HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING 1 LOT 32 LEGALDepartment of Community Development 75 South Frcntage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com June 28, 2006 John Roman 1761 Alpine Drive #1 Vail, CO 81657 Re: Exterior lmprovements to 1761 Alpine Drive/Lot 32, Vail Village West Filing 1 Mr. Roman, I am writing this letter to inform you that frorn an inspection I performed on July 27,2006, I found that you have come into compliance with the Sections of the Town Code you were in violaiion of preMously. I will forward a copy of this letter to Susie Huxford, Code Enforcement Officer, so she will be aware of my findings. Please call Ms' Huxford for any further questions regarding the next steps in the Code Enforcement process which remain from your meeting with Judge Buck last year. Ms. Huxford can be reached at 477-3417. Please review these commenls and if you have any questions regarding this letter please contact me at 970-479-2148. ?,ffifi4"\-{ Warren Campbell I Senior Planner Cc: File Susie Huxford d! tt tt*o t,'t" Amount of Bond $ Tvna R€c€ipt #f1 r,t4u/ Jury Fee $ R€ceipt # COURT SCHEDULING /!/zdu r 4tr.. Suroty (ii any) Defendanfs Attorney: F|BST APPEARAI{CE Detendait was before lhe Courl on , 20-, without counset B/ Wtn nis counset tr Defendani was appised of his rights, advised of the nature ot the ottensg, and the posslbre p€nalties. b/ CHARGES, PLEAS AND PROCEEDINGS CHTGE:?}L,./"t>t f-e*-ral#obs ,OW!rLroge TRIAL 20-, Defendant by and with Counset E proso E and To\,in Attomev Depury Eadyfortriat Trialwash€ld: , Town Prcsecutor DisFrosrtion Deac,tine' Oare A{ter considering the testir,lony and other evidenco, th€ CouryJury found the Defondant Chaige {2 _ susp€nd€d _ crharge -- susp€nd€d _ Cha€e --- susoended _ Stay of Execution granled to ,20 FTNES rFrNEs s i tJ0,d FESTITUTION $ =.=--.- oJWNFiVC $ - -_-__ rooo.=. Cr I D OTHEF S couRr cosrs s lS.tj Roc€ipt * Case closed on lhe 20-day ot EINE and imposed the fo owino sontence: cnu'.e".r $il).6''l,"o"no"o qqlo charee{1 tt*"*no* , "?Fro v,,o,t c __-- suspended Ch€€e _ suspgnded February 3, 2006 John Roman 1761 Alpine Drive #1 Vail, CO 81657 John Hsd 1761 Alpine Drive #2 Vail, CO 81657 Mark Haynes 1761 Alpine Drive #3 Vail, CO 81657 Re: Exterior lmprovements to 1761 Alpine Drive Units 1,2, and 3/Lot 32, Vail Village West Filing 1 Mr. Roman, Hsu, and Haynes I am writing this letter to the three of you as you are the current owners of units at 1761 Alpine Drive. This past Fall I met on site and spoke to Mr. Roman and Mr. Haynes regarding several improvements which are being contemplated for the structure. At that meeting we discussed the items which are being proposed and some that may occur in the future. At this meeting I informed Mr. Roman and Mr. Haynes directly of staffs @ncerns regarding the improvements and in what manner they will need to be done so as to comply with all Town Regulations. The following is a list of the items we discussed and by which manner they will be approved by the Town. I am requesting that each of you sign at the bottom of this letter which would signify your acceptance and acknowledgement of the method in which the cunent application submitted by Mr. Roman and future applications will be approved by the Town. . Repainting of the structure: All three units will need to be painted the same color including the body of the structure and all trim. The Town will review and approve any color combination as long as it complies with Town regulations. r Replacement of the roof: The Town will approve many different types of roofing material as long as all three units utilize that roof type. Cunently, there are wood shake shingles on the structure. No single unit can propose a different roofing material unless the entire structure (all units) will switch to the new roof material. r Repair and repaint of front and rear decks: Cunently, the front deck on Unit 3 has been painted red which does not match the other two decks. Please pick a color all unit ownerc can agree to and paint all the deck the same color. In addition, they should be of the same style. Currently, the rear decks are all of varying style (picket and hand rail caps). Select a style all owners can agree to and construct the new decks on Unit 1to match that new style and as the others are replaced match the style on Unit 1. o Front entryway coverings to Units 2 and 3: Currently Unit t has a covered front entry which was not previously approved as does not match the structure. The Town will allow the covered entry to remain; however, all future covered entries will need to match that architectural character and style. . Replacement of windows: Replacement and new windows shall match the style of the existing windows unless all windows are to be replaced. Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this letter please contact me at 970-479-2148. lf there are no changes or clarifications necessary to this letter please sign below and return to me at the above address or fax to my attention at970-479-2452. As soon has I receive this document from each of you I will staff approve Mr. Roman's application. With regards, Warren Campbell Senior Planner Cc: Fib John Roman 1761 Alpine Drive Unit #1 John Hsu 1761 Alpine Drive Unit #2 Mark Haynes 1761 Alpine Drive Unit #3 From: To: Date: SubJect: Lynne Campbell Building_Division; Susie Huxford 06/30/2006 4:39:26 PM 1761 Alpine Drive Linda Moore, in courts, is asking if rrtre should pursue the red tag citation issued by David back on Sept. 26,2005. I cant find anything in permits plus regarding a red tag. I do show a DRB app (DRB050381) as withdrawn and no building permits attrached. lf pu know about this job please let me know or call Linda at x2132. Thanks. Lynne Campbell Office Manage, Community Development 97047$2150 phone 97O47$2452iax lcam pbell@vailgov.com See our web site www.vailgov.com lA"e'V;/lal ht- Design Review Board ACTION FORII{ Department of community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Veil, colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web: wuw.vailgov,coffi 3T CGn'tHW tri/EllFll€tfl Project Name: Project DescripUon: ROMAN RE.ROOF AND RE-PAINT DRB Number: DR8050381 RNAL APPROVAL FOR A RE-ROOF SAME FOR SAME AND A REPAINT OF FACIA AND SOFFET WITH NEW COLORS. ROMAN, ]OHN FREDRTC 08/01/200s Pafidpants: OWNER PO BOX 9094 AVON co 81620 APPUCANT ROMAN, JOHN FREDRIC Project Address: Legal DescripUon: Parcel Number: Comments! 08/0u200s PO BOX 9094 AVON co 81620 1761ALPINE DRVAIL Location: 1761ALPINE DR., #2 Lou 32 Block Subdivision: VAIL uLl-AGE WEST 1 2103-123-0900-1 See Conditions Houon By: Second By: VoE: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACEON Action: SIAFFAPR Date of Approvalz 0711912006 Cond: I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written @nsent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate ret/iew committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this pQect shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. @nd: CON@08236 The applicant shall install and paint the new soffit to match tlrc other unib within the development per the letter of agreement dated February 3,2006, and signed by all ownens. Cond: CON0008237 The applicant shall remove the red storage closet from the deck of the patio prior to requesting final planning inspections. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 ,,-fiD Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development l 75 South Frontage Road, Vall, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2t28 taxj. 970.479.2452 web: www,vailgov.com General InformaUon: All projecb requiring design rwiew must re@ive appmval prior to submitting a buildirc permit appncation. Please refur to the submitbl requirements for the part'rcular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required inbrmation is received by the Community Dwelopmeflt Department, The project may also need to be reviewed 4 the Town Gouncil and/or the Planning and Environmental C-ommission. Deslgn review apprwal lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of dre apprwal. of the Requgst:>off. LocaUon of the Prcposat: t-ot,3{ glock:- Subdivision:4- hr.g( | Physlcal Address: l-tLl huWrl* lr( * 1* parcetNo.: ZloSr 730 4o0 t (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: r,A Name(s) of owner(s): ..!.-lttl l-- Kof141V Owner(s) Slgnature(s): Name of Applicant: Malllng Address: fultflrg E-mall Address: Phone: Fax: $50 zuS $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For conshuction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site lmprovements, such as, re-roofing, painting, windor additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc, $20 For mlnor changes to buildings and site improrements, such as, re-roofing, painting, windo,v additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee (] 7)so,l o ltt (p - Tlpe of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Mdition tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) ' Minor Altemtion (single-family/duphx) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request D tr Mailing Address: grff*{3oot" .n..*ro.. ?E7 u' Neeuns Date: ?- 7 'Of, DRB No.: t c(ot- o6a l+{t**a"ti*+'}ft}t*t+t*+'tta****++*+**+*+*****tt+***iiftr*t*i*+++++**++t+++*'}+trtt'}+t++*++l'+**+*t* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement*t+*+*++++*+f,****{'a***++***r*******+*+++++******t*t*****+*t*******++***+*f*+**++*+********** Statement Number: ROSOOOI] gO Arnounc: 920.00 Og/OI/ZOOStl:19 AIrl Pay'ment Method: Check ROMATiI INit: JS Notatsion: #931 / ) OJoHN F. Permit No: Parcel No: Sl-te AddresE: Locat.ion: Thls Payments: DR8050381 Ttper DRB-Minor Alt,SFR/DUP 2103-123 -0900-1 1751 AtrPINE DR VAIL 1751 ArrPrtIE DR. , #Z Total Feea: $20.00 Total ALL Pmta: Balance: $20.00 $20.00 $0.00+*l*+*+*f,+*ttl**'|+ff*ta*t****+*+*****tt**i+f,+++*'ia*****t*r+++++**+*t*++******++++++++*+****+* ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DeEcript ion Current Pmta DR 00100003Lt2200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 Buildlno Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows WindowTrim Doors DoorTrim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other PROPOSED MATERHIS fYoe of Material Color LED/o( 5\ A4Lq Vtw,rtrt* Latrvt d(-i,w,vM Notes: Please speciry the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. l=L Cal{( f sd Page 6 of 13105106105 LL/9912445 Nov O.l 66:49 SA88256387 05 Ol t 25P Jcnary Cotgttgr MAGIC DRAGONt87gt1'r't-rU.z PAGE ALP.E ds' ,oNpnopERw owilEi U,RITTE]{ APPROVAL IITTET dr*ciiption) D.a- !, pprxq-o. g r" z- trovide tnis leser as writEn Epprd'ai of tfe plans dated 'dF/'!tls- - v'' x+v4l-- -, a jcint o$rnGr of prope4y lccated aI (adclress/lqal 'flhlcn lEv. bcsn submitred !o the To$n 0f vail commurtty Dwelopment Drpattrnent for the proPoscd imprsverEnb to be completed at the address noted above, I urscrsra,|d that the propof€d imptq\'e{fienB indude: aftft- ;A1fro, (Arlo a, A,ulo (i E'L 'ipout$, rhsr, t,.#w d*ow"'";ctttff t"/$.Jf'.,'L\c',.*r,i 0t 1T.tl 1 \\' t further that nino) rnodlflcat'ons may be mlde to the Plans over thc a'5u18e of rjla revl'w pt'ooess with t|n'f!wn,s applkable codes arrd regutations' ll-oGg?45 (Dtte) kTTNI oo MP- h'\Wr- PaEe 2 of t3/06/o6/05 q+o qPa 2As2- I \ ,-ffi JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I,(print n" q WttIl H*4pz I .ajoinrownerof propertytocatedat(address/legalllo-v r. descripUon)iP/4(P ( F4 L/ntt provide this letter as written approvalof the plans Oatea 589-rclfd c.l( 2OOf which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed atthe address noted above. I understand thatthe proposed improvements include: IJAIJ ?tv-r+ / Ttto ldl t x Ll I r(, T^^,tE r,Seo"e aaln'A BqW d?owl..J , ,\raO P8- c})4yl 5t+t4E wunovtl 6\) so*,ttf - e/\9I- to(l.,cYt tS.lS. fit,r, t-t+4^{E uJI+.1)r.J <* DooVL -ftitl {0 B{'tr'r^) I further understand that minor rnodifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations' (Date) Page 2 of 13/06/06/05 >; JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITIEN APPROVAL LETTER a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description)llGt Acv,nrc t.)( C< provide this letter as written approvaf of the plans dated w!tu\fe< ".oL\ t f ?'ootc which have been submitted to the Town of Vail C.ommunity Development Depaftment for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: /\ l.E\N Pttg.A ezvro * i*4 rsr,nne=.\ 4tD 5offi1 (r'L ran-cgr dY!\€ &t 8mt N).(€cEtfr{L /tr*io tKU55 ii.lt€ 5f kxrLs at4h"trt u"5rDov7, DoDv( 0f, Tr.l}-\ TJ tl(owu I further understand that minor modlfications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. Itil 'a ,t ' / ll - r \ (Date) | Page 2 of L3l06l06ll5 Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com February 3, 2006 John Roman 1761 Alpine Drive #1 Vail, CO 81657 John Hsu 1761 Alpine Drive #2 Vail, CO 81657 Mark Haynes 1761 Alpine Drive #3 Vail. CO 81657 Re: Exterior lmprovements to 1761 Alpine Drive units 1,2, and 3iLot 32, Vail VillageWest Filing 1 Mr. Roman, Hsu, and Haynes I am writing this lefter to the three of you as you are the cunent owners of units at 1761Alpine..Drive. This past Fall I met on site 6nd spoke to Mr. Roman and Mr. Haynesregarding several improvements which are being contemplated for the structure. At thatmeeting we discussed the items which are being proposed and some that may occur inthe future. At this meeling I informed Mr. Roirbn and Mr. Haynes oirecfly'of staffsconoerns regarding the improvements and in what manner they will need to tje done soas to comply with all Town Regulations. The following is a list of tne items we discussedand by which manner they will be approved by the Town. I am requesting that each ofyou sign at the bottom of this letter whiih would signify your acceptance andacknowledgement of the method in which the current application submitted by Mr.Roman and future applications will be approved by the Towri.' ' Repainting of the structure: All three units will need to be painted the same colorincluding the body of the structure and all trim. The Town will review and approve any color combination as long as it complies with rown regulations. o Replacement of the roof: The Town will approve many different types of roofing material as long as all three units utilize that roof type. Currently, fhere are wood shake. shingles on the.strugture. No single unit iin propose i'dinerent roofingmaterial unless the entire structure (all units) will switch to the new roof material. r fepair and repaint of ftont and rear decks: currenily, the front deck on unit 3has been painted red which does not match the ottrei lwo oecri. -ptease pick acolor all unit owners can agree to and paint ail the deck the same coror. ln {rp rt"ruo rt""^ addition, they should be of the same style. Currently, the rear decks are all of varying style (picket and hand rail caps). Select a style all owners can agree to and construct the new decks on Unit 1to match that new style and as the others are replaced match the style on Unit 1. o Front entryway coverings to Units 2 and 3: Cunently Unit t has a covered front entry which was not previously approved as does not match the structure. The Town will allow the covered entry to remain; however, all future covered entries will need to match that architectural character and style. . Replacement of windows: Replacement and new windows shall match the style of the existing windows unless all windows are to be replaced. Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this letter pfease contiact me at 970-479-2148. lf there are no changes or clarifications necessary to this letter please sign below and return to me at the above address or fax to my attention al970479-2452. As soon has I receive this document from each of you I will staff approve Mr. Roman's application. With regards, 1761 Alpine Drive Unit #2 Mark Haynes 1761 Alpine Drive Unit #3 'flJpvrn*, I Warren Campbell Senior Planner Cc: File John Roman 1761 Alpine Drive Unit John Hsu g3/22/2gAE A6.2L 8688264387 M€r :lC CO O1:47p {ign [louniarn Hornes tno Wbrren &mpbe;l Sorior Planner Cc: Flte addition. trey should bc of the same styl€. Qrnenlly, the rear clecks are all of varying style (pidcet and hand r3il cspsj. Sebd a sYlB a[ ownets Gan agrso lo anU ccnetruct'the new daclcs on Unit 1to match that n6w style and ss the others am |Eplaced metch tfestyle on Unit 1. o Front €ntnuray cowrings ro urib 2 end 3: curently uflit 'l has a covcrcd front entry wfriclr rres not prevlously approrcd as does not match tlr€ 6trudurG. Th€ Tonm will alow lhe covlrod cntry b rermin, hol^rEver, all fttute co\€€d entrics wlli need lo rr|8lcn that archibctursl charada'8nd sly'e. . Replacomad of winclowg: ReplacAmEnt and neW windows ihau march tne style of lhe existing windo$,s unbss ell windowc sr€ to be replacod' Pbas€ revlew lhese comrnents 6nd if you have any questions regarding thls leftet plBase oontact me at 970-479-?148. lf there aro no changas or 0hfificadons ncccssary io Uris lettar Olcdea eign balow and rclurn lo mo al the above.addrsss or lax lo my attention at 9iG47S-2462. As soon hts t r€celve thlt document from asch of you I wlll statt apppJ!€ Mr, Rorntn's applicatbn. Wlth r€gads. 4'ilN*n , MAGIC DRAGON PAGE A2 Jchn lfuman addition, !!ey shourd be of the same styre. Gunenfly, the rear decks are afi ofvarying styre (picket and hand rajr. caqs). serect a rti; ;[ o*n"o can agree toand construct the new decks on Unit'1t6 match that riew itvre ano as the othersare replaced match the style on Unit 1. o Front entryway coverings to Units 2 and 3: Cunenfly Unit t has a covered frontentry u/hich was..not preMousry approved as does not match the structure. TheTown will allow the. covered eirtrv io remain; however, an nrture covered entrieswill need to match that architectuial character and style. ' Replacement of windows: Repracement and new windows shail match the styreof the existing windows unless all windows are to be replaced. Please review these commenls. 1nd if you have any questions regarding this retterpfease contact me atgr0-479-216. rf th;; a[ no ctianges or ctarifiiattns necessaryl"-lli: bttngFq:q sign berow and return to me at thJabove address or fax ro myattention at 970479-2452. As soon has I receive this document from each of you I willstaff approve Mr, Roman's application. Wilhpgards, *'b^nw r Warren CampOett Senior Planner Cc: File John Roman 1761 Alpine Drive Unit #l John Hsu 1761 Alpine Drive Unit #2 y;gi7;3t yn,T$f,^1t Design Review Board ACTIOT{ FORI{ Departm€nt of community Development 75 South F ontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479,2452 web: www.vailgov.comoo$itftf otr/ELoPtE$ Proiect Name: ROMAN RE-ROOF AND RE-PAINT Proiect Description: Pafticipants! OWNER PO BOX 9094 AVON co 81620 APPUCAIIT ROMAN, JOHN FREDRIC Project Address: Legal Description: Parrel Number: Comments: PO BOX 9094 AVON co 81620 1761 ALPINE DR VAIL 08/01/200s Lot: 32 Blodc Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE WEST 1 2103-123-0900-1 Withdrawn DRB Number: DR8050381 location: 1761 ALPINE DR., #2 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A RE-ROOF SAME FOR SAME AND A REPAINT OF FACIA AND SOFFET WITH NEW COLORS. ROMAN, JOHN FREDRIC 08/01/2005 Motaon By: Second By: Vote: Gonditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: WITHDRWN Date of Approval: Cond:8 (PHN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written @nsent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: 920.00Planner: Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com September 27,2005 John Roman 1761 Alpine Drive #1 Vail, CO 81657 Re: 1761 Alpine Drive #1lLot32, Vail Village West Filing 1 Mr. Roman This letter is being sent as a follow-up to my letter dated September 7, 2005. In that letter, I informed you of staffs comments regarding the Design Review application you have submifted for the improvemenls you have begun without proper approvals. In addition, I provided a reasonable deadline, September 19, 2005, in which to address the comments. I have not heard from you since our initial phone conversalions regarding your illegal construction. As September 19m has past, I am officially withdrawing your application and requesting David Rhoades, Code Enforcement Officer for the Town of Vail, to begin a Code enforcement action. Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this letter please contact me at 970-479-2148. With reoards.",i;ffi,c^p[.fi Wanen Campbell I Senior Planner Cc: Fi|e f,-p ^""r.""o " r" Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com September 7,2005 John Roman 1761 Alpine Driw #1 Vail, CO 81657 Re: 1761 Alpine Drive #1tLot32, VailMltage West Fiting 1 Mr. Roman This fetter is being sent as a follow-up to my letter dated August 25,2005. ln that letter, I informed you of staffs comments regarding the Design Review application you havre submitted for the improvements you have begun without proper approvals. Those comments were as follows: r Prior to your application being scheduled for review by the Design review Board I must receive a letter from the owners of the other two units in you tri-plex which clearly identifies that they are aware of your proposed dranges and support them.r Title 14 of the Code requires that structures containing multiple units be "architecturally integrated" with "unified site development". This regulation applies to facia design, paint colors, handrails around the decks (both ftont and rear), and front entries.o Currently, the facia on your unit is not in keeping with the facia on the other two unitg. lf it is desired to have a new facia design all three must change to the new design.r Cunently, you have proposed to paint your unit and facia a different color than the other two units. The same paint colors for the facia, trim, and boduy of the house must be applied to all three units. lf a new color scheme is desired please proposed to re-paint all three units.o Cunently, there are different handrail designs on the front decks of the tri-ptex and on the rear. The front decks haw differing picket and handrail design and the rear decks have solid walls and others have picket style railings. The railing design needs to be uniform for the three units comprising the structure.o Currently, you have a covered front entry made of heavy timbers. I was unable to find any approvals for the ftont entry on your unit. In a conrrersation you stated that the entry had been constructed prior to your purchase of the unit. Regardless of whom constructed the front covered entry it was done without appropriate approvals. lt may be necessary to modify the front entry in order to be more in keeping with the architectural integrity of the tri-plex structure.r There appears to be a lot of clutter on the front deck. I realize some of this is associated with the work you were performing prior to being stopped in order to receive appropriate approval for your changes. However, under Title 5, Chapter 1, of the Vait T6wn 'Code the red storage closet and any other items not associaied with the work need to be {p,"""uo"'", removed as they have not been approved and or either a nuisance as defined by the Town Code. Any tabtes, chairs, grills, etc. do not need to be removed. Please review these comments and if you harrc any questions regarding this letter please mntact me at 970'479'2148. As you have not rcsponded to my letter dated August 25,2005, I am sending this lefter to notify you that if the comments identified above are not adequately addressed and submitied to staff by September 19, 2005, I will Mthdraw your application and may inform Code Enforcement lo begin the enforcement procedure. Withregards, A lil"M$, Senior Planner Cc: File Depqrtment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com August 25,2005 John Roman 1761 Alpine Drive #1 Vail, CO 81657 Re: 1761 Alpine Drive #1lLot32, VailVillage West Filing 1 Mr. Roman This letter is being sent to inform you of staffs comments regarding the Design Review application you have submitted for the improvements you have begun without proper approvals. Per our phone conversation in which you stated you believed you had been granted approval for your modifications the prcvious year I did some research of the files. Our files show that last year you did receive approval to re.roof your unit under a same-for-same application (cedar shake). This application did not include changes to the facia or repaint of your unit. The comments are as followed: o Prior to your application being scheduled for review by the Design review Board I must reoerV€ a letter from the owners of the other two units in you tri-plex which clearly identifies that they are awar€ of your proposed changes and support them. r Title 14 of the Code requires that structures containing multiple units be "architecturally integrated" with "unified site development". This regulation applies to facia design, paint colors, handraits around th€ decks (boh front and rear), and front entries. . Cunently, the facia on your unit is not in keeping with the facia on the other two unils. lf it is desired to have a new facia design all three must change to the new design.o Cunently, you have proposed to paint your unit and facia a different color than the other two units. The same paint colors for the facia, trim, and boduy of the house must be applied to all three units. lf a new color sQheme is desired please proposed to re-paint all three units.. Cunently, there are different handrail designs on the front decks of the tri-plex and on the r€ar. The front decks have differing picket and handrail design and the rear decks have solid walls and others have picket style railings. The railing design needs to be uniform for the three units comprising the structure. o Cunently, you have a covered front entry made of heavy timbers. I was unable to find any approrrals for the front entry on your unit. ln a conversation you stated that the entry had been constructed prior to your purchase of the unit. Regardless of whom constructed the front covered entry it was done without appropriate approvals. lt may be necessary to modify the front entry in order to be more in keeping with the architectural integrity of the tri-plex struc{ure. r There appears to be a lot of clutter on the front deck. I realize some of this is associated with the work you were performing prior to being stopped in order to receive appropriate {p^ut"uoo'" approt/al for your changes. However, under Title 5, Chapter 1, of the Vail Town Code the red storage closet and any other items not associated with the work need to be removed as they have not been approved and or either a nuisance as defined by the Town Code. Any tables, chairs, grills, etc. do not need to be removed Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this letter please contact me atS7O47S'214. These oommonb neeO to be addiedsed by September 1, 2005, in order to be on the September 7,2005, Design Review Board agenda. With regards, Wanen Campbell Senior Planner Cc: File ,_mt{ffi:6,$l-t;;'ff- web: www.v"dilgov.cori i ,.,,' General Information: i All projects requiring design review must receVe approval prior to submitting a refer to the sbmittal requirements br the particular approval that is requested. An apptication for De$gn Review cannot be acepted until all requircd information is rec€ived by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Toarn Council and/or the Planning and Environmental C-ommission. Ilesign review approval lapccs unless a buildlng permit is issued and construction ommences within one year of the approval. ofthe Reguest:Soffi Location of the Proposal:uot,34 aoct,-c- l^P>+ | PhyCcal Addrcss:llul parref No.: ZldSt Z90 4oo t Assessor at 970-328-86,10 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner( Malling Owner(s) . and Fee: $50 Plus $1.$ per square foot oftotal sign area. No Fee Construction For con*ruction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square ffige is added to any residental or comrnercial building (indudes 250 addifions & interior conversions). For minor changes b buildings and site improvemenq such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fe.nces and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes b buildings and site impovements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and Addition retaining walls, etc,$20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the De$gn Review Board. No Fee g 7) 90o "1o j^l c) -r. tr tr B tr tr Minor Alteration (m ulti-family/ommercial) Minor Alteration (sin9lefamily/duplo<) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request $6s0 $300 $2s0o $20 o# *..* ^,,XE7 ,r' Neeting oate: ?- 7 'Of DRB No.: **+ai***f*'i**+ffff*l***+**+*+ff*lf't**********'i*'i*{rl'{'{'*****{'*+*+**ll**+****+i+*{.*++********** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement*t**l*i++tt*tat***ffft+**f*attl**++++l****+*+***+++t*+*+++*+**tl*****+*******+1.*+*********** Staternent Number: R050001190 Amount: $20.00 08/OL/2005L1 :19 All Paltment Meehod: Check Init; iISNotation: #937 /l OJOHN F. ROMATiI Permit. No: DRB05O381 rl4)e: DRB-Minor AIts, SFR/DUP Parcel No: 2103 -123 -0900-1 Sit,e AddreaB: 1751 AIJPINE DR VAIIJ Irocation: 1?51 ALPINE DR.. *2 Total Fees: $20.00 Thi6 Payment: $20.00 Total ALL Prnts: $20.00Balance: $0.00t*l*****+++++'t**f+++***+++****+*+*****+**++*+a'++*+***********+**********+,i*******t***+*l**l* ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code Deacription Current Pnta DR OO1OOOO3TL22OO DESIGN REVTEW FEES 20.00 Buildinq Materials PROPOSED MATERIAL!; TVoe of Material Color tcl/n( 5VI(kq MtruClYt- 8e*r")BEth,( -g,&turuit,{ Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Sofftts Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Fhshing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Please speciff the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Lvp @lrrc l.fr CD/v( {nd Page 6 of L3lO6lO6l05 . Proposed surface drainage on and off-site.. Location of hndscaped areas.. Location of limits of disturbance fencing. Location of all required parking spacesr Snow storage areas.r Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster endosure.o Retaining walls witt proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls, A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls behrueen 4'and 6'feet in height.o Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable . Landscape Plan:. Scale of 1" = 20'or larger. Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan.r Location of o<isting trees, 4" diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new location), and to be removed. Large stards of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the propoced improvements and grading.r Indicate all o<isting ground cover and shrubs.r Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the o<isting and proposed plant material including ground cover.o Delineate criucal root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and construction,r Indicate the location of all proposed plantings.r fie location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation.o ExisUng and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. r Lighting Plan:. Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.. Include height above grade, lumens ouFut, luminous area. Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. . SPAISI-PB@roS,\LS r For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: . Color chip or color sample including the manufacfurer name and color number(s)o Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffiits, ek.) Page 5 of 13/06/06/05 o TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 DEPARTMENT oF coMMLrNr0orurrortr", .l,n\-o+54 _ ( U";\ \) t L\'^-11"' [^)'--"f -<-,t ,2 "tTHIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES -T( .a I\ \ '(JNOTE: ,^210312309002 .y(rnl - Oq(3 OI{NER License: CONTRACTOR HORIZON ROOFING INC. P.O.BOX 1867 EAGLE, CO 81631 License: 1"87-S APPI,ICANT HORIZON ROOFING TNC. P.O.BOX 1867 EAGLE, CO 815 31 License: 187 -S Desciption: Re-roof - same for same Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $6,805.00 Fireplace Informalion: Restricted; Y HSU JOHN H - BRO9IN PRISCILLAI}/L1/2001 Phone: 1761 ALPINE DR 2 VAII, CO 8L657 -43L7 ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT 176I ALPINE DRVAIL 176l alpine dr unit # 2 # ofGas Appliances: Permit #: B0l-0328 Status.....: ISSUED Applied...: l0llT/2001 Issued...: 10/2612001 Expires...: 0412412002 Add Sq Ft: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 Job Address.: Location...... : Parcel No....: Project No...: 70/L7 /200! Phone: 970-328-4L85 LO/I7/2O0L Phone:970-328-4L85 0 FEE STIMMARY Building-> Plan Check-> I[vc$igation-> will call-> s115.00 F t4 .'ts 90.00 s3.00 Restuaranl Plan Re!'lew-> DRB Fee---> Recreation Fee-------> Cl€an-up Deposit-----> TOTAL FEES-------------> s0.00 s2o. oo 90.00 90.00 Total Calculated Fees--- Additional Fees------- Total P€rmit Fee-----)- Pa)T nentF--------> BALANCE DLIE.--------> s55.00 F267.1s 5261 .75 s0.00 Approvals:Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT L0/1,7/200L DF Act.ion: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMEMT Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEIIf Item: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hues acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and stat€ that dt trF infonnation as required is corrcct I agree to coarply with the information ard plot plaq to comply with all Torvn ordinances and state laws, and 0o build this stnrctre according to the tourns zoning and subdivision codes, d€sign review ryprovd Uniform Building Code and otlrcr qdinanc€s of the Toum applicable th€rdo. REQT,IEsTS FOR TNSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOI'RS IN ADVA}.ICE TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OLJR OFFICE FRoM 8:00 AIf{ - 5 PM. SGsd Clcro{p Deposil To: N/A FORHMSELF ANDOWNE o PAGE 2 * {r 't * {r* 'f 'f *:t * * * * * **:tr {r 't '} * * * * * * * !* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * **'* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * 't * * * * * * * * * * * CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: B0l-0328 as of 10-26-2001 Status: ISSUED ** * * t** * | 'f* * * 'f 'f *t * * * * t * *'t * '1. * 1.'i:t * * 'i * **'t * * * {. * 'l l' ** * * {r * * * rl '} * *1' *,lr * * * * * * * * *** * ** * * * * **:t * * * * * ** tf tf I * * * * *t * * **'i I t Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BTILD PERMIT Applied: l0/l7l200l Applicanl HORIZON ROOFING INC. Issued: 1012612001 970-328-4185 ToExpire: 0412412002 Job Address: 176l ALPINE DRVAIL Location: 176l alpine dr unit # 2 ParcelNo: 210312309002 Description: Re-roof - same for same Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETMTIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALEDWITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3I0.6.I OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQI.NRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. <[ APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNS Building Permit #: 97O- 47 I -2L49 (Inspediors) CONTRACTOR FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor & Materials bt5MM]WYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 COMPLETE VATUA Town ofVail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: OTHER: $ rr r 3o€ i ForParcel $ Conhct Assssorc Offtce at 97O-328-8ilO orvisit Pare$i# ZlOSl L7o jeo) (applitation,willsnot, be accepied:riitsrout ;iarcet number) Job Name: frhJ Na*l JobAddress: 111r; Ar+r^re, Dpaua,Unrrr$z Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:SuMivision: Owners Name: 5.oil*t Mr-l Address\-rbl /\r-p,^Jo- f}.. .uil,r- sz-enonez l4o_ loL? Architect/Designer:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed descriotion of work: ?-t$t.,-Jtt- .6*rs(?JL SiMv-.e- n$n tr$f,i'r,t-- t jc,^J ho>e- AVV+- WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior (y') Both ( )Does an EHU o<ist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two-Family( ) MultFfamilVld Co.r"r.ial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Noffype of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances (' ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Buming ( Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Buming (NOT ALLOWED) DoesaFireAlarmExist: Yes( ) No( ) ll OoesaFireSprinklerSystemExist: Yes( ) No( ) Otlrer Fees: )RB Fees: ublic Wav Permit Fee: F:/ereryone/fo rms/bld gperm of Construction: ************************************ **FOR OFFICE USE ONLY******************tfit***:t************** TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2t38 C DEPARrMENr oF coMMuN,r"trrorr* NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT PETMit #: BOI-0I24 Job Address: 176l ALPINE DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: UNIT#3 Applied..: 0511412001 Parcel No...: 210312309003 Issued . .. : 05/l4l200l ProjectNo : (\a- Expires...: ll/10/2001 CONIRACTOR HORIZON ROOFING INC. 05/14/2001. Phone: 970-328-41-85 P.O.BOX 1867 EAGLE, CO 81631 LicenEe:187-S APPI-,rcANr HoRrzoN RooFrNG rNc. 05/14/2001 Phone: 970-328-4185 P.O.BOX r-867 EAGI-,E, CO 8 L631 License I 187 -S owNER HAif.rEs !4ARK O5/t4/200t Phone: UNIT # 3 L,icense: Description: REROOF SHAKE FOR SHAKE Occupancy: Rl Multi-Family Type Consfruction: V IHR Valuation: $6,805.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 Fireplace Infonnalion: R€$rided: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # of Gas l,ogs: 0 # of Wood Peltet; 0 Building-> 9115.00 Reshraranl Plan Review-> Pfan Check-> 574 .15 DRB Fee-----------> 920 . oo Addilional Fees'--"---> Investigation-> will csll-> So . oo Recreation Fee-------> S3. oo ClEan-up D€posit------> TOTAL FEES-----------> 92L2.1s BAI-ANCE DUE------> FEE SLIMMARY lill,lt+,l,rr.****'t*********'t***'r**t+++)t**:*t*'***'r'rtr*tl*******'l** SO . oo Total Calculaled Fe€s-> S2!2 .15 so.00 S0. oo Tolal Permit Fee----> 52!2.75 So.oo Paymenls---------> 52:-2.15 a;\ u.L\-o- Lr.<f \ t^.d\ 3A, 90.0o Approvals:IEEm: 05L00 BUILDING DEPARTMBIIT 05/L4/20Ot JPiltt Action: AP IEem: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMEIfl| It,em: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIE Item: 05500 PIIBLIC WORKS at*tatt'taaa:ttata'tl See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hueby acknowledge that I have rrua rfrir?pfi.ation, filled out in fult the informati- fr*, completed an accurate plot pla4 and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town lV Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. RIQLJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTT-FOIJR HOURS IN ADvAl.lCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 oR AT OUR OmcE FROM 8:ffi AM - 5 PM. Sord Cl€an-up D€posit To: N/A CTOR FOR HMSEI.F AND OWNER PAGE2 't '* '* * +*'f ** *'l+* * * * * *,i * ** * * *+ *,1* *+ * * *'f + * *'f * + *+'t'i* * * * * + + +:i*** t * *'*** {' * * '* ** +:f ,f *+ **:}** 't * !t'll' * * * * +:** t * * *'} l' **'} l' {r '* '} CONDITIONS OFAPPROVAL Permit#: B0l-0124 asof05-14-2001 Status: ISSUED * {. * * **!t* **** *** '* * '}*'f * ** * * '* '}{r't!t't** '****'l*******'* !** **!t***{r {r 't**** * * ** * *lt**** {. '* ** * * * ** * * * **'* * ** {t * ** * * ** + ** *** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BIJILD PERMT Applied: O5/l4l2OOl Applicant HORIZON ROOFING INC. Issued: 0511412001 970-328-4185 ToExpire: ll/10/2001 JobAddress: 176l ALPINEDRVAIL l,ocation: UNIT # 3 ParcelNo: 210312309003 Description: REROOF SHAKE FOR SHAKE t**'t*****l*i'f ***!*l{r**,}{r{r*:}*{r{r'l***********+******** COnditiOnS ****ti**********{t****'}*:l**********'***!*****{!* Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQURED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG,): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3 10.6.I OF THE 1997 UBC. *:t:t** 'i '*,|'t * '|t {r * * *,},}* **r, * * * *0'* ** * +* * * * + * * * + + r * *** * * * * * t * * * r. * *,t 'i*O:*+*********{.,},}*'l t**'l't,* TOWN OF VAIL. COLORADO - StrGme'nt *** * ***!t * *******,t * ******** * * ** * * * *+ +***+* * * * +*** * * ******i*'l *,*++**rft|*.f'i***'f * * ***+*{"t ***'f **+'f * Statement Number: R000000753 Amount.: 92L2.15 05/L4/2OOLO3:52 PM Payment, Method: Check Init: LC Notation: *o'7132/IJorizon Roofing Permit No: 801-0124 T14>e: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERlitrT Parcel No: 2103123 0 9 003 Site Address: 1761 AITPINE DR VAIIJ Location: I)NIT * 3 Total Fees: 5212.75 Thia Payment I i272.75 Tota1 ALJ., Pmte: $272.75 BaLance: S0.00 *** ****'* * l******* ************'t 'l*****'* **{"t***'}'l *:t't*+** * * **'*'}**++{t*'}f*** ******** ***'++'l *'l*'i ***'* ACCO1JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEhI FEES PF O()IOOOO31123()O PLAN CHECK FEES I^JC OO1OO()O31128OO WILL CALL INSPECT]ON FEE 115.00 20.00 74.75 3. 00 tl ./t{'{@) rwttwwnlY APPUCATION WILL iIOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGITED Bu Permit #: Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbins. mechanical, etc.! c.,Nrpacr.R TNE'RMAT ^rV ol . C 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 ol - ol?CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Gqneral Contractor: \.*\-y.r"-rj \LoF1F\(> Town of Vail Reg. No.: lB-l 6 Conbct and Phone #3:GnW $q.aefu- Vzs-+to.t Contractor Signafure: VALUATIONS FOR BUIIDI]IG PER}IIT (Labor & Materials BUILDING: $ (a, goS{ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TorAL:S e9O9 - REFUITD CLEAITUP DEPOSIT TO: I or visit Job Name: Mor-y- Navrre==Job Address: 1161 AuTr ^re- DgrrJe, U ^Jl1 d3 L€gal Description I Lot: I Block:Filing:Subdivision: Ovvners Name:Address:Phone: Architect/Deigner:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed des€ription of work: V+a** - Teov. aFf,- .)\oY*- rN+if';x...- Ne. r sl\,aP,es WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) WorkType: Interior( ) Erterior( ) Both( )Does an EHU odst at thb location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single'family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of bdsting Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accomrnodation Units in this building: No/Type of Fireolaces Existinq: Gas Apoliances ( ) Gas Loos ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( No/TyDe of Fireplaces Prooosed: Gas AoDliances ( ) Gas Loos ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Buminq (NOT ALLOWG, Does a Fire Alarm Exisil Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System bdst Yes ( ) ;EI *** *.****t***********i*** r*** * ******.*FOR OFFICE USE ONLY****r* ** *** i ** it't !rr *Yt****** F:/e\€ryoneff orms/bldgperm ,r*m Design Review Board t-"t ju ACTION FORM Departrnent of Cornmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, VaiL Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fu.: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Hsu Residence DRB Number: DR8010346 Project Description: Re-roof, same for same, Participantsr OWNER HSU JOHN H - BROWN PRISCILLAIO/LZ2OOL Phone: 1761 ALPINE DR 2 VAIL CO 81657-4317 License: APPLICANT Horizon Roofing 10/1712001 Phone: License: ProJectAddress: 1761 ALPINE DR VAIL Location: Legal Description: [.ot: Block: Subdivislon: Parcel Number: 210312309002 Comments: VV,/ k( BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Actionl STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of APProvalz L0ll7l200L Conditions: Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No change to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consuft with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Brent Wilson DRB Fee Paid: $0.00 t Application for Design Review Departnent of Cornmunity Development 75 South Fmntage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 fax: 970.48.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: This. application b for any poject requiring Design Rwiew approval. Any pmject requiring design rwiew must recei\re. approval pris to sutrniuing a building permit application. please retsr:b Be sOmiuaj requirenrents br theparticular approval that is requested, An application for Design Rerriew cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Developrnent Departrnent. The project may abo rieed to be rwbwiA by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environrnental Commission. Oesfin nwien Board approval tapseigllac< 6 building p€rmit is issued and consbuction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: ruwm Location of the Proposal: Lot:_Block:_ SuMivision: Physical Address: l1{zl Acp, r-ru'- Ft- . U r.rr< J} - Parcel No.:(Contact Eagle Co, Assessor at 970-328-8640 br parcel no.) Zoning: Mailing Address: Name(s) of owner(s): lErLf *:,-f Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: For corEbuction of a new building or derno/rebuild. For an addition where square botage is added b any residential or cornmercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvernents, srch as, reroonng, painung, window additions, landscaping frnces and retaining walb, eb. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Rwiew Board PLEASE SUBMITTHIS APPUCATION, ALL SUBMITAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FROMTAGE ROAD, VAII-, COLORADO 815s7. ftua | - o+t] Type of Review and Fee: E New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration tr Changes to Approved Plans $200 $s0 $20 $20 Dtt9o1 - o\TG O 1,.."-i s{ Uc.-.^.[ U. (.^^ U)-*-a{ coMMUNITY DEVELoPMENT -4-, G n" \ Q MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 897-0255 ].761 AIJPINE DR 1761 ALPINE DR UNTI 2 2LA3-L23-09-002 ************r**************i**********]llll*lili;;;;;;;;;;iiii**********iXl;il-****lllilll-3li;;;;;;;******i************il3*** Ilelnr .05100_BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:08/07/L997 CHARLTE lction: AFFR cHanlru oeVrs-IT.em:'O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT DepT: PLANnrnc pivision:oB/07/L997 CHARLTE acti_on: AFpn pnn ornrIt'em:'05600_qIRE DEPART\,IENT Dept: FIRE Division:9?/07/1997 CHARLTE ACaiona AppR N/A :--.' _-_- __ _:rtbm:'05500 puBl,rc woRKs Dept: puB woRK Division:08/07/L997 cnanl,in Acrion: AppR N/A *********************t****************ff*************it********i***i***H***************************************************t***** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may appty to thie permit. DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknowtedge that r have read.this apptication, fitl,ed out in ful,t the information required, compl,eted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atl the information provided as required is correct. t agfee to compty rjith tire iniormation and ptot il,an,to.compty l{ith atL Town ordinances _and state.(aus, and to buitd this structure according to'the Town,s zoning and subdjvisioncodes, design review approved, Unifofm Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the Town aipt.icabl,e thereto. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-4't 9-2L38 approved amount NOTE: THIS PERMIT TOV/Comm.Dev.ADD/ALT MF Clean-up Depo.s it Refund DEPARTMENT OF Job Address 4, 000 tof Gas Apptiances: Restuarant P lan Revi e'.r--> DRB Fee-------- Recreation Fee----------> Ctean-Up Deposit--------> ***********ff**********t*********************************** FEE SUI'lllARy ***********************t********************************** Occupancy: RL Type Construction: V Type Occupancy: Valuation: Fi reptace Inforration: Rest r i cted: Bui Lding-----) 85. O0 Status. . . AppIied.. Issued. . . Expires. . fof Gas Logs: Totat Catcutated Fees---> Additional. Fees---------> TotaL Permit Fee--------> PaYDents------- Ptan check--->)) .2> Invest igation> .00 tli l, L cal. L----> 5.0O REaUESTS roR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE llA0E T!'Eltw-touR HouRs IN ADVANCE By TELEPHONE _l\T 479-2138 oR AT OuR OFfICE .00 .00 .00 100.00 243 .25 .00 213 .25 243.25 FRol,l 6:00 A date APPLICANT PLUMB KENDALL CONSTRUCTIONP.O. BOX 3085, AVON, CO 91620 CONTRACTOR PLUMB KENDALL CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 3085, AVON, CO 81620OWNER HSU JOHN H - BROWN PRISCITLA A, 176]. ALPINE Description r DECK ENTRY REMODEL ocaEton. . . I No.. Project No. Multi-FamiIyN Type V Non-Rated DR 2, VArL CO 8L65743L7 Add Phone : 3O3-926-7 829 Phone : 303-926-'1 829 fof tlood/Pat tet: I SSUED 08/07 /tee708/07 /Lee702/03 / Lees Sq Ft: Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: PLUI4B KENDALL CON SIGNATURE OF Oi,INER OR COI{TRACTOR FOR HIIISELF ***********************J,******************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit *: 897-0255 a6 of 08/tI/97 Status: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Appliedt 08/07/1997Applicant: PLUMB KENDALL CONSTRUCTION Issuedt 08/07/1997303-926-7829 To Expire t 02/03/1998 Job Address:Location: 1761 ALPINE DR UNTI 2Parcel No: 2103-L23-O9-OO2 Description: DECK ENTRY REMODEL Conditions:]-. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. HAND RAILS MUST COMPLY WITH ].991 UBC SEC 3306 GUARD RAII-,S MUST COMPLY WITH SEC 1712 vu **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIr.,, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0311 Amount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #1823 243.25 08/LL/97 13:13Init: CD 897-0255 Type: A-MF 2LO3-L23-09-002 1761 ALPINE DR 1?61 ALPINE DR UNTI 2 TotaL Fees:243.25 Toral ALL Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** Perrnit No:Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Paynent Account Code01 0000 4131001 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 ADD/ALT MF BUILD PER 243.2s 243.25 .oo Description BUIIJDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WII,L CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 8s. 00 55.25 100.00 3 .00 I .i :':,' 'r ' '.;i: "'.. " .xrl FozOD.oo(J Ig A4 oo rIrottoE!.oOEq( I 9 o C'o o oo d TJH Eo. a dEloD o fl (,t! E Efro T F.46 I dE8:"HAloZRqE('o .c o , o oo 65qqt ..|oq a 04.1EUar !a,.r o a"t il|nrl|Cd@ ,aoo Era oFE Hoo (0.lD FOF& I E 2a F.OEIq1 cF 1 FFI22TDIOErE o( FJH6Z.Di9H4 aao Ea FFHiao=)89 H( p li a E E{ E Ei zo liA Ed-()aql,gl t^&IEP EEq 40I rltU(., AH I HqlI !ao l.r $ o E{&o g& AzD !lE lr oI E COD &nll>aEtiru4 04Af,o rlEO t&& oAAH ZLonrac c bagre uouncy Assessors]r". k ri"\i' r ?' T fiy w'qiL >'39il,? [ xil i* ail: 3$"F3#"? ' D^rE - gh.[q{ - PERI'IIT // , APPLICATTON MUST BE FILLED OUT CoMPLETELY OR IT MAY NoT BE AQQEPTED I****************************** PERMIT fNFORI.IATION *****************************^i. -/'fl-,--1Q-3tr11d1nn [ ]-plunbing [ ]-Erectrical [ ]-Mechanibar [ ]-orher _ Job Address: Lesa). Description: Lor hfrM'-"f#f f-Filing sugDIVIsIoNt ,lowners Nane: dotru HSu Address:lall k-PNq trrzn€ rln.{4L-lo+L ,.tiArchitect: N lrlt Address:Ph. General Description: OEE[Z*, t=N{fl-zy _. work class: t,6, I j-Alteration t ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other_ Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Accommodation Units; rob Name: f,q+*f Hg,J Zat PJ.unbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ********************************FOR BUTLDING PERI'IIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAI., FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Reg. NO. oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUILDING PINN CIIECK FEE: . PLUMBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERUIT TEES: Town of VaiL Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: VALUATION CLEAN I'P DEPOSIT REFI'ND P-o.B aY 7085 AVol,t. LrA-b. 8tL2o s. a e.3 d(9 D:, 1 ;..9t-"ryu1 t " Jr ,. I tt i';urtql c.l f| . ;rt.:, .1' ,y, i,r. F--==s zo F()ERF(O9E6RQi6€RYXg<o =q€sdQOPzc ibJuJoxn =JF lt(t\-Q tv HB fil ;' zld fi4 + \",e F *E ^)l\SE \-.-.-r._ et) Ng ?Eqh-a\ \.:r. i* ,9 r{-ss $ Ngn: $ts E=S)€ r*, N Fa[i o \. I/iii'ryn,-rrf{ .i l. ,/: t /J ,-\//-I ,f Rlv\ \ .*\ / '--c'--.w\/ E.. ..rrt--\>?I i.L' \ zIb =ogs 4E6R68€F :EEEad6e =d, €C''E9 co =:))o- \.J E lu \1I-s!u s- s2-f ()6v\{L ?:o$ t- !i, ^ IF\v[,r- Ji-l< F{\..$ f, n-5 l. -lnLl I + t-- ^t I Itt]. l=..-l I-2. IilrJ<l 4 ,p1.9*1"' /s,ty \u,>fF N!ntr:9 1y€-{l-skd< .-5 -j8S ul\)7 N \itit) C\) 3\i':t * LI J \) N s Llu ttl .t-ztr\F >< N e t,JJ s $ v'iitt) =dxN L"f V.[it/( 37 ltUf I TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-479-2L38 Job Address. . . Location Parcel No.....Project Number APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER llechani ca [---) Ptan Check---) lnvesti gat i on> Uil.L caL t----> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Perrnit. #z 1,197-0I42 Description: MOVE BOILER AND HOT WATER (UPGRADE) F i reptace Information: Restricted: N #Of Gas App I i ances: ].761 ALPINE DR 1761 ALPINE DR UNIT 3 zto3-123-09-003 ROBTNSON PLUMB/HEATTNG SQUAW CRK P O BOX 64, EDWARDS CO 81632 ROBINSON PLUMB/HEATING SQUAW CRK P O BOX 64, EDWARDS CO 81632 PENTON JAMES DANIEL & WALLIS PO BOX 1350, VAIL CO 81658 180.00 Restuarant Ptan Rev'i ev--)45.00 DRg Fee-------- .OO TOTAL FEES----- 3.00 Phone: 3039263859 Phone: 3039263859 Status . . . Applied.. Issued... Expires. . Valuation l fof Gas Logs: ISSUED 08 / 75 /tee7 08 /15 /7ee7 02 / 1,t /ree8 9,000 .00 fof Uood/P8t tet: *********************************************************** FEE SUlll,lARY ******t****************t*************t******************** .00 Totat Calcutated fees---).0O Additionat Fees--------->228.00 Totat Permi t Fee--------> Payments------- 228.00 .00 2e8.00 228.00 ******************************r***********r************************r*******************illlXli-lll;;;;;;;iiiiiii************ill*** Ilgry'i,951Q0_9UILDING DEPARTMENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:08/I5/1997 CHARIJIE Action: AppR CHARLIE DAVrSItbm:'05600_EIRE DEPARTMENT - Dept: FIRE Division:oB/15/Iee7 CHARLTE AcEion; AppR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. qaL4glr$TION ArR rS REQUTRED pER SEC. 60? OF THE 1991 -uMe .- --3. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES TNSfNUCITOIIS-AUOTO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC.4. qAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND_ 944 _ TERMTNATE 4S SPECTFTED rN SEC.906 OF THE 1991 UMC.-s. agqEq! To HEATTNG EOUTPMENT MUST eOr,,rFl_,y wrrH sne .5os-elrn703 0F THE 1991 UMC.6. EOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST._ uNl,Ess LrsrED FoR MOUNTTNG ON COMBUSTTBLE FtooRrNG;- - 7 . p^EBl{r T, pl4Ng _ AND CODE ellAi,VS r s - MTUSf - BE-FoSTED- -iN -MECHANT CAL_ ROOM pRrOR rq_a!! rNSpEcTroN REQUEST. --B. DRAINAGE OF MECIJANICAL ROOMS- EoNTATIITUC HEATING OR HOT-WATERsuppl,y BorLEBq sH4lrr BE EQUTPPED wrrH A FLOon'DRAiN--FER SEe:-2119 0F THE 1991 UMC. *****************************************************dr***r.********************** DECLARATIONS t hcrcby lck'nostadg€ thlt I h.vc rcad this eppticrtion, fitt.d out in futt tha inforratlon required, conptctcd tn accur.tc ptot pten, and stetc that .tt th. infor.ation provided as required is corrcct. I agrcc to coqty vith thc inforration ard ptot pten, to cornpty vlth att Torn ordinmcca and statG tauc, and to buitd thlr rtfuctur. accordlrg to the Tonnrs :oning and subdivision codes, dcsign rcvicu approvcd, uniforrn BuiLding Code and othcr ordinrncca of th. Toen appticabtc th.rcto. REqUESTS TOR ITISPECTIONS SHALL 8E IIADE TUENTY-TOUN BOURS IN ADVA]ICE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OTFICE TROfi 8:OO AII 5:OO P}I ''*TATURE or or,r{ER oR coNr*^croR FoR HrrsELr Af{D .*NER f)/t*';6> ;:; \l ***.************************************************************* TOWN OF VATL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0313 Amount: Payment Method: CHECK Notat.ion: #9336 228.00 o8/I5/97 13:49Init: CD Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4t3t20t 0000 4!332 01 0000 41336 1"197 -0142 Type : B-MECH 2LO3-t23-0 9-003 176]. ALPINE DR 1761 ALPINE DR UNIT 3 MECHANICAL PERMIT 228.O0 Total Fees:Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CAtt INSPECTION FEE 228.0O 228.00 .00**************************************************************** Amount 180. 00 45. 00 3.00 'OOt'" O" \/O'" DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2738 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 897-0178 Job Address Location. . . ParceI No..Project No. 1761 ALPINE DR 1761 ALPINE DR #3 2103-123-09-003 Status. . . App1ied.. Issued. . . Expires.. ] SSUED 08/t5 /tee708/15 /res702/tt/tesB 66272APPLICANT DOUBLE DIAMOND SERVICES 2111 N FRONTAGE ROAD WEST, VAIL CO 81657 CONTRACTOR DOUBLE DIAMOND SERVICES 2111 N FRONTAGE ROAD WEST, VAIL CO 81657 OWNER PENTON JAMES DANIEL & WALLIS PO BOX 1350f VAIL CO 8l-658 Description3 ELEC FOR NEW BOILER Investigation> .00 Ui tt catt----> 3. O0 TOTAL FEES---> 45. O0 Phone t 30347 Phone z 3034766272 Valuation:300.00 *t*****************t***********************.t*************** FEE SUllflARy t**********t*******************t*****t************t******* Etectricat---> 42.@ Totat Catcutated Fees---> 45.00 Additionat Fees---------> .00 Totat Permit Fee--------> /.5.00 Payments-------- BALANCE DUE----- oRB fee .00 ************************i***rrt*****************lri********************************************************************************* Ite.m: -06000 ELECTRICAT DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:08/15/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVISItEm:.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: ************************:t****t**********************************************************************************************t***** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ff*i*******************ffi********ff****i-r**********t**fi*r***tt*******t**ff*******i***t***************ffi************************* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, fiu.ed out in fuLl, the information required, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and statc that atl the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compty vith the information snd ptot pl,an,to comPty Hith atL Tovn ordinances and state [aus, and to buil.d this structure according to-the Tovn's zoning and subdivisibn codes, design reviev apProved, Uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Torrn appticabte thereto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Af 479-2'138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROIi 8:OO A[ 5:OO p[ E/'?J--- SIGNATURE OF OI'NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OI.INER a**************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0313 Amount: Paynent Method: CHECK Notation: *9336 45.00 o8/Ls/97 13:48Init: CD 45.00 **************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No:site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 897-0178 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT 2lo3-L23-09-00 3 1761 ALPINE DR 1761 ALPINE DR #3 Tot.al Feea:Total ALL Pmts: Balance: 45.00 4s.00 .00 Amount 42.00 3.00 )*-*Contac t f at 970-3I plncel //:' Y Eagle County 8-8640 for Assessors !r"" PERI'IIT /I ' ffi3*L f {1:'&'- ba s.39il"?[ Xi#. S:ili 3$"FIIfl . 'fori','ffiYW'* , APPLICATION .l'fUST BE FfLLED OUT CoMPLETELY OR IT MAy NoT BE ACCEPTED r****************************** PERMIT TNFORIIATTON ***********************rr*****ttl [ ]-Building [ ]-Plunbing fiJ-ELectrLcat lryj-Mechanibat [ ]-other Job Narne: (Arup O: Job Addre "r. | ?6 f 4L Pt p L 4'j Legal Description: Lot Block Architect:Address:Ph. owners Narne: ft 'ap Address: 176 t &t-Ptl:L 4 2 Ph.?w 1714- General Description. hou? l? tLa. + l./6f /4'4aiL. 7V afHce- bc+nap work class: [ ]-New lA]-atteration I J-Addittonal [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nurnber of Dwelling Units: I Nunber of Accommodation Units: . {prnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliun"""-4- cas Logs l. Wood/pellet_v&********************************* VALUATTONS ********************************* l4BUILDING: ELECTRICAL: $ ,a 22 OTHER: $ PLUMBTNG: f,*************************:l* CoNTRACTOR INFORMATToN ***************************'Eeneral Contractor: Town of VaiJ. Reg. NO.--Address: phone Nurnber: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plumbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical- Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: A)^2a FOR OFFTCE USE BUILDING BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Town of vail Reg. No.)tS-E Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: ca@wn of Vail_ Phone Number: ******************************* PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLWBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMTT FEES: VALUATION CLEAN IIP DEPOSIT NEPI'IID v lr.t\ qJ U eg u) T t cL ?o)v1HZdIm CE ?J{ ;1 t i*l;3 ,3 i-TiY,nv J 't '.d f te:,it J{\:S. Urltj ! 6(nqT xi s cof - T &f s$ (ts E 1 ' 'ii '. r, REpTlSl TOI^,N UF VAI,!{,9,"'tr8!ORADO pAGE 3 t@/o7/97 Q7;,4:e REOUESTS FOR INSF,ECTION| l.tORRt SHEETS FORtr@/ 7/97 AREAr CD -r;l_:----;- Occ: Description: MUUE BOILER AND HOT tdflTER (UtrERFDE) Applicant: ROBINSON pLUlrlB/HEATING SOUAW CRK Fhone: 3O39363859 Owner: FENTON JAMES DANIEL & WALLIS Fhone: Contr.aetor: ROBINSON trLUFIB/HEATING SQUAW CRK trhone: 3O39P63859 Act lvity: ltl97-014e t@/ 7/97 Type r B-ltlECH Adclress: '1 76 1 ALF,INE DRLocation: 176 I ALPINE DR UNIT 3 Farcel : 21O3-133-ra9-OO3 Statusl ISSUED Constr: AAFT Use: Tine Exp Inspection Request Inf or.mat i on. . . . . Requestorl DflN PENTON Fhonez 476-L737 Req Ti ne : OB r OO Connrent s : UNI T 3 Itens requested to be Inspeeted.., Action Connents 60390 MECH-FinaI Inspect i onIterr 'Iten: Iten: Item:Iten:Iten: Itenr Item: Iten I History..... OO3OO MEtrH-Rough OS/lA/97 Inspector: LFU OEEES FIRE-SPRINKLER ROUEH OOP4O trLMB-Gas Fiping OetslO MECH-Heat ing O03efi MECH-Exhaust Hoods O033O l''lEtrH-Supply Air" Q4346 MECH-Misc. 0er390 ltlECH-Final qrer538 FIRE-FINRL C/u Act i on r AtrPR t^J I LL I NSTALL TH I FIBLb -l- CAF. ! \ "** REtrTl3r TOWN 0F VAIL, COLORADU tO/97/97 Q7z'48 REOUESTS FOR IN$FECTION WORK SHEETS FOR: tq/ 7/97 ,{-of g-z VV u'J #/ 5 PAGE 14 AREAT. EB' ' Activity: E97-O178 l@/ 7/97 Type: B-ELEC Status: I$$UED Constnl AAFT Addr.essz 176I ALPINE DRLoeation: 176 1 ALPINE DR *3 Fareel r ?1O3-1P3-O9-OCI3 Descriptionr ELEC FUR NEtl BOILERApplicant: DOUBLE DIAiIUND SERUICES Occr Use ! Fhone: 3034766373 Phone: trh on e : 3O34766?78-Qotfaeto Owner: trENTBN JAMES DANIEL e WALLIS aetor: DOUFLE DIAM0ND SERVIEES Inspect ion Request Infonmat ion. . . . . Requestor: DAN FENTON Req Ti.ne: O8:OO Cornents: UNIT 3 Itens r_gguested to be Inspeeted... @@LqA ELEC-Final Fhone z 476-173? Time Exp Inspect i on Hi st ory. . . . . Iten: @011O ELEC-Tenp. Power Iten: OUt1e0 ELEC-Rouqhg&/tA/97 Inepector: LPV Iten: OEl30 ELEC-ConduitIten: AOI4A ELEf,-Misc.Iter r gOlgra ELEC-Final Itenr 6oA?,4 FIRE-ALARM ROUGH Iten: 84538 FIRE-FINRI tr/A /o - 7 Action: AFFR 4qt, Ld r 31- V,U,tt u/o-f TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0-4? 9 -2738 Job Address...: L'l 6L ALPINE DRLocation t L'76t ALPINE DRParcel No..... : 2L03-L23-09-003Project Number: #rDEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT / Stat,us...: ISSUED Applied. . : 08/L5/1,99? Issued... : 08/1,5/1997 Expires. . : 02/1I/1998 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M97-0143 APPLICANT THE HEARTH EXCHANGE ]NC Phone; 3038279623 P.O BOX 670, MINTURN CO 81645 CONTRACTOR THE HEARTH EXCHANGE INC PhoneI 3038279623P.O BOX 670, MTNTURN CO 81645OWNER PENTON JAMES DANIEL & WALLIS PO BOX 1350, VAIL CO 81658 Description: Valuation: 1, 200 . O0 CONVERSION FROM WOOD TO GAS F/P Fireptace Intormation: Restricted: N #Of Gas Apptiances:fof Gas Logs: 1 iot l,ood/Pattet: I!e$! ,Q51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:08/15/L99't CHARLTE Action: eFFn cHanLrE DAViS-- --Iten:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. EIEr,p_,TNSPECTTQNS ARE REQUTRBD TO CHBCK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.2. GAS PIPING MUST COMPLY WITH r9S4 UFC_EAUP.- r2---DAMPER MUST BE REMOVED FROM FLUE ***************r.rr***d.*********************************************************** DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknovtedge that t have read-this apptication, f il.l,ed out in futl, the information required, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that at[ the infornation proiiided as required is correct. t agree to compl,y with the infornation and plot pLan,to comP(y !,ith al'L Torrn ordinances -and state [avs, and io buil.d this structure according iithe Toyn,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, uniforn BuiLding Code and other ordinances of the Town aipl.icabl,e thereto. REoUESTS FoR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE IIADE TIIENTY-FoUR HoURs IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AI 479-2138 oR AT ouR oFFlcE FRot't E:00 At| 5:oo prl sIGN^TUREoFollNERoRcoNTRAcToRFoRHIl.|sELFANDot,|NER *,* Cont a a ^t- O'7| ?: ^::I f AnrJEL V ct 0-3 It:. Eagle count, o"""""orfr"" O28-8640 for parcel il . -TowN oF vArL coNsTRUcTroN PERMIT APPLICATTON FORM DATE: APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ****************************'t PERMIT INFORI.{ATfON ***************************** [ ]-Building [ ]-prurnbing [ ]-Electricar [{-Mechanibar [ ]-otherA, rob Name: f-fZ ?y Job Addre""z lfull ftcp - 4 < Legal- Description: Lot Block Filing suBprvrsroN: owners Nane: (An ntu Address , /7 t, nr. fu:e k3 ph??z/?51-- Architect: ceneral Description: work class: [ ]-New t{-ert"ration [ ]*Additionat [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:. /_Number of Accommodation Units: rypmber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliancesv {* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATTONS Gas Logs / Wood/pellet BUILDING: EI,ECTRICAL: $ PLUMBING: $ MESHANISA6T$7-)', --{ t* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r( * * * * * * * * * * CoNTRACTOR INFORMATTONEeneraL Contractor: PERI'IIT /I Address: Electrical Contractor : Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: ********************************* OTHER: $ TOTAL: $ * **** * it** ****rt*****r.******* Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. No. Reg. No.hone Nurnber: n"s. no.l'7'/-fYlTown of Vail Phone Number: FOR OFFTCE USE BUILDING PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE! Address: VALUATION CLEAN UP IIEP.OSIT REFTIND REPT 13 T TUt^lN UF UAILr CI()LORADt)PA6E IA/O7/97 O7:48 REtrUESTS FOR INSFECTION I,JORK SHEETS FURzLE/ 7/97 AREAI CD ========= = ======E: !t===E == =-EE===========g===============-=================-=-====Aetivity: M97-0143 LA/ 7/97 Type: B-MECH Status: ISSUED Constr: AAtrT Address: 176 1 ALPINE DR Location: 176 I ALPINE DR Farcel : E1O3-!E3-49-OO3 Description: CONVERSICIN FROM WIIOD T0 6A5Applicant: THE HEARTH EXCHANGE INC Owner: PENTON JAMES DANIEL & TJALLIS Contr.actor: THE HEARTH EXCHflNGE INC Occ:Use: FlF Fhonel 3O38*796?3 Fhone: Fhone:3O38?79633 Inspect i on Request Information,.... Request or^: DAN F'ENTON Req Tioe: OBrfttZt Comnents: UNIT 3 Items requested to be Inspected... 40390 MECH-Final trhone t 476-L73? Inspect i on Hi st ory. . . . . I t em : taOeOO HECH-Ro ughIten: gfree1 FIRE-SPRINKLER ROUGHItenl AA?4A PLMB-Gas triping Qg/lB/97 Inspeetor: LFVIten: CtA310 MECH-Heat inqIten: AOSCA MpCH-Exhaust Hoods t Itenr EF33|A ftECH-SuppIy Air" Iten: e'Er34A /HECH-Mi sc.Iter : tZtO39O MECH-FinaI Iten: GO538 FIRE*FINAL C/O Actionr AtrFR nPFROUED Tine ExpCommen Q,,.rtion*t ""t Planning Staff at 479-2128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIElV APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This applir:ation is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcvicrv trtust rcccivc Dcsign tl.cvicw approval prior to suhnritting for a building pcrrrrit. For spccific infonrration, scc thc subrnittal rcquircnrcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application cannot bc ircccptcd until allthcrcquircd inforruation is subnrittcd. Thc projcct nray also nccd lo bc rcvicrvcd by thc Town Council antVor thc Planning arrd Environnrcntal Conrnrission. Dcsign Rcviov Board npproval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building pcrnrit is issucd and construction is startcd. A. DESCRIPTION OF TIIE REQUEST: TOWNOFVAIL B.LOCA'I'ION OF PROPOSAL: I-OT: P}IYSICAL ADDRESS: grut4t NA tt c. E. F. G. I I. pARCEL #: UD7 lZW1e2-(Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Oflicc at 970-32it-8640 for parccl /l) ZONINC: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAII.INC ADDRESS: L PI'IONE: owN oR(s) srGNA'r'u RE(s): NN MD OF API'LICANI': MAILINC ADDRESS: PI{ONE: 'I'YPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: D Ncw Construction - $200 Construction of a ncrv building, Includcs any additiorr rvhcrc squitrc fookrgc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or corruncrcial building. Includcs nrinor changcs to buildings and sitc inrprovcntcnts, such as, rcroofing. painting, rvindow additions, landscaping, fcnccs aud rctaining walls, ctc. For any application whcrc thc applicant wishcs to ncct with Dcsign Rcvicw Board to dctcrminc whcthcr or not thc projcct gcncrally conlplics with thc dcsigr guidclines. Thc DRB docs not votc on conccptual rcvicws. DRB fecs arc to bo paid at thc timc of subrnittal. Latcr, when applying for a building pcnnit, please idcntify thcaccuratcvaluationofthcprojcct. TheTownofVail will adjustthcfceaccordingtothcprojectvaluation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE I.'EE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. P tr Addition -$s0 @)ro. Attcrarion - $20 E Conccptual Rcvicw - $0 t\ o LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS BUILDING MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:* Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim S Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chinrncys Trash Enclosurcs Greenhouses Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting** .\ $ other (Se.L) * Please specify the manufacturer's color, number and attach a small color chip ** All exterior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, please indicate the number offixh[es and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identiff each fixture type and provide the height above grade, lumens outpu! luminous area, and attach a cut sheet ofthe lighting fixtures. F---=# '\al0l :l i IF \- $ $ \.,e F.&.r.. \Nl\\s , \-t\\r- eKiJ5 So()G gE ,rt-t' -\ .\ t -. rt- " f/,/,, 'VHL-a 9t \^ \J 'v o il$ H$ Is$3Ve= €)tt\€ t*, -, . 1 .:,..' -. *:,:i . . l_ ___ lowN oF vnn- ----_l ,rr.rr.,,r nn. 48l "1 c F:CliS itADt: t^\'AUt_E TO TO\t'N ()tr v tl. ij ':7.l: ,\ccotJSr No. UI (Xrt'U 4t-t|:*tTTxll-io-7-r,il Al-1'\' Fl:I:s r lril:IfSTFeTIO .nN-ii r: Vl r trvlt l-(' I i i('R-,i;il- oir i: f i(iriii.slN.s t, lr lTo-N*Tl:ti: rf nC i'atri s l. I Cr, NIS|_-: SFtlLl STr'iN' A r;t I teATti) N-Illti A-r ir ) r'r'i r)-N^ r _ -s | (-.;N I ( ;-li IIIIi Vr (' h-ri]=itrit).tl,Ct' i)O NI I'ii ii iR i it-ti.t :stiili iiiw tI n Il't) I;ll:()t (ro1r0 4?.r71 lNViis 1't( ;I-ila N-irilf: ili t-Ti-ir{xi0,nlr -f ( ) Vl in-r t x.i Ni ;T U r.r()IOO(r0,,. I Rnili il\I,St' ^i;il -R ]ti sT ilmil| 0l 0(-.-[t .ii' ol-Oil Tr:'r,JH AE---rfEf-L OI(XJ_0TTT I i;i*,--pi r', I F i:.it::ii,::i !-j';,.;,;, '_;i-, 1 ,!i r-:!.r ,il .:rii1 ,; . l-ii'rl.. i t'.:t . i:,t-r[] :-!!-ri,i r=,::.: , ri.t!!:trl iit l. I i::,r,,Ji: i.r:,,.: .: I t.Frr Fr i d ..r!.i !.:j[i tilr:r,r_rn t p_=id + j. r::ni:tj|J.+ i ,i i l. tiri.i ,:t,,1,. i.ii:: i.l " ir;-: i--: l-i .::rr i i !- J r:t- ', j i | .t t- !- ! E:.,:j 0t 00004r.1_12 -(tf oo-lto7t.112 - () | (t()00 4 t.1 t.l Tft-ti-aiii(t.ti.ii ()10(x)0 42.t.10 '. *r.Or't TN .i ii c.r;;ur r@:ZBOZ tu.oLr f,.rign Review Action F"f TOWN OF VAIL 7-29-qt Proiect Name:Hsu Building Name: Project Description: owner, A<ldrcss uoaYnon", J-l o r+N ,J PKt <r rutfr Hst.t- r*crax6niacT,rnddress and ynone: r4LLa Kenbeu- -782 Block- Subdivision W4 ZoneDistrict_ Bear&l Actio Motion by:Vote: Seconded bv: tr Approval n Disapproval -( sbffApproval Conditions: d DRB Fee Pre-Paid - ZO. oe t THIS Job Address: 1761 ALPINE DRLocation...: *1 ParceI No.. : 2103-123-09-001Project No.: Item: 051OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT09/08/1995 DAN Action: APPRIt'em:' O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT09108/1995 DAN Action: APPRILEn:, 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT09/08/7995 DAN Action: APPRIt'em:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKS09/08/l-995 DAN Action: APPR *t#nt*ffi**ffiffir*rr See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may appJ-y to this permit. DECLARATIOiS I hercby acknortcdge thrt I have read this apptication, f il,l,ed out in ful,t the information requi red, comPtcted an accuratr ptot ptan, and state that al,t the infornation providcd as requi red is corFect. I agree to coipty trith the inforration and ptot pl'an, to conpty Hith att Ton ordinances and state !avs, and to buiLd this stfucture according to the Toun's zoning and suMivision codes, dcsign reviev approved, Uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Tolrn appticabte thereto. NOTE: TODD SCHMIDT COMPLETE P.O. Box 18548, Avon, TODD SCHMIDT COMPLETE P.O. Box 18548, Avon, }IANCUSO JENNIFER l_761 ALPTNE DR 1, VArL CONSTRUCT. co 81620 CONSTRUCT. co 81620 co 81657317 STaIue...: APPROVEDapplied... 09/o8/L995 rssued...: 09/L5/L995 Expires. . : O3/L3/L996 Phone z 9709496823 Phonez 9709496823 tI, PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMTT Permit #t 895-0292 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: DECK Occupancy: R1 Type ConEtruction: v N Tlpe Occupancy: Valuation: Fircptac! Inforrrtion: Rcstrictcd: MuIti-Fanily Type V Non-Rated *t*ffiffit*ffi FEE SUI. {ARY *f,*r**i*f,** Rcstuarant Ptan Reviat{--> DRB FeF------ tof Gas Logs:fof !,ood/Pa l, Lct: Totaf, catcutated Fees--> 279.75 Additional, Fces-------> .0O Tota I Perrit Fee-------> Payments------ Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept : FIRE Divisi-on: Dept: PUB WORK Division: 4r500 #of Gas Apptianccs: Add Sq Ft: .00 20.00 Bui Ldingr----) P lan check--> Invest i g€tion> I'l i l.l. cal, L----> 95.m 61-75 3.00 Recreation Fee---------> .m 100.00 279.75 20.00ctean-Up Deposit--------> TOTAL FEES-_--BALANCE DUE---- REOTJESTS FOR I]{SPECTIONS SHALL BE Send C tean-Up Deposit To: IIAOE TUENTY-FouR HouRs IN ADVAI{CE BY TELEPHoNE Ar 4-N-2138 OR AT O{,R OFTTCE FROII E:OO AT 5:OO PII STGNATURE OF OI,INER OR COT{TRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OI,INER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit *2 895-0292 as of 09/f5/95 Statue: APPROVED******************************************************************************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMTT Applied: o9/.08/.L995 applicant: TODD SCHMIDT COMPLETE CONSTRUCT. Issued: 09/L5/.L9959709496823 To ExPirez 03/L3/L996 Job Address: I-,ocation: #1Parcel No: 2103-123-09-001 Description: DECK Conditione:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. ALL FOOTINS,FOUNDATIONS,SONA TUBES TO BE A MINIMUM OF 48' BELOW GR,ADE. TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0071 Amountt 20.00 09/15/95 L5253 Payment Method: CK Notation: PRE-PAID DRB Init: DS Permj-t No: 895-0292 Type: A-MF ADD/ALT MF BUILD PER Parcel No: 2103-123-09-001Site Address: 1761 ALPINE DRLocation: #1 Tota1 Fees: 279.75 This Payment 20.00 Total ALL Pmts: 20.00 Balance: 259.75**************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount 01 OOOO 41331 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 2O.OO l $o*r,i o' e - - ^^ -i?:[Y."3il X3;l DATE:_.1 $ $85 Jittffirt$#l:.... O!,rners Name: Architect: , APPLTCATION I,IUST BE FILLED OUT COUPI,ETELY OR rrl{ayUx * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMIT TNFORUATTOI{,l t************** pERMrr rNFoRuATron ..{0\i Xl7lyr"19]"s [ ]-Plunbins [ ]-Electricat I l-uechani-cal [ ]-orher ,*nl#.I!.'SlLeildence 0"& rob Addre"', 116l aeoe o.,u,p # | Legal Descriptioru r.,ot-|Q Block- Filing susprvrsroN, Add.ress: lldl Rl,trine .0r, +rl nrr. Address: Sq.ryne Of ql^nrfe ph. General Descripti "", A, ,-,L lQ g rtn aA g I work crass: [ ]-Nen tNl-art"ration $qj-eaaitronal [ ]-Repatr [ ]-other Number of Dwelling units: I '\ Number of Accomrnodation uniAccomruodation Units: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUTLDTNG PERMII TEE: PLUI,TBING PERMTT FEE: }fECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of VaiI Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. No. Reg. NO. oFFrcE usE ******** ******** *************** BUILDTNG PI.AN CEECK FEE: PITJITIBING PIAN CHECK FEE: MECHANTCAI., PIAN CHECK FEEs RECREATION FEE: CI.,EAN-UP DEPOSIT3 TOTAL PERUTT FEES: FOR J BUTLDING: STGNATTJRE: ZONING: STGNATURE: qx.EArI IrP TTEPOSTT EEFUND TO: _ _-.-__ _ _ _ ____I;.: ij_lrrF,i PHGE 3 AREA: CF REPT'SI TOWN OF UAIL, COLORADB W,/e4/97 rD8:5O REGUESTS FOR 'INSpECTIEN IIORK SHEETS FtrR: ?/84/97 Information..... SCHMIDT Conments: UNIT *l be Inspect ed. . . Flct i on Phone: 949-6883 ============================================Aetivity: 895-OE9E e/e4/97 Type: A-MF Statr-rs: ISSUED Constr; MFffM FlddresE: 175t ALFINE DR Fancel: 31O3-183-09-A81 rlec: Use: U Nn"*",iiii;;; ilil '-w s' --'ro11 6v . Applicant: TODD SCHMIDT COMpLETE CONSTRUCT. Fhone: 97O94968E3' Owner: IIIANCUSO JENNIFER ' Fhone:'Contractot': TODD SCHMIDT CIIFIPLETE CONSTRUCT. Fhone: 97O9496813 Inspect i on Requert Reqr.restorl T'DD Req Ti_me: Bl:OOItens requested to Qli6S@ BLDG-Final Tine Exp Inspect i onIt em: History..... OOO9O BLDG-Final A3/t1196 Inspeetor": Notes: Tfl ltlUCH $NO[J HAND RAIL RND GROOVES NEEDS CD Act i on: DN TO SEE STRUCTURE 6UARD RAIL REQI D ON TO BE ROUTED ON HNND UNIT *1 SOUTH STAI RT.IAY RAILS i I ,tlll I I I (i;i ',) II II I f- o/\J N t I I so $ x CJ '4 t CHECK REQUEST /0 vENDoRNAvE; -J_ o oo S.l ,',.I +- Crtr^h-6- G4f-bqg{- VENDORNUMBER: to -7) C /q lNAMEOFJOB: J.., h, € o, Wl A a ( tr S o ACCOUNTNUMBER: 0l 000022002 AMOUNTOFREFUND, tlr, ocr. c> o DATE APPROVED: APPRoVALSIGNATURE' OD"f) Z (t -4 yt*<_._ / - \_z iliOlReview Action re" O TOWN OF VAIL Category Number l6 o^," I ltlls Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: A1l"IilL - ArchitecUContact, Address and Phone: 441'btt-s Legal Description: Lot 5L Block-Subdivision Project Street Address:I Zone District Commenls: Board / Staff Action Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: n Approval 3 Disapproval E StafiApproval Conditions: on", qfffls " DRBFeePre-paid /l 2'o LI\ ,L ,) s-- gTF h --F 'Fc3 f t ataeOBV A9F--'FO r'b (s-? ' EP i:rc+5(.\oo ,98 9€a ,,go I I l.t' t\ >:.1 La Irh'.L ullrlit1 '11 il I II I I I .,. I lur /c F \'TI ..f'n s N ) lo ,nqq , ,n' l'.u t, , I I I I I $rtuso lffi{, REVIEI{ BOARD APPIJIqATION . TOIIN OF VAIIJ, COI'ORADO r'' II E.vl.d, llLT ltl DESIGN DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: ***ra**tatltt* INCOTTPLETE APPLI&TIONS IITAY NOT BB SCEMULM FOR'REI/IEW. *tatt*attl I. PROjIECT INFOR}IAITIOT{: A. B.TYPE OF REVIEIII: New Construction ($200. 00)Addition ($50.00) C. ADDRESS: D.I,EGAI, DESCRIPTION:LrOt inor Alteration ($20.00) onceptuaL Review ($0)-{-"c Block Subdivision If property is described bydescription, please provideto this applicacion. a meets and bounds on a separate sheet 1ega1 and attach El ,ru ZONING: NAI'IE OF Mailing APPLTICAIiI"t: Address: REPRESENTATIVE: Phone T&lll 9c-hwn;d fG. NA}48 OF r'railins APPIJICAI\m I S Address: Phone H. NAI{E OF oerNER lsl , senn'r{er ll'[q,ntuso OITNER ( S ) SIGIIATTJRB : Maiting Address: Phone APPITICAIIONS WIJIJ NOT BE PROCESSED wITEOUI OwNE;R'S SIGF{A?/IURE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of submittal of the DRB application. Later, 'rf,hen applying for a building permit, please identify the accuratevaluation of the proposal . The Town of vail will adjust the fee according to the table beLow, Eo ensure the correct feeis paid. I. J. VAI,UATION$ 0 $ 10,000 $10,001 -$ 50,ooo $ 50, oo1 - $ 150, ooo $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500.001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1, 000, 000 DESIE{ REVIEIV BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES APPROVAIJ I'NIJESS A SUILDING PBRUIT ISIS STARTED. FEE $ 20.00 $ 5U. UU $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 O![B YEAR AITBR FMAIJ ISSUED AND CONSIIRUCTION a II. A plq-?pplication meeting with a member of the planningstaff is encouraged to deter:mine if any additionalapplication information is needed. ft is the applicant'sresponsibility to make an appointment with the itaff todetermine if there are additional submittal requirements.Please note tbat. a COMPLETE application will streamline Ehereview process for your project ITI. IMPIORTIIim NOETCE REGARDIT{G AI,L STIBMISSIONS lFO EHB DRB: A. In addition to meeEing submittal requirements, theapplicant, must stake and tape the project site t,oindicate property lines, building lines and buildingcorners. A11 trees to be renoved must be Uaped. ALl , site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant, must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process, for NEW BUIIJDINGS normally requirestwo separate meetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual review and a final- review. C. Applicants who fail Co appear before the Desigm ReviewBoard on their scheduled meet,ing date and who have notasked in advance that discussion on their iten bepostponed, !iliI1 have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has beenrepublished. D. The folLowing items tndy, at the discretion of thezoning adninistrator, be approved by the Comnunity Development Department staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not be required): 'a. Windows, skylights and similar ext,erior changeswhich do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. BuiLding additions not vigible from any other 1otor public space. At the time such a proposal issubmitted, applicants must include Letters fromadjacent property ownefs and/or from the agent foror manager of any adjacent condominium associaEionstating the association approves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a napped, hazard area (i.e. snow avaLanche, rockfall., flood plain, debris f1ow,weLland, etc.), a hazard study must be submitted andthe owner musE sign an affidavit, recognizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a buiLding pernrit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town plannerprior to DRB application to determine the relationsbipof the property to all mapped hazards. F. For all residential construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insideface of the exterior structural wall.s of thebuilding; and b. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance from Lhe exterior face of thebuilding wal.ls or support,ing colunns. c. If DRB approves the appLication with condit,ions ormodifications, all conditions of approval must be addressed prior to the application for a buildingpermit. IJISIII OF UATERIAIJS NAI{E OF PROiIECT: I-,EGAI, DESCRTPTION: STREET ADDRESS: LOT-BLOCK SUBDIVISION The folLowing infornation is Review Board before a final A. BUIIJDING IIATERTAI,S: Roof Siding Other Wal1 MaLerials Fascia sof f it.s Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining wa11s Exterior lJighting \. Iother )tdr( required for submittal Lo the Design approval can be given: 1IYPE OF UATERIAIJ COLOR Designer: Phone: B.LATiIDSCAPING:Name of PLAr{r uarenls: c. Botanical Name Ouantitv Size* PROPOSED TREES AI{D SHRT'BS *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum calioerfor deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height forconiferousLrees. Minimum height for coniferoustrees is 6 feet.**Indicate size of proposed shrubs.5 qalLon.Minimum size of shrubg is fq)e Square Footaoe GROI t{D COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROI, LATiIDSCAPE L,IGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locat,ions on a separateliqhting p1an. Identify each fixture from the lighting pLanin the space below and provide the height, above grade, tlpe ofliqht proposed, lumen output, luminous area and a cut sheet, ofthe light fixture. (Section 18.54.050 J) OTHER IJAI\IDSCAPE FEATLTRES (retaining walls, fences, swimmingpools, etc.) Please specify. IndicaEe heights of retainingwalls. Maximum height, of walls within the front setback is3' . Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 5' D. o oo a oo epartment of Community Development Yail,Colorado8l657 Job Address: 1,761 AL,PINE DR Status... : ISSUED J NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TII4ES ADD/ALT MF BUrLD PERMIT Permit #: 895-0215 Multi-Family Type V Non-Rated 970-479-2138/479-2139 Location. .. : uNrl 3 Applied..: 07/L4/L995 FAX970-479-2452 Parcel No. . : 2t03-123'09-003 Issued. . . : 07 /.L4/.1995Project No.: Expires..: oL/Lo/L996 APPLICANT CHERRYWOOD CARPENTRY Phone: 303476].076 PO BOX 2323, VArL, CO 81658 CONTRACTOR CHERRYIiIOOD CARPENTRY Phone: 3034.1 61076 PO BOX 2323, VArL, CO 81658OWNER PENTON JAMES DANIEL & WALL]S PO BOX 1350, VArt CO 81658 Description: DECK ADDITION ff***tttw(ffiffirffiffiffi*ftffi*#r*ffi*ffi* f EE SUlll'IARY Occupancy: R1 Type Const.ruction: V N TIT)e Occupancy: Valuation: Fi reptace IntorDation: Rcst|.i ct"d: 3, 100 #Of Gas App I iances:#0f Gas Logs: TotaI ca Icutated Fees--) AdditionaI Fees---------> TotaI P.rnit Fee--------> Add Sq Ft: .00 20.00 100.00 ?63.25 fof l,ood/Pa L tet: Bui [d i ng-----> Ptan check---> lnvest i gstion> lli l. L Ca Lt'---) Restuarant Ptan Revi ew--> DRB FeF------- Recrcation Fee----------> Ctean-Up Depos i t--------> 85.00 55.25 3.00 263.25 .00 263.25 Paynents ffiff*#'***ffiffiir*ffi****rr**ir*#**rr*****ir***ffi***#****ffi***fiffi***tr*tr***ffi*ffi#r*td.lii#***#** > ?63.25 BALANCE DUE---- Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: DepT: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: Item: O51OO BU]LDING DEPARTMENT07/L4/I995 DAN Action: APPRIt,em:, O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT07/14/1995 GEORGE Action: APPRIt.em:. 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 97 /14/l2e_I ^D4!!__ . Action: APPR N/AIt.em:. O55OO PUBLIC WORKSo7/L4/1995 DAN Acrion: AppR N/A *********til*ffffiffiffi*ffiff*lrtttr$**tnHrrtffi**#****ff**ffi*ff**lrl*.*{:#***#**fi*ff#*ffiffi*****#***lr******* See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATTONS t. hereby .acknorrtedge that I hrve rrad this apptication, fil,ted out in fuu, the infofmation required, compteted an accuratc ptotptan, and state that att the infonnation provided as required is correct. I agree to compty riith the iniorration and ptot itan,to conPl'y vith alL Torn ordinances lnd state [ars, and to buitd this structure according to thc Toen's zoning and subdivision codes, design reviev approved, Uniforn Buitding code and other ordinances of the Tovn appticabl,e thereto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIOT{S SHALL BE I.IADE Ti'IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE 8Y TELEPHONE AT 479-213zTo: SIGNATURE oFSend ctean-up Deposi t {7 "o*oru", o oo o oo,( **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !t * Statemnt Number: REC-0048 Amount: Palrment Method: CKl007 Notation: 263.2s 07/2L/95 13:32rnit: l4'fc **************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 895-0215 Type: A-MF 2t03-123-09-003 1761 AI,PINE DR UNIT 3 ADD/ALT MF BUILD PER 263.25 263.25 .00 Anount 85 .00 20.00 55.25 100.00 3. 00 Total Fees:263.25 Total AI,L Pmts: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILI, CAI,I INSPECTION FEE oo oo *****************************************************************************;* CONDITIONS Permit #: 895-0215 as ot A7/L4/95 status: APPRoVED******************************************************************************** Permit rype: ADD/ALT MF BurLD PERMTT epplied: o7/.L4/.I99s applicant: CHERRYSIOOD CARPENTRY rseued: 07 /.L4/.L9953034761076 To ExPire. OL/LI/L996 Job AddreEB: Location: IJNIT 3 Parcel No: 2103-123-09-003 Description: DECK ADDIIION Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE. 2. FOOTTNG/FOUNDATTON MrNrMr,rM 48" BELOW GRADE 3. GUARDRATLS ARE REOUTRED TO MEET S8C.1712 OF THE 1991 UBC. 4. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALI., BEDROOMS AS PER SEC. 1210 0F TlrE 1991 UBC. , r r tt,gil,H Xlll,:iili3$"F:!o*.u,' tt, I u *rzi-of ot3,Kfi Xlllr:iili X'W*#6K DATEs PERUIT iI I , APPLICATTON UUST BE FTLLED OUT COIrrpr.,ETELy OR rT ltAy NOT BE ACCEPTED X*** ******** ***** * ************ PERI,IIT fNFORI{ATION ** ** ************* * *** * * ******tl/ 111-BuLlding J i-Plurnbing [ ]-Electrlcal [ ]-Mechanical [ ]-other Job Name: 2 ^-. Job Addressz /"zra,/ ,prro-*.t:E- Legal Descriptionz Loi- v( Block_riltng susprvrsroNt ceneral Description: Vlork Class: t Nunber of DweI Nunber of Accommodation Units: J $*u"" ana rp$$t Ttr"ttsffi: @appriances- cas rpgs- wood/perr "tJL H;" ... : " !9ww,urTilElffi::"""s * * * * * * *.. ;; : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PLIIMBTNG: - ursnwicli' i- ;;;;;:; owners Name: 2,anr ,1 -,- Address z /-ZtZ Z f:.t+ .e4 en.lZ6-zZz Architect -. -/..n ouu""==ro'o*^ "* 'o4d'u'"n{?- Phone Number: / -./- - Electrical contractorz ,-a*,n' u t '' - -- - Town of vail Reg. No.Addfess: Dharna Nrrrnlaar,'. .el.unbing Contractor: zt/oatz- Town of VaiI Reg. NO.Address: phone Number: Mechanical contractorz .-#,v,2 Town of vail Reg. No._Address: - phone Number: ********************************FOR BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLIIMBING PERMIT TEE: MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: orFIcE usE ******************************* BUTLDING PI.AN CHECK FEE: PIJWBING PIAN CHECK FEE: T.IECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: - RECREATTON FEE: BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEN{-UP DEPOSIT: nOub CI.EAIT I'P DEPOSIT IEFT'II, TO!7ez0 6z.aop,.ua'4 P r-r r-1E lJ ]-f )In v.r I ll \\ gF coE-aD.:: E 5- '!9sr LOPAG' (J.DG EE =o. Eg.t _nt(!a, () =@E ::' @ *cDor 9_€'-i= at,xo O(D.c -oE=>@c, i:tsE tsa EE; coc.99(!E;crE:5>-cL >,O J FEE r-i = li'o --o >r!F 8eF Eo -P'- -^ o!) EPco.UEf(!E .S:/Y< =oH-cir-.;' s E. E O $ \ \l u <') (tl <Y) a in:t :otar E-o>x. = ) :i .l 't: $s ..X .K .;$N (!(Dt )l.lr*r;e: t:"v 2' 4t)/ $ t ,\ N ;\ \ \ .\ t! \ \ u *\t.\t\- la \ t'\ I \ t' ie \n\I $ RII }N .R[{ \, f\$i!. ,i rl) li a t. i'tl.t nl N \ \ .|:s, i. .'.,l .r. !\ /' ,\\ i'rl .' \"i Y-I^:e;ul\i I.{ r}bII\KtN {\l N$$$ $$\l t\ oGgn Fievrew Acuon Ftl TOWN OF VAIL categorytlrru", ? oate lf litl€ PrqectName: ?rurn.L -*z-L tLto;t-, n,,t Building Name: P€xl-or,l (;-=.;'oru,t; Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: Drr.l - ,.^ /,-r. ,:i -. ?a^rroJ '?.o.'Bou /3'& t/,+;t, (^. ,?/6'Stt 4tA' il<,- Architecvoontact, Address and Phone: Lot ])L Block_ Subdivision Comments: Lo,"-ltn. ( l,-,,r<- I.rAttF /3 1€ttylck<-,. Motion by: Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disapproval yJ sutf RRRrovat Conditions: Town Planner I ,,-,. o ,,i_ 'J,l-,: t, C a/t -'.--./--L,u^/ - /t*., u^2 --<''/'n-fi-.,,{L )rJ /r=fr= Date: ?u'Hi,'l DRB Fee Pre-paid #,\ cx:( ,/ - 7s: $$$ ${$ N\ NN $ pt N,\ $. 'ffi_ $ N $ dI*tq { N il N \ I N s r. $ tv\\ \ c\ \ 1lq \'\ N $$ NN $\t\ NtIt\ir NN \) ,ll I tt\$[ $ l.\) cg)<nr5l . I 1-):)E;' ..{ tn' "1 .<: r--l s'T"\' \Nrt Y\ 't.r t ': le \ Sq't-t 7 '7 ,f'h{drd o f U s\ \ !g- "i\ L rt N+ fir \\ri \ ,t^ 1\ ialn? ?rnft \ r.vl!.d, ell1l91 DES16I REVIET{ BOARD APPIJICATION . TOWN OF :.i\ :..{ l.-'I., [r DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DR3 MEETING: rltt]*t*t*** I. A. llaiat!t!a*rt DESCRIPTION: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: ,New Construction ($200.00) , / Addit.ion r($50.00) e ADDRESs, 176/ ,qzlYn/r' F /-Minor ALt,eraEion ($20.00) goncepEual Review ($0) D.LEGAT DESCRIPTION:LoE L/Block If properEy is described bydescript.ion, please provideto Lhis aDplicaLion. Subdivision NAI',!E OF Mailing APPIIICAI.IT: Address: a meets and bounds on a separat,e sheet lega1 and attach E. F. Phone G. H. NAIT{E OF MaiLing APPIJICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE : Address: I. t Phone NAI\4E OF OWNER(S)t ?*rt 4 a /+LL, t ?tpraP Mailing Address: Phone ,_./ APPI'ICATIONS 'IU.IJ NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOW ONilER'S STGIVATT'NE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at, thetime of Eubmittal of the DRB appl.ication. Later, whenapplying for a building pertnit, please identify the accuratevaluation of the proposal . The Town of Vail wilL adjust thefee according to the Lable beIow, to ensure the correct feeis paid. FEE SCHEDULE: VAIJUATION $ 0 $ 10,000 $ rv, i;r.rr - p 5ii, i,jiiii $50.001 -g 150,000 $150, 001 - $ 500, 000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 DESIGN RSYIEI{ BOARD APPROVAIJ E:KPIRES APPROVAIJ I'NIJESS A BUII/DING PERMIT ISIS SEARTED. FSE $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTAR FINAIJ ISSUED Al{D CONSTRUCTION II. A pre-appLication meeLing wiLh a member of Ehe planning sbaff is encouraged to determine if any additionalapplication information is needed. ft is the applicant'sresponsibiliEy to make an appointment with the sEaff to determine if there are additionaL submit,tal requirements. Please note Lhat a COMPLETE application will streamline the review process for your projecL. rrr. MPoRTAIIT I{OTICE REGARDING A[Lr SIIBMTSSTONS TO TIIE pRB: A. rn addit.ion to meeting subtnittaL requirements, theapplicant must stake and tape the project site toindicate property 1ines, bui]d.ing lines and buildingcorners. All trees to be removed must be laped. Allsit.e Capings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB sit,e visit. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the wint.er is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requires two separaEe meetings of tbe Design Review Board: a concepLual review and a final review. c. Rpplicanus who fail to appear before lhe Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their itens rernoved from the DRB agenda until such time as the iLem has beenrepublished. D. The fol-lowing items may, at. the discretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the Community Development Department staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changeswhich do noE al.Ler the exist.ing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building addiuions not visibLe from any other lotor public space. AL the time such a proposal is submitt.ed,, applicanLs must include letters fromadjacent property owners and/or from the agent foror manager of any adjacent condominium associationstating the association approves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood p1ain, debris fl_ow,r^ret,land, eEc.), a hazard study musL be submitted andthe owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a building permit.Applicants are encouraged Lo check wit,h a Town plannerprior Eo DRB application to determine tfre rel.ationshipof tbe property to aLl mapped hazards. F. For all residential construction: a. Clearly indicate on the fLoor plans the insideface of Ehe exterior structural walls of thebuilding; and b. iii,.iiuele ,nj.Lir a tiasired line on r,he site pran afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting col.umns. c. If DRB approves the appl_ication wiLh conditions ormodifications. all conditions of approvaL must beaddressed prior to the application for a buildingpermit,. '-t /-rL- i.-' -:- Hltf { a- rT ^w\ltn S X"u n,\'v] ,t -0.q ,' I !//\, ^ ->t /cr' ^p 1t .,C'".tr \f p A ,quu'$ Ad0ulr A="sa ,;"ifoffi -\ -i ,r'", i.o\: iti nt \tt/o-t7*,? -oN lfr(,,_ {/r 3 (o cn \ o a t'r'lrju i I v \- tl-.rrJ { ,$ \'.\ \\ 6{ oo 1-. " .o iv ar\ \J 't\ \ t\ ^'"j\ \; i ,r' LI',-] lt! rl1 * Pq ,t6fu I -- l- i-- i) \: $ \, a ao TEMPORARY VENDOR VENDORS FULII N}J'{E VENDORS ADDRESS VEI{DORS PITONE REMIT ADDRESS TA)C rD# OR SS # IS VENDOR A CORPO DIFFERENT FROM llt? IF ION IREQUESTED BY: DATE OF REQUEST: IS IHIS A VENDOR REQUEST FOR A REFUND? UEST FORM: . YES oBER F iloINSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL '- 479-2138PEBMIT DATE = READY FOR INSPEC LOCATION: /)rorEc) T JOB l, ,4 .t--, f roN: CALLER TUE THUR FRI7'/ i.'1 v. CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W,V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING Fr ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n_ ^.t/(rtrunl ltrA.tr FINAL EI.EGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER iIECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n_ tr SUPPLY n AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED -.4 4 TD|SAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oerc F-ZS ' ;/5- rNSPEcroR col tf)l(3l CJ Jz z .n= =<(D0>z cu- )..i5\.., v = =Ea- i,\ -L 6d= t_-'lUD b Eul(! TL LU F o E o q, o E Eocl o oz Fc) UJ-) (L I Ir-l Iooltlsllc\tltl6rl UJF o ts =E lrJ o-zIl-()fEFazoO l" ll -z =-:; <-_. ZIiF ? !i',rr 5t92r.r z - <:<czazzT ;:<;tFF C .-=t3-iofXa ;<e <: i ca<' a2t - roD=;.ao6.i6gEE i =Y<=u6' *.C)uJul<<cc|(rCCl II-tle9ol I3 r.r.r .{ | I =d)<.rll :<lel 6 6;.] 5 : i Egtr Y oi\ | fr2 Eg Eg EEFo.'iljNol 9q<u-!?=o JF= llJ E =& UJ to < LIJItl 6l 1l al =l u,t uJl EI 1l <I =l (4 uJlEIo| CI<l -4 E lltl|lll-tltlt(,lI trtI LlJltEltoItoll<l>t lHgE c)Eo c)E oPEo ui =z I I I t_l- I I ,A r!l AI <l I<FEO aPl.nl(ul =lolol.ol =l.r-l =lr-l rdl =) 6 I 5 & F =J-d oz E F EFz C) 2 't_ O LIJ zl- =d-JZLO J =Fo LLI) <F I.JJ <ZE (rz F LIJF o r EEN INSPECTION./ '-: .- TOWN OF VAIL //- /{ 'L--/ 7\ t' / DATE / ,/ J JoB NAME - , Eal7o2-t ,J-/n' rt c'i4 t/ READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr FBAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETHOCK NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: I] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED //-b,J INSPECTOR J/11l S"-f 'u.t, ,/-' )rNs#cnoN t\ REAUe\i: VAIL,i TOWN OF DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: 6D WED\__.,,- /. t, t:.Y ,,',1f, FRI JOB NAME ALLER Afut v a=a- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGI-T"/WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr O FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr $ rrr'rnr-D FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED t)/.,// ,/,-. J)o,,4 1, -; --.,..? '.-*-- ',. DATE jNSPECTOR ,{...i. - r^r#g;*o5, $FguEb\, DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON l/ 17t"- 173L WED THUR FRI -----@ PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR /. t rNs#ctoN TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME @ oALLER klknr.<-o"@THURFRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT E] SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED EINSPECTION REQUIRED 4)ha INSPECTOR a o -l oo :l t L,IJ l!::r =*; iI-<?.? <:.;: .2": r; X^-?Y r1;.ii ;<:7- =227,); g <;t tFF Cao <Q\Z:ril3a ;<! <Ia. Jo :F-<do> -u)<a:_3!:&a<d<3.-: ts NOrlVnlVA F =z^-2i E E FE^it-vtP,eE{d!H EEfiE:9<TD(rOZ) V,--Zrls zt:SEg;3 o(,o Y e. =Zzu- F. o- 27X f, =::F 9 OEGoAz)-(Joo!l(JzXtr- <oq d!9 7'i E >_* 6 gFoft i(\t(J z Fo Ltl_1od UJF E E E. lrJ ."i6 =81JY<-l ==< trNr:t o-zotrE(JE CL -)oEgF€aZE -\2*vE=vEfr .<---- : t /'.j,=A o X, tr.J .,(','lfEE !\, ,,/ lE: F-.\!-_./ .- (q =-* li- =i )z z ,NO>.\ coo2z O- lL t_]LJL] a aI I - o:co a I I I I I ,,l url olot :l al >l I I I 3,1 EI.)lol :l al I t4 Lq 5lol 1l =l<l =l q.4l!lEIo{ nJal >l { $ il =v (,z J tr .rl{t\lrl !vl \l :< (D I I I $rl r..l 5J \\ \ Rt \tr r; z t5t\ N$ To, i{ \ \ t: (-,/ Ir Irt-l ul\lr^l I\l{l Ni I ")vlu{ olol<l {l EI I.L F t! cc HJ.EFr-(_, z.o (Jozt- =<lLY :)FJZ(rO F Fz o 7 Iotu: <oC)F =()FS )iFC <F l.!l <zE c,l Z F =- G J<(J fo { Lr.ll %<t .+.lt tolrirt/,u 3et,y' -aE addt. 2rjoirtr Fl..ct tT arC ut ' I Pi.,c Ffor icirt C No. t cp'ebs F,lr'l ' .ta" ac, t /f rrrc6 I 2.atr to l6n$ t q.6 (gcr tx0,e, ?i) Ee( (qr.\ ixir {i,s4 6. oal I Fbcl. t'oir* :r lz i frb,|.:l rlra..r7 Att;li.,'.A o-+UI -_-_---'--1 ${aiF sc.Acy'*lq ,l r,!cc.r r 1,6 . ?L n +?.^1t.^ ?!e , ?b' t o. - t/g ,:.tJ, L I .,-_t.I ,). ' !&c{I I tl-'-a I trt JOA ADORESS Ploaa€ arantng lhis 6!litYrtl€ c!.etully ar 9'o rgreo lo tlrnith rnatori.l lislod rl llro unil price! Quolod Anyatlantion ttrort ton ( 1Ol day! ol th€ dst6 ho.eon. with do liwry lo b€ tYrdo ,.\ n EST IMA f E AY --::*J+tl.\lsubiect locorrectron. This gropolal i! mado subiect lo tixtv 160l dey! ol date hereon TOTAL FEETDESCRIPTION "3'' All p.lclr qrolad ar. Gutrlnt ard $birct io nrrl€t clrno6! and rr'.iLbility.Fur """n z-o* - 5?3'td\- ctnr'? Ertr-:rffi-=i*Ld.:*r-l l|Elil- ''\,1 ,. vE AGREE To FURNISH THE AEovE lrEMs FoB THE suM oF $ - F.o.B ,ROVTDED TH tS ESTTMATE lS ACCEPTEO WtTHtN _ FROM TH tS DATE _ t9 _ All p.ics! quotad rr! qungnl !.d !(biq, to r€rl€t chanop! lrd rEltrb ity. o = "o*r,Ou, or=S?f*:^t' Iffi o e v*fv r r.rr ,a Wils Tingle Box2417 l Vail, Colorado 81657' Re: File No- Se-92-75 ExemPtion Tingle Exemption At their special meeting on 28 Mgy 1975, the Board of County Commissioners granted approval of your application forexemption from the Eagle County Subdivision Regulations. Said approval includes the conditions (if any) shown on the enclosed appl ication form and attachments thereto. tf you have any questions, yourre welcome to contact this off ice- Best Regards,"=iffi)'ntil Quentin Mitchell, Jr. Planning Assistant, Eagle County Department of Planning and Development oM/kt cc: Board of County Commissioners Eagle County Annex r P. O. Box 789 Phone 328-6338 Eagle, Colorado ? 8t631 28 May 1975 o= " o**O,t *Af,f*i^?"" ffi oe vetfvr e Nr ( File No. Se-92-75 Date of County Approval : 28 May 1975 Conditions of Approval : ' 1. that the existing farfing be shown on the plat submitted. criteria of the County Engineer as relatee to the parking and turning areas. 3. that t|,E parking and turnlng area be tilted to prevent runoff from the road entering the site. I oa EACLE OOI,,NTY oo CIEPARruENT OF PI.ANNINO AHD OEVELOPMENT Etlo Oonty Anrrx P. O. Box780 Phorp gAE-0988 Eaglcr Coloradr 22 May 1973 Wllr Tlnglr Box 2417 V.ll, Color$ SICS? Rrt Fllr hlr. (lr.02-?3 Ermptlon Tlngle Errptlon At ltrlr rugulr rrrlrllng ar 2t M6y 1976, thf Eqb Cotfity Flcrrlng Oornmlrlon ruqvrrrndrd qptoval of yarr er€mFfion Appllcdlst, wlttr thr lollowlrq omdlllonrt 1. Thd ttr o{rtlrg pc|dng br ctilvn il trf pl* iltrnltt d. 2. llrrt rdd pdrlng bi rurud torn tb rEd rlght-of-rvay ad n|.d fr. rla rd dFlgn crlt rhol th. Oarty Enelilrr rr rtldrc to Ur paklry td trtnlne ril{o 3. t'hrt tfr parklry a'|d h.rnlng rrecbl tllt d to ptHti nmff tforrt Ur fod rnbrlng" ttro rltl. Thr nonunmddlmr wlf l br ptrlrntd to th. Eord of Corlrtty Oommlnlorr ct thrlr ?.alal ntrrtlqt m 28 Moy t9?6, b.ghlng at 9100 ,{.M. In Rm 31 of tm Eaglr Oourty Arrrxi 510 groadnay, Eoglb, Colo.!6. fl you ha\lr fiy $,rftlfiar yqrrc nnlorvrr to antact thlc offlo.. Bed Rrgnr*, Qrntln Mltcfill, Jr, Plrrrfrre Aaflatat I Ol.,l/kt ce: Bolrd of County Oommlnlsnrc -,e/eL. R. LadwLg - Associate Englneeting @ologlet F:iI:I\JED t,tAY r 4 19i5 ,r,,1. u1 i'i:lr:;iriR a, oevel' tagle County, Colo. w a JOHN W. ROLD Dir€ctolGov€rnor RICHARD COLORADO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 254 COLUMBINE BUILDING.1845 SHEBMAN STREET DENVER, COLOFADO 80203 PHONE 892.2611 !tr. Dlichael S. Blalr Eagle County DePt.of Plo"nipg P. O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear I'Ir. Blalr: Ife have no obJectlon to this Itlay L2, t975 and Developuent RE: SE-92-75, WILSON TINGLE exemption from a geologic standpolnt. SlncerelY t LRL/Je cc: Land Uee Coml.sslon GEOLOGY SToRY OF THE PAST . . . KEY TO THE FUTURE 4- - Box 386 - Eagle, Colorado 81631 w t, t975 llikc gtAin, Ea4Le. Countg ?Latnutclo Ea4k Coutq ?lmning Oept. &ox 7t9 Eoqle, Colnnado tl63l 0etn llihe: Tlte tli.tton Ti,ttgle tLQ4.Lut {ott exetnpt)an wat tubni.tlel to tln Ea4Le Cout*t1 SoiI Coruutvot,inn Oiafl*ol, (on nevien and etment.. lle have no tpeei.(ie osnnenLt enncuting thLe exemption, sitret}gq, "/6-. ' \--.-.. JD t;iit i:i]/s t' "..', '',,,trfi. C",,,,1!,' i:n,,, ,_r,, n '1/ ,/1' z!--.4t2:rr lrzlz-. Rorr E. Chanbesu ?tte*-des* *'t'.,^ -k EA(r! COUl|Tr ta DIIANTXEN? OP Pl"ANFtrIS AIID DIVEIi'P!I|IIf BrSL Coust fll.r P, O. h ttl Erj!., Colorrdetri|r I Mly rt?l Ftor. tlS-fttl 1?Orol8. tla$r Eor lll?vlll. co t18t? Eor 3V-l-?6 Dor WOma: ,tr |bb oolord lwn wlU rtt*t, tb. o.ptlomd Vlnlllor Apptlortlot hrr rrorlvrd rnprovrl by tb.lfilr Couaty goalrj !r.d ol ACfrdnot. Vour rltlatlo lr drrdrd to tb. thrm oond[t1il. ol rlld approvrl. Tb ttrit ooodltloa - tbrt et preot ol u utrtht nr*lrdrd lbenDour Dfolurllm - bm bcm llrltrll.d. You hrvr prv ld.d th|r dler rtll r oory ol lrld Dtolrril!0n,., Errt rqrrdr, Pluntaf Aulrtrat oct Oodlg lilr"d of Adrrriurlt L uoOt,"* APPLTcAToN File No, Action of Zoning Board of Adjustment on Variance Application Approval A conditions: (1) pre-existing Townhouse Declaration being recorded in the publ ic records. (Z) rnat there shal I not be further subdivision of the lots in the future. '':'l-l' :.! I I l :1 r' (3) That, if rebuilding is ever necessary for any reason' the rebuilding will conform to the as is (common wal l) type of single family residence existing on each of the proposed lots. Deniat A reasons: (see Order of the Board, attached) I May 1975 Date, hearing Note: Soction 9.04.10 Appeals from the Board' Any further appeat from the decision of the Board may be made to the courts, as provided by lawr provided' howevert that such appeal is made prior to twenty (20) days following the date of the notification of the Boardrs decision.' I 1.. : : P age 2 ol 2 O EAGLE couNry ? DEPARTMENT OF PLANT{INq AND DEVELOPMEM' Eagle Ootnty Arrrcx P. O. Box 789 Pl'pm 328-6398 Eagla, Colordo 8t6tt1 2 May 1975 Wllnn Tlngle Box 2417 Vall. Colora& 8lc!t7 Ro: Fllc No. Se-02-73 Enrrptlon Ds Wllr: Yq,.r anrqttfon racprot rrrnt brforo thc Tcctnlcal Ravlcw Commlttce on 1 May. ThTr unr anly a fcw commcnta atd rcqloltt. Flnrtr lt wtcttld bc dcalrr&lo lf yotr cqlld rnow thc pa*lng c lr ewny lrom tho rcd al polrlblc. Thle le pmb$ly thc uorgt rod aoud for arprr rcrnovals otc.rd lllrl ltilr blt holpl. Slrond, to lrlp dcal wlth nnoft ttrom tha pawd gklng tlrar a crvalr alorp tr rod In fncnt of your lot lt dtolnrd. T?Fa. rtatenrntE wlll bo forvrard.d to th. Oor.rtty Plc.rnlng Commiaelon ad Plcnirtg Oeprtnont for thcir congldoretlon by thc nreeting on 21 May 1975, bcglmlng at t:00 P.M. lf yott havr my cptloru, youtn urlcomo !o cont*t thla offloc. Btct Rcgardt, Q,ltntln MltcNrrll, Jr. Plnrlng Arrl.tlrt oM/kt cet Boa{ of Gourty Qommlralqrore c0L0 RAOO DEPARTMEIIT OF HEATTII 4210 EAST IIfH AVENUE , DENVER, COLORADO 8022a . PHONE 388-6111 Edsard G. Dreyfuer- .D., ll.P.H.lbtecutlve Dlr€ctor Aprll 25, 1975 I?ECII',ITD APR 2 'J 1975 Dept.0i |.rrr,.J a l,cvel. fsgle County, Colo. Mr. Michael S. Blair DirecLor, Eagle County Department of Planning and Development Eagle Cormty Anner P.0. Box 789 Eagle, C0 8L631 re: FILE N0. Se-92-75 EXEIIPTION FROM SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS WILSON TINGLE EXE}IPTION Dear Mr. Blair: The Colorado Department of lIealth has revLewed the above-referenced exeopt lon and offers the following corments: The proposed exempt ion would have no effect on water quality. It was also concluded that the proposed project would create no addltlonal air quality lnpact. Thank you for thls opportunl"ty to revlew the proposed exenption. Robert D. Siek Asslstant Director, Department of Health Envlr onnental Health RDs/p1 €, d -n-.-'/a RON LO C, MCLA UGHLI N KENNETH R. WRIGHT HA LFORO E. ER ICKSON OOIJGLAS T. SOVERN ,OHN T. MC IAN E IN tHE SPECIALTY FIELDS OF WATER SUPPLY ANO OISTRI BUTION WATET AND SEWAGE TR EATM ENT SEWAGE COLLECTION ANO REUSE INOUSTRIA L WASTES STORM ORAI NAGE FLOOD CONTROL ANO OTHER WAYER.OR I ENTEO PFOJECIS THOMAS W MOR R IS JIMMIE O. WH IT FIE LD D i rector 6 Deve lopmen t We have received copies of t ions for: Ed Jenks Rupert E 0ber I oh r Rona I d l.li Fi fe No. Se-97'75 File No. Se-95-75 Q*,att-"cLAUGHLIN ENGTNEERsO coMpLErE ENGINEERTNGsERVTcEs ENGINEERIN6 CONAULTANTS 2'2O AI-COTT 3'FECT DENVER. COLORADO 602!I (303) a!9-6aOl Apri | 28, 1975 Mr. l{ichael S. Blair, Department of Planning Eagle County Annex P.0. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear Mr. BIair RECEIVED MAY 1 1975 o€Pt.0l l),'l':r r'i ' 'li Eagle Couoty, uol'r' the subdivision regulation exemption appl ica- Wi I son Tingle Fi fe No. Se-92-75 Fi fe No. Se-96-75 Josef lhelm As engineers for Vail Village West l./ater 6 Sanitation District, we would like to point out that any exemptions granted should comply with the rules and regulations of the District (copy enclosed). I'lhere one water service line serves one structure owned by several parties, the developer should be notified in writing that only one bill will be issued for all owners and that water will be d isconnected to all units should the account be delinquent. The ovrner should also be notifed that the parties would jointly be resonsible for operation and maintenance of the service line on the property. l./e might also suggest that each unit be provided with a rneans of shutting off water servi ce via outside access for use in case of emergency. lf you have any questions, please contact us again. Very truly yours, WRI GHT-McLAUGHLI N ENG I NEERS By E"t .hr,ef-- Franci s D. Barrett FDB: ekb CC: Byron Brown Jim Collins Tom G r i mshaw Bil I Cacek Tt**" o DEPARTMENT OF'PI.ANNINO AND DEVELOPMENT Eagle Oomty Arsrx P. O. Box 789 Phal 328-€338 Eaglc, Oola* 6l6gl 18 Aprll 1975 Wllon S. Tltplo P. O. Box 2f17 Vall, Cofor& 81657 Rrr ZY.1-75 - Velrrcr Frcpot Docr Wllrr At th. mntlng on Aprll 16, U€ Planrlrp Commbclon nrcornrmn# mrcvd ol yow vrlrrco wlth thr iollodng ondltlmrr 1. Thd Urrr *tdl mt br IrJdft r s.lrdlvlrlon of tlr lote In t1c fuhrn. 2. Thdr lt rrbrlldlng la rvr n <rrs.ry ior ay nteffrr thc rbulldlng wlll conlorrn to ttr. o lr (convrsr wall) typc of alnglc tanlly ruldrncc oxlrtlng qr cacfr of ttra propoacd lote. A pttbllc hoarlq ehall br hdd on tho mdtrr b.to!. thr Zonlng Bo{d of Adfurtrncnt on May 8, 1975. ll pr,r havc any clrrdlcrr, lnrrrr lvelonp to cont*t thla offlor. Bort Regr6, Qwntln Mltchdl, Jr. Plrmlng Arclrtant OMztl cc! Zonlng Bord of AdluetmantS Botd of County Commlclomo \ PLANNTNG srAFF |NFUIION SHEET aJ'.+t-e"-%, Name Wils Tingle (2) (3) (1) (4) (s) Location: Lot 32, Vail Village West Filing #1 Size: Approximately 12,000 Sq. Ft. Proposed Action: Exemption from Subdivision Regulations, of the lot into 3 parcels. to cover the division Signiticant Physical Features: None, to the road surface. Staff Recommendations far aaray from the road as granted. parking is extrernely close to the road frontage, dirt. and Conditions: Approval , if (a) the parking is moved possible, and (b) the requested lot size variance is ty'ousl'' (6) (7) (8) (e) (10) ( 11) Surrounding Land Uses (600 I or more, as significant): Ail residential Uti I ities (Avail abi I itylLocations) : All in service. Roads (Types/Locations) : Residentlal Current Area Zoning: RSM Other Significant Conditions: The triplex building now exists. The division is intended to facilitate the marketing of the units for sale. Staff Comments: The exemption would have no adverse impacts. Possibly an advantage in that the tenants would be owners, no longer renters as is now always the case. United States Department of the Interior BUREAU OF LAND Glenwood Springs P.0. Box Glenwood Springs, to !E.r:-l- L6, I)l$ Michael S. Blair Eagle County Dept., Planning and lbvelopnent Eag1e County Anrnex P.0. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear l4ike: !'Ie have reviewed the Wilson tingle Bcen4ption Request (SE-92-75) and have no comments or recornnend.ationsto nake at this tine- Sincerely yours, /r' 'ho*ffi /y'*'tj- Stewart A. Wheeler, Area Manager oo MANAGEMENT Resource Area 1009 Colorado B1601 RECJ:I\.'iD APR I 7 19/5 DePt. Ui fI",.".,,. .. .:...i &gle oourty, cqto, t'l IN TBPLY IETET TO t0 r^4,o &tuf,'"L Fngarrt-*, o -0ro. CIUL T.NGINEERING . PIINNING . SURVEYs 1:],N r SUBD|V|SIONS . WATER & 5EWER 5Y5TEI\5 rt' !' r / 'j' :' Krnndh E. Richords Box 1908 Voil. Colorodo 81657 Phonc 176-5072 Dcnvcr 2,14-1521 April 16, 1975 Aept. ai t ,. - tagi: ["1-r , ,. -, Rcaistercd Prolorrionol Enginccrs Registercd lond Survcyors Mr. Michael S. Blalr Planning Di.rector P. O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Re: File No. Se-92-75 Exenption Wilson Tingle Exemp tion Alpine West Tomhouses(fornerly Snowdog Townhouses) Upper Eagle Valley Sanlrarj-on District Dear Mr. Blair: The Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District has no objections to provi-ding sewer service to the proposed three units on Lot 32, vail village west FilingNo. 1, 1761 Alpine DrLve. standard tap fees (3) and service charges will apply. S incerely, Kenneth E. Richards Engineer for the DLstrict KER:lm cc: John Anato, PresLdent Jin Co11ins, Manager Bill Cacek, Accountant I,Iilson Tingle, Owner RICHAR.DS ENGINEERS, INC. _,.-\ LK"*dg/4/"4 a.o o Battlo Mountaln Jr. - Sr. Hlgh School Mlotum, Colondo Mlntutn El€m6ntary Mlntun, Cotorcdo Red Clift Elomentary Red Clltl, Colondo Meadow Mounteln Elsmontary Mintun, &to.ado EaOle Vdtoy .lr. 'Sr. XtOtr Schoot- Oypaum, ColctJdo , Eaolo Vallsv E lemenlarY Eagle, Colorccto . McCoY Eleme ntary McCoY. Colondo 4o,,,M4o.*.{(; Robert G. Cordts Facillties Coordlnator -fu-o, e^aa64 @*s-LctnanJ EAGX"E COANTY SCIJOE.L BTSffiA.{CT NE 5OJ 328-6321 Eagle, Cotorado'81631 Olllca ot the SuParlntendent !{n. Michael S. Blair Dept. of Pfanning & Developnent P.O. 8ox ?89 Eagle, CO 8I6tL Dear llilor Ttre Eagle Coun0y School District Re5OI bas no.(s) !,e qt - tiz -'i) - l-4 no action regarding it. Thank your Slncere\yt Date: {/rf,/fo neviewed flle ard requlrcs t*ttTTlrlll*^ .,.:D APR 1 6 1975 ,r|tpl. it lial;;;:; e ltvel. Eagle County, Cotc. List of Adi a-cenf ?f-op6T7/ Vail Village.L..-r--.BubmittecISTTl File #ZV-1-?5 Tingle Variance Lot 30 J.C. Griffin P.O. Box 1024, Vail , CO 81657 I.ot 31 W.I. Anderson; Ted Najim; 1,410 S. Jay, Denver, CO l.ot 34 Geo. T. Fuhrman Box 338, Vail , CO 8165? W.G. Wright 80226 Lot 6 A.J. Faas & Sons Vail , CO 81657 Lot 5 West View Enterprises c,/o W. Heinz Box ?62, Vail , CO 8165? Lot 33 D.I. Sweany; J.A. Floyd; A.W. Tacha c/o J.A. Floyd Box 2100, Boulder, CO 80302 ,Zu- a-15 rattl/tttiLe, vtLt,l.tweE, - {'c=rGtrtFElt'l- Va.rr-8tbs7 \,r, a''a*lbgap,w- I -Tr'u l4lO S, :Sa>, -!>-e+tlera- €oz-za. L4t'-r :=.zl ___ -Ee{-aae--=sF-l=--* B/6s- lo-r G A,-al F-'\ An * =o*- Ls-r .< - \as-r t-o-r- R3 __ L\:f,-_s\v+_hlY_; $'A O eAoLE couNrY -DEPAHTMTNT OF PIJI{I{ING ANO DEVE-EMENT Eqlo Sufy Arrx ..r, | ' .. P. O. Bo.78e E4lo, Oolord 8lfitt, 10 Aprlf rfl! Edlhr Kdrlrn l.rll Ealo Vdtey Enblp lr ETle, Oolor$ Fer Flla ltlo, Zv-1-76 Pllrr pttll$ tlr dffi f.lollcr of Pr,*tla l{lqlm r |'rLgf,l ibtlori ln thr 6 ftrll 19?t trallod|gi of yorFCFfrr Plro bllt rdt nd rr dfldvlt ot F.Of lodlan to ihlr offlc. Thcrk youl Mlchol 6. Blalr Srcrrtery, Erylo Ootrrty Zmlng EonU of Adlurlmrrt 0 L-ua 9*"f of i'jU1-lLlC l-lL:AFirrvQ COUNI-Y of ,!AG,[-E, CCLORADO At their Regular Meeting beginning at 10:00 A.M. on Mary B, 1975, in accordance with Section 9.04 of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution, the Eagle County Zoning Board of Adjustment shal I conduct a public Flcaring on the following: Applicant: Wilson Tingle+' Location: Lot 32, Vai I Village West, Filing No.1 Subdivision (West Vail, So. of Gore Creek) Request: A Variance from minimum lot size provisions of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution Sec. 3.04.05 to al low a proposed resubdivision of the lot into three parcels. This Hearing shal I be held in the Eagle County Annex, Rm 3, at 510 Broadway, Eagle, Colorado. Persons being affected by a decision on this request are invited to make comments to the Board by appearing at the Hearing or by submitting written statements. Further information may be obtained by contacting the Eagle County Department of Planning and Development, Phone 329-6939, p. o. Box 799, Eagle, colorado gl691. By: Michael S. Blair Secretary, Eagle County Zoning Board of Adjustment to EAGLE cou*rY t OF PI.ANNIT.G AT.ID DEVEI.OPMENT Eagb Oanty Arnx P. O. Box 780 E{lr, Odor$ 8tc3t 19 eprll 1976 Phm. g2E-8(138 Edltcrr lto Vafl Trtlll Vall, Oolord 8l68lt Rol -Flle hb. Zv-1-?3 Ptrer pdtllCt th. dtdrrd lrlotlcr of Prtllo l'lecl.m r a 'rhgd 19 Afnll l9f5 R.bllcdlm of t'q,lr Pap.r. Plc blll rrd rnd ar dtl&vlt ot prSllcdlon b trlr offlo. Thct( yotro Mlchrl.g. Bldr Soctrtary, Eeglo Oorrty Zonlng Borrd of Adfwtrnmt MgBrrt DEPARTIvIgNT hbtlo'r In thr r,f-^t, ;'. At tfrcir fi r-'11r rl .i l'.'i:r-.iin:! Lx,uiiririr',.r rt '1i): r-:.) .'\.f .1 . ,..r.r i,,l :.y s, .il ls, it1 3cc6rdrrr.rcc: witlr []oction 9-()4 r-'i tlrc i:ai;ll: Cc'*rnty Zc,irirr',1 [l<.,s<>lr-ri. i<.rn, thc- Eiri;le County Zorring Boerrd of ,/'.cijur;trrr::rrt shall corrt.jLrct a pur-;lic; I ir,;.rr-ini, orr 1,rc fcl Ir:.v+ir-r3: A1r1rlicr:, ri.: \,ii, lccrr -l'i, i:;lr.: Locatio,r: l..r lfi2, Vlrii \riilrrr;c Wcs:i, Filing No.1 Sr rlrCivisir,t-r (\'.rost Vail , []o. of Gofe Crc,ek) l:icc;'-resi: ,/,r \/c,; iancc_, iiorrt rrr ir-r ir.'lrr'r lot size provisions of ',.hc: Ea3lc ()cr1rl1y 7.cnin;i pesc.ilt.riion Scc. 3.04.05 to al lov.r a 1>i.oposed resurbdivision of tlre lot irrto il-rree parcels. This l-leerrirrg shal I be h:;ld in tF,e Flagle Cclir-rt5r Anne>.:, Fli-n 3, at S.l0 l3roerdway, llagle, ColoraCo. Persons b:,r irrg a:ffectr:cj by a d:cir:iorr on this rr:.qucs-;t irre invited to rna?re cornrrre'is to the Elcard i:ry apprea'ring at tire Flearing or by s:ubrrriiiing wri{t.:n sti.rte.,menis. Furtlier inforn'ration t-rtity bc obiairrr:rd by corriactirrg the F:r:gle Courrty Dr.:pe:r-tr-ne1t of Plernriing c.;nd Doveloprnerrt, phorrc 329-630B, p. o. Bo;< 7g9, Eagla, coloraclo 81631. By: l.lici.rl.rel S. Dlai r 5q<:i r,lil-rrV, [::l,l.,1ic Oou:rt1r Zonirrq [. ocrrd of /icij ir st rrrc:nt Ial:l ;"1 Iq l!l: d!sl 'tl rl 1.t sl :ri: ! ll $Fl s; I :ii I a i ! .Jii:: ii!i !!:i :i !!a l Ir 3b:;l 3 -; ^.r!: ; !::!::ii3! :r!{'!i'!; t!;'; j:::i ri d :l {. I I :l iIor z"<!z3Ui o< Ei;-3o:d;Fio!.ri i trIFt!.l .. tt{i i{u d \ * $ E\ FT\t\ Fa tt-\t: I'vltsrll O rlrl 5 -lFq $ .! i9 <l !l 5 !l !{lol :.r ;:!;;- rl I I";;!r :i( !1.; t:gr tl ri ri ir;' ii;! q 1.: ! |.i. a I!rji Iii:i g ;!:! d u !:ii ;z;1rI i i !l:i Iu ii:i ilu i..!: I ? ii:: ; d$ i r ? ,"," t ? ! iJ p i,iii!! l: ! ij<! r "."F;'!r; IY!, lh ss E l ,l I 'dr \:ltI$ .J : d .. 1 Ai) \/)pl bltu lI 4 tt IL{p Eo !l( vl z 9F 6 lrJ o y'*',/" /,r"'/ "ri'7 :li/ !l:rli , 1t! ii { ;fri iiJi! !;i i3 *F it, r3 tl ..\;sn,t$l iii.-' ! i:iI i! i $.,ii, $ *iii $" i: jrl i la. ;3 t!< /t',i: iii Iir i'i i"l{i3; i;t! ;!!!t; 3lii:ilea" i: i;. :i:! ii:! ft;: ::r: : .'r .,ir:r t : I i ; ! f r I t 3l ri ;t ;< f. 6r UI J!i O $ tr Lt,ltr L' nIY IJJtf- loi();.izzi cr" -t z:i ,c,i lrtl -l' ( c5({LuJr I - sI \.J + ttl_Jtr t hn4VlJ J ------'-'' -' It rll- i/ir ir t- t.)., 'i 'i :-r t -' l- t.\|, ,l N)_\:i y ri nl' tlJ i '$- t.J Itl :{\ql\i,1{\tq I I I I I I 'I I i I I I i I .{ l I JUlal r dl I .."i -' '.\//\(/ \ ,/' \ J u U nnrl-l I.t I I $fi =: ,Ni" i r$;: I i' '\c ,.-.., rl !r-u ir i:r-ll- L-r [ ,J ir.r :l .* i-l l.Jll. u' n: J ,lr rli-] i>i- iAl,l+. ,'14 ''tt II in- (J. I Jll+ id I I I a-\ u.{. U t\v$r r li tfl ti I d I I v , ' I I I I I i I t. ; t-n -{ .l l J I L- n,iY*j li 12 -i'.\ | _l 4 -i lii't \i'." vi.i li. ! ] /iltJ /r* .'. T,} ! .iL ,o (5ztr LUril9 iIi,] TI O() L! I I I : .f II I I I t I I I v) J {' el d{l! o TME EAGLE COUNTY NT OF PLANNING AND DE Eagle County Annex P. O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 8t631 9 April 1975 Se-92-75 Exemption from Wi lson Tingle Exemption Wilson Tingle P. O. Box2417 Vail, Colorado 81657 ENT Phone 328-6338 Subdivi sion Regul at ions o VELOPMDEPAR Re: File No. Applicant: Enclosed herewith is an application and plan submitted to the Eagle County Planning Commission for review and recommendation at their regular meeting on 21 May 1975. In accordance with C.R.S. 106-2-9, 106-2-33 and 106-2-34, 1963' as amended and Eagle County Subdivision Regulations Section 6.00 1972' you have 24 days from date mai led within which to respond or the request wi ll be deemed to have been approved by your agency. The Planning Commission would sincerely apprec iate your comments and recommednations prior to the meeting date. lf you desire additional information or time, please advise this off ice. MSB/Kt EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT RECEIVED Date .'r' i ,': 't 19 ;: {". AMOUNT ITEM Build ing Permit Fee Aoplication For Subd ivision Appl ication Zone Ch Conditional Use Va riance V-n r Appeal Fee Code : ( B u it d i n q)':.i Z on rng) _,,'1 Su bd i v i s i on ; E Y L.hil7ta,9 I t't. ! Total Received All items are received for collectior) no-payment of any item- /- P. " . CHECK H. 3 !t,l il REt-j't-D APR 2 1!:'.5 DeDt. 0i fl!i,,'i,.. - --"'i' &gls 0!uoty" golo. /- u.rFw Pursuqnt to section 6-0t of the Eogle county subdivision Regulotions | (we) hereby opply for exernpfion from the provisions with soid regulotions os fo my (our) proposed development known os .AI.,|TU{. {EqT.TQUlttjQU.:i4S. . . . . . ({ gT:: f t q .s.N.q P.og. torruHcusrs) Locore6: .176f.. A.Lllne .D.r.l.u.ur. .lppt I*i]. And comprising ,TlTgg.rlglq . diviced inro opproximorely . ..4gqS1 . ,... interests fcrr the following reo5cn fqlnl{tt:r.nq... . . .1+4tf14qa1. .res.i.dent .o.wlg.Ipl'lp. .ol. .ulSl,. t,l,l!. li is uno'erstood thot ony crction by this Conrmission regulotions exemptiorr opplies only fo fhe proposed sketch plon or other informotion ottoched gronting soid requesf for soid development os shown on the be signed by cll the record ovrners of the properiy)(Must Dofed Recommended for approval by the Eagle County P lanning Commission .. ... Received By ... RESOLUTION The foregoing Applicotion hcs been considered by ihe Boord tlris . . A tr . . . . . ' doy .f ',th4*Q/..... 19 . H. vrhich firids ond deremines rhor rhis Division/of Londs is not fithin fhc' ;-rurposes for which the subclivision regulotions were odopted ond theiefo'e scid Appricoiion is .ryrcnted &r-c). Bocrd of County Cornrnissioners a of fioqle Counfvl\'. 'r-1"1./ '-'tl Ey .t\*v"'^.\.J..l.h'-r!.":c y',r c Cl'o',9*;,; at their regular meeting on 21 May 1975. Rod Slifer, Chairman Pogc- 3l 'Eagle CountY, Colorado to the Zoning Board of Adjustments (minimum 5 copies required; print or type, except signatures) Section g-O+'-OS oate reca. 4/2r/73ov ,1-l-ryr*l ' U WTISON S.TINGLE 3. 4. Applicant/Owner Mail Address P. 0. Box 17. Vall. C0 1. Regutation and section Number(s) of Zoning Resolution from which Variance is sought: . e4, os 2. present zone RnSrDENTIAI/TRTPLEX l1.</\ RSM General location of property (in relation to a Town' Road, Stream or other landmark): 2.3 mll-es $est of ValI on south side of valIey, 200 yards from Gore Creek Ln resldentlaL nelghborhood. Legal description of property Lo1r, )2 One t-ot_32 alk__, orr b. metes and bounds (may be attached) include survey or map: Brief Purpose and Reason for Variance (may be attached) : See attaehed statement. Attach explanaiion that ono or more conditions exist under Sec' 9'04'06' 1-5' Statement:and of v -)at:'Z 7{ " Signaturo of owner? o- 7. A complete list of all owners adCresses, of the property proposed for Variance all ov/ners of all adiacent properties is attached hereto; this signatory is,prop office use Appl ication accepted as complete for Public Hearing on Application rejected as incomplete for Public Hearing because: by: pl anning administrator PaJ4 1 ot ?- ATTACHilEXT TO APPLICATI0N FO&VARIANCE, Questlon q BR]EF PURFOSE AND NEASON FCIR VARIANCE: AITPISE 1.ET.TOIINHOUSEE, formerly SNOWDOG IOI{NHOUSES; ras gnnted. a VarLance Ln llorranber, L9?2, a,fter exa^mlnatlon of the constrrctlon slte by several connisslonelra, lhe subillvlsion (see attached sketctres) odglnal}y establlsheil four parcels of lanil, the fourth pareel belng owneil ln connon by the olrners of t|he ttrrae townhols@so Slnce Vetelanrs Admlnlstratlon flnanclng ls tlre rnost lucratlve flnanelng avallable for pnospective owners, I wlsh to conforn to thelr requlrenents; the Veteranrs Admlnlstr:atlon wllt not aecept connon ownershlp or expenses on any pmjeet they flnance. There- fore, the fourth parrel nust be divtd.ed and adilect to the other three as shorm. Ttre purpose of tlrls dlvlslon ls not to change open space, vlews, parklng or lanilseaplng, but to ctrange the townhouse map to faellttate Yeteran ts AdrmlnlstratLon flnanclng, BOX 2t+L7 o VAIL,GOLO.81657 r (303)476-0312 .\ *--,- -..*.i - -. --. - ')\ coNDrTroNs ExrsrrNc uIDER sEcTroN t,01r.05, 1-J; Ref' 9.04.0611. New horne flnanclng:requlrements have changed stnce 1972, n?ren f orlglna[y p:rocuretl the Townhouse Var:lance. The eonsoltdl,atlon I propose ls now necessaaT to obtaln good ftnanclng on each unlt. If t'tre change ls not aL1oned., lt 1t111 be very dlfflcuLt to selI these unlts to deshable reslclents, Ref. p.011.06r4. 1lre Varlance, lf granted, w1ll change the rnap of the townhquse bulldtng' but nlLl not affect snrrormdtng land values, nor shoulil lt c]:ange the nelghbolhood. nef, 9.0r+.0615. Ttre Varlance should a1lor three Vall-area fanllles to establlsh three perrnanent hornes ln an establlshed resldentlal af,€or Iarge off-street partlng areas are provlded for eadt unit, thereby keeplng car€ off the street, fhe VarLance does not appear to be contrary to the lntent or pur1rose of tJle resolutlon but w111 pe:mlt three fa.nLlles to olrn thelr own hones. BOX 2t+L7 o VAIL,COLO.81657 o (303)476-0312 "l* T TO ASPTI0ATIOI{ FOR VANIANCE z z iii!:$l ? ;!i, i ;ftFI J iiil €I:iiii ! t- a ! F Y :II j ! \ * t) E\ b1 \lr Fat'-'!IT ril O tl-l "lfr( $ Y,/ Fo; 3 a !, !i1:ii, rl o H 9 o 2 v O^ ra tt5:3i:I ,ii d I.J :{ I "lnl-t iJ pr z3<iza tJ i o( E! r3 u.t ! bI(! Li I I I I I iE dsir I I I I I I I It I I I I I I I :ir ir5 r€ ! ; d! i 3. i{i Irj!i Iiiriil 3;i i ,il lL'.r! |(;ji.: q;:; HiE;r;'r: 9id! ll 9:?; :l 5ii;ii"',!;ito .i ! o f "'g,'l" ir: i.:: r i2."uf < Illrgq s I q irl. ii;i q o!iF t!;i;liuii I:I-t| C{U :!;5 $ ts ii3! ,t Z !:YT T.. ..t-. o H i;:: Ju i"-.': I t i::i ; r: i ? i ij p I, tt i.'3 !!:ii ":::.;iir: !!!; I ItIlrSr{i ^lS'{u+-l I(n I GSi i i I : a f z ,| w bf tw 7il ulfl I ( 9 o o ( o z ; z F Io rllo il .t/ \- :jr{. riiq ?.A i I I I I I I Iil 'iltlll+ri>{- iAli4 i i$l---_ftt'lt-IVt{tl. I I I I l I i I i I I i I I I I I il' I i I I I I -l ru,' { I I 'il .y {.t i. N.-\\-/ $ts rfl /-Lth;YJ i_{ ,{t-L I I ti I .f;: - ( t}- UT7U E--"--i- ,Al\i ',JSXtJ]]] \,\\ ,/ b* 4i I U