the property line 2825 and 28d5, if the following conditions are met: l, All const debrls,rocks, stumps etc. will be removed. 2. All disturbed soil visible from my house will be raked. seeded, and mulched with 6n adequate c6re t0 Insure gnass gr'owth in the spring 3, Come spring, any bare patches or ony other visible damage or non-growth areas will be res€eded and cared for to ensure growth. H%6/h/, r F -. - POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE T0,l|Jt{ 0F l'AlL euil-ollu(ii PEFIMIT :rtE OF APPLICATI !r23o F lll F o I. TY"E OF COiISTRUCTION New-KaLrenattoN ( I ADDlrloN ( I REPAIRt I OFF ST. PARKINGH€IGHT IN FT,SO. FT, OF SLDG. NO. OF LIVING UNITS SO. FT. COMMERCIALMAIL ADORESS arn t t elec l{ uN!!1-! LOr f BLl< z:- FILING wt . watts(' ,' ' ,'/:7 BUTLDING PERMIT SPECIFIED FI HE SPRINKLERS AR€A SEPARATION obcuplrucv sePanattoH --'" ,,..,t.;" j .t., ;,.-t._,{-^ t li a- t' TOTAL F1 OOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA FATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE DATE UNCOVEREO APPLICATION I lll ABCB otvlsroN lv €F 12 Q'r*o@ 34 //t PERMIT AEAD THIS ilirb srnre rHAr rHE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COttlPLY WITH ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE LAWS REGARDING BUIT,DING CONSTRUCTION' t^t ' ,/ ,/i /'--, ,,r'' t:' i,'.., , ,,/., ,l.t/.,./ tal . | .- . '' -ilcxatu*d or''owfotn oR coNTRAcroR{ /) PLAN NUMSE Town of Vail NI,F:CITRICAL PERMIT Ng Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee fnectiott ree Total Fee APPROVALTI 301 Date or rppricution. "./.U.Q" tN f ...3- /.....,,7(...... t ) (-/ Er ectricar contractor...ilA. m. fnA C /tZ LI X. t c*.... ah ,A/* Applicant ,3.,.tM,rfr s. ..&A,m $.........../(/^.no Date Recelved By Ctrltt Bu|lath3 Ofitclal THIS FORilI 13 TO BE POSTED ON .,OE SITE DURII{G CONSTRUCTIOI{ 24 HOI'RSI N)VANCE NOIICE REQT,JIRED FIOR INSPECTIONS lXE a, t. hcrctit !0.,0allYli tt04g, .-PermisNo._ 00021t2 I,AII WATER ANII SAI{ITATIO}I DISTRIGT WATER AND SEWER TAP PERMIT TAP PERMIT WILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL TAP NAME OF JOB ( ' PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOF EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR SIZE OF TAP: Water NUMBER oF UNrTs \5, /r.< x $300.00 = Amounr Date Slilled HAVE BEEN PAID IN FULL.;';-n;;/ QeuE,&tx z WL /e,tur+ D Ltc. No. Ltc. No. Meter Sizs LOCATION AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION b h Bldg. Dopt..Whit6; - Wat€r €nd Sanitation - Gr€on; - Publlc Work6-Canary; - Contractot -Pink; - Accounting - Gold€ntod PLUMEilNG/ MEeHAT\ilCAL FEFTMTT TOWN OF VAIL OF BUILDING: oF woRK: El ruew E aootnoru ! neuooel I Repn,n PTION OF WORK:L.r \n \', ',r., PLUMBING: NUMBER 24 -I MECHANICAL: NUMBER vALUATfoN$ fr Loa 9&VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: {/ tt -r PERMIT FEE q .r'/. .2 S PERMIT FEE e*qPorATown of Vail ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Name. Date or Application..-. A /A Erectricalconrr.ror.--#"ft djn.*-,-..f,.t*e.-ael*.-L) oppri.*r-\2c...*k APPROVALS rcZ.b N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 264 $....--........-.-..-..-..... $................-...---..... $."......-...---...-......... $..-................-.-.-.... Date Paid....... d/.%ru THIS .fOB 7t SITE DURII{G CONSTRUCTIOI{ 24 H(XJRS ADVANCE NOIICE REQUIRED FOR INSPEEI'IONS O EE POSTED ON/) /'J Received sv...... / 5 /-.1........... {..& / t t 75 south fronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 {303} 476-7000 otflce of communlly developmenl July 3l, 1986 To llhom It May Concern: Re: Lot I , Bl ock 2, Vai I Vi I 'lage 13th This'l etter is to serve notice that al1 required improvements on Lot 1, B'lock 2, Vail Village 13th Fi'ling have been conpleted per the Zoning Ordinance 8, Series of 1973, as approved by the Design Review Board on August 5, 1976. The Town of Vail hereby agrees to the re'l ease to the conditions contained in the December 30, 1976 letter recorded in Book 251 , Page 4l , on January 6, 1977. bori 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 office of the town manalpr September 22, L977 Corcoran/ Irish Box 2294Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Lot l, Block 2, Vail Village L3th Filing Dear Sir As a representative of the Town of Vai1, Department of Community Development, I would like to express my congratulations to you for the fine buildlng you reeetnly constructed on the above named property. I feel that your home is a welcome addition to Vail and on behalf of the Department of Community Development, would tike to express my appreciation for your efforts. In order to receive a Certj-ficate of Oceupancy (the officlal docuaent that permits you to occupy your premises) it 1s necessary that you submit a landscape plan for your property, receive approval of the plan from the Design Revlew Board, and you install the planting material in accordance with your approved p1an. If it proves imposslble to have this work done in the near future, the Town of Vail can issue you a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy upon you agreeing to have this work done prlor to a mutu.ally agreed date in the future. Bill Pierce "onffirfr*^u -oFZ sLnpSeIv, DEgARTMENT BP/di Building Official box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-s6r3 t office of the town manager December 30, 1976 I, Dan Corcoran, co-owner of Lot I, Block 2, Vai'l Vil'lage l3th Filing to hereby agree to complete the required landscaping, removal of construction debris, construction of a retaining vlall, and paving on the above-mentioned lot as required by thg Zoning 0rdinance,0rdinance No. 8, Series of .|973, as approved by the Design Review Board on August 5, 1976. The above-mentioned 'items will be completed no later than October 1,1977, Thjs letter may be recorded and filed in the records of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and the Town of Vail agrees to file a release of the conditions contained jn this letter following their satisfactory completion. hIITNESS: occupancy of the 977 . This ag t permi rary ting 0cto rare8& SITATE OF COLORADO I -Counu of EIGLEI fldt Grtlt hd f,b |nfirilt F fllrd h rmnt h rny ofiicr cn JAN 6- 1977 .t S{,*, 9-"t-'^ t.' : rt lt'nou'o' To*^ o( t'/a'' I brx too Ua;l,Ct- Stest VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT EAGLE COUNTY INSPECTION BEPORT r. ALL vrolA.oNs "rr' illtllH,o.ono" AND BUTLDTNG. .. 2. ABBREVIATIONS FOR TYPES OF EXTINGUISHERS USt: A, B, C, D, OR COMBINATION. 3. N/A STANDS TOR NOI APPTICABLT. 4. ANY NO ANSWTR SHALL 8E SPECIFI[D. ol NAME OF EUSINES S OCCUPANCY NAME OF ruur I enrcr O OTHTR ROOF MAT. NAMI OF OWNTR /MANAGER corcnrt ! METAL tl 2- EXrTs PnOvlDtD & tN oRDrR 3. STAIRWAYS PNOVIDED A IN O?DTR N. EXIINGUISHTRS IN ORDTR ALFRT DEVICT WORIiING I. ROOF OPENINGS 13. tocAL A[AR6" 7. flRE DOORS PIOV|DEO I rN OfDER 8. FIRt ESCAPES PIOVIOTD & IN ORDTR 5. ILECTRICAT SHUIOFF ACCTS51SLT 6. VER;ICAL & HORIZONTAL FIRT 5TOP5 9. tLtvAroRs ]0. SPRINXLTR SYSTEM I]. SMOKE OR IIEAT D€iTCTORS I2. FIRE DEPT CONI.ILCTICN! tOC/r IION NUA.l8f R Ot tACr.l LOCAIION J. PROPTR !!'IRING D /cLosit) REMARKS HAZARD NOTICf ?- PIiC,PIR TXTINSION COROS r. P9OP6R tOADS HOUSEKEEPING l. GOOD HOUSIKt:P|NG .,. ADtOUATt FI-]88I5 H CONTAINERS 3, PRCPTR SIORAGT Of AsHES 1. fROPTR SJOKIC| OF OILY RAGS 5. PROPTR ITORAGE OI PATNIS 6. fROPEQ STORAGI Of PACKING MATER]AL 7. TEOPTR STORAGE OF RU88I5H e. PROPTR stoRAGt ot aciDs a. PROPTP \:O[pCt Or iaZAtDOtlS OU|DS 0R GASrS IO. PRO'TR ST'JRAG' Oi E}PIOSIVTS ll. PROPLF yORAGt Ot .lL^,4 ]2, PRCPER STORAGI OF OIHTR HEATING I. PROPA& PIFING PROIfR VENIII.iG PROITR CLTARANCF 2. t oI wAllt IA\K ACCL\St8l i PROPER vrf.iTiNG 3. COMBUSTION AIR IOURCT REMARKS ], THE I-INDERSIGNED, AM II't RECEITT OI A COPY OF ]IJI! ]NSPECI1ON NOIICE AND AM AWART OF IHE PENALTIIS IOR I'ION.COMPLIANCI OF ANY ORDTRS LISTED HTRTON, conPtcnor.s MADf \ rN\PtctloN n aT rr.r: of / nt..r..srtcrrol ! orrr \o._ oATt _ISSUED 8Y ALL STRUCTURAL. WIRING. SANITATION AND HEALTH CONDITIONS SHOULD ALWAYS BE REFERRED TO THE FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU. VFD-75 I^-'].|IYE. qI III NINI: TE|\| NT ' NAPY- FIPF DFPT PINK.FINF PPFV BIIREAI' r- ?,eo "oo DESICN REVIIW BOARD |lo ACTION DATE ON MEETING: IIEMBERS PBESENT: TAKUN BY MOTION: VOTE: BOARD: ^t.'tt\ l^''4/x--4t-t*SECONDED BY: AGAINST: ABSTENTION: //APPROVED: \,/ DISAPPROVED:-- SUNITIAIIY: iJ.'; i grt ttcy.t-e-r+ f o" *-----1| z0r,l rNc 0ll[ct(L I sl Datc Paid SUMMARY ]ROJ ECT L LEGAL DE SCR I PT I ON SETBACKS:Req u i red Actua I BETI'IEEN BU ILD Average Grade ': : A{ 761 AL FLOOR AREA: ; ARCH ITECT b.-t I ./j JSE ZOI,IE K i PROPOSED USE(S) LOT S IlE /7. 1I { ; FROIITAGE (;. F ron t Front INGS r Aa Sides Sidestoo * /o *L.i -e-tLL'E_Jz._ u./Q.)-, 6o ol* ?. <ch lt.')l'a"1c$ ,1a f L.5- -, Ot/+ deer __i Rear Rear D ISTANCE HE IGHT: COMMERC I Reouired Aa *L:c- , Actua I Actual sq. ff. BU I LD ING BULK C0NTROL: A I lowab le max imum length Requi red Offsets ______-_-___"***:, Actua I length Heiqht Allowed io, Allowable sq. l+. '/30r-7t*, Actual Pe rcenfage a I lowab I A I lowab le sq. ft , Diagona I LANDSCAP I NG: SITE COVERAGE: Allowab le '.4,>- %, Al lowable Sq. rt. qgdS -, Actual d Actua I sq. lt , 4-t4o d ;a. K USEABLE OPEN SPACE: Requi.eO d'A'sq. ft., Actual c.r ++"Y.''.' Groun d Leve I fi, C ommo n Required bo fi,sq . ft. , Actua I PARKING AND LOADING: No. Required , No. Actual o.{ qui red No. ; Cove red Actua I ZON ING APPROVAL DES IGN REV IEW EOARD APPROVAL Chairman, Des ign Rev iew Bcard UT I L IT IES APPROVAL ENV IRONMENTAL IMPACT APPROVAL Mayo r 4^. 0,K,*cn ++ l'n rra ro / Fa - d lYAzc Da te Date Date ^ --l, Acfual dd ; sq . ti .5Jt,t-,t1 , D iagona I --' ; strator Dafe Submi Date Submi Date Submi Extens ion by Sect i on f or Zon i f or Des i for Envi n g Re v i ew gn Review ronmen ta I tted tted fte d of Dead I ine Dead I ine Date Date lmpact Rev iew TO da're of 0rdinance No. 8 (Series of 1975). Dead I ine i tem as permitted COMME NT r* .A/,/-drb*"", ll**l-- Q x a'f t9'oo )t ^ +c-'f b37'c^a O A,e/4/,-tff- tl,f .j, 1- "?4.J-e4,f 28.o x2* I zb so :- / ?f3.o a 9€.e o bt-o'a O 67?.aa :- /37t.AA ry 2'r jJrslfd l-,;--dry a x 6'r 3.r x eQ x2- A"- ry_/'-."L /6,d- X /e, s- tx I'f 2 o 6.a>- 3b'a a d./ 2,a{ ? tet-s-o t a rt o June 14, 1976 Mr. Bill Pierce Building Inspector - Town of Vail Town of Vail Municipal 0fficesP.0. Box 100Vail, Colorado 8L657 Dear Bill: Per our conversation, we are submitt'ing a list of the structural members we intend to use in our duplex: Floor joist Roof joist Ridge beam Li ntel s l,|alls ext. Exterior sheathing Roof sheathing Floor sheathing Footi ngs t.Jalls (conc) Jim Viele has selected thesein this local. Si ncerely, I have se'l ected the above materialsthis location, 2 x 10 0 16" 0.C. 2 x 10 @ 16" 0.C. 6 3/4 x 18 glu-lam 2 - 2 x 12 w/I/Z" plywood spacers2x6G16"0.C. l./2 " plywood 5/8" plywood 3/4" plywood2 #4 cont. #4 @ 4'-0 0.C. vert. #4 @ 4'-0 0.C. horz. materials according to the loads anticipated nticipated in 11413W*ltjf rii-, c ' I ? t+- Vn.1. r, I j.iilji 1( Ll i l) li,,',i I I1'.ii' T ('il i'I liTli.t- C I' ToiLct r t!r'i,r;rl. rl?^.,i.r.-,.+i -1 Co;r.'.crci,:t tt 1. li;::;. 1s'r ..2ncl' Srrlti : or llashbcr'.'1 Z>: o.'is :r. I "c0r{ :1. .50 _laa ' Shot'r:n o:: Ti:b 7. Roorrs (LivirlG :'c.::.s, il. rl r.n nn c ^.::.i ^-- Shoir5 t Stu4ios ). . I I I ; I ls. I 'I ,i Daslst ?nd 3r.dllth llis. Iri t 2nd :J ):(lIrth ', Kitchens .\csiCcni.i.ll Dis:lrr.o sh r-- r' b* t.ac = 4.eA Zxz.so= aOo Z-r: L.uC = zfu. 9. Xi t chc;'l s Co;:r:rcr-cial Di s; in:ir :: irc rScirtiilg. ; tt I,.rurrrlt.y li<: l: jd0lttiilJ. flr.';, fJ;13;f;1;1. Zu O.!-,tt = J ,:a_r4.rrat-_,J rl. l.li:r 2:rii lf i:t'd' ii;; *-- Lir I)t It:l_ 3:'rl t . ',,r Q11h:;1q1'g j irI aShcr' 'ori 4 d.t :: cltalge. (tr . :'. tl i: llili.c: ( i l, : ri:run o.!' <;:r c ) 0u';:;icic Sirt':i n!:).ers 7t t t.oo )i 2 .00 .x 0. itif , ,). ._ ' lloiltl of Dircrc'io:':; ':' t<lJJ Z :' itt 1447ffi.'i?lErER*' ,- f L\L o! . pt -l_ l-c:.1ir.l g- .;iie cciij)i. el::Loli (.'i L:srr>r, ...---'-.f-rru=i:ora,,., * pir$icl1 in_ iiri,it"""i,ir- -s-L::'rc'tir:':.rs t the Distr::::.i--:'tt:],. :ru,.-,t..,cr. of !oii'rts 'ic.ip..,...t,i.t'.| of ilLl Pl'c:xj'::cs "!:-ti:;:::::t:1rt"...,.,,..,. 1,::;r Icc_ ai1<t t:ii:r 10.tr0 Pc, j-iits = 1.00 l"i:r:ir: ?Jf0:l'4t, FOIiITS r;at1-u- ..n . . ... -.__ .. t__../:_.. y? /1 --Var.,-.-,,4r Jg.za -.. /ia-^Lrt6Jx+7*/* - {u.r.o'.r;rr';iie ccirp).i':t:iorr.tir'^ct''its11t::"-tit]-.'."::.:}.},.1t::J:t,,(*#1tt:l- f;i":ll;ll'1,""'; :;:"$;;i;";; i;"-ri';;;' a;:ci S'':;ct: 1'::i: rcc' a;1<1.?'iii: Sci':..tr'l,t i': , er$ a;ict:r;t'c] t-ie-lit,,' Ait'l'r'ict s l^'l l'- 'r' :r:3r:':c ':!-r)' ad:lu'r:::"':::!s; r)ecceo.:i:'lr iIr thc .,,.tii'it'I ;;'; ;;; !:eicl' f iris in:;'ec:i:ll.::'-'ttt ;;;;-;;:,;";'jne ilie biiLci'irr6'; oil:rer:'s riatel' ;i-rci sc'":et' scFvtri:(1 t o'tr ol SOILS INVESTIGATiONLot 1, Block 2Vail Vi'l'lage 13th Filing SCOPE This report briefly presents results ofinvestigation on Lot 1, B'lock 2, Vai'l Vi The purpose of this investigation was toconditjons in order to provide inforrnatiof the proper size and type could be sel SITE CONDITIONS PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION 'l The vacant 1ot, approximately one half acre in size andrectangular in shape,'l ies approximately 500 feet west of Booth Creek at a point roughly l/4 mile north of its con-fluence with Gore Creek, three mi'l es east of Vail V'i llage. Vegetation consists of scattered sma'l I to medium sized aspentrees and native grasses. The lot slopes moderately to thesouth. The western property 'l ine l ies rough'l y down the crestof a low glacial moraine which runs north-south. The buildingis proposed to sit toward the north, or rear, lot'l ine. No bedrock outcroppings or bodies of water were observed on thesite. The proposed structure is approximately 26' x 50' in concrete floor is planned I oads can be cl assi fi ed as shown on the attached site UNDERGROUND CONDITIONS a two-story woodplan dimension.at the basement I1ight. The buil survey. a subsurface s oil sllage 13th Filing. determine subsurface on such that foundations ected. frame structure A s'l ab-on-grade evel . Foundation d'ing location'is Subsoils were observed in two utility trenches mately four feet 'in depth running up the west and the other approximately three feet in dept up the mi ddl e of the 'lot. So j I s on the wester were observed to be consist of a very coarse g with about six jnches of topsoi'l . This gravelglacial in origin and is mixed with some sand,boulders. In the middle portion of the lot this much thicker; up to three feet in depth. Tgravel is found underneath the topsoil. No sp evidence of groundwater was observed, nor wasin these trenches. : one approxl -property I i ne h running rough n property l ine rave'l overl a'i n i s probabl y silt and'l arge e topsoil layer he same. coarseri ngs or other any bedrock see 1y t ool -2 CONCLUSIONS The coarse glacia'l material encountered in the trenches hasmoderate beaning capacity (2,500 to 4,000 psf). Thus, theproposed structure, which will impose only I ight loading canbe easily supported with conventional spread footings. Thesefootings should be p'laced below frost depth. Care should betaken during excavation to remove all topsoil under thestructure. If this requires excavation be'l ow the proposed depth of foundatjons, gravel or other suitab'l e material shouldbe carefully placed and compacted to 95f" of maximum densityto the proposed subgrade elevations. ffis w#ftaul /r'ra SOILS IlIVESTIGATIONLot 1. Block ZVail Villase i3th Fi'ting SITE CONDITIONS The.vacant lotr fpproximately one half acre in size andrectangular in shape,.'lies ai,p"oiimately 500 feet west ofBooth creek ar a-pbint, .orgIii'i')q *fi e north of its con_fluence with Gore'creek, it;;i rilui "Jrl-oi"vlir Vii.rase.vegetation consists or icaitereJ'smatt to mediu*'rized aspentrees and native grasses. The lot slopes moderately to thesouth' The western property r ine r iei'"or;;i;'iown ttre crestgl :-1:I-s1u:iar.moriinb wni.r,'"Jnt north-south. rhe buirdinqrs pr0p0sed to sit toward the north, o" r"i"l-rot i;;":"'i;"',bedrock outcroDDings o; boii;r"ii water were observed on thesite. Subsoils were observed in two util ity trenches: one approxi-mately four feet in depth-.rnning !p the west property Iineand the other aDproximitety-tiiree rbet in J.itf irnni ng roughlyup the middre oi'the rot. "soiii on the u,estern property .rine were observed to be consist of i very coarse gravel overlainwith about six inches of tgnioii. . fnis gr:avel is probablyglacia'l in orioin and is ri;;;'*itn some-sand, sirt and iargeboulders- In Ine middr; p;;i;o; of the toi uie-iopsoir rayeris much-thicker; up to thi.ee feet in aepih. -ir,.-same. coarsegravel is found underneath the-iopsoii:- -i'i; rp"ings or otherevidence of groundwater *as oos".ved, nor'"ui-inv bedrock seenln these trenches. presents resul ts of a subsurface s oiI s.1, Btock 2, vait Vilfusu isifi-Firing.investigation was to deie"*in",uOruiiaceto provide infornat_ion sucfr itrai-toundationsnd type could be selectea. l- ..- = SCOP E This report brieflyinvestigation on LbtThe purpose of thisconditions in orderof the proper size a PROPOSED CONsTRUCTION The proposed structure isapproximately 26' x 50, inconcrete floor is plannedloads can be classiriet isshown on the attached siie UNDERGROUND CONDITIONS a two-story woodpjan dimension.at the basement I I ight. The buit survey. frame structureA sl ab-on-grade evel . Foundationding location js t ii I' F E f!: f 1., ldi ti Ll €'j:i :i'i -z CONCLUS IONS n the trenches haspsf). Thus, they 1 ight I oadi ng can ead footings. Theseth. Care shoul d besoil under the elow the proposed tabl e materi al shou'ldof maximum density The coarse glacial material encountered imoderate bearing capacity (2,500 to 4,000proposed structure, which wi1'l impose onlbe easily supported with conventional sprfootings !hould be placed below frost dbptaken during excavation to remove all tobstructure. If this reguires excavation bdepth of foundations, gravel or other suibe carefully placed and compacted to 95%to the proposed subgrade elevatisns. S-t':-'l*F )'tu:d"tt-oq| -z/ ,r €,*4ic.art t o lr\rsirrEcrGnr l' TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! orxrn MON COMMENTS: TUE ! pnnnal LocATroN READY FOB INSPECTION WED THUB FRI AM PM D orsnppRovED ! ueon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS E nppRovED flnerNsPEcr .r. l DATE INSPECTOR f o v rNsFEctoN. REerridr i.".l-" ,sm€_ffiIy JOB NAME CALLER Eprnnnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR fl orxrn MON COUMEilTS' WePp RovED EMft..rne ForLowr NG coRRECrroNS: f]orsappRovED REINSPECT! CORRECTIONS lNsPEcrcl TOWN O FIEE|JEST VAIL NAME '.- CALLER F READY FOR INSPECTION TUE WED 'f' te- - i'THUR . ' 'ElnppRovED n orsnppRovED IJ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS EnerNsPEcr tNsieecfrr o FIEBUEST VAIL *ot, ,,,i,.-t, CALLER F TIME RECETVED- AM I orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE n pnRnnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION ' THUR ) PJ APPROVED E UPOI'I THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS florsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR lNsPEcil)u TOWN OF /ti yArL .( -1 '1 FIEGIUEST TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER TUE n pnnrtnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI-AM PMMON COMMENTS: E appRovED LJDI SAPP ROV E D El-rErffspecr fl upor,r rHE.FoLLowr NG coRREGTToNS: CORRECTIONS -'.:D .. .- ,, .INSPECTOR ^l ->.t-! !0 INSFECICU TOWN OF FIEEUEsiT VAI L DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER fl oruen E pnnnnt.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WEDTUE FRI .. AM PM.,,MON COMMENTS: EleppRovED CORRECTIONS E orsnppRovED E nrtNsPEcr E upon rHE FoLLowrNG conREcroNS: DATE tNsPEcill TOWN OF FIEOIJEST VAI L DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM f]ornen E penrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PMMON COMMENTS: TUE EleppRovED ! orsnppRovED D nerNsPEcr El upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-63:!9 /42 -INSPEC|f,ru HEBUEST DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER flolren f] pnnrrnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION THUR FRI .. AM PM,MON COIVIMENTS: TUE El-*pp Rov E D El-uporu rne CORRECTIONS n otsnppRovED FOLLOWI NG CORRECTIONS: fl nerNSPEcr INSPECTOR DATE n\rsieecrlru DA TIME RECEIVED f]oruen MON CO{VIMENTS: TUE f]panrral LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI {. lA.lUPM APPROVED D OISAPPROVED B..ueorrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRR ECTToNS: tr REINSPECT CORRECTIONS :I.-4,- DArE , ,' , -' -- ! -[ ',' rNsPEcrilu FIEGIUEST TOWN OF DATE TIME REC VED- AM PM CALLER I orHen I pnnrrnl LocATroN TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PMMON COMMENTS: Iu-t V'APP RovE D fl orsnpp RovED r,/ \ LJ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: codREcfloNs fl nerNsPEcr rNseecrillv TOWN OF FIEBUEST VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLE R I oruen D panrrnl LOCATION R EADY FOR INSPECTION WED THURTUE AM PMMON COMMENTS: fl nppRovED ! uporu rHe CORRECTIONS I orsaepRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS. I IREINSPECT DATE INSPECTOR DArE orr u,,orr*o(lf^J &t /Qre-- ItiIIIBERS PRE$Ui'ir: SUBJECT: ACTION I'AKEN DESIGN REVII:lf BOAIID t/t Blt' l- Sol- | MOT]ON: VOTE: IJY BgARD | /1t/ . 11 /fln't ."-- --sucoNDED aYf2lfu-- FOR:AGAIi{ST APPROVTD: DISAPPROVED: SU},IIIARY: TFpII,OAFI