HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 13 BLOCK 2 LOT 22 LEGALDesign Review Board ACTIOI| FORl.l Department of Communaty Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail. Colorado 81657 tef:970.479.2139 tar:970,479,2452 web: www.vailgov.(om PTOJECtName: RUDERTREE REMOVAL Project Description: REMOVE l COTTONWOOD Participants: OWNER RTB HOLDINGS LLC ,1496 E MEADOW DR VAIL co 81657 APPLICANT TRENT RUDER DRB Number: DRB0801I2 Ml22l2008 O4l22l20OB Phone: 970-390-0180 Project Address: Legal Description: Parc€l Number: Comments: 2415 BALD MOUNTAIN RD VAIL co 81657 2415 BALD MOUNTAIN RD VAIL Location: Lot 22 Block;| Subdivision: VAIL VIII-AGE FIUNG 13 2101-033-0100-8 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: SIAFFAPP Date of Approv alz 04 | 24 | 2008 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent ofTown of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review @mmittee(s). Cond: 201 (PIAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Condr CON0009923 Replace removed cottonwood with 2 aspen trees, Nicole Peterson DRB Fee Paid: $0.00Planner: Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design rF ,A lEItr W L:. DeparBnent of Cofiimuniry Developmgt 75 Soufi Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 fa* 9m.479.2452 vu€b: www.\allgw.com TOWN OF VAlt-I i refdr t6 ne submfnat requiremene fur me partlcutbi apWoat Ulat ls reguested. An appllcation for DesNgn Revew cannd be accepbd unui all requlred infornatfn U fecelvd W the Connruntty D€l/elopfi}erit Depgrqnent Th€ p-trat *V atso need to Ue reVerveO by tf|e Town Councn and/or tfie Phnnmg and Envitonn€ntal C.dflnl$on. b;;In ;ii* Oeront fepo rnfci a hdldrf pcrmit bhrcd urd col$ucdm onrrnars wlUrln Ggreral Information: All p|ojeds requirlng design re\rle$ must re@Ve apptwal prior b submltdng 6 onG yr8rof tfio apprwal' of tbe ,( location of dp Prcposal: L fficalfddcrs t- | t-l DU\Q ,-t I n t\Ut. paraf ro.: ) t O t O 93 Ol Ol\c*urc,Eqle co. Assessor at 97G32&8640 br parcl no.) ZonlUr llame(s) of otrncr(s): llalllnglfilrec; Owng(r)Sgn ttndt)l tlarne of Appllent: $50 g$ $1.m persquae foddbtal sign area, No Fee $550 For consfiudon d a new bulldlng or demo/rebultd. $300 For an addlton whe?e squac ftotage ls add€d b affy residenual or ornrErdd fuildlrg (ltdudes 250 addluo{E a interlor comerCons)' $250 For mlnor d|arEFs to lutHings and site bnprovernents, srdt 6, re.roofing, pattttt g, wlndovY addHons' land$aplng, ftnces ard rctalnlng walh, €t. $20 for nrinor dunges to bulldings and dte finprov€tnsrb' gldl a5, re-rcofing, painting, wirdot', addiuons' lan&pitlg, ftnG ard retalnirq wa[s, €tu. $20 Fqr rcvlslons to plans already approred by Plannlng Sff or the Deslgn Ret/iew Board. No Fe€ "v a d,a AOq/eTyp. of Rsvlew and fse: tr Slgns tr ConoeFfrral Revial tr l{erv Consfuctbnn Addltion tr Mlnor Afteradon (multl-family/@fiitfE clal) tr MlmrAlteratbn (drgle.famlly/duplo() tr Ctanges to APPro,ed Pbn$ tr s€paratim R€quest PAUL_BAXER PAGE Ela4/2L{2AOE 18:21 9762821632 ffi alfrfi'rpdtr$crwhddtt a ptutilde thlrt{ strldlhtEh!f1 ]€S$astltttntlptrsol dltedxlddd.-r r' ' r.'i-- '|w'"F"' sfiduil tDElal'lil| d vd firfirtt Dct[htr|lltt Oeffilct lb? dt' Ptugod ffifcltaG b ba omplfrCat Ptitt€ld *9'G' I tttc]f tdtra FretlDGd l|l|ffif|rlqti l'fldE: l?o,.- ^." I af Nw . '+dll eslllv vtd"A' lil;'a t* ot |drdr'ct(rrrhrF|*lfr*|rtbitil'r*5FrI 'H t mffid tffi n*r ffir nq'Ent* b tp fre op tE mts d ffi tsnt ' ptry tu1rmm *P';t "'fr'Ei*i c W ffi *il t4tbw' n44'wFti*F*q 8 I ryt,*tdrt il tffi, nlt t dnte' illatt *e m* fr t-'' N ovg.tF w ot tE tr,ytutt N n Hffi';;' #'w" tt u'fu t mt'*r #owr ffiIE ffifr?,iit*oYnr*l Tw-r;& rtfiFpY*hpt*ftW#* t:W$FfitElFnrfilir'nrr$f,o ffift-'|.u-*ltfi *?qrrd$ E?Xelessu 3 .l=Png: trEU!fd tl&T:S EEEE Ie '*dU I9T93Zlgz5 ! 'q.l $JJ 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 1 07/Fat 97U479-2 I 57 FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Office of the TownAttorney MEMOMNDUM TO:Terry Martinez Larry Pardee Larry Grafel Dominic Mauriello R. Thom as Moorhead r(]1n/ July 8, 1996 Ruder Incident Attached is a copy of the letter which was hand delivered to Bob Ruder on July 3rd. I believe it is self explanatory. In regard to the placing of criminal charges against Ruder, Town of Vail employees have the same rights as any other individual to cause appropriate charges to be filed when they are subject to conduct that violates state law or provisions of the Vail Municipal Code. Under the Town of Vail provision for disorderly conduct, it is unlawful for a person to intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly: A. ttfake a course or obviously offensive utterance in a public place, and the language by its very utterance tends to incite an immediate breach of the peace... Under the Town of Vail harassment ordinance it provides: A. lt is unlawful for a person to intentionally harass, annoy, or alarm another person by:1. lnsults, taunts, or challenges to another in a manner likely to provoke a violent or disorderly response; or2. Following a person in or about a public place; or3. Engaging in conduct or repeatedly committing acts that alarm or seriously annoy another person that serves no legitimate purpose; or4' lnitiating communication with a person, anonymously or othenrise by telephone, in tJ.^\ U.. \\.1... \s $ (\ L o\ Az -<\k e {g r".nuorur" a manner likely intended to harass or threaten bodily harm or property damage; or5. Making any comment, request, suggestion, or proposal by telephone whicrr is obscene: or6' Making a telephone call or causing a telephone to ring repeatedly, whether or not a conversation ensues, with no legitimate communication; or7. Making repeated communications at inconvenient hours or in offensively course language. In the event a decision is made to pursue criminal charges for the conduct displayed by Bob Ruder, it is necessary to file a report with the Vail Police Department. I would suggest that Liny and Teni file the report together so that all information can be provided to the offiGr that takes the report. That should be done at the Police Department in the administration building. Please advise me immediately of any additional contract by Bob Ruder. Let me know if I can be of any further assistance. Than!g,-.- -4'r.RTM/aw t lYr-'Attachment I xc: Robert W. McLaurin 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 05/F ax 970-479 -2 I 5 7 July3,1996 Mr. Bob Ruder 2415 Bald Mountain Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Building Addition Dear Bob: Office of the Town Manager HANDDELIVERED I have been advised ofthe facts and circumstances of confrontations that you have caused with a number ofTownof Vail employees. Your interaction with Town of Vail employees is rmacceptable and will not be tolerated. We take great pride in a continuous improvement process which emphasizes that all Town of Vail employees areto treat those with whom they come in contact professionally and courteously. At the same time we demani similartreatnent from individuals utitizing the Town of Vail services. I have reviewed wriften statements of comments made by you on July 2, lgg6regarding Terri Martinez. Those comments are appalling and degrading to Terri professionally and personalry. I have also reviewed the status of your project application. To comptete the application I must require that you be represented by professionals and not have further personal contact with members of the Tow' staff. Tliis is a reasonable request in light of your behavior to date. If you wish to issue an apology to Town employees, which would be appropriate under the circumstances, thatshould be done through my office. As the Chief Executive offrcer for tiris organization I have the authority todemand appropriate behavior by our employees and the obligation to protect thlem from the abuse that you haveexhibited through this project application. Any question-s or comments that you might have should be directed to me. Very truly yours, /rl'//-" Robert W. Mclaurin Town Manager RWM/aw xc: Vail Town Council Larry Grafel Terri Martinez Larry Pardee Dominic Mauriello {,9**uo'uo o ?:{o**-.^- RU R"&. +k*p b\ (Lre s'lo"4o-"1 s'*" o\ B5(\ * A. ooJ<.*o lc\ € ti+ uA* k*i l{l*t h€ tolos- t,,',ot tt *., "$to\( -..K,. .k* Tcv pco.o.:6, fi* a.- h'r,ldi*1 e-*lf R- ['. ruu*'{ ['.c.'*'-Q o*-, 6*td Ko**f"*l*- td'- E"( i**' vt-sJ ,-, p =et o-hoqf tt" pto<-s9, o"*A rirltrs\\y ^',\\* O"lotli- rs\es\s. Bo\ \i\ TL*--t 6."'. tt'['**t *=t * (osv \*\ lo Aeo\ qit\^- h".**" sk* <"io*(d ^ot 't.{ h.,*^- to"i\A 1,*1s *sg',t.n t\ +{^* c^:*{e* <{teq**Arp **A o\'oo \"t ,,"["'*'^- ("";td ',*- \\.* TOU "'...k\ *t ,rt*v. B"U e*..d \\*-t DRB $u-{a- '.\ o- **Bl=t\d\L Skpp**\ s\ L'''r lo"'\di"q F.u*.+. I +"\\ Rob ,S \"")1" lo cxqsk',o {{^-= - *i+* .C .1o-y \^'Q c,r,\\ *.*\ o. ps\o\ic-"s*y ts*-t,B"t {t** acxso $.r-e G- Roua..*b\e. ..tt+ CF u.loy p.-t;,{ {\*-+ \* F..&A *st o*d d.\ \\*+ 'cs^^o-L( (,i.o" ' *$$ C*fa15--Gil \iF ;. q\<a c.rs.t(\*ro '.* {f.o c-]-.*r ' \Go woeb {i - (o.*J-p,'N-.aqy p=*d.t. R,k t,F *"1 it..A, .**\ -d'.{ bRg ,raoAl '\".'""*- p"f i\" srgk u'ro-\\s o*l (*J,=..rp.'oq "t*- -U.." c'-o- c'rJ , *\Y A€ r u'eeA, q"\-d1t pe'u,t\t , i &w+ caqG\ to p'rt +\^4 s\*TF {t*oo '' fi*f o*t-4 t/trc"kvr5 L'r^q , .-) "/usop:*-'Bot st*.oA $p o-gi.*-= ** *:*Q**.t*Rt **J (\l.s, vcsl . yl"y t? Ol. o\ k V\"\e PYSs- tr"b cacs: 3xyi.s-ci R.,S.* uSsAfS €rx o..lrR \t\Ls T\ b:t\ '.i' -$.i.s G^''*- h=su.* a+ H f-- - op Dfr,sess. [;\" s"i\ .+ it .*\\ P.h\i= kkq\= q& \ k"*, G*.S*\ o-.*A R.rb\\"- rs-l*K (xs€ \s\d*(v F*-- Op" '8"b, t\.ou.'- \u.0. ot\ 'T.o. o*\ c"t\EA \r''='E- 1[" "{- It"'; I =kt',-q .'r't\^, skt 'tG q* *' qsd fl..- - .i.J'* , .,*.:-\\*-* sG 'i"s 'S'* b..11*'.\' scrqrq R"* F--- - -.-* blQ-l- I..4 \*s ..,o0-- -L*.u-'- *oouiJo 3(€ is aoo\\.,''-1 b.l eN sf"1{A C'=--_ "-A fu (o_=, h CdJq- oho"t c,u,"yfi^,*5 .^rL.*n1 tt C-swr-s.? f" 'F-=41e'u4s'rts c't- t\'5(t a'\ trlt"\ Projecl Application tA /1 r ,{ r r '^'" Mlc^4 / t44h Project Name: 7, r\e r r\ tl .l , * ' o n J Project Description:,l.z-l ('.) t Contact Person and Phone owner. Address and phone: hob 0u )er )Lll< $otA $An'^l , ^ fl o ,. A Lesal Description'tot 2L etocx L ,Fitins Vt/ l3{h ,zon" Ri Com ments: DISAPPROVAL >l.u(( La,.A',\,r..,.'. L c'o|, n 0.W. ^,Tn.t "^ ( .J " ? -uJ,4 Pir,n . ) 0^ . t , . l.', l"t'. .., .-1,, ^ Design Review Board n, Motionbv: Alrtr o"r" l"vto- ), i?(L Seconded by:t/sel|'..-- ,ul /,.n,1 , [.i n<' rl",\ lrr ?ti^.5? Architect, Address and Phone: Summary: he'l(I FILE COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorada 81657 970-479-2138479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 May 2, 1996 Bob Ruder 2415 Bald lrfountain Road Vail CO 81657 Department of Communiry Development Re: Building Addition - 2415 Bald Mountain Road/Lnt 22, Block 2, Vail Village l3th Filing Dear lv[r. Ruder The Design Review Board at their May l, 1996 meeting approved your request for a building addition and exterior modifications. The approval is subject to the following conditious: i. Place a large pot or planter containing adequate vegetation between the two garage doors: and 2. Place landscaping along the front ofthe properfy. The laudscaping sball at a minimum contain 8 Aspens u'ith a minimum caliper of 2 inches (2") (measured at breast height) and 3 six foot tall (6') Evergreens. The location is subject to staff revierv and approval. Staff conditions that must be compiied rvith prior to obuinirg a building permit include: l. Public \Vorks approval ofa grading plau; and 2. Community Development approval of a lighting plan. Lights located on the building are not fully cut-offand do not comply rvith the Town ligbting regulations. Please provide plans which will comply with these conditions prior to applyrng for a building permit. The plans will not be stamped approved until these conditions are met and represented on the appropriate plan sheets. Page I of2 {9 ^rn"uoruo TownPlanna Greg Hall, Town Engileer ff do6rt!ilr\r?r!rd,l.d!t!v!4lcthDd rryoo l#'rJy #df*, .* me at 47 e -2148' I Page2of 2 Henry Pratt questioned mass and bulk. Greg Molfet read through the criteria in the statf memo. Dominic Mauriello said the flat roof deck was 30'high and was allowed. Greg Moffet asked for any more public or applicant comments' There was none' Henry Pran made a motion to table this request to give.the applicant lffp rework the roof deck, so that it was moracompatible with tire neighborhood. The alternative to giving the applicant more time to redesign it, was to turn down the request' Gene Uselton seconded the motion. Dominic Mauriello stated that it should be tabled to a definite time' Mrs. Boyer asked if a roof deck was allowed, would we then be setting a precedent in the neighborhood? Henry pratt responded to Mrs. Boyer's question by saying that a roof deck was allowed' but this roof deck was not consistent with this neighborhood. The motion passed by a vote of 6-1, with Greg Moffet opposed. 3. A request for an exlerior addition to expand the existing qiling Pgln! utilizing !!9 2!9 Ordinance. tocated al24'15 Bald Mouniain Road/Lot 22,Blod< 2, VailVillage 13th Filing Applicants: Paul Baker and Robert Ruder Planner: Dominic Mauriello Dominic Mauriello gave an overview of the request per the staff memo' John Schofield stated that he had a business relationship with this applicant and he wanted it on the record that he doesn't feel it presents a conflict of interest. Greg Moffet asked lor any applicant or public comments. There was none. The Board had no comments. Henry Pratt made a motion for approval with no conditions, referencing the lindings in the staff memo. Greg Amsden seconded the motion. It passed unanimously by a vote of 7-0. 4. A request for a wall height variance to allow for a six-foot retaining wall, located in the front'setback, located ai t Zgg Westhaven Circle/Lot 37, Glen Lyon Applicant: DarylBrownPlanner: George Ruther Planning and Enviromental Comrnission Minutes Septembor 9, 1996 George Ruther gave an overview of the request and Stated that Stalf was recommending approval. Greg Moffet asked if the applicant had anything to add' Sally Brainard said no. John Schofield said there needed to be a provision for trees to be replaced if they die' Gene Uselton echoed John's comments. Greg Amsden said the slope will not allow trees to live and therefore, a bond needs to be in place for similar trees. Galen Aasland said trees would not survive and the walls are considerably higher than 6'. Diane Golden asked if tiering the retaining wall would help the trees? Greg Moffet said tiering the retaining wall was what was being proposed' Henry Pratt said we are stuck between a roc* and the DRB. We are instructed to save trees' When trees die, they need to be replaced' Greg Moffet said he liked the trees the way they were, but we needed assurance that they would be r6placed, should they not live. He stated that the wall was nicely done. Henry Pran stated that when the trees die, there would not be a need lor a variance. Greg Moffet asked il we can sunset a variance? George Ruther said if the trees die, the tree well would be filled in and there would no longer be a need for a variance. Henry Pratt asked how we could require this? George Ruther explained that landscaping could be bonded for two growing seasons for replacement based on caliper per caliper inch of aspen trees. Henry Pratt asked Sally if her client would have a problem with bonding? Salry Brainard said she was not sure, but for today's purposes she will say there would not be a pro5lem. lnstead of bonding, could we put a tree in the tiered area? Since this was a spec house, the applicant would not like to lransfer the bonding to any new owner. Henry Pratt said he was at a loss ol how to do this' George Ruther stated that a bond was certainly not the desired vehicle, but it would get us to where we want to be. The trees have already been through stress this growing season. Henry Pratt asked if we have required other property owners to be bonded? Plaruring and Environmental Commission Milutes September 9, 1996 F Flr F A.r,',ruE [rVl"r' 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 De partment of Community Deve lopment Re: Septcmber 9,1996 Bob Ruder 2415 Bald Mountain Road Vail, CO 81657 250 request for Building Addition - 241 5 Batd Mouutain Road/Lot 22, Block 2' Vail Village l3th Filing Dear Mr. Ruder: The Planning and Environmental Commission at their September 9,1996 meeting approved your rcquest for a l60 sq. ft, building addition and extcrior modifications utilizing 46 sq. ft. pcr unit of trvo 250 requests. The plans you submitted havc bccn submittcd to the Building Division. Please contact the Building Division for any additional requirernents. Ifyou have any questions, call me at479-2148. Sincgqely. I/\r/ tll /1U J,_ lV-atAJ/e Dominic F. Mauriello. AICP Town Planner {5 ""'""*'u* ilign Review Action Ffir TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecVGontact, Address and Phone: P /t+ Legal Description:Lot 2-7 Bbck 2 Subdivision V tl l3 t^Zone District L Project Street 466rsss' .7 4 I Comments: Motion by:"o"rO@Vote: Seconded by: ,pApproval n Disapproval n $aff Approval . / ./',lo^n, q/S/16 DRBFeepre-paid $- SD.DD.//, Agolda last revised 9/03i96 lPm PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Monday, SePtember 9' 1996 AGENDA 11 :45 Pm QUORUM - (September 23, 1996) Gene Uselton not present Site Visits 1. Ruder - 2415 Bald Mountain Road 2. Futernick - 930 FairwaY Drive Brown - 1239 Westhaven Circle Deiohan - 8028 Potato Patch Eigjl Riuti Water District - 945 Red Sandstone Road 12:30 pm 3. .+. 5. Driver:George Public Hearing - Town Council Chambers 2:00 p.m. I A reouest for a residential addition to expand the€xisting kitchen, utilizing the 250 ordinance' 6;;iJ;igCo rainrvav Drive/Lot 7, vailVillage 1Oth Filing Applicants: Morris and Miriam Futernick Planner: Dirk Mason A request lor an exterior addilion to a master bedroom and bathroom and to add a 3rd floor' utitizing the 250 OrOtnance,loclted at 8028 Potato PatchiLot 4' Block 1, Vail Potato Patch Applicants: Padraic Deighan and Birgit Toome Pianner: Dominic Mauriello A request for an exterior addition lo expand-the exisling {lin9 lo?I:, Ytilizing the 250 Ordinance, tocated at z+ii e;id N,louniain Road/Lot 2i, Block 2, Vail Village 13th Filing Aoolicants: Paul Baker and Robert Ruder Pianner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a wall height variance to allow for a six-foot retaining wall, located in the front setback 1239 Westhaven Circle/Lot 37, Glen Lyon Applicant: Daryl Brown eianner: George Ruther 2. 4. CFNERA T. INFORIVATIO}I TLlr rpplitd"" " t t *V poj*t.uquiring amrovel by thc Planning ard Environnsntrl Cornmirsion' For specific infonDation, sco thc oubmittal roquirimonf tor tlc puiiculu approval thet ir rcqucstcd. Thc application can not bc ,*ip,.l*iii rif roq,lt"A information is submitied.' Ths projcpt nray slro naod to bc rcviewEd by the Torvn Council Oupcfions? Call tho tlanning $tnff at 479-21 3ll ? rrrrr^rlo N F'oR *LA,.'{NING,*il .* * *oNt}tENTA L' CoMMISSI0NAPPROVAL e6c- *-F;4)qt6 tr Arffidm&t to ail Appruvcd Dovolopmcnt Plan B Employctllusing Unit lTlPc: -) TOtrN0iFV/,IL nocVnr thc Dutigtl Rgvjcw Board' ZONINGT NAME OF OWNgR(Sl,l MAILING 5 BALD owNrNR(s) STGNATURE(S) NAME OF REPRESENTA MAILING ADDRESS: D. E.{;tla @trz sf,9 4't60e? c,/--/'o '' o^ Peo ? -w3 .H, -'ltht € lr 3os- 611' oYss H FEE. SEE TI{E SI,IBMITTAL REQUIRIMENTS FOR THEAPPROPRIATE FEE. AY?Wfl4TXV,I . suBM rr ilt r s AFPLICA TI oNi ALL SUBMTTTAL REQUInEM ENTS AND TIIE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH NROHTAGE ROAD, ,VAIL, COTOnADO tl5s7. RsviEd 6$6 )Ril RESIDEIITIAL APPRAISAL Sunnary Repont Locrllon Bnlll up Orcwlh nlr PloporV vrlt|.! 0cmrnd/rupply Runl Uodor 25I Slow Dccltnlng O,rra+Cy Land uro ghangr Emrd'ty Dur.v L-l In Drocos! To: llota: R.ca rnd thr peclal compo.ltlon ol th. nelghborhood arr noi rpprelral fectorr. Frclo13 lhrl rllscl lhE mrrkoteblllty ol lho Droportlcs In lho n6lghbohood (Droxlmlty lo omploymonl end amenltlaa. employmenl st.blllly, rpparl l0 mrrkol, rlc.): Ma sl conditions h tho rublecl nslghborhood (including rupporl lor lhs above conclullons rslrlod to lhs kold ol p.oporty v.luos, domrnd/suppty, rnd ma.k31ng timo - - !uch l! drh on comprllllvo gloparlios lor rale In lhe nrlghborhood. darcdptlon ol lhe provrlenco of srlcs rod linalclng concotrloor. rlc.): ProJrct lnformetlon lor PUDr (ll .ppllcrblr) - - lr lhr dovolopor/bulldor In conkol of lhe llomo Ofnerr' AsEocl.llon (HoA)? ADtlxlm.ls lohl numb.. ol unlt! In lh. lublm{ plDlcct tf/A Appmxlm.b tolrl numbcr ot unlh tor !rt. ln lhc rublool prolod lf /A Dlmonslon! liuD.lect tO SUfVeV slhrrcr 12.000 SF +/- com.rLor Df;TIN" 3prcltc zonlng clrrdtlcrtlon rnd description Lor density nultiple fanrily distr ::lli!..:Tp!l*r lXlLosrl. A]t satffm'+qirplaranoramr*rul--I.ltnsrt I l ozontns Topogrephy Sir. Shrpc Dnlnag! Vlew trndrcrptg Drlvewry SuahcG FEMA spccl.l Flood ]trz.rd Aior LJ Vra U(J m FEMAzono C ltap Drlo Utntl.3 Eloclrlclty Gr! Wrlra Srnltrry s6wor Off-dt hproyJtutt. Typ.Strcet Blacktop Curb./gullor qoncrete sldowrlk Non€ Sln6l llghl. Very Few Comrnenb (rpperenl rdvetge ersemenls. encorchnsoh, apeciel rsaerrnrsnlg. rlldc rrert. llbgrl or hgel nonconlormlng zonlng, ute, clc.): GENEML DESCRIPT IOII l'lo. ol t nlh No. ol Stodot Tylo (Dol../All.) Doslgn (Stylo) Exlctlng/Popooed Agc (Yrc.) EXTERIOR DESCRIPTIOII Foundellm Exlorlor WNlls Rool Sudrcr Oullo18 I Dlvospls. Wlndow Typo Slom./scrsens thb Cmr,| Spooo Br!6msnt Sunp hntp (hmpnesr S!lllsnonl BASEMEIIT tu€r Sq.Fl. X FlolEhod Cclling Wrlls Floor ftlrldeEoiry Root Conc El cclthg Conc Ewrlh Conc lX I Floor Conc [!Nono | | Unrmtr tfJ lltTERlOR Mrtodalr,/Condltlon Floor! (ArDet Tdm/Flnhlr Erlh Floor B|lh Wdnscol lho.! KITCHEI{ EOUIP, Roldgenlor Rrnge/oven DlEpos.l FrnlHood Mlcromvc ATTIC l{om Slrlrr Drop Slslr Sculllt Floor tlo.lsd AMENITIES Flreplrco(a) | I P.llo _ Dsck r,r00d Porch CAR STOSAGE: r,fonr D€rngr t ol crn Allrclpd Dolrchod Bullt-ln c.Jport Addlllond lsrtursr (rp€chl emrry alllclrnt ltrm!..tc.): Advoru rnvlronmrnhl conditlon! (luch rr. bul nol llmllcd lo, hrtr.dour wrsloE, loxlc lubst!ncor, 6tc.) promnl In lhs lmprqvamonlr, on lhr !11., or In lh. lmm.dhl. vlchlly ol thr rublecl prop.rly: lfone lta 16 rr.d.dd It h-fd '|16 rot aL.|-n^A .trnh li|. Fo.tn "FILEMPY TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: METIIORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development September 9, 1996 A request for two exterior additions utilizing-the 250 ordinance' located a12415 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 22, Block 2, VailVilage 13th Filing' Applicant: PaulBakerand Bob Ruder Planner: Dominic Mauriello I. BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST In 1985, the VailTown Councilapproved Ordinance 4, Series ol 1985, which created a new Cf,aiiei iig.zrt to the VaiiMunidiial Code, enlitled "Additional Gross Residential Floor Area'" inJpuipbre oitne Roaitiona GnFA ordinance is to provide an inducemenl for the upgrading of eifitftrg'dwellings units, which have been in existenc6 fora period of.at least five years' by perriittlng up io-Wo nrnOt"O fitty (250) square feer ot GRfA (beyond the maximum allowance) to be aOOedto a dwelling unit, Ce'rtiin cliteiia must be met in oider to allow the additional GRFA' In August 1995, the Town Gouncil approved Ordinance 6, Series of 1995, which amended Cndpi-er r A.71 Oy etiminating tre aOitity to use the additional GRFA when a dwelling unit is. a .,deriio/rebuitd." The 1995 drdinance ilso requires that all requests for additional GRFA' that involve exterior changes to a building, be revibwed and approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission. The applicant is requesting two 250 requests in order to expand tl9 eli:liry duplex residence. rne piopoiar aOOs ieO sql n. ot new GhrR. The site nas iig sq. ft- of GRFA remaining and the reqrEsilJio'aOd 92 sq. tt. trom two 250 requests (46 sq. ft. per unit). The remaining GRFA under the 250 ordinance is 204 sq. ft' per unit. on May 2, 1996, the applicants received DRB approval for a building addition. This request will moOityit at apprwat by'enclosing the existing dbiks on the front (south elevation) of the structure. II. ZONING ANALYSIS The following table provides a summary of the zoning limitations for the site based on the May 2' 1996 DRB apProval. Zoning: R (Residential - Two family) Site Area: 15,280.8 sq. ft. Allowable/Required GRFA: 4,628 sq. ft. Two 250's: 5,128 sq. ft. Density: 2 DU's H€ight: 33 ft. Site Coverage: 3,056 sq. ft. (2V/"\ Parking: 5 spaces *Based on May 2, 1996 DRB aPProval. III. CRITERIAANDFINDINGS Existino 4,560 sq. ft.- 1.t/A 2 DU's No change 3,034 (19.8s%)' >7 spacEs (4 enclosed) >7 spaces (4 enclosed) Proposed N/A 4,720 sq. ft. (46 sq. ft. of a 250 r€quest Per unit) 2 DU'S No Change No Change Upon review ol chapter 18.71 - Additional GRFA, the community Development Department recommends apprwal of the two requests for additional GRFA based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factorsl Before acting on an application for additionalGRFA, the Planning and Environmential Commissiorisnatt coridider the following factors with respect to the proposed usel structures. The proposed additions will have minimal, if any, neg-ative impact on the site.'The request encloses two existing decks and will have no etfect on the site. lmpact on adiacent Prooerties' The proposed remodel will not have a negative impact on adjacent propbrti;s, The bulk and mass of the building is only minimally affected. 1. 2. 3. development standards. section 18.71.020 (F) ol the Town of Vail Municipal code requiles.that any dwelling unit that proioses to use Additional GRFA shall comply with the standaids outlinet inthe Town ol Vail Design Review Guidelines. These standards include landscaping, undergrounding of utilities, driveway . piving and general maintdnaice of the property. The site has paved- pi*i'ig and-will have adequate landscaiind b.asgp on the current DRB approriai. All utilities are ldcated under(iround. The property is being upgraded as part of the May 2, 1996 DRB approval' B. Findings: The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings belore granting approval for Additional GRFA: l.ThatthegrantingoftherequestedAdditionalGRFAwi|lnotnegative|y atteit exiiting to-pography, vegetation, drainage and existing structures- 2.ThatthegrantingoftherequestedAdditionalGRFAwillnotnegative|y imPact adjacent Properties. 3'ThatthegrantingoftherequestedAdditiona|GRFAwi||comp|ywithTown roninb iei'rirem"ents and aipliiable development stiandards as they apply to nonconforming sites and structures' IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The communiry Development Departrnent staff recommends approval of this application for Additional GRFA subject to the following findings: 1. That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA will not negatively atlect existing t6pograpny, vegetation, drainage and existing sfructures; 2. That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA will not negatively impact adjacent ProPerties; and 3. That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA will comply with Town zoning requirem6nts anl applicabl'e development standards as they apply to nonconforming sites and structures. F lqvgrYone\Decvnemos\Msr.909 ---:: t i ;eg ;r #j-*;'i[ ff ,tF E1 - - " Siri.:,-f.rdx; ;t: 6i"'-*'.+..,. .. '! $+o $I IFr{ J ft 1t Et s * T I!r ;if $Et Fil*$ it I I.el gt .rI*l ,rri 5i di Izi <t El IFI ,rill'EIi 6 t tf- q[ o&E.fl.| ffi troi9ilf" P ll , ll"t{i 9llt iiitl Ii Bi EriD iv, lltlttl $ili flioq(BII '!l I II : I| ti I i I *s+n - osEP -w' FQ .tE i+d ?eQ,fZE1a?f$ ctr n :.i r.r I r .i, .,., c,-ol. r F> llhl6 ,LANE I EXi9IiNG KiiaL{il r.L P. oe /7\j, I I I I '2 n I +* \ H ) I AL,,I { \ * I LUIZtfnl AJIx J- !l x'g r9i- **t-- 15' 'l-tlul$ltgltffiiItl sol'.$ {s u, $ zo E,xl$fl|\GpltiiNg lbu o,c. cF n*rtt LINE OF EX]STING ROOF LINErl X ;,: ri.iG DOOR:;x ',i.: :-:':. 'r.r, :-* : :fl E .:-:=i ,,-*.... _ o'lgRButLD FLOOR T0 FE FLJ${..| UJl lNT,A*AQft. LE\€L I It lW OFEN STAIR hl-,".-^ . Ba(nn- rc AccouMrrNt Ro^n, SU1IE t6oo L\cE, cO 8or r r . Barnn c Accourvr,r rsr RoAD, SurE ,600 L^6E, CO aolrl '.AEt{IGiI t.'t-rE-r-tE-awF \\t-t Ll.li/f l I II n/" r 2'f zs d^! , /h-' R"/*J 0'u't3^!g fil*f* &"'& ('r (^",1* g )L 5f lU^ 4- BryT n zsrs W;t1**"k,- tLJ '0 "n , GL"^'l- 7 ttst W^ d /ll* YH C''^"'*j- zt(zs B:A'\w,*^^M /*l / hG-"J* gl 6s7 ! :-'t A request for an exterior addition to expalq the existing dining room, utillzing the 250 Ordinance' il;;ild ;izirs eid ryrouiiiJ'n cdiolibili,'ebck a, v-ait vittdse 13fr Filins Aoolicants: Paul Baker and Robert Ruder Pidnner: Domin'rc Mauriello tillllt,l The applications and inlormation about the Eoposals are available in fie proisct planner's offi@ ffirili;Gi'otnie nouts'i|ipt Uit-itip..foii; nCateO atfie Town of VailCommunitv oeveioprient Department, 75 South Fronlage Road' S()n language intErprEtation available upon request with 24 hour notification' Please call 47$2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD tor intormation. Communilv Developmeni Depatttr€nl Published hugust i3, 1996 in lhe Vail Trail. a ,r1t-ffinf- fabV tt-7F ql e'r t,f r '-. I THIS ]TEM MAY AFFECT YOUH PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commiss-ion of the Town of Vail will hold a public n."t-ng in dicotOance riith Se;ii;18.66.060 of the lvlunicipal Code.of the Town of Vait on septemuei"g,;ffi;;#bb F.u. in the Town o{ Vail Municipal Building' ln consideration ol: A reouest for an interior remodel, utilizing the 250 ordinance to add a storage area in the ffiJffiili #.*;;6y 156; tdareTeer roiateo ii aag4 Streamside Circle EasVLot 13' Bighorn 4th Addition Applicant: Donald LevY Pidnner: Lauren Waterton A reouest for a residential addition to expand the existing kitchen, utilizing the 250 Ordinance' tocatbO at 930 FaiMay Drive/Lot 7, VailVillage 1oth Filing Planner: Applicants:Morris and Miriam Futernick Dirk Mason A request lor an interior remodel, to add a storage area and a bathroom of approximately 85 ibr-it" t..i ,riii.ing tne zto-oioi.lrrce, locateo"at eC willow Place #1/Lots i'and 2, Block 6, Vail Village 1st Filing Applicant: Oscar SchaferPlanner: Lauren Waterton A request for a residential addition to expand the existing qnJry, utilizing.the,2S0 Ordinance' id;;6d ;i ++r oA boiumnire Oii"eloi ii arocX 4, A resd'ivisioh of Lot t a, glock 4, Bighorn 3rd Addition Applicant: Barbara Van NessPlanner: George Ruther A request for a wall height variance to allow for a six foot wall, located in the front setback 1239 Westhaven Circle/Lot 37, Glen Lyon Applicant: DarylBrownPlanner: George Ruther A request for a worksession for a rezoning from General Use to Medium Dens.ity Multi-11fl1-?19 a request for the establishment of a special Development District to a]low j91 l!,9 _q9I"l9PT:Ii-ol 1B Ei-lu's, located on an unplaned paicel on a portion of Parcel A and part of Block D' Lionsnoge Filing # 1 Applicants: Eagle River water and sanitation Districl and lhe Forest Service Planner: Andy Knudtsen A request for an exterior addition to a master bedroom and bathroom and addltg a 3rd llo.or' utilizing iile 250 Ordinance, located at 8028 Potalo Patch/Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Potato Palch Padraic Deighan and Birgit Toome Dominic Mauriello Applicants: Planner: I TOWN OFVAIL DEPART:\IL\T OF CO}L\ILI{ITY DEIELOPI}IENT Atl \^n'E--h'h-Epd-8f CTIECI{S MADE P^YABLE TO TO\TN OF I.AIL EIttIt - NO,"ii +"n TAX--::--. COBTtr C :.- - :trrAl-,i 01 0000 41510 ZONING AND A DDRESSj,IAPS $5.00 0l 0000 12115 UMFORN,' BUILDING CODE s54.00 0l 0000 4241 5 UNIFORM PLTA,f BTNG CODE sJ9.00 ut 0000 42415 UNIFORMMECHANT s37.00 u I 0000 42.1t 5 UNIFOR\,I FIRE CODT s36.00 rr I 0O00 424 I 5 NATIONAL EL ECTR]CALEODE s37.00 0r 0000 4241 5 OT}IER CODE BOOKS 0t 0000.115J8 BLUE PRINTS (MYLATSI $7.00 0l 0000 42.r I 2 X.bROX COPIES sn t{ 0l 0000 42-112 S I UDIbS 0l 0000 42.112 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRNM s5.00 0l 0000 42371 PENALTY f EES / RE.NSPECTIONS 010000 113i2 PLAN RE\TIEW RE-C}TECK FEE tS4O PER HR.] 0l oo00 12-132 OFF HOURS II\-'SPECTION FEES 0l 0000 41112 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES 0l 0000 41.113 SICN APPLICATIONTEE s20.0u0l 0000.1t.113 ADLil | roNAL STCNACE FEE [S1.00 pER SQ.FT.I 0l 0000 411-{-V I C ARI PROJECT DONATION 0l 00004tjiI PRE PAID DES]GN REVIEW BOARD FEE ( 2'Ofiq. rCX l A'o.dD 254400l 0000 41.371 INVESTIGATION FEE (BUILDINC' i l 0000 451 lo TOV PARlil..-G FUND 0l oo00 2t027 TOV NE\\'SPAPER DISPENSER FUND* 0l 0000 llll2 T,LXABLE@, 1Jzffi* 0l 0000 41010 'l',L{ABLE fa' { . qZ (Tot.iN) 0l 0000 12i71 BUILDING INVESTIGATION ITIIER PEC APPLICATIONTESS 0l 0000 4l-ji0 ADDITIONAL GRFA '.250"s200.00 ul 00004tji0 CONDITiONAL USE PERMIT s200.00 0l oo00 413-r0 EXTERJOR.ALTERATION ILESS T}IAN IOO SQ.FT.I s200.00 0l (-}0004t3i0 EXIEzuOR ALTERATION IT.IORE TITAN IOO SQ.FT.I s500.00 ul 0(J00 4ljio SPICIN L DTVELOPI{ENT DISTRICT [NE\U s I,500.u0 ul u)00 4t3i0 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMn IOR AlvmlD s 1.000.00 0r rxJ00 4l jio SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT MINOR AMEFIDI s200.000l 0000 41330 SUBDIVISION ul oo00 4l jio VARIANCE 5250.000l 0000 41330 ZONING CODE AMTNDMENTS 5250.000l 0000 413-10 RE - ZONING s200.00 OTHER I ()I'HER usE' t t*''11.0 LJ *r..rt, DIL\ R^k t -i -) TTf TdFI T}F LJFI I t- l'li sce I I arecrug CEFh F_rD-.j. c:* ?El i [t : u€': .]4 Fi,-'-Lr,-r; i i, ii ;t.. ll j'li+ f i rlLri_ nii..Lt1 .HL.'Lr | !_ Et'i.f H Fiil,:'iiii i.+rid,:r:*,j ; :E';.Efl Ii,eni paid flriiourrt paid f i u'-:18r141 llBqlftfi :[l " FrJ .-lir;ir,1*, i-e i.r-r rn*ij ; 81" E1]:1 THrar*|l< vfir_r fLrLrf Ld:.i rLHl l1f lL.rl DATE " RECEIVED FROII ,rJ6 t lisltt'Tal 354 rrportr Primary/Secondary yy f3rb SingLe Family ZONE CHECK . FOR Residence, DupLex, ZONE DISTRICTS DA'E: ?ltsl-rg IJEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot,2l Bfo"t 2 ADDRESS: Subdivision OWNER PIIONE ARcr{rrEcr D..liJ tlmsL-.t Pr{oNE ZONE DISTRICT PRoPosBD usu -D.rFlu =r,or srzE 16r ltb.I F BUTIJDABIJE IJor AREA All-owed ExisLinq ProDosod c*.1 afO r{eighE. Tor,at cnra (3,?28 t gsof) (30) !1ll uls Nltq,3nf tr."f Gffi 1z0 lt^* SeEbacks Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining WalI Parking Carage Crodiu Drive: FronL Sides Rear Ileighus 20, L5' 15, w. O L 3 05 6 ?,Os'+ o \<- tr/A 3, /6, 5 neqrd (3oo) (600) ttoot 6oe:n t?ta Permiutecl sroPe L,lil% ProPosed ./Yes V vEI Q 'I 1f nnct t,slope Nocomplies wiEh T.o.v. r,ight'ing ordinance waLer course SeLback (30) (50) Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 (50%) Envi ronmen Lal- /!taz ards :1) Flood Plain c) qebris Flow. view Corridor EncroachmcnL: Yes, Daes this reqtiesL invoive a Z5O rio<iitir;u? ,#F lrdw-mudn"og [no arioweA 250 Addiuion is usedq'tilh Ehis provious condit,ions of approval (check propert'y til'e): 2t Percenu sLope t< > 3o%l P/A 3 ) GeoJ"og{c }Iazardsa) $now Avalancheb) RockfalL & ' ir tL4l wetLands L-l / ,r t requesta-!pA--q---''-ffion;t' \I rfulo o?€ jf O .rplarls rr Iar lfdlgt \r G 6E tn'lar,I/' Lis.$ rolgrrC ors.h:"i.:Yr. $ r'ors 'al r\h e\u F-ssr Dossf lo.r.F llsr,r .-,i._r_.![i;;',qr-,:r,rti!_irtrt'-._,.r-.-i!,aqrE{,iJrery*.fir&.r'oa.rrel_li*A{\{.fr,t.laaalc.fa!.rir_altrlrrrr.a-_rr !.!{...-.i *.- -t..-^ {:.lta,fra*-*Jaatrrrrttqtalrlx, -t- 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 1 o1/Fax 970479 -2 I 5 7 July3, 1996 Mr. Bob Ruder 2415 Bald Mountain Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Building Addition Dear Bob: Office of the Town Manager HANDDELIVERED I have been advised of the facts and circumstances of confrontations that you have caused with a number of Townof Vail employees. Your interaction with Town of Vail employees is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. We take great pride in a continuous improvement process which emphasizes that all Tovyn of Vail employees are to heat those with whom they come in contact professionally and courteously. At the same time we demand similar treatment from individuals utilizing the Town of Vail services. I have reviewed written statements of comments made by you on July 2,, lgg6regarding Terri Martinez. Those comments are appalling and degrading to Terri professionally and personally. I have also reviewed the status of your project application. To complete the application I must require that you beret'resented by professionals and not i; futih". personal contact with members of the Town staff. This is areasonable request in light of your behavior to date. If you wish to issue an apology to Town employees, which would be appropriate under the circumstances, thatshould be done through my office. As the Chief Executive Officer for tiis organization I have the authority to demand appropriate behavior by our employees and the obligation to protect tiem from the abuse that you haveexhibited through this project application. Any questionS or comments that you might have should be directed to me. Very truly yours, fint//*' Robert W. Mclaurin Town Manager RWM/aw xc: Vail Town Council Larry Grafel Terri Martinez Larry Pardee Dominic Mauriello ,/ {g*ot""*ruo nd.# o ?/ /€a */t t/. APPLICATION FOR REVOCABLE PERMIT TO ERECT OR MAINTAIN. A STRUCTURE ON A PUBLIC RIGHT.OF.WAY (Please type or print)Fence Wall Landscaping Other DArE 1- t -qu owNER oF pRopERrv &e Quo*- - Qr+u,-GA{{dtL NAME OF APPL ADDRESS Corner lot lnside lot LEGAL DESCRIP'NON OF PHOPEITTY TC BE SHRVED: l;gl4 rro.gx. , Z- suBDrvlstoN ( ^ U. r s4 (lt necessary, a[ach tegaldescription on sepffi ICANTtt{ b( DESqR|PT|ON OF STRUCTURE OR IN RIGHT.OF.WAY: p s'. Attach plans.showing lll,ll."l:11l"]:l_at "rl"J atfected'apiurr"nance in mJ priieci-ri""l,o scate ordimensioned) and section(s) as well a.'d"r"tion. 0f appficanf,'el. Does structure presenily exist? Proposed date for commencem In consideration ol the issuance of a revocable permit for lhe structure above indicated,applicanl agrees as follows: co L?d .J 1. 2. 3. That lhe structure herein authorized on a revocabre permit basis is restricredexclusively to the land above described. That the permit is timited specificaily to the type of srructure described in thisapplication. That the applicanl shallnotiry the Town Manager, or his dury authorized agenl, twenty_four hours in advance of the time ror commenEement of construction, in order tharproper inspection may be made by tne Town. I ne apprcant agrees lo- indemnify and hord harinless lhe Town of Vail, its officers,::l:{:g: lnd agenrs from and igainst ail riabirirv, craims and demands on accounr ofInjury' Ioss or damage, including without rimitation'claims arising from'togily i4ury,personal injury, sickness, diseaie, death, property ross or damage, or any other ross ofany.kind whatsoever, which arise out of oi "rLin any manner connected withapplicant's activities pursuant to this permit, if such infury, ross, or damage is caused inwhole or in part by, or is craimed to de causeJin whore or in parr by, the act, omission,error' professionar error,.mistake, negrigence or other faurt or [t e-a#ncanl niscontractor or subcontraclgr gr {v otiic6r, emproyee or representative of the appricant,his contractor or his subcontractor. -rne afrilant agrees to investigate, handrerespond to, and to provide defense for ani defend against, any such liabirity, craims, ordemands at the sore expense of .!he appricani--h" "ppria"ilr";;;, iu bcai aiigllel-exeense_s rerating th"r.to, in.iuJirij'"iurt "o"r, and attorney,s fees, rlvherher ornot any such liability, claims, or demandi alleoed are orounr{lcee raraa ,\t tr.,,A,,t^^l I lre apprcant agrees to procure and maintain, at its oin cost, a ;di"y;; poiiJil;;;'insurance sufficient ro ensure against att. tiauiti'ty ctaims; demandd "ni oit ", obrigationsassumed by the appricalt.prrr_"lt to this paragraph 4. The appricant further agreesto release the Town of vcii, its officers, age't ind emproyees'fiom any and ailliability, claims, demands, or actions oi cjuses ot actions ,nnasoeruiaiising out of anydamase, ross or iniurv ro rhe appricanr "; ,o ih";pp[;;;i'ilffi;;,y ciuseo oy rneTown of Vail' its otircers, agents and employees whire engaged in maintenance orsnow removar activities or any other activities whatsoeveion Town or Vait property,streets, sidewalks, or rights_oi_way. 4. 597945 B-?01 p-gb? 0g/05/96 0Z:38p pG I ot' zsara J. !'isher gagle Oounty Clerk & Hecorder It.t:c 11.00 c That the permit may be revoked whenever it is determined that the encroachment, obslruclion, or olher struclure conslilutes a nuisance, destroys or impairs the use of the right-oFway by the public, constitutes a traffic hazard, or the property upon which the encroachment, obstruction, or structure exists is required for use by the public; or it may be revoked at any time for any reason deemed sulficient by the Tbwn 6t vait. That the applicant will remove, at his expense, the encroachment, obstruction, or structure within ten days after receiving notice of any revocation of said permit. That the applicant agrees to maintain any landscaping associated with the encroachment on the right-of-way. That in the event said removal of the encroachmenl, obstruction, or slructure is not, accomplished within ten days, the Town is hereby authorized to remove same and have the right to make an assessment against the property and collect the costs or rcmoval in thc same manner as general taxes are COllacted. Thal the applicant has read and underslands all of tho terms and conditions set forth in this application. Special conditions: (ll joint ownership, both signatures) 597945 ts-?01 P-957 08/05/96 OZt39P Pc 2 ot' 2 TOWN OF VAIL OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, COLORADO 81657 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Lf)r{ c) c2 Signature of Property Owner APPROVED: O FILE COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colarado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 ltday 2,1996 Bob Ruder 2415 Bald Mountain Road Vail, CO 81657 Department of Community Development Re: Building Addition - 2415 Bald Mountain Road&ot 22,Block2,Vail Village l3th Filing Dear Mr. Ruden The Design Review Board at their May 1, 1996 meeting approved your request for a building addition and exterior modifications. The approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. Place a large pot or planter containing adequate vegetation between the two garage doors; aud 2. Place landscaping along the front ofthe property. The landscaping shall at a minimum contain 8 Aspens with a minimum caliper of 2 inches (2") (measured at breast height) and 3 six foot tall (6) Evergreens. The location is subject to staff review and approval. Staff conditions that must be complied with prior to obtaining a building permit include: l. Public Works approval of a grading plan; and 2. Community Development approval of a ligbting plan. Lights located on the building are not fully cut-offand do not comply with the Town lighting regulations. Please provide plans which will comply with these co'nditions prior to applying for a builrling permit. The plans will not be stamped approved until these conditiorut are met and represented on the appropriate plan sheets. Page I of2 {j"nto""ruo Ifyor f calt me at 479-2148. "ffftl DominicF.l Town Planner co: Gregllall,TownEngineer fi\ddrtotltt!trilaiH$kudr2-wpd Page2of 2 Project Application Date Projecl Name: E . A* ,' A d J , '{ ,', ,. ' , tc,-1 tll nProject Description: Contact Person and owner. Address and phone: h ,b 0u )c r )\l < $u tA frAnt"., l^ , (l , ^ A , .l /.\rl",\ 1f) fl{"6} Archilect, Address and Phone: n' /tn Block n(r-eiring V[,/ l3{h , zon" R'iLegal Description: Lot 77 Comments: '-f^({ (u'tA,\,un... L eVE,n 0.N. ara{rotn ( .'{ a q.oJin Pl.n. ). Pn",A,q a I t ' ' I Design Review Board o^," {V-^7 J , 11( L DISAPPROVAL Motronby: Atta Summary: ,v, 1, l.r.{,'r.',, {... b+ d[e4arr-',^eA b4 \ {^({ . / , Y l/ r , r-,t, l-t,u r-C,Cq-+k Q/' ' Town Ptanner E Statt Approval be'olt' 'f Qaw= t.al..lt alLllga DESIGN I. A. DA'E oF DRB MEErruc: [0V;00fu1lH.[.EV.l,)Ep.l ,*ornoo-" n ror*-ro*r*!7ll'#f,o ,"---.r** ** *o. t*!t******rl DA4O ). 1D PRO.TECT IT{FORIIAIIION : B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($200. 00) "v. Addition ($50.00)Minor Alteration ($20.00) -.,:Conceptual Review ($0) FEE $ 20.00 $ 5U. UU $100. 00 s200. 00 $400.00 $s00. 00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAI/ ISSUED AIID CODISTRUCTIOII I. .t. ADDRESS: r.EGAr, DESCRTPpTON: , r,oL zz Block z Subdivision UAt L U|LL-H'L{ ft*l e.TLSD^J771 nc //v€ If property is described by a meets and bounds lega1description, please provide on a separate sheet and atEachto this application. ZONING: ZF F.NAI'{E OF Mailing APPI.TICAIIIIT: Address: Phone H. G.NAII{E OF APPIJICANT I Phone Mailing Address: NAI{E OF OWNER(S):oetto,- ft OWNER(S) SIGI|fATTIRE: Mailing Address: Phone APPITIC;ATIONS WIIJIT NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOW OUNBR,S SIG;RIIAIPITRE Condominiun Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the t.irne of submittal- of the DRB application. IJater, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify the accuratevaLuat.ion of the proposal . The Town of Vail wiLl adjust the'fee according to the tabLe below, to ensure the correct feeis paid. 0n@ow br,,tfu ,0t&'\ 'pa-tu/.- FEE SCHEDUI.,E: VAIJUATION$ .o - $ 1o,ooo iF IU T UUI - S 5U, UUU $50,001 -g 150,000 $150, 001 - $ 500, 000 9500,001 - 91,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 DESTGN RST/IEW BOARD APPROI'AIJ E:FIRES APPROT'AI I'IIIJBSS A BUII,DING PERMIT IgIS STARTED. II. A pre-application meeting with a member of the planningstaff is encouraged Lo determine if any aclclitionalappJ.ication information is needed. It is the applicant'sresponsibility to make an appointmenL with the slaff todetermine if there are additional submittal requirements.Please note that a COMPIJETE application wiLl streamline thereview process for your projece. III . IMFORTAIIT NOIICE REGARDING AI.I., ST]BMTSSIONS TO ITIIE DRB: A. In addit,ion to meetinq submittal requirenents, theappLicant must stake and t,ape the project site toindicate property 1ines, building lines and buildingcorners. All trees to be renoved must be taped. AL1site tapings and staking must, be completed prior Lo the DRB site visit,. The applicant must ensure that, stakingr done during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEw BUIIJDINGS normally requirestwo separate meetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual review and a final review. C. Applicants who fail t,o appear before the Design RevielvBoard on Eheir schedul,ed meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agrenda until such time as the item has beenrepublished. D. rhe following items may, at the diEcretion of thezoning adninistraEor, be approved by the Cornmunity DevelopmenL Department staff (i.e. a formal hearingrbefore the DRB may not be required): a. windows, skylights and similar exEerior ctrangeswhich do noL alter the existing pJ-ane of thebuilding; and b. nuilding additions not. visible from any other loEor public space. At the time such a proposal issubmitted, applicants nust include letters fromadjdcent property'ownbrs and/or from the agent for' or manager of any adjacenu condominium associationstating the association approves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard. area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris f1ow,wetLand, etc.). a hazard study must be submitted andthe owner must sign an affidavit recogmizing the hazardreporL prior to the issuance of a building permit.epplicants are encouraged to check with a Toum pLannerprior to DRB application to determine the reLationshipof the properey Lo al-l napped hazards. F. For all residential construction: a. CIearIy indicate on the floor plans the insideface of the exterior structural waLls of thebuilding; and b. Indicate with a dashed 1ine on the site pLan a:four foot distance from the exterior face of thebuildinq walls or supporting columns. G. If DRB approves the application with conditions ormodifications, all cond.itions of approval must be addressed prior to the application for a buildingpermit. rv. A. Three copies of a recent topographic survey, stamped bya Colorad.o Profesgioaal lriceaged Sunreyor, at a scaleof 1n = 2O, or Larger, on which the followinginformation is provided: 1. IJot area, and buil.dable area when different thanloL area. 2. Leqat description and physical address. 3. Two foot conEour intervals unleEs the parcelconsists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5lcontour intervals may be accepted. 4. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunkswith dianeters of 4r or more, as measured from apoint one foot above grade. 5. Rock outcroppings and other significant naturalfeatures (largre boulders, intermittenL st,rearns,etc. ). 6. Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfaLL, etc.),centerline of streams or creeks, required creek orstream setback, and 100-year fl_ood plain, ifapplicable. Slopes of 40t or more shaLL beclearly delineated by cross hauching. 7. Ties to exist.ing benchmark. either Uscs landnarkor sewer inverE. This information must be clearlystat,ed on the survey so that all measurements arebased on the same starting point. This isparticularly important for determining buildingheight and driveway sLope. See policy On SurveyInformation, for more information regard.ing surveys. 8. Locations of the following must be shown: a. Size and type of drainaqe cuLverts, swales,' etc b. Exact Location of exisLing utility servicelines from their source to the st,ructure,including: Cable TV Sewer casTeLephone water Electric c. AL1 utility meter locationg, incLuding anypedestals to be located on sit,e or in theright-of-way adjacent to the site. d. Property Lines - distances and bearings and abasis of bearing. e. Indicate al.l easement,s identified on thesubdivision p1at. 9. Provide spot elevations at the edge of asphalt, aLonq the street. frontagre of t-he.property attwenty-five foot intervaLs 125,), and a minimum ofone spot elevation on either side of the 1ot. B. Site Plan 1. Locations of Ehe following must be shown: a. ExisLing and finished grades. b. Proposed surface drainage on and off site. .,1 proposed driveway, trr.rrrt||n percent sropeand spot elevations at the property line,garage slab and as necessary along thecenterline of Lhe drive to accurabely reflect,driveway grade. d. A 4' concrete drive pan at the edge ofasphaLt for driveways that, exit the street in an uphiII direcE,ion. 2. AL1 exist.ing improvements including structures,landscaped areas, service areas, sEorage areas,walks, driveways, off-street parkinq, loadingareas, reLaining walls (wit,}r top and bobtom of wa11 spot elevations), and other existing site improvements. 3. In order to determine proposed building heightselevations of all top roof ridges, €uld eaves when determined necessary by the zoning adninistrator,shalI be indicated on the site plan with existing and proposed contour lines shown underneaLh. C. Landscaoe plan (1u = 20'or larger) - 3 copies required1. AL a minimum, the fol.lowing information must, beprovided on the landscape plan: a. IJocation of existing trees 4,, diameter orlarger, b. Ttpe, size and locaEion of all existingr andproposed plant material , c. Location of aLl trees t,o be transplanted, d. A detailed legend of all proposed pl-ant maLerial including common and Latin names. 2. The Location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring.forplant material following its instalLation. 3. Exist.ing and proposed contour Iines. Retaining wa11s should be included with the contourinformation with t,op of waLl and bottom of wal-lelevaEions listed. 4. CompLete the attached landscape. materials list. D. Sion off from each utilitv cornDanv verifying thelocation of utility service and availability (see attached utility verification form) . E. A preLiminarv tiLle reporL ScheduLe A and B must accompany all submittal.s, to insure property ownership and identify ef.L easenents affecting the subjectproperty. F. Architectural Plans (1/8u = 1' or larger, t/4" Lspreferred scale for review) 3 copies are required. 1. Fl.oor plans and all elevations of the proposed development drawn to scale and fu1ly dimensioned. The elevation drawings must show both existing andfinished grades. 2. One set of floor plans must, be ,rred-l_ined" to showhow the gross resident.ial floor area (GRFA) wascalculated. 3. Exterior materials and colors shal1 be specifiedon the attached materials 1ist. This materialslist must be completed and submitted as a parE ofthe appl-ication. Color chips, siding samplesetc., shall be presented at the Design Review Board meet.ing. Details includinq, but not linited I a$"".r", trim, railings, chiHey cap, mererlocations, etc. must be shown graphically andfuIly dimensioned,. zone check list (attached) must be completed if theproject is located within the Single-Family, Primary,/Secondary or Dup1ex zone districts. Photos of the existing eite and where applicable, ofadjacenL structures. The zoning Adninistrator'and/or DRB may require thesubmigsion of additionaL plans, drawings.specifications, samples and other material.s (including a model) if'deened necessary to det,ermine whether aproject wilL compJ-y with Design Guidelines. MINON AI,trENATIONS TlO TEB EXTERIOR OF BUII,DIIIGS. PhoLos or sketches which clearly convey the redevelopnentproposal and the l_ocation (site pl.an) of the redevelopmentproposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formaLrequirements set forth above, provided a]-l- importantspecifications for the proposal incLuding colors andmat.erialE to be used are subnitted. ADDITIOIIS . RESIDEITTIAI, OR C(FIUBNCIAI. vA. originaL floor plans with all specificarioirs shown. G. H. I. v. VI r/s. r/c. Three set,s of proposed floor pLans L/8" = l-' or larger(t/4" -- 7, is preferred) Three copies of a site plan showing existing andproposed construction. rndicate roof ridge el-evationswith existing and proposed grades shown underneath. 'r' 9. Elevations of proposed additlon. v E. Photos of the existing atructure. n F. Specificat,ions for all. materials and color samples onmat,erials List (attached) . At tbe requeEt of Ehe zoning adninistrator you nay also berequired to submit! AA} G. '/H. A statement from each utility verifying location ofservice and avaiLability. See attached utilitylocation verification form. A site irnprovement survey, stanped by registered CoLorado ProfessionaL L,icenged surveyor. A preliminary title reporE, to verify ownership ofproperty, which lists alL easemenEs.f$ r' VII. FINAI.I SI1TIE PLAII Once a buil.ding permit has heen isFrr.ed-, and eonst-::rction is underway, and before the BuiLding Department will scheduLe aframing inspect,ion, two copies of an rmprovenent LocationCertificate survey (ILC) stanped by a registeredprofessional. engineer muEt be submitted. The following informat.ion must be provided on the II-rC: A. Building location(s) wittr ties to property corners,i.e. distances and, angles. B. Buil-ding dimensions to the nearest tenth of a foot. c. D. E. G. H. arr uttty service line as-tuirtslnowing rlpe ofmateriaL used, and size and exact l_ocation of lines. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. A11 property pins are to be either found or set andstated on improvenenE survey. AL1 easements. Garage slab elevations and all roof ridge elevat,ionswith existing and. proposed grades shown under the.rid,ge1ines. VTII .CONCEPTT'AIJ DESIOT REVTETI A. Subrnittal recnrirenents: The owner or authorized agentof any project requiring desiqrn approval as prescribedby this chapter may submit plans for conceptual reviewby the Design Review Board to the Department ofComnunity Development. The concepbual review isinLended to give the applicant a basic understanding ofthe compatibility of their proposal with the Town,sDesign Guidelines. This procedure is recommendedprimarily for applicabions more complex than sinqle-fanily and two-family residencee. However, deveLopersof single-fanily and two-famiLy projects sha1l not, beexcluded from the opportunity to request, a conceptualdesign review. Complete applications must be submitted 10 working days prior to a scheduled DRB meeting. The foll-owing information shalL be subrnitted for aconceptual review: 1. A conceptual site and landscape plan at a minimunecale of one inch equals twenLy feet; 2. Conceptual elevations showing exterior material-s and a description of the character of the proposed st,ructure or structures ; 3. Sufficient information Lo show the proposal complies with the development standards of the zone district in which the project is to bel-ocated (i.e. GRFA, siEe coverage calculations, number of parking spaces, etc.); 4. Completed DRB application form. B. Procedure: Upon receipt of an application forconceptual design review, the Department of Conununit,y Development shall review the submitted materials forgeneral compliance with the appropriate requirements ofthe zoning code. rf the proposal is in basiccompliance with the zoning code requirenents, theproject shall be forwarded to the DRB for conceptualreview. If the application is not qeneraLly incompliance wiLh zoninq code requirenents, theapplication and submittal materiaLs shall be returnedto the applicant with a written explanation as to whythe Cotnnunity Development Department staff has foundthe project not to be in compliance with zoning eoderequirements. once a complele application has beenreceived, the DRB shall review the subnitted concepuualreview application and supporting maLerial_ in ord,er todet,ermine whether or not the project general_Iy compLieswith the design quideLines. btre pns does not vobe onconceptual reviews. The property owner or hisrepresentative EhAtt be present at the DRB hearing. LIST OF UATERIAIJS NA}48 OF PRO,JECT: IJEGAL DESCRIPTTON:r,or2t BrJocK z STREET ADDRESS:,(. The following informat.ion is Review Board before a final A. BUIIJDING MABERfALTS: elL ST'BDIVI roN lrl+tu l,/r..*o I $6]J required for submittal to the Design approval- can' be given: FYPE OP IIATERIAIJ COL,OR Roof Sidinq OLher Wal1 Materials Fascia Sof f it,s Wi.ndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rail.s Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining WalLs Exterior Lighting Other I.TATiIDSCAPING: Nane rfJilnt<ts , | *il y6 Lt\ 0,/ot ltY burat 6Ie"^J 0,tc- EXtn,uL Du nry n/,ntn* tr, *- LL*O n> ,Al'trrdArv flmn L't"'J 'itrtu fu@ !n-wwv AJ'z?,a --k- Drru,r- ,t / gl /,/tt A,hr.- Ao, '7b Apa fro * EvflAtccs 4D ll&rl.lsc--rr1' Designer: Phone: EI of PLAIST rqatgnt:Ouantitv Size*Botanical Name PROPOSED TREES AI{D SI{RT'BS *Ind.icate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum calioerfor deciduous Erees is 2 inches- Ind.icaLe height forconiferous trees. Minimum heiaht for coniferoustrees is 5 feet.**Indicat,e size of proposed shrubs. Minimum size of shrubs is5 saLlon. TvDe Ssuare Footacre GROT'ND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. IJANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If ext,erior light,ing is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separatelighting p1an. Identify each fixture from the Light.ing pLanin tlre space below and provide the heighE above grade, t11pe ofJ.iqht proposed, lumen ouEput, luminous area and a cut sheet ofthe light f ixture. (Secrion 18.54.050 .J) D. OTHER LAIIDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimmingpools, ebc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainingwalLs. Maximun height of wa1ls within the front setback is 3 r . Maximxn height of walLs elsewhere on the property is 6' . rsvleed 8/lt /9il T,OI{N OF VAIr, IIIILTTy LOCiLTTOIMRIPICATTOII FORU JOB NAl,tE SI]BDIVISI ?t9r-to,t'?n<er- DA4<Q& - Ku0t!rl-- ONL BI,OCK L(,/C LOT FII.,ING ADDRESS The forn is used to verify service availability and locat,ion, rhisshould be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan andscheduring inscallations. For any new construction proposal, theapplicant must provid.e a completed utility verification form. The location and avaiLabil.ity of ut,itities, whether they be maintrunk Lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by thefoLlowing utiLities for the accompanying site plan. A11 authorizing signatures U.S. west Communications 468-5850 or 949-4530 PubLic Service Company 949 - 6135 Gary Ha11/Rich Cooley Holy Cross Electric Asaoc. 949 -5892 Engineering Dept. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty **TCI Cablevision of the Rockies 949 -1224 Mark Graves **Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation DistricL * 47 6 -7 480 Fred Haslee **A site plan is required. Physical location of kaown utilit,iesmust be sh.ora on tbe site p1aa. Utility locations Eay or may notoffer serrrice to ebe Broperty 1in6. Any utility exEension required,sbaU be the responsibility of the property owner. NOTE: 1.rf a utiLity company has concerns wiLh the proposed construcbion, the uEility representat,ive should notdirectly on the utility verification form that thereis a problem which needs to be resolved. The j.ssue should then be spelled ouE in detail in an aLtachedLetter to the Town of vail. However, pLease keep inmind thaL.it is the responsibiLity of the uLility company to resolve identified problems. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no conments are made directly on the form, the Tovrn will presumethat there are no problems and that the deveJ.opment can proceed. These verificat,ions do not relieve the contractor ofhis responsibil.ity to obtain a street cut pennit from the Town of Vail-, Department of Publ"ic Works and to obtain utilitv locatlons before diqoinq in any public right-of-way or easemenE in the Town ofvail. A buildinq oermit is not a street cut permit. A street cut permit must be obtained separaLel-y. Installation of service lines are at the expense andresponsibility of the property owner. need to be orisin ^L"nfoqtyy Authorized Sionaturd \"/ Date 2. 3. Single o Fani . zot[E cHEcK FOR Ly Residence, Duplex, pr ZONE DISTRICTS /secondary Block z Subdivision v-u, t3c, PHONE - PHONE ,-. -imary 4- 8-qoDATE: IJEGAIJ PTT : Lot ZL ,2aoonesg> omrenza uaa*11. U ARCHITECT r,or srzE | {, ago. $!l i/or - ke aluer^ &neCkqA rJor AREA E8o'tv Prooosed 2t/t- 4( o {_1_q ),80 2/37 aosl ,lL &boLd e"Ll Z$>t" BUII,DAB Al-1owed (30) (33 ) 4681 WJ-r + 425 =;_{{L I8S"ILerr 9t*a( F#j:ft€rfy GRFA Sibe Coverage Landscaping Retaining walt Heights Parking earage Credit Drivel Complies with T.O.v. Wat.er Course Setback Do Finish Grades eed 2:1 Envi ronmental /Hazards : Total ;::::'"frs '". '?Kro ^o1]- + 4zs = J.Ilq>8s1 ioo setbacks 20, 15' 15' t(. 3' /6, Sl-ope NO Encl * 1) 2) 3) c) Debris Flow 4 ' Wet,Jands View Corridor Encroachment: yes Does this request involve a 250 Addition? Y How much of the allowed 250 Actclition is used with thisPrevious conditions of approval (check property file): t/\ 6 neqra (300) (600) (e00) (12001 /tro Permitted slope % Proposed ghting Ordinance Yes (30) (s0) (s0t)No-\{- Flood Plain Percent Slope (< > 30t) Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalanche-b) nockfall 10 request? Jtlto&str-t r** el /{ bnto rC tVo"t )ntcco .iO (u,1"'* ,(cu,,rrn't,'/ &' dr .103 llohrol lvhlt --- 'T- ffiscr+ -Jt+r-1'Iau^t V?IQ 6 Kre- FILE COPY 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 ,,/ r. Department of Communiry Development April ll, 1996 Bob Ruder 2415 Bald Mountain Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Building Addition - 2415 Bald Mountain RoadlLot22,Block 2, Vail Village l3th Filing Dear Mr. Ruden l^!1ve Svigwed the application and plans you submitted for thc above referenced property. The following is a list of comments and revisions that must be addressed prior to placing this iiem on the agenda of the Design Review Board. The allowable gross rcsidential floor area (GRFA) for this site is 4,628 s.f. The plan you zubmifted proposcs 4,962 s.f. of GRFA, which is 334 s.f. over the allowable. I calculated the GRFA as follows: Garage = 1,379 s.f. Garage credit - 1.200 s.f. GRFA = 179 s.f. Lower lcvel = 935 s.f. Main level = 2,546 s.f. Upper level = 1.302 s.f. (not including attic space) Total GRtr'A =4,962 Please revise the plan to conform with this GRFA limitation. you are eligible to apply for au additional250 s.f. of GRFA per unit subject to certain criteria list in the Zoning code. A rcquest for additional GRFA under the 250 ordinance must be approved by the Plaoning and Environmental commission (pEC). A separate application must be submitted for each unit. I have enclosed an application. The additions proposed on the west side ofthe building appcar to encroach on the l5' side setback requirement. Please revise the site plan and floor plans by ranoving any building addition in this setback. please provide the dimeniion of the distance from the property line to all the proposed additions on the site plan. Page I of2 {p u"*to'uo / v3.. Town Planner fidoodtric\qplil€!euenvuder.wPd The proposed stairs on the west side of the building may not project or be_located less than 7.5'from the side lot line. The plans show these stairs less than 5' from the side lot line. Please revise the plan to meet this limitation' \I. Attic soace must be less than 5' in head height measured from the stuctural /\ ;;b; on the floor to the stnrcture ..otb"tt of the roof. Please provide a detail of the attic space showing compliance with this requirement' / 5/ Provide thelegal descriptionofthelotonthe siteplan' 6. Since you are proposing modifications to the structure, the entire site must meet Town develop.*t ttuodutdr. Please provide a lighting plan showing compliance with the lighting standards of the Zoning Code. A site visit revealed that existing lights on the stmcture may not comply with current code requiremsnts. Please also submit manufactureris specifications for the lighting fixtures which describe luminous area aqd source lumens. Provide a landscape plan showing existing and proposed trees and sbrubs. I recommend adding some planters in front of the structure and along the front edge of the drivewaY. / 7 t/ You are required to submit a preliminary title report with the application ftj - deed you submittea is inadequate. The report must include schedules A and B in order to prove ownership and list all easements on the properly' Please address the following comments on the plans and in written form. The proposal has been tentatively scbeduled for a hearing before the Design Review Board on May I , 1996. However' dependin! how you intend to address these comments, you may need to fust appear before the pgC for approval of additional GRFA. Comments from the Fire and Public Works Departnents are forth coming. I expect to have their comments on April 24, 1996. I will forward their comments to you when I receive them' I will be out of the office April l5 tbrough April 19. I will be available on April22 if you have any questions. Ifyouhave any questions callme at479'2148. Page2 of2 Immunity Development Plan *"rf; FormCo Approved X Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works ferri Ir,tartima hrblic Works REC'D APR 1 0 1996' Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Mike McGee. Fire Retum To:Dominic F. Mauriello, Community Development Date Routed:4/r0t96 Return By:4il9/96 Project Name:Ruder addition Project Address:2415 Bald Mormtain Road Project Legal:Lat22,blk.2 Wl3th Project Description:Relocate stair tower, addition to two bedrooms, new atium, new patio. Exf^"5,$n does,*t eX\*J beSrnA e-xttf1 ;4J r;K-' Pteora pra,t.de Cr su(ve{ 5hcu-rrj Ya; r6rro r \;*.i rA o ictrdatrtf'r ,^.'rr(donq p<ffiqnPnf 4k\xNc€i cb,ZONE CIIECR . FOR singLe ramily Residence, Duplex'Primary/SecondarY IJEGAI, DESCRIPTION:fu Bhock z Vv r3t ADDRESS: OWNER ARCHITECT zonn oisrntcr PROPOSED USE i,OT SIZE 280 Height TOt,Al GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRr'A sebbacks 3?+? + ?5o FTONL Sides Rear siue Coverage l,andscaPing Ret,aining wall lteighLs Parking Garage Credit Drive: I,OT AREA Proposed Ea+ Qe*n'nAllowed (30) (33) BUIIJDABI,E nxist.inq + 425 + M.=, 20, 15', 15' rysn ?344 -oL --oL s('^' N{k3'/6' Cornplies wir,h r.o'v. LighLing ordinance waLer Course SeLback (30) (s0) Po rinish Grades Exceed 2:1 (50t) Environmen t a1/l{azards : View Corridor EncroachnenL: Yes Tls -r1 neqra +l -{-encr (3oo) (600) ,to@&p- PermicLed SloPe % ProPosed Slope % Yes c/A YES- NO- 1) Flood Plain Nn n Percenc slope (< > 30t) 3) Geologic Hazards b) RockfaLLc) Debris Flow 4 ) !{etranas U/h ZONE DISTRICTS Subdivision NoJ'K-- DoeE lhis reguesl; invriive a 250 irriciition? ,dP,. llow much of Lhe ariowea iso laaiuion is usea with thls previous condlLions of approvaL (check properLy file) I request?-- I Community Developmenln Routing Form Greg llall, Putrlic Works I'erri Martinez, Pnblic Works 1'odd Oppenlrcirner, Public Works Mike McGee, liire Dorninic F. Mauricllo, C,ornmunity Dcvelopmerit R.uder addition 2415 Bald Mountain Road Lot 22, blk. 2 VV | 3th Pmject Dcscrilrtinn:Rclocatc stair lowcr, ar.ldition to two bcdrooms, ncw attiunr, ncwpatio. " Approvcd -Denied (cite detailed reasons) __Approved with conditions - Lci.r!3.. QulTcLAltll DEEI' "(:oltIli(i1 toN lll':t:lr" Mr& fl 'llovember 22, 7995 li 1 I ll TIIIS DCED, tEr.lqr l'dLrl M Baker{ Dottye A' B'ker' 6nd S. lynrEMdcKechnle, trrlsteeB ol lr.rst 0f,\pril l, 199:i' S(('tL Arr(l('rrr,!r ,'t rt|C '('r{ tol Eagle Cdl,'r.d". tirrnl'{ttt. r||l Paul M. Bakcr cnd Scolr rt|.|* lca.l t{.lt!n ir ???2 E' PhltIi'Ps Circl' Engleuood, co 80112 ol||rt Ailpaho.: Petrr S, t'l6c(achnic th. Macl(echtlle FanllY .d ilrL ot AJrderaon wtlNl:$mtl. tl|{ ft. gxr!'.r').li{ r' inenridertin dJ rxurolNo dollars ond no ccnct $. Eri0. .tl.| lni.lqrct ." r!i.l i' lcttD, *r''rLdrFll' t| v' . 'ttti''l' ttlc|''t rld 'd oUlTClAt"lEt!' "d tt lb r,.tr'dr 'h .a rtrd*. d3... *ll rla Qlrrlct.r- il;il],i;;' thili r'ir'' rxrr"n "d r'i'fll hrcv'' d' rbh' r'!t' t&rr.. di.r tn.l &!|rJ atr,.rr tx rna.rrtr u ]i 'irrJtrtrcrrlpr4cry'l.|d!qvidthcn'v-"rFdr'ltrt'it||!"Itit|i|. i.iru in tlr .. crrrrr 'rr rogi! '' 'rrd s'tiotcrrndo "t'rihd rl i'Iort: s"e .rrached t.gal deacrlptlo Ir-.t../, . //\t" 0Lr/ rd St t Dtcrtr.,,rt|. t,rdr(rr. WIIO DID NOT SICN D!I:D RICORDIiD rri N0 mc fliE REQIIIRED.TCORRECT lON DEIID ONLY or( ocToBtR 29. 1993 PARCII, I I 'to ADD ln I'OOK DolTYl: A. llAKliR 623 A'l PA(:[ 175 \- I'i\A D.rcel of lrnd ln IPt 22' Slock 2' vAit vrurcE, TfllRTEEllrH FlLtNc, A Subdlvlslon ln Tfr€ Toun ol Vall, Sta:! cf Colo:jaaa. Ic i::calct'a ?' l ol Eagl!, Tcenshln 5 S^trth, ol land brlng nore CounlY Rangc EO Hcst o! thG 5Ch P.l'l', trld p$tlcLlarly dcacrlbcd .a tol lorl t (Conl lnued) 2a tS Bald [ountaln Rodd&' tnrn bt t lta.i -n$.f- v.l l, Co 8165?v' l I ' co lit'o"n'- u**t * '""t'-rt| *' Fi!d'rr' |}r6|tt"' I'd{r3ins l' h ||urb't t |!q1$P_nlj$*55;Jff -*.. ., d..n rhjr.'c.. rr r'* rn,r.rrrr. ctrir ia w or crriry.-r.' ir ontr rqrr,:f,ii' imrr.iti:. .a d !r .rd.. ddr..|t}' iridt'' rd d||n rhirs "-. en'iJ r*r'iru,rand.t(.) th.lr l.irr 'o'l:itlr [Et'r ' tfilt/t 6t | ^lttt t t It ttrrl ta I4I:..-.-.-.- -n+* P.rccl 'l'rtlst{'(' S('ot t slAlt rt fi[rl^]rl ' Ciiat ,{ AraPahoe l: rcar.I .rE rD d-i L{F{ lEi* tr '' bF.uI !,1 F6kar. Dottyc A. B'kcr. l-t November 22, 1995 5. .'t'y 4'-r-A--+ t{t|F{ |||' lr.l .'{ d|f|.d F './ llrnr .x,r \rrn.r ,,1 l$a{t ('l(.trry N$l! f'r't<rt l tt'l I l.rnlr;rr t lii!1116Lcx:ll Ir,!.ri rF. r i- t.!i 9-l 41& .o i\ OF "lF-\ a F"C OF o'n -xd) ln o t to L DStcrlE torl 11,.,llt,l.lt. t rt ., l lrrl irl'rr,.wlrir''lr Itr: S''/'ll liyctt r_'ot li.'! ol ,,,,i,"i,': '..i ,,1,,1 u ,; lr ,t,.d,,.,., )o"it" vt !4":4 lr:et dlet6nt, I r!.r...,. :: , ., .ti. tr rr.! ll'li'|: l4,t 1..!t, t lr'.n, ,. li .'- ,l( 9r Fcs 1rl' 2';a !'r I 0O t('rrl t rtr(.t, i(. tJ './ dcgtee$ lt'isn g l'r'1, tcct, ffr(,ll..: \ .l! (leglera 48'25' ,l ,.41) lt'el ; lllrri'ri' ll t? dca!ees lf'15'E ':'0lr t(iet; I I'r. /( ll 2l degr'eelr 4E',2'r" W 2{ 50 (eet; rlr(,tl(c s 67 deq!ec$ l!']5' ]l 6 90 lccr, r lrrflce N 2l degrees 48'25" l{ lE '5 fee! t ltrcfl..e s ,:r delreee ll'15" w lj.ty ttet; tlrence S !2 degreca 48'25. q {?"10 teet Togetlrer l{1th an undlvj.ded l/2 lnlercet (lcscr'iDeJ Pat ce I of l.rnd: Lot 2:a. glock 2, VAII, VILLAGE, TIIIRTEINTH FI I.ING According to the tecorded plat theleof, Srate of Colorado, ExcEPT!NG THEREFRO|I the toltowlng dea{ribcd T'o Parcela ol Ldnd: PARCEL 2 Beginnlng at a p!'int from Yhich the sorlthseat Lo! 22 bears S {1 dcqrees 20'57r N 54.54 feet rhence N 22 degrees {S'25d w {'t.{ teetr lltence s 5? d.g!-ee€ ll'35( tl 32.69 fcetl thence S 22 degrees ag'25' E 18.5 leetl t hence S 6? degreea ! l' 15 i W 6 ' 00 teel I lhence s 22 degrees {8'25i E 24.5 feet: thence N 6? degreed ll'15' E 8.00 feelt thence S 22 degree8 i8'25' 6 I i0 feeti rhence N 6? degteea tf'15" E 15,r'? feeli Ehence S 22 degrcea 4S'25" E 1.00 toolt rhence N 67 dcgrees fl'35' E 14.5 fe.! t0 The PARCEL ! Beglnnlng at a polnt from rhich the SoLrthresE Lot 22 bears S 'll degreea 2o'57n w 5{'5{ foet thence N 6? degreca 11'35' E lt.5 fceti lhenqe N 2l degrces 48'25" E 1.00 footi thertce N 6? degrees rr'35', E i6.19 feeti rhence N 22 degrees 48'25' tl 3'{0 feet; rhence N 6? degreea rr'35" E 8.00 leet, thence N 22 deqregE {8'25'w 24.50 fee!t thenca s 57 degrccs lt'35'll 6.00 feeti thence N 22 degrees 48'25" w 18.5 feet, t'hence S 6? degrees r1'35n l'l 32.tj9 flrrtl lhence S 22 deg.eer 48'25" E 4? .|0 fet't counly of Eagle state of colorada ii?97 t lr-t;ttl l'-1)0li lll:,1r,/1li tl&l lluLalRt 2r,I'x I to'Lh!'Poin'- ln afld to tlle county ot Eagle, o! Betlnn rng, lol I ou lng Cornel of aald dlatdrri, rJint cf Beg lnnrll9. cornel of sa id di.s!an!, I'oi n! (-i Feqinning. 5n{3.r{ 8-ti6b P-32! ItSl3ll'Jl 02:?{P PC I oF 2 sars J. !t.,,er EBgle CountY clerk t Recor(:er rlf S DtiD , r.d. rhir d.y ot lry2t, .nx E. Ea'r rrD stzllrB g. Ea'n ol tha a|rd Ehta cl Cotoa.(b, ot lh. llrtlEET T. HDqffirf,rrc t.;'- DOC 1o.00 3l '20 r.ert 'EIEF AM p ii ,rcaa !.t.t .&..! lr ot tlravl:$llfllr, lh.r rng,, rrrtt rrarGo t*rlt nq,$n co|utl ln o/loll|l aald parit ct ti...cdd p..t, lha aacalPt Jr|tact la haa*tiir'iirill?'iiir;;;';;';i;i;. ri..r.cl ."ta-tg ic'r,iv.e' .,1 rT .ttrio ilnr.dori qtt.t!: I[q!!:-!t!1.crrry rn- ccrltrr, 111ro $r. 11ld lartf al r,. r.cq11 F t. hla 111lra 116 lrlt' tora'1?, .lt tlr1 tottdlna AactlF{cqrat atd ad ld., ata ttr. tottdl|| di.tlb.{ (otd ad ld. rnlo ltr. arld Frtf r! li !.cqtd F t. nta h .r p!G{_ .t lid. rlhrttr lil|t.d b.ltt| In.lh. 'S'SHFF^. rsgordtffe.'i$1*t'i'llinr sp, ftfo lrwr...t,!.r n-.. UE! f, tCgA Vl, tnE, \tAI*t, IEOE 13, lB A, 4t2 trt .itiiic,i rl .-.r.trt . irtr,are ru .-liltr, alti, lorl .id Fclltrid.re.t. al.la ai d.-i 6at|caY!. cf t| aala F.lt at lha flrat Part' alttar tcGT|:t rlth atl .d .lltrrlar ad harrdltntta rd lttl.id.a th.rato ba,callt!. cr -l|r-lvLl"i-i.ri i.g trrr|..r. .-lri? rd .-liltr. atirt. l.rrrr .l Fclltr th.roti rid.ll tlrr t cf tl, ..la F.l; rt rtri flr.t P.rt, .ltt ? In la .r .{|ltt'ot,F.lt cr l|r rtr.l.a Fr:.lnlrl. fldlld.ll tlrr rt.ta. rlit. tltl. |crlty,ol, In td tc tLinta.aat. al.la ai ! alora tratoltraab;toln d F-|.d. rlti |ia i|.dlrlrtr rd lo lAW n rc nD $. |.la D?t|... &$ b. c..l -rl. hla haln rd a..ltr tcaavar. Ll fti tia ]rradltntr d aFrttltlaa. iJ r.ii jeeirr. rlcvr trrriiirt rt Orrcrtu. rldr th. l.F trw-. rtltc dte rrla Flt .l rt olti. tc..v.". |.t d...la F.l' st d|. llr.l-F t. tc?-ll-.1t, ila t'llt,,rci'rl,-t rii-ir'r.r,ii iriiir rt ...tir rcr.fr. rrt dr..la F.v !t-fi. llr.t-F t. tot-r!:-!!r llt !!"l,!l:Ptl.rd dlnl.tr.t ... .b- .d|rilrt, rrrtr. firritL, rg i.t. ic rir lt d|. ..lA F W !t li'-|.crl F t' tl' h|lt 'l..rloa. that at tta tl- t lb itxtl|| d -llvrtt of tht.a F||.4ta, lL la |.lt r'llE d tm F l't Et! ;;.=: ;-.;-;- -ii.--iii.ii- 'l-i ,t. rt lrti.illi. rirtr ot lrarelt.c.. In lr. In L.lTl.' d hr Fod...ltr. th.t .t th tl- t lb irxtl|t d.t arrvatdr - cf aodr rta' ?arlctr abatut. rt.lit. lult H. .l lrttd .dl*lly l. tllll';i5;liti'FU;i r -r--i'tffi ;l ri ;' ;ill;Ai;. -;i i ; a Da[a4tar ia la ,.ll rallE cll tl|. lr-!l- Elt!littr ot lrare lt.c.. In lr. In L alTla' d hr Frl cdiyar ti a r- In r r rl tdr r afaraaald, rdiiliil titiiri-ii irtit'.idrcrlw io rlrt' !..rrln. rrlt rl cdirt tl. r- In r r ii tcr r 'lr"rlrili'il-:J; i.--rriit.r'iii'.ai iccr; !{-aili'r rrntr, brri.t. ..16. tld. t'rr. rt'rrntt L iHf?5iAf tff;[18#;"*rlT'iL reet rn r||sorrt E|lt r5 rrrlc: ro utsGrrr. E|.t$rlct, Itn Brtct. aovEnnl ln llolll 0t nl ot |lqD' arart (|t () StrlE c Gflarso cqrrW ot tho lr.atcl|| Itrtnrrt fl xkniacaC b.toF - dr lhla day ot rhr 15, 1993 binrt. tGrfr m qztrlc l. Et'r rt (-,.lr.l.rn atPlrngtl''t. -t hrd rd offlclat t. t. l-ca/ I I 1t l L,lri r t-t ro..5 nmtttl EED . tot ;r.1.{f,rttrlc rGqqd- -'-"-- -iiizro.t5 9 - \ts26119 PARCEL 2: A pARepL OP LAI{D rN r.Oi 22, ELOCI( 2, vtlr, VrLLN;s rlnt FILINC, ACCORDIM; TO ?HE RBCPND@ PI,AT THER8O8, BEINC MORE PARTI CUI.ARI.IT DBSCRIBBD AS FOLI.OI{S: BEGTMuNG AT. A POrFT FROI'I iHiCH TttB SOIrrHHEliT C1CRNBR Or sArD LOT 22 BEAnS sourH {1 DEGRIBS 20 !{tmnBs 5?'SBCO!|DS WEST 54.54 FEET.DISTAIfT; " TI{ENS NORl'It 22 DBC'R8BS 48 MINT'TES 25 SBCOIID8 trBST 4?.4 SEaT; I$BNCE SOUff 67 DIIIIRBES 11 MINUTES 35 SECO!{DS WEST 32.5t FEET' TIIENCE SOUm 2, DEGREBS 48 MINUTES 25 SECOtilDS !AS? 18.5 FEaTi T}IENCE SOUTH 6? DEGRBES 11 MINUTES 35 SECONDS IIBST 5.00 FBET; TIIENCE SOUrH 22 DEGRBBS {8 MINUIES 25 SECOIiIDS EAST 24.5 FEBlti aHANCB NORTII 6? DBGRAES 11 t'ttNIIrBS 35 SECONDS IIAST 8.00 FBBT; THENCB soultt 22 DECRBES {8 MrMtrAS 25 SECOIIDS &AST 3.{0 FAE!; TBBNCA NORTtt 6? DBGREES TT INUTES 35 SECOIIDS EAST 16.19 BBEtr THENCB SOUrfl 22 DECRABS 48 MINI/IBS 25 SBCONDS BAST 1.00 FEET, TI|ENCE NORIII 6t DEGRBaS 11 MrNtlttss 35 SECII|DS B,AST .1{ . i FEET tC' lnB POrIirT OP BBcill{r{ltlc TOCIBTHER WITII AlT I'IIDIVIDED ONB-HAIF INTERBST IN AI,I. OF I.OT tt;-Blootc 2, vAr r, vrrrlnqE, 13Tu FttJtlrc. AccblDrrrc To rHE REEoRDED ITAT TAERBOF. BXCTPT PARCETJ 2 DESCRIBED A.JOVE AI\ID PARCBL 1 QESCRIBED SBIloW: PARCEL 1: A PARCBL OF t AllD rX I{rD 22, BLOCX 2, VArt vlt LAGB 131fl FIIJINC, ACCORDING TO THA.NEC!ru)ED PIAT TEBRBOP, ABIMI TiORE PARTICI'IAJRIY DESCRIB@ AS FOIJOI{S: .BEGINNIM} AT A POIFT PROI I|HIOT THB 8OIrr$IIB8T CPRNBR OP SAID tbT 22 EBARS SOITnt '1 DK'RB8S ?O IIINTITES 5? SBCI}IIDS TIBST 54 .54 FEBT DISTA!$Tr TltE[lCB l|oRffl 5? DEEREBS 11 lilINtlTES 35 8Bc!!tDS.El\8T 1t.15 FERri THB{CE NOiTH 22 DBGIRBBS rA UINIItts9 25 SBC!![DS !|BST 1.00 FOOT; TBBNCB NOI{II| 6? DBGREES 11 MINUTES 35 SBCOIIDS BABT !'6.19 PBETr THENCA NORIIT 22 DBCREBS {8 MINUTES 25 |{INUTBS tfBST 3.40 FBETT TllBt{CB llORTlt 67 DEITRBAS fi ttlt{t lts 35 utNrrrBs BAST 8.00 FEBT; IIIENCB NORltl 22 DBCIREBS 18 !,IIMITBS 25 SBCTNDS WBST 2{.50 FBgt; TIIENCI ', SOUfi 6? DEGREB9 11 IIINII!?S 35 SBCOIIDS IfEST 6.00 REETI'THEIICE NunTH 22 DBGRBBS aB MINUTBS 25 SACOIiIDS WBST 18'5 IEFTI fsElrcH aourfl 6? DBCIREES 11 MTNUIES 35 MrMtrBS IEST 32.59 FBET! .dHiNCB SOTTI!| 22 DBGREBS '8 MINLTIBS 25 SBCONDS BAST {7.{ir rE}r m I?E Porlm oF,BEGrNNrNl, cllt lrTl oF BAGiLE, STATE oF colrRtDo. .SXHIETT A 36431{ 8-668 p-323 O5/3tl95 OZrA{p pc Z oF z ocl il oO TOWN OFVAIL RECEIPT !iO. DEPANT:\'E}|T OF CO}LVTINITY DEIELOPMENT o^n4j CEEcIi.a MADE IAYABLE TO Torrlr- OF VrlL ACGOI]\T:\O.r!Lt{.."-' .-." 'i. .;.-,.-.- ..t1 ",;' NO": a !,.: TIX_ _-, COgrE ,._-._ TortAL. 0l 0000 4I540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS s5.000l oo00 4:415 UMFORM BUILDINGTODE 554.00 0r 0000 4241i UNI FoRM PL ttlliBINCeODE s39.000l 0000 42415 UNIFORM MEC}IANIEATEODE s37.000l 0000 42.115 UNIFORI,I FIRE CODE $35.00rl OO00 4l-ll5 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE SJ7.OU0l u{)00 41415 sTIIER CODE BOOKS 0I oo00 .11 548 BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS s7.00 0 | 0000 424 l2 X.EROX COPIES s0.250t 0000 42412 STUDIES ol oo00 4?412 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM 55.00 01 u)00 42i71 PENALTY FEES / RE.INSPECTIONS 0r 0000 41332 PLAN REVIEW RE:EtrEEK F-EE S4O PER HR.0l oo00 42_132 O FF IIOU RS N SPEETNNTE_ES3 0r ur004l4t2 CONTRACTORS LICENSESFEES il 0r oo00 4t4t3 SIGN APPLICATION FEE s20.000l rru00 4t4I3 ADDITIONAL SIGNAGE FEE SI.(ru PLR SO.f T. -91#os{++.14_/TC ART PROJECT DONATION 0l otlt)o 4li3l PREPAIDDESICNREW !4),d INVESTIGATION FEE ( BUITD]IIGil oo00 451l0 TOV PARKIn-G FUND ur (ruu) t:0?7 IOV NL,WSPAPER DISPENSER FUND* 0t 0000 1ltt2 ILX^BLE@TJffi* 0l 0000 rtl0I0 T,.L\ABLE @ r . oz--(romrI 0l go00 4:371 B UILD |n\G I NvE STIcaTlOFI OTIIER lzgF aPEC APPf,fCTTfOtrITEES 0t ooo0 4l_130 A D D IT I ON A L CRFA____TJ O-s200.0{J0l oo00 4li3il CON D I T] ONA L U S E PERN-IT s200.00 Lgl_qg9ryii0 EXTERIOR ALTERATION LESS THAN IOO SO.FT.s200.00ot oo00 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION MORE TIIAN IOO SO.FT.s500.000l 0000 413i0 SPECIAL DE\TELOPTIENT DISTRICIJNE\T s 1.i00.000l 0000 4t330 SPECIALDEVELOPMErc s 1.000.0u0r oo00 41330 SPECIALDEVELOP]\,IM s200.000t ooo0 41330 SUBDIVISION =I 0l 0000 41330 VARIANCE s250.00 I 0l oo00 4133r ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS s250.0tt ; * 0l oo00 4t3-10 KE - ZUNINO s200.00 OTHER OTHER rcmrffio.Ed ?) i rrrr f) {\r.-)*, KUL)C'I=-- rfEi * tt, lM)a*ttt , .^,,,l11.OLl tI 0L-16-96 09:53AM T0 6899109 P002/009 ir O I .foi5qs'ftle fiwuance (gfporatlon NATIONAL HEADoUARf,ENS trcfimq rrF A 1992 ALTA Loan Pollcy qUFJF-CII,O THE D(CLUSIONS EEOM COVENAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS FROM COVEFAGE @T.{TAINED IN SCHEDUTE B ANOTHE CONDITIONE ANo STIPULATIONS, LAWYERS iITLE INSURANOT COApOnrnOn. i vrninia caoorarton. trir.rri calreo tnaIHE q()NDrrlqNE ANo STIFUIATIONS, LAWYER3 TITLE INSURANOE @BPORATION, a vtlpinh corporatlon. tur€tn cailsd tho ffif$fijllfi,3i.':l$?"3f$gr'n1ilJ,$ryj$A4p!flKramieo' not ",,cecd'i;s dd l;66Gi i',sir,arii srauo 1. Tnb to the 6tal€ or int€rost dcscrlbod ln vlltad othsr than ar statcd hrtlln: Any d€l€ct In or llen or €ncun$rance on th€ Unmafielability ot the lltle i Lack of a rlght of accoss lo and fron the Th€ invalldily or unonforceability of ths tion morgeg€ upon the thlc; Thc prlodty of rny t6n or cndrmbranoo ovct lnsured mongege; teck ot prlorlty ol th6 ll€n of th€ Insur€ct rngttMory llen lor lrryic.s, hbor or mderlal: (a) arblng from an lmprovcmlnt or wqrk Thc Company wlllel6o pay h. co6b, et1omcys' fcgs ei as InBur€d, hrt only to the €n nt provlded ln thr. Lorn Follcy Nurrlbcr - lB conlractod for or commEnced pltor to Dal6 ot ;or i tlom an lmpro!rumont or work iclated to the land ls contract€d lor or corn nenced $bGeouent to Oalcrntrad€d lor or corn nenced $bGequent to Oalc and which is llnanccd in whob or in oart by of {rc lndobtcdmea s.currd by thr inrurcil whlch at Dat€ 0t Polhy tho Insur8d ha8 or l! obllgatsd b adrrnco: or unenbrceablllty of any ar3ignrnonl ot the 2, 3. 4, c. 6. 7.pfovldcrl he asslonnEnt b sho$rn h lc A, ot ttc fallurc ol thc ars[nmcnl lhown In Sctrcd. v€st iltle to the lmured mortgage In the named insured fr€€ 6nd cl€ar of all llerF. of thc tl{e or fie lien of the inrurd mortgagr, Thc|o[ow|nqmatt!'Bareoxptqs9}yexc|udcd-#1'"'tTffi"mfo'thccompenywl||notpay|ossofdama0B,co8ls' sttornoys' le€s 0r cxpenso! which adsc by rcaSon ol: 1 . (a) Any law, ordlnance.or.gowrrlnorltal rcgulathn (lncludirg hll not limlted t0 bul&Ing and zon|m law:, ordnancee, or rcoulauonsl r€8illoung, f!$latlno, prohlblflrE or relatlng to (l) th€ occupancy, u8e, or €nJonn€|t ot tho hnd; (ll) the charector, dtm6nsi0ns 0r localion of any impmwmont now or herealtcr erertrd on thc hrrd; (lll) a srptrrdon In orn- srshlp or a change in lhe dhnamlone or .rca 0l lh. lsnd o. any parcal ol yuhlcfi lh€ land B or was a part; or (lv) cnvironmenlal pDtcction, or tht cftcol of any violation ot thcse lawg, ordlnrncee or goremmental ' reguhlidls, oxo.Dl to fi. snent |hrt a notlca ol ht lnbrcanrcnt thir€ot or a notlce of r deilect, llcn or enqrmbrmce rgtull- Ing lrom a vloladon or a[rog€d vloladon att.cung thc land h€s b€€n r.codo{t In th. trrblb rucod! rt Dab of Po[sy. (b) Any govcmrncnhl police porur not orcluded Q (a) rbov., o(o.pl to tra exbnt lhai e notic. ot lha cxercba thcrcof or a noucc ol a dc,fcct, llcn or ffcunrbrar|or rusult- ing from a vldedon 0r ell.g.d vloledon effec$ng trn lerd has bcctl r€cordcd In lhe publlc Faords at Dab of Pollca. 2. Rbhle of gmln€nl domaln unbss nolicG of frc cprdac thaqol har bccn rccordcd in thc puulo r.oords at Data of Polloy, but nol o(cludino from covore06 any taldno wt ch har oot,rled pdol b oatc ol Pollcy whioh xould bt bhdlng on tho tlghb ot a purcbs.r br vrlu. without knowbdOe. 3. Dehclr, lienq gncumbrarc€c, adverlc dd.fi8 0r o&cr mrltt{!: (a) cr6atcd, sufferecl, arEumod or agled E by llF In!||r!d clalmarit; (b) nol known to tho Compsny, not t€cold€d In lhe publlc' rrcDrds at Dalc ot P0[6y. brrt known to the l]Hrrd c{alrn ent and not dl€dot d in wdtlm to the Comp{iy by th. In$rud olalmrnt ptlor to lh. d$a th. In u,.d d.lmanr booame an lnEur9d utdgr thlr Pollcy; (c) ru6ulting In no loss or damagc lo lho Insurtd cldmmq (d) attechlng or cr€atad cub6.qu.iit to Datr of Pollcy (sxocpl to the extcnt that thls polby insurrs hc prbrtv ot lh€ llrn of the Insuf€d morlgsgc ov€r any statutory len tor gcry- lcas. labor or materlal): or (e) i.rulting in losr of damag. which would not hevo b€en sudrlnod tf the Insurrd delmant had paid valu€ tor the ln! rcd mortgagE. unanforccatility ol the licn d he insurcd mortgaeo b€causo of tho inabilty or lalluro tt [|€ lmured at Data ot Pollcy, or hr Insbllity or hilur€ ot any rub€.qu.nt ownd ol hc Indrbt- ednes€, to oomply wi[r .ppllcaue dolng busln.s8 hwE 0l the 9l& In wfilch tfi9 laftl 18 slhrat€d. lnvaldlty or unenbrcoablllu of tltg llsn ol thg insurgd mort oaop, or daim hor€of. whioh adaes oui of the transaction ./iat rE.d by tlr. inrur€d mortgEoe and 16 bssod upon uerry or eny @nEun|rr crcdl proillc0on or trulh in lcndlng lr|lt, Any ddubly fl€n for laMcas, hbor or mercrials (or th. olalm ol prlolly ol arry sidtory llan br t Mc.t, labo,r or maierials ov€r $sllsn of the imur€d morEa0o) arislrE ftom an lrnprov+ m€nt of tvork rlatad b th. land which b contutad for rnd conunancad $$s6qucnt to Data of Pollcy and ls not flnancEd in wholo or In p6rl bry ptoctc.b ot lh. indebl€dlees sa€u€d by tlr. Inrurrd mongegr whlofi at Data of Potc!, thc Inrurad hir rdvancod or lt obllesd to adtrancc' Any dnim, whi:h adspc oul of tho trmraslbn Gffiting thr lntar.ct of $c morlqa0c6 ItEUrod by thb polhy, by r€aron 0l thc oparallon ol fcdcral banktuPloy, $atg hrolwnay, 0r !h. lhr cr€dltort' dghE hrna" lhrt i3 bqrad on: (a) th. trnrrcdon c$.dng the lntcrr'st ot lho lnur€d mon'' ' g€CC bCltlg *!mcd C fraudulstt cqlt/cyanco o? ftaudu- lrnl han6trr; ot {b} hc subordlnrtion of th. ht rBl ol lhc hsursd monoagce' ' |! a rglult of th€ sPglb ion of th. doclrim of cqultablt rubordlna{on; or (o) lhc tattldafion c|tarutlg thc Intarrsr ot thr in$rcd mort' g@oc boim de€mcd rprcirr.ntial tEndet..scapl tt hafo fie prefeien al tratr3br n$uui rom tne larung: (i) to limtty rcootd tha inloumor ot rursbr; or 0D ot suctl recordallqt to imPart no$cs t'o a putulascr lor' val{r€ or a iudgmsnl 0t lien credtot. 7. t36 U[io In l,r.s.A..rw 3!.r AIA Lor fo&r nGit.fiat 04,-16-96 09: 53A}r{ dornr ronrr lu.zlgs T0 6899?09 1P003/00e frr:%:", ^r15__0r -1e2eg5;--:--:"r 25s8s--.|r+cl( PllD r ${73.00 l. nur ot taru,*rd r gcElDuL! r qJ:{:'dfl%" i#ffi;:,i.*, Ryland ttortgage ccxnpuy, .n ohro corporatlon, rtc S'Cccrcoa, andlor asergmga. tb. .atrt. or lutr paur. M. garccr and ,','rt r"'rrad to !crr.: rcott furdcagon tr i'r rt Drt' of Dollclr vrltrd rar " ffJffH#;:...1'" i! rhe rend drrc, Fce grmpto r{b'd la thtr 6ah'dul' *d whrcb {e cncurbr.d by ttr '' ff,Tiof::,Ht1jiig,lo.r t!. ,',usad ilo*sqr,lnd t!. ||rlgrD.atr tbrrro!, lf f.ti-,:"H,i ;F"ii?:,lji$*S#:il ffiff : r"d* *;-: : ",;tr.ti?tr"?*,ii;f "iril.i,i$##trdff .trffi r-drffi ::-rr::T":r.ff s?ff i:ir:"#r'#'ii*:.id*H#*ffff.ff$f $;"$"#i"$:irii:,:"rt.." da t cd uovrmi;; fi : ill;:.;g::;Jr*i:**.;,ff"1# il""lfiJHil"$#;tr_-, .>,r rn Booh 681 at pog._iii. t. Th. !,$rd s.t.rr.d , :c. a*rched ,"r..::rr:;:*to tr dercrrbrd rr ro*o;rr (edrttru.d) '"t:j: ffiff;,:ig;." oor) zF;;EB .ur' ro*oj3l3 f;riffii'.#j 0{,-16-96 09:53AII r0 6899?09 1P004/00e '(eontlnued) DARCBL It A garccl of landt ln toc ZZ, slock z, VII'., VIIJJ.NGE, TI{IBTBENTI{ FIIJINO, A Subdlvtrton ln The Tosn ol Val], County ot Eagle, SCata of Colorado, ln Sect,lonB 2, 3 and {, Toxnghlp 5 Sguth, Rlngo 80 ncgc o! thG 5ch P.!1., gald parcel ot land belng nrre lr.4icularly d.icribodl ts followa: BcAlnnlng ar, a polnt tron rhlch Ehr Southuelt Cornsr ol Eald IJot 22 brars S {1 dcgrccr 2O'r7. tt 3{.5,1 fsc! dlatant I thcncr N 6? drgreeg 1:,'.35" I 1{.5 frse, thcncc N 22 drgrr.a {8'25. n 1.00 foot, thenec N 57 d4rrrcs 11'35i I 16.19 f,cctt eholrce N 22 degrecs ag'25t w 3.a0 trrg, choncc N 57 dlcgrres 11',35i E 8.00 foet, Eh€ncc N 22 dcgrecs {8'25' lf 2{.50 lcctr Ehcnce s 67 dlegaeer 11'.33r tl 6.00 tcstsr Ehence N 22 dlgrcsr 68'25r w 18'5 tcct', Ehance S 67 degrcc! trt'35" W 32'69 fcctr Ehsnce S 22 degrcc! 48'25" E {7.{0 fcet to ttrc PoiBt ol Ecgl'nn1nE, ToErcher rluh .n undlvldcd 1/2 lntcrcst ln end Eo thr follorlng dcacrlbcd parccl. of land: I&t 22, Block 2, VAIIr vIrrBACB, IIIIBTEENIB| PILIEC. Accordlng Eo th. rccorded Plat thcr.of, eounEy ot EaElo, SEaEc of Colorado. !ffcEPrMC TI|EREFR€FI EhA louowlnE &rcrlbcd fto Parccls of Landt PARCEIJ 2 Beglnnlng aE a potnt lron rhlch thc southscit corncr of gald I.oE 22 b€ars S {1 dqgreos 20'5?r g 5{.51 lcct dlsEanE, thcncc N 22 dsgrccs {8'25r n {7.{ faeE, thencc g 67 dcargcs 11'33n n 32.59 !act, thencc S 22 dcEtcc. {g'25r I 18.5 leatt thcnco S 6? dcgnece 11'35t tf 6.00 tcGt, thancc S a2 drg|rccr lg'25; B 2{.5 lact, thcncc N 67 dcaaa.s 1,1'35r E 6.00 tccE, thoncc I 23 d.grf..r 48'25r E 3.10 fctg; thence N 57 d.grce! 11'35r E 16.19 tcltt thcnce g 22 dcgr6G. 48f25' I 1.00 fooE, Ehcrcc u 6? dcgrccr 11'l35'E 14'5 lcrg to lhc Polal ol Bcglnntng ' PARCEL I Beginnlng aE a ltolnc tro rhlcb ch. Sorthfcre Cgrn'r ot trtil ii zz bierr S 11 dLgrec! 20'31' lf 54.5{ fcct dlEtr[t' lhanc. N 6? aagrlcs 1t'35' B 1{.5 foetr lhonco N 22 dcgrtes {E'2t" E 1.00 !oot', !h.nc. N 6? d.grcea 11'35' E 16.19 fectt thcnc. N 22 dtagrces la'23r lt 3.{0 fcaE, thanca N 5? dcgrcel 11',35r E 8.00 tccer (conglnucd) 0{-10-96 09:53Ail (cotrtlnutd) chcncc tr 32 dlrgftrtt lhrncF I a7 dcgaq"a Ehrflce tr 22 dtgloar shcncs I 67 dogttrr Bhcnqc S 22 alGgr.c! gouBEy ol lrglogErEc ot Colorailo T0 6899T09 24.50 tc.t, 6.00 t .tr 18.5 fir.tt 31.59 lrall {?.40 fc.E to tlrr t P005/009 Bagiudlrrt. tt, 2Er ll, 35 r a8,l5r ll,35r ag' 35r tfllrr E 30lnt ol 04:16-96 09;53Ald To 68e9?09 1P000/009 Poltcy ld: 135-01-192085 C.rc ldr 26585 SenDvl,lt-DIBT1 rL!,r DoLlqr do not t !.ur. r8nlort lo oc alrlrgr !!/ a.ri6 of thr tollowtag r 1. RlEhtr or clrlu ot partlaf i,a gorraealoa, not llronn by tbr Drrbuo rrcordr. 3. Ertar.atr r or dtrabr ot .rtr.aEt r Dot tbcre b!' th. prrbltc rrcosrtt. !. DircrrE rachrr cmtllctr la banedrslz lbor, rb€trgr ln rt.l, .DctrolcDn nt!' rld ra:t ltctt rrbtcb r coriect rurrry aud largrctl€ ol tL gr.dr.r rdrld dlt€Iot. and rbtcb rr. sog rbo{'o by thr ltublta rroordr. {. fBy ltrrnr or rtgbt to a lletr, tor tarv{carr 1lbor, oE nrtrltll haaltolgr! lurallhodr bgoaod br1l hu rad not aboitn by bb. Dubltg lacorat.. lrCIfE: E(CEPTIOIrS NU,|BER5D 1,2,3 IND { ARE llEREBv O{rTIBD. 5. Taxcs and agaeaEnqnEa lor the yefr 1995 and subgcqu€flt ]rcart, a llen, brt not yct dus or payablc. !i. Al1 reEtrlctions, covenants, drclaraE long, qondtglons and mj'ngral rcgenratlons o! rccord, It any. 7. AII exictlng roadg, hlghurys, dl.tches, uElllElec, rcsctvoirE, canalE' pipcll'nce, poscr, E€Icptrone oi water ltncs, iatlroade and tlghts o! way and,eagcncntr lhefcfore, lncludlng atl eagcrncnt,s as shorn on Ehs rccorded plre of VIIIJ VIUt'toE, Tl{IRTtsENTIt FItlNC. g. covanrnt,s, conditlons and rastrlct!,ou, rhlch do not lncludc a tortelcur€ or revertcr clau5a, rcE, forth !n fhc Ctc.d recordcd Novcnrber L0, 1972 ln gootc 226 et Pag€ 1tl5- 9. Th€ tlmltatlona, COvgnaDEC, condltlong, rcstrlcElonE, rsaotr/ltlons, er€opEtong ' Ileng' Or charget cont,alned ln Ehg gondomlnlum dcclaratlon lgr tot 22 Block 2 racordcd March t0, 19?? in Book 253 aE Pagc 210. 0{:16-9$ 09:53Alt i.I cf tL tnrus.d r8tailta q)o trl6 $trta or lntEttlr l::It : lroo?/ooe 1.fffi(tllr-llntsl 1 r- ddttl,c to tb. ntt cr r.t tctib L! trtt I ct ttl| |t;!.ft!.r tl. C{tlr tc tL .fClt 8.*i 1',t 8.rt fs tb. lsd d.rcrt.Ld c l|!rsr*l to tl lcmrlr I !r aoJaot tc t!. Cr4lFd[' *t!!Frr xr rail, br rtomr h$ tt eo+rry luuru tht floblrtt rr rn anbedlntf to tb:tlls 6:elilb9. -,. r0 0899109 0{.-16-9CI 09:53A}|T0 6099?09 1P008/00e Crso uo.: 25585 rlrr DDongm - t.l Erfil8m[tr"ft, l8CflG(lff !t![ tttrcb.d to |8d rrdr r Drag of lrqrr8' rlttr. lr.|rr.!c. CgrDertlo[ totr{a!' Xo. 135-01-1t2085 tL tlruarrc. rtloadrd !g rtr r .ndcraJrt {r coly ollrstlvr tl th. l.!d tt uro{ cr :k to br st.d gslDratrly toc ruldruBl,.l pu8l,of... flrr coq,rDy l u^n . ttrr ln.ur.d rgrtrart lcrr oc durEr .uatrh.d by turcc ot,lrch ofp?lcl't? ot tbr llca ot tb. larurad f,EtEra,i|. qnrr t (r) !!lr cDvlrmsgat, Daot.sttra ltrrc rblehr rt tL D.t ol lollcy, lr !.€ord.d ,,r tho[ ncordt .'trbll,rhrd |rnd.r Strt ttrtutaa rt Drt. of toltcy f,oc lbo guaFor.r of try}.stlng €@rtruaultr. Dottro. o! lrltrcr r.lrtbg to r.rl Dlog.aty !o Durclatrrr lor vttrur t$d rltbo'ug lqorrlrdgo I or f:tL.d tD tb. tacordt ot tb. Cl.rts g! tih. UDIE d gt.g.. Dirtrtot eorEt te th. dtrttlat t! t tloh tb. hrtd l,r locrtrd, .*c.Dt rr ,ag lostb la 3ct &rL E, oc (b) aty .tvl.!s.!Erl taot.cElqn ll,aa t)sodd.A tc b!' ra? .tlt .t.tut. la attacg rt Drt. e! Dcllq?, .rc.t'! tar4ro'.atrl gtot.ctlon llEa Dro?trdad !e !U til louwlng tErt. ltrEutur S0rl nrlr 1gd66,rq.Bt lr rrdr a .9ast ot tb. Dotlo1l sd 1l rt$Jlct to 41tr ol tlh. t.srt ||rd t Eoyi,rAcct thrsrot ud o! .ay pstc rndcrratr t!ar.to. l*oqtt to tb. .rctGg ar[t8atrly Itrua, tt arttb$ rcdllhr -rnf c! tb. t.ilr rnd prwlrJ,or ol tD. Dollcty rnd rsy Prj.oE .Ddortan attr Iror dotr i! lsctarra thr trol .ucuit tlaraol. Ilr mnil3S tEtrttr', rb. CqD.By !|. eru|.d tbl,r tndoc..raBt to ba rtgnril ud rorlrd, to br vrlid rrt a coun{r.rrlgard -ry |E rutborl:ed ottl6.r oa r0|t8t ol th. Cqtray' all fir lgcrEdrlc. trttb tt, Dy-!rtt. Drtrdt Dsccnbct 30, 1995 ErlfttrE Errtr Iltglnrmt conDoSlltq thprirrd Slgrrrtun I.ls.4 rtr UI&llflt@, qolcrnrDo xr8&I fiMEcrt, Ele. 0{;16-96 09:53All T0 6899?09 lP00e/00e MflEEEf,I 1OO Cil. tro. r ?5585 rttrab.d to rad rrdr I put of LHyr3. Eltl. hrusrnc. eoaDorrtloo taltov !o. 135.01.192085 tbc Coqruy b.!.h,y larur.r €rtn t, lorr nflcb |lld taru:cd rhtll ruatrla B, a| rfi gl tla tollortag lrgEart I 1. lny taooraootn rr ta tt lrrua.lc. rdlsL tbr Cqnal bccby glvrr r(r! Abet tbesr lr. ro cavas.ata' c 8.ttr{ctlor rudrr rhlab tb. li.o ol tba Drttrg. oa daad ot trutts aata38.d to trr 5cb.dhrf. I crB b. cut ott, rubcr{ilrtrd ' or otlrndrr Lqrrlndr(b) Ehrg, c:rcagt rt ,hor! Ll Eclr&rlo 8. t!.a. &r. ao p8.t.nl vlolrtl,ont @ arld t.nd of ray aalotc.6L ae"ror$tt r €eodl!{clr ' oa arttr{cglorr(g) tbrtr .;ca!,t at llrda! i.a tebr,&rh !r th.re lG. lot Garcr€hr.att ol . bul,ldlEgr r |tardturct, or irlrElo\Fr.8tr tocltld o .rld lud' oato rdjolntag lredrr EsR .8f ea=crcbrstsr oato |rid t|nd of bulldlagr. rtauctur|r r or lqrrwcstc locrt.d s rAJol[bE lllat. t. fEy Altur. vt olrtlot o '.id lrnd ct .!y oo+u|!tt, addtrtioEr, or r.atrr'ct16t oecurE'l8g Datoa to rcqulrltl* o! tltl. !o 'rid ..!rt oa lltat.rt llt ]rt' lmrr.d, Drwld.6 tuch v{ol.tlqlr r.ttrlt ,! lor. oa tTtr|3rst ot tbr ll'.tl o! tL roatgql. oa d66 ot trurB retrrrd tc ,,s Sch.Arlp I c rrruli Ln lotr ot ttra Eitl to tltrC .rt!t. or lr!.a.rt tl tb. lanrro{ rb.lt r6qutr. ruab tttl. ta 0tlrtrcgL6' ot tDr lldabErdn aa ,acur.d lU nrcb rctg.lo or dmd ol ttltlrt. g. Drnt. fo .*trtllro ttfEor.o.lta rrhlob ra. loartad or'aott6orc! trDoo tba tortlo cf tba tb. i|8d rubloct to rtV ..r.t tt rhdB b gcbrdrlr !, Tllcb dr|lo. rirtultr lrc tlr a:r.acl... o! lbr rtgbt io u.. €G lrlntrln ,scb rr.unG loa Ela fnsport. !s rbleb fall rra g8.8tad er saacttta- a. rnf' ttlr1 c€urt o8d.a o! JudCrmt rrgutrlag aEu|1 tlf, uy lud rru otd.og rrtd t|!d o! rBlt .Eosoroh.lt rlm tn 8aha6ila l. tfh.tr.v.a l,a thlt .!d€ctl[aB! .al' gr r11 ot tbr rordr r coYaD!'stl I so6dttlcfrr O€ rartrlcglorr q6ttrtr, tlrr, rtr.1J lot ba daaodt to a.frr Co oB 1otlud' tlt Er*tt I cov.!.atr, rnA iaaftfcr Oc6trL!/rd l! .![f lo.tr ntr.rrrd to ln tsb.Cul t' ta. tgtrt trl&l,llw o! tbr Cq.!y rrrd.r r.ld Dolr'cu |8d .ry .odE Dtltt tb.trtl rbrll aot rxsrrdr ta tb.-.dgt.grt. -ttl fecr rruoCol |rlclptrtey.aC cottr ttttab tb. C€T)ray l,r *ti,grt.d cld.s tli. o€sdlttoot .8d .tlttsl.tl6a tD"rct to D'y' lbu cndoreornt t. t d. ' tt'lt ot trld Dotrts!' r| gt tht drGr t'brot rld I'r rubtrot to tUr rclrdrrfet r €eldltlool lid rtqnrlrtl'oir lbatolD, .lreqtt al rodl'ttrd bf tf' 93€vltlcn' barrol. rotbtDtt b.r.!s e6tr|l.c rhrll b. oortnnc'r| .rt.ndl8t ot c!|!gtn|t t.{t' '!l'otl"r drtr o! Jiori.ifa Dollaf oa o{ttrot, ulll.tr ctbrsitrt' 'q'r"tly !trt"' il l|ttEgg l@tot, tbr Cqnaf lrr clrrad tbl' lodc'rcnt bo b' rtga'{ 'nd t'rI'd' fo ba ,rltd *c cor!t.8'fm.C-lg .l rtlt!r{r.{ otllcc q! rgoog cl tlr cqr|sy, r11 1! rcccdtaor rt'tlt t'tt rlir'Lr|. Drtrdr DGcamber 30, 1995 3r|rr.d .E] 3l(ElrclFr COSOATDO NorE - copy oF pERMrr ro BE KEpr oN JoBsrrE Ntt-"-.-' \xSstt\ CONSTRUCTION PERMIT e6E 0ct. 30. 1987 PERMTT no.4€3€€d_- department of community devalopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRTOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT !trn fl DT EUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION rs\\\L I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH IR M DfVfSION 122a34 sP{5{oh8bfffcAt}wo'^' ryPE GROUP G.R,F.A. \r.a_a!t €ot ag JoBNAME: MACKECHNIE DECK NAME Pet€r Ma€kechnie 2415 Bald Mtn. Rd NEW ALTERATION (\/J AODITIONAT () REPAIR () ACCOMMODATION UNITS - NO. FIREPLACES ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEOED: FIRM rowru or veru Reo. ruo. 118-B 949-42M TOTAL PERMIT FEES GARY MURRAIN L2, L987 RICK PLYMAN NING AOMINISTRATOR ING & BUILDING NOTES: TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.PLUMBING CONTRACTOR I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to cotjply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Toyrfs zqning 4rd subdivision codes, design \ ANO THE OWNER. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHANI CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. OTHER CONTRACTOR CONSTRUCTION PERMIT department of community development ***JT*PLEASE FILL OUR I'IHERE THE (X) MRKS ARE To BE FiLLED ourcoMpLETELy pRtoR To tssuANcEoF pERMtr TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION X X X LEGAL DESC. LOr 1.2. BLK____X_ FlLlNc /fi/4_n4_ tE& -loa runme'$\.g1iN...* \* *\ OWNER nlue Peter MeeKpchnie \ MAIL ADoREss 2rrl -( Ba] d Mtn ^ R crTY veil. PH. ARCHITECT rrnu Rovle Eneineering MAIL ADORESS cf rY vai'f PHlt76-?17( GENERAL foNrRAcroR rrnu Bauer Home fmprovem' TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 1 1 8-R rELE. 949-4244 lrr.rr,.o,- CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM ry TELE, trtr! n!n X K ( I NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO ooru 7-so'8* BE KEPr oN JoBSrrE 3o 73 FOLLOWING IS Letter from NEEDED FOR FILING PERMIT: condo assn. (IF APPLICABLE THEl. z.2 Sets pf co I ete drawin I anati o ) n1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP otvtstoN GENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WORK : rr rrr rv@ aaenyfii tzz@a BUILOING TYPE GROUP G.F.F.A. VALUATION ADOITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: DESIGN REVIEW BOARD TOTAL?EE[I{Y FEES -..14.-4zqr/.744.-. IUILDTNq OFFIgtAIE -K*Z3.rn*JONING ADMINISTRATOR ING & BUILDING NOTES: CONTRACTOR HIMSELF I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in tull the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is coirect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and slate laws, and to build this structure according to the Town! zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other or/irfange S ot thyf owLapplicable thereto. IGNATURE OF AND THE OWNEB. otoon @ bot/le ergineef rYg, trc 143 e rneodcv cl surle n-10 crcGsrood sl^ropptr€ center rorl. colsocb 81657 n3/476-2170 HEI"J Jpanttzt tp* I Y+4t' ,i,',1h. ' ., 1V/ i')t tt1', (,iltLQtH4." o L+t U?-tP lr+lf '. I l.{Ar.i4EF W,r4tagt- ; , fr| l+'l'lll{,t . l?Ffl1 + : Vtla a.i-,l il h'-1r. r- .t ot-11, l.4l^"- 'tt'ltt 6* gr fobf ?6bt, *Lr-b rfvl 418'4 *o'*i -tra vxr*11r14, ^htE' | 714e2. tl | .,,, * 5tsttL(tw+to'{g+44 bev p'+.wF ---l416vg1 ,/?6i: u' rltl 2s2 t9 tl '/ +{4g,tt. W;t1q_!Jtt! e--- /+we" v' ^QAiY flttV I F1 CfTlol4/'= 4 +iq ?ru7 flaU N Trt t'.+ VhlD, oaLo(rao I + *?7T r*Y1h?g l4P1 *ryI|!'.\ljp",1'..)' W)tp -?e txl;-,ftN{ 1rb s zt o!r. Lt el I |t'.-4p: 7 1'lTrarv 7 ?t REQUEST VAIL JC ER OF PROJECT INSPECTION TOWN OF 6ck a./, t, i..JOB NAME PERMIT NUM FEADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: BUILDING: TINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL _ tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NATLING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/H.TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: to ,r ECTION TOWN OF REQUEST. VAIL P i, sIN READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:-') \zJ-'rl?, t I NAME MON ,) CALLER AM PERMIT NUMBER OF,PROJECT oor, ,til:, ly'J ,o, BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATERD FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr F|NAL l/- -tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL 9,,OVED i CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECT ooo rll,2"4 It ,F .l' L+' ,lL& vYl flX bo/erqneering. irc 143 e meodolr cf. suite n-10 cf6sroocb sfnpptr€ cenlef \orl. colorodo 81657 n3/a76-2170 dtoUt'zt tFE^ o'r1^ HE'J lno.e ,fl 1t 1l I ! I I f rN--* $ I 'c, L tq ,', l'/. ;,rl .'l ./t i ,/l,/l,/l tlll2r2 t0 fA*/ q*+r.$, 4t.o 1" b\(I lo t4 t /o",t,,s"2('(?rarv -^Ia Lv,fliq , arne I 7w.,,, rr 6 NltL',/ / t t"Jit toAe 1 a-a- h'.11, ! ,A +'-11, 1/ + ,nrF .-, -/ 4*6,|frt ?p 6u il 14. o I i aoIYNl,l*a o N 72" 1- t_) ^ t^ -,'tJn'QO" E (o o o$ A PARCEL 0F LAr{o Ir{ Lor 22. Ntocr 2. VAIL VlLtA6t 13th FILIIG, ^ STDDIVTSIfl Ill THE Tfil 0r YAIL, @UtlTY 0f E^Gtt, STAI! 0F C0L0tl00 lX SECIIONS 2,3, lnd {, roL(sHl p 5 soulH, AArGt 80 ttsl tr rlrE 6th ptlilClplL r€Rlol , s l0 Ptlc€L 0F LAID Strx6 lloRt PARTICULARLY D€SCRI8E0 ,qS FOttfiS, I0 rlTr 8lgtnning .t i point f.r dllch thc soltli"3t Corncr of rlld Lot 22 b€.r5 5 4l'?0'57" li, 54.5! fcct dlrt.nti ti?nce ll 670 ll' 35'E , 1a.5 f.tt;rhloce 220 48' 25" f , l.m foot: lhcnce 670 lI' 35' E , 16.19 f!.ti thence tt 22o4€'25't, 3.10 fccti rhence t{ 570lt' 15' € , 8,m f!ct; thence l,l 22 o 4I]' ?5" f . ?4.50 ,fact; thcncc s 670 ll,' 35" L , 5.00 fcet; thence fl 220 48', 25" | , 18.50 fart; thrnce S 67q ll' 35" I{ , J2.69 fc€t; tianca s 2?o/t8' 25't , 47./$ f€ct to the polnt ot brginnlng, tog.thcr rtth .n undlvldad I lnt.rrst ln ar|d to tia follqtng d"scrlbrd parcal of l.M: Lor 22, Btoc( 2, vAtL vlLL^6€ l3tn FttlLc, AccoRoItG T0 nrt REC0R0€0 PLAT Il{tIEoF, CflJTTY 0F EAGLE, SlArt 0f C0t0R m. EXCEPTITg r{ERtFRfi lll€ FoLLoalllC o€scRtstD TLo PAtcELs 0F LAt0: -{t:i' ?.i Scginning rt . tolnt lroG rlr'lch tha Southr't Corncr of s.ld Lot 22b.r5 5 {1o20'57't ,51.54 flrt dlstant: thcoc! tt ?20 48' ?5" r , tt.40 tr.t: thrnc. s 670 ll' 15' |. , 32.69 fnt; thanc. S 22046'?5't , 18.50 fcct; thdcc s 670ll' 35' r . 6.0 f..ti ocncc S 22o a8' 25' E , 24.50 tect; th.ncc I 670 r1' 35' t , 8.Ott fcati tlcncr s 220 48' 25" E , 3.lO f!at; thencc x 57: ll' 35" € , 15.19 f!rt; th.nce S 22e a8' 25" t , 1.00 foot r thcnc! l6to tl' 35' E , 1,a.50 f!.t to the potnt of bcalnning. Parcel I . j,' (srr Ltclt 0tscrrPTl0i A80Yr) I hereby certify that thls inproverent locatlon certiflcatc rrs preparedfor the mortgage lender and the tltl! insurance conpany, that it ls not aland survey plat or inprovemnt survey plat, and thlt lt is not to be relled upon for the establishnent of fence, buildlng, or other future lnproycrcntlines, I further certify that the improvernents on the abov€ desci-i bed parcel on this date-' excegt utility connections, arre entirely withln the boundariesof th! parcel , except as sh6{n, that there are no enclorchmnts ugon the described. premises by inprovenents on any adJoining premises, except rsindicated, and that there is no apparent evidence or'sign of'any eisemnt c"ossing or burdening any part of Said parcel , except as noted. This certiflcate does not constitute a title search by Inter-llountaln Engineerlngto determine_oiln€rship or easements of record. For all infor ation regardingeasemnts, rights-of-ray or title of record, Inter-llountain Engineerini rel ied upon = LrJ r.)lq tf) o raN q rr) lf) tf) o rf) N = t, ) Registered Land Surveyor t{o. 13901 FOUND V,A PIN A CAP)too.oo's 66" 46'27 " W BALD MOU NTA IN ROAD ( 40') N 62.| 35 E 0R\vt . oti AL1 Af,' PARCEL \ t PoEox 978 AVON. CO|-O.416?0 (3031 0.9-5074 Inter-Mounteln J4AO VAAICE STF|EET LAKE\ ,.G).COI-O. Erc815 neeringrta (3o3) 232-0138 R|tnt IM PR OV E ME NT LOCAT ION CERTI F ICATE oc.co rr' L.W.P Pn(r.Esr rr v_ 7t4t s PARCEL l, A RESUB of LOT 22, BLOCK 2 ,VAIL VILLAGE , l3lh FILING , TOWN of VAtL, EAGLF cortutw r'^' ^^'^^ 6rftt ft' J.o.D* EE'EI' T /3t /gT cr.Dxrn rr' J,M. S.E.r.t, 1,, = ZO, lof I f.yt a 1 l\'{ N 72"ll'gO"E 1'R,\a1' s 66o 46'27 " w PARCA. I l plRcE! 0F tlxo til LoT aa, alocr !! YAIL yILLAGE l3!!-fltlll6, f-suSDlvrstol. .in'dii-idi dr'ilii.,-ounri or emle ' srATt 0F '!0L0MD0 lrl sEcrloils ?'3' 'nd ''iiirdiri-i sounr. -mdi-r rsr 0F rHE 5u pRItrtpll rERtorAi. slro pArcE! 0f rlio iiim *nt pARr I CULARLY oEsctlBED As FoLloLs ' n rlTr icct-tm 11 I 99lnt fra rtrlch tia Sortrrc5t Corner of s'ld Lot ?2 b'!6 s iI'?0'57' v. 5{.54 fect dl3tlnti tt|sicc t 6?0 ll' 35' E , 1f.5 fe€t i ti€nc. f 2?o48' ?5' f , l.m fmti thcnsr | 6to rl' 35' E , 16.19 fe.ti. tilncr lt ?20/t8' ?5' |l , 3.10 fccti thcnc. I6to1l, 35'€ , 8.@ fr.ti th.ncr r aolS' ?5' v, ?l.50JGrt; th.ncr s 5io l!' 35' r , 6.@ fcrti tiarce | 2f 48' ?5' li . 18'50 fect; timc! s 6to rl' 35' L , 32.69 feti iliii i iZt qe' es' g , rt.o fcct t thc Polnt.of beginnlng' tog!-tic'.tlth ii-rioiro.a h-tntercit-tn x{ to lhc fottorlng d?:crlbed prrcrl of l'nd: Lor 22, sLocx 2, vArt YILUGE tstn FItlxG, ^CC0RD! !q r0-rllE-l!PR0E0 PUI - ,ilirioi. o'jiiri'oi itlcri,sriri'oi cot'ouoo' ErcEPrlxG IHE[tFRol 1]r€ Fotto'ln6 DESC 8Eo m PAACRS 0f |.^X0: PAICEL 2 Ecslnnl^| 53 1 96lnt f.o! rilct thr Southrast Coiner of s'ld Lot 22 bri6 5 alo20'57' I , 51,54 fect dl3t.nt: ustc. r a?o a8' 25',| . lt.4{t f!ct; th.lrc. s 5to ll' !5't ' 3?'69 fe'ti ti;c. s 22c48' 25' t , I8.gl fc€ti tlrcncc S 670 lt' 35' | , 6.(F fecti tir|lca s 2zo a8' 25' € . 21.50 feeti rhlncc | 670 rr' 35' E ' 8.@ f.cti thanc. 5 ?2o 48' 25' E , 3.40 fcct; theDc. i 57! lt' 35' t , 16'19 fectl tJrsrcr S 2Zo a8, 25. t . l.0O footi u,c,,cc i iit tl' 35' E : 11.50 fcrt to thc aolnt of brginning' Prrrcl I :.i" (stE [Ir.r[ 0tscRtPrton AsoYE] I her€by certify that thls irprovarent location certificate was prepared for the mortgage lender and the tJtle Insurance company ' thit it is not a land survey ptit or irnprovenent survey plat, and that it is not to be relled upon for the establ ishment of fence' buildlng, or other future improvement lines. I further certify that the improvements on the above described parcel on this date, except utility connections, are entirely within the boundaries of the parcel , excipt as shq{n, that there are no encroachments upon the descrlbed. premises by inprovanents on any adjoining premises, excePt as lndlcated, and that there is no apparent evidence or sign of any easenent c"osslng or burdening any part of said parcel , except as noted. This certlficate does not constitute a title search by I n ter-l.lounta i n Engineerlng to det€rmine ornership or easements of record. For all infornntion regarding easemnts, rights-of-way or title of record, Inter-llountain Engineering relled upon n tf) N l{) !.tiT ?.; =n rf) tf) o tf) N z kl lqllf' tf) o ?r)N q b) FOUND V.A. P'N A CAP Reg i s tered Land Surveyor ilo. 13901 e B ALD MOUNTAIN ROAD ( 40') --$ ro'oRa,naoeI EASEI'EIVT N 67oiI'35" € PARCEL a too OFNE * v- 7r4t sIM PR OV E ME NT LOCAT ION CERTIF ICATE l"?iLT3'".o llnter-Mountain .l€#_3-'5:I(oo3!e.s-:rcr. IEffdneeringlrd" :3cs:432-3:54 7/3t/87PARCEL I , A RESUB of LOT 22, BLOCK 2 , VAIL VILLAGE , lsth FILING, TOWN of VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO G --..*ifi'i".*li*d.ri % 1 POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE fuvhct + TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VAFIANCE UNCOVEFEO o o I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT T HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE LAWS REGARDING BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. TOWN OF ElUILtr,INGi l/A IL PEFIMIT DATE OF APPLICATI NEW KALTERATION t } ADDTTION REPAIR USE OF BUILDI SO, FT. OF BLDG,HEIGHT IN Ff.OFF ST. PARKING OFF ST. LOADING NO. OF LIVING UNITS WATERI ) FORCEDAIRI )ELEC}{UNIT( I LOT./ / BLK ./ ' FILING 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTT ON r || ||r rVo rHn 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B C D € F G H I J DlvlsroN1234 BUILDING PERMIT SPECI FIED PLAN CHECK F EE3 FI RE SPRINKLERS DRY STANDPIPE FAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK OCCUPANCY SEPARATION SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR Town of Vail FI,NCf,RICAL PERMIT Job Name.Da4- ,n/6- Ng Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 3TL $.-.....-..........--.-...... $..-.-.-.........-...-....... $..-..".............."....... Date of Electrical Contractor {L.n- f Eutlrl|ll Offlclal Date THIS FORTI 13 TO BE POSTED 01{ JOB SITE DURI]IG CONSTRUCTIOTII 24 HOI'NS AI'VANCE NOIIG REQI'IREX} FOR INSPECTIONS Date Paid.--..---.- Received By s..... /..8,. n r)...... Tir c, r. Bcacl(rL a0., !a||vfn rr3a52 Permit No._000248 VAII WATER Al{D SAI{ITATIIII{ DISTRICT WATER AI{D SEWER TAP PERMIT TAP PERMIT WILL NOT BE ISSUED NAME OF JOB T]ON AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION GENERAL CONTBACTOR PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR SIZE OF TAP: Water NUMBEB }FUNITS 4 Z. x$3fi).00=A.orntf Date Billed hn Eolluean )3:=:tllE BEf,ry\'| D'!N F "'ffiE#,ff ' tut tu. MeterSize Z- I|t Bldg. D€pt. - Whits; - Watsr 6nd Sanitation - Gre.n; - Public Workr - C€nary; - Financs Direetor Town of Vail ELECTRICAL PERMIT Ng Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 280 $.---..-.-. cs..z.a.f. POSTED ('1{ JOB SITE DURING CON8TRUCTION 24 HOI'RSi ADVANG NOTICE REQIJIRED FOR TNSPECITONS $40m *6<- og,o b&nnee Erectricel co,ot uto, - - fu -(8. EtA,f- r-<b Applicant. APFNOVALS t/t"/u TIIIS FORM I ot oo PLTTMEilNGi/MECHA|UIEAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL APPROVED OF BUILDING; oF woRK: E r*rew I noornoru E neuooel E *rpo," RIPTION OF WORK: PLUMBING: NUMBER 3. P MECHANICAL: NUMBEH vALUArf oN s y'o 452'a VALUATION $ 5. {77L REMARKS:REMARKS: S r.-z 5o'.PERMf T FEE .-2 l-PERMfT FEE v46@ TOTAL lct-1 er/-80/-,3, J',/ r3-r4 oO PLUMEilNGi.TMECHANTCAL PEFIM|T TOWN OF VAIL USE OF BUILDING:vr,L \,I |',\,r LrJ||\|tJ|. CLASS OF WORK: IJ NEW IJ ADDITION LJ REMODEL U REPAIR DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ADDRESS PLUMBING: NUMBER MECHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATION $VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMIT FEE PERMIT FEE I neenoveo TOTAL FEES: $ E orsnppnoveo DATE o DESJGN REVIEIV BOARD DATE OF MEETING: MEMBERS PRESENT: ACTION TAKiiN BY BO MOTION: APPROVED: ///)l' '' o ABSTENTION: tt r /.1It ) SEcoNDED nu: Wy't{fu- AGAINST: DISAPPROVED: SUilIilIARY: oo oo DESIGN REVIEW BOARD DATE OF I{IIETING: IIEIIBTRS PIiESENT: ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: MOTION: VOTE:FOR: DISAPPRO\']iD: ABST}iNTION: 8,,{,/-U SECOMED BY: AGAINST: SUIINAIIY; oo oo Thongs ll. Pitcher P.0, Bor9OSl Yail , Colc. 8165? Fcbruory 2, 1977 T0: The Toru of Yall I respectfully rubnit, t,his as a landrcaping plan for the Livran - Pitcher Tovnhruse locatcd at,2,tl6 Bald llt,. Rcad lnthe City of Yail. An asphalt drlvelay ad park ing a,rel vill be constructed(drarn in pencil on plot plaa). It, rill be constructcd in avay to facilita,te parking for onc extra ear outcide the garage on each slde. l{o eriating treel rill be reooved. The lot rill be filled and loveled to its natural slepcto the road. Sone railroad tiee rill be no€ded t,o hold the earth on the northvest correr. lhcre vill barely be vieibleto the casual eye. Iilo crieting vcgitation rill be dieturbed. The grouad vill be planted tn rlld groae t,o blend iu rsiththe vegitotlon in tbe back aad orr t,he eoet slde. At t,hie tine ne nore treer are plaancd. Ie feel that we are in a fsrest, c onpored rith tbe existing hones on our street,. The remining lot^e ere oler foirly devoid cf trecs. f,e vould like to have tbe optin tr plaat r group of ^Lspenon the southrre st, corner and off writ Bte brlccly (dravn inpencil on plot plan). The glze tr be detcrrined by rhat landecaping is done to the lot on our ve st, lidc. le ronld apprccietc ycrr tucd iate aetloa cl thia plal. lhank You, Thons S. Pitcher Chcrles E. Livran pEsrGN REyIEw BoARD DATE OT I'EMBEBS ACTION TAKEN BY BOARDi MOTION: MEETING: PRESENT: SECONDED BY: AGAINST: ABSTENTION: . .'' I ,,'I t o \'/i:1,.,'..'.f.'iij ii n:ll) ljiI.t.'l,i.L. I(,il i,.j. l;i.ll l Cr,, t' . 0 . ii(''i: 'i 1'l i \tirLl,: c(ti,():I..,; :) 6:t(;l;./ ol €q-*-Qn.ex.7- -l- :,''-r'*€rA-- -..---r.,.-J-'t;-\n!A.:>27.*tr4_, i i.L.i;r1', I J_I.SEniElq O liilrnn r f !ir:l;-i.tr.:::l11i,,2.#t4^c;'E:p}k=-uffi)i.*-2,__--____ J., J];::; . 1s'r..2nd' 3rrl ri'cl: ]L:toiLct, t.rr-i,.:iri., orI(csicl::;.;i-al- Co;:.u:, c;'c i.aL lilror.rcr o:: Ti:b l.lar):bcu.ftI >i 0.75y. L,C0 :.: .1"50 J-p_ '2, Ir- s'L ?t:d i;;.rilltir 2 il:rs Ir s1: 2ri ci ilrnlitli fce lischi-nes lila'!cr Cc rrl- t:::s arrd'..,'a'l;c:r. fouei:i,.i.;ls /--x 0.2.5 "..-tf,- v O 4eaq rr.l- JJ r'.:; ,l. f.l'L S;ru:i i! t',r: C..2i: :: ii:is.'ll.s'i: 2nci :t ? \,J lt 'iii ilir s 'l .. <- 2tr cl . '{ '^.1IttJ) il.:: :-r .1. t, i: 2;rci '*.;.1 titir Ilas lst F:lii.i.r *:lcl ioi.Ie.:t 0rre*iid.1-f I;l-ch i'uLI Ii.ii:h (Sho'..;t:'' c:" Tulr.Rnsin, To:Iet) Xitchens,ricsiCcrrt.i.el Di-.:lrl,.a shc t' L-,2.$0 = 4'nfi -\- _-./ 4 L:.!! ;-t. UU = .) /1n_4.L-j.:- I Irth llas, Ist 2rrcl i'll.dlltlr z Z >: ](1 tchc,r':s Co;;,'rc:.ci.rI rJI :l ;11...('r 5, n'J n Scttti;r13 i- t1 l,,trt ttrll.y ti<r l:.i"1!a11.1. j;1-1. l't.';'1i.1;rt1i., 1, >! ): t.ln s lL l;1: 'illrtl lj t'tll;llr -') | -!, .0. 5 il :.: _[,.91f?:, &i.t / ail.i,ir Ire .' ,t C(;l;, ;rr:I.'c i;r.l .ashcr.): 2.00 = ? , >i 1.00 ', 2t9'.- :t 0.:l 3 ,: / 1t2. I I I [s. (tr . :'.lic: l!;li.r'::.. (:'., :ri.;rr:n oj' o:rc) (lu': i;ic! c $i'rr'.;i n)lJ.els D:ts Isi: 2ttti J l-;.r ll'i)r '| lr Iirc liosc Cal>.inets Scrvice Si-;r'ci.on -- .r flar -fi J.rUu - x30. 00 = L5. t6 Svri;o..;,5.t'tt tott x b.oo = l'.. ..lz(l.) -'l-s't 2i,:i 3r.dtlil:Conrre:r"; :lon Ce:rtc:: Pe:.. i)ersorl x 0.1.0 :: trra\.a t a t\/.\i'rrr.\^' J V.r. Ji,J I U-LJi J.;) 1.0.00 Pc' j":rts = J. gg ii;1;i-i; l'. -:.- . .;g..-i.;,1. Az-- = lJgbo, '<,-l.l-o:ri:rg';lre cc;:'lrl-ei::lor; (it" c:!-::)st-riic-i:j.o:r ojl a1-'!-::c tr'.': i*1 a;r C ci,ll;::';..ir'cia1 str:uc'i',lri:s. tire Dis'i:.:i-c'l slia.l.l i--.r:ri.or..:l a i-.rii1':;i.cirL :ir:-'{:pr.:+tiO.ir of a-ll. F'f e:;1j.::es to <jetei.t.lj.nc t}.re ::r.lr:.,1:cr. of pcints ic]ie ass;cs:;,:li ;leco:-rj:ii:g to tire ',.Jar-e:. ai.:<i S.::irc:c 1'*ir lec,.- at:cl pai,j Sc7:..rt'lu.l-':, .i,:l ai.;cr)ric'<.i, ai:C ';!'lr: Dj.:;;rj.ct s,-:e.'i-J tne ]ic, ;:Jty a<-l-i u.s-1.:.:1,-.,:itl;t)eccS:;.i:'i/ in the o:--igi-;r;:J- ial: ,f :e tr.:ri<1 . 'i.'ilj.s i;rsrec..::io;r- sl:a].t- . aLs,tr cl':'icr::rinc tlie i:ui-lci.j-:rg oi..':l.J:.rts t.,'ittcI. cnci se."tet scr.vj,c:cr. elrirlge. 4 . Boa.::cl of binc:cio:-:; ::'' VaiI lJrt,uer.. and Sairi,.:ation Distr.:ct +2.- ..1" fnr-res* e $ tl& € : FZec t" . o t t l"' )e s t g n )ate Pa 'ROJ ECT f(ei v i id ew I ee - ZON I {6 +t.NG CHECKL IST SUMMARY ; ARCH ITECT Cc--/ l iSE ZONE ; PROPOSED USE(S) -ECAL DES.CRIPTION -0T stzE iETBACKS: Actua I ) I STANCE BETWEEN BU I LD lE I GHT: Ave rage Grade /5, AX D ; FRONTAGE Required - Front a4 o , Sides /tf - Front 3& , std.#.tl L_,4J,r,-&-' 3a+-Rear Rea r K. 7a INGS:Reouired He -8o f--, ight A I lowed Actua I 0, , Actua | _; lequired 0f f sets i ITE COVERAGE: Actua I sq. ft, JSEABLE OPEN SPACE : Req u i red -ANDSCAP I NG: Req,. i length sq . ft. , Actua l A I lowab'le ol3-1, Al lowab le Sq. f t. 972 o , Actua | 0 'K, fi 0 K.1+ f , Common _, %; ft., Actua % /., /. sq. f r. )ARKING AND LOADlltG: No. Required + , No. Actu ut 6 , Covered Re- quired No. ; Covered Actua I ZON ING APPROVAL. Da te )ES IGN REV IEt,.J BOARD APPROVAL VE ht Ground Le red 6o cat - -Y' Cha i rman, Des i gn Rev iew Boa rd Da te /o 0 f ].R.F.A.z ,/5' Ratio, Allowable sq. ft. 3EJ,O , Actual sq. fr.s5flpg t )0MMERC IAL FL00R AREA: Percentaqe a I lowab Actual sq. ft. lU I LD ING BULK CONTROL: A I lowab le max ------., ACTUa imum length I lenqth le -*, -*. A I lowab la cn ++ Diagona I D i agona I strator JTILITIES APPROVAL :NV IR0N14ENTAL IMPACT APPR0VAL Mayo r Date ..tate S ubm i )ate S ubm i )ate Submi ixten s ion ry Sect I SOMI"IENTS f or Zon i f o r Des.i for Envi ng Rev iew gn Review ronmenta I tte d tted tte d of Dead I i ne Dead I i ne Da te Da te I mpact Rev i ew to Dead I ine date es of 1973) Da te i tem of 0rdinance No. 8 (Seri as permitted T L/"*tDa ot( ,4-a-;- JoXef 4p x a,f tr, 75'X t. f t/.?s- X /7,75- ta fo f,4 v /33,8? a of ,fc r 7 v'/'qq X- 2- = ,i fL 7's/ lb >\ FIEGIUEST VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM CALLER E orsen MON COMMENTS: TUE ! pnnnnu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED ,.- THUR FB I appRovED E orsnppRovED fl nerNsPEcr ! uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE !:.t d' '1 DATE TIME RECEIVED JOB NAME PM CALLER IJ PARTIAL LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUF FRI OWN OF VAIL AM PM E ornen MON GOMMENTS: TUE APP ROVE D E orsappRovED E nrtNsPEcr E upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS v I .li7 ;. 'a: t1 :. .. :r1 ' !:: "!!ir':::!r' r: ::-1'-.::, -. 1INSPECilE IV F|EEUESiT TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME ; TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLEB flornen MON GOMMENTS: I pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION TUE WED THUR FRI AM PM flappRovED I orsappRovED E nerNsPEcr fl uporrr rHE FoLlowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTlONS INSPECTOF DATE ot ,t INSPEC FlEGTUEST , TOWN OF VAIL / JOB NAME ./' /' .l' - "r' .; / .DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM E ornsn MON COMMENTS: TUE n pnRrrru LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FF PM E appRovED I ueoru rxe CORRECTIONS !orsneeRovED FOLLOWI NG CORRECTIONS: I nerNSPEcr DATE INSPECTOR .t INsiPEC TOW OF VAIL n orurn , MON COMMENTS: TUE n panrrlu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECT]ON WED THUR FRI . AM .PM E eppRovED I or saee Rov E D I nerNsPEcr E uporu rHE FoLLowrNG.coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR' '... A Ittr HEtIIJEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I ornen [-arenov e o f] pnnrtnl. LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION D orsappRovED n nerNsPEcr fl uporv rHE FoLLowrNG coRREGTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE .- ' .":1 i - t "'' ,=;;r*;;;r=;,rt lt\l TOWN OF VAIL JoB NAME l'i" ' " 1n :c l-eh-DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM I orHrn MON COMMENTS: TUE WED ! pnnrrnu LOCATION THUB i EInppRovED E orsappRovED ! nerNsPEcr I uron rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS twspEcToR ,/ OI rNspEcilrrl rtEolJEsir TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER D ornen D pnRrrnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION MON COMMENTS: ,'-7- k:" -- '( _rtlvyTUEWED FRr.--------------- ATeUi D APPROVED E orsnppRovED fl netNsPEcr lJfu porrr rHE FoLLowr NG con RECTToNS: o)rNeirtEcfril HEBUEsT DATE T]ME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orHen I pnnrreu. LocArloN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURTUE FRI AM PMMON COMMENTS: E netNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR o; DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER fl orHsn INsFEcfril REIIUEST TOWN OF VAIL ' E pnnrreu. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECT]ON WED .^ THUR Ela+pRovED ! orsaerRovED EnerNsPEcr D uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG conRECTToNS: CORFECTIONS rrudpecroR DATE ot rNsPEcftrO HEouEsr t DATE TIME OWN OF//'-IL JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLE E orHrn flprnrtnu LOCATION TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR i FRI:MON COMMENTS: LI APPROVED E orsnppRovED fl ner NsPEcr E uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTf ONS ' ' ;. ),i' ., t : ^.trNsPEcilrrutFrEolJEsr DATE TIME RECEI JOB NAME PM CALLER I orxen MON GOMMENTS: '"t:--_-''-' 'wED 6: rHUR )\. - _--'. E panrtel LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION TUE PMFB APPRovED E orsappRovED D upol THE FoLLowrNG GoRRECnoNS: I CORRECTIONS fl nerNsPEcr o TNEiFEcTGN(hEtruEsr VAIL ', ,,,'/ t.--) | DATE : i' ;' {- ,' t+ " TIME RECEiVED, AM / JOB NAME ,:- ggyygg ':-',T;?r') I orHen I pnnrteu READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR LOCATION MON COMMENTS: TUE fleppRovED l/ UPON THE FOLLOWING GORBEGTIONS:. I orseeeRovED EfnerNsPEcr ,a- coRREcTtoNS i.t ', "/=/ r,/f 7') ,'-;-1,, --' l::ti \ Jt... oor, ,' ,.;-. r/ iL-/' 7L INSPECTOR DATE TIME rNseecfr^jl FEBuEqr RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER f]orxen Epanrrnl-LOCAT]ON READY FOR INSPECTION MON COMMENTS: TUE ,""!6; E nppRgvED E orsnppRovED E net NsPEcr FILI UPON THE FOLLOWING CORBECTIONS: CORRECTf ONS ', ., ', -'/- F::- ,:'.i -7::=. ,.-,J .:'r / ) /;''i' " l'/.i=;-. DATE INSPECTOR -,rNsieecrGrv rIEBIJEST OF VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME .' RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER florurn MON COMMENTS: a L-I PARTIAL. LOCATION READY FOR INSPECT]OfiI WED THUR FRr fAM- ppr E nppRovED LJ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CoRRECTIONS -; ., ! orsare RovED I nerNsPEcr DATE