HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 13 BLOCK 1 LOT 12 PART 1 LEGAL(YJAntld t'r C{WLOPUEIIt Planning and Invirsnmental Comruisson ACTIOf{ FORH Ospartment of Cornmunlty Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479,213t fax:970,479.245? vrtebl ww\{,val lgw. gom Project Name: ADAIR VARIANCE Project Description: Proiect Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: PEC Number: PEC0B0002 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A SIDE AND FRONT SETBACK VARIANCE Participants: owNER ADAIR, KATHERINE D, &JOHN -0IlL4l200B DORI A. & CHRISTOPHER T. 3035 BOOTH FALLS RD VAIL co 81557 APPUCANT PURE DESIGN STUDIO MILUE ALDRICH P.O. BOX 527 WOLCOTT co 81655 License: C000002418 ARCHMCT PURE DESIGN STUDIO OL I 14 | ZOOB Phone: 970-470- 1220 Otl14/2008 Phone: 970-470-1220 MILLIE ALDRICH P.O, BOX 527 WOLCOTT co 81655 License: C000002418 3035 BOOTH FALLS RD VAIL Location: 3035 BOOTH FALLS RD Lot: 12 Block: 3 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 13 2101-023-0300-1 VIELE OPPOSED BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: KJESBO Second By: KURZ Vote: 6-1-0 Conditionsl Plannen Bill Gibson Act.onl DENIED Date of Approval: PEC Fee Paid: $500,00 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department March 10, 2008 k4tci Da'''"l r^6/tr\ , VV;L" z4 , kru* !6tt., ((,-l) llrc.lc oTpose) il. A request for a final review of variance from Section 12-6C-5, Setbacks,+nd- Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapler 12-17, Variances. to allow for a front and side setback encroachment to facilitate construction of an addition, located at 3035 Booth Falls Road/Lot 12, Block 1' VailVillage 13'n Filing, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC080002) Applicant: John and Katherine Adair, represented by Pure Design Studio Planner: Bill Gibson SUMMARY The Applicants, John and Katherine Adair, represented by Pure Design Studio, are requesting a final review of a variance from Section 12-6C-5, Setbacks, and Section 12- 6C-11, Parking, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Yariances, to allow for a front and side setback encroachment to facilitate construction of an addition, located at 3035 Booth Falls Road/Lot 12, Block 1, VailVillage 13th Filing, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Based upon Staffs review of the criteria outlined in Section Vll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, the Community Development Department recommends denial of this application, subject to the findings noted in Section Vlll of this memorandum. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The Applicants, John and Katherine Adair, represented by Pure Design Studio, are requesting a variance to allow for a front and side setback encroachment and to facilitate construction of an addition, located at 3035 Booth Falls Road. The subject site is located at the north end of Booth Falls Road adjacent to the Booth Falls trailhead. The western half of the subject site is encumbered by significant wetlands, a debris flow hazard area, and existing utility easements. Previous owners of this property have obtained setback variances for the existing residence on three separate occasions. This proposed renovation will first involve demolition of the existing 577 sq.ft. two-car garage located on the north side of the existing residence. Approximately 150 sq.ft. of this existing garage (26%) is located within the side and front setbacks. The front setback encroachment is only about approximately 1Yz feet in length at the northeast corner of the garage. The applicant is proposing to construct a new 600 sq.ft. garage 14 feet into the required 20 foot front setback (i.e. within 6 feet of the property line). |il. To the rear (i.e. west) of this new garage the applicant is proposing.to_construct a mud room and stair to a proposed additi-on oin the second floor' Still on the first floor, behind (i.e. west) the new garage, mud room, and stair; the applicant is proposing to construct a )ZO "q.tf master Sear6om addition. This new master bedroom addition will extend approximately 28 feet west of the existing garage, span over an existing stream, and be siiporteO Oy tnree columns located on an island within a wetlands area' Above the new g"lig", the'applicant is proposing a second-story "bonus room" with an associated bathroom and storage closet. A vicinity map (Attachment A), the applicant's reguest (Attachment B), and the proposed architeciural plans (Attachment C) are attached for reference' BACKGROUND The subject property was annexed into the Town of Vail August ol 1972, and subdivided with Town oi Vblt approval in November ot 1972. Construction of the existing single- family residence was completed in April 13' 1976' The Planning and Environmental commission reviewed and approved a north setback variance for the construction of the existing garage on september 9, 1976 due to "Town of Vail water filter backwish pond whicn ireates streams on the rear two-thirds of the lot." The Planning and Environmental commission reviewed and approved a north setback variance for the construction of a $reenhouse addition on April 20, 1975- Staff noted that that tne proposed treennouie would not have 'any impgcf to neighbod' but recommended denial of tlhe request based upon a grant of special privilege since the house was 30 feet from the north property line' The Planning and Environmental commission reviewed and approved a front setback variance for the construction of a front entry and a connection to existing garage at.its March 23, 1998 hearing due to the "extensive wetlands including -a pond which provides flood storage, a numbei of drainage swales and utility easements'" The applicant remodeled the existing kitchen located at the center rear of the building in March 2004 (no variance was required). tv. staff believes that the following provisions of the Vail Town code are relevant to the review of this ProPosal: TITLE 12: ZONING REGULATIONS Article 12-6C: Two-Family ResidentialDistrict (in part) 12-6G1:PURPOSE: rnetwo-family residential district is intended to provide sites for low density single-family or two-family residential uses, together with such public facilities as r""V U" apjropriately tociteO in lhe same zone district. The two-family residential disirict is iritedOeO to ensure adequate light, air, privacy and open space for each v. dwelling, commensurate with single-family and two-family occupancy, and to maintain the desirable residential qualities of such sites by establishing appropriate site development standards. 12-6D-6: Selbacks In the R district, the minimum front setback shall be twenty feet (20'), the minimum side setback shall be fifteen feet (15'), and the minimum rear setback shall be fifieen feet (15'). Chapter 12-17 Variances (in Part) 12-17-1 : Purpose: A. Reasons for Seeking Variance: ln order to prevent or fo ,essen such practical difficultles and unneceisary physical hardships inconsistent with the obiectives of this tile as would result from strict or literal interpretation and enforcement, variances from ceftain regulations may be granted. A practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship may result from the size, shape, or dimensions of a site or the location of existing structures thereon; from topographic or physical conditions on the site or in the immediate vicinity; or from other physical Iimitations, street locations or conditions in the immediate vicinity. Cost or inconvenience to the applicant of stict or literal compliance with a regulation shatt not be a reason for granting a variance' SITE ANALYSIS Address: Legal Description: Zoning: Land Use Plan Designation: Current Land Use: Lot Size: Hazards: Standard Setbacks (min): Front (East): 20 ft. Side (North)r 15 ft. Side (South): 15 ft. Rear (West): 15 ft. GRFA (max):7,025 sq. ft. 3035 Booth Falls Road Lot 12, Block 1 , Vail Village 1 3$ Filing Two-Family Residential District Low Density Residential Single-Family Residence 19,040 sq. ft. (0.437acres) Medium Hazard Debris Flow"" Allowed/Required Existinq 17 lt.* 9 ft.* I ft." 85 ft. 3,745 sq. ft. Proposed 8ft. 4IL no change 57 ft. 5,493 sq. ft. Site coverage (max.): 3,808 sq. ft. (20%) 2,475 sq. ft. (13%) 3,647 sq' ft' (19%) Landscape (min.): 11,424 sq. ft. (600/o) 15,720 sq. ft' (83%) 14,380 sq' ft' (767o) Parking 4+ (2 enclosed) 4 (2 enclosed) *existing setback encroachments were approved by previous setback.variances *.reclasiified from High Severity to Medium Severity Debris Flow on July 19, 1998 SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING North: South: East: Multiple-Fami|y West Open SPace REVIEW CRITERIA Zoninq N/A (US Forest Service) Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential District Low Density Multiple-Family Residential District Natural Area Preservation District Existinq Use National Forest Residential vil. The review criteria for a request of this nature are established by Chapter 12-16' Vail Town Code. i. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinitY. This proposal furthers the maximum encroachment of the structure into the north side setback irom 6 feet (approved by a previous variance) to 1 1 feet of the minimum 15 foot setback. This proposal will adi new building encroachments into the setback for a distance of appioximately 50 feet along the north property he: . llhqush US Forest S"1yi"u ptopdrty and an Eagle River Water and Sanitation District facility are located direcly nortir otine subject pioperty, Staff believes this proposal-will increase the impact of thii residence on the existing or potential uses to the north compared to existing conditions. The far northeast corner of the existing one-story garage encroaches approximately 172 feet into the front setback as approved Uy anoinlr previous variance' This proposal involves the construction of a new garage that will encroach 12 leet (14 feet including support columns) into the minimum ZO toot front setback. Therefore, Staff believes this proposal will inciease the impact of this residence on the existing or potential uses and ioadway to the east of the subject s1e compared to existing conditions. The nearest adjacent residence is located to the south of the subject site. Since the proposed additions are located on the northern portion of the subject site, Staff does not believe this proposal will have a significant on the southern neighbor in comparison to existing conditions. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcemeit of a specified yegulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment amoni sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege- Staff believes the existing wetlands, streams, and utility easements create unique physical hardships on the western portions of the subject site. Approximately 10'550 sq.tt. tSSyr) of t'he lot is impacted by these unique constraints. Another 4,065 sq.ft. lZilVo'1'ol th'e lot is encumbered by setbacks, leaving 77% ol the site.unbuildable without encroachment into the wetland areas or the minimum building setbacks. Again, Staff believes there are unique physical constraints that apply to this site and th-ose constraints have been the justffication for three separate past setback variance approvals. However, Staff is concerned that this proposal exceeds the..degree of relief tr'om tne strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of the setback standards necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. The subject site has already been granted a south side setback variance for a single'story greenhouse addition, a north side setback variance for the existing single-story garage, and a front setback variance for the existing front entry and a portion of the existing garage' Staff believes the physical constrainG on the western portion of the subject site have been compensated by these three previous setback variances' 77Yo of the subject site is encumbered by wetlands or setbacks' and 3% of the lot is covered by the existing driveway. This leaves 2oo/o of the lot available for construction' which is coincidently the maximum building site coverage allowed within the Two-Family Residential District. The Applicants and their representative have designed the prop-o9ed .master bedroom "JOition to span an existing stream and encroaches a length of 18 feet into the wetlands area by supporting tne addition on piers that will be located on an island within the welands. 'Statt 6etieves this design solution further minimizes the impacts of the wetlands on any future expansioni to the existing structure; and therefore further reduces the need for additional setback variances. While the Planning and Environmental Commission has granted -setback variances for g"r"g", throughoit Town, those variance have typically been for homes without an existing two-car garage and have typically been only granted for single-story structures. A setblck variance has already been granted for the existing single-story' two-car garage on the subject site. The applicani is proposing to demolish the existing garage' convert it into a two-story structure, and move it more than 12 feet further into the 20 foot front setback area. Additionally, Staff believes there are locations on the rear and south side of the existing residence inat could facilitate expansions to the existing residence without the need for variances. Therefore, Staff believes approval of this request would constitute a grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of populauon' transportation and traffic facilities, public fucilities and utilities, and public safety' Staff does not believe this proposal will have a significant impact on the public hea!!h' safety or welfare, public facilities, or utilities in comparison to existing conditions of the site. 4. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. The Planning and Environmental Commission has previously approved three separate setback variince requests (south side, north side, and front) for this property' VIII. STAFFRECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends denial of a final review of a variance from Section iZ-OC-S, Setbacks, and Section 12-6C'11, Parking, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 1/-17, Yariances, to allow for a front and side setback encroachment and to reduce the required on site parking to facilitate construction of an addition, located at 3035 Booth Falls Road/Lot tZ, etock 1, VailVillage 13n Filing, and setting forth details in regard thereto. This recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria ouflined in Section Vll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this variance request with condit'ions, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission pass the following motion: 'The planning and Environmental Commission denies the Applicants' request for a variance from section 12-6C-5, Sefbackg and section 12-6C-1 1 , Parking, vail Town Code, pursuant to chapter 12-17, Variances, lo allow for a front and side setback encroachment and io reduce the required on sife parking to facilitate construction of an addition, tocated at 3035 Booth Falls Road/Lot 12, Block 1' Vait Vitlage t{ fiting, and setting forth details in regard thereto'" Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this variance request with condit]ons, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission makes the following findings based upon a review of Section Vll of the Staffs March 10, 2008, memora-ndum to the Planning and Environmental Commission, and the evidence and testimony presented: "The Planning and Environmental Commission finds: 1. The granting of this variance will constitute a granting of special piuileg-e inconsi{tent with the limitations on other properties classified in the Two'Family Pri mary/Secondary Re sidential District. 2. The granting of this variance will be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare-, or materially iniuious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. Iltls vaiance is not warranted for the following reasons.' a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulatiolt will not resuft in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship rnconsistenf with the obiectives af Title 12, Zoning Regulations, vail Town Code. b. There are no exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other propefties in the Two'Family Primary/Secondary Residential District'' IX. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map B. Applicant's Request C. Weilands Report prepared by Watershed Environmental Consultants, lnc. D. Proposed Architectural Plans E. Public Notice Attachment A l:l ",.,"n" AttachmentB studio po bo( 527 vyofcott c-o 81655 oh 970.470,1&, taxg70.S26.gofgr llie@pu]ldse'gn€t dio.cqn Re: January 14,2@8 Town of Vail Bill Gibson- Town Planner Planning and EnMronmental Commission 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Adalr Remodel 3G35 Booth Falls Road lLof.12, Blod( I Vail Vlllage t3t Fiilng Written statement The proposed addition as currently shown will have minimal irnpacts on the existing or potential uses and struqture.s in the area. The property to the north of the Adair's is National Forest Service Land and an access road br the utility company; this is the last house at the ond of the sreet. This projec't will not impact adjacent property o\,rrners or Booffr Falls Mountain Homes locded across the street. The proposed master addition is raised to the same de\ration as the proposed garage slab. The west part of the addition is acting as a bridge spanning across the wetlands. The design intent is to have no negative impact and no adverse afbsts on the wdands. The property has site constraints and physical hardships with the extensive wetlands. This limits the potential development that other homes under this zoning are allowed. Even with the proposed addition, the residence will be significanty under the allowable square footage and site co\rerage per Tovrrn of Vail regulations. Pl ",","n"studio po ba[( 5e7 ryDM ao 81655 ph 970.470,1222 ,q.97o.9?6,9olB mille@u.d6igFstudiocqn January 14,2008 Town of Vail Bill Gibson-Town Planner Planning and Environmental Commission 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Adalr Remodel 3oil6 Bodh Falls Road lLci'12, Blod( 1 Vail Vlllage 13p Fillng Written description of the nature of the variance requested and the specific regulations inrclved: tvty dients, John and tGtherine Adair, are requesting afront and side setback variance and pa*ing on sit€ variance for their home located at 3OO5 Boctlr Falls Boad. The property has er<tensive wedands including a pond wtricfr provide flood storage and a number of drainage $,vales. Setback variances for lhis property have been granted in the past due to the site consfaints. My dients would like to enlarge their garage and hare thdr master bedroom on the main floor. They are longtime Vail residents and will continue to be. They love their currert rsidence but have concems that as they age it will be harder to have the master on the second floor. John has had ten knee surgerie and will need a knee replac€rnert at some point in the future. This will make it almost impossible to mntinue to live in this house under the cunent configuretion. We have rwievrled multiple possibilities for the master bedroom addition. We first reviewed locding the addition off of the living room (south section of the house). This would gredly impact the ndghbor to the south by reducing their privacy and eliminating their view to the north Foret SeMce land. The south area of the property slopes ste€ply to the w€st, and there w* difficulty maintaining the heiglrt limitdion while stsying away from the wetlands. The Adair's want to minimize the eDdent of the proposed remodel to the existing building; locating the addition olf of the tiving room greatly affects the current conftguration of the house. Secondly, we revisred locating the addition off of the kitchen, the center of the house. From a practical perspective this is very difficult to integrate with the cunent room configuration, and it would impact the sunounding wetlands. Public Works requested that we b€gin the garage 20 feet from edge of asphatt. We used this as our starting point for the addition; the cloeer we could be to lhe street the farther we would be from the wedands. The proposed garage slab is raised 33 inchee lrom the odsting slab to reduce the driveray slope from the sfeet Watershed Environmental Consultants, lnc. Attachment c Wedand Sciences ' Environmental Planning . Hydrology . Habitat Inventory/Restoration . Permitting PO. Box 3722 Ea$e,CO 81631 Voice & Fu<: 97013284364 Website: www.waterfolks.com February 1,2008 Pure DesipSfirdio lvls. Mllie Aldrich P-O- Box 527 Wolcofi, CO 81655 RE: Wetland Avoidance, 3035 BoothFalls Roa4 Eagle County' Colorado fllear lvfillie, Wafiershed Environmental Consultants, Inc. (WEC) conductedamutine on-site inspection for wetland glsas l€ss rhrn 5 acres, the results are summarized in the Wetland Delineation 3035 Booth Falls Road Vail. Colorado with a revision date of January 31,2008. The identified Wa&rs of the U.S. are zubject t" th" -t* "rd reguldions of Section 404 of the Clero Waler Act (CWA)- Tbe w€tlmd deline*ion has zor been vedfied by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)- With respectto the established wetland areas, I have reviewed the plan set created by Pure Design Srdios tuta"a aa"it Remodel dated I l-13-07 with Evision dedrs l2-22-UI ad 1.14.08. These plans detail the proposed addition at the p,rivale residence at 3035 Booth Falls Road located within Section 2, Tovrnsnip S South, Rmge 80 Westin the Town ofVail, Colorado. As proposed md describedin the above reierenced drawings, the residential addition is plmned to renain entirely or$ of wetlmd areas- The piers to support the addition are located within upland aeas" If all activity remains out of astantisnea wedanas, no USACE permit will be required for the proposed remodel Quib likeln some tenporary impacts to establishpd wetlands and Wabrs ofthe U.S- will be neoessary for constrgction aosess, If tis is Ae case, a permit to authorize work will be required- Two likely p€rmits which could be applied for strch activities are Nationwide Pqmit #33, Te4orary -ConSn rtioq Access and Deunatering dNationwide Permit#zg, Reside'nlialDwelopment-s. 1ytri||ie, I hope that this will assist you in yorr devclopm.e,nt efforts. Please, feel fte€ to grt in touch wilhany questions you may have- Kind Regards, ,4-\ //r Daiva Katieb, Principal wa.ter.shed \'w6t-ar-'shed\ adj: The region above a specific point on a srream from which water drains inro th€ srream, A turning point, criticd factor, and new way of working with the environmenl Wetland Delineation 3035 Booth Falls Road Vail, Colorado Prepared for: John and Katherine Adair C/O Pure Design Studio Millie Aldrich P-O. Box 527 Wolcott, Colorado 8 I 655 Prepared by: Daiva Katieb, Principal Watershed Environmental Consultants, Inc. P.O. Box 3722 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Revised January 31,2008 Wetland Delineation 3035 Booth Falls Road Vail, Colorado Prepared for: John and Katherine Adair C/O Pure Design Studio Millie Aldrich P.O. Box 527 V/olcott, Colorado 8 I 655 Prepared by: Daiva Katieb, Principal Watershed Environmental Consultants, Inc- P.O- Box 3722 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Revised January 31,2048 L il.il. TABLE OF CONTENTS rNTRODUCTrON........-....... METHODS... DESCRIPTION OF STTJDY AREA Sotlr.........-. Vegetation..--. Hy&olog^--- RESI.JLTS..... REFERENCES APPENDICIES.................... LIST OFTABLES Tablel. Plant Species List, 3035 Booth Falls Road-.....-......-.. LIST OF FIGT]RES Figur€ l. 2. 3. 4- )- Page I I J ) 3 4 5 f 7 IV. v. vI. Page 2 8 8 9 9 l0 10 lt Page 3 Project location map.. View of spring source near ihe norfteastern property comer-... Inflow from qpring to fributary of Booth Creek on site.....-.--.. View of kibutary to Booth Creekand pond on site--.---........- View of delineabd wetlands associated with tibutary to 6- 7. 8. Booth Creek on sirc View of pond inflow and outflow View of seeps belowpond-.. View of hibutary to Booth Creek near soulhern property line.......... --. LIST OF APPENDICES AppendixA Photographsofsardysite....B. Data forms.... C. Wetlanddelineationmap.---.-..- Page 7 t2 t7 I. INTRODUCTION: John and Katherine Adair own the 0.44-acre propqty at3035 Booth Falls Road in the Vail area" located within Section 2, Tovmship 5 Soutb, Range 80 West. The site is county parcel #2lOlO23O3O01 and presently contains an existing home. The Adairs are initiating plans to redevelop the residence. Pure Desigr Studio, Ms. Milie Aldrich, P.O. Box 527, Wolco0, CO 81655 is the project architecl The project site has been evaluated for wetlands or juridictional waters of the U.S. A site visit was conducted on May th,zCf7. The prqiect is still in the planning phase; this delineation is intended to assist with the project planning. No impacts to the wetlands have been identified at this time. II. METHODS: Wetlands were evaluated by employing procedures described in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (IJSACE) Wetlands Delineation Manual (1934- A rodine on-site inspection for wetland areas less than 5 acres was conducted. Wetland boundaries were based onthe prevalence of hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils, and indicators of wetland hydrology. Section III- Description of Shrdy Area of this report records the evaluation of the vegetation, soils, and hydrolory ofthe site. Photographs of the study site are included in Appendix A. Field forms for the vegetdion, soils, and hydrologr are included in Appendix B- Table I lists fte {eminant vegetdion observed on the project site- The wetland boundaries were identified in the field with flags labeled alpha- numedcally. These flagged points were sqrveyed and a map is provided in Appendix C- I 3035 BMhFaIls Road Wetlod Delineation TOPO! map pdnt€d on 06110/07 ftorn "Undied,tpo- 106020o0" w r05"19'O0" W 106019'00'w0#trttq--J{m fta o:.-Jg-*--J@ t{tfs :1f ru&a rftl TOPO:8 a:aoj \rd.rd G..g+hi. {Rti'.i'lrlflt-tnPti-ccdtcf.j 2 3A35 Booth FaIIs Road Wetlotd Delineation Figure l. - Project location map. Itr. DESCRIPTION OF STUDY AR.EA: Climatic data for the project site was obtained at station CO2454, Eagle FAA Airport, elevation 6,500 feet, located aboui 32 mites straighrline distance west of the project site. The recorded mean annual precipitation is 10-65 inches and the mean annual temperature is 42.7e F, both valnes were averaged over 58 years of record (Western Regional Qlimete C'rlodil'zffi7). Precipitation is relatively evenly dishihted thrcughortr the year, with slightly bigher amounts occuniog in late summer and autrmn- The growing s€aso& days with the low temperafine above 32" F, is lessthan90 days The project site is at an elevation of approximately 5,617 feel Several riparian wetland areas havebeen ideirtified along a man-mads pond and an unnamed spring-fed nibutary to Booth Cree. k as it flows through the property. Soils The Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) has mt mryp€d the soils in tbe area- However, the mils observed in the field had similarproperties to the Forsey cobbly lom compler This complex is mapped etsewhere in the region with similar parcnt material' aspect and elsvation Following is a description for Forsey cobbly loam- The Forsey cobbly lom complex is adeep, well-drained soiltypically found on alluvial frns, mormtain sideq and ridger The parent mderial ofthe soil is alluvium, colluvium, and residuum derived from mixed mineralogy. The unit includes small areas of sandstme ordcrops- This soil hes a mode,rale permeability. Vepetation Mgch of the site has been cleared of native vege*ation and is landsca@ with both indigenous and omame,ntal vegetation- The landryd areas are inigated. The following table lists the dominant plant species that were observed on and near the projectarea- Table l. - Plant Species LisE 3035 Booth Falls Road Scientific Common Family Origto* Wetlandf* Name Name Status Agrostis stolanifero Redtop Alrurs ircana Aquilegia caerulea Coltlu leptoseryta Carex aqrntilis Carex garberi Coriapsis pabnate EIyrus cinereus Equisetwt lryenule Fragariavesca Poarran Mountain alder Betulaceae N FACW Coloradobtuecolumbine RammculaceaeN FACU I FACW Heracleumsphondyliwt Cowparsnip Lcucantlemum mmimum Shastadaisy tdarshmarigold Water sedge Elk sedge C.oriopsis Basinwitdrye Scouringrush horsetail Woodland strawberry Ranunculaceae N OBL Cyperaceae N OBL Cyperaceae N FACW Asteraceae I NL Poaceae N NI Equisetaceae N FACW Rosaceae N NL Apiaceae N FAC Asteracea€ I NL 3 3A35 B@thFallsRod WetIE d Delinedion Table 1. - (Continued) Scientific Name Common Family OrigInt Wetland** Name Status Ltpirus caudotun Tailcnp lupine Lysimachiarwmmularia CreepingJenny Populus angustifolia Narrowleaf cott'onwood Populus tremloides Aspen Salixmonticolo Mormtainwillow Salvis divir@rum Salvia Sclwermplectus acuttrs llardstem bulrush Tarmacumfficinale Commondandelion Thlmusgaecox Creepingthyme Yulpia octoflora Sixweeks fescue Wyethia angustifolia Mule's ear *Ori$n I Intrroduced N Native C Cultivatd *+Wetland Status NL Notlisted NI No Indicator IJPL Obligate Upland FACU Facultative Uptand FAC Facultative FACW Facultative Wet OBL Obligare Fabiaceae N NL Prinulacea€ I NI Salicaceae N FAC+ Salicaceae N FAC Salicaceae N OBL Lamiaceae C NL Cyperaceae Asteraceae Larniaceae Poaceae Asteraceae N OBL INL INL N TJPL NM Hydrolosv A perennial sping-fedtdbutary to Booth Creekand an associatedman-made pond arethe hydrologic features on the site. Only a portion of the tributary flows tbrolgh the zubject pmperty, the remainder of flow is conveyed through a ditch north of lhe propody line which is rcdirected to the west" The on-site pond is fiIled with water that is coffiolted by a hdgate off the diverted ditch of the tibutary- Flow into the tribuary on the property is further augmented by two springs originating just ofr-site near the norlteast property somer- Podions of the tibutry through the property are lined with large landscape boulders h these areas, the limits ofjurisdiction elftended to the ordinary high water mark as id€ntified by water $ains" Hydmlogic records for Booth Creek were obtained from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS') hydrographrecords for StationNumber09066200, Booth CreeknearMintrrn, C-olorado, locat€d at39"3854"latitrde,106"192l"longitudeNAD27,&.8325fwtabovesealevel. Thisgageis 4 SOS5BdrFolkRd WalodDeliaetion irrmediately upsheam of the project site above the confluence ofthe tributary which flows through the subject property. This gaged data provides the best available information about ttp steaur flows of Booth Creek near the site. Booth Creek drains a watershed of approximately 6-O2 square miles above the gaged location The gage has been in operation from l96t to 2fi)6, providing us with 43 years of record. The hydrology of the Booth Creek is dominated by fhe annual cycle of snowmelt nrnoff. Peak stremflow resulting from snowmelt occurs in lvlan June, or July each year, followed by lowest flows throughout the fall and winter months. Average annual shearnflow of Booth Creek at the gage location is I 1.9 cubic feet per second ('cfs'). The highest mean montlly sfreamflow recorded at this location was 123.4 cfs in June 1982- IV. RESIILTS: Riparian wetlands associated with an unnamed tibutary to Booth Creek, otber tributary sprinBs, and a man-made pond were identified on the 1xoject site. This a(qa \ms flagged in fte field and labeled ly: Al to A28, Bl to B45, and Cl to Cl I defines the upland island within fte tibutary. All aspects of wetlands, hydrophytic veget*io4 hydric soils, atrd indicators of wetland hydmlogr, were evidenced at tre established aleas- In locatiom impacted by the creek-side landscape boulders, the limits ofjurisdiction lnere established at the ordinary high- water mark as evidenced by discoloration on the boulders The approximate area of identffied wetlands on the properly is 3,780 squarefeet or 0.087 acres measured between the established wstland boundries. A domestic remodel is plamed for the property; howwer, the project is still being planned- This wetland delineation will assist with the desip of the projecl The impacts to jurisdictional wstlands have notyetbeen identified; therefole, noUSACEpermit isbeingpunued atpresent ssl rhis wetland delineation has rnof been forwaded to the USACE for verification V. REXTRENCES: Ree4 B.R 198E. National List of plant Species that occur in wetlmds; Colorado- U.S- Fish and Wildlife Service. SL Petersburg, FL- Strbbendiech I -,Hfrch, S-L., Butterfield, C-H- 1997 . North American Range Plants, Fifth Edition The University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, Nebraska U.S. Army Corps ef Fngineers - l9W- 'Wetlands Delineation lvfmual, Technical report Y-87-1. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wderways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS. USEA, NRCS 2007. The PLANTS Database @. National Plants Dafa Cent€r, Bafion Rouge, Iouisiana 70874 '1490 USA. 5 3035 tuthFdlts Road Wetland Delineation U$DA,NRCS 2000. Hydric Soils of the United Stst€s f!&://www-statlab.iastate.edu/soildhydricD. Iowa Stre University Statistical I^furatory ttSDA USGS 2fin. Srrhce WderdataftrUSA: I{onttly Stcapflow Sttis*ics r (htF://waterdata.usgs.eov/nwiVmmthly). Reston,VAz0IgZ. West€m kgional Climate Center 2007. (g/undasc.dd'edu). 2215 Raggio Parhray R€no, Nevada E9512. 6fi3sMtF&nN VtudDdtuwiln APPENDIXA Photographs of Study Site 1 i0i5 BoothFaIk Road Wetland Delineation Figure 2. - View of spring source near the northeastern property comer. Figure 3. - Inflow from spring to tributary of Booth Creek on site. 8 3035 Booth Falls Road Wetland Delineation Figure 4. - View of tributary to Booth Creek and pond on site. figure S. - Vi.w of Uefioeatea wettanas associated with tributary to Booth Creek on site. 9 i035 Booth Falls Road Wetland Delineation Figure 6. - View of pond inflow and outflow. l0 3035 Book Fails Road Wetland Delineuion Figure 7. - View of seeps below pond. ,:f;i"-,j 1-. :'!l-'| I, Figure'8. - View oftribntaty to Booth Creek near southern property line' ll 3035 BoortFails Road Wetland Delineation DATAFOil ROUIIC WETLAMT T'ETERUN'\TION (1987 6E Wedads Ddfcation Mafin0 moiarsner 3o35l9b/{ .44//4 f)e/ Applcafi/Ovtry lrrnst@bn JZ tb lSrnd qrcffiEtarces q*x on tte sib? lstE €its sigdncardy defirbed (At**:al Siltafimp ls tle ata a pcerffd Probbrn Ara? flf meded. offiionr6Yss-) @wYes <!EAY*& Oormrity lD: Transect lt} Ph lt} ECETATPlI Mlo-['|ft!f[-llcrb fttuUltrZ ogl df,iiirfr;rtiffi:i& snfrxn !d$t- e. eK,r4/,r@ MolDcfrrr Sp.cbornd rao4- FgV a FrCadf!FtAn-% ffi: TIYffi)LOGY WelFtd t{y(iolory h(lcdb|s: Ahfyt**rB: -.-rltr$id/ snrrdh tb€r 12h.fi6 -wsFi/E|(6 -D.lllrc -Sefiisdoso*.llOnfrqa Pans h Werarrb SForgyffis ed,mtbtq|lodF -dtd RdqsrErs h LFF8 tZ hdB _w.E-$*dl-6J6 - Raddld Dd{Dsec|te h Eamsteh -Stsn l.dl.. orT*Oeugs _mmgrdB -O{r_tb R€dd.d O.f. Ait e Fb6Ob|\&rs: O€drdSrbWah t}€6bF6.W8FhPt ooprh b sahra!€d €d B2 &orrh B Efl|kdEE rpb o.bturns faip t,tf ibr€ €r,b.rrdPiEF FirE Oocotve.t Corfim lbFpod TYPo? Yoc to t|[t!oo- {rrn d rH} arr'n drHl SbdAqdcgg fFSolhffita - teio.d -E*Fbodon-gftOdo.-Z lqdc fetllra Regrm - R.drclro CondfbsZ Gb!|td alrFohromacobds - Coarrttb|E I|Ih Orlutb Cd{ad h 9rfibe I'ryar i Sendy Sda -oilr&sereh s.n4soaE -llrbdcr l-oodfFa S* fir| -t"b6don t6||o.dIF6DSl-hi -dtr(Ed*rh 'bm!*8),;;;6r// n,/ /s liqar /* fi oa/' W i,aur, leehi s?t!'-uP ewnt WEII.ATTID TIETEMINATIOil lFrdbtttlUSrcE3|P lf€o& S Har*axl Estrdo Oda Fdms 83 OATAFOil R'UTIIE ffi TIIT{D TETENilHATION (1987 @E Wdads D€ftealion ilafln0 noFcuSne: ApplcantlOrrer: Intesfipbc ./-/1DolbrrdcrumstarceeoGtontresfte? q9'/ ryg, latlr r$te s(y$cardy defirtect tAttpical Sftrdior|? yes 4$\lstearaapefinl ProbbnArca? V* f,) {tf rre&d, €l@fui m ret SgJ- Corrnrty lD: Transect lt} Ptot lD: Z PqllnldDafia'|| $.cbslr.rr.OE[.. F€lf a FIC ra'zt* //au7/L/ea *frtt/t Gm dXB L./ ,l ,ere&,til// ftt|:/rz€ . }IYIK'LOGV -FocuddD&(Dcc{5eh Remer6}: I Wdffitti|d'dagyhdcab.8: -S-tE||,l-d€,cIbOi4B I emrYfeor: -r.flHrobgrTar | -frrlrb.|Ofrr | -S*f|dau h llFor 12 h{tr65 NoF@rtsd Dsi.Arelsb | -Wda.f,bb -fa|lB Fl€H ObcsatEthrB:-S.ffiD€9dts-fHrqpPat!{||g||WffiS@offyffi ed|notElq&sdtr ns6dg{rbgag=-fdl-OttA3ooi6ffiht5o..lzhdrcI -ws-$ahaL6r8Dogh b Fr€e wdb. h fir - (|tu) -Locd Eof &n|€y Dda -FettddTesl-O{rr (EOgthFit|ed.s)Ir6df b sdhrds.t soa |{ nl 82 lfd* B Hrctd EanpsDsrr tu.lrc APPENDD(C Wetland delineation map t7 3035 Booth Falls Road Vetland Delineation Attachment D ffiH$li H $ II dH I ! I III I It i'fiE* -1 .---.--.- 'sEtfttF I I I I I ) tiTIEI i a a I \..l I I tII I po bcn 527 wdclo (DAl6a a\ o€rro Pral - r.FPEh rEvEL\-., Ei 8! Ei 3' $i 8i 8'; luoo E^; flEE FE. tr, H3;Bo o^Tlt 7.Lt1 a Evt a tol|l: DEMO PII!.I--UFFEF D102 a\ EIii rl fi\: ,l\ 'Iji ,I 9rti E3 i! .N i!lt 'Iti\: ElflHtEll .i " lll::. : il 8 i rll tl ADAIR REMODEL 3G'5 BOOTII FAUS MAD VAII- @LORADO ll* :IJ 8r --\-----i \:t!i iil;!iii ! I; l: Fc'a I I .n$ t-,Y .t- IB ti, to to l" I I I ro"Sf;'u*" I I:E l' I I) I I lililflfiE ;;iffi*a 1gffi tru 18 a r > t:3 < r o:dl= EEari:HIF EiEii ii, iil= bii' i e': ADAIR REMODEL 3035 BOOIH FA|..|a ROAD oo .J oo bol( 527$r*on co al6-f I ii I li I 1r I I ^ \' ,,.',1. eatt - -' ulrrtt'|E H|GH HAZARD n6dr- . OEBRIS !'LOW AREA I vt't_t'l ol tI Pl.to .";tr, I'fztlN:'r...,,1, ;-;\'rj'iF'/..1,r.\:-| , "".'l l!\rt:\ | --'-1-_:_-:-> ,-\ grrE FouNDATKttt Pt ANt,-----]=E-- o 3 ; o J uloo 3" ul E:n EEE B;I o , SITE PI.ANI ro-l 6lfldti : A002 ,{\(51){if'+ o]u ADAIR REMODEL 3(B5 BOOTH FAI,I-9 ROAD vA - @loB^Do /N\-.u' Po !..( sgt lvDtcrlt co 91867 P 9m!m.122 t tt0.923€Ot6 (-) TIErtd II: E I I I I i "".ri li I - 19, B:gii; ,i l\Jl"sisn lstudioO' le ! f;-:=i $r'u EoorH FAtls R.AD i, I | ,o *, * lobor co ar6s?B ! 5 Fi vNl- @LoRADo ;i lure | eemtn.rm ,c7o.eEi.p?a l\)o ADAIRB.EMODEL 3035 BOOTH FATLS RON) vA - COLOFADO I H EF + I flE =lE+EE+ I IE IE+ I 3E rF + po bor 5Zt volcolt co 8lef, F9m3m.12 I g7O.92E g(Ira ll l?l SOUTH ADDMON .Gn€ 'tEft IMPACI tO SOUTHEniI f€lGHBOn .GNE TER II'PACT 'O TYEILIIIO5 SOUTH ADDIr|,AN .gnEAfth ,tfiP|ct To $ourflfnl, titEloHEon .afrmtE, luPACl TO WF tlr{Ds -REOUIRfS FfT'OW C i'A'URE FYEICREET8 WSST ADDTIOil 'GnEATER i,lP Cl TO wETLAflos .FUIICNONAL FLA$'s }IORTH ADDITION 'LS$l riiPAcT YO llElcHlBOnS .LOg IMPA6I fO SnE LAiIDSCPIII{G AND iIATURAL WEILATD 5 -FuLFrLls FU|ICnONAL n€QUmEnE ffs .N€OUIRES R€T,|OVIIIG AruRE EVInCREENS no !.r( l4t*orco! oo!tt65 |3t?:j)t:)2!) tsem 9$.,0?l tintqatt{.d"qn'ndd clnl AOAIR REMODET Peco2.22.O8ssign sturjio ,/ WESTELAiANON "* # -t,,,"-'- L --"-- €ASrElgvAnoi, SITE PI.AN. ;l sr0n st|.lat{o pr bor SlT!'eFon dlltg! c,.ata ir?:,:l;r tu r?!.923 tott td i:ffi:"::fi'"[;*"ljll ?lll'l''io'i'ii; #ilil""i;;#";i]";t""ii"*i;; o"*rq il\tx .4> *itnin t6"'fo*n's right-of-way to facilitate construction of an addition, located at 3035- V il;il ;;-u" Roart/l ot 12- Btock 1. VailVillaoe Filinq 13. and setting forth details in regard \within the Town's right-of-way to facilitate construction of an addition, 19919d. at 3035 ,, i"r{ Booth Falls Road/LoI 1 2, Bloik 1 , Vail Village Filing 13, and setting forth details in regard \ I d \ thereto. (PECO8O002) '\ Attachment E THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 12'3'6, Vail Town Code, on February 11, 2008, at 1 :00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building' in consideration of: Report to the planning and Environmental Commission of an administrative action apiroving a request for-a minor amendment to SDD No' 22, Grand Traverse, pursuant to'section 12-gA-10, Amendment Procedures, Vail Town Code, modifying the at!ow9!t9 roofing types for the District, located at 1402-1428 Moraine Drive and 1450' '1500' 1550' 1600,- i6s0, 1700, 175d, 1800, 1850 Lions Ridge Loop 9nd /Lots 1-24, Oiupninaisnvtoseley Subdivision Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto' (PEC080001) Applicant Pat Dauphinais, President of Grand Traverse H'O'A' Planner: Rachel Friede A request for a final review of a variance from Section 12-6C-5, Setbacks, and Sub- Section 1+3-2F, Other Requirements, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17'\,) thereto. (PEC080002) Applicant: Planner: John and Katherine Adair, represented by Pure Design Studio BillGibson NV The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South frontige Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the_site visits that preced-e the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department' Please call 970479-2138 for: additional information- Sign language interpretation is available upon request, with 24-hour.notification' Please ca! gzo+zg-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information' Published January 25, 2008, in the Vail Daily. Coneptual Rerrisy Applicdion fior tre$gn Decar3$t tf C*rrifitr. E *trrD F trtdQt R{ari Yat, ({t*)rafr i('1. 9lQ.d19.l:2s'ar- 3?3..r"-s. Gqrcral Iilorrrretfurr ',ttt{ at $5.-r.a'-iqr.. (rr:l a. sforscts r€qLr: nJ ces€n .:fle$ rlJl f*€:E tprfar,rix ir:.r E .*,-u1tg$E a IrEb s the *tfr nd r€f,umfr**:s for r-e g3rto{e aFFrtrtat- +e,,s ,equdea. cdnf-€t it acc€iftc:.r.r-:i d.. :QcLls€ iaffir.gco,5 n(Ket,tc 5f, :"€ ccnrlnLB?f rEF. $.rs.sFtoltrt "lgr' €w'}(rs !) Lt r$rL'rJed Sy ire Tgrr. Crrdl iilrtlcr ::t P€rTj.g dE! *rrEgEF{a.tat Carnff.rj},s.t-oedgn cricw rprorrd lep*a rnhs r hflfin F nft b isucd ana rigrrrsorr (or$ElnGrrl *i0inolrrryaar of ltrc +p.s{Nl. D€scttptioo of thc Rqrnct .l-l lvooaoo \(t GEiI VE nl: 43ir:frl'1. 2EE5e tocettondt&Propo*t tou !|_ Socr:5 Subdlvrson:-_ Vait Ylilage 13tr Filing_ - firficdld*c**flXt5Booft klls Rod ParFcl llo.: *elgU2aSgSSL icoutad E gh co- tss€s$or dr gro-32g.{t&lt} br trdrcet no.) Zoodr€E lrame{r} d (rtmcr(*l: .lSIn-* !$hgrne!dg___. Haihpld*e+r: orrrtct(cl Slgmtrc{c)! llam of Aplicane tlailirqt tddrcce;PO Bo( 527 co81655 E-mril lddrlse ; - -$l ["9-@_.qg3ggq;gl*9_{o-=g1.- PInrE: 970J70-l2a) Fax: 97Il-926.9t17A t50 g,.,r $ l.C0 F -..cretE Frst 0 t$tt srr-. fer. rio Fee 5€*) itr ccnEtrL{iry. c.r n r:E$r bJ;llrnE ry Grn"Jr€h,rlc-tl00 icr adi*Fn ifrae ilirae nmb!+ 15 aed ta att', f€rre(|$at s csnr€f€rla lijtlong ft:dlbs igc rddbo.a g :{Ens cara,e.Sccs}.t15$ ioa n::;E chat€E3 to '.*"*nr:tg arrt gie ;rEr9r€r,n€n:s. su:h !s, .e .<ffnt. !-d[rtino. w rrJaa altd trr E, id'*ic4tfyi. fsrre: a:J rcr.drttlq ry{|:ti glc slc fu tlr.ltr ci*rlfs !$ $iI:*nis af, Site rslgfrr€trl€nrs. *rn i5" r'g'ioonrTr, pd|bn0. r$ ntur, adtl.lfnr, ia.,Jgcao.g, tgliet a_+d rEa.dntng {i.di5 g|f 3;0 fsr i&Es:orE tc dans dlreddf acFrs{ej by t1r'::-{j'rc Ste{f r the $€srgn Rc..:en 8ftIC- !r o itB Typ€ ot Rflaeryrnd Fecl i-. s?15 I Ccnceptuo Perrcrt :, e$ {$lst:uEtcn il Alr:o-' n lincr A*€ad5cc (nult'fcn] . Y.i1$r * nL- dlitll :. ivinq An€'e?ifx! (inoe-16o1t,'o n*r, l"; Crn -:Ees l,c *Aprc!.€g Ftrirs i: sct)drdt$'l [rtui.]l Fae Pd,d: _,._ --:_. CtrJ( LlO,: fuo8- oo/o I tr Rezoning $1300tr Major Subdivision $1500tr Minor Subdivision $650tr Exemption Plat $650tr MinorAmendmenttoan sDD $1000tr New Special Development District $6000tr MaJorAmendmenttoanSDD $6000B MajorAmendmenttoanSDD $1250 (no exteiar modifrations) tr Conditional Use Permit $650E Floodplain Modification $400D Minor Exterior Alteration $650tr Major Exterior Alteration $800tr Development Plan $1500tr Amendmentto a Development Plan $250tr Zoning CodeAmendment $1300 I Variance $500tr Sign Variance $200 @neral Information: All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Planning and Environmental Commis'on review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Departmert. The project may also need to b€ reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. Type ofApplicaUon and Fee: Variance Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development 75 Sou$ Frontage Road, Vail, Colondo 81657 tE* 970.479.2L28 faxl. 970.479.2452 web: www,\,"ailgov.com ---\-v rl Ir.oIooo N DescrlpuonoftheReque$: 3rf lu{D T'IJNT #rFAC4 VAfuAIJCF jTlo,rrre orl arrE VA0rl+ff Physicaf Address: 3Da( trml fpt U 7n ^ parcef No.: AOIDZSDSOO | (contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-86210 for parcel no.) Zoning: 'fi*rtr :fifu'arr-Y &G RFsrmrrrlllL b<$r-rc;r Name(s) of Owner(s)l Mailing Address; Phone: Owner(s) Sagnature(sI Name of Applicant: utbtLocation of the Proposal:Bbck: I Subdivision: *'t*:|*+**+*+'t*'I** * * * + * t * * ** * * * ** **++*** {' * {' * '} t' * + + ** *****'t*tt**'t*,it'r**f ***'*'*****'***+**'}'+'t!**+*+** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement{'*l'*+++***{'!*:****'}**********,*!********'t *{.'}*'}+******'N.{.*'}***********f+++***+**f++*******++++**** statement Number: R080000052 Amount: $500.00 07/74/2oo8o1 :19 pM Payment. Method: check ADAIR Init : iIS Notation3 2039IKATHERINa Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : IJocat ion I fhis Payment: P8C080002 Tl|tr)e: PEC - Variance 2101-023-0300-1 3 O 3 5 BOOTH FAIJJS RD VAIIJ 3035 BOOTH FAITIJS RD ToEal Fees: TOtA] AIJL PMt6: BaLance: Descr ipt ion $s00.00 $soo. oo $0. oo $s00. oo ******+**********:****************i*******r.********{.t f**+**********+++******+*++*****t'*++**** ACCOI,]NT ITEMLIST: Account Code Current Pmts PV 00100003112500 PEC APPLICATION FEES 500.00 Application for a Variance Su bmittal Requ irements GENERAL I]{FOR}IATION Variances may be grdnted in order to prevent or to lessen such practical difficulties and unnecessary physical hardships as would result ftorn the stict interpretation and/or enfurcement of the zonirE regulations inconsistent with tfie development objectives of the Town of vail. A practiGl diffioity or unnecessary physical hardship may resuft from the size, *rape, or dimensions of a site or the locauon of existing structures thereon; from topographic or physical mndiuons on the site or in the immediate viclnity; or from other phygcal limitations, street locations or conditions in the immediate vicinity. Co6t or inconvenience to the applicant of strict or literal compllance with a regulation shall not be a reason for granting a variance, I. SI'BI{ITTAL R,E(ruIREMENTS ts ree $SoO.o0 Stamp€d, arddnsSerl erwelopes and a list of the property owneF adtacent to tfie subject property, including properties behind and across stre€b. The list of property olvners shall indude tie owners'name(s), conespondlng mailing address, and the physical address and legal descripuon of the property owned by each. The applicant is responsible for conect names and mailing address€s. This information is available from the Eagle County Asseso/s ofiice. Titl€ Report, including SdEdules A & B E b tV*\ wrftter approval from a condominium associauon, landlord, and Jolnt owner, if applicable. A written descripuon of ule nature of th€ variance r€qu€sed and the specific r€gulatlon(s) involve4 induding an splanation of why the varlance is required and rvhy the strict or libral inbrpretation of the specific regulation(s) would result in a physical hardship or practical difficulty. A writEr statement addr€ssing Ure following:a. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity.b. The degree to whicfi relief from the stict or literal interpretation and enforoement of a specified regulation is necessary to achie\€ compafttlity and uniformity of treatnent among dtes in the vidnity or to attaln the objectives of this tifle without grant of special fivilege.c The effect of the variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation, mffic faciliues, Lrtilities, and public safety.d. How the request complies with adopted Town of Vail planning policies and development objectives. Stamped Topographic Survey (Four completE sets of plans). ExisUng and Propo8ed SIte and Gradlng Plans (Four complete s€ts of plans). Existing and PropGed Arrhit€ctural Elevations (Four complete 3€'ts of plans). Existing and Proposed Architechrral Floor Plans (Four complete sets of plans). All plans must also be submitted in 8.5" x 11' r€duc€d furmat. These are required for the Planning and Environmental Commission members' information oackets. Addiuonal llaErial: The Adminisfrabr and/or PEC may require the submbgion of additional dan+ drawings, speciflcauons, samdes and other materials if deemed necessary to properly evaluate the propo$l. I have read and understand tlre above listed submittal requlrements: Project Name: Applicant Signature: Datesisned: l- l1- ft \D -q ! \ .Ir s EI F:\cdev\FoRMS\Permits\Planning\PECWariance.doc Page 3 of 6 'v4to6 U. DETAILEDSUBMITTALREOUIREMENTS Topographic suryey:tr Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyorO Date of surueytr North anow and graphic bar scales Scale of 1"=10'or 1"=20)o Legal description and physical addresso Lot size and buildable area (buildable area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40ol0, and floodplain) o Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the surveyo Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Dlstances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show o<isting pins or monumenb found and their relationship to !.. the established orner.o Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information. 1r o Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report. List any easement restrictions.a Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the street frontage of the property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot. ro Topographic conditions at two foot contour interualso Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above gmde. o Rock outcroppings and other significant nafural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.).o All existing improvements (induding foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.). . o Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils)D Watercourse setback, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback)o Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact locaUon of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to includel Cable TV SewerTelephone Watero Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc.a Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum , . of 250'in either direction from property. ,, Sate and Grading Plan: $ 1ff.il,ff'3".LH','k iJ Existing and proposed easements i E Existing and proposed grades\o Existing and proposed layout of buildlngs and other structures including decks, patios, fences and. walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line.\ All proposed roof ridge llnes with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height. \ Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the propefty line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway'to aieurbtdly reflect gradet. i *F 'o \E \ A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uphill Proposed surface drainage on and off-site. Location of landscaped areas. Location of limits of disturbance fencing Gas Electric direction. Locations of all structures. utilities including existing sources and proposed service lineg from sources to the Flcdev\FORMS\P€rmlts\Planning\PECVariance.doc Page 4 of 6 1t4to6 3035 Booth Falls Rd Adjacent Prooertv Owners: Northern Neiohbor: United States of America PO Box 25127 Lakewood, CO 80225 Legal Description: Sect, Twn, Rng: -3-81, Rng: -4-81, Rng: -4-80, Rng: -4-79, Rng: -5-79, Rng: -5-80, Rng: -5-81, Rng: -3-80 Desc: All Eastern Neiqhbor: Booth Falls Mountain Homes, Home Owners Association c/o Susan Fritz PO Box 3592 Vail, CO 81658 Legal Description: Condos R732248 Dec 06-15-00 R831325 Dec 0425-03 R889727 Dec 09-0L-04 Southeast Neiqhbor: Booth Falls Founders, LLC 1600 Broadway Ste 1400 Denver, CO 80202 Legal Description: Sub: W Filing 12 Blk: 2 Lot: 10 BK-0225 PG-0668 BK-0474 PG-0977 QCD LL-09-87 BK-0600 PG0480 QCD 01-01-93 Southern Neiohbor: Katz, Martin J. - Cann, Margaret K, Attn: Mary Ann Golay 999 18 St 32r.0 Denver, CO 80202 Legal Description: ALTA OWNEn's K)Ltgr - lulT_y2 POI.ICY OF TITII INSURANCE ISSI,.|ED BY sTEW_ART TrTLEGUARANTY COUPIT*Y' ST'B'ECTlOTTIE EKCLUSIONSFROI{COVERAGE'THE E)(CEPTIONSFROMCOVERAGECONTAINEDffiHff- *S',T^P9 ar*o srrpininoNs,'!ffiv;Ri -riirr ciuARANry G)MpANy, aH.ffi^* gg1y:'. : to**"; ;-;,;;-d#'# #ffiTffiffi ,iH6i cntndiqg tbo Amrm of Innrrre ;*j i" s*.an,t TcG.d -' inc'rred r, tffi iffil. Tifle to the esa.te or interest describod in Scbedrlo A hing velfed ottcr t_ "" "t"tud tu*io;2. Ary deftct in or lieo or drmcc o the titto;e. UmrtelOitity of rte title;.f. Le* of a right of access to d ftoo ee tand. Tte coryrny wix also poy the cods' tfiorrF fter od oxpens insrrred in defme of ahe title, acinsrrcd, butoly!o tb crhr provfoled in the Coditims uO Stipmm.lNwlmfBssWHEREoF, $unrdrrdoc;rtryc.tp-y-t-".,r*a ti6potrcy tobc dFeded nledbyiteduly autorird offiqs ss of the Date of policy Soui in Scte&rb A. STEWART TITLE GUAINITY@I|PAIIY Euir:r of tirc ffi*ff*r:g#*3:rcr* cqpyw'r n pry rE or.r.,,,"sc,coss, l- (.) Ary h*, ordbrrc s ovcmcirrl qCrior (i*htb3 brr a,rld b bcndbt .d ?:oi9! hr8, otrlbrc, or regdjbrs)*=-gg ptouiirg - "cra3 6 raGffii. rE, artryEror c-u; G) rb cf,rrcr. rr--b-- or rosainq !t rFE- rf, c ic:&_crd.a c rb h4-(6 r ;rrn i'"fic*i 15'. Efor i t dhdor or rce of rb raod mqt prad rf frilbHi.or wrt:g c ft) cn;iiiriJl Fo..d;E.tt;6 vbrrb of rlcrc Lr5, ordins or!o'rG.rrc-Jr*ciir,crccc.otlc -r'tctr'r'uicc.fr.;f.iF;;;;;:#;i.^tfgl.rh;;ffi;;"&.g&r r rilrirc {-ra via.i|r.dbcis t t-a h. b-r-d.d iabt-Ec tq.d. r.fu.of |uir_oD rry prucrr r|bc? -rc- n i*r{ t o}J[*rr.s deaor . ri*.r rb crccb rlccgf,n. r jios of rffi - d-; nJiq ior r rilt-r :iiJ ;air *cti a rl iI'L csdat r rrs p-$c randc r hut alF of -rr .b -cr_ EiE of tb .rEt[i3 rH =F rqdod iL d:c rtu* rhc ofhlierr. blrc;tft:tr q' r"ric rfin h' "*-d p.h bEb*nrq *.r ur t"A& - r rtr. ci;;=:ii,* f- O*c. Ft" a=*rs. dus:chb adkrncr=t|, cErs!, -Ertldr d a qrcod b t, tb Lrldd.-(b) - krEr b |} corr- a rsu-i rb r-a- rrod r n etrry. lr h,l - rL -Ea ft d d darocd h-ii3 n re fucr tr rL ii-"r "h -i- G-EE i=r ----r-- - -!i - 5 -.--{erdl! - D rce *== :L -itfu - - !11 =F.c-sr{cd-dr+!! b b of, Rti(r: o. tgaffi t * r h'-nrn wdd ai;ilu- e rrb Ld tu hd na *a br rb -rs c trnlr{' rg'r'a' 15"1 ri-r er of,rlc u-hr Ell i-tcr-arbrr*r ltrrr -dg, rliFf,.y, !r r-. ofrlcdff:q,.r.infir.r,;itr;;E;.ff-u6ri!rrdoa: l ;r=:= ==== =z------t-t.q GE.tuEr 6 -GrEGGc'--{.- rr-kcrEr-r b ft rr,"= ^ '.-J: -=!=.11 r;1-l. p-a- *- -o"p --.E F-r-d*ffi f#5ff.- tut'd ffi -ffi'=ffi,tr ffi CONDIIOFS AF{D SMUI,ATIOT{S .T. DAFINITIONOTTENT6. The followiag terru tptto rncd in this policy mc!s: (r) 'i!3ured': 6€ inrulEd nrm€d h Sch.d||b A, rn4 nijoa O rny rigtB or d..&a$. the Coqrny rouu hrw hed e8Fifit the nrmed imured, tlosc u,bo succeed b rtc inHoct of tho nencd iuurod by opcntim of hw ar di*inguirhed &rom prchr:c ittc.hding, btd not limitcd to, bein, digtributeos, devisccc, owivorr, penornt regcscafd'vcl, ncxt of tin, or corporue or fidwirry ruoqcs!.trc. @) 'inrured clainrnt': an inrured chimfug brr or drnrgc. (c) 'lnowledgc' or 'Lnorrn': acturl krrcwlodge, not concroctiyc tnowbdgp or ncticc wfiirilr mry bc impu€d to |tr iEut€d by rearor of the publb records as defioed h this policy or rny otbcr rtcordr rvtich i4ut coortnrctiw notice of matcn rftcting thc h[d. (d) "bnd': thc hd dcccribcd m rcfrrrsd !o in Schedrb A, raa iryovcnco rffxod thcrao nfri:h by hw ooutiulc rcal propcrty. The t€rtrr 'lrurd' doca aot fuc.ludc any property bqord rlrc lis of thc aree d*rfred or rE&f,r€d to in Schcdub A, mr aay right' titb, irfirrcst, estate or €sscmeot in abdlitrg succtr, roadr, rveouec, dbys, bnf., ylayr or *rferrnF, but aothing hcrcia rhall modify or liml 0re Gfir€ot to v,hfttr a right of rocesr u lld fion t[p Lnd b hrurod by thir policy. (e) 'mo4gage": mortgege, dccd of trust, tn|d d€ed, or otbcf, rccurity inrtruneot. ($ 'publh rccords': rccordr c*ablirbed undcf, $rtc $rntc. d lhfc of hlicy br ltc purpore of imFdng coo*nrctive noticc of meucrr rdating b rcal propcrty to prcnarerl for vrlue eld rliborr btrbdga With rcrylct to Sqfim f (d (iv) of the Exotnimr Fron Covcragc., "public records- shrlt dso iocludc eovlmnmenlrl protcrtion linr 6bd in tbc roordg of the chrt of thc Ulitcd $rt€t dittrb court for tbc diltrict i'| whicfi the lmd is locrtcd, G) 'unorrtcamfy of the titb": ro rll4oit or applrcc mlficr rftdhg thc trG lo |tc lrod, mi crcfuded or exccalad tom ooveregc, wtrich qnuld erfittc e purcharer of the crterc or inele* dccoribcd in Schcdub A tr bc rclearcd from the obligltiod to Purchtt€ by vimr of o contrechral condition rcqufuing the delivcry of nnrftarblo &le. 2. CONTINUAIIOT{ OF INS{,NANCE ArtEN COIWEYANCE OT T|Tl,8. Tlre coveragc ofthis polby shdl continuo in force ar of Date of Foti;y in hvor of eo insured only so long tc thc insurad rctri$ rn cstate or intcrEst in thc hnd, or hoUr sn indebtodocsr securtd by a purchare rntrey mofgrgc giveo by a purchr*er fum the insurtd' or only so long as the insured shrll bave lirbility by rtarcn of covcnrd of r*rrnr*y mrdc by the iruurcd in any EnEfcr or conveyrtce of the cstate or intele*r This policy chtll not coatinue in force in frvor of rny purcha*r from the insutd of cither (i) rn esteb or interest in the hnd, or (ii) rn indebtedocss secured by a purchare r|onGy mortgrgc givsr to the inrurcd. 3. NOTICE OF CI"AIM T{) BE GIVEN BY INSITJXED CTAIMA}IT. The insurEd shrll notif thc Compaoy prompty h writing (i) in cerc of eny litigrri<x ar s€t fodh in Section 4(r) bclow, (ii) in carc tnordedgc rhall 6me to ro iDurEd hercundcr of rny chim of &b or idcneat ntbh ir advcr* to the title to Olc G.ldt ot intcrest, as inrured, and $,hiih migbt cause lorr or damage. frrr sribh tbe Coopay mry bc lirbb by virtue of thir policy, or fii) if ftbto lhe estrtt or interest, as insured, ir rejected as unmlrteieble. tf pmmpt noticc rb.Il not bc giv€tr to tho Company, drcn a! to the insured all liability of the Coapuy chdl terminare with regard to ttc rmfier or rnrltr.r fur ufibh promp notice ir required; provided, hovevcr' that failure to notit the Conpany rhsll in no cue prejdbc thc riglrtr of my inrurcd utr&r thir poliey rmbss the Coqray shdl bc Pqiudic€d by tho failure and thcu only to the extcnt ofthe prejudice. r- DEFENSa AND PROSECUTION OF ACTTONS; DUTY OF lNSt tED CLATMANT m COOPERATE. (a) Uponurinen request by thc insured rnd sr$jrd to the optinc cof,adncd in Scctin 6 of the.e Conditbns aod $ip{atbnr, Se Company, at its own cost and wi0put unrcasonobb dclay, shall providc frr rto dcfcnre of an insut€d in titigrtion in rrtich my third porty rsrerts r claim adverse to tbe tith or iatqest ar inrurcd, but oDly u to thore Satod causcs of action albging a defect, lieo or cncumbrance or odrcr rnalter insured agrinst by thir policy, Tbc CoAray futt trrc lte right o telcd counlel of itr chobc (cubi$ 10 6c right of rhe iaswed to objcct for r€asoflrbb cNusc) to r€p{€r.ot thc iruured u to thorc rtaed ceuses of action otd shal not be liabl'e for and will not pey the fces of any ottcr counset. The Compcny will not Fy rny fter, cortr or crpenser incurred by thc insured in the defence of thosc csus€s of action vftich allcp ror'tterc not inrurEd lgrinrt by rhir polisy. (b) The Conpany shell have thc right, at itr or}[ cost, b in*inrc rnd prorecrlc eny ection or procecding or to do any other act wttich in itr opinioa rnay be necessary or doeirabb lo €Ntiblish the tittc !o thc €*t lc or irnercd, as inrured, or to prcrrult or rcdIcc losr or damage to the insur€d. The Company mry take any rppropriale rction rmdcr tte tcrmr of thir policy, whelher or not it sball be liable llc E.|r'rder, and ghall not tbercby concede liability or rraive rny provision of thir poticy, lf tlre Company rhdl exercire itr rights un&r thic peragraph, it sball do so diligedy. (c) Whenever the Compony shrll havc brought an rtion or fu*crpoccd a &fuuc rc requit€d or pcrmiEed by thc provirionr of thir policy, the Company msy pursue rny litigation !o 6n l d€{cmidtion by e court of compctetrt jurisdiction urd exprcssly resewcs the right' in ie sob dilcrttion, to oppcal &rom ray adverrcjudgn€d or order. (O In all cascs where this policy permits or ftquircs thc Company 3o pros@|'e or provlb for the dcfcnrc of my action or procco* ing, rhe insured *hall s€oureto the Company thc right to so proracut€ or providc dcf€ruc in the at{bn or proceeding, ard all appeek th91Gin, rd pe*mit the Conrpany lo uso, rt its option, the nrDe of thc iruunod for this purpore. Whocyer cquestcd by thc Conplny, the insur€d, at thc componyrr exp€nse, shall give the company att re$onabtro aid ti) in eny aabn or proceeding, tccurint cvidettcc, otrrinlng witnesrcs, pmsocrting or &fending the aetir:n or pmceeding, or eff€ding rc{thrcnt, end (ii} in any other hr'fuI rct cttifi in the opinion of fhe Corycny may bc neceirry or deeirablc to establirh thc trb !o fu cdelc or intcrert sr iasutcd. tf tbe Coryoay ir pr{udiecd by tbc faiturc of the insurcd to frrmish thc rcquircd coopcrarion, thc Corryeny'r obligEtionr to tha inrurcd rurdcr tho policy *hall tedninatc' inoludiag eny liability or obligation !o dcf€od, prosooutE. or o(mtinut tnt litigttion, with regard to thc mslt8f, or mrttcr8 requiring such cooecrttion. , i{;rlovu&.,s noucr rcEBD(IIB A Order llwfutz: g6ot367s-e3 MofPolicy: Dee6[,!F,r a3, tg95 ax gslg / -l,. 'ltrcwt $hawne: $ sgo.ooo.oo Poliq l,lo- : o-s7or-t e664 I. I,Iottc of btured: t*n ,n',o*, xrl'"E*rx' o. tDrr&,, ro*r r. crrnRrrr and eERxs'opEBE r- @ARR w 2. TIE ewe q imcrelr tn flE M vlddt b M b, fu pliq ts: FEB AIEPI8 J. Tfrle to the estae or imerest i4 t tc lM iE uestd tn: ;rNn ,DIIR. XAtgBRIfrE D. l'[r|.I;n. mlr rl. (3/|r0L]j?jt ard CBRIE:IrOPEER T. &AARi|TI 4. Ttu IN r&Td to b rhis plW is M sflow: W MEACnM $&ilI, DEgcRTJ|'Iot ufinlm@t Eo gat',s *IOVS ao & aooc 9RTZII E TTEIn,NITET ggUUArA TZITA,rffi NOIIilIDffiATYOTI E"-8 t9t t 096 :JaqnN $pro .'t VTTOATIEJS ALTAOWNER'S POLICY SCEEDTTIB B Order l,hmber: g 60 I 3 6 T B-e3 Poliq No. : o-s7 o r - I 8664 W"tff:X:ffi" against loss or dwtuge (and ttu bryory wilt rct pay costs, ottorncys'fees or eryenses) 1' Rights or cloims of panies in powession, tot slwwn by tIE prt*ic records. 2. Easnews, or claiwt of easemefis, na shown hy tlu gbttc records. 3' Discrepancies'confliasin bowdorylines, shoragchaa, enowdtntettE, ottdary faas wttxhaar,rectswvey and inwaion ofttte pratsis wnia asa"t ird t;nii.-G'rn"*" b! tt e prblrc rewds- " H'#';;#!frfl:#t*;ffi:&tabror nuterialtcmoforeor heregertunistud, inrysedbytatt 5' tffiWffilffi*aepnw bw,(ran* @duitiat the tswvtw 6' Any and a17 unpaid xaxes end a.Esessn,erta and urredeened ta.a sares- 7' lhe eft..t ot i ncTo,sions i-a any generaT 0r ap.,.,j.t.rc aaxeE co,,serva,,clt, tirepEoxeexion ' soi-L con",etvaxion or oxher dr.etrlcx or incrusion in any waxerserrrjce oi g'X'.eeX impz.ove8'enX area. 8' Seservatioa s and exeeptions in patenta, oE a.,ta a,,xho*izi,,g the issuaacexhereof, iacTuding xhe res,err.ation of tha righx of propriexor ot a vein or 70deto *xfaet a,,d rfrve his ore xherefru *oala ta" "ri b tc,und xo penexrateot ijdtersect xhe praisee as res,erved Ln onixed sxaxes paxenx rer'orded Augr.sx22' 7956 in Book 757 ax page 301 and. ,..ccord",d Eay 6, t905 ia ,,.,.,k 48 ax page273 a'.d reforded tlay 6, lgOS in B@k 1g ax tage iOS. 9' Rese'vaxiona or eaceqtiong in Paxenxs. or l,n acxa authorizi-ttg t&e issuancethereof, i-aerading t&e res€rrra xion of a righx of vay tor ilixche, or canarseoaaxrueted by xhe authority of xha onited sxax"", Z" reserved in anixeal stat€sPax,at recorded auguax 22. 7956 i-a Book ,57 ax page io,, 'e.,orded ay 6, 7go5ia Dook 18 ax paEe 27i and ecorded ray 6, 7go5e ia Book 18 at page 50g andrecorded ltaj-.ch 31. jgIS in Boo* 19 ai page SgI-- 70' EeservaLioa of one-haJ'f of arr oiJ, gas and othe,. :i;etzrs a.s curtai.ned in, Deeil.reg.orded lay 3, tgSO in D@k 165 aX page 227. 77' atiLixtt and d'.ainage easaerts as set focxh on pzat ot yai]_ vii.;.age, 7;hirtee,,thFi7iry reeorded Eo'.''D.,. 70, 7972 ia tuk 226 ax page 715 as ne.,epxion Eo.127932. 12' PaJrxia] Yacation aad Abaadorea t of Etnxtaryg a!.n{aat a1,d 6pa,,x af r*Eas*Pt, by aad.betreen St D.te'. R- 'Edl5,,kar:, Utd.h E- W.a,eeir.. and Eoty CrossSrestric lssociEtioE, uoonx +4,gt5tes 'fu.reEft€EE ad ''eregyaph cqtany, I|f'I,ti(- Conti-afi'ad aD tu*x p,dtge ConXLnuaXion of g,c,hedvLe B _ ALTA Orr'rert s poIieyPoiicy t'urber: O-,TOI_19664 service of colorado, ca' EaciTiLiee, rrc-. efr. ya ,atet' aI|il sa'rixaxionDistrr-cx ' and vair Aaaociatea, rac- end tbe ro'a of vai,-. re.or.red ,.,g*,,t 73,1975 it Book 241 at /.age 27g as n€tceptjion no- 737391 - 73' ?etl!s, c'onditions. obligations, r.es,trl.cLiong aad eaaerrenrs as aex /.orxh inP.oxeexive &venanta r*''ded n",v.obi to, tg72 in Book 226 ex page 146 asRe'eptio[ xo' 721933' Yirsx arenfunt reeordtd septenb€r zr, rgTg in Eook 29saX page 620 es Receptjo, Xo- 172037. 7t' Bag.cats ' feg'xri('cions ad '.igbxe.ot-vaya ae shoun on xha r4rrg'3'"nt rrtcaxionc€rtl'tleaxa by Johnson, Kunker t Assocr-axaa, rnc. of Lox 12. Broek ,, va-ir"Yillage ' Thijrx'eaxh EiLi,,g daxed u@r 15. 7996 iI,.'tadi,tg .,I'eroac,[,,anta ot(7t a Diri noed o'lxo subleet prr,perty (2t a cr.Tyert, onxo f'|tbj€'''x. prolnrx' (1)raphatx Drive onto Booth FarTs ia "oa (a) Reter.ni,,g na77 'nx.o B@xh FaTra Rd 75' L M of *Esx dated rolumE* 78. 7996. areested btt Jost tlr rn, xxfrIERrnE D.,rr'.I8,, DOtrr t. cftlflrr a.o., ceRlgttopEEn t. Cr/,luI,'Ir, to t',€ nab7ie Tr0l!,xee of8.glc counxy. xo ae''re aa i-n,d",bx,ed",,,gs of g172rooo.oo, in favo,- ot ?E ,qEEInxE"r trDjtneurGB @nFnnrtlra t€cttdbd D@ti 3, tg;6 ia tuk 7t2 ai page o22as t#ptA@ 'o. 6O0799 - . OONDITIONSANDSnIUL.IITTOilSCtrd 3. PROOF OF IOSS OR DTMAGE" ln edditiol to and rfter rbc rcriccr r:quircd udcr Secri,oa 3 of th€lc Codidor rd $ip||hdw brv. bc€a provilcd thc Co'ngeay, a proof of loes or drmge !i8!cd and rwora ro by tbc hrrrcd chiolc rhelt bc frrai&cd ro rhc Coq.ry wlba 90 dryr rffcr thc inrrcd cbina a.ll recrrrin thc fict3 tiv'Iry d.o ro 6c locs c drrbagc' The proof of tors or &!Ege .fi.r1 dororibe the defect ir, or licn or ecudnrc m rlo dth, or c6cr orncr irarred rFiri by tir policy rrtich cooftrtee 6e bsrir of lorr or dmrgc rnd &r|| i.rc, b tLc crcnr pocrible, thc trdr of cdculrli4 thc rmut of |tc lcr of d.mrip. If tbe Conpray is Pncjudiced by lh? frilur" oftbo inrurod chimrt to plovidc rhe rcEftrd proof of loer or drmrg€, te Coq!try'r oblig{kr@ to tba inlrcd udor thc ttolicy {.ll tcmi$!c' ircfudilg eay lbbliry or dligrrion to deferd, prqccrtr , or couiruc aay litig*ioo, with r€grrd !o lhc crrrfcr or mncr' rcquiriry rrch proof of,locr or drmrge- In additiot the iurled claimrnt rnay reuoaably bG rcquircd to arbmit to rxrmfurlioq undcr oefh by lny luthorizcd tr?Eredrtivc of thc €o4any rnd $all pmdrrce fc oxmirrtirn, iryocrirn rnd copying, d xrch r!|$o.bh ri'|s d pbocr rr D|t bc dcdSnd.d by rly t|lbodzcd nptlctl|rivc of ltc C{'mp|try, dl Ecords' books, ledgcro, chcckr, oorreE oode3cc !!d msmnrdr, wbcber beuing r drrc bofon or rftcr D.|. of Eolicy, which Frsonrbly pc-rLin ro iLc lo|| m drmagc. Furthet, if rcquc*cd by aay arlhorizrd r?rc{.drtive of thc Cory.oy, tb€ io$rGd cfu irl gal itl pcrniaioo, in vriling, for any authizcd rt?s.rcdldivc of the Coryuy to cxrmhe, iEpocl md cqy dl rccordq bmks" lcdgrq ctaotr, cfrrlq,or&Ge ud |sn'|[dr i! lbs cudod)' or control of e thid prrq, rhfuh crmrbly patrin to the loar or drmago. Alf inforntion dcrignrcd as conf&fid by tb inrycd ctriuf prsvid.d ro 6c Coqrny punurr to |his Scctiq rrrrl aoa bG dilcl(Ed !o othcfr udess, itr rho reuoo.btre judgmrr of the Coryray, it ir ncccrnry in rhc ednini*ntirn of tEo cbim. Friluie of thc itr$red chirurr ro lobmit fcr arrmintlior urder oNth, prodBce der t€rrodly rEqp.arcd i6rorrioo os frul p.{ddo ro rcorc rtrno$ly Gcr.rt fufrrn*kn fiom tfud prtlx u rcgirtd b tlti' prrrgnp& shll termiorre |ry liability of thc Coryary undcr thir lroliay rs b rh.t cbim. 6. OPTIONS TO PAY OR OTTERWISE SETTLE CIIUIW$ TERMINATION OT LIAf,ruTY. ln crre of r cLrim urdcr thir policy, tc Cmprny rhrll have tbc folloviqg dditbol odbor; (a) To Pey or Tendcr Prynld of tte Ano$t of lrsrrB., To pry or t odar prJrned of &e rmuot of insrnrc uodet thir policy t4ertcr with aly colr, dlo(reys' fcas ard erpeuec iocurred by thc inorcd clainur, which were aurhmized by thc Coryrry, |{' io $e ri(F of prynrr G tcodlr of p.tDfi rd rtich thc cocpuy ir dliptrd o pry. Upon the exercisc by rh. CoEprtry of this oprio& rlt llbility lDd obligrlfuor to thc in$rcd uder rhir policy, olher tba! !o matc lhc prycm rcquird, slnll refmimtc, incllding my lhbility or obligetion 1o dcferd, pro!€aute, or ssti c rsy ftiSrdo&.nd the policy SaU be srrrsod.r€d to the Corya8y for crtEellrlion. (b) To Pry or Oerrltoa S4r' Wirl ltrrica ()|fcr -' - tc Isrtd e Sll lL lnrrl Cl-s- G) topayor othenrire s€i e wirb othef prrtier for or ia rbc nrrne of el inanrsd ohi[unl rny ahin ian[ed rgnil* undcr rhir policy, rogrttcrwitt.oy cort!' r[orrsys' feer rod e:pcnscs ircuttd by tbc inarrcd cllinr|n sticl wcrt eulhorizcd b1r |hc Cdprot rp !o thc tioe of pry@ ![d r&ich tbe Coq|sy it oblisFtrd to pryi or (ri) ro Fy or olhcrvirc Fitl€ wfth tbc idl'td chiEln 6c to|' or a.ln|gc ptovilcd for un&r lti. policy, rogFlher vilL roy cocl!, rtrtrocyr' fcor end c:pcnscr incuff.d by lhq iosrrcd cLrimant ghich wcre autlorizcd by the Compmy up ro rc tine of paycs rnd which the Cmpany ir obligatcd to pay. Upq ths qxercic by rtre C-oupany of cirbcr of rhc qrlxr providcd 6r b prngrqer O)O a Gi), tc Coqrry'! oblit tiqs lo ltc htrd uodq dtir po$cy for the claimed loas or darnrge, oNher thrn $e paymcns rquird ro b€ u.dc, sbrtt tcnnillle, iludiog my li.biliry or obligrtiot to dcf€od' Fw€ute or codinuc sny [iligalion. 7. DETENMINATION. ETTENT OF IJASIIJfi ANI' COINST'BAI{CE This policl ir e coattact of iodennity rgtitrd rcurd '| o'€rery lw tr drm8" rrtained 6 isuf,!cd by |he isorcd chiBrd wto hrs ruficrcd loer or drauge by ret3otr of nuttet! inrur€d €ri!$ by thir policy and only to lh€ c coa hcrth dcrribcd. (e) The liebility of tbc conprny uodcr this ltolby $dl d cxc€.d ttc lcra of: (D the Armr* of Ingnocc rhrcd in scbcdulc A; or, (f) the difrerccc bctween the valuc of tbc irnred cdrte or ioL{lra |r irarEd |ud tp valuc of lhc irgrrcd e*rte or htcrtrt atbjcct to tte defcct' lien fi elrcum- brance inarred rgrinc by ihia policy. (b) In rt€ Gvcd rbc Amum of lnt|||rne !6r.d fu Scfcdrlc A I rba Drre of hlby ir lc thm 80 perccrr of0rc vduc of lb iE|rcd €l||c or idlctca or the full considention paid for thc land, whichcver i! lc6r, or if arbsequcd to |hc Ddc of Foliiy m i4rwcmnf b creotsd on the lod which ir|ccrreg thc vduc of lt. isrrcd esrare or idqEst by rl trer6t 20 perced ov€r 6e Afidrot of Is|r|rc ertcd in Sdc&dc A, ttcn rhir Folicy ir $bjccl b tbc follm,iog: @ where no srblcqucd irpmv te hr3 brcn tr|de, rr to rly i||nid fo|+ thc Coryray Crdl only pry thc loss pro rdr ir $c prqodion |brr thc rDoq of insunoc€ rt Date of Folicy bears ro thc total vltu€ of thc ior[€d c|tdc or id€&n |t D{e of Folicy; or Cti) a,h€rt E Eubse{ued improvcrEnt hrs besr tr|d€, !r to rsy prnid lcs, thc Coquy rhatl uly pay tlc lo*r pm r*r h the pro?oflbn ltrt 120 p€rcsI of the Amount of lonrrlDcc *trcd il Sghedulc A bcrrs b lbe eim of thc AmUo of lnurcc rrrcd in Sctorttlc A .ad tbe looud cryerded for tbe iryrovc'tEd- The proviriom of this pangnph $all not rpply to cods, rttorrrys' feer rnd oxpcrcr for rrhich thc Co,crprtry i! lhblc ulder thi$ policy, md rhrll only {Ply to thst portion of rny lcr nhich cxcc.dr, i! tbe rggletrte, l0 porccd of $c Arrnrd of loernre laod b $t dde A. (c) Tbc Coflprdy will ply ooly those cocs, lEorneys' fecr and e4ccer'rnsurrod in rc+ordrncc wilh Seclitru 4 ofthcrc Conditioor ad Stiplrtioc. 8. APFORTTONMENT. If |trc krd derribcd in Schcdule A cotrdgr of trs or rFre p.rccb crhich |rcdur€d|re rirylc &c, rnd r lc ir csrbli*cd r{fcctiry.E rt'dnc of tbe parcelr but not all, thc loer rhjl be cor4urc.d aad !€tled on i pro rrt brds rl if th€ .rtt' of hutso under ltis pofrGt qru diYidcd Pro ra .s lo ltc vduc on DrE of Iblicy of €ach reerratc parl to the wholc, cxclurivc of rny ilprovenrrdr ndc bs€$lalrt to D.re of llolicy, ud€rs . llbilitt or vduc botbcrrire bcEo rge€d upon Es lo erch parcel by rhc Coquy !d rhe imrrEd d thc tim of thc irerrrc of tir polhy rad trown by el cryru8 grLcaa c by .[ crdqrd *rrctod to thir policy. (cdfued rd ccbdgd o ld Fc. of dir po[c]) (AITA Oert't Policy) 9-ufiiTATroN or u^alrJry. (|) IfL C.qut G'r*r*- 6. "rc,6 tenwr lL. ncGla dc&.|, b a ---+'rc., acurt. tb. S of r rigb of,rccg lo c frag ttc hd, c31qcrtc sl.E d "'Er"*ltt of tte' { ar irrned' ba tadf 'rt"l reDy ry dod, bbdq tirido rd rlc corytcrior of eny qpcrb rhcrcfiorn, ir rhr[ hrvc fly pcfr od fa obfa*i- rft rc+ccr b rb dt'd -l d lc h a hrry br r tuqc ed rbcly. O)b|L Gtt- d-t nLihq bclE&3 Etdo! It rhe cqrqr crll l3 oqcy'r mr, rb coqrry nrl rrw D Lli*t &.lmnd4e rd &.c L. b... | fu Co:rd6r f r ccrr of coqarrftrHh*ra, rd rLporfir of { qr;rab 5.ilhoo, dvlg to &e 613 r* ir!g'"J. (c) Tb ooryy a{ nt bc ti$lc &r lor c drn3c lry hr|l b Hy vfudt --rd tt tb bld I tcfu rydrbcd dLrr rhc prirrrA:rcrof|l3Oft. r|' rEutttolf ff lilsnfi{cE ncoucnoilolTElFxrilroNfi u/u[tty.rnpya-tcr tlir polit'y, cxccpt gryur udc brnt, tryrl t3 d .q-, t{ rrbr } -ra d} hrc p m.IL IIrII ryY T{IiEI'nI|IJTTYF- lLrrydyndrtodtrlrrntefirnrcd!?lbf*t-IDrr-errtlyrymrrrleOorpryrypryrt}trrypoficyinrfurEelriF 5 nE ao*r L&b -ccr'ar' Bq' 5 r54 $c Lrra b lrod rod, r *.. dlj.cr' a rEi heelcr c-.-d t7t b:d d rt-t i eCqrafrrt .art G iat- at*tiC a n*ral ro i fd.|aAd|l.aF Fi{ -.! !3 dn d. f{rElla 5|.tGr t|il pdcy o rtc hrd o*E'.rt. raylcH?otut8s. (e) l{o F A '*-n bc rdc *ilboe pro&cing ttlt Flirt h -d..r'.d of fu p1c* uk 6. po|i3y [- b.G! loe c dcrro,ycd, b rhicl cr= poof oflocrdtttEtbrfl b triu ork rriricrimoftto Coqq|- &) t[Le hDlFt rtrd Gc cH of lor 6 drnsa b.. bc.. d.&&dl ft:d b rccordrss r& tear Cod'*in rod Ahddoa1 r]r ror or &mryr Ar[ bc prtlbL*lb$drqrrlccd.r- 1}- S[rltI)GATtOil ttrroN "ay]tEtaT (x tgrTLa|ENT- *r) llc f,irp'r fi|a d Srllrir. Eactu lG Coalt *d LE -nl"d d Fia r ctdr -'* &b fotct, { tiX of dngiirr lI vrt ir tc cr--f rnrftrard It ry rr rf tc bedcl-rr Tb Cory rhil !* a$t*J3red to d t! Gdhbd ro .f tlh rd rr:der rtict th. &rstd cbinl rorrH f,ryE td rr$d !ry t {lon o3profsny int€+ttlotc.|-u"'- pofcy toa b..o i-tod. If tlgrrd bt Ac CcEl, |b bd€brr -d tr*aotle Clq.rt |tr d8b d ttuoCcr -g---r q P.r.l !r FFqT nrgr ia orlcr ro P€rf..i *il tt||.f llrliL fb ha fu ar! fqJ tt Cqry to s, cflfr5lrful 33 rcdcL11"reofL btpd clirt d rs tll Oc x ef trc incd chiru* b q rrrrrrln c alfr hdrfu ar dlhr c rlaorfcr. Ifr pr5r-l c eof r c;ldr dE d ftlf covtr rb l- ofL -rd cf-:--, rit O6aq -l bc *Ed b t[G* rLb rd rc& hrbpqertb rEL t Co-f-f'r ptyd' b.-r ro tL rbb E of |} t-' trlE -orld tt[& froc Dt dof&G ieorcd c|rbl' r a*d Sflr, Or d tf, nr vr*t tlirgoftcy,la 6c Cory. iE &!t cesd, -.lt bc jgryircd rpry dy fb Fd ofry lG -d *-r t * tdsy rtA{-6--1L.d,Iq,h bb C'4!r|ry Fr. dr3 -.:.s I |lo ircd ctudlc Ce4r7'; r1jl oa.-qfrb- f) IL Cayt l|hr l!*r Hrturra(Flrr. Tlc Coqrt'r rilNof !-.o3t*rr *tbt Eirtd cftm rfrl cdr d a{ ir:l-, rlr Ho+ 4. rtb o{& bFd ro hrhnrd|i'r, rr||t|d.r,dcr p{dor of irel sr tordr, n|rit-6fi: Et ttrD or ccedifl a*r{ i rln ham rtl* j'ovl.. fu deo1fu rlb by rrnc of fir t*I.r+ it|Dltatl(ril LH.|. t la-fGa l' disd&|.lr?, clct tlc Coqcyc |l3ir{ rt .-| fr fdbL fl|B hc tufl*r |tdcr of rlc ArLr&t-*l.a\ &tilr, fttirllc *r er7 iactode, hlraHra, -r ffir JC- fan tb CoAry d & irrca ri-! d of { rr5t |o &it F[ey' |try sti:. of tc Cryy in o.r-cctin vtn fu im- c rfa tddrg*y FFvl-[ a d.r.ah|fa, AI rttdlc *tlL rtc .ifi|||' of hrrce L tl1lD,lm a br *.I bc j6fu&d *t old[.{ rllr]Gqr'rtb-' Al..al* *r rb rtc Aclrof hrrnrr, i b c*trr of tI'OOO'fiI) fl f. rifr-.d aft ih rpd bbtfdrlcCcarydf bi. Aatd. * b t*tolef rd lra.r rb bb i ctEr* c rb d* ttc dsj fu ttfr'xhr b mdc at, $lt ottb6 of |l3 hrt4 b. h*.l h.{tcr r Drrsof hscy *dt bc bindlq upm rtc prder. Tbrvard nny i|Icbde**yt'&'6o||y f {b f*! of *r-.b r,Lcl rb bd i' bdtdr.flrr .rd IF.td i.r5 r pcrrl',..ry. t{*!l4 +c rlc rd cdcerltt *. Ad-da(r) :y * & i ay rf,i f.?b t*-.t- tb|nlf, rtr Lryof rta *.r cf|lc hd *r[ 4plt !o .! dtldfu. r*rtaTrb ln l lffr ldr+ A coly of 13 t& ry bc otrricd &oo tc Clarry qc c;f. llt IIAllr.llT LDOlDlt TO Tf,s; t(xJCY; trouel UtrrE€.ffirrcT. h) Tfir foby l*c&cr tie |E c!tuEm.flta if mt, rF.6d hm ly rhc CorqTrry b {rc dirD palier &d coreact hd?ccu the iurrcd rd rhe co||pay. tn L..FE{g ft tpviir of tti to&t, dir Flict i{ bc c*cd r r *ldc- G) A.t C- if b- a d.-!, rhra.. ( Et t -d ufig,d #rbrf .trtb -€f tt fl. ! A. cara" d ii.!!r3 corwd 5*y c ta ry *.lioq |'|.d- -.1 d* fl bc r*rid b tti pdry. (s) Xo r..id of or crdcg' to Oa. Flicy fi bcn*.*taftr rrtir; *rrd lrrra 6dcd 1116 ild by r x rbc h;itc, r Vk hria*, Cr igc1l, r Albl Socrr*cry, or vrltd*irg cfiteer or *rid ftncy of tu errgug. 16. sEvEnAtILtTr. Ltbsrf for*r €{ & Foact a. f.ad irnl. c *a* -a-#..Ir b, .G t *t fltc *d as i*&& ?rvirir J a d.r loviiodrri-fl ka)Gd*c- r?. rwTrctsr ''REIE shff. A! rG. tctd..d 5 bG titEtlc ooq.cy Id rry tarEt L ltl|t rftand |o f. F.ia.J rfr Cbf--f A.I id.&i. r&aa |Li. t€6cf rafllcr&rrdstCqqi F.O. t n 2fil9, te.,TwTIXfIaE, STEWART ITT]I,B GUA*AN?Y {X}I{PANY J{ Sub: W Filing 13 BLk: 1 Lot: 1.3 BK-0640 PG-0526 QCD 05-05-94 R816511 QCD r.1-26-02 Western Neiohbor: Town of Vail c/o Finance Dept 75 S Frontage Rd Vail, CO 8L657 Legal Description: Sub: W Filing 1.3 Desc: Tract B BK-0363 PG-0341 07-13-78 January 24,2OOB Millie Aldrich Pure Design Studio PO Box 527 Wolcott, CO 81655 RE: Adair Residence (PEC08-0002) 3035 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 12, Block 1 , Vail Village Filing 1 3 Dear Millie, The Town of Vail Staff has preliminarily reviewed the variance application for the proposed additions to the Adair Residence located at 3035 Bald Mountain Road. The following is a summary of the Planning and Public Works Department's comments from this preliminary review: 1. Wriften approval must be submitted from all utility companies. 2. The existing and proposed gross residential floor area, site coverage, and landscape area calculations must be based upon the lot as a whole (i.e. both west and east units). The allowable values for these calculations can not simply be divided in half. 3. Submit a complete landscape plan.4. Site Plan:o The site plan must be revised to accurately show the existing decks.. Show all proposed roof lines with proposed ridge and eave elevations.r Show snow storage areas and area calculations in square feet.r Show all required parking spaces with a 9'x18' box for interior spaces and a 9'x19' box for exterior spaces.. Label the TOW (top-of-wall) and BOW (bottom-of-wall) elevations for all retaining walls.. Show proposed utility service lines.o ldentify if any changes are being made to the existing driveway.r Show the proposed limits-of-disturbance fence and erosion control methods. 5. Floor Plans:. Fully dimension the floor plans.r Show dimensioned roof eaves and overhangs.. One set of "redjined" floor plans must be submitted showing how the existing and proposed gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. Please submit revised plans addressing the above listed items by Noon on Wednesday, June 20, 2007. Please be aware the Town Staff will be forwarding a recommendation of denial to the Planning and Environmental Commission for a setback variance to allow for the proposed southern deck encroachments. The Town Staff will also be recommending denial of a setback variance for the proposed upper level bedroom, bathroom, and stainivay encroachments. The Town Staff will 6nly be recommending approval of a setback variance to allow for a second garage bay and a single story connection between the house and garage similar to the east half of the duplex. lf you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail Page I of I - -i ',t Bill Gibson - Fwd: Adair PEC08-0002 From: Bill Gibson To: Mlllie Aldrich Dab: 0L12412008 9:40 AM SubJect Fwd: Adair PEC08-0002 Attachments: Hey Millie, Please find attached the Fire Departnenls revlew comments concerning the Adair project. Bill Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 (970) 47e-2r73 (970) 479-2452tax r totnalzoo8) 6iii eibJon :Adaii Fecoa:oooz c iesell From: JR RulapaughTo: Bill GibsonDate: 0u211200E 9:30 AMSubiecB Mair PE0)8-0002 CG Fire_Inspectors The Adair residence is proposing the third remodel in ten )€arc. lt'lo record of a monitorcd flre alarm system can be found The submittal hag been revlewed and approved. Below are the notes included In Permib Plus, A monitorcd flre alarm system is required. Demolition and/or scope of wo* exceeding olrrently proposed plans shall rcquire fire sprinkler slstem installation that shall comply with NFPA $R(2002) and VFES standards J.R, Rulapaugh Fire Inspector Vail Fre & ErnergEncy Services 42 W. Meadovr Dr, Vail, CO 81657 97tr477-3416 jruhpaugh@vailgov.com ft(t cbpr January 30, 2008 Millie Aldrich Pure Design Studio PO Box 527 Wolcott, CO 81655 RE: Adair Residence (PEC0B-0002) 3035 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 12, Block 1, Vail Village Filing 13 Dear Millie, The Town of Vail Staff has preliminarily reviewed the variance application for the proposed additions to the Adair Residence located at 3035 Bald Mountiain Road. The following is a summary of the Planning and Public Works Department's comments from this preliminary review: 1. Written approval must be submitted from all utility companies.2. The Booth Creek 100-yr. floodplain must be shown on the plans. 3. The site is within a Debris Flow Hazard zone. A site specific geologic hazard report is required. There was a significant debris flow event in this location in just the past few years. 4. All parking must be located within the property boundaries. The Public Works Department will not support a variance to allow required parking within the street right-of-way. 5. A wetlands impact analysis must be prepared by a qualified environmental expert. An impact determination and approval may also be required from the US Army Corp of Engineers. The Public Works Department has concerns that the proposed limits of disturbance near the wetlands can not accommodate the proposed construction activities and access without disturbing the wetlands. 6. The Planning Department has concerns that the proposed setback variances exceed the degree of relief from the standards of the Town Code necessary to achieve compatibility with other sites in the vicinity. Please be aware the Town Staff will be foruvarding a recommendation of denial to the Planning and Environmental Commission for the setback variances as they are proposed. lf you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail G)wlstgof -TL :rt l' 9 dl "sig e po bo)( 547 s,obon ao E1655 ph 97O.470.1W fa)( 97O.9e6,9O78 fl il[€@pu€d*i9]rtudlo.cofll u February 22,2008 Town of Biil Planning 75 South Commission Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Adalr Rernodel fll35 Booth Falls Road 1Lof,12, Blod( 1 Vall Mllage 13b Flllng Response to your letter January 30, 20OB 1. I have contacted all utilities and will have their written approval at the time of permit. 2. See sheet A0Ol, l00 year floodplain.3. We are cunently working with Eagle River Water District and HP Geotech and will have a solution bebre submitting br a building permit. 4. See sheet A001, all required parking is on the propeffy. 5. See enclosed wetlands report and letter from Watershed Environmental Consultants. The proposed addition has been d€signed to respec,t the €Dds{ing wdlands, but we will apply for a Tenrporary Construction Access when we submit for a building permit. 6. Planning Departm€rt cencems on the sdacks:- The garage has been reduced to 000 sq. ft., garage credit.- The non-conforming drlvaray slope is now conf,orming.- The bulk and mass of the garage addition has been reduced; the prwious shed roof on the north east side has been eliminated.- The raised master addition on th€ north west side has been pulled away from the side setback and is nor only half in ths s€tbac-k- The bonus room above the garage has been pulled away from the front sdback to reduce the bulk and mass. We have reviewed other possibilities for the addition. The owner's reguirement is that the master addition is oif of the mdn le\rel and the addition works with the existing house and structure. See the propos€d massing model locations:- We revievrpd the possibility of locating the addition on the south sec'tion of the house. In this localion we would be taking dovwr some mature tre€s, working against the grade, significantly impacting th€ existing structure. The only neighbor that is afiected by the Adair property is to the south of them, and locating the addition on the south would compl€tely eliminate their vien, to the north west.- We revieured the possibillty of locating the addition in the cent€r of the house. This impasts the o<isting structure to a levd thd we would be tearing the house down and constructing a nev\r house. Please calf if you have any conc€rns or need additional information (970')470-1?22. Thank you, ,q fud,"r, Millie Aldricfr Pure Design Studio @tlr,itTY tf, lrEtoPt[ T Design Review Board ACTION FORM Ilepartment of Community Deyelopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Cdorado E1657 tel: 970.479.2139 taxl. 970,479.2452 web: www.vailgov,com Pruject Name: ADAIR DEAD TREES Project Descriptionr Participants: OWNER FINAL APPROVAL TO REMOVE 3 DEAD COTIONWOOD TREES ADAr& MTHERTNE D. & JOHN -0712012007 DRB Number: DRB070337 07 12012007 Phone: 970-390-1545 DORI A. & CHRISTOPHER T. 3035 BOOTH FALLS RD VAIL co 816s7 APPUCANT JOSHUA HUBACHER Project Address: 3035 BOOTH FAII-5 RD Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: PO BOX 8s7 AVON co 81620 3035 BOOTH FALLS RD VAIL Locatlon: Lot: 12 Block 3 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 13 2101-023-0300-1 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTTON Action: SIAFFAPR Date of Approvalt 0712412Q07 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review commiftee(s). Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: CON0009175 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Rachel Friede DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO rO}W OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-21381479-2t39 FAX970479-24s2 Iuly 24,2001 Joshua Hubacher PO Box 857 Avon, CO 81620 Huboxl(dhonnail.com Re: DR8074337 3035 Booth Falls Rd Department of Community Development Dear Josh, Thank you for your design review application for a minor exterior alteration to remove three dead cottonwood trees at 3035 Booth Falls Rd. The purpose of this letter is to inform you that your application has been staff approved. A DRB Action Form is included for your records. You may commence removal at your convenience. Ifyou have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. Best,r) Ma^l,"lAv,* Rachel Friede Planner. Town of Vail (970Y79-2440 Rfriede@vailgov.com Attachment: DRB Action Form Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Communlty De\relopment 75 Souh Fronbge Road, Vail, Colorado 8f557 tel: 970.479.2128 tax: 970.479,2452 web: rwwv.vailgov.com Ganeral Intlormation: All projects reqdlirE design revlew mu$ recefye appro\ral prior to s.bmifiirU a bulldlng pemft appllcaton. Please rcftr to trE $bn$tlat rcqulremenB for the pnuqiar approlal that ts r€$efrd. An apptdon for Design Reviey{ ctmot be 'aoefted und af rcq*ed L$orndon ts rccelved by 6te Cocfitunity Oewtopr|e* DepErtmed. The projed r|ra' also need to be rcviercd by tfE Tqvn Corncil and/ot tl|e Plaming dd ErMromEntal Cornmi$n. Dcign tluiGw apprcEl lapcsc unls a brdlilng pcrmlt b irercd arrd conr*rucdoo cornrncnel wflldn mc year d the approv.l. Descrlf,ion of tftG Roquc6t:L /l/r 0 V, ttav^7\' f ,t \),gtuv "*r,r_$f u,v loca$on of tfte Propocah >( Phldcal Addressl Parcrd rfo.: 2l0l027 03 o o I (Conb(t Eagle Co. Assessor at 97&32&86,O fior parel no.) Zofng: ,a tLmc(s) of Ournc(e): >4 tlalllng Addr.es: tlemc of lppllcane fof h-o fl '$athsr llalllngAddrsl 'f.c,t?,r rr 7 fivu,v f ,. ?16 za /657 r Type dRwleuand Fce: tr Sig'nstr Conepunl Revien tr New Constructiontr A(|(tition tr MlrDr Alterathn (.nuH€rnilylcorrtm€.dd) Mlnor AlEratim (dnglefdmiV/duploO Change6 b Appov€d Plans Separation Regue* tr tr $s0 No Fee $650 $300 s2s0 Phls $1.00 per square fuot d btal For constuctbr of a new bulldlrg For an addltbn vYhere squaG comnercial bullding (indudes 250 For ninor dtages b briHings and F{oo{ing, pairting, wlnd&rt rctaining wdls, eE" $20 For mlna danges to bulldings and site imprc\r€rnents, s.tdr as, re.rooffrE paffing, windoutl addtl'ons, landspirq, feres and 'tlahlrE urats, enc. $20 For r€vidons to phns alrcady apfoved by Planning ffi or the Oedgn R€uiew Boad. No Fee IVtrIil ltll ? 2007 llji rcsidenilal or lJ L- I any Vl-t'f MINOR EXTERIOR, ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE I}IPROVEIIET{TS SU BIIIITTAL REQUIRE r,l E ltTS General Informadon: This apdication is required br proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improernents. Proposals to add landscaping do not requi|€ DRB appro\al unless they involrae the additon of pauos, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. l. SUBHT.fIALR€OUIRE}IEI{YIi** o Stamped Topographic Survey*q Site and Gradirg Han*o Landscape Plan*o ArchitecturalElsrations*E Exterior color and maEdal samfles and specificadons.B Architectural Floor Plans*o Ughting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) fur proposed fixtures q , TiUe repoft, induding Schedules A & B to verify ownership and easements* )(, Photos of the eisting gte and adjacnt Sructures, where applicable./ o Writbn approlal from a ondominium association, landlord, and Jdnt owrnr, if appli<ableq Site.specific Creological Hazard Report if applicable*tr The AdmlnisUator and/or DRB may require the submisslon of additional plans, drawlngs. specificatktm, samples and o8r€r materiab (indudlng a rnodel) if deemed neoessary b determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidellnes or lf the intent of the proposal is not clearly irdkaH. Feae mDn* ttrac (3) capla oftte &tfuE Eotcl pfrir tt dertt (?. **For interior conversions wlth no exErior dlames, the $bmittal requiremenB Indude a complete set of o<isdng and pmposed floor plars, a tite report and written appro\ral ftom a mndominium assocjafron, landlord, and joint owner, if apdicable. I have rsad and understand tfie above lbted submittal rcqoircments: Prolect llame: Contractor Slgnaturu Da[stsnd / /1 1'"lL*oV Page 3 orr\3r;.i r, s#^-Ftrr TVS$W=-^-''F: \cde\r\FORMS\Pemits\Planning\DRB\drb_mlnor_alt_1-25-2S7.dc fllE t TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD uArL. co 81657 970-479-2138 V*u /i/u1<'Q,n7 /3 DEIARTMENToFCoMMUNTTvDEvELoIMENT lat /> NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 804-0039 Job Address: 3035 BOOTH FALLS RD VAIL Stalus. . . : ISSUED Location.....: 3035 BOOTH FALLS ROAD Applied . . : 03/29/2004 ParcelNo...: 210102303001 Issued . .. : 04/12/2004 Project No : P Rl6q o 06 \ Expires . ..: 10109/2004 OIIINER ADAIR, KATHERINE D. & iIOHN -03/29/2004 PhONC: DORI A. & CHRISTOPHER T. 3035 BOOTH FAIJITS RD VAII., co 81_657 L,icense: CONfRAeToR I,IARNER CoNSTRUCTORS rNC 03/29/2004 phonel. 910-926-3O93 PO Box 2375 Edwards, Co 8L632 License z 77o-B APPLICAN| MARNER CONSTRUCTORS INC 03/29/2004 phone: 97O-926-3o93 PO Box 2375 Edwards, CO 8153 2 Iricense: 77O-B Description: KITCffEN REMODEL Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence Type Construction: V-N Valuation: $50,000.00 Add Sq Fl 0 Firoplace Information: R€stricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas l-ogs: 0 # of Wood Pellet 0 ,i rt li ri,t * t +!tt!:t** i(*,i;f Building---> $543.?5 Restuarant Plan Review-> $0.0o Totsl Calculat€d Fees-> $1,065-19 Plan Check--> S4tg.44 DRB F€€-_.-.---> $0.00 Additional Fees----> S0.00 Investigation> $0. 0O Recreation F€e----> $0 . 00 Total Permit Fee-----> 51, 055 . 19 Will Call----> $3 . 00 Clean-up Deposit--------> $0 , 00 Palments--------------> 51 , o6s - 19 TOTAI, FEES-------> $1, 05s.19 BALANCE DUE-----> $0 - 00 * *i '!t*+a++a++ ji t*a Approvals:Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 04/1-2/2004 ecD Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTI{ENI o4/L2/2Oo4 JS Action: AP Item: 05600 FrRE DEPARTMENT Item: 055O0 PIIBI,IC WORKS a,l*ttrlaata*'i**** i See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town appticable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY'IELEPHONE AT 479-2149 oR AT oUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OWNER CONTRA FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER I PAGE 2 t+:t't****:t:|t'}:t*,}*****'|******:*'|t*:t*|F*:t't*,t.,}|*:t*|F'*{.'****+***'t*:t**!*'t**,|t:t*l''t*'*!t*********'t.**,t.******** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 804-0039 as of 04-12-2004 Status: ISSUED*!**'|+**'}*'f*****:t,*'|*!t!t***+*****'i:}**'t*t*'t*tt't,|.,t******:f*+*'i*'***'&*:t'**'**'**|***|t**}*******+*t:***|t*:|.l.:f**:**:|!***'} Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: 03D9t2004 Applicant MARNER CONSTRUCTORS INC Issued: 0411212004970-926-3093 ToExpire: 10/09/2004 Job Address: 3035 BOOTH FALLS RD VAIL Location: 3035 BOOTH FALLS ROAD ParcelNo: 210102303001 Description: KITCHEN REMODEL **,|.***!t****:i*'|**{.******:3***!t**!t:t*!t*******,s*,}**'*'t,}*Conditions****:t*,t|:|t:t!t:***:**:f***+:}*:&**!l*:t.,**!|!!}!***'}+:i*:t** Cond: 12 (BLDG.); FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3IO.9.I OF THE 1997 UBC. ++**i++f,+t+****+,f*++******+*++*+*t*+****+***++*+***++t******++++{.***+********** **** ********* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Sratement***+********* 'l******** * ***S***************************+*1.**+*************++'***************** Statement Nrlnloer: R04000558G Arnount: 91,065.19 04/L2/200401 :30 pM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Marner Constructors 3 052 Permj. t, No: 804-0039 114)e! ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Parcel- No: 2 L 01023 03 001 Site Address: 3 035 BootrH FALIJS RD \IA.IL, Location: 3035 BOOTH FAL,IJS ROAD Total Fees3 $1, 055.19 This Payment: $1,055.1-9 Total ALL pmt,s: 9t-,055-19 Balance: 30.00 ***+*******+++*.r*****+** ***+************** *****i'****,I * **{.:r.* *+*t'r.**** *+*****+f**********:r**** ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERI4IT FEES 643.75 PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 418.44 |.lc 00100003112800 Ii,ILL CALL INSPECTION FtE 3.00 ia.tl t AppLrcATroN wrLL Nor BE AccEprED rflrtcompig9on u l4Al( 7 o ',';Project#:- u ""Buildinc .tn/n,( NWN0Fv[n 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail. Colorado 81657 0( CONTRACTOR INFORMATION and Phone #'s: qz6- Eo ?g o. GA4,.+ rnARw64 ?ot- 6o6,6 c. '. lx<- T0ARNER CausfRueT'aAs Email address:3 ,,t1^r.. rac.ln ,4 VEt< . 4€7 COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials BUfLDING:$ 4/ 6oo ELECTRICAL: $ Sooo OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $ eoo o MECHANICAL:$ / 5:6 6l TOTAL: $ 5ooos For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit ffi zIo ,o ?-3O Boct I Job Name: A oe, q, ldT4aat{JobAddress: _ Fa.e> Raa e3oB5 lJ or5-e1'1 Lega|Description||uot:ra]|eucr:z]|riring.t?ll'@ Owners Name:J.r{ rv AoatF{Addreslo 35 Socrq tre:t--E*Phone:tor-cs1 lt ArchitecVDesiqner:"-" 6hl^/6<Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: Re rlaee< € *t-f t'{cr /-1t+ 6*€'v ! workclass: New() Addition( ) Remodel (.r$ Repair( ) Demo( ) other( ) Work Type: Interior pQ Exterior ( ) Both)Q Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: single-family pQ Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: I No. of Accommodation Units in this building: I No/Tvpe of Fireplaces No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Proposed: O". ffi(xlNo(ffi Yes() No(,Q *****i*#ffi ffi ***********F OR O F F lC E U S E O N LY****#*Hl**#**,.fir**r*|t*r**** \\Va iI\databdev\FORMS\PERM ITS\BLDGPERM.DOC BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Depaftment Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Depaftment review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Depaftment the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned depaftmenls with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this depaftment to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by:Graeq ry\fi(4N€e- ,Date: 3hc. /o{ Print name F : everyone/forms/bldperm3 ll Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Department of Community Dwelopment ProjectName: Earara l{tr aH4.4 Project Addrcss:?o.E_5 /7oar,r+ frcz<=t?en o r' This Checklist must fu omoleted before a Buildina Permit apoliation is acepted, d ntt pages of application is complete d Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form / @ndominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a MultFFamily complex d Complete site plan submitted { puOlicWay Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) d fulfloor plans including building sections and elevations(S sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial Buildings) / Window and door schedule d Full structural plans, including design criteria (i.e,loads) s/. Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) y' Soitr Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection il rFire resistive assemblies specifled and penetrations indicated o/ Smoke detectors shown on plans o/ Types and quantity of fireplace shown Applicant's Signature: Date of submittat: t /, u /- +--T--T M-Asbestos test and resuhs submitted if demolition is occurringu/ Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Wail\dala\cdev\FORMS\PERM ITS\BLDGPER M.DOC Received By: 04t02no03 APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19- PW*:IN f ITT Parcer#:I n [ [ - I n n - [ n - I I I Brds. Permit#'E I n' I I I I 1.Job Nam€Str€et Address n n n-n (lfunknowncallI rr rr i L_J 479-2138 ext.0) Excavallng Contraclor Name Maillng Addr€ss TOV Contractor's Licenge Number REOUIRED () Phon€ #ZpCity 4. Starl Dat6 Work is for (ctrcte one) ComDletion Date Water Sewer Gas Electric (Permit Expiration Dale) Telephone CATV Landscaping Temp. Site Access Other Trench-width (min,4') Bond Amount $ ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC JOB IS STARTED. 7. 8. Bubber out-riggers ar€ required on Asphalt surfaces underneath the A signature below indicates a signatures are obtained, permittee necessary Town ol Vail signatures. BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE working on asphalt. at all times. utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company application through the Public Works office to obtain the up to one week to process. Depth Total sF $ Total LF $ Permit Fee Total Perrnit Fee $ Public Service Natural Gas Group (1-800-922-1987\ Public Service Company (1 U.S. West (1-800-922-1987) o 11. 12. TCI Cablevision ot the Bockies (1-800-922-1987) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District (970-476-7480, ext. 114) Holy Cross Electric Company (1-800-S22-1987) Town of Vail Electricians (970-479-2158) Town of Vail lrrigation (970-479-2158) Town of Vail Public Works Construction tnspector (970-479-2198) THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURESI A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bill 172)' Permittee must contact Public Works D€oartment at 479-2198 24 hours orior to commencino ol work. Failure to notify the Town will result in torfeiture ol bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection lee. I certify that l have read all chapters ot Title I - Public Ways and Property, ol the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required' Contractor's Signature ol Agreement ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONSTFUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LTNES FOR CUT. Print name clearly Date ot Signature White - Public Works Yellow - Contractor PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: If yes was answered to any of the questions then a '-Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. F The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit". ) NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. I have read and understand the above. Please read and check off each of thc items below: a The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. o The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice' o Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culveft installation with resulting road patching as necessry. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Certificate of Occupancy issuance. Agreed to by:C>ra a, ? ft1e,<a,ee Date Signed: Print Name F:/everyone/forms/bldperm6 Adair Kitchen Remodel 3035 Booth Falls Road Vail, CO 81657 Description of Work: The I Tzx ll drawing represents the existing kitchen configuration. The blue line sketch indicates the proposed remodel. The kitchen sink will be moved, existing window and french doors will be moved. The cook top will be relocated to the island area with a down draft exhaust unit. Walls will be relocated to enlarge the laundry and create a new pantry. Plumbing will be roughed in for the new locations. Electrical system will be rearranged to reflect the new layout. 6-{, 't qig -fi.:* CJL aog 3!rt ..{ / T:- at,IIFI fil -Lot <dQLgtr t9o{ g EFgxt! ab -8 JaI odF e ct\ I ria | .r-.t,0 l=vltltl_ ct- l* cr rO;\ ri Eqlp> ,?8 =< I I I I I ot3I EF imc giH olto t I JJ{a o2F!!xtt a €3oo23 g' al = itl ia 3 if*i t' ,.$| .i9rgiiErr XIII rNOi) i|( I JJ e l'zFsxI a clv4oo !- /-o tc 'frH $ilp" EIfH r| Ul k n x \" \ \l,I d t- \ ( t 0 \ iowr.r oF vArL DE'ARTMENT'F coMMUNrry DEVEL.'MENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E04-003E Soq -063q Job Address: 3035 BOOTH FALLS RD VAIL Status. . . : ISSUED Location.....: 3035 BOOTH FALLS ROAD Applied . . : 04/20/2004 ParcelNo...: 210102303001 Issued. . : 04/22n004 Project No : 'p I1SO q_ oO6 I Expires . .: t0/19D004 owNER ADATR, KATHERINE D. & iroHN -o4/20/2oo4 phone: DORI A. & CHRISTOPIIER T. 3035 BOOTH FAIJTJS RD VAIIJ co 81657 License: CoNTRACTOR NEW Er_,ECTRIC rNC, 04/20/2004 phonez 97O-949-465L P O BOX 957 AVON CO 81_62 0 I-,icense: 110-E APPLICATTT NEW ELECTRIC rNC, 04/20/2004 phone: 970-949-4657. P O BOX 957 AVON eO 8L620 Lricense: 1- 1-0 -E Desciption: KITCHENREMODEL Valuation: $3,000.00 t**r.***********.******.r*:r*:**.*tr:t*+*at+t:l**,trat*:*a'aa,.at,t*'t*'t+t':*:**att FEE suMMARyEtecticat-__---> $54.00 DRB Fee--------> lnvestigation--> Will Call > $0.00 $0. 0o $3 .00 Total Calculated Fees-> $57 . oo Additional Fees----> $o . 0o Total Permit Fee----> S57 . 00 Payments-------> $57.00 BAI-ANCE DUE-->s0.00 Approvals:Item: 05000 ELECTRICAI-, DEPARTMENI 04/20/2004 ,ts IIeM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT Action: AP CONDITIONS OFAPPROVALCond: L2 (BIJDG.): FTELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO eIfECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 't ,l,itl*:itt'l':l*l.*lt+*:+*:t+*,r'|tl****'l**+*+*+*'|tl+l***,4*,1+,1 DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review TOTAIFEES-> $s7.00 approved, Uniform Building code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHAIL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS n'r epvenCe ev TELEpHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT oUR OFFICE FRoM 8:00 AM - 4 pM. SIGNAEURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF ****+***+****++*.***t*********f****t*r.&*+****t**t **f * * * * * {'* ** * t+ * * * *+ * ***+ t* * *+ + +* ****** * * * +* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement * +f *** **+ * * * ++ * ***'t + * *+ + * 'r ** t * * * + * f** * | * * '$ * '|+*|'**a ** * * + +* **dr++** **+ +***** + * ** * * *** * **** '* * +* * Statement Number: R04000S663 Amount: 957.00 O4/22/2OO4\2:15 pM Palzment Method: Check Init: DDc Notation: New Electric Permit No! 804-0038 Type: EITECTRICAL PERMTT Parcel No: 210102303001 Si.te Address I 3 03 5 BOOTH FAIJTS RD VAIIJ Locat,ion: 3035 BOOTH FAIJIJS ROAD Tota1 FeeE: $57.00This Payrnent: $57.00 Total AIJL Pmts: $5?.00 Balance: 90.00{'d.*,t++*'***+'t't*****'}*'i***'*************+***'i!t**'t*+**'t**++******'}*****{'***+*******,r.'r'F*'t ******** ACCOI,INT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Curr"ent Pmts EP OO1OOOO31111OO TEMPOMRY POI,IER PERMITS I,JC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL iNSPECTION FEE 54. 00 3.00 Apr- 19-Orl OGi: l7A New Electric 97C) 949 5354 APPUCATION wlLL FIOT BE ACCEPTED IF ITICOTIIPLETE OR P -()2 mwlwwn 75 S- Frortnge Rd. Vail, Colorado RECEIVED APH ? U ;',,r*,: D COI{TRACTOR IN FORMA-TION Project #: YK)rBullding Permit #: E|ectrical Permit #: 97 O 47 9. 2L19 (Inspecdo ns) Electrical Contladon /l* r., fl r . fl"'..r.c- Town of Vail Reg. No.:ila t-Contact and Phone #'s:,'itici _ U G, :f / E-Mafl Addrcsst re:tl.-fu.* COMPLETE FEET BUITDS end VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (tabor & Materiats) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCruRE: r/- '1, oonl.EECIRICAL VALUATION: $ )r nv.. * Asggssots OtlTa at 970-328-864O or vislt www.for Parcel # Parcel # J}l (. I / \ .3 d .--] CjC:t / Job Name: A'r l. , , -tc'.p ,>robAddress: 3C.,]5 B r. tt'r f ;d(i.,1 dCI tegal Description I totr ll otoct: ll rning:Subdivlslon: Owners Nanre:Jc 1.r t 1.1: :!1" r, r lfiFress:Phone: Englneer:Address:Phone: Deklled description ol work: a,.PAnAol V-jf|'keil tryq1!1Qry Neu'( ) {{{qn( ) Remodel(X) Repalr( ) Tempporrer( ) other( ) WorkType: Interbrfi) Extertor( ) Both( )Does an EHU e\ist at this location: Yes ( ) tlo ( ) Typeof Bldg,: Single-fami$ry) Duplex( ) Multi-famity( ) Commercial( ) Rastaurant( ) fttrer( ) No. of &isBng Dwelling Units in this butldlng:No, of Aeommodation Unitr in thls building: Is thls permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No (V) Does a Fire Alarm Exiit: Yes (yl Xo-(- u Vesl-l--ttoffi **+*************:6r ***** *** *.r**********FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***:l*:&****** **rrr***** +*********++**** -.t-.r I t -./ iO'A oF VAIL DEPARTMENT.F C.MMUNITY DEVEL.PMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P04-0048 Job Address: 3035 BOOTH FALLS RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 3035 BOOTH FALLS ROAD Applied . . : 05/04/2004 Parcel No...: 210102303001 Issued . . : 0510512004 ProjectNo: RRTO(I -Oqt ( expires..: 1110112004 OWNER ADJAIR, KATHERINE D. & iIOHN -O5/O4/20O4 PhONE: DORI A. & CHRISTOPI{ER T. 3035 BOOTH FAI.I,S RD VAIIJ co 81_657 Lricense: coNrRAcToR iI & c PL,,UMBING & HEATTNG O5/O4/2OO4 phone: 303-984-2535 POBOXSl NEW CASTI,E CO 81_64? License: 115-P APPLICAI{IT .] & C PLI'MBTNG & HEATING O5/O4/2OO4 PhONC: 303-984-2635 POBOXS]- NEW EASTI.,E EO 4t647 Iricense: 115-P Desciption: MOVE KITCI{EN DRAINS Valuation: $2,500.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: ??# ofGas Appliances: ??# ofGas togs: ?1 # of Wood Pall€t: ?? Plumbing---> Plan Ch€ck-.-> Inv€stigation-> Wi[ Call-----> $45. 00 Restuaranl Plan Revicw--> $11 . 2s DRB Fe€E-----_> so.oo ToTALFEES -- > $3.00 S0. 00 Total Calculated FeeF-> $59 .25 90. oo Additional Fees-------> $59.25 Total Permit Fee-----> Pa)ments-----> BALA ICE DUE--> $0.00 $s9.2s $s9.2s 90. 00 ITEm: O5]"OO BIIILDING DEPARTMENT os/o4/2004 Js Acrion: AP ItCm: 05600 FIRE DEPARI.II{ENT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: L2 (BLDG.): FIEI-rD INSPECTIONS ARE RBQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, uniform Building code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHAIL BE MADE TWENTY.FOIIR HOURS IN B 149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET APPLICATION WILL NoT BE ACCEPTED IF INCoMPLETE oR UNSIGNEptr-J0t{' d dProject#i | - ; : Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: 9 75 S. Frcntage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPLETE VALUA *e Joq^ t/R,Town of Vail R5!q No':i(f- I"Plumbing Contractor: # ,try( as-fnn D tz Work Class: New ( )Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( )ffi)Rryt'"l()cnht'() ffiA.*.t"dttion Units in this building: ttto. of existing Dwellinq Units in this building: ts this a conversion from a ***t<***********************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*****t'*r'**************tr************** R ECE IV ED |:l'$I,:li'? J'f* \WAiI\dAIA\CdCV\FORMS\PERMITS\PLMBP ERM' DOC L,-)&p;,.4 {*l' 07n6/20$2 (ne,rse ; #;D!{t D.tcs)CRaE h/,nruot^r) S+-^.t*J*l Qt",t' { X"spech on Q4or'u| W N€ad€J &,roI.,^^r*tart -lVFe. V- N Dut'-Pt.cY 6t",^P R-S T -Rc'(v'--'rP't il t- uu : t,,rliv --rl 3"tr1Y 6 [,"=,'^+ Req,^r-*] ?'r qld-gc grL%lo6.t p4uo.4 F.uo I v1t"u (.L. /]o"t' "- p,rTo}k-n",r tIr\L *r-,56+ 3 A!!-trlear 91,--h,p Rq-* {krlFs Per qtspi c.^L3rz.l '*, C, 'lt 'v \, q q \ { t \, \ (f h.t q t 0 \ 2r 3lia.3l3\2.5 rl '"-la Drtaatovs cfBc 9,4-, Blo.q.t.a 3ro.t. l.*. l?rellv , 1[-ac]: Leuetl lEatL >r F<rca- €a-rvtr"* A U CTn oo I -l- E >=L 3 t\)J ho !sfi a a t a' e a. <r eqqtrQJ eut'{ydQ rlad r$iza?rl :t.ra . -f Na**s{tc Rr - q1 uJ'\L V€,'r,tfhs S6Ll..7 DlvTef (" lF{i f'ror^l 9t^r^bu6? : '.Y#NcBq'Lv'oTn ]\ i', ' (.. 7)ooR ..-, ^o7, /IW'*tl,t I I l- t sElilrl Ilr )lill tf l-- tl,:,::t'"t, tj'--- ' I /!' D .l . t ) tbvldp- >plo D--' ftn tr{\,luJ --\- l '-tr" 3to.q-1.313tc Ejv*"n-r \6 H<ltalry or I R J#i^. Ver* Fr,lor Por41'|c0' h-o lii.Dt c, \e {r E' 3 I I'-\ E ,v' .,.: , '.,.o'D tn l\r,tt P*ttp tlcE 0 1l . i) /\-\J --\t, .J e-U {1.c gs FEI f;83 vpE $fr; oilr|IFIfil oFc- S"t 3tr€o<-ro{ t, EFtDxa c*. -8 Jjg ar LIi!| .t-.c,6 l=vtfr -o-t-. JJ{3 o 4,F!tx$l {t Ecl23 3!tz clro dtc !l oo <t uo iil- I I I I I I I I I o o 0-oof;; FF ii*lii ldg() J I {l -.r 33d6 sfiir t! pb 2a c "fr[g6P' E:3H fl ,I ;o r' ..$i 'gtiErr XllI sloi)t/ Y I f I ozl-.Dxa IF5 .D1J 3 flz-u J I .dalt cJr|. os0a 3ulZ. ill ?riE3 ;EH; \t I I 0 xt.\,\ \ \J \ \, h \ ( e 0 \ *67479i064* ._=-lnspcctfun nequest neporting6:42am _ ___-_yAlLCO_=T_OJflItbf_ -Page 4 Reouested lnsoect Dste: Mondav. Julv 12. ?004' Inspiflon Area: GD Site Address: 3035 BOOTH FALLS RD VAIL 3035 BOOTH FALLS ROAD A/PJD lnSormation Aclivity: 8,04fi)39 Typo: AzuILD Sub Tvp€: ASFR Slatu6: ISSUED Cond, Type: Occupaircy: Us6: V-N Insp Ar€a' GD Otvner: ADAR. KATHERINE D. & JOI.IN. GHARRIT}., Appllcant: MARNER CONSTRLTCTORS lNcconlractor MARNER CO|.|STRUCTORS INC Descfipt on: KITCHEN REIVED€L Comm€nl: ROUTED TO GREG DENrcKLA. JSUTHER Phon€: 97S92e$Xr3 Pfione: 97O9?&3193 Recuested Inspectlon{sl Item: 90 BLDG-Final Requestor: II/iARNER CONSTRUCTORS INC Assloned To: GDENCKLA- Actim: Tims Exo. lram comments: T.ADitrSUIXE-EETECToR z.FOR PTANNING PAINT TRIM RECALL INSPECTION Requested Time: 08:00 AM Phone: S)46(F0 Ent rEdBy: DGOLDEN K hspec{on Hlstorv llem: 10 BLDc-trmllnos. Sl€€l hem: 20 BlE6-Fcundolionisteel tlem: 30 BLDG-Framinrr " ADo{ov€d - oSrAT iU -lnsp€ctor: GC6' It€m: tr) BLEc-lnsulntiotl +5/'OZOI Insg€ctoi: GCD comnrsnte: wAIvED It€m: 50 BLDG-Sh€€UoCK lioil - Approv€d " 0512rO{ Inspecto{: JRM '' ftcm: 7O BLDG-Mhc, llcm: 90 BLDG-Final O?lOZio4. Insp€clor: GeD Comments: I.ADD SMOKE DETECTOR 2.FOR PLANNIFIG PAINT TRIM RECALL INSPECTION ltem: 533 PLAN-TEMP. e,'O * Apuov€d " O7/D2!O4 InsD€ctor: Warren ' Item: 534 PLAN - FiNAL C,'O ,orD?N#*) ff*[Ti:,:[" "affi Aclixr: APAPPROVED Aclion: cR CORRECTIOfiI REOUIRED Action: AP APPROVED REPT13].Run Id: 2059 tut tz V V|I B,Vt' t9 TOhiN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L557 97 0 -479 -2L38 NOTE: THIS PERMTT ADD/ALT SFR MUST BE POSTED ON BUILD PERMIT Job Address: Location. . . : Parcel No..:Project No-: 3035 BOOTH FALLS RD 3035 BOOTH FALLS RD 2LOL-023-03-001- PRJ9B -0034 Status. . Applied. Issued- - Expires - APPLICA}IT PINYON BUILDERS bOT.9L:OZ A\TT'\ P O BOX 96, MrlflfURN CO eL645 CO}ITRACTOR PINYON BUILDERS Vtb ZO phone : 3038275793 Phonel. 3038275793 FALLS RD, VArr., co 81657 TOV/Comm. Dev. OWNER DescripEion: ADDITION AND REMODEL Occupancy: R3 Tlpe Construction: V N Valuation:100,000 FireoLace Infor ation: ResEricl€d: Y P O BOX 95, MTIfiTURN CO 81545 .ADAIR KATHERINE D & .fOHN - G}IARR DORI A & CHRISTOPHER T, 3035 BOOTH 15 I amount date *of gas Logs I ,I r[rq *of !,lood/Palf€b: o DEPARTT{ENT OF COMMUNI1IY DEVELOPMEI T ,fOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: B9B-0044 ISSIIED 04/ 03 /L9e8 05/08/1-998 t2 / os /Le98 Clean-up Deposit Refund sinsre Family ResideEFPfOVed '4? =Tlpe V Non-RaLed i\dd Sq FE: #of Gas Applianc6E: -.;:ii,i:;:::::.'.".'-"'-';;:"."..--"""::.,":..;i":;":i":::."un*" -."-.;""-'..;:.:i""-i":i".""';""":::. 1,se7.ss Ptan eheck---> 4A1.OO DRB Fee-------- 1oo-OO Additional Fees---------> 'oo Inve€tsigalion> .oo Recreation Fee----------> 23.55 ToCal PermiE Fee------- > !,597.55 HiIl CaIl----> 3.OO glean-Up Depoeit--------> 250.00 Payalents 1159'l-55 TOTAL FEES-.- -. ******i****a**i IEem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT DepE: BUITDING Division: 04/03/1.998 JRM ACLiON: NOTE PLANS TO CHARLIE o4'/20'/L998 CHARL,,IE Action: APPR CIIARLIE DAVISiLbm;' Os4OO -ilnyllTuC- DEFART4ENT Dept : PLANNING Division: 04/03/1,998 JRM ACTiON: NOTE PLANS TO PIJAIVNER o4'/06'/\229 CBABIOIT__4sEi-94j- APPR appr by cbartonii6;;' ose bo-FTiin-DrpanrtlEliT - oept: F1RE Diwision: o47ozl1998 ,JRM Action: NorE NIAO4'/2L./I998 .JRM ACEiON: APPR N/AirbA;'OSSOO pI1BLIC WORKS Detrt: PUB WORK Divrsion: 04/03/1,998 JRM ACTiON: NOTE PLANS TO LARRY 06-/03'/1,998 LARRY_P Action: APPR LP See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknowledge thaE r hawe read rhi6 application, fil1ed out j.n fu1l the informacion required, coBpl'etsed an accurate ploE Flan, and EcaEe Ehat all Ehe infonnacion plovj.dcd as lequiled i5 correc!. I agrce co couPl'y tiLh the information and plot plan, Lo collrpLy rith all Town ordi.nancee and Btate lans, and to build Ehis structure according to tshe To n'6 zoning and Bubdivision cod6B, ds6ign review approved, Unifoft Building Code and ocher ordina[ced of tshe Tonn aPPlicable tsheletso. REQUESTS !'OR INSPEqTTONS SHAIr! BE I4ADE TWENTY - r'OUR HOURS IN AD\IANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4?9-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FRoM a:OO A-M s:00 PM Send Clcln-Up Depoei! To: PINYON BUILDERSO HIMSELT' AND OI"INER Page 2******************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************Permit, #: B9B -0044 Permit Tlpe: -ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMTTApplicant-- : PfNYON BUILDERS 3038275793 Job Address: 3035 BOOTH FALLS RDLocat,ion---: 3035 BOOTH FALLS RDParcel No-- : ?LOL-023-03-001 CONDITIONS as of 06/08/98 st.atus---: ISSIJED Applied--: 04/03/1-998Issued---: 06/OB/t998 To Er,q)ire : 1,2/05/t998 Description: ADDITION AND REMODEL * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *:l * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COndiLiOnS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN AI-,L BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 I'BC. 3. SAFETY GLAZTNG pER 1991 UBC SEC.2406 REQUIRED 4. MECIANTCAL PI,ANS AND CIITSHEETS REQUIRED PRIOR TO MECIIANICAI., INSPECTIONS OCCI]RING GAS PIPING FOR METER RELOCATION MUST COMPLY WITII 1994 UPC CHAPTER 12 5. DRY STACK WALIJ SHO!'IN ON THE SITE PI,AN CAI\ilf BE BUILT IN THE T OWN RIGHT OF WAY 6. NO TREES OR SHRUBS THAT WOULD INHIBIT THE USE OF TIIE RIGHT O F WAY FOR SNOW STORAGE CAN BE PLAN|ED. O r}'irr r ?rl..r.r rr r'rrrtiratrir a *r at t rr r r r a it !t t I ToltN OP VItfJ, COIJORADO Sgtr.nnr, t * * * a * J i t t * * t * t t t !, ,a t rt .f t * * * * r * * r t * t t i r * * * i * !t * * I * * * gtacaant Nurlba!: REC-0412 r.tRount : Prl4nrng !l.thod! O( Nogation: ?060 1, s9?.55 06/og/99 Lr | 4), Init,: Aw PerniL No: 898-OOa4 Tl'pr, A-BUILD ADD/AIT 6FR BUI!,D pE P.rc.l lfo: 2101-023-03-O01 SiL..[ddr.!!! 3035 BOOIH FAiLS RD LocBEionr 3035 BOdItl FALLII RD 1,597.55 1,597.55 Balancca .00 ra ** !r t* t tttt a t*Jrt i rr a r * r* t rt *t * ** * * * ** * ** ** t j} i tt* a a t+ r * t **rrtt+ Total Fe€e: Thl. Prlm.nE t,sg7.Ss ToEaI ALL puE.: Accounc Cod.D!!cripclon BP OO1OOOO31111OO EUIIJDINC PERUIT FEBS DR 00100003112200 DEgt(trl REVrEtf FEBS PF 0010000311,2300 PLAII CHECK PEES AD 00100002403100 cEEtl{uP DEPosrTs RF 111OOO031127OO RECRET?ION FEES t{c 00100003112000 wILtJ eA.Ll' lNsPEcTroN FEE ArnounE ?40. oo 100. o0 {61. O0 250.00 PRIP.IRTD LloSl03, 15: ss:19 PROoRIU !rR4t5U Toryn of vall DEPOgIT REFUXD RBPORT - UPDATE PAOE 1 cggT-rD c{rgroxER }rAuB DEPO TT DEPOSTI-I\' ADJUSI'UBI|T AFIER-REII'IID TX-DATE A,f -DITE AUOI'NT A!{OlrNT AI,ioUNT AIIOUNE OIABCiE CODE DBSCRIPTION 1081 898-0044 Pl!y@ Buildera D2 D3P08 DBPOSTT 6/OEl9e r/O8lo3 25o.OO 25O.OO 25o.OO- TOTAL FOR CUETO||ER TIPE: D2 G,/IJ BATCH CREATED; BATCI{'OOO56 ?OO3,,IO1 USERID'MKOTNICA AP HET,D COUNT-1.00 AMOLNT- . o0 250.00 ?50.00 250.00- GRAND TOTAL: 250.00 250.00 250,00- DEPOSIT COI'NT: 1 .00 250. 00 \(.\' r ),tipntact, Eagle County Assessors tr""r ar 970-328-8640 for._Par-cel #. TOWN OF VAfL CONSTRUCTION ..R$EL ll, z-l0t - Oz5 -03-Dbl pERMTT AppLIcAtrroN F6RM7A. D^r*lilzilq e_ JPrr6- odi PEfu\IIT /I , APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETEI,Y OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED x***************************** PERI{IT TNFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *nl lxl -Building [x] -plumbing [2<] -Electrical [ ] -Mechanibar 5al-otn"r Job Name:ftes,on-n;c.^€ Job Actdre ss: 3oa{ Bt'rn F**s & Legal Description: Lot I riting ../ 3& sunorvrsrou: Address: 3Oj{ Es.vr+ Fnt*t Ro Ph.,clor Architecr , flltraeu A. 6t*,s Address , 491#,*iii;T or. ,r. General Description: work class: [ ]-New p.{-ltteration tv1--Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Unitst I Number of Accornnodation Units, I (\t-ro*^.o Bloc k_) z owners Name: Electrical contractort bqtr.]AOOTeSS: Plurnbing Contractor:Address: '__- Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,r * * * * * * * * * FOR BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLU}4BING PERMIT FEE: },IECHANTCAI, PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Connents: Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: oFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAIJ PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEE BUTLDING: SIGNATUREs ZONTNG: SIGNATURE! *************************** Town of Vail Res. NI./OL-* Ppone Number: 84-fZEro$Lplone Number: 821:t7r- I Ddfi{rrr of vair Req. No. CLEAN IIP I}EP.OSIT RXFII}ID VALUATION 75 soulh fronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: olllce ol communlly deyelopmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OP VAIL TowN oF VAIL PUBLIC WoRKS/COMMUNITy DEVELOPMENT MARCH l-6, L988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, f5ack or deposit. any soil, ,""X, sand, debrisor rnaterial , inctuding trash aumpsters, portable toilets andworkmen vehicl_es.upon any streerl ,i;;;.i;;-;;i;y or pubricP1?:" or any portibn the-reof---Tfi" right-of-way on alr Town ofVail streets and.ISug= is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance wir] be. strilliy -lnforced by the Town of vair.Public works Der:artrnent. persins found violating this ordinancewilL be siven a 24 hour writren n"ii".-t"*;;;;;;'"uid rnateriar.fn the event the person so notified.does not compfy with thenotice within the 24 hour.tir"-"p""iii;;,"ir,""i"iric worksDepartment will remove said mat,e;i;i-;I-ih;";";;;=e or personnotified. The provisions "r itri= ordr.nance sharr not. beappricabre to clnstruction, rnainienance or repair projects ofany street or atley or any uririties i; r;"-;i;;i_"_r"y. To review ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Tovrn ofVair Building Department to obtain a copy. rrrani< you for yourcooperation on this natter. owledged o s i t ionl Re f aEI o n.sEIp Proj ect (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 south trontage road vall. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 oftlce ol communlly devolopmenl BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TII,IE FRAME If lti. permi.t requi.res a Town of Vail [ire Departrnent Approval,Engineer ''s (Publ ic works) reyiew unJ app"ovar ,'a piinnini"bepartnent leviey or Health Department.ievjew,-uni'._review by the BuildingDepartment, the estimated time tor'a lotat ".ui"*-iluy"iu[i'i, tongas three weeks. A'l 'l commerciar (raroe or sma'r r ) and a] l murti-famiry permits wilrhave to fol low ttre Smve runiion"J-rilirrnr requirements. Residentia.land small projects shou'r d take a 't eiser"amound of time. However, itresidential or smarer.projects impait the various above mentioneddepa rtments wi th reqa rd' to - necessai.y ruul "*, -;h;;; ;;;j;cti"maya'l so take the three weet< perioa. Every attempt will be T99e bV this departnent to expedite th.ispermrlt.as seon as poss'lbte. !'!reY' eL e" I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe. ^z A l:> f,,JPnt ry l/(e=,'>tz,tc;" ProJect Name Communi ty Deve'looment Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMOFANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED Job Name: Date: Ll Please ailsw r th@arding the need for a "pubric way permit': ls this a new residence? YES 2) ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public property? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls diflerent access needed lo site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done affecling lhe right of way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a 'Flevocable Bight Of Way permit" required? B) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes lo any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit' must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or at Cgmmunity Development. lf you have any questions please calt Charlie Davis,lhe Town ol Vail Construction lnspector, at 479-2158. I have read and answered allthe a ve queslions. ,uf?*,,* NO Xl\tl / x x r r X A Signature DateJob Name PIRY O 3'0 o 0 :27 No .001 P .05 SILVERTHO-RNE (070) l68s033 (970) tl684e8e FAx JuDi l?, l99E I\rr. John Adlir 49Otdun Drivc Ftd*ickburg, VA2f407 Su$wt, E&crrvrqrrrl Inuprslion tt rth! Proposed Epstuhnoo Lor 12, Elock t, Filing 13 vrrl Villege Vail, Colorato tobNo,98-l5t Koechlein Coneultlng Engineers Coneulting Geotechnical Englnecrs f 286f W. Alrmrda Plrryy r $uib tEEr Lalrewoo4 @ 80fm MAIN OFFTQE r,U,g{ (eosl o8e-t2a3 (07o) o{o 6flro (303)08${1204 FA)( (970) 04S92z3 FAX ^at 0o{ PNr Ar rcquuGd, a nprcscn'tlivc fmnr our officc inqccbd 0tc foutdrtbn n tsiats erporcd in |he .xclv$im .t aht .ubj.cr sitc on Juno l?. 1901. Ttro puporr of our inapcot-on w€ to rcrify rrr{ 6o aQored il{arirlr would sefely support r tprtrd foding found*ion ryrtan for thc poposcd rcsidoncc. lbo d"lh of tic cxcavatln rrrr sppmximrnly 5.0 fcct. Thc nlcids €rpo$d in tbe bo$om of ip crcrvrtioo cooristotl ot 8 most to rwl, dcnsE, randy silt rih gnwls md cobbles. The soils wilbin lhc excrvrtho wwc Gomprctcd in rccordtrw with our rrcorrrncnrtuion* In orrr opinlon thc cxjpoood soils vitl rlfrly tupport a sprcad. foonirrg fmndrtioq syst ,n dosigrcd for r msrinrm allorvablc soil huirrg Dresuc of 2,0O0 prf. Orr opinion is hescd on tht foundrtion roils rrmnining rrnsdrtr tld Sh eprprcoirtr tlrr opportunity to prcvidr rhig prvico. If wc arn bo of firfier rctrioc, plcarc cortaot ur, $ilerrrlyl PrEDidcnt (l rroly rf.d) os Tom ofVeil -\J Botls F rErnwrin& IEc, 143 E' M.dil DrivE, suib 390 Vail, Colcrdo tl6ll?ywn6ar70 FAx 970/4?&4383 Bgg -odq{ *oarP 8es. Jutrl 22, lgrt &DlScolldd Iicy6EriLcn P.o, Bq96 ffintrrq Golondo tl5llt guQlroc Adalrnmodd Vril,Colmdo . . Dsrr Jobn: mfu h to cmfirur frrt I hlw rwleryed a coplc qf rcviriml b ths cfuc0nal planr fq thc tbovc ootcd rcmodcl. ltc ftrlt ikn *rr &c chqge b a cantilcvqrd ftsphcc e tbc hett Nido of ma buildiry. I hrve drtsmind thst dsobh alo hi$ @ 16' o.c. will rdcqucty nrppct thlr crndlcvn in ltal of bcrfu tie €hmont dpIn tD ! DFw frrnddm srd firncd walh. Sccqdlt, I {Drcvc of eilh! d erudhg #5 donGh to frc o&dng fodiag p.d uftlrc a rcw 3' r 3' prd wrr cpccificd i! fhr bs€r bwl imior of t[o b'uiEing. Ner currcb will &a bo pomd ilornd tb ililtiog prd b ultiotc tfre 3r x 3' dimanimr. or cmmsotr !e$!dhg tfitro itmt. ccl It[CStrir Pbrngiwnc acdl ifyoq z'd UAgf2zE 86. 6Z hn-r TOWN OF VA,IL 75 S. FROIITAGB ROAI) VAII_,, CO 81657 9?0-479-2L38 DEPARTI',IENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED DEMO. OF PART/ALL BI'DG. ON {IOBSITE AT AIJJ TTMES Permit #: D98-0002 ilob Address: Location. . . :Parcel No..: Project. No.: APPIJICSIiTT PTIIYON BUILDERS Occupancy: R3Tlpe ConsEruction: V N 'f1tre Occupancy: Va1uaEion: 3035 BOOTH FALLS RD 3035 BOOTII FALTS RD 2101- 023 -03 - 001 PRiI98 - 0 034 Single Family Residence TySle V Non-Rated Status...: ISSIIEDApplied..: 04/03/L998Issued...: 04/03/L998 E:<pires. . : 09/3O/L995 P O BOX 96, MINTURN CO 81645 COMTRACTOR PIIiIYON BUII,DERS OVINER Description: INTERIOR DBMO FOR REMODEI, P O BOX 96, MIN|URN CO 81645 ADAIR KATIIERINE D & iIOHN - GHARR DORI A & CHRISTOPHBR T, 3035 BOOfiI FAIJLS Phone: 3038275'193 Phone: 3038275793 RD, VArL CO 81657 Fircplac. Inforoation3 Reetricled: 9,000 l+of GaE Applirnc.! 3 Add Sq Ft.: {lof gaB LogE: l}Of nood/Pa1leb: r ** r r rrr.*.trrattiir r Buildl,ng-----> PIan ercck---> Inv.6tigatLoD> will, call----> RaBtsuarant Phn Ravlct{-- > DRE Fcc-------- Rceroation Faa----------> Clean-Up Depo.it--------> IIOIAL FBBg----- Total calcul.bcd Feca-- - > AddttLontl F...---------> Total Psroit Fc€--------> PayEanta---- --- BAIANCB DI'E- - -. FEE SI'UIARY itfr*rr.ra rr ar*a r*tr 135.00 .00 3.O0 .00 .oo .00 .oo 225.15 225.75 .oo 225.75 225 .73 .o0 Division:Division:Division:Division: Item: 0510004/03/L998ftem:' 0540004/03/L998IEbm:'05600Itsem: 05500IEem: 05700IEern: 05900 BUILDING DEP.ARMEUE: _ Dept: BUILDINGJRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVEDPI,ANNING DEPARTI\,TEIiTT DCPT: PLANNING.JRM ACTiON: NOTE DRB APPROVAI.GR,AI{'TEDFIRE DEPARII{EIIIT Dept; FIREPTBLIC WORKS DeDt: PIIB WORKEM/IRONMEItrAL HEAI-,fiI Debt: IIB,ALTHLIQUOR Dept: CLERK Division: Di-vision: +rrlrrrtirrtriarar i* !r a * t t* *l t *r t * See Page 2 of this DocumenE, for any conditsions that, may apply to t,his permit. DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknorlcdga tshats I hav6 rcad thi6 alrlrlicatid!, filtcd out in full tsh. infolrlation r.quLr.d. coqrleled .D Pl$, and Ft.c. th.ts .ll bhc infonr:ion pEovid.d r. required is co-rect. r egr.. co cmply wieh t'he inforaacLotlgo cooPly rich rll Aoen ordinances and ela!. 1av6, and to bulld bhis etrucgur. rccordLng to ih. Toxn, t zoning rnd codrE, dcaigm r.vi.u approvcd, Uttifon Building Coala and otsher ordinarce6 of !h. accurata plog .nd plot pl.n, Eubdivi6ion REQlrtsTg loR INSPEeIIOIF SmtJL BE m.DE It{ENTy-FOt R ttot R.s IN ADVN|CE By TELEPHOWE OIrR oFFICE PROU a:oo Al| 5:00\- g.nd Clcan-lrlr D.porlts ?o: PINION BUITDBRS OR CONTRACIOR FOR IIIUIIELF AIiID OI{NIR, ****************:l*****************************************************:t********* COIIDITIONSPermit #: D98-0002 as of 04/03/98 Status: ISSIIED*******************************************************************************:r Perarits Tlpe: DEMO. OF PART/AIJL BIJDG. Applied: O4/O3/L998 ABp1icants: PIIiIYON BUITDERS Issued: O4/O3/L9983038275793 To E:q9ire: O9/30/L99e ilob Address: LOCAIiON: 3035 BOOTII FAIJIJS RD Parcel No: 2101-023-03-001 Descriptsion: INTERIOR DEMO FOR REMODEI, CondiEions:1. FIRE DBPARTI,IBI{T APPROVAL, IS REQUIRED BEFORE A}IY WORK eAN BE STARTED.2. PIBLD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAT.ICE. lord oF mr.|, cuoRtDo Scrccqtt lrl|lbatr REC-0334 lnoutrc ! Pry!.t|t l|aGlFd: cK Xotlgion, 2t63 gtacoa! 225.79 O4.lO3ltA Lg.rS rnlts: [atf Plrd.t l|or Dta-oOoA tl|I'.: A-DEUO DEU'. O! prnr/tlrL EU P.rs.l trO! 2lO1-Ot3-O3 -Oo1 Sitc lddr:r.r r 3035 Boc'Ilt rllrllt RD LocrtLdrt 3035 IOCtIII lll&g RD Elrb Pq'l151E lccoun! Ogd! IoE.:, l.r'! ! 225-75 . Tot l. A!trr prEr ! Brllnca ! Dcacrlption 225.75 225.73 .00 lEourts ll5.00 s7.?5 3.00 Bp 001,00003111100 luIEDt[6 ptnlalT FlEa pt 001000011t2300 Elrrlt cHlcx tlEa t{c 001000o31ltaoo rI!! cl!! tt|gDEett@t FE! 67{-a o{4 .'OBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permits #: P98-0079 TOVIN OF VAIIJ 75 S. FROIITAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMT'NIIY DEVBI.,OPMENT NCIIE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PLI]MBING PERMIT Job Address: 3035 BOOTH FALLS RD LocaEion...: 3035 BOOTH FALTS RD Parcel No.. : 2101-023-03-001Project No. : PRJ98-0034 AppLICAIiIf WEICH PLI]MBING AIID HEATING Phone: 970-845-0311 ATLAS HEATTNG, P. O. BOX 8284, AVON, CO S1620 CONTRACTOR $TEICH PI,IJMBING A}ID HEATING PhONE: 970-845-0311 ATLAS HEATING, P. O. BOX 8284, AVON, CO 81620 OWNER ADAIR I(ATHERINE D 6. JOHN - GHARR DORI A & CHRISTOPHER T, 3035 BOOTH FALI-,S RD, VAII., CO 81657 DescTipEion: MOVE PIJIJMBING I,INES/ADD NEW FIXTI,RVAIUAEiON:10, 000 . 00 *r***r*rrrrrtr.rrr*rrirti*.arrrrrtr*rr**rr*rrrr***rr*rr*rir+ FEE SUM[1ARy *ttt.it]ltftlttt*tttt****.tr.]'r**tt*l]ta*ra*r*e SEatus...: ISSTED Applied..z o6/L5/L998 Issued- -.: 06/L6/!998 E:<pires - -: L2/L3/t998 R66euaranl Phn Rcviar,--> .o0 TOTAIJ FEAA----- 19O.5O Total calculatcd Pee6---> 190.5oP1u!6ing-----> 15o. oo Plan Ch.ck---> 37.50 Additsional Pc.r- -- - -- --- > Total Perroil Fea----_-__> . oo 190 .50hveet.igaEion> will call----> .oo 3 .00 Prlnicnts6 - - - - - - - - EAI,ANCE DUE---- .OO rl t*frrif ., tt t trttt'tt* **r*rr tt**rrt** + t aaa** i** t a* Item: 051-oo BUIL,DING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division: 06/L5/L998 JRM AcEion: APPR APPRovED 'JRI'riEafr;'d56do-FfnE DEPARTTvIENT --- Dept: FrRE Division:6e/ls/tgg8 .tRM Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI, l_ - FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL,IAIiICE. t*tt*ttttrttat l Jttr+ttt*'t'ritt*ttt**+rar'+rrri DECLARJATIONS I h€rcby acknorlcdgs tsha! I h.vr rcad Lhis aPplicaLlon, fillcd out ln full the lnforinat,Lon rcqul,rcd, coEPlctsld an plan, and.!aE. that all th. Lnforna€ion plovld.d r. r.qulrcd 1! corrcct. I tso conply witsh lhc lnfornEbion to eomply wleh .II Town ordlnancrE and BtaE. latre, and to build thiE 6truccute t.o the Toirn'a zoninE and codca, dooign rcview approved, onifom Builaing codc anil other ordinances oi REQT'ESTS POR INSPE TIONS SHALIJ BB UADE TWENTY-POT'R HOURS IN ADVANCA BY AT OT'R accurale plot and plot plan '6ubdl,vlrion rppl i OI{NER OR COIIfRACIOR FOR a ttaa.i*att tta aat arttttttatattattt lttttttat aa t a arrr.tal.t.trr att ttt'r mmr or vttb. cotpRxx! l.rrr atat*atattt ta tatttrli!tJ e i ataat'J SEagcrlrt t|rd.! r Rlc-0a19 lDrarc: gtrtannE 190.50 06/16/99 12:21 P.lD.nE tL |od. CIIBCR noE Elon: llItlGER l01O5 tnLEr Pgl| P.r l,g t{cr P9a-o07t Typ.. B-gLUE PIlol'lsING PER IT Prrc.l Xo: 2101-023'03'001 6it. lddr.r. t 3035 AOOffl lAl&lt RD r,ocrEloDr 3035 lOqffi IALL9 RD Iocrl tc.e ! 1!hls Prl'o.nB 1t0 .50 ToEal lIiL Pl[t. t Erlattcq: ttatt!rrat.ata!ltail}ltaaatJtt'r'rtrritttt ttaiatttt lccgurrl coda D!!crlptslon PP OOIoOOO!111I00 PLUltErllC PERllll Pllg 9r oo100o0311eto0 Pl,llf ctlEcK lEas rc ool0oooll11loo lflLL ell,r, rusPscllou IEE 190.50 190. s0 .o0 loounE 150.O0 17.50 3.00 at fwners Narne: \rchitect,: 'o 3oncact Eaglo Councy Assessors 0fflce l&31.;l'S,L'f%5T-lT"$&'38H"?I Xilh:iff3f;";5ii-( otxxz_L?'?L PER.\tIT f E1P-e'V- . APPLICATION I'{I'ST BE FILLED OUT COMPI.ETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTEDI l * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tr * * * * * * * * * r. * rr rk PERMIT INFORMATION ,r * * * * * tr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\N^'[ 1-auilding p6-erumbing [ ]-Etectricat [ ]-uechani-ca1 [ ]-other fob Name:Jlltrr* #<,^ tr rob Address: 3d3I G /t S/6 /tJ Legal DescriPtion: Lot Block__ FiI ing susorvlsrolq : Address: Address: Dlr Dh ;eneral Description: tork cLass: [ ]-New tr79-nrteration [ ]-Additlonal [ ]-Repair [ ]-other lurnber of Dwelling Units I J_ 'fumber and Tvpe of Fireplaces: Cas App).iancest -' t * * * rt * Jr * * :t * * * * * * * * * * * *' * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS )]UILDING: $ Nurnber of Accomnodation Units:. / Gas Logs_ I,lood/Pellet ********************************* ','lectrical Contractor: lclqress. ( lv Phone Nunber: )lumbing C_ontractorz l4utch FDtl,1ti-. _ P ' Town of Vail Reg. NO.iddress, phone Nunber: iUC-Oi77- lechanical Contractor: rddress:Reg. No. r *:trt rt*rtrl Jr:l* *** * ** * * * * * ** ** * * * ** *FOR OFFICE USE *******tr***********rt:tt!********* BUILDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUHBING PI,AN CHECK IEE: MECHANICAIJ PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PERMIT FEES: OTHER: $ ?LUMBING z $lO{rt - ^n' ' :-v-: Town of vail Reg. No. ET,ECTRICAIJ: f UECHANICAL: $-_-----TOTAL: $ Town of Vail Phone Nunber: }UTLDING PERMIT FEE: )LUMBING PERMI'I FEE: IECHANICAI., PERMIT FEE: iI.,ECTRTCAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: lornments: VALUATION (, rrrlt I tt \r . SIGNATURE: eYrr v, rvev I CLEAN I]P DEP.OSIT REFTIM TO: 75 south tronlage roa d vail, colorado A1657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2t39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: o lllce of communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED I^IITH THETOTfN OF VAIL TowN OF VAIL PUBLIC WoRKS/coMMUNrTy DEVELOPI,IENT MARCH 16, L988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn surnmary' ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfuL for anyPerson to litter, track "r a"p"sit. any soil, rock, sand, debrisff.ffiH'illi"i::r"dins tiisr,-5"iprt"ri, poii.ir". toil"ts andplace ". ".,v-pJ,.i5i'.f,1l"3!1""1;""ii;ili15i_;]i"I"":r*l:*-",Vail streetl and.roads is approiimately s ft. Lff pavement.This ordinance wirr-be ;rrf:ii;^enforced by rhe Town of Vailpubric works neoarinentl--pJi.l"; ;;;;;-"iir"ii"i, this ordinancevill be given a 24 hour r"i[l"""notice to remove'said rnateriat.rn the event the person so notified.does not comply with thenotice lrithin the-24 hour.tirne-rp."ified, the putlic l.lorksDepartmenr wir-l remove saia mite;i"i-ii-{h;'^;";;;=e of personnotified' The provi=i"nr-"r"'[ii= orainance snarr nor beapplicable to cbnstruction, ,.irt..u.ce or repair projects ofany street or altey ". i'y'"liiiii;;"i; i;"^;i;il_"_".y. To revievr ordinance No. 6 in fuII, please stop by the Town of:::i"::il:i"g."iHi:'n:lt"::"";;;1" a copv. ri,anic vou ror your R Y ead and acknowLedged by: ;i:i trEaf"-"-ar (i.e. contractorr owner) ?5 roulh ,ronlage aoad vall, colorado 81657(303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 ottlco of communlty devolopmenl BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TII,IT FMNE If thi.s permi.t requi.res a Toe,n of vaj'r Fire Department Approvar,Engineer'.s (publ ii,orks) ""vi"n .nJ'approva.l,. u iiunntn!'b.pu"t .ntreview or Heal th Departm6nt. ieviewl-.nl'u-"uuiu; ;i'iii;";rir ainsDepartment, the estinated time'ro"'a-iotu'r review may take as longas three weeks. All commercial (targ: or smal'l) and all multi-family permits willhave to follow the ibove rnenti6ned mixi,nu,n requirem-en'ti. Residentialand.small projects shou'rd take ;-ie;;u. around "i-fi;;: However, ifresidential or snra'r ler.projects impaii the various above mentioneddepartments wri th regard' to- necessii:y i.vi.*,-th;;; ;;;j;.ii ruyalso take the three weel peiioa. Every attempt vrir'r be Tgge bv this crepartnrent to expedite thispermi.'t.as. s.Qon as possible. - I' the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timef rame.. f Pro jec t Nanre Communi ty Devel opment Department. .i TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY WORKS PERMIT' DEPA,RTMENT IS REQUIRED Job Name: ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being pedormed thal requires the use ol the right of way, easernenls or public proper;ty? ls any'utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls diflerent access needed to sile other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done aflecting the right of way, easemenls, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right OlWay permit" required? B) A. ls the righl of way, easernenls or public property to be used for staging, parking or lencing? B. lf no 1o 8A, is a parking, staging or lencing plan required by Community . Development? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way permit' rrrt be obtained. "Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or at C9ry|nryity Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, lhe Town ol Vail Construction Inspector, at 479-215g. I have read and answered allthe above questions. 4 <b t - n-=s- -2 a4, a4--- C . ?-a? Job Name - Contraclor's Signature Date Date: G-q-QP please answe@arding ihe need lor a 'Public Way Permit': YES NO F x'I 1) 2) n r -f Y t' r 3) 4) s) 6) 7) \ t TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI.ITAGE ROADvAIt, co 81657 970-479-2]-38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEIJOPMEI{T NOTE: THrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELE TRTCAL PERMIT iIOb AddrESS: 3035 BOOTH FALLS RDLocat.ion...: 3035 BOOTH F.ALLS RDParcel No.. : ?LOL-023-03-001Project No. : PRJ98-0034 APPLICAT\:T MARK ELECTRIC CO 3002 HWy 91, I"EADVTLLE CO 80461_ 80461 CO}ITRACTOR MARK ELECTRIC CO 3002 HWy 91-, ITEADVTLLE CO 80461- 80461OWNER ADA,IR KATHERINE D & JOHN - GI{ARR DORI A & CHRISTOPHER T, 3035 BOOTH FALLS Descript.ion: TEMP POWER JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permih #: E9B-0136 sLatus...: IssuED ApplJ-ed. . : O6/L6/1"998Issued...: Elcpires. . : Phone: 7L5-486-3254 Phone t 7L5-486-3254 RD, VAIL CO 81657 Valuation: 150,00 su,t4Ml\RY r*+*+rr Total CalculaLed FeeE--->51 .o0 AddiEional Fees---------> .oo EIeceri.cal---> DRB Fee Inve6!igation > will call----> Total PermiE Fee--------> Palmente-------- BAI,ANCE DUE- - - -. , oo . o0 .00 3.00 51.00 53.00 53 .0O .00 rtCM: OSOOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMEIVI DEPT: BUILDING DiWiSiON:O6/T6/L998 JRM ACC.iON: APPR APPROVED JRM' CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknottLedge thaE I have rjead this application, fi.ll€d ouE in full the inforhation required, compleLed an accuxare plot plan, and 6tate that all the infornation provided as requir-ed i.s corraect.. r agree to cornply lrith the information and pLoc plan, to comply eith al1 Tor,,n ordinances and etate larrs, and Eo build this sEructure accolding to the Torn,6 zonlng and Eubdivieion codee, design review app::oved, Uniforn Building Code and other ordinanced of the Town applicable lhereLo. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TI^'E!T.TY. FOUR HOTJRS IN ADVAI.ICE BY TELEPHONE AT 4?9.2138 OR ICE FROM g:00 AM 5:oo PM ITEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT06/L6/L998 .IRM Action: APPR N,/A Dept: FIRE Division: 4-"'"--- FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER i. i *************:l************************************************** TOhIN OF VAIL, COTORADO SE.at,emnt.**************************************************************** StaEemnt Number: REC-0415 Amount,:53.00 O6/L6/98 13:00IniE: ,JRI{Palment Met.hod: CK Notat.ionl. 6'738 Permit. No: E98-01_36 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICA,L PERMITParcel No: 2t_01-023-03-001 SiEC AddrCSS: 3035 BOOTH FALI.S RD LOCATiON: 3035 BOOTH FALLS RD ToE.al Fees:53.00 ToEal- ALL PmLs: Balance: 53.00 s3.00 .00 This Payment **************************************************************** Account. Code DescripEion EP OO1OOOO31114OO TEMPORARY POWER PERMITS WC OO]-OOOO3]-12800 WILL CA,I,L INSPECTION FEE Amount 50.00 3.00 ::'; ;; :ri;ili o8"il l"rll::i"; :S.l'$i oF vAr L coNsrRucrr"fit, neceiffifi ?" oq [ ]-Buirding [ ]-Plunbing [){]-Electrical rob Nahe, M Job AcidreJob Address: SeS(' Euof/',/t f/'n/ \UEL tzP/o/'H?-a3'ac'/ pERMTT AppLrcArrox romr-' JUN 16 19gBK DATE! ^ APPLICATTON MIJST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTEDIr*****************************PERMIT INFOR]'IATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r b t l-Building f l-Plunbing Lega)- Description: Lot2!{Block_ / Fi).inszi fwners Name: J-e4rit +rfl .\rchitect:Address: [ ]-Mechani'cal [ ]-Other Ph. Ph. .rork Class: [ ] -New ]4 -Alteration I l-AdditionaL [ ]-Repair t l-other lumber of Dwelling Units:Number of Acconrnodation Units:I, 'Iumber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances, -- k * * * * * * * * * * * * .'r( * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS\a]UILDING: $ ?LUMBING: $f'..-.._..--_- Gas Logs Wood/Pellet ******* *** *** *:f *** * * ** ** ** ** ** * ** OTHER: $ TOTAL: $ * **** ****** ** *** ir.*** * * * ** ** Town of Vail Reg. NO- Phone Number: Res. *oQJ& "uJtu--3269-Reg. No. \ddress: ELECTRTCAI,z $ I fO.@ HECIIANICAL: $-_.----- af/ro fft.'c?ya__.. )lunbing contracto rt t?{'q bl rddress: Iechanica] contractor: rddress: }UILDING PERMIT FEE: )LUMBING PERMI'I FEE: IECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: iLECTRTCAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )Drl FFll . Town of Vail- Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Phone Number: Reg. NO. r *rlrt * :t *tt ** * ** *** * * ** * ** * * * * ** * * *FOR OFFfCE USE *******!rr***********'t*********** BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLU}fBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: lonments: VALUATION I CLEAN UP DEP,OSIT REFTIND TO: 'ill'lrt v 75 soulh lron lage road va il, colora d o A1657 (3031 479-21.38 or 479-2139 of f lce ol communlty development TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: rn sununary, ordinance No- 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to tirter., rrack or aeposit ;;t-.Jiri"r].k, =and, debris;:,m::'ilii"i::trdins trisn-i"ip=t"r=, p".iuiIJ. to'"t; .;e--- pr ?e" ", ; ;y -;;i.l5i".f, !I"i;'1""i;""ii;il115;_;:i"L"ir*l:*-".Vail streeti ana.roads is approxi."l"iv-s"it.-irl pavement.rhis ordinance riii-[. ;i.i:ii;^enforced bv the rown of Vai].Pubric '{orks neoarlnentl--p.r"lns found vifuiling this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour rria!;;";otice to remove'said rnaterial.fn the event the person so notified.does not compty with thenotice within tn3_-za hour.time-specified, ttre pultic WorksDepartnent wir-1 remove said mate;i;i-;;-irr""I"ill=e of personnotified' The rrrovi=ioni-or-'[ni= o.ornance sharr not beapplicable to cinstruction, ,.i.,t"nur,ce or repair projects ofany street or a1ley or any',rliiit.." rn the right_a_way. To.review ordinance No. e in full", please stop by the Town of:3:i"::tl|i"3.":f,i:'n:*"::"";!;i" a copv. rrra.,'x you ror your Read and ac onlRe ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLVL REGISTERED I,IITH THETOIVN OF VAIL ToIIN oF VAIL PUBLIC WoRKS/COMMUNITy DEVELOPI,IENT IIARCH L6, L988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 !outh ,rontage road v8ll, color6do 81657(303) 479^2L38 or 479-2L39 o olllce ol "ornrunity developmerrt BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TII"tE FMNE If this permi.t requi,res a Tov/n of Vair [ire Department Approvar,Engineer''s. (.eyuJic .,rorks) reyiew .na'upp.ouut,'a piJnnin!'bepartmentrevi ew or Hear th Deoartmint. ievi ew, -uni-i-""niu; Li'dr;";rit ai ngDepartment' the estimat"J iiru'io"'.-iotur review may take as longas three weeks. All commerclal (.rarge or sma'il ) and a'il mu]ti-famiry permits wi'r'rhave to foliow the above rnenti6ned mixirrr requirements. Residentiarand.small projects shourd take a reiier amount of time. However, ifresidential or snraller.projects i*paci the various above mentioneddepartmcnts r.ri th regard to- necessai-y revi J",-,.,"i. ;;; j;.i; ,.yalso take the three-week perioJ. Every attempt vrill be made by thispermi.t as. s.qon as possible. - I , the unders i gned, unders tand the Trame.. deparLnrent to expedite this p1 an check procedure and time 'ill'ltl Communi ty Development Department. TO!{N OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTI{ENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVETOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E98-0171ELECTRICAI., PERMIT Job Address: 3035 BOOTH FAIJIJS RD Status...: IssuEDLocat.ion. . . : 3035 BOOTH FAIJIJS RD .app1ied. . : O|/04/1-g9gParcel No..: 210L-023-03-00L rssued.. . : OB/04/a9ggProject No.: pRLTgB-0034 Expires..: oI/3L/Lggg APPLTCAI{T MARK ELEcrRrc co phone: 7L5-486-3254 3002 HWy 9L, LEADVTLLE CO 80461 80451 coNrRAgroR MARK ETJECTRTC CO phone z 7L5-486-3254 3002 Hl,lry 91, LEADVTLIE CO 80461 8045LOWNER ADAIR KATHERINE D & .JOHN - GIIARR DORI A & CHRTSTOPHER T, 3035 BOOTH FATJTJS RD, VArL CO 81657 Valuation: 20,000.00 :::::::::::: :::::::::::: FEE S'II{ARY El.ctrical- - - > DRB Fee Invcsligacion> will eall----> ToTA! FEES... > Tocal crlcular.d F6€s- - - > Adilitsional Fces- --- -- --- > ToEel PcrDiC Fee--------> 360.OO .00 . oo 3 .00 353.00 363.OO .00 363.00 PaymentsB------- 353 - 00 BATANCE DUE -. -. AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFPI r al* t*** *+ t *rrl rtri | *r*r r *a* irr II,CM: OSOOO ELECTRICA], DEP.ART14E}{T DCPt,: BUILDING DiViSiON:08/04ll-998 ,lRM Action: APPR APPROVED ,tRrvrIle.qi .056q0 FIRE DEPARTMEIiI"T DepE: FIRE Division:08/04ll-998 iiRM Action: APPR N/A * | * *** *1t** ** rtrt* | t*ri * *'r *it* *t** * *!rr*t* it* r* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECI-,ARATIONS I hrrsby acknowl€dg€ chat I have read thie application, filled oug in fu]1 the infonatsion reqqired, co|tlpleted an accuraCc plot p1an, and EEate thaE all hhe infornnLion provided aE rrquLr.d 16 corr6cc. I aErc€ to cohply uith the informaLion and plot plan. !o comply with all Torn oldinances and state Lars, and to build th19 lErucburc according co the To}.n'6 zollifrg and subdiviBion codes, deEigm review approved, ttnifofl{ BuildinE cod6 and ocher ordinancee of lhe To$n applicable thereLo. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTTONS AHArr, BE !..IADE TWEIrIy-FOUR HOURS IN ADVAIICE By TEIJEPnONE 5:00 PM OF OI{NER OR CO$:TRACNOR FOR HIMSELF,END OWNER torsl o! vrur. @LoR.rDo . f !l*ar|rrr i rr rr a rt|ltarttrrl a. ittttratata|t t1. Scprlnt.d: Oe/oslta 09:o? grtr,.!tlr. t t rr t * t rrl*trrtrrrr rtttrit t I ttt a rraJtrt.rr rrrt ir tia !al r aar ra,,r r r ttar gt.g$ng fuub.fi REC-O{32 Aoounts: Palrucnr Itthod: CK lfoErcion I il6tg2 363. o0 o8l05/98 09 !o7 IniCr itR g.rrl-t, l{o: 893-01t1 Tipe! B-BtrEC ELEetRtC& PER||I' PrtrF.I llo ! 2lol-Otrl -03-0or git. Lddr.r! s t035 BOqm AAr,Lg RD l,osrEloDr 3035 AOOIE FI'rLA RD Thi. P.!d.os Balrnca: EoErL Paa€ ! 363. o0 Tatrl .tLl, ProtE: 343.00 353.00 .o0 Accounc cod. lr..cEipcl,on EP rO:OOOO31t1l00 aL8el?relr, PERI|MEEA rfc 00100003112800 ntEt c.l!t ttlsPBc"td[ FEE lsunt :l60. o0 3,OO 'fconfact Eagle Cor tf.;...iJo;3za-4640 ;l:t"i:::i";tl#i oF vArL coNsrRucrrofrte RecgiVffrl-,,oou'/t -"-- . t APPLT.ATT.N MUsr BE FTLLED out "]ffi oR rr lrAy Nor BE AccEprEDU f,***************************** PER!'trr TNFoRMATJoN ***********************rr****, ,fob Legal Descrj_ption: Lot Block_ Filing owners Nanez Aii Address: Address:Architect: General Description: Work Class:- t$-New I I j-Buildinsi [ ]-plunbing ffi-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibal I J-other Address: j.OSt . Ph. Nu:aber of Accommodation Units: Appliances_ Gas Logs_ Wood/pellet VALUATIONS ,r * * ******** * ******* * ******** ***** OTHER: TOTAL: ********* ******** ** * **** ** * Ph. Nurober of Dwe1ling Units, _+ lttu"t and TYPe of Fireplaces: cas {*********************************BUILDING: $ PLUMBTNG: T---ELEC?RfCAL: $ta ooe!,IECHANICAL:9._ Electrical Contractor: * .o 1' t Address; 10. Eo /4 Plurnbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor.;Address: ******************************** BUTLDING PERMTT FEE: ***** ,/t" .0':?"1 r1, Town of Vail Req. NO.Phone Number: 7o Town of VaiL Phone Nurnber: Town of VaiI Phone Nurnber: Ree. No.prylt F7tfr.s.K_frTE- Reg. NO. Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Nuraber: . FoR oFFrcE usE ** * ******* * ********* rr********** PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERHIT FEE:ELECTRICAL FEE: O?HER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUILDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE:PI,I'MBTNG PI.AN CHECK fEE:MECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE:RECRIATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: STGNAIURE: Job Name: &fuAt{L Qt^,J, / l-Alteration J J-Additional [ ]_Repair [ ]_other VALUATION CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REPT'ND 75 soulh lronlage road vall, colorado A1657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: oltlce ol communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLVL REGISTERED WITH THETOI.IN OF VAIL TotrN oF VAIL PUBLIC WORKs/coMMUNrTy DEyELOPI,IENT llARcH L6, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTATJ STORAGE In surunary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anvperson ro litLer, track or deposit.an'-.lifl-rIJf.l ="ra,-;";;i=or naterial , including trash iump"t.r=, portable toirets andworkmen vehictes, upon-any street, sidewalk, alley or publicplace or anv nortibn tn"'r""il Tr" right-oi-way on arl Town ofVail- streets and.roaa= -i=-Iii.o*irately s ft. iff pavement.This ordinance wiII be ;;.;;ii; enforced by the rown of VaiI' Public works Deoartment- --p"i-lns found ''irr.Iing this ordinance'irl be siven a 24 hour r-iti"" notice-to-;;;;;:, said mareriar.In the event the person so notified.ao"=-nil"'Ionpry with thenotice r+ithin the 24 rrour time specified, the pubric worksDepartment vrill remove said mateii.l -at tu".."*plnse of personnotifi'ed' The orovisions- "r- trti= ordinance snarr not beapplicabl" a" "?l:truction, -1111t9".nce or r"fui. projects ofany street or alrey or any "tiri[i"."i; ;;"';iii,._u_"uy. To.review ordinance No- e in fulL, please stop by the Town of:::i"::ii:i"3,":f,i:'il:lt":i"oiiuin a copv. ri'uni, v;; ;;;"y;;, '.'ll'\l ?osrtion (i.e. contraccor, owner)x 75 south ,ronlage toad vsll, colorado 81657(303) 479-2L38 or 479-ZI3g ottlco ol communlty devolopmerrt BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TII,IE FMNE If thi.s permit requires a Tovrn of Vair Fire Department Approval ,Engineey''s (publ ii t'ropks) ""vien'unl'ipprouur,' i piannin!'i,.purt untreview or Hear th Departm6nt reuiew, -.nl'i-i.ui.; Li'iii:";rir ains Siri[ll:'j;.1!: u'.i'uted time ior'u-tot r i"ui"n-iluv"iu[i'as rons All commerciar flarge or smar'r ) and ail mu'r ti-famiry permits wi'have to follow trre irove meniioneJ-mliir* requirements. Residentia.land small projects shourd ti[e-i-ieli.r u*ornd or-tir"l' However, ifresidential or snrarler projects impiii'the various above mentioneddepartments wi th resa.rd' to- necessa;t-;"ti;*;-ih;;; ;;;j;cts ruyalso take the three week perioJ. Every.attempt vrill be made by thispermi. t . as. s.qon as poss i bl e . - I, the undersigned, understand the frame.. deparLnrent to expedite this pl an check procedure and tjme 'Cornmuni ty Devel opment Department. TO; FffOM: DATE: HE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY WORKS PERMIT" DEPARTMENT IS REOUIRED Job Name: Dale: B) A. ls lhe right of way, public properly to be used parking or fencing? easements or for slaging, Contraclois Signaturer need for a 'Public Way Permit': YES NO Date 1) 2) Please answer lhe following questionnalre regarding the ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed thal requires the use of the right of way, easernenls or public propefy? ls any'utilily work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed 1o site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage woft being done aflecting the right of way, easemenls, or public property? ls a "Revocable Bight Of Way permit" reouired? .)) 4) 5) 6) 7) B. lf no to BA, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any ollhese questions, a "Public Way permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or alCgryinulity Deve.lopment. lf you have any questions please /all Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction Inspector, at.479-21S8.' n//fZ/ '/ , I harro raaA qnA ancrrrarorl ,rll lh^ ^k^.,^ ^,,^^r:^-- .' /I have read and answered allthe abovg{uestiprrs-\ ao4&a.L, 1'%-2,% Job Name DEPARTI.4ENT OF COMMI]NITY PMEIi T NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT AI.,L TIMES MECHA}IICAL PERMIT PermiE. #: M98-01-47 o DEVEIJO 3035 BOOTH FALLS RD 3035 BOOTH FALLS RD 2101-023-03-001 PRJ98 - 0034 TOhIN OF \IAII-, 75 S. FRONTAEE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 Job Address...:Location.--.-.: Parcel No.....: ProjecE Number: Stsatsus. . Applied. Issued- . Er<pires. ISSUED 0s/Tt/Leeg 08/L2/1998 02/08/Leeg APPLICAI{T WEICH PIJT]MBING AND HEATING ATTAS HEATTNG, P. O. BOX 8294, AVON, CO CONTR,ACTOR WEICH PI,IJMBING AND HEATING ATT,AS HEATTNG, P. O- BOX 9294, AVON, COOltlNER ADTIR KATHERINE D & JOHN - GHARR DORI A & CHRISTOPHER T, 3035 BOOTH FALTS Phone: 81620 Phone: 8L620 RD, VAIL 970 -845 -03L1 970 -84s - 03r_1 co 81657 9, 000 . 00 *of wood/Pallet: Description: MOVE HEAT LINES ADD NEW BASE BOARD HEAT Rcetsuarant Plan Rovier- - > DRB Fee-------- valuation: Totsa1 Calculrtscd Fcca- - - > Additional Fcee---------> ToEal Per$i! Fee- -------> Paymeneg------- Fi.repLace ReBtricbed I #of oaa Applianca€:*of cas Log6: PEE SI'MI.,IARY Mechenical- - - > PIan Check- - - > Inveecigation> wiIl call----> 19o. o0 /t5.00 .oo 3.00 .00 .00 22e .00 224 ,OO ,00 22e .OO BALANCE DUE----.....'.....;;";; .;;;;;';;;;;;';;;;;'. ;;;;';;;;;;;;.;;;;;;'."...'O8l11l1998 .TRM ACEION: APPR APPROVED 'JRM-IEemi .056Q0 FIRE DEPARTIENT Dept: FIRE Division:o8/L1-l1-998 JRM AcEion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COD4BUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF TIIE 1-991 I'MC.3. INSTALI,AT]ON MUST EONFORM TO MANUFA TURES INSTRUETIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 2]- OF THE 1991 IJMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VEMTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND SHAI,I., TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.906 OF THE 1.991 I'MC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 AND703 0F TI{E 1-991 IJMC-6. BOILERS SHAI-,L BE MOIJIiI:TED ON NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.BLE FLOORING.UNI-,ESS I,ISTED FOR MOTJNIING ON7. PERMIT,PLANS Af.ID CODE ANAI-,YSIS BE POSTED TN MECIIANICAI.'' fr6dt-Ffri6'tr'io IN ir,rsFs-mroN-8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS HBATING OR HOT-WATER ST'PPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WITII A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.21-l-9 0F THE 199r- IIMC. ******************************************************************************** DECLAR,ATIONS e4|--4-j'1F. r h.t by rcltnoul.dg. th.t I h.v. .."a erfnnrfcrtlon, fllhil ouB tn full ,". ar.ron f rcgulrcd, coqrl.trd rn .ccur.Ec plor plrI, tnd.crt. !hl! rl,l Uh. lnforErcion lFovld6d r. r.quir.A 1. ccrr.ct. I rgr€. to c61y rtth Ehc lnfarurt,lon.nd ploC plan. Bo c€o[rly vtEh rU loxlr ordlntnc.. .nd rcrts hr!, rErd to bulld !hl. lcrucEur. rccoadlng Bo Eh. Torn.. r6t4g rrld eubdlvislon cod€r, d.tlgn rrvl.r rppasvrd, Unlforo Buildlng Co& rnd oth.r oEdlnrler. of gh. Torn rptrltcrbb thlreto, REOI'B'EI llOR IIII'FBCIIOI|A 6HI!! EE r|lDE 1ifEITT-FOUR, HOIIRS sls||Atunt ot oll|l* oR co$rlAcroE FoR ltlrgBlE rxD By IILEPI|oIII .tT a?9-2138 OR tT oUR oFFtcE FROII 8:00 lrl 5:oo rFt*-"-.P-' tttttatltl!}irl+tttr.atlttrltt.trtttttarttaatatat lqot ot vl ,. coldllto rrr+tattttllaatitt SErcaGtE gErt.qrE fil!!bc! t RtC-0{33 .ttrtounL: 22g.OO lelf?lgg t6tLz Pr]rn nt' Hrtltod ! CK NohClon. 10292 Inir: ER 'i- ----- - -- -- - -- P.:! Ir l|or l|tt-ol{t t:?c: B-tfECB t{EcHN[fcAE pf ft Prrc.1 llo: 2lO1-Or3-0!-0O1 gLe. Addtra6: 3033 BOOtll FAIIJA RD LocrEion ! 3035 BoofH FAi,L5 RD Totsal laor ! Ttrl. PaylanB 22t.oo ?oB!l ALL PEEr! Btlrnca I 229. O0 228. O0 .o0 lccounr cbd. D...'rlption uP 00100003111foo llBcllllllcttJ PBRIIIT FEEa PP 00tooo03x12!oo PllAit cHEcK FEEs nc 00100003112s00 nILl, cl&t l}rsPEctlot{ lEt lDount ISO. O0 ,t5. OO 3.O0 ',!''..q*.a*t€2 t l-Building [ ]-p]urnbing [ ]-Erectrical ffi-uechanlbar [ ]-other rob Narne z A|p.tr Job Acldress: __3e35__gg Legal Description: Lot_ Block__ Filing sueorvrsroN: I"'f r** * ************ *** rt*** **** *** b fwners Nane: \rchitect: tumber of Dwel}ing Units t I PERMIT fNFORMATION * tr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rt * * * 't * !r * * * * * Address: Address: Ph. Ph. Number of Accohhodation Units: - teneral Descriptio"t s.ro<le- ln.qJ Il,*s ,/ac,., BqSe,boqJ lork class: [ ]-New [M-ett"ration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other ymber and Type of Fireplaces: cas App1iun""r- f Gas Logs / wood/pell"t€_ i* * * * * ** * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** *** ** * VALUATIONS ****************** **rr****** * J.*x**I]UILDING: E?LUMBING: $I 1* :t * * rt rk :\.* rt * * * rt * * :t * * *.* * * * * * * * CONTzu\leneral Contractoy: y;ttl6tr Bc.i l.\ddress: ET,ECTRICAL: $ MEcHANIcAr.,t +lZFe*-OTHER: $ *********************** **** Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunrber: ;IectricaL contractor : iddress:Town of VaiL Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Nunrber: Reg. NO. Reg. No. G!*l PYC-O3rl Iechanical Contractor: }UILDING PERMIT FEE: ,LUI',IBING PERMTT FEE: fECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: 'LECTRTCAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: \dd res s : r :t rt * :l :l rt rt rt :t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r+ * * * * *FOR OFFICE USE :t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ir * * * * * * * * r< * * Town of Vai)- Reg. NO. ?QrnPhone Number: p\LJ:-63i/ BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PLAN 'CHECK FEE: MECTTANICATJ PI,AN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PER},IIT FEES: BUTLDING; SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: GROUP lommenLs: VALUATION , CLEAN IIP DEP.OSIT REFTIND TO: TO: FROI'T: DATE: SUBJEC?: o 75 soulh fronlage road va il, coloredo 8i 657 (303) 479-2I.38 or 479-2139 o lllce ol communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOI.IN OF VAIL ToFIN oF VAIL PUBLIC WoRKS/ColnruNITy DEVELoPTTIENT I'ARCH 16, L988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to li*er, track or deposia ;t-=;irl-rli*, sand, d.ebrisor rnaterial, including tri"ir-Eu.psters, portable toilets andworkrnen vehicles. upon any street, sidewalk, a1ley or public,11?i"^:: anv porriln tn"'r"oil--in" righr-of-way on arr. Town ofvatr streets and.Ig"g" is approxi.ui"iv-s"it]-lrr pavemenr.This ordinance wir-l be it.iliiv"enforced by the Tor+n of vairPublic works Deoartment: --;";;;ns found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour r.iii"n"rotice to rernove said rnateriar.rn the event the person so notified.d;";-,-,;;"'I"iprv wirh thenotice within the 24 hour tirne speciried, the public worksDepartnent will remove =iia-r"t"iiar at ine"Jx;;;=. of personnotified' The nrovisior,"-or-"itis orainance srri:.r not beapplicable to clnstruction, ,niir,t"n.nce or =-!ui. projects ofany street or alrey or any utirities i; fi"-;ilit_"_".y. To.review ordinance No. e in full, please stop by the Town ofvail Buirding Department to obtiin a copy. Thank you for your.cooperation on this rnatter. p Y ead and acknowledged by: liii ositionTnel-a-€I6fEEGr (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 !orrlh lro n tag e road vall, colorado 81657(303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 ottlce of communlty devolopmerrt EUILDING PERIiIT ISSUANCE TII,II FMI,IE If thi.s permi.t requires a Tov,n of vai'r fiire oepartrnent Approvar,Engi neep''s (pubr ic u,orks) review ana'ipbrouuT, -i' pj'ili"i.S"bepartmenrrevi ew or Hear th 'epartmint. iev iew, -.nl'.- ruui.; Li'iii;";ri t ai n9 3!rt[ll!',1;.fl1 u'rt'uted time rJi'a-[otar i.ui.n-iluv"iaie as r6ns Al l commerciar ('rarge or sma'r't ) and ail mur ti-family permits wilrhave to follow the ibove renii6neJ-mi*irrr requirements. Residentialand small projects should tat e i-iefier amount of time. However, ifresidential or snrar'rer .projecis tmpi.t ttre virious;b;;. mentioneodepa rtmcnts vri th regard' to- neces saiv-ievi e*,-ih;;; ;;;j;.'ti ruyalso take the three week period. Every.attempt u,ilf p!_Tlge by this departnrent to expedite thispetmit.a5 s.qon as possrDre. I' the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe. Jdev'ProJect Name Communi ty Oevelopment Departmeqrt. TO: FROM: D.ATE: RE; MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS MAY g, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT' DEPARTMENT IS REOUIRED Job Name: Date: Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need lor a "PublicWay Permit': YES NO 1) 2) oJ 4) 5) ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed lhat requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public propefi? ls any'ulility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the right of way, easements, K r r l' f r6) or public property? 7) ls a "Bevocable Right Ol Way permit" required? Y 8)A. ls the right of way, easemenls or public property to be used for slaging, parking or lencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development?f lf you answered yes to any ol these questions, a "Public Way Permit' rrrt be obtained. 'Public Way Permit" applicalions may be obtained at the Public Work's otiice or at Community Development. lf you have any queslions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction Inspector, at.479-2158. I have read and answered allthe above questions. Signature l%lR RESIDENCE REMODEL WEICH P&H INC HEATLOSS SUMMARY . BASEBOARD SLAB TYPE-O=ON GRADE B=BELOW GMDE W=WALK4UT BSMT FLOOR TYPE-W=WOOD T=TILE G=CARPET Iti iriii i,iii j il1r it1ilrl;r :1 ";' ::i :+ii,:i: rif : l,ili:iiii; AI\,|ILY 2 {:i1: i TH1 :riii:;:ffirijl*i }ED 3 ;r.l:r,,ni€-liill,* ii#TH2 ! :"!l: at ::'''r ';;'+,i1; i;: :i':il .;.r",F: M/D!N/I-IALL 1 r,,',i!r if :iiif i ilri:l$l +;Iiif uffirun l*.,;3,i1;irii ;#,ltii ',,:, i1'''i'11;i; ,iri ;,i, 11,1i;1g,,i.:;1;ij IED If itrffi![;;{41 TH3 0 r::.j1t1;.ililj ! r<:,tii x rii,:: o 0 ::iiliir.:.rrdr. 0 i:i,ilii,iil;l 1A 0 o LF AVG HT SQFT Gr-ASS AREA DOOR AREA l ,i;,ill:: j,r,' ;;l ; i;l:', ;:-i:t;;:..: '.r.;rtil;ifi*iii.i '.- ', r..i",: i;.' : l-:;i,:.:, ,r;il+il;+ rl;irri,. *ffiliiir'L 87 :r! ltii:1'!i 35 11 :.:, :ii:,: t 'r;: j..-:r';:;i;: 0 0 :iffii+. LF EXT WALL wTc FLOOR TYPE YN HEATED BELOT'\TI i t I TOI,I}iT OF VAIL 75 S. FROIIrAGEVAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2t35 ROAD NOTE: I DEPARIT{ENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMEMT TTIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES 899-0178ELE TRICAI PERMIT Job Address: 3035 BOOTH FALLS RD Location. -.: 3035 BOOTH FAILS RD Parce] No. . : 2i-01-023*03-001Project No. : PIIJ98-0034 APPI.,IEANT MARK ELESTRIC CO 3002 IIWY 91, TEiADVILLE CO 8046r_ 80461 CONTRA TOR MARK ETECTRIC CO Additional Pces- - -- -- - -- > TotaL PcnriE lee-- -----> PermiE #: status-. -: ISSITED Applied- -: 09/29/L999Issued...t LO/04/L999Expires..: 04/0t/2OOO Phone; 7L5-486-3254 Phonez 7L5-486-3254 .00 53.OO 3002 HWY 9r_, LEADVTLLE CO 80461 80461OVJNER ADAIR KAT}IBRINE D & iIOHN - GIIARR DORI A & CHRISTOPTTER T, 3035 BOOTH FALLS RD. VArL CO 81657 Descript,ion: TNSTALL FEEDERS FROM TR.,,AIiISFORMER TO PRovaluat,ion| 2,000.00 FEE SI'!'IIARY *r**a***r**l****r********r*rr+ t*tt*rrlarrttt** Total. Calculated Feea---> 53.ooElecttical- -- > DRB Fee Inv6stigation> will call----> TOTAL PEES- - - > 50.oo .o0 .oo 3,OO 53-00 Payuen!5-------- 53.00 BAI,A}.ICE DUE- -. -. oo *****t******t** * tt ttt * 'r * '| t r i * * It,EM: O6OOO ELE TR]CAL DEPARTIVIEI{T DEPE: BUILDING DiViSiON:09/29/1999 JRM Act,ion: APPR APPROVED JRI,fItsb.m;'.05600 FrRE DEPARII4EI{T Dept: FrRE Di'uision:O9/29/L999 iIRM Action: APPR N/A *f*irrr**rar*** t*t******tt***, ********Jrfrtrt*t*j*****t*t*a* CONDITION OF APPROVAT ]-. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLI,NiICE.2. MAY REQUTRE PUBLIC WAY PERM]T PLS EALI-, LEOIiIARD 390-4677 PRIOR TO STARTING WORK *r**rtr*ir*itt*r**r*1***f*t****t*a*tr*t***err r***tt*tttit**t**********r**r***+*+*r*iarlrtit**i.r*r**t DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge eha! I have read chis appLicali.on, fil-led ouE in fulf the information requircd. conpleted an accurate PIot pla!!, and Btate i:hat: all Che infontlation provided ae required is correcL- I aglee to conply vrith tshe information and ltlot Plan, to comply with all Towr! ordinances and staCc lar6, and t.o buiLd chis etructur:e accor.ding tso Ehe Town'e zolring arrd subdirrieion code6. de€j.gn rewiee alrproved, Vniford Building code and oth€r orilinanced of tshe Toen applicable EhereEo, REQUESTg FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BB MADE TIIENTY. FOI,IR HOURS IN !olo| Ot VIIL, OO&qlDO E!rB|e'! t*rlrt*|}t**t*tttjtt*tatttt**t*a*rt*l}r*rtttt*t!r*r**i*!rtr*trfrrrrrrt sttB.Ec tr|ldc! PEc-05?0 Asluts ! 53.00 lo/Oa/gt 14r1S Prytrsrc l|.thod. Cl( noErcionr 7303 IniE! ,tL Pctrit tlo, 899-0178 ryp.3 B-E|EC ELfCfRtClL gEtrr PlrcGl to. 21o1-o23 -otr-oo1 8Lt. lddJ'lra r 3035 Eoottl FNrfiS RD t oqgi.s: f O35 Eo('fI| PILI€ XD Tgtal Pccs3 - 53. OO Thlt Drl'qnE 53.00 totrl .AI.! tut6: 53.00 Erlaracg: .OO rt+ttte!l*ttl,'ttillt'tttt**attttttarrtarattrJatttrrrtartr!}l.*r.rrrrrarr Accoum Coi. DarcrLFllon turcrsrt EP OO10000r111,tOO !IACa?ICI! Pnf,rr pEEs 5o.oo tc oo1000031ilroo tlrl.! qE& tr[Eplerrd rE! 3.OO ---_____:______ €, rowN oF vArl?oNsrRucrroN 'ERM,, ort.AroN F.RM INI'ORMATION MUST BE COMPLETf, OR TIIE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTTI) Contad the, Eagle County Assessors Offrce at 970-328-8&0 for parcel #Parcett )til o?3'o3 oc i// oat", '//J-fr,/ ? 7 nayur*, flln I /"4- ** ,ru 3fl-r104 ' robAddress: 9o3{ /hf{ F"4 /,"/ 7ed p.r.ul2,"/,/,- Building ( )Plumbing ( ) Block Elecrrical p(;Mechanical ( ) Other ( ) Legal Descripion: Lot Filing Subdivision ownersName: {h AJ^,,tt Address: 3eKs' 13",t4 fro//s g,'"/ yt"/ phone# Architect: Description of Job:fn// Nl- Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Additional ( ) Repar 00 Other ( ) Nurnber of Accomrnodation Units: Gas Logs Wood/Pellet VALUATIONS izon ft Alteration ( ) I Number and Type ofFireplaces: Gas Appliances BUILDING: $ PLIJMBING $ OTIIER: $ TOTAL $ Town of Vail Regishation No. Address: Phone # Address: Phone # ELECTRTCAL: S_fu*i:__ MECHAMCAL $ CoNTRACTOR TNFQRMATTON /? -'? t/ Gencrat contractor f)nyo., l!,. llras Address: 'B"v f ( fo,n/-l Town of Vail Registration No. loC-4 Phone# F?7 - {7r5 6tq - OI?8 Electrical Contractor :@ ?73- E Plumbins Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Mechxnical Contractor: Town of Vail Registrauon No. FOR OFFICE USE Address: ztuz tt--, gt irJ-,.//r fi,rrt Phone# Zq-/*ftfSiiT cr// '?o 5t3 /oftl BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: SEP Zs €99 REFT I31 tel15/99 6Os3O REtrUEcTs TOWN 0F VRIL., UgL0RAIiu FOR INSFEETION hORI..( CHEE"T:5 FOR* l3l15/98 trAtBE 6 f,FtEAr Cl) flct ivitY I AddreEE r Loca'b i on a Farer I l Description: Flppl ieant I Owncr: trontrEct or: PgB-tAO'79 IAl LLlig Type I B-PLII|B gtetue ! 3S35 BOOTH FRLLB TID :i{43ii BOgrH FALLS flD etDl-rae3"('3t-Erol Bcc I ==s =rg5Es!!:====!E:=::=E:=E=e!!t5i€!:ii=ISSUED Donstr: ASFR UFe r XIOVE PLUFIBlN6 LINEiS/ftDD NEi'I FIXTURES uEiin FuuilHrH$ AND IIERTING Fihone: e70--B+5"03r1 ADAIR KATI{EFINE D *'JOHN - Bl{RltR Phoner' IIEICH FLUilIBING AND HEATINB trhoner 970-845*OBlt Inrp€clt i on tlsquest Reguestor: JOHN Item lnf ornat iprr,. . . "Fhoner Ae7".945O GALL -. 3.JO-94$o fiet i on Conrments Timn ExPConq€n'bs: tIILL ire:tEd 'bo nspeeted,. In speet i on ItentItenl I t er r Iten: ItenllIt eF: It en: Hi€tory..... AOel I LrLflB-Underground ADE46 FILFIS*'Ror.rqh/IJ. l"l, U. |ogiI3/9A InsPeetor: f,RT 0Ae3Cr FLI4B-liough/l.|atet' hg/f3/98 InsPectorr ART 019,?4ta PL,FIB-GaE F i ptng fr6/ f 3/$g InsPeet on I AflT $F?tiA FLFIB-'troul/l{ot Tut: 6frB6tl I-ILMB-Mi Ee. OOEgfi FLhIB-Final L?/U3/i6 InsPectol': Jl{Fl L"/fi'7 l9B I n sPeet oi^ t llD Notesr ffi$ Flet i un r AtrF R Fetisnt APPR Action: AtrtrR Act i on DN DN llater haad E lgt EK f,lir test F 8O# Psi 6K Air test Ag* E lSnin BH CRNCHT-ED W1LL RESCHHtrt r onY Hct ioy': :tfs- V 7'" v'd uue?zgfj 66. 6a Nnf REPTl3Ilal15/98 68:36 REGII'JESTEI -iii==!!!3a=--i=:;l:r v lttgS-Sl4Z l?/t?,/EE Typor B-HEtrl'l $tatusr ISSUEI} Constr': n$FR 3633 B00Tl.l F'TLLS RD 3O3E BT]OTH I.RLL$ RD e1{01-6e3-UB-0Ol ncc ! MOUE HEfiT LINES RDD NEt'l B,rSE BOARD FIEAT t^lEItrH FL.UMBINO AND tlgA"f INg phoner ADAIR HAIHERINE D e JOHN -'GHfiRR F'honet WEIIIH pLUHDINti AND HEATINB phoner Tnh|H oF UAILi coLclnADo FOR INSFE$'TION I^JCIRIT EHEEI.E, FI]R! TE./I5/98 PAGE 7 AREA' CD R6tieity: $lddress I , Loeat i on : Par"ce I : DeEcri pt i on r Appl ieent I OwflPrc Dontnaet or I l'ls e I i 974-o45-s3t 1 970-8+5-4311 trispeet i on lleques'l !nf o F$at i a87-57!3Reguertorr JOHN 6': WILL CALL ': 39O-945O speeted'.. Act ion Conment e'redu es b'ed to O l'iECH"Final i ne !ixp Inspection Histot*Y.. .. J Item I 064O0 tt{6Cl{-Rough WAILZ/9B Inspeitor: ART flction: AFFR Rough tD batseboard lojc' Itenr SOE4I! PLmB-Gas Fritri.ng I'ben r 6O31O MECH-l{eatinB Xtent OOSED FIECH-Exhaust l-lpods Iten: OEIS3O FIEEH'-SuPPIY Ain Itenr I O634S MEtrF{*ltli se. Iten : S6390 ltlECl'l-'FrnaI @a/?a/ga lrrEpeetor: 6RB Flctiorr: APCR Ttro oNLY*R€Cl'lEllK FOR FIN ,l:{:1:'8"1";fiii*ffii HBn,o ou'.3?1,1"[ioBIu* oF*[lE),-"" Flvr a]! ) Z(t.R€g+s-€€Fr*r v ,/ lfl c>._RE r.z flib_f ,wrg E'd.WVeetS@ 66. 60 Nm o v REFflSl TO[,N OF UAIL| CULDRRDOLa/L5|XA 6a:3O REEIUE$TS FOR INBFEDTIRN h,ORH SHEETS FoR;1fil15/94 ===e:8!=ra=a==========fi ==*t:i===E: =======F=rE=Antivlty: B9B-OO44 LA/tIJ19€ Type; R-BUIL.D Btatusr ISSUED Conetr; ASFFflddress! 3ft35 BtlOTl{ FALLS RDLocation; EO35 BOOTH FALLS RDFarcel: e1O1-Oets*6$-G01 Oec; Usc; U N Descrip'bi onr ADDITION nND REITIODEL Appt icrant : trINYtrN BUILDER$ Onncrr QDAIR KA1HGRINE Ir & JOHN -Eontraqtorr FINYON BUILDEFS trFI6E AREAI trD Flh ona r SHfiRE Fhpnei Phsne r ;038R7[i79S 3A38875793 Lockir Holdsl and fiDTiUI'fY NI,tIcET NEEDNsticcl slot Noticrs..,. $73 S FUBWRY 44 li BLDE-Finel InFPection Request Infor^mation". Requestor: JOHN Feq Ti lgr0 C Frhon; r 697*579S UIiLL - EELL Fl,l 390-9458 f,ct ion Connent sItene tst HILL Inspeeted..T'l ne i:x p Inspectlon Hirtsry... ". I r l'z. -,,,0 ,.i,0Iten! oo5lEf clriuenay gr"ade finel Vle+y4{*teIten:E6oloblD8*Foltingrzrteei ;' |- ' -^t' qb/eE tss Inspectorr cD nerionr AppR AptrRotftfr" lnU4"l4% Notes: trRoUIDE A CoFy 0F STnLrC. ENE. REF0RI' DA'rEVtf,ll'qrFA, n{ ,r4-.AtrFROVING ETRURTURAL CHf|NEES f-A vv,tvtq - ,Llt*"" 39?f;fr8btf;:;i.:l3l:o1{fi0"o' rrcrion, AF*R npFR,nvEj uudra,,Fwn/,Itenr OOEEA F'LAN-ILE Sitc FIan I /Iteu: 0hO30 BLDrS*.Framinq o,A/L?liE Inspectorr ART Ftction: QFFR AFFR0UEDItenr klE65D BLDE-.Insulationo,8/t4/98 Inrpector"r JRM Aeiioirc FttrF.tt flFFROVUI.I JnHItenr O0b6E BLDti-Sheetrock Nail Oe/eOlSB lnsprctor; liRli Rctlon: fltpFR J{PpRDUEDIten: SFft?O BLDti-f4ise. $6/3A/qA Inspector'* CD Actipnt AppR ENE. LETT'ER REC&iiuEI)Iters fitOO9O tsLDG-FinalItem; 08E36 BLDEi-Tamp. C./tlte/67/99 Inspeclurr CD Aerton; tlN DENIED ,hNotc*r FLgirrlrrrt''B flNo p,uBlr/IE bloRKrt AtrF.RovAL REEITD , Ast=JJtllJsh-{t€-+€€+V | / t,^fVt6tr,V ^ lrl'- I\n\,WV ,*e4tipo.. '.^,. [fr- /1,1r^ l.|ffND RtlIL$ IIHO'D UN ErIEK sTtrIRs Va77icrr,tl,*- trv\ \l /rn4*r1REI{OTE BR.E itHrJT oFF HEG'D FOR EA$ Ln6 F/tr" AFF,LTANT:F. r5 M |9r.,,{.TO BE INSTnLLED UNTIL $Hu oFF IB INSTFLLED / {III\.tJ nfJi+-FFIiFFl;iF{; il'\i'r rla.,l.rl' T ft -ttinrrrrlyr r:.-r lrFFt td6trrEt! . / t ' IIJ IIE. .rr\D IHLLC:,I, UNIIL UHU I t'Fr ltj INUIHLLLU ./*\/ .1t en I Z,-*SS+W BLD6.-i3:i nal [i/f1 l,lUtrZ:BZl 66' 6a -TOI4iNOFl//1r,' Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, @lorado 81657 tel: 97O.479.2L39 fax: 97 0.47 9.2452 web: www,ci.vail.co.us Pmiect l{ame: ADAIR KITCHEN REMODEL DRB Number: DRB0400B2 Prcject Description: KITCHEN REMODEL Paftaclpants: OWNER ADAIR, KAfiERINE D. & JOHN -03/18/2004 Phone: DORI A. & CHRISTOPHER T. 3035 BOOTH FALLs RD VAIL co 81657 License: APPUCANT MARNERCONSTRUCTORS INC, 0311812004 Phone: 926-3093 PO BOX 237s EDWARDS co 81632 License: ProjectAddress: 3035 BOOTH FALLS RDVAIL' Location: 3035 BOOTH FALLS ROAD tegal Description: Lot 12 Block $ SuUAivision: VAIL VIU-AGE RUNG 13 Parcel Number: 210102303001 Comnents: STAFFAPPROVED BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: APPROVED Second By:Vote: Date of Approval= 031L81200a Conditions: Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written @nsent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permlt for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activiues. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Gond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligendy pursued toward completion. I ; -G. - TOWNOFI/AIT' Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Devdopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479,2139 JatiJ. 97 0.419.2452 web: www.ci,vail,co.us \ Proiect Name: ADAIR KITCHEN REMODEL DRB l{umber: DRBO40082 ProJect Description: KITCHEN REMODEL Participants: OWNER ADAIR, IqTHERINE D. & IOHN -03/18/2004 Phone: DORT A. & CHRISTOPHER T. 3035 BOOTH FALLS RD VAIL co 81657 License: APPUCANT MARNER CONSTRUCTORS INC. 03/18/2004 Phone: 926-3093 PO BOX 2375 EDWARDS co 81632 License: Prcject Addrcss: 3035 BOOTH FALIS RD VAIL locaton: 3035 BOOTH FALLS ROAD tgal Deccdptron: lot: 12 Block 3 Subdivislon: VAIL VILLAGE RUNG 13 Parcel Number: 210102303001 Comments: SIAFFAPPROVED BOARD/Sf,AFF ACTTOI{ Motion By: Actlon: APPROVED Second By:Vote: DateofAppruYal:03/18/2004 Conditions: Cond:8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vall staff and/or the approprlate review commlttee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not consUtute a permit for building, Please consult wlth Town of Vail Building personnel prlor to construction activiues. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond;202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit ls lssued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completlon. IOI,fNM RE"-;,':., \hh t btrour IrlAft | b "--, General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please refer to.the submittal requirements for the partiordi approvat ttrat is requesiJ. nn uidriotion for Design Reviewcannot be accepted until all required infiormation is received by the fummunlty oevitbpment Departmlnt. Thegroject may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council ani/or the Plannini and Environmental Commission.Desien rcvjl]v approval- lapses untess a buitding pennit is issued ana dnstru*on ommences withinone year of the approval. mfication for Design nevit Eepartment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 91657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 9iO.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Description of the Request:AC*8" N c, Physical Addrcss: Parcef No.: 2l 6l 6Z 3676,6 | (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-32g-9640 for parcel no.) Zoning:OAIVf,SwaZ€ Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Owner(s) Si gnature(s) ; Name of Applicant: Mailing Address; Phone: ?4L ' 36q 7 E-maif Addresst A'+tqex<-r eWet1., Fax: ?af. - crA-?€wlr Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (m ulti-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request Locauon of the Proposal: Lot / 2 Block / subdivision: Va r e- Vr < <- tq G,€ c, 70 2 ? D n $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements. such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee 1a*4ot9 Page 1 of L3|IU|T|O3 Lr t'' f'j ''t " '-' i., ''' tl: i, r ,L )' 1t Ao 100t1 i.,,"'l*' t-" ,' - t D esign Review Actiun Form TOWN OF VAIL hoject Name: Adair residence Pro.jcct Dcscription:Roofing and exterior painting Owncr. Addrcss and Phonc: John Adair 3035 Booth Falls Road Architect/Contact. Addrcss and Phone. John Adair 3035 Booth Falls Road Prcject Street Addrtss: 3035 Booth Falls Road Legal Description: Lot 12, Block 1, Vail Village l3th Parccl Nurnber: 2l0l-023-03-002 Buildins Namc: nla Commcnts: Motion by: nla Scconded by: Votc: Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 7130198 Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApproval I':\EVFIRYONIi\DRll\A PPRoVAt,\q8\A DAI R.7.10 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 a".rdo; Call thc PlI;rning Stat'i l i .i7:r-l i 2 rl APPLICATION FOR DBSIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcviclv rrrust rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicrv approval prior to submifting for a building pcrnrit. For spccific infomration, sce the subniitLal rcquirctrrcnts for thc particular approval that i.s requ*stcd. Thc application cannot bcacceptcduntil allthcrcquircd infornration is subnrittcd. Thc projcct nray also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Torvn Council and/or thc Planning and Envirottntcntal Cornnrission. Dcsign Rcvierv Board approval cxpircs 0nc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a r building pcrrnit is issued and construction is started. A. DESCRTPTToNoFTHEREeUEST: P* fr ro i?erpV-rnr* B. c. D. E. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT:_ BLOCK:_ FILTNG: PFFYslcALeoonEss:'3o3f Beor-* Fr+r-a: b- -. PARCEL #:(Contact Eaglc Co. Assessors Officc at 970-328-8640 foiparccl #) ZONINC: TOWN OFVAIL F. c. NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS: owNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAME OFAPPLICANT: PHONE: II. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: D Ncrv Construction - $200 Construction of a nerv building.tr Addition -$50 lrrcludcs any addition rvhcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or comrncrcial buildine. p. N'linor Altcration - $20 lncludc.s nrinor changcs to buildings and sitc irnprovcmcnts. such as, 1croofing, painting, rvindorv additions. landscaping, fcnccs and rctaining walls, ctc. DRB fccs arc to bc paid at thc tintc ofsubnrittal. Later, rvhcn applyingforabuildingpennit. plcascidcntifo thc accuratc valuation ofthc projcct. Thc Torvn of Vail rvill adjust thc fcc according to thc project.valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATTON, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREN{ENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COIV1MUNITY DEVELOPIVIENT, TS SOUTII FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 8I657. MAILINC ADDRESS: o o 3 I\IINOR ALTERATIONS TO TIIE.EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS AND SITE I M PRO\IEiVI ENTS CENERAL INFORMATION fhis application applies to changcs uradc to a site or exterior altclations ofa building, Any altcration in rvhich additionel building squarc footlgc i.s addcd rvill rcquirc an "additions" application. I. SUBMITTAL REO.UIREMENTS Photos or skctchcs rvhich clcarllr convcy thc existing conditions. Photos or skctchcs rvhich clcarly convcy thc proposcd building ol sitc altcration(s). All rclcvant spccifications for thc proposal including colors and nratcrials to be uscd. CondonriniurnAssociationapproval(i|applicablc)' If thc intcnt of thc propo.sal is not clcarly indicatcd, thc Adrrrinishator may dctcnlinc that additional nratcrials arc ncccssary for thc rcvicrv of thc application. STAFF APPROVAL The Administrator may rcvicrv and approve Design Rcvicrv applications, approvc rvith ccrtain modifications. dcny the application, or may rei'er the application to thc Design Revierv Board for dccision. All staff approvals arc subjcct to final approval by the DRB. Thc follorving rypes of Dcsign Rcvierv applications ma)' be staff approvcd: A. Any application for a:r addition to an existing building that is consistent with thc architc*ural dcsiEl. rnatcrials and colors of the building. and approval has been rcceived by an authorized mernber ofa condonriuiurn association. if applicablc: B. Any application to nrodify an existing building that does not significantly changc the existingplancs ol'the building and is generally consistcnt rvith thc architccfural desiglr. materials and colors ofthe building. including. but not limited to exterior building finish materials (e.g. stonervork. siding, roof rnaterials, paint or stain,). cxterior lighting. canopics or arvnings, fences, antennas. satcllite dishes. rvindorvs. s[1lights. siding. nrinor cornmcrcial facadc improvcnrcnts. and othcr similar modifications: C. Anv application 1'or site inrprovements or modifications including. but not limitcd to. driveway rnodifications. sit."'grading. site l,alls, rcnroval or modifications to existing landscaping, installation of accessory structures or rccreational f'acilities. o o o lr Al.,lrN OF VAIL BUILDING MATERIALS: LTST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: - Ple COLOR:i Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia solltts Windows Windorv Trirn Doors Door J rirn Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chinrncys Trash Enclosurcs Grecnhouscs Retaining Walls Extcrior Lighting** Other t Pleasc specify thc nra'ufacturer's color. number and attach a srnall color chip ** All cxtcrior lighting nrust meet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, plcase indicate thc nuntbcr offixhrrcs ald locations on a separatc lighting plan. Identifi each fixture type and providc thc height above grade, lumcns output, lunrinous area. and attach a cut shect of the lighting fixfures. Updated 6/97 tl rr Y!lvt tt g, ,o years. Thc purclEse of a Springhouse roof is an inlrstment to last a lifctime and is backed by a meaningfi.rl \i/ARRANTY 'l'he proven clurability of metal, combined .e!'ith rhe superior Kynaf 500,0 paint system, will provide an atlractivc, lo!!-maintenance roof tbr manv o RIDGE CAP I2" x I I" (30.5 cm x 28 cm) I O'' exposure SHINGIT SPECTICAIIONS r 1.5" x 34.5" (29,2 cm x 87.7 cm) (1O" (2t.4 cm) exposurc) 42 shingles per 100 sq. ft. Mate rial: Gah.anized G9O,29 gauge Finish: Kp21 J66o Veight: I .8 lbs. (.825 kg)/shingle 76lbs. /1O0 sq. ft. Wtight pcr sq. fi. will rar,r, depending on material chosrn. PREMIUM ATINGS Our painted products use the 5OO€' full strength 707o pol'I\ inylide ne flouride (PVDF)system. Recognized as the best in the industq.', this multi-step,coating has t €€lt field-tested and Dro\'€n for more . Springhouse Shingles are aVailable in nine and enhance the beaut\. of vouf process can not reproduce paint colours t colour match. Final selection should be made from actual .samples.)o NAILING STRIP 10' (3.05 m) Lengths {SPRTNGHOUSE L\Cr 9l Tharrres Road. East, _Eretcq Ontario NOII I S.i Phone:519 23\ 1566 F:ur: 519 23i 2a52 O1997 Springhouse Inc. Springhouse Shjngles lnternational Patcnt:. Pcndirrg K)'n.rr iOo is a registered trademart ol ElfAtochem North tuncrica Inc. S'I'ARTBR/GABLE (RAKE) lO' (1.05 m) Lengths uppcr shinglc receiving hook('(rurse scaling poftion Eind o) Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Adair residence ProjectDcscription: Landscapemodification Orvner. Addrcss and Phonc: John Adair 3035 Booth Falls Road Atchitcct/Contact. Addrcss and Phonc: Scott Sones PO Box I15. Avon. CO 81620 949-6490 Projcct Strcet Addrcss: 3035 Booth Falls Road Legal Description: Lot 12, Block l, Vail Village l3th Parcel Numbcr: 2l0l-023-03-002 BuildingNamc: nla Comments: Applicant has submitted plans to Army Corps for permits Board / Staff Action Motion by: nla Action: StaffApproval Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner': Christie Barton Date: 6l24l9t DRB Fee pre-paid: S20.00 I]TT]VLRY0N L\DRB\APPRoVAI )9f{\ADA I R].624 Commu onrt Approved -x-Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions y Development Plan Routinlrort Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Mike McGee, Fire Works Return To:Christie Barton Date Routed:6/t6t9tl Return By:6t22/98 Project Name:Adair Project Address:3035 Booth Falls Road Project Legal:Lot 12, Bock l, Vail Village l3th Project Description:Landscaping plan for back yard define wetland boundadcs in the back yard. lf inrprovernents are proposed in the wetland boundaries, pleasc in permission to do the proposed improvements from the Army Corps of Engineers. a site specific dcbris flow study donc. The rcport should contain thc language required by the hazzard i.e. that the proposcd improvemcnts will not increase thc danger to sun'ounding property owners. ghts of way, etc. Does thc owner have water rights to divcrt the water fi'om thc stream above? € 5h TL Patch received 61171911 reviewed/returned 6/19/98 Date rcccived: Reviewed bv:Date revicwed: o 18- ot4 \ corotlDo/ allTlrr DESICT RSITIBII EOIND TPPIJTCTTTON ' T\OM[ OF . DITE RECEIIIEDI DATE OF DRF IIEETTtft!: Prf VlILrr ttelttraa* titatttataI. A. B. TYPE OF REVIE}|T TDDRE99: LEGAL DESCRIPTIONT LoT , New Construction $200.001Addttion (9s0.00)X "irro" Alrerarton' eonceptual Review (f20. 00)(f 0l c. D.Block If property ig described bydescripcion, pl€aee provideto bhis application. 9ubdivision ZONII{G: NA}IE OF Mailing a meet,s and boundg on a separafe slEet legal and attach G. E. F. I. dI. APPI"TCANT: Addreag: APPI,TCAIIT I g RE Addrees: H. !{AHE OF OIWER(S): g|nrqF fsl .srcilurflrRB.. Maillng Addresgs Phone FEE SCIIEDIILE: VAIJUATXOII | 0-l 10,000 010,001 -$ 50,000f50,001 -f 150,000 1150,001 - t 500,000 1500,001 - $1,000.000I Over S1,000,000 DBSrGn REtlllilt EOtnD IPPROITAIr gIpInEg APPROTTAIT UiEAgS t BnItDIIt€ plnurl r8I8 g!AR!ED. NAIIE OFlrailing TP?LTCl'To[f9 '|IT,L !trTT DE PRrcESg8f' ITT!fI@ I' OTIIEB'8 STffiIfENI Condoninium Approval if applicable. DRB FEg: DRE fee8, as shown above, tre to be pald at bhetime of subnittal of the DRB applicaEion. Iatcr, rhenapplylng for a bulldlng perntt, please ldentlty th€ aceuntevaluation of the proposat. The Town of vail will adjust Ehcfee accordlng to the table below, to engure tbe correct feeis Paid. FIE| 20.00I 50.00 *100.00 s200. oo *400.00 1500. 00 OfE VlAn Allf8f, FMIIr tggtnD ttb @rglnwfltr l-c(r + <{1/r2 NllIE OF PROiIECT; LBGAL DESCRIPTfONT LOT_ BLOCK rvrs STRE T IDDRESS: The followlng infornation iB required for submittal Review Board before a final approval can b€ given: !ruPt oF ttalltnlltl eo the Design EUIOR A. BUrIlDIl|S ilaTERIl!8: Roof Siding Other WalI MaLerials Fascia Soffitg Windows lfiadow Trin Doors Door frim Hand or Deck RaiLs Flues Fl.aehinge Chimneye Trash Enclogureg €reenhoueee RetaininE Halle Exterlor L,ighting Otber LANDSCAFIIG: Nane of Designer: Phone: IIIAIIT OF HTAEN,TAIJS 8. ^,IAIVI' *'"* L', PROPOSED TR"BES AIiD I'HRUBS BotaFiea,l Nilne Ouantitv Sizeroeemnon, Nalne I coniferous treeg. **fndicate gize of proposed ghrube.5 aallon. fi/pe cRot ltD covEB,S trees. [inimilr ealiporIndlcaLe height fo; scmlfe Foota('q soD SESD TYPE OF IRRIGATTON TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROIJ c.LANDSCAPE LTTGHTTNG: rf exterror lighting is proposed, preaeeshov. the nunber of fixrures ina ioiaiiiia-orr-i-ilp"r.telighting plan. rdenrify tacfr- gixtu_re-fron the ltshting planin the space berow and irovid"-ih;-[;id;*d;;"'jl.o", ryrre ofl-tStt!.proposed, lunen output, lumrnous area and a gtrt sh€et, ofthe ltqhr fixLure. (secci6n ig.il.0s0 ir) OTHER LAI|DSCAPE FEATURES (retainlng wallg, fences, swiluringpools, erc.l ptease. spectfy. rnaiiate-h;id;-;i'recatntns I? t 1 ";^ -T::1ryT. _h:is!t- or - wi r r s wiihi; il;"i'ii";' eetback I s D. 3' .1Ttiy.oei:hlo:,iris-elef-iil Ji-di"iid#ff"f".;, btcf to Ghri'"t16 LIMIT OF ETAILED STUDY.J ZONE C €? ,o*= orlS tds:I-6"1 B 832 8319:Abantlonad EridgB L(x)D IN CULVERl comuilty Development Ptan Rou .ttrng Form Routcd To:Greg Hall, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Mike McGee, Fire Works Return To:Christie Barton Date Routed:6t16t98 Return By:6t22t98 Proiect Name:Adair Project Address:3035 Booth Falls Road Projcct Legal:Lot12, Bock 1, Vail Village l3th Project Descripfion:Landscaping plan for back yard Approved _x_Denied (cite detailed reasons)Approved with conditions Plcasc dcfine wetland boundafies in the back yard. If inpLovements arc proposcd in the wetland boundaries, pleasc obtain permission to do the ploposed improvements from thc Army Corps of Engineers. Plcase have a site specific debds flow study done. The repoft should contain the language required by lhehazzard, ordinance. i.e. that the proposed improvements will not incrcase the danger to surounding propeffy owncrs, righls of way. etc. Does thc owner have watct rights to divert the water fi'om the stream abovc'? TL Partch rcccived 6ll7l98 rcvicwcd/rcturned 6i l9l9u Date rcceivcd: o oe chlein Consulting Engineers onsulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 135. Lakewood, CO 80228 SILVERTHORNEAVON (e70) e49-600e (970) 949-9223 FAX (970) 468-6933 (970) 468-693s FAX Drlg Rceeiv€d JUN 22 899 K c MAIN OFFICE (303) 98s-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX June 17, 1998 Mr. John Adair 49 Ondura Drive Fredericksburg, V A 2240'7 Subject: Excavation Inspection for the Proposed Residence Lot12, Block l, Filing 13 Vail Village Vail. Colorado Job No. 98- 158 As requested, a representative from our office inspected the foundation materials exposed in the excavation at the subject site on June 17, 1998. The purpose of our inspection was to veriS that the exposed materials would safely support a spread footing foundation system for the proposed residence. The depth of the excavation was approximately 5.0 feet. The materials exposed in the bottom of the excavation consisted of a moist to wet, dense, sandy silt with gravels and cobbles. The soils within the excavation were compacted in accordance with our recommendations. In our opinion, the exposed soils will safely support a spread footing foundation system designed for a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,000 psf. Our opinion is based on the foundation soils remaining unsaturatcd. We appreciate the opportunity to provide this service. If we can be of further service, please contact us. Sincerelv. KOECHLEIN CONSU LTING ENGINEERS. INC. (1 copy sent) cc: Town of Vail President ilt ftwnorEDAPR I $ w F IL T COPY 4. A request for a fronl setback variance, to allory for a &foot encroachment inio the front setback for a residential addition, located at 3035 Booth Falls Road/Lot 12, Block 1, Vail Village 13th Filing. Applicant: John & Kathy AdairPlanner: Christie Barton Christie Barton gave an overview of the memo Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes March 23. 1998 'a F! Greg Mofiet asked if the applicant had arMhing to add. They did not. John Schofield disclosed that he had a business relatiomhip with the owner, but that it wouldn't influence him. Greg Amsden had no comments. Gslen Aasland stated the unique naturE of this lol constituted a hardship. Diane Gdden had no commenls. Greg Mofiet agreed with Galen's comments. Greg Amsden made a motion for approval. John Schofield seconded the molion. The motion passed by a vote of il). Planning and Environmental Commission Minutcs l{arch 23, l99E t D a esign Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Projcct Name: Adair Residence Project Description: Additions and alterations to existing house Owner, Address and Phone: John & Kathy Adair 3035 Booth Falls Road, Vail, Co 81657 (970) 479-0711 Architcct/Contact, Address and Phone: Matthew Stais Architect, PC PO Box 135 Breckenridge, CO 80424 (970) 453-0444 - Project Street Address: 3035 Booth Falls Road Legal Descripfion: Lotl2, Block 1, Veil Village 13th ParcelNumber:2101-023-03-002 BuildingName: nlt Comments; Project received PEC approval on 3/23198 (front setback variance) Board / Staff Action Motion by: nlx Action: Staff Approval Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: 1. Rocks around pipe outtet are to be located 2" below levet of asphalt in Z' Right-of-wcy. 2. Landscaping plan amended 3120199. Town Planner: Christie Barton Date: 3l24l9t DRB Fee pre_paid: $50.00 f o BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trinr LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: o."* ([yfi- d,uar) COLOR:+ MMU V& o \\HI%VL .- W(U 6tffin)€> - ".Eg,1N [/rtll$r4g w W^l,nv?'xrA e#<A cla[- 9D+LEL Door J'rinr Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flaslrings . Chinrncyi Trash Enclosurcs Grecnhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other t Please specify the nranufacturcr's color, numbcr and attach a srnall color chip lF+ All cxtcrior lightingnrust nreet the Torvn's Lighting Ordinancc 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed,UFlcasc indicate thc nurttbcr of fixhrcs and locations on a scparatc lighting plan. Identi$ each fixtur1 type and provide thc height above grade, lumcns output, luminous arca. and attach a cut shect ofthe lighting fixtures. / <a ilffiM gtpr# Updatcd 6/97 I ' PROPOSED LANDSCAPING PROPOSED TREES AND SF.IRUBS: EXISTINC TREES TO BE REMOVED: CROUND COVER soD SEED IRRICATION Botanical Nanrc *Minintum rcquiremcnts for landscaping: Conrrtron Namc Ouantity Sizcr dcciduous trccs - 2 inch calincr conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcight shrubs - 5 gallons Squarc Footagc TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL orHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (ietaining walls. fences,-swimmiug pools, etc.) ptease specis. Indicate top andbottom clevations of rctaining walls,-Maximuil height of walls *ittrin ti" nont r.tu".r, l, 3 feet. Maxirnum hcight ofwalls clscwherc on the-propertyjs 6 feci J^Updatcd 647 : i' I UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION lhis form is to vcri$ scrvicc availability and location for new construction and should bc uscd in conjunction withprcparingyourutilityplanandschedulinginstallations. Thelocationandavailabilityofutilities,whethcr they be main hrunk lines or proposcd lincs, must bc approvcd and verified by thc following utilitics for thc' acconrpanying sitc plan. Authorized Signature Date U.S. Wcst Contrnun ication.s | -r,t00-922-t 987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Conrpany 949-5 78 I Cary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Tcd Husky/Jolur Boyrl T.C.I, 949-5510 Floyd Salazar Eaglc Rivcr Watcr & Sanitation District * 476-748(l Frcd l-lnslcc * Plcasc bring a sitc plan, floor plan. and clcvations whcn obtaining Upper Eaglc Vallcy Watcr & Sanitation signahrrc$. Firc llorv nccds rnust hc addrcsscd. NOTES: t.lfthc utility vcrification fornr has signaturcs fronr each ofthe utility companics, and no contntcnts arc ntadc dircctly on thc forrn; thc Town rvill presunrc that thcrc arc no problcms and thc dcvclopnrcnt can procbcd. lf a utility cornpany has conccms with thc proposcd construction. thc utility reprcscntativc shall note directly on the utility vcrification form that there is a problcm which nceds to be rcsolved. Thc issr.rc should then bc dctailcd in an attachcd lcfter to the Town of Vail. However, please kccp in mind ttrat it is thc rcsponsibitity ofthe utility company and the applicant to resolvc idcntified problenrs. These vcrifications do not rclicvc the contractor of thc responsibitity to obain a Public Way Pennit fronr thc Dcpartmcnt of Public Works at thc Town of Vait. Utilitv locations must be pbtained before digsing in any public right-of-way or cascnrcnt within thc Town of vail. A *l*ktr<uc,> 2. 3. Updated 6/97 t It. II I. ry. o PRF- APPt ICATION CONFF RFNCE A prc-application confcrcncc with Town of Vail staff is rcquircd. No application can bc acccptcd unlcss thctttarrrlatory pre-application :t_.:!iis has bcen conrplctcd. It is thc applicant's rcsponsibility to schcdulc thisrnccting by calling 970-4i9-Zl2t. TIME REOUIREMENTS Thc Dcsign Rcvicrv Board mccts on thc lst and 3rd Wcdncsdays of eacb month. A complcte applicationforttt and all-acconrpanying rrraterial nrust bc accepted by the iommunity Developrnent Departnrent anrinirnunr of thrcc and a harf (3 l/2) wccks prior tL thc date of thc DRB pubric hcaring.*Y@ Your proposal.will be rcvicwed for conrpliancc with thc Design cuidclines as sct forth in Section 1g,54 of thervrunlclpat uooc, NOTE TO ALL APPLICANTS: A' Ifa propcrty is locatcd in a mappcd hazard arca (i.c, snow avalanchc, rockfall. floodplain, debrisflow. rvctland, ctc). a hazard shrdy nrust bc subnrittcd arrd thc owncr nrust sigrr an aftidavitrccognizirrg thc hazard rcport prior to thc issuancc of a building permit. Applicants are encouragcdto ohcck with thc planning staffprior to subnriftal of a DRB ap-piicatio,r to icternrinc thc.rclatioishipofthc propcrty to all nrappcd haz.ards. Basic l)lan shcct Fornrat. For all survcys, sitc plans, landscapc plans and othcr sitc irnprovcr.pcutsplans, all of thc follorving rlust bc shown. f . Plan shcct sizc rnust bc 24x36. For rargc projccts. rargcr pran sizc may bc ailowcd.2. scalc. Thc rnininrunr scare is r"=20'. Ariprans nrust bc at thc samc scalc,3. Graphic bar scalc.4. North arrorv. : Titlc block, projcct narnc. projcct adtlrcss and lcgal dcscription. ! lrrdication of plan. prcparcr. addrcss and phonc numbcr.7. Datcs oforiginal plan prcparation and ali rcvision datcs. I Vicinity rrrap or location nlap at a scalc of I ,,= I ,000, or targer.9. Shcct labcls and nunrbcis. I 0 . A bordcr with a miuimum left side rnargin of 1.5,,. l I Narncs ofall adjaccnt roadways.12. Plan legcnd. For new constntction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicatepropcrty lincs, proposed buildings and building corncrs. All trees to bo removcd must be taped. Thcapplicant must ensurc that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All sitc tapingsand staking must be completcd prior to thc day of the DRB mceting. Applicants who fail to appcar before the Design Revicw Board on their schcduled meeting date andwho have llot asked in advancc that discussioi on their itenr be postponed, will havc their itemsremoved fronr the DRB agcnda until such time as thc itenr ttas uecn repuuiistreo. lf thc.DRB approvcs the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approvalnrust be rqsolvcd prior to the issuance ofa building permit, B. C. D. F U4a;ted,6197 V. STAFFAPPROVAL The Administator may revicw and approve Design Rwiew applications. approve with certain modifications.deny the application. or may refer the application to thc Design Review noua ior decision. All staffapprovals are subjcct to final approval by the DRB. Thc following types of Dcsign Review applications maybe staffapproved: Any application for an addition to an existing building that is consistent with the architecttual design.materials and colors ofthe building and approval has beon rcceived by an authorized member ofacondominium association. if applicabtc; Any application to nlodi$r an existing building that does not significurtly changc the existing planesof the building and is generalty consistent with thc architccturai design. materia-is and colors ofthe ' building. including. but not limited to exterior building finish nraterials 1e.g. stonework. siding, roofmaterials. paint or stain,), cxtcrior lighting. canopics or awnings. fencss. antennas. satellite dishcs,rvinrlows' skylights. siding, ntinor comnrercial facade improvcnrcnts, and other similar modifications; An-v.application fbr site inrprovements or motlifications including. but not limited to. driveway tn-odifications. sitc grading. sitc rvalls. rcnroval or mod.ifications io existing land.scaping, installationof acccssory structurcs or recreati onal fac il ities. ADDITIONAL REVIEW AND FEES A' lf this application requircs a separatc review by any local. statc or Fcdenl agcncy other than thcTown of Vail. thc application fce shall bc increased by $200.00, Examplcs-of such rcvicw. mayincludc. but are not limitcd to: Colorado Dcpartrncnt of Highway Access pcnrrits. Army Corps ofEnginccrs 404. etc. B' Thc applicant shall be rcsponsible for paying any publishing fecs rvhich are in cxcess of50% oftheapplication fec. If. at the applicant's requcst. any mattcr is postponcd for hcaring, causing the matterto be rc'putrlishcd. thcn the entirc fcc for such rc-publication shall be paid by thc applicant. C' .Applications dccmcd by the community Dcvclopmcnt Departnrcnt to have desigp. land usc or otherisly.cs which nray have a significant impact on thc.community may rcquirb review by consultants i5a{dition to Town staff. should a determination be made by ihe Town staff that an outside consultantis necdcd. thc Comrnunily Dcvclopntent Departmcnt may hire the consultant. Thc Departmcnt shallcstinratc thc amount of money ncce$sary to pby thc consultant and this amount shall be forwardcd tothe Town by the applicant at the time of filing an apptication. Expcnses incurred by the Town inexccss of the antount forwarded by thc application shall bc paiil to thc Town by the applicant within30 days of notification by thc Town. Any excess funds wili bc returned to the applicant upon reviewcornpletion. A. B. c. vt. Updated 6/97 MATTHEWA. STAIS ARCHITECT. P.C. 9 March 1998 Ms. Christie Barton Town of Vail Community Development Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Design Review Application Adair Residence Additions & Alterations Lot 12, Block 1, Vail Village Thirteenth Filing Christie: Enclosed please find our application for the Town D.R.B. for the project referenced above. lt includes the following information: 1. Completed application form, including proposed exterior materials and samples.2. Fee of $50.00. 3. Four copies of drawings Al (architectural site plan) and Ll (planting plan). 4. Four copies of exterior lighting plan and product cut. We hope that this project will be placed on the agenda for the meeting of 1 April 1998. We have not resubmitted sheets A2-A11from our recent P.E.C. application because they have not changed. I trust that this is acceptable. Please review this information and contact our office if you require anything further. Thank you for your aftention to this matter. Very truly yours, Mafthew A. Stais P.S.: My office has contacted the surveyor regarding stamped copies of the survey. They will ship those directly to your office under separate cover. cc: Adairs mogbart.doc I lO I North Main Street . Post Office Box | 35 Breckenridge . Colorado 8O424 97O.453.0444 . matt@colorado.net deg \ I i NEI! deg 21' l?" anhl Af?i 4v14n lb q8.L', VL? wvrvz LbHnNl6 PrlF.l ta4l\9 mm)a , uA4v, cpaw A. S7At5 A . BRICKENRIO6Eo411 JOa' scaLa, OATEr NATTHEII' ?.o 60x r3gr10 {3t RCHITEC'T ?.C.. cotoRAoo - so124 own of vall partment of Communlty Development 75 S. Frontago Road Vall, CO 81657 the TOWN OF VAIL Account No. Please make checks payable to 001 0000 314 111 001 0000 3141112 0010000314111 001 0000 9141112 001 0000 3141112 00100003141112 001 0000 314 111 00r 00003141211 001 0000 314 11 11 001 0000 314 1'11 1 001 0000 315 3000 001 0000 311 2300 00100003152000 00100003124000 001 0000 312 4000 001 0000 315 3000 001 0000 240 3300 001 0000 312 1 001 0000 230 2000 '001 00002011000 '001 0000 310 1100 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 250 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2500 00100003112500 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 25 Unilorm Build Unilorm Pl Unif orm Mechanical Code Uniform Fire Code National Electrical Code I Hours ln Contractors License Fees Additional Sion Apolication Fee Devcloper lmorovemenl Aoreement De Restauranl Llcense fes (TOV 9_p g- g_.4 S-s-e_q!,- R e s ta u ra n I F e e t o I g la u lg_@-1,! z 19!e!9L_Is_E TAT4!-{@I !E@*")T;i AdditionalGRFA - '250 Conditional Use Permlt xterior Alteration - Less than 1 Exterior Alteration -.More lhan 100 so. Develooment Districl - NEW al Developmenl District - Minor Amend 001 0000 311 25 cnecx* / V4{ Hecelved bv, % ,(- ioerat;r; rr;ir$ili ir'et.l ,l '1! lSiei r;ial'* 01 tteceipt I lfrldenr't "iirif., l-rt'. t'o ;tiount 't*ngereo t:[' $s -ur ,, ,i.l rlnLt fr ui r ir'tC ici+tl"} ;i"L Vxl,-, uu oib;7 i ildiiii:r r: ri;fr itll"Liji I 6tllt i;tN '{ !f i' "Jlri si-l' -' orn o! $al.f ;u:llf{Li t;i; ttt ,rlii; rS,'tfill ;b lJ[flilLh: i iiiii r, ,trrc ul niiEi'': uuil+Lct' lt;R;;;I0il lir fl'r0lj\i'i iF lf1 1;5lri-iiv;!r ;. ^-. --- trt.$ti ruF Lf' !l{jj- lah h. ilHl5} HXLFrrc ti1! irl - J0i'r !$tih iAilS i,- iafil,iF l:TAi,_'l;-- -- 'tA6 tiu.Ot' -11"i1.:..i:irl3r tni[:-;.:;r' l$]'0& "-r'i,,,,.,t, . -'iiNie ,il, fiL. W idilin YuN FiJ'r Yi{ii FltYFElr i RECEIPT -Ilre Town of Vail .1(/ ,Ig-JA t{t t8s8l ADDRESS Permit Numbers llt lllf-Ca$h----Oreck Qucstions? ath" Planning Suff at 479-2i38 A I'i)l,lCI\TI ON lr0R PLANNI NC,,\ ND IiN \/l RO Nivt IiNl'A I. COMTvtISSION APPROVAL .M This application is for any projcct rcquiring approvat by thc Pliurning and Environmcntal Commission. For spccific infonttation. scc thc subnrittal rcquircnrcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application can not bc acccptcd untilall rcquircd infornration is subnrittcd. Thc proj cct nray also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Torvn Counc il and/or thc Dcsigrr Rcvicw Board. r\. TYPE OF APPLICATION:d naaitional GRFA (250) tl Bcd and BrcaLfist tr Conditional Usc Pcrmit tr Major or E Minor Subdivision tr Rczoning tr - Siccl Variancc E/ viirn." tr Zoning Codc Amcndmcnt B. DESCRIPTTON OF THE REQUEST: tr Amcndmcnt to an Approvcd Dcvclopnrent Plann Ernploycc Housing Unit (Typc: )tr Major or tr Minor CCI Extcrior Altcration ffail Villagc) O Major or E Minor CCII Extcrior Alrcration (Lionsherd) Spccial Dcvclopmcnt District Major or E Minor Anrcndmcnt to an SDD tr tr Jrvn oF vArL c.o t: n0T5 bffittt enu-s OO. BUILDTNcNAME: AQ*IV- @StOer'tc5(@ loe ZONING:9l?6NtrrrA4-.- NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILTNG ADDRESS i;. olvNER(s) STGNATURE(S): C.NA Mtr. OF' N FPRT;qtrNTA TN/tr. MAILING ADDRESS: FEE - SEE THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE. STIBIUIT THIS .{PPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREIIfENTS AN'D THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, H. PHONE: VAIL, COLORADO 81657. Rqvisd &96 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Communig Development Department March 23, 1998 A request for a front setback variance, to allow for a S{oot encroachment into the tront setback for a residential addition, located at 3035 Booth Falls Roadilot 12, Block 1 , Vail Village 13th Filing. Applicant: John and Kathy AdairPlanner: Christie Barton I. BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicants, John and Kathy Adair, are requesting a variance from Title 12, Chapter 6C-6 in order to construct a new front entry and a connection between the house and garage. The property has extensive wetlands including a pond which provides flood storage, a number of drainage swales and utility easements. The house was originally located on the east edge of the lot due to these environmental constraints. Two sideyard setback variances have been granted in the past due to the site constraints. A driveway reconfiguration plan was recently approved by the Design Review Board on January 21 , 1998. II. ZONING ANALYSIS Zoning: Two Family Residential District Lot Size: 19,035.72 sq. ft. Standald Allowed/Bequired Existino GRFA:5,003.6 sq. ft. Building Height: 31' Setbacks:20' (front) Site Coverage: 3,807 sq. ft. (207") Landscaping: 11,421 sq. ft. (60%) 4,182sq. fL 31' 20' (front) 2,475sq. ft. (13%) 15,720 sq. ft. (82"/.) Prooosed 185 sq. ft. no change 17' (front) 2,704 sq. ft. (14.s7") 15,081 sq. ft. (79ol") Pat*ing:no change tII. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS FOR A VARIANCE BEOUEST Upon review of Section 12-17-6, Variance Criteria and Findings, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Department recommends appro\ral of the requested front yard setback variance. The recommendation for approval is based on the following factors: f:\weryoae\pec\memos\adair. I 23 A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The proposed encroachment into the setback of the front entryway will have minimal impacts on existing or potential uses and structures in the area. The house is located at the end of the street and is the last house before the Forest Service land. The project will not impact adjacent property owners and a multi-family project is located across the street. 2. The degree to which relief lrom the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among siles in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant ol special privilege. Due to the existing ponds, drainage swales and easements on the property, staff believes that this proposal will not be a grant ol special privilege. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic lacilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. The proposal will have little or no effect on these issues. The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before orantino a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in lhe same district. 2. That the granting ol the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, salety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enlorcement of the specified regulation would result in practical ditficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this Title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district, B. fi \weryone\pec\memos\adair. J 2l IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Upon review of Title 12, Chapter 17 ol the Town of Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the proposed variance, subject to the following findings: 1. That the granting of ihe variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That there are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. 4. That the strict interpretation or enforcemenl of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. f:\weryone\pec\nremos\ailrir.32l fohnson, Kunkel a Associf, Inc.LffiTtrfuF TRANSNflITTALP.O. Box 409 113 E. 4th Street EAGLE, COLORADO 8I631 (303) 328-6358 DArE 3/ra/ze l'""*o'7733 z ^"1"^ clRtsr/E Er+rcrua REI n Samples the following items: ! Specifications TO WE ARE SENDING YOU &/anacned D E/Print. Under separate cover via X Planstr Shop drawings tr Copy of letter LJ Change order ! ,/rY, 75- s, coPrEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION I t/alrr /-ceftn'1t€P TvPa/z. br P . g/K / . /ni,/ u//ea /,?rbz //^ THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ! For approval n For your use y'As requested ! For review and comment X FOR BIDS DUE Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections n Resubmit -- copies for approval n Submit - copies for distribution n Return - corrected prints ! il rl tr 19 -- N PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS s?,fi^ 4T R?Qu?s{ .-? ,AezT fl7)5 4e61/re.f., SIGNED: copvrc frle lf enclosures afe not as noted, kindly notlty us at once. t unity I Comm Development Plan Routing Form Approved _x_Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions l.) Please have your topographic survey stamped by Johnson & Kunkel surveying, 2.) Please move all rocks and hees back at lest 7' from edge of asphalt sheet. Please only use soft landscaping in the fint 7' of the R-O-W , ie ( grass, flowers, small shrubs) i 3.) .f,aqr,-r.zt| fukr:t, t i,rrP," i- fuflYdt,"t LARRY PARDEE 316/98 la w.-t N,l alit- e$req sutl'q,, l,a-- lt#-l a-'lt4s A ,aq )w-I rtl '7)' MATTHEWA. STAIS ARCHITECT. P.C. 23 February 1998 Ms. Christie Barton Town of Vail Community Development Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Planning and Environmental Commission Application Adair Residence Additions & Alterations Lot 12, Block 1, VailVillage Thirteenth Filing Christie: Enclosed please find our variance application for the Town P.E.C. for the p@ect referenced above. lt includes the following information: 1. Completed application form. 2. Fee of $250.00, per our phone conversation of last week. 3. List of and stamped, addressed envelopes for adjacent property owners. 4. Description of project. 5. Schedules A and B from title report by Stewart Title of Eagle County, Inc. 6. Four copies of topographical and improvement survey, dated 2 September 1997. 7. Four sets of drawings A1-A11, which include site plan, existing and proposed floor plans and elevations. 8. Photographs of the existing building exterior. We hope that this project will be placed on the agenda for the meeting of 23 March 1998. Our submittal for the Town Design Review Board will follow, in conjunction with planting plans from our landscape architect. Please review this information and contact our office if you require anything further. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Very truly yours, lO I North Main Street . Post Office Box | 35 Breckenridge . Colorado 8O424 97 O.45iJ.0444. matt@colorado.net AWk- Matthew A. Stais cc: Adairs U2?3batt.doc MATTHEWA. STAIS ARCHITECT. P.C. project description Project: Adair Residence Additions & Alterations Lot 12, Block 1, Vail Village Thirteenth Filing Date: 23 February 1998 Job #: 9731 The Adair Residence is located at 3035 Booth Falls Road. lt is the last house on the west side of the road. The property abuts U.S. Forest Service land to the north. The westerly 30o/o of the lot contains an easement to the Town of Vail, Vail Associates, Holy Cross Electric, Mountain States Telephone, Public Service of Colorado, and Gas Facilities, Inc. This area includes an existing pond with culvert from the Forest Service parcel, an existing spillway, several drainage swales, and several utility lines and pieces of equipment. Due to this existing easement, the original house was located on the eastward side of the lot, closer to the street. The existing house is approximately 22 years old, and includes 3,766 square feet of finished space. The cunent application proposes to add 305 square feet of net floor area to the house. The focus of the project is a new front entry and stair core. The owners have requested an inviting entry which will provide a focus for the east (street) elevation and break up the horizontal lines of the existing structure. We hope to carry out this work in conjunction with a driveway reconfiguration and extensive planting plan by Scott Sones, Landscape Architect. We think that the exterior additions and alterations, which include stone piers and wainscot at the east elevation, will enhance the appearance of this property and the neighborhood. Due to the location of the existing home, the proposed front entry will encroach three feet into the front setback (see proposed site plan). The location of the existing pond and easement constitute a hardship which we believe justifies the setback variance we are seeking. In fact, the Planning and Environmental Commission has established a precedent for this by granting setback variances for this lot in the past for the same reason. Other proposed work includes connection of the existing house and garage. The proposed laundry room location will encroach approximately two feet into the front setback; however, the existing roof overhang will cover the proposed addition, and we think that the impact of this addition will be barely perceptible when the proposed landscaping is installed. Also proposed are renovations to the lower floor bedrooms, the main floor dining area (including relocation of the existing wood burning fireplace), and the upper floor bedrooms. We believe that this project is consistent with the development objectives of the Town. The effects on light and air, town seryices and utilities will remain essentially the same as the existing home. The effect of the reconfigured driveway on traffic use will be beneficial, especially in the winter, since the proposed drive is not as steep as the existing drive. The effect of this project on the character of the immediate area will also be beneficial. as noted above. | 0 | North Main Street . Post Office Box | 35 Breckenridge . Colorado 8O424 97O.453.0444 . matt@colorado.net oo oo il,lE oo oo deg z1 \ lEx: ia.2t) qB.6' A(#)v T- _l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I N EUJ deg 24' 13"BJc, WtVfW LbltTlFl6 FtAd\l A<altl:e wffiJffi , vfl|--,ootnpM A. STAIS ARCHITECl P,C. . BRECKENRIOCE COLORAOO gO<2< o 1,1 1 JOa: gc Le. OATE: qlcl tfi4t4-4b.VL?IIATTHEII,, ".o Box r19r1C) .!'at ;i- | 4u,c,iton l.anl tirtr r\:yxifltr0n OnnRtitm$t - STEWAITT TITLE 0UAMNTY CgMp Ny,ATens Corpornriol,brcinuallcd rhcCompany.for ;il$ti; cioiltcra.bn,lrereby conurll to ielu,; ia plicy or pofi.i* liriu, insunncc, .s ide*iti..d ir)cllcflJlc n. rl1 tnvoi 0[ lhc l r)lx)rcd In$rrur] nand in &hcdulc A, N otvnfl or lllong gce 0f tllc c$irtcQr rNrrcst covcrcd lrcfeby in thc larrd dcrcribcd or rcfcrrcd to in &hdulc rt, upon pryorerrt ofrtnpluniutrrr rtrl chargcs thcrcfor; all subjcctt0 thc aruyiliotn of Sshcd;tjr L anrl Band rn the Corrlirirrrrs iuul Stipulrtions hcrcof. 'llis cottttttltnrcnt shrll lr uffuutivu'nly wlrn thc idcntity ofb€ propold ftuurgJ mrJ du irupurt of drc policy or potici$ c.mmiqed for ruvc br,'r inrcilqr rr's.r"luri,il-rt r*r by tle co,opdny, cithcr a( the ll E of thc i.$uirrtrt of this Conmitment or by lubreryefi eldors€mqtt. lhis, cbrllillirmd[ ir prulirninary rq rtc issuucc oi such prrrcy or poricics uf tirlc iruur.rru;c udalrllrolllly ilru ol)li8 i0rrt h,rc.undcr shll cc$o and lcrninalc six lroilbs afa, rhc cifuctiw rJatc hcrcufor. whr:rr ,lh1; pelicy or lolicics i.omnltcd for rhall issuc, whic[cvrr fint uccurn, proyided ft thc tiutule l0 isluc $trh pulicy or policie.r is [0r tie fiult 0f thc Corupily. src.rrcl u1*: sed tor tlrc corupany, rrut rfiis coormirrmnt rhall rcr h v'rid 0r hirdirg u,lrir ir beaft ari(u[ufl zcd (]ountctslgn{rure. IN. wllNFss wlllRt'ott, srcw0n Tilh cru'ronry cornpany hu cru|crl itr corponh mne rnd sear toh hcrrrur(rr aflirsl by ih duly ruriorlzc{t otnceru 6o Oe itrrc ghown in ictedulc ,0.. COMMNlvIENT IOR ,TI.TLE INsURANcE IssUED BY STE\ryART TITLE GUAR.ANTY COMPANY STEWART TITTB 0U,IrMNTY t\)MfAl{y Co9rlto!.ti9n.d ) ..,]Aurft,t!ttgl r:0[ nr c r.r i qn, ir) r. slultlt{ r 11ll.rioF EAOLE CoU!{TY, lNC. P.O. Foi:{Xhl Vr l, Culrtllu 8ld5t (170) 9.r!n|l t t0 OnLrNo.9d0t!ti?r 0I'd f00'oN 0l:ZI 96, r0 /\ON dol09lt0/6:0I Sl lull 0U3HSN0n--lIUA . SoEEDALEA Onler I'lunher: 96|ti67g L lJlutivc rlarc: oclob€r 74, 19 j6 tt l:li A,y, 2. Poliq or Policiet to be issued: Anowt o! Inrurance. (il) A-[,.'t'.A. Owner's (staadardJ 0 Sco,6oa.oo I'ropwul huued: ffI''ENIIVS D. IDAII (b) A.L.'|'.A. lmt (staadardl Propatul Inwred: cIfISE '(Adl{AmArv ,toxTCtCE canwnatloF, ltt tuccoJdorr atd/ot aaz tgza (a) Leusthokl ltroposed lnrured: $ 4rr,ooo,oo J, 'lhe narte or inteust ltt tlw lnftl desulbed or rdeficd lo itt thls Connilnent and covrxed hercin is ; fec rlnpla ' 4. 'litle to the rac rr.oplc utale or h?rat ln said.Iud k at thc tfadve thk huafvutei! in: , ldEDglfER Fllrllr t -Rrl{tns flrp ' Lt'Lr. ' r clc!{rEfito t 's;trD Lrlgrt rrr lrrxrrlD pA.RrI|ERSgrp, IlfrllEe, ,yrFr sc,|orirtrlD, t$gr[$, 8(Vm IrDtrER. trrr8Erlr xtCrrELE ffEDgtrUR dBd Cnfl?t&l &EI6.r S0ddflAll J. 'llrc knd refcned to in hb &nnitwnt b daoibel w follo*t: . sl8 aTIAfi ED !8cer. DSsclrruo$ a .Purportad lddrore r JOJs IOOTfr F,.i"ts RD, v tL, Co 81657 fiIATEMENI OF CHARGN TIwc tlaryu we due wd pyuhb halm t Poliq cuba il,t,ud, P8ttrfllt ollllllt! $I{r58.00|@,lftIloat 100,00 rlr cffit 10,00 totfr 100 50,00 fom f.J 50,00 foJrl t00,i0 t15,0a toffi 703,7 50.00 II'd t00'0N 0g:ztr 96,r0 /I0N e0i09/!0/6:qt sl luld 0utH$Non-lruA ot ol ! Order Nanlw: 9so7f 6TE SCEEDTJIJA UGALDNNIYNAN IAT 72 Itocr t vrr[ elfincr m:mmmr fiIII*t r?tn tt 0t tto!! s?et6 0g courta9o flrrs cdotr$m|T ma prEfln@ or evruEr {, lt d. to8 0oBs?roE llalsl e E& rIewLtI rUilrtIE E I9l0) ttt.l0rt. cop!.a Eo: trr tDrrla. !. Idrlr lledcher tati! ty trlalaraijp nhtt {lrt 1l Srrb Jturlay rt n Jorrntort eI'd tr00'oN Iq:etr 96,t0 AoN 20r09/r016:0t st 'luld 0u3HsN0t]--llufi oo SCHBDI]I,E B St/l;lofl I Orlu Numher: 960t361s REQAMEMENIS 'l'he lolloling arc thc rr'quhenutt Io be wnplied with hna (u) Puyne tu or ltr tlu ucatul tf lhc gnmtors or mtrtgugon of tlu {ull cawklerution lor the e$ate ori eftxt t0 br irawdl ttiln (b) Fnper iwtnilent(r) crtuling the .stale or intercst to bt inswed nwt be uel;trtedarld duly filetl forteconl, to wit| t. Errldrnc. as|ttfrcho4, to gt.wr! tl t.l. Outflnty Corirrny of prlnan! ot rll outatelttlirq crxes ard erreaarettg ee corClllrd !y ftc frgle county Tr€rrurcr. l' 8*esucior of affidevJt at to Dabts sid LJ6!r srrd lts return io Ec6*rrt ritl! Cuaa6aty eomrany. 3. Executlo! of caltlflort! - rrtlly trr.aa.fa'€r/rndlvldurl !raa.r!rr6! rld llr return bo t}a o!!lcc. 4, qrklence satlrfrctory to t!!f,rr! ?JlJc gu.'rtty Codr|||y thr0 tho rall cgrrcc crursfor tar arr.srad by tha Tom of yrl: hrr !aa! ,rJd Or Cbr! lhe !.rusro?lonfu oxanpt froo .cald trx. 5' Relerpe bv fhe public Trustoo o, t.gl. cewty ol tls oood sf Trudt frca st.nleyr, rredi.ksr. fldri x- Ead',}.at I .f,| Lhy sdrroarf.] dt laatt ,&,daket t l(lnbtrly lfedstor, aad Clatlria Sursren for th ura of Llstil L, fdrkar, to ,!our€ 112,000.0i, drtod duty 7, lttr, floordcd tugutt llt lgJ3 ln rooh dJd ar eaga 588 aa Saceptlon !ro. Slttfl d. lrtlclor of drganltatJon, thlo.lr hrrr brcn flJtd rl l} thr Colortdo jtlcrutaf,J. of $tatp, for rsdsl€r f$rlly lrrcnrrrllp, tLw,. t dolorado r,ioJcsd alabJu ry ll.6l t6d partnrrrllp. '/, neel frqa redrlear b4d ScboadtoJd, faldhtol gdolt ,radt}ar, .dnbprly rlclrele llodstdr, cydCjtl| I'IID Surr[r, rId fcdjtar E ally DttEnoflhlp, LLLP,, ,, Col.orldo f,Ild t.d lhlllIty nttrd Drrlrrrrut, vrrtiag lrc rllpk tltlr Ia f,€cherlne D. .tdalr t orEr orrflotf ot t't laorL IDDI|S.8 ot If,r dnrrnBr ,[rsT lpprrR olv t?t DEED Ag pED 1976 '|8''lrf,rl' m Et flOTE Orv t!@lDrrft, o, DztDS Cns 38-35-109 (2), 8. Dsed of trqd b frorr tlc lolrorrr to tlrr hDllc lrurlaa tor tlr uaa ot thd propoacd leader !o sccurc llo lo!t. l{0'11; Jn tld 6ydrt t DO}r6r ot lttorDry lr uralt ltr dorrtlotlor rdt r $J! traflsactlo4, pha6r noeC tle follortng rdqul!.[ant, r 9e1d ld|,ar of ltlorrry nrutl tr drerd no rnort thn tlr fiontrrs baforc ilaEa of,. ta!i! tfiatAdlJsr. Fovcr of lltornr,, radt ncot epprovrl of ltcyrrt ?lgld duafldty dorpaal,, and alould h prratrd !o 9lcllrt ?ltlr Grrrnaty Colpeny pricr fo Codtlnuad o! oaxl p.Ec -1- tI'd t00'0N rt:zI 96,i0 At]N EOIO9/FOE6:OI S]'IU]U OU]HSN[]II-'IIUA o Conllnu8tlon of gcirdula E - BacCloA r, Ordrr mttlDrr.. g60IJ6?g cloaing ty at leea! oar rt*. 9, ,l rurvrJr, nletJlg lie rtntaun atatltl ttrndtrd,a ot the ALTA/Aagitt Draerted by a reglrternd colorado tutvcyott f,Jclfu glc trrt tis Dorc&r, &ust bc precoatod togcornrL rltls cuer&cy c(urroy, tot lta agproval prlor to Lhc d!]eclon at ,ny ruru.y a:(crt oEr tn tic Ltr?l Jor, poltay t0 li ld4tt{d lersuider or cle ldduaDce oI Forn 100 on !116 llfA torn ,ollcy. storart rlrla cuararcr, tsrdrya, tir drh! to tr.| .rd.ptlon to any allvcrto natCa!, rr ,.horr o! tttit swy.y, o! e.&e fsrcbcr inguJry or rtrqulrdreats ralatilfe tJreroto. gtfi.rt rltl. ou.auty furtlar rcrcrr6r uraflght to arcludd troa lofi t00 coltttrga rny rdr''ri 8rtteff jt .oay do:a ndce6aaryl Fald Curvey, aurt b€ cartlfltd to gtdr|rr ?ltlr ot !rEI. CouDty and/or 'EevatE fitla Ataralty doqrly, tI'd t00'oN Zl: ZI 96, ?.0 A0N z0I09l10/6:0I s3 lulu oulHsN0I-l-1tu/\ UHIL-LII]NSHERD RERL ES ID:9704760102 N|]u 04'96 12:32 N0.004 P.16 8t 9tT?96 :taqunN .taltq) oStd xxott sq pgn[Hnot ctlgrg' ,r(urdnol qCr:rr[eJ pB! tootdcJr^l tg?tat rJrtsnorf tvol?efoossr rI;eg?IA EEorD LIqE pu rertrpr[ ? {rplf ,rg{rprrf .f, tefup?g ugar?6q pue ,fq ,:irauro8es iefl J6 ?uerc pue eueurrrtf SUH1I'g to lgtlccoplleqv 9qe qollrpBl l?Ilred .tf 'tt6tET 'o4 uo;ldcorg rr g7g ctr4 ?. gtc ltoo1 tl ,L6l ,0t r.q{rrlolt pap.uozr.r 6tr1J1r qSueelJrvJ ,e6ellfi.. rFrrr Jo lrrd uo ttr7toJ l.r rt rtpecgFET ossulerp pue tllllu ,ll '!Et t6w ?r t9I {ooE ul 0t6I '€,(errl pop,roro.r poeg sI peut"luo5 Ep rle:cuFl!:D{lo ptfr ga6 'tlo llr to llrg-9uo Jo uoJ?rrllgeu ,tt ,,169 e6t! ?r Cl ,{ooe + gT6f ,W qo.rrI{r poproi'a.zpuj 60C r.5rt ir dt {oof ut cf06t ,g lrfl p.F oref pue gg5 c6e6 1o El ,Ioof, ..1 S06t '9 trw prp:ocer ,169 4 a" tgl lool ut 956l ,C6 ztr.inr pgp:oae: toefpdrD?rt8 pctFal| uF pe4-:erer s s.lp?g pe?tqn rttt to f?Jroq?nr eql /g pr?Dnl)euor Efuup, *o Aeq'llp rol ita p ryrap ? to lolTcaJ,gser eqq 6ulpn1auJ 'Ioerctllorurnrr; e$ 6tr; I,roqlnt s?pr Er r? rllrrlltd rJ qsolldrDx? Jo ,uo'184,srcrd ,0r '60t .E n 33 8l {oog ttl go6t ,g llw p9/pl.c.}F.r 9u2 Ettr.6rd' 4r et !t6cg nI ft61 ,g ,lrr pcpro r pr. fo8 eFFd 70 l,ll \oos sI gg6tr 'OZl?lr6nv pEpJogrr lrgltd dttrlg peltau !r p9/rr9re, 8r latT:a',ti erll ?orBJrlsr roelr:t9tred ot punot 9q ecro ,q? pJlo{r 8o:t..reftl oro rI{ 'Jroqt: psr ?rrrlxe o? FPoT ro ult4 r go :o1oy,rdo*rf 7o 4rqiyt oqj Io tonnl.ttrcr eqt Eulpntru1 ,;oeroqt errpnlrf .ry1 Sutr[*otrlot 97oV ro t rTtj'a.{ rrl ruol?derxc pus sgoFl :.seu ,5 .tt:l lsrEcr,ordrl ?ee.rfs Jo air/t:sd t.7",A iw rt uoIrttrDrl to 7ll,rxtTp ,aqle ao EoFI $ruoo rFo, ,soJ4calerd az.t, tAltateesoa tcell glllgglt, to lttgaal tuD gf rcoJrnf gr.tF Jo trorJr prru . e .esrrr xs? pe&nrperor /ruu Fu? ,t!Darr'.'a| pss ,9xr3 plrdun 11r pur .{uy .1 :loanltntanxr errt frulzlroryilo n,uD/0,til?tpdrt xnwnnrctuffi!al'i{;:ry;Y:r';Y:lri,i:ii, , - 'ryatlvtwo, slw tg W,/Ao, uourq efiogt/lfiit to tftnv! n ?flga aq atrloa n! prctat {otal!ilbn p?n*try pandail ary unp at11 ai toyd nq'!oaia1 atry arwep ett, ot ri,ihatq,); Eu14.ur'rL ,1unru )ilqnd aV u, Huumddn fJ[ 'pa1pp ,{tto t1 ,uauou nqn fi *ry lrJa..pD ,sattniqmnui ,n,lt,;DahO .i wr fu wrodut! 'pttlnwn{ a{nanq n anlo1att1 ,rynwt ,, ,rq,r ,*ri!:ri:';i|!:li ;ifr:i,;l'::l:,ii:;'i:; , 'ylnout cryn! a41 lq utwrlt 1ou tm y4,t/\ W autzslp plwu nnwatd erp lo uo11utlm1 puu [lwntpa w 0 aJryA fl.rtu Aw pto 'rpeuqtoot n 'oato ut ahtuoyt ,firq1 {.npnnq q u41[uct ,saptntlansyl .1- 'tpt1trJ Jilqhd ql tq tt W tlu ,fitnuntu Jo tutt?lt J0 .t tw?rnfl .a ' tptont tyqnd ary i4 uaog toa'uo$$ ssld ut nytnd lo sun4t n r,r1fl1il .1 ayt ot lo ptrotlslp at, era's aUI stafin Eqnop! aVt ot tuolld,Jx, ,rrr* ,O^ rrr*,:!H|'r:ri;ltl:'i:rffi, sN0tJdaSn z wgns syToagmsoo o UAIL-LII]NSHERD RERL ES ID:9704760102 Nou 04'96 12:33 N0.004 P.17 8l,gtt0r6 rrxlrqf, .rep:oI urlao'g - c rrnprrpt to loFlrnrFtnoc 't€0llt 'W uaft.t teg rr gg9 o6n6 1e56f {Oos tl 0l6t 'tE Ja{Dtdrg pp:tor.t {sarD.nEr lJtlt 'tc6t6I .c4 ucl1dear1Et ttt t6ed 7e |Eg XW eF EIet 'Of J.qrr/rof p',ftoo''., ,lBas..ot onF?rDlord uF tIrroJ lr, rt rlra|I. Fr! rrDttrtr:r'tt t raqqrtltqo ,ruof?tpEor ,r1!r.I ,$ .r6fl5t .rr uo;q{rory t. El,G .hd lr rr, {006 rrl ,t5t'ft Itn6ry P.Ptot.t ,ffiA to qql r|fi| Dsr .e!t ,r rlrorrf IJBi pqg .?otrlsrd r,l'rtrt fvtt psr r'ltt rtrd rBr ,.rqr ,.DJlFrF rJ eio ,oprtolo, ,o flllrfl.s oo oo adair-adjacent property owners.xls Martin J. Katz & Margaret E. Katz-Cann Charles & Jo Johns 2700 6th St 733 Lakeway Drive Boulder, CO 80302 Elpaso. TX 79932 Robert & Patricia Rabin Fred & Barbara Pundsack PO Box 146 I Sedgwick Drive Vail, CO 81658 Engelwood, CO 80110 Catherine & Michael Boone 7266 S. Boulder Rd. Boulder. CO 80303 Marilyn Elaine-Heller Libby Goldstein 23 Martin Lane Engelwood, CO 80110 Linda H. Ansfield PO Box 5734 Vail, CO 81658 Robert H. Cowan 6 Skymountain Drive Rogers, AR72756 Philip & Sandra Totten 3094 Booth Falls Rd. 11 Vail, CO 81657 Craig Ambler 7121 South Fillmore Circle Littleton, CO 80122 Carol, Stephen, William Gladstone Don & Bobbie Jean Gunderson 117 Old Farm Road 2120 Lakeshore Drive Pleasantville, NY 10570 Michigan City, lN 46860 Joel & Susan Fritz Gerald J. Greven PO Box356 PO Box3577 Vail, CO 81656 Vail. CO 8165S Page 1 ,-+ o Stephen D. Prawdzik 15965 West Ellsworth Place Golden, CO 80401 Waring Childrens lrrevocable Trust Joseph T. & Melinda P. Waring 3094 Booth Falls Rd. 18 Vail, CO 81657 Judie A. Sckelberger 1998 Oak Leaf Ln Littleton, CO 80121 Ruth V. Maitland Maitland Ranch Drake, CO 80515 o adalr-adjscent propeily Gerald J. Greven Box 790001 St. Louis, MO 63179-0001 ao owners.xls Page 2 2 o THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-$6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on March 23, 1998, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a variance, to allow for a heating boiler to be placed in the sideyard setback, located at 22 West Meadow Drive/Lots G and H, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicant Villa Cortina Condominium Association, represenled by Rick HaltermanPlanner: Christie Barton A request for Major CCI Exterior Alteration, to allow for a remodel and expansion lo the Slifer Building, localed at 230 Bridge StreeULot B, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Slifer Designs, represented by Jim BucknerPlanner: George Ruther A request for a Conditional Use Permit, a Minor CC1 Exterior Alteration, a height variance and a site coverage variance, to allow for a bay window addition and to eliminate a dwelling unit, located at 193 Gore Creek Drive/Lot A, Block 5-8, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Rodney & Beth Slifer, represented by Jim BucknerPlanner: George Ruther A request for a Major CC2 Exterior Alteration, to allow for the addition of a spa maintenance building, located at 641 West Lionshead Circle/Part of Lot 8, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant: The Montaneros Condo. Assoc., represented by Michael Hazard Assoc.Planner: George Ruther A request for a front setback variance, to allow for a 3-foot encroachment into the front setback, for a residential addition, located at 3035 Booth Falls Road/Lot 12, Block 1, Vail Village 13th I r|||| rg. f$pplicant: John & Kathy Adair- Planner: Christie Barton A requesl for a worksession to discuss the proposed Major CCI Exterior Alteration to the Hong Kong Cafe Building, located a|227 Wall Streei/Lot B & C, Block 5C, VailVillage 1si Filing. Applicant: ASI Vail Land Holding, L.L.C., represented by Kathy LangenwalterPlanner: George Ruther The applications and information aboul the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. 2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Communily Development Departmenl Published March 6, 1998 in the VailTrail. Please call 479- Owner Architect Zone Lot size roarGRFA +19'5* gfu Allowed =W7,C ZONE CHECK Phone Phone Proposed use Buildablearca y'/fr Proposed +18$ = vt --nriuery GRFA _ + (425) (675*) =_*-.-.-*-. -.-Second4ryGRFA -+ (425) (675*) = -\.,- ,t'' "\*'' * 675 = 425 credit plus 250 addition 20' l5' l5' rlN lft- z-Enclosed Permitted Slope -% Proposed Slope Yes- No- yes ,/ No 57{ "Mlr, , vtve* I l) Percent Slope (< >30% 2) Floodplain 3) Wetlands 5) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche--NO. b) Rockfall c) Debris Flow Prwious conditions of approval (check property fiIe[ Legal description: Lot Total Doesthisrequestinvolvea250Addition? @ /-JA How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this reques0 Site Coverage Height Setbacks Landscaping Retaining Wall Heights Parking Garage Credit Driveway Complies with TOV Lighting Ordinance Are finished grades less than 2: I (50%) Envi ronrnental/Haz ards vro? ?rl+6. 7?4 = >7?4 Q0)@ Front Sides Rear Minimum lltlZ,l 157?.e Wst t*s/ 36b I 3', t6', Required 2- Zot 3'er-C'nac(',--(- d. -L. - . uAfu'!"CL tzf"'Y 7t \ 7 aVl ,v,-c(t c1 i/r;/el @ill' il Googgreoo) (1200) Isthepmpertynon-conforming? Describe: NO tlt',w1zc or {€wh- do,/*tt- gtlancf s o Project: tu"v ,/./7J / _/ _z tr LLLI4 Scale GRFA 250 additional GRFA Crawl\Auic Space N lk ewr ,/ / Scale ColorWaterials Roof Pitch/ ,/- / / SITEPLAN ,/ /_ / J lk dts / / /& _1J / \-/ _L J tr LANDSCAPEPLAN / Existingtrees ,/ "/ Proposedtrees J- Legend MISCELLANEOUS ' !-tr CondoApproval J Title report (A & B) -d/ urilirYverification fomr / Photosofsite ,/ fuVI- Building material samples C.O. Verification Sun\Shade Angles Utilities (underground) View Conidors Variances DESIGN REVIEW CEECKLIST EI FLOORPLANS Scale Benchmaft Legal description Lot Size Buildable Area Easements Topography 100 yr. flood Plain Scale Building Height Encroachments Setbacla Site Coverage EaveVOverhangs (4') Decks/Balconies Garage connection Site Crade\Slope Retaining Walls Fences Parking/Garage Turning Radius Driveway (access and grade) Snow Storage Fire Access / -// /b tr BUILDINGELEVATIONS ),tf tl r.-(Nt"zr*'l WaterCourse Seback'l J- EnvironmentalHazards Trees Utility locations Spot elevations at4 / _/_ ,' lx Plat restictions .!Z! Memo toHousingPlanner if an EHU is proposed ' lftrF- -l \ i i.lrlY \lli or Design Review Action Form TOWNOFVAIL ProjectName: Adair - Driveway Project Description: Reconfiguration of driveway and landscape plan Owner, Address and Phone: John Adair Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Scott Sones, PO Box ll5, Avon, CO 81620, 949-6490 Project Street Address: 3035 Booth Falls Road Legal Description: Lot 12, Block 1, Vail Village l3th ParcelNumber: 2101-023-03-001 Comments: BuildingName: Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date: 1-21-98 Board / Staff Action Action: ApprovalMotion by: Seconded by: Vote: 3-0 Conditions: Brittain Ilingst F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL9S\ADAIR, t 2 t DRB Fee he-Paid: $20.00 Agenda last revised '1114197 l0am DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, January 21, 1998 3:00 P.M, PROJECT ORIENTATION , NO LUNCH - Community Devetopment Department 1:15 pm MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERSABSENT SITE VISITS 1:45 pm 1. Ackerman - 967 Vail Valley Drive2. May - 1067 Ptarmigan Way3. Adair - 3035 Booth Falls Road4. Padilla - 4532 Streamside Circle Driver: George PUBLIC HEARING - TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 3:00 pm 1. May - New fence and a change to the previously approved lighting plan. George 1067 Ptarmigan Way/Lots 4112 & 5, Block 5, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Roy & Paula May, represented by Dale SmithMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 2. Padilla - Addition of a garage/office and interior conversion of a basement area. Reed 4532 Streamside Circle/Lot 15, Bighorn Subdivision 4th Addition. Applicant: Edward R. Padilla, represented by Kathy LangenwallerMOTION: SECOND; VOTE: 3. Ackerman - New primary/secondary residence. Dominic 967 Vail Valley Drive/Tract C, VailVillage 7th Filing. Applicant: Don Ackerman, represented by Kurt SegerbergMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 4. Adair - New driveway configuration. Dominic 3035 Booth Falls Road/Lot 12, Block 1, VailVillage 13th Filing. Applicant: John Adair, represented by Scott Jones Staff Aonrovals All Mountain Sports - New wall sign. Dominic Vail Transportalion Center Applicant: Phillip Horseman Schwab residence - Changes to exterior lighting. Dominic 458 Vail Valley Drive/Tract F, VailVillage Sth Filing. Applicant: Helen Schwab The Golden Bear Store - New enlry and streetscape improvements. George 286 Bridge StreeULots A, B, & C, a part of Tract C, Block 5-A, Vail Village First Filing. Applicanl: Lee Hollis Joe Ellen Nash & Company Real Estate - Real Estate magazine boxes (4 locations). George Applicant: Jo Ellen Nash City Market #42 - Two signs. Kathleen 2107 N. Frontage Rd. WesWail Commons Applicant: Linda J. Roberts, representing City Market, Inc. MacNeil - Interior conversion. , Christie 227 Rockledge Road/Lot 13A, Block 7, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: David & Brenda MacNeil Hyait Vacation Club - Sign application. Kathleen 288 Bridge StreeURucksack Building. Applicant: Donally King Kjesbo residence - Utilize all allowable GRFA and basement conversion. Dominic 51 11 Black Bear Lane/Lot 1, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Roland Kjesbo The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspeclion during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 Soulh Frontage Road. Sign fanguage interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. o REVTEW r.vt..A. AllT lga DESTGN BOARD APPIJTCATTON ' EOTIN OF DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: VAfIJ, COLORADO r. A. It*t*t!t*!a* ********** PROJECT TNFORMATION: DESCRIPTTON: B. TYPE OF REVIEWI Nen Construct.ion ($200. 00)Addirion (950.00) D. c.ADDRESS: LEGAI., DESCRTPTTON: Subdivision nor A1LeraEion Conceptual Review Block ($20.00) ($0) L,,O t If property is described bydescription, please provideto this application. ZONING: a meets and boundson a separate sheet legal and attach G. F. E. NAME OF' APPLIEANT'S -RE NAI{E OF APPI,ICA}.TT: Mailing Address: ttlaiting addresst -- -- --.'--_ = , ,- , F- H. NAI'{E OF OhINER(S) : OWNER(S' SIGITATVRE:Mailing Address: I. J. APPr-'rcATroNs wrLr' Nor BE PRocEssED wrrIIoW owNER's 1IGf|TATURB Condominiun Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at thetime of submit.tal of the DRB application. L-ater, whenapptying for a building permit,, please identify the accurat,evaluat.ion of rhe proposal. The rown of vail wilL aajust ihefee according to Ehe table below, t.o ensure the correct feeis paid. FEE SCHEDULE: VAIJUATION$ o s 1o,ogo$10,001 -$ 50,000$50,001 _$ 150,000 $150, 001 _ $ 500, 000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 DESTGN REVTEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPTRES APPROVAIJ UNIJBSS A BUrIJDTNG PBR!{IT ISrS STARTBD. FEE $ 20. c0 $ s0.00 $100. 00 $200.00 $400. 00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR APTER FTNAIJ ISST'ED AND CONSTRUCTION )t Design Review Action Form Project Name: o\c{air ProjectDescription: Drivewaymodification Owner, Address and Phone: John Adair ArchitecUContact, A<Jdress and Phone: Scott Sones, PO Box l15, Avon, CO 81620 Project Street Address:3035 Bootb tr'alls Road Legal Description: Lot 12,, Block I, Vail Village 13th Filing ParcelNumber: Comments: TOWN OFVAIL Building Name: Bill flierce Ctark Brlttain Board / Staff Action Action: ApprovedMotion by: Seconded by: Vote: 4-0 Conditions:'that the plan be modified as discussed at the meeting and submitted to staff for final revierv. Town Planner: Launen Waterton Date: October 1.1991 F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROvA L\s^A D,\lR.O,0 t DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 t;o OF t't.vt.d, 8/t7 /91 DBSIGN A. I. DESCRTPTTON: REVTEW BOARD APPIJICATION ' TOI{N VAfIJ, COIJORADO DATE RECETVED: DATS OF DRB MEETTNG: tltr**tttitt *t**tttl** PROJECT INFORITIATION : B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New ConsE,ruction ($200. 00)Addition ($50.00))( I*linor Alteration QoncepLual Review ($20.00) ($0) C. ADDRESS: D.LEGAL DESCRTPT Subdivision ff property is described bydescription, Flease provideto this application. a meets and lega1on a separate sheet and att,acb E.ZONING: NAME OF Mai ling APPLICANT: Address: F. G. Phone NAME OFMailing APPI,TCANT' S REPRESENTATIVE :Address: I. .t. Phone H. NAME OF OWNER(S) : OWNER(Sl SIGIIATURETMailing Address: Phone FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATIONs o $ 1o,ooo$ 10, 001 _ $ 50, 000g 50,001 $ 150,000 9150,001 - $ 500,000 9500,001 _ $1.000,000$ Over 91, 000, 000 DESTGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES APPROVAIJ TJIIIJESS A BUIIJDING PERUIT ISrS STARTED. APPrrrcATroNs JlrLrJ Nor BE PRocEssED wrrfioW owNER,s srerilAru&B Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as sbown above, are to be paid ab thetime of subnir,tal of the DRB apprication. llt,ei, whenapplyinq for a building permit., pLease identlfy the accuratevaluation of Lhe proposal. The rown of vait wilt adjust thefee according to bhe table below, to ensure the correct feeis paid. FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200. 00 $400.00 $s00. 00 ONE iIBAR aTTER FTNAIJ ISSUED AI{D CONSTRUCTION NAI.{E OF PRO.]ECT: I,EGAIJ DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: L,OT- BL,OCK SUBDTVISION The following information is Review Board before a final required for subnittal approval can be griven: TYPB OF UATERIAIJ t,o the Design COIJOR A. BUIIJDING I[ATBRTAI,S: Roof Siding Other Wall Maberials Fascia Soffi ts Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues FLashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior lJighting Other Designer: Phone: B.LANDSCAPTNG; Name of I .a PLANT *rlO"r: Boranicat Name c.,,t, lro." PROPOSED TREES ATiID SHRUBS -'hcw - Ouantitv Size* lrees is b feet.**Indicate size of proposed5 qa1}on. coniferoue t,rees. Minimum calioerfndicate height, forMinimum heioht for coniierous shrubs. TvDe Square Footacre GROttr{D covERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRTGATTON TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSTON CONTROL c.:*t:l:"-ll:11tl9: -rf exLerior liehtins is proposed, pleaseil:I_:* :Hp"' g{ f}T!,,,e" .r,a id;;;;;"-;r";";;Ill.E 1:nll:"9_ll1nl^, I.qerlriry "icn ii*r;;; f;;,"in" iilf,iiii nr."i1-:l'.':*::^!"1 ?:-""a i'o"i'i"- il; ;;i;;;';;;;"'#l';;','".f,jE"or ll?n"..!I:pgl.g, t*91 ourpur, r"ri"o,li";;;";; ;';;;'";ff ;;the liqhr fixture. (secribn iA.tt.0s0 J) *fndicate for ]. D.OTHER pools, walIs. 3t TANDSCAPE FEATURES {retaining waLLs, fences, swimming ".!gtl please_ specify. rndiiace heishrs-oi'r"iil"i"g -.-Y:il*lT,h."isn! of_walrs wirhin Ehe fronr ""iuicii i"heighE of wal1s elsewhere o"-tt.-property is 6 i., u,,ru,no.4?La_e .- l) llt || | N lii-t (lF (jotIrI rrlit t1, t)r:\ r,t_on\t r:i\-f ,\t)t)ttr,ss t,t ()J |:(:r ---.=- rTliir . -. .- r. ..... ...;.i61:::-t;t:;-=:;;:r.--:- 0t (x)00 4?i7l] ilx--riio-.r r.f.il--0 i-rrirt;071-r.iL -'iil o(r(iit4 i.,jt :,iii lioori 4i.r r.i'- iI'rliriid';iii Iri-' o r .riorrtf :t;:ii.,. I ' 0I 00(t0 2t I l2i ifi ooori.fi-iil'ri(ri"oiti)o;il.I'It- =-------TIii 0t ( 0 iri'('i1i'ar?llit- ,A -.t -TElf,IhI EF |JFI I I_ f'liscel lspoug Cssh B9*Er9-?? lE: l?r 14 ReceiF,t * ':36496 Rscount* CH+11?S 5I:NTT 5OHE5 LfrHD5[FPE gRCHITECT II{C\DRB FEE Frrraun t ?*ndered .: It€r& p€id slESBE4tSSlgFB Change re l.urned : THFtt"tt< 1/EIJ Yaur cashi*r FEFITHfl R-EC: T - The Town of Vail DATE RECEIVED FROM ADDRESS ?8. BB gndJnt p€id ?8. Eg E, Elt '.rffi N? tEls0 ,_ 4fi coNsrRucnoN PERMITn"'ffiV l,'-'", doprtmcnt of community d€rralopm€nt TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLET€LY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION LEGAL \. DESC. J lrcs Naur, Medsker -'frLanoothfalls Ro OWNER nlue Stanlev Medsker MA;L aDDREss 333 West Hampden CITY Enslewood. COH. 789-1001 ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS crw PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REq. NO x",1?lt?3i FIFM Hunt Electric TowN oF vAtL REG. 119. 125 - E rFr F 949-406L PLUMBING CONTRACTOR MECHANICAL FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. UUN I T(AU I(,K OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REO. NO. TELE. NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 4-23-90DATE D Dn Dtr D T.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTOI{ | ll lll I V x 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IH DIVISION r22s44 6ENERAL DESCRtpTtoN oF uroR1 . Remove Direct Buried Electrlc41 Secondarv ReoLace PERMIT NO. zI E J BUILOING ETECTRICAT 2500.00 PLUMBING IECHAf{tCAtwith 2" PUC and new wi.re TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES R-3 BUILOING PERMIT tr!?lwtw Ofrf e2/ ,////,/92/rl& PLAN CHECK LLT- ELECTRICAL $43.00 patrb NEW ALTERATION O( ) AODITIONAL O REPAIR(PLUMBING Y JowELLtltc ut'ttts - AccoMMoDATroN uNrrs -HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLAGES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS B.VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARO CLEAN.UP OEFOSIT Exr wALLs| | I USE TAX TYPE OF HEAT ELEC. SOLAR GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES $43 .00 _Joe Norrls __!/231_94___ EUILDING OFFICIAL DATEADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEOED: Y N INITIAL sr. cur I | |IONING AOMII{ISTRATOR OATE BLASTING TarnNasr E| rx nrNat NnrEs. \--a ,\Roeuolll I hereby acknowledge that I hav€ read this applicatlon, tilled out in lull the information required, completed an accurat€ plot plan, and state that all th6 information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the intormation and plot planrto comply with all Town ordinancos and state laws, and to build this structure according to thd\own's zoning and subdivision cod6s, design rsview approved, Uniform Building Code and oth{r o\dinancqs of \hQ Town applicable thereto. ANO THE OWNER. 933{ lm dopcrtm.nt ol ommunity dcvclopmont TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PNIOR TO ISSUANCEOF PEfiMIT TYPE OF PERMIT D!! trtrI EUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION r.TVpEoFcor,tsrRucrror r rr rrt rv$ zoccuPANcYGRouP ee e x r@n orvrsroN | 2 zafryl c slq+ g:scf ! e1o*Yo; w-oTrt rW!r=:- PERITIT NO. 29 F 3J AUIIDING r;') ll ELECIRICAI-tj46f--l_esr=r I PLUI'8ING t)/l' X, L DLKCL ) O vLt*C. t) E. LDL tt<*\Jv atL' rO\t"'4 e f EcHAt|rcAr-r"'k Xtlr-P,ncE Nt T E A" Pu t- ,4P b tltE'-/ t'drAt\: TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FE€S {g4 BUILOING PERTIIT PIAN CH€CI( ELECTRICAI-f, +s-eg Hrwi I ^LtER^r@$E':ADDtrtoNAL( ) R!!4!!!___l P[UMBItIG OWEILING UNITS - AC@MMOOATION UNITS -HEIGHT It{ FT - NO. FIR€PLACES lrEcHANrcAL RECREATIOI{ F€E INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS F-VALLUE DESTGT{ REVI€|V BOARO CIEAN.UP OEFOSIT Exr. wALLs I I I USE TAX TOTAL PERMIT FEqD 44.s tF tf - f9'b--6rE sT. cur ELASTING PARXING NG AOUINISTRATOR OATE ING T BUILOI G NOTES I herBby acknowledge that I have read this apptication, titled out in full lhe information required. compteieO an accurite plot plan, and state lhai'af l the information provided as required is conect. I agreb to compty with ttie iniormation and plot n[an,-1o comply with .ll.Town ordinanc€s and,state 6irr, ""0 to 'U,jita rttir slructure according to thg\Town's zoning and subirivision codes, design revisw approved, Uniform Buitding Code and oth{r\rdinancps of th\{owr} applicabl€ lheGlf. tr ANO THE Owl{ER. HIUSELF ( ( ( ( I I LEGAL -ESC. LOT BLK FILING YotHoue.loebtn@ OWNER *tne S T A t0 LE l /EbS_KE&_ xlr rnnnrss 33j r.l F ( ;' r/4r'rPDF /J #J c,w EN a te *, o s. Lo ex:/ 8?:Ag I ARCHITECT ilt+TAIL ADDRESS ctTv PH, GENERAT "o"ipo FIRIT TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. Ar.r*,.o.- CONTRACTOR F*.rlil4ilT LLL:TML rowN oF vArL REG. r{o. IAS:L r.,,E 991- 4oLl Ntr PLUMEING CONTRACTOR FIEM TOWI{ OF VAIL R€G. NO. Nft MECHANICAT CONTRACTOR 9tRll TOWN OF VAIL FEG. I{O. OTHER COTITRACT f IRM TOWN OF VAIL REG.Nq- TELE. I o 75 3outh lronleg. ?ord rril. colo.ado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 -: . t-t TO: FROM: DATE: SUB.TECT: ottlce ot comnunlty devclopncnt ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRE}flILYL REGISIERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT !4ARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE fn sunnary,.Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soi1, rock, sand, debr-isor material , including trash dunpsters, portable toilets andworknen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicplgce or any portion thereof. lhe riqht-of-way on al} Town ofVail streets and roads is approxirnateJ.y 5 ft. off pavernent.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of VailPublic l{orks Department. Persons found violating this ordinancewill be gJ.ven a 24 hour written notice to renove-said naterial.In the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour tine specified, the puLtic WorksDepgrtrnent will renove said rnaterial at the expense of personnotified. The provlsions of this ordinance stritt not beapplicable to constructJ.on, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utillties in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. tfranf you for yourcooperation on this natter. sitj.onlRelatio (i.e. contractor, owner) \ttstr'CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE DATE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 8/24/88 0 0 .l,r l'-PERMIT NO.lm department of community development TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT E[ eurLorr'rc &t Elecrnrcnl I MECHANICAL I EFpluuatncI rouruoRrronr 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP DtvtstoN GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK IEnlarge and remodel kltchen BUILDING 21,500 26.500 GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES 26,500LOT FILI p {\d ca * S ]OB NAME:Medskerffi sl1y Engrewooa 8o|r9zss-roor NEW ALTERATION ( XX AOOITIONAL REPAIR DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHTJNFT. - NO, ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED ,,*u Robert. A. Medsker MA;LADDRE55 I Heatherway crw Golden ps1 279-5323 GENERAL CONTRACTOR F'RM Ovrner TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.TOTAL PERMIT FEES Gary Murrain 8 126 /88ItlotNc-orncrAL- -DATE - ING ADMINISTRATOR DATE & BUILDING NOTES: LECTRICAL PLUMBING CONTRACTOR I hereby acknowledge that llhave read this application, filled out in lull th€ inlormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the intormation provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unilorm Building Code and Clean Up: ordinances ol the Town a SIGNATUFE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR AND THE OWNER. F|RM N/A TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. llrprlnl.ry/vail CONSTRUCTION PERMITv%3 . department of community tjovelopment*'r***pLEASE FILL 0UR WHERE'THE-tTj"ilnnrs nnEtTO 8E F'LLED OUT COMPL ETELY PEIOR TO ISSUANC' O".A.'' FOLLOWING IS NEEDED FOR FTLING PERMIT:l'l::: i:':^::lg: assn ' . tiF-rippliliriiil2 Sets, pf complete drawirigi/;;;;ffi;; TYPE OF PERMIT LD ^ffplunrr,*cEl-rouna**er.r I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTIOII 2. OCCUPANCY GNOUP otvtstoN tuurrG reeH@u rzz4t GENERAL DESCSIPTTON OF GnOUP c.n.F.A. VALUA z - f MECI{ANtcAr PERMIT FEES EUILDING PERMIT LEGAL DESC. Lor /2. r'-^j--.-- r,lEW ( ) etreRn o 40ptTroNAL ( I ne peiE-i NO. FINEPLACES TYPE THICKNESS F.VALLUE H ADOITIONAL PERMTTS NEEOED: DEMO INSULATION: FLOOR B NAME: tleO.r"-ee PLAN CHECK ARCHITECT GENERAL CONTRACTOR PLUMBING RECREAIION FEE OESIGN REVIEW BOARD rrnu (U U_r \J EA TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. ELECTRICAL PLUMBING CONIRACTOR MECHAN CONTRACTOR L lceps |herebyacknowledge,null,l1ugreadthis.app|icatio.n,lilledoutinfu||the,""ffi comprered an accu'ate orot plan, a.nd srate ir,"i liii-# inio.,n.rion'pr;;"i;l';J';"qrrred is correcr. l 1!'i:li!J",IB'J',l, ll,i^:,ll:lru::r,lL:iil,';'r"J:;'comprv w'ii a,, io*i oioin,n"es and sraiereview approveo, u"iio,"i'e,;ilidH;l':flJ",,'fr",rf#;H:JTifJ+#i1ffii#fi!1i:;j,:,.- IGNATUFE XX TOWN OF VAIL REG, N TOWN OF VAIL REq NO. OTHER CONTRACTO BUILDING ELECTRICAL luwn 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 deparlment ol publlc works/tra nsportatlon T0i FROM: DATE: RE: rn sumrnary, ordlnance No. 6 states that it ls unlawful for any person colltter, track or deposit any soiI, rock, sand, debris or naEerial, includingtrash dumpsters' portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any stleet,sidewalk, alley or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-wayon all Town of Vail streets and roads 1s approxinately 5 ft. off p"lr"rn"nt.This ordj.nance will be stricrly enforced by the town of vail public worksDePartment. Persons found violating thls ordinance will be given 24-hourwritten notice to remove said naterial. rn the event the person so notifieddoes not conply with the notice vithin the 24-hour time specified, thePublic l'Iorks Departnent v/il1 remove saLd material. at the L*p"r,"" of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not be appricable toconstructlon, malntenance or repair projects of any street or alley or anyutillties ln the rlght-of-way. To revlew ordinance No. 6 ln fu11, please stop by the Town of vail BuildlngDepartmenc to obtain a copy, Thank you for your- cooperation in this matter. Read and Acknowledged by: VAIL1989 MEMOMNDI]M ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERXD WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT MARCH 16, l9B8 ORDINANCE NO. 6 ti' 75 soulh frontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 Zone Check Spring 1986 Zone:Dup ) ex Site Area: 19,022 s.f. GRFA Allowed = 4,L52 Existing = Basementlst Floor Znd Floor offlce of communlty deYclopmcnt 758 789 750 s.f. s.f. s.f. (GRFA calcs include l'lechanical 50 s. f . ) Remaining: 1855 Pmposed New Unit: 2297 s.f. credits for airDoiik 25 s.f.'and lst 2nd Floor: 567 s.f.Floor: 437 s.f. 1004 s. f. Parking: 4 spaces regd. for exising unit plus proposed. jlt June 2,1986 / rlri _ t j.j._Llr for sFR, R, R P/S 7l)llE DISTRICTS Legal Description: Lot - Block - Filing ' 0wner Archi tect Zone District Lot Size o He ight Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary 6RFA Setbacks: Front ' Si des Rear hlater Course S'i te Coverage Landscapi ng Parki ng Credi ts: Garage l.lechani cal Ai rl ock Storage So'lar Heaf Stora ge Drive: 51ope Permi tted Env i ronmental / Ha za rds : Ava'l a,nch e Flood P'lain S1 ope Proposed Use Al'l or.red Proposed ( 30) (33) 20' 15', 15', (30 ) ( so) (50) ( 1oo) ( 2s) ( so) (2oo) (400) S'l ope Actual (3oo) (600) { eoo) ( 1200) Con::rants: Zoning: APProved/DisaPProved Date: rNslcnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL . v'\n i .- /-i i i, JOB NAME I I \e-c\''-;. eY { e *v-i'c\.y' CALLER 'I",9 ruES wED THUR FRI __1p,, DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND ,/D ROUGH / D,W.V.i-,.' ,O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr n tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL n tr FINAL ELECTBICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr NINAL FINAL tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR ,PROVED RECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECT lrvilcnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL.t..,,1i nl /' JoB NAMEDATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER T:ES WED THUR ----+O)2 -.1 '. Lr r' /, ' {.ot. G <)4* BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. -tr BOUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER :.. .MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -tr FINAL tr FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,rrrr"ro* ( INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL IPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ..* . JOB NAME LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr o tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL E] FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANIGAL: tr TEMP. PO tr HEATING O ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED t\tYhTO: FROM: DATE: RE: Town Council Conmunity Development Departrnent The owners of Lot L2, Block 1, VaiI village 13th Filing, t Stanley and Aldah litedsker, have subnitted inforrnation in theform of a letter from Art Mears related to geologicallysensitive classification of their property as shown on the 1984VaiI maps. In accordance with the classification amendmentprocedures as described in Ordinance No. ZO of 1985, theMedskers are requesting that the Town Council approvereclassification of their property and amendment of the hazardnap designation fron High Debris Flow Hazard to Moderate DebrisFlow llazard. The Cornrnunity Developrnent reviewed the reguest, and and Public Works Departments haveall infornation seems to be in order. July 19, 1988 e€t:rogLcar J'y SenSl-EJ.lre a reT-fe€'J:a€lock 1, Vail Village 1-3th filing. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Town Council Conmunity Development Departnent JuIy 19, L988 Geologically sensitive area recl-assification, Lot 12,Block 1, Vail village 13th filing. Ker,subnit The owners of t2 B1Stanley and Aldahform of a letterassifi on of their propertv as shown on the 1984Vail-oaps. In accordance E classlr].caE].0nprocedures as described in Ordinance No. 20 of L985, the Medskers are requesting that the Town Council approvereclassification of their property and amendnent of the hazard nap designation fron Hjjh_-Deb*_Flo$r Hazggd to Moderate DebrisF'lowHazard.----_--..--.._- the Community Development and Public Works Departments have reviewed the request, and all inforrnation seems to be in order. Ste--t- q -,^^"tt 8,."^. 6t(s d. fo.^-'tt'^.-Gr....* ( .l,sl e"da,z'- c-o 't commented on the reasons for increas'ing the fees and gave background informatjon. He reviewed the Planning and Environmental Commission's decisions and the reasoning behind them. Tom Ste'i nberg commented he felt strongly the fee should be raised to $10,000 minimum. Mayor Pro Tem Slevin stated he felt the problem was deeper; who is responsible, the Town or the developer? He stated he supported the Planning Cormjssion's decisjon, the fee should be raised to a reasonable rate, and the Parking Task Force should review with public input. He stated he was looking moreat $6,000 and the issue should be looked jnto deeper, Ga'i I ldahrl ich-Lowenthal stated the Town's real costs should be passed on to the developer; no more, no less. She supported a fee in the area of $8,000; that jf developers had to pay 100% of the costs, they should have 100% of the use. Gordon Pierce agreed with Tom Steinberg. Eric Affeldt stated if businesses bring in people, they should he'l p pay for parking, and he agreed with the $10,000 minimum. At this time, Peter Patten explained more background information. Merv Lapin gave his reasons why he agreed with the $10,000 as a minimum. After Chuck Crist asked questions of Council, Jay Peterson commented why he was against the increase and wanted a parking study done. After much more discussion, Peter Jamar agreed with Jay. After rnore discussion by Jay Peterson, Peter Jamar and Pepi Gramshammer, Erjc Affeldt made a motion to approve the ordjnance with a change'in Section 18.52.160 8.5 regarding the amount charged from $10,000 to $8,000 and encouraged staff to press on to complete a parking study as soon as possib1e. GaiI tlahrl ich-Lowenthal seconded the motion. At this time, Gordon Pierce commented he was opposed to the $8,000 figure but would approve $6,000untjl a study was done. A vote was taken and the motjon to approve the ordinance with a change jn the amount charged to $8,000 passed 4-2, with Mayor Pro Tem Slevin and Gordon Pierce opposing. Peter Patten commented the parking study was a part of the Master Plan, and it was scheduled to be started in September to be done jn the wi nter. The next order of business was Resolution No. 28, Series of 1988, setting the datefor a special election to choose a Council member to fill the unexpired term of Gordon Pierce. Larry Eskwith commented the resolution was self-explanatory. There was no discussjon by Council or the public. A motion to approve the resolution was made by Merv Lapin and seconded by Tom Steinberg. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 6-0. The fifth jtem was the Medsker request to amend the adopted geo-sensitive area debris flow map from high to medium hazard in the area of Lot 12, Block 1, Va'i I Village 13th Filing. Rick Pylman gave background information on the area and the Medskers' request. He noted Art Mears did the original study and a1 so the work for the Medskers, and that staff had no reconmendation. Rick, Larry Eskwjth and Peter Patten then answered questions of the Council regarding the surrounding area. After a short djscussion by Council, Gordon Pierce made a motion to approve the request to change the classifjcatjon, which was seconded by Eric Affeldt. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 6-0. The sjxth order of business was the Vajl water conservation proposal by Jebbie Brown. She proposed that everyone jn town use quart jars in their toilet tanks to conserve water. She stated they were asking for more and financial support from the community and explained the p'l ans to initiate the program. Merv Lapin asked if she had talked to the Water Board because they send out mailings every month. Mayor Pro Tem suggested she go to Rotary, the tlater Board and the Board of Realtors for support to help get things ro'l ling- Merv Lapin and Mayor Pro Tem Slevin gave Jebbie contact names for each of the Boards. Mayor Pro Tem Slevin cormented Councjl would talk to Ron Phillips about a resolution to designate a date the program officially begins. Jebbie thanked the Council for thejr help and support, The next item was action on a horse drawn carriage agreement addendum. Larry Eskwith exp'l ained Steve Jones had one horse drawn carriage and wanted two. He noted according to Stan Berryman, there wou'l d be no problems with thjs. There was no discussion by Counc'i I or the public. A motion to approve the addendum was made by Merv Lap'i n and seconded by Gordon Pierce. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 6-0. Under Citizen Participation, Steve Michaelson introduced himself as a candidate running for the District Attorneyrs office. He explained his background and willingness to work with our Police Department, and answered questions of Council. At this time, Merv Lapin commented he had noticed a dead end sign on Piney Road which was mislocated, and asked Larry Eskwith to have Stan Berryman relocate it at a more proper place. Tom Steinberg stated the letter they received concerning -2- constructlon noise be responded to by Ron Phillips. Also, Tom h,as concerned aboutthe public's perception of the Holy Cross parcel purchase and requested it be placed on the agenda of the next public meeting so the pub'l ic cou'ld voice their opinibns. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m.fr Respectfu'l 1y submitted, ATTEST: Minutes taken by Brenda Chesman -3- MINUTES VAIL TOhIN COUNCIL MEETING JULY 19, 1988 7:30 P.M. A regular meeting of the Vajl Town Council was held on Tuesday, July 19, 1988, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Buitd'ing. MEMBERS PRESENT:John Slevin, Mayor Pro Ten Eric Affeldt Merv Lapin Gai I l,lahrl i ch-Lowenthal Gordon Pierce Tom Steinberg Kent Rose, Mayor Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney Pam Brandmeyer, Town Clerk MEMBERS ABSENT: TOl'lN OFFICIALS PRESENT: The first order of business was 0rdinance No. 20, Series of 1988, first reading, changing the hour of 9:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. for closing down amplified sound in theCore. Mayor Pro Tem Slevin read the full tit1e. Larry Eskwith stated the change was made at the request of a local restaurateur who was concerned because they served dinner untjl 10:00 p.m. and wanted to play their music untjl that tjme,After some discussion by Council, Terry Evans questioned playing longer on special weekends, Iike July Fourth and Memorial Day, to help keep crowds under control; he was also concerned about decibel levels. Mayor Pro Tem Slevin explajned Council wastrying to keep everyone happy and modifying the hours should do it for awhile. Terry asked agajn about extending the hours over special weekends, to which Pepi Gramshammer agreed. Gajl Wahrl ich-Lowenthal cornnented she would like to leave the time at 10:00 p.m., and agreed with the 65 decibel level at the property 1ine. She commented this should be djscussed wjth the Police Department next year as far as extending hours for crowd control , GaiI Wahrlich-Lowenthal made a motjon to approve the ordinance with a typographical correction in Section 1, and Tom steinberg seconded. At this time, Gordon Pierce stated he agreed with Pepi that there neededto be some flexibility w'i th extending the time maybe one hour only on Saturdays, and requested this be checked jnto before second reading. Merv Lapin asked Pepi Gramshammer to get a petition for the hour extensjon from the people who live jn the area; Council's concern was for the residents jn the area. Pepi responded he had not heard of any complaints. A vote was taken and the motjon passed unanimously 6-0. The next item was Ordinance No. 21, Series of 1988, first reading, repealing and reenacting the Special Development Districts section of the Municipal Code. Thefull title of the ordinance was read by Mayor Pro Tem Slevin. Tom Braun asked if Council wanted to review the entire set of changes or just problems they may havewjth certain areas. Mayor Pro Tem Slevin stated just certain areas; he had a problem with Underlying Zoning. Tom then reviewed Section D, "Underlying ZoneDistricts" and explained specifics. Larry Eskwith explained further the backgroundof SD0's and underlying zoning. After much djscussion by Council, Peter Jamar commended the staff for cleaning up this ordinance. He commented this had been needed for a couple of years and would ljke the ordinance passed tonight, but he would prefer no underlying zoning. He proposed language change under Uses 18.40.070 and thought language could be done to simp1 ify things. Chuck Crist asked questions of Tom Braun concerning more SDD's, to which Tom responded. Jay Peterson agreed with Tom that the Planning and Environmental Commission should look at the changes proposed, and requested the ordjnance be passed tonight. Peter Patten recommended Council not to change the policy, that underlying zoning provided a support basis and gave reasons why he felt this way. Eric Affeldt made a motion to approve the ordinance, which Tom Steinberg seconded. A vote was taken and the motjon passed unanimously 6-0. The third item of business was Ordinance No. 22, Series of 1988, first reading, amending the Municipa:l Code pertaining to parking fees charged for exempted areas. The full title was read by Mayor Pro Tem Slevin. Tom Braun stated staff was requested by Council to change the fees charged of $3,000 and $5,000 to $10,000. He 1,,5r^e.*. I I ry> 1900 E. Girard Englewood, CO June 20 ' 1988 Town of Vail Cornmunity Development Department 75 South Frontage Rd. West Vail, Colorado 81657 Attn: Betsy Rosolack Re:Lot 12' Block I1 Filing 13 Vail Hazard Ordinance Dear Betsys This letter is for the purpose of requesting a hearing to change the designation of the area immediately above our house on the above-described lot in Booth Creek Subdivision from "Hi-g:h" to "Moderate" on the Vail hazard map. Enclosed is a copy of a l-etter written to Mr. Will lIiller from Arthur I. Mears, P.8., Inc., as a result of a site-specific study performed by Art Mears for Mr. Milter. The letter is dated October 18, 1987, and is submitted at Mr. Mearsr suggestion with the full permission of Will Miller. Our house in Vail has been offered for sale since March, 1986; we moved to Englewood that spring. During the past two and one-haLf years' despite several price reductionsr w€ have been unable to sell the home. rt has been our continuing experience that a s^i-gnificant number of prospective purchasers would have seriously considered buying the house except for the fact that the area imnediately contiguous to the lot is rated on 1984 VaiI rnaps as a "Eighr hazard zone due to the debris flow of May' 1984. You will note that Art Mears in his october 18, 1987, letter has recornmended reducing to I'Moderate' the hazard rating of the adjoining debris-flow area. Last weekr I talked with Art Mears after his recent consultation with the buyers on another purchase contract which did not consummate. He restated to me his evaluation that the rating shouLd be reduced to 'rModerate" on the adjoining debris-flow area. We have this past week been made aware that local financing for one interested party would be contingent on the construction of arprotective berm" behind the house. Art Mearsr estimate of a 'lt annual probability" of future minor debris flow damage places the property in the same ranks as a large proportion of Vail's iesldences whose financing obviously did not require a protective berm. This kind of negative reaction can only worsen with time' and is but another stumbling block to a successful sale. Pl. ' {11505 801r0 Town of Vail Couurunity Development DePartment -2- 1988 Copy: Ron Phillips' Town Manager Sinqerely,-]iiJ,_" /f ua,J.Au."//ltl''/h-,-,r-./'-- Sfanley R. Medsker Aldah M. Medsker June 20, It is our sincere wish to sell the house. However, in the absence of such a transaction, we plan to put the property into a rental program and will most certainly be faced with prospective rentersr anxieties about the "Geologically Sensitive Area" designation. A reduction of the hazard rating on the neighboring groundl together with availability to the public of Mr. Mears' evaluatj.on, should do a great deal toward easing the fears of would-be renters or buyers. Kindly contact us and inform us of a hearing date on the above matter. Thank you. ^#;ntt d( ' at," U'|/ I ,rfff Octobe: ta, 196'l i,:r. l,ill' i'iiI1er 641 Llonshead CircLe VaL]., .J) a1657 Dear llr. ltiller: It your request, I ccnciuct-ed :r ;iiie lnsl'tr:L!'cr' on rlsitber lj to re-:l'al- uate the debris-flor -ii"r""a ilr lorier Bcot'h rlreek ' is i'cu [:nox' i'h3 area lrnnedlalely above Lot i2.-Booth Fa1ls Roail nc1:i !€?-ch€'f by a very la:ge' slon_rcving debris ri.'{-i" lr.v, rgg+. This flcw d.lsr"rptecl the uat-er syster'' i"a "io:f"[ Hithin ]00 feet oi' existlng trouses ln the area' ?ierd work d.one on oeiober lji co.srstea oi ia) insgectron of the oi: ' 193+) iebrls fl_ou d.eposit, (u) inspeciion of tiru riair-oaae <ilversion chacn:l i.lrat ias cur across tn" auiolii;-;i i"i " "i"it tc the scar;, (source) a:ea' 1'2'lC feet abova ttre Ceuerii"I-"..r. in" f":.to*irlg !:oncluslcns are basei" rn thi:- ro:rk. Although future <iebris flous :iray cccur ise'" #3).'- 1A-;;-il"-i9arr-uu"t!-uoit^"' llost of th: rnstable tr*" .it".ay "tfe troo +.he scarp area' i relatlvely nateri-al remains in ihe scur:e area nl^"hin the o1C ?eactivation of flow. The old deposi^' 1n !q$e! Booth r@ore and 1111 nc" resune dctmslope oRil'n LMEARS. P.8.. lNc' Nerurd Hrredr Cmuhur l2J l'er C,r!'ir A'-' (' ,anrnr. (-'$'d ' st i tr' ltli'brl'llltr 1. Debris-flcw size' they rlll be onIY 1 glaclal till materlal soal1 volune of'loose SCar!'. Creek is stable' L:cve;.eni.. 3. Future debrls fiLovs. Future flotfs can 9"":I !::: 1u,:ll,t "Il::n"t'i'i'in " ;;-;;.L;.t""" n'i "rrec:ed-l1 1?1'--lt3 :il"J:i iiilti"ilii"!" ilt"""I"J;#;;"- ;;r1s are situralfl 1,:*,,ry:1-ilLli,iu^il;;il-;;i:'^iioii-ui. i'iet'. Future f1c', f,rom the fia+ scare "iii' "i-I.-il il il""niir-.ase of tf,e 19st+ dePosit' . *tlln -!13., :."ill:;;ilJfii"i; i;;d;;"iliui"E-s"otr,- i"""i. rhese 1111 be,snall-volune !.-llr +L-^.rrlr {hffi;;"H;'irii-i"'conu"yed down'ralrev bv the ctr-an19|.!11i1!^lg::9h tn* 2. is Landsllde deposlt ln 198I+. Although a-ccuiate. P5?Patllltv estrnates carurot be nad.e, we estlnate a tt6 annuai-irotatiffty (a "100-year") event coulC reach tlre house on Lot 12 and cause nlnor darage' tl. Hazard ratlng. The bulld,tng on. Lot 12 ras located' at tlre d'ornsloln bor.rndary of the ,'Hlgh'. debrls-floH hazard area on 1984_VatI nraw' As a result of thls current fleld evaluaii".-*a 1n parltcular ny concluslolts regardlng ruture a.urls flow slze, I no" t""ott"nd the hazaril ratlng be red.uced to "l'loderate . " PLease contact ne lf you have any questlons' StncerelY ' Allr 1e r,;,wqtb,t o Autvxt.o rrrr&rArcrrrar*.*.T;^j(,kl $*I Lkf t - ,' appl I ORDINANCE NO. 2O Series of 1985 AN ORDINAI'ICE AI4ENDING SECTION 18.69.052, SPECIAL RESTRICTIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT IN GEOLOGICALLY SENSITIVE AREAS BY THE ADDITION OF PARAGMPH H PROVIDING A PROCEDURE TO INFORM THE PUBLIC WHEN SITE-SPECIFIC GEOLOGIC INVESTIGATIONS ARE ACCEPTED BY THE TOI'IN COUNCIL SETTING TONTH UONT DETAIL THAN EXISTS ON THE OFFICIAL GEOLOGIC SENSiTIVIiY MAPS OF THE TOHN OF VAIL; AND PROVIDING DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. hIHEREAS, THE T0t^tN COUNCIL wishes to provide the publjc with additional site-spec'ific information than can be found on the offjcial geologic sensitivity maps of the Town of Vail when such informatjon has been accepted as reliable by the Town Councjl- N0l,l, THEREFORE, be jt ordajned by the Town Council of the Town of Vaj'l , Colorado as fol lows : Sectjon 18.69.052 Special Restrictjons for Development 'in Geoiogically Sensitive Areas is hereby amended by the additjon of paragraph H to read as fo'l lows: - H. In any case where a person wishes to have one of the official maps adopted by this 0rdinance amended to notate more detailed site-specjfic information is available' the following procedure shall be foliowed: l. A written application shall be filed with the Community Development Depart- ment request'ing such a hearing and providing a supporting site-specific geologic investi- gat'ion . Z. A hearing shall be set on a date not less than thjrty (30) days after the ication has been filed nor more than sjxty (60) days to allow for a staff reviel. 3. If the applicant establishes at the hearing by clear convincing evjdence the information contained in the site-specjfic geologic investigation is reljable' Town Council shall d'i rect th.e Conrnunity Development Department to keep a copy of site-spec.i fic investigation on file jn the Conmunity Development Department and available to the general pub'lic and shall further direct the Community Development Depart- ment to notate the appropriate official map adopted by this Ordinance so that it indjcates that said site-specific investigation js on file with the Community Development Department. Section 2.If any part, section, subsection, .sentence, clause, or phrase of for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the val.idity of the rema'ining port'ions of this 0rdinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this Ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, c1 ause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more partS, sections, Subsections, Sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid' Section L. that the sai d this 0rdinance is CONSTRUCTION PERMIT department of community development TYPE OF PERMIT Etr! tr FIE BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAT PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY LEGAL DESC. LOT 12 BLK. FILING W 13th J9&NAME: Medslrer Addition oVftER r.rnure Stanley Medsker MAILADDRESS bx 2327 crrvVai-l. O PH. 4YIL ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR 727-B rtRu Arerican Oonsol idated MATLADDRESs Box 1625 crrvVail, @ pH827-5809 .ffi'^i:3h FIRM MAIL ADDRESS PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS OTHER CONIhACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. DATE 7/L9/79 pRqJECT NO.253-79 N9 353 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III I V V 2, OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IR M DIVISION r22a34 GENERAT DESCRIPTION OFWORK : PERMIT NO. z tr fJ BUILDING 10,035 ELECTRICAL 500 PLUM BING 500 MECHANICAL 65IIot tub & greenhouse TYPE GROUP SQ.FT. VALUATION PERMIT FEES 223 BUILDING PERMIT 64.50 PLAN CHECK 3|.25 ELECTRICAL 18.00 PLUMBING 7.W MECHAN ICAL 7 -50NEWO ALTERATION ADDITIONAL A ) NTEEIRl 1 OWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNIT9 G.R.F.A. -BEDROOMS COMMERCIAL SYST - RESTAURANT SEATING HEIGHT IN FT, - BATHTUB,/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES -NO. TOILETS COVERED PARKING - UNCOVERED PARKING RECREATION FEE 22-Kl DESIGN REVIEW BOARO CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 100.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES 252.6 DATE _ _7LLeJ3e_ _ DATE NG oFFrcrAT Lu{zW. ADMINISTRATOR INSULATION FLOOR EXT. WALLS ROOF TYPE THICKNESS R,VALUE 6lro rorrr' HEAT * ,r[I HEREBY ACKNoWLEDGE THAT I HAVE /*C'- READ rHIs APPLrcArroN AND tilt:1i11.::-" - i"-\-f{ ELEC: I GAS: SOLAR: IWOOD: VAIL WATER & SAN. DIST. TAP FEE : SPFCIAL NOTES: CONSTRUCTION PERMIT department of community development TYPE OF PERMIT D D T Ill BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY LEGAL DFSC. LOT BLK FILING IOA NAME. oVfuER NAME MAII ADDRESS C ITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. G EN ERAL CONTRACTOR FIRI\4 MAIL ADDRESS .s'^i?8i FIRM MAIL ADORESS PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIR I\4 MAIL ADDRESS M ECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL AODRESS OTHER CONTRACTOR FIR M MAIL ADDRESS C ITY PH, DATE PROJECT NO. PERMIT 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION III III IV V 2, OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH IR M DIVISION r22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK ; BUITDING PERMIT FEESTYPE GROUP SO. FT. VALUATION BUILDING PERMIT PLAN CH ECK NEWI ALTERATION () ADDITIONAL() REPAIRO RECREATION FEEDWELLING UNITS -ACCOMMODATION UN G.R.F-A. - BEDROOMS COMMERCIAL SYST - RESTAURANT SEATING HEIGHT IN FT. - BATHTUB,/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES -NO. TOILETS COVERED PARKING - UNCOVERED PARKING DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT TOTAL PERMIT FEES ONING ADI\,lN ISTRATOr^ \ i I A t\. DATL INSULATION TH ICKN ESS R-VALU E ONING NOTES: ,,,")#*io*uon#*i,,o,,,n,'. READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COVPLY WITH AI-L TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE I,AWS REGARDING BUILDINC CONSTRUCTI0N. VAIL WATER & SAN. DIST. TAP FEE : SPECIAL NOTES: - '-- l-' I t \--.-i': /. .--r-.n.:.,/ Ii";,,ilu lzllw depanment of community development TYPE OF PERMIT D-eutomtc Ef€uecrRrcnu D-.'/EcHANtcAL E-pt-uMerNG! rounonnoNoNLY D IB NANIE: u*L ICHITECT ;ENERAL 'ITRACTOR ,ECTRtCAL \J tl LUI.IBING NTRACTOR r,r Art AooRESS :CHANICA NTRACTOR OTHER IJTRACTOR Lor tL BLK--__---_?__ ll l t'<tt\ FILING ^mr,,€ lrW-ndij<,r-v /+96 I.tA'L A1IDRESS, CITY PH. :,.AII. ADDR ESS FtRt,t ,. , r,! Arr- AcDRESS r. TY P5 OF CONSTRUCTION 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP DIVISION CENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WORK : I A ill tv v EHIRM 2a34 TYPE GROIP SO. FT. VALUATION NEV/ il ALTERATION () AODITIONAL ( f REPAIR il DWELLING UNITS G.R.F.A. ACCOMMOOATION UN BEOROOMS COMMERCIAL SYST -RESTAURANT SEATING HEIGHT IN FT. - BATHTUB/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES -NO. TOILETS COVERED PARKING - UNCOVEREO PARKING INSULATION TH ICKN ESS FI F'. VAIt WATER & SAN, OIST. TAP FEE : HAIL AOORESS N9PER},4IT NO. ?) BUILOING 16,66 ELECTRICAL PLU II BING M€CHANICAL PERMIT FEES BUILDING P€RMIT G(t.so PLAN CH ECK 42-.26 ELECIRICAT l8,oo PL U I,I BING +.5b I,lECHANICAL 7,5/\ RECREATION FEE 2r2,7a OESIGI.I REVIEW BOARO CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT /oo,6 TOTAL PERIIIT FEES 252,6 Ut a rrst{ I l'tt rtl IUILDING OFFICIAL ONING A0rvtlNlSTRAT0R OATE OATE ONINC NOTES: t 'tERESY ACKNOIXLEDCE TH^' T HA\'E n'aeo rxrs APPLtcATtoN ArrtD sl^?E Tr|AT T]tE AAO\rf ts coRt(Ecr AtiD A6REt To co$PLY WIT'| ALL' ToWN O'TI)INANCgS AND STATE LA\{S RECARDTNC IUILOINO CONSTR UCllOls. /W*]u,u 1&nt',1"*o u -*Lt* ,&roL- /aE a"<*a*pt /4, 624--/€_, / Vatx- V-t-(la sz- / 3&- U \n/) A,t t.""/- /a-+r*-*-.^2'\1P^WT+W 3) Pee {Jna** 4-eq-t2 +)nyy.+a",*'a. b-t a- I rlr't L' t{ 'e4-'F(/o 4Ws'+tq\ -J t)strtul 4rj U,"_ illS .^sft- o,fr*i, f-f-f o(h V* b*'-F- +J{, u{onn'u/ drryff -IW t l'y,lt' , Hi#lff- & Environnen.t*r* Meetjng of April 24, IWg . I Not yet approved by the Planni:rg Ccnrnission Corrnission Menbers Present Ed Drager Sandy Mi11s Ron Todd Jim lfrrrgan Jack Goehl Boger Tllkenreier was out-of-torun Gerry White \ra-s on vacatio,n Sbaff Menber.s Present Jirn Rubin (entire neeting) Dick Ryan (4:20 nntil conpletion) 1.) Hi11is Akin Residerce-.Setback Varianee FequestLot I, Bighorn Estates Jim Rubin e>rplained the setbacks. There vas a discussion. The revised and redesigned plans were presented by the atrchitect.\tlalter Kirch vllo cxryns the property on the norbh side of the creek stated his two objections: a. Ttre driveway will destncy a nice stand of t:rees on the southeast corner of the 1ot. b. Ttre house is too bulky to be located so close to the stream with 35 feet elevations. He thi-nks the house could better fit the 1ot. Sandy lli11s suggested he redesign and cqne back. She feels there rea11y ist't a hardship as the oqner ]flew the lot ruhen he boughtit. Jim Rubin explained that this is not an ordinary lot, withthe buildable area within the setbacks being insufficicnt for a reasonably sized duplex. Sandy Mii"1s made a rption to deny the $etbac]< Variance Request for the Hi11is Akjn resiclence proposed for I-ot g, Bighorn Estates. Jaek Goehl seconded the fiption. C'oehl, Todd, and ilIil1s voterl for thernotion. lrlorgan and Drager voted against the notion. Ttre nption .:passed. Ed Drager infonrsd the architect that he has 10 days to appeal tothe Council. Sandy Mil1s suggested that the arr:hitrct reet with staff to rvork ona front setback as an altemative to the strearn setback. - "ttf!t't Minutes G=24-79) Page Tho 2.) Stan Medsker ltesidence-Setback Variance Reouest JiJn Rubin e-rlrlained the location of the horse, the history of the 1ot, and also that the neigtrJcors had been notified with no one objecting.Ibtz is the neares'b neighbor. Jim said he feels that the questi.onis, "Is there a real hardship?" Ilrs. L,Iedsher presented her menp and plans. Ed Drager sa,id that if the I'ou,n pond. were not on their 1ot, the Medskers cotl}d have had nrore of a choice vfuere to place their house. Sandy Mi11s asked if the encroaclnnent of the pond will be a hardship forever. Ron Todd read a staternent frcrn the Tqm Attorney's Merno. Jim lvlorgan npved tha"t the Setback Variance Request for the Stan Medslrer Residence for Lot 12, Block 1, Vail Village l3th be approved. Bon Tbdd seconded the motion. Todd, Goehl, Drapr and Morgan rroted for themotion. Mi11s voted against the motion. The npticn passed. Ed Drager told Lilrs. Iledslrer she can make her presentat.ion to the DRBafter the 10 day appeal period. 3.) LovSioy-Rgqrlest.for Resubdivision of Parcel A, Bighorn Subdivision and Parcel A, Bighorn First Additicn: P.osQoned untit lvlay 22, Jr979 4.) Creekside Building Bequest for Conditional Use Perrnit i-n ffI Withdrawn 6.) Discussion with John l,fcBride on Proposed ex?ansion of cl.ock rower porch The Ccnmission nret at the Clrck Tower at 2:30. lvlr. Drager said he felt that they shorrld neet tvith Ir{r. Ryan as he feelsbefore they make decisions on anything 1il<e the clock rorver porch, they ueed to decidc on a l,{astcr Plan for the CCI lfa11 Area. Jim Morgan said he, too, feels a Ma1l Plan is necessar5/. Sandy Mills said the Bridge Street side of the plan is good, but srovrretrpval v,ould defjnitely be a prd>lern. Jack Goehl said he feels an overall plan is needed. Ron Tbdd did not atteind the 2:30 nrc.cting. No motion ruus rnde. ^f't lr[inutes (4-24-79) Page Ttuee 7.) Andy Norris-trrelirninary of Mansfield Village Andy Norris said he rainly wanted to ful1y acquaint the staff and comnission with the nain points of their project. He explailed the Learnjng Center part of their project. a. there will be a Continuing Educatlon Center nu.fu1y to acconnndate Cl{C. b. There will be a 25G-300 seat audltoriun for fikm, lecturers, etc. c. There will be a fibrary. (Perhaps the Town Library) d. There wj.11 also be offices for scholars, etc. It would be 281000-32,0O0 square feet. It wcnrld be non-profit owned. C:lt{C could trave a lease-purchase arrangsnent. Library could be orured by a foundation. 95'/. of the Parking wculd be covered. There wrruld be a 150 rocrn hotel , 34 Condcnriniuns (cnvner occupied) and 34 rental units. It would be a lowrise vilIage. Ttrere rryould be 1O'OO0 to 12,000 squarefeet of connercia.l space nainly for the use of the olners and users. It wolld not be guest oriented. There wou,ld be four indoor Tennis Cor:rts, tt'o racquet ball courts, two squash courts and an indoor-outdoor swimuing poo1. 'Ihe tennis courts and pool rvoirld be scheduled for use by the public. Also there would be about 10OO private lsnbe.rs. there r.rould be an eating facility and locker roorns. this is a 16.8 acre parcel in Special Developnent District Four. They have purchased the Robbj.ns Tbact. There is another tract approxinately 1.4 acres wLich they aro trying to buy. It is in the way of the bil<epath so he uoulcl lih.e the Tbrvn to think about cqde'nirrg this bract if necessa{y. He wou,l-d like to nake his fonnal presentation on May 22, He rvould li}<e everyone to see the report done by A11en Gerste.nberger. Jim lfu.bin will nnke coples for Ccmnj.ssion renbers. I . Mjnutes (4-2bT9) Page Five .'{t 4.) $pecial TYeatnrent of the concrete retaining walls. Jay agreed to this. 5.) Constmction of protective wall along Lionsridge Ioop. Jay did not agree to this. 6.) Change in location of structures as recomrpnded in msrprandum. Jay agr:eed to this. 7.) Adding windqns to the l{test Blank walI of the three story structures with viev/s to the west. Jay agreed to this. 8.) Increa^sing the distance between buildings to alloirr more natural light into the courtyard on the three story structure. Jay agreed to this. 9.) Redesigrr landscape plan to include additional landscaping to the street surface. Jay agreedto this. 10.) Schedule of when the recreationa"l anenity packag: will be sonstlucu;ed. Jay agreed to this. Dick fuan added an eleventh item. 11.) Redesign the grades on the driveuays entering into the project so that they do not e-xceed 8%. Jay agreed to ttris. Sandy lllills nnde a rmtion to approve the preliminary site plan for Lionsridge C1-C5 conditional on the before-nrsntioned itenrs 1-11 u'ith tlre exception of #2 and #5. Jack Goehl seconded the nption. lhe vote was unanirnous. The rneeting adjourned at 6:00 P.M. ffi . a,-? t a l{At[E oF @UEST DIS'qSITION,'a APPLICAI,IT: Stan Medsker OF APPI,ICAI\IT: Side Setback Variance RequestAddition for a Greenhouse I{AME OF PT]BLIC BODY HMBING APPLICATICITI: TMI{AL ;:NION ?AKEX{ & T'INDINC"S: .Approval of the Setback Request bythe Townrs pond easement on the lotthe applicant. Pl-anning and Environmental Commission a 4-I vote with the reason does result in a hardship thatto OIHER @MI!IEN]S: This decisionperiod by the can be appealed to the Town Council within a ten dayapplicantr any aggrieved person, or the Town Manager. MEMORANDUM TO FROM DATE SUBJ ,a PLANNING & ENVIRON!{ENTAL COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT APRrL 20, L979 sIDE SETBACK VARTANCE REQUEST FOR STANLEY MEDSKER, FOR A GREENIIOUSE ADDITION TO BE LOCATED IN A SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE ON LOT 12, BLOCK 1, VAIL VILLAGE 13th FILING The Variance Request is for a lo-foot side setback al-ong the South property line in lieu of the required 15 feet' ?he lreenhouse addition will be 74 feex in helght' at lts htghest poiot, and will be 15 feet long. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS UponteviewofCriteriaandFindings,sectionlS.62.060 of the uunicipaL code, the Department of comounity Development recoumend s denial of the requested Variance based upon the following factors: Consideration of Facto!s The 16 latlonship of the requested variance to other existLng or potential uees and structures ln _the vlclnity. The Katz Residence on Lot 13 is the only residence ln the immediate area to this requested variance. The Ka.tz Resldence is over 30 feet from its northeln pToperty line, and has lts nain orientation to the east and west. We do not feel that the greenhouse, being only 71a feeE in height, w111 have any lmpact on thls resldence. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a spectfied regulation is necessary to achieve corapatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vici.nityr or tc attain the objectlves of thls title wiEhout grant of special- Prlvllege. We feel that this would be a grant of speclal privilege ln that lhere has been no demonstratl.on of hartlshtp. Thls ls a ?age 2 UEMO-PEC a, 4-20-79 change of pollcy frou the past Varlance request recommendations r ghere setback variances have been recommended for approval as long as no adjacent property owners are adversely irnpacted. He feel that after the Slaughter Varlance Request' that a harder look has to be given to all Variance requests, ulth only approval glven to those that are able to show a real- hardship. The effect of the reguested varlance on light and air, distribution of population, transpor- tation and traffic faeLlities, public facillties and ut11it.ies, and Public safetY. We do not foresee any adverse impacts on these factors' Such other factors aod criterLa as the Commlssion deems applicable to the proposed variance. There are no other factors deeoed applicable' Findings The Planning & Environmental Commission sha11 nake the followlng findings before granting a variance: That the grantlng of the var iance will not constitute a grant of specLal privilege inconsistent with the limitations on' other properties classifled in the same district. We feeL that the approval of this variance request will constitute a grant of speeial prlvilege. Although the adJacent property or rer should not be adv.ersely impacted by this request, we stil1 feel that there has to be a uore concrete reason given for approval of thls request. That the grantlng of the varlance lf,ill- not be detrimental to the public health' safety' or welfare' or materially injurlous to propertles or tmprovements ln the vlcinity- That the varlance is'not warranted for one or more of the folLovlng reasons: "IFT Page 3 MEUO-PEC ' 4 4-2o-7g The etrict or 11tera1 lnterpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would not result in practical d 1f f lculty or unnec es sary physical harclship inconsistent vith the ob j ectives of this t it l-e . There are no exceptions or extra- ordlnary c j.rcusrs tanc es or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply geoerally to other properties ln the same zone, The strict or literaL lnterpretatlon and enforcement of the specified regulation vould not deprive the appllcant of prlvileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties ln the same district. The Department of Comnunity Development recommends denial of this Setback Variance Request. We feel that a cl-oser look has t.o be given at variances, with only those that show a real hardship being approved. lJe, however, also feel that the appl-ication in 1ts present form does not explain the hardshtp factor adequately and needs to be relrritten. The MedskerIs will be Lnforned of this recomuendation prior to the meeting, and night be able to better addtess the hardship issue at that t j-me. Appltcatlon for Varlance - Setback Aprll 24, L979 Stanley R. and Aldah M. Medsker Lot 12, Block 1, Ftllng #13, Vatl Village l{e have reguested a setback varlance of approximately 5}' for the purpose of allowlng the addltlon of a greenhouse to the south end of our home. The greenhouse structure has been carefully considered for use in plant growing, but also as a soLar collector to provide additional heat retentlon for the south end of the house whlch has proved to be difficult to heat durlng the past four winters. The design is compatible with the exlstiag house in that the pitch of the roof and the materials w111 duplicate tbat of the orlglnal structure. When we purchased our 1ot ln 1973 we received a copy of a sulvey for the property. In the process of planning our home in 1975 it was dlscovered that an error had been made in the survey and the dike containing the city water filter backwash pond was located within our property line rather than wlthin the easement. Although the discrepancy in the easement was negotiated between us and the Town of Vail, which resulted in our grantlng a bigger easement rather tban n@essitating the relocation of the pond by the Town of VaiL, there was still a problem of house location. At that time the pl-acement of the house was dictated by the existence of the city pond, and by the drainage ditches runnlng in the area primarily fed by the pond itself, and the front one-third of the 1ot was the only buildable location. Because of this linitation, it was necessary for the south edge of the house to be built right to the required setback line. If we are able to add a greenhouse, the only place to locate it is the south end of the house. The west side affords no room due to the drainage ditches previously mentioned running 8t in back of the house; the north side has too little sun; and the east side ls the front of the house. Also the placement on the south end wlll alIow a tle-in with the house and basement area for use of the solar heat retention facil-ity' The outside edge of the structure would be no higher than 4*l from ground level, only Z|' at the eastern edge due to the slope of the 1and. et ine point of connection to the house, the- hlghest point would be 9' off ground leveL, (less at the east edge). tn" rr:.gtt"st poi4t on t[e outside edge, if looking from street Level , would Ue onti Z*'. The chinney blocks a portion of that part of the greenirouJe which would be against the house. There would be virtually no blockage of view. Our lot borders U.S. Forest land and our only next-door neighbors are on the south and their home is located approximately 40 r from ours at the nearest point (the house next door is angled away from ours). They have indicated their fuL1 approval of a greenhouse addition. -2- To ionstruct a greenhouse wlthout the grant of a varlance wouldindlcate that we must bulld it ln a space only 4' ln width' Slnce the exlstlng basement steps wlll be used for access fron the greenhouse to the outslde, there would be llttle space left for the greenhouse. Also, a width of 4r would not alLow compatlble design nor would it allow for the faclllty needed to utlIlze soLar energy. In comparison to the extstlng structure, the request we are naking ls minimal . We fully understand the reason for and respect the zoning laws; however, we feel that our requestwill be harming no one and if anything w111 enhance the appearanceof our horue. In no way will this additlon dam,age the relatlonshi.pof thts home to others in the vicinlty, nor will lt affect the lieht and air or distribution of popuLation. We respectfully request your cohsideration of the above facts. The Variance Request is for a lO-foot side setback along the South property iine in lieu of the required l-5 feet. The greenhouse additl.on roi1l be 7h feet in height' at its highesc point, and wL11 be l-5 feet long. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS of Criteria and Findings, Section 18'62'060 , the Department of Community Development the requested Variance based upon the Conslderation of Fac tor s - The rilatlonship of the requested variance to other existing or Potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The Katz Residence on Lot 13 ts the only residence MEMORANDUM TO FROM DATE SUBJ Upon review of the Municipal Code recommends denial of followlng factors: ln the lmnediate area to Residence is over 30 feet iopact Ln that PLANNING & ENVIRON}TENTAL COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT APRrL 20, L979 sIDE SETBACK VARTANCE RBQUEST FoR STANLEY MEDSKER, tr'OR A GREENHOUSE ADDITION TO BE LOCATED IN A SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE ON LOT L2, BLOCK 1, VAIL VILLAGE 13Eh FI'LING this requested variance. The Katz fron its northern ProPerty 1ine, and has its nain orientation to the east and ltest. We do not feel that the greenhouse, being ort]-y 7\ feet ln height, wilJ- have any on this residence. The degree to whlch relief from the strict or literal interpretatlon and enfotcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achleve conpatibility and uniformity of treatment among si-tes in the vicinlty' or ta attain the objectives of this titl-e without grant of sp ec ial prlvllege. We feel- that this would be a grant of special privilege there has been no denonstratlgn of hardshtp. This ls a G Page 2 MEMO-PEC 4-20-79 change of policy from the past Variance request recommendations t where setback varlances have been recommended for approval as loag as no adJacent propefty owners are adversely Lnpacted. lle feel that after the Slaughter Var{ance Request' that a harder look has to be given to all Variance requests, with only approval given to those that are able to show a real hardship. The effect of the reguested varlance on 1lght and a j.r, distrJ.butlon of Population' transpor- tation and traffie facllities, public facllities and utillties, and Public safetY. we do not foresee any adverse lmpacts on these factors. Such other factors and criteria as the Comoission deems applicable to the proposed varLance. There are no other factors deemed applicable' Finillngs The Plannlng & Environmental Commission sha1l make the following findings before granting a variance: That the granting of the variance wiLl not constitute a grant of special privllege lnconsistent with the linltations oD' oiher properties classifled ln the same district. We feel that the approval of this variance request will constitute a grant of special prlvilege. Although the adJacent property ovrner should not be adversely lmpacted by this request, we sti11 feel that there has to be a uore concrete reason given for approval of thls request. That the gtanting of the variance will not be detrlrnental to the public health, safety' or welfare' or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vLclnlty. That the varlance I's 'not warranted f or one or more of the followlng reasons: Ulr I Page 3 MEMO-PEC 4-20-7 9 The strict or literal interpreEatlon and enforcement of the specified regulation would not result 1n practicaL d if f icul ty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsist.ent with the ob j ectives of this t it l-e . There are no exceDtions or extra- ordinary circunstances or condit ions applicabLe to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone' The strict or literal interpretaEion aod enforcement of the specified regulation vould noE deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same dlst rict. The Department of Community Devel,oPment recommends deaial of this Setback Varlance Request. I{e feel that a closer look has to be given at variances, wlth only those that show a real hardship belng approved. lJe, however, also feel that the appl-ication ln its present form does not explain the hardship factor adequately and needs to be reuritten. The Medskerrs will be informed of this recommendatlon prior to the meeting, and might be abl-e to better address the hardship issue at that tlme. Application Date ,lC\lN. APPI,ICATION Mare\ 27, OF VAIL IIOR vAnIA;,icE t979 Publication Date Public llearing Date Name of Applicant Name of Owner if different from ApPlicant Stanle R. Medsker Mai. l ing Address P.O.Box 2327, Vail Colorado 81657 Telephone 476-L798; 476-417L Legal Description: Lot L2 , Bl,ock , Filing l-3th If property unplatt mtes and bounds descriPtion Variance from the provisions _fs 1S submit for a as exhibit of t2^) Appl i cat ion hereby made Section Town of Vail in order to allow: ].na Zone Dist of the Municipal Code for the '6etuteeu 1i.can 5r,+,<ttp f n 'me/ske.<-,t APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IJNLESS ACCOTIPANIED BY TIIE FOLLOIIING: 1. Hearing Fee - $1OO.O0 + $1.40 for EACH addressed envelope. 2. A LIST OF THE OI{NERS OF THE PROPERTIES rvithin 3OO fECt iN A Single-Family Residential;'I\Po- Family Residential; or Two-Family Primary/Secondary Resldentia-l Zone District; or adjacent to the subject property in all other Zone Districts. The owners list shal1 include the names of all owners and the 1egal description of the property orvned by each. Accompanying this list sha1l be pre-addressed envelopes along with certificates and Return Receipts properly fi1led out to each owner. These forms can be obtained from the U.S. Post Office. 3. Site P1an, f).oor plan and other documents as required by the Zoning Administrator. 4. A description of the precise nature of the Variance. ,4 V.e"rr,lousl ut'lt le 1a'usrsaere/ 1y'J'aoeztr /a YL' q(;st/'^)jt Aouse, 5aur4 e,u/, b/r,arL attZ( /. K 42 ' /ur'/e, /?'-/6, Io/J/.V;, ur'y'r,/ cttt'l( Are(ess//./e 4_fZ:y:g Hrthz(e ,s/^tce y4<- .ser iae.{ ,/uz7t azrz.z2?</e/a, 6e- n -nZ, /-4 )../e< //<-oz-, ,ts-', >A /rteu4onr. *1.r, ( _fr e ne-4 ) te.ofur.a./tf o/cs.fpn / 6l fr f"^ *,rhe/.sleq 14. \ \*3-' on;f,'ata /. q no/,,,'te ef f on tAe Aa,rn, 4nd ett,(( de_- e.\yr oornpat.6le )xt 4rery y" *)!( y;fe ,e*,'s/it? /q_r,rru' 4 ,Luaao/ anl q/a1s at,'// le //-fed./ fpa.t af. Vr2eu,4au|e OS z'/a{at*! (/n 4rcrse luz(1. 6< a/.Pad.r-//ry7f''/' =/'/'-,. 4rtap jTu'nJ,, -;;7;; ';"1"Q s: 4 '/4 ili 1'" l;k;;;4/f/#:T .P03 76S5S?8 REpEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL [0 l1{suRAtlcE c0vERAGE PR0Vl0E0- N(lT FOR II{TERIIATIONAL fVIAIL (See Revetse) fi,aU\n441 ' corE -,-- '-- - -l SPECIAL DELIVERY -cl E s$ow r0 wH0M Al,lD OATE DELIVTRED SHOYV TO $/tIOM. DAIE. AND ADDRESS OF t)€uvERY TOTAL FOSTAGEA DFEES \ot.o\ 8 v) Pr i Y', dtt- =- =)<di> o= x< --x(r< q< =(D< 1 + :3 A= se.g: 3a =+: g n Ea di g=3i gE E;1= E-; rs is g;e+ iE EE; =i EFgEa-FIgFgEEEIfr FEi iF *=e +* gga B= E a=e 3tr ilF q* 8€,F s=: :€ s: Ae+ ge 9= =E qi =B q35 ;E *+ Fa* *E -i i*E ii 3? EE; =i d FgE =3 er= ea ? +i E =iE -i Est' 6 6 i=Er iE**xi : .H E-'g F ao*i c ffigFEF s gH - P03 7S55680 RFCEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL Ito t suflAllcE ctvEBAGE PR0V|0E0- IIOT F(lR ITITEBI{ATIOIIAL MAIL SPECIALOELIVEFY z SHOW TO IYHOII AND DAIE O€LIVEREO SHOW TO V{HOM , OATE. AXD AOORESS OF D€LIVERY TOTAL POS'AGE AXD FEES a5 E (n 6- 1. 2. 4. SIICK POSTAGE STAMPS T.O{STICLEIO COVER FIBSI CIASS PI)STAGE,CE8TIFIEO MAIL FEE, A1'ID CHAflGES FOB ANY S'LE'T'D ONiOMi'iiiV-rirS. GEO rrONrI lf you_wantlhis.receipl postmarked, stick lhe gummed stub 0n the loft portion ol the address side ofthe-arficle, loavlng tho rocoipl attachod, ano piesenr the articre a a rioilotiiii iirvicri winoow o.- - nand rt l0 your rural carrier. (n0 extra cnarOo) lf y'u d0 not wanr this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub on the rett porrr'n ot the addressside of the articte, date, detach and retain the receiotl and maiiitti irtilrJ - ' '' 3. llyou wanta return^receipl, write the cerlified -mail numberand your name and addresson a returnreceipt card, Form 381 1 , and attach it to the front oflhe ar cte b',y means ofitre gummeo enos itloacepermils. 0lherwise, affix r0 back of arricre. rnoorse lront oi arfiib inunii iectin iiouisriil*'adjacent lo the number. Lt V9u wa1l.O9tittn_*stricted t0 the addresse€, or to an authorized agent ot lhe address.€e,endorse RESTRICTED 0ELIVEBy on the front 0lthe articte. Enter lees for rhe services.requested in the appropriale spaces on the rronl ot this recerpr. rt returnreceipt is requ€sted, check the applicable bloiks in ltem t ot formSgtl' -' .'' Save this receipt and present it if you make inquiry. t< Lr.s. GovERNMENT PRINTTNG OtFtCE 19?8:26913' P03 7655683 RFCETPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL t|tt IiISURAIICE COVEBAGE PROVIOED- IIIIT FOR ITTERIIATIOiIAT MAIL Reverse) Y, ; ], *-+-o 0t ".-- N. ct r; .). roKUd6{g}r- Zt'l'K"#rulc+-?qapdsnee , /$ .Ee - E 5=-o CERTIFIED FEE 0 zo SPECIAL OELIVERY 0 RESTRICTEO DELIVEBY !: E 2 $0w r0 wl()M A D oATE rXLrVtRto SHOW TO WHOM, DATE, ANOADORESS OF OELIVERY s SHOTII TO WTIOM AiID OATE D€LN€NED WITH RTSTRICTEI 0€uvEnY c Sllow T0 t'lHoll, DATI AlI0 ADDRESS OF OTI-IVENY WNH NESTRICT$ O€LIVERY TOTAL POSTAOE AI{D FEES i ol n l,r o\ 5 v) 1. 2. -___._ sTtcl( posTAGE STAMpS T-0aRTLq-LE-T0 CoVER FTRST CLASS p0STAGE, €EBTTFTED MArL FEE, AN0 CHARGES F0R ANYsirEiiEii biirririir-i'5Eiubis. Gs, rronrl ll you.wantrhis.receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub 0n the rott p0rtion of the address side ofthe-arlicle loaving th6 r.coipt attachod, anci piesenl the articre ir i doiioiiiii iirvice winoow orhand it t0 your rLral Carrier. (no extra charge) I y0u do not want lhis receipt postmark6d._stick the gummed slub on the lett portion of the addrgssside ol the anicte, dare. delach and retajn the receiotlano miriirri irriiLi - ''' 3. lf,you wanta reiurn rec€ipt, write the certified-mair number and your name and address on a returnreceipr card. Form 3811 , and attach il lo the front ot the anrcte l)/'meins o-r tne gummid ;ndiliiDacepermits. 0therwiss arfix ro back 0r arrjcre. enoorse rronioii'trcie iEiunii irrcirpr nE0uicTEil--"aoJac€nt to the number. i',rr,##.{ll3i['i3,/E3,JiilitA1,,|; i,Ttxxie&!r to?n aurhorized assnt or rhe addressee, Enler fees fo{ the servlces.requested in the approprialo spaces on the kont ol this receipt. tf returnrecerpl rs requested, check the applicabte btoiks in ltem l 0f Form 3811 . Save this receipt and present it if you make inquiry. ttu,s. covERNM€NT pRtNrtNG oFFtcE 1976r 269€c7 . P03 7n556?7 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO IT{SUMl{CE COYERAGE PBOVIDED- NOT FOB II.ITERNATI()NAL IIIAIL (See Reverse) TOTAL POSTAGE AND FEEI 3b iln SPFCIAL OELIVERY sHow T0 wlloM At{0 OATEDELIVEfiED sHow T0 wHoM, ANDAODRESSOF DTLIVEBY SHOW IO WHOM OELIVEREDWITH D€LIVCRY tr - ANO WITH 4rr P -i I ST 9: EEE: 3: ===h 66 x<t o, j6<t.D" 3EE n gFs ar i$Ei ga €Ei =" E e* l-a g;+g gi iEE =i E:cEa-Fi:$g:Ea=fi i E3 iF *=i a1 aga fiE e iE i3 aigEF'Eg *i 9€ +E 3qF 5E s= rEi {3 a *ec=3 F*H=l *= .fr *;c 4i Ps. dEi =i E =ii Fg +Eii 5gFEEqsEFEHl s'EEg F ig E g8 P03 7fi55S8? RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL iIO INSUBAl{CE C()VERAGE PR()VIDED_ iroT FOR INTERI{ATto[At tttAr- (See SPECIAL DELIVEFY SHOWTOYVHOM, DATE, Al{D ADDRESS OF t]€LIVERY AODNESS OF OELI\4RY WIIX ffSTNICTTD DELIVERY IOTA POSTAGE A]{D FEES a/'/27 STICK P()STAGE STAMPS I.OIRTICTE T(l COVER FIRST CLASS POSTAGE, CERTTFTED mArI FEE, AND cHARGES F0R Ar{tsfrEciEiibi4irinlL'brriv-r*ili:iee rrontl 1. lf youwantlhis.rsceipt p.stmarked., srrck rhe gummed stub on the rett p.rti'n ot the address side o{. rhe arlicre, r€ayrng tho receipt aflach'd. ano piesent ineanicri iii poi[iii.,..",ce *inoo* 0'.hand it t0 your rural carrier. (no ertra charge) 2. rf y'u 90 not want this receipt postmarked,, srick rhe gummed stub 0n rhe refl portion ol lhe addressside ol the articte. date. deracli and retain ihereciiprlano mi iini irti:ij' 3. lf you wanta Leturn-r€ceipt, write lhe certified-mair number and your name an. aooress 0n a returnreceipt card. Form 381 I . and a[ach it to tne tronr of rheirtiOeil ,ilalii o-f il,'e g;#;;;il;;i:;;epermirs. otherwise, aflix to back or arricre. rnoorse rroit oiiiiii6 n'iiunir nrc"rirr nto,irisrrif"--adjacent to the numbor. 4. It you want dgLiv.gry_Lestricted to lhe addressee. or t0 anauthorjzed agent 0l the addressee,endorse BESTRTCTED DELtVEFy oa lhe front of the articte. 5. Enler fe€s f.r the services requesred in,the appr'priare spaces on the front ot this receipt. rl returnrecejpt is requested, check the applicable btoiks in ltem .t oirorms-8ii '- 0. Save this receipt and prssent it il you make inouirv. fU.s GovIRNM€NT palNTtNGOFFtcE ,s7A: 269{97 ' P03 ''U55e g1 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURAiICE COVERAGE PB(IVIOEO- N(lT FOR IT{TE8I{ATIONAL I{IAIL (See Reverse) a- I trra STREETAND NO. _3 Bnrr'ldar.- CO 8O3O2 POSTAGE_l ;r"t"'.o r.. ffil I seeotoeuvenv ]: I f-nesrnrcrEo oer-tvrnv El-l;tr* *no"o*- alElgffiil,ffitr' ElFlElemml+rlB*H El=lFl#.,,"-"^-I I H I ADDRtss oF DEt rvERY w TH 0 TOTAL POATAOE Ar| D F€ES eotuA-1xooryD iE-lL/, t{ /Q/ zet / (/ I H= =< **Q i5.< a.< P d'<a ao ;io rlr.Do oo do9 <r * :.a q: 9*F; ?a =e; ! E E3 4t s=a= r=9 E;i E- E BF i-a g;is 3i iEfr =f; a -E tr: a:.4: s= E *E HB r+=c is E55 mE i g€ E3 Fi; iE;;i =aEEi ig F=q ai +i* H= = ae *r f,iiEi'E€ =tqg *i ={3 3E fF EEr ifi q iF*i* FqdE: =3 E Fs<*E s= sr? *a.i *;q{9;"1 =4i =i E =1i u$ lEiE3 =-: s ffs E q[ ggI E E E+g * =-*; ; s*l - EFc; s ,*g=F * ,. PI'BLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS IIEBEBY GIVE$I that Stanley R. Medsker is requesting a Variance from the provisions of Section 18,12.060 Setbacks of the Munlcipal Code for the Town of Vail to allow the additlon of a greenhouse on a residence located on Lot 12, Block 1, Vail Village 13th Filing. Application has been made in accord with Chapter 18.62 of the Municipal Code. A Publ-ic Hearing wiLl be held in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code on Apri1 24, IgZg at 3:OO P.M. before the Town of Vall Planning & Environmental Commission. Said hearing wi1L be held in the Vail Munieipal Bulldlng. TOSN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OI' COMMUNITT DEVELOPMNT n^t0^_ ' ),(t n'+a ff' W'' JanYes A. Rubin Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail-Trail April 6, 1979 vAa'. Q-. -,-t \1" "g ,//,7 L,a* fl${"/'d- o Town of Vail Application for Vai:lance, March 27, L979 Stanley R. Medsker, Appl.lcant Lot L2, Block 1, Flling 13 Attachment List of owners of properties wlthln 300 feet: 1.) Mr. and Mrs. Aron Katz (owners of next door single residence: 388 Alder Lane 3031 Booth Falls Road) Boulder, colorado 80302 Lot 13, Block 1, Filing 13, Town of vail 2.) Roberson-Davis-Howard (owners of Unit l, Booth Fa1ls LO726 E. Timberwagon The Woodlands, Texas 77380 Townhomes) 3.) Gary Armer Box 6OO7 Baytown, Texas 77520 (Unit 2, Booth Falls Townhones) 4;) Goldstein-Perlov-Heller 23 Martin Lane Englewood, Colorado 80L10 (Unit 3, Booth Falls Townhomes) 5.) Dietrich, Timothy & FeliceSuite 911 lSOL Avenue of the Stars Los Angeles, CA 90067 (Unlt 4, Booth Falls Townhomes) 6.) Joseph E. Wolf 1OOI Columbia Rd. Hamilton, Ohio 450L3 (Unlt 5, Booth Falls Townhomes) (tBoottr Falls Townhomes are across the street from our home; the first five units are the only ones which would be within 300'). Legal description of Booth Falls Towhhomes: Booth Falls Mountain Hones, as recorded Book 258' Pg. 87 in the records of Eagle CountY READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: O a InrsTcTIoN REQUEsT, JOB NAME TOWN OF VAIL CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES \$ c,0-fu*', #m 5'ri E Q u E sr WED ry FRI TOWN OF VAIL ----------@ PM EUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. @+tatrclFffifrER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trT trF trc tr_ CTRICAL:ITIEGHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr tr tr SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR t'/ 'fi .-)/^\-I- /V- /'lDAIE / r{, // JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON ,'. '' /t r'lt ,'' { 'ON REOUEST. CALLER TTUES. -4: BUILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND -tr BOUGH / D.W.V. -tr BOUGH / WATER - D GAS PIPING tr POOL / H, TUB -n_ , N FINAL MEGHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS _ O SUPPLY AIR -tr FINAL tr tr tr tr tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER ROUGH tr E u CONDUIT FINAL E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ?- p;, * ,:' e ITTSilCTION REQUEST. tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ta DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGHOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOOTINGS / STEEL -tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr HEATING. tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL INSPECTOR inrsilc TION REQUEST. 'I 1:, DATE TOWN OF VAIL JoB NAME itrn,r,CAi n n A ).t i t, ov,t- iz /? q, '-) -- .. t:(: n-t- l- - CALLER J INSPECTION:MON TUES WED AM @tREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: A<OOTINCS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING T] INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL O POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL FINAL E:U.m*to CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR rttsilcnoN REeuEsr. TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME INSPECTION:*o*2ryE{'-- wED rHUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V, - tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - tr INSULATION - tr GAS PIPING -tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB -,4O ---- -. t"'2/:-< tr _ tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - l'"l n _ tr FINAL tr FINAL tr-xFpRoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR 1- |I JOB NAME IT.TSTCTION REQUEST, DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: / *.-.1 ^ ( r-. 2 t:-L.. ) -\ TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V.E}-FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER O INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHAN!GAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR - tr FINAL ..-tr FINAL -PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR af TOWI{ OF BUILDINGi t'A IL PEFIMIT t ELECTRICAL DATE OF APPLICATION TOTAL FLOOR AREA NEW {{ALTERATION{ } ADDITION l/' REPAIH I ) USE OF BUI LDING SO. FT, OF BLDG.HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST, PARKING NO. OF STORIES OFF ST. LOADING NO. OF LIVING UNITS SO. FT. COMMERCIA R( I ELECI IUNIT( ' COVERING 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I r tV @t HR 2. occuPANcY GBoUP A B c D E F c{F(p DtvtstoN 12 3 4 BUILDING PERMIT SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FEES FIBE SPRINKLERS DRY STANOPIPE DESCBIPTION OF WORK AREA SEPARATION OCCUPANCY SEPARATION H*/* IOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE I HEREBY ACKNOWI,EDGE READ TI{IS APPLICATION AND STA THAT THE UNCOVERED ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE COMPLY .t Permit No. .000280 {gEry*r.-<w,;,6;: K tom t|AIt WATER AI{D SAI{ITATION DISTRICT t TAP PERMIT WILL OT BE IS{iUED UNTIL TAP HAVE BEEN PAID IN FULL. NAME OF JOB LOCATION AND LE DESCRIPTION GENERAL PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR SIZE OF TAP: Water WATER AND SEWER TAP PERMIT ,J x $300.00 = Amount Y *) Ltc. No. Lrc. No. Lrc. No. Moter Saze NUMBER OF UNITS Date Billed Date Paid Finance Director Contractor -Pink; - Accouoting - Gold€nrod x9 Bldg. Dspt. - White; - Water and Sanitarion - Grsen; - Publi6 Works - Canary; - Town of Vail ET,ECIRICAL PERMIT N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspectio,n Fee Total Fee 'A[0-. $ /-E,-qQ qtt p-=---*1[ iq ;il;an; 439 APPROVALS 7:-.7-<-.:V- f Bulldht Oftlclal Date THIS FORT II TO BE POSTED 01{ .foB S|TE DURII{G COI{STRUCTIOII ?, HOIJRS ADVANCE NOTICE NEQURED FOR INSPECTIONS 7_7 $.--.--...-.--...-..-.---..-. ,.', Applicant.....-.A l; srr s..rt!zw-de4^ i , r_E,gQ Chtd Bulldht Oftlclal rHE C. F. Iaaarlt co., Dt||vlt lr!.|5r 'l'i" I , lli:r:re of !u: incss, c, IIATL ljLtj:it /rlll) 5n;lLTil'1. crl: ilr:iT:iI clP,0. troli 63t V/rLL, C0Li;il,'rf 0 ,u.I. u 5 / crn4 oir, cr, llate:: Ccolers and r.ra'lcn foun'cains '..':r Con::.r::.c i-a.l x .1.00 =; ' liJror.:cr o: ?ub. x L.50 ; --__ Aci<lrcss *,ht 1. Ihs.lst -_- ..2nd _- '2, iJac. 3r'cl4th --..._*_-._ Ice I'iachine3 x 0 "25 :' 3.Raslst 2nd '.3rd 4th Ilas t O.25 . lct 2nd 3rd 4 "cir lJas. Saun.-l:;r: 0.25 r s. 3rd It',dii Bas Lst 2nd 3rd l+th D:r slot 2n<i 3r'd kth Basi-lr e:: <l Tc,iIet Orre-]ialf Sath }3 1.5C !: - G. 7. I'uI1 Bath ( Sho',:e:. oi. Tub ,Basin , Toilet ) Rcons ( Liv.in G :'cc::!s , Razt n.rngc n. i.i ^n. . _ -' Sho;s " StuCios ). +33.00 ._--_i Jl.(lqth Xitchcns ncsi.ccnti:I Ais',h:.'-- slrc r. 3. llti s .: Ist ----T-. r ?nrl +.lr^^. ^..-!.iF,. i r'l ' v D tto -t\l t \- 1t,.:l r J LLl.!.rs^ L-.r4r 3rd -- Dil;ll.:.-r:itcr. x ].00 ; --- x 2.$0 =>l 1.0C = 1 ll ,.-ttt 3rd ---'-:- t.rtlr,lr,,.r tifr l iCcrl.t j.itlt;tlr ,- "-..-* I't,1. l.llilhr.:1. x 0. S0 !.: / x t.oc = /,ea. - o I '(l ,th t,(rtzr;l:,V Conr:;rcrc iaI It(:' lieShcr (hrt:r'(:c llrt cr . ( !tr:ri:::un ol' o:rc ) (rut sid e Si::'.r- t,r,to"" >! 2.00 x l:00 .x 0.33 = ----=- , !3.B:r slst Ztt'j. 3r.ii 4tlt Iir.: tlosc Cabi'nc t s x 1.00 = Ut. 15. Service Station Swin-ri.ng Pocl x30.00 = ---..-I x'5.00 ? ' 1s'r' 2t'C 3r.d 4tir Convention Certc:l Per Person TO?/i.L F0IilTS * 0.L0 = -1."fLo:.,i"g the co;:ir)-etior: c,f cc.t:)sttuctiar of a coiiorciiif st!:uct'.:.cs. tire Dis'i::l'ct sha:!I Pc: clrtial a:rd hysic:r1 in- 1)c ints to;;;r;ii-i,,, of ell. -Dr-e:;1i!:cs 1.:: d:;i:::]i']:,"1:.,::'T iI';l.;i''J"I; ;;;"il;;;;';; i;" uat* and ?::':l' l:i^tll:.'li.lliliI';l.;i''J"I; ;;;"il;;;;';; i;" ilratcz' and sc:rc'': r::p-!ee' and.?nte i"l,.I,:ri"l is a;:;cn'-icd?.i"c tl.t., Dj':;r'rj'ct u;t:.i:].-"=.Il-::';.:1f::;iti"t'i::;::i;i i;i ;li=';;i;r;i ;;; ii" ..licr. r,'i: it:.i:-":l::.::"r1I)c'Csur.-:'.j/;i;;-;;i;;rre il:e uiitaing' ou'5ie:rrs r'iatel aad se&ier servrce charge . ' trar$; erf lt.'Y'onf or'ijP\,/<"r'u er. r'.*r t.t-*..- =-.t Qrni+.rt'ion Distf:-:.ct' t'lJ{ ll rr L |:r. qlrv .;. o DESIGN REVID1V a BOARD DATB OT MBTIBERS MIIETING: PRESENT: ACTIOi.I SECONDED BY: AGAINST: (tff'?'r ' ABSTENTION: --/APPROVED i , -/'--a-- DISAPPROVIiD: SUNITIARY: .7f 7?r',( "'f- . , L- PROOF STATE OF COLORADO COUNT'Y OF EAGLE OF PUBLICATION J \) t\ ' I -\) \. \ I the do solemnly swear tha[ I am of THE VAIL TRAIL; that the same is a rveekly newspaper that the first pubication of said notice was in the issue trethEio [5s,tEee NOTTCE tS HEREBY GIVEN IhA' MT' ::lx$x*n;:,1:rJ:f"l"JJ'':fl ::,ii ii'rit i.iji;g orclinance, ordinance Nc 8' . i;rias ol 197i, in order lo ccnslrutl a^qarage ;i6^d the norlh Drop.rty rine ol Lol l2' B'ock i-1r'i;i virris" r:th Fiiir'g Alpricalion has i'*ti'nuJ" ln "."o.."ncc w'lh s€c'ro 19 200 of tne Zoning Ord;nan'e- i -pJiil- Hearing will be he d in .iiotdunae n ifit s".t:on 2l_5c0 ot ordiiance iili, i"tii. ot lrrl on se?lemb€r 9'.te76 el i,-ob" i.-. belore lhr vail Planning io-it.iiii'on r6,h05e decislon. will be i.;;;lfu to lhe Town corincil. lor tinal ju-.iii"".'iiro r'"^.i"s r.!iil be held in the vail Mun;ciP.l Bullding. TOWN OF VAIL OEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Publlshed in The valt Trail on Augusl 20' 1916. printed, in rvhole or in part and pubilshed in the Counf,J- of Eagle'.State of boicrado, and has a generai circulaiion therein; th a', said newspaper ha's been ;;;i;.;; -niinunurty:"nd uninterruptedlv in said Counff of Eagle for a piliod of more lhan fifty'two .on.r"riin'u weei<s next prior to the first' publication of .the ;;;;-i;e;i notice or adveiiiiemunt; that s;id newspaper ho. been admiited to the Unitcd States maiis " t"..n-a-.f *i malter under lhe- provisions of the r\ct- of \larch 3, 1E?9, or "ny u-*niio.ni,ltt"t"o f , and that said ncwspaper is a weekly r"l"io"oliJrrv qualilied tot pubtitt.ting legal notices and advertisements within the muaning of the larvs of the State of Colorado'A) consecutive insertions; and That the annexed legal notice or adverlisement was published in the regular and entie issue of every number of said weekly newspaper for the period of ( of said newspape, aut"o AJGtIJS{ 2c e'D' 19 J(a and that the last pubiicaiion o I { notice was in the issue of said newspaper dated A.D. 19-'lla In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this tr4 day of A.D.lef-(a Subscribed and swora to before me, a notary public in ty of Eagle, Siate of Colorado, this Y \ \ \i sai d 30 -P08tlstt€€- f \ r .---- lly Comnission exPires ay nry. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN THAT Mr. Stanley Medsker has applied fon'a setback variance from the provisions of Section 3 502 of the Zoning Ordinance, Ordi.nance No. 8, Series of 1973, in order tq construct a garage along the north property line of.lhcr ILot L24 Vail Village 13th Filing. Application has been made in accordance with Section 19.200 of the Zoning Ordinance. A Public Hearing will be held 1n accordance with Section 21.500 of Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1973 on September 9,, 1976 1Tbe 3:00 PM before the Vail Planning Commission whose decision will be transmitted to the Town Council for final decision. will be held in the Vail Municipal Building. Said hearing TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOP}IENT ,dm*.#,u/ Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail August 20, L976 o TUREUNTTED Sreres DEPARTMENT oF AGRtcuL FOREST SiERVIGE l{latulnr golondo 8164t ert$ .ADrtl 14, 19?6 Stsalcy 8. litddcor P.O, Ba eteT Ya{l, eO 81657 D.ar Xr. Hoi*rrt In rcvLcu of yo,r cona8nroil,oa plrn on your prtvrte laair tbe Somat Srnloe, rt ?h.lr tiart ber lo obJectlanr to tbc sct bect nrtanc5r ol f,mr f,oot m qrtlLard by tbc Pilens. niag Goutrateu fc tbr torn of, Y*{1. Hleaao frrl frcc to contrct thc lorcot llrrrlso oftlcc ta liaturu tf ue erl, bc of, frrtbrr ald.ttrlce. {\ccrely'AlrfuuNBer [. ilglw Dtetrlst lanepr Gc! Soua of Yall - rlo Erarrr ,/ a8!o-r | 0/6ot T'----" - PROOF STATE OF COLORAI]O COUNTY OF' EAGLE OF PUI}LICATION do solemnly swear that I um o $Fcii;"!le flptioe NOTICE iS HEREBY GIVEN THAT MT. Slanley Mndrker has opplied lor a selbacK varr.rnce lrom lhe provisions of Sectlon 3 50? of the zoning ordlnance, ordinance No. 8, Series of 1973, in order 1o conslruct a garage alonq lhc norin property tine ot Lol 12. Vnil V,tlace l3'h Fil'ng Apprrcdlion ha; been rndc; In r.c)rdancc .1t:n seclion 19.200 ot the Zoninq Or.rinance.A FUbll( hcdrinq will be held in accordance !r'ilh Sealicn ?1.500 ol Ordinance No.8, Slrle5 o{ lt73 on April i9, 1976 al 3:C0 p.m uelore lne Varl PIdnn;nq Cornmission whose Cecisign wrlt tle transtnillcd lo the Town CoLncr | !c-':na ld.crs on Saidr^€dr;ng witl be held ;n lhe Vail Muni(ipal BLrllding. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPIVTENT Jo Kramel Publishcd in The Vail Troil on april 9, 1976, ,, Ao*u ld.o.g tn" T!0gltt@ of TFIE VAIL TR.AIL: lhat the samt' is a weel<ly newsprper orinted. in rvhole or in part and published in lhe County of Eagle' -Sta[e of 6"i"tJr. and has a general circuliticn thercin: that said .e*'sptper has becn ;;;;i;; -ntit'uouttv:'nnd uninterruptedls in said courttv crf Eagle for a period of .'more than fift',-two eonsecutive weeis next prior lo the first publical,ion of .lhe *"-.";-i"g.f ;,otic. or a.,lvertisement; that said uelvspaper iras been admiitcd to [i. -dnit"O'stotes mails a^s second-clasi matter under the pro\.isions of _lhe Act of Iiarch 3, 1879, or any amendlrlents thereof, and that said newspaper is a rveekly ll.*iorpi, Jullj qualilied for pubtishing legal notices and arlvertisements within the meaning of the laws of the State of Colorado. That the annexed legal notice or advertisement was published in the r'gular and entire issue of every number of said weekly newspaper for the period of \ consecutive insertions; and that lhe first pubication of said notice was in the issue of said newspaper dared APR-IL q A.D. LS'1(o and lhat the last of said notice was in the issue of said nervsPaPer dated ?-lL I -A.D. reJG In witness whereof I have Kgtu ^.D.B7b Subscribed and sworn to before me, a notary public in.and State of Colorado, this ./L-/tr- d^v ot .D.n/6 /l-tt*, - ,, 1& hereunto ser my hand this itzj- day of publication My Commission exPires Nolary Public 't'. PUBLIC NOTICE N0TICEISHEREBYGIVENTHATMr.StanleyMedskerhasapplied for a setback variance from the provisions of section 3.502 of the Zoning Ord'inance,0rdinance No. 8, Serjes of 1973, in order to construct a garage along the north property line of Lot .l2, vail vi'llage l3th F'iling' Applicat'ion has been made in accordance with sect'ion .|9.200 of the Zoning ordinance' Apubl.ichearingw.i.|]beheldinaccordancewithSectjon2l.500 of 0rdinance No. 8, Series of 1973 on April 29' 1976 at 3:00 P'M' before the vail Planning cormjssion whose dec'ision will be transmitted to the Town council for f.inal decision. Said hearing will be held in the Vail Municipal Building. TO}'IN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COI{'IUNITY DEVELOPMENT he Va'il Trail, APril 9' .|976 ) 'I'{FMOIl/\r'iDLll{ FI{0X1: DATE: RE: Planning Conmission Department of Connun ity Dcvclopncnt April 29, 1976 lrledsker l)up1cx, Setback Variance Request- critcria ancl. our 'Ihe applicant has requested a setback trariance of four feet fron the south property 1ine. The required setback is ten (10) fect. Thcapplicarrtrequeststhevarian.cebasedonthefollotv' in': information. Present- drive ancl garage is not ftrnctional in rvinter due to steep grade'. Aiea in rvhich garage u-ray be located is extrcnely f::ttltea due to encroaciment of To""-n of lail water fi-lter baclavash poncl t'hich ilas created numerous streams on rear 2/3 of Lot. The Department of comrurrity Development has reviet"ed the and finclings providecl for in Section 19.600 of the Zoning Orclinance conclu-sions are as follows: The relationship of tlre requestecl variance to other existilg or pot-ential uses and stmctures in the vi cinitY. Tiie north property linc is contiguous.rvith Forcst Service propcrty ancl Forest Scwice hbs iro o|jec-tlons to the variatrce. The requested. ietLackiloes ncrt appeal: to be in con:fiic:t rr'ith public trse. No structure can be built north of thc'frol,'osecl garage. The <legrcc to r,'hich relicf froin the stlict or litcral interprctation ancl enForcencnt of a specifiecl regulation -is- tteccssarl' to aclticve cornpatibility and trn.i fornj.ty of trcatmcnt iurottq sitcs in the vicinlty or to attitjr-r thc' objectivcs o:t.this orilinatrce tvithout grant of si;i:cial prir:ilege ' Tlc ob-jectives of the Zonirlg Orclinance hure bcett tttet by thc ap1;1ic:urt in that iurdcl nortnal L:jrclunstatrccs the stnrcl.trrc cottlcl b'c tocatc1l o1 1.[c sitc in conforrni.ty rr'i.th Zonlrrg; ltowcver, due to the ]ocation of l:l.re 'l'ortn 1lottri, this is not possiblt:. (.. t lrl"d.l... April 29, 1976 Page 'Iho I'hc effect of the rcquestcd vtrtiance on light ancl air, dlstritrrtion o:F population, transportatio:r - ancl traific facilities, public facilities and urilities, and public safetY. I{edonotforeseeanyadverseeffectsuponthesefactors Orvner fcels that nel, clrive will be safer because lt rvi1l get cars off of Booth Crcck Drive. Such other factors and criteria as the Conunission deerns applicable to the proposed rrariance' No additional factors ai)pear to be pertinent' The Departmcnt o{' Coruruni.ty Development fjeds that: That the granting of the variance rvi11 not constitute a srant of special privilege inconsislent with thc 1i-fritatjons bn otliei propeities classified in the sante distri.ct. DuctothepresenceoftheTorlrrponrlIPhyslcalhardship exists on the sitc and thus rvc do not feel approval of this variance rvould constitute grant of, special privilege. Ilrat the granting of the variance rvill not be detr:jnrcntil to the public health, safety,.or rvelfare' ornrateriallyinjurioustopropeTticsorimprovementsin the vicinitl'. ,Ilre ggantin.o; of this varjance will not be detrirrrenta] to the above factors. The'-surrouiidin.q uses are conpatible h'ith the terms cf the va.riance and no other strrrctirre in'-the area ir'i11 be im1':act-eci by the'r,'ariance. 'flrat thc variance js warranted for the folloling l'cason: f'hcrc are e:tceptional or cxtraordinary circurnstances or conditions applicable to tile site of the vatiancc that clo not appil'gener:r11y to othcr propcrties ln tlrc same :on.'. See orvners statcnicnt ::egarcling ph1'sica1 charactcristics of tlrc sitc. Thc l)epartltcnt of comnnlnity Devcloprtent reconmcllcls appro\rll1 of thj.s vlriauce as Lcqucstecl. I .1.'r-,; CW^%jr,/?|7 - -:(., .772 *J/+u-- /q;izA^Jv ^;:::,l,rlitri,'::;;;;' /";%,tlry crd inance i'Jo. B ( ser ies o r tg13) .r /f'5 .JTolrf ance t\o. o ()ertes ol lv/))..1 ,1 At^4-. Ro, ,t?zQ.// // z-.^, -V{ t1 ^ ^Appr ical ion o.r" 4t/,{/?7b pubr icarion Da r"ffi/H{ H*orin' !a t" fu??rni6 Freari^o r..4/\c|!Oo_ tr.| | na I ( we ) Decision cafe for Tovrn Co--ncil Stanley R. Medsker Aldah M. Medsker P. O. o f 3O35 Box 2327, Booth Falls Rd, Vail, ( Ap p I i ca n t )( A d d re s s ) PhoneColoradoVaiI ( S ia f e ) do herebSr req ucs t permission Comrn i ss lon J'o req uest the fo I ( C i ty ) to .appear be fore the Vail Planning low ing: u-Y^'U.riance f rom Article sl Zon ing Chanqe f rom Park ing Variance Cond it iona I Use Permit to a I loi,r in Zone. ng^desc:ibed p.-oper'y: '-at/tra..t /7--- , Block /)^. t / ). //^.. /ad- CIeari',v s-iate p u rpose ancl inient of -lhis apolica.f ion (See Attachment hereto) TO f'or t'he f ollowi Fillng fl unber Colorado 476-t798 I'ihat do you iee L is the bas is for hardsh ip (See Attachment hereto) in ihis case? APP I.i canl' \ S ignature of ,-', APPLICATION FOR VARIANCEAprtl 5, 1976 Attachment fe request a varLance to the set-back requirenent of a mj.nimun of ten feet at the north side of our lot, for the purpose of buildlng a proposed ne*' garage. wlnter has delronstrated to us that our present garage is Dot functlonal because of the steep grade from tbe garage to the str€et.It has been Lnpossible to get into the garage, and nearly impossi.ble toget out of the driveway. llany servl€e trucks have been stuck in our driveway durj.ng the winter, as well as guests and many persons stoppingfor dlrections. ige plan to finlsh the existing garage as additional finlshed space to our hone. The north side of the present garage would be flnished vith siding so as to be conpatible with the rest of the exterior of the home, and several s'indows would be insta.11ed. Final plans will not be conpleted until after the decision concerning the varj-ance. The pro- posed garage would be constructed of the same materials as the house and *ould be co[patib1e. The area upon which such a garage may be constructedis very lirnited because of the location of the pond for the Tovn of vailwater filter backwash. There is a small stream behind the l-ocation of theproposed new garage--which stream is apparently fed by the pond and filter sys tem. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing and potential uses or structures in the vicinity is not a probl.en, slnce the north endof the Lot abuts U. S. Forest Service propexty, and no buildings orgtructures rrill be constructed thereon. The surface space occupied bythe house in relationship to the 1ot is comfortably below the maximum allowed, and the garage could be constructed elsewhere on the lot if it were not fof the pond and its easement--ivhich easenent rvas voluntaril-y expanded by us since the dike cofltainj-ng the pond was located off of the easenent onto our property. It has been necessary to get maximum utilizatton out of the east one-third of the lot, as the remaining part of the 1ot is unbuildable due to the existence of the pond which is used by the Town of VaiL for water filter backwash. Although the pond is not large the banks which hold the water cover a considerable anount of area. SeveraL small streams are located on the property irn-oediately to the west of the existi g house. These streams are fed pri.ncipally by the pond and filter systen. The granting of this vari.ance would have no effect on light and air, dlstributlon of population, or public facilities and utilities; but it would, in fact, enhance publlc transportatlon and inprove public safety. Winter conditions as they presently exist make Booth falls Road ver;' hazardous, and vehicles attenptlng to go into the Booth !'alls Condominiums nust travel rapidly up Booth Fa1ls Road and keep their momentum as they turn to the east in order to make the hill within the conplex. liany vehicles come out of Booth Falls Condominiums out of control and fail to turn onto Booth f'alls Road properly and end up iD our front yard. with our present drlveway also belng at a steep grade, delivery and service trucks and guests often prefer not to park in our driveway but 1ril1 park ln the street. Parking on the street 1s partj.cularly hazardous because of the vehicles negotiating ln and out of Booth Falls Condominiums. our plans for bullding a new garage s/ill raise the drive.tay and would encourage guests and service trucks to park in our driveway rather than on the street, and thus enhance publlc safety. L.j1.t ,7L It.t-, )1,r,, i ,-l r' l(r.!v ir.iw i rl(: 0alc Pai d )ROJ i-Cl' i-E6AL DESCR IPT ION JSE ZOIJE z0[,rl PROPOSED USE(S) I,l [] cllL.ctiL S UI-4MA RY ; ARCII lTECT LoT srze - /fl(2' ; FRoilTAGE SETBACKS: Required - Front J-b , Sides Rea r D ISTANCE HE I GHT: Actua I BE T },IE EN Ave rage BU I LD INGS r Grade Required 0ffsets S ITE COVERAGE: Required mum length , Actua I length , Act ua I ++ , D i agona I ll I aati.'!he I USEABLE OPEN SPACE: Required f t., Acf ua I %, common sq . ft. , Actua I , No. Actual Allowab r" 2{ %, Attowabte sq . lt, t/7(( f, Actua | /2- % Actua I sq. tt . JJh 2 ; Ground Leve I d Required No. ;Cove red Act ua I sq. f t., %; LAN D SCA F PARK I NG ING: Required AND LCADII'lG: No ,0 Jv. | | Carro ro rl Qo- , vv ! q u i re d 4 ZON ING APPROVAL' DES I GN REV I EI^I BOARD APPROVAL UT I L IT IES APPROVAL ENV IRONMENTAL II4PACT A.PPROVAL Zon i ng Admin isf rator Da te Cha i rma n, Design Review Board Town Engineer DaTe M ayo r Date - Front 3/\ , Sides /q - .f , aear /2O -i 4'...G.R.F,A., , L!,. Ratio, Allowab Heisht Atlowe d --4L-, Actua | ?,1 ,.,.-., le sq. tt. 47,(( f-, Actual sq. tti-_. _J COMMERC IAL FLOOR AREA: Percentage a I lowab le_, A I I owab le >9 Actual sq. f+. BU I LD ING BULK CONTRCL: A I lowab le max i Date S ubm i Date Submi Date Submi Extens i on by Sect ion COM[4ENTS: f or Zon i f or Des i ..tor Lnvl ng Review gn Review ronmenta I tted tted tte d of Dead I ine Dead I ine Dafe Da te lmpact Rev iew lo Dead I ine date B (Series ot l97t). itern of 0rdlnance No. as perrnitted INSPECIGN ''1 TOWN OF :; i 1., FIETilL'EsiT VAIL 1r/ JOB NAME /__J___, AM PM CALLER n ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE n penrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION . , ,-^.:,,11 WED ,/THUR FBl a'iirnovED D orsnppRovED E upolv rHE FoLLowrNG conRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS fl nerNSPEcr rNsiFEo1|tru FlEriluEsr TOWN OF VAIL I ,, ,ra t:L ,tLr/ E ornrn E pennll LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUBTUE affi.pnn E nppRovED EI orseppRovED fl ner NsPEcr LI UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CoRRECT|ONS ._ .J.,!' ., , INSPECTOR DATE o rNseecGru FIEBUEST VAI LTOWN OF ,./ DATE TIME REcElvED, ''. . ;, .lM JOB NAME CALLER E ornen MON GOMMENTS: TUE ! panrrnr LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRt , i. AM,PM flneeRovED D upou rHE FoLLowrNG coRBECTToNS: CORRECTIONS E orsnppRovED E nErNsPEcr rrus#cr'o* rNsFEcfirv FIEOUEST TIME.RECEIVED-{M PM D orxen D p*nrreu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECT]ON WED THUR FBI-AM PM PPFOVED fl upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRBEcnoNS: CORRECTIONS D orsappRovED fl nerNsPEcr DATE TIME R€CEIV rNsFEcfrru F|EGTLTEFT ifuiF .ri)H " /.<{-. r / e, {--' tEtLrr*l';-' /iry E nerNSPEcr TOWN OFu D orxea MON COMMENTS: --- "-*'-$-.' ..-- |{ FRt) :\ 1., TUE JOB NAME AM PM CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR I orsneeRovED I penner LocATroN APPROVED E UPOT'I THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS rNs,,E.** REeuE='r DATE TIME REcEtvEo .,' './5 flrr,t)em cALLER TOWN JOB NAME l'lqi=,t.,,. /,,..-. t(, c:--(.: l-. lt"'.1;JTfrr.,.. VAIL t 'i l'. D ornen I pnnrrar LocAroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUB APP ROV E D florsnppRovED E netNsPEcr E upom rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECT]ONS oorr@ T0t1|]{ 0F BUILtrIINGi vA tI PEFIMIT ),qb TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVERED EXITS REO. ToBNAME flr\o DATE OF APPLICATION J3 rs)S NEW(} ALTEBATION { ) ADDITION() REPAIR HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PARKING MATLADDREss ?,o.6nalr crrv 1)6'.\ cu.U-tf,- 21os NO. OF LIVING UNIIS "or. 2"tsli 0"\ l,rarl aoonEss/3$vI U. >o c'rv (iolotr-,Q6. ,". Df.f,32 R( IELECIIUNIT( I r-orl\ BLK nr-r*c llJA rnacr 0A',, g,tla 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V I HR 2, OCCUPANCY GROUP A B C O E F G H I J DtvtstoN1234 BUILDING PERMIT SPECI FIED PLAN CHECK FEES DRY STANDPIP€ DESCRIPTION OF WORK AREA SEPARATION OCCUPANCY SEPARATION SPECIAL INSPECTOR ,r"/i ATE THAT AND AGREE TO COMPLY ANCES AND STATE SIGNATURE OF a corsrryucrroll. 1f . r /N*{ 417t" F O Fz a cl2 ' p F z 2 <ge* ds q,l cc tr.J zf, (Jz 3 cc Fzgl 5utt, uJ F cc IJJ E t! uJ cc F J aF F UJ Jtt J F ! E o z -oJ -f o 31lzFEi9 ? o birr() C :. 9 z F Ir,r VaFta!(, a:'1 v 22 ZE<c zEz2^)o < Ji <Oo!z;i5-:H5:;<o'< HgiHF " (c A> -a< o f =aol<tr <;:,r $ tr b$, c F F c .l- z (.) ,.1 F =qt Y ll'l z J ulF J.\ L .E =r=Hlre -, =et- " l-tsr>(,er -l!N ul 2o: z tr e6 F!C9ox> :2:< >c) -.i er ) Town of Vail ELECTRICAL PERMIT 146 $. Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 8..h. 1p, I ob N*,,e. fl.dsleu Ks4',1s,**, f:ft'n k l'' Date of Apprication.... . .. . . 7:.*.5.--Js-2"(--*---- Electricat con *.tor...frft/.*/t,r.<, E L'*; (- APPROVAI,S &ror* THIS FORM IS TO BE FOSTED OT{ JOB SITE DURITIG GOI{STRUCTIOI{ 24 HOURI| AI}VANCE NOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS #o 'Ro aa $.....1*.?. t-...... -.. - tIa a, r. HorctaL ao,, DrllYar lnllrt I) -(" Ff r PLUMEilNGi.TMECHANIGAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL f ott*ou.o I orsappnoveo OF BUILDING: oF woRK: -E-new ' E aoorrroN E REMoDEL E nEpnrn IPTION OF WOBK: PLUMBfNG: NUMBFR /3J ]L '4 MEqHANfSAL: NSMBER rf,uiy'z- vALuArloN s {*52 6n 99 vALUArloN $ /3kDO': REMARKS:REMABKS: PERMIT FEE 4L ,L PERMIT FEE 26-{O rorAl FEES: r @,t'*, IrIo ) Town of Vail N]I.NCTRICAL PERMM IobNa,.e/Mffiffi-fu Date of epflication;-.,furd.,-..m-............,.....$:7. L.... -...... Nq Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee BE- Inspection Fee Total Fee 224 $.....-..........--..-..----- $..-..........-......-..-.... $........-......-...--.-..-.. $.../.a..* c/a**- 7- 7 6 aeog; Electrical Contractor ooor," ^r-...,-.d7x. AlJfuL) , APPROVALSI I ffi.2?r/f-26. U THIS FORM 13 E POSTED OIII .,OB SITE DURING GONSTRUCTIOI{ 24 II(X'RII ADVANCE NOTICE REQT'IRED FOR INSPECITONS o^t" p*a...../.i-4. Received By v(u" Ptan Chcctar i . r, r. t0EaxrL ao., Drrwr ir!4s2 ;) 4bt ilry 6,l9t6 lFe. Frcde llaslltonFlrrt llatlonal lank of 8rglfirood . 33il lhst lhnpden Arenue E$lcnod, Colorado Re: Lot 12, Block I, Vrll YlllaOs l3tlh fllfng ; gcnr !lrc. Hrnlltonl Thls ls to ccrtlfy thEt ti€ aa rcldrnce locrt€d on tbc refcrenced lot" -gg conctructed In rccordrnca n{th,lom of {all zonlng regulrtlons rnd confomg to the Unlforr Eulldtng Cods. The Tom of Yall has ltrucd r Certlflcata of 0ccupancy and all thtt nrmlns to be cmplstcd lr lrndecrplry rrtd p.vlpB-rdlch rro udermy.lf you have aW questlonr, plelre fcel fi*s to crll. Ywrs truly, oEpmnENT 0F c60n illTY ogvEboruEln 0lana S. Toughlll lonlng Atulnlttrator rNsPE.Sr FTEGITJE=ir TIME RECEIVE6 :. AM PM ' CALLER D onren MON COMMENTS: I pnnrrnl. LocATroN TUE READY FOR INSPECT]ON WED ), THUR PM BOppRovED E otseppRovED E nerNsPEcr ! ueoru THE FoLLowrNG coRRECnoNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE )rNst=.rC*FIEOUEST VAIL .'- l * DATE ,.---'JOB NAME TOWN OF E ornen MON COMMENTS: I peRrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PMFRITUE E nppRovED n orsnppRovED ! nerNSPEcr f] uporrr rHE FotLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR rNsPErG* OF FrEeuEsT VAIL DA,TE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM E ornen I pnRuu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION r -'r. a t':' FRI AM PMMON COMMENTS: TUE EleppRovED E]ri-porv E orsnppRovED ! ne! NsPEcr THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS . rNSPE.rGt FtEeuEsr JOB NAME TOWN OF VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I ornen I panrtnu LocAroN READY FOR INSPECTION 'THUR.;MON COMMENTS: TUE WED FRI AM PM I nppRovED E orsRppRovED E nerNsPEcr \I upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcroNs: CORRECTIONS ruspE.G* TOWN O FI ECIL'EST DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER TOWN OF VAIL E orHgn MON COMMENTS: TUE I penrral. LocATroN READY FOB INSPECTION TTIUF FRI AM PM U I APP ROVE D E orsnppRovED ! nerNsPEcr E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR 17 rNsr=.rG*FIEBUEST TOWN OF VAIL UAIb4JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM E orr,en E panrtnl LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI-AM PMMON COMMENTS: TUE GlnppRovED ! orsnppRovED ! nerNSPEcr El upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR lr/rNsPE.tC* TOWN O FTEOUEST VAIL TIME RECETVED ; , j' AM PM CALLER E or"en I pnnrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WEDMON COMMENTS: TUE FRI-AM PM El appRovED fl uporu rHe CORRECTIONS E orsnppRovED FOLLOWI NG CORRECTIONS: I nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR I rNsiPEctGru FIEOUEsiT TOWN OF VAIL n ornsn MON COMMENTS: flpnnrtnr LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION FRITUE '' --., ."!--,'AM PM-' +PP ROV E D E uporu rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: I orsaeeRovED E netNSPEcr /' )rNs"=rS*REeUEST ,, a I IVAIL E ornen MON GOMMENTS: Epnnrtau LocATloN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR D nerNsPEcr DATE rNsPE.tt*FIECIL.|EST ,.IDATE .:' ,' ., TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME i TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I orren ! pnnrrel. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED PMMON COMMENTS: TUE fl app Rov E D n upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcroNS: CORRECTIONS florsneeRovED fl nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR / \\- g!trEI *83siribsxzjafu{<ol|J\. E dIt" oz{ ctfF !!r og oonro o u-Fcxd !l,- -g JEg. I *-f -- It=15 |t- t&- I Eg Lrl6p t * 16 =lE slSlL -t :t _i\ _l= 5la d-stv -t a, -<2r€G-J z il !r tit | .>-.c'6l-t vt3 -rrl* I I , I a I I (t d,;\ ii GC 5 oo ! Eo il2 e oBt' Efr IiegiF zIl 6 _t * f; JJ{3 oz F-rgxc, a a3ooz 3 ?az t,,tl, 9u\iH iitr ; I!t3I* e,a0 o T6 fiu T(} r' .$| .io:gxi5rr XIIiT"i,/ Y .l g J|} ooI 7tlz. 4 "frfl 168" il3H 6-r ts-ogOg sfo9 ;ilta ot n \, I 1,. o ,X\l q q a \