HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 13 BLOCK 2 LOT 26 PART 1 LEGALVAJUTn?tr\ =H TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Mechanical-- > 9160.00 Resturrant Plan Review- > Plan Check-- > lnvestigation- > Will Call---- > 940.00 ToTAL FEES-----------> 9203.00 Additional Fees------ > $0. 00 $3.00 Total Permit Fee----------> $203.00.> $203.00 B-vt dA\^-\ t\ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Lo \ ?o . -t> -{ BALANCE DUE___-->$0.00 Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMSIT O4/o5/2Oo7 JW Action: Ap . IIEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARII{ENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BL,DG.): FIEI-,D IIISPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Condz 22 (BI,DG. ) : COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER CIaPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC AND SECTION 304 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOV{IN OF VAIL. Cond: 23 (BL,DG.): BOIIL,ER INSTAI-,LATION MUST CONFORM TO MANITFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND CHAPTER 10 OF THE 2OO3 IMC. Cond: 25 {BLDG. ) : GAS APPLIA}ICES SHALL BE \/Erf[ED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF TIIE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BI-,DG.): ACCESS TO MECTANICAIT EQUIPMENT MUST COMPIJY WITH CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 IMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF TI{E 2OO3 IFGC.. FEE SUMMARy 'rca:+:f *++'r'|'r'*'**t *.*r****:*:***r(:**{i*{.'*,r:t*:r.{.4+:lt{.,r*****,****,}******i.t $0. 00 Total Calculated Fees-- > $203 . 00 $0.00 t)t.--\ Or t\-.n- sl5 lt+tf NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PErMit #: MO7-0038 Iob Address: 2335 BALD MOUNTAIN RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: BALD MOUNTAIN TOWNHOUSES #15 Applied. . : O4lO4l2@7 Parcel No...: 210103302015 Issued . . : 04lO9l2N7 Legal Description: Expires . .: 1010612007 Project No OWNER BITAZEK, MARGARET A. 04/04/2007 Phone: 970-476-0625 2335 BAIJD MOI'NTAIN RD 15 VATIJ co 8L657 I APPr-,rCANT iIERRY STBIJEY PIj]MBTNG 04/04/2007 Phone: 970-827-5736 P.O. BOX 340 MINTURN co 81545 I-,icense : 152 -M coNTRAcToR iTERRY STBLEY PLITMBING o4/o4/2oo7 Phonez 970-827-5736 P.O. BOX 340 MII{I:IT'RNco 8154s I-,icense:152-M Desciption: REPLACE BOILER Valuation: $7.795.00 Fireolace lnformation: Restricted:# ofGas Appliances: 0 #of Gas Logs: 0 #of Wood Pellet: 0 Cond:3L (BI-,DG. ) : BOILERS SIIAI-,L BE MOIIMIED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBITSTIBLE CONST. ITNLESS I.,,ISTED FOR MOUNIING ON COMBUSTIBI]E FLOORING. Cond:32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE AI{ALYSIS MUST BE POSTED fN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO A}iI INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BL,,DG.): BOILER ROOMS SHALL BE EQUIPPPED WITI{ A FLOOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED MEjANS FOR DTSPOSTNG OF r_,rQItrD WASTB PER SECTTON 1004.6. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with atl Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances oftlrc Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOI,'R HOURS IN ADVANCE BY PM. OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 R FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOIL,ERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLIOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI-,E CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOT'I\]:TING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG. ) : PERMIT, PLANS AND CODE AIIALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICAIJ ROOM PRIOR TO A}T INSPECTION REQI]EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): BOIL,ER ROOMS SHALL BB EQUIPPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN OR OTHERAPPROVED MEANS FOR DTSPOSTNG OF r_,rQUID WASTE pER SECTION 1004.6. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge ttrat I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOL'R HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF **************'|!*******r!*****************'t***,tr*** *** ** *r'*'l'*'*:itlr**'r*********{.***********'}*'1.**** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Staternent +**'f * ********* ***************'l'N.'!'t** ****'l,i'f *************'l"t*******'1.*'1.****'r**t :1.1.** ** ** *** * * +*'l't StaEement Nuniber: R070000432 Palment Metshod: Check Plrudbing 3L252 AmounE: $203.00 04/09/2OO7L1 :31- AM Init: DDG Notation:,Jerry SibIeY Permit No: M07-0038 Type: MECHANICAJ, PERMIT Parce1 No: 2101--033-0201-5 SitE Address: 2335 BAID MOT,NTAIN RD VAIL Location: BAL,D MOT NTAIN TOWNHOUSES #15 Total Fees: This Payment:$203.00 Tota1 ALL Pmts: Balance: 90.00 * ***+* * * * * * ** *'i** * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * ** * ******+{.*,1.**********'}******,}'}**************{.*********+** $203 .00 $203 .00 CurrenE Pmts ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code MP 00100003111100 PF 0 01000 031123 00 wc 00100003112I00 Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PI,AN CHECK FEES WIIJL CALIJ INSPECTION FEE 150.00 40.00 3 .00 .0Uosi2007 14:59 FAtr 57082752s4 Jerry Slbley Plbus INC lDl Fffi witt not lc accepbd without the followingr Provlde Medranical Room ltyout dEwn to gcalc to include; tr Mechanical Room Dimcnsions o Combuetion Air Duct Slze and LocaUon o Flue, vent end Gas LIne Size and location a Heat Lcs Calcs. D Equipment Cut/SPeG Shcets @ oor 75 5, Frontage Rd. vail. Colorado 81657 Class: New( ) Addition( ) An rauon( ) n"puitKl-lqil Ooes'an etiu odst at this location: Yes ( ) No Boiter loetion: Interlor 0O Efterior ( ) other ( ) Ommerciat ( ) R€sEurant ( ) O[|er ( )Type of Bldg: Slngle.family ( ) Duple( ( ) MulU-ramily No. of Accommodation Units in thls buildirglNo. of ExlsUng tlwelling Units in $ls buildingl Nofi)pe of Fireplaes ProPosed: Gas Wood Buming (NOT ALLOWED) ng fireplace to an *******l.*******{tit+'}*'r**FoRoF**r}*+*'r!ri.'*'r***#* F:\d MS\Pertnlts\Bulldhg\mechantcaLpermiLll'23-200s' Doc tu23lz0os s\ -Vi -9{PS "rus ?;rE]:.bT Ii-[ES r+- € $g$t t' k-5 $c.s-':tdd\g _s 5 aal\-/ s\(F +J -5 \ oo I -c)\ I \\ \JO z_--+ Cn39-r\rlY F-h-={ n-nJsn^^owc ItzgLZ80L6 rvd 69:VT L00Z/s,0/t0'cNI suqld xsTqls lrrsrzoo E ,04/03/2007 14:59 FAX 9?082752J4 Jerry Slblev PIbnB INc @ ooc Best copy Available .o4/os/2oo7 15:01 FAI 57082762C4 Jerry Slbley Plbns INC @ ool Ver-sati;,'ity; ii si, ,i+ j" C.S,A. Certifad lor Nrfurd rnd Proplne Gas Tested lo/ 58 lbs, ASME Wo*lng Ptllsure.t!,, i' Stainlss ; $te,:l Premired 3ttrners: . Ltnt ciri*.rions ruith Prcttri.xecl fiurnet l'echnrrlctXy. facrory te.cted for nanttal gat q)errri,Jn. All modcls casily convened to propane. Complete lrurner trey is r:asily rttttoved' Dr.iralile. quiet and ellicient, designed lbr long life The G124X Serie$ gas boiler $et new standads for quality' service" versati,litv and effi,iiencV. Two lgnition Options:Intermittent ignition and Standing pilot Two Venting Options:Atmospheric venting with vent damper or sidewall venting with drafr inducer' Standard Features I Manutacrulcd by tsuderus, world s leader in ca.sl ilon boilet destgn and producdon- r Flexible GL-180M ca$ il'on, desigrred r'o resisl thermrl shock lbr long life. . t{igh silicorle first iron *urface for r:xcetlent cotTosirrn resistance. . High p!€cision casting$ with threaded seel nipples. . Stalrgerc'd, conloured fins for oprimunr heat ransfer ancl cllicicnt oPeadon' . I)eluxe. heav1" gluge blue enameled iec*et' . Fr.rjl J" drerrnal ftuularion for minimal 1. Dnft nood wlh htegral diverter for dilut"bn of 1ue gases. 2. BoilBr ser: onsi flexibl8 cast ircn with Ecntouled nns. 3. Deluxe blue enameled Insulated boiloriacket' 4, StElnless sieel prenlix bumerB vvith high reliebilily. 5, Gas valve wilh intemittent ignition or standing pllot' surntlhy losses. II.S.A, faaory assembled, wiled and rcsted' All U,S. rnanufacrured tloneywell contlols' Combinarion .rlow opening gas conuol valve' cornbinirlion circrtlator relay high limit conunl, c,S.A. CDrillied fol Nrl,ral and Pvopane Gas ':li *. ii !ti.: iii I ri: '04/oc72oo7 16:01 FA.X 97082762t4 Servicg :rlilture5: Jerry Slbley Plbtr8 INc @ oos a All ruar nppingu for clean, finished apPeannce' Adustable, nrtrber leveling fecr for s{$c of inotallatiot:' Srandard Hcrnelvcll (()ntfol comPonenE' BuiFln drafr rlivertcr f<rr cliludon of t)ue Sases' l" srrpply arrd rclum rilpPitlSs' t/2" NPT gas connectiorr Gl2tll Scfiee Boler ' Qtlick discontrect coupling for 6ntt lntrnur tcmoval' . IJ..S,A, lacrory assernhlecl, wlted anrl tested l:oller. . n [rp,('leC 1ot i,1g1.11[n1ion ttn c':nrlrtrstltrlc flrxuirrg. ' Appiarved for closec irrst:tllation r\ith Z" clearances' Possible System [Jpgrades lndirr:ct iinrd )HW storage lanks I l.rrizr>nrnl l.+anl*s Frr snrell tbot print Verticrrl trrodels with inrl:rovcd recovery rates. B;+sy access pon for cleuning oF unk interiol' "l)rro<Jean" Inerior tank prorecrivri coalinS ass\lles t:errosion resisfilnce for long life and ease of clcaning. \tell irr.sulatcd trutli roses h*r. rl:an 1/{'F 1>.lt h< ur. Large diarneter coiled heat exrfianger for excellent Iecovety fatcs. I{elt exchanger sizt: incteases widr tgnl'i volutne. l.,r-tra rhick Magnesitlm ;rnodc rod for acdve ( ()rrr)sion protcctir )11, ()prional clcctric gn,.tt l,: Buderu." Logamatic control system r L(nv temFeranrre hoiler operrrlon tbt superior comfon. and inrl:roved luel efticio'lty. ti>nrplete spilce hetEdng cttntrcrl lxtsctl (;n oulside tcnr l)r:ra n.tr\: w'ith roortt teml.'.eraturc conrl)eltsa iotl. l'r'i()rity hcaling crf dorttcstic nr)! wster. Acljusuble night setbacl. for addirional efhcicrrcy. Aditrsrable Fattory heuting plog:anx allow crrsrornizec,t rlpcr.rdon. llu.lt-in self diagrr')stics fctr cisc trl'st:rviiie. Logamauc contol .04/oJ72007 15:01 FAX 970827529d Jerry Slbley Plbns INC 'lt Glt PEir 1 2/n i^. @ ooo 0itue nsiot'ts €ttrtd I'echnical UNsetan.t6i 2 F-0| 1 ? &l!t trFmr Data fon G124X Series B oilers r"-"- -"-'-'-'-''"''li .qii t6--l I i irl--llli u_lj iL-:--.1 @ rtrfl r1--lltt_lj "I" t ln, lt .n, :J. TOP VIEW FRONT VIEW VentinE Requirements: Aioosphrflc ventlng Models: strlpe vent piFe uF ro chimncy ar lee$( l/4" per ioot, . llifiim,tm 6" ch.'a,l,rcc bchvcEo l'e rrting ancl combustibles' l\Ilrintltilr vcnl siz"e; install 9er \aric'nitl Puel Gers Code Draft brluttd Models: L'8* J" AL Z9'r'(i ltx vcr'rtin'l maedol ttraft itrrjucct, htt connet't('r ancl lcfitrination provitle<l' tuaxlmum rotal pip.r nrn; ?t feet toral equlvalcnr lengrh' 90' r:lhow equal to I fcct Slolre 1:ipe upwarcl frortt ttoiler at f/4' per foot, luqt run doqnr +( l/4" per foot' t:sehigh(cmp$rJRuBsi|ic<rnc(G.F.l06orequivzlc.nt)forsealingoflrcntcontponens. lElinnrijleru"lls HYDRONIC SYSTEMS 50 Wentworth Ave . Londondeny, NH 03053 Sbnding Pilot G124X SP/DP Modeb G124X118 G1%Xn5 G124X132 Intemlttent lsnitionGl2lX IJ/DI Models G124V18 r'etZ+nzS ) G124W32G124X Series 132,500 110,000 81.5% E1.5% 332 3.5 4 32.2 1 5fc I 5ilB 111}z '108,000 85,500 8t.5% 81.5% 5 zE0 3.0 22.5 5 r/8 6116 5 110 131d2 74,000 61d00 81.5% 0r.5% NA L5 1 1E.A I 3l! 7 1t2 4 ild 1sfl 132,500 110,000 M.6Yo 85% 6 332 s.5 4 32,2 lto 0 5 1iE fltn 61,400 | ag,soo 84.3% | 84.2% 85% I 85%sls n4 | 280 2.s | 3.0 213 18.8 | 22.9 gv{ I stn 71t I 16 +1n I 5 t,, 15 | 131n Jnpul Btu/hr Out|n.t Btu/h' AFUE II MCdEIS AFUE Dl Models Vent She Insh Dry Woight Lbs Water Content Gsl Numher of Bumels Pres. Drop @ 20"FAT (ln WC) Dimerrsion A Inch oimension B hch Dhnension C Inctt Dimension D Inoh 8HSG121XBB,5 ?/0'Phone: (603\ 421-2760 . Fax: (603\ 421'2719- Webslle:www.buderus.net Subicc E dlenEs wilhout no(ice. I ?9i??#07 tnspe$:,tBed':tF:ffiPorting eage s0 Requested Insp€ct Date: Monday, June 25, 2007 Inspection Area: JRll Slto Address: 2335 BALD MOUNTAN RD VAIL BALD MOUNTAIN TOWNHOUSES #I5 A/P/D Information Reouested Inspoction(s) Activitv: M07-0038 Const Tvo6: Odrien BLMEK. I Contractor: JERRY Sl Description: REPLACE B-MECH Sub Type: ASFR Status: IS_SUEDUSe: Insp Area: JRM Phone: 970-476-0625Phone: 970-827-5736 Item: Requestor: Coniments: Assioned To:- Action: UMBING/ Chuck #15 Time Exp: Requested Time: 10:00 AM' Phone: 97G827-5736 Entered By: FRONT K n t) l^ out' - hl,"Y" ' o- I (A"- " 0 ^ ,,,1-I I /t\/Uv dy'_r t4L T1n U REPTl31 Run Id: 5823 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 lnvestigation-> Will Call---> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNIry DEVELOPMENT\ t ,/ ,3\\*-e\cr\ KL? ,. *h U.^.^\\)\\ar( \S. NOTE: THIS PERMITMUSTBE POSTED oN JOBSITEATALL TIMES 3^\.! \j\\^f + ADD/ALTMFBUILDPERMIT PCrMit #: BO4-0343 1il \S- rlol -6o3 Job Address.: 2350 BALD MOLINTAIN RD VAIL Status.....: ISSUED Location......: BALD MOUNTAIN TOWN HOMES, LINIT #15 Applied...: 1110812004 ParcelNo....: 210103302015 Issued...: 1111712004 Exoires...: 05116/2005 Add Sq Fr 0 # ofGas togs: 0 # of Wood Pell€t: 0 50.00 Total Calculaled Fees-> 9302.05 S0 . 00 Total Permit Fee---:-> 5302 . 06 50.00 Payments-------*--> 5302.06 s0.00TOTAL FEES---------> 5302 .06 BALANCE DUE--------> See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. ProjectNo...: PrJo+ - o+7t OWNER Brent, A1i-son St. Germaine LL/08/2004 Phone: 303-910-8580 2335 Bald Mountain Rd. #15. V l I Co 81,651 Ll- cens e : CONTRACTOR D.] REMODELING II/08/2004 Phone: 2335 Bald Mountain Rd. #1-5Vai1, Colorado 8A65'1License:330-L APPLICANT DJ REMODELING tL/08/2004 Phone: 376-3203 2335 Bald Mountain Rd. *15Vail, Colorado 8165 7 Lrcense; Desciption: NEW KITCHEN CABINETS, NEW WOOD FLOOR, MOVE CLOSET, REPLACE LIGHTS IN CEILING, REPLACE FIREPLACE AND LIFT CREATING HEARTH Occupancy: Rl Multi-Family Type Construction: V l-HR Type V l-Hour Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $9,500.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # ofcas Appliances: 0 Building-----> S181 .25 Restuarant Plan Review--> Plan Check--> S11? . 81 DRB Fee------------>S0.00 AdditionalFees---------->s0.00 S0.00 ReCealionFee-------------> $3.00 Clean-upDeposit-----> Approvals: Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 71,/L6/2004 JwI Action: APItem: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENTItem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENTItem: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS *'rr(**tr***.],t* a* 'l:l*,r* *,t,|*,|,** **.1* *,r* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fuIl the inforrnation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build rhis stuchr€ according to the towns zoning and zubdivision codes, design review approved, Unifonn Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN AT 479-2149 OR AT OIJR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OR CONTRACTORFORHIMSELF AND OWNER PAGE 2 |'*t't'l|'t*'t,f|:t{t'|t't**{tt**'t**'*'t'*'}*'}{.|**t}!t|:l{t'.**,**!***|t**ll3t**:t't|*****!t|,*{.,}!*'}* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Pemtit #: 804-0343 as of I l-17-2004 Status: ISSUED |*+*****'t!i*'|t****'***.}*'t!i|!i+{t**'**'}'t****!t+'tt'i,i|'t**{.{t:i*,|*,**'|t't,|t*'l**'}'i|!i+|**** Permit Tlpe: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: ll/08/2004 Applicanr DJREMODELING Issued: llll7/2004 376-3203 To Expire: 05116/2005 Job Address: 2350 BALD MOUNTAIN RD VAIL Location: BALD MOIINTAIN TOWN HOMES, LJMT #15 ParcelNo: 210103302015 Description: NEW KITCTIEN CABINETS, NEW WOOD FLOOR, MOVE CLOSET, REPLACE LIGHTS IN CEILING, REPLACE FIREPLACE AND LIFT CREATING IIEARTTI Conditions: Cond: 12 @LDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS AREREQUIRED TO CHECKFORCODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIREMATERIAL. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQI.JIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3IO.9.1 OF THE 1997 I.]BC. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORKCANBE STARTED. ***af*ftf'}t'i*****'}fffllfffl*f*'ilflfffft**+ffft'aa**a**tl{'fa'l'a**alatt+***{'****+***{r*{r*t**falff TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement *****{t'}*ltl******tttt**l'***'t'l*{'tlltl+ltf+f**'t'ftit'}**+*a!t'}*'}aatlllt*{'***{r**{r++l'tl'{'t++*{'*aat** Staeenent Number: R040007147 Paymene Method: Check L03 Anounc: $302. 06 tt/I1 /2OO402 :48 PMInit: DDGNotation: Doug ilohnson Permi t No3 Parcel No: Site Address: IJocation: This Payment: 804-0343 t:pe: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT 2101033 02 015 2350 BAI,D MOI'}TTATN RD VAIL BALD !{OUIMAIN TOWN HOI.IES, I,NIT #15 $302.06 Total Fees:Total ALL Pmts: Balance : BUTIJDTNC PERMIT FEES PIJAI{ CI{ECK FEES WIIJJ CALL INSPECTION FEE $302.06 $302 . 06 $0.00****+**t++*++*{'*****l***{r****l'*'t*tt{r{'**+*{'tt**l*a*itft+***ttl*****+*+******l'}'}'t'}'}'}t}*'}'l*t*a*l ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Hrtss BP PF wc 00100003111100 0010 00 031123 0 0 00100003112800 181.25 117 .81 3.00 # APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UN Project #:orLo97:,;u3Build TUtrITOF N NO\/01Zu{rd etc.! TOV-COr.OGy..75 S. Frontage R Vail, Colorado 81 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION wh' 3?lr-3"10WtrS ^JEmail address: F+F vrr rrarrr,rlQ E.rE Ellfll nlNG PFRMIT bor & Materialqu(rMrLElE YAL\rrar rr-'rlrJ 1\.,^ OTHER: $ aurLo[.rc, $ l, 0&0. t 0 =.ecrn,cou,s 3?fl0.0o ffi0ffi-BlNGr-BlNGr {C00.ao MECHANTCAL,S 4{f0.0} Assessors Office at l7-932&8M0 or vffi ilttoss o Aotr * ooor".", 133F,,*""r'"3 anf Prf Rv^^4,J,r{ Subdivision: ,l^t { ,r,l+tn f t1ebck: f2I lL 'lt)t -,10-l@ ion of work: w *lJ.Y flouu t,lore* tv4t+,+ Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( )WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel ffi;rt'rtthitlocation: Yes( ) No( ) Work Type: Interior \)\J Exterior( ) Both( ) ercial ( ) Restauranl ( ) Other( ) G-t n"*ttodation Units in this building:ffi E'i.ti.S D*"lling Units in this building: 't t) Wood/Pellet( ) Woo9 Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED ffiTmE Eif-Yes t* No ( ) \WAiI\d AtA\CdEV\FORMS\P ERMITS\BLDGPERM'DOC 07 t2612002 Comcast Message Center ,1 i,., i::.:':r, ,:,] ,;'i From: "Harry Greenberg" <hsgr@med.umlch.edu> To: <doug.johnson2@comcast.net> Subject: Bald Mountain Townhomes Unit ls-proposed construciton Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2004 13:39:38 +0000 Bald Mountain Townhomes approves of the renovation to the fireplace and the kitchen proposed by the owners of the unit, Alison Brent and Doug Johnson. Thankyou. Harry S. Greenberg M.D. President, Bald Mtn. Townhome Association **t(************xx***x**xxx***************************x**** Electronic Mail is not secure, may not be read every day, and should not be used for urgent or sensitive issues. I Back ] Page 1of1 G) 2004 Comcast Cable Comn]unications, lnc. All rights reserved. http://mailcenter.comcast.net/wmc/v|wmJ4186688200051A38000067112200750784CD02019C020801... ll/01/2004 :, Utrit#l v!fi#,2 Utria#3 l,lri: r'f I i."irr' : Ull' , ;i.' [ 'rr. '] p€rsm or Ilresident Harrv Gree,nbere \1P&Treasurer DebdrahWitiimiCaVP Ronlord Anir€F€rris aod Harry Gr€€qb€rg ili.;r,tfit.;t i,i4 . 1i, 1',.- . .- !f(Ii i 1r., i,.i.,r,r ii1;"t (. ,t-. , 1.{,lirUrlr ... '': 'rit.ir.., " .' ., I rl Secretarv Glenna Pock Diroctors IIarS/ Creenpfrg D€,borah Withan Ron Lord Glenna Pock ',.;.1....r,. .. i .-i bo'*"r),-'* M)'IYt #fr^f. ,rr;tt ' Projestr 2335 Bald Mountaan Road, Unit 15 cf Vail-1ffipY e s3ltS Original floor plan of WD room and 2 closets Lr(rX I ./lM 0 nt^Y I Ll',>a/ I proposed rcmodel of WD room and 2 closets Kt^,( Ittr tl ,A ld tnr \'r d c v ^( L\pt- I TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT PCrMit #: EO4-0284 NOTE: Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: Project No : 2350 BALD MOUNTAIN RD VAIL BALD MOI.]NTAIN TOWN HOMES, T]NIT#I5 210103302015 Status...: ISSUED Applied..: 12/08/2004 Issued..: 12/08/2004 Exoires. .: 06/06/2005 e4 -*,/s $s3.00 s0.00 s53 .00 OWNER BRENT, ALISON ST. GERMATNE 2350 BALD MOUNTAIN ROAD VAILco 81657 Li-cense: EAGLE VALLEY ELECTRIC P O BOX 11_16 VAIL, CO 81658 License: 156-E EAGLE VALLEY ELECTRIC P O BOX 1116 VATL, CO 81658 L]-Cense: -L5b--h; 1,2 / 08 / 2004 Phone : CONTRACTOR 12/08/2004 Phone:970-821 -51'72 APPI-,ICANT L2/08/2004 Phone: 970-821 -5172 Desciption: TO WIRE AS NECESSARY FOR KITCHEN REMODEL Valuation: $1,848.00 * r * 'r *.1* * * *:r l,r.|:* *,r Elect'ical-------> DRB Fee------> Investigation---> Will Call-----> S3.00 Payments----------------> 553.00 TOTALFEES--> S53. OO BALANCE DUE---..-.-> SO.OO Approvals: ITEm: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 12/08/2004 JSItem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMH{T Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. s50.00 s0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees-----> Total Permit Fee-----> *i.'i,l*'t**,**t**r.*r.**'r*,t'r*****:r:tt**t,***'*t*:*r.*t ,r,t**'r*)*t*,*'r.:lt******tr***'rt*****,1l'**,1.'r,!'l|* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fulI the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN IDIANCE BY TELEPHONE r4e BR OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. ?no(- o(zr TTJRE OF OWNER CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement 'i**:*+****{.{.,1.*****{i***+*****'t :t *{.f ****'t***t*****'*****************'t **,},}'}*,}* * *'}**'}****:}'i*** * * * * + Statenent Nurnber: R040007 2 3 8 Palment Mechod: Check Electric / 18052 Amount: $53.00 12/08/200402:38 PMInit: LTNotation: Eagle Valley Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Location: This Payment: EP 001000031r-1100 wc 001000031l-2800 E04-O284 TIG)e: ELECTRTCAL PERMIT 210103 3 02 01s 2350 BALD MOI]NTAIN RD VAIL BALD MOIJNTATN TOWN HOI4ES,IJNIT #15 ToEal Fees: Total AL,I-, Pmts : Balance : $s3 . o0 TEMPORARY POWER PERMITS WILL CA],L INSPECTION FEE $s3.00 $s3 .00 s0. oo 't*******+t+++**+**********+**********+*+*+*+**+++**********a****************+**rt******+***** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts s0.00 3.00 APPUCATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIG Project #:tf- o Y?/ Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: 97 O-47 9-2L49 (Inspections) TVW]OF 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81 f CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Electrical Contractor: gle VaIIey El_ectric, f Town of Vail Reg, No.: 156-E Contact and Phone #'s: Samuel J. Bi_ .ho Contractor Signature: FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIoNS FoR ALL oTHERs (tabor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $ ContaLt Assessorc Office at 970-g2g-9640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel #Euilding Permit #B04-0343 Job Name: dba fiJ Remoriel Job Address: 2335 Bald Mountain R€l .,Vai1 Legal Description ll Lor ll Btock: ll riting:Subdivision: Owners Name: grsn!, elJisEllEdresll-_---___________,_-_-__-__-sr_ .'^t:ln51 rr^ _I ta2E yt^r -J l- Phone:376-3263 Engineer:Mdress:Phone: Detailed description of work: To wire as necessary for kitchen remodel WorkClass: New().199{91( 1 nemodet(*) Repair( ) Temppower( ) Orher( ) Work Type: Interior (x ) Exterior ( ) Bo$ ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: single'family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No (x ) Does a Fire Alarm Exis[ Yes ( ) . No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System ExisL Yes ( ) No ( ) **********************i,/ t****************FOR OFFICE USE ONLy*************************r*********** / T_-F#;,q. r*| i. f E.: t_"r,ffih:iWHt"$ i l/1r I DRB'FeeS::'.;.\l'.1.:r:i'*-i::: :i -i..r".:: jl ,Accepted Bv:r1.,..i i rr:,,i: r ' -J E.Ui:' TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMIINITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHAMCALPERMIT Permit #: M04-0302 5o( - oe(s Job Address: 2350 BALD MOTINTAIN RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: BALD MOUNTAIN TOWN HOMES, UNIT #15 Applied. . : ll/1712004 Parcel No...: 210103302015 Issued. . : 1112312004 Project No : Prrc 4 - olZ I Expires . .: 05122/2005 .J OWNER BRENT, ALISON ST. GERMAINE 1L/17/2004 Phone: 2350 BALD MOI'NTAIN ROAD VAILco 8L65'7 License: CONTRACTOR HEARTH EXCHANGE, INC. (IHE) LL/17/2004 Phone: 970-821 -9623 P.O BOX 670 MINTURN, CO 81545 Li-cense : 17 4-M APPLICANT HEARTH EXCHANGE, INC. $HE') TI/17/2004 PhONC: 9'70-827-9623 P.O BOX 670 MINTURN, CO 81-645 License : L7 4 -NI Desciption: FIREPLACE CONVERSION-INSTALLATION OF A DIRECT VENT GAS FIREPLACE, WOOD BURNING FIREPLACE TO BE REMOVED Valuation: $3,016.00 Fireplace lnformation:Resficted: Y # ofcas Appliances: 0 #ofCastogs: 0 #of Wood Pellet: 0 ** *,t *l' * 'r* *:t*tl.:t1'l Mechanical--> 580.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> 50.00 Total Calculated Fees--> 5103.00 Plan Check--> 520.00 DRB Fee-----------> 50.00 Additional Fees------> 50'00 Investigation-> 50.00 TOTAL FEES--------> S103.00 Total Pemil Fee-----> 5103.00 Will Call----> 53 . 00 Payments-------------> S 103 . 0 0 BALANCE DUE---------> S0.00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 11,/23/2004 JRM Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BI-,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG. ) : COMBUSTTON ArR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 701- OF THE 1997 rMC. Cond:23 (BLDG. ) : INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1-997 I]MC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond:25(BLDG.): GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER I AND SHALL TERMTNATE AS SPECIFIED IN sEc.8O6 oF THE 1.991 UMC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 INIC. Cond:29(BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1-017 OF THE 1997 IJMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond:31 (BLDG. ) : BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. IJNLESS I-IISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTTBLE FLOORING. /:ann . ? 1 (BLDG. ) : PERMIT, PL'ANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINTNG BOTLERS SHAIJL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SECTION 1004.6 OF THE 1997 IMC. POSTED TN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR HEATTNG OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY sBc. 1022 0F rHE 1997 uMC, OR DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the infonnation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infonnation and plot plan, to comply with all To#n ordinances and state laws, and to build this sfucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigl review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OF OWNER OR CONTRACTORFORHMSELF AND OWNER *++*+l+*++ti*{.************+******i***************++******+*******+*****:}:t:}:t:}:}+*****++****+*+ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statemeflt **** * * + + * * * * * * **********f,l"t'i** +* * ******+******** ****************'t,!,i,t*ri****************'t***** Staternent Number: R040007185 Pal.ment Method: Check 6453 Amount: $103.00 LL/23/2OO4O3 :28 PMInit: DDGNotation: Hearth Exchange Permi E. No: M04-0302 Tl4)e: MECHANfCAL PERMIT Parcel No: 210103 3 02 015Site Address: 2350 BALD MOI'NTAIN RD VATLLocation: BALD MOLINTAIN TOWN HOMES, UNIT #15Total Fees:This Palment :$r_03.00 $103 .00 $103 .00 $0.00 TOTA1 ALL PMTS : Balance: 'F* r.,! +*rt** * * * * * * * * * * * * **** * * + *****!**'t+ + * * * * * * * *t!*** *****'lr* ******* * *'1. **'i * *******{t *** *** ******* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Des cript i on Current Pmfs MP 001000031111_00 PF 00100003112300 wc 00100003112800 MECHANICAL PERMTT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 80.00 20.00 3 .00 $ 1o9 ,?JoV -o<l7/ Pcrmit*l @IlrF16ft ffHD li;v 1 -fi 2C04 & ltatedals) F: /cnOurolhnrrlnnmnrnn rt:**:[,!f**,1,t TCV-COM.DEV. Parcel Detail '-:,,:ir i:.. 1,i''r' l r: I i, i,.,.1'i,.!r --.r ,,i1,,;1;, | .i_:,.tr:r,r'. r | .,.;:.-., Page I of3 F;r,:.1it: ,_<rurlLV Jt:se5.s.,r! ,i I .e.x:.rli t:l Parcel Detail Information :'''',:.',|.!..;+:..''.il:'.i.:':,i.-:J:':.l..i.|i:.i]':'i:;..'.,.','....!..;l,,:,':::.i.::..j:-li.::, . " t: .: '-.' ) l-.li' ..-ji ,:il::.r l .. l ]::.::l...:,...:i|..':.,..l,'...l..i.'.'|ilJ::;1j.'r]i:i::l|.:1l.l1.;;1'l;11 Owner Name and Address RNER, MARY ELIZABETH 103 RIDGEWAY DR DECATUR, IL 6252L Legal Description LocatiDn :' r':)+i:rI y T a ;1 Va i i.ist i']$ I nf ii i'nr it::fl rl Tax Area Account Number Parcel Number Mill Levy sc103 R008498 2r0103302015 46.566 DO: BALD MOUNTAIN TOIVNHOMES DO UNIT:C-15 DESC:BLDG C BK-0286 Physical Address:2350 FRONTAGE RD UNIT: C15 VAIL Su bdivision r BALD MOUNTAIN TOWNHOMES CONDO Acresl 3.181 http://www.eagle-county.com/GoodturnVassessorlParcel.asp?AccountNumberR008498 1U9t2004 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMLTNITYDEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 8I657 970479-2r38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBINGPERMIT Permit #: P04-0I62 8o'l -03(V Job Address: 2350 BALD MOUNTAIN RD VAIL Status. . . : ISSUED Location.....: BALD MOUNTAIN TOWN HOMES, UNIT #15 Applied. . : 11/10/2004 Parcel No...: 210103302015 Issued . . : 1l/16/2004 ProjectNo:y.>- , t^' Expires..: 05/15/2005" r{Jor -o+ /t OWNER BRENT, ALISON ST. GERMAINE 1,1./1-0/2004 Phone: 2350 BALD MOUNTAIN ROAD VAIL co 81557 License: CONTRACTOR MECHANICAL EXPRESS 1I/I0/2004 Phone:. 970-328-5040P.O. BOx 3295 EAGLE, CO 81631 License : 293-P APPLICANT MECHANICAL EXPRESS 1L/L0/2004 Phone: 970-328-5040 P.O. BOX 3295 EAGLE, CO 81631 License : 293-P Desciption: RLIN GAS LINE TO STOVE AND REMOVE WATER AND WASTE LINE FROM BATHROOM ON MAIN LEVEL Valuation: $800.00 Fireplace lnformation: Restricted: ?? # ofGas Appliances: ?? # ofGas Logs: ?? # of Wood Pallet: ?? .* 'rx. **** ** t '* * r.:l *:! Plumbing--> 515.00 Restuarant Plan Revie*--> 50-00 Total Calculated Fees--> S2I .'75 Plan Check--> $3.75 DRB Fee-----------> S0.00 Additional Fees------> 50.00 Investigation-> $ 0 . 0 0 TOTAL FEES-----------> 527 .'15 Total Pemir Fee*----> S2I .'7 5 Will Call---> 53 . 00 Paj"ments----------> 52L .'75 BALANCE DUE---------> S0.00 * * * *,t,* **,t* * ** * ** * Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1,t/L6/2004 JRM Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEI-.,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENry.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479.2 I49 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:OO AM . 4 PM. a>' gll\'.rnl!=>-c" " \ *t * t t+*** * **** 'r*****rl' * **** * * ** **+* * ******** * ** *** ***** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * **** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement 'l'***********{.******'t't,i,f******ri:}:t't:r:r,}{.**r.{.t ***+it**+*t+************************************** Statement Number: R040007136 Amount: $21.75 tt/16/2004!1 :16 AM Payment Method: Cash Init: DDGNoEation: cash Permi t No: Parce] No:Site Address : Location : This Payment: PF 001000031-1-2300 PP 00100003111100 wc 00100003112800 PO4-0762 T\t)e: PLUMBING PERMIT 210103 3 02 01s 2350 BALD MOUNTAIN RD VAIL BAID MOUNTAIN TOWN HOMES, UNIT #15Total Fees: >zt. t 2 Total A]JL Pmts: Balance: PLAN CHECK FEES PLI'MBING PERMIT FEES WTLL CALI.' INSPECTION FEE 92r .7 5 s2L.'75 $0.00 ** ****** * ********** * * * * * * t * t * * * * * + * * * *****,t,|,I*** ****{ri.'1,N.*************{.'1.'lr ** * * * ********iit** *'1.1. ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descripti on Current Pmts 3.75 15.00 3.00 APPUCATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIG oq-oq?/ Building Permit #: Plu mrn0F 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Permit #: (Inspecti CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Plumbinq Contractor: /l-ael.-.'s-4 Eoforl Town of Vail Reg. No.:zq3 - f Contact and Phone #'s: 28E -..Sir I € E-Mail Address: contractor sig natuS\=Q 61"-.{ COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) PLUMBING: $6r?o.o. Contact Assessorc Otrice at 970-328-8640 or visit for Patel # ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ON[Y******************'t******tr*********** necnvno r.l0v l. 0 iili4 TOV.COM.DEV. Br,*rob Address: ZS Sn &tJ /r..(. p t. Owners Name: $9v q Jolr tor.16' 32a-l Detailed description fvn I'L o'..y' yQmgrrl urrtat J'ir r r'-o(-fi l','rI- t".th.oon on rnaA l-ld Work Class: New ( ) Addition (. ) Alteration ({ Repair ( ) Other ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family (. ) Duplex (' ) Mutti-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No 07n6D002\WAiIUAIA\CdCV\FORMS\PERMITS\PLMBPERM.DOC 1-t ?5 _,v l lnspection lequest I AJP/D lntormaflon Requested Inspect Dtte:' lnsoeition Area: Slte Address: Tuesdav. Mav 17.2005 JRM 2350 BALO MOUNTAIN RD VAIL BALD MOUNTAIN TOWI.I HOMES, UNIT #'5 Requested Tlme: 08:30 Aif- Phone: 3763203 Enlered By: DGOLDEN K Acthrltv: eonst Typ6' Ovrner: Appllcgnt Cohtractor: Doscrlgtlonl 8(X{343 TYpe l-Ur SubT)pe: A.MF._ Slatus: ISSUEDOccupoircy Use: V 1-HR InsP Atea: JFM Brent. Allson St. Germalno- Phone: 303-910'85E0D-TREMODEIIIIG Phone:3763203 D., REtulCrOELlIlG NEWKITCHEN CABINETS, NEW\,\OOD FLOOR, MOVE CLOSET, REPI-ACE LIGHTS lN cElLlt'E, REPLACE FIREPIACE AND LIFT CREATTNG HEARfi Resrested Insoec{olf sl Item: 00 BLDG+ln.l Requestor: DJ REMODELI|{G Codlrn€nb: will call 37&32(B Assloned To: CDAVIS- Actbn: lnsn€cton HlitorY 11me Exp \ ttem: Item: Item: llem: Item: llem: tbm: 70 BLDe-Mbc. ItEm: !D BLDG-Flnaltbm: 21 PtAl$lLC Foundltbnlbm: 22 PLAi+|LC Sfte Pfan 226 FIRE DEPT. NO1IRCATION 10 BLDGFooUnosrSteel ?0 BLDG-FoundEllorVsteel 30 BLOC-FIE mlna 50 BLDC*Insulalt6n 6O BlDGSheetrocltNall o9(/'u , oro* ,0(bL I.,( / ,)4' t^1 bU p( _( REPTl31 Run Id; 32Ll Requert A/F,Dlntbfmr0on - A{tvty: l|(}+{XnA o..""lHi BT{ECH ll.lG. ITHE) Tlmr Exp: Requccted Incp€ct DrF: lnsp€adon AroarSlhAddreli: Tueldry, may 17,2005 JRT 2350 BALD TUOUNTAIN RD VAIL BAI.D TOUNTAIN TOIiJII HONES, UT{IT fI5 RequesEd Tlmc: 'lll00 Alf' Phom; 977-(Ia8l Enlerod 8y: DGOLDEN K Std|r!: lnnp Arat: ISSUED JRMComt Tlfi: Occupairty: ol/vnor: 8RENT. ALlSOl.l ST. GERMAINE Applhrr|t Cdrt!cior: Deccrhdon: Reoucct€d lncp€c{on(g I Ptpnc: 97G827-fii23 Ptpne: 970r827-961F! hLLARONOF A DIRECTVENTGAS RREPLACE, YIICOO B|.'RNIM} ffir$* Action: APAPPROVED Inspccdon Hlrbrv tnm: 2{D MECtSRoudrIli3fyff tmpcctor: Comrnrnt filECH-H.atng PLM&G.I PIFInoIEC}}E buif Hoo& lrEcl+SsDply Alr fr|ECtltdie.' MECI'}F!n l tbm: 310It m: 315 n m: 320 Itrm: 33t) ttrm: 340 It m; 390 REPT131 Run Id: 3211 Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Proiect Name: Bald Mountain Townhomes Proiect Number: PRJ00-0054 Project Description: Interior/exterior remodel and addition Owner, Address, and Phone: Dr. Boscardin 7600 W. College Drive, Pavos Heights, IL 60463 708-361-0600 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Dale Smith, Fritzlen Pierce Smith Architects 1650 E. Vail Valley Dr., Vail, CO 81657 476-6342 Project Street Address: 2350 Bald Mountain Rd, Unit #4 Legal Description: Lot 26, Block 2, Vail Village l3th Filing Parcel Number: 210103302004 Buildine Name: Bald Mountain Townhornes Comments: 65 sq.ft. of GRFA added under the 250 ordinance Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Board/Staff Action Action: Staffapproved (per DRB recommendation at conceptual review) with 4 conditions Conditions: l. All materials are to match existing 2. Title report with schedules A and B required prior to building permit 3. Letter ofapproval required from condominium association prior to building permit 4. Roof plan required to be submitted prior to building permit Town Planner: Ann Kjerulf Date: 04120100 DRB Fee $50.00 Paid: Project Name. Bald Mountain Townhomes .rl .TOWN OFVAIL GENERAL INFORMATION 8.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: ?lr7 B PHYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #: ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS: NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRES.S: APPLICATTON FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL.: eu"..u,,Jcnrl rhc prarr.ing r,^(f{-# -D-r (Contact Eagle Co. Asscssors cc at 970-328 tbr,parcel #) ,,.h^4r This application is for any projcct rcqttiring Dcsigr Rcvicw approval. Any projcct requiring dcsign rcvicw mustrcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval prior to subrnifting fora buiiding pernrit. ior.specific ilfonrration. sec thc subnriftalrcquirclttcttts fbr thc particu{ar approval that i.s requcsted. Thc apliicatiodcamot be acccpted until all thc rcquircdinformation is subnriftcd- The project ntay also nccd to bc rcvibwid by thc Town council and/o. ttrc planning u,roEnvironntcntal conrntission. Dcsign Rcvicw Board approval expircs onc ycar aftcr tinal approval unliis abuilding pcrmif is issucd and construction is started. (-- U. E PHONE: H. TYPEOFREVIEWANDFEE: E' Ncw Construction - $200 ,pnooition - $so{ Constnrctio n ofa ncw buildine. Includcs any additionrvhcrc s{uarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial orcommcrcial Uriifaing. Inchidcsminor,changcs to buildings and site inrprovemcnts. such as, :."::trlg, paiuting. window additions. tandscaping. fcncqs and retainingwa s. ctc. $0 .Fo.r,any,applicationwhere the applicant:wishes to nreet with Dcsign Revicw.Board to"dcternrine whether or not tt " p..;".t g.ncialty contplics with thcdesign guidclines.,The DRB does not vote on Jonceptual revicws. DRB fces arc to bc paid at the timc of submiftal. ?Flr when applying for a building pemrit, plcasc idcntitythc accirratc valuation of the project. The Town of Vail wilt "dJ*r rh."f*;Jording to thc projcct valuario'. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION' ALL SUB-A{ITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE To THEDEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT, Zi SOUiTT TNONTAGE ROAD,VAIL,COLORADO 81657. E Minor Altcration - $20 rPTtoN oF THE REQUEST: 8, APPLICATION FOR DESICN REV'EW APPROV.AL,' :| Thi!ls $r my pmjg ryquidnS D€dgr Rsviay rnpovlt. Aoy iojcir tlquiring dcdg rcvicqr nufr .'dloi(ofnqrt$ l'orlha 1urtigrfar approval thrt ic tqu{rrrod, Thq For rpccilic infoolrlloo. $ec thc sbtnlfr! infonffitipn tr.r1!t"ln$., Thc prcjccr mey uno nooc to ol rwyiii ui tL r"*.r cd;ii;tr;il; d;il;; EnvifOnnif:nfrl Conrnrisrion. Dollarr Rnularr l^.r.,| .--agrl ^--r--. --',..^^r r..-- ir--r --r-^---. --rl'Environnprrrl corutritrion. Doalgo Rcvlcw Sorrd rpprovrl orptrir oncy6r rfhr ttn1.plro"rionitit "btrllding lpcrmlrh 0r!cd rtd colftructloo b 3trrtcd. OFTHEREQUESTI rcacivc ctixigl ncviow qprcirr pdor to dr,'r'mie r;; ;dffi;; &il: #;;#;iiriornrerro,r. t.c o." s&nrr :3^1'::j:1111 YlT,tfi.:lTff*vrl tlut k rquoilod. Thc,qrJrircnrion ctlulor bG roccprcd unril dr ,tii.'qtti-; t e3/2s/2ees 15r15 9704764941 PAGE g2 Quc.tion$? Corl tho,PlrnnhrS Sliff nt 479-21?* Eegle Co. A*rcsron Oflicc rr 970-32t-1t640 for,prccl #) A, NIMEOFOWNER(S]: MAILING - , >4A|jt-- t*Yr^UF/@ir' A.' NAME oF rppttCnrut, f,nI r',tnlllxc ADDREsS; TI?EOFREVIE1YAND FBE:tr f{ar Corrlrucdo!. gr00 )4^M- rso(r Coosnaioa oft ncw buildhg lndu&orny rddirimvlrcrue$oft fo@gc is rddcd to ury rceidortirl or.ooargs${Unildini,. Iiicliitlh{oirtorffaoscs'to blrildin3s rad dtc irrqnovcmcots. ruch u.rcmofing. peinmg, window rddidonr. landraping^ fodinc .a.inlogqdl$, cc.f0 {ola4npnlieniprl.lvfrnfu mlicErr,rrishca ro oad with Dceign Revior+Bord rndE$nuin. itel1 on iiid,; proA;;;, comt,hcs wirh ihc. .ldgn alddirro.,Ttc:DRg doe "or *ro o,, io"c.f,r,i.l ,cvicwr. DRBftacrrcrcbcnidrrthctiarofrubmiul. trrrr.whcnrppryngforabuitdiogpcnnir,plcrscidcnritylholc.,|ot0v'hltionofthcnrciec' n"i;ofv;i wiirc,;urtrrcrereccordrngronrcp?ojccrvarunrio., I'LEASE $U8MIT TIIIS AITLICATIOII, iLL sUBMTTTAL REQUTRSMBNTE AND THE FEE TO THE4EI^NTffEf{T OF COiIM[Jffiili;i6P,[IEN?, ?! SOIITH FROfiTACS ROAD,vAtI4Cor4R^DOil6s?, trMlmrillorrrho; ttb L0/10 stt'oN ,rtLL 00, 0elt0 ,9ZZL9te0t 3)rso''lt'r3snN flti^)UVd t BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chimncys Trash Enclosurcs Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting*t Other o LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: {o r.te.rcd ettEf,& lr COLOR:* f r,l'ltAfnnr{(.. tl rl It ll ta rtt. Itlr ll t' ll I xl /a ,-/^ + Plcase specifo the manufacturer's color, number and attach a snrall color chip ** AII exterior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, please indicate the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identiff each fixnre type and provide the height above grade, lumens output, luminous are4 and attach a cut sheet ofthe lighting fixtures. zvtt3urNs- E;f luJ \)o oF Foz D \.--l z {_lL o F Jlu tuJ o I I atl:|trryIIIOEETA6t ||l'. ltn'x tt^ a l,rl ta d - allt s3noHNl o|Nrttt olvg ztttt5ur-NE- Ei; b _l tl K:- \..-/z {JL luluvIF Jlu IUJ F}HH ^\<)-s a BA a s( tl tl $r o t I tlliulw.-tffiETtar |{|l lvtn tt a lcl|]qtrxt sSnoHN^rrol'Nln olv€ irr ll! ( ||i-ilt'taltawEtlvaqr rul ritu tt a ltl|.oratxt sslroHNn o|Nrn o1v8 !ill iiil zo F { lu _] lu IFlo U) o o r-:*_.:l t' =::r.',, fi I'l: !ii 1ti lll lr I i,l rl; ,i iil t 'l' I Bald Mountain Townhomes Condominium Association P.O. Box 3912 VaiL CO 81658 May 15,2000 Fritzlen Pierce Smith Architects 1650 East Vail Valley Drive Fallridge C-l Vail, CO 81657 Attention: AmyBirdsall Dear Amy: In connection with your Firm's proposed design for the alteration of Units A-3 and A-4 of the Bald Mountain Townhomes, the purpose of this letter is to advise you that at a meeting of the Homeowners of the Bald Mountain Townhomes (the "Association") held on May 12,2000, the Association approved the proposed (a) extension of the Master Bedroom (3'o level) with dorrner and side window, and (b) enlargement ofthe building where the closet currently exists as shown on your Firm's design as the "Master Bath Expansion." Thank you very much for your Firm's excellent work on this project. Sincerely, BALD MOUNTAIN TOWNHOMES C ONDOMINITIM AS SOCIATION Deborah G. Wittman Vice President Date Receivec t'lAY 2 4 2000 Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Bald Mountain Townhomes Project Number: PRJ00-0055 Project Description: Interior/exterior remodel and addition Owner, Address, and Phone: Harry Greenberg and Ann Ferris 2611 Wylie Rd., Dexter, MI 48130 ArchitectiContact, Address, and Phone: Dale Smith, Fritzlen Pierce Smith Architects 1650 E. Vail Valley Dr., Vail, CO 81657 476-6342 Project Street Address: 2350 Bald Mountain Rd, Unit #3 Legal Description: Lot26, Block 2, Vail Village 13th Filing Parcel Number: 210103302003 Building Name: Bald Mountain Townhomes Comments: 65 sq.ft. of GRFA added under the 250 ordinance Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Board/Staff Action Action: Staffapproved (per DRB recommendation at conceptual review) with 4 conditions Conditions: 1. All materials are to match existing 2. Title report with schedules A and B required prior to building permit 3. Letter of approval required from condominium association prior to building permit 4. Roof plan required to be submitted prior to building permit Town Planner: Ann Kjerulf Date: 04120100 DRB Fee $50.00 Paid: Project Name: Bald Mountain Townhomes eucsrions? trh" prar,,,i, rr rr^r, ^{({H'-0 0 5 f GENERAI- INFOIiMATION This appliantion is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsiglr Rcvicw approval. Any projcct requiring dcsign rcvicw nrustrcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval prior to subnrifting for a buikling pernrit. For spccific infonuation, scc thc sub'rittalrcquircntutts fbr thc particular approval that is rcquested. Thc appiicatiorf cannot be accepred untit "ir ,r,,,.qriiloinfonlration is srrbnrittcd. Thc project may also need to bc revibwed by thc Town Council and/or ttrc nranninj anaEnvironntcntal Contntission. Dcsign Revicw Board approval expircs oncycar aftcr finat approval unrdis abuilding pcrmit is issued and construction is startcd. DE-SCRIPTION OF THE R APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL LOCATION OF PROPOSAT: LOT: ?V B PHYS ICAL ADDRESS: #A|f> r,/aI*a.rr.I . :--4.-C:l PARCEL #:( Corrtact Eaglc Co. Asscssors 28-t1640 tbr,parcel #) B. C. D. E. ZONINC: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE: H.TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE:E Ncw Construction - $200 ;{ locition - $sotl -lncludcsminor,changes to buildings and site intprovemcnts. such as.reroofing. painting. window additions. landscaping. fcnces and retaining walls. ctc. El 'conc-9ptua-l Review = $0 -Fonany application.where the applicant,wishes to nreet with Dcsign Revicw :Board to dctemrine whether or not tfr" p..;e"r g.ncratty comptics with thc, : . design guidclines.,The DRB does not votson Joncepnral rcvicws. DRBfccsarctobcpaidatthetimcofsubmittal. later,whenapplyingforabuildingpen.it.plcascidcntify thc acctrratc valuatiorr ofthe proJcct. Thc Town orvaii witt adjust the fee according ro thc projcct valuatio'. PLEASB SUBMTT THIS APPLICATTON, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THEDEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, Zi SOUiIT NNONTAGE ROAI. Conshuction ofa ncw building. Includcs any additionwhere squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial orcommq_cialbuitding. E Minof Altcration : $2b r!^ur! r, ,Jrf\rurq rr(rJt\ I A(r_u,_.1!Llqrfl{ , . -_. vArL, coLoRADO 81657. [ .'. - - --' Nl"^t . tT-ut%o73ur""til3" rruolu, D, E. MATLINC ADDRESS: P. Ot PAG€ 02 aENEnAt- |NFo{MATTQU Thir. rpplicitirn ir 1or.ny proje3 loquidng Doiln &oviol qprovrl. Any polrr roquiriu dc*iln rcvicrr rrru$rc-caive Dqriglr Rcrics rltrrovrl prioi to eibnrinq f* i UuilUnng prrnrir. ir'qrcciti c i,iio-rniarron. r* rhc rubnirrlrquircnrmh for tba linicvtr |0tf,ovrl thrt u roqrictco. mc.aprlgicn olrnor bc rma4tcd uoril rll rhc roquiicdinforrnnticrr ir nrbnifsd. Thc y*ljca mey rr.o nitr r L t-iiiit ry rr. i*t co,noii rnaor na plrnrarrr grdEnvior'tsrtel corrnmirriei' DcrlSr novrot.norra rplrlrrl crplrcr orc 1rr rfrcr ltnrt rppaovrr uarcu rlrUdlrg pcrnJr lr btlcd rtrd corat rcaloo lr raanqr: FP5 Qrretiocr? Coll tlrc Phrurht Srrffrr 4tg.2l2l APPLTCATION FOR DESTCN REVIEW APPROVAL .rvwv0F lr. LOCAT|oNoFIDROPOSAL, tOr,ZLt_OdT PHYSTCAL ADDRESS: #a,n r/arrqf.nl E . _l& c. FANCELT: Aqcf*4, 4?4^t<lildrerrcco, \ ' x gl4glglglalsr O.' I\AME OF APPLTCANT: - 1z&' c. K. TYPEOPREVTEWANDFEE: I *i$.*c(or . $!00 Coartu.tion of r ror rrritdhg. 14 r,utrs'' t5o t".tc.""ri6;;::f,""rodFi!rddodro&yr6rdari0ror rf ilrftl Atcrddor J. sr "ocnqcrtliiiloru'l0 liir:||llcr_ olwdu4lr ln buildiagr rnd rrrc impor€noaE. &.ch .i.r!rooru!8, Fdrarng. srndsr dllirioi& tudscaping. fcnocs 114 1q16n, cr oatc?hd n dF ' E0 ii^-.Uar*-{t'E 6c urtr1l yirrcr ro mcc snh Dcisn Rcvicw..Bor{ O !*roie irtrricr ana 0rc poj*t gracCly oorruticr w i ?hctldpCuiddtnc..Ttr DRB Oo.. not ror. * "1"'J[,i.ii.rir** DRB fsl rrc to bc Fidrt tb tin€ of rubaiht. tatc. whcr rpplyirg ftr r buildiog r1o,rrr. Irrc$c idsrrifyllrc icuots v{utioo of th" ttrojar. Tto T-;;iiii *tn .a;* ri, fcr rccordirrg-rc rhc projcd vrrrr'tio. PLEASE SUBMIT THTE A!?LICiTION. ALL SUEN'TTTAL.XEQUIRIMENTS AND THE F6E TO TI{EDEpAnrrfE*T OF coMrt{riiin;pweiiiiuenrr. ?5 6.,UTH FRONTAG. ROAD,vAlI. COII'nAD,O tt6s7. LOCATfON OF IDROPOSAL : LOt :-fg Arr$or Office a 0?0.12{-lt6{0 tbr,ptrcct f; NAME OF OWNEft(S): \- o LIST OF PROPOSBD MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: . rl ''t BUILDINC MATERIALS: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Door.s Door Trim Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chimncys Trash Enclosurcs Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other COLOR:+ f, Mstd FxsrrJro. 1l tlrl ll t, la ll t. IN'/r.I A ilnrzu r"sfr T" ilt'rrd Exctlder. la latl a' ll ll * Plcase specify the manufach-rrer's color, number and atcach a small color chip ** All exterior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, please indicate the number of fixtues and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identiff each fixture type and provide the height abdve grade, lumens output, luminous area and attach a cut sheet ofthe tighting fixtues. -tN/a . a!n- -.!a4 I tF-a'r-+-''+4dl d-.-G . llOl|l[of. Town of Yd N9 80e84 t) ' .tt)i. ( ( L' RECEIVED FROM ,.ADDRESS Permit Numbers How PAID- Cash--Chec k ?3d Torn of UrilHT CISruIR RECEIPI rTlhTt: V?9/S El IECEIPT: 9006707 DESCRIpITfl efi ffiilr Tp n DfFIOI NEVIET FE I IIfl.OO ilR CT FRIM"EI PIERII$IIIH B0LD iTlr. RD T(ltl00ttr t{. [T.E,*.erffiLoTe6, TEIOER DEINILfi 95519956e ftn.09 DNEz A?Ufi TIIIE: 9:39:50 Ttllfl. flffl( ftn,mffiilfir tElrDERu fltS.Si nilI( Yor, FoR Yom pRYt$tTl ^ Town of Vail Itepartment of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 " 1 o /) a.""|prNo. flZ/ o^t" 3 rEZ-& make checks oavable to the TOWN OF VAIL Account No.Item No.Code # Cost Each Total 001 0000 314 1 1 10 Zoninq and Address Maps LA 001 00003141112 Uniform Buildins Code - 1997 - Volume 1&2 utt 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Building Code - 1997 - Volume 3 $57.20 001 0000 314 1112 International Plumbino Code - 1997 .Et $36.00 001 0000 3't41112 International Mechanical Code - 1998 L, t1 $3s.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Mechanical Code -1997 ; $33.60 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Fire Code UE'$s6.00 001 0000 314 1112 National Electrical Code vat $37.00 001 0000 314 1112 Abatement of Danqerous Bldq.'s 1 997 $9.9s 001 0000 314 1112 Model Enerqy Code - 1995 $10.00 001 0000 3141112 Analysis of Revisions to 1997 Uniform Codes $12.75 001 0000 314 1112 Other Code Books ult 001 0000 314 1211 Blue Prints/Mvlar CopV Fees BF $7.00 001 0000 314 1111 Xerox Copies $0.2s 001 00003141111 Lionshead Master Plan ($1.80/$1.60)MS $40.00 001 0000 314 1111 Studies. Master Plans. etc.MS 001 0000 315 3000 Penalty Fees/Re-lnspectrons PN 001 0000 311 2300 Plan Review Be-check Fee ($40/Der hour)PF 001 0000 315 2000 Otf Hours lnspection Fees OH 001 0000 312 3000 Contractors License Fees 001 0000 312 4000 Sign Application Fee 5i,$20.00 001 0000 312 4000 Additional Sion Application Fee Dts 001 0000 311 2200 Design Revieur Board Fee (Pre-paid)UFI /eZ, r: 001 0000 315 3000 Buildino Investiqation Fe€PN 001 0000 240 3300 oeveloper lmprovement Agreemenr Depo6il D2 DEP10 001 0000 312 1000 Restaurant License fee (TOV)RL 001 0000 230 2000 Soec. Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.DeolRev.SA '001 0000 201 1000 Taxable @ 4.5% (Stale) - Tax pavable TP .001 0000 310 1100 Taxable @ 4.070 (Town) - Retail Sales Tax tl Other/Misc. -MS 001 0000 31 1 2s00 PEC APPLICATION FEES 001 0000 311 2500 Additional GRFA - "250"PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Conditional Use Permit PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Alteration - Less than 100 sq. tl PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2s00 Exteriof Alteration - More than 100 so. tL PV $500.00 001 0000 311 2500 SDecial DeveloDment District - NEW PV $1,500.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development District - Maior Amend PV $1,000.00 001 00003112500 Special Development District - lVlinor Amend PV '| $200.00 001 0000 31 1 2s00 Subdivision Fees PV 001 0000 311 2500 Variance PV $250.00 001 00003112500 Zoning Code Amendments PV $250.00 Re-Zoning PV $200.00 001 0000 319 3100 Greenstar Proqram Other -MS TOTAL: Comments: Cash _ Money Order #Check # T F/Everlone/FormVSalesact.exe Design Review Action Form TOWT\ OF VAIL Project Name: Bald Mountain Townhomes Project Number: PRJ00-0054 Project Description: Interior/exterior remodel and addition Owner, Address, and Phone: Mountain Enterprises, An trlinois General Partnership ArchitecVContact, Address, and Phone: Dale Smith, Fritzlen Pierce Smith Architects 1650 E. Vail Valley Dr., Vail, CO 81657 476-6342 Project Street Address: 2350 Bald Mountain Rd, Unit #4 Legal Description: Lot26, Block 2, Vail Village 13th Filing Parcel Number: 210103302004 Building Name: Bald Mountain Townhomes Comments: 65 sq.ft. of GRFA added under the 250 ordinance Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: building permit Town Planner: Ann Kjerulf Date: 05i15/00 Project Name: Bald Mountain Townhomes Board/Staff Action Action: Staff approved (per DRB recommendation at conceptual review) with 2 conditions 1. All materials are to match existing 2. Letter ofapproval required from condominium association prior to DRB Fee $50.00 Paid: l- rom tand lltle cuarantee Corpanyo Fri t{ay 5 15:20:47 2000 Page 1of 9 ldTrtleGnrrte&Ev ctsTcMBltsrHg'md{ Dater 0$'05-2lXlO Our Order Nunrber: Y269rl9 Property Addressl coNDoMINTM UNrrS 3 &4, BUILDINGA, BALD MOU\TAIN TOVTNHOMES FXITZLEI\', flENCE AND BRINER 1650 E VA[, VALLEY Dn|VE TC.1 VAIL, CO 81657 AEB DALE SMnl| l,|lollr; 90476.63|.2 Es; 9,O46.&l Coies: I Scnt Vln tr'ar Fron .Land Title Guarantee Conpanyo Fri May 5 15:20:47 2000 Page Z of 9 t ldTitleQ^trrteonpry IO,RCNTrcTS Datr! 0S.05-2{n0 PropertX Address! Our Ordrr Nunber: Y269269 CONDOMU*II,M UNITS 3 &4. Btt{LD[\GA. BALD N{OUSTAIN'I'OyI'NTHONIES BuyedBorrower: TO BF] DETBRMINEI) Seller/Orner: lrARRl'S. GREB.{BERGAND ANNE D, FERRIS AS TOCONDOMINIUM t.jNn'A-3, MOLIIAIN ENTERPRL{ES' AN ILLINOIS GFNEML PAI{TNERSHIP AS TO CONDOMINruM UNIT A.t Ifyou heve eny lnqulrles or requlrc turth€r ssslstence, pleese contact one of the numb€rs below! For C loslng Asslsten cr!For Tltle Asslstance: Vall Tltle Dept /RA IOE S FRONTAGE RD, TT" #20:1 P.O. BOX 357 v.{l|-, c'0 E1657 Ptn'tr:9lA-476-TEl Faxr 970-476-4-$.1 ESNMATEGTIruE Alts Owrcrs Pollcy 10-l?-92 (Relssuc RaIe) Adddonal Chain $175.00 $150 . OO IOTAL 9325 - 00 ITIA\-K YOU FOR, }'OTJR ORDEN! Frofi .Land llt le luarantee Loripanyo F11 iray : I):lu:47 1000 t'age J ot 9 Chicago Tltle Insunurce Compeny ALTA COMMITMEN Our Order \o. v:69269 Sthedule A Clrst. R€t t Property Addressi CONDO}IT!'iIUM TINTTS 3 & 4, BUILDING A, BALD &IOUN'TAIN 'TOWNHOIITI,S 1. Eflective Darer AFtl 20,2000 rtSrO0 P.Nt 2. Pollcy to be lssued, and Proposed Insured! 'ALTA" Olvrier's Pollcy 10-17-92 h$posed ltrsured: TOBE DETER]VIN\IED 3. The estate or lnterest In the lend descrlbed or referred to ln thls Cornmltment rnd covercd hereln isr A Fce Slmfle 4. Tllle to the estate or interesl coverrd hereln ls at the etlectfve dnte hereof vest€d lni II{RRY S GRE!,,\*BERGAND ANN!: D, T'ERRIS AS TOCONDOMNIUM I.INIT A.3, IIIOUNTAIN ENTERPRISES. AN ILLbI()IS cm-ERAL PARTNERSHtr AS TO CONDOMINruM UNrf A-l 5. Ihe land referred to In thl$ Committnent ls descrlbed ac folbws: CONDOMINruM UNITS A'3 AND A.4, BUILDD{GA, BALD MOUNTAN TOWNHOIIMS CONDOMINIL]IiI. ACCORDING TO TTIE M{P RECORDED JANUARY 12,, L979 IN BOOK 280 AT PAGE 7E() AND SUPPLEMB{T AND AME\-DMENT TIIERETO Arr-D ACCORDING TO TIm CONDOMf,\II;M DECLARATIO\ RECORDED IANUARY L21' INg TN BOOK zEO AT PAGE 779, COUNT!' OF EAGLE, STATE OF coLoRADo. From 'Land Title Guarantee Conpg4y!t Fri May 5 15:20:47 2000 Page 4 of 9 A L'TA COMMITMEN T Schedule B - Sccdon I (Requlrcrnnts) Our ord€r No. l'269259 The followlng arr the regulremenls to be complled wlth! It€m (s) Prlrmnt to or lor ltr accomt of ltE grantoF or mrqagors ol the full corslderadon for the esble or Inlercst to be ftsurcd. Item (b) hqer lrBtrtrrrr(s) crcadrE the €sbte or lnerc$ b be tn8urtd nn st be exeused and ddy llled ?or rccond, b-wlC Item (c) Prtrneil of dl trx€s, clEges or sessrEntr levled md a$€sed agdnst tlr $JrJect prcrnlses wtdch art dre rd pryable, Item (O Adtildoml rcqdrenDnts, lt ury dsdoscd below: r. RELEASE OF DmD Or TRLST D.{TED AUG{JST t3, L9yt, !:ROM HARRY S. GREENBERG AND ANNE D. FERRIS TO THE PUBUC TRI.ISTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FON THE USE OF CT{ERRY CRBK MORTGAGE CO., rNC. TO SECURE TIIE SUM OF S209,000.00 RECORDED AUGUST t5, 19y1, IN BOOK 734 AT PAGE 744, RECEPTION NO. 630700. SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS.ASSIGNED TO FLEET MORTGAGE CORFOMTION IN ASSIUT^MEII|T RECORDED NOVEMBER 24, 1997, IN BOOK 744 .{T PAGE 406. NOfl* lHE ABOVE I{FIIUIIaE}{ENTS A Ft"tX][ CONDOSINruM UNII' A-3. L RELEASE OF DMD OFTRL'SI'DATED SEPTENIBER3O, T99E FROM JAMES A.]i LAIV1BUR AND JAMES B. B(rcARDIN AND ALBERT v. BGCH AND ROBERT T. SEMBA FOR MOLNTAUT^ ENTERPRISES, AN ILLINOIS GENERAL PARTNERSHIP TOTI{E PUBLIC TRUS1SE OF EAGLE COUNTY FORTTIE USE OF FIN.ST CTTY FNANCI,AL TO SECURE TTIE SUM OF $20,000.00 RECoRDED ocToBER 13, 199S, II\-DERRECEPTIOF{ No' 6?2s09. SAID DED OF TRUST WAS.ASSIGNED TO STANDARD BANK TRUST IN ASSIGNME\T NECORDED CJCTOBER T3, T9fi UNDM, REG,PTION NO, 6?2510. 3. NELEASE OF IIIORTGAGE DAIED AI,JGUST 2E, I9E9, FRONT JAMES A.IC LANTBUR. JAMES B. BOsCARDIN, AND ALBERT V, BOSCH FOR TTIE USE OF'FIRST STATE BANK OF TA06 TO sEcLnE THE SUM OF $125,m0.00 RI]L'ORDED SEPTEMBER 06, 19t9, IN B(X)K 5lZ AT PAGE 949. 4. TRADE NA}18 AFF,IDAVIT OR GENEML PAR'I.I\-ERSIIIP AGNEEMENT OF MOUN.TAN B{TERPruSES, AN ILLtrI{OTS GENERAL PARTNERSHIP, A GENERAL PAMNERSHIP, DISCI,GING TIIE NAMES AND .ADDRESSES OF TTIE PARTNERS TIIERETO. ONE OR MORE OF Frofir Land tlt te Guafantee LOmFanvo l-r'r May 5 l-5: Z0:47 2000 Page 5 of 9 ALTA COI\.TMITNIENT ScheduleB-Secdonl ( Requl rements)Our Ord€r No. V2691d9 ContlDued; SAID PARINERS MUST E}(EC'ITIE APPROPIIIATE D(TUUENTS. NOIB THE ABOI'E RtrQI.IIRE}IEN'IS AFFECT C()NDONIINruM UNIT A.4. 5. EYIDF;hICE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY T}IATTHE ERMS, CONDMONS ANI) PROYISIONS OF' TTTE TOIV}I OF VAIL TRANSTER, lAx HAVE BEEN SATIStrIED. 6. CEKI'UTICAIE 0['Ittc,tft' 0t']'tRs't'R.ub'usAL lN coMpLtANcu wrrH r'tlD]'u&tts, COIiDN'I(NS AND PROYNIONS OI.' CO\DOMIN-IL M DECLARATIO\. 7. WARRAM'Y DEED F]ROM HARRY S. GREENBERG AND ANNE D. FERRIS AS TO CONDOMf,\IIUM IjNIT A.3, MOU\TAIN ENTERPRJSES, A\ ILLINOIS GE\-ERAL PARTNERSHIPAS T() CO\DOMIIIIUIVT LT'IIT A.4 TO TO BE DETER\{II{ED CONVEYNG SUBJECT PRo?tsRTY. NOT& 1HIS PROPtsRTY }f{Y BE SUBJECT TO AI{ ASSESSMENT BY THE BALD NTOUNTAI}i TOWNHOMES HOI}IEOII'I{E]R.S ASSOCIATION. PLEASE CONTACTTIIE ASSOCIATIO\ TO ENSURE TT1{'I' THE ASStrSS\{E}{TS ARE CURREN'I. N|JIB LPON NOTIFTCATTON OrrHE BUTTR EN'nTy, ADDmIONAL RFQUIRIIMEYIS A\D EXCEPTIOI\jS MAY BE NECESSARI'. NOTTB IHE $I75.OO PREMruM SHOTVN HEREE\ IS BASED ON A TO BE DETEB.VIL\ED PURC}IASE PRICE, UFON RECUI'T OF TT'E DOLLAR AMOUNT TO BE INSURED. SAID PRIIVru}T WIIICHANGE. Page 6 ot 9 ALTA COIVTMT'I'ItTtsNT Scltcdule B - Secdon 2 (Exceptiorr) Our Order No. V259269 The policy or pollclcs lo be lssurd $'lll conlsin erceptlors to (he folbwlng unle.ss th€ sarnc &rc dispos€d ol to the sRtlsfecfion of thr Compeny! l, Rigtt or clsims of pades In possesslon not shorrrr bJ'tlrc public ncor&. 2. Easernenb, or cldnrs ol easemenb. rmt sho$rr b' the Frbllc records. 3. Dlscrtpenclest rorfllcb In boudrry' llrrs, shortage In areq errroaclnrenls, and u1y fects wldch rr correct srwey ard lrBpecdon ol tl|e prcr$es wodd dlsclosr and wNch anc mtstbwn by orc FuHlc rccords. 4' Any ll€n, or riSht to a Uen, for servl(rs, lrbor or rnaterlal therct0lorc or |tsttefter t|Indshed, lnpoged by lsrv and nrt shown [' t]r puic records 5. D€fects.' llfi$ enctmtb rces, adyers€ ctalnrs or o Urer nntters, if atry, cr,eated, tirct appeerlry In ttx prbltc tr(Drds or 8thNry suhs€querl to lhe ettecdve .tct hercof but Fior t fte dat€ thc proposed lNtrtd rcgdrcs of rccord for ydue the estajte or InteEst or mortgage thereon covered W dds CollltdurEnl 6. 'laxes or speclal assessments whlch are mt shown as exbdrg llers by dre prblic rccolds. 1. Lleru lorunpdd wser ard sewer cherges, ll ury. E' In adddoq the orfiPf s pollct wlll be subJect !0 th€ rno gage, lf sny, noed In *cdon I ot SclEdle B hereoL 9. IIIGHT OI]' PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO D(.I]IACT AND REMovE HLs ORE TIIEREII'RO}I SHOLTLD TH.E SAME BE T.IOUND TO PIINET'RATE OR IN.ITJRSECT THE PREIVtrSES AS RSSTiRVED IN UNITED STATIS PATENT RECORDED MAY 06, T905, O{ BOOK4E AT PAGE SO9. IO, RIG}IT OF l!'AY FOR DITCHES OR CANATS CONSTRTICTED BY 'THB AUTHORJTY OF'TFfE UIIITED STATES AS R.EsERlTD IN UNTI'ED SI1ITFS P.{'|EI\-.T RECORDED }{AY 06, 1905, IN B(X)K 4E AT PAGE 509. 1I. RIS'TRICTIYF: COIENANTS }!'HICH DO NOT CONTAIN A T'ORT3,ITI.RE OR REVERI'ER CI.AUSq BUT ol\'trTrlllc ANY COYEN-AI\T OR RFSTRICTION BASED ON RAC;q COI{)& RELIGTO\, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILI.AL ST'A'TUS OR NATIONAL ORIGN UNLESS AND ONLY 'I'O T'TIE EXTENT TIIAT S.AID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPI UNDER CHAPIER 42, SEC'IION 3607 OF TIIE Ur\ITED STATES CODE OR (B) RU-ATES TO TIANDICAP BUT DOES NCrt DISCRIMINATT AGAII{ST HAir-DIC.AP PERSONS, AS CONTAINED IN NSTRUNIEF\|T RECORDED NO\TMBER IO, TNL,IN BOOK 226 AT PAGE 146. 12. U]'ILITY AND DRANAGE EASEMEI TS AS SHOWN ON TTIE NECIRDED PLAT OF VAIL VILLAGE'MIRTEENTH M.O\iG. Fron Land Title Cuarantee Corngeny _ Fri t\,lay 5 15:20:47 2000 Page 7 of 9 A LTA COI\{MITMENT Schedrie B- Secdon 2 (Exceptlors) Our Order No. V269269 The pollcy or pollcles to be lssucd wlll conl,aln exceptlorrs to the followlng unlese lhe s|rrc lre dlsposed of to the sBdsfactlon of the CompanJz: 13, UTILITY EASB{ENT AS RESERVED TN INSTRU}MNT RSCORDED JULY 6, T973 IN BOOK 229 AT PAGE 951, SAID EASEMqI.^T BEING TEN IEET ON EITHER SIDE OF A CENIERLII{E DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: SAID C$'{TF,RLINE BEING TU\ FEET WEST OF An-D PARALLEL T0 TIIE CTDMMON LOT IJNE BETWEEN LOTS 25 AND 26, B',o(.lKT, VAIL VILLAGE THIRTEENTH FILNG, TTIE CO$IMON I,OT LINE BEARII\iG NON,TH 03 DEGRES 47 MINUTES 39 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 144.9? TEE-[. 14. IiaSEMENT AND RrGHT OF WAY FOR THE RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE, MAIN'rAIIri A\D REMoVE SUCE COMMLNICATION .Arr-.D OTTIERFACILIIES, AS GRANTED TO T]IE I]IOUNTAIhi STATES TELEPIIONE AND TELIIGRAPH COMPANY, A COLORADO CORFORATION By ABRATLAML SIIAPIRO IN INSTRUI\{ENT RECORDED SEPTEMBEN.29. 1Y'7 IN BOOK260 AT PAGE /tl3. 15. EASEMENT AND RIGHT G' WAY TO CONSTRUCT, RECONSTRUCT, REP.{N, CHANGq ENLARGE RF-PTIASE, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN AN UI-DERGROUND ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION OR DISTRIBUTION LINE, AS GRANTED TO HOLY CRN ELECTRIC ASSOCIATIOIV, INC. BY ABRAHAM L SHAPIRO, IN IF*STRUME]IT RECORDED ru\-E lt, lr/E IN BOOK 272 AT PAGE EO. 16. LIASEMENT AND RIGH'I ()I.' WAY FOR cAS SYS'fEM, AS GRANI]'D 'tO PUBLIC St)RvICri cotlIPANY OF COLOMDO, By SHAPIRO CONSTRUCTION Ct)., IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST 2, Ty,E IIi BOOK 273 AT PAGE IO. t7. EASEMENIS, R&SERVATIOi{S AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED Oti TFIE RECORDED CONDOI\IINTUM MAP OF BALD }TO'TJN'IATN TO}INHOMES, AND SUPPLEI}TE}iT AND .4LmNDMEN.-TSTIf ERETO. lE. THOSE PROYISTONS, COYENANTS AND CONDITIONS, EASEMITNTS AND RSST'RICX'IO\I$ WHICH ARE A BURDEN TO TI{E CONDOMINIUM UNIT DESCRIBI]D IN SCHEDULE A. .4,S COI{TA[\-TD L\i INSTRUME\-T RECORDED JANUARY IZ, 1Y79,IN BOOK 2tO AT PAGE 7'9, I4T{ICH DOL]S }--OT CONTAIN A FORtrEITURE OR N.EVERTER CI.AUSE. 19. I./NDERGROUND RTGHT OF WAY EASEN{TJNT GRANTED TO VAIL WATERAND SANTTAI'ION DISTRICT IN T{STRUNTENT RECORDED NOI'EMBER 6. T979 IN BOOK 294 AT PAGE 2EI. 20. TT:R,\{S, CONDTTIONSAND PROVISIONS OF UNDERGROUND RJGHTOF WAY EASEIITENTAS GRAn-TED TO HOLY CRO6S ELECTRIC ASSOCLA"IION, NC. RECORDED AUGUST i4 1995 , From Land r'rt l€ luafante" aut Fri i4ay 515r20:47 2000 Page 8 cf 9 ALTA COMMTTMENT Schedule B - Secdon 2 ( Exc$ptlom) Our Ordcr No. \2592n9 The pollcy or polld€J lo be lssued nill conlsln exceptlorc to the fotlowlng trnlc.ca lhe srme lre dlsposed of lo thc saflsftrctlon o[ thr Company! IN BOOK 673 AT PAGE 6t6. 21. D(ISTING LEASES An*D TII'JANCIES. , t-* ..":'0 r'itle cuarant"" .Ut Page 9 of 9 LAND TI'TLE GI-.ARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Requlred by C. |LS. r0-l l-r22 A) The subJect rcal pmpert rmy be located ln I sFcld tarirg dsrlcl B) A Cerdllcrtc ol T{xrs Due llsdrg euch trxllg Jurlsdlrt'on nuy bc ob{aircd frum lh Cuunly Tleesureds authorlz€d rgenL C) The Informdon rcgadlr€ speclal disticts ard lhe bomdarles of such distlcts m&y be obained th0m the Bord 0f Corntv Contrnisslonel3, the Comty Clerli and Recorder, or the ComtJ .Assescor. Dllectve September I, 1997, CIIS 30-f0-rUJ6 ttqd|ts thst dl docmrnts rccelv-ed lor r€cordng or llE ln the clerk and recordeds omc€ shall conhtn e top nngln of et lcast om inch and s lefq dght Itd bottom rmrBln of st lers€ ort half of ar Inch. TtE clerft rd recorder n|ay refuse t0 trcord or flle ony document thet does mt corfornS €xcept th|l, the reqircrrrrt for the bp llurgln shall mt apfly !o docrtrrEn8 uslng fornr on wtdch space ls provlded for rccordlng or frllrg inlonnadon at tlE top mtrgln of tfte docuDent Note: Colondo Dlvlslon of llBuance Reguladom 3.5-f, Parryrsph C of Article VIl rc$dru thet 'Evert dtle enuty slnll be refponslHe for rll nnt@rs wldclr rtrpeer of rccod Ftor b th€ tlrne of rccofdr€ whemycr tl|e Utle endty conduc8 tlr closlr€ and ls resporBlble lor rccodlqg orfllhg ol legal docwnents rcsdltng tmm ttE bacacdon which rvas clced". hlyldcd ftrl hnl Ttde Guarflfe€ C:omp{ry c0ndrxls tE cloglr€ of the irlsund n.|tsacdon and k rcsponslble for rtcontrg the legrl documnB nom lhe uru|Eecton, excepdon nlnber 5 wlll ml ryear on the O*rl€r's TtUe Poucy and OE l,enders Pollcy when lssue(L Note: Afinrndve npJrardc's llen prrotecdon for the Ovrrrr rnry be weileHe(t54icelly by deledon ol Excepdon no. 4 of Schedule B, Secdon 2 ol tlre Comndtsnenl from the Onrefs Polict t0 be lssued) upon clonaplsre wlth the followlrE condtors: A. The lard descrlbed ln Schedule A of alds connrdonent must be s sllBl€ fstr{ly rcsldence wldch lmhrdes s condomldun or lownhouse udL B. No labor or rmtedals lBve be€n lurnlshed by ncchsrtcs or reerlel-|rpn lor pnposes ol constrrcdon on lfie lsrd descdbed In S(:he&ne A of 0{s Connrl0neil wludn the post 6 rrnntls. C. The Con?rny rtrral rc(rlvc fi rppruPl,tale amdsvlt Indcnrlf$rE the Comparry rgai|at rtrFllled nrclnnic's and meledd. rEn's liens. D. The Comparry rmlst recelvr paynEm of the rytoprlale Fenrlrtrr|. l:. |f therc h6 been consE|xdon, lrrymrcrlenls or rnaJor rcpalrs udettaken on the proFrty t! bc Fmhred wludn slx nrontts plor to thc Date of th€ CbmrdtrrEnt, the reqrdrcm€na to oHain coyerage for unr€corded llers wlll lmhde: disclosurc of cerbln consft.rfion lnfonr$don; fimndd ldorrdon as !o lhe seller, t}|e hilder ard or llE contsactor; pcfirrnt of fE ryproprlate prcrnfum fully execud Indemnlty Agrcem€rfs srdsfrtory to tln compolry, url, eny qdddonsl rcqdrcmenb ac nuy be nece-s.sary der sr €xandndon of the aforrsald hfonrndon ry [E Compen]'. No covenge *1ll be glven rtrder any clncurnstanaes lor labor or rEerld for which lhe lrrt.red has conuacted for or agned to pay. Notldng hercln ontrf|ed wlll b( deemed to oblignle lhc comparqr' t0 pmvlde any- of the covenges rctentd to herrin uless the rbove condfiors re llrly sadsfled. Fri fttay 5 15:20:47 2000 Design Review Action Form TOWN OF'VAIL Project Name: Bald Mountain Townhomes Project Number: PRJ00-0055 Project Description: Interior/exterior remodel and addition Owner, Address, and Phone: Harry Greenberg and Ann Ferris 2611 Wylie Rd., Dexter, MI 48130 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Ilale Smith, Fritzlen Pierce Smith Architects 1650 E. Vail Valley Dr., Vail, CO 81657 476-6342 Project Street Address: 2350 Bald Mountain Rd, Unit #3 Legal Description: Lot26, Block 2, Vail Village l3th Filing Parcel Number: 210103302003 Building Name: Bald Mountain Townhomes Comments: 65 sq.ft. of GRFA added under the 250 ordinance Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: building permit Town Planner: Ann Kjerulf Date: 05/15/00 Project Name: Bald Mountain Townhomes Board/Staff Action Action: Staffapproved (per DRB recommendation at conceptual review) with 2 conditions 1. All materials are to match existing 2. Letter of approval required from condominium association prior to DRB Fee $50.00 Paid: vage L of 9 LnlTrtleQamteGrsrv cls|otmusrHEmdil Date: 05"0S-2fiXr Our Order Nunber: VZ692G| PropcrrJ. Addrcss: coNDor{lNtuM uNrfs 3 &4' BUILDING A, EALD Mou\TArN TowNHorvffs FRITZLEF, PIERCE AA'D BRINSR 1650 & VAIL VAI,LEY DRIVE ilC.2 vAlL, co 81657 A rFr DALE SMITH trtlor3 y'o.t?tr}lz lar: 90dlG4!X)[ Cqfles: I Sent Vla Far b Page 2 of 9 LadTiileQ.rrreanpry IctNqNTACTS Drte: 0S.05-2fiI1 Property Addrcss: Our Order Nrnuber: v26g26g C0NDOllur*turl{ UNTTS .r & 4, BUILDT\(} A, BALD MOU.\,t-{ni ,l.OyyNHO$mS BuyrnlBor rower: TO BE DETE&ryIINEI) Sellcr/Ornrcr! II{RRI'S. GREtsNBERGAND.ANNts D. *ERRTJ AS TOCONDO}IINIU]U (;Nrr A.3,IltcttD{TAIN ENTBRPRTSES' AN ILLII'{O{S GENGRAL PAIiTNER.sHIP.qS rocouioMINIUM UNIrA-{ lf ytjg hsvg s1ry'lnqutrles or requlrc lurlhrrr ssslstsnce, pleese connct one oI the numberf, below!For Closlng A&flstNnfct For Tltle Asslsts[ce: Vall Tltle Depr/RA toE s. FRONTACFi RD. tV, #20.1 I'.O. BOX 357 vAU_, C() t1657 Plnrc: VtO.{t G-ZLSI I'er! 970.476-4S14 ESIIMAIEGIIT1EE AIla 0\+1rer$ poli(y l0-t?-91 (Rclssue Rnte) ,{ddldonal Chsfn s175 - 00 9150.00 ?C'TAL $325.00 ftI^ \1( YOC |rol{ }.oL-tt oRDERt rdge J ('I y Chlcago Tllle lruunne Cornptny ALTA COI{lvlITMEiVI Sdredule A Our Order \o. V159269 C,.rlst, Ref., Property Addrcss: coNLloltLiiIUM LrNtrs 3 & 4, tsU[,DC\c A, BALI) Sl(rui\.IAIN '|0WNHOI],1[S 1. Effectlve Dete:Aptil 20, 3000 at 5:00 P.l\{. Pollcy to bc Is8ued, and ttoposed Insuredr 'ALIA" O*r|rr's Pollcy 10-17-92 hoposed hurrcdl TO IJE DETTR}III{EI) .1. The tstate or hltereit hr lhe lrnd descrlbed or referred lo ln this Comtnltment and covered lrcreln ls: A Fct Stmde 4. 't'llle lo the estate or Inlercst cDvercd hercln ls ot th€ elfecdve dnte hereot yest€d Ini fLARRl S. GREB{BERGAND .{NN-E D. trT.RRLS AS TO CONDOMIT-ruM UNIT A.3, IyIOUNIaIN Er\iTEnPRXSF^s' AN ILLINOIS GEFIERAL PAR'I Ir-ERSHIP AS IrO CONDOMINruM UNIT A-4 5. The land referred to In tlds Comml0nena ls descrlbed ns folbws: CONDOMINruM UNITS A.3 AND A4, BUILDNG A, BALD MOUNIi{N IIO}V}JHOVIES CONDOS{TNIUM, ACCORDING TO TIM NIAP RDCONDED JANUARY 12, tY1g IN BOOK 2tO AT PAGE 7EO ANDSUPPLEMS\T AND A,uAnDllEI\T THERETO AND ACCORDNG TO TIIE C0$JDOMINIL M DEcLARATTO\ RE(:ORDED IANUARY 12" IF.g N B(XX zEO AI' PAGE 7?9, CdJNTI' G'EAGLE, STATE OFcoI,oRADO. $ut,uof 't rt I M4y J Llizui.+t zuuuo Page 4 of I AT,'I'A COMII{ITMENT ScheduleB-Sccdonl (Requlrernents) Our Order No. V269269 'l'he followlng aru the r€gulrements to be complied wlth: It€m (e) Payment io or for the arcourt of the grutors or rmrgagon of the full consldertdon for orc rstlrF oI lnlercst to be lrrured It€m (b) hopfr Instnmen(s) crcsdng the esule or Inerest t0 be hsured must be executrd and duly llled for rtcord, to-wltt Item (c) Payment of dl uxes, cttrges or rssessnents levled Ed assessed agdBt thc suqect ptrrdses wldch arc due ud prtst e. Itfm (d) Addidonai rBqdrcnEnts, lf ery dsdosed betow: L NEL[.\SE OF DF:ED OF TRUST DATED AUGUST 13, IC97, I''ROIVT fIARRY S. GREI'NBERG AND ANNE D. FERRIS TO TIIE PUBUC TRI.ISTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF CT{ERRY CRETK ITORTGAGE CO., INC. ',rO SECL]RE IfIE SUM OF $209,000.00 RECORDED AUGUST ts, t991, LN BOOK 734 AT PAGE 7.14, RECEPTION NO. 630700. SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS. SSIGNED TO FLEI'I'MORTGAGE CORPORATION IN ASSIGN-}TENT RECoRDED NOVEMBER 24, 1997, IN BOOK ?44 .4T PAGE 406. l\ttt& 'l tlFj ABOVB RIIJU IR"EIVEN'IS A Ft"tr(rt C]()N DOotLN tU tvl tiNf t' A-3. 2. RELEASE Oti DI!.!D OF TRL'SI' DA'|ED SEFIEIIBER 30, l99E FROM .IAMES A.K LAMBUR AND JAFI'ES B. BO{:ARDIN ANU .{LBERT V. BGCH AND ROBERT T. SE}IBA FOR }IOUNTAIN !;\*ITRPRLSES, Alt$ [Lll'tOLS cE'liERAt, PART]{DRSHIP TO TIIE PIJBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COIN'TY I.OR I'HE USE O!'}-IRST CITY FNANCIAL TO SECURE'THI' SUM OF $240,000.00 ITECORD!:D OC-IOBER tJ, 1998. L]\DERRECEPTION NO, 67?509. SAID DI]ED OF TT.UST WAS ^{SSIGNED TO STANDARD BANK TRUST IN ASSIGNML\T BECORNED OCTOBER 13, 1998 I,JNDF;R BECEPTION NO. 6?2510. :1. RELEASE OF STORTGAGE DATAD AT,iGUST'2E, I9E9, FROI}I JAMES A.K LAIITBU& JAMES B. BOSCANDIN. AND ALBERT V, BOACH FOR T1IE USE OF FIRSI'STATE BANK OF TAOS TO SECLnE THE SUM OF $125,fi)0.00 R}]L-oRDED SEPTEMBEn 06, 19t9, rN BooK 512 AT PAGts 9i19. .1. TRADE NAiT,lE AF-FIDAVIT OR GEI\ERAL PARTNERSItrP AGREEIITENT oF NToUN.TAN ENTERPRISES' .{N ILLN(xs GENERAL PARTNERSHtr' A GENERAL PARr"llERsHlP, I)ISCI,CXiING T}IE, NA}IFI; A\D ADDNESSES OFl'HE PARTNENS 'TI{ERETO. ONE OR N{ORE OF rage 5 oi tJ AI.TA CO\{MtTlrlENT Schcdule B- Secdon I i Regul remcntr)Oul Order No, V269269 (l0ntlnued: SA ID PA R' f NIINS M L-* S' I LY E(: T.'I E APPROPRIA'IE D()c TI }TEN TS. r{0ftL THE ABOVE REQI jIRE}IEN i'S AI.TLCT C()NDONIINruM UNIT A-4. 5- T"IDT.]T!CE SA'IISFACI'ORI 'IO IHB COMPA}{} T1IAT 'THE .fER.i\{S. CONDITIONS ANt) PROI'ISIONS tr TItE TOW\ OF VAIL TRANSTER TAX I.IAVE BEEN SATISMED, o- ChiRl'llltxl'E OI{- RICH'r Ol' },llLS]'RtiH,SAL II\ (.'OlvlPLf,AN(ihi WrfH 'l'tiE I'rjt{l}ts. (-.i}} D Tf IO:i S A ND PROYISIONS OIJ ('O\D0f,lni TL M DECLAIT,{'TTO\. 1. IVARRAI{TY DEED F'ROSI HAR-RY S. GREENBBRG An-D AIINE D. FERRIS AS TO CONDON[[\I[;N| UN'IT A.J, MOU\'IAIN FNTERPRISES, A\ TLLTNOTS GE\:ERAL PAI(I\-ERSHIP.{S TO CO\DOMtr{ITJ}I Uj\*IT,l-4'rO IO tsE nEIERMINED CONVEIING SUBJECT PROFERTY. NOTE! THIS PROFURTY }f4Y BE SUBJTjCT TO AN ASSESSMDN I' BY ]'TIE BALD NTOUNTAT}{ TOII'I\HO}TAS HOI}IFJOWNEII.S ASSCX:IATION, PLEASE CONTACT TIIE AS.\OCIATIO\ TO ENSURE 1U4'l 'IllE ASSESSMFINTS ARl, CURREI-* t i.'(7l'Fl: LPON N0III, t(lA nON OI,' T'!IE BIJIER EN'n'l'Y, ADDITIONAL RFQUIRIIMB{'IS Af I) FXCA:FI'IO\S IVTAY BU NEC'TsSARY. )OfE: lltE $r?5.00 PRlr*{Il-r}l SHOllT\i HEREIf{ IS IJASED ON A TO BE DETERVIL\ED PtTi{]HAii8 PRJCTj, UITON NECHPT OF THE DOT,I,AR AMOUNT TO BE TNSURED. SAID PN"LVIIU}{ WILL CHANCE. o'rage b or 9 At.TA CO}INII'fI\TENT Schcdule B - Secdon 2 (Exceptloru) our order No. \269269 1'he grllc5 or pollclrls to b€ lsducd $11, contaln erceptll)rrs lo thr lollowlr€ unle.s thc s.m(: &re dispos€d of 1., the saflsfartlon of the Company: 1. Rlgtlr or clalrx of Frtles In po$esslon not sholflr b1- llr public mcords. X. EascmrntJ, or (ldn$ of€asernrb, rntshown by tht public rccods. 3. Dlscrtponctes, ronlltcb In bouldrry llms, shortage In arca, encrcochrn€nts, sd ory fscts wldch a corrcct suney srd llrsp€cuor oI rhe prctnlses would dlsclose and whlch anc tDt slruwn W thc publlc rccoHlc. 4. .{try ll€n, or rl8fit to a ileri, for $enicrs, labor or nntedal therctof0rc or hercafter nrdshed, ln$osed by |flil fld not slI|wn b1 the public recordr 5. Defecb, lii:nq encrnrhtances, adversc tldrns or o[Er msttels, il any, crested, tirst appeadrE ln th€ Fxrbllc ttrnrds or atlrhlng $*6equ('l to tlr tttetdve da& lErcof brrt Fior b lhe d[te thr proposd lrsued acgrdrtc of rccord for vdue thr ef,tate or int€rest or mortgage thcreon covered try ttds CornndtrrnL 6. 'fures or sptclrl aesessnrnts rvhlch src mt shown rc exlsdrg lieru try Grc plbllc rccords. i. Llsrs for unpqld w*Er snd sewe. chsrgB, ll my. t. ln adddott lhe ot+lr|" s pollcy wlll be subJ€cl lo tlte morerye, lf ory, nobd ln Secdon I of Sclpdule B tErcof- 9. RIGfl'OF PROPRIETOROF"A YEIN ORII)OE 1'O DTTRACT AND REMOVE HLS ORE THE:REI,ROIVI Sllotlll) TIIE SA]II| BE II]UND 'Ir) PTiNETRATE OR INIT;RSECI'TF{E PREDIISES AS RflSF:RI,ED IN UNIIED S"IATIS PAT};NT RECORDED MAY 05, T9OS, IN BOOK.'IE AT PdcFl gr9. ,II}. ITIG}N'fJF \}".\Y F'UT( DLI(--T{ES OR C4N.1[S CONSIT.LICTED BY fIE .{UTHORJ'IY Of''[TTE L\fIlJD $TA',rUS AS RISERITD IN UNfl'UD S',l'A tTS pA'ftL\--T RECORDED )tAY 06, 1905, T\ BOOK d|8 AT PAGE -q09. IT. Rtr;.S'I-R|('1'I\/FJ COYENAN'IS }\I{IC:H DO NOTCONTAIN A I'ORTETTLRE OR REVERI'ERCI..AUSg BUT ()N!ITTA{G ANl. COyl{l\AIiT OR RFS'I]uCTION BASET ON RAC.E, COIJ()n, RELIGIO\, S[X, TT{}$DIC A P. FA iltrLTAL S'I:A'ru-S OR NATIONAL ONIGN UNLESS A ND ON LY 1 O TTIE FIXIENI-Tl'lAT SAID COVLTTIANr (A) rS r:XElvlPt UNDERCFIASIER42, SE/C'IIOr.{ -r6{n oF 'r'f{E uNn'eo ylATEs coDE oR (B) RELA'IES'rO HANDICAP BUT DOES NgT DISCRI]I{INATE AGAINST T1ANDICAP PEtrISONS, AS CONTATIIED IN INSTRUMEF{'I RECORI)ED \OVEMBER lt, 1y72" lN BOOK1,26 AT PAGE ldt6. 12. U]'ILI'IY AND DRAtriAGL: EASFJMEII1S AS SHOT N ON THE REL'ORDED PLAT OF VAIL Y II.I.{GE'TH IRTEEI.i TH FTI,D{G. From Land rJtre Luarante" au Frl ay ) l::1()34/ /0uo Pag€ 7 of 9 ALTA COI\{[tITSlENT Schedule B - Secdon 2 (Erccptlor$) Our Order No. V369269 'Ihe pollcy or pollcles lo be lssuod wlll contain excrptlorB lo lhe fol|owlng unl$s th€ satne Nre dlspos€d of to thr setlsfaction of the Compeny: 13. UTILI'I'Y EASE\'IENT AS RNLRVED tN $iSrRU!'1Ei\T RECoRDED IULY 6, 19?3 IN- BOOK 229 A PAGE 95I, SAID E.ASEMEI\iT BOING TE{ FEET ON EITHER SIDE OF A CEN'IERLIII{E DESCRIBED AS FOT,LOWS: SAID CEIITERLTT-E BENG TEN FEET WEST OF AND PARALI,EL TO THE COMMON LOT LTI\IE BETIIT"EN LOTS I5 AND 26, BLOCK2, VAIL VILLAGE'THTRTBENTH FII-NG THE COIII}TON L('T LINE BEARING }iORTH M DIGREES 47 }TINUTES 39 SECONDS F.AST A DISTANCII OF lil4.97 tEL-t. 14. EASEIIENT'Ar\DRIGH'I'oFwAYlrORTrlERlGllT'TOCONSTRUCI,OPERATF;SIAIN'IAINA\D REMOVE SUCH CoMllt,;lilCrlTlot{ AND oTtrER FAcLn ms, AS GRANTED To 'l'HE NrouN'fAI}i STATES 'TELEPHOFIE A}iD TIiLTGRAPH C{IMPANY, A COLORADO CORFORAI'ION BY ABMfIAM T- STLAPIRO II{ TNSTRUNInNT RECORDED STPTEMBER 29, 1977 IN BOOK 250 AT PAGE :lst. t5. EASEIIE\T AND RIGHT OF W.{Y TO COilISTRUCT, ngCONSTRUCT, REP.{IR, CIIANGE ENLARGE, RE-PH{SE, OPERAIE AND MAINTATR- AN UNDERGRO{IND ELECTRIC TRANSI{ISSION OR DISTRIBLTION LINF,, AS GRANTED TOHOLY CROSS ELECTR]C A$SOCIATIOn-, INC. BY ABRAHAM L SHAPIRO' IFi NSTRUMENT RECORDED JU\-E 11, rY'E TN BOOK g'I AT PAGB EO. 16. EASD}TtsNI'AND RIGH'I'OT'" WAY FOR GAS SYSTEOI, AS (;RAN'Il'D'TO PUELIC S!:RVIC!] coLtPANY OFC(J|-RADO, 8Y STHPIROCONSTRUCTpN CO., IN INSTR{-JMENT RECORDED AUCUST 3, l9?8 L\ BOOK 27-1 AT I'AGE 10. 17. &\SL].|\'1ENIS, NESER}A1'IG{S AND RE.S ru(:TIONS AS SHOW}i OR RESERVF:D OIi TIIE RECORDI'D CONDO\{INIUNI }1AP OF BALD NTOUN'TATN TO14f{HOMES, AND SUPSLE,\'IEN'T AND AilIBND ME!,iTS THERETO. 18. 'rHosE PROVISIONS, COVENANTS Af\D COI'iDnIONS, F,ASEIIIiNTS AND RFST'RIC'IIOIIS' ltntcH ARE A BURDIIN TO TUE CONDOIVIINIUM UNIT DESCruBED IN SCIIEDULE A' .{S CO.r'TANED N\i TNSTRUIVTE\T RECOM)ED JANUARY IZ, 1979,IN BOOK ]EI, AT PAGE 779, WHICH DOES }_OT CONTAIN A I.'ORFEITURE ORREVERTERCIJ| USE. Ig. LTI\IDERGROUNDRJGHTOFWAYEASEMET'T'TGRANTEDTOVATLWATERANDSANITAI'ION DIS'ITICf II\- D$STRUMIf{T RECORDED NOVEMBER 6, 1979 tN BOOK 294 AT PAGE 2II. 11]. 1ER,!1S, CONDITIONS ANI) PROVIIIIONS OT'- UNDERGROUND RIGHT OF TIAY EASENIEIT'I'AS G&qIiTFID 't'o HOLY CROSS EL!,C-I'RIC ASSOCIAIION, NC. RE{pBDED AUGLTST 14, r99S irl Flay ) L) i zvzql zuut)Pa(te ! ol 9 AL'I'A COM}ITTIVIENT Schedule B- Secdon 2 iFlxeptlor|s) (hrr Ordcr No. v369269 't'he pollcy or pollcie{ to be lrsus{ wlll conlaln erL\eptlo|rs lo thc follorrlng [nl€.rig the srme ere dlcposcd of lo the satlcfrctlon ot the ('otnpantr': IN B(x}i 673 A'T PAGE 6E6. ?I, EXISTING LEAb'ES AND ?'EI\ANCIES. Fron, I and ,lt le LuaIanlee Lor Frl May ) L)acuiq/ avuv rdve J ul 7 LANt' TI'TLA GUARAI|I'EF] COMPANY D TSCLOSURE S'TATETVIENT Rrgulred by C.lLS. t0'11'12? A ) 'Ilre sublcct reul prcpenl rmy be located in a speclal t8'iilE dsElcL B) A C-ertllicale ol farcs Drx llsttry ach tating jurlcdlcdon nuy bu oblajncd frum t r, count} Tressuer s authorlzed egenL c) 'I'he lnfonnadon regsrdlng sptrclal dfutricts and lh€ bomdsrles ol su.:h dis0{cts filsy bc oba|ned tmm the tiofld ol. cbltrrF Contmiss|oners, t}rc com.y C|er}i and Recot{er, or drc Coutly Asse$.{or. u ecdvc sep&lnber l, 1997, CRS .r0-10-40(t regdrcs tlEt all docunents l?celved for rccoftfrng 01 nllrE lll the clerk ond rccotdef s omce shatl co atn N &0P nnrgin of al lest onc Inch and r letg rlgltt 8td bottom lmrgln ol atleo'coneha|fo?an|nch'Tl*c|er*fdrecotdertnsyrufiscto]€codorflle{t|ydog:rcentthatdo€sm| cotforTb cx.ept tlut, 0re rcgrdrtnrnt ror dre bp malgir! shall mt apply !o doculrEns utlns fomB on wtdch spoc,e ls pmd&d lor rccordlng or ttnrg infonmdor at thc top nnrgtn ol tln docurcil. Non: Colorado Dlylslon of llreurlnce RegulNdotB 3-5.1, PNrqraph C of Aficle VII rcgrdrcs thet'Every t|.leenut}stul|bcrespo|tc|Hclorgl|nnrler*wNchrDpesrofrccodPr|orbthctjflrorrtcoldrlg wtrer*ver dre utle etdty condrrs [E closlnS NId ls rcspomlble tor recodh€ or flllng or legal doeunenB |tsddng tmm dr transEcdon whi0h w8s closed", PrnYlded &rt l,anl Tttle Guflflltee compoly u|ndoc6 tE clud|E of tlE Insutd trNltscdon rrld ls ruPorclue for rccotdlg tlt - legr|cocrmerrrsrromlheuansacdorqelcePdonnunbersw||lmtrpFgrontheolrrrer'sl.|tl€ Pollcy Erd ttE l,endets Pollcy wllen lssmd. No&: Afimndve rnechanlc's llen prortctlon for the Orrner may be avrlhble($lically by deledon olErctpdonno.4ofSchedu|eB,Secdo|l2ofdreComrdbnenlfmmt}Eo$rlecsPoI|ry!oE lssu*tl) ulnn conryllsre wlth the followlrg conddors: A. Thc lsnd dcscrlhd In Sthe<lule A of llrts colrmitrmnt must be B sll€lc farnlly rtsldeuce wtdch lncludes a condomtnlun or townhouge rmlc 8. \o lsbor or msterlsls hrve been funtshed by mechadcs or u|rt€rlal'men lor pryoses ol correfircdoo on ltle tsrut .tescrlbed ln s(:hedule A of Eds comndonent vltNn the post 6 r|ontlrs' (:, Tlrc c-onp€lry mucl rc(:elv€ an ipproprlate sfiidsvit Indfflirtrry tE compalry aSalnst urnled npctnrdc's std nsledd-trrn's llens. l). fhe Compony nnlsl rccelvc poyrne of the ryroprtale fmlun U. .|f there lras bte|l cot$t don' ltrymwrFnts or nqfor repdrs rnderttkcn on t]E FtFrty to be prchactd wlddn slx |no lE fior fo ore Dete of thc Cbmml[|Enl' tlle rcgdrcrnenb to obtein coverage tor unrecorded llrrs urlll lrxlude: dixlosurc of certnln c0nsmKsotr l|folrrudoni financlsl ttrfornudon as m lhe scller, the btdlder ard or the conFactor; Deynrril of tlE Ery.oFlae prendum fully execuEd lDd€rtrdty A8rcemeds srdsfrlory t'o tlx compcny' url' ,iy "iaaon"l ftqdrcmrna {c rtfiy be n€cqqsary st'ter 8n sx{ndndon of lhe afortsdd lnlorrrudon bY tln ComPery. i\o €oeeltge v'ill be $1ell urder any clrcunsl8nces for lsbor or mdedal ror which the lnsurtd hss con&acted lar or agmed to FY. \ottfruhereinconuirlerlwltlbedeernedto(,bligntethtcompany!0trnvld€anyolthe coverugqr fttel1ld to h(rcin r[dess lhe abovc colilltiorrs stt trlly satiEtled' \^ .,f (g DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.JNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M00-0093 Job Address: 2350 BALD MOUNTAIN RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 2350 BALD MTN RD #4 Applied . . : 08/ll/2000 ParcelNo...: 210103302004 Issued. . : 08/16/2OOO ProjectNo : Expires. .: 12/22/2000 APPLICANI ,J.S. FERERO 08/!4/2000 Phone: 970-845-2297 P.O. BOX 1504 AVON, CO CEL,L, 970-33L-8264 8L620 License: 144-M Also is CONTRACIOR CONTRACTOR J.S. FERERO 08/L4/2000 Phone: 970-945-2297 P.O. BOX 1504 AVON, CO CELIJ 970-33]--8264 8L520 License: L44-M Also is Applicant OITINER LAMBUR .]AMES A K - BOSCARDINOS/L4.2}'o Phone: BOSCH AI,BERT V - SEMBA ROBER 7600 WEST COLLEGE DR PAIJOS HEIGHTS II' 50453 License: Desciption: MECHANICAL FOR HEATING (ADD SHEETMETAL WORK) Valuation: $ 12,761.00 Fireplace lnformalion: Resnicted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Log: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 Mechanical-> 5260. oo Rcstuarar Plan Revieiv-> FEE STJMMARY aa+t*rarttt****:rrrr**)rrrt***)r,|rtaaaaa:tt:ra:rtattt,r***trr***rrt't $0.00 Total Calculated Fees--> S328.00 s0.00 90.00 Uc,.^\rJ.\-OtCd -J-\& vK\^-fH" So. oo Additional Fees------> $3.00 BALANCE DLTE-> Item: 05100 BUfLDING DEPARTMEITf 08/L4/2000 KATITY Act,ion: NOTE ROUTED TO CIIARLIE O8/L5/20OO CHARIJIE Action: APPR charlie davis It,em: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEMT 08/]-4/2000 KArrrY Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 FIEI,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPI.,IANCE. Cond: 23 INSTAIJIJATION MUST CONFORM TO MANI,'FACTT]RES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 1-O OF TTTE r_997 UMC, CIIAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: CON0003196 CoMBUSTTON ArR rS REQUIRED PER SEC. 70r" OF THE L997 UMC, OR SECTTON 70r- OF TIIE Plan Check-> Invqtigalion-> will cr -> S5s.00 DRB Fee---__-_-> S0.oo TOTAL FEES-> 5328.00 Totd Pernit Fee----> S32E.OO Patrnonts--------> 5328.00 1997 IMC.' ****** (2) 7 round ducts are required to meet the combsutioair requiremenEs ******** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and stale that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this sftucture according to the towns zoning and Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. ision codes, design rwiew approved, REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHAIT BE MADE TWENTY.FOTIR HOLIRS IN 2138 OR AT OIJR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNE *{"t**'}**{t****:l,lt'f*'}'}lt'}********{t*t**** +* * *'***1*****:t*,t**** **t}*****+**** ** *****:t!* *'t **** +*** 't*:}'l TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on l2-28-201D et 10:31:08 l22f,nOOO Statement ****!tlt**{t:t* '1. 't{i *'t*{r**'l *'i ** '1.'t * ** * * * ** * * 'i 'lr * * * * * ** {' 'i * r! ** {.* *{t * * * *!*** ***** * * * ** *'** * * * * ** *!* ** * 'f 't *** Statement Number: R0O0000317 Amount: $50.00 12/28/2OOO!O:30 AM Pa].ment llethod: Check Init: KMW Notation: *42L/J.5. Ferero Permit No: M00-0093 TIG)e: !,IECHANICAIJ PERIT{IT Parcel No: 2101033 02004 Site AddreaB: 2350 BAIJD II{OI'NTAIN RD \IATIJ IJocation: 2350 SAL.D I!{TN RD #4 Ttrie Payment :$s0.00 Balance : t********i****'f 'l{r*'l'*{.*t'l*:t********!*:}********'t*'t***'t'r*'t **'t*'t * +* 't!* * ** * ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Current Pmts Total Feeg: $328.00 Totaf ALIJ Pmts: $328,00 So. oo Descr i pti on MP OO1OOOO3III3OO MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PF OO1O()OO3i123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 40.00 10. 00 TOWN OF VAII-I 75 S. FROIiilTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970 -479 -2L38 DEPARIMENI OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMETiIT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMTT .'OBSITE AT AJ.,t TIMES Permit. #: 800-0184 .fOb AddrCSS: 2350 BALD MOI]NTAIN RD SEATUS...: ISSI]ED Locat,ion-. . : BALD MOIINTAIN TOWNHOMES CApplied. . : 09/L8/2000 Parcel No..: 2101-033-02-004 rssued...: 09/25/2000 Project No. : pRit00-0001 E:rpires. .: 03/24/2ool OWNER LAMBI'R .JAMES A K - BOSEARDIN .' B BOSCH ALBERT V - SEMBA ROBER, 7600 WEST COLI-,EGE DR, PAJ-,OS HEIGIfT CoNTRACTOR SABO ELECTRIC Phone: 970-524-7970 0799 COITONWOOD PASS ROAD, GYPSIJM, CO 81637 DescripCion: ELECTRICAL FOR FIRE-DAMAGED DWELLING UNVaIuaLion:10, 000 . 00 ,rrrrrJ.t'r.rr*r FEB st ut{ARY r.*r*at.r''rtr.1 DRB F6c .00 3.00 TOtArr FBEg---> 183.00 It,em: 05000 ELECfRICAI DEPARTIIIENI09/2L/2o00 C'GoODELL Action: APPRITEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Bl6ctrical - - -> InvcEtiga!ion> will call----> Toca1 Calculeted Secs-_-> Addltlonal Fe€s---------> Togal P.rmit Fec--___---> Pay6ent6-----_- BAIAIICE DUE-. - - 1S0 . OO 143 .00 .00 183 .00 133.00 .00 DepL: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: *titt*t***iri'+ CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL WORK IS TO BE IN ACCORDAIiICE WITII TIIE 1999 NATIQNAL ELECTRICAL CODE (NEC) AS ADOPTED BY TIIE TOWN OF VAIL. rrrr.tr+i.rrrrt DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovlcdgs Chats I havc read this application, fitlcd out in full fhe infofinalion rcquirad, coEPleted att accu.tatc Plol p1an, and 6tat6 Ehag all fhe Lnforuafion providod as rcquired is cor!ec!. I agree !o colopl.y riEh Eho lnforeagion and ploc pLan, Co eooply sith all Tosn ordintnces and 6tat.€ lawe, altd E.o buj.ld thi€ se-uct'ur€ according to tshe Tor,n'6 zonLng and gu.bdiwision codes, desigm lel,-iGw approved, UnLforltr Building codr and other oldinanc€E of tsh€ Town altplicablo th€rseo. REQUEStlt FOR TNSPECTTONS SmLrJ B8 lnDE I!{EISTy-FOUR HOURS rN AD\rlr{CE BY OPFICE FRoU g:00 AIil 5100 Pl.lTBLBPTIONB AT 479-2133 OR AT OUR -'-)''/4?' / dz4 a)d-<z- S:GIGTI'RB OF OWNER OR COMR,E.(TOR FOR HIII'SEIJF AND OIINER rl***t**t***i*****rt*tt*,t**r!*********l*+t+**i***r****t*****ta*i*tt TOIIN OF VAIL, COLORADO SEatemnt *trr*l}!rt*ttti}ai+rra!tt}*t*ia**f**'l******tt**{*tlrtr+*t*rt*ii****ttl*{** gtatennt Nundcer; REC-O679 Amount :Ls3.oo o9/25/oo totLz Pa)nnent Uetbod: 2780 Notation: SABO EITEqIRIC Init r inil Permits No: Parcel No: Site AddreEs : Location : This Payment EoO-0194 Type: B-EITEC EIJBqIR.ICA! PERIiiIIT 2101- 033- 02 - 004 2350 BAIJD I.IOUNTAIN RD BAI,D MOI'NTAITiI TOWNHOMES CONDOS I'NTT 4A Total Fees: 183.00 Total A],L Pmts: Balance I ft***!r***t*t**rr*****al**t*tti*+t**t***t****tt***t**tir**t*trl*t*t* Account code De6crlption 183 .00 183 .00 .00 Amount 180.00 3.00 EP OO1OOOO31111OO ELEqPRICAI PER"II{IT FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILI, CAIIIJ INSPECTION FEE tTKIao -ooo/ Iu.r."l* 800_Clg+TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATIOI.I FORN;-" JLU Contad he Eqla CourfyAssessors Offie d 97OA2g-8640 far paftel *Parcel # Z,lo l - f>3t.c>- oatl Pcrmir * 3 cro O_llq JobNrmc: Builditrg ( )Plunbire ( )Aecrical"{()Mechrnical ( ) I Addrcss, Date: llrJao I-€grl Descritrim: l-ot Block_ Filing__ Subdivision OrmersNane$rAr. Co,atrr,- Architcct; Descripio ofJob: :R--'- o o< I Wort Oass: New ( )eterarlorld Atlditioml ( ) I Nrunber of Dlrclling Units: lilumbcr and Type ofFincplaces:Gas Applianccs ) I R"pnitt I Nunbcr of Accommoda:tlon Udils: r .- Gas Logs_ WoodPeu,et OTTIER; TOTAL i otb€r(i) Toll c,f Vail Regisradon No- Mcclraicd Cmtragror: Town of Vail Rcgisui$on No. \-Nv -\ \ rsl--N u\Js*\\\\.S \.\)\nrs;I--Jrl BUILDING: PLUItIBING s_i $-l vALUATtOlts ELECTRICAL: $ MECHAMCALI coNIRACToR INFORMAIoN Gemrel Cgn&ectori Town of Vail Regirrrgtion No- : Sab> €l.*.L a^t- . Tcwn of Vail Rrgisradon No. , 4 276 : Plunrbirr: Contrrcto!; I Phrna { r-t-l g - q3.,ff I..9.-"---'w'..'1- I Addrtss: ts177 Glfo^ u,.l ?.<r Pali, (,.eyry (- - I Plronc # 52-V- 1'lao Adfress: Phorc # Mdrcss: Phonc # FoROqFEE UsE BIJILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING; SIGMTURE: w RtcD sEP 18 2000 ( REPT131 10-11-2000 7:16 am Sierra Computer Syetems Re$ lnrpect Dde: Aselgnad To: lmp€ctlon Typo: Inspoctlon Area: Slto Addross: W.fiosday, Octobcr l{, 2000 coAvls BLDG GG 2350 BALD TIOUIITAIiI RD VAII 2350 BALD TTI{ RD, #4A" BALD TT}I TOYYI{HOTIE Tlpc: AMF Oca.pancy: 9rb Typc: AMF Usc: V 1-HR Phone: 97047S4343 OTneT: LAMBUR JAMES A K. BOSCARDIN J B ,l9rtraaor-HEf+€ONSTRUCTION-- Phon6: 97G47&t1343 <{lcscription: TEMP SHORING DUE TO FIRE DAMAGE "-\ ffi ENBERG/FERRISAAMBUREoSCARDTN - JNOLEN App[cant: HEIoCONSTRUCTION Raquosled hsp€ctlods) Item: 80 BLDG$heofock ilaI Rroucstor: HEID CONSTRUCTION - WETTE corrnents: WILL CALL 3765173 JIM Assigrcd To: COAVIS ReqtrdedTlmc: fi:00Pll Phonc: 97G47&t1343 Entored By: JNOLEN K AGtion: Item Conunents: rhe UTItr ,I '6uP (t*lL l^t. fR Lor uit t9{^LW 'lI r/ri \ TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIITAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81557 970-479 -2L38 APPLIEAIiTI COI TRACTOR OWNER DescripE,ion: REMODEI, UNIT .fob Address: Locati-on. . . : Parce1 No..:Project No.: 2350 BALD MOUNTAIN 2350 BALD MOUMTAIN 2101-033 -O2-004 PR,l00-0001 RD ------r Statsus. . nn(++)applied.v rssued.. Ercpires. ISSIJED o6 / os /2ooo 07/06/2000 oL/ 02 / 200L DEPARII/IENT OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMEI T NOTE: TTIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT PerMiT #: BOO-0119 HErD CONSTRUCTTON Phone: 970-476-4343 2077 NORTII FROIiTTAGE ROAD, SUITE ].1.0, VAIL, CO 8].557 HErD CONSTRUCTION Phone: 970-475-4343 2077 NORTH FROI{TAGE ROAD, SUITE 110, VAIL, CO 81-657 I,AMBIJR iIAMES A K - BOSCARDIN J B BOSCH ATBERT V - SEMBA ROBER, 7600 WEST COLLEGE DR, PA].OS HEIGI{| TOV/Comm. Dev. ADD DORMER Firepface Informatj-on: Re6Cricted:*Of sae Appliancea:#of Gae Logs:*of wood/Pellct: FEE SUI'!.'ARY Occupancy: I)T)e Construction: Type Occupancy: Valuation: R1 Mulri-Famiry apnrovedv 1-HR TYPe v l-Hour ari:rr)unt 23o,ooo ouu ,t4tlP, Clean-up Deppqit Refund Tocal calculaEed Feea-- >Building-----> Plan check---> Inve6tj.gation> will calI----> 1, 25O .0 O 419 . OO . oo 3.O0 Reetuarant Plan Revie!,- - > DRB Fee-------- Reeieation Fee------ ----> CIean-Up Depoeit-- -- -- --> .00 200.00 47 .60 500.00 2,929 -60 Additional Fe6s---------> .00 Total. Pennib Fee--------> Payoentsa------- 2, e2t .60 2,529 .60.......".;";:.;;;;;;;tk;;*i,,".""..3:3i3*r.**,rHt;;;;;;;;,;;;;";;"";::*" 06/05/2000 'JRM Acr.ion: NorE PI-,ANS ro cIaRLrE06./08./2000 CIIARLIE ACTiON: APPR SEE REDLINE CORRE TTONSIEbM'. O54OO PLANNING DEPART!'IEIiIT DEPE: PI,ANNING DiViSiON:05/05/2000 ''IRM Acti-on: NOTE PT,ANS TO ANN- O5./O7./2OOO AKiIERI'LF ACtsiON: APPR PLANS TO KATIIYrtsem:'.05600 FrRE DEPARIIiIENT Dept: FIRE Division:06/08/2000 CIIARTIE AcEion: APPR N/ArEemi"05500 PUBLTC WORKS Dept: PUB WORK Division:06/08/2000 CIIARLIE Action: APPR N/A ;;';";; ";';.;;;;;;;":;;;;;;;;" ";;";.;";' .;;;;;;;;;; DE C],ARATI ONS I hereby acknolrLedge lhat I have read Ehis application, fill.ed oul in futl the infomation requircd, collpl€lea an accuraEe plot plan, and 6cat'e thats alL chc infornatsion prowided aa required is corlcct. I agree bo cottlply !,ich thc inforEaEion and Plot PLan, tso comply \.ith all Toen ordinances and sEage 1awe, and to build chis Ecruclure according co tho To!rn'6 zoning aod Bubdiviaion codes, d66igrr review approved, Uniforrn Building code end other ordinances of th6 To!.n app]icable thareto. REQI'ESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAIL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN A.D\INNCE BY Send Clean-Up Depoaits Tot HEID CONST STGNATURE "rQ"* oR coNrRAsroR FoR HTMSELF .BriD owr{ER ,r******************************************************************************* CONDITIONSPermit #: E}00-0119 as of 07/06/00 Status: ISSIIED,.******************************************************************************* Permits Tlpe: ADD/ALT MF BUITD PERMIT Applied: 05/05/2000 Applicant: HEID CONSTRUCIION Issued: O7/O5/2O00 970-476-4343 To E:qpi-re: OL/02/2003' ilob Address: Location: 2350 BALD MOUNTAIN RD #4Parcel No: 2101-033-02-004 Description: REMODEL I]NIT ADD DORIVTER Conditi-ons: 1.. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. 2. AI'T-' PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEIL,INGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAI . 3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3L0.5.1 0F THE 1997 UBC.4. FIRE DEPARTIIEIfT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 5. PRTOR TO A FRAMING INSPECTION: .PROVTDE INFORMATION ON TYPE OF GAS F/P BEING INSTALLED -PROVIDE REVISED STRU TURAL DR,AWINGS FOR NEW SKYLTGHT CONSTRUCIION***** I4AITE NOTE OF RED LINE CORRECTIONS ON DRAWINGS U :t*t**it***i*i*****ltta***t**********rr*alf ****t****ll****+******** TOWN OF VAIL, COT,ORADO Statenult tA***********if**:r*l**rl**t*it**A.a***!a*:t**t***********r**t*****r*+ StatemnE Number: REC-0651 Amount: 2,a29.60 0'7/06/00 ]-f.2o PalmeDt l{ethod: 4353 Notation: HEID CONSTRUCT Init: .IN PermiE No: BOO-O119 Type: A-l4F Parcel No: 2101-033-02-004 Site Addrees: 2350 BALD MOUNrAIN RD LOC I1ON: 2350 BA],D MOUNTAIN RD #4 ADD/ALT MF BUIID PER Thie Paynent Total Fees: 2,A29.60 2,529.50 Total- AI.IL Pmte: 2,929 -60 Balance; .00 l**l*ii***at**:l**:r*tl********+t**+:l******trr********+****r*r**t** Account Code Description BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUIIIDING PERMIT FEES DR OO1OOOO3I.122OO DESIGN REVIBW FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PI,AN CHECK FEES AD D2-DEPO8 CLEAM'P DEPOSITS RF 1]-1OOOO31]"2700 RECREATION FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WIIJI' CATL INSPBSTION FEE AmounE L,260 . OO 200.00 8l-9.00 500.oo 3.00 * m/4 F- - Paae.f lRf O0 - AOa/ APPucAnfr : L,!;:,,i!;,{::,,#1fr,./n,,un,o Project #: Building Permit #: 97 o - 47 9 -2149 (Inspections) mwN0Fwn 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, Colora-do 81657 Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical. etc.! , a\\q Conbct A*ssorc Office at 97O-328-864O or visit CoMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUITDING PERMfT (Labor & Materials) for Patel # Parcef # J/D/ - 08 -oS, lD4 4nta mr/1/ dv JobAddress: J.lt0 &// ft//p /z-/, tr t/rl Subdvision: l,'fut ,' tltqe Address: 76ao D (t/kg U"i,::._- 1C/- OLl / LOwners Name: n //rt Fn y'e,t jg )1.7 Phone: ,74, -- r j tz Address: 7 u. f,t " fl: zz_ t, r? t ,-Phone: f(f- fsrt rtion of /r/ WorkCfass: New() Addition() Remodel ($ RepairX) Demo() Other()6, Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both $<J Type of 81d9.: Singlefamily ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family () Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas GasLoos( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurni Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No -6l )Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No BUILDING: $ C J), tDo 't o ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $roTAL:$)A OdO ()J REFUND CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO: CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION General Contractor: y'a; ,1 1a+ftzac tz'.t/2 Jn. Town of Vail Reg. No.: y.*r - B Contact and Phone #'s: /,< /z;./ ./za'sttq /qzs-4//J Contractor Signature: **r,*****************************,r******FOR OFFICE USE ONLY* ****rr***************i******t ******** F i/everyone/formYbld g perm iJ.Jo -r I i F$(CO\/ERSHEET ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIALISTS INC. 1t141 W.46th Avc. Suite 14 Dcnvcr CO 80211 Telephone g01l{n.$W Far 303/477.2680 01{4{0 R6coa Abramf FROil: WetlaOron.-' Hcld Con|ilrucllon COMPANY: NOASBESTOS WAS FOUND. Plaase see attrrched Srmple Resuhs by Lab. Questons plea* glvc me a call tt 303.477.4700 o Resultr of Aebectos testing for 2360 Bald Mountaln Road.unllc 3&4 Bdd Mounfalrt Townhomcr Condominium Ascocietion P.O. Box 3912 Varl, CO El65E MaY 15,2000 Hcid Constr:ction 2077 North Frontage Road Suite 110 Vail, CO 81657 Attention: Rik and 6ered Heid Gentlemcn: In connection with the proposed design for the aheration ofunits A'3 and A4 of the Bald Mountain Townhomes, the purpose of this letter is to advise you th.at at a meeting of the Homesrvners ofthe Bald Mountain Townhomes (the "Association") hetd on May 12, 2000. the As;gciatio.n approved the prcposed (a) oxtension of the Masler Bedmom (3' level) with doimer and side window, and (b) enlargcmcnt of the building where the closct currently exists a5 slrown on the design prepared by Fritzleu Pierse Smith as the "Master Bath Expansion." Plcase costaot me if youhave any questions or would like additional infonnation We apprcciate all ofyorr work onthis pmjcct. Sincerely, BALD MOUNTAIN TOWNHOMES CONDOMINruM ASSOCIAfiON Vice Prcsident By: Brld Mountaln Townhomer Condominium Arcoslation P.O. Box 3912 Vail, CO 8165E MaY 15,2000 Hcid Constuction 207? North Frontege Roa{ Suite 110 Vail, CO 81657 Attention: Rik and Gcrud Heid Gentlemcn: In connection with the proposed desigr for the afteration ofunits A'3 ard A4 of the Bald Mountain Townhomes, the purpose ofthis letter is to advise you that at a meeting of the HomeownErs ofthe Bald Mountain Townhlmes (the "Association') held on May 12, 2000, the As.-sgciatign approved the proposed (a) cxtcnsion of the Master Bedrpom (3* level) with d'onner and side window,-and (b) enlargcmcnt of the building where the closct currently exists as shown on tho design prepared b-v Fritzlen Pierce Srnith as tlre "Masler Bath Expansion." Please contact me if you have any qu€stions or would likc additional information We apprcciate all of your work on this projcct' Sincereln BALD MOUNTAIN TOWNHOMES CONDOMIMUM ASSOCIAfiON Vice Prcsident 'oOE -' Foz .o ; ti F rdEo ts o o d E. F co o FD(J a ; E ci Fl UF !1 (9 F,'7 oFlr zo OFzz 14E Fi FF,zz EOFE p bFQZ 'oFE tao FFt4 v ooAE o Fl F o FI z F >(J z9)a :!1o (,lnF trALo do5 icoU9 (-) !tF F z F' o ET j E> a(, cI'lO3 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI\TTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81-557 970 -479 -21"38 Occupancy: T)pe Construction: Type Occupancy: Valuat.ion: Building-----> DEPARTIIENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENI NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON 'JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUrLD PERMIT PermiE #: 800-0L18 Phone: 970-476-4343 vArr.,, co 81557 Phone: 970-475-4343 VAIL, CO 81657 TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up Depppit Refund R1 Multi-Family V 1-HR T)pe V 1-Hour 235, 000 approved amount date Add Sq Ft: PIan check---> 832.00 .00 3 .00 Restualant Plan Review- - > DRB F€e-------- Recrea!1on Fee----------> Clean-Up Depo6it------ --> roTAL rpEs----- Additsional Fees---------> .00 Tobal PermiE Pee- ------->InweaCigation> WiIl call----> 1,2S0.O0 .00 200.00 60.55 500.00 Palmenta------- 2,s75.5s BAI,A.IiICE DUE. . .. Item:051-00 o6 /.os /.2000 06 / 08 /2000rtem:05400 06 / 0s /2000 o6 / 07'/2000Irbm:' 0560006/08/2000Item:0550005/08/2000 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUfLDING Division:.]RM Action: NOTE PI,ANS TO CHARLIECHARLIE Act.ion: APPR see redline corrections-PLANNiNq DEFAR1I4SNT DepL: PLANNING Division:JRM ACEiON: NOTE PLANS TO ANN- AKJERULF ACtiON: APPR PLANS TO KATHYFIRE DEPARTI\,IEI{I DePt r FfRE Cf,IARLIE Action: APPR n,/a PIIBI-,rC WORKS ' Dept: PIIB WORKCIIARLIE Action: ApPR n,/a Division: Division: +ek.IOb AddrCSS: 2350 BALD MOT'NTAIN RD - STATUS. . .: ISSI'ED Location...: 2350 BALD MOUNTAIN RD TtI Applied. Parcel No..: 2t-01-033-02-003 Issued-. ProjecL No.: PRJ00-0001 E)q)ires. APPLICAI{T IIEID CONSTRUCTION 2077 NORTH FROIVIAGE ROAD, SUITE 110, CONTRACTOR HEID CONSTRUCTION OWNER 2077 NORTH FROI{TAGE ROAD, SUITE ].].0, GREENBERG HARRY S - FERR]S ANN D 25]-1 I,ITYLIE RD, DEXTER MI 48130 Descriptsion: REMODEL I]NIT ADD DORMER Filaplaco Inforuabion: Re6tsrict6d: Y *of Gas Appl.iadcos:*of Oas LogE:*of wood/Prll€E: FEE SU!,IMARY Total caleufated Peee---> ******i**i****t ittt**tl**' i**r See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions EhaE may apply to this permit. DECI,ARATTONS t hereby acknonledge that I hav6 read this applicaeion, filled oqE in fu}l the inforEagion required, cq|pl€Ced an accuratc Plot plan, and state that all tshe infontrat.ion providod as rcquired is corr6cb. I agree co conply $iEh the infor$ation and plog plan, t'o collPly lritsh aII Town ordinanceB and Btsate Laws, and to buitd Chis structsure aceording Eo the Tonn'g zoning and 6ubdiwigj.on code6, design r€view approvea, UniforB Buildlng cod€ and otsher ordj.nancea of the Town aPplicable tshereco. 05/os/2ooo 07/06/2000 oL/ 02 /200L 2, S75.55 REQUESTS FOR INT'PECTIONg SHAI,IJ BE UADE T{ETtTY-FOUR HOI'RS IN ADIIA}ICB BY Send Clean-Up Deposie To: HEID CONST srGN{TuRE onr" oR coNTRAcroR 'oR HrMsELp AND owNER tr******************************************************************************* CONDITIONSPermit #: 800-0118 as of 01 /O5/OO St,aEus: ISSIIED ********************************************************:l*********************** Permit Tlpe: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: 06/05/2000Applicant: IIEID CONSTRUCTION lssued: 07/06/2000 970-476-4343 To Ercpire: 0I/02/200L 'Job Address: LOCAI1ON; 2350 BALD MOUI\ITATN RD TH #3AParcel No: 2101-033-02-003 DescripLion: REMODEL I'NIT ADD DORMER CondiE,ions:1. FIELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE.2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILTNGS,AND FTOORS TO BE SE,ALED WITII AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAI. 3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROO{I{S AND SVERY STORY AS pER S8C.310.6.1 0F THE 1997 I'BC.4. FIRE DEPARTI4EI T APPROVA]-, IS REOUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.5. PRTOR TO A FRAMING INSPECTION: -INFORI"IATION FOR GAS F/P BEING INSTALLED REQUIRED -REVTSED STRUCTI'RALS FOR SKYLIGHT CONSTRUCTION REQUIRED ***MAKE NOTE OF RED LINE CORRECTIONS ON FIEI.,D DRAWINGS * ***** * ** ***** +** *rl* * ila *t**** ** TOtfN OF VAIIT, COIpR.ADO * *t ll * * t* ail * rlt !rt ** !r * *tt * *.1* * * ** gtatemnt o ** **tl a!t * rt* **tl tl t.l* *t * ** *rl * rl rl * *t trl* * * !t* +rl * ** art *!r * * !r *+ * t + *il *t * t * rl* * gtatemt Number: RBC-0651 Anormt: 2,815.55 07/06/00 Lf :2L Pa)ment ltethod: 4363 Nota.tion I SEID CONSIRUeI Init : ,IN Permit No: B0o-0118 Type: A-IIIF ADD/ALT l|F BUILD pER Parce1 No: 2101- o33 - 02- oo3gite AddreEs: 235O BAIiD IIOITNTAfN RD Locat,ion: 2350 BAIJD ItrcUlfTAfN RD TH *3A . Total Fees: 2,575.55 Total ALL Pmle I Balance : Thi€ Payment r) * ** * + * * * ii rl* t I * t * * ll*t * !rt * !tt rt *:l !t* *r, * t * * **t * i * *rl * t* t t trt *i * ** *t ** * Account Code Descript.ion BP OO1OOOO31111OO BIIIIiDING PERIIIT FBES DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN RSVIEW FBES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PI,AN CHECK FEBS AD D2-DEPOS CIJEANUP DBPOSITS 2 ,475 .55 2,875.55 .oo RF111OOOO31127OO RECRE.ATIONEEBS I{c 001.00003112800 I{ILL cSr,L rNspBqrloN FEE Anount 1,2S0.0O 200.oo 832 .00 500.00 60 .55 3.00 Building Permit #: 97 0-479-2149 (Inspections) \tl75 S. Frontaqe Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Contad Eaale Count Separate Permits are required for electrical, plurn Assessorc Office at 970-328-864O or visit w I. -/ TX'il' Olt'(Jv .county.com for Parcel # Parcel #)tc1-ol-7'a/-ooJ lob Name: ,fyA nf,al fr J Job Mdress2t5a; ga/l gt7,-t /(J Y JA LesalDescription lltot: /6 ll auct: ll ritins' B rL ll suooivision: l,/4il / tloy ownersNametL/nruy'l,eceny'd;f llMdress:761, rl,7/;e t,l.2t?rr,.,-ll Phone: 7.?,t-gtL-qrz / Ar ch*f Desr?;;1, ) r/,,", " Address:-)t tb la l,a, / t/t/k-t &Phone: f7p - bJVz Engineer: n/n Address: /t.,3,,r yrzz_ L/n,_ ll phone: 1a4- f srr Detailed description of work: lblvaQ zL*.- +z /rr*- WorkClass: New() Addition() Remodelffi Repair(\f) Demo() Othet(\F)nt Work Type: Interior ( ) E*erior ( ) Both (l)Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) 'Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) MultFfamily () Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Typeof FireplacesExistinq: GasAppliances( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurningfll -W+P No/TvDeof FireplacesProposed:GasApoliances( ) GasLoqs(i ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurning(NOTALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No (X)Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) tlo (>O CoMPLETE VALUATTONS FOR BUTIDTNG PERMTT (Labor & Materials) ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: I 1fi Pcttt ()t: REFUND CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: f,/, t/ lonft'Kury'ia,,, -Tnc Town of Vail Reg. No.: '1.7t- tr Contact and Phone #'sl / i(;i( //,;,1 ,?r/.Ja1v /rre-tsr; Contractor Signature: tr**************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*****ri**rt*********ttr*****+**!b****lr*** F :/everyon{forms/ bldgperm IFo2.oOE .o i-z doFU FtsI zo ,1 FDo o UF F () F o F E F ?o o F tr o 6 oUF .io zv FIE F FtlvzIrl PEOFE AZ 'oF= HZ(,1DooAE F o F t{ zo F E(., 291 A E l,lo oFin a6D icUo() FT U F ci o zp c ; ; dd ^E>LEqr 04(9i!to I PeJCD'OoO1 DEPART},IENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NO{fE: TIIIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON 'JOBSITE AT AI-'L TIMES ADD/AIT MF BUII,D PERMIT PETMits #: BOO'OOO2 PEE ST',UT,IARY Bullding-_---> 95.00 Redtuarrnc Flen Rewict'__> 'oo Totel calcufatscd Fees_--> 279"1s Pl.n Check---> 51.?s DRB pa€-'------ 20'00 Additional fcer-------'-> '00 rnve6ligaclon>.ooR€crGeEionF.e----.-..-->'ooTotalP.r$itFac-....-.->219.1s wirr call'----> 3.oo clean-up Deposit--------> 1oo'oo Pay en!t-------- 219'15 IOTAL F'EES----- 279'75 BALANCE DUE---- '0O * * t * r * * * t * * I i t t { **i*t*"ar*r1t' DepE: BUILDING Division: "EE;[T PLANNTNG Division: Depts: FIRE Division: DePE: PIIB WORK Divisj-on: i**** *r * *r* t **** r, r * **r**r r r **** i *ir**? * ** r. r*** t **t t***** t **i * *t** * ** See page 2 of this Document for any condit.ions thaE may apply to Ehis permiE' DECI.ARAIIONS f hercby acknoiledge tshat I havc rsaal this apPLication, filled out in full Che inforsation requircd' cotPloted an eccurate ploL p1an, and 6Eate tshaE all LhG lnfo!$aElon plovidcd a6 requlf6d 15 corr€ch. I e9r5€ Co codply t'ich the infomatslon and ploc plan' to conply r'ith arr royn ordinancc6 and scat6 lavs, and ro build thl6 6t!uccu!. accotdinE !o the Torn'6 zoning lnd subdivision code6, dcrign feviet, approw.a, unlforu Bullding coalc and oeher ordinanccB of the To?n aFplicabLe th€reto- Status...: ISSUED BAApplied. . :N01/05/2 000 rssued. . . : Ex;lires. . : TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970 -479 -2L38 2350 BAI-,D MOT'NTAIN PJL\ 2350 BALD MfN RD, W2101-033 -02-004 PRJo0-0001 HErD coNsrRucrroN Phone t 97Q'476-4343 211L NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUrTE r-,, vArr" co 81557 HErD CoNsTRUerroN Phone z 97o-476-4343 2111 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, surrE L, vArL, co 81657 Job Address: L,ocaEion. . . : Parcel No..: Project No.: OWNER LAMBUR,JAMES A K - BOSCARDIN J B BoscIIALBERTv-SEMBAnoeEn,?600WESTCoLI.,EGEDR,PALoSHEIGHT TOV/Comm. Dev. APPLTCAIiIT CONTRAETOR ValuaEion: Flroplaca Inforrtition: Rca!!!cEed: Y s, 000 fof Gas ApPliancc6: Descript,ion: TEMP SHORING DUE TO FIRE DAI'IAGE occupancy: Rl Multi-FamilY T)E)e ConsE,ruction: V 1-HR Tlpe V 1-Ilour IYpe Occupancy: Clean-up DeP gEit Ref-u 1{ approved amount dateAdd sq Ft: 2L*\- *og OaE Lo93:+of wood/PalLet: IEem: 05100 oL/ 06 /2000Itirm:05400oL/06 /2000Itbm:05600oL/06/2000Itbm:05500oL/ o6 /20oO BUII.,DING DEPARTMEIIIKAflIY ACt,iON: APPR APPROVED PI,ANNING DEPART}4ENTKATT{Y ACTiON: APPR N/A FIRE DEPARTMENTKAriiV ---AEE{on; APPR N/A PI'BLIC WORKSKnffi-- "abElon: APPR N/A REQt,EsTs PoR INgPBcTIoNs sHAr,L BE uADE TflENTY-FoUR RoURs IN AD\,ANCE BY TEI,EPHoNS AT x'9-13s T' At oyR oPFreE FRoM 8:00 Ar't s:00 PH .ltlf r,"f s€nd clean-up DeposiE To: tlEID *******tr****************************************************:t******************* CONDITIONS Permit #: 800-0002 as of 0L/06/OO SEaEus: ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Permit T)pe: ADD/ALT MF BUITD PERMIT Applied: ot/06/2ooo Applicant: HEID CONSTRUCrION Issued: 970-476-4343 To Elq)ire: lTob Address: LOCAt,iON: 2350 BALD MTN RD, #4A, BALD MTN TO$INHOMES Parcel No: 2l-01--033-02-004 Descriptrion: TEMP SHORING DT'E TO FIRE DAMAGE Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. AL,L PENETRATIONS IN WAILS,CEILINGS,AI'ID FLOORS TO BE SEATED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAI,. 3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE R.EQUIRED rN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERy STORY AS PER S8C.3L0.6.1 0F mIE 1997 TIBC. 4. FIRE DEPARI'!,!EI{T APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. v a*****l*lt:l+****ltl*t*****ttlt***l}***+t**t*ial******tltt*t*'***t TONN OF VAIL, CbI,ONADO 8tsaE€tsrE t*** * t + t* * * * * ** * * * rl t t ** !. * l* t* * r alt a * t * * * * t * + t ta*!rtt *it ** t***l*** + gEate[fll! Number: nBc-0602 lmount' :279.75 OL/05/ OO 15r34 Paymetrrt lrethod: cHBcK rilotat. iost: *4ool/ltBlD C€NST rnit: K!4W Pelmi! No: B0o-ooo2 DPe: A-UF ADD/ALT MF Brtrl'D PER Parcel No: 210L-033 -02 -OO4 glt€ AddresB: 2350 BAI'D li{oUltTAIN RD LocaEion! 2350 BALD !'tfN RD, #4A, BALD ltaN TOIINHoI{BA ToEal Feea: ThLs Paltmsrt 279 .75 Total ALL Pmt6. Balance: *** **t*t*** f t**t*** t*|l*t*l* i******** ****+*l* **** * * *** ** t* +** +** i 219.75 279.75 .oo AInounE 95 .00 20 .0o 6L .75 100 . oo 3 .00 Accoulat Code D€scrlptldt BP OO1OOOO31111OO BI'IT,DIM' PERMIT FEES DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGDI REVIBIT FEES PF 00100003112300 Pr,Al{ cllEcK FEES AD D2 -DBPO8 CLBAIIT'P DEPOSITA wc 00100003112800 wrt& ceLL INSPECITON rEE rowN oF vArSoNSrRUcroN pERMrr or!i.,"or,"-?3# - 000 | INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTED -f 'looo Permit #Boo-_OoOz- tobN*o", ftt-f. EA4FI f L,r65 robAddress: ?390 6at0 rnI. fZP uPtr*A Mecharucal ( )Other ( ) Address: t7fi ?h,O mT U. Address:Phone# Building ( )Plumbing ( )Electrical ( ) Legal Description: t otJ 6 ntoct< owners Name: 1V1 Wr€fll*ws Architect: Description or l*: D 64 tt Ami Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Alteration ( ) Number and Tpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Additional ( )Repair (t')Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ MECHANICAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION wooanenet-X t(r|- oTFIER: $ -1dOfl,COTOTAL $ Electrical Contractor:Address: Phone #Town of Vail Registration No. !!umDjgg-Qntractot: Town of Vail Registration No. Mechanical Contractor: Torvn of Vail Reeisualion No. Address: Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: ate Receive SIGNATURE: JAN O5 2000 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: JOB NAME: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PTJBLIC WORKS JANUARY I. 1999 WHEN A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQUIRED NOF t,?DATE: l-1- - Tooo PI,-EASE ANSWER TTIE FOLLOWING QUESTIONNAIRE REGARDING TItr NEED FOR A.?UBLIC WAY PERMIT': l. Is this a new residence? YES Is any utility work needed? YES Is the drivevay being repaved? 2. Is demolition work being performed tbat requires the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property? YES NOY-------r---"'- No_lt- YES NO__X__ Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES J. 4- #tt *t.*Hrkteing done that affects the Rightof-Way, eas€ments, orpublic property? 5 6. NOF 7. 8. Is a *Revocable Rightof-Way Permit" required? YES Noy A. Is the Right-of-Way, easements or public property to be used for stagin& parking or fencing?YES_ NO_.e-_B. If NO to 8Ar is a pa*ing staging or fenong plan required by Community Development? YES_ NO t If you answered YES to arry of these questiong a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Conmunity Development. ff you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval from Public Works at 479-2198. I IIAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL TT{E ABOVE QTJESTIONS. Contractor Signature Comoanv Name Drt., ( -T'eao o It. 2. _). 4. PUBLIC WORKS Pf,RMIT PROCESS How it relates to Buildins Permits Fill out our check list provided with a Building Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic controUstaging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffrc control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of Construction, Staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (lengtlL width and depth of work) This may be drawn on the traffrc control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and Irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector wiil review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one ( I ) week to process. As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to Community Development allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" which is to do work on a proj ect itself. NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November l5th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. 5. 6. 7. .;; F oz.oOE : t{ozob.o F.-z 40F()ohF zo ET{ a til (t a at EI ; F x E Fl o ll lr EI =oF s I og, o(,|..{ o a o filoo t 22 horit E; !. Fl.zz EOEr= rr tro2 FIE o t4o tr ErH2 ooA= o EI aa lllIr o xtr zo lr ECE(J 2A a{EEI lr dovr <ob i()oo A tr Do a & rrl/ zb ts& F o t4a ; ; g6 ->alq:tq(l{ o tao IEB O.rrAIT a PEJoo' ooo I DEPARTI,IENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVEI.,OPMEI\TT NOTE:TTIISPERMITMUSTBEPOSTEDONiIOBSITEATALI,TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUrr.D PERMTT Permit #: 800-0001 ilob Address: Location. . . : Parcel No..:Project No.: *tr*rt*rir**r*a FEE SUMMARY Building----_> 95.00 RcEtualant Plan Review--> '00 Total calculalcd Fee6---> 219'1s Plrn clt.ck---> 51'?5 DRB Fc€-------- 2o'oo AddiLlonal Fce6---------> 'oo Invcallgrtlon>.ooRec!€atsionPee---.------>'ooTotsel9olqlltF6c.--.---.>2.|9.1s wtll c.II----> 3'00 Cl.an-up Deposit--------> 1oo'00 Paldcnca----------------> 219'15 TOTAL FEBS.---- rrttil ' *tttt* tt'r t'*t i t*r*trr**i' see page 2 of this DocumenE for any condit.ions thaE may apply tro this permit' DECLARAT I ONS r h6rsby .ckno$redgc cha! r have {caal Ehi! .pplicaci.on, fllrcd ouc in furl bhc Lnforhacion rcquirad, coEpleLed an 'cculatc plot plen, and Ftrtse tha! all rhc j.nforu.tlon provi.ded ao requircd ls corr€ct. I agrce !o conply wit'h ihc infoltation rnd ploc plan' Eo co$pry ,ibh alr row:l ordinancaE and Btatse lalrs, and co build thiB olructsure according to Lhe Toi'n'6 zoning and gubdlvlsion codc!/ daltgn rovier approved, unifom Builalng code and ocher oldlnanceE of Ehe 9oa'n appllcrbLe thereto' Status...: ISSI'ED BALAppIied. . : O01/0 6 / 2O0O Issued...: 0L/06/2000 E:<pires. . : o7 /04/2000 TOIIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 2350 BALD.MOUNTATNA 2350 BALD.TIft\I RD U2101-033-02-003 PRiro0 - 0 001 APPLICANT I{EID EONSTRUETION 21]-1- NORTH FROIiIIAGE ROAD, SUITE COIITRA TOR HEID CONSTRUSTION 21]-1 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE OWNER GREENBERG ITARRY S - FERRIS ANN D 261L WYIJIE RD, DEXTER MI 48130 DescripLion: TEMP SHORING DT'E TO FIRE DAMAGE Occupancy: R1 I]pe ConsEruct.ion:Tlpe Occupancy: Valuation: Fircl,lec. Infor-TaELon: Roecticted: YEs Mulci-Family Phone: 970-476-4343 L, vArL, co 81657 Phone z 970-476-4343 L, VArL, eo 81657 TOV/Cr:mm. Dev. Clearr-up Depgsjt Refund approved {(it'\t 5"^ amount date 5, 000 *of oas APP1iancee I Add Sq Ft: +of cea LogB:*of wood/Pallat: IUCM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT- -01166/2040 KArI{Y Action: APPR APPR iEbm;' osaoo pl-,AtilNrNc DEPARTME\IT_o17d6/1oo0-KATIry- - '-Actrion: APPR N/A Itrbm:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTI'jIENTO77C'6/.066-KATTTY AcEioN: APPR N/AItbm:' 05500 PUBTIC WORKS617'dGti66o-KAflrY-- "action' APPR N/A DEDE: BUILDING DiViSiON:tt* S.na: P'ANNTNG Division: DePt: FIRE Divisi-on: DePtr PIIB WORK Division: REQUESTS FoR IN9PEC'TIONS sHAIrr BE MADE TWENTy-FoUR HouRs IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Lt l1s- ?lae r?Yot Y OFFICE FRoM S;00 AU s:00 Pt'l Send clcan-UP DePosit To: HEID *********************************:r********************************************** CONDITIONSPermit, #: 800-0001 as of OL/06/OO St,atus: ISSIJBD******************************************************************************** Permit.Type: ADD/AIT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: OL/05/2OOOApplj-cant: HEID cONsTRuefIoN IEsued: ot/06/2oo\970-476-4343 To Ercpire: O7/OA/200O ilob Address:tocat,ion: 2350 BALD ljrrN RD #3A, BALD MltI CONDOParcel No: 2101-033-02-003 Descript,ion: TEMP SHORING DUE TO FTRE DAMAGE Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CTTECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE.2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN }IALLS,CETLINGS,ATiTD FLOORS TO BE SEALEDI{ITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAI.,.3. SMOKE DETE TORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS pER SEC.310.6.1 0F TTiE 1997 UBC.4. FIRB DEPARTMENT APPROVAL rS REQUIRED BEFORE Ar{y WORK eAN BE STARTED. -at*****|t*1+ f *l**** ** **i***f *l}***l}t**** *a *****lttt* +!l+*f *l ******+ TOnN OF VArr., COI{TRADO gtatenElts *t***+*a** * ttit!t*** lt +*t *** t A t * ** t**:r*t ti * *t * t* * i tt***t*t*****t* i gtaEenqlE lnfirber I REc-0502 Anouot r 279.75 Or/06/ O0 15 :31 Pa),lne|ab MeEhod: cHEcK Notatsl@: #.4o01/EBID @t{sT Inl'c: Rll}f Pemit No: Boo-ooo1 Tyge: A-MF ADD/ALT MF BUILD PER Parc€l No: 2101- 033 - 02 -O 03 gite Address: 2350 BAID !,tOtnuarN nO LocaEion: 2350 BALD MTN RD #3A, BALD lim{ CONDO Total FeeE: Th16 Pal4!€srt 279 .7a 'foEal .llllr I'IItEs: Balance: t*t **a ttrl}** * t'l**:t !t il il I *+* a* *t * 279.75 279.15 .oo Arnount 95 .00 20 -oo 6r.79 100 .00 3 .00 Accounc code BP O0100003111100 DR OO100003112200 PF OO100003112300 AD D2 -DEPO8 wc 00100003112s00 DeEcrlpclon BITIII.DII{G9 PBR!4IT FBES DBSI(nI RSIIIBI' FBES PIfiN CBBCR PBEf' CLEANI'P DEPOSITS WII.L CALI, INSPECTION PBI rowN oF vArtoNsrRuctoN pERMrr otl,roroN F'RM INF'ORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR TIIE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTEI) Contact the Eaole Countv Assessors Of'frce at e*"d * 2/0/- (' <Z: - ()Z -€@ Date: 1-S'poo JobName: 0 R. 6RAedBuic6 Building ( )Plumbing ( ) legal Description , tor 2(t "roo owners Name: I k &Et* bo tV P?Soo.6661 970-318-8U0 for Parcel #ao> Permit # Job Address: Electrical ( )Mechanical ( ) rnng---I3 il-- subdivision 6aar"rr)?.fb Efrl-D t11, {2D , Address: BOO-ooot Other ( ) Architect:Phone# Description of foU: 0 Work Class: New ( )Alteration ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: I Number and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances BI.JILDING: PLI]MBING Additional ( ) VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ MECI{ANICAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Address: Number of Ac commodation Units: Gas Logs Renairf Other ( ) wood/Pellet orFrER: s __r6-_080s- O()- TOTAL $ $. $ General Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No.'{t8 * g pnon"* 3f0 - Rl// Address:Electrical Contractor: Torvn of Vail Registration No. P-!csDi4s-@: Town of Vail Registration No. ![@!c4_egntrac&t: Town of Vail Reeistration No. Phone # Address: Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: ecelve, SIGNATURE: JAN ob 2000 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WTTH TI{E TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMI.JNIry DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE $2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITEI) A. Unlawfirl deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unla*6rl for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. B. Notice: Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or c:uses another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or rvho has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the penon so notified does not comply with the notice within the period oftime herein specified, tJre Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent. rny cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice" debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense ofthe notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions ofsubsection A hereof shall not be applicable: L Within the immediate area of any construction, maintenance or repair project of any street or alley or of any water main, sewer main. electricity line, ga" line, telephone line or any appurtenance thereto; 2. To deposits of sand, dirt or materials necessary for the protection of the public safety; and 3. To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said materials. D. Summons; Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same. may be issued a sunmons to appear before tle Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section l-4-l ofthis code. E. Notice; Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expcnse of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof. upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section l-4-1 ofthis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979) Readandacknowledgedby: (0 th-d Position or Relationship to Project: Dare: l' 5 -)ooo (i.e. contractor or owner) TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANIIUM AIL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PIJBLIC WORKS JANUARY I, 1999 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQI,JIRED public property? YES JOBNAME: OR.6TE€N OULG DATE: I_S.NA PLEASE ANSWER T}IE FOLLOWING QTJESTIONNAIRE REGARDING TI{E NEED FOR A..PUBLIC WAY PERMT'': Is this a new residence? YES No-+* Is demolition work being performed I 2.t\5T11" use of the Right-of-Way, easements or No+ YES Noy Is any utility work needed? \lES Is the driveray being repaved? 8. A. Is the Right-of-Way, easements or pubiic property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? YES_ NO \l B. If NO to 8A, is a[uking" staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? YES NO I J. 4. Is a diferent access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES NOV--r-- 6. Is any drainage work being done that atrects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property? YES No+- 7 . Is a "Revocable fueht-of-Wav Permit" reouired? YES NOy If you answered YES to any of these questions. a'?ublic Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development. If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval from Public Works at ,179-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL TI{E ABOVE QUESTIONS. f't'En ColQI locf rt"t Confactor Sigrnture Date:l€)ooa Company Name Foz .o 'F o: .,2 <o oF'F zo o F (, UF gl ; ttl FI o oF o F T4:oF Do o F o oOF 'da 4l zz llE /, F zz EOFIE(4< A rrFt)z,o FIE o t{ HZ ooA: o F FItr z F EU zBr EElo oFrri a6(.,U a ti U FIF o p F I{ Azc F . -. d('t>aEIEigts40 AO EEto ! /,'lgt13gA l4r 46 FPS tlnr colsrjLiiNri tra -J!ir -!': tr 5 ;'i 4;;4 3€ I g2 s?EEoi? KR M coNsuLTAr.trs. truc, F o. tox.tat to: Frltdrn-ff.rcr Atch lttit! 8oo - 6 tt7 A7'efltp/ r ?om DuEoir I'EOJECT: ( o,, *r* tor,^to*) At you. rl(uarr, I vlscrd rft. rio ftftrGncad abtvr to cbrrrvr thr rlt lramrr.g itrmr l'ltad h mY t)rfvtprrt ti.rd fapon. orttd Ul?/2000, I lcund th.t.ll ol rhr ilun! ngtrC in thr! r|go{t hrer b||n raOnmd ar codtn.ndrd, Wr brlirvr till tht ltlufiurf b gcrnpbte u drrigorrJ' ll vou hrvr my fudhrr {$Btioff, 9La3r do not hlrltrn to crll COPV IO: H.id Conrrructhn FIELD REPORT ttAlE: 9i lg/t0C'0 tnelftt 2rOG Ptn O6PARI: 2:2Q Pnl |(CA?HER. Wr||'|/PtlY'Cl6iroy ,N8 ttUUrEn! 0oor-Ce oArtr?s 3- ','/ FAGE Ftc:F. 03 lll$ oatrlar Frq |.a.rltt CElvEo .rov-coM.DEV. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2t38 ort"r"r oF coMMUNrr" orurrort, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PCrMit #: MOI.OOII Job Address: 2350 BALD MOUNTAIN RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: BALD MNT TOWN HOMES UNIT 3/4 Applied . . : 0l/2412001 ParcelNo...: 210103302003 Issued. . : 01/24/2001 ProjectNo : en-SOO -6oot Expires. .: 07/23/2001 OWNER GREEIIBERG, HARRY S. - FERRISOT/24/2IOI Phone: 2611 UTYI,IE RD DEXTER MT 48130 L,icense: CONTRACTOR HEjARTH EXCHANGE, INC. (TIIE) OI/24/200a Phone: 970-827-9623 P.O BOX 570 MINTURN, CO 8164 5 I-,icense : 174 -M APPLICAII| HE]\RTH EXCXIA]IGE, INC. (THE) 0L/24/200L Phone: 970-827-9623 P.O BOX 670 MINTURN, CO 816 45 License : L7 4-14 Desciption: INSTALL 2 GAS LOG FIREPLACES TO REPLACE DCSTING WODDBURNING F/P'S Valuation: S2,200.00 Fireolace Informalion: Re$ricled: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofcas l,ogs: 2 # of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SLMMARY Mednnical-> Plan Check--> lnv€stigation-> will call_> 950-oo Resuraranl Plan Review-> S1s . oo DRB Fee-------------> 9o.oo TOTALFEES---------> s3.oo 9o. oo Additional Fees-----> (S78.00) So, oo Total Calculaled Fees-> S?8 . oo Total Pennit F€e----> PaYnents-'-.-....._-> BALANCE DUE-_.> s78.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 Item: 051-00 BUTLDIIIG DEPARTMEM| OT/24/2O0L CDAVIS Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:23 (BI-,DG.): INSTAILATION MUST CONFORM TO MANITFACTURES II{STRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 oF TIiE 1997 UMC, CHAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 rMC. Cond: 25 (BI-,DG. ) : GAS APPIJIAT'ICES SHALL BE VEIiTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER I AI.ID SHAI-,L TERMII'IATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.806 OF TtlE 1997 UMC, OR CHAPTER g OF TIIE 1997 IMC. DECLARATIONS o I hereby acknowledge that I haveread this application, filled out in full the information require4 completod an accurate plot plaD" and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Tovm ordinances and state laws, and to build this sfructure according to the towns zoning urd subdivision codes, desigr review approvd Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQT'BSTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWEX{TY.FOTJR IIOT'RS IN ADVANCE BY AT 479-2138 OR AT Ot R OflCE FROM 8:00 AIt{ - 5 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FORHMSELF AND OWNE UMPLETE OR P_pject #: l4dloo -]iainspenr@fledtanicaf Permit #. (|ot-oott TVWTTOFTIE 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado g1657 97 O -47 9 - 2149 (Inspectiotr s) frov$e Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to indude:a Mechanical Room Dlmeniionsq Combustion Air DuctSlze and Locationo Flue, Ventand Gas Une Size and Locationa Heat Loss C:lcs.c EquipmentCut/SpecSheets Permitwillnotoeacc@ Contad @Et gzo-32g-g6,to or uisit for Parcel #Parcet#(Reqffi JobName: ?7ro ez"./A/. //*?/-?JobAddress: 2 jio ,/Akg,?/U Subdivision: Work Oass: Nor, ( )Addition|i.l.]!!t"rauon(r) Repair( ) orher( )BoilerLocation: Interior( @ Does an EHU odst at tiis location: yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Slnqte-famity ( ))- CommerEat ( ) Re5raurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dweling unis inELIiffi - - /(rc No. of Accommodation UniB in this buildino: :-Gas App,iances ( ) Gas Loos ( ) Wood/peilet f ) Wood Buminq (g Ht" d "-t'"* t"."= Is this a conversionEfif,G'Effiif,E to an EPA phasell aeviceT-ves@frfJ COMPLETE VALUATTON FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT (I.AbOr & MAICT'AIS) MECI-IANICA|: S CONTMCTOR INFORMATTON Town of vartTeg.Ti6;Contact and Phone #' : Mechanical Contaaor: Contractor Signature: r* ** *****:--.-- -- FOR OFFICE usE ONty**** * ************** ****** **** / everyone/forrrs/ medrpcrn rnlnllArroN AN D openaihc INSTRUCTIONS GOLDEN BLOUNT SUPER.FIRE MODEL SF3624-TV TOP-VENT FI REPLACE A.G.A. APPROVED FOR NATURAL GAS OR PROPANE GAS WARNING : lmproper installation, adjustment, alteration, service or maintenance can cause injury or property damage. Refer to this manual. For assistance or additional information consult qualified installer, service agency or the gas supplier. FOR YOUR SAFETY Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance. FOR YOUR SAFETY WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS: 1. Do not try to light any appliance. 2. Do not touch any electrical switch; Do not use any phone in your building. 3. lmmediately call your gas supplier from a neighbor's phone and follow the gas supplier's instructions. 4. lf you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the fire department, MANUFACTURED BY:fuaa.^r- 42OO WESTGROVE DRIVE DALLAS, TX.75248 This appliance complies with National Safety and is tested and listed by A.G.A. to ANSI 221 .5O - 1996 as Vented Decorative Gas appliance. Installation must conform to local codes. In the absence of local codes, installation must conform with the curent National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI 7223.1. Massachusetts State Code requires damper to be welded open or removed. 6/98 I The Flue Damper must be in the full open position when burning the gas logs. This fireplace is to be burned only with the gas log set supplied with the fireplace. Burning other items could cause a fire hazard or injury. For best results, Natural Gas pressure should be 7" to 12" W.C, and 11" W.C. for Propane Gas. To simulate real wood burning, the gas burner is designed to burn a yellow flame. lt is normal for the logs to soot- up. The soot can be easily removed with a vacuum cleaner or soft brush. Check the label on the firebox to assure the proper gas type. Never use anything but the correct gas type for your fireplace. I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION Layout Options ...........2 ldentification of Parts....... ...............3 Building Codes and Safety Standards ...............4 Piping and Gas Pressure Requirements................ ................ 5 Installation Instructions. ..................6 Log P|acement................ ...............9 Operating Guidelines ................... 10 Lighting lnstructions ..................... 12 Trouble Shooting ......14 Repfacement Parts......... ..............17 INSTALLATION OPTIONS FLUSH MOUNT CHASE INSIDE ROOM CORNER MOUNT Figure 2.1 2 Stand Offs Damper Gontrol Lever Valve Access Panel Outside Air Port Damper Control Lever Pan Burner Outside Air ControlKnob Pilot Light Valve Access Door On/Off Switch 3 The design of this FIREPLACE ACCESSORY has been tested and is listed with INTERNATIONALAPPROVAL SERVICES in accordance with THE AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE - ANSI 221.'11.2, l.A.S. Test Report No. L3924002. This manual serues only as a basic guideline for installation and use of this firebox and gas piping. The complete installation must be in accordance with local codes and ordinances, or, in the absence of local codes, with the American National Standards lnstitute National Fuel Gas Code 2223j latest edition. GENERAL INFORMATION MODEL SF3624-TV IS ATOP-VENTED DECORATIVE GAS APPLIANCE. IT IS DESIGNED TO BURN BY DRAWING COMBUSTION AIR FROM THE OUTSIDEAIR KITTHATATTACHES TO THE LEFT SIDE OF THE FIREPLACE. THE EXHAUST FLUE GASES ARE TO BE VENTED THROUGH THE TOP-VENT USING 8" B-WPE GAS VENT PIPE. ALL.FUEL CLASS A CHIMNEY PIPE MAYALSO BE USED. THE CONTROL SYSTEM IS A MILLIVOLTTYPE THAT INCLUDES A ON-OFF SHUT- OFF VALVE, A GAS CONTROL VALVE, A STANDING PILOT LIGHTASSEMBLY PIEZO IGNITOR AND ON-OFF ROCKER SWITCH. WARNING: THIS UNIT lS NOT FOR USE WITH SOLID FUEL. NOTE: INSTALLATION AND REPAIR SHOULD BE DONE BYAQUALIFIED SERVICE PERSON. THE APPLIANCE SHOULD BE INSPECTED BEFORE USE AND AT LEAST ANNUALLY BYA PROFESSIONAL SERVICE PERSON. MORE FREOUENT CLEANING MAY BE REQUIRED DUE TO EXCESSIVE LINT FROM CARPETING, BEDDING MATERIAL, ETC. IT IS IMPERATIVE THATTHE UNITS CONTROL COMPARTMENT, BURNERS, AND CIRCULATING AIR PASSAGE-WAYS BE KEPT CLEAN TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE COMBUSTION AND VENTILATION AIR. CLEARANCES REQUIRED MINIMUM CLEARANCES FOR THE FIREBOX ARE: 1/2" ON THE SIDES AND BACK AND O AT THE BOTTOM. TOP CLEARANCE IS 3" WHICH IS THE HEIGHT OF TOP STANDOFFS. SEE FIGURE 7.1 FOR FRAMING DIMENSIONS: NOTE: PROVIDE ADEQUATE CLEARANCES AROUND AIR OPENINGS INTO THE COMBUSTION CHAMBEH. 4 All gas piping must be installed to comply with localcodes, or, in the absence of local codes, with the latest edition of the National Fuel Gas Code ANSI 2223.1. Unions in gas lines shall be of ground joint type. Compounds used on threaded joints of gas piping must be resistant to the action of liquefied petroleum gas. Gas piping must be of sufficient size to provide a minimum natural gas pressure at the appliance of 7" water column or 11" for L.P. gases for the purpose of input adjustment. The maximum inlet gas pressure to the unit must not exceed 10" for natural gas, and 13" for LP gases. lf this unit is to be supplied with LP gas (bottled propane)the tank or bottle supplying the gas must have a regulator that reduces the gas pressure to between 11 and 13 inches water column. The control will not operate with gas line pressure directly from the tank and may leak gas due to this excessive pressure. DANGER: OPERATION OF THIS UNIT ON LP GAS WITHOUTAN APPROVED REGULATOR AT THE SUPPLY CONTAINER WILL LEAD TO GAS LEAKS ATTHE CONTROLWITH POSSIBLE FIRE OR EXPLOSION. Include a manual shut-off valve and union in the line so the control or heater may be disconnected for servicing. Include a drip leg and a plugged 1/8" N.p.T. tapping into the line also. The tapping must be accessible for the test gauge connection immediately upstream of the gas supply connection to the unit. Use a soap and water solution or liquid gas leak detector to coat each joint in the piping system and look for bubbles which indicate gas leaks. Repair alt gas leaks. GAUTION: THE UNITAND ITS INDIVIDUAL SHUT-OFF VALVE MUST BE DTSCON- NECTED FROM THE GAS SUPPLY PIPING SYSTEM DURING PRESSURE TESTING OF THAT SYSTEM AT TEST PRESSURES IN EXCESS OF 12 PSIG. THE UNIT MUST BE ISOLATED FROM THE GAS SUPPLY PIPING SYSTEM BY CLOSING ITS INDIVIDUAL MANUAL SHUT-OFF VALVE DURING ANY PRESSURE TESTING OF THE GAS SUPPLY PIPING SYSTEM ATTEST PRESSURES EQUALTO OR LESS THAN 1/2 PSIG. PRESSURES IN EXCESS OF 1/2 PSIG WILL CAUSE DAMAGE TO THE CONTROL VALVE AND MAY CAUSE DAMAGE TO THE SHUT.OFF VALVE. DANGER: DO NOT USE CANDLES, MATCHES OR OTHER tcNtTtON SOURCES WHEN CHECKING FOR LEAKS. FUEL GASES ARE VERY FLAMMABLE AND IN CERTAIN CONCENTRATIONS, EXPLOSIVE . CHECKING FOR LEAKS WITH AN OPEN FLAME MAY LEAD TO FIRE OB EXPLOSION. In planning the installation for the fireplace it is necessary to determine where the unit is to be installed, the routing of the B-type vent system, and whether optional accessories are to be used gas supply piping should also be planned. Model SF3624-TV (with the use of the Outside Air Kit) can be installed in a bed- room (in the United States) which has a total volume of unconfined space appropri- ate to the particular installation. Refer to the National Fuel Gas Code ANSI 2223.1/ NFPA 54 - (current edition), the Uniform Mechanical Code - (current edition), and Local Building Ofiicials for the options allowed in obtaining an effective bedroom volume of unconfined space. The fireplace can be mounted on any of the following surfaces: '1 . A flat combustible surface. 2. A raised wooden platform. 3. Four (4) corner supports. (Example: four (4) concrete masonry blocks.) These supports must be positioned so they contact all four corner edges on the bottom of the unit. lf the fireplace is installed directly on carpeting, tile, or other combustible material other than wood flooring, the appliance shall be installed on a metal or wood panel extending the full width and depth of the unit. Fireplace framing can be built before or atter the fireplace is set in place. Framing should be positioned to accommodate wall covering and fireplace facing material. The fireplace framing should be constructed of 2 x 4 lumber or heavier. The framing headers may rest on the fireplace standoffs. Refer to Figure 7.1 tor fireplace and f raming reference dimensions. CAUTION: VERIFY FIREPLACE DIMENSIONS, FRAMING METHODS AND WALL COVERING DETAILS BEFORE FRAMING CONSTRUCTION BEGINS. Determine the exact position of the fireplace so that the vent run can be planned. Figure 2.1 shows possible locations for the fireplace; inside of a room, flush mount in a chase, or installed in a corner. Using a level, make sure the fireplace is properly positioned and squared. WARNING: DUE TO HIGH TEMPERATURES, THE APPLIANCE SHOULD BE LOCATED OUT OF TRAFFIC AND AWAY FROM FURNITURE AND DRAPERIES. CLOTHING OR OTHER FLAMMABLE MATERIAL SHOULD NOT BE PLACED ON OR NEAR THE APPLIANCE. GoLttt 6ltu* r-31"--*1o TOP VIEW T6- t Tt -tf- Instal I in g Chimney/Vent System Model SF3624-TV is approved to be used with 8" B-Type Gas Vent or S" Class-AAll Fuel Chimney. Refer to manufacturers venting specifications for pipe installation. Note: (90-degree elbows are not approved!) In the event of draft related problems due to extreme wind conditions a special draft inducing cap is available. Warning! This gas appliance must not be connected to a chimney flue serving a Sepa- rate solid-fuel burning appliance. Installing Outside Air Kit Model SF3624-TV is supplied with the component parts for outside combustion with the exception of the 4" flex duct. lt is recommended that the outside air system be used whenever possible. Connect 4" Class-1 Flex duct or Metal Vent to duct collar on side of firebox, run duct to fresh air source and terminate using duct Termination Cap. The Outside air can be opened by pulling control knob toward front of fireplace and closed By pushing back (Refer to figure 7.2). ourEn | |cnsrrue\l I 33iJ**'l\. I \CI1 Flgure7.2 \ Gonnecting the Gas Line Consult local building codes before gas line installation. This gas fireplace is designed to accept a 3/8" male flare fitting attached lo a l12" supply line. Have the gas line in- stalled by a qualified service person in accordance with all building codes. Install gas line to fireplace on the right side attaching gas line to the gas flex line inside the control box accessed by opening the control box door. 4t2L+-fu' UNIT DIMENSIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION PLANNING LEFT SIDE OF RIGHT SIDE OF APPLIANCE SIDE VIEW OPENING HEIGHT T-.'[- HOLE FOH GAS LINE DUCT TERMINATION RAIN CAP , CAULKING Finishing the Wall Finish the wallwith the material of your choice. Do not install a combustible mantle or other combustible projection above the fireplace opening unless it is a minimum of 12 inches above top of fireplace opening. (Figure 8.1)NON-COMBUSTIBLE SEAL JOINT .-l l-8" MAX -. ..MANTLE\ l! ,\t IIr 't2'MtN I' Figure 8,1 CAUTION: Alljoints between the finished wall and the fireplace surround (Top and Sides) can only be sealed with non-combustible material. Only non-combustible mate- rialcan be applied as facing to the fireplace surround. (Figure 8.1) Hearth Extension A Hearth Extension may be installed. But it is not required for decorative gas appliances. Gas Log Installation Fill burner pan with vermiculite supplied with log set. Spread the ember material over the vermiculite. At this time, we suggest you test fire the burner. Refer to start up instructions on page 12. lmportant! The fireplace damper must be in fullopen position. Place the grate over the burner and install the logs as illustrated on page 9. The last step is to cover floor of fireplace with volcanic rock around the sides and in front of burner pan to enhance overall appearance. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. INSTALLGB DOOR TRACKSAND HINGE SPRINGSAS ILLUS- TMTED IN FIGURE 1 USING 6 SCREWS IN KIT. NOTE! USE 3/16' DRILL BIT IN KIT FOR DRILLING THE REQUIRED HOLES. SCREW HANDLES ON TO DOORS. INSTALL DOORS AS SHOWN IN FIGURE 2. o 0 o J J NOTE! HINGE SPBINGS CAN BE MOVED TO ADJUST DOOR ALIGNMENT. DOOR LOCKING TABS CAN BE SET BY BENDING UP OR DOWN. SEE FIGURE 3. USE MILD SOAPAND WATER TO CLEAN METALSURFACES. DO NOT USE BRASS ORABRASIVE CLEANERS. ALLOW GLASS TO COOL BEFORE CLEANING. CAUTION! D BURN WITH DOORS ONLY IN FULL OPEN OR CLOSED POSITION D BROKEN OR DAMAGED COMPONENTS NEED TO BE REMOVED CAREFULLY. BROKEN GLASS OR HABDWARE CAN BE REPLACED BY ORIGINAL FACTORY PARTS ONLY. BROKEN GLASS MUST BE REPLACED BY COMPLETE FACTORYASSEMBLED BIFOLD ONLY. O DO NOT SUBSTITUTE ANY MATERIALS NOT MANUFACTURED SPECIFICALLY FOR THIS APPLIANCE. - DO NOT STRIKE OR SLAM GLASS DOORS WHEN CLOSING. O DO NOT OPERATE THIS APPLIANCE IF GLASS IS BBOKEN. O ALLOW GLASS TO COOL BEFORE CLEANING GLASS PANES. GLASS PANES CAN BE CLEANED WITH A NON-ABRASIVE GLASS CLEANER. OPERATING GUIDELINES FIGURE #2 Upon compleling the gas line connection, a small amounl of air will be in the lines. When first lighting the pilot light, it will take a few minules for the lines to purge themselves of this air. Once the purging is complete, the pilot and burner will light and operate as indicated in the instruction manual. Subsequent lighting of the appli- ance will not require such purging. CAUTION: DURING THE lNlTlAL PURGING AND SUBSEQUENT LIGHT- ING, NEVERALLOWTHE GAS VALVE CONTROL KNOB TO REMAIN DE- PRESSED IN THE "PILOT POSITION WITHOUT PUSHING THE RED IGNITOR BUTTON AT LEAST ONCE EVERY SECOND. WARNING: CHILDREN AND ADULTS SHOULD BE ALERTED TO THE HAZABDS OF HIGH SURFACE TEMPERATURE AND SHOULD STAY AWAYTOAVOID BUBNS OR CLOTHING IGNITION. YOUNG CHILDREN SHOULD BE CAREFULLY SUPERVISED WHEN THEYABE IN THE SAME ROOM AS THE APPLIANCE. IMPORTANT TUFN OFFGAS BEFOFE SER- VICINGAPPLIANCE. ITIS RECOMMENDED THATA COMPETENT SERVICE TECHNICIAN PERFORM THESE CHECKUPS ATTHE BEGIN- NING OF EACH HEATING SEASON. FIGUBE f1 10 oPERAT|NG GUTDELTNES (CONT'D) When lit for the first time, the appliance will emit a slight odor for an hour or two. This is due to paint and lubricants used in the manufacturing process. The main burner flame characteristics are steady, not lifting or floating. Typically, the top 3/4 inch of the pilot generator should be engulfed in the pilot flame. A periodic check of these characteristics is necessary. CAUTION: THE LOGS CAN GET VERY HOT! cooL HANDLE ONLY WHEN MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS Visually inspect pilot periodically. Brush or blow away any dust or linen accumulations. lf pilot orifice is plugged, disassembly may be required to remove any foreign material from orifice or tubing. Venting system should be periodically examined by a qualified service technician or agency to ensure proper air flow. 11 WARNING: lF YOU DO NOT FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS EXACTLY A FIRE OR EXPLOSION MAY RESULT CAUSING PROPERry DAMAGE. PERSONAL INJURY OR LOSS OF LIFE. A. This appliance has a pilot. When C. Use only your hand to push in or turn the gas lighting the pilot, lollow these instruc- control knob. Never use tools. lf the knobwill not tions exactly. push in or turn by hand don't try to repair it, call a qualified service lechnician. Forced or attempted B. BEFORE LIGHTING smell all around repair may result in a fire or explosion. the appliance area for gas. Be sure to smell next to the floor because some gas D. Do not use this appliance if any part has been is heavier than air and will settle on the under water. lmmediately call a qualified service floor. technician to inspect the appliance and to replace wHAr ro Do rF you sMELL GAS: 3lli,Tul:l-" sas control svstem which has been O Do not try to light any appliance0 Do not touch any electric switch: Do not use any phone in your building. D lmmediately call your gas supplier from a neighbor's phone. Follow the gas supplier's instructions O lf you cannot reach your gas supplier call the fire deparhent. 1. 2. 3. "STOP" Read the safety inlormation above first. To access controls, open valve access panel. Turn the control to the "OFF position. To do this, you musl tum the knob clockwise to the pilot position and then press in and continue turning clockwise to the "OFF' position. GAS VALVE wArT FtvE (s) MINUTES TO CLEAB OUT ANY GAS. lf you then smell gas, STOP! Follow "8" in the safety information above. lyou don't smell gas, go to next step. The pilot should not require accessing for lighting purposes. The pilot is located inside the combustion chamber. To put the control in the pilot position lurn the control knob counter-clockwise to the pilot position THERMOPILE PILOT BURNER To light the pilot depress the control knob and then depress the red piezo button until it makes a clicking sound. lt may be necessary to repeat this step. lf the pilot does not light after Ten sec- onds, go back to step 3. The control knob should be held Down for a MINUTE after pilot ignition. lf the pilot lights, but will not stay lit after two tries, turn the gas control knob to lhe "OFF' position and call your Service techni- cian or gas supplier. lf the control knob does not pop out when released, STOP - shut off the gas supply to the fireplace control valve and immediately call your service technician or gas supplier After the oilot has been lit, the Burner can be turned on by turning the knob counter-clockwise To the "ON" position. Then flip the ON/OFF switch to the 'ON" oosition. 7. 4. 8. 1. Open valve access door panel 2. Tum knob clockwise ,'--\ to pilot position then depress and continue turning to "OFF 3. Close access door panel LPG (PROPANE) WARNTNG THE FOLLOWTNG WARNTNG AppLtES TO TNSTALLATTONS USING L.p. (PROPANE GAS): WARNING: To avoid possible injury fire and explosion, please read and follow these precautions and all instructions of this appliance before lighting the pilot. This appliance uses L.P. (Propane) gas which is heavier than air and will remain at the floor level is there is a leak. Before lighting, smell at floor level ancl/or use other means (such as using a soap solution on all piping and connections, using a gas detector, etc.) to check for gas leaks. NOTE: L.P. (Propane) gas can become oderless and CANNOT always be detected by smell. lf you smell gas, detect a gas leak or suspect that a gas leak exists, follow these rules: 1. Get all people out of building. 2. DO NOT light matches. DO NOT turn electric lights or switches on or off in area. DO NOT use an electric fan to remove gas from area. DO NOT use a telephone inside of building. 3. Shut off gas at L.P. tank outside of building. 4. Telephone gas company and fire department. Ask instructions. Before hanging up, give your name, address and phone number. DO NOT go back into building. lf your L.P. tank runs out of fuel, turn off gas at the appliance. After L.P. tank ls refilled, appliance must be re-lit according to manufaclurer's instructions. lf The gas control has been exposed to WATER in any way, DO NOT try to use it. lt must be replaced. DO NOT attempt repair on gas control or appliance. Tampering is DANGEROUS and voids all warranties. Any component that is found to be laulty, must be replaced with an approved component. IMPORTANT Always keep the appliance area clear and free from combustible materials, gasoline and other flammable vapors and liquids. Never obstruct the tlow of combustion and ventilatlon air. Keep the front of the appliance clear of all obstacles and materials. To obtain proper operation, it is imperative that the pilot and main burner flame characteristics are steady, not lifting or floating. Typically the top 3/4 Inch at the pilot generator should be engulled in the pilot flame. (Figure 11) 13 o TROUBLE SHOOTING With proper installation and maintenance, your new Gas Fireplace should provide years of trouble-free service. lf you do experience a problem, refer to the trouble shooting guide shown below. This guide will assist a qualified the corrective action SYMPTOM service person in the diagnosis of problems and to be taken. POSSIBLE CAUSE CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. Check for spark at electrode and pilot; if no spark exist and electrode wire is properly connected, replace ignitor. 1. Using a match, lighl pilot. lf pilot lights, turn off pilot and trigger the red button again. lf pilot lights, an improper gaV air mixture caused the bad lighting and a longer purge period is recom- mended. lf pilot will not light - check gap at electrode and pilot should be 1/8 inch to have a slrong spark. ll OK, replace pilot 1. Check remote shut otf valves f rom fireplace. usually there is a valve near the fireolace and sometimes there is a valve near the main. there can be more than one valve between the fireplace and main. 2. Low pressure can be caused by a variety of situations such as a bent line, too narrow diameter of pipe or even low line pressure. Check for kinked lines. lf none, consult with Plumber or gas supplier. lf L.P. Gas is used you may be out of fuel. 1. Spark ignitor will not light pilot after triggering A. Defective ignitor (no spark at electrode). B. Defective or misaligned eleclrode at pilot (spark at electrode) C. No gas or low gas Pressure 14 oo SYMPTOM 2. Pilot will not stay lit after carefully following lighting instruclions. TROUBLE SHOOTTNG (CONT'D) POSSIBLE CAUSE CORRECTIVE ACTION A. Defective pilot generator 1. Check pilot flame. Must impinge on pilot generator. Clean and or adjust pilot for maximum flame impingemenl on generator. 2. Be sure wire @nnections from generator al gas valve terminals are tight and generator is fully inserted into pilot bracket. 3. Check thermogenerator with millivolt meter. Take reading at'TH-TP' and TP" terminals of gas valve. Should read 325 millivolts minimum while holding valve knob depressed in pilot position, pilot lit, and ONI/OFF switch "OFF. Replace faulty generator if reading is below specified minimum. 1. Connect the millivolt meter probes to the TH-TP" and TP" terminals on the gas valve. Turn knob to pilot position, depress and light pilot light. lf meter reading is greater than 325 m.v. after 30 seconds, the pilot generator is good. lf pilot does not stay lit, the valve is defective. lf the meter reading is less than 325 m.v., the thermo- generator is defective. 1 . Check wire continuity and connections in pilot circuit. B. Defective valve C. Open wire connection in oilot circuit 'tt oO SYMPTOM Pilot burning, no gas burner, valve knob "ON", 'ON/OFF'switch 'oN". TROUBLE SHOOTTNG (CONT'D) POSSIBLE CAUSE CORRECTIVE ACTION 3.A. 'ON/OFF switch or wires defective 1. Check ON/OFF switch and wires for proper connect- ions. Place jumper wires across terminals at switch- if burner comes on, replace delective switch. lf OK. place lumper wires across switch wires at gas valve- if burner comes on, wires are faulty or connections are bad. 1. Be-check symptom #2 2. Pilot flame not physically close enough to thermo- generator. 1. Turn valve knob to "ON", Place ON/OFF switch to'ON" Check with millivolt meter at generalor terminals. Millivolt meter should read greater than 100 m.v. lf the reading is OK, and the burner does not come on, replace the gas valve. 1. Check burner orifice for stoppage and remove. 1. Follow corrective action in A.1 above; check switch and wiring. Replace where defective. B. Thermo generator may not be generat- ing sutficienl milli- voltage. (325 m.v.) C. Defective valve D. Plugged burner orifice E. Wall switch or wires delective 16 O REPLACEMENT PARTE ITEM PART #DESCRIPTION ITEM PART #DESCRIPTION 1 TV-101 Gas Valve - N/G 12 TV-112 Burner Orifice LP 2 TV-102 Gas Valve - LP 13 TV-113 Burner Pan Assembly 3 TV-103 "1/4"" Pilot Line"14 TV-114 Log Grate 4 TV-104 "3/8"" Burngr Ling"15 TV-115 Bottom Front Logs 5 TV-105 Piezo lgnitor 16 TV-116 Bottom Rear Log 6 TV-106 On/Off Switch 17 TV-117 Lett Wing Log 7 TV-107 PilotAssembly - Nat.18 TV-118 Right Wing Log 8 TV-108 PilotAssemblv - LP 19 TV-119 Vermiculite 9 TV-109 Thermopile 20 TV-120 Volcanic Rock 10 TV-110 Pilot Assembly Bracket 21 TV-121 Ember Material 11 TV-111 Burner Orifice Nat. @ *@ -o@@,ffi ffi@, Features: . Iarge 42" x 24" Opening . Realistic C,eramic 'Texas Bonfire" Style Logs . Clean Face Design (no griffs) . Outslde Air Standard o Easy Access Valve . 50,000 BTU,/Hr NG 45,000 BTU/HT I.P Acftral Photograph or Superfire 4224 Burning with 30" Texas tsonfire Style Logs UNIT DIMENSIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION PLANNING . Uses 8" B Vent of 8" Class A pipe . Manual Damper o NGoTLP Available Options: . RCS1O01 Remote . 9F4224PB (Solid Brass) . SF4224BI-K (Hi-Gloss alack) c 5F4224 ltB (Solid AB Brasp- . Heavy Duty Mesh Screens COFNER MOUNT I\TEW FEATURES: . MMDSS - Micro Mechanical Damper Safetv Switch . Realistic Steel Brick Pattern Lining | '' o'" --J I.<--51'-P HOLE FOF GAS LINE Easv Access To Valve Control r-37--1 Manufactured by: .4, a,. 6a*-r Addison,Texas G80399 | , , "$"d,jlp 9,, S.tperfire 362{1Y With 3624 PB Glass Screen Features: . Iarge 36" x24" Opentng . Realistic Ceramic *Texas Bonfire" Iogs . Clean Face Deslgn (no grtlls) o Outslde Air Standard . Easy Access Valve . 50,000 BTU/Hr NG 45,000 BtU/Hr LP . Uses E" B Vent of 8" Class A pipe . Manual Damper . NGoTLP Avallable Options: . RCS1OO1 R€mote . SF3524PB (Soltd Brass) . SF3524 BLK (Ht-Gloss Black) . sF3624 tt8 (Soltd AB Brass) . Heavy lluty Mesh Screens Texas Bonflre Gas Logs CORNEF MOUMT 55' l_ I l' 'u'--J I.__45,'*HOLE FOF GAS LINE Easy Access To Valve Control p--St:----+1 Manufactured by: Z1* &.r Addison,Te:ras G81699 6L/24/?AaL L7i48 rl5,Ji2 rJ3.ljl oud€!, 1_ TTdon.oj ve4 pipe + tea (t22 m) tong shril be ,dren ry nnrng iGnrat o,jucr oi. g0-o"gr* itsz ,ve-m piFc rhctl be snrchcd to, and venlcally-rOori, Uc i. trro rutomfdc vdrc Ir *rlcc crch d'ltDtn to functlon fbo crlve funaloq'pmvlion. lrictlon aurtlccs, lrcrrltrl]S Of n|n&ft hood rpillqc tn tte cvenid cizrn= j, h to, afil wrtc8lly abovs, tC ouUer of rFclbou, urd 5 ft4 (I.S2 rnrn) of vcnicel i' PAGE A3 Of r drrft hooC hevtqg a horlzonul Ehdt b shn ofi before tre nain ! ea225oeo16 -> i-r€Erth etftou: Paae 2 GOLDEN BLOUNT il ngtcrlty oier|tiil rad rrcbuldy rt|rltd vatt O$c drdl iooorporrte rnmrrnr rcurdod dlrcctty fy lhe arripcr, * W.o "1,lT!:L* n$ lo nrdn-t|irr e flrcd rclrtionihip to the of prrts sccurcli, strrchcd rooamD.r !o rE ao rndtttin e flrcd rclrtionchip rc :llPtit vrlvc rFoficd in llt.l2 to prcvcni grr e..rt.r 'rrt5rt rlt InlErto€I qrrn u unlers the dernper b In tbe firlly opo vblclr shetl intcrlock bolh lh pcCtion. A-n-rppliencc equlppGd ilth r drmpcr &illcr drdt*l|t|l 9-p rad cle ttu mrtn gir mpgty wtrenwldrln lhc snilc body b codrtnrt-G -h-p(ylng *ri A lherrnrlly fcrurfrd vrna drmDcr dcylce shelt hrvrutr|crr ote dwtFe IndudB fcrturcs $il dtdl pntrnl drtrtcilon eirrf$, berrings m Nngee pdtb! rlrar rny hrttu[rd iily dd. l4J - e mnnrnfly tully opctr pd0ou 97A8279222''";#;rt i.:.. I l-213 , , Apptlrn$ llcprperorlDt r mrnurly op.rrtcit vsnt dtsl ' rhich_will shul olil .il trt to the niin turner vbsnnunurlly operrbd vrnt dltrFr drpt, r,peCnC in ne Mcrhort d lld yq ll qry.of the applrnce ar room umpernure rndour(s) sha[ bei pl|l€d tn op.rrrion Tha grs io rhe uuin tsunE op|reon has Cff*.dgrr lO nbruies, f *4'1ry Mtlclt crmrc bc plrcat ln oparion wih 0EoltddaEd b condy wiUr thir -po"U* 9r.?:i'I1lo:t tig qo 'q,,F dnpa in 0E dosd Fdrhn shdr bF u rl5 ELECTnIqTL Eqrdl,qrn AJqD WnIYG (sG! &i'til n foP^orr zA 116 ll{srnuclotrrs t{t0l'" ^6ift{ff v n thet brcelrge of r p.n v{lt ]16rll hLr ):, pcr dlrll bc cquippcd wlrh e devicr$ :.-1n !!Tar ls op.rrred wirh rhci At/24126AL L7i4a 9748279222 PAGE 62 PAGE ALA1./24/2Agl LB:26 s7225a3w6 GT]LDEN BLOUNI' AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD/CANADIAN FOR I ARsl Zzt.5tl-1995 \- AA. - S ASSOCI,ATTON STANDARD VENTED GAS FIR PLACES TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2t38 ortrrrr oF coMMLrN,r" o*rro*rQ, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M00-0092 Job Address: 2350 BALD MOUNTAIN RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSLIED Location.....: 2350 BALD MTN RD #3A Applied . . : 08/l l/2000 ParcelNo...: 210103302003 Issued. .: 08/16/2000 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 03/2112001 APPLICANT .I.S. FERERO O8/L4/2000 Phone: 970-845-2297 P.O. BOX 1504 AVON, CO CELL 970-331-8264 8L620 IJicense: 144-M Also is COIITRACTOR O!{NER GREENBERG HARRY S - FERRIS A08/L4/2000 Phone: 2511 WYI,IE RD DEKTER MI 4813 0 License: CONTRACTOR ,1.S. FERERO 08/t4/20O0 Phone: 970-845-2297 P.O. BOX 1504 AVOIT, CO CELL 970-33J,-8264 8L620 License z L44-Yl AIso is .Applicant Desciption: MECHANICAL FOR HEATING (ADD SHEETMETAL WORK) Valuation: $12.761.00 Fireplace Information: R€shicted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 #of Wood Psllsi: 0 FEE STIMMARY Medlrnical-> 5?60 . oo Rrduarsnt Plao Review->go. oo Total Calculalcd Fees-> $328.00 Plan Check-> Invecigalion-> Will Call--> 565. o0 DRB Fee-->So. oo Additiooll Fces-> 93.00 BAr_AltcE DUE-----> ftsem: 05100 BUIL,DING DEPARTMEIII O8/L4/2OOO KATI{Y Action: NOTE ROIITED TO CHARL,IE Og/!5/2000 CHARLfE Action: APPR charlie davis Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMBIf 0s /t4/2000 KArrry Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: l-2 FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. Cond: 23 INSTALIJATION MUST COIIFORM TO MANIJFACTURES IIISTRUCTIONS AI.ID TO CHAPTER ].0 OF TIIE 1997 Ut{C, CmPTER L0 0F TIIE 1997 rMC. Cond: CONO003185 coMBusTroN ArR rs REQUTRED pER SEC. ?0L OF THE L997 UMC, OR SECTTON 701 OF TIIE 50.00 TOTTAL FEES-> S328.oo Total P€{mit Fe€-> 5328.00 Paymenls-------> 9328.00 s0.00 90.00 199? IMc. **** (2) ? round Jt" """ required to comply a"Q. combustion air requiremenEs** ** ***** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, Iilled out in firll the information requird completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design rwiew approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQI'ESTS TOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOLTR HOURS IN ADV TELEPHONE OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM t:0o AM - 5 PM. OR NTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNE **'|*'i***+***:i***tr'i***{rt}t||"tl************{r***'r*:tr'}*'t*************f * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO-Statement *l+f*l ++tlt* ***:tf f *'t+{r{r*'}* *'r't'}* ** *** *'}**'** **** '} * ***** t* * *:t* +** * * * ** *'** * *!t't* * * ** +!t**l t**f +**t ** Statement Nuniber: R000000315 Amount: $50.00 L2/29/aOOOLO:23 AM Pa)rment l,lethod: Check Init : KllI{ Notation: *420/,J.S.Ferero Permit. No: It{00-0092 Tl'pe: MEC}IANICA]J PERMIT Parcel No: 210103 3 02 003 SitE Addrega: 2350 BAIJD UOUIfIAIN RD \TAIIJ Location: 2350 BAL,D }tllf RD #3A Total Fees: $328.00 Thie Payment: $50.00 Total AL,L Pmte: $328.00 Balance: $0.00 ***'i|}'}'l*'+'|li**l*rt**t:t*'t'}'|{.+'}'l**:t* *+t***l'+:}*'t**:f !|r**'}{'*+*'}*:}**'f +******.1:****:l * ACCOUNTITEMLIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts t4P ()O1OOO()3I113()O MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PF ()()1()OOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 40. 00 10. 00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIITAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 Job Address...: LocaEion......: Parcel No- - -..:Project Number: 2350 BAI.D MOUNTAIN RD 2350 BALD IVrIN RD #3A 2101- 033 -02 -003 PR,Jo0-0001 DEPARTT'{ENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVEIJOPMEMI NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON 'JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PBRMIT Permit #: M00-0092 APPTIEAIiIT CONTRAqTOR OWNER Description: MECHAI{ICAL FOR HEATING Flreplace InfgrEagion: RestticEed: Y .'.S. FEPGRO P.O. BOX 1504, AVON, CO, CELt 'J.S. FERERO P.O. BOX 1504, AVON, CO, CELL GREENBERG HARRY S - FERRIS A}IN 26LL VTTI.TE RD, DEXTER MI 48130 #Of eaE Applianc€8: StaEus. . applied. Issued. . E:<pires. Phone: 970-331-8254 8L620phone: 970-33L-8254 8L620 D Valuation: *Of Oas Loga. ISST'ED 08/LL/2000 o8 /16 /2OOO02/L2/200t 970-845-2297 970-845-2297 10, 751. 00 *of nood/P.llst: FBE EUUI|IRY Pl.n check---> Inw.sEigacion> tllll call----> Rcltu.rants Pl|n Rcvisra--> DRB F€e-------- TOTAIJ PEES'- -'- Total calculac€d Fcc.- - - > Addigional Fe66---------> TotaL Pcr[its Fc.--------> 220.00 . oo .00 .00 27e .00 2?8.00 .00 27S.OO PayEentB------- 279 -OO BAT,ANCE DUE.. - - tt ttta***!r**tt,rt*ttti*t**ttif*rrr**a**rritr*ti*r*'rt*tt'ltt**t*t ****ttrt*ittttitirrt****tttt*trJ**rtrt*tttttt.r*t*f**rr*ir*e ITCM: O51OO BUII,DING DEPARTI{ENT DCPT: BUII.'DING DiViSiON: O8/L4/2OOO KATIIY ACTiON: NOTB ROIITED TO EI{ARLIEo8'/L5'/2ooo CIIARLTE Action: APPR charlie davisiEbm;'o56oo-rrnr-Drpenn'tsDfi DepE: FrRB Division: O8/L4/2OOO KATIIY Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI-, FIEIJD INSPE TIONS AR3 REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. CoMBUSTTON ArR rS REQUTRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 (MC, OR SEETION 701 OF T"HE 1997 IMC.**** Q, 7rr round ducEs are recruired tso conplv to the COmbudtsiOn air reCrUirements* * * f**** * INSTALI,ATION MUST.CONFORM TO MANI'FA TURES INSTRUETIONS AT.TD TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IJME, EIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 TMC. 1.2. 3. *********************************:r*************************************:***:r***** DECI,ARATTONS I hcreby acknoulcdga thrt I havc rced tshis application, filled out ln full bh6 inforua€lon required, co$PlqE6d an accurata pIoC plan. and 6bats! Uhats aLl th. infornation providcd at rcquircd i! colrect, I agrec tso codply rrlth thc infoloatsion and PIots Pl|n, bo couply sith.ll Torn ordinances and Elage 1awE, and to build thi.6 Ebructsurc accordinE to the Tosn's zoning and subdivigion codcs, d.sign review .pprovcd, Uniforo Bullding cods and oLher ordinancee of the Town appli,cable !her6t'o. REQUA8T8 FOR INSPBCTIONS SHALL BE I.BDE ft{El,}Ty-FOUR HOURS IN ADTTANCE BY TELBPHONE AT 4?9-2139 OR AT OIrR OFFICB FROII g:00 nll 5:00 Pfi SIGNATURE OF O!{NBR OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMIIEIJF AND OWNER a**titt+*t*tttlt***tt****tra****t**rrtl***r*****,ltttltattt********** TOt{Dl OF VAIL, COIOnADO Reprlnted: 08/1-6/OO 08.4O gtatennt tt**t*t**titt***titta*tt**ti*t**tttt***il*!t***t**tttttlttt******** Etatennt Number: REC-0665 Anouot: 27A-OO O8/15/0O 08:38 Palment Method: 4494 Notatslon: HBID CICNSTRUCrIII Init: ,JItl Permit No: M00- 0092 TlDe : B -lttBcll Parcel No: 2101- 033- 02- 003gite Addrege: 2350 BAIrD MOI,NTAIII RD I,ocation: 2350 BAI,D MIN RD *3A II.IBCIIAI{I CAIJ PERMIT TotaL Fees ! 278.00 Total ALL Pnts: Ealance : tAt*tt*t*******ttta*ttt****t*ttttt*ttt!l**rl!l******t*tt*a*ttt**+*t Account Code Detscrlptiou Thie Payuent 274 . OO 27a.OO .oo Amourt 220 . OO 55.O0 3.O0 IiIP OO1OOOO31111OO UECHANICAI, PERI,IITFEES PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK rEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALIJ INSPECTION FBB AppucATrortLL Nor BE AccEprED rF INcoMp..lR uNsrcNED Project #:PA troo - aJ.'/ Building Permit #2 -RDo - d ne , Mechanical Permit #: 97O- 479-2149 (Inspections) MWNOFYAILIY 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 1. Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include;) o Mechanical Room Dimensions( o Combustion Air Duct Size and LocaUon I " Ftue, Vent and Gas Line Size and LocaUonf a HeatLoss."'*',o..shaets RECD AUG 112000) o EquipmentCut/SpecSheetsv Permit will not be accepted without the following: Contact Asse;src OflTce at 970-328-86/fi or visit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) JobName: orro rnln) 4J Job Address:---'-7-{;; n1,/ m+.t ,€,/ g.? Legaf Description lltot: 2t, ll etoct: ll riting: Bl- ll subdivision: 1.,2r,, l/.tl^ro Owners Name: ll Address:HPn A.u h&t ' haa , ll Phone: 4 Engineer: ilIn " llAddress: flt) (t. ,Wt,Phone: f yf-,ir Detailed desqiption of work: Nur-4t*, WorkOass: r/"*tl Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair((J Other( ) Boiler Location: Interior (|Q Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (K) Type of Bldg: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ([) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling UniE in this building:No, of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Iyoe of Fireolaces Existinq: Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas LoSs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT (Labor & Materials) MECHANICAL: $ to za/.9 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION **********r.**t**********FoR oFFICE USE ONLY*:r***x(*********:f ************* F: / ev€ryone/forils/m€drperm 6."t|-rt o fl t'.-^ # iO 9'' I t,l"flJ'*in Vr*l ttt' "*tlJr,t.its 1' { GG SERIES 12 HIGH.EFFICTENCY GAS BOILER uJEll-mHlil ..,J('S krnLe T/* NET LOAD RANGE HOTWATER: 37,000 to 176,000 BTU/Hr. Design certified by American Gas Association Net ratings are appro\red by The Hydronics Institute ooE Heating capacities based on standard test procedures prescribed by the United States Department of Energy Built in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Gode ATERICA'S TOST COIIPLETE LINE OF CAST RESIDENTIAL... COMiIERCIAL.. . INDUSTRIAL... IRON BOILERS !NSTITUTIONAL 'fhe Weil-Mcl,ain (l(i cast iron gas boiler is available in tu'o models: . C(;-SPD-t0% eff icienc.y modcl wilh standing pilot . CG-PID- 82!,"o efficiencl' model n ith inrermirtent elcclronic ignition system Roth models are furnished rvith an aut0natic vcnt damper to increase operating cfficiency and sar,e fuel. 'l'he CG boilcr is available irr severr sizes with net I-B-R ratings from 37,000 to 17(i,{)00 R'['U/HR.'l'he unit is designed for forced hot rvatcr heat ing sr stems in ne\l h,)mes anrl rpart- mcnls .. . or for replaccment of old, incff icient heating equipment. 'l'he CG is designcd and engineered for fast installation ... reliable opera- tion... conrlnient s('rvicing . . . high efficiency ... and long life. \!rst imporlant, the CG is made by' Weil-XIcLain, America's leading name in cast iron boilers fbr over a century HIGH OPERATING EFFICIENCY. CG-SPD op€rates at 80%; CG-ptD at 82%. FACTORY-TESTED, Every boiler is tested to assure reliabl€ ooeration. AUTOMATIC VENT DAMPER. Prevents heat from escaping up the chimney when th€ burners are not operating. Saves fuel. VENT PROVING CONTROLS. Rollout thermat fuss element and soill switch shut down the boiler if blockage occurs in either the boiler or venting syst€m. WIRING HARNESS. Designed, labeled, and color-coded to help assur€ conact wiring. COMPACT DESIGN. Saves valuable space. NEW PARTS APPROACH. Repair parts furnished in convenient kits with evorything needed. CONVENIENT SERVICING, Easity accessibte controls ... top cleaning ... vertical flueways. STEEL JACKET. Durable powder-coat finish in Weil-Mclain blue ... insulated to retain heat and clear of the floor to prevent rust. PROTECTIVE CRATE. The boiler is mounted on a pallet in a sturdy wirebound wooden crate. Ready for fast installation. ALUMINIZED STEEL BURNERS. F€ature quiet ignition and extinction. Burners provid€ fixed primary air ... no air adjustment required. lutEtl.trllAH - i-"#??]lil'-- !T . PIAN..: s-YEAR HOMEOWNER PROTECTION PL"AN-OPTIONAL. Covers boiler parts supplied by Weil-McLain and labor for all eligible repairs. Available through padicipating installers. I lr'A tested and approved auto- matic vent damper is furn- ished as standard equipment. The damper prevents heat from escaping up the chimney when the boiler is not operat- ing to increase efficiency, save fuel. Simple plug-in connec- tors assure mistake-proof wlnng. CG.SPD The CG-SPD is lurnished with a standing pilot system elec- trically interlocked with the autornatic vent damper. When the thermostat calls for heat-. Circulator starts and damper begins to open . When the damper is proven op€n (in approximately 15 seconds ) the gas valve opens to ignite the main burners When the thermostat is satisfied- . Circulator stops; damper begins to close. Gas valve closes . Damper is fully closed within approximately 15 seconds If boiler water temperature reaches the high limit setting- . Gas valve closes . Damper closes in approximately 15 seconds . Circulator keeps running The CG control system is design certified by A.G.A. and all components are Ul-listed. CG.PID Operating sequence is the same as above except there is no constant burning pilot. Instead an electronic spark ignites the pilot. The PID system features a Weil- Mclain UCM universal ignition control module. Boiler sections are made of durable cast iron for strencth and long life. It's not uncommon for Weil-Mclain cast on boilers to last 35 years or more. The vertical flue passages are studded with heat pins that cause the hot gases to swirl about, scrubbing the entire surface of each section for maximum heat transfer. Radiation plates fur- ther increase heat transfer for maximum efficiencv. Modern elastomer sealing rings in the port openings assure a permanent v/ater-tight seal. The flexibility and elastic memory of these seals (unlike metal push nipples) prevent leaks caused by thermal expansion and contraction. A special high-temperature sealant between boiler sections assures gas lightness. Keeping the CG in top operating condition is a simple matter. Removing the back half of the top jacket panel, collector hood, and radiation plates exposes the flueways for easy cleaning. Removing the front jacket door and front base panel allows access to the burners. a Add "SPO" to dodgnator tor boll€r sfih rtandlng pllot. Aald "PlO' lo de{rignalor br bollar wllh Inlormllta|rl oloct onlc lgnlton 3!r!tsm. Fo. SPO nodol! add "N" br nalural esq "U' lor propane (p.oosns not anilablo lor ED). ' Basod on st nd6rd tsd proc€dutr8 p.ElcriH by the Lhihd $ai68 Departn€it of EnsEv. " Net l-&R ratinq6 sro b68od on nsl inltlll€d rslelion of 3ufffd€ot quenti9lo. the r€quk€oenb oI iho buildlng and nothing n€€d be add€d b. noflnel pifim and dck-up. Ratn$ a€ bar6d oar a plplng and plck-up alloiance ot'1.15. An edditbnel allov|anc€ dlould b€ made lor unusual pipino and plclHlp lo6da OIC: CG bollels lor l€sidential iadlanl panol eysiems, cont€rted gaavity heatlng lydoms, or other low wdor l.mp€rstlrc apollcadong shol)ld b€ Inslallod with belancing \'alwr and by-pass piping €qual to the supply and .ahlm sir€ lo 6\/old exceasivs ffue 9e6 condonsalion du€ to lou,6r op€rallng wabr lgmp€raluro9. IOIE: CG boler! ar€ AG.A deElgn clrti€d lor Instrlhuon on combudbb iooring. T€d€d hr 50 PSI rvorllng pt€sEutq. t|o| wallablo b. millh,olt 3Fbma LEFT END RIGHT E]{D TOPVIEV SIDE ELEYATTO t|tt{t u CTEARANCE FOF CIOgET tt{STALLAflOI{s hlr Bolcr 1{lfnbora A.G.A" Input EntlH.. DOE H.|thg C.p..Jtt Bru/Hr.' lLt FB{nding!.h.r Bru/Hr.- DOE Sor|onll Efici€ncy P€.c.nt (AFlJg Chinnt Slt Hich- Effciency t|odal (SPDN) Hid|. E [dsrcy rtudrl (SPDL) Hlghcd- E ncidrcy Modd (PlDill ccf25 52,000 43,000 37,000 60.2 80.4 83.0 4" l.D. x 20' cG-3 70,000 58,000 50,000 80.1 80.7 82.2 4' l.O. x 20' cca 105,000 88,000 77,@O 80.4 81.4 82.9 5" l.D. x 20' cG5 1/(),000 1 17,000 102,000 80-4 81.5 82.5 6" l.D. x 20' cG{175,m0 145,@O 126,000 80.s 81.6 E2.2 6' l.D. x 20' cG-7 210,000 174,000 151 ,000 6U.5 81.7 81.8 7" l.D. x20' oG{245,000 202,000 176,000 80.5 81.8 81.4 7" l.O. x20' SIDE ELEYA|IOI{ h. Boaftll|,|lta. X|n|b: t Sb. oa SuFly I Fnti(tlP.I|' | (rrd.||Lbl Dxn.|ab||t-Ldr€G- Coior.lbo S&.-lhrd rd ft!9ana Crda oa|'taralo|la(olrtld. |||.r|..rr t ln.) A D w L.nfr l{|dl Hddr cG25 I -4r-45rl t0 h 27 27h 3'!1' co3 1-'l 5ai t0 27 27vr 31h cG4 5491 t3 27 27h 31!, @-5 u't-1"1Vh t6 h 30 27h 3'11| oB4 1-l!{'60rl 19 u 33 27t/.3llt cG7 1- I !.'6211 7 22 36 27U,31t' 6{l-1t'1-lh'64n 7 25 12 2fu,311{ 'l!.'suoolv taDorm In lolt ond !€ction. Bu3fi to L'lor C,G-25; inctoas€ b tq'b. CG_8.,SizeB shofon are gEs connection sizes. Gas piplng frorn mder lo bollor lo b€ sizsd sccording io local ufllty lsquir€mont3. Limlild LiiElim€ Waranv on Boll6r Socilor€ Fac{ory T6ted lmulsted Ertandod Jackel Bulltln Alr Soparatot \brtlcal Draft Hood (ln !€parato cartonl Automatlc vent Damp.l Radladon Platoa Comblnalion Gas valve for 24 voh Non-Linting Plbt Brxrur Arxnlnlzod Steol Burnars Comblnalim RcLy Roooplacls and /{, VA Tlsnstoamer Eloclric€l Junclion Box Plug-ln Clrculalor Rolsy Splll Switcfi Follout Thormal Fuse Elsm€nt Hhh-Limil TemperatjlE Contol Clrculator flaco m7. BaG NRF-zl or GMdtos UPIH4 30 PSI ASIUE Rellot lrblve (boiler sactiona toated for 50 PSI workilu pr€8sur€) llfEll'llftlAlll A Unihd Dominion Company Comblnaton Pr"ssu1€-l|mparetr€ Gtrge Draln Vlh|. HIGH EFFICIENCY IUODEL - SPD ConEtnt Buming, Th€malty $psrvtr3d Pllot System Thormocouplo HIGHEST EFFICIENCY ODEL- PID Intoinlttent Elactronla lgnldon q/stem w[h Wcll-Mclln UCM Unlvesal lgnluon Control l,lodrl. |lf€ll-llddn +Yesr H,orrrom ho,t3cton Plsn nbll-McLdn hdll€c-t-Flrud Wbt r Hoslsr8 Taco llo Clrculator B&G l(n c|rcuhr GE! Convrrsbn Kits F|f-r!ol rysbrn lcoflprusdon tl|lr, fi! and cft.ck yslv€, .utoeafb al yfit 'rd ftli|gFl - floe gza3 5 trru q fi10 gzss 6 t|nJ 8 - sHpgad In lsparsb ction In the int$est ot condnual lmprovem€nl In prcducts and porfomanca, t{oil-McNrln lgsory€s tp rlgf to afiangp 8Fdtcatons w hout rctcr. WeiFMcLain 500 Blaine Street Michioan City, lN 46360-2388 Form No. C-553R22 (1097)O1997 WeiFN,lcLain Lilho in U.S.A. TOWN OF VAII 75 S. FROIiITAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPLICANT iI.S. FERERO P.O. BOX 1504, CONTRAqIOR J.S. FERERO P.O. BOX 1504,OI'INER I,AIVIBT'R iIAII,IES A BOSCH ALBERT V Description: MECHANICAL FOR HEATING Flrgplace Inf onagion: Rc6tricted: Y DEPARTI{ENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT AJ,L TIMBS MBCHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M00-0093 .fOb AddTESS...: 2350 BALD MOI'NTAIN RD L,ocation......: 2350 BALD IfIt{ RD #4 Parcel No..... : 2101-033-02-004 Project Number : PR'J00-0001 sEatsus...: rssItEDApplied..: 08/LL/2000Issued...: 08/!6/2000 Erqpires. . : 02/L2/2OOL Phone: 970-33t-8264 8A620 Phone: 970-331--8264 81620 B 7600 WEST COLLEGE DR, PA],OS IIEIGIIT ValuaEion:10, 761 .00 lfof wood/P.116t: AVON, eO, CELL AVON, CO, CEIL K - BOSEAXDIN iI - SEMBA ROBER, *of eas Appllanceg: 970-845-2297 970-845-2297 *Of GAB IJOEg: FEE gI'IIMARY Mcchanical-- -> Plat! chcck- - - > Inv.6tigetion> 220 .OO 55.OO . o0 .00 . o0 2?S .00 Rclluarant Plan Rcvicw-- > DRB Fce-------- AOTAI, FBES---:- Total Calculagcd Fc..---> 278.00 Additional FcG6---------> .oo Tot-l Pefilit F.6--------> 27e.OO wirr calr----> 3.oo iiilill.;:_::::::___:_: "'.:li t****ar*r?irt*tt*t*ttr t * t i * r a * * a * * * * r J r * * * a * r r * r r rr*ltrtr*i**r*t*t 'rtt*****tr**ttl, t t * * * * t * * * .1 'r t t * t t * * * rt***tttata*J*tttt'la'rt+a*tt*at II,EM: O51OO BUII,DING DEPARITIIENT DEPT: BUILDING DiViSiON: O8/I4/2OOO IGTIIY ACTiON: NC|1rE ROIITED TO CMRI,IEo8'/L5'/2ooo CIIARLTE AcEion: APPR charlie davisrEem;'.05600 -FIRE DrpART'{ENT DepE : FrRE Division:a8/L4/2000 KATHY AcEion: APPR N/A EOI{DITION OF APPROVAI. 1 . FIEI,D INSPE TIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHEEK FOR CODE COMPLIAIiICB.2. COMBUSTTONATR rS REOUTRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE L997 tMC, ORsEerroN 701 0F THE 1997 rMC.****** Qt Z'i round ducts are required tso meeE Ehe combsuEioair feCnrj_fements ********3. INSTALf,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANT'FAqTURES INSTRUCTIONS AT{D TO CHAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 I'MC, CHAPTBR 10 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. ******************************************************************:t************* DECITARATIONS t hcrcby acknorhdgc ghiu I h.ve rc.d bhiE applicagion, fil,led out in fuLl thc infolEation rcquired, cotlPlatcd .n rccurrtc ltlog phn, and statc gha! all tshc infornation prowided as rcquircd ia corrcct. I agr.e to cotply ttith tsh. infornation and Plot phn, tso comply trlCh all Town ordLnanccB .nd luats. lat.!, .nd to build Uhis struclurc according to Che Tonn'r zoning and aubdlvigion cod.s, dc€igh rcviei. approvcd, Unifom Building codc and other ordinenc€s of lhc Tovn applicable th€r.to. REQI EllTIl FoR tNltPEdIoNn smEL BE MADE 11{B!qTI-FoIrR HOURS I}I ADt ANeE BY TEIBPHoNE AT {79-2131 oR AT oItR OFAICE FRONI 8:00 Ald 5:o0 Plit SIEIqTURE OF Or|!IBR OR COIOIRAcrOR FOR TIIIISELP AIID OVINER -*r*aa**tf ttt*t***atr*att**t****tr*r****ai**tat*rt*ra****a*aarrt* TOml oP vAlrr, croIoRADo ReprJ.nted: os/L6/Oo OA34O Stateont il*li***rl***l}*a***tttrlatatittilttltl***tt*tttttttt|}tttlt*tllaaa*** gtatemDt lnrnber: REc-o556 enount: 27a.oo oa/L6/oo 08.37 Pa:/oent llethod: 14 9r[ Notatlon : HBID CloNEIRUqrfO Init : ittt Per.oLt No: [00-0093 T?pe: B-ilBCtl TGCHANICAIJ PERIIT Parcel No: 21O1-033- 02-OO/l 81te Addres6: 2350 BAID lilOIrlfTAIN RI) Locatlon I 2350 BALD ttTlg RD #4 enount 220 . OO 55.O0 3 .00 flris Paynent Total Fees: 274,OO TotaL ALL, Pnts: Balance: 278 .00 278 , 00 .00 ***r***att*r***tt**ttt**t*a*****rrr*r**rtrti*iiattt*t*ata**a*trr . Aceourt code DeBcrLptLon tdP 00100003111100 uEclnmcAlr PBRltIt FBEa PF 00100003112300 PIrAN CSBCK FBBA IfC OO1OOOO31128OO I|IIJL CIIJJ NISPECTION PEE NVN0Ftttn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 AppucATrorellL Nor BE AccEPTED rF TNcoMPLEIR uNsTGNED Proiect #. ,Pi,foo' Doal , auiiding Permit #: I "'t:-' d t t Mechanical Permit #: 97 O- 47 9- 2149 (Inspection s) 4 Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include: / o Mechanical Room Dimensions ( o Combustion Air Duct Size and Location \ " Ftue, vent and Gas Line size and location ffiCD AUG 1 1 2000 \ o Heat Loss Calcs. L Equipment cut/Spec sheets Permit will not be accepted without the following: ContaLt Eagle County Asrcsorc Offie at 970-visit ve) Job Name: gfuo mr'r,J 4 "1 :ouAd!]], R,-!'1 m* t/, ta LesalDescription fl ror' 26 ll aro"r., ll ririns, lt/- llstwy;t*-Lht--4t/s owners Namei /rlfi) 6,,wr,ittr ll Address:Phone: tsngrneer: KfZn Mdress:v7, a,," -4t?t Phone: fvr, ?zzt Detailed desgripUon of work: G"J.qV.1 rr.^.-L-, Ceurl F-a--&>t)S{-,u.e- ,|.t*l othg( ) Boiler Location: Interior (g!) Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU odst at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Typeof Btdg: Single4amiry( ) Duptex(YJ Mutti-famity( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Tvoeof FireolacesExistinq: GasAppliances( ) GasLoss( ) WoodlPellet( ) WoodBurninq( ) Noffype of Fireplaces eroposed: eai &ptiances ( ) Gas LoSs ( ) Wmd/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Phase U device? Yes ( ) No ( for Parcel # COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT (tabor & Materaals) MECHANICAL: $ '0 7b/ '3- CONTRACTOR INFORMATION **********1.*:r :r* ** *,r* ** FoR oFFICE UsE oNLY**{. * ** ** ** ** * * * ** ** ** *r.* ** * * * F: /evcryonc/forms/ m€chp€rm oo f.o0d.0rjlIl i lv d-u.{ i: of ,t,'sh7 ' tunLuel b y o1}'< -t1^h fra",o q3,76 Sorl'{Jee Cow furz Seattre[A l*ott ila.*t = (2) 7't Porr.ro D"-s Pso.r,eap TOVII{ OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8l_657 970-479-2L39 Pluubj.ng-----> 210.00 RD SEatsus...: ISSITED tNIT #App1ied. . : 08/09/2000Issued...: 08/09/2OOO E:qpires. . : 02/05/2OOL Phone z 970-625-2087 Phone z 970-625-2087 accuratc plo! .nd plots plan, subdivi6ion CE FRO S:OO AIif 5:0O PM RegLuaranl PIar Revies-- > TOTAL PBES.-.- - DEPARI14ENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLIJI,IBING PERMIT Permit #:P00 -0079 'JOb AddTESS: 2350 BALD MOI'NTAIN Location...: 2350 BALD Mlt{. RD. Parcel No. . : 2101-033 -02-OO4 ProjecE No. : PRitO0-0001 APPLICAI{:T BIAIiICO BROTIIERS 1503 BEECH STREET, RTFLE, CO 81550 CONTRAETOR BIAI{CO BRCTTIIERS OWNER 1503 BEECH STREET, RrFr-,E, CO 81650 I.,AMBT'R iIAMES A K - BOSCARDIN iI B BOSCH ALBERT V - SEPIBA ROBER, 75OO WEST COLLEGE DR, PA],OS HBIGHT Descripuion: remodel due Eo fire replace plumbiValuation:14,000.00 FEE gI'!,tI,iARY Total calculatod FceE---> 265.50 Additional, F€es---------> .oo Total Permit. Fcc--------> 265.50 Pal.mentsa------- . o0 Plan check- - - > Invcslig.tion> wiIl calL----> 52.50 . o0 3 .00 ...,-......:lH::.?tr;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.'-"""-.";31-.' IEem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTI\4EIiIT Dept: BUILDING Division: 08/09/2OOO CHARTIE ACTiON: APPR CHARLIE DAVISiE-b.m;'.05600-F-rnr-DepARflqBNf Dept: FrRE Division: 08/09/2000 CIIARLTE Action: APPR N/A *.*.irr..r*r*** t:, * t * 'r ** rr + i t i tt t tt r t. rr t CONDITION OF APPROVAI, 1-. FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL]AIiTCE.2. ALL SYSTEMS NEw OR EXISTTNG MUST BE TESTED PRIOR TO CONCEALMElillT DBCLAR,ATIONS I hersby ackaorledgc thac I havs read thia application, fillcd ouE in full che i.nformation requircd, compl.ted an plan, and slage tshat all the informatsion plovided a6 required iE correct. I agrce Co conply !.ith gh. infonnation to couply uith all Toun ordinances and 6gats€ lars, and to build chig Etructsure to the Town's zoning and cod66, dcrign rcvict, approwcd, Unifon Builaing codc and olhcr ordinances of applicablc ther.tso. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAI,I. BE MADE TWENTY-FOT'R HOT'RS IN ADI'ANCE BY OF OViNER OR COMRACTOR FOR HIMSEI,F AND OI{MR U, *rl*rl!lta!l!l*rr*rl*a*****t***lttlt*ijltl******tt******t******i:l*+*irl't*** TOIIN OF VAII,, CILORADO Statennt **ttatl:l*t***at:l***l*+t*tli**:l*l*li*****:tt**lt********tt*t*t*lltt* gtatennt Number: REc-0665 Anount :255.50 OS/rr/OO OS tO2 Payment Method: CK Notation: #4474IEEID CONS hit: LC Pernit No: P00-0079 Ty?e: B- PLIIIB PLITUBING PERMIT Pa-rcel Nor 2L01- O33- o2-oo4 gite AddreeB; 2350 BA&D UOUNrAIN RD Locat,ion | 2350 BAIrD lifl\t. RD. IrNIT #4 Total Fees: This Palment 265 .50 Total Ar,r, PmEs: Balance : ***tta***l***'l*t**!rt**t***'r*******i******ltl**+t****i*********** Aecowrt code Description PP OO1OOOO31111OO PLUT{BINC PERI4IT FEBS PF OO1OOOO31123OO PIJAI\I CI{ECK FEES l{c 00100003112800 tfrr,L cAr,L rNePEqrroN FBE 255 .50 255.50 .00 Amount 210.00 52.50 3 .00 AppucATroeLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMprE0* u"rro*ro Project #i PRt0 L\ . aool Building Permit #:.oil Plumbing Permit #: 970-479-2149 NWNOFVIN 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Conbct Assesrors Offtce at 970-328-864O or visit #for Parcef # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) J/1/- fg i j-0"2*(H/ JobName: (1nto ru1^) t+q )obAddress: ' 'u JH, tt/t+^) rz'!' t+ t1 Legal Description Lot: 26 Block:Filing: lTtP Subdivision: lr/4i t v/,' ll " u owners*utt'rr,., il+*o,t,t r-, ll Address:torc t) rL\t)a<2 oo'"'"t1f ilr",ll Phone:rr- 7t"t -1yrz tnginler: vp4t Address: L,) r) , 4),.vl't Phone:7t/r - 7Jz/ Detailed description of work: /L-L,lz! ULu 1a ios ' ,Az4!.4?.? u/*7r7;,- ,t/ ua./ nepjirld other( ) /A.n"L-!Addition ( )Alteration ( )Work Class; New ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family g{ Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No (>d CoMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) PLUMBING: $ Tyata CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contact and Phone #'s: 7d-?77-6zJt (Ir*. Plumbing Contractor:Town of Vail Reg. No.: Contractor Signature: **r(**+*********************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*"***************rr********r.********** RECDAUG0S2000 F/everyone/forms/plmbperm TOWN OF VATL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,, CO 8L657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PLUMBING PERMTT Job Address: 2350 BALD MOUIiITAIN Locat,ion.. . : 2350 BALD MtiIT. RD Parcel No.. : 2101-033-02-003 ProjecE No. : PttJ00-0001 APPLICAI T BIAIICO BROEHERS 1503 BEECH STREET, RIFLE, CO 81550 COT.ITRACTOR BIAI{CO BROTHERS iIOBSITE Permit AT ALL TIMES #: P00-0080 OWNER 1503 BEECH STR.EET, RIFLE, CO 81650 GREENBERG IIARRY S - FERRIS ANN D 2611 WYLIE RD, DEXTER MI 48130 Description: REMODEL DttE TO FIRE REPLACE PLUMBIValuation:14, 000 . 00 r**r.r*rr.irtrt FEB gITUUARY Rostsuarents Plan Rcvi.ew-- > TOXAI, FBES.... - RD SUAIuS.,.: ISSIJED UNIT 3Applied. . : 08/09/2000Issued...: 08/09/2000 E>cpires. . : 02/05/2ooL Phonez 97Q-625-2087 Phone: 970-525-2087 Total calculated Fcc6- - - >265 .50210. O0 52.50 . o0 will call----> 3.00 Plubbing- ----> Plan ch.ck- - - > Investsigation> . o0 255.50 Additional Fces---------> .o0 Total PeftiC Fc€------__>255 .50 PalmenbB------- 265.50 ......-"...TH:i.?T";;;;;;;;;";;;.-""."....;31--. IEem: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division: O8/O9/2OOO CHARLIE ACTiON: APPR CIIAR]-,IE DAVIS IEbm;' 05e oo-p-r-ne-DepARn{Eml Dept: FrRE Division:A*log/2ooo cHARrrE Actsion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI., 1. FIELD INSPESTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOB CODE COMPI-,IAI{CE.2. AI,L PLUI,IBING SYSTEM NEW OR EXISITTiIG MUST BE TESTED tiait.t*****itrrrr'rittt*tt**|.*t DECLARATIONS I h€rGby acknowledge that I havc read thi6 aE!,1ication, filkd out in f,ull tshe information r€quired, conplctcd an plan, .nd Etale lhats all tsh. infortacion providcd as required i6 corfccts. f tso coBrply with che inf,orrnation to conply tith all Tottn ordinance6 and stsatsc lanE, and to build thi6 Etructurc !o tshe Tosn's zonlng and codeB, da619n revier apttlovcd, UniforD Butldlng code and olher ordinanced of applicable thcr€to. REQOESTS FOR INSPBCTIONS SHALL BE IADB TNBFTY.FOT'R HOI'RS IN ADI/ANCB BY accurlt. plo! and plog pIaD, eubdivialon FROU 8:00 A}| 5:00 PM OF O'{NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIUgELF AND OT{NER U, ******ta****a*taia*ll*l**a'lirl***llllt**t:t*a*t**il!ltatttltaa!r****tA TOI{DT OF VAIIJ, COIORADO Stateum!, ****t*tlirtl**t***tt**t*tt**f l*lt***rl*t**ttt**t***tttt*t*t******t!t gtatemnt Number: REC-O664 Atnounts I 26s.5o 08/11loo 08: 01 Payment ltlethod: CK Notation r S4474/HEID cON Init: LrC Petntrit No: Parcel lilo: Site Addrese: Irocation: Thls Pa:ment PO0-0080 Tlpe: B-PLMB PLI'I,IBING PERUIT 2101-033-02-003 2350 BAI,D !,IOUIITAIN RD 2350 BAI,D MNT. RD I'NIT 3 Total Feee: 265.50 265.50 Total ALL llmts r 265.50 Balance r .00 **ti!t**t**t**:l*t*a********t*ttl**t*tit*t*t****t*t*l*lt!t*******t*t Account Code Description PP O0100O03111-1oO PLITUBING PBRI,IIT FEBS PF OO1OOOO31123OO PIJAN CIIECK FEES wc 00100003112800 wrLL cAtL rNsPEerroN Amount 210.00 52.50 FEE 3. OO AppucATroeLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMplEil* rnrtu*ro Proiect #z /( f,tto' o'sot Building Permit #= flld. o Plumbing Permit #: 97 O-47 9-2149 (Inspections) mw\aFvtn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Assessors Office at 970-328-864O or visit Parcef # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) ;Q o Q^AJ wtrf'J lU. Yto'*u "' ?oro m+il 4g Subdivision: 1/y7,, (/, // a Phone: trr- rra _gf zOax kz 4tzHw/tz K J. ,'.;iz.t Address: /. t) for qfz Detailed descriDtion of work: /la-rr.X'a lrc f,'//r) z Qlae' prn/;;v, d, t'/4 WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair(;d Other( ) &,."!-l Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) MultFfamiiy () Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning flreplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) PLUMBING: $ /q /),) CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contact and Phone #'s: 7d-J)7- lz?f (7oo Plumbing Contractor:Town of Vail Reg, No.: **rr****rrrr***********************:!******FOR OFFICE USE ONLY't*******:t****************r.*********** AUG 0 8 2000 F/everyone/f orms/pl mbperm TOIIN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIITAGB ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 lnv.!glgaElon> DEPARI!,IET{T OF COI,IMT'NITY DEVETOPME}IT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON {IOBSITB AT ALIJ TIMES EI.,ESTRICAI, PERMIT Permit #: 800-0175 Phonet 970-328-L27L Valuation:10, 000 . 00 ti*t'al't''i't',tt''lt..lllllrrl'''it.ri'l]t*ittlt*''*''''tt..i'tiiFEE6Uut,|ARIi*t't'rtt''.r*l'lt.l'lt''rt'ttl*l''''.ttrtr'i..ii Tocal Calcul.Lad P..E___> 143 ' O0 iIOb AddTESS: 2350 BAI'D MOI'NTAIN I.,OCAEiON. . . : 2350 BALD MOI'NTAIN Parcel No.. : 2101-033-02-003 Project No. : PRiIo0-0001 APPIJICANT FORSYTH, INC. P.O' BOX 2056, EAGIJE, CO 81631 CONTRASTOR FORSYTII, INC. P.O. BOX 2055, EAGLE, co 81631 OWNER GREBNBERG HARRY S - FERRIS ATiIN D 2511 WYLIE RD, DEXTER MI 48130 Description: BLECIRICAL FOR REMODEIT !l.ctrl'c.l---> 130 ' oo DRB Fa. RD StaEus...: ISSI'ED RD *3AApplied. . I o9/t4/2OOO tssued...: 09/20/2000Eq)ires..: 03/L9/2001, Phone z 970-328-t27L ,00 Addltsionrl F!..---------> toLa1 Prroit F.G--------> Pald.tlEa _ _ _- - _ _ _ BArll|cB DnB----- .00 183 .00 1S3 . OO .00ntll c.rt----> 3.oo TODA! P!89---> 183.00 ttr*ttttaatttlrttttttiarrt*a',ttrttt***lltt**la" " t|ltttttrt*tr*rtttitt*t rtt rtttltr*t li"t'r*t'tl*tttrlrt*tlttitttttr ' t It i EZHI' e g g g :"F$'J::S"nFfl-EfitffiF*PRovED :H: ; ;ffio'*" ;l;ilill' og/LA/zOOO JRM Rctioni APPR N/A *irr,'*'t*j|'..,tt.tt'!''r'lr.''.t'tltt+t*i..aa*rt,'tl.J*.'t*iiaa't,'l.,t*'rt.'t'.ttt'l''.''t.irr*'t'.'l,.rtrl|1*i,'iiii CONDITION OF APPROVAI-, 1. FIEr.,D INsPEe|IoNs ARE RBQuIRED To cIIEcK FoR coDE coMPI-,IAt{cE ' ttrt"rittrtrtt *ttittttt "t'Jit**i+'r' rrt'i' lttttii' rt DECI,AR,ATIONS I h.raby acknorl.dgc bhrt. I hrvc r€ad tshl6 .ltttl,lcagion, flllcd out ln futl gh' inforutlon r'qulred' colttlot'd 'n accurlE' BloL pl.n, rna ,ts.c. ch.t alr tshc lnfot[ el,on provld.d ae rcqulred i6 corr.cc. r rgrcc to c6p1y rlth th€ infotrlrglon and Flot Pl'n' to coltply rlch rrr torn ordLnurcas .nd.b.cr rar., and to bulld thiB gllucLuro lccording co chc torn'l zonlng rtrd tubdivition cod.., d.rLgn rlvL.r tpProv.d, t niforo Eultdlng codo |nd och'r otdin'nc" of thc Tgrn rppllcebl' uhor'bo' REerrEsrB FoR lNgpEcrroNg aHArJr, BE uADE rrdE[trr-FouR HouRB rN ADTTANCE BY fEr.EPHo!{E At a?9-213g oR Al ouR oFrtcE Fnotd 0!oo A$ 5!00 Eu -ll***t***it*t*tt*tat**ilt)*i*t*tat*ti!}*t**a*ttttlltilttt***l**t*!t TOIIIS OP VAIL, @IPRADO Statemrt. tt*tttttttialr!}*ttattl}tttt**t*itttlatttta*ti*lttlttttitt***!r*tta Statemt Nunber: REC-O6?8 lnount:183.OO o9/2O/Oo L3 tA3 Palments l{ethod: 2034 Notatl.on: FORSrnI, INC.Inlt: aDI Penit No: EO0-O1?5 T)rpe: B-BLEC EIJEcIRICSL PERI{IT Parcel No: 2101- 033 -02 - 003 81te Addrese: 2350 BALrD HOUIITAIN RD Locatlon 3 2350 BAIJD !,loI'ltTAIN RD f3A Ttrj.s Palnnent Tota1 Fee6: 183.00 Totaf ALL Pntss: Ba.Lance: **tla****t**t**a****tltt**l***i*ttiattl**tl*t*altllatttlitllillltlt 183.00 183 .00 .o0 Account code DeacrLpEion EP O01OOOO3111100 BLECrRICAL PERI'IIT FBES WC OO].OOOO3Uz8OO T|IIJ, CN,I. INBPBCIIOX FEE Amount 180 .00 3.00 APPLICATIOC 75 S. Frontase Rd. Vail, ColoraZo 81657 LL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLEaR iit .iFIr", ""., -Building Permit U' AOo ' olrS Electricaf Permit #t - 97 O' 47 I - 2L49 (I nsPections) 15 Conbct Assessorc Offtce at 970-328-8640 or Piovlaea above) ) tDl . o Jl - 02'Qa] robName: far, lnlP 43 "/f!"21,t lttr Rl , / lL----q LesalDescription lltor: )u ll aro.r., llririnst 1g fu llsuoaivisionlXfu*-1,41y owners r'.ame: aii, io.rnho^ , ,, oaaress)ut 6h/;< /i,!. ^/# ,npllPhon"t lty- vz," - vr z t @'laa flnaoress: /r,e.),, 7ft)- /0,t- llpno""t qqr'fJTt Detailed description of work: /o^-',LI OLrt '/b / ^u Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( ) Remodel (){ Repair J54) Temp Power ( ) other (--1) f,.^t Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both $4)Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Duplex( ) Multi-famili94 Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) ruo X for Parcel # coMpLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALt OTHERS (Labor & Materials) ELECTRICAL VALUANON: $ /D ); ./AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Electrical Contractor: for r, tA . f-.. Town of Vail Reg. No.: 2at- E Contact and Phoner#'s: 3ts-p7/ / q?/']t ?! ContractorSrgnature :t**:k*'t*****************ir******r'********FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**********:t****'t**************tr****** rF :/everyonqformtelecperm REPT131 F.un Id.: 290 12-2?-2OOA Inspection Request Reporting Page 5 8 11 am Vail. Co'- Cify Of ' Requ€sted lnspect He: E4day, December 22, Z(no- blsuecliult Area: CD Efte Address: 2350 BALD MOUtlTAltl RD VAIL 2350 BALD [lOUNTAlttl RD #4 l,/P/D hformdlon Contractor: Dcscnotion: Rear.lestsd lnsoectior{s! lneoectbn Hlstorv ftem: 90 BLO€.Flnal 537 PLAtrt+tnAL C/O I-ATE AM WILL CALL 3992674 Time Es): Rcoucstor: Corrirrlti{s: LATE AM WILL CALL 39e2674 Assioned Tc: "**- Action: Time Exp: Sub TyDe: AIUF Status IS$UED RH:, Y#If&4343 Ins''^'rea: cD lgt, Phone: 97si[7&it343 f ,ttfV' /^l( Requested Thle, or,oO nm Y' Entered ey: JMOI'IDRAGOi| K Re$estedPrtr!11:: 08:00 Au Entered By: JMONDRAGON K DORMER 1 It Item: Requeslor: Conimer*s: Assigned To: Action:I ,4-eau- .) A 2'?10''t'1 t"t*? a) APPR AP(yvEo Action: REPT].31.Run Id: 29O 12-22-2000 Inspection flequqgt Page 1 Requasted hspect Datc: Frlclay, Eleccmber ZZ,zltltg hrsurecliolr fuca: CD 5!i€ Address: 235{l BALO fuloullTAll'l RD vAlL 2350 BALD IilTN RD #.4 A/P/D lnformallon Aclivity: M0G0093 Trpc: &MECH Srt' Type: AAPT Const Type: Occupaircy: Use: Annli,:Cnt: J..S. FERERO Phone: 97G84!2297. OWneT: LAMBUR JAMES A K - BOSCARDIN J B Contractor: J.S. FERERO Phone: 97G84$2297 Descnpton: MECHANICAL FOR HEATING (ADD SHEETMETAL WCIRK, Siaius I tDlJEL, Fcnt rcslcri lncncnllnn/sl Item: 390 ilECH-Flnal Rcouesror: Yv€tte - H6id uonstruc,tion Corrirrteir'r!. late a.nr. - Ul'llT #4 Assgned To tnrfrr*rd Aclion: Recuestedfltmei !?bql# ( Er{ered By: LCAiTPPELL K \ Tlme Exp: lnsoecllon lilstorv Item: 200 MECH-Rouoh (ODtional) Ogngnf lnsDeclor: Cd Action: APPR APPROVED' Commcr s: dionoc{ion Item: Item: llcm: liem: |lE||t. (Ni'/91(N lnsD€ctor: CD Ac'tion: CO CERTIFICATE oF oCCUPANCY Conrfrrerds. AODTL cOMlvt6 - $o ride I clearanc€ et B verd and conibustibl- rristsriali at gatagv urid r-rioi; sugports and strass at g ver* run 1s{ and 2nd levels 240 PLM+Gas Pipins. (Optional) 310 MECH-Heatino (ODtional) A 320 MECH-ExhauSt Hoods (Optional) f ' 33u MECH-SIDDV Arr (ODtichah I34t MEcH-lvliic.- (Optioriaii ' \- 390 IIECH Finol (Riquiredl I | - )39C N|ECH Finol (Riquiredl I t, bdJ.c-- /a,z^- P/t v,b- //u-4/ 7 ffit 2u 6" (w'6//u' r*Wfg ,r/ 074r/La" \ u'ry'rY " t' W PEPT131 F.un Id: 348 01- AdPlD lnformatlon Activihr: 800 0118 Twe: A-MF Const Tvne Occunaiirv: Paiaer: 210103302003 fuplicant: HEID CONSTRUCTION Corf,ruc{or: HhlD CONSTRt,CTION \Jgr|Yt. \rtatr'Etl|oE|a\, nr'{a|a t o - t-Ennto ,ttrtt lJns^.i^r,^^. oEiarrnEt I IA||T Ann nnoltED \' Roquestod Insoectlon(s) llenr: Reque:tcr: Conimrnts: Assioned To:- Action: Item Cornmems: Time INSTA TEGRESS HAR DWAR E nr.\t\tunfUL ,a I vvraLln DalTot t.rTt^ir /r/11 ELECTRICAL FINAL REMOVE DAMPER FIP Inspactlon Hlsiow Item: 70 FIRE.TEMP. u/O r vu- | EtYtF. \-r\,fot A^l TEttD 'A/nPLAN.FINAL C/O nspection (equqgt I Requestod Inspoct Oato: Thursday, January 25, 2001' Asiiungrl To: CDAVI$ - lnsoectl6n Typo: BLDG Site Addr6-sc: 2350 BALD MOUI'lTAll'l RD VAJL 2350 BALD IIOUNTAII'I RD TH f3A Sub Tvoe: AMF[lse: V l-HF c+ar,,- tcct tErr lnsn Arcl Phone: 97G47S4343 Phone: 97Ct-47F4J43 Reuucslad Thrre: 08:00 r{fl' Phone: 970 478 4343 Entered By: COAVIS K IEDROOM WINDOIJV ED TO BE A MII.IUMUM OF 1 1/2" FROM WALL OR Item: 30 BLDGFramrno (oDdonal) - ADDrovcd *' t vj--- t-<- 09Q2nO' lnspector: GRG ActioAi.raf,FR APPROVED COMM6NIS APPROVED Item: 50 BLDGhil;ulaiiofr (Orticnral) " rujproved "09n7n9 Inspector: CO Action: APPRAPPROVED Comments: with cor!'ection OgnTNO Inspector: CD Aclion: CO CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Commcnts: AODTL COMMS - remove all insulatlon from AROUND all B venis Itcm: 60 BlDGsheotrock Nait ioDtionah " AoDrovsd "03t23r00 Lispector: C0' Action: PA PARTIAL APPRoVAL Comments: P.\RTlnL APPROVAL09/29n0 InsFector CD Action: CO CERTIFIC.ATE OF OCCUPANCY Comments: AODTL COMMS - 1st laver (base) at cast Dartv w8ll 10/O2r00 Inspcdor: JRM Aclioh: NR NOT REAOY FOR INSPECTIOI'I Conments: CONTRACTOR CANCEL NOT READY 10,O4fi0 lrspestor: GRG Action: AP APPROVEDr'^hh6^r- l liliT rf2 A BLDC-Misc. (OFtiDnal) * Aoprovod - 07t27lw lnsoector: CD Action: APPR APPROVED Comments: partv wall assemblvloti LuttJ lnsp-ector: iRM - Ac'tion: AP APPROVED Corimentr: APPROVEDLATHE BLDG Finol (Reouired)MnMl lnrFector:' cda.vis' Action: NR NOT FEADY FOR INSPECTION Comments: NOT READY FOR INSPECTION CONTRACTOR WILL RESCHEDULE FOR 1n3l01 FLDpI_Cr.np.9{9 (Qptional) e*,#fro Action: Dl.l DEtllED HARDWARE (HAIIDL$ TO EEDROOI.4 WII'JDOW .L AND LAND|NG t.S REQUTRED TO 8E A MlNt-jMt_'M OF .l CORRECTION REQUIRED REOUIREO FROM GAS F/P Item:530 Item: sJi Item.5-:2 Item: 5.37 Item: 53S Item: 539 Item: 54U CDAVIS 12'FROM WA.LL REPT131 Prrn Tr,{. ?dO 01-25-2A01 lnsoection Reouest Reportino Page 5a'tsam -'-Vlii,co'-iityoT - - Roquostod Inspect Date: Thursday, Jaruary 23, 20U1' Asiiurred To: CDAVI€ tnsoecttEn Tvoe: tglECH lns'oection !i"ea: GD SIte Address: 2350 BALD MOUNTAIN RO VAIL 2350 BALD iiTN RD #34 lvtuD I taEtvt\,rvE t-/AlvtF c|a r|.(L/tur \rl1J PtFtEtl ftem Cam!"nents: contrsctor .drll regchedule for neld day 1qafl I/nt fnsooctfon frtstorY ( l-4 A/P/D lrrfuurraliurr rem confi"J',i! i HFrs?srEM-Aru o x u r',i'fl lF rEXi r offitffi7#nour o Aclivty: M0Ct-0092 Tyrre: SMECH Srlb Type: AAPT Const Twa: Occuoa-rbv: Use: Paicel: 210103302003 Aoplicant: J.S. FERERO Phone: 97&845-2297 \Jq|lruulut. .r_\t_ rEnEn\-, rl|ultg. 9, v-o{.r-Z4v, O*ner: GREENBERG HARRY S-FERRIS Al'll! D Descriptlon: MECHANICAL FOR HEATTNG (ADD SLI-FETMETAL WORK) l\D^o?u-tti'u Roquostod lnsp€.tton{sl llI\ _AAtd,n-^r <ff /Ulat E^^rr^-.^.,'r*-rft6m: 3sc l$EcHflnd S/ E l44a' . ^l A,!iffi1-f'"'fl: *EfrtSt*o - _ E yaNz;1',NE ft6m: 390 MECHflnd >f c r"- ^t Roquostsd Tlmo: [aH: *8f,'S'*" ,,("{f ,ff;#frz . E*"EPEi' Status: I.S.SUED Insp Area CD 08:00 At$ 97t)-84*2297 CDAVIS K Item: 20C MECH Rouqh (ODtional) * ApsrWEd * Ogn2/.l$ Insoector: GEG Action: APPR APPROVED Comments: APPROVEOComments: APPROVEO Item. 240 PLM&Gas Pipins (Optional) Item: 31(i MEUH-Heatinb - (Ootronall Itei n. 320 l,rlECH-Edruus-t Hoods ' (Optional) !tem: 33C MECH guppl'/ Ar {Optional}Item: 340 MECFtMisc - (Od.ional) Item: 390 MECH-Final {Raouired) "'ADDroved ""01/22r!1 Inspector: cdrivis Ac,tion: NR NOT READY FOR iNSPECTION Comments: comrador wi[ reschedule for n€xt dav 1/234]1 .A1n3fr1 hspector: CDAVIS -Ac{ion: --COl,lD APPROVED/CO|.ID|T|OI'|S Cornments: HEAT SYSTEM nND HUFllDlFlCATlOl'l S'IGTEM ^PPROVEDMUST REMOVE DAMPER FROM GA.s FIREPLACE IY REPTl31 O1-25-2AO1 lnsoection Reouest Reoortinq Page 6 B ls am - iiiii ca - iity of * - Reques(ed lnspect Date: Thursday, January 25, 2001- Auiigrred To: GDAr/iS - lnspoctlon T'me; tvlECH hrs'cectlon Arba: CD Sn6 Addross: 2350 BALD MOUi{TAIN RD vAlL BALD MNT TOWI{ HOMES UNIT 3I4 A/P/9 hrforlaliurr A.Jhntu iiOl-OO11 con3t ivo6i Paicel: 21010330 ^ Type: B-MECH (JCCUDAnCy: S'l|'Tgee: AMF Statr.rs: I.S.SUED lnsD Area: CD Roouestod Inspoctlonlsl Itom: 390 MECH-FlnalReflrFstnr lltrARTl.l trXCHANGF INC ,THtrl Comments: wtll call 1/2 hr before Assignod To: CDAVIS eouestsd Tlme: 08:00 AM' Phone: 97G827-962:l Entered By: CDAVIS K. Timo Exp: Inspectlon Hlstorv hcm: 20C MECH-Rouoh tootonall ^,^ r.F^r. rr .lY - ,^.r.- --nt(vt . J tu tvtE\-n-neEUttu l\JlJlt(,||ttl,tr66 ?l c L]t tro /:ar Di;i^n /^^|t^h;rt ' Item: 320 MECH-Eyhau* Floods (Or{ional) Item: 330 MECH-SuDD|V A,r (ODtional) Item: 340 MECH-Misc. - (Ootional) Itcm: 3vu MEUH-Frnar (Rcqurrccii Dft^^af,Q / ^1 tr /p /+n 3't' /J frw'* Erat't tr4?L \]re 17tril.Htr( | qt\rcd (zrz-c- Nor cPdz-ze wrl€-r.-l Dmrtk</,t1 Ccog At,77ctd 7ut P-un Id: 34 9 3re r /// kLC TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI,IIAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81557 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMEI.IT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,IOBSITE AT ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT PETMiI #: ALL TIMES 898-0077 ilob Address: Location. . . : Parcel No..: Project. No.: APPLICAI T HEID CONSTRUCTION PO BOX 4474, VAIL, CONTRACTOR HEID CONSTRUCIION PO BOX 44'74, VAIL,OWNER BALD MTN TOWNHOMES I OTTO PORTERFIELD 2350 B.I\LD MOITNTAIN RD StsaEus.. 2350 BALD MTN RD (16 UNITApplied. Issued.. Expires. : ISSUED: O4/29 /'t 99a : O5/Oa/1998: to/3L/L998210r.-033-02-005 PRJ98-0054 : .J t' .ld+1 AFtnhn wrro co 81658 co 816s8 CO INC & POST, PO BOX Phone: 3038455054 Phone: 3038455054 I FEE SUI'IUARY r i ra *t at t i* ** i '* Clean-up DePosit Refuncj approved amount date *Of Gas IJog6: Total CalculaLed Feed-__> Addilional leea- - - -- --- -> Totsal P6rmi! Fee- ---- -- -> PaymentB-------- " ***";;';;;;; ;;;;#;;;; ."'.'.I:.I.;I3.' ;;"1';;;;;;;;',;f;; ;;, "'"' O4/29/L998 JRM ACt,iON: APPR APPROVED iIRM-iEbm;'o54oo-pmrnruq-DrFAt{irqE-nt- - DepE: Pr,Ar{NrNG Division:04/29/1,998JRM AcEion: APPR APPROVED PER-GEOBq_E1.]Rr"IIEem: ..O55OO FIRE DEPARTMEIiIT DCPE : FIRE D].\IIS]-ON:o4/29/L998 ,JRM Acrion: NOTE N/Ao4/29/L998 JRM Act,ion: APPR N/Artbm:'05500 PuBLrc woRKs Dept: PUB woRK Division:O4/29/L998 .JRM ACTION: NOTE PW PERMIT NEEDED LARRY05./04/L998 'JRM AcEion: APPR APPROVED PER LARRY " ;;';. ;;.;;;;;;;':;;;;;;;;;;. ;;;;;;; DECIJARATIONS I hereby achnowledge that I have read t.hiE applicaelon, filled out ln fult thc infofination required. eomplehed an accuraCe plot plan, and sLaEa chab all th€ infor-rnacion provlded aB lequired ie correcE. I agree to conply iith the infoltlacion and plot plan, Lo comply wifh all, Totrn o):dinances and sEaEe lails, and to bulld thi6 Blructsure accor:dlng !o th. Tonn'6 zonlng and subdivision codes, deEj.gn revie$ apploved, Unifolrr Building code and oLh.r ordinanceE of che Tor{n aPPlicable theEeLo. REQUESTS FOR TNSPECTIONS SHALT 8E MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHOIryST 479-2138 OR AT OIJR OFEICE Fl -,Ju'u.4 7e.4/ Description: EXTERTOR RE-DO SIDING, STUCCO, RAILINGS ETC Occupancy:R1 Multi-Family T)4pe Construction: Valuation:. 275,OOO Fireplace Informatsion: RestricCed: 3L49, VAIL CO 81658 TOVlComm. Dev. Add Sq Ft: llof 3a6 Appliance€:*Of 9lood/Pallet: Building-'- - - > Plan check- - - > InveaCigaCion> will caLl----> 1, 516 . O0 945 .40 . o0 3.00 Re6tuaranL PIan Revieru- - > Recreatsion Fae----- - ----> .00 200 ,00 .00 3, 204 .40 . o0 3 ,2D4 -40 3,2O4.40crean-uD DeDoEit_ - - ___ _- > 500.0o Send Cleall-Up Deposil To: HEID CONgt GNATURE OF O!'INER OR COMRACToR FOR HII'ISELF AND OWNER IO Page 2 ******************************************:l************************************* CONDITIONSPermit #: 898-0077 as of 05/04/98 Status---: IssuED ******!t************************************************************************* PermiE Tlpe: ADD/Ar,T sFR BUrtD PERMTT Applied--: o4/29/L998 ApplicanE--: HErD cONsTRUcTroN rssued---: 05/04/L998 3038455054 To Expire: LO/3L/1998 Job Address: 2350 BALD MOUNTAIN RDLocaEion---: 2350 BAIJD MItiI RD (15 ITNITS)Parcel No--: 2101-033-02-005 DescripLion: EXTERIOR RE-DO SIDING,STUECO.RAILINGS ETC * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COndiEiOng * lr * * * * * rt * * * * * * * * * * * tt * * * * * * * * * * 1. FrErD rNSpEgrroNS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTAIICE. 2. SMOKE DETEcTORS ARE REQUTRED rN ALL BEDROOMS AI.ID EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.1210 0F THE 1991 tBC.3. HAND/GUARD R.,,AILS TO eoMpty WrrH SEerrON 1991 UBC 17124. PRO,JBCT TO START AND BE COMPLETED WITTIIN THIS CONSTRUSIION SEASON. **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COIJORADO Statemnt *****:l********************************************************** Statemnt. Number: REC-0394 Amount:3,204.40 05/04/ 98 14:01Init: JRMPayment Met,hod: CK Notation z #2862 Permit No: 898-00?7 Tl4)e: A-BUILD ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PE Parcel No : 2l-01,-033-02-005 SiIC AddrCSS: 2350 BALD MOTJ}TTAIN RD LOCAEION: 2350 BALD MTN RD (1-6 UNITS) This Pa)menE *******:l******************************************************** Account Code Description BP OO]-OOOO3],11100 BUILDING PERMIT FEES DR OO].OOO031122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES PF 001000031-L2300 PLAN CHECK FEES AD 001-00002403100 CLEAT.IUP DEPOSITS wc 00100003112800 WrLL eALt rNspEqrroN FEE Total Fees: 3 ,204 .40 Total Arrl-r PmLs : Balance: 3,204 .40 3,204.40 .00 Amount 1, 516 . 00 200.00 98s .40 1 500.00 ' 3.00 oz.o oA o: i-z do otr ErH zo F E a oF FI E U FI @ o rd F' Eo FI () o oF o u UFI F QFzv r{E F FFzz EOFE AZ,o FTE o F]A H2(/}DooAE q F FI zo F : (.) zla EEI ia a6 (.)U F U ET F FI v F ; ; E>o Gl E q.rq4 o aio cFlo B t*Contacj:- Eagle Counry Assessors (_ar^970-328-8640 for Parcel /l . tr"" (rnncrl /l:_ PERMTT AppLrcATroN roRMV )/D/' ott'oz'oof DATE:?W tf, - ooftt , APPLICATTON MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED r* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMIT INFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *n)- 'V, -Building [ ] -Plumbing /1 -nrectrica,t [ ] -Mechani-car [ ] -other rob Nane : 6ar-l urnt fo,,tru tk *,q .E(r(tf"^K'J'f?Z{__f*3J_nzrt r' ns Legal Description : rot LC erocx!-' l''"frtf;n ,i" F'"'ll,?orurrro*, E qLD tm( . -i c t.t,t mA el-15414 t)$,( --traN HaheJOwners Nane: flanZavtu6t-J n-Stocr47;a,/ Address. ?2lf facD tq74. E,)-ia. ph. *L-Tfa 970-328-8640 for Parcel /l . TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTfON PEP.r\tIT /l .1Architect . Uo N+LN|N t/ I tTorz- y A(L4L l( i, ,1. ; , ,1;1nrl- General Descriptionz fJ u c co EK t'tk f4z+ gtttr7dpn.Q(f -fz"oAddrt,;r:la 't,t6) Ari/J tl,)t) ( t!.tatNt, . (tt.) ess: o* , M,*{O^/+/LY Sf.a14 V€"/E6./L a/' work crass: [ ]-New 1f-ort"rution [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nurnber of Dwelling Units , lb Number of Accornrnodation Units: Nunber and Tvpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances__ Gas Logs_ wood/pellet_vfI.***********************'t********* VALUATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *,l durr,orlrc $6:y:sz Er,EcrRrcAtz$lg.r'r;,q.t1 orHER: $ /ooo- . PLUMBING: $ ' MEcHANTcAL: $--'----- T6TAL: $ 2.4-6 *.-*.D f,r r * * * * r-* * * * * * * * * rr *'* *r* * *-* * * * CoNTRACTOR INFORMAItJON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Eeneral Contractor: ttttD arNg-Trr-qC71o^/ l:yL. Tolrn of VaiI Req. No. +*4.-j<Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: *]tt'Y3Address, /6f7phone H"rf"rr-l7 Reg. NO. t *******************************FOR OFFICE USE * * * * * * * rt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * bjt -o4?hown of vait Rbcr. No. 2ZLe Phone. Number:: 4LR - t > :i- 'iorl' Phone Nunber: 3LB - t ztj-Address: l.o Box zos;o 6a6-tZ-76 Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMI'I FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FAE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: e q?-OO&Ao',l of Vait Res. No. Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Number: BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLIIMBING PLAN CHECK FEE: MECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE ! Conrnents : CLEAN IIP DEP,OSIT REFI]ND TO: VALUATION TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ( ouTrt-r+<--ror,<* 75 soulh lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 rn summary, ordinance No. 5 states that it is unlawfur for anyperson to LiLter, track or deposit any soil, ,oak, sand, debrisor rnaterial, including trash dutnp=cers, portabl-e toilets una---workrnen vehicles. upon any street, sidewaik, -;ii;y or publicpr?:" or any porrion rheieof. The righr:;i_;;;-;n all Town ofVail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft- off pavement.This ordinance wi-lr be striliry enrorcid by the iovrn of vailPubl-ic works Department. pers6ns found viorating this ordinancewill-- be given a 24 hour writren notice-to-;;;;;;'=aid rnateriar.fn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour time-.p""iii.;,"il"";ilfli" worksDepartrnent wilr remove said mateii.t .t tn" -""p""se of personnot-ified- The provisions of this ordinance shall not beapplicable to c-onstruction, ..ini"r,u.ce or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities i" in"-il9ili_"_ruy. To review Ordinance No. 6 in fu]1, please stop by the Town ofYlil B"ilding Departrnent to obt,ain a copy. thanf you for yourcooperation on this matter. of f lce ol communlty deyelopmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/CoMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH l_6, 1_988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE ti:i os jrtion,/ReIa p to Pro (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 south tronlage road vsll, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 ottlc€ ol communlly dev€lopmenl BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRANE If this permr:t requires a Town of Vair Fire Department Approval ,Engineer''s. (.Publ ic tlorks) reyiew and approvai,' a piinnini'b.purt*.nt I::]:I_::_H.lllh g:?u"tment review, and'a_review by the Build.insueparunent' the estinated time for a totar review may take as i6ngas three weeks. ll].^.?Tr:lSj1t {]arse or smail) and al1 mutti_famity permits wiilnave ro roilow the above rnentioned maximum requiremlnis. Residential :19.:T:ll-p.?i":tr,shoutd take a tesser amount of time. However, ifres'r oentral or smalier projects impact the various above mentioneddepartments with reqard. to necessary review, these proje.ii ,uyalso take the three week period, [very attempt wi'll be made bv thispermit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the T rame . departnrent to expedite thjs p1 an check procedure and tjme Bn- D 7<t /4-na)62 Communi ty Devel ooment Department. From: Kathy WarrenTo: COI,IDEV GROUP Subject: Gary ca11ed. . . . ===URGENT=NOTE========V03,/ : 0==8 : 11am== He i s sti 'l 'l rea'l 'l v i 1 'l and ooi no to t rv and get in to see-a doctor this-morninbin eigle. Also, the fire dept cal]ed him out this mornino around 4am to helo investioatea fire-at the Bald ttountai n torunhotes.A'l'l 6 units are uninhabitab'le and the b'ldo deot nav have to assist the fi re dept in'attathing placards on the 6units today. That is a'l'l ....HAppy NEw YEAR!!l! /? // ^n/ a'1) /J31o 6,til ///Y1) " tfl*l 8 /Y- do// //t//"'&"ha&bt: TKrrs-a6/ Page: 1 Printed bv Joan Nolen Fron: Kathy WarrenTO: COTIDEV GROUPsubject: Bald !,lountai n Townhomes ===NoTE===============t/03/ : 0=11 : 14am== I have contacted the state reqardinq asbestos requi rements for the-fire - c'lean-up. Tom Bain advised me that before any clean-up, demo or site disturbance occurs an asbestos test andinsoection must be done on the debrisand'the disturbed naterials on theinterior of each uni t. r have notified uike & Mike at the pire DeDt and laike vauohn is takino on thetaik of notifvino-the home owiers assocfor asbestos ieqii rements. r can not issue ANY permits unti'l r getthe results of the a3bestos test. so if anvone contacts vou about thisplease flel free to refer them to me ..\/ thanks! kat 3/OO 3r48pm Page: 1 Il, t TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VATL, CO 8L657 970 -479-2L38 ElecEli.cal- - - > DRB Fee Ir1vest.igaLion > 9{il1 CalI----> TOTAL FEE6- - - > DEPARI]IVIENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E98-0085 ilob Address: 2350 BALD MotNTAIN RD Status...: rsStED Locacion...: 2350 BALD MTN RD (16 UNITAppli€d..: o4/29/L998 Parcel No..: 2L01-033-02-005 rssued...: Projects No. : Pt{J98-0054 E>cpires. . : APPIJICAIiIT FORSYTH, INC. P.O. BOX 2055, EAGLE, CO 81_531 COIiTTRACTOR FORSYTH, INC. P.O. BOX 2056, EAGLE, CO 81631OWNER BAIJD MTN TO9INHOMES CO INC Phone: 970-328-L27L Phone: 9'70-328-L27L ? OTTO PORTERFIELD & POST, PO BOX 3L49, VAIL CO 81658 Description: ELECTRICAL FOR EXTERIOR RE-DO valuaLion:t_8, 000 . 00 324.00 ' 00 ,00 3.00 327.00 321 .OO . o0 327.O0 ToLaI Calculaled Fee6_ - - > Addieional FeeB-- - - - - - -- > Tocal Pernit Fee---__---> PalrmeneB-------- a27 -oO BAI.ANCE DUE----- .OO It.em: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT DepE: BUITDING Division: O5/04/L998 ,JRM ACEiON: APPR APPROVED JBM_iEbm;'o5e oo-r'fnE DEPAATMEIfr' -- -Deptr FrRE Diwision: O5/04/L998 JRM AcEion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECI,ARATIONS I hercby acknorledge that I have lead thiE applicalion, filted out in full the infol.lnation required, compleEed an accurace Plot plan, and state thaC all Ehe info]jmatlon provided as required iE correct. I agree to conply niEh the infolmaLion and plot plan, to comply wit'h aIl Tovn ordinanceE and staEe lass. ar|d Co build this struc!.ure according bo lhe Tovn's zoning and slrbdivision codeo. deeigr:r revier approved, Uniforrn Building code and other ordinances of bhe Tolrn apPliceble theteto. REOUeSTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE ADE TWENTy-FOUR HOUR9 IN ADVANCE BY TEIEPHONE AT 4?9-213S OR AT Otn OFFICE PROM S:O0 Al'l 5:OO PM - t,', * * * ******** *!t**** *** ***** TOI{N OF VAIL, COLORADO o **************************** o *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :l * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * ** * * * * ** * * * * * * * * SEaEemrts Number: REe-0394 Amor:nt, :327.O0 05/O4/98 t4.02Inits: JRMPalmenE Met.hod: CK NoE,aE.ion:2852 ******** Statemnt Permit. No: 898-0085 \4pe: B-ELEC ETECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2L01-033-02-005 Sit,C AddrESS: 2350 BAT,,D MOTJNTAIN RD Locat,i-on: 2350 BALD Ir{fN RD (16 TNITS)Total Fees:327.00 ToLal AL,L PmEs: Balance:**************************************************************** Account Code Description AmounE 324 .00 3.00 This PaymenE 327 .00 327.00 .00 EP OO1OOOO31114OO ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES wc 00100003112800 wrl,r cAtL rNsPEcrroN FEE BALD MOUNTAIN TOWNHOMES VAIL, COLORADO GOLOR SCHEDULE Wf NDOWS / ENTRY DOORS - ill.j, ALTERNATE EVERY 2 UNITS I i. KWAL HOWELLS FRENCH RED, AC117N & EARTH BOUND GREEN, ACO91N UPPER STUCCO / GARAGE DOORS BENJAMIN MOORE MOOR-O-MAT|C, #1023 BASE STUCGO / RAILING SHERWIN WILLIAMS TAVERN TAUPE, SW 2029 FASCIA/DECKS/TRIM CABOT STAINS SPANISH MOSS, #0553 WOOD SIDING OLYMPIC STAIN NATURAL TONE CEDAR, #716 VICTOR MARK DONALDSON ARCHITECTS , P C I , oesit Review Action FortO TOWN OF VAIL Category Number on" I\ec, lL , \110 Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: Legal Description: rct 7 (t Block r't Subdivision Project Street Add ress : Zone District Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: n Approval I Disapproval p Staff Approval Conditions: )l .t)- ; 1 :tf' I { i./l:tI |'lvlv f t-r lrt/C, ( , \o'-.-.- Town Planner DRB Fee er"-p"io \'l'{, liD Fri c.it d allT lrl DBSI@{ RE\'IIEII BOARD APPIJTCATIOI ' rONN OF VAIIT, COITORADO DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: tattttittl TNCOWI&E APPLICATIONS NY ITaf BE SCgEDin/',ED FOR WINW. *tt*tttt** PROiIBCT INFORIIATIdI: DESCRIPTfON: fr,.L ?////f OF REVIEW: I. A. *+7 TYPEB. New Construction (g200.00) -&inor Alterat,ion ($2O.OO)Addition (950.00) Conceptual Review (90) C. ADDRESS: IJEGAL DESCRT Subdivision If property description.to this appl is describecl byplease provide ication. a meets and bounds on a aeparate slreet Legal and attach E. F. ZONING: NA}TE OFMailing G. APPI.TICAIIT: Address: APPIJICANT I S REPRESEI.ITATTVE: Address:'2 Phone '2-OO H.I|I,A}IE OF OWNER(S): O|TITER ( SI SIGEiTAI IIRE :Mailing Address: Phone EPIIICAIIIONS WIrL NofI BE PROCBSSBD mtEOW OflNER'S 9I@fIA'Jf,RE Condominiun Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at thet,ime of submittal. of the DRB application. Llter, whenappl.ying for a building permit, please idencify the accuratevaluation of the propoEal . The Town of Vait witt adjust thefee according to the tabLe below, to ensure the correct feeis paid. NAME OFMailing //%: ,t. 2 .',ncr *5'zz0 n --{/4 /4 o --. tl uD FEE SCHEDIII,E: VAIJUATfON $ 0-$ 10,000 910,001 -$ 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 9150,001 - $ 500,000 $500.001 - $1,000,000f Over S1,000,000 DESI@I REI/IEI| BOARD APPROIIAIT EXPIRES APPROITAI, UNLBSS A BITTLDIIIG PBNUI! ISrS STARIBD. FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 ${00.00 $s00.00 OTB Y:EAR AFIIER FINAIJ rssu@ eND corgrRucTloN rr. A plg-lpplication rneeting with a member of the pJ.anningstaff is encouraged to det,ermine if any additional - application infonrration is needed. ft is the applicantrgresponsibility to make an appointment with the llaff todet'ermine if there are additional submittal requirements.PLease note that a coMprJETg applicaBion wiLl streanline thereview proceaa for your project. IfI . ilIFORIIINT M)TICB REGABDING ALL SUBTiESSIOIS lIO tmE DRB: A. In addition to meeting srJbmittal requirenents, theapplicant must stake and tape the pioject site toindicate property lines, buil.ding lines and buildingcorners. Al1 trees to be renoved mugt be taped. Al1site tapings and. stakinq must be completed plior Eo theDRB site.visit. Tbe applicant must ensure Lhat stakingdone during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUIIJDfNGS no::nally requirestwo separate meetings of the Desigm Review Boardi aconceptual. revi.ew and a final review. c. applicants who fail to appear before the oeeigm ReviewBoard on their scheduled meeting date and who have not,asked in advance that diseussion on their itesr bepostponed, will have their iterrs removed fron the DRBagenda until such time as Bhe iterr }ras been repubJ-ished. D. The folLowing itens may, at the discretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the Cotulunity ... Development, Department, staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not be required) : ."- a. wildows, skylights and sinilar exterior changeswhicb do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building additions not visj_ble from any other Lotor public space. At the time such a proposal issubmitted, applicants nust include lett,eiE frorn- adjacent, property orrnera and/or from the agent foror manager of any adjacent condominiun aesociat,ionsEating the association approves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a napped hazard area (i.e. snow avaLanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow,wetland, etc. ) , a hazard study must be subnitted andthe owner must sigm an affidavit recogmizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a buil.ding perrrit.Applicants are encouraged to check witb a Town plannerprior to DRB appLication to deterurine the relationsbipof the property to all mapped hazards. F. For aLl reeidential construction: a. C1early indicate on the floor plans bhe iDsideface of the exterior structuraL waLLs of thebuiLding; and b. Indicate with a dashed line on bhe site pLan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or support,ing columns. c. If DRB approves the application with conditions ornodifications, all conditions of approvaL must beaddressed prior to the application for a buiJ.dingpennit. f'IJISE OF HAIIERIAI,S NAI.|E OF PRO,IECT: IJEGAI., DESCRTPTTONz I.}T-?L BIJocK ST'BDIVTSIONt/// E>. /ftrrzt/,,4 BUILDING MATERTALST Roof Siding \ Other Wall MateriaLs Fascia Soffibs Windows Window Triur Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails FLues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining waLls Ext,erior IJigbting Other I,AIiIDSCAPING: Name of ITPE OF ITATERIAII COIOR F\/E:/ /t/h /an ?ag/ r7?4/ g////t La9 rtfutzAZzfrz-&tuD 5/077///7 tztb €-Tttc c-lt - fut'.t qlrtrt ftAdZ- J,/OZ3 ! as;3 ^l Av /+. 6X/+r///4 kz?tA bu//ptrz.- - Au4L ,12tuaaa, fpafuzAV /Z€> lc/tZtV 4 ar4EzVA"////OQz.Ei?u.,Ar atf .ttv €X itf,,/.4t - t-oLoe # ,UPZI /.t///Ufu/4 €/u/7zY MAR; - Z;,crp rr' ,lleZrtt Arl69t/9 dmEv:- trzz>e> - qn//t€ ,l> lqFp€K" srut,z,,> CPrZv .qE/z 4//n- ltAfif #/,/4 Or7@- @9 {Zrr./ - thtua }5 'zcftR " 9Tt,/,..> t/424 "UrwA STtat'A" € X/9T/tt//t A. NA,TAil ,tr@, .l,U484 t/ffi 5racz-a aata/< u,4, 4o...-€3 Desigmer: Phone: srREEr ADDREss z 2TpO &c> th2llrrftht/ ZD., V*tu CA. 0/698 The following information is Review Board before a finaL reErired for sr-rbnittal to the Design approval can be given: / t€lu,r/ef4L - 7V?/€ZJL, 7-,/UE, sw 2oz7 -E(lgrrllzr B. .;€€ O0 L-c E orf/y'L; O/L/ 4ffir-r/{D C21L'C4 t>f-* Dl ? f Pr,A!r'ot*r*r, PROPOSED TREES AI\ID SHRITBS v Conmon Name ., *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. uinimum cal_iperfor.deeiduous trees is 2 inches. IndicaEe freight forconiferous trees. liininum heiqht for coniieroustrees ie 6 feet. Botanieal Alame ouantitv Size* €X lgT//vq €X/97//Y q sp ?X/e 7/'u{, **Indicate size of proposed ehnrbs. Minimum size of shrubs ie5 oal-lon. sne Sdtrare Foo tacre GROUI{D COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METIIOD EROSION CONTROI, c.IIANDSCAPE L,IGHTING: If exterior lighting is propoaed, please show the nunber of fixtures and locations on a separatelighting plan. Idenrify eaeh fixture fron the Li-hting ptaaig the space below and provide the height above giade,-t1pe oflight.proposed, lumen output, Iuninous area and a cut sheEt ofttre light fixture. (Section 18.54.050 ,t) OTHER IrAI\IDSCAPE FEATURES (retaiaing walls. fences, awi_mringpools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate beights of retainingwalls. Maximun height, of walls within the front setback ii3|. I{axinum beight of watls elsewhere on the property ie 6r €X /+Til/q D. - lz/Lz/g8 Tf,U 14:35 FAI 0?0 47E 7S0a v CDKK Beld Mountein'fownhomer Condoninium Association P. O.Box3912 vail, CO El65g Sent Vis Fscsinile Transmission No.479-2432 Town ofVail Planning llepartment. I 1l So. Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Re: Bald Morrntain Townhomes Proposed Exterior Remodel Attcntiol: l,*uren Watenon Public Liason Dcar Laurcn: I[ ar;uordance with Anicle XX of tte Condominium Declaration for The Batd MtrTouDhomeg Condominium, the rcquisite 75% of the ol\,rrer.q of The Bald Mounraia Torvnhomcs ( I 2 owners out of a total 9r t-o nal! crven tleir approvar of thc proposcd prans for theexterior'runovlfion of Thc Bsld Moutliin Torvnhoues iu ttre lorm htrctoforc delivcrcd tothc.Plenuing Deparhnent of the Town of Vail. Kindly note that tt ir opptotut is preliminary subjcct tu utrtaining acceptablc Contractors' bids for thc project. -- '-rr - lt is ottr "nderstanding that once wc have obtained approval of the project by rhe Town ofVail, Viotnr Mark Donddson_Architects will completo thc Corrsrruction Drawings and a Requestfor Proposals will b€ made' Once the costs arc CeiermineC, a formal vote will be takeo at aCondoruilium Associafion special meetrng. Please contact me if you have any questions or are in need of additional information, As always, thanh you for your assistance, B oor Sincerely, TI{E BALD MOUhTAIN TOWNHOMES CONDOMINruM ASSOCI,ATION ttesident .,d , ,r. i' t .,l't,l .1 ' I DATE ADDRESS ruilf-||t n rflt t, ?u N9 {fi38 NECETVEDFROM 7',,, ( ((J c=--* t,: Fliscel lEneous Cash 1 ?- t E-'Jn 1 3: 3ff: !.4 Ref,eiF,t. + 31?FEi4 gcttrr-rnt. + r::li # 5??B rJ tltlEH IrtrHFLrl5trtl FlFr::HITEt-:T'.DEE FEE Hnr,:urr 1. lsnds re,l .:. :fi. EF Tor.rh4 op -r"rs ir__ Iteu paid fl 1r:1r39841f,319r-18 [:h.:n,ge r* t.rJ rrrsd ,] -rHFhil4 Flnount psid ?B " EIE r:1, Br1 VCTLI 1"':u r c.r';l-rier REFTHff D ) uz oJ :fo z \,tr luJ lu FzouIL ) t u z-6J5o z \) F- IUJl|l IUo6 FIg v. o o o o PLEASE MAKE CHECKS TOWN OF VAIL D EPA RT;\{E}i T OF CO IVI]VILINITY DEVELOP}IENT' 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD 1657 ,n/ ZC|\E\G .lJrD ADDR.ESS [rA]s0t 00004t510 UNT.': O L\ { B UILDL\.G C OD E 0l 0000{2115 UMFOL\,I PLU!'{I[\G CODE 0t 0c00424t5 UMFOR\'I :I(ECHAT'ICAL CODE0l 0000 42.1 t 5 0l com{21t5 UNIFOfu\f FIRE CODE N,\TIONAL ELECTRJCAL CODE0t 000012.{ l5 OTIIER CODE EOOKS0t 0000{24t5 0t moo.ll543 0l 0001.12{r2 I >:taox coPIES/s'iuDIEs 0l 00co 123? I PENA l.fi FEES / RE.bISPECNONS OI MCO{1332 I PL,L\REVIE1VRE,CHECKFEE [S,(OFERHR.I 0 t 0000 42323 OFF IIOURS NSPECTION FEES CONT:L\CTO RS LICL\S ES FEE50t 0000.11{t2 SlGN APPL]CATJON FEE 0t cr000{1350 .0t ot004t1)3 0l 00co4t{t3 ADDITIONAIJ SIGNACE FT,E ISI,OO PER SO.IT. 0l 0c00121.r0 VTC ART PROJECTDONANON 0t 00004r33r PRE PAJD DFJICN REVIE'W BOARD FEE OIOOJO424L2 I BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT COMPUTER DI *.0t 0000 41010 T X (4U 01 0000 42371 TNVESTTGATToN FEE (BUTLDTNG) TOTAL DUE: 0l 0000r1330 0t c9ct0 11330 0t 0c100.1t EYTERJOR ALTERAT]ON IIiORE TH SPECIA4I330 ISPECIAL D 0t 0co04l:]30 rSPECLAL DEVELoPI\ Dlvlsto: 0l 0000.r I 0t crc00 .r t330 | * * * * * * * * * .Ao Proiect Name: o Project Application o^r" 8 / 3, 2335-a99o "ttProject Description: Contact Person and Owner. Address and Phone: 5{4 S.ara-€ aS qbo,e Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot 2e etoct Z riling Commenls: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded or, ,l{* ---eJsrryt__ Zone - 5c,Ce;<leJ u-toeQ Date PPROVAL $'rr^l'' Town Planner ffiJlrovar RFI'DAUG 3 1 1995 Oran.O P.0. Box 7 Vsil, Colorado 81658 303/{79-2000 - FAX 303/179-2019 303/479-2020 - FAx 3031479-20n 303/479-2060 - FAX 303/479-2069 Town of Vail Building Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Co 81657 Iadies and Gentlemur, Enclosed please find our application !o replace the roofs on all 16 units of the Bald Mountain Townhomes. Iast year half of the units developed leal6 in the 17 year old roofs. All 16 owners have agreed to the change an arisessments have been made and collected to fund the repairs. Our conEactor would like to begin next week to complete the repair prior to October 7th to avoid weather complications. We are requesting an administrative approval since the lown is familiar with the Presidential Celohx product which has already been approved on other buildings in the town. Your assistance in ex@iting this approval is greatly appreciated. Please call if you have further questions. Yours Euly.M, RickPid ( Secretary Bald Mountain Townhomes Association lhil Associ.t.r, lm. - Crestors and 0Drrators 0t \bil and B€a[r Creeko Besorts rEvised 9/4/91 DRB APPI,ICATION - TOTN OT \IAII,, COIORADO DATE AppLrcATroN REcET'ED , 3/ /Ju^ rPJ'''' '' ' ** DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** ISTS APPLICAIION }TII.L NO! BE ACCEPTED nNTrr. ar,rr REQUx*.o_ Jlr_o_T'l|rroN rs snB!,trrrED o I. B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($200. OOf -f,iainor Alteration (s20.00) Conceptual Revi ($0 a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and must provide a current Addition ($50.00) ZONING: LOT AREA: If requiredl applicant stamped survey showing lot area. ln ILC. ADDRESS: D. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LoT ZL Subdivision Un,, V,tl BlockAi If property is described bydescription, please provide attach to this application. F G. f?r NAME OF APPLICANT,T\!P It\oq,''{4, ,^,tl- Mailing Address:% ' Z-tZc; H. 4?1 /'/ s 7 An-NAME OF Mailing APPLI ' S F€PRESENTA Address: I.NAME OF OWNERS:Ot,nue /^q7 L'/'/ SIGNATnRE (S)B,t/fu/,,4t,'l Mailing Addres ?2t,.- /1/{7 Condominlum Approval if appJ-icable. DRB FEEi DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tlme of subnitta] of One application. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of VaiLwill adjust the fee according to the table bgl + rlbensure the correct fee is paid. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATIONI 0 - $ 10,000 $ 10r 001 - $ 50,000.s50r001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,00L - $1,000,000$ Over $1r 000,000 * DESIGN REIVIE}I BOARD EPPROVAI EXPIRES ONE YEJAR AT'TER I'IT{AI, APPROVAI, I'NIESS A BUIIDING PERMIT IS ISSI'ED Al{D CONSTRUCTTON TS STARTED. **NO APPLICATION WTLI. BE PROCESSED OWNER'S SIGNATUIIS K. FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00 .00 WITEOITI PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRTPTION: o PRE-APPLICATIONII A pre-appfj.cation meeting with a member of the planningstaff is. strongly encouraged to deternine if any additionalapplication information is needed. It is the applicant'sresponsibility to make an appointment wj.th the itaff todetermine if there are additional. submittal requirements.PLease note tlrat a coMpLETE application wilr streamline theapproval process for your project. MEETING: In addition to meeting submittal requirements, theapplicant must stake and tape the pfoject site toindicate property lines, building fines and buildingcorners. AIl trees to be removed must be taped. AIIsite tapings. and staking must be conpleted piior to theDRB site visit. The applicant must ensure Lhat stakingdone during the winter is not buried by snow. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requirestwo separate meetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual approval and a final. approval . Applicantsshoul-d plan on presenting their development pioposal ata minimum of two meetings before obtaining finaiapproval . Applicants who fail to appear before the Design ReviewBoard on their scheduled meeting date and who have notasked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, will bave their items removed from the DRBdocket until such time as the item has beenrepublished. lhe following items may, at the discretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the ComrnunityDevelopment Department staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not be reguired): a. Windows, skylights and simil.ar exterior changeswhich do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding,. and b. Building additi_on.proposals not visible from anyother lot or public space. At the time such aproposal is submitted, applicants must includeletters fron adjacent property owners and/or fromthe agent for or manager of any adjacent condominium association stating the associationapproves of the addition. ff a property is Located in a rnapped hazard area (i.e. anow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow,wetland, etc) r a hazard study rnust be submitted and theowner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prlor to the issuance of a building permit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a-Town plannerprior to DRB application to determine the relationshipof the property to all mapped hazards. For al.J. resldentlal construction: ar Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insidefaee of the exterior structural walls of thebuildj.ng; andb. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. III A. B. c. n E. If DRB approves the application with conditions ormodifications, all conditions of approval nust beresolved prior to Town issuance of a building permit LIST OF Ti{ATERIALS - ou n letP required approval c DIVISION for submittal to the Design an be given: Common Name Ouantitv Size* NAI'{E OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PRO.TECT: o The following information is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING T'T.ATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Irlindow Trin Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck RaiLs FIues Flashings Chinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other YPE OF Name of Designer: Phone: LANDSCAPING: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name An'/F EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *fndicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimun caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferoustrees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is j feet- Botanical- Name .o**on t.o T'IATERIAI,S:Ouantitv SizetPLANT PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size 5 qallon.of proposed shrubs. .gJE Mininun size of shrubs is Sguare Footaqe GROI'ND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSTON CONTROL C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separatelighting plan. Identify each fixture from the lighting plan on the l-ist below and provide the hrattage, height abovegrade and type of light proposed. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimrningpools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainingwa11s. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 5 feet. D. We invite you to consider our finest shingle... @S. S H A K E're Celotex now offers you the timeless beauty of historic wood shingles combined with the advantages and safety of modern asphalt shingles. l ll The Home of Distinction Demands the Best - The Celotexu Presidential Shake " Shingle. Celotex Presidential Shake Shingies offer the look of line wood shakes for those who want a roof of singular beauty and distinction. This impressir,e appearance and durabiliry are a result of the supenor desrgn and constfuctlon of Presidential Shake. These shin- gles are double laminated with extra thick tabs that provide the look ofhand-split cedar shakes. 'We curve the edge of each tab gently instead of squaring it off, tcr enhance the shingles' appearance. Presidental Shake - The Lookof WoodWithoutthe Limitations Celotex Presidential Shake has a special granule surface that helps protect the roof from external 6res, flving sparks and rvind blown embers. Presidential Shake Shingles carry the highest fire rating in the industry...Class A. Our unique double shingle sealant application provides twice the prorecrion againsr high wind damage. . . they'r'e withstood 150 m.p.h. windl The best shingle in the industry now has the best warranty.. . 40 YEARS! Therefore. a roof of Presidential Shakes is warranted while most wt'rod shingle roofs are not. This makes it an exceptional value tor the upscale home owner with an eve for elesance. ,gU -*v It F+q*'n.dt!Fs*r€G*'iti'!itl* I I I)l oz b =E uJ.L CN a UJul lJ- tr =E uJ.L 3,!h;fn c4 I.it Irn J9 JU d .J7 (g !! o zoJ l UJF E j- FI == zz inqJ F z 2 l @ .6 ozz bt .rl .u o..1 X CJ (, (0 (d +r olr {J ; o H .-to o t- (|J t- tt IJ o {Jo c, (.) 6 rN o\ (\ t4 c,A o$ o otr o o)ooIt siooo o ah .= o 1c G o) N -oc 3 F o, ct)c E ooo6 E th .9 = 4 6 4t '(! --- oo':(! '=P0,ti'iog8E c.ott.e; IEQCF'= q Fgec-o :EEc9G'- o..c 33t EEE ,FOO Etetq! c.=- (E cr .s o- sEa (,)# o.E*e E6:EE Eo.5; EE F reC(! o'-.tr; oP-E dr OI eEeoi=36> -Y:E ;Eg9Eor cEg -()(lt ro F \' E =E uJq-(,z oJ l(o x uJ z J J 9 r.uJ z =Jo- J 2 uJ = |rItlr1!z tr UJ C)gl o 3uJ UJ z 6 uJ UJ z u,l x F ulo U)ul I.IJ l.r-t =G UJo- FoF z fo ) UJ ul z6 = o- J 9z I UJ = NOrM'lVA .. (ilE 3i2 Z !-..O O Oqtr^-.rrZ(g 5 > e!rP oE' a,t o E-Z t (J'Io aJ 9.1. <ozxL! < u.o g it!i - c(i I H[ d N (J- =>G =tDN I d{I 1 3 LI{. 13lbIf5 1€ll,{tl I{.tqr)t o ,l 3 1:lt orl o z tr lr- CE f utL F xi ,.1)4 e(L UJt z E o z9F E. trJ J ;llJz Lzf,z ?6o< =HxrLbo<z Fz 9z do =tror IIll i-t-I [[ L-]-I 13IJI t<lFlslsl; ull o uJzY 9I t"- F z F J loz o 3 a -rl<l zl zl .. >l uloul uJzoF ILutc J z E o z tra J F uJI l1,l9bF I z I l- O(o u! z oPzeoo =z O- t! zdoh = tLl co tJ.JxEN b ul o- uloz o oF I afo- JFt!-h= d r.lJ>(!O|!oo\ r.uxlLx>Ir- J Jtr l! d) oF uJF @cl ? zo Fo- uJY uJo oF F cc .nuJ o\0- o\ trIot -1a.{5* ;Hrl H !.uOEzo = IEAE lt * lrJLn Z*o 9zz -h'r-ce iH 'e, +-E6>:z'EAE()E J<, =I llJ T z J TL dl F J lr-{ o o o ii =z --) v)a uJ o = or{ o) o- IIJ =z rn ral CN I cn r.\i o- F =tr at LL cc c 6 oo .|J(!.rl o oo =tr s Nh z ,'i ulGJ a t! z- 9r \t c.l I\o F-\t I I t tr Io ru/ T1 <l t!ol zl =l9lFI =c q uJ(r = oz3 01F tr o o uJ :l a1 t! zl BIolH tr =.1 uli <t>i ltl zl 3l o1F u.lJulF (r IJJz =o F uJ F E E --.r O<Fdc) I.IJ <zE LJ.] F <o(JF trs S?F-zilo ^o tgP €3fFd6 (J *5YF =2+(r YZ>3 trir UJ+8,L-o2<O/gt2g3a o TOWN OF VAU, CONSTRUCTIO PERMIT APPLICA,TION FORMDAIE: rl=- 9= o N {aosl RE0'DI'{AYt5l99t , APPLTCATION t'fUST BE FILLED OUT COI'TPLETELY OR IT I-{AY NOT BE ACCEPTED i(***************************** pElu{rr TNF.RMATT.N *****************************,l 'fitBuilaing [ ]-Plunbing [ ]-Electrlcal [ ]-MechanJ.cal [ ]-other Job Name:Job Addressz 4tS B^{r> Hf-.Prr, Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Electrical Contractor: Address: contractor:Nfh Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: ******************************* PI.,AN CHECK FEE:/75-,aa FOR OFTTCE USE BUTLDING PITJUBING PI.AN CHECK FEE3 MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE! RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PERMIT FEES: //4, Oo \ .l ' F\ orirners Name: @ Address: lh.tpz-,(bpn. q73x{ llArchitect: NIA Address: Ph. Nof r"oltg rtlqrt p'@oe-F ezt"'t3Z!W ceneral Description: No (uouo; o€ t4a<. 'lwork class: [ ]-New I j:Alteiation [ ]-Additional [ft-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Dwelling Units: Z.. --tNunber of Accommodation Units z .a- cas Logs_ wood/Pel1et ********************************* PilJMBTNG:MECHANICAL: OTHER: TOTAL: CoNTRACTOR INFORMATION ** * * ******* **************** Address: Town of vail Reg. NO._ Phone Number: AAL-ZWz\ Town of Vail Reg. Nb.- Phone Number: Plunbing Address: IMechanical Contractor: LJ lAAddress: ******************************** BUILDTNG PERMTT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: I'{ECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAI, FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEEs DRB FEE:-'n6,7 twlt_/-N l(-5 l_ttlt-t-t- VALUATION STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNAEI'RE! connents: lEa+ A7E^IVVWzeA, VArL, CLEAII IIP I}EPOSIT REFIIND TO:au& 75 loulh lronlage rold Y.il, colorado 81557 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ofllce ol communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED II'ITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMI'NITY DE\TEIOPMENT ltARcH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & !,TATERIAL STORAGE fn sununaryr.Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor rnaterial, including trash dunpsters, portable toilets andworkmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, al1ey or publicp1?9e or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on al1 Town ofVail streets and roads is approxiruately 5 ft. off pavernent.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of vailpylli. Works Department. Persons found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to rernove-said material .In the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour time specified, the puLfic WorksDepartment lrill remove said material at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sfrlft not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in fuLl, please stop by the Tolrn ofVaiI Building Department to obtain - copy. thank you for yourcooperation on this natter. -Tosition/nera@1i.e. p contractor, owner) 75 loulh fronltge .o!d vell, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 otflcc of eommunlty drvrlopmcnl BUILDING PERI.lIT ISSUANCE TIME FMME If- this permi.t requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval,Engineel's (,Pgb]ic tlopks) reyiew and approval,' a plannin!' Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the 6uilbing Department, the estimated time for a total review rnay take as longas th!^ee weells. A'l'l commercial ('large or sma'l'l) and al'l mu'lti-fami1y permits will have tq follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and smal'l projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresidential or smaller projects inpact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt will be nade by this department to expedite thispennit as sgon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. . a ,l t^ Y, l+AaJ W: gab{z-- Project Narde -93u/" Sheet was turned into theDate tJork Developnent DeparUnent. j. .-, -v PERMIT NUMBER OF FROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTIO 1-,r::','^s { I REQUEST VAIL NSPECTION / \TOWN OF ,/ ., I NAME CALLER TUES ) WED THUR niF AM PM. l1:,,) q-Y,::llg-l TTFOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr o tr D D UMBING: LJ D D tr IJ tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V, ROUGH / WATERFRAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL #r,ro,-N FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr FINAL A'APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOB oz F =tul o- 4 (n uJ UJu- tr =E TIJ J/r/o, oPahn I Ort cO "\| Ch6r \.-1 | .<r o,' I '.- Or ltuIF lo L E-{M,<ErEt t;5z;:z< ltr Fd ca l15<J,zV l^Z< 'iH/i l= H IJJF o t- I ==o =z rd H F-l olll zt oiZtol o,6i zt z: 3 va I J uJ!) io o) o -o(! =qqI !oF o E (o oEo O ==f(D E =cf --io o o. (! =Q)'t -i- o c6*6.9.:66:r sbE;re*€*t E a -.= (6 -Ffc=e6!.0c-o> ET;E:Ied;;-Pc96E -*=g)B5;5 8 EARElEo* o otfEo;.9; ee Eirco- (c o--sE; soi E- orrfi:€ (!-'-x :Ee H EssS -eC?.c=Qr(/,P-E-- sf;; i sgl=9,!A.6;f F' ;*;E9E-or -e5g: - o (d: s rn oc rn N \t(\(\ + E eluo z6 :<o UJ (J z J(L C) Fo IJJ tr z =lJ J oz I UJ = u,l u.lu-zo F UJ () uJE 3 uJtqJez(' UJo F o-t! o- z ul o x F IJJo Fl F-l Fl F-fHt @ uJ UJu- E E, UJ .J F z o =f, J F UJ z = 9z I llJ = NOrrvn'tvA I I I ,rl Fl q t:rl-Pl*El Al;rll <i =lZ Z e-i tr ^ a z' ?d6Ei U' O (r.Z ; (-)i.) Ur @io>H'r!<oq iii5 2i r N (9r 4 z tr l I cr o f o o- F a ao- L/Jt z Eoo z tr E lr.l F ; z tllltl I =zlzoq)F IIJ<()o< =s>d 3o<z az Ozz-.:F do3trOI UJf) (! z o I d F z F .J3az I o (5:l ll F ; il Fl zl zl . >-lo uJo UJ uJz aF E UJ(L J z Eoo z tr 6 z I ]Jr<E. B :x A o cc -:f(Y-) IJJF U)dl ?z Fll-ulY t!dl Fca FO\ = .-., truJo u-*J\., rd AHofloblrt4r(4guroEzo z =2.coo =z (I l! El=E.lrl o-z9F(J EF, zoo L lut! L! uJ 2 loL F cc JF h>-lcduJ>(LOuoo \ trJXo-:>!F) .Jf LUo F o C!o o o E Eoa, o flt]I ).-i6 =-r'=6il> =.1(t uJl 5l <l>l |rIq zl}|ctFI ol =.1olull :l <l>l rr-lol zl3lolH I I I I I ol =.1olUI 5l al>l u-lol =l sol utFI F ol =.1 uJl 5l al>l rr-Iol zl BlolFI I C.l C\ -IU!t ciz UJ = (L 2 3o zH z H =tr FlH F (J <l aol I-lAF], HIEI EIor I zt ;lBt <l E-r | | .i lr]lZl caltsl NlEl Ial 8dt ElF4l dLJnaaaa E4 Io'l I It4 l <l|ll F.l IHl>l r tsIHl z =lJ- :<)(D F. J .A E z3 H zFE i,i z _-') F EFz 9z I UJ = t-t irg .L IYb2 (50zt- 6Y>d]F)zdO E <F r.! <zErlJF(tZ oF() EFz. 9 F LUJ IJJ F t,lJF I EE ? H'A> >z- <! .J<O<>L:io tBtriI Arro IIOMT OF VAIIJ CONSTRUqIION PBRUIT APPIJICATtrON FORM DATE: g lg ,, F*-3 hF PDRlfrr rl@q ^ t APPLTCATToN MUS! BE FfIJTJED OUT CoI.tPLETEIJY OR IT ltAy NOI BE ACCE'"EDIItri****************r*t*********'t PERI{IT INFOR}IAT1ON t****** * ** ** * ******** ** *** ***n\l)ty'f,-eulrarns t l-plunblng [ ]-Erectrlcal I J-uechanrcat I l-other _ J5b Nang: Rrr.n M,'\rir\r'n r ?rt rh/\r.'r,r,^r,r^ t^!^ rJr---- -Job AddresE: Lesal Descrlprton: r,ot_26_ Block-z_ .rrrItt" ut""o8fuot#l'rf;,1* oqtners NanesBAlD r{C,UNTTTN ,n0l.rNp0vBgddress: ??Ro RtT.n MNT_ Rn- ph.*-B-glL.l@L Archl.tect:/"oouto Pu"otlo*qtryraa[g!39T*ERs Assos. -o,Dh ceneral Dcscript,lon:P"^*;"1 worr( class: I J-Nerr I J-Alteration 6 J:Addltlonal q J A'\ Ies'-Repair [ ]-other v Nunber of, Dwelllng Unlts: lS_Nunber of Accornrnodation Units: tr/i, )C. . unnber and Typ€ of rlreplaces: Gas Appliances_ cas Logs_ wood/perlet_JItll*******t************************ VALUATIONS ************ * ** * ** ******** **** * **'t !_u-l!Pll!ct | 't-c,eL) slucrnrclr,: I . ErJuMBrNc: | - ME*rAr{rcAr: s-- 33*Il: !-:**tF t*- Address: 9300 llAD Electrical Cpntrac Address:,3 PluDbing Contractor: Address: l{echanical Contractor: Addresss PTUMBING PERMIT FEE: UECHANICAL PERUTT FEE: - ELECTRTCAI.I FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FBE: foern of Vai 7 Phone Town of Vail Reg.NO.Phonc Nunbert Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Reg. No. ::::::::-:::.:::-:::************* FoR oFFrcE usE ***********i*******************BUTLDING PERMIT FBE: 54O'BUUJDING PIAN cHEcK FEE3 PLUI'IBING PIAN CHECK FEE: I{ECHANfCAIJ PLAN CttECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: LaQ.,ct xlv-up DEposrr s fu .dDtotelJ PERr.trT FEES : BUTTJDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONINGS SIGNATURE! CLBAII IIP DIPOSTT REFITND I0:TRACY CONSTRUCTION INC. 75 south trontega aoad v!ll, colorado 816St(Eot) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 Agsoe io.r.cd Of f ic.G l"l?et e 363 427 A44B P.94 oftlcr of communlty dcyclopmo||l BUILDINO PERIIIT ISSUANCE TIME FRANE If thts peryit requlres a Town of Vail Fire Departrnent Approval,Ensrtneer''s ( pubr i" wgII:l "ivi"" .il';p;;;;il"i piiiiiili"biiu"*un,review'or HeaIth Deoartmint.review, "nl'.-review by the Erii[rng liotilH;',h.the estima ted tiril' f;;'.-iot"r ;;;i;,';";"iu[!' j I r ong All cornmerciar fraroe or smalt) ana ail murti-famiry permits willhave to folrow lhe ibove.mentr6neJ-nuii"rr requrrenrents. Residentiarand sma'll projects shpu'td iitie-i-i"islr Imount of time. However, ifres r':dentlar on smal l er .projecis-r-pJJi' tie various above mentjoneddepartments with reoard' to-neCessiiy-r."i.", these projects mayalso take the three-week pertoC tvery attempt will be made by thrs departnent to expedite thisperm'lt as. soon as possib'l e. - l:-I!" undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timetrane. 0l|[ [ Shcet waFJuiiEfTnto-Date l.lor Oevel opment Department. Arroq i o, i, cd O f f i cc l,lc!t- e 3eg 42? g44e P. S5 75 south lronlroc road Yall. colorado 81657 (3031 479-21.38 ot 479-2139 TO: rROM: DATE: su&rEcT: oftlce of communlty developntnt ALI. CONTRACTORS CURRENTIJYL REGISTERED WITII THE TOWN OF VAiI, TOWN oF VAIL, PUBIJIC WoRKS/COMMTJNITY DEVEIJOPMENI MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & I.IATERIAL STORAGE fn su:nmary, Ordlnance No. 6 states that lt, 1s unlawful for anyperson to lltter, tracl< or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor naterial , includlng trash durnpsters, portable toilEts and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewall<, alley or publicplace or any portlon therecf. The right-of-way on all Town ofVall. streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavenent. Thls ordinance wlll be strictly enforced by the Town of VailPubllc Works Departrnent. Persons found violating this ordinancewlIl be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said rnaterial .fn the event the person so notifLed does not cornply with thenotlce wlthin the 24 hour thne specified, the Pubtic works Departnent will renove sald naterial at the expense of personnotifled. The provisicns of this ordinance shall not beappllcable to construction, rnaintenance or repair project,s ofany street or alley or any utillties in the right-a-way. To review ordinance No. 6 in fu1l, please stop by the To'irn ofVail Bulldlng oepartment to obtaln a copy. Thank you for yourcooperation on thls rnatter. ledged by: (i..e. contractor, owner) b3yh PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT .- * INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER rr BOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION N POOL i H. TUB tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL OVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED CORRECTIONS: DATE Pnifrsnop o'rt')Yir-I PERMI LrA|tr 0: JoB NAME TOWN OF,VAILJ --; i / ' /..i ; i / t- HOJECT CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON (., t:, TUES /{fD; . J\ --,f:- -- .1r: t. i /i ,,THUR FRI TNSPECTION REQUFST BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H, TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANlCAL: tr HEATING o tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR b zL/(, I PERMIT NUMBER PROJECT t PE DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME INS CTIONTOWN OF /i./t' REQUEST .. vAlL ' ' a'-aNt - PM ) /neeaoveo .ai O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: r\', n rodnmc6/ srEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING tr o tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr HEATING E tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL R R CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR nffis,e o o INSPECTION REEUEST 'TG/VN (lF. VAILPERMIT NU DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: I -, ci tc{I'il ( I -, J(}E} NAME MON CALLER \t TUES iwED /i THUR FRr i AM PM ER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr o tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING O INSULATION POOL / H. TUB NAIL o o FINAL tr SHEETROCK^o tr ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL VED tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIREDtdLi CORRECTIONS: INSPECTORDATE hlFsrop a3*t PECTION I Reouesr 'PBOJECT INS T OWN O 'u/)tL/z) F''13 ro, *o*,,'" 1, ., READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V.O FOUNDATION / STEEL T] FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ,_. ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIt tr FINAL ELE trT trF trs tr tr HEATINGTEMP. POWER ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR V2Yb O I o PErNs CTION REQUEST ' tl /n lr^, -. omt (t / ?> /' / '., JoB NAME PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TOWN OF VAIL , ,.'-/, -?' / f .; l(t^ / /'.2 CALLER fugs--':wqo THUR FRI,'r Cr BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL B o FINAL tr tr FINAL O POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH o tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ffioiro tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oo-,, rl/?/8 rNSPEcroR ,// *ffissop l^, r/ba -2/ T NUM lr I INSPECTIONIOWN OF REQUEST PERMI DATE (-47 ,o, *o*, ROFP OJECT INSPECTION:MON iil\{7 ,/l :'-l, !/ /'t/ | \ '''/- Att/tc '. CALLER PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION:lcr THUR <{at,",v'tl lt<*"' TUES WED f' ,,1 I ol BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB CI SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR \ PROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR Prffisxop oz F =Eu, o- I I l,, .Ft<ro I I I I l.,oIFt<(E lhz t= l2 IH lo I orlt' 9l llNI-l I t_, xt5 AH--:9 trr vB H F Frl Oz H F-lAE .1. Fr a2o< ;E I3;-.= G - (! F5C=OI Xp'6a 36>.=d9 (ua5 Q i€F:t iaali EiE:t f =-O-: gE EP Y =ZZtLo ootr ^ 62q 5 =eE 9 of, anocZ!.OOo!r.()zXu-<a) o. 1uJl:$XEaXz dNO >lzl (rl HIOI<l F-l IAIrclel l-r IEI I(nl<l'l =>E -rdtitl .S =tD6l zl .. >-l llJ lltqJzo tr ul o- J z E I I I I olzl dl uJl 5l <l>lttlol zl3l PI f,Jl al>l tl-lol zl =lolFI r\rn IFc! JJzlH{Fq coE+ ,tl "1 .lxolrz1 zl*1 .l LJ uJl,A tl-l :lilslq9 alct Irrt Fl ol =.1olull 5l <l>l u-lol zl 3lolFI I I I el dl ql ?l>l *l el r uJ =z -) ldi3 tq 1"1INI c?'lBl cl<t N Et ,) Hl !4EtrI Etcrg: 4A (,z LL Etro,z t- =f)z4O o F() zoo E? b= F C) LU EE() G -rO<FE() IJJ <zEl! F-(42oo J o t- uJ J uJ UJF U)(Do-zo FculY IJJdl OcnFo\r3 =tr: o- bfit\- 511a i'.lrI-l i. |ql"alrl HuJiFL.,zo z ra li zecoo =z-:)JO O- lr- :E: =; c)-r -: t!6il= t uJ lto UJ z U'L oF c JFuJ i-h=-i(rd u.J>(LO|!oo\ r.uxo-:>fiF l! lltdloF III E =E,t! o-zot-()fE 6zoo Er! trnr aulF z z J l c6 (,z I I l., .f-t<to I I I I I, rlJt? rl-lanz t= lolz.2 I I I I I lulIF lo I(-) -tl \Ct tl 1'.,11 I I I I lrll() <r*;{rv ^,,2al6<t: aul uJ lJ- = =uJ .9 <,, ; EC' dot!o(Den -(g6.9'aa'to Eo-o c- "'v,osF EE o)-_coCaOc)NO -of; esFq EAP= oDcc(g P€oo3o(!cD o.s *'=rd) 6E .ho El =e-oy 99 CLEO. t3 .ri q)a't.09 --- oox(!'=!r(/,*!a E8E coalt-e; I FgESf,c '-a -E: =- 6.o =pFE >=c9c dE3 I (!'=q,Ets FOO .e; IF€;.Y= doo osEt (,)P o, =*eO;(6(6-'- EE EOG: EE i rPC(! 0'- P-E l'r O- EE:o?;36>.9 6a .Y:E3;8 -i6 B9E ar P5g ..t) UJ |.l.tl! E = uJ(L FoF F = UJ z oJ- (Jz to o- Hl s.)l >lHI 8l &rl ;l htl f-l I*l anl<l*l :< ;Zv-ooaf, zto ao t!o IJJz =>E = .., ztr^ CYaa7\6>u-<oo. o-Y z tr l ll-(r ti uJl uJz =F zo F oz <!)Lz:)zOoEUJkoo< =.89rr6o<z F2, Ozz-'iF 3DOI a z E o x)< z tr UJF 3 UJz oz t =c. llJo- \o(.') i-r Il-\ N .t a{ >l .,.1 1x5t "ir4H 1>{g ktI E rl <l>l l!l zl 3lolH I I l I cil =.1ol u.tl :l <l>l ttl iJl il sol utFI F I I ILl' I I Jt\ut clcl{J =o el ol uJl 5l <l>l Ir-|ol zl 3l PI UJ =z -) I\o 6 ,o o F r{l04 '{HI "l-l ..ll(nl "nl utttl Lll o<l --{a = t =z z =tr E Fz z .|- iu = <o()F-()i< Y t---, z.Eoo t 2? s3]Fd6() FOr! =Io E --.r O<Fo,()uJ<ZE I.IJ Ftrz t4 o\ rt' t!F o . IJJ Eo c0o-zo Fo-ulv ulo oF E =G uJc t!o o o I uJFoz z tnY =<(D0 =z :E=- i\.r- 6il= c UJ(L LL tu z oI oFEI JFUJ-h= o- tll>cOu-9o \ LlJXo-:>IJF ltl JJ uldloF I\_ 1:\ lii N$Fl\ iE\: o \ t,b. \\c\ irti;i- ExE o(, E =E. lrJo-zo Fo :)EFanzoo Ern ntrtr DEC- 15-93 HED S:I? SIBL.EY FLUITBING 138342"5294 P . B3JL' a-F PER}IIT fll nt ,^ TOr{l{ oF vart coNsTRugrroN PERMTT AFPIIICITTON FOA}TDAltEt_ lzlj{ . t APPITIUAI"I9N MUSf EE AILLED OIIT COltPIlErEIry OR IT I.IAY llOT BE ACCEI{IEDLt f*r****rri****************+*t* PERI.{I1' tl{Fopl,If,11op ***r****************r**r*****"trr!l -t l-Fulldlng $d;ptrubrng [ ]-Elect8lcal I J-xechanlcal I l-other .rob Na'ei i ; " .rob addres sz Z54b h,l-I l*t (J q^t # 7 REO'DDEC 1 s 1995 rlcgal Dcscrlptlonr I€t Ftltng_ _ smnrgrsrour _ owners rfane: , " , . ' ' Addreeac l,trZ l. h/t^*,u &-*uti|lyq A-/gO- , Arcbltectr lvllJ lddrega;Pb. ;General llercriptLon: 'Botlt claEEs p{-[ew [ ]-Alteratlon I J-Additionat [ ]-Repalr I J-oth ":l{rrnber of Dwelllng Unltsr l{\rnber of, Acconnodatl^on Unlte: Electrlcal Contractor8 ,Lry/Tovn of vall neg. lfo. P,hone Nunber: Tovn of ValI Phone Nunber: town of Vall Phone Number: "Yzt&# ,Sddress! Flrmbtng coptra ^Adalressr Hechanlcal Contractor: Address: Reg. No. oFFrcE usE ******.t***********t******** *l ** BUIIDING PIAN CHECK FEES PIIIIIBINq PIA$ CITECK I'EE: t**!rttt*tt*t* * l***t!r*******1.*r t FOR flIII,DING PERffTE FEE! ING PERI(IT FEE: ilECET$ICAL PEITUTT FEEs FLTECIRIOAL FEE: pwrER TyPE OF FEE; SRB FEE: 'r---+- -.rrt7- ltl'- UECIIN{ICII, PI,AI{ CIIECK tE,E; -,c.tpo7- PEIODEII|FToN FFlt r ' 'tl IRECR,EATION IIEE: CLEAIT-UP DEPOSIT! !!OI[AL PERlfTtr FEES: BOII,.DTNGT STGNATURE! SO$INot $IG![A[IIRI: INSPECTION TOWN OF | )a: :' l-VV REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME ta75 INSPECTION: CALER PERMIT NUMBER PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL v tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr POOL / H. TUB (H^*RovED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor= I >rl zt/ ?3 rNSpEcroR O,'4=;l .^ "*" !- PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE NAME NSPECTION REQUEST O REINSPECTION REQUIRED READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: 5 PM ROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED INGS / S DATION tr ROUGH / D.W.V. - tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING D POOL / H. TUB rlDrNG: tr F tr tr tr E FRAM ROOF PLYWO INSUL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR DATE INSPECTOR tnun box lfl) Yail. colorado 81657 l3od 47e5613 d€partment of community development March 20, L978 Abe Shaplro Shapiro Construction ComPanY Box L547 Vail , Colorado 81657 Re: Lot 26, BlockVail Village Dear Abe: In answer to your letter of March 1O, this is to confi'rm that the 16 unit Townhouse project as aBproved by'the Design Revlew Board on March 2', t978, 1s'in compliance with the existing zoning ordinance and also conforms to the proposed bazard. -oning ordinance wbich will be heard by the Coun-eil on April 4. If we can be of further service in this matter, pl-ease feeL free to contact this office. DST/dl t'\4, \13th Filing l S. Toughill Administrator Slopiro Cor"trrction Co. Suia 3OO, 1)^il 'p*fu"i"nol .$uilling P. O.8", rszz 1J"il. C"l",olo 816s7 ':pl,on.", .,4,.. (sos) 476-128o, t28l March 10, 1978 Ms. Diana Toughill , Zoning Administrator Town of VailVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Diana: Shaoiro Construction Co.'s 16 Townhouse Project for Lot 26, Vail Village 13th Filing, was approved by the Vail Design and Revierv Eoard, ir,r its-entirety on- March.2, L978,"We are proceeding full speed ahead with working drawings ' Our interest is to ap!1y for i building peTqi! before April 15, 1978 and start coirslruction by May 1, L978 or sooner,' It is imperative that due to the expense we are incurring to accomplish- this, that we have the assurance from your - .offi". and ttte Town of Vail, that this projeet is, in compliance ,oittr "ff existing ordinances and regulations, both existing- ""a -p""ai"g, (inEluding the pending-Hazard Zoning Ordinance), subjbct to-our working-drawings being approved by the Building Department, Your promPE reply to this request will be appreciated' Yours Truly, SHAPIRO CONSTRUCTIL. Shapir ALS: et o4l. S/,"pi," 'P,"". 3"" Sl'.pt," '1,/i"" P,,'. Vno". tlL 0n February 28, 1978, the Vail Pl ann'ing approved and recormended adoption by the Town Zone 0rdinance. The Counci'l has discussed the numerous occassions and wi'l I officially have7, 1979. Based upon the Hazard Zoning Ordinance,lot is 3l,766 square feet. dspartment of community development March 8, 1978 , R€: Lot 26, Vai'l Village l3th Filing \- Vail, Colorado ftl ocr< '-,-' Cormi ssi on unanimous'ly Counci'l of the Hazard proposed ordinance on the first reading on April the allowable GRFA on your Smi'l e , Al len Gerstenberger Di rector lnun box l(X) vail. colorado 81657 (3031 47e5613 Abraham L. Shapiro, President Shapiro Construction Company Box 1574 Vai I , Col orado 81657 Dear Abe: AG/oi I Slop;ro Con"trrction C". Suiu 300, 1)"il P*f-"i"nol .$ui[J;,g P. O. 8", t stz 1)"i1, C"l",ol" 81657 ':Plon",, =4,"" (sos) 476-12go, t28l March 6, L978 Mr. Allen GerstenbergerDirector of Cornnunity Development Town of Vail, Colorado Re: Lot 26, Vail Village 13th Filing, Vail, Colorado Dear Allen: Tlne Hazard Zoning ordinance of the Town of Vail has reduced the useable area of tiis lot (due to 40% slope areas), from 125,958 S.F. to 105,888 S.F. which reduces the permitted GRFA from 37,800 S.F. to 31 ,766 S'F. These figures are based on the LDMF zoning that exists on this lot and on the engineered map Diana tougfiilt had done for the Town by Vail Assoc., Inc' I have worked with Ehe Torsn for over six months on this basis, always knowing that the Town would not permit- any. GRFA greaEer than" 3!,766 5.f . Final plans were appioved by-the Tor'rm's Design and Review Board on this basis on March 2, 1978. This Hazard Zone Ordinance was passed by the Torrn's Planning ConmrisJion on 2-28-78, and is proposbd for first reading by the Town Council, ApriL 7xh, L978. I require a letter from Ehe Town (signed by you will be satisfactory) stating that this lot is permitted to have not more than 31,766 S.F. GRFA to be built on it. Your cooperation is appreciated. Yours Tru1y,SHAPIRO CONSTRUCTION CO. ./tr. Sl,"ri* Pr.". ,-K.. Sl'"pt," Ui". P,".. V,.o'. ALS: EE 75 soulh fronlage road vall, coforado 8165z (303) 476-7000 July 25, 1983 Rick Pirog Bald l'lountain Townhome ;Condominium AssociationVail Associates Real Estate 586 l,l. Lionshead Mall VaiI, C0 81657 '|i Re: Bald Mountain Townhomes Color Change approved the Bald Mountain should be cal]ed in and Dean Rick: 0n July 20, .|983, the Design Review Boardcolor change as submitted. Co'lor numbers placed on fi'le. Si ncere.1y, ..r //l'^ D<-^/u- r -fu- Jlm Sayre Town Planner JS/bb Project Application Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: € +S t ^ tt{ L-L ' ' Seconded by:/s6L:yr471i ?- / -2* DISAPPFOVAL A 2 6rA ta; Summary: E statt Approval t Project Appllcation Project Name: project Descrip r,"^. /<fP4 /,<[T - -- Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by:6'/ArPt-t(4:)T DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL summary: /;Rf-4 6tvf 4 .s !2"f o ' Ep/t4t4 6-\ ) t//LL : f4{|L./ydt, \ . sEEttl ?lrr LA46E E statt Approval luwn 75 south tronlagc rd. vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 department of community development l4ay 25, 1983 Rick Pirog Bald Mountain Townhomes Condominium Association Vai l Associates Real Estate 586 tl. L'ionshead Mal IVail, C0 81657 Re: Ba] d I'lountain Townhomes Color Change Dear Rick: 0n May 18, 1983 the Design Review Board tab1ed the color changefor the Bald Mountain Townhomes. The Board wants color samplesto be painted on the building and they a'l so want to review prior landscaping approvals for the townhomes. Color samp'l es should be painted on the buildino by May 31 ,1983 to prepare for the June 'l , .l983 meeting. A iepresentative of the Condominium Association should come to the June I DRB meetinq with the approved landscape p1an. Si ncerel y ,I/ ;-, (fu^.---.-tLr, tl /a-.J9f- Jim Sayre Town Planner JS/bb 'rl Project Application Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Motion by: Design Review Board ---l /* sf t?f4 DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: APPROVAL Summary: Project Application projecr Name: 6zl utO f bur)Trl rJ frt^r4 lXwtts 5 Project Descriptio,l' * i"tt*A* CH'q $b6' Contact Person and Phone (2tsl4Y,-r-t atr/2"c tL ctk- Lz?aOwner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing , Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL 5iO f AL /Jo.t *t:-Su m mary: ,4HPLtf S H'ztr"4t &r PA,,.) Tt{z)orJ 6 | Tt-* rV lE\^/|4'"tiv !o*r3 4y 4aP.;r'f.c4pL ,ct"4A ^V0f>\'1 ':L 6 fiin- E statt Approval Proj€ct Name: Project Appllcatlon 11^ tJ flAl-,^--*r. I o r-- ,n Uoatcs,' I proi€crDescription h'La'Ad+-<.,o^ PloQ, Rtui',io.,' (_t ,, . +. uc*iau,Owner A.lrlrAss Anrl PhnnA. ) hct Dlt/o <-oL.\ S lV ls.(f Architect Address and Phone: Legaf Doscriptio n tot 'A e , erl"x l/u t9f-s Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL S*a{€ - .)a-"!"e- e"4; -,, I Zoning Administrator ,' Date: "J..,'--e- t(, (Q)7 o"r.. Chief Building Official Vail Village 13th Fifhg Suilding Pe:rnit 1t204-78 Bldg. B, 7(10 box l(X) vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 Jannary 29, 1979 department of community development Abe Shapiro Shapiro Constrructicrl Corpany ?nx L547 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear I'Ir. Shapiro: A Conditional Cercificate of Occuparrcy has been issued cn yol-E BaLd lbuntain Tomtroses with the ulderstading r}tat the crarl space rrentilation and ccnbustiqr air sr-p'pl-y be installed by 15, 1979 and by L. L979. rf of v to be ccryleted at youl/ ng and are no Yo.r cooperaticn in this rnatter will be greatly appreciated.If there €rre any fi:rther questions, please conEact tre. I have read and tnderstand ttre aborrc ccrrditiqr for Ccrrditicnal Certificate of Oco-pancy.SHAPIRO CONSTRUCTION CO. 'v) /2:i4.t Ctflef Building Official SEAL Srrbscribed ans /l /' -) Date slr\crn ro before ue rhis ?,11 h * *AtrJ.tll4-t17',/ Vlce-Pr es id ent ) /u., 1n,,, ,,/o"" / /2 /-l fl,/ /i Project Name: Project Application f. t.,:Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: z, / t ) -, J ^ ,,.', Architect Address and phone: ,: 4 ,.t t., ; y' tl{-.{ . y''ol ,/ 1 'r..t / "-< ti;,J .,A(" 'rt-, i {,1 I Legal Zonei Descriotion: Lot Block ' , Filing Zoning Approved: Design Review Board l*o Il, > Siunr-tsr,,t S rrrou'elo n Morion by: 14 o ll , > Seconded by: APPROVAL tl ourc *WF'#ffiry a- l-71 .lir DISAPPROVAL Su m mary: Zoning Administralor Chief Building Olf icial PUBLIC NOTICE .l ln NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Shapiro Construction Company has applied for a variance from the provisions of Section 18.16.100, Building Bulk, of the Municipal Code for the Town of Vai1, in order to construct two six-pIex structures with a total wa1I length 19 feet in excess of the 125 feet allowed in a Low Density Multiple Family zone. Proposed structuues are to be located on Lot 26, Block 2, YaiL Village 13th Filing. Application has been made in accord with Chapter 18.62 of the Municipal Code. A Public Hearing will be held in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code on May 23, 1978, at 3:00 P.M., before the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission. Said hearing will be held in the Vail Municipal Building. TOWN OF VAIL DEP OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Diana S. Toughill Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail May 5, 1978. App I icatlon Da le Hearlng Dafe F1161 Declsion dat APPLICATION TOR VARIANCE And/0r CONO I T IOIIAL USE PERI'II T Ordlnanco llo.8 (Series of 1975) Pub | | ca Hea r tron oata 7lJ<e,t -{+-T-rr- r"" ,/t20 &d ?t tz ,G::---Jnon"- (Slalc ) (C I'tY ) /7{'u 80 do hereby rcquest permission to appear before the Val I Planning Commission to request the following: \ -/ ,4 //4, /OOlXt Va r i ance f rom Arf i c I e-, Secf ion '/<{ '(r()'( ) Zon i ng Change f rom Park ing Variance Conditional Use Permlt +o al low I n Zone. to For the fof f ovring described prope rtY. Lotf tra*--36-, Block 2 purpose and intenf o{ this application Fl I lng Clearly N umbe r stale llhat do you fee I is the basis for hardsh i p in thls case? '/tl) /488 of ryznoltr tf ry^ett 1ffitq.lauc 'rcT ea{t' 7T"J/ALSAL /NsT4g/c/fl ) ut- fl SatAltt| Zlrcez{e'ory p </4€ r-b qrcrtD{ ez.tA'sae QF. = Atp 6e/1?tut1L 7/4Er,nau75 r- s:,y' {p'offit*'1'#r'';ffii'*)i o 4zAr/ F/ 64 7of o crp/+4 ?4'7"a- fu" Eg tr'aotnnArt A'rA ^rvL4<i')6'+t6 n aqzi i'"1 <t*AtrrcDS ,-r/, t ra, r'ra *.::::! -:f - :*:"Trffi*" / asrr4€€- ._.r'/E'e;.q-ea aAr rftt'o,ry /nAfs IIEMORANDUM TO r'ROM PII\NNING & ENVIRONIVIENTAL COMMISSION DEPARTIMNT OF COI,MUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE 19 May 1978 REQUEST T'OR A BUILDING BULK CONTROL VARIANCEREf' SHAPIRO CONSTRUCTION COIUpANY (Batd Mountain Townhouse) Lot 26, Block 2, Yai-I Village 13th Fili.ng The applicant proposes to construct 16 townhouse units on 2.891 acres zoned Low Density lltultiple-Family. The units are arranged in three structures, two in modules of 6 units each and one with four units. A wall length variance is necessary for the six-p1ex configuration. LDL[f' a1lows a maximum wall length of L25' The applicant proposes a maximum wall length of L44' . The Department of Community Development has reviewed the criteria and findings provided for in Section 18.62'060 of the Municipal Code and our conclusions are as follows: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to. other existing or potenti-al uses and structures in the vicinity. The subject parcel is surrounded on three sides by greenbelt and on the fourth side by Interstate-7O; one residential lot is adjacent to one corner of the lot. The plans for the proposed structure would have little adverse impact on existing or proposed structures in the area as the longer walls face north and south out of the view corridor of the existing duplex on Lot 25. Wa11s are offset to minimize visual impact. 2. The degree to which the relief from the strj-ct or literal interpretation and enforcement of , a specified regulation is necessary to achieve . conpatibility and uniformity of treatment. annong sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of thj.s ordinance without grant of special privilege. As the Planning and Environmental Commission is probably aware, we have had technical problems with the building bulk regulations from their inception. To date, only one major project has been built in total conformance with these regulations (Vai1 Professional Building) anii every other multi-family or commercial building has requi.red at Least one bulk variance. 'if,;! Page 2 o ' MEMO- Shapiro Construction Co.5/Lel78 The. applicant states that use of the site as proposed was recornmended by both the geological and structural engineers and that original bui.lding si-ze and placement was based upon a survey which proved to be incorrect; also cu1 de sac is not located as platted. 3. The effect of the requested variance on lightand'air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facllities, public facil"ities andutilities and public safety We do not foresee any adverse effects upon thesefactors. FINDINGS 1. The Department of Community Developmentfinds that the granting of the variance wil.t.not eonstitute grant of special privilege inconsistent with the Iimitations on otherproperties classified in the same district. See ltem 2 above, also see applicant's statement. ' 2. That the granting of the varianee will not. be detrinental to the public health, safety . or welfare, or materially injurious to propertiesor improvements in the vicinity. It is our feeLlng that a better site plan results from cl,ustering the units as proposed as there is more useable open space and less visual impact from fewer resultingbuildings and less asphalt. The proposal also requiresless substantial cuts and far less site distur.bance. 3. That the variance is warranted for the following reasons: a. ) The strict or literal interpretation.and enforcement of the specifiedregulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectivesof this title. b.) There are exceptional or extraordinary. circumstances or conditions applicableto the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. The topography of the site together with consideration of vlews, sun and vegetation, dictate placement and orientationof buildings. ;. I Page 3 MEilIO- Shapiro Construction Co. 5/L9/78 The Department of Community Development recommends approval of the requested variance. oo Slroptro Con"trrction Co. S"u. 3OO, U"il'P^fori"nnl .SniUing P. O. 8", t snz U"il. Colo,ol" 816sZ 'plon"", 24.." (sos) 476-128o, l28l May L7, L978 Mr. Mark Marcus Building Inspector Town of Vail Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mark: Enclosed please flnd the correspondence from the Tovrn of Vail giving approval to the l-6-unlt town house project, 6-unit buiLding inclusive. You wlll note that this communication was in response to a request by Abe Shapiro, a coPy of which 1s also enclosed. Thank you. dal Enclo sures o4[" Sl,"pi," Pr".. -K"n Slopi,o Air. Pr.". i,"o'. aaJhapiro eonstruction (-'o. Suue 3OO, 1).it 'P*[.,.i.,r| .$illJi,g P. O. $" tsnZ 'Iloil, C"k,ol" 81657 'P|"n.,, .,4.." (sos) 476-128o, ,29t. 'l)i,. Pnr. tfn... March 10, 1978 Ms. Diana Toughill , Zoning Admlnistrator Town of VailVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Diana: Shapiro Constructlon Co.'s 16 Townhouse Pr-oject for Lot 26, Vail Village 13th Filing, was approved by the Vail Oesign'and Review Eoard, in its-entirety on-March 2, L978, -I^le are proceeding full speed ahead-with working drawings. Our interest'is to apfty for i buitding-pel9l! before April 15, 1978 and start c6nstruction by May 1, 1978 or sooner' It is imperative that due to the expense lde are incurring to accomplish' Ehis, that we have the assurance from your _ oiti"" ".td ttt. Tovrn of Vail , that this project-is in compliance i'itfr .ff existing ordinances and regulations, both existing. aid p.naing, (inEluaing the pending-Hazard Zoning ordinance), subjbcr to-our working-drawiirgs being aoproved by the Building Department.' Your PromPt reply to this request will be appreciated' Yours Truly, SHAPIRO CONSTRUCTIL. Shapir ALS: et z4l, Sl"pi,o Pn.. .K., Slrpw lnun box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 47&5613 Abe Shapiro Shapiro Construction Company Box 1547Vai1, Colorado 81657 .Re: Lot 26, Block 2, Vall Vlllage 13th Flllng Dear Abe: fn answer to your letter of March 10, this is to conflrm that the 16 unit Townhouse project as approved by the Design Review Board on March 2, 1978, is in compliance with the existing zoning ordinance and also conforms to the proposed hazard zonlng ordinance which will be heard by the Councll on April 4. If we can be of further service in this matter, please feel free to contact this office. Smile iana S. Toughill Zoning Admlnistrator DST/di department of community danelopment March 20, 1978 rt MEMBERS PRESEM:BILL RUOFF LOU PARKER BILL BISHOP RON TODD ABE SHAPIRO SUBJECT:Bald Mountain Townhouses - re-approval for variance LgT .BLOCK ,FILING ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: M(rrro'N g'/ >Uro F sECoNDED By: Po , kn- VOTE: FOR:AGAINST: Uaaq ABSTENTION: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: SUMMARY:'r*#n.! L/q Vt4*LC DESIGN REVIEW BOARDo March 2. L97ADATE OF METTING: UEMBERS PBESENT:4rl=e-it'eEE_ \- RON TODD - ABE SIIAPINO SUBJECT:Lot 26 - Shapiro Townhouses Final LOT BLOCK FILING', SECONDED BY: AGAINST: ACTION TAKEN MOTICN BY BOARD: VOTE: DISAPPROVED: SUMMARY: Box / f c/7 ?lp ;./.U\-\t-fie> SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL AND RESIDENTIAL ZIN_I_Nq-CHECKLISq Legal Description: Architect: o f,c Zone District: L()/Vlf Proposed rJse; -I.t,.,,,r" :(,':^)' Lot Area,l{f,1S8uinus Hazard Area: I Eeight: Setbacks: Equals Buildable Area: Actuar ]e (oo-t Required - Front Actual - Front Lot Area Lot Area 20'Sides 10' +8,5,Rearlo' + )-5 . Sides lj, A O ,Rear lr7 Actual _ = 3trtEt ao tFlDistance Between Buildings: Required I ( t c.R.F.A. Allowed: Buildable Areaf!5g56 * 3Of Site Coverage: Allowed Landscaping: Required Parking:Bequired 3>Actual 3> Drive: Slope Permitted Parking and Drives Must Envi ronme nt aL I Hazar d : t" /o Flood Pl-ain 1"o Slope qo Distance From Creek Trees Removed u\O Comments: t8 1o= 2 Actuar >o,}3?.---T- ar' d-p- Be Paved Avalanche Slope Actual btcc 6o It.! I t? orrner, 9r,,r 'a Zoning Approval:ing Administrator i/@:,cA,.iztnaj'f-----_7- o SA"?.6_UUJE 7l x a3 rD ol-D t( (J(a-Jt-f- 1o -f,L ) :-t6 9 q 9-79 1V1E?.r-.k t6 ' O- Sat--+!: - t t+--Ql 1- o -- 141 : e= 16,-t ) *a--97- tr< -5lt!1+j:-9 1:t : ls.(6 ?U11+q_= _a1 ;g '- t1-(6__ ?l-rlLs+q= s1-r:E : ft-sr-c/T --ftt*L--s? - 4- g ( /f--1- DATE Oq MEETING: UEMBERS PRESENT: DESIGN REVIBW BOARD t"uu", 23, 1s78 "''BTLL RUOFF - LOU PARKES ./- -BftrTrSEttF- RON TODD '-./ ABiI sHAPr Ra / Shapiro Townhouses Concept o (-*r"01Tll, TPwFI tton1eA) SUBJECT: LOT 26 BLOCK_, FTLING BY BOARD:ACTION TAKEN MOTION VOTE: (oOA sEcoNDED By. Qprz?@ IOR:AGAINST: ABSTENTION: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: SUMIIARY: 4&wnv JF'|-' lllitll APPLICANT DESIGN Rqvl-El'' BoARD DATE MEETING: MEMBERS PRESENT: January 26, 1978OF Bill Ruoff Lou Parker B11l BishoP Ron Todd Abe ShaPiro rd zG , BLOCK (Conceptual ) l(2 -\ctr)r)f)cus€\ I -, FrLrNc- V ',,z l3TFt BOARD:ACTION TAKEN BY llotroN: VCITE: APPROVED: s DISAPPROVED: SUIIIIIARY: ABSTENTION; I oz tr =E, uJo- \'\f U) uJ uJ l.L L =tt UJ \sRNN @ @\, o.l..\] o.rl trtr z F) ,.' @tr@< ..\ JCIS cdt() Fll t! oloql Zl uJF q, z o zz o uJF z oz o l .6 =z oc6.97rB EE 6(/)oP85-(, P o) () o q) f o o IJJo i F Fz uI G a ,ft =atD /t O /.r ),.,,_/, Ti ,t/9itno'' o. 603rO.!>dE0l (J q) o o 6 6 -atc 3oF o o € o()o(! o) a at, .9 = c G si '(! t- 6 E G E o o (q E o q) ; E o o o(l' o xtdOtr 'FO o':.E: o-(5aa#lrl(5-- -cat-'F o)EE E;o1tLC Ooie -a60 oPq)i!?t rr 35o(g v: GE>Etl q)9a E6 -c) C\ ca Ln E =ru z J l Y() UJ z J J o uJ uJ z = J J = t! = ut uJrl.zo IJJ lu 3llJ UJEz 64to F uJ o- z uJ o x F u,lo al, uJ uJ lJ- F = uJ FoF (,zoJ TD J d.F ulJ u.l oz co = d 2 UJ = ts H NOIIVNlVA .L u. U. u. :< =zzu- F o- 4=Xf>Ya9 0i qroe,Z!Ooon(Jzx l!<oq d9J;G!!XrrJaxz dN(, =>E I t'u .S =coN :lB l" I r.r l(d l*Itr lqJllJIrd lB z El q (f o q oe.o I.IJ F E UJ z Eoo z tr t!F 3 UJz 'lt IItl tzlz E IIJkoo< =p8o<z Lz, Oz --,! Tdo =fiOI f t (t, UJzY =F F 2 tr) U)z J =F L!(E 3 a -Jl :-| zl zl .. >loqJ UJ uJzoF: .Tlu J z E z dlH 4 .1: t -\ : i. i'".tli :i) za.l.t '1) zluz O c> :,'-, ,,', /r/ ul ts U)o az Fo- uJY luql oF F CEut tto oo I IJJ Foz \' o\ tu F o z \;r i-zZ (DO2Z JO O- LL if;=dd= t]tr! tr =E UJ o-lr tuoz loI F(r cC o- JFLIJ -h=:aI Lll =o-OL9o\UJxo-x> lllJJ|l- uJ cooF tro E CI -9c' o '= t E Eo(, o go E oo'o!l --- F =E UJ o-zo F() e,Fazoo I $b-bL olzl ol qt <t>l Ir.|ol zl 3lIFI I I I .lol =.1ol IJJI :l <l>l !l , FI F tn I \T ol =.1olurl 5l <l>l EIol zl3lolFl ..1 +J ${ +ro +Jd E =.1gt :l al>l ttlol zl 3lolFI ,e, 2 z_) u- trrFl rS q,& gl c, Eo aFfr FI€ Crn*r:onopr.Hotr ui z co -) NFI C\ i o () Fo ol'lXI 'lIJ'g do Ja = ?1' +J Ho(d E .Fl- o u.l =z EFz C) z -Oul = Ei: =b-z o oFO EFz IY F ul Jul E2? s3fF d"6 LlJt -.1- (ts <F(r()l!<zEEtrN F E uJ z :) tnU UJtl- == Lr-t U'u, oz z J l @ .(t 4zo lilll:l $;,1 S\,{€ \l rl | ..-,, Ill , lt t- i siFr* -l= iiYgr/5 r6l t1 Iq, + (r z o q,) o, ao) ,o a) oo (D c o o 3 (:, 0) 1:' 0) Co E F .v )o f! ( u,( (q! o (, IJ' 0) )o al;c,(g 'o. v:: o(.-t o(l 'lo >.: E I o a) g c, (|) c =yo!)- I(!I-r11'.E :ot- i6 (!' i ; ; c)r (uJ l .': (! .: 6j x\ Eo ci o, c .D o) (! (oI t'l siDi EI t;(u\ >.1 !c F tn o- UJ Q o cc UJ z 6uto u,u, z ; LU ot!c z = o. tn UJ tU l-s u, F FNOuvn'lvA =>E _ _ tl3ur.C F6 Ep=9a8g.3fH3>oFo|..d zo F r! ol .. >lotlo ar,ltzo F lllo- J zo tr6o{ (-) tu o- I v, z :<oiF z F l z,.fr _i t-a-IJJ C)3fi t- t< IUl' ;t =l OI :ll tr F :l =l.".,I CJt! o t- F ^c,.. tr.t O =*'tE(.) cH:S."-'I =< qJ -J lr- (,F. F. CD1J.- cl-.'Ele; Elo [olSogl EEflI3: Elot(5 Lq_l =.r o_l 3 L r,rr IO o +rlJ 4J oJIJ 1-t vilooJ I14- -J cw I u.t t- .-r C! $fi(t { uJFo(Do.? zo F tuY t.IJq! oF =, ooo ul :-F :l ;Hgbln zo F C)D t-(nzo(J €>,.r-'A=Y-,.lll={ZJE '- F x Ir!Fcz F EEtrlo- o =F; x6:1 F?<) iz>3 z J LL I I I I I:<J ID I I I IF Ai \ N : (_) | JO<F Lu< UJFIt z. Fo LUtrI(J UJ = J c-F U UJ J<OoqI.U LUJO ; (.) =< -i_*z o .-+- '-i-' i- :+ $ is d t.,$)t$*iff # c.a ^-. i v _j_- f-': iOTJo ,r:,:\lYr' '$lAN/-N J:Jl-5.,, o/1> qp/ll-t, I + qJ + $ L v{. F)t t0 .\-tS--.N -\ r-' a- /'e/' ,c>{ C) T NUMBER OF PROJECT rNsLrtoN REouEsr '\/,.,./t -, INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES'WED THUR FRI AM, PMREADY FOR LOCATION: /t' -' t.--, BU trl trl trl Itrl trl Ell tr ILDING:PLUMBING: FOOTINGS / STEET tr tr tr tr tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr,f INAL tr FINAL \PPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTO 3856 South Hibiscus WaY Denver, C0 80237 September 12, 19BB Plath Construction Company Drawer 5920 Avon, CO BL62O Gentlemen: In behalf of the Bald Llountaln Town Home you authorization to rePair the roofs on authorlzation is in accordance with the If you need further information, pJ-ease Association, I hereby grant units 13 and 14. This By-laws of the Association. fee]- free to contact me. Sincerely, - ., .4.4 , L'i , / {q }1" 2o-/l: ",r/fui.,"#r?t /-, 7 /"-r--', 3856 South Hi-biscus WaY Denver, Co 80237 303/7s6.-2229 oz F =E IIJo a r.u uJu- =E uJ(L ?a&h +d?,rrr#,o\o\ ch z F1 zH a E ts 9J o () z g.t F = zz a UJF z o2 6Jf @ .a zz E UJz3o ru '1- Foz LL.J uJo =Iq) q) 4|€ $q 3 E s anolg (gc E o o) E o g) ; =o E o =cf o (! =-o o co)a o,E !; Q)E $o ol (5 o) '= N -o 'oF o) = ()o E J at .9 I''5 .o C' 6 =(E o o E' (! ats '|5 R 3 F (6 --3 Eoo 6 o CL !c(Il 'F E .; =3 Eo() o q) Eo)6 rg E3 c-g.9p =oF'= -g;ocr-'- v,o(!5o --g= .:l c9'- cr 60 o(E .iE F: ):#.Y- o-G d(E--E ;q HqtOELC O(g 6c-c(5-a(t'0 ogo)6?!g ;6o(6 ta(!E >E-o o) Ie o..\cib -o {;> F =ulc z J l x UJ z)c (J (r () IJJ 6 z =J 2 = !utultzo tr u, tz.(J UJ 3 uJt UJ z0 uJ F uJ (L z UJ o F tlol U' UJ u.lu- E =E UJo- J F F z 6!f -F uJ z6: J J (J z IJJ = NO[VnlVA J o =z!- 6zi> 9Eo tr< =dE' $,vuJ< <C g= uJ N (\l =>(r _I ztr^ aJ' o1>-9C)ozL<oo-rr.r ?(LYi5 ;(\j zo f lt(r f TIJIL f- Ea(L UE z Eo XFtsz EE uJFJ B urz I Lz:)zQaF: IJJ<Oo< >fi>(r R'!6o<z Lz (rzz--iF ;6 =trOI ilIIl t]tcllloltoltil UJl uJzY Or F z F Jf <t)z I z v I 3 F lll o = rl<tr-l zl z1 .. >lo UJ uJulzo =(r t!(L J zI =o z F- o H I I l "lz1Yl(E (!l iI lql: l;"',l:o9 I cr) cr)-{ -ifO llJ trodlo-'zo Fo- lrJ :< IJJdl oF F^ -O\Equl(L. Eolo- >Flo-z XF) I u- uJc = ul l! ,F IIJEO E<cLl60: .J)B9!a :E =>E;i EFoqJoi rF=OAr,X €=cl *:oi!E uJ ro F --- ts =E lrJ o-zoF()3EFazoo guJbkzo ! J =I Lr.J = z F oz:) L|- f o EFo uJ u, z.a dlc22 \ cl-u -+dLFI\ =l(rIuJl :(Ll rr rz o:f(I) ol z.l ol uJl 1l <l>I rLlol 2l 3lolFI I I I .l =.1ol!!l 5l al>l rLlol 5t :Ol uJFI F GI ct).it Io\.v o\ tltlItlE\o II l-\ |*l'-. Ia,l .l nl 9l:-:t .llLll ..l1 EI HI$l :l3l sl |..,|tzla3lE9l lllitl l.llzltdltHll:ll?ll>lI u-ltol dEl ol qt <l>l ltlol zl 3lolFI E rri at)zH Ei H& Fr UJ z r\ .t) t4E zB H zH =AFl ui z (D -) =) t! F Fz z T LIJ E;' b2 J &.F uJ.J u.J Eoozt =(J =#)zI.Lo <F uJ<zE LIJ F(42o )<(Jsflfo t]ln oz E =t UJo- tn uJ uJ TL = = UJ(l- o\ z F, HH & z ts&{ I I I I I l9r lo I I I I I I I l- rc) rdIu-to tzr6 ul o F F al,z =o zzo a tuF z z :j (D .5 o =2oN (r ulz3 llJI F z IL.Jru U) =I oF UJz3o t!o ,9at) ^EO o9. o !l)--P-ohs.cx( €6\_o cNr3 \-\o EIFFAo_\ -=v 3 $\r9''oi\... ;: \ 6eFOq6 P=ooE:€(5 ;q) ooo al (! CI) "rC*= fm =-.tEqro of =9!E o9 DO.co-3 r/i o)B;(d9 o 'i'i (! .v''=O(,o;(dipn9Uh; Eg,ffi € EEg .s:5i =9I tt r.= n; >=:cY'-(E 35;; " *:6 @ E It =it(/)* o otiEoS.9;es .9-EP o- ct o--o=- oo: o--t-i-fu6t E:{EE :(,)\vo : E€ 3! -9orEEi: -* c f(u0-: 8,f;; E6 i'lo =u>,=O (6=. *EFs6H 5o .d'6 s ;9Eqr -EEg: - o 6 .:: o <+ F UJ (Jz J d) I UJ (Jz o- 9(r F IJJJ uJ oz6 = E J 2 x(J u, UJ u,t LJ-z tr uJ uJ(r o EI; uJt z 6 uJo F c uJo o- z x ulol U)ul UJ LL = UJ(L J oF z oJ =c) o F UJ gJ z6 =f J = () uJ = NO|lVn'lVA YE Bzz!-I o o,.F ^ u, znI 5 > e;E P O E:'6 o t'7 ,^ 9,vX Y uJ< r!<o q d.9J ; tr=I )-iI L! t:ad anH(\to N N =>& z tr l r+ ri :f eo lll(L F oo o- E z Eoo t3zo tr EtflF t z I I Itl EzlzOo <oo< =H8o<z F z v2Z- ;o = lrrOI f, E z F J laz r z z I a =F ootl I l","1569 Jl<l z z -. >l UJo UJ uJz g,F uJ z Eoo I __1 I o !Jo z J |D -lI I I "l4l EI<l (a I& cr) co O uJ =ooo-) z F(! IJJY UJ d! oFto =1(r: ul(L |!O\o- >Llo- iz r-r F) I Uulbkzo ts'= El! o-F (rt! 6 uJ9zt ,no 92 =<Yi (n0o =zF --re J.7 = .J \JV r (l- u.(E\I -:ETtrJFI \ [=l J :.tl "39F bl =E=5 Hl =fi6Y !l =:-il Fl or.!>i nrrrr uJc] 6' E CIo o o c E Eo C' lPq Itt IFl \o I.l: Itla{ .l Et =l9rl olFt urlzt El{l -rlgl al =l >l t"ltzl =t 3lgl ol!!l r-l =.1ol IJJI :l <l>l tl,lol zl 3l 9lFI I I I I I cil'lolutl :l <l>I tl-tol zl ..i =t fol urFI F lltltltltl lellolI uJl l5lI<tl>lI lllloltzl =t =lgt 9l olzl Hl Jl <lilol zl 3lpt F\ (a-;o'd \o 'JH tr B (hnH H& Fr =z N vl : aF zHE Q il z. co I Il.l- I I ,) u-n uJl dCI{{>- EO (Jozt- =#!zrl-o F Fz z I O UJ = l-trir =b2 <F u.J <zEr.! F(rzoO F LIJ --J LIJ F I,IJi)<()<, ?,:o z9F C) E,Fazo(J co sz3od L ll,6z.---EoJU' izar< tcoo!,oooc D :t @ E o =trf E., o CIee! !(t o !' e o E co a! E o c oE t g 5o !o to (!(, CI(L E l' E ! a!a, qt art o|')!o 'oc!(,ll o E o) G.r sn ct- E =g UJ4 UJko E EuLI) L)) I u )z H$F E E:. ;$€E$A p il9: o: :5Eg€6 E=R ;E9 EE:€8i;e8 *sje E;e =E ot *e€o{o EEg "'E g asE:to.g o -cta9oo=9 5E: 9 ->E:90EEO: o- H oo =oclg- 6eo. Eggar 6g u oo)?,)i Ua uo ) zl sfll if;l8ltrtr $$$trtrtr EHE<gaIE}EEEE ?=I !EE 8bt trurt Ei !E arlEo ts =E,lrlo-zo Fc) E 6zo(J UJ o co EFv, =Io I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOIYn1VA I>E ! alEur.! =tDG, z-99ho-94 =a E vro6b9Zlr<og Egjnl 2o u, I z le 9E \i t GT a E(, oz Iu, ag J lro23oF ct- ctll, .E lto2io \lG o- ct a.lEJ lroz3o EEIfiE x Oratd o t.i-l 'r,\t- 'l r ' ^ l. I I l' 75 3outh fronlagr roady.il, color.do 81657 (3031 479-2L.38 or 479-2139 TO: EROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ottlce of communlly devclopmenl AI,L CONTRA TORS CT'RRENTIYL REGISTERED II'ITH IIIETOT{N OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COIOIUNITy DE\IELOP!.IENT IIARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & !,TATERIAL STORAGE rn surnmaryr -ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to ritter, track or deposit any soir, rock, sand, debrisor material, incLuding trash dunpsteri, portable ioilets ina---worknen vehicles. ypon any streetl sidewaik, a]rey or public Pl?:" or any portion theieof. The right-oi-way in aII Town ofvar.J. streets and.:9a_ds is approxiraately S ft. off pavenent.This ordinance wiL] be strillty enforcid by the Tolrn of vailPy!]ig works Department. persons found viiratinq this ordinancerilrlL be grven a 24 hour written notj_ce to rernove-said naterial .rn the event the person so notified does not corrpry with th;--notice within the 24 hour time specified, the puEric worksDeparturent will remove said nateliat at ihe expense of personnotified- The provisions of this ordinance =Gii not beapprrcabl-e to construction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right_a_way. To review ordinance No. 6 ln full, please stop by tbe To$rn ofvair Buil.ding Department to obtain a copy. rirank you for yourcooperation on this uratter. 1{li Read and acknowledged by: onlRelatronshrp to Project (o, f T - Date ( / (i.e. contractor, owner) PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT CTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL ,l I t!.!'\,': Drrv"I +1DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES ED PMAMINSPECTION: L..'!'t, l BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL O UNDEBGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O FRAMING tr RPUGH / WATER r F3r",^i"%tJrtifi-,*o /oo" prprNc ,^o{ tf tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr .t./ tr FINAL TTIFINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: B TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - trtr - EtttAlr'l trtNAl o FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR nfiFsrop --rcoc5 f, u') uJ uJ lJ- F =E uJ I I l_ IElo I I l tLuIF lo I I I I t.., rE rtrlrr- tv tzr5 l= (o @ ol U) d O = UJ - o IJJ z z ll |D o6 zzo .VW-\4g Lt'o IL tro =I ILolI, o z q) o) o '=o(,;iaFenE6;,t r.e *€ *E P 8F!Ec 9 UE:Oc-o> ef:E:Iedr.= -E >=:c96E 3 5;.; S E:RE!Eo-.€85 .e;98 Ei seo- (! 0--o=*o(5)! OroiE"or:fi:€ :6(E6 ee s E a.r oE '' EEEg -*::c o'-.:c; o o s.9 :.::,F !; E i'to =U>.=9 dai *EFe6R 6o 869 E96.o -e5g: -o(!: ocr LL t!oz;=c(v =l tllFI<F2a9Za< \' a\ '1 '/)U t4 4 IDt4i ',4, ^t')L/ F\]; ;N E^{:: t 4t1 -N t;: \\.1!J,rl \i Y ': I; V,\ rva s7/ o/, L I ?,- E A,U.n el,Y unJe'2b5'tP 6/'P;YF oo-(!= i=>L!9J-(-J a UJ UJu- ==E UJo- J F F tr =t! z o 5 d) z6 l 6t o iuJ; uJ z 6!! F6oo-Uo o- z J =>E =d)N :<Go3ZZU-oootr ^ -azx I 2YrP of, 2t-()oirn(JzX t!<9q 4ET ff.Xz H<\tO lr- E o o- E o- uJ z tr o z tr llJ FJ .. >loulol!ulza =t llJ o- .J z Eoo TJJl: II ulz o IF z F 5az Fz ,. 9z 'iF tro3trOI H*k-og t\ /, .:, )2 .!,./ 2. _) ,),4 IJJFodl -z FIL uJY uJ F ts t uJ rr) coolcc oz E =Eulo- t! \r. (o >con"\ x-\\J Cl td I Uurbkzo ,tQ F UJ(! E2E<ofo </)E2B9eE .=.r =o-=>E JFE h=ctPtru # iii: =dE 669 EurE XO-t x>t q-o-itt; ru d) F --E E =E, lrJ o-z9F(J:fEF(nzo() !nD 6 a t ! lltlt{{lcnticll It(uI cltYrdJrioFlt5tll=lntl>qc.l tzF-i9; tn E -z-eF == a UJ =z a aq) eoo uJ z F =tr uJ oo ) = ,'l l',*- # ffi u& .F I (\ .iz ci I]J J tl- z3o uF U uiJ uJF =tr z ci IJJE J ll-oz3I tr oz (, ul ! al.q z13I o out 5 o zl FI =tr t oz oulI <l>l rLl :l 3l 9t ui t! E uJz =o F C) uJ ='r E ,H?'ffi'? 6frr/u3 o <o(JF -<rE;F.,2 ^-, oIO >Y =s)z LLO c) <^ YF?Q =tiz =o = \JZ () <ci<5 g. =t z \7 i-ze(no =2 (L r! df,a^ a r = =Ei-lrtv-r -i u.J6il=riiln ta an ott to,lFI()!< IFlzI t-t K tbalz =o,, IL IJJoz "'3 <iz^ qr< z = J z tr J {E 6t - =Zu-9o.u7Zto Ec)t/, uJ J a!z tll )e :t >E =uJ z. EsEEa,l, o<>9(J\)zrI.< IB>(JFO ., >l UJulz Q == IJJ J zo F dul ru J G a LrjzY9 at, z.- o;2= J.+d63E i.^t- t<IAIU l: l zl 3loi :I t6 IJJ =:l ;lsrl7l oU' ; F u, I I I 8tt N 1 tll d .1 d q h q H$ffii I l-lgl=l slg/ElEl;l' =t I;t-l ilgl s il=196l"ld # Fllhf; Nu l- $l= l,+- +,.F aOvC rt gx.Fo =.E CJ!- +, E(1, €E F() Eoo=(J€ .qJ -:_ ?EEct c-F J9- f.l v o< |.l-l zo(-) ulF z z J:)lo 4 zzoN I I I I I I I,g t< t!, l=lo lotz,zl9 tnllJ u.ll! = t! lo =5 Ovr9) iarncL!'- o0r=3 r.r't t6 Lq-clE c 3/l o Ztf =LJ+)J+'oq,t4 _J UJ NOll'vn]vAF -r (\J '-9i1 (N ;l...\| ?ox oFF uJG ILo o-oo I u,Foz t\ gN glt- de\ nnN J.^i5>.=zA*< B d'E frJ La,:< = x LU F l,! -1 r-l5lol rlJl tr- I-fatt I fJ.J -Jo- o o q,! o(t o o. 0,! t€ e- sc.O \' t(\o =.J lt I Jct I va U7 H CIotc.J = .IFIol z ciu, 1lil EI zl FI 2 el ccl JI ;ilr.lol zl 3l t! o2 C) F C) Fzo C) z T c) UJ = !?o<-*;o =r>trJZ o JE59;C'F=gE G -,r o<F(I(JuJ<z.EUJF o C) ul =ztrrD ;rr.rs#crroN REeuEsr ' PERi{rT NUMBER OF PROJECT\\ -"''-r --l'\ onre\\- -\- \ Joe INSPECTION:MON TUEs 6!fD THUR FRI -----------.€W PMREADY FOR LOCATION::2, \r B tr o tr tr tr tr tr I UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: FOUNOATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATERFRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION -tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr o FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH C] EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL - tr FINAL /4 ] APPROVED 30RRECTIONS: '''H,6saPPRovED --_-r4lhltNs PEcr oN R Eeu I R ED INSPECTOR t.t INSPECTION REQUEST2b5\ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL \ oc,.rr.t horrcp(oo* r li s l cl" JoB NAME i,^ \d. $t T-:[."."". - BEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - HOOF & SHEERu pLYWooD NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr fl ._r 4r,*or 7= T*"SZ tr F'NAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL FPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED -:z!- =(F o x R $q x d{ (-, N u v) T x x x U' t,lJ UJu- tr =ul(L 0\ "l " tl Mill \l tv\g . .16 \ I N$ .Mll 5tHo; to€t l=gt llr8* il;Eg {IE 3F (IE 5 *"{esFN Y6Et\+k lilr= sr4E iEAW Ew7 837 a.oD 4 ;Eq Vie -^ ,1t-/JAan O ,) t El -/;g b IoP l/, ./;*6 * EisE --- o '=o(/) sbE =.e *,;P q E.! ; o:i! '- an c-;-60 =EFd'i =c96 dd3_'E >. 3 Ea =r-l: .9;e FE e.Y- (6 o-$ o-d=- .E .E O.9: o 6CE.,:(!(o -'_e:.E O(!: A cE-c(!I - o.; e*Cct O'- --Eg.E:;'s =-e==36> ?i(!:in Y'-x,JBte9E-orQeg!OED -o6 s t \^ N $ \ I I d \ l \ \'. t1 l4IU)lyrl5 l= t: le g. F g. I a6 #,E2 i4 4 e q tl x1 1Y U I ,1 E =G,qJ o- z :<o LIJI C)z) e, Fo UJ u, z 6 = 9z otll ut UJu.z tr IJJ llJe oE o C0 =UJ IJJ z 6uio F oo- UJo o- z LlJ x F IJIof aD u.lt!t! }F fi o- J FoF z J 9EFo UJ uJ z6 = o- 9z ul = J( l-- P NOtlVntVA I I lrt- t:Yq 6:\ * Fri I.l UJ tiUJ\z au =t' o(y-tt -rltt =,.,o =6N zzoolro-a53s9 6 .nOz>-89r!<oo- do>()FO tl {l {J N z tr J l!(r o o- oEo gJ o- F $ 0 (/ $\\ \ VI o- uJe. J z Eo z E tr,lFJ 3ltlz tl\tl ll1l ln z I ^--'. OaEul<oo< =pxr!bo<z aFz, 9= id =trOI UJl UJzxoiF llJ zq F Jfoz ,ffi >\ oulu, \Z\ =\(r ul azoi-F OO <a <t FI al zl z tro d z (r q o uJ 'lv \ I II(Eol{ --.,t ] dLrJ I Ot r \- \ an J =F qJ ..{\ \ o Jl!t!N ::l ot-- '-r -o =.d adoocuJ.r C O (5 O-.r rttZ.5v(:: .UJ+- (,- F.r .- O) O-lJ- v I= X.r 0Jd '= L! (n !.Pir! (l,o<tu (IJo-o o.u Eur -o (u o!J =F (Jz,oo-c)Eou1 _o=r-{ t (J .P (.5 !-q- . Z, t+- O eo, =ttt=O (U +.r'rJ.P (U =JP@'Co(r) !tr-J(\IE llJ-^^F .i (\.1 oF ts E uJ(L t.l-o o-oo I -t uJ23x DAn z.-o =z =zdP zE -.: i\J \.J -t -: (DuJ L UJ (L UJ F IJJ v. = x L!-F t! LlJ'.r = = J tJ- co E -9o oT' '= t E EoC' o F lb = tiE, IJttl l- & r.z\o\ ES( E\F -<.J in -IR n a a tt eY 2 -44q,+' 6 - ttl L! z T UJ = l-|' l'":ll l'.4 1.) J4 IA f,t lzF.-: -J IJ- N ,tr\\ F -f l< -t Nq u; =z cot I Il\9,ld Nl xH H$s:stta,t gfTHA+8 r-ul n3l 4A J^\n-t f.. -$i Js F tltl |,ll' li IH el 3: Iul TJ Iolzl ..' el dGl c-il rr Bl i zl3l u1ot dFI F .t Fx F .3\) 2o v u\- .$ q trt =tr =.1ol uJl .El il itol zl 3lolFI =Etr o o1 UJ 5t >l ttlol zl3IFI zl olurl :l <t il zl FI = tr I I I,I zl c el ! 5l n ell il g Ol uJFI F l- l= )" Fc) LU r --.1 O<FGOr!<zEUJF(42oO <oOF FS 42tl o =ID = (I r ; , JIY<xotr 7()-< =?. Y,z =g E i\t! F;o2 <c)gH *x)<x ENDI OC PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT LOCATION: o NS C PE CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL oor, ,/4xr JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTI FRI PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr r-1 l- Z' FTNAL -_--tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E-tr trF)ry L tr FINAL 'r#paoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIREDQU/"or*=a.,o,ua, INSPECTOB I PERMTT "ry7 ol INSPECTION: i NAME MON CALLER ruEs @ rHUR INSPECTION REQUEST TO\ |-ILOF VAIL t( ft.(/)tl.- ol PMAMFRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BI tr tr 16 \ tr tr o tr ILDING:PL tr tr D tr tr tr D UMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr tr o tr HEATING tr tr tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL OVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR /^tt%%€a " r heroqalrtreeasE D@e fA€( (htLt &rp4pro 'PE{ttrcN h*g A-ovo< do ffi(auqffiaNaere@*tl^l d(E fAAe'L J. r^0Au4 +r Yoog F4v+r TthE 6)ffi(E MADF- A VtSJat lXqeAta-+ F t"E €a,lvc>ptno* LJaue Ap7 € YaY- W@( W:tz, ,Fl A @o?r lq,x>e BY *lrg 6Qq4sz lb No/, a& uE +rArrc {yrAf r}14 ttv"@AaE- tuF- wA+ Atw> bt' tT+g rcbVmoN F TTE Wor*N lrto,- bM 40 tT,E LK4L & A brtrrevEi@ tunFt@. Ulorl VtQ)Aw tNfficrtor-l tAe u*o '7vzs- flle LJAuL lg 1dr/+of ?o(klrqo. 1W trzrrmtoN ts t>oa 40 A e)ou ,tzs\r- .Aor>n*4 to f+1€ @ F 1+le r^ilfrAL fu*lcrvnoJ . * +hrtt* t/rrc Dev6apa1, wlz+ea+ -rl+e u)aws t9 1+€ CA'sg m P+A tM&e:4,UE W^ AZ bf^Ye. ffitNa> tr bunoA rcffr4&e'xzl tApha4 tupq+ F retwtNrla A 6@flo^J. F 1l€. \Lqa,rzwdt h@t€ tLtAtre pv-tt> wm.qailr- tr tan* A'.{ l+uu'W4{r*W-. aM> fuluoxn$p l4peyt', t+hs fuitn*4 tt ++,"AFl oA *+ffi 6t 1 Ez ffi tfis fra-D Fai4s7 -h*rs ofrt@ tbou> t.tyE tD rtxyE A V,guA- N4acqta4 OF <7r€ Frap-'1n4n @WZ .fTI€ l/g Uu t< 9t-:pi;11a*2, NZ-S fuar Mue4!{.-- fro.v, lzP?a rtuK. zotb Vktut blaPate 9Ve> oo lPsna Kfiilstofte eeH*z!,O*'.fuf% )ilt 2fr:--'.rZh,h. ';-rya&tr"u":,-r.-?r4 ""i&LW"4*/! >l+- t/.t / t i,/4^L.Z- ,Mr/A,/-L. oo/te er€nee{rng. rrlc 143 e meodcr,'r dr suile n-10 croosroods shopprrg center \rorl co,lorodo 81657 nj/a7G2170 WgtYa Fe.toY.f-* WVaIAG Wt4x@ $ilf*x+/+ WJq;UeWF6ffiU-/Z)exE2 t/AL Y6-Vg r*-lt-t Atlo C lb'a,c' taUW-re, tw-e&LW A/ 2'.?*t ttl U^J.L, wa+.le hld@ra/2-w wd va,, /,ua r#. %rslrlb e&ra;E bJr-talc:r:'a{ JOrFlrtt tzMt" l,.laL, , Cot4t%:-'( /.zaE rbftt U/x"JW ett*- O 44a c.Aa *.*eetvt r.$l!,l4 IA-xa bu)wd- .2 LW( ?.//),- tVE CzxlN*tW) 'rO ktWere uA)- )/ 4 - td+ a r2"J(A)@$ AWE-NWt,o Aat*f tyatr NE ca-+\ffiED rOr4-dr"4 -, uipr*a'a<o l?:a?, 'bxt+a' Aio's ireettW uJ/ td foa''t#l82 o"oc, tdx*#Fe i tzkp. 4+Vl4t ?%t dvJ vIWl%,'vtl4al mJD\h-Ya 4'z'4 45T-tr2 Ape vt/ bdU/dAaE- ?re A-. z/6{ Vlu tue[F1 2q I It-i,l t.1 ti4d VM ,A V-Pd Vn*ao* ?% W? W-rau- ,&>LoYQl2a)ofiouhft qha +WfC4JI ftan-D ---t I / Wkt'tra 2-2tb *^re AlrtcLft 1 rwq?9,AnuAi*a) |Ut14fu- vlel-i i?w<--"/l ffi'#;} W e)t^r?, JfNorytE L1^ll- .A-t A)\JWP VtL-:,aekZ *?qW L-V1-/.../.j\ttrzX*t..NL A.Hrle4nrTl l+AlI?DVlt% W-t\) C*N)7- l/e Z/AA)ALE'CzJW+l-' . A), Av)81)r tjIUA. 6 AV6rTWnaz,. AJL-. tvleu @S'-z+rvrl a13r,@ Nr rr7,\11..AW\UV.& I@ ru.NpF'n*l ?.HsrA 4ZAtuvry;, n @ ocryle engneeflr€, rrc 143 e rrreodoar dr suite n-10 croosroods sh@ping cente( loil, coloodo 81657 n3/a76-2170 /i1k<2 fa t'lr.rarl Wt-,,t1Aa Wu 6ttW-, *vat*o e'2/+ WNe, Aa)-1*tf262 &ta cg da'c' llba).zlay7?p2 ti 4-VI'tOrSz 6, /ltE tlaMrt4zEae Ixo HaJvgna-?:4LV, lo rAt WC VNxu-' (gnalv , C'd' a<rr /z?\wra,) UJrtAe ED,/ttv?). VD).lpI{t"E2 7/2 fixv@"MNtd tuvtu a))-++FL+trrDffiet=@s6* WA!rl aLta+ala*( ITE\VILY @l*tzgg t/b)-Lfuiar-aa ?x=r vAtr--/ W*tArl 41 Fe';,.m+*l-W' &la2Vparo ltC'=1'-d AIm \/\-_) l^--/ ltz'*f'd hurrr-g,t'l.4 agrree- t(b<'ffi tuo oz ts =& IIJo- r, an uJ IJJlJ- ==E llJ o- -Ttt+, gg/oq)/ €38qe +YD llIr||lirlllrl-ll-l s'3 i3 | |'l cq | | la,li= illrlrillsl| ' lEEli I lFr-lE EFI;gI 5s $rl=38+i i= I d=lE 'Eg is I gElE l: 16lF I E UJz3 uJI oz N *t ,F V) !n rOe( l!J IJJo =T ll. 5, 5 = o co, EsEO Re e8 ra!5.o'64'5oE*;a El- E"P .EocEOo)NOoE-c iL e?. eb-=oo 8F Egoo3o(5cD o.E fi'5 =tnigoo all Egq9'o_uo.c(gt3 oi o)a'tadE <i: got: r!'.Pos:9Edh F.e 9?rptE=E:r=;9Y '- attooq IEEd'5 =c96 E sE 8Ei =r-l:,.-' O OiEogeg g=E o, .u o.sEt or o_E9o 966 E e.E E t-6 EFE - o",lf ;6.=5ag dr (D! EE:o=3 =6>,o(!;c-= E;; .dt e9E crEEE!oo) -o(! Lt) rO !.c) C\t rt) C\J oIoo -l !.)N r.)t\ C\I tr = UJo-oz 6 @ You-()z o- J 9EFo r.u) uJ z E J J z o uJ = UJ llJ z tr uJ outE ; IJJt uJ z 6uro F atoCllJ z UJ () x F luo o uJ uJll, = =Eulo- J oF z J J llJ)ll, z =Jo- J 9z o UJ = NO|lvnlVA + ;,6(33 l!, v(Z1 trr9rG(()t 8$o< <.rEa2tui >E _ _ (,r) = rJJ an =loN zz tr^695E<20oo1>t7()o2rr<oq o.- !? FO -.i (\i I I I il IJ>tr-{! rro fE z tr l! UJo. F ro x o-ult J z tro zIF IJJ 3qJz q, EzlzOaF riJ<oo< >fi>(E Hr!dci<z (t)Fz, 9z EO]fr I l- II lot01td/ uJlJJ anq llJzYo F IJJo. z tr 5 .l)z Jl<li-l zl zl .. >lo UJ tu UJzoF uJ zIF o:luo z- (E z F(t, I .:C) (\J c.J O @ o(Y) o t-{ uJ ts U)oo-zo FoI!Y lrJ Gl oF = E uJLlto o-oo I ulFoz u,F o z,n9zzcoo2ZtfJO(L l! EEia; =' F uJ o-q-ot1{E2E< CLo .rQ6E9fira9EE => =lrJ:-E E=|) dtrE R*E 66 9 \tttE XO-t x>t q- o-i!i ul t0 -] - ts =E.lrl o-zoF(Jf E, 6zo(J !8tr c =F G'{J Js ! (t' cc! z -tlJ- (u+,ItsoPln :z +)(d CL ii =zo r.o <! x O uJe. 4 €l= | '-lr\ I;l- |cl I ;l il El "'l(ut Jldsl lrl ol z.l OIqJl 5l al>l u-lol zl 3lolFI I I I I .lol =.1ol Lul 5l al>l tr-lol zl 3lolr-l zl ol ;l u-lol fl lltlHI'!l all(ul11 Al4:lfislItrl0.| -rl E=l 151 Fl Fl il Eulzul(J J EF uJ UJ t2? E3fF.-6o z r llJ = Eh9x o2<()qHtrntr v uJ z 1HY*d6o'(J UJ tu ()z u,lF llJ zg (E e $Fl blFit rt tr els 3H!nf:ii_<9{, < :.9 zIF-<'<!1 .-fh;F1io9i'iz t <i<az =2zA-3:3 Q <i)<oltlz "i5i|e:t =!,:<o'ig"{ lEr<a>-t9Htr<'l Fz ur Eulq uJ tr ul o J tt lll F J F llt .E E J F !.t =tr= olll o z -0J If o lro =, =oF I : o NOtrvn'lvn s'\Br o oz 4 N : z L oF(.) Fz O z = o p F z 6 t I ul F X llJ \t,':' ul Cc o E J F F lll =F F F IJJ !c E J u- z Fzu, ul uJ\F<r JhJii {< z ! E u,l '.t"HIH=<Fg<:IFzFFI -<Ol,Q"n(J ) < .- Y z a.I I F < |,.Flq -lii';E[i 6x;egeelz* <4;{azalzz^):9<E5tF.Loa0o<iJ<oaz: >;=::rt6E;;<a - <69-"r!?- i -. < c t > - 'a.< o i '.Htr=<r(<};,1 ul UJ C) 1 1 uJ u, z E \ c 1\ UJ z s l';. li I' 1..'l-ii ,..i z UJ F I:\' z t l! lr. z J F E llJc z o J IJJ IJJ ttv UJ z J z E J 2{ u,l E (J ul)tl] =o ulo z IJJ Jo c uJ F Y 3 t! J =ulz a utE zo F 6 2o F UJF a t:. z oJ lll QY t0 ul J F z uJ J tu ,4 gt-o ul ctIUJ xe;= z ul t! zFtt z IJJ Fzo l!u, ut u, llJ o J z JJ Btx UJ l.] \. J <t 3tz o ul l.|- 6 UJ o- tt, tuJYz E uJ tr ul ;oz F F u,l3 UJ 4 z o ql z @ E uJ z UJtt r! = { .\ 2 F lrJ ul z F d IJJ oz oo F llJF J u,l e, Foul z J C)ul ) t! F ul oFv, .iz z ztf o z Js ut E E o Ft!; z o z 6 = J O z () ul J F ut J uJ tr|l F F F NOtMlVA ! .E=r=HleoO =,2 =ql-- f o UJ E z \, z tr 9 J ul o t'. \ It ul o = l-:' I :- \ L IJJ E z UJ ccoo E .F qt E z qJ :F zf E Y Jo F 1... Fo E. fl-t.:E /\, r sr \>io .' -_" tL N -gr z - : ,ltD - a0...5 z F ==&.6 9o=>:z =< :9 ;^i lllz N llt ; l l l'\ Y 3 tt. z tr = IJJ -)<'.C\ IJJ2Uo u,l6 E zz J A3NMO UOICVUJ, -NOJ Lc3ltHf,uv 'cs3(r 1V9r'r YAILt,|AlB & s l[TATt0l DtsrRlcr RESID€NIIAL'WATER t sR'€R TAP IEE CllJlrSTIO'{ MI€ OF }TI?JE O'iIER srREEf AqDRfss ---=:7-tii{-- 2.Q.-----' ttsc* BIIIITE ADDRESS BASIN & rcllEr, (oNe xnlr SATHI fix I.n = O vrrii iofrioil"rF o rox lcO ^.-,-,-l^rxoRAm iJIb)/ prflsrcAr_ | .* *o /B *L EfiRA SII{ICS ffi,HT* '*, /zx BASIN, TOILET' [s#*Li"ll9,H?ox Lm sruDlos) ,75 5,m a -2b APARNENTS KITC.€NS DtshulAslcRs IAJN'RIES . hEn nxmi) tcE l,lAcilINES SATNAS WATB COOLERS & l'tAIER FOWTAIIIS s1,lil"r4lNc POts JAc1izl OIJTSIDE YIATER .t[ttl$[r4 oF cNE, RT BA1TIS rcoi's KITCTEN DIS-l'lAsf€R LATflDRIES :nsIE WATER TSTAL POINTS (> (J .'. (2 a ix2,fipx!.8 bx .50 ,E= ,E- x x '6. 7, 8. 9. 10. @--(2 x.E= t\'iffi = l. 2, 5, ll. 5. x x x x x' 3.m LM ?:ffi .50 I : !I 1 x 1.00 = FLr-s{rNG 1}E eqtlLfl 1:{:"9i".fl:qf"1Rl..'?!rfi.'#*sffi ,TE fii$iii iSttffiiitresttrlii{i"Si$iti}i:iP,l:T$:nu';ilg1"1l j:::il' l5H'tlltslih,liil,i:':"p,'*i:l^tTd^*;:llt;,Fn:i,,;,"1{iil$i[1*1[f.'-5,i:'i:3"'i1il'jiii##.l"llf "Iit#ll""il'#'ffi :$l'#"if"el'f,iiit fSWJ;f; i'"'.iil:i[!it?ffif ii,ff iil* b.iir'i' frie n c su t LD r *G o'*rER' $ t{\T ER ffi"li.R' l,fftl,i "n" o* D I .TRI cr iib isieii iinvlcE ot^r$E' \ Y r! ut zf F o u,ozg ul tt J Fzu/ E IJJo ul L =tr="t i o z I o Jf rOt\ lre =, =etl- ,l $ NOtlvn'lvA lt l- Klo ct = -l z- st;- dl *t z Fq* d,6F!(9o =>-2:< >(J - c'j ' I .\ $ $ \/) IUt 3af Z Sfl -*J '-I e AJp rnOecnoN REeuEsr DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME WED THUR FRI BUILDING:PLUMBING tr FoOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS P IPING NAIL tr POOL /H. TUB tr u tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MEGHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr tr tr tr HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL J/APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED EINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORDATE rrvOecrroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE (,;/' tit- tt 1z JOB NAME i1),rc,rrrt -'ktr0-t wED rHUR (_ FFL)AM/ PM CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr D tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr tr FRAMING INSULATION GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL; tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr BOUGH tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS N CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR r-l / ETFINAL FINAL CI-APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE t> -/:)-INSPECTOR.. iFffiiFFiqfff* t rlr*crroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL I weo (1ililF-) rnr .ffi-\ pr,,r DATE h/B/qs JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FBAMING tr ROUGH / WATER INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL - tr POOL/ H. TUB ELECTRICALT tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr APPROVED CORREGTIONS: DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,or, 6 -- /q '--"2 ,? rNspEcroR Onor:Lcf,"t-**nv O e crl o N R E e U Esr WED TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER READY FOB LOCATION: INS ECTION:TUES THUR FRI I, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER /. MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR IN*CTION REOUEST DATE l'-5 JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: o THUR BUILDIl{G: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED DATE INSPECTOR IT.TilECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER ] '' ',' INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: ,AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. EI ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr FRAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING O SHEETBOCK NAIL tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL O FINAL ELE trT trF trc tr_ CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr o tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRE'CTIONS: - DATE INSPECTOR .' Ci-^'q1&"ts-\ pL:c, - Lu q* 5e7 G- rrJ],o co.rstrae*w ,.7 z I Gwovdt,r l, ' \ ' , ^nl.t U^",*PtIrc,q *nu* {d luu$pra,"*, tnu-c*--tp- , r,/\sr"v ' PW yt9s rr.rOecnoN REeuEsr VAIL WED THUF *rf tTOW DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION:MON (.--TU--E FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. CI ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr o tr o tr FRAMING INSULATION SHEETBOCK tr tr tr GAS PIPING NAIL POOL / H. TUB FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING C}'ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr APPROVED D DISAPPROVED .tsqerruspecroN REeUTRED DATE INSPECTOR INOECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR FHI AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr tr tr E tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL D POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING o tr tr ROUGH tr D tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL F,APPBOVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rnOecrroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FRI AMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr D tr tr tr D UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W,V. ROUGH / WATERtr tr FRAMING INSULATION GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr BOUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED E] REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR €4cp5:ruiffi .?o, *o*, /t i, !,,/ DATE READY FOR INSPECTION:MON cfLTR ryP' wED ITCEcTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL THUR FRI LOCATION:,r---r-- 7t B tr tr tr tr tr tr UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr D tr UMBING: FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERFRAMING INSULATION GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR /rrruel FINAL E nPPnovED ,/,-i -.<' bt,;( /6 - ---'*'OonnebrroNS: ., . . tr DISAPPROVED 6-/:, DATE INSPECTOR INOECTION REQUEST OWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER ./1, READY FOR LOCATION: MON TUES WED ; THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ PLUMBING: - tr UNDERGROUND - - tr ROUGH/D.W.V. - D ROUGH/WATER - tr GAS PIPING z D POOL i H. TUB t_l - O FINAL MECHANIGAL: - tr HEATING - tr EXHAUST HOODS - tr SUPPLY AIR - r'l O FINAL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL 0-- D tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr FINAL ,d'neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR INOECTION REQUEST MON TUES WED T. THUR FRI DATE 'L',toe READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:AM, PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION O GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB d tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr T'l ROUGH o E tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIBED DATE DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER ITTOCCTION REQUEST WN F VAIL THUR FRI tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTION: ,,/. l-t -. TUES !neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING N INSULATION tr GAS PIPING EETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB D FINAL tr FINAL EL tr o tr tr ECTRlCAL: TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ,or. 4/ 2 f *' 77 rNSpEcroR / - " -'-l ''* INOECTION REQUEST TOWN OF V DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES WED LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr tr tr HEATING tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr RE]NSPECTION BEQUIREDtr DISAPPROVED INSPECTOR DATE READY FOR JOB NAME IT.TOECTION REQUEST N REINSPECTION REQUIREDDISAPPROVED AM L TroN:,:JJ,', L,{ t1 , t 711 tl -t /-'\ ,BUILDh[E D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr coNDUrr SUPPLY AIR ,-'--\' /' .Er ( - ''-', O FINAL FINAL b. APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DATE .."./' )6t-':z INSPECTOR /t' ; rrvOecrroN REeuEsr TOWN OF . '- -.: ,'ri,t,s,t THURY;msl_ DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES __-- 4- i .rl , '*'-l) DISAPPROVED B BEINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr o o UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING I R b o o -f INSULATION. SHEETROCK GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB FINAL FINAL f ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DATE , INSPECTOR 'rt*rlFqwiEtf'*ni{lrtffi o EnLq tq4?\,l "JfrYtJOB NAME INSPECTION:2&79 DATE READY FOR LOCATION: IruOECTION REQUEST OF VAIL CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER INSULATION lt,n,'tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELE trT trR trc tr- CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL }.neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,orr4/tt-- 7f rNSPEcroR / ;. q..:,iil1:., .. 7,T.5,;|' a ruOecrroN REeuEsr DATE READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: NAME CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION GAS PIPING SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED ,/ / -- f/ ,)2,n,DATE + / I. .f /. INSPFCTOB "t''l rruOecrroN REeuEsr 6ALLER .t/-' t'i.. '''r't )277fr7::,-.)-,;, -., ruES wED THUR FRr ''z'6';! l:'nl ''ai) pM PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. O ROUGH / WATER DATE lo JOB NAME ('READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: BUILDING: tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL rn4Mrruc o/r(suunrroruL/' tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL O POOL / H. TUB D tr FINAL .,yAPPROVEDr'coRnecloNS: ,I REINSPECTION BEOUIRED ' j.";n / "",',',,': ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr o tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR INSPECTORDATE lruOecnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL u stDATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESINSPECTION:FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING O INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL KPPnoveo QolFEeFleNs: tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR INOECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL oerc Lt ^. 3 '-' 7f .toe r.JAve READY FOR INSPECTION:MON THUR FRI /- .at/'*'rgLOCATION:ftr BUlLDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL }:Jili;"ROUGH / WATER GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS T] CONDUIT SUPPLY AIB APPROVED ftr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: I DATE 3 INSPECTOR INOECTION REQUEST DAIE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME TOWN CALLER UES WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. O ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING KNsurAroN t1w6 GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT y'neenoveo /"o*"="r,o*a, O DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REOUIRED ,I ri "': - :)' fl p .;, DATE "'F- '"** + '"., " .t" tNSpEcroR {\.! t''-t'et---<- INOECTION REQUEST oote 3 *' ? 'B'-";ti6e NnMe INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V.D FOUNDATION / STEE- ING tr BOUGH / WATER INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: N TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING tr tr tr BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL T] APPROVED CORRECTIONS: 13 clt r REINSPECTION REQUIRED t DATE rruOecnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL ar',,.'lt.Ao CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI ______@r, t/t' .-t1 -'lO; ,'- e<,4- / /-/'l ,1 cDATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON ,r/ READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING"*K';;,.tr ROUGH / WATER O GAS PIPING tr tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL tr tr FINAL EL o tr tr tr ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED')?Tt * /9 lrraf Fi*,stlz+) aft-e( \ -1 DArE ? -- "--J -' -7f lNSPEcroR ---iF-,'rr--. INOECTION REQUEST orr -4- 7 l-77*B NAME BEADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D BEINSPECTION REQUIRED TOWN VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND N ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING O SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR .(, _{\ 'DATE .8'^-INSPECTOR DATE READY FOB LOCATION: INSPECTION: B NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FRI !i - /1-+ /J - / ? /).;l BUILDING: E FOOT,INGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOLJNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND,,a-/ rt't'E_ lF /6"t14 /z ROUGH /o.w.v. tfr tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION D GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H, TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: N TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED t '? /^/DAre ) */ '- t'/ INSPE6TOR