HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING 1 LOT 35 LEGAL,/^/ .3 s a\-t' v, )y" l)l/ffir\)-*/ DEPARTT'IIENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT PRO.fECI TITLE: FELLER .ADDITION ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT PETII|jit, ALL TIMES 800 -0014 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970 -479-21,38 TOV/Comm. Dev. sl Refund NOTE: #:Clean-up D approved amount date AddressLocation.., cel No. . , fgfe w.Gore Creek Dr :21-03-L23-07-005 StaEus...: ISSUED Applied..: 02/L0/2000 rssued...: 04/L9/2000 Project No.: pRJoo-0008 E>cpires..: a0/'J-6/2000 APPLTCANT FELLBR, FRED Phone: 970-476-2595 181.6 WEST GORE CREEK DRIVE, VAIL, CO 81657 CONTRACTOR FELIER, FRED Phone: 970-476-2595 1816 WEST GORE CREEK DRIVE, VAIL, CO 81657 OWNER FELLER FRED Phone: 475-2595 1816 W. Gore Creek Dr, Vail, Co 81657 Description:Add dini-ng room addition over garaNunber of Dwelling Units: 001 Town of Vaj.l Adjusted Valuation: 9,300 Fireplace Inf omationr Restriched: yes #of caB Appliances:+of cas Logs:*of wood/gaIlet: FEE SUIi,]MARY Building'----> Plan check- - - > Invest.igation> wi1L cal1----> 1 45 .00 94.25 .00 3.00 ,00 20.o0 . oo 410.70 410 -'t o RestsualanC Plan Review- - > DRB Fee-------- Totaf CalcuLaEed Fee6---> 410 -70 Recreati.olr Fee- -- -- - -- --> 4a.4s Cl€.n-ltp Dclro.ig- -- - - - - - > Additslona1 Fees_-_--__--> ToEal Petnit Fee--___---> Payrtrents-------100 . o0 PLANS TO approved PLANS TO II-,C req' n/a N/A TOTAT, FEES----- 410.70 BAI'A.NCE DUE--.. .OO ITCM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMEIflT 04/1-8/2000 JRr( Action: NorE O4/L9/2000 Jw Action: APPR Item: 05400 PI-,ANNING DEPARTMENT 04118/2000 iIRM Action: NOTE O4/L8/2OOO AK.JERULF ACLiON: APPR ITCM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 02/L4/2000 KATITY Actj-on: APPR Irem: 05500 PIIBLIC WORKS O4/LS/2OO0 'fRM Act,ion: APPR Dept: BUILDING JRM Dept: PLANNING ANN d-variance rec'd DepL: FIRE Dept: PI,B WORK Divisi-on: Division: Division: Division: See Page 2 of tshis Docunent for any conditsions thaE may apply to this permiE DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknolrledge that I have iead this applicaEion, filled out j.n fu1l. bhe inforEatsion required, comPleCed arl aecuraee plot platr, and slate that all Ehe infonuaiion provided as required iB colrect. I agree to coEply vith the informaLion and PloL PIan, to conply ni.gh all Tonn oxdinances and 6tate lara, and Eo build this struccure according to the Town'6 zoning and eubdi'rision codeB, design review approved, Uniform Building code and other ordinanceB of the Town aPplicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR II.'SPECTIONS SHAI,L BA MADE T'!{ENTY-FOI]R HOI]RS IN A!\'ANCB BY TELEPHONE LT 47g-2T3A OR AT OUR OFFICE PROM S:OO A$ 5:OO PM */' tdtnt- #croR PoR HTMSELF AlrD ovrNBRsend clean-uF Deposi! To: Fred Fellcr PAGE 2 *******************************************************************:l**********it* COIIDITIONS OF APPROVAI., Permit #: 800-0014 as of o4/L9/00 status: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Permit T.lpe: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: O2/L0/2OOO Appliclnt: FEI-,LER, FRED Issued: O4/L9/2OOO ilob Address: tocation: 181-5 tf .Gore creek Dr Parcel tilo: 2103-123-07-005 ***********:r*****************************:r************************************** CONDITIONS ************************************************************************:l******* 1. FIELD INSPBETIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHBCK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. SMOKB DETECIORS ARE REQUIRED IN AJ.L BEDROOI,IS Al{D SVERY STORY AS PER S8C.310.6.1 0F THE 1997 IIBC. t**rr:l*tt***il**rr:t*rl****tt******+rl****il***t***r*i**r+t*r***!r*:r* TOI{N OF VAIL, COI,ORADO Sta!emnt :t i * * * * ** :l * rt **il * * :l* * ** * tl * ** * *ra * ** il* I ** * * I f * :t * * * * * * * *lt * t *rl * * * * * i * * gtatennt Number: REe-0617 Amount: 410.70 o4/19/OA ]-Ol.54 Pa)mrent Method: 1356 Notatlon: FRED FEIiLER Init: illil Permit No: Parcel No: Location: This Paynent B0o-0014 Type: A-BUIID ADD/ALT SFR BUU,D PE 2103 -123 - 07 - 005 1a15 W.Gore Creek Dr fotaL Fees: 4!O,7O Total eIJL Pnts: Balance I 4r.0.70 4to -70 .00 **t**ti***t*iat*t*t***t*lt!l*t*atti**f*t********il*rt*********tA*ra* Account code DeEcription BP o 0100 003111-l-0 0 BUII;DING PBRIT{IT FEES DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN RTVIEW FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PI.AII CIIECK FEES AD D2-DEPO8 CLEANUP DEPOSITS RF111OOOO31127OO RBCREATIOIIEEES Wc 00100003112800 WILL CAIIJ INSPECTION FEE Anount 145 . 00 20.00 94 -25 100.00 48 .45 3.00 o C) 0cl IH3B'oot IEd8o AllEr Aa oooo oo oo ctC' €o o0 00 oo oI oo co co oo oc oo oo 0c 0 co o o o al o fi .rE n AI:r H{iE 6aolr(|E FLFH4oodlXE ,r&T\oao A T H dI H6 EI f; s Iltr EE EBo cra00IAOTto ooo EI E Er EIo EE Ii la BH All E T 3 "*At Eea.D F EI!l c| EIc g l.lI Eo t:o |/n ocioC|6 tsa ol)ttts!U"ro t EE8 APPUCATIoULL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLflrruNsr Building Permit #: 97 O- 47 9 - 2149 (Inspections) mw{0FYnt 75 S. Frontaqe Rd.Vail, Colora-do 81657 Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! ric\wConbctAssesers Ofllce at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcet # Parcel #eJq-t23-67-oos rob Name: fR FD A , F€rfEia rob Address: lg/6 il1aRE 'PFEK DP, LesarDescription ll r-ot: Sill erock: llrilinst f 1 ll suooiuition, /frlL 4[Ll6E VfSf Q*nercNamei {RED reu1p lleaaressigl6 rtr,gtrot, *,Phonettf\l- ZS?f ArchitecUDesioner:'ar[EDtt/Apt>q ooo'ffi'"n, Ptf €ypt*n fo,Phone: * rr-elas Ensine€t4t Dt cT# fi . Boyt a Address:Phone: Detailed descripticjn of work: fiPl1 Drt'tNt paea o/rep oFG*pAet *0b -3.Fp WorkClass: New() Addition(X) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both (X )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (X) Type of Bldg.: singlefamily ( ) Two-family ({) Multi-famity ( ) commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) fther( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: I No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: Noffvpe of Fireplaces Existirlg: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Noflype of Firqplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( lt)Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( t ) coMPtETE VATUATIONS FOR BUTIDING PERMIT (Labor & Materiats) BUILDING: $ !Vg?>ELECTRICAL: $ 2O0, -OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $ fOO.-MECHANICAL: $ /\^rorAL: $ 7 jA6 REFUND CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO:FPEp trtr]-r.-LL CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General'on'Yr)r fl(/^Town of Vail Reg. No.: /36- t Contact and Phone #'s:+71'-zsqf Contractor Sigiature:4; t fr-T;74 **,k!r**,rr!*r(***************:r*******rr****,rFOR OFFICE USE ONLY***********r!***************,r********* Date Re F :/everyone/forms/bldgperm Ai'il i ' 2000 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvA,It, co 8L657 970-479 -213A APPIJICAI{:T COIITRAqTOR OT,{NER Description: Electrical---> DRB Fee lnvestigat.loi> will call- - - .-: TOTAL FEES- -. > ELECTRICAL PERMIT ilob Address: 1_8L6 GORE CREEK DR Locati.on. ..: 1816 GORE CREEK DRParcel No. . : 2103-t_23-07-005Project No. : PR.fO0-0008 'JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 800-0113 StaLus...: ISSITED Applied..: 06/20/2000 Issued...: 05/20/2000Expires..: L2/L7/2OOO Phone: 970-476-2595 Phone z 970-476-2595 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUN]TY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON FELIER, FR,ED t_816 WEST GORE CREEK DRJVE, VAIL, FELLER, I'RED 1816 WEST GORE CREEK DRIVE, VAT]-,, FELIJER FRED 181-6 cORu CKEEK DR, VAlL CO 81657 ELECTRICi{.L F'OK ADDITION co 81657 co 81657 Valuat.ion:800.00 **r***t*rrti*a* F8E SUMMARY ir..0 oo . oo '1 .i0 5;1 .00 53 .00 .00 53-OO 53.00 .00 ':.;tal CaLculaLed FeeE---> AddiEional Feee- - - --- ---> TocaL PeltiE 8ee--------> n,,vment.s - - - 3AI,ANCE DUE... - - I!gn:.9FQ90_F.r-,5c'r-r.TflAr, DEPAF-T4ENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Divisj_on:Q6/20/2000 ,fRlvt ,\ction: AppR AppRovEDItsem: .05600_E-IRti Diripl\RTMENT Dept: FIRE Division:06/20/2000 Jru1 Acrion; APPR N/A J"r,*,.*-*.,**. CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD TNSPECTTONIS ArrE REQUTRED .rO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. rrE|::,AIIATIONS f hereby acknoiiiedge lhac I have :e::d !1r.. applica:ion, filled out in ful] che informalion requiaed, conpLeted an accurate plots pJ.an, and 6tate lhat all the irrtot-rnation plovideo as r:eq!r-t:el iE coilecg. I agr:ee Eo comply oiuh Ehe informahion and plo! plan, Lo comply viEh at1 Togn oldilt.tJce6 ;rr.J r:ale 1aw3. and :o build :hiB structur€ aceording to the Town,€ zo:ing and 6ubdivi6ioncod€6, design review apprioved, t1rti,)rrr,lu;*.ting code and L.r:,rcr. ordinanc-er aE Ehe Town applicable theretso- RBQUESTS F'OR INSPEC"IIONS sltALL 6E i4Al)E :li[NlY-PcOR:OlJRs iN ADVANCE BY :EL-PHONB AT 4?9-2136 OR AT OUR OFPICE FRoM srOO A.tl 5:oo PM SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR COMIRACTOR FOR HIMSET,F AND O!{NER AppucA''otll Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMplfllR;i:ll Building Permit #: NWNOFYIN 75 S. Frontase Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Electrical Permit #: 97 O- 47 9- 2149 (Inspections) \__,-v Contad Asressorc Offtce at 97O-328-864O or visit for Parcel * Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) rob Name: {Bep fi .{Eurp Job Address: lil w a-apE (F;Etl Dp Lgsgf DrTliption ll Lot, 35-ll aro.t' llr'ri"s, f t ll sroo,u,r,on, fArt- y'tunGE lr/Erf T-i*'YEBrs €nEdAddress: p/L-r.0/.Gtp; e?. Dt?.ll ehone: -r u-zfqr Ensineer: ffinCnt ,y. B'rlfiAddress:Phone: Detailed description of work: nDD Dtr{t6-- poel'l o4l frl) ar GAPAet WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) ttto ( ) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) COMPTETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNTOF SQ FTIN STRUCTURE: €ELECTRICALVALUATION: $ tllQ. - Electrical Contractor:Contact and Phone #'s:Town of Vajl Reg. No.: 136 L Contractor Signature: USE ONLY* ** rt*tr*** t ***r.**:t*****,t**********t!*** F :/everyone/forms/elecperm TOT,IIN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI{TAGE ROADvArL, co 9t657 970-479-2L38 APPLICAIiE EONTRAETOR OWNER lTolc .lddress: Locil:ion...: Pa:c'r::,':1. No. . : Pr':r',ect No. : FEIJLER, FRET) ]-816 WEST GORE CREEK FELLER, FRED ].816 WEST GORE EREEK FELI,SR FREIJ 1816 GORE CREEK 1B]-5 GORE CREEK 2iO3 -L23 - 07 -005 PRJo0-0008 DRIVE, '\/AIL, CO D.R_IVE, VATL, CO .00 tr3-c0 stalus...: IssirEDApp1ied..: 06/20/2000Issued...: 06/20/2000 E>cpires. . : t2/L7 /2000 Phone: 970-476-2595 Phone z 970-476-2595 DEPARTMEI.IT OF EOMMIJNITY DEVELOPMEI.M I\IOTE: tHIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON,]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLI]MBING PERMIT Permit P00-0056 DR DR 8L657 8L657 l_816 coRE CIIEEK LR, VAI_L CO 61657 DescripE.ion: plunibipr; :ltrr audition Valuation: 8, 000 . 00 **t'r*rr*******i*************i* FEE Sul4MARy P1umbing-----> Plan Check---> InvealigaEion> wiLl call----> 12O. r..) 30.00 . oo 3. Li \l Total calculated Fees---> Additional Fees- - -- - - - - -> ToEaI Peflnit Fee- -- - -- --> 1s3 . O0 . o0 153.00 Pafments-------- 1.53.00 BAI.ANCE DUE....- .OO I!gr_!ri ,Q51q0 EU-.lLD.lrvG DE-D.rRTl,{ilrIr DepE: BUTLDING Division:06/20/2000 JRM AcLion: AppR ApPRO'7EDIle.qt .05600 FTR.':] r':ipARrl4Et\IT Dept.: FIRE Division: OG /20 /20C0 .,l?FI .\c: ion: .ippR. N/A CO}IDI';'ION OF A!,PROVAL 1. FIETD INSPECTTONS A;{E REoUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. |' ::.ll,ARATlOiYll f hercby acknol:edge that. t \r7e :j!i: ,ir. nFillrrricr-, :j.l]ed out in full ;he infoflration requiled, completed an plan, and slale that. alt uhe !:,Ior:mrt:cn I1)vi(',,: i€, ref! rjsl lB :a!--::ct. I agree Eo conFly erith Ehe infor-natlon to conpLy wiEh all Town or:dinarceE anJ Bi-FLa lawd, and t. build this sarucEure according to Ehe Town'6 zoning and code6, de€1gn jreview approved, Urri'lo!r,r B:r:r Iding code and ,rLLet.. o:dinance!r c'i t:1e Town applicabie :heraeto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIOIIS SHAIL nE l4Al)E lli!,lT:f -FCrUll :li ijlls l.\ AII'J.NCE BY IEL.I-PHONE AT 4?9-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROII accuraCe ploC and pIoL plan, - subdiviElon 9:00 At4 5:o0 PM j;GNATLRE OF OWNER OR COI.ITRACTOR FOR HIMSELF .AND O[{MR AppLrcArrfLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLp#;i:"-: Building Permit #: MWNWYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Pfumbing Permit 4' 8t"- oor/' 97 O- 47 9 - 2149 (Inspections) Contad Assessors Office at g7O-328-8&O or visit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit * is pioviOeO above) tooNamet f1,(ED A frtLEp rob Address: /t ll, L/. Gcrtlr (ptrEK D l? , Leear pescription ll r-ot: Js- ll arocr: ll r"'ns' 4 7 ll suuo'u,r'on, v tl i t liUA eE J,I/E: owners Name:F-R - ,, o., t r iAl Address: t ? / l, LL/ 6rlRE /-n. Dpfw Engineer: Iil t M,.ru tA.Rnt*Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: I 4i>p !)in'i/c R^ea 0n rc,P ctF c-lPAeE WorkClass: New() Addition(lO Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: single-family ( ) Duplex (p ir4ulti-famity ( ) commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) otfrer ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Z No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA phase II device? yes ( ) No ( ) COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Plumbing Contractor:500,-Town of Vail Reg. No.: /3/. L Contact and Phone #'s: Contractor Sionature:4, -.r/ I f./7.. *it************************!t*****?t**,t***FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***********************r.*rr,t*****ri**** n bo/ \4?\/I F/everyone/formVplmbperm REPT 131 TOL'N TJF VAIL,. T]T]L.ORRDN OS/tg/?filtr@ 07t53 REOUESTS - INSF,EC-|N h,ORH SliEEfg FiOR: 8,. 1g/?fi ===::====:::i=i==i:::=:::-l::*::===:::===::=====:::=:i;===::=:.:======:===::===rActivity BetO-tlOlt+IJ/I8/?Ps Type: A-B[JIL.n {itatr-rs: IiSiJEI) Rcldr.ess: L- ocat :i orr r Parcel: De scr i pt i on: f.lppl icant I Own e r" I (]ont t"act or- : F'A6E 1S AREA: JRM 181{i t^t. 6ore l--t eek Dr E: L rzr3-. 1 ;:J-t17 -0tOFAdd dininq t'oom acJdit ion over. FELLER, FRHD FELLER F RED .3 FELL.ERT FRE:l) f]rr: uar';iFeFhone: 97fi*47F,-e595 l--'hone t 478-i:?t95 Ftrsna t 96-4'/E-2324 Constr': ASFR Usel V N Inspect i on Reqt-test ReqtisE,l ot': f:RED Req Time: O8:tZltZl Items r.eqne€ted to AIAD90 BLDG-Final Informat i on, , FELLER Conrnrents: trer Inspected.Ti me ExpAct i orr Fon - (1 ru Inpe,ct j.on History. ,. , . Itent ErZrrSEO F,LnN-It--C Site F,lan Iten : tZttZu?t30 BLDG-Fr-aminB $e,/eil/Uil Inspector': JRM Item I lalZlrASO BLDG-Insr.rlab ion n6/?A/tZtO Inspeetor. I CDIten: tltZtOGO BLD6-Sheetrock Nai I Ob/e9/WA Inspert or.: JRM Iten : tZIOtlTO FLD6-Misc.- - - -1r'-Fffi Eg?r9u'"Fl:Ctc+fii?r -Item: Ara53O BLDG-Temp. t/O I t em : OO54O BL.D6-F i na 1 C./O {F' Act i ort Qct i otr f,ct i on 476.-e595 Cofior ent s : AF,F'R RFJF'ROVEI) ASpF DVr. ';Eiliil--o rizr' : 44 R'ou'*}-'?ilUog[ rilo,lh;.,,"3h81?3"ror s / r$/ Ea PAGE 1 AREA: JRM Antivity: FtZtO-O856 8/ llJ/'f.Q Type : F-FLI4EI Stat r-rs : ISSIJED Constr': ASFR Adclress: 1P., 16 60RE CREEiH nR Loc,rt i on : 1816 GORE CREEK DR Fclr.c€ I ; 810t3-.183-A;t-OA5 Desct'ipbion: plumbing For adrJition f,ppl icant: FEt-t-ER, FREI) Owner r FEL-LER FRED 0ontraetor: FEL.LER, FRED Use: F,h one = 27Er-476-?.393 l:'hone: Fiione t 9"7fi*47E ?395 Inspect i on Req t"r e st R eq t-te st or': fr"ed Req Tine: tl$:E€t It ems reques bed to AAE9O PLMB-Final Inf or"mat i on. . . . . Fh on f,omment s: be In:"pected.,. f-.tct i nn Cc'mments Ti ne Exp Fhone: 476-P595 Ins5rection Histor"y...,, OrAg I E F LMB*Und er"gr"o r-rnd Orage0 FLMF-Rough/D. t,,.|. V. OIZISSO trLMB-Ror-tgh/tJat er' 86/'A{A/AA In:;nect or" ; JRM OQ'EI+Q trLMB-.Gas F i pi ng lzttli:5tA L'LMB*Foo 1/Hot Trrtr OfiEF,O F-'LMB-lvl i sc. Q6/ell{iltZt Inspector': CD Ac:ti-:n: AFFR Not es: r-rnder work inn nl'esst-t'e OBeSra FLMB-Final Item: Item: Item: Itpm: Iten; Item: Item: Artir:n: AFFR AF'trR BA*qEFOARD Lrasetroard heat lines TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 91657 970-479-2L38 APPLICANT CON:TRAEIOR OWNER Description: Elecurlcal---> DRB FGc Inve Ec l9at.l on > fll11 call----> TOTA', FEES--- > Status. . Apptied. Issued. . E:cpires. Phone: 9"104680249 Phone z 9'104680249 Valuation: 50.00 .00 .00 3.00 53 .0O .00 53 .00 53 .00 .00 ToEel calculeEed Fc€!-_- > AddlEional !ars---------> Total Pclnlc Fae--------> Paym.nc€-_--_--- BALANCE DUE---- -- -- ----r t I orno**Ef,r oF coMMrrNrry giffi uEs/J NOTE: THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT AIJI.' TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT PermiE #: E98-0202 .Tob Address: 1816 GORE CREEK DR r.,ocat,ion. ..: 1816 W GORE CREEK DR Parcel No. . : 2L03-121-07-005 ProJecE No.: AVAI,AI.ICHE ELECTRIC CORP P O BOX 27L5, DrrrLON CO 80435 AVAI,AIiICHE ELECTRIC CORP P O BOX 27L5, DTLLON CO 80435 FEI,I,ER FRED 181-6 GORE CREEK DR, VAIL CO 81557 BI]RY OVERHEAD ELEC:I LINES IEEM: O6OOb ELECTRICAI, DEPART!'IBNT DCPE: BUII-'DING DiViSiON: o8/28/L998 iIRM AcE,ion: APPR APPROVED iIBM- iE-b.m,' o5 6 oo-irip.s DEPARrr,tEfui0e/28/L998 JRM Acuj-on: APPR N/A t* * tt t ' tt r 1** *t**** *rt* i*rr * tr*t COI{DITION OF APPROVAL 1. PIELD INSPESfIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. * *tf *t* r + ' * f *l*i r* *r I ** tt t * i*rtt DECI.ARATIONS I hsr€by acknotledge lhaL I havr r€ad thlg applicsEion, fillsd ouf tn fulL ch€ inf,on$aEion t6qulrad, coqploced an accurate plo! plan, and 6cate that El"L thE infoEnation pt:ovldcd a6 rcqulred 16 corrgc!. I agrea !o conply wLfh ghe lnforroaElon and pIoL Plan, Eo coBply wlfh al1 lown ordl,nqnc.E and 6cac6 1a$6, and tso bulLd chla Elrucgqlc aeeordtng !o thc to!.n'6 zgnlng and dubdivlBion codes, deelgn r.vi€r approv8d, Uniforo Eutldlng cods aqd oEher oldi.nancea of, the Tonn appliceble Ehereto. REQUEST9 FOR IN€FECTTIONS gTIAIJ]r BE MADE TVIBNIY-FOUR HOURS IN ADITTAI{CE BY TBI,EPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OT'R OPFICE BROM A:OO AM S:OO PM es ISSIJED o8 /28 /L995 0e /28 /L99e 02/24/t999 1, 500 . 00 (t' TOWN OF VAIL, COLOR,ADO Reprintedz O8/3L/98 09:13 Statemnt**************************************************************** sEatemnt. Number: REC-0442 Amount:53.00 08/3L/98 08:24 Init': TDPayment Met,hod: CK Notation:1077 PermiE No: E98-0202 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAI-, PERMTT Parcel No: 2103-123-07-005 SiLE AddTCSS: 1-816 GORE CREEK DR I.,OCAEiON: 1.816 W GORE CREEK DR Tot,a1 Fees: 53.00 Totsal ALL PmLs: Balance r **************************************************************** AccounE Code Descript ion AmounE. 50 .00 3 .00 This Payments 53.00 53.00 .00 EP OO10OO031114OO ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILI, CALL INSPEC'TION FEE ';;i il-' Tgil":; xl;t,;iili;*"rr# DATE: PE&\IIT /J I DDT TrrlmT/.\ lr tr-r'^m t/ APPLTCATfoN Musr BE FTLLED our CoMPLETELY oR rT I'tAy Nor BE AccEprED ,{******n**:t**********rt't******* PERMTT rNFoRl'IATroN * * 't * * * * * * * * * * * * ir * * * * ,r * ,r * * * * * ,t l-Buildins 61-llumbing x-electrical [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other 6 Job Name: ,FRep tr'rttep Job Addre ss: lg/t, Legal Description: lot_].|_Block Fi 't i n., owners Name: ff?e Address: Address:Architect: /,6oPE.p€, General Description: work class:- [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]_other )VE N.trrmber and Tvne of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances v ---e.t-4sesr. \r JS* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rt * * * * * * * * * * ?r * * * *rr * vALUATToNs FTIT T n'rrt,.- - tsv4lrJrri\J. { of Accomnodation Units: Gas Logs_ ltood/petJ_et Number of Dwel1ing' Units: ILIIMBTNG: $ Number * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * , ht &***************************' Eeneral Contractor:* *)t** ***** * ******** * ** * * *** Address:i--' F l eniri ^r'l ,,r^F.F--4eq.! \-\Jr r Li dCtOf :Address: Dl r rrnl.ri n^ ,'r^h+--^.r.!Lrr.uJJ.rrg uun uractof :Address: Mechanical Contractor.: Address: ** ** * * * * * * * * * **rt rt *rr * * * )t * * * )t * x* * * l;:l""$"ff!1:11o*fr8- Reg. NO. Reg. NO. BUILDTNG PER.MIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEEI MECHAI.TCAL PERMIT FEE: ELEC?RICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE oF FEEi lJ.t(tt .f lr_L : ELECTRICAL: $ l5oo, -MEciIANICAL: $- CONTRACTOR rNFOR].IATTON Town of Vail Phone Number: Tqwn of Vail Phpne Nunber: '*' ,7 Tor+n of VaiI Req. NO.Phone Nurnber: . FOR OFFfCE USE ****rk************************** BUTLDING P],AN CHECK FEE: PLLiMBTNG PI,AN CHFCK FtrF. MEcHANTcAT pi"cN--4i""""io, . R.ECRXATION FIE: CLEAN_UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMTT FEES: tll TT T l-1Trr/... SIGNATURX: ZONTNG; SIGNATURE: VALUATION ,,rl rorr TOWN OF VAIL Department of Communiry Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2138 MX 970-479-2452 January 25,2000 Fred Feller 1816 West Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 Re: Proposed addition at Lot 35, Vail Village West Filing #L / 1816 W. Gore Creek Dr. Dear Mr. Feller: This is written notification of the Planning and Environmental Commission's decision to grant your request for a variance to ailow for the construction of a residential addition above your garage, located within the setback. The proposed addition has also been approved by staffin accordance with the Town of Vail Design Guidelines. As a result, you will not need to attend a Design Review Board hearing. However, there are three conditions of approval which are noted on tJre attached Design Review Action Form. 1 . The materials used in the construction of the addition must match existing materials. 2. The existing soffets and fascia above the garage on the west side of your home must be repaired; general improvements to property are required when adding square footage to a residence under the Town of Vail's 250 ordinance. 3. An improvement location certificate must be submitted prior to your framing inspection; this is required whenever a variance is granled for an addition within a setback. If you have any questions, please call me at 419-2L28. For information about the building permit process, please contact Kathy Warren at 479-23?5. Sincerelv. €; **"uo'o"o' Project Name: Project Description: Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Feller addition Project Number: PRJ00-0008 residential addition over existing garage Owner, Address, and Phone:Fred Feller l8l6 W. Gore Creek Drive 476-2595 Architect/Contact, Address. and Phone: same as above Project Street Address: 1816 W. Gore Creek Drive Legal Description: Lot 35, Vail Vitlage West Filing #l Parcel Number. 2L0312307005 Building Name: Feller residence Comments: 437 sq.ft. of GRFA added (part of 250 used); 171 sq.ft. remaining Board/Staff Action Motion by:Action: Staffapproved with 2 conditions Conditions: l. All materials used in the construction of the addition (ie. siding, soffets, fascia, roofing, windows, doors) must match existing. 2. existing soffets and fascia above garage (west side of residence) must be repaired (required provision under the 250 ordinance) 3. An improvement location certificate must be submitted prior to framing inspection. Town Planner: Ann Kjerulf Date: 0l/25100 Project Name: Feller addition DRB Fee Paid: add to building permit Qucstionsfir tnc nrr,,rrrf$ {9:; f:: APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENEML INFORMATION This application i.s for any projcrt rcquiring Dcsigr Rc'ricrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign revicrv must rcccivc Design Rcvicw approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. For specific information. see the subrnittal rcquircnrorts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application cannot bc acceptcd until all thc requircd in fbrnrati on is subrnittcd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Town Council and./or thc Planning and Environtltcrrtal Corrtmission. Design Revicw Board approval cxpircs one ycsr aftcr final approval unlcss a building permit is issued an<l construction is startcd. A.DESCRIPTION OF THE TOWN OFVATI REQUEST: n E. F. c. B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: 95- BLOCK:-FILING: PFrySICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL *: JloS t'Q3 a+t-vs"(Contact Eaglc Co. Assessors OfEcc at 970-328-8640 for parccl #) ZONINC: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS: OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAMEOFAPPLICANT: b/tue4; /V;ua MAILINC ADDRESS: PHONE: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E New Construction - $200 Construction of a new buildins. H. V.q,ooiuoo - E Minor Alteration - $50 Includcs any addition where square footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or corruncrcial building. $20 Includcs minor changes to buildings and site improvcments. such as, rcrooting, paintrng. window additions. landscaping. fences and retaining walls. etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the timc of submittal. Latcr. whcn applying fora building pennit. plcasc identify thc accuratc valuation ofthc project. The Town ofVail rvill adjust the t-cc according to tie projcct valuation. I'LEASE S{.rBivlrr THIS.{PPLICA'IION. r\LL SLBillITTAL REQUIRE}IENTS AND THE FEE TO THE D EI"\R]'}IENl' O F COi\IMUN I]'Y D EV[LO P}tIiN'T. 75 SO UTH FRONT.{GE ROAD. VAIL, COLORADO 81657. l(P{'n r COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY, A Texas Corporation, herein called the Company' for valuable considerarion, hereby commirs ro issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the pioposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or referred to in Schedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges therefor; all subject to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount of the p<llicy or policies committed for have beel inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the issuance of this Commitment or by subsequent endorsement. This Commitment is preliminaty to the issuance of such policy or policies of title insurance aud all liability and obligationi hereunder shall cease and terminati sir months after the effective date lrereof or whln the policy or policies committed for shall issue, whiclrever first occurs' provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. Signed under seal for the Company, but this Comrnilment shall not be valid or binding until it bears atr authorized Counter signature. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Stewart Titte Guaranty Courpany has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A. STEWART TITLE CUARANTY COMPANY Chairman of tbe rslgneC: AuEllor.lzed coLlnLers t gnature STEWART TITLE OF EAGLE COUNTY, INC. P,O. Box 2000 vail, Colorado 81658 (970) 949-r011 SoEEDUIE A O Order Number: 99027087 1. Effective date: llowenbcr 05 ' 1999 aE 7 :45 a'M' 2. Poticy or Policies to be issued: Amount of Insurance (a) A.L.T.A. Owner's (n*teaded) $ Proposed Insured: @ A.L.T.A. I'oan (standatd) Proposed lruured: (c) Leasehold Proposed lwured: 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this committnent and covered herein is fee aiz,PTe 4. Title tu rhe fee almpke estate or interest in said land is u the $eaive &tle hereof vested in: FflED FSLLBR 5. The la:nd. referred to in thls Commitmenr is desuibed as follows: SEE ATTACITED LEGTAI' DESCRIETION Pu:lrporeed Addresa t yTATEMENT OF CHARGES Ihese clurges are due atd payable before a Policy can be issued. PR8ITTUIII: TITr,8 ONIrY s 770 - OO SCHEDULE A Order Nutnber: 99027 oa7 LEGALDESCRIPNON Lot 35' vArL vrLLAeE glBsT ' FTLI,NS No- 7' Accordi'|g to the PIaE reeotded occober 25' 7963 aE RecePcion No' 98785' COAffry OF E;IGLE ' STATE OF COI'OPaDO TfiTS CO'IMIT'T /|'II WAS PREPARED ON NOV'ltrBER 22' tggg' FOr- QUESTIONS PL&ASE CALIJ cFrLr9 EAASC$\LDT AT ( 970 ) 949'7077 ' ryrjs eonml umeet ls eeat Eo: FRrD FET'ZNN SCHEDULE B Section I Order Number: 99027087 REQUIREMENTS The fotlowing are the requirements to be complied with: Item (a) Paymen tu or for the account ofthe grantors or mortgagors of thefuIl coruideration for the estate or interest to be inswed- Item(b) Properiwtnonmt(s) creatingthe estateoriruerest tobeimuredrutst beexecutedand dulyfiledfor record, to wit: 1. .wOlrE Order Number: 99027081 SCHEDULE 6 Section 2 EXCEPNONS The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptiow to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the ComPanY: I. Riglus or ctaims of parties in possession, not shown by the public records' 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records ' 3.Discrepancies,conflictsinboundarylinu,.shortageinarea'',"i':::!y:"'andanyfactswhichacorrecl sumey and inspection of the pranises wouM disctoie and which are not shown by the public records' 4. Any lien, or rigttt to a lien, for services, lobor or material heretofore or here$er furnished' ircposed by law and not shown by the public records ' 5. Defecrc, liens, encunbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any'.created'fitst appearing inthe public records or attaching subsequent to the effectivek;';:;;,;f ';;-i'il"l y t1' date the proposed iwured acquires of record for value the estae or interest or mortgaSe therion covered by this convnifinent' 6. Unpatented mining claims; reservvtiotts or exceptions in patents ' or an act authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water' 7. A'ry and aII u'rpald caxas and' a sessme']ts anil any untedee,ned cax Eales' g. The effect of i'rclualors it any geaerar or specif,lc wahe'- coiserwancy ' fire protec':io'., aoiT coaeewa1ioa or otber disttict or inclusioa iD any vaxer serviee or atreet improvemeax area ' g.ReJ,eza'aelonaotexceptiolsiAPaEent'g'orTaActsauthoriziagt,ielsEuance theteof, lnc]ud!-ng clre reservacion Z7' a righe of way f,ot ditches or car:aTs connttucledbyEheauthorTtyoftheanitedstaEea,asreeervedl,n|JniEedstaEes PaEe'rt reeorded october 4' 7978 tn Book 93 at Page 707 and Paxented tecorded Ju'.e 75, 7978 ln Book 93 at Page 15' 70. A ten Ptcrr:rlAc aon-participating r;oylTty ia and to ptoce-ede det!'wed f,rom Ehe eale of aay mi'reraTs of what o"n"" iitla a.Dd natura produced and zrlned from said prutises'aadteeordediaBookT66aEPage4oT,andaayaada].Iaaslgaments thereof oE Tntereats therein' L,,. RestrictionL. aE corltailred ia the i'rettamcnt reeorded oetobet 25' 7963 ia Book LTSatPageT4gagEeeepeionNo.9STS6,a'lda''tend'Ient:recordedDece'nber6,796j in Book 778 ac Page 345 as &ecePc:;oE No' 983i83' alld anendmeD c recorded Febtuaty 1'6, 7g7O la Sook 277 at Page 75 as Receptioa No' 772633 ' 72. Eagemc'lts, tcglricxione a'rd righCs.of-wayl a9 ghown on the ptat of Val! ViTIage West FiTing lto' t, raeorded es RecePtion No' 98L85" 13. Base.'Ient beEwecL Ehe CounEy of Eagle' State of colotado and Gae Facilitiea' rnc., as co Ealaed in the lnalru'lent tecorded August 77' 7955 in Book 790 aE Page 405 aa &eceptLoa No' 707974' 74'ADeedofT1ustdaEedocToBERT3,TgS3,executedwFREDA.FELLERend|IARIAE.Con'tl/J1ued oi ':ext Page Co:nti'luatlon of ScheduTe B - gectiod 2 Order .lrlurnber; 99027 087 FELLBR, to the Publie Trustee of Eagle Cou'lty ' co secute aB llldebtednesa of $ 7o8,ooo.ol, ln f,awor of 'esPEI\t sAvflvcs etto tian AssocrAlroy teeorded ocToBER 77' 7983 in Book 370 ac Page 7g5 as Recepcioa No' 267774' ZONE CHECK --.a- |oate: )krt l5/tgX) Legal tlescription: rot 35' Block _ Filing Addrcss Owner Architect Phone Phone zonedisnu f*o f*nql ?unA+\ | trrct nU.A pruposeduse. Lotsize il,lco tFr I U lluiltlablearea Allowed Existing Proposed Total Remaining /inctu* rotar GRFA ?175' + @;)? =--w!MZ . 28tla * V3/ = 5271 t7 | ( D:a Prirnary IRFA PK +gzr@=-fu+dT-J?,t(J +'137 = <)j1 l7l @67s * 675 = 425 credit rlus 250 addition Does this rcquest involve a 250 Addition? How rnuch of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this reouest?t7. Site Coverage Height Setbacks Landscaping Rehining Wall Heights Pafting '22),a (30x33) Front Sides Rear Minimum {r 0bO ,,,^..x/lfltby"ln)u + _ 20' l5' l5' \ Lr Required Carage Crcdit Ddveway Courplies with TOV Lighting Ordinance Are finished grades less than 2:1 (50%) Enviro nmentalAlazards PrBvious conditions ofapproval (check property file --.'t a - - X 4 /aL: W -l' 3' t6', Enclosed (300) (600) (900) (1200) Permitted Slope _% Proposed Slope % Yes_ No Yes- No- l) Percent Slope (< >30%) 2) Floodplain 3) Wetlands 4) Water Course Setback (30) (50) 5) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall Is the pnrperly non-conforming? Describe: c) Debris Flow & DESIGN REVIEW CHECKLIST Project: Q SURVEY - 'Scale Benchmark Legal description Lot Size Buildable Area Easemen6 Topography 100 yr. flood plain Water Course Setback Environmenhl Hazards I rees Utilitv locations Spot elevations EI SITE PLAN O FLOORPLANS Scale GRFA 250 additional GRFA CrawMttic Space EHU tr BULDING ELEVATIoNS Scale Color\Materials Roof Pitch tr LANDSCAPEPLAN Proposed Eees Legend MISCELLA}IEOUS Condo Approval Title report (A & B) Utility verification form Photos ofsite . Building material samples C.O. Vedfication Sun\Shade Angles Utilities (underground) View Conidors Variances Plat restrictions Scale Building Height EncroachmenB Setbacks Site Covemge Eaves/Overhangs (4) Decks/Balconies Garage connection Site Grade\Slope Retaining Walls Parking/Garage lumlng l(aolus Driveway (access and grade) Snow Storase Fire Access \Qucstions? Call thc Planning Staff ar 479-2138 llrcarloN FoR pr,ANNrNc lxolunoNMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL TOWN OF VAN GENERAL TNFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring approval by thc Planning and Environmcntal Commission. For spccific information. scc thc submittal requircmcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc apptication can not bc accepted until all requircd information is submittcd. Thc project may also necd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Town Council andlor thc Dcsigr Rwicw Board. A: ryPEOFAPPLICATION: . tr Additional GRFA (250)tr Bcd and Brcaldasttr Conditional Use Perrnittr Major or E Minor Subdivisiontr Rezoningtr Sign Variancc ! variancctr Zoning CodcAmcndmcnt B.DESCRIPTION OF TFIE REQI.JEST: fl Amcndmcnt to an Approvcd Dcvclopment Plantr Employec Housing Unit (Iypc: O Major or tr Minor CCI Extcrior Alteration (VailVillagc) tr Major or tr Minor CCII ExtcriorAltcration (Lionshead) Special Dcvclopmcnt Disbict Major or E Minor Amcndrncnt to an SDD tr tr c. ADDRESS: ZONING:D. E. F. c. NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINGADDRESS: owNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAME OF REPRESENTA PHONE: FEE . SEE THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRI.ATE FEE. SUBMIT THTS APPLICATION, ALL STJBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, i tzqu VAIL, COLORADO 81657. FecPaid:-PS? ---ck#: l)g \' ',,-t i .Bv: *\lL Application Datq Nbv'9ot pEC Mccting lb Wetr No Neeb€tr . : - ___lt \ N re4-,1 "t*d"*g -coMMrssroNP1ANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL PUBUC MEETING SCHEDULE Monday, January 24,2000 AGENDA MEMBERS ABSENT Driver: Allison KeX 2. Oecopr 1:30 p.m. 1 . Feller residence - 1816 West Gore Creek Drive NOTE: lf he PEC hearing e)c€nds until 6:00 p.m., the board will break for dinner from 6:00 - 630 p.m. Public tlearinq - Town Council Ghambers 2:00 p.m. 1.A request for a setback variance, to allow for a residential addition over an existing first floor garage, located at 18'16 West Gore Creek Drive/Lot 35, Vail Village West Filing 1. Applicanl: Fred A. FellerPlanner: Ann Kjerulf MOTION: Doug Cahill SECOND: Chas Bernhardt VOTE: 7-0 APPROVED A request for a variance from Sections 12-6D-6 and 12-10-8 of the Town of Vail Code, to allow for a garage to be constructed within the front setback and within Town Right-of- Way, located at285 Forest Rd./Lot 20, Block 7, VailVillage 1$ Filing. Applicant: Steve WaterhousePlanner: Allison Ochs WITHDRAWN proiect Orientation / IVO peC tUfCn - Communiw Development Deoartment 1:30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT John Schofield Galen Aasland Diane Golden Brian Doyon Tom Weber Chas Bemhardt Doug Cahill Site Visits : 3.A request ,o"".on#d use permit, to allow for the constrr; " an addition to the existing rawftrter intake structure and pump station, located on Black Gore Drive/Lot 8, Heattr* of.illail ipprc"'ii, Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Flanner: Brent Wilson WITHDRAWN 4. Information Update 5. Approval of January 10, 2000 minutes. The apptications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's otfice located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign languag€ int€rpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356, Telephone fof the H earing lmpaired, for information. Community Development D€partment TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department January 24,2OOO A requesl for a side setback variance from Section 12-6D-6, Town of Vail Code, to allow fof a residential addition over an existing first floor garage, localed at 1816 West Gore Creek Drive / Lot 35, Vail Village West Filing 1. Applicant: Planner: Fred Feller Ann Kjerulf I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicant is requesting a setback variance to allow for the addition of living space (GRFA) on the second story of an existing single-family residence. The Feller residence was construc{ed prior to 1968 under the jurisdistion of Eagle County. The property came under the jurisdiction of the Town of Vail in 1986 when the area commonly known as Matterhorn was annexed from the County (Ordinance 18, 1986). The property is non-conforming with respecl to the Town's setback and minimum lot size reguirements for the Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential Disirict. This proposal would allow for the addition of a 19'x 23' dining room (437 sq.ft. of additional GRFA) adjacent to an existing kitchen. The addilion would be located directly above the garcge and entirely within the existing building footprint. Due lo the fact that the garage encroaches into multiple setbacks, the addition requires a variance prior to design review and construction. II. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval of the requested setback variance subject to the following findings: 1. That the granting of the setback variances does not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on olher properlies in the Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential District. 2. That the strict literal interpretation or enforcement of ihe setback regulations results in a practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the development objectives of the Municipal Code for the Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential District. 3. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the applicant's property that do not apply generally to other properties in the Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential District. III. REVIEWING BOARD ROLES Planninq and Environmental Commisslon: The PEC is responsible for evaluating a proposal in rEgard to: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatmenl among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this Title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the reguested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportalion and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. 4. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. Desisn Review Board: Action: The DRB has IllO review authority on a vaiance, but must rcview any accompa nyi ng DRB a ppl icatio n. The DRB is responsible for evaluating a proposal in rcgard to: r' Architectural compatibility with other structures, the land and sunoundings,/ Fitting buildings into landscape/ Configuration of building and grading of a site which respects the topography,/ Removal/Preservation of lrees and native vegetationr' Adequate provision for snow storage on-siter' Acceptability of building materials and colorsr' Acceptability of roof elements, eaves, overhangs, and other building forms{ Provision of landscape and drainage{ Provision of fencing, walls, and accessory structures/ Circulation and access to a site including parking, and site distances/ Location and design of salellite dishes{ Provision of outdoor lighting IV. ZONING STATISTICS Lot Size: 1 1 , 100 sq. ft.Zoning: Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential Development Standard Allowed/Required Proposed GRFA: Setbacks: Front: Sides": Rear: Site Coverage: Parking: Landscaping: 3,450 sq. ft. 20' 15',t15't15' 15' 2Oo/o or 2,220 sq.ft. 3 6070 or 6,660 sq. ft. 2,842 sq. ft. 20' 15', t11',1 15' 9.5', 11o/o or 1,800 sq. ft. (approx.) 6 65 o/o ot 7,200 sq. ft. (approx.) "one side setback and the rear setback are encroached upon by the existing garage which is a legal non-conforming structure V. CRITERIAANDFINDINGS A. Gonsideration of Factors Reqardino the Setback Variances: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Many of the lots in Vail Village West 1"t Filing are non-conforming with respect to lot size. There are also instances where either a garage and / or living space encroaches upon a required setback or multiple setbacks; these irregularities generally existed prior to the Matterhorn area coming under the jurisdiction of the Town of Vail. The proposed addition to the Feller residence would be located entirely within the existing building footprint and would not increase ihe degree of encroachmeni upon required setbacks. Staff believes that this request is consistent with existing and potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and elrforcemedt of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to aftain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. There are no particular physical restraints on the lot which impede the addition of 3 3. GRFA within the required selbacks. In fact, there is sufficient site coverage for the addition of 437 sq.fl. However, Mr. Feller's proposal is to add a dining room and this would be more convenienlly added in closer proximity to the kitchen on the second floor. Only 68 sq.ft. or 15 o/o of the addition would encroach inlo setback areas. Furthermore, the proposed addition would be located entirely within the building footprint thus minimizing site disturbance and impacts upon adjacent land owners. As mentioned previously, many of the lots located within Vail Village West 1't Filing have constructed living area within required side and front setbacks. Stiff does not believe the granting of this request would constitute a grant of special privilege. The effec't of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff does not believe that there will be any negative impacts associated with this proposal on the above-listed criteria. B. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinqs beforc qrantinq a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on oiher properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinily. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The stric{ interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. $(o (o(o o o, t- m Cf)co c.)(o (Y) co r.C)(o €F-(v) Nr -(O(a o)@ (Y) R@s8 &o,\ &\ tr) @ $F oo? ohEv'6d)o|-Ltr. 'uc f Ntdtv G---=!- (& €r,, 4 -"\,,. \.r I 4Ot-O! :\. "'" fr,";-r"tro,il-"'i{*\.. itt--l "N rn$ls+ . ,'+.l? ffih%p- /' \ ?\t- At >':l[ ,2. ,J0 _- o#uY +ta* f>*>J N? ??rth F€w *Wt' €a. W{d\b -6f#'#^- c.e - gttu*l &traw- ffi 1pg,frivE t-, ft s, _q$JF O f,s ,$-t- 5 h ls$ =\N fl$$ l {J \,_ 'J{ $o t I l- $ tr ul .t =f _q. \ $ q s -J u_ 0 a \ \ \\ \t\ \ t" s o_\ rllJ \t{t h- 0 tl 3 U -l o t-. -{" ill -.1 r\l F. L o d ll. o' I ts'f.\ $ $-l t _e .}.( $ 7 \ \-.{. $ J \\t \l\s $ 'l rt! co. tNc.o FR6CO, COLO. 2ZaPEAK ONE LAND SURV / ,rt s A ab\ f ""*" scALE i" 3d -\ ?ri %r e o9 FER. 28, 196g cttRTrl'rcATE t ) *rLLrAM tt' Am'tFrF,LD,' BErNG A F.E0rs.IERi:D LAND sugvL:yoR rN ,rrES1'4fl.: OF CCLORADg-. P.O fir,ri'rY"CffR:q'Y $IAT ON lIiE ABOVE DATE AsuRvEy wAS MADE pI-.!" uiinroiii"uy s*peHvriior..br Lor 3u, vArLvrLLlcD UES'. rr$nc-.rir"-rr"niiLir_co'lJ'fy, coLcRADO. THE 1W0s'Io^y FRAME inn Flgcr- iuridrirt"i'lr rnurD ro BE L'c^,rED ErrrRELy'dr'iHilr rTlE EouNDAnrns or-iils"id'w Dr,siciirFFiD pftopEn.Iy r.s sHoirlr .oN 'itirs pLAT. AN?..i1.rt ioci.riof ir,b olvnr,r.*iiir,,s'6i'r.r,r, FUTLDTNGS, .llti'Rcvr-rqu,t's. itASI,MLNrs- iii'olr"ofr'_ttrr, Fnr*rsES ARE AccrF/rTELysHo6'l'r. Tlirs srnrnv_ wis nrnr"iroii" ry! Ano iE, iu*.os!;s oNLy. IioF no pl)rrly coRr\.ERS mnr-sil ilil.i,"rio' Fro,.r* hanr.i Lcc A'r,'D . #;*^p/' u'Jrrr,r,.or.-avr\ 5";c oo.r"'tS roY.ll0 /// .sff. ao 34 scaLe f. so' o9 /'1 n"} ?ri %r 4(m (<y7* *) ?7?5 f 8% = FEB. 26, 1968 cttnTll'rcAtll 'Y45 I' i{rLLrAu ts' AllilFrlln, mlrilo A REorsrERl;D LAND suRVwoR rx,InEi-Tl,r-B oF CoLoRADg,- pg nnnpnr cinirrv $rAT oN lriE AmVE DAIE rsuRvET rdAs IIADE FI lrF nllo unoin'riy st,renvrsrox or. lot 3', vArLyrJllcg_l,E:e!, HrlIIg_ N!._1, iroli couN,rr, coronrbo. rHE noS1IORY FRAI.{E AIID BRICK qUrr.6rid-WiS FOUM 10 BE LOCA'IED EXTIRELY!Iqrl_'nrE B0UNDARTES or'-iiis--idvs prsouspo inoiinrr As snowN .oil 'tlirs pr.AT. A]rD lTrti r,ociii-oii--hio prrsNsroris oF ALL BUTLDTTCS, .il{}ROVE[,rE]irs, Rrsr.uuurs iii-oi- oii"rnr, pREMrSr:S ARE ACCURAIE,Y9!9!N. rlts Sunvnv_wl5-niur"ioii",nr AB0r/E ?unlos!;s or{Ly, NoPROPER T CORNERS W!:NE SEi rIriI-irb'FENCbS h:UHH LCCA'fED. , l| \-'-- \s'urttrw easeue-Frs*\I --\ $*"t on.r"'t* f?f-p ftrt-EP t4/6 t/, 6opE C.?EEK t>t?, 6u, C,c.g/tu-7 "1V6,-Z5?5 aoto vr65f8%^?@9 ) lr/ ."'\'o' lrll,/ X SUBMITTAL REQUTREMENTS FOR A VARIANCE I. PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE A prc-application confcrcucc lvith a planning staff nrcnlbcr is strongly cncouragcd. No application can bc acccptcd unlcss it is completc. lt is the applicant's responsibility to nukc an appointmcnt with thc staff to dcterminc additional submittal rcquircrnotts. II, SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS FEE: $250.00. The fcc must be paid at thc timc of subnrittal. Stanrpcd, addrcssed envclopcs and a list ofthe narncs and nuiling addrassas ofall property owners adjaccnt to the subject propcrty, including properties bchind and aooss strects. Thc applicant is rcsponsible for correct names and mailing addrcsscs. This information is availablc front thc Eagle County Assessor's ofice. A writtcn statetncnt ofthe precise nature of thc variance rcquested and thc spccific regulation involved. @ X x u n \, A A writtcn statcnrcnt addressing thc following: . Thc rclationship ofthc rcqucstcd variancc to othcr existing or potcntial uscs and stuchlres in thc vicinity. . Thc dcgrcc to whiclr rclicf fiorl thc striot or litcral intcrprctation iurd cnforccrncnt ofa spccificd rcgulation is ncccssary to achicvc compatibility and unitbrntity of trcatmcnt anrong sitcs in tlrc vicinity or to attain thc objcctivcs ofthis titlc without grant ofspccial privilcgc. . The ctTcct ofthc variancc on light and air, distribution ofpopulation. transportation. traffic facilitics. utilitics. and public satbty. . How your rcqucst conrplics with Vail's Cornprchcnsive Plan. A prelirninary title report, including schedules A rurd B, to veriS ownership and cascments. Condonrinium Assdciation approval (if applicablc). Any additional nraterial necessary for the revicw ofthe application as deterntincd by the Administrator. Four (4) copies of the following: A topographic and/or improvement survey at a scale ofat least l " = 20' stanped by a Colorado liccnscd surveyor including locations ofall existing irnprovenlents, including grades and clcvations. Other elcnlents which must be shown are parking and loading areas. ingrcss and egress. Iandscaped arcas and utility and drainage features. A site plan at a scale ofat least l" = 20' showing cxisting and proposed buildings. Page I of2 Lhe<t- gar(ucc pa.''l,*i +7f- MAihs^ of +n fi oWv, qrfr" i?(t 3 (!-^) lnrv qu*urr{ fuxo,rr pv,r,ur, N U+olo ., )o o llln r llfnr. |'t+on,+s -.Dn/yrefGEre,qtvil.lbmseN /{06 t4/. GoFtt (REEH />R . L//? /L, Ce.8/657 lttn Grre culwm tNes 44ss t3/GffaF7Y r?o' t6,I , (?a -3t6 5r 33 r.4 : /Ller Kn nnl'tr< EERGEY Q 3 xr c4/u'r PR+Y ttl' H rclt L hNDt r?AN cH, & '80i26 o /W / PaBrpr - 6Ir;;;) P a.gax J JT y'tT I L, (2, . &1654) / rw., Pr cttfrRD lTrfti PP rz a.Eax 4aao n /a/Y/ C-, tto za pEr,liltE 9/frn0N l" a, Bax s643 |/A/L,Ed, Pl6F& / fttrc. R r c ftn R 12 GUtT'q Fsoal / { ztt fr LTn CR. /AtL, Co. 8/657 t ,r.r MAy AFFE.T "or* ,*or# PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will.hold a public hearing-in-accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on-January 24,2000, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vait Municipal 'Building. In consideration of: A request for a.variance in the setback, to allow for a residential addition over an existing garage, located at 1816 West Gore Creek Drive/Lot 35, Vait Village Filing i. Applicant: Fred A. FeilerPlanner: Ann Kjerulf A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of an addition to the existing raw water intake structure and pump station, located on Black Gore Drive/Lot 8, Heather of Vail. Applicant: Eagle River Water and Sanitation DistrictPlanner: Brent Wilson A request for a variance from Sections 12-6D-6 and 1 2-1 0-8 of the Town of Vail Code, to allow for a garage to be constructed within the front setback and within Town Right-of-Way, located at 285 Forest Rd./Lot 20, Block 7, Vait Viltage 1't Filing. Applicantr Steve WaterhousePlanner: George Ruther The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's otfice located at the Town of Vail,Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published January 7,2000 in the Vail Trail. '(,v ..,,k$,\t,\.v \w/a\ \,W r Amcrhan Land Titlc Associadon Commiqgql COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE TSSUED BY STRT{ASS#I-TLE STEWARTTITLEGUARANTYCoMPANY'ATexasCorpora$on'lcfi".:1PdtheCompany,for vatuable considerarion, hereby commits to is$ue ir* pofili "'ip'""n"ilt "f trttt TY*' as identified in Schedule A, in favor or ,nr'iiopT#'ililffi,1,6 i"'Sf'"ittf" A' as owncr or mortgsgee of the esute or inrerest covered hereby in the land described o, i..til a -io S"ntOutt fauOon paylncnt of the premiums and chargce Oerefou Ji r"Ui*, to ne provisio-nsil StiiJuftt A and B and to thc Condidons and Stipulations hereof . This commirment shall be effccdve only when the identity of thc propgsed Insured and ttre amount of the policy or policies ,or io.d for have U".n inrrn iio'#ili" A' hercof by the Company' cither at the time of the issuance oi ttris Commitment or by subsequent cndorsement' This commitment is preliminary to the issuance of such policy or policies of title insurance aud all liability and obligations rr"r"unal, shall ccase tta "*i*i*i*-, ;"t5, aftEr the effective date hereof or when thc polrcy o, poii.-il, *tt,u.o for shall 'itill *ititttt"er first occurs' provided that the faiture to issui sucfi pofcy or policies is not the fault of fie Compauy' Signed under seal for the Company, but this Commitment shall not be vatid or binding untit ir bears an authorized Courtersignanrre. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Stewart Title Guaranty company has caused.iu-cirPorate narne and s€al to be hereunto affixed by irs duly suthorized officers on the dars shown in Schedule A' STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY Chri rnan of, rh.?6ffilgned I lzcd count.c!glgnagure STEWART TITLE OF EAOLE COUNTY' INC. P,O. Box 2000 Vail, Colorado 81656 (9?0) 949-l0l I ,. Order Nurnbu: 99027087 .r O scEEDawA 1. Efeaivefute: fovanbcr 05, Tggg tt 7:45 L'N' 2. Policy or Pollcles to be lssucd.: (a) A.L.T.A. Owner's (fr*gln.d'd) Proposed htswed: (b) A.L.T.A. Loan (scaa,d.trd) Proposd lwured: ll'lrgoai.d Addrett t (c) I*osehoA Proposd lwured: 3. The estate or interest in the latd descrtbed or referred rc in this Commitment and covered herein is faa rto,Ple 4. Tltte to tltc f,ao il.ryfla estute or ifierest in said tand is d the efedive dan hereof vuted in: W P]I'I,EB 5. Thc land refertcd' rc tn thls Connitmen is dacrihed as follows: B8 A1ITlCffi T.8AI' D'/'CNTFITOfl Amormt of Insurance s CIATEMEI'|TOF CHARGES Tlusc clurga are dne at payablc belorc a Policy can be issttd. PEfrJTtIfi: TI7fLE ciMr't i 770'00 t Ordcr lMcr: Itoz?olt SCEN'IITLEA O LE@LLDESCNPrjON IlpE 35 , ffiIr"ffi,' ;rlJlT"fontlo'o*' 25' 7s63 " '.,,c',PE!e ',o' ee'et' co r o, ,,rfr/[' arlt o, cor&n 90 tilxt corcllnfrr nt tn'p,^nD oe ')vff,n 22' Tggg' gf,n g4#"ofi n/"t' c"'L cn,lto E tgcfi r.gr Lt (9?0t9t9'2071' IDlr smttnrat l, t.8c to" ,ED fi.Ln' SCEEf,/AI.EB Sarrian I Mcr Nwrber: 99o27oat REQAIREMENIS Thz following arc the rcEdrenants m be anplied with: Itenr (a) p6WAt n or for ilu accotnt of fic gratton or moftgaSors oI the lutl constdcration fur iltc utae or ' ' intbest to be insttrd. ttan (b) propcr insmnmtil ndne tl{ es$te or ittzrcst m be insurd ru/ft be *catted otd dttly fildfor reotd. to wlr: I. TOrl Ordcr Nwnber: 99o27ogt SCHEDUU; E Section 2 mcEmoN:i The potiq or policies to be issued will conain uceptions to the lollowing rnless the sarnc are disposed of to the saista*ion of the ConPanY: t. Rights or cfutts of parties in possasion' not slwwn by the pnblic records' 2, fusements, or claims of eascments' not shown by the public records' 3.. Discrepancies, confllc| in botmdary lincs, .slwnage in area' .encroachnnrts' and any fatts whi'ch a correcl stntq and inspectton of thc prunises no'u a'iiii ii'iicn are not slwwn by the public recoras' 4. Any lien. or right to a lien, for sewices, lobor or materiat heretoforc or hereafrer funishd' ittrposed by law and not shown W the Public recoftE' 5. Defects, liew, enautlbra|,ccs, adverse clalms or other mutters, t! at2,.creaed, first appryn'n|:! the public records or attcchins sithseEtent to fie fiectivehr;;;;rh';; i\';!.ty' a"'; ti" prof6sea insured acquires of record. for *tue ttt'i'tite or interesi'or nn6;;;;;;;;; iiverea bv this contnitmenL 6. Uwuened minans cl0irrr; resemations or exceprtons in patents' or at act awhoruinS the isstnnce thereof; wdter rigttts, claims or title rc water' 7. My ead etr ua;ra'{d c,|x'E trd ers'B,,mrflca a'rd a'ly unrcdeamad ttx salca' 8. Tha cft.cc of laclutloaa la any gcnetal or aptclflc '":u con1crc,.'.cy ' fttc prot.c!:Lon, sol'7 oo'rccflacloD or "tJi "tt"-icE or lacluslol l,1 any waxar ecttlec or gcnact l.ultrov6lnelc arat ' g. n.'t.t''.Elou,t os afte'Pllo'rt la 'ittc'lt,. ' or In AcEa autborlslao Eha tgguanc' tbarcof , l,,c,.udlag iia rcrarva "'oo'Z''' t'i'tfii or rav for dllcba' or c".aals conlcrlrclgga w d;Z tilJr/'ttty or *c gute"d gcrc.r, 'tt^-retcfrcd lo dBltcd gtteeg Prtcat raeordad oat'obar 4 ' !g78 tl-- "?oi-ii "- "g" 707 arrd flthenh'd r.ccor.dcd !tuaa !5t 2978 18 Book 93 tE Pag' 75' 70. I ElaAP.rccac aor.-gtrElclpatltg Eoyarcy la :ad -Eo :::r,€dt d;rrLvd troo Ebc aalc of any ml'rerar s ol *btEao"n.i rtia aad aecura ptolucad aad rnj'acd f?6 'gtd pralaaz, ana r"cora.d l! Eook ue '"'Ji,.i 407 ' ed aay ead ,,rl tt'lg'^.nc' Thcroof oE lntr,retL' thertl! ' 72. E s'tlcElo'a" ta coatalad lt frc 'r'rntfl,nc''t t,,eordcd octobdlr 25' 7963 ln Book 778 at Paga L;|g r' Scc.ptloD xo. gfr;.-{, "'ra.'a!dDcl'.t tecordcd Dac.[b.i 6, 7963 ln Book 778 tc Pagc 345 tt *ecapalZ"' I;'- gitsns' "\d rmcadnaat racordcd' ?eblnt Ly 76, 7g7O- lD Book 2LT "' i'J1t-'u as R'c'EcLon No' 772633' 12. basc,!.lrrs ' t"Erictlona atd' tLghcs'of-vata aa th21t on chc Elat of va77 vlTTagc t{est ?t Ilag No' 7, rccotdcd et EacaPElot flo' 98785" 73. urcaawt bccv'ca Eha cotttcv of, Btste' statQ-of -cot--:t";,frf"r-Ji""!i*til'1"L' Irrc, ' .a r;oocti-ic,a ln f'hc l ai-rtIl'rnt recordcd attg:tttE ' Pagc 105 tt n',cePElon No' l079t1' 74. A D.'ad of ttvtt dtc.|d ocTttBEB L3' 7e83' .,xccf i!.I""T"j;*ffi" 'tafrI^ a' -CfErElanlIi*ls oC t&'du,lt I - t.,cgtoE 2 orrdrr xt|'D.rt 99O2?OC1' rEr.rin-, Go t!. rruDtJc tlr.utE t of lellE7c C:'rlrcy' co "d-uF r8 -#ffii"tfiil'' loS,ooo.oo' lB c.oolo-cGtg s^wflfF lrtD loilt rg,goct,rlrtff s' ,9$ta'x,'*3,o,,"'lg' i'.g'ttn'/ccPttotso'267'74' ,\ Category Number f,gn Review Action ilr TOWN OF VAIL Date 7-:-Zd Project Name:1*r E - .Fantc-E- Building Name: Project D€scription: , { {-tr* Owner, Address and Phone:frsers F.eu-ErZ /?/6 tl. 6o,za ()a,, (o q/{5 )/2/ -7r7t Architecvcontact, Address and Phone; : -r n | 4t -:t / Legaf Description:Lot j5 Block- subdivisionu*V U. ll.y Q)r;1 - / ZoneDistrict f/S ProjectstreetAdaress: / ?/6 a). (,opr (pae,< Die. Comments: Board / Staff Action Molion by:A.r^Vote:f-o Seconded by: E(ARnrovat ?-ra r TrA r,.t ! Disapproval ! Staff Approval Conditions: 77"<' , /'u ,:n,-l co!,foz '?nn J ". on 4o \" fl,,.kr} ,,^. Jlo =DrPr lllH\o.tt Town Planner Date: "- <- ?/DRB Fee Pre-paid f zr, z:"'-- l . r.vl..d a/U/rl DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPIJICATTON ' DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: aat*t***t!t I. A. ********** PROiIBCT INFORUATION: DEscRrprron: i N gfA t t r t PRl a//f cFDn /? ft:t't cF B.TYPE OF REVIEW: _New Construction (9200. 00)Addirion (950.00) y' ulnor Alt,eration ($20.00) ConcepEual Review (90) ADDRESS: IJEGAIJ DESCRIPTT Subdivision APPI.,ICAI{T: Address: G. NAI'{E OF APPIJICAIIT,S REPRESENTATIVE: D. E. F. I. If property is described by a meets and bounds legaldescription. please provide on a separate sheet and attach Eo this appl.ication. al , zoNING: (13 NAT-IE OF MaiLing Mailing Address: Phone H. NAME OF OlrlNER(S): OWNER(ST SIGilIATURE: Mailing Address: APPLICATIONS WITiJ NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOW OWNER'S ilIGilIATVRE Condominium Approval if applicable,. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid ab thetime of subnit.Lal of the DRB application. IJater, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify the accuratevaluation of the proposal . The Town of Vail will adjust, thefee according eo the table below, to ensure the correcL feeis paid. FEE SCHEDUI-IE: VALUATION$ o-$ 1o,oooil ru I vvl - $ )u, uuu $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150, 001 - $ 500, 000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over . $l' 000 ' 000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES APPROVAIJ I'NIJESS A BUII..DING PERIIIT ISIS STARTBD. FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200. 00 $400.00 $s00. 00 ONE YE.AR, JUI{ i I i:y,r ISSUBD iOY-COfuII'|. DEV. DEPT, t IJTST OF MATERTALS N'\ME OF PROJECT: LEG IJ DESCRIPTION: LOT_ BLOCK _ SUBDIVISION STREET ADDRESS: The forlowing informat.ion is rcquired for submit,Ear to the Design Review Board before a final approvat can be given: A. BUIIJDING I{ATERIAIJS; TypE OF MATERfAIJ COIJOR Roof Sidins ' OLher WalI Ma[erials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FLues FLashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses RcLaining walls DxLerior LighLing B. I,,\NDSCAPING: Name of Designcr:phone: * oLher (fertge)CEP l. R-, u" P KI-G-ttL,,. ^5. !.,*, 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2138/479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 EnclosurEs Department of Community Development May 2, 1996 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Feller 1816 West Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81658 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Feller: I have enclosed for you an application for Design Review Board approval for the placement of a fence on your property. I have also included a copy of the Town of Vail's Design Guidelines that pertain to fences. In order for your fence to be approved, it must comply with these guidelines. I have also included a copy of a map of your property. Please indicate on that plan where you intend to place the fence. Submit that plan, the completed application, and a $20.00 fee to my attention at the Town of Vail. lf you have any questions regarding the application, please do not hesitate to call me at479-2128. Sincerely, Lat/*t" Na,kr+-v,- Lauren Waterton Planning Liaison Otficer {g """rr""o "*"* e o,,ft %^ '\ $q> '4e^, -\ a\ q ).. / ---rf,i7iF-.-= t. 15 n.% \\ \ ./ ,- \r\p 4 -'-/ N\ \> v (,r) \\ C\) Cir t#t f'i / z / <;/// -/ 'o-5r;..* rl44sc>^-/ @c) t- m f,r 8_ \ -\ {ci -idhx (& ?/ (t\ C-{ - { m o>frl I =/m/ 7il .? t/ /.& 0D+ t x .t/ (d -==.- Ofo, TOWNOFVAIL NE€EIT! NO DEPARTITTE\T OF CO}IJT'IJII|ITY DEIEI'IMEAT I'ATE /r---%- CEEcI(s MAI'E 'AYIJLE TO TOWN OF VIJL .: 1 ACGOII\TJfO. 0l 00004t540 ZONING AND ADDRESS I\4APS s5.00 0l 0000 42415 UMFORAM s54.(ru 0t 000042415 UNIFORMW s39.00 01000042415 UNIFORM MECHANICALCODE $37.00 0l 0000 424 r 5 TINIFORh,IFIREEOD-s36.00 f'l 0O0042415 NATIONAL ELECTR]CAL CODE sJ7.00 I 01 0000 42415 OTIIERCODEBOOK- 0l 0000 4t 518 BLUE PRINTS (MYLTRSI s7.00 i 0l 0000 424 l2 XEROX COPIES $0.25 0l 0000 42412 STUDIES 0l ql0u {24l z TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM sJ.(ru 0l 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES i RE-INSPECTIONS 0l 0000 41332 PLAN REVIEW RE.CHECK FEE IS4O PER HR. 0l 0000 42332 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES 0t 00004t4t2 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES 0t 0000 414t3 C'^': ..PPLICATION FEE s20.00 0l fi)0041413 j 0l fino 42440 vTC ART PROJECTDONATION 0t 0000.41331 PRE PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE 2o 0l 00004237t II.{VESTIGATION FEE (BUILDING 3 t 0000 451 t0 TOV PARKInNG FUND 0l 0()00 22027 TOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUNDi 0l 0000 21ilz TMBIE@?I5M* 0l 0000 4t0I0 TAXABLE@1.02 (ToWN 0t 000042371 BUILDING IN\TSTIGATION ITI]ER 0l (xr00 4I .jio IDDITIONAL GRFA "250 tiz00.uu 0l d)00 41330 CONDI]IONAL USE PERMIT s200.00 0t ofi)0 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION LESS TTIAN IOO SQ.FT.sz(ru.00 0l 0000 4t330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION T,IORE TI{AN IOO SO.FI.s500.00 0t 0000 41i30 Sl,tclALLrt,vtLUP.:\{tNt IJtstRlcl lNtw 51,500.00 0l oo00 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMA,IOR AMEND s1.000.00 0I fi)00 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT I}'INOR AMEND s200.00 0l 0000 41330 SUBDIVISION 0t fi,,00 41330 VARIANCE s250.00 0l oo00 41330 ZONINC CODE AMTNDMENTS s250.00 0l 0000 41330 Rb-ZONING s200.00 J'I'HbR ITHER ITOTAL: 2A. ao olsgr f r*',n72/bry.gL,RDC.W lo Torrrhr oF ;;;;**-** \\ lili scel l anec,u= CEgh E16*tF-:r6 ', =. r- -.-. F.:ecr- i n I * ?u1i?: ffcc,-iLrnt ,l+ --";,: .F -.,i .- FPEF FELLtrf+ r,r,i' r.,r...' *'' ntr.,.'n1 -ffi- L' Lif;lr l|:l-: Ilero paid €188Sg413310a0 . ffrriount paid ?81. ErF -t- I_t HHHE an z FT I.LI IH 6 I I I I I I t5 IE;o \? I I v Z. E-.tu) z N YoH 0b@So F HH U) t z J j-oc6*6.9 iE€:E EEgEt EgEEE :EFiE $.;;.e €SEieJ =EggE igEggctO'-:-€a9(,s etEf€ igiiF @ co U'ut uJlt E =E uJo- J F F o 3|l,i5|rIez 6u, H ;l <l HI J o =IIozo Fo- E aItto J uJz uJ =>E -I(rlI tr.t 3 =.oN =z99F^U'q5EP o .nO6d<)2|I<(oquJ-CUFO.ini cul z E zo uJF 3 uJz .. >loulo uJ uJz (t,t: llJI 2 E (tttz, 9z do3dc)I cnt-\ IFN @ J4 g FT FI '1x 3 fll H I d ol il sl HolH oz out.rI l! z =oF Fl rrr E & FJ Fl h ii =z.o - F- { ;F =o lltltltl IJ "l Hrq ,r1 -t Irrt IFlt Ikt I sl g ffiIg; 4a Lrl lr| C.l I r\-$ I,lilo\l ,-.{ | ,l EI JI sl il Ff FJ = ll. I 3lullEI il>l t!lI3lolH t99 s33Fd6 (J z To uJ = E -rO<FE(JL!<zEUJFtrt 2o IHq oq : oz E =E UJo- iF()\o 2=<:r(J IJJ =! z ,r9z4oo =zJOo- t! Er J ooz&oh =t!qL,E! E =tu o- lt IJJ z oU' oFtr Eq -,r Fu.l -nF o- uJ>o-Ol!9o{ tttxd:>HF =IIJ .D F u,rl !fl -EJ *D .!(cI E E 8 o F> an a. rJJ O@o .v q ill PIil l,u o UJFooo.: zo Fo- IIJY UJto oF E =Elrj o- tto .Loo lrJFoz ts =Et!4.zIFo3E 6zo() { Yru"*i'6{flf=4'LtsFTLLED our co!{pr,'rE,,y oR -'.10y.ffiu,f,f, 13#q[ffi I f,************t*yl************ PERMIT INAORMATTON ***************************** t l-Buildins 'r l-plunbing t.j-Ele.ctrical [ ]-Mechanical [ ]-other?a-' (etztYoc- Job Naroe: &|PAP trELLEE Job Address: pa{iF^tn lFq Y/""r"orl8'l{' *********ir**l \.'..-/ -Building -{ f ,TLli- O ,*u"*roffi{r?'.' ,,*,i' irdd+ -ToI{N oF vArL coNs,**#r$"h',Y;?+ ronu f,tiDATE: Y,544 kli ^llti tt ,"1-r RECFEATTON FEE: ' I (!.lJst nan-up DEposrr : Legal Descriptioil LaX-/{ Block_ Filing Onners Nane: Architect: Address: & ^ PLIJMBTNGT $Aloee,- UECIIANfCAT,: $ -l TOTAL: @vr*************************** coNTRAgroR TNFORMATTON * * * * ************** ** ***te***r Eeneral contractorr t{gEq=f,:ELLe/z = ,= Town of vair neg.,.No. 115 "LAddress: phone Number: Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. NO._Address: - ;;;;"-;"rb;;,-: Plunbing contractor, lyBLEy= ,fr./n(6/Nc Town of vail Reg. No.Addressz W phone Nu*Uei: BUTLDTNG PERMTT FEE: //a.< -PLI,MBINC PERMIT FEE: re MECHANICAIJ PERI.|IT FEE: - Y::llli:"L contractor: rown of vair Res. uo.Address: - ox^*^ i',.*;::.---phone Number: * ************* * ** * ****** * * *.*.* * ** FOR OFFTCE USE ** * ******* ** *********** ELECTRTCAL FEE: BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLT'MBING PIAN CHECK FEE: },TECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: OTHER TYPE OF TEE: DRB FEE:TOTAL PERMIT FEES3 BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: STGNATURE: .q76-2_r?>- General Descriptj.on:= olY .r'Work Class: [ ]-New grf-atteration I ) ,/'l-AdditionaL t\-Repair I J-other Number of DwellLng UnLts:Number of Accornrnodation Units: BUILDTNG: $ @-,5_* EItEeIRIcALz l_-_ oTHER: $P^II'MBTNG: $ ******** CLEAN I'P I}EPOSIT REEIII|I) TO: ION Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: FELLER REMODEL ADDRESS: 1816 W. GORE DR VAIL, C1OLORADO OCCLJPANCY: R-3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V DATE:8-1G'94 CONTRACTOR: OWNER ARCHITECT: NONE ENGINEER: NONE PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK l. 3. C0RRECTTONS REQUTRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. sMoKE DETECTORS ARE REQURED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND HALLWAYS AS PER SEC I2IO OF TIIE 1991 UBC. FIELD INSPECTTONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. HANDRAII.S TO MEET SEC.33O6 OF TTIE 1991 I.]BC. 4. GUARDRAILS TO MEET S8C.1712 OF TTIE 1991 UBC. Town of Vail OFFIOF ,OOPYf-ro'4 {ft@:l R:ryArt3f illhei E R BRIAa ,8/cU, forrE T (o'6t 5/NK . e!84L--,..-..- W Town of Vall ilfrt o Elign Review Action Fam TOWN OF VAIL Category trtumUer 7 Project Name: Building Name:Fz i t,,,, ?-'.,t,,-L,r. * Project Description: pwoef;RooressandPnone: /t. ./ F. t t i /ti/l ,.' / 1,,i.,, t.^- t1', ,, r' D'" ttit' /, / e. 8/1{<P. Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: uot-f.S Bbck / Subdivision v V r, /..,.-,-/ zone District 1 Project Street Address: l B/ A t' l. lJ o t,, rt , ., , .k Comments: Motion by;Vote: Seconded by: D Approval ! Disapproval fif Staff Approval Town Planner o^t"t 1z4ri4 DRBFee Pre-paid '/0.o" -rr'"/. I lmn ol0ce ol cormunlly tbttdopmailtl Irfi ltonirgo rod Yrt, cobrrdo 816gz €a) 47$438 (Sl .?*2f130 Fred A. and Maria E. Feller , ( r IBox 211 \^)f' VCollbran, Colorado 81624 U" rARe: sisn on ror 35, vail .dd"%f Filins #1 Dear Fred and Maria: |2;,{r/rn ( Augrust 15, 1991 i$zv/- ) (-tz'- i Betsy Rdsolack Plannlng Technician ,,u;/ f am very pleased to see that the sign and palm tree have been removed from your property on Lot 35. I appreciate your attentionto this matter, and thank you very much. hwn 75 roqh ItonLgp rc.d udl, cobr.(b 81657 (303) 41D2138 (303) 4t&2r3e offfce of communlty Mogm€nt .fuly 25, 1991 Fred A. and Maria E. Feller Box 27'lCollbran, Colorado 8L624 Re: Sign on Lot 35, Vail- ViIIage Filing #1 Dear Fred and Maria: Our department has received a complaint concerning a sign consisting of lettering and a palrn tree on the railing at the above property. Signs of this nalure are not perrnitted in t.his zone district. However, a sign of L/2 of a square foot with either an occupantts name or address $ permitted. we must request that this sign (both the lettering and the palm tree) be removed by Monday, August 5, 1991. Thank you very much for your cooperation in this matter. Pleasefeel free to call if you have any guestions. Planning Technician Sincerely, o APPIXCS,TION - TO![N.OF V2TIL, il.0h' l,0ivi,v,, iJpv, DEPT, r.PRO.]ECT INFORMATTON: A. DESCRIPTION.: B. TYPE OF REVIEW: Nevr Construction Addition ($50.00) ADDRESS: D.LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdivision If property is described bydescription, please provideattach t,o this application. ZONING: a neets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and E. G. LOT AREA: If reguired,stanped survey showing applicant must,Iot area. provide a current NAME OF APPLICANT:Mailing Address: Phone I.NAME OF OWNERS: Phone Condominlum Approval if applicable. NAME OF APPLICA}IT' S REPRESENTATIVE Z 4AMTMailing Address ,1. K.DRB FEE; DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe t,Lme of submittal of DRB application. Liter, whenapplying for a building permit,r-please identify tireaccurate valuation of the proposal . The town of VaiIwill adjust the fee according- to the table below, toensure the correct fee is paid. .)^i" }-EE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 s100.00 s200.00 $400,.00 $500 .00 It DESTGN REf,/rEw BOARD APPRovlcL EXPTRES oNE YEAR Atr'TER FrNArr APPRO\|AIJ ItNLEss-A-,BulLDINc.PERMI!,rs, IssuED AltD coNsTRucTroN IsSTARIED. **No APPLTcAuoN wrlr. BE PRocEssED wrrEour otfllER' s STGNATURE -\-.- I FEE SCHEDULE: v'tlur|r.ruNs 0 - $ 1o,0oo$ 10,001 - $ 50, ooo$ 50,001 - s 150,000 $150,001. - s 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1r 000,000 l(l+r aTNq f'".rri"" d gl/./gL DRB DATE APPLICATION RECETVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** TSIS APPLICAUON WILI.I NOT BE ACCEPTEI'NTIIJ AI.L REQUIRED INTORMATION IS SUBIII********** LL9 AUE&Li:(et ,/($200.00) / Minor Alt,eration ($20.00) Conceptual Review (90) Block I sf4/Ps ANY T::ffiilT [311" .D Y TI PRE-APPLTCATTON MEETING : III A pre-application meeting with a member of the planningstaff is. strongry encouraged to det.ernine if any additionalapptication information is needed. It is the applicantrsresponsibility to make an appointment with the ilaff todetermine if there are additional subnittal requiremenrs.Please note. that a coMpLETE application wilr streamline theapproval process for your project. A. B. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, theapplicant. must stake and tape the pioject site toindicate property lines, building lines and buildingcorners. All trees to be removed must be taped. Aflsite tapings and staking must be cbmpleted piior to theDRB site visit. The applicant nust ensure Lhat stakingdone during the winter is not buried by snow. The reviehr process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requirestwo separate neet.ings of the Design Review goard: aconceptual approval and a final approval . ApplicantsshouLd plan on presenting their dLvelopment iioposal ata minimum of two meetings before obtaining finafapproval . Applicants who fail to appear before the Design ReviewBoard on their scheduled meeting date and who have not.asked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, wiII have their items removed from the DRBdocket until such time as the item has beenrepublished. The following items may, at the discretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the CommunityDevelopment Depart.ment staff (i.e. a formal hearinobefore the DRB may not. be required): and similar exterior changesthe existing plane of the b. Building addition proposals not visible from anyother lot or pubJ.ic space. At the time such aproposal is submitted, applicants must includeJet,ters from adjacent property owners and,/or fromthe agent for or manager of any adjacent condominium association stating the associationapproves of the addition. If a property is locat.ed in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfal1, flood plain, debris flow,wetland, etc), a hazard study must be subrnitted and theowner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior. to t.he issuance of a building permit.AppLlcants are encouraged to check with a Town pldnnerprior to DRB application to det.ermine the relationshinof the property to all napped hazards. For all residential construct.ion: - rr't ---t-- l-r-cr. \,J.rorry rrruicat-e on the floor pians the insideface of the exterior structural walls of t.hebuilding,' andb. Indicate with.a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. If..DRB €pproves, the appli.,cation, wi.th "conditions ormodificat,ions, all conditions of approval must. beresolved prior to Town issuance of a buiLding permit. ) I 1 a. Windows, skylights which do not alterbuilding; and El G. .+i ftiettctt 6;,i LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAI DESCRIPTTON: LOT.*!{ BLOCK SUBDIVISION T STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF t l t0 GaM cPFE K DP, PRO,JECT: '/a0 s0trt6 The following information isReview Board before a final RF Pacr< required for submittalapproval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL E A a to the Dgsign COLORA. BUf LDING I.{ATERIALS: Roof Siding Ot.her Wall MateriaLs Fascia Sof f it.s windows 3X4 Window Trim Doors PEftnCe s Door Trim bFj' illN Hand or Deck RaiLs FIues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer:phone: PLANT MATERIAIS: Botanical Name PROPOSED TREES Common Name Ouantitv Size* drv KAL r't/tt t4/N NAfUR*t B. EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *rndicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper fordeciduous.trees is 2 inches. rndicate hmtrees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet. ?ilEpnL REPnlK+tlP EEe FEPtncE l4ttootvg TttE BaaF PLANT MATERIAa BotanicaL Name PROPOSED SHRUBS cornrnon G Ouantitv sizei EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *fndicate size5 qallon. GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL of proposed shrubs. T r rr'ro Minimum size of shrubs is Sguare Footaqe C. LANDSCAPE LfGHTING: ff exterior lighting is proposed, please show t.he number of fixtures and locations on a separatelighting plan. Identify each fixture from the 1ighting planon the list below and provide the wattage, height. abovegrade and type of light proposed. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimmingpools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainingwalls. Maximum height. of walls wit,hin t.he front. setback ii3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the propertyis 6 feet. D. T0lrrhl OF UF|II_ lYliscel laneqrs Cach 117-Etg-94 14: 14:35 F:F,:Fj.pt * 15ffr95 Ficr:r-run l. # f,H # 6949 FFtEfI FELLEET.PEEFfiIIT 0Rg [lrri*un I. tsnder*cl ] Item paid rt 1 t:1F9641 13;1 6tU ?6.68 Hru"nt paid &.sa ctz E =G,Iuo- (uq ao aE'.o (F o! I C' (u! o.tJ (t UJ uJt! E =E uJI $ $i=$ tl - NN \or s ,lrr E $se F .l ElEl l*l t|:l I El., | ,ifl3I lr tJl.c * | 9Els Eli;l*O | .6 CLc<t.^ tu 9 | Z=lE, I Z.rJlE Julo = E lr st(\l(O o o EC..o|o O.r !.tJ .|J .oO-O=e =t-o+,(.)cvlroc I(lJo F(-)(\I(J ro -sfgLoA X =oP-c6o&, o EoE g .c!6 .9 o-o.6 o oo 6 =g oE ooc G o ==o E o =cf do o o, (! '.g E c €DooE o 0,Ito '6 E -o u, o) '= oN -oc; F o o oct o C' G EJ o: o .9E 9 =-o o E o an '|g -a- oo- 6'=9(' g8E Ef IEPcF,= 6 EgEc-o'-a =$i c96'- o.G E;E E E-s*oO g.;; .E=F O-o cLSE;otE-E€: E6: E E.Eg ot-E E;F_ o.Yyo'Crd o'-5ac $'€EsBi 9 6a Eg E .i6 e9Eor cEg -oo Oro @r.o lr)N st (f, c c t-c)N $t (\J trz lu oz o V tll oz Jo- I e, () uJJut z E J J 2 qt = uJ uJt!zotr ulEoulE oE o ao =uJ uJc,2(9 uJo F X uJ z LlJ) x F uJo oD!L! UJu- E =E LlJ o- -E+FoF z o F UJJ uJ ozo =Jo- J Iz UJE NOrlVn'lVA '^..1 |-5"?ol lgi,t l=ENl EJr = i3F^OZ H E =EIZt-()8e E.:b { iri g =nlF.At(9 zI J t|. UJ oot.r) N c uJ -) z E z tr E uJFJ 3 UJ2 lltltltl oFzlzOo <oo< Efi2(rxr!do<z a ts2,. 9= d6}EOI o 3 U' 0 ili-l zl zl .. >l uJ lllujzo E: uJ IL J z Eo o =Y IL (Y) I&. 2 =F l! r F a.\l'r.) !D 4 ')) *l EI rl-l ltlF o IIJFooo-zo FI UJY UJo oF F =E u.l o- l!o o.oo I uJFoz z ,rPze .oo =2 o-- I J ._i6 zn?"LUi tJ i'i'i C) A;H E (E u.lcttoEE2ZE<cl€8E9!La9.EE =>=ul:-E E=|J dtrE R3E 66 E io--t x>I EF5'i.!E uJo F II - F =E,lrlo-zo F()f E,F CNzo() tr!! o a +l I+rlutlol =lIol0rl(6l,-l Fl.?|>l I (o (,z l! F J (F oo&. o) C'co! v,(u I(U otJ- ui =z -.| If, t{ lf,(o Ia\ @s o() q at'!o oc) E I .tJ UJ e.o J !c, c,lJ- 1J(l, Ll! lrJ =2 (o sl-(?, Ir\ .<f sl I sl>l t!l :|olFI o P(, !+, an o(J od E tr =.1ol uJl crl 3l ttlol zl 3lolFI rl ol :l bl zl =lq t-l I I I rl olurltrl JI sl bl pl i -rO<t-E()uJ<ZGl!F o J 9tF() UJ -J E 2P s3]F r-6 O 0ri, uJ*Eo2Etn o) Ioc!'4 I j I I d- \d I ,i {:_ .. * I -€s ul o J g 0 d 2 oJ !l 5 0 ac!t'!t()a =oEg E3 gt F rt rl 2 J t^ d $ J Et {l J oqtr e t,+q_( xq.gj. '-j G_ 3s -0r.Vo>ztt f.. s*'q e\; \i ?>i ]_d t..-sqq0 q I q 1r$ , t= (Dc!r!@ -o:'\':= ct -l- o c o- :- 't+- 52'ij y1 tr 2 r.i - FJ'.J - - .,r,: qi'il Gl k o od -.|. sd!tI i\q )u.\ts N \ { n i\. \ N il t tl -f--_:'I I 'Ns#ctoN" TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL,/'1 ! ;,i'.' t'. t. I DATE lr.' , JOB NAME t./ READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES ,WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W,V,tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATEH ,-, ROOF & SHEER" PLYwooD NAtLtNG tr INSULATION - tr SHEETROCK NAIL -- .k:'trFfNAL " ' .n" ''"" ELECTRICAT: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT n_ tr FIhiAL tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL ,"-:'d.APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR