HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 13 BLOCK 2 LOT 10 LEGALf. Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:, 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: SHAPER RESIDENCE DRB Number: DR8040267 Project Description; CHANGE TO APPROVED PLANS (RETAINING WALLS) Participants: OWNER SHAPER, STEPHEN & SUE Z. 06/1/2004 Phone: 325 RIPPLE CREEK HOUSTON TX 77024 License: APPLICANT CoHENCONSTRUCTION 0611712004 phone:970-926-3443 P O BOX 1889 EDWARDS CO 81632 License: 123-B CONTRACTORCOHENCONSTRUCTION 061L712004 Phone:970-926-3443 P O BOX 1889 EDWARDS CO 81632 License: 123-8 ProjectAddress: 2645 BALD MOUNTAiN RD VAIL Locauon: 2645 Bald Mountain Road Legal Description: Loil 10 BlocklSubdivision: VAILWLT-AGE FI|ING 13 Parcel Number: 210103401027 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTTON Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Approval= 061301200a Conditions: Cond: I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Tonrn of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this proJect shall lapse and beome void one (1) year folloruing the date of final apprwal, unless a building permit 's issued and aonsfuuction ls omnenced and is diligently pursued tolard compledon. Cond: CON0006530 The applicant shall submit PE stamped, englneered wall drarvirps for both the existing and propced reblnlng walls to the Torvn of Vail Publ'lc Works Depafinent for review and appronl. Ptannen BillGibson DRB Fee Pald: *2O.OO '1.tr'l***'t**'1.****!************l'r'*****,t{r{.******'}***'tr*++***r*'**'t*:t **a':t*'tIf 'f *x****:tr*********!t,t**:**** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Sratement *rN.*'r*'l:lt**'t*{.***,i:1.**'*+***{.*'N.***:i't**'t*t t$* *:t {r '* ** *'} !t +{rt * 't *:N. **** * 't * *+*'t{r***:1. * * ** 'tt rt ****'t * ** * * ****'}. Statement tilurdrer: R04o00G045 Arnount: 920.00 06/71 /ZOO4O9:43 AlI Pa:ment Method: Check Init : rfS Notation: #10545/COHEN coNsT, rNc. Permit No! DR8040267 Type: DRB-Chg to Appr plars Parcel No: 21010340102? SitC AddrCSS: 2545 BALD MOI'NTATN RD VATI., Locatsion: 2645 Bald Mountain Road Tota1 Feea: $20.00This Palment: $20.00 Total ALL, prnts: $2o-OO Balance: $0.00 {r'lrlr'*t"t**f {.!t,}**1.t ******a*****r.*'t *r*****+***'t*****r.r.***rt:t :ttt**li*.ir'}**:*:}******t+*{'*t*{.*'}'r*x(******* ACCOI.]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescniDtion Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEhI FEES 20.00 Botanical Name PROPOSED I.ANDSCAPING Common Name quantih,Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS PXIfiNG TREES TO BE REMOVED /sja g7i Minimum Requirements for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Square Footage GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION fiPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specifo other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Tvpe Page 7 of l2l12l07l02 UTILTW APPROVAL & VERIFICATION This form seryes to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed utility services, and also to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utilities for approval and verification. Authorized Comments Date Siqnature QWEST 970.384.0257(fax) Contacts: Scott Carrington 970.468.6860 Jason Sharp 970.384.0238 EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4076 (tel) Contact: Rich Sisneros HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 970.949.5892 (tel) 970.949.a556 (fax) Contact: Ted Husky EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.a038 (fax) Contacts: Kit Bogart 97 0.262.4024 Jim O'neaf 970.262.4003 EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT 970.a76.7a80 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee COMCAST CABLE 970.949.L224 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Salazar NOTES: 1. If the utility approval & verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved, The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3, These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utilitv locations must be obtained before diogino in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildino permit is not a Public Way oermit and must be obtained separatelv. The Developer is required and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the utilities for re-approval & re- verification if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date (unless otherwise specifically noted within the comment area of this form). Develope/s Signature Date JLj--a,g-Aaa+ 15:56 H-P EEU IEUH c&Ftecr' '"'EPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL Jui" 8, 2004 Stcvc Shaper c./o Segerberg MaYhew Architects Al.trr: Kutl Segerberg I0()0 South Frontage Road Wcst Suitc 300 Vail, Clolorado 81657 ?,4t/05 Ht:pu,rri i,.l':rn iei {icot,'c irrlcll. jnr: 5r,)l(i t'-r.rr.rn' li..r.'rii ! i4 ( j l cnrur',.',-; .inr in g.,. t. i rir:,.:rs, . $ l 6!-\ l Ph,:r;rr. i,7i'..tj,i .7i)$$ Fur.: Q7i' :).i i -i4ii cnuii: hpgr,, ,@;hpgrlte.;lr,, rtn t .lob Ncr. 104 321 Sub.leot: Gcntlctrreu: Recornmenclations fbr Bouldcr Wall Above Residence at 2645 Bald lvlountain Road, Vail, Coloradtr U0: t tatl ko{ to,B(( z As requeste4 by Pete Vcntres of Cohen Construction-, e repre-sentalive ol'Flepwoftlr'. pa1vla'k Geotecirnicat, Inc, observed the existing boulder wall and hillside at the suhject ,site 9n July 6, 2004. An additional boulder wall is proposcd abovc the existhrg onc as slope treatment.'fhc findings of our observations.and recortrtnr:ndaliols for the boulder wail desigr are presented in this repolt' 'l'he scrlices were perfomred 's a-slil4:'lenlent lo ,r,,, ogru"in.tlt for professional engineering services to Steve Shapcr, dafed Ap$l 21 . 20(.t4, The uroooscd houlder wall is located to the not'theast of the resiclence and will he 4 lbet high'and about 30 feet long. Thc cxistinghillsjde fpPcars to havc lreen cul lofie very srccrr grirde by prior develirpment qf the lot, The slope abovc tlrc ncw wall rviJl be flarrln'.a k> 2'hirizontal to I vertical. 'l'he existing wall is about 4 fcct high and located r,r,itirin about 5 I'eet of thc residence. I'hc hillsicle appears to consist of coarse Eauular soils ancl is rvell drainecl. l'here are no i',Oi.otionr of mas.liue slope failure. I'hclccornmeude<J secliorr lirr thc ncw Lrouider wdl is sh.r*n on ligu-e 1, attaihed. If variations in thc subsurface conditjons are encounlercd 6rrri,.,g excavatilon or if tJre wall construction changles, wc should be cottlacl.cd lirr lurthcr t'eview. I1'ypu lravc any qucstions qr necd further iusiStance, please call ortr gfJice. Siucerely, iI[,PWOR'I'I-I -PA ,, tNc. Stcycl L. JJawlak, P SLP/ksw aflachtnent Figurc l-DetaiI Chhen Constructi tres (via fax: 926-3440,1 15222 llt/"1 Parker 303-841-7119 . Cc,loradoSprings 719-63.3-5562 . Sih't:rrhorrre 970-46$.19E9 JUL-AEF?hAA 15:5?H-P GEOTECH P.A3/43 PROPOSED CUT SLOPE 1' MINIMUM sorL colER FILIER FABfuC (TYP.) 1-l MINIMUM 1' T1IICK -Jl4" DRATN GRA\EL (TYP.) F_._+1' MlN. 2/3 H .+" e SLOPE TO DRAINPIP€ DA]4-IGHT EXISTING WALL RECOMMENDED BOULoER WALl- sEcTlott 2645 BALD MOUNTAIN ROAD ffiFtr?y -- u6{: 15222 .:'--?nJ/"/"t gi Qffr:l[-rD Figure tTYPICAL BOULDER WALL DETAILHEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL. INC.104 321 tuL-at-zae4 ls:s?H-P GEOTEC}I P.43/43 PROPOSED CUT SLOPE __-lr 1' MINIMUM sorL co\ER FILIER FAERIC (TYP.) lz MTNIMUM 1, THICK -3/+' DRIIN GRAIEL (TYP.) 4" 9 DRAINPIPE SLOPE TO DAYIIGHT (- ,.r. ' (-.-.- -v, ' EXISTING WALL RECOMMENDED BOULoER w^tl- sEcTloi.l 2645 BALD MOUNTAIN ROAD f.'#bl:4Y -- uoZ : | 5222 .: ".?*1"/"-l ei Kff'r;l,i$P Figure tTYPICAL BOULDER WALL DETAILHEPWORTH_PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL. INC.104 321 i TOWNOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTACE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 a DE'ARTMENT oF coMMU*,r" Orro ,rt*rlfo,lruur(,b32 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 800-0291 Job Address: 2645 BALD MOUNTAIN RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 2645 Bald Mountain Rd Applied . : 10/17/2000 Parcel No...: 210103401027 Issued. .. : 10i 18/2000 Prqject No t 7t(7AO-dJ0/ Expires . ..: 04/16/200r OIINER SHAPER, STEPHEN & SUE Z. L0/1,7/2O00 Phone: 325 RIPPLE CREEK HOUSTON TX 71024 CONTRACTOR PLATH CONSTRUCTION L0/L7/2000 Phone: 970-949-1905 P.O. DRAWER 5920 AVON, CO eL620 License: L48 -B APPLICAIIT PLATH CONSTRUCTION L0/1"1 /2000 Phone: 970-949-!905 P.O. DRAWER 5920 AVON. CO 8]-620 Description :Instill a new shake roof to replace the exisiting sod roof Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence TlpeConsfruction: VN TypeV Non-Rated Valuation: $28,637.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 Fir€place lnfomalion: Rcsbictcd: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 #of Wood Pcllet 0 FEE SL-IVIMARY Building-> S343 , oo Rsstuarant Plan Review-> Plm Check--> 5222 .95 DRB Feo-----------> $0. oo Total Calculaled Fcas-> $618.95 S5o.oo Additional l'ees-----> (S20.00) 90. 0o Total permit Fe€_> SS9g . 95 50.00 Pa1,men15_*---*--1 5598.95 Invedigalion-> wifl cell-> S0 - 00 R€cr€alion Fe+-_--> 53. oo Clean-up Deposit-----> TOTAL FEES------*-> $618.es BAr.Ai$CE DUE--> S0.0o Approvals:Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT L0/1,7/200O CDAVIS Action: AP ltEM: O54OO PLANNTNG DEPARTMEIIT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENI Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS ,*,t+++***** I*tt**|*,i See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS i f,.r"O, u.,*o*ledge that I have read rrri, fi[*ti* filled out in full the informati* rct n *roleted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this struchre according !o the towns z Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQTJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVA}.ICE Send CleaFup Deposit To: PLATH CoNSTRUCTION oning and subdivision codes, de OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8;00 AM - 5 PM. CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER mrnnuomer+zy'zr - - - - - iff; t*? * * * * * * * * * * * * r. * * * * * * * * * * * + + *,* * * * * * r * :i * + + * i * * CONDITIONS OFAPPROVAL Permit#: 800-0291 asofl0-18-2000 Status: ISSUED ***{t +******* +*:f * {r * {r ** * ** * f * * + + + * ** * * ***** * * * *** ** ** * *:r{.*rt!te*** ** ** * ** ** * ****** ** * * ***+ * **** ***** ** *** *{. {.* Permit Type; ADD/ALT SFR BUILDPERMIT Applied: 1011712000 Applicant: PLATH CONSTRUCTION Issued: 10/18/2000 970-949-1905 To Exoire: 04/16/2001 Job Address: 2645 BALD MOLINTAIN RD VAIL l.ocation: 2645 Bald Mountain Rd ParcelNo: 210103401027 Description: Install a nev/ ehake roof to replace the exisiti.ng sod roof ****:1.*dr********d!dfil**:******************:!{r********** COnditiOnS ++*{.********r.*******+************{t*******r*{t* Cond: 12 FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE RXQUIRED TO C]IECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE. Cond: 1-6 sMoKE DETECTORS ARE REQUTRED rN Ar,L BEDROOMS AlirD EVERY STORY AS PER S8C. OF TIIE 1997 I'BC. ,rdr***+**ir ***** **+ ************'** ** * ** *****+*{rir*****+ ** *'1.******:f *1.+*'1,1.* ***+:t4.{r {. ******* * *:1.{.** ++ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Stareanert *x********:f*+:t*'t**+****'t****r':t*tr*********{.**{.********************{.******'*******+****{r******* Statement. Number: R000000080 Amoult: $598.95 L0/a8/20O0LA:25 All Palment Method: Check Init: JllN Notation: PLATII COI{STRUCAION PermiE No: 800-0291 Tlpe: ADD/ALT SFR BUIIJD PERMIT Parcel No: 2]0f0340L027 Site Address ; 2545 BALD I,IOUIIrAIN RD \fAIIr r.'ocation: 2545 BaLd I'lountain Rd Totar Fees: $s9g.95 ThiB Palment: $598.95 Total- ALIr Pmts: $598.95 Balance: 90.00 ********+********+******{.*++*****f*+*****,t******,Nr***+*t +{.*f**********'l*****:t******t *:f:l****** ACCO{JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BU]LDING PERMIT FEES DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEEs PF OOiOOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES tJC 00100003112800 t^iILL CALL INSPECTI0N FEE 343. 00 30. 00 222.95 3. 00 q t'! ApplrcArroN fr *ot BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLE lh u Building Permit 97O-479-2t49 ( Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical. etc.! 75 S. Frontase Rd.Vail, ColoraEo 81657 Contad \e€essors Office at 97O-328-864O or visit for ParceI #Pard# ,At1/ - o34 nt raT naName: -Stale!.4)Job Address: .. .db Legal Description ll Lot: ll erock: ll riring:Subdivision: OISAZ"U1T:'n shonnnt fid[effauxt. ffb,.x.Phone: Architect/Designer:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: (.,ltO*.t_Aj; JU.l,t+), ,v,qhc,-}d;- --- I Work Class: New ( )Addition( ) Remodel ( )Repair( ) Demo( ) Otn"rgl Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior b<) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: single-family ( ) Two-famity ( ) Multi-famity ( ) commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) fther( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. oF Accommodation Units in this buildino: Noffvpe of Fireplaces Existina: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( No/Tvpeof FireplacesProposed: GasApjliances( ) GasLogs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurninq(NOTALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) 01 COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) BUTLDTNG: $ d8 b37.ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: S REFUND CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO: CONTRACTOR INFOR.MATION Gengral Contractor:1MM Town of Vail Req, No.: " tt/ u[1 Contact and Phone #'s: ?nrlt t -bu;etL ?'rq nA< ContradorSign{Vre: ' - _, ,/ Zl_n)m-e,t -1 'trr****************tr********************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**:r*rr*****************rr***^r********** nECEIVEDocT i ? ?000 nDcHrvED F :/everyoneforms/bldgperm \to - Q)6 -3',1u3 Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Department of Community Development Project Name: Project Address: This Checklist must fu comoleted fufore a Buildina Permit apolication is acceoted. All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a MultFFamily complex Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,parkino or material storaae allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written approval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Repoft must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on olans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown o a tr D a D D tJ ! fl o a o O Applicant's Date of submittal: elA Received By: I0lf"N 0I l':,llt F:/weryone/forms/bldperm2 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Depaftment Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame, I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if i fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed Signature F :everyone/forms/bldperm3 WHEN A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUEfiONs REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT": Is this a new residence?YES Noy' D D a D tr :"'tij}- "f the Risht-of-Way, easements or No,/ - YES No t/ ,/Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES_ NO_l__ Is any drainage work paing done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property?YES- NO '/ a tr Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES No )/ Is the Right-of-Way, gasements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing?YES_ NO ll If answer is NO, is a rydrking, staging or fencing. plan required by Public Works?YES_ NO y' If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Work at 479-2L98. ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. Does demolition work being performed public property? YES Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved? F :/everyone/forms/bldperm4 Company Name PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS IIow it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Building permit Apolication. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an appiication at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to scheciule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter, Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Workt office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit". NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLy. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public way permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. Signature F : /everyoneforms/bldperm5 | .--- //u/ 1, DateSigned DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check offeach of the items below: u The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. o The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2798 to request an inspection from the Public Works Deoartment. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. o Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Depaftment will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Ceftificate of Occuoancv issuance. Agreed to Projectn;l*"tW Datesisned: l0 //lo Signature F:/weryone/forms/bldperm 5 Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete Gxt are availabte upon request) CODE 5-2-rO: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED o Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. o Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt pf said notice by the Director of Public Works. in the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, difi snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removm from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. u Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 14-1 of this code. B Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 5 (1979). CODES 7.3A-L AND 7-3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED u No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) g 1) o Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of t\ renty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 424-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be'charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1968) g 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) I have read and will comply with the above code Position or Relationship to Project: Date Signed: F :/everyone/forms,rb I dperm 7 ,(r-0' o a!7 r7'-0'll'-6' SPECIFICATIDNS CONTRACT NO, Plath Construction, Inc.DRAVN BY NAIE CHECKEI] tsY TiTLE 4645 ldta Montqin Rd. DESIGNEI BY SIZE FSCI1 N!DV6 NO. / FILE NAME DESIGN ACTIViTY CUSTOMER scALE I'ATE1/8in : 1ft I to/t6/oo 1 of 1 o o Page2of 4 October 6.2000 Re-Roofing Specification for2645 Bald Mountain Road I. TEAROFT/MrscELLANEous: Locations: All pirched roofs on guest building. Specification as Follows: lJ Tear offexisting EPDNI I Tear off existine EPDM. insulation and flashines and remove all debris from the site. Anv ice and water membrane o-n the rocif will be left in place b-ecause it is impossible to remove. Plath Dpec rcalton as r( lJ Tear off.existing Water membrane oi the roof will be left in place bEcause it is impossible to remove. Plath Consffuction will keep the iobsite as clean hs possible and practi'cal durins the construction, and a thoroush cleanins of Plath's work areas will b'e performed irpon completidn. Plath Construction will take allreasonable precautions to Drotect the int'erior of the buildins from water and weather. However. Plati Cohstruction will hot be held liable for anv interior-damase sustained from leaksld liable for anv interior-damaee sustained from that occur durifis the tear off pTrase of this work. . rlam uonsrucuon wlll not De nelo laDle lor anv lnrcnor camage sustaln( i sudden and/or unforseen stoms that occur duriie the tear off pTrase of th l note lhat this tear offsection does not includehny tear offbr disposa caused by sudden and/or unforseen storrns that occur duriie the tear off phas(** Pleasb note that this tear offsection does not includeinv tear offbr di vegetation on the existins roof. **** Pleasb note that this te vegetation on the existing I of the md and 2l Inspect the plywood for water damage, and replace as needed.** This work, if required, will be an ailditibnal chaie6 over and above the c6'nhact price. and will be charsed at the rate oT$ 2.50 per qquare foot. Nb additional charges will be incirned without prior nofification of, and authon-zation frbm, the owner or owner's agen-t.**' 3l Permits for this project are to be supplied by the General Conhactor. Exclusions and Oualifications: 1l Added costs fo-r working urrder adverse winter conditions is excluded from the base bid. Please see option #1 for pricine on this itrem. 2] Pricing for^this se-ction assumes that a 7 ton dump truck will have access to the base of the main2] Pricing forihis se-ction assumes that a 7 ton dump truck will have access to the base of the mait resldence at tne sarase entrance. 3l.No fascia wor'k ha's been calculated in this proposal. Any necessary carpentry work is to be by Price for Section I:$ 4,943.00 residencd others. 4l The priqing dpe,q 4ot include the removal, storage and re-install of the glass or the removal and re- fr-aminf of thE skylight opening. IL LowERLAYERINSUIaTION: Locations: All pitched roofs on guest building. Specifications as Follows:ll Install 5/2" speclam insulation over the wood subsftate. The insulation board will be mechanically attached to the ivood deck usins deck screws at the rate of 40 each per 4'x8' sheet of insulation board. ( Insulation boards will be mechanically attached, not glued, as reqriired by the manufacturer.) Price for Section II:$ 4.920.00 Exclusions and Oualifications: 1l Added costs fo-r workins under adverse winter conditions is excluded from the base bid. Please see obtion #l for pricins on this item. J] The numbe'r of sclrews per board were upgraded from24 to 40 to account for the additional shear Iactor. ilI. Insuu,rrol: Locations: All pitched roofs on guest building. Soecilications as Follows:ll Install 4%" nailbase insulation over the soeclam insulation. The insulation board will be niechanicallv attached to the insulation usin'e deck screws at the rate of40 ( not 24 ) each per 4'x8' sheet ofi[sdlation board. ( Insulation boards will be mechanically attached, not glued. as requiredby the manufacturer, ) Price for Section III:$ 6.894.00 a Page 3 of 4 Exclusions and Qualifications:ll Added costs foi workins under adverse winter conditions is excluded from the base bid. Please see oirtion #1 for pricing on this item. IV. wArEnpnoorrNc - CLAss 'B' MEnruvr Cnoln Snaxns - CoppER FLASHING: Locations: All pitched roofs on guest building.. Specifications as Follows: 1T Install "Jiffv Seal" Ice and Water Guard bv "Protecto Wrap" over 1007o of the pitched roof nailbase insulition deck. The membrane will be installed up^the sides of the skylights. Use mastic as needed. 2l Install #1. medium. Class 'B' cedar shakes with laced 18". # 30 felt each course. Use starter and hip-and-ridge shingles as needed. The shakes will be installdd with a standard pattem and 10" reveal to'the weatFer. - 3l Install l.6oz copper_flashings as needed, including valley, peak, step, and endwall flashing. Install diip edge flashing'ht the roof"eave and rake edges. " 4l Install 16 oz copper flashing and waterproofing at the skylight areas. Price for Section IV:$ 10.89s.00 Exclusions and Oualifications:ll Added costs foi workins under adverse winter conditions is excluded from the base bid. Please see option #1 for pricing on this item. V. EPDM - CoppBnrr,nsxnlc: Locations: The flat section on guest building.. Specifications as Follows:l] lnstall- tapered insul4tion at the fl.at roof a&a. The insulation will be mechanically fastened with approved sirews and plates as per the manufacturer. 2l Install a 60 mil adhered EPDM svstem bv 'Johns Manville' as per the manufacturer. The shake rr5of system will overlap this systeni to ensrire watertight integrityl 3l Install 16oz copper flashings as needed at the roof eave edges. 4l Install 16 oz copper flashing and waterproofing at the slcylight areas. Price for Section Y:$ 98s.00 Exclusions and Oualilications:ll Added costs foi workins under adverse winter conditions is excluded from the base bid. Please see oftion #1 for pricing on this item. VI. GeNnnq,L NorD,s:ll Please be advised that materials for this orooosal have been bid at current market prices. Due to volatiliw of the market. material prices canhotbe suaranteed Dast 30 davs.* Please thke note that a "letter bf intent" received bv Plath Construction. Inc. within the 3Odav period will allow us to "lock in" current material $rices even if actual purchases are made seveial months later. 2l The #1 class 'B' cedar shakes for this Droposal have been bid at the crurent market price of $-140.00 Der square. Due to the exheme^vofatilitv of the cedar market, Drice chanqes prior to the acceptanc'e of this proposal will require renegotialion of the contract pribe, to refldct a'ny such cnanses. St pf]ft Constn-rction carries proDerw damase liabilitv insurance in the amount of $2,000,000.00 per occurrence. Plath Construction iarri'es auto'insurancri in the amount of $2.ffi0.000.00. Plath Qonstructiol caqles_appropriate Workman's CompeqsatioL insurange throqgtl Colorado rStals Compensation. No fuither insurance coverage is included in our price, andif required, the additional cost tvill be added to the contract price. a Page 4 of 4 4l Upon receiDt of the conract Drice. Plath Construction will issue a warrantv certificate zuaranteeins niofing asaindt leaks due to flarls in workmanship for a period of, one year fiom the datebf roofinq - complEtid'n. Leaks qualifying under the terms of taid wdnanty witl beiepaired promptly at no coslto the tjwner. This wartanty doEs not cover any subsequent intefior damage'that may octui. 5l {l pricing in this proposal includes the costs associated with dumpsters for the removal of the roonnq rasn. Vil. Orrror.s: Option #1 $_dditional c_ha{ges, as identified below, will apply for roof work done between Oct.- 15 and Aoril 30I Ice and snow removal. dailv coverins and uncoverine of the roof deck with plastic, and drying out of the roof deck, if netessary, will beln e4fi-a-c-h^arge over anA above. if netessarv. will beln extra charse over and iareed exffa'dt the rate of $ 34.00 p?r man hou ) w-ill be charsed exffa at Plath's cbst. tie conra-ct price and will be chzreed exra at the rate of $ 34.00 p-er man hour. Materials (plastic. propane, erc.) w-ill be charged extra at Plath's cbst. b. Primins may be reouired for Jiffu Seal. dependins on sile conditions and outside temperbturei durine application." If orimirie is reo=uired. this work will be charsed extrh at the rate of$ 21.50 per 100 iquareTeet. Total price not to exceed $ 4t2.00. c. Winter conditions have a nesative effect on our production rates. Durins winter months. additional charees-will aDDlv to cover our added expenses for-working under adverse winter conilitions. Thb 6ffect of adverse winterbonditions resultsln a loss of dailv production of aoproximatelv 257o. (This is an averase production loss rate based 5ri vears of iob colsHne data.)'Any such charqes will nbt 6xceed the amounts listed below dnd are in Idditicin to 6ny snow reYnoval and priming charges that mav apply. Section I ^' - Add to the base bid $ 824.00 Section II Add to the base bid $ 259.00 Section III Add to the base bid $ 310.00 Section [V Add to the base bid S 1.177.00 Section V Add to the base bid $ 56.00 Option 2 Add to the base bid $ 123.00 Option #2: Install a layer of #30 felt below the superinsulated roof. Price for Option #2: - Add to the base bid $ 729.00 Option #3: Substitute galvanized flashings for the copper flashings. All other specifications to remaln tne same- Deduct for Option #3: Deduct from the base bid $ 497.00 Optio_n #4: Install walkway pads, as snow removal protection, over the EPDM as per manufacturer's sDeclncauons. Price for Option #4: Add to the base bid $ 484.00 o 0,-o' ar 4'-d' It l_: SPECIFICATIDNS CONTRACT N[. Plath Construction, inc.DRAVN BY DATE CHECKEI] BY TITLE a6as lq(h {odtoh Rd. DESI6NED BY SIZE FSCL ND. IDUG Nn ./ FI-i NAMI DESIGN ACTIVITY CUSTDHER scAle IDATE1,z8in = lft | $,/t6/@ 1of1 o o 04-4t2001 Inspectlon Request Reportlng Page2 7:53 am _ __ ' vAtL_Co -'TowI{ bF - Reguested Inspect Date: Itonday, Aprll 30,2001' Aslloned To: CDAMS hsp€ctiSnType: BLDG Insirecdon Alba: CD SIE Address: 2645 BALD TCOUNTAIN RD VAIL 2645 Bald Mountaln Rd AJF,D Intormrton Ac[v,ilY BfrFt]2g{ TvDe: A-zulLDCm{Ty$: occupo-ncle Peical: 2to1o34010r27 OUna]: SI-IAPER, STEPTIEN & sUE Z. -JT Contractor: PLATH CO$ISTRUCTION Apdlcani: PLATH CONSTRIJCTIo}I De$citfilofil lDsla[ I nely sh€k6 root lo ropl€cs the stdslung sod ,oof R€ouesbd lnspccf,on(sl lbfi: ff) BLDG#inal Requeclor: PLATH CONSTRUCTION Cofimonb: AhIYTIME NOOIIE ON SITEA*hffi; cDAvrs Inspec{on Hlsbrv 3O BLDGFramlm 70 BLDGMtsc. - 90 BLDG-Ftnal SubTlD€: ASFR Us€: V N Phone: 970'9491515 Phone: 9?tF94919(F Requested Time: 08:00 Afl Phone: 97(}9{$ 19(F Enlercd By: JlrCtrffRAGON Stahs: lnsp Ar€o: ISSI.JED CD Time Exp: frem: lbfii: lbm: (Optloftal) (oDdon€I) tR6rtuircd) \Xqf't{t REPT131 Run Id: 580 ^-t'di, r{ Raa|$stqd lnsFcatD.b:' Alihned Tol lruoccilbo fyDO:InsiffilonAib.!SlbArklrrs: totray, Apfll 30. 20ol cDAVIS EI..DGco 2645EIilJ ffiJiIT,JNR[}VTLt*l6 B*ld ilo(|nhln Rd AF|Olaformctbn ngryqt$t0sooetftu(cl hEflr: S ELDG.Fl$slR.crmr: PLATH COIII9TRIICTIONcotrinc: AlrIYTttr t$ooftEoNstTFArdgrldTo: CDAVIS- Adofi:11ne Erp: lfisp.|3[sr ]{l$ory [.dt 30 BtDf'.Fromlnohfi: 7U BLDGtlbc. - lbm: 9l Bt0f,'Fk$l A.iltftcolrSTtpl:ffid: Ormd:Corfr$r: AFDlcilt Duicrtillm: SI.6Turg: ASFRtjts: V N Phonc 97tl.Or&1905Plpm: 97tr94&190t R€quccilcrl TFxe: oEfl! Af' PtrofE: S70-8{+tS Efihedry .rilOf.lDRAffi.t l( SIc:lmAlu:FSTJED .. CD ..ir, . h!tr$ I new stste rodb refle6lh st lsi0ne 3od ruf iopoond){ffi.rf,0' tRftuftd) {i F \hq / ,P "'{Dlo'Y' 1{\ -,,- RSFT131 rrl\ {nl ,, Run Id^: 580 TOI{N OF VAII, 75 S. FROI*TAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER 899-0130 Status--.: ISSIJBDApp1ied..: Os/24/L999Issued...: 06/02/1999 E:qrires . .: LL/29/L999 co co 8J.532 81532 81632 8L632 Phone: 970-926-3443 Phone: 97Q-926-3443 5251 WESTIIEII'IIER,IrousToN, rx 77056 Occupancy: R3/M.rtpe Construction: V 1-HR Type Occupancy: Not, in Eable! TlDe V l-Hour ValuaEion: firaplece Inf,orort.ion: R6st.r.ictsad: Y 286, 000 {*of OiE Applianc.s: FBts An!,IllRY Bullding-----> Plan ch.ck---> lnve6EigrCion> will call----> 1, {84 . 00 96{.50 .00 3.OO .00 200.00 .oo 500 . o0 3,151.50 3,151.60 .00 3 , 15tr .50 .00 ReEtuarang Plan Revi6rr--> DRB F6e-------- Recreation Fee----------> Cl€.n-attr DcpoEit- -- - - - - - > TOTLE FBBS- -- -- BUIIDING DEPARIIIEMT 'JRM Acgion: NOTECIIARLIE AcIion: APPR PI-,JINNING DEPARTI{EIiIT.JRM AcTJ-on: NOTEAOCHS Act.ion: APPRFIRE DEPARI?IENTiIRM Act,ion: APPRPT'BLIC WORKS..fRM Action: APPR Total Calculatscd Feea-- - > Additional Fqas---------> aolaL Peraits Pee--------> Pa)menea------- B.AIIANCE DUE.. -. t t rt *.**rr a*rrrr It,em: 0510005/24/L999 o6-/ oL'/L999Item: 0540005/24/L999o5'/2s'/L9e9IEem: 0550005/24/L999Item: 05500 os /24 /L999 DepE: BUIITDING Division: ROIITED TO CIIARLIESee condiEionsDept.: PLANNING Division: PI,ANNER Dept: FIRE Division: Dept,: PUB WORK Division: ROIITED TO N/A N/A *.tarrir*rrriit gee Page 2 of Ehis Documents for any condiE.ions EhaE may apply to this permit.. I hrreby acknor.lcdgr that I have rrad lhis .pplication, fllled out i.n f,ull the infor6aElon rrquirod, co[plec.d an rcsuraue ploc Pl.n, .rrd st.Lc thrl all Chc lnforhabion provided aE requlr.d ir corracc. I agrca to couply vich €hc infordebion and ploC plEn, Co cdlrl)r tigh all Tolrl oldinenc€s and st-t'. 1rrs. |nd to build Lhio acruccure eccording to Ehc Tof,n, E zoning aod dubdlvLsion cod.s, daaiEin rcwicv approvcd. t nifoar Building codc and oth€r ordittatrc6s of ghc lo|'n aElrli.cable tsher€Co. REQITESTS FOn llISPaelIOlJIt SHALL BB l|lDE TWE!a!C-POW goDn,s IN ADVAI{CB BY TELBPHOIIB AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OI!IeB FRolil a:oo A}l 5:00 Pu t o ,(f,fL"ffi DEPARI1IEIiIT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT T NOIE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSTTE AT AIJt TIMES ADD/AI,T MF BUILD PERMIT,PETTTiI #: ilob Address: 2645 BAIrD MOIII{1fAIN RDLocation. . .: 2645 BAID lrftN RD Parcel No.. r 2101--034-01"-027Project No. : PRiI99-0031 COEEN CONSIRUETION P O BOX 1889, EDI{ARDS COHEN CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 1889, EDWARDS SHAPER STEVE TOV/Comm. Dev.' Clean-up DeDescription: BUTI,D GARAGB WIrH TIVING SPACE ABOVE (PSMODEL) APPTOVEd ] it Refund amount date Add Sq Ft: fof caa Logd:*of wood/Pall.t, r gend Cloaa-Itir D.!ro6it ?o: COHEN 0'NST *****************************:t*:r*********:l:l********************!r**************** CONDITIONS Permit, #: 899-0130 as of 06/02/99 status: ISSIIED *:l*******************************************!t*************:t******************** Permit Tlpe: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: 05/24/L999Applicant: CoI{EN CONSTRUCTTON rssued: O6/o2/L999970-925-3443 To E:<pirez LL/29/L999 ilob Address: Locatsion: 2545 BAJ,D lvmil RD Parcel No: 2101-034-01-027 Description: BUII,D GARAGE WITI{ LIVING SPACE ABOVE (REMODEI) Condit.ions:1. FIELD INSPEETIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIiICE.2. SMOKE DETECfORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER S8C.310.6.1 OF THE 1997 ITBC.3- Tttis project. has been granted a variance. A foundation ILCie required wit,hin 3 weeks of forrndation completion4. Make note of corrections redlined on plans 5. No work or materials allowed within Ehe R.O.W. unbilproper permits and approved staging plan is submiE.ted sreNAroe' "!a- oR conrRAcroR FoR Hrll"ar,F AND or,ncER trrtattrrtr.taatrr!rttif *.r!rrt.trtartrt''r.rlt*trr1.rf .t.rr.*r'f tr lgig fl Vr8., CO[€Afm Errr.BE tt.rrrliaaa,rililtl,ttrft!trtttatFlltatralti!rtatal.'lartaa*rir,raraa*trrrt Strt*rt It$.E: &EC-0i25 tDnnt:3,r51.50 o6lo2l9t Lzrs, . :::1:Y:-:-----:::::::.T::l:1T-:---:i::.::-- ?.drl,t ltst Btg-OliO tltr.: l-lfr IDD/AIIr F Et'ItD 9!B P.rctl b3 21O1-O3a-O1-02? gi!! ldda.t.: 2615 !lI,D r|olntTAlr lD ' !oc.ci.qr: tLaB llll Flt ID Itrl' EqrurB Brlrnoa: 3,151.50 3,151.50 .oo IDTBts t.ra{.00 200.00 t5a.60 600,00 3.00 lotrl fcca: l,151.60 trot l l&L Potr: tttaaatftatraatttt,arattoa/attt*arttaaaaratf ttti..iatal*rr'}ttiaatrri} lccoultt Ooda D.rcripti.o. n !P t0100003111100 EttItDIIrc Pt IT FBEtt m 0010000t112200 Dlatc nEvlat| tE$r tt co1000031l.1roo Pr|ltt cBrcr( Fllt rD ir2-D@08 CLIN|UP DIP T3 ic oo10000it112300 II'JL cal& tlSDteltot ElE PREPIRED 2122loo, 11:21:06 PROGRAII IIR{1sU ToBn of vait DEPOSIT REFUTID REPORT-I'PDAE PI6E 1 ct ST-ID cn{l$o{ER llAfE cl|lncEcoDE DASCRIPTION DIPOSII DEPOSIT-AN' IDi'I'I'II'E!IT TFIBR-RE?TTD Ir-DtrE trt-DtT! .aDrorrlT r|aoulrr AnouuT AlDlllr 190? 899-0130 ooI|EN CONSIRItCIION D2 DEpOs DEpOSrr 6/03/99 2/22lOO 500.00 500.00 5O0.OO-.00 SOCA'J FOR CUSTO*IER rrPE! D2 G/L BATCII CREATED: BATCII-o0466 2o0ol02 USERID-aIPOPECtr lP HEIrD @ttrEl- 500. o0 500.00 500. oo-.00 CIRAND TIOII!: 5oo.oo 50O.0O 5oo.Oo- DEPOAIT COIrltT! 1 1.00 N{oMT-500.o0 o PE5qq" 063 t TowN oF vArOoNsrRUcloN pERMtr TION FORM' INI'ORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REIECTEI' Contact the Eagle CouW Assesso/s Office at 97&328-E640 for parcel # Parcel# 2"lO1O?40 1O)j _ Date:5/'19/99 JobName: Shaper Remodel JobMdress: 2645 Bald Mtn. Rd. Building (x)Plumbing ( )Electrical ( )Mechanical ( )Other ( ) Legal Description: Lot 1 0 Block 2 Filine 1 3 Subdivision Vail Village Onners Name: Steve Shaper Address: 5 2 51 Westheimer, Horrston , Tfhone#__L-3=::l_=-Zj_L1 7 7 056-5404 Architect: Resort nesi gn Cn'l I ah. Address: 1 O0O s _ nrnntage Rd Phone#9j4:41g:44j3 Description ofJob: Constrrrct ga ragc with I .i v.i ng qFar-a above grararJa Work Class: New ( )Altcration ( )Addirional Q )Repair ( )Other( ) Number of Dwelling Units: 1 Number of Accommodation Units: 1 Number and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances n/a Gas Logs_ nla_ WoodlPellet n,/a n."",t* Bffl- O/Jo VALUATIONS BUILDING: $ 23q.000 ELECTRICAL: $ re -oooPLIIMBING$ 11,0n0 MECHAMCAL$:0,0nn CONTRACTOR INFORMATION 4qq',QLJa ^ ^G€nerNl Coniractor- Cohen ConstrUCtion I Ad(tress: y.u. rox 1889 Phone# 970-926-3443 Electrical Contractor. Doub le Diamond Servic,Qddress: P.o. Box 1452 , Edwards . CO 81632 Town of Vail Registration No. 21 5 -E Phone # Prumbins conrracror' "ot-ffi* 970-926-620.?. Town of Vail Registration No . 1 29 -P Phone #Gs.fMechanicalContractor. Colorado Plumbing -Address: Town of Vail Registration No. 1 1 7 -M rnon.u ="" .oo'" ^ate lece-iltn FOR OFFICE USE nAY 2 i 19gg BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Town of Vail Regiffation No, 1 2l-B - Phonrce123-B OTHER: $ TOTAL S zSk,OOO - Edwards co 81 532 2335 Fl- 7th St-S, Rifle. CO R1650 97 0 -625-07 66 see above CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: TO: FROM: DATE: SI.]BJECT: a o ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WTffI THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PI]BLIC WORKS AND COMMIJNITYDEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I, I999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITEI) A. Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawfirl for any person to liter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt. snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon:ury stree! sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. B. Notice; Abaternent: The Director of Public Works may notifu and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the sane, top remove such san{ gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with thc notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, nury qruse any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notrfied. C. Exceptions: The provisions ofsubsection A hereofshall not be applicable: l. Within the immediate area of auy construction, maintenance or repair project of any sheet or alley or of any water main, sewer main, electricity line, gas line, telephone line or any appurtenance thereto; 2. To deposits of sand, dirt or materials necessary for the protection of the public safety; and 3 . To public areas designat€d for the dumping or depositing of said materials. D. Summons; Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the sam€, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation herzunder be punished as provided in Section l-4-1 of this code. E. Notice; Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with tle notice of the Director of Public Worlcs as prwided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 ofthis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 5 (1979) Read and acknowledged by: Position or Relationship to Project: (i.e. contractor or owner) o^n' {f ,q fqq o TOWN OF VAIL Department of Comrnunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 Agreed to by: Project Name: BUILIIING PERMIT ISSUAI{CE TIME I'RAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval" Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Depaxhnert review ofHealth Deparhnent review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits wiil have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Rcsidential and small proj€cts should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projscts impact the various above mentioned departments rvith regard to necessary rwiew, these projects may also take the three (3) week period. Every attempt will be made by this deparnnent to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the Plan Check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect firture permits that I apply for. SvlWr*t- (l;g'qoog- Date: {/,rltt *o O.O,. {g*o"* "o TO: FROM: DATE: RE: o MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PIJBLIC WORKS JANUARY I, 1999 WHEN A ?UBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQI]IRED Is this a new residence? YES NOx Is demolition work being performed tbat requires the use of the Right+f-Way, easements orpublicpropeny? YES NOx Is any utility work needed? YES x NO Is the driveway being repaved?YES X Is a different access needed to the site other than the e.tstinq drivewav? YES x NO Is any drainage work being done that affects the Right-of-Way, easerrents, or public property? YES x NO NOx JOBNAME: Shaper Remodel DATE: 5/ I q,/q q PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONNAIRE REGARDING TIIE NEED FOR A.?UELIC WAYPERMIT': l. 7 J. 4. 5. 6. NO 't. 8. Is a *Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" requfued? YES A. Is the Right-of-Way, easernents or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? YES X NO- B. If NO to 84, is a parkin& staging or fencing plan required by Commrurity Development?YES NO X If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permif' must be obtained- "Public Way Pennit'' applications may be obtained at dre Public Work's ofrce or at Community Dwelopment. If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval from Public Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL TIIE ABOVE QUESTIONS. Cohen Construction, rnc. ComoanvName o PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Buildine Permits Fill out our check list provided with a Building Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way'' is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic controUstaging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and tlre work zone, (area of Constructioq Staging, etc,). This plan will expire on November lst and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. Sketch ofwork being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (lengtt\ width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and Irrigation crew. The locates take place in the moming, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to Community Development allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" which is to do work on a project itself. NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November l5e. A new Fublic Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. e, l. ) 4. 5. 6. n o DEVELOTOIIN. OF VAIIJ 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 El€ct'r.ical- -- > DRB Fea lnvrECigation> will call----> TOIAI, FEES-- - > DEPARIT4EMT OF COMMI]NITY co 81532 co 8r-632 PMENT ON .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit E99 - 0082 status...: ISSIIED Applied. .. 05/24/L999Issued...: 06/04/L999 Expires . .: L2/oL/L999 Phone:. 9'70-926-62O2 Phone:. 97O-925-62O2 ValuaEion:16, 000. 00 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED EI,EETRTEAL PERMIT iIOb AddTCSS: 2545 BALD MOI]NTAIN RD Location. ..: 2545 BALD MTN RDParcel No. -: 2101-034-01-027 ProjecE, No. : PRiI99-0031 APPLICANT DOIIBLE DIAIIOIID SERVICESP. O. BO)K L452, EDV{ARDS, COTiITRACI1CR DOT'BLE DIAIIOND SERVICESP. O. BOX t452, EDWARDS,OWNER SIIAPER STEVE 5251 WESTHETMER, IIOUSTON, TX 77056 Descript,ion: ELESRICAIJ FOR ADDIT]ON FBE SUTI|ARY *aar*a{r*t.*.r. 289.00 ,00 3 .00 291 . oo Tolal ealculaLed Pe€E---> ToeaL P6rnit Fee--------> PayuenCs------- BAIAITCE DUB--._ Addifional F.as---------> .0o 29L .00 291.00 .oo ?91. OO rrtrr*r**r**ttr*rtartr*rrrrf ****t+**alrt*rri IIEM: O5OOO BLEETR]CAIJ DEPARIII'IENTO6/OL/T999 CHARI,IE .A,cLion: APPR CHARLIEITCM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTTiIENTO6/U./L999 CIIARL,IE AcEion: APPR N/A DA?iE.: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: CONDITION 1. FIEI,D TNSPE TIONS ARE REOUIRED TO OF APPROVAL CHECK FOR CODE EOMPLIANCE. trr+rrrrr*rrti+ DECI,ARATTONS I heteby acknorlcdga that. I have read uhid applj.cat.ion, filled ouf in full Lhc infonnacion required, conpletod an accurate plot plan, and slate tha! all th€ infonnatsion provided as requircd i6 correc!. I aglee Eg conply with the inforEalion end plots plan, to cotqtly Yith all Towt! ordl.Dances and state lars, and to build lhis €tructure according uo the Toih's zoning and gubdj.vision codss, deEign review approved. Uniforan Suilding coda and other ordinanceE of tshe foirn applicable theretso. REeoEsrs ron :irsprcrrous slrALrJ BE I,tnDE TgENTT-FotrR HouRs rN eDvAncE By rErJEpHor{E AT 479-213g oR AT ouR oFFrcE FRoM a:oo AM 5:oo pu TOri[ oF \ralti, @r,oRtDo SEatsErE gEaEcunE nr.rlbar: REC-O529 ltlount: Pa!'[.nl l,l.chod: C|I( Notatioor 9955 29t,OO 06/04/99 09 tS2 Inil: .n{ PorDlE No: E99-00S2 :t\/pe: B-8LtsC ELtsCTR.ICAj pERJ.ttT P--ccl lfor 2lO1 -O34-O1-O27 Sit'E Addroae: 2645 BtlD HOU|aAIN RD Loqatsiorl: 2645 BII.D !lT!l RI) Total tcGa: ttria Prlturnl 291.00 Total ;tr,L PE!r, Brlrncc. 291.00 291. O0 .00 AnounC 2Aa, OO 3. O0 rr{ rfi rrrtttt tttii itt ttt t * t 'ri ** r!r 'r ti ttl rrtttt t !t r i i!rrr +}*lr .r *t +ttt r, i * AccounE coda De6cripcion EP OO1OOOO31114OO ELAETRICAII PERUIT PBES xrc ootoooo3r.l2aoo rILL CAI;IJ rNgPEcIroN FEE TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONIAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81557 970-479-2]-38 APPI.IIEANT CONTRACTOR OWNER DEPARII'{EI{T OF o COMMUNITY DEVETOPMENT o NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PLT]MBING PERMIT iTOb AddrEAS: 2645 BALD MOUT.ITATN RDLocation. . . z 2645 bald mt. rd.Parcel No. . : 21_01_-034-01,-027Project No. : PRJ99-0031 COIJORADO PIJTJMBING SERVICE2335 ATRPORT ROAD, RIFLE CO 81.650 EOI,ORADO PLIJMBTNG SERVICE 2335 AIRPORT ROAD, RIFIJE CO 81650 SHAPER STEVE 5251 WESTHEIMER, IIOUSTON,TX 77056 Status...: ISSI]BDApplied..: 06/30/L999Issued... r 06/30/]-999 Erqgires - . : L2/27 /L999 Phonez 970-625-0764 Phone: 970-625-0764 JOBSITE AT Permit, #: ALL TIMES P99 - 0063 Description: pliutdblng for remodel/addiE,ion Valuat,ion:7, 000.00 r*'r**trtrt*.rr**r+rr****i{*iir**r**}*a+*rirt* FEE gU$UARy *rrr,rrrrr.*r*** FluDbing- - - - -> Pll't chcck-- -> hvcatiEetion> l{ill call----> RaaEuarant Plan Revicrr-- > mTAI, aB!s- -- - - Total Caleulaeed Fcaa- - -> AdditLdr.l Fcea---------> Total Perlllt Fec--------> 105 . OO 26 -25 .00 3 .00 .oo 1-34.25 134.25 t-l1 .28 r*i*a*r**r***+r*'r'*ra****r'*, *****a****r,,,r, """-""--".fH::.:T;;;;;;;;;;;;:-.---,.,",.,;11,,- IEe.qt .05100 BUTLDTNG DEpARTMEriflr Depr: BUILDING Division:9F/3o/1999 CHARLIE Act,ion: AppR charlie davi-eIqetri,g5qQo_EIBE DEPARTI{EMr Depr: FrRE Division:o5/3O/L999 CIIARI-,IE Action: AppR n/a *i *r rrt rr. rrrlrt CONDITION OF APPROVA]-, 1. FIELD INSPECfIONS ARE RBQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI_,IAI\ICE. *tat*****r*r*********tt*rit,rrr ***i*it*****rr** DECLAR.A:TIONS I hc!.b!t acknovl.dgc tshrt I ltave rcrd tshi6 applicauion, fill,.d oue ln full th6 inforuatl,on tequircd, coDlrlcbcd en .ccuraho plot Pl.n, |nd sbate thrt alL th. informarion providad es required le correcE. I igree tsg eo't[trly rJich the inforracion anat plot plrn,to coEtrtly ritsh all Totlt ordLnaricas aDd sLat.c 1aw5, and Co bulld Eh:[r alruccur. accordtng tso thc To{n, B zoninE a.nd 6uHi\ri6ioncod.t, dcsigtl rcwicr tErprovcd, uniforrn Bullding codG .nd or.h.r oldinar|ccF of tha Totrn ap!r11c6ble bhor6bo. REQUE€$g FoR rNsPEeItoNs SHAIJL Bg MIDE THEMIY-FOI'R souRs rN A$rANcE By TELEPHoN? er nzg-zise oR yl/DUR-oFFIcE FROM s:oo Al.i s:oo pul'*, /U' JLI', ' '--l ./ Itt- ************************l************!b***********t**********tf *** TOI{N OF \IAII,, COI,ORADO statemnt* * * * * * * * :* * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * il rt * * !t !t * * * !t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !t * * * * !t * tt :t * * * SEatemnt, Nurnber: REC-OS3S .Arflorrnt,: 134.25 05/30/99 08:48Palment MeEhod: CI{ECK Notation: #30050? IniE: CD Pennit, No: P99-0063 Tyge: B-pL[,tB pL,tMBIt{e PERMITParcel No: 2101-034-01-027 S1IE AddrEBE: 2645 BALD MOT'IfTAIN RDLocationz 2648 bald mt. rd. This Paymene ToEal Feea:134.25 Total ALrLr Pmts: L34.25 L34.25galance: .00***********'****************.******+*************************!r**!t* Amount 105.00 26.2s 3 .00 Account Code Descript,ion PP OO1OOOO31].1200 PIJIII,IBING PBRMIT FBESPF OO1OOOO31123OO PIJATiI CTIECK FBESwc 00100003112800 wrLL ca,LL INSpEefION FEE TowN oF vArloNSTRUcroN pERMff Ail.rcATroN FoRM INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR TffE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTEII Contadtlye Eagle CounU Assessors QfficE d 970-328-8640 for parcet # Parcet# 2tol- O3q - 6t - W7 piarc: L'3o -cl1 Iob Name:Job Address: Building ( )Plumbing(X)Elecrical ( )Mechanical ( ) Legal Description: Lotllo_ Blwk_Z_ Filing Subdivision Votv Ut*iloa ornrctsNaarc:,Enrc I ,fas.^ J'tehe Address: iuaaE m*""f!9-Lj-t:_Zez Description of Job: L&iNf P6.d 772t D Work Class: New ( )Alteration ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: I Number and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Additional (X Repair ( ) Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs Wood/Pellet VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $OTIIER: $BUILDING: PLTJMBING S_J-m_=__MECHAMCAL $TOTAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Address: Phone # Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. PtumbinsContractor Croeao,t: Ptuo,Aua Sndrur"t ?fi. ooLe Town of Vail Regisuation No. ,Jq - P Phone # Mechanical Contractor: Address: Phone # Town of Vail Regisfarion No. Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROMTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTIVIENT OF COMMT]NIW DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECIIANICAL PERMIT ilob Address. . . z 2645 BALD MOI'NIAIN Locatrion.. .... : 2645 Bald Mountain Parcel No.. . .. : 2101-034-oL-027Project Nurnber : PR!799-0031 .APPI,ICAI{T COLORADO PLIJIIBING SERVICE, INC. 2335 AIRPORT ROAD, RIFLE CO 81550 COMTRACTOR COLORADO PLIJMBING SERVICE, INC. 2335 ATRPORT ROAD, RlFr,E CO 81650OWNER SHAPER STEVB 5251 ITESTIIErMER, HOUSTON,TK 77056 DescripEion: Mechanical for Radiant Panel Heating System Fileplace InforEaeiolr: ResCricted: Y SOf Oao Applianc€s: ;IOBSITE PermiE, AT AIL TIT'IES #: M99-0078 RD Rd staEus...: IssIlED .Applied. . : 07 /L4/L999Issued...: 07/20/L999 Ex;rires. . : 01,/L6/2oOO rr**tr.r**rlr*. FEE souti,lARI rrtir*r**rrr*ri Valuation: flof Ga€ Logis: Phone: 970-625-0764 Phonez 970-625-0764 18, 000 . 00 *of wood/Pallet: Division: t ccbanic.l---> Pl,ar ch€ck---> Itlvestigatsion> wiIl CaII----> 35O. OO R66tuarant Plan Revier--> 90.00 DRB Fce-------- .00 ToTAI FEES----- 3 .00 .00 .00 Additional Fee6---------> 453.0o Total Pcfilit Fca--------> Paldenta-------- .00 {53 .00 {53 .00 BAIANG DT'E... - raa *ar, * ** Jttt t rtr rt*t ttr J+ + * ir *t r r|t r +rrt r a* rt* a + J * r* DepE,: BUIIJDING Divieion:to iIRl tlt Jttttttttttt*ttt t tt tat ttittJ t 'rirt a t trr tJ t, t* Item: 05100 07 /.L4/.1,999 07 /L5/199907'/20'/L999It,em: 05500 07 /L4/L999 BUIIJDING DEPARIT{EMTKATI{Y Action: NOTE Rout,ed L.2. 3. 4- 5. 6. 7- 8. IGTIIY Action: NOTE Routed Lo CharlieCEARLIE ACt,iON: APPR CHARLIE DAVISFIRE DEPARITI{ENT DepE: FIREKATITY ACt,iON: APPR N/A CONDITION OF'APPROVAL FTETD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI\ICE.col,tBUsTIoN ArR rs REQUTRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 I'MC, ORsEqrroN 701 0F TrrE 1-997 rMC.INSTAI.I,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTT]RES INSTRUCTIONS AI{DTO CHAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 I'MC, CHAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. GAS APPLIANCES SIIALI., BE VEri[TBD ACCORDTNG TO CHAPTER 8 A}TDSIALL TERMII\ATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF TIIE 1997 I]MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMEIIT MUST COMPLY WITII CHAPTER 3 A}iTD SEC.1O17 OF THE 1997 IJMC AND CTIAPTER 3 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. BOIIJERS SHALI.,' BE MOI]NTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTTBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTBD FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORTNG. PERMIT, PI.AIiIS AIiID CODE AI{ALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICAI, ROOM PRIOR TO A}I INSPE TION REOUEST. DRAINAGE OF MECTI,AI{ICAI ROOMS COI.IIITAINING IIE,ATING OR HOT-WATER SI'PPIJY BOII'ERS SIIALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FIJOOR DRAIN PER SEC.L022 0F THE 199? uMC, OR SEerrON 1004.6 0F TriE 1997 rMC. * * *.****.*** ******* * ** * * **l ** * * * *** ***** ** **** * * * ** *l ************************* DECIJAXA:IIO!{S I h.r.by .etsloul,.dgr that. I have reld ctrL. el4rlieaticr, filtrd out ln full t'h. infofllatiolr requilrd, ceElrl.c.d rD aocurat. plot. Plfi, and gtrta EbaC .lI Ih. Lnfolrratig(l pEovidcd ra r.quired i'e cor!€ct. f agree to ccrq)ly siih hhc inf,or[agi@ -rd ploc plrn; to colDly wiCh Ell torn ordl,nrnccg and .taia lar6, and, Uo bulld tdrl.. Eeluctura aeeordlng !o tha tovn, I zonlng .nd gqHLrrili(|n codca, daeign rrvlrr a;rprovcd, unifolE Euildirg Coda |nd oth6r grdlnanqsr of the toryn epplicabla tsh.r.to. REaUTaTA FOR IITSPEGTIOIS gmllJ tsE IGDE Il{BtTg-FOm IIOIIRB M ADVAICE BY IELEPEOI|B AI 479-2133 oR AT OItt OFFTCE !trOI g:OO Il 5:OO Pir 9I6-!I[TUNE OF. OIONR OR, EOTITRACIOR AOR HIMSELP AND OI{NER, l!c'l ot vtltJ, @LoRlDo gtrcrnnE StaBeanc tlhrub€r! REC-o5{I Anount ! 4A3,OO O7/2O/99 L1t43 F.lmene r,.rhod r CK NoC.Uion: 3OOSS7/CO PIrt ]tB Inli,r JH PlrBit ne: I99-oo7g Typ.: B-MacH uBcltA}tlctlr pEnlttt F.rccl lfo. 2101-03{-01-027 El,t. lddr...: aa,ag BII.D. IOInTAII PD I€crELon ! 26{5 Bald '|ountain Rd Total Fees: 453.00 tbfu PryrGtt 4s3.oo Sotal Ar;rJ pu'ts: a53.oo Balartce: .O0 rt|rr*ttttltltrtitirtit.attrtftirttrlrtr r.r*tttttatr.ar**r*t .lroount' Cod. DagcripEion .l!oun! xP 00100003111300 r|EcHnHIctIr pgRrrr FEES 360.00 PF OO1oOOO3112300 PrrNt CrtEqK FEBS 9o.OO tfc ooLoo00311rgo0 tfILL CA,LL ItlspBcTlon FEE 3,00 ' "O*urn.' JobAddrcss: Zt'qs R&\d fflfl. Rd. Electrical ( )Mechanical p{Other ( ) TowN oF vAt#NSTRUcIoN pERMr nilrcATtoN FoRM Plumbing ( ) l,ot Block Filinq Subdivision OwnersName: Sh0pe(Z Address: Architect:Address: Building ( ) Legal Descripion: Phone# DuqQ. oogt Mt-ooos INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR IUE APPLICATION wlLL BE REJECTEII Contact the Eagle Courty Assesso/s Office at 970-328-6640 for Parcel #Parcel# elot .oa{-Ot -O21 7 - t4'q1 Persdt # Description of Job: i\D'). r.o ^- Work Class: New ( )Alrcrafion ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: / SFF- Additional (4) Repair ( ) Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: TOTAL $ Phone # Glroi q/6 - assq Address: Phone # Address: Town of VaiI Registration No. - Phone #ffi0nAMechanicalContractor: (Lta,..ao P/*r&^, ietw<-Address: 23ts tfurl.-rDr. P,ke &t- Stggcs FOR OFFICE USE R E[:h;:,1::1:.'U.tlL. , ,, :j99 BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: /\ >-PrU.nb.nq Strrutt-c-'CLEAN uP DEPoslr REFUND To: LloLoeArrc a t 1t11r6tt> Number and Tlpe of Fireplaces: hs Applintc6-& &.-2-- Gas Logs BLJILDING: $ VALUAT]ONS ELECTRICAL: $ PLI,JMBING $ General Contrector:caq.n ao',t;Tu*7'..\ Address: Town of Vail Registraion No. Dlectrical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Plumbins Contractor: Town of Vail Regisfation No \l'1- ff\ MECHANICAL $ tYoao - CONTRACTOR INFORMATION OTIIER: $ Wood/Pellet 9761 Qa{-o76Q Heatloss ttarysis Report WIRSBO Radiant Panel Heattng System ProJecf#;NN Ihte: tl/1311090 Prcpared By Colorado Plumting Seruice Inc. 2335 E.7tt $t. Sotttt Rin€, Co. E1650 Phonc* (970)62il7€6 Fot# (970)0A5-0776 By: Bob Stafler Proiect Infonnation l{ame: ShapcrRemodellocalisr: Lot 10, Blod(2 Clocing D.b: Prciect Summary fodalH6efLos$ Floor Downward: Ceiling Uprad: O&cr Componcnts: $upplemcntal: Tffil RPH Load: Tobl ComHncd Load: ftrcftd'gSt/dorrw'/', '10,69|ffir'hr 1,530 Eht/hr 26,66? Bht/hr (0) Btu/h. 36,E80 Etu/hr 36,EtE Btt/hr ffiier: Eqlinecn Bob Statcr Total Ar6a: OuUoorTcmP: 1,130rF -20"F Rooms Requnng Supplementil; Detailed Heat Loss Data Room: Fandly noom GmesAra: Ceillng Helgt|t Vdum€: Perimeler Length: Air Chang6s: Room Temp: Room lnfi ltratlon: 595flr 11ft 0,545fir 0ft 0.50 per Hour 70'F 5,625 Bturhr T&ltl'',rLo'sj Fl@r Dc[YnYvanl: Ceiling Upvad: O$€r 5,950 Btu/hr 1,530 Btu/hr 18,17.[ Rdhr Net RPH Load: Urfr RPH tie?il Lo€d,: Fl@r C,ciling: 4ii.1 Btu/hrtlr N/A FloorComPonent FlootAr€: Unh€eiled Ar€: Nd Heated Area: FlorType: Fltor Cover R\,: Floor Insulation Rv: Edge Rv: Perimcter Rv: Temp Bddu Slab Depth: 5S5 fl3 0tr 595tr Susp€ndod 1.00 5.00 N/A 1{rA 60'F NI/A WdGr Tablo Pro66ne Space Belcn , H€d€d: Floor Surface Temp: lffil-ogg,; Do,i,nuiatd Lo6s: Up'md Led: Supplernontal: l,let Floor Load: Unit Hest Lo€d N/A Dlfr Source 86.5 "F 5,9fl) Btu/hr 19,7O4 Btu/hr (0) Btu/ttr 25,09f Btu/hr 43.1 Btu/hriff Pagc 1 WIRSBO *t, Panel Heatng SPtem Prdect/f Cgn Ire'ci 07/l3l1wg Ceiling Component Sp€ce Abo/€ Heded: Coiling Aroa: Unh€ated Ar€a: Net Heated Are: Ceiling Corer Rv: Ceiling Insulation Rv: Ceiling Surfaco T6mp: tlo 595 ll3 595 nF 0fl3 N/A 35.00 70.0 "F t rrt t @;(less sub components if any) Do'\rnward L€d: UpwErd Loss: Supplemetrtal: Net Ceiling [oad: Unit He€il Load: 0 Btu/hr 1,53Q Btu/hr (0) Btu/hr 1,530 Btu/hr N/A Room Com ponent tcngth I width (ft! Height (fl)Arc.(rF)Rv llcrt Loss (Btu/hr) Walll 29.00 11.00 319 20.00 1,287 Doorl 3.00 7.00 21 5.00 378 Windowl 2.00 3.00 6 2.00 270 Windovr2 2.@ 3.00 6 2.00 270 Wal12 29.00 11.00 319 20.00 868 Doorl 6.00 7.00 42 6.00 756 Doo12 e.00 7.00 42 5.00 756 Windou/1 2.00 3.50 7 2.O0 315 WindoM 2.00 3.50 7 2.00 315 Window3 9.50 3.00 28 2.00 1,260 Wal13 24.00 9.00 216 20.00 742 Windovrl 2.OO 5.(x)10 2.00 450 Windor2 2.00 5.00 10 2.OO 450 Windor3 2.04 5.00 10 2.00 450 Windo,4 2.00 5.00 10 2.00 450 Windo/vs 4.50 2.50 11 2.00 495 Wd14 24.OO 9.00 216 20.00 742 Windowl 2.00 5.00 10 2.N 450 Windovv2 2.00 5.00 10 2.00 450 Windowg 2.00 5.00 10 2.OO 450 Windor4 2.00 5.00 10 2.00 450 WindorS 4.50 2.50 11 2.00 4S5 Room.'Garage Gross Ar€: Ceiling Height: Volume: Perimeter Length: Air Changes: Room Temp: Room Infiltration: 535 f 11ft 5,885fl9 0ft 0.50 per Hour 60 "F 4,t196 Btu/hr Totef lileaf Loss; Floor Domwanl: Ceiling Up,vatd: Other 4,744 Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr 8,.188 Btu/hr Net RPH Load: Unt RPH Haat Lod: Floor: Ceiling: 24.7 &u&rfi: N/A FloorGomponent FIOOI AIEA: Unheat€d Ar€€: Net Heied Area: Floor Typ€: 535tr 0fF 535 flF Shb On Grede Wailer Table Ptesecrt: Spaca Belour Fleated: Floor Surface TemP: ,trf fct,' No N/A 67.9'F UnRSBo n"tt Panel Heafing system Prctiacf,fii 9929Itebi Oillulgls Floor Cover Rv: Under Slab Rv: Edgo Rv: Perimeter Ru Tetnp BelcnM Slab Depth: 0.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 35'F 4 inch6 Dorvnurard Loss: Upwsrd L€d: Supplernental: Net Floor Load: Unit Heat Led 4,744Btulhr 8,488 Btu/hr (0) Btu/hr 13.232 Btdhr 24.7 Btu/hr/ff Ceiling Component Space Abore Heated: C€iling Ar€a' Unheated Area: Net Hegted Are6: Ceiling Cwer Ru Celling Insulation Rv: Coiling Surlee T€mp: Yes 535 fl3 535 f13 0ll3 N/A 35.00 00.0'F fre.t Lo6.; (l€ss sub components if any) Elomrruard Load: Uplvard Lo6s: SupplomGntal: Net Ceiling Load: Unft Heat Load: 0 Btt/hr 0 Btu/hr (0) Btuftr 0 Btu/hr N/A Room Component Length / wtdth (fi) Hcbm(n)Ar€r (tF)Rv Heat Locs (Btu/hr) Walll zl.l)t)1.00 297 20.00 592 Doorl 18.00 8.00 14 5.00 2,3U Windowl 2.00 2.50 5 2.00 200 Wal12 7.00 1.00 n 20.00 224 Doorl 3.00 7.00 21 5.00 336 Wd13 't2.o0 7.00 u 20.00 336 l'lo6gc: The intendcd use of this program is to p1oride accurate heat loee and d66ign dgh for Wirsbo Radiant Syetems. The heat h6s and d6ign data g€ner"tea Oy ttr" 'program will only be s accur€*e as the information supPlied. Wirsbo Company is not re6poffiible for th6 misuse of this program. frsign Review lct?n Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Shaper Project Description: new garage Owner, Address and Phone: Steve Shaper, 5251 Westheimer, Houston,TX 77056-5404 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: The Resort Collaborative International., 1000 S. Frontage Rd. West #300. Vail CO 81657 Project Street Address: 2645 Bald Mountain Rd Legal Description: Lot 10, Bl2, Vail Village l3th Parcel Number: Building Name: Comments: Project# PRJ99-0031 Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Jeff Hunt Date:5-13-99 F:/EVERY{JN E/DRB/A PPROVAI-/9gishap€r Board / StaffAction Action: staffapproval DRB Fee Pre-Paid: 200.00 itii l o PROPOSF.D LANDSCAPING PROPOSED TREES ANDSHRUBS: EXISTING TREES TO BEREMOVED: Botanical Namc Picea pungens . Common Namc Colorado spruce Colorado spruce Atnntitv 10 Sizc' _8'-l0, 8t Colorado spruce.4',- 6', 'Mininrunt rcquircmcnls for landscaping:dcciduous trccs - 2 inch caliPcr conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcight shrubs - 5 gallons Squarc Footatc GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGANON TFEORMETHOD OF EROSIONCONTROL Tvnc Na t lve 1,5O0 +/- Blue grass 2,5o0 +l- all areas OTHER L^ANDSCAPE F.EATUnIS G.t"ining.walls, fcnccs, wimming pools, ac.) Plcasc spccify. lndicatc top and bo[om clcrrations of rctaining valts. ivfaximum bcight of walls within thc front sctback is 3 fccL Maximum hcigbt of walls clssrrhac on thc propcrty is 6 fc* Wall attaching existing structure and extension. Spa as shown on plan. MAR-O3-99 1?.Oo FROM. LAND TITLE GUARANTEE I,AIL ID: 3o3 4?6 4334 PAGE oI,D RNI,IC NATIONAL TITLE INSURJG COMPANY ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Our Order * vTF2550?3 For InformaLion onIYz*zffi 1. r.-,fl..rve.'€ ?14p--r>-..l-At :t\€<. %?-a.z-=, - z ?# <-"jFl<rli-- iar THIS IS NOT AN TO THIS ORDER, Effeccive Date: 3. 4. 5. rN'OICE, BIIT AN ESTIMATE OF FEES. WI{EN REFERRING plnase ierserNcp ouR oRDER No' vtr'255073 *ir z /,2-lq7 aE 5:00 P-M. Thee8tateorinlere8cinthelanddescribedorreferredtointrris CommitmenE and cowered herein is: A Fee SimPIe TiEIe ro tshe esEage or inEeresE covered herein is aE Ehe effecbive daEe hereof vesEed in: =rf€Pr rE--J 5 t+r1e,ge- {- to in Ehis Corunitment is deecribed as Sw e' Z-- >-vr,*g4 The land referred follows: I,OT 10, BLOCK 2, VAIt VIIJI'AGE TITIRTEENTH FILING ACCORDING TO THE RECOR.DED PIAT TI{EREOF, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO' PAGE MAE-O3-99 l7'OO FROM: LAND TITLE GUARANTEE AL't'Ia, (iMMllMIlNT S(:HUL)ULE N - 2 ( h'x(:{,tpL.iorl$ )Our Order: # V'fF;Irrr0'/ 1 'llrcr pol i r:y rrr- 1rr.rJ. i 1; i(.rr.i t o be i.ssrrerj wil.l corrl.;rirt exc-^pL j.orrs L.r.r t'.lre I'o1lbwirrcy L t.l r-)Jil: f,lt('.t s:iltne :rrc: CtiSpOseCl of f-o thc SaEi5facf.'icrrt of. r. lrrt Ccttul:r.'tttY : .l . t;f-;rlr(l.rr.cl Ilx(:C[]t'.i<Jtt*: I l-.hr()rr1lh 5 printed (rtr LhC cOr,.er: Slreef.. f;. 'firxt:$ ,tttrl ;tt;:;r:lr:tlrirlr.s tr()t. ycl- due or: p:ryable and special a$[;(]$t.inlerlf.r.i I|()1. yet: cprt j t j r:d t.o the 'frr:aliurer' sl rlf f it:e. 'l . /\rry rrnlj.r i.l t .|xr':1.'i ()l- il:i:if r:i:;tl\ritlL il agai.rrsr. said .l.and. B. LierL*t t.ot ttttp.-r.i.cl wirt.t*r ancl sewer char:ger, if atry. 9. Rl(,ilt'l' Olt ltlt()!,t{.LU'I'Olr Ot? A VFTN ()R LOL}U TO II|XTR.AC'r /\ND RUt'l()VU lllS ()fiFi THLIH.K:IIR()M :]IIOt'f.I) TI.IN $AMF: tsIJ !'OUND TO PENEI'RATE OR INTNR.SNC:'I' TI{FI PIIb:MISES AS I{li:ljttttvF:Il lN l,NI'I'EIJ S'lA'ftijs PATF:Nr RECOI{$ED May 06, l'r0l;, lN IJOOK 4B AT PA(:ll;i rr0r). ru. R:t(lrn' or.' wny t'ol{ l)rr,cltus oR CANALS CoN,STR.UCTF:D BY 'rHE nU',I'lloRI'IY OIr 1'Hli UNT'I'hiI) !,i'['A'I'I:JIJ A{J I?.DSTiRVED IN tJNI'TBD STATF:$ FATEN'I' RECORT)BD MNY (}(" 1.(JO'J, IN ts(X)K 48 AI.t,A(-;tl l;09. 11.. RF:ti't'Rt(i't'l.VLl (lC)vI'NANTS, t^ilIT(:H DO No'I CONTATN A l'oRtEI'I'URu Oi{ Fnvnft'rl':l{ CLA(JT.Jh: , BTTI'()MI'I*TTN(; RI.:S;'IRIC'TIONS, TF ANY, IJASED ON RACR. (:0I,()R. h'.h:I.'I.GI()N. oR NA.f roNAl, ou.t.(.itN, AS CONTATNF:D IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED ocrt.()l.rr:rr' oll , l.r'lt, IN tt(X)K J..1fi A'r l.,A(;tj 1.46 ANt) n.S AI4ENIJBD TN INSTRUMDNT RIICORDFID liePt.r..'tttlrr-rr lil, l(r./tl , IN lt()(Jt( 2'7ri A.i b'A(.;u (;28. .l t1 . EAtit.iMt{N't.'li , RutirihtvNfIONS AND RES'I'RICTIONTj AS-; S!{OWN OR RESERVtiD oN 't'tlL: RU(IOITf II{I' I'[.I\''I' (.'I;' VAlI, VILLATJE TI.IIRTEEN'I'H I'ILING. vArL ID: 3O3 476 4534 PAGE l.'A(lll IECOHEN F-ffHI**trU"LtrTTf,OF TRANSnflTTTAL Edwards, Colorado 81632 (n0\92csffi EAX (970) 92634/,4) WE ARE SENDING YOU {Attacnea Under separate cover via d Plan"! Shop drawings E Copy of letter ! Printstr tr Change order Samples the following items: I Specifications d oon 5 ltq lqt l'oun?q - )9,' ATTEIITION - ^'' 3v rf 6rr- fl *t^vf Bht> mru ft.J) Vrtru 6 coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 2-f lts lcs ?LeNs att-P€tttrltr hgy'et LtFna^) I {ltc ltt (-auqrlutcfr-ta.P,n,rn '- H/t-tcrrnd,) flnln Qoat^ c-- u/*v Pcrr,'..r lfllvt (*r'tt\) *b7n" a< t clnlqt (aurm,xalou Prrr.u-.,uu Pu*tt ^ror a-a qc,fttE THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ! For approval {F' yor, ,". E As requested D For review and comment tr FOR BIDS DUE Approved as submitted Approved as noted Refurned for corrections tr Resubmit -copies for approval tr Submit - ccoies for distribution I Return - corrected Drints tr n tr D 19 - tr PRINTS RETURNEDAFTER LOANTOUS REMARKS SIGNED: COPY TO ll enclosures are not as noted, kindly notily us at onca 0l/20/0O 12:15 llg70 928 3410 COEEN CONSTRUCTI Jah-19-OO O3:39P AIA Pla:8tics./Industrles 3O3 e96 214€|tl @ooz/oozP-Oe R.I.fl. industries Jannry lq zom 732-1MEM R.IR ffinCxtreCru RAL PBODUCTS To: COHEN COISiTRUCTION' INC' 21o Edrmnls Vltlago Blvd., A2[)1 P.O. Box'tE89 Edwards, CO E1632 AGrrtion: Jefi Cohen Frorn: Frillk Kri€deman Job: ShaPer Rec-, Vail, GO Re: Skylighl info PurEuanl lo yorr requesl fc desbn infoarElim Al the s||(ylighl io. lhc above mentiored prcpct rrc fitrd the followng 1. Skylighr O-C.D. is 97' x Et" for a bt l ot tf.56 sq' fr. 2. Glazim is .250 acrylicformEd inlo a 5;t2 pvramid slrape 3. Allowing br a toad reclJc$qt due t0 lh€ pyrnflid shape and sabty factor of orc. s|9 see no problem with this writ meeting erct dogign rsquilements' Pl€ase fe€l free to call wiUl any qrestims corwning ftig project' $incerely,{Z- fr,-.(* Frank l(neclemen Design D6partmetrt Ol ' t7- oo 5r*r Gu.", Fh+s Bet11 a6nplp6 oF uBr ' 2eaur'ze-rwt-'ul-s' til PgAn€OS ?6 d.a+s'1.1s21,61./s1 . Sat- ut-s€ k-+ta^ts rC. DeSrer.r 13 M:re*rn Fec>m {cBB" A+Famt, Uz- MOS|- 06-fl+a^J a-ryd APPPo\jF(- 0,C . 29OEast56thAve. ' Denver,GO80216-1711 ' 303-296-9696 ' Fax: 303-296-2146 OV2n/00 12:15 ss70 028 s140 ittltllttat t TO: ATTN:Charlie Davis PHONE: 479-213€ - FAX NO.: 47$2452 9a9tra.rr.trrr!r'rrri,r.r.rtt..rtaairrraa{rrrrr.r.r.t.t.ta.t.tttti.r"ttrrtrtrrrt Re: Shaper RsmodeUAddition, Pemit #899-0130 In reeponse to yout requost for information regarding the skylight installation at the abovE refsrenc€d project, attached is a letter I received trom the manufacturer- COEEN CONSIRUCTI *ilta.r.ttrrrtrraalllaltltlrl.t..n..r.Irtrt.ttal Itt' Gohen Construetion, lnc. @ ool/oo2 210 EdrYards Village Blvd,, A-201 P.O. Box 1889, Edwards, Coloado 81632 Phone: Far: (970) 926-3443 (970) 926€440 FAXTRANSMIfiAL DATE: 1/20/00 FROM: JeffCohen NO- OF PAGES (incl. cover sheet): 2 Hard Copyto lollowvia Mail: Yes Nol_ f s ll--- I = ul n-n l ooz-TI o-cn J 6z $I; EqF cz SHAPER REMODEL LOT 10, BLOCK 2 VAIL VILTAGE The R.*rt Design C otlaboratirre I ntemarional Sheet No : ASI#3 lq lR l$ -Jo7m f,zm mfr Eqds{sjr8 .ofo'+q.-z G\ icE i3d flils>E mmz (DI T 6 E-l f[r F X {{l G\tr ot-- Ff;df;q{[ SHAPER REMODEL LOT iO, BLOCK 2 VAIL VILLAGE Ttr" R.rc* D.sign C o llaborative I nternational Sheet No : ASt#3 ..-\< REP?I3I IOXI OT,VAIL, CoLORADO PAGE I[ AREAT CDCI2/L3121ilm O7t45 REQUESTS - IIISPECTII UORI( SHEETS FOR: 2lI5f2O Aotlvity: 899-O13O 2/l5lm Type: A-llF Statuel fSSUED Congtr: AllF Addreser 2645 BALD llOUllTAIll RD LocatLon: 2645 BALD llTil RD Prrce].r 2L$L-O34-0L-O27DeeoftttLon: BUILD GARAGE UITH LIYI!|G SPACEt1flitant: COHEII COIISTRUCTIOI| t*nerr SIIAPER STEYEr{rtrrotorr GtlllEll COIISTRUCTIOn Uger Y l-HROcc: ABTIVE(REIiODEL' Phone: 97O-926-3443 Phonel Phone: 970-926-3443 r-rt*lr ltfOr, old tloticea.... Ad?I|GTTlfi.torr TGO'd rLth bond to finLgh rail, hot tub doors A;;;;;-;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;,....--- ---- ------11- feffitfr: JEFF Phon{: 92F-B$A}t "lfar O8:l Comnente: DOOR & HAITDRAILS I r rt\ r nrtItet r{rcrtcd to h rnspected-.. Actlon Conlents l^ [l t ' fVV Irr:ll5-Eaai ^ ir Tl.re Exp +L l*-*j/crA2-1"* J-4u-o -.to 0 9s Inepeolltn llaiory..... 6/-{Itrnr {51O drJ-vevay grade fl.nal 'Cnfi)41,t-z-A;Vr,ifr< APPR'YED r'ffftur Otrfa B|.DG-Footi-nga/Steel l|6.lLel99 Inepectorr CD Actionr APPR ' I|tea: 6TEil HALL FOOTIIIG IIOT If,STALLED ATItrr: CI BLDE-FoundatLon/Steel @r2Vl99 fnapector: CD Act!.on: APCR APPRBVED/CORRECTIUII REODllotee: THIS IllSPECTIOll DOES llOT IIICLUDE THE STEII HALL ORTIE IN TO EXSITIIIG FOUIIDATIOII ADJUST REBAR I'AT TO OBTAIII 2' CLGANAilCE FROil FORII BOARD AT THE BACK UALLIterr OA52L PLAII-ILC Foundation Plan O9/Ogl99 Inapector: CD Actl.onr ll0 lle routed to allieon l|gl97 l99 Inapector: AO Ar:tion: APPR APPROVEDIterr OO5.2O PLAil-ILC Slte Plan O9lO3/95 Inspector: CD Actlon: ll0 iJ.c routed to alll.son W/O? 199 Inapector: AO Actlon: APPB APPBOVEDIterr U|/|.3|, BlJ)6-FraulngO8lW99 Inepectorl GD Actl.on: Dll ILC REC'Dllotee: A FOUtlDATIOll ILC Rm'D SEE COIIDITIOIIS COITTRACTOR HAS BEEX ilOTIFIED AT lOr4O At Algl99 Agf07lgg Inepector: CD AstLonr APPR UITH COnnECTIOftllotegr COIIPLETE NAIL OFF OF HAIIGER AT TRIPLE 2tlt2 III ROOFIter: 0OOSO BlDG-Ineul.ation Ogl$gl99 Inepector: CD Ar:tLon: APPR APPROVED. llotee: franlng correction radeIten; Wil|6;O Bl.Dti-Sheetrock llall 09/16.199 Inspectorr ART Actlon: APPR Appr partLal ae notedlllotes: APPnOVED DBYTALL FASTEnIIG AllD IiARAEE/DUELLIIIG OCCUPAIICY SEPARATTON TITH EXCEPTIOil OF TTO RECESSED LIGHT FIXTURESln THE GAnAGE CEILInG, PEI|ETRATIOITS EXCEED 16 SC. Ilt.Eit.. COIITRACTOR IS TO CALL F.oN f,ETilSPECTIOlr OF THIS AREA THIS TIIIE SEC SI/3 9912?199 Inepector: GD Arvtl-onr APPR CORRECTIOII IIADE REPTl31 TOUII t'F YAIL, COL{'nADO PA6E 5 AREA: CDOztl1lz0W O7t,45 REOUESTS - ItlSPEcT[ r0nr SHEETS FOR; 2tt5/20 ====E==========================E==E========r==== ==== = == = = ===== = =======E= = = ===E=E=. I|oteg: CAil LIGHTS HAYE BEEII BACK BOXED ,fITH s/SITYPE X DRYTALL TO COIIPLETE FIRE RESTSTIVE ASSEIIBLV AROUIID CAil LIGHTSIterr ees:l3 PLAI|-TEIIP. CIO OZIOSIOO Inspectorr CDlloteg: bond ig Ln palce atthe Hot tub end hand 62164lg0 Inepector: ALLfSOil AtrtLon: APPR conditLonsIterr oo530 BLD6-Tenp. CIO O2/W/6O Inepector: CDIterr amOTQ BLDG-ltisc.lters WrO9f| BLDG-Final L2123199 Inepector: CDllotee: -rerove outhouge -tenp handrsil-g do not corpl.y to UBC desl,gn gutdlLnes of reeJ.etLng 2Ol per li.neal foot preaeure -plannlng dept approval regul.red. The proJect regul-ree anenclogure to connect the garage to the nsl.n Etruature. Th1g not corplete at this tLne Actlon: APPR per slll-al.on . .'thl'e tl.re. lluet f,Lnleh the enclosurc raLl. l.netalatlon Aatl-on: APPR conplete the Actionl Dll eee notee \\-\v Ls"- \ - ".", i- -r.tr'. ()N-." q .n, \V q$t$ ','f !s'\ x,*\r,rvt.^q 5 ,}x\ -.$\''$l g fj/.1{-a..u n V *-No .t; b f oi'1:i\'w-o r{1dtr p...^\' ' \'\--- .l\ .'-1',^.*,-,,.g"'\1q1* t Departmcnt of Commwity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 February 22, 2000 Ath: Letter of Credit Department Nonrest Bank International 633 l?th ft, 3d Floor Denver, CO 80202 Cohen Consblction PO Box 1889 Edwards. CO 81632 RE: Shaper Residence Remodel located at 2645 Bald Mountain Rd. /Lot 10, Block 2, Vail Village 13e To Whom It May Concern: The Shaper Residence Remodel, located at 2645 Bald Mountain Rd. / Lot 10., Block 2, Vail Village t3h, has been completed and received its Cenificate of Occupancy. Inevocable letter of credit # 540?365 can be released. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 970 479-2369. Allison Ochs Planner tr Tonn of Vail d {p*u* "o *axr &maa LETTER OF CREDIT FOHMAT THIS AGFEEMEN-T, made and entered.into tfris /{ft oay of f,ruurr",, , t_gfl$ 1!onS Gu,r*, 6-'.r,--,^r.i-*- " inereinatter calei tnJ Oevetope/,), and theTo-wN oF vAtL (hereinafter catteo t|'";;fiwn ; anit tuolii"gi elo". ' thereinaftercalled the "Bank"). _,--- y^lFHElSl !!" Devetoper, as a condition of approvat of the _P:T^1.1i:d_^# ts_t!...- wisnes to enter innolbweropd WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collaterat sufficient in thejudgment of the Town to make reasonable provisibns for compleiion ot certain improvements setforth below: and WHEREAS' the Developer wjshes to provide collateral lo guarantee performance of thisAg.reement, including construction ol the above-referenced improiements by means of thefollowing: lmprovement Agreement; and Developer agrees to establish 3rrrymr--Ra- >€9. of credit with a Bank in Eagle County in a dollar the tolal cost ot the work shown below) to provide IMPROVEMENT ftL 1116 c,oirfuEno^.r o? 'TH6 6u.zlotpA : . 9yi l,v-.Hf l2,ooo e . Hor TOG \Doo lL S { i?lr}n Y, ooo .;. . An*gtfr1eL lrf o4gnr;,, +t*.rts- ll O Og lL | 8, ooo t 2, ooo 9- Tor*:,-t lo, ooo z* NOW' THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements,the Developer and lhe Town agree as tollows: 1. The Developer agrees, at the sole cost and expenses, to furnish all equipmentand malerial necessary to perform and complete all improvements, on or before %The.Deve|opersha||comp|ete,inagoodworkman|ikemanner,a|llmprovements as listed above, in accordance with all plans and specifications liled in the office ofthe Co.mmunity Development Department, the Town of Vail, and tb do all work incidental theretoaccording to and in compliance with the following: a. Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifications, sketches, and other matter submitted by the Developer to be approved by any of lhe above-relerenced governmental entities. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Ofticiai, or other official lrom the Town of Vail, as atfected by special districts or iervice districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Town ol vail community Development Department and pubtic Works Department. 2. To secure a.nd guarantee perforrnance of ils obligations as set forth herein, lheDeveloper agrees to provide security and collateral as follows: lrrevocable letter of credit #:E:!.:eZALd_in the amount of $_!A-_o,oo__Z__with l\Jo.n-wr<ar- ?n^rz- (name of bank in ragil6 county) as the security for the improvements set forth above if there is a def-ault unoeiine Agreement by Developer. l€gal Doscriplion: Lot_ Block _ Fage I o[J 3' The Developer may at any lime substitute the collateral originally set forth abovefor another form ol collateral acceptabte io tne rorn io ;r;;";il;ili"itnrur comptetion of thoseimprovemenls referred to herein and the performance oithe terms of this Agreement. suchacceplance by the Town of alternative collateral shall be ar the Tou/n'a ioie oiscretion. 4. The Town shail not, nor shalr any ofricer or employee thereof, be riabre orresponsible for anv accr-lllt,l?.ss or damage hippening or occurring to the work specilied in rhisAgreement prior to the compretion and acc6ptanl-e of tne sare, nor-si,aiiin" ro*n, nor anyofficer or employee th.t99l'..ug.lilble for any persons or property injured by reason of the natureof said work, but ail of said liabirities snall aird are hereby "irur"J'ov t J oeveloper. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and nay ot itsofficers, agents.and employe-es igainst any losJes, claims, oamagei of;"ottitie. to which theTown or any of its orficers, qgg11s. or emptoyees may become suo]eci to, insotar as any suchlosses, claims, damages or liabilities 1or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of or are basedupon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Oevetoper snall reimburse the Townfor any and all legal or other etpense's reasonabiy incurred Uv 6re i6rn in connection withinvestigaring or defending any such loss, craim, oimage, tiabirity or action. This indemnityprovision shalr be in addition to any other riability wtrict me oeueropei mav nave. 5' lt is mutually agreed that the Devetoper may apply to the Town and the Town shallauthorize for partial release of the collateral deposiied witn rnb'r'orn roi eacn caregory olimprovement at such time as such improvements are constructed in compliance with all plansand specilicalions as relerenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. under no condition willthe amount of the collateral that is being held be reduced below the amount necessary tocomplete such improvements. 6' lf the Town determines, at its sore discretion, that any of the improvementscontemplated hereunder are not constructed in compliance *itn tnebrans and speciftcations setforth in this Agreement on or before the date set forth in earagraph { inJro*n may, but shallnot be required to, redeem the letter of credit as necessary to complete the unfinishedimprovements' The Bank shall release such funds upon wrinen request from the Town statingthat the improvements have nol. been completed as required by thii agreement. The Bank shallnot require the concurrenceot.the developer prior to release ol lhe tunds to the Town nor shallthe Bank be required to verify independently inat sucn improvements nave not been completedas required by this agreement, but shall release such funds sotety upontne Town,s writtenrequest. lf the costs of compreting the work exceed the amount or the deposit, the excess,together with interest at twerve percent per annum., shalr be a rienalainlitn" proprrty and maybe collected by civil suit or may ue certiiied to the treasurer of Eaglicounty to be collected in thesame manner as derinquent ad varorem taxes levied against srctiproperry. iim";;;;i;;il;'-fails or refuses to complete the cleanup and landscaping, ad delinio ih tnis chapter, such failureor refusal shall be considered a violation of the Zonirig iode. 7 ' The Developer u/arranls all work and material for a period of one year afteracceptance of all work referred to in this Agreement by the Town ii sucn worr is located on Townof Vail property or within Town of Vair righiof-wiy purrr"nt to section .r 7.1 6.2s0. 8' The parties hereto.mutually agree that this Agreemenl may be amended from timeto time, provided that such amendments be i-n writing ano eiecrreo uy atiparties hereto. Dated the day and year first above written. Pagc 2 of 1 o STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ss. was-aclqlqwledged- belore me this Notary Public -day of 19_ by Witness my hand and otlicialseal. My commission expires: Nolary Public Bank STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ss. The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged before me this day of 19_by Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires:_ Notary Public n!J:,; :i' W ?7 ":V -" * gSeT; Witness my hand and official seal. My commission STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged belore me this Pladner, Community Development t\owrlrons\torms\dovi mPeg.ltf Prgc 3 of 3 mfEst &q rKsuffffattf NORWEST BA}IK MINNESOTA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION ATTN: LETTERS OF CREDIT, ROANOKE BUIL,DING, FIFTII FI-,OOR 109 SOTITH 7TH ST., MINNEAPOI-,IS, MN 55402 ieiex NUMBER: 6734665 swrFT ADDRESS: NWNBUS44 TMPoRTS/EXPORTS 1-800-5s3 -3769 ,JANUARY 04, 2000 TO: TOT{N OF VA'IL 75 SOUTH FROIiilIAGE ROAD VAIIT, CO 81-557 ACCOUNT PARTY: COHEN CONSTRUCTION SITAPER RESIDENCE REMODEI-, P.O. BO XL889 EDWARDS, co 81632 wEoPENIRREVoCABIJESTANDBYLETTERoFCREDITNUMBERS40T365IN THE AIrtOIlNr oF 1o,ooo.0o usD ( TEN THOUSAND Al{D 00/100 u's' DOLI-,ARS) IN FAVOR OF YOURSELVES EXPTRES APRrL 0l-, 2OOO AT OUR COUTiTTERS THISIsACLEANIJETTERoFCREDITAVAII-,ABLEAGAINSTDRAFTSDR'A9IN AT srGHT oN NORWEGi gANr MTNNESOTA' NATT6NAT' Asso_crATroN, MINNEAPoLIS,MINI'-TESoTABEARINGTIIEcLAUsE:||DRAV{NI]IIDERSTANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT NUMEEN S407365 OF NORWEST BANK MINNESOTA' NATIONAL ASSOCIATION I I . PAYMEMT WIIIIJ BE MADE AT NATIONAL ASSOCIATION. THE COUI\I1fERS OF NORWEST BA}IK MINNESOTA' THIS CREDIT IS SI'BJECT TO DOCUMENTARY CREDITS (1993 COMMERCE PUBI,ICATION NO. THE T]NIFORM CTISTOMS AIiID PRACTICE FOR NTVTSTOTS) ]NTERNATIONAIJ CHAMBER OF 500. UNLESSOTHERWISESTATED,ALLDOCT'MENTSARETOBEFORWARDEDTO;;lt MArL, oR HAND DELTvERED To ouR couNTERs' NC 12t15 MUL (5-91-7W71) *** COIIT']NUED ON NEXT PAGE *** ff(nfEsrA/qivr(saaatffat/J PAGE 2 DOCUMENTS ARE TO BE DIRECfED TO: OKE BUILDING, NoRwEsr B.ANK MrNN;loia, NATlgryll-AssocrATroNt RoANt FrFrH Fl,ooR, l-09 ;ourH'?TH sTREET'*;iNNEAPor''is' MN s5479 ATEN: TNTERNATToNAJ, PRo;;&--seRvrcEs' LiTTERS oF cREDrr' MAc N9312-051. OR NoRWEST BANK rMrERNATroNAr,, 633 17TH srREET, 3RD Fl,ooR, DEIr{\IER' lo^'ii6zozl-aT'rt{' IETTER oF cREDrr DEPT' CAbICELLATION OF LETfER OF CREDIT PRIOR TO EXPIRATION: THIS I.,ETTER OF CREDIT.IANI AIAMAOUNTTS.'.-i;-A}-IY) MUST BE RETURNED TO US FOR CANCEI-,I,ATIOii'Wrrrr A STATEMdi PUNbONTUOLY SIGNED BY THE BENEFICIARY StEtii<i T',,^;t iTTN I-,ETTER OF CREDIT IS NO I-,ONGER REQUIRED AND IS E.;iNC RETURNED TO THE ISSUING BAI\TK FOR CANCEI-,LATION. WE HEREBY ENGAGE WITH BENEFICIARY THAT DOCTJMENTS DRAWN IN ACCORDA}ICE WIT; ;iiTS-iETTTR OF CREDIT WII.,L BE DI'I,Y iowonno uPoN PRESENTATToN' ouR REF. NO. s407365 AUTHORIZED TA, NATIONAI-, AIIfHORIZED S IGNATT'RE NC 121.5 MUL (*91-m171t ,fdfE &ANKSttantJ!fa NORWEST BAI{K MINNESOTA, NATIONAI-' ASSOCIATION ATTN: I,ETTERS OF CREDIT, ROANOKE BUII,DING, FIFTII FIJOOR 109 SOIITH 7TH ST., MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 TEI-,EX NUMBER: 6734665 SWIFT ADDRESS: NWNBUS44 TMPORTS/EXPORTS 1- 800 -5s3 -3759 .TANUARY 04, 2OOO TO: TOWN OF VAIL 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 ACCOI]NT PARTY: COHEN CONSTRUCTION SIIAPER RESIDENCE REMODEI., P.O. BO X1-889 EDWARDS, CO 81632 WEOPENIRREVOCABLESTANDBYI.'ETTEROFCREDITNUMBERS4OT3S5IN THE AMOUNT oF l-o,ooo.oo usD ( TEN THOUSAND AND 00/100 u's' DOI,IARS) IN FAVOR OF YOURSEI-,VES EXPIRES APRIL 01, 2OOO AT OTIR COTJIiI1TERS THISIsACI,EAT{LETTERoFCREDITAVAILABLEAGAINSTDRAFTSDRAI^IN AT SIGHT oN NoRwEsT BA}ilK MINNESoTA, NATIoNAI, AsSo-cIATIoN, MINNEAPoLIS,MINNESoTABEARINGTHEcI.,AUsE:|'DRAWNUNDERSTANDBY LETTERoFCREDITNT]MBERs40T3S5oFNoRwEsTBANKMINNESoTA' NATIONAL ASSOCIATION"' THE COUNTERS OF NORWEST BA}TK MINNESOTA.PAYMENT WII,I, BE MADE AT NATIONAI-, ASSOCIATION. T'HIS CREDIT IS SUB.]ECT TO DOCUMENTARY CREDITS (l-993 COMMERCE PI'BI.,ICATION NO. THE IJNIFORM CUSTOMS A}iID PRACTICE FOR REVISION) INTERNATIONAJ-, CHAMBER OF s00. I]NLEssoTHERWISESTATED,AI-.LDoct]MENTsAREToBEFoRWARDEDTo US BY MAIL, OR HAND DEI,IVERED TO OUR COI'NTERS' NC 42115 MUL 1541-70474) *** CONTINUIED ON NEXT PAGE *** tfraf WES&4NKSttfftaartf ouR REF. NO. s407355 AUTHORIZED TI'RE TA, NATTONAT., ASSOC PAGE 2 DOCI]MENTS ARE TO BE DIRECTED TO: NoRwEsTBANKMINNESoT.A',NATIoNAI,AssocIATIoN,RoAI{oKEBUII.DING, FIFTH FLOOR, 1-09 SOIIfH 7TH STREET, MINNEAPOLIS' MN 55479 ATTN: rt.ltsRNatroNAl.J PRoDUCT sERvIcEs, LETTERS oF CREDIT, MAc N9312-051. OR NORWESTBANKINIERNATIONAL,633I-?THSTREET'3RDFI-'OOR'DENVER' CO 80202, ATTN: LETTER OF CREDIT DEPT' CAIICELLATIoNoFI,ETTERoFCREDITPRIoRToEXPIRATIoN:THIS I,ETTER OF CREDIT (AI{D AMENDMENTS, IF AI{Y) MUST BE RETURNED TO US FOR CA}ICELLATION WTTH A STATEMENT PURPORTEDIJY SIGNED BY rIlHE BENEFICIARYSTATINGTIIATTHEI.ETTERoFCREDITISNoI.oNGER REQUIRED AND 1S BEING RETI'RNED TO THE ISSUING BANK FOR CAIiICELI.,,ATION. WE HEREBY ENGAGE WITH BENEFICIARY THAT DOCUMENTS DRAWN IN ACCORDANCE W]TH THIS LETTER OF CREDIT WILI' BE DULY HONORED T'PON PRESENTATION' ATITHORIZED S IGNATI]RE NC 42145 MUL (5-9tm474) D4(O..lL*g. \i -B(K e, Lo{-ro 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2120 Finance Department Fr6E t4 AREA r JFI{ FAX970-479-2157 REPTI3l TOIIII OF VAIL, COLORADO Lztztt1999 67157 REOUESTS - I}{SPECTil tlORK SHEETS FOR:ll/2ll1999 Actlvtty: 1199-0078 I2/2L/19 Type: B-llECH Stetue: ISSUED Conetr: ASFR Addreee: 2645 EALD l{0uilTr1}t RB Locatlon: 2645 Beld llountaln Rd Parcelr 2l0l-034-01-027 Oe,c:Uee : Deeer'lptlonr llechanj.cel for Radlant Panel Heatlng SyetenApplleantr C0LOftAD0 PLUI|EII{6 gERyICE, I[C. Fhoner g?0-6tE-0?64 Ovnerr SHAPER STEVE phoner fisntr'Ectar'r 00LORADE PLUHBil{G sERvrcE, illc. phone: 970-621-0764 Irrepectlon iequeat Fequaatorr l(elth Inforrnstlon. . . . Fy'rney uente I Inepeeted. Phone: 904-5338 Aetlon Commente Tlne Exp Inepectlon Hlatory.....Itenr 00200 HECH-Rouqh 68129199 Inepector: CD LA/L1199 Inepector: CD Iter: 00310 IIECH-Heatlng Actlon: PA SEE llOTE IIoteEI E VEI{T AND BATH VEIITILATIOII APPROVED COIIAIR COHFIGURATIO}I IIOT APPROVED. THE BOILER IS I}I AII A8 OF CDIIFIIIED EPACE III UIIUSUALLY T16HT COI{ETRUCTIOII IIHICH REBUIRES CO}IAIR TO BE OBTAII{ED FROII THE OUTSIDE. COIIAIB CAN IIOT BE OBTAIIIED FROI{ THE GARAEE OAIOTl9S Inapector: CD Actlonr APPR COtliIR DUCTS Itenl 00240 PLtIB-Gae Plplng Actionr APPR l0fpt for 15 nln heat nslna and anornelt Itenr Itenr Iten l Itern r Loll5nq Inepeator'r fft Acttonr APPR HoteEl heat msine teeted 52* pt enornelt nalne 58*pt driveray and alte enosnelt teetad at 80fpt OO32O IfECH-Exheuet Hoode 00330 tIECH-Supply Alr 05346 IIECH-lllec. O0390 IIECH-FinaI T 1 REIATTAIICE COFY "/4tu(- r((ftJ.k:t o Design Review Action TOWII OF VAIL o Form Project Name: Shaper Project Description: new garage Owner, Address and Phone: Steve Shaper, 5251 Westheimer, Houston,TX 77056-5404 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: The Resort Collaborative lnternational., 1000 S. Frontage Rd, West #300. Vail CO 81657 Project Street Address: 2645 Bald Mountain Rd Legal Description: Lot 10, 812, Vail Village l3th Parcel Number: Building Name: Comments: Project# PRI99-0031 Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: JeffHunt Date: 5-13-99 F:iEVERYONBDRB/APPROVAI"/99/Shaper Board / StaffAction Action: staff approval DRB Fee Pre-Paid: 200.00 05/I2/Sg WED 09:17 {t'i, F'AX 303 623 2262 PSA DENYER @ooe t o uuimm Ero6ao[ hioL htan r laiondo an cuenn lc xiol*oo dc lo rqrro dr rcrnor del troodrz y . iLhttdo ls hoburc nec.otio pq! ht 'iiu:bl(Y*l b carbr?G lo pd3ho tl. Hqgo lqr rcpqrbr ndtfurioe babe & cortqr iiggl. Oblengo cesoromicqlc y un png'do Dlch{iqnsl d e! o qhr-nos dc uro vlgq o Lhin clanrnto rirudurd. C6bcrr lirbncr dr caoyo 9qrg que el lfdgo. luz de& ped{octord'tJfiii o lo irAirm.- ft€rroir: hiblles br lhbour en rarldsd b rorltLn de h ruinuc & rllhce du'nitr de lumiile Gt le neterisl dc fiolbn irrlGdcur, ct lolrrc vn.icort { lelftonco odiquot lcouper tronrrrrrdes. p- 21. A$ur.re,r!-Ju lerflcn n6ccrrgirc svar* ilc couo"t lrt <h.vrons; precun*.eul hs conseilr Arrurrz+r,u du :crrrlLn rdcanrrire g\'trs dc couo"r l"r ch.wons; prectrt*r.9ul t66 conic et l; phnr d'un lpeiiolice gua d! coupar lrr kincr el plr d un chevron- tnOoll iqct rohe6 ek. os neceisory lo Lllp rkvllghl od.quahb rupponrd by dre rcof.' lnrtqllez des crponno ou oulE cho5e dJ brroin- afin ouc' h ouiE dc lumiL sdlbcsctn, qfin qui lc puir dc lomi suiourr b'ran 'sorrcriu oc le tuitouiours bian 'sotlcliu par .'") tlriF PLruring igr.rritri: lgegiur de qte lo mlh dd noted ad rqql en d luLo lidp v lq .qto dd 't-o'|c 'e F.rdF ltl. !d d.aqlLr dtnethq b FAidel d. h bdrE d &'w', cl dcnolr robc d errco Epqulrror y b ffiedfn dc lo boneo dc vupor ccn h'lgrulc d€l Iq** l2l. !q dirFnci. onll! .l l*o irnbr y el oirlcnrlsr*i i|rh lr dc l2' ll5 lral on lod* hr purts Pl- ir,rh|..... tqlhi un linl abndx a frrhal a0 la .rlqt&hl & ftiFcn t!io** h ,qir{!. d. xrdq€o .t L phl"od ll! lrr #Hh lrootqt L dF ch Plde &-lo roroitnd|.. <! di.iv.t d. duie at d'un pqrevsar ar lo nlnrre * ru cce l2). te di*a|, <e rnm lo pfn a l'h.kdlen dc ehc+ r/f (15 rul porout {31. tilrA'l5ffii .lz O5/I2/SS WED 09:16 !'AX 303 823 2282 PSA DENVER G 001PSA DENVER THI RE$ORT DESIO COLLABORATIVI INTERNATIONTL 06/L2/99 WED H DATB 09:15 FAX 303 623 2262 ?s< FAcsTMILE TRANlrrral rcBMMB PAGE!(hMbqi*rwtut) nN(* COMPAIITY: moilft IA RB FAt(* MEMO: pl€Gc cortact lhe abow srrdcr st lbc numbct bdow if t|Grc dc sny qursiotls lrgrrding lhis fa|smission. This fqimilc is inicadcd only for tlre rddrcssr. aod nsy contrin idomalion lllar b privik#d ind cosfidcntial. If thc rtadcr of this mcsrrgc is not rhr inrrnded rccipieot, you ac trcreby notfiod trrr my Oisssntnarior, rtistribution or coPying of &is communicdior is srrictly ptohibiEd. lf you hrve rcccincd dris rbmhnnication h amr, plctsc notiry rF imnrodidrly at thc numbcr bclow o anangc its rctum. Thmk you. The Resat Dedgn plms VAIL Colbcr*iw lrrdlmtr ftc 303 68 %2 e 1617 Wmc SrE{, SuiF crmit infr@ewt&ipcom DENVER r Denrrer. @ 8[E@ tA/Amrt$,resoddes'ipcotn SA].r FRANCTSCO a a P.C. I FRISCO REV1SED 5/6/99 {tvruDESIGN REVIEW BOABD FIMLAGENDA Wednesday, llay 5, 1999 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE 11O0 pm 2:00 pm pFoJEcr oRTENTATIoN / LUNcH- Town Couttcil Chambers MEMBERS ABSENT Bill Pierce (left at 5:00 p.m.) Hans Woldrich Melissa Greenauer Tom Weber (PEC) SITE VISITS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. o, 7. 8. L 10. 11. Driver: Vail lnterfaith Chapel- 19 Vail Road Waterhouse - 285 Forest Road Adams - 765 West Forest Road Dobson lce Arena - 321 E. Lionshead Circle Scalise - 2567 Arosa Drive Lot 25 - 1854 Glacier Ct. Wiley- 1538 Spring Hill Lane Valleau - 4839 Meadow Drive Shaper-26,15 Bald Mountain Road Lot 4. Gore Creek Sub. - 51 66 Black Gore Drive Kinzelberg - Lot 4, Spraddle Creek Estates George MEMBERS PRESENT Clark Brittain PUBLTC HEARTNG - TOWl.r COUNCTLCHAMBERS 1. The Marriott (Lionshead) - Conceptual review of a major exterior alteration and construction of a new interval ownership club. 715 W. Lionshead Circle / Marriotl Mark, Morcus Subdivision Applicant: HMC Corporation, represented by East-West Partners and Gwathmey-Pratt CONCEPTUAL_NO VOTE 2. Lionsquare North - New awning. 660 West Lionshead CircleiLot 8, Vail Lionshead Isr. Applicant: LionsquareNorthCondoAssociation MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:5-0 3:00 pm George Dominic CONSENT APPROVED - Subject to final staff review. REVTSED 5/6/993. Adam residence - Conceptual review oi a proposed remodel. Brent 765 West Forest Road/Lot 8, Block 2, Vail Village 6'n. Applicant: Nancy Adam, represented by Fritzlen, Pierce, Smith CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 4. Henkes residence - Final review of a new primary/secondary residence. Allison 2824 Snowberry Drive I Lot 17, Block 9, lntermountain. Applicant: Andrew Henkes MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 5-0 CONSENT APPROVED 5. Wiley residence - Conceptual review for a new primary residence and Type ll Allison employee housing unit. 1538 Spring Hill Lane/Lot 14, Block 3, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: WileyFamilyPartnership CONCEPTUAL.NO VOTE 6. Valleau Residence - Conceptual review of a remodel/addition to an existing residence. Allison 4839 Meadow Drive/Lot 17, Block 5, Bighorn Fifth. Applicant: Bob & Kathy Valleau MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 5-0 CONSENT APPHOVED Scalise Residence - Conceptual review of a new primaryisecondary residence. 2567 Arosa Dr./Lot 9, Block E. Vail Das Schone 1"' Allison Applicant: Dennis Scalise CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE Jetf8. Waterhouse residence - New garage. 285 Forest Road/Lot 20, Block 7, Vail Village 1"'. Applicant: Steve & Linda Waterhouse, represented by Steven Riden CONCEPTUAL _ NO VOTE 9. Shaper residence - Review of a new garage. , Jeff 2645 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 10, Block 2, Vail Village 1$". Applicant: Steve Shaper MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 5-0 TABLED UNTIL MAY 19, 1999 10. Vail Interfaith Chapel - Remodel/addition at existing facility. Jeff 19 Vail Road / Lot J, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Vail Religious Foundation, represented by Victor Mark Donaldson Architects MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:5-0 TABLED UNTIL MAY 19. 1999 7. REVTSED 5/6/9911. Kinzelberg residence - Conceptual review. Jeff Lot 4, Spraddle Creek Estates. Applicant: Harvey Kinzelberg, represented by Hans Berglund CONCEPTUAL- NO VOTE 12. Grand Traverse Lot 16 - Final review of a new single-family residence. George 1800 Lionsridge Loop / Lot 16, Dauphinais-Moseley Subdivision.Applicant: Dauphinais-Moseley Construction MOTION: Melissa Greenauer SECOND:Tom Weber VOTE:4-0 APPROVED PER REVISED PI.ANS 13. Lot 25, Glacier Ct- - Conceptual review of a proposed new primary/secondary residence. George 1854 Glacier Ct./Lot 25, Block 2, Lionsridge #3.Applicant: Pat Dauphinais CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 14. Westhaven Club & Lodge - Final review of a proposed new Fractional Fee Club George and employee housing project. 1325 Westhaven Dr., Westhaven Condominiumsi Cascade Village Area A. Applicant: Gerald L, Wurhmann, represented by Robby Flobinson MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND:Hans Woldrich VOTE:5-0 GONSENT APPRO\IED 15. Dobson lce Arena - Conceptual review locker room/loading dock expansion. George 321 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 2no Filing. Applicant: Vail Recreation District, represented by Odell Architects CONCEPTUAL_NO VOTE 16. Lot 4, Gore Creek Subdivision.- Conceptual review ol a new primaryisecondary residence.George 5166 Black Gore Drive/Lot 4, Gore Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Greg Amsden CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE Statf Aoorovals Brooktree Condominiums - Stairway/landing replacement. Brent 980 Vail View Drive/A portion of Block B, Lions Ridge Filing 1. Applicant: BrooktreeTownhomesHOA Burillo residence / Northwind development - Revised landscape plan. Brent 365 Mill Creek Circle/Lot 1 6, Block 1 , Vail Village 1"' Filing. Applicant: Northwind Development Rizk residence - Bedroom/dining room addition.Brent 740 Sandy Lane/Lot 4, Block 2, Potato Patch Filing #2. Applicant: Oscar Rizk o REVTSED 5/6/99 Axelrod residence - Exterior repaint. George 2578 Arosa Drive/Lot 1, Block C, Vail das Schone #1. Applicant: Art Axelrod Ketcham residence - changes to driveway. Allison 4i101 Glen Falls Lane/Lot 1, Forest Glen. Applicant Linda Ketcham Berndt residence - Site plan changes. Allison 756 Potato Patch/Lot 4, Block 2, Potato Patch. Applicant: Wolfgang Bemdt Maclean residence - Interior conversion of crawl space. George 1330 Sandstone Drive, Overlook, Unit #1?G-4, Vail Lionsridge. Applicant: John Maclean Walzer residence - Addion of stone veneer to deck rail and chimney. George 333 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 41, Block 7, Vail Village lst. Applicant: George Schaeffer Construction Co. Timber Falls Building #18 - North side deck extension. Brent i1459 Timberfalls Ct. #1 8/Timberf alls Condominiums. Applicant: Timber Falls Phase lX Association The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular otfice hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for intormation. o FttE C0pi DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FINAL AGENDA Wednesday, March 17, 1999 3:fi) P.M. PUBUC ilEETING SCHEDULE PRAJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Community Development D€partment 11:30 pm tl Discussion of development ol A-Frame site located at Lot 8, Block C, Vail Ridge MEMBERS PRESENT METTIBERS ABSENT Brent Alm Hans Woldrich Bill Pierce SITE VISITS 1. Hoversten - 95 Forest Road2. Antlers-680 West Lionshead Place3. Marriott-714 Lionshead Circle4. Timber Falls -21469 Timber Falls Court5. Tall Pines - 2239 Chamonix Lane6. Bridge Street Building - 281 Bridge Street7. Shaper - 2645 Bald Mountain Road 8.Driver: George 1:30 pm PUBUG HEARING - TOWN COUNCIL GHAMBEFS 1. Sonnenalp - New canopy on east side entry way. _ 20 Vail Road/Part of Lot K, Block 5-E, Vail Village 1*. Applicant: Johannes Faessler MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: BillPierce 3:00 pm Brent VOTE:3-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the relief panels on the wall adjacent to the canopy edge shall be painted to match. 2. Cummings residence - Final review of a new single-tamily residence Jetf and Tlpe I employee housing unit, 1835 West Gore Creek Drive / Lot 20, Vail Village West 2"o Filing Applicant: Greg and Janice Cummings MOTION: BillPierce SECOND:HansWoldrich VOTE:3-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 3 GONDITIONS: 3. 4. 6. 7. ! - r. }-rs"I I 1. That the stonework around the windows ne)ft to the south side door be eliminated.2. That the windows be centered on the south side of the garage.3. That brackets be added to the south side deck. Hoversten residence - Final review of a new primary/secondary residence. Jeff 95 Forest Road / Lot 32, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing, Applicant: Philip Hoversten, represented by snowdon & Hopkins CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE Leach residence - Final review of a single-family residence. Jetf 1390 Buffehr Creek RoacUEnvelope B, Parcel 4, Briar Patch #8. Applicant: David & Jody Leach, represented by Ron Diehl MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 3-0 CONSENT APPROVED W]TH 2 CONDITIONS: That the exterior finish materials receive staff approval. That a statf approved limits of disturbance fence be required. 1. 2. -Conceptual review of new garage. .in Road/Lot 10, Block 2, Vail Village 13"'. Jetf 2645 Bald Applicant:Steve Shaper CONCEPTUAL- NO VOTE Antle/s -Conceptual review of the establishment ol Special.Development District No. 36.Jetf 680 W. lionshead Place/ Lot 3, Block 1, Lionshead Third Filing. Applicant: Antlers Condominium Association, represented by Robert LeVine CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE MarriotUGore Creek Club -Conceptual review. George 714 Lionshead Circle / Maniott Mark. Applicant: HMC Acquisition Properties, Inc., represented by East-West Partners GONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 8. Meadowbrook Condos - Conceptual review of an exterior remodel. 1933 Buffehr Creek RoacUlot 41. Buffehr Creek Subdivision. Applicant: MOTION: BillPierce George SECOND:HansWoldrich VOTE:3-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS: 1. That the DRB recommends the new deck railing should appear similar to the existing wood railing.2. That if stone around the base of the building is not an option, an alternate color ol stucco with a relief band at the top be used and that this band be varied/broken in height from exterior wall to exterior wall. "J I 9. McDonald's - Sign application. -, George 2111 N. Frontage Road/Lot 28, A resub of Lot 2, Vail das Schone 3'o. Applicant: McDonald's MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:3-0 CONSETT APPROVED WITTI 1 CONDITION: 1. That the sign have a matte finish. 10. Bridge St. Building - Final reviewipaver replacement and snowmelt system for walkway. Dom 281 Bridge StreeVLots D, E, and F, Block 5C, Vail Village 1'' Filing. Applicant: Mark Cadmus, Bridge Street Condo Association MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:3-0 GONSENT APPROVED WITH 6 CONDITIONS: 1. That they provide an 8" soldier course.2. That inigation be provided to planters and trees.3. That a new light fixture be provided in the planter at the north end on Bridge Street and that the existing fixture be relocated to the planter on the south end of the property.4. That the paver color match the blend used at lhe Austria Haus in a hening bone configuration.5. That the flue vent detail be approved bystaff.6. That the tree species be worked out with staff. 11. Tall Pines - Conceptual review of 2 duplex structures. Dom 2239 Chamonix Lane/Lots 1&2, Tall Pines Subdivision. Applicant: Paint Brush - Tall Pines G.P., represented by Kurt Davis TABLED 12. Timber Falls Building #19 - Conceptual review ol a new 6-plex. Dom 4469 Timber Falls CourUUnplatted. Applicant: Greg Amsden TABLED 13. Glen Lyon Office Building - Conceptual review. Dom 1000 S. Frontage Road,WesVlot 54, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Glen Lyon Office Building Partnership, represented by Kurt Segerberg CONGEPTUAL-NO VOTE Statf Approvals Bakalar residence - Minor revision to previously approved plans. Brent 780 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 17, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant: John & Christine Bakalar L TOV Community Development Dept. - Remove garage doors and replace with windows. Dominic 111 S. Frontage Road Applicant: Town of Vail Golden Peak Ski Base - Window frame addition. Brent 458 Vail Valley Drive/A portion of Tract F, Vail Village sft fiting. Applicant: Vail Associates Tutog - Loft addition. George 22 West Meadow Drive #3021/illa Cortina Applicantr Robert Tutag Axelrod residence - New garage addition with storage. Dominic 2578 Arosa Drive/Lot 1, Block C, Vail das Schone #1. Applicant: Arthur and Judith Axelrod Bowen residence - Re-sidino of 2nd tloor ol house. Allison 5047 Main Gore Drive/Lot t,'Block 1, Bighorn Sth. Applicant: Peter G. Bowen Jewels of the West - Sign-wall. Jeff 225 Wall StreeVBlock C, Vail Village t"t. Applicant: Bob Akkad Goolsbee residence - Deck extension. Brent 1 450 Lionsridge Loop/Lot 23 Dauphinais-Moseley Subdivision. Applicant: Charles & Carol Goolsbee Higuera residence - Porch enclosure. Brent 1 406 Moraine Drive/Lot 3, Dauphiais-Moseley Subdivision. Dr. Gilbert & Margaret Higuera Mitchell residence - Addition of exterior stairs. Brent 1799 Siena TraiUlot 18, VailVillage West Filing #1.Applicant Mr. Mitchell The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular otfice hours in the poect planner's otfice, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. v FILE COPY TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2r38 FAX 970-479-2452 March 18, 1999 Namita Khanna Resort Design Collaborative 1000 South Frontage Road West #300 Vail" CO 81657 Re:New garage at Lot 10, Vail Village l3th;2645 Bald Mountain Road DearNamita: The building plans that were submitted for the garage have been reviewed by the Desigrr Review Board. The following issues have been noted. Generally, these issues need to be addressed at least l0 days prior to any Design Review Board (DRB) meeting in order to be scheduled for the meeting. The next DRB meetings are scheduled for April 7th and 2lst. A roof needs to be over the spa./hot tub. The roof should connect the garage with the residence. The materials, trim and details for the addition should mimic those of the residence, although the style does not have to match. Attached are the comments from the Public Works Departrnent. A stamped survey of the site needs to be submitted. Additional cornments may be forwarded once the survey is submitted. Please feel free to contact me at 970-479-2140 to discuss the project. Sincerely, Senior Planner {p*or *, Communlty Development P.lrn Routtng Form Approved _x_Denied (cite detailed reasohs)Approved with conditions Routed To:Greg: Hail, Pdbti.lfr ;;kJ Return To:JeffHunt Date Routed:3n2t99 Return By;ASAP Project Name: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description: Shaper 2645 Balcl Mountain Road Lot 10, Block 2, Vail Viltage 13'h New garage Provide Stamped Suwey and Title Roport What are the Elevations of garage, driveway and street. Show on site plan Max driveway width is 48' Please adjust and revise Provide sight distance lines of 15' behind 4' pan for 125' to the East and 15' x 150' to the West. This requires a signifrcant regrading ol the oomer lot. Vegetation gr€ater than 3' will not be allowed. Once the suwey ofthe whole lot and edge ofroad is provided, the Town ofVail Engineering Departrnent will be able to more accurately show the necessary grading required, 4' concrete pan cannot be heated and any heated driveway within Town of Vail right ofway must be in siparate zone. A Revocable Right of Way Permit will ueed to sign by the Owners of the property Reviewed by: Leonard & Greg H Date reviewed: 3-12-99 t DevCommunitv elopment Plan Routing Form Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons)Approved with conditions 2 ? Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Return To:Jeff Hunt Date Routed:3^2t99 Return By:ASAP Project Name: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description: Shaper 2645 Bald Mountain Road Lot 10, Block 2, Vail Village 13"' New garage Provide Stamped Survcy and Title Report What are the Elevations of garage, driveway and street. Show on site plan Max driveway width is 48' Please adjust and revise corl*o -[t*t whole lot and edge of road is provided, the Town of Vail Engineering Departrnent will be able to more accurately show the necessary grading required. 4' concrete pan cannot be heated and any heated driveway within Town of Vail right of way must be in separate zone. A Revocable Right of Way Permit will need to sign by the Owners of the property 2: I grade max on all disturbed areas Date received: Reviewed by: Leonard & Greg H Date reviewed 3-12-99 u 9z? 51,1-ql E0E 1?,,"!!',,O / EdOlrl rt PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Namc Common Namc Ouantity Sizc' pROpOSEDTREE5 Picea punsens Colorado spruce 10 8'-10' AND SHRUBS: Colorado spruce 5 8, Colorado spruce 3 4'- 6' EXISTTNG TREES TO BE REMOVED: 'Minimunr rcquircmcnts for landscaping: dcciduous trccs - 2 inch calipcr - :ilf:'*'*' -u,fr1,[1"'" Tvnc Sguarc Footagg CRO1NDCOVER U.tt". p.r.""i.f" I SOD Blue grass 2,500 +/- SEED IRRIGATION TYPEORMETHODOF EROSION CONTROL all areas OTHER IANDSCAPE FEATURES (rceining'walls, fcnccs, swimming pools, ctc.) Pleasc sPccif. Indicatc top and bottom clcvations of rctaining walls. li,taximum hcight of wdts within thc front saback is 3 fccL Mocimum bcight of walls clscv/hcrc on thc propcrty is 6 fecl Wall attaching existing structure and extension. Spa as shown on plan. MAR-63-9g 17, @@ FRoM. LAND TrrrjcuARANTEE uArL rD: 3o3 4?+34 OI,D REPUBI,IC NATIONAL TITLE INSURI\NCE COMPANY ALTA COMMITMENT SCITEDULE A Our Order # VTF25507] PAGE h.J*+-^..# Yh-'a Ar-r-.--€ z?# - Cha --TOTAL-- Effeccive DaEe: rT* THIS IS NOT N{ IN'OICE, BUT AI{ ESTIMATE OF FEES. WTIEN REFERRING TO THIS ORDER, PLEASE iETSNNNCE OI'R. ORDER NO. WF255073 TiT <a:Fr<\-_- e9" Z4'eZ For Information onIY aE 5:00 P.M' described or is: referred to in3,The eBEaEe or inEereEt in the }and this CommitmenE and covered herein A Fee Siq)Ie 4. TiEle to Ehe estate or inEeresb covered herein is at Ehe effecEive daEe hereof vested j.n: ffi. €i--J $1+r1e#- to in this CotilnitmenE is deecribed +sv 5r-ras €, L. ,S'srff?*- 5.Tlee Iaud referred f ollotls r LoT 10, BLocK 2, VAII, VILLAGE THIRaEENTIi FILING AccoRDINc To THE RECORDED PIAT fltennOf, COU$rY OF EAGLE' STATE OF COTORADO' z/,e-lan PAGE MAR-s3-ss r7,06 FROM, LAND Trf GUARANTEE vAIL ID:3O3 4"/'s34 PAGE A I.,'I' A (-: O M M I'I' M II N T S;(:HUDULL] N -:2 ( Hx( j r,rp L. i o 11.,.-i )Our Orde:: l+ V't'F;lrrrr0'/ 1 'I'frr-: poi i r:y nr. [)(-)l. i(:ir..rt; l.t) he i.ssrred wil..J. conl;.tiIl e\xcepL j.orts t.0 t'.hn t'(J1 "l.owi.lrc1 urt.l r:)iiri l lrL,+ r,;;rrne ;.rr-cl (lispr>sed of f-() tirc gati $f acf.'i rlrt of: t. Lr(r C()rnllo"t r) y : .l , lit:;.rrxl.rl'cl 1{y,r.:r:l'rl" ir''rnsl I F-hror.rtyh 5 prrntecl oti t-ito covrlr: fi}tfrtirf.. {; . 'firx(:t.; ,.rnd ;l!;r.';ur.:r;rn(+rlf.l.; Tr()t. ycL clue or' !)ayitble and speci.ill flJjsi{;rtiLinli+ l":fi ()t: ye:t: cerL.:i. l,:i.ed. t,o L}rr.r 'I'rcctcurer' i] QEf ic:c. 'l . Arry rttlF).i icl I xr=rfl ()l- .tsi:irlririrl\(jrlL $ againnr. unid .l.and, B . Iri Ern!i I.clr rrrri.i,..r.i.cl wil[.ttr and siewer chargefi, if arry. R.I(il11'Olr [)lt0Fl{..Lll'1 O1t OF A VETN OR LC)lJLi TO nXTRAC'| /\NlJ RIIMOVII: IIIS ()lil] THLlH,lrlh'R()M 5il()Ltl,l) TIIn S;AMF: tsE L'OUND TO PFINEI'RI'TE OR fNTIIR.SnC'r'THl'i pltl:MISIIS AS Irli:l"lFlllVF:ft tN t,NI'I'tjD S'f'A'I'LjS PATF:Irr HHCOI{.DED May 06/ 1.(J0li, lN L}OOK 4B A"l' PA(:;ti: r)0(). ,IU. R,t(.itI,I 0IJ WNY }.'OI{ IJ,I'T'CIIUS OR CANALS CONS'IF.UCTHD BY'I'HE NU'I'}NF.I'IY OF''I'HL; UNI',t'iril) I.i'fA'l't:ji{j l\L-j lr.nsIiR\/FlD 1.N IJNI'IED STATFIIi FATEN'I'RECORDED May (}(; , 1.u01;, TN BOt)K 4lJ A.1' t'lAlill ':;09. t. 1.. B.F:ti't'1{1il't't.vtrt ('()vuNANTS, wT.IT(.:H Do NO'T',CONTATN A FoRl'l:I'l'Utild oI?- R.nvntt'l'h:lt (:LAt[.j1.!: , [rtr]'()MTT"l'TN(+ RI..:f;'l'RIC']'IONS, TF ANY, I]ASED ON RACFI , (lol,oR, tl.l1l1,l.(:l IoN, oR N/\'rIoNn t, ot{,t.(,.lIN, A,r-i coNTATNFi]l tN INSTRUMBNT REC()H.L)EL) 0<;rl;()i')r:rr.' 0ll , l.')'t ), TN LIOOK l,lt! A't"' L'AC;u :1.46 ANI) nS AMENnED TN INS'IRUMENT RIICORDF)D lieJrt"r..'rilLrr."rr il l, 1(r'ltl , IN lr(.)t)K :t'71; A1' Ern{+E 62 B . ).?.. FAlittMl,lN'l,';(i, RtitinRVA'l'IONS ANII I{EIS'I'RICTIONf-l ASj SHOWN OR F'.DSERVI:ID ON '.ftlt'i RUC'OHI)ILI) I't,IfI' (.)I.' VAI T, VILLATJE TI.ITR.TF]FN'I'H I'ILING, l.'A(.il,.l THE RESORT COttABOR I]'ITERNAT Date Receivet llAR 08 p99 DATE .JOB NAME JoB No. I J SHOP T)RAV\,.INGS TRAN S MITTALDESIGN ATIVE IONAL \T'E ARE SENDING VIA ,bdrrecrru't N ORIGINALS N LjNDER SEPAR{TE CO\,ER N coPY oF I,ETTF,R COPIES DAI'E DESCRIPTION zlslT)Ailh . o/a^n rfunA 4 %yaoht*",<lt I I Etf/az - U/dafu,4, B /ffitd lm/ar I oHe '{nahlfufu v l6l? Wazee Slreet, Suite C2. Denver, C0 80202 l^xt 303.623.2262phone; 303.623.3355 l R I S( O t)uNvttR in fo@ resortde s r gn. co m sAI FRANCISCO f.'e TO: FBOM: DATE: SUBJECT: Vail Town Council Communily Development December2, 1997 Modification of high debris flow hazard designation tor 2il5 Bald Mt. RoadAot 10, Block 2, Vail Village 13th Filing. Staff: Russ Forrest 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this worksession is to consider a request to modify the high debris flow hazard designation lor 2645 Bald Mt. Road/Lot 10, Block 2, Vail Village 13th Filing. Ms. Nott, the property owner, is requesting this change as the result of mitigation lhat was constructed north ot her home on Tract C, Vail Village 13lh Filing in 1984 (Attachment 1: Photos of berm). 2. BACKGROUND In May of 1984, the Town of Vail experienced approximately 40 debris flow incidents, of which several were localed in lhe Bald Mountain neighborhood. The property in question did experience a debris flow at that time. Atter the first incident in 1984, the properly owner crealed a diversion channel approximately l2leet deep and two berms to mitigate future debris llow events. The applicant has provided additional background inlormation for this requesl which is included in attachment 2. The middfe portion of the property is designated as a high debris flow hazard area and the rest ol the lot is designated as a moderate debris flow hazard area as per the Town of Vail hazard maps. Stan Berryman, who was the Town of Vail Public Works Director at the lime, wrote a letter which stated that he feels that the berm "should effectively divert all but the most catastrophic future mudflow events away from Ms. Nott's house (Attachment 3)." Statl has met with Ms Nott, at her request, on several occasions to discuss how lhe existing berms and ditch affect the hazard designalion on this lot. Slaff recommended to Ms Noft that a qualified geologist do a site specific study of the lot to determine what if any hazard designation should be placed on the propefi with the existence of the berms and ditches. Ms Nott engaged the services of Nicholas Lampiris, who has done many geological studies in the Town of Vail, to do a site speciftc geological study ot the property (Attachment 4). Mr. Lampiris concluded that Ms Nott's home is "out of the Debris Flow Line because the line will follow the bottom of the lrench to delineate the lower reaches of this hazard in lhis area." A map is provided with lhis letter to delineale where the high debris flow hazard is located. This conclusion was supporled by an engineering firm that Ms Nolt engaged to also review the geological hazards on the site (See Attachment 5). 3. FECOMMENDATIONS Town statf including the Town Engineer, Greg Hall, has revieured the letter lrom the Geologist and finds that the letter is adequate to justily designating a portion of the property as having 'approved mitigation." Since the mitigation lor lhis hazard already exisls and no building permits are required, the process for creating approved mitigabion involves the Vail Town Council passing a motion that would modify the Town ol Vail Debris Flow maps to indicate approved mitigation on a portion ot 26/,5 Bald Mt. Road. ll the Town Council would approve of Ms Nott's request, an overlay would then be crealed, similar to what was done wilh the Booth Falls Berm, to indicale that an area on her lot is protected by the berm. The map would also have a notalion to reler readers to the letter from Mr. Lampiris and the site specific hazard map prepared for lhis property sholtrn in attachment 4. Approved mitigation in this case, based on Mr Lampiris's letter, means thal the existing home and the area south of lhe center line of the ditch is "now out of lhe Debris Flow Line" and is no longer in a hazard area as long as the berm and ditch are maintained. The area above (north) the center line of the ditch remains in its present hazard designation. Attachment I Town of Vail Debris Flow Map Moderate Hazard High Hazaard View of Ditch and Berm north of 2645 Bald Mt. Road View of the backside of the berm directly north of Ms Nott's home Attachment 2 Additional Background Informrtion from Ms Nott OVERVIEW Lot 10, Block2, Vail Village 13th Filing BACKGROUND Not until recently, when an application was tumed down for a local bank home equity loan due to the fact their town maps include many properties in hazard zones, Lot l0 among them, did it become appa"rent that the 1984 mitigation efforts to Lot 10 were not documented. Explaining the situation to Senior Environmental Policy Planner, Mr. Russ Forrest, he assurred me that it is a routine matter and town regulations are in place for such circumstances. (See attached map examples.) Of significance here is a quote from Andy Knudson contained in the enclosed letter stating tlrat a "high hazard" debris-flow designation on Vail's planning maps "was a very 'broad brush' and not necessarily applicable to most of the mapped 1ots" (enclosure #l), It is significant that this enclosed letter was submitted to the Community Development Department as part of an application for a new two-story large home addition with a wooden foundation to be built ten feet from Lot 10's westem property line -- both lots being in the same mapped hazard. zone. This addition was recently approved without any special hazard zone building requirements -- in effect adjusting the hazard-zone designation. Mr. Forrest explained that this was allowed because effective mitigation was already in place on Lots l0 and 1 1 . These mitigation measures are explained in enclosure #2. Because I am not applying for a building addition, etc., the procedure for documenting effective mitigation measures in order to adjust a portion of the existing hazwdzone on Lot l0 is different. Council approval is required rather than Community Development and Design Review approval. It should be made clear that the Town of Vail or any of its officers or employees hold no liability for statements and/or decisions regarding hazard areas or geologically sensitive areas. (Please see enclosue #3, Sec. 18.69.038 Disclaimer of Liability.) As we have spent a great deal of effort and frrnds establishing effective mitigation berms and a new channel, it is appropriate to have the hazad maps reflect these improvements and "clear" the building (home) and certain lower portions of the lot from a "hazard" designation. The portion of the lot above the mitigation channel will remain in the current designation. As the maps presently show, the house actually appears not to be in a "high haznd zone" but because ofits grass (sod) roof, the aerial photos are unclear. (It is stated in the Hazard Study Report that "hazard lines terminate at the uphill sides of buildings; this indicates that flow energy will be absorbed by the building"). It is apparent from studying the maps that most homes are not included in high hazard zones for this aforementioned reason. A Colorado licensed Consulting Geologist, Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D., was hired to do a site- specific study as required by Town of Vail zoning regulations. According to Town of Vail files, Dr. Lampiris has executed many site-specific analyses for owners of properties in similar geologically sensitive areas. A survey ofthe lot and new steam channel was done by Eagle Valley Surveying Company. A revised hazard map for the lot was drawn by Mr. Richard Benidge, licensed Landscape Architect and a former Vail area land planner. All professionals contapted regarding Lot 10 support the effectivness of all mitigation measur€s presently in place and concur with Dr. Lampiris' findings. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact myself or Dr. Lampiris. v4bv $r 5,*B I $ $$F F xiI $ rdu: $ u"n ^d E* a \,+:ilJu-i(,SJrN&$$[ N=n I $ fl )- n c'lll Ixs'q\- \t, +LES trrrsii9 q $ tx irhll--s F A $io { f Flgq$: .\\r;:n.'r" il d tiV d N'S d {o II :JFs II dD\Jg lr\- Ns N{lltr l+t\ L )- Fvn t\ $$fis J t+ & 6 $F: $t .l tr3 J$ $ N 4\ lt\ f, 1 ,* 6 t- F s s a€q l\ itts N= o rLl_14 'll .t1l r'1.gI :l I;i 1l ri'rl !ij{ ;l _l Ti.at 4 aIa4{t , ,l t i i .--kr .ENCLOSURE +1 4 / 4/96 i:H':: $:ti:"11" RE: gspr1" H.rza:d for dupl€n ot tlcar Hr. HauriolIol E!{GINEERING & DESIGNT INC sharpe/ PE Eliuerrsur Ensi,13,1iT t Urr),,16*Tnjj{,:lr1. ccftcrtr, M? ler(.h,1fi.iiTj',:ftHi gi:lil 2625 Bqtd r,t{ru::taln Rd (cl&D Joh# 96{I3) \ Per. the r.equeet cour septenber, ,;f"':::l:-llolr ttt'^ '-' rne cuplex ,. ,o"li-inveetigJ[io,i'i! -:-":-E9t-Er:&'aarize:-T: lindinss or It+*rE.rri iirili"l!0":1,'ii;iiiifi$iiil'i;!:iil"i.31["i'li",r"c."iii*. i:iiii:l]\!:";, lt' I r y r o ffi ;: ;i" ;l.iiii - ":llf; :"$:;."o0: tkf;_ ;:.*",;::F;,:'.*l*"*:1,, lff "ri!., i:ilrq:lii::it*"i:i' *l r.:iii:it*, Tire !o'*a of v*{r's plannlng naps "13:g this rot to be in.,,hron;iilifr.fii:f 'il:i"I:a"".."'oui'i.3'.u". roi J.-*riil -til p ran^ring"nioao-Ei;ir,,,*J,I,a ll;"1::l"llliii.l#l*;$.:Xigf:Ftr!1,:.;g;il ,".",The structure appear"g .rtlr tounded,, :re oo lndlcarionE of, founilationr:;:t:T: :5";::ri":ti.itt*i:i;Hi;{q"iiiCrylrl*qii,ilu=*,t'i*;"t,. cignE of sL'ain o:..??:t.-cu,,rtru"tlor:-r,rovemsnt. No ingi."tlons of rockor other debrrs ddrrrage "u" nJi"i,'itr Tt nei.g$ois-r.ported none hasoecurred since the sLgustrrre,"-c6nltruction. rhe dedatty ot rh€ A:ge{r-srovss near-th€ lop ano botton of the hi.IIappeers to rrr0icel.e lttrle roct* moisnrent hai o-d;";;;; rn thE ]as1:ccverar decacres' r'ika rany suuci'rigtor,s i"-t[i"-iir", too."ning ot theroilr in the mountoi..rropiu-i"iio-reeult in rnud or rock sri.des durinoirarriculoaly harvy_nolstur.c v*".1*; frui-tire-sf rpl i"fri"O thls duplexstrowscl no lndicarl.l. gl "ucit-"i;i* farrure, and 'sy rn racr De of rower$u$qeptrblr:,ty du€ to lrs trrgr: ro-ci content and souihern exposufe. rt 1r thr opisi.on of thtB olfier t-hf,t thls Elfucture dorg not hrv. a11s-aijigrntrv_higher risk o! acbri; e""isl tf,i; fi; rn th. vair rrea,ancl that cn trdditts",l::tg1!y. aceigneo "iA construcieA per nortral uBC.guidartner Elrl nor rncrla'-tnr hirara to.oiiili-iiiiertv or rrrucru*r,or to publlc butrdtnga, rrghta*of-way, rordi, rtririi, irse&ant',utilitlas or trcllttle!. 1,la hope thls letter provitles LLe i'rrrrruaLion desired. ple.ase do nothesittte t(' corlLd,JL i.rs if wB mul. bs of further aegtstance, Eve B. Nott Enclosure #2 MITIGATION DESCRIPTION In the spring of 1984, a small, seasonal, spring-fed underground stream on the east end oflot 10, Block 2, l3th Filing flowed above ground and, after several days of rainy weather, overflowed onto adjacent land and the street below. No damage was done to any structure or building. All landscaping remained intact. During this time-frame, the owners, at their expense and under the supervision of the Town of Vail's Public Works Department, constructed with the appropriate healy equipment a large diversion channel extending the entire length ofthe lot. This new deep channel adjacent and above the original stream bed has fully contained any and all subsequent water flows. Additionally, high berms were constructed along the channel's banks to further enlarge its volume and "carrying capacity". Stream flow volume has always been a fraction (<l/20th to 1/100th) of the new channel's capactty. Another massive berm was constructed along the western and northwestern lot lines and 20 larye blue spruce trees were planted for further protection. These berms form a protective basin and barrier for any flash floodings, etc. All these mitigation measures remain in place. ENCLOSURE #3 r.q.rrz.uJo t nsctatmer of liability.This chapter .is based on "scientific and engineeringconsiderations which are .""ri"""'v - #;; '0.-"1[0.0. Compliance with tir.-. prouirt;;- herein cannot insurefreedom from risk 10 lifi ;"i;i;';, property. This sectionshalt not create riabirity "; ,h;;";i of the Town of vail orany officer or employee thereoi for any damage that mayresult from reriance on this chapter, o. "ny administrativedecision lawfully made t.r.unA.r. The designation ofcertain areas as' hazard areas or georogica'y sensitive areas ,pj:::il,-1-o r"pr.incorporated into ttris section: ao., no,lmpry rn any way that areas nor so designated a;; f;;;;"*1I rir{ to life, salety or properry.(ord. 5(1e85) $ 4.) f 8.69.036 Discteimer of tiabilifl IAtCachnent 2 Pitkin County Public Worl<s 76 Service Center Road Aspen, Colorado 8l 6l I (970) 920 s390 Fax: (970) 920 5374 October 9, 1996 Mr. Russell Forrest Community Development Department Town of Vail Via Fax: 970-479-2452 Dear Mr. Forrest, I was employed as the Public Works/Transportation Director for the Town of Vail in May of 1984 and was responsible for the deployment of Town resources during the mudslides that occurred at that time. After the Bald Mountain nrudslide, Ms. Evie Nott constructed a diversion channel above her house approximately l2 feet deep and a berm approximately 25 feet in height as mitigation for future mudflow events. It is my opinion that this structure should effectively divert all but the most catastrophic future mudflow event away from Ms. Nott's house. Please call me if you have any questions or if you desire anv aclditional information. PBINT€O OtI REGYCTEO P PEF Sincerely, Stan Berryman,bctor of Public Works Attachment 4 Letter from Lampiris and Map Couutt{s & l.rruPtnts (ltNltll,TlN(l ( ili()l't rilsl s P.O. Box 23 Sll,'I, Cu.oltnlx) 8 | 652 PlroNilF^x (9?0) tt76-5400 (24 l{ouRs) ,,,'.'Ttfrl*','r'u' Ni.iolas l.arnPirir, l'lr'l)' October 22,1991 Eve B. Nott PO Box 792 Wail, Colorado 81658 RE: Hazard Mitigation Evaluation, Nott Residen ce,2645Bald Mountain Road', Lot 1O', 13d'Filing' Vail Village. Dear Ms. Nott: I visited the above referenced home in Vait recently for the purpose.of a geologi ohazard evaluation' especially as it pertains '" iiretii"" i" piace to t"d;il ;d"inst debri-s'avalanche potential' As you know l{igh Debris Flow it;;;;; Itupp"a for ttris propertv in 1984' Withrespecttothedebrisflowhazard,Ibelievethatthelargebermwhichvouconstructedsome vears ago witt "fectiJUy aiu"J no*, t" th" #;;;;; f;;.t as the oicsent channel is now tonfigrrred. Obviously,;ih;i;;il;ehind the U"r"t rJL, *rth time, it mutibe periodicaltv cleaned to perform as designed' please reference the Richard Berridge map dated August 20, lggl.,,inconiunction with this letter' This horne i, no* ou iiii* nJU,irtr"* Li"";;;;"ii'" ri"t will now iollow the bottom of the i*""i'i" a"fineate the lo*"t '"u"h"' of this hazard in this area' Thepropertydidlieinagcologicallysensi.i*Tabutdevelopment.ofthebermasindicateddidnot inorease the hazard to other property, * r1#;";";;'; ;blic rights-of-wav' roads' streets' easements, utitities o, f*itiii". * oih"r-prop"##i;y;tJ' iiitt"t" ite turther questions' please contact me. SincerelY, Nioholasl-amPitis l Consulting Geologist NL:bac ti- --' t -i \\ o I I t t I I ' ,*,,,"r,,o.o,r i-.... \' ^l lglxl^nort -/-z- <rr{tlrucTlollclt \\_ / uru-oanonor \\l \ t/- -, \\\\ \.\\-- -' *4,-ffii*" \ 60' I o Attachment 5 Supporting Letter from Engineering Designworks, Inc. o December l-0, 1996 Evi Nott 2645 Bald Mountain RoadVair, CO 8L658 Reference: Debris hazard assessment for Road To whom it nay concern, 30965 Motfat Avenue P,O. Box 775729 Steamboat Springs, Colorado 80477 (303) 879.4890 (303) 949.4823 FAX (303) 879.490s house aL 2645 Bald Mountain The following is a surunary of our findings per Evi Nott,s request thatwe investigate the potential for debris damage to the above referencedstructure A site visit to the structure lcicated in Lot 10, Block 2 of thethirteenth filing of Vail Village, in Vail , Colorado was perforned onoctober 10, 1996. The structure itself appeared well four:ded with noapparent signs of foundation movement or slope instability. A moderateslope immediately to the north of the structure rose for a dj-stalce -of approximately 2O0 feet through a dense stand of aspen trees. Beyondthe aspens the slope steepened considerably and the vegetation becamernostly sagebrush. The slope lessened in pitch several hundred feet,higher.and again was forested with a large aspen grove. No signs ofslope instability or debris movement were noted, and the maturity ofthe aspen groves indicate slope stability for the past decade or two. The Arthur Mears 1984 Debris FIow and Debris Aval_anche Hazard Mapsprepared for the Town of Vail indicate the structure is Located in amoderate debris fLow hazard zone. The Charles S. Robinson 1925Geologic Hazard Maps also indicate the structure is located on cheedge of an area of rrpossible recurrent flooding, debris flows andhydrocompactiontr. The hazard is due to runoff from the slopes above. A large berm and ditch were constructed by the owner i" fge+ to th;north and east of the structure upon recommendation of Town of Vailofficiars. This berm/ditch forlows the naturar drainage path from theslopes above (north of) the structure and channeLs seasonal fLows to adrain at Bald Mt. Road to the east of the structure. It is our opinionthat the risk due to flooding or debris fLows is greatly reduced. bythe creation of the berrn/ditch structure, and tElitThe-bi:rmTditch doesnot adversely affect or increase any tlpe of hazard to ot,herproperties. Like many subdivisions in this area, Ioosening of the soils in theslopes above could result in mud or rock slides during particularly heawy rnoisture years, but the slope behind the structure showgg!_*noindications of such slope faiLure, and may in fact be Lessto such failure due to its southern exposure, and appare4t'content. It is our opinion that this structure does notsignificantly higher risk of debris damage than rnost in a1/Sincerely tfu4 D'/.,^- Craig B. Frithsen for Engineering Designworks, Inc. ENGINEERING DESIGNWORKS. INC. /evl Attachment 2 Additional Background Informrtion from Ms Nott OVERVIEW Lot 10, Block2, Vail Village 13th Filing BACKGROUND Not until recently, when an application was tumed down for a local bank home equity loan due to the fact their town maps include many properties in hazard zones, Lot l0 among them, did it become appa"rent that the 1984 mitigation efforts to Lot 10 were not documented. Explaining the situation to Senior Environmental Policy Planner, Mr. Russ Forrest, he assurred me that it is a routine matter and town regulations are in place for such circumstances. (See attached map examples.) Of significance here is a quote from Andy Knudson contained in the enclosed letter stating tlrat a "high hazard" debris-flow designation on Vail's planning maps "was a very 'broad brush' and not necessarily applicable to most of the mapped 1ots" (enclosure #l), It is significant that this enclosed letter was submitted to the Community Development Department as part of an application for a new two-story large home addition with a wooden foundation to be built ten feet from Lot 10's westem property line -- both lots being in the same mapped hazard. zone. This addition was recently approved without any special hazard zone building requirements -- in effect adjusting the hazard-zone designation. Mr. Forrest explained that this was allowed because effective mitigation was already in place on Lots l0 and 1 1 . These mitigation measures are explained in enclosure #2. Because I am not applying for a building addition, etc., the procedure for documenting effective mitigation measures in order to adjust a portion of the existing hazwdzone on Lot l0 is different. Council approval is required rather than Community Development and Design Review approval. It should be made clear that the Town of Vail or any of its officers or employees hold no liability for statements and/or decisions regarding hazard areas or geologically sensitive areas. (Please see enclosue #3, Sec. 18.69.038 Disclaimer of Liability.) As we have spent a great deal of effort and frrnds establishing effective mitigation berms and a new channel, it is appropriate to have the hazad maps reflect these improvements and "clear" the building (home) and certain lower portions of the lot from a "hazard" designation. The portion of the lot above the mitigation channel will remain in the current designation. As the maps presently show, the house actually appears not to be in a "high haznd zone" but because ofits grass (sod) roof, the aerial photos are unclear. (It is stated in the Hazard Study Report that "hazard lines terminate at the uphill sides of buildings; this indicates that flow energy will be absorbed by the building"). It is apparent from studying the maps that most homes are not included in high hazard zones for this aforementioned reason. A Colorado licensed Consulting Geologist, Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D., was hired to do a site- specific study as required by Town of Vail zoning regulations. According to Town of Vail files, Dr. Lampiris has executed many site-specific analyses for owners of properties in similar geologically sensitive areas. A survey ofthe lot and new steam channel was done by Eagle Valley Surveying Company. A revised hazard map for the lot was drawn by Mr. Richard Benidge, licensed Landscape Architect and a former Vail area land planner. All professionals contapted regarding Lot 10 support the effectivness of all mitigation measur€s presently in place and concur with Dr. Lampiris' findings. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact myself or Dr. Lampiris. v4bv $r 5,*B I $ $$F F xiI $ rdu: $ u"n ^d E* a \,+:ilJu-i(,SJrN&$$[ N=n I $ fl )- n c'lll Ixs'q\- \t, +LES trrrsii9 q $ tx irhll--s F A $io { f Flgq$: .\\r;:n.'r" il d tiV d N'S d {o II :JFs II dD\Jg lr\- Ns N{lltr l+t\ L )- Fvn t\ $$fis J t+ & 6 $F: $t .l tr3 J$ $ N 4\ lt\ f, 1 ,* 6 t- F s s a€q l\ itts N= o rLl_14 'll .t1l r'1.gI :l I;i 1l ri'rl !ij{ ;l _l Ti.at 4 aIa4{t , ,l t i i .--kr .ENCLOSURE +1 4 / 4/96 i:H':: $:ti:"11" RE: gspr1" H.rza:d for dupl€n ot tlcar Hr. HauriolIol E!{GINEERING & DESIGNT INC sharpe/ PE Eliuerrsur Ensi,13,1iT t Urr),,16*Tnjj{,:lr1. ccftcrtr, M? ler(.h,1fi.iiTj',:ftHi gi:lil 2625 Bqtd r,t{ru::taln Rd (cl&D Joh# 96{I3) \ Per. the r.equeet cour septenber, ,;f"':::l:-llolr ttt'^ '-' rne cuplex ,. ,o"li-inveetigJ[io,i'i! -:-":-E9t-Er:&'aarize:-T: lindinss or It+*rE.rri iirili"l!0":1,'ii;iiiifi$iiil'i;!:iil"i.31["i'li",r"c."iii*. i:iiii:l]\!:";, lt' I r y r o ffi ;: ;i" ;l.iiii - ":llf; :"$:;."o0: tkf;_ ;:.*",;::F;,:'.*l*"*:1,, lff "ri!., i:ilrq:lii::it*"i:i' *l r.:iii:it*, Tire !o'*a of v*{r's plannlng naps "13:g this rot to be in.,,hron;iilifr.fii:f 'il:i"I:a"".."'oui'i.3'.u". roi J.-*riil -til p ran^ring"nioao-Ei;ir,,,*J,I,a ll;"1::l"llliii.l#l*;$.:Xigf:Ftr!1,:.;g;il ,".",The structure appear"g .rtlr tounded,, :re oo lndlcarionE of, founilationr:;:t:T: :5";::ri":ti.itt*i:i;Hi;{q"iiiCrylrl*qii,ilu=*,t'i*;"t,. cignE of sL'ain o:..??:t.-cu,,rtru"tlor:-r,rovemsnt. No ingi."tlons of rockor other debrrs ddrrrage "u" nJi"i,'itr Tt nei.g$ois-r.ported none hasoecurred since the sLgustrrre,"-c6nltruction. rhe dedatty ot rh€ A:ge{r-srovss near-th€ lop ano botton of the hi.IIappeers to rrr0icel.e lttrle roct* moisnrent hai o-d;";;;; rn thE ]as1:ccverar decacres' r'ika rany suuci'rigtor,s i"-t[i"-iir", too."ning ot theroilr in the mountoi..rropiu-i"iio-reeult in rnud or rock sri.des durinoirarriculoaly harvy_nolstur.c v*".1*; frui-tire-sf rpl i"fri"O thls duplexstrowscl no lndicarl.l. gl "ucit-"i;i* farrure, and 'sy rn racr De of rower$u$qeptrblr:,ty du€ to lrs trrgr: ro-ci content and souihern exposufe. rt 1r thr opisi.on of thtB olfier t-hf,t thls Elfucture dorg not hrv. a11s-aijigrntrv_higher risk o! acbri; e""isl tf,i; fi; rn th. vair rrea,ancl that cn trdditts",l::tg1!y. aceigneo "iA construcieA per nortral uBC.guidartner Elrl nor rncrla'-tnr hirara to.oiiili-iiiiertv or rrrucru*r,or to publlc butrdtnga, rrghta*of-way, rordi, rtririi, irse&ant',utilitlas or trcllttle!. 1,la hope thls letter provitles LLe i'rrrrruaLion desired. ple.ase do nothesittte t(' corlLd,JL i.rs if wB mul. bs of further aegtstance, Eve B. Nott Enclosure #2 MITIGATION DESCRIPTION In the spring of 1984, a small, seasonal, spring-fed underground stream on the east end oflot 10, Block 2, l3th Filing flowed above ground and, after several days of rainy weather, overflowed onto adjacent land and the street below. No damage was done to any structure or building. All landscaping remained intact. During this time-frame, the owners, at their expense and under the supervision of the Town of Vail's Public Works Department, constructed with the appropriate healy equipment a large diversion channel extending the entire length ofthe lot. This new deep channel adjacent and above the original stream bed has fully contained any and all subsequent water flows. Additionally, high berms were constructed along the channel's banks to further enlarge its volume and "carrying capacity". Stream flow volume has always been a fraction (<l/20th to 1/100th) of the new channel's capactty. Another massive berm was constructed along the western and northwestern lot lines and 20 larye blue spruce trees were planted for further protection. These berms form a protective basin and barrier for any flash floodings, etc. All these mitigation measures remain in place. ENCLOSURE #3 r.q.rrz.uJo t nsctatmer of liability.This chapter .is based on "scientific and engineeringconsiderations which are .""ri"""'v - #;; '0.-"1[0.0. Compliance with tir.-. prouirt;;- herein cannot insurefreedom from risk 10 lifi ;"i;i;';, property. This sectionshalt not create riabirity "; ,h;;";i of the Town of vail orany officer or employee thereoi for any damage that mayresult from reriance on this chapter, o. "ny administrativedecision lawfully made t.r.unA.r. The designation ofcertain areas as' hazard areas or georogica'y sensitive areas ,pj:::il,-1-o r"pr.incorporated into ttris section: ao., no,lmpry rn any way that areas nor so designated a;; f;;;;"*1I rir{ to life, salety or properry.(ord. 5(1e85) $ 4.) f 8.69.036 Discteimer of tiabilifl IAtCachnent 2 Pitkin County Public Worl<s 76 Service Center Road Aspen, Colorado 8l 6l I (970) 920 s390 Fax: (970) 920 5374 October 9, 1996 Mr. Russell Forrest Community Development Department Town of Vail Via Fax: 970-479-2452 Dear Mr. Forrest, I was employed as the Public Works/Transportation Director for the Town of Vail in May of 1984 and was responsible for the deployment of Town resources during the mudslides that occurred at that time. After the Bald Mountain nrudslide, Ms. Evie Nott constructed a diversion channel above her house approximately l2 feet deep and a berm approximately 25 feet in height as mitigation for future mudflow events. It is my opinion that this structure should effectively divert all but the most catastrophic future mudflow event away from Ms. Nott's house. Please call me if you have any questions or if you desire anv aclditional information. PBINT€O OtI REGYCTEO P PEF Sincerely, Stan Berryman,bctor of Public Works Attachment 4 Letter from Lampiris and Map Couutt{s & l.rruPtnts (ltNltll,TlN(l ( ili()l't rilsl s P.O. Box 23 Sll,'I, Cu.oltnlx) 8 | 652 PlroNilF^x (9?0) tt76-5400 (24 l{ouRs) ,,,'.'Ttfrl*','r'u' Ni.iolas l.arnPirir, l'lr'l)' October 22,1991 Eve B. Nott PO Box 792 Wail, Colorado 81658 RE: Hazard Mitigation Evaluation, Nott Residen ce,2645Bald Mountain Road', Lot 1O', 13d'Filing' Vail Village. Dear Ms. Nott: I visited the above referenced home in Vait recently for the purpose.of a geologi ohazard evaluation' especially as it pertains '" iiretii"" i" piace to t"d;il ;d"inst debri-s'avalanche potential' As you know l{igh Debris Flow it;;;;; Itupp"a for ttris propertv in 1984' Withrespecttothedebrisflowhazard,Ibelievethatthelargebermwhichvouconstructedsome vears ago witt "fectiJUy aiu"J no*, t" th" #;;;;; f;;.t as the oicsent channel is now tonfigrrred. Obviously,;ih;i;;il;ehind the U"r"t rJL, *rth time, it mutibe periodicaltv cleaned to perform as designed' please reference the Richard Berridge map dated August 20, lggl.,,inconiunction with this letter' This horne i, no* ou iiii* nJU,irtr"* Li"";;;;"ii'" ri"t will now iollow the bottom of the i*""i'i" a"fineate the lo*"t '"u"h"' of this hazard in this area' Thepropertydidlieinagcologicallysensi.i*Tabutdevelopment.ofthebermasindicateddidnot inorease the hazard to other property, * r1#;";";;'; ;blic rights-of-wav' roads' streets' easements, utitities o, f*itiii". * oih"r-prop"##i;y;tJ' iiitt"t" ite turther questions' please contact me. SincerelY, Nioholasl-amPitis l Consulting Geologist NL:bac ti- --' t -i \\ o I I t t I I ' ,*,,,"r,,o.o,r i-.... \' ^l lglxl^nort -/-z- <rr{tlrucTlollclt \\_ / uru-oanonor \\l \ t/- -, \\\\ \.\\-- -' *4,-ffii*" \ 60' I o Attachment 5 Supporting Letter from Engineering Designworks, Inc. o December l-0, 1996 Evi Nott 2645 Bald Mountain RoadVair, CO 8L658 Reference: Debris hazard assessment for Road To whom it nay concern, 30965 Motfat Avenue P,O. Box 775729 Steamboat Springs, Colorado 80477 (303) 879.4890 (303) 949.4823 FAX (303) 879.490s house aL 2645 Bald Mountain The following is a surunary of our findings per Evi Nott,s request thatwe investigate the potential for debris damage to the above referencedstructure A site visit to the structure lcicated in Lot 10, Block 2 of thethirteenth filing of Vail Village, in Vail , Colorado was perforned onoctober 10, 1996. The structure itself appeared well four:ded with noapparent signs of foundation movement or slope instability. A moderateslope immediately to the north of the structure rose for a dj-stalce -of approximately 2O0 feet through a dense stand of aspen trees. Beyondthe aspens the slope steepened considerably and the vegetation becamernostly sagebrush. The slope lessened in pitch several hundred feet,higher.and again was forested with a large aspen grove. No signs ofslope instability or debris movement were noted, and the maturity ofthe aspen groves indicate slope stability for the past decade or two. The Arthur Mears 1984 Debris FIow and Debris Aval_anche Hazard Mapsprepared for the Town of Vail indicate the structure is Located in amoderate debris fLow hazard zone. The Charles S. Robinson 1925Geologic Hazard Maps also indicate the structure is located on cheedge of an area of rrpossible recurrent flooding, debris flows andhydrocompactiontr. The hazard is due to runoff from the slopes above. A large berm and ditch were constructed by the owner i" fge+ to th;north and east of the structure upon recommendation of Town of Vailofficiars. This berm/ditch forlows the naturar drainage path from theslopes above (north of) the structure and channeLs seasonal fLows to adrain at Bald Mt. Road to the east of the structure. It is our opinionthat the risk due to flooding or debris fLows is greatly reduced. bythe creation of the berrn/ditch structure, and tElitThe-bi:rmTditch doesnot adversely affect or increase any tlpe of hazard to ot,herproperties. Like many subdivisions in this area, Ioosening of the soils in theslopes above could result in mud or rock slides during particularly heawy rnoisture years, but the slope behind the structure showgg!_*noindications of such slope faiLure, and may in fact be Lessto such failure due to its southern exposure, and appare4t'content. It is our opinion that this structure does notsignificantly higher risk of debris damage than rnost in a1/Sincerely tfu4 D'/.,^- Craig B. Frithsen for Engineering Designworks, Inc. ENGINEERING DESIGNWORKS. INC. /evl \I I I I t.. I I I l--.- !I I I \\.>./r \Exga.az^rDrca{a ,/ '\ lstanntrprv -/,/-- @r|3ll(rct(ra OP / Div"rnoNonqt\. J4.\.\\\ #\ drt-.#,."b.6'trl"E 0' n' 6lru i.r l'r RICHARD D. LAMM GOVERNOR _co!oRADO GEOLOGTCAL SURVEYDEPARTMENT OF NATURAL NESOTJNCiS ?15 STAT-E C_E_NTENN|AL BU|LD|NG _ t3lg SHERMAN STREET r.. DENVER. coLoRAoo 80203 pHoHe roogia66-riir' '.-- . PRELIMINARY EVALUATION OF ROCKFALL HAZARD IN THE BOOTH CREEK AREA PREPARED BY THE COLORADO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY FOR THE TOI,IN OF VAIL, COLORADO 1983 GEOLOGY STORY OFTHE PAST... KEYTO THE FUTURE 1. 2. 3. 4. 7. 8. 9. 10. Summary. Scope and Methodol ogy. . .Site Description Geo tosy_ of irockf al r sourie il;;;. :: : ' ' Rockfal I Mechanisms..... f \ 9:illilg.'.qnd Di ffere;ii;i - i;;;;;;;;;' ;' ;; ;i;' ;;;;; : : : : : : : : : :l.l t0pography and Dip of Strata...4.3 Factors' Tiiggerins Ricliiii;:.:'Hazard cl assiriciiion ino t;r;ii;;::" "' :.1 Hazard Zone Delineiii;;.:::;.::"s.z Rockfat I versus Gi;ii;l'0;;;;;';i'B;;i;;;;:. : : : : : : : : : : : : :: : : ::.? Disturbed Versus_Undisturbei'iiockfail Boutders..5'4 Factors Used to_npproiimai.-ng., and Recurrence Intervarsof Major Rockfai i evenis.. .'1.!. s oi stribu'on of . iocriiii -e;;;;;: : : : : : : : : : : : : : :. : : : : : : : : : : : : : :Potential Sot utions to Rociii.ti'iiii"os6.1 Rockfat I Evenrs fnvoivini'Sriii." Boulders E:t iii?: :ll?_rairure nocriiri' i,.rrt, snow-nvai;';;;'i;;;;;::::::::: :::: :, " "Conclusions............---- - - - "' necommenJiii;;;::: " ' neterenies. ::.. :: :, "' TABLE OF CONTENTS Figures lg:lti9n lgp of the Study Area.Geol ogic _ Di agram or comp6un;-R;;i;;;i _ Study Area.. Pag e I 1,.'3' 3 5. 6. 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 t2 I2 13 IJ 14 t4 14 l4 16 t7 Pag e 2 Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3.Figure 4. Figure 5.Figure 6. Figure 7. Pl ate l. Slopes in the Toppl ing S'lab-Fail ureLimestone Bl ocks Resti Sequence.4 5 Cliff Source Area ng on Shale pedestals, Upper Slope Creep Diaoram.Physical DifferEnces _ Deposited Boulders Between Rockfal I andin Runout Zone l4ap. . . 6Glacially Snow Avalanche Haiard Runout Zone Hazard r,rap, Booth creek Area Rockfail HazardStudy (Accompanies i.iport) ,,il ,*rrK AREA RocKFALL ,*urrr?orro* Summary Rockfa'l I Hazard in.the study area is determined to be extremely high. Rockfallevents can generaily be divjded into two_categories; 1) inose invorvjng massivetopplins slab fairurers -or ine .iiti racell-;;i-i;''tnor. invorvins smarerind'ividual bourders ratiing"-ori'u,. ;ds.; Ji-tn6 vlrtical criffs due rodovrnsl ope creep. 1) Boulders and slabs shed downslope durirg toppling failures are on the orderof 4 to 10 tons und i.rJ-.l-. ii;;;i;;; .at- 70-mph'br m6re as thev enter the upperrunout zone, where numerous resideniiar strutiur";';; j-ocateo. It is thoughtthat events of this. nature proraojy occur every 40 to r00 years. It is noreconomical ly or technically'reaJi-bfe to arrest,- deflect or stop rocks of th.i ssrze in the present.physiial sitJaiion..]he onry-uiiiinative solution .is toprevent toppling fairules uy securi'n.s. lhe joinlei unstable criffs throughwrremesh, gunnite ap-pr'icatiori, ano "octiuottin;-;;i;;osl costs_ for stabil izing;::":tiffs above the area mav run ai r,i9n u.-tro-io-iirree minion doilars or 2) smaller individual b_ou'rders falring off the verticar cliff edges aregenerally on the orden.ot soo-to r'ooo rbs and are expected to be traverinq atspeeds of 50 to 60 mph as th;t;;;;, the uppei "rioui zone. This typd ofrockfall is more frequent and is expected to'occur perioorcaily every one to;H:;r';11',;nrTo",.ui:^:llgg;l.i oi,'*"l*v--Jii"J*="'weather condiiions or c o nt r o r r e o *r r o u g h li "': ffi l i ;, JJii,' o.T J : l ;r _.1f,,", 11 ;;r ,oill " g;,1: i *f.ll, " i ibuilt on the subiilr:rgr-';i;;;;i;:'-"such structures wourd have ritre or noeffect on larqer bouiders'oei''iveit from toppring failures. costs for several'individual or one large-area-wide structure are "itimatea to be on the order of0.75 to one mirlion doirars." sr-r'ur E .'re esLrrnaEec Rockfall boulders at the.base of steep slopes in the study area were examinedand used to tnap the I imits or- tn" *nout zone and del'i neate several hazardzones' Disturbance. of many roctla]l'iouloers causes al'rricutty in accuratelydetermining the maximun .*i"ni;i i;; runout zone. Ail areas within the runoutzone .are subject to signif ica,nt though t."yi;;-irori,iJ'or rockfar r hazards. This report presents the resultsconoucted near the mouth of Boothilroy area shown in Figure 1i;;i'those tots in vait vitiige Fiiiri and concl usions of a rockfal I investigationCreek,for the Town of Vail, Coloiiao. Theudes al I of Vai I Vi I I age Fi f I ng No. -iZ, anoNo. 13 east of Booth ereek. Analysis of the rockfall problem was accomplished through aeria'l -photogeologicrnterpretation, examinafiJ; -;i"";.;;si;tir.i;"'-uir,""int""ui"", with rocalresidents, and fierd studi.i oi'.oc'titail source areas and runout zones. The cl iffs and steep s-lopes above the residential area were traversed andexarnined for evidenc::I ilriqiJiill," degree of hazard, and ro .investigate theparticular mechan'i sms responsible fdi causing rockfalis. Each large bou)der inthe runout zone was examiired to aetermine wh6ther it was of rockfall origin orglacially deposited, and a"--";;i;i'whether or not it had been moved or Scope and Methodol ogy -t ffi-rT':r-9ffi 'sit/+ 2.---'t\ FiS. t Location l,lap of Study Area, scale l:24,000. -2- 'disturbed bv the u.-tl., of man d!"ing.,d.^y.:r opment !lrn" u.uu. Additional ry,weatheri ng patterns, 1 ichen s.orii,' ;;td surface posi ti on of boul ders and sl absI n the runout zone were inat yz6Orecurrence inter;;rs for rarge rockfrl? ntttj: a prel iminary eitlmite' or 5i te Descri pt i on The steep s_outhwest-faci ng s1 opes and rocky cl .i ffs i nves.tower t,boo it ij"o6 m) ao6ve v;ii village Filins 12 ". ,tfXt"""1;Jrir;;r;:::;: l:S;iri;Jt?;'r;':r,"tained ;ithi''i't'oiizontar'olitin." or 1,700 rt (szo'ilj severat ioner-"ni;;'1i"1,i,19'or'. tot".:tr.['iiE'l;.oJ]i]';.'Jf can be oivioeo intoportion of the eo"" ir..l"-v.rj""y "ul"ionows: (Refer to 'fi;: ;i.r. a10ng this A) val l be en from D) U I ower befo re Runout zone -ey wal i. Thisdeveloped as a cl opes of 28 percent to 45 the cl i ffs come to rest in this zone. area .is moderately tvoodedrest dent i al' subdivisi on. percent along the footwith fairly young aspen t ne maj ori ty of roc ks of the and hasfalling ?i,,"o$iE.]fl*li*#*#..- ,:l;:"'*.o[o,uiou?i,l?'1, J,",rf:,,L:::['.iJo"J:?;o:irest on these srooes due--to the stee-pness. sparse, stunted aspen occur insmall stands. but generar]r ilie-sro*t-q" not support much vegetation. Rockstraversing th'is poitionliir'.'iio'pJ="tr r continue to gain energy and momentumas they ro1I and skitter downsiril. ' iiil Dou tders onto the accl erat i on sl ooes .- t.s0,f!. ti_s! .(16 m) ct iff of jointed Jerl.ical ft ('l0m) above the runoui-ion".rn otameter periodically detach from therney topple over and shatter, showeringbeiow. (Fig.3) steep (68%) shale slope above thea higher cliff to gain momentum -.Gl acial ti I I rest,ing- on top of the upper cl iff . diam_e_ter granitic borlloeri-!ownsioie wnich rol Iis till slope is considered io Ue J-pu.t of the iil,: qis'r".'J,'""0t'.jii|'o"?io.n or','#"Jn'. Ii???and free fall'and b.ound downsiope ano off tire lowei-cl"iff. Most rocks do notshatter, but remai_n_ ur- intu.i-a-p'pioxrmateiy gx5 ft (2.5x1.5m) rimestone ?Fil:";; wh i ch are capiot "'oi-."r.-r'''i"ng the farihest r imiti of the irnorl-ion". ii",*###,nff5fi%#ffiand.fail off the clifis. ih'upper source area. Geology of Rockfail Source Areas The geologic make-up of the criffs above va.ir viilage Firing rz is shownotagramaticallv in Figure 2. seoimlnta.y strata u*pos.Tin the criffs are partor the 14inturn- rn"m6lisn or uiaor e p.;r;ii;;;i#"ig'i, and incr ude beds ofiil'it'"'i;'!gl'tli;t.,.ii'ni.-'i..itJ, anu rimestone. ih; beds strjke N85",u and 'unoiionu""u.;"' Ji;i otJ'rr"rtn1?t 'rlli;,n tJr..r.-::l,.1;il,l;:*lnli.:lt*i ope acceleration zone - A i f f al I ovrs-Iill?Eiifrom rDorne at the cl iff edge. - 3_ t3Rc =,.ts:t aLAc'nl- -( | !-LI en Cf .i,ltA !r?€-=!?. ShALF Ac.Ei-t-tlA-( la '\J5LcP€- Lou-,eA !r /,i=:To^J€ t€o65 =F___::;_=__=--=- . Scale 1 in = 200 ft 9:ol:gl. diagram-of compound rock_fat1 slopesIn study.area. Drawn tb scale with no veriicalexagerat'ion. Note dip of strata towarO'vailey. o PP=A t-rt1a'i7. Dt-'C CLIFF ==:-=-':--=-=:-=;t---:-:-----;--=--=_:--=---=- ' - ----=--=-----* - -:z?=tz - -=--: - Rc.-r-Fl i-,- so ZotJ- COLLUVT(,, n\ O ,\,/ ACC€L::,? *7/ rr.J 5r,:Pg5 \-.4 LO\r.,rel), S}NDs.ToNE Cr-tr-FS --:-:- - - Aow,4i{ €Roorrrc Sli;tLE Eg-f 5 . it.:o.!'i -!-a, I t- t?,::r olr.r 74g- 1STf.,Jc?er?Ii \ Fig. z ACa€a-iri'iTlOr,! -4- t21E-:-'----tj-:----- :--:--:':="- iE=_-;=9l-:---'u'-- --/4--/--- z. P=-- oo '2:l F'is.3 -=--=--:- Toppiing Slab-failure Sequence 1. Initial cliff configuration2. Differential weatheiing-of soft shale beginsto undercut massive cliff forming slabs. Jointsopen and widen due to slope creefi and frostwg{ging. Spr.ings issue fiom contaii beneathclrtf-3. Undercutting continues. Joints widen and arey999ed open by smaller rocks, causing slab totilt outwards.4. Slab falls from cliff face onto acceleration _ :lopel, bringing down overlying rocks.c. JraD topples and shatters, showerinq runoutzone below with boutders, and exposing newcliff face to erosron. -5- to o. .. ltLL u/|4'efio}{.E Fis. 4 SHqG Lirnestone slabs resting on weak shale pedestals,upper cliff source area. Lrn€sfo,\{E LEOC'E co/Eso Fig. 5 Slope creep causing Iimestone blocks to move dor^tnbeddins-ptqn9: and-off towei-ciiri eage. -sioi[;"ur. genera) 1y z.ft x. 3 ft. This nrechanii,i-i, ,erponriui":for frequent rock falls jn th;-study area. -6- ilo;;;; ::,''.,:J-^::,o,=!-,ne. sanoston" ,lj'.*,lu-r^ty:^ffiifent jo.int sers strikinsNU5"l{ and N55ow' .Th.es-e iointJ.o*iin. to separaie li;ge srabs and define the9l!ff face angle visiure rrbm-irr""rlir.v u.ioil.''nuou.''jt" sandstone is a soft,Tr'lable course sandJ conglom"iuilc'ueo- 3 ft ihilt-"rril'n weathers to a smoothr0unded redse and _iontin-uai it ;;;gir!r a z t;-a ?;'-thick dense, hard srayrlmestone unit resting. above -it. -ir,L i,i1n"s10r. i! ,,Jin'r.d .o that subanqurarchunks 2ftx3ft (.sxtfr).^.r.lii*gys'iv o.tu.t r"o, irre" ueo and far r ori tnesloping cl iff edqe' It is these limeitone otoctcs-lnai'-.r. .orronry involved inthe more frequenily recurring-.rinii-ttrat can-oitiii-iuui. oamage to structuresrn rhe runout zone, such as the event in uurrv irii "iigas.A thick shale unit between the upper and rower cliffs has weathered back to a68 .percent sl ope. ^rne Jnir ; ';r -5;;i , c.t ayey-, .;; ;h;"; ev id.ence of .tocat i zedslrppage and small s.lope raituris-ihii p.o6u6t'y ot".u'" o|irrng lntense rainstormsor heavy snovrmert- very.smat-nruaii ol* upp"u" to start on this steep srope andspil l over the rowe_r .i.iit-.ds;;-'il*y a.rd capabre of -disturbing or.initiatingffill:lt;rllrf::,ders happer"id ui,"l,rr u,eii.[Jtr,i,-'oi.restrns near points of Resting on this softru"rgd.ilg -*u]. is .a thicker c'riff-forming unit of theKoDrnson Lirnestone. .This bed of dense, hto,;;;y i;;;rtone varies from 5 roapproximaterv 30 fr..th.ick (1-.s t" fi;) rn .*rp'rir;i ;;;; and is the source rorthe largest rockfar.r uouiciers "n"ornt.".o.rn -tne ""r-nJui .0n". The rimestoneboul ders that detacrr f rom th; .j"i #'are qu r te res.i sfeni- ano tend not to breakup or shatter on their.wav downiiopu.- tne'lar!esi;;;;'l;", found in the runoutzone appear to be derived rrom t-riis upp"" ciiii:6;;;; rimestone. The shale zone up9.n wnich the upper limestone criffs rest is weak and byerosron undercuts the massive lrmtiione teos-us;.;;;;;ng pedestar-rike brockswhich eventuai I v topp'l^e oii'ir.'.ii'i...t,.r. -ft'd rl,n.iione is jointed such thatblocks approximitet'v gtixdt;";;; ?purut"o from the c.riff and tit t outward' toward the cl irr e.o!e. Thinnei'b'eii with'in ttre' t ime-stone ci iff proouce mores'labby rocks that if not t;;;;; onii tn.rr -edges by chance during the initiarfall, remain flat-side aown on tf," ir.ep slopes. An eroding slope in glacial tirl rests direct.r y above the criff-forming upperr lmestone in the no-rthern p.rt oi- the , study -;;;.. . The ero_di ng sr opeperiodicar ly sheds. -Tt to zt_[-'o-ia."'smooth, rounded granitic bourders wh.i chtumble down the cl if-f inio iit *"rrt zone. 0ttrei-Jreis of this til t fartheri:;;.'1.3:fl,'l:;l:tl,;B::.;"lil:"*t^tior",'.no-.i.'not activery sheddins Above this til I , s-rppes fratten dramat,icar.r.y to grades of 0 to 35 percenr.Large stands of mature aspen inoiiiie'that these gentre upper tiil sropes arerelativety stabre. .ruo ofne'r';;;;;;;, sources- perrinent to th.is study existii:tt these gentle sropes, wnictr-silrt at an erdvatjon of approxjmatery 9,450 Rockfal I Mechan.i sms several natural g":].0:i. rng. topographic factors combine to cause rockfar r srrom the c'riffs exposed- on the iroitn'valrey ";ii ;; c;re creek. in the studyarea' These factors^i1^ci-goe j;;r;-;;i't"rns,-differentiar weat-hering of variousrock types, dip of strata, ;nd'th;-;iope 6r .irit!'uni'uc.ureration zones. -7 _ 'Joint patterns in the -c1 iff forming_.rocks are caused by stress rer ief andphvsical properties or-i;;' r;;l:"' -rne-jotnt, #"ilrruo define the olanarvertical cliff faces-and act to ieparat-e riidJ-iecl-ion! ot the cr.iff into'srabsal ong joints subparall ei to tnrl-firr ru.". "-o,ic'e'i' iiio has detached from thesedimentary bed,'.it be.gini-to'i""ep, outwards due to-gravrty and frost wedgingln the joints' The ioints widen "iin-ti*e,-ini-ir."oiien wedged farther apart ?i.'li'3 ):oo.' or smai t "i rd;ks 'uiuf rur I -info trie;;;;ral i;;ded by' ;i,'.-'ioi nts Differential weathering_ is,the procsss by which soft weak rock types, such asshale and claystoxe, _-erooe iwlv-ias!9I than adjacent beds of rimestone orsandstone. As time passes, th; ",11,^Jit_-",1.-dirn-rirr-., and clay begin toundercut the more^I":.]:!:nf. overtyrng sandstone! or rimestones creating ahorizontal groove or-crack at the bise-of tn" iiirr iii.rr ".roves support forEne rocks above' - Eventuar tv, 'tr,".,'o^uerhanging- re-d_ge Decomes incapabre ofsupporting its own weight, inc -iir,rs. or topples from the cliff. If theoverhansins s'rab.-ll: giii;oi.'i-.t*r,"d fronr 'fne -cr'irr arons ioints ancr isresting precariou-s'ly on tne-"snJiel' unoer_cutti;g aio' oitterentiat weatheringaccelerate the process which finalfy results in -tne ineuitab_le topp.ling of theslab' As the lu:n-"..^sr-ios toiiie''onto tne accerLratron sropes below, theyusual I v sharter' into many sr:nit ter uouiJer -;;;;;' liunrs wh.i ch accer erat,e3?"iil'!iti? ?r" ;lii':r'i:ii. il; ioppr ing-'av i",:gi.,-'adjacent unstabre parts Topography and Dip of Strata The dip of the rgc-ri redges making up the source area arso contributes torockfall along cliffs in-the;t,;;;,area. The strata in the two cliffs dipapproximatelv 15 degrees rnto tne vili:.r,_..:y;i1's"!i,r"yoose stones, cobbres, or- Doutders on the redges to ineuiiinry move doirn io rhe edge of the 50 ftvertical drop. Limeitone rtoirsli'"pu"rt"a from their beds by jo.inting andt'reather'i ns creeD ,down towaro tt'J r;ii ;y-;i;rs' iil.#''jl pp r ng bedroc k surf aces(Fis' 5)' Preciditation tia in6'u,ineii trl Jiieitiv-o-irin. cliffs, formins manysmall waterfails. .Rounded sr."iir cob^oles and jraver move down arong the dip:l:it: and fall into the op-en-.c"uttr ror*J uvi.i'rts, wedsing slabs farther The g'l aciated valleys -of Gore and Booth creeks both possess relatively flatbottoms and steeo.ndarry u""tl.iJ-s;iii; ih":i;p"":'rr". .o steep that once aboulder or slab't-opple! rior'-in"-.tiirr, ;t -;;;;;r''come to rest untit itreaches the rower rddtstopes of ini= '131rey.war.r,- where the runout zone beqins.An examination of tne-ruIout-'roii shows th_a_t 'l arge boulders and slabs-havetravelled onto ano.acroii p-u"ii"or'the.valley floor due to the tremendousenergy and momentum they acquire thiough the steepry sroping accereration zone. Factors Triggering Rockfal l s Heavy precipitation and arternating freeze-thaw conditions often trigger:::li:l].:. La.rge amounts of water may weaken or saturate ctayey shale bedsreouclng the strength necess.ary to support the weight of overrying sandstonesor llmestones' Excess groundwaler-aiso creates a lubricating effect and causessl ippage al onq creavagq pranes rn' *re sh;r;. '-i;;;" effects mav trisgerrockfal I s froni the cr iris ;;';;ement and creep of the srabs and bourders is Jointi ng and Differential Weathering of Cl iff Faces - c- ' acce.l erated or rea^Oi|^-r r...-l s nov,m et t fo l I o*"0'ntiT.lt to.illils ih ;' ;; " "' i'"'' JIJJI!1 :X::, JJ:'.',Tmay move a slab or boulder just othund.erstorms or igqu, snowmelt. periods ,overni.ght often comb.i n-e to tr.i gg"" "oitlutbeneath boulders expands _ouring"ire"iing,enough to trigger a rockfal l. ofls. and The rocky slopes above the two c] iff s ,are so steep and unstab-r e that any cobbreor rock knocked r,-o-ose wit r roii ..0 uouno oow'nrlr;.; knocking other rocrst00se, often starting. smar t caicaoes .or rooie";;;;T;; which shower off rheI oller ct i f f edqe. ihese ir;Ti--.;bbr-.: . ;* -.;p'i6i!' or stri ki ns a r arserunstable bouroui r:r., rrrtilri;;,'u -"o.trui t eveni.'-ieiioents report that tneyoften hear these smaHer rocks-nounoing- and ratti ing through the brush in theupper reaches of the.runout zondwier-e they sound"r*i rike animali runningthrough the underbrY:1'- l.qtnuiion'-ot-^the rockfail source area reveal ed thatmany heavi ry traver ed game trai r s- cri s-cross the steep si opes anc cr fffs. Itts evident that deer and-bigno"n'jheen 9rte1 disiodge shaller cobbles alonq the:ii;l;.*tch mav trisger rJ"g.r ire'c"iriousty perched bourders to far r from tne As jointed slabs continue.to tilt farther out from the cl iff face, and bouldersbecome precariousry perched at ttre i_titt eog".,- ground motion resurtinq fromthunder, sonic boom'or earth t..rors is cap'aut"" oi oisrodging bourdeis andtrissering rockra'rl^. .Al;;ri;q;;l;iiu,ugniil;; th;" ir rour in rhe immed.iarevic'inity could cert-ainrv--oiiiois. runv-r_arge-rdljro"ri and srabs which arepresentl y perched prec aii orti y- o'n- sieei s r o;; r- n- t-n-u' i.roy ur"u . Hazard Cl ass.i facation and Zonation The rockfal I hazard-associated wi_t.h seolosic and topographic conditions and theprox'imity of dwer r i.ngs_ as describei- above is conliie.!o to be severe. Themajority of larqe bo-ura*r--r*nili*ong structures in-tn" runout zone havefallen from the it irti il-"ri"rtray''inolcates tnui-tt"'question is not, ,,wirIiilSlillr"T?l:t;:.,fT,.[iiff"'-ii'ir'.t is tire recu'r-rence intervar '6"t"..n Hazard Zone Del ineation Varying degrees of rockfail hazard sevelity can- be approximated by examinat.i onor the narure dnd positions oi-uorioL"s ind srabs'in the runout zone. gu.iI arge bourder was ;^1yir!0.. to a-.#-in" ,.u#J-ru.i*, wh.ich were used rodpproximate rhe extent of the t;;;;;" zone, and estimife the time spans sinceeach rockfal I boulder .ur.-iJ ;;;;:" These factors are:1) whether or not a bourder was of rockfa, origin or graciary depos.i ted. Acceleration slopes.are-so steep and smooth that rocks traversing them are freeto deflect and skitrr r;t;;;fiy';;;ny oireclio",iiiutins from the point orinit'ia'l fa11. tn".lu.al1.n or.iruj".t6"v .. siu"n u*ii"" courd forow is sounpredictable that it.is. impractic;-l-io oil iniaie'iniiurirur hazard zones basedon the phvsicar conditio;i;i-;;;;o;r segments of the criff faces. In thepresent situation. hazard .on.i-u"l-r0". practjcally related to horizontaldistance rrom the -source a"eaJ, ;;{^riiin:'."];tiJr'glper.iencins a smar r erprobabil ity of o"tlg ,.l.orpassel uy'a given event. Thrs approach yierds aseries of zones radiatins- 99! rror"tr,e -sou"."- *au, thu *o." severe hazardsexlsting crosest to the itifis. -it ir,orro u. pi,'inito"'iut, however, that anyf;:::.[.ntn the extent of the rrnoui-ztne is suuieif to Jo*" desree of rockfail o2) .Whether or not a rockfallposition or had been moved by b:f-O_." La: i.e:ting undisturbed in jts originalnuman activities. 3) The phvsical nature of undisturbel,rollfgl.r.bourders with respectcontact, (restins on surf.a;; i;b;;oe1,,,na"tiarlv to"e"ed, etc.) andmoss, and weathering patterni on-.iposed surfaces. to basal lichen, 4) The comparative size distributions of boulders with.i n the runout zone. Rockfal I Versus GI acial 0rigin of Boulders In order to determint th.".extent of the rockfall runout-zone, it is necessaryto determine whether. bouldels enco-unte"ed below inL-.t-irt, in vail viilage havefallen from one or tne-iour;;;;;;;'and come to rest on the surface, or if theywere transported l:*ilo.-a"poiiieJ[v j.Jo"-o;;;iJ"o-uring p]eistocene gracialperiods' This disti.nction can le rnaae by comparing the character of bouldersfound imbedded in undi;tu;bei .tr;;tgt deposits ,uith itre' Hmestone and sandsroneboutders derived from the ct iiri- ii.ig.-.6y..--ci';;;.;j; deposited boutders aremostrv rounded to suuroiioi'a' ti*oJin"s1i.,{jt.-i1"rlii'*o.pnic rocks wh.ich are'| m'edded in the sur.roun_dj ns- sl i.-iir .lq"t:t:. -ihu'-"*por"o surfaces of theseboulders are almos-t totallviou.".a-lvith lictrens ano-'mls.s, making it dffficultto determine litholosv of :tt'.'Lb-riae"l niitibuf ii'Jr'J'.inspection. The heavyr'rchen cover and oJltti w-e11 deve-l-dieo surraCJi6"r'*"itnering features such aspits and etched rel ief oi i"Jiulo'u-a'iminerar grains suggest that these bourdershave been in orace for ?g'-i;'-+b"'tt,or.und -years. --in. glaciar.ry depositedcobbl es and boura3-11-1e ss to so-p.r.unt gra;tiiii-and'metamorphic rock types,and very few rimestone or sandstone cobbies o" uoria""s can be found in thetill. This is due to.tt" r.ii ttul'in" oniy-ror"J;-;;;. where varley gracierscould scour up r imestone ii i iiiii.o'w uana "oi-;.k ;;.- ml te upstream from therunout zone' The.extensive upper bisin whic! lp.rrJ the graciers is composedof Precambrian igneous and riritimoipnic Ii.t_ho1'ogies, which make-up the' vastmajoritv of the rdck.tvpei;r;;;;;;;id^in til-l _deposits in the runoui zone. rncontrast, large bourders ano siJs'or rockfarl-'o-r-ig-i-n.u". angurar or poorryroundEd, rest direc_tly on the _d;;;d rr"ru.i' do-'no't"rhow an equar amoirnt ofweatheri ng on ar r _".It9:..g surricls , and are 'ar mosL -eicr us i ver y r imestone or. sandstone. A few granitic roctrJr' bo_urders ;". ;i si' present, being derivedfrom till in the upper-source area. f4eie o#ri*r,*s were used to map therocations of rarqe'borra!"s--or-.illruii-;;si;';;i';;;.rmine the approximateI imits of the ruiout ,0n., -uJ-srrow-n'on the map accompanying this report. Disturbed Versus Undisturbed Rockfal I Boulders 0nce a specific boutder was identifj.t q:^i,.,.1S _9f,q.rgUqffe rockfatl origin,lts p.sition on the f.oot iiop.i-i,i.jid.be used to predict the nature and exrenrof the runout zone. , n p.ooi.-ni"iii,'i,ttng t-hl-p.iti'irri-of rockfal I boutders inrne subdivision and ad.1'acert ;;;;;-io. ielinehe iii"-"unort zone is that rnanyhave been disturbed and moved from-tfreir g"ts.inul iii-riijons during development'ncl sen5lpuction activiti"s. M;'r;"of.-the -uorio6ri'are too. rarge (gftxSft,weighing up to l5 tons j i.;;; movli"ea.siJ-yr- €V€0 by he-avy equipment, and it isassumed that thev {.."e^.{oveq-oiiiy-I iew teet to seierar-iens of feet from theirortginal position i1 -or!er to.u..y out construction of roads and foundations.lne-accuracy of thi-s, assumption'"ir-not.easily det#mined,. and the presentposrtions of the disturbed t;li;";; as indicafori- o?"'"unour zone and hazardzons sh6pscteristics is not ";'.*ry rer iabr", ino J, ,r.o accordingry. -i0 - Fn.:Sr-r Roc<f.rLL 8!-u3- ;) Et,l aL oeR .4.ccKF,la L- Bor',ia€ r!. DeAr*'.'., o r.r lNl corl gl sTf ,\r T OlStl-.i,! iiorJS EO<'nS FI bEP ^lo >ttt! !'"'"t'J G*l*,,r,C &:,-rcir+15 IN TILL Fi9. 6 frTr€D) wEn rircil€O S<,*F;\<€ <.OLL(JVIU../\ 'Tr-r- :D Bro -4'--"RocK Phys'ica'l differences between rockfal'l and g'laciary depositedboulders in ruhout zone. Rockfar bourderi are ari rimestoneor sandstone, while g1ac.ia1 bouiders are mostly roundeJ----"granite or_metamorphic'lithologies. Note that so:i eiistsbelow rockfatt bourders, whire-it is absent beneath giiiiirboul ders. 1',| - Di sturbed or transported rockfar 1...b-1rr-1:1, al ways - show fresh gouges andabrasions caused by. heavy ea.ttr-mouing equipment. Addit.i onry, the moss anoI lcnen growth patterns,- if any, a.re not consistent. with the presentorientations of the-'bouruers, inii.!llns that.they have neen moved after thepatterns were estabj ished. -oisioioratio-ns of *," ,iiii_urueo boulders caused byso.i I contact can be observe-J-on'in. s'i des or top of those which have beenpushed over and moved' Tho bouiders often teave'tia.r'ls or marks where theyhave been pushed..,grqng ld.-si;'rij,..creat.ins i sruii berm of scraped up sojlalong 0ne of their basal .ed-ges. 'unoistu.o".o .olrii.il boulders do noi, showfresh gouges or scrapes, hav-e consistant-li;he;-Jnj-ro* growth patterns, donot show soir discororationt on tt,"ii lides or tops, and are often surroundedby young bushes--.aspen trees, or- naturar ueg"tatiori, which has obviousry norbeen disturbed' The'posili;;'; these bouloErs can'.bL useo to more accurateryproject the minimum'limiti-oi-tne"runout.zone, since they can be inferred tohave come to rest in ih;;; p""i"rt positions irie"-iarling from the criffs.FEi::i!t used To Approximate Ages and Recurrence Intervars of Major Rockfau certain characterjstics exhibited by undisturbed rockfal I boulders and slabs inthe runout ron",,::gg1_1 upp.oiir#. o" reratiu. tir" spans since they came torest after failin,g,- a.nd !ive a rough. estimate oi ih. recurrence intervarsbetween I arge sr ab--'fal i ur;'!u..tJ. -rn" iontict -nraoe oy a bourder w.th thesurrace sussests how lons the roJ[ nl: l";l-i.iiiiid'in its present pos.ition.As the length ofjt-T"^ircreises,--ti,. ro.t wilr tend-to press into the grouno,and slope wash' soi.l. cree-p, and frost wedging.will act to fill in around thebase of the roik witn loil"'rJlitrit. noc"rs iniiir'rriv,e ueen sitt.ing for longperiods tend to be somewhat imbedded in.the soir, and if moved, wourd reveal anindentation in the ground. Rocks urni.n nuu" "li,.ntry fallen rest directly onthe ground surf ace , and may r i; ; ;;r;;' ;; 'r'rr';i"r''r."., they have crushedbeneath them' one can placi a iticr beneath the edges of such a the rock incerta i n spots. 0lder rocks also ha-ve more consistent lichen growth patterns than fresh rockswhich have recently oetactreo '-r"-o, the ctirt. irestr rocks may possessdifferentiallv weath!.eo suiiaie.','u, u result of their former positions on thecliff' If the bourder.qrir.d ;rirrru.. weathering and coror pattern while onthe cliffs, it is unrikeiy 6;ii to a. stop in the same position. and thesurfaces which were_prevrdusiy'Jga'inst .the g.i-ounu oi tacing joints may stil rposess a characterist-ic cotoriti-on contrasting with oroer exposed weatheredsurfaces' consideraole time -li-ni.essary for iaturJt weatherjng processes toremove this discoloration and;r;;i; a nEw uniform iurrace coror on the rock.' ]!::"-l"ltheri.ng.factors ""J-tn"-n-uture of undisturbed rockfail boulders wereused as a guide in determining hazard ronur'"i'ini;-;il runout area. Distribution of Rockfall Events Examination of the source area and runout zone reveals that two basic types ofrockfall event take pIu..' ln -i'hi' ,troy u".u. The trrst and most commoninvolves smailer ina_iviuuit'iori'j."r, generaily in the zftx3ft(0.5x.tm) sizeI9nge' which detach trom ieoit.tii.y beds and dventualry fail off the crrtts.tnese ralts commoni.v invoive ;";;;i.b*rl;;,;;;;?'which are set in motionarter being struck-by tn. iritlii"rui "ng rock. This type of minor rockfall iscommon and based on- examination oi'tna runout zone and cl iffs above can beexpecled to occur every one to three years. This is the type of rockfail which -12- 'occuned 'I S mostandJ;;l --o-in the sprinq of tgl3.glg..damaged several, structures. The areasusceptibre to these frequent 6venii'is shown on the Runout zoneudes the upper two rows bf struciurls, wh i ch Map, The second type of .rockfalI is much^.1.::: Il:ty"nt,-but of.-far greater dangerand destructive potentiar. rt"'invorves _massive !tao^taitures of the cliffiii:ii,dllxt -r'liir"iii,t;';tUl:.'i*nr;j'td:fr,:tii.,,x,Jt.:i?:;,,llti;"ff;"1:i?:.J"i?,:,?1*lj.I.*:li ix{lit,ii: ""'i:"'ui*oit JL"tiiiii-rtsu,t A rough prer iminary. estimate of recurrence intervar s for these r argesl ab-fail ure events., laiuo' oi-'u*#inution # tr,. 'iou-"". area and und.i sturbedrockfat I bourders in ttr" -"*r,ii;;;F, is on the ;;;;'. o_f 40 to r00 years.Large boutders ser -t:.T:.rj; a"*i1's"-ty,u9e eventi"ian'iiuu"r through rhe runoutzone as far as the maximum prouabid limit. - nn Eiirui. or tn" rast occurrenceof this tvpe of event, nurJo;i1".'tresrresi', ,-,iiiiiJru.d rockfair bourder inlitu6'l3ilr'l!3: ano weattreiing piit."ns on ihe ciiiis, is on the order or 40 Potential So'l utions to Rockfal I Hazards The- feasibil ity ol,^^n11te9tive. structures and other preventive measures wereeva I uated duri ng t-he studv' lt.'i*". lvqes -oi ro.r.i.rnr' events di scussed aDoveilSfSrtonttoered separatelv, 6nJ'ioiiitii'r-roii,t.i"ii'io" oot, rypes are ou, ined Rockfall Events Involving Smaller Boulders smaller boulders ^.-o.*lonrJ falling 9If the 'lower cliff co_uld probably bearrested by protecti v-e stuctures "bui-l t near ii. 'r o".i acce rerati on zone onproperty within the.platt-eo subJirii-sion- it" .i"l"irres must be capable ofabsorbing the energibs ;i-;re ";.;'Lourders_ travel ing at 50 mph, and rvourdprobably involve.energy absoruin'g materials hero -*itr,in tinber or rockcribbing. Mainta.inenc-e- oi- tn.- ,i.r.tr"., wourJ-i" "n"..srury each time aboulder is stopped., sin-ce-it'""en."gv a.issipailon niir damage or deform thatpart of the structure invot veol - i,t ii,nl"truiv ""r,i feasibte to build anarmoring vrail or other type or-strr.iu". "\i.h !titr;;; to arrest the bouroersthrough rigid strength, -due fo *. *^t"r.ry r,is-i-;';r;Jntum ro-cks gain throughthe acceleration zo-ie" rnJ uni."JlJao-le pattrs inu puii.rns folowed by rocksskittering down srope makes it alltl.rrf 1"0 jli*lr"i#J't'n. best praces to siteEne protective structures' One apiroac.rr wouia f.'-ti construct individualpr'tective structures for eactr-uJrrTin.o. wrthin-in'e *nort zone. Ar ternativery,a s.ingle large structure above irt.'rlrtoivision might.provide as much protectionand create less overall disturban."-io the area." rn?- itructure would have roDe carefully designed ano const"r-ciea to u.-r"uu'i"aining and to preventadverse snow or ice accumulationi ]-r-om torming above the protective barrier.siting a communitv type t";;;;;'ir; structure appears to be feasibre on theslopes 'immediu'"tu,.,ib_oye trre- upp-ermost row of' ""Jiaun..r, however, moredetailed siting stldie-s u". n.."riliy to determlne irre m-ost suitable location.rn e'lther case, costs for t-hese iirir."trr., are prer iminarily estimated to be ontne order of 0-75 to on€ miilion-ioiiurr, and couid run higher. unfortunatery,!hese structures rg.,ujd Jo u'tti."io"q1..._u_.nt. larger bo.urcrers or srabs derivedtnrough toppl inc fail.ule-i, i"or"'iur"t""Jying struct-ures in the runout zone. Theenergies possesied.by such staul-or i-ourd.ers are simpry roo great to containl::?;:r:!!. resrrictei space- uur-iruur. between the souice areas and existins - IJ - Large Sl ab-fai I ure Rockfal I Events Due to the crose proximity- of str!g!u"sl to. the source a,rea, the steepacceleration slooes, -a1! tire t#ge-iizes o_f_uouioeri-ani slabs involved in thistype of fair ure, there is no "economicaily-;" -i;.;;\car-ly feasibre ,ay toarrest ' def l ect ' , or stop rour i;'i.-l trl. -t,i,r4;;."9" s'rabs from fruver ingthrough the runoltigl^.,__Tg oestrovils structures, which happen to be in theirpaths. A conservative estimate oi'tne energi.s r,i.t,'lorrders are expected tohave in the upoer. runout zone is apprilimaied rv tn" .rmpact of a r0,000 rbtruck st.i ki ng 'a :'ry:tll: ;;:; r-;g"? 'or iqo-mph. -'0.['n' ve structures capabr eot stopping l0 ton rimestone uouioers-yavetifig-un-!"iuti., unpredictabie,pattrat up to 70 mnh ^a1-e tectrniiJtiJ'ana econofiiiatry infeasibre due to theextremely limited space available- bet-ween trre sourc'e area and the structuressrtuated in the "lnlyl zo!e-.-.1i.,. .r1r;;,Ii; ".ri""=ru'trve is to prevent thebourders and sr abs from far r ing;- -o "tnii r; ;;ii"f" _u.."orpr ished throush:il??:l'" g;:il':s,'3i#;*.",iyti;il'fgy:"iJ*;,:'.0,'ry *,'1,:irir'.00,",,;,,.11: [ ; i I i i i'; J-',.,if , ll: ?i: *, :l!, "*,,"j, *,.'t T #.#jI ll;;r ;1.:u oi t i I I i n, Bextensive mesh'ino ?!q dunnife ui'pi i."ition to stiuiiiie-tne-c..tiirs suriicientryto al low rock-boiting operation's'. Ai-ces_s to the cl irli would be diff icult, andcourd invorve he'Hcdptli ;!;;;;. ""pr"irrin;;y-;;;i;.r-es sussest that costscould run on the gfo."" #'i;;-io .three mrii io"- aoi ,u.r, considering thernsurance which wourd bg needed, uni u," prtl'iii;i"fr;;;?:11""...f"r"1"r:t"1s_which courd arise. Another.onrio""-uu*'i, il" F.oi-".r'lii[ff:.Tl:]i:;:;l;;of the area, which 'inc'ruoe;;;; .-r'iir source are!!-.' o'rturning permission andlegal jurisd'iction- to al low lit"-nliu" modificat.ir; .rd remedial work on thecl iffs may I iterat tv requir; ;;;j of Congress. Cl iff Scal ing cliff scaling was considered, but after e.xamination of the cliffs and positionsor structures in the runout ione berow, r.t was aeemeo't-oo dangerous and risky.There is a hish probabi.iliv tiili *',*6ive oamife'io rJu."ur structures wourdresult from dislodging bould;;i," liuor trom trrt sori u-e.tical ct iffs. Scai ingis senera'lty cons-iaei"o -i.Jriui; ";;it ,jr,"rr "iii.o ,;";;" to construction orl3f ';l:T:' t; il #. ;i"l;,, Ix? o;Tf.T ii,*$*ilii;;' il,ii,t.,.t, "es i s us u a,, y Snow Aval anche Hazards several relativerv smarr snow avaranche tracks exist on.the sropes above thesubdivision, qs s-hown jl--frln )i.."t.v u;;;.;;;; wy ,-ur1 which seneral.ly:;:il?":;i.:n;.:?'i"' cr iff un'o .6no,.t 'ilo'trl ;;i';;"iJ" avaranches durins or e i ; i i il ; i L o",,',"i1'1i1'#t Ii ",:1. : lil,"::!t- il::i *j ll.ulsl, f ; l l ; ii: i:structures 'are qenei_a-lrv- noi- i'n-i#'puths of these minThe danser ot rdikrarr iar-exc'e.or'ir,. concerns ro,. uuu!ln:;:l:r.n" sulrevs. Concl usions Rockfal I Hazard in l.h: rlyOy.aleq is considered to beevenrs can general ly be d.ivioei-inii, iwo- categories;toppl ing sl ab fail urps - of the iiiti Taces, and ?)rndrvidual boulders tat t ing 'of;'i;; edges of thecownsl ope creep. .extremely h.i gh. Rockfal IrJ those involving massivethose invol ving smal I ervertical cl iffs due to -14- t'i/l{{,i1.\(\\\\'Nill/l rAaEA oF -rHrs STUOY Fi ^ 1. tg. t Snovr avalanche hazardtnree srna I I avalanche r nves ti ga ti on. ;:l:;,'1":1i:,:;i.i"'if;l TiSl';r'?il?; - ls - l] 9o.rtders and sl abs shed downsl opeor 4 totb io;; i,ii-,'-uy t-i ;;;;;ii;,; {q"i{ilqTlt,,lg,.l.llT,iir"Ifirll tlE i;i:irunout zone, where numerous resideniiar sl"u?iur";';; i-o-c_ateo. It is thoirghtthat events of thi s. natu-r-e probabr y o-1.1r-. tugry .4q- to 100 years. It i s noceconomical ly or technicaily'reJsiut"e to arrest,- def r eit or stop rocks of th.isslze in the present .physiial situatjon. rne-oirv-uri."nutive sol ution is toprevent toppi ins faii uies bv securin,s l!i :oinl.l' ul-,'rtuute -cr iffs throughwr remesh, gunn ite app r i cat i ori, ino rocr<-uoi tl ng iliin'.6,. costs- _for stabi l i zi ng;l;":tiffs above the area *ii "ui ui'nigh ,i"tni-io-iirree mirrion dorlars or 2) smaller individuar boulders fa1^r ing off the verticar criff edges are:;::[:tL+ .Jb tfo' ;Io"-1,-or soo-to rboo rbi ;;; u". .*il.t.d to be trave]ins at rbc kr a r l i ; ;o; iX # dl#.i, "&'0..:,,.T d:::, I i! li "illi;, ;'lf;iii: f ithree years' Nost,*aie_.t-riJg."'.d.Ti.,1nr.quu.ily. extreme weather conditions orground motions- I.t appeaii p"bnait^e that inese i.lqu"nt events mighr becontrol led throuqh. ttre ibnitrrJtio;t of e-nergy-absorbing protective structuresbui I t on the .ro-oL: j.:li; ;;;;;;;;l'_ sucrr structures viout d have I ir1 e or noeffect on iarqer bourders aei^iveo from toppling fairures, costs for several;:i;";:'11".;,liiJ;tjJ:;:_..,[1ti,.t,""'i"" .-,ti,ii.d to be on the order or Rockfal'l bourders,at the-base of steep sropes in the study area were examinedand used to map tne rimi[i-;i;h" irnout zone ano-aerineate severar hazardzones ' Di sturbance. of many roctial I' boul o""i"..ui'u. l-i rrr cur ty i n accurater ydetermin.ing the maximun "ri.ni;i;;; r.unout zone. Ail areas within the runoutzone are subject to significant though varying amounts of rockfall hazaros. Recommendat i ons This preliminary rockfall hazard study is not intended to be a technical designstudy, but rather ,1 p,r.er iminarv e-v'a-r-uation of_the magnitude and extent of therockfal I probr em in the eoofh" crl"l' .""u. If rock-bor ting and securinq thecl iffs iri the source- area 'is found to be eionomicat ry or techniial ryinfeasibre, the dg:lri"l;t "i.t'r,? or not to buird protective barriersdes igned for smalle.r, more frequent eventJ ,i,.t-iL. made. This wil I bedifficult, because tt"r" siir.ir'J".''!un not be "*p".t.o to protect residencesrrom rarse srab rail"l::i.;;;;;;;i.;ly t!o_r" ;;;r-;;;n-s on the hisher criffsource area. tn tltt-.lt^n!r, .tn" -corisroeraure cost of pi^otection from smarlerevents becomes djfficulf to' jrsltt-y'.- If construction of -p:1.:tive structure.s j-s contemp.r ated., we recommend that anexperienced civil engineer -or geotethnl-c:i *gl*jli", "rijiled jn evaruation ofdyndmic aeoloqic Drocesses ror ieiisn"cr,iterial_ue- reiJned to conduct detaiIedoesrgn and sitino'studies-foi tli-ii'rrctnqlsJ'fri';*;"t shourd be used as a:i;::. to pran rurtner iiua-i'es "o=r"!p!crrii- p"oiu.tiil-r.rr.ture des.isns and t-t7 - ,Q4 ---D;EE- Geol ogy Secti on Ensi neeri ne aio iru iliJ.,ii.tl - 16 - / - 17 -E-4{F ??J :. Refe rence s Mears' A. I., lgTg..cororado snow-avaranche area studies and guiderines foravaranche_hazaio prinningi"-d.T;: il;i: i;;;.i';;;1. pru. 7, t24 p. Robinson, c.S., and_Associates,_Georogicar consurtants, I975, Georogic ..,i:i:;:ryrs ror environmeniir -i,a'iiio-:,;;";;,iii;;: Easre county, R-ogi::.: I:l': ei u]: 1974, -Guidel ines and criteria for identif ication andland-use contrors of 96orogic triiiro ana ,in""ir'iuror".. areas: colo.Geot. survey Spec. pud.-o,"iio"pl" Shel.ton.,_ 0.C., 1974, Unpubl ished report Col orado. Tweto , 0gden , rnd igugf t,ng, T:1. ,- 1977., Geol ggJ of the Mi nturn l5_minute3:;:i'!tl:'eut';le ano iummii-io,ii.r,-coi6i,uio,""[.s. Geor. survey Fror. Rockfall: variables which determine the hazard:, colo. Geol. survey eeoiogi;-h;;;;; files, Denver, - 17 - BOOTH CREEK ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE ]- Ohrner parcel Owned AssessmentIqara crasis Bossow Block 1, I,ot 5, Sf8-fr-a Rodnie W. carton Bl9ck L, I,ot 10 $1g ,63-t.34Lynne Erion Unit B, Resub IJot 7 Roy A. Johnston Lot 1, parceL B, 9191632,34Resub Lot 2 ,fohann Mueller Block 2, Lot a $tg,637.34 Brandess-Cadmus Block 1, Lot 10 9181637.34Real Estate, Inc Unit A, Resub Lot 7 George H. Clowes,Jr Block 2, Lot t $rg1637.34 Crown Corr, Inc. Sloci( L, Lot lj. 91g1632.34Resub Lot 7 Robert S. Carpenter Block L, Lot 2, 9L8r637.34Unit A, Dtarquez Duplex Daniel J. & Barbara Block 2, Lot 2, g18,532.34A. Feeney Unit B John I{. Gray Block 1, Lot G, 9Lgr637.34unit B J. Edward Gund Block 2, Lot t $tg,637.34 Edward M & Katherine Block L, Lot 2, 9Lgr637.34P. Gwathmey Unit B, Marquez'Duplex Jeaninle Hallenbeck Block 1, Lot 4' g18,637.34 Patrick G & Suzanne Block 2, Lot t $t8,6g7.34E. Dauphinais Robert p. Lanmerts Block 2, Lot 4 $1g,637.34 Robert.Leavitt Block-Lot parcel A 91g,637.34 Duane & Carolyn piper Block L, Lot g, Sl-8,G32.34Parcel B-1, B-2 Brandy Lee Mclaughlin Block 1, Lot 6, 9L8r637.34Unit A Jorge A. and. Sybi1l Block 1, Lot 9, 919,637.34Navas Resub Lot Z Paid $ 2,2o5.77 I 2,os7.zt $14, l-06. oo $l-4, 106. oo 5 2,O57.77 $ 2,O57.77 $18,637.34 I 2,O57.77 $t B, 637.34 S 2,os7.77 $L4,106.00 I z,os7 .77 IL; I'r1J o ,J Page Tlro .fohn Galt Block 1, Iot g, g1a,637.34 g 2,057.77Mountaineering parcel it, Resui lot- ) I'tichael D & Cynthia BLock t, Lot t $18,637.34 12,Os7.77R. steimle John D. and Ruth K.Steimle Ray E. and panela V Block 1, Iot a $rg,637.34 $14, 106.00Story Garton Deveropment Brock 2, r-cL 5, 918,537.34 g18,83r..37Unit A Garton Developnent Block 2, :-.,1' S, g18,637.34 gL8,B3i_.37Unit a vail Mountain school Blost 2, Lot L2 $L8,637.34 g14,106.00 Jacgueline n. Lind Block 2, Lot 2, 918,637.34 $ 2,052.77Unit A \_ Nov-25-e€i osiosP ENGI|SERING c}EsI(iNvtf(rRFis o€l7o ENGINEERING DESIGNWORI{S. INC. 97 I - z+905 P. 01 P,O Box 775729 i0965 Moffil Av€nue Steamboat Springs, CO 80477 (970) 8794E90 (Phone) (070) 87er9o5 (FAX) P.O. Box 927 Itj50 E. Vail Valley lJnve, Suito 3C Vsii, CO 81658 (970) 476-4855 (Phone) (97O> 416-7652 (FA-Y) 'lotal Number of Pages:3 FaxNumbcr: 7Zo U-71 zy.fz Projea No.1621a t RE; EI\l) &UrLtF lUnor-S Comrnents: FACSIMILE COVER SI{EET Date: tlzg lqa - Attn: RuqthLL l\t!!re?,T .-ro:=r-16 (]s:osP ENGTISRING DEsrGNwoRKs . ENGINEERING DESIGIYWORIGS, INC. tf €t79o97 -2t9c,5 P.OZ illF]/Ebtc. lEYYlS-F.E- Cahtnb8t t UnivrdtY. CltboFot'tld Elsodol" ElFLOYl'lENr1€ftr|.fi rs7-rg lslg ffiEr@r srFto\fiEilrtSAPt*rrt l*lSt .:'.iflo'}tg ..lgxr' 'li'' EFFyuEqanE . :..r'c|ltorflrOr tlorurlldrl ftlhnso eAGoogFt ttryaEqe,aoftr iLBA-Ftrnct ENclftlEEFlil(lDE9lcttfrOHl(E lilG, Srrrntoa Sptnsr. COFtrrcr {enryr, ^ftF_EFq lrrilgrrr dlgrrpreow oF lIBttllAT tfHtitc8 B.9-frlEnghsitg $rron Urtlg:rv, Elalrfil. HsitrEABuinsronrroon Et{GlNllf,ll,lgiE Egl(illYVOFlGt lttlc, glstnbd SF'!F CO E;G€ulEilfo gnCrr*' *uasrd dctgt snd rnJFt cotlstt'? pten gnn'tdn $tEiltd srn|EDtoilrtilrlxt Ets-r<mdorbwen oF cl{|cAcct. zr|ts, CAlfratnt arr comarynsr at corrudct d tl[5 mllon hyurnrcrc goiet (.!tlJdt o3t? f msiprlloat |ltd et!3 Ffrtulltdd ilrJ?tr$ron lln]i UtallrBgTrFOlJl{DATfOH GSu. Ctilco cl ftlta trrFct ggt,Pttl€ffi trdtbvdurt attlrrlt cJsvhafu dannpmrt scsnathB Cddo ffi utfts*y, -|gt dh* CO. BS. urcrursE1rrrlE . ...,1,1 .. . EilohtEEF|]rfiloffitttuuoHl€, lltc. surtdsn0r, cg SonsEngtrrgr. ssgn 3lllror. nt e udlclon gsrsr. f trtrtqltrlr. ui|mD srAfEg 8unEflt oF REcl.AilATroil, o*ttfi cclllxtaEnElr. ct$rdfll|f,irr sE t{rvtril|lilt3 qaiSom. ftdht$lot ardOna spnciEjinqtsso|r Lllgp snrfig,rffi ptotGN* CnurAzal FfDig,Ariiun*tenrr ftEiEfi, C.|El vdd fr!||c. Cr3- lJtJl aqG' SffiiurP'qc,nfui& nodt Forx.rFl, UpF.. sftrx!-fhrd FIoFET, FE|tsSat Mlrul eJn ?roic, fEq4!* Frrr op!'t||t Adniffn Arcy.t,9||FnSC$tt1G' k*h CO lFqEr. ffi!illE dEcdrrn|llon stffi & *Uqr OLOBETTCTTTAE gitdt{EEntMi. fibeEc rLTcotrdchnfEtrrgfAtdh", gdib hou$d fu*al ssny etEtr pnli* - *o.r;4"-t6 oBrosF ENGTTERING DEsIGNhfclRt<s ENGII\IEERING DESIGIYWORKS. INC. 97Cl A79-d[906 P.OSI CRAIG E.IRTTHSEN Forfil Unhreciryctl{iltb|d,WrtrHartbd,CTErlrrcdon B.S.MrchanicdEnghredng,zurnnuqrtnlaude ET,lPKIYilENTi$ttPngrtrt EI{GINEERING DE$GHWORKS, ll{C., 0tcrnboatSprngl CO Judor Engimer' drdldng and tsttical arlirtrn€ for strllcilJd, rflicfiEilcrl rnd civi| proir€t3, j ll. *"+- AI\D EIvno{r,tE{TAr-, 6&4rsslol A@.IDA Februa:ry LI, 1980, 3:00 P.M. f . ) Approval of mlnutes of Janr.rarly 28, 1980 rBeting. 2.> Prefiminary dlscussicn of Devel-oplent PLan and Iot Ljne Vacatiqr nequestfcn Sjnba Rrn Condqniniurn Project located on Lots 6-9 and a portion of 1O, Resrbdivisim of Bloctr C, Liqrsridge Filing No. 1. 3. ) Approal of Suruood Condcnrinirn Map. (Located in East Vail) 4.) Setback Variance to aIlw an rndergrourd garage on Lot 10, Block 2, Tajll' Village 13th. 5. ) A1ryrorra1 of a Plat lfap for Vail Colfcor.rse Tcmnhms ptrase I Tlo be pulclistred tu the Vail Tbait m Febnra^rry 8, ISO Nott Residence) lfeilers Present Roger Tilkeneler Ed Dmger Saady Mills Ibn Corcoran JJrn tr{organ (cane in drrring Sirdca Rm pres€ntatlm) Staff Present Peter Patten Ctuct< Donley Dick Ryan Larry nsnritn vas in building and ariailable if nee&d. Bm Todd, the corlrcil person assigned to the neeting uas at a county ueeting. &l Drager crraired the neeting in the absence of c,erry wtrlte. Iten #4 vas talren first. Variance for the No!! Besidence to allcry an urBlock PI.ANNING A}ID IIWINCNMSTIIT CCMMISSICT{ MINT'IES ldeeting of 2-1I-8O ! discussion of l&nhers Not hesent Jack Goehl Crerry Uhlte 4. Peten Patten e>rplained what had happened. at tbe two Design EeviarBoard Itbetings since the last prc rneeting. Roger Tilkaneier rade a rction to approve lhe setbach varlance for theNott Residence to allow_an r.nrderground garage on Lot lo, Block 2, yal]-viuaee 13th. sandy Mills said ihe vnur-a s&ona the rnoiion but iskediJ the plans are ncm acceptabLe to tbe neiglibors. pe-ter o<plained thatrepresentatives of the neigbbors had been p:resent at the DRB neeting andtbat l,lrs- Nott had vorked with David Peel, the MulLin/Serafin ar"chilect, !o gatilfy everygnel Pe-ter also explained that this rrust go to tbsignReview_Board agaia fo-r_finar approwl. Ttre vote was ta-kenl Ed Drag6r,Roger Tllksteier, and sandy Mi11s rioted for ttre approval. Dan corroranabstained. Jim librgan had not yet a-rrirrcd. rtre 6tion passed. Itqro #2 cas taken next. 2.t Plan and Lot T,ine Vacation of 10 v1s]-0n Block C, Liqrsri Tbls- is_6ply a preliminary discr.rssisr of this item. official pr:bricatlanof the RrlrLic Hepring on this itqr is for Tebnra:ry 25, Iso. Dqpa Tor€hi11, representj.ng the Developer, introdrced the architectsand rechanical engineer for the project and gave a brief history oftbe pnoject rJ / tlJJtll|,t'E' Lrl- Z-II-.'U PaeB 1\ro o Dlana e:rplalned that lhey have planned 119 unlts plus lg erylcryee hcusingP1t9. originally only I0 enployee housing urits-rr,ere planned becar:se t6at.is wtnt tle zoning required. Ilorever, the staff t,eqnesied that addltloraleryIoyee housing unlts be added if posslble. ,Ilm hiner and Ga:ry Sveti$ gp.ve a slide presentation of the koJect. the Board looked at tbe rcdel and a.sked qnestions. E\rcryore agrced tbat they strculd rcr:t< to furprorre tbe bus stop area. lteu:e were questions raised about the height of bulldlngs. Ttre arrcragebeieht is 45 feet vrith tbe higlest building being 60 f;!. lte Board discr.rssed tbe location of the tot 1ot. Tbere was a discussiqt abqrt the potential o$,ners of the units. The derrelopersfeel thev will harae the sare kind of buyers that they harie at the Spa',11r:.ctr ispeoryr9 nho will only be spending about six ueeks a yLar nere. ttrere wiu nea miniwr.p of short terrn rentals and very few cars partring there. Jin lfio,rgan expressed a conceqr tlrat he thiJrks that the derrclopers areassming t!q:t everything ls going to be tbe sann as at the Spi and bedmrt think this can be assrrmed. Tbene ras a disoussicnr about encorrag,ing develogrers not to build to theirE dnln. Diana said they had not built to their rm:<irn-m m tbe spa; trrybullt 55 units wlpre 98 were allcned. Hoerier, tbey feel they need-tobuild to the rn><irnlm in this location. Dick Ryan siic aornrcning wculdbave to be done before derelopent plans are niorgnt in or pLannEd. Ed Drager asked abqrt cutting dqm the size of the buiLdings. Ton Bninersaid they had reduced the height as roucb as possible. rh.v had ended w$tl_!l" Pytl$oe" mrch closer because valltHi is 18* teei on tbeir propenty.ne reets the tlrees will hide a gmd portion of the project. there ms a dlscussiqr of the landeaping at the spa and vfiat had beenpresented to the mB abcnrt it. Diana said that should not be brorghtt4l ia regard to this project. *le also said they had been rniseprewrtedat the Desigrr Beviw Board. saady Mills said stre wculd Like the Torn cor.rrcil and Design Revierw BoaJdto be notified that this wilr officially be disussed at ine February 2s Tfjl"g s9 thal anJone interested could attend. and therefore, no! calseprobl'srs for the developers later on. Everyoe agr"eed that it would bebest not to shrffle peopt-e back and forth between-boaxds as has beenhappening lately. sandy ashed cathie to see if a notice could besent to the Corncil and DFts. PE Minutes of 2-11-8O - Page fhree Joe Lsandcr.r,ski asked if tfrc enployee housilg would be a'dormitoryor indl\ridual aparhrents. CaJ:ir S\Etish said that ttrey trad originally planned ten tno bedroorn apartrents. Itrouever', the staff requested that tbey break up the units making scrre of thsn studios, sosp orle bedrnocns and sne tqo bedroons. They have not increased the square footage but have changed the units frcro ten to eighteen Joe Lemrando^cki asked if the arployees uoutd be able to u,se the arenities. Diana said theV rpuld. Jin l4organ asked about public usge of the anenities. Diana said ttrey scrrld rather not have thern cperi to the public but q'iLl rcrk with the llcrryn to do what they are required to do. the access roads rere dlscussed. Kent Bose had joined the reeti:rg so Ed Drager a.sked hirn abotrt the roaduay system i:r the area. Kent said the vtrole roaduay systern in tbe Lionsridge area is inadequate and beccses ncre so as the density grors. Ttre whole.systa will errentually harc to be upgraded. It was pointed out that the official ptrbllcaticr of the item ls for Febnra:ry 25 and rrotj"cms for prelirdnary approval or disapprorral will be nade at that tinp. Diana said they wculd be prepared to do their presentaticn a&in. Item #1 vias discnssed at this tine. I.) Aprroval of the mirtutes of Janr.rary 28, 198O nreetjng. Sandy Mills said she had a questicn about the sentence on the Itlarvin Sinu issr:e. It rcads, "At first tbey had a three foot loft approved tnrt added five feet and had them approved that way.'t Sre does not think they were approved that way and wants it to read tbat thry rere built that way. Sandy nade a rnoticn to approve the minutes with the one abore ee<ception. Roger Tilirereier.seconded. The vote was unaninrc-us. Itas # 3 and 5 rere dlscussed nerrt, plus sorc additional plat mps. Golfcourse Tovnhcres Phase f Plat ldap Roger Tilkenei.r nade a rntion to ap4rrove and sign this plat rap. Sandy Mills seconded the rption. Everyone voted for approral with Dan Corcoran abstaini:rg. Stnwood Cmdoninirm Plat ldap Roger Tilkemeier nede a nption to approve and sigrr ttris plat map. Sandy Mills seconded. The vote was unaninDus. tl I lt ll ffiHS* of 2-11-80 O Pitkin Creek Tovn@ Sandy Mi1ls nade a rptiur to apparove and sign this plat rmp.' Dan Corcoran seconded the motion. Ttre vote was tmanirlplls the Board tben brought up srn qlrstions theV trad. Ttrey requested tbat the staff write a letter to the Val1i Hl developers reqrestine tbat they finistr the stainiag and painting and landscapirgthe as soon asi possible. Cathie said she rcu1d talk with Jin abouttt. The Board rnas rqnladed about the 2:30 reetl-ng Trresday, Febnrary 12,ritn t,be Corncil on Zoning cbanges. Roger Til.kereier asked a favor of the Board. Ee explained that the Fonest Serrrice is meetiag at 7.n P.M. on ltrursday, F$ruary.14, to disguss u,ses of the land at Meador MJuntain. Itre omrs the 1ivery operatim.tbat has been operating there for years during the swner and asked the Planning Ccnmissicm to srpport that use there in the form of a letter to tbe Forest Service. Jim il4organ rade a rnotlon to have the Staff put a letter together to send saying that the PEC $sporls the lirrcry use at l&eadcry ]dormtain. Sandy Mi1ls seconded the rption. Ihe vote wa-s, unani@us. Peter Patten said be wcnrld draft the letter the next day. Sandy Ml1ls asked, Peter to check on the uses tbat were penritted at Potato Patch. Sre and several otber rrenbers of the Board tbCIrght tbat tbe restaurarlt tbere uas to be a sg|q'Il hot dos stand tSpe opeatiqr and tbey are nour adtrertisingfor fuLl tine chefs etc. Peter sald he wsul-d eheck cm it. Jin ldorgan asked if ther"e is water for the Sirrlca Rrn Project. &l Draeer said the way they are phasing the project, the Tfater District wi1L be readyfor them. Ttrey are in the pllcess of r4pgrading the systan. Roger Tllkreier sade a notion to adjorrn the reeting. Sandy Mi1ls secsrded.Tb vote was unanircus. Ttre reeting was affourned at 5:20 P.M. Tbe Board stayed for aa inforrrel di*ussion for a few rcre rd.nutes. *OUO AllD E{\nnCEIMEI\IIAL mMISSIC|| * AGE'IDA Fdru:ry 11, 1980, 3:00 P.M. 1.) Approval of mlnutes of Janua"ry 28, 1980 reetlng. 2.> helimi.tury dlscussiqr of Develogrent Plan and lot Line Vacatlon Requestfe Sturba Rrrn Condcniniun hoject located on Iots 6-9 and a portlon of 10, Regrbdivisio of Block C, Llmsridge Filing No. 1. 3.) Approval. of Srnrcod Condsrinirm [tap. (Located tn East Vall)r7,\4.) *tUact Variance to allow an rndergrcrrnd ga^rage on Lot 10, Block 2, VaiL---TiUage 13th. (Nott Residence) 5. ) Approval of a PIat Matrl for Vail Golfcorrse lbrynhqres Pbase I llo be ptiblisbed in the VaiI Tbail on Febma.ry 8, 1980 it t O Mm/TRANDIJM 10: Planning and Ervjrqurental Ccnmission FROII: Departmrt of Ccmr:nity Derrelopent DAIE: 2-8-80 nE: Nott Besidence Undergrorxrd Gara4eIot 10, Block 2, Vail Village 13th the Desigrr Heviq, Board reviwed tbe pncposal for the Nott residence urdergrormd garage on Febnrarry 7, 1980. No official action was takm but tbe Boardrs reaction vns favorable. the Nottrs next door neigtrbors, the iltullins (Iot 11, Block 2, Vail Vill-age 13th)goposal for an undergrourd gara€e receirpd final appr"oval (4l-o). Ttreir desip called for featbering back the road ctrt along the ccmon properf ljnes. fire Notts bave lncorpor:ated this i-nto their proposrl and they will be responsiblefc mtching the lrtrl1i;rs contours since the two sr:rveys do not m.tch exactly. lbe Design Revlqr Board favors the design concept for the garage, but they request that the Notts ccne in with a final proposal once the Ptr gives its alproval. Flr- --, -Project Application Proiect Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phon6: Architect Address and Phone: 76 - 3 ::ca Legaf Descriptio n: tot /A , Block Zonel. Filing t/lrc& Zoning Approved: Design Revlew Board j- 7- [0 Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Date: Zoning Administrator Date: Chief Building Olficial : Profect Application /-; P- 30 Proioct Name: Proiect Doscription: _ Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: t^ "1 \fVrqrqn,Legat Description: Lot / v , Btock Cf . Fiting ,t ' r .-, Zone: Zoning Approved: (.*, n Revlew BoardrtoLr-/rfO / - s/-tcs Motlon by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Date: Zoning Administrator Dat€: Chief Building Otficial '; r. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: IIEMORANDUM PTANNING AND ENVIRONIVTENTAL COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT January 28, L980 Front and Side Setback Variance Request to construct an Underground Garage for Eve B. Nott ou Lot 10, B1-ock 2' Yail Village 13th. DESCRIPTION OT VARIANCE REQUESTED The applicant wishes to construct an underground two-car garage encroach- ing 12- feet into the westeru side setbaek and approximately three feet inio the front setback. The applicant feels that bullding the garage as far west as is possible is the most advantageous due to the preserva- tLon of numerous trees to the east and for safety reasons (avoiding poor sight lines to the east from the curve in the road). CNITEBIA AND FINDINGS Uoon review of Criteria and Sindings, Section 18t62.069 of the tabling of tiie requested Variance based upon the follcirding factors: Coasideration of Factors The relationship of the requested vdriance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Tbe adjacent lot to the west was recently approved for the construction of a duplex. At the time of DRB submittal , it was unsure whether or not the parking for the proposal was to be underground or surface. Since DRB can only look at one plan the surface parking proposal was cbosen. Tbere was considerable discussion regarding deslgn considerations for the parking solutious along the north side of Bald Mountaj-n Road in ihe immediate area now under consideration. The feeling of DRB was to work toward a design solution which woul-d avoid a continuous stri.ng of garage doors right off the road. The Department of Community Development wilL be receiving within the next few days a resubmittal for the lot to the west of the Nott's for underground parking garages (one of tbe original proposals). IIe feel more study is needed at this point to r,vork toward a unified design for these two parcels because of their impacts upon each otber. uniformit of treatment amon sits in the vicin or to attain the ectives o this title without srant of s rlv1Ie NOJI Veriance 1-28-80 Page 'r'wo Enforcement of the fifteen foot setback on the west side of the property line would necesSitate renoval of several Aspen trees to tnJeasl . We feel the saving of trees and natura] topography on a site is good reason to grant a variance. Ilowever' upon site inspecti6n it was noted that a 12 foot variance nay not be warranted. It ippears there is enough room to reduce the side setback varj.ance and still not remove any trees.' This should be investlgated. Tbe effect of the requested variance on light and air' digtributionic ffiities, and public safety Although the sight lines are poor looking down the curve. toward the eait, it does not appear lhere is ample area to construct a. back in so that backing 6n to the road could be avoided. Siting in. gr""ge as far to the west as is feasible alds tbe safety factor' Such other factors and criterla--4s ttre coqmission deems aPtrll staff feels that in general , underground parking, weLl-designed' is a superior soluti.5n to surfact parking. The proposal will complemLnt the site by retaining uitural topography and vegetati-on. FINDINGS: Tbe Planning and Environmental ..Corutrission sha11 make the following findings before granting a varrance: That the grantlng of the variance will not consititute a grant of special piittfteg" j.nconsistent with the limitati-ons on other properties classified in the same district. That tbe granting of the vari-ance will not be detrimental to the public beilth, sifety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvemtns in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for oDe or more of the following reasons: Tbe strict or literaL interpretation.and enforcepent of the specified regulation would not result in practical difficulty or unnecessary phisical hardship inconsistent witn the obiectives of tbis title. Tbere are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to lhe site of the variance ttrat do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enJoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district' G't htlrnce futr Ie rEcornnend tabling a^ud adequately solve.grolterty and the lot this request so that tLne design problens oceurring adjacent oa the f,est. is allowed to etudy between the Nottrs t-.r Planning and Drvircnnental ,l*irrtrtes of lbeting of 1-28 PaSe lhree Dan Gorcoran made a nntion to approve the Conditional Uses for Cqnercial Space at Pitkia Gbeek Park, Inc. as per the Staff llm dated. l-24-79. Sandy Mi1-ls Seconded. Ttre vote m.s umnilorls. Ed Drager said as long as Councilmn llil-to is ncn' presflt he wculd li-ke to a.sk that consl&ration be given to a gas pLql jn tbat area. Bill Wllto said the CannciL is agafutst a gas station out there. 4.> Enont and slde Setback Variance Nott on lot Peter Patten explai:red this itsn. Ee said nnre study is needed betfieen the cnners, tbe adjacent cnners, tlre DFts, and the arctrltects' San4t Mllls a.sked if rle have enougtr inforrnation or need mre. Slce said sbe feels theie is defjriitely a need there for this type of thi:rg. Feter eplaqred that DRts has not lookded at Nott's proposal or rnderground parking on the lot next door. EVe Nott sald she canrt rirery easily uork with the nei8tibors as it is a spec buse. l[r. and Mrs. Serafia said tbey are the crwners and it is not a q)ec bouse. Eve Nott said the undergr"ornd garage muLd be like Gordcn Pierce's and wuld follcnp the natural contour of tbe 1and. Feten Patten stlcned what had been suhitied for tbe prcposal-. Ilavld peel elplained the neigtiborrs proposal &n Oorcoran aslsed wtry the Serafins cbject. lbe Serafins said they donrt object, they juSt don't want this to iryact theirplans. lbey aid the DFB told thsn they cottldtrt go into the setback. Mrs. Serafin said she thought this could be done without gofug irtto the setback on Nottrs land a1so. Stre doesntt want to look at a waLl so close to tbeir pnoperty line. Davld Feel said by passing tbis, it rculd be very precedent settiag for this a$ea. Gerry llhite said he, too, feels it ls very precedent setting. Ile feels it is a gmd plan ia that it would res'Eone the land to the way it is ncrr. He suggested tbe nariance be tabLe for tuo veeld.s so that it could be studied firLher. Deter Patten said both plans could be discussiqr itecrs ql Januarj 31 with approvalo Febnary ? and then ccrre back to PEtr on Febnra.:ry 1l' 1980. Rqer tilkameier nade a rption to table the llront and Side Setbach Variance Heqtrest to construct an Underground Crarage for Eve B.'Nott on Lot 10, Block 2' Vail Village 13th. Ed Drager secstded. Ttre vote wa.s unaninpus. to constnrct an lFr PUBLIC NOTICE N0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Eve B. Nott has applied for a setback variance to a'l low encroachment of an underground garage into the side setback. The residence is'l ocated on Lot 10, Block 2, vail Village l3th. This application is made in accordance with Section lB.'12.060 of the Town of Vai] Ivlunicipal Code. A Public Hearing will be held before the Tovnr of vail planning and Environmental commission on January zg, l9B0 at 3;00 p.M. in the Vai'l Municipal Building. said hearing wi1'l be he]d in accordance with section 18.66.060 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. TOhII{ OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF CO],[{UNITY DEVELOPMENT N ^. ^^A A^o; ^YW^tLt t r' t-v v' \ JJnes A. Rubin Zoning Administrator Publ ished in the Vail Trail January 11, 1980. Gordon R. Architecture / Pierce and Associates Planning MEMO T0: Jim Rubin FR0M: Gordon R. Pierce DATE: January 8, 1980 RE: Nott Residence Attached herewfth is a drawing of the proposed underground garagefor the Robert Nott Residence in Booth Creek area. l'|e felt that bui'lding the garage into the hill created the least disturbance to the site. l{e a'lso located the garage 3'east of the west property line in order to save as many trees as possible. This type of structure has been built before in Vail and can be seen at 1638 Spring Hill Road. 165O East Vail Valley Drive/Vail, Golorado 81657/(303)476-2657 TOWN OF VAIL FOR VARIANCEAPPLICATION /-'7- /- v-7 , 1(/ -', /j,'- J A- l''t L. rJ . t Name of Owner if different from Applicant Application Date Publication Date Public Hearing Date Name of Applicant IIailing Address Telephone Legal Description: Lot Block 3 , Fili.ns /azZ UU//a:" -3r--Y-t Application Section l6 is hereby made r'\ t ?'\, | /- . (_.i (? L-r t mtes and a Variance of the bounds description from the provisions Municipal Code for If property s unplatted subm for as exh of the ibit ) Town of Vail in order to a11ow: I.;/in a .l('- Zone District. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTE+'UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY THE FOLLOIVING ,'e1. Hearing Fee - $100.00 + $1.40-for EACH addressed envelope. 2. A LIST OF THB OI{NERS OF THE PROPERTIES withi-n 300 feet in a Single-Family Residential; Two- Family Residential; or tho-Family Pri.mary/Secondary Residential Zone District; or adjacent to the subject property in all other Zone Districts. The owners list sha11 i-nclude the names of a1 1 owners and the lega1 description of the property owned by each. Accompanying this list sha11 be pre-addressed envelopes a1.ong with Certificates and Return Becei.pts properly fi1led out to each owner. These forms can be obtai-ned from the U.S. Post Offlce. 3. Site P1an, floor plan and other documents as required by the Zoning Administrator. (This is to be submitted at the time of publica Lion ) 4. A description of the precise nature of the Variance.(This should include an explanation of the specific hardship. ) DL! r lLcrt)€-"- O -{o ?aesa''t oe- tn"t ',- dll'ot uecl'-{a{"-x- ) & 'r-o*r e-"'---'-\ clo-z<1o-)/ <J<t'S ),l-/-'"' --./ Signature of Applican r1* a Hc.//r'^/f\^,LA t'w iWfaXt fr.-4-illL -,I \- t rs<-ffi-- Cl // " /), " /3, &, 30 3,t 1z j3 ,,r\ $n2 X,ttr Xar* 'a Xr-t,a /rr/-rrrd. E C*o la!-ta &//- n'L trul-zn , U FaEab /1Xa,y+ /rT/r///.,,) #oc tbo ( Ua,z , b f/a-;7 U-l""4Eh/2- o U E o-t &a/Z /Z/r"r^8 "/e(,l/d/-l , U t/bs7 /1lta*t traf""- 4 go>- J*r/H.%*r*,tk' u^;t B7 [ ^Q*-^rrt L/ LA Yoa37 f?e e 8-*Z 'J/il/+ P^ , J^"r-tr, M-\,b & tUtol 6,*Irt- /fA;l^,,,^-Arh T6err-,/,.*,r4j- 8 J4^F-, t0 i,,^a, K^-*rr+Aerr/)+rfr4rv tbsl *,vt A?t so,A / *o*sA AC6t 3& Az"fuz*tr: /o*, bftAsT f"*"- %"r,uf\^t g€:/.,0,to-St U"U, Qa (tr,st ( r>un> o CONSTRUCTION PERMIT rtment of Gommunaty dwelopment TYPE OF PERMIT fl Du m m E BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHAN ICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY LEGAL DESC. LOT ro BLK___z__ FILING \ t lqth INAME: Nott Resid OVftER NAME Eab Nqtt MAIL ADDRESS crrY Vail PH. ARCHITECT rrnu Snovrdon & Ilopkins uet eooness Box 1998 ctrY vail- cn PH.22o1 GENERAL CONTRACTOR 14 rrnra Floyd Custam Builders MATLADoRESS Box 1084 :hr* Vqi-l t^n PH n,574 "u'#i3l FIRM MAIL ADDRESS PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS crrY PH. )ATE 6/a2/79 PROJECT NO.N--294 l,l9 29 l.rYpEoFcoNSTRUCflON | ililr ru$k/ 2. occuPANcY GRouP nee n fu)u DIVISION ' "$GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK T\lanw Dmi rlanaa PERMIT NO. "- --- z tr =a BUILDING 95,810 ELECTRICAL 4.1& PLUMBING 3,600 MECHANICAL 1.0m TYPE GROUP SQ, FT. VALUATION PERMIT FEES R-3 2W sL.6n BUILDING PERM IT 334.40 a M 2U 1,170 PLAN CHECK 167.20 ELECTRICAL M.60 PLUMBING 30.m NEW( N ALTERATION ADDITIONAL REPAIRI MECHANICAL 7.il\ DWELLING UNITS ] ACCOMMODATION UNITS- c.R.F.A. 2116 eeonooirs 3 COMMERCIAL SYST -RESTAURANT SEITING -HEIGHT IN FT. -BATHTUB/SHOWER 2 NO FTREPLACES 1 rO.lOrLerS 2 COVERED PARKING - UNCOVERED PARKING - RECREATION FEE 3L7.40 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 50.00 CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 1m.oo TOTAL PERMIT FEES 1-O53_1() U NG OFF|C|AL DATEe p,"@= -i11r13r-ADM INISTRATOR DATE INSULATION FLOOR EXT. WALLS ROOF TYPE THICKNESS R"VALUE )NING NOTES:Itin Min Min HEAT READ THIS APPLICATION AIiD STATTJ THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO CO}IPI,Y WITH ALL TOWN ORT'INANCES AND STATE ELEC; I GAS: SOLAR: IWOOD: VAIL WATER & SAN. DIST. TAP FEE : SPECIAL N OTES: CONSTRUCTION PERMIT rtment of community development TYPE OF PERMIT rIT trtrtr BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY LEGAL DESC. LOT BLK FILING f NAME: dtften NAME MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH, ARCHITECT FIRM MAII ADDRFSS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIR IV MAIL ADDRESS TRICAL ACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM MA]I ADDRESS MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRIV I\4AIL ADDRESS CITY PH DATE PROJECT NO. PERMIT NO. 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION III III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AB EH IR M DIVISION GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK ; 122a34 EUILDING i/IECHAN ICAL PERMIT FEESTYPE GROUP SO FT. VALUATION BUILOING PERMIT PLUM BING NEW() ALTERATION () ADDITIONALO REPAIRI RECREATION FEEDWELLINGUNITS -ACCOMMODATIONUNITS G.R.F.A. -BEDROOMS COMMERCIAL SYST - RESTAURANT SEATING HEIGHT IN FT. - BATHTUB,/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES -NO. TOILETS COVERED PARKING - UNCOVERED PARKING DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT TOTAL PERMIT FEES ILDING OFFICIAL NING ADMINISTRATOR ONING NOTES: INSULATION R.VALUE FLOOR EXT. WALLS ROOF THICKNESS I HEREBY ACKNOWLED(iE TIIAT I HAVE READTHIS APPLICATION AND STATE TIIAT THE AIt0VE IS CORRECT AND AGREE T{) CO]IIPLY WITH ALL T()WN ORDINANCES AND STATT: LAWS REGARDING BT'I I,DING C{)N S'I'R IiCTI0N. VAIL WATER & SAN. DIST.TAP FEE : SPECIAL NOTES: T Dn nln TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING ELECTRICAL IIECHANICAL PLUM BING FOUNDATION ONLY EGAL LOT / () BLK___?-__ FILING '\/'J ii"- *U RCHITECT 3ENERAL NTRACTOR L ECTR ICAL NUTOR I rlrtQrntn ,NTRACTOR ECHAN ICAL 'NTRACTOR OTHER i*r*^cro, uevi-*-a */r,Zf MAII AODRESS crrY r/n ..- PH. ,,ou 11,,,.,r.,' .-\N. ;-.g r,,r,!L Arf Rssi 1l-,-r - -?ltr ctTY i; "' ' i.-" FIRII IIAIL ADDR ESS FIR ll I,I AIL ADDRESS CITY PH. ,.- rr arl annDFqq EITY PH F tR r,{ I.I AII- ADDRESS F tR f,,i I,IAIL AODRESS CITY PH I \ DATE PROJECT NO. N9 r.rvpEorcor,tsTRucTtoN t tr trr rv@ ?,eccuPANcYGRouP aa r n @r DlvtstoN t 2 2& GJ;AE S-.ll RAL DESCRIPTION OF WO xtl^e 1- A t,t t t- PERMIT NO. '' - z tr EUILDING ?,+- t ELECTRICAL o Pt U I"I8IN G sboo MECHANICAL oo TYPE GROUP SO, FI, VALUATION PERMIT FEES 123 23(oL q./ 6./,,BUILDING PER M IT 33q. qO 5 z3L/t r?D PLAN CH ECK / lar'ZO ETECTRICAT qL, bb PLUM BING 3b. ab MECHANICAL ?rc-oNEwo(1 ALTERATION il ADDITIoNAL il REPA]Ril I I DWELLING UNITS I ACCOMi\4ODATION UNITS-] =)G.R.F.A. -BEoRooMS .> i COMMERCIAL SYST -_RESTAURANT SEATING --i I I HEIGHT IN FT. -BATHTUB/SHOWER U ',.tiNOFIREPLACES ' ,NO,TOILETS ?I covERED pARKTNG I ur.rcovrREo pARKTNG -_ l I R EC R EATIO N FEE 3 t1 ,41 O€SIGN REVIEW BOARD .fO, OO CLEAN,UP DEPOSIT /OO, OO TOTAL PERMIT FEES tr4' ITNJJ. jjid'iruFoF-rr6-nL-- - - 6riE INSULATION ON r LUUX EXT. WALLS ROOF TYPE THICKNESS R.VALUE 1l\(, AUMII\l)ll(Al\Jll IJAIE ,ft)ttt ONING NOTES: l/).tP' rby i HEAT ELEC: I GAS: I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE TITAT t HAVE READ TH IS A PPLICATIOX AND STATS TIIAT THE ABO\IE IS CORRECT A.ND AGREE TO CO}IPLY WITII ALL T(}WN OITDINANCES AND STATE LAwS RECARDINC EUILDING CO.\"STR UCTI (tN. SCLAR: I WOOD: VAIL VVATER & SAN. DIST.TAP FEE : qPFa lAl NOTFSI {klt \Tl,rtl lrt tl\r\f r{ r'rt ( ir\ Permit No. 0001+20 l,AIt WATER AI{D SAl{ITATION DISTRICT WATER Al{D SEWER TAP PERMIT TAP PERMIT WILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL TAP FEES HAVE BEEN PAID IN FULL.rr nNAMEOF JOB $Jo-r-r lCE3.I'C€y\)C;, LOCATION AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION GENERAL CONTRACTOR PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR SIZE OF TAP: Water Lrc. No. t 4t - ft Ltc. No. Llc. No. NUMBER oFuNtTs_/ 9J2L_ x Date Billed Blde. D€pt. - White; - o TOWN OF VAIL STREET CUT PERMIT o PERMrrNo.il j. 109 Work is for: (circr€one) Addre6s and Liconse No.) GAS o PermitFee 5 90 INSPECTION REMARKS Bill tc Puid, 8/F..l.19 F;;-;;, Receipt#: l4,af- SKETCH PLAN OF WORK ATTACHFD ,4tazEt, Ttac-- Za >. 3& /€-g r< ?4 t/zv 1r +l ,//2 r(32)e-. 2c: x 38 /,5.s t< ? o '*rrv * q /6x/A s /8O ,/S.S '- 3.5- = S1 zuk z t/a,, V..no rc# ?eza rflr 31.Q et@e €o- a le eZ./ 33 1/,a o ---= 7bO -tft,r^4 3iq.qo --= 3t o ' ,4*n Ge A /6v,U) __ tr3 ?sGO @ y'a = ?/ oqo a ??,1, & / / o.?o //3 23y' €€= 3Z--Z.co 69.? 4,Go lZ. aa 44oCa 7e= ,/ @ 434: /&a z36a Q4rs = 4144 Z4- t @,tg fu2P oo PROJBCT otllNBR ls PIIONE # NAME $ff! box 100 vail, colorirdo 81 657 (3031 476-s613 The follorving are required to complete Department Ior rcview: department of cornmunity development additional information or corrections the Plan Check which is now in the Building lsuli n f have read and understa.nd the atrove,pla,,.-."o'."gi , "igned;- RISID€ffTIAL I.IATER E SA'€R TAP FEE CATJI!-ATICTI Ittl€ OF t|3€ O'r?l€R STREET ADORESSLAT /o ' ztxc( '^'":rffis':il;rsrRln o. aecx X'Pt{Ysrcrl- - Pl-All BILLI}E AI}DlEsS 4nsrH & TTIILET. x (SIE }TALF EATTU / glapeyllrr;s/&tutulx KITC€NS Dlst?sslERs UTNDRIES Grn xsrri) tcE t4Aci{INES SATNAS wnrn coo*ns & T{ATER FOTI'TIAI}S sl{ll'r4$lc Po]6 JAO'ELI OUTSIDE HATB 0,uHl.ttt or cse) Flrt 8AllS R00{s KITC1EN DIS}HAST€R isonrrs Zx L5t ,E ,.m2, 3i q. 5. 6. 7, 8. . FIT.I BATH . (srg"tR oR TtB, BASIN, TOTLET) R61s (LTVING RM$ls, sIilDlos, :/x 2.fi / x I.fr! /x.g) 4' ,6 lx .E = -'1 ,D /" / - '/' z.e ,t'O ' ,5 .2< 9. 10, l. 2. ,, 4. 5. ..//'6 /t /rq ' INTE X,E' x 5.fi1 "l ls -i,#-=rc x 3.m x l.m rtffi: x' .5)'- xLf,l= .r'* F(XIO{IIIG T}E CO|.?LETICI.| OF G}ISTRL'CTIOII OF ALL STR(f,IltrlES' T}IE DISIRICT SMLL ffiF"srl'; iipsic-[-ii;t'ectlcl oF ^LL FRalltsss io DErEF,nlr'rE nE !I'ILTER-oF- Poll:rs tb"ffi'ASS€i;S'lrCO'Ur::,: IO IP= tintEil ffiD sei.ijR Tt2 FEE, ,"iiD l. TE Sclr-trijtf, '\s iiri,ieii-rvju-nrE-6isrrrrcr SH^LL l',1r€ itlY-tor-usrliitrs li;cEss'\?Y ln-il€-gRlGIil L ini'ii;'piio."'ixii-r;rsaecTlcn-sirar-r- ALeJ DfltiuitiE nG tult-Dll:G clrrr€R's rt\TER Ii{D SII{ER 5ERVICE CJU\'$E. l. BAss€Nrlsr ruoon 2m rrcor JRD FI,-OCR MStl€t{T Isr nmr ?m rumn )fiD FL@R BASB€IITlsr roan bo aooa JRD FLOOR -/ .-- NPARn€NIS INFEGrOR DOARD 0F Dtncfitr[i' \*!/t -Dat e_ -v t1 M kq 1"117 NAME oF pRortrcr l\lOff e4lWlJCE.*_..-_-- LEGAL DESCRIPTION ID LOT DESCRIPTION OT PROJECT LIST OF MATERIALS FILING The following information to the Desi.gn Review Board A. ) BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof ' Siding Other IYa1l Materials Fascia Soffits Windows lVindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deek Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enelosures Greenhouses Other is required for submittal by the Applicant before a final approval can be glven. Type of Material Color ^oD WF including Trees, Shrubs, Size €|'DIN qDb ibednt) WUJIJ MNCIT B.) PLANT MATERIALS(Vegetative, Landscaping Materials and Ground Cover) Botanical Name Coumon Name ('/1lhzArvewvrt Mwt'E e6bAraD 2qc. Quantity Ia, ht. Mt#, '"r^*w iln"U:P. \,_:/oll.-a I Page 2 Plant Marerlals Continued Botanical Name Comron Name Quanritv Size OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES(Retaining Walls, Fences, Swiuuring Pools, etc. ) (Please Specify) c.) I Q rrt) 7Il| | r.' rltIrat,,-\/t t I- L,l I l.\,l\ for P/S Z(Ji{[ DISTIiICTS, R, R Lot Area 36 Z>a.. Heighr A'ilorved 30' proprrsed _ @k Setbacks : Front,-Rcquiic.A 2O; --Proposecl Sides-Required l5' Proposed Rear -RequireC l5' Proltcsed hraterccurse-requir"ed O Proposed GttFA: Al'lov;ed i ffg U GRFA:Prilnatl' A] I ot,led Seccrndary Al I ovted Enviroumenta'l/llazards: Avajanche o Proposed 2 t t L Priner;, Proposcd --&'t Secondary Propose<l ///ft ____ Proposed Proposcd Propcsed Actual- F'lood l)lain ___ ____QtC_ : Site Coverage: Allorved ---2@%-Landscap'ing: Rcquir "d --&O/e.-Parl,.ing:. 'Rcquired - Z Drive: Slope Permittcd Corrnents: Zoni rrg i Datc: ,-5L5// ( lJ/ :L'L.S )z-'8 ?Z oiq Lt 'ha -\ LE,'h3 ? Jz9 x l/ )'E/ ryfi/ :iLxJat 7 a )L8t u?t -- Z&a7 8A+ bt x -c,h/ __s -€ ) tt -sc'/{ x }t@7 --q4'bzt 1 9o/ -.< 3 L( -.c'8e -<l Lv Itvu>P Project Application oate b 11 l-q I ,A n--?- | ,'1 Project Name: VL'$ t'u it-'l Q-uLo a,'r-c! Proiect Description: YL!-uJ rr'r.0 lrllt t L Q* Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: ,i r.v ,:::t-, , \/cr* Q 4lc,-'z'eol LesarDescription,to, IA ,Btock ?t ,Firins UU [€l]u- Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board :;, lrc l-t3 DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL Summary: Administrator Chief Building Off icial Project Application ttt/. l'), I JC>Il)Ale<t|=tI|,Ja TProiect Name: hr,tt F":l.-ora"*.q- Prolect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: 41(o- L.Lal Lesal Description: t-ot l'O , erli 2- , Fitins \,/ U [ 3+{^- Zone: Zoning Approved: FOVAL * Design Review Board oat 's l3J )z DISAPPROVAL ing Administrator Date: Chie{ Building Off icial UYlffr =) rc\-\ <1 \.l.,- \r-_o= f uxo.c. Iie.. \-o- \.' . \r,o "r. z $ \rq- \ \ urq,;6 \-) +\* F rr, ir: ,:. \ \a , . *- .-"-,.-$3-.r \\^ < G-V.,., o \i\dr \ Q-=-\N*s- \- -:u'r r c--. D i€ \\": .\--- q,- .5\ ,:.,. .'v . q_ arr r-...r e.. \ '\ e. \11os c{ (,(<?o \ .- -\.., \- Cr) rr - .,li- . \ ( cLcr.r**,-Lo. Per<. es*Lc;1e <r .\ *\c.qr.a .o \.(? x-.-c1,.-rrg<-$ a- t .. -t ) Sr- < u o i* \.--, \os\ .\= -\o7o s' .) qre \t.,,.. cr-,\t Vo q..L...-.-! .,_--.\\ ,...,- _1\,.- *=o\ \c So,.,, s.l \\ r-.- UNs (orz<aqa s*\ - - i cr,.r.-..-<L.-, Project Application 3- s'r- 7g /,-,, , t-rr tn, / , Project Name: t / V:L( L it-T gl&,t'r </- Proiect Description: Ownor Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Descriptio nt tot / O , Btocr cl , riling Zonlng Approved: Design Review Board Motion by: ''- Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Date: Zoning Administrator Chief Building Olficial Date: timothy michoel boyle / structurol enginew 949-5420 / post office drq^/a f-100 20 eogle rood lwon, colorodo 81620" October 10, 1979 Town of ValI Building Dept. P. 0. Box 100 V&il, Colorado 8L557 Subjeet: Framing for the Nott Residence Lot 10 Block Z VaiI Vitlage 13 Filine Dear Sirsr 0n October 9, t979, f nade a franing inspection of the above noted residence, I observed the followingr 1) A numberi,of the 8 x 12 roof bearns have as few as two stude under them for a column instead of studs the full width of the bearn. 2) In three cases, the beam reactions track down over a headsr. f have analyzed these situations and anived at the follow- ing conclusionsc 1) lwo studs will be adequate oonpression mernbers under the beame. 2) In the cases where the beams bear over a header, the header will have to be reinforced to handle the shear. Ihe contractor has agreed to renove the innermost 2 x 10 ard add e L/4 " steel flltch plate1 replacing the 2 x 10 on the inside face, and bolting the systern together with two rows of l/2" dianeter at 24" on center. These lags are to be 5" long. Should you have any further questions, feel free to call . #,Ltt:l$Lo...'+o -'$..:J r*]'14965't-t" (fu,,^,o*]$l ffiiii'?ir'"ss *q, ) PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READYFoR|NSPECT|oN:MoNTUESWEDTHURFR|-AMPM LocAroN: C"f ro K/{.2 VU,t( ,s+1 za{f&.ry'*/h1 DISAPPROVED INSPECTION REQUEST ^/" rf CALTER TUES TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ,-.1 ROOF & SHEER" PTYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL i H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING E EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL Cl APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR -;r /I ?tf rNs CTIONTOWN OF {"-*rrt REQUE$T VAIL Ioo* Eft q/4 t JoB NAME t / +'h f rowN oF vAlL I CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: o7- t MON ,(L{ z TUES WED THUR FRI U, r f BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND B ROUGH / D-W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYwooD NAILTNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL I H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELE trT trF trC tr_ tr HEATINGTEMP. POWER tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR t JOB NAME INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI -_ AM PMLot tc ,,::b/^ iJU,,( ,5./, z6{s'-r(r.(;2;;7", CALLER f<t n 7q{ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: tNs BUILDING: )i T] FOOTINGS / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ,-'' BOOF & SHEER" PLYWOoD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR pffi$oP u/INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES Loc^r,oN'.M-/4 DISAPPROVED WED THUR FRI/t&Joy',i PM fnerruseecroN REeuTRED TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMB!NG: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL E FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR r//INS r&+<^u t PECTION TOWN OF REQUESTVAIL i i PERMIT NUMBER OF PFOJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: TUES WED THUR I NAME MON CAILER FRIJ&l,i ' l'r. 'a. #, ilil6 rce tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: - PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL E UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FFAMING - tr ROUGH/WATER E 19.9..1^LSi.qFn tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING O INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS -tr SUPPLY AIR DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR t rNstcnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL oete ,/n,/ t'L / 1 I JoB NAME BEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPEGTION:MON -u*<$Q EUILDING: o-rdorrrucs / srEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGR OUN ).w.\ VATI t\t _ TUB tr tr tr B tr B FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / tr ROUGH / tr GAS PIPI to n W, N( ,ND TER rB_ : )oD FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL tr g tr POOL / H. FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr o tr tr TEMP. POWER tr EI tr tr HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL y' aeenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSilCTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ,or, 6,- ( q -'lcl JoB NAME - Q1t7', i'L/rork,,^ n READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER PLUMBfNG: "-'i(''t t- &-/h'1 OOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. E ROUGH / WATERFFAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL ' ,{ r{'.,'')1 APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ILt J' P ""- '''^' ' lNSPEcroR DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME MON - - .., -:i.-- CALLER TUES INSilCTION REQUEST tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDtr DISAPPROVED TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: ERflqfERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING O POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR rrustcnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL[r /l JoB NAME {\)t'-t--i" 1= 'r r; .-, rl-a-rn r IDATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION:THUR --- -@er'r EUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr n UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n GAS PIPING NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: drr. PowER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIH n tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rrrrsilcnoN REouEST DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: WED 6G BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UNDERGROUND - D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING O ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: EI TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS EI tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ft eeenoveo CORRECTIONS: N DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR DATE -4.r i j' i rr.rsilcnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL .' A i,READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON .,) CALLER TUES THUR PM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING N POOL / H. TUB tr_ O FINAL MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - r] _ tr FINAL R..FRAMTNG tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT n tr FINAL tr -AFPROVED GI*EISAPPROVED fl-fi EINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR o ,., ]NSTCTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER TUE WED THUR ,^,, laf//z? JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:a BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATTON { SrEEL _xRouGH/D.W.v. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL E FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH - tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIFED CORRECTIONS: +'..'*'G INSPECTOR lr*silcrfoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY EOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM@ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND TI ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL E #MING tr tr tr INSULATION D tr tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED P REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR INSTCTION REQUEST DATE JOB NAME CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: Mo/ ),i i BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. E ROUGH /WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr tr tr GAS PIPING SHEETBOCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: T] TEMP. POWER MECHANlCAL: tr HEATING T] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR B FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSCCTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED , HU-R FRI nfrrf PM LOCATION: , ".' ''; .,' ' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FFAMING tr INSULATION - PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND T] ROUGH / D,W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL - tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL g tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 4-W /:::!:"'' INSPECTION: '''_'-qi*Etr DATE READY FOR LOCATION: WED \THUR. FRI JOB NAME MON CALLER ,TUES INSTCTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL ----@ PM BUILDING;PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr E tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING $r INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAr!tr POOL/ H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trT trF trc tr_ CTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUEH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR rl FINAL tr FINAL "{ /,W"^o"' CORRECTIONS: F.DTSAPPROVED ARE|NsPEcfloN REQUTRED DATE INSECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME . MON" CALLER TUES , T'nun; FRIWED { ,J. ,/' , BU trl DI trl trl trl tr ILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. E ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING NSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB E. FINAL E FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL C] APPROVED CORRECTIONS: g-p+SAPPHovED ' if FElr\sprcrroN REeu rRED '.| ', ;) INSPECTOR DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: INSECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ''-.)'--.^\'(Juv.&] FRI Z-lEJusPr JOB NAME CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FBAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING B SHEETROCK NAIL O POOL / H. TUB EI ( prrrrnr- tr FINAL'l ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING O ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT II SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED PPROVED REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR rNstcroN REeuEsr DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER fUES j''/'AM:PMTHURFRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. n nOUCtr / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING O INSULATION O GAS PIPING E SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB o tr trFINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr n ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT N SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL o o FINAL d neenoveo CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR