HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING 1 LOT 41 LEGALfatzV;lbqc Ust4i t, /"t 4t Design Review Board ACTION FORII Departsnent of Community Development 75 Sauth Frontage Boad. Vail, Colorado 81657 tef: 970.479.2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.comccllt tTY tElllltrlEr' Prctect l{amq GUSTAFSON FENCE ProffiDescdpdon: DRB l{umber: DR8060341 RNAL APPROVAL FOR THE BOENSION OF DCSTING FENCE Pafticlpants: owNER GUSTAFSON, RICHARD L. &WENDOE/01/2006 PO BOX 1063 VAIL co 81658 APPUCANT PETERSAMPSON 08/01i2006 Phone: 479-0652 Profect Mdress: 1826 ALTA CR VAIL LocaUon: 1826 ALTA CR Legal Descrlption: Loe 4l Block Subdivision: CARDON CONDO Parcel Number: 2103-123-1000-2 comm€nts: sEE coNDmoNS Motion By: Semnd By: Vote: GondiUons: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACTION: STAFFAPR Date of Approval= 08102120f,5 @nd:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail stafr and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please onsult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 DRB apprwal shall not beaome valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this proffi shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permlt is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. JoeSuther DRBFeePaid: 120.00Planner: Minor Exterior Alterations ffi Application for Design Review tN Z,f Department of Community DevelopmentT$mrdffi/ "'i:i:ii;:li1:!'iT'i,Xi'bil"i32,::u" web: www.vailoov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is reques'ted. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Mailing Addressl E-mail Address: ,"th Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs ! ConceDtual Review New Construction Addition Minor Alteration (muft i-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request a tr tr D tr $6s0 $300 $2s0 $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residenual or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions. landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenq such as, re.roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee -D FSfff*UsS* *,".r,r.ro., lS7 *. U<r F 't i,,. * '*--., *F ny I.. i.r ,tL - \*l tt-,fr- .-{3ld. 6 -..ry-.i-a--r_a r: ?0,"$-pn J -t,a -t" r -i',S:,, t!,n-tLrr >-,t. Jri "' 'i\" 'i i ,l r, ii,.* '?4ci I :!i't i :JJV-|.S _! I I t.fl :.: ll lii EEE Fr!9 bbi.\.. lgi I\ t{I t\ 5$iis\. rB!1. '., f i liF\' F'31 d '., {Ii E !T{' r!ti iiii: #ii; ::ii; ;;i: E!t vrt F J --<4r€,-_ l-v V JJVIS N0f s30 lwror ftii iriii $$f gs -lv^oudd Jll\3INf U irrynro iinii iiEff 3€v€*d \-------'s ',r. lN'. at rtt a:atrlt :it t;ttt iiiii#if oo FoJ 5 |9 !=3fe n? =595ffif* 'o \F{b-LN$E (- rf fi;a ll It iiri i!ii iiii isiir J td(,x<F 0. r+ btA-'l (,) FS :-(l) lrt 5 c, Fgt6 u6&.,-""' ..--"'dP __ _ _ __:._:III ---------:_::: 'I F'. t.,' N\t ----\ g l,lzd tEis i 65i !EIE 'fr8 rF 3g Hq di HS -rQsE i..q* &T: ;ii:iis {oo Eif ;Eg<;o !- ? Paltmene Method: Check SAMPSON a**+f'+****fllf+f****t**lftffl*t*****+++{.'}!}*******t++*********t+*********+*f***************** TOWNOFVAIL. COIORADO Statement +*tt+a*l********fll'}*'t*****f***lt++**f******f*l**+1t{'*+**++***+*************'t'il"}!t't{'{'a'*ttf,++++ Statenerrts Nuriber: R050001123 Amor:nt: $20.00 08/OL/200608:40 All fnit : ,fS l{otatsion: 1557/PETER F. Permit, No: DR8060341 T)4)e: DRB-Minor Alt,SFR/DUP Parcel No: 2103-123-1000-2 Site Address: 1825 ALTA CR VAIIr IJocation3 1825 ALTA CR This Payrnent 3 $20.00 TotsaI FeeE: S2O.0O Total Al,L Pmta3 S2O. OOBalance: So.0oft****f*+a+++t++**+a*ar{r****f**+ll{'***{'*t**l******t+************+r*r*++rf*ffff*+******+**++++ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Accorrnt Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31T22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 oo TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 ) fit] U iPY Rc: Januaty 5, 1998 Henry and Emma Woo 223 East Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL Residence at 1826 Alta Circle, Vail, CO/Lot 4l , Vail Village First Filingi Parcel No. 2103-123-10-001 Dear Mr and Mrs. Woo: On Novcmbcr 3, 1997 , you wele informed by certified mail of several zoning violations at the above refcrenced residence. You were given until November 17, 1997 to have all of the violations concctcd. It appears that you have discontinued having business relatcd dcliverics at thc property, you havc rcmovcd all rcstaurant related storagc, and you havc disconnected the walk-in freezcr locatcd in, and complctely occupying, the garage. There remains one violation that to-date has not bcen remedied. The freezer is occupying a required parking space for this unit. In the existing configuration, a vehicle is prevented from ever occupyingthislequiredparkingspace. Therefore,youareinviolationofTitle12,Chapterl2-10, of the Vail Municipal Code (revised). This required parking space must be provided. The previous deadline has been extcnded several times in order to allow you flexibility in the removal of this freezer. You now have until January 21,1998 at 12:00 pm. to correct this violation. This is your official notice of the violation at this propelty. Failure to comply with these requirements by the date specified will result in the issuance of a citation. Thanks, in advancc, for your coopcration in this matter. Page 1of2 {g *r"r"rro r "", ao : If you have any questions, call me at479-2148. c: Bob Mclauren, Town Manager Tom Moorhead, Town Attorney oo Senior Planner Page2 of2 oo are more than I 2 persons residing in rhe residcncc, and you arc in violation of section l8'04' l l0 of thc Municipal codc. you mri*t rcstrict thc numbcr of o..upuntt at this rcsidcnce to l2 pcrsons. Additiona||y,duringthisinspectionitwasdiscovercdthatnumcrousboxes(50ormore) containing food and other materials are being Uot"a f*Jourrcstaurant (Mav Palace) located in Vail commons. Also, the garage was fully.occupi.a *iti, un industrial typc walk in frcezcr' This type of commercial storale'i, n"ot p.*in6O * ,itit tiit lut-io tt't resideniiat use and zoning of the propcrry. you are ,n:;ilu;fi;;il; Jscction 18.13.020 of the Municipalcode' Theorigina|lyapproved-p|ansforthispropefiyshowthatthegaragcareawascountedasa required parking space rir itrjs Alv.ilin! "itl,. frt*tt"p.ti"niy t[t fieezer Drcvents the use of this required parking *p...."ir,.i.foriyou *. i;;i"ltiln orCitup"t l8'5j' Section l8'52'100' of thc Municipal Code. ft'it ttquiteA parking space must be provided' Ithasa|sobccnallcgedthat|argede|iverytrucksfr.equcntthc.siteandthcdclivcryofstored commercial supplics "r, unf o.i.A into this ,,t ,.tu"'' ffttse deliveries appcar to be associated with your restaurant ur*i"..t, r"r.ted in Vail co*tont' rrtcsc dcliveries must stop immediately' YouhavcuntilMonday,NovembcrlT'.lgg7at12:00pm'tocon'cct'thcseviolations'All busincss r.clatcd itcms bcing storcd on-sitc.drall.b.'i.*u"d, thc refrigcrator locatcd in the garage shall bc rcmovcd, Uu*i"t*'itiuicd truck dclivcrics sthall bc discontinucd' and thcrc shallbc no morc than I z occupants-wi,r.,in ,r,. rcsidcncc. noaiiion"irv, an inspcction will bc made by Town of Vail staff to cnsurc thc occupancy ,o..t* .ppti.-uit. Vuni.iptf todcs and Building Codcs to cnsurc safc occupancy of thc dwclling unit' Thisisyour.officia|noticcoftheviolationsatthispropcrly.Failurctocomp|ywiththesc r.q"it"il.",t will rcsult in thc issuancc of a citation' If you havc any qucstions, callme Ll479'2148' Dominic F. Mauriello' Town Planner c:Bob Mclauren, Town Manager Tom Moorhead, Town AttorneY Dick Gustafson iennifer Rosely, Code Enforc'ement Officer h*^ ,/t*fl"f 3 >v-4)jY lofoo AM ra/ rPage2 of 2 1t. it- oo oo I I'6\ .,,1,..-\ - N\^nr<.tl. lLll lqf ,' ,'l-tocva th- \ g | -'vvtl tv ' '- I' i ,,t'iT deAn-*L s,k vrsil .L J-.., n* /d:oao,,* ol-t ; r -.- . ) JIt7 2G ftlf" C,ic(c,, l/;,/. ' 1'A(h {- {-raal€-.-,.{a4 fuzrr" #;// @azV,2d b4o,^ .qg l^& /-s /4e^ ro.^"sA i< 1't-o</ f4J Ar//./ T^,J J'.i, ler t^?t ft+ E V.r'^L J {^.- hh?)t Q,*^ V/rit--rc <, unf', J M'. I , llfV, &tt dry e6rjo o€J rt -PU+ h{ lo.; l<, r ,p"-ienekL u^tn ^^,^) , .0 n [Jov" IT , Iq4 7 alt eY&t&;u* ,...\ . L0:cl0 aeut - (tU;\:u, N,"xc. eal Eo* Gu,e CtneL Dr. TLDZ-l7i-to -ulPorzel*', oo oo ttl 'r.t/DO (a,['o^t+ t/rfr7 Alh, c'rcb [0: oO ^',^- Nt. oo oo A/D o rwid*^re tlt2ltlfTIr 4( h.c,i' le /.0: 0 o "*-C't't t TOITN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage f;oad Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 Novembcr 3,1997 Henry and Ernma Woo 223 East Gore Cleek Drive Vail. CO 81657 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL AND HAND DELIVERED Rcsidencc at 1826 Alta Circle, Vail, CO/Lot 41, Vail Village First Filing/ Parccl No. 2103-r23-10-001 Dcar Mr and Mrs. Woo: Thc Tolvn of Vail, rcsponding to a complaint, regalding thc numbcr of occupants at this rcsidcncc and the pfcscncc of commercial business activity at thc abovc rcfcrencc plopeny, pcrformcd an inspcction ofthc rcsidcncc on Friday, October 31 ,1997 at 3:30 pm. in your prescncc. This inspcction rcvcaled that thcrc arc 5 bcdrooms in thc homc. The codc allows this dwclling unit to be occupicd by onc "family." Section 18.04.1 10 of the Municipal Code defincs a family AS: An individual, ol'two (2) or more persons relatcd by blood, marriage or adoption, cxcluding domestic servants, togethcr in a dwelling unit used as a single housekeeping unit; or A gt'oup ofunrelated persons not to excced two (2) persons per bedroom plus an additional trvo (2) persons per dwelling unit used as a single housekeeping unit. During the inspection of this residence you stated that the occupants are unrelated employees of your restaurant. Therefole, according to definition "B," above this unit may be occupied by up to 12 persons. The inspection also revealed approximately 6 beds in the upper two stories and 8 beds on the lowest level (with one bedroom containing 5 beds). Therefore, it appears that there Page I of2 ?['c0 Re: A. B. {g *""r"uo r r"* C t., arc morc than I 2 pcrsons residing in the rcsidcncc, and you are in violation of Section I 8.04.1 l0 of thc Municipal Codc. You must rcstrict the number of occupants at this rcsidcncc to l2 pcfsons. Additionally, during this inspection it was discovered that numerous boxes (50 or more) containing food and other materials are bcing stbrcd for your restaurant (May Palacc) located in Vail Commons. Also, thc garage rvas fully occupied rvith an industrial typc walk in freezer. This fype of commercial storage is not permitted on this site due to the residential use and zoning of thc propeffy. You ale spccifically in violation of Section 18.13.020 of the Municipal Code. The originally apploved plans for this properly show that the garage area was counted as a rcquired parking space forthis drvclling unit. The occupation by the freezerprevents the use of this required parking spacc. Thercfore, you are in violation ofChapter 18.52, Section 18.52.100, of the Municipal Code. This required parking space must be provided. It has also been allcged that large delivery trucks frccluent the sitc and the delivcry of stored commercial supplies are unloadcd into this structulc. Thcse deliveries appear to be associated with your rcstaurant busincss located in Vail Commons. These deliveries must stop immediately. You havc until Monday, Novcmber 17,1997 at l2:00 pm. to cotl'cct thcsc violations. All busincss lclatcd itcms bcing storcd on-sitc shall bc rcmovcd, thc ref igcrator locatcd in the garage shall bc rcmovcd, busincss rclatcd truck dcliverics shall bc discontinucd, and thclc shall bc no morc than l2 occupants within thc lcsidencc. Additionally, an inspcction will be made by Town of Vail staff to cnsurc thc occupancy meets applicablc Municipal Codcs and Building Codcs to cnsurc safc occupancy ofthe dwclling unit. This is youl official noticc of the violations at this propctty. Failurc to comply with thesc rcquir-emcnts will rcsult in the issuancc of a citation. If you have any questions, call me at419-2148. Dominic F.'Mauriello, Town Planner Bob Mclauren, Town Manager Tom Moorhead, Town Attomey Dick Gustafson Jennifel Rosely. Code Enforcement Officer Page2 of 2 Fltc.: L*tll, V^I il PARKING (.-.-1' ZONTNG ( ) srGN il WEED il BUILDING (4 HousrNG I4 OTHER to - t3'ti1 ClI& IlaE BI ')'t-/' 5 '?A TIH ?os / 45s tocNrro[ ot vlorllroll ggBDTlxlgION ,/1 A / {2 L //trA (.1r?ttE U,,, A /hrrr.,(rto,z, /'/e^t,er l,Joo T"?*t" J753 /(t,trattct<t,vntrcr /7>t3 -7 v4 tt-tt6s z ?BOtlI lNl j/:L tl,r'r i);, ' ri 7&rtrr,<,ttr- t:,, nESDEltr ( I LE5EIT V4tuL'og i:i*" /6xL A'trA t,rrtt lr:Ta L/,q,' , ('.) zr. gi6s-7 {sl i Pg0xt(r, (B) REORTDIC P.t8:Il l-./tCtC Gusr'cr'Can) /!/( At-r.a (t@tE t-/u,- ( /a,t, to g)L5-7 NlroS.E Ot CO!C' r,Iltl 4 /12€i ) t? [,,,/ - 4 L F /) y(23, '2; "" I rNsPEcroR,s REpoRr t [<'//? i)u Gurrn--to^t /q76 - jeru ) Con,rru,r{a ABo,,r ,4 scnrt -t,z.ttro,? t't? (,/,t/i2/1t2/^,/4 Faoo t.v fo -;n1' ( ,<A7r tt O.tr ifu24 .4t r.a /,,<rt; Unrrr A. 7t.'l r L/.n/t r at€K€ /y'A^tti Uctc> Aa,Z // 13 t r,/i,rf , tJ'tO OA,1l 77 r: //4i ?at.lc€ &su ur?J'.) 7. ili 54,D T H-17 -t,ri l,Jop s t,/i,?e: 5i'ot?,)1 A la,?6€ ,,t/.ao,/,,/ r Cf Fdoo // .4 /o,*t.*t€,e/ r.ac ElEtZe < /c,tarc, o t^t Ttts /3ARAac:,, /no fitar 7-,t c, 1o.aO...!a .4,./ p UlLa4 '-. U/?3 A^./ (/,/ - AOt/n1 /1?ot3LE,,a, /fF /XLjo gAt, 7,/,17- // /tJ,v7'r?.4/7ce lJ''to /y',.]p tn/c/a/a.o /^)s,o€ -/t/€ /)^/ tf {oLD H,n^ 7'HE,ai lERE ./4g //,/1,,/ / ij tl -t ttE^tr/ (4O) l36os ttt 7-uE /?c.s,r:t,^tc€. Ac,g,-, ersont i,qto -tuar tf t3 / F-o"trz- '</1L OF 7-t7 t /TEStoE"rrS lFC /LLE64L t/O,(K€, ALS) .40u,58O ,/rtL- -/ .tr /// /t)5 /'l Ut/// -/ o,yt l/6t;t, zc'tte;a , ,4 6a",r -iVE Vt<oigLb,a ,4.ap 7'ri4f /./E L"/oL'Lp ,z?Lso 6pEAE ,//T// //l,L:F h(,..z/roi. /-/L: rD 77t,tr //t h':tt 3..r8 tt/,t. Uc,o ,(7n; O*,u;,( .>..- f,.rL: 4,u,r) .4."tt2 TirE Ztri fr 7lE .v.ra. A ,. f y'/< ti,srrtr.UOdLr2 h/i // ftlti Arrt? t,, , )/Yloupqr lo/Ao/41 te30 -T iVtxtD t^/,nt I zu,z;tv t.v Co.x /r?:v 4,3o,,r -rn,s /as{, jti ja,o -t,.,,,qr t3 t o'> t:) t"J ANOTtlEr? /-1/^/ D fi/47 3t1t !)ooLD F,No -i t-E y'/L/../iat tz4l Coot 5i'A n,r(::J ,F f A./; E DL:D 71iEra. .<ta L: //L.go -toLp .,t4E -/H/4- (oa / /?ti/ /1z,.^ta'/aar.L i t2i'F,^l€,) Oc...,/'/.Jt / Aj i'tJo t2l:ot-ja i /)r!? E ffi,f""nii!'i,0,. .",.o $"lliJiTi{ vait Police Dept. r.rannarrrf L Za, 9z- | -ot'?7 t. / nnnesr tr y ururouruoeo tr Adurr \ suMMoNs E Juvenile EXCEPTIONAL El Computer Entry E YEs AQo PAGE NUMSER - rNAcT|vE E Supplement Report Case # 97-4386 Jennifer Rosely 254 Background: On 10-29-97 I received a message from Scott Jenson to see if I would be able to contact Mr. Woo to set up an inspection of his unit, This was in reference to a complaint about using his residence for commercial use (18.13.030) and over occupation ofa residence. Observation/ Investigation: On 10-31-97 at approximately 1530 hours I escorted Dominic Mauriello, of Community Developmeng to Mr. Woo's employee housing, 1826 Alta Circle unit A, to inspectthe premises. Upon inspection I observed four of the five bedrooms in the unit, the general common area, the kitchen, the basement, and the gaxage. In the unit I counted nine beds. In one room tlere were trvo bunkbeds and an additional single bed, for a total of five beds in one room. In the general common area it appeared that in the center of the room it was sectioned off to make an additional sleeping quarter. It had a single bed on a frame, a dresser with a television on top and loose doors leaning around the bed and the dresser. In the basement there were boxes of dry storage stacked to the ceiling. There was only enough room to walk single file. A few of the items I noticed were chop sticks, soy sauce, hoisen sauce, and water chestnuts. The garage had a huge commercial freezer, alnost consuming the entire space. There was dry storage stack to the ceiling in here too. Again, there was only enough room to walk single file to get to the entrance of the freezer or to exit the garage. Mr. Woo stated that the storage of the items was only temporary while tley were moving their business, May Palace, to a new location. He also stated that there were currently eight people living in the house and they were expecting two more. After the inspection Dominic Mauriello told both Mr. and Mrs. Woo that they may be in violation of over occupancy of a residence and using a residential home for commercial use. Mr. Mauriello said he would most likely be sending them a letter conceming the violations after some more research. This case will remain open for further investigation by Cornmunity Development. oo oz ts =G, UJo-$ U' IIJ TIJu- L =tl! 1;{- tr tlt,-l !1,{! -tcf, T I IJ\ 'I t*l F{ j F az.r:l !! J tr z l !J F Ftnz = zz ogJ oz ozoJlo .o ozz I g, OAID;EE s; a) €!o9vo a$6.9'aE ;o oc "'vro eF EE 5 C/.d ?w uJz 3 tt ulo = l! EoFo EFzo a E (5 o) == dl o =:) oo o.6 '.9 o =F, dE o o) = ()o g o at .9 =o o E (U si 'C' lt = o o1lc(5,. = (! E(! E o ; =; o- E o o ,o o) o) ag Poo at) q) qo oo ID o (5 $ 0) a5 E (5 (E i: ()o(U ct€q) a) Eo() o (! o o o Eq) (It oo) o 'o Jo(5 .o (! (It o E(uo () oo: o 'o Jo(5 .o q) <) r\ E =E uJc z dJ Y UJ ()z () E o UJ 6 z = J o- z u.l 14ulu-zo tr llj UJ o 3tut UJ z 6 UJo E uto(L z lu o x UJo U' UJt! LL = = uJo- J FoF z .J o e. uJ tr z6:f oz o UJ = NOtMlVA iicc fI g- F ..- l. ir: - o32zuo ootr ^ 6zI5 :9E P OE tnoCEZ!(Joo9.(JzX l!<oq i -'.! ;1 alf.-\uJaxz HNO =>E E r,u ,S =tON z tr {IL 4o cl F E llJE z E o 7. z tr UJ B UJz trzlz tr o aLzl(,z J uJ 3o ul ttr! tr z F 2_ FIIu,I I i-1I i-"-lloltoltil ull lJtz 9I F zIF 5oz 3 F UJ o i -l zl zl .. >l uJ uJ UJzo = tuc J zI tr o Il"lo {t3L6l"lH*kl-o9 z Jo z; A , '.-J l, )\ (.() uJF U)oo-zo Fc LrjY lrjo oFE;>1 uJ ltoi5>,:rL::o.!oi;ti F tr[l UJoz oL I CE o- JFul-E=dfi =o-O|!90irrxo-:>ilFJJ tr u,/ oF co o -9o o!t 'E 3 E EI o E =E, UJ o-zIF() EFC'zo() guJ 2E trtr! z.-o zQ coo>z o- rJ- !+) =E#=; qta;s nEn 3 (,z tt (l) 1 F -J ts ii =z rD - rr.r F.a =2 LIJ l\\di I .+ r =o =e. anul oo J a = F =g oz ci urE J a l!oz BoFI ! F( '] =tr Ig ..1 z o IUE J z =F -fN I .q uiJulF E G 1 l! 5 a L z3 tr oz o r.rJ CE) lr- z3oF =g oz [l J a r! z3oF uJ) uJF ulz B I.IJt <F l!<zEUJF(aZ -JE<oOF F#t!,23 E 2?, s3 dzoo *5:IF =2+(ts Y,Z =g (rir =+8,o-2<()<rn3j a',v$,Xlry,*w TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21i8 tutx 970-479-24s2 Scptcmbcr 5.1997 Mr. Dick Custafson lfl26 Alta Circlc Vail. Colorado tll657 RU: Proposcd paving bctwccn lli26 and 1828 Alta Circlc Dcar Dick: 'Ihis ldtcr is in ttrllorv-up lo our phonc convclsation tcxlay, rcgarding additional paving bctwccn It(2(r and ltl2tl Alta C:irclc. I havc rcvicwcd thc filcs lor tnth propu'tics ancl il appcars that upproxinratcly I00 sc1. li. ol'asplrolting u,ill bc pcrmittcd bctwccn thc two lots. This will cnablc botlr propcrtics to nraintain 6()(Z' of cach lot as landscapc al'cu, as rcquircd by thc Town of Vail Dcsign Guidclincs. Aflcr you havc consultccl with thc ad.ioining propoty owncr, plcasc providc to thc Town of Vail a clctail of thc arcr to bc pavcd. 'l'hc staff will thcn bc ablc to approvc this rcqucst ftrr additional asphalt. Il'ytru ltitvc any qucstions, plctsc fccl fi'cc to givc nrc a crll at 479-2454. Sincclcly, lz.wrut{du.br..- Laurcn Watcrton, AICP Town Planncr LW/jr {S rt"rnto" r", Decenber 18, 1980 Card.on Condonlnlun Assoc latlon 1826 Alta ClrcleVal1, Colorado,81.657 Att: Dlck Gustafson Gentlenen: As owner of the propertyr Lot 42, Val1 V1 1lage West,Flrst flIlng, known as 1.828 Alta C1rc1e, Vall,Colorado, I hereby grant to your Assoclatlon, ltcurrent orrners, thelr helrs and asslgns an easnentto that portlon of ny drlveway whlch rould conpleteyour parklng stal1 #8 as per the attached s1.te planof your property (l-ot 4J.). It 1s my understandlngthat the total dDnenslon of parklng stalI f8 ls ten(1,0) feet by twenty (20) feel and would lncludeonly that property whlch would conplete the stall and. glve access to that stall fron AIta clrcIe. The area 1n questlon 1s outllned ln red. 1.828 Alta Clrcle, P.o. Box)64J Va11 Colorado, 9765? r )-zz,\O\tO cereLy l€te,uuoutC p,. ..- < tgg| "ij_ii,fiil.;;.,u .4t I coNsTilcrpN PERMTT APPTATpN 0828 ol'3" Juridiction of EAGLE COUNTY USE THIS FORM WHEN APPLYING FOR ANY OR ALL OF THE FOLLOWING PERMITS: crRcLErHosErHArAppLv-[A] Building IB] Plumbins ICI Electrical ID] Mechanical tEl RoadCut/RightofWay IFl IndividualsewageDisposalSystem IGl Grading IH] SiSn Applicant to conplete numbered g.ac€'s only. / ?+t tttt crEcte "d"u//es7 ///L . LEGAL I oEscR. LOT NO,/r ILK W y'/// ///z/%( k)es f"" "'^"2'F'7lz lt < owtrj!--_-_-\ .- MAtr aDoREss 2 'Krcn#z / .Gzsr*t') 7o Ao,'' ./a /3 zl?2!ff ja 7 7,r'2,( 3'L7{//,o/, PHON€Ltc€r{s€ t{o. 3 t fot//J ol,tz/Ep /?7J l)ap..nf t&27//',(t. /Ouerr y'ot..rll' ENGI NEEF MAIL ADDRESS PHONE LrtE{s€ No. 5 6 7 2srp,6*2.. I Clasof work: tr NEW tr ADDITION FALTERATION tr REPAIR tr M0VE D REM0VE . . 9 Dsscribemrk: */*ttn ./,/t///7/1lbrr1,1 D t/t^,rz E,l,,sfi7/)/ Drr' opat€- &4Enae t&z;D,nt,e' fF/ k Af*t |4ootz Lr u-a/ Ctr2.,<r.o nU- l0 Chrnge of use fmm // / Chr4o of use 1o 11 Vrlurtion of unrk: $ / ,fp r,14 Total floor arsa of structure: 4 O t /./ t2 Acreogeorrq.footageollot: /3 16.t-, t H 15 Height of structuro above finish grado: f3 Sq.footageoflotcowrqe: ]VZ/ l6 $ocid conditionr and Additiontl Information: Fza Oo-izr/,4,-,7f 4znz. SiTE PLAN MU T BE rr.rcfioeffrilirH rHrs nppr-rcnrroru: exceptions are listed in uctions refer to Easle Coun on "Graphic & Submittal Requirements for Site 'lzp-<\ 17 I HER€BV CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINEO THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TBUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIO S OF LATIIS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYP€ OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH UUHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT. fHE GBANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOT PRESUME TO GIV€ AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCOI{STRI'CTION OB THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSIRUCTION. OAT€ DATE AIPLICATION ACCEPT€O AY /tur APF*6vt6 F6F tssu^NcE 8YE preparation Eagle ty publicati "Graphic & Subm Vrftite Copy-INSPECTOR Blue Copy-APPLICANT Green Copy-ENVI RONMENTAL HEALTH Csnrry Copy-ASSESSOR Pink Copv-ENGI NEEFI NG Goldenrod CopV-EXTRA TELEPHONE . s03ls28-7srr Eoard of County Commissioners. Ext 241 ' Assessor Ext 2Oz Oerk and Recorder E:(t 217 Sheriff Eagle: Ext 2ll B€lr€.lt: 927-3244 Gilman:827-5751 , Treasurer Ext 201 Admininration Ext 241 Animal Shelter 949.4292 Building Inspection F-xt 226 or 229 Community Development Elrt 226 ot 229 County Attorney Exr263 Engineer Ert 235 Environmental Health Ent 238 Extension Agent Ext 247 Library Ext 255 Public Healrh Eagle: Ext 252 Yail: 476-5844 Personnel Ext 241 Road and Bridgc Ext 257 Social Servicer 328-6328 find there has been building permit. The dated NONE IIIADEinspection. Purchasing Exi 245 The 19?9 Uniform Building Code, Section 303(d), requires evidence of construction progress eash 180 days or a permit becomes nuII and void. ITould you please contact the County Building Department to request a progress inspection within 3O days or your permit will have expired. If you have any questions or problems witb tbis matter please feel free to call 328-7311 ext - 226, 949-5631 , or 927-3244, or write Eagle County BuiLd- ing Department, P.O. Box 179, Eagte, Colorado 81631. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, GB/ 1r1 cc: File EAGLECOUNTY' Eagle,Colorado 81631 DATE: March 1, L9a2 APPLICANT: Richard L. Gustafson BUILDING PERMIT. #!864 In checking our files we no recent activity with YourIast inspection recorded was and it was an Chief Buildlng Official coNsTfrcrpN PERMr npilcATtoN JUrirdi&iON Of EAGLE COUNTY EN LYING F Building lFl Ind R ANY R ALL HE FOLL Plumbing Electrical t PERMITS: D I Mechanical Grading IH] SiSn .-7-- 004s,Iofit CIRCLE THOSE THAT APPLY - t E I Road CuVRight of ual Sewage System tG 1 Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. SITE PLAN MUST BE INCL DED le County Building on. publication "Graphic & Submittal = R/62,t0 \iJhite Copy CTOR Blus APPLICANT Green Copy- ENVIRONI\4ENTAL HEALTH / fez 4tn GNct€up/r B thrt ut4qa a-Kr /s, L .6usr,+f$P Pa.AAg t4tt AFCHITECT OF DESIGNEB MAIL AOOfI€SS '56'reo4 fo#/) tr:l+€aZea /7rc /rlb# F4o, MAIL AOOFESS PTIONE LICENSE NO. 8 CIASOf rVOrK: tr NEW tr AODITION VAITENAIOU D REPAIR D MOVE tr REMOVE *10 Ghange of use from ll Vsluationof uork: g fu,Od9 14 Total floor area of structuro: 12 Acroageorq.footageof lot: t V ?42, I 15 Hoight of structurs above finish gnde: l3 Sq. footage of lot coverage:3h",/ 16 Special conditions and Additional Informotion: -P'u";* Ho. s o t 0.15 ON: exceptions are listed in ons refer to Eagle Coun 17 t xeneev cERT|FY THAT I HAVE READ APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BEALL PFOVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINAN] TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH, HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OFl PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VId PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER CONSTRUCTION OR THE I NED THIS ItE ANO CORRECT. ' GOVERNING THIS HETHER SPECI FI E D PERMIT DOES NOTTE OR CANCEL THE 'L LAW REGULATING AP?LICATION ACCEPTEO BY "'^'FffilJJf # P\L',,'l,vr"qP+, Canary CopV-ASSESSOFI Pink Copy-ENGINEERI NG Goldenrod Copy-EXTRA 005t of3 ls 3 ONSTRUCTION PERMIT FEES tlil c Buildinq Total Fee ELECTRICAT t --t-' /lu,";7 tO ryf tl5 o sq **'Electrical Total Fee Roadcut Total Fee Fuel: oit tr Nat. Gas El LPG WATEF CLOSET (TOI LETI Air Cond. Units - H.P. Ea. LAVATORY IWASH BASINI KITCHEN SINK & DISP.Gas Firod A.c" UniE - T Forced Air Svstems - B.T.U. M. Ea. - 8.T.U. M. Ea.LAUNDFY TBAY Floor Furnacss - B.T. U. Wsll Hsat3rs - B.T.U. Unit l-kabrs - B.T.U. DFINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR. SINK OR DRAIN WATER PIPING & TFEATING EOUIP.Air Handlins Unit- C.F.M. VACUUM BFEAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM PIUMBING P4,'^t + ltTO MECHANICAL AL HEALTH DEPT. Yfiilo Copy-INSPECTOR Blue Copy-APPLICANT G'rrn Copy-ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH C.n.ry C.py-ASSESSOF Pink Copy-ENGINEEFING Gold.nrod Copy-EXTRA TELEPHONE 305/328-731r Board of County Commissioners . Ext 241 Asserror Ext 202 Oerk and Recorder Exl2l7 Sheriff Eagle: Ext 2ll B€j€'lt: 927-3244 Gilman:827.5751 Treasurer Ext 201 Administration E:(t 241 Animal Shelter 949.4292 Building Inspection Ert 226 0r 229 CornmunitY Development Ext 226 or 229 county Attorney E^263 Engineer Ext 236 Environmental Health Ext 238 Extension Agent Wrr 247 Library Ext 255 Public Health Eagle: Ext 252 Yail: 476.5844 Personnel Ext 241 Purchasing Ext 245 Road and Bridge Exr 257 Social Services 328.6328 tnclEcouNrYt Eagle,Colorado 81631 CERTIFIED }4A1L:p 279 794 5L]-, Date:August LL, L982 Applicant.: Richard L. Gustafson Mailing Address: p.O. Box 1063 Vail Oolorado 8165? Re: Building Permit: #1896 Legal DescriPtion of ProPerty:@ FilinE #1 Dear Y1'. G'staJson: Upon review of the Eagle County Building Departmentls filei, this office has determined that there has been no recent construction or building activity Pursuant to the above-referenced building permit. The last inspection recorded was daterl Mav 11 . 1981 'and involved an Cover insPection. The 1979 Uniform Building Code, SecEion 303(d)' adopted by the County of Eagle, Colorado,-pursuant to the nalle County building-ResoluEion, 1980, as amended, iequires evidence of construction Progress each consecutive 180 days or the building permit relative thereEo becomes null and void. In order Eo keep Ehe above-referenced building pgrmit acEive, Please concacE Ehe Eagle Cou:tEy Building DeparEmenE for a Progress insPecE-ion wl-Enan thirty I:O)'a"ys fron Ehe receipt of this letEer. Your failure Eo do so will leave Ehe County no alcernative buE Eo consider such building permit to have expired. F,i:i:?rSTI#:tfi ,",=ffi 3r*t='-',Rt'J3;,.*ln, Review Routing Form ( ) Primary Routing (/) Rerouting l!: ae -tr| Date Referred Location Review and return Applicant Permit No. Plannirrg Commission File No. County Building Off icial within 6 working days P lanning: Complies with: Subd iv i sion Regul ations Zoning Regulations Site Plan (Landscaping) Commerrts: No En tr Yes Dtrtr ,N Reviewed by: Recommend oate: l2t2-? -h County Engineer: Roads Grading . Drainage Comments: Recommend Approval : Dtr DI Dtrtr n County Health: Water Sanitation Perc" test Comments:, R ecommend Approval : ntrtrn trntrn Final Inspection: C/O Recommend Approval Comments: I Firral Inspect ion: Landscap i Recommend Approval Commerrts: ngtrD Final Filing Date by DateC,/O tssued -t- i-s +l {vwffi -J--.-w# e/q. tu F- fof+ror"f "tw.*r Aa,!?f? _ffi.-W*"L EAGLE COUNTY BUILPSIG FINAL: C/O INSPECIEN, Review Routing Form (4 PERMIT APPLICATION LANDSCAPE I NSPECTTONIRM PrimaryRouting ( ) Rerouting /8eb Qnt Ltz"u "tT.u uJe"r l,/4,t Location _et.a.g_ 6usra'psotJ AtraneTta^J Applicant Plannir rg Commission File No. tl- d- ao /s6l Permit No.Date Referred Review and return to the County Building Official within 6 working days Planning: Complies with: Subdivision Regul at ions Zoning Regulations Site Plan (tandscaping) Reviewed Recommend Approval : No Enn Yes Etr K Cornmerrts: County Engineer: Roads Grading . Drainage Comments: Recommend Approval : utrtrI trtrtr n County Health: Water Sanitation Perc . test Comments: Recommend Approval : tr Dntr ntr!u Final lnspection: C/O Recommend Approval Co;^nments: n Final Inspection: Landscapi Flecommend Approval Commerrts: ngntr C,/O lssued Final Filirg Date by Date EAGLE COUNTY Conrnuni ty Devel oPment ef,cr-9: d8[oilioo rrurt TELEPHONE 303/328.73 | r BOARO OF COUNTY coMMtSStoNERS Ext 241 13 Decembe ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSoR Exl2O2 BUILOING IN I NSPECT ION Exl 226 ot 229 CLERK & RECO R DE R Exl 217 COUNTY ATTORNEYErt 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AGENT Exl 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING Exl 226 or 229 PU R CHASI NG/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BR IDG E Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basall927-3244 Gilman 82 7-5 75 | SOCIAL SERVICES 328.6328 TREASURER Ext 20 | At their Public Hearing on 11 December 1980, the Zoning of Adiustment approved your request for a variance to t F'loor Area Ratio. Copy of the approval is enclosed. If you have any questions, please contact this office. Richard Gustafson P. 0. Box 1063 Vai'l , Co] orado 8I657 Thank you Jim Will iams Zoning Inspector Re: File No. Zv-100-80 Variance Lot 41, Vai 1 V'i11age West #1 1980 '!r*--"lltqmS- noved thn t the follor.rjno Resoulution be adoDted: BEFORE THE ZONING BOARO OF AOJUSTIIENT COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORAOO REsoLUTToN no. ,/ 6 l,lHEREAs,-brc < 1i r rsf*Fsr ^, did file an application with the Plannino Department of the tounty of Eagle, State of Colorado, on or Fhout /b-ZK-/o , for a variance fron the strict application of the Zoning Resolutjon, County of Eaqle, State of Colorado, 1974, as anended, with respect to lrtf +l y' y' War + t trqn4ProDerty description) located within the unincorporated area of Eagle County, Colorador and of Ad.iustnent on That proper posting, vided as requ ired by Eoard of Adjustment. publication and public notice was Dro- law for the hearinq befor the Zoninq 4, That the circunstances credting the hardship were in existence on the effective date of the zonin! re0ulations from which the I,JEEREAS, said apDf ication requested a variance to Mk/. , , 6'ie A?E* <F1O and Otr ZoO S1.Fl. t^) ,{Oprrr or,,.r . !,lllEREAS, the Zoning Soard of Adjustnent is vested with ihe power to orant or deny such vaniances by virtue of Section 30-28-117 and 30-28-l18 C.R.S. ]973, as dmended, and section 9.04 of the Zoning Resolution, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, 1974 as aBended; and I.jHEREAS, a pubiic hearing v/as held before the Zoninq Board \e-c. ll l4llo ' ana WHEREAS, based on the evidence, testimony, exhibits, study of the master plan for the unincorporated area of the County, comlents of the Eagle County Planninq Department, comnents of public officials and agencies, and connents from the aDplicant and all interested parties, the Zoning Board of Adjustnent finds as follows: l. 3, 2. Thdt the hearing before the Zoning Board of Adjustment was extensive and complete, that a1l pertinent facts, matters and issues were submitted and that all inter,'sted Darties were heard dt said heari ng. That an unnecessary and unreasonable hardship wrill be imposed on the property owner if the orovisions of the Zonina Resolution ire stri ctl y enforced. variance is requested, or tiere created subsequ4ntly throuqh no faul t of the applicant. That the DroDerty for '/vhich the variance is requested possesses exceptional narrowness, shallovrness, shape or tbpoqraphy which does not occur generally to other property in the sane Zone District. That the variance, if qranted, wil'l not dinrinish the value, use or enjoyment of adjacent properties, nor curtail desirable light, air and open space in the neiahborhood. That the variance, if oranted, lri'11 not be dire+tly contrary to the intent and purpose of the Zoning Resolution and/or the llaster Plan of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. That the fo'llowino specific findings of fact weie ascertalned: o- 7. 5 8. Not,, THEREF0RE, be it resolved Eagl e, State of Colorado: by the Zoning Board of Ad.iustneht, County of THAT, the applicant,s reauest for a variance t -w,-&sk-Ma-*pa7o ac and hereby is approved. IHAT, said variance is conditional THAT, any violation of the terns of this resolution may result in rehearing and possible revocation. nKry--Ng4d- seconded the adoption of the foreooinq desolution. The ro'll having been called, the vote was as foilov/s; upon the fol lowino restrictfons: (NAr'rE ) ( IlJ,lE ) vot i ng voti nq votr nq ( Alr E )tno ( NAr.rE votlng This resolution adopted by 5 vot&)f tne rd of M.justnent, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, this \s8D day of l)cz . , (tto) (No ) ([o ) (No ) (No) Eagle County Planning Dept. Eagle, Col 8'1657 Gentl emen: It is my understanding that my neighbor, Richard Gustafson, has applied for a building permjt to enlarge his unit at'1826 Alta Cjrcle, Apt. B. I further understand that in order for this permit to be granted I must give written approval under our condominium declarations. I hereby appnove of his request and ask that the appropriate governing board grant the bui'lding permit as applied for underfile no A V-100-80. Very truly yours, P/M\ ONE ASSOCIATESN"dIma RECEIVED D[C 11980 Dept. of Plannin8 & D6rydl, EIlq cdry, Cdfo. Pendergas Novenbcr 20, 1980 EagLc County Plannlng Departnent EagJ.er Colorado GentLemenr It ls ulr underetandlng that ny nel8hDor, Rlchatd Gugtafeon, lras applled for a bulldlng pernlt to en3arge hle nnlt at t826lIta Clrcle, Apt. B. I further rmdtrstand that ln or''der for thls pe:nlt a"nd varlanoe to be granted., I must glve rrltten approval rurdcr our condonlnluD d.eoLaratlon. I hcre$ approre of hls request and aek that the approprlat-- goveonental Board Srant the bulldlngpLrnft as applled. for under Fll-e Zv 100-80 3lnoercly,,-,/) I2/U-^/a,f/// /Il1l1au Sargent 1826 Alta Clrolc' Apt A Vall1 Colorador 8165? EAGTE COUNTY Cornmunity DeveloPmentP.0. Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328.73 | I BOARO OF COUNTY coMMtsStoNERS Ext 241 AOMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R Ext 202 BUILDING IN INSPECTI ON Ext 226 or 229 CLER K & RECORDER Ext 2l 7 COUNTY ATTO R N EY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVI RONMENTAL H EALTH Ext 238 EXTEN 5ION AG ENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NG Ext 226 or 229 PU RC HAsI NG/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAO & BR IOG E Ext 257 5HERIFF Eaqle E xt 2l I Baasalr 927-3244 Gilman 827-575 | SOCIAL SERVICES 328-5328 TREASURER Ext 20 | 21 November 1980 Richard GustafsonP.0. Box 1063 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: File No. Zv-100-80 Variance 0n the 19th of November 1980, the P] ann'ing Conrmission of Eag'l e County reviewed your application for a variance to the maximum floor area allowed in a RSM zone. The Planning Cormission reconmended approval with the condition that you prisent letters from the other two property owners-of the tiiplex saying that they have no obiection and that a site plan be presenied to staff wittrin the next week showing building and parking spaces. This recommendation wi1 I be fortlarded to the Zoning Board of Adjustment at their Public Hearing on the 1lth of December 1.980. If you have any questions, pi""ur" contact this office. /t'-)Z-;z*) Jimes tli'll iams Zoning Inspector Jl.l/kp cc: Zoning Board of Adiustment EAGTE COUNTY tFyE:iE{*oiy8roPment EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328.731 | BOARD OF COUNTY coM M tsSt oN E Rs Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 18 November 1980 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR Ext 202 BU I LD ING IN INSPECT IO N Ext 226 ot 229 CLERK & RECO RDER Ext 2l 7 COUNTY ATTORNEYE\l 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AGENT Exl247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Exl 232 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NG Ext 226 ot 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BR IOGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 827-575 | SOCIAL SERV ICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 201 The Va'il Trail P. 0. Box 10 Vai'l , Co]orado 8l 657 Re: Notice of Pub'lic Hearing Zoning Board of Adiustment 11 December 1980 P'lease publish the following Notjce of Publ'ic Hearing as a Legal Notice in the 27 November 1980 publication of your paper. Please bi'11 and send affidavit of publication to this office. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COUNTY OF EAGLE, COLORADO Notice is Hereby Given that the Eagle County Zoning Board of Adjustment will- hold a Pub'lic Hearing at L0:00 A-M. on the 11lh of December in accordance with Section 9.04 of the Eagle County Zon'ing Resolution. Said Hearing will include the fol Iowing: Fi'le No. Zv-100-80 - Gustafson Variance Request: Variance to Maximum Floor Area Ratio Location: 1826 Alta Circle - Apt B - Vail Vi1'lage tlest Fi'linq #1 - Lot 41. This Hearing wi1'l be held in the McDonald Bui'lding, County Conrnissioneis Meeting Room #103, 550 Broadway, Eag1e, Colorado. Persons being affected by a decision on thjs request are required to nnke corrnents to the Board by appearing at the hearing, or by submitting statements in person or by mail thru the Secretary' by: Katherine Peterson Secretary, Zoning Board of Adiustment *rlFeairsrg, lii+arff** ?ffi o!,oo c!o'l's EG:!>E.->olP .F ll, 4 .- (E<.r' L Cn ! O,O c tl, O o ! .F<c @r- > qr ocor6 E qr.P -oor! E rJr!- \o o c:E fco o!.J o>r r .P.ofr.rr o) |! .Ftt t706 :Ecr! (1, a,()O, E C L F C .|J O o1ro sr.F .F o o -! p .-F q, .F 0J . a .-'a .!c! ri- r.- ti..: .-9r 'oE F E40'g cr rFarF !u r=olr .! (D.- .F olJ r.Foo c Po E !!C> OE FU >!.l p'F.O q,t . rlt Lr...F OoJooo P.- c,t I LL ! rnur E'.9 D_c (,-o -c o+' tt c >'rJo.-, r! !-! oor! 3 c)'6cO+r o O l- .F 0) ! o oJ E O rlJ E = qlE O sr .- E 16 C s! F ..C Oo (J <.O .O E a', EO(,!- OO') aru llFO 6EE dsp .tO .-oro c)>el-oo FL c lJotl, dro o c, !r oori- -c !4r 'o oF!?o!dLo E +O.- cLP lOOlhrn at6 a)n -61c> .- dq- or oJ ! f o E,! >! >ic! EOO '-OJ aoo, L.F E L o'tj -llli],rJ- O -co'a o O.lro c ! Gr (lr < + c, l 5 tr Eo 5 s 0, .- o.oi.- > r.- J o o I r! >'E d c o o oJ os o >r u ! io.e.- aF a >5o coJdEF-o .o o 6 |!=6-Eor co€, !F oc4.F oq-c.c u- oo - q.r=> o Fl o(Jaorr 6rj)c) -c ooorr.r (J > r! cJ >i F a,r L . =.P i5 D c, !- rr- o F i-oood >F|- >>c 0, o{r'? r.l o- .FFLoa - >r :EF-d :l I r 4j {r o Eor ar c).r 3 or- o @Pr^'oco o 'o.|J rI) !oo|r! o > F u o F'o'o f or^r .f o 'o-+J N'o.F .J .- -E 3 q +)oro o r',.o 16 F>ifvode o .o = oa.6F=! d.rr rlod (J.o< a.-.- 5 olo='-o E '! 99.?- tE. .t'd v7a6 o >r,EOJ O 0,, o o O c(F O F o) E.(\Jl+- E -{r E O- E O,' !<rCO r€ -O !.}r 0'Jc' O.n <t CS .C -rbo O> .O !-Crfror-.| O O' Ol (u 'lt tE.('oc{J e1 ' !- o .rr q- tD o+iFp Lc+J .rr oi l- F€r- o L I u o o.u .F L o rs c o 4 <\r 3.F 4 ' o rr- o .pFF-oro u o.rJ ,to@.c -!.! !>oir-oF aJ {r.4.o9o..r O PE O -tO .- O -('a, o c.rj -4, oJrF!-oEo, r! orlF'FHq1 .n o<lrr>r(J0r'ol,Ea.Far 6,, aO 5 .F cal =F Oq- {l 'Ho c, rJ ! lJrJ u.lr !.n-c- Ol)1O (rE 6P 'O oO- '(, .F ta=66 (-rc o>:F .FO3(Fct.Opco9(\'gto (r -o. E c'o! {ro)ooP!).-F rlo-.o'oEr-ooo- P ac',oJ.F F.Ft fF\Fo |!cq, 4F=Fl-oo .-cJJ.-tr!1@ |,oEol.F'E<.p q, O-cF . llJ > u> EO(|)CO la!-i#lucJ lo,,lrqrE PoEo.ra >(J 4."E qrcEo-E cEo-coruo !.F='!JEO E +JOoro LPOc, oHE! >rOOLEc O.rEccrE oEdorEq-o qr>O'6.c O oo! L oc oJ .-().F O'c' (, euo<)EOc-.J-Ed o-c,ori-.J oJdca FJo-o cdpo|g -cP < o-i.F o o Qr-arro, o (u o f (J E o. <1, r E o.P o c, - lo '! > (! .c .- rD >r o (U |!.- c o o Lru.E.r'-!E Oa.P O c FrF<=r!' Crq-< . odF >i oa di !o -; oo o >< -o =<o ! >o v o co F F5d (j, ! Eq>rE .o E:+ ^9o .-.. o.P.r rlrs..(|,< 16!..o E>,oov.. o E d a - o ' . 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E1- 66 -q XE 'tP ! Io,l=- IP: lo, i t-- q-Ecr' ''a't E]€l5lol cl L= -!- t = L t..;.! (F o e g siig r; ;: - rrii $i i5 : +1;is ;s 5le f :l;: iE E.- €: i ::fri F5 :ftE: € lEsr -t* +::_ii E ,Er! ;:E iEi .iEE E; e:i€;: ft; Hi Eg: g5.*; g;:;ii; ;rF q;i erE i Fl,$E =*r;ee5 ;*.!p ii5i -t;ler€Er r e:Ci*;; $e g; l+;: i3=Eesos ;:f::;s F5;E 3;Ei! -o Ha*usitfi;E;E 3 6;E e s; p,i p; j;3s ; ;si t *5sr i:r;EE E :EE ; :s#; :g# fo- d !,i; ci od";; ,;; o E e tg" t.-tU | :i' l!- l.:6 Er- tf!lx ;i! )'-r L- -)@ t- Nt= \7 L= @(= t.= UT =! QJ UJ I tr-.*Ftt*&, ii'- ;i.r.'r*., I o6 E.E E 5 r.- oor ! !'r CE!i t: 9_Lo,crc) E or.- dE"3 - =EE@ ! .rr o r/tL o 6 cr,o o.(Jc q., ocFc L rE .- O. ro = \^4Fo. O.F o- 0, > rr- aJ '. -c |! d ! or.)q, C ltl-'Fa E -O(J6! chF(9F c <.6o. (J -soJo() E{Jo o- E .. o, E oco E.p oo o,d .ci ,-; rLr Eh cEA 4rC.-ar.E a.- o)o o-oo,. 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(t)P ! g.F.p o crF +, (, d F 'lr 16 € o E u o -!tcaJE .noe 60lC'FE II' FFO'(l) L OE.E OF{t (J! o E c.rJ .rF?S.!EC nt ! .P|! Cr6 F ! (t O) 5(J"| ! llrrEo.EC aJ .FF dE.rJ q, |t' .oJl+J d .ro aF vc\l.F c (Ja{ >roc! v c'c, c, Lco o.lr (, P Jr! !.! F 5>! L) i, O .F O >,F ar.F! 6,' o, rl,, cG .-(J 4' !rl|,t>{)6c o.!>e - l- aO.- rJ O|o,.clE (toF(! -C O |5 E.lJ vr OF '!rFo EF L(\, O.lrF o(o a,r ar- f E EF|F! oo.da! ! N 16 > o, ! > rrt>rE d) L O rr) 6lrF Oi\F L O E (5 L <'J L.P 16 .P at o- r._ L orE c! c,.oc.p > tl(,cL o ar.o o o.c>.F vr dFi r! E () !.nFI E '!-E nJE o-EF.F tlU.- O O'O FOro(u>TtOc rr.- rJo o <4chor.pF.Poro -> 0rLoo ,5 h-'EE.: E :9 5- -E -e6=,rtO -t FF(/rOEr,1r (l,r 4 {J o .cl c.rl!' {J c.6-c Or O)HO(, qr.F ',P u c10:24 {/,F ur|.. 0d !F|- u.F O,.F O r,c ood-v6rF ol L.ts,o >.lr l- r! o ., o >\ o..rr u .. !.Po(r3 c o!oolJc .Fa) d u|>a .Po o6'no<(o!E(, EcO .|J(,'- Oc t +ltJ-Oo 5 0 E.rJ utlJ.J .Pota v)+ orooBct (,E.-o..oc((,|a) 6 Lf.- 'o --cFL!E ? .-O!C FF+.,GE o-6->oE!oo 6-.' E.:g_.:o | | oF.(d.P E I LO dro.E ,! E oo-..H.l Eo F.. N (JO (O !r O..'Og ()0,, c) .. _ q)rF lrrd.r E <rpo 6 | | qJ rF I lDEr rr-.p =3 rFv) .,/r.,/t cr d (, cr (J- o .rr o.rt.tr .tz@ v1tooa?zz (! {, r! .o 0,, €o (,0)F F# oE !!o oo(, arE o or.rJoo >,?16 6 0- o E (' - e-.-O q PPa-?e,o, dro-o g c ?oFtd, 6F o r+- c E Ll- -O >r.F .F O.P (U q, ,oo tE o {J = .rJo ollE.o u o!or.-LgF dEO O .PSJI,OOa,(F .E'F(J < L ls'.'|' IFEEI6LEF c- >rF o Fp (u.!<r (JF.P cI. (, c c.- <bEE .Foc oE.|JcloE?ccfco.- =o.oc '! .|J-q 4l(,.IJ (J tIJ (J G.(' EO E.F o.t o e + c !'!<) c'tt -c(F O c .P O!(O! C! .PF O O) -< E ! r C.Fd o |- :oi!r,G E c O,' rl, (ur.-!! L 'l-'! P +J -c FlO rC FodE P 0,, >FE.|Jrs +ro O lt, .c O.F Lir(F.Fad rE .rj -EEIF ! 3 (l, 0or .roc .Pc c!-odJylC O :! aJ +r 4 tn >r !,.- -C ;cct o 3 .OOOL.P OCO.J-C (l' .|J >ro.r.rF I F F.Prn>r .c} tc!!{rEs ' EBbo.9 ' Fl ESEgg-"E .F (F lD.P F -l Od Ell o (|) C.F'F.GPcoE > | E.EoEE.r..F.rJ 4 r! L C O dl (,P.- E E sL EI (J .rJOOLO.rJ .F:l-o-a(, o. ol -cdo(Jo.- LEO in o- El l,.rJ N .c<uo -O! o, '!t Ol dF'Fo6'19v -t =r E a, tr< 9l E - EE O'F! o.po.rr -o |6l =ar ur.cPo (Y)La'^cr r cl IF.J'F ']!c O d.O-c . (lJ .El rr- c c 0,. rrFc= .rpE El dq,.- L or!-c; o E | {rEEoEo.Po- o-.Fqr('=Fo ctl ooo-c.Faid-c-c 6-o <l o'E!rro<r, rl, (J.F d{J ,- (D .F, o, '-coSE.P6 L O drFd ol -E EnO-c O'F'F,oJ.Feq.o d ti Fr!(J--c.p aL E OrF.FdEc ol c, iD r€.|J o.! o..J r! c .r I .. ru {rd.! qi o od orl c9- (/| coF .P o (l) (uFF Orl Oo A. a G.-ur.c,P o. >J F E | .- c.C lJ l! Ol .r iEF.F (\r -E c l! o.l !c h! .rroE El q o.ociE:F tll 92E (^ or!..Es o !! Es .i E?: 3 ii to..3 o qrt ()oPo d !l !,1dda (-)l .(I3-9 ts rl *16Ol-0,,(' +r >t |n.d6o l/) rll .Po ol tt1z.olo,,ii d = ^$E'cloo!-c C .P'J L+, (/'.F oq- (F .- t .|J oi.po c orFo)- -O-L P -')o f .s(.) C {J Op = d .F (|).p ! (uFq- > - (|, u |!(F O< -cCvrELP cr .rr o-\o O.FoirE @ ..5 ,u q, H !> (J E'd " 3 r! (DF O CO.F F.Pr_o,-€ F 5 O-c .rJ (,{J O 'C oJI - . !>L.|l cFF i!c rF o f o>.- Oaa6 .!E (l) ort' 03 vr L.E .J Oro,c do o s.o r,O<O+i.- ct +F(tu'! o> |! hoEl- od (\j F o- o cra o.F O lD '. !-t.PrF O Vr alClEP !- E "'€'3 C Er! c qJ 4r .tsl oo0rLo b E3i : e o-o c (J- L l.o o. 6,' OEvC gOE L'F .F rroE .FECI 3Lg z cr,iri 'ia --- Appl ication for Variance Richard L. Gustafson List of adjacent property owners Lot 41: I{illiam Sargent 1826 Alta Cirle, Vail Colorado 81657 lhn Armstead 1826 Alta Cirle, VaiI Colorado 81657 Lot 37: Dennis K. Hager P.0. Box 2297 t[ai1, Co'lorado 81657 Lot 38: r r '| || rl Lot 36: Harry T. Flelds 4712 Vista View Court, Colorado Springs 80915 Lot 39: John Bobek 8 South 285 B'lackthorne, Napervil'le I'1. 60450 Lot 40: r t| l| '| '| rl Lot 44: Bruce H. & Char'les C. Allen P.0. Box 861 Vail Colorado 81657 Lot 45: r 'l || || |' rl Lot 42: Dennis L. Shimon Box 3643 Vai'|, Colorado 81657 Lot 43: Haro'ld D. Engstrom Box 130, Vail, Colorado 81657 Lot 46: Wllllam & Barbara Holm Box 1116 Vai'ln Colorado 81657 Lot 35: Fred A. & trlaria E. Feller Box 277 Collbran, Colorado 81624 Lot 33: l{il'liam R & Judith Anne Seliger 34052 Ca'llita Dr. Dane Point, Ca. Lot34: rf 1r D '' '' l' " 92629 EAGTE COUNTY DEPARTMEI'IT OF PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328.731 I BOARO OF COUNTY coh4MtSSroNERSExta4l Richard L. Gustafson ADr!4t N rsrRA'o,uBox 1 063 Ext 241 Vai I , C0. 81657 'ob!,fo!(;BlBii;' Basa'lt - 9?7-3823 October 28, 1980 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R Ext 202 BUILDING IN I NSPECT IO N Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 2l7 COUXTY ATTO R N EY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 235 ENvTRoNMENTAL Planning DePt.: HEALTH Ext 238 RE: Appl i cat'ion for Bui l di ng Perrni t i n Eag'l e County 1826 Alta Circle - Unit B The Eagle County Bui'lding Dept. requ'ires that applications for Buiiding Permjts in Eagle County be routed to the Eagle County Planning, Engineering, and Environmental Health Departments for their comments prior to issuance of the permits. Your applicatjon was routed on 10/14180. Listed below are the cornments and recornrnendations which were made by the above departments during the routing procedure. If you have any questions or wjsh to get a further exp'l anation, please contact the appropriate dept. Not approved. Floor area exceeds 30% Floor Area Ratio by 307 square feet. EXTENSION AG ENTea 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NG Ext 226 ot 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & B R IDGE Ext 257 SHE R IFF Eagle Ext 2l I Sasall927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 20 | ','": j,/1,.- ...-, Brian Haas, Building Dept. It would be to requirements as your advantage if you begin soon as possib'l e so as not resolve any prob'l ems and/or de1 ay the jssuance of your to f^ build'ing perm'it any longer than necessary. X, C--rz" Les Dougl/s LD/jk Eagle County Bujlding Official ]PPLI CATION FOR VARIANCE rt_from the Zcning Resolution of Eagle County, Colorado to the Zc:ning ESoard of A.Cjusfments Date recd. Receipt # /72_ (minimum 2 copies required; print or type, except signatures) Sections.o4.o5 (Requjred Fee is $35.00) Applicant,/Owner Rirhard | - Grrstafqnn Mail Address 1.Regulation and Section Number(s) of 3.05.06 Resolution from which Variance is sought 3 Fite No.s(- /,,lt -l:? Fee Paid 3 -,-. .. ,+ Zoning P resent Zo."__jSlt'l__ General location of property (in relation to a Town, Road, Stream or other 1826 A'lta Circle Apt 8." - Just off Gore Creek Drive /' Legal description of piopertY a. subdivision Name Vail Village West 1st Fi I i ng Lo141. s1t b. metes andtgunds (may be attached) include survey or map: 5. Brief purpose and Reason for Variance (may be, attached), TO impfOVe lOft afea ' nOW USed as a bedroom to meet zoning requirements -znd egress. In the process' lnove master bedroom to loft area. Need studio (lighted) for art. will use cument 6lnihgthE*,Hglta" that one or more conditions exist under sec. 9.04-06, 1-5- landmark) : l,lest Va i 'l 4. Section 1. Zoning laws have changed since bldg was original.ly-approved. t5"sHeaJdftitionil.spqce will not gfrec-t.,i!99!P"il!:^1lE^will raise valuesi::ffi; n hrini "qAu, E gvCuilae, *tes Li6s'Bd j'e8sgttd BFQffi f"lit lno "t adi q properties is attached hereto; this signatory is proporly ion for Variance statcd hereon. Date off ice use Apptication acceptecl as complete for Publ ic Hearing on Application rejected as incomplcte for Public Hearing because: administrator Page I of date EAGLE FINAL: Review Date :"r'". I I""# t Rjff' J#J,'',i,:'J E |,, o n|J *, Routing Form (b7 primary Routing ( ) Rerouting Permit No.EJU%Applicant / "rU /r/'&tA tz't'/' Review and return to the County Building Plannir rg Commission File No. Off icial within 6 working days P lanning: Complies with: Subdivi sion Regul at i ons Zoning Regul ations No Etr Yes Etr tr Reviewed Date: Site Pl an (Landscaping) !trD!Recommend Approval : County Health: Water Sanitation Perc. test n Dntr I Etr , Recommend Approval : Comments: Final Inspection: C/O Recommend Approval Conrments: n Firral Inspection: Landscapi Recommend Approval Comments: ngDN Final Filing Date by DateC/O lssued Q. Jurisdiction ot Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. BUILDING PERMIT APPLI o ro o CAT I TR^c r tf ls:: rtrecr:o sxt:rrVail Village LJest - Fi1in9-#1I oE3C i. OINN Ei MAIL AOOiESS ZIP PHONE 476-21092 Carpentry Unlinited, I,,c. P.0. Eox 388, Vail, Go1o. 8165? COXIAACIOi MAIL ADOFESS PHONE LICENSE I{O'3 Carpentry Unlimited, Inc. P.0. Box 388, Vai1, Colo. 8165? ARCH I'EC T Oi OESIGNEF 13842 hl. 20th Pl., Golden, Colo 2'79-5323 a-7394 Robert Medeker ENGINEEi LICENSE NO. LEItOEi6 bjestern Federal Savlnqs MAIL AODAESS ?00 1?th St. Denver, Uolo.Main usE oa !utLDrtc7 Residential 8 CIASOTWOTK: 8 NEW tr ADOITION tr ALTEBATION tr REPAIR tr MOVE ! REMOVE 9 Dessibework: Construct j netr residential units l0 Change of use lrom PERMTT FEE 2q0.09PLAN cHEcK FEE 12O.4511 Valuation of work: $ 180rO00.00 Oqcu pancy Group SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Work urithin (].1 nw r.i crhf -of- Size ol Bldg. (Total) sq. Ft. Fi16 Sprlnklatt Rcquircd [y6s f]p6APPROVEO FOR ISSUANCE AY OFFSTREET PARKI NG SPACES:No. of Dwelling Unlts NOT ICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONOITIONTNG. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTBUC. TION AUTHORIZEO IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTBUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED,I HEREBY CERTIFV THAT I HAV€ REAO AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLAT€ OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. /o 1"7 HEALTH OEPT. FIRE OEPT. SOIL REPORT iIZED RLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PEBMIT PLAN CHECK VALIOATION PERMIT VALIDATION INSPECTOR 100.1 11.73 I NTERN ATIC)NAL CON FERENCE OF BU I LIII NG OFFICIALS ' ". \oo oQ INSPECTION APPROVALS DATE REMARKS INSPECTOR FOUNDATIONS: SET BACK TRENCH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING INT. LATHING OR DBYWALL EXT. LATHING MASONRY FINAL USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW-UP, ETC. I Buildinq Permit Fee Application For Subdivision Appl ication Conditional Use . Special Use no-payment of any item. i{f' g69 (Zoning) (Subdivision PLUMfi?G PERM.Tmpu&toN Jurisdiction o numbered spaces only. (Ll9 EE ATTACHED SHEEIL-I oEtci. ZIP PHONE ' au*otnr= Llc ENS E il O. P.o. fu* *fi AiCH I TECI OR DESIGNER MAI L AODRESS PHOI.I E LICENSE NO. ENCII{EEF MAI L ADDi ESS PXONE LICENSE NO. UBE OF BIJ ILDI N G 8 Clasof work: {new trA00tTt0N trALTERAT|0N n REPATR 9 Doscribe work: Typ. of Flrtu.r or lt m WATER CLOSEI ITOIL€T}SPECIAL CONDITIONS: LAVATORY (WASH AASIN) KITCHEN SINK & DISP. DISHWASHE R LAUNDRY TRAYAPPLICATION ACCEPT€D 8Y: CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATER NOTICE THIS PERMIT AECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZEO IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN @ DAYS, OR IF CONSTFUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENOED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTEF WORK IS COM- MENCE D,I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIV€ AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. TURE OF CONTi'CTOi OI AIJTHORIZED AGENT ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR- S{NK OR ORAIN SLOP SINK GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK & PIT WHEN PROPEFLV VALIOATED IIN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATIONPLAN CHECK VALIOATION M.O. J -.b-7/,,^rrrrro^,& 0"V4- Form 100.2 9-69 r.orori FRoM: INTERNATIONAL CONFERT.NCE OF BUTLDING OFFICIALS. !360 !r. woir ax sr|-r roao. wlrrrrrEi. ca!r?, ro.ol USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW-UP, ETC. .{., OO AMOUNT EAGLE COUNTY Su bd iu ision Variance I Fee : (Build ) (zo!!(Subdivis'ron) ffiA lor collection onty and this no-plyment of any item' i*I; 105? BY cancelled EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Ot'." Routins Form O O /o-f,r7o- Date Referred Please review the attached application and return County Building Off icial within 6 working days. Planning Commission File No. Planning: Compl ies with: Subd. Regulations Zoning Regulations Recommend Permit No. it and this completed form to the Reviewed by:Date: Comments: Notffl EIV YeSr]fltffIApproval County Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage Recommend Approval 3 Sanitation /4 t t r e.r--an-7-' Comments: t-rtrc* ,Je- l 'tt i5 f h-c* EfEtlw ffEIiltf wawnrl tlNT Sn(, !t,.trs r.u County Health: I BU rD| flE PERMTT APPLrcAtEN Jurisdiction of. Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. riac t tfllset ertegx:o rtrrttValI Vlllage hJest - Filing lf1I o3!c i. .. MA|L A00iE!9 tta 'HON E 476-2100Carpentry Unlimited,c. P.0. Box 388, Vail, Eo1o. 81657 Unlimited, Inc. MAIL ADoiu ss FxOt'lE P.B. Box 388, Vail, Eolo. 81657 4 Robert Medsker 13842 l.rJ. zlth P1., Eolden, Eolo 2'.79-53?3 |- ta ax3t No. B-'139 aitclr{Eai MAIL aooics3 FHoNt llctrlsE No'( hjestern Federal Savinqs MAI L ADDiES3 ?00 1?th St. Denver, Uolo. liaNcrl Main uaE or lut LDt N 67 Residentlal f] ADDITION D ALTERATION tr REPAIR D REMOVE 9 Dercribework: Eonstruct 3 neu residential units l0 Change ol use from PERM{T FEE 240.09'tl Valuation of work: $ 100r000.00 SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Sire ot Bldg. (Total) Sq. Ft. AP?LICATtot{ ACCEPT€ O 8Y: OFFSTREET PARKING SPA€ES: NOTIC E SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PEFMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOIO IF WORK OR CONSTFUC- TION AUTHORIZEO IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONEO FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMM ENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO AE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYP€ OF WORK WILL gE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE oR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION, /0." r'r HEALTH DEPT. FIRE OEPT. SOI L REPORT OTHER (s9eclfy, RLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION M.O.PERMIT VALIDATION M.O.CASH -/ /\ ,Ns,,Lcron "{* fuk^1/r<' /o-t'?d Form loo,l 11.73 iroiD.R Fiour TNTSRNATToNAL coNFERENcE oF BUILotNG oor,",ia"..r"",/. r".**^" r.r(! noaD ,/oo u*ir 3 ,A b 7-j^ 5Z 3( c aq: C ,J.b' 35 l--t6 /< | | -- t'76 Srcfrt ll d tatttT L1G Lat X L7= < t6: {- 3}= K 1l? X. a7= t, 3 at6 Ft l'AfL fta> 3l fi tc b 'tss 0) ?2 L0)> | fil rr t ?37 +zSG/ rr 5 5 7s> A tA}AL B rar*u -- to 1) =- IS 07 = ta13 36 q) =)>ob e F Lc -l ,*26''4 oo 31 {)- + = 1LL| tt*q ?Lv -_ 3ot6fr : I 3XJ'/t- L c x 7t/l- x "k, Ql( qt Ll szL(fi -- o l( p-\\t@rr"sb5= tt+ad t/L 2--/ ir tlr 1// i (,'2<_;nr N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee County of Eagle ELECTRICAL PERII{IT THI6 FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON .,OB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION ,18 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE NEQ(nRED FOR INSPECTIONS Date Paid......- /rr- /r..* Received r, ..dli/rhr*. Job Name.-i.l . .trc ;.,.L,.,r...,,/ 389 Erectricar cont"^"to,-y'./4r1t //A,tluo J/t"J s..3s-...ttQ-.f. Date or Apprication.... Y*/t iA ..............-.1e.... 7tn.. .. APPROVALS $....,-?. 0...o. Q........ $.../.4..- 0:8. ..... $.,i.. ft .,.0 0.......... Qw*/ td tor,v I ooo AL PERMIT APPLICATIONELECTRIC ' Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only, lflsee rrucr eo sx:er; LICENSE NO.55 ARCNITECT OF DESICNER 4 MA IL ADOFESS P.IONE LI'EN5E NO. ENOIIiEER MAIL AODRESS PHONE LICENSE NO. MAIL ADDRESS BRANCH USE OF BUI LDING 8 ctass ol work: tqfirw tr A0DlrloN tr ALTERATI0N ! REPAIR 9 Describe work: / ' - L IGHT SWITCH SPECIAL CONDITIONS: TotalLIGHTING Fixtures FIXTURESAPPBOVED FOF ISSUANCE AY: RANGES CLO. ORYER WTR. HTR. GARBAGE DISP. STA. COOK TOPNOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOI\4ES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTBUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONEO FOR A PERTOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. DISH. WASH. CLOTHES WASH. SPACE HTR. STA. APPL. V, H.P. MAX. MOTO RS: SERVICE E new E cxnnce PERMIT ISSU ING FEE WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED IIN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION M.O.PERMIT VALIDATION M.O.c^sf INSPEC-rOR FEORDEi FiOM: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILOING OFFICIALSForm 1O0.3 9-69 a 50 90. LOS ROBtES a PASADENA. CALIFORNTA 9llOl USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW-UP, ETC. ;.\ \*l*\{:-t, : \.N \s --sr.r,\ !_,t $.*"r\ {r\- r\'',, o l Application For no.payment of any item. IJ:, 106? EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT out" Vq-lt tt , ts ll AMOUNT ,, tr{-t r, et"r !/, (i t k Ne 2t2l Building Valuation $.......... .. . ... ..... Electrical Valuation $.. ... .. ....... .. .....- permit Fee $....?.2_,.5Q....-.......- Inspection Fee $.... .. .. .. .... ..... . Total Fee $....??-'.9Q.-..-..... . ,l/ J Date paid...,.9gt-ob-.e-f LQ,'. 1994.... ... . Received ny J. S.c.hlegel..-........"..... . Receipt # 7075 Bu'i1di ng Permi t # 1896 rob Name....R.i.c.ha!i.d. ,...9.ustaf-sqn...:.. -1.9?.6. a.l..tq...Qi.!rgl.e. .:...u.ni.!...q. Date or Application...99!.9.!9l..19: ........ .....1e -8-q Electrical Contractor.....9g !.I. ......... Applicanr.....-- Sl8nature County of ELECTRICAL Eagle PERTT{IT APPROVALS THIS JOB FORIUI IS TO BE POSTED OltI SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION ADVANCE NOTICE FOR INSPECTIONS 24 HOURS REQUIRED ,ui.-o,no DrvrsroN oF EAGTE COUNTY. P. O. BOX179 couRTHoUSE, EAGLE CO. - PH. (303)328-6339 pERMrr ro Expand Li vi ng Room (_) sroRy ITYPE oF IMPRovEME NT)NO. BUITDING PERMIT November 6,8019- PERMIT NO.Alta Cir. "8". Westo"".,"o*, Richard L. Guqtafson -To'e- AltaTTF "B',, West-Vel-l {NO.)(STREETJ (CONTR'S LICENSE) NUMBER OF NI /A DWELLTNG uNrrs _:flA-(PRoPosEO U5E} Ar (LocArroN) 1826 Alta Circle "8". West VaiI DrsrRrcr { NO.)(sTREET) BETWEEN ANO (CROSS STREETI (CROs9 STREET)3 |lo o c;z: G TO TYPE suBorvrsroN Vai'l Vi'l 'lage West #1 Lor--4j-- BLo.* -rtiJt SUILOING IS TO AE - FT. WIDE BY - FT. LONG AY FT, IN HEIGHT ANO SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION USE GROUP BASE MENT WALLS OR FOUNOATION REMARKSI 48 sq. ft. additjon to'ljvjng room approved only. - Brian Haas, Bldg. Inspector Plan Check Fee 1 ,500 . 00 $16. 25 AREA OR VOLUME esrr"oreo cosr $ PEFMIT FEE 32.50 {cU8Ic/SQUARE FEET)Recei pt BU I LO ING BY rd L. GustafOWNER AOORESS (Affidovit on revise side of opplicotion lo be compleled by outhodzed ogent ol owner) l.hereby ceriify thot the proposed ond I hove been oulhorized by outhorized ogent work is outhorized by the owner of record the owner to moke +his,opplicotion os his SIGNATURE OF AGENi ADDRESS (NUMBER)(STRE ET)(crrY) APPROVED BY TITLE DATE l9 'ffi';w 71r'"*{, uf',"- \*'s l, {o, . /EJd> tl tqb ^ 1x tzo x ,{= 1215+o 3?--xtit>3+<Eb 92. z4 81,1. rc>Lbab 34-24, <40b> k,\ (-t*tf- ft r'-j{-r<ftfr /z/4 ) /z/ 3o2.v r7./ ,Y tZ.y' 3o4./ //./ )t 7/ ,377 .I_ /ooa. f a,l 4.b% L$,12 t- r, lQtu s(bod --i . ' Iltv qAEts +/^(G-4+tu@ P,il*4 ;rrn/4'*/,;t*' / a t' DECLARATION IAV rsle76 I DIPL 0l flrrn,r,rg ti Dl* \ hglo Cd|||U. oco', THESE PRESENTS: THAT WHEREAS, the undersigned, hereinafter called "Declarant", is the owner of the real property described on the attached Erhibit "A", which by this reference is made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, Declarant desires to establish a condominium project under ttre Condominium Ownership Act of the State of Colorado; and WHEREAS' Declarant does hereby establish a plan for'.the ownership in fee simple of the condominium real property estates, hereinafter described, subject to the easements, restrictions, reservations, conditicns, taxes and assessments, if any, as set forth in Exhibit "A", consisting of the area or space contained in each of *re air space units located within the improvements and the co-ownership by the individual and separate owners thereof, as tenants in common, of all of the remaining property, which properry is hereinafter defined and referred to as general common elements; NOW THEREFORE Declarant does hereby publish and declare that the following terms, covenants, conditions, easements, restrictions, uses, res- ervations, limitations and obligations shall be deemed to run wittr the [and, shall be a burden and a benefit to Declarant, his heirs, representatives and assigns, and any person or entity acquiring or owning an interest in the real property and improvements, their grantees and rheir heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, successors or assigns. I. Definitions, unless the context shall expressly provide otherwise. (a) 'Unit' means one individual air space which is contained within the perimeter walls, floors, ceilings, windows and. doors of each unit as shown on the condominium Map to be filed for record, together with all fixtures and improvements therein contained but not including any of tre strucnrral components of the buildings, if any, locared within the unit. (b) 'Condominium unit' means the fee simple interest and title in and to a unit together with the undivided interest in the general colnmon elements and the appurtenant limited common elements thereto. (c) 'Owner' means a person, persons, firm, corporation, partnership, association or other legal entity, or any combination thereof, who own(s) an interest in one or more condominium units. (d) 'General common elements' means and includes the real property allocated to the condominium units as provided hereinafter and the improvements tlereon except the units; the struchrral cornponents of the improvements thereon; such inrprovements thereon as may be provided for common use; service streets; green areas; provided, however, that each unit owner whose unit has sole access to a patio or balcony, if any, sball have an easement for the exclusive use thereof. All other parls of such land and the improvements thereon necessary or convenient to its existence, maintenance and safety which are normally and reasonably in common use, including the air above such land, shall be owned, as tenants in cotnmon, by all of the owners of the separate units, each owner of a unit having an undivided intcrest in such general comuton elements as is provided here- inafter. KNOW ALL MEN t CONDOilIINII]MSI I (e) 'Declaration' means this Declaration, Amendments and Supplements thereto, if any. (f) 'Limited common elements' means those parts of the general commorl elements which are either limited to and reserved foi *re exclusive use of an owner of a condominium unit or are limited to and reserved for ttre common use of more than one but fewer than all of the condominium unit owners. (g) 'Condominium project' or 'project' means, all of the land and im- provements inititally submitted by tris Declaration and the land and improvements subsequently submitted as is provided hereinafter. (h) 'Common expenses' means and includes (i) expenses of administration, operation and management, repair or replacement of the common elements,(ii) expenses declared common expenses by the provisions of this Declaration or the By-Laws of the Association; (iii) all sums lawfully assessed against *re general common elements by the Board of Directors of the Association; (iv) expenses agreed upon as common expenses by the Association of unit owners; and (v) expenses as are provided in any Mangement Agreement. (i) 'Association of unit owners' or 'Association' means a-Colorado not for profit corporation, to De organized as proVided herein, 'the menrbers of which shall be all the ownef,s of the condominium unirs. f ) 'Building' means a single building containing units as shown on the Map. (k) 'Map', Condominium Map' or 'Supplement Map' means and includes the engineering survey of the land depicting and locating rhereon the improvemenrs, rhe floor and elevation plans and any other drawing or diagrammatic plan depicting a part of or all of the land and improvements thereon submitted to ttris condominium project. (l) 'Mortgage' means and includes any mortgage, deed of trust or other assignment or security instrument creating a lien on any condominium unit, and 'Mortgagee' shall include any grantee or assignee of a mortgage and any beneficiary under deed of trust. Z. !."iri"r ot Properry The real property described in Exhibit "A" and the improvements thereon are i:creby divided into the fee simple estates as is set forth on rhe attached Exhibir "8" which by this reference is made a part hereof. Each esate shall consist of the separately designated unit and the undivided interesr in and to Ore general common elements appurtenant thereto as set forth therein. 3. $ti"g of the fr"do*trt, ' flre Map may be filed for record in whole or in parts, sections or supplements, as construction of the units and orher improvements are substantially completed. The Map ( or any part or section thereof) depicting units shall not be filed for record until the building in which the units are located has been substantially completed in order to permit the location *rereof, both horizontally and vertically. Each such Map shall be filed for record prior to the conveyance of the condominium units shown thereon. Each such Map shall depict and slrorv at least the following: the legal description of the land and a survey drereof; the location of the building(s); the floor and elevation plans; the location of rhe unit rvithin tlre building, bothhorizontally and vertically; the thickness of -2- the common walls between or separating $e unics; the location of any structural components or supporting elements of a building located within a unit; and, the unit designations and the building symbol. Each such Map shall conrain rhe certificate of a registered land surveyor or professional engineer or licensed architect certifying that the Map substantially depicts rhe location and the horizontal and vertical measurements of the units, the unit designations, building symbols, the elevations of the unfinished floors and t}at such Map was prepared subsequent to substantial completion of the improvements. In interpreting the Map, the existing physical boundaries of each separate unit as constructed shall be conclusively presumed to be its boundaries. Declarant reserves the right to amend the Map, from time to timq to conform the same according to the acoal location of any of the constructed improvements and to establish, vicate and relocate easements, access road easements and on-site parking areas. 5. The Limited Common Elemenrs. A portion of the general common elements is reserved for the exlusive use of the individual owners of the respective units, and such areas are referred tor as 'limited common elements'. The limited common elements so reserved shall be identified on the Map; provided, however! that any patio or balcony which is accessible from, associated with and which adjoins a unit and any other limited common elements so identified on the Map shaII, without further reference tlrereto, be used in connection with such unit to the exclusion of the use thereof by the other owners of the general common elements, except by invitation. AII of the owners of condominium units in this condominium project shall have a non-erclusive right in common with aLl of the other owners to the use of sidewalks, pathways, drive- ways, streets and other facilities and inrprovements intended for common use located wirhin the entire condominium pr<5ject. No reference rhereto, wherher such limited common elements are exclusive or non-exclusive, need to be made in any deed, instrument of conveyance or other instrument. 6. Description of Condominium Unit. (a) Every contract for ttre sale of a condominium un it written prior to rhe filing for record of the Map or Declaration may legally describe a condominium unit by its identifying unit designation, the building symbol, followed by the name of this condominium. The location of such condominium unit shall be depicted on fte lr4ap subsequently filed for record. (b) Every coutract, deed, lease, ntortgage, trust deed, will or other instrument may legally describe a condominium unit by its identifying unit designation, the building symbol, followed by *re name of this condominiumwith further reference to the Map, Declararion and Supplement(s), if any, filed forrecord. Every such description shall be good and sufficient for all purposes to sell, convey, transfer, encumber or otherwise affect not only the unit, but also the general common elements and the limited common elements appurtenant thereto. Each such description shall be construed to include a perpetual non-exclusive easement for ingress and egress to and from an owner's unit on, over and across any private street, exclusive use of the limited con'lmon elements appurcenant to his unit, logether rvith a non-exclusive right in common with all of the owners in this condotninium project to use of sidewalks, pathways, driveways and other facilities and improvements intended for common use located within the condominium project. 7. Forrn of Orvnership-Title. A condominium unit may be held arrd owned in any real property tenancy relationship recognized under the laws of the Sate of Colorado. -3- 8. lnseparability of a Condominium Unit. Each unit, the appurtenant undivided interest in the general common elements and *re appurtenant limited common elements shall together comprise one condominium unit, shall be inseparable and may be conveyed, leased, devised or encumbered only as a condominium unit. 9. Separate Assessment qlq Taxatioll of Condominium Units-Notice to Assessor. Declarant shall give written notice to the County Assessor of the creation of condominium real property ownership interests in this property, as is provided by law, so that each unit and the undivided interest in the general common elements appurtenant thereto shall be deemed a parcel and subject to separate assessment and taxation. 10. Non-Partitionabili of General Common Elements. The general common elements Shall be owned in common bj'all of ttre owners of the units and shall remain undivided, and no owner shall bring any action for partition or division of the general common elements. Nottring contained herein shall be construed as a limitation of the riglrt of partition of a condominium unit between the owners thereof, buE such pardtion shall not affect any other condominium unit. ll. Easements for Encroachments. If any portion of the general common elements encroaches upon a unit or units, or if any portion of a unit encroaches upon the general common elements or upon an adjoining unit or units, a valid easement for the encroach- ment and for the maintenance of same, so long as it stands, shall and does exist. Such encroachments and easements shall not be considered or determined to be encumbrances eittrer on the general common elements or on the units for purposes of marketabil.ity of title or other purposes. 12. Use and Possession Each owner shall be entitled to exclusive ownership and possession of his unit. Each owner may use the cornmon elements in accordance with the purpose for which they are intended, without hindering or encroaching upon the larvful rights of the other owners. Each unit shall be used and occupied for ttre purpose of lodging or as a drvelling by the owner or by the owner's family, guests, agents, employees, invitees, licensees or tenants. 13. Termination of Meclranic's Lien Rights and Indemnificarion. Subsequent to the cornpletion of the improvements described on the Map, no labor performed or materials furnished and incorporated in a unit with the consent or at the request of tlre unit owner, his agent, his contraccor or sub- collrractor shall be the basis for filing of a lien against the general common elentents or against ttre unit of any other unit owner who did not expressly consent to or request the services or nraterials. Each owner shall indemnify and hold harmless each of the other owners from and against all liabiliry arising from the claim of any lien against the unit of any other owner or against the general cotlmon elements for construction performed or for labor, materials, senrices or oLher products incorporated in an owner's unit at such owner's consent or request. L4. Association. The administration of thisgoverned by the by-laws of CARDON condominium property shall be CoNDOMINIUM OWNERS ASSOCIATTON, rNC., -4- a Colorado not for profit corporation hereinafter referred to as ttre "Association". An owner of a condominium unit, upon becoming such an owner, shall be a member of the Association and shall remain a member for the period of his ownership. f5. Right of Access. The Association shall have the irrevocable right to have access to each unit and its appurtenant limited common elements from time to time during reasonable hours as may be necessary for the maintenance, repair, or re- placement of any of the general common elements therein, or for making emergency repair therein necessary to prevent damage to the general or limited common elements or to another unit. Damage to the interior of any part of a condominium unit resulting from the maintenance, repair, emergency repair, or replacement of any of the general common elements, or as a result of emergency repairs within another unit, at rhe instance of the Association, shall be a common expense of all of the owners in the building. No diminution or abatement of common expense assessments shall be claimed or allowed for inconveniences ., or discomfort arising from the making or repairs or improvements or from action raken to comply with any law, ordinance, or order of governmental authority. Restoration of the damaged improvements shall be substantially the same as the condition in which they existed prior to the damage. Nonri*rscanding the foregoing if any such damage is the result of the carelessness or negligence of any owner, then such owner shall be solely responsible for the costs and expense of repairing such damage. 16. Owner's Maintenance Responsibility for His Unit. (a) For maintenance purposes, an owner shall be obligated to keep in good repair and condition tbe materials such as, but not limited to, plaster, gypsum dry wall, paneling, wallpaper, paint, wall and floor tile and floorings, but not including the sub-flooring, which make up the finished surfaces of the' perimeter walls, ceilings and floors within his unit, including unit doors and windows. The lines, pipes, wires, conduits or systems (which for brevity are herein and hereafter referred to as utilities) running through his unit which serve one or more other units are general common elemenLs. Such utilities shall not be disturbed or relocated by an owner without ttre written consent and approval of the Board of Directors. An owner's right to repair, alter and remodel the interior of his unit shall be coupled with the obligacion to replace any finishing or other materials removed with similar or otlrer types or kinds of materials of at least the same guality; (b) An owner shall nrainrain and keep in repair the interior of his own unit, including the fixnrres thereof. AII fixtures and equipment installed within the unit con:mencing at a point rvhere the utilities enter the unit shall be main- tained and kept in good repair and condition by the owner thereof. An owner shall do no act nor any work that will impair the structural soundness or integrity of the building or impair any easelrent or hereditament. An owner shall always keep che limited corrmon elements appurtenant to his unit in a clean and sanitary condition. 17. Maintenance of the Common Elements and Additions. The maintenance and operation of the common elements shall be che responsibility and dre expense of the association and a common expense of all of dre condominium owners. -J- \ f 8. Compliance with Provisions of Declaration Mandato Each owner shall comply with the provisions of this Declaration, the Articles of lncorporation anal gy-Laws of the Associarion, and the Rules and Regulations, decisions and resolutions of the Assrciation adopted pursuant thereto as the same may be lawfully adopted and amended from time to time. Failure o comply with any of the same shall be grounds for an action to recover sums due for damages or injunctive relief, or both, and for reimbursement of all attorney's fees incurred in connection rherewith, which action shall be maintainable by the Board of Directors or the managing agent in the name of rhe Association on behaU of the owners or, in a proper case, by an aggrieved owner. f9. Revocation or Amendment of Declaration. This Declaration shall not be revoked nor shall any of the provisions herein be amended unless the owners representing an aggregate ownaship interest of trro-thirds or more of ttre general common elements, and all of the holders of any recorded mortgage or deed of trust covering or affecting any oi all condominium units unanimously consent and agree to such revocation or amendment by instru- ment(s) duly recorded; provided, however, that the percentage of the undivided interest in the general common elements appurtenant to each unit, as expressed in this Declaration, shall have a permanent character and shall not be altered with- out the consent of all of the unit owners expressed in an amended Declaration duly recorded. 20. Assessment for Common Expenses. All owners shall be obligated to pay the estimated assessments impbsed by the Board of Directors or Managing Agent of the Association to meet rhe common expenses. The assessments shall be made pro rata according to each owner's percentage interest in and to the general common elements. The limited common elements shall be maintained as general common elements, and owners having exclusive use thereof shall not be subject to any special charges or assessments. Assessments for the estinrated common expenses shall be due at least quarterly in advance on the first day of each calendar quarter or more frequently as may be determined by the Board of Directors or Managing Agent. The Managing Agent or Board of Directors shall prepare and deliver or mail to each owner an itemized statement showing the various estimated or actual expenses for the assessment period as established by ttre Board of Directors. Contributbn for assessn'lents shall be prorated if the orvnership of a condominium unit commeces on a day other than the first day of an assessment period. The assessment made shall be based upon the cash requirements deemed to be such aggregate sum as the I\4anaging Agent or Board of Directors of the Association slratl from time to time dEteimine is to be paid by all of the owners, including Declarants, to prolidefor the payment of all estimated expenses growing out of or connected with the n:aintenance and operation of the general common elements, wlrich sum may include, among other things, expenses assessed, fire insurance rvith extended coverage and vandalism and malicious mischief insurance with endorselnents attached issued in che antount of the maximum replacement value of all of the condominium units ( and also all fixh:res, interior walls and partitions, decorated and finished surfaces of perimeter walls, floors and ceilings, doors, windorvs and orler elements or materials conrprising a part of the units), public liability and other insurance prentiums, landscaping and care of grounds, cor-]lnon lighting and heating, repairs and renovations, trash artd garbage collections, wages, common water and utility cl:arges, legal and accounting fees, management fees, erpenses and liabilities incurred by the N4anaging Agent or Board of Directors under or by reason of this Declaration, the pa)'ment of any deficit remaining from a previous assessn'rcnt pcriod, the creation of a reasonable contingency or other reserve or surplus fund as well as otlrer costs and expenses relating to tlte general -6- common elements. The omission or failure of the board to fix the the assessment for any assessment period shall not be deemed a waiver, mod- ification or release of the owners from their obligation to pay. The Managing Agent or Board of Directors shall obtain and maintain at all times insurance of the type and kind provided hereinabove, and including for such otlirer risks, of a similar or dissimilar nature, as are or shall here- after customarily be covered with respect to other units or condominium buildings, fixtures, equipment and personal property owned by the Association, similar in construction, design and use, issued by responsible insurance com- panies authorized to do business in the State of Colorado. The insurance shall be carried in blanket policy form naming the Association the insured, which policy or policies shall indemnify the interests of each condominium unit owner and which shall provide for a standard, non-contributory mortgagee clause in favor of each first mortgagee. It shall also provide that it cannot be cancelled by either the insured or the insurance company until after ten days prior written notice to each owner and each first mortgagee. Said Managing Agene or Board of Directors shall upon L\e request of any first mortgagee, furnish a certified copy of such blanket policy and a separate certificate identifying the, interest of the mortgagor. AII policies of insurance shall provide that ttre insurance thereunder shall be invalidated or suspended only in respect to the interest of any particular owner guilty of a breach of warranty, act, omission, negligence or noncompliance of any provision of such policy, including payment of the insurance premium applicable to ttrat owner's interest, or who permits or fails to prevent the l'rappening of any event, whether occurring before or after a loss, which under the provisions of such policy would ottrerwise in- validate or suspend the entire policy, but the insurance under any such policy, as to the interests of all other insured owners not guilty of any such act or omission, shall not be invalidated or suspended and shall remain in full force and effect. Determination of maximum replacement value of all condominium units, for insurance purposes, shall be made annually by one or more written appraisals, copies of which shall be furnished forchwith to each mortgagee of a condominium unit. In addition, each owner shall be notified of such appraisal. No owner may exempt himself from liability for his contribution toivards the common expenses by waiver 61 rhe use 'or enjoyment of any of t}te common elements or by abandonnrent of his unit. 21 . Nonpayment of Assessrnents and Lien. All sums asscssed but unpaid for the share of cornmon expenses charge- able to any condominium unit shall constitute a lien on such unit superior to all otlrer liensand encutt]brances, exccpt for: (a) Tax and special assessrnent liens on the unit in favor of any assessing unit. (b) All sums unpaid on a first mortgage or first deed of trust of record, including all unpaid obligatory sums as may be provided by such encumbrance. If any assessment shall remain unpaid after fourteen days after tlre due date thereof, the Board of Directors or Managing Agent may impose a pcnalty on such defaulting owner in an amount equal to one percent (l/o\ of suclr assessment. Likervise a penalry eclual to one percent (l/) ot the unpaid assessn'rent may be imposed on the first day of each calendar month thereafter so long as such assessn'rent shall be unpaid. 'fo evidence lien as above provided tlre Board of Directors or i\,lanaging Agerrt nray, but sball not be required to, prepare a written notice -7- setting forrh ttre amount of such unpaid indebtedness, the amountlf accrued penalty thereon, the name of the owner of ttre condominium unit and a description of *re condominium unit. Such a notice shall be signed-by 9ne-of *re Board of Directors or by the Managing Agent and may be recorded in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. Such lien for assessment shall attach from the due date of the assessment. Such lien may be enforced by foreclosure of the dafaulting owner's condominium unit by &re Associadcn in like manner as a mortgage on real property upon the recording of a notice or claim thereof. In the event of any such forclosure the owner stritl Ue liable for *re amount of unpaid assessments, any penalties thereon, the costs and expenses of such proceedings' the costs and expenses for filing tle notice or claim of lien. and all reasonable attorney's fees. _ The Associaiion shall have the power to bid in the condominium unit at foreclosure sale and to acquire and hold, lease, mortgage and convey the same. The amount of the common expenses assessed against each condominium unit shall also be a debt of the owner *rereof at the time the assessment is due. Suit to recover a money judgment for unpaid assessments, and any penalcies thereon shall be maintainable without foreclosing or waiving the lien securing the same. Any encumbrancer holding a lien on a condominium unit may pay any unpaid assessment payable with respect to such unit, and upon such p.y1;1"nt such encumbrancer shall have a lien on such unit for *te amounts paid of rtre same priority as the lien of his encumbrance. 22. Statement of Assessments and Liabili of Purchasers. Upon payment of a reasonable fee not to exceed Twenty Dollars ($20.00) and upon the written request of any owner or any mortgagee or prospecdve morrgagee of a condominium unit, the Association, by its Managing Agent or Boird of Directors, shall issue a written statement setting forth the amount of the unpaid assessments, if any, with respect to the subject unit, the amount of the cuirent average rrronthly assessment and the date that such assessment becomes due, any penalties due, and credit for advanced payments or for pre- paid items, which statelnent shall be conclusive upon the Association in favor of att persons who rely thereon in good faith. . The grantee of a unit shall be jointly and severally liable with the grantor for all unpaid assessmcnts against ttre latter for his proportiol'tate share of the common expenses up to the time of the grant or conveyance, without prejudice to ttre grantee's right to recover from the grantor the amounts paid by th9 grante6 ttrerefor; provided, however,. fhat upon payment of a reasonable fee ilot to exceed TWenty Dollars ($20.00), and upon written request, any such prospective grantee shall be entitled to a statement from the Managing Agent br Boara of Sirectors, setting forft the amount of the unpaid assessments and penalties thereon, if any, with respect to the subject unit, the amount of the current average nronrhly assessment and the date that such assessment becomes due, credit foi advanced payn-rents or for prepaid items, which shall be conclusive upon the Association. Unless such request for a statement or indebtedness shall be cotlplied with within fifteen days of such reqest' then such grantee shall not be liable for, nor shall the unit conveyed be subject to a lien for, any unpaid assessments accruing prior to the date of such request. Any orvner shall have ttre right from time to time to morgage or encumber his intereit by deed of trust, Inortgage or other security instrument. A first morrgage or encumbrance shall be one which has first and paranrount priority -8- under applicable law. The owner of a condominium unit may create junior mortgages on the following conditions: (i) that any such junior morgages shall always be subordinate to all of the terms, conditions,- covenants, restrictions, uses, limitations, obligations, lien for common expenses, and otler obligations created by this Declaration and by the bylaws; (ii) rhar fte mortgagee under any junior mortgage shall release, for the purpose of restoration of any improvements upon ttre mortgaged premises, all of his rigfit, title and interest in and to the proceeds under all insurance policies upon the said premises which insurance policies were effected and placed upon the mortgaged premises by the Association. Such release shall be furnised forth- with by a junior mortgagee upon written request of the Association and, if such request is not granted, such release may be executed by the Association as attorney-in-fact for such junior mortgagee. 24. Repair and Reconstruction of Improvements. Repair and reconstruction of improvements as used in ttre Paragraph means restoring such improvements to substantially fte same condition in which they existed prior to the damage, with each unit and *re general and limited common elements having the same vertical and horizontal boundaries as before. To effect suctr repair and reconstruction, rhe proceeds of any insurance collected shall be available to dre Association as hereinafter provided. (a) All of t}le owners irrevocably constitute and appoint the Associarion their true and lawful attorney in their name, place and stead for the pur-pose of dealing with the property for the purpose of repair and reconstruction as is herein provided. (b) In the event of damage or destruction due to fire or other disaster, the insurance proceeds, if sufficienr to reconstruct the improvements, shall be applied by the Association, as attorney-in-fact, to such reconstruction, and the improvements shall be promptly repaired and reconstructed. The Association shall have full authority, right and power as attorney-in-fact, to cause the repair and restoration of the improvements. (c) If the insurance proceeds are insufficent to repair and reconstruct the improvements and if such damage is not mgre than fifty percent of the replacement value of all the units, not including land, such danrage or de- struction shall be promptly repaired and reconstructed by the Association as attorney-in-fact using the proceeds of insurance on the condominium units in buildings rvhich have l'reen damaged or destroyed and the proceeds of an assessrnent against the owners of units in such buildings. The deficiency assessment shall be an expense assessed only to tlre unit owners in the particular destroyed or damaged buildings in such ratio as one unit bears rc the total number of units in the destroyed or damaged building. No such owner shall have any right of contribution, or other claim relating to such damage or destruction, against any other owner. Such deficiency assessment shall be in an amount determined exclusively and finally by the Association (after consultation witlr such owners, appraisers, and others as it deemsappropriate shall be due and payable within thirty days after rvritten notice thereof. The Association shall have full authority, right, and power as attorney-in-fact to cause the repair or restoration of the improvements, using all of the insurance proceeds for such purpose notwithstanding the failure of an owner to pay the assesstnent. The assessment provided for herein shall be a debt of eirch owner as aforesaid and a lien on his unit as a cornnon expense and nray be enforced and collected as is provided in Paragraph2l. In addition thereto, tlre Association, as attorney-in-fact, shall have the absolute iight and power to sell the unit of arry owner refusing or failing to pay such deficiency assessment rvidrin tbe time provided, aud if not so paid the Association shall cause to be -9- recorded a notice that the unit of the delinquent owner shall be sold by the Association as attorney-in-fact under the provisions hereof. The proceeds derived from the sale of such unit shall be used and disbursed by ttre Association as attorney-in-fact in the following order: (i) For payment of the balance of the lien of a first morrgage. (ii) For payment of taxes and special assessment liens in favor of any assessing entity. ' (iii) For payment of unpaid common expenses. (iv) For payment of junior liens and encumbrances in ttre order of and to the extent of their priority. (v) The balance remaining, if any, shall be paid to ttre unit owner. (di If more than fifty percent of the replacement value of rtre units, not including land, are destroyed or damaged, and if the owners representing an aggregate ownership inrerest of eighry-five perceng or mor€ , of the general common elements, do not voluntarily, within one hundred days thereafter, make provisions for reconstruction, which plan must be approved by the Association and have the unanimous approval or consent of every first mortgagee, fhe Association shall forrhwith record a notice setting forth such fact or facts, and upon the recording of such notice by che Association, the entire premises shall be sold by rhe Association, as attorney-in-fact for all of the owners, free and clear of rhe provisions contained in this Declaration, the Condominium Map, and the Bylaws. Such sale shall not confer any right or interest in any property except that property covered by *ris Declaration, or any right or interest in the Association or its property. The insurance settlement proceeds shall be collected by the Association according to each unit owner's interest (as such interests appear on the policy or policies), and such divided proceeds shall be paid into separate accounts, each such account representing one of che units. Each such account shall be in the name of the Association, and shall be furrher identified by the number of the unirs, building syrnbol, and the narne of the owner. From each separate account, t}te Association, as attorney-in-fact shall forthwith use and disburse the total amount (of each) of such accounts, without conkibution from one account to another, toward the partial or full payment of tlre lien of any first mortgage against the unit represented by such separ-ate account. Thereafter, each such account shall be supplen-rented by the apportioned arr'rount of the proceeds derived from the sale of the entire property. Such apportiorlment shall be based upon each unit owner's fractional interest in che entire premises or property. The total funds of each account shall be used and disbursed, without contribution from one account to another, by tlre Association as attorlrey-in-fact for the same purposes and in the same order as is provided in subparagraph (c) above. If the owners representing an aggregate ownership interest of cwo- thirds or more of tlre general colrlnon elements adopt a plan for reconstruction, rvhich plarr has the approval of the Association and the unanimous approval of all first n'lorgagees, then all of tlre owners shall be bound by the terms and provisions of such plan. Any assessment made in connection with such plan shall be due and payahle as provided by the terrls of such plan, but not sooner than thirty days after rvritten notice tl'rereof. The Association shall have full autllor-ity, right, and porver, as a[torney-in-fact, to cause tl're repair or, rcstoration of tlre inrprovemc'nts, usir"rg all of the insurance proceeds for such purpose nonvidrstanding the failure of an owner to pay the assessment. The assessn'rent provided for hcrein shall be a debt of each owner and a lien on his runit and r-ray be cnforced as provided in Paragraph 21. In addition tlrereto, - l0- the Association, as attorney-in-fact, shall have the absolute rigbt and power to sell the unit of any owner refusing or failing to pay such assessment with the terms provided, and if not so paid, the Association, as attorney-in-fact, for the same purposes and in the same order as is provided in subparagrpph (c) above. (e) The owners representing and aggregate ownership interest of two- thirds, or more, of the general common elements may agree that the condom- minium units are obsolete and that the same should be sold. Such plan must have trre approval of the Association and the unanaimous approval of everyfirst mortgagee of record at the time of the adoption of such plan. In such instance, the Association shall forthwith record a nodce setting forth such fact or facts, and upcn the recording of such notice by the Association the entire premises shall be sold by the Association, as attorney-in-fact for all of the owners, free and clear of the provisions contained in tl-ris Declaration, the proceeds shall be apportioned between tlre unit owners on the basis of their respective fractional incerests in the entire premises or property, and such apportioned proceeds shall be paid into separate accounts, each such account representing one condominium unit. Each such account sball be in the name of ttre Association and shall be further identified by number of the unit, building symbol, and the name of the owner. From each separate account, the Association, as attorney-in-fact, shall use and disburse the total amounE of each of such accounts, without contribution from one account to another, for the same purposes and in the same order as is provided in subparagraph (c) above. 25. Condemnation. (a) Consequences of Condemn{""r_ If at any time or times during the continua ip pursuant to this Declaratioi, all or any part of the Project shall be taken or condlmned by any public authority or sold or otherwise disposed of in lieu of or in avoidance thereof, the following provisions shall apply. (b) Proceeds. All conrpensation, damages, or other proceeds there- from, the sum oIwEiEh is hereinafter called tht"Condemnation Award," shall be payable to fte Association. (c) Complete Taking. In rhe cvenr rbar the enrire project is taken of condemned, or-sold-or omarrvise disposed of in lieu of or in avoidance thereof, the condominium olnership pursuant ttrereto shall termintate. The Condemnation Award shall be apportioned anrong the Owners in proportion to the respective amounts originally paid to Declaranr for the purchase of the Condominium Units, exclusive of the amounts paid for personal property, provided ttrat if a standard difference from the value of the Project as a rvhole is employed to measure the Condemnartion A'uvard in the negotiation, judicial decree, or otherwise, then in determining such shares the . same standard shall be er-nployed to the extent it is relevant and applicable. On the basiq of the principle set forth in the last preceding paragraph, the Association shall as soon as practicable determine the share of itre Condenrnation Award to which each -Owner is entitled. Such shares shall be paid into separate accounts and disbursed as soon as practicable in the same manner provided in Section 24(e) ot this Declararion. (d) Partial Taking. In the event that less than the entire Project is taken or condenrnetl, or soIZIor otlterrvise disposed of in lieu of or in avoidance thereof, the condominium orvnership hereunder strall not terminate. Each Owner shall be entitled to a slrare of the Condemnation Arvard to be determined in the following tn3nner: As soon as practicable t}e Association sball, reasonably and in good -11- faith, allocate fle C.ondemnation Award between compensation, damages, or ottrer proceeds, and shall apportion the amounts so allocated among the Owners, as follows: (a) the toml amount allocated to taking of or injury to ttre Common Elements shall be apportioned among Owners in proportion to their respective undivided interests in the Common Elements, (b) the total amount allocated to severance damages shall be apportioned to those Condominium Units which were not taken or condemned, (c) the respective amounts allocated to the raking of or injury to a particular Unit and/or improvements an owner has made within his own unit shall be apportioned to the particular Unit involved, and (d) the total amount allocated to consequential damages and any other takings or injuries shall be apportioned as the Association determines to be equitable in the circumstances. If an allocation of the Condemnation Award is already established in negotiation, judicial decree, or otherwise, then in allocating the Condemnation Award the Association shall employ such allocation to ttre extent it is relevant and applicable. Distribution of apportioned proceeds shall be made by checks payable jointly'to the respective Owners and their respective Mortgagees. , (e) Reorganization., In the event a partia.l taking results in the taking of a com[IeteTniq-Be Owner thereof automatically shalt cease to be a member of the Association. Thereafter the Association shall reallocate the ownership, voting rights, and assessment ratio determined in accordance with this DecL,ararion according to the same principles employed in this Declaration at i[s inception and sball submit such reallocation to the Owners of remaining Units for amendment of this Declaration. (f) Reconstruction and Repair. Any reconstruction and repair ne ce s s i tated'E[EondAm n5ilon shall be governed by the procedures specified herein in cases of Repair and Reconstruction of Improvements. \ 26. Registration of Mailing Address: Each owner shall register his mailing address with the Association, and norices or demands intended to be served upon an owner shall be sent by mail, postage prepaid, addressed in the name of the owner at such registered address. ZZ. }ut"" "nA n.gut"ti"nt. The Association may make reasonable rules and regulations gover-ning the use of *re units and of the common elernencs, which rules and the regulations shall be consistent with rights and duties established in this Declaration. Such rules and regulations may include, without limitations: (a) A requirement that draperies, shades, or other interior window coverings used in units shall be lined with a material of terture and color sirnilar to the original drape provided with the sale so as to present a uniform appearance of type and color from the exterior of the building. The Association shall have the right to inspect and approve all proposed draperies, shades, or other interior window coverings to insure cornpliance with such rule before insLallation thereof in any unit. (b) Exterior balconies shall not be used for storage other than fireplace rvood and no garn'lents, rugs, decorator items or otler material shall be hung from any window or from any of the facades or balconies of the building. (c) lJalhvays shall not be used for storage nor shall they be cluttered rvith personal belongings or nraterials. (d) Exterior charcoal grills shall be of a manufacture and color -12- approved by the Association. (e) The purpose of this section is to insure all ownersand tenants of a respectable appearance of the building at alltimes. The Association may suspend any ownerrs voting rights inthe Association during any periof or periods during which such owner fails to comply with such rules and regulations or withany other obligations of such owner under thls Declaration. TheAssociation may also take judicial action against any owner toenforce compliance with such rules, regulations or other obligationsor to obtain damages for noncompliance, all to the extent permittedby 1aw. 28. Severability. If any of the provisions of this Declara"tion or anyparagraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word, or the applicationthereof in any circumstance be invalidated, such invalidityshall not affect the validity of the remainder of this Dec-laration, and the application of any such provisions, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in any other circumstancessha]1 not be affected thereby. 29. Supplemental to Law. The provisions fo the Declaration shal1 be in additionand supplemental to the Condominium Ownership Act of the Stateof Colorado and to all other provisions of law. 30. Numbers and Genders. IVhenever used herein, unless the context sha1l otherwiseprovide, the singular number shall include the plural , theplural the singular, and the use of any gender shall includeall genders. IN I{ITNESS IVIIEREOF, Declarants have duly executed thisDeclaration this day of , L976. CARPENTRY I,INLIMITED : BY: ^t srATE OF COLORADO ) uonal(r Pressrey ) ss. COI]NTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before methisday of , L976. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Notary Public -13- EXIIIBIT A TO DECLARATION OF CABDON CONDOMINIIIUS Real property situate in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado,descrlbed partlcularly as follows, to wit: Legal Description: Lot 41, Vatl Vlllage West, Ftling Number 1, EagLe County, Colorado. E)CIIBIT B TO - Unit Unit Untt A B c Appurtenant Undlvtded fnterest (percentage) 33. 333% 33. 333% 33.333% DECLARATION OF CARMN CONDIMINIUMS Ttre reaL property is hereby divlded into the followlngfee sinple estates: (a) Three (3) fee simple estates consistlng of three (g) separately designated units, each unit belng ldenttfied by letteron the map; (b) The portion of the entire premises referred to as tbeGeneral Common Elements which shall be held in fee simple and comrtcln by the owners each such undivided interest being appurtenantto one of the units. Declarant does hereby establlsh each un-divided interest in the General Common Elements appurtenant to each of the unlts as the.-following: Unit I Ofl Dlott P. O, Box8fi8 Vall, Oolorado 27 M.y 1070 Flrd Pld Ocl Ohtr P. Or E8 St Vdf r Odot6 taJt Frr FlSr t{o. Serclr?4 lrOrdfirl.omimlnhrrr Al thdt trtat rrrr$[ lt tg Mry tttfr tlr. gg|. Olrtty Flruttre glrmlrltt rlomrn ,*rt rFnrorrd d ftr FlnJ Garfrmfnlum Mp wl$r ilr fdlslm oarilhltl. Dsl( ltarlcr Into dlllty crilt duuld b dJ.d o lhr dfff. llr.a . cpt ot ||r Ofr*rnlnlsn Drdrttn W Nt tr lwfewl0i ?ltL o.rtltb1br $iorrrrrl cr pld, Ihn tr*rn;tilcr dlt b. en*trf b th. Botd ot ei,tt Ammldcrr d Urrlt Tl.lt tnffll! cr I Mry ||ft6, b.olmlig d 9r0O lr.}1. ln Sr. Ode FrJrlltr' tlol|r'try. tlil|, odors. ll lu trrrf rrt ilrtbilr drn oontd trlr offln. Mldrxf 8. Elalr Dlr.cb? MSl/til *r lriC Su*Qcmr{rlmn oo Eagle County Plaruring Deparbnent P.O. Box 635 Eagler Colorado 8163I DLT:ca oo ()ne Park Central - l5t5 Aropohoe streer P. O. Box 840 Denver Colorodo 8O2Ol (3O3) May 2O,'L974 u;jiii' 534-t261 Re: Preliminary PIot Plans Exemption Kings RoIf Sub, Exanrpt ion Gustafson - Dietz Gentlemen: We have exa.nined the above captioned pJ.ot plans and find that atthis tirne Western has no facil-ities on the l"and to be plottect. Please note that we are a gias transmission utility and our approvaL does not refLect our alrility to serve subject subdivision. Daniel- L,. Tekavec, Assoc. Right-of-Way Agent REC[IVED If,Ay 2 J B/4 "",i1x;:;i #!" .: Departmeut of PlannlngP.O. Box 789Eagle, CO 81631 . ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Box Bll Eagle, Coldrado 810!11 Vail {?65613 Eagle 328-??18 Basatr g2?.S922 '11 May 19?6 and Developnent ,tw Re:Cardon Condomlnlums-MapFile No. Se-63-?4 f,. Sdeen Couoty Iy t. area ratlo? B.T. S. rCft?tmrm or Pr,Ar{ ur fi ?ruu Caetle Peak Bldg. 510 Broedway 10 May 1976 County Engineer County Sanitarian County P lanner oz/ Cardon Condominiums - Map File No. Se-63-74 Please review the plat as hereby referred and submit your comments prior to thePlanning Commission meeting on 19 May at which meeting the plat will be consideredfor approval . fr*z-1/EL*) Michael S. Blair Secretary Eagle County planning Commission /, R-.-t J"L oto1l^'^*9 'r \ect- ''t1''l' "o' ^'f1 @-.i.t. -.",-!--; r.,r r' 7., \ "..'{ t*./. EL-z e'n{r J-,--+€.eS--1-e.ro5. f*#,, * y' o o u. 4, D,..i<ar€ Vlau AIC- '.,!-' fo-; -5 * i*lr?...^-n o..J oJr.e'.ie.rl fo. Go""Ct' Dr' C*|"\e 'r4( (", ct_,-\o D-.1,,., '., ?, Fll=.c.ot, f,t'trc' a DEllEI.OPMII{T Eagle, Colorado tt6tl lla0tt c0uNII P.O. Box ?89 't ( \s\ Y \ ,'/ll' tilYiiv.riV \ .-.', To: Re: I'ianning Dcparl.ment/I'lanning Commission: Suhdivision, Rezoning, Applications and Revicw (g03) 328-6JJ8 Building officinl: Iluilding Permits and Inspection, Zoning Admiuistration (J03) 32g-01g9 Box 386. - Eagle, Colorado 81631 June 10, 1974 Idike Blair, Plannlng Dlrector Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81691 Dear Mlker The Gustafson/o:-etz request for exempbi-on was submitted. to theEag!e Counby Soll Conserration Distrlct for revlew and eomnt. l/e fsel that a novegebation plan should. be submitted for ttrepunposed of neseed.ing the site as quickly as possible aftenexcavatlon to avoid soil loss. flso, a _dralnage plan should. be submitted fcr the properby.lfe would llke to point out to IJtr. Gustafson and ttrtr. Dletz-the lmportance of having a drainage plan anC to ask+htm toencourage the oxlsting landowners and future owners to d.othe sane. :7H-{z/2*2,- Ross E. Chambers, Pre s 1d.enb RFCEVED JUN 1 z 1gt4 0epl. Or pi}r. ,. , Eagle Counly, X., . = " o ft Nr oF "-J^?,'.i ;; Xi,Y r r " I M E Nr COURIHCUSE Phone 328-6338 Rlchard L. Gustafeon Box1063 Vail, Cclorado 81657 P. O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 8t631 7 June 1974 Ro: Flb No. Sc-63-74 Exemptlon Guatahon/Dletz I tf y.pu wlah to wElccrne to do Reepectfully, Miehoel S. Blalr Secretary, Eagle County Plmnlng Commlerlon cc: Board of County Comrnlcslonerel County Englrrer; . .Bullding OJllclal D E PeD Nr oF "=lii5',:3 Xi,T " = 6pM ENr COURTHOUSE P. O. Box 789 Phone 328-6338 Eagle, Colorado 81631 31 May 1974 Richard L. Guetafeon Box 1063 Vall, Colorado 81657 Re: Flle No. Sc-63-74 Exemptlon Guetafeon,/Dletz At thclr apeclal rnectlng on 28 May 1974, the Board of County Commloeloncre pproved your Appl lcatlon for Exemptlon from the Eagle County Subdlvlslon i Rcgulatlona aubfect to a revlcvrr by tlro Technlcal Revlar Commlttcc Indlcatlng that there arg no unrcsolveable probleme lf you have any qJostlona, ploase contactitholr Secretary, the County Clcrk, or ttrle offlce, In the Courthouee. Rcrpcctfully, Mlchapl S. Blalr Dlroctor MSB/kt cc: Board of Cowrty OommieEloners DEP Rlchard L. Orrtrfron P. O. Box 10Gl Valt, Celorado 81657 Rcaprctfully, Mlchrl E. Blalr, Dlroctor MSB,/kt cct Board ol Caflty Commlaoloncrs EAOLE COUNTY OF PLANNIMI ANO COURTHOUAE P. O. Box ?tg Eael.r Colorado 8tfill 16 Miy tg?4 __-.--....-l!7 MENT Prme 328-633€ ft-,., : Ro: Fllr l{o. $-63-74 Ercrrpilon lrtz At thrlr rcgular rnrrtlrp *'ti,D.y r9t4r'tt E4rc corrty itarrrng commrnlsr' rccormLnd.d condltlonal rpboval of pir lppllcailm for Exompilon from thl Eagh courty sut{vl llon Brqnrldlm, SJcct to a rovlqr by tho toc}rrleat Rcvlcur Commlttcrftt4l€t{nC !.rit thrre ,arc ric r,wcolVeabb prbblrrm cS elbtcct to tho comrnrntr ttiat mlght td rccelvdd frorn thc'ohrrl rfvlG^, ilnhcbe. Ttfr ncorrrnmddloru wlll bo preocntod to thr Board ol comty corlrmlmloncrr at thrlr rptclal rnrtlng on 28 May 197.t bcglnnlng at 9:o0 A.M. lt ycr havc anyqrttlonr or @mrnantt, youtro wclcornr lo contact thla offlac. Box 386 Eagle. Colorado 81631 May I3, 1974 Mike Blalr, Plannlng Dlroctor Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81651 Dear Mlkor The Rlchand Gustafson request for exemption was bhe Eagle County So11 Conservation Di strict for contnont. lt/e feel that the areas d.lsturrbed by excavation vegetated as qulckly as possible to avold soi] submltted to review and should bo re- logs. Y/e woul-d also l-ike to polnt out that this proposed developnrent was submltted after the 30-d.ay dead.l-lne. We irvould. suggest thata p::eced-ont not be established. vrhoreas devolopments are allowedconsid.eration after the established deadline. Slncerely, Ross E. Chambers, Pr"esld.ent4 r., K,6,ft&^-- RECEMED filAY t 5 rc74 T#.yy;;;.-, r tuN# JOHN D. VANDERHOOF Govemor JOHN W. ROLD Di rsctor COTORADO GEOLOGICAL SUBVEY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 254 COLUMBINE BUILDING - 1845 SHERI\,IAN STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80203 PHONE A92.2611 May L3, J.974 Mr. Mlchael S. Blair EagLe County Planner P. O. Box 789 Eagl-e, Colorado 81631 Dear l,lr. Blalrl ' RE3 se-63-74 GUSTAFSON/DIETZ EXEMP. We find that we have Lneufficient lnf,ornation to baee a recomendetion on and that thls declelon wlll- have to be adnlnLetrative on your part. Geologlst LRL/crs cc: Land Uee Conmlsslon SlncereJ.y, ,4c-r' ,/ a-27 // 4 /L vfr+'L-?. L. R. Ladwlg Aesocl.ate Englneerlng Prn, rcuEly[D lr^\,r.:AY 741 ,.,; !cpt. or pu,. Iruer i,,j#.1^1. - GEOLOGY STORY OF THE PAST. .. KEY TO THE FUTURE BYRON D. BROWN Boxb47-vArL.coLoRADosi6bT oFFTcETELE'H.NE:476-2211 REAL ESTATE CO. Corner of Bridse Street & Gore Creek Drive May 13, L974 Mr. Michael S. Blair Eagle County Dept. of Planning & Development Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Re: File No. Se-63-74 Dear ltike: Vait Village West Ilater & Sanitation Di-strj.ct has received from the County Planning Commission the application for exemptionfron Ur. Gustafson and Mr. Dietz. We find no problem servicing the above and therefore have no cormnents. ITe feel this is a good pro-ject and falls within the design of the water system in the area. We have the capability and are willing to service the above units. Very truly yours, RECEIVED 1974 Dept. 0f phnnfnfu Drurt. b{-- D. Brown, PresidentI Village West ffater Sanitation District RECEIVED MAY I 41974 oept. 0f Ptanning & Devel. tagts Couotyr Color tagte Courty, cfr.. o/" &gtrrtna CIVIL ENGINETRING . PI.ANNING . SURVEYS sUBDlVlslONs . WATER & 5EWER 5Y5TEI\5 Boxtl! 1908 Voil, Colorodo 8159 Phonc 476-5072 Dcnvcr 244-1521 Nlay 7, L974 Mr. Illchael S. Blair, Dlrector P1-anning Department, Eagle CotmtyP. 0. Box 789 Eagle, Col-orado 81631 Re: SE-6y74 Exeqtion, Custafson-Dletz Lot 41, Vail Village West, Fillng No. 1 Upper Eagle Valley Sanltation DLstrlct Dear Mr. Bl-air: Lot 41, VaiJ- village llest Fil-ing No. 1 can be served by the facllltles ofthe Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation Dlstrict. There is no ser{rer line in the streerln front of this 1ot, but an extenslon can be made from the line ln Gore CreekDrive, 125 feet away. Sincerel-y , RICIIARDS ENGINEERS, INC.Mg,€-:44 Kenneth E. RichardsKER:1n Englneer for the District cc: Jarps Collins, Mgr.Al Fl-ewelllng, Supt. u. E.v.s.D. Xcnncth E. Richordr O0*. o fit'Ir. Rogi$crod Profcrdonql Enginccn Rcgirtcred Lond Survcyors RECEIVED MAY 9 - 1s74 Dept. 0f Planning & uu./ci.. fsglo County, Coto. etry rt- o United States Departrnent of BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Glenwooil Sprilgs Re source Area P.O. Box 1009 Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 May 6, L974 Uichael Blair, Planning Dire ctor Eagle County Dept. of Planning & Develotment P.O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 8I53I Dear l{ike: we have reviewed Richard Gustafsonrs request for exenption (Se-63-74) and have no corrents or objections to approval of the request by the Eagle County Boarcl of ccf,missioners. t o the Interior tN tttl.YtBtEt 110 1785, ]ours, Stewart A. vltleeler, Area Manager RFCEIT'ED MAY s - l'gt4 0.pt. 0f ptannine & 0sv6l. trgl6 county, coto. e.V EAGL Eog OFFI o E COUNTY le, Colorodo CIAL RECEIPT ECEIVED AMOUNT ITEM Bu ild ino Permit Fee Application For Su bd ivision Applicatig,// Zone Change Cond itional Use Special Use Variance I Fee Code: (Building) (Zoning) (Subd ivision) Total Received All items are received for collection onlv and this no-payment of any item. receipt shall be cancelled N9 37 By DEPAR o TMENT OF EAGLE COUNTY PLANNING AND DEVEL COURTHOUSE P. O. Box 789 Phone Eagle, Colorado 81631 2 May 1974 oOPM ENT 328-6338 Re: File No. Se-63-74 Exemption Gustafson/Dietz Appl icant: Richard Gustafson Box 1063 Vai l, Colorado 81657 from the Subdivision Regulations EncloEed herewith is an application and pl an submitted to the Eagle County Planning Commission for review and recommendat ion at their regular meeting on 15 May 1974. In accordance with C.R.S. '106-2-9, 106-2-33 and 106-2-34, 1963, as amended and Eagle County Subdivision Regul ations Section 6.00 1972, you have 24days from date mai led within which to respond or the request wi ll be deemed to have been approved by your agency. The Planning Commission would sincerely apprec iate your comrnents and recommendations prior to the meeting date. lf you desire additional information or time, please advise this office. Thank you very much, MSB/kt H.APPTICATION FOR EXEMPTION FROM EAGLE COUNTY SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS Pursuont to Section 6.01 of the Eogle County Subdivision Regulotions | (we) hereby opply for exempfion from the provisions with soid regulotions os to m), (our) proposed developmenf known os . J-.cI.5J .l^ ,r \ <-, + 'Locored: ) t1t lr .Y.,.1.1.f ff;. .\1J.L'.-J. ,. .t.r.\.v.u.t.1I .\.. . A+r^ Andcomprising .Jc?P..W.tfr.r..,|..flS.R*- .. divided intoopproximotely . . . .'3. . interests for the following reoson . S. . . . is understood thot ony oction by this Commission soid request for rcid regulolions exemption opplies only to the os shown on the gronf devel sketc-flon or other ]{ormotion ottoc k', 4-49 /. (i< 5 7.e435 x,/?o.fi*tot3 t//4,//^ Cat.,.> "fu|"'i (Must be signed by oll the record owners of the Doted . ...2-:.€.17./:.. .... Received property) 8y.... RESOLUTION The foregoing Applicotion hos been considered by the Boord thir 3.O.*..... doy of A.nf .. 19 7.t-. which finds ond determines thot this Division of Londs is not within the purposes for which the subdivision regulotions were odopted ond therefore soid Applicoiion is gronted{Ccni€Jh Boord of County Commissioners By Recommended for Conditional Approval by the Eagle County Planning Commission at their regular meeting on 15 May 1974. fcc. - -----Foge 3l ,ltrl.5 d Slifer, Chairman Choirmon Nlay 2, 1974 Board of County Cmissioners Eagle Cornty Eagle, Colorado Gentlcnen Attached lc en application and naps demoting lot end gubdivision for a proposeil bulldtng. fre building location is also included. We propses to buiLd a tri-plex on the lot and request an exenption frcn the subdivsion requJations. Our request is based on the fact that the building is not of sufficient nagaitude to requlre al.lt the neceslrar)t studies as vould be requir€d by a Iarger proJect Richard Qrstafson intends to use one spar6ent as his pemanent hoe and thc remelning two units nill be sold to other pemanent r€sidentg of Eeglc county. tfe ask yotrr prqpt reply on this request so that the buillrng lay be cople0ed enough to qualify for a gas hook-uD uniler the new dcadline of July I lW4 frank yotr for yorr t_ I ii I Y;€i ( il ir I i.< Io c:lr irl .:(.i'-? lj .4isl lj;--',r:; I lr!<<ia.':;i i"<: 31 ;r: c :! i a:;) i i. " "-I :l :iiii !..ij iiti i;(<.. .i I '! {- i z ; (4 z u !J F lt l-.o t/ I i I;l .'t--t I1l;l It4 I' i l, t;Ir' I i -.',rli .: L-!'ti: '1.(X .-2L \i,l]'IUo \" ; rt0 rhl * rh E *] t& .;. a,'tl:i' '-'7"' -,' I ' ---';?;_o *a:;.!fu.iit it _. : '4t l.{ \(\(, / cnI )ir. I :!".si!i r!';: c-e::: I:'5 ! | ': z " Iri: i I';!: "g:i'I +{ ":i" du:i:i .'o ""oi "z::!i ir \ .'. Fl o3,i II il!i ,l uJ i;:: i.lu i'-:: It;i:l i:{ - I ,:'":l:; ? i;.' ^ " i., ; 0 t !: i i;.1" !,i v! \.c in\ \ "\, :i .i r/l,/ rz I{i I !Ns:\q rS'\ r-l'1 I t I I , I I ,t:',/ ! ri t.r ii !{rriii irIII i II I Ij i I I i I I i I