HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING 1 LOT 16 LEGAL4* tt PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALI.' TIMES Nr'r^r qFp pTrrr.nrNe pF:RMTT permit *: 895-0035 o THIS //c Zzeq" a4Z"r*7 TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 APPI,lCANT CONTR"ACTOR OWNER Description: De partment of Com m unity Status...applied.. Issued. . . Expires.. Development ISSUED oz /rc /wss 0s /0s/Les5n/ot/Lee5 Job Address: 1828 ALPINE DR Location.. .; 1828 AIJPINE DR Parcel No. . : 2L03-L23-L2-01'0 Project No. : PRJ95-0017 APOSTOL PETER APOSTOL, PETER P.O. BOX 38L7, VATIJ, CO 81658 APOSTOL Phone: 303-476-5045 TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up Dq NEW P/s RESTDENCE WrTH RESTRTCTED EHU approved occupancy: F.3/Ml Type Construction: V N Dept: BUILDING Divieion: Dept: PLANNING Division: CONDITIONS-RS--- ---Dept: FIRE Divieion: Dept: PUB WORK Divisi-on: Refund sinsle Family nes w/dffAQUnt Type v Non-Rated date Valuation:350,000.00 Add sq Ftt 3492 Fireolace Infornrtion: RestPicted: YES #0f Gas App t iances:#0f Gas Logs: 1 #of [ood/Pa t tet r *****lnt**ffi**rffiffiffi FEE SUI{||^RY *fr}**f,|tffi*****tffiffi Bui f.ding---> 1,7&.@ Restuarant Ptan Revi e*--> .OO Tottl' Catcutated FeGs---> 4'997.& Pl.an ch;ck---> t,f ft.OO DRB Fcc------ Investigatio{r> .m R.cr.stion Fec-------) 525,80 TotaL Pcrrit Fee-------> 4,@7 'AO |.,i|'tca[t---->3.mctc.n-uPDGpogit-__-->5q,.mPaynents-------__-__> TOTAL FEES--_.-,,tt****ffrf tt**#ih***f, *tf,t*fi*f,t*ffi Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT03/1511995 DAN Action: APPRItbm:, O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT02/20/L995 TRYNIS Action: APPR SEEItbm:, 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT03/L5/I995 DAN Action: APPRIt'em:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKS03/1s/1995 DAN Action: APPR *tr**'.tffirf,f,}*.ffi ****f*tti***ffir*f:H,rf,trt*Jr*f*i*|Hr*f**i*iff***f,***||f***.**f,**t*t*f*Jnll"* See Page 2 of this Document for any conditione that rnay apply to th.is permit. DECLARATIONS I hercby acknon|cdgc thlt I have read this appLication, fittld out in futl, the informatim nequi red, corpteted an accurate ptot ptan, aid state th;t atL the infornrstion pro;ided as nequired is correct. r agree to conpty vith the informtion and p[ot Ptan, io cornpl,y vith att Toyn ondinances and stata Lays, and to buiLd this structure according to thc Toyn's zoning and suMivision codes,'dtsign raviar approved, Uniforn BuiLding Code and othcr ordinances of the ToHn aPpticabtc thereto- REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TIIENTY-FOUR I{OURS IN ADVANCE BY 8rrrd cttfFup o.Polit To: APoSToL Page 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 895-0035 as of is/Ll/gs status---: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Permit Type: NEw sFR BUTLDTNG pERMrr Applied--t o2/L6/L995Applicant--: APOSTOL PETER Issued---z O5/05/L995 To Expirez LL/OL/L995 Job AddreeE: 1828 ALPINE DRtocation---: 1828 ALPINE DRParcel No--: 2IO3-I23-12-0L0 Description: NEW P/S RESIDENCE WrTH RESTRICTED EHU * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOns rt!tJrtrJ.!ti$tr******** ***** ** ****!a** 1. 1. FIETD LOCATE SANITARY SEWER TO AVOID TREE LOSS (SHEET L- 2).2. MOVE SPRUCE TO NEW LOCATION-SEE SHEET L-l NOTES AND MOVE SHRUBS TO STDE OF PARKING DECK.3. MOVE CONIFER OR BUILD DECK AROUND AS PER NOTES ON IJANDSCAPING SHEET L-l4. PATINA OR DULIJ COPPER ROOF SHOWN ON EAST ELEVATION (SHEET A-6).5. ALL PIPES, MECHANICAL CHASES, FLUES, ETC. PROJECTING THRU ROOF TO BE PAINTED TI,AT BTACK OR DARK GREEN.6. EXT. LIGHT FIXTURES TO BE LOCATED AS SHOI'IN ON ELEVATIONS SHEETS A4_A7. MA:X 10 FIXTURES.2. 7. CRAWL SPACE TO BE 5'HTGH WITH EARTHEN FI.,OOR (SHEET A_8) ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * O * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *||* * * * * * * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Staternnt Nurnber: REC-0019 Amount: Payment Method: Notation: 3,897 .80 05/LL/95 15:34INiIs GM 895-0035 Tlpe: B-BUILD NEW SFR BUILDING PER 210 3-12 3*12-010 1828 AI,PINE DR 1828 ALPINE DR Total FeeE:3,897.80 Total AtL Pnts: Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No:Parcel No:site Address: Location: This Palnnent Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 4t332 01 0000 22002 30 0000 4s032 01 0000 41336 4,097 .80 4,097 .80 .00 Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PI.,AN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS RECREATION FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 1, 540 . 00 200.00 1, 131. .00 s00. 00 523.80 3. 00 - - - - .u ., .,. .l{, {, rr * r} * * * * * * * !r * * * * * * * * * * * *l * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tr J. Jr lr * rr I TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0012 Amount: Palzment Method: cK NotatiON: PP DRB 2OO.Oo 04/06/e5 L2zOL FEES INiT: TT **************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 895-0035 Type: B-BUILD NEW 2to3-123-12-010 1828 ALPINE DR 1828 ALPINE DR Total Feea: 200.00 Total AL,L Pmts: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES SFR BUILDING PER 4r097.80 200.00 3, 897 .80 Anount 200 .00 oC' o CIo 0ooo I i 8t it8 ica rgiE:.{: FE I EliBi -l EEirit iHa I8iC. lII"i EIi Hi!i hl TiHIti . Hi Hi i I t:l{lEir tsit llc ol EIIEI8 EB i B 88i ciHI HlBi(rl IHcaoE|,oCI3. co ccra 0 oo HtB;8oq a]:IE AI o o xUIAo E E|t{ E(n D o o 6 Ats aE 6 !!uF6 '!i E' o A |lI Egall1aaCFt!UFIitA 00oo rnI!roo F! AE II alD RE IIE oIIIE H nIA o T ? o0 )pct rt ! trl4a 9r-i5loq8B EE8 t THIS a ON JOBPERMIT MUST ELECTRICAIJ BE POSTED PERMIT SITE AT AI,I-, TIMES Permit *: E95-0021 TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Fronnge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 1828 ALPINE DR 1828 ALPINE DR 2lo3-L23-L2-010 PRJ9 5-0 017 Deparonent of Communiry Development Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 02/.17/.\222 r-eiued. . . : 0s/0s/L99s ExPires. . : LL/oL/L99s Job AddresE: Location...: Parcel No..: Project No.: APPI.,ICANT CONTRACTOR OVINER BRYANT EI.,ECTRIC P o Box 1503, VArL BRYANT EI,ECTRIC P O BOX 1503, VArL APOSTOI.r co co 816s8 81658 Phone: 3039494155 Phone: 3039494155 Description: NEW P/S **** Valuation:15, 000 . 00 FEE SUIIIARY 152 .00 .00 152.00 152.00 .m E l,!ctri c.l,---> DRB Fce Invcst igation> tli Lt ca t t---> TOTAL TEES_-> 149. O0 .00 .00 3.m 152.m Totat ca[cutated F.es---> Additimal' tees---------> Total, Pcrmit Fee-------) Payients----- BALANCE DUE--- Dept: BUILDING Division:Item! ,05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEN!-oa/1'5/r99s oall Action: APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAL **f,t****f*tt*r'*.r****.ffirffi *************M***f,**i**fr*t**r* DECLARATIONS t hcr.by acknovtedge th.t t have rcad this appl,ication, fitted out in futt the infonmation requi rcd, corplctcd !n accurate ptot ptan, and state that al,t, the informtion pr;idld as rfouircd i_s corrcct. I agr.e to corpty uith the infonmtion and ptot pL!n, to compty yith au^ Toun ordinances and stirte [avs, and io buitd this stpucturc according io'the Tovn's zoning 'nd subdivision codcs,'disign revies approved, Uniforrn BuiLding Code and other oPdinances of th. Tor{n appticabte thcreto' REOI,ESTS FOR INSPECTIOIS S}IALL BE IIADE IIIENTY'FOUR HOI'RS IN ADVAI{CE BY TELEPHONE Ar 4-19-2'138 oR AT oUR oFFIcE FRoll 8:d) Atl 5:fi1 **************************************************************** TOI{N OF VAIL, COLOR.ADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-O019 Amountl Payment Method:Notation:1s2.00 os/LL/e5 15: 19Init: GM **************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 895-0021 Type: B-ELEC 2LO3-L23-12-010 1828 AI,PINE DR 1828 AI.,PINE DR ELECTRICAL PERI'{IT Total Fees:152.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description ELEC?RICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 1s2 .00 1s2 .00 .00 Amount 149 .00 3.00 Job Naroe:Job Address: Legal Description. Lot /4 Block -FiIing Owners Name: Architect: ceneraL Description: Address:wrn. ,\2,work class: ffi-New [ ]-Alteration i r-Aaldi-tional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units: _L Number of Acconmodation U:rits: P}A.2t?27 ********************************FOR oFFICE USg ************ *************** ****BUILDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLWBING PERMIT Fi;-E: MECHANTCAL PERUIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FIIE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: BUTLDING PI,AN CIIECK FEE: PLIIMBING PI.AN CHECK FEE: T.TECHANTCAL PI.AN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CITAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMTT FEES:DRB FEE:16r TYPEI''l-u- )23 lt- Ht GROUPzHu BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: 1,ffi sQ. FT. Connents CLEAII I'P pEFqsIt tlrHlf,D m: VALUATION TOWN OF VAIL NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE MECHANICAL PERMIT PeTmiT AT ALL TIMES M95-0075 75 South Frontage Road YaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX970-479-2452 Job Address...: tocation......: Parcel No.....:Project Number: Department of Community Development APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: 1828 ALPINE DR PRJ9 5 -0 017 COLORADO WEST PLI.JMBING & HEATING P.O. BOX 1, WOLCOTT, CO 81655 COLORADO WEST PLUMBING & HEATINGP.O. BOX l, WOLCOTT, CO 81655 APOSTOL PETER G & SUZANNE E 2771 KINNIKINNIC ROAD 68, VAIL CO Status...: ISSUED Applied..: 0s/L7/L995 Issued. . . : Expires. . : 8t657 Valuation: fof Gas Logs: Phone: 3039264353 Phone: 3039264353 19, 000.00 #0f l,ood/Pa t Let:tireptace lnformation: Restricted:fof Gas App[ iances: *ff****'rJr****ffi|t**ffi*************ffi***#*#******** FEE SUI'I ARY #****ff*****#***************i****ff****************ilcchanicat---> 380,00 Ptan check---> lnvest igat ion> 95.O0 .00 Restuarant Ptan Review--> .00 DRB Fee-------- TOTAL FEES----- TotaI catcutat!d F.cs---> Additional. Fees--------> TotaI Pern'it Fee-------> 478.00 .00 478.00 rtem: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT05/1711995 DAN Action: APPR, ITEm:,.05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT05/L?/L995 DAlt Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I.hereby acknowtedge that I have read_this application, fiLted out in ful,t the information fequired, compteted an accurate ptot Pl'an, and statc that atl thc information providcd as requi red is correct. I egree to compl,y riith thc inlornation and ptot il,an,to conpty uith al'l' To|rn ordinances,and statc larrs, and to buiLd this structure accord'ing io'the Tonn,s zoning and subdivisibncodes, design rcviev approved, Uniforr BuiLding code and othlr ordinances of the Tovn afpticabte thereto. l,itl CaLt----> 3.0O Payments------ Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIO S SHALL BE I'IAD€ TI.IENTY-TOUR HOURS IN ANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-21:AT oUR ottlcE FRo[ E:00 An 5:00 P SIGNATURE OF OgNER OR COI{TRACTOR FOR HIIISELF ANO tP unoto'uo **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt * * * * !t * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * it * Statennt Number: REC-0043 Amount: Payment Method: CK1892 Notation: 478.00 07/07/95 08222Init: MMC M95-0075 Tlpe: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT 1828 ALPINE DR Total Feee:478.00 Total AtL PntE:' Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No: Location: This Palanent Account Code 01 0000 413t2 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 Description MECHANICAI. PERMII' FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILI CALL INSPECTION FEE 478.00 478.00 .00 Anount 380.00 9s.00 3.00 \ o THlS o ON JOBSPERMIT MUST PLWBING BE POSTED PERMIT lTE AT Permit #: ALL TIMES P95-0011 TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 i03-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 3e FAX 303-479-2452 1828 ALPINE DR 1828 ALPINE DR 2103-123-12-010 PRJ95-0017 D e p aru n e grySfu s u uv W AFFIf,$ED APPIied. . : oL /.2-7-/,\222riiued...z 05/05/L995 ExPiree..: Ll/OL/1995 Job Addrese: Location...: Parcel No..: Project No.: APPLICANT PETER APOSTOI-' BOX 3817, VAIIJ' CO 8165 OWNER APOSTOI, DescriPtion: NEW P/S Mt**t*}***i*****ff FEE SUlltlARY' pir"ui"o---> 315.00 Restuarant P[an Rcvieu--> ii""-i'rrl.r--> 7a.75 rorAL FEES----- Valuation:21,000.00 Mf,*tf*t**t}*|,*}t*ltlhkfi*396.75 .00 395.75 t96.75 .00 .m TotrL Cttcu[rtcd Fecs--> 396.75 Additional' Fces--------> Total' Pcrmit tee--------> PaYrcnts----- seLAHce our---lnvcstigltiofD Ui tt cal,t----> .m 3.q) Item:0510002/2L/ree5 BUILDING DEPARTMENTrRiNrs ""E6ftBirttfi* DePt: TT OF APPROVAI, BUILDING DiViSiON: 1. REFER TO BUILDING PERMIT CONDITIONS' DECLARATIONS I hereby ackrcrtcdge thlt I havc ncad this aPPl.icrtion, fittcd out in futt thc information requincd' corPleted an ptan, and Btate that att tne'iniormation pro;idcd "" ""Cu i""d i" correct. -I "gl::-lo corrpl'y eith the informtion to compty vith aLl, fotrn orCinanccs ina gtlte [aws, and do bui1d this structurc according tothc Tovn's zoning and codes, d.sign revian approveJ, u"if".t BuiLding C6de ana other ordinances of the Togn apP[icabtc thereto' accuratc Ptot ard ptot pl'en, subdivi sion 8:m A$ 5:00 P REAUESTSFORTI{SPECTIOI{SSHALLBEIIADETIIENTY-TO'RHOIJRSII{ADVANCEBY SIGI{ATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HI}iSELF AND OTINER r 479-2134 * * * * * * *l * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r?* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Q* * * * * * * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statennt Number! REC-0019 Amount:396.75 0s/Lt/95 15:23rnit: GMPayment Method:Notation: Permit No: Parcel No:site Address: Location: Thie Paynent Account Code01 0000 41311 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 P95-0011 Type: B-PLMB PLITMBING PERMIT 2ro3-L23-12-010 1828 ALPINE DR 1828 ALPINE DR Total Fees:396.75 Total ALL Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** Description PLWBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 396.75 396.75 .00 Arnount 31s.00 78.75 3 .00 FflS gf,-oo 17 P""*l o glrt Ph. L-- I I ***** Town of vail Req. NO.Phone Nunber: iz-,ats-- Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Number: tN(. Town of Vail Phone Numher: Town of VaiI Phone Number: Reg.Atl -P ELECERICAL TEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEEz 12.1DRB FEE: o FOR OFFICE usE ****** ** ***** * * * *************** BUTLDTNG PI.AN CHECK FEE:PLI'UBING PI.AN CHECK FEE: IiIECHANICEL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: STGNATT'RE: 6tt/ttL I rorw oF vArL coNsrRuerr PER}TTT APPLICATTON FOR DATE: , APPLTCATIoN MUST BE FILLED oUT coltPLETELy oR +f Ual'"i.rot gH9$,ccnpTgo f,***************************** pEru{rr rNFoRr,lArro" /.Ql/tfiJ[ffi4,"0EfiDtfll********* [ ]-Building [ ]-Plumbing [ ]-Electrical t{-Uectranicat [ ]-Other Job Name:Job Address: Legal Descriptionz l-ot_z/A Block Filing Ohrners Name:AZ.szYr Addres=f.C&//74)d,v & p&) ,nw;m l-Additional I Nurnber of l-Repair [ ]-other Accornmodation Units: Architect: General Description: I{ork Class: tXl-New [ ]-Alteration I Number of Dwelling Units: l}*"r and Tlpe of Firepraces: Gas Appri.t""=_f cas Logs_l_ t{ood/pellet /f********************************* vALUATToNs ******* ****** ** * ******** **** BUILDING: S P^LUMBTNG: T-ELECTRTCAL: I OTITER: $ I.{ECHANTCAL:. T.-IW'+,7 TOTAL:_ TNFORMATToN *** * * ******** * ** ** ********* Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address': Mechanical Contractorz ColoAddress: ******************************** BUTLDING PERMTT FEE: PLWBING PERMIT FEE: - IIECHANICAIJ PERI'IIT --- - , r.tr.r5 : _Jrc46d dress:,/" ILgT oL4t+ Ca. l"tb CI.EATI I'P I'EPOSIT IEPIIf,D IIO: NOTE: o THT oONJ APT ]-, BEVERLY HILI,S 9O2L2Phone: 3033285250 trtltttl*ttf atttttt*tatitltt*tlltttttat*ttlitttti*lttl**tt AT t.1l. oR...:. Parcel No..: iposrol, PETER ANDRIANAKI EFSTATHIA 9562 W OLYMPIC BLVD B WALKER & COMPANY P O BOX 626, EAGr-,E CO 81631 Job Address:1828 AI,PINE DR 2LO3-L23-12-010 APPLICANT OWNER CONTR,ACTOR cription:\ Location:-_J- ffir**rlrt*i*r**r.****.**.r tEE sul.ilARy PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PUBLIC WAY PERMIT OBSITE Permit Status... :Applied..: Issued.... : Expires. . : ALL TIMES PW95-0002 rssuED 02/L6/L99s 02/L6/Lees LL/L5/LegF o,eF*77n Public gay---> ,., t nvest i E*i on> .'q..00 .00 75.00 Payrnents------- BALAI{CE DUE-. - - 75,00 .00to* O*rn1- -> aooK IOTAL FEES...> Item: o55oo PUBLIC woRK$ ' Dept: PUB woRK Division: o2/22/L995 DAJI Acti.on: APPR 1. /etr(:l'*' '' i cohorrrou BF APPR.'ATJ anv work in the riqht-of-wav bes{ns after 4JL5/95. Charlieo*"'"lle crn- a F s"-n ieq,(b eQ uD i I certify by me, and DECIARAI IOIIS that I have read all Fhapters of Tit 1i,Lt. abide by the sam, and that the vait l4micipat Code ard att utitity cdpany agreeo€nts, signed asregujll: 4.71-tt7x REOUESTS FOR mSpECrtOtS SIALL BE LTADE TtGlrY-FqrR fidJRs l]l ADV I{CE BY TEIEPIIOIE 11 't1ii2l58 OR AT CrrR OFFTCE FRof{ 8:00 ^l| 5:00 P % A</rlt-r"t^* 6 o ONJ APOSTOL, PETER ANDRIANAKI EFSTATHIA 9562 W OLYITIPIC BLVD APT ]., BEVERLY HILLS 9O2L2 B WALKER & COMPN{Y Phone: 3033285250 P O BOX 626, EAGLE CO 81631 OBSITE Permit ALL TII'IES PW95-0002 AT Jl .fi. Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKSo2/22/L995 DAII Action: APPR Dept: PUB WORK Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL L. any.work. in the right-of-way begins after 4/L5/95- charlieDa?is. tt. t*tritattttfftt*ilt*t*a*t*t*tlaltattlttttta*tt*atataa*a*t*t+*i**ttt*fttttaittt***ittt*aittttlia***t*tttltttlal*altill*tt*t*t*ttltt*t DECLARATIOIS 2,88 resd atl chapters ot tdtt e b Vai t lltnicipal g,11i111py t**r*tlattittatrttttt*lti**t*tlaiatii*t*rtiilt*it*t*til*tttt Payrnents------- BALA}ICE DUE- -..75,00 2,800.00 code ard at t utitity company agreeflEnts, signed NOTE:S PERMIT I,IUST BE POSTED PUBLIC WAY PERMIT Job Address: L828 ALPINE DR Location...: 1828 ALPINE DRM Parcel No.. : 2LO3-L23-12-ol-o o THI APPLICANT OWNER CONTRACTOR Description: Location: NEW PRr!{ARY/SECONDARY Pubtic Hay---> I nvest i gation> Uitt csl t----> Bond Anount--> I certify that I have by m, ard ri t t abide 2,800.00 ToTAL FEES---> 2,875,00 ttt*rl*a*a*aat|trarta*rtatrtfittitt***ta**ta*a!rtttltttrttrttt!tl*llittttlat*tttttaa*flattt*a*tatttlat*tttatatllfttt*lltl*tt*ttttt*t*'flli by the sdtE, and thatlatt reqri red. REAUESTS IIfSPECTIONS SIALL BE l,tADE TUEITY-Fd,R HdrRS tll ADVAIICE 8Y TELEPHOIIE Al 479'2158 OR AT CUR OFFTCE FRO'I 8:00 Al4 5:00 P]l Status...: ISSUED applied..z o2/L6/L995 Issued...: 02/L6/L995 Expires..: LL/L5/L995 STGIIAIURE OF OTIIIER OR C TRACIOR FON flIISELF AI{D OIJIIER .r..r..r. &. o. r1.... + + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * O * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *************************************************' CONDITIONS Permit #PW95-0002 as of 02/22/95 Statu8: rssuBD *************************************************************************** Permit T!pe: PUBLTC wAY PERMTT APplied: 9?/}9/,\gs-s-apprici-nt: APosroL, PEIER ," ;ff1;:: illlElrr?rr? Job Address: 1828 ALPINE DR Location:Parcel No: 2LO3-123-12-0L0 Description: Conditions:1. any work in the right-of-way begins after 4/15/95. Charlie Davis. tt. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *!)* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *? * * * * * * * * TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Reprintedz 02/22/95 L2252 statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0007 Amount: Payment Method: CK Notation: 7s.00 02/22/95 09!0srnit: Pw95-0002 Type: PUBWAY PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 2LO3-123-12-010 1828 ALPINE DR Total Fees:75.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: This Palment Account Code 01 0000 4L320 .Description PUBLIC WAY FEES 75.00 75 .00 .00 Anount 75.00 o All future and present owners of lot 15, Vail Village West also hrown as 1838 Siena Trail, agree to allow all future and present owners of lot 16, Vail Village West also known i tgZg Alpine Drive a sewer easement in the North East most coruer of lot l5 to tie into sewer stubout. Lot 16 rvill be liable for all things associated with the easement, soil disturbance and replacement of landscaping to original conditions' Signed by owners of lot 15 and 16 both of vail village west on July 31, 1995' \WUW. Tov-co[{t\ll. Dtv, DIPI Harald J Vy,nettuf€t t I Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97O.479.279 laxt 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us ProjectName: SCHOPPETDECKEXTENSION DRBNumber: DR8050232 Project Description: FINAL APPROVAL FOR AND EXTENSION (4') OF AN EXISnNG FRONT DECK Participants: owNER ANDREA EUZABETH SCHOPPET RE06/01/2005 TRUST 35 TEDGE I.AWN DR UTTLE ROCK AR 722t2 APPUCANT ANDREA EUZABETH SCHOPPET RE06/01/2005 TRUST 36 LEDGE I.AWN DR UTILE ROCK AR 722L2 ProjectAddress: 1803 SHASTA PLVAIL Location: 1803'B'SHASIA PI.ACE Legal Description: LoE 16 Blodc Subdiviion: VAIL VILLAGE WEST RL 2 Parcel Number: 2103-123-0501-5 Comments: SeeCondiUons TOU'NM BOARD/STAFF ACIION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApproval:06/01/2005 Conditions: . Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the wriften consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities, @nd:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Warren O,"?",,ons ,sro: $2o,oo *m*t$ir*fili,1'"'#,l*ff- web: www.vailoov,com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application, Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested, An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Departnent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the apprcval. Location ofthe Proposal: Lot: Physical Address: Mailing Address: @' 7116l aoN $ NameorAppricane Ato0 fle A QcHoP/f T Mailing Address: E-mail Address' A , gc'rtop Pri f A Covrr cn <I] Jaxj- Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs D Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr AddiUon n Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) ( Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request ( $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 Crnstruction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 An addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 Minor changes to buildings and siG improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping.r fqffiand $20 fii!ffi*:atreadv anprovSBJ$$E?qih:;," NoFee ,/Wr Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Name(s) of Owner(s): Owner(s) Signature(s): SuAs rA Mey27,2OO5 To Whomitmay corrcem Toumof Vail We are the owners of 1803A Shastaplape, Vail, Co mdlcrebv enlepermission frr Adrca ad lvrad( sctroppet of lg03B slnsta phc; vail, co to cxlend tho easfificfugtoildeck fuin feet I Jey,ri(l3,*t Jamie.Stone ****lt+*++tl'l'+*'t****'|*la**artllti***lt+llf+++fllffff****t*ff******t*'t******{'t{"ltt*l'l'tl'++++*tt TOWN OF VAIL, COIORADO Statement ***ft+++{'*l'**t* + + ++++t*{l* * t***+* + + +++ ++**++++++**t******+f+***i*f*t**** ** I * l* * * {' * * * * * * * * * * * * Statement Nuniber: R050000712 Anounts: $20,00 06/Ot/2OO5O8:34 AM Payment Method: Check Init: iIS Notations 992liIOHN F. BARRY Permit No: DRBO50232 Tl4)e: DRB-Minor AIt, SER/DuP Parcel, No: 2103 -123 - 0601-5 Site Address: 1803 SIIASTA PL, VAIIJ Location: 1803 'Br SI{ASTA PIJACE Total Feea: 520.00 This Paynent: $20.00 ToCaI ALL [rtnts: $20.00Balance: S0.00 ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account, Code DescriDtsion DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVTEW FEES CurrenC Pmts 20.00 TOil'NM I, (print name) JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAI TETTER a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description) lSOz t 651 provide this letter as written approual of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. Page 2 of L3lI402lM A MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of paUos, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. rchitectural Elevations* - SEtterior color and material samples and specifications. < -d Architectural Floor Plans*t, # a ,,Lighting Planx and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures e .--d Title report, including Schedules A & B to veriff ownership and easements*v /-{. I llle rePorq lncluulng )cneuules A o( D Lu ve ly owllel5lllP dllu trdselll F o ,Photos ofthe existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable. -, - ,i d Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable ffr o Site-specific Geological Hazard Repoft, if applicable*o The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materisls noted with an asterkk (*). **For interior conversions with no exterior chanqes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor planq a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project n"t", 5( Contractor Signaturc Date Signed SUBI,IITTAL REOUIREM ENTS* * lamped Topographic Survey* ite and Grading Plan* andscape Plan* g Page 3 of I3ll2l02l04 Topographic survey:r Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyor. Date of survey. North arrow and graphic bar scale. Scale of 1"=10'or L"=20). Legal description and physical address. Lot size and build able area (build able area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40o/o, dnd floodplain). Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the survey. Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner.. Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information.. Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report. List any easement restrictions.. Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt alpng the street frontage of the property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot.. Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade, . Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.).. All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc,).. Environmental Hazards (ie rock fall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils). Watercourse setbacks, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback). Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure. Utilities tojnclude: Sewer Gas. Telephone Water Electric. Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc,. Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250'in either direction from property. o Site and Grading Plan:. Scale of l"-20'or larger. Property and setback lines. Existing and proposed easementsr Existing and proposed grades . Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line.. All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height.. Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade.. A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uohill direction.. Locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures. Page 4 of I3h2102104 . al ll t r r.rLrl\DLrL I P.O. BOX 4572 vAtL,coLoRADO 81658 15, ||\v.(9 /U) Y49-9J91 (FAX) 949-1577 RECORD TO:AndreaandMikeschoppet 31O - frfx 18038 Shasta Place Vail, CO 81657 fax 479€994 Inn J meenuervorEs X nespo rse I uanncenaNlcHANaE This is in response to a request that we check the structure of the existing deck over the front of the garage to extend it approximately 5'{" beyond the cunent supporting beam. The deck cunently extends 5-0" ftom the face of the building. The deck structure is 2x10 joists spaced at 16' on center supported by a 5 1/8 x 13 112 glue-lam edge beam that spans 22' across the ftont of the garage. Based on the Town of Vail required design live load of 100 psf for exterior decksi/balconies, we recommend that the deck only be extended 4'4" beyond the edge beam. New 2x10 joists x 9'-0" long should be sastered on to the exisung joists at 16" on center. They should be nailed to the existing joists with 2 rows of 1 0d nails spaced at 6" on center each row, and attached to the efsting ledger against the floor rim with a Simpson L70 at each new joist. lt should be verified that the existing joists have joist hangers at the rim. The existing glu+lam beam needs to be replaced with a steel W1Ox3O beam. lt may be supported on the same 6xO posts that support the glue-lam beam. The bottom flange of the steel beam should be drilled lor (21-518" diameter x 6" lags to penetrate through it into the top of the 6x6 posts. COPYTO: DATE: PROJECT: 5t2012005 18038 Shasta Place Deck Expansion JOB NUMBER: 0505-04 .w cEgflFm 10 sE r IRUE NUYoeFEDAT9 Q$soo sr fECORDE9 EACLE COUNT'{. Fi led for ncc€pt i on fccord thc llo, day of TEIS DEED, iladc on this day of WARRAITITY DEED Novcrnbcr 17. 2llfll beteeen DAUpI{tNAts-MosELEycoNSTRucrroN, rNc., A coIrRADocoRpoMTIoN of th?County o{ EAGLE MARK L, SCHOPPET AND ANDREA E. SCHOPPET drose legal sddr€s is:of the WIrNESS, That the cr.ntor(s), for and in coneider€tion of the sun of ( "' Fivc Hundrpd &vcnty Ftve Thousrnd and 00/lm rrr u 4)\ llro lno..n !r strcct nJficr 1803 B SHASTA PI^ACE, VAIL, CO 81657 TOGETmn Hith rlt and singutar ard hereditnnents ffd oppurten€nce8 thereto betonging, or in aryxi sr aPP.rt.ining ind the fevefsion 6trd revcr3ions, rmai nder snd raairderr, rents, i stuas rhd prollts thlraof,' and all thr lstate. right tittE lnterest, cl.aim ard dcEnd chatsoevcr of the Grontor(!), eithef in lau or €quity, of, in and to thc abgve bcrgaincd prdri se€, Hith th€ herlditam€ntE ard oppurtcnrnccai TO HAVE AilD TO BOLD the caid premises above bErg.in.d and dercribed rith rppurt.nrnccs. tfito the C.sntee(s), th?ir hli13 and assigns torcver. Thc cfantor(3), lor himsetf, his heirs and personal representatives, does coYqnant, grlnt bargein. ond agre€ to rrd rith thr Gr8ntec(r), their heir6.nd !s3iins, thEt at the timc of the ensealing ard detivery of thcre prercnts, he 13 retl seized of the pr€oiseg obove conveyed, hss good. sure, perfect, sbsolute €nd indeteaeibl'a .st.t. of inheritGe. in l.r, in fce ciitrt., erd has good fight, fult pouer and tarful Euthority to grant, bar0aln. Betl lnd convey th€ Erfl€ in [anner and fotn as aforesaid, .nd thEt th6 aar[E are lree and ctear from all formcr and oth€f grlntr, bargains, 56leg. lien8, teter, tlresstFnts, ancutranccs rrd re3tllctions oi Hhatevcf kird ot nstuJe 19.!!L, EXCEPT GENERAL TA:CE3 AND ASSESSMENTS FOR T}iE YEAR zOM AND SUBSEQUEN'T YEARS, AND SUBJECT TO EASBMENTS, RESERVATTONS, RESTRJCTIONS, COVENANTS AND RIGIITS OF WAY OF RECORD, IF ANY Thc crr.ltor(r) shal,t end rltl tI RR IT AXD FOREVER oEtEllO th€ abovc bargaied prenises In the qulet ard pesceable possession of th6 Grantaa(r), hir heirr ard assigns, ageirr3t atl and Rery person or Persons t€rfutLy ctrining thc drol. br any port thereof. The rir€utar nrnber slratt ircLude thc plural. and the ptural the Eingul€r, otd the usc of anf g.rdar thc rccclpt rnd $fflcl.tty of rhlch ls hercby rcknort€4ed, hEs irsntad, bergained, sotd sttd corwc1rcd, and by the€e prGrents doog grmt, bargrin, sett. convry snd confirm r,|to the Grmtcc(s), thclr heiri rhd ft3igm for?var, not ln t.n.ncy In co mon but in joint t.n8ncy, stt the r€Et pfoperty, tog.ther Hith i rprovcments, if any, situate,lyingandbe|n9inthe-countyofEAGIJ1sndstgteofcotol9{9,dc€cr.i^bed-agfo||'oHsl Lirr le-s, a RESuspffIsb_r LoT 16, vArL v|LIiGE WESITINFGTdTACCoRDING To THE PLAT RECORDED MARCH 12. 1999. RECEPTION NO. 6894?I, @I'NTY OF EAGIJ, STATE OF COI-ORADO. shatt bc rpplic.bl" to !tt g.nder.. IN WTINESS WHERF,oF the Gr.ntor(s) hrs axecuted SIATE OT ) )cs. CorJtty of tl6 51.5: I llllil llilr lllilll lillr llt ]|| illffl ill l]lt ill llll 7aaW26 lll?1lm00 O4r3[F 4&, Sre FtrherI of t R 5.00 D 3?.10 ll 0.00 Erllc O0 rnd state of _gg!gE!lo__, of the Grantor(s), snd $575,000.00 ) DOLLARS Grantee(t) | date CORPORATION 2/ y cofltf i3sim " pl""t YJQgitneis rry hard End offitlat JA/ E€crol# VEZZ08]9 uhen Recorded Return to: lq8LtTltte# v27ogl9 36 tED- Forn ilo- 92ll Rcv 4-94. tl RRA||TY DEED (Jolnt Tcn nts IIDJT.OPEI) IiTILE ffiEiii;m-zo,zoor The foFcloi instruEnt rar ecknorledEcd bcforc rE qr this J*t{#,f)'Jd.b .-5 )Lv . ':l.I .l r \ 1Jt *$') :ft s \t^\l t.. \sct .$v -A+ o* 'i'rt :S*s\ "-*$ p h T rE qJ 0+ &q '11 Jt rJtl q" **$ro 1i*" F\""ttil" $ |\frt. -4 r.' * rci cl =q & tffiL! rb. ++* F&'^ .dl* fl ir ss { *., '"} h"'} r""(e-*F nt Jt u':€i $ *x ':- ,$,"t,(;} i , -..j. ...: :: i,^' irr,-,"o'or ro, TOWN OFVAIL PUBLIc wAY PERMTT n 91 ,';) (J. f rlt6'16d1LOTl. t). /A Legal Description TemDorary Site Access n 1. Ac Ptrl f. Slrset Address Other a)K Job Name :;)-i,1..-t/ i:'r .,. ') /Z,r' - TOV Conlractor's License Number ,r')r""lh- ',-' =o ","t'"'/'Stari 6ate Completion Date (Permit Expiration Date) r---- -\ Gas Electric Teleohone \ CATV I-\r-_-4. Work is for&ircleone) Walel_ -Ae\ggl Landscaping .l ( Depth N /n r!,, t* Total PermitFee$ ?5 oO ")-lG- Electricians (47 9-217 1)i -'rs 9. Public Works (479-21 58) THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURESI A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bill 172). Permittee must contact Public Works Deparlment at 479-2158 24 hours prior lo commencing bacKill operations. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. 12.I certify that I have read all chapters of Title 12 - Slreets and Sidewalks, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility Date ot Signature ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. 10. 11. *-'Fr-Prr,. 15 l?,tvt. :-, t 6<"r'D f a,e' /lkrs1 Nu*-, ,)- /r",- "15 , t^)oQk F A:,F yvl Frt i t-! ( AaJ 13 t. G t ,'i l\ r tte- ,-/ - t<- ?< THIS IS NOT PUBLIC WAY PERMITI White - Public Works Yellow - Finance Pink - Communitv Development Gold - Conlraclor 7. 5. rrench-width A/ /r+ t"nstn N f N (min.4') ---r Bond Amount * ,V/n 'C Permit Fee $ ?5. oO PSCO-Natural Gas Group @68-2528\ ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Aophalt surfaces underneath the bucket shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review ot the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company siglratures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works office to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signalures. Please allow one we.ek- to process.\ - ..,, Upper Eagle valley Water and Sanitation 1476-7480) \$.Ad \-\CJluCQg. *,., Public Service Company (1-8oo-922-198 | F'4 ' , " " Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) U.S. West (1 -800-922-198il TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (949-5530) Town of Vail: lrrigation (479-2161) 1^l -.. - --- " r--' fryi - ?rdr[!FJrr"]r:Frfa,'ll#4$;.]F; ;r TOWN OF VAIL o rD- prq19S"OOO2- PERMrrr'ro. Cl?8/+9 Conlractor's copy to be kopt on iobslte.PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 1828 AIXINESDEYE a IB Eo I od o() I o9 t! ll. I i at i = o. Ig 3 1. 2. e (Job Nlmo or Locadon ol BOB VAflDEIIIAIIER, P.O. BOX 3571' VArL, CO 81658 Work is for (circle one) - W4 ifc 'HONE TABLETV. OTHER:-t - \_.-- - Permit Fee INSPECTION REMARKS: Bill to: PErER AFOSTOL. P.O. BOX 3817. VAIL. Co 8l6s8 Paid: DEBBIE RoELAxD Receipt#: 2827' -'- (Publl' wo*s) SKETCH PLAN OF WORK ATTACHED APPLIC,\TION FOR REVOCABLE PERMIT TO ERECT OR MAINTAIN A STRUCTURE ON A PUBLIC RIGHT.OF-WAY (Please type or prini)Fence Wall Landscaping Other - --7 DATE OWNER OF PROPERTY NAME OF APPL ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERW TO BE SERVED: LOT 1O BLOCK SUBDIVISION (lf necessary, attach legal description on separate Corner lot lnside lot "/ DFfCRTPT|ON OF STR9CTURE OR IN HIGHT.OF- ,.- O, .>7r I Attach plans showing achmenl,intakes, hydrants, meters, manholes, any other affected appurtenance in the project area (to scale or dimensioned) and section(s) as well as elevations (if applicable). Does structure presently exist? /tf 0 Proposed date for commencemenl of construction In consideration of the issuance of a revocable permit for the structure above indicated, applicant agrees as follows: 1. That the struclure herein authorized on a revocable permit basis is restricted exclusively to the land above described.2. That the pernit is limited specifically to the type of structure described in this application.3. That the applicant shall notify the Town Manager, or his duly authorized agent, twenty- four hours in advance of the time for commencement of construction, in order that proper inspection may be made by the Town.4' The applicant agrees to indemnity and hold harmless the Town of Vail, its officers, employees and agents from and against all liability, claims and demands on account of injury, loss or damage, including without limitation claims arising lrom bodily injury, personal injury, sickness, disease, death, property loss or damage, or any other loss of any kind whatsoever, which arise out of or are in any manner connected with applicant's activities pursuant to this permit, if such injury, loss, or damage is caused in whole or in part by, or is claimed to be caused in whole or in part by, the act, omission, error, professional error, mistake, negligence or other fault ol the applicant, his contractor or subcontractor or any officer, employee or representative of the applicant, his contraclor or his subcontractor. The applicant agrees to investigate, handle respond to, and to provide defense for and defend against, any such liability, claims, or demands at the sole expense of the applicant. The applicant also agrees to bear all other expenses relating thereto, including court costs and attorney's fees, whether or' not any such liability, claims, or demands alleoed are ororJndlcss falsc. nr frarrrfirlent The applicai'rt agrees to procure and maintain, at its own cost, a policy or policies of insurance sLrfficient to ensure against all liability claims, demands and other obligations assumed by the applicant pursuant to this Paragraph 4. The applicant further agrees to release the Town of Vail, its officers, agents and employees from any and all liability, claims, demands, or actions or causes of actions whatsoever arising out of any damage, loss or injury to the applicant or tc the applicant's property caused by the Town of Vail, its officers, agents and employees while engaged in maintenance or snow removal activities or any other activities whatsoever on Town of Vail property, streets, sidewalks, or rights-of-way. t c That the permit may be revoked whenever it is determined that the encroachment, obslruction, or other structure constitutes a nuisance, destroys or impairs the use of the right-of-way by the public, constitutes a traffic hazard, or the property upon which the encroachment, obstruclion, or structure exists is required for use by the public; or it may be revoked at any time for any reason deemed sullicient by the Town of Vail. That the applicant will remove, al his expense, the encroachment, obstruction, or structure within ten days atter receiving notice of any revocation of said permit. That the applicant agrees to maintain any landscaping associated with the encroachment on the right-of-way. That in the event said removal of the encroachment, obslruction, or structure is not accomplished within ten days, the Town is hereby authorized to remove same and have the right to make an assessment against the property and collect the costs or removal in the sarne manner as general tiaxes are collected. That the applicant has read and understands all ol the terms and conditions set forth in this application. Special conditions: aza- o. 7. 8. 9. 10. Date APPROVED: Foe- OLEG L+1t<r_ 4 '/- 6-15 Date ownership, both signatures) NamE: APOSTOL RESIDENCE Date: February 1, 1995 Occupancy: R3rM1 Type of Const: V-N Town of Vail 25 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 81,657(303) 479-2L38 Plan review based onthe 1991 Uniform Buildinq Code Town *f Vall OFFICE COPY Address z 1-828 ALPINE DR. Contractor: APOSTOL ArchiIeCT: M. SANNER Engi-neer: MCGEE Plans ExamiNEr: CHUCK FELDMANN All electrical work is to be complete to the requirements of the latest Nationdl Electrical Code,all Town of Vail Ordinances, and Holy Cross Requirements. This project will require a site improvement survey.This survey shal1 be submitted and staff approvedprior to a request for a frarne inspection. Under no circumstances will a frame inspection be donehrithout an approved site improvement survey. There shal1 be only one kitchen desiqnated per dwelling unit al-lowed by the Town of VaiL ZoningRegulations. A11 other such labeled areas are not approved and shall not be rough-in constructed as such. Exterior surfaces with stucco shall be provided with exterior metal lath as per UBC 4706 with 2layers ofpaper. windows and doors are required to be adequately flashed(not with just screed metal). A lath inspection is required prior stucco application. Al-l- new construction wlthin the Town of VaiI wi-II berequired to have a Public Way permit plus an initial inspection by the T.O.V. Public Works. Department to approve site drainage and culverL installation prior to any Building Dept. inspections. This project is restricted from the burning of woodin fireplaces. Unless the lot is a restricted l-ot in size, three gas logs fireplaces and three gas appliances are permitt.ed per unit allowed. Gas log chimneys enclosures shalf be one hr. protected. 10 11 L2 J-J In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventilation system connected directly to the outside shall be provided. Bathrms which contain only a water closet or lav. may be ventilated with a recirculating fan. UBC 1205(c). Domestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts shall be installed as per UMC 1l-04 and 1903. Flexible duct connectors may not exceed 5' in length and shall not be concealed srithin construction. Ducts shall terminate outside the building and not exceed I4l length No domestic dishwashing machine shall be directly connected to a drainage syslem without the use of an approved dishwasher air-gap fitting. UPC 608. Cross connection control- devices shal1 be installed to protect pollution of potable water supply by use of approved backflow prevention devices. UPC l-003. Plumbing fixtures with mechanical apparatus sha1l be supplied wit.h an access panel for inspection andrepair of equipment. UPC 904. Domestic ranges shal-l- have a vertical clearance above the cooking surface.of not less than 30" to unprotected conbustible material . UMC 1901. Factory-built chimneys for fireplaces shall termj-nate a minimum of 2t above any point within 10t horizontally away. UMC 912. A chimney enclosure for a wood burning fireplace flue shall- be protected by a one-hour fire resistive construction. UBC 1706. This involves linj-ng the inside of such chase with 5/8" Type X sheetrock and fire-taping joints. ; Approved gas logs may be instalfed in solid-fuel burning fireplaces provided the installation is according to the listing instructions, any damper sha11 be removed or permanently blocked, and a safety shutoff valve is provided. UMC 803. Gas fj-replace appliances are required to beinstalled as per listing installation instructions -with a rrB'r vent only. Combustion alr must be supplied from the outside for all new construction in the Town of VaiI. 15 19 A8 L7 r_8 20 2T 22 ZJ Supply a mechanical drawing indicating design of sysLem, size (BTU and volume) of equipment, vent location and termination, and combustion air to be supplied prior Lo any installation. Due to Colorado State SLatutes, alf sink faucetts and shower heads are required to utilize flow resLricLion devices. A1so, the maximum water cLosetflush usage is limited to a maximum of 3.5 gallons per flush. NO HANDRAIL DETAIL A handrail is required along a stairway. It is required to be 34 to 38 inches above the nosing of the steps and if the side is open, the maximum size of an opening in the railing at the stairway is 4 inches and a proper cross-sectional dimension. -- Sec. 3306. (i) & 1,7L2. At eaves and valleys an adequate underlayment sha1l be provided to protect a structure from ice buildup and water damage. Two layers of felt solid mopped to sheathing and between layers or a commercial water & ice shield may be used as per Table 32Bl . Because of this project's location, the foundation is reguired to be dampproofed to prevent damage to areas below finished grade. UBC 1707(d). The structure is required to be anchored to the foundataion with I/2 j-nch anchor bolts. The bolts must be into the concrete or masonry ? inches and spaced a maximum of 6 feet. apart. See code for additional requi-rements. -- sec . 2907 . lt) Include a copy of the soi-ls report for the site to be built on. -- Sec. 2905. r Tovn of Vall Town of Vail 25 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657(303) 479-2L38 PIan analysis based onthe L991 Uniform Buildinq Code Name: APOSTOL RES]DENCE Date: January 3L, 1995 Occupancy: R3rM1 Type of Const: V-N NOTE:The code items listed in this reportlisting of all possible code requirementsselected sections of the code. bea .i^ -ID CI completeguide to FL NAME AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS OFFICE COFY Address.: 1828 ALPINE DR. Contractor: APOSTOLArchitect: M. SANNER Engineer: MCGEE Plans Examiner: CHUCK FELDMANN are not intended toin t.he 1991- UBC. It TOTAL FOR FLOOR2 Apt. garage2 Garage 2 Ha1ls, closeLs, eLc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR1- Living room1 Dining room1 Master bedroom1 Master bath1 Office1 Kitchen1 Halls, closeLs, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR B Bedroom #1,B Bath room #l-B Bedroom #2B Bath room #2B Apt Kit./DinB Apt. bedroomB Apt. Bath roomB Ha1ls, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAL 838 283 355 200 838 362 204 /b 139 r.8 0 310 1422 158 46 J. /J 55 186 140 38 434 1232 ?noa 0.00 0.00 0 .00 36.2Q 15.10 20 .40 0.00 13.90 18.00 0.00 15.80 0 .00 17 .50 0.00 18.60 r-4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18.10 ? .55 lu . zv 6.95o nn 0.00 't .90 z. Jv 2.'75 ?.001 0n 0.00 z 1 1 1 1 l_ l_ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 'I 1- 1- l_ z No NO No No No No NO No No Yes No Yes No No Yes No No Yes FOOTNOTES: 1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to the exterj-oris required from thi.s room. The minimum clear openable area must meet the following. -- Sec. 1204.1) The minimum clear height is 24 inches2, The minimum clear width is 20 inches3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 square feet 4) The maximum sill heiqht is 44 inches o 2) The number of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwellings) 3) A mechanical ventilation system may be used in in l-ieu of exterior openings for vent.ilation. -- Sec. 1205. (c) 4) The requirement for an eqress window in the basement is based on Sec. L204.5) The reguirements for 2 exits from the 3rd floor is based on Sec. 3303. (a) exc. 3. ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space shall have a ceiling height of not less than ? feet 6inches. Kitchens, halls, bathrooms and toilet compartments may have aceiling height of ? feet measured to the lowest projection. If the ceilingis sloping, then the minimum height is required in onLy l/2 of the area. --Sec. 1207. (a) Every dwelling unit shall have at least one room which has not less than 120 square feet of floor area. Other habitabl-e rooms except kitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 square feet. -- Sec. 1207.(b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shal-l not be less than 7 feet in any dj-mension. -- Sec . l-207 . (cl GLAZING REQUIREMENTS: A11 glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safetyglazing material . -- Sec. 5406. (d) 1) Glazing in ingress and eqress doors except jalousies. 2l Glazing in fixed and sfiding panels of sliding door assemblies andpanels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors.3) Glazing in storm doors. 4') G]-azing in a1l- unframed swinging doors.5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of a building waIl enclosing these compartments where the bottom exposed edge of theglazing is less than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet.6) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed edge of the glazxing is within a 24-inch arc of ej-ther vertj-cal edge of the door in a closed position and where. the bottom exposed edgeof the glazing is less than 50 inches above the walking surface.7) Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel, other than thoselocations described in items 5 and 5 above, than meets all of thefollowing conditions:A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet.B. Exposed bottom edge less than 18 inches above the floor. C. Exposed top edge greater than 35 inches above the ffoor.D. One or more walking surfaces within 36 inches horizontally of theplane of the glazing- 8) Glazing in railings regardless of height above a walking surface.Included are structural baluster panels and nonstructural in-fill panels. See exceptions. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS :A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall at a point centrally located in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. -- Sec. l-210 . (a) 4 . t A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall in each sleepingarea. -- Sec. 121-0. (a) 4.A smoke detector is required in the basement. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 4. A smoke detector is required on all stories. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 4.If the upper level contains sleeping room(s), a smoke detector is requiredin the ceiling of the upper level close to the stairr'rray. -- Sec. L2L0. (a) 4 Smoke detectors are required to be wired to the buildingt s power source and shalL be eguipped with a batLery backup. -- Sec. l-2L0.(a) 3. Detectors shall sound an alarm audible in aII sleeping area of the dwelling , ir which they are located. -- Sec. 1-21-0. (a) 4. {, I' FIREPLACE REOUIREMENTS: MASONRY FIREPLACE:1) Fireplace musL be supported by a foundation. -- Sec. 3707.(b)2l The firebox must be at least 20 inches deep and wall-s of firebox areto be 10 inches thick. If the lining is of firebrick then the wa11s may be 8 inches thick. -- Sec. 3707. (c) 3) The minimum clearance to combustible material is from the fireplace, smoke chamber, and chimney wafls j-s 2 inches. Combustible materiaL maynot be placed r^rithin 5 inches of fireplace opening and combustiblewithin L2 inches may not project nore than 1/8 inch for each l inch of clearance. -- Sec. 3707. (h) 4) The hearth nust be noncombustible, a minimum of 4 inches thick, and supported by noncornbustible material The hearth size must be at least:If Opening size is: Front exLension Side ext.ensionLess than 6 sq.ft. 16 inches 8 inches 6 sq.ft. or greater 20 inches 12 inches -- Sec. 3?0?. (k) & (1) 5) Chimney height. must be per Tabte 37-B FACTORY BU]LT FIREPLACE:L) Unit rnust be an approved unit. -- Sec. 3?05. (a) 2) Clearances and hearth size must be per manufactures approval". -- Sec. 3705. (a) & (b) 3) Chimney height must be per manufacturerts approval and Table 37-B OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the residence, materials approved for thr fireconstruction are required on the garage side only and any doors beti^ieenthe garage and the residence are to be a self-closing L 3/8 inch solidcore door or a 20 minute fi-re door. -- Table 5-B & Sec. 503.(d) exc. #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306.(b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the miniinum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3305. (c) exc. #1Provide a baadrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 incbes above the nosing ifthere is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3306. (i) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height = 36 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- Sec. 1712.(al exc. #l- The minimum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306.(o) Enclosed usable space under Lhe stairs is required to be protected as required for Lhr fire-resisti-ve construction. -- Sec. 3306. (1) a. SHAFT ENCLOSURES: L) Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross-sectional area of not more than9 square feet nay lined on the inside with not less than 26 gage galvani.zed sheet metal with a1I joints locklapped. The outside must bet hr construction. AII openings into any such enclosure shall be protected by not less than a self-closing solid wood door I 3/8 inches thick orequivalent. -- Sec. l-706. (f )2, Gas vents and noncombustibl-e piping installed in walls passing through3 floors or .l"ess do not need to be in t hour shafts. -- Sec. 1706. (c) 3) A11 other shafts are required to be enclosed in a L hour assembfy. -- Sec. 1706. (a) CRAWLSPACE REQUIREMENTS :1) Provide ventil-ation either by mechanical means or by openings in exteriorwalls. Opening sha1l provide a net area of not less than 1- square foot for each 150 square feet of area in crawl space. Openings shall be distributed on two opposite sj-des and be located as close to corners as practical . -- Sec. 2516.(c) 6. Note: vent openings may be reduced to 10t of the aboveif ground surface area is covered with an approved vapor barrier and thebuilding official approves.For a L232.0 sq.ft. crawlspace area:Ratio Mininum sq.ft. of ventr./r.50 8.21,2) Provide l-8-inch by 24-inch access opening to the crawl space area. Note: opening may be required to be larger if mechanical equipment is locatedin the crawl space. -- Sec. 2515. (c) 2.3) Unless the wood is l-isted as an approved wood of natural resj-stance to decay or treated wood, the minimum clearance between exposed earth andfloor joist is 18 inches. The minimum clearance to beams and girders isis 1-2 inches . -- Sec . 251- 6 . (c) 2 . ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS :For R3 occupancy This project wilL require a site improvement survey. Such surveyshall be submitted and approved prior to request for f4ame inspection A11 crawl spaces within the Town Of Vail are limited to a earth tostructural floor ceiling height of 5', be earth floor on1y, beventilated as per UBC 251-6 (C) 6 with minimum access as per UBC 251-6(C)2 and naximum access of 9 sq. ft. ; Any building site with a slope of 30 degrees or more shaLL require an engineer design. Such design shall- address drainagb) soil retainage and structuraL design. Excavation below slabs on srade sha1l not be permitted without prior approval . Address numbers shal-l- be posted plainly visible anO fegiUle from the sLreet . I For M1 occupancy Slope garage floor to allow for drainage to outside to provide afLoor drain with sand and o11 interceptor to dry well or to server. Any garage floor drain connected to sewer must be approved by Upper Eagle vafley Water & Sanitation District. fn garages with living area above, the walls of the garage wiich arebearing the area above shall be protecLed with one hour fireresistive construction. IIBC 503 (B) . '3 I 3E*:SgoooQ '88 isasu$u aa's4E,EEE ls sEr;ssEHf,f,t rl i: tr-9F gg rt33es$EgaFFsERsEi sE fi8ENR:N*3Rs$RgH h E*HE*BEUEANEEg* \q Yl |'l 9. r = ..1 al rnt e U 5al mr'}r \oat t'r 6{ ra--€6^rt1aiFrFrF.Y't lsH J8J(' rE "qI lrH 9q "rt 88N(\I l!S!SSllo,or!o.roo rt nr{ 6l.El !'i at;-t-' if,H=;t. lEPu !tt+!i+t €oo {!t 8eF rtnQ EI EEIEg Eg'90 Ic{ o allE su 33333Atttttttt tt cl t$ oo\t.ctta-{Gln|6l =I& H7 R d Fl a.l Fl a{ ('r lrr t rt tl t rr.t 9\o i l t- i UJ (>-- s Sr':.sit rrO<:tl a-tt rl ' - i -'.-l !: I i -";, -c J9' fl.i"/ /8 rL'F U>o \sc. --L (..-' \> -.iJ bo fv -s .aq \-\ '--" 3:_.-(qJ\.\.J?Rr-V \l \ -/\ ') '^j9- * \,i t-) -' i. \,\-S 't, \ .1 \X\-\*r€ L tF^ t S 1 .. Ix tr.lr t tr\<1a- >> \!\ - h,4'\ o;S \ .-, 'tE Z-\5= .=- \<-\ 'i lr. r R"iS :-": i,\Y-Il"v.)r*l_ t \=.\c)a_'",_qZ. - ) '\E I *r 9-o 'i * {:E 1 \/-\ t"d \ m I l-lnlr., lq Ni N: N! N$ Nls m -o,; :E xH 956 3 E. x ;; ---.- !Di.e.e'- ET,"E &E X,r tii5 gg;at*e 3 -€ tEE; 349:gal_{}., ' ps? €=r:.e8.F 2E tE =., --: rD c.;fi6 e8 E::E JaE E ts Iotr 4*. E=l-; ;HB*g,ir6F .Et !!-*. '.,o.e.s:!R2:;S tPqE tes5"e!RAt =s,, ss;$ f;q:E lseb= U,: e-EEgipBtle.gFe 1= FEE;gi:€Ps''l;t =3 E;FiEFlE6;,$6 ,(F s6X.#EgisPEH;x =" 53 = ;F rtleFllfS!iaf rI.: s t_5i.= s RE.g,ld! +.Fr;f : F: at. o-'-P's =*'=P i be al 3 gtr+lab b l.B gEE r 5ii ssE E b'o -f d E s.36 E.; i gE;t: $s; [E gi DEO aE --= ,-€=q*7 7o (- 'o lf) ) (-Y al =l()lFlEIe b{?,o *.$PII@l = oe@ o f.. FoJ + FoJ 4(- *\rJ -a Qo* 'os R "ko %," J fiEn F#6<ffio h.',ouJ@ i fr$= |r) FoJ a REPT 1 3I TOt^tN OF VffIL, COLORADO PAGE t.?/fr&/g5 rZrB:ts3 REOIJESTS FOR INSFECTION HnRK sI{EETs FORzI'}:/ 819ij AREA: L-tr ====*= === == ========== = == ===== = = == i========= Activity: 895-8flr35 Le/ g/9'; Type: B*BUILD .qtatus: ISSUED Constr': NSFR Addr"ess: l8;:B ALPINE DR Fareel : E1O3-lt3-la*ralO Ocr:: OOET Use: V N Descniot i on r NEI,J p/S RESIDENCE hJITH RHSTRICTED FHIJ Appl icant r AF'BSTEL PETER Owner': AtrBSTOL Corrtr.act 0r ! AFOSTOL, FETER Frhone: Fhone: F,honp : 3tZl3-476-52t45 Inspect i on Reqr-test Inf ormat i on. ' . . . Reqr-1ss1or: trETER Atr0$TOL Req Time: 0t1:OO Comments: Ft^l AFFROVAL Ffioner 476*6 lO6 Itens l'eqr-test ed to be Inspected'., Action lomments Time Ex ff4534 BLD6-Temp. c/u ."A3-* Ds!s-dsr{-*--Cr.s.de-l-t9"--_- Inspection Histot'y... .. Item: OlaSlUl F,hl*Drive by Inspection Iten : taQtztlO BL-DG-Foot ings/Stee I 66 /US/9'e Inspect or: DS Act i on : DN DFNIED @6/fi8/95 Inspector': Dli Ar:tion: AF'FR AFFRLTVED dB/AA/93 Inspector^: D5 Act ion: AF'F'R BRIDGE FOBTING Vg/L3/93 Inspector': CF flction: FI FARTIAL INSFEITION Notes: FINISH TVING TOF ThtO BARS TO VHRTICAL REBAR AND TIE IYIATTS TO CLEARRNSES CALI--ED FOR BV AF'F'ROVED F'LANS Item : tZtOOlB BLDG*For-Lndat ion/Steel O6l13,/95 Inspector-: f,F flctionl AFFR f,FFROUED Item: OASgra FLAN-ILC Site Flari Item: IAAIASE BLDG-Franing Ifr/17/93 Inspectot: D$ Retien: AFFR AFFROVED Itemt 'aara4ql BL.DG-Roof & Sheer. Flywood Nail Item l t/t0050 BLD6-Ins'-rlat ion Item: AOA6ra BLDG-Sheetr"ock Nai. 1 I7/A3/93 Inspectorr f,lJ Action: FA pRIMARY UNIT NotesI FINISH WONDER BOARD IN UF.STAIRS BATHRONM CALL FOR REINSF.ECTION FOR SEtrONDARY AND BOTH GARAEES lflgl,/95 Inspector": CF Actir:n; AF'trR RFpROVED Notes: EHU UNIT PARTY I^IALL DOES NOT MEFT THE REGUIREMENTS FOR A TRUE DUFLEX Iten : IZIBOEO BLD6*Dottt'tesy Item: taBtaTqr BLDG-Mise. lA/-cA/93 Inspectorr CD ffction: AFtrR STUCCO Iten: O0A9er BLDG-Final l1lel/95 Inspector': CF Action: DN DENIED Notes: IJAS CALLED IN hIRONE SHUULD SE SHEETI1OCK Item: rZilZr53C' BLD6-Temp. C/A Itern; BtZrS4ta BLDG-Final C/O PAEE ?@ AREAT CF Aetivity: M95-OrZr75 .l1/ 9/93 Type: B*MECH Flddre s s : Location: lBgS ALPINE DR Faree I : Status: ISSUED Constr: NSFR Oce: DeseriptionrApplieant: COLDRADO l.rEST PLUMBING & HEATING trhone: 3O39864353 Owner: AP0STOL PETER 6 & SUZANNE E Fhone:Contraetor: COLORADU WEST pLUMBING & HEATINE Fhone: 3O39864353 Use: ,i ilI .* lr: REtrT131 , -rOWN OF VAIL, CULIIRADU T 11/Ogl95 17:Bfl REOUESTS FUR INSFECTION WtrRK SHEETS FOR:tt/ g/93 I nspect ion Request Requestor: peter Req Time: 13:O[t Itens requested to 00394 MECH-FinaI Infor"nation..... aFostol Comments: be Inspected.. . F'hone: 476*6 186 Act ion CommentE Ti me Exp Inspeet i on Iten I Iten lIt en: Itemr Item: Item: Histony..... OOPOO MECH-Rough 00310 ftlECH-Heat ing oq3?4 HECH-Exhaust @O33O MECH*Supply O0346 MECH-Mlse. OO39O MECH-Final Hoods flir { t' t' fr' t ,l ;,1 ;i I t '- ; FrNAr, "*r.*!irr* FoR BUTLDTN" C*r* # oo, **r. f,ler/ l, The items listed beLow must be completed before a permit shall receive a Final Certificate of Occupancy. tltl t---/14 E n T E tl n E n SOILS REPORT: FTNAL ELECTRICAI,: FINAI, PLUMBING: FTNAI, MECIIANICAL: TEMPORARY CO: CERTTFICATE OF OCCUPANCY (CO): FINAL I-TANDSCAPING: DAVT\T': / DTIEIT.T' WNPI.q . m/rn F<r!pr\T^t./T.TtfE' rrF /-DFt.)TrF. MISC. NOTES: ******* FINAL CHECK LIST FOR BUILDING PERMIT # A oo" *^rr. r/l P A 5To /-. The iEerns listed below musE be completed before a permit shall receive a FinaL certificate of occupancy. E [] E T Er n t_l E IMPROVEMENT SURVEY (ILC) : FTNAL ELECTRICAL: FINAL PLI]MBING: FINAI, MECHANTCAI,: TEMPORARY CO: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY (CO): FINAL L PAVING,/PUBLIC WORKS: MISC. NOTES: ,*, 0 f , ,i/ 't sJoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED THUR lr.rsilcnoN REeuEsr PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 @PM! ),/ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND N ROUGH / D,W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING I] GAS PIPING INSULATION _tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL o tr tr FINAL EI FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: EMP. POWER O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS I] CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL O APPROVED GORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR ,*rt"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 ( t, ,IYDATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER TUES wED 6ili\) rni ---@ PM a f5 coJ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNDtr FOOTINGS / STEEL -..-- tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr D cl ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ,.' ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAIL|NG GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL Qt tr FINAL - tr FINAL ELECTRICALI'- {tr TEMP. IOWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH i-.",.EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR H tr tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED g REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOB CTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 INSI )l t:.rt a I J ;)oz / JOB NAME PERMIT NUM READY FOR LOCATION: ROJECT ,o'r, h Zrt :7 Y/l'f @ CALLER TUESON ,\ /l' .v.. INSPECTION:M PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER C] GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB o tr o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANlCAL: TEMP. POWEB tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr tr tr SUPPLY AIB T] FINAL FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: 4'DTSAPPROVED ,.tf nerruspecroN REeutRED OATE JOB NAME A INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 t ," f tCLr n C.( tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTION: / CALLE TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: ^ Co, o/', ,-p ' ?qq - L// f f WED THUR FRI APPROVED CORFECTIONS: .+tr DISAPPBOVED PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING:. r] FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr n UMBING: I] FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERE FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o_ tr FINAL -tr FINAL ELECTRIPAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING $ nouax tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT D tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR t REPTl3l TOtdN OF VAIL' COLURRDo PAGE Ee l1/A3/gg O6:59 REQUESTS FCIR INSPECTION WORK SHEETS FORzll/ 3/9A AREA: EG Activity: E95-OOEI lL/ 3/93 Type: B-ELEC Status: IS$UED Constr: NSFR Address: lBEB ALFINE DR Frar"ce I l ElOS-1P3-1e-O1CI Descri pt i on : NEl.l FtlS Appl icant: BRYANT ELECTRIE Ownerr AF,OST0I-- Contr.actor: BRYANT ELECTRIE Oce: Use: Phone: 3O39494155 Phone: Phone: 3O39494155 Ingpeet ion Requeet Infornat ion. . . . . Requestor: CAROLINE Fhone: 949-4155 Feq Timer OBrOO Eommente: BERVICE INSFECTION Iteis requested to be Inspected... Action Comment-1 o6140 ELEC-Misc.G.lnBte Ti.ne Exp r--.:1.:-- Inspection Higtory,.... .Itemr OOllO ELEC-Tenp. Fower Lten t "ogteo ELEC-Rough tted : . 0O13O ELEC-Condr-rit" Iten i A6L4O ELEtr-Misc. \ Iteo: OBl90 ELEC-Final ,' i ,.,'i ? 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V4D-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development December 14, 1995 Peter Apostol Box 3817 Vail, Colorado 81658 Dear Peter: As rve discussed the ottrer day on site, several ofthe trees that you planted are ofsubstandard size. The minimum size for evergreen tees planted rvithin the Town of Vail, is 6'tall and the minirnum caliper for deciduous tees is 2". \{ost of the landscape materials plaoted are smaller than the minimum allowed sizes. I rvill be glad to work with you to resolve this problem in the spring. An area of particular concern is the area under the drive'u'ay decking which needs screeuing. Substantially larger trees will need to be planted in this area. I have enclosed two blank Developer Improvement Agreement (DIA) forms. One form is for a cash deposit and the other is for a letter of credit from a local bank. Please decide which method of financial agreernent you rvish to execute. A deposit or letter of credit in the amount of $3,000.00 would be satisfactory at this time. Please contact me to t'ork out the details and execute the agreement as soon as possible. IvIy phone number is 479-2150. Sincerely,H17{z Randy Stouder Town Planner Enc. {g *""r"uoruo tn" Review Action Ft TOWN OF VAIL category Nunoe&=/Zeneh^r,o^r" //'/?-?/ h6 Proiect Name: Building Name: 'u ( /,/LProject Description: /, Owner, Address and Phone: &@contact, Address and Phone: l-egaf Description:Lot /Q Bbck .Subdivision .l Zone District //{ Proiect Street Address: Comments: Board / Staff Action uotiondy: €ol k^€.vote: 4-11 Seconded by: ffnpprovat ! Disapproval I StafiAppro/al 103-{2s -J12-01o Z 'reo/ace €tue' rt *rr'fe/-- ^/. TYPE I EMPLOYEE HOUSING UNIT RESTRICTIVE COVENANT "l ,o adns$tt I WHEREAS,is the owner ol cedain property Ofln.er") described as: ("the , WHEREAS, lhe Orvner wlshes to place certaln reslrictions on lhe use ol a unit or aparlment located ] - -- on the Property for the benefit ot the owner and the Town of vall, colorado ("the Town"). - ..; NOW,'THEREFORE, the Orvner does hereby imp,ose, eslablish, acknowledge, declare ,or tho benefit of all persons who may hereinafter purchase, or lease, or hold the subject land the lollowing reslrictions, covenanls, and conditions, all of which shall be deemed to run with lhe land and inure to the benelil and be bonding upon the orner, its respective grantees, $r@essors, and assigns. rylz1. The Employee Housing Unit, conlaining &qrarefeet, is hereby restricted as a Type I Employee Housing Unit (EHU) which musl comply with a[ lhe provisions ot Sections 18.57.020, 18.57.090, and 18.57.040 of the vail Municipal code as amended. The Type I Employee Housing unit shall not be leased or rented for any period of less than thiny (30) conseculive days; and, if it shalt bo rented, it shall be rented only lo tenants who are full time employees who work in Eagle county. For the purposes ol this paragraph, a full time employee is one who works an average of a minimum ol thirty (30) hours each week, A Type I EHU may be sold, transferred, or conveyed separately from any singlo family two family dwelling only if it meets the lollowing conditions: a) lt must be used by lhe o,\,vner of lhe Type I EHU as a permanent resirJencs. For the purpose of this paragraph, a permanent residence shall mean lhe home or I place in which one's habitation is fixed and lo which one, whenever he.or she is absent has a presenl intention ol returning after a departure or absence thereftom regardless of the duralion of absence. In delermining what is a permanent residence, the Town staft shall lake lhe following circumslances relaling to the owner of lhe residence inlo account: business pursuits, employment, income sources, residence lor income or other lax purposes, age, marital slatus, residence ol parenls, spouse and children il any, location of personal and real property, and motor vehicls registralion. b) ll a Type | lHU ls sold, transferred, or conveyed separatety from the other unit in' a Two'Famlly drvelllng tt is a part of, th€n both lhe Type I EHU and the unil to which it is attached shall be subject to atl the provisions set lsrth in Section 18.57.020. The Type I EHU shall nol be divided into any torm of limeshares, intelal ownership, or fractional fee ownership as lhose lerms are delined in lhe Municipal code of ths Town of .J!i,\, 10 li" )lmJO t'itriO i :ii'l' :;(; :i: eA'^':'! -,':j.'\T, - . \c.,,., i-'G,,,. N F n ooo.Fl 0C '-t 3. N l{ E!.t lUo!tlooFIOtroAd AJlst{C\O AT C)o ts$+otr\5$oFr Cl d0 r-{ t-ludF{ ttlr$ o) IA tl tr. to 0, to Fq 'Flh . @F" Fo, qlOt{t()6tom 4. frA o 5. Vail.uu109 No later than February 1 of each year, lhe owner of each employee housing unit within the Town which is conslrucled following the eftective date of this ordinance shall submit two (2) copies ot a report ol a form lo be obtained from the community Development Department, lo the community Development Deparlmenl of the Town ol Vail and Chairman ol the Town ol Vail Housing Arthority setting fonh evidence establishing that each tenant whom resides within lheir employee housing unit is a tutFtime employee in Eagle County. Thirly days prior to lhe transler of a deed for a Type I EHU, the prospective purchaser shall submit an applicatlon to the community Developmsnt Department documenting that the prospective purchaser meels the crileria set foflh above and shall include an affidavit alfirming thal he or she meets lhese criteria. The provisions of lhese reslrictive covenanls may be enforced by the ovner and lhe Town. The conditions, restrictions, stipulations, and agreements contained herein shall rpt be waived, abaMon€d, lerminated, or amended except by lhe wriilen consent of both ths Town of Vail and the O,vnsr of the property. instrument was acknowledged before me thisflday of '7)o'torAa My Conni ssion Ex pires J wa 1 7, I 995 (tl (,lo(o -lor td I or(,lr tr I(oA l-r F F s (os t9 Nst FIo t\t 6. 7. 8. EI Nl i : I ; By: -1I. I before me thisQffiay ot _ /UX,lan . /?q 4 My commission expires: TOWN OFVAIL OFFICE OF THE TOWN CI.ERK 75 SO. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CoLoRADO 81657 TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado nunicipal corporation W iltbl, Iryd|hUT own M anager The foregoing instrument was acknowledged revised 3l'17193 Application Submittal A DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPLICATION TYPE OF REQUEST: REVIEWS THAT ARE REQUIRED: o DRB DAIE DRB Date nal Use Hearing Date DRB Date t REGEITTP IDate AUO ?91399 HU Type ll Type lll EH Type lV EHU Type V EHU il.A. NAME OF PETITIONE NAME OF OWN nt or type SIGNATURE MAILING ADDRESS D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: ^l^!ll",ji,iiTf (EHu) TAV .|;(JIilIw r,ty, DEPL X rype r Hearing Oale No'r'2, tl7/ Gonditiadi useTeaffi g oate Condltional Use Hearing Date MAILING ^DDREssfo.%\1 vqv,u A(EE pnoNelTb' 9157 MATLING ^DDREssYo @1 ^\tqJ,c9 Slbzo pHoNE q41,O77o DRB PEC B. c. tt STHEET NOONESS IBZO A-ftNF FF\U? E. pHor.re 476'A53 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT Ib ALOCX FILINGV. \,uAA. UJEST No. I F. Fee: No EHU application fee, 250 fee, or conditional use fee is required for an EHU request. A Deslgn Revlew Board (DRB) tee ls requlred. /-<'. Please include stamped, addressed envelopes and list of the names of the owners of all property adjacent to the subject property. H. Please include proof of condominium association approval, if applicable. III. CRITEHIA Section 18.04.105 - Definilion An Employee Housing Unit (EHU) shall rnean a dwelling unit which shall not be leased or renled for any period less than thirly (30) consecutive days, and shall be renled only to tenants wno are lutt-time employees in Eagte Counly. Devetopment standards lor EHUS shall be as provided in Chapter 18.57 - Employee Housing. For the purposes ol this Seclion, a lulFtime employee shail mean a person who works a minimum of an average of thirly (30) hours per week. There shall be five (5) categories ol EHUs: Type l, Type ll, Type lll, Type lV and Type V. Provisions relating to each type of EHU are set forth in Chapter 18.57 - Employee Housing of this Code. 18.57.020 - Emplovee Housinq Units (EHU) Generallv A) A chart attached to this application form illuslrates the requirements lor each type ol EHU. B) No enployee housing unit which is constructed in accordance with this Chapter shall be subdivided or divided into any form of lime shares, interval ownerships, or fraclional fee. C) All gpes of EHUs may be leased, but only to tenants who are lull-time employees who work in Eagle County. An EHU shall noi be leased for a period less than thirty (30) conseculive days. For lhe purposes of this Section, a lull-time employee is one who works an average ol a minimum of lhirty (30) hours each week. tv. (a) h, EHU shar nor be sotd, u"nr,",r.o,it"yed separatery rrom any Single-Family or Two-Family drelling it may be a pan ol so long as il meets the condilions set forth in Seclion 18.57.040(8)5 ol this Chapter. (b) A Type ll EHU shall not be sold, transfened, or conveyed separately lrom the Single-Family or Two-Family dwellirE it is located within or altached lo. (c) A Type lll EHU may be sold, lransferred, or conveyed separately trom other clwelling unils or employee housing units lhat may be located on the same lot or wilhin the same building in which lhe Type lll EHU is localed so long as it meels the condilions set tonh in Section 18.57.060(8)1 1 of this Chapler. (d) A Type lV EHU shall not be sold, lransferred, or conveyed separately lrom olher dwelling units or employee housing unils that may be located on the same lol or within the sarE building in which the Type lV EHU is located. (e) A Type V EHU shall nol be sold, transterred, or conveyed separately from the Single-Family dwelling it may be located wilhin or attached to. D) Reserved. E) No laler lhan February 1 of each year, lhe owner of each employee housing unit wilhin lhe Town which is conslrucled following the eflective dale of this ordinance shall submit two (2) copies ol a reporl on a lorm lo be obtained lrom the Community Development Department, to lhe Community Development Departmenl of the Town of Vail and Chairman ol the Town ot Vail Housing Authority sening forlh evidence eslablishing thal each tenant whom resides within th€ir employee housing unit is a fulFlime employee in Eagle County. F) No property conlaining an EHU shall exceed lhe maximum GRFA permitted in Title 18 except as provided in Paragraph 18.57.040(8)4, 18.57.050(8)5 or 18.57.080(8)3 of this Chapter. G) All lrash facilities shall be enclosed. H) All sudace parking shall be screened by landscaping or berms as per Design Review Guidelines, Seclion 18.54.050(D)3. l) Any applicant who applies lor a Conditional Use Permit for the pupose of conslructing employee housing, shall not be required to pay a Conditional Use Permit application f ee. J) The provisions as setlorth in Section 18.57.020 paragraphs B, C, D, and E shall be incorporaled inlo a wrillen agreemenl in a form approved by the Town Atlomey which shall run with the land and shall nol be amended or terminaled without lhe written approval of lhe Town ol Vail. Said agreement shall be recorded al the County Clerk and Recorder Otlice prior to the issuance of a building permit for lhe conslruction of an EHU. K) Each EHU shall have its own entrance. There shall be no interior access from any EHU to any dwelling unit it may be attached to. TIME REQUIREMENTS PEC - lf lhe request involves a condilional use, it musl be scheduled for a PEC hearing prior lo a review try the DRB. The pEC mee.ls lhc second and lourth Monday of each rnonlh. The review lime is apploximalely five weeks. Please use the PEC schedule ot dates for specilic deadlines. ALL PEC APPROVED CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS SHALL LAPSE IF CONSTRUCTION IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN TWO YEARS OF THE DATE OF APPROVAL AND DILLIGENTLY PURSUED TO COMPLETION OR IF THE USE FOR WHICH THE APPROVAL IS GRANTED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN TWO YEARS. DRB - The Des(7n Review Board meets on lhe 1st and 3rd Wednesdays ol each month. To allow lor nolification of adjacenl property owners and publication in lhe newspaper, the intormalion must be submitted to the Vail Trail lhe Wednesday immediately following the application submitlal. The projecl will then be reviewed at the DRB hearing approximately lhree weeks following the submittal. The proposed plan and all required materials must be submitted according to the deadlines provided by the Comrunity Development Departtn€nl. DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL APPROVAL UNLESS A EUILOING PERMIT IS ISSUED AND @NSTRUCTION IS STARTED. orr*,oN FoR coNDtrtoNAL usE rt ' I. PRE-APPLICATION CONFEBENCE: A pre-application conference with a planning staff member.is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No application willbe accepted unless it comptete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). lt is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. II. APPLICATION INFORMATION Four (4) copies of the following information must be submittedr .1. A description of the precise nature ot the proposed use and its operating aharacteristics and measures proposed to make the use compatible with other properties in the vicinitY. The description musl also address: a. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. b. Elfect of the use on light and air, distribution of population' transportation faci|ities, utitities, schoo|s, parks and recreation faci|ities,andotherpub|icfaci|itiesandpub|icfacilitiesneeds. c. Eflect upon traffic, with particular relerence to 'congestion' automoiive and pedestrian safely and convenience, traffic flow andcontrol,access,maneuverability,andremovalofsnowfrom the streets and Parking area' d'Effectuponthecharacteroftheareainwhichtheproposeduse istobe|ocated,inc|udingthescaleandbulkoltheproposeduse in relation to surrounding uses. 2. A site plan al a scale of at least 1" = 20'showing proposed development of the site, including topography, building locations, parking, traffic circulation, useable open space, landscaped areas and utilities and drainage leatures. 3. Preliminary building elevations and floor plans. L.,.{ A title report to verify ownership and easements. -5. lf the building is condominiumized, a letter lrom the condominium association ii support of the proposal must be submitted to staff. 6. Any additional material necessary lor the review of the application as dcternnined bi' the zcning adrninistrator i DRB APP il. LICATION . TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO I. TYPE OF REVIEW: X ru.* Construction ($200.00)Minor Alteration ($20.00) Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) DBB FEE: DRB fees, are to be paid at the time of submittal of DRB application. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurale valuation of the proposal. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the table below, to ensure the correcl fee is paid. ree p/ltp: $ flfr)oli , ,. I /r4 /q / FEE SCHEDULE: /f[U\\ @VALUAT|ON FEE ' 0,,+, w$ 0 -$ 10,000 $20.00 l7u'-l)L*''v$10,001 -$ s0,000 $50.00 f I $ s0,001 - $ 150,000 $100.00 $1s0,000 -$ 500,000 $200.00 $s00,000 -$1,000,000 $400.00Over -$1,000,000 $500.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to meeting submittal requiremenls, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, building lines and building corners. All trees to be removed must be taped. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requires two separate meetings of the Design Review Board: a corrceptud approval and a linal approval. Applicants should plan on presenting their development proposal al a minimum of two meetings before obtaining final approval. C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB docket until such time as the item has been republished. D. The following ilems may, at the discretion of the zoning administrator, be approved by the Community Development Department staff (i.e. a formal hearing before the DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changes which do not alter the existing plane of the building; and b. Building addition proposals not visible lrom any other lot or public space. At the tim? suclt 3 prcposa! is st-thmitted, 3pp!ican15 mtlst include lctters from adjacent property owners and/or from the agent for or manager of any adjacent condominium association stating the association approves of the addition. E. lf a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow, wetland, etc), a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an alfidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance o{ a building permit. Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town Planner prior to DRB application lo determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. F. For all residential construction: a. Clearly indicate on the lloor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walls of the building; andb. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan a four toot distance from the exterior face of the building walls or supporting columns. G. lf DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions ilt. LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT:. LEGAL DESCR|PION: LOT-I@ B{€eK Eu lLrtl suBDlvlstoN v vt)v-,x*-t},ee< STREETADDRESS: le,zA tr4-rt$e-'*\\je- DESCRIPTION The following information is required for submittal to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: o BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Olher F.cnV-( @e.5 Gz*t-?<E- Wz-- LANDSCAPING: PROJECT: TYPE OF MATERIAL 4eef<^ 44ez=, I^PoA &Ee ,/JAa(AJ- COLOR .kZCLe 1/a.ll :ly.D{b. OTIWzE a?et<.- lfY Ceoe+- C,loft<- u],*rre.q^& Oe?eO,+- qfXp Ct*f trVof @pe- epP<cw_ fupex rpsbetJ (ee,E) B. Common Name A+@) *4tJOe Mre;tJol4tzous. 4t-5ve>. Size' Mbv""6r"1 &.Vtz+'. I I 4o -uoQ. Minimum calioer lor deciduous trees is 2 inches. Minimum heioht for coniferous trees is 6 feet. l/fq 'EE,F<G-Name of Designer:Mv:U+rr-- 6adNE6= Phone: 4qq' b'71O PLANT MATERIALS: PBOPOSED TREES Botanical Name EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED 'lndicate caliper lor deciduous trees. Indicate height lor coniferous trees. Quantitv PROPOSED SHRUBS PI.ANT MATEfr Botanical Name .w.' bbA, - b**M(eL t4 .id1}igA_},tAt"aid(foa+ EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED 'lndicate size of proposed shrubs, Minimum size of shrubs is 5 oallon. Tvpe Square Footaoe GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRBIGATION TYPE OR METHOD IRRIGATION OF CONTROL LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: lf exlerior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. ldentify each fixture lrom the lighting plan on the list below and provide the wattage, height above grade and type of light proposed. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retaining walls. Maximum height of walls within the fronl setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. QuaqtitvEtt tE qks c. t\u. t suBDlvlsloN JOB NAME LOT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS The tocation and availability of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines' must be approved and verified by tne tottowing utilities for the accompanying site plan' Authorized Siqnalure Date {z{/?{ sL!/z U.S. West Communications 1-800-922-1987 d 468-6860 ore49-4530 . 4 . Pubric serutUgtW;^prla_rlo"tK e{,tt,, Afffi{lrcross Electric Assoc' t Ted Husky/Michael LavertY Heritage Cablevision T.V.zffixf;t f4,:'I+ / Upper Eagle ValleY Water & Sanitation District' 11"o'fi:3,"" Pl:*F. , cr.1 , ,r*l 9y'pL, NOTE:1. Tjris form is to verify senrice avaitabilill.' and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations' 2. For any new construction proposal, the applicant must provide a completed utility verification form. 3. lf a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative should not directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be spelled out in detail in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility ol the utility company to resolve identified problems. 4. lf the utility verilication form has signatures from each of the utility companiei, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and that the development can proceed' 5. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vail, Department of Public - Works and to obtain utilitv locations before diqoino in any public right-of'way or easement in the Town of Vail. A buildino oermit is not a street cut p@!!. A street cut permit must be obtained separately' . please bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation signatures. Fire flow needs must be addressed. v- 2q-2/ F-za-7 / t 4 zoNE cHEcK tFOR t.I t rt DATE: STREET ADDRESS: LEGAL DESoRIPTIO N: tot lQ Bbck - Filing lh I SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTHICTS PHONE PHONE Allowed Existho Proposed Total (30x33) zv .f R' I I I .t t' (30x50) 376' Required (300x600xe00)(1200) Permitled Slope 8% Actual Slope Date approved by Town Engineer: OWNER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Height TotalGRFA Primary GRFA + 425 = SecondaryGRFA-+425.= Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water course Selback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining Walls Parking Garage Credit Drive: View Corridor Encroachment: Yes No ??? Environmetrtal/Hazaids: 1) Fiuoti Pi:in 2) Percent Slope 3) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris Flow 4)Wetlands Previousconditionsofapprova|(checkpropertyfi|e):- Does this request involve a 250 Addition? How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request?- --+ - V ;\ ; '$(f,(\IA\l\ $\\\ \IN_A =_\(-l \n\\l-i\rN\ \- :\ II $ It $ S \-L T \Ls F] \ Z -l $ J$l.\t ; o $:[$t$\$* a.laF$ "{-rtr + \q \ -\ -l It t -l $ il_ s \[ \ o imary/secondarY I.,EGAI, DESCRIPTION: t/^LoL | 'Y Block , t,/, r"1747SubdivisionV-! u( - Single Family ZONE CHECK FOR Residence, Duplex, ZONE DISTRICTS ADDRESS: OVINER PHONE PHONE BUII,DABI,E Existinq LOT AREA YES ll,r / ,l r^ ARCHITECT l,',r6qJ-_^tq . zoNE DTSTF{TCT It ,/Heiqht / rotaL cRFA ,'tlJ / Pri*ary GRFA , tJrQ/,,r l, Slilondary GRFA .-/-secbacks pRoposED vse /cJ) fq/e.f €a4 t.,;t(4 nur.nT AlLowed (30) (33) r tfa-= 33b7 /(o,f + 425 = /?39 0 2{c/+tu H }bl/ + re_ =_//jo @=ffiyq 20, L5' 15', /faf (,a7 z' 3'/6' ,.oacu"y' A7i f, l/' v1 ' /r'ttr ' nE- A a) snow Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris Flow 4) weLlands I t'{lK vi"r Corridor EncroachmenL: Yes-- No a/,,. Does Lhis reqtiesL invoive a 250 Atitiitiorr? = '((,. ,, . 'VF;;-d;-t;-ih;-artowea 2s0 Addition is used wiLh Lhis I Previous conditions of approval (check property file): o'r^,b&f) @,'t b' t t' ?,1",17U-04\J r-r i*^ ,* (urq ) 'o t'h t4h't 6-la \ t"t)', (tn'ol) :, (/q-/ ( u47/-k, '"2,'iM',fTo 10 - UA ffan'l ProPosed ?2.5 ' d ToEal t g/Aa / at/ 5' Fronb sides Rear /11 f€c -v #{'"ii;';;"";vitr'; -/ siEe coverage 7 f1o -/ LandscaPing &a2t - \T: i " ;::,y:' I *i",,*,' ;*, t 6{il4arage CrediL .--tro rinish Grades Exceed 2:1 .,rdnvi ronmen ta 1 /Haz ards : eqrd ,-I *c(,,q{/,?_/-EncL-. permit Led slope 0 Y6b z Proposed sloPe+lll- 3- NO L-/'(s0t) L) Flood Plain g/ l^c 'M q*-- 6@ +s'''2l PercenL SloPe (< > 30e6) 3) Geologic Hazards 05ei. ' e / z'z lo7 /rfr /f 2 '] ?fdl .t(2, ,l .- | .r,, ,"lrurtezt Ly2 .*nN v;vt.\f'" ff1, l Cr--nn"lie.1 -Y4'(l /ut t, ?Sf' /}e/ rl'dr .1.. \.ii // I,IST OF MATERIAI,S o NAME OF PROT]ECT:,t'"/ - ,t/n^tl ') /s" {ilIr I LEGAL DESCRIPTION| LOTIA BiJocK suBDrvrsroN //r'zL:/ fl STREET ADDRESS: The following informaLion is Review Board before a final A. BUIIJDING II{,ATERIAIJS : Roof OLher wall MaEerials F asci.a Soffits Windows window rrim Sftrca UIn reguired for submiLLal approval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAIJ t.o the Design &,h Sl,"/u ia,d;,;st Sidins ftqwd ?t* ,# ffi,*|a/rt,'te ,,'A!-CUl 'AfdYTerf Utzz*-_ ! Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Plues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses ReLaining watts ExLerior Lighting OEher .ll ft"cca ul.. --- tl /- JHrr /0 Sual^L lry rkLLtl" P00,'- t4 pr'"+ Designer: Phone: B.LANDSCAPING: Name of PLA',' *rt"r, PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Bof,anical Name Ouantitv Size*.oS "u*" *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Erees.**IndicaE,e size5 qallon. GROT'ND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL Indicaterof proposed shrubs. T\/pe Minimum caliper forheight. for coniferous l4inimum size of shrubs is Scruare FooLaoe c. LANDSCAPE LrcI{TrNG: rf exrerior light,ing is proposed, pLeaseshow the number of fixLures and rocat.ions on a separateIight.ing plan. Identify eacb fixture from the li;hEing ptanin Ehe space berow and provide the heiqht above giade, -type ofriqht proposed, rumen output, ruminous area and i cuE sh-e;E ofthe liqht fixture. (SecLion 18.54.050 J) OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (ret,aining walls, fences, st{imningpools, etc.) Please specify. Indicat,e heights of retaininiwarrs- Maximum heighE. of walls within the front setback il3'. Maximum height. of walls elsewhere on !,he property is 6, D. TO: MIKE .PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: o McGEE COMMENTS NEEDED BY: q/TT BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: Relurn lo INTER:DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING TODD OPPENHEIMER ,RA}IDY STOUDER Town Planner G / ,,|ft, //q /22t,&n az A ffzt kgrd( brL. Engineering: Reviewed by: Commenls: vrhot i6 ttu gorrinl r4l6cerwnV i Fleec\ \o gqa^os "a */t tfo.., o€ Cot' \Fld\\ s\ob o'nd ot\ boordgl \tn\\s 't\r.<c\ \o 9na^l5 YJP q'l rFrIL \\ Y er \. !.4\r I lvro,nr 9cogeca.4/\*-t - wrF.EGehoro.tr frrr ernhonrzrrvn + /con', 6€rrcr lroi\ to5tq(t oe \rtdrc <Iet.F' (I\Ais\ots U4 q<'t|'.**vr*ttV with ro gcogosecl r<.varNrrqqNf*efn) r$ryrrh "*/wovpu" b?o . (l.l tw.tiro lhaodSt4s rod,..st o0 t\e dtioer"rc\ (,-f,''e \ (5 A\oooY \4 'iY'if Landscaping: Reviewed by: Commenls: 'irl/{,h Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: Commcnts: Datc: Distributed to lho Fire Doparrment, public works, and Landsc aping on f/ j t . GREG HALL TODD OPPENHEIMER Relurn lo ,RANDY STOUDER Town Planner .PROJECT: fl, DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: Landscaping: Datc: Datc: Commcntt/ ./\l tt/ k (41(.-tic^> DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING y1/qu ,/S .r+ )/'^ -", @ lfzf llf\e M. Engincering: Reviewed by: Commenls: Reviewed by: Comments: Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: / Dislributed to lhc Firo Department, public worl<s, and Landsc aping on f /i / . a.a ,a ,;. -aI A l.--.9-l 7.- - - -,-JtJ Y onshead Circle rrado 81657 .W:4 rrado 81657 \o14 lq+trytci-rrs 's-rr OI1_Tt E,rpn r2' r/'eeh r' to 24,/r..ufi//a €, 4"/,g >< 1 Pu.v,ea, e"l**n [4o// &r Y /3- ionsheaiCircle rrado 81657 /r*U 6*"/ /a6,x avsy' hrz 6"L'ilF/6rT /? vhil. -%rr€"4' / ftru Uu-/o'rr?n tF %r/ e)/'"4e/ar7 fueu 531 E. Lionshead Circle Vail, Colorado 81657 '7-,2/r)^,, fl,zaaP- -7 dbx 246r, h'/ 6/**4 arc'-r It*pl ffi o ',/p.gl /<lll, vutur o\rv (Jrr,rs, ,%oo*/i q"//zD^4*,J ?ra-rh/ Zz/^d*/ /fla-z/,. 7/n;afu '37/74 7f,*,"^/r / D4* w,//aa ii;** f-*i/ h/ 6/'**2 'r'zr7 t*xr 531 E. Lionshead Circle Vail, Colorado 81657 1'l / :%" /aoo*t-z C?a &Y*az "/"**/ fior,/n Frwz o//tu"/-3, *-Er. '"/a d 3a /rr'r*6#4hr/ 6'/*"4 f/Arv ,/ ,, / -z/o4r''/q9/') 531 E. LionsheulCn b Vail, Colorado 81657 Ju* %'/ f4 /2o/ Rea.u zVuwa-/ /,y'//"/"1, G/*r/laa/ /"t* yl PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board will be reviewing the following application on October 19, 1994 in the Town ol Vail Municipal Building. 1. A request for a Type I Employee Housing Unit at the Apostol Residence located at 1828 Alpine Drive/Lot 16, VailVillage West 1st Filing. Applicants: Peter and Suzanne Apostol The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular otfice hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Pubfished in the Vail Trail on October 7.'1994. SCHEUT.E A Ortler t*1. 307317 -O hlLclz I\b. J 317q11 Da@ of hliclz: Deoenber 3, 1993 1. lfp of Insred: qdl,lmrS POIJCY Insurare Arrcrrnt S 41,000.00 kgrliLm Amunt S 385.@ at 11:26 a.m. PEIER GEffiGE AFGIOL ard grSAllNE E. ASIOL 2. Itre estate c lnter€si ln ttre Iild $iridr ts orpred try tlte poltcy is: FB SIMPLE 3. Tltle b ttre estate of lnterest ln flle Land is vesd tn: PEIER GERGE ASIIOL aTd SJSANNE E. ArcIIOL, h Joint tenarEy 4. Ihe f.and refeli.ed b in t|ris policy is leted in tlre Stab of6l.eado, @,Erty of @le , and is described as follqds: LoE 16, \IAIL VILIiGE WESr, FILII.E F. 1, amootiry b the Plat t$ereof filed ffior,en 15, 1963, at Reqtlcn ltl. 98185. c AgEnt Itris hlicy is fuffili.d unLess tte over steet ard Schedule B are attached. ALTA orrerrs Folicy (10-21-87) FIRS'T A'IERTCA}.I TITT..,E II\ISI,RAI.E CMPAI\IY SCHEITIE B der l,lo. n73I7 -O hlicy l.Io. J 317041 PART I Itrts poltcy d@s not lnsure agafnst loss c d@ge (ard inte Cccrpary wtll rut pay @sts, at@zeyst fees c ereenses) rdridr arise by reasm b1z: 1. Tares c assessrEnts vltrtdr are rot sbo$rn as e:dstir{I llens hry t}e reords of any taxirg auttmlQ' that lerries ta)€s c asessrEnif.s cn real prqer-t1' c bry tte prbllc reords. 2. Any facts, rlgtrts, irrterests, c clajrs wtrtch are rpt slnern by tle frublic reords hJt r{trtdr od-d be asstalred t[z an inspeoticn of said lard or by maklttg inqufrv of lnrwe in lnssessicr tleseof. 3. EassrEnts, c clatrns of easeFntq, or eru,[ibrares wtrich are rpt stsm by t]E Erbffc reord. 4. Dlseparcies, sfllsts in bondary lfuEs, slutages lrr ar€a, erreadnents, or arryz other fac{s r"}hidt a @rr€st $Dr,€}r r,gfld dl-sclose, ard r,f!ic]t ate rEt s]rcHn bVp$tlc reords. 5. Arrlz llen, or right to a llen, fc senries, labor G naterial tleretofqec teteafter furnisH, iryosed bf law ard nct sfsr,n bV the pbllc reord. 6. t npaterrted rninilg c.lajmst leservEtia|s or eroept1crs in patents or in Asts autlmizirg the issuare themf; water rights, clailrs or title b water. 7. Right of my for atitctres c canals srstnrbd ty the autlnritlz of tlre t ntted States, as reserved in Lhdt€d States Patent. 8. A 1Ot rc)aftl, lnterest as resved in Warrantl' Deed reoorded Ocder 30, 1962. ln bd< 166 at Page 407. 9. restrlctims, whictl do rDt srtaln a fcfeiture G re\re(ter clause, as qttalred ln insbr.rrEn.t reonded ffiSen 25, L963, ln Bod< 178 at Page 149, as arerH by jJrstrr-nEnt reorded Deoember 6, 7963, ln Bod< 178 at Page 345 ard Febnrarlz L6, L97O, In Bod< 2I7 at We 76. 10. EaserrErrts flre (5) feet lrl width alang tle rear ard side lo,t lkEs of subjeCt pro[Ert]z, as resenred qr t]e reorded Plat of sald Subdivlstcn. ALTA Stardard Ft]llcy, Western Regian - Form lb. 11102{ (re\r. 9/87) EIRST AI''ERIEATI TITT.,,E I}'ISJRATG 6MPA}.IY I I TOWNOFVAIL R.ECEIPT NO- 0?4qvDA,BL/,y'1,'/ r cLr (lHlL PAYABLE T() I l'liscel laneous Cash [1il il:r :rji t4: 1?:4?0l ili.{*iFi. + 155f1f, ii,:,:':itt-ri #tlr. S 1i'i1 I l-'i:Tfl,: i:li'!:r:i-Lil' i:'[f f F{I f: FRS i:ii).,iuri i. i..:rr,l* i-;,i l' ?BB ' BEt It*r,i Pai,J Anount Paid ll iri il8rjrB4 i. f,i1. fisrj r r-rva I lL)N FEE tFg. ErB ( * 0l fino 2t SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTR ICT 0l 0m041 0l fino 41330 CASH' ,."., lbl\ fr fiu coPV 3. A request for a variance to locate GRFA below an allowed garage in the front setback and for a wall height variance, to allow for a primary residence with a Type I EHU, to be constructed at 1828 Alpine Drive/Lot 16, Vail Village West lst Filing. t Applicant: Peter and Susanne Apostol/Michael Sanner Planner: Mike Mollica Mike Mollica stated for the record that a site visit was done. Mike gave a brief summary ol the PEC memo. Mike explained that the lot is very steep, 37% to 57Yo slopes and lhe average slope exceeds 30%. Since the average slope exceeds 307o, garages are allowed in the front setback without a variance. Mike explained that a setback variance is requested to accommodate the design that is proposed which would provide a bridge over lhe area from the existing edge of asphalt (Sierra Trail) to the face of the garage. Mike stated that a wall height variance is also requested in order to construct the parking bridge. Staff recommends approval of the request, based on physical hardship, with the condition stated on page 5 of the memo. The condition is that the applicant add eight to len evergreens to the proposed landscaping plan, wilh heights ranging from 6 to 12 feet. The linal landscape plan shall need to be reviewed and approved by lhe Design Review Board. Mike Sanner, the proiect architect representing the owner, gave a brief presentation. Bill Anderson congratulated Mike Sanner on a design that addresses the slope problem with the least amount of impact to the site and stated he has no problems with this request. Bill stated that this is a good solution to a difficult site. All PEC members agreed that this was a good solution to a difficult problem. Kathy Langenwalter asked that the applicant add 8- 10 evergreens or equivalent, or as the Design Review Board approves. Jeff Bowen made motion to approve application with the condition to add 8-10 evergreens to the property or as the Design Review Board instructs. Bill Anderson seconded the motion. The proposal was approved by a 5-0 vote. 4. A request for a conditional use permit to allow lor a Type ll Employee Housing Unit located at 4030 North Frontage Road East, #D/Lot 28, Pitkin Creek Meadows townhomes. Applicant: Andrew M. KnudtsenPlanner: Jim Curnutte Phnning and Environme ntal Commission June 97, 199{ tt . b. tt.tl rEC -os*o { /ncin ryc eJ TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: FI!.E COPY MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Communig Development Department June 27, 1994 A request for a variance to locate GRFA below an allowed garage in the front setback and for a wall height variance to allow for a primary residence with a Type I EHU, to be constructed at 1828 Alpine Drive/Lot 16, VailVillage West 1st Filing. Applicant: Peter and Susanne Apostol/Michael SannerPlanner: Mike Mollica I. DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIANCES REQUESTED The applicant, Peter Apostol, is requesting a front setback variance and a wall height variance to provide for the construction of a new primary/secondary residence, to be located at 1828 Alpine Drive. The applicant proposes to construct one free market primary unit and one permanently restricted Type I Employee Housing Unit (EHU). The property is zoned PrimaryiSecondary Residential and is currently a vacant lot. According to the Town's hazard maps, this lot is not located in any geologic hazard zone (rockfall, debris flow, or snow avalanche). Although the property address is taken from Alpine Drive, the lot does have frontage on both Alpine Drive and Sierra Trail. The applicant is proposing to take access from the downhill side of Siena Trail. This property contains quite a few mature aspen lrees as well as approximately three to four evergreens. The southern property line for Lot 16, in the area from which access would be taken, is located approximately 15 feet horizontally from the edge of existing asphalt, and 8 to 10 feet vertically. The average slope in the area between the edge of asphalt and the applicant's property line varies lrom approximately 37 to 57"h. Due to the steep slopes on this site, the applicant is proposing a design which would provide a bridge over the area from the existing edge of asphalt, to the lace of the garage. Approximately 4 feet of the westem-most one-car garage would be located within the front setback. Because the average slope of this lot, beneath the building and parking areas, exceeds 30%, garages are allowed in the front setback without a variance. At the PEC's direction, all ol the required parking for this project would be located within the boundaries for the property. The survey for this lot indicates that 46o/o ot the lot area consists of slopes which exceed 40% grade. The Town of Vail Public Works and Fire Departments have approved of the applicant's design. The applicant is requesting a front setback variance in order to locale approximately 67 square feet of GRFA beneath a portion of the garage which encroaches into the front setback. The GRFA would be located on both the lower and main levels of the structure. This portion of the building would encroach approximately 4leet into the required 20{oot front setback, therefore a tt-foot front setback variance is requested. The applicant is requesting a wall height variance in order to construct the parking brlJge. A retaining wall is proposed to be located beneath the parking bridge, and the heights of this wall will range from 3 feet on the eastsm side, to 7 leet on the westem side. lt should be noted that the entire retaining wall will be located beneath the bridge and will not be visible from Siena Trail. This retaining wall is proposed to be located in the front setback area, where the maximum allowable height for retaining walls is 3 feet. The applicant ls requesting a wall helght varlance in order to exceed the maxlmum allounble retaining wall height by 4 feet. II. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS The following summarizes the zoning statistics for fiis request: A. Zone District: Primary/Secondary Residential B. Lot Area: 0.2308 acreV10,054 square feet C. Density: one lree market clwelling unit and one Type I EHU (requires DRB approval) D. GRFA: Allowable: 3,363.5 sguare feet Proposed: 3,026.0 square feet E. Site Coverage: Allowable: 1,508 square feet (15.0eld' Proposed: 1,487 square feet (14.8%) F. Parking: + spaies are required and 4 are proposed .The staff has calculated the average slope beneath the building and the pafting areas to be 41 .6h. Because this average slope is greater than 30o/o, the property is restricted lo a maximum site coverage ol 157o. lf the average slope had been less than 30%, the maximum site coverage would be 20%. III. BACKGROUND AND HISTORY The staff has researched the Town files with regard to previous reviews of projects of a similar nature. The tollowing is intended to give the PEC an understianding of fie review of previous actions: A. On April 25, 1994, the PEC held a worksession in order to review a request for a lront setback variance, a wall height variance and a site coverage variance to allow for a new primaryisecondary residence located at 1799 Sierra Trail. This property is located immediately to the east of the Apostol lot. George Plavec . was the applicant and his representiative Erich Hill, presented the request to the PEC. The Plavec property exhibited similar site constraints as the Apostol property. Although the PEC did not vote on the Plavec requests, the PEC said that they were not going to support a request for a site coverage variance. Additionally, the PEC required all parking to be provided on-site,.and stated that they would not support any parking in a Town right-of-way. The PEC did state that there was a hardship on this property and that they would be willing to support a wall height variance and a limited front setback variance to allow for GRFA to be located beneath the garage. B. On February 28, 1994, the PEC reviewed a request for a variance to allow parking in the public right-of-way located at2642 Cortina Lane/Lot 6, Block B, Vail Ridge. The applicant, Hans Weimann, was requesting that the third required parking space be located in lront of the garage, and would subsequently overhang onto the right-oFway of Gortina Lane by 11 feet. During the PEC's review of this application, it became apparent that the PEC was not going to approve the application and the applicant subsequently withdrew the request. lt should be noted that the size of this lot is 12,759 square feet and further, that the site is restricted to a maximum ol 151" site coverage. Although the applicant was only proposing to construct a single family residence on the property, the design of the structure did meet the 15"/o site coverage limitation. IV. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Gommunity Development Department recommends approval of the requested variance based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures an the vicinity. The staff believes that this property is encumbered with a physical hardship, due to the steep slopes of this site. We believe that fte applicant's desire to not cut a driveway onto this site is very positive and we find the parking deck and bridge solution to be acceptable. The staff believes that the front setback variance request, as well as the wall height variance request, will have minimal, if any, negative impacts on existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. However, statf does believe that additional landscaping should be required on both the east and west sides of the bridge deck to screen the retaining wall from the adlacent lots. B. The staff has estimated that approximately sixteen to eighteen mature aspen and one, 50 to 60{oot tiall evergreen will need to be removed as a result of this construction. The applicant is proposing to add twelve aspens (2lo 2-1l2inch caliper), around the p€rimeter of the proposed structure. The statf would recommend that the applicant be required to strengthen their landscape plan with the addition of eight to len spruce (6 to l2-feet in height). 2. The degree to which rellef from the strlct and llteral interpretatlon and enlorcement of a spgclfled regulataon is necegsary to achieve compatiblllty and unitormlty of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attaln the oblectlves of thls tltle wlthoul grant of spsClal privilege. Staff believes that the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of the wall heighl regulations would present an unnecessary hardship on the applicant. Additionally, the staff finds that drivalay access onto this site would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, and that wall height variances and perhaps a driveway grade variance would also be necessary to accomplish any type of reasonable grade for a driveway. The staff does not believe that the granting of the selback and wall height variances requested would constitute special privilege. 3. The effect of the requested varianoe on light and alr, dlstrlbution ot population, transportatlon and trafflc tacilities, public faclllties and utlllties, and publlc safety. The staft does not believe that the requested variances would have any effect on the above criteria. The Town of Vail Public Works and Fire Departments have approved of the applicant's request. The Plannino anct Environmental Gommission shall make the followino linctinos before qrantinq a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant ol special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimential to the public health, saleg or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted lor one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with he objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The slrict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The planning staff is recommending approval of the applicant's request for a front setback variance and for a wall height variance. We find that the property is encumbered with a physical hardship and that Criteria lV, B, 1, 2, 3(a and c) have been met. The staff recommendation for approval of the variances carries with it the following condition: 1. That the applicant add eight to ten evergreens to the proposed landscaping plan, with heights ranging from 6 to 12 feet. The final landscape plan shall need to be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board. (x|vUTTA lOflONnl 'JSl,f,lSfTllATVA U Jatt rcNrcrsgu .I(ltso{v siiii$ti; aiiiiiiiri*i -rl r-l 'l-s' l-\ rl so F! tIa II\ I \ j,, \ I I it +it1ii-rt$-i) l>:It-rlilFlr- 'n-lr )t*' ana -i '4 I$( allr . - .1aF-"\. t={{ii(_t"ki ,\ 'tl r',. ' ' t, t.ti\ ) r'N), t " ,\'\i\) t \.\'. ., "1,.\.\ ,\'i \\\ \t'\ \ Nt,,..' r**1" '.\,',, \' / \\ \rJ-lr r V "-<\'\'. t$ r,,',., "-{(rr--{,$\ \t\lt " . ''i\\o_S\_}.'fa $ i$ lr: ro -4. osnrcnoc Tv roN9Nmr'Jsg r 39\rr||^'[v^ 9t J.ql scNltmsf,u aorsory ..ltt-,:I'.I il Ni N -tr1 I f _.I as !-f ls $ral sailqa itit (-) -^lj -.: -\ -\-.{,tuF-l_s tI | '-i'!ri+,aF | <..til f5ilrr\N',)t i rj. , *lii.i ' '\ .-. Fir-i \,, '*f $!r.!{\'1\' \\ Ni).".,'\"Nil*.\,)#r,;tx5;, $: *l*,{f,[.'NH\':"N''lr!i.S,l,W,.t,t$ i$k-; il;jq''' \ t \ \, \ ". \\ \,.-)4,.. 'r,'\tri'r,$\.F\^i\ ,\ \ 'r. \.. \4fr'f\{ /,\*'\\* \'. > lsDz-r-t':' si rrltr!Rl (\lrli\i er;uYIjl lllttr X'i\ *\:,J: \KSta}: '\"\ 'b r oNor{nu'rstf, if,wTnAlv^ gr JItrilJrirclslu aolso{!. I ,Jl, o -q : I * \l\ v- oc'ucrt@ "Ii'A I ON CNnH 'IS!l,s SSTIA TvA 9t JCn tf,l{Iclsf,ir Tol'soily I r-Fl \ {- {- N\l i I I rl I I l-- - qr., ,o-l T- ?-JT----t--- a-t---l- "3 I ot{ 9ttllltJ 'Jsgrf,3ovTT Tv !t ung.)trlSflSf,U aOI.SO{V rl.!\l " il n I I rl\il $l! I oNct\trtu'JS3/S irOV'nrA TvA gr JgtIilnx(trslu aolso{v 0+ t :k ts f tf a I oorrugpc--wA I oNcNnu 'Jsaarl9rrruATvA 9t I(ngoNuflsru aomo{v uo{{ :r( I r1 + I tr { $t j 1 _t- h Irl &\ _tI '\T ) :t\ F. it _u \Y -!LY otl .L \ Ei.I \rI l- \ ) v . oowoxD .llv^ I ONOimU '$9,f,!PVTIATVA U lIIl rJtEqlgtu aolsoalv I , oo ZONE CHECK |*, R, R P/5olo", orrr*r.O DATE:6'16. ?.+1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LoT Ib BlocK / Tiling ADDRESS: OWNER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PHONE PHONE PRoPosED vSE 3. F u-/ L T'^4- I EllU - **LoT stzs /O, o51 f AlLowed Existinq Proposed + 32.t'nox. lotal Height TOIA1 GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks 33b3,5 f = l?33" l*_--.-15o7, I ltoo5.1 Front Sides Rear water Course Setback /\Site Coveraee (!?o) Landscapi"s @ld Retaining WaIl Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: -e- 20, 15' 15' (30) (s0) -o- Lozz.+ f -o' 3' /5' 25la \ - 3026 * I (o 'F" l/rc,{indrp aenu,lJ -*J- N/A l.18tl f Actual Slope Engineer: b'3'?.f t.4 + + 425 425 -e- '15?? f nt 19,52" ?' n+x t-yAlu,lnce c.1.r{./ View Corridor Encroachment: Environmental /Hazards : .>.>.> conditions of approval (ctreck property fite): Nnve 1430,4 <.Erfl."'o-\ -___:___----..(3oo)@ (eoo) (1200)- Pernitted Slope -Q!_ Date approved by Town YeS 1) Flood Plai.n Yr zl Ersen!--9-lppe 3) Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalanche,__dQb) Rockfall NOc) Debris FIow No4) WetLands dd Prevloug Does this request involve a 250 Addition? How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request? -Cr **Note: under sections 18.L2.090 (B) and 18. L3.080 (B) of the MuniciparCode' Lots zoned Two Family and Prinary/Secondary which are Less than 151000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelJ.ing unit. The Conrnunity Development Department may grant an exception to thisrestriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth underSections 18 .12 .090 (B) and 1g .13.090 (B) of the Municipal Code inctudingpermanently restricting t,he unit as a long-term rental unit, for fu]l-time employees of the 0pper Eagle Valley.- 10 sffi:Y*EU TOV'C0trrr|Vi, DEV. DEPT. , ,uf,i';xtlffno May 26, L994 Town of Vail Planning Dept. Mike Mollica Re: Apostol Residence response to comments fron public works Dear Mike, I have revised the driveway entrance slightly so as to address your concerns (see attached site plan). The driveway entrance is about 15ft. in width where it connectsto the road. The driveway grade is relatively flat in frontof the garage doors with a slight grade away to the drains. The grade at the driveway connection to the road down to thedrains is variable from 2.7* to 98 with the grade at thecenter of the drive at 7.8*. This is due to the fact thatthe road, Sierra Trail is about 9 to 10* in grade along theproperty. The gas line is parallel to the road and is about atthe edge of the road. It shouldn't require a road cut. There is a water cast iron tap as shown on the site plan. The required parking of 4 spaces is net with two beingcovered. The cars can get in and out. Why do you think spruce trees should be added to the landscape plan? I don't agree with you on that. Michael L. Sanner Architect P.O. Box 667 Avon. Colorado 81620 tgA, il* T -|*u ^-y*'"L 6lnP' ,2& /b ' i - Retumto Town Planner DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING 6.27,14 COMMENTS NEEDED BY: s.2s.14 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: c-d".,4,4./L a-.\1_ "*-Z-.f. iKS ) .'-/rln"' b,..s.-- H "/.-( Date: / r) Prci'r rde '1\c./e\ u) t\\ t+ct € \g{d\l .l3f\')' a ) t{- '.rtc con\ou(5 og no+ ho € ctrctnqed t \E Y'l \/2 j) \',("ltrt,'(<<) porur'-'c1 11g\2 t5\(o\\ c"\ $rlg't 6'<rd&t''rr \cc'crrc''r? t:'fllii5t 4) U rw'.rcr\ 'Jcode \t oi\(a(ic Pt(U-"14 a'\ \3 3?a Nred lc reVtsQ- $/$i:/\c) 5.) \^riil caad \:e cJt !o ac''er'g 3''"' ' - (" ) L$Li.\ cY c4'!]c" oot of cr pec\c"\n\ 2 ?\ 5no,r.t sto(o(ge'w it\ bcl ta^rc\ loa7ccs wrtlr rarlrnc; t-'rcr'r tl drrrrr^(\rl C/,tr 0O+ cP ((L\'* .( ea'r+ K--,;"J fr-* fr Z ^!,,nzr- I casr*4- /t^- Reviewed O A-- fl? ab'4'A ( # ,(R ?o//t<24( 'r-et^ * zil{-4 "7f ,e lte /-{.Qa444+. (, Sfa &4 ,,lt ,/.t^/ .A Z^^-r".^r* * 5'?{'?4 Fo'/t-r/ t ^,*r./ .e s*,,-_".,- tt,el q4 rwi..d lt/Jta - dkr,utrh putr.rc wcrr5 Terri u .l-\,r'trru,,-.- ,/./4.- b Retum rc holl;"n Town Planner INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTTON OP.NIC PROPOSAL: '6RFA ) /.e4rz /; f-.t "*qJ - I/a.tta*-< . Wd4 fn u-i"r*g Comments:l..rgl I ll I ltir l(5. \ , i , trqooeJ n:',,r elev[,(;un+ €ovz) 51u,,' A du;noy oF Conq S/al'6 3l toL*-, utk-x- ,t I ; l,"ti.t a .c oa aN ,I e.J a) 5/p- lnJs.-ro.-7 b) AIo*t Snou) SJorodC D 5"/,.* q 4 Z."r^, -).d N 4.o4-*&i*, r) f ef * f^t, tr.*.J./. {-- * ,EQ t*4 '->4 '^""1 U") 1'26.?-f '/ 4 lUtJ 9a-"-*n ,1,F1 ,*<,/,-c. *L r-ul *tl ,l'-l I * /-xe .*' 2zZ t4efa /: ' *pcsi oL Faessler Gabhofterschwang Seven Vail Corp. Marc Lashovitz % Hotel Sonnenalp 1201 Green Meadow Lane P.O. Box 2523 20 Vail Road Littleton, CO 80121 Vail, CO 81658 Vail, CO 81657 Kimerly L. Milner Ronald and Doris MeEger Harold and Cynthia Turtletaub 1800 Siena Trail P.o' Box 2665 9000 sw 96th Street Vail, CO 81657 Vail, CO 81658 Miami, FL 33176 George Plavec lll Harald Jorck Gordon McKeeta/Kathleen Kramer 13442EasIAsbury Drive1670 Sunburst Drive, #C-9 P.O. Box2734 13442 bast ASDUry vair, co 81657 Vair, co 81658 liQT\T tooto /^lnlq+ - oC-iottnts Snt- cLxr r-l t v vl"l ' r - . t'-t I THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission ol the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 ol the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on June 27, 1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for variances for locating GRFA in the front sehack and for a wall height variance to allow for a primary residence with a Type I EHU, to be constructed at 1828 Alpine Drive/Lot 16, Vail Village West 1st Filing. Applicant: Peter and Susanne Apostol/Michael Sanner Planner: Mike Mollica 2. A request for a setback variance for an addition to an existing residence located at 2692 Cortina Lane/Lot 10, Block 8, Vail Ridge Subdivision. Applicant: Bob RedpathPlanner: Mike Mollica 3. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for an expansion to the administration building located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive/Unplatted parcel located north of the l-70 Right-Of-Way, north ol VailVillage, 8th Filing. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Greg Hall Planner: Andy Knudtsen 4. A request for an amendment to a previously approved plan to allow for four duplexes to be constructed at 1894 Lionsridge Loop/Lot 27, Block 2, Lionsridge 3rd Filing. Applicant: SteveGensler/ParkwoodRealtyPlanner: Andy Knudtsen fiL [ _i:;r;f 7. A request for an amendment to Section 18.57 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, Employee Housing, to allow for common area to be used for employee housing. Applicant: Jay Peterson Planner: Andy Knudtsen TABLED TO JUNE 13,1994 Jeff Bowen made a motion to table this requesi lo the June 13, 1994 PEC meeting with Dalton Williams seconding the motion. A 7-0 vote tabled this item to the June 13, 1994 PEC Meeling. B. A request for variances for locating GBFA in the front setback and for a wall height variance to allow for a primary residence with a Type I EHU, to be constructed at 1828 Alpine Drive/Lot 16, VailVillage West 1st Filing. Applicant: Peler and Susanne Apostol/Michael Sanner Pianner: Mike Mollica TABLED TO JUNE 27,1994 Jeff Bowen made a motion to table this request to the June 27, 1994 PEC meeting with Dalton Williams seconding the motion. A 7-0 vote tabled this item to the June 27, 1994 PEC Meeting. g. A request for a variance from Section 18.57.040 (8,6) requiring a minimum of 50% of the required parking to beenclosed and Section 18.52.080(A) requiring parking lo be located on-site to allow lor an existing secondary dwelling unit lo be deed restricted as a Type I Employee Housing Unit, located at 2635 Larkspur/Lot 2, Block 2, Vail lntermounlain. Applicanl: Greg Amsden Planner: Mike Mollica TABLED INDEFINITELY Jeff Bowen made a molion to table this request indefinitely with Dalton Williams seconding the motion. A 7-0 vote tabled this item indefinitely. 10. A request for a conditional use permit for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit to be located at 126 Forest Road/Lot 5, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing' Applicant: Ron Byrne PIANNET: JiM CUTNUTIE TABLED INDEFINITELY Jefl Bowen made a motion to table this request indefinilely with Dallon Williams seconding the motion. A 7-0 vote tabled this ilem indefinitely. Plmnlng md EDvlrcnm.otrl Co|nmltllon Uly 23, 1994 :"lp l,' f":finw .!,i, Uk'l L', 6. A request for a conditional use permit for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit to be located at 126 Forest Road/l-ot 5, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing' Applicant: Ron BymePlanner: Jim Curnutte TABLED TO MAY 23, 1994 Jeff Bowen made a motion to table this item to the May 23, 1994 PEC meeting with Dalton Williams seconding the motion. A 6-0 vote tabled this item to May 23' 1994. 7. A request for a worksession to discuss revisions to the Zoning Code to allow for common area to be used for employee housing. Applicant Jay Peterson Planner: Andy Knudtsen TABLED TO MAY 23, 1994 Jeff Bowen made a motion to table this item to the May 23, 1994 PEC meeting with Dalton Williams seconding the motion. A 6-0 vote tabled this item to May 23, 1994. 8. A request for variances for locating GRFA in the front seback and for a wall height variance to 4!!gw lor a primary residence with a Type I EHU, to be constructed at ml 16, VailVillage West lst Filing. Applicant Peter and Susanne Apostol/Michael Sanner Planner: Mike Mollica TABLED TO JUNE 27,1994 Jetf Bowen made a motion to table this item to the June 27,'1994 PEC meeting with Dalton Williams seconding the motion. A 6-0 vote tabled this item to June 27' 1994. A request for a variance to allow for GRFA and a garage to be located in the front setback and a wall height variance to atlow for a Primary residence with a Type I Employee Housing Unit to be constructed at 1799 Sierra Trail/Lot 17, Vail Village West 1st Filing. Applicant: George Plavec, represented by Erich Hill PIanNEr: MiKE MOIIICA TABLED INDEFINITELY Jetf Bowen made a motion to table this item indefinitely with Dalton Willlams seconding the motion. A 6-0 vote tabled this item indefinitely. A request for a worksesslon for a major amendment to the Glen Lyon SDD to allow for a revision to the master plan to allow for the expansion of the Glen Lyon Office Building located at 1000 South Frontage Road WesVArea D, Glen Lyon SDD. Applicant Pierce, Segerberg and Associates Planner: Andy Knudtsen TABLED INDEFINITELY Phnnlng and Environmsntrl Commi$lon Mlnua3 LLy I, 1994 9. 10. o FtLt fiop'{ Allison Lassoe stated that she also was concerned about the site coverage variance. She felt that the proposed design was at odds with the topography of the site. Dalton Williams stated that he was not concerned with the wall height variance or the GRFA in the tront setback but that the proposed site coverage overage was a concern to him. Kathy Langenwalter stated that the applicant needed to show that there was a hardship on the site. Erich Hill stated that having a footprint ol '1,122 square feet is a hardship and that it was impossible to get the site coverage down to 15/o tor a primary/secondary building. Mike Moll6a stated that he could not see how the site design could be renrorked to come within the 30% average slope requirement. Kathy Langenwalter stated that she did not see any re.rson for a hardship on this prop6rty eicept that the applicant wishes to have two slructures on the site. She said that this was not the same as a physical hardship. She felt that a hardship did exist w1h regard to access to the site and the wall height variance, but lhat she did not feel trat a physical hardship was present for site coverage. Erich Hill inquired how this site ditfered from Ross Perot's site which was granted a site coverage variance in 1990. Kathy Langenwalter stated that comparing the Perot house to this site was not comparing apples to apples. Erich Hill thanked the PEC for their time. 5. A request for preliminary plat approvat of a major subdivision (Trappers Run) on Lots. 16, lb and 21 , Section 14, Township 5 South, Range 81 West generally located north of l-70 and west of the Vail Ridge Subdivision. Applicant: John Ulbrich, represented by Gateway Development PIANNET: JiM CUTNUIIE TABLED INDEFINITELY Jeff Bowen made a motion to table this item indefinitely with Greg Amsden seconding this motion. A 6-0 vote tabled this item indefinitely. 6. A request for variances for locating GRFA and a garage in the lront setback and for a wall height variance to allow for a Primary/Secondary residence to be constructed at Applicant: Peter and Susanne Apostol Planner: Mike Mollica TABLED TO MAY 9' 1994 Pl.n|rlni rnd Envhon mrotrl Commbdon Aprll 25, l99l It t, , Return b /40llicrq Town Planner INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: ,6KFA .Wa4 ) f^22 /; f4-t a"/A-r/ - l/a.oc.;.*< fratbworyJ {"7 Hr-( -,..yy-6 o^t", 4lvtlq4 Comments: \ .r) tt+l 1to/ Ehualt'oh5 \ , Fqocr J i,wt eev,!-1,,^r fov-) 4o,,n'a*,,-) -;i il"'- sht zl 'u[t' -k(n- ul.'1.'!,.t a..< ,aatt.!€] +- a) 4p- loJs.o-1o.'-y L) 5Ao-> 9,nou) Slor"6c D 5,4- 4 4 -&h-, n'^,/. N $/Z-a'Z-^L, v) t^1",* f 7.,1, ft ^'"-(./. * h/1 -*; -',/ A")z.>{e 1 2b'?-t t/ -/ lM.J So-''a ,/"a.atr(n. il. rt/ c44 lJ I * lofrr 't' fX /^n'fa ^ ' Fletum to 14ollrcn Town Planner INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: . 6fFn , f2z r^ f";-i ".ilr-/ - /aa*4 . Wd4 ry an*i4 h. hrbc"o^rr, 7 - 13 -1-f Comments: b Ob,e c\ ,o"- S OAeD$ol Ad&aJ$-S Faessler Gabhofterschwang Seven Vail Corp. Marc Lashovitz % Hotel Sonnenalp '1201 Green Meadow Lane P.O. Box 2523 20 Vail Road Littleton, CO 80121 Vail, GO 81658 Vail, CO 81657 Kimerly L. Milner Ronald and Doris Metzger Harold and Cynthia Turtletaub '1800 Sierra Trail P.O. Box 2665 9000 SW 96th Street Vail, CO 81657 Vail, CO 81658 Miami, FL 33176 George Plavec lll Harald Jorck Gordon McKeeta/Kathleen Kramer 13442 East Asbury Drive Aurora. CO 80014 1670 Sunburst Drive. #G-9 P.O. Box 2734 Vail, CO 81657 Vail, CO 81658 N.\ - 5l4lq4 - oolecurrs &rt-&r} ql\ l!,^; nt; t:-t: | .l : lal- l-1.IEl=t:t:l! lv,7 i 1z.l;27.t + F --i|.) ,= '.: .-= .:.' ': 1.: .,-. - !=: =-_. .,- -: -i.:;: ==a: .:.1 :: - j.,,= : ! == : /.i:: .a ^-: -- _- = a : ^4. = <r : - E-lt, :_:-!':;-. 2 .--= a-:: U U'r Z (-J F t Z f 'r- .l .). i l-: .- =a<:- j=:., -/ =' =t - = : -. '.'.!.:.''J[---;: :a -- /: -=" ^ -l--:.< -Y =!rI{:I Lrl Z .-uJ {! av I! ll.1 F >,/.I r",-t!-1 ':) )',))" iv,". tt-t -:7?a)/ .2 a i F- o Lr- t- ff j lZ.; rJ t =Il,j,itl, i * E *, 1;,JE{x?tiizlzZ]tlfliii tEite*E€a+lEe?ir1!1:?\Ei E --;:-,-1 v, x ! tr .l- rs= )^ .- E -^.J/. d :'= :/ r_.! () c !fr!c<.9*!+*= -: t i ';=-lg-?FJ !a! rj LL= ii t.2, L ^ - l-= 7,u^)a;JoJ:"iI c i Fi :5? Y ,', Y"' =2\ro.-=-" t._.-J*.==.\F:1,cJa,i&62-Enid=tij -r F -l<r'r ,"1 :,:-6E\v =\, c1 /J.1 a -1- ,:=F-.: .::F =: -> =i€.? t. t I : . :.=a'- -= :=:;a= 2 ;-. ! 'r' ::;5 :r-:!-a '! = j'- z |:;4 ; 1F=<t - -= 3ll.--..-; i: = J> '-: ?- / -=cc :;€ i za*aa', J ! jt- ^U tIJ F z -) 'z F_1s. >t,ti. 'i> I ,'. ;.J =-, . tr' _ --/ .-) ? n o F-L !-1-.i ? = a = =- F =- 1; .. ;,7 a=> -*i = .- = -===a'.- / =-.7:- 'r: = :- := ::=i a:-:== --;^ = -== ==3- a'-- t=.> <- = -;'I =- Z- a-z--l 'ac -l =a-.Z .-. - z Ic ---.t -.-.Flrt a 7--:t.:-Fi:'i=-. F--= -=- > : : - +a <;-:: i \a::= - ar = -=.li l': =.-=.. = a;' r i =- - f*=+€;' =_ -: - ^'.,=:_ =-*,::j: ; = i- F-, =--.il'';=::--- : : - :--=j:,ia-.: i : .'i = i I: .-i a:= =.-<a-S.=€r :r= = ! =2 - ! =;F a.- 7':-' -s i ri a +509 LTTTLL l() N STREET. BALDWI;! PARK. CA 9l7116 @ rr1,. ( n,lr,rr..n .,nl rh. '.|r.!.(i.hsturr1.8..riitur.(.tudrr..fu li\ .i .\ri\. ( ilrn,N lfr O 199: Akr). ( L,lr!nr,$ l,!hr ng In! ,\ zul-z z ts '11 rn rn l. -l ? = o -l r-z o MC 2OTGW CR:C).ltSrDlo.Do }J ll at \,/- l. -".: i:'* THts rrEM MAy EFFECT youR pRopERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Gommission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on May 23, 1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. A request lor an amendment to a previously approved plan to allow lor a realigned driveway located al 1726 and 1730 Buffehr Greek Road/Lots 6 and 7, Zneimer Subdivision. Applicant Ed ZneimerPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 2. A request for an amendment to the Hazard Plan to allow for the removal of a buiHing from a avalanche hazard area located at 1600 - 1730 Sunburst DriveA/ail Golf Course Townhomes (Sunburst 3rd Filing). Applicant: BillSargentPlanner: Russ Forest 3. A request for an amendment to Section 18.69.050 to clarify how slope is to be measured and to allow for 6 foot walls to be constructed in the front setback for projects where the average slope of the site beneath the proposed structure and parking area is in excess of 30% slope. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther 4. A request for amendments to Section 18.57, Employee Housing, to set forth requirements for renting Employee Housing Units and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Town of VailPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 5. A request for front setback, site coverage and wall height variances to allow lor additions to an existing Primary/Secondary residence located at 226 Forest RoacULot 11-4, Block 7, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant: John KredietPlanner: Randy Stouder 6. A request for a variance from Section 18.57.040 (8,6) requiring a minimum of 50% of the required parking to be enclosed and Section 18.52080(A) requiring parking to be located on-site, and to allow tor an existing secondary dwelling unit to be deed restricted as a Type I Employee Housing Unit, located at 2635 Larkspur/Lot 2, Block 2, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Greg AmsdenPlanner: Mike Mollica o A request for a variance from Section 18.57.040 (8,6) requiring a minimum of 50% of the required parking to be enclosed and Section 18.52.080 (A) requiring parking to be located on-site, and to allow for an existing secondary dwelling unit to be deed restricted as a Type I Employee Housing Unit located at 1881 Alpine Drive/Lot 38, Vail Village West 1st Filing. Applicant: Susan M. Stout Bird Planner: Randy Stouder A request for a conditional use permit lor a Type ll Employee Housing Unit to be located at 126 Forest RoadAot 5, Block 7, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant Ron Byrne Planner: Jim Cumutte A request for variances for locating GRFA in the front sehack and for a wall height variance to allow for a primary residence with a Type I EHU, to be constructed at 1828 Alpine Drive/Lot 16, Vail Village West lst Filing. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: A request for an amendment to Section 18.57 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, Employee Housing, to allow for common area to be used for employee housing. A request for an amendment to Section 18.52 0f the Town of Vail Municipal Code, Off- Street Parking and Loading, to allow for an increase to the parking pay-inJieu fee. 7. 8. 11. Peter and Susanne Apostol/ltlichael Sanner Mike Mollica Jay Peterson Andy Knudlsen Town of Vail, represented by Mike Rose Andy Knudtsen -w4.1 ,G cf zt APOSTOI, REEIDENCE .- VARIANCE REOUEST we are requesting a variance to allow us to build asingle farnily hone with an employee housing unit on lot 15, Vail ViIIage West, Filing No.1. It is zoned prinary secondary and the lot is less than 15,OOO square feet in size with steep grades, especially at the top and bottom of the lot. we are proposing to place the gergqe into the front setback approxinately 10 to 11 feet, place living space unAErEtre-gareg!i,,/@fu-gf-a'€tli a nd support- Elafk@-clrivewaybridgsarfth--a retaining wall at the property 1ine. Theretaining wall would not be readily seen since the house would be in front of it and tbe drive on top of it. The retaining wall would go frorn 3 feet to 8 ft in exposed height along its length. There would be an enployee housing uni just under 5oo sf, with a separate entrance, enclo' space, and both an enclosed spiral stair down to the entrance deck as well as an open air stair down the steep bank with the renaining distance as tinber tie/landscape steps cut into the natural slope. This will allow a way toget furniture down to the l-ower level apartrnent. The spiralstair will provide a covered access to the apartment. The design goal was to create as tittle an impact as possible on the steep lot. The parking bridge and small. footprint of the building accornplish this goal. In order to keep the building within the 33ft heightrestriction the garage has to be ptaced within the frontn setback and due to the narrowness of the lot-*$e--tccuiJed 0 f.fu'! nariiqg.ptu^A,the road ighi-reji#--- O\Ya- ) --{er.--;a=Eiril-r-E cur:dle-sac road with tesi traffic than(--'/ Alpine Drive. AIso the neighbor across the street hassiurilarly encroached into the front setback with its garage and parking apron without any adverse effect. we feel this variance wifl not adversely inpact the neighbors views and will actually be an improvement over a normal development in that the landscape will not be asradicalty effected as it would with a driveway road cut into the hillside. Fron Sierra Trai] the house will appear as a one story structure. from below and the sides it will conform to the landforrn by stepping down the hillside. The house is approxirnately 2600 sf and the ernployee unit is about 490 sf in size. The lot coveraqte is 1508 sf. which is 15* of the lot size. The lot is 10,053.55 sf in size. Page - 1 ( (u"f tlVooT ) ENGINEERING DESIGNWORKS, INC, 30965 Moff3t Avenue P.0. Box775729 Slea{boat Spnngs, Colorado 8047 7 (303) 879-4890 (303) 949.4823 FAX (303) 879-4905 Subsoil Investigation/Foundation Reconulendations for proposed hone at,Lot 16, Filing 1, West VaiI Vlllage Subdivisj.onVaiI, Colorado October 25, 1993 Job #932L48e Prepared for: Peter Apostol P.O. Box 3817Vai1, CO I1.658 GENERAL This report presents the results of our geotechni-cal investigationconducted on the.:i!".of rhe.proposed horia at Lot 16, Flring-i,-t{estVail Vlllaqe Subdivision, Vail, dolorado. lhe inveetigation.was perfonned to provide sufficient infornation aboutthe Bupporting eoil nantle to enabl-e a suirable foundati;;-e;;i;o to,'the proposed home._^?:l llyesrigation specificarry did n;; uaaiE"u unyslope Btability considerations. The conclusions and recommendations preeented herein are based, on thedata gathered durlng-our sitE and laioratory lnvestig;iion"-i"a-"",experience with similar soil conditions. ririi invesii_g-tion "i"'conducted in accordanca_with presently accepted eoi]s 6nqin;erinqprocedures consistent wirh the propos6a aevltoprnerri ;"J--;;-;;iiiitv i."expreeeed or implied. rIELD INVESTIGATION The subsurface soil conditions w9r9 explored on october 12, 1993, bytr.ro. open test pirs dug with a cAT 9318 backhoe. see Figuie i-ioi tr,etegt.pit locati.ons. ihe below footing soils exposed on site areproflred in_Figrure 2. Laboratorr soii sarntiei-ier. obtained with aI::?-l"iy: qnq+:I. unconfined lenetrornerer raats were performedqurrng Ene dlgglng operatione. See Figure 2 for unconfiired values. IABOR,ATORY TESTING Laboratory testing and analysis included swell consolidation testingperformed at the Englneering oesignworks rabJiat"ry i.n steaml"at-'Spring6, Co. See Figure 3 for deiails. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION :il::".t"nally framed rwo r-ever honrE with basement on a sreep sroping RECOMMENDATIONS Laboratory tests indicate that t,he tan clays and sands with smal] roclcslocated ln the "?rrni] bearing strata approiinateLy z, berow eristinggrade in test pits #1 and #2-are srighiit-&iln"i"". Any conventionalfoundatj.on bealing.on these soits E[.iuia'h--5"Jig"ed for 2{oo psfntxiBurr.lso trrif ularnun soils bearing preBsuros. suggested design at-rest equivalent fLuid pressure tor ua6*titt: imported-gri""r"-=-Eopcf, on-eite clays and-eands = gO pcf. Any foundation at this site muet be designed and construcled in strictconformance with the following precautions: 1. Foundation grade beams should be designed and relnforced t,o span anunaupported distance of at least 10 feet. 2, rnspect,excavation for soil uniforTlty and to confinn types priortg fly foundation constructj-on. Al-I loose or soft poctlls oi Eoilwithin the loaded depth of the footings should be rlnovea-anarepraced with a werl compacted graver; or the footj.ngs extJnaeo tolower, more competent soLls. 3. Conpacted fills to be compacted ln 8rf lifts to a minimun of 95tModifled Proct'or Density with gravels at a noistur" conleni ritti_n2* of.optinurn. _ properJ.y praced and confined washed rock mav beuEed in rieu of conpacted- filLs when properry vlbrit"a-rn-2i,maxinum lIfts 4. Any fill containing-rock shouLd be carefuJlV rnixeO to avoid nestingand creation of voide. No concrete or firr'snari b;-pi;;;; ;nnuddy or frozen ground. 5. Malntaln frost depth for footings subJect to frost, unless aninsulated or othei engineered sfraltow-tounaition ii ;;i;td; 7. Maintain the in-situ moisture content and avoid weatherlng of thebearing soils at all times before, during and after constiuciion. 8. Provlde an adequate underdraj.n systen fron the low areas of theexcavation. Test, before and aftir backfill. conrour the finishgradlng-to-divert all surface drainage at ieast 10' away fronr ar1eides of the structure. 9. Do not backfirr.untir supportlng.!]oor sy.tens or adeguate bracingIs in.prace. Ar.r axreri6i uacxiitr.to ul gi;nurar frde oiarnirrgnaterlal, capped with 12il of water inrpermeirre 1eg. crayy-mileriatto divert surface flow. ceotextile tilric is recornrnended below theclay layer. 10. slope stabiLity shour.d be addreseed by others in the desi.gnprocess. Sigrnificant changes in the proposed structure or subsoil conditionsdLfferent than those logged in Figure 2 nay alter these reconmendations and should be brought to the attention of this office. Sincerely, Designworks, Inc.M# by: Peter lflegand, Geologist reviewed: Jeff Sharpe, P.E. Englnee t I rr GURI A ip ine Dr ive Vegetct ion : grcss &0spen Iest P it ll^ ll -ofSite slopes down* 2' in 7'Prnnnqpri| | \./ r \.,. \r, \_/ \r nevv house Iest pit #1 S ierro lrc i I qnn lp-\\J \J \J I \,/ / (not to a F iGIJRI rL)r rit Iop of 1 existing grocie ILJI Top PIT 2 of existing grcoe Topsoil with :octsTopsoil with roots l|ix of ton clrys & sonds t' with iF snoll-rocks (r4" 0)' 7', [l|ix of ton cloys & sonds with 152 snoll'rocks (r4" A) (l Ar \ TI-'t I t 7' . lio-note #st2 l$t tsi Penetrometer Bottom of excovotion Eottom Note: Soil clossificqtion bv No grodotions or oth'er h ,[) QV I d technicion judqenent onlv.| .r. 1. ' ,crosstttcott0n test ings uere perfomed. "7 \r i G URt 9321rt8g Incrolao upon Hctting 4 PRESSUNE (KSF) Dln 0.15 []tx: sfl1? 2.41 0.99 0.98 = 0,n qt = 0.96-/ Ed o.ps 0.94 0.93 0.92 j \ w \ \ \ \ Ap&et AcLjcct/rs O Faessrer Gabhofterschwang seven Vail corp. arc LashoviE %HotelSonnenalpl20lGreenMdadowLaneP.o.Box2523 20 Vail Road Litileton' CO 80121 Vail' Go 81658 Vail, CO 81657 Kimer|yL.MilnerHona|dandDorisMetzgerHaroldandGynthiaTurt|etaub 1800 Sierra Trail P'O' Box 2665 9000 SW 96th Street Vail, GO 81657 Vail' CO 81658 Miami' FL 33176 George Plavec lll Harald Jorck Gordon McKeeta/Kathleen Kramer 1670 Sunburst Drive, #C-9 P'O' Box 2734 13442 East Asbury Drive Vait, co 81657 r-it v"ir, co sresg Aurora' co 80014 ^-1'b 4la\ lcl+-od4tcrrri srrr G-11 gN -14-A- r l' J I * TH,. ITEM MAY EFFE.T Y'UR PR'PERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and EnvironmentalCommission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code ol the Town of Vail on llay 9, 1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: . A request for variances lor locating GRFA in the front setback and for a wall height variance to allow lor a Primary/Secondary residence to be constructed at 1828 Alpine Drive/Lot 16, Vail Village West 1st Filing. Applicant: Peter and Susanne ApostolPlanner: Mike Mollica 2. A request lor a worksession for a major amendment to the Glen Lyon SDD to allow for a revision to the master plan to allow for the expansion of the Glen Lyon Otfice Building located at 1000 South Frontage Road WesVArea D, Glen Lyon SDD. Applicant Pierce, Segerberg and AssociatesPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 3. A request lor front setback and wall height variances to allow for additions to an existing Primary/Secondary residence located at 226 Forest Boad/Lot 11-A, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: John KredietPlanner: Randy Stouder 4. A request lor a worksession to discuss revisions to the Zoning Code to allow for common area to be used for employee housing. Applicant Jay Peterson' Planner: Andy Knudtsen 5. A request for a wall height variance and driveway slope variance to allow lor a driveway to exceed 10% located at2445 Garmisch Drive/Lots 10 and 11, Block H, Vail das Schone 2nd Filing. Applicant: Steve Sheridan and Adam SzpiechPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 6. A request for a variance to allow for GRFA and a garage to be located in the front setback, a site coverage variance and a wall height variance to allow lor a new Primary/Secondary residence located at 1799 Sierra Trail/Lot 17, VailVillage West 1st Filing. Applicant: George Plavec Planner: Mike Mollica o 7. A request for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit to be located at 126 Forest Road/Lot 5, Block 7, Vail Village lst Filing. Applicant: Ron Byrne Planner: Jim Cumutte 8. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for an outdoor dining deck to be located at Garton's Saloon located at 143 East Meadow Drive/a part of Lot P, Block 5-D, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Dave GartonPlanner: Randy Stouder 9. A request for a wall height variance to allow for a single family residenca to be construcled at 2840 Basingdale/Lot 4, Block 9, Intermountain Subdivision. Applicant Dan FrederickPlanner: Andy Knudtsen * And all items tabled from previous meetings. The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's otfice during regular office hours for public inspection. Published in the VailTrailon April!y', 1994,al Latsts2 0 I. A. application will submitted. APPLICAI{T ,14t7 W") :4, *-tt:t3 THE COMMI'N]TY DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL. F. Stamped, addressed envelopes of the names of owners ofall property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AllD ACROSS STREETS, and a list of their names and mailing addresses. THE APPIICANT WILL BE -/RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. // II. A pre-applicabion conference with a planning staff member is z/strongly suggested to determine if any additional 1/information is needed. No application will be acceptedunless it is complete (nust include al-l items required bythe zoning administrator). It is the applicant,sresponsibility to make an appointment with the staff to findout about additionaf subnittal requirements. III. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPI.ETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER oF CoNDTTIONS OF ApPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND / ENVIRONMENTAT COMMISSION (pEC) MAy STTPULATE. tLL , ,/CONDITIONS OF APFROVAL IIT'ST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A './BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE i/ VARIAT{CE REOUESTED A}iID THE REGULATION INVOIVED. THE V STATEMENT MUST ATSO ADDRESS: 1. The relationship of the regr:ested variance toother existing or potential uses and structures inthe vicinity. l/,,.,t licarion oate R[Cl) }'|AR 2 8-t994 MEET rNG oars-4/al}[-6$- r) Ba&d* -&tt . t lPPLrcarron roR t vtrturlNcl r\gaH+ifl S'^t [4+ac( 3)fti.,ral{Or*d NI*kThis procedure is reguired for any project requesting avariance. Theinformation is NATTIE OF ADDRESS xatT flo iltlT B. NAI{E OF APPLICA}TT'S REPRES ADDRESS C. NAlrlE OF OWNER(S) (t owNER(S)SIGNATI'RE ( ADDRES D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:LEGAL BLOCK_ FTLTNG e ADDRESS E. FEE $25O.OO PAID CK THE FEE USST BE PAID BEFORE DEPARTI4ENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR App PEC not, be accepted until all DESCRIPTI Ottz t Ot2/- )nr..frnr-r( '#g .lupcTrdde aql ,{q pTpd eq TTpr{s uoTlpcTTqnd -ar qcns :oJ eeJ erT1ua eq1 ,uaq1 ,paqsllqnd_ar eq01 relleu aq1 bulsnec ,6u1:eaq roJ pauodlsod sT .:e?lpurrlue ,lsanba: srlueclldde aq1 1e ,JI .aeJ uoTlecllddeeq1 Jo t09 Jo ssecxe uT erp qcTqr sae; 6ulqsTtqndrlue 6u1Ied .rogl alqlsuodsex aq TTpr{s 1uecl1dde aqg .c1a ,tgt s:aaug6ug go sdro3 r{ru:g ,s11ura6 ssescv ,{enq61g Jo luaur?:edaq ope:oTo3 :of pelTutTT 1ouorp lnq ,epn1cu1 r{eu ,aalaar rdcns 3lo salduexg .OO.O0ZS ,{q pasea:cuT aq Tfpqs aeJ uoTlpcgldde er{f ,TTeA Jo unoJ, aql ueq1 .reqlo Icue6e Terapeg ro afpls ,1eco1 Aue Iq raTaar a1e:edas e se.rlnba: uoTlecTTddp sTr{1 JI \ f '€I .A'v r(a 'uoTleTduoc 01 pans:nd tr11ua6lttp pue leaorddeJo alpp ar{1 Jo :ear{ auo uTqlTli pecuauruoc 1ou sTuoTlcnr?suoo JT asdel TTpqs sacuETJEA paao:dde CS;I TfV .S 'alep TpllTurqns paleu6lsap eq? relJe ro eroJaq JJels 6uluue1d aq1 Iq paldecce aq TTTn (rolerlsTuTurpp 6u1uoz eqt ,(q pauTuralap sE) suo11ec11dde alaldurocuT oN'6u1:eeq cTfqnd CSd eql Jo elep eq1 01 ro1:d sleao (t):noJ Jo urnuTuTlu p pellTuqns aq lsnu (e^oqe paqTrcsap sE) TpTJaXru 6ullueduocce TTp pue uuoJ uotrlecglddealafduoc V 'qluoru qoee Io sdepuol4 q1t pue puzeql uo sleeu uoTssTuruoC feluauuorT^ug pue 6uluueTil aq;, -V srNgr'{guro0$r guf 'nr 'roterlsTulupe 6u1uoz eql trq paalen aq .{eru ueld a1lspue r(aarns luaua^o:dru1 ue ,suoTleoTJTpou roTraluT ro.{ 'rolerlsTulupe 6u1uoz eq1 r{q paulu:e1ep se uo11ec11dde er{1 Jo &iaT^er aq? JoJ ,{ressecau TETralEut TeuoT?TppE Auv .g 'uoTleTcossP pTes JoJ 1ua6e pazTroqlne .{1np e ,{q paalacax aqe lsnur lcato:deql Jo lroddns uT uoTlpTcosse aq1 uorJ leao.rdde ua1?Tr^luaql ,uolleTcossp ,sreuAoouroq p seq qcTr{ri luaudolaaapITTureJ-TlTnu e uT pelecoT sT fesodo:d aq1 ;1 ..E 'sluauasea pue dlqs:euno d31:aA 01 lrodar eT1T1 ,f,:eu1ur11ard g 'S ' 'a1Ts ardl uo pasodo:d pue 6u11s1xa seceds pue s6ulpTTnq TTp Jo esn pup eTecs ,acuereadde 1e:aua6 ,euolsueulp aq? e?EcTpuT 01 luaTcTJJnssueld rooTl pup suoTle^aTa 6ugp11nq Areulurlla:d fTv .o 'sbu1p11nq pasodo:d pue 6u11s1xa6ulaoqs tyZ = .rT lspaT ?p Jo eTpcs e 1e ueld elTs V .C 'sernlpal a6eulerp pue ATTTIn pu€ seare padecspuel 'ssar6a pue ssa:6u1 ,sperp 6u1peo1 pue 6u11red e:e unoqs eq lsnu qcTq!! slueueferaqxo 'suoTl€^afe pue sape.r6 6u1pn1cu1 'sluauraao:drul6u11s1xa fTp Jo suoTlpooT 6u1pn1cu1 .roIea:ns pasuacTl opEroToc e ,{q padupls to7 = rT lsEeT le JO aTECS e le ,{aa:ns luauaAordrul rolpue clqde:6odo1 g 's 'ueTd arrlsuaqa:duo3 srTTeA r{?TA seTTduroc lsanba.r :nor{ aog 'V 'Ilages c11qnd pue 'sa111111n 'saTlTTTceJ cTJJerl,uoTlel:odsuprl ruollelndod Jo uoTlnqTJlsTp,rTp puE 1r{6TT uo acupT:eA eqt Jo lcelJe er{;' '€ 'a6a11a1:d lelcads Jo 1ue:6 lnol{1Tf eTlTl ETrll Joseallcefqo eql uTplle 01 ro tr11u1c1a aql uT seaTs 6uoue luautaeerl go ,{1gru:oJTun put tr111;q11eduoc a^aTqcp o1 trressacau sT uo11e1n6a: palg:1cads E Jo luauracroJue puE uoTlela:d:a1u; feralTTJo lcTr1s eql uorJ JeTTer qoTq^ o1 aar6ap aqg, 'Z (.-'Applic.efons deemed by the Qe611nirr DevelopmentOepartr[, to have significant ciesJr lanf use orother isEues which may have a significant impact on the community may reguire review by consultants ot.her thaL town staff. Should a determination be made by tbe toyrnstaff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, Cornnunity Development may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay hin or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with t,he Connunity DeveLopment Department. Upon conpfetion of the review of theapplication by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of theconsultant which have not been paid to the consultantshall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurredby the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicantwithin 30 days of notification by the Town. Fosn 1756 Commltmont Facc Pe ge iffffi* APR 7 1991t.'r , /i.. "4. 1 A,-r, -..,1 UIV, D|(PT. COMMlTMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY First American Title fnsurance Company FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, herein called the Company. for valuable consideration. hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A. in {avor ol the proposed lnsured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or referred to in Schedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges therefor; all sl.rbject to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been insened in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the isstrance of this Commitment or by subsequent indorsement. ThisCommitment is preliminary to the issuance of such policy or policies of title insurance and all liability and obli- gations hereunder shall cease and terminate six 16l months after the effecti\re date hereof or when the policy or policies committed for shatl issre, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. This Commitment shall not be valid or binding until countersigned by an authorized officer or agent, lN WITNESS WHEFEOF, the Company has caused this Commitment to be signed and sealed. to become valid when countersigned by an authorized oflicer or agent of the Company, all in accordance with its By.Laws. This Commitment is effective as of the date shown in Schedule A as "Effective Date," First Amcrican Title Insurance Company "' (8,/^, t/' {*4 PTES'!DENT ^nrn fl4*L R nz'-*-,lt SECRETARY .i.)lli ii'4 "+.... .* t o i"..'+n'\,'J .j st' '4r' -'. '6:q.+...:.'er.ct ,-r, i. srrttNotn t{ .t 5d/'.. 1S[8 ..'-\-nt ""...."" +\,,-clIrfoP,$\\,; COUNTEFSIGNED COMMITMENT JEX{I{I N,IAMJEZ SLIFER, SqITH & FRAMPIEhI II'tr REAL ESTA1E 23O BRIME SIREEtr vArL @ 81657 1. EffesLive Date: Septsnber 20, 1993 at 7:0O AI.4 Order No. 3O73!7-C SCHTUI.E A PL/re 2. ALIA O'rsts Folicy Pnqosea Insur€d: PEIER GffRGE AreIOt and $JSAI'INE E. ArcTOL O.stccer Refenence Apostol erunrt: S 4L.00O.O0 3. ALI1 Loan Folicies Prqosed lrtstred: Brrcr-u'rt: S enqosea Instred:Anu.nt: S 4. lbe esta'te c interest in the larrl rlacr+i he.l c referred to in this Connifucrrt and overed leein is: FEE SII,TPLE and title ftrererto is at the effestirrc date tgeof vested in: EFSTATI{IA AIIDRIAMKI issued try: O+rEr's Prenlil-En: S 385.00 pagle Cqrntlr Tit1e Corporatidt Lerden's hernir,un: S 953 S. Ftmtage Road, #10OAdd'I Lerder Ctg: S VAIL @ 8L657 Addrl Charges: $ FA)( (3O3) 476-6426 Tax Oertificate: S l-O.0O (3O3) 476-6423 Derrrrer 572-L49O Endorsenent Chg: Sfm Cxnrges: S roru CI{ARGES: $ 395.00 FIRST A4ERTCAI.I TITI',E II.SINAIW CCMPAI\W t COI,IMITMENT o Plat ld l"lf,. V-39 SCI|EIITLE A (q$irnred) Older t{o. 30731.7-C 5. the l€nd neferred to ln iie @nrdtnEnt ts orrcring the fand lrr tbe State of Colorado, Co,rrty of @Ie , desclbed as follqes: Lot 16, VAIL UTLINGE }JEST, FIII}G IO. 1, aocowring to ttre Plat tlerof fLled Oct&er 15, 1963, at Reeptiqr l.lo. 9818s. FIRS,T A4ERICAI.I TTTI.,E I}ISI.,M}I3E CMPAI\IY COMMITMENT SOIEI,'LE B Sectio 1 REUINNM}TS TflE FOIJOWI}G ARE TIIE R4UINEI{ENIS TO BE @.IPIJE) !ilITH: Onder No. 3O73L?1 Itgn (a) Palnerrt to or for tlre accs:nt of the gmntors or rprtgagors of tle fullqrstderatlm for tte estate or interest to be lnsured. Itern (b) Proper inst-uen't(s) oeatirg tle esta'te or interest to bre insured rm:st be ard dufy fiLed fc l€@ral, to wit: 1. Deed frqn EFSTATHIA AI{DRIAMKI to PEIER @ORGE ATIIOL ard SIJSA}INE E. ASTOL. IIOTE: hILy o<ecuted real. propenty tfiansfer declaratlon, e:<ecr:ted b1z eltfer tte Gtantor or Gbantee, to acorpany tlE Deed nentioned abcne, lnlrsuant to lrrticle 14 of llorse B;i]l- I'lo. L288 - GA 39-L4-102. 2. Evtdence satisfactory to the Ocnearry or its duly autlorized agent that tite "rea1 estate transfer tax" inqnsed bry Ondirnre l,lo. 26, Series of 1979, of the llo-n of Vail, Oolorado has been paid, ard ttrat tle lien tuposed b'y SecEtcr 11 titereof fras been fully satisfied. 3. E\ridere satisfactcory to tle Caparry c its duly aut}orized agent tltat all dr.es ard/or assessrrEnts le\ried b'y tle H:rrEolrers Asseiatiqt trave been oaid tlrctrgh the date of closirg. A CERTIFICATE OF TN(ES EIJE LISTII€ EAGI TNGI'E JURTSDISTION SHAI.L BE OBTAINED FRCM TTIE @J},IIY IREASJRER oR TtIE 6J}TIY IREASIJRERIS A1IIIIORIZM A6ENT PURSUANT TO 1983 C.R.S., 39-1-102 (14.5) AT A CI+\RGE OF SLO.Oo EACII TO ffiE qlsIU'':ER. FIRST AMERTCA}.I TITT',E INI.'RA}G COTPA},IY o COUMITMENT SOIEDI,'T,E B Sec{iar 2 E'TCPTICIE;Her llo. 307317{ Ihe poltcy c lnlicies to be issued will cantain eroepticrs to the follouirg mattens unless the sane are disposed of to the satisfac{idr of the Copany: Any loss or danage, irEltdjrg atborrey fees, bry reasr of tle rEttters stnun beLcr,r: 1. Anl' fasEs, rights, i.nterests, or clairns erfLich ane rrct shtodn by tte public r.eords hrt vi'tridr qrld asertaired bry an irupecEior of said lard or by ma]<jr!g irquiry ofperss in lnssessicr tlereof. 2. Easererrts or cfatrs of easenents, rnt shor.tn b1z tle public reccds. 3. Disrelnrcies, conflists in bo.ndary 1jJES, stDrtage in a:ea, errcachnents, ard any otlen facts l,\fddr a @rrest su].\relr huJ].d disclose ard r^rtdcfr ar€ nct shs^,rr b'y tne prblic reords. 4. Arry lien, or right to a lien for senrices, labor or rnaterial- teretofore or fEr€after firrnished, tgosea b1z law ard rpt sfq"nt b4, tte pnolic r:wrds. 5. Defects, liens, errr:rnbrares, adverse claims or otler rnatters, if any, seated, first appearirg in the gnrltc records or attadrirg subse+)ent to tle effegtive date lereof, brt prior to the date tlE proposed tnsured aoguires of reord for rraLue tle estate or interest or fltf,ltgage t]Ereqr overed hV t]Lis @mitrrent. 6. Taxes due ard payablet ard anlr tar, special assesgtents, drarge or Lien iryosea for srater or se$rela servie, or for arqr otler special tartirg distigt. 7. tt'pat€nted mirdrg clairrs; resenratians or e(€ptiqrs in patents or in ilsts' autlrorj-zirg tle issuarce tlerreof,' r,rater rights, cLaims or title to water. L Ftlgbt of way for ditches or canals qsEugEed bV ttE autlnrity of tle trdted States, as resened lrt lJrdted St€tes PaErrt. 9. A 1Ot royatty inte!.est as resenred in Warrarrtlz Deed recorded OqEober 30, 1962, jrr Bod( L66 at Page 4O7. LO. ResEiqticns, r"rtliclt do rDt srtain a forfeiture or re\rerter clause, as qrtaired in instrurEnt reorded Ootober 25, 1963, in Boct< J.7B at Page J.49, as anerded Qrirsftuent reorded Decenber 6, 1963, jrt Bod< 178 at Page 345 ard Febn:ary 16, 1970, in W.2L7 at Pagre 76. lL. Easerents flve (5) feet in width al.og t}e rear ard side lot llres of subJect Foperty, as reserved qr tle recorded Plat of said Subdivision. (Cqrtjrtued) FIRST AI"'ERTCAI{ TITLE II\61JRAIG @4PAt{r lr,"= ro PRosPEcrvE ,r"l OF SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES (PURSUANT TO INSURANCE REGUIAnON 89-2) A "GAP" PROTECTION When First American Title Insurance Company or its authorized agent, (hereinafter referred lo as "Com- pany"), is responsible for recording or filing the legal documents creating the estate or inleresl to be insured in a single family residence and lor disbursing funds necessary to complele the transaction, the Company shall be responsible for any deeds, mortgageq lis-pendens, liens or other title encumbrances which first appear in lhe public records subsequent to the Eftective Date of the Commitment but prior to the Effective Date of the Policy, provided the following condilions are satisfied prior to the Company's disbursement of the funds: 1. Properly executed documents creating lhe estate or interest are in the possession of the Company. 2. A fully execuled Atfidavit and Indemnity form signed by the seller and satisfaclory to lhe Com. pany is in lhe possession of the Company. No Coverage will be afforded against deeds, mortgages, lis-pendens, liens or other tiile encumbrances ac' lually known lo the proposed insured prior to or at the lime of recordalion of the documenls, Public Records as used herein means those records established under slale statutes for the purpose of imparting constructive nolice of deeds, morlgages, lis-pendens, liens or other lille encumbrances to purchasers for value and without knowledge. B. MECHANICS'L]ENPROTECTION lf you are a buyer of a single family residence, you may request coverage against loss because of unrecorded claims asserted by construction, labor or material suppliers against your home. lf no construction, improvements or major repairs have been undertaken on the property to be purchased within six nronths prior to the Date of the Commitment, the requiremenis to obtain coverage for unrecorded liens will be payment of the appropriate premium and the execution by the seller of an Affidavit and Indemnity form satisfaclory to the Company. lf there have been construction, improvements or major repairs undertaken on the property to be pur- chased, within six monlhs prior to the Date of the Commitmenl, lhe requiremenls to obtain coverage for unrecorded liens will include: disclosure of certain construction informalion; financial information as lo the seller, lhe builder and/or the contractor; payment of the appropriate premium; lully execuled lndemnity Agreements satis. faclory to the Company; and, any additional requiremenls as may be necessary after an examination of the aloresaid information by the Company. No coverage will be given under any circumstances for labor or material for which you have contracled or agreed to pay. NOTHING HEREIN CONTAINED WILL BE DEEMED TO OBUGATE THE COMPANY TO PROVIDE ANY OF THE COVERAGES REFERRED TO HEREIN UNLESS THE ABOVE CONDITIONS ARE FULLY SATISFIED, C-3 (Commitment Notice) Colorado E(CPrIOIIS (otinued)e..o No. 307312 -c L2. Any ard all unredegred tax sales. loIE: lJpm reeiprt of a Oerttfjcate of Taxes Dre euidercirg that tftelle are rD erdsting operr tax sales, tl'e abo\E exeptlcr r,rill nct ap6Ear qt tle policles to be lssued fereurden. ETRST AITIERTCAI{ TITIE I}ISURAIG CMPA},IY i DISCLOSURE STATEMENT REOUIRED BY COLORADO REVISED STATUTES sl0-11-122 Colorado Revised Stalutes S10-1 1-t 22 requireslhat "everytitle insurance agenl ortitle insurance company shall provide, along with each title commitmenl issued, a statement disclosing the following informalion: (a) That the subject real properly may be located in a special taxing district; (b) That a certificate of taxes due listing each laxing jurisdiclion may be obtained from lhe county treasurer or the county lreasurer's authorized agenl; (c) Thal information regarding special districls and the boundaries of such districls may be oblained from the Board of County Commissioners, the County Clerk and Hecorder or the Coung Assessor."