HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING 1 LOT 9 LEGALTOI,|,NM Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Minor Alteration DRB Number: DR8010365 Project Description: Replace wood shakes with a new metal roof Participants: OWNER MICHEI-, JOAN L. REVOCABLE TR10/30/2001 Phone: MICHEL, JOAN L. TRUSTEE 25279 MCCLURG RD VERSAILLES MO 65084 License: APPUCANT Red Eagle Construction 10/30/2001 Phone: 970-927-3100 P.O, Box 398 Basalt, Colorado 81621 License: FrojectAddress: 1770 ALPINE DRVAIL Locataon: 1770 Alpine Drive Legal Description: Lot: 9 Block Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 1 Parcel Number: 210312312006 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Moton By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DaEofApProvalt LLIOTIaOOI Gonditions: Cond: 8 (PUCN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Plannen Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 ruWffi Application for Design Review Departnent of Community Development 75 Souft frontage Road, Vail Cobrado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: This application b br any project requiring Design Review approval. Any pmject requiring design rwiew must receive. approval priff to submiting a buitding permit application. Please reEr b the s$mittal requirenrents for thepa-rticuhr appro/al that is requesEd. An application fur Design Review cannot be accepted until all required infunrEtion is received by the Community Da,ebpment Deparunort. The pmject may abo rieed m be rcviewed by the Town Coundl and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Ilesign Reviemr Board approval lryse; unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the aplroval. Description of the Request: Location ofthe Proposal: Lot: Physical Address: Parcet No.: 2 lO3/+? | 7DOb (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at Szo-{fe-md parcel no.) Zoning:5t9* Name(s) of Orner(s):Joail zTre)*4 Mailing Address: Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: '53-5 Type of Review and Fee: tr New ConsblrtionD Adclition l< MinorAlteration tr Changes toAppmved Plans $20 $200 $50 $20 For construction of a new building or derno/rebuild. For an additon where square botage is added b any residential or commercial bulldirE (irrludes 250 additbns & interbr @nversions). For minor changes b buildings and site improvemenb, sr.Eh as, reroofing, paintirE, wirdow addifons, hndscaping, ftncec and retaining walls, eb. For revEions to plans already appoved by Planning Sbff or the Design Rotiew Board PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPUCATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQIJIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF @MMUNITY DEVELOPMEMI, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. d)L,i.2r.'4r4t4L !iLz?4'7j+l l{EUeR &t|{( HR WP 97A32A9'/6 ,-ffi Drscdption of ftrRGCu+ lsY).78s PP..\/L Applicatlon for Design Radeur Dcpsrnprt ol @nnrfi bdcDlfglE us Sortr RfiqcRoilt, vail CoEa.h SlE t t!l: 9t0.,{?5.21!g itr t0,{t9.z,r5z !16! ruilr,ciul'lrgll Gaenllnbnne$ocr T,"-+pi"t"r -i ra nl FEI€d tc$riig Dcsr'$ nlvitr,rpFu'el' AV Fotc .r$,Ilq gfljflfi* lsfi u'stf,t qir O si{hfur a Uqfqins rflil +la$n, qeuc rcrb h! slrlltbllqurErtlrE tlr lrc batald'.lrnilii urrt r-rcnirEtr+ rrr -+plaui m oeirt RRiar q1ry! lc Sllgig ll-1gtrhEnafrn E rcept Uy Ur Omrrilt DevdoFncft DlPittrtlm, nlryFGtrt lF_IEd tD I GttilEs ct iitilsl'Cor[d !14ror'dt'Eitf4 a4d slvttiftrncntilcoriltttrt" q=sn Rcr'Ia" !!fd 1qry1 ltl"r nlcs e bullll trrdt b |drrd-||[ con tucdcn ilunter tliln o|| ysr c uE TF|!I|L bcation of the Prnpclt Lsh-?-dodl- SubdMdonl 4< ourne(r)sbrmrr{s}: llNt|le0f lpFllcilt PfrUrlallddrrs tTzQ 4//otz 're V 'lt y'? .', . .- - Perccl ]b.= W(Curtsc eagleCo. Asscqaatg0'@ Pdrcel m') Zsning: llrm43)ofonnrl(sr',, dD*Al tflrq'lFA l|eillng Mdrarr; $200 F corEE rEbn!f I nHhilldtrg 0rogm/hDtld, ff an addion $filG qrltc, t*9€ 15 add b.my tdcflfl of lmirrral urlahs (Lrd&F 250 qiditbG i l&dor eITw|IF EI Fr nlmr Eiflqes -b hfldhG rrd.EE liP|cl,qflsfl, such ir'. rcnonm, FdrB, rnOor -dldqE b*aphl llllc rtd Itllhlng iltF !t ln r rstilfir b phm afodt aPPMGd bf Plqrftg $df a UE D!sl$ R6de|r Bom PT ASE S,EIET THS lFPl&ATgl, Alt srBllnT^L RHpnE}|grrs At|o rxe ne ro 'nE EAnl'rE[T 0F coilHlI[TY DEYH'FTEIr, 75 srfi morrAGE RolD, vAlL cd.oR F 1165t. Twcof lsulewand Feeitr rfewortuuqltr ^ddbnX HlnaAbrlbn $20 tr AF|EE3FAPF'ffiPIilE $50 Helfing Addrcrs: l*|}ll'|t'l*l****llt'i{t'}****a*****t****l*:}'t'l'lr:}'t*'lrll**'lr**r***,}**{r't'}**********'t*'t'}{t**{'*'tl*'t**{t*'}***t} TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statsn€nt Statement, Number: R000001647 Amount: 920.00 lO/3o/2o0LO2:52 Pu Palnnen! Method: Check Init,: JAR Notation: Check# 7516 Permit, No: DRB010365 Type: DRB - lfinor Alteration Parcel No: 210312312006 Site Addrege: L770 AIJPINB DR VAIIJ Locatsion: 1770 Alplne Drive Total Feeg: $20. O0 ThLe Palment: $20.00 Total'AIJr PmtE: $20.00 Balance: 50.00 t*'t*** 'i** *'ttl' ** **'lr* *'l*** *'t*!r* ++'lr'i* *'l't't'i* ***{.* lt||t*** f *'t{r{r* ** ***'l+!**'*** *'}'}* * ** * +4t'}it*ft}'l.t*'}*ft*'} ACCOTJNT TTEM LIST: Account Code Descrjption Current ffis OR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEbI FEES 20.00 BUITDING DIVISION OF EAGTE COUNTY, P. O. BOX I79 couRTHousE, EAGTE CO. - PH. (303) 328-6339 PERMIT NO. BP-12-79 Enclose Stalnrell -relocate bathrm., pERMrr ro & washer & dr-yer (_) sroRy ITYPE OF IMPROVEMENT)NO. BUILDING FrErD coPffl ( CONT R'S LI CENSE I v ln NUMBER OF OWELL ING UNITS ( PROPOSED USE) PERMIT oo.r. February 26 ,, 79 o"".,"on, Robert Beckman./Les Ettfn-ger **.." Box Dl-S (STREETJ Ar (LocArroN) 1770 l,l. Alpine ZON ING D ISTR ICT(No.) _-.-- (srREETt (cRo55 STREET) o oo ciz s uBo tv ts toN Vafl Vlllaqe hlest fl BUILDING IS FI. WIDE AY TO TYPE USE GROUP .o, 9 ",- LOT stzE =E :aL REMARKS: FT. IN HEIGHT ANO SHALL CONFORM IN C R UCT ION t ONST BASE MENT WALLS OR FOUNOATION (TYPE) AREA OR VOL UME EsrrMArED co", $ 300.00 FEEt't $ {C IJB ICl SQUARE FEET) owren Robert Beckman/Lester Ettlngen lsep5ss RoX n, Sterqtraet Rpf{nae, frl.BUILOING a- l EAGLE CoUNTY BUILi}.JG PERMIT APPLICATION FINAL: C/O INSPECTION, LANDSCAPE INSPECTION FORM Review Routing Form ( ) Primary RoutinE ("'f Berouting 3- /l-29 / tu * ', '. &.1*-l Applicant u /Permit No.Date Referred Location Review and return to P larrnir rg Commission File No. the County Buildirlg Official within 6 working days P lanning: Coinplies with: Subdivi sion Regul ations Zoning Regulations Site Pl an (Landscaping) Commerrts: Reviewed by: Recommend Approval : No En tr Yes mxtr m Date: County Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage Comments: Recommend Approval : n Dn D ntrun County Health: Water Sanitation Perc. test D!trtr Dtrnn Comments: Recommend Approval : Final Inspection: C/O Recommend Approval Comments: nn Firral Inspection: Landscapi Recommend Approval Commerrts: ngND C,/o lssued Final Filing Date by Date R._blF,i:i:""?slI#$trffi#ffiMH(FINAL: C/O INSPECTIONISFIDSCAPE INSPECIION FORM Review Routing Form ( 4' Primary Routing ( ) Rerouting /3-t-?{ Date Referred Review and Permit No- Plannirrg Commission File No. return to the County Buildirrg Official within 6 working days Applicant P lanning: Complies with: Subdivi sion Regul at ions Zoning Regulations Site Pl an (Landscaping) Reviewed by:Date: /z-5-78 Commerrts: PneKt4lGr sp+(Fs ( J spe(Es P6t? uNtr tF uuti-s r+a+uF Z sEDcooHS) 4 spnces PF,e. uptr tF ,trittrs Hnva t oe poes B€Dzoam<) County Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage Recommend Approval : Yes Knnn No EK M trtrn tr trtrnn Recommend Approval : Comments: County Health: Water Sanitation Perc. test n Dtrtr tr Etr /.2.t.?a illn Recommend Approval : Final Inspection: C/O Recommend Approval Comments: n Firral Inspection: Landscap i Recommend Approval Commerrts: nguD C/O lssued Final Filing Date by Date EAGIF C@U$STY DEPARTMINT OF PI.ANNING & DEVELOPMENT Box 179 328- 7 31 I EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 ADMINISTRATION 328-667 4 ANIIt4AL SHELTER 949-4292 455E550 R 328.659 3 BUILDING I N SPECT ION 328-6339 BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMrSSroNERS 328.6809 CLERK & RECORDER Eaqle 328-6377Baialt 927.3244 December 28, L97B cour.rTY ATTO R N EY ENGINEER 328.6337 ENVIRONMENTAL HEA LTH 328-7 718 EXTENSION AGENT 328.6370 LIBRARY 324-7747 PUBLIC HEALTH Ea qle 328"6594Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NG 328-6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328-6591 SHERIFF Ea qle 328-651 |Baiall 927 -3?44 Gilman 827-5751 50c lA L 5E R V ICES 328-6328 TREASU RE R 328-5376 RE: Building Permit APPeal At their meeting on 27 December 1978, the Board of County Commissioners gianted your buiid'ing permit with the following condjtions: 1. You must present a new site plan shor^l'ing 3. additionai dimensioned parking spaces on sjte and 5 undersized spaces in the front. 2. You must present to the County a bond for the spring construction of the 3 additional parking siacei. Upon completion of construction, a tbmporary tertjfibate of occupancy w'i11 be issued for oneUuitaing season, and, in the event that the required parking is not constructed' the County'will uie the-bond to construct the parking' 3. The toilet in the basement "al1-purpose" room must be removed. Please be advised that parking on the County right-of- way is not allowed, and any cars on the right-of-way may be towed away. Lester Ettinger P.0. Box 1 Steamboat Springs, Co. 80477 sv/j k cc: Board of CountY Commiss'ioners gc,?4" Susan Vaughn >*"'t-^ aor Rlg .^fln I n*\ULa,m{-1 \-arn rra. J *,rU [,L t Aepn! {t" d*^Q { srnur4 \oA \J,*q rI.|[ .C"J-,; h^il (F$"qJt\r-,tq renson'( r t l \ w'\\ ^nJ'& 3 rsdd'tr'-q F*E^i SPnc% A s Soo.- a'a 0and'{ta'ct \ aL"^,\';-z Pe^"s* {t''\'[ q\"h A-'"" Co.^,*8-.,*d \^-o^ i,1 /x'\&'e'^ fr Wff, I I *il 'solK ut P 1 ..'-,--4 .'.-1-'-"'- E(T\q- ?>s-- R d,, I'i F F -- --l .) - - - - - r- .-r .-- .- ? -a I\7 1 rr l\ lr-l'.9\;F= \l-' i rn*\ o _l LLtfr'-' OC'SgN I UdS IVOS yrlVlXS 3nN3AV N]oCN11908 c xos0291-628/80e :tNOHdtl3J_ 'cNl s.rr-3yc3g Iot o !isl Lt ur r.tq (oot'1 '""+[lllll 4,r. *.rr. FAeil.il et?, 'ii,i,':jir Y DIiI'Alt',J;itri:N1'O|t p t",4 N l,/.1 NG 6 'Itc>x .779 328- EAGLE, COI-ORADO 81631 o DM ti l,ot'ttIiN l' 7317 o rr(Jrtltu (Jt_ (.\rLrt\ | Y CO fv1l.'1 lS5ION i:- ll5 32S.62O9 :nt)l\,11^!ISTRATION ANIIiAL SI'IE I-TE R 949.4292 A55E5SO R JZ O.O: J J BUILDING I f.,t sPccT I oN o<o-9JJy CLEIiK & RECOROER Eaqie 328.6377Baiall 927 -32r+4 cour,tTYATTORi\EY2.rE -^a-! n ENGIf.IEER 323.6337 ENVI RONNlENTAL HEALT H 328-77 t8 EXTENSION AGENT 328-6370 LIBRARY 328-77A7 PUBLIC HEALTH Ea.rle 328-6594Vail 47 6-5844 PLANN ING 328.6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328.659 | SHERIFF Ea qle 328.6 6 | I t'f,SAtL J/-t..i/_44 Gi!rnan 827-5751 SO C IAL SERVICES ozo-oJzo TREASURER328.6376 Decenber 5, 197I Robert Beckman Box D Steanboat Sptings, Co. 80477 RE: Appl.ication f or Buildittg Per:mit in EagLe Countg 7770 W. ATpine, VaiT ViTlage West - Denied The Eaglc Courttg AuiJdjng Dept, requires that appiications for Builcling Perni ts jn EaqTe County be routed to tltc DagJ-e Countg Pl,anning, Engineering, and Envi t'onmental Hcalth de- partnents for their connen ts plJ-ol to issuance of t'hF r\a'r'm; t'< Your appJj ca ti on r1'as routecl on J2/I/78. Listed belovt are the conments and reconmendations which wete made bg Xhe above departments during thc routirlg procedure. If gou have ang questions or vtish to get a further explanation, p-lease contact the appropriate departtnent. PLANNING: Not approved.. "Site pTan nust show: 7) Drivewag; 2) Adequate on-site parking spaces (2 spaces per unit if unjts have 2 bedrooms, 4 spaces per unit if'units have 3 ox more bedtooms) . - ,/ f7r .?€-4c,- a-a'--,--t VA.u--.-4'.^-W 328-73L7 Ext. 234 ,tl I I ( HEALTH: Approved. ft wouTd be to gout advantage probJems and / or require:ntents to deJag the j ssuance of gout. than necessary. \ \ .<!.r-)"\*.. , -. .y',.'. / if gou begin to resoTve ang as soon as possj bl"e so as not building permit ang Tonger *P (i- n/:lra 'Lr!&-7-v'r-;'Les Doug Yas EagIe Countg RuiTding Of f icial" ( L...,,"rr,"' .--*.. j->.ru LD/ jk P A Y E E OETACH THIS STATEMENT AEFORE DEPOSITING CHECK Becketfs,lnc. 6 OATE ACCOUNT OR INVOICE NO.It DEscRrP(i+6\I 7 orro, "t OISCOUNT OR OEOUCTION NET AMOUNT rr fro/". [J ir 44\funn '.\ (Soa (So EMPLOYEE'S NAME Beckett's, lnc. PAY PERIOD ENDING NET EARNINGS PA ID GROSS EARNINGS EMPLOYEE: THIS IS A STATEMENT OF YOUR EARNINGS ANO DEOUCTIONS FOR PERIOD INOICATEO. KEEP THIS FOR YOUR PERMANENT RECORO, f.4-o BUILDIN G PERMIT APPLIC o AT roN I Juridiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION 11) , fQ terl.*, €-- n, I ry,f l rl aDDi Ess \\ tr{oNE llCExst llO.altl\RA MArt aool Es s txoNE IICENSE NO. EN GIN EE MAIL AODR EsS FXO'{C Lrc€N5€ NO. MAll aDor E 5s liaNcn 8 crasof work: tr NEw D A00tTt0N RALTERATToN tr REPATR tr M0vE tr REM0VE A,r- \p€.\ .- R L'*L ?,*t[o*- 10 Change ol uie from Ghange ol use to fl Vafuation of work:$ 3@,OO SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size of 81d9. (Totalt Sq. Ft. No. ol Storier Firo Sprlnkl6rr Reouirod [r7q [616APPLICATIOI\I ACCEPTED 8Y APPAOV€O FOff ISSUANCE BY OFFST REET PARKING SPACES. NOTICE SEPAFATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUM8. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONOITIONING. THIS PERMIT EECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WOBK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMM ENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHEN SPECIFIEOIEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOT PEESUMS TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROY€I€ITS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGcjlrilsTRuc{roN oR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTTON. HEALTH OEPT, FIRE OEPT. SOIL REPORT WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED IIN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION Q-;a+4br Form l0O.l 1-77 INSPECTOR 6"0* /r", I' &e.wA tl , ud*tt ,/ 66.c[,nl Olog, r { € \) ,y'pcdul*\ I \$el*""' I-t "i" 1 flo*^- INVENTORY Intemational Shops, Inc. Date..................... Writer Other Areas......... Quanlity Code Mfs. #Description Retail I ! It r^ , a oo w,t1?0 )"; l' \ \ cPErCD .!o PSU? E:J sa5 O s*^Ld ;.H 6 UJ IJ.I()IJE oJoo ct lrl o \t\a E E G) CL o-i 'irrirti r{i o o c, E A o. ql ,7 d t2 (t, 5< a^ \df ur q Gj es ,5/ PLAN CHECK VALIOATION A-4t44,/3t cnc @r Form 10O.2 ll-73 r.o.o.. rror: PLUMilF\c PER^,rr APPLI&noN PERMIT VALIDATION INSPECIOR ary Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered s,,,ces only. ib ul. N(e,*^P I oa3cr.)i,[ ,, llu'qz,*'3 Htl;Jt"lil'' A.\4*,B;'x) tHoic ltcaxlc No. M IL AOOIC53 tHoli E trcE|5a rro, fNCINEE M rl ADOiISS PrOXa Lrcar!a r{o. Mlrr! aoDlE 35 alancx 8 Crass of work: D NEw D A00lTr0N Vnlrennrror O REPATR lyp. ot Firturr d llin WAT€R CLOSET (TOILET'SPECIAL CONDITIONS: LAVATORY (WASH BASIN} KITCHEN SINK & OISP, APPLICATIOIT ACCEPIEO EY Af'PROVTO FOF ISSUANCT IY LAUNORY TRAY CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATER N OTICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO €XAMIN€D THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANC€S GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEO HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW R€GULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. U R INAL ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR SINK OR ORAIN GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EOUIP. WASTE INT€RCEPTOR ITWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK I PIT BLY VALIDATEO (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUF PENM]T tllTl RiaATlOll AL ColilFEil'{cC <lr rulLOll{G O7FlclAL3..x.. rr!! ro^D. ruumill.ro PERMTTmpu&rloN Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. \.',1[::r rrrrcnro sxrrry ,-"^'j/."^.,i' ,. -. ^rcxrtEcr or ces c{€F t1 o ! /r 8 Ctass of work: D NEw C A00tTt0N E ntreRertot tr REPATR I Describe *ork' ., .. . l,' tt P€RMIT FEES Typ. of Fixtuta or ltam SP€CI AL CONDITIONS:tlrATER CLOSET (TOl LETI BATHTUS LAVATORY (WASH BA5IN ) KITCHEN SINK & DISP. APPIICATION ACCEPT€O 8Y PLAIIS CxCCXCO 8Y APPAOVTO FOR ISSUANCE AY UAUNORY TRAY CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATER NOT ICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO AE TRUE AND CORRECT- ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEO HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMTT OOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. UR INAL OR INKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR SINK OR ORAIN SLOP SINK GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM EREAKERS I,-AWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANX & PIT TOTAL FEE WHEN PNOPERLY VALIOATEO {IN TXIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR P€RMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION -t.-..--.i. t rt..1. i- -.4 '' :- " cnc @r Form I00.2 I l-73 PERMIT VALIDATION TEMP. F]LE ll'aTERraaTrolrAL cox FE R tftc ! oF lut Lot xc OrFlClALt..xo tirYrr.r, I @ @(.o r{roo - --oz zo The ruCIfr River Insuran." Clnpany' A New Jersey Corporation Home Office: Torwrttip of Morris, N. J. GNUI & FORSTEB IISURAXGE GOTPTTIES LTCENSE AND*ERUTT BOND (For County, City, Town or Village Only) TIIE NORTH RIVER INSURANCE COMPANY, as Surcty (hereinafter called "Surety") ue held and firmly bound unto Eaqle Count KNow ALLMEN BYTHEsEPRESENTs,THATIvE, Beckett's, INc' o1 Va i 'l . Col orado as principal (hereinafter called '?rins.ipal" an6 VALID TF FILLED IN FOR MORE THAN $ T O,OOO.OO) for the payment whereof, well and truly to be made, we do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administraton, succes. sors and assigns, jointly and severally, frnrly by these presents Sigred, sealed and dated the-{L[h- day of-J!,nlli.fJ- AD. P 79 WTIEREAS, a LICENSE or PERMIT has been grante d by the Obligee to the above bounden Principal authorizing him to construct three additional parking spaces at his private residence at 1770 }l- Alpine, Vail. C0 Now, therefore, the Condition of this Obligation is such, that if the said Principal strall faithfully observe the provisions of the laws, Ordinmces, and Resolutions, governing the issuance of this Ucense or Permit, then this Obligation fiall be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Uability under this bond shall terminate .r sl ths 4tlr day of-rlittlllil.rJl- , 19-80- ,as to any acb subsequent thereto, unless said bond is continued in force from year to year by the isuance of a continuation certificate siped by the Surcty. The Surety may carcel this bond at any time by filing thirty (30) days witten notice of its desire to be relieved of liabitty. The Surety shall not be discharged already aqgggd#ffitis bond, or which slull accrue hereunder before the expiration of the thirty day period.IF H-.r.r :-9!1ry:9::1*-'-'$'-d- jo#ff ,?,f fl m"c.tu"'! 1".' day of A-D. 19- personally appeared , to me known and known to me to be and who executed the foregoing bond, and he acknowledgsd to me that he executed the same. STATB OF COI,JNTYOF Before me, this the said the individual described in My Commission Exlres t9 (Corporate)(Notry Pubfc) srATEoF Colorado lo, COUNTYoF ftsutf ] Before me, thjs 4th day of JanuarJ AD. lgT9personally appeared the said Lpster Ettinger ,who acknowledged himself to be the Prpcidenf of , a corporatiur, and that he as zuch officrr being authorized so to do, executed the foregoing instrument for the purpces therein contained by siping the name of the corporation by himself as such offic€r. My Commission Expires June l8 , 19 80 ACKNOT{LEDGMENT OF (Notaty Public) SURETY srArEoFcoLoRADO COUNTYOFARABAHOE Anthe /Oa day of-e 7,/ , beforernepersonallycune GEOBGE H..nr rruU,lp] to me knoqrn, wfro, being tiy me duly swom, did depose and say: that he resides that he is the Attomey-in-Fact of TtlE NORTH RMR INSURANCE COMPANY the corporation described in and which executed ihe foregoing instrument; that ho knoyn the seal of said corporation; that the sed affixed to the said affixed under authority of the By-!4ws of said corporatiqr, and that he My Commission Expire FORM 2dt.O.4@ (A-76),rs// is such corporate seal; lhat it was so w Eaot-tt HoB O.lr-r< o \o il { FJO g g >,bao e:):'3 - O rr.,norffH,',l.li^i'trf^i.:.iort" PRINCIPAL OFFICE, TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS, N.J. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That THE NORTH RIVEN ITSURINCE COMPANY (,,Company,,) acorpor} tion duly organized and existing under the la\/s of the State of Nar Jersey, and having its Principal office in the Townstrip of Morris, State of Na,v Jersey, has mde, constituted and appointed, and does by these presents make, constitute and appoint Patricia D. Metcalf, Lloyd P. Stoik, T. W. Freiermuth, Michael ,i-KoOacz, Margaret J. Fujita, of Denver. Colorado, eactr its true and lawful Agent(sf and Attorney(sl-in-Fact, with full power and authority hereby conferred in its n8mo, place and stead, to execute, seal. acknowledge and deliver: BONDS MAXIMUM PENALTY 'Probate Bond License & Permit (For County, City, Town or Village Only) Certificate of Title Bond Motor Vehicle Salesman Bond Notary Public Bond Official Bond Undertaking (Valid only for Undertakings as required by Cotorado RCP 102(C), 104(E), 65 (C), r3-16-101, CRS 19731 $1,000,000 $ 10,qx) $ 5,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 50,000 $1 the Company thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such bonds had been duly executd and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the Company at its principal office in their own proper persons. This Power of Attorney limits the act ol those named therein to the bonds and undertakings specifically named therein, and they have no authority to bind the Company except in the manner and to the extent therein stated. This Power of Attorney revokes all previous powers issued in behalf of the attorney (s)-in.fact named above. lN WITNESS WHEREOF The North River lnsurance Company has caused these presents to be signed and attested by its appropriate officers and its corporate seal hereunto affixed this 28th day of February , lglg.. Attest:THE NORTH RIVER INSURANCE COMPANY STATE OF NEW JERSEY) COUNTY OF MORRIS ) SS': On this 28th day of Notary Public of River Insu m€nt, and officers Com by the IN first (Sisnedl .l!,ii,'il,? llJ, F,', I,,.,?f",,, Februarv 19_78_, before the subscriber, a duly qualified of Nov Jersey, came the above-mentioned Vice President and Assistant Secretary of The North personally known to be the officers described in, and who executed the preceding instru- execution of the same, and being by me duly sworn, deposed and said, that they are the and that the seal affixed to the preceding instrument is the Corporate Seal of said I and their signatures as officers were duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrurnent hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal at the Township of Morris, the day and year fusistant Secretary 'tild Company rority affHFion ot t firuv ftllPh$r. ri MY Commission gxoirr" fr,r^r 'i"i lgt r.l le1'0'8oz wJ.o o. -1 Aeplo61 sr|,|l 'Ausduloc pres eqt lo l?as VT alsrodJoJ aql paxure paqDcsqns oluneJaq frrt a^eq | 'rooreql Auoullssl ul 'l.ega pue acro, ttru u! ,uou e$ Aueduioc aqr lo 3rarl-Ag oql lo .6 uotlr€ ,'n I alJruv pue .A alcluv lo slJstlsqe pelonb a^ocB aql lsql eroulrequn, pue pe{orr uaeq lou ssrl Fxl. rroge puB iDrol llry u! sulsuar A3NUOII- JO U3MOd 6ulo6erol aqr lsql AJllU3S A83U3H OO 'ANVdl,tlOC ICNVUnSNI U3n l8 HI.SON 391 1o tuerarceg usrsllsv 'peu8Frapun aql 'l srJ.rou\l lo AlunoC Aasrar iv\aN ]o alsjls 3l\rcrJtIS3c ,,.pensst aq llgqs slusuJnr$ut qcn! uaqAr aurll aql le qJns eq ol pess*r a^?tl Aeui eq rsqr lrel aql oulpuelsqllr lou'uorlgrodJog aql lo sleJrJro Jo leclllo qcns uaaq a^gq lleqs oi{r^ suoslad lo uoslad Aue }o einlBuors eIUJrs3g} aqt palels ureJaq sasodJnd aql lol asn ol anulluo3 Ae.r, uollelodloC eql ' ' "pacnpold 6l/$Jaqlo to 'paqderooqtll 'olluJtsce| parulld aq Aeu uorlejodro3 aqr Aq pansst acueJnsut lo set3tlod pue AeuJolle ,o sraMod Aue lo suorlcao^al Jo AauJoue lo sJa/nod 'suotlslndtls 'saouszlu6oJa.| 's6ut1a1rapun ,se€luelsnE 'spuoq Aue u61s ol uoltarodroC aql Aq pazrrorilne /ei,Uro Aue ;o arnleuols eq!, :r..tnlruols alF!!r..J .6 uolrr8s .Al 3lClLUV 'lcalla puP ai,rot ilnl u! Mou ss ANvdt^loc 3SNVUnsNt 83n lU HIEON 3HI ro s,uE'l.Ag eqr lo '6 uorlJas "Al alrluv lo AUrcqlnE aql Aq pue x|un poleac pue pau61s st Aaulollv lo reiiod s!r{l ,,'uotleJodJoS eql lo lpas eql 6utxl$e 6urpnlcur ,1a1 gd?ioeJed outpaca:d aql ur pauorluauJ sesod:nd aql lo ll9 ro Aue Jo, suosrad arouj Jo auo '6u11ual ut 'lulodde ol (ql :quauraal6e lJUe6e pue suotlJglstlgs 'sasealaJ 'sa6e6l.rorl 'saseal 'spaap 'aouglnsut Jo setctlod 'suottelndrls 'AauJoUe lo sJa^ od Aue lo suorlgso^ai ro AauJollg ,o sJemod 'secugzlu6ocal 's6ut{euepun 'saatuereno ,spuoq Aue '6uro6aro; aql 6urlrulrl lnoqym'6urpnlcur ssaursnq sl! r.llli uollcauuoa ur lalaostgrll sluauln3op pue $uat11nJlsut ,suolge6rgo 'speltuoJ Aue :ant;ap pue AltJa^ 'a6palMoulce 'ol eltulsJ?l lq lo AllenupuJ leas elsjodloc aql xrlle 'alncaxa ol (El :uorlsrodrcO aqf to ltsqaq uo ran od a^er{ lleqs ,fuetar3€ luststssv ue ro'prso€ eql Aq palurodds eq llsqs auo usr{l aroul }r 'fuglarc€ Aug lo 'lleleJJ€ aql qlti uorpunfuoc u! ,lueptsaJd -ecr^ Aus lo 'lueprsard 'preog aqr ro ueurstlC-eJl^ 'preog aql lo ueurrleq3 eq!. :qu.utn4!ul lo uollncex3 *n 3lClIgV 'l3e$a pue arJol ltq u! MoU ANVdUIOC 3CNVUnSNI UJn lU HIHON 3HIlo s/ti\€l -A€ aqrlo.n alclyv ol tuensrnd peperE s! Aaurollv lo re,uod strll pus eusu Aul