HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 13 BLOCK 2 LOT 2 LEGALcorirtlfffi,trtFr Oesign Ravisw Board ACTIOH FORII{ D€partm€nt of Community Oevelopment 75 Sos$ Frontege Roed, Vail" Colorrdo 81657 tali 970.479.2139 fex: 970'4y9.2452 web; srr.Yallgw.tom Project l{ame: Project Deecription: BLANCHARD REROOF DRBNumber: DR8070704 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A MINOR ALTEMTION TO REROOF FROM WOOD SHAKES TO 50 YEAR TIMBER ASPHALT SHINGLE Participants: OWNER BLANCHARD, WILLIAM M. & KELL12/11/2007 3607 S BEACH DR TAMPA FL 33629 GRANBY co 80446 License: 648-5 ProtectAddress: 2805 BALD MOUNTAIN RDVAIL 2805 BALD MOUNTTAIN ROAD Location: 1€9al Descrlptionr loE 2 Block 2 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 13 Parcel Number: 2101-034-0101-8 ' Comm€nts: Mouon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: APPUCANT ROOFING COMPANY, THE Lzl LL|2O07 Phone: (970)887-0104 DBA GRAND COUNTY ROOFING&SHEETMETAL, INC PO BOX 29, Z9A TEN MILE DRIVE GRANBY co 80446 License: 6,8-5 CONTRACTOR R@FING COMPANY, THE LZILIIZOOT Phone: (970)887{104 DBA GRAND COUNTY ROOFING&SHEETMETAL, INC PO BOX 29, 29ATEN MILE DRIVE BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPP Date of APProvalz LZl LUZOO7 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s)' Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approral shall not beome valid for 20 days follollng the dab of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town @de, Cha$r 12-3-3: APPEAIS. @nd:202 Applonal of this proJect slrall hpse and bemme roid one (1) year follorvlng dte date of final apprwal, unbss a buiHing permn F Fsued and onsiluction is @mmenced and is diligendy punued toanrd cornpledon. Planner: Joe Suther DRB Fee Paldl l2O.0O ii Nov 14 07 06:49p ksllle blanohard p,2970.476.7486 ' Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review 0\tl All proJcds rcgulfing dosign review must reelve apptoval ilbr to $bmlttlng a bulldlng pefimlt appflcatlon. Please reftr to the submlttal regulremcnts for the partlcuhr approval that ls requested, Ah applkauon for Doslgn Rovlohr cannot be accapled untll all requlred lnfomaUon ls recelvcrJ by Urc Communlly Devcbprnent Departrnent. The pruJect may als need to be revl€wed by the Town Courrcll and/or the Plannlng and Envlronmental Commlss||rn. Deslgn revlew approilal lapaes unless c bulldlng permlt te lssusd and con3tructlon commences wlthln one year of the apptovaL A&.<J Or , wltxtl HafllrrsAddre"", -P0 BOK ltrnnht to {-tttl?,-I - ^,,,, D*, (Cnntact Eagfo Co, Assessor at 97O82A46{o for parcel no.) t\ n 4O , CtX't- 950 Eus $1.00 per square foot of total slgn area. No Fee f650 For on*uctlon of a neui buikling or demo/rebrlld.$m For an addtlon wheF swar€ foobge ls added to rry resldenthil or comorcidal bdldkrg (lncludes 250 addfthns & lntorlor coo\r€rsions). $25O For mlnor clHnges to bulldlngs and ste tspsre[r|enE, srci Ds, retoo&rg frahthg whdorrr addltlonh hndscaphg, fences ard rehhlno wall$ eb.$20 For mlnor drangps to hlldlngs anl Elte lmprqrcmcnts, such Es, re.fooflng. palnthg, wlrdow addltions, landscaplng, fences and r€t lrdng walls, etc.$20 For revisions to plans olready approved by Plannlng Staff or the Deslgn Rgriclfl Board, No Fee F t] tr "*m Gensral InfunnationI rF D€fctiption of the Requestl - Locatlon of thc Proposal: Lotl lockl - Physlcal Address: .-.Parcelllo z 2lOlO Zonlng! Nam{s) of Owner(s): lrlalllng Addrecsl Owner(c) Signature( Nam€ o(ARlisant: E-nail Addrcscl IIpe of Rwlew and Fee: Cf slgn$ El Conceptual Revbw tr }bw construclontr Adillcn E Ml$or Ateratlon (mulU-famlly/comr|erdal) Mlnor Aterauon (sln glo.famlV/d uplex) Chilgas b ApprDved Plans scparaton REquest Dapadmont of Co|nnulrlly De\rcbpment 75 SouLh Fronlzge Road, Vall, Colorado 81657,-) tcl: 970.479.2128 adx:. 970,479.2452 rr,/cb: u,l,w.vt[00v,com For Offlce Use Otrlv: Fee Pafd: -t n- check No,: o? c?ov o $q | *'i ***{.{'*{"}***'*'l't'}******'i********'t,}****'***{.*{.*a'**l'{'*++++***** * * * * * * * * * t' ******* *+* + + +**** * * * * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Staremenr+******+'i***+*++++*f*!t***:i***+*+*++++l'l'i.{r****+lrt{'***+***lfffa************:*:}**{r**'}+**'}at+aaa* suatsenent Nuftber: R070002589 Anrount: $20.00 L2/LL/2oo7o2:57 pM Pa)ment Method: Cash Init : iIS Notation: S/BRAD SMITH Permit No: DRB0Z0?04 Type: DRB-MLnor Alt, SFR/DI,P Parcel No: 2101- 034 - 0101-8 Site Address: 2805 BJALD MOI'NTAIN RD VAIIJ Location: 2805 BAID MOIn|TAIII ROAI) Total Feess $20.00Thls Payment: $20.00 Total AIJIJ pmts3 $20.00 Balance: 90.00 *af'***+*{'**t++**{.{'f*+******++'t'}'}++*+*****,}+*+t,t{,!t*{,{,***+t+t+ff+***,}**********tf**t,**,},}****++ ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31,1,22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 MINOR EXTERIOR ATTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMET{TS Gen€ral Informatlonl This applicatlon ls requlred for proposals involving minor o<terior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, gradlng, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMEI{TS** o Stamped Topographlc Survey*o site and Grading Plan*o Landscape Plan* =q Architectural Elevatlons* ( u ) Exterior color and material samples and speciflcatlons,Y Archltectural Floor Plansxa Llghting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures ! Title report, lncludlng Schedules A & B to verlfy ownershlp and easemenB* /g) Photos of the exisung site and adjacant structures, where applhable. @ Wrttten applroval from a condomlniurn assodatlon, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable:ti Sitespedfic Geological Hazard Repoq lf appllcable*o The Adminbtralor and/or DRB may requlre the submbslon of additlonal plans, drawings, speclflcatlons, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determlne whether a project wlll omply wlth Deslgn Guidelines or if ttre Inlent of the proposal ls not clearly indtcated, Pletse submit three (3) coples of the materials noted wlth an asterbk (*). *xFor interior convelsions with no exterior changes, the submlttal requlrements Include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and wrltten appro/al from a condomlnlum assocjation, landlord, and Joint owner, lf appllcable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal reguirements! Project Name: Contractor Signature o"t*srs""a ilfl4/Dl-- F: \cdev\FoRMs\Permib\Planning\Old forms\drb_mirBr_alt*8-28-2007.doc Page 3 of 13 1 Bulldlno Matedals PROPOSED MATERIATS Type ofMatedal Color Roof Siding OtherWall Mabrlab Fascla Sofflts Wirdov'rs WindowTrlm Doors Door Trlm Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashlng Chimn€Vs Tmsh Endosures Greenhouses Reblnlng Walls . rerior Llghting Other Tlrnbex- Notesl Please speclff the manufacture/s name. the color name and number and attach a color chlp. F:\cdevvoRMs\Pemlts\Phml rlg\Old forms!*b_mlmr_all&2&?m7.doc PagE 6 of 13 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT hr[ dapartment of community danelopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT EFsurLorNc D plul,tetNc I ElecrRtcel D FoUNDATToN ! MECHANTCAL ! NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 9119 Nov- 20- 1990 PLANS ATTACITED 04694 LEGAL DESC.FIL|NG VAIT. VILLAGE ill3 JOBNAME: PARTTAI. REROFF - AIISEL RES. MAIL ADDRESS GENERAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO, MECHANICA CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. OTHER CONTRACTO FIRM SNOWCAP ROOFING, INC. rown or vau nrc. ruo. 132-5 IELE 926-3320 I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCIION 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP DtvtstoN GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : t t tv v ABEHIRM I22a34 TFAR NT'T' NF PA.RTTAT. E YTCTTNC PNNT' TN PERMIT NO. z E l I BUILOING 5.191 ELECTRICAL PLUMBING REPART, REPLACE W/BITUTIIENE, COLDROOF MECHANICAL FELT, & /I1 GRADE UEDII]M SHAKES TO MAT TOTAI,5,191 ErtJ-D L IlIb.TYPE GROUP G.R,F.A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES v-N R-3 5,L9L BUILDING PERMIT 74 cef fFW 4/#$a t2/ /,,J 'rd PLAN CHECK 37 ELECTRICAL NEWO ALTERATION () ADOITIONAL() REPAIR{X)PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS MECHANICAL HEIGHT IN FT - NO.FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUEINSULATION: FLOOR EXT. WALLS DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 100 USE TAX TYPE OF HEAT ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED; Y N INITIAL ST. CUT x BLASTING X ARKING X OEMO x TOTAL PERM IT FEES $ 211 MICHEEL !ilHITAKER II/2L/90 J|LD|NG OFF|C|AL DATE INING ADMINISTRATOR DATE )NING & BUILDING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, lilled out in full lhe information required, compleled an accurate plol plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state review approved, Uni{orm Building Code and other ord of the thereto. CI.EAII IIP TO: *{+r+{+FF}+SIGNATURE OF OWN AND THE OWNEF. HIMSELF nr,rm .CONSTRUCTION PERMIT depertmant of community development#'*PLEASE FILL oUR IIHERE THE (X) I'IARKS ARE! TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PEFMIT. TYPE OF PERMIT E[ suu-orr.rc "[&G", tr pLUMBTNG D elecrnrcat-' I FouNDATtoN! MEcHANIcAL D LEGAL ^Ssc. lor 'J BLK-a_- pn-rr{c t) al t ljjsaeGliag_l3_ Gnrue' fqrtt"t Re..{- nrsel Re, OWNER NAME MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL AODRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. ]crnrcer- CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, TELE. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRU TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. FIRM r,nu Sto.r€^f {?^.,S,r.g,:t--,^. . rowr'r orirnneo. r,lo. la? -S IELE QLb-?fpo lrlJt !r'&dl itrf't MUoArUPS*u,, ro BE KEpr oN JoBsrrE & 4A'l sffis ll-tL-1q \THE FOLLOI.IING ISl. Letter from I{EEDED FOR FILING PERMIT: condo assn. (IF APPLICABLE)2. 2 Sets pf c I ete drawings/explanatjon Sro..n ^1 l?o.{i,q. J^" . f.o. Gir 3rt fd.l"tds, Co.8ls:a fie-root Y\o.+t', side- of AnseL Resi der,ce- Lu+ a, B tK 2 , [ai L Ui lta3" R ling t: lEos B4H frYth. fid. U";L , C.. !7lz' ( ,/u',. r' \/ll:trE=F::fl PROPOSAL& sHo[,tcAP R00F IN6 , INC .P. 0. Bo.x 325 EDLJARI)S, C0. 8t d3? 93,5-33?0 DATE: MAY 7, l ?90 949-t 383 PROPOSAL SUBITITTED t'lFf4E: BOLDUC REALTY HG|1T. STREETT P 0 DRAI,JER SB00IlT/r Al/01{ , STATE; [0. gld20 FHOt'lEfl 949-,5ti 70 T0r I tdORK T0 BE PERF0RT,IED ATz ( \ , INc. Lo, .rr,-r: RE-RooF AT Ar.tsEL RES. / $I STREET: ?805 BALD I4OUNTAIN RD. {TWII CITY: VAIL, STATET C0. gt657 \ " \I ARCH I TEC r ; t,t,/A \I DATE 0F FLAl,lS: ll.,A \ trP hJe hereby propose to furnish all labor and matenials as epec i f ied be I c.ur I To re*roof North Side only, rxith tear-o{{ oI exi sting roo{, to{urrrisli and irr=t,il I repl acenrent noo{ing consistirrg o{ a cold r.oo{r'rrtli cold ridge, H1 Gr'ade r'led ium shakes. Eitutherr* Ics & lJaterShield, 3"r arrd l8 inch 30 pourrcl roof ing {elt. ThE Ex ist ing roo{ tear-o{{ wi | | be done dor,ln to the pl ywood, rnd ill rrraste mater.ials placed in a durnpster pnovided by Snowcap. The exi:tirrg Flywood will be totall/ couered with a layer o{Bitutherre Ice & lJater Shield lapped 3 inches on all head lappE and ,5 irrches on all end lapps. The Bituthene lvill then be totall/ couered r,oith a 36 inch, 30 pound roo{ felt, lapped 4 inches on all head lapp:, and d inches onthe end lapps. (PLEASE COI.ITINUE ff.I T{EXT PATJE) Al I meter.ial ig 6uar.anteed to be a"- spec i{ ied, and the worl( to be per{ormed in accordance with the speci{icatiorrs s.ubmitted {on the above uorli and completed in a workman I ike nranrrer {or the sum o{i . . .$5, l9l .00 FIVE THOUSAI'ID IJT{E HUI.IORED A},IO NINETY-ONE DI]LLAftsl^Jitli pa:znrerrt: to be r.,rithin 30 dais a{ conrplet ion of r,,rork aboue. lalorkmarrs conrpenst ion and public liabitit;; insu""nce, will be f ur'n t slied b;z Snor"rcap Roof ing, Inc. Respert{ully Subrnited: SnowcaD Roui i n a. Inc. Per r Sf.^t {.f\,.l.{tr,. t'l0TE: fhis propfFal-ma/..be wlrlfdraryr by us r{ n,:t accepted within l0o"t='r' u,r^rrr! 'ATE 6-ua^F// SI6I{ATURE DATE PABE 2 Ail{SEL RESIOENCE A cold roof and cold 1x4's, bug screen, at the caves and ral(es. o nidge wil I be constructed wi bot toms and pa inted I x4 p ine laced with l9 inch, th 2x2's, fasc ia at al I 3{l poundEach coarse roof ing {e I t . Th is propsal staples, mastic, old and new roo{ lf desired a installed {or an o{ shakes wil I be inc I udes star t er I abor, as well as shall be picked up coaPse , r idge cap , al I waste roo{ ing and remoued {nom air stapl es, produc ts from site, "v \ -tl v,U \ \\\ *.*\ . t\/l / I r/li0PTI tll.l r galvanized drip tap would be {urn additional chargr o{.... ei ' '!'fl '!v t' ,*rt"'oN REeuEsr JECT TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: NUMBER OF BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION T] POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR Ktt*ou=o COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR nl$sxo' ' (fi coNsTRUCTtON PERMTTbrm9 F; dcpartrrnt of community devolopnrnt TO AE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO TSSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 9119 nnc. r1. 1989 00 4249 n!n nEn BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL l- TYPE OF CO|,TSTRITCTTON I rl ||l lV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH IRM DIVISION l2?a34 f6FltfffiflflttEoFwoRK:- PERMITNO.: -IF lJ BUILDII{G ELECTRICAL s00 PLUIIBII{G rEcHAl{rcAL TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES v R-3 500 BUILDING PERUIT CKFffiCtff ?03t h/ 'o/E M PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAT 44 NEW ALTERATIONET} ADDITIONAL REPAIR(PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - A@OMMODATION UNITS - T,ECHANIC^|. HEIGHT IN FT, - NO.FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP DEFOSIT Exr. WALLS I I NoNE - |USE TAX TYPE OF ELEC. SOLAFHEAT GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 44.00 XIII$IERNST GLATZLE DEC. 11, 1989 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL sr. cur I lx I ,ILOING OFFICIAL DATE 'NING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING )NING & BUILOING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the inlormation required, compl€ted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is corroct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with ell Town ordinances and state review approved, Uniform Buildins code and "*rlVrlV"H"ily:pliceble theroto. SIGiTATURE OF OWNE AND THE OWNER. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF FILING VAIL@-!I!I-- JOBNAME: BOLD MTN RESID. GENERAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. ,,*u sMW ELECTRTC TowN oF vArL REG. No. 106-E 926-3358 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACT TOIVN OF VAIL REG. NO. CONSTRUCTION PERMIT . department of community <Iavefopment,f ****pLEASE FI LL 0U R hlHE RE 'TltE ( [j"irnnrs nneTO 6E FiLLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOA TO ISSUANCE OF PERMTT TYPE OF PERMIT Qu autorr.rc n El elecrnrcal .I uecHRr.rrcer - PLUMBING FOUNDATIO X X LEGAL DESC, B NAME: MAIL ADDRESS ctw PH. MAII AODRESS crw ^. PH. ARCHITECT GENERAL CONTRACTO rowu or vel-aee. uo. th b -tELECTRICALclnncro PLUMEING CONIRACTOR CONTRACTOR WN OF VAIL REG, NO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO OTHER CONTRACT lhr t.Lil.rtrrarl OF r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I I t[ lv v 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B E H I R M 122a34 PLUMBING GROUP . G.R,F.A. vAt"uATtoN PERMIT FEES BUILOING PERMIT ACCOMMOOATION UNITS - NO. FINEPLACES NSULATION:TYPC THICKNESS R-VALLUE FLOOR EXT. WALLS TYPE OF AOOITIONAL PEEMITS NEEOEO: ELEC. RECREATION FEE DESIGN NEVIEW EOARD TOTAL PERM.IT FEE L /e_-/+;{z ZONING & SUILDTNG NOTES: @I hereby acknowledge ,h"l l,llr?jquq this.appricatio.n, fiiled out in fuI the inrormarion r"qrir"a]il[3,ii"f".J,il"#i:fJ:1fl:,1;1,:r"*::;illil,$ilfll;r,,"i.,ili,i,io.,J IJ,liq,,..o is correcr. rasree ro compry w'h rhe,:g:::lll;.9,;i{;j;;,_iii$;i;il,f,':;'+:"_l,.?fi1"'j1,,' jlj,li",;Jlaws, and to buird rhis strucrure according toir,e r.orrr,: zonin-g and subdivision codes, desionrevlew approved' Uniform Building coo" iii-otir"-t orornances or the Town appricabte therero. -XX tl *4 ti. E"d^' S,Clrl NOT f oare ERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE THE 1. 2. q aql INSPECTIONTOWN OF VAIL REQUEST "^r= lI/ It JoB NAME i1\--\..lrl CALLER TUES THURREADY FOR INSPECTION: 'LOCATION: U DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION RTOUIRED CORRECTIONS: PERMIT NUMBE OF PROJECT BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBINdi D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.E FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING O ROUGH / WATER rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINALU FINAL \. ! aiftssop - DATE /!(!INSPECTOR CONSTRUCTION PERMIT EK PLUMBING fi[ rouruoertor.t 2805 BOLD MTN. RD. NorE - copy oF pERMrr ro BE KEpr oN JoBsrrE \\sls \ \s\ DATE APRrL 29, 1988 0033'+0 department of community deuelopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOB TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT EE! BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL T.TYPE OFCONSTRUCTTON | [ t rV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AB EH I RiI DlvrsroN GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORh ; -TffII TI{O BEDROOM ADDITION PERMITNO.- zo F fJ BUILDITIG /9 r 000 ELECTRICAL 5 ,000 PLUMBING 16 ,000 930 S.F. GRFA ADDED TO S]NGLE FAM]LY MECHANICAL RESIDENCE. (PHASE 2)TOTAL [ 100r000 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATIOiI PERMIT FEES \I R-3 930 1000 ,000 BUILDING PERMIT 640 /R* 7,5rycKf /06? 6/t/ap PLAN CHECK 320 ELECTRICAL 85 NEW ALTERATION ADDITIONAL (X{X REPAIR PLUMBING 160 DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - MECHANICAL HEIGHT IN FT, - NO, FIREPLACES RECREAflON FEE930 x 15 140 INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEOEO: Y N INITIAL s' cur I I x I FLOOR EXT. WALLS BATT 5l'-19 ROOF BATT L2l .-30 TYPE OF HEAT ELEC.GAs XX wooDSOLAR DESIGN REVIEW BOARO 50 CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 250 USE TAX TOTAT PERMIT FEES $ 1.645 GARY MURRAIN JIJNE 2, 1988-urrorlflR$TF&. i- - - -"f-ffi" i *r, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE zPsilUtt Fu I LDAti tUfi Bm Iti I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, lilled out in tull the intormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the intormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design revlew approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. to$.rts$-\"\sss-- \Qs*\ssn+t-+_-r^^r.. N SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTBACTOF FOR HIMSELF AND THE OWNER. CLEA},II'P LEGAL - JOB NAME:ANSEL ADDITION . BED rrnu BLUE SKY STIJDIO uo,.ooo"... 1553 PLATTE sr GENERAL CONTRACTOR rrnu STUART-EUCHANAN LTD. to** o, uo,a "ao. *o. 114-B 825-1222 TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACT TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. ifi. Fldart/vail CONSTRUCTION PERMIT department of community development*****PLEASE FI LL oUR WHERE THE ( i) I,IARKS ARE ! TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELYPRIOR TO TSSUANCE OF PEFMIT . TYPE OF PERMIT E auruolr'rc { elurr,lerruc X ELEcTRtcAL E[ FoUNDATtoN U-lr€€flr'nreAL l-l\sx.-. .s X X X X X ( $ LEGAL DESC. LOT BLK Z )oeneuE' 4n a.- /ao,n,,,,.) OWNER MAIL AODRESS CITY PH, ARCHITECT Xr,,rr- ,,4.1a*nCITY GENERAL CONTRACTOR rowNorvetaea.No. ///B rELE- 82{- / LL> J"1?'^1i3h FIRM TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO, TELE. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. TELE. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL 8EG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR - FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. \ t'NOTE. COPY OF PEBMIT TO,4o^rE /- 2?- *x BE KEPT oN JoBstrE 3sqO THE 1. 2. FOLLOWING IS Letter from 2 Sets pf c NEEDED FOR FILING PERMIT: condo assn. -(IF AppLICABLE) mpl ete drawings/expl ana tionr.tvpebrcorsrRucror tu ttt tvd z. occupAxcy cnoup ra e N r@u DtvtSrON t Z ZadC GENERAT DESCRTPIION OF WORK : GROUP G.F.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILOING PERMIT I.IEW( ' NLTERATION( THICXNESS R-VALLU€ EXT. WALLS /qe-E TYPE OF ACDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: OESIGN REVIEW BOARO TOTAL B,Eftft{IT FEES fi "'NG-;fft't^LJ:''=:*:*-oe?eL4*#^*-*"F,"R----j##rt ANO THE OWNER, I hereby acknowledge that l.have read this applicatio.n, filled out in full the information required, :::::'i:":"T"ff.J1?,?f"'?:fl3::l,ld_.1:gll,"J irr-tne i"?o,,n"tii"'pl"i,Tj,lj'lJ'iuq,i,"o is correcr. iasree io comprv with the':.1?T_",i9! "n.o prot pi'",io;Jilil;#';i;;il".;;'lilIi.Jill'li"';J Effi,fl3;,:f#0,1t;;:.:l'H:jgl^,T::1i:i;"^.,I^1'leti.{F;;;e "t a',l,iiiil,on codes, desisnreview approved, Unirorm Buirdins coo" iii oi ", ;;i;;;;";id;'?#?l'Jii"'jf;T"dr"",T HrIR kelton/garton/kendall June 9, f988 real eslale sales and develooment Don Andrews 1625 Wazee Street Denver, Colorado 80202 RE: Lot 3, Block 2, Vail Village, L3th Filing, Vail, Colorado Encroachment construction access Mr. Andrews, We authorize use of a smal1 portion of our property (Lot 3, Block2, Vai-L Village, l,3th Filing) on the east property line from theexisting driveway parking stand on Lot 2 to the northwest cornerof the existing home on Lot 2 for access to the rear of Lot 2for construction vehicles providing: ' That all fill dirt placed on the access be removed downto the grass and hauled away after use and before completion ofconstruction, and that the access be returned to its naturalstate to include any re-vegetation required and replacement ofany smal1 aspen trees destroyed. The stream must be restored toits natural condition before construction to i_nclude removal ofany rocks that have f al-l-en into the stream from the access roadway. o That no screening trees along the property line betweenLot 2 and Lot 3 be disturbed; that should any dj-sturbance resultin the death of such screening trees, that the trees be replacedwith the same kj-nd of tree of equal size. " That the berm of excavated fi-Il dirt on the rear of Lot 2be landscaped and re-vegetated with one and two inch diameteraspen trees and cottonwood trees in an aproximate number thatexisted prior to construction and that natural grasses andservice berry shrubbery be replaced on or before August 15, 1988. " That three trees designated prior to construction be cut down and be removed from Lot 2 prior to the placement of thefoundation on the rear of Lot 2. Yours cordially, 288 BRIDGE STREET VAIL, COLORADO 8'1657. TELEPHONE (303) 476.2466 rt endall Kendall RMK-GJK/meb MESSAGE \l\,rr"\]$$ WHITE YOU ERE quT .. CALLED TO SEE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOU RETURNED YOUR CALL oo DATE M Area Code \\\ ' \'.'-..-- & Exchange \-L..-4i\t.5b - hr hfur,'l ItLt \\b4e- L*,uR.t [ri{t{- f,l].)Jr, fus'vz j'tt{ HT$iffi OF Message Operator W IMPORTANT MESSAGE | / ,L--?ro Y)C,1Vn onn (c{tA rr""-i:M: 4 w)dlLE You WERE ol,ru Y Gtocta- Ll,^-/-Al( OF Area Code t t -- -*nt"aig" tl'+l(" - 2G,-?,c- Message Operator TELEPHONED PLEASE CALL CALLED TO SEE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOU RETURNED YOUR CALL @ ?o**=R &. PARKERO EEEE E€ld hrltn. nd VEl CCI.E|1687 Lynn Stuart Buchanon const. Division Per our convorsatlon, I would agree to let pu bulld up the soll berm which slts on ths property llne 2825 end 28d5, if the follorving conditions are met: l. All const (bbrls,rmks, stumps etc, wlll be ramorsd, 2. All disturbed soil vislble frorn my house will be rakett. se€ded, and mulched with an adequate care to Insure grm growth in the sprlng 3, Come spring, sny boro patches or orry other vlsible rhmqe or non-growth areas will be r€sseffi ond cared for to ensure growth. ruil&/,_ fiflAt\, N"ttu,u'-v (v*tW' INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVI El"l DATE OF PUELIC HEARING ,*"s!/w PROJECT: FIRE DEPARTMENT c Reviewed by: Comments: Date POLICE DEPARTT'|ENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date i I RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: At\.!, DATE SUBMITTED:_ {tb COMMENTS NEEDED BY: \ PUBLIC I.IORKS Reviewed by; Date -t'a Project Application ,rl Pro.iect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: ,1,{{.i)q OJ Legal Description, t-o, "l lBlock 6*-. , P1.;ng Design Review Board ""," 3/l tF J Motion by: S€conded by: APPROVAL - .''']/^ A.. i il .(/\t\.(i i /iiit'trr",i\ )" lr DISAPPROVAL Summary: Date: LEGAL DES N: ADDRESS: Ot.lNER ARCHITECT ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/5 ZONE DISTRICTS one Phone Biock )-Firinq v/ n---.---t__ /fi RT ,t FT ZONE DISTRIET PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Hei ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA rvd {,'i'n.. $t, cul",'f#t-+ *,il) Secondary cRFA nD 5/<tnj;v'g grn,f ( Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Retaini.ng l,la1 1 Heights Parki ng Credits: Garage Mechanical Airl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmental /Hazards :Aval anche Flood Plain Sl ope l.letl ands Geologic Hazards Conments: Al I owed (30)(33) 5?dcd 20' 15' 15' (30)(50) 311+ (3oo)(600) (eoo)(1200) (s0) (100) (25) (50) ( 2oo ) (4oo ) Proposed ptof ffiq !--ffiL|l e a0 o 0 D Siope Actual Zoning: Approved/Disapproved Date: )ralt 5lgnature ao /Jr3 /JY D3 At2, IL -l/|',lE ^7113 txl IWv foii J,?,s r r? (ts'DtJ 1,fx afl (at,r,_r , r7,\ _/, \_ ._ -/ './ Project Application Proiecl Name. Daie 2.26,66 Ftrtv)xfuE* Prorecr oescrip,,on F@F ( 9/Y Conlact Person end Phone r1zq-*zwf uwner. Address and phone @ ?-:43cl- tu' t>' - fu cuaarcn arl fuzqfui4-3A@?- 4t= -l b3 oza> Archirecr. Address and phone do-, ,'n, *t *r, oul u*Oro t553 fiA4rE V Legal Descriplion: Lol z Block Filing /?, ron" H2,- Com menls: NgL /NcRffie /rl't/\781'Y Z /z' fa Desigjn ffeview Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL t DISAPPROVAL Summary: O statt Approval Dale: Town Planner frv*c rza\tD€NCC2 BLOCK I'IAI4E OF PROJECT: lE6nl orscRIPTIoN: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PR The following inf Board before a fi A. BUILDING MTE Roof Siding 0ther |.lall Ma LIST OF MATIRIALS ormation is required for submittalnal approval can be fiven: RIALS: TYPE OF MTERIAL teri a ls by the applicant to the tlesign Review Fascia Soffi ts l,Ji ndows Hi ndow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Oeck Rails Fl ues Flashings Ch i mneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0the r ffittttw 2ba B. LANOSCAPING: Name of Designer: phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Common Name Quani tv Si ze* EXISTING TRETS TO8i REMOVED *lndicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indicate height for conifers. (over) b . PLANT MTERIALS: Botani cal Name(con't) SHRUBS Common Name Quani ty Size IXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED I GROUND COVERS Squar'e FootaqeTvpe SE ED TYPE OF I RRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROT OTHER LAN0SCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal I s,fences, swimming pools, etc.) please speclfy. SOD w/fl4 &wtv1zN Wftlvvfv)tuttD F&)€f.S- oa l.-!. LANN R*present lns Jufv Ol, l?87 Oun Ond*r.r VIO*??-Z E[,'YERr ANDREI.I l"l.B. ANSEL 8€LLERT ADORSESI UARANTEE Camp*nv of CO}IPANY Hlnntsotr TLE Tttlo THANI( AN$EL, YilM SRNER ALLISTTN HXSHELLITHITNEY tJ. VAIL, Ca 91657 I .AttnI ANN FITZ GSRE RANGE PROPERTIE$5I1 LIONSHEAD I.IALL VAIL, CO 81657 I Attn! *JONI WHITE OTTO, PETER$ON & FOST BOX 314? VAILI CO, 81{rf,8 I Attnr .JAY PETEftSON V.-BORE. RA$ISE PRBPERTIES- $tl LISII$HEAB FIALL COMMITMENT TO INSURE Besf copy Available This commitment was produced and issued through the office of darrn9 LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY 108 South Frontage Road P.O. Box 357 Vail, CO 81658 BO3l 476-2251 fobuirterrtsneo, li iir.o r:.;- { "L* R epresenting: TI IITLE INSURAIICIII florurrnr'rv on ffi rrurursorA : i, vroBlt-z 0n I vi, ALTA cfil"l 14 SgHgDULE I A TI"IHN T Appl icatian Ntr. For' Informrtlslr - trhanscs - ALTA OI.INER POLICY Tax Fentif. -.TOTAL*- tlith vour nemlttancr plee*e s702. oo 35.OO *707.OA refsr to V1OS29:-3. 1. 2. Effectiv+ DatEr Jun* ?!r 1g*7 at gro0 A.H. Pslicv to be lgsuedr and prupu$€d Irr6ur*dt i "ALTA" Ouns,n'r Fo I i cy r$24O, OOO.0O For.n B-197O (Amended 1O-17-7O) l Prspos*d fnsurcdr ' ' ANnREbf t'1. AN$EL, RsBgRT D. ANSEL and ELLEN E.: ANSEL ,' The estate or lnterest ln the l*nd deEcribed or rcferr*d ts lnthi* Comrnitment and (ov€r'*d her*in is! A Fse girnpl e 3. 4. s. Title to ths estate sr. intercat cc,ver.ed*f fective date lrereof vert*d in: I^IHITNEY J. MISKELL and ALLISCIil HI$I(ELL The land re$enred to in thig Commltmsnt lsfcllouel Lot 2' Bl osk THq RHCORNEB hereirr ir rt PAOE ALTA COHT,IIT SCHEILIL€ B*1 (Frquiren*nfr) The follonlns are the requlrements to bc 1, Payfirent tq c,r for ths sc(surtt cr$ th'eths f ul l considsrr*tlnn f irr the ***s.te ineured" I,ISNT Appl i ctt i orr No, rl csmrl'led uith! rrne,ntors cr m+ntnnaotr$ crf . or' ltrtor'est to be vt082P-t 7, .? Proper instrurnent(g) creatirrs the c*f;rte c,n lnt*r€$t to beinsured nrust be ey;ecuted and dulv filed fsi record' to-rrritr RELEASE nF llFgn fiF TF(LST DATH$ Oecenrlrer (!S, 1976, fjR0l"l RAY|,IONF E. BRENNER' *hf,YCE 11. BftENNER, I^|ILLIAI.I F. ROBTNSSN ANtt KATHLEEN A. ROEINEfiN Tg THE PUBLIC TRU$TEE {'F EAI}LE L:OUT.JTY FOR THg UsE CIF FIR$T WE$TERN I'IORTGASE CORPDFATION OF TEXAS Tg SECURE THE $Ui"l OF *64'OQO.O0 RECBRDEF Oacomber O7' Lg7T,, IN BOCIK I3(.] AT FA6E AlP. $AIN NEEE OF TRIJ$T I{A$ ASSIISNES TN SREftT ]{INUS$T $AVINfig ANO t-fiAN A$SfiSIATICTN, l'tILbIAUKEE, HIS0ONSIN Iu AS$IBNPIENT ftEflCIRtrE! Fcbnuarr lOr L977,IN FOfiI{ I52 AT FAfiE 475. RELEA,$E OF nEEn UF TRU$T EATEU Juna 14, 197?, FROI4 I.IHITNEY J. HI9KELL AND ALLI$ON HI*KELL T$ THE FI.I$1.19 TRUSTEE OF EABLE CCIUNTY FTIR THE USE OF FIRST I{ESTERN HfiRT$Af;tH TJI:IRFC]IIATI$N TI],$ECURH THF gIU}'I CIF IS17$,OOO.T)C} SECf]RIIEB,JUIT' 0c,,, 1?7p, IN BBrrH lS7 AT FASE 840, €AIN NSED OF TftUST I.JAS ASSIGNITI TO FCIRT I,IIIRTH T4$RTSAf'E I]ORPORATIONI FORT tlORTl-t' TEXAS IN ASSIGNI'|ENT RFCORIIED Julv O&r t97?, IN BOOK ?97 AT FAGE S41. RELEAGE CIF [lEEn OF TRUSTT DATED Nc,venrbar. $S, ,19S4' FRAil HHITNEV J. i'IISKELL ANE ALLISCIN I4ISK€LL T$ T'{E FIJFLIC TRUSTEE OF EA{:iI.E TCIUNTY FOR T}Ig USE {]F FIRSTBAIIT{ {'F VAIL Ttf $HIURE THE SIM nF $gl'?(t3.S0 FEC$FFEU Navenrber 3O'1984I IN BI]OK 4O1 AT FABE T6$. $AIT' DEED CIF TRLI$T HAS FURTHEF SECIJRHTI IN ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS RECCIRDED November ?Or 19-*4, IN BCIOK 4Ol AT FAGE 161 . EXTENSICIi ASRHEI'IENT IN C{}NF{ECTISN rdITH SAItt DHED SF TRUST l.lAS RESOFIDES June13, 1?94., IN BOC'K 443 AT FAfiE .?O4. EVIBENtrE SATI$FAET('FY TCI THE C'}HPANY THAT THg TERM$' CONDITII]NS AND FROVISIBNS OF THE TCII.IN OF VAIL TRANISFER TAX HAVE BEEN 6ATISF]ED. 4. 6. 4PASE A L T A SOf'If,I I T f.I EN Ti StrHEDULE B-I {Requir.ements) Aplol iceticn No. VfOFtg-Z 7. HARRANTY NEEE FROI,I h,HITNEY .J. I'II$KELL and Nr-Uisoru }II$KELL To ANIIFEI.II.I. ANfiEL, RilHERT N. ANSHL S Id ELLEN B. AN$EL TCINVEYINF SUBJECT FftI]PFRTY, THE C(IIINTY CLSRR ANN RSCORNERS OFFICS REfrUXRF$ RETURN ABDRESSES ON DSCUI'1ENTS SENT FfiR RECORNINAI ! PAGE 3 ALTA fiFI"I I"IlTMENT SCHENULE F-? tExrortinrrs! Application Na. VIOS?9*2 Th* pnl ir:v or pql iclrss tn he issued urll I cont*in 6xc€p'tluns f o tho f al lorrrine un'less the sane are disposed af ts th* catigfr.ction et'the Corrpanyr 1. $ta.rrdard Exce ptiqns 1 throush S erinted c,rr th* ccven rlrset, 6, T*xes e,nd agsegsnentg not yet due or pavable and sFqcial assg$90rsrrts n$t vet cer,tlfied to the Tre{*url'r/s nffise. 7. Anv unpa,id taxeg or ac$ess&ents agninst- said land. S. Lisrrg fon unpaid u,ater. arfd Bftr,€r cbarnos, i.F *ny. :. 9. RI$HT OF PROPRIET$R OF A VHIN CIft LNNH TCI EXTRAf,T ANN REilftVE HI6 SNE TFIEREFR0},I $HcILtLCI ].I{E $A},IE 86 F0LINTI Tct FENSTRATE T}R ITITEnSECT THg FnEJ"IISES 4.5 RESEBVED IN UNITEF STATES FATEI.IT t:tECCtRBgn Ma'r tX"' 1?Og, IN BO0K 4g AT FAGE ?73. 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR OITCHES CIR CANAL$ CONSTRUCTED EY THE ALTTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATGB A'B RE$ERVEB IN IJNITED $TATES FATENT RECCIRtrED Pley O6, 1?O5, IN FC'OH 4S AT PABH 273,. 11. FHSTRICTIVE L:fiVENANT$, I',HII:H f,IB NIIT *TNTAIN A FCIRFEITURE oR REVERTEF CLAUIiE, BUT fiMITTI}'Iti RHSTRIf,TIIf,NEi' 1F ANY, FA6EN ON RAffE, COLOR, RELIGION, CrR NSTISNAL fif{IAIN' Agi CCTNTAINED IN IN$TRUf'1HNT REfi$RnEP Nsvenrter. l0r L?72,IN BOC'K 2:4'' AI PAGE 146 AlttD Ag AHENDHF IN II'|$TRU|'1ENT |IECORBED $erotember 21,T?7|s'' IN BO':tIi ?7I' AT PASE 6?EI, I.?, UTILITY EABE}4ENT A$ GRANTED TO VAIL hIATER AND $ANITATIflN NI$TRICT IN INSTRUI'IENT REtlfiRttEn May 24, 1p73, IN FO'IK 22 A-l PAGE 274. E!E EI -\\.\'-- P' \ \\,- \r \-\ \\\ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL _N. \ READY FOR IN ECTION: I NAME MON CALTER TUES WED -\..\9/AM \\\'.LOCATION: orre L=- \-- \3' Joe \EL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDEFGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING E INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr kryo.>E\o'- ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E tr tr FINAL ,Dnnrnr_ TFPRovED tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR 3sy0 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOB LOCATION: INSPECTION: rNS;cnoN TOWN OF REQUEST .VAIL " '. JOB NAME ,fft""outo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND N ROUGH / D-W-V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING EI ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER " PLywooD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL oo'rr,/2- 7- /f rNSPEcroR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUE VAIL JOB NAME '" i. 'f.... r BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING /STEEL _ ( '' "'tl,:'--' PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr '..'.'O FII{AL tr FINAL , T APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR |lt prlr|.ryveil I ::) :.]} *l .. . PERMIT NUMBER INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER ,rIH*T$i WED THUR FRI AM. PM ..1 D REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ti" READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON BUILDING: ffiorrr'ros / srEEL PLUMBING: EI,FQUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER.. PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr tr tr tr INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL o FINAL tr tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL O FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR t INSPECTION REOUEST, TOWN OF VA|L .a PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT CALLER READY FOR INSPECTIoN: MoN TUES wED THUR FRr - AM 'pr;- . LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERB FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING f, ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL FINAL T] APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED JOB NAME DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION TOWN OF a" REQUESTVAIL ! i READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WED THUR PMFRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V.tr, FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL E tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL PPBOVED4 CORBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUI\|BER Orc PROI;EET- \ 'r '."DATE '. -- '''--', - ' JOB NAME - ." INSPECTION REOUEST. TOWN OF VAIL trI READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D.W.V. - tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr s llNnl FINAL APPROVED . CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR TNSPECTTON REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL :i r.,n. ,;',1 !b,,),,,, CALLER INSPECTION:READY FOR LOCATION: MON TUES WED PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr tr tr tr tr BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL -tr FOUNDATION / STEEL - tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING -tr INSULATION _-- 6\-SHEETROCK NA|L ' r-r _ tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT I- .O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORDATE J- PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT' .i'DATE 'JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI INSPECTION REOUEST. TOWN OF VAIL _! ' AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING F TNSULATTON -tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr Fl4iitAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSftTION REQUE$T TOWN OF VAIL i tf READY FOR INSPECTION:MON WED THUB FRI CALLER TUES AM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND -tr FOUNDATION / STEEL - tr ROUGH/D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION T] POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL - tr HEATING E CONDUIT tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT DATE slgl ...._,17_,_198 7 TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE PERMTT Ho. 003031r department of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COUPIETCUV PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT n xx XX BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATIONEun 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I ll lll I v v 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABFH IRM DrvrsloN GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : 122a34 TNTERIOR REMODEL - PHASE T NNIV 1 ,000,00 PERMIT FEESTYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION \.. S\s o\to(b+ a $ B NAME: AIISEL REIVODEL PHASE I HmaE Dr. Robert Ansel 3300 l,lester St OWELLING UNITS HEIGHT IN FT. ACCOMMODATION UNITS - NO, FIREPLACES ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: RECREATION FEE FrRM gtuilct{xf,ilf,ilrfiInxtIDx Paul Pushnik FrRM STUART-BU$lAl{AI'l - lTD ,o** o, uo,a rao. *o. tt*-o 752-2212 GENERAL CONTRACTOR TOTAL PERMIT FE 1,117.00 GARY MURRAIN 0c!._14, _19t7_ _ DATE TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. lro-r TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 949-777r PLUMBING I hereby acknowledge that I hav€ read this application, filled out in full the information required, compleied an accurate plot plan, and state that all the intormation provided as required is corect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approvgd, Uniform Building Code and other ord irlrtlces of the Town applicable thereto..Mffi AND THE OWNER. F|RM llg P TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 949-777I MECHANI TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO. TELE. OTHER CONTRACTO lrra p.lnt rylvail BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT 6plururarruc EFrounoerroru D department of community developmentj.****PLEASE FILL oUR WHERE THE (X) mnrs nnr To 8E FiLLEo our coMPLETELy pRtoR To rssuANcE oF pEnMtr TYPE OF PERMIT K DTE X X X X X K t [',l ( LEGAL DESC. Lor \, Eaicb-- FTLTNG \)q+lc}l\s-\st* t "o"t' \\:-q\ \ur**"\"\ /NER ARCHITECT cnv)uteZ en.?Z?-l,ttxx uar moaess h-rt f4qe 5r, GENERAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. 7{-> - ,> > ,t =- t\\\t-l-:r'iiY *1?'^ti3hI ,@ TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. ,z-\\ tsr\\i., ,, PLUMBING CONTRACTOR aau rt-( Ulr r , TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO. TELE. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR "*" (la' (_ lM TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO. TELE. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. TELE. DATE 1-THE F0LLO[^J ING IS NEEDED FOR FILING PERMIT:from condo assn. (IF AppLICABLEpf compl ete drqwings/explanatio I I.TYPEOFCONST*r"t'o@ z. occupANcy cRoup lee x @,,r DrvrsroN t z z@ 9ENERAL DESCRTPTTON OF I{ORK : _{---7-,.flzzla4 ?-no';- -, - .?/n--a l. Le tte r2. 2 Sets z tr J EUILDING -- d, Ea6. *6 Y ELECTRICAL y'n ar,a.oo X PLUMBING 3 roo.* X MECHANICAL / gao'6 X".rw TOTAL *r4| rrto. os ) TYPF GROUP G.R,F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES-'4-E-4 b,cdt.*BUILDING PERMIT zt5 --2 PLAN CHECK / g5_ -:t-- ELECTRICAL f /.\ 2 a<JI rJ t2 NEW( , ALTERATION PLUMBING 7a.to DWELLING UNITS HEIGHT IN FT. ACCOMMOOATION UNITS - NO. FIREPLACES R-VALLUE ADDITI PERMITS NEEDED: N INITIAL INSULATION: FLOOR EXT. WALLS ST. CUT BLASTING PARKING MECHANICAL ( f.--d RECREATION FEE 6 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD o CLEAN.UP DEPOSTT <'9o,'o USE TAX z 9d,"' TOTAL PEE9TLFFES s 4/6.=- ONING & BUILDING NOTES: "4)r--T -An GRrrfl aildid- flb,o!*2.r /ArMr l0ol . tcrr- hlort XX ANO THE OWNER. I hereby acknowledge that | .have read this. application, filled out in full the information required,completed an accurate plot plan, and state ttrai att tne information provided as required is correct. iagree to -comPly with the inlormation an_d plot plan, to comply witi\ all iown oroinances and state liy,:j*"::j":,rf ,:li:.*.3::l,ii:T:Idiis_J1^tl_f i;;;; '.;";;;',iq',i,#iii.ion codes, desisnreview approved, Uniform Building Code a-no other oroinagcJr rrin" io*i-appricaote thereto. SIGIIATURE OF OWNEF OR CONTRACTOR fOn nrrurSer_r l, NOTE -'Cppy oF pERMtT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSTTEt\ $\ \n'l e416 -\- \ \- \ lr THE FOLLOI^JING IS 7off L) on Ol oo rt-rrll rri e- I.IALL caAptTtoArr F celJl:u--- LJALL arrtlCEFJTI'IZ- T^JALL a}J ll €'fL- bn. _1.*l rt4 a@zll;; (e) Z,.ro FtL J11e e td'o.c. gtos-r ?-z*tzti N) 6,nqu'lwe? 57MEE-' oil *-5t?e eF 1Hll,{tb €at- -b$P1 A/ Vz'+ ?er1s6-l'c>q(-re.6 1oP TO ?aTte 24t' o,e. 5rnPe'erl oZ EqutuJo|E.-r HaN4EeS Z€9 oLY- YEIE fil ,[t[l: qt n t 553 Plalre S I u d | (l t5o!?ti:r €ororado 8o?o? 1{/, lr FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belol items need to be complete beforegiving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provfded. n ,,*0'. ,rrrr,*n DATE: l FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: u FINAL ELECTRICAL DATE: FINAL BUILDING DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMPOMRY C of O DATE: .iii'i?i:J ,.:. ': ,.t',ii ,i. : t;i. :,i 3o q/ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: IN rD SPE CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL4^rJOB NAME MON .4tr CALLER TUES .\{c,fb',', WED /3, THUR tloerc l>l 3lX BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ,r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOLi H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr cl tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr Srrrunl fl (.-r-/ zl-e lr lrq,-fr"urr L" tr FTNAL {aeeaoveo-12 CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIFED INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST I VAIL t NAME BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr l9.9.fi^si-EFl..,^tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED ( INSPECTOR e vv INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME MON TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr tr tr tr tr E FOOTINGS / STEEL tr tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAII:tr tr tr $..t:., tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FJNAL tr FINAL \PPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED NAME NiI\\xqJ. wED rHUR ,!lD ,/i i READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER TUES { INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT sals I ' ,i i :' ,' ,i' t 1gs BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL cl tr tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB t-l t-l tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - r-l ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER .t: tr ROUGH tr CONDU tr FINAL tr FINAL D APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE rI . INSPECTION REQUEST', TOWN OF VAIL CALLER *-I\.^ READY FOR LOCATION: .----\.INSPECTION: MON TUES WED 7/THUR \ FRI I\'i-. .J,- r+t.lh\ ?RoS PERMIT NUM ER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND p,RoucH / D.w.v. clL_.._tr FRAMING 'p)nouGt-r/ wArER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING Peos PtPtNG tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E tr FINAL tr FINAL FPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTO PEBMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION" TOWN OF Reeuesi,VAIL \ CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING:. . r,,. -. I L_r, tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W,V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATEB rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING U INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL ...tr FINAL ELE trT Yt trC tr_ GTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL O FINAL E APPROVED,.\ CORRECTIONS: E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTORDATE INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST.VAIL .!PERMIT NUMBER PfIOJECT'.. i OF DATE ..''.-JOB NAME MONREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALTER TUES THURWED PMFRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. B FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER _ - ROOF & SHEERu PLYWooD NArLrNc tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr D FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr o HEATING O ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR n tr F#{AL tr FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR.-: W*/zZ"r4 department of community development RE: DRB Submittal of 7/29/8L Lot 2, Blk. 2, VV 13th box 10O vail, colorado 81557 (3031 476-5613 August 10, 1.981 David Irish P.0. Box 2294 Vail , Co]orado 81658 Dear Dave: At the July 29 meeting of the Design Review Board, your submittalfor a 2 car underground garage and util ity room was given final approval with the following stipulations: match exlsting materia'ls and co]ors on house-cedar shakes. tr'r""W Town Planner PJ:df oo r;fllr,rvrsr.o\ &rt*, fu*,<, .,OI} NAME ro'r__ L -__tl,ocK _ Z__t,lt,tN(;t/ t/ ,ruDHrss z La-g-Z&-fu--84..-- 'l'h e location of utilitics, whethcr thcy be main trunk lincrs or proposed lines, rnust bc approvc'cl and vcrified by the follouring utilitics for the acconpanying site plan. oo Mountain BeI I Western Slope Gas Public Service Company Holy Cross Electric Assoc, Vail Cable T.V. Upper Eagle Val1ey Water and Sanitation District Authorized Sign atur e /32 Dat e NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obiain a street cut perrnit froin the Tor*n of Vail, Department of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public ri.ght- of -way or easem.ent in the Torvn of Va.i1 A hrri I'lirro nar,mi+ is not a street cut peTmit. A stTeet cut pernit nust be obtained separately. fnis forn is to verify service availablity and location, This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. a. (Vtexd-t- ot 64ees C/Qq/{{ Cg/e koWs zvsv F '/.E Au E tu7t fuiss 7an( ENGINEIRIIIG CHECK LIST t/n,. U c c-AaeSubdivision Lot Bl ock Fil ing 1. Submi tta'l ltcms (if applicahle) Engi neeri ng Re_qgi rements (A) Culvert Size ?(s) Driveuay GraclE-JBFi-axi-Fc[uaq z 3.Source of l..lti'li ties (Acceptable) (Not Acceptable) (A) Topo Map (B) Site Plan(c) uti I'ity Pl an (D) Title Report (E) Subdivi sion Agreement 2. 't B L D E F E'lectri c Gas Se"ler l,la ter Tel ephcrie T.V. /l . Corrrments ; DRt vE\)Ay rco FF S zgq> ()rtgtty loerqarons fueta6 Cons ae,rcztoq) Approved: Di sapproved: Departnrcn'i of Pub'l ic llorks Bill Andrcrs H Project Application Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and d t:./) / , Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: ..)z tl u 'f' Block zone "Yl4€ny' ; Design Review Board f/,WL AppRovAL:DISAPPROVAL oo ECr_a4A)-* P1'l0N: LO'f 2 l,is'I ol: l-t!l l.l{lAl,l; Bt,ocK 2 I'il,nrc vAL.Vlll-A6g |3T|+ ._ 'l'ht: following inforrnution is llo;.rd beforc a LinlI approv:ll A. BUILDING TIAI'I]RIAtS Roof Siding Othcr l{al 1 Materi.al s Fasc ia Sof f it-s lltindou:; Windorv I'ri nr Doors Doo r Tri rn l'land or Llcck Rai I s F i tres lr I ashi rr11s Chinneys 'l'r'a sit lltrc: I ():..uJ'r::; Grccnholrscs Othr: r PLAlil' l-l{l'l:liIALS (Ve11et lr't i t,<., l,:ur.l:;t:irpi rll Bot rrn ica I Nanc fl?Fttufg Ga u.tmr4s .@ __ftNee}tr -_ I'i:rl cli al:; ittt'1tt,.l lng Conmon ltinnre aeue _ e,u€BAtr*_ _re@__ 9l:oE --ffix*--- saerrNATrvE-egE6 1'r'ct s, .Sl:t'ulls, a trd 9""!.tl- 2o#* 5 .,_ _**__ rcqrrired for submittal by thc applicrurt to thc Design llcview can i: c g ivctt : -tabaP-:-PA$JF - - -b'F€^'^\rl -tNil--flgE{--ae-----.*-. @'gfar}) B. (l lor.rn tl (iov er) Si rn 3dr. lrl:rtcrial oa ,'.t JOB 'l'he locution of utilitics, whol:hcr thcy I ines, nust be rpprovcd and vcrif ic,,l lry accompanying site plan. Mountain BeI 1 arl dl.dt Western Slope Gas/oiad Prrblic Scrvj cc courpanJrsofijco ' lloly Cross Ilectric Assoc.J:30 Vail Cablc 'l'.V. 3,lo<: Uppcr.' Laglc Val l c1' ltrtc.r f,;36 and Sanit at ion Di-strict of -t''ay oI' e:lsencllt i n tlro 'ttr wn of Vai.I bc nu jn trunk Iincs or proposed thc following utj.lities fr.rr thc Date *t} t/tsls, -.-i-; ry46t ILor /- xnpxnss 2$0{ 8np2 Hr_4onr "., lr ul't l.t'l'Y t,O(i^'f l0N vlilU lji(:A'll0l,l nnsuBDIvtsIoN . l5ooTn- (kL€rc DLocK 2 _--_rLL.;lic--Y V-!33 zltl"r NOT[: 'l'hcse vcrifications do nc't r'clie-ve tlre contractor of his responsibil ity tc' obtaj.n a street crrt permj.t fron the Toun of Viri I , Dcpalt mcnt oL lubl ir: Wot'ks- arrd to obtairr rrtility locations bcl'ori: digging in uny pulrJic right- MTNUTBS OF IVIEMBERS PRESENT Gerry White ,]ohn Perkins Dan Corcoran Ed Drager Roger Tilkemeier Gaynor Miller 'fim Morgan nh*" AI'D EN'TR.NMENTAL cil]sro,q MEETTNG Monday, October 13, t9B0 3:00 P.M. COT]NCIL MEMBER BitI Wilto STATF PRESENT Dick Ryan Jim Rubin Peter Patten Betsy Rosolack The meeting was catled to order by Gerry White. Dan Corcoran moved the minutes of the Sept B meeting be approved, seconded by Ed Drager. 5-0 in favor (Jfm Morgan and Gaynor Miller hadnrt arrived yet). 2. Miskell greenhouse addition, l-,ot 2, Block 2, Vail Village 13th, setback variance request. Peter Patten presented the staff,ts feeJ"ings as written in the memo mailed to the Comrnission, recommending denial . Whitney Miskell distributed more information including a tetter from the neighbor to the east approving the greenhouse. Dan Corcoran felt it would be a positive addition to a very plain East side of the house. John Perkins said he was the original designer, and although he would abstain from the vote, agreed with Dan. Roger T. moved that the variance be approvgd, Dan seconded it. The vote was 3 in favor, l(Gerry) against. Gaynor abstained, since he did not hear the discussion. 3.Addition to vil.tage Center Building D, requiring both a Density Control Jim Rubin said a survey had been- completed to see if the proposal would interfere with the bus lane. and explained the differences in thisproposal. He pointed out the 5 conditions listed in the memo that the staff wanted to see j-mplemented if approval was granted. He felt that the plan was in basic conformance with the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and Vail L,,ionshead Urban Design Considerations. The 2 smaller units that were regested by the staff in the original proposal were discussed. Cecil Dodson, president of Village Center Condominiumn Association' Bldgs ArB & C questioned approval of twice the square footage as proposed in the Urban Design Guide Plan. Dick Ryan replied that the Urban Design Guide Plan did not dictate exact plans, but was a guide only. Mr. Dodson proteste the two stories, but stated that he approved the improvement of the area. John Perkins felt that the massing helped to make the transition from one story to the presenL two story buitcling. Mr. Dodson asked if it was worked within the Urban Design Guide PIan. Gerry White replied that the UDGP prov.ided the guide. Dick added that Jeff Winston had reviewed this proposal presented the first time, but not the 2nd one. John P. questioned the tandscaping of the area to the east, and if the owners would work with ,lcff o$ that. Fred Hibberd replied he would, aclding that the lst plan had the same footp::int, then he tried to please others by changing the elevations. In doing sof one owner had to exchange lM.s view for additional space. iJeu- z-Lulr-riruQl Jim Rubin reiterated one .statemencare no controls that would recruirecould renb them out short term, t v/ere :Fred Hibberdrs statements on the 5 conditi.ons 1. he wasn't J-ooking for a condo to market2. he'd like to continue to to work further with Jeff Winston3. the bus lane does encroach onto his property, but it and the wa1kr-aywork weLl and he will dedicate the necessary land for them4. agrees with this5. agrees with this E9 Drager didnrt agree with having a second story, since a I story rvas shown in the UDGP. John Perkins stated that the:design cannot be seta't-the scale of 1"=200', nor square footage specified.. Guynot Miller feltthat in working with Fred for L-r/2 months, that this was a much be*!.terdesign and that it would blend in very well, adding that the Town neecsbuses and walks and a compromise should be made. Roger T. added that thelocatj-on was very visible and that when the commission had.visited chesite that they had agreed that a one story building dj-dn't rook rightat that location. Gerry agreed and stated that he felt it was in keepingwith the UDGP. Roger moved for approval subject to the 5 conditions in the rnemo, Johnseconded. Vote was 4 in favor, 2 against. {Dan o Ed against). .Iim abstainei:since he didnrt hear the full discussion. 4. A,-,1Qo4d1tonal Use Reguest for the Covered Bridge Store to al1orv theconversr-on ot one aprtment form Residential to Conunercial . Jim Rubin surnmed up the memor stating that the staff was in favor ofapproval, for the reasons stated in Lhe memorandum. Ed Drager asked tcwone could say that there is no way one can keep people riving in thecore area--did that mean no one wanted to live there? He felt it wasinconsistent with the prior case where the staff is insisting that an apartrtgo in to make something look better because people will want to l-ive teere.Jim Rubin felt that the apartments were in two different locations.This one is right across from 2 ni-ght clubs with more comrnotion at thislocation. John Dobson stated that Bridge Street is a heavily traveled area in Vai.luses of this type have been granted. rn the early days, it made serise,but doesnr't now to any where near the degree. Corsuch, the Bank btrilcing,etc. have done the sanie thing. There are perhaps two long t,erm spacesin the core, and precedent has been established. r,,ong teim has n-ocworked out. Dan corcoran . then added that the Town is beingsued by a property owner who considered just the opposite, that his proper-ty was quite val_uable, namely the tower over the Rucksack. They certainlywouldn't want. that conversion. IIe stated that he was on the prlnning conrhission when the conversion came through with the apartments thatused to be above the Liquor Store and he opposed that.John Dobson asked ifconditionaluses were granted to.the Ore House Building,the cyrano buildingr or for Gorsuch. He iepeated thaL the precedenthad been established and that lqng term housing simply does not workout in that area as it once did. He read the purpose of the ccr zonedistrict. that John D had made, that therethose units to be long term. John -. PEc - 3 10/15/80 oll Gerry White stated that the history of d.owntown Vail had been one ofboth granting and denying use for jrrst this kind of thing. There isthe concept of horisontal zoning that was dealt with a long time agoin an effort to keep the mixture"in the downtown area. He stated thaLthe was much more conversion to commercial space on every level, withtalk of the Gashof Gramshammer beingJ converte<l to commerlial spacethroughout. He felt that this was a sort of death knell for tire corearea- He felt very strongly that cominercj-al space should be on ground.leve1 and the second level should be resi_dentiil. Bilt wilto mentioned that one prior conditionaL use was granted becauseit was felt that no one wanted to live there. but the fact was, therenters enjoyed dhe apartmentf so it was suitable for some. ,'Not desirable housing" he felt was incorrect. There was some talk of asking John to restrict John Dobsonrs otherapartment to employee housing if this conditional use were granted,but it was felt that conditionar use had nothing to do with employeehousing, and John felt also that that rule shouid have leen apitieato others as wel1, if the commission was going to expect it ot-him. Gaynor Mi11er moved to approve the request, John perkins secondedit. Gaynor voted for it, but the other members voted agai-nst, so thevote was 2 -5 against. 5. Reguest for a front setback variance for Jerry Gt" . Peter Pat.ten presented the material from the staff, and recommendeddenial . steve Boyd, the contractor for the project, explaining thatthe owner wanted a covered parking area where he now had gravei parking,that was encroaching 6'or 7, onto the setback. John perkins fell tnatto deny this didn't make sense, and. discussion followed about whetherit was better esthetically to permit a garage to hide the cars completely. John moved to grant the variance as long as a garage was constructed,seconded by Roger. The vote was tied with Dan abslaining. John,Roger,and Jim Morgan for, Gaynor, Gerry and Ed agains!. Roger moved to deny the carport, seconded by Gaynor.For denial were Jim, Gaynor, cerry and Ed. Joirn and Roger againstdenial . Request denied. 6. @r special Development District 4(Eq4), theCascad.e Lodqe. ,Iim Rubin presented the matetlal from the staff, and recommended approval .He explained that the design seemed appropriate and that the increasewould only be one foot. Andy Norris sfrorvea drawings. Roger moved for approval subject to the planning and Environmentalcommission's granting of the Amendment- to the Height section of sD4.Ed seconded., and the vote was 6-0, unanimous, Dan abstaj_ning. PEC - 10-15-80 '7. Amendments Audience participation was reguested first. ceorge Boyer, Betty Thomas,Mason Thomas, John Drywalker, paula Lallierr Andy Norris, stewait Brown,charlie Powers, Fitzhugh scott, Joe Montana, stuart Holland, Deancanada, and Kathy warren spoke in opposition to the amendments. Theirconcern dealt with the fact that they thought their property was beingdevalued, some felt the decision was arbitiary, some felt a-408 slopeshould be buitt upon. sandy Mills took except:-on and stated that allshe could hear was "you are taking from me" instead of rooking at thedesirability of these changes for the whole va11ey and being positive. Afterward., the commission members stated their feetings: E_d Drager: Many of these ideas have been discussed for a tong time.We must have done many things right. Dan: As the document is now, rtm against not counting the 40g. rnfavor of new definitj-ons of GRFA, for proposed changei in density control. Jim: Height well taken care of, hillside d.evelopment guestionable. GRFA not greatly changed, against not counting 409, foi section rv. ,rohn: Doesnrt feel density control- section needs to be changed fromwhat it is now. Height Limitation have been scared of; footprint fine,at'one time had 308 as cut-off point, GRFA - careful-- sometimessecondary unit would be cut down to be very sma1l unit. Roger: our conqern is to get a document to control visual impact,we need more work d.one. However, r get concerned about all commentson values. rf one had bought properiy even G-B months ago, one wouldhave experienced an increase in vltue. r agree that it is importantthat values continue. Gerryr we are primarily dealing with space. r feel 40* slope shourdnot be omitted. I like GRFA. Concern about values. Roger moved to table the meeting to October 27, John seconded. itUnanimous, 6-0 (Gaynor had left). Roger was selected to attend the DRB meeting on Oct. 15.Ed moved and Roger seconded to continue the rest of the agenda untj_lthe next meeting. - o Zonin I Amendments Ordinances MNMORANDUM TO: PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAI_, COIvTMISSION FROM: DEPARTMENT OF COMM{JNITY DEVELOPI{ENT DATE: October 9, 1980 RE: Se.tback variancevail Village 13th request for Whitney Miskell on Lot 2, Block 2,Filing to construcL a greenhouse. DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED A 7.5 foot side setback is being requested to construcL a greenhouse onan existing deck. As allowed in the zoning ordinance, a deck was constructc,halfway into the side setback on ground level . However, structures arenot allowed on these decks or in the setback area, unless a variance isgranted. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Consideration of Facators The relationship of the re ested variance to other existin otentialuses and structures in the vi-c in i tv : The nearest struct.ure is to the East about 30 t from the existing deck.The property owner to the East has submitted a written approval of theproposal. Thus, no structures wouLd be adversely affected. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation andentorcement of a specif.ied regulation is necessary to aEEIei'e c tand uniformity of qt--atne or tc attainobiectives of this tii or There has been no hardship identified in this propesal. The applicantwishes to build a structure in the setback arel. we feel , Uecairse thereig an existing deck,legally in the setkrack, that that has no bearing uponthe request. A hardship must be demonstraied for a recommendation iorapproval. The granting of this variance would be a speciar privilege. The effect of th" reguested varianc€ on light and qir, distribution of andufirffiffi ' There are no effects bn these factors. Sgqh_oltteq factors and criteria as the commission deems athe proposed variance. : FINDINGS: licable to 1 Cornrnission shall make the following tiridingsbefore grantinq a varianCel--_- That the granLing of tire variance will not constitute a grant of specialprivilege inconsistent with the lirnitations on other properties classj.fiedin the same district. Tho! the granting of the varj.ance will not be cleLrimenLal to the publicheal'th' safety, or wclfare, or materiarly injurious to properties orimprovements in the vicinitv. t@US:lew_of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the MunicipalCode, the Pepartnienl of _Commurqlt D Eequested Variance baqed upon the following factors: *.1(t1' Miskell sreenhous" OL 1o I q / Ra ,. ' t.vtrtov i) &ht the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons:. fhe strict or literal, interpretation and enforcement of the specifiedregulatLon would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physicalhardship inconsistent with l,he objectives "i tiri" titre, therg are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions appricableto the site or the variance rhar do iot appry ;;;;;"iiy-;;-;;;;; prsperriesLn the same zone The Etrict or lj-teral . interpretation and enforcement of the specifiedre€rulatlon wourd.deprive ti.e appii;.;;-";--;;;;il"s"s enjoyed by the ownersof,other properties in the same-histri"t. RECOII{MENDATION The'Department of community Deveropment must recommend, denialrequest, as no hardship has been demonstrated.of this trG er PTTBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GM{ that whitney J. }tiskell has applied for a setback variance in order to erect a pre-fabricated green house on an existing redwood deck site on tot 2, Block 2, Filing 13 of Vail Village. Application has been rnade in accordance with Section 18.62.020 of the Vail Municipal Code. A Public Hearing will be held in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal code on october 13, 1980 at 3:00 p.m. before the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission. The appl-ication and information relating to the proposed change is available in the Zoning Adrninistratorrs office during regular business hours for review or inspection by the public. Q;t'-Y-.hin nuuin Zoning Adninistrator TO!{N OF VAIt DEPARTIqENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail, Septembex 26, 1980. oo Application Date Publication Date TOWN OI'VAIL APPLICATION FOIi VARIANCE September 19, 1980 oa Public Hearing Date Name of Applieant Name of Owner if Mr. Whitne J. l4iskell different from Applicant n/a October 13 Mailing Address 2805 Bald Mountain Road, Vail' Colorado 81657 Telephone Lega1 Description:Lot2t Block i , Filing 13 property Application Section iS iS unplatted su t a mtes and bounds description as exhibit) hereby made for Variance from the provisions of of the Municlpal Code for the Town of Vail in order to allow: Pre-fabricaled gsggn:-hggEg. that easterly redwood deck site. No permanent foundatioqs are reguired, or will be used. in a primary/secondarv Zone. Disttict. residenti aI .-4../--,/r' - gnal pplican APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY THE FOLLOWING l. Hearing Fee - $1OO.OO + 15C for EACH acldressed envelope 2. A LIST OF THE O'IYNERS OF THE PROPERTIES within 300 feet in a Single-Family Residential; Two- Family Residentiali or Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District; or adjacent to the subiect property in all other Zone Districts. The owners list sball include the names of a1 I oviners and the 1egal description of the property owned by each. Accompanylng this list sha11 be pre-addressed envelopes along with Certificates a.nd Return Receipts properly filled out to each owner. These forms can be obtained from the U.S. Post Office. 3. Site P1an, floor plan and other documents as required by the Zoning Administrator. (This is to be submitted at the time ofpublication ) 4. A description of the precise nature of the Variance.(This should include an explanation of the speclfic hardship. ) 18.13.060 setbacks mav be easily removed if necessa to be errected oo A REQT]EST FOR \ARTAI{CE \ZAIL PI,ANNING & DEVEI.OPMSII @I/o,[SSICN WHII}JEY A}iD AI;LISON }IISKET-,L SEPTH\4BER 22, LgBO oo ST]B]ECI: TO: IBOM: DAIE OF REQUEST: llhrnbers of Ttre Board: The variance that is hereby requested is for permission to erect a solar greenhouse, non-penrnnent in nature, over an existing outdoor reftrood deck. Neither deck nor gneenhouse is or will lre set on any permanent concrete or blocJ< foundation. The qreenipuse wiII be bolted or scre\d to tlre decking and house on an easterly facing porb,ion of our residence. Ttre greentrouse is prefabricated at the factory and shipped to the bryer with nwnbered pieces for ease of installation. The structure is easily disassenbled and nprred. ft ruculd be difficult to argiue a hardship in the true sense of ttte v'rcrd. Hov/everit j-s not possible to place a greenhouse on any ottrer side of our hone and sti-Il be effective, arctritecturally or functionally. Vb hope to gain a substancial anpunt of hunid heat, tlrough tlre solar effect of tlre sun upon ttre greenhouse. Ttris added heat will be transfered ilto our hcne ttrrough large slidj-ng glass doors that ctrrently open onto tte above nentioned deck, ttrus hopef-ritly lor,reri-ng teating bills. Fron a Errely astlretic sense. re feel the structure will add to the atrryearance of a portion of or:r house that is quite plain and not trnrticularly attractive to our neighlcor on the east. !0e also hopetouse ttre greentrouse for its origilal int€nt, plants and florrers. kspectfully, Iftritney oo oa LIST OF CIO{ERS OF ANO]NING PROPERTIES An Attaclment To A Request For Variance trrz I'lhitney ard Allison Miskell lilf,Rlll: Tract "C', Tcrrrr of Vail open eeen q)ace SCf,IIII! TL^a.d rrA", Vail Associates Iand EASI: David K. Iristr. 2825 Bald l,trrrrtain Road Vail, @ 81657 Dan Corooran 2825 BaId llcuntain Road vail, co 81557 I{EST: Robert M. I€ndall 2785 Bald l,lruntain Road VdiI, @ 81657 Robert E. Elord 2765 Bald rilcuntail RoadVail, @ 81657 Jares L. Viele anl Carol DraldyIot 5, Block 2, Filing 13, ol P. O. bx 2294 Vni[, Colonndo 81657 (1o1) 47aoffi8 on (1o7) q4q4oeq Moururnin LlndscApE Gnoup, lNc. ?-ta'tr0 Tulayt tTnoy O*rror, U"nn e- ComPtereLY fr - t /t,p re zr / r/r' 74e- p./-,ents ta s/v4lose fAe- Egsr /pancH o/ fiu '4tsae4 rfest oeuce- /9/ua ,lRe //r,/ Auon a/ t'rs .4//'ea u,?z- . Cun Rel/De/uce /s l/o naJo/tut/ur? PPoPezT</ fu //o E esr ,f/^-,-E K/,,-t' eubJ;JL 0rrftftsm$p sfl (#rsar#ffinc'S @uffin (#f ffimt[ ffiuillitrg EepurtmBnl TITIS CERTIFICATE ISSUED PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 306 OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE CERTIFYING THAT AT TTIE TIME OF ISSUANCE THIS STRUCTURE WAS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE VARIOUS ORDINANCES OF THE TOWN REGULATING BUILD_ ING CONSTRUCTION OR USE. FOR THE FOLLOII4NG: Na.e " Ray Brenner Residence Use Classification Duplex Residence Group E-3 2L7-76 Building Permit No.1fl-29--Type Construction V Fire Zone IIf Use Zone R Orvner of 4-9-79 uale luwn POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE EXITS REO, DATE OF APPLICATI TERATION ( I ADDITION REPAIR USE OF BUI LDI NG COVERED HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PARKING OFF ST. LOADING NO. OF LIVING UNITS MAIL ADDRESS SO. FT. COMMERCIAL R( } ELEC ( }UNIT( LOT ;1 BLR -/ FILING COVERING r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON | || t tV (f) | HR 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B C D E F G H(9,' DrvtstoN 12 3 4 BUILDING PERMIT SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FEES FIBE SPFINKLERS NERAL DESCRIPTION OF T'VOR K AREA SEPARATION OCCUPA CY SEPARATION nf 6/ft ffin*0,^-TOWl{ OF ElUILtr,ING l,A IL PEFIMIT TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAI LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VABIANCE DATE UNCOVERED APPLICATION I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HA BEAD THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORR'CT AND AGREE TO COMFLY WITH ALL TOWN OBDINANCES AND STATEsr, T0w1{ 0F llA tL ElUILtrlINGi PEFIMIT PLUMBING DArE oF APPLfcarroN S/ t> 1e NEWIIALTERATIONI) ADDITION REPAIR ( } USE OF BUI LDING HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PARKING NO. OF STORIES OFF ST. LOAOING NO. OF LIVING UNITS WATER( } FORCEDAIR{ ) ELEC( } UNIT LOT .t? gLK Z- FILtNG COVERING INT. WALLS 1. TYPE OF CONSTSUCTION I II III IV V IHR 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B C D E F G H I J DtvtstoN 12 3 4 BUI LDING PERMIT SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FE ES FIBE SPRI N KLERS DRY STANDPIPE ELECTRICAL ENERA! DESCRIPTION OF WORI(AREA SEPARATION TOTAL OCCUPANCY SEPARATION TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVERED DATE APPLICATION ACCEPTED PLAN CHECK 5 APPROVAL PERMIT 'I -(t rd s-;?jgyfrt I 'IEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE RSAD THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL TOWN ORDTNANCES AND STATE box 10O rail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 furr'4/H. office of the town manager May 10, 1977 t Dear Sir: It has come to my attention that a residence constructedduring the past year is currentl-y being occupied by you. Our records indi.cate tbat no final inspection has been ioproved nor bas a Certificate of Occupancy been j.ssued for your property. It is necessary that you contact me, at your earliest convenience, to arrange for this inspection and subsequentissuance of Certificate of Occupancy. If any of.the information contained in this notice is incorrect please contact me. f amavailable at the above address or at (303) 476-5613 ext. 235. e1Y, '/--<{/..o.o,-7iLlian Pier Building Official .' Department of itv velopment rYP/dr Sinc o box 100 vail. colorado 81657 {303) 476-5613 office of the town manager September 20, L977 Ray Brenner Box 2598Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Lot 2, Block 2, tlai-L Village 13th Flling Dear Mr. Brenner: As a representative of the Town of Vail , Department of Community Development, I would like to express my congratulationsto you for the fine buildlng you recently constructed on the above named property. I feel that.your home is a welcomeaddition to Vail and on behalf of the Department of Community'Deve1-opment, would like to express my appreciation for yourefforts. In'order to receive a Certificate of Oceupancy (the Official document that permits you to occupy your premises) it is necessarythat your driveway and parking area be paved in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Vail . It is also necessary thatyou submit a landscaping p1an, receive approval of the plan fromthe Design Review Board, and install the plantings shown on your approved plan. If it proves impossible to have this work done in the nearfuture, the Town of Vail can issue you a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy upon you agreeing to have this work done prior to a mutually agreed date in the future. If, in factproperty, or ifn,ithin 2 weeks, correspondence. , you are not the owner of the afore mentioned this work has been completed or will be completedplease disregard the latter portion of this t Please contact me, at youryour lntentlons on this matter,questions about this notlce. earlLest convenlence, regardlngor in the event you have any Sincerely, ARTIIENT OT IIMUN.ITY DEVELOPMSNT ,/{/{ d-fu; BiLI PterceBuilding OfficiaL 'EP/dl U , hrmit No.000255 VAIt WATER A}ID SAI{ITATION DISTRICT WATER AND SEWER TAP PERMIT TAP FERMITWILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL TAP FEES HAVE BEEN PAID IN FULL. NAME OF JOB PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOF EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR SIZE OF TAP: Water NUMBER oFuNtrs ?,/?.< x$300.00=Amoun{ Dato Billed Bldg. Dept. - White; - Water and Sanitation - Gr6en; hn?ayfunx..&x z6q6 Wiur&-zt, Lrc. No. TION AND LEGAT DESCRIPTION Town of Vail TT,N(TRICAL PERMIT Job Name.! Ng Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 286 $-...-....................... $-..-.........-...-.......--. Electrical contractor.---. ./)..e.0'1.....€u.(T&.t.4..fu-.-c..:.-..-."..-..... \-, . Appricant.....-.drt-.)-.{-.".K*.r.Aa-*.,--......-........ APFROVALS . ctLlBulldlDt olflcld Date Ogb"l ?Hrs FoRt tg ro BE PosrED 01{ .,OB SITE DURII{G CONSTRUGTTOiI 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE NEQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS Yl/' ifl! t. a. fl!rttrr. ao., Drr|vrt 3r0.32 Town of VaiI F'I,F:GITIICAL PERLIT N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fe Inspection Fee Total Fee 34t $..-......-......."...".-.... s....J,.J.4.:.d--... s........*.!.:.P .... Date of Apptication.... .......-'f,r-'....e1...-..".....n..7L...........". Erectricar contractor..... V.. /r-l- tt*a;.. r.r4ro-.'..--...... Applicant-.-.-. APPROVAI.S Cttd Buldlnf Otflctal THIS FORIUI Ig TO BE POSTED (,1{ JOB SITE DURING COI{STRUCTTON 2,I HOURSI ADVANCE NOIICEnEounJon rNsPEcrIoNs ,?a,61 I PLU MElr t\rG / M ECHAN I CAL TOWN OF VAIL o PEFIMIT USE OF BUILDING:- I trto 1z 1nn,/,, cLASSoFWoRK: ffi leoorrron' D*=roo.. !ngpern DEscRfproNoFWoRK: , /.,nltm'1./rt*lr+" .,/ Plr*rn,u / /trol), PLUMBfNG: NUMBEF /^3 /MECHANICAL: NUMBER 'ALUA.'N , S. oor,, nrl VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: \ ,T/ \ N\,h, ,.r''f.. fi 4 J"o \\NY t PERMIT FEE !' DESIGN R]iVIIjIV BOAND ,,nl MEMBnris PnEsrNr / tt ft"r(, ^ ACTION TA]<IiN BY BOARD:tl\r' ,o/ ,J , *c,/o.r, ,J ,)'* J ^,,p,!z/h y,% y#{ "i-t+ p} ilIOTION: VOTE: DATE OT MIBIING: FOR: SECONDED BY: AGAINST; AISSTENTION: APPROVtrD , ,/ DISAPPIiOVLD: SUIIIII.4RY: solt 3;0u]tDATroll llGtrttttxG chen and associates, inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 96 S. ZUN| . DENVER, COLORAOO 80223 192'I EAST FIRST STREET . CASPER. WYoMING . 303/ 744-7105 82601 . tor | 2t1-2126 Eoydson Construct I on Company, Inc. Box 505 Vai f, Colorado 81657 Attentlon: Hr. Steve Eoyd Gent lemen: As requested, we Inspected the basement excavation at the subjectsite on July 20, l)16. At the time of our inspectlon, excavatlon for the proposed resldence was co{npleted to approxlmately 5 feet below exlstlng gradealong the north to J feet below grade along the south bulldlng llnes. subsolls esposed ln the bottom of the excavatlon consisted essentiallyof gravel ly sands with an lsolated flne to med ium sand area locatednear the northwest corner. Swell-consolldatlon tests performed on thismaterial indlcates lt does not possess swel l-potentlal. The resultsare presented ln the attached flgurcs. lde understand that the proposed construct lon wlll conslst of a two story frame structure wlth a crawl space. Spread foot lngs have been designed l8 inches wlde by l0 inches deep wlth two #5 iebars cont lnuous. July 26, lJlS SubJect:Inspect lon of Basement Excavatlon, Lot 2, Block 2, Fillng No. 13,Vall, Colorado Job No. 13,491 Based on the soils we observed in the bottom of the excavat ion, we believe that the res idence can be founded on spread foot ings des lgned for a maximum soil pressure of 2000 psf. The as designedfootlngs should be adequate to support the structure. Contlnuousfoundat lon walls should be reinforced top and bottom to span an unsupported length of at least l0 feet. Other good constructlontechnlques should be followed ln complet lng the res ldence and sltegradlng. lf we can be of further servlce, please cal I Very truly yours, HF/Jh Rev. By; F.H.C. Enc I s. ,r:'rt,g Hans Froesch le I.UA. txtx rNo Assocrrrrsf Conrulring Soil ond Foun&tion Enginecrr o : i a lo a0 cl a - a I co ltLt 3 ,tt cOll!-t I GRAV€.,- 63 To t^n.,, 35 L lQLrlo LrM!' zJo sa M P..F ()F Gravelly Sand % .t(r A'.r '.. '\' 2 Y, PLe.sTf CI rv lN!r.- ^ oro .. aoM SE Corner Foot ing G rade ! Sil ?E ArrA!!:,5T- --- "-s-FirtTiro iirrCsr. '6 t ltt a itl =aot a a a it!att : oa a to aa, ro t.Ff---'-r++t-- - _-l- r --i l- ,i t_t :r ,_f_ C!lY Itlr!','.1 Tt l;R a!'E L fo !iqL,l:J L.iMiT .>a v P i-f r..)r % -qrr r afrli PLA5T l,il r\' lfr:ir '-!o/o F RO!\i RESULTS cLlY rfL^t1,c| lo lrtt rqr-?Lll7 r-t 'a r., ltr r 'a6 t o ^tr r F F or rtrf'rlr, r ,r x,,, - :5-";.:-r;E:--f r; ca-27-26-75 GRAI]ATION TEST #13,491 a'e I c th(, Lo-(J l. rr" AND Assoc,orrO APPLICO P,|C St URI - T.t 9rell-Conrclidotion Tert Reru ltr a.a I tro Ur (u L o-Eoo Nolurof Ory Unrl lYorght ' 85,5 Pct Noturol loirtuf. contanl - 30'5 glrcrnt cldy f 89URE Xoturol Ort Un't W.r9hl . 1.|4.4 9cl Notsrol Loi tlurr Conttnl - 4.5 pcrcent #13,t{91 .., i rln. l(UV I to Pald tr*- I u() 2Oil ill(i ulrt.(;liL l5 | s uMl4A fiY ; ARCtIITEcT u5E(S) a" OJ TCT C;AL. DE 5CR I PT I OIJ -11, ../, Actual JJ, ,-\ ; imum length I length Reouired sq Ground Leve | , -, A I lowab I ++ Anirra II t.t I , Commo n sq. ft., Actual , No. Actual . tt&6hitd 5 .l- o, Allowable Actua I sq e sq. ft. Diagona D iagona rrE CoVERAGE: Af towab r. -26' .fi, A| owable sq . tt.43!L,i-{ectual-4-l I sq. f'l'. SEABLE OPEN ANDSCAP I NG: ARK I I'IG AN D u i red Required _-- LCADING: No. Requ i %, _ red %; sq. f + , Covered Re- ON ING APP RO VA L ES IGN REV IEW BOARD APPRO VA L Da teCha irman, Design Review Bcard TI NV L IT I ES APPROVAL lRONt''lENTAL ll4PACT APPROVAL Da te lr'la yo r Date E z0rlE . ,( ; PRoPOSED TBACKS: Required - Front JO , Sides "/ '4 /,o' + , auu, jli 4 , - Front J3, -, rl n", /4 /a\ -/((u) , auu'3tr r stzE 17,4f( ; FR0r.lrAGE Actua I STANCE BETIIEEN BU I LDINGS: Reoulred .IGHT: Average Grade at-/ R.F.A,, nr/lD auti )l,lMERC I AL FLOOR AREA : Pe rcentage a I J I LD ING BULK CONTROL Actua I sq. ft. : A I lowab le max >quired 0ffsets , Ac'tua Acf ua SFACE: Height Allowed sq. ft. lowab le , Actua I Cove r s t ra to r rate S ubm i late Submi rate Submi .xtension for Zon i f or Des i for Envi ng Rev iew .gn Review ronmenta I tte d tted tte d of Dead I ine Dead I ine f):ta Date lmpact Rev iew to Dead I i ne i tem d a'te as permitted ry Sect lon )OMMENTS:* o{ 0rdlnance No. 8 (Serios of l97l) ' J,t.l*ry I J3t J2 ' {o c, lf r q. /02_- /ga 4L. fzg_ Vr*t, 13 t t (, trq r- /L A 4.5f. 7za Vl i a 3t bPu.t. 3?t ll ' 4L7 ,t 3,e4 /nnr 7/,^ T^ 3/t29,(- ?Uf uJn.,/ryt,, -- Jk 1i,'r, 6 = s73 0. t'r // -- 71, { 14 I t3-' /E),oo uJ, J"r n li> ('(t 2 = lJ A*il, 4t('. z1 /f7o* stf.h- 2/(f,,2-(43s-o 3??,7ir( Sf.(o flrg''*t '[,^J 1L ,V)x 14, S- -- /0, (t U, (, 04 2.t- ' 7a (.( 1 g3g, p e &40 1{ r*,o _la,l/* M_+ d(,ao / r / f, 7a-odz. ftrf, Z( ! ,-'o fi.rtlITi'i'I n;: i,j :;T:il: Cl' o, ii (i i: ,i r.i. C0L();li;') 6:r.65'/fu* zeme,'\Ait-tC-ava. .--- . I fi,': t; . 1$'f 3rd :t$t ?nd 3r'ri ll til llas Ig1: "?".1 .0-l ,i'ci: -""--ToiLct, ih'in;ri., itc s i ci.: r;'t i-a l- Co;u:,erc i.:I liJrot'cr. o:: Tr,',b oi" l,'ath5c'"rl Z>i a.15 >. L'0t) ,{ .1.50 Lw fcc Iilc!rilcs I'Ja ! cr. Coa)L r:::s Bari.r: :r;lrl icil-::'t 0n e -i!t;I.f ]r;;th 2:r<.1 ' lir'ri -- and lta'Ucrr fou,: i:i:i.iis >: 0 .*. n ,i tlili ' ll'i.:h Saruriar, 'iJa$,'1 <:.r 2t:ri 3r<i ll-iJi I . ilas 2nd '{..,1 -.-- Qth .__-- Nitcheni .lc s iclcrrt i.al =/ -\J. . Qtrl t'-7 #)2. $0 : I. 0C =Dislu.'ashr--r' llis.lst '__-- 2nd ------ Xitchci:s Co;.-,'lcr-cial i.tl:rl *'--*- Di:;)1.::r shc rtitlr -_-_*- Sc.rti:ln.i qSc.rti:l g -'- rt 'il:ttl /i 11...rll ): 2.50 :: ' >: 1. 00 :: -_-._ i: tr. l.l;: r L..ru 1tl:,./ Ilrr uitlcll t i11. l)r..;r l.l;1 1; )1':' 1,I t, o. !10 . -E---.-, C 3xlIth . ...' Cor;,r:rct c i;rI . eShcr''r:2,00 3 /.>:'!t,oo " -fu-Q.- x 0.33 = :: 1.00 = x30. 00 = x b.oo = t,i: I't'11 !(tr . ;'. <l i: r;!li.c:' ( ; l; ;r j;:rur;r oi' onc ) 0u'- i;!<.!e Sp:.: ui:J.c:'c Iir's llosc Cabin e t s Ser.vi ce Sta'ci.on Sr.rir::;:r5.ng Poc,1 tl: . -1 llt,'t Conve:rt ion Ce:1tc:: Pcr. itcrsor':la 0.L0 3. T(llijil, l'O]i:llS . l"t):tl0 ).'(,r:!it:; = 1.00 'Ici;i,.1. Uirits 2, IZG = A / ?--759:_!#_-l_ i.i:r:ir: $300. oo. )rSj;e{: .t'C,l- lt-o:ri:r S -i'lic c ci:,p). e'r: -ir.o:'t {.r ii cr':: l9t:ruct ic)n of .r1.r. r:el; ccu;r:'.'er'c.i a il- s-L:ruc'!I:'::s. 'i:ire D:ls'!:,:j-(j I sl:a:!.] 1)ept: c.rl;[ a .i. ';-11J- Ct i- ' 5:ur':,.':t.i t:ir of a-ll. p-!.e:ij.::e::i -co <ieic1.1:::',De tlre ;tu::,hcr. of pcints r: lri as:;l:::r;ci r:ccoi.r):'-irg io tir.r !l;:rc:. ;r;rd S..:rcn J'.:ir icc.- a;:<1 ?atc Sc7:trtlrt'.1-.:, i:; iuic.n<!c:r.! 1 e.r:C ';l;.: Dj-l;l'r.j.<:t s,:.': j-.1- ;::e:]:c i:)t)' i:C:'i'Js'J:::::::f; ,)r:cc3r..:::-:r in thc o:.i5i;tai. tap l-rc ir:ri<l . Tiri.s itr:;r.:c:::1.\;r si,i:J_ . aJ-r:cr rlgtc:nir:e tl:e buiLciint: oi.':re:f rs $citct .-:n<i sci.:et sci.,,.ic.{: char.ge. I . .. Doa.::cl of Dircctorts' Vail I'ltt'ucr and Sairi';ation Di st:-.-i-ct e?rc I 1''t I.l I t'! s)Best coPY Available I I rrr. | )Lr:t. t,F t :J' ';'; ,l nrrr' ,Ls I . )::I J tr.. ,j . ;rS ;; ',, :i| i6 i .,, .,; ;,;t ilit I{ i.t\,ll:,r ri ^r!,. TFIE UMVtrRSITY OF KANSAS SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE LAWRENCE, K/INSAS 660,15 January 23, 1976 l1r. Ray l}renner Box 2598 Vail Colorado 81657 ,^il^.-, t4.AND Uttll^N r_XSicN dil€iJ - .4 ?rt-2-( at& 4-4-'-' 4'1 at 4.w?e ,rl: * Dear Ray: Ilere is the informarion r received from the Town of Vail i. regards to the pro-posed addition to your rcsirlence on Beaver Dam Road:l) liuilding seL-back requirements: a ) Front Z0 , ,,b) Back 20il -f- l, of s.+bock Po^ ea.e-A ;-'af +vera-7e bl41' c) side l0'/ . . - h a;i4f sy42<d3'*7 ttt2) There are no. height restr'ictions on ner^/ construction - but chere isan article in the design review code which protects adjacent ownersfrom having their views blocked. rc r,rould be best Lo check withEhe or'mers of che property above you concernlng Ehts and receive theirapproval. 3) There are no restrictions regarding a dctached garage - however it musrbe built 20'-from tire front properry line whicrr will put ic too farfrom the road to be practically constructed, Diana Toughill proposedEhat you obtain a variance from Llre tor+n which reqld, alior you co build . ,the properll. tine. "lqOt^ ni5f bea|lr-rcd et 4) The rocal coverage of your properEy by structures (including garage) ttty,utr^'in calculated by the formula: Q..ii+ .25 s.f . x property area Qo.rarf./ rn your case this is approximately .25 s.f . x 15,725 s.f . = 393i s.f .Your present dwclling is approximately 30r x 40'or 1,200 s.f., a new2 car garage and work area nlght be 600 s-f., leavlng you wlth morethan 2000 s.f . for your addition.5) unfortunately the cotar square footage of l1ving arca (minus garage and' mechanical arcas) is aLso f j gure ri on Llrt: r;amt: f orrrrr-ra. liincc youindlcated Ehar your present dwelli-ng is approxim:rrely 2,800 s.t., Chis'' would leave only abor,rt I,100 s.f. for tlie addition. Diana indicatedthat the t or^'n would most likely allow a variance on lhis point also.6) To obtain a varia'ce you nust l,t""or',t Lrre rcqrrest. ancr prans to the Town Planning commission and the Town council. vlhile complete plansare noc necessary Ehey Dlust be sufficicnt to Uj.ve the members a clearldea of what they are voEing on. You should consulr with D j.ana on thismattcr. 7) In addition' you nust meet, of coursc, rirc bui.lding codc requirenents and obEain approval of the Design Rcview Board for any new consEructlon. ,;r'd$t l 8) rt is not ncccrsiriary to condorniui r,rrnize your propcrt)' in orclcr Losell parE of i c. Y.rr may scll hiilf thc s;tructrrrc v,.ith a one_ Dhalf interest in lll the propert.,,, n- +.,r, .,,.,y ,lt.t*,., tl,* ir]p..rr* fnahrlna.iI1ntereSLIIlil.LIrllepropcr]:tv''r.rc|rc1 rn eitirer casc tlrc s.r1e would i rrcl rrcle ll ccnnoni.r;r 11. agrcenent' l*tqq t rqere tlre two lr,rrvcs r.rf the srt r:lrcllrrc c:o:l:rcct cr.l . lL vroulcl be best -'--f to consulE c lrrwy'cr on this nrrLLcr * Yotr could consult wiLh an archicecE in regards Eo thc new a<lcliEion now; t1o"- D-€ {'':*ever it will rcquirc an accurate surve)' of your lot to provide the j-nformatlon 4f *:lG necessary for plans ot suf I j.cient detail to app11, ro Lhe rown for building Ari.ai.rapproval and varianccs. Tlris may delay vou into rhe spring somcwhat. (buE lrl4aee-shouldn't prcvent yorr f rom sununer collstructi.on. it t*t. I I will be in Vail in ilal' ;rrtrl should }orr 4".- ' r. ;rrri, frrrtlror- il:j j;istarlcc on Ct. lfrlandscape dcsign r will br: glad to norl( uith yorr on this projecr. rf r canbe of further assistanct: in Llris matEer pleasc 1cL me knor^,. Yours tru1y, -,/' . .t..' :t.'..-t..'. J. B, Ileadovs 1228 Rhode Island tawrence, Kans a s (913) 842-8371 JM: jb cc: Diana Toughil l Town of VaiI THE UNII/ERSITY OP KANSAS SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN DESIGN LAWSENCE, KANSAS 660{5 January 23, 1976 l{r. Ray Brenner Box 2598 Val-l Colorado 81657 Dear Ray: Here is the lnformatlon I received from the Town of Vall ln regards to the pro- posed addltion to your residenee on Beaver Dam Road:f) Bult ding set-back requLrements: a) Front 20r b) Back 20r c) Side l0l 2) There are no height restrictions on nen constructlon - but there is an article in the deslgn review code which protects adjacent owners from having theLr views blocked. It would be best to check siththe oetners of the property above you concernlng this and receive their approval. 3) There are no restrictions regarding a detached garage - however it must be built 20r fron the front property ll_ne wtrich will put it roo farfron the road to be practlcally constructed, Diana ToughiJ.J. proposedthat you obtain a variance from the town whi,ch would aLlow you to bulld on the property f.ine.4) Ihe total coverage of your property by structures (lncl_uding garage)ln calcuLated by the fornula: .25 s.f. x property area In your case thls is approximately .25 s.f, x 15,725 s.f. = 3931 s.f. Your present dvelling ls approximately 30r x 40t or 1,200 s.f., a new2 car garage and work area mlght be 600 s.f., l"eaving you with more than 2000 s.f. for your additlon.5) Unfortunately the totaL square footage of livlng area (minus garage and mechanical areas) is al-so figured on the sane foroula. Since you lndicated that your present duelling ls approxfunately 2,800 s.f., this would leave only about. 1,100 s.f. for the addition. Dlana lndlcaredthat the torrn would nost likely alLow a varlance on this point also.6) To obtaLn a variance you must present the request and plans to the Town Planning Corinlission and the Town Council. While conplete plans are not necessary they must be sufficient to give the members a clear ldea of what they are votlng on. You shoul-d consult wLth Dlana on this matter, 7) In additloD, you must meet, of course, the building code requirements and obtain approval of the Design Review Board for any nev constructlon. 8) It ls not necessary to condominiumlze your proPerty i.n order to sell part of lt. You may seLl half the structure ulth a one- half interest in all the property, orr you nay divlde the property. In el-cher case the sale would Lnclude a connonwall agreement were the two hal-ves of the structure connected. It would be beet to coneult a lawYer on this matte!. You could consult nith an architect ln regards to the new addition nowl how- ever lt will require an accurate survey of your lot to provlde the lnfor:matlon necesaary for plans of sufflcLent detail to apply to the town for building approval and varlances. This nay delay you into the sprlng sonewhat (but shouldn't prevent you from sutmer constructl-on. I wlll be in Vall in ltay and should you deslre any further asslstance on landecape design I wtl1 be glad to work lrith you on thls project. If I can be of further asslstance ln thle Batter Dlease 1et me know. Yours truly, '/ ../, ."-,',t tz/JZ.-:<_--. J.B. Meadowe 1228 Rhode Islaud Lawrence, I(ansas (913) 842-8371 JM:Jb cc: Diana ToughilJ- Town of Vail I'rn*crroN nEo0esr 4'-t-t JOB NAMEDATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER E HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPHOVED COBRECTIONS: EINS ON REQUIRED(hd,, rNSpEcroR ,4 |^t, ,4 ro,.-DATE (it,tttt - .;' (2 J JOB r_ocnriorrr: L-7- rye - L 'Wvtt - Lg.d{ B-a,,,r/' 7r/jll| Pd rnslcfloN REou'Esr VAIL DATE NAME CALLER READY, FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR FRI E DISAPPROVED 1,;a BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V- tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL D POOL / H. TUB d t,*ot D FINAL x l^ qTt:,t ,A Z> (l/,) E /,r,a L ,',.,'i,-,9ut-r,jan'\ 0 /r -6 ."L.1"' tl i... ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICALI C] HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr- tr FINAL O FINAL tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDtr APPBOVED CORRECTIONS: L,-E,e& z,,ra* S+Fa't,r' JlA\; / ' Sl\4O/<o ,.,-.' e rc. /.,r, fa , Z' ,s.+ ;:d-\, ,o't zr/ --. . -t./.r' "1 ' --Z *'" \ / .->' DATE INSPECTOR u\rseecGru TOWN FIEBU VAIL ES.T ntr DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED-- AM PM CALLER n orsen n panrtal LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRITUE AM PMMON COMM ENTS: hoor..' PARTIAI.' " LOCATION' ,_: r.t .u , 'r .. n nppRovED I uporu rxr CORRECTIONS LJDTSAPPROVED FOLLOWI NG CORRECTIONS: I IREINSPECT DA TE INSPECTOR ''t t DATE TIME .f- ."' TNSPECGN FTEOIJEST o OF VAILWN JOg NAME AM PM CALLER OTHER MON COMMENTS: n pnn'rrnl LocATtoN {"'tue i T}IUR READY FOR INSPECTION t.;- -;a... FRI r - '"*- AM PMWED E nppRovED D otsappRovED Adir NsP Ecr .).t t '..) ./', E uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: r ') ''' I '' Y INSiPECGN HEOUEqT TOWN OF VAIL i- DAIE t ; - JOBNAME TIME RECEIVTD- AM PM'CALLER D ornen MON ! pnnnal LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED AM PMFRITUETHUR D nppRovED E orsnppRovED ! nerNsPEcr E upom rHE FoLLowrNG conRECTToNS: CoRRECTTONS.; { : /,. .1 ,-'"'i ,,/# rNsPEcGru FTEGTTJE'sr VAILo DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E ornen MON n pnarrer LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM fi.*rF Rov E D E otsnppRovED [trroru rxe FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: nnerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS '.,'t" ) , |r1' ,:t4' a' ' *- ' t -:.. INSPECTOR :.':...':'. DATE DATE ;': ' i-'; ::' ' " ' JOB NAME TNSPECGN FTEOUESiT TOWN OF VAIL ! pnnrtnu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I orHen MON COMMENTS: FRITUETHUR AM PM .[ neeRovED I orsneeRovED ! nerNSPEcr I uroru THE FoLLowrNG coRREcroNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orHen INsiPEC(TFru REGIUEsiT TOWN OF VAIL I plnrral. LocATroN JOB NAME FRITUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PMMON COMMENTS: fJeppRovED E orsnppRovED I netNSPEcr IJ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS . . DATE INSPECTOR tNsiPEc+N FIEBUEST VAIL DATE ,!.r JOB NAME ''1, TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E oruen TUE ! panrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR E orseppRovED FRI-AM PM D nerNSPEcr I E nppRovED El rrporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcroNS: CORRECTIONS a tNsrrEc&N FIEOIJEST TOWN OF VAI :.DATE .: TIME RE CALLER n pnnrtnl LocATroNI orHen MON COMMENTS: TUE READY FOB INSPECTION WED THUR FRI ni,i')prur pareBovED E orsappRovED E nerNsPEcr E upor rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE