HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 13 BLOCK 2 LOT 4 LEGAL,.1 Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Ford Satellite Dish Project Number: Project Description: 12'n dish to be located under roofease approximately 25' above grade on south side of building Owner, Address, and Phone: Rob Ford 2765Bald Mountain Rd, Vail, CO 81657 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Rob X'ord 476-3614 Project Street Address: 2765 Bald Mountain Road Legal Description: Lot 4, Block 2, Vail ViIIage 13m X'iling ParcelNumber: 2l0l034 01 020 Comments: Building Name: Ford Residence Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Board/Staff Action Action: StaffApproved with I condition 1. The dish shall be obscured from public view. Town Planner: Ann Kjerulf Date: l0l2ll99 Project Name: Ford Satellite Dish DRB Fee Paid: S20.00 Qucstious? o Call thc Plarrnine Staii ai 47i-l i23 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dasigr Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign revicw must rcccivc Design Rcview approval prior to submitting for a building pctmit. For specific information, see the submittal rcquircnrcnLs for thc particular approval that is rcquasted. Thc application cannot be acceptcd until all the required information is submittcd. Thc projcct may aiso nccd to bc rcvic.rvcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Planning and Envirollnrcntal Cornnrission. Dcsign Rcvicw Board approval cxpircs one ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building permit is issued and construction is startcd. , n'l i LNM|Z lttof t4u6IE Pf /x ttu"*rt> DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: M o?r-d+ C. D. |,F.a./ (, G. //B' PHYSICALADDRESS: 27 t/{ EAt\rnvt/ rt\ PARCEL #: Dl o I o 3 + Ol O7O (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Officc at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS: PHONE: OWNER(S) SIGNATTJRE(S): NAME OFAPPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRESS: PHONE: H. TYPEOFREVIEWANDFEE: EI Ncw Construction -$200 Construction ofanewbuilding. tr Ad/ition - $50 Includes any addition where square footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or ,/ conrmcrcial building. /Minor Altcration - $20 lncludcs minor changes to buildings and sitc improvcmenls. such as, rcroofing. painting window additions. landscaping, fences and retaining walls. etc. f building pennit. pleasc iW thc accurate valuation of the project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fce according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE F'EE TO THE DEPARTMBNT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT.75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vAIL, COLORADO 81657. TOWNOFVAil .i'/,4 t'' i.{.:,tt, / ,' ,r ' : t i.:{'\j. I -t TOIIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 9L657 970-479-2L38 DEPART14ENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVETJOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MEEITANICAL PERMIT Job Address... : 2765 BALD MOIIiITAIN RDLocation......: 2755 BALD MNI RDParcel No..... : 2i_01-034-01-020Project Number: APPLICANT FRISCO FIREPI,AEE & STOVB SHOPP O BOX 1330, FRISCO CO 80443 COMfRACTOR FRISCO FIREPI,ACE & STOVE SHOPP O BOX 1330, FRISCO CO 80443OWNER FORD ROBERT E 2765 BALD MOUNTAIN RD. VArt eO INSERT AND GAS LINE *Of gq6 Appliat|cce: I 8L657 Valuation: *of oas Log€: 'JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M98-0009 TSSUED 0L/26/L998 0t/26/L998 07 /25/L998 Phone: 3036583?60 Phone: 3036683750 3,270 -OO *Of Wood/Pal1cC: Stsatus. . . App1ied.. Issued. . . E>qlires. . Descrj-pt.ion: F/P CONVERSION INSTALL GAS Flr6p1ac. InfornraLion: R€6CricC6d: N tttt*rrtt*'rt+a*i.**r{*it**a*, FEE gOl4MAiy * * * r } r i * | t t i * r * t * * r * r t . r t r * * * r * * i r * r r * * * * * * * * * t a * * r r r * I I 1r } Mcchaniqsl- --> PIan Ch6ck- - - > InveBEigEEion> will call- - -- > 90,00 20,00 .00 3.OO . o0 . o0 103 . O0 103.00 -L03.oo . o0 .00 RceCuarants Plan Rcvi6t --> DRB F€B--- - ---- Tot.al CalculBCcd Pce6---> Additional Fce6--;-- --- -> ToLaL P€tlrliE Fe6--------> Pa)rncnts - - - - - - -- BAIANCB DUE... -.' .""';.;;;; ;;;;;_;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;*' .' .. . .;;.;;;;.;;;;;,'.'." 0t/26/1998 JRM AcLion; EFFR csanr,rE DAVISIteqi .05600-E'IRE DEPARTI{EI{T Dept: FIRE Division:OL/25/L998 ,JRM Action: AppR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL ]-. EIEI.,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. GAS APPIJIANCES SHALL BE I/ENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 ANDSHAI-,L TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O5 OF THE 199], IJMC.3. DAMPER MUST BE REMOVED AT TIME OF C.'AS PIPING INSPEETION ******************************************************************************** DECI,AR,ATIONS I hcr.by tcknor,ledge that I have r.rd thls applieation, fillcd ouE ln full the inforuation r.qulrcd, conpleled an accurale plot plan, and stBtse thats r11 the inforoabion provLdcd ae required is corrects. I egrcc to conply wich the infonl|llon and plot plan, l:o colrply rritsh all town grdlnarlc€6 and state Latrs, lnd fo build thi€ Etruclure according to Ch. To!,n,6 zoning and Bubdivigion codeg, dcslEn rev-j-er-apgrov€d; Unifoqr Bullding codc and other ordinrnces of th6 Town applicable thereto. RBQUESTS FOR INSPEC{IONS SHALL BE MADE TWENIY-FoItR HOURS IN ADInNeE By TELEPHoNE AT 4?9-213A OR.nt OUR OFFTeE FROM B:o0 Al.1 S:OO pM SIENATURE OP OHNER OR COMRACTOR FOR HIUSELF }XD OI{NER TOI,'IN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIVIAGE ROADvArL, co 91657 970-479-21_38 Job Address...:Location......: Parcel No.....:Project Number: MECHANICAL PERMIT vAlL CO 81657 Valuat.ion: {lof oa6 Log6: Status...: ISSIJED Applied. .: oL/26/1998Issued...: OL/26/L998 Ercpires .. : 07/25/L998 JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M98-0009 Phone: 3036583750 Phone: 3036683760 3,270.00 #of wood/PaL IcE: 2765 BAIJD MOUNTAIN RD 2765 P'ALD MNT RD 2101- - 034 - 01- 020 INSERT AIiID GAS LINE *of Gas AplrlLanccs: 1 DEPARIT,IENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMfT MUST BE POSTED ON APPLICAIiIT FRISCO FIREPI.,ACE & STOVE SHOPP O BOX 1330, FRISCO CO 80443 CONTRACTOR FRISCO FIREPIJAEE & S?OVE SHOPP O BOX 1330, FRTSCO CO 80443 OIITNER FORD ROBERT E 2765 BALD MOIJI{TATN RD, Descript.ion: F/P CONVERSION INSTAI-,L GAS FitcFlace Infomalion: ReEtrict,ad: N t**rrf**rr*rrtrti*t*aari***rr FEE suuMAiy rrrfrrr*rrrrr.r rr*rr$,1*r*r*irr Mcchanical---> Plan Ch6ck- - - > Inv6Etsi,gstion> wiLl call----> Rc€tu.raot PLEn R6wicr{- -> DRB Fcc--------- TOTAL FEES- - -.. Total Calculetcd FecB---> AddilLonal Fces---------> Tol:al P€rult F6e--------> Paytn.nts-------- so.00 20.00 . oo 3.O0 ,00 . oo 103 .00 103 .00 -103. O0 ,00 BAIANEE DUE---. a *** *, ** i. i a ** r * r I rr*irr i * t ** * * IteI!:_ ,051-00 BUTLDfNG DEPARTMENI Dept: BUILDING Division:oL/26/L998 JRM Acr,ion: ADFR cuanr,rE DAVrS-- - ITEM: .05600 FIRE DEPARTI4ENTO1,/26/L998 JRM Action: APPR N,/A Dept.: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAT 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI\ICE.2. GAS APPLTA}ICES SHAL,L BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND STIAI-,,L TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O6 oF TTIE 1991. T,I,tc.3. DAMPER MUST BE REMOVED AT TIME OF GAS PIPING INSPECTION ******************************************************************************** DECTARATIONS I hcreby acknowledgc that: I haw€ rcad this application, fill.d out i.n full thc Lnformacion requlred, codpletcd rn accurale ploc plan, and 6!ate that all lhc information provided aa rcqulred ie cor!cc!. I agre6 co comply $ith thc lnfotmalion and plot F1an,to comPly rith all To$n ordinatrcc6 and stat! lawa, and to bulld thi6 Etructure according tso the Toen.6 zoning and eubdiviEion codeE, dsaigm revier approvcd, Uniform Bullding codc and other ordlnanc€F of the ToFn epFlicable Che"fgE6. REQUESTS !'OR INSPECTIONS SHAIJIJ BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOtRs IN ADUANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR Af OUR OFFICE FROM a:Oo AM s:OO PM SICNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTR.E.CTOR AOR HTMSELF AND OWNER ,I;conEecI Eagle county e"".rf OffLce ff ar 970;328-8640 for. rarcel i[. TOIIN OF VAIIIIPARCEL,@ punurr APPIJT lv I DATE:- ocoNsTRucrroil CATIO}| FORI-T P.s2 PERIIIT T Pt..tl'l(t' vdtArchitect:Addrees: | - .l t t b t{ork claes: [ ]-Ner t4-elteratton f(1-edditional I J-Repalr t ]-other_ Nurber of trrelllng Units:Nuuber of Accomodation Unlter )fnber and ?1pe of Fireptaces: ca3 appll4nce"{ cas Log6_ Ifood,/pellet_vf,*****r*******l+*r**t*****it**tt*** VAIITATIONS t************ *!:rr ******* *t******* vl Pyllglltg: I _ Er8crRrcar: l_ _ orHER: t_ rErrrualNc! s . uEcHANtCttrl-EaTE loTALs - lj' l*l***.***.f r***t*lrr*****t* CoNTRAGFOR IilFOIltltATTON ****tr+rr***t*r*********a*1f Eenerar contractorr -- ---- -: .----- Town of vatl Reg. No.--Addresst .. phone Nuhber: II Electrical Contractor! Address: .Ptunbihq Contractori Addr€sss' BUUJDING PERUIT FE8: PI,I'MBING PERTTT FEE: UECIIAITCAL PERITT fEE: EI'ECTRTCAt FEE: OTIIER TYPE OF FEE: Town of Vall Reg. NO. Phone Nunbers 6{ Town of Vall'Reg. NO.- Phone Nurnber: lfechanlcal contractor: Fri>ro fr r"ab-.*'Address: 14TrlV@ Toun of vall R6g, NO- lsr4{- Phone t{urnber: b,g-=lca -- Itftt***ll*rt***a ********tt* fllr* FOR OFFTCE USE *t**tr*t *at*** *****r*tt* l****i * BUILDTNG PIAN CHECK T"EEI PU,I.IBINC PI.AN. CHEqK rEE! UECITAI{ICAIJ PIAT{ CflECK FE8: RECREITION FEEr CIrE]NT-UP DEPOSTT: TOTIL PERl.filr PEES! BUfLDfNGT SICNATT'RES ZONING: SIGNAN'NE: UP D4OSIT f,trTOND TO: Ocign Review Action$n TOWN OF VAIL DateCategory Numbe1 Project Name: Buildlng Name: Project Doscription: Architecvcontact, Address and Phone: Lsgnf Description:t-ot 4 .4 Block ? SubdMision .." ) Project Street AddreEs: /z Comments: Motion by: Seconded by; n Approval I Disapproval tsftaff Approvat Conditions: DRB Fee Pre-paid T I revls.d 8/17l94 DEsrcN *ailboARD- App,,rcArroN - rolOuor", -coLoRADo DA'E RE.ET'ED: Slt /r( DATE OF DRB MEETING. - ********** INCOMPI,ETE APPLICATIONS MAY NOT BE SCHEDUI.ED FOR REVIEW. I. A. ********** DESCRIPTION I B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Consrruction (9200.00) Addir.ion (950.00) ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPT Subdiwision If propert-y is described bydescripbion, please provide Lo this application. k *inor Alterarion ($20.00) Conceptual Rqview ($0) 1/v-/ tr)c. D. a meeEs and bounds on a separal-e sheeE legal and aLtach E! F. ZONING: NAME OF Mailing APPLICA}ilT: Address: Phone G. IJ NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE : Address I IP 2A hone NAME OF OWNER(S) : OWNER(S) SIGNATURE: Mailing Address: Phone APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WIITHOUT OTdUER'S STd\IAfURE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEEI i$V " $0t{|l$. DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at b,hesubnibtal of the nRn applicauion. I-,ater, whenpg for a building permir,, please identify t,he accuraEeion of Ehe proposal. The Town of Vail will adjusL Che e {*qcording Lo the Lable below, to ensure bhe correct fee ./14LL- FEE SC}IEDULE: VALUATION $ 0 $ 10,000 $ 10, 001 - g 50, 000 s 50, 001 - $ 150, 000 $1_s0, 001 - $ s00, 000 $500, 001 s1 , 000, 000$ Over 91,000,000 DESIGN REVTEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES APPROVAL T'NIESS A BUITDING PER!,IIT ISIS STARTED. FEEs 20.00s s0.00 $1_00.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500. 00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAIJ ISSUED ilM EONSERUETIOII oo -oo I >./q''rl,/['-' '{'r' dou/ ;rJ' 6,/ &,/r- /,,"'- / u /t- ,/trll fu t- ,'Lt'ioz< lt -.7/-q^f,/,/,/ t/, ,h*" -zz7-z<-/ -/ /tlf e .4/2" ,kt-- /a ,4,t' /-/ ,/dzotLz.ut,/r/t/\.'', 't I O3 SUBDIVISTONBLOCK windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim rrana ol pect< Flucs Flashings Chimneys RaiIs Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Rctaining walls Ext,erior LighLing Other Designcr: Phone: Or. NAME OF PROJECT: LSGAIJ DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: The following informaLion is requircd for submitcar. Review noard before a final approval can.bc given: N. DUIIJDTNG MATERII\IJS! TYPE oF MATERIAIJ Roof Sidinq oLher WaIl Fascia soffits Ma Eeri aI s Lo the Design COIJOR B.LANDSCAPTNG: Name of 't I O3 SUBDIVISTONBLOCK windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim rrana ol pect< Flucs Flashings Chimneys RaiIs Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Rctaining walls Ext,erior LighLing Other Designcr: Phone: Or. NAME OF PROJECT: LSGAIJ DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: The following informaLion is requircd for submitcar. Review noard before a final approval can.bc given: N. DUIIJDTNG MATERII\IJS! TYPE oF MATERIAIJ Roof Sidinq oLher WaIl Fascia soffits Ma Eeri aI s Lo the Design COIJOR B.LANDSCAPTNG: Name of h |)o Qo ''"!t Category Number Oegn Review Action fofi TOWN OF VAIL Proiect Name: Building Name: Project D€scription: Owner. Address and Phone: ArchitecV0ontact, Address and Phone: A- -)Legaf Description'.Lot ?l- Block ./- Subdivision Zone District K Proiect StreetAddress: fr Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: n Approval ! Disapproval JStaff Approval Conditions: L6 ,,v'rtuu ,i,,t L:,'i',; r,-- Town Planner- 1,,--lr,=--s"1r. rc l lc: lLlls DRB Fee pre-pa .1 E.vl.d.7lt4l91 DESIGN o REVIE9T BOARD 1gg5 r. A. PROJECT INFORMATION: ? APPIJICATTON ' TOI{N OF DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETTNG:*t******** t***!:t**** . Wa1l located well w wa 1r af enErv . B.TYPE OF REVIEW: Nev/ ConsEruct.ion (9200. 00)Addirion ($sO. O0) X Minor ALteraE,ion Concept,ual Review ($20.00) ($0) D, ADDRESS. 2765 Bald Mountain Road LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 4 Fn n,^l" ?Subdivisior lr,, ., I qar, - If property is described bydescriptlon, pldase providlto thj.s applica r.ion. a meeLs and boundson a separate sheeE 1ega1 and attach F. ZONfNCDuplex - Existing structure single family NAME OF APPLICAI.TP; Rob FoTd G.NAME OF APPTICANT' S REPRESENTATTVE:Mailing Address: NOne Phone H.NAME OF OwNER(s): nob Mailing Address:2765 Bald Mountain Road Phone 476-36L APPI'rcATroNs wrrJL NoT BE pRocEssED wrrilow opJMEPs .sr6NAfuR.E Condominium Approval if applicable.I. ,t.DRB L irne applvalu fao isp FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,\ are t.o be paid aE Eheof submiELat of r.he DRB apprilacion. lir,ei, -rt"r, vins for a buirding permiul' prbase iaenuiiv-lir""iI"rrru..ili?r.or Ehe p.ropolai. rhe torn-oi-viii-riri'-Iali". .r,"according Eo Ehe table below, to ensure the correct feeaid. OO 4/e FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATIONs 0 $ 10,000$ 10, oo1 . $ so;ooo$ 50, 00r. - $ 1so, ooo$150,001. $ 500,000 $500, 001 - $1, O0o, 000$ over $1, ooo, 0oo DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAI, EXPIRESAPPROVAIJ I'NI,ESS A BUIIJDING PERI1ITT ISIS STARTED. FEE- ,D zu.uu s s0.00 $100.00 $200.00. $400.00 . $s00.00 ONE YE,AR AFTER FINAIJ ISSUED AIID CONSTRUCTION vail, co 816 3ob-8+q-bG+qROBERT E. FORD 2765 BALD MOUNTAIN ROAD vAtL, coLoRADO 8t657 Apnl26,1995 Community Development Town of Vail Minor Alteration Lot 4, Block z,Va.l Village Thirteenth Auention: Andy Per our phone discussion of this moming, I have put together this information for your review. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to give me a call at 808-879-6649. The time change at this number is four hours earlier than Vail. Since building my home in 1977, the highway noise has increased dramatically. Now the noise is so strong as to make sitting on our front deck very unpleasant. We have thus put together this proposal to build a small "privacy wall" around our front deck. We have worked to make this wall as unobtrusive as possible while still working as an adequate sound buffer. I have worked with David Peel, the original architect on the house, and stayed well within the limitations as set by design and covenant regulations. The wall is to be block set on a concrete footer. It is to be stucco which matches the existing wall around the front entry and the fireplace. The east portion of the wall is to be attached to the existing wall at the fiont door and is to be the same height - three feet from grade. This section is to run some 25 feet as indicated on the topo. The wall is then to run at almost 90o for 25 feet across the front of the deck area with a small tum at the end. The top height ofthis portion of the wall is to be the same as the other section but because the ground falls away a bit the actual height of the wall at the far end will be 6 feet. The wall is being strategically placed so as to mitigate its exposure. The highest portion of the wall which runs for only about 6 feet is placed behind a large grove of small cottonwood trees. It will be unseen in the summer months and very hard to see even in the winter. The lower portion ofthe eastern wall will be hidden behind existing planting. We will loose two trees during construction which we will replace. Some more information which may be useful to you. The lot is zoned duplex but the structure is single family. The home was originally desiggred to fit onto the site and the square footage was far from "maxed" for the site. This new alteration will sit well within all setbacks and will not at any time exceed 6 feet in height from grade. The alteration does not follow any property lines and is not meant to be a restraining fence. The lot is not located in any rocKall, landslide hazard area as designated by the town of Vail. I have lived in this home since building itin 1977. My intention here is to enhance its appearance and livability. I am open to any comments and suggestion you may have. Cordially, tet4s I,,IERNF:R c0l'{DINC 'L P:43 T I I II 4d" I Ig"l -l' f I ( I !1"ic I {rtt I 't t{fl" t I TOWN OF VN IL AR'I'II$,N'I' (IF CoJ\1IIIUNI'I'Y DEVDLOPMT,N'I' CIIN,(]KS M DE PAYABI,Ii TO TOWN OF VAII- i, fr'To1.al] t 0t 0000 41540 ZONING NND N DI)ITIJSS MAPS x;5.00 0l 0000 424 c UNI F0I(M IIUILDIN(J CODI:$54.00 0t 0000 424 UNII.ORM PLUM IlING CODIJ $39.00 0l 0000 424 UNI['OI(M Ml:CIInNICn L (-ODlt til7.00 0l 0000 424 5 UNIITORM IJIRIJ CODIJ $16.00 0l 0000 424 {NATIONAL IJLI]CTRICAL CODIi s17.00 0l 0000 424 5 I l;l{ C()l)lr lJ(X)KS 0l 0000 41548 IJLUI: PI{INTS (MY l-ARS $7.00 0t 0000 424t2 XITROX COPIIiS $0.25 ol 0000424t2 ot 0000424 2 TOVFT'I]S COMPUTIJR PROCRAM $5.00 0l 0000 4217 r PliNn LTY I.lrl:S / Rli-INSPIICTIONS 0l 000041332 PLAN l(livlltw Rli-CIIIiCK Flll'l [li40 PIiR llR. 0l 000042332 0f'l lI()URS INSPITCTION l;l,l,S 0l 000041412 C()NTRNCTOI{S LICIiNSIJS I,'I,]I.]S 0l 0000 4r4 J SICN NPPLICNTI0N FI;I;$20.00 0l 00004t4 3 ADDITIONAL SICNA(i|: l'lili [S | .00 PljR SQ.FT.] 0l 00fi);VTCARTPR()JI|ETM 0r 00out3 +RriPAlD DltSlGN RliVll:W IIOARD ljlil:-)()'v() t 0t 000ffi7l INVESTI(;N TION FIJIJ (I]U LDIN(J 3 t 0000 451 l0 TOV PARKINC I;UND 0l 0000 22027 t ()v N tiwsPn t'tit( t)tsPIiN Sl:,lt PUNI)* 0t 0000 2l I l2 IAXABLE @ 4ol, (S'[ATE* 0l 0000 410t0 TAXABLB (o) 4Yo CI'OWN 0l 0000 42J7 I ITUILDING INVIiSI'ICATIO N Ol-l II:lt PEC APPLICATION FEES 0l 000041330 rllDl I IONAL Ultl'A '2)(1"$200.0t) 0l 0000 4 t330 CONDIT'IONAL USIJ PIJRMIT l;200.0u 0l 000041330 EXTtsRIOR ALTIJRATION Lliss 'n tAN | 00 so.l't'.s200.00 0l 0000 41330 EXTERIOR NLTI]RATION MORII TllnN 100 SO.l'T.s500.00 0l 000041330 SPIJ('IN L DUV IJLOI'M IJN'I DlSl'l(lcl' INIrW $ 1,500.00 0l 0000 41330 SPIiCIAL DlivliLOl'M liN l'DISTRICT MNJOII AMIJND $ I,000.00 0l 00004r330 SPI:CIn L DI:VIiLOPMIINT DISTRICT IMINOIt AMIiND s200.00 0l 0000 4l]]0 SUBDIVISION 0l 0000 4r330 VAITIANCIJ $250.00 0l 0000 41130 ZONINC CODI' AMIJNDMIJNTS $250.00 0t 0000 41330 l(11 - ZUNINU !i200.00 oTHrir( O l'l I lrl{ Il()IAL: COMMUNTS: ') -.-- cAsE L- | cK.nt 52lk.o\-l **.u",€ I - -rt RECHECK AND RECERTIFY 'iir-;l'}': .5 I hereby certlfy that Ehls laProveDenc locatlon certlflcate vas prepared for the i"tag"g. lender and the lit1e insurance coopany, chat, lt Ls not a-land survey plat or lEprovetrenC survey plat, and fhaE lf 1.8 noC to be re11ed upon for Ehe establlsh- ;;";;i fence, bulldini, oi ouher future luproveoen! lLnes. I further cerrlfy that the luprovenenBs on the above described parce), on th15 da!e, excep! uClllty con- n""rioit", are enrhely ntthln the boundailes of lhe parcel, excePC as sbown, thaE ther6 are no encroachuents uPoa the described prernlses by lnproveuenls on any ad- Jolnlng prenlsea, excePt as lndlcated, 8nd NhaU Ehere ls no aPParenE evidence or "fgn oi "ny """"."or crosslng or burdenlng 8ny parr of said Parcel' excePt as noled. ttrls certlflcare doea not consclluce a tltle seatch by Inter-Mountaln Englneerlng Eo determlne ownerehlp or easeEenes of record. For all lnfornaClon regardlng. ".""r"nt", rlghts-oF-way or tlEle of record, fnEer-Uountaln Engineerlng relied upon Sleworl iille Guoronty Compony Order Number 3174-V. '*,@t*-"-'---- Regislerad Powers Lond Surveyor No. l39Ol BALD Ho') I{0TICE: Accordlng to Colorado law' you must cormence anv ledal action based upon any defect in this suFrey wiihin-three years after you first discover such defect- In no event, may any action based upon such defect in this survey be Lorrnlnced more than ten years frcm the date of the certification shown hereon. LoX 4, Block 2, vail Village lltrirteenth Eagle county, colorado, lLee in Zone -c, . nininal flooding, as shown on Cornmgnityof the National Flood fnsurance Progran;(Firn), effecti.ve date UaY 2, L983. Filing, Town of VaiI, whLch are areas of Panel Nunber O80054-OOO3B Flood Insurance Rate MaP €. as8o47'o7" R= tvtoaNTA;iN R,AD survey !imited bY snow cover. **i.i" s BASIS OF ELEV ' MH 80-4-2 RIM ELEU = 8314.92 I M PROVEMENT I.ffATIO N CERTIFICATE lulTE torra-o val{ca Lgtro(D. cq.o, aoerc('oal a!t-o rla LOT 4, BLOCK 2, VAIL VILLAGE, THIRTEENTH FILING, COUNTY, COLORADO " = .3o' NOTE: Accuracy of RECHECK AND of the Natlonal-ilood fnsurance Proqran; Flood Insurance Rate MaP (Firn), effective date uay 2, L983. Lot 4, Block 2, Vail village Thirteenth Flling, Town of VaiI, .l Eagle county, colorado, IiiE in zone c, which are areas of nininal flooding. as shoun on CornrnUnity Panel Nuaber 080054-00038 . - I hereby certify thaE thls luproveoent locarlon cerlLflcaEe was prepared for the ,ortg"g" lender and the tlrle lnaurance cooPany, Cher 1t ls not a_land survey Plat or lryroveEenc Burvey p1aC, and thac 11 la not !o be relled upon for Ehe establish- DeBc ;f fence, bulldfn!, "i oiher fucure luproveoent lines. I further certify Ehat tbe lnprovenenla on the above descrlbed parcel on lhls date, excePB uLlllty con- necglo;s, are enclrely nlghln ihe bounaaites of the parcel, excePt as shown, Ehat theEe are no encroachoenCs uPon the descrlbed Prenlses by iuproveoent6 on any ad- JoininS preolsea, excePg as indlcated, and lhsE Ehere ls no aPParent evldence or etgn of any ease'en! ciosslng or burdenlng eny parE of eald parcel, exceP! as noted. Ittis cerclflcate does not coDscllute a tltle search by Inter-Mounlain Englneering to deterolne ounershlp or easeoenls of record. For all lnfornaclon regardlng- : .."ur""t", rlghts-ofiay or tlrle of record, Inter-lbuntaln Engineerlng relied upon Sieworl iitle Guoronty Compony Order Number 3174-V. Jd_ ,/ffi (tl ,../ flol"-i'or, \XfiVrtr-vo'\c* It . \" Lt /l f;-) ffffii'CY;,,',.: j "il,,t/ u-"tJ/r-----ff)F&lY f.€ !^1al)w w ^ | .t,At t- ,t :i Liovd Wr/ Powers Sq$Y Reslstered Lond survevor No' r3eol NOTICE: According to Colorado law' you must comnence anv ledal action based upon any defect in this suwe-y wiinin'ltrree years after'you first discover such defect' In no event, may any action based upon such defect'in *i!-su"vey'be Lormlnced more than ten years from the date of the certification sho{n hereon. I M PROVEMENT I-rcATIO N CERT IFICATE rstED Etr PRaEsr t'o $3g7sFm*-t ffi anatgsLOT 4, BLOCK 2' VAIL VILLAGE, THIRTEENTH FILING, TOWN OF VAIL, EreLE COUNTY, COLORADO wo.o.n w ru ! .go' .#99125 r.-:sFFtoFt (G) coNsrRucrtoN PERM trrffifl tffi d€pstrnont of community devclopment TO AE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT EF eurLorr{c I pluuetNc E[ elecrRtcnl fi] FoUNDATtoN N MECHANICAL tr NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE APRIL 9, 1990 PLAN' rN s,.or \t 004309--- r. wPE oF c{rNsrRucTroll I ll lll I v v 2. OCCUPA CYCROUP ABEHIRtI DtvrsroN GENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WORK :ADDITION TO EXISTING.NEW CARACE PERMIT NO, zo E =J BUILOII{G 30 ,000 ELECTRICAL 5 ,000 PLUIBtNG 8,000 AND ADDITION ABOVE.IECHAI{ICAL TOTAI 43,000 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VATUATION PERMIT FEES v R-3 *472 43 ,000 BUILOIT{G PERMIT 369 &etyry eKt-/ttz t/,4, & PLAN CHECK 18s ELECTRICAL 44 IIEW ATTERATION ADOITIONAL d.2T'T REPAIR(PLUMBING 80x DWELLING UNTTS - ACCOMMOOATION UNITS - UEcHANTCAt- HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES REcnernot res .15 X 74 86 INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARO 25 CTEAN-UP DEPOSIT 250 Exr.wALLs I -lnonr - I USE TAX TYPE OF ELEC. HEAT soLAn GAS TOTAL PERMIT FEES +i I,UJy.UU u/ooD JOE NORRTS 4ll3l9l DING OFFICIAL DATE BETSY ROSO1ACK 4ILO/90 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIALgfcr' | | xl NGADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING ING & EUILDING NOTES: ** SEE ATTACHED NOTES. t hereby acknowl€dge that I have read this application, filled out in full the inlormalion required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state lhat all th€ Intormatlon provided as roquired is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state review approved, Uniform Building Code and other of ttle Town thereto. CLEAN UP TO: Il';1t;;=;+Cai.tr OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF lor 4 rtttttc vArL VTLLAGE 13Tn JOBNAME: FORD ADDITION IAILADoRESS 2765 RAT.D },fT. RT CITY VAIL PH. FIRT WARREIfPELL ARCII/ Art appREss BOX 3370 ctrY vArL PH.6-4506 172-B TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 926-3728 FIRM WHITE RIVER NNETE ELE. rowr orvrl nec. ruo. 145-E 945-1403 FIRM WHITE WATER PLI]MBING TowN oF vAtL REG. No. f04-PPLUMBING TOWN OF VAIL R€G. NO. OTHER CONTRACT TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. \ RLt' '., ,r,r, a - Utii vr rEn't. I ., Grc n Er I r,r rrvtt!>t, E D^rEGA,t:i I9oCONSTRUCTION PERMIT -!(3()q lim departmont of community derclopment TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF TYPE OF PERMIT d4urr-ontc W6tuue*etslrlecrnrcnl El-rouHonrtonfi uecnenrcer tr /t F fi )r X F F . LEGAL I DESC. tot 4 BtLl--- FrLrHGu"t/ o'Ffrt t;r, ^t JoBNAME: n"). DJJr{Jo r- OWNER rrue (t.'t' -l-.*y..( *rou nnn*.oJ 76 J' 6FS, ^T crw\)o. L m:l7t-\l,rtt ARCHITECT uii t.dl r\\ r'z L/ F\RM h ol\\J t4./A,rZ,L crw'l )r-, i / eulfa't5'C. <lULs.i &k-, GENERAL CONTRACTOR tl ; tnnnHSscll u:,sf Co, nu-fu;^ffi ,rrr. ?Ari -3 13tr ) ,...r*,.o. CONTRACTOR rrnul,$\}r'f .,. /i,r,o r l-lle- - \r rr-- '*'rownorvrtnec.ro: \\b-E- t*e.')rt tj - /qa \ PLUMBING rrnmLu\. t-. c", ^ y' rr" f)l1,1,.t""m UUN I KAUIUK ,rrr.?q' 7 -6*F / M€CHANICAT CONTRACTOR Em[,| TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL FEO. NO. IELE l.TypEoFc-or{$Rucrolr tlm tqp z oocuP NcvGRouP egtxt@u DtvrsroN PERIIIT NO.; zI =fJ BUtLOTtG J b. ,-'r c-> <'> tl RECTRICAT S. ars rs A PLUIIBING fl.. or, -, v HEq{ANrclt t\ i '), l TYPE GROUP G.R.F-A- VALUATIOII PERMIT FEEStl-A-b 7./d\BUILOING PERIIIT ?.Loq (P' PTAX CHEC'(\9s.4{' ELECTRICAL qq.s> NEIY ( ' ATTERATIONFT AOOITIONAtrFT REPAIR (PLUITSING 8P. ee DWELLfNGUNTT' V ^**o no'U*ns-MEC-ttAN tCAL HEfcHrHFr. - r{o.FlREPLAcEs g.-RECRE TTOT{FE€ .15*519: &r.P THICXNESS FVALLUE oEslG REV|EIV 80ARD 85o CLE^!I.UP DEPO9T 33C.oo USE TAX TYPE OF HEAT GS wooo TOTAL PERMlTFEES lo3q"ece- ADOITIONAL PEBMITS NEEOEO: Y }I INITIAL ST. CUT NG AOIIINISTRAIOR DATE ING E EUILDING NOTES: =ee I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, liUed out in lull the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state lhat all the information provided as required is correcl I agreo to comply with the information and plot plan. to comply with all Town ordinances and stateagreo to comply with the intormation and plot plan. to comply with all Towl ordinances and state laws, and to buitd this structu16 according to the Town's z6ning ancl subbivision codes, design review approved. Uniform Building CodE and other OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 otf lco ol communlty deyetopmen-t TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITII THETOWN OT VAIIJ TOWN OI' VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMTTTUNITY DEVELOP}IENT l,lARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn surnmary, ordinance No. G states that it is unr-awfur for anyperson to l-itter, track or deposit any soirl-roci, sand, debrisor naterial , including trash &unpsterS, p""iuli" toilets andworkmen vehictes upon any streetl ,ie;;"ik;-;ti;y or pubticplace or anv nortion theieof. in" rignt-";-;;t-;n all Town ofVail streeti ina.Iga-ds i; ;;;r";irnarety s fr. off pavement.This ordinance wirl be stril'iry--eneorcla ry-ii,"-iown of Vair-Public works Department. peri6ns found viorating this ordinanceyill. be siven a 24 hour written'-i.liJ"-ti-;;;;;"="id nareriar.rn the event the person so notified does not cornprv wiiir-iir"--'notice within the 24 hour tirne-ip."tii"a,"ii"-i"f,tic worksDepartment will renove said rnate;i;i-;t-frrJ"J"pIi=e of personnotified. The provisions oe irris ordinance "h;ii not beapplicabre to c-onstructton,-r.Jrl"r"nce or repair projects ofany street or atley or any utilitles in the-iitt[_"_""y. To.review Ordinance No. 6 in full,Vail Building Department to obtaincooperation on this matter. please stop by the Town ofa copy. Thank you for your Read and ackno onlReIat to Pro (i.e. contractor, owner) .-., . * a*rd lnwn lttl 75 south lror age road Yeil, colorado 81657 (303) 4792138 (303) 4792139 PIan Review Notes and Town of Vail Building April 13, L99O Ford Addition 2765 Bald l{tn. Rd. ollice of communlty development Corrections Department Contractor - Haselhorst CarpentryArchitect - David peel \ kathy Warren RE: Garage and bedroom addition. Corrections to plans as follows: 1.) Provide occupance separation between R-3 and l[-1, l-hr fireresistive construction required on Earage side per U.B.C. sec. 503 d. there are any questions concerning this issue please feel freecall. ,foe Norris Plans Exaniner Town of Vail rf to ".: '-{, rl ,rt , tl\lL6 z-r/zr /f o/ ijj ! /, /-s r) = To / Q-/ /r-/qt- l46"tf ta-//-"' i 8* . t1- ( &./6'f . f-/,,t.o1 s of,/rc" f, ^,.: . , / ' 11 t't"e-d -t \/ I /a/ ?fJg 3" Y-t)^sZ"t / e...-- v a / ? bfzfl f a.L&;L z-:'6 $i,. . , trr"*v "/A*-K (.- 1., a I ZOiIE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZOITE DISTRICTS A l,\ |nefC. & l4- Ili;ii c'rffiiFT | 5-/4 2? L s'- Block f ,r.rnn L/i/,1/ot'- AODRESS: OI.INER ARCHITECT ZONE DI PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE none Phone -) t' Height Totai GRFA PrimarY GRFA SecondarY GRFA SeLbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course Site Coverage LandscaPi ng Fence./ Retai ni ng'r,la1 I Park'ing Credi ts: Garage YU f 7 Al I or'red (30) (33) 20' l5' (30)(50) srs I /o,. . P Pro oo s ed #-t Li s8'7tq o " /5, -l o-L\'f' ''lv , N zQG' 7 '(lq q ;:4*r-yr tf qt,fuf6-'Ln'h"^ Hei ghts Mechani ca I Ai ri ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: SloPe Perm'itted Envi ronmental /Hazards : (3oo)(6oo) (s00)(1200) ,.^\trr'r^\tlu/\ruu/ /rc\fan\ (200)(4oo) S'lope Actuai Aval anche Sl ope q0 oii: Lot FIood Plain lletl ands Geo l ogi c Hazards Comments: -.\ Zoni no : 'Aoprovgd/ Di sa PProved- '.--). 1 ---/- / /a,tDate: 'z/ zr, , -#t,/lA lLos 4u -b)Eatt 5I qna Eure From-!-;. Pto* 2 tf rtf- -- ltrT t"can-, C-. ' rja o, -- M z, 14tt-t IEUPr|Ct@ rmr ru^sEc u nNEDStr'r vv[rcAugn cr[DtEu, tE|IrEnicAlr ],\+- F .Yl]-e-- //ta /-.''( +.J L,' -7 (,.L1 7rL.-' Ll t' -a'').-,1/ /t t-)(-' \ i.L!.. , \ ,. 2 .tt!. ,'; 7- ,, ' li:l'j'' $riil- 3 I I hereby certlfy rhat thls lryroveuenE locaClon cerllficaEe ras prepared for the rorlg8ge lender and tba t1Cle ltrsuEance cooPaoy, rhaE lE le no! a laod survey plat or l4roveaenr surv.y plar, and thaB lt ls soc co be relled upon for the estebllsh- Dent of fence, bulldlng, or other fucur€ lngrovcocnt lines. I furEher cerrlfy that rhe loprove&encs oo lhe .bove descrlbed patcel on lhls date, excePt uclJ.lty con- oecctons, are enchely r|lrhlD che bounderies of the parcel, excePt as ehown, thac therr are no encroaehlent! uPon ehe descrlbed prenJ,acs by tuproveuenea on any ad- Jolnlng preoleee, €rcep! as lodlcated, and Ehr! Bhare 13 no aPParenE evI'dence or B18n of, any easeeot croeslng or burdenlog a6y par! of satd percel, elceP! as noted. Thls csrtlficare doca not coostlcucs e tltlG lcarch by Inter-Uountaln Englneerlng to deGerdne ornerahlp or eaa€DsnBs of record. Por all lnforoatlon regardlng easeDents, rlghCs-ot*ay or ttElc of rccord, Inter-Hountain Englneerlng relled upon Sleworl Title Guqrorfy Compony Order Number 3174-V. 17r T* ^,v *PvPt ^ 'ur,@^n-'--' A=8"47'o7" R'= 76.79,Rogbtered Lond Surveyor No. l39ol NIICE: Accordfng to Colorado lar' you mrst cofimence any lxjal actlon based upon any defect ln thls sulaey wlthln three years after you first dlscover such defect. In no event, may any action based upon such defect in this survey be comrenced more than ten years frcm the date of the certificatlon shoyrn hereon. BALD NTOUNTAIN rcAD Ho') I{OTE: Accuracy of survey linited by snor cover. ""1::-' N 7037'25" E .s$% ")" F.O.tOX lt!oato lFTtll{rux Floavot cq.o, arrlo taoal !a}!o"t Irter-Mouutdn f,rtTE lolt.to vrr€a L^rC:rOO' OGO.l0lrll.lt|. tsrt rar-orlanecdng nEYl!96 I MPROVEMENT LrcATION CERTIFICATE En6-r i*rsr t'r goo4zs nrri rY, TV nn *'z/g/go LOT 4, BLOCK 2' vAtL VILLAGE, THIRTEENTH FlLlNG, TCIIIN OF UAIL. EreLE C&JNTY, COLORADO *- n' L.w. P. EtIf lr, = 30, wv-goozsxr:rEr b toF I o 2/7 /eO Robert Ford ResidenceLot 4, Blk 2, V Viltage L3th Called Dave PeeI and asked for GRFA check and survey which showedsize of property. t' o ,/)rtj,l ( tf v' S u no- ' lu,' 'r" r Proiect Name: Project Appllcation R(,rLl,RT lt)Ri) I{ESIDE\CE ADDTTI0N Date i'ebruary 5, 1990. ;1 ingle f r,r'ri I j' residence a,lditicn (see conuncnt-:r below).Project Description: Contact Person and Phon€Iiavitl M. teel . PEBL/I/ARREN ARCHITHCT'S, 476-4506. lloherl- F'ord, 2765 Bald |lountain Poer.l , Vail, Colorado 81657.Owner, Address and Phone: 41("-'i674 (Home) , 476-2466 (Busj-ness), phone Pi.El,/HAitREN ARCHTTECTS, P.0. Box 3370, Vai1, Colorado 81658.i\rchitect, Address and ,-, t:t-c5CC. ?/Filing Vail Vi l-laze l3th 2on" 2-Farn. lles .Legal Description: Lot Block Comments:levr.l onc'cfl r Par dir bath additi (enctosirii; ex.lstini; cxterior deck) of approximetely 300 SF of GRI'A. P.errl-ace existine coir;reLe r.itainins wa11 wich new lower concrete wa-li.. Design Review Board ,^r" =r/Zi /{0 Motion by: Seconded Dy: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Sumnlary: E statt Approval I Februarv 2I . I99ODATE OF DRB i4EETING: DRB APPLICATION *****THI5 APPLICATION l,llLL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I . PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a pianning staff member is strong'ly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator) .It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to fjnd out about additiona'l submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE appiica- tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the numberof conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a build'i ng permit is issued. A. PRQJECT DESCRIPTIQN; Single family residence addition consisting of lower 1eve1 one-car garage and upper 1eve1 bedroom/bath (enclosing existing exterior deck) of approximately 300 SF of GRFA. Replace existing concrete retaining wa11 with ner^r lower concrete wal1. Io APPLICATION DATE:February 5, 1990 B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address 2765 BaTd Mountain Road Legal Description Lot Zon i ng 2-Family Residential C. NAME 0F AppLICANT: Robert Ford Bl ock Filing Vail Village 13th Address 2765 BaId Mountain Road, Vai1, Colorado 81657 telephone 476-3614 D. NAME 0F AppLICANT'S REpRESENTATiVE: David M. Peel, PEEL/WARREN ARCHTTECTS P.0. Box 3370, Vail, Colorado 81658Address E. NAME OF S i gnature OlllNERS: 2765 Bald Mountain Road -ai1 , Colorado 81657 The fee will be paid at the time a building rE.E. telephone 476-4506 d Mountain Road, Vai1, Colorado 81657 telephone 476-3614Address F. DRB FEE:permit is requested. VALUATION $ 0-$ 10,000 $10,001 -$ 50,000 $:50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 5oo,0oo $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 $ 10.00 $ 2s.00 $ 5o.oo $100.00 $200.00 $300 .00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: f. i,n addition to meeting submittal requirementS, the applicant rnust stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the s'i te. 2, The review process for NEl.l BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. People who fai'l to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meet'i ng and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. .4. The following itgns no longer have to be presented to the Design-Review Board. They, howevei, have to be presented to the Zoning Administrator for approval: a. lrlindows, skylights and similar exterion changes that do not alter the exist'ing plane of the building; and b. Bui]djng additions that are not.viewed frym any other lot or pub'ljc space' which hive had letters subm'itted from adJoining property owners approving the addition; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condominium associ ati on 5. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You shou'ld check with a Town Planner before proceed'ing. to I LISTOFMATERIALS t NAME OF PROJECT: ROBERT FORD RESIDENCE ADDITION . LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 4 BL0CK .FI LING _&11_!riffaee_ t3rh STREET ADDRESS: 2765 Bald Mountain Road DESCRIPTION 0F PRO .' 1evel one-car and upper level bedroom/bath (enclosing existing exterior deck) of aporoxirnatell 300 SF of GRFA. The fol'l ow'ing information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a fina'l approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR ROof Wood shakes. To match existing. Si di ng Oiled Redwood. To match existing. Other l.lall Materials N/A Fasci a 2x cold roof deteil , stained. To match existing. Soffjts T&G decking, oiled. To niatch existing. Wi ndows ' Wood casements.To natch existing. |l|indOw Trim Wood, stained.To match existing. DOors Flush panel garage door. To match existing Door Trim Wood, stained. To natch existinf. Hand or Deck Rails N/A Fl ues N/a To match adjacent fi ni sh mafcri al N/A Trash Enclosures N/A Greenhouses N/A 0ther N/A B. LANOSCAPING: Name of Designer: pnone: N/A PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name Common Name Quanity Size* PROPOSED TREES N/A EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caljper for deciducious trees. Indicate height for conifers. (over) Fl ash'ings Chimneys . PLANT I"IATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS Botanical Name Il/.rt Common Name Quani ty Size EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS Type N/A Square Footaqe N/As0D SEED N/ATYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c.OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retain'ing swimming pools, etc.) lower concrete wall. walls, fences, wa1l with new Please specify. Replace existi concreE.e re COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY r')'trrfu' premiums and charges therefor; all subjeet to thr provlgionr ol and Stipulations hereof . ules A and B and to the Conditions This Conrmitmenr shall be eflective only wlrcn tho brntity of the prbgosed lnsured and the amountof the policy or policies committed for lrrw Inrrtcd in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the tirne of the issuance of thit by rubrquent endorsement. This Commitment is preliminary to tfrc irracr liability and obligations hereuncler strrll Cnend policy or policies of title insurance and all or when the policy or policies mittrd ior shall rix months after the effective date hereof whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or pd f"*"-7"''N Charrman of Iht Boartl Cou nterst0ned by i b tpt $f ft lt of tho Company. This Commitment shall not be \rutlnrlrd'ttfticr or agent. \titit tt'\ ,tl ( ttttlt,t,i STE\VAR.T'fI'fLE GIIARANTY COMPANY STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY, A Texas Corporation, herein callerJ the Company, for valuable consideration, hereby commits to isue its policy or policies of title insurance. as identilie<J in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed Insured named in Schedulq A, as owner or mortgagee ol the estateor interest covered hereby in tlrq land dcribcl or rcforre(tdr1n Schedule A, upon faymenr of the valid or binding until countersigne lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Compa carrd thir Commitment to be signed and sealed, to become valid whe ntersigned by an t ircd officor or agent of the Company, all in accordance with itsBy'LawsTl\Commitment iseffctivearof thadate*rown inScheduleAas"Effective Dare." !.i'f EII'ART TITLI'm '165 25M 8 85 Saria, No. C.l60l. 1 0193 3 I. 2. fo v B. ALIA LoJl ft'rcy Plooocad |.H.lrco: FIRSTBAIII( OF VAIL c. 3Th.atrarco.intarastmu|olatrddoscnbodolr'lan'dtoinfligcodnflr.|rndco\€f€dltdtcinistrddcatdfincflor€ioiratth€ttf€ctv'dal']|€(@l 8CH@uLE A tfint t: 3171- flrbcirrrlar: Jrrne O?, 1987 At SrOO A'!t' Polic't o. tblcios lo bt ir3r'd: A. AITA Ot|rr's Rliq Proooaod ln5r|d: vlrLd n: ROBERTT E. FORD ,1. Tht land rslrrtGd to in this c!'nm(m€{ti 's d€sclDed ra lollof,s: LOlt I BLOCK 2vlii vrlt,nce nrr TCCORDIIIG TIIE "o}t.' lrunb": Arm0t d lnrtas Tar Cert' 50 ,000. oo .Prcrlur 5.00 9356.00 $ffi'"B"'f"qlip' 3.ffi*'i*E o" VAIL, COLORADO FOR quEsnrolls ARDITG if ror-gle-lolr' EAGI.E 81658 rfils coHlrl$.Em coumiY PI.ETSE CAT,L LIITDA NILLINI! €ITEr"Y--ART TITLE cu.|\laltt coltllr / ,, 1.'.r'jr,tri .: ...r -- A,.flE u./Cc,l..ryl-l. t652 (2$r 0'85) ?.0, t to TCTIEDI'LC B - Commitmcnl l{ombcr: Flcqutaamgnts Complod wrth. lhe gfanlo,S or mortgagors Ot tho lull consrdefation for tho eslale estale or interest to be insured must bo €xeculed and duly hled TrurtGG \ **f o*' "ut*'il?a-v The fotlowing afe the requrrsmonls to be Itsm (a) Paymenl to or lor tho accounl ot to b€ msured. llem (b) Proper instrument(s) creatrng lhe lo wtl: ot lor Inlere5l tecotd, I. 2. Eecutton of aff ldavltStetrart Tltlc Guaranty Deed of Tnurt frol thathe prolrcacd lender to as to Debta and Llenr Coryrany. Borroner bo tha Rlbltclacure tba loan. and ltr rcturn t,o for the ure of FI1IEIfARTTITLE OOAIAIII COI'ATIt653 (25M 3r86t Page 3 to 1 2. J. 4 5. narF Augruct 27, Illty 6, 1905llay 6, 1905 9. Rlgrlrt of nay by l5 a8/509 or canrlc rcserved NDCEPTIOX XO. E90t0 conrtructcd Dy thr autlrorlty 1n Unltcd States Patentr ar RECEPTTOT NO. 890{0 of thc Unltedfollosa r DATE 9l,ater, al E xceptons numbered I I l')M 3/861 are hercby onitbd. BOOtr/PAGE 157/ 303 t8t773 {8/509 48/591 Augurt 22, 1956 l{ay 6, 1905llay 6, 1905 Harch 31, 1915 10. Reacrvatlonr of onc-half of all otl, gaa and otbcr ll,ncralc as contalnc0 ln Deed rccordGd ]lrt.3, 1960 tn Eook 165 at Prge 227. lI. Utlltty anil dralnagc caacrntr lr lct fortb on pLt of VallVlllegc, ltlrtccntb Fllllry rccordd lovcrbcr 10, 1972 ln Book 226 tt Prgr 105 u Roccptton lo. 121932. 12. !rnr, condlttonr, dllgntlqu, 3.atrlctl,sra rnd crllnntr eract fortb ln Protecttvc CovraatCr r;cordcd ldrr 10, 1972ln Sook 226 et Page lf6 rr bcqltlon io. lllt3t, ?lrrt lrrd-rcnt rccordrd Scptcdcr 21, lt?t tn look 295 et Prgn 526 ar Ecr Contlnrrttcr Prga -o Rights or claims ol partres In possesson nol shown by lhe pubhc records. Easernents, of clarms ol easements, not shown by thg pu511s records. Discrepancies, confficts in bounctary hnes shortage tn orea. encroachrnenls. and any facts whr.h a correct sutvey and Inspection of the premises would disclose and whch are not sl'rov/n by the public reco"Js. Any lien, or tight to a hen, lor services, labor or matenal hefelofore or herealler lurnished, rmpr,,sed bv law and not shown bv the oubhc records. Delects liens, encumbrances. advefse claims or other maners, It any, created, irst appea'''rq; r., the F,ublrc records ot allachrng subsequenl to the eflecttve date hereof bul pnor to the date th€ proposed InsJreo acqurres o{ tecord lor value the eslale ot interesl or mortgage thereon covered by thrs Commrtmenl. r.'rl.rr 'tgrgat \ 7. Itr effcct of lncluslona tn ant general or "\rrr" rnterconlervancy, flre protcctlon, !o1l conrervctloilor otberdlltrlct or lnclulton ln eny rrtcp-qcrvlce or lt\cctlrprovcnnt araa. \\ \ lnteracct tha prerlaar9trtec Petcntc ar ?oll SCHEDULEB-Sec1ion2 Exccatbnr O,ot "r.*,il7a-V The polcy or polioes to be jssued wrll conlain exceptions to the lollowing satistactron of lhe Company: 8. Rlgbt of tba proprletor of thlr orc tbcrcfror, a tba 6. Irny end ell unpald tarca and a,rmlslentt and any unradecredtar ralea r Commitm€nl Number: unless the samc are dEoosed of to lhe FYTBWAR.T TITLE ouatal|"t cortaxYPrgt 4 Order Number: Commitm€nt Numb6r: Reeept, l on l{o. J-7ZO37 . Terns, condltion!a3 conr,. I r-r.,,t {- :'.etiPUlatlona, obligatl0na ancl rlght of wavand beLrreen Robeici: i:$:ilo"l:-l: iTr iTi;iil-iq;_;:;H;';;re80 tn Book 302 at pase 6;;-.;";.:!ff1X"';r"iFq.t-recorded Hay 9,046. 14. *^;^'oo, :r.Ilu:r, g?t.q January lo, lff l; _,::- ::"^!"1:i;-i,;il;' i,'il"::l:::11':: or es2'006:6dl-ri^rilIl 9, ex€cutcd\y Robert E.olTtl, to alpurc and ::"o:gg9_{anuary zs, ls?e't;Book 2 3. Y: _frllao\ ano- conpanyt Page 215 .ai ReceptlonNo. t7t6?3. tI 3l z4-9 T;"1.?1.]l:'"1::r" J; iil;i"J;'ff;:I ;: Transfer of Llenrrelont, Nebraska to re 178418 . coNTlNUATtoru sngeJ scHEouLE -+-s"ton z yllgr & Loan Agaoctatton1979 tn Book 2gZ at page ? le PederalFebruary 15)of ll Page .- 0{,55 (501t $!}slTE\ryART TITT.E GUAIAX?Y GOI,AX Y The ltens below glvlng a peroit Please check off FINAL PLI'MBING 'AL INSPECTIONIS need to be couplete a final C of 0. in the box provlded. COUPLETED before DATE: Lr r-lIt FINAI. I{ECEANICAI. DA?E: []IMPROVE}TENT SURVEY RESID. NA}'E: DATE: EAST SIDE:}IEST SIDE:FINAI. BUILDING t-f71L+ L__l DATE: t_TEMPORARY C OF O DATE: ll CERTIFI OF OCCUPA}ICY DATE: LAIIDSCAPING DI'E ,rr, *r*, b- 2 7 -P JOB NAME INSPECTION. TOWN OF ",-.'iir r,')'\''. REQUEST VAIL cnlleR \ READY FOR LOCATION: dq=... . Yro\ TH BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND N ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING E INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr o BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL F(qppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR t INSPEPERMr\NUMq:*,:r PFoJ Ecr oor. \ \,\:*'.t\) JoB NAME CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL . ! (o- O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CALLER \ READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI.\'ik_ tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" FLYWOOD NATLINGililffii");r-d ,4ao *A- uD SHEETROCK NAIL t-l tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER ttr ROUGH BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr FRAMING tr CONDUIT D FINAL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB n r-r _ tr FINAL MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - tr' tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: .\ DATE F-1- I a INSPECTOR dSs.cp \3o1 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor. ill JoB NAME rr.r#cnoN TOWN OF REQUESTVAIL t r READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STE PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWooD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSU[ATION r*' :t, tr tr tr o POOL i H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: N HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr tr CONDUIT N SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr n FINAL YI $ot"*outoCOBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR P"iFsr*". ,l lcl I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ,*rt"toN REeuEsr - TOWN OF VA|L , I DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES rt CALLER PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER f] GAS PIPING D tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL O APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr RE|NS,PECT|ON REQUTRED CORRECTIONS: oarr f"]-^9n rNSPEcroR Llz,n ': PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT CTIONTOWN OF SPE 1-)l 'r IN ctcl, hCI REQUESTVAIL r I lei,,. DATE JOB NAME CALLER READYFoR|NSPECT|oN:MoN,u.,^*.oTHURFBL.-AMfi;'-'/ --'t ' ,.? .l L_LocArloN: ',; +t i t ) r:(,tt,(l ,'i\l hA BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND Sinouou / D.w.v. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB N FINAL O FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING7] i. I E RoucH Vl,tr \lfl-\ tr EXHAUST HooDS tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED FniSsHop DATE INSPECTOR INSP crl WED THUR FRI REQUESTVAIL . rPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ureq ONNOF oor. Sflr j"iC JoB NA^i4E READY FOR LOCATION: td ih cv TOW,l AM PM O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STE PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND ROUGH i D.W.V tr ROUGH / WATERft*o"'*c n 19.9I^LSI.qFI...^ D GAS prprNc" PLYWOOD NAILING, '/ u--h-_ D POOL / H. TUBn INSULATON /,*Jt- D FINAL tr FINAL r\ --- "- ' --- tr SHEETROCK NAIL N - r-r _ T-l tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING O ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -r-t r't _ INSPECTOR niftsso" 1r-f 5c"r PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION:MONiit...iREADY FOR LOCATION: I r TOWN OF VA|L C\ ' "\ ri.) /\JOB NAME N DISAPPROVED INSPECTION REQUEST ta tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED FRI ftreenoveo CORRECTIONS: ,t INSPECTOR IV4 ) t-)-4 -PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: rNsilcnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VA|L r I--^tt,\r'./^/ I J\ / / I JoB NAME 4 Dv tL /\tlt| r I c"t- \,'l \,t r4g 'p-'ve--+ f 1..--l. i CALLER /7.t'" TUES WED TH (",a<_L' I . O DISAPPROVED UR FRI ^'@ REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR Ptrifr*op q3a a PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT I b I'r /DATE t<t- 1," JOB NAME TOWN OF VA|L | . READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:O-rid- lLr -, TUES @MON CALLER I BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH i WATER tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEEF PLYWOOD NAILING _tr GAS PIPING INSUIATION tr POOL i H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL FTNAL : c'o, trFtNAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUSI APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE D,ifE 1,0/23/85 0022 58 hn department of community doveloprnent TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOH TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT trtr! g n BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PERMIT NO.I.WPE OF CONSTRUCTTON r ||| lVV 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH I R M OfVISfON 122a34 GENERAL DEscBlPJloN.QF \llloRK. : - Nortn and Nortn tasr roo existing 'install bituthene and new TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. , VALUATION BUILDING PERMIT EW ALTERATION ADDITIONAL () REPAIR() ACCOMMODATION UNITS - NO. FIREPLACES ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: INITIAL TOTAL PERMIT FEES Gaty_-llur1-aU UILOING OFFICIAL ING AOMINISTRATOR DATE o"'"G&6tho$qptqFsi@ I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the intormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design lK[xt*d' {g'e{ssc"de a nd othe r o rd i OR FOR HIMSELF JOB NAME: Ford Roof MAIL ADDRESS GENERAL CONTRACTOR rtnu G&GPnnfing rowN oF vAtL REG. No. 124-5 NTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHANICA CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACT TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. TELE, ;,,m ir3o.K S)'ree-T- dspartment of community development TO 8E FILLEO OUTCOMPLETELY PRIORTO TSSUANCE OFPERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT Eir gur-onrcI elecrRrcnt N MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION !ntr I,TYPE OFCONSTRUCTION t II tII IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B E H I R M OtVtStON tZZaJ4 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF IVORK ; insla'l'l Ri trrthena end neh, WPE GROUP G.R,F.A. VALUATION N€w( ) ArrERATtoHt I eoDnronelTl-TEFriE DWELLINGUNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS- HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES /oo,"" TOTAL P-lrtrtllT FEES I hereby acknowledge that | .have read this. application, lilled out in full lhe information required,completed an accurate plot plan, and state tnai'att tne iniormation pi"rio.ii ir'i.qrired is correct. Iagree to comply wilh the informalion and plot plan, to comply with alt Town ordinances and stategy,:,j*^::,:"i,9,Sj:.1,9:jyji_:Tglgilg_ro'.the rown,s z,j"i"g "n.o zuuariirion "ooli, oesignreview approved, unitorm Building Code a-nd other ordinances oirni p"nifiricaure thereto. LO'r / 2- BLK__ -<-_ rrctncUe;/ 4t/le JOBNAME: Robert Ford OWNER NAME Roberl- E .|rd urtL AooREss 2765 Bat A M+n, FIRM MAII ADDRESS GENERAL CONTRACTOR roWN OF VAIL FEG. No. l.r 4-g FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, MECHANI CONTRACTO FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACT TOWN OF VAIL REG- NO. TELE, &-r ^,. --) -') a .' 5.t_ "/-, j t t INSPECTION REQUEST' TOWN OF VAIL I NAME CALLEB TUES PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT D^rE ( ,/' ::' r' | ,r "d' roB READY FOR LOCATION: MON - ,t,zl BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEERu pLywooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL $PPROVED CORBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR lrf*,F POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE . TOWN OF BUILElINGi l/A IL PEFIMIT to oo TYPE OF OCCUPANCY EXITS REO. DATE OF APPLICATION ?2 ^l - t . , -t-- 19 NEW (4ZALTERATION ( I ADDITION ( } REPAIR I } USE OF BUILDf NG t<t:--.'nz /t ,'/4 L---COVEREO SO. FT. OF BLOG.HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PARKING MAf L ADDREsst&j( 443 OFF ST. LOADING NO. OF LIVI NG UNITS SO. FT. COMMERCIAL R( I ELEC UNIT ( I Lor 4 BLK a flLtNG /42// 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I I ||t N 6) | HR 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABCDEFcH6a DtvtstoN 12 3 4 SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FEES FIRE SPRINKLERS 3. USE ZONE DRY STANDPIPE COMB. STANDPIPE SMOKEPROOF ENCLOSURE ERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK AREA SEPARATION OCCUPANCY SEPARATION TOTAL FLOOB AR TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA BATIO EASEMEN VARIANCE fuz)41ac UNCOVERED PERMIT 4 OR CONTRACTOR PermitNo-,^ 000286 t|AIL WATER AI{II SAIIITATIOI{ OISTRICT WATER AI{D SEWER TAP PERMIT TAPPERMITWlLL NOTB SSUED UNTIL NAME OF JOB LOCATION AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION '76c PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR SIZE OF TAP: Water NUMBER OF UNIrS ,/-a x $300.00 = Amount Dcte Billed 4pte z Date Paid Finance Director hrr Ltc. No. Llc. No. Meter Size ?// f.qA.z/ , Bldg. Dept. - Whit€; - Wat6r and Sanitation - G.€€n; - Public Wo.kr - Canary; - Contrrctor - Pink; - Accountlng - Goldenrod Town of Vail EI,I:CIRICAL PERIVIIT N9 399 $....-...............-...-... $.--..-..-...-...........-... s/a.k Dateortppu*tion..d.{--..H.e1..-."..........--.re..7/- Electrical Contractor FKZ/V- THIS FORT 13 TO BE POSTED ON .,OB SITE DURING G{DNSTRUCTTON Building Valuation Electrical Valuation o Pemit Fee Inspection Fee Totrl Fee Date Paid...--.-* Received By 24 HOTJRS ADVANCE NOIICE REQI,JIRED FOR INSPECTIONS tfir c, a. Ilrsrlr. !!,' o oo ot PLUMBING/MECHANTCAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL OF BUILDING: ! eoornor,r ! nsmooel E nepnrn PTION OF WORK: PLUMBfNG: NUMBER 33 f MECHANT.AL: NUMBER 23 /n vALuAnoN t {, tlrtr)vALUArloN s 3, /)Ad REMARKS:REMARKS: PERM.T ,rr{,1/ r'r)PERMrr ree // 17 . (n ,, )ilr*"- Vaeeaoveo 1)/ n otsnPPnovED - PLUMEIING/MECHANICAL TOWN OF VAIL FEFIMIT r3 PLUMBING: NUMBER MECHANICAL: NUMBER " /' VALUATION $VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMIT FEE PERMIT FEE )t I appnoveo TOTAL FEES: $ I orseppRovEo DATE Project Application t!r on" 57,r,/, f,.u "" Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: llo -sat-/ Legaf Descriptio nt tot 4 , Bloct J , riting Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board t... F rl Motion by: l. | )'v (' // Seconded by: APPROVAL 6/>-^ /rr r-i -, r. i- DI$APPROVAL : I ,"t 4,' ; ': . wrq_977h,r 4/-E/t-, -2, {t lSD RaaERT pRO \q &-/<4a Fo.4, fu -Vdr k4V fu.L -yj4--wze 4, 46zat+Z-y ffi Mrury 7/7& -tufu &'e4t ,/r4, /}.t"l/PTt/ Fa+Ae.u V/r1.L trj/:T)iIt iiil) lii';lLTil'Ir,li LIIiTIiICT', l) ' 0, IlOi: 6.1,.1 lli:s. 1s'r..2nd 3rd 4rJ: /.. - /2 Toil-et , Uri,::r 3. , ot" IicsiCc:':,t-i-al. li;rs):,5c i.'lLx A.7x 1.0x :1.5 5: (, :: 1., t II l \ t a lla:r, Lst Znd 3:rd 4tlr Bas .1st 2nd..3rd 4th Bas ].st Ice l.iachines I'Ja'tei- Cco--e::s at.td t.'atcn foun'cains ?i 0.25 -- tr r!? .->-- V.4,J - 2rrd 3r'drtth Sa.una:; Basin el:c! Toi.I.:t Orre-]it:I-f Sath >g l"li{, t :: 0 .25 3rdlltir llas Lst 2nd 3rdtlth Das J-o:.: 2nd 3r.cl t$th Bas ]'st 2nd 3r.dqth llas.Ist 2trtl 3 r'cl It tlr IJ;r i Il;'l: '2rr,l ilr".l li:L)r zdp. I'u]1 llath ( Stro,'..e:. o:. Tub,Basin, Toilet) Rcons ( Livi;t:: rccns ,Bcid:lco:rs, 0f:. -i.ces, S):o::s , Stu.jioS ). . Kit qhens .liesiclcntial Lis:)r:...t slrct Xi tclrerrs Co;;.,rc:.cial Di :: lr'..:;1 3;11.j 1. .Scirti;lg ? tl .x 3.00 7;do xx :.i 2.50 1.00 2.50 \r Llrr:rrrlr,..r llr: :; i.dtrlr I j l,l x L,oc = 6@_ x 2.50 : Y, I.0C =J!&A- ; 'til lr l. :; t: ? ttrl 3:'rllrth ,^trU.:t r.I 1., 2. t,itut rr l.';Y Conr;acrc iaI 1t1..:' itashcr. (trrt:.i.<lc lla'i: c:' . ( it::ri;.run o.f o:'rc) 0ui sic! c S1>:'.:.rrl:)-c is )'. 2 .00 >: 1.00 x 0.:!3 13. ttl . t5. ).6 7:tslst 2:r'.j. 3r-llIttit Iirc llosc Ca,binets Scr.vice S';a'ci.on Sr.rir.u-ri-ng PocI Conrre:rtion Cente:: Pet i)erson x l-. 00 x30.00 x 5.00 ?i 0.1-0 : t llas 1s't' 2riA 3r'dIttlr TOf/:,L FOii{TS PC'i:rts Units Li:ri-'i:t.tr $go 0. 00 : ./ r,'.iLri .!.,rl.o,oitg the coni>i-etioi'r of-cicjrstructiK-oiay]. lltlii*{l:}.,"T1 ;;:';;; :,-;;;i- " :- i.i-i - p'i9 "i j o o ". o cet e rn j-n e .t.^h'. -tll"':: : ?: ^ P::: t3 - ::#.';;;;;,;r;; ;;;"i;r::g to the !la-rer' gnd Se.irei: T::.p i,ee.. ul'9,111L.-, 3I;,1'cir,'l-;"*;;;;r;i"ai ."a-l]:r. Dis.i'r.ict- sh_::-'i-I :neke .,1)-...1_':j:::-t:r:::rts ;:;;;;i i; $; ""i!i;ra:- tap fae paic1. riris i:rspectio;1 shall ^^-...!^--aar,\-eer'--- j -.r -a-- -- llso Ce-*Lrnine t]:e buiLcl.ittg, oi.rrrenrs liatel- and Sei'.'er- servlce char.ge'. *' Boa.r'd of Direcions VaiL l'later and Sani';ation Di str.:'ct ,-r^ =&-z-,/. o April 12, L977 Mr. Jo Kramer Town of Vail, Building Dept. P. O. Box 100 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Re: Residences to be conslructed on -Le-L-s.-3.-.and 4, Block 2 '..Va'i1 Vill-age-t3t[ Filing/ ." Kendall and Ford ! '. .. Dear Jo: Rob Ford .i*-l-^lrrIrt|q, LE r )' and I are planning to construct a colnmon driveway approx- along the lot line between Lots 3 and 4, Block 2' Vail 13th l-'i1ing. We intend to cti-vide the construction costs, paving coSts, maintenance, to include snow plorvrng and any planters, etc. in half, Ford paying one half and Kendall paying one half. The iclea l:ere is to preserve as much qround cover on the two sites as possible during the construction phase. Iie will both have equal use of the drivetvay. IVe rvilt ha-,'e an attcrney draft a covenanr reoarding the use a::d maintenance of the drivervay, whrch will be recorded and rvill run with the land. This covenant will be cited in any future title j-nsurance pol-icies as an exception thereto' as are the covcnants of the 13th filing. Subsequent owners will be required to accept title subject to this covenant. As soon as I have the covenant / which should be'..,'it]:in ten days, I nill make it availabfe to 1'our office, /-nrA i r'l I rzvv.L sf qrrJ, Robert" Sirfe'&Ccnroor Robert Rt;K : lmw |'Project Application t Date Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Stalf Approval thc appJ icrnt to thc Design Rcv j ewThe foi lor,:ing inform:tjon is rcquilcd for subrnittal by lloard bcforc a final appro\tal catr be given: A. EUILIriii(; I.n'IERIA.LS lip:_gl_tj4l4g! !oof Othe r l'iitl I I'iat eri ai s Fascia Soffits l{indor.rs lfindow Trin Doors Door Trin Iland o: Deck ,Rai 1s Flues F1ashJ ngs Chimnel's Tra-sh Encl osures G:-ccirhols es Ocirer Corrnon Name 9$-ntllx TREES Col or 8. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: il/rt Phone : I PLANT I"IATERIALS illCt a Botanical Narne S ize SIlP.UBS ooo ,too/,i6 F h4qtI- Ftont /%an / Wttt- ZS 7n B/,a,rnb 7,u?z SHZqE_f , I ,r u,/ l>Etrl -BI f//rLt, T:ZLA A'^,L *o2* z^r,o' \Lr? /+LfA- Re.n Fzo,^tT \oo.Z- Phxt V) *ru \Ef W BL {A,?y'- #{lltq p< fYtsrtil( wAL'-- T-^/ ths lrdoYz ,.,. .' i1.; i" $*' Ir/ zt oZroc uro zz o lfowL ,fu,q B,+/r\ m77/. l4r/tl L L,+/tA c BZ nnt#la-/ 6/.tl,"t\, -77lt"tL -r-TJ/J - tvowL P,L r,4rL 7</LS wtt-t- -,6L Wucr+ab, a .(. o o/,ni(t TntN \t"L frzt* l=,4 o, f-zo^tT \oo,<- gut/ 7V+t 1-/^{^/* ' ^t'tv r/,blv Wr t z n-,t\ wrLL /3L 77,u0 *!//J rn '\ h zl t'* AL AorT -zt/t *c.4s e,+flr;v:i i,,r' ' i:. .J. r Des I gn Rev I ew Fee lt0ate Pa I PROJ ECT LEGAL DESCR IPT ION Actua I sq. ft USEABLE OPEN SPACE: Requ i red ZON ING CHECKL IST S UMMA RY 4USE ZONE ; PROPOSED USE(S)-TI-Lor s t?E ij qq^/ ; FRor,rrAGE _ -- LANDSCAP ING: Ground Leve I Required fi, ARCH ITECT ft., Actua I %, Common sq. ft., Actua I 't - | SETBACKS: Requtred - Fronr r24 , Sides /Aa-_ne{urred - Front Jt , sides /At- /d / , e"u, dJ-, Actual - Front ft.t , sides n/^a' /f/f), a"ar ,.3b ; DISTANCE BETI^JEEN BUILDtNGS: Requlr"a J0/ , Actuul ,T/ t4HEIGHT: Average Grade -. Height Allowed , Acfual 11 ,F' G.R.F.A.: Ratio, Altowabte sq. ft.4044 4 . Acruat sq. fr3.40d,ZG.R.F.A.: - Ratio, Arowabre sq . tt.4J)H,-/-, Acruar sq. *2+l&_4( coMMERcf AL FLooR AREA: Percentage allowable-r Allowable sq , ,r.P,PJ%,1 "TTlt5-'IActual sq. ft. _; BU|LD|NGBULKc0NTRoL:A||owab|emaximum|ength,Diagona|-, Required 0ffsets s lrE c0VERAGE:. A l owab t " JC 1, Al owab te sq. ft .3 ,f?f, t, Acrua l JD-r c.i f +-Y.,'.' PARKING AND LOADING: No. Requir-ed tr? , No, Actua, fl( , Covered Re- Chairman, Des ign Rev i ew Boa rd quired ZON ING APPROVAL DES I GN REV I EW BOARD APPROVA L UT I L IT IES APPROVAL ENV IRONMENTAL IMPACT APPROVAL Date Tow n Eng ineer Da te Mayor tro I g s t ra to r Date Submi Date Submi Date Submi Extens i on by Sect iort COMMENTS: f or Zon i f or Des i for Envi ng Review gn Rev iew ronme n ta I tted tted tte d of Dead I ine Dead I ine Da te Date I mpact Rev iew to Dead I lne as Dermitted item of Ordinance No. date 8 (Series of r975) JI, /A A*of' or 3tf /0 rt,h = ft a( Qt 3/ ' - /7( Du?. / /f/ qu^'d. 7 /o'/ | lilu^tl ryeL = F/ alh* Wr{^,st; yadr4 ,fu-r.- frl/,ou*d;;,11,fit l7--qq ( t7, (tJD. 350 3t xg= e4( 3(x7 '-{o 172r. ( rJ'/ 0r 0,( bt 0,( e7 ?l n ?a Qt to ?o Jf, tt tz- 3/L tt,r E Zgf t0,{x, /f- /tr7 lx 4 tf /7,( x /z- JtD /zs( /htAr,,i,/ J€ t___.-, /]ho Jn/ t* /{.(, nfT { 9x f = Gl?^f = 77- ^. / (4 ao, (' Zio ?' {'/0,'f^ )i. f= '// o' e({t A'l 3o tx' b -- {o (tx 1, S1 ? Ltt /, A /tLz * "ztl J40 290 e"? lrf 2-- L J*/M".rJoo,{ /o+0, z( DESIGN NEVIET'I BOART) DATE OT MUITII{G: IIEIIBERS PRESENT: SUBJECT: AISSTENTION: AcrIoN rAKEN BY B0ARD I fl: , / rrorroN , /U/A sEcoNDED By, /3/J/)-a AGAINST: APPROVIiD: DISAPPROVID; SUlrlllARY; VOTE:FOR: €7ar ,at box 100 vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 C {G' office of the town manager July 5, L977 Strahan Associates Box 2238Vail, Colorado 81657 Gentlemen: During a regular building inspection of the Robert Ford Residence on Lot 4, Brock 2, YaiI Village 13th Filing, a Town of Vail Building Inspector noted that there was novertical steel ptraced in the north wall of the structure.ft appears that thi-s waII i-s to be used as a retaining wall. Per your request, follwing our telephone eonversation at4 pm on July 5 | a977, I hereby request that you investigatethe structural integrity of this installation. I recommendthat this waIl not be poured until a verification is receivedon thls question. It is neeessary that this verificati-onbe filed in rryriting with this office, Sincerely, Chief Buildin Offici rNsFE.td, .I}OWN OF VAIL HEEUEsi'T JOB NAME; TIME RECEIVED- AM PM ! oruEn MON COMMENTS: D pnnrtau LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION TUE WED THUR FRI PM E nppRovED E orsappRovED E nerNsPEcr E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONSI DATE INSPECTOR oo JOB NAME CALLER I pnRrrll.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI INSiPEC T :;,,i, i ;t" OWN OF F|EEUEST VAIL fl orHen MON COMMENTS: TUE AM PM fJnppnoveo fl uporu rsr CORRECTIONS I orsappRovED FOLLOWING COBRECTIONS: n nrrNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR oo INSPECIGi TOWN OF FIEGIUESiT VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME ';t-';'' -f_./"t.; J ..- .RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orxrn TUE n pnnrtal.LOCATION RE.ADY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PMMON COMMENTS: E npp RovE D E orsepPRovED fl aerNSPEcr D uporv rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE oa tNsPEcfrl FlEEUESTT WN OF VAIL DATE TlME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n ornen MON COMMENTS: n pnnrrnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION lEl APPROVED I orsneeRovED E upolrt rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS f] nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR al . .,. -.| DATE -"'.r: /{' ,,'' TIME RECEIVED;. AM PM ',.i .l .'r.':''l' . .',I',"'IIi' "'1,: 'IlNsiPEcTrlDil FTEBUESIT TOWN OF VAIL E orxen TUE n pennnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR PMFRMON COMMENTS: Wppp RovED E uporv rHE FoLLowrNG CORRECTIONS f]orsnppRovED CORRECTIONS: E nerNSPEcr INSPEGTOR DATE oo DATE JOS NAME TIME RECEI D- AM PM CALLER t::INS.PEC Ti FIEGTUESIT '!VAIL I orHen MON COMMENTS: TUE ! pnnrtnu LocATloN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AMJ PM El'AppRovED E uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ! orsaen RovE D fl nerNsPEcr DATE oo rNsPEElt"FIEOUEsiT '|' TOWN OF VAIL oore 'l'/3'7q JoBNAME ,@-' , ? *$) TIME BECEIVED- AM PM CALLER Iouen 1, MON ...I -,'" COMMENTS: n panrral.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI-AM PM PPROVED fluporu rne EorsnppRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: D n e rNsPEcr CORRECTIONS DArE .";;' /':,"/:# {,; TNSPECTOR \ .,i' I DATE '.? l 'l, i i' :.JOB NAME INSPECTION:MONREADY FOR LOCATION:i (:.'':'t { BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER N FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING T] INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NA tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB E} tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: o HEATTNq tr tr tr ROUGH C EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR C] FINAL tr tr FINAL r:&.aooan\/trn CORBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr RE:INSPECTION REQUIRED ", 'i. 't;' \ INSPrcTORDATE ,1 ru;;FE#fve1ro-c ffimtr ,*FrEGluESTg/l VAIL wNy N OF JOB NAMEDATE TIME RECEIVED- AIVI PM r-ALLET'I E orHen flpanrrrl READY FO'R INSPECTION THUR LOCATION Q-f/5 FRI AM PMMON COMMENTS: TUE WED n nppBovED tr uporu rne CORRECTIONS n orsAPPRovED FOLLOWING CORR ECTIONS: LJ RETNSPECT rnrserfn t.J.o rNseectru FIEBL,EST /i.?\"i,ifo'P:;JOB NAME TfME RECETvED : /"' nnr frvr.., cALLER E orHen E prnrnl. LocATroN FRITUE READY FOR INSPECTION ,WED THUR EeppRovED I orsnppRovED f] nEr NsPEcr DATE ,l ruvsefn t\ ol rNseecrlf} FrEouEsrr TOWN OF VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAM E RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! orHrn E paRrraL LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURTUE AM PMMON COMMENTS: I nppRovED fl uporu ruE CORRECTIONS n orsnpPRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: I IREINSPECT DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION TOWN OF FIEBUEST VAIL , i .* t! I h ! *l +--ndDAIE t | <,.t / /=3 = '' JOBNAME _tli;a Ttar€ REc'erveb "r, ri_, AM pM CALLER COVER REO. RATING- SHEETROCK VENEER_- ROOF PARTIAL LOCATION: PLUMBING ROUGH STA.NDPIPEwocsFINAL tr lpnnneu LOCATION I i 'j READY FOR ]NSPECTION ._ '\ / >._-\ ,/y,/- flneeBovED fl uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS; CORRECTIONS l-, *lr"(( ElorsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR T0}Tt{ 0F uAtt BUILEIINGI FEFIMIT tr lltrttl-.*.-, TOTAL FLOOR AREA 2L5o TOTAL LOT ANEA FLOOR ANEA RATIO UNCOVERED EASEMENTS VAFIAiICE PERMIT +F To To ! HEREBY ACKNOI9LEDGE THAT I HAVE BAAD THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH AI,L TOWN OBDINANCES AND STATE I,AWS R,EGARDING BUILDING CONSTRUCTTON. DATE OF APPLICATION NEW,( aLTERATTON | ) ADD|T|ON ( I REpAtR( ) USE OF AUILDING OFF ST. PARKING 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I lr t tv afi I HR 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B C D E F G H6J DtvtstoNl234 SPECIFI ED iIERAL DESCRIPTI ON OF WOBK AREA SEPARATION OCCUPANCY SEPARATION SIONATURE OF OWNER. OR CONTRACTOR TOWN OT I,AIL EIUILE'II\IG PEFIMIT Oo t o APPLICATION ACCEPTED PLAN CHECK APPROVAL PERMIT # I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE TEAT I }IAVE READ TITIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE AAOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COTTPLY 1V1TH AI,L TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE LAWS REGARDING BUII,DING CONSTRUCTION, TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT ABEA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVERED SIGNATURE OF OWNER OI. CONTRACTOR iruspecrroru REcoRD (For Department Use Only) I r phone476-2310 24 hou16 advance notice r€quired tor inspections t^ Utdlonn,t rs ro BE PosrED oN JoB SITE AND ACCESSIBLE TO INSPECTOR REO. INSP. SPECIAL INSPECTOF APPBOVAL DATE COMMENTS / LOCATION SIGNATURE z 6 J)a SETBACK x FOOTING X FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING STEEL ST€ EL STEEL FOUNDATION WALL x Bu.,..k FOUNOATION WALL FOUNDATION WALL FOUNDATION WALL FRAME K L.:C; ROOFING ROOM VENTILATION K B*tr FIREPLACES Y WALL COVERING (INT)x FINAL { z F UJT APPLIANCE x SYSTEM x FINAL x (,z to EfJ WATER SUPPLY & DIST.X DRAIN & WASTE X VENTING x STANOPIPES AUTO. SPRINKLER SYSTEM FINAL X o E F IIJJ uJ SERVICE ENTRANCE x ROUGH x ROUGH ROUGH FINAL X CORRECTION ORDER LEFT STOP OADER ISSUED:RELEASED: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ISSUED BEMARKS: NOTE: THts cARD ts ro HAVE BEEN SE RETURNED TO THE BLDG. OEPT. MADE TO AUTHORIZE ISSUANCE OF AFTER ALL REOUIRED I NSPECTIONS CE FITIF ICATE OF OCCUPANCY SUtJI.l IT'T IAL DATE ENT IT I IS PRE L II,1 INARY STAFF REV IE'd MASTiR PLAI{ F INAL ZON ING RE V I EI,I BU I LD ING DEPT. PLAN CHECK MECH/PLBG, ELECTR ICAL PUBL IC .'./ORKS. F IRE DEPT. FEES: PROCESS ING DATE DEADL INE COMPLETED S IGNATURE RE N4A I?KS SA'R 7+ Ncf 6rrUtp€P-- PUBL ICAT ION DATE HEAR ING DATE TYPE DATE PA ID REMARKS VAR I ANCE COND. USE ENV.IR. IIVlPACT PLAN CHECK RECREAT ION PERM IT , BLDG. PLUMB ING T4ECHAN ICAL li IltA. N/x .. lo to DEVELOPIIIIIT ROUTI;IG SLIP o*orr.'. K€eKLrNq [At OI,.]NER/DEVELOPEN By tAJ4 l- ga-jt lrt,'*.'-t uA t*t "a.&z^'1r 'fuafu_ 4-f 7/il-J. 4+ 4t/t+ l./-7.1 V1-4/ /U- 24al1.4a 5-Are:l- UA I E RECE IV ED LANf,SCAP ING RECREAT ION .A[4EI] IT iES ENGR. CHECK DES IGN CHEC K ENV IRCNMTNTAL I l'4PACT Rt V I El,( ENV I RONI,lENTA L I MPACT REPORT ZON ING CHECK TOWN COUNC I L REV IEW AMOUNT r-t -- ?8.9o 55c.C6 l"' "" ELECTR ICAIT*i:i. le')en W--= zztA,5 x l5 Dalc S';bmittcd f or Revi rOWN O I: ENV IRONI'IEi'ITAL RIV VAIL IEIl CIIECKL IST P roj ect Owner /',/*o ,./. or State be af fectcd? Will the project invol 30 percent or greater? Vlill the project invol geo logic hazards'! hlill the project invol subject to ava lanche? , Type of Project , Lega I Descrip-iio r''An enfli ronrrentaI inpact reDort mus t be ma de fornon-lrivial ef f ecl' on the environmenf. E f fects i ces of both prirnary and secondary nature. The follorving q uesf ions shall be used as guideti negative declcral ion or an env i ronmenta I impacfwril-e I'unknownrr in yes/no colunrn). ivity which may have an)' env i ronmenta I conseouen- dec ide whether '1 o ma ke a ( | f ansrver is unl<nown, YE S I.JO of the Droject or area of recreation- area wh ich Town, County, on a slope of in an area of in an area z ve construction ercourse? a se r ies of ll, may as a ll? ,./ any act nc lude nes to report. t.Cnuld the nroioa* <inni {in=n*lrr nh:- :., .--..,,r -nange p resen* use> area? 2, Does fhe project signif icantly conf lict with app li cab le generalplans and the Vail Master Plan? ,r' Could the project af fe ct the use of a recreational area,irnportant visual value or pre-ernp'f a site with potential al or ooen sDace value? Will any nat ura I or rnan-made features in fhe project are unique, that is, not found in other parts of the ,,/ t/ l-- 5. 6. z. ve construct ion of f acililies #L*l ve construct ion of facilities ve cons'f ruction of f aci I ities aould fhe project change existing f eatr.r res or invol in any i ioc d plain, natura I drainage ccurse, or wat ls the project, as part of a larger project, one of cumulative act ions, which a lthough individua lly sma whole have s ignif icant environmental impact? Doe s the project involve exfens ive excavat ion or f i _4 ,/' t.Does the project area or the project site serve as a habitat, food source, nesting place, crossing, wintering area, source of water, etc. for wildlife species? /rza-*rq /-.,-a,<c-/2./ (i-u..tJ Could the project signif icantly af iect rearing a reas or habitat of f ish species? 3. Are there any rare or endangered plant spec ies in the project area? Could the p roject change existing features of any of the reg ionrs s tream f rontage or greenbe lt areas? Will the p roject remove substantia I amounts of vegetat i on includ-ing ground cover? p_24 O_-o-,,--.,o,f Cou ld the project resu lt in s i gn i f icant change i n the hydro logyof the area? Could the project result in fhe displacemeni of community res i dents ? Could fhe p roject se rve to encourage deve lopment of p rese nt ly un- developed areas or intensify developmenf of already developed areas? 9, ls there appreciable opposition 1'o 1'he project or is it likely to be con trove rs i a | ? -7 6. .., B. z _1 -r/ -/ -r' / ./ ,0.' vll ', the projeci ..?tncw or as;sravare "",r*-,hearrh hazards? 21. 1,/ill the projec-i involve the application, use or disposal ofpotent ia I ly h aza rdous materia ls? 22, could the project ge ne ra te signif icant amounts of dust or odor? 23. Could the porject qc ne ra te signif icant noise? 24' l'lill the project discharge significant volumes of solid or liquid wa s 1-es ? 25, Could the/flg6ject result in damage to soil capability or loss ofagr icu ltura I land? 26, could the projecf signi ficantly affect the pofential rrse, extrac-tion, or conservaJ-ion of a natur.al resource? 27, cou ld p roject alter local traff ic pat'ferns or ca use a signif i-cant increase in traffic volume or transit service needs? 28. Add it iona I rema rks: YES NOz / -/ '/ L/ ,./ *"'" i"'r".n"ck I ist comp l.St Da+e 4 -s'.7/ Checklist Reviewed by Title Ti1'le Based on the above review, it is found that an Environmental lmpact Reportis required. S igned Da te Based on the p roject does above rev i NEGAT I VE DECLARAT ION the sfatement below,) it is found that this f icant environmental impact. - Cfa4o-z_= q zl/ * ttunknownrr, the reasons are as follows: il*-* Q1--11 /--. cr r/'/r-' ; 'd-'- e-:<. 4at t-t'( .4, t ---44< . /-*.'-Ut 4-aL'-/t ' -e/' "-J-l '/r-''' 2**' a//LAt *, a-d/ -ZaL"'I*-'-f '{/; ry €W, any For any points answered yes or //, jlL.e Q1--11 /--. cL (and signi ,/-l .4L-rr-.*-P.4( . r5 r.jrl !te P.e .UJ LL I aaovtdii i rJc id a<t ;Cll liifr Clr'-r'i- i I , 5 U l,:1,:A il / ; AiicH I I LU i /.-t-|4 -L - Front &O , - Front b./ , Sides /5 owab le___- , GAL DESCR IFT ICN '1. 1t\'t.' K . ?POonCF.D llSF(S)c- l-Vlic t I r\vi fT SIZE /1,qqc-; FROI'ITAGE itGHT: Average.GreCe '///r Height Allowed - , Actuat *at-lAse'-'f, ,R.F.A.z .xs- Ratio, ,qllowable sq. ++, q q,'7't'a , Actual sq' tt'42'y''oo i .TBACKS:Requi Act ua BET};E EI.I re d I .--<-.-- -e,"& Ll ': 32-, Rear ?6 -t STANC E BU I LD IiJGS:Reouired )141.'iERC IAL FL00R AREA: Fercentage a | | Actua I sq. ft. , Actua I Allowable sq. ft ) t2L lTE CoVERAGE: A I lowab le "<'f *, A I lowab le Sq. f t.qqE/.>'o , Actua | ///2! b d" JILDING BULK CONTROL:Allor.vab le max i mum length :quired 0ffsets ---__.-.--, Actual length , Diagona I , Diagona I ,. Actualit-t:[tlo'Y sq. ft.,SEABLE OPEN SPACi : Req u i red {to sq. f +. T I L IT IES APPRCVAL Actuaf sq. ft. /r{'- ' Ground Leve I , ANDSCAFIt.I G: Required 6o X, rorzl't sQ. ft.' Actua ARKING AND LOADItJG: No. Required ----3-, No' Actua d -n" rr^ . .overed ActualUl |.ec b rrv., rw ON ING APPROVAL f,, conimon .P; tt 6t/,t-do fi rlraa sq.i+ A ,' Cou"red ?e-' I II . ,t) . -?3 TD APPROVA T= -! - Cha i rna{i//g"( i gn Re v i ew Boa rd Da teown Engineer NV IRONt,lENTAL Il'lPACT APPR0VAL Date ng Admin istra{6r late S ubm i )ate S ubrn i )ate Submi ixte n s i on ry Sect ion t0tll.iENTS: f or Zon i f o r Des i for Envi n g Re v i ew gn Review ronmenta I +.4-^,{ tte d tte d of J-J7- 7y', Deadline Date 0ead I ine as pe rri i-f : rJ item date es of r97l). +' ./ - 7 r/ , Dead I ine Date lmpact Rev i to ew of 0rdinance No.8 (Seri