HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING 1 LOT 6 LEGALoz E =E H C)o oOo Or an UJ u.llr E =Eujo- ( /1^U-. eg/hft lceheebXD I l!lo t; IFILlo lE ls IIl+,tau lE UJF lint!! *19 ElgFt6qrl J =t;olod<1,">l=ztA I I $i N\l lgJIF .!j ); li6 1iH )tZ <\to(o xodtI an!o1J O "'-+)=oo- =+,Ec(U.d 'ltocF(uoo(utE !tgE(u |.-lu o(r) @(Y) lJ) GI or Fl oo oo oo o 1r)ro r\ro(\t E G uJe z J Y UJ z J o- J EF qJ J uJ z (o =l J z () uJ = tu uJ z F IJJ UJ og, o =g |.lJ z 6lll F uJo o-f 2 uJJ x F ulof cD UJ uJII E =E uJ o- -l FoF (9z 6J ao 9 e.Fo u,l ul (,z =J A- 9z To IIJ = NOIIVN]YA \E I;]e* |-EdrlEtu,tl =6orl_ "vJ SxZ Z LLY.o o olgtr ^ |n z" E a =EE'r; fi.FF5 irrq ;EiNO zo F fJ IL ri (, uJo- F oo ooN (\l tlJc E z Eo z tr llJ 5 ^l ;iuJl2l Jl<l zl zl .. >lo uJ IJJ uJz F tr uJ o- zI troo llJ ) E o luzY iF z tr J z lllltltlI 2 z9.oFL!<oo< 3t-vtr.Eci<z oF3r 9z 'iF d6l_E ulo z Y z tr co (v) Ie. (: ) tCio ',-.1 i) ,l (f) st IJJ tsg,ooazo F.L IIJY ulo oF F G uJ o- IIo 0.oo I IJJFoz u,F 6 I I J @-- o FoJ (,z =l! lz,ol-r (F: otoc (vl(J'rlrl (Or NT d( OF.o-rj 'ij I =l<lzl olr-l L(l, cq,o Il. l" A, HEI EO c, .v,E v. ov,E o-) lrEt I(l)t I!t I - | col'F I r\l =l$rl-l*l +) | .l (\lslol@(Ulzl Fl EI EITolJl @T'I<Isl>lF< | trl t9l MFI E ll ti tq tfl dEl HEFI F E u- Itltl l?ltsll5lt?ll>lt tlllol dflr I I I .l =.1ol uJl :l <l il El t.= tr t UJz =o F() uj E t E -rO<Fc() LlJ <zt IJJ Fa4Zo C) )t<o(JF F#4' -8 EgP =Ed6o Jtv<^9tr =2-al,-Fiz =g s. ii =+Eo2 O <os0-? z ,rPze dlo =3o-- P flD! ) "dq =E'a-':a\4 iH=E == UJct! !1 UlE() E<ol6.t:6oG9tira9Ea =>E JFE h=I 5c- o- u.iE =*E 66I \urE XO_r x>t E-o -'iEtr- UJo F I]I ts =E,ul o-zoF() D E,Fazo C) 2 El!tr 0t F \ { t tt, nJ uJIL F =Et!(L I I I \l'l 1r\!p VrE { I I I ,l\t-\tf NiEro tJ $i dt EI I E;fiF IH e;€;E I; Esffiw ffi FEiei \€Eig! I P6(!65 iiEeg(5o'-!-c; o (/, c sf;;€€6 i'iu= E !a;p gBiEt 0tr q v\ t, a $. q (j iv(\ \ o a o a \^ \ ci \A*( E =(rl (,zo J to -o UJ-oz o- J uJ u, (,z ao =l I z Eour = u,lgJ z tu ttl 6 Bg u,J z 6 uJ F oc uJo o- z u, o x F ut U) UJ rJll! \6 uJo J FoF z F gJ Jltl z =J J oz o uJ = NOrlvn]v^ !< =v9(+J EE !2,6qi.[ uJz uJ zz tr^-tt3d =uro1>E9t! <(o1 .HgFO itl =lo I I I tI I z9 F < t!c gJ F Rn 1 UJ J z = z F uJFJ =llJz trzlz9o <oo< =fr2CE Eci<z atFz,. 9z ..':F;5;6 q,l = {E uJzY iF zIF oz o:ul zx oz F Jo I uJF o )') I \ lt\ I L 'o)0, o >z t-- z o9z-<dro =z dP !D! tr GllJo- t!o?luEO2ZE<o,fd.tte,E9 .EE E i*E h= o \'o tu z F z I II .l(Jl alol 5<l>l IUol =l sOl ulFIF {fi 2?a = rr.l il6d= 5FE rl F E FE! 6EE ooI \ur E fii('-irrE l!ooF ol3l L/''nt= \?//i= \-JLl- .= o oo Project Applicatlo" I O proiecrName: FJET* 0Lcn 4<>O rttn^\ proiecrDescripr,r^, 4ootTtsr, ol= oE-L /<- 10 JnttAA\ Contact Person and Phone owner. Address and phone: kLxl Fcpn Z---/7q{ fl cPryr: arz Architect. Address and Phone: , Legat Description: Lot /f, , Btock - Flti^s y'A'L l/lLL4l' L U)6ifr. Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL summary: flATw* t: v t;Tr*b <ac<>a- < t4tD HAT NANUS ^ {t"u Approval TO WIIOM IT I4AY CONCERN! T have been informed by a member of the TRICO Partnership about to enhance the decks on each living unit of their triplex, L764 I hereby grant my permLssion for those lmprovements to be made. their plans Alplne DrLve. 2i& tt P fi;y 1oue"',e'Xs {'* /'d oa &oqv .bui(&X?J 2ooks 3Zd0e q.,e 2refui2g #n aaud E (" We sQqe ^ert y"g ,/ \'frgt o'9t -__.J Nane l.Jes-f uce"D a Co(nvado-fuc I \t, TO }JHOU IT I'AY CONCERN: I have been Lnformed by a member of the TRICO Partnership about thelr plans to enhance the decks on each living unit of their triplex, L764 Alpine Drive. I hereby graot Dy permLesion for those improvement s to b! nade. n tzt '.f,,n| r1. Date .-t/ltetate. //a. 4,4 />64 /re r'/ 3 I\l"hy--+ I C-^ 9c>---s -Yo !- -i..:l -J:: '- t, t .- r= <l =< --4. I ! I iI_--J'! L-- o $ --go /l { ,1 , .-a, t!/\ 1, i/,/ I'-ilrl INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE l-t(') INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER . MON , 'TUES THUR FRI - NV,/ -:-:- r l': READY FOR LOCATION: WED '"1 i '?r PM BUI b.t ryFdF rrFr trll trs tr_ LDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr o D POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER ME trt trl tr{ tr CHANlCAL: HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr Frffi.tr FINAL V*peaoueo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED COBBECTIONS: ,'l'- J''\ :3DATE INSPECTOR *v) \'oTd)b r}ltels I +tvt x(u () +,.d o+t (o ! o uJFoz z oJ .a oz I I l_ ,Fl<to I I I I l. IFt< rFI t!, z l= l2 ,{l ILJ lUo =7 (rou- u,lz3od |!ul6z ._. =lrefuJ <F AoYZo< \to \ S\s.c\"cr( c$ ,fl\is {{ ss 0) c) oo(E .9 o E c)E o ato (t, E o) o (u o o ol p o E o =Cl l C) o.o.6t 3 o) q) o; (U .Y'.=66k gbE; =.s*€HrgeE.! <O r-F=C= € gE.9 I;;;e.i=9c9dE --;o)3 5;.5 EEARE!Eo -*-€ 8 s 3ee€ ! l;e o- G o--o=-o(5Po*oiEors*:€ :(,,'vo :EE H E6ES - o..! o -+. C ll(u 0'-.:.c; !) (/) Ef;;Esal:X"o.o t* E:i6e5 $, cto . P5g* |r,N |Jt\ IIJ uJ lJ- E =E uJ o- {FoF I I l. le t; E:OF'}(J|!5OL#,E- FEq, (, OF 35 ztu =>0a -I.') =.0N zz99ho92xfzEP O'u, o1>E9 Hg Eg aLt!E z E zotr E uJF .. >l ul uJ uJz F (r ul(L J z Eo z F 5(1,z <l> =z, 9z -iF l!- O3tr I -t :r -l,_f.:) oz E Lrr =a trJOo-ooazo Fo. uJY UJ t0 n4 \ IIJF o oF F Gut tl-o I lrJFoz z ,r9 =ecoo =z o-- P ..i5 =FerJt:- -- i':'i c> A;H E Eul o-t! uJoz l 2 F E Jl-uJ-h>3e.rL LlJ>o-Ou-oo\ r.ux(Lx> lll l! UJ F tro E CI -9{t E .E E E 8 ao l!o>F =E =F.=,i 1 F =E, lrJo-zoF()fe,F(nzoo T!D I \ sl l(Jtz.F-:9i NIFd.o CL z.lrl}Z d,i =z o I aE| .5Z an(o td rr)(O (f, ut I E N+,!o (uv rq =4 rt) O)ctr 6r.c| co o c, ts t tnt4ut dd{J -F6 v,Lg P o,E o (u E Ig z dullq </>l 3l zl 3lolFl ct F\ IF\(\I uiJul ull c1Jl <l itol zl 3lolFI Ecl =Etr oz out : >1 tt.ol zl3 9its =E oz IJJI <1 Ito z) =19lF ul Jul l- t UJz = Fc)IuF -() E -.r O<FG()uJ<ztIIJ F6Zo() )E<o(JF f;34' 18 croz.F;o=<z.t .-5 x6YF =2:tvAFiz =g Ei. =+t o <cisntrr llJ a Etn \ \.\ t"} \ s \ Is \ c\s It s1.- -a- I9lc +,vl x(U (J +J6 tIt a Fu{:oz: Cr:z,6o--tu =d@i= .6r. I I I t<ro I I I I,E IFt< li,, 'z IE l2 !i}J r.) tN .tH \lF/l'1r ,l "l -l I t_,, t(t6 IE-;o t(,'rZ t6 l-J alHo A l<h€E l=Egi ls ;f, l.'lI E SI IEE:' l5;f -lsFe lro- tz.co.- 13 It II; FE IEi €e ,lgz oo!E oDcc6 P€ 86t6 o'C e€ t f'=3d I r-*F Lo'o6 "r {.':=:5't N:9il-a' \ES.$: .lau t6Es$ E .EE6g'=Q)o* t'o6oc-()(6 Ef; g E:F ETEc-o e:5i€ets'i =c96 :E: EEA soo '9ee tq! i.=- 6 o_(! 0- sEEur- o- =*eE61EE EO6: ESE_E.e a 6.sE;(DP-E E't €-9i=36>.9 6a E; E ,et e9Eor eEg -o(! {,uJ IJJll- E =E IJJ o- J FoF # 6> HA^ 5.-@z' ffidn ffiz llJ =>E --(i) = ... r! =oN z ^6'1 >56 z ci + E o- u,le, z Eoo z9F g.l F)tr2,. 2= d63d r{ c0 J-r'{ oz E =t|rIo. 1! E @oo-zo Fo-lrlv UJ .o oF F =(E UJ o- t!o I ulFoz z .n o >_i tr)o =z dP !Dt 6 E 2 t z J lJ- I I d F .J N d,o CL zIrlv ii =z coo-rI a G'Jo(6 lrJ l')\o ct) nh UJ 'o J = N IJLo cI IIJ =z O LO c,tcn.- c)\o(v) L (U (u c) =G attqJ Eoo J =6 o 3-! +, (l,pcoo(l,Eg G z IU = t! z3 F r" cOF- I Nco E = z i lu J u- z 3 F =tr =t z uJ = IL z3I =tr oz d uJE <1 ILoz 3l F IJJJ uJ UJz = F uJF IJ E <Fcc)ur<zF - ui'- -o() <o(JF FS Sr? F-,2=^ -o >Y =<'>E JZrr- o J 9z. 7o UJE r ) (ri\I b=<d|'J91 -rt Ha .,!1, F (E IJJ o- E :HE:E<e60EoE9tt iri9 Ed => =lrJ-E h=o * iiiE :FE 65 9 itlEX'Lr x>I q-o-!; uJ F G; - M \ }"l ltF o E =E lrJo.zIF() DE 6zo() EEi-r 'i uJ6il= ,Fn! IL tl,u, i (fo cco F() Fzo() (ro ulz BocE Et!iZ u,i :r u,FI<F26az.n< -:;;nc;*:oi6EBE;Ecoo9!..Yo6o-qE9='g = zE 6.0eEP-sE; O.= H 9 6 S-X.iE6;* = v. _1- :0,"E: 3Ea:: HFARs =cc,^c= 6 bi: E -Eo3;;-oo: Ei:Et o Cg c!- ;o,=-o"(E>o-o .--o91 : - Cr- L'--6:F9 :ur*ooii o F i'l ()15.!;-Y --- 6 o.c(6CE:IJ .c 6 :jJ= - *> =---clu(60-:- -.c; o, (/, FI c':-e !3EE5=g:3oJ3u>.=dP:4.9:EE9g;R6ot hieS."9E-or -f; c o '/| .:i;::3 >- E X',s E af'tlu LUu- L tulo- i I oz F tul o- = H u-o ozi .'9 .J, = <.9 CDOo =zF --r l(f -, /-rs dtr El . il[f]dLth=l rd frt Ja? al od:u .9t "..'l zAi a Xl Ct-.:c? FI -JYO: ;t r:e il F-l co,,Ur > J '€rn H oF E o o E Eot) o a G,'o e1.; :J.LEF.FOz oo E --r O<Fc()[rJ<z&UJF<tzoo t LLIz =o JT<oc) r.- -< s.t F -,2IJO -c) ;t t?it 5 t i ilEl*l; sl;ll F NOrMtVA Es g d (\t (t tr ^ urzq5 >eaP of, v70e5b ft3i 6oq) rl sl/ fl' I ol =l f, lt lrllol til , Jd,, i"l olzl .lolu.ll Itrl IJl I fl I ol zl 3lotFIl!lbJJtL ..-t -t tUF o llJt U) d]o_) zo F UJY IU d] ot- L tr[!(L LLo (Loo I ulFo.z b EEtrj o-zo tr C)fGFazo() DATE to /rsk>JOB NAME INSPECTION: MON L, / ,-- fi, Cr.. )'-' f "u .l{ //# INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL -AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr FINAL tr tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,ot. 22 - f/ '''fZ rNSpEcroR BUILDING DIVISION OF EAGLE COUNTY, P. O. BOXI79 couRTHoUsE. EAGLE Co. - PH. (303) 328-6339 oArE September 10, appLrcANr A. J. Faas & Sons pERMrr ro Construct Parking lot_) sro'y(TYPE OF I MPROVEME NT}NO, BUILDING ^oo*aaa P.U. PERMIT b?,9%Tv?!lit[l.*ao& ( NO,){ STREET) NUMBER OF OWELLING UNITS {coNrR's !rcEirSE) (PROPOSED USE) =o- AT ( LOCAT ION)D ISTR ICT (5TFEE'' ( CROSs STREET)(CR053 9TREET): II| o oz: Go lL EUILOING IS TO BE - FT. WIOE BY - FT. LONG BY FT. IN IIEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION { TYPE) REMARK5T apFrrnved rrfron conditinn that pxpoqpd qoil arpas are eithpr qoddpd, reqppded with grasses or provided with other approved ground cover to control soil erosions. - Erik Edeen, Environmental health officer ANEA OR VOLUME EsrrMArED cosr $ 4.500 FEE"rr $ 50.50 TO TYPE USE GROUP SASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNDAT ION (CUAIC/SOUAAE FE€TI owHen A. J- Faas and Sons 16eeE55 P.0. Rox 8Q2, Vail, Colnradn fl1667 ;; (Affidqvii on reveige side of opplicofion lo be compleled by outhorized ogonl of owner) t' BUII-DING PERMT APPLICATION Juridiction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only, CHECK VALIDATION prr.^+-t F Lqso A I IACX €O 9HEEI} I oE5Ci, ,..J,o UA/c A) 3' *rue_ aicHrtacl oi oEsl6NEl4 /<€r) h"io ,//u,oce<- u3E Ol lUl LDI rlo Do.ttz4, a rn s Ctasotwork: DIIEW OA0olTlON trALTERAT|0N !nemtn DMoVE D REMoVE 9 0escribework' €XC.LL A/C^) 5T*/ PS -t/.o atf l0 Chenge of ure trom PERMIT FEE 5 DPLAN CHECK FEE1l Valuat'ion of work: t 4,Coo'9 SPECIAL CONOITIONS: No. of 4storiei a.'-Size of 81d9. (Total ) Sq. Fl. Fire Sprinkle19 Required E\',er ENoAPPROVEO FOR ISSUANCE 8YaLAt{s cHEcr(Eo 8YA?PLICATIOlt ACC€PT€O 8Y OFFST REET PARKING SPAC€S: covered V I Uncovered No. ot owellin9 Unitt NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIR€D FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATTNG OR AIR CONOITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOIO.IF WORK OR CONSTBUC. TION AUTHORIZEO IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, OFI IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDEO OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTEF WOBK IS COMMENCEO.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER sPECIFIEO HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. 5 | CNALTJIE OFiaDxYRACTOT Oi ^uYHOrlt H€ALTH OEPT, F IRE DEPT, SO IL REPORT oTH€R (sP.cllY) WHEN PFOPERLY VALIOATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS tS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION Form lOO.l 1-77 INSPECTOR &[t,e- I (DsEE att^cHEo sx€EYl AE(H I TEC T Oi OESIGN€i Lrc€NsE fr o. us€ oF au i LolN G 8 CIASS Of WOrK: D NEW D AOOITIOIII D ALTE RATION tr REPAIR ! MOVE ! REMOVE l0 Change of use from Change of use lo PE RMIT FEEPLAN CHECK FEE| 1 Valuation ol work: $ Occu pancy Group SPECIAL CONDITIONS: No. of Slories Size of Bldg. (Total) Sq. Fl. Fire Sprinklers nequired DVer lntoAPPLICAIIOII ACCEPT€ O BY PLANSCHECKEO 8Y APPROVEO FOF ISSUANC€ BY OFFST REET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIREO FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB- ING. HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONOITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTBUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDEO OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINEO THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTVPE OF WORK WILL 8E COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDH€R€IN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. sr6xATUte oF coNYRAclol ol aulll HEALTH OEPT. FIRE DEPT. SO IL REPORT OTHER (Sp6cify) BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Juridiction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. WHEN PROPERLY VALIOATEO {tN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT Form 1O0.1 1-77 E:fiNA PERMIT VALIDATION M.O.PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK. M.O. CASH E AL]LE FINAL: Review %ril TI # :Ufi l_T'H',] #J=' "R:'J : :,, " r,r O n v Routing'Form ( ) PrimafyRoutiJrg ( ) Rerouting Applicant I Permit No.";;efu Location trI6y lr I arrn ir rg Commission File No. Review and return to County Building Off icial within 6 working days Yesnntr E No HDn P lanning: Complies with: Subdivi sion Regul ations Zoning Regulations S ite Plan (Landscaping) Cornmerrts: Reviewed Recommend Date: County Engineer: Roads DGrading tr. Drainage n n Recommend Approval : nID tr Comments:roL)-' County Heal th: Water Sanitation Perc. test ,/Recom Approval : Yo Co,'t f-,1 nnn nntrn ---€40 ac)I/<rntr aS'&ic-Erd= tFinal Inspectionr C/O Recomrnend Approva Commentsl Final Inspeciion: Landscapi Recommend Approva Commerrts: ngnn C,/O lssued Final Fi ling Date by Date TELEPHONE 3b3/328-ruu Board of County Commissioners . Ext 241 Assessor Ext 2O2 Clerk and Recorder ExL 2l7 Sheriff Eagle: En 2ll b$lt: 927-3244 Gilman:8?7-575I Treasurer Ext 201 Administration Ext 241 Animal Shelter 949-4292 Building lnspection Exr 226 or 229 Community Development Ext 226 or 229 County Attorney Ext 263 Engineer Exr 236 Environmental Health Ext 238 Extension Agent Ext 247 Library Ext 255 Public Health Eagle: Ext 252 Yail: 476-5844 Personnel Ext 241 Purchasing Exr 245 Road and Bridge EKt 257 Social Services 328-6328 ?nclEcouNTYo Eagle,Colorado 81631 CERTIFIED MAaLz P 2L9 794 527 DaEe : Auzust 12. 1982 Applicant: . A. J. Faas & Sons Mailing Address: p.O. Box 892 Vail. Oolorado 81657 Re: Building Percrit | # 1295 Legal Description of PropertY:Vail Village West #1 . Dear Sirs : Upon review of the Eagle County Building DepartmenErs files, this office has determined that there has been no recenE construction or building activity Pursuantto the above-referenced building permiE. The last inspection recorded was daEed Non and involved an None lr[ade inspection. The 1979 Uniform Building Code, SecEion 303(d), adopted by the County of Eagle, Colorado ' Pursuanrto Ehe Eagle County Building Resolution, 1980, as amended, iequires evidence of construction progress each consecutive 180 days or the building Permitrelative thereto becomes null and void. In order to keep the above-referenced building p.ermit active, please contact. the Eagle CounEy Building DeparEment for a Progress insPection within thirty (:O) aay" fron the receipE of Ehis letter. Your failure to do so will leave Ehe CounEy no alrernaEive but Eo consider such building permit to have expired. TLiJEPHONE) sos;sz\-tsn Board of CountY Commissioners Ext 24i Assessor Ext 202 Clerk and Recorder Ext 2I7 Sheriff Eagle: Ext 2l I Base.|tt 927 -3244 urman: ozl-f /Jr Treasurer Ext 201 Administration Ext 241 Animal Shelter 949-4292 Building I h cno.ri ^n Ext 226 or 229 CommunitY DeYelopment Ext 226 or 229 County Attorney Ext 263 Engineer Ext 236 Environmental Health Ext 238 Extension Agent Ll{t Z" I Library Ext 255 Public Health Eaqle: Ext 252 VaiI 476-5844 Personnel Ext 24I Purchasing Ext 245 Road and Bridge Ext ?57 Social Services 328-6328 Q.ACLECCUNTYO Eagle, Colorado 81631 CERTIFIED MAIL 4329643 September 14, 1981 A.J. Faas & Sons P.O. Box 892 Vail , Colorado 81658 Re: Final Plat approval of Alpineridge Condominuims Subdivision - Subdivisi-on Improvements Agreements - County of Eagle Dear Mr. Faas: On September 22, 1980, an irrevocable Letter of Credit, #A.J.ir.-l, i-n Ehe amount of $ 4,000.00 was issued by Lhe First Bank of Eagle County for the account of yourself-. j-n favor. of Lhe Board of .County .Commissioners 'County of Eagle, Colorado, for the purpose of guarantee- ing cbnstrucLion of public irnprovements required by eagle County pursuant to that certain Subdivision Imfrovement-s Agreement entered into on Septembe:r -24,1980, between Ehe County and yourself as Subdivider of the Alpineridge Condominiums Subdivision' and as a condition of final plaL approval of said Subdivision. Pursuant to said LetLer of Credit, all drafts drawn thereunder must be drawn on or before September 22, l98I- Thus, all public improvements required as per said Subdivision Improvements Agreement and the spqcifl- cations and plans submitted pursuant to said final plat approval must be completed to the satisfaction-ot ttre County prior to Seltember 22, 1981. Since this due date is rapidly drawing near, 1 would suggest that you contact a -staff member of the County Department of Conununity Development to discuss the status of such required public improvements. Emphasis should be made that all pubLic improvements must be satisfactorily completed and approved by the Countv Drior to said due date. If this is not accomolished prior to said due date, I sha11 be left A.J. Faas & Sons Page Two September 14, 1981 with no other alternative but to present said Letterof Credit Eo the bank for payment as provided thereunder.Lf you have any questions, please contact this office at 328-7311 or P.0. Box 850, Eagle, Colorado, 81631. Thank you for yor:r irmtediate attention to this matter. BAW/da xc : Chairman, . Board...of,.Couniy fonrmissioner$-.,*,-.,.,,,r,?n!,.a:.aa,',.*..!i ,, ---;."-Jim Rubin, Direetor of the DeparEment of Community Development Paul Depp, Assistant Vice-President, First Bank of Eagle County Claude Gerard, Engineering DePartment .*O -lF .." o SUBDIV ISION IiIFROVEIIENTS AGREE|IENT THIS AcREEl4El'lT, rirade and entered into thi s 9/r4- day of hereinafter called the Subdivider, and the cal I ed the County. Eagle County, hereinafter I^IITI'IESSETH: I{HEREAS, the Subdivider as a condition of approval of the fina1 plat of Subdivision, wjshes to enter into a Subdjvision Improvements Agreement as provided for by Section 30-28-137, Colorado Revised Statutes .l 973, as amended; and l{fiEREAS, pursuant to the same authori ty, the Subd'i vi deri s obl i gated to provide securjty or co1 lateral sufficient jn the judgrnent of the Board of County Commjssjoners to make reasonable provisions for completion of certajn public improvements set forth'i n Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herei n ; and I^IHEREAS, oerformance of th'is publ ic jmpr.ovenents the Subdivider wishes agreement, incl uding by means of (insert to provide collateral to guarantee construction of the above-referenced one of the fol l ovri ng : ) lots within said Subdivision shall public innprovements referred to by the Board of County Cornmissioners. , 1g-8/J' by and betureen Board of County Comnjssioners of \o,l PlHt restri ction stating that no be sold and/or conveyed unt'i I all herein are apProved and accePted L-+1) irrevocable letter of credit (c) ComPletion Performance bond (d ) cash escrow (e) pronrissory note and first deed of trust N0til TI1EREFORE, in consideratjon of the fo] lowing mutual covenants and agreements' the Subdivider and the County agree as follows: l. The subdivider hereby agrees, at its sole cost atld expense' to furnish all equipment and matepi al necessary to perform and complete' on or before (date of completion), in a good rvorkrnanf ike ntanner' all publicoimprou[ments as shovtn in the final plat documents for the Subdjvision in accordance vrith all plans and specifications for ilre Subdivision filed in the office of the county Engineer and/or Department of connuiit-v Development and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in cornpliance ulith the follovling: a. All final plat docunrents submitted prior to or at the tinre of final Plat aPProval. b. All lavrs of the Un'i ted States of /\neri ca, State of Colorado, County of Eagle ancl its respective agencies, affected specia1 distri cts anci/or service district. /-.''' o c. Such other designs, dralings, maps, specificatjons, sketches' and other matter submitted by the subdivider to and approved by any of the above-referenced governnental entities' All siid i,rork shall be done under the inspection of, and to the sati sfaction of the County tngineer and,/or the County Building Official , respectively, and, sha.l I not be deemed compiete until approved and accepted as completed.by the Board of County Commissioners of the County or said Board's aPPointed designee. 2. The estimated cost of said work and inprovements is the sum nf < <qA 64 To secure and guarantee performance of jts obligat'ions as set forth herein, the Subtlivider agrees to provide security and collateral in the form of (insert one of the follow ( (a l estrictlilon appearing on the face of til€ PZat vlhicha nlaf r states t and/or c herei n a Comm.i s s i an i rre v in the a ^^^^^+-l-.OLLtrV LOU a compl e as corpo a casn e hol d hrr hat no lots within said onveyed until al1 Public re approved and accePted Sllii; retter or credi t rromg)u'J hnL @q(e 6. rnount of S 4Orc1 -" on a form V / le to the CduntY AttorneY' tjon performance bond .i ssued bY --_-=---rate surety 'i n the amount of S.--.--.---..--....-.--.-..--.--.--.--.--.------_' scrow in the amount of $- to be Subdivision shall be sold improvements referred to by the Board of CountY (b ) (c J (d) as escrot^J agent. (e) a promissory note in the anrount of secured by a first deed of trust. 3.TheSubd.ividermayatanytimesubstjtutethecollateral orig.i nally deposited vljth the county herein, for another form of collateral acceptable to the County to guarantee the faithful completion of those pubiic improvenrents referred to herein and the performance of the terms of this Agreetrent. 4. .County shall not, nor sha.| 1 any officer or employee thereof; be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or danrage happenin3 or occurr.i ng to the v/orks specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the county, nor any officer or employee thereof, be Iiable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Subd'i vider. The Subd'i vider hereby agrees to inder,in jfy and hold harmless the County, and any of jts officers, agents, and enlployees against any losses, claims, darnages, or l iabilities to r^rhich the County or any such of jts officers, agents, or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Subdivider hereunder; and the subdivider shall reimburse County for any and al1 lega1 or other expenses reasonably incurred by County in connection vrith investigating or defending any such 1oss, c1aim, danlage, I iabil ity or action' This indenlnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability wh'i ch the Subdivider may have n /:."* | 5. It is mutually agreed, pursuant to the provisions of Section 30-28-.l37(3), Colorado Revised Statutes .l973, as anrended, that the county or any purchaser of any lot, lots, tract or tracts of land subject to a plat restriction ghjch is the security portion of a subdivision inrprovements aqreement shall have the authority to bring an action in any district court to conpel the enforcement of any subdivision intprovements aqreement on the Sale, conveyance or transfer of any Such lot, lots, tract or tracts of land or of any other provision of this artjcle. Such authorjty shalI .i nclude the right t.o compel rescission of any sale, conveyance or transfer 0f any lot, lots' tract or tracts of land contrary to the provisions of any such restrictions set forth in the plat or in any separate recorded instrument, but any such act.ion shall be conunenced pli or to the issuance of a building permit by the County where so required. 6. It is further rnutually agreed that pursuant to the provisions of Section 30-28-l 37 (?), Coiorado Revised Statutes, f973, as amended, that as improvements are cornpleted, the Subclivjder may apply to the Board of County Commissioners for a release of part or all of the collateral deposited vrith said board. Upon inspection and approval , the board shall release said collateral . If the board deternines that any of such inrprovements are not constructed in sub- stantial compliance with specifjcations, it shall furnish the Subdjvider a list of specific cleficiencies and shall be entitled to withhold collateral suffic'i ent to ensure such substantial compliance. If the Board of County Commissioners deterrnines that the Subdiv'i der will not construct any or all of the improvernents jn accordance with all of the specjfications, the Board of County Comnissioners may lvithdraw anci employ frori the deposit of collateral such funds as may be necessary to construct ihe irnprovements in accordance rvi th the specifications. 7. The Subdivider r,rarrants all work and material for a period of one year after acceptance of al.i vrork referred to in this Agreernent by County. Further' Count.y shall have a right to require security or collateral be provided by Sub- divider to renrajn, as determined by County, sufficient to cover any and all claims .under ihis warranty. B. The County agrees to approval of 'the final p1 ut or449bxt/'4ag. Mot, Subdivision, subject to the terms and conditions of this agreementl ( 9. Parties hereto mutually agree that this agreement may be anrended from tirne to time, provided that such amendrnents be in rvriting and signed by a1l parties hereto..10. This agreernent shall be enforceable against the Subdivider provided, hoyever, that in the event the Subdivider sells or +"ransfers al1 or part of the Subdivision, as sholn in the final plat (prior to extensive sales of individual!y plat1ed tracts), the ob'l igations of the Subdividcr under this a5lreentent as to that portion of the Subrjr'vr'sion nray be assumed by the purchaser of the parcel , and Subdivider shalI have no further ob1 igations hereunder. It is aqreed, hovtever, that no such assu;tption of these obligations shall be effective unless the Board of County Coru;i ssi oners gi ves i ts prior approval to such assunlpti on, folI or"r.i nq an investigation of the financial condition of the purchaser' 1 ? I 'a.lt*|l , ll. It is further agreed that the Subdivider shall at all times from the acceptance by the Board of County Commissioners of the roads offered for dedjcation jn the subject subdivjsion to the completion and acceptance of said vrork or improvement by the County, give good and adequate warning to the traveling publ'ic of each and every dangerous condition existent in said roads or any of thern, and will protect the traveling publjc from such defect'i ve or dangerous condition. It is understood and agreed that until the completion of all the improvements herein agreed to be performed, each of said roads not accepted as ir,rproved shall be under the charge of Subdivider for the purpose of this Aqreement. ATTEST:COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO By and through its BOARD OF COUNTY COI"IIJIISSIONERS Clerk of the Board of County Conmissioners eh=aTrman, DaTe-Fl-GFant SUBDIVIDER "t The foregoing Subd'ivision Improvements Agreement vJas acknowledged before me this BTg-day of ,.fuclktz ts-&o-' tv ,,,...",,'lr,lidnbls my hand and of (,$iivo'qi ssion exPi res: ficial seal . l,fv 0cmnlslon Erptrer Fsb" 24. l98t , l9 ffi F,Pirltt\rID AS T0 [-Snir'i 4,3, fAprs /-Vtw STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE COUI.I"{'Y /ITTCRruiY 4. ":, i ('a .Nir_i \-/ C-r { F'IRST BANK OF' EAGLE COUNTY Septernber 22, I9B0 a)r\)''* J'. ,i'' q^ /r- Lr( ' r N"- ^r)"TRREVoCABLE LHrrB oF cRmrr e C, 'q Y-/ \z 9l#A.J.F.-I -zs 1t/^ \',, County of Eagle * A Eagle, Colorado r VV Attention: Beth Vihittier, county Attorney 6n 'f Y-V We hereby open our irrewrcable Letter of Credit in your favor, available Y tt by drafCoidrafts drawn on the First Banl< of Eagle Cor:nty for any sum or ' S sirns not exceeding in total $4,000.00 for the account of A. J. Faas & Sons. -z 'q Ttris is for t}e purpose of gruarantying construction of inproverents on t Irli- 6, Vail Village LVest, Filing #1. Each draft drawn on Fjrst Banl< of ,l Eagle Cor:nty at sight stral1 be endorsed on tlre reverse side of this Letter of Credit ane near upon its face "Drawn under I€tter of Credit +A-J.F.-I dated.9/22/80, of the First Bar:l< of Eagle County". Each draft must be 'acccnq:anied by certification that tl.e ''llcrk has been ccmpleted. The First Bank of Eagle @rnty agrees with the drawers, endorsers and bonafide fralders of drafts drawn and negotiated in conpliance with the terrns of this Letter of Credit that such drafts will be duly honored utrnn presentation at the c'ormter of this bank. S(cept as othenrise provided. this Ietter of Credit is to be governed by the Uniform @mercial Code- Ietters of Credj-t of the State of Colorado, and will expire one (1) Vear frcun dap, \ I€Vn'c P. O. BOX 567, EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 / TELEPHONE (303) 328-636I EAGLtr G@U V nnteroff nce ffi emnorandumn Rcturn of a Flnal Plrt Tm Bonl, A3r't Olpcctor of Plrnnfng Sn-119-79 12 0ctobcr 1979 Enclond lr the Flnal Plat for Flla tlo. sn-ll9-79 rhfch rrr denled. Rofar to thc attrchad lsttars rnd Staff Rmqnaadatlont. EAGTE COUNTY EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328.731r BOARD OF COUNTY coMMrssroNERS Exl 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R Ext 202 BUILOING IN INSPECT IO N Ext 226 or 229 CLER K & RECORDER Ext 217 CO U NTY ATTO R N EY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVI RONM ENTAL H EALTH Ext 238 EXTEN 5IO N AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY E.XI Zf 5 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANN ING Exl 226 or 229 PU RC HAS ING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIOGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I sasall927-3244 Gilman 827-575 | SOCIAL SERVICES 328.6328 TREASURER Ext 201 A.J. Faas P.0. Box 892 Vaj'l , Col orado 81657 September 4, 1979 RE: Sm-119-79 At their meeting of August 29, 1979' the Board of County Cormissioners denied your minor subdivision request be- cause of insufficient information contained in the appl ication. (park ing, final pl at) If you have any questions,please contact this office. Respectfully yours' :a---:-2 i/ -1z---- ,Gr_-------,/ Thomas Boni Asst. Director of Planning TB/J P cc: Board of County Commjssioners COLORADO OIPARTMEXT OF HEILTT{ 1210 EAST I|TH AVENUE DENVER,COI.ffiADO fnthony lobbin3, RECEI' AUG Z,i i ucpt. oi plan|||lij & ilr.€t8le. Corn,, ,*. 802'0 PI/@,NE 3:!0-8333 X.D., tl.P.A. Er.cotlvc Dlrcctor DATE: August 24, 1979 SUBJECT: N0N-STATE ASS ISTANCE REV IEV AND COI{I{ENTS TO:Mr. Terrlll Knight Director, Eagle County Department of P1anning & Deve1opment Box 179 Eag1e, CO 8163L PR0JECT TITLE: File STATE IDENTIFIER: COMT,IENTS DUE BY: Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No l E ir rr-i No. Sm-l-19-79 - Alpine Condominiums - Lot 6, Val1 Vl11age West #1 NA August L5, 1-979 ls this project con s is ten t with the goals and obj ect ives of th i s agency? ls there evidence of overlapping of duplica- t ion with other agenc i es ? ls mee t ing desired with appl icant? A | 5-day extens ion is requested. Comments: tr fi l:i L--| ./. ame ,tle 6 Phone 2- Barnes, Program Mmlnlstrators0C-3, Feb 77 ATTACHI.IENT B EAGTE COUNTY p,evelopmentDeparEBent- 9f Planning anP.'O. Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-731| BOARD OF COUNTY coMMrssloNERs Ext 241 AOMINISTRATION Ext 241 17 Augusc 1979 A. J. Faas Box 892Vai1, Colorado 8L657 Re: File No. Sm-119-79 Minor Subdivision Dear Sir: At their August 15th meeting, the Eagle County- Planning Cornrnission ieconnnended denial of your minor subdivision request. No final plat had been submitted and the parking as shor^rn on the sitb plan does not meeL County Regulations (excessive cuts). This recommendation will be forwarded to Ehe Board of County Corrnissioners at their meeting on 29 August 1979 ' If you have any questions, please contact this office. Sincerely ANIMAL SHELTER 949 -4292 ASSESSo R Ext 202 BUILDING IN INSPECT IO N Exl 226 ot 229 CLERK & RECOROER Exl 217 CO UNTY ATTO R N EY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTEN 5IO N AG ENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING Ext 226 or 229 PU RCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHER IFF Eag le Ext 2l I Basall 927 -3244 cilman 82 7-5 7 5l SOCIAL 5E RVICES 328.6328 TREASURER Ext 2O I Z*E; ThomasAss't TB/kp BoniDirector of Planning Board of Countv Counnissioners RONALO C. M.LAUGHLIN XENNEIH R. WRIGHT HALFORO E. ERICKSON OOUCLAS T. SOVERN WILLIAM C TAGOAFIT THOMAS W. MORRIS JIMMIE O \/VHIIFIELO JOHN T. MCLANE hONALD B. CLONINGER WATEF SUFPLY AND DISTRIBUTION WATER AND SEWAGE YREATMENT SEWAGE COLLECTION ANO REUSE S'TORM DRAINAGE FLOOD CONTROL AND OTHER WATER-ORIENTED FROJECTS 02 August 1979 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS 2420 ALCO''T STREET DENVEF. COLORAOO AO2I I r3O3r 454-6201 Mr. Terrill Knight, Director it;-t-:f l'''iD Department of Pl anning and Devel oprent r iL, ir J 1979 Eagle County BOX ]79 u8pr. of pianirfg & Dcvrt Eag'le, Colorado 81 63] Ersle' countv, co{o. Dear Mr. Knight: lJe received, on behalf of Vail Village West Water and Sanjtation District, your requests for review of two subdivision applications in the District: File Sm-123-79 File Sm-ll9-79 Mustang Townhouses Alpine Condomjniums Randa'll Guerrerio, Applicant A.J. Faas and Sons, Applicant The following applies to both applications. The District's po1 icy is to re- quire a1 l subdivided property to have separate water meters and shutoff valves for each unit. This is required so that metering and control can be done on an jndividual basis. Neither of these applications shows the water service line or valves, and we would appreciate havjng these details on future sketches if possible. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, l.lRI GHT-MCLAUGHLI N ENG INEERS Eaz4 Frank D. Barrett c.c. Jim CollinsBi'll Cacek FDB: pab #5-17.1 BRANCH OFFICES cLENwooo spRtNGs sTEAMEoar s;FRtNGs LEAo/oEADwoooASPEN DILLON LAKE P.O. EOX 12A6 P,O. BOX '22O 9I SHEFMAN P.O. BOX 6026 P-O. FOX I t7I GLENWOOD SPRINGS, STEAMBOAT VILLAGE, DEADWOOO, asPEN, COLOFAOO 6t6t I FR|SCO, COLORAOO €0443 COLORAOO al60t COLORADO 80499 50UTH OAKOTA tt732 RICHARD O. LAMM GoVERNoR o:St$Ofra* |vt- - v=^rt'll, -ffi Ii'l1ffi))El\*\*\@)/:/ \r -s{tralPzlv z \-. o avt COLORAM GEOLOGICAL SURVET DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 715 STATE CENTENNIAL BUILDING - 1313 SHEBMAN STREET DENVEF, COLORADO 8020:t PHoNE (303) 8i19'2611 gs- After review of this minor subdivision request' it appears as if proper fill compaction and drainage control are the only engineLring-geologic factors that could seriously affect th6 subdivision adversely. If these are taken into account' we have no obiection to its approval . JOHN [. ROID Diiacta Mr. Terrill Knight Eagle County Department of Planning and Development P.0. Box .l79 Eag1e, C0 8163.| Dear I'lr. Kni ght: S i ncerel y, mes M. Sou'l e ngineering Geologist JMS/d ks cc: Land Use Commission GEOLOGY SToRY OF THE PAST,. . KEY TO THE FUTURE August I, .l979 RE: SM- l19-79, ALPINE C0ND0MINIUMS ''Xu, ri[cil"'ID Hu G c 197_9 - -,-i cf ptanning & Dlll rag/e, 0ourllyr Sb Box 386 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Juoy T, ltl9 Terrl11 Knj€ht, Eagl.e County Planner S negre County Plarrrlng Dept. Box 179 Eagle, Collorado I'f63f lcrrllI: Tlre A1plne CondorlnLuns ninor $rbdlvlslon neqregt was zubt:ltt,ed to the Eagle County Soi]- Conser:vatlon Dlstrlet for revlevu anl coment. l{e have the foLlorlng conrcnts: L.) The Locatlon of and size of needed road culverts should be oupplled wlth thls proposal. 2.) Al1 dldturbed areee should have a rwegetatton and,/or Landscaplng plan. Tttls ghould oontaln ltems such as specles to be planted, the arnounts to be planted, tlrne of p3.anting, es w€l1 if rnr'l ghirg appllcatlon is needed. Sincerely, ",^ )g *_l //*/r-. hrd Gates, Presldent r.-. f f.f ;' trlf') I \r,-.'- i.-- -'- l:. ; 1g7g l-. :i Jt i',rlilllllg & Ditd\ ragie, CountY, 00b RICHARD D. LAIVIIVI Governor C.J. KUTPE; State Engineer DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Deparlment of Nalural Resources '1313 Sherman Slreet - Room 81 I Denve( Colorado 80203 Administration (303) 839-3581 Ground Water (303) 839-3587 July 20, 1979 RECEIVED JUL 25 1ei9 llrPl of Planntng a ueret' f{b, CountY, Colo Mr, Terrlll lhight, Director Eagle County Department of Planning & Development P. O. Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 Re: AlPine Condominlums Fiie No. Sm-Il9-79 Dear Mr. Kntght: This is to acknowledge receipt of preliminary plan material for the above referenced subdivlslon. The Vail Village West Water District has been deslgnated as the source of water and a letter of commitment for service has been submitted. Information available in our files tndi- cates that the District has sufficient water available to serve thls develop- ment and we recommend approval of Alpine Condomlniums. Very truIy yours, ,/ltt L HaI D. Simpsur, Chief Water Management Branch For: Dr. Jeris A. Danielson Deputy State Engineer HDS,/GDV:mvf cc: Lee Enewold, Div. Eng. Land Use Comm. OOLORAI)O OtPANTMt'IT OF HTALTH 12IO EAST IIrH AVENIJE , DENVER, COLORADO 8O?20 1 PHONE 320.8333Frank Traylor, M.D. r Executive Director DATE: SUBJECT: TO: July 20, 1979 NON-STATE ASSISTANCE REVIEW AND COMMENTS l{r. TerrllL Knight DLrector, Eagle County DepartDent of Plannlng and Developm.ent Box L79 Eag1e, C0 81531 REcfi\tD JUt 85 l9/g "LlJ.'ry;X* PROJECT TITLE: Alan Brown Developnrent Eagle/Vai I colf Course, STATE IDENTIFIER: NA COI"IMENTS: Water Qual ity Control Adjacent to 9th Hole - Eagle County - Ftle No. Su-L19-79-S COMMENTS DUE: July 18, 1979 !,le are concerned that adequate water and sewer service will be provided for this subdivision, as they were not addressed in the appl ication. Any construction undertaken should strictly adhere to an erosion and sediment control plan incorporating measures designed to minimize possible contamination of area waters. For like reason we advise. against permitting development to encroach upon the 100 year floodplain. SOC-3, Jan 79 Mlckl Barnes, Program Administrator EAGLE G@ nnteroffnee mnenn@rendunn To: TERRTLL KNIGHT, PI,ANNING DIREETOR Subiect: ST'BDIVISION REV]EhI From: ERIK EDEN, ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH File No.: sm-119-79 Date: JULY 12, 1979 RE: FiIe No. Sn-u9-79 APPLICANT: A. J. Faas and Box 892 Vail, CO 81657 Alpine Condominiuns Lot 5 - Vail Village West - Filing #1 Sons COMMENTS: An Erosion control and revegetation plan is needed. EWE,/ncm EAGLE COUNTY fogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT AMOUNT ITEM Buildinq Permit Fee Application For Subdivision Special Use Var;.nce Total Recei All items are received for no-payment of any item. Ne 5284 ) (Subdivision collection By cancelled OneParkCentral - l5l5 Aropohoe street P. O. Box 84O Denver Colorodo 8O2Ol (3O3) 534-1261 iluLy 10, 1979 RECEIVED JUL i Z 1979 D!pt. ot Planning & DevaL Elglo, County, Colc Eagle County Depattment of PIamJ.ng and DEneloEment P.O. Box 179 Eaglel Coloraclo 8L63I Re: Prel irri natv Plot PLan sM-119-79 - A1pine Condqniniumerot 6, vail vlllage west #1 Gentl€men! we have revierretl the location of the above caBtioneil plan antl findl that trot 6 is Located al-ong the road ln which western has a 4" high pressure natural gas pipeline. Ittis cloes not conflict with our facilityl honever2 before any excavation is clone ln or near the roactway, please notify our District Supervisor, Mr. Hara? Moyes, 468-2528, so he cal give you the actual line locatlon. Very tnrly yours, 4*,, { 4/fd' Laura L. Roctgers Assosiate Right-of-way Agent f^L!/pf cc: A.iI. Faas & Sons -iiaglc County, Colrrlarclo : cerlification is hcleby made that a copy of an applicati<-rn submi .ed and given thc aboveFile No. \vas cntcfed irto tl)e U.S. lrfails, or hund delivcretl, on S &-A- tf 71 to tlrc of ficcs,/persons as liEted hcr.eon, pages / of / _, ". - u.kEI- _6ilfrEfifi rJ;W. Certifier's sien urez 9..-d,,A ^ /AlAtl Applications refered to: D.Applications in Eagle-Brush Creek to Edwa.rds: " 9lX-- 1. colorado Geological survey 1. Town of Eagle 0( 2. Colo. Department of Health 2. Eagle Sanitation District-t-_ Af 3. Colorado State Engineer 3. Colorado Division of Wildlife_--AK 4. Eagle County Sanitarian 4. U.S. Forest Service 9. 5. Eagle County Engineer _ 5. Eagle Valley Tslephone Co. n! 6. Holy Cross Electric Assrn 6. Rocky Mtn. Natural GasT-_' 7. eolorodeMhr eollege Bist 7. School District RE50J o 9' ,r( % 9r. cl tT itcATE olr R!tl'El( A.L 8. U.S. Soil Conservation Service 9. U.S. Bureau of Land Management 10. Colorado R iver Water Consv. Dist. 11 . Div. of Water Resources 1. Town of Basalt 2. Planning Representatlve 3. Scfrool District REIJ 4. Basalt Water Consv, Dist. 5. Basalt Rural Fire Dist. 6. Basalt Water and Sanitation Dist. t'lanning Commission file No: Sm- uq-li_ GApplications in Uppor Eagle Valley: 1. Town of M inturn Town of Red Cllff Upper Eagle Valley San. Dist. Eagle-Vai I Metro D istrict Other Dist. (none at present time) School District RE50J Coloradc Division of Wildlife U.S, Forest Service Mtn. Bell Telepfnne Co. 10. Publlc Service Co. of Colo. 6. 7. 2. 4. 4. o a. 9. e 7. Colorado Division of Wildlife 8. U.S. Forest Service 9, Mountain Bell Tetephonb Co. 10. Rocky Mtn. Natural Gas i1. t4t. Sopris Soil Conservation C.Appl ications in Gypsum Area: 1. Town of Gypsum 2, Eagle County Airport Authority 3. Colorado Division of Wildlife 4. U.S. Forest Service 5. Eagle Valley Telephone Co. 6, Rocky Mtn. Natural Gas 7. School District RE50J : _ d.. q\'?sLrm. SRnitatign i-:i.drictl o /FpprTceftTons In uororaoo r'r rv-Jr Arca: 1. S,:hool District RE50J 2. School District # 1 ..:_-. 3. Uf-: Fcrcst Srrvice (Eaglc) 4. US Forest Service (Minturn) 5. Eagle Valloy Telel:hone Co, 6. Yampa Vol ley E lectric li.Otlrer Agenc ies (wlrt:re trJipropr ir'rte). 1. Colorardo Oept. of l'lighways .-t*r/'ia-t-----) -'* -.r'* vaz& 'r iri Goro Valtey - Vait Area: 4 f west€rn Stope Gas ) --..'.Town of vail 11- Vail Village West Water & San. Lions R idge Water Vail Intermountain Water Vail Sanitation D ist. School Oistrict REsOJ Colorado Division of Wildlif e % 4Lo(- .-v=-. T FILE #.. y 5. Vail villagewest Fire 10. U.S. Forest Service 11. Mtn. Bell Teleohone Co. 12. Public Service Co. of Colo. 13. Upper Eagle Valley San. EAGLE OO. PLAN. COMM. fiECOND COPY'ilH;iilb'di ,se+#'4t1 7. }L-(;|-Colo- statc Forcsit siervice EAGTE COUNIY o NT.BoDEPT. OF PLANNING & DEVELOPME x 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-731I BOARO OF COUNTY coMMrSStoNERS Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR Ext 2O2 BUILDING IN I NSPECT IO N Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 2l 7 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENG I NEE R Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSI O N AG ENT Exl 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 475-5844 PLANNING Ext 226 ot 229 PU RCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAO & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I sasalt 927 -3244 cilman 827-575 | SOCIAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 20 | RE: File No. Sm-119-79 - A]pine Condominiums Lot 6, Vai I Vi 1 l age l,{est #L APPLICANT: A. J. Faas and Sons Box 892 Vail, Co. 81657 Enclosed herewith is an application and p'lan submitted to the Eagle County Planning Cormission for review and recom- mendation at their regu'lar meeting on 15 August 1979. In accordance wjth C.R.S. 106-2-9, 106-2-33, and 106-2-34, 1963, as amended, and Eagle County Subdivision Regulations' Section 6.00, L972, as anended effective 1 August 1976' you have 35 days from date mailed within which to respond or the request wi'll be deemed to have been approved by your agency. The P'lanning Cormission would sincerely apprec'iate .your corments and recommendations prior to the meeting date. If you desire additional information or time, p1 ease advise this office. Thank you very much, 4-^;t'r-4*-lu o*Terrill Knight Di rector July 5, 1979 F ILE # : ::. - - tu -'- 1t-!. : -7-2.. -.. -...., EAGLE CC. PLA,N. COMM. RECCND COPY TK/j k Enc. MEETI NG AF ./..r. tuAt.'.-ttz., ' Nane liame APPlication Form . I.[I}:OR STJBDrVISTON Section 3.2O ot Eagle County Subdivision Regulations ALPINE CONDOI.IINIUMS of Proposed Subdivision to subdiwide properLY. Address of Applicant 1?54 Alpine Drive, t'lest VaiI Box 892, Yail Revierc Fee Paid Record5lg Fee 1. Iocation of Parcel- 2. Size of Parcel to be zubdi'vided 3. Nunber of lots to be createa 3 Ca^L' Lrtl'f: t+.' Zone district irt 5. I\*enty-tvp (22) ilformation shall be rd]-[ be revielred at nonth. rdrich the parcel lies e'11 Tlre the copies of the aPPlication form' submitted bY the flrst r'lorkdaY the regular Plaruring Conlrrission site plant and of the month. Review meeting related application folloivilg Date subnitted ar\ 6. An orisinal ana rivb (f) shall be subuitted at'least copies of the ten- (rO) days with at1 required signatures Planning Comrrlssion Redew Final Plat pr5-or to the neetilg. Date submitted Refer to Sectioil.Or.O3E the Eagle County 8. nlrnish evidence of adeguate sewage disposal exhibit B) Attached photocoplee of sewer and water system. (V,aY be attached as paSments | 6/?3 ana 6/?9 ?. n:rnisb evidence of adeq,rate r+ater supply' (r'ay be attached as exlibit A) Attached photocopies of sewer and water payments | 6/?3 9. hrrrrish evidence mailtenance. (t:ary Uc of access to attached as a county road exhibiti C) vlhich has been accePted for Application Foro - page 2 10. furnish addltional infor:nation as rcquired. (fny Ue attached as exhibit D) a. if tfri" is a resubdivision of property r:ihich has been previotrsly s;ub- diwidcd and recorded in accordance uith Eagle County Subdivisions Regu}ations adopted Septenber 5, J:9?2 or Later, ildicate nane and recordlng data of said subdivision. b. If 1Oa docs not applyr furnish evidence of adequate end safe building sites for the proposed uses nith regard to the fo1Low5lg items. (f) Soil conditions (2) Geologlc conditions (f) Topograptric and slope conditions (4) Drainage conditions (l) Elood hazard potential (6) Source of fi-re protection 11. nr:mish utility and road plans (rjhcre applicable, refer to section l.2o Eagle County Subd:idsion negutations) (ltay b; attached as exhibit E) si.gnature For offici.a]. use: Reneived by /-, 6 - Z s -7q. (date) Date r f,r/" 7__--_ I Accepted for the Plarucing Commission Rerricr.r rneeting * @ V 'Ilre abcrve irlforroati-on is correct and accurate to the best of rry lorowledge. :--.:-',: :::.ll: >---- t) ,,i v-f :-i 7>. u9 7r.a9 t! tti. leweu - (t"' tl'-ctg .oo .00 22>. tt : :'; : .-.i ...-. I -j' .'; pavMENT rS OUG UPON RECEIPT. A lt6 FINA'{CE CHARGE WILL BE AOOED VryLESS FULL PAYMEI{T IS RECE]VEO II'ITHIN AI DAYS OF AAOVE STATEMEIIT DATE. DATE REFERENCE CHARGES CREDITS i-3L-7J llAR-tiAY 5-31-23 DEC-FEB CHARGE 90.00 90.00 vry PtEVTOU9 taoltrl BA|'axcf gEtvlcE cflaraf F IFl f:l|tl|ll.IiFr''..';'ciaDrl! .oo 180. o.,.oo .00 l8c.r0 oo t*tt t o,oRtl^EFF*EER HARD FROI'? PREVI0US rCt\'Il t 3818 -l--p!y.,Er.,T ouE i,tlrHt\ lo 94Ys .pr. eQ5?r:aFx:-- -'-- : -- ' "' J58l9- ! I g yTFLY FINlr.lCE ChARGq-EILL- 8t D; ::': 7:YTi::;.',.:i.:- isSFssib-on'' 0rui'lIo eauIce s- BILL 60 DAYs FREVIOUS. 4;ii I I r+ tx/-!.-6t ] 2 t^ ^-l\" '-r sI Ittl i I ---L -- -/,:/ I I t I I i : t: -T'o ffit\,{.s, tn $'lJl PLr ^r \ ,i''\ \l il'. 1.ri I ''i s t1 I I lOLr49 ,.\ a _1 -_ _?-_ _ \..r.t\\\\ \ .. \. | \.. \l I I O If- \ \ \ I $ 2 I ab N dlI,l 71 \.fl dt ;r3 {ll ? ,,ol\t .l\{. rb' l"lldt:t-t--: g | ,rl . 'ql'lo, r- IY.a l=rv i-'-D-i