HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING 1 HAZARDS LEGALORDINANCE #29(Series of 1982) AN EMENGDNCY ORDINANCE AMENDING ONDINANCE NUIUBDn 16, SEnIES OF 1982 , AppLyrNG TI|E PROVISIONS OF SAID ONDINANCtr TO TIIN IIIGIILAND PANK SUT}DIVISION, AND PROVIDING CIRTAIN CONDI- TIONAL RIIQUINIJMINTS WIIICII MUST BB MI]T BY INDIVIDUALS 1YISIIING TO CONSTNUCT A BUILDING OR STRUCTURE IN SAID SUBDIVISIONS. Y{llEnDAs, the'rown of vail retalned craycomb Englneerlng Associates, rnc. to do a drainage and slope stability analysls of the Highland Meadows and vail Virlage lyest, subrlivision, and vflIEREAs, claycornb Dnglneerlng Associates, rnc. has completed said report ancl recommends therein certain amendments to Ordinance #16, Serles of 1982, and I,VHEREAS, the Town Council has concluded that said amendments SHOUI,D be made for the benefit of the health, safety and welfare of the lnhabltants of the Town of Val1; NOW, TITEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED By THE TOWN COUNCTL OF THE TOWN oF VAIL, COLOnADO, .IIIAT: Section 1. Ordlnance #16, Series of t982, Sectlon 1ls hereby amended to read as follows 1. A11 appllcatlons for buildlng pe.rmits for any bulldlngs or structures or for any cuts and fllls for any lots located in the Highland Meadows Fillng 1, Hlghland Meadows Flling 2, Vall Village ltest Flling 1, and Vall Vtl-lage West FiIinE 2, and IIIGHLAND PARK subdivisions, shall be accompanied by an extremely detailed geotechnical solls investlgatlon, WHICH SHALL BE PERFORIIED DURING ASSUMED THE SPRING OF THE YEAR OR UNDEN/FULLY SATURATED SOILS CONDITION, whlch shall set forth existing ground water conditions, depth of bed rock, slope stabtltty.condttlons, and design parameters for foundatlons and subsurface drainage requirements. A11 foundation ldeslgns rnust wlthstand lateral loads as determlned by said geotechnlcat lNVestlgatlon, OR HAVE TIIE ABII.,ITY TO FLOAT WITH SUCH LATERAL LOADS. SUBDRAINS SHALL BE REQUIRED FOR ALL BUILDINGS OR STBUCTURES IN SAID SUBDIVISIONS AND NO CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY SHALL BE ISSUED FOR ANY SUCH BUILDING OR STRUCTURE UNLESS SUBDRAINS IIAVE BEEN INSTALLED. -2- A11 such geotechnicar i'vestlgations must be done by a rlcensed professional engineer, qualified in georoglcal ancl soils evaluatlon and all solI samples for such geotechnrcal investlgatlons must be obtained from an area which in the footprlnt of the proposed building or structure. AII butlding perrnlt appllcations shall be submitted wlth plana of the proposed structure.or bulldlng containing a written certifi- cation by the lndivldual who performed the required geotechnical survey that sald plans are ln assordance with hts recommendat ions . Sectlon 2. The Town council specificarry flnds and states that lt is the opinion of the Town council that an emergency exists antt ttrat thls ordinance l-s Lmmedlately necessary for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare and the provisions of thls ordinance shall take full force and effect upon adoptlon iri accordance wlth the Charter of ttre Town of Vail as an emergency measure. Sectlon 3. If any part, section, subsectlon, sentence, clause or pbrase of this ordinance is for any reason herd to be lnvalid, such decision shall not affect the validlty of the remalnlng portlons of thls ordinance; and the Town council hereby decrares that it would have passed thls ordinance and each part, sectlon, subsection, seDtence, crause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, section, subsectlon, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared lnvalld. Sectlon 4. The Town councll flnds, determlnee and decr.aree that thls ordlnance ls necessary and proper for the health, safety and werfare of the Town of Vail and lts inhablta.nts.